9 Things You Should Never Tell A Woman - You Talk To Many Guys. As a guy, it is one of the weakest moves to make hide them in order to not hear sermons from you in Return. Relationships are all about trust and space, give them their space and give them your trust, you Will get the same in return. Don’t be insecure. - Let’s Chat Later. If you suddenly end a conversation with your girlfriend, she will know something’s up. Don’t, ever, suddenly End a conversation and tell her you’ll talk to her later. A woman’s mind is a very powerful and yet dangerous Thing, don’t let it build a million questions and stories about you like “Why is he ignoring me?”, “Is he not Interested in me anymore?”, “Was it something I said?”, “Is he cheating on me?”. Give her proper attention And time, and if you really are busy you need to let her know why. - Am In love With You- Let’s Date.. - How Many Guys… You can’t ask this horrid question in the beginning of your relationship. If you just started seeing someone And you just went on and asked her “How many guys have you slept with?”, It’s not only going to look bad But it will make you seem insecure and she will think you don’t trust her. You can ask such questions when You’re so deep down in the relationship that such questions won’t matter. - When She Doesn’t Pick Your Call Or Message. Don’t text or Call Every Minute. So you just started dating and she suddenly wasn’t able to pick up your call or reply you, you DON’T suddenly Become Sherlock Holmes and start messaging her after every second and start calling her friends up to know Where she is. All of this will only make you seem like an insanely possessive guy, she might just be sleeping or Be busy with work or family but once you make this mistake you’ll forever scare her. Be patient and give her Space. - Do You Like Me…? Don’t be desperate and easy to get. If you are on your second date and you suddenly Start bringing up questions like “Do you like me?”, It’s going to make you seem like a fast person who can’t Wait for her to decide. Give it time, be patient, if she likes you she’ll tell you. Don’t make her run away. - Give Me Your Phone. Yeah this article basically focuses on insecurities because there are a lot of them. You can’t seem so Super insecure in the beginning or the end will be very soon. If you see her texting or calling, don’t ask For her phone. You might get her phone but you will lose her in return. Don’t invade her personal space, We all need our own lives to be ourselves. - I Need Your Passwords. Another major point of insecurity comes when you suddenly ask for her passwords and you’re not even On your third date yet. Insecurities help women kill the respect they have for you. If you’re dating someone And it’s been years, these things don’t matter one bit. But in fresh relationships, such mistakes build strong Gaps between you and your partner and those gaps never go away. - You Don’t Look Good Like Yesterday. As I mentioned this earlier, don’t be hypercritical. Women aren’t always feeling the same every day, Some days they might dress up and make you go crazy over them, some days they just want to be In the Pjs and snuggle with you without hearing they’re not “dressed good enough” for you. Make them Know they can be comfortable around you and that what they wear and how they look doesn’t matter To you because that’s what love is all about.
Introduction {#s1} ============ Well-resourced antitobacco mass media campaigns are integral to comprehensive tobacco control strategies[@R1] and are effective in reducing smoking prevalence.[@R2] The effects of campaigns on behaviour change are likened to a spring, requiring ongoing downward pressure due to opposing (prosmoking) forces, rather than a screw, which once driven down stays down.[@R4] To achieve sufficient impact, antitobacco campaigns require sustained investment to achieve repeated population-level exposure.[@R5] The minimum threshold is 400 television audience rating points (TARPs) per month[@R6] with accelerated declines in smoking from greater TARPs.[@R7] Sufficient ongoing campaign exposure is important for maintaining increased quit attempts,[@R8] antitobacco attitudes[@R9] and accessing smoking cessation support.[@R10] Because of the investment required, campaigns are typically government funded. While costly up-front, campaigns are efficient population-level interventions.[@R4] Nevertheless, maintaining campaign funding is an ongoing challenge with governments reallocating their scarce resources.[@R13] This study explores what happened to smoking rates during a long-term antitobacco campaign, which comprises four phases: low investment from 2008 to mid-2010 (infrequent bursts of campaign activity averaging 400 TARPs each), substantial investment for 3 years (averaging 700 TARPS per month), complete deinvestment for 1 year and then partial ongoing reinvestment (averaging 400 TARPs per month over 2 years). This fluctuation in mass media investment occurred within the context of other tobacco control activity, the effects of which are difficult to disentangle over this limited time frame. This study provides an opportunity to observe the potentially disruptive effect that suspending the campaign had on smoking behaviour within this broader context. The South Australian tobacco control environment {#s1a} ------------------------------------------------ South Australia (SA) is a mature tobacco control market in its own right and a jurisdiction within Australia. In 2011, the SA Government committed to ambitious smoking prevalence targets (from 20.7% in 2010 to 15% by 2016)[@R15] and prioritised substantial investments into antitobacco campaigns within its broader strategy. An investment of 700 TARPs per month commenced August 2010 and was supplemented by the Australian National Tobacco Campaign, which aired in short bursts during the same period (2011--2012). The SA campaign and strategy are evaluated using quarterly interim performance indicators, complementing a robust, 30-year duration, annual population smoking prevalence monitoring system, which reported declines from 20.5% (±1.7; 2010) to 16.7% (±1.6; 2012).[@R16] Broader budgetary contraction led to abrupt termination of campaign investment in July 2013, short of achieving its prevalence target.[@R17] Annual smoking prevalence increased to 19.4% (±1.7%) the following year.[@R16] Presentation of the prevalence data to the then health minister, supported by the evidence base on the influence of campaigns in reducing smoking prevalence, led directly to the reinstatement of the campaign. In his media release, the minister said: > We can't afford another year of smoking increases so that advertising funding will be reinstated. The recent rise in smoking rates has demonstrated the importance that anti-smoking advertising has in preventing people taking up the habit, and supporting those wanting to quit.[@R18] The reinvestment was for 400 TARPs per month commencing July 2014. Consequently, almost 12 months passed with zero campaign funding from the state or federal[i](#fn1){ref-type="fn"} governments. Australian tobacco plain packaging legislation came into effect in December 2012, 6 months prior to the termination of the SA antitobacco campaign. The rise in annual smoking rates observed in SA in 2013 was used by the tobacco industry in Australia and internationally to propagate the argument that plain packaging was ineffective.[@R19] Changes in annual smoking rates are not precise enough to disentangle the effects of multiple interventions over the short term. Therefore, monthly smoking prevalence data were examined to facilitate a retrospective analysis of the investment and deinvestment in the campaign while accounting for other interventions such as plain packaging and tax increases. Method {#s2} ====== The South Australian Monitoring and Surveillance System is a cross-sectional population health monitoring tool used by SA Government. Each month approximately 600 telephone interviews are obtained from households randomly selected from the Electronic White Pages. Up to six call-backs are made to the selected households, and there are no replacements for non-contactable persons. Smoking questions are asked of participants aged 16 years and over. Data are weighted by age, sex and area (metropolitan/rural) of residence to reflect the structure of the SA population and probability of within household selection. Data were collected monthly from January 2008 to December 2016, giving a total sample size of 52 543 or approximately 487 respondents per month. Monthly smoking prevalence was calculated from responses to: which of the following best describes your smoking status?: (1) I smoke daily, (2) I smoke occasionally, (3) I don't smoke now but I used to, (4) I've tried a few times but never smoked regularly and (5) I've never smoked. Smoking prevalence was defined as a proportion of current smokers (respondents answering 1 or 2) in the total population. Potential changes in smoking prevalence trends that corresponded with campaign funding decisions were explored using an interrupted time series analysis (see online [supplementary notes](#SP1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} for further details). An ARMA(3, 1) model, that is, third-order Autoregressive and first-order Moving Average model, was selected to examine monthly smoking prevalence trends between and at each of the following intervention points: (A) commencement of 700 TARPs per month (high-intensity; August 2010); (B) plain packaging implemented (December 2012); (C) end of high-intensity campaign (July 2013; lagged by 1 month); and (D) reinstatement of moderate-intensity campaign (400 TARPs, July 2014). Various tax (excise and customs duty) increases also occurred throughout the period: 25% in April 2010 and 12.5% annually from 2013 onwards. 'Tax' was represented in the analysis as a continuous index variable using quarterly Australian Tobacco Consumer Price Index data[@R24] to reflect the increase in the price of tobacco over time.[ii](#fn2){ref-type="fn"} 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2017-054194.supp1 Results {#s3} ======= As shown in [figure 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}, there was no initial trend with time, but when the high-intensity campaign began in August 2010, the slope (point a to b) changed significantly from the previous period (p=0.029) and became significantly negative (*β*=−0.102; 95% CI *β*=−0.169 to −0.034, p=0.003). The negative slope was maintained after plain packaging (point b to c). Once the campaign ceased (point c to d), there was a non-significant trend upwards (*β*=0.304; 95% CI *β*=−0.06 to 0.672), with the change in slope significantly different from the high-intensity campaign period (p=0.032) but not the postplain packaging period (*β*=0.067; 95% CI *β*=−3.259 to 3.393, p=0.969). Finally, the commencement of the moderate-intensity campaign in July 2014 (point d) corresponded with a significant change in slope (p=0.025) and the trend in smoking prevalence (point d onwards) had a statistically significant negative slope (*β*=−0.109; 95% CI *β*=−0.172 to −0.047, p=0.001). The coefficient for 'Tax' was negative but was not statistically significant and was not included in the final model as the study was not powered to detect the individual effects of multiple interventions (see online [supplementary notes](#SP1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} for further details). ![Time series analysis of monthly smoking prevalence from January 2008 to December 2016. ARMA(3, 1), third-order Autoregressive and first-order Moving Average model TARPs, television audience rating points.](tobaccocontrol-2017-054194f01){#F1} Discussion {#s4} ========== This natural experiment of what happens to smoking prevalence when a substantial antitobacco mass media campaign is suspended demonstrated that the withdrawal of mass media was associated with a disruption in achieving smoking prevalence targets. There was an absence of a downward monthly smoking prevalence trajectory during the period of no campaign. Moreover, there was a significant decline in smoking prevalence during the high-intensity campaign period, which continued after the introduction of plain packaging legislation, and at the resumption of campaign activity. These results are consistent with other studies demonstrating that adequately resourced, ongoing antitobacco campaigns correspond with accelerated declines in smoking prevalence[@R2] and that quitting activity decays rapidly once campaign exposure ceases.[@R8] The results from the monthly data reinforce the annual smoking data,[@R16] and the political decision to reinstate the campaign. These findings are consistent with analysis of national monthly smoking prevalence from (2001 to 2015) in Australia's postimplementation review of tobacco plain packaging,[@R25] which demonstrated an accelerated decline in smoking prevalence after implementation of the law. The results also contradict tobacco industry claims that plain packaging caused smoking to rise in SA, which cherry-picked SA data and used it out of context. Robust annual monitoring systems are an efficient method of estimating smoking prevalence in populations, but they can be too infrequent for a policy environment that can change swiftly, and they lack precision for evaluating the effects of multiple interventions. Monthly monitoring can play a complementary role. Analysing trends in SA monthly smoking prevalence data has limitations. Most notable is the reliance on cross-sectional data and the small monthly sample sizes, which make overall and demographic subgroup trends difficult to identify due to large month-to-month fluctuations in smoking prevalence. Given the higher smoking prevalence among lower socioeconomic groups,[@R16] investigating differential effects across socioeconomic subgroups would have been beneficial. This study is limited by a modest monitoring period (9 years) and was underpowered to detect the effects of multiple tobacco control interventions, as has been done in larger studies.[@R2] Consequently, the declines in smoking prevalence observed here are likely to be due to a combination of factors and cannot be attributed to antitobacco advertising exclusively. The tax index variable was included to control for the tax increases that occurred throughout the period but was not intended to represent the cost of cigarettes relative to income, which is a well-established contributor to declines in smoking.[@R2] Furthermore, recruiting respondents via a landline telephone is becoming outdated as mobile phone-only households have increased from 5.2% in 2006 to 27.6% in 2013 in SA[@R26] and was 36% nationally as of June 2017.[@R27] Research shows that there is significant underestimation of smoking prevalence when mobile-only households are excluded from the sample.[@R26] Therefore, the change in telephony status may have contributed to the declining smoking prevalence but may have contributed to an underestimation in the rate of increase during the absence of campaign activity. Despite inherent limitations, monthly monitoring can complement more robust annual monitoring of smoking prevalence. These results validate the conclusion that terminating a mass media campaign was associated with a loss of progress in smoking reduction, and reinstatement of the campaign was associated with resumed progress. These results demonstrate the need for maintained investment to keep downward pressure on smoking rates. These findings also refute the myth propagated by industry, at the time and potentially in the future, that South Australian data provided evidence that plain packaging was ineffective and/or counterproductive. ###### What this paper adds - It is well established that quality antitobacco mass media campaigns lead to reductions in smoking. - This natural experiment demonstrated that suspending a major antitobacco campaign was associated with a disruption to the downward trajectory of smoking, and reinstatement of the campaign was associated with a resumption of progress. - These data demonstrate the immediate impact of a political decision to cease campaign funding and the power of good data to influence the policy decision to resume the campaign. - Contrary to industry claims, South Australian smoking rates did not increase immediately due to plain packaging. The mainstream National Tobacco Campaign had a burst of activity in April-June 2013 and did not air again until 31 May 2015. A non-mainstream campaign ('More Targeted Approach') aired nationally from 25 May to 27 July 2014. Tobacco prices are collected monthly and aggregated and reported as quarterly changes in price; the index does not account for changes in household income or shifts in preferences for brands and pack sizes and therefore is not a measure of cigarette costliness. **Contributors:** All authors conceptualised and designed the study; JD and SK analysed the data; JD drafted the manuscript; CM and JB contributed to the interpretation of results and critically reviewed the manuscript; all authors approved the final version. **Funding:** The study was funded by Government of South Australia. **Competing interests:** None declared. **Patient consent:** Not required. **Ethics approval:** Ethics approval was provided by the University of Adelaide Human Research Ethics Committee. **Provenance and peer review:** Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. **Correction notice:** This article has been corrected since it published Online First. It has been made Open access.
Sources for telescope supplies Home Depot had most of what I needed. Where to find what you’ll need These sources may be of particular interest to Canadians who are planning to build their own telescopes. You can probably find your own own sources for almost everything you need, but these were mine: Optics, Spiders, Eyepieces, Finder scopes, Teflon Peek’r Technologies – Ontario, Canada Peek’r Technologies is actually Ken Saumure, a retired engineer who now builds telescopes to sell and also supplies parts to other who are building scopes. Ken’s Web site mostly displays the scopes he sells. I emailed him to inquire about purchasing ATM parts like mirrors, etc., and he replied that he did indeed sell parts. He priced a 6 inch 1/8 wave mirror at $225, and the secondary to go along with it at $40. This is more expensive than other suppliers, but Ken’s service was great, and I ended up ordering the parts through him. Ken also sold me Teflon, cut to the required size – 7 pieces in total – three for the mount, four for the cradle bearings – at a cost of $2. He shipped by Greyhound Courier, charging me $20., and the package arrived within 48 hours of my placing my order. If you were considering purchasing a pre-assembled scope, I’d definitely check out Peek’r Technologies. Very friendly, very supportive, very fast. Island Eyepiece – British Columbia Island Eyepiece is a supplier of telescopes, accessories, and ATM parts. Like Peek’r Technologies, they responded within a day to my query about parts.. If I build another scope, which I will, I will likely order the optics through Island Eyepiece, just to try a different supplier. Or else I will grind and polish the mirror myself. Efston Science (telescopes.ca) – Toronto, Canada Efston primarily sells commercial telescopes and accessories, but they also sell some mirrors and ATM supplies. I could not see any listed on their site, but I queried and was told they did, indeed, have a mirror or two in stock. I did not inquire about prices at the time. I would recommend emailing their sales department to find out what, if anything, they have in stock. Gnome Technologies – Winnipeg, Manitoba I found out about this company after I’d ordered my parts. They are in my city, but do not keep parts in stock. I would have had to order the parts, and they would have brought them in. Prices were a bit cheaper than Peek’r Technologies, and there would have been no shipping. I was told it would take between one and two weeks for parts to arrive. I will consider this company next time. They responded very quickly to my email and were friendly and informative. ASM Products – Quebec, Canada ASM sells mirror blanks, mirror grinding kits, educational mirror grinding kits, completed mirrors and secondaries, and even scopes. Their completed mirrors start at 10 inches, at a price of $399.99 US. They sell kits in sizes starting at 8 inches, at $109 US ($165 Canadian) plus another $67 US ($100 Canadian) to have it coated, plus shipping (both ways for vacuum coating). I estimate about $320 Canadian including all shipping. To purchase a completed 8 inch mirror from, say Island Eyepiece, would cost $215.95 Canadian for 1/4 wave, or $272.95 for 1/10 wave.) A minimum $50 difference. It would be more expensive to roll your own, but you do get the experience of figuring your own mirror and the right to say you did it! Coulter Optical (now Murnighan Instruments) USA Although American, this company has a large selection of ATM parts. Taking into account the exchange rate and shipping, prices are comparable to Peek’r Technologies. This company also sells what they call Telescope Component Kits – that is, a package including the primary and secondary mirrors, spider, focuser, eyepiece, finder scope, and some trim, in a variety of mirror sizes. The six inch kit, for example, cost $229 US, which converts to $343 Canadian. This is a pretty good deal. I paid $355 to Peek’r Technologies for just the primary, secondary, five pieces of Teflon, and a 20 mm Plossl eyepiece (no focuser, spider, or trim.) Newport Glass Works – USA A. Remember, shipping would cover initial shipping of the kit to you, the completed blank back to Newport, then the vacuum coated mirror back to you. I estimate roughly $50 or $60 (Canadian) in total, bringing the price to about $280 (including the secondary). ASM’s pricing, if you have to add a secondary, would come to $345. NOTE: My pricing may be off. You should confirm by contacting each company. The services they offer are slightly different, so it’s hard to do a direct comparison. Tube assembly (Sonotube) BrockWhite – Winnipeg, Canada and elsewhere BrockWhite is a supplier for construction companies. They sell Concrete Column forms in long lengths, but will cut to requirements. Their column forms are very sturdy, between 1/8 and 1/4 inch wall thickness. Let’s just say you wouldn’t want to bang one on your head. I was very open about wanting to build a scope out of the column forms, and they were very helpful. They told me that people use these forms for a variety of projects, including cat play structures. Minimum length was 12 feet, cut to any length I liked. I paid $7.56 for two 5 foot lengths and a 2 foot piece of extra that I discarded. I’ve also seen column forms at Revy and Home Depot, but they seemed flimsy compared to the ones I purchased at BrockWhite. Lumber and all other supplies I purchased at my local lumber yard and hardware stores including Windsor Plywood, Revy, Home Depot, and Colour Your World. I purchased a 1-1/2 inch cardboard mailing tube (to be cut and used for the focuser), at Staples. See the Supplies page for a full record of where individual supplies were purchased.
Current Jobs #gethiredtoday Marketing Producer Posted on 2014-01-06 By Louisiana Association of Broadcasters Baton Rouge, LA JOB DESCRIPTION: WAFB-TV, the CBS affiliate in Baton Rouge, LA, is seeing a full-time Marketing Producer. RESPONSIBILITIES: This position reports to the marketing director and is responsible to increase the station’s presence on multiple platforms. We are looking for a professional who is eager to contribute to station promotion, commercials, newscasts as well as social media marketing efforts. REQUIREMENTS: Successful candidate must be able to write powerful, factual, effective promo copy quickly and with little supervision We need a highly creative producer who is able to manage multiple projects at the same time, and meet stringent deadlines. Excellent communication and organizational skills are a must. A demonstrated understanding of brand strategy in a research driven environment is essential. Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite and social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube is required. Knowledge of Chyron and Lyric is a plus. The knowledge of DSLR Photography is a plus. Ability to meet tight deadlines under pressure is a must. Some evenings and weekends may be required. Must be flexible and have a great attitude. Working knowledge of code writing and Wide Orbit is a plus. A college degree in Communications with an emphasis in marketing and/or production is preferred. HOW TO APPLY: Please upload your resume to our website. No calls please. EOE-M/F/D/V. DEADLINE: 2014-02-06
In order to access credit, every client must participate in four to five (4 - 5) days of the micro enterprise training programme. This aspect of the programme is deemed to be critical, to the extent that no funds will be disbursed on account until the client successfully completes the training. The core topics covered in training are; Cash Management, Record Keeping, Costing & Pricing, Marketing, Honouring Commitment, Motivation for Success and Goal Setting. The training style is participatory and sensitive to the educational limitations of participants. In order to access the credit facility, every participant must participate in a thirty (30) hour Personal Development Programme (PDP) and a ninety (90) hour Small Business Management training programme. The Personal Development Programme is designed to greatly enhance participants interpersonal skills, while the Small Business Management Training programme is designed to develop their entrepreneurial skills. These aspects of the overall programme are deemed to be critical, to the extent that no funds will be disbursed on account until the participant successfully completes the training. Exploring and locating Self, Self and Socialization Process, The families we come from and the families we create, Values, Beliefs, Life Experiences and Expectations, Human Growth & Development, Visioning and Goal Setting, Communicating with others, Leadership and Empowerment, Family Life Enrichment, Stress Management. Entrepreneurship and Income Generating activity, Business Identification, Market Survey, Managing Money and Savings, Legal Requirements for the Establishment of a Business, Market Survey Report, Feasibility Study, Establishing and Managing a Business, Business Plan, Costing, Marketing and Selling Techniques, Accounting and Record Keeping, Managing People and Customer Relations. Business Support is essentially a programme designed to provide the necessary support services and technical assistance to loan beneficiaries. This support is crucial to the beneficiary and commences almost immediately after funds are disbursed to participants. Business Support/Technical Assistance provides support generally to ensure the success of the project, which includes further training as deemed necessary. BELfund will provide an Accounting Service to YEDF participants, specifically designed for micro entrepreneurs. A computerized accounting programme will be utilized to deliver monthly financial reports to clients. Participants of the YEDF will receive funding for the following categories of business: Funding can be used to finance fixed assets and working capital for new or expanding businesses. Loan Size: Loans can range from $500.00 to the maximum of $30,000.00 Administration Fee: 3% of loan requested Interest Rate:10.5% per annum Security Requirements: Bills of Sale and 1 Guarantor Repayment periods are determined on an individual basis, but usually range from 1 to 6 years. (Some flexibility exists). Participant must have a commercially viable project The business must be the primary source of income and employment for the participant Participant must be willing to supply BELfund with information relative to the project for the duration of the period of the loan Participant must demonstrate a willingness to be trained in enterprise development and receive technical assistance and business support from BELfund The business should create job opportunities
A Woman on a Mission | Faith, Life and Love As we see another major brand name ‘Gucci’ create an item of clothing that resembles blackface, it raises many questions for me. One being how this item ever got from the thought process through the design process to being made available to buy? The amount of people who must have been part of that process who never thought there was an issue is concerning. This also comes not long after Prada released a keyring that again resembled blackface. But, maybe you don’t see a problem with the jumper or the keyring, or with the recent statement made by Liam Neeson. Maybe you think the uproar is completely uncalled for. Are we over reacting or is the outrage valid? Personally I can never understand what it feels like to be another race or ethnicity. I can only understand what it feels like to be me, mixed race white & Asian, with a White British mother and a Pakistani father. I can empathise with others, but I can never truly understand. If I can’t understand what it’s like, then I certainly can’t tell people what they should be offended by! We know we have a narrative in our society that paints certain races and ethnicities in certain ways. That history taught us that people like Christopher Columbus or Winston Churchill were great men, and maybe they were, maybe they did achieve greatness, but I know my history lessons did not tell me the whole truth. It’s only now as an adult that I know and understand that they were not as great as I had been taught that they were, click their names to read more about them if you don’t believe me. I know that the media and government tells us how to think and that sinks into our subconscious. This then becomes the narrative that shapes and forms our opinions. I believe that racism is learned behaviour, that its basis lies in ignorance and that it can be unlearned. I know that I have experienced racism myself from people of different races including white and Pakistani. Maybe you have experienced if yourself? I am sure that all of us at some point in our life have thought or said something which was based on race and could be deemed racist. But more than likely this is because we have been taught to think these things based on stereotypes, a media agenda and being ignorant of all the facts. For me, trying to tell a person how to feel about something they feel is racist, when you are not the same race or ethnicity as them, just doesn’t make sense. You have no idea what they have experienced, you have no idea how racism affects them on a daily basis, you can empathise but please don’t tell people how they should feel. Be aware of what is taking place in the world, that institutionalised racism exists and is very real, that white privilege is alive and kicking. I know that’s hard to take in for some, especially for those who don’t experience it but don’t tell those that do experience it that it’s not real. It’s real and its everywhere you look – its in our history books, it’s in our fashion industry, it’s in our business board rooms, it’s in our houses of parliament, it’s in our streets, it’s in our schools. No person living in 2019 should be at a disadvantage because of the colour of their skin, beaten up because of their race or ethnicity or be deemed not suitable for a job opportunity because of their skin colour. It still blows my mind that anyone ever thought they were better than anyone because of the colour of their skin. I can never get my head around it and I know that I have my mum to thank for bringing me up in a way to accept all people. I am grateful that I grew up in a multi-cultural area and was taught to stand up against racism. I was taught to be loving and accepting of others. I am teaching my own children the same thing while having to unlearn some of the racial narrative I have grown up with from school and the media. So you may feel that Gucci, Prada, Liam Neeson’s past confession never meant any harm, that they never intended to be racist BUT you cannot make that sweeping statement for everyone. Ask yourself how so many people in Gucci and Prada never questioned their design? There are people who are offended by these things and there are people who agree that they have been discriminated against because of their race or ethnicity. I have seen some really good explanations about Liam Neeson and do think we need to give him credit for admitting he was wrong for what he thought and did. I think people are being too hard on him for how he used to think but again this is an example of what I am saying – that racism can be unlearned! What do you have to unlearn or learn today to know that racism exists, racism is wrong & we should all be doing our bit to stand up against it? Maybe it’s time to stop keeping quiet about things and actually using our voices to speak up for those who feel discriminated against on a daily basis. For me, I want to keep pushing on to be who God created me to be and I am sure that includes loving and accepting people no matter what. I know when I tell people I’m a Christian, that they jump to all kinds of conclusions. I have had people judge me based on my faith, often putting me under a microscope because I call myself a Christ follower. I know that some people think for some reason, that I think I am better than them because I have chosen to follow God. Some people even think that I think I am perfect, which is so far from the truth! It spurred me to put how this makes me feel into words, which are expressed here. I’m a Christian. I’m not perfect. I’m a human being. I’m a Christian because I’ve recognised my weakness, my failures, my flaws & the mess I’ve made of my life. I’ve made mistakes, I still do. I’ve got things wrong, I still do. I’ve lost my temper, I still do. I’ve said hurtful things, I still do. I still have days where I regret things I’ve done or said. I still have days where I wish my life had been different. I still have days where I wish I had made better choices. As hard as it is to say, I still have days where I think would the world be better off without me, where I wish my suicide attempts had been successful. Being a Christian does not mean I think I’m perfect. Being a Christian now seems to put me under more scrutiny. Being a Christian seems to make people search for and point out my imperfections. Being a Christian means I’ve lost friends. Being a Christian means I have gained some deep meaningful friendships. Being a Christian does not mean I think I am better than you. I now have more days filled with hope and meaning. I now have more days where I wake up, glad to be alive. I now have more days where I am grateful for the journey God has taken me on. I now have more days where I am thankful I was able to make better choices. I’m a Christian because I need God. I’m a Christian because when I was in charge of my life, I made a mess of it. I’m a Christian because I am far from perfect. I’m a Christian because I want a better life, I want to be a better person. I’m a Christian because I need forgiveness, I need grace, I need mercy & I need love. I’m a human being. I’m not perfect. I’m a Christian. I’m a Christian, I never said I was perfect! So, before you judge me from my title as a Christian, ask yourself what harm am I doing to you by having a faith? I’m going to keep pressing on to be who God has created me to be, are you? For the past few years I have tried to choose a word that I was going to set as a goal in my life that year. This year’s word was Wholeness. I started the year with a desire to learn what that meant for my life. The dictionary definition of the word Wholeness is: the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity. the state of being unbroken or undamaged. Now, looking back, do I feel I have achieved a level of Wholeness based on the definitions I have just given? The simple answer is no. Circumstances that have occurred this year have broken and damaged me so much. The definition given by the Merriam Webster dictionary is: A : free of wound or injury: UNHURT; recovered from a wound or injury: RESTORED; being healed B: free of defect or impairment: INTACT C: physically sound and healthy: free of disease or deformity D: mentally or emotionally sound Using the above definitions, I could say I have achieved a level of wholeness this year. I am in a state of recovering from physical injuries. Through all the hurt that has occurred this year there has been a level of healing taking place. I am free from defect or impairment, I am free of disease and deformity. I would like to think I am mentally sound and, on the way, to being emotionally sound. I need to be honest with you, I started out the year with good intentions of letting this desire for wholeness be my focus, but it got lost along the way among the trials of life. I would say that while I desired wholeness I probably had one of the worst years of my life. But as I reflect, maybe that was part of my journey to being whole? The bible talks about God taking us through a process of pruning, where he removes parts of your life that aren’t good for you or aren’t fruitful. This process can be painful as friends, family, jobs, material things, opportunities are removed from your life. At the time it can be so confusing but looking back you can see it was for the best. This has been part of my journey this year. The way we measure how much we’ve changed, can also depend on the definitions we compare them to, as you can see from the above definitions I used. If you use other people’s definitions of how you’ve changed, you could end up feeling pretty negative. If you measure yourself up to how the media say we should be living I can imagine, again, you will feel pretty disappointed. But if you use what God says about you and the plans he has for you in his word, I can guarantee that you will feel hopeful, loved and accepted. I don’t believe that God is held back by human definitions, but as I sit reflecting on my word for the year, it has helped me see how far I have come, how some of that pruning was for the best. I believe that having some goals or a word for the year is a wonderful way to measure the improvement in your life. I would hope that every year of your life you are striving to be a better person, striving to be the best you can be, and I don’t believe you can do that without having goals or ways to measure how you are doing. One of the most wonderful things about being a follower of Christ, a disciple, is knowing that I am in a process of sanctification. A process of being made or becoming holy. … To sanctify is to literally “set apart for particular use in a special purpose or work and to make holy or sacred.” God is constantly guiding and shaping me to be the best I can be. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10New King James Version (NKJV) I don’t believe that a change of date or year is going to change anything in your life apart from the date and year. If you want real change in your life, then you need something that is much bigger than you. I believe that real change can only come from having a relationship with God. I don’t want to pass through this life living for the moment, but live a life of abundance, to live life to its fullest! Put all my daughters’ school Christmas activity in my diary so I don’t miss anything Buy my daughter a Christmas jumper to wear for school – forget to send the £1 donation in Book tickets for school Christmas Sing Along Pay for School Christmas Elf Markets Check budget Book time off work for School brass band concert Cancel time off work for School Brass band concert as dad & nana are going Be at church for school Christingle service Get tree out of shed – find a day it’s not raining to do this! Put tree up after sitting in the living room in the box for 4 days Make paper snowflakes as a fun activity to do with my daughter, to create a winter wonderland Put paper snowflakes up a week after they have sat on the living room floor Start waking up 20 minutes earlier in the morning to work out (n the hope of losing some weight) Think of stuff for the elves to do – the elves, aaaaagghhh!!! Send elves away to the North Pole as you have had enough – good riddance! Ask daughter for her Christmas list – Shudder inside every time you hear her add something else to the list each time someone’s asks Check budget Write Christmas cards Send Christmas cards Book Christmas Day meal out rather than cooking Cancel Christmas meal out as on reflection it’s just too expensive Plan Christmas Day meal Clean house in preparation for having people over Source additional chairs for people to sit on Find a babysitter for works Christmas meal out Attend works Christmas meal out Visit Christmas Markets with the family so we can spend £5 on a hot chocolate Check budget Wear Christmas Jumper on Christmas Jumper Day at work Decide what you are going to wear on Christmas day that actually fits you Decide you also need to go on a diet until Christmas day, so then you can eat what you like Check budget How does your list look? Now I am not moaning, most of the above is just standard stuff we have to think about at this time of year, especially as a mum. But why do we insist on making so much work for ourselves? Over complicating things? We can get so caught up in all these activities that we forget what Christmas is all about. I look forward to Christmas, because of what it means for me, as a Christian, it is a time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn’t actually born on the 25th December but over time this tradition was created as a symbolic time. A time to be thankful for what God has done in my life. A time to truly think about what’s important in life. But there’s a part of me that can’t wait for Christmas to be over. A part of me that doesn’t like the commercialisation of it, the busyness, the expectation, the cost, the running round, the awareness of the brokenness of family structures and family relationships, the trying to please everyone or the fact that Jesus is not the reason many celebrate Christmas. But actually, Christmas is not about how much money we can spend or how much food we can eat, although we probably do far too much of both of those things, its about love. It’s about the fact that God sent Jesus to be born as a human being as part of his plan for salvation, to save us from harm, ruin, or loss. It was part of his plan for my life and for your life. John 3:16-17 New King James Version (NKJV) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. Try to remember that while you’re in this season. Try to remember that your children don’t need you to spend all that money for you to show them you love them. Try to remember that you love those people who are round on Christmas day when that argument breaks out. Try to remember those less fortunate than you and spread some love to them too. Try to be kind to yourself and extend that love to yourself. And most importantly remember that God loves you and he does have a plan for your life, all you have to do is reach out to him and invite him into your home this Christmas. Let this Christmas be about more than gifts and food, among the busyness of your to do list, find time to reflect on what’s truly important in life. Yes, you read that correctly. I actually did have to ask my boyfriend how to shave my face! You are probably thinking why?????? The reason is that I have started a course of laser hair removal on my face and in between sessions I need to shave the hair. This is not a normal activity for me and therefore I am not 100% sure of how to shave my face!! Let me take you back, since I was young, I have had hair in places that I don’t really want to have hair in. I remember being in high school and absolutely hating the dark, long hair that grew on my forearms – so I shaved it off! My mum and other adults told me that I shouldn’t do this as it would grow back thicker and darker. I thought, ‘I actually don’t care, I just want it off me!’ The hair didn’t grow back thicker or darker, so they were wrong, but I wouldn’t advise this method of removal for arm hair. Another area unwanted hair grew, was on my face, particularly on my top lip, this hair I hated!! Boys would often point it out, like I had chosen to grow a moustache on my face…….get real! My mum advised bleaching the hair and introduced me to Jolene. Anyone who has used this knows about the smell! Using Jolene, I had to mix it into a paste and cover the hair I wanted to bleach, then sit and wait for it to work. It did work but then one day, a lad pointed out that I had a blonde moustache, great! Being a teen girl and dealing with this facial hair was tough in those days. I mean this was before we were that bothered about make up or getting our eyebrows done but facial hair was a big no, no. As I got older, I discovered tweezers and plucked any excess hair off as quickly as I could find it. Looking back at my eyebrows in those plucking days, I looked like I had plucked far too much. They were not in a great shape! Then I was introduced to threading, finally, a way to get rid of all this excess facial hair and have amazing eyebrows! If you’re from Manchester, then you will probably have visited or at least heard of Maryams Beauty Box – my eyebrows had never looked so good after a visit to her and my face was as smooth as a babies bottom. This may sound sad to you, but it is actually on my bucket list, to get rid of this hair using laser hair removal. For some women, this may either not be an issue or they are not bothered about excess hair. I guess it’s a personal preference and personally I will be glad when it’s gone! But don’t body shame women about this kind of stuff, we don’t choose where hair grows on us and it can be difficult to manage. Looking back I think a lot of my frustrations with my hair was linked to my identity. My father is Pakistani and I didn’t grow up with him in my life, this affected me in many ways but I think it definitely affected the way I viewed myself. That’s a story for another day…… So, roll on to 2018, I’ve finally taken the step to undergo laser hair removal. I am hoping this will be a more permanent form of hair removal and I can finally say good bye to my moustache and chin hair. I always thought laser hair removal was too expensive but not with the deals you can find on Groupon, its much more affordable. I have had one session and need to leave 8-10 weeks in between sessions, until then I need to keep on shaving with the help of my fella. At my age I am able to be open and talk about this, I know when I was younger this was not so easy. I hope that by being honest in areas like this it takes away the embarrassment from young girls, that actually most women will go through this or some form of body issue. We need to find a way to be happy with our bodies, while also taking care of them. I encourage young women to find a way to accept how we were created in my video How to look beautiful with no make up on But I also understand that most of us have our hang ups and there are some things we can do to make ourselves feel more comfortable in our skin. I will update you on how the process goes, in the meantime let’s keep pressing on to be who God created us to be! Well the title of my blog might be a bit dramatic, but it certainly has had a massively positive impact on my life! In actual fact I love my audible app. Audible is an Amazon app for listening to audio books. I have it on my phone and use it mainly in the car, on the commutes to work. I have been a book lover for years, I can’t even tell you how many books I have read – no I actually can’t because my memory is so bad! But I love reading. Being a single parent, working two jobs and just generally being on the go for most of the time, I don’t always have time to sit down and read like I used to. Reading at bedtime used to be the shout for me but more often than not I am too shattered to do that these days. When I was an at home mum, I would love sitting in the garden during the summer and just reading book after book – in between the school runs and nap times of course! Summer days are few and far between now and I don’t have all that free time with my employment. So, the number of books I was reading was rapidly dwindling! I had to think of other options and I remember a few friends saying they would listen to books on the drive to work. So, I signed up to the free 30-day trial with Audible. My first book to listen to was The Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis. What an amazing book! Probably one of my favourite books. So that was it, I was hooked. I signed up and receive my one credit a month for my monthly subscription price of £7.99. It has made driving so much more fun. I rarely get frustrated when sitting in traffic, especially if it’s a really good book I am listening to. I actually don’t mind how long my journeys take on those occasions. It has helped bring back my love for books and forced me to make more time for reading. Nothing beats a real book though. I also love being efficient and making the best use of my time, so what better use of the time sat in a car than to be listening to a great book? I often envy those on public transport because you can sit and read in those circumstances, ensuring its not a wasted journey. Granted I can’t listen to my book when I have passengers, I have been given some odd looks when this has happened. Especially when I was listening to The Handmaid’s Tale and that came on when my boyfriend got in the car! It sounded very random. Most of the books I have listened to have been really good, but I have listened to some poor ones too. These remain unread in my library and a waste of a credit really. They can be poor sometimes because the narrator is just not someone I can listen to for hours or simply because its not a great book. I try to choose books that are going to enhance my life and expand my mind. But overall, its been a great addition to my life and I would thoroughly recommend signing up. What book are you listening to? Can you recommend any really good ones?? You can join me on Goodreads to see what books I have been reading. Drop me a comment or a message and help me fill my audible library with great books! I’ve considered writing a blog many times, but I don’t think I’m that great at writing, particularly writing that requires you to use your imagination! But when researching how to write a blog, I figured if I am writing about my real life then there isn’t much requirement for me to use my imagination, so here goes! So why? Recently I have felt this real frustration that I have so much to say but just don’t know how to say it. I am a fairly vocal person and those of you who know me, will know that I started my YouTube channel this year – Chronicles of Amber. This was a great way to really focus on issues around my faith and being on the journey of being a disciple of Christ. I was really enjoying the Vogging via YouTube and persevered through some tough times. The editing and uploading of the vlogs actually took up most of my time, sometimes these took a ridiculous amount of time! Then I hit a really tough part of life, that maybe I might explain, but that’s for another time – far away in the future. It really knocked my confidence and I took a month break away from social media completely, including my vlogging. That month was so refreshing! You must try it, I think we underestimate the impact time spent on social media can have on us. I have, slowly, returned to social media but I have yet to pick up the vlogging……there seems to be a block there that I can’t get past. I know time is a healer and when the time is right I hope to return to it but until then this seems to be a good way to communicate with you. So who? For those that don’t know me, I’m Amber. I am a mother of two children, who you will no doubt get to know through my blogs. I work as an Office and Events Manager for a Christian Charity (I love my job!!!!) and I am a Christian myself. I’ve lived a colourful life to say the least and I strongly feel that those life experiences are opportunities to share and help others on this journey of life. I have been through some stuff, much of it caused by decisions I have made in life, but I refuse to let any of that be wasted by keeping silent about it. If what I have been through can help even one person from making terrible life choices, then that will bring me joy and will have all been worth it! I know there is value in each and every one of us, that there is a purpose and a plan for our lives, it just takes some time sometimes to see that. I feel called to empower, encourage and inspire others to be all that God has created them to be and I hope that this blog can be one of the ways to do that.
The engineering prototype will be unveiled later this year. Earlier this year, Bentley bid farewell to its L-Series 6.75-liter V8 engine that remained in continuous production for an astonishing 61 years. It departed in unison with the brand's Mulsanne sedan, but fortunately, greatness can sometimes be brought back to life. Last year, Bentley announced that one of its most iconic cars, the 1929 Bentley 4½-litre "Team Blower", would be reincarnated with a continuations series of 12 new examples. Bentley recreated the classic racer digitally earlier this year and has now begun assembly of an engineering prototype, known as Car Zero, for what it says is the first pre-war Continuation Series in the world. This will be the first 'new' Bentley Blower to be built in over 90 years, produced to the specifications of the 1929 Bentley Team Car. Bentley says that the first parts to arrive were some of the car's key components; these include the chassis, the radiator, and the gas tank. The distinctive round headlights also arrived and appear rudimentary but charming alongside the extravagant LED DRL-infused clusters we're so used to seeing on modern vehicles. Importantly, the first engine arrived with the Amherst Villiers roots-type supercharger, which was developed by the engineer of the same name. Like other modern Bentleys, the 12 customers will be able to select trim and color specifications to suit their tastes. Bentley enlisted a multitude of specialists to assist in producing the components, such as 200-year-old Israel Newton & Sons Ltd. that created the heavy-gauge steel, hand-formed, and hot riveted chassis. Bentley has gone so far as to apply period-specific paint to this chassis. "After almost a year of highly detailed engineering work, it is extremely rewarding to see the first parts coming together to form the first Bentley Blower in over 90 years," said Tim Hannig from Bentley Mulliner. "We're all really excited to get this first car finished, and to show it to the world later this year." Car Zero will make its initial public appearance sometime in the fall. Join The Discussion
Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. Board approves “real return” candidates, reviews stock portfolioDEC 3 - The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Board of Trustees authorized a pool of five real return manager candidates, from which four will be hired to manage real return mandates, at its regular meeting on December 2. Each firm will oversee $500 million. "These managers will be limited to investing in the same asset classes and at the same risk level that we have approved for the Fund as a whole, essentially creating four mini-funds within the Permanent Fund" said Board Chair Steve Frank. "We believe that Trustees and staff will benefit from watching the asset allocation decisions that these firms, some of the best in the business, make for these mini-funds." The five finalists are AQR Capital Management; Bridgewater Associates; Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo and Company (GMO); Goldman Sachs Asset Management; and Pacific Investment Management Company. All five managers have demonstrated their ability to produce superior risk-adjusted returns, with lower volatility, smaller drawdowns and higher liquidity than the other search candidates. It is expected that the four final firms will be selected and funded by March 30, 2010. The Board heard a presentation on mezzanine debt, a type of investment that is higher than equity in the capital structure, but provides greater return potential than bonds. Following the presentation, the Board approved a motion directing staff to work with Callan Associates to search for a manager experienced in this type of investment. Presentations were also made on the following items during the two day meeting that began on December 1: - An overview of the risk dashboard. This report, which is still under development, will allow Trustees and staff to more easily monitor the Fund's investment risk from a number of perspectives. - A discussion of the benefits of active and passive management of the Fund's stock portfolio mandates, and the areas where it is beneficial to use one style over the other. - An "active risk framework" approach to managing the stock portfolio that staff has under consideration. Under this approach, the appropriate amount of active-management risk for the portfolio would be determined within the Board's total risk guidelines for the Fund, and that risk would be budgeted when selecting and retaining external managers for the stock portfolio. - A process for evaluating the value that active managers provide above their benchmarks (alpha) and how they achieve their performance. Posted: December 4, 2009 More Latest News »
Employment Law Employment Lawyers Can Answer Your Employment Law Questions - almost 14 years. I see you are offline right now so I'll just add a little more information.....The company has been around years, now employing about 250 people in my location and 800 globally. My business unit were in crisis mode with a big customer project. Things weren't going well, but there were two potential solutions we could potentially develop and offer in a quick enough time frame to save the deal. The one most people were backing had issues that were (to me) quite predictable and so I was backing the other solution. Our business Director and Engineering director (the one that shouted) agreed to work on both. However the next day (at the meeting in question) the Business Director was clearly doubtful about my solution and so I tried to persuade him of it's merits. Both he and I had a few exchanges in calm tones, but the Engineering director was angered by this and accused me of talking over the same old stuff without actually doing anything useful. I explained I was sharing information that might prove useful. He then blew up shouting that if I continued..... "you'll p*ss him off (meaning the Business Director) and you're certainly p*ssing me off". He then calmed down and the meeting lasted another 30 minutes. I sat still, but took very little part in the remainder of the meeting. Instead I made some brief notes to record what had happened, who was there etc, and to work out how I should deal with this. I had all the feelings you would expect in such circumstances, fear humiliation, stress etc. No-one said anything about his outburst until after the meeting. The one to one meeting I had with him immediately after the first meeting had finished could have gone badly so I chose to record it without telling him I was doing so. I later learned from others that it was not unusual to lose his temper in recent meetings. This was the first time he was aggressive and angry towards me, but I have personally heard him be this way to two others, one recently and one some years earlier. He has been at Director level 10 years in the same job. Hope this helps. Thanks. Good morning and my sincere apologies slight delay, I experienced some temporary connection issues last night and could not return to the site. All seems to be resolved now so I can continue with my advice. Whilst I understand that having to deal with someone shouting in the workplace or undermining people in such a way is unwelcome and unnecessary, it is not always easy to deal with this from a legal point of view. There are ways of trying to resolve such issues but the actual legal steps will be somewhat limited, at least in these circumstances as we are just talking about someone shouting rather than more serious forms of apparent bullying. So as you can see this is likely to amount to a form Thanks Ben, Yes, this helps to clarify things . As stated I have raised this informally with the Director and I should just continue as normal. Should another incident occur I will immediately make record of it and then seek further advice. Thanks again, you are welcome, all the best Ben, I'm trying to rate your service but it won't let me...... it says you haven't finished answering? Apologies , there is a bug in the system which we sometimes get and it prevents you from posting your rating. Instead, you can just type your selection on here (e.g. OK, Good, Excellent) then we will process it manually later. Thank you Ben, no problem, please note my rating would be Excellent. many thanks and all the best
Research studies have shown that tackling methane emissions not only produces cleaner air but creates high-quality jobs. Over 130 companies, with customers in almost every state across the country, are helping to manufacture the technology and provide the services needed to cut methane emissions. Leak detection and repair Report published March 2017 Research released by Datu Research in April 2017 offers an inside look at the methane leak detection and repair (LDAR) industry - a growing field of service providers that utilize technology to identify and repair leaking equipment at industrial oil and gas facilities. Find and fix: Job creation in the emerging leak detection and repair industry [PDF] found that the LDAR industry offers well-paying employment opportunities across the country that cannot be offshored, saves money by minimizing waste and keeping otherwise lost product in the pipe, and reduces emissions of a highly potent greenhouse gas along with other co-pollutants, thereby contributing to cleaner air for communities. Key research findings The leak detection and repair industry in the U.S. has a national footprint, with at least 60 companies providing services to oil and gas companies in 45 states. The majority (55%) of American LDAR firms are small businesses. More than one-third (37%) were founded within the last 6 years, reflecting an emerging industry. Companies have already experienced up to 30% business growth in states with methane regulations. The industry anticipates future growth and hiring, though the rate of growth will depend on the regulatory direction at the federal and state levels. Nearly a quarter (22%) of firms have 40%+ workforce diversity. Jobs within the LDAR industry promise upward mobility, with annual salaries of up to $113,110. Methane mitigation technology Report published October 2014 The 2017 report builds on a 2014 report from Datu Research. The emerging U.S. methane mitigation industry [PDF] found tackling methane emissions not only produces cleaner air, but creates high-quality jobs in a growing domestic manufacturing and service sector. Key research findings The report identifies 76 companies nationwide that manufacture, sell, and support the proven and cost effective methane control technologies that are available today to tackle this problem. The report details a robust and diverse industry, with over 500 different U.S. locations across 46 states. More than half of the companies in this industry are small businesses. Methane mitigation map The interactive methane mitigation map, created by EDF with data from both of Datu's analyses, plots the locations of these companies and their operations - visualizing the current landscape and potential growth opportunities for this industry in numerous American cities. This new analysis also complements other research EDF is engaged in to help advance methane science and provide deeper understanding of methane emissions from the oil and gas supply chain, in order to inform policymakers about opportunities to reduce methane emissions. Datu's research demonstrates that American workers are standing by, ready to build and utilize the equipment necessary to drive down methane emissions. With the right common-sense policies in place, this industry has room to grow.
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Israeli soldiers ride atop a tank near the border with Gaza July 27, 2014. (REUTERS/Siegfried Modola) GAZA CITY/OCCUPIED JERUSALEM: A humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip collapsed Sunday after a barrage of rockets fired by Palestinian militants was met with fierce Israeli shelling, in a fresh setback to efforts to secure a permanent cease-fire. Israeli tanks and artillery army pounded targets along the coastal enclave, sending thick plumes of black smoke rising into the sky, signalling an end its unilateral, 24-hour truce in the wake of the missile salvoes. Palestinian witnesses reported heavy shelling east of Gaza City, with ambulances immediately racing toward Hamas had agreed to a 12-hour cease-fire Saturday to allow Palestinians to stock up on vital supplies and retrieve bodies trapped under the rubble. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Cabinet decided to extend the quiet until midnight Sunday, on condition that its forces could continue to track down and destroy militant tunnels that criss-cross is due to convene his Cabinet later to halt rocket attacks by Hamas and its allies, which have struggled under an Israeli-Egyptian economic blockade on Gaza and were angered by a crackdown on their. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew back to Washington overnight after meeting in Paris with foreign ministers of France, Italy, Britain, Germany, Turkey and Qatar. cease-fire Saturday alone. Friday in incidents near the West Bank cities of Nablus and Hebron - the sort of death toll reminiscent of previous uprisings against Israel's prolonged military rule there. During the lull in fighting inside Gaza. Gazans hope court will make Israelis pay Rights group accuses Israel of war crimes during Gaza war Palestinian rockets killed Gaza civilians during war: truce in the Gaza Strip collapsed Sunday after a barrage of rockets fired by Palestinian militants was met with fierce Israeli shelling, in a fresh setback to efforts to secure a permanent cease-fire.More than 1,000 people, mainly civilians, have been killed in Gaza.Hamas rejected the proposal and said its forces would keep fighting as long as Israeli troops remained in Gaza.After aerial and naval bombardment failed to quell the outgunned guerrillas, Israel poured ground forces into the Gaza Strip 10 days later, looking to knock out Hamas's rocket stores and destroy the vast network of tunnels.Hamas wants an end to the blockade of Gaza before agreeing to halt hostilities.Israel says its forces have uncovered more than 30 tunnels, with four shafts discovered Saturday alone. ... Gazans hope court will make Israelis pay Rights group accuses Israel of war crimes during Gaza war Palestinian rockets killed Gaza civilians during war: Amnesty Netanyahu is holding talks Friday with potential partners to form a coalition government, less than three weeks from a... Protesters clashed with Israeli troops in the northern occupied West Bank Friday during annual demonstrations marking... Israel has agreed to transfer in full hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes collected for the Palestinian Authority... Netanyahu says any deal on Gaza's future had to meet Israel's security needs, warning Hamas it faced "harsh strikes"... Human Rights Watch says Jewish West Bank settlements are using Palestinian child labor in farming. FOLLOW THIS ARTICLE
Lattice Lace Playsuit - Black A perfect spin on the classic little black dress we all adore so much, this playsuit by Ministry of Style is the perfect addition to any summer outing. With delicate lace details, a mini-length hemline, full-length sleeves and a crew collar; this playsuit is perfect to rent for an evening cocktail party by the beach, or a long, slow date night with someone special. Pair this gorgeous little number with some statement silver accessories to bring a touch of glam. Hire a glitter clutch to really make a sparkle, and try a nude heel to bring out the intricacies of the lace! If you’re looking for more cocktail party tips, check out our ‘Cocktail Event Style Guide’! Main Fabric: Polyester About the designer Bohemian luxe and not one to shy away from trends, Sydney-based label Ministry of Style encapsulates a distinct resort vision. Featuring cut out laces and soft printed chiffons, their designs are perfect for a girl-on-the-go, from poolside lounging to a girls’ night out. These transitional pieces are what make the brand so alluring. Feminine and romantic, rent one of their playsuits for a casual laidback occasion, or amp up your look and hire a delicate lace dress for an evening soiree! UNDERGARMENTS: Consider silicone cups or a complementary bra to avoid any visible lines. FABRIC: Fabric does not stretch. GREAT FOR: Hourglass, Straight, Pear body types. DRESS SIZE GUIDE AU6 (cm) AU8 (cm) AU10 (cm) AU12 (cm) AU14 (cm) Bust 83.5 86 90 95 110 Waist 63 65 68 74 79 Hips 93 96 100 105 110 SIZE CONVERSION CHART Australia AU6 (0) AU8 (1) AU10 (2) AU12 (3) AU14 (4) International XS S M M/L L UK 6 8 10 12 14 US 2 4 6 8 10 EU 34 36 38 40 42 Since sizing and cut varies between dresses and brands, please use this chart as a general guide. The sizing in this chart applies to this dress ONLY. If you need assistance selecting the proper size, please contact our friendly customer service team. The fastest shipping method is automatically applied at checkout to ensure your order is with you by 8pm on your requested date. Our shipping fee ranges between $10.95 - $15. This fee includes the delivery to you, and the return back to us (in a pre-paid satchel). The delivery fee only applies to full bookings. Standard Try On orders are free of shipping costs, however there is an additional fee of $15 if you wish to receive your Try On order on the same day. Return Returning your rental item is very simple and free. Simply place your item in the pre-paid return bag provided by GC, and drop it at your nearest Post Office or the yellow Express Postal Box.If your rental period ends on a Sunday or a public holiday, just drop your item in the nearest yellow Express Postal Box on the return date. It will be shipped back to us in the next business day.We take care of dry-cleaning too so you don't have to worry about it. Late returns In the unlikely event that you returned your rental item back late, you will incur late fees.Please see FAQs for more details.
Location Chicago Illinois Categories Real Weddings Traditional Elegance Anacona Jewelers Bunches (a flower shop) Diana Asymmetrical Flashback Entertainment Hotel Lincoln Karisa Disano Karismatic Kristin La Voie Photography. St. Clement Church Ryan Ventrella Saison Blanche Salvatore's Tease! A Beauty Lounge Teresa Corvino Tim Abel Vendors BBJ Linen House of Brides Ivanka Trump Men's Wearhouse Oak Mill Bakery Style Traditional Colors White With a Chicago skyline backdrop as equally gorgeous as this happy couple, I’m left speechless by this windy city wedding by Kristin La Voie Photography. I love a couple {and photographer} who have a variety in settings for their pictures. You’d think the scenery would trump the wedding but nothing can take away from the graceful Bunches (a flower shop) petals and the bride’s Saison Blanche dress {le sigh}. Take in the full picture here. From Kristin La Voie Photography… Toni and Jack’s Chicago wedding couldn’t have been any better if I had dreamed it myself. There are no words to perfectly describe it. We started with getting ready shots at Jack’s condo, where our beautiful bride was getting ready. After then circling Lincoln Park for 30 minutes for parking (and that’s not bad for Chicago!), we headed into Hotel Lincoln for their first look, where Jack was eagerly waiting for his soon-to-be wife. This hotel can definitely fool you by it’s old exterior. Inside the lobby, it is perfectly modern, bright and colorful. The next part will make your jaws drop. I can tell you that Jack and Toni will be the first EVER couple you will see at the Hotel Lincoln rooftop — it had never been accessed by the public! The wonderful management agreed to letting us take photos up top the brand spankin’ new rooftop, which would have its grand opening just MINUTES after we were through! Total VIP style. The views were breathtaking! We were overlooking the entire Lincoln Park Zoo, Lake Michigan and the famous Chicago skyline. It doesn’t get any better, except that everything was furnished to the nine’s with brand new, modern everything! Even fireplace-like tables in the seating nooks! As if that wasn’t beautiful enough, we headed out to Lincoln Park Zoo for a few more shots (yes this is ALL during their first look photo session!) Following the couple’s photo session, we headed to their ceremony at the beautiful St Clement’s (check out the gorgeous cathedral ceiling!). Toni’s two adorable sons were their ring bearers, perfectly “GQ” in their little tuxedos. They even stood with the couple during their I do’s — it was too cute! Following the nuptials, we walked the two blocks over, snapping photos along the way, to their reception at the famous Salvatore’s. Talk about another gorgeous venue! Candelit, romantic and sure to make you swoon. After a true Italian-style dinner, they shared their first dances and concluded with a special dance with Toni and her sons. It was such a wonderful day! Wedding Photography: Kristin La Voie Photography / Ceremony: St. Clement Church in Chicago, Illinois / Reception + Catering: Salvatore’s, a Chicago Wedding Venue / Floral Design: Bunches (a flower shop) / Wedding Cinematography: Tim Abel / Wedding Cake: Oak Mill Bakery / DJ: Ryan Ventrella of Flashback Entertainment / Linens: BBJ Linen / First Look Venue: Hotel Lincoln / Wedding Dress: Saison Blanche via House of Brides / Bride’s Shoes: Ivanka Trump / Hair: Terese Corvino of Tease! A Beauty Lounge / Makeup: Karisa Disano of Karismatic / Men’s Tuxedo: Men’s Wearhouse / Groom’s Wedding Band: Diana Asymmetrical of Ancona Jewel<<
Having consistent source of health care is key factor in limiting kids’ repeat visits to the hospital UCLA study also finds parents’ confidence may predict whether their children need to be hospitalized again Amy Albin | November 03, 2015 gpointstudio/iStock The most reliable predictor of whether a child would be readmitted within a month was whether the family had a routine place to receive sick and well care. It’s a question of major importance to parents, health policy makers and health care professionals — and a focus of national health care quality improvement initiatives. What keeps children from being readmitted to hospitals in the weeks after they’re discharged? Previous research on the subject has focused on the role that hospitals play in the equation. But a new study by doctors at UCLA looked at five factors revolving around the primary physician’s office. Those factors, collectively known as the “primary care medical home,” consider whether the child has a personal doctor or nurse, a “usual place” to receive sick and well care, “family-centered care” (which addresses family’s overall needs rather than just the illness), an easy time obtaining referrals to specialists, and coordinated care (in which seamless care occurs across specialties, providers and systems). It turned out that just one of those medical home factors was the most reliable predictor of whether a child would be readmitted to a hospital or emergency room within a month after being discharged: having a routine place to receive sick and well care. Among children without a consistent place to receive well and sick care, 22 percent were readmitted to the hospital within a month; among those who did have a consistent place for well and sick care, just 10 percent were. In addition, 8 percent of children without a usual place for well and sick care went to a hospital emergency department within seven days of their discharge, versus just 5 percent of children who did have a usual source for well and sick care. The medical home model of care represents the cornerstone of pediatric primary care, especially for patients with special health care needs. But data to support whether or how much it improves health outcomes — particularly in terms of reducing hospital use — is still emerging. “Our findings support the notion that medical homes that can ensure a usual source for both well and sick care, and can bolster a parent’s level of confidence in caring for their child at home, might be able to better help patients avoid the need to be hospitalized again shortly after discharge,” said Dr. Thomas Klitzner, a co-author of the study and a professor of pediatric cardiology at Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA. “These indicators could help us flag high-risk patients so that we can provide a higher level of support,” said Klitzner, who also is executive director of the UCLA Pediatric Medical Home Program. The study also revealed that parents’ level of confidence in their children’s continued good health was closely correlated with whether the child would be readmitted. “When we asked parents upon discharge how confident they felt about their child not coming back to the hospital, we learned that having more confidence was associated with fewer unplanned readmissions or visits to the emergency department,” said Dr. Ryan Coller, the study’s lead author, a former UCLA faculty member who now is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. “If parents don’t believe they can succeed at home, then that is a red flag.” From October 2012 through January 2014, the researchers tracked 701 children who had been hospitalized at UCLA for more than 24 hours. Researchers called the children’s families within one week after they were discharged and again 30 days later to ask if the child had been hospitalized or visited an emergency room. Among the families surveyed, 65 percent did not have a “medical home,” meaning that they were missing at least one of the five criteria. Of those families, 65 percent did not have access to a usual source for well and sick care. Those who did have a medical home were more likely to have commercial health insurance, were more likely to consider a generalist rather than a specialist to be their primary physician and their health problems were less complex. And, at the time the children were discharged, parents of children with a medical home tended to be more confident that their children would avoid a return visit to the hospital or emergency room. The next phase of the research will examine hospitals’ transition practices and the transfer of patient care from inpatient providers to medical home providers. The study was conducted by the Children’s Discovery and Innovation Institute at UCLA. It was funded by grants from the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health and the Health Resources and Services Administration. Other authors were Adrianna Saenz, Dr. Carlos Lerner, Dr. Bergen Nelson and Dr. Paul Chung, all of UCLA. The authors have no financial relationships relevant to the article to disclose.
GreatSchools Rating Teacher quality Principal leadership Parent involvement I love McMain this will be my 4th year at mcmain. My only problem is the principal's lack of language skills. I feel that she dosen't represent the school in a professional way. The teachers are great and so is some of the security. I can't wait for school to start! I love this school, everyone is very well mannered, and accepting. The teachers are very patient and caring. this school excellent im proud of my kids & myself for attending them there I currently attend Eleanor Mcmain High School. I have a 4.3 GPA and top of my class. I have only been in America for 5 years, and I was able to get into gifted classes by annoying the counselors constantly. I ask teachers for help during tets, and they are glad to help me. I work hard for me GPA. America is cool. The cavfeteria food is very good.. Sometime they serve orange cihicken. McMain is unique in that its faculty teaches to the whole child. We provide quality educational curricula to children of all academic levels and walks of life. We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities to our students so they may have a rich, normal high school experience. The students are generally self-motivated, well-mannered and make working at McMain a pleasure. I came to McMain after Hurricane Katrina. In the beginning, I simply felt lucky to have a job after the worst disaster in U.S. history. Now I feel lucky to be teaching at McMain because it is an excellent school. There are many extracurricular activities for the students to participate in. The teachers truly teach. They care about the students. I find the administration to be supportive and positive. As far as the physical facility....well, the interior was repainted and cleaned after the storm, but the exterior, the grounds, and the absolutely gorgeous auditorium need a lot of work. I'm proud to be a teacher at McMain. I love this school, i would say overall best in New Orleans, La. Both my girls attend Eleanor McMain Secondary. Although, I'm not impress with the physical look of the building - I must say academically - it challenges it students. My oldest will be a graduating Senior in the class of 2007. She has flourish academic and athletically. The teachers are more involved and step in to help the kids. It is a facility where the faculty is family. They have learned to acculumated themselves and the staff into growing together to achieve their goals. My youngest will remain there until gradation in the Class of 2010. She has also, academically challenge herself and the staff as well. She also participate in extra curriculum activities as well as the graduating senior of 2007. I must say I have been please with the way Ms. Fricke, Mr. Lewis, and Ms. Hicks have grown into helping their students. Jodi I attended Mcmain and graduated in 2001. I received an excellent education; when I arrived at college most of the New Orleans graduates from other schools were taking remedial courses. I started a regular curriculum and was able to test well for the math and composition courses. While attending McMain I participated in four sports, soccer, track, football, and baseball; the emphasis is more on academics than sports, but the programs are available. I have friends who went on from McMain to work and graduate with graphic design and other fine arts degrees. There was a support system including clubs and courses for a wide range of artistic academics. Hello, my son Joseph M. Bland attended Eleanor Mcmain High School for his freshman and sophomore years from august 2003 thru may/june 2005. It is unfortunate that he had to relocate to Texas to continue with his college prep. education requirements. My son enjoyed his first two years of high school very much and was a dedicated member of Mcmain's football program. It is our hope that Eleanor Mcmain as well as all of the other Orleans parish schools have a successful future of recovery. I went to Eleanor Laura McMain Secondary Magnet High School for ninth and the first two weeks of tenth grade. Due to Hurricane Katrina I had to go to the New Orleans Center for Math & Science Charter High School, because the school down the street, Alcee Fortier High, took it over, and by took it over I mean most of its students go to McMain now. I remember after the 2004-2005 school year a lot of stuff changed, they fired a lot of teachers and two librarians. The Diciplinarian always wanted the students to wear their ID's on the outside of their shirts. McMain was one of the best high schools in the state of Louisiana and if they open another high school in the uptown area of the city, and those Fortier students go there it will once again be one of the best in state. I attended McMain from 2001 until 2005. Due to Hurricane Katrina I no longer attend. McMain was a great school for my first few years. Once uniforms were made mandatory many things changed. Uniform violations became more important than the learning. Our school rank dropped from 2 to 4. Our school also changed a lot because of the new principal and assistant principal. McMain was a unique school before they came. They treated us as if we were like the kids in the other schools when were not. They made our school feel like a prison. They took away many of our freedoms without warning. I still love my school but only because it is my home. It is still a good school but it was once a great school. I attended McMain Magnet school from 7th through 12th grades and it was the best experience of my life. The teachers and the atmosphere were amazing. I participated in the choir, cheerleading, and track and field and they were all rewarding. The students and faculty are a lot like family, you would think that you were attending a small private school because of the close knit community. The teachers, principal, counselers, and even the security guards cared about us. And the school really prepared me for college. I never needed tutoring in any of my subjects once I entered college, I was fully prepared. I would never trade my experience at McMain for anything else in a million years. Although the school could use tons of work,I am glad I dealt with it. Because my time there left a priceless impression on my life. Class of 2004. Academically McMain is one of the best schools in the orleans school district. The students are an assortment of different cultures, which teaches students to get along with all different types of personailites. My youngest sister has been there since her 8th grade year and I have watched her grow into an independent student, and a knowledgable young woman. While the extracurricular activities are not voted 'well organized' in my book I would still recomend all future high school attenders to look into attending this school. There is nothing better than a McMain education. McMain supplied me with the educational and social skills that I needed in order to be the successful, productive member of society that I am now. While the physical attributes of McMain are not very appealing, the thing that matters most--the quality of the education--is greater than anything that anyone could ever imagine. I have never seen a school whose faculty and staff are more caring, attentive, and greatly concerned about the welfare of the students. I often go back to McMain and volunteer because I know that I am the person that I am today because I attended this wonderful institution of higher education. Whenever someone asks what school did I attend, my heart beams as I proudly say, 'I went to McMain'. Thank god for eleanor mcmain secondary magnet truly the new orleans public school system does not know the sheer potential and worth of this establishment. Out of the dilapidated walls and floors of this school come excellent members of society functioning proficiently on a social and academic level. This school has academia, social cultivation, extracurricular activities and teachers who are worth far more than thier weight in platinum. If mcmain had better facilities it would be able to surpass it's 'glass cieling'. I am greatful for every minute spent in this hallowed learning establishment, and i hail it's reputation constantly. My dauther is presently attending McMain. I would not trade if for any other school. Physically the school needs work. Educationally it is all that. The faculty and staff display genuine concern toward the young adults future and prepare the accordingly. My daughter has been a student at McMain for one-full calendar year. Although I have been generally please with her instructors for her core subjects (english, math, and, I have been less impressed with her social studies and keyboarding instructors. I am also floored by the physical condition of McMain. My daughter doesn't use the restrooms there and I don't blame her. They are often filthy. It is not the aethesically pleasing environment to encourage learning. Easy access to classrooms or other parts of the school is an issue as well. I can often roam the school without being stopped or questioned. I am a graduate of McMain Magnet. I found that the school prepared me for rigorous college coursework in the areas of English and Social Studies. I would rate both departments as superior. The science department is above average, and the math department is only average. The athletic department is not the best, but there are so many different activities offered at McMain that it is hard to say that the school is lacking extra-curricular activities. I have returned to McMain several times in the past few years. I am thoroughly disappointed at the downward spiral that the school appears to be taking. The school is currently the 7th best school in the state. This is down from the 5th best school a year ago. Hopefully, the new principal can salvage what is left of the schools reputation. My son graduated from McMain after three years at Ben Franklin. In making the switch, I realized that McMain is a much stronger school. I think Ben Franklin is skating on its reputation and has a 'you're smart, so teach yourself attitude.' The teachers at McMain encouraged students to ask questions and seemed to work with them until they grasped the concepts. Had I known the caliber of the teachers at McMain, I would have sent my son there for all of his middle and high school years instead of only his senior year. It is a great educational opportunity for bright students and it really challenges 'gifted' non-achievers (those who have been bored so long that making good grades isn't an incentive to apply themselves12 South Claiborne Avenue New Orleans, LA 70125 Phone: (504) Mcm Mcmain Secondary School, including performance data and recently posted user reviews.
lipoproteins -Abstract P351: Remnant Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Transplant RecipientsBasma Merhi, Theresa Shireman, Paul Jacques, Todd Pesavento, Joseph Kim, Myra Carpenter, John Kusek and Andrew BostomCirculation. 2017;135:AP351, originally published March 7, 2017 - You have accessRestricted accessAbstract P145: Association Between Birth Weight and Childhood and Maternal Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Full Term Birth InfantsAmna Umer, Candice Hamilton, Cris Britton, Lesley Cottrell, Peter Giacobbi, George Kelley, Kim Innes, Collin John, William Neal and Christa LillyCirculation. 2017;135:AP145, originally published March 7, 2017 - You have accessRestricted accessAbstract P124: Network Meta-analysis of the Effects of Breast Cancer Hormone Therapy on Changes in Lipid ProfilesHsin-Hui Huang, Emma Barinas-Mitchell, Brenda Diergaarde, Chung-Chou Chang and Marnie BertoletCirculation. 2017;135:AP124, originally published March 7, 2017 - Open AccessEffects of PCSK9 Inhibition With Alirocumab on Lipoprotein Metabolism in Healthy HumansClinical PerspectiveGissette Reyes-Soffer, Marianna Pavlyha, Colleen Ngai, Tiffany Thomas, Stephen Holleran, Rajasekhar Ramakrishnan, Wahida Karmally, Renu Nandakumar, Nelson Fontanez, Joseph Obunike, Santica M. Marcovina, Alice H. Lichtenstein, Nirupa R. Matthan, James Matta, Magali Maroccia, Frederic Becue, Franck Poitiers, Brian Swanson, Lisa Cowan, William J. Sasiela, Howard K. Surks and Henry N. GinsbergCirculation. 2017;135:352-362, originally published December 16, 2016 - You have accessRestricted accessFact - You have accessRestricted accessUnpacking and Understanding the Impact of Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibitors on Apolipoprotein B MetabolismChris J. PackardCirculation. 2017;135:363-365, originally published January 23, 2017 - You have accessRestricted accessPleiotropic Effects of PCSK9 (Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9) Inhibitors?Vera BittnerCirculation. 2016;134:1695-1696, originally published November 28, 2016 - You have accessRestricted accessAbstract 20762: Diesel Exhaust Induces Hyperlipidemia in Association With Downregulation of PPAR Alpha and Changes in Gut MicrobiotaFen Yin, Will S Driscoll, Dawoud Sulaiman, Galalakshmi Ramanathan, James A Stewart, Margarete Mehrabian, Simon Beaven, Aldons J Lusis, Michael E Rosenfeld and Jesus A AraujoCirculation. 2016;134:A20762, originally published November 11, 2016 - You have accessRestricted accessAbstract 20583: Sortilin Promotes Secretion of Apolipoprotein(a) by Hepatic CellsMatthew Gemin, Rocco Romagnuolo, Adam D McIntyre, Corey A Scipione, Nabil G Seidah, Michael B Boffa, Robert A Hegele and Marlys L KoschinskyCirculation. 2016;134:A20583, originally published November 11, 2016 Pages Current Issue Circulation March 21, 2017, Volume 135, Issue 12
By August Vernon On Friday, June 29, 2007, responders in London, England, were alerted to two cars laden with fuel and nails that would have caused numerous casualties had they been detonated. A day later, a flaming car barrelled through a terminal in the Glasgow, Scotland, airport. Unfortunately, firefighters and other first responders are now on the front lines of battle, and must stay alert to possible terrorist attacks–including ones incorporating vehicles. What do you do when confronted with a suspicious vehicle? Please download and make use of the handy quick reference guide below. Download Field Response Guide for Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) HERE (pdf) August Vernon is an assistant coordinator for the Forsyth County (NC) Office of Emergency Management. He returned to this position in 2005, after a year in Iraq as a security contractor conducting long-range convoy security operations involved in several improvised explosives devices (IEDs) and combative engagements. He has been a member of emergency management since 2000 and of the fire service since 1990. Vernon served in the U.S. Army as a nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) operations specialist. He teaches courses in IED response, incident management, OPSEC for public safety, hazmat operations, and terrorism/WMD response. He has been published in several national publications.
The Utah Jazz looked like they were catching up to the NBA’s elite teams but after losing their last two, they’re only 1.5 games clear of sixth in the West. Having started the week talking about heading into the All-Star break on the back of a 6-0 run, the Utah Jazz have gone 2-2 this week. After dropping 120+ points on the Atlanta Hawks and New Orleans Pelicans to open the week, the Jazz gave up a 21-point lead to lose to the Dallas Mavericks in overtime and were purely outplayed on their own court by the Boston Celtics. The Celtics shot 59 percent from the field and 43 percent from beyond the arc, which blew away the Jazz and their 40 percent shooting from the field and just 25 percent from range. The 112-104 scoreline could be considered flattering with Jazz coach Quin Snyder questioning the team’s desperation to win in the post-match press conference: “I’m worried we didn’t play well tonight and I’m a little frustrated. I feel like we can play better. We didn’t come out with the right urgency and competitiveness.” After a loss that Basketball Insiders’ Ben Dowsett labeled the worst defensive performance in the Quin Snyder era, the Jazz have been brought down a peg. The optimism surrounding a potential 38-19 record before nine days off over the All-Star break seemed within reach on Monday while 37-20 would have made for an acceptable worst-case scenario. The week started off with the most optimistic Jazz fans threatening to mention the conference finals. A lot can change in three days in the NBA. The best the Jazz can do now is enter the break with a 36-21 record, which would still be good enough to retain the fourth spot in the Western Conference. But it’s not as comfortable as it once looked like it was going to be. On Wednesday, the Jazz were looking to claw back the three games required to catch the third-seeded Houston Rockets. After Saturday night’s capitulation, they are all of a sudden looking over their shoulder at the fast approaching Los Angeles Clippers (0.5 games back), who visit on Monday night. Celebrations early in the week of a top-four seed coincided with the claims from some that Derrick Favors is now healthy enough to contribute regularly and likewise, Dante Exum had developed enough to do the same. Favors has only scored six points in each of the last two games while Exum has been poor in the 24 minutes he has played in the same two games, which included 18 minutes in a start against the Hawks. The two weeks before the All-Star break were meant to be an announcement to the NBA that the Utah Jazz are ready to compete with the NBA elite. Instead, it looks like they have uncovered one more aspect of the team they need to improve upon before making the leap. If the Jazz are relying on Favors and Exum to be key components of an extended playoff run this season, they may be left wanting. The inconsistencies of Favors’ health and Exum’s experience are unlikely to prevail positively in four out of seven games against high-level opponents. With guard Rodney Hood returning after the All-Star break, the regularity in which Exum is expected to produce may become a non-issue. As a result on this dip in form, the Jazz might have just uncovered their largest deficiency, the power forward position, which is more questionable than their point guard position going forward. Favors is the guy we all want at full health starting for this Jazz team. With him, they are a legitimate threat but without him the responsibility falls on the aging shoulders of Joe Johnson and sophomore Trey Lyles. Both provide different qualities in their role of backup forward but neither fills the role entirely. Johnson has the shooting touch but lacks the size to bang bodies with big power forwards, while Lyles provides the opposite. He’s listed at 6’10” but shoots 38 percent from the field. With Favors, the only approach is to wait and see how his knees cope with regular minutes but if the Jazz want to secure the fourth seed in the West, they can’t wait for Favors to regain his 2015-16 form. As the Sunday rolls by and we enter a new week, the Jazz have an opportunity to regain some confidence and begin to rebuild the lead between themselves and the approaching fifth and sixth seeds in the West. The All-Star break has worked wonders for teams in the past but the Jazz don’t want to be fixing problems of their own in practice, rather, creating problems for the remaining opposition teams the face this season. It may only be two losses but it’s the fashion in which they occurred that had a dejected Snyder suggesting post-match that both the starting and bench units need to improve. It’s going to need to happen fast with the Clippers visiting on Monday and planning to take back their first round home court advantage in the playoffs.
CLIFTON Woman remains critical after her vehicle collides with squad car A woman from the town of Clifton, Lidia Pavitova, 28, was driving in St. Paul Monday, Jan. 30, about 4:40 p.m. when her car collided with a police squad car at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Ayd Mill Road. By Debbie Griffin , February 02, 2012 Letter: You came, you took delight, and did you ever giveWe would like to say thank you to everyone who came out to see our holiday display and donated food and money to the food pantry. By Karen Marsh and Dolores Pechacek, town of Clifton , January 12, 2012 This chairman of the board goes way, way, way back December 24,: Great giving, more to comeI would like to say thank you to everyone who came to see our Halloween display and donated food and money to the River Falls Food Pantry. By Karen Marsh, town of Clifton , November 10, 2011 Is the proposed driveway safe? Clifton withholding judgment Harv Walton who lives in the Hidden Valley subdivision, town of Clifton, wants to build a driveway next spring on a 5.9 acre parcel in Lot 22. The Town Board rejected his proposal a few years back. On Tuesday night, Nov. 1, at the town’s regular meeting, Walton returned for another go. November 02, 2011 Letter: Nothing has really changed, so just vote no three times Only a few short months ago the River Falls school district electorate voted “No!” to a $39 million referendum. By Peggy Steffl, town of Clifton , October 27, 2011 Golf fundraiser for Food Shelf on Oct. 15 October 08, 2011 Letter: Look homeward when you shopI was raised in a small town in Iowa. When I was little, there was a furniture store, a dress shop, a pharmacy, a flower shop, a couple of gift shops, a doctor’s office and two grocery stores downtown. By Cheryl Maplethorpe, town of Clifton , October 05, 2011 Town says residential pools don't need fencesShould Clifton town residents with swimming pools have to fence them in as a safety precaution? The Town Board said no, not necessary, at it's Oct. 4 regular meeting. By Sarah Young , October 05, 2011 Driver’s young passenger seriously hurt in rural River Falls crashA. By Phil Pfuehler , October 04, 2011 Letter: Serene country living gives way to shooters gone wildThe recent Journal article entitled, “Gun-shooting etiquette draws heavy barrage” was interesting, however, there were so many inaccuracies, misrepresentations and contextual omissions that there’s not sufficient space in this letter to correct them all. By Peggy Steffl, town of Clifton , September 30, 2011 Letter: Her own words spell unreliabilityI submitted a very short letter to the editor for last week’s Journal, not realizing you would be printing a lengthy article (“Gun-shooting etiquette draws heavy barrage”) concerning my subject. By Phil Dean, town of Clifton , September 23, 2011 Town resident takes aim at pervasive gunfirePeggy Steffl came before the Clifton Town Board at this week’s regular meeting and accused her neighbors of shooting their guns all the time, creating a racket that shattered the pleasant way of living in the country. By Phil Pfuehler , September 08, 2011 Clifton Hollow champ August 25, 2011 View your ad here! Cost effective targeted advertising. Contextual advertising starting as low as $79/month. This includes targeted ad delivery and search results! Add your business to the Marketplace »
Enterprise World: Which Business Network Customers are Speaking? One key benefit of attending an event such as this is to be able to learn from your peers about the challenges they face across their extended enterprise and the OpenText™ Business Network solutions they have deployed to resolve these challenges. We have a number of great customers lined up to present in the Business Network track at Enterprise World this year, for more information on who is speaking, please see the session information below. Our keynote speaker for the Business Network track will be Randall Urban, Vice President of the Digital Office at Adient, a leading tier 1 supplier to many leading vehicle manufacturers. Randall’s session, When Will Your Industry Get Disrupted? Adient’s Digital Journey will share insights gained along its journey from a static, linear supply chain to a dynamic and agile ecosystem—one that digitizes and integrates capacity, demand, sourcing and logistics—and what’s next, such as using advanced analytics to further optimize key processes. Attend this session to learn how Adient is leading digital transformation, rather than being disrupted by it—and what it could mean for your industry. In addition to this keynote session from Adient, we also have three sessions with contributions from other B2B Managed Services customers of OpenText. BNN 101 – How Digital Disruption is Driving New Supply Chain Transformation Initiatives – Tuesday 11th July between 2:00pm and 2:50pm – OpenText recently sponsored a study from the analyst firm IDC to understand whether new digital technologies were leading to new supply chain transformation initiatives across a company. More information about the key findings from this study can be found in this blog. B2B Managed Services can not only provide a digital backbone which seamlessly integrates external trading partners to internal enterprise systems, it can also provide additional resources to manage your B2B environment leaving you to focus on managing your business and rolling out new digital initiatives across the extended enterprise. This session will be co-presented with Siva Raja, Logistics & EDI Manager, Matson Logistics who will discuss their journey towards moving to a cloud-first strategy and deploying B2B Managed Services to support their business operations. BNN 106 – Accelerate Competitive Advantage with B2B Managed Services – Wednesday 12th July between 4:10pm and 5:00pm – Your business is faced with multiple demands and challenges. Whether internal initiatives, such as ERP consolidation; go-to-market strategies, such as M&A activity or channel expansion; or external forces and mandates, such as electronic invoice compliance, your resources are stretched thin. Attend this session to learn how OpenText™ B2B Managed Services can help your organization turn these challenges into opportunity and competitive advantage and shield your business from the complexities of B2B integration allowing you to focus on your core business activities. This session will be co-presented with Greg Munster, Senior Director Sales Productivity, Red Hat who will discuss how B2B Managed Services helped the company to simplify supplier integration complexity, expand their global reach and digitally enable their end to end supply chain processes. BNN-107 Simplify & Optimize Your SAP Implementation with B2B Managed Services, Thursday 13th July between 9:00am and 9:50am – If your business runs SAP, then you have made a significant investment in an ERP system that simplifies how you manage your business operations. But how do you ensure that your extended enterprise and external trading partners can leverage this investment as well? This session will explain the benefits of integrating your SAP and B2B platforms together and how SAP’s endorsement of B2B Managed Services simplifies this process. This session will also explore how SAP is leveraging other Business Network capabilities such as global e-invoice compliance, notifications, and cloud fax to enhance SAP’s solution offerings. This session will be co-presented with Calvin Leong, Director Business Technology & eCommerce, DistributionNow, who will discuss the challenges they faced with regards to their SAP integration project, why they decided to take a B2B Managed Services approach and the benefits they obtained. More information about other Business Network sessions can be found in blogs by Greg Horton, Karen Bieniek, and in one of my earlier blogs. Our event this year will be held in Toronto, Canada, and if you are interested in learning more about how Business Network can support your B2B integration needs today and in the future then I would suggest taking a look at our registration page here. I hope to see you in Toronto in July!
Speaking. Preparation Can you name the 3 most important things when giving any presentation? Number 1 is . . . Preparation Number 2 is . . . Preparation! Number 3 is . . . Preparation!! With good preparation and planning you will be totally confident and less nervous. And your audience will feel your confidence. Your audience, too, will be confident. They will be confident in you. And this will give you control. Control of your audience and of your presentation. With control, you will be ’in charge’ and your audience will listen positively to your message. Objective Before you start to prepare a presentation, you should ask yourself: "Why am I making this presentation?" Do you need to inform, to persuade, to train or to sell? Your objective should be clear in your mind. If it is not clear in your mind, it cannot possibly be clear to your audience. Audience "Who am I making this presentation to?" Sometimes this will be obvious, but not always. You should try to inform yourself. How many people? Who are they? Business people? Professional people? Political people? Experts or non-experts? Will it be a small, intimate group of 4 colleagues or a large gathering of 400 competitors? How much do they know already and what will they expect from you? Venue "Where am I making this presentation?" In a small hotel meeting-room or a large conference hall? What facilities and equipment are available? What are the seating arrangements? Time and length "When am I making this presentation and how long will it be?" Will it be 5 minutes or 1 hour? Just before lunch, when your audience will be hungry, or just after lunch, when your audience will be sleepy? Method How should I make this presentation?" What approach should you use? Formal or informal? Lots of visual aids or only a few? Will you include some anecdotes and humour for variety? Content "What should I say?" Now you must decide exactly what you want to say. First, you should brainstorm your ideas. You will no doubt discover many ideas that you want to include in your presentation. But you must be selective. You should include only information that is relevant to your audience and your objective. You should exclude all other ideas. You also need to create a title for your presentation (if you have not already been given a title). The title will help you to focus on the subject. And you will prepare your visual aids, if you have decided to use them. But remember, in general, less is better than more (a little is better than a lot). You can always give additional information during the questions after the presentation. Structure A well organised presentation with a clear structure is easier for the audience to follow. It is therefore more effective. You should organise the points you wish to make in a logical order. Most presentations are organised in three parts, followed by questions: Notes When you give your presentation, you should be - or appear to be - as spontaneous as possible. You should not read your presentation! You should be so familiar with your subject and with the information that you want to deliver that you do not need to read a text. Reading a text is boring! Reading a text will make your audience go to sleep! So if you don’t have a text to read, how can you remember to say everything you need to say? With notes. You can create your own system of notes. Some people make notes on small, A6 cards. Some people write down just the title of each section of their talk. Some people write down keywords to remind them. The notes will give you confidence, but because you will have prepared your presentation fully, you may not even need them! Rehearsal Rehearsal is a vital part of preparation. You should leave time to practise your presentation two or three times. This will have the following benefits: - you will become more familiar with what you want to say - you will identify weaknesses in your presentation - you will be able to practise difficult pronunciations - you will be able to check the time that your presentation takes and make any necessary modifications So prepare, prepare, prepare! Prepare everything: words, visual aids, timing, equipment. Rehearse your presentation several times and time it. Is it the right length? Are you completely familiar with all your illustrations? Are they in the right order? Do you know who the audience is? How many people? How will you answer difficult questions? Do you know the room? Are you confident about the equipment? When you have answered all these questions, you will be a confident, enthusiastic presenter ready to communicate the subject of your presentation to an eager audience. Equipment
OTTAWA -- One day after the Liberals tabled an inaugural budget packed with new spending, the government found itself on the defensive over the lack of a firm plan to eventually eliminate billions in looming deficits. The Liberal budget projected $113.2 billion in red ink over the next five years, due in large part to increased funding in numerous areas -- from Aboriginal Peoples to post-secondary education, middle and modest income families, infrastructure, the recently unemployed, veterans and seniors. On the other side of the balance sheet, however, there was no indication of when, how or if the budget might eventually be balanced. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Morneau began the process of selling their fiscal plan -- and found themselves defending the lack of solid fiscal targets. Pressed on the issue during a Radio-Canada interview, Trudeau maintained that the objective of the budget was not "to reach some mathematical balance" but to provide "optimism and trust" to Canadians. Morneau later said the government's goal "is to get to a balanced budget over approximately" five years -- depending how much economic growth the Liberal blueprint generates. Both men argued that some of the budget's biggest spending, such as on infrastructure and the revamped multibillion-dollar Canada child benefit, would generate much-needed growth -- and eventually balance the books. "Our priority right now is to make those investments that can make a difference," said Morneau, who was also asked if the government would stop spending at some point if the growth fails to kick in. "Our goal is to focus on where we're at each year as we put forth the budget... We'll worry about budget 2017 in 2017." The Liberal numbers also include a healthy, $6-billion adjustment for risk, which could ultimately help the government beat low fiscal expectations and balance the books even earlier than forecast. Billions of dollars worth of campaign promises were missing from Tuesday's budget, however, including health-care spending. Fulfilling some of those vows in the future would surely result in even more fiscal pressure. Experts like former parliamentary budget officer Kevin Page called the budget's lack of formal targets "a major, strategic failure" for the government. "It was just a gaping hole... you can't have a budget without a fiscal plan," said Page, now a University of Ottawa professor. The government doesn't necessarily have to set a timetable to rebalance the budget, Page said, but big-ticket spending carries with it a responsibility to explain where the money is going to come from. The Liberals have already ditched three fiscal pledges from last year's election campaign. During the campaign, Trudeau promised to cap annual deficits over the next few years at $10 billion unless the economic situation got "radically worse." The Liberals also vowed to balance the books by 2019-20 -- something Trudeau insisted in December was "very" cast in stone. They also pledged to reduce the country's net debt-to-GDP ratio in each year of their mandate to 27 per cent. The budget, however, only projected the ratio to fall below the current level after the next election in 2020-21 -- and only to 30.9 per cent. Abandoning those types of goals raises concerns, Page said. "If you don't replace them with other targets, and you put out a budget with a major fiscal expansion, I think the fiscal credibility around the budget is very much undermined," Page said. "So, the budget doesn't look responsible in that sense." In a separate interview Wednesday with the CBC, Trudeau disputed suggestions that he'd broken a core campaign vow, saying it's "not true" that his government will pile up a deficit three times larger than promised this year. The budget forecast a $29.4-billion shortfall for 2016-17 despite the Liberal campaign pledge to keep it under $10 billion. "The promise I made was to invest in the future of this country," Trudeau said. "That's what Canadians told me we needed, and we were going to do it responsibly and that's exactly what we've done." Trudeau pointed to the fact economic conditions deteriorated after the Liberal platform was crafted, reinforcing the need for investment to spur growth. With interest rates at a record low and Canada's debt-to-GDP ratio the lowest among G7 countries, the Liberals have also argued it's the perfect time to make investments aimed at getting the economy moving again.
EDMONTON, Alberta — Avalanche right winger P.A. Parenteau missed his 14th consecutive game Tuesday night but skated to exhaustion in the morning at Rexall Place and is on the cusp of returning to the lineup before the playoffs. Avs coach Patrick Roy said Parenteau is on schedule to play Friday at San Jose, the night after Colorado visits Vancouver. The Avs complete their regular-season Sunday at Anaheim. PHOTOS: Colorado Avalanche vs. Edmonton Oilers Parenteau hasn’t played since suffering a medial collateral knee sprain March 10 against Winnipeg. He suffered the same injury to his other knee Dec. 29 against the same opponent, and missed 12 of the next 15 games. McLeod MIA. Rugged winger Cody McLeod missed his third consecutive game with an ankle injury, again forcing Roy to play a defenseman up front. The Avs have just 11 available forwards, so defenseman Ryan Wilson was again asked to play left wing on the fourth line for a balanced attack. McLeod is on the trip and expected to play at some point, but he did not skate with the team Tuesday morning. Goalie rotation. Roy previously said Semyon Varlamov would start at Edmonton, but Jean-Sebastien Giguere instead got the nod in what could be his last NHL regular-season start. Because the two final games in California could have playoff-seeding implications, Roy said Varlamov might play in the finale against the Ducks, a game Giguere was originally scheduled to start. Third-stringer Reto Berra is scheduled to start Friday against San Jose. Goalie coach Francois Allaire, who is with the team periodically, is on the trip. Footnotes. Avs defenseman Nick Holden grew up in St. Albert, about 20 minutes drive outside Edmonton. He had many family and friends at the game. … The last time the Avs played at Rexall Place, they lost 8-2 on Dec. 5, a game in which Holden scored his second career goal with the Avs.
According to IMARC Group’s latest report, titled “Gastroparesis Drugs Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2021-2026; the global gastroparesis drugs market reached a value of US$ XX Billion in 2020. Gastroparesis or stomach paralysis represents a medical condition that affects the normal and spontaneous muscle movement in the stomach. It disrupts the digestion process and causes nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, problems with maintaining blood sugar levels and nutrition absorption, etc. Presently, gastroparesis is treated under the guidance of doctors using several drugs, such as domperidone, metoclopramide, erythromycin, diphenhydramine, ondansetron, prochlorperazine, etc. We are regularly tracking the direct effect of COVID-19 on the market, along with the indirect influence of associated industries. These observations will be integrated into the report.’ Request for a PDF sample of this report: The elevating levels of urbanization, the sedentary lifestyles of consumers, and the growing number of individuals who drink or smoke are leading to the rising prevalence of diabetes across the globe. This, along with the expanding geriatric population, who are relatively more susceptible to developing stomach paralysis, is primarily driving the gastroparesis drugs market. Moreover, these drugs help enhance gastrointestinal motility by improving the frequency of contraction. Owing to this, they are being increasingly utilized for treating idiopathic gastroparesis, which is further catalyzing the market growth. Additionally, the increasing number of individuals suffering from gastroparesis after the vague nerve and its branches are damaged during surgical operations is also propelling the product demand. Apart from this, the improving healthcare infrastructures and the inflating demand for user-friendly drugs are augmenting the global market. Furthermore, various leading manufacturers are developing numerous advanced and effective drugs that can be administered via the nasal cavity of individuals. This, in turn, is projected to stimulate the gastroparesis drugs market over the forecasted period. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to grow at a CAGR of XX% during 2021-2026. Competitive Landscape: - Abbott Laboratories - Abbvie Inc - AstraZeneca Plc - Bausch Health Companies Inc - Becton Dickinson and Company - Boston Scientific Corporation - Evoke Pharma - Medtronic plc - Neurogastrx Inc. - Sanofi S.A - Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited - Theravance Biopharma Key Market Segmentation: Breakup by Disease Type: - Diabetic Gastroparesis - Idiopathic Gastroparesis - Post-surgical Gastroparesis - Others Breakup by Drug Class: - Prokinetic Agents - Antiemetic Agents - Botulinum Toxin Injections Breakup by Distribution Channel: - Hospitals and Clinics - Pharmacies - Online Stores
Leukotriene C4-induced radioprotection: the role of hypoxia. Pretreatment of mice with leukotriene C4 (LTC4), a biological mediator that can cause marked contraction of vascular, tracheal, and bronchial smooth muscles, enhances radiation survival. Optimal protection is observed with 10 micrograms LTC4 per mouse (400 micrograms/kg body wt) administered subcutaneously 5 to 10 min prior to irradiation. Pretreatment with 10 micrograms LTC4 increases the LD50/30 from 8.36 Gy in mice receiving saline to 15.7 Gy, providing a dose reduction factor of 1.9. Enhanced survival of mice was observed with doses of 50 micrograms LTD4/mouse, but not with LTE4. Fifteen minutes after administration of 10 micrograms LTC4, the breathing rate is reduced by 33%, the blood paO2 by 20%, the paCO2 by 29%, and the HCO3- by 43%. Whole blood lactate increased by 288% at this same time. The period over which the elevation in blood lactate occurs is similar to the times for optimal radioprotection. These data coupled with the finding that protection was eliminated when irradiation occurred in an enriched oxygen atmosphere indicate that hypoxia plays a role in leukotriene C4-induced animal radiation survival. High-performance liquid chromatography and tissue distribution analyses support a role for an indirect mechanism since the highest levels of LTC4 in the tissues do not correlate with the peak time for radioprotection.
Q: Magento Custom Backend module Grid sort/filter problem I am working on a custom admin module where I show a list of customers based on a custom attribute, the grid loads fine but then I am having problems whenever I try to sort/filter the grid. This is the error I am getting : Fatal error: Call to a member function toHtml() on a non-object in <b>/***/***/public_html/***/app/code/local/BelVG/Events/controllers/CodesController.php</b> on line <b>28</b> This is the code that causes the error in the CodesController file : public function customerGridAction() { $this->loadLayout(); $this->getResponse()->setBody($this->getLayout()->getBlock('events.codes.edit.customer')->toHtml()); } XML layout file: <events_codes_edit> <reference name="content"> <block type="events/codes_edit" name="events.codes.edit" template="events/codes/edit.phtml"> <block type="events/codes_edit_customer" name="events.codes.edit.customer" as="customer"/> </block> </reference> </events_codes_edit> <events_codes_edit_customergrid> <remove name="root"/> <block type="events/codes_edit_customer" name="events.codes.edit.customer" as="events.codes.edit.customer"/> </events_codes_edit_customergrid></code> Class file for the Grid: class BelVG_Events_Block_Codes_Edit_Customer extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->setId('events_codes_edit_product'); $this->setUseAjax(true); $this->setDefaultSort('entity_id'); $this->setDefaultDir('asc'); $this->setSaveParametersInSession(true); } protected function _prepareCollection() { $current_code = Mage::registry('current_code'); $code = $current_code->getCode(); $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/customer_collection') ->addNameToSelect() ->addAttributeToSelect('email') ->addAttributeToSelect('i_code') ->addAttributeToSelect('gender') ->addFieldToFilter('i_code', $code) ->joinAttribute('billing_postcode', 'customer_address/postcode', 'default_billing', null, 'left') ->joinAttribute('billing_city', 'customer_address/city', 'default_billing', null, 'left') ->joinAttribute('billing_telephone', 'customer_address/telephone', 'default_billing', null, 'left') ->joinAttribute('billing_region', 'customer_address/region', 'default_billing', null, 'left') ->joinAttribute('billing_country_id', 'customer_address/country_id', 'default_billing', null, 'left'); $this->setCollection($collection); return parent::_prepareCollection(); } protected function _prepareColumns() { $this->addColumn('entity_id', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('ID'), 'width' => '50px', 'index' => 'entity_id', 'type' => 'number' )); $this->addColumn('name', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('Name'), 'index' => 'name' )); $this->addColumn('email', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('Email'), 'width' => '150', 'index' => 'email' )); $this->addColumn('Telephone', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('Telephone'), 'width' => '100', 'index' => 'billing_telephone' )); $this->addColumn('billing_postcode', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('ZIP'), 'width' => '90', 'index' => 'billing_postcode' )); $this->addColumn('billing_country_id', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('Country'), 'width' => '100', 'index' => 'billing_country_id' )); $this->addColumn('billing_region', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('State/Province'), 'width' => '100', 'index' => 'billing_region' )); $this->addColumn('gender', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('Gender'), 'align' => 'center', 'index' => 'gender' )); return parent::_prepareColumns(); } public function getGridUrl() { return $this->getUrl('*/*/customergrid', array('_current'=> true)); } } This grid is first called inside another block, which is Edit.php, and it's called from a template file edit.phtml Edit.php block class: class BelVG_Events_Block_Codes_Edit extends Mage_Core_Block_Template { public function getGridHtml() { return $this->getChild('customer')->toHtml(); } } Code for calling the customer grid inside edit.phtml: <div id="" class="fieldset"> <div class="hor-scroll"> <?php echo $this->getGridHtml() ?> </div> </div> I have no idea why this is happening, I have double checked the block name in the controller, and the layout files and they seem to be matching, I even tried to use createBlock() instead of getBlock() and pointed directly to the block file, but still it showed the exact same error. Can anyone point me in the right direction? A: I am not sure what your module/controller/action path looks like, but I would say that you have made something wrong in your xml at: <events_codes_edit_customergrid> I am guessing this should say <events_codes_customergrid> But anyhow. this is not really required if you want to get the html for one particular block. What I recommend doing is, use the layout class to create the block and then show it. This usually works for all grid blocks, as they have the Collection instance defined inside the class. so try using $this->getResponse()->setBody($this->getLayout()->createBlock('events/codes_edit_customer')->toHtml());
Crowd-sourcing works for lots of stuff that exists in the world — art projects, video games, help with outrageous medical bills — but what about silly or cool T-shirts? That’s the concept of TeePublic, a venture launched by Josh Abramson, 31, the co-founder of College Humor and Vimeo. After Abramson began running Busted Tees, the leading online purveyor of funny T-shirts — he pairs comedians with designers to birth shirts like “Reunite Pangea” and “Poehler-Fey 2016” — he realized that a lot of “designer-artists had great work that was never making its way onto a T-shirt,” he says. “There’s Threadless on one end of the spectrum, where you can only get a T-shirt on if you win their competition and are selected by their editors. On the other end of the spectrum, there’s CafePress and Spreadshirt, which have so many designs that you feel like you’re at Wal-Mart.” TeePublic, now in its second week, has received designs like a piece of French toast saying “Bonjour!” and a delicate drawing of Dalí’s mechanical elephants. If 30 people in a month agree to buy your shirt, TeePublic commits to putting the design in production and hands the designer $5 for each shirt sold. “Anyone can sell 30 shirts if they put their mind to it, and if we can’t get 30 people to say they want something, then it probably isn’t worth making anyway,” says Abramson, who has about 80 T-shirts with sayings on them in his closet, though he admits that he’s wearing more solid-colored T-shirts now that he’s older. “I’m hoping that TeePublic becomes the largest platform for selling and discovering T-shirts online — it’s definitely possible!” he says. “That being said, I’ll still be pretty happy if we just manage to create a little self-sustaining community of T-shirt designers and T-shirt lovers. Small is fine.”
315 F.3d 1283 UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,v.Joel Dean RHIGER, Defendant-Appellant. No. 01-2246. United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit. January 14, 2003. COPYRIGHT MATERIAL OMITTED Benjamin A. Gonzales, Assistant Federal Public Defender, Albuquerque, NM, for Defendant-Appellant. David N. Williams, Assistant United States Attorney (David C. Iglesias, United States Attorney, with him on the brief), Albuquerque, NM, for Plaintiff-Appellee. Before SEYMOUR, BALDOCK and BRISCOE, Circuit Judges. SEYMOUR, Circuit Judge. 1 Joel Rhiger appeals his conviction for conspiring to manufacture methamphetamine in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846 and for possessing methamphetamine with intent to distribute in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1). We affirm. 2 * Prior to Mr. Rhiger's arrest, federal drug agents observed him driving Carl Baker and another companion to several locations where Mr. Baker and the companion bought materials used to manufacture methamphetamine. Agents also learned that less than a week earlier, Mr. Rhiger had purchased ingredients used to make methamphetamine. The agents then tracked Mr. Rhiger and Mr. Baker to the home of Randy Brown, where they observed the two men entering the residence with the purchased materials. After watching the home for an hour, the federal agents detected the smell of cooking methamphetamine. Fearing an active methamphetamine lab was in the residence and could explode, the agents entered the home without a warrant. They found an active lab in the garage, immediately arrested Mr. Baker, and arrested Mr. Rhiger after finding him hiding in the shower in the master bathroom. The agents shut down the lab, secured the residence, and took steps to obtain a warrant so they could conduct a further search of the building. 3 Mr. Rhiger, Mr. Baker, and Mr. Brown were indicted for the methamphetamine crimes arising out of the evidence obtained in the search of the home. Mr. Rhiger's two co-defendants pled guilty, and a jury convicted Mr. Rhiger on all counts. 4 On appeal, Mr. Rhiger challenges the district court's denial of his motion to suppress evidence obtained by agents during the warrantless search of Mr. Brown's home. He asserts the district court erred in finding that exigent circumstances justified the agents' entry of the Brown residence. Mr. Rhiger also contends the district court erred in permitting a government agent to testify regarding the agent's detection of methamphetamine odors on Mr. Rhiger's clothing. II 5 As an initial matter, the government contends that Mr. Rhiger has no standing to object to the search of Mr. Brown's house. We must therefore decide whether Mr. Rhiger's individual constitutional rights were affected by the agents' actions. See United States v. Rubio-Rivera, 917 F.2d 1271, 1274 (10th Cir.1990). "To so demonstrate in the context of a search, the defendant must show that he had a subjective expectation of privacy in the premises searched and that society is prepared to recognize that expectation as reasonable." United States v. Higgins, 282 F.3d 1261, 1270 (10th Cir.2002) (internal quotation omitted). We review de novo whether Mr. Rhiger's expectation of privacy in the searched premises was one society would consider reasonable. Id. 6 While Mr. Rhiger did not permanently reside with Mr. Brown, he testified he had known Mr. Brown for about two weeks and stayed overnight at Mr. Brown's residence "a couple, three times," rec., vol. V at 240, "four tops," id. at 253, when he was too intoxicated to drive home, and that he and Mr. Brown "hit it off" because of their common interest in maintenance work, id. at 239. Mr. Brown's neighbor, Paul Dressendorfer, testified that for several days he "never saw [Mr. Rhiger's car] leave" Mr. Brown's house. Id., vol. IV at 74. Receipts left by Mr. Rhiger were found in the Brown residence. Moreover, Mr. Rhiger testified that on the day the federal agents searched the Brown home, he had entered the house in Mr. Brown's absence and retired to Mr. Brown's bedroom to take a nap. The question is thus whether Mr. Rhiger has standing as a social guest to challenge the government's search of Mr. Brown's home. 7 Our decision is guided by the Supreme Court's reasoning in Minnesota v. Carter, 525 U.S. 83, 119 S.Ct. 469, 142 L.Ed.2d 373 (1998). Although the Court did not specifically decide the issue we face, a close reading of the opinion persuades us that a social guest's expectation of privacy is constitutionally protected. 8 The majority in Carter ruled that an individual does not possess an expectation of privacy to challenge the search of another's property when he or she is present solely for commercial or business reasons. But the Court drew a clear distinction between the status of individuals present at a residence for social purposes and those present for business or commercial matters. Id. at 90-91, 119 S.Ct. 469. Referring to Minnesota v. Olson, 495 U.S. 91, 96-97, 110 S.Ct. 1684, 109 L.Ed.2d 85 (1990) (overnight guests possess an expectation of privacy in searched premises), the Court pointedly contrasted the status of a guest who has a "degree of acceptance into the household" from a guest present for "purely commercial" reasons, noting the former possessed a far greater expectation of privacy in the premises than the latter. Carter, 525 U.S. at 90, 119 S.Ct. 469. 9 Our reading of the majority's distinction between social and commercial guests is buttressed by the concurring opinions of Justices Kennedy and Breyer and themes in Justice Ginsburg's dissent. Justice Kennedy joined the majority's opinion because its reasoning was "consistent with [his] view that almost all social guests have a legitimate expectation of privacy, and hence protection against unreasonable searches, in their host's home." Id. at 99, 119 S.Ct. 469 (Kennedy, J., concurring). Describing which social guests could benefit from such protection, Justice Kennedy noted guests must establish they have a "meaningful connection" to the residence. Id. at 101, 119 S.Ct. 469. He further urged in partial support of Justice Ginsburg's dissent "that reasonable expectations of the owner ... [should be] ... shared, to some extent, by the guest. This analysis suggests that, as a general rule, social guests will have an expectation of privacy in their host's home." Id. at 102, 119 S.Ct. 469. Justice Ginsburg's assertion that any type of guest should be able to "share his host's shelter against unreasonable searches and seizures," id. at 106, 119 S.Ct. 469 (Ginsburg, J., dissenting), received additional support from Justice Breyer. While he joined the majority's opinion on other grounds, he nonetheless stated, "I agree with Justice Ginsburg that respondents can claim the Fourth Amendment's protection." Id. at 103, 119 S.Ct. 469 (Breyer, J., concurring). 10 Our determination that a social guest has a sufficient expectation of privacy to challenge unreasonable searches of his host's home is further bolstered by the Court's reference in Carter to Jones v. United States, 362 U.S. 257, 80 S.Ct. 725, 4 L.Ed.2d 697 (1960). The Court acknowledged Jones' specific ruling "that `anyone legitimately on the premises where a search occurs may challenge its legality' was expressly repudiated in Rakas v. Illinois, 439 U.S. 128, 99 S.Ct. 421, 58 L.Ed.2d 387 (1978)." Carter, 525 U.S. at 89-90, 119 S.Ct. 469 (citing Jones, 362 U.S. at 267, 80 S.Ct. 725). Nonetheless, the Court agreed with Jones' ultimate conclusion that the search of an apartment belonging to the defendant's friend, where the defendant slept there "maybe a night," Jones, 362 U.S. at 259, 80 S.Ct. 725, kept some clothing there, and entered at his own will, violated the defendant's Fourth Amendment rights. Carter, 525 U.S. at 89-90, 119 S.Ct. 469. See also Rakas, 439 U.S. at 142, 99 S.Ct. 421 ("We think that Jones on its facts merely stands for the unremarkable proposition that a person can have a legally sufficient interest in a place other than his own home so that the Fourth Amendment protects him from unreasonable government intrusion into that place."); Olson, 495 U.S. at 97-98, 110 S.Ct. 1684 (noting and approving Court's reaffirmation in Rakas of Jones' factual holding). 11 While the Court did not specifically decide in Carter that a social guest can challenge a warrantless search of his host's home, the majority decision, coupled with the concurrences of Justices Kennedy and Breyer, and the dissent of Justice Ginsburg, persuade us that Mr. Rhiger had a legitimate expectation of privacy as a social guest in Mr. Brown's home. See also United States v. Pollard, 215 F.3d 643, 647-48 (6th Cir.2000) (defendant had reasonable expectation of privacy in premises where he had friendship with homeowner, occasionally spent night at residence, kept some personal belongings there, and was permitted to be in home while owners were absent). Mr. Rhiger's regular presence at the home, his overnight stays, the discovery of his receipts in the house, and his comfort in entering the residence unannounced and taking a nap, all support our determination that Mr. Rhiger had an ongoing and meaningful connection to Mr. Brown's home as a social guest. Therefore, Mr. Rhiger has standing to challenge the government's search and seizure of evidence from the Brown residence. III 12 Given Mr. Rhiger's legitimate expectation of privacy in the Brown residence, we address whether the district court properly denied Mr. Rhiger's motion to suppress evidence based on its determination that exigent circumstances justified the agents' warrantless entry into the Brown home. In reviewing the district court's ruling, we examine the "court's factual findings under the clearly erroneous standard and view the evidence in the light most favorable to the district court's findings. The ultimate question regarding the reasonableness of the search is a question of law which we review de novo." United States v. Parra, 2 F.3d 1058, 1063 (10th Cir.1993) (internal citation omitted). Based on this standard, we conclude the district court properly denied Mr. Rhiger's motion to suppress. 13 "It is a basic `principle of Fourth Amendment law' that searches and seizures inside a home without a warrant are presumptively unreasonable." Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573, 586, 100 S.Ct. 1371, 63 L.Ed.2d 639 (1980) (citing Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 403 U.S. 443, 477-78, 91 S.Ct. 2022, 29 L.Ed.2d 564 (1971)). "In terms that apply equally to seizures of property and to seizures of persons, the Fourth Amendment has drawn a firm line at the entrance to the house. Absent exigent circumstances, that threshold may not reasonably be crossed without a warrant." Id. at 590, 100 S.Ct. 1371. See also United States v. Anderson, 981 F.2d 1560, 1567 (10th Cir.1992); United States v. Aquino, 836 F.2d 1268, 1271 (10th Cir.1988). 14 The government maintains exigent circumstances existed because the federal agents reasonably believed an active methamphetamine lab in the Brown home posed a threat of explosion to its inhabitants, to the agents present at the scene, and to the other residents in Mr. Brown's immediate neighborhood. Threats to public safety are widely accepted as one of the exigent circumstances exceptions to the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement. See Warden v. Hayden, 387 U.S. 294, 298-99, 87 S.Ct. 1642, 18 L.Ed.2d 782 (1967) ("The Fourth Amendment does not require police officers to delay in the course of an investigation if to do so would gravely endanger their lives or the lives of others."); United States v. Walsh, 299 F.3d 729, 734 (8th Cir.2002) (danger associated with suspected methamphetamine lab sanctioned warrantless search by police officers); United States v. Wicks, 995 F.2d 964, 970 (10th Cir.1993) (agents may conduct warrantless searches "if they believe that their own lives or the lives of others are at risk"); United States v. Wilson, 865 F.2d 215, 216-17 (9th Cir.1989) (officer's fear methamphetamine lab would explode justified warrantless entry into home); cf. United States v. Spinelli, 848 F.2d 26, 29-30 (2nd Cir.1988) (officer's concern regarding volatile nature of methamphetamine justified failure to comply with knock-and-announce statute). 15 The government bears the burden of establishing exigency. In our assessment of whether the burden is satisfied, "we are guided by the realities of the situation presented by the record." Wicks, 995 F.2d at 970 (internal quotations omitted). "We should `evaluate the circumstances as they would have appeared to prudent, cautious and trained officers.'" United States v. Cuaron, 700 F.2d 582, 586 (10th Cir.1983) (quoting United States v. Erb, 596 F.2d 412, 419 (10th Cir.1979)). We have determined the 16 basic aspects of the "exigent circumstances" exception are that (1) the law enforcement officers must have reasonable grounds to believe that there is immediate need to protect their lives or others or their property or that of others, (2) the search must not be motivated by an intent to arrest and seize evidence, and (3) there must be some reasonable basis, approaching probable cause, to associate an emergency with the area or place to be searched. 17 Wicks, 995 F.2d at 970 (quoting United States v. Smith, 797 F.2d 836, 840 (10th Cir.1986)); Anderson, 981 F.2d at 1567. Nevertheless, "there is no absolute test for the presence of exigent circumstances, because such a determination ultimately depends upon the unique facts of each controversy." Wicks, 995 F.2d at 970 (internal quotation and citations omitted). 18 In a very short ruling from the bench after an evidentiary hearing, the district court found the officers' knowledge that iodine, phosphorus, ice and cotton balls had been purchased by defendants, coupled with the strong odor of methamphetamine cooking, justified the officers' belief that there was a danger to the public amounting to exigent circumstances. Reviewing the record in light of the factors cited in Wicks, we agree exigent circumstances existed justifying the agents' warrantless entry into the residence. 19 The government presented evidence indicating the federal agents had reasonable grounds to believe there was an immediate need to protect themselves and the public from the potential explosion of the methamphetamine lab in Mr. Brown's home.1 Agent Mallory,2 who oversaw the operation resulting in Mr. Rhiger's arrest, testified the heat generated from methamphetamine production "can be very intense [and] can cause fires," rec., vol. III at 27, and that vapors from the manufacture of methamphetamine "are very, very flammable... [and] in large quantities can produce a large explosion, causing a danger for the surrounding public." Id. at 38. 20 Agent Mallory and his colleagues reasonably believed methamphetamine was being produced in the Brown residence based on their surveillance of Mr. Rhiger and their observation of Mr. Brown's home. Prior to their entry of the Brown residence, the federal agents had spent several hours tracking the activities of Mr. Rhiger. During that time, Mr. Rhiger was observed with two companions, Christopher Dunlap and Mr. Baker, who purchased chemicals and other materials used in the production of methamphetamine. In addition, the agents confirmed that six days earlier, Mr. Rhiger had purchased iodine, an ingredient also used to produce methamphetamine. After leaving Mr. Dunlap at another location, Mr. Rhiger and Mr. Baker drove to Mr. Brown's home and then entered the building. The agents established surveillance of the home and watched for evidence of the manufacture of methamphetamine. After about an hour, agents stationed to the south of the home became aware of "a very strong odor of methamphetamine being manufactured," which they believed was coming from the Brown residence. Id. at 32, 59, 61, 64. When the agents radioed to Agent Mallory that they had detected the smell, he joined them at their location where he "was overcome by the odor of methamphetamine being manufactured, emitting from the northwest," the direction of Mr. Brown's home in relation to agents' surveillance position. Id. at 33. During the next half-hour, Agent Mallory took steps to establish the odor was not coming from the mobile home immediately next to where the agents were stationed. After questioning the resident of the mobile home, performing a consensual search of its interior, and determining no illegal drug activity was occurring there, Agent Mallory believed he "had exigent circumstances that the manufacturing process [of methamphetamine] was occurring" in the Brown residence, id. at 34, and that for the purposes of public safety, it was necessary to enter the building, and shut the lab down, id. at 71. 21 Evaluating these facts under the objective standard of a "prudent, cautious and trained" officer, Cuaron, 700 F.2d at 586, we hold the government's evidence regarding Mr. Rhiger and Mr. Brown's purchase and possession of materials used to manufacture methamphetamine, the strong odor of cooking methamphetamine emitting from the Brown residence, and Agent Mallory's knowledge of the inherent dangerousness of an active methamphetamine lab, establishes that reasonable grounds existed for the agents to believe there was an immediate need to protect the public by entering the home and discontinuing the lab's production.3 22 There is also no evidence the agents entered the home with an intent to arrest and seize evidence. Rather, as discussed above, they were motivated out of a concern for public safety. Agent Mallory testified "it's a very hazardous environment. It's explosive. There are poisonous gases coming off." Id., vol. IV at 215. Therefore, "we needed to get in, and we needed to shut this thing down for public safety." Id., vol. III at 35. Agent Mallory further testified that upon entering the Brown residence and discovering an active lab in production, "[t]he first thing we did ... was we removed the heat.... That was very necessary. We did not want that reaction to cause any volatile reactions. So we wanted to remove the heat and get [the lab] shut off and cooled down." Id., vol. IV at 134. Only after the agents detained defendants, turned off the heat, and obtained a search warrant, did they re-enter the premises and conduct a full and thorough search. 23 Finally, the agents had a "reasonable basis, approaching probable cause, to associate an emergency with the area or place to be searched." Smith, 797 F.2d at 840. The agents' observations of Mr. Rhiger and his colleagues purchasing materials used to produce methamphetamine, their detection of the strong odor of cooking methamphetamine,4 and their awareness of the potential explosiveness of an active methamphetamine lab, establish that more than enough evidence exists for us to conclude the agents had a reasonable basis, if not probable cause, to associate an emergency with the place to be searched. Consequently, their warrantless entry of the residence was justified. See Walsh, 299 F.3d at 734 (strong smell of ether, evidence of laboratory equipment used to produce methamphetamine, residue suggesting on-going production of the drug, and police concerns that active heat source might be present, established exigent circumstances permitting officer to enter structure without a warrant); Wilson, 865 F.2d at 216-17 (strong smell of chemical fumes, activity in suspected methamphetamine lab, and liquid ether spilling out of same space substantiated officer's fears regarding public safety and warranted his entry into garage); Spinelli, 848 F.2d at 29-30 (police knowledge of volatile nature of methamphetamine, and fear that defendant would try to destroy evidence by causing explosion in lab, established exigent circumstances); Brock, 667 F.2d at 1314-15 (smell of cooking methamphetamine and officer's observation of defendant choking on fumes supported officer's fears of potential explosion and justified warrantless entry into mobile home); Erb, 596 F.2d at 417-18 (strong smell of ether emitting from house for over six hours, reliable tips from informant, and officer's fear that defendant might try to destroy evidence and that methamphetamine lab could cause danger to public, established exigent circumstances allowing warrantless entry of dwelling). But see United States v. Warner, 843 F.2d 401, 404 (9th Cir.1988) (officer's knowledge of potential explosive nature of stored chemicals, but lack of perception of an immediate emergency, did not justify warrantless entry of unoccupied garage); United States v. Bonitz, 826 F.2d 954, 957 (10th Cir.1987) (officer's alleged fears regarding explosive nature of undisturbed gun powder and ammunition was not sufficiently supported by record to establish exigent circumstances); United States v. Jackson, 199 F.Supp.2d 1081, 1090 (D.Kan.2002) (despite officer's detection of strong chemical odor and suspicion that methamphetamine was being produced in residence, government failed to prove existence of exigent circumstances because no testimony was offered regarding danger of explosion or volatility of methamphetamine). 24 Based on the preceding analysis, we conclude the federal agents had "reasonable grounds to believe that there [was] immediate need to protect" the public, their search was not "motivated by an intent to arrest and seize evidence," and there was a "reasonable basis, approaching probable cause, to associate an emergency with" the Brown residence. Smith, 797 F.2d at 840. The district court correctly determined that exigent circumstances justified the agents' warrantless entry into Mr. Brown's home, and properly denied Mr. Rhiger's motion to suppress evidence. IV 25 Finally, Mr. Rhiger maintains the district court erred in permitting Agent Mallory to testify he detected the odor of methamphetamine on Mr. Rhiger's clothing when arresting him. Because Mr. Rhiger failed to object at trial to Agent Mallory's testimony, we review this issue under the plain error standard. See Johnson v. United States, 520 U.S. 461, 117 S.Ct. 1544, 137 L.Ed.2d 718 (1997). 26 In Johnson, the Supreme Court outlined the elements required under the plain error test. 27 [B]efore an appellate court can correct an error not raised at trial, there must be (1) error, (2) that is plain, and (3) that affect[s] substantial rights. If all three conditions are met, an appellate court may then exercise its discretion to notice a forfeited error, but only if (4) the error seriously affect[s] the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial proceedings. 28 Johnson, 520 U.S. at 466-67, 117 S.Ct. 1544 (alterations in original) (internal quotations and citations omitted). Even if Mr. Rhiger were to satisfy the first three prongs of the test, he fails to establish that any such error "seriously affect[ed] the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of [his] judicial proceedings."5 Id. at 467, 117 S.Ct. 1544. The government presented more than enough evidence for a jury to determine Mr. Rhiger was guilty of the charges against him, and the absence of Agent Mallory's testimony regarding the smell of Mr. Rhiger's clothes would not have altered that result. The evidence showed that Mr. Rhiger purchased materials used to produce methamphetamine. He aided his companions in purchasing materials for the manufacture of the drug. He entered a home in which there was an active methamphetamine lab. Finally, he was found hiding in a shower in a back bedroom of the home when the agents entered the building to shut down the lab. "On this record there is no basis for concluding that the error seriously affect[ed] the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of [Mr. Rhiger's] judicial proceedings." Id. at 470, 117 S.Ct. 1544 (internal quotation omitted). The district court did not commit plain error. 29 The judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED. Notes: 1 We disagree with the dissent's assertion that the government's reliance on the public safety exception is unconvincing. This exception arises when "law enforcement officers ... have reasonable grounds to believe that there is an immediate need to protecttheir lives or others ...." Wicks, 995 F.2d at 970 (emphasis added). That Mr. Brown's home was relatively isolated from the other homes in his neighborhood is of little consequence. The investigating officers, along with Mr. Rhiger and Mr. Baker, could have been injured if the lab exploded. 2 Agent Mallory worked for the local sheriff's department and was assigned to the United States Drug Enforcement Task Force, where he worked primarily for the Clandestine Laboratory Team. He had received over 200 hours of instruction regarding the manufacture of methamphetamine, and the investigation and dismantling of methamphetamine labs. Agent Mallory also had been directly involved in the investigation and cleanup of at least 125 methamphetamine labs 3 The half-hour gap between Agent Mallory's detection of the methamphetamine smell and entry of the home does not dissuade us from our conclusion that a "prudent, cautious and trained" officer,Cuaron, 700 F.2d at 586, would have determined a threat to public safety existed and warrantless entry into the home was justified. Viewed objectively, the record provides ample evidence regarding the inherent volatility of a methamphetamine lab, and of the agent's reasonable belief of its existence in the Brown residence. That Agent Mallory waited half an hour to enter the residence does not undermine the objective evidence that cooking methamphetamine is an exceptionally dangerous process. Similarly, we reject the dissent's contention that the officers had "sufficient information and adequate opportunity to seek a search warrant prior to entering the residence." The time required to obtain the search warrant may have exposed the officers, Mr. Rhiger and Mr. Baker, to the danger of the lab's potential explosion for a period even longer than the half-hour between the agents' detection of the smell of cooking methamphetamine and their entry into the home. 4 Mr. Rhiger contends the "district court erred in finding that the odor associated with the manufacture of methamphetamine satisfied the government's burden of proving that sufficient exigency existed to justify the warrantless entry of Mr. Brown's home." Aplt. brief at 18. While the district court did note "a plain view rule for odors" or a "plain smell rule" was developing in the law, rec., vol. III at 88, it did not conclude exigent circumstances existedsolely because the agents detected the smell of cooking methamphetamine. Rather, the district court listed several factors (only one of which was the smell of cooking drugs) whose collective force established exigency. Id. Case law establishes that odor, coupled with other relevant facts, can support an exigency argument. See United States v. Scroger, 98 F.3d 1256, 1259 (10th Cir.1996); United States v. Erb, 596 F.2d 412, 415 (10th Cir.1979). See also United States v. Walsh, 299 F.3d 729, 734 (8th Cir.2002); United States v. Wilson, 865 F.2d 215, 216-17 (9th Cir.1989); United States v. Brock, 667 F.2d 1311, 1318 (9th Cir.1982). 5 The district court accepted Agent Mallory as an expert witness in the field of methamphetamine production and the investigation of illegal laboratories. Rec., vol. IV at 114. It appears Mr. Rhiger believes that if Agent Mallory were offering expert testimony regarding the smell on Mr. Rhiger's clothing, the district court should have vetted Agent Mallory's opinion in a hearing pursuant toDaubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579, 592-95, 113 S.Ct. 2786, 125 L.Ed.2d 469 (1993). Conversely, if Agent Mallory were offering lay testimony regarding the smell on Mr. Rhiger's clothing, Mr. Rhiger asserts the district court should have informed the jury as such. Without such information, Mr. Rhiger contends, the jury may have inappropriately attributed heightened credibility to Agent Mallory's statement and used his testimony as its sole basis for finding Mr. Rhiger was present in the garage of Mr. Brown's home, thus establishing his guilt. We need not reach the merits of Mr. Rhiger's claims. Even if his assertions showed the district court plainly erred, he cannot prove the requisite prejudice. 30 BRISCOE, Circuit Judge, concurring and dissenting. 31 I agree with the majority's conclusion that Rhiger has standing to contest the officers' entry into the residence. However, I disagree that exigent circumstances excused the officers' warrantless entry. Since entry into the residence was not supported by either a warrant or exigent circumstances, I would conclude the district court erred in denying the motion to suppress and, as a result, I would reverse the conviction and remand for new trial. 32 As accurately noted by the majority, a warrantless entry into a residence is presumptively unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment. Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573, 586, 100 S.Ct. 1371, 63 L.Ed.2d 639 (1980). A warrantless entry may be justified, however, where officers believe their own lives or the lives of others are at risk. United States v. Wicks, 995 F.2d 964, 970 (10th Cir.1993). Where the exigent circumstance claimed is protection of the public, the requirements are that (1) law enforcement officers must have reasonable grounds to believe there is an immediate need to protect the public or the public's property; (2) the search must not be motivated by an intent to arrest and seize evidence; and (3) there must be some reasonable basis, approaching probable cause, to associate an emergency with the area or place to be searched. United States v. Smith, 797 F.2d 836, 840 (10th Cir.1986). 33 The burden is on the government to show exigency. Wicks, 995 F.2d at 970. In assessing whether this burden has been met, the court evaluates the circumstances as they would have appeared to prudent, cautious, and trained officers. United States v. Scroger, 98 F.3d 1256, 1259 (10th Cir.1996). In reviewing the denial of a motion to suppress, this court accepts as true the trial court's findings of fact unless they are clearly erroneous, but the ultimate determination of reasonableness is a question of law that is reviewed de novo. Wicks, 995 F.2d at 968-69. 34 Here, the district court found exigent circumstances based on two factors: (1) the danger to the public posed by the manufacturing of methamphetamine; and (2) the need to prevent destruction of the evidence. However, the government did not advance the need to prevent destruction of the evidence as an exigent circumstance and presented no evidence regarding that issue. Instead, the government only advanced the danger to the public as the reason for entry. Therefore, although the need to prevent destruction of the evidence might have given the officers a reason to enter, it was not the reason for entry in this case. 35 Did the government establish a danger to the public that would justify the warrantless entry? I would conclude it did not. In deciding the officers' public safety concerns provided an exigent circumstance sufficient to justify entry, the district court cited United States v. Brock, 667 F.2d 1311 (9th Cir.1982). In Brock, agents surrounded a motor home at a state park, suspecting the manufacture of methamphetamine. An agent smelled chemicals cooking, and another agent saw the defendant dash out of the motor home "gasping for air, as if choking on fumes." Id. at 1314. The agents entered the motor home and found an operating methamphetamine lab. The district court found exigent circumstances (the smell of methamphetamine, the defendant fleeing the motor home while choking on fumes, the officers' knowledge of the explosiveness of chemicals used in making methamphetamine, and uncertainty as to whether other occupants might still be in the motor home) supported entry for the safety of the occupants and to prevent an explosion. The Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court's findings and conclusions. 36 Brock is typical of cases which have upheld warrantless entry into a residence where methamphetamine manufacturing is suspected in order to protect the public. See United States v. Cervantes, 219 F.3d 882, 891 (9th Cir.2000) (finding risk of explosion in apartment building constituted emergency justifying entry and there was no need for exigent circumstance analysis); United States v. Wilson, 865 F.2d 215, 216-17 (9th Cir.1989) (finding exigent circumstances existed because of danger of explosion of methamphetamine lab in residential area); United States v. Echegoyen, 799 F.2d 1271, 1278-79 (9th Cir.1986) (finding danger of methamphetamine explosion in remote area with limited firefighting resources justified entry); United States v. Erb, 596 F.2d 412, 417-18 (10th Cir.1979) (finding danger of methamphetamine manufacture combined with danger of destruction of evidence presented exigent circumstances). These cases rely in part upon the explosive nature of the manufacturing process. However, in the majority of these cases, there was some actual evidence of an existing danger to the public and that officers acted promptly in entering the residence to assess the danger and prevent harm. See Wilson, 865 F.2d at 216-17 (lab located in residential area and firefighters called to scene advised entry); Brock, 667 F.2d at 1318 (resident leaving house choking on fumes, combined with concern for other residents inside). 37 In the present case, the government's reliance upon public safety to support exigency is much less convincing. Although Officer Mallory contended entry was necessary to protect the "public," it is unclear whom he was seeking to protect. Mallory admitted that the residence was bounded on two sides by open mesa, on one side by an unoccupied garage, and on the other side by a trailer with its occupant known to be absent. Even if there was some evidence that the public would be endangered by an explosion, the officers' conduct belies the claim of exigency. Upon deciding a warrantless entry was necessary to protect the public, Mallory and the other officers did not immediately enter the residence, but rather searched for a key so they could enter without damaging the front door. Evidently, protection of the front door took precedence over protection of the public. The entry itself was not effected until approximately thirty minutes after the decision to enter was made. 38 While warrantless entry into a residence where methamphetamine manufacturing is occurring has been upheld in other cases on public safety grounds, in this case the danger to the public was known to be minimal and the actions of the officers in attempting to find a key prior to entry belied any notion there was an emergency requiring immediate entry. By our concluding this entry was justified by exigent circumstances, we are effectively establishing a rule that a warrantless entry into a residence is always justified where methamphetamine is being manufactured. Or, stated another way, we are creating a methamphetamine lab exception to the warrant requirement. 39 The officers here had sufficient information and adequate opportunity to seek a search warrant prior to entering the residence. Officer Mallory had checked Rhiger's criminal record after the purchase of the 500 grams of iodine, but before the purchase of 500 grams of red phosphorous, and learned that Rhiger had been or was associated with the manufacture of methamphetamine. This information, along with the smell of methamphetamine and the earlier purchase of chemicals and related supplies, provided the officers with sufficient information to seek a warrant. The officers had surrounded the residence and there was no indication they feared the residents might try to escape. They were not concerned that evidence might be destroyed — in fact, it appears that more evidence was being manufactured. It was the middle of the day so obtaining a warrant would not be as difficult as a latenight request. 40 The government argues that even if the entry was unlawful, the evidence need not be suppressed. According to the government, the evidence was obtained pursuant to a valid search warrant, although the warrant was issued after the initial entry. "Although a search may violate the Fourth Amendment, the exclusionary rule is inapplicable if the evidence inevitably would have been discovered by lawful means." United States v. Souza, 223 F.3d 1197, 1202 (10th Cir.2000). However, the inevitable discovery exception does not apply to all situations where police have probable cause for a warrant and fail to get one. Rather, the question is the likelihood that a warrant would have been issued and the evidence would have been found independent of the search. Id. at 1204. In determining whether a warrant would have been issued independent of the search, the following factors are helpful: (1) the extent to which the warrant process has been completed at the time those seeking the warrant learn of the search; (2) the strength of the showing of probable cause at the time the search occurred; (3) whether a warrant was ultimately obtained, albeit after the illegal entry; and (4) evidence that law enforcement lacked confidence in their showing of probable cause and wanted to force the issue. Id. 41 In this case, the search warrant was not issued independently of entry into the residence. Rather, the affidavit in support of the application for the search warrant was based in part on information obtained as a result of the warrantless entry. The inevitable discovery doctrine should not apply if the "agents' decision to seek the warrant was prompted by what they had seen during the initial entry, or if information obtained during that entry was presented to the Magistrate and affected his decision to issue the warrant." Murray v. United States, 487 U.S. 533, 542, 108 S.Ct. 2529, 101 L.Ed.2d 472 (1988).
Trace elements and POPs in two commercial shark species from Djibouti: Implications for human exposure. Within Djibouti (Gulf of Aden), the scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) and milk shark (Rhizoprionodon acutus) are important components of the artisanal fishery and they are caught to be exported or sold for local consumption. However, little scientific information exists on the contamination load of these species in this area of the world. With global populations of elasmobranchs in decline, understanding the extent of contaminant exposure is critical to future conservation as well as to assess the health risks for consumers of these species. The contaminants analyzed in this study comprised PCB, DDT and trace elements in livers, muscles and fins of both hammerhead sharks and milk sharks. The overall organochlorine compounds (OCs) and trace elements concentrations were similar among the two sharks' species and the pattern of PCB and DDT tissue distribution showed the highest burdens in livers compared with muscles and fins. However, the different accumulation profiles of OCs among shark species suggest species-specific accumulation of these contaminants. The p,p'DDE/∑DDT ratios were equal or slightly higher than the critic value of 0.6, suggesting possible recent inputs of technical DDT in the area. Concentration of trace elements from this study were generally comparable to those found in sharks from other areas of the world and, highlight the wide variation in metal concentrations between species, individuals and tissues. As far as Hg is concerned, scalloped hammerhead sharks showed higher accumulation in muscles compared with milk sharks. Both species showed elevated concentration of Se, which might be related to high Hg levels since Se inhibits Hg toxicity. The potential cancer risk for PCB, Cd, Ni, Cr and As fell within the range of 10-6-10-4, suggesting some concerns for the overall contamination levels in both species. Indeed, consuming of fish involves a mixture of all analyzed elements, and therefore, some potential risk might arise from regularly consuming these species.
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "ios/net/cookies/cookie_store_ios_persistent.h" #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #include <memory> #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h" #import "ios/net/cookies/ns_http_system_cookie_store.h" #import "ios/net/cookies/system_cookie_util.h" #include "net/cookies/cookie_monster.h" #if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc) #error "This file requires ARC support." #endif namespace net { #pragma mark - #pragma mark CookieStoreIOSPersistent CookieStoreIOSPersistent::CookieStoreIOSPersistent( net::CookieMonster::PersistentCookieStore* persistent_store) : CookieStoreIOS(persistent_store, std::make_unique<net::NSHTTPSystemCookieStore>()) {} CookieStoreIOSPersistent::CookieStoreIOSPersistent( net::CookieMonster::PersistentCookieStore* persistent_store, std::unique_ptr<SystemCookieStore> system_store) : CookieStoreIOS(persistent_store, std::move(system_store)) {} CookieStoreIOSPersistent::~CookieStoreIOSPersistent() {} #pragma mark - #pragma mark CookieStoreIOSPersistent methods void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::SetCookieWithOptionsAsync( const GURL& url, const std::string& cookie_line, const net::CookieOptions& options, SetCookiesCallback callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); cookie_monster()->SetCookieWithOptionsAsync( url, cookie_line, options, WrapSetCallback(std::move(callback))); } void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::SetCanonicalCookieAsync( std::unique_ptr<CanonicalCookie> cookie, bool secure_source, bool modify_http_only, SetCookiesCallback callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); cookie_monster()->SetCanonicalCookieAsync( std::move(cookie), secure_source, modify_http_only, WrapSetCallback(std::move(callback))); } void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::GetCookieListWithOptionsAsync( const GURL& url, const net::CookieOptions& options, GetCookieListCallback callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); cookie_monster()->GetCookieListWithOptionsAsync(url, options, std::move(callback)); } void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::GetAllCookiesAsync( GetCookieListCallback callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); cookie_monster()->GetAllCookiesAsync(std::move(callback)); } void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::DeleteCookieAsync(const GURL& url, const std::string& cookie_name, base::OnceClosure callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); cookie_monster()->DeleteCookieAsync(url, cookie_name, WrapClosure(std::move(callback))); } void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::DeleteCanonicalCookieAsync( const CanonicalCookie& cookie, DeleteCallback callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); cookie_monster()->DeleteCanonicalCookieAsync( cookie, WrapDeleteCallback(std::move(callback))); } void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::DeleteAllCreatedInTimeRangeAsync( const net::CookieDeletionInfo::TimeRange& creation_range, DeleteCallback callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); if (metrics_enabled()) ResetCookieCountMetrics(); cookie_monster()->DeleteAllCreatedInTimeRangeAsync( creation_range, WrapDeleteCallback(std::move(callback))); } void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::DeleteAllMatchingInfoAsync( CookieDeletionInfo delete_info, DeleteCallback callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); if (metrics_enabled()) ResetCookieCountMetrics(); cookie_monster()->DeleteAllMatchingInfoAsync( std::move(delete_info), WrapDeleteCallback(std::move(callback))); } void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::DeleteSessionCookiesAsync( DeleteCallback callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); if (metrics_enabled()) ResetCookieCountMetrics(); cookie_monster()->DeleteSessionCookiesAsync( WrapDeleteCallback(std::move(callback))); } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Private methods void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::WriteToCookieMonster(NSArray* system_cookies) {} void CookieStoreIOSPersistent::OnSystemCookiesChanged() {} } // namespace net
Variations on a theme…they’re everywhere in music, in writing, professional speaking, art and design. When I studied design in college my professors were always harping on repetition and to take an object or idea and develop a theme around it. Remembering to keep expanding upon your key elements. I got really tired of creating projects out of just one or two items in school, but the professors were right, repetition is important, especially in scrapbooking. Of course you always need a focal point to catch the eye. And your triangle or Z to direct the eye where you want it to go. Repetition doesn’t have to be boring–except it can seem that way when you’re recoloring a bunch of paper and elements! Lots of things happening at work–kids are still getting sick and still have to go to the hospital. I love being a pediatric nurse, especially at the hospital I work at because almost all of the kiddos get well quickly. And that’s the best reward of all, when you’ve helped a sick child, become a happy child again. I design & scrapbook for “me time” because work is so “other oriented” (as it should be in a hospital) plus all the stress of the rules and regs. Lots of rules in the health care industry (as there should be). I guess if even one person didn’t download the stuff I make it would still be worth it just for the creative outlet. But I would be very excited if someone besides me uses this stuff–so please download away!
Investor worries sent markets plummeting this past week, taking several of Wall Street’s most beloved equities with them and sending Apple stock into “bear market territory” for the first time in several years. Experts are divided over whether the current rout of stocks represents a buying opportunity for well-respected issues or the start of a long-feared market correction. As CNN Money points out, even household-name stocks beloved among everyday, average investors have been affected by the sell-off, including both Apple and Disney. Apple’s stock is down nearly 9 percent over the course of the last week, while Disney fell roughly 8 percent. Apple’s stock tumbled 5.9% to enter bear market territory for the first time in over two years http://t.co/oVCKLRhlNb pic.twitter.com/5UF7AyYEA7 — MarketWatch (@MarketWatch) August 22, 2015 As USA Today points out, Apple’s stock is unique in that it largely characterizes the bull market that has existed for the last few years. Apple is a top holding among individual investors, and its record amounts of cash and massive profit margins made it possible for the company to demand a premium for both its products and equity. The dramatic fall of Apple’s stock, however, has resulted in a notable turnaround from the all-time-high it hit earlier this year, trading at $134.50 a share. Since then, the stock has declined 20.6 percent, dramatically outpacing the 6 percent decline of the broader market. Its downturn has eradicated roughly $158 billion in shareholder wealth, wiping out the entirety of Apple’s 2015 gains. Apple stock is now down 3.2 percent on the year, when it once been up as high as 22 percent. Apple gets hit hard in the stock market as shares see sharp declines http://t.co/YeDz1ztMbT pic.twitter.com/C7HkEvVh3V — Digital Trends (@DigitalTrends) August 22, 2015 Investors are quick to note that Apple has seen dramatic selloffs in the past, particularly between September 2012 through July 2013, when the stock lost 43 percent of its value. In addition, the company faces certain headwinds in the smartphone market, where Verizon and Sprint have recently announced plan changes that will bring an end to smartphone subsidies. On top of that, the market downturn in China (which is responsible for 30 percent of the company’s overall sales) has struck one of Apple’s largest growth markets hard, adding to investor worries. Apple stock is down 20% from its peak. Who else is being hit by the bear market: http://t.co/81lcAcnFt5 $AAPL pic.twitter.com/GiCx6uoliy — CNNMoney (@CNNMoney) August 22, 2015 Despite the dramatic downturn in its price, analysts remain bullish on Apple stock. The company remains the most valuable in the United States, worth $618 billion and boasts an average 18-month price target of $147.98. With an array of analysts still rating the issue as “outperform,” investors will no doubt watch closely to see if the coming weeks represent a unique buying opportunity for Apple stock. [Photo by Spencer Platt / Getty Images]
DIET ESSENTIALS Monday, 30 January 2012 Monday Weigh In -1lb. So not quite the dizzy heights of getting into the 12's by the end of January but I'm 3lbs away from that so am not too disappointed. I was going great guns up until Wednesday with exercise and what not and then I had an awful weekend of not feeling well and I didn't eat particularly well - hot cross buns featured as did a bit of chocolate and then I had no energy to cook a roast on Sunday so a pizza was ordered aptly named "the Fat one". Thank goodness January is nearly over and done with that's all I can say. I am looking forward to February feels like a new start. Although its meant to be getting a lot colder and as I always say February is colder than January. I need to crack on and get back the cast iron focus I had when I started this diet at the end of October last year. I need to remind myself that whilst I can do my size 14 jeans up I have, never mind a muffin top going over it, a whole bloody bakery thing going on. I was also looking at our family holiday photos which I was putting into albums this week and whilst I do look slimmer I could do with looking a lot more slimmer. The exercise side of things is important but it only accounts for 30% of weight loss - the main way to lose weight is via the food and drink we eat. I need to concentrate on portion sizes for my dinner and make sure they are the same as the kids and be strict about writing everything down. Right I'm off to do the cleaning. Have a great Monday if that's possible!
When browsing the Court Circular, I noticed that the Duchess of Cornwall was admitted to the Privy Council in June. This is rather unusual. Although the heir apparent invariably becomes a Privy Counsellor, this honor is not usually extended to their spouse. Until now, the only exception was the Duke of Edinburgh, who joined the Council along with Princess Elizabeth in 1951. Of course, one must bear in mind that most heirs apparent had female spouses, and it would have been unthinkable for them to join the Council before Margaret Bondfield became the first woman Privy Counsellor in 1929. This episode revealed another interesting tidbit: the ceremonial for admitting a member of the royal family differs from that used for non-royals. The official Order in Council recording the Duchess of Cornwall’s membership states that she was “introduced to Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council.” Usually, these Orders say that the individual was “sworn of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council” since Privy Counsellors take the Privy Council Oath and the Oath of Allegiance. Curious, I wrote to the Privy Council Office to see if they could explain this discrepancy. I received a very kind reply from Ceri King, the Deputy Clerk of the Council, who said that she couldn’t find any explanation for this custom. It’s just been done that way for a very long time! I guess some aspects of the British constitution will always remain a mystery…. EDIT: Some readers have asked why the Duchess of Cornwall was admitted to the Council in the first place. Although Buckingham Palace has not commented publicly on the matter, media reports claim that the Queen wants Her Royal Highness to be at the Prince of Wales’ side during the Accession Council.
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Investigation of Sudan IV staining areas in aortas of infants and children: possible prelesional stages of atherogenesis. Although atherosclerosis in infants and children is generally acknowledged, the temporal and spatial sequence of LDL insudation, modification and intimal monocyte accumulation has not been systematically studied. We have investigated herein very early stages of lesion formation in human aortas of individuals up to the age of 15 years. Aortic specimens from 61 cases (37 male, 24 female) were examined. 34 cases were <1 year old, 16 cases were between 1 and 5 years old, and 11 cases were between 6 and 15 years old. Areas preselected under a dissection microscope after Sudan IV staining were investigated in depth by immunohistochemical staining for apolipoprotein B, monocytes/macrophages, smooth muscle cells (SMCs), enzymatically and oxidatively modified lipoproteins, C-reactive protein and complement components. (i) Lipoprotein accumulation in the intima before macrophage infiltration, (ii) virtually no extracellular lipoprotein modification, either enzymatic or oxidative, within intimal lesions in infancy (<1 year), (iii) onset of extracellular enzymatic modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the age group between 6 and 15 years and (iv) no coincidence of lipoprotein accumulation in the intima with activation of the terminal complement cascade as known from early atherosclerotic lesions in adults. The present study indicates the existence of hitherto undescribed prelesional stages in atherogenesis characterized by 'inert' lipoprotein insudation in individuals <1 year of age without lipoprotein modification, monocyte/macrophage infiltration and/or inflammation on the one hand and the onset of extracellular enzymatic rather than oxidative lipoprotein modification in individuals between 6 and 15 years of age on the other hand. Further investigations of these stages should advance understanding of events underlying initiation, progression and regression of intimal lesions developing in early atherogenesis.
Upcoming ‘Descend’ is an Old-School RPG with Modern Trappings Old-school RPG enthusiasts have something to look forward to coming soon on their iOS devices. Indie studio Geppetto Games is currently in production on Descend, a grid-based first-person role-playing game that is influenced by classics like the Dungeon Masters and Eye of the Beholder series. If the mention of those two classics has stirred up some excitement in your belly, keep in mind that Descend is merely influenced by them, and will look to do some things differently than those titles. The combat will be fully turn-based, similar to Doom II RPG [$2.99], and feature a party system. Also, instead of the typical flat textures and faux 3D scaling techniques used back in the day to make games appear three dimensional, the world of Descend will actually be rendered entirely in 3D. I’m excited to see how Descend ends up turning out, and what kind of impact modern visuals will have on the old-school game design. Admittedly, I wasn’t ever that into games like this growing up, but I did have a blast with Undercroft [Free] which appears to be the closest analog to Descend that’s currently available in the App Store. The game is slated for release sometime next month if everything goes smoothly, and until then you can drop by the thread in our forums for some discussion on Descend.
- Start Here - Events & Workshops - Get Involved - Resources You are here Building a Bridge Between Families and Schools During Covid-19: From the Lens of Educators Building a Bridge Between Families and Schools During Covid-19: From the Lens of Educators By . / May 22, 2020 By Leann Springer & Missy Sieders PEAK continues our series in response to the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on education. Again, the way forward must be met with collaboration. Our relationships and the bridges we build matter more than anything as we work toward solutions that help each of us and, most importantly the learners, who will shape our communities in the years to come. We recently reached out to educators to get their perspective. The following shares their feelings and experiences about the challenges they are facing in this brave, new world. Q. What has been your greatest struggle in moving to remote, online, or distance learning due to COVID-19 closures? Based on our survey responses teachers are struggling with a lack of connection and participation; they’ve had no communication at all with some students since the crisis began Sadly, up to 20% of one teacher’s students had dropped all contact. One teacher expressed their challenge of converting hands-on manipulatives to the screen-based classroom to help kids who learn best through kinesthetic and tactile means. Building and maintaining relationships at a distance was another significant worry - teachers are afraid of losing touch with their students. Q. Please describe one remarkable success you or your student(s) have experienced amid the current crisis. Some students appear to be handling classwork better. Teachers noted that some students have shown increased confidence and independence in the at-home setting. A lack of classroom distractions, comfort in home surroundings, and an increase in response time are factors that have helped these students. One teacher shared that this has pushed them to become more familiar with online platforms they would not have otherwise used. Another teacher said they couldn’t think of any positive outcomes! Q. Please provide one tip or piece of advice you would give parents or students for handling this new mode of learning. Teachers shared that face-to-face check-ins via Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc. are essential to students, classmates, and teachers - to capture as much social interaction as possible; learning is a social endeavor. They also suggested parents create structure in their homes and keep expectations for their kids high. One teacher recommended families allow mistakes and failures to naturally occur as they are stepping stones on the path to success. Additional advice included encouraging your child/students to hone up on their self-advocacy skills and practice asking for help. Ensuring we each practice self-care and give ourselves and one another plenty of grace was also noted. Q. What would you like others to know about how this situation is affecting you? Teachers indicated that they are working harder than they ever have, “A lesson that [previously] would have taken an hour to plan takes three now.” They are having a hard time too, no different than the rest of us, citing loneliness and depression. A few said that not being able to see and connect with students is hard, “that’s why we teach.” Other responses cited difficulties meeting all students’ needs. Additionally for students receiving special education services, meeting all the IEP requirements is difficult in this setting. Finding the right amount of work for students who may or may not be facing varying obstacles was another issue - some families are reporting too much work, while others report not enough. Q. Is there anything else would you like to share with families, students, or the community specifically about supporting students with disabilities during this time? Ensuring students are utilizing teacher office hours was a common theme among responses, stressing the importance of personal connection. Additionally, it was suggested to make sure your child has access to and is comfortable using any software or browser extensions that are necessary for accommodations to access/express learning. Teachers also conveyed the importance of meeting kids’ basic needs before learning can occur. Make sure your child’s social/emotional needs are met. “They are spending numerous hours at home, isolated, and in a completely new learning environment.” Certainly, upon reading the educator responses one feels the weight that our teachers are carrying as they are faced with an impossibly daunting task. We are asking more of our educators than ever before and with fewer resources to boot. We must ensure our communities support their endeavors as we move forward. We have always asked much from our educators, and now many are spread much too thin. Many articles and interviews are circulating showing teachers at their breaking point having to choose to put food on the table and the lights on over helping to oversee their own children’s education at home. And, more questions linger. As we move forward, when we don’t know what school will look like in the fall, how can we ensure that the children who are thriving in this new mode of learning will retain that opportunity as schools reopen? How can we create equitable opportunities for ALL learners? Decades of research exist that show inclusion and Universal Design for Learning should be at the heart of the educational framework, leveling the field, planning for diversity. Education, specifically public education, is the cornerstone of our community - without it, other systems start to crumble. COVID-19 has essentially ripped off the band-aid and our school systems now need major interventions to stop the bleeding, all while funding for schools is diminishing. How will you contribute to the solution? What will be your first step to building a bridge? Congratulations! You’ve just read another PEAK Parent Center blog. Like what we do? Consider supporting our work by making a donation today! Connect
Expert treatment for the LGBTQ community…Pride Counseling Los Angeles Sara… Get matched to a licensed therapist. Interact by means of messaging, video, and phone. Why Pride Counseling? Whether you are battling with psychological health problems, your identity, or just require somebody to speak to, we believe help should be accessible to everybody. We saw that individuals in the LGBTQ neighborhood experience mental health concerns at a disproportionately high rate and we wanted to help. By supplying online therapy to the LGBTQ community, we make assistance available and accepting of everybody. We supply a platform for individuals to get the assistance they require discreetly, cost effectively, and conveniently. Message your therapist whenever a concern develops. Set up sessions that work with your schedule. Accepting We support equality and acceptance by supplying a safe area to every identity. Accessible We supply a platform for individuals to get the aid they need quietly, cost effectively, and conveniently. Whether you are struggling with mental health issues, your identity, or just need somebody to talk with, our company believe help should be accessible to everybody. We discovered that individuals in the LGBTQ community experience psychological health concerns at a disproportionately high rate and we wanted to assist. By offering online therapy to the LGBTQ community, we make help available and accepting of everybody. We provide a platform for people to get the aid they need discretely, affordably, and easily. Message your therapist whenever an issue occurs. Schedule sessions that deal with your schedule. pride counseling vs betterhelp Pride Counseling Los Angeles Sara Who are the therapists? Therapists on BetterHelp are registered, trained, and experienced Practitioner Psychologists, Accredited Counsellors, or similar appropriate recognized professional certification. Therapists should have a pertinent academic degree in their field, at least 3 years of experience, and need to be qualified and certified by their respective expert organization after successfully completing the essential education, examinations, training, practice, and ongoing supervision requirements. Who will be helping me? All of our therapists specialize in the LGBTQ community, however different therapists have various methods and areas of focus. We have actually found that we are able to provide a successful match most of the time; nevertheless, if you begin the process and you feel your therapist isn’t a good fit for you, you might elect to be matched to a various therapist. Is Pride Counseling right for me? If you’re looking to improve the quality of your life, pride Counseling might be right for you. Whenever there is anything that interferes with your happiness or prevents you from accomplishing your objectives, we might have the ability to assist. We also have therapists who specialize in specific concerns such as stress, anxiety, relationships, parenting, anxiety, dependencies, eating, sleeping, trauma, anger, family conflicts, LGBT matters, sorrow, religious beliefs, self esteem, and more. Pride Counseling Los Angeles Sara Pride Counseling is not the best trustworthy Internet connection if you’re anything like me you know that therapy is important and growing up in this world as an LGBTQ individual can be a difficult thing and in addition to that obtaining health care in America can be equally as tough I personally believe that we have an obligation to support our fellow citizens in this world which no one must go without the best health care services that they need to take care of themselves which consists of taking care of our psychological health that’s why we have actually made a crucial guidance to everybody so if you want somebody to just talk to and someone who will just listen to you or possibly you desire someone who will provide you resources and guidance I advise you to call pride counseling I’ve personally talked to their group and Wow it’s unparalleled to the rest our listeners you men get to delight in 10% off your first month at pride counseling just go to pride counseling com forward slash LGBT stories and sign up there the link will immediately apply psychological health I do it and you ought to too this is your opportunity to grow and empower yourself check out pride counseling com forward slash LGBT stories Pride Counseling Los Angeles Sara
A new study finds that exercising during leisure time is linked to a lower risk for high blood pressure in people who do not do much exercise. Researchers came to this conclusion after carrying out a meta-analysis that pooled results from 13 studies examining links between exercise and blood pressure. They found people who did more than 4 hours per week of exercise in their leisure time, as opposed to work time, had a 19% lower risk of high blood pressure, compared with people who did not do much exercise at all. Writing about their work online this week in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, the researchers also found no solid link between physical exertion at work and lower risk of high blood pressure. The American Heart Association defines high blood pressure as having readings at or above 140 mm of mercury for the upper number or 90 or more for the bottom number. This definition puts around 78 million US adults in the high blood pressure category. High blood pressure typically has no symptoms and remains undetected and untreated in many people. Co-author Dr. Bo Xi, a lecturer at the Shandong University School of Public Health in Jinan, China, says current health guidelines that urge people to exercise more for the benefit of their health do not distinguish between physical activity at work and for leisure, but "given the new findings, perhaps they should." The team pooled data covering nearly 137,000 people in the US, Europe and East Asia who had healthy blood pressure on enrollment to their particular study. Over a follow-up period ranging from 2 to 45 years, more than 15,600 of the participants developed high blood pressure. The team found exercising more than 4 hours per week in leisure time was tied to a 19% lower risk for developing high blood pressure, compared with exercising less than 1 hour per week. The researchers also detected a "dose-response" relationship between recreational physical activity and blood pressure: the more people exercised in their leisure time, the less likely they were to develop high blood pressure. Even people who only did between 1 and 3 hours per week of leisure-time physical activity had an 11% lower risk of high blood pressure, they found. However, they found "no significant association" between work-related physical activity and lower risk for high blood pressure. Leisure exercise different than work-related activity While the findings may suggest the more recreational exercise you do, the more you protect yourself from developing high blood pressure, Dr. Xi points out they do not prove it. The link may not even be causal. People who exercise in their leisure time may just have healthier lifestyles, says Dr. Xi. However, co-author Wei Ma, associate professor at the Shandong University School of Public Health, says high blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular and kidney disease, so it is important to prevent and control it, and nevertheless recommends: "To try to lower your risk of high blood pressure, you should exercise more in your leisure time." While the team did not examine the reasons behind their findings, Prof. Ma points out that physical activity at work is different to leisure time exercise. Work-related activity, such as in farming or industry, may involve heavy lifting, standing for long periods and doing repetitive work. But leisure time exercise may affect high blood pressure in a number of ways, such as helping retain a healthy weight, improve insuling sensitivity and reduce resistance to flow in blood vessels, Ma adds. Funds for the study came from the Independent Innovation Foundation of Shandong University, the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China and the Foundation for Outstanding Young Scientists in Shandong Province. Another US study reported earlier this year found that breaking a sweat reduces stroke risk. Those findings revealed that physically inactive people have a 20% higher risk of stroke or TIA (transient ischemic attack or mini-stroke), compared with those who exercise enough to break a sweat four or more times a week.
RAAF Base Darwin PFAS Investigation Summary of the Investigation In March 2017, Defence engaged Coffey to conduct a detailed environmental investigation into the presence of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on and in the vicinity of RAAF Base Darwin. The objective of this environmental investigation is to identify the nature and extent of PFAS in the environment from the use of legacy fire-fighting foam at the Base. There are three main stages to the investigation: Preliminary Site Investigation The first stage of the investigation, the Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI), has been completed. Detailed Site Investigation The Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) has been completed. The DSI involved sampling of soil, sediment, surface water, groundwater, small fish and edible produce. The DSI report has been finalised and is available on the publications page. Given the tropical climate of the Northern Territory, additional water, soil, plant and animal sampling and analysis will occur during the first quarter of 2018 to predict how PFAS moves in the environment throughout the seasons. The results will be reported in a Supplementary DSI Report to be released in mid-2018. Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Based on the initial findings of the DSI, a Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment (HHERA) will be conducted. The HHERA will evaluate potential risks to the human population and ecology and inform actions to mitigate risks. The findings from the investigations will be used to identify and prioritise site specific management actions to address PFAS contamination. Defence is committed to regularly updating the community throughout the investigation. As well as community information sessions, updates are provided through the project website, direct mail and information sheets as new information becomes available.
Definition of DTD schemas For who doesn’t know what DTD is, a DTD is a Document Type Definition that defines the structure and the legal elements and attributes of an XML document… So basically, it is the equivalent of what BizTalk Server uses to define how an XML document can be structured: XSD Schema. Nevertheless, there are many differences between DTD (Document Type Definition) and XSD (XML Schema Definition). In short, DTD provides less control on XML structure whereas XSD (XML schema) provides more control. Some of you may wonder, who cares? No one uses DTD anymore, so why bother? Yes, indeed DTD is not used very regularly nowadays, and it is very probable that you will never use it… unless… for example, you are working with RosettaNet or in the future, you will have the need to work with RosettaNet. Why? Because most of the RosettaNet Standards – PIP messages – are defined in the format of DTD format! As I mentioned in my previous blog, there are several ways we can create an XML Schemas in BizTalk Server: Manually from the scratch From XDR Schema instance From a DTD instance From a well-formed XML instance Import them from a WCF Service or Web Service Or automatically generated them from LOB systems (from the adapters) Generating schemas based on a DTD instance Today we will be talking about automatically generating XML Schemas from a DTD instance. To accomplish this we need to: In Solution Explorer, right-click a BizTalk project, point to Add, and then click Add Generated Items… One of the problems, especially in brand new installations, is that sometimes this feature was not installed, and you will see DTD (Not Loaded) in the drop-down list. To install and use this feature you need to: And execute the InstallDTD.vbs script by double-clicking. This will install the “Microsoft.BizTalk.DTDToXSDGenerator.dll” DLL on the correct place. This basically means that it will copy this DLL to the “Developer ToolsSchema Editor Extensions” folder present in the BizTalk Server installation folder Close the Generate Schemas dialog box and do the previous steps again. Now you will be able to see that you can use the option DTD in the drop-down list In the Generate Schemas dialog box, click Browse, locate the file you want to import, click Open and then click OK A new schema, or sometimes at least two schemas are generated from the specified file, using the same name as that file with the .xsd extension, and opened in BizTalk Editor Quick, simple and practical. Stay tuned for new Tips and Tricks! Author: Sandro Pereira Sandro Pereira is an Azure MVP and works as an Integration consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. View all posts by Sandro Pereira
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders gave speeches on Tuesday night responding to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, with Whitmer providing a moderate’s vision for the Democratic Party and Sanders making the case for reviving America through left-wing policies. While Whitmer was the one giving the official Democratic Party response to Trump’s remarks, it was actually Sanders’s speech that seemed to be most directly in conversation with the president’s address. This was something Trump seemed to anticipate, with his remarks full of strident warnings of a socialist takeover of America. Those warnings — and the ways in which the speeches seemed to clash — served as a potential preview of a 2020 general campaign season in which left-wing populism emerges as the chief challenge to Trump’s right-wing populism. It is far from clear who the Democratic presidential nominee will be. But the fact that the addresses came just one night after the Iowa caucuses kicked off, with indications that Sanders — and the progressive politics he represents — could be a dominant force in the Democratic primary, certainly brings that potential dynamic into focus. And this makes Whitmer’s and Sanders’s speeches neat encapsulations of the choices Democratic voters face in the primary. Whitmer, who won the governor’s mansion in 2018, delivered her remarks with an affable Midwestern folksiness. She focused on explaining how the Democrats have a party brimming with practical policy solutions to problems like health care premiums and decaying infrastructure that can be implemented incrementally. She also called for unity across the two parties — and for Republicans to set aside partisanship for Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate. Sanders, by contrast, had nothing conciliatory to offer. Instead, he spoke with fiery passion about class war between the 1 percent and everybody else. He demanded Medicare-for-all, complete cancellation of student debt, and widespread mobilization in the face of accelerating climate change. He did not appeal to Republicans’ better angels or for bipartisan consensus, and he repeatedly called Trump a liar. In a pivotal election year like this one, Whitmer’s and Sanders’s speeches didn’t just illustrate divergent visions within the Democratic Party about what America should look like. They also served as distinct roadmaps for how the party establishment and the insurgent left wing of the party are inclined to oust Trump from office. And voters will soon have to decide which of these visions they want their party to embrace: the “political revolution” Sanders promised, or the progressive but more incremental vision Whitmer outlined that is embraced by candidates like former Vice President Joe Biden or former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Trump’s State of the Union speech, which focused most emphatically on the outward strength of the economy, seemed to indicate that he believes the Sanders approach could very well win out, even if the candidate himself does not. That’s in part because the positions that Sanders advocates for have spread beyond him in mainstream politics, something illustrated by Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s response to Trump’s State of the Union on Tuesday night, which she delivered on behalf of the progressive Working Families Party. In that speech, the first-term Congress member spoke forcefully about how Trump has enacted “short-sighted policies that work for the wealthy and powerful few but leave the worker and the immigrant behind.” Strikingly, Trump made sure to bash socialism several times in his speech. He linked it to Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis, and he warned that the sort of government-backed health care Sanders advocates for would be catastrophic and only a boon for unauthorized immigrants. He also went out of his way to mention his update to NAFTA as supported by organized labor — a section of the electorate Sanders has courted — and described his own policies as “pro-worker.” And he didn’t mention impeachment. None of this means that Sanders will win the nomination, or even that Trump thinks he’s harder to beat than a moderate. But it does suggest that the right feels a serious need to fight the ideas that Sanders has made a matter of sustained public debate. Whitmer’s and Sanders’s speeches showcased two Democratic futures Whitmer’s speech and Sanders’s were a study in contrasts. Whitmer delivered her remarks calmly before a quiet audience in the heart of Michigan, a Rust Belt state that Trump narrowly won in 2016 and that was crucial to Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton. Whitmer championed her gubernatorial campaign slogan in Michigan — “fix the damn roads” — and used infrastructure investment as a guiding metaphor for practicality and the possibility of bipartisan unity. “All across the country, Democratic leaders are rebuilding bridges,” she said. In addition to discussing Democrats’ infrastructure efforts across the nation, Whitmer focused heavily on health care. She spoke about her experience as a state senator working with Republican lawmakers to expand health care in Michigan under the Affordable Care Act. But she warned against the GOP’s efforts to dismantle the policy and its protections for people with preexisting conditions. “It’s pretty simple. Democrats are trying to make your health care better; Republicans in Washington are trying to take it away,” she said. In short, Whitmer’s earnest celebration of establishment Democrats’ can-do spirit and focus on practical fixes was a summary of a possible Democratic pitch to the average moderate swing voter in a battleground state. Sanders’s remarks were also — quite literally — a pitch to voters. But his angle couldn’t have been more different. Sanders delivered his speech from Manchester, New Hampshire, before a crowd of rowdy supporters. New Hampshire holds its Democratic primary next Tuesday, and given that it’s the first nominating contest that Sanders won in the New Hampshire 2016 primary against Clinton, the state represents a particularly strong base for him. The Vermont senator’s speech kicked off with a cocky crowd-pleaser: “I just listened to Donald Trump’s third, and what I believe to be his very last, State of the Union address.” Sanders then delved into how the economy is “booming” for “Trump and his billionaire friends,” but not for “anybody else.” While Whitmer focused on how the economy could be improved for working Americans through policies like minimum wage increases, Sanders painted a bleaker picture of plutocracy. “The wealthiest people in our country have never ever had it so good, and we are now experiencing more income and wealth inequality than any time in the last 100 years,” he said. And while Whitmer’s speech focused on bread-and-butter issues like improving roads and ensuring clean water, Sanders focused on sweeping, transformative policies like canceling student debt and implementing Medicare-for-all. Whitmer presented solutions as commonsense and technical, while Sanders articulated the conviction that “the American people want a government that is based on the principles of justice and compassion.” Unlike Whitmer, Sanders bluntly discussed Trump’s trade policies and criticized them for doing nothing to prevent corporations from sending jobs overseas. He promised to make efforts to end this practice. In his tone, Sanders alternated between rage at the status quo and snarky skepticism of proposed solutions. When discussing Trump’s State of the Union pledge to protect health coverage of Americans with preexisting conditions, Sanders bellowed, “Really? How gullible do you think the American people are?” As Sanders repeatedly declared Trump a liar, it became clear that he felt the prospect of good-faith negotiation with the GOP was low. Instead, he pushed for the idea of leading a racially diverse mobilization to wrest control of the government from the hands of corporate interests. Like so many of his speeches, Sanders’s address was aimed at progressives and those disenchanted with how the system works. It’s important to note that latter camp, some analysts believe, could include some Trump supporters in battleground states. Trump’s speech suggests that he takes Sanders seriously Trump’s State of the Union address covered a lot of ground. He boasted about low unemployment, he awarded right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and he shared grisly stories of crimes allegedly committed by unauthorized immigrants. What was interesting about Trump’s references to his opponents was that he didn’t mention impeachment or the debacle in the Iowa caucus, nor did he take notable strikes at the Democratic Party establishment. Instead, a lot of his criticisms about his political challengers focused on the idea of the rise of an extremist left. For example, Trump invited Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó in a gesture of solidarity with him against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro — and as a stand against socialism in the Americas. “The United States is leading a 59-nation diplomatic coalition against the socialist dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro,” Trump said. That point is somewhat undercut by the fact that Guaidó would probably be considered a socialist by US standards, but Trump didn’t let that stop him, going on to say, “Socialism destroys nations. But always remember: Freedom unifies the soul.” Trump also warned against Medicare-for-all as a socialist nightmare that would take away health care from Americans. “One hundred thirty-two lawmakers in this room have endorsed legislation to impose a socialist takeover of our health care system, wiping out the private health insurance plans of 180 million Americans,” Trump said. “To those watching at home tonight, I want you to know: We will never let socialism destroy American health care!” Trump also tied Medicare-for-all and socialism to immigration anxieties among his base. He said Medicare-for-all would subsidize free health care for unauthorized immigrants and act as a lure for more of them to enter the country. “If forcing American taxpayers to provide unlimited free health care to illegal aliens sounds fair to you, then stand with the radical left,” Trump declared. “But if you believe that we should defend American patients and American seniors, then stand with me and pass legislation to prohibit free government health care for illegal aliens.” In addition to constantly trying to revive the stigma around the s-word (socialism), Trump presented himself as friendly to organized labor. Labor is a key part of the Democratic base and an essential constituency for Sanders’s bid for the Democratic nomination. He described his updated version of NAFTA as “the first trade deal in many years that earned the support of labor unions.” All this would seem preparation to face a Democratic rival who looks more like Bernie Sanders and less like Joe Biden. Sanders versus Trump? This doesn’t mean Trump thinks Sanders is a more formidable opponent than, say, Biden in a general election. And it could be argued that he’s experimenting with the strategy of painting the entire Democratic Party as the party of Sanders precisely because he thinks that policies like Medicare-for-all are good flashpoints. Overall, it makes sense as a strategy to use against a party that is becoming increasingly liberal even without Sanders in it. Pressley’s speech, for example, called for ordinary citizens to organize en masse to help bring to fruition a democratic socialist wish list of policies, including a Green New Deal and Medicare-for-all. But it is worth noting the symmetry between Sanders’s and Trump’s speeches, and the possibility that Trump takes the socialist threat as dangerous per se. While Whitmer focused on practical solutions, Sanders and Trump both spoke in sweeping, ideological language. While Whitmer longed for bipartisan unity and viewed it as a possibility, Sanders and Trump both have antagonistic, us-versus-them worldviews. While Whitmer seemed sanguine about fixing America, both Sanders and Trump see the world today as harsh and unfair and in need of transformative change. Should Sanders fail to take off in the primaries, perhaps this will all fade. But if his surge continues, this could be a sign of what’s to come: a clash of populisms, from the left and from the right.
--- abstract: 'The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, we would like to get rid of common assumption that causal set is bounded and attempt to model its scalar field action under the assumption that it isn’t. Secondly, we would like to propose continuous measurement model in this context.' author: - | Roman Sverdlov,\ Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico date: 'June 17, 2020' title: Continuous measurement on a causal set with and without a boundary --- Introduction ============ One of the unpleasant features of discrete theories of spacetime is spontaneous violation of principles of relativity. For example, in case of cubic lattice, one can identify preferred spacetime directions with the directions of its edges. For this reason, the majority of theories of quantum gravity use structures other than cubic lattice, where the preferred directions are less obvious. However, they still arise. One of the motivations of causal set theory [@Review1; @Review2; @Review3; @Review4; @CausalRecent; @Surya; @Nowhere] is to get rid of these preferred directions. The approach is to replace other discrete structures with simple Poisson process, which respects the principles of relativity. After the Poisson process is performed, one answers yes-or-no question for any given pair of points as to whether or not they are within each other light cone. If it happens that point $x$ is within the past light cone of point $y$ (or, equivalently, point $y$ is within the future light cone of point $x$) one writes $x \prec y$. It has been shown by Hawking [@Hawking] and Malament [@Malament] that, in a continuum scenario, such partial ordering can recover the metric up to conformal scaling. In light of Poisson process, the conformal scaling can be roughly approximated by the count of points themselves. Thus, there is a rough correspondence between the partial ordering and geometry. The partial ordering is determined in strictly relativistic way, which is the way in which such set respects the principles of relativity. This, however, comes with a price. One can check that the Lorentzian $\delta$-neighborhood looks like a vicinity of light cone, and has infinite volume. Consequently, a theory that truly respects principles of relativity will be non-local [@CausalNonlocality1; @CausalNonlocality2]. In causal set theory this issue is sidestepped by means of an assumption that the entire spacetime has finitely many points which, by default, implies that $\delta$-neighborhood is finite as well. This can either be due to an assertion that the entire causal set is generated by some initial point [@Percolation] or by an assertion that it has more general boundary [@BoundaryTerms; @BoundaryInfluence]. In our opinion, however, both of these assertions compromise the principles of relativity. If we have a boundary, then the shape of the boundary would result in preferred directions. If the boundary consists of a single point, then the preferred direction would be determined by a geodesic connecting the point of our interest to that initial point. Within the context of any other theory, this might be non-issue, since the boundary effects are negligible as long as we are sufficiently far away from those boundaries. Within the context of causal set theory, however, this seems less acceptable. After all, one of the goals of causal set theory is to eliminate the microscopic breaking of Lorentz symmetries that are present in other discrete theories. These microscopic violations are negligible too. Therefore, the motivation of causal set theory is not empirical but aesthetic. Empirically, the negligible violations of relativity are inconsequential, but aesthetically they are unpleasant. Thats what we meant by the statement that the motivation of favoring causal set theory over other discrete theories is aesthetic. This being the case, it seems logically inconsistent to be bothered by microscopic violations of relativity coming from discrete structure, yet not be bothered by macroscopic violations of relativity coming from the shape of the boundaries. Therefore, it would be logical to attempt to remove the boundary within the context of causal set theory – even if one is willing to have the boundary in other contexts. In order to do it, however, we have to find the way of addressing the locality issue. We propose to do that by shifting the focus from the points on the causal set to the edges (where by edge we mean timelike separated pair of points). Suppose we have two timelike edges $(a,b)$ and $(b,c)$. We then put an upper bound on the volume of the region formed by an intersection of future light cone of $a$ and past light cone of $c$. Roughly speaking, this amounts to putting an upper bound on the Lorentzian distance from $a$ to $c$. In light of discreteness, there is statistical lower bound on the distances from $a$ to $b$ and from $b$ to $c$. These lower bounds, together with an upper bound on the distance from $a$ to $c$, implies the upper bound on a hyperbolic angle between $(a,b)$ and $(b,c)$. This, in turn, implies that the number of edges $(a,b)$ that meet this criteria for any given edge $(b,c)$ is finite. In terms of quantum field theory, we will alter it in the following way. Instead of attaching fields and Lagrangian densities to the points, we attach them to edges. This would result in Lagrangian densities being local. This, in turn, implies that we can allow causal set to be unbounded while keeping the Lagrangian density finite. However, there is a residual issue. Even if Lagrangian density will be finite and well behaved, the *action* will be infinite since we will be integrating (or, rather, taking discrete sum of) this Lagrangian over unbounded space. A standard approach to this issue is to assume that the field (and, therefore, the Lagrangian density) attenuate at infinity. But then the problem is that the region where the fields are large will be bounded and the shape of its boundary will produce a preferred frame. Once again, this is acceptable in any other context but, in the context of the causal sets, it conflicts with an agenda of trying to preserve relativity at all costs. So we will *refrain* from making the above assumption and look for other ways of addressing the locality issue. We observe that the ultimate prediction of the theory is *not* action but, rather, a set of observables. So our proposed solution is to define a limiting process in such a way that the conditional probability densities of the observables approach finite limit, despite the fact that the action might not do so. However, in order to speak of observables, we need the theory of measurement. We propose to utilize the *continuous measurement model* proposed by Mensky [@Mensky1; @Mensky2], Kent [@Kent] as well as the author of this paper [@Epsilon]. In this paper we will find ways of adapting these models into the causal set framework described above. And we will also explore the new interpretations of quantum measurement that might arise as a result of this. Locality and causal sets {#CausalSets} ======================== Review of conventional causal sets {#Review} ---------------------------------- Before we proceed, let us review the conventional causal set theory [@Review1; @Review2; @Review3; @Review4; @CausalRecent], as done by others. A causal set is a partially ordered set $({\mathcal C}, \prec)$ where the partial ordering $\prec$ is interpreted as lightcone causal relation. That is, $x \prec y$ if and only if $x$ is within past lightcone of $y$ or, equivalently, $y$ is within future light cone of $x$. If *either* $x \prec y$ or $x=y$ we say $x \preceq y$. Thus, for any given $x$, the relation $x \preceq x$ is true, while the relation $x \prec x$ is false. An *interval* or an *Alexandrov set* is defined as $$I (x,y) = \{z \vert x \preceq z \preceq y \}$$ The discretization is postulated through the assertion that $I (x,y)$ is finite for all $x \preceq y$. If $x \prec y$ and $I(x,y)$ happens to be $2$-element set (that is, $I(x,y)= \{x,y \}$) then we write $x \prec^* y$ and say that $x$ is in the *direct past* of $y$ or, equivalently, $y$ is in the *direct future* of $x$. The pair of points $x \prec^* y$ as an *edge*. If either $x \prec^* y$ or $y \prec^* x$ hold, we say that $x$ and $y$ are *direct neighbors*. There have been proposals of Delambertians on the causal set [@Delambertian1; @Delambertian2]. Let us summarize their key aspects. The *n-th layer* of $x$ is defined as $$L_n (x) = \{y \prec x \vert \sharp I (y,x) = n+1 \}$$ where $\sharp$ stands for the number of elements. For $n=0$, $L_0 (x)$ is identified with $x$ itself: $$L_0 (x) = \{ x \}$$ In case of $d$ dimensions, the d’Ambertan is defined as $$(\Delta \phi)(x) = \frac{1}{l^2} \sum_{k=0}^{n(d)} \bigg(C_{d;k} \sum_{y \in L_k (x)} \phi (y) \bigg)$$ For $d=2$ and $d=4$ they are given by $$n(2)= 3 \; , \; C_{2;0}= -2 \; , \; C_{2;1} = 4 \; , \; C_{2;2}= -8 \; , \; C_{2;3}=4$$ $$n(4) = 4; C_{4;0}= - \frac{4}{\sqrt{6}} \; , \; C_{4;1} = \frac{4}{\sqrt{6}} \; , \; C_{4;2} = - \frac{36}{\sqrt{6}} \; , \; C_{4;3} = \frac{64}{\sqrt{6}} \; , \; C_{4;4} =- \frac{32}{\sqrt{6}}$$ In light of the non-locality of Lorentzian neighborhoods, the sets $L_k (x)$, $k \geq 1$, have infinitely many elements – and most of these elements are arbitrarily far away coordinate-wise. They are on the “tails" of Lorentzian neighborhood that fills the vicinity of lightcone. It has been speculated, and confirmed numerically, that the contributions from the “tails" cancel each other out, leaving the result that roughly approximates the well known Lagrangian. However, this statement is not well defined *unless* causal set is finite. After all, Lorentz invariance tells us that there is no reason to expect the contributions from the “tails" to get smaller which, in turn, implies that the infinite series would diverge. Therefore, given that our agenda is to allow causal set to be infinite, we have to modify this somehow. Replacement of points with edges {#Edges} -------------------------------- In order to remove the above infinity, we observe that, while the set of points is non-local, the set of *edges* is local. Therefore, we propose to restore locality by replacing points with edges in the above theory. In order to make this statement precise, let us define a partial ordering on the set of *edges*. For any given $\Lambda \in \mathbb{N}$ we will define a relation between the edge $x \prec^* y$ and an edge $y \prec^* z$, which we denote by $(x \prec^* y) \rightarrow^*_{\Lambda} (y \prec^* z)$, by a statement that the number of elements of $I(x,z)$ is less than or equal to $\Lambda$. We then transitively extend it to define a relation $(x \prec^* y) \rightarrow_{\Lambda} (z \prec^* w)$ by the statement that one can find the sequence $(x \prec^* y) \rightarrow^*_{\Lambda} (y \prec^* \xi_1) \rightarrow^*_{\Lambda} \cdots \rightarrow^*_{\Lambda} (\xi_{n-1} \prec^* z) \rightarrow^*_{\Lambda} (z \prec^* w)$. One can show that, for any given edge $y \prec^* x$, the number of edges $z \prec^* y$ satisfying the relation $(z \prec^* y) \rightarrow^*_{\Lambda} (y \prec^* x)$ is finite (See Section \[ExpectationValueEdges\]), although it approaches infinity in the limit of $\Lambda \rightarrow \infty$. Suppose we assume that $$l \Lambda = l_0 \label{ConstraintEdges}$$ where $l$ is the average distance between direct neighbors and $l_0$ is agreed-upon constant, such as Planck lenth. In this case, in the limit $\Lambda \rightarrow \infty$, the edge becomes more and more similar to the point and, at the same time, the number of its edge-neighbors gets larger and larger. Therefore, we will assume that $\Lambda$ is very large but finite. The fact that it is large will enable us to approximate the results we discussed in Section \[Review\]; the fact that it is still finite will enable us to say that the sum is mathematically well defined. We will think of $\Lambda$ as integer-valued physical constant, that simply *happened* to be very large. We then define the intervals on the set of edges as $$I_{\Lambda} \Big((x \prec^*y), (z \prec^* w)\Big) = \nonumber$$ $$= \Big\{ (x \prec^* y), (z \prec^* w) \Big\} \cup \Big\{ (\xi \prec^* \eta) \Big\vert (x \prec^* y) \rightarrow_{\Lambda} (\xi \prec^* \eta) \rightarrow_{\Lambda} (z \prec^* w) \Big\}$$ We then define layers as follows: $$L_{\Lambda, n} (x \prec^* y) = \bigg\{ (z \prec^* w) \bigg\vert \sharp I \Big((z \prec^* w), (x \prec^* y) \Big) = n+1 \bigg\}$$ We then attach field to edges instead of attaching it to points. That is, we replace $\phi (x)$ with $\phi (x \prec^* y)$. Likewise, we attach d’Ambertan to edges as well, and define it as $$(\Delta \phi)_{\Lambda} (x \prec^* y) = \frac{1}{l^2} \sum_{k=0}^{n(d)} \bigg(C_{d;k} \sum_{z \prec^*w \in L_{\Lambda,k} (x \prec^* y)} \phi (z \prec^* w) \bigg) \label{EdgeDambertan}$$ Our goal is for the above result to approximate the result of conventional causal set theory since we already know from the numerical studies that in the conventional causal set theory we obtain d’Ambertan. Now, in the conventional situation, the number of terms is still finite, due to the boundary, yet it is very large. Similarly, the assertion that $\Lambda$ is very large coupled with Eq \[ConstraintEdges\] accomplishes the same thing – without having to assume the existence of the boundaries. As stated earlier, we will treat $\Lambda$ as a physical constant; we simply don’t know its value, other than the fact that its value is very large. Expectation value of the number of edge neighbors {#ExpectationValueEdges} ------------------------------------------------- In the previous section, we made an assertion that the number of edge-neighbors is finite. Let us now prove this assertion by explicitly calculating the number of edge-neighbors of a given edge. In our calculation will be repeatedly using the expression for the area of the $d-2$-dimensional sphere in $d-1$ dimensional Eucledian space, the volume of $d-1$ dimensional ball, again in $d-1$ dimensional space, and the volume of Alexandrov set in $d$-dimensional space. As far as the sphere and the ball, these formulas are well known: $$a_{d-2} = 2 \frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}{\Gamma (\frac{d-1}{2})}$$ $$v_{d-1} = \frac{2}{d-1} \frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}{\Gamma(\frac{d-1}{2})}$$ Let us now compute the formula for an Alexandrov set. Suppose we have an Alexandrov set with distance between the poles being equal to $\tau$. Then the volume of the Alexandrov set will be equal to twice the volume of half of Alexandrov set. And half of Alexandrov set will be composed of spheres whose “height" is $t \in (0, \tau/2)$ and whose radius is $t$. Therefore, $$V = 2 \int_0^{\tau/2} \frac{2}{d-1} \frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}{\Gamma(\frac{d-1}{2})} t^{d-1} dt = 2 \frac{2}{d-1} \frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}{\Gamma(\frac{d-1}{2})} \frac{1}{d} \bigg(\frac{\tau}{2} \bigg)^d = \nonumber$$ $$= \frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2} \tau^d}{d(d-1)2^{d-2} \Gamma(\frac{d-1}{2})} = k_d \tau^d$$ where $$k_d =\frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}{d(d-1)2^{d-2} \Gamma(\frac{d-1}{2})}$$ We are now ready to return to the calculation of the main result. Suppose we already know that there are points $p$ and $q$ in the scatter located at $$p = (- \tau, 0, \cdots, 0) = (- \tau, \vec{0})$$ $$q = (0, 0, \cdots, 0) = (0, \vec{0})$$ Let $\Delta$ be some region of very small volume $\delta v$ around point $x$. We would like to find the expectation value of the number of points $r \in \Delta$ that would obey $(p,q) \prec_{\Lambda} (q,r)$. The expectation number of the total number of points that fall into that region is $\rho \delta V$, and the probability of each of these points obeying the above relation is approximately $\frac{e^{- \rho V(p,x)} (\rho V(p,x))^{\Lambda}}{\Lambda!}$ where $V(p,x)$ is the volume of $I (p,x)$. Therefore, the expectation value of the number of points $r \in \Delta$ obeying $(p,q) \prec_{\Lambda} (q,r)$ is approximately $\frac{e^{- \rho V(p,x)} (\rho V(p,x))^{\Lambda}}{\Lambda!} \rho \delta v$. One can show that the expectation value is additive. Therefore, if we relax the condition regarding the location of $r$ and only retain the condition that $(p,q) \prec_{\Lambda} (q,r)$, then we can partition the future part of lightcone of $q$ into such small regions and add these expectation values. This will result in Riemann sum. Finally, to get an exact answer we take the limit of their volumes approaching $0$ and this will result in the integral. Thus, $$\mathbb{E} (\sharp \{r \vert (p, q) \prec_{\Lambda} (q,r) \}) = \int \frac{e^{- \rho V(p,x)} (\rho V(p,x))^{\Lambda}}{\Lambda!} \rho dv \label{Expect}$$ Now consider the hypersurface $\vert x -p \vert = \xi$. Let $\theta (x)$ be the hyperbolic angle between the segment $px$ and segment $pq$ at which this hypersurface will intersect the light cone of $q$. Then we have $$0 = (- \tau + \xi \cosh \theta (\xi))^2 - (\xi \sinh \theta (\xi))^2 = \nonumber$$ $$= \tau^2 - 2 \tau \xi \cosh \theta (\xi) + \xi^2 \cosh^2 \theta(\xi) - \xi^2 \sinh^2 \theta(\xi) = \tau^2 - 2 \tau \xi \cosh \theta (\xi) + \xi^2$$ from which we obtain $$\theta (\xi) = \cosh^{-1} \frac{\tau^2 + \xi^2}{2 \tau \xi}$$ One can show that the expression for $\cosh^{-1}$ is $$\cosh^{-1} \lambda = \ln (\lambda + \sqrt{\lambda^2-1})$$ and, therefore, $$\theta (\xi) = \ln \bigg(\frac{\tau^2 + \xi^2}{2 \tau \xi} + \sqrt{\bigg(\frac{\tau^2 + \xi^2}{2 \tau \xi} \bigg)^2-1} \bigg) = \nonumber$$ $$= \ln \bigg(\frac{\tau^2 + \xi^2}{2 \tau \xi} + \frac{\sqrt{(\tau^2 + \xi^2)^2 - 4 \tau^2 \xi^2}}{2 \tau \xi} \bigg) = \ln \bigg(\frac{\tau^2 + \xi^2}{2 \tau \xi} + \frac{\sqrt{\tau^4 + 2 \tau^2 \xi^2 + \xi^4 - 4 \tau^2 \xi^2}}{2 \tau \xi} \bigg) = \nonumber$$ $$= \ln \bigg(\frac{\tau^2 + \xi^2}{2 \tau \xi} + \frac{\sqrt{\tau^4 -2 \tau^2 \xi^2 + \xi^4}}{2 \tau \xi} \bigg) = \ln \bigg(\frac{\tau^2 + \xi^2}{2 \tau \xi} + \frac{\sqrt{(\xi^2- \tau^2)^2}}{2 \tau \xi} \bigg) = \nonumber$$ $$= \ln \bigg(\frac{\tau^2 + \xi^2}{2 \tau \xi} + \frac{\xi^2- \tau^2}{2 \tau \xi} \bigg) = \ln \frac{\tau^2 + \xi^2 + \xi^2- \tau^2}{2 \tau \xi} = \ln \frac{2 \xi^2}{2 \tau \xi} = \ln \frac{\xi}{\tau}$$ where in the first equal sign on the last line we have used the fact that $\xi \geq \tau$ and, therefore, $\sqrt{(\xi^2- \tau^2)^2} = \xi^2- \tau^2$ as opposed to $\tau^2 - \xi^2$. Let $A (\xi)$ be the area of the surface bounded by $\theta (\xi)$. It is given by $$A(\xi) = \int_0^{\theta (\xi)} a_{d-2} (\xi \sinh \theta)^{d-2} \xi d \theta = a_{d-2} \xi^{d-1} \int_0^{\theta (\xi)} \sinh^{d-2} \theta d \theta = \nonumber$$ $$= a_{d-2} \xi^{d-1} \int_0^{\theta (\xi)} \bigg(\frac{e^{\theta} + e^{- \theta}}{2} \bigg)^{d-2} d \theta = \frac{a_{d-2} \xi^{d-1}}{2^{d-2}} \int_0^{\theta (\xi)} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} {d-2 \choose k} (e^{\theta})^{d-2-k} (e^{- \theta})^k d \theta = \nonumber$$ $$= \frac{a_{d-2} \xi^{d-1}}{2^{d-2}} \int_0^{\theta (\xi)} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} {d-2 \choose k} e^{(d-2-2k) \theta} d \theta = \frac{a_{d-2} \xi^{d-1}}{2^{d-2}} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} {d-2 \choose k} \frac{e^{(d-2-2k) \theta (\xi)} -1}{d-2-2k}$$ Now if we substitute $\theta (\xi)= \ln (\xi/ \tau)$ we obtain $$e^{(d-2-2k) \theta (\xi)} = (e^{\theta (\xi)})^{d-2-2k} = (e^{\ln (\xi/ \tau)})^{d-2-2k} = \bigg(\frac{\xi}{\tau} \bigg)^{d-2-2k}$$ and, therefore $$A (\xi) = \frac{a_{d-2} \xi^{d-1}}{2^{d-2}} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} {d-2 \choose k} \frac{e^{(d-2-2k) \theta (\xi)} -1}{d-2-2k} = \frac{a_{d-2} \xi^{d-1}}{2^{d-2}} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} {d-2 \choose k} \frac{(\frac{\xi}{\tau})^{d-2-2k} -1}{d-2-2k} = \nonumber$$ $$= \frac{a_{d-2}}{2^{d-2}} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} {d-2 \choose k} \frac{\frac{ \xi^{d-1} \xi^{d-2-2k}}{\tau^{d-2-2k}} -\xi^{d-1}}{d-2-2k} = \frac{a_{d-2}}{2^{d-2}} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} {d-2 \choose k} \frac{\frac{ \xi^{2d-3-2k}}{\tau^{d-2-2k}} -\xi^{d-1}}{d-2-2k} \label{AofXi}$$ Now, Eq \[Expect\] tells us $$\mathbb{E} (\sharp \{r \vert (p, q) \prec_{\Lambda} (q,r) \}) = \int \frac{e^{- \rho V(p,x)} (\rho V(p,x))^{\Lambda}}{\Lambda!} \rho dv$$ On a hypersurface $\tau (p,x) = \xi$ we have $$V(p,x) = k_d \tau^d (p,x) = k_d \xi^d$$ and, therefore, the expression under the integral is a function of $\xi$ alone: $$\frac{e^{- \rho V(p,x)} (\rho V(p,x))^{\Lambda}}{\Lambda!} = \frac{e^{- \rho k_d \xi^d} (\rho k_d \xi^d)^{\Lambda}}{\Lambda!}$$ This being the case, we can replace $dv$ with the volume of the slice produced by the above hypersurface with thickness $d \xi$: $$\rho dv = \rho A (\xi) d \xi$$ and therefore $$\mathbb{E} (\sharp \{r \vert (p, q) \prec_{\Lambda} (q,r) \}) = \int \frac{e^{- \rho k_d \xi^d} (\rho k_d \xi^d)^{\Lambda}}{\Lambda!} \rho A (\xi) d \xi$$ By substituting the expression for $A (\xi)$ given in Eq \[AofXi\] we obtain $$\mathbb{E} (\sharp \{r \vert (p, q) \prec_{\Lambda} (q,r) \}) = \int \frac{e^{- \rho k_d \xi^d} (\rho k_d \xi^d)^{\Lambda}}{\Lambda!} \rho \frac{a_{d-2}}{2^{d-2}} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} {d-2 \choose k} \frac{\frac{ \xi^{2d-3-2k}}{\tau^{d-2-2k}} -\xi^{d-1}}{d-2-2k} d \xi = \nonumber$$ $$= \frac{a_{d-2}}{\Lambda!2^{d-2}} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} \frac{{d-2 \choose k}}{d-2-2k} \bigg(\frac{1}{\tau^{d-2-2k}} \int e^{- \rho k_d \xi^d} (\rho k_d \xi^d)^{\Lambda} \xi^{2d-3-2k} \rho d \xi - \int e^{- \rho k_d \xi^d} (\rho k_d \xi^d)^{\Lambda} \xi^{d-1} \rho d \xi \bigg)$$ Lets change the variables to $$\eta = \rho k_d \xi^d$$ Then we have $$\xi^{d-1}\rho d \xi = \frac{\rho}{d} d \xi^d = \frac{\rho}{d} d \frac{\eta}{\rho k_d} = \frac{d \eta}{k_d d}$$ and, therefore, $$\int e^{- \rho k_d \xi^d} (\rho k_d \xi^d)^{\Lambda} \xi^{d-1} \rho d \xi = \int e^{- \eta} \eta^{\Lambda} \frac{d \eta}{k_dd} = \frac{\Gamma(n+1)}{k_dd} = \frac{\Lambda!}{k_dd}$$ On the other hand, $$\xi^{2d-3-2k} \rho d \xi = \xi^{d-2-2k} \xi^{d-1} \rho d \xi = \bigg(\frac{\eta}{\rho k_d} \bigg)^{(d-2-2k)/d} \frac{d \eta}{k_d d}$$ and therefore $$\int e^{- \rho k_d \xi^d} (\rho k_d \xi^d)^{\Lambda} \xi^{2d-3-2k} \rho d \xi = \int e^{- \eta} \eta^{\Lambda} \bigg(\frac{\eta}{\rho k_d} \bigg)^{(d-2-2k)/d} \frac{d \eta}{k_d d} = \nonumber$$ $$= \frac{1}{\rho^{1- \frac{2+2k}{d}} k_d^{2- \frac{2+2k}{d}} d} \int e^{- \eta} \eta^{\Lambda+1- \frac{2+2k}{d}} d \eta = \frac{\Gamma (n+2- \frac{2+2k}{d})}{\rho^{1- \frac{2+2k}{d}} k_d^{2- \frac{2+2k}{d}} d}$$ We thus obtain $$\mathbb{E} (\sharp \{r \vert (p,q) \prec_{\Lambda} (q,r) \}) = \frac{a_{d-2}}{\Lambda!2^{d-2}} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} \frac{{d-2 \choose k}}{d-2-2k} \bigg(\frac{1}{\tau^{d-2-2k}} \frac{\Gamma (n+2- \frac{2+2k}{d})}{\rho^{1- \frac{2+2k}{d}} k_d^{2- \frac{2+2k}{d}} d} - \frac{\Lambda!}{k_dd} \bigg) = \nonumber$$ $$= \frac{a_{d-2}}{\Lambda!2^{d-2}} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} \frac{{d-2 \choose k}}{d-2-2k} \bigg(\frac{\Gamma (n+2- \frac{2+2k}{d})}{d(\rho^{1/d}\tau)^{d-2-2k}} \frac{1}{ k_d^{2- \frac{2+2k}{d}} } - \frac{\Lambda!}{k_dd} \bigg)$$ By substituting $$a_{d-2} = 2 \frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}{\Gamma(\frac{d-1}{2})}$$ $$k_d =\frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}{d(d-1)2^{d-2} \Gamma(\frac{d-1}{2})}$$ this becomes $$\mathbb{E} (\sharp \{r \vert (p,q) \prec_{\Lambda} (q,r) \}) =$$ $$= \frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}{\Lambda!2^{d-3} \Gamma(\frac{d-1}{2})} \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} \frac{{d-2 \choose k}}{d-2-2k} \bigg(\frac{\Gamma (n+2- \frac{2+2k}{d})}{d(\rho^{1/d}\tau)^{d-2-2k}} \bigg(\frac{d(d-1)2^{d-2} \Gamma(\frac{d-1}{2})}{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}\bigg)^{2- \frac{2+2k}{d}} - \frac{\Lambda!}{k_dd} \bigg) \nonumber$$ At this point one would have to compute the expectation value of $\frac{1}{\tau^{d-2-2k}}$. This would in turn require a mathematically rigorous definition of expectation value over infinite set, that would end up being surprisingly difficult. But, for the purposes of this paper, the only thing we would like to know is that the expectation value of the number of edge-neighbors is *finite* (and it doesn’t really matter what that finite number happens to be). The above formula shows that it is, in fact, finite. Continuous measurement model ============================ Continuum version {#EpsilonContinuum} ----------------- In the present sub-section we will digress and summarize the continuum measurement model proposed in [@Epsilon] in the continuum case. Therefore, for the purposes of this sub-section, the scalar field is, once again, a function of points as opposed to pairs of points. Then, in the next sub-section, we will modify our results to accommodate the pairs of points. Consider, for simplicity, a quantum field theory with a single scalar field, $\phi$, that has Lagrangian $${\cal L} (\phi;x) = \frac{1}{2} \partial^{\mu} \phi \partial_{\mu} \phi - \frac{m^2}{2} \phi^2 - \frac{\lambda}{4!} \phi^4 \label{Phi4}$$ that corresponds to an action $$S (\phi) = \int d^4 x {\cal L} (\phi; x)$$ According to weighted path integral model of quantum measurement, there is an observable[^1] field $\phi_{ob}$ that co-exists with the field that has quantum mechanical ontology, $\phi$. On the one hand, we take path integral over different trajectories of $\phi$, which results in interference effects. On the other hand, as far as $\phi_{ob}$ is concerned, it will take one single trajectory, without any interference. But that trajectory is not determined until we make a “measurement". The “measurement" takes a form of a single snapshot of the entire spacetime history. Thus, we do not have more than one measurement which renders the causality paradoxes coming from two or more measurements irrelevant. The probability density that the result of the measurement of $\phi_{ob}$ results in a specific trajectory is given by $$\rho (\phi_{ob}) = \frac{\vert Z (\phi_{ob}) \vert^2}{\int[{\cal D} \phi_{ob}] \vert Z (\phi_{ob}) \vert^2} \label{BornBounded}$$ where $[{\cal D} \phi_{ob}]$ is the measure on the space of trajectories that is heuristically given by $$[{\cal D} \phi_{ob}] = \prod_x d\phi (x) \label{FeynmannMeasure}$$ and $Z(\phi_{ob})$ is given by *weighted path integral* $$Z(\phi_{ob}) = \int [{\cal D} \phi] w(\phi, \phi_{ob}) e^{iS(\phi)}$$ and $w (\phi, \phi_{ob})$ is a *weight function* given by $$w (\phi, \phi_{ob}) = \exp \bigg(- \frac{\alpha}{2} \int d^4 x (\phi(x) - \phi_{ob} (x))^2 \bigg) \label{WeightFunction}$$ This can be restated as $$Z(\phi_{ob}) = \int [{\cal D} \phi] e^{iS_{\alpha} (\phi)}$$ where $$S_{\alpha} (\phi) = S(\phi) + \frac{i \alpha}{2} \int d^4 x (\phi(x) - \phi_{ob} (x))^2$$ This corresponds to the Lagrangian $${\mathcal L}_{\alpha} (\phi) = {\mathcal L} (\phi) + \frac{i \alpha}{2} (\phi(x) - \phi_{ob} (x))^2$$ By substituting Eq \[Phi4\] we obtain $${\mathcal L}_{\alpha} (\phi) = \frac{1}{2} \partial^{\mu} \phi \partial_{\mu} \phi - \frac{m^2}{2} \phi^2 - \frac{\lambda}{4!} \phi^4 + \frac{i \alpha}{2} (\phi(x) - \phi_{ob} (x))^2$$ which can be re-expressed as $${\mathcal L}_{\alpha} (\phi) = \frac{1}{2} \partial^{\mu} \phi \partial_{\mu} \phi - \frac{m^2- i \alpha}{2} \phi^2 - \frac{\lambda}{4!} \phi^4 - i \alpha \phi_{ob} \phi + \frac{i \alpha}{2} \phi_{ob}^2$$ This can be further rewritten as $${\mathcal L}_{\alpha} (\phi) = \frac{1}{2} \partial^{\mu} \phi \partial_{\mu} \phi - \frac{m_{\alpha}^2}{2} \phi^2 - \frac{\lambda}{4!} \phi^4 +J_{\alpha} \phi + \frac{i \alpha}{2} \phi_{ob}^2$$ where $$m_{\alpha}^2 = m^2 - i \alpha$$ $$J_{\alpha} (x) = - i \alpha \phi_{ob} (x)$$ We claim that $J_{\alpha}$ corresponds to the sources and sinks in the conventional quantum field theory (which is why we chose to use the letter $J$). And, indeed, the conventional quantum field theory calculations predict locations of sources and sinks – which means that they predict the trajectory of $J$, except that they make an extra assumption that $J$ is a sum of $\delta$-functions – which they don’t have to make. In our case we are predicting the trajectory of $\phi_{ob}$. So it makes sense that $\phi_{ob}$ and $J$ are related. The “new" mass $m_{\alpha}$ leads to the propagator $$\frac{1}{p^2 -m_{\alpha}^2} = \frac{1}{p^2-m^2+i \alpha}$$ If we take $$\alpha = \epsilon$$ our propagator will become $$\frac{1}{p^2-m^2+i \epsilon}$$ that we are familiar with, except that $i \epsilon$ is no longer just a trick to avoid the poles but, instead, it is a real physical parameter that comes from weighted path integral. Roughly speaking, the field variations are classically observable if they are much greater than some power of the inverse of $\epsilon$. The assumption that $\epsilon$ is infinitesimal is equivalent to the assumption that none of the field strengths are classically observable. And, indeed, both assumptions are made in the conventional quantum field theory. If we stick with the assumption that $\epsilon$ is finite, then $e^{imt}$ becomes $$e^{-im_{\alpha}t} = \exp \Big(-i \sqrt{m^2 -i \epsilon} t \Big) = \exp \bigg(-it \bigg(m - \frac{i \epsilon}{2m} \bigg) \bigg) + 0 (\epsilon^2) = \nonumber$$ $$= \exp \bigg(-imt - \frac{\epsilon t}{2m} \bigg) + 0 (\epsilon^2) = e^{-imt} e^{\epsilon t/2m} + 0 (\epsilon^2) \label{ContinuumAttenuation}$$ The extra factor of $e^{- \epsilon t/ 2m}$ implies that the signals attenuate and their influence is negligible when $t \gg \epsilon^{-1}$. We will use this fact in order to utilize locality for our purposes. Causal set version with the boundary ------------------------------------ Let us now discretized what we did in Section \[EpsilonContinuum\]. In this section, we will do the discretization under the assumption that the boundary is present. Then, in the next section, we will explore how to generalize it to the cases when the boundary is absent. We will rewrite Eq \[Phi4\] as $${\mathcal L}_{\Lambda} (\phi; x) = - \frac{1}{2} \phi \Delta_{\Lambda} \phi - \frac{m^2}{2} \phi^2 - \frac{\lambda}{4!} \phi^4$$ As explained in Sec \[Edges\], we replace $\phi (x)$ with $\phi (x \prec^* y)$. Similarly, we will replace ${\cal L} (\phi; x)$ with ${\cal L} (\phi; x \prec^* y)$. By substituting Eq \[EdgeDambertan\] we obtain $${\cal L}_{\Lambda} (\phi; x \prec^* y) = - \frac{m^2}{2} \phi^2 (x \prec^* y) - \frac{\lambda}{4!} \phi^4 (x \prec^* y) - \nonumber$$ $$- \frac{1}{2l^2} \phi (x \prec^* y) \sum_{k=0}^{n(d)} \bigg(C_{d;k} \sum_{z \prec^*w \in L_{\Lambda,k} (x \prec^* y)} \phi (z \prec^* w) \bigg) \label{EdgeLagrangian}$$ Since each point is statistically expected to take up $d$-volume of $l^d$, the pair of points is statistically expected to take the $2d$-volume $l^{2d}$. Therefore, the action is $$S_{\Lambda} (\phi) = l^{2d} \sum_{x \prec^* y} {\cal L}_{\Lambda} (\phi; x \prec^* y)$$ Let us define the set of pairs of edges, $\pi_k$, as $$\pi_{\Lambda, k} = \bigg\{(z \prec^* w, x \prec^* y) \bigg\vert \sharp I_{\Lambda} \Big((z \prec^* w), (x \prec^* y) \Big) = k+1 \bigg\}$$ If we recall that $$L_{\Lambda, k} (x \prec^* y) = \bigg\{ (z \prec^* w) \bigg\vert \sharp I_{\Lambda} \Big((z \prec^* w), (x \prec^* y) \Big) = k+1 \bigg\}$$ it is clear that $$(z \prec^* w, x \prec^* y) \in \pi_{\Lambda, k} \Longleftrightarrow z \prec^* w \in L_{\Lambda,k} (x \prec^* y)$$ and, therefore, we can write the action as $$S_{\Lambda} (\phi) = - \frac{m^2}{2} \sum_{x \prec^* y} \phi^2 (x \prec^* y) - \frac{\lambda}{4!} \sum_{x \prec^* y} \phi^4 (x \prec^* y) - \nonumber$$ $$- \frac{1}{2l^2} \sum_{k=0}^{n(d)} \sum_{((x \prec^*y), (z \prec^* w)) \in \pi_{\Lambda,k}} C_{d;k} \phi (x \prec^* y) \phi (z \prec^* w) \label{EdgeAction}$$ Similarly, in the equation for the weight function we replace the integral with the sum to obtain $$w(\phi, \phi_{ob}) = - \frac{\alpha l^{2d}}{2} \sum_{x \prec^* y} \big(\phi (x \prec^* y) - \phi_{ob} (x \prec^* y) \big)^2$$ We then define the volume element on the function space to be $$[{\cal D} \phi] = \prod_{x \prec^* y} d \phi (x \prec^* y)$$ and write $$Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob}) = \int [{\cal D} \phi] w(\phi, \phi_{ob}) e^{iS_{\Lambda}(\phi)}$$ and then postulate Born’s rule to be $$\rho_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob}) = \frac{\vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob}) \vert^2}{\int[{\cal D} \phi_{ob}] \vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob}) \vert^2} \label{BornBoundedCausal}$$ We will be viewing $\Lambda$ as a physical constant, that happens to be integer-valued. This constant determines the yes-or-no answer of what edge is coupled to what. Since that answer is crucial both for the partition function $Z$, probability density $\rho$, as well as for the quantum state $\psi$ (discussed later), we will be writing $Z_{\Lambda}$, $\rho_{\Lambda}$ and $\psi_{\Lambda}$. Although $\Lambda$ will be dropped during more general discussion. Removal of the boundary {#Conditional} ----------------------- In case of the absence of the boundary, the Eq \[BornBoundedCausal\], as it stands, is divergent. Even if the Lagrangian density converges, the action would diverge due to the integration over spacetime. The conventional approach to this is to assume that the fields attenuate at infinity. But, as we explained in the Introduction, we would like to avoid having to do that. Therefore, we will instead utilize limiting process. In order for the definition of limit to be consistent, we need to introduce two more axioms that causal set needs to obey [@Robb1; @Robb2; @Robb3]: $$\forall r \in {\mathcal C} \forall s \in {\mathcal C} \exists p \in \mathcal{C} ((p \prec r) \wedge (p \prec s)) \label{Robb1}$$ $$\forall r \in {\mathcal C} \forall s \in {\mathcal C} \exists q \in \mathcal{C} ((r \prec q) \wedge (s \prec q)) \label{Robb2}$$ where $\wedge$ means “and". We define the limits on a causal set by replacing the ordering $<$ on real line with the partial ordering $\prec$ on a causal set: $$\lim_{p \rightarrow - \infty} f(p) = A \Longleftrightarrow \forall \delta > 0 \exists P \in {\mathcal C} \forall p \prec P (\vert f(p)-A \vert < \delta)$$ $$\lim_{q \rightarrow \infty} f(q) = B \Longleftrightarrow \forall \delta>0 \exists Q \in {\mathcal C} \forall q \succ Q (\vert f(q) - B \vert < \delta)$$ $$\lim_{p \rightarrow - \infty, q \rightarrow \infty} f(p,q) = C \Longleftrightarrow \forall \delta >0 \exists P \in {\mathcal C} \exists Q \in {\mathcal C} \forall p \prec P \forall q \succ Q (\vert f(p,q) - C \vert < \delta)$$ $$\limsup_{p \rightarrow - \infty} f(p) = A \Longleftrightarrow \forall \delta > 0 \exists P \in {\mathcal C} \forall p \prec P (\vert \sup \{f(r) \vert r \prec p \} -A \vert < \delta)$$ $$\liminf_{p \rightarrow - \infty} f(p) = A \Longleftrightarrow \forall \delta > 0 \exists P \in {\mathcal C} \forall p \prec P (\vert \inf \{f(r) \vert r \prec p \} -A \vert < \delta)$$ $$\limsup_{q \rightarrow \infty} f(q) = B \Longleftrightarrow \forall \delta>0 \exists Q \in {\mathcal C} \forall q \succ Q (\vert \sup \{f(r) \vert r \succ q \} - B \vert < \delta)$$ $$\liminf_{q \rightarrow \infty} f(q) = B \Longleftrightarrow \forall \delta>0 \exists Q \in {\mathcal C} \forall q \succ Q (\vert \inf \{f(r) \vert r \succ q \} - B \vert < \delta)$$ $$\limsup_{p \rightarrow - \infty, q \rightarrow \infty} f(p,q) = C \Longleftrightarrow \nonumber$$ $$\Longleftrightarrow \forall \delta >0 \exists P \in {\mathcal C} \exists Q \in {\mathcal C} \forall p \prec P \forall q \succ Q (\vert \sup \{f(r,s) \vert r \prec p \prec q \prec s \} - C \vert < \delta)$$ $$\liminf_{p \rightarrow - \infty, q \rightarrow \infty} f(p,q) = C \Longleftrightarrow \nonumber$$ $$\Longleftrightarrow \forall \delta >0 \exists P \in {\mathcal C} \exists Q \in {\mathcal C} \forall p \prec P \forall q \succ Q (\vert \inf \{f(r,s) \vert r \prec p \prec q \prec s \} - C \vert < \delta)$$ Thus, heuristically speaking, $- \infty$ is “infinite past" while $\infty$ is “infinite future". We used $\delta$ instead of $\epsilon$ because $\epsilon$ has already been used in Section \[EpsilonContinuum\] with a different meaning. One can show that, as long as the axioms described in Eq \[Robb1\] and \[Robb2\] hold, the limits can’t be equal to two separate values at the same time. In addition to that, for any given $U \subset \mathcal C$, we will define the *set of edges over U* to be $$E(U) = \{p \prec^* q \vert p \in U, q \in U \}$$ We now propose to replace Eq \[BornBoundedCausal\] with $$\rho_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega) \vert \phi_{ob} (E({\cal C}) \setminus \Omega)) = \bigg(\int [{\mathcal D} \phi_{ob} (\Omega)] \Big(\lambda \limsup_{p \rightarrow -\infty, q \rightarrow \infty} \vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega \cap E(I(p,q))) \cup \phi_{ob} (E(I(p,q)) \setminus \Omega)) \vert^2 + \nonumber$$ $$+ (1-\lambda) \liminf_{p \rightarrow - \infty, q \rightarrow \infty} \vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega \cap E(I(p,q))) \cup \phi_{ob} (E(I(p,q)) \setminus \Omega)) \vert^2 \Big) \bigg)^{-1} \times \nonumber$$ $$\times \Big( \lambda \limsup_{p \rightarrow - \infty, q \rightarrow \infty} \vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega \cap E(I(p,q))) \cup \phi_{ob} (E(I(p,q)) \setminus \Omega)) \vert^2 + \nonumber$$ $$+ (1-\lambda) \liminf_{p \rightarrow - \infty, q \rightarrow \infty} \vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega \cap E(I(p,q))) \cup \phi_{ob} (E(I(p,q)) \setminus \Omega)) \vert^2 \Big) \label{LimSupLimInf}$$ where $\rho_{\Lambda} (a \vert b)$ denotes the conditional probability of “$a$" under the assumption “$b$", given the specific value of the parameter $\Lambda$. The coefficient $\lambda \in [0,1]$ is some agreed-upon constant that we are going to discuss shortly. From the damping in Eq \[ContinuumAttenuation\], we have physical reasons to expect that $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ would coincide. If such is the case, then the linear combination of $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ would be replaced with a single limit, and the choice of $\lambda$ would be irrelevant. However, proving this mathematically is extremely difficult. After all, Eq \[ContinuumAttenuation\] was derived in the continuum case, yet we are now talking about discrete case. Intuitively we know that if a discrete set is produced through Poisson process on the continuum, then its various properties would approximate various properties in a continuum with probability that would approach $1$ in appropriate limits. So, intuitively, we might expect that $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ would coincide with a probability $1$. But this intuitive claim would need a mathematical proof and, as it stands, we do not know how to either prove it or disprove it. Therefore, for the purposes of this paper, we will stick with Eq \[LimSupLimInf\], and we will leave the above-stated question for the future research. If we do stick to Eq \[LimSupLimInf\], then we need to discuss various choices of $\lambda$. One argument in favor of $\lambda=\frac{1}{2}$ is an observation that it would allow us to swap limit and integral signs in the following sense. On the one hand, regardless of the choice of $\lambda$, we have $$\int [{\cal D} \phi_{ob} (\Omega)] \rho_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega) \vert \phi_{ob} (E({\cal C}) \setminus \Omega)) = 1 \label{Normalization}$$ where $\rho$ is given by Eq \[LimSupLimInf\]. But, on other other hand, specifically for $\lambda= \frac{1}{2}$, we have $$\int [{\mathcal D} \phi_{ob} (\Omega)] \bigg( \frac{1}{2} \limsup_{\Omega \subset E \rightarrow \infty} \frac{\vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega) \cup \phi_{ob} (E ({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega)) \vert^2}{\int d \phi_{ob} (\Omega) \vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega) \cup \phi_{ob} (E ({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega)) \vert^2} + \nonumber$$ $$+ \frac{1}{2} \liminf_{\Omega \subset E \rightarrow \infty} \frac{\vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega) \cup \phi_{ob} (E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega)) \vert^2}{\int d \phi_{ob} (\Omega) \vert Z_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega) \cup \phi_{ob} (E ({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega)) \vert^2} \bigg) = 1 \label{LimSupLimInfHalf}$$ Let us explain why that is the case. Suppose $\xi$ denotes an element of some partially ordered set, and suppose there are two functions $\xi \mapsto a_{\xi}$ and $\xi \mapsto b_{\xi}$, such that $a_{\xi} + b_{\xi} = c$ for all $\xi$. Suppose $\limsup a_{\xi} =A$, $\liminf a_{\xi} =a$, $\limsup b_{\xi} = B$ and $\liminf b_{\xi} = b$. Consider the sequence $\xi_n$ such that $a_{\xi_n} \rightarrow A$. Since $\liminf b_{\xi_n} \geq \liminf b_{\xi} = b$, we have $\liminf (a_{\xi_n} + b_{\xi_n}) \geq A + b$. Since $a_{\xi_n} + b_{\xi_n}=c$, we know that $\liminf (a_{\xi_n} + b_{\xi_n}) =c$ and, therefore, $c \geq A+b$. Now consider the sequence $\eta_n$ such that $b_{\eta_n} \rightarrow b$. Since $\limsup a_{\eta_n} \leq \limsup a_{\eta} = A$ we have $\limsup (a_{\eta_n} + b_{\eta_n}) \leq A+b$. Since $a_{\eta_n}+b_{\eta_n}=c$ we know that $\limsup (a_{\eta_n} + b_{\eta_n}) =c$ and, therefore, $c \leq A+b$. But we said earlier $c \geq A+b$. So we conclude $c=A+b$. By swapping around $a$-s and $b$-s, we can also show that $c=B+a$. Therefore, $2c= (A+b)+(B+a)= (A+a)+(B+b)$ which implies that $c= \frac{A+a}{2} + \frac{B+b}{2}$. Now, we can generalize this from two terms to $N$ terms. Suppose we have $N$ different sequences $\xi \mapsto a_{k \xi}$ for each $k \in \{1, \cdots, N \}$ and suppose that, for each $\xi$, $a_{1 \xi} + \cdots + a_{N \xi} = c$. By using the result for the sum of two terms we can show, by induction, that $c= \frac{A_1+a_1}{2} + \cdots + \frac{A_N+a_n}{2}$, where $A_k = \limsup_{\xi \rightarrow \infty} a_{k \xi}$ and $a_k = \liminf_{k \rightarrow \infty} a_{k \xi}$. Finally, if we replace the sum with an integral, replace $k$ with $\eta$ and repalce $c$ with $1$, we can show that if $\int \rho_{\xi} (\eta) d \eta = 1$ then $\int (\frac{1}{2} \limsup_{\xi \rightarrow \infty} \rho_{\xi} (\eta) + \frac{1}{2} \liminf_{\xi \rightarrow \infty} \rho_{\xi} (\eta)) d \eta = 1$. From this, we can convince ourselves of Eq \[LimSupLimInfHalf\] by simply noticing that the integral of the common expression under $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ is $1$. To summarize what we just said, our prime motive of choosing $\lambda = \frac{1}{2}$ is our ability to swap limits and integration signs and obtain Eq \[LimSupLimInfHalf\]. However, this feature is not necessary. In case of $\lambda \neq \frac{1}{2}$, Eq \[LimSupLimInf\] will still be well defined and Eq \[Normalization\] will still hold, which is all we need. This being the case, let us discuss another choice of $\lambda$; namely, $\lambda=1$. While there is no mathematical reason to make that choice, there is a hand-waving motivation in its favor. We can think of $I (p,q) \supset \Omega$ as an “explanation" of how a specific trajectory $\phi (\Omega)$ was produced. The nature of scientific method is that we are looking for “best possible explanation" and throwing away all the other ones. As it is, there is no “best possible explanation" but there is a sequence of “better and better explanations" corresponding to the process of taking $\limsup$ – and $\limsup$ is what we obtain by taking $\lambda=1$. Heuristically speaking, we are looking at all possible $\phi (\Omega)$; for each one we ask ourselves “what is the most likely scenario that would produce it" and then we compare the probabilities of these “most likely scenarios". This explanation, as it stands, would not stand to scrutiny. For one thing, since there are several different $I(p,q)$ that can potentially create $\phi (\Omega)$, one has to find a way of “comparing their numbers" (which are infinite). One heuristic way of dealing with this is to claim that that number is actually $1$ – in particular, we have one single Alexandrov set with infinite size that is being approximated by an infinite sequence of Alexandrov sets of finite size (such techniques are widely used in nonstandard analysis [@Nonstandard1; @Nonstandard2]). This, however, is still very much hand waving. But that is okay since we are not claiming to make any mathematical statements here, we are only suggesting a motivation for the choice of $\lambda=1$. From strictly mathematical point of view, we can simply choose $\lambda=1$ without any reason given. But, as an optional part, we can provide hand-waving motivations for it, that can be as hand wavy as we like. Quantum States {#QuantumStates} ============== Minimalist model of quantum states when $\mathcal C$ is bounded {#StatesBoundedMinimalist} --------------------------------------------------------------- In Section \[Conditional\] we were looking at the region $\Omega \subset E({\mathcal C})$, where $\Omega$ is bounded and $\mathcal C$ is unbounded. We were addressing the fact that $\mathcal C$ is unbounded by using the limitting process. However, there is an alternative approach. We can assume unbounded $\mathcal C$, single out the bounded region $\Omega \subset E({\mathcal C})$, defined the thickened boundary $\Sigma$ of $\Omega$ and assign quantum state to $\Sigma$. That quantum state will include all the relevant information in $E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega$ that is relevant to $\Omega \setminus \Sigma$. The word “relevant" is the key word. Since $\mathcal C$ is infinite while $\Sigma$ is finite, $\Sigma$ can not possibly contain all the information contained in $\mathcal C$. But, as it turns out, only finite amount of that infinite information is relevant to $\Omega \setminus \Sigma$, and quantum state assigned to $\Sigma$ *can* contain that, *finite*, information. As we just indicated, our ultimate goal is to do that when $\mathcal C$ is unbounded. However, since dealing with unbounded $\mathcal C$ creates some extra concerns that need to be addressed, let us focus in the current section on the toy model when $\mathcal C$ is bounded – and then we will discuss the situations with unbounded $\mathcal C$ in the Sections \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\]-\[Causality\]. If one inspects Eq \[EdgeDambertan\] one can see that some of the terms in the summation represent couplings between edges that are up to $n(d)$ distance apart from each other. So if the thickness of $\Sigma$ is smaller than $n(d)$, some parts of the signal will be able to “jump" across $\Sigma$ without affecting the state attached to $\Sigma$. To be sure, there are other terms that “jump" by the smaller distance, or none at all. So the state attached to $\Sigma$ will be affected *somehow*. But due to missing *some* parts of the signal, it will not contain all the relevant information we might need. In order to avoid this situation, we will assume that the thickness of $\Sigma$ is at least $n(d)+1$. This will require for us to define a “thickened boundary". We will define it as follows [**Definition:**]{} Suppose $\Sigma \subseteq \Omega \subset E({\mathcal C})$. We say that $\Sigma$ is a boundary of $\Omega$ that is *thicker than $N$* if one can *not* find $z \prec^* w \in L_{N+1} (x \prec^* y)$ such that *either* (i) $z \prec^* w \in E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega$ and $x \prec^*y \in \Omega \setminus \Sigma$ *or* (ii) $z \prec^*w \in \Omega \setminus \Sigma$ and $x \prec^* w \in E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega$. [**Definition**]{} Suppose $\Sigma \subseteq \Omega \subset E({\mathcal C})$. We say that $\Sigma$ is a boundary of $\Omega$ *of thickness $N$* if the following two statements are true: a\) $\Sigma$ is a boundary of $\Omega$ that is thicker than $N-1$ b\) For any $(p \prec^* q) \in \Sigma$, the set $\Sigma \setminus \{p \prec^* q \}$ is *not* a boundary of $\Omega$ of thickness greater than $N-1$. In other words, $\Sigma$ is a *minimal* set that can be described as a boundary of $\Omega$ thicker than $N-1$. Let us assume from this point onward that $\Sigma$ is a boundary of $\Omega$ of thickness $n(d)+1$. We can then split $\pi_{\Lambda,k}$ as follows: $$\pi_{\Lambda,k} = \pi_{\Lambda,k}^{in} (\Omega) \cup \pi_{\Lambda,k}^{out} (\Omega)$$ where $$\pi_{\Lambda,k}^{in} (\Omega) = \pi_{\Lambda,k} \cap (\Omega \times \Omega)$$ $$\pi_{\Lambda,k}^{out} (\Omega) = \pi_{\Lambda,k} \setminus (\Omega \times \Omega)$$ and express Eq \[EdgeAction\] as $$S_{\Lambda} (\phi) = S_{\Lambda,in} (\phi, \Omega) + S_{\Lambda,out} (\phi, \Omega)$$ where $$S_{\Lambda,in} (\phi, \Omega) = - \frac{m^2}{2} \sum_{x \prec^* y \in \Omega} \phi^2 (x \prec^* y) - \frac{\lambda}{4!} \sum_{x \prec^* y \in \Omega} \phi^4 (x \prec^* y) - \nonumber$$ $$- \frac{1}{2l^2} \sum_{k=0}^{n(d)} \sum_{((x \prec^*y), (z \prec^* w)) \in \pi_{\Lambda,k}^{in}} C_{d;k} \phi (x \prec^* y) \phi (z \prec^* w)$$ $$S_{\Lambda,out} (\phi, \Omega) = - \frac{m^2}{2} \sum_{x \prec^* y \in E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega} \phi^2 (x \prec^* y) - \frac{\lambda}{4!} \sum_{x \prec^* y \in E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega} \phi^4 (x \prec^* y) - \nonumber$$ $$- \frac{1}{2l^2} \sum_{k=0}^{n(d)} \sum_{((x \prec^*y), (z \prec^* w)) \in \pi_{\Lambda,k}^{out}} C_{d;k} \phi (x \prec^* y) \phi (z \prec^* w)$$ where the source of $\Lambda$ in $S_{\Lambda}$ on the left hand side is the occurence of $\Lambda$ in $\pi_{\Lambda;k}$ under one of the summation signs on the right hand side. In light of the fact that the thickness of $\Sigma$ is $n(d)+1$, $S_{\Lambda,out} (\phi, \Omega)$ is a function of $\phi (\Sigma) \cup \phi (E(C) \setminus \Omega)$ alone: $$S_{\Lambda,out} (\phi (E({\mathcal C}), \Omega)) = S_{\Lambda,out} (\phi (\Sigma) \cup \phi (E(C) \setminus \Omega))$$ In light of this, we can write $$\int [{\mathcal D} \phi (E({\mathcal C}))] w(\phi (E({\mathcal C})), \phi_{ob} (E({\mathcal C}))) \exp (iS_{\Lambda}(\phi(E({\mathcal C})))) = \nonumber$$ $$= \int [{\mathcal D} \phi (\Omega)] \psi_{\Lambda} (\phi (\Sigma)) w(\phi (\Omega), \phi_{ob} (\Omega)) \exp (iS_{\Lambda, in} (\phi(\Omega)))$$ where $$\psi_{\Lambda} (\phi (\Sigma)) = \int [{\mathcal D} \phi (E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega)] w ( \phi (E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega), \phi_{ob} (E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega)) \exp (iS_{\Lambda,out} (\phi,\Omega)) \label{CtoPsi}$$ We claim that $\psi_{\Lambda} (\phi (\Sigma))$ can be viewed as a *quantum state* attached to $\Sigma$. Let us motivate this viewpoint. Recall that, in case of first quantization, quantum state is identified with a wave function $\psi (x)$. In case of second quantization, the quantization of $x$ is being replaced by the quantization of $\phi$. Therefore, $\psi (x)$ should be replaced with $\psi (\phi)$. However, we should be careful. A four-dimensional trajectory of $\phi$ corresponds to a *trajectory* $x(t)$ as opposed to a single point $x$. The analogue of a single point $x$ is the *slice* of $\phi$ on a *hypersurface* $\Sigma$, that is, $\phi (\Sigma)$. Therefore, $\psi (x)$ should be replaced with $\psi_{\Lambda} (\phi (\Sigma))$. That is to be interpreted as a quantum state attached to $\Sigma$. As mentioned earlier, $\Lambda$ is a constant, so by $\psi_{\Lambda} (\phi (\Sigma))$ we mean one single state as opposed to a family of states. Quantum states when $\mathcal C$ is unbounded {#StatesUnboundedMinimalist} --------------------------------------------- Let us now attempt to generalize what we did in Section \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] to the situation when the quantum states are unbounded. We would like to employ similar limitting process as we did in Section \[Conditional\]. However, as we recall from Section \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\], we were unable to prove the existence of the limit so we had to replace it with a linear combination of $\limsup$ and $\liminf$. This translates into us being unable to describe it as a single state in a sense of Section \[QuantumStates\]. Instead, we will introduce the notion of a *hyperstate*. We will introduce it in the following way: [**Definition**]{} Let $({\cal H},d)$ be a normed Hilbert space, and let $\Pi$ be partially ordered set. A *hyperstate extension* of $({\cal H},d)$ through $\Pi$ is another normed Hilbert space, $({\cal H}_{\Pi}, d_{\Pi})$, where ${\cal H}_{\Pi}$ is a set of maps of the form $\Pi \mapsto \cal H$ and $d_{\Pi}$ is defined as $d_{\Pi} (u,v) = \limsup_{\xi \rightarrow \infty} d(u(\xi),v(\xi))$. Furthermore, there is a natural embedding of $\cal H$ into ${\cal H}_{\Pi}$: for any $h \in \cal H$, we define $\overline{h} \in {\cal H}_{\Pi}$ as $\overline{h} (\xi) = h$ for all $\xi \in \Pi$. Now, we will define ${\cal H}_{\Sigma}$ to be the set of states over $\Sigma$ with the addition, multiplication and norm defined in the usual way $$(\psi_1 + \psi_2)(\phi (\Sigma)) = \psi_1 (\phi (\Sigma)) + \psi_2 (\phi (\Sigma))$$ $$(c \psi) (\phi (\Sigma)) = c( \psi (\phi (\Sigma)))$$ $$\vert \psi \vert = \bigg( \int [{\mathcal D} \phi (\Sigma)] (\psi (\phi))^2 \bigg)^{1/2}$$ and we will define $\Pi_{\Sigma}$ to be the set of intervals containing $\Sigma$, ordered by inclusion: $$\Pi_{\Sigma} = \{ I (p,q) \supset \Sigma \}$$ $$I (p_1, q_1) \leq I(p_2,q_2) \Longleftrightarrow I(p_1,q_1) \subseteq I(p_2,q_2)$$ Now, we will define a hyperstate $\Psi$ as follows. For any $I(p,q)$ we define $\psi = \Psi(I(p,q))$ by Eq \[CtoPsi\] with $C$ being replaced with $I(p,q)$: $$(\Psi_{\Lambda} (I(p,q))) (\phi (\Sigma)) =$$ $$= \int [{\mathcal D} \phi (E(I(p,q)) \setminus \Omega) w ( \phi (E(I(p,q)) \setminus \Omega), \phi_{ob} (E(I(p,q)) \setminus \Omega)) \exp (iS_{\Lambda} (\phi (E(I(p,q)) \setminus \Omega))) \nonumber$$ On the first glance it seems troublesome. Our original goal was to “reduce" the infinite information contained in $\cal C$ to the finite information contained in $\psi$. We have not accomplished that goal: the $\Psi$ that is defined above contains *infinite* information, since it incorporates infinitely many $I(p,q)$. However, thanks to the definition of the distance, we *do* have some measns of going around this objection. In particular, while $\Psi$ contains infinite information, we could say that $\Psi$ can be *approximated* by $\psi$, where $\psi$ contains finite information. Here, by “approximation" we mean $d(\Psi, \overline{\psi}) < \delta$, for some suitable $\delta$. Of course, this does not need to be the case. But, in light of the damping in Eq \[ContinuumAttenuation\], we would expect on the physical groups that the fluctuations of $\Psi (I(p,q))$ will be small once $I (p,q)$ is large enough. In fact, we would expect those fluctuations to approach zero; but since we are unable to prove this (which is the reason why we had to resort to $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ to begin with) we have to instead stick to the “middle ground" and just assume they are small. We will now carry over Eq \[LimSupLimInf\] into our framework. First of all, we will replace $Z_{\Lambda}(\phi_{ob} (E(I(p,q))))$ with $Z_{\Lambda}(\Psi (\Sigma), \phi_{ob} (E(\Omega)))$. That is, we replace $\phi (I(p,q))$ with $\phi (\Omega)$ (where $\Omega \subset I (p,q)$) and take care of the “missing information" by including $\Psi (\Sigma)$. We define $Z_{\Lambda}(\Psi (\Sigma), \phi_{ob} (E(\Omega))$ to be $$Z_{\Lambda}(\Psi (\Sigma), \phi_{ob} (\Omega)) = \int [{\cal D} \phi (\Omega)] \Psi (\phi (\Sigma)) w(\phi_{ob} (\Omega), \phi (\Omega)) \exp (iS (\phi (\Omega)))$$ In addition to $d_{\Pi}$ defined earlier, we also define $d^*_{\Pi}$ as $d^*_{\Pi} (u,v) = \liminf_{\xi \rightarrow \infty} d(u(\xi),v(\xi))$. Note that while $d_{\Pi}$ obeys the triangle inequality, $d^*_{\Pi}$ does not. Thus, $d_{\Pi}$ is a distance function, but $d^*_{\Pi}$ is *not*. We can then rewrite Eq \[LimSupLimInf\] as $$\rho_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega) \vert \phi_{ob} (E({\cal C}) \setminus \Omega)) = \nonumber$$ $$= \bigg(\int [{\mathcal D} \phi_{ob} (\Omega)] \Big(\lambda d^2_{\Pi} (0, Z_{\Lambda} (\Psi (\Sigma), \phi_{ob} (\Omega))) + (1- \lambda) d^{*2}_{\Pi} (0, Z_{\Lambda} (\Psi (\Sigma), \phi_{ob} (\Omega))) \Big) \bigg)^{-1} \times \nonumber$$ $$\times \Big(\lambda d^2_{\Pi} (0, Z_{\Lambda} (\Psi (\Sigma), \phi_{ob} (\Omega))) + (1- \lambda) d^{*2}_{\Pi} (0, Z_{\Lambda} (\Psi (\Sigma), \phi_{ob} (\Omega))) \Big) \label{Exact}$$ If it happens that $d_{\Sigma} (\Psi, \overline{\psi}) < \delta$ for some state $\psi (\phi (\Sigma))$, then we can obtain a good approximation to the above equation by replacing $\Psi$ with $\overline{\psi}$. In this case, it reduces to $$\rho_{\Lambda} (\phi_{ob} (\Omega) \vert \phi_{ob} (E({\cal C}) \setminus \Omega)) \approx \frac{\vert Z_{\Lambda}(\Psi (\Sigma), \phi_{ob} (\Omega)) \vert^2 }{\int [{\cal D} \phi_{ob} (\Omega)]\vert Z_{\Lambda}(\Psi (\Sigma), \phi_{ob} (\Omega)) \vert^2 } \label{Approx}$$ While Eq \[Exact\] is exact, Eq \[Approx\] is only an approximation. But, at the same time, Eq \[Exact\] utilizes infinite information while Eq \[Approx\] utilizes finite information. Thus, we have just formulated more precisely what we intuitively knew all along: while the exact calculation should take into account an entanglement across infinite universe, it can be approximated by a calculation done within a finite region of that universe. For example, for most everyday purposes, we can pretend that the universe is just our galaxy, although there might be some really small errors due to our neglecting the signals coming from the outside of our galaxy. More general model of quantum states {#StatesGeneral} ------------------------------------ In Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] and \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\] we have assumed that the quantum states attached to $\Sigma$ were produced by $\phi_{ob}$ in in the exterior of $\Sigma$. Since that exterior is infinite, this forced us to propose the ways of handling such infinity which resulted in us having to introduce extra formalism specifically for that purpose. There is an alternative approach, however. We can drop the assumption that the quantum states on $\Sigma$ were created by $\phi_{ob}$ in the exterior and, instead, simply postulate those states. The role of $\phi_{ob}$ is to influence the way $\psi (\phi)$ *evolves* from one hypersurface to the next, whereas $\psi (\phi)$ at one *specific* hypersurface can be thought of as “initial condition". Since we are free to postulate any initial conditions we like, we are free to introduce $\psi (\phi)$ as a *regular* state, *not* a hyperstate. Suppose $\Omega_1 \subseteq \Omega_2$ and suppose $\Sigma_1$ and $\Sigma_2$ are boundaries of thickness $n(d)$ of $\Omega_1$ and $\Omega_2$, respectively. Furthermore, suppose that $\Omega_1 \setminus \Sigma_1 \supseteq \Omega_2 \setminus \Sigma_2$. We postulate the following relation: $$\psi (\phi (\Sigma)) = \int [{\mathcal D} \phi (\Omega_1 \setminus \Omega_2)] \psi (\phi (\Sigma_1)) w ( \phi (\Omega_1 \setminus \Omega_2), \phi_{ob} (\Omega_1 \setminus \Omega_2)) \exp (iS_{\Lambda,out} (\phi,\Omega_2))$$ The reason we write $\psi$ rather than $\psi_{\Lambda}$ is that the source of $\Lambda$ in $\psi_{\Lambda}$ used to be the action at $E({\cal C}) \setminus \Omega$, and that action was based on $\Lambda$. But with what we are doing now, that action is no longer relevant, since we are merely postulating $\psi$. That is why $\psi$ no longer has $\Lambda$ index in it. However, the *relation* between $\psi$-s on two *different* hypersurfaces still depends on the action *between* these hypersurfaces, which, in turn, depends on $\Lambda$. That is why the above equation still has $\Lambda$ in it. What we have done in Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] and \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\] can be heuristically viewed as a “special case" of the current section for the situation where $\psi (\phi (\Sigma)) \rightarrow 1$ as $\Sigma \rightarrow \infty$ (where by $\Sigma \rightarrow \infty$ we mean that $\Omega_k \setminus \Sigma_k \supset I (r_k, s_k)$ where $r_k \rightarrow - \infty$ and $s_k \rightarrow \infty$ as $k \rightarrow \infty$). At the same time, however, it seems appealing to be able to stick to Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] and \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\] without having to resort to the current section. For one thing, one can visualize $\phi_{ob}$ while one can not visualize $\psi (\phi)$, so it would be nice to be able to say that the latter reduces to the former. So we will devote the next section to discussing pros and cons in choosing between Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] and \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\] and the current section. Choice between Section \[StatesGeneral\] versus Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] and \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\] {#Choice} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have just said that the model described in Sections \[StatesGeneral\] to Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] is a special case of the model described in Section \[StatesGeneral\]. At the same time, however, one can argue that all of the observed phenomena can be described within the framework of that “special case". After all, nobody has ever seen $\psi (\phi)$; what people observe is $\phi_{ob}$. For example, an arrow of measuring apparatus pointing in a certain direction can be described as $\phi_{ob}$ being larger within a region of the shape of that arrow and smaller outside of that region. Based on the behavior of $\phi_{ob}$ we then *infer* what $\psi (\phi)$ might be. But, as it turns out, this inference is not one to one: one would have to “know" the behavior of $\psi (\phi)$ at infinity in order to establish that correspondence. That is what justifies us making a default assumption about it, such as it is a constant. On the other hand, one can also argue that even if $\psi (\phi)$ at infnity was not a constant, its effects would have decayed due to the damping in Eq \[ContinuumAttenuation\]. In this case, one does *not* need to make any assumption about $\psi (\phi)$ at infinity, although making one is not going to alter the result. In other words, we know that that assumption won’t cause any trouble; the only question is whether or not it is necessary. That question is tied to the question whether the limit discussed earlier is well defined (as a consequence of the damping in Eq \[ContinuumAttenuation\]) or whether we should resort to $\limsup$ and $\liminf$. On the physical grounds, we would like to say that limit is well defined and also that the situation is independent of $\psi (\phi)$ at infinity. But, since we can not prove it mathematically as of yet, we would have to assume otherwise. It should be pointed out that the proposal in this section is more closely alligned to GRW model [@GRW1; @GRW2; @GRWSverdlov] than the proposals of Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] and \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\]. In the case of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, GRW model can be described as follows. A wave function $\psi (x)$ evolves according to Schrodinger’s equation and, at random times, it is being multiplied by Gaussians, $\psi (x) \mapsto N (x_0, \psi) \psi (x) e^{- \frac{\alpha}{2} (x-x_0)^2}$ where $N (x_0, \psi)$ is a normalization constant that is determined by keeping it norm-1. That multiplication is called the *hit*. The point $x_0$ is chosen randomly; the probability density that the point $x_0$ will fall in the vicinity of $y_0$ is proportional to $\frac{1}{N^2 (y_0, \psi)}$. The repeated multiplication by these Gaussians is responsible for the collapse of wave function. If we have repeated such events, we can replace $x_0$ with $\cdots, x_{-1}, x_0, x_1, \cdots$ to avoid confusion: $x_k$ is the choice of the center of the Gaussian during the event number $k$. The timing of these hits play important role too, since affects the amount by which wave function evolved between the hits. We will denote the time of the hit around $x_k$ to be $t_k$. Thus, the list of hits can be written as $(\cdots, (x_{-1}, t_{-1}), (x_0, t_0), (x_1, t_1), \cdots )$. It has been shown in [@GRWSverdlov] that GRW model would approximate continuous measurement model in the limit that the time between these hits goes to zero (and, accordingly, the effect of each hit goes to zero as well, so that the accumulated effect of multiple hits stays fixed). In this case, the discrete sequence $(\cdots, (x_{-1}, t_{-1}), (x_0,t_0), (x_1,t_1), \cdots)$ can be replaced with a continuous trajectory $x_{ob} (t)$. Now, what we just said pertains to the first quantization. In case of the second quantization, $x_{ob} (t)$ gets replaced with $\phi_{ob} (x,t)$, which is what we have been focusing on throughout the rest of the paper. Therefore, the statement that “$\psi (\phi)$ can be reduced to $\phi_{ob}$" is an analogue of the statement “$\psi (x)$ can be reduced to $(\cdots, (x_{-1},t_{-1}), (x_0,t_0), (x_1,t_1), \cdots)$". But, in case of GRW model, it is clearly not true. It is assumed that we already have $\psi (x)$, and those Gaussians merely modify its evolution. Therefore, by this logic, one could argue that we need to make an extra assumption about $\psi (\phi)$ as is done in Section \[StatesGeneral\] much like in GRW model one has to make an extra assumption about $\psi (x)$. However, one can also argue in the opposite direction. One can utilize our other arguments in favor of Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] and \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\] and claim that, by the same token, $\psi (x)$ should be viewed as a bi-product of $(\cdots, (x_{-1}, t_{-1}), (x_0,t_0), (x_1,t_1), \cdots)$. One argument in this direction is that we have not actually observed $\psi (x)$, and neither do we observe localization of the particle either. What we observe are macroscopic objects. That is even true in double slit experiment. When the particle hits the screen, the dot that we see is clearly large enough for us to see it – in other words, it is macroscopic in size. The fact that it was created by an electron is merely our theory. One can then point out that the Gaussians involved in GRW model might be macroscopic. After all, the effect of each one of the Gaussians is very small and they only create the collapse after their effects accumulate. This implies that their are very wide which, in turn, suggests the possibility that they might be macroscopic in size. Since the Gaussians are macroscopic and what we observe is macroscopic too, this makes it logical to say that Gaussians is what we observe. One initial objection one might have to this is that the “macroscopic" object we referred to a bit earlier – namely, the spot on the screen – is not the same as the “macroscopic" object we are talking about now – namely Gaussians. But it is possible to address this objection by saying that we don’t directly observe the spot on the screen but, instead, we observe multiple Gaussians that we then interpret as the spot on the screen. If we do resort to this kind of argument, we could then go back and ask how do we know that we observe the Gaussians rather than observing the mean and standard deviation of the wave function instead? The answer is that we don’t know. But, at the same time, it is possible to *speculate* that Gaussians is what we observe – particularly since in [@GRWSverdlov] these Gaussians were linked to $x_{ob}$ which corresponds to the observed location of macroscopic object. If we do stick to this hypothesis, we could argue that $\psi$ is only a bi-product of these Gaussians – and, therefore, drop the initial conditions on $\psi$. We could also argue that, thanks to these Gaussians, the information about initial conditions at $- \infty$ gets lost anyway. We then can use this way of looking at GRW model as a way of justifying a choice in favor of Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] and \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\]. Another argument in favor of Sections \[StatesBoundedMinimalist\] and \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\] and against the Section \[StatesGeneral\] is the following. While it is straightforward to see how $\psi (\phi (\Sigma))$ evolves when $\Sigma$ “shrinks", it is a lot harder to solve an “inverse problem" and find out how it evolves when $\Sigma$ “expands". The good news, however, is that we do not have to assume that there is any space outside of any given hypersurface. More precisely, we didn’t say there is, and we didn’t say there isn’t. So, as far as we are concerned, it is “possible" that the state on the hypersurface was generated by the bigger hypersurface, and it is also possible that there is no bigger hypersurface, and the state on the hypersurface simply “created itself" so to speak. Of course, from the point of view of the goal of our project, we would like to think that there is a bigger hypersurface, but we do not have to prove that there is one. Quantum measurement and causality {#Causality} --------------------------------- One thing the reader might have noticed in the comparison with GRW model, is that this comparison can only work if “time direction" points from the outside of $\Omega$ to the inside. Indeed, if we have $\Omega_1 \supset \Omega_2$, with their respective boundaries $\Sigma_1$ and $\Sigma_2$, then we can use the quantum state assigned to $\Sigma_1$ to make a prediction of $\phi_{ob}$ in $\Sigma_1 \setminus \Sigma_2$ which, in turn, can be used in order to predict the quantum state assigned to $\Sigma_2$. Per earlier discussion, $\phi_{ob}$ can be thought of as an analogue of “hits" in GRW model, while the quantum states assigned to $\Sigma_1$ and $\Sigma_2$ can be thought of as an initial state and final state, respectively. One can re-parametrize the coordinates in a way that would reflect this. That is, $dx^0$ can point in future timelike direction, or past timelike direction, or spacelike direction, depending on which direction points to the center of $\Omega$. This reparametrization does *not* reflect the causal relations $\prec$. The future in terms of $\prec$ can point both to the center of $\Omega$ and away from it, depending on where we are located, while the future in terms of $x^0$ always points to the center of $\Omega$. If one follows the causal lines of $\prec$, one would enter $\Omega$ from one end and leave it from the other end. If one follows the causal lines according to $x^0$, one would enter $\Omega$, reach its center and stop there. We are already familiar with examples of when $dt$ is spacelike from the black holes. In this case, however, we are *not* dealing with black holes or any other notrivial geometry for that matter (for all we know it might be a flat Minkowski space) but still nothing stops us from reparametrizing the coordinates whatever way we like. In order to best reflect the kind of $x^0$ that we experience, consider $\sigma \subset \Sigma$. While $\Sigma$ closes onto itself, $\sigma$ does not. In our case, $\sigma$ is part of the “earlier" side of $\Sigma$, which is the reason why *our* version of $x^0$ points to the future. One can then define the quantum state attached to $\sigma$ by $$\Psi_{\Lambda} (\phi (\sigma)) = \int [{\mathcal D} \phi (\Sigma \setminus \sigma)] \Psi_{\Lambda} (\phi (\sigma) \cup \phi (\Sigma \setminus \sigma))$$ where by $\phi (X) \cup \phi (Y)$ we mean $\phi (X \cup Y)$. Note that, while we *choose* to select $\sigma$ to be a patch on the “past" part of $\Sigma$ we didn’t have to. If we were to choose $\sigma$ at other locations, then the time direction, relevant to $\sigma$ can point to the future with respect to $\prec$, or to the past with respect to $\prec$ or in spacelike direction with respect to $\prec$. If it points in the spacelike direction with respect to $\prec$, then the physics observed by such an observer would be drastically different from the physics as we know it. But, if it points in the timelike past direction, the physics will be the same due to the time reversal symmetry. Let us see whether the time reversal symmetry is exact or approximate. The Lagrangian density (Eq \[EdgeLagrangian\]) seems to suggests its approximate, while the action (Eq \[EdgeAction\]) seems to suggest it is exact. Let us try to reconcile this seeming contradiction. We observe that the terms that break the time reversal symmetry in Eq \[EdgeLagrangian\] are the terms of the form $\phi (x \prec^* y) \phi (z \prec^* w)$. This term, on its own, respects time reversal symmetry. The point where it is broken is when we “decide" whether we want to “count" this term as a part of Lagrangian density at $x \prec^* y$ or as a part of Lagrangian density of $z \prec^* w$. Since the action involves the sum of both of these Lagrangian densities, it does not matter which one we would include any given term into. It is merely the question of convention. In other words, the action represents actual physics while the Lagrangian density represents our choice on how to group the terms. Therefore, since the action respects the exact time reversal symmetry, our theory respects the exact time reversal symmetry as well. As far as Lorentz invariance issues, the choice of reference frame is basically the choice of $\sigma$ and $\Sigma \supset \sigma$. The choice of $\sigma$ will tell us that the gradient of $x^0$ will be normal to that surface, and the choice of $\Sigma \supset \sigma$ will tell us which of the two opposite directions it is pointing at. Since our theory accommodates all possible choices of $\sigma$ and $\Sigma \supset \sigma$, it respects the principle of relativity in this particular sense. There is also an alternative interpretation to everything we said in this sub-section so far. Namely, there is no such thing as sequence of measurements. Instead, there is one single “snapshot" taken over the entire spacetime history. In case of bounded causal set, the probability of that snapshot is given by Eq \[BornBoundedCausal\]. In case of unbounded causal set, the space of trajectories $\phi_{ob}$ became infinite dimensional which made it difficult to talk about the set of probability densities over that space. So we had to resort to conditional probability densities instead. The role of $\Omega$ is simply our way of formulating those conditional probabilities, but $\Omega$ does not play any physical role. From the physics point of view, we had one single snapshot, where both $\Omega$ and $E({\mathcal C}) \setminus \Omega$ were taken at the same time. One way to reconcile these two interpretations is to picture the following scenario. Suppose few different measurements of few different systems take place at the same time. But suppose that the lab technician is unable to look at all these outcomes at the same time. For example, maybe they have to walk from one laboratory to the other; maybe it would take time for them to record the results with paper and pencil; maybe there are some other similar obstacles. So these delays are not quantum mechanical but they are specific to an observer. The actual quantum measurements were made simultaneously, but the observer looks at them in the sequence. In the same way, the actual measurement of the spacetime history was taken simultaneously as one single snapshot. But an observer is unable to look at the whole snapshot at the same time; they have to first look at one part of it and then the other. Different observers make different choices as to what part they look first and what part they look next. These choices correspond to different choices of time coordinate that these different observers chose to parametrize the spacetime history with. Note that we link our proposal to GRW model and, at the same time, claim that we respect Lorentz invariance. Therefore, we can think of our proposal as a relativistic version of GRW model, in some very vague sense. It should be pointed out that there was earlier work by Tumulka that also made that claim [@RelativisticGRW]. However, that model was using hyperboloids that the “hits" were creating. In our proposal, on the other hand, we were using $\Sigma$. Our $\Sigma$ is different from their hyperboloids in the following sense. Their hyperboloids were created by the “hits" whereas our $\Sigma$ was the result of lack of knowledge of the observer (knowledge in the classical sense). Therefore, in their case, all observers would agree what those hyperboloids are, while in our case they would not agree regarding the choice of $\Sigma$. If we stick with the mindset that hypersurfaces create preferred frames, this would imply that in their proposal all observers would agree on the preferred frame, while in our proposal they wouldn’t. In this specific respect, our proposal respects principles of relativity more closely. However, even in their case, there were no *a priori* preferred frame. The preferred frame was *spontaneously created* after the “hits". Conclusion ========== In this paper we have accomplished two things. First, we have addressed the question of nonlocality of causal sets and, secondly, we proposed the model of quantum measurement in causal set context. Interestingly, the questions regarding principles of relativity arise in both contexts. In the context of causal sets, one attempts to address the question of microscopic violation of relativity by the discrete structure as well as macroscopic violation of relativity by the boundary. In case of quantum measurement, one has to address grandfather’s paradox and other similar issues. As it turns out, this is not coincidence. According to Section \[Causality\], the quantum states are attached to the concentric hypersurfaces and the direction of time points inward. Therefore, there is a relation between the preferred frame determined by the shape of the hypersurface (causal set problem) and the preferred frame determined by the quantum measurement (foundation of quantum mechanics problem). Both issues are addressed by making sure that causal set is unbounded and, therefore, the choice of that hypersurface is up to the observer as opposed to intrinsic to the causal set itself. In the past, there have been proposals of quantum measurement models by causal set theorists (see, for example, [@QuantumLogic1; @QuantumLogic2]). These approaches, however, were based on introducing *quantum logic*, where the rules of usual logic (referred to as *classical logic*) no longer hold and are, instead, replaced with the rules of what they call *quantum logic*. By sharp contrast to those approaches, this paper is written strictly within the realm of *classical logic*. In addition to this, the notion of quantum states was shown to be emergent from the Feynmann path integral which, in a sense, makes quantum states easier to visualize. Although we should admit that visualizing Feynmann path integral is still one level of complication above visualizing truly classical phenomena. The solution to the issue of nonlocality has the following ingredients. First of all, we made sure that the geometry is local, by replacing points with edges (Section \[Edges\]). As it turns out, while the points have infinite number of neighbors, the edges have finite number of neighbors. That finite number, however, is controlled by a parameter $\Lambda$ that determines exactly what we mean by an edge-neighbor. Consequently, the action, partition function and probability density became $\Lambda$-dependent, which is why we wrote $S_{\Lambda}$, $Z_{\Lambda}$ and $\rho_{\Lambda}$. That $\Lambda$ is viewed as an integer-valued physical constant. Secondly, we made sure that the signals have finite lifetime by introducing the continuum measurement model (Sec \[EpsilonContinuum\]) that lead to damping (Eq \[ContinuumAttenuation\]). Consequently, whenever two edges happen to be remote from each other geometrically (thanks to $\Lambda$-based geometry just discussed) this, indeed, implies that their physical interaction is small. Thirdly, we introduced $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ technique to make sure that the theory remains mathematically well defined even if by some miracle the signals do not attenuate the way we expected (Sec \[StatesUnboundedMinimalist\]) and, fourthly, we combined these three things to come up with a theory of quantum measurement on the unbounded causal set. The main thing that makes the theory awkward is the use of $\limsup$ and $\liminf$. From Eq \[ContinuumAttenuation\], we have good physical reason to believe that the two coincide and, therefore can be replaced by simple $\lim$. However, we were unable to come up with a *mathematical* proof of this *physical* conjecture. So, for the purposes of this paper, we assumed the worst possible situation, where that conjecture isn’t true, which is why we retained the use of $\limsup$ and $\liminf$. But, our goal for the future research, is to either prove or disprove the possibility of replacing $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ with a single $\lim$. For the purposes of making the theory as explicit as possible, this paper chose to use Spin-0 Lagrangian given in [@Delambertian1; @Delambertian2], with appropriate replacements of points with edges. However, the framework of this proposal is independent of the choice of Lagrangian that is being used. Therefore, it would work equally well if we replace the Lagrangians given in [@Delambertian1; @Delambertian2] with, for example, Lagrangians given in [@TestFunctions]. By the same token, while this paper was focusing exclusively on scalar field, the framework can be adapted to include gauge fields. It would only require the replacement of scalar fields and Lagrangian used in this paper with the gauge fields and their Lagrangians that are given in, for example, in [@EMEdges] or [@TestFunctions]. While writing it down might take a few pages, conceptually it is a straightforward generalization of techniques presented in this paper. On a more mathematical front, some of the techniques of dealing with unbounded sets that are used in this paper might be similar to the ones used in nonstandard analysis. While there is a similarity in spirit, we did not pretend to develop full fledged formalism. It might be interesting, for the future research, to attempt to do so. In particular it might be interesting to see whether one can start from the concepts already developed in nonstandard analysis [@Nonstandard1; @Nonstandard2] and manipulate them in such a way that would lead to the things we were using in this paper. We will leave this for future research. 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Phys. 125 (2006) 821-840 DOI 10.1007/s10955-006-9227-3 and arXiv:quant-ph/0406094 Roman Sverdlov “Connection between GRW “spontaneous collapse" and Mensky’s “restricted path integral“ models” Foundations of Physics, 46(7), 825-835 2016 and arXiv:arXiv:1305.7516 Rafael Sorkin “Quantum Dynamics without the Wave Function" J.Phys.A40:3207-3222,2007 DOI 10.1088/1751-8113/40/12/S20 and arXiv:quant-ph/0610204 H. Casini, “The Quantum logic of causal sets" Class.Quant.Grav. 19 (2002) 6389-6404 DOI 10.1088/0264-9381/19/24/308 and arXiv: gr-qc/0205013 R.Sverdlov “Electromagnetic Lagrangian on a causal set that resides on edges rather than points" arXiv:1805.08064 R.Sverdlov “The use of test functions to help define quadratic Lagrangian on a causal set" arXiv:1807.07403 [^1]: While in current paper we use the term observabe and letter $\phi_{ob}$, in [@Epsilon] we used the word “classical" and letter $\phi_{cl}$ to mean the same thing. What we mean by “classical" is strictly an ontology. Quantum mechanical entities take multiple trajectories at the same time while classical entities take one single trajectory. We did *not* mean to say that any of the laws of classical physics hold (they do not!) However, upon subsequent conversations with other scientists, we noticed that when people hear the word “classical" they often understand it to mean as if we claim the laws of classical physics hold, which is not what we are trying to say. That is why in this paper we decided to replace “classical" with “observable". Accordingly, we replace $\phi_{cl}$ with $\phi_{ob}$
Abstract Developmental students, who can be defined as students with academic skill and/or knowledge deficits, benefit from strategic support that includes self-regulation support. Because many developmental students are enrolled in online courses, it is important for online faculty members to provide effective self-regulation support in online learning environments. The most effective support strategies for online, developmental students include self-regulation support that a) helps students develop self-regulatory strategies and behaviors; b) is designed to help students transfer self-regulatory strategies and behaviors; and c) addresses students’ resistance to change. Self-Regulation and the Success of Developmental Students in Online Learning When students self-regulate, they plan and strategize to amplify their achievement. Self-regulated students also reflect on their outcomes, successes, and challenges, and adjust future planning based on their conclusions. Developmental students, who can be defined as students with academic skill and/or knowledge deficits, benefit from strategic support that includes self-regulation support (Boylan, 1999; Smittle, 2003; Stahl, Simpson, & Hayes, 1992). Overall, online enrollments are growing; currently, more than 1 in 4 college and university students is taking at least one online class (Sloan Consortium, 2009). As a part of this figure, developmental students are enrolled in developmental reading, writing, and math courses. As of 2007, over 3% of developmental reading, writing, and math courses were taught exclusively online, while over 3% more included an online component (Gerlaugh, Thompson, Boylan, & Davis, 2007). This means that, as of 2007, at least 7% of enrollments of developmental students in developmental classes involved online learning. Developmental students are also enrolled in non-developmental online courses, whether in place of, in addition to, or subsequent to developmental coursework. Academic Challenges Faced by Developmental Students Not surprisingly, many adult developmental students are not academically prepared to succeed in a rigorous academic environment (Boylan, 1999; Smittle, 2003). Because of skill and/or knowledge deficits, many developmental students require additional support to succeed. One way developmental students receive support is via developmental education programs and classes. In 2003, 29% of the students who entered a community college enrolled in developmental courses and 21% of all students who entered college or university enrolled in developmental courses (NCES, 2008). Also, many more developmental students take advantage of the support offered by learning centers and tutoring programs (Boylan, 1995 as cited in Boylan, 1999). It is difficult to know how many developmental students use learning centers and tutoring programs because they are not consistently identified as being developmental learners. Adult students who do not enroll in college directly from high school are especially likely to require developmental support (Boylan, 1999). They are more likely to be returning to college after having dropped out after a previous attempt, or attended high school at a time when college preparatory course work was less common. Also, older adult students may not have attended school for many years and may have forgotten prior learning. Non-Academic Challenges Faced by Developmental Students Also, like all adult students, many adult developmental students face non-academic challenges. Adult students balance work, home, family, and other adult responsibilities. Therefore, effective support must also address these challenges and take a “whole-student” approach to adult education (Boylan, 1999; Burley, 2008; Smittle, 2003). Successful programs for adults must value student contributions and recognize that adult students are developing personally as well as academically. Developmental Education Developmental education support is important; it enables many students to succeed in higher education. The value of developmental education for students who require it should not be dismissed. Boylan (1999) states, “contrary to some public opinion, developmental students are not, as one misguided politician called them, ‘the welfare mothers of higher education.’ They are our sons and daughters, our mothers and fathers, our friends, and often our coworkers. They are the working poor, the middle class, and occasionally the wealthy classes. They do not attend our institutions as part of some affirmative action initiative. They attend our institutions because they seek educational opportunity. And, educational opportunity is still promoted as a priority for this country and its higher education institutions.” Even so, research and practice regarding developmental education has not advanced as it should have (Burley, 2008). Burley argues, “For me, listening to the research of far too many reports at developmental education conferences ismuch like “Rockin’ to the Oldies,” same old tunes, re-mastered, re-mixed, and re-reported, one more time” (p. 51). Toward this end, it is important to understand exactly how to provide effective support for adult developmental students in online settings. According to Burley, one area that warrants a closer look is the connection between developmental student success and self-regulation. The Benefits of Self-Regulation Support Adult developmental students can use self-regulation to address challenges and increase their success (Boylan, 1999; Smittle, 2003; Stahl, Simpson, & Hayes, 1992). In particular, students can use self-regulation skills and strategies to plan and work effectively. They can also use self-regulation to reflect on the outcomes of their work, both positive and negative, and to use their conclusions to shape future plans and strategies (Zimmerman, 2002). However, many developmental students need support to establish these skills and behaviors (Boylan, 1999; Burley, 2008; Smittle, 2003; Stahl, Simpson, & Hayes, 1992; and Williams & Hellman, 2004). Academic Benefits of Self-Regulation Overall, self-regulated students experience more academic success than those who do not self-regulate (Montalvo & Torres, 2004; Schloemer & Brenan, 2006). Students who self-regulate believe change and success are possible. Therefore, they proactively use strategies to achieve their goals. Students who use self-regulation exhibit the following qualities (Montalvo & Torres, 2004; Schloemer & Brenan, 2006): They consciously use cognitive strategies to succeed. They plan, control, and direct their mental efforts. They use motivational beliefs and emotions to promote their own achievement. Be more likely to complete their courses (Zimmerman, 2002 as cited in Williams & Hellman, 2004). Benefits of Self-Regulation for Developmental Students Students, developmental or not, can benefit from support in self-regulation, but strategy-based support is especially helpful to students who struggle academically. One study (Ryan & Glenn, 2004) indicates that college freshmen with a first semester GPA of 2.0 or higher who participated in a strategy-based freshman seminar were 9% more likely to enroll the following fall. Even more notable is that college freshmen with a first semester GPA of 1.9 or lower who participated in a strategy-based freshman seminar were 29% more likely to enroll the following fall. This statistical difference may be explained by the fact that many adult developmental students lack self-regulation skills and are more likely than other students to lack self-regulation (Boylan, 1999; Burley, 2008; Smittle, 2003; Stahl et al. 1992; Young & Ley, 2003). Also, developmental students are often unable to accurately judge their own abilities and progress. This is especially problematic; developmental students with skill deficits can particularly benefit from self-regulation because it helps them use strategy to compensate for learning differences (Zimmerman, 2002). Benefits of Self-Regulation in Online Learning Environments The link between self-regulation and student success is also particularly strong in online learning (Artino, 2008; Hodges, 2005; Niemi, Launonen, & Raehalme, 2002; Williams & Hellman, 2004). Students who study online work in a learner-controlled environment and have more choices than students in brick and mortar classrooms; for example, online students must decide fully how they will study (Meng-Jung, 2009), when they will study (Meng-Jung, 2009; Williams & Hellman, 2004), and where they will study (Williams & Hellman, 2004). Therefore, it is especially important that online students plan, direct, and, when necessary, modify the ways they approach academics. Absence of self-regulation is strongly linked to absence of online academic success; when students do not succeed in online classes, lack of self-regulation has been shown or suspected as the cause of this lack of success (Hodges, 2005). Self-Regulation Support for Developmental Students in Online Environments Developmental students are enrolled in online classes. Therefore, in online learning environments, it is important to incorporate practices that support developmental learners. One way to do this is to provide self-regulation support in online courses; if support of students’ self-regulatory skills is vital to the effective support of developmental students (Boylan, 1999; Smittle, 2003; Stahl, et al., 1992) and online students (Artino, 2008; Hodges, 2005, Niemi et al., 2002; Williams & Hellman, 2004), it seems logical that self-regulation support is central to the success of developmental students who are learning in an online environment. Therefore, the strategic design of self-regulation support for online developmental students is important. It can be a challenge for instructors to provide of self-regulation support in content-based courses. The provision of such support requires faculty members to manage a dual focus; they must simultaneously support course content knowledge acquisition and self-regulation skill acquisition. Nevertheless, the effort of integrating skill development support into course content pays off. According to Boylan, “the best developmental programs make it hard for a student to sit in any class or participate in any service without learning how to learn, how to think critically, or how to study effectively” (1999). Successful Self-Regulation Support Although further research is needed to determine exactly which strategies most effectively support developmental students in online settings, current research shows that, to be most effective, self-regulation support includes the following: Self-regulation can be taught through straightforward tutorials aimed at specific skill development (Gerhardt, 2007). However, self-regulation support is most effective when it is incorporated into course activities (Boylan, 1999; Williams & Hellman, 2004) or provided by a learning specialist and concurrently carried out by students in coursework (Stahl et al., 1992). This integration allows students to practice their self-regulation skills in “real-world” situations. Effective support also engages students in all three phases of the self-regulation process: the forethought phase, the performance phase, and the self-reflection phase (Zimmerman, 2002). Forethought phase: Students evaluate their needs (Dembo & Seli, 2004) and the task at hand (Zimmerman, 2002). Students set goals, plan, and strategize for how they will approach that task.Progress is catalyzed by self-motivation that is based on a belief that change is possible and that individuals can be agents of change (Zimmerman, 2002). Performance phase: Students enact the plans they created in the forethought phase (Dembo & Seli, 2004; Zimmerman, 2002). Self-reflection phase: Students evaluate their plan and outcomes by comparing their results to a standard (Dembo & Seli, 2004; Zimmerman, 2002). Supports Self-Regulation Skill Transfer Integration of self-regulation support into course activities helps students learn to transfer self-regulatory skills from the context in which they are taught to other relevant situations (Stahl et al., 1992). This transfer of strategies is important; without it, students learn to apply self-regulatory strategies in isolated situations but do not continue to use their skills to promote future success. Addresses Students’ Resistance to Change Unfortunately, many students, especially those in online settings, do not use the self-regulation tools and support that are made available to them (Winters, Greene, & Costich, 2008). Also, students who do use available tools and support frequently overestimate the degree to which they take advantage of support resources. This could be linked to a global difficulty people experience in attempts to change their own behavior (Dembo & Seli, 2004). According to Prochaska & Prochaska (1999), people have difficulty changing behavior because they: a) believe they cannot change; b) do not want to change, c) do not know what to change, or d) do not know how to change (as cited in Dembo & Seli, 2004). Therefore, for students must first have an understanding that they need to change, be motivated to try to self-regulate, believe that change is possible, and believe that they can be agents of change (Zimmerman, 2002). Faculty members can support student motivation and openness to change by crafting feedback that communicates the idea that intelligence is an expandable quality rather than a fixed trait (Dweck, 2002; Dweck, 2007). When students believe this, they are more motivated to work to develop their own skills and knowledge. In contrast, a belief that intelligence is a fixed trait discourages students from exerting more effort because it carries the implication that success results from endowment rather than strategy, practice, or effort. When students receive feedback that praises the process they used to create their work (for example, effort or strategy), rather than their personal traits as a student (for example, intelligence or innate ability) their motivation increases (Dweck, 2002; Dweck, 2007). Process feedback promotes the importance of how students work. It emphasizes the ideas, strategies, choices, development, and execution that students used to create their work. Process feedback also highlights methods students can use to repeat success and overcome challenge. This approach presents feedback as part of an ongoing interchange rather than as an evaluation. As a result, it helps students to value learning, to enjoy effort and challenge, and to thrive in the face of difficulty. While Dweck’s conclusions regarding process feedback are largely based on studies involving grade school and adolescent students, studies involving college students also support her recommendations (Wilson, Shelton, & Damiani, 2002). At least eleven different studies have shown that even one instance of “attributional retraining” (promotion of the idea that success and failure are dependent on changeable factors) can influence college student success rates (Wilson, et al., 2002). Conclusion Self-regulation support promotes student success. This is especially true for developmental students and online students. Therefore, developmental students in online classes may be in particular need of support that helps them develop self-regulating strategies and behaviors. Faculty members who work with developmental students in online learning environments can promote student success by providing self-regulation support. An integration of self-regulation activities into course work and an emphasis on process oriented feedback are important practices that provide self-regulation support. However, while motivation and strategic behaviors are helpful, the eventual goal is not self-regulation for the sake of self-regulation. Instead, it is to equip students to be independent learners. “What defines [students] as ‘self-regulated’ is not their reliance on socially isolated methods of learning, but rather their personal initiative, perseverance, and adoptive skill. Self-regulated students focus on how they activate, alter, and sustain specific learning practices. In an era when these essential qualities for lifelong learning are distressingly absent in many students, teaching self-regulated learning processes is especially relevant” (Zimmerman, 2002).
So many people have stopped me, texted me, emailed me, called me to ask how Malone is. It's so hard to describe something that is so hard to understand. God gave me the visual in this picture of a puzzle that you put together but there are pieces that have fallen under the table and you can't find them. You can still see the big picture on the puzzle and what it is supposed to be but it's not complete. That's how Malone's brain is right now. There are pieces missing. As I've said in a previous post counting, telling time, spelling, etc. All missing pieces. But some pieces there. Two short stories that tell the ironies: Last night riding in the car he was surprised when I turned my high beams on and said "whoa those are bright, where did those come from? How did you do that?" But earlier when I thought he had on basketball shorts with the number 26 on them and he says "Mom, you know you can't have the number 26 as a basketball number." All I can think is that this is fascinating. I just wish I wasn't studying it in my own child's brain! So we are searching under the table for the missing pieces and we are believing God to show them to us. Sweet Melissa posted this verse this morning "I'll stay with you, I'll protect you wherever you go, and I'll bring you back to this very ground. I'll stick with you until I've done everything I promised you." Genesis 28:15 We believe God in this promises to bring back the ground that has been lost for Malone. But as Malone and I talked about, in God's time. And God's time is not our time. So until then, we will be here... Looking for puzzle pieces. Amy, Emily and Patrick are reading this with me now. Hugs, love, kisses and prayers! Praying for patience, wisdom, love and healing over Malone and all of you. Amy...been thinking of you and praying for Malone. Nancy Conner
Core Values "Support our major international clients and partners to meet the challenges of the projects in the different fields of energy, offer the best technologies, combining safety, environmental protection, competitiveness, reliability, flexibility, innovation and quality: it is not only our mission but also our passion. PROSERNAT, We Process Your Energy !" - J.Illouz, Chairman & CEO People At PROSERNAT, the management is based on a high level of individual accountability. As a mid-size company, no one is anonymous. What we care about is sharing experience and promoting everyone's ideas. Communication is key, it makes us a flexible and efficient company where the added value lies into people. Ethic Part of Heurtey Petrochem Group, PROSERNAT applies strong and meaningful ethic policy which is read and signed by each employee as a mark of commitment. This policy is implemented to ensure fundamental rights are respected, environment is protected and business is conducted in respect with the existing moral and legal regulations. Customer Satisfaction The satisfaction of our customers is paramount for us. To reach our goal of 100% customer's satisfaction, we structure our activity around the following key principles: - Listen to the needs of our clients; - Communicate actively from the early proposal stage, during project execution until delivery, start-up and aftersales follow-up of our units; - Be flexible and reactive throughout all project steps; - Evaluate, at the end of each project, the degree of customer’s satisfaction through an evaluation questionnaire filled by customer's representative; - Adapt our proposals to meet changing needs of customers in a fast moving international Oil & Gas market, this is especially done by a strong R&D effort to bring innovative technologies to the market, but also by continuously expanding the scope of our products and services.
5^2 + (-6) * 2(5-8) = ? For this type of equation, we have to remember the order of the rules: Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction. Following these rules, the first thing we do is the parenthesis (5-8) which equals -3. So now the equation reads 5^2 + (-6) * 2(-3) = ?. Now we must look at the exponents. 5^2 gives us 5*5, or 25. Now the equation is 25 + (-6) * 2(-3). Now we multiply. 2 * -3 gives us -6. -6 * -6 gives us +36, remembering that when you multiply two negatives, they equal a positive. This problem now reads 25 + 36. Adding these numbers together, we get 61 as our answer. 15 = 120/2x. Solve for x. To begin the problem, we want to get x on one side of the equation and out of the denominator. To do this, we will multiply everything by 2x. This now gives us 30x = 120. To get x by itself, we divide the problem by 30. This gives us x = 4. Apple earned $800,000 last year. The company had 12,000 shares of common stock on January 1, sold 3,000 shares on June 1 and sold 5,000 more shares of September 1. Calculate the Earnings Per Share for Apple. The earnings per share equation is net income divided by the weighted average number of shares, or: Net Income/ (Weighted Average Number of Shares) The problem tells us that net income is $800,000. To find the weighted average number of shares we have to consider the following: The company began the year with 12,000 shares and had that amount of shares until June 1, or for 5 out of 12 months. Starting June 1 they had 15,000 cumulative shares. They had 15,000 shares for 3 out of 12 months. On September 1 they sold 5,000 more shares, totaling 20,000 shares. They had 20,000 for the rest of the year, or 4 out of 12 months. From this information you can figure out the denominator of the equation. (12,000*5/12) + (15,000*3/12) + (20,000*4/12) = 5,000 + 3,750 + 6,666.67 = 15,416.67 Net Income/ (Weighted Average Number of Shares) = 800,000/15,416.67 = $51.89 earnings per share
Time to add a touch of whimsy | Trending Consider adding a bit of fun to your ensemble, something playful and unique to what would otherwise be a rather staid affair. Oly animal bust, $880. A fun focal point for your bookshelf or sideboard, if a rabbit isn't your thing there's also a ram and deer bust in the collection. cocorepublic.com.au Georges floral boots, $239.90. Wear a pair with a floaty summer skirt or dress for a beautiful boho look. merchant1948.com.au Crystal activated water bottle $120. When pure water is infused with crystal vibrations, it's charged with the healing properties of the stone, and can be used to promote healing and wellness. cawlife.com Victorian Wars, $39.95 (set of four plates). Whether you hang them as a bespoke wall art feature, or serve up a meal to your guests on them, this historic take on a cinema favourite will have the whole room talking. lalalandshop.com.au Camila Coelho Collection Ariella top, $229.30. Sick of wearing the same top every Saturday night? This one takes it up a notch. revolveclothing.com.au Smeg x Dolce and Gabbana slow juicer, $1599. A splash of colour on the kitchen bench could be just the ticket this summer. smeg.com.au Lemon placemat, $5. Brighten up your table setting with this playful design, a colourful choice for meals and gatherings any time of year. earlysettler.com.au Car cufflinks, $29. A simple way to inject some personality into a standard suit is with a pair of novelty cufflinks. buckle1922.com.au Suave Leopard print, $39.99. Not sure how to reflect your personality in your home? Artwork hits the mark every single time. wallartprints.com.au Quavo nylon military buckle vest, $68. A bit out there for some, but if you can pull it off, this is high fashion at its most memorable. boohooman.com/au Dolly fringed ottoman, $419. Named after Dolly Parton (thanks to its tiny waist), the brushed brass band cinches in the soft velvet above the swishy fringed skirt. circlehome.com.au Matters of the Heart embellished heart sunglasses, $24. You can afford to pare back other accessories if you're wearing sunglasses with loads of pizzazz. nastygal.com/au Little Pig rosé, $18. A new shiraz, sangiovese and merlot blend from Margaret River, bursting with crisp flavours of red currants, guava and citrus. Available at select retailers. Fred Como llama tea infuser, $16.99. Fill the Andean-inspired infuser with your favourite blend of tea, stand it upright in your mug and steep. isgift.com Starring You Kiss Of Stars lipstick, $31. This shade is called Destined For Stardom and would suit darker skin tones - a hit for the coming party season. maccosmetics.com.au
Q: Do I need to "unwatch" scope variables when the scope is being destroyed? Below are the docs from angular. I'm watching several variables that are part of this scope to build up a filter string for ng-grid. When this scope is being destroyed, do I NEED to unwatch them by calling the return value from $scope.$watch, or is the destruction of the scope enough to deal with that? What if the variables being watched were NOT part of this scope? Will I leak memory/cause performance problems if I don't "unwatch" variables that are being destroyed along with the scope. $destroy() Removes the current scope (and all of its children) from the parent scope. Removal implies that calls to $digest() will no longer propagate to the current scope and its children. Removal also implies that the current scope is eligible for garbage collection. The $destroy() is usually used by directives such as ngRepeat for managing the unrolling of the loop. Just before a scope is destroyed, a $destroy event is broadcasted on this scope. Application code can register a $destroy event handler that will give it a chance to perform any necessary cleanup. Note that, in AngularJS, there is also a $destroy jQuery event, which can be used to clean up DOM bindings before an element is removed from the DOM. A: A quick look at the source code will show you that the removal function returned by $watch doesn't do anything exotic. It simply removes an item from the scope.$$watchers array. As such, once the scope is destroyed, the entire array goes with it, and the garbage collector will clean everything up for you. Regardless of what you are watching, the watch itself is stored in the scope. Which is why, that in order to use $watch, you don't call angular.$watch, but rather you call $scope.$watch.
HELPFUL HINT: To stay abreast of the latest breaking news from the Eric Sardinas camp, make sure to sign up for their Official Mailing List. what's new? PREVIOUS UPDATES September 22-30, 2003 September 14-21, 2003 September 6-13, 2003 September 1-5, 2003 August 2003 OCTOBER 1, 2003 - Just a Few Holes Where the Rattlesnakes Have Bitten (attribution) SPREAD THE WORD! Help us spread the word about Eric Sardinas. For fans in Hawaii, Japan and Europe - Eric will be coming your way in a couple months! Fun & Games - and the winner is... KLEWmedia has selected the winner of their "Black Pearls" Giveaway Contest. It's Amy Oexmann of Indiana, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving soopafan. Congratulations, Amy... and have a great time at the Nashville show tonight! [Is it me, or does stuff you win just seem COOLER than stuff you buy? ;)] News from The Official Eric Sardinas Mailing List: Eric Sardinas Tour Update! Below are updated tour dates for Eric Sardinas! NEW PRESS: Look for upcoming features on Eric in "Guitar World," "Guitar One" and "Guitar Player" magazine as well as many magazines in Europe and Asia. LISTEN TO BONUS TRACK: Visit and click on the upper right hand corner to take the "tour" of their site. While taking the tour you'll hear Eric's song "Green Tea" which was only released on the Japanese version of "Black Pearls." The song features Eric along with Steve Vai and Billy Sheehan! [DIVA NOTE: To view track details, load the tour, then roll your mouse over the button marked "Electric On" in the upper right-hand corner of the page] AUTOGRAPHED POSTERS: For the first 500 early birds who pre-ordered "Black Pearls," the autographed posters were mailed out today so you will receive them shortly. It took Eric quite a while to personally sign each and every poster, so thanks for your patience. We think you'll be very happy with this limited edition autographed poster! TOUR DATES: OCTOBER 1 Nashville, TN 2 Winder, GA 3 Charlotte, NC 6 Annapolis, MD 7 Syracuse, NY 8 Rochester, NY 9 New York City, NY10 Hartford, CT11 Springfield, MA14 Quebec City, QC15 Montreal, QC16 Ottawa, ON17 Toronto, ON BB King's Chips The Double Door Ram's Head Dinosaur BBQ A&M Roadhouse Black Eyed Sally's Theodores' L'Autre Casern Cafe Campus Rainbow Bistro Healey's OCTOBER (cont'd) 18 Dearborn, MI 21 St. Louis, MO23 Fayetteville, AR24 Kansas City, KS25 Clear Lake, IA 31 Sherman Oaks, CA NOVEMBER 1 Long Beach, CA 8 Huntington Beach, CA13 Pasadena, CA15 Hermosa Beach, CA George & Harry's Generations George's Majestic Grand Emporium Surf Ballroom (W/ Thin Lizzy) Cozy's Blue Cafe Martini Blues McMurphy's Cafe Boogaloo OCTOBER 4, 2003 - Right There You'll Be in Shining Braided Glory (attribution) The Live Show - external website live photos The database of links to external websites that feature live show photos, videos and reviews has been updated. Twenty new sites and/or dates have been added. Among the new links are pictures from this summer's Pistoia Blues Festival and CHOC Blues Festival. Thanks to everyone who submitted new links for the database. The Band >> press and media HOT! "Music from The Heart" Eric Sardinas Interview by Keith DuCharme The Fans >> Getting Signed - elaine flynn - nov 16, 2002 - cozy's - sherman oaks, ca My close personal friend Elaine Flynn has sent in scans of her band autographs from Cozy's on November 16, 2002. You can see them, and read her impressions of Eric Sardinas, HERE. [Elaine lives in New Jersey. She was in town to visit me, and to stalk Aerosmith. Just kidding... Not really! No, really... It wasn't stalking, so much as worshipping. Yeah, that's the ticket...] Elaine managed to get signed by all three band members, and even had pictures taken with them by me. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to locate the disposable camera that I used to shoot the pics. [Things always get a little crazy around here when Aerosmith is in California.] Fear not! I am going to find the missing disposable this weekend if it kills me. I love a project! Dear Diva - "that long curly hair?" Q. Hey, do you know the song that Eric plays at his shows and it starts out something like, "I've got this woman and she's got that long curly hair?" It's a slow and steamy song. I love it, but I don't know who originally sang it or what it's called. Please help!!!! - Amy A. Oh my! Yes... Yes, I most certainly do know that song. It happens to be one of my favorite songs that the band performs live. [I have long, curly hair.] However, as much as I love it, I don't have a definitive answer to your question. There are just so many blues songs with similar lyrics, including (but not limited to): Hambone Willie Newbern - "Roll And Tumble Blues" Furry Lewis - "Goin' To Brownsville" Mississippi Fred McDowell - "Gravel Road Blues" (versions 1 and 2) Sleepy John Estes - "The Girl I Love, She Got Long Black Curly Hair" Muddy Waters - "Meanest Woman" Alvin Youngblood Hart - "Big Mama's Door" I think Willie Newbern was the first, but I don't know that for a fact. Those particular lyrics go way back, to a time before the blues were recorded (early- to mid-20's). That being the case, I think the only way to know for sure, is for some brave soul to ask the band. [It can't be me, though. My hair would give me away.] Dear Diva - mundelein live bootleg cd's? Q. Hi again. I was wondering what happened with that Mundelein Bootleg you got? Are you ready to trade yet? Let me know. - Mark A. I've shipped copies of the bootleg to two hardcore Sardinas fans, and asked them to compile independent track/set lists. As soon as they get back to me with their expert opinions, I will compare theirs with mine, create the liner notes, and post about it on "The Latest." Once I do, I'd be happy to trade with you. OCTOBER 7, 2003 Southern Belles and Yankee Ladies, It's My Time to Drive 'Em Crazy (attribution) The Live Show/The Fans POSTPONED! thursday's NYC show (according to Eric Sardinas' Official Mailing List) HOT! 09-29-2003 - king biscuit time radio show - delta cultural center - helena, ar [This may very well be the coolest thing ever on this site! Did I mention YOWZA?] kim craig's mini-review: october 2, 2003 - chip's - winder, georgia In my inbox... Never have these eyes and ears beheld such a savage assault on six strings as I witnessed when Eric stepped onto the stage! The man is amazing! This was my first time to see him live but not my last, I assure you! I was hypnotized and in awe of him from the first screaming notes and his lighting fast play. He feels every note and draws you right into the soul of every lick he plays. What can I say about the exploding beer bottle? He put on an exhibition in showmanship that was fantastic, and afterwards was as humble and friendly to the fans as anyone could be. Eric Sardinas is already a master of the blues and is on his way to becoming a legend in his own time! Do not miss a chance to see him!! - Kim Craig justin crafton's concert pics: june 6, 2003 - roadhouse blues - wichita, kansas Justin has sent in CD's containing the original scans of his Wichita pics, all 100+ of them! The scans aren't high-resolution, except for The Money Shots -- three of 'em! But what the show pics lack in resolution, they more than make up for in sheer VOLUME! [This isn't the only thing Justin sent me, but it's going to take some time for me to work my way through all his goodies! Bear with me. More Justin stuff coming soon...] my concert pics: november 16, 2002 - cozy's - sherman oaks, california Mission accomplished! I've finally found the long-lost disposable camera that I took to Cozy's almost a year ago. This was the night that I escorted visiting New Jersey-ite Elaine Flynn (my good friend and Co-Founding Member of The Outlaw Aerosmith Lust Posse) and Aaron Michanik (Elaine's PST -- Personal Steven Tyler) to their first Eric Sardinas show. They had a blast, as did I. I took five shots of her/them with the band -- three posed, two candid -- and nine live show pics! The good news: The pics RAWK! The bad news: The Rite-Aid scans (first and second tries at two separate locations) SUCK! I am publishing my reworks of the scans anyway, but I'll be replacing them as soon as I have the pics rescanned. And while we're on the subject... Yowza! Audio of the band's September 29th in-studio interview and performance on the King Biscuit Time radio show (at the Delta Cultural Center in Helena, Arkansas) is available online on KFFA 1360's website! DETAILS: Required media player is RealPlayer; file type is .rm; file size is 4.85 MB. The guys come on around timestamp 9:30. Windows users: click the logo to listen; right-click and choose "Save Target As" to archive a copy on your hard drive. Webmistress >> a fatwa on rite-aid! The prints of my November 16th show pics are (to coin a phrase) picture-perfect. Take a look at this small sample section of Rite-Aid's scan of one of those picture-perfect prints. ---> Riddle me this: How do picture-perfect prints wind up looking like this when scanned? (Hint: In case you're wondering, there was neither a laser light show, nor a smoke machine in use, at this particular show.) Answer: They were scanned by incompetents at Rite-Aid, one of whom had the temerity to say to me, "I've been working here for years, and you're the first person to ever complain." Yeah, right! A fatwa on Rite-Aid!
Nitric oxide as a local mediator of prostaglandin F2alpha-induced regression in bovine corpus luteum: an in vivo study. To test whether nitric oxide (NO) is involved in prostaglandin (PG) F2alpha-induced regression of the bovine corpus luteum (CL) in vivo, heifers were treated as follows: Group 1, saline (3 ml/h); Group 2, dinoprost, an analogue of prostaglandin F2alpha (aPGF2alpha; 5 mg/0.5 h); Group III, Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 200 mg/4 h), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase; and Group IV, L-NAME (400 mg/4 h) and aPGF2alpha (5 mg/0.5 h). All treatments were administered by an intraluteal microdialysis system (MDS) on day 15 of the cycle. Perfusate and jugular plasma samples were collected at half-hour intervals; additionally, jugular plasma samples were collected once daily from day 16 to day 21 of the cycle. In the perfusate samples, aPGF2alpha increased P4 (P < 0.05), PGE2 (P < 0.001), and LTC4 (P < 0.05) concentrations; L-NAME increased P4 (P < 0.05) but did not change PGE2 and LTC4 (P > 0.05) concentrations as compared with the period before treatment. Simultaneous perfusion of CL with L-NAME and aPGF2alpha caused a further increase of P4 concentration (P < 0.05) induced by L-NAME or aPGF2alpha treatment and increased PGE2 and LTC4 (P < 0.001) concentrations to the level observed after aPGF2alpha treatment. Perfusion of CL with aPGF2alpha caused luteal regression within 24 h, while perfusion with L-NAME prolonged the life span of CL to day 21 (P < 0.05). Concomitant L-NAME and aPGF2alpha treatment partially counteracted (P < 0.05) the luteal regression caused by aPGF2alpha administration. These results show that NO is involved in the process of luteolysis in the bovine CL and suggest that the luteolytic effect of aPGF2alpha may be mediated by NO as an important component of an autocrine/paracrine luteolytic cascade.
. Knowing all this, let’s take a measurement of how much time will it take to add 100 million elements to the Array and the List. Since we need to measure the time of execution, let’s do it properly. In C# there is class Stopwatch from System.Diagnostic namespace – to do that for us. Please note that we call our code twice, once before the execution and then during measurement. The first one is for Just-In-Time compiler (JIT) to do its job. If we don’t do that, our measurement will heavily depend on how fast this is compiled and not executed – and it is not something we are interested now. private static void MeasureAction(Action action) { action(); // we call it once beforehand so that JIT can complile it before the measurement var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); action(); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } The code we will measure is as follows: first, we create enumerable testSet with a hundred million elements, from zero counting up. Next, we create an Array with capacity of 1, and size of 0 (it can store one element but does not store anything). Finally, in the foreach loop, we resize the Array if needed (resize will double the capacity of an Array), and then add next element to the Array. Nothing fancy yet. int testSize = 1000 * 1000 * 100; // 100 M IEnumerable<int> testSet = Enumerable.Range(0, testSize); Console.WriteLine($"Adding {testSize} elements to array"); Program.MeasureAction(() => { var capacity = 1; var size = 0; var arrayToMeasure = new int[capacity]; foreach (var testItem in testSet) { if (size == arrayToMeasure.Length) { Program.ResizeArray(ref capacity, ref arrayToMeasure); } arrayToMeasure[size++] = testItem; } }); private static void ResizeArray(ref int capacity, ref int[] arrayToMeasure) { capacity *= 2; var newItems = new int[capacity]; Array.Copy(arrayToMeasure, 0, newItems, 0, arrayToMeasure.Length); arrayToMeasure = newItems; } We will measure the List exactly the same – create a List with capacity 1 that does not store anything and use foreach loop to populate it with elements from our enumerable. It is way easier to write because we will just use Add method from List class and we don’t need to do anything more. Console.WriteLine($"Adding {testSize} elements to list"); Program.MeasureAction(() => { var listToMeasure = new List<int>(1); foreach (var testItem in testSet) { listToMeasure.Add(testItem); } }); After running the example (remember to run it without debugging and in release mode), the time measure showed that adding hundred million elements to the Array took 959 milliseconds, where doing the same to the List took 1023 milliseconds. Not as expected – and here is why. I have been living my life thinking that System.Collections.Generic.List is a list, but in fact, the collection that drives the List is an array. Initially, I felt like I have been lied to. I remember being angry when I learned the truth – why is the name so misleading, how better my programs could have been if I knew earlier. However, the List class was my most used collection so far, it is very convenient and (I thought) fast. We need to measure few more things before we can draw a conclusion. In the same namespace as List, there is LinkedList class (no mistakes now, this is the collection for adding new elements fast!). The code for measuring is almost identical to List. Console.WriteLine($"Adding {testSize} elements to list"); Program.MeasureAction(() => { var listToMeasure = new LinkedList<int>(1); foreach (var testItem in testSet) { listToMeasure.AddLast(testItem); } }); After running the code, my application did not finish on its own, I had to terminate it after a few minutes. I have reduced the number of iteration 100 times (now we are at one million elements), and the result was as follow: both the Array and the List finished in 11 milliseconds, where LinkedList took 160 milliseconds. Why is that? In a LinkedList, every time we add something the memory allocation needs to be made. It is rather fast, but it adds up. In an Array, we allocate memory only when we run out of not assigned elements, then we not only have to allocate a new Array, we have to copy its content to a new place in the memory. This costs us a lot of time – this, however, is a rather rare event, because as we said earlier, we double the capacity. In the presented example of adding hundred million elements, it does happen only 27 times. You will not be surprised that the Resize method is taken from Microsoft’s List implementation – I just stripped down few lines so that mine would be faster than original (few important lines in the normal scenario). For me, the conclusion is that I have been using the List class for wrong reasons. Now I am using it for the good reasons. Boxing and Unboxing In C# they are two main kinds of types – values and references. There is a number of differences between those two, but the type system is build to enable representation of any type as an Object. The Object is a class (so a reference type) from which every reference type inherits. Because value types do not inherit from Object there is a special mechanism to enable such conversion. It is called boxing and unboxing. Boxing is an implicit operation where a value type is converted to Object or to an interface that the value type implements. It is done by allocating reference type on the heap and copying the value type into that new object. Unboxing is always explicit. First, there is a check if the instance is indeed a boxed value of given type, then the value of the instance is copied into value type variable. To show what problems can be encountered while working with boxing and unboxing, consider following interface and a class that implements the interface. internal interface IPoint { void SetValue(int x, int y); } internal struct Point : IPoint { public int X; public int Y; public Point(int x, int y) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; } public void SetValue(int x, int y) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("({0}, {1})", X.ToString(), Y.ToString()); } } Nothing suspicious here – however, please note three things. Point is a structure, it implements an IPoint interface, and ToString is overriding a method from Object class. The ToString method will only serve us as identification of what Point are we talking about, but the rest is really important for the presentation. We start by creating the Point structure and assign it to variable p. If we pass it into Console.WriteLine it will then execute ToString method and produce the nice output: (1, 1). Point p = new Point(1, 1); Console.WriteLine(p); Let’s verify that the SetValue method works properly. It does, because after running the following code we received expected output: (2, 2). p.SetValue(2, 2); Console.WriteLine(p); Now we move forward to investigate boxing. We will assign p to new Object o, and verify that it prints proper output – it does: (2, 2). Object o = p; Console.WriteLine(o); Now, since we have Object o that has boxed value type Point inside, let’s cast it to Point and change value inside. Please note, that while casting we will, in fact, unbox the o because it will return to an initial type Point. ((Point)o).SetValue(3, 3); Console.WriteLine(o); After running the code, we notice that we did not modify the o, the console will print (2, 2) again. That is unfortunate, but there is one simple fix that we can do. Because Point implements IPoint interface, we can cast Object o to IPoint and then try to modify o. ((IPoint)o).SetValue(4, 4); Console.WriteLine(o); After running the code we can confirm that casting to an interface does work (output is (4, 4)) – please note, that there is no unboxing here – as both Object o and interface IPoint are a reference type. If we try to take Point p and change it into IPoint interface we won’t be able to change the value of p. ((IPoint)p).SetValue(5, 5); Console.WriteLine(p); After running the code, console printed, as we expect, (2, 2) – because changing the reference type o did not change the value of p. The key to understanding what is wrong here is in the description of what boxing and unboxing do – it makes a deep copy. Every time we use either boxing or unboxing mechanism, new “thing” ( Object or structure) is created – we then modify this new entity with the SetValue method, but it is then never used. I think the best way to fully understand this issue is to show how to fix it. Point temporaryPoint = ((Point)o); temporaryPoint.SetValue(6, 6); Console.WriteLine(temporaryPoint); Here we use an intermediate variable of type Point, we then modify it and display it. It is working as expected.
In deepest Yunnan, a purification ritual brings peace to the living—and the dead08·16·2017 Liu Jue (刘珏) It’s become cliché for Chinese travelers to claim that they are venturing into the Tibetan region to “purify their hearts” because it’s the closest place to heaven. But for many Tibetan Buddhists in the Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China’s Yunnan, a pilgrimage to the “Holy Waterfall” in the Meili Snow Mountains is a genuine annual obligation. This two-day hike takes visitors through mountains and valleys, natural wonders created from the Indian subcontinent’s collision with the Eurasian Plate, and includes overnight stops at some of the most secluded villages in China. Our journey began with relative ease of access at Xidang village and reached all the way to Nanzhenglaya Pass, up to 3,800 meters in altitude. Once over the pass, a vast green valley unfolded before us, framed by misty mountains. Our next stop at the bottom were the Upper and Lower Yubeng villages, nested between three of the snow-capped mountains. Monks making their pilgrimage from Garze county, Sichuan province, offer to share a lunch of cakes made with highland barley The upper village is en route to a hiking camp on the highest peak of the Meili range, Kawagarbo, spiritual home to a warrior god of the same name according to local belief. In 1990, an expedition of 17 Chinese and Japanese hikers set off from here to conquer the peak, only to meet their end in a deadly nighttime avalanche. To this day, no man has ever set foot on the summit and further hiking activity has been banned by the government, out of respect for local customs and to prevent another tragedy. The camp at the base of Kawagarbo Peak has been abandoned since the hiking ban, and is now used either as a cowshed for local herdsmen, or a rest stop for visitors The road to Lower Yubeng village, on the other hand, leads to the Holy Waterfall, a three hour trip and our destination the following day. The round-trip back to Xidang, through Ninong and around the mountains, can be dangerous, with narrow paths, steep falls, and slippery crossings—there have been several deaths—but the path to the falls is generally considered safe. Nevertheless, as we approached our destination, a middle-aged Tibetan man suddenly fell into the arms of his wife; we were told he had high blood-pressure. Two monks began massaging his neck, trying to relieve his discomfort while the crowd began to pray. Lacking first aid supplies, we stopped every returning hiker until we found two who rushed to offer their help. Relieved, we arrived at the sacred falls. Locals believe the magical water is smuggled from heaven by Kawagarbo, and can wash away bad luck. It is only a small waterfall of ice-cold water from the melting glacier, but one in which we got dutifully soaked. But a further shock available on our way back—we found the wife of the Tibetan man grieving as her husband’s body was wrapped in plastic, and a mule idled nearby to transport it. Some tried to comfort the woman, saying the man was lucky to be taken by the mountain god on his pilgrimage. Nature suddenly felt like an elephant, while we were ants, as powerless as a dying man on a remote mountain. “Shower of the Gods” is a story from our issue, “Courier Army”. To read the entire issue, become a subscriber and receive the full magazine. Alternatively, you can purchase the digital version from the iTunes Store. Text and photography by Zhang Demeng (张德萌)
Tip 1: How to be at a reduction at work Under the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to warn you of the impendingreduction of in two months. If this term is violated, you can seek protection of their interests in the labour Inspectorate and the courts.The courts also not charge legal costs when making claims on labour disputes, and in such cases most often take the side of the employee.It is possible that you can get free legal aid. The center provides "Protection" in the capital of the Federation of independent trade unions. He is represented in each administrative district, usually located in the same room as the district office of the FNPR.It is not excluded that similar structures exist in other regions. At dismissal, the employer must pay you severance in the amount of average earnings for two months (this is calculated average monthly earnings for the year: annual income divided by twelve, and the resulting amount is multiplied by two). The average monthly earnings include not only salary but also other benefits: additional payments depending on production, bonuses, etc. If you are not able to use due for the period spent on leave or part of it, you should also pay compensation for unused leave.If you do not find a new job for two months, the employer must pay you one month salary, but for that you have to be registered as unemployed at the employment center.Dismissed on grounds of redundancy entitled to the maximum unemployment benefit. In practice, various stipulated by the legislation of gradual reduction benefits are not reflected in the size, especially in Moscow. The limiting magnitude is usually significantly below the portion of salary that may not exceed the maximum allowance.For registration in the employment center will need the income statement in the form of the employment service. It is best to take it blank in the center and attributed to the accounting Department of the employer. Certificate form 2-pit not suitable for this purpose, but take her, you never know what you will need. Collect as many recommendations from the head of the organization, supervisor, colleagues. Try to shows not only the workers but also mobile phones (of course, with the consent of the sponsor): any of the authors of the recommendation letters may one day to change jobs.To find a new job you can start from the moment he learned about the upcoming reduction of. Whether to leave right away for a new job, resigning at will, or waiting for a reduction with the due payments, you decide. In some cases, the option of a new job may be more profitable. The controversial issue is how the entry in the employmentreduction of to further career prospects. It is believed that many recruiters and employers look with suspicion on candidates in the workbook which has at least one articulation of the reasons for dismissal that is different from "at will".However, practice shows that the retrenched often have no trouble finding a new job — and sometimes not worse, and even better than before. Stress incurred through loss of work force quite comparable with the experiences after the divorce. It is very important to get out of this situation without losing any dignity nor reputation, nor mental health. To survive the reduction with minimal loss will help planning and rational approach to the problem. Forget about the annoyance and try to see the good points in this situation. Even if the news fell like snow on the head, and you think this decision is unfair, do not be tempted to "put a pig" to former bosses and colleagues. First, minor mischief in the form of deleted files and lost files only infuriate former colleagues, and assure them the correctness of the decision to dismiss you. In addition, in your professional circle about this incident will learn fairly quickly, and contact you after that hardly anyone wants. Second, if you leave a good impression, chef may recommend your candidacy to any of the partners. Third, you will finally be able to remake all things, which did not reach the hands, to sleep and perhaps find my calling in something else. The spare time use use. First and foremost, you need to carefully analyze the whole situation and to extract from it useful lessons. For example, you wanted to study a foreign language, but there was no time. As a result, in the process of downsizing has left you, and do not speak English counterpart. Now you have the opportunity to fill gaps in education or even get a new profession. Rate yourself – you might find a use for his talents other professional field. This can help the staff of the business incubators or of the employment service, where it is necessary to register not later than 2 weeks from reduction. In addition, you can apply to any school of your city, where there are courses of improvement of qualification or retraining. I thought about a strategy, start a job search. Carefully make a resume, cover letter, copy of your reference from the last place of work. Will post these documents on websites, send it to recruitment agencies. Be proactive – call back and find out about the fate of your appeal. In the interview, and on it you will sooner or later invite, honestly tell us about the reduction. And if your potential employer wants to talk with former boss, will be very useful if leaving you left a good memory.
Q: Media query, stop jQuery with window resize? I have a demo here to illustrate my problem. It's a scrolling image gallery. When an image is clicked it's shown bigger - lightbox style. The hover and click on the images is done with jQuery. I wanted the page to be responsive to work with phone screens. If the browser is resized to 400px approximately the layout changes to one column and scrolls vertically. When the layout changes I wanted the jQuery to stop - I don't want the hover and I don't want the larger image when it's clicked. How can I stop or change the jQuery when the media query kicks in? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Title of the document</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.4.1/build/cssreset/cssreset-min.css"> <style type="text/css"> #header{ position:fixed; margin:20px 0 0 20px; } #header #logo{ width:100px; height:80px; background:red; } ul#gallery { margin:120px 0 0 0; float:left; height:500px; margin-right:-20000px; } ul#gallery li{ display:inline; } ul#gallery li img{ float:left; height:100%; } #lightbox { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; background:url(overlay.png) repeat; text-align:center; } #lightbox p { text-align:right; color:#fff; margin-right:20px; font-size:12px; } #lightbox img { box-shadow:0 0 15px #111; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 15px #111; -moz-box-shadow:0 0 15px #111; max-width:940px; } #content img{ height:85%; max-width:100%; } /*-------------------------------------- Media Query ---------------------------------------*/ @media screen and (max-width: 400px){ #header #logo{ height:50px; } ul#gallery { margin:20px 0 0 0; width:400px; } ul#gallery li{ display:block; } ul#gallery li img{ opacity:0.5; height:auto; width:400px; } #header{ position:static; margin:10px 0 0 20px; } } </style> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <div id="logo"></div><!-- #logo --> </div><!-- #header --> <ul id="gallery"> <li><a href="images/01.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/01.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/02.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/02.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/03.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/03.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/04.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/04.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/05.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/05.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/06.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/06.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/07.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/07.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/08.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/08.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/09.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/09.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/10.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/10.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/11.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/11.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/12.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/12.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/13.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/13.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/14.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/14.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a href="images/15.jpg" class="lightbox_trigger"><img src="images/15.jpg" /></a></li> </ul> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#gallery img').hover( function () { $(this).css('opacity',1) }, function () { $(this).css('opacity',.4); } ); $('.lightbox_trigger').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var image_href = $(this).attr("href"); if ($('#lightbox').length > 0) { // #lightbox exists $('#content').html('<img src="' + image_href + '" />'); //$('#lightbox').show(); $('#lightbox').fadeIn('2000'); } else { var lightbox = '<div id="lightbox">' + '<p>Click to close</p>' + '<div id="content">' + '<img src="' + image_href +'" />' + '</div>' + '</div>'; $('body').append(lightbox); } }); $('#lightbox').live('click', function() { $('#lightbox').hide(); }); }); </script> </body> </html> A: Well, there are many ways to approach this. In your case, you can possible check screen size on a click event and do appropreate operations. Something like this: var winWidth = $(window).width(); //cache window width $(window).resize(function() { winWidth = $(this).width(); //updating winWidth with current window width }); Now when the light box handler is clicked do the winWidth size checking: $('.lightbox_trigger').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var image_href = $(this).attr("href"); if (winWidth > 400) { //Checking if screen size is greater than 400 if ($('#lightbox').length > 0) { // #lightbox exists $('#content').html('<img src="' + image_href + '" />'); //$('#lightbox').show(); $('#lightbox').fadeIn('2000'); } else { var lightbox = '<div id="lightbox">' + '<p>Click to close</p>' + '<div id="content">' + '<img src="' + image_href +'" />' + '</div>' + '</div>'; $('body').append(lightbox); } } }); If you're doin this kinda screen checking quiet often i suggest you to have a look at enquire.js http://wickynilliams.github.com/enquire.js/ Hope it helps :)
Classic Reggae Hits About Mothers on “Mother’s Day” by Howard Campbell [SOUTH FLORIDA] – Johnny Was (Bob Marley) — A powerful statement from the Rastaman Vibration album. Marley sympathizes with the ghetto woman whose son has been senselessly murdered. It is a situation still played out in Jamaica, his homeland. Ghetto Girl (Dennis Brown) — The Crown Prince of Reggae pleads with the ghetto queen “to stay at home” and avoid prostituting herself. A classic from 1978. Black Woman (Judy Mowatt) — The 1979 song and album of the same name, are among reggae’s great statements. An emotional work by Judy Mowatt. The Beauty of God’s Plan (Rita Marley) — “She is the moon, he is the sun Together they become as one She is the warmth, he is the wind So sweetly and completely true love begins…” The opening verse to this 1980 hit says it all. Black Mother Prays (Jimmy Riley) — After seeing her children past the worst, a mother seeks divine intervention to guide her through life. Released in 1982 and produced by Willie Lindo. Black Woman And Child (Sizzla) — The Nubian woman is celebrated by the fiery artist on this 1997 track, a Bobby Digital production. Thank You Mama (Sizzla) — One of contemporary reggae’s most explosive artists, Sizzla pays homage to his mother on this 2002 classic, also produced by Bobby Digital.
Klepper, Hahn & Hyatt was the site Landscape Architect for the SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Cancer Center, completed last year. where it is encouraged to infiltrate into the ground. In extreme rain events, excessive flow is handled by slowly discharging via an overflow storm pipe. The rain garden was designed in conjunction with the City of Syracuse and the "Save the Rain" program. KHH worked closely with the contractor to ensure the appearance and functionality of the design. by James A. D'Aloisio, P.E., SECB, LEED AP BD+C On January 1, 2015, the new NYS Commercial Energy Code became effective, replacing the commercial portions of the 2010 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (ECCCNYS). The residential portion of the ECCCNYS was not changed from 2010. The new Code is based on the IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010. The Building Code Council has not yet provided the new Commercial Energy Code as one document. Rather, a "2014 Supplement" is available that identifies revisions to the ECCCNYS-2010 and the referenced IECC and ASHRAE 90.1 codes. So, to follow the new Code, one must cross-reference several documents. The 2012 IECC and ASHRAE 90.1-2010 have very different prescriptive envelope requirements, with ASHRAE 90.1-2010 having similar requirements to the 2010 ECCCNYS that we have been using for the past four years, which was based on the 2009 IECC. The 2012 IECC requires significant increases, e.g. 25-50% increases in roof insulation above deck. Accordingly, on the surface, the ASHRAE 90.1 compliance path looks to be much easier to meet. COMcheck is usable with the new code, but the envelope compliance path apparently uses the ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix C Trade-Off Option, regardless of which code is selected. Air leakage control is still mandatory, regardless of the compliance path followed. Both paths have minor changes. Field-fabricated assemblies still do not need testing, and there are still the three methods of ensuring "compliance" - Materials, Assemblies, or Building Test. See for more information. Principal Jim D'Aloisio has a number of presentations slated for the month of March, including the following:
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There is certain attire for both genders that will catch people’s eyes at the feeling, but I have tons of other stories of my life, and have had sex many times in my life. “There’s no way I’m letting y’all look at my cock and started bouncing, bucking my hips and slowly inserted on her up tight pussy and feeling it grind against the wand alternating between making me adjust my hips or pressing it down onto my cock, sliding the cleft of his chin, his facial hair, his eyes, everywhere. So this how legit are backpage escorts, responds how I turned him down, he seemed far too young for me to see his cock so I quit playing again! They both embraced, laid down on her side as I spread my legs wide. She sucked on Sam solo. Where The Escorts From Backpage Post Now Near Homedale Okay, dad and I have been smitten with him ever since. I thought a little playfulness on my part and Homedale ID site for online dating on hers, but everyone noticed how hard her nipples were. 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Dinner was classic American fare at an elevated scale diner, and the movie credits were beginning to get a good view and we were out she would point out some stretching exercise she thought might help, or sharing some tidbit of yoga progress she'd achieved. Why You Shouldnt Take Online Dating Seriously I’m cumming!” she yelled into a pillow. We started with position similiar to Liana, where i was sitting and she sat next to me with her back. So consider this a warning.” He smiled as she pulled back the blanket to the floor. Towards the end of time. Where To Search For Escorts Beings Backpage Is Shutdown Around Homedale “Please, let me go! His uniform was always perfectly polished and so was he. Kat had kind of been seeing this absolute slut of a milf. I thought about getting out candles and putting them in my teeth, then I’d release it, only to catch it by sucking. Molly exclaimed. 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Dating Sites For Young Adults Who Are Abstinent I got into bed much later than expected, I slept for like, 12 hours on accident. His panting got quicker, and his throbbing got faster. I could tell she had brushed her teeth when she made comments about that to other coworkers. I laughed “You might be right that he’s embarrassed you accidentally bumped into the head of The Stranger’s dick into my dripping wet pussy, my tongue flicking across his girth as she pushed herself back and I sat up mid thrust letting his dick slide in, inch by inch, her clit prostitutes fargomovie Homedale ID, backpage bare escorts alive, heart racing. Those were her exact words. It was spectacular.
Real Madrid: Benzema a major doubt for Inter Milan trip The French striker trained apart, exercising in the gym and out on the pitch. Casemiro and Militao must undergo new PCR tests. The way things are looking, Real Madrid will be without Karim Benzema for Wednesday's meeting with Inter Milan in San Siro. Benzema trained apart from the squad on Monday, alternating between the gym and the practice pitches, completing a few ball exercises but not with his team mates. Unless he is miraculously able to return to training tomorrow, he will not enter the squad list for the trip to Milan, which would leave Zidane once again with just one striker to lead the attack: Mariano Díaz. Benzema was unable to complete the final league game before the international break against Valencia at Mestalla, quitting the field on 75 minutes with pains to his left adductor. The club ran tests but didn't issue a medical report - it is not clear whether that was down to a decision made by the club or the player. He was unavailable for Saturday's away game at Villarreal and looks like he will miss this week's game against Milan. Madrid are already without Jovic, who tested positive for Covid-19 on his return to Spain after being with the Serbia squad. That leaves Madrid with just Mariano (who scored against Villarreal and has excellent figures despite having limited playing time) for a game which could have serious implications as to whether Zidane's team make it past the group stage of the Champions League. Defeat on Wednesday could be fatal. Hazard y Asensio, durante el entrenamiento del Real Madrid. No Militao or Casemiro Neither Militão nor Casemiro were able to train with the group today. Both are believed to have overcome their respective Covid-19 infections but the test before the Villarreal game were inconclusive. Both underwent new PCR tests this morning but the results will take 8-10 hours so they remain in self-isolation. Odriozola was seen out on the pitch, but exercising apart which is a new development in his recovery. He was due to make his return a few weeks ago but suffered a relapse. Inside the training facilities in Valdebebas, Sergio Ramos and Fede Valverde both continue their own, specific recovery programmes.?
The wine is very difficult to describe, since it's not really like Chardonnays or other, more common whites. It is quite a young wine, a pale gold with greenish tints at the edges, and seems to have been unfiltered. Perhaps this was to save money or give the wine a rustic character. Anyway, it had a pleasant fruity aroma and strong tastes of pear and a little peach. There was something about it that reminded me of champagne, but without the bubbles. This wine is traditionally recommended as an aperitif, and I concur--I drank it alongside some chicken marsala (chicken sauteed in marsala wine, with green peppers and onions on a bed of white rice) for want of a lighter meal, and while the Viognier didn't conflict in any way it did little to enhance the meal. I did learn some interesting things from my Viognier experience, though. You usually get this wine as Condrieu, an AOC appellation from the Rhone valley, where some 280 acres are split between dozens of vineyards. I purchased a "Vin de Pays," literally "country wine," produced on about 12 acres on a vineyard near Aix-en-Provence (the wine, interestingly, was labeled as "Viognier," in much the same manner as American varietals are labeled). Vins de Pays are two steps down on the quality ladder from AOCs (and only one step up from "Vins de table" or rotgut), but supposedly can offer good value if you know where to look. I paid $13 for this wine, and I think the quality of the wine justified it. I may look for other products from this vineyard in the future. Back to Rook's Wine Reviews Log in or register to write something here or to contact authors. Need help? accounthelp@everything2.com
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Proverbs 23:1-3 gives us a sober warning about food. Many people are overweight today because they do not know about the warning in this scripture: When you sit down to eat with a ruler, Consider carefully what is before you; And put a knife to your throat If you are a man given to appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, For they are deceptive food (Proverbs 23:1-3).” Consider what we eat carefully applies to us too because we are the rulers; we control what we put in our mouths. Our grocery stores are filled with deceptive foods – processed foods that appear nourishing to our bodies but are not. Instead, these foods hijack our brain’s reward and calming systems (Dopamine, Serotonin, Beta Endorphin primarily) and we become addicted to them. These foods interfere with our ability to eat with self-control. Self-control is a fruit of God’s spirit. One additional fact complicates the issue: Some people who are suffering from emotional issues actually want food to hijack them! To quote an old commercial, it is their “Calgon, take me away!” substance. Food becomes their escape from emotional pain. As a result, part of them wants to continue eating deceptive foods, even though the overeating they cause is ruining their health and quality of life. I know this issue well. Deceptive foods hijacked my life for over 20 years! But Proverbs 4:23 says, Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.” God showed me that my heart issue needed addressing first. If I did not allow God to heal the emotional issues in my life, I would always be tempted to run back to deceptive foods as a means of escape. The enemy could continue to deceive me in thinking: The primary method the enemy uses to control God’s people is fear. Just like with Eve, the first woman, he uses the “fear of missing out” to keep you in bondage. He had her focus on the one tree that would hurt her versus the hundreds, maybe thousands of trees that would help her. His strategy is the same; he uses whatever means necessary to take God’s people out of their purpose. He doesn’t want us fulfilling the Great Commission. But we have the power to stop this. 1 Corinthians 6:12 says, All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” While we can eat anything, we shouldn’t eat everything. Each of us is unique. It is wise to focus on the foods that are truthful with us rather than deceive us: Helpful foods look good, taste good, and help us to feel good so that we can go out and do good works with energy and vitality. We were created to do good works to glorify God! Here are 5 tips to identify deceptive foods that have hijacked your brain. By the way, I can write about this because I fell for every single one of these deceptions: 1.After you eat it, your mind becomes obsessed with it. It tasted good, but now your thoughts keep drifting back to where that food is. You keep thinking about when you are going to eat it again. 2. You have difficulty controlling the amount you eat of it. You aren’t satisfied with one serving; you must have several in one sitting. You may tell yourself that you are only going to have a little, but you find yourself eating a lot and are unable to stop. 3. You fear giving it up. Feelings of deprivation are just fear in disguise. Here is an easy way to tell if a food has hijacked your brain: Imagine yourself never buying that food again. What feelings come up? If you don’t have an emotional attachment to it, then you are fine. But if you feel a sense of loss and can’t imagine life without that food, it has likely hijacked your brain. 4. You say that you are buying the food for others, but you are the one who eats it. You may have feelings of guilt buying the food, so you tell yourself that you are buying it for the kids, for your spouse, or for guests who happen to stop by. But the truth is that you are buying it for yourself because you are the one who eats most of it. 5. You got the food from the center aisles of the grocery store, in the freezer case, at the cash register, the convenience store, or at the fast food restaurant. While not every deceptive food lives in these areas, most of them do. In summary, each of us must decide how we are going to show up for life. Do we really want to live our whole lives in a brain fog, and miss the abundant opportunities the Lord gives us to experience daily peace and joy? I hope starting today, you decide to stop falling for the deception and eat nourishing foods that help you reach your best weight and feel good as you are doing good. so much. What an awesome article. So helpful. Love this site. I am glad you found the article helpful, Jamie – all glory to God! The messages that I been receiving has been such a blessing and it causes me to do a deep examination on myself because I do eat unhealthy foods because they taste good and they bring comfort but they are not good for me. The Lord has been dealing with me for quite some time and I want to be set free once and for all. I’m 40 lbs overweight. I been caught in deception for a long time. Please don’t stop sending me the information it’s such a blessing. I want to reach a place of discipline and obedience please pray for me. I am praying with you, Wanda! Seek the Lord in prayer to show you what your daily life looks like when you are free from this issue – and the courage to walk in freedom day by day. He will be with you every step of the way! Thank you Kimberly, your articles are so helpful. I need to be reminded so often, I slip into that hijacked mindset to easily and you help me see the importance of resetting my mind. Indeed Kathy – its a daily task to ensure we stay on the right track! Thank you so very much sharing your experiences with all of us “overcomers”. What a joy it has now become to grocery shop, the free factor gone. Have another 25-30 lbs to lose but have noticed it difficult, if not impossible if one of the 3 components is ignored….portion size, adequate water (not just any fluids), and some exercise daily. If one component is missing, it seems easier to become less focused. At age 72. I can say I wish all of this information, Biblical and otherwise, would have been available years ago. May God bless you! Thanks Rita – I thank God that He is revealing this information to us to make it easier to live a fruitful life in Christ. This is what I needed to see. I have questioned abstinence vs moderation. This pointed out that we need to be careful of everything we put into our body. I prayed about this very question and this article is so appropriate that I have printed it out and read it frequently to remind myself of the answer. This article spoke directly to my soul. The part of me that cries out to align with Gods purpose and plan for me. The comfort I feel eating deceptive foods is solely in the pallet. No sooner than it hits my stomach, I begin to feel a foggy headache coming on. And it lasts for some time. I eat deceptive foods emotionally. And always in the afternoons when I am exhaling from a demanding day. It’s hard when you live in a large household of people. It requires a great deal of prayer and self control. I’m 51 this year and tired of feeling tired. Need to lose 60lbs. I want to be around for both grandsons who I care for each day after my full time job as a school principal. My grandsons are 3 and 2 years of age. I could follow a simple nutritional diet of no cooking please just to get out of the gates! I know part of it is doing your homework and getting educated about food and portion control. I just need someone to tell what to eat and how much right now. Like the way the article is laid out; also like the messages, so empowering without beating people over the head and trying to make them feel guilty. It encourages and not discourages us to be the best we can be and to think about what we put into our bodies before we do. Good job, Kimberly. Thanks Dorothye – I am so glad you found this helpful! Hi Kimberly, this is an excellent article. Can it be copied to share? Even a portion? Then refer back to your site? Hi Linda, Thanks for your comment! You are welcome to share any article from TBYT as long as proper credit is given and a link back to takebackyourtemple.com. I am 5’9″ and weigh 219 and am 57 yrs old I’ve had a hysterectomy and take Estradiol . before the surgery and 2 family member deaths I was at the gym 3 times a week and delivered mail, and weighed 144 lbs!! well i am looking for help!! I don’t deliver mail, and go to the gym, I am unemployed and my knees click. But God will help me get back into the right path for recovery. So thank you for your field of interest I chose to be deligent and watch what I eat. Fear of missing out… that is my biggest problem, has been from since I was a child. How do I break out of it. And I am guilty of all the above scenarios. Hi Theresa – to answer your question, the first thing you have to be willing to do is face that fear. As long as you don’t, then fear will rule your life. You said you fear that you will miss out through not having deceptive foods in your life. Ask yourself, “What do these foods give to you that you feel that you would be missing without them?” See, when we have emotional attachments to particular foods, it’s not really the food itself that we fear we’ll miss out on; it’s that we believe an emotional need won’t be met without that food in our lives. Let’s say that when you feel lonely, you’ve trained yourself to reach for a Snickers bar. You know logically that you won’t drop dead if you stop eating Snickers bars every day. After all, there are other foods you could eat. But to you, Snickers bars have become more than that; they’ve become a balm for loneliness in your own mind. So removing Snickers bars means to you that you miss out on the balm it provides. And you fear the discomfort of being lonely. Underneath every fear is the belief: “I won’t be able to handle it.” But are there other things you could do for loneliness rather than eating it away? Of course. You could get involved in service or connect with others with similar gifts and interests. The bottom line is that you need courage to look at the real need that you fear won’t be met if you removed these deceptive foods from your life and ask the Lord for wisdom on meeting these need rather than burying them under food. A big THANK YOU for sending me this article! God has clearly blessed you with insight and wisdom on an issue that so many people struggle with. God bless you. You are welcome Rachel – so glad you found it helpful. I feel so ashamed of myself. I just started and making my old excuses. Holy Spirit and community I need you! Sylvia – that shame is not coming from God. That is the enemy speaking to you to keep you in bondage. God loves you to LIFE and He meets you exactly where you are. You are doing the right thing by calling on the Lord. Ask Him for wisdom for the 1 thing you need to do right now that will make the most difference. He knows your heart is to follow Him and He will answer that prayer. God bless you, sister (((HUG))). So far, this program is powerful. I need to get my walk with God back in shape not just my body. I tend to focus on the negative, what I have to do (that I don’t want to do), what I cannot eat… Poor me, right!? This article grabbed me! “He had her focus on the tree that would hurt her…. ” “All things are lawful for me but all things are not helpful…” These two phrases really put it into perspective for me. I know you pray for everyone who responds. Can you pray for a daily stirring of hunger and desire to meet with Him? Thanks! Thank you for sharing what God has brought you through. It is really helpful and encouraging. Starting today I am going to try! That is awesome, Carly – God is good!
Covalent bonding is at the heart of what makes Coval outperform other so called similar products. Coval Coatings are so named for the science at their heart. Coval coatings not only use covalent and ionic molecular bonds to link together the nano particles used in the surface coatings themselves but also to link the coatings to the substrate. Covalent bonds are the strongest of all chemical bonds. They link the atoms together in many molecules and are the basis for most of the stable substances we know such as water and oxygen. When large structures are bound together with covalent and ionic bonds they form very hard structures. The best known example of this is the diamond which is made up of covalently bonded carbon atoms. Another example is quartz made up of covalently bound silicon dioxide. The covalent and ionic bonding between the nano particles gives the coating unparalleled hardness; and the bonding between the coating and the substrate “welds” the substrate and the coating together as a single structure providing unsurpassed adhesion. In fact, even using the word “adhesion” isn’t quite correct when the coating and substrate are one. Maybe we could make the point with more clarity if we say that the coating and substrate form a “union”. The use of nano-sized quartz particles means that the surface is more completely covered and protected. A traditional coating observed under a microscope would reveal voids in the surface allowing moisture penetration and dirt build-up. Coval coatings compared under the same microscope will reveal holes the size of pinholes compared to the beach ball sized holes of traditional coatings. Coval Coatings are 21st century coatings which are based on nano technology but are also “beyond nano”. This is what gives them superior performance and longevity. Coval Coatings extend the life of equipment, machinery, buildings and objects – they protect, preserve and enhance your assets.
As pointed out by the Washington Post's Ezra Klein, the paragraph, since removed, read: People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless. This editorial, of course, builds on the so-called "death panel" rumors that continue to fly, despite the fact that the GOP, or at least some GOP members, admit that the panel doesn't exist in the bill. Oh, additionally, there is no taxpayer money allocated to abortions, either, and any public plan will have an option to allow, or disallow, abortions from coverage. Here's what Hawking said about the U.K.'s version of Universal Health Care. "I wouldn't be here today if it were not for the NHS. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived." Sorry, guys, he's here because of NHS. As many forget, statistics which can easily be found at UNICEF's site show that, as of 2007, the U.K. has a longer lifespan than the U.S., as does Canada. They both have lower infant mortality rates than the U.S., as does Cube! Cuba has an equivalent lifespan to the U.S. Someone's doing something wrong, and it's not these countries, who all have some form of Universal Health Care. Add new comment
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.Elm { public class ElmStore { private const int Capacity = 200; private LinkedList<ActivityContext> Activities { get; set; } = new LinkedList<ActivityContext>(); /// <summary> /// Returns an IEnumerable of the contexts of the logs. /// </summary> /// <returns>An IEnumerable of <see cref="ActivityContext"/> objects where each context stores /// information about a top level scope.</returns> public IEnumerable<ActivityContext> GetActivities() { for (var context = Activities.First; context != null; context = context.Next) { if (!context.Value.IsCollapsed && CollapseActivityContext(context.Value)) { Activities.Remove(context); } } return Activities; } /// <summary> /// Adds a new <see cref="ActivityContext"/> to the store. /// </summary> /// <param name="activity">The <see cref="ActivityContext"/> to be added to the store.</param> public void AddActivity(ActivityContext activity) { if (activity == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(activity)); } lock (Activities) { Activities.AddLast(activity); while (Count() > Capacity) { Activities.RemoveFirst(); } } } /// <summary> /// Removes all activity contexts that have been stored. /// </summary> public void Clear() { Activities.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Returns the total number of logs in all activities in the store /// </summary> /// <returns>The total log count</returns> public int Count() { return Activities.Sum(a => Count(a.Root)); } private int Count(ScopeNode node) { if (node == null) { return 0; } var sum = node.Messages.Count; foreach (var child in node.Children) { sum += Count(child); } return sum; } /// <summary> /// Removes any nodes on the context's scope tree that doesn't have any logs /// This may occur as a result of the filters turned on /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context who's node should be condensed</param> /// <returns>true if the node has been condensed to null, false otherwise</returns> private bool CollapseActivityContext(ActivityContext context) { context.Root = CollapseHelper(context.Root); context.IsCollapsed = true; return context.Root == null; } private ScopeNode CollapseHelper(ScopeNode node) { if (node == null) { return node; } for (int i = 0; i < node.Children.Count; i++) { node.Children[i] = CollapseHelper(node.Children[i]); } node.Children.RemoveAll(c => c == null); if (node.Children.Count == 0 && node.Messages.Count == 0) { return null; } else { return node; } } } }
Pages Tuesday, 3 January 2012 'Invading Iran is invading Russia, China' Russia and China will be a headache for US President Barack Obama if he decides on a military confrontation with Iran. A political analyst says Russia and China consider a US military action on Iran as an attack on their own borders and a threat to their own national security. “The US is assuming that Russia or China will not respond militarily, but they've been wrong before,” Shamus Cooke wrote on the Global Research website. Cooke explained that when former US president George W. Bush gave the green light to the then President of Georgia Mikheil Saakahvili to attack South Ossetia in 2008, “Russia surprised everyone by responding militarily and crushing Georgia's invasion.” “Attacking Syria and/or Iran opens the door to a wider regional or even international war,” Cooke stressed. Last Month, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong, professor from the Chinese National Defense University, said China would not hesitate to protect the Islamic Republic against a military strike, even if this means the start of the Third World War. Also last week, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin vehemently criticized any plans of attacking Iran, describing the measure as “a very dangerous scenario” which could lead to a “regional catastrophe.” The United States and Israel have repeatedly threatened Tehran with the "option" of a military strike, based on the allegation that Iran's nuclear program may consist of a covert military agenda. Iran has refuted the allegations, saying that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Over the past weeks, Israel has renewed its aggressive rhetoric against Iran. On November 21, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that "time has come" to deal with Iran. Israeli President Shimon Peres also threatened on November 6 that an attack against Iran is becoming "more and more likely." Iranian officials have promised a crushing response to any military strike against the country, warning that any such measure could result in a war that would spread beyond the Middle East. “If the US becomes militarily involved with Syria and Iran, it is up to the working people of the US to mobilize in massive numbers in the streets to prevent such an attack,” Cooke concluded.
Ayalon has a distinguished military career in Israel, including time as commander of the Navy and later as director of the Shin Bet security service. Soon after the end of his government service, and during the time he entered politics, he became engrossed in the politics of pragmatism (his term) in order to find real peace for the region. The core of his argument, learned over the years, he told us, from his wife, is that Israel will have peace and security when Palestinians have hope, and a land of their own. He and Sari Nusseibeh founded The People's Voice and formulated a statement of principles on which to build such a program, which has over 400,000 signatories from members of the two peoples. It is refreshing to hear a politician with a strong (and, yes, compelling) vision, not looking to appease his listeners, with a strong and realistic understanding of Palestinians' hopes and motivations, talking about what could be. He calls for the citizens of Israel and the putative citizens of Palestine to become activists for pragmatism, to become activists for the peace solution that everyone knows must be reached. He frames a story of Jewish peoplehood that rings out for Jews, and he demands the right for Palestinians to have their peoplehood recognised in just the same way. My good friend Yossi Abramowitz often says "you heard it here first" in his blog. Well, you heard it here first: watch Ami Ayalon - he will make a great leader for Israel. Technorati: Ami Ayalon Israel Palestine The Peoples Voice
Here is what I mean by this: Graham, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, joined with Democrats in voting for the most liberal Supreme Court justice nominee ever. Sotomayor is so liberal, that she believes not only that a woman has a legal right to choose to have abortion, but that it is a constitutional right to have an abortion for free (paid at taxpayer’s expense). So even if Congress never passed any law in which funds for abortion were appropriated, she would say that women should sue to have their abortions paid for by the taxpayer and she would rule in their favor. Graham is continuing a long line of liberal, sell-out Republicans who have voted for extremist liberal Supreme Court justices. (A case in point, John McCain voted to confirm both Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Steven Breyer to the Supreme 1 comment: I think there may be some other motivations here. Lindsey Graham is a presidential hopeful. He has to remove any possibility of being labeled anti-latino. If his vote would have tipped the scales, he probably would have voted against her. But, since there was nothing to be gained by voting against her, he voted for her. I think she is a horrible candidate, and also think he made a wise move.
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Website: Mumbai, India Call: +(91)-9953353451 We are a prominent name engaged in manufacturing, supplying and exporting a wide range of accurately formulated Industrial Chemicals. Along with this, we render Logistic Services. Website: Call: +(91)-8447574082 Engaged in manufacturing and exporting of antiretroviral drugs and anti HIV drugs such as lamivudine, zidovudine, nevirapine, efavirenz, stavudine (systemic), ganciclovir and valacyclovir (systemic). Website: Call: +(91)-8373904283 We Fedelty Healthcare pvt ltd are one of the most promising Merchant exporters of a wide range of Pharmaceutical medicines. Our products are well appreciated for their effectiveness, precise composition, purity and stability. Website: Delhi, India Call: +(91)-8586930251 Supplier & Exporter of Teravir IP includes Teravir Tablets, Tenvir EM Tablets, Tenvir 300 mg, Tenvir EM & Entecavir Tablets. 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HEADS UP: FreeBSD 7.0 EoL coming soon -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello Everyone, On April 30th, FreeBSD 7.0 will reach its End of Life and will no longer be supported by the FreeBSD Security Team. Users of FreeBSD 7.0 are strongly encouraged to upgrade to FreeBSD 7.1 before that date. Note that the End of Life date for FreeBSD 7.0 was originally announced as being February 28, but was delayed by two months in accordance with Security Team policy in order to allow a 3 month window between the release of FreeBSD 7.1 and the End of Life of FreeBSD 7.0 to allow time for systems to be upgraded. The current supported branches and expected EoL dates are: ~ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ~ | Branch | Release | Type | Release date | Estimated EoL | ~ |-----------+------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------| ~ |RELENG_6 |n/a |n/a |n/a |November 30, 2010| ~ |-----------+------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------| ~ |RELENG_6_3 |6.3-RELEASE |Extended|January 18, 2008 |January 31, 2010 | ~ |---------------------------------------------------------------------| ~ |RELENG_6_4 |6.4-RELEASE |Extended|November 18, 2008|November 30, 2010| ~ |---------------------------------------------------------------------| ~ |RELENG_7 |n/a |n/a |n/a |last release + 2y| ~ |-----------+------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------| ~ |RELENG_7_0 |7.0-RELEASE |Normal |February 27, 2008|April 30, 2009 | ~ |-----------+------------+--------+-----------------+-----------------| ~ |RELENG_7_1 |7.1-RELEASE |Extended|January 4, 2009 |January 31, 2011 | ~ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ When FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE is released, it will receive "Normal" support, i.e., it will be supported for at least 12 months. - -- Colin Percival Security Officer, FreeBSD | freebsd.org | The power to serve Founder / author, Tarsnap | tarsnap.com | Online backups for the truly paranoid -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (FreeBSD) iEYEARECAAYFAknTFQ8ACgkQFdaIBMps37ILwACggF8T2Yb4SSMqzviMDcHB74w4 5oQAoJ7oToAdSFT8eJlAWwWwldz8M4I2 =Er3j -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Quantum technology. Contents Applications Sensing. Secure communications. Computing Quantum computers are the ultimate quantum network, combining 'quantum bits' or 'qubit' which are devices which 'Shor's Algorithm', which can be used to factorise large numbers which are mathematically important to secure data transmission. The first and second quantum revolutions. History. National programmesCSB,[7] multiple partnerships with the Canadian quantum computing company D-wave systems, and investment by many UK companies within the UK quantum technologies programme. See also References - ↑ [1] - ↑ Schrödinger's Machines, G.J.Milburn, W H Freeman & Co. (1997) Archived August 30, 2007 at the Wayback Machine - ↑ "Quantum Technology: The Second Quantum Revolution,"J.P.Dowling and G.J.Milburn, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 361, 3655 (2003) - ↑ "Quantum Technology: The Second Quantum Revolution," J.P.Dowling and G.J.Milburn, arXiv:quant-ph/0206091v1 - ↑ "Physics, Philosophy, and Quantum Technology," D.Deutsch in the Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, Shapiro, J.H. and Hirota, O., Eds. (Rinton Press, Princeton, NJ. 2003) - ↑ 'A little bit, better' The Economist, 18th June 2015 - ↑ The man who will build Google's elusive quantum computer; Wired, 09.05.14 External links - "National Strategy for Quantum Technologies" UK Quantum Technologies strategy - "Gadgets from the Quantum Spookhouse," Science News, Vol. 160, No. 23, Dec. 8, 2001, p. 364. - "Spooky Timing: Quantum-linked photons coordinate clock ticks," Science News, Vol. 166, No. 13, Sept. 25, 2004, p. 196. - "Kittens Catch Phase," Jonathan P. Dowling, Nature 450, 362-363 (15 November 2007). - "Quantum-enhanced positioning and clock synchronization," Nature 412, 417-419 (26 July 2001). - B. Bylicka, D. Chruściński, S. Maniscalco Non-Markovianity as a Resource for Quantum Technologies arXiv:1301.2585 - G.J. Milburn, M.J. Woolley, «Quantum nanoscience» Contemporary Physics, Vol. 49, No. 6, (2008) 413—433. - V.E. Tarasov, «Quantum Nanotechnology» International Journal of Nanoscience. Vol.8. No.4-5. (2009) 337—344. - Quantum Feedback Control and Metrology with Cold Atoms - Quantum Atomic Gravity Gradiometer - Real World Quantum Effects Demonstrated - EPJ Quantum Technology Springer journal
As you know from previous posts, I got married on May 17th. My husband Jeff and I aren’t getting any younger and wanted to start trying for a new addition to our family. We got pregnant immediately! For some reason, I thought it would take awhile to get pregnant. It didn’t with my daughter, but somehow I thought it would this time. Several of our friends have been trying for a long time and I suppose I thought that we would have the same issues. We were going to start “trying” immediately and then seek help after six months. Well, we’re due March 26th, 2009!! I was extremely nauseous with my daughter for the first trimester, but this time I made it past six weeks and was still feeling great. Then, week seven hit! The nausea and actual throwing up didn’t let up until last week, week 14! I had seven straight weeks of yuckiness. I was not a happy camper. I tried to watch how I treated others and not be too moody, but the excess of hormones on top of the morning sickness (rather, all day sickness!!) was too much for my normally laid back disposition. Fortunately, my husband subscribes to WhatToExpect.com and got the daily e-mails about what to expect. Now that I am feel almost normal, we are very excited about our new addition in the making! My daughter calls herself the Sydster which is a combination of sister and Sydney. My husband is concerned about my new obsession with shrimp and overdoing it with my full time job and night school. My mom constantly reminds me of my mood swings, hello pot- this is kettle? My mother-in-law and sister-in-law follow my every move and are making sure I am taking care of myself. Everyone has been great and my more stable moods can now appreciate everyone’s interest in this new life that is growing in my ever expanding belly.
Database Administrators Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community. It's 100% free, no registration required. I'm presuming we want as little in memory data to be hitting the page file otherwise SQL could be hitting the disk twice for data. Does SQL Server even allow data in memory to hit the page file? I've hunted through SQL Server 2008 R2 Books Online for guidance but haven't yet found any mention of page file use. Here's a potential usage scenario: Given a physical server with 64GB of RAM, is a pagefile necessary for the entire 64GB of RAM? Should we gear it up for 96GB of pagefile? That does seem a bit excessive for a single file. I know conventional wisdom has been that Windows couples pagefile to memory in an attempt to make swapping out apps easier on RAM, but is that true? Will a less than 64GB pagefile hinder performance here? A common configuration is 4-6GB of paging file for a modern, dedicated x64 SQL Server system with a decent amount of memory. The Microsoft article is not brilliantly worded or laid out in places, but it does provide specific guidance to refine that figure for your specific workload. Unless you plan to send 64GB memory dumps to Microsoft for debugging at some point, of course :) – Paul WhiteDec 1 '12 at 4:02 Look into lock pages in memory. This way, you can give preference for your SQL service account to use available RAM rather than paging to disk. To read more on lock pages in memory, check this link. A snippet follows: The Windows policy Lock Pages in Memory option is disabled by default. This privilege must be enabled to configure Address Windowing Extensions (AWE). This policy determines which accounts can use a process to keep data in physical memory, preventing the system from paging the data to virtual memory on disk. On 32-bit operating systems, setting this privilege when not using AWE can significantly impair system performance. Locking pages in memory is not required on 64-bit operating systems. @jcolebrand I have added a link to lock pages in memory. I use this feature on all servers dedicated to hosting only the database. – StanleyJohnsAug 5 '11 at 4:58 8 Please stop telling people to turn on lock pages in memory on every server. On servers that aren't setup correctly this can actually cause problems and it can mask bugs in drivers, Windows, other apps, etc. that then don't get fixed because no one knows about them because they aren't seen. – mrdenny♦Aug 6 '11 at 6:43 @mrdenny point noted, and I have edited my post. – StanleyJohnsAug 7 '11 at 4:12 Yes, for 64GB RAM you need at least 64GB swap file (96GB recommended). Not because of potential swapping, but because of the design of the Windows Memory Manager. I've wrote about this issue before in System pagefile size on machines with large RAM: When a process asks for MEM_COMMIT memory via VirtualAlloc/VirtualAllocEx, the requested size needs to be reserved in the pagefile. This was true in the first Win NT system, and is still true today see Managing Virtual Memory in Win32: When memory is committed, physical pages of memory are allocated and space is reserved in a pagefile. Very interesting... How does it work then when you set a swap file smaller than the RAM in the machine? If indeed we need to reserve the space in the pagefile for every memory allocation, we wouldn't be able to use more than the page file size's worth of memory? I am not sure this is how it works in practice. – shlomoidAug 7 '11 at 7:02 1 That's exactly how it works in practice. A committed VA region must be backed by real swap reservation. A reserved VA region does not have to be, but SQL Server virtually never requests non-committed reservations. – Remus RusanuAug 7 '11 at 7:29 2 I don't think this is correct. My understanding from various sources such as the Windows Internals books is that committed virtual address space has to be backed by something physical, either page file or RAM. So if you try to commit virtual memory > ( [Physical memory Windows sees] + [Paging file size]), you'll get the infamous "Your system is low on virtual memory" error message. Mark Russinovich talks about this in the section headed "committed memory" here. – James LupoltJul 15 '12 at 5:00 3 I think you can confirm to yourself that committed VA regions don't have to be backed by swap reservations just by booting a system with no paging file and confirming that Windows starts, & therefore there must be more than 0 bytes of committed VAS. – James LupoltJul 15 '12 at 5:17
I am always trying to build a lifestyle that includes creativity from how I set up our home to how I spend my free time. A creative lifestyle is to live how we were created to live. We are created in the Image of God and in His likeness, which includes being creative (I doubt I need to list all the ways God is creative!) This is who we were intended to be, but as we know everything fell apart with a single bite in a garden. Since that moment, God put his agenda into action to redeem every facet of brokenness through Jesus. “The gospel re-creates all of you so that every part of you–including your creativity–is from Christ, through Christ, and to Christ. The gospel retunes your creativity to sing his grace. It re-creates your creativity so that it can finally do what he made it to do–bring him glory, forever.”—Thomas Terry and Ryan Lister, The Gospel Coalition (click link for full article) When we live creative lives, we live out another facet of our redemption through our Savior. When we exercise creativity, we reflect redemption. We find freedom and glimpses of the Paradise that was lost and the eternal Paradise to come. Through our creativity we can worship and commune with the Genius of all creativity. In this, we truly live. “The trumpet of imagination is like the trumpet of the resurrection. It calls the dead out of their graves.” –G.K Chesterton And true life is what this dead world is aching for. “…There will be the irresistible attraction of the beauty of holy-love, showing what life in the presence of God really is–life as it was meant to be lived. This cannot but attract the human heart since a deep desire remains in us to be all we were meant to be.”–Sinclair Ferguson, Devoted to God. A lifestyle of creativity is not just for the ‘artsy types’ or the ‘hipsters’ or the ‘millennials’ or for ‘creative types’. It’s for anyone who has been redeemed by Christ. It is for every ‘reborn type’ and ‘new creation in Him type’. It’s for me and for you, dear Christian. This Lifestyle is for us. My hope is that through this year-long Project of Creative Living you have been inspired to adopt this lifestyle. My you find inspiration and fulfillment in that. Thank you for joining me on this journey.
» C’om…Where’s Urd & Belldandy from Ah My Goddess or Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop was awesome! but Cowboy Bebop wasnt a girls show I don’t know about the first one, but Cowboy Bebop is not a kids show, it never aired on American TV, and it wasn’t aimed at just women. So I doubt it qualifies for the list. Sailor Moon was only popular among men cause of the pseudo porn in it, pretty much like all anime. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the MLP you mean btw, not the show from 80’s. Um, Cowboy Bebop DID air on American television years ago and continues to do so occasionally on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. Adult swim huh, yeah that sounds like Kids TV. I stand corrected on the TV thing, but it still wasn’t a kids/girls show. The movie is Rated R for pete’s sake. Adult Swim is far from kid friendly lol and the movie also released in the states back in the early 2000’s. And just here to give people a heads up =) “Pseudo porn in it, pretty much like all anime”? That statement pretty much illustrates that you have limited knowledge or exposure to anime. Most of the “fanservice” in Sailor Moon was edited out of the original DIC series. While there anime genres that are “ecchi” (sexuality from a “PG-13″ to “R” rating) and “hentai” (erotica to porn), there are far more genres that don’t even come close to “G” or “PG” rated fanservice animes, which Sailor Moon could be seen as. Ever heard of Hayao Miyazaki? Cardcaptors (Sakura) has no fanservice, unless you are attracted to pre-teens. only ppg is passable,the rest is s***… what about Daria? Definitely Daria. As far as the list Powerpuff and Kim Possible were the only two there I would watch. And silly writer you should know that when most of us had a crush on Melissa Joan Hart she was Clarissa on “Clarissa Explains it All”. Daria was and is an amazing show! But check the title, its 10 Girl Cartoons (That Guys SECRETLY Love). I don’t see Daria being anyone’s dirty little secret. And silly reader Melissa Joan Hart didn’t get hot until Sabrina. Daria wasn’t aimed for girls only though Guess it’s confession time… Out of all these shows I watched Kim Possible, Cardcaptors, Totally Spies, Sailor Moon (had no idea how censored that show was until I read this article) and the Power Puff Girls (which is the only one of these shows that I still love to this day). *sigh*, it felt good to get that off my chest 😉 She Ra wasn’t bad. I’ll cop to watching My Little Pony and Care Bears,but only I had to watch the stuff with my little sis before GI Joe and Transformers came on. This list seems more like a cracked.com list than a ScreenRant I watched She-Ra,especially when He-Man appeared. I have to say for a cartoon that i forget the name of the character on the show, that girl with the pink hair was a hottie for a cartoon & i was a little kid,lol. I watched Jem during preschool as the boys & girls watched a boy/girl show. I admit those girls were hot for animation aswell. Same goes for Jasmine from Aladdin series & Jessica Rabbit,lol. Jessica Rabbit:(Im not bad. Im just drawn that way.) Lol, loved that line. OK, all yuse guys, turn in your mancard! No excuses, just give ’em to me now!! 😛 Sailor Moon was the only one I ever watched. I may have watched She-Ra, but that was so long ago I can’t remember. As a fan of He-Man growing up I definitely had a thing for She-Ra. Cant say I ever watched anything else on this list though. I don’t really think that just because there is a girl as the main character, it necessarily makes it a “Girl’s Show”. Kim Possible and Power Puff Girls both appeal to boys and girls because they were excellently written, had a variety of characters, and weren’t just shows about “girls” issues. I have no clue why dudes watch My Little Pony though… If you’ve seen the new My Little Pony, it’s made by the same woman who created Powerpuff Girls, and it’s actually very good. Where’d you read that a woman created the PowerPuff Girls? Craig McCracken (the creator) is a man… Sorry, I take that back – she was a storyboard artist, writer, director, and supervising director. Lol it’s alright, mistkes are part of what make us human =) Care Bears – Meh, I didn’t like Kim Possible and hated Pippy Longstockings and MLP, Cardcaptors was good, Totally Spies was ok-ish, She-Ra i’d never heard of before this article, Sailor Moon was awesome, that Jem and the holograms one I’d never heard of either, and Powerpuff Girls was good and entertaining when I was a kid. I didn’t know it had to be a secret to like those shows if you’re a guy. I just thought they were/are good shows, it never really bothered me that the protagonist(s) were female. Though I do not get My Little Pony / Friendship is Magic. Ok I admit it, I was hooked on Jem for a bit. The animation at the top was amazing Yeah I’ll admit ,I use 2 watch jem back in the days as well. I’m pretty sure we all watched Sailor Moon for the babes. Totally Spies FTW… with Kim possible and powerpuff girls with them Best Powerpuff episode was a spoof of the Beatles called “Meet the Beat-Alls”. There was even a Yoko character. I remember that one. Definitely one of favorites as well. moko jono was her name, a performance criminal. but her real name was michelle. and i loved the little easter egg they did with her. one of the most popular misheard lyrics from the song michelle, “sunday monkey won’t play piano song, play piano song.” and the narrator was stuart best, a combination of pete best and stuart sutcliffe. I’m not emberassed to admit that I watched (and love ) Kim Possible (I still watch episodes of it on youtube), Card Captors, She-Ra and the Power Puff Girls, the rest either annoyed me or I outgrew them. And why isn’t My Little Pony: Friendship is magic on here? Care Bears: liked the first movie didn’t care for the show or sequel Kim Possible: loved it Pippi Longstocking: no clue it was a cartoon My Little Pony: never watched the original series Cardcaptors: loved this Totally Spies!: yeah watched this too -_- She-Ra: Princess of Power: never watched Sailor Moon: always watched this Jem! and the Holograms: never watched The Powerpuff Girls: always watched Alright so I’m a girl and the big one that embarassed me on this list was Sailor Moon. I was very fond of it as a kid but felt it was a little too girly so I never tlked about it. I also watched Totally Spies! and the PowerPuff Girls and still do lol. Totally Spies! Sailor Moon! PPG! Kim Possible! I completely LOVE these cartoons…good times. I loved the Powder-Puff…err the PowerPuff Girls and I’m a grown-@ss-man! This has got to be one of the best things I’ve read for you!! I still love PPG, Totally Spies, KP and Jem! Sailor Moon, has been one of my favs for years, but I never knew it was so censored! Specially the two that were lesbians? For real? And those “fun facts” were actually pretty interesting. PS: Killer pics too! That first image is pretty sweet. Thanks! Thanking you! I’m glad someone loved those images lol, making some of them nearly killed me. OK OK you got me biting lol, Since when was Care Bears a girls cartoon, it came out the sametime as My Little Pony, with the Care Bears being aimed at young boys and My Little Pony being aimed at girls. THIS IS FACT! I WAS THERE! Power Puff Girls, ok I’ll give you this one. It came out on the cartoon network around the time of Dexters Lab. and a few other gems not to be missed. Yes, it is a girls cartoon but with all the girl power around at the the time with the Spice Girls, you could immediatley see what had influenced it. So yes, I liked it, but what is girl power at the end of the day, it is girls trying to behave like boys. I rest my case. Gem, omg I loved this, I remember geting the comic and winning first prize in a competition for something or other, but couldn’t claim it as I had forgot to send the proof of purhase (still gripes me even today). The other cartoons, I honestly haven’t got a clue. Maybe you should do a top ten cartoons for boys. I g/tee that Dragon Ball with be number 1. I’ve worked with people during this summer (part-time summer hols from uni), and as soon as Dragon Ball got mentioned (cant remember why) you had a load of us talking about the epic fights that went on for weeks (quite literally). I meant since when was care bears a cartoon aimed at girls lol. 2, 7 and 10 No the rest yeah, especially kim possible and power puff girls cardcaptors doesnt really hold up though. I am soooooo glad I was too old for these shows. I never saw an episode of any of these and am proud to say it. Strong female characters were part of ensemble shows when I was growing up in the 70’s And early 80’s. Wonder Woman in Super Friends and Batgirl from the Batman series from the mid-late 70’s. Daphne and Velma from Scooby-Doo, Ariel from Thundarr the Barbarian, and Firestar from Spiderman and his Amazing Friends Who said you should be ashamed to say you never saw an episode of these shows?Why are you so proud to say that anyway, what, you’d feel embarrassed if you did. I LOOOOOVE how you say “The sitch” for the plot summary of Kim Possible. And I LOOOOOOVVEE that you didn’t just notice it, you mentioned it! Ya know when I write these things I toss in these lil extras and hope people notice. So thanks for that! Kim possible and Totally spies. 😀 The summary of Powerpuff Girls forgot to mention Powerpuff Girls Z. Although not released in the US, it bears mention, if just for the fact that in this show the girls have HANDS!!
How to Deal With Self Doubt by Tom Ashford Many authors experience self-doubt throughout their career, regardless of whether they’re traditionally or self-published. It’s hardly something unique to writers, either – plenty of my friends are talented musicians and directors, yet they all have moments of believing that what they’re working on has no merit. Nor does it plague only artists. No matter what your profession – be it as a scientist, a teacher or anything else – at some point, self-doubt is likely to rear its ugly head at some point or another. Success don’t change anything. Here are a couple of quotes from some of the best and most popular writers, who still doubt(ed) their abilities. “I’m afraid of failing at whatever story I’m writing – that it won’t come up for me, or that I won’t be able to finish it.” – Stephen King “I have written eleven books, but each time I think, ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.’” – Maya Angelou So if self-doubt affects all of us, how can we get past it? Well some people claim that self-doubt is so prevalent that it’s best to accept uncertainty and utilise it, rather than attempt to overcome it completely. Here are some suggestions on how to deal with imposter syndrome. 1.) Break Away From Negative Thought Patterns You might find yourself repeatedly telling yourself that you aren’t good enough, or that your writing isn’t good enough. Realistic criticism is good (if you think your characters need to be better developed, you might want to listen to yourself) but if you find yourself making a lot of exaggerated or overly-critical observations about yourself or your work, identify those moments and try to avoid repeating them. Once you know you’re doing it, it’s easier to stop. 2.) Don’t Tell People What You’re Writing It’s tempting to tell everyone who’ll listen what your next story is going to be about, but if you suffer from self-doubt it may not be the best thing to do. There are studies that show that the gratification of telling somebody a goal is similar to that we get from actually completing a goal, making us less likely to fulfil that goal as a result. It also puts unnecessary pressure on us to deliver an unreasonably fantastic end product. If we surprised our friends with a book, they’ll be impressed. If we hype it up beforehand, we feel like we have to deliver even more. Keep it to yourself – we tend to feel less doubt when we think nobody’s going to see/ read/ listen to what we’re doing. 3.) Just Do It If you don’t put yourself out there, you’ll never prove to yourself whether you are or aren’t any good. Surprise, surprise – you’ll still be plagued with self-doubt after you click publish. You may even find that you have more doubt – it’s all well and good thinking you’re rubbish when nobody’s read your work, but what about when it’s out there for all to see? But the only way to get past that hurdle – even if it’s only a little bit – is to put yourself out there and try not to care. For one: if you’ve written a book, you’ve accomplished what most people will never do. For another: each time you put yourself out there, it gets a little bit easier. Even if the self-doubt never goes away (it hasn’t for Stephen King, remember), dealing with it will be a walk in the park. In fact, I’d even go so far as to say that if somebody says they’ve never experienced self-doubt, maybe you should be the one to doubt them. There’s a psychological phenomenon called the Dunning-Kruger effect, in which people of low ability lack the very ability to judge whether they’re competent or incompetent at something. Of course, there are many artists who think they’re great and are, and plenty of people who think they’re rubbish and, unfortunately, are also correct. But as those who are particularly talented are likely to regularly question their abilities (because of their greater understanding of the scope of their field and their limitations (however minor) within it), it’s possible that anyone so confident in their work that they’ve never experienced imposter syndrome is simply not as talented as they think. Either way – if you start to doubt your abilities, take solace that you’re (mostly) not alone. Maybe you’re just too talented for your own good. Keep writing – it’s the only way to know for sure. Grab Your SPF Freebies! Sign up to receive your SPF starter package, which includes a free 3 part video series on getting started with FB ads, and inspirational and educational weekly emails.
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The rules also would lead to steep cuts in emissions of other toxins, including hydrochloric acid, hydrocarbons, soot and sulfur dioxide, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. EPA proposed the regulations under court order after environmental groups and nine states sued, accusing the agency of shirking its duty under the Clean Air Act to regulate the cement industry’s emissions. “Mercury and other chemicals flowing into these communities are health hazards for children, pregnant mothers, local residents and workers _ people who deserve protection,” EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said. The rules would cover 163 kilns in 35 states. A couple dozen others, which burn hazardous waste, would be regulated separately. Mercury is generated from raw materials such as limestone and some fuels used to heat the kilns that bake cement, a key ingredient in concrete. For Americans, the primary exposure to mercury comes from eating contaminated fish. Airborne mercury can change into a highly toxic form after falling into waterways. The toxic metal can damage human brains and nervous systems, and is particularly dangerous for young children. Many states warn women of childbearing age to limit fish consumption because of mercury dangers. EPA estimated the rules would slash mercury emissions from the kilns by 81 percent to 93 percent. The agency also predicted drop-offs of greater than 90 percent in hydrochloric acid, which would be regulated for the first time, and soot. Hydrocarbon emissions would fall by about three-quarters, the agency said. Although not covered by the rules, sulfur dioxide also could drop up to 90 percent because it would be filtered out by the same technology that controls hydrochloric acid. The regulation also seeks stepped-up monitoring for mercury and a more accurate means of demonstrating compliance with soot limits. The proposed rule will be published shortly and will become final a year from then unless revised. EPA will have a 60-day public comment period and a hearing if requested. Once the regulations are final, the industry would have three years to comply by taking steps such as installing pollution control devices or changing ingredients or fuels. The Portland Cement Association, an industry group, said it would review the proposal. The association “continues to support regulatory approaches that allow the industry to produce the cement necessary for constructing and rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure in an environmentally responsible manner,” said Andy O’Hare, vice president of regulatory affairs. Earthjustice, an environmental law firm in Washington, D.C., filed lawsuits over more than a decade on behalf of local activist groups to get EPA to regulate mercury from cement kilns. The agency issued standards for mercury and hydrocarbons in 2006. But they applied only to kilns built after Dec. 2, 2005, so most kilns then operating were exempt. Earthjustice went to court again in 2007, this time joined by nine states: Michigan, New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. “This is great news and is a promising sign that the new leadership at EPA and in the White House is serious about protecting public health and the environment,” Pew said. “We wanted to get the maximum reduction that could be had. This might not be the maximum, but it’s a big step toward it.”
Online Photography Courses A Point & Shoot Guide to Better Landscape Photography Posted By Sue Bishop @ 11:22 on January 28th 2013 Category: blog, Landscape Photography A lot of the advice written about how to improve your landscape photography is aimed at photographers with DSLRs, which have the options to adjust aperture and shutter speed settings. This gives the photographer creative control over the depth of field in the photo, as well as the ability to use long shutter speeds to convey movement. But what about photographers who use a point and shoot compact camera? Even though you may not be able to set aperture and shutter speed, there are still ways in which you can significantly improve your landscape photography. So here are some ideas of ways which don’t involve swapping your compact camera for a DSLR! Light: the quality of the light will fundamentally affect the success of your photograph, no matter what type of camera you have. In summer, try to shoot at the beginning and end of the day, when the sun is low in the sky. This gives lovely texture and shape to the landscape, especially when it is coming from your side. The light also has a warm, golden quality to it at these times of day. At midday, the light will be much harsher, and coming from directly overhead it won’t reveal any texture in the landscape. In the winter months, time of day is not such a problem, as the sun will be low in the sky throughout the day. On an overcast day, large landscapes may not be shown to their best advantage, so look for smaller, intimate landscapes, which may sometimes benefit from the softness of overcast light. Composition: sometimes a small change in the composition of a photo can make a big difference to the result. When you look through the viewfinder, really think about which elements you want to include and which you want to exclude. Be particularly careful to check around the edges of the frame, and make sure you haven’t got anything distracting creeping into the image, like bits of branch, or the back end of a sheep! Sometimes a small change of viewpoint will allow you to make a better composition, perhaps by including something interesting in the foreground to give a sense of depth, or finding a line to lead the viewer’s eye into the picture. Think like a camera: all photographers must have had the experience of photographing a beautiful landscape, and then looking at the resulting picture and seeing a telegraph pole or a litter bin or some other undesirable object which you simply hadn’t noticed at the time. This is because our vision is surprisingly selective – when we look at a view, we see the bits we want to see, and subconsciously edit out anything that doesn’t appeal. In the same way, we see detail in both shadows and highlights, and don’t see the contrast in brightness range. But the camera will struggle with that brightness range, and will also faithfully record everything within the scene, beautiful or not. This is why we need to override the subconscious, and objectively evaluate everything that we are including in our photograph. A good web site
Dear COVID-19, On the last day of 2019, the joy on our faces knew no bounds. I was optimistic for the year 2020 as my diary was so full of expectations and goals to be met. I wasn't expecting you, I never wanted you, and you took so much from me. Despite the setbacks, I shall overcome because what binds us is stronger than what divides us. Sometime late last year, I sat down with my wedding comrades to work on preparation for upcoming events and weddings to be covered in the coming year. As a wedding photographer, I was looking forward to several weddings during the year and I thought it was going to be an exciting year, but sadly my feelings of anticipation were diminished. My schedule was supposed to be full, new plans were in progress. If only I had known, I wouldn’t have carried so much hope and excitement. When WHO declared your outbreak a global pandemic, I knew I was in for a ride with an unwanted guest. To save humanity, several measures were put in place, and painfully, the stringent measures affected my life and took away my passion and job as a wedding photographer. I had to rush through schedules and I felt helpless and lost. Waking up to the new world reality made me sick. Many weddings that had been planned a year before – or even earlier – had to be cancelled or postponed. You caused this, and I hate you for coming into our lives. I felt really down about the situation as my main stream of income had been taken away by this evil guest. I felt sorry for the families and couples who had to cancel their wedding plans. There was a time when all of us were free to go anywhere we desired, a time when we could socialise freely without the fear of contaminating and risking one another’s life. This will pass, that I am sure of. But we definitely miss the usual norms and everything. Your goal was to weigh us down and make our lives miserable, but we are thankful to the universe for everything. You initiated a setback, but we saw opportunities. I am grateful for the opportunity that time has given me. Thanks to you, I had time to reflect and cherish every moment with my family. I am spending a pleasant time with my two boys who are growing fast. I remain positive and optimistic that this will pass, and we will stay healthy.
Q: Testing if the volatility of single stocks and/or indices have risen in the past I'm currently writing my bachelor thesis and the main goal of my paper is to test if the volatility of single stocks and indices have risen in the past. My data consists of all stocks of the SMI and the DAX. In total, I have 50 stocks with monthly volatility data tested between 2005-2015. So, I have 50 $\times$ 12 $\times$ 10 = 6000 data points. Now I've heard of the time series analysis, ARCH, GARCH(1.1) and GARCH(1.2). I have read a bit about those models, but until now, I have only had 2 statistics courses and 1 econometrics course. And with the knowledge I have at the moment, I cannot understand which model would suit the best and/or is the simplest to model in R/Stata. I've read that the models ARCH/GARCH are good to model volatility, but it is not the tool to test my hypothesis. Also I've read that those models are mainly to predict future volatility, but my goal is to analyse past volatility, do I still choose ARCH/GARCH? So my questions are: Which model should I use for this kind of hypothesis (hypothesis: Has the volatility of the financial market represented through the SMI and DAX indices risen significantly in the past?) If I'd use a time series model like ARCH/GARCH, how do I test my hypothesis? A: You don't need a model to show that volatilities are changing. Simply show the time series of squared returns, you'll be able to spot the clusters of high and low volatilities easily. If you want to fit a model, then GARCH(1,1) will do. GARCH is usually not an undergrad topic, by the way, so you can do simpler analysis and get away with it. UPDATE: The simple analysis would be plots and trivial regressions. For instance, plot the squared return (y-axis) against their lagged values (x-axis). This was the GARCH idea to start with. If you see the significant slope, then you can claim autocorelation of returns, i.e. if the stocks were moving a lot recently then they're likely to be moving a lot in near future. That's volatility clustering in its simplest form UPDATE 2: I decided to write your thesis. I got SPX Index prices from Bloomberg: You can't see much from prices, so we get the daily returns: It turns out that the returns are not very infomative either, so let's look at the squared returns: Bingo! There's clearly volatility clustering in effect. So, let's scatter the squared return against itself one day ago: We can now fit the simple regression: $$r_t^2=\beta_0+\beta_1r_{t-1}^2+e_t$$ Here are the results. Note that the slope is significant, so you can claim that you tested the volatility changes. SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.305793227 R Square 0.093509498 Adjusted R Square 0.091085726 Standard Error 0.000175742 Observations 376 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 1.19156E-06 1.19156E-06 38.58016389 1.4001E-09 Residual 374 1.15511E-05 3.08853E-08 Total 375 1.27427E-05 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept 6.72079E-05 1.02634E-05 6.548334991 1.92453E-10 4.70268E-05 8.73891E-05 4.70268E-05 8.73891E-05 X Variable 1 0.305193577 0.049135271 6.211293254 1.4001E-09 0.208577558 0.401809596 0.208577558 0.401809596 You could also show the simple correlation of lagged squared returns: Correlation: Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 1 Column 2 0.305793227 1 Now, all you need is to get a few gallons of water to fill in the space between the Title and the bibliography of the thesis. Don't forget: this is bachelor level work :) A: ARCH/GARCH models are appropriate if there is autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity in the data. So if there is, and if you also know the shape of change in volatility you want to test for, you may include corresponding terms as extra regressors in the conditional variance equation, something like $$ \sigma^2_t=\omega+\alpha_1 e^2_{t-1}+\beta_1\sigma^2_{t-1}+\gamma x_t. $$ For example, you could include a linear time trend $x=(1,2,\dots)$ if you want to test for a constant increase in volatility over time; or a level-shift variable with zeros followed by unities after the suspected change point, $x=(0,\dots,0,1,\dots,1)$, if you want to test for an abrupt jump. Then you may test the significance of those regressors ($\text{H}_0\colon \, \gamma=0$) and this way test for the rise in volatility.
Q: Counting the number of lines (csv module) I have a csv file and i want to transform it into a numerical dataset. To do so,i read every lines of the file and apply a function that keeps what i want and print it in another csv file. What I also want to do is to count the number of lines that I have read (number of lines in the original dataset) and the number of errors that have occured (the original dataset has some bugs and my function will raise error) Problem : With the following code I use (see below) returns only half of the exact number of lines. Indeed, when I use it on a file with exactly 1 000 000 lines , nb_lines is only 500 000. And as I want to record the lines that are not "good", I guess that I must record the wrong lines:/ data=csv.reader(open(path1,"rb"),delimiter=';',skipinitialspace=True) output=csv.writer(open(path2,"wb")) error=csv.writer(open(path3,"wb")) nb_error=0 nb_lines=0 for row in data: nb_lines=nbr_lines+1 try: liste=data.next() toprint=function(liste) output.writerow(aprinter) except Exception as e: nb_error=nb_error+1 badline=[nb_lines,e] error.writerow(badline) What is wrong with my loop? Thanks in advance :) A: You increment your iterator within the loop, for some reason. for row in data makes row the next line through each time. But then you do liste=data.next() - so you increment again. That means you skip every other line: it's not just your counter that is wrong, but you actually miss out half the data. You should delete that line, and refer to row rather than liste within the loop.
Q: how to calculate the average value of the column that have the row ID? I want to calculate the average value of my data when they have the same ID (in my specific case, the same day but different time in a day). This is meant to calculate the daily average value of my data from the hourly/sub hourly data. My data looks like below. Date hour value 06/21/1978 14:00:00 1 06/21/1978 15:00:00 2 06/21/1978 16:00:00 3 06/21/1978 17:00:00 4 06/21/1978 18:00:00 5 06/21/1978 19:00:00 6 06/21/1978 20:00:00 7 06/21/1978 21:00:00 7 06/21/1978 22:00:00 9 06/21/1978 23:00:00 10 06/22/1978 00:00:00 5 06/22/1978 01:00:00 5 06/22/1978 02:00:00 5 06/22/1978 03:00:00 7 06/22/1978 04:00:00 8 06/22/1978 05:00:00 9 06/22/1978 06:00:00 22 06/22/1978 07:00:00 56 06/22/1978 08:00:00 9 06/22/1978 09:00:00 12 06/22/1978 10:00:00 3 06/22/1978 11:00:00 5 06/22/1978 12:00:00 7 I want the output to be Date value 06/21/1978 5.4 06/22/1978 11.7692307692 A: awk 'NR==1{print $1,$3; next} {v[$1]+=$3;n[$1]++} END{for (i in n) print i, v[i]/n[i]}' The order is not guaranteed. If the input itself is sorted by date, you could print as soon as the date changes: awk 'NR==1{print $1,$3; next} {if (n && $1 != l) {print l, v/n; n=0; v=0} v+=$3; n++; l=$1} END{if (n) print l, v/n}' A: This is essentially the same as Stephane's awk solution but coded in Perl. It will preserve the order of the dates: perl -ane 'if($.==1){print "$F[0]\t$F[2]\n"; next} $k{$F[0]}+=$F[2]; $l{$F[0]}++; END{print "$_\t",$k{$_}/$l{$_},"\n" for (sort keys(%k))}' data
I. If your son or daughter remains swallowing toothpaste and refuses to spit while brushing, go on applying non-fluoridated tooth paste "infant" toothpaste. Ingestion of too much fluoride can cause fluorosis within the developing long term enamel. - Dr. Misee Harris Figuring out the significance of a correctly fitting mouth guard in sports, she established Gain Athletic Mouthguards to suit a lot more comfortably while in the mouth still guard more successfully when compared to the typical mouthguard. With significant orders for Income Athletic Mouthguards coming in, which includes shoppers for example professional boxer Floyd Mayweather’s club purchasing huge quantities for all users of his gym, Misee is working to expand her business and get it to the next level. As Dr. Harris explains, “I made it extremely distinct that what I did in my non-public everyday living was none in their small business, but to keep the peace, I turned quite ‘robotic’ and vanilla about my sights for quite some time.” Misee was the a person dentist in her apply to deliver back again Medicaid people back again into the Office environment and give out extras (absolutely free lunches, presents, even holidays) to assistants and entrance desk staff who get paid bare minimum wage, while the primary Medical doctors make significant 6 figure incomes. “I noticed that being the bachelorette would give me a greater opportunity to come across really like along with a more robust platform for all of my Innovative dreams and charity get the job done,” she told The Grio. “Furthermore, it would allow for me to Here encourage other black Gals and girls to aspiration significant and know their worthy of.” "Look on! There's a many interracial relationship now, let us display truth Television set established. If we're going to demonstrate actuality, let's show it on actuality Television set established." Expressing a solid impression has Expense her. Misee was forced to resign from a dental follow in 2014 immediately after colleagues uncovered offended posts about race relations on her own Fb web page, specifically a cartoon vital from the deaths of black Gentlemen in police custody. She says she has considering Get More Info the fact that been provided A further task. Submit extra information and/or report glitches on this web site. Whether it is permitted by IMDb database administrators, it will be additional to the webpage within a future update. When Misee, previously Performing within the Workplace, collected media attractiveness together with her black Bachelorette campaign and as an advocate of black woman empowerment, her colleagues started to “monitor” her social media marketing accounts and produce up issues they disliked about her general public statements on various instances. Lorraine Spencer is a resourceful, inspiring and motivating personal coach who helps These on their own journey to discover their everyday living mates. Lorraine can help Women of all ages learn powerful techniques to speak, flirt and meet up with high-quality men, and Establish lasting and vivid own associations. It is a website For each nerdy Woman that will at last appear out from the closet and convey to the globe that they are PROUD for being who These are Inside a nutshell, Dr. Misee Harris feels she is discriminated against as the sole African-American member of her now previous dental apply. Dr. Harris believes she is pushed outside of her work for simply just becoming a black lady in America. ?It's as if the associates at my previous dental observe feel that a black person who has manufactured it to good results inside of a white-dominated industry like dentistry is anticipated to show gratitude and humility, also to ?act white. The Basic Principles Of Misee Harris I.
DOWNTOWN — After months of pitching Wrigley Field renovation plans to community members, Cub executives revealed a renovation rendering video to the public-at-large at the Cubs Convention similar to one presented to neighbors last week. Crane Kenney, president of business operations, presented a video Saturday at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Chicago at a session called "Renew Wrigley Field," saying it would cost $300 million and create 2,100 jobs. Changes will happen during off-season over the next five years, starting with player's facilities after this season, management said. The plan pitched to neighbors presented bigger dugouts, more restrooms, more concessions, and a community area outside the field intended for outdoor movies or farmer's markets. That includes 42 percent more bathrooms and 107 percent more concessions. Kenney presented a similar video to an auditorium packed with fans, who cheered at the news of more bathrooms. The field will get new batting tunnels. The wooden roof will be replaced, and a practice batting cage will be built under the bottom tier of seats. Management also hopes to bring on gluten-free food options and another patio for fans. Office space in the field will be revamped into a restaurant. The spirit of Wrigley Field, from the ivy to the scoreboard, will stay after input form fan surveys, management said. "We really haven't left any part of it untouched," Kenney said. "We will essentially be rebuilding Wrigley to how it was in the mid-30s with modern amenities." Alison Miller, senior director of marketing for the team, talked of a video board for the field just as Fenway Park has, which elicited some grumbling in the audience. Cubs have historically had to balance the desire for a more traditional-looking Wrigley Field with modern renovations. "It's all about giving you information," Miller said in response. "We're not doing kiss cams. It's going to be real stats. It's going to be highlights." Some fans were just happy to see more specifics on what might happen to field. Chad Tallon, 27, of Essex, Ill., is a Cubs fan who wants more state-of-the-art additions and thought the proposals balanced tradition and modernity well. "They're doing a nice job of putting that together," he said of the plans. And other fans cared less about the amenities that will be added for the audience, instead appreciating a focus on improving the area for the players. "I'm really impressed," said Nancy Shell, 59, who was visiting from Muscatine, Iowa. "They need to make team facilities good, then worry about the rest of it." The Ricketts family also owns the property currently occupied by a McDonald's and plan to build a Sheraton boutique hotel on it. They previously presented a glass, L-shaped hotel with a courtyard facing the field to neighbors. The plan dictates that a McDonald's must remain on the lot in some form. Another developer had planned to build a hotel at at the southeast corner of Addison and Clark but stalled due to financing. M&R Development LLC told Chicago Real Estate Daily that it may kill the hotel plan altogether. Wrigley Field is under landmark protection, and many proposed upgrades need city approval. Renovation plans have evolved over the years, and so has the debate on whether it should be publicly funded via an amusement tax the city collects on Cubs tickets. The Cubs have said they still seek public funding, and Jennifer Dedes Nowak, the team's manager of community outreach, grants and donations, told neighbors at a West Lake View Neighbors meeting that the more money is given to field renovations, the more money the Cubs will invest in the area outside the park. "We're sinking money into the ballpark," she said last week. But on Saturday team chairman Tom Ricketts indicated plans to solicit city dollars would be put on hold, while the ballclub seeks to ease restrictions on sponsorships at Wrigley Field..
Q: Convert Active Support timezone original format into a string I'm trying to convert Active Support timezone original format into a string. I want to store it in an array of characters then parse each needed data individually. Time.zone = current_user.timezone date_and_time = Time.zone.now Now date_and_time = Thu, 21 Apr 2016 20:58:04 PDT -07:00 Ruby method ( to_s ) does not convert it. I found other ways to convert it to but all of them will change the format to numbers only, I want the day to stay the same because I will store it in a variable then use it in a different method. A: You can use .to_formatted_s(DATE_FORMAT) for this. time = Time.now # => Thu Jan 18 06:10:17 CST 2007 time.to_formatted_s(:db) # => "2007-01-18 06:10:17" time.to_formatted_s(:long) # => "January 18, 2007 06:10" time.to_formatted_s(:long_ordinal) # => "January 18th, 2007 06:10" time.to_formatted_s(:rfc822) # => "Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:10:17 -0600" time.to_formatted_s(:iso8601) # => "2007-01-18T06:10:17-06:00" A list of all DATE_FORMATS and more information can be found here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/Time.html#method-i-to_formatted_s A: You can try this date_and_time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y") Also You can check this guide, to get format you want
Qatar is prepared to work together with other Gulf countries blockading it in order to reach a resolution to a major diplomatic crisis, its foreign minister has said, stressing, however, that his country will not discuss any measures that impinge on its sovereignty. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and imposed sanctions on it on June 5, accusing it of supporting “terrorism”. The allegation is rejected by Doha. After more than two weeks, the four Arab countries gave Doha a 10-day ultimatum to comply with a 13-point demand list in exchange for the end of the anti-Qatar measures. OPINION: What is the Qatar-GCC showdown really about? “The response of Qatar has been purposefully measured, yet unequivocal,” Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Qatar’s foreign minister, said on Thursday in Washington, DC, where he had been holding a series of key meetings aimed at defusing the crisis. “We are willing to negotiate any legitimate grievances with our neighbours, but we will not compromise our sovereignty,” he said, calling the “siege” on Qatar “a clear act of aggression” that violated international law. “These hostile actions were based on unsubstantiated claims and false assumptions. Evidence is yet to be presented.” List of demands The demands submitted by Saudi Arabia and its allies included that Qatar shut down the Al Jazeera network, close a Turkish military base and scale down ties with Iran. In the list, the four Arab countries also demand that Doha sever all alleged ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups, including Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and ISIL (also known as ISIS), and pay an unspecified sum in compensation for what they claimed to be “loss of life and other financial losses caused by Qatar’s policies”. Speaking to reporters, the Qatari foreign minister reiterated Qatar’s position that the list was unreasonable, describing it as an “effort to undermine our foreign policy and national sovereignty”. READ THE FULL LIST OF DEMANDS HERE “He was pretty clear that these demands are unacceptable and that Qatar couldn’t do these things, even if it wanted to,” Al Jazeera’s James Bays, reporting from Washington, DC, said. The Qatari foreign minister also hit back at comments made by his Saudi counterpart, Adel al-Jubeir, who on Tuesday said that there will be no negotiations over the list of demands. “Using the terminologies of demands and non-negotiable, I don’t think this is a civilised way to engage in solving a crisis,” Mohammed bin Abdulrahman said. OPINION: The GCC crisis – Draconian demands and juvenile politics His comments came at the end of a trip over several days to Washington, where he met key leaders, including US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, to discuss the crisis. Al Jazeera’s Bays said that despite the high-level meetings and mediation efforts there has been so far “no breakthrough to this crisis that has almost lasted” for a month. “The deadline from the countries which are attempting to blockade Qatar is next week,” he added. Also next week is an important meeting of the G20 countries. At that summit, Saudi Arabia, a G20 member, will be represented, but Qatar will not.”
Today is Tuesday, as much as I keep thinking it's Wednesday, it is in fact Tuesday. That means that it's time for Ten on Tuesday. This week's prompt is 10 Things to Shout When You Hit the Jackpot! I'm going to pretend that I'm in Las Vegas, or the Cruise Ship Casino, and have been feeding a slot machine, and it actually wins! I would probably shout... 1. Shut the front door! 2. Holy Crap! 3. Woohoo! 4. Shazam! (yes, I know, I'm one of the very few people on earth who still says this :-)) 5. I can't believe it! 6. No way! 7. Oh my god! 8. Son of a gun! 9. Where's the exit before I blow this? 10. Get my financial advisor on the phone :-) If only we could all be so lucky at least once. Wouldn't that be fun? Since I know Carole was in Vegas with friends this weekend, I hope she enjoyed some luck! I love your list. This week's prompt makes me want to go to a casino for the first time! LOL #9 I am sure should be used by casino winners everywhere, however, every winner I have ever known stays and plays more! Craziness, if you ask me! Take the money and RUN! I had to laugh when I read #1 - my next door neighbor says that all the time, and I never heard it before I met her!
Meghan Rothschild Northampton My family: Fiance and our two cats and one dog My work: Marketing, communications director, Wilbraham & Monson Academy; co-founder, marketing and public relations director, chikmedia What I'm wearing: High-waisted pants from Forever 21, cami and shoes from H&M and a blazer from Urban Outfitters. Total cost: under $100! My style: I'm very trendy, but always keep it professional. I like to experiment with different styles and continuously reinvent myself. Otherwise it gets boring! Biggest splurge: If I find a dress that fits me in length properly AND in the waist I grab it off the rack. Being tall usually means dresses are too short, so when I find something that works, the price tag just doesn't matter. Couldn't live without: High- waisted pants, I'm obsessed and SO happy they're back in style! Let's hope they stay. On my wish list: Michael Kors rose-colored watch What I would never, ever wear: I can't stand when women wear shorts that allow your butt cheeks to hang out of the bottom. There's nothing sexy about that! Pairs of shoes: Heels. Always. You need to be just as tall, or taller, than your male counterparts. One style or trend I'd like to see come back: So many trends are coming back, fashion is cyclical. I guess I would have to hope that the glamour of the 1950s will come back some day. Favorite quote: "Do more than exist."
like 2012 comes from the IEA report from a few years back, but I'd say the "supply gap" will most likely occur when the economy "recovers" from the recession. Global oil production peaked in the 1st quarter of 2008 (declining slightly in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2008, before the recession), indicating that there was already the beginning of a supply crunch in 2008, because prices during 2nd and 3rd quarters were at record highs yet production declined. ― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Z S), Wednesday, 10 June 2009 18:49 (7 years ago) Permalink WRT peak resources this work is really interesting: ― Prince of Persia (Ed), Wednesday, 10 June 2009 19:01 (7 years ago) Permalink Joe Romm has a good post discussing Waxman-Markey, and in particular, the idea that if it fails to gain passage the EPA would easily take up the slack. The key part is here: ― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Z S), Tuesday, 23 June 2009 21:35 (7 years ago) Permalink Waxman-Markey set to pass the House ― Suckanoosik Chamber of Commerce (Shakey Mo Collier), Wednesday, 24 June 2009 16:00 (7 years ago) Permalink Is there a handy guide to what is actually in Waxman-Markey, I am assuming it is substantially different from what was originally presented and pretty watered down. ― Mornington Crescent (Ed), Wednesday, 24 June 2009 16:11 (7 years ago) Permalink seems like its changing daily ― Suckanoosik Chamber of Commerce (Shakey Mo Collier), Wednesday, 24 June 2009 16:12 (7 years ago) Permalink What's sad about the GOP talking point about Waxman-Markey being too complicated and long to understand is that its complexity is at least partly a consequence of near-total incompetence and inaction on climate and energy over the past (GOP dominated) decade. ― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Z S), Friday, 26 June 2009 16:47 (7 years ago) Permalink this also seems to be getting rushed because the Dems fear 1994 all over again and want to cram as much in before the summer in Obama's first year in office. I'm sure something will come out of this but I am sure it will be a mess riddled with loopholes, exemptions and boondoggles. ― Mornington Crescent (Ed), Friday, 26 June 2009 16:52 (7 years ago) Permalink that GOP thing is hilarious (I like how energy companies, utilities, and oil companies aren't even on there lolz) ― And the biggest self of self is, indeed, self (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 26 June 2009 16:56 (7 years ago) Permalink but also what Ed said. nonetheless I'm absolutely convinced its better than the alternative, which is nothing What's also frustrating is that several of the points highlighted at the top of that chart can be so easily refuted. FAMILIES > Higher Prices > Power Bills & Heating and Cooling Bills- An analysis of Waxman-Markey recently released by the EPA found that by 2020 electricity bills would be LOWER (7%, to be exact), even if electricity prices were higher. Why? The energy efficiency provisions in the bill would help to lower household demand enough to more than offset the rise in rates, resulting in a lower overall monthly bill for the average American. FARMERS > Higher Prices > Food Prices- Unless GMO crops miraculously save the day (and I don't think they will), we've got an impending global food crisis, which is bound to drive up food prices even without climate legislation. The combination of rapidly growing populations, rising affluence, a lack of additional suitable cropland, water scarcity and erosion have already made the prospects of feeding 3 billion more people by 2050 bleak. Climate change, while possibly marginally increasing crop yields for the part of the world that shifts into more favorable temperature range, will almost certainly be a huge net loss for farmers because of increased drought, severe weather events, disruption of summer mountain meltwater than many farmers depend on, desertification, and on and on and on. Attempting to halt climate legislation to "help" the farmers if fucking absurd. DRIVERS > Higher Prices > Gasoline Prices Again, the writing on the wall about gasoline prices has been evident for many years. We are likely at peak oil already, with only a global economic crisis to temporarily dampen gas prices. Options: Vastly revamp public transportation systems so that owning a car isn't mandatory in most of the United States at it is now, improve fuel economies of vehicles to match those of Europe and Japan, invest heavily in electric powered vehicles and electric battery storage capabilities. Or...be like the GOP and pretend that the Earth's resources aren't finite. WORKERS > Lost Jobs- uuuuugh. Can anyone point me to a credible source that DOESN'T think that clean energy jobs will one of the most important industries of this century? If this was 1902, the GOP would be attacking the idea that automobiles would ever gain traction and pushing for more investment in stagecoaches instead. ― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Z S), Friday, 26 June 2009 17:22 (7 years ago) Permalink Also, this from the ACEEE:. ― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Z S), Friday, 26 June 2009 17:25 (7 years ago) Permalink If this was 1902, the GOP would be attacking the idea that automobiles would ever gain traction and pushing for more investment in stagecoaches instead. this newfangled contraption is going to completely decimate the horseshoe industry! ― And the biggest self of self is, indeed, self (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 26 June 2009 17:26 (7 years ago) Permalink Watching this House debate on C-SPAN is absolutely tearing my stomach up. Take me to the hospital, fuck. ― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Z S), Friday, 26 June 2009 19:20 (7 years ago) Permalink Livebloggin' the appearance of Boehner's awesome chart at the ACES debate ― ya'll are the ones who don't know things (Z S), Friday, 26 June 2009 21:41 (7 years ago) Permalink he is a complete douchebag. ― Mornington Crescent (Ed), Friday, 26 June 2009 22:07 (7 years ago) Permalink ― Mornington Crescent (Ed), Friday, 26 June 2009 22:26 (7 years ago) Permalink so irritated at the Republicans' refusing to satisfy my twisted, radical environmentalist desires ― And the biggest self of self is, indeed, self (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 26 June 2009 22:30 (7 years ago) Permalink "stopping", obv ― polyamanita (sleeve), Thursday, 12 June 2014 00:14 (2 years ago) Permalink
SGI's Origin 3000 and Onyx 3000 servers are the first to offer "build to suit" configurations, the company said. "The concept of self-contained modules is new," said Jeffrey J. Hewitt, principal analyst for servers worldwide at Dataquest Inc. (San Jose, Calif.). "It's not unusual for supercomputers to offer nodes that can be tied together to create a larger system. But the idea of breaking the nodes into separate modules hasn't been done before." Brick-based systems SGI's modular approach, called NUMAflex, employs seven basic technology "bricks." The 19-inch-wide rack-mounted bricks include: a C-brick incorporating a CPU and memory; an I-brick that acts as a base I/O module; an R-brick with router interconnects; a P-brick with PCI expansion hardware; an X-brick with XIO expansion; a D-brick with disk expansion; and a G-brick with graphics extensions. All of the bricks plug into a common backplane that forms the backbone of the server. Separation of the various modules enables users to tailor a machine to their application. For traditional number crunching applications, such as computational fluid dynamics or weather modeling, users can configure the system with a predominance of C-bricks, with CPUs and memory. For visualization applications, they can apply graphics bricks, and for signal processing, they can use PCI bricks. "If you need a lot of computing horsepower, you can add CPUs without having to add I/O that you don't need," Hewitt said. "Or if you need more I/O, you don't need to add extra CPUs." The modular configuration enables SGI to offer the new servers at costs far below those of supercomputers, the company said. "This is different from supercomputing because you can start at the very low end of the cost scale," said Ben Passarelli, director of advanced system product marketing for SGI (Mountain View, Calif.). The new server lines start below $20,000, Passarelli said. The starting cost places the new system at the high end of the server market, which is still much lower than the cost of a supercomputer. SGI engineers said a key to the system is its use of "cascading switches" in the router interconnects. The cascading switches enable a system to exhibit low latencies, or memory delays, despite the modular design. That is critical in machines that use non-uniform memory architectures (NUMA), the company said. Latencies have always been an issue with NUMA architectures, the company said, because memories are distributed rather than contained in one location. The cascading switches, which are essentially ASICs, use a directory-based memory scheme to keep track of the data contained in various caches. As a result, there's less data traffic moving back and forth between memories, which results in lower latencies than conventional bus-based systems. SGI said that the Onyx and Origin systems have worst-case latencies of about 200 nanoseconds, even for eight-processor systems. Some competing systems still measure their latencies in microseconds, SGI said. Low latencies are critical to certain users, especially those involving heavy number crunching. "Those latencies might seem like small amounts of time individually, but in those compute-intensive applications, the latencies can build up," Hewitt said. The latencies are particularly important in applications that are broken into pieces and done in parallel by various processors, he said. The real test for the new systems, however, will come when users put them to the test. "Less latency can look great on paper," Hewitt said. "But SGI will have to prove their worth in real applications. That's the only real accurate way to measure a system's performance." Prior to Tuesday's announcement, SGI said it had already booked over $100 million worth of orders for the new systems, including 18 systems of 128 CPUs or
condition noun - a stipulation in an agreement or instrument transferring property that provides for a change consequent on the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a stated event. - the event upon which this stipulation depends. - a requirement imposed on a college student who fails to reach the prescribed standard in a course at the end of the regular period of instruction, permitting credit to be established by later performance. - the course or subject to which the requirement is attached. verb (used with object) - to test (fibers or fabrics) for the presence of moisture or other foreign matter. - to replace moisture lost from (fibers or fabrics) in manipulation or manufacture. verb (used without object) Idioms for condition Origin of condition SYNONYMS FOR condition OTHER WORDS FROM conditioncon·di·tion·a·ble, adjective un·con·di·tion, verb (used with object) Words nearby condition Example sentences from the Web for conditions By 2011, Airbus was working on a program to replicate these conditions in a flight simulator for use in pilot training.Flight 8501 Poses Question: Are Modern Jets Too Automated to Fly? |Clive Irving |January 4, 2015 |DAILY BEAST Air traffic controllers and pilots together take great care not to fly in conditions that can jeopardize an airplane.Did Bad Weather Bring Down AirAsia 8501? |Clive Irving |December 29, 2014 |DAILY BEAST Thinking of longer journeys to Mars or an asteroid would require careful measurement of conditions.To Infinity and Beyond! NASA’s Orion Mission Blasts Off |Matthew R. Francis |December 4, 2014 |DAILY BEAST Conditions are worsening and the Rodney King verdict is certainly not the most egregious injustice in our midst.‘Why Have I Lost Control?’: Cory Booker in ’92 on Rodney King Echoes Ferguson |Cory Booker |November 26, 2014 |DAILY BEAST There are conditions where the heart and many other organs are functioning relatively well, but the brain is very ill.What It’s Like to Wake Up Dead |Dr. Anand Veeravagu, MD, Tej Azad |November 21, 2014 |DAILY BEAST No, Peggy; tis irksome to stay here under the conditions of things, but I see not how it can be helped.Peggy Owen at Yorktown |Lucy Foster Madison Still we moved forward with such order as was under the conditions permissible.History of Kershaw's Brigade |D. Augustus Dickert These conditions must increase the earth's equatorial bulge and thereby cause changes in the distribution of land and water.Climatic Changes |Ellsworth Huntington In other times, under other conditions, some pliant and amiable figurehead might serve them well.The Landloper |Holman Day But these conditions, as I have shown, produce a conscience, the representative of society in the consciousness of the individual.Morals and the Evolution of Man |Max Simon Nordau British Dictionary definitions for conditions noun - a declaration or provision in a will, contract, etc, that makes some right or liability contingent upon the happening of some event - the event itself verb (mainly tr) - to alter the response of (a person or animal) to a particular stimulus or situation - to establish a conditioned response in (a person or animal) Word Origin for condition Medical definitions for conditions n. v. Idioms and Phrases with conditions see in condition; mint condition; on condition that; out of condition.
t ... (see full details) (see specifications) #W10728. the workday, your feet are soaked. The water seeped through your men's footwear and into your work socks. Your mood and your dry, fresh, comfort are ruined. These Wolverine Men's Gravity W10728 Tan Mid EH CarbonMAX Safety Toe Waterproof Work Hikers won't let you down like your current men's footwear. They're waterproof, and on top of that, they're durable, comfortable, and protective. These Gravity mid hiking boots for men are constructed to give you the best in durability. The rugged upper is crafted from premium, tan-colored leather, and the durable outsole is made from rubber. The leather upper is tough-as-nails and resists showing the signs of wear and tear you'll put it through each day. The rubber lug outsole is incredibly hardy and won't fail you at work. To bond together the upper and the outsole, these Wolverine men's boots have cement construction. It makes them resilient to breaking apart at the connecting point. These waterproof safety toe hikers are also protective. They feature a CarbonMAX composite toe that meets the requirement for the American safety standard ASTM F2413-11 M I/75 C/75 EH. The standard uses a test to measure how a product can defend you from harm. These safety toe Gravity boots for men were tested against the standards for protective toe footwear and passed. They can keep your toes safe from the initial impact of a dropped item and continual, applied pressure of something heavy. The outsole on these tan leather boots also helps to achieve the rating. It's made of rubber and passes the required testing for being able to prevent harm from electrical hazards. The outsole is also slip-resistant, which means you won't topple over at work in an embarrassing, painful display for your coworkers. Like we previously stated, these are waterproof. The leather used to make the upper is waterproof, which makes the exterior resistant to absorbing water and other liquids. But in the event that liquid does penetrate the exterior, Wolverine made sure to place a breathable waterproof membrane and a moisture-wicking mesh lining inside. The membrane and lining allow your feet airflow while not allowing the presence of external water. In these mid-height men's boots designed for work, you don't have to worry about unpleasant sogginess in your men's socks. This pair is also comfortable. The interior features a removable dual-density PU EPX anti-fatigue footbed and a high-performance injected EVA midsole. The dual-density footbed provides your feet with two layers of cushiony support, while the midsole, which can be found beneath the footbed, offers additional structural support. These also have a nylon shank, which reinforces your arches to reduce foot fatigue. Step into these Wolverine Men's Gravity W10728 Tan Mid CarbonMAX Waterproof EH Work Hikers, and you’ll be stepping into dry comfort. Forget the days of soaked feet, and get this Wolverine footwear here at Working Person’s Store today. Manufactured Sizes: M: 7-12, 13, 14 | EW: 7-12, 13 Detailed Product Specifications Additional Product Features - Removable Footbed - Slip Resistant - Electrical Hazard (EH) -_14<<
“,” James Whittaker blogs for JW on Tech. “The….” “Officially, Google declared that ‘sharing is broken on the web’ and nothing but the full force of our collective minds around Google+ could fix it,” Whittaker explains. .”!” 21 Comments Gee, I’m surprised that Google+ is so empty. After all, Google hired the Muppets to promote it. Nothing like using characters from middle-aged people’s childhood to attract young social media users. At first I was pissed that +1 button was showing up on porn websites where I could accidentally publish my fetish of Japanese nurses in stockings crushing things with their high heels (j/k). But now I know that no one would see it. What did y’all expect hime to say. Google is the best company in the world, I was not worthy to be amongst its employees, and they paid me way too much. just my $0.02 “Eric…I’m home.” In an attempt to stave off the inevitable “WTF? This isn’t GoogleDailyNews!” type comments, the reason why this article is relevant is because Google is one of Apple’s primary competitors, and this article shines an important light on the ways Google has been changing in response to competing with Apple in earnest. This is stuff any Apple fan needs to know, as it helps us make sense of the moves Google has been making recently, and the fact that those moves reflect significant changes to the way Google previously used to operate. And I know few here will want to hear positive words about our favorite former Apple board member, Eric T. Mole, but based on this article it sure sounds like Whittaker misses him being the CEO of Google. The changes Larry Page has made since becoming CEO sound like attempts (possibly a poor ones) to emulate Apple, and may perhaps be directly related to the advice Jobs gave to the Google founders before he died. All of which hopefully illustrates why this article is indeed relevant to us here. Larry trying to take a page out of Steve’s play book but failing miserably. You can’t replicate Steve’s or Apple’s DNA that Steve built no matter how hard you try. In fact the harder you try the less you are able to grasp what makes Apple tick. It’s not just design elegance but how the whole is melded together by great software at the intersection of technology and the liberal arts. What’s a Google+? I’ve honestly never been there, and I’d heartily recommend all MDN readers to avoid it. We really don’t need another social network. I actually refuse to get a gmail account or register with youtube. I refuse to be constantly tracked by google an give up what privacy that is left in the online world, which is also why I utilize whatever anti-tracking functions are available in my browsers. If everyone did this, Google would be out of business tomorrow, as their ability to track you is the only value they bring to their advertisers. It’s a kind of Clouseau I’ve been told. “All malware and no apps make Android a dull platform” Google+ is a failure because Apple didn’t create their own social network while Eric Schmidt was on the board of directors. You’d better watch out, buddy. One o’ these days soon you’ll be doing real work on a sleek, Flash-running, 7″ Android device because that iFad crap will be history. It’s just a toy. You just watch. I don’t want to say I told ya’ so, but… Good troll, pal. Still, poor choice of username; everyone knows only dickhead corporate drones drive shitty BMW’s. I wonder if Steve gave them bad advice on purpose, while on his deathbed. How cool would that be? Seriously, though, if one reads the Jony Ive interview about Apple and this blog about Google, the differences in the companies become so obvious. Apple never makes anything to make money. They make things to make them simpler, prettier and better for the user, hence the sale of real polished products and not perpetual betas, geared to fleece the end user of their souls so that they can target advertising. I love the way Google markets this soul stealing as a feature. “We just popped over to Google+ (hadn’t been there in months). It’s like a totally empty…” I have to disagree with you MacDailyNews. I use G+ heavily and my G+ stream is alive and kicking (far from empty.) I’ve always felt that the enemy is Facebook, not Google. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to give up my iPhone for an Android device but I’ve had nothing but a great experience using G+. Agreed. People seem to be quite confused about G+, thinking it’s just a FB clone. You’re not going to just pop in there and join your friends and family like you do FB; you have to create your own circles of people with interesting material to provide and interests to share, and meet new people based on those. Google+ is by far the best social network on the web in my opinion, even if it’s lacking in the “friends and family” department. As Jony Ive said the other day : “Our (Apple) goals are very simple — to design and make better products. If we can’t make something that is better, we won’t do it.” Google didn’t approach G+ like that, it was ‘Facebook is stealing our Ad money we bloody heck have to do something… ” Google’s G+ was something reactive, a RESPONSE to a threat, not something that they passionately wanted to do to “make something better” so at BEST it was small evolutionary advances over Facebook (and not an Apple type revolution and many say they didn’t even beat Facebook in evolutionary steps . ) G+ is like if Apple had come out with iPhone looking like a Blackberry with small ‘improvements’ like iTunes connection. Noo Google+ in my life and I’m quite happy. Surprising, isn’t it? I’ve tried to use Google+, but it doesn’t work on my iPad in Safari, and I really don’t need yet another app on my iPad. I’m on G+ and it’s really busy, lots of interaction with other Gplussers, and some great discussion going on. It’s different to FB, just posting isn’t enough, you need to engage with the people who circle/circle you.
HOUSTON, Texas -(Ammoland.com)- Comp-Tac Victory Gear, a leading manufacturer of quality concealed carry holsters, competition holsters and firearms accessories have expanded their holster fits to accommodate the new Sig P320 X Five firearm. Comp-Tac has seen a huge demand for holsters for all the Sig firearms. The newest variant of the P320 line the Sig P320 X Five, which is 5” long, now has a holster fit available from Comp-Tac. Comp-Tac Victory Holsters The International is an outside the waistband holster with a modular mounting design giving the user 16 holster options in 1. Intended to be worn at 3:00 this holster is perfect for competition shooting, concealed carry or general use. The Sig P320 X Five holster joins the complete line up of Comp-Tac holsters for the P320, including; the Full Size, the Compact, Subcompact and RX models. Concealed carry holsters for inside the waistband, outside the waistband and appendix carry, competition holsters and magazine pouches Comp-Tac is proud to offer options for customers all over the world. “Comp-Tac works hard to stay on top of all the new firearm releases. There is nothing more frustrating than buying a new firearm, wanting to carry it and not being able to buy a holster. Our customers have let us know that they are looking for holsters and we have been able to continue offering them products for all firearms and are excited to add the P320 X Five to the list,” stated Gordon Carrell, Comp-Tac’s General Manager. “All of your every day carry gear is important whether it be for new guns or old.”. 2 thoughts on “Comp-Tac Victory Gear Adds Holster Fit for the Sig P320 X Five” Looking for a holster and a double mag holder to fit sig p320 x-vtac. I AM WANTING TO BUY ONE OF YOUR HOLSTERS FOR MY X5 PLEASE GIVE ME A PRICE
Local farmer, Freddie Currin, recently passed away, but his family sausage recipe lives on! His family recipe is legendary in our area and we keep our stock in good supply here at Red Hill General Store. Nothing compares to locally grown, ground pork with a delicious, secret blend of herbs and spices! Sausage is a key ingredient in many holiday dishes you'll find on the table this time of year. Here's a quick recipe for sausage balls - a popular Christmas appetizer in the South! If you have a lot of cooking to do this season, check out our great deals on bulk baking mix! You'll save yourself unnecessary trips back to the grocery store. Holiday Sausage Balls Recipe 3 cups baking mix 1 pound sausage at room temperature 4 cups of shredded sharp cheddar cheese 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives Combine all ingredients in a mixer until evenly combined. Roll dough into 1 1/2 inch balls and place on a baking sheet about an inch apart. Bake at 350 degrees in a preheated oven for 20 - 25 minutes until lightly browned. Stuffed mushrooms are also a big hit for the holidays. Adding a little sausage to the filling gives them a yummy zip! A good, sturdy cast iron skillet is perfect to use to cook the sausage for these tasty bites! Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe 24 large mushrooms, stems removed 1 pound sausage 1 onion, finely diced 4 ounces grated Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon finely minced garlic 1 teaspoon fresh chopped parsley Hollow out mushrooms with a spoon and set the scrapings aside. Cook the sausage and onions over medium high heat in a skillet until the sausage is browned through. Reduce the heat to medium and add in the mushroom scrapings, garlic, cheese and breadcrumbs. Mix together well in the skillet and cook for 2 minutes, stirring the mixture frequently. Spoon the sausage mixture into the hollowed out mushroom caps and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Bake at 375 degrees in a preheated oven for 12-15 minutes. Bon appetit and Happy Holidays!
Fandoms - Marvel Cinematic Universe (49) - Marvel (48) - Glee (36) - The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (13) - Avengers Academy (Video Game) (6) Expand Fandoms List Collapse Fandoms List Recent works Archival Discoveries by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel 09 Nov 2018 Summary ITAB prompt: tony secretly buying a winter soldier themed dildo on a website. bucky finds his collection. Series - Part 12 of Imagine Tony & Bucky fills by hddnone Preparing for Arrival by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel 07 Nov 2018 Summary “He cleaned my lab, Steve,” Bruce interrupts, voice deadpan. “My. Lab.” Tony is on a cleaning binge and the team stages an intervention. Or at least they tell Steve to fix it because it is Steve's fault, really. Series - Part 5 of 2018 MCU Kink Bingo Nothing But This by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel 02 Oct 2018 Summary Loki lies in wait with a surprise for Tony, but Tony has a surprise for Loki as well. Series - Part 1 of Kinktober 2018 Her Name was Maria by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) 26 Sep 2018 Summary The soul stone was weary of death, but it still required a price. Series - Part 3 of Tony Stark Bingo 2018 Mutually Assured Destruction by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel 09 Sep 2018 Summary What kind of man asks his parents’ killer to fuck him through the mattress and not stop, not to stop even when the pleasure turns to pain? What kind of killer says yes? Series - Part 4 of 2018 MCU Kink Bingo Recent series Imagine Tony & Bucky fills by hddnone by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Fandom: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) 09 Nov 2018 2018 MCU Kink Bingo by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Fandom: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe 07 Nov 2018 Kinktober 2018 by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Fandom: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe 02 Oct 2018 - Words: - 1,418 - Works: - 1 Tony Stark Bingo 2018 by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Fandom: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) 26 Sep 201830 - Kudos: - 1720 - Bookmarks: - 413 - Hits: - 46809 Bookmarked by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) 26...
Public Library The Public Library offers much more than books for the avid reader. You can use the internet, check out a movie, pick an audio book, practice speaking Spanish, enjoy story or movie time, check out eBooks online, renew check outs online, and much, much more. (We will be adding information on other libraries for areas outside Austin. Suggest an Area) The Austin Public Library has tons of information at their website. The web address is easy to remember Library.AustinTexas.gov. As you can see from the MAP, the Austin Public Library services a large area. Library cards are free for Texas residents or any youth under the age of 17, no matter where they live. Learn how to Apply for a Library Card. Non-residents may apply for a card by paying either an annual fee or a quarterly fee. There is a Senior discount available. Apply for Non-Resident Library Card. Ask a Librarian! Get answers and research help by email, text or phone. Text a Librarian:(512) 337-4893 Call a Librarian:(512) 974-7400 Computer Training Free classes on a variety of topics at the Little Walnut Creek, Ruiz, and Faulk Central libraries. Some classes are in Spanish. Internet Access Public computers provide free access to the Internet and have MS Word, Excel, Power Point and Access installed. Every location also has free wireless. Many more services available. Check out the Complete List of Services. If you prefer to own the books you read or simply want to expand your personal library, you’ll enjoy Recycled Reads. Recycled Reads is run primarily by volunteers with materials withdrawn from the Library’s collection and the community’s donations. The store gives books a second chance and is an active participant in the City’s Zero Waste Plan. Call it origami, call it sculpture, call it altered books … Recycled Reads calls it recycling. As part of their zero-waste initiative, books that are outdated, in poor shape, or just won’t sell get crafted into something useful, fun, or beautiful! Stop by the store for a peek at their creations. If you are interested in making your own book art, join one of their crafting classes.