stringlengths 430
–Rules 2019
Since the Soria Short Film Fest (SOIFF) considers at all times Short Films CINEMA in capital and appreciates as essential culture dissemination, our purpose is to promote as mean of audiovisual expression; the contribution to acknowledgment and dissemination. This format must be essentially and basically a part of CINEMA.
The 21th Edition will be held in Soria (Spain) between the 17th November and 1th December, 2019.
-This festival is open to Filmmakers from the entire world.
- Any filming system is permitted as well as genre: Fiction, Animation or Documentary.
-Running time will be no longer than 30 minutes; credits included.
-Shorts must be sent before June 30st, 2019.
-Shorts films production must have ended their production not before January 1st, 2018.
-It is ESSENTIAL Shorts which in their original language version are not in Spanish to be subtitled to that original language or where those are not possible in English subtitled version.
-Every Short must be subtitled to English language; including those which original version is Spanish.
-Selection of Shorts will be in charge of the Organizing Committee and announced in our Website on September 30th, 2019.
-Selected Shorts will be screened in any of their sections in contest or in the festival parallel section. This festival must communicate to all participants in which section is their Short to be screened.
-Participating Shorts must not have been screened at any exhibition, festival inside the province of Soria.
-For promoting Shorts and Festival, the Organizing Committee will use for no more than 1minute movie clips from selected Shorts.
-Short films can only be submitted on line, through the platforms. Until April 1, registration for the festival will be free (except forthe platform fee) for Spanish short films and €5 for short films from the rest of theworld. From April 1st to June 30th (final submission deadline), the registration fee, includingthe platform fee, will be €5 for Spanish short films and €10 for foreign short films.
-All Short screenings will be in digital format regardless their filming system.
-The Organizing Committee will put in contact with all selected films in order to request the sending of projection file.
-The Official Jury will consist of Cinema, Culture and Communication Professionals and in charge of giving the awards. Their resolution is conclusive.
-Concerning selected Shorts, the Organizing Committee will cover costs in accommodation (3 nights for domestic and 4 nights for foreign production), a breakfast and meal to only Director and 1 person from their work-team.
- The short films screened at the festival may assign all rights in order participation in the Cine a os Cuatro Vientos. A project is carried out in different places of our country and in collaboration with other national and international festivals for promotional purposes and with the main objective of creating new audiences around the short film.
-To be submitted to Festival involves express acceptance of this rules.
The attendance shorts in the competition section will compete to the following awards according to their nature:
• Awards
Short Film* ................................. € 1.000 + Trophy
*Audience Award: This award is given by the audience who attend the screenings. Computation will be calculated by adding votes of audience and making the percent of attendance.
National Short Film* ....................... € 1.000 + Trofeo
Best photography direction ............ € 2.500 (In shooting rental material)
*Award NACIONAL Short Film: This award is aimed at short films whose director has Spanish nationality
All the short films shown are eligible both for the official competitive sections as well as the parallel sections.
1st Award for Adults ............................. € 1.000
2nd Award for Adults ............................ € 500
1st Award for Schoolchildren ................ € 1.000
2nd Award for Schoolchildren ............... € 500
* * ................................. € 1.000
*Award "One of Ours": This award will be given by the Short´s Representatives in Festival. Only represented shorts will enter in Contest.
Deadline: June 30st, 2019
XXI Soria International Short Film Fest
- Centro Cívico Bécquer
- Calles Infantes de Lara s/n, 42003. Soria. España.
- Tln: /(+34) 975 233 069 / (+34) 607 303 257
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Employee testimonials
Ivan G., Clinical Research Associate
I was working in Cromos Pharma company as a Clinical Research Associate for 4 years. Even though Cromos Pharma is not a global CRO, it has several global Sponsors except local ones. The competitive advantage of the company is an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Company’s team is very young and energetic. During my work in the company I received many very interesting trainings, including training from other departments (biostatistics and etc.). I have only positive impressions about Cromos Pharma company.
Polina A., Project assistant
I was working in Cromos Pharma company almost more than two years. Even during not such a long period of time I had received a huge experience and useful knowledge. What I valued most of all in Cromos Pharma were corporate culture, company’s spirit, friendship and mutual help. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for company’s management for their support and positive attitude, for all the moments we had gone through all together. I hope that company will keep developing and will continue working for the sake of the patients.
Alexandra F., Clinical Research Associate
I have been working in Cromos Pharma as a CRA for 1,5 years. I should say it is a pleasure to be a part of this company. Our team is the greatest advantage. Everybody demonstrates high quality and professional attitude in all working activities. Every day I work in the atmosphere of mutual respect, support and help. Our company also gives each employee an opportunity for self-development providing different kinds of training, both in professional and "soft-skills" spheres, ex. psychological and business communication courses. So if you have something interesting and useful to share with, you are welcome for your own training! I wish Cromos Pharma goes on flourishing and showing its professionalism on the worldwide level.
Anna K., Quality Assurance Specialist
I joined Cromos Pharma in May 2016 as QA Specialist. Cromos Pharma is a team of experts in clinical trials. Working at Cromos Pharma is a great opportunity to develop both professional and personal skills. A lot of internal trainings are conducted to share best practices among colleagues. The company consists of proactive ambitious and friendly people. The atmosphere is very comfortable for the newcomers. Every employee can rely on support of colleagues. |
By: Frank Hyden
-The Denver Nuggets beat the Los Angeles Lakers last night 114-106 to cut the Lakers lead in the series to 2-1. The Nuggets were led by Jamal Murray with 28 points and 12 assists and 8 rebounds, Nikola Jokic with 22 points and 10 rebounds, and Jerami Grant with 26 points. The Lakers were led by LeBron James with 30 points and 11 assists and 10 rebounds for his 26th playoff triple double, trailing only Magic Johnson in NBA Playoff history, who had 30. Anthony Davis also had 27 points for L.A. This is shaping up to a great series now, folks.
-Billy Donovan will be the new head coach for the Chicago Bulls. Donovan did fairly well with the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Bulls have some talented players and they are in the East so they should do well next season. They should at least make the playoffs and be in contention for home court advantage in the first round.
-Notre Dame’s football game against Wake Forest has been postponed by a week, from September 26th to October 3rd, because of some positive Covid-19 tests.
Comments and suggestions can be emailed to me at hydenfrank@gmail.com and you can follow me on Twitter at @hydenfrank |
Francis Russell "Frank" O'Hara (March 27, 1926 - July 25, 1966) was an American poet, art critic, and curator.
O'Hara was born in Baltimore, Maryland and grew up in Grafton, Massachusetts. He studied piano at the New England Conservatory in Boston from 1941 to 1944. During the last years of World War II, he served in the U.S. Navy in the South Pacific and Japan on a destroyer. After the war he attended Harvard University. At first, he studied music but then changed to English to become a writer. His roommate at Harvard was the artist Edward Gorey. He also became friends there with the poet John Ashbery.
O'Hara lived in New York City from 1951 until his death in 1966. In time, he and his poet-friends came to be known as The New York Poets. This group included Ashbery, James Schuyler, Barbara Guest, and Kenneth Koch. He also got to know many young New York artists, such as Larry Rivers, Jane Freilicher, Fairfield Porter, Joan Mitchell, Alex Katz, Jasper Johns, and Jackson Pollock.
O'Hara worked at the Museum of Modern Art. He put together exhibitions of art. He wrote catalogs and essays for those art shows. He made plans for the shows to travel to other cities.
He was not well-known as a poet until some of his poems were printed in The New American Poetry in 1960. This was a collection of many younger poets who were writing in original ways.
He published two important books of poetry in his lifetime, Meditations in an Emergency (1956) and Lunch Poems (1964). He wrote different kinds of poems. Some are very short and others are very long. Some use language in difficult ways. Others are very direct and sound like ordinary talking about the ordinary things he does in the city.
O'Hara's early death in 1966 was caused by a motor accident on the beach at Fire Island, New York. |
Foetry is an odd beast. Formed awhile ago to look into the integrity of open poetry book contests that charged reader’s fees, it was only a short matter of time before Foetry descended into witch-hunting.
Basically, Foetry was formed to address this common paradigm: Publisher would like to publish a book of poetry but has no money to pay for the thousands of dollars in printing costs. Publisher decides to have a contest to raise the necessary money. Publisher asks well-known poet to judge a contest. Publisher advertises the contest, promising a small prize (ranging from a few books up to $1000) to the winner. It costs aprox $20-$40 (a “reading fee”) to submit to the contest. That money goes to pay for the winner’s book and prize – any additional funds help to push the press forward, any shortage of funds is taken from the Publisher’s pocket. When the contest deadlines close, a group of readers screens the manuscripts and sends a batch of “final manuscripts” to the judge. The judge picks from among those. Sometimes the judge will read all the manuscripts, sometimes not.
Many of these contests have a “connection” between the judge and the winner – former students is the most common. The question then becomes: if the contest was “pre-determined” or fundamentally skewed, is it fraudulent for the press in question to have solicited those reading fees from people who had, essentially, no chance to win, on the false pretenses that their manuscript would be given equal consideration?
One obvious solution was to call for a ban on judges selecting work they were familiar with, coupled with a frank discussion of just which contests and judges selected the work of close friends and contacts. And as far as that went, that makes some amount of sense; you point out the connections and let the market (such as it is) react. (No sense in submitting to a contest you have no chance of winning).
I once helped along a tempest in a tea-cup that involved a poet using a university-funded journal to publish a shocking number of personal contacts and engage in what appeared to be a clear pattern of reciprocal publication (a different situation that the one above). So I’ve a certain amount of sympathy for those who are upset when they see poetic resources being mishandled.
But that certain amount of sympathy would be predicated on the idea that those who do this calling-out do so in a way that allows for an open dialogue and does not rush to conclusions. Beyond this, while there *is* cronyism in the poetry world, there’s also a few simple human dynamics that the people at Foetry ought to have kept in mind:
First, poets tend to write in schools – meaning that there are some “types” of poetry that certain judges are going to prefer, especially if that judge writes in a particular school. Language poets will tend to judge language poetry contests and pick other language poets. Ditto neo-formalists. Ditto Iowa School types. Hence it’s completely unsurprising if a poet picks someone whose aesthetics are close to their own – so close they may have previously been published in the same journal or may have attended (or taught) at the same colleges, summer seminars, etc. And knowing this, one has to ask, is it reasonable for the average submitter to expect that *any* judge for *any* press will not simply throw out their manuscript on the basis of differing aesthetics? Basically the point is that you’re going to see aesthetic clustering (in which I’d include the various poetries of identity (regional/class/gender voices) regardless of whether or not the judge has ever heard of the poet they picked. There is no single aesthetic standard which is applied to all entries in all contests by all judges; there is no possibility of a meritocratically run system which guarantees everyone an “equal” chance..
Third, it may well be that the judge will honestly believe that the MS they finally select *is* the best one for that press from that batch of manuscripts, regardless of if they know the poet they choose. We could go further to say that mere knowledge of a contestant does not imply positive bias; sometimes, believe it or not, students and their former teachers do not get along, sometimes poets don’t like each other. Shocking, I know. Former students might win in spite of that negative bias.
Fourth, certain judges might well attract MSs which would otherwise not be sent out. There’s not an even or random spread out there – I can easily see a former student sitting on a brilliant manuscript which they send to a contest a former teacher is judging. Perhaps it’s the only contest they submit to, perhaps it’s the one they fell will have the most informed reader of their work.
While contest judges ought not to pick friends manuscripts on the basis of that friendship, personal knowledge does not categorically imply fraud.
All that aside, Foetry has recently unloaded a “shoot first” broadside against another of my friends, Steve Mueske. Steve is a guy that shines with integrity. He has nothing but the highest standards for his press, Three Candles, and has acted in a manner that’s completely above-board from day-one. I think anyone who has had professional dealings with Steve can attest to that.
While Steve Schroder gallantly tried to apply a bit of logic, Steve has an appropriate reply on his own blog.
And the really sad thing about it all is that the actual winner of the contest (a very competent poet, Tony Trigilio) had *no* prior connection to either Steve, Three Candles, or the judge. Alan Cordle apparently does not even have the grace to spell his name correctly, referring to him as “Tony Trilobite.”
Generally speaking, defamation (libel) is the issuance of a false statement about another person which causes that person to suffer harm. Can we make a case that Foetry, by recklessly and publicly labeling Three Candles as a crooked contest, caused a loss of reputation for both Steve and the Three Candles Press, personal distress (mental suffering) to Steve, and loss of potential income to the press (as readers of the Foetry article might not purchase Three Candles books: or possible submitters might pass on future contests for fear of being labeled as “Foets” by Foetry)? What of other poets and editors associated with the contest and the press? What of the contest Judge?
Since Foetry has insinuated that fraud was involved in the contest:
“To which I now say, you should have listened to Crimson, who holds a JD and knows a little something about fraud. Or perhaps you could have asked for legal advice from Seth Abramson, who appears in your anthology and is a practicing lawyer. Your entrants cannot have a prior connection to the judge NOR to you, Steve Mueske. Foetry is not trying to make the rules; Foetry is trying to make people aware of rules already established on the local, state, and federal levels.”
could we argue for "per se" defamation, as fraud is a crime of moral turpitude?
I think it would be easy to prove Foetry’s statements at least rose to the level of negligence insofar as Foetry did not even attempt to contact Steve or Three Candles to make sure their facts were correct before writing such things as:
“It is unethical for Steve Mueske to select finalists with whom he has a prior business relationship. He should have had a process in place to either remove those manuscripts from competition and refund their money or to forward those manuscripts to a different screener. This contest is biased.”
This, of course, in the context of a website that has the following as its primary, main-page statement:
Foetry: American Poetry Watchdog Exposing the fraudulent "contests." Tracking the sycophants. Naming names. Do they give Pulitzer Prizes for Cheating and Stealing? One of the most common ways American poets publish a book is through open competition at some of the best-known presses. Many publishers require an entry fee, usually $20 to $25 per manuscript. With hundreds or even thousands of entries, a lot of money is involved. And then it's a fair competition, right? Wrong. Over and over again, judges often select their students, friends, and even their lovers. Help us to stop this criminal activity. Please use the boxes in the upper corners of each page to navigate the site. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS STOLEN!
There’s not much opportunity for a defense based on truth (because Foetry is simply wrong), mere opinion (as the site presents itself as factual), or addressing a public figure.
(Usual caveats of my not actually being a lawyer, and the above not constituting legal advice apply; but if any tort-minded people out there would care to comment, I’d be interested.)
Recent Comments |
How-To: Refinishing A Deck
Spring is officially here, whether it feels like it or not. And after several months of abuse from snow and ice, you might be thinking to yourself, “what can I do to better protect my deck next winter and make it look beautiful for the upcoming spring and summer seasons?”
Norberg Paints would like to help you get your deck ready for spring and summer. In doing so, we produced a series of videos to help teach you how to get your deck ready for staining. The end goal is to have a finished deck that is healthy looking, beautiful, will be protected for years to come, and earn the admiration of family members and house guests.
Now is a great time to take action. Harsh winter conditions have likely taken a toll on your wooden deck. As the snow melts and your deck’s surface materializes, you may notice the surface could use a touch-up.
Your backyard hasn’t gotten much attention since fall; one, because winter in the Midwest is practically unbearable, and two, because unless you have kids or a pet, there’s really no reason to go outside and “enjoy” your backyard.
Now, with the coldest days of the year behind us, you might be thinking ahead to the many summer cookouts, parties and bonfires to be had.
In the following videos, our very own Stuart Norberg walks you through the process, step-by-step.
All the products used can be found at either Norberg Paints location in Sioux Falls. We are also happy to suggest products and solutions specific to your deck project. Feel free to ask our experts any questions you have about stripping, power washing or staining your deck.
We have included notes with each video, and hope you feel inspired by the transformation that takes place.
Step 1: Preparation
The key is getting the surface clean. You want to get the deck boards back to their original wood fiber so they will take the stain. We use a deck brightener to help loosen up the dirt particles and soften wood fibers. Then, we’ll come back later with a power washer to get the dirt off.
Take a look at the before and after of using the deck brightener and power washer to remove dirt from the surface of our deck (5:04).
Step 2: Staining
We’re down to bare wood now, and our deck is ready to take the stain. We need something that will protect the wood for years to come. Depending on the look you’re going for, you may have to apply the stain every year. For a natural looking deck, you may need to apply a new stain once a year. Whereas if you choose to go with a solid stain, you can go several years without applying a new coat.
Before & After
Take a look at the stunning before and after of this deck transformation.
We hope our deck refinishing video series has inspired you to take action in revitalizing your own deck. When you’re ready, Norberg Paints is a great place to get started on your deck project. We have the products and expertise to point you in the right direction. It will be our pleasure to assist you in turning your dream deck into a reality. |
Awhile back, Leo posted these delightfully nostalgic and funny “Marital Rating Scales” from 1939 in the Community:
After having a good laugh, what Kate and I both noticed after reading through these charts was that while we could imagine a modern day woman expecting her husband to live up to most of the standards on the Husband’s Chart, if a man expected a woman to adhere to the Wife’s Chart, he’d probably be met with the look of death.
Now obviously some of the expectations on both charts are just silly, and part of the reason that the Wife’s Chart seem even sillier is that a woman’s place in society has changed far more than a man’s during the last 70 years.
But it’s also indicative of a new double standard that has emerged in our modern age. Women are still free to flog men for their shortcomings and expect a lot from them, but if a man has any expectations for women, the conversation is bound to go something like this:
It seems like men are catching onto to this movement to recover some of the good things of the past, while holding onto the progress we’ve made. I was just reading this interesting article in the NYT about how 20-something men are rejecting the whole casual, let it all hang out Baby Boomer vibe that’s dominated society for the last few decades and are starting to want to dress up and look sharp. This quote, from a college professor, particularly stood out to me:
“But the younger generation is looking at getting dressed up and making their mark,” Mr. Cohen continued. “It’s a real generation gap here. I teach at three different colleges, and I am amazed how dressed up some of the students are. Girls still come in their hoodies and pajamas, but boys come in their suits.”
In some ways, the new movement towards a return to traditional manliness needs women to be on board to be successful. After all, if you have men opening doors and asking women on real dates, and they’re just laughing in your face, that’s clearly not going to work out too well. And if you have men striving to be their best, but they feel like women aren’t even trying, you’ve got a recipe for creating strained relations between the sexes and bitter and disillusioned men who think all women are an unappealing mess who are not worth the trouble of dealing with (something you already see in certain online communities).
We often get emails from women who praise us up and down for the mission of the Art of Manliness. “This is just what men need!” they say. “I love the idea of bringing back traditional manliness!” they tell us. We love that women are on board with the movement, but it makes us wonder, “Okay, if men are manning up, what are women going to do to follow suit?”
After all, if women say they’re not in favor of a genderless society, and they want men to be men, then they have to be prepared for the flip side of that equation. A world where women are women.
Now don’t get me wrong. A man’s desire to man up should really have little to do with women and their opinion of him. Basing their lives around the opinions of women is exactly where men have gone wrong these last few decades. A man should want to seek true manliness out of his desire for confidence, honor, and self-respect.
But it’s also wrong-headed to think that womanliness has nothing to do with manliness. It would be hard to define manliness unless it was juxtaposed beside femininity, the way we wouldn’t be able to define dark, without the experience of light.
And it’s also indisputable that men used to be motivated to be honorable men because they felt they got something in return from the women in their lives. Manning up involves some sacrifice, but men didn’t feel like they were the only ones making an effort. Men dressed up, took women on dates and paid, brought home the bacon, took care of their wives, and acted as the rock in the family. In return, they could count on women to look classy and attractive, be charming, cook dinner, take care of the house and kids, and make her man feel like king of the castle.
But these days a new double standard has emerged where it’s okay to celebrate men manning up, but telling women they need to recover some of their femininity is offensive. To wit:
A woman telling a man to stop looking like a slob and dress up. Awesome!
A man telling a woman to stop looking like a slob and take care of herself. Sexist!
Saying that men should stop hooking up with women. Awesome!
Saying that women should stop sleeping around. Sexist!
Saying that men should get off the couch and go to work. Awesome!
Saying that a woman should be nurturing with kids. Sexist!
Saying that men should take the initiative in relationships. Awesome!
Saying that a woman should let the man lead (ever!). Sexist!
Well, you get the idea. The are a few reasons for the disparity. The first is that men spent most of world history in a position of privilege (although there were real downsides to being a man during this time, too). Then the women’s movement happened and they lost that position. So when it comes to recovering aspects of traditional manliness, men are excited to get on board (not because they want the exact same position back, but simply because they see the past fondly). Women, on the other hand, fought for the last few decades for the position that they now find themselves in. So even if they aren’t totally happy with it, looking back to recover what was good about the past makes them feel like they’re betraying what their sisters fought for. And if anyone suggests that bringing back some old school femininity might be a good idea, it’s been ingrained in them that they should be offended.
Second, women have historically been put on a pedestal, as the protectors of morality, while men have been disparaged as being baser in their nature. So it’s always been socially acceptable to castigate men but not women, because of the implicit understanding that women were just naturally pure and didn’t need much external encouragement to be “good.” Some feminists still seem to hold to this idea-that men and women are equal, but really-wink, wink- we all know that men are actually pigs. A real head scratcher to be sure.
But these days women say they don’t want to be on a pedestal, that putting them there is sexist! So now that we’re on equal footing, can we admit that today’s women need some work too?
Could we perhaps say that equality shouldn’t mean embracing and outdoing men in things that were traditionally considered masculine? That making out with other chicks for attention and lifting your shirt for beads and getting smashed and burping the alphabet and dressing in sweatsuits really has very little to do with being “liberated?”
That if men are going to know their way around a kitchen, that maybe women could, too? (I know lots of women my age who couldn’t cook to save their life.)
That you can’t insist on both being treated like a princess while also being a totally “independent woman?” (And that these dual impulses are driving men nuts?) And that a lot of relationships are falling apart not because there aren’t any good men to be found, but because women are so paranoid about “losing their identity” that they can’t settle down and give themselves over to being with a man? (Did you know that 2/3 of divorces are initiated by women?)
Now don’t get me wrong. We’re certainly not advocating a “Get back in the kitchen!” movement. Just like traditional manliness, recovering traditional womanliness will require sorting through which is the baby and which is the bathwater. And that sorting seems like an even more difficult task than it is for men. A veritable minefield where PC-ness, reality, history and progress collide.
But that is where I’d like to start this discussion. What aspects of femininity do you wish women would once again embrace? If you’re manning up, what do you expect of women? I’m also interested in what our female readers have to say about the subject.
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Tags: expect |
Global Smartphone Market Posts Record Q3, Apple Underperforms
The global smartphone market achieved a quarterly first during the third quarter, exceeding a quarter-billion units for the first time, Neil Mawston, executive director of Strategy Analytics' Global Wireless Practice wrote in an Oct. 28 blog post.
The smartphone market grew 45 percent annually, shipping 251 million units.
"The smartphone industry's robust growth is being driven by strong demand for LTE models in developed regions like the United States and 3G devices in emerging markets such as China," wrote Mawston.
Samsung was again the market leader, pushing its market share past the one-third mark to 35 percent, on shipments of 88.4 million units. While shipments of the flagship Galaxy S 4 softened, "solid demand for the new Note 3 phablet and for mass-market devices like the Galaxy Y helped lift Samsung's volumes," wrote Mawston.
Apple finished in second place, shipping 33.8 million iPhones during the quarter and grabbing 26.9 percent of the global market share.
Apple grew just 26 percent annually during the quarter, which was only about half the overall smartphone industry average, Mawston pointed out.
"Apple's global smartphone market share has dipped noticeably from 16 percent to 13 percent during the past year," Mawston continued. "Nonetheless, we expect Apple to rebound sharply and regain share in the upcoming fourth quarter of 2013 due to high demand for its new iPhone 5S model."
During Apple's Oct. 28 quarterly earnings call, the company shared that iPad sales were flat during the last quarter and Mac sales were down 300,000 units. Apple brought in $7.5 billion of profit on $37.5 billion of revenues. (This is compared with $8.2 billion and $36 billion a year earlier. Apple's stock price fell in after-hours trading.)
A star of the quarter was Huawei, which overtook LG Electronics as the third-place finisher. Huawei's shipments grew 67 percent annually to 12.7 million units, up from 7.6 million a year ago.
Huawei is "very strong" in its home market of China, said Mawston, but if it's to move up another rung, it will need to "expand aggressively" in the United States and Europe.
In the U.S., growth may also mean overcoming slights to its reputation. (The U.S. government has warned businesses involved in critical architecture to avoid using Huawei's telecom equipment.)
LG finished just behind Huawei, with shipments of 12 million smartphones for a 4.8 percent share of the market, compared with Huawei's 5.1 percent.
Fifth-place Lenovo—a mass-market favorite in China—shipped 10.8 million units, up from 6.4 million a year ago.
Juniper Research, in an Oct. 29 research statement, says not to forget Nokia, the onetime market leader that's beginning to reassert itself.
"Nokia shipped a record 8.8 million Lumia devices and nearly 6 million Asha smartphones in Q3 2013, together exceeding LG for the second time this year," said Juniper analysts."
(Strategy Analytics, pointing out that Nokia lists the Asha in the Mobile Phones category of its earnings statement, only counts Lumia sales—8.8 million—as smartphone sales.)
Pointing to Samsung and Apple, Juniper analysts added, "These top-end players are expected to continue to witness impressive growth next quarter due to seasonality; however, Juniper expects a steady decline in growth thereafter, especially in maturing markets."
Differentiation, they said, will be "vital" to their continued success. Plus, "the strategies used to achieve differentiation need to be different for maturing and emerging markets," said Juniper. |
Sanniti apartment is a stylish and fully accessorized 85 squared metres vacation rental that can accommodate up to six guests. It is located on the top floor, with elevator, of a beautiful, newly restored 19th century building in Piazza dei Sanniti, in the San Lorenzo neighborhood. It is made up of three spacious bedrooms, two of which overlook Piazza dei Sanniti, one with a small balcony. The modern interior design combines elegance and functionality; each room, with different colors, has its own personality.
There are two bathrooms with shower (no tub). The kitchen and the dining area are well-designed and furnished with every appliance required for a pleasant stay, including washer, dishwasher, fridge with freezer, and electric kettle.
The apartment has air-conditioning in every room, wi-fi internet connection, LCD TV, satellite decoder, DVD/DivX player, portable stereo, hair-dryer, iron and ironing board. Baby crib available on request.
The Neighborhood
Sanniti apartment is located in the heart of the old and characteristic San Lorenzo. Just a few minutes from Termini station, the San Lorenzo neighborhood is the location of La Sapienza University’s largest campus. The neighborhood’s character is largely lived by a sizable student population, which means that there are plenty of bars and music venues with a more alternative feel, numerous cheap restaurants and a number of used book and clothing stores. Historically a working class area, San Lorenzo has consequently long been off the traditional tourist route. While it may still look a little more run-down than Trastevere, San Lorenzo has become a popular place to go out. Wandering the streets, you’ll discover an intriguing and colorful (everything is covered in graffiti!) part of Rome that will teach you a lot more about the city’s culture – past and present – than many of the conventional tourist sites. The district, which is very lively and has a strong cultural identity, is full of interesting shops and eateries like handicraft shops, bookshop-cafes, pubs, wine bars, restaurants, trattorias and pizzerias. It is a quiet and safe neighborhood, in the evening becoming a crowded meeting place.
Please let us know your arrival details and flight number if coming by plane in order to arrange cleaning and check-in. One uf us will be at the apartment to meet you.
In case of arrival in the early morning, while we are cleanin the apartment, you will be able to leave your luggages inside and come back after for check-in.
If there are no new incoming guests on the day of check-out, you will be free to leave the apartment when you prefer.
If you need transfer from/to airport let us know and we'll arrange a good value one for you.
21 Reviews
House Was Great!! Beautiful Views and clean polished rooms. Bathrooms were clean which is what I always look for and everything is thoughtfully done right down to a group of maps for the city.
I would next time choose a closer location to the city center; however. All in all no complaints and the space is great.
Very nice flat in Rome. Close to tramway direct to Coliseum and close to Termini station. Gabriele is very carefull, his flat is fully equiped.
Take care, you'll have to pay a city tax 3 € per day per person.
Great flat in a vibrant area. We were met by Gabriele's girlfriend and got the lowdown on the trams and buses etc. You soon realise the flat is perfectly located to feed your historical interests during the day and if like me you are not too keen on overpriced eateries you can return to the area's many bars and restaurants in the little side streets in the evening. A real plus for art lovers, in the adjacent street the No 3 tram stops directly outside the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art and MACRO.
We had a great time during our stay in Roma. Gabriele's apartment had everything we need and made us feel comfortable. One thing needs to be mentioned is Gabriele was not able to come to the apartment when we arrived but still let us had a clear brief about the house and surrounding conducted by his friend. That's really helpful. By the way, the airport pick up service arranged by Gabriele was also very nice.
Gabriele was easy to reach and to communicate with to let him know our actual arrival time; he met us at the property and walked us through the apt. He also provided us with helpful information about the neighborhood, practical information about where to catch the tram, the bus etc. There were several maps of Rome in the apt and he took the time to situate us on the map.
The apartment was as pictured, very comfortable, clean and spacious, with plenty of natural light from the windows and nice, cold air conditioning. We were a group of six and it was great to have actual bedrooms/beds for everyone, and the two bathrooms made it possible to get our group ready more quickly in the morning. The bathroom in the hallway is set up in a way that the sink and mirror can be used while someone else is in the shower, which was helpful. There is plenty of storage space and surface space, with each bedroom having a large wardrobe and tables, and mirrors to help in getting dressed.
The apt is also well equipped as to towels, pots, pans, dishes, etc. The dining room gave us a place to gather and plan our day and the comfortable kitchen allowed us to prepare breakfast every morning, with fresh fruit, bread and amazing cheeses and preserves from a local market that is about two blocks away. The washing machine worked well and was a nice thing to have several days into traveling.
The neighborhood is definitely lively. There were hordes of young people spilling out of the bars and cafes in the area surrounding the apt when we came home late each night; but rather than annoying it was pleasant to hear the laughter and the lively chatter as we made our way home. Noise was NOT a problem once in the apartment and we had peaceful, restful sleep.
It was a little farther from the historic center than we anticipated, but once you get the tram/bus down it’s not difficult to get around, and the value in comfort and space is well worth the extra minutes. We only wish we had had more time in Rome to explore and enjoy the neighborhood. Thank you Gabriele, for a lovely stay!
The apartment was exactly what we expected from the photos posted on web site. The rooms are big and airy, beds are firm but comfortable. We wish there is a comfy sofa for us to sit, relax and rest after a day's of sightseeing.
The water heater was not working on the second day but when we called the host to report the problem, it was repaired and fixed promptly.
Overall we are satisfied with the apartment.
Thank you for having us! |
Having met with the Flooding Minister and held a Flooding Forum with residents and local agencies, it looks like we need Dad’s Army to hold back the floods, says West Lancashire MP Rosie Cooper. The only answer from the agencies seemed to be we should get our own sandbags and help each other!
Homes, farm land, and entire communities in West Lancashire have been devastated by flooding on several occasions in recent years. Yet there is still no action plan and no real answers to how homes, businesses and local communities can be better protected from future flooding incidents as heavy rainfall increases in regularity and severity.
On Wednesday 6 July 2016, MP Rosie Cooper met with Rory Stewart MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment and Rural Affairs responsible for floods and water at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. MP Rosie went to the meeting seeking action necessary to help local communities devastated by flooding and for support ahead of five satellite pumping stations being turned off in 2017.
During the meeting Rosie was clear that the government couldn’t talk of their action over flooding whilst standing back from taking any action to address the core problems, especially at a time when they are cutting the budgets of local agencies involved in tackling flooding, such as the Environment Agency and Lancashire County Council.
Following the ministerial meeting, MP Rosie said:
“It is clear the government policy is one of clean up and repair rather than prevention when it comes to flooding.
“From speaking to the Minister his opinion is that local agencies can and should be doing more in times of floods and in flood prevention. One instance being that planning authorities should not be granting planning permission for new housing developments that would exacerbate flooding problems, and that if they do the permission should be ‘called in’ meaning referred to Government.
“He said the strategic lead flood authority, Lancashire County Council, should be actually taking the lead in the emergency response when there is flooding and that it’s their job to help people not just collect the data and write the reports afterwards, which I think will come as a surprise to them.
” ‘It’s everyone else’s responsibility’ is exactly the reason for the failures in not better protecting people’s homes from flooding. Once again the government has no answers and no solutions when it comes to flooding and what happens if we don’t avoid turning off the pumping stations.
Bringing the Minister’s messages back to West Lancashire, Rosie Cooper organised and chaired a Flooding Forum meeting attended by representatives of key local agencies and 29 local residents from across West Lancashire, who’ve been affected by flooding.
For two hours the discussion reviewed the areas affected by flooding with residents sharing their individual experiences of the devastation caused by floods. Agencies were asked to outline their response to flooding incidents and their plans for a more effective response in the future.
In summarising the outcome of the Flooding Forum, West Lancashire MP Rosie Cooper said:
“Understandably residents feel angry and alone. The lack of support in response to recent flooding has left them asking what they pay their taxes, council rates and water bills for. We heard of homes flooded on six occasions! When they needed help to protect their homes and their businesses it was all too little and too late.
“Whilst there are no easy answers to addressing flooding, not to have answers at all is deeply worrying for me and local residents.
“Both the police and the fire brigade who have no responsibility for tackling flooding incidents except where life is in danger have done a sterling job in responding but they need help through prevention measures as well as reducing the burden placed on them.”
“West Lancashire has been hit by severe flooding in 2012, Boxing Day 2015 and in June 2016. Still no lessons have been learned, there are no apparent improvements and no progress on addressing long-term problems such as infrastructure capacity.
“Action needs to start by addressing the ‘everyone is responsible but nobody is in charge’ problem. This doesn’t work and is a recipe for disaster.
“We need solutions that work. In the meeting we heard that the air bricks and floodgates being recommended for flood prevention have proven to be ineffective.
“Residents also wanted to know why Lancashire County Council and the Environment Agency had bought a pump for Croston whilst West Lancashire is facing having five pumps turned off. Residents were angry that grids were not cleared regularly and had examples where Lancashire County Council said they were clear and they remain silted up.
“Having sat through two meetings with all the people responsible for protecting our homes from Government ministers to local agencies, it appears they have no answers and certainly no solutions.
” ‘Rely on communities to help each other’ was all the agencies could offer. Residents feared what would happen when they were on holiday or at work, so it would appear that we need to get our own sandbags and rely on those who are at home all day to be our ‘flooding prevention front line.
“For now West Lancashire is going to need that Dad’s Army spirit as communities are left to get on with helping each other it seems.”
The Flooding Forum took place on Thursday 7 July 2016 at The Civic hall in Ormskirk. It was attended by representatives from the Environment Agency, Lancashire County Council, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, Lancashire Police, United Utilities and West Lancashire Borough Council.
It was agreed a further meeting would be held in November 2016 to update residents. |
Chapter 1164: Mysterious Girl
This leap from the seahorse crossed space instantaneously. Even Li Qiye sitting on it had to praise: “Incredible, this is an exceedingly rare divine horse.”
A gap was instantly created after this jump. Even though Ye Xiaoxiao’s vine used its top speed, it was unable to catch up.
The seahorse made it out of the frozen sea. It instantly dove into the vast ocean and submerged itself.
The veiled girl then hid their presence and traces. Without a doubt, she came prepared.
The seahorse leaped a second time under the surface of the water. This was even faster than the leap in the sky. The ocean was its playground, so it could cross from one sea to another. People would be rendered speechless by its speed.
“Shameless demoness, you better not let me find you or I’ll show you. Stealing my man now, huh?” The chasing Ye Xiaoxiao had lost her target and angrily stomped her foot.
At a certain place in the Jade Sea, there was a towering cliff with large shoal rocks and deep underwater gullies. After water flowed into these gullies, one would hear a loud roar. The water fell straight down like waterfalls. Waves of currents were wrestling with the boulders down here. Of course, there were also circular channels around the cliff in the form of whirlpools…
This particular location was quite dangerous. Ordinary cultivators wouldn’t want to come here.
A loud bang occurred below the steep cliff. The seahorse climbed up from the water to the top of the cliff. There were two people riding it. Of course, it was Li Qiye and the mysterious girl.
A panoramic view of this sea was available at the top of this cliff. The sea breeze was carrying water vapor everywhere. The waves loudly roared as they galloped in this place. The scene ahead was quite extraordinary and precarious in a supernatural yet marvelous manner.
Li Qiye was still at home while riding the seahorse and bathing in the sea breeze. His head was resting against a soft and plump chest. This was indeed a time to be cheerful.
The girl’s temper took a turn for the worse when Li Qiye rested against her chest like this. She coldly said: “It is time for you to get off.”
Li Qiye remained unmoved while his head was still in the middle of the valley. His faint grin told the story of his comfort and enjoyment. “Little girl, if you want something, you have to pay the price. You might be thinking that I am taking advantage of you, but the truth is that you are taking advantage of me. If I was unwilling, you wouldn’t have been able to take me along.”
This answer left the girl silent. It was arrogant and narcissistic to an unreasonable level.
She jumped down from the seahorse and looked around at the sea nearby. Who knows what she was thinking.
Meanwhile, Li Qiye was still leisurely sitting on the seahorse while closing his eyes to enjoy the breeze. After a while, he murmured: “The sensation of the Heaven Spirit World really makes people feel attached with strong sentiments.”
She finally turned back to look at him with a cold glare: “You should talk about your circumstances now.”
He finally opened his eyes to look at her and smiled: “Little girl, if you want to negotiate with me, you should put on a friendly attitude. If I am in a good mood, maybe I can point you towards a clear road.”
The girl became annoyed and asked: “Are you always this narcissistic?”
“Narcissistic?” Li Qiye laughed and replied: “Little girl, I don’t know what narcissism is, and you haven’t seen when I truly act smug. When I feel cocky and put on airs, a little girl like you can only stand to the side since even gods and demons have to prostrate before me.”
She stared at him for a good while. If it wasn’t for his sober appearance, she would have thought that she had caught the wrong person, a complete psycho.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Li Qiye lazily looked at the distant sea and said: “This is the best your Exquisite Valley can do? You’re able to carry a few bloodlines, but your vision for the overall situation is still completely lacking. The criticism from before still stands; your valley does not lack fresh blood, it is lacking in wise strategic foresight.”
The mysterious girl was surprised and immediately took one step back while staring at Li Qiye with a chilling glint flashing across her pupils.
She had hidden everything so that others wouldn’t recognize her background. Even a God-Monarch wouldn’t be able to see through her, so she was astonished that this seemingly ordinary man was able to instantly deduce her origin. She was completely confident in her concealing technique, but now, she felt an urge to kill.
“Again, there’s no need to look at me like that.” Li Qiye was basking in the sea breeze as he calmly stated: “If you have any disrespectful thoughts about me, it will be your own undoing. I am not someone who enjoys plucking flowers, but when necessary, I have no qualms about eliminating beautiful women.”
The girl was bewildered and couldn’t guess his background at this time. It was quite pitiful how little she knew about him.
After a while, she calmed down and stared at him: “You are Li Qiye?”
He ignored her and took a deep breath to say: “What a world this is.” He smacked his lips afterward before speaking: “Among all the people I’ve met, I am the only person called Li Qiye.”
“Can’t you be any less narcissistic?” The annoyed girl found this answer quite exasperating.
He raised his brows and said: “And then? You mean like this?”
The girl was a bit speechless. The situation had somehow reversed. The man ahead was the one in charge, so she tried to take back the initiative: “Do you have an imperial bloodline?”
Li Qiye was bored and reached out to brush her hair that was blowing wildly in the wind. However, she immediately made some distance between them and coldly said: “You better act properly!”
Li Qiye withdrew his hand and stared insipidly at her: “What does it matter? Is this bloodline worth talking about? After so many years, your Exquisite Valley still relies on bloodlines for business. Back and forth, back and forth, only to go around in a circle. A nice way to put it is cultivating talents while a more offensive way is to call it a brothel. Marrying excellent bloodlines to powerful lineages — not much different from a breeding stable.”
The mysterious girl quivered with rage after hearing this. This was simply humiliating her lineage; he was treating them as if they weren’t worth a single coin.
“You better start acting more respectfully to me!” She shouted. If it wasn’t for her great self-restraint, she would have already taught a lesson to this guy who didn’t know the immensity of the heaven and earth.
Li Qiye only smiled and didn’t say anything else, or maybe he was too lazy to do so.
She took a deep breath to calm down and then said in a serious manner while looking at him: “If you have an imperial bloodline, you should have a different plan. There are wider paths for you to take, battles await your advance.”
Li Qiye turned to slowly and carefully look at her. She didn’t know why she felt so uncertain when subjected to his glance like this. She felt as if she was being completely stripped by his insipid eyes. All of her concealing methods were useless.
“Have you seen enough?” She raised her head and coldly stared at him.
“A very good bag of skin.” He withdrew his gaze and flatly said: “Worthy of being from the Exquisite Valley.”
She felt like vomiting blood after hearing this. She wasn’t only from the valley; if she revealed her true identity, she could look down on the entire Heaven Spirit World. Countless men would want to marry her.
But according to Li Qiye, she was only a “good bag of skin.” If this could even be considered a compliment, it was the most disdainful one she had ever heard in her life.
A homicidal impulse arose from Li Qiye’s triggering words. She had to try quite hard to stabilize her emotions.
“Little woman, don’t you know?” Li Qiye lazily glanced at her and said: “If I wanted to stay as a son-in-law at Golden Isle, then you would have spoiled my business. If that was the case, then you would have to be my concubine to make up for it, no, you are still not enough to even be a bedwarming maid.”
She had managed to calm down a second ago only to be infuriated once again. She gritted her teeth while trembling.
“Would you die if you stop boasting for a single second?” One could hear the sound of her teeth grinding together. If she didn’t want to maintain her ladylike demeanor, she would have ruthlessly bitten big chunks out of him.
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Cairns Freshwater home attracts dozens at inspection times
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61 Old Smithfield Rd, Freshwater
NEAT, sleek and modern, this property in one of Cairns’ most sought-after suburbs has been generating plenty of interest.
The contemporary five-bedroom, three-bathroom home at 61 Old Smithfield Rd, Freshwater is as luxurious as it is spacious and comes with an outdoor timber deck leading straight into a stunning pool.
Imagine taking a dip in this pool at 61 Old Smithfield Rd, Freshwater.
Belle Property Cairns agent Vanessa Robinson said 40 people came through the property during an inspection held on the weekend and she had received another 20 online inquiries since.
“It’s an exceptional property for the area, I’ve never come across this calibre of property in Freshwater,” she said.
Clean lines and modern design.
“It’s on a massive block — nearly 3000 sqm — and is set up high with privacy and views.
“This property offers exceptional lifestyle flexibility including multiple living areas and a two-bedroom guesthouse.
One of the bathrooms at 61 Old Smithfield Rd, Freshwater
“Beautifully capturing the light, the home flows seamlessly from the indoors to an outdoor turfed area at the back and a magnificent patio and pool deck at the front.
“In a rare feature for an elevated property, there’s an abundance of level turfed land for kids to play and room for a shed, gym, boat, caravan and trailer.”
Wake up to views.
An impressive entertainer’s kitchen with butler’s pantry and dual ovens will appeal to those who love having friends and family around and the parent’s retreat comes with an extra large luxury ensuite.
Ms Robinson said the “unbeatable location” was walking distance to Freshwater State School as well.
Expressions on interest will be considered for the property.
Freshwater median prices have risen 2.6 per cent in the past three months. |
Piano Concert to Showcase the Music of 1913
- 03-18-2014
- By University Communications
If you were alive in 1913, what sort of music might you have heard? Pianist Michael Arnowitt will perform a program of contrasting pieces by six great composers, all music written in the single year 1913. The concert, free and open to the public, will take place Tuesday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the UVM Recital Hall.
Featured on the program is Arnowitt’s piano transcription of the complete first half of Igor Stravinsky's Rite of Spring, "The Adoration of the Earth.” The famous riot that took place at the premiere of the Rite of Spring by the Russian Ballet in Paris was part of a turbulent, edgy time in all the arts. The world situation was equally rich in change at the time, with the end of aristocracy, the birth of new technologies such as the car, the airplane, and electricity, and mass social unrest over the issues of equal rights for women and the working conditions of factory laborers. Tensions were further heightened by a series of diplomatic and military crises that ultimately led to the outbreak of World War I the following year..
Michael Arnowitt, who has lived in Vermont since 1983, has toured the U.S. and Europe, garnering praise for his performances from the likes of the Washington Post, which wrote of his concert at The National Gallery of Art: “A beautifully thought-out program.... He played with an exquisite sense of touch, color and musical imagination." His life and music is the subject of a documentary film, Beyond 88 Keys (2004). The documentary, filmed in both the United States and Europe, has been broadcast twice on public television and has been shown at a variety of film festivals and venues including the Rode Pomp, an arts center in Gent, Belgium, and the Anthology, a theater in New York City's East Village.
Follow Arnowitt on Twitter: @MAPianoVt.
The concert is presented in conjunction with UVM’s Integrated Humanities Program and courses taught by professors of English Tom Simone and Huck Gutman on James Joyce, Modernism and Modern Poetry. Public attendance at the concert has been made possible by the support of UVM President Tom Sullivan.
Information: tom.simone@uvm.edu |
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Brits are using their iPhones to cheat their way out of hedge mazes, cracking the hour-and-a-half long puzzles in just minutes.
The maze at Longleat Safari Park, Wiltshire, England has - according to the Daily Mail - two miles of pathways formed by 16,000 yew trees. Normally this confusing and frustrating labyrinth takes around 90 minutes to escape, but when manager Tim Bentley took a walk around inside he found that lazy, impatient patrons were using GPS and satellite images to negotiate the 7-foot high pathways.
But using Google Earth to navigate a maze seems stupid. Isn't the whole point of a maze to get lost and try to avoid dead ends as you slowly creep towards the exit? As my mother never tired of telling me, you're only cheating yourself. It's like buying a delicious cake and then getting somebody else to eat it for you, or following a walk-through guide to a video game.
On the other hand, we see stories almost weekly about idiots who follow their GPS into sticky or dangerous situations. Perhaps Longleat could add shifting hedge walls, or better, add piranha pits and crocodiles. Try using your iPhone to beat that.
IPhone cheats crack Britain's biggest hedge maze in minutes [Mail]
See Also:
Follow us for real-time tech news: Charlie Sorrel and Gadget Lab on Twitter. |
Father, Holy Spirit, Son, Trinity
And the catholic faith is this: That we worship one God. – excerpt of the Athanasian Creed
I could go on, but you can read the rest here. The Athanasian Creed represents one of the Church’s classic defenses of the doctrine of the Trinity. This doctrine is by far one of the most confusing for many people to attempt to understand, as it is so big and so complex. Yet, it is so central to orthodox Christian faith. God is one God in three persons. As high up of a doctrine as this is, it is not disconnected from the day-to-day life of a Christian, nor is any other doctrine. What follows is a brief look at a few areas in which the doctrine of the Trinity is shown to be deeply practical in our Christian lives. This is certainly not an exhaustive listing, nor are any of these sketches comprehensive, yet they present an introduction.
Many have said something to the effect that salvation was ordained by the Father, secured by the Son, and applied by the Spirit. We love the Cross and celebrate the resurrection of Christ. We love and celebrate the birth of Christ, which began the march toward Golgotha. Yet, the fullness of the Godhead was, is, and continues to be at work in the process of salvation. One place we see this is in 1 Peter, “according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood,” (1 Peter 1:2, ESV).
Each of the prepositional phrases in this verse are modifying “elect exiles” from verse 1, thereby referring to the salvation of those elect exiles. These exiles are elect according to the foreknowledge of the Father, affirming the fact that the Father ordained their salvation. These exiles are elect in the sanctification of the Spirit, in that they were set apart. This idea of setting apart builds on the foreknowledge of the Father. Finally, these exiles are elect for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood. Karen H. Jobes, in her commentary on 1 Peter, feels that the obedience and sprinkling should be seen as a hendiadys (one idea expressed by two words), which is therefore ultimately referring back to the establishment of the covenant with Moses in Exodus 24:3-8. In that passage, the people express their obedience to the covenant and then are sprinkled with blood (Jobes, 72). Therefore, these phrases not only refer back to elect exiles, but also build on each other. The exiles are elect by the Father, in the setting apart of the Spirit to obey Christ and be covered by his blood.
The work of the Godhead in relation to salvation is clear in this passage. Each person of the Godhead is working in unity to accomplish salvation. The knowledge of the mechanics of this not only informs us, but leads us to a properly informed worship, prayer, and Christian life.
In a similar fashion to salvation, there is a formula of sorts that exists for Trinitarian prayer. We pray to the Father, through the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We often address the Father as we began our prayers and many of us close our prayers, “in Jesus’ name.” As Romans 8 tells us, the Holy Spirit helps us as we pray, and more explicitly helps us to pray. “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words,” (Romans 8:26, ESV).
There are various passages that discuss that we do come to the Father through Christ, and we can apply that coming to the Father to prayer. “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” (John 14:6, ESV). This verse is explicit in naming Jesus as the way to the Father. Later in that chapter Jesus specifically mentions prayer, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son,” (John 14:13, ESV). This prayerful access to the Father through Christ not only facilitates connectivity with the Father, but also glory to the Father, in the Son. Finally, a classic text for this concept is found in Hebrews 7, “Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them,” (Hebrews 7:25, ESV). This intercession that Jesus makes is certainly in relation to salvation, but intercession is essentially prayer, therefore our hope of intercessory prayer to the Father comes through Jesus.
It is in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit that we have access to God the Father. While this is a doctrinal truth brought to us through concepts and promises as discussed above, it is also the way in which Paul understood prayer. We want doctrinal truths to come alive and be practical and Paul shows us that with this particular truth. “I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf,” (Romans 15:30, ESV). Paul is genuinely asking for prayer here, he is not explicitly speaking in a didactic tone. It is significant though that the way in which he asks for prayer from them is by acknowledging that the prayers are to God (that is the Father) by Jesus and by the love of the Spirit. Paul’s request for prayer is an acknowledgement to the Trinity’s work in prayer.
Spiritual Life
A final way in which the Godhead can be practically experienced in our Christian lives is in fact one of the most practical parts of our Christian lives. The nature of our spiritual lives or our everyday walk with Christ through all that life brings us, is that bedrock, practical side of our Christian experience. To impose a formula to this as with the other areas, I would say that the spiritual life of a Christian is lived in obedience to the Father, in the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
A passage that encapsulates this, among many other things, is Romans 8:1-8. One of the ways that this passage could be summarized is that the Father worked in Christ so that we could walk in the Spirit. Another passage that also speaks about walking in the Spirit is Galatians 5:16-25. One way to summarize this passage is to say that those who inherit the kingdom of God are those who also belong to Christ and thereby walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit therefore is inextricably linked to the Father and the Son. A final passage that shows the Godhead working together in our Christian experience is in Romans 15, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope,” (Romans 15:13, ESV). This blessing that Paul is speaking to his readers is calling for the Father to fill believers in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit with joy and peace that they may abound in hope. Joy, peace, and hope are tangible, life-altering things to have in a life and they are received from the Godhead.
We don’t have to work very hard to make doctrinal truth practical. Scripture shows us again and again how these big truths come to us and meet us down in the dirt where we walk. The doctrine of Christ comes to us by way of the Incarnation as the Son of God stepped down into time, identifying with us by adding humanity to his divinity. Michael Horton, in the introduction to his systematic theology, The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way says that drama (or story, i.e. the Bible) should lead us to doctrine and doctrine should lead us to doxology (or praise), which should ultimately lead us to discipleship (or life). Theology is something that we not only study, but experience and live. This is true for such a big truth as the Trinity. The one true God, who is eternally existent in three persons, encounters and interacts with us in real, tangible ways. That is a real blessing and mercy to us. Thanks be to God! |
A supero-medial thigh flap for urethral reconstruction in epispadias and hypospadias.
A reliable axial flap from the adductor region has been used for many years to repair a series of urethral defects formerly regarded as difficult problems. In particular the flap has proved invaluable in the treatment of epispadias "cripples". Suggestions are also made for correcting the reverse chordee deformity due to the shortage of skin on the dorsum which, if untreated, spoils the functional result. The use of a supero-medial thigh flap was reported by Hirshowitz et al. (1980, 1982) for repair of the scrotum and vulva. The same flap had been discovered independently in 1978 in this department and used for the repair of epispadias and hypospadias "cripples". Its reliability was soon recognised and the presence of axial vessels from the medial femoral circumflex artery and vein were demonstrated by transillumination at the time of surgery and by study in the post-mortem room. Some patients with epispadias are referred at puberty with an unrepaired scarred penis and a reverse chordee deformity. The defect cannot be repaired with local tissue alone and the same difficulty is encountered with some hypospadias "cripples". Occasionally untreated cases of perineal hypospadias are seen with a marked shortage of local tissue. In our experience scrotal flaps may fail to heal and orthodox groin flaps may have difficulty in reaching the target. Although the superomedial thigh flap will require at least two stages it is a reliable technique and it provides a generous amount of tissue with which to solve what may at first sight seem to be an insuperable problem.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) |
This article is more than 4 years old
This article is more than 4 years old
More than 5,000ft below the surface of the ocean, in a canyon off the coast of southern California, the purple, globular creature appeared to glow under the submersible’s lights.
Sea sponge the size of a minivan discovered in ocean depths off Hawaii Read more
“What is that?” one researcher asked, as the submersible’s camera moved over a crab to where the tiny orb hovered near a ledge.
“I’m stumped,” another replied. “I have no idea. I can’t even hazard a guess.”
“Are we going to grab it?” a third asked. The crab, startled by the submarine, scuttled toward the ledge. “Unless the crab gets it first.”
One of the crab’s spindly limbs knocked the orb, but it clung steadfast in place. A researcher guessed it could be related to plankton, the “kind that are sort of lumpy and thick like that”. Another tried “an egg sack of some sort” with “a little embryo type thing inside”.
The team trained a vacuum at the creature, ready to suction it into a storage container.
“It looks like a disco ball right now with the lasers next to it,” one scientist said. Before long, the purple mystery was transferred from the depths to the waiting ship above.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest The ‘purple orb’, possibly a species of sea slug, found near the Channel Islands off southern California. Courtesy OET/Nautilus Live
On the E/V Nautilus, an exploration ship manned by the not-for-profit Ocean Exploration Trust, the organism’s “ball sort of unfolded into two folds”, said Susan Poulton, a spokesperson for the group, in a call from the ship.
“It revealed a foot and rhinophores, which are these ear-like structures, and you see a sort of proboscis come off the back of it,” she said. “That’s when it clearly became a gastropod of some kind.”
The team now believes the 5cm organism, found in Arguello Canyon, an underwater formation just west of the Channel Islands, near Santa Barbara, is probably a variant of sea slug: mollusks that crawl with the help of a single foot and whose family includes a variety of brightly colored species that fly, dance and swim through nearly all levels of the oceans.
The organism’s strange glow was an effect of the light of the submersible, Pouton noted: the animal does not appear to be bioluminescent, like some species of deep sea life.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest The crab and the orb. Photograph: OET/Nautilus live
Diving scientists record 'cloud' of thousands of swarming crabs Read more
Poulton said the crew believed the organism belonged to the pleurobranch group of gastropods, rather than the often brightly colored nudibranch, and may be a new species. No known species of California deep sea pleurobranch was purple, she said.
The team sent a sample to the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology for DNA analysis. Confirming a new species could take months, Poulton said.
Many pleurobranchids eat plankton and other microscopic life, and in general are less streamlined than their nudibranch cousins. The photo archives of the Sea Slug Forum reveal a menagerie of spotted blobs, leopard-striped slugs and flabby organisms lined with spikes and ridges.
The E/V Nautilus has spent weeks along the west coast investigating undersea life, tectonic rifts and cracks in the sea floor where methane plumes out. Most of the ocean remains unmapped, and the ship’s primary objective is to explore the depths and assist dozens of projects pitched to it by hundreds of scientists.
The crew broadcasts its explorations as live 24-hour video feeds on its site, Facebook and Twitter, and as data transmitted so biologists, geologists and archaeologists around the world can request samples or more data as needed.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest The organism unfolding. Photograph: OET/Nautilus Live
In the coming months the ship will return to active geology near Los Angeles and sail north to explore three shipwrecks. One will be that of the USS Independence, an aircraft carrier used as a target in the atomic tests at Bikini Atoll and scuttled as a radioactive hulk in 1951, off San Francisco. The Nautilus will also explore the Ituna, a luxury yacht that went down in 1920 en route to Oregon, and the wreck of a freighter, the Dorothy Windermote.
The Channel Islands marine sanctuary covers about 1,470 square miles of ocean; less than half of its sea floor has been mapped. The E/V Nautilus crew has also found whelks building egg towers, crabs dining on those eggs, formations that looked manmade but are actually natural, brooding octopus mothers and feeding sandstars.
Poulton said the slug was the first potential new species of the expedition, in contrast to a recent season at the Galapagos where “our biologists onboard were suspecting we’re finding new things every day”. But she noted that sometimes it took years for scientists to discover that samples thought mundane were in fact new species – and that the team has located several areas fertile for new research.
The crew of the Nautilus has found new methane seep sites off the coast of California, where rich communities of life thrive in unforgiving conditions. The environments are havens for rare species and coveted areas of research for microbiologists investigating the origins of life.
Alan Kuzirian, a senior scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, said that from a review of the Nautilus video, “the likelihood of it being a pleurobranchid is reasonable”.
“One cannot really distinguish any true dorsal structures like rhinophores or gills, so the Notaspidea might be a good starting place,” he added, referring to a suborder of “sidegill” sea slugs.
“You could hear on the video that someone said it had a flat foot. That helps.” |
Best language schools in St. Pauls Bay (ranked based on student reviews)
Find the best English school in St. Pauls Bay at the lowest price. Compare quality, reviews and special offers for adult courses. Learn English in St. Pauls Bay.
Alpha School of English is conveniently situated just 3 minutes away from the sea in the traditional fishing village of... More
- English & Work Placement
- Business One-to-One
- Cambridge Advanced Certificate
- Cambridge Business English (BEC)
- Cambridge First Certificate
- Combi: Group+Indiv
- General English Course
- General English Course*
- Junior (<18 years)
- Learn a Language & Live with Teacher
- One-to-One
- Homestay
- Cafeteria
- Rooftop terrace
- Student support desk
- Free WIFI
- Library
- Balcony / terrace
- Printer for student use
- Free parking
The school is located in the north east of Malta in the picturesque seaside resort of St. Paul's Bay. There is a... More
- Business Group
- Family
- General English Course
- General English Course*
- Junior (<18 years)
- Mini Group (max 6 students)
- One-to-One
- Apartment - private
- Apartment - shared / Residence
- Homestay
- Snack vending machine
- Library
- Lounge
- Copy machine
- Free WIFI
- Disabled toilet
- Adapted for deaf students
- Adapted for students with learning difficulty
- Drink vending machine
- Games room
- Student support desk
- Table soccer / football
- Wheelchair access to classroom
- Wheelchair access to reception
- Adapted for blind students
- Homestay option that can prepare halal food
Perfectly located only 15 minutes from the beach. All teachers are proficient users of English who have academic... More
- General English Course*
- Junior (<18 years)
- Cafeteria
- Library
- Free WIFI
- Computer lab
- Lounge |
by Bob DeLucas
* TEFC = Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled
There are some basic things to look for in a motor:
How long is the motor and tool warranty? Most motors
if they are going to fail because of an internal wiring or part
problem, will do so in the first 6 months of use. The warranty
should be at least one year, and if possible, two years would
be even better.
Capacitor start motors on stationary power tools fit into
basically two categories:
Open or Guarded Dripproof and Enclosed.
Open or guarded dripproof motors (see photo A and
B) have holes for ventilation, and they are designed for
basically clean, dry applications. If you look through these
ventilation holes in the housing you can see all the way into
the critical motor windings.
Enclosed means the motor windings are sealed or closed
off to prevent dust, dirt, or moist air from entering the motor
windings (see photo C). If there are holes in the back
end of the enclosed motor, it is only for a internal fan to help
with cooling.
The enclosed motor, or an enclosed motor equipped with
an internal fan (see photo D and E) for cooling is known
as a totally enclosed fan cooled motor or TEFC. In my opinion,
TEFC is the best design for dusty and dirty wood or metalworking
Note: both of these types of motors are designed for use
in non-hazardous environments.
Photo A
Open Guarded drip proof motor on Delta Contractor saw #43-444
(note open slots in motor case).
Photo B
Photo C
1-1/2 HP TEFC motor on JET JWTS-10JF contractor style table
Photo D
1-1/2 HP TEFC motor on JET JWTS-10JF contractor style table
saw (these holes on a TEFC motor are for the cooling fan only)
Photo E
Heat is a major cause of motor failure. The type of material
a motor housing or casing is made of can effect a motors life
. A motor housing or casing made of cast iron is the best dissipator
of heat. It will allow the motor to run cooler and last longer.
The cast iron housing/casing material pulls heat away from the
motor windings faster and more efficient than steel, aluminum
or plastic. So to sum up ranking motor housingcasing material
for heat dissipation, cast iron is #1 steel is #2
aluminum is #3 plastic is #4.
NOTE: Cooling fins (see photo F) on a motor housing
allow air to better pull the heat from the motor. Cooling fins
on the motor housing are always better, than a smooth surface
motor housing.
Photo F
3/4 HP TEFC motor on JET JDP-17MF Drill Press (note cooling
This is an area where you have to pay attention. Some companies
over estimate a motor's strength by rating motor horsepower under
"no load" or use words in their advertising such as
"develops". This sometimes could be misleading because
it does not always reflect the motor's true power or horsepower
in actual machine use under load. If a motor is weak or overrated,
the tool could become bogged down in medium to heavy use.
Example: A weak motor on a table saw, planer, drill
press, band saw, jointer, and bench grinder under a heavy cut
or load on hard material or hard wood such as oak will lose speed
and possibly stall. The same condition could even happen with
tools such as dust collectors. Large volumes of saw dust from
multiple ports or points and long distances could put extra stress
on a weaker motor and cause the motor and impeller to slow down
and decrease the dust collector's suction capability.
A general rule is check the motor amp rating on the data plate
of the motor. Amps (or Amperes) is a general indication of the
power or horsepower that the motor puts out.
If we look at stationary power tool standard efficiency capacitor
start type motors, a general rule of thumb for amps / horsepower
relationship for a 1700 rpm motor at 115 volt, 1 phase, 60 hertz
operation is:
*Note: 3400 rpm capacitor start motors may draw slightly
less amps and a 1100 rpm motor may draw slightly more amps than
shown on the chart above.
** Large motors 2 hp and up have such a high amp draw at 115
volts that we would only recommend them to be run on 230 volts.
Running these motors at 230 volts will cut the amp draw in half
(of the amount shown in the chart). All amp specs shown are based
on 115 volts.
High or premium efficiency vs. Standard efficiency motors:
We would all like to think the motors on our tools & machines
are the most efficent available. Truth is, cost is a major factor
and the machines motor is one of the highest cost items for all
manufactures of stationary power tools. The type of motor they
pick to be on their machines is almost always a standard efficiency
Again, this general amp/hp information is for stationary power
tool standard efficiency capacitor start motors at 115 volt,
1 phase, 60 hertz. These specifications may vary, but should
help you to evaluate the power that a given motor puts out.
1. 1 to 2 year warranty is preferable.
2. Motor should be enclosed preferably TEFC (totally
enclosed fan cooled). TEFC is the best for dusty, dirty applications.
3. Motor casing/housing should be cast iron or steel
for better heat dissipation and longer motor life.
4. Don't believe horsepower specs alone. Check
the motor data plate for amp rating. AMPS tell the TRUTH!
In future months, I will expand on motors and other wood
and metalworking machinery topics. |
Regulated nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of viral gene products: a therapeutic target?
The study of viral proteins and host cell factors that interact with them has represented an invaluable contribution to understanding of the physiology as well as associated pathology of key eukaryotic cell processes such as cell cycle regulation, signal transduction and transformation. Similarly, knowledge of nucleocytoplasmic transport is based largely on pioneering studies performed on viral proteins that enabled the first sequences responsible for the facilitated transport through the nuclear pore to be identified. The study of viral proteins has also enabled the discovery of several nucleocytoplasmic regulatory mechanisms, the best characterized being through phosphorylation. Recent delineation of the mechanisms whereby phosphorylation regulates nuclear import and export of key viral gene products encoded by important human pathogens such as human cytomegalovirus dengue virus and respiratory syncytial virus has implications for the development of antiviral therapeutics. In particular, the development of specific and effective kinase inhibitors makes the idea of blocking viral infection by inhibiting the phosphorylation-dependent regulation of viral gene product nuclear transport a real possibility. Additionally, examination of a chicken anemia virus (CAV) protein able to target selectively into the nucleus of tumor but not normal cells, as specifically regulated by phosphorylation, opens the exciting possibility of cancer cell-specific nuclear targeting. The study of nucleoplasmic transport may thus enable the development not only of new antiviral approaches, but also contribute to anti-cancer strategies. |
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide high-quality training and consultation, enabling clients to manage the effects of interacting with hostage-takers, barricade persons or persons threatening to commit suicide through proven communication and incident command techniques.
Course Hosting
Many of our clients will find value in hosting a course tailored to their specific organizational needs. Others host courses to minimize travel cost and operational impact. Regardless, BSG is pleased to work with each of our clients to schedule training that meets their specific needs. All of our offerings can be purchased in entirety, or by meeting a minimal attendance requirement.
Hosting Requirements:
- Provide classroom and practical exercise space, as well as fundamental on-site training aids (flipcharts, projectors, markers)
- Enroll a minimum of 12 paid participants for the training class
- In most classes, the maximum enrollment is 25 although in some instances may be elevated to 35. The hosting agency will receive 4 free slots for the first 12 paid enrollments and two for each subsequent group of six. If only 12 seats have been purchased, the host must make reasonable effort to fill remaining seats by assisting BSG in advertising course within the neighboring jurisdiction, state, and region. For example – forwarding BSG course announcements using existing E-mail distribution networks such as Academy Directors, Training Coordinators, and POST 90 days in advance of the course start date
- Allow access to copier for minimum use
- If the course is being customized, provide curriculum design input
- Commit to allowing each student the necessary time to devote to training
- Support the training concept
- Communicate with BSG periodically to evaluate training
- Render payment within 30 days. BSG requires at least 12 paid customers to hold the training. The host agency will receive a total of 3 additional spots when the minimum registration of 12 paid attendees is met.
Training Programs
Introduction to Hostage/Crisis Negotiation
Cost: $395 per person
Days: 5
Min: 12 people
Max: 25 people
Introduces new or aspiring negotiators to the fundamental elements and best practices used by those called upon to negotiate with persons in crisis. Intended for those recently assigned to or desiring to join a negotiation team. This program is also useful for tactical operators, incident commanders, dispatchers and those seeking refresher training.
Enhanced Hostage/Crisis Negotiation
Days: 5
Min: 12 people
Max: 16 people
This program is designed to provide appropriate and practical to individuals who have taken some form of introductory hostage/crisis negotiations training. It will reacquaint the participants with topics covered in “basic” training as well as expose them to more advanced concepts and themes. Case-studies and mock scenarios are incorporated in the training in order to strength participant’s competence.
Hostage/Barricade Management for Commanders and Supervisors
Days: 2
Min: 25 people
Max: 50 people
This program is designed for on-scene decision makers and will provide specific guidelines on how to prepare a problem-solving strategy in response to a critical incident involving a hostage-taking or barricaded subject.
Respond, Don’t React – De-escalation and Conflict Resolution
Days: 2
Min: 12 people
Max: 25 people
This course focuses on specific communication and assessment techniques to encourage behavioral change prior to using force in order to gain compliance.
Hostage/Crisis Negotiations for Corrections
Days: 1
Min: 12 people
Max: 25 people
This program is for crisis negotiators working in a correctional setting. This course focuses on negotiation techniques specific to unique challenges present by inmates. All scenarios used in training are based on corrections-oriented incidents.
Hostage/Crisis Negotiations for Tactical Operators
Days: 1
Min: 12 people
Max: 25 people
Designed for SWAT operators who may have to engage a hostage-taker or barricaded subject voice-to-voice. Provides an overview of the fundamentals of crisis negotiations, active listening, and the negotiators/tactical relationship.
Suicide Intervention for Negotiators
Days: 1
Min: 25 people
Max: 50 people
The course is designed as a refresher or an initial exposure to suicide intervention. The class will discuss what suicide is and is not, identify risk indicators and teach the strategies, techniques and assessment of suicidal behavior.
Hostage/Barricade Dynamic Skills Enhancements
Days: 2
Min: 12 people
Max: 25 people
These are client-requested classes that delve deeper into topics taught in the basic and enhanced school.
Customized Training
The Black Swan Group will work with clients needing more organization-specific training to ensure we meet your exact needs. We will make every effort to meet your budget, timeline, and curriculum demands.
Other Services
Hostage/Barricade Policy Drafting or Review
We can help you establish or enhance an organization’s policies and procedures as it relates to hostage/barricade management. This includes an evaluation of existing policies and procedures, recommendations as to what topics are or should be omitted, as well as drafting an individual policy or a complete manual of procedures. All of the policies and procedures that we recommend or draft are based on a thorough analysis and evaluation of existing policy, current trends, litigation history as well as an individual needs assessment.
On-Scene Negotiation Assistance
Team assessment and advisement during a critical incident.
Media Technical Advisement
Offered to theatrical, television and other media production companies that rely upon the accurate depiction of law enforcement, particularly as it relates to hostage negotiations and hostage/barricade management tactics. Our assistance ranges from answering individual questions, providing consultation concerning set design, screenwriting consultation, consultation for news productions and acting coaches to ensure realism in the manner in which actors portray hostage/barricade roles. |
Generally, from the viewpoint of attaining a high speed and high performance of an information processing system, the integrated circuit mounted on a system board thereof is required to process and transmit/receive packets within a shorter time (see Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 62-245462, for example).
FIG. 8 is a block diagram schematically showing an example of the configuration of the system board of the conventional information processing system, and FIG. 9 is a block diagram schematically showing an example of the configuration of a system controller thereof.
A conventional information processing system 80, for example, includes a system board 81, which has mounted thereon, as shown in FIG. 8, an I/O (Input/Output: IO) unit (external input/output controller) 82, a CPU (Central Processing Unit) 83, a plurality of (two, in the case shown in FIG. 8) memories 84a, 84b and a plurality of (two, in the case shown in FIG. 8) system controllers (SC) 85a, 85b.
The I/O unit 82 is a device for controlling the transmission/reception of signals to and from devices external to the system board 81. This I/O unit 82 transmits the data received from external devices, for example, to the CPU 83 through the system controller 85a.
The CPU 83 is a device which carries out various arithmetic operations using the data received from the system controllers 85a, 85b. This CPU 83 issues a request to the system controllers 85a, 85b to fetch data from the memories 84a, 84b described later, and receives the fetch response data corresponding to the fetch request from the system controllers 85a, 85b. The fetch response data is packetized data (hereinafter sometimes referred to simply as the packet). The memories 84a, 84b are devices for storing and holding the data.
The conventional information processing system 80 is explained in detail below taking the system controller 85a as an example.
The system controller 85a is a device for controlling the transmission and reception of the data between the CPU 83, the memory 84a and the I/O unit 82.
The system controller 85a retrieves the fetch response data from the memory 84a in response to the fetch request of the CPU 83 and sends it out to the CPU 83.
The system controller 85a, for example, as shown in FIG. 9, is configured of a MAC (memory access controller) 86, a data queue (data queue) 87, a fetch response data port 88, a plurality of (k, in the case shown in FIG. 9, where k is a natural number) ports 89-1 to 89-k and a send-out control unit (CPU sending priority) 90.
The system controller 85a that has received a memory fetch request from the CPU 83 retrieves the fetch response data from the memory 84a. The fetch response data retrieved from the memory 84a is shaped, in the MAC 86, into a packet format operable to be processed by the CPU 83 and stored in the data queue 87 on FIFO (first-in first-out) basis. As long as the fetch response data port 88 for participating in the priority control has a vacancy, the fetch response data is retrieved from the data queue 87 and set in the fetch response data port 88. After that, the fetch response data set in the fetch response data port 88 is sent out toward the CPU 83 from the fetch response data port 88 at the time point when the priority is acquired in the send-out control unit 90.
The system controller 85b is a device for controlling the data exchange between the CPU 83, the memory 84b and the I/O unit 82. The configuration and the operation of the system controller 85b are similar to the configuration and the operation, respectively, of the system controller 85a described above.
In the conventional information processing system 80, however, all the fetch response data retrieved from the memory 84a are sent out toward the CPU 83 after being retrieved into the data queue 87. In a case where the capacity of the fetch response data is large, therefore, the write operation into and the read operation from the data queue 87 take considerable time.
Also, even in a case where the packets sent out to the CPU 83 are so small in number and the CPU sending bus has a margin, the fetch response data is required to pass through the data queue 87 without fail. Under any condition, therefore, the write operation and the read operation require some length of time.
The fetch speed is known to have a direct effect on the system performance.
The fact that the fetch response data is sent out to the CPU 83 through the data queue 87, therefore, causes an increased latency and impedes improvement in the performance of the information processing system.
Another cause of the latency increase is the actual path along which the fetch response data passes in the system controller 85a.
FIG. 10 is a diagram for explaining the fetch response path in the system controller of the conventional information processing system, and shows an example of layout of the various parts on the SC chip.
As shown in FIG. 10, for example, the conventional system controller 85a is such that the MAC 86 is arranged at one end and the data queue 87 at the other end of the SC chip, while the send-out control unit 90 is arranged between the MAC 86 and the data queue 87 on the SC chip.
In the case shown in FIG. 10, the fetch response data retrieved from the memory 84a is transmitted to the send-out control unit 90 through the fetch response data port 88 (not shown in FIG. 10) (see reference character “C2” in FIG. 10) after being transmitted to the data queue 87 from the MAC 86 (see reference character “C1” in FIG. 10).
As described above, the path (C1+C2) permitting the fetch response data to participate in the priority control after being retrieved into the data queue 87 on the chip layout results in a long-distance path. The transfer of the fetch response data along this long-distance path is another cause of the increased latency and impedes improved performance of the information processing system. |
Imperial PWP | dblp | Google Scholar | CV | Publications | linkedin | ResearchGate | Twitter | orcid.org/0000-0002-7813-5023
I am Senior Lecturer (= Associate Professor) in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. I head the human-in-the-loop computing group and I am one of four academics leading the Biomedical Image Analysis, BioMedIA Collaboratory. Human-in-the-loop computing research aims at complementing human intelligence with machine capabilities and machine intelligence with human flexibility.
I co-create intensively with King’s College London, Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, St. Thomas Hospital London and the department of Bioengineering at Imperial. I am Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging and a scientific adviser for ThinkSono Ltd. I am Affordable Imaging stream lead for the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging and involved in the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare.
My research is about interactive algorithms in healthcare, especially Medical Imaging. I am working on self-driving medical image acquisition that can guide human operators in real-time during diagnostics. Artificial Intelligence is currently used as a blanket term to describe research in these areas.
Current research questions:
Can we democratize rare healthcare expertise through Machine Learning, providing guidance in real-time applications and second reader expertise in retrospective analysis?
Can we develop normative learning from large populations leading to mental modelling and outlier analysis that mimics human decision making?
Can we provide human interpretability of machine decision making to support the ‘right for explanation’ in healthcare?
My teaching is focused on real-time computing, Machine Learning, Image Analysis, Computer Graphics and Visualisation.
For my research I am using Nvidia and Intel hardware (thank you for the donations!).
PhD Opportunities
Ever wondered how the human brain works? Check out the Cortical Explorer by Sam Budd (Imperial MEng. final year student).
An early prototype Service-Oriented Architecture for cortical parcellation evaluation with multi-device, distributed front-end, i.e., a browser.
The various ways to navigate through our human brain map attracted a large crowd at the Imperial Intelligence redesigned Fringe on January 18th 2018. The cortical explorer currently also features on the touch screen at the front of the Data Science Institute. |
Cops: Suspects posed as repairmen, skimmed LI supermarket ATMs
Surveillance footage shows a person attaching skimming devices to ATMs inside King Kullen stores in Nassau County between Aug. 20, 2016, and Sept. 8, 2016. Crime Stoppers and the Nassau County Police Department are seeking the public's help in identifying the pictured subject. (Credit: NYPD)
The men installed the skimmers while wearing uniforms and baseball hats bearing what appears to be the logo for the National Cash Register Corp, which services the ATMs that were tampered with, Harasym said.
The men later returned to the stores to retrieve the data collected by the skimming devices, according to Harasym.
Police say they don’t believe NCR was involved in any wrongdoing or at fault. The company couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.
Anyone who used the ATMs should check their bank accounts for irregularities, Harasym said.
Earlier this week, Suffolk County National Bank said some of its customers had money stolen from their accounts after a skimming device was used at one of their branches. In August, skimmers were discovered in NEFCU ATMs at the credit union’s branches in New Hyde Park, Franklin Square and Wantagh, police said.
Police ask anyone with information regarding the scams to call Crime Stoppers at 800-244-TIPS. All calls will remain confidential. |
Program Overview
The Ulysses S. Grant Foundation is a 6-week academic summer program for talented and for bright students, even those who might have limited opportunities and resources, to participate in academic enrichment activities over the summer.
The dates for this year’s summer program are June 25 – August 3, 2018. The program will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. The program takes place on Yale’s beautiful Old Campus in Dwight Hall. U.S. Grant upholds a strict attendance policy and only considers students who can commit to attending every day of the program.
The entire cost of the summer program is $75 and is paid upon acceptance. Financial aid is available to a limited number of students. Those interested in applying for financial aid can do so on the application. Family income and other information may be requested.
More Information
- Are you an applicant looking for information about acceptance for summer 2018? Go to the latest post from the Admissions team.
- Interested in applying to Grant in a future year? The student application can be found on the Students page.
- Want to be a Grant teacher? Yale students wishing to join the U.S. Grant teacher team can learn more on our Teachers page. |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
[Groot grows a cocoon of branches to cover his friends]
Rocket Raccoon: No, Groot! You can't! You'll die! Why are you doing this? Why?
[Groot uses a thin branch to wipe away Rocket's tears].]
Korath the Pursuer: Star-Lord!
Peter Quill: Finally!.
Denarian Saal: Peter Quill, this is Denarian Saal. For the record, I advised them against trusting you.
Peter Quill: [to Gamora] They got my dick message.
Denarian Saal: Prove me wrong!].?
Rocket Raccoon: If we're gonna get outta here, we gonna need to get into that watch tower, and to do that, I'm gonna need a few things. The guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one..
Rocket Raccoon: Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin' usual.
Rocket Raccoon: That's for if things get really hardcore. Or if you wanna blow up moons.
Gamora: No one's blowing up moons.
Rocket Raccoon: You just wanna suck the joy out of everything..!
Rocket Raccoon: What did the galaxy ever do for you? Why would you want to save it?
Peter Quill: Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!
Gamora: And Quill, your ship is filthy.
Peter Quill: Oh she has no idea. If I had a blacklight, this would look like a Jackson Pollock painting.
Rocket Raccoon: You got issues, Quill.: We're the fricking Guardians of the Galaxy!
[from trailer]
Peter Quill: So here we are: a thief, two thugs, an assassin and a maniac. But we're not going to stand by as evil wipes out the galaxy. I guess we're stuck together, partners.!
Meredith Quill: [letter] Dear Peter: I know this will be hard for you, but I'm going somewhere good and nice. But know this: I will always be with you, my angel from heaven, my prince... my Star-Lord.
[Quill presents the prosthetic leg Rocket requested]
Rocket Raccoon: Oh, I was just kidding about the leg. I just need these two things.
Rocket Raccoon: [laughing] No, I thought it'd be funny! Was it funny? No, wait, what'd he look like hopping around?
Star-Lord: I had to transfer him 30,000 units!
Rocket Raccoon: [chittering laughter]
Rocket Raccoon: I live for the simple things... like how much this is going to hurt!
[zaps Quill, who falls down yelling]
Rocket Raccoon: Yeah, writhe, little man.
Drax the Destroyer: I like your knife, I'm keeping it.
Moloka Dar: That was my favorite knife.
Rocket Raccoon: [to Groot] Quit smiling, ya idiot, you're supposed to be professional..
Rocket Raccoon: [jumps on Groot who is fighting the sentry bots] You idiot! How am I supposed to fight these things without my stuff?
Drax the Destroyer: Creepy little beast!
[throws a machine gun to Rocket]
Rocket Raccoon: Oh yeah!
Peter Quill: No no no! Four billion units! Rocket, come on man, suck it up for one more lousy night and we're rich.
Rocket Raccoon: Fine, but I can't promise when all of this is over I'm not going to kill every last one of you jerks.
Peter Quill: See, this is exactly why none of you have any friends!
Gamora: You should have learned.
Peter Quill: I don't learn. One of my issues..
Rhomann Dey: They call themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Denarian Saal: What a bunch of a-holes.
[scans Stan Lee]
Rocket Raccoon: Where's your wife, you old codger?
Peter Quill: [to Gamora] You're a good looking girl. You should try to be more nice to people.
Nova Prime Rael: The fate of 12 billion people is in your hands.
Peter Quill: Hold on a second, you're being serious right now?
Denarian Saal: I can't believe I'm taking orders from a hamster.
Denarian Saal: [looking at Groot] What the hell?
Rhomann Dey: Groot: he's been travelling recently as Rocket's personal houseplant slash muscle.]
Peter Quill: I was only a kid when I left Earth, and I had no idea what the universe had in store for me.
Thanos: Boy, I would reconsider your current course!
Ronan: [wields the Infinity Stone] You call ME, boy? I will unfurl one thousand years of Kree justice on Xandar and burn it to its core! Then, Thanos, I'm coming for you!
Peter Quill: I come from Earth, a planet of outlaws. My name is Peter Quill. There's one other name you may know me by. Star-Lord.
Drax the Destroyer: [to Gamora] Spare me your foul gaze woman!
Yondu Udonta: We're Ravagers, we got a code.
Peter Quill: Yeah, and that code is: steal from everybody.
Peter Quill: What are you doing?
Drax the Destroyer: This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about!
Rocket Raccoon: That is true!
Drax the Destroyer: He has no respect!
Rocket Raccoon: That is also true!
Howard the Duck: [very last lines] Why'd ya have it lick you like that? Gross!...
[Roman presents Quill with a rebuilt Milano]
Peter Quill: Thank you.
Rhomann Dey: I have a wife and child on Xandar. Thanks to you, they're still alive.!
One Legged Prisoner: [to Quill] You need my what?]
Rhomann Dey: [from trailer] Rocket: wanted on over 50 charges of vehicular theft and escape from custody.
[Rocket snarls and spits at the screen]
Gamora: Your wife and child shall rest well, knowing that you have avenged them.
Drax the Destroyer: Yes. Of course Ronan was only a puppet. It's really Thanos that I need to kill.
Drax the Destroyer: I recognize this animal. We'd roast them over a flame pit as children. Their flesh was quite delicious.
Rocket Raccoon: Not helping!
Peter Quill: If we're gonna work together you might wanna try trusting me a little bit.
Gamora: How much do you trust me?
Rocket Raccoon: You killed Groot!
[attacks Ronan]
Nova Prime Rael: Are you telling me that the fate of thirty million inhabitants is in the hands of these criminals?
Rocket Raccoon: YOU'RE... MAKING... ME... BEAT... UP... GRASS!
Rocket Raccoon: I know they're the only friends we've ever had!
Rhomann Dey: [from trailer] Drax: AKA the Destroyer. Since his wife and family were killed, he's been on a rampage across the galaxy in a search for vengeance....
Gamora: [sigh] Where's the orb?
Ronan: Xandar, you stand accused! Your wretched peace treaty will not save you now. It is the tinder on which you burn.
Rocket Raccoon: [scans an Xandarian citizen] Can you believe they call us criminals when he's assaulting us with that haircut?
Peter Quill: There's one other name you might know me by... Star Lord.
Korath the Pursuer: ...Who?
Peter Quill: Star Lord, man. Legendary Outlaw.
[Korath shrugs]
Peter Quill: [deploringly] ... Guys?
Rhomann Dey: [from trailer] Gamora: soldier, assassin, wanted on over a dozen counts of murder.: Let's get something clear! This one here is our booty. You wanna get to him, you go through us... or, more accurately, we go through you!
Gamora: It's dangerous and illegal work, suitable only for outlaws.
Peter Quill: Well, I come from a planet of outlaws: Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos.
Rocket Raccoon: Move to the watchtower!
Peter Quill: That was a pretty good plan.
[in the Broker's shop]
Yondu Udonta: [looks at toy dolls] Do you got any other cute little buggers like this one? I like to stick 'em all in a row on my control console.
Yondu Udonta: I may be as pretty as an angel, but I sure as hell ain't one.
Nebula: After Xandar, you're going to kill my father?
Ronan: You dare to oppose me?
Nebula: You see what he has turned me into? You kill him and I will help you destroy a thousand planets.!
Drax the Destroyer: [getting drunk in a bar] Let us put more of this liquid into our bodies.!
The Collector: Carina, get away from that stone! CARINA!
Carina: I will no longer be your slave!
[grabs the stone and gets obliterated]
Yondu Udonta: Remember, boy. At the end of all this, I get the stone. You cross me, we kill you all.
[first lines]
Grandpa: Peter. Your momma wants to speak with you. Come on, Pete, take these fool things off.
[takes headphones]
Bereet: Peter, what happened?
Peter Quill: Oh... hey, um...
[trying to figure out the name]
Peter Quill: Bereet. I'm gonna be totally honest, I forgot you were here.
Gamora: [regarding Yondu] Why is this one here?
Peter Quill: We promised him he could stay by your side until he kills your boss. I always keep my promises when they're to muscle-bound whack-jobs who will kill me if I don't.
Ronan: The Xandorians and your culture are a disease.
Sacrifice Nova Corpsman: You will never rule Xandar.
Ronan: No. I will cure it!.
Nebula: Seal all security doors!
[shouts orders in native language, then storms out]
Nebula: Get out of my way!
Drax the Destroyer: Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill?
Peter Quill: Well, I mean, she's hardly the first woman to try and do that to me.
[shows a scar]
Peter Quill: Look,... You don't care. But here's the point.
Drax the Destroyer: Cease your yammering and relieve us from this arson confinement.
Rhomann Dey: I have a family who are alive because of you. Your criminal records have also been expunged. However, I have to warn you against breaking any laws in the future.?
Rhomann Dey: That's... that's actually murder. It's one of the worst crimes of all, so also illegal.
Drax the Destroyer: Hmm.
Rocket Raccoon: [to Groot] Put him in the bag. Put him in the bag!
Rocket Raccoon: No! Not her, him! Learn genders,! You abducted me, man. You stole me from my home and from my family.. |
Design Consultation
All Retaining Walls is pleased to offer a design consultation service for homeowners who want some help with selecting the appropriate retaining wall for their situation. Different types of retaining walls each involve different amounts of site preparation, construction cost and materials cost, and a design consultation willl help demystify the options available to you.
A design consultation involves a site visit, which generally takes 30-60 minutes, and you will receive a written report, usually within 5-10 working days, which will outline the best options for your installation.
During the site visit:
the site will be assessed for drainage, site access, construction issues, retaining wall heights, lengths and widths.
Your preferences for the finished look, any time constraints or budget considerations will also be discussed.
Any existing issues or problems can be discussed with your consultant (eg. drainage, boundaries, impacts of neighbouring properties, or existing site/retaining wall problems).
Your consultant will be able to advise you on the types of retaining walls that are appropriate for your site. They will also be able to assist you with the selection of the most cost effective retaining wall for your site and design preferences.
The Design Consultation Report includes:
What Questions to ask your Retaining Wall Contractor
Appropriate Retaining Wall options for your site
How to Specify the retaining wall for your site (what jargon you need to talk to the tradies and get a quality build)
A checklist to assess the quality of the build
The Design Consultation costs $330 including GST and if you select All Retaining Walls to also do the construction for you, the fee is deductible from the total construction price.
A Design Consultation can be booked either by calling Andrew on 0421993455 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
How to convert MTS/M2TS to VOB?
Have you ever tried to convert M2TS/MTS to VOB for burning into a DVD disc? Yes, it's no doubt a great idea to burn those of your prize M2TS/MTS footages recorded by camcorders into a DVD disc in order to keep the precious memory forever or send friends as a special gift.
In fact, if your final goal is to get a playable DVD, you don't have to convert M2TS/MTS to VOB as the first step. You can use a powerful DVD creator tool to directly help you convert M2TS/MTS to DVD with ease. This smart app - DVD Creator has two versions. Just choose one according to your operation system.
Note: Just want to convert M2TS/MTS to VOB? If so, a smart Video Converter is enough for windows users to change the video formats, while for Mac ones, Video Converter for Mac is no doubt your best M2TS/MTS to VOB converter to convert M2TS/MTS to VOB Mac.
Below is a tutorial on how to convert M2TS/MTS to DVD on the basis of windows platform.
1. Import M2TS/MTS files to the program
After installation, run the smart DVD Creator for Windows. Then you need to import M2TS/MTS files for DVD burning. At this time, you have three ways to do this.
- 1. Drag & drop the M2TS/MTS files to the program.
- 2. Click the "+Import" button to add the M2TS/MTS videos.
- 3. Also, you can go to "File">"Add Files" to add M2TS/MTS files you want to burn.
2. Customize background music and picture for your DVD
Hit the
icon to pop up the "Customize" window, where you'll see two tabs: "Background" and "Background Music". Hit the "background" tab to add background image for DVD menu, while select another tab to change the background music. If you hope your DVD menu music has the fade-in and fade-out effects, just tick the "Fade in" and "Fade out" option.
3. Start to burn M2TS/MTS to DVD
Click "Burn" and select the output format and directory in the popping-up list. Then hit "Start" to let the smart app do the rest thing for you. It's very easy, isn't it?
With the help of the professional DVD Creator for Windows, you can burn your memorable M2TS/MTS camcorder files into DVDs. In this way, preserving sweet memories is no longer a difficult issue.
Further Reading:
Edit MTS/M2TS Files : Learn how to edit MTS/M2TS files, including cutting, merging, rotating, cropping, adding PIP, music, text and more.
Join MTS/M2TS Files : Join MTS/M2TS files easily and quickly with a powerful MTS/M2TS joiner.
Convert MTS/M2TS to VOB : Want to convert M2TS/MTS to VOB for burning into a DVD disc? Consider it done here.
Convert MTS to Almost Any Format: Just follow the detailed steps here to convert MTS to Any format.
How to Convert BDMV to AVI, MP4, MOV etc : Convert BDMV files to AVI, MP4, MOV and almost any other popular, standard video formats with a great BDMV converter.
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Active Learning Techniques that makes learning, fun and meaningful. Adequate evaluation tests are conducted to monitor the progress of the students. So apart from just classroom teaching and practice tests we also conduct exclusive doubt solving sessions for all major subjects, aptitude question solving skills for competitive exams, parent teacher meetings, individual counseling sessions to ensure better performance from the students.
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Every student has various strengths and weakness and that will not be highlighted when all the students are lumped into the same classroom. Hence, we pay individual attention to address each student’s strengths and weaknesses uniquely.Concepts are covered right from the fundamentals and explained with examples. Sufficient number of booklets, practice questions with detailed solutions is given.Charaka has the best coaching institute for medical entrance exam as it has well managed classroom which will help to improve class efficiency and create an environment conducive to learning. We are equipped with modern aids like projector, audio visual system, presentation let approach that helps the students to not only understand the concept but also register the lectures
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Our Crash course is designed to help student to learn what is needed in a short span time. The key areas of learning are specifically taken from the exams patterns of previous years so student understand the exam they would be appearing for and how you may pass in the first attempt. |
David W. Bowen
Assistant Research Professor
Contact Information:
B.S., Geosciences, Hobart College, 1978
M.S., Earth Sciences, Montana State University, 1980
Ph.D. Candidate, Geology, University of Colorado
Research Interests:
My research interests focus on both the surface and subsurface analysis of sedimentary basins and the stratigraphy of basin-fill deposits. The projects I am currently involved with include reservoir scale sequence stratigraphy of the Iles Formation - NW Colorado, stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of Cretaceous rocks in the Green River basin of Wyoming, and the study of Pennsylvanian Morrow incised valley-fill sequences of eastern Colorado and western Kansas.
Selected Publications:
1994 Bowen, D.W., Weimer, P., Krystinik, L.F., and Dejarnett, B.B., Application of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy to development of Pennsylvanian Morrow sandstone reservoirs, eastern Colorado and western Kansas, Keynote Paper, AAPG Hedberg Research Conference, Application of Sequence Stratigraphy to Oil Field Development, Paris, France.
1993 Bowen, D.W., Weimer, P., and Scott, A.J., The relative success of siliciclastic sequence stratigraphic concepts in exploration: examples from incised-valley fill and turbidite-systems reservoirs: AAPG Memoir 58, p. 15-42.
1993 Bowen, D.W., Weimer, P., Scott, A.J., Case studies of the application of siliciclastic sequence stratigraphic concepts in mature and frontier basins: Society of Petroleum Engineers Paper 026438.
1990 Bowen, D.W., Krystinik, L.F., and Grantz, R.E., Geology and reservoir characteristics of the Sorrento-Mt. Pearl field complex, Cheyenne County, Colorado: in Sonnenberg, S.A., ed., Morrow Sandstones of SE Colorado and Adjacent Areas: Denver, Colorado, RMAG, p. 67-77. |
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Can same Aperture library be used on two computers?
- Member Since
- Feb 28, 2011
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Very new to Aperture but using what I believe is called a "referenced library" where my master files are stored in the Pictures folder on my iMac HD, but use Aperture 3 for previews, editing, tagging, etc. I would like to keep a copy of the edited previews (with all the tags, star ratings, etc) on my MBP because I travel a lot and like taking the pictures with me. Would this be a matter of copying the container file in one Pictures folder and pasting it in the other? I realize I would have to do this every time I put the new pictures on my MBP. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
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jQuery draggable Snap to Center while dragging
I have draggable object in the page, and it has snap setting for the region.
<div class="drag-bound">
<div id="obj"></div>
snap: ".drag-bound",
snapTolerance: 5
So now if $('#obj') is dragged near the border of ".drag-bound", it gets snapped there.
The problem is I want $('#obj') is snapped to the center of the ".drag-bound", too.
Is there any good idea how to make it happen?
Should I make custom code inside of drag event handler?
Is there any good and easy option inside of it?
Alright, so far from my investigation, there seems not to be a good option to accomplish my purpose.
I have made custom code inside of drag event handler like following:
snap: ".resize-bound",
snapTolerance: 5,
drag: function(event, ui) {
var ui_w = ui.helper.width();
var ui_h = ui.helper.height();
var margin = $(this).draggable("option", "snapTolerance");
// do custom snapping here
if (!(Math.abs((ui.position.left + (ui_w)/2) - (fn.branding.modal_preview_width/2)) > 2 * margin)) {
ui.position.left = Math.round((fn.branding.modal_preview_width - ui_w)/2);
if (!(Math.abs((ui.position.top + (ui_h)/2) - (fn.branding.modal_preview_height/2)) > 2 * margin)) {
ui.position.top = Math.round((fn.branding.modal_preview_height - ui_h)/2);
The members.
Kapoor's frozen assets include a bungalow (no 40) located at the upmarket Amrita Shergill Marg in Delhi that is worth Rs 685 crore, an independent residential building 'Khursidabad' at Cumbala Hill in south Mumbai, three duplex flats at Napean Sea Road in Mumbai, a residential flat in NCPA, Nariman Point and eight flats in India Bulls Blue in the Worli area of Maharashtra's capital city, the ED said. "These attached assets relating to Rana Kapoor and linked entities have a total value of Rs 792 crore but their present market value is Rs 1,400 crore," the agency said. I
In the case of Dewan Housing Finance Corporation (DHFL) promoter brothers Kapil and Dheeraj Wadhawan, the value of the attached properties is Rs 1,411.9 crore that includes a dozen flats in Khar (West) area of Mumbai, a flat in New York, two flats in London, two land parcels in Pune and nearby Mulshi, a commercial property in Australia, five luxury vehicles and 344 bank accounts, the ED said.
An ED official said that the agency has issued a provisional order, under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), for attachment of properties. “The present market value of these assets is more than Rs 2,800 crore,” he said.
The agency had filed a PMLA case against the three men early this year and has accused Kapoor, his family members and others of laundering proceeds of crime worth Rs 4,300 crore by receiving alleged kickbacks in lieu of extending big loans through their bank that later turned into non-performing assets (NPA). An alleged dubious link between Yes Bank and DHFL is under the ED's probe scanner.
“During April-June 2018, Yes Bank Limited had invested Rs 3,700 crore in short term debentures of DHFL, a company belonging to the Wadhawans, for which kickback of Rs 600 crore was paid to Rana Kapoor and his family members in the garb of loan,” the ED alleged.
“In addition, Yes Bank had also sanctioned a loan of Rs 750 crore to a RKW Developers group company beneficially owned by Wadhawans and their family members for their Bandra Reclamation Project in Mumbai but the whole amount was siphoned off by the brothers through their shell companies and was never used for the declared purpose,” the probe agency has alleged.... |
Sex and Health
The third issue of Buwa! focusses on sex and health in southern Africa as Alice Kanengoni explains in her editorial.
In the last three decades that the African continent has been battling the impacts of HIV and AIDS, a number of positives have been realised. One has been the subject of sex and sexuality finding a somewhat more comfortable place in development discourses on the continent. Sex and sexuality have largely been regarded as issues fit for the private sphere, and in some cases even treated as taboos that are only to be spoken of in hushed tones. The HIV and AIDS movements as well as feminist movements on the continent – and elsewhere – have challenged the notion of sex as a private matter, and brought it into discourses on health, economics, politics and power, thus firmly establishing it as a rights issue.
Two recent global platforms have been quite telling in this regard. The 12th AWID International Forum in Istanbul in April 2012, under the theme Transforming Economic Power to Advance Women’s Rights and Justice had a significant number of sessions focusing on sex, sexuality, sex work, pleasure and their intersections with economics and money as well as politics and power. Meanwhile, in May, the Open Society Africa Foundations convened the OpenForum – an equally diverse platform whose theme focused on money, power and sex. What was most striking for me at both events was the significant space given to sex and sexuality on their programmes; and I thought to myself, the continent has indeed come far!
This Issue of BUWA! carries African voices and stories, unpacking and sharing experiences in sex and health, and highlighting trends, realities, opportunities and challenges. Although sex has arguably firmly taken root in health and rights discourses, this has not been without challenges. Dr Vicci Tallis and Laura Washington illuminate some of these challenges and contentions in a piece that locates the sexual and reproductive health rights discourse in the broader feminist struggle for women’s sexuality rights and emancipation.
Given the tendency – dictated by culture and tradition – to confine sex and sexuality to the private sphere, HIV and AIDS discourses have managed to break that artificial wall, bringing issues of sex and sexuality into the public sphere, albeit as health and reproductive health and rights issues. Thus, it has been largely HIV and AIDS movements that have led the southern Africa region in pushing an agenda for sexual and reproductive health rights. A number of significant gains have been recorded on this front – key among them being finding space for sex, sexuality and reproductive health rights on public agendas and dialogues. It is precisely because of this important step forward that global forums discussing so-called hard issues of economic transformation, money and power could legitimately and confidently engage with issues of sex and sexuality. However, most sex and health rights movements in the region are still struggling – like women’s movements generally – and the challenge remains to continue strengthening these movements to ensure that these critical issues remain in the public domain and are not relegated once again to the private sphere.
Another gain has been on the steady traction towards gaining autonomy over women’s bodies. During the decades spent fighting HIV and AIDS on the continent, it has become clear how women’s vulnerabilities are increased by a lack of real choice in relation to protection, treatment and care. Practices such as lobola, as discussed by Takunda Chabata, have become a key part of the debate with lobola being viewed as giving men the right to decide how and when married women can have sex. A woman’s right to choose even in issues of contraception becomes compromised in this regard.
As such, married women tend to be more vulnerable, and have less control over their bodies, than their unmarried counterparts. The space to negotiate safe and enjoyable sex in a marriage context tends to be more limited. This is even more pronounced in countries where there are many different marriage regimes, creating challenges for women. For instance, customary law marriages allow men to have more than one spouse, increasing women’s vulnerability to HIV and AIDS. Some of the challenges are articulated by Sibusisiwe Ndlovu-Bhebe, who argues that there is a need to harmonise Zimbabwe’s marriage laws to make it easier for women. Emmah Machokoto’s poem aptly summarises how marriage increases women’s vulnerability.
A review of policy and legislative frameworks in southern Africa in relation to women’s bodily integrity paints a picture of a region that offers half measures; where laws and policies do not fully guarantee women choices regarding their bodies. Issues of abortion, sex work and sterilisation are cases in point. Namuchana Mushabati highlights some of the shortfalls in her analysis of policy trends in Zambia. These gaps often result in backstreet abortions, which have taken the lives of many women, as illustrated by Karina Dulobo and Mazuba Haanyama in their analysis of the role that the family unit has played in denying women, particularly young women, their right to bodily integrity.
However, it is not only the family that has helped men to maintain their control over women’s bodies, but also health care institutions. In southern Africa, especially in Namibia, South Africa and Botswana, there have been reports of the forced sterilisation of HIV positive women by medical doctors. In Namibia, a few cases have been brought before the courts but these are – almost certainly – just the tip of the iceberg in what is suspected to be a systematic and widespread practice that violates women’s reproductive health rights. There is suspicion that this practice might also be happening in other countries in the region, and there is need for research and provision of safe spaces that allow for women to open up and share their experiences.
The education system has also not been sensitive to school-going girls’ sexuality and reproductive health rights as Stella Jerop Chebiiillustrates in her case study of how a lack of access to sanitary towels had been a barrier to adolescent girls accessing education in urban slums in Kenya.
On the African continent women are not encouraged to enjoy sex, and the reasons for this are often rooted in culture, tradition and religion. Some religions have been manipulated to deny women the right to enjoyable sex as Grace Chirenje and Brian Nachipo demonstrate based on their observations of how some Christian Scriptures are cited out of context to control women’s access to contraception and good, safe and enjoyable sex. Sex, in their observation, is interpreted as primarily for procreation, and not for enjoyment, and pleasure is regarded as the preserve of men. This is not just in the context of religion, but also in the context of culture and tradition, as Tinashe Mema and Rudo Chigudu argue.
The notion of sex being for men’s pleasure also manifests in Africa in the form of female genital mutilation (FGM). A number of cultures promote various forms of FGM, which in some cases has serious consequences on the reproductive health of the women. A number of research initiatives and documentation of the dangers and injustices of such practices have been done on the continent, and one such book by Marie-Helene Mottin-Sylla and Joelle Palmieri is discussed in this Issue by Mazuba Haanyama, who questions, among other things, the notion of labelling such practices as ‘mutilation’.
Sian Maseko contends that because sex and pleasure are often defined in the context of hetero-normativity, the tendency is to adopt a moralistic attitude towards sex outside of marriage. In particular, same sex relationships are criminalised in most countries in the region.
Another way in which women’s bodies have been controlled is through rape. Although rape is recognised as a crime in southern Africa, certain types of rape are often ignored, as Gemma Hancox argues in her piece, which decries the prevalence of marital rape in South Africa in spite of laws and policies that are designed to protect women. Similarly, rape targeted at lesbians and transgender people purportedly to ‘correct’ them is also becoming prevalent in the region, as shown by Tiffani Wesley, who makes a case for such rape to be classified as a hate crime.
Control of the woman’s body is also linked to who defines beauty – and how it is defined. Societal standards of beauty have created an industry that controls women’s hair, skin, size, shape and looks; all driven by a capitalist ethos, which is the bedrock of patriarchy. Davina Jogi highlights this in her powerful photo-essay from Zimbabwe.
However, there are some positive moves towards giving women more control over their bodies. In particular, strides have been made in research towards preventive tools with regards to HIV and AIDS. Groundbreaking microbicide trials are a case in point. Pauline Irungu sheds light on how the African continent is at the brink of delivering on the 20-year-old dream of providing women with access to vaginal microbicides, a form of protection they hopefully will be able to control. But even with such breakthroughs, there is still the need to develop a culture of respect for the sexual and reproductive health rights of women – and it is necessary to start fostering this culture at lower levels of the education system, as exemplified by Lerissa Thaver and Astrid Leao in their case study of South African secondary schools.
For decades, women have been organising, coalescing and building movements to resist all forms of oppression – including denial of their sexuality and reproductive health rights. These efforts need to be captured and documented, as in the case of the publication African Women Writing Resistance: Contemporary Voices (Edited by Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez, Pauline Dongala, Omotayo Jolaosho and Anne Sarafin), which is reviewed Dr Hleziphi Naomie Nyanungo.
We hope this Issue of BUWA! challenges African women and men to continue loosening the lid that has been kept tightly shut for decades to prevent issues of sex and sexuality from being openly discussed – and in the process making women and girls more vulnerable and putting their lives at risk.
A pre-election report providing a comprehensive view of events and activities in the run-up to the elections. In this report offered to key stakeholders and the electorate, ZEIC notes a number of key issues that may be determining factors in the delivery of a free fair and...
Since its independence from Britain in 1966, Botswana has been hailed as Africa’s model nation, a “political diamond.” The country, which is the size of France but with only about 2 million residents, is stable—its democratic elections so peaceful and predictable they’ve... |
Let’s talk about being a father when you’re in public safety – whether it’s Police, Fire, or EMS. I’m a father of three (soon to be four) beautiful little girls. Some of you that know me personally understand just how much those little girls run my life. So you should know that when I proudly proclaim, “I am the king of the house,” it only applies if my wife and daughters aren’t there. Once they get home, I’m more of a court jester.
That said, every day I’m on shift I get up, strap on my tough guy fireman uniform, get in my tough guy fireman vehicle, and go to my tough guy fireman station. And while I’m there I usually do tough guy fireman stuff like saving orphans and kittens and orphaned kittens. And respond to emails (actually a pretty daunting task).
I’ve been doing all of this tough guy fireman stuff since before my kids were born. When my wife told me she was pregnant with our first child, one of the first thoughts I had was, “this child is going to be able to tell all the other kids that her dad is a tough fireman. Nobody is going to mess with her.” I took pride in the fact that when it came time for the kids to bring us to school for “show-off-your-parents-and-their-cool-jobs” day, my child would be the envy of the other kids because her dad was an awesome tough guy fireman.
Now that we’ve gotten all that BS out of the way, let me tell you about the time a “tough” fireman was reduced to a slobbering, sniveling mess in the arms of his then-two-year-old daughter.
It was early 2012. I was riding seat (in-charge for you donut-eaters) with two other firefighters assigned to my apparatus. I was at the end of what would be an 18-month stretch of terrible calls. Every First Responder has a call that they can never forget. It’s part of the job. Most of the time it’s a specific, stressful incident that can often make you question why you started down this road of a thankless, underpaid career. These kinds of calls are (thankfully) usually few and far between. The worst of them involve children. Again, these calls are rare, yet profound.
I had made five in 18 months. Five pediatric fatalities. All of them under three years of age. I had racked up a career’s worth of crappy incidents in an 18-month period. I was mentally at the breaking point and on the verge of burnout but did nothing about it because I was a tough guy fireman. At no point during those 18 months did I seek out professional counseling or even peer support, because that’s not something tough guy firemen do. We clean the blood from our boots and get back on the truck. We don’t whine about our feelings. We get over it. Right? Right??
I might’ve been a tough guy fireman, but man was I a dummy.
Then, the incident that finally tipped the scales occurred. It was a clear, crisp morning. We were doing what firemen do best – making sure the recliners couldn’t escape. The station alert opened up and let us know that we were going to yet another motor vehicle accident. We climbed up into the apparatus and started heading for the dispatched address. Nobody in the pumper was too excited because, duh, we’re tough guy firemen. We do this stuff all the time.
I had just finished putting us enroute over the radio when we heard the voice of an unusually stressed dispatcher. The additional information now stated that the simple motor vehicle accident we were responding to was, in fact, an auto versus pedestrian. And the pedestrian on the receiving end of said auto was a little girl.
The stress level inside that pumper went from stoner college dropout to bomb disposal technician in a matter of seconds. The mental rolodex of all the tough guy fireman stuff I was supposed to do started flipping at a high rate of speed in my head. Stay calm. Give orders. Follow your training. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Then we arrived on scene and my brain lit the rolodex on fire, threw it on the ground, and pissed on the ashes. The scene was utter chaos. There were people everywhere. Residents near the incident, hearing the commotion, flooded out of their houses to see what was going on. And the strangest part was that there was no centralization to the mob. Everybody was wandering around, many of them shouting or crying or just in a state of confusion. There were so many people that it actually took a brief second for us to figure out where the patient was.
Then we saw her. She looked like she could have been sleeping. In that moment, my brain decided to cooperate. It picked the rolodex back up off the ground, dusted it off, and directed me to go to work. I won’t go into too much detail other than to tell you that from the point we got to the patient, until we handed off care to the hospital, the men and women I was with at that scene performed flawlessly. Everybody knew what to do and was performing tasks that needed to be done before anybody had to ask them to do it. Every life-saving measure was exhausted trying to save this little girl’s life.
Unfortunately, our efforts could not overcome her injuries. This happens. It had happened. This pediatric fatality was now number six in an 18-month period. I fully expected to deal with this one like I had dealt with all the other ones. We would go back to the station. Everybody would retreat to their corners of the building. The rest of the shift would be quiet, with nobody wanting to admit just how much we were affected. We would get off in the morning, still not having acknowledged the gravity of what had happened. Then we would come back to work the next shift like nothing had happened and get ready for the next one. That’s how tough guy firemen handle it. That’s just “what we do”.
Hey, look! There’s that big dummy I’ve been talking about.
During that incident, I rode to the hospital in the back of the ambulance to assist with the life-saving efforts. The Deputy Chief for the department drove his Tahoe to the hospital to pick me up and bring me back to the scene so that I could be reunited with my crew. I had been through this same routine before. Chief picks me up, brings me back to the scene, we stay there until we get released by DPS, go back to the station, and so on.
But this time felt … different. I remember pulling back up to the scene. My Deputy Chief (who was well aware of my recent history with pediatric incidents) put his Tahoe in park, looked over at me and asked, “what do you want to do?”
I blinked for a second, not understanding what he was asking me. Then, it clicked.
He’s asking you if you’re okay to get back on the truck, you tough guy dummy.
In that moment, I realized I had absolutely no desire to get back on the apparatus with my crew. For the first time in my career as a firefighter, I honestly did not want to wash the blood from my boots and get back on the truck. I would like to say I was alarmed by this realization, but I actually wasn’t feeling much of anything at that moment. Looking back at it now, this tough guy fireman was in shock. That’s the best way to describe it. I felt … nothing.
I looked back at him for a moment, then looked forward, past the windshield to where the rest of my crew stood among the flashing lights and scene tape. Before I realized I was speaking, my face hole formed and spoke the words, “I want to go home.” My Deputy Chief, understanding what needed to happen, silently put the truck in reverse, turned around, and started heading back to the station.
As I left the station, I called my wife. I told her that there was a bad call at work and that I was heading home. Then I realized how bad that sounded and had to reassure her that I wasn’t hurt or anything, it was just a bad call and I no longer wanted to be there. Then I realized how strange that sounded and said to hell with it, I’ll explain it when you get home. She feigned understanding and told me since I was getting home early (about 18 hours early), our daughter would be super excited if I surprised her at daycare and picked her up. So I did. Still in a state of semi-shock, I picked our daughter up from daycare and brought her home.
Our daughter neither understood nor particularly cared why there was a break in protocol and daddy was picking her up. I had freed her from that hellish prison of juice, cookies, and nap time. She could finally return to the barbie doll saga that she had started to play out in our living room the day before.
So that’s what she did. As soon as we walked in the front door of our house, she bolted towards her toy box, retrieved the plastic main characters of her imagined world and began to play. I walked to “my chair” (a leather recliner that had the same texture as a well-used football – every dad should have one) and sat down. I sat there, staring at my two-year-old daughter, but actually looking past her into … nothing.
Most people know this as the “thousand-yard stare.” I sat in my chair, staring off into space, reflecting on the day’s events. At that moment, I felt locked in my own head. I relived that incident a hundred times as I sat there. I felt alone, angry, sad, worthless, inadequate, untrained, and a multitude of other feelings all at the same time.
I didn’t notice my daughter had stopped playing and was staring back at me until she stood and began to walk towards me. I then realized the sadness and despair that she must have seen on my face. This was something she had never seen before. I was the tough guy dad fireman. I didn’t get sad. I was the tough dummy. I mean tough fireman dummy. I mean tough guy fireman.
In that moment, my two-year-old daughter realized that her tough guy fireman dad was hurting. She put her barbies down, walked over to me, climbed up on my lap, and put her head down on my chest. She put her hand right over my heart and began to pat me, like I had done for her so many nights when I was trying to get her to go to sleep. Then she started to whisper, in the sweet voice that could only come from a two-year-old little girl, “Shhhh. It’s ok daddy.” And she kept repeating that over and over as she patted my chest. Never raising her head. Never squirming to go back and play. In that place in time, in that moment, she was taking care of her daddy.
My face started leaking. Slowly at first, then more gradually until I was full-on ugly crying. All of the mental anguish that had been building for the past 18 months had come to a head that day. I sat in my chair, my little girl in my lap, her taking care of me as if she had done it a hundred times before.
That’s when I realized something about fathers in general and, more specifically, those of us in public safety positions. It’s okay for your kids to think you’re an invincible superhero. But don’t go believing that crap yourself. Ask for help when you need it. Knock off all the bravado crap and take charge of your well-being. Because if it gets to the point that you’re slobbering and crying like a baby in the arms of your two-year-old, maybe you’re past due for some support.
I sought out peer support. I talked with those who have been through what I have. I learned techniques to handle some of the more difficult aspects of this job. That way, I can be the superhero they need me to be, when they need me to be.
One of my favorite quotes is about kids looking up to their parents. It simply states:
“They want to be just like you. Be worth being.” |
Dog on the Roof: A 100-Pound Pup Helps Thatch Rooftops in England
Axel the dog is high on life. Thirty or 40 feet high, in fact.
He spends most days perched on beautiful thatch rooftops as his owner fixes old roofs or installs new thatch roofs in Norfolk, England.
The 5-year-old Newfie-Lab-Rottie mix hasn't missed a day of work since owner Richard Haughton found him as a homeless 6-week-old pup.
"We were sitting eating a packed lunch. Axel was on one side of the scaffolding, we were up over the ridge on the other and he managed to come up the ladder," Haughton told the BBC. "We saw him up on the ridge -- basically he thought he was going to get some food -- and he's been up with us all the time ever since."
These days Haughton often carries the nearly 100-pound dog up the ladder.
"He sits on the ridge and moves along it as we're working," says Haughton.
Charlie Tedder, who works with Haughton, says he loves having Axel on the team. ," says Tedder.
Awww! I love Axel! If I had the money, I'd buy a house in Norfolk with a thatch roof badly in need of repairs and I would feast my eyes upon his royal high-ness.
(Check out a sweet BBC video of Axel here. All above images are from the BBC.)
Maria Goodavage | Apr 24th 2012 |
9 Contributions |
Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev(born Sontsovka, Ukraine 23 April 1891; died Moscow 5 March 1953) was a Russian composer and pianist who came from Ukraine. During his lifetime, Ukraine was part of Russia. Together with Dmitri Shostakovich he is one of the greatest Russian composers of the 20th century. Children all over the world love to listen to his musical story Peter and the Wolf and the music for Lieutenant Kije, but he wrote many other great works including symphonies, concertos, piano sonatas, ballets and operas.
Early life
Prokofiev was born into an educated family, and his mother recognized very early her son's musical gifts. His father was a college-educated agronomist who managed the farm-site of his employer in the Ukrainian steppe. His mother played the piano reasonably well in her son's opinion. The young Sergei started composing at a very early age. By the time he was eleven he had written two operas and a series of small piano pieces he would later call "little puppies". Soon he was writing music with unusual time signatures and in unusual changes of key.
Prokofiev's formal musical education began when, as a young boy, he started taking lessons from Reinhold Gliere. In 1904 he went to study at the Conservatory in St Petersburg. He was a brilliant student, but he often disagreed with the way the professors were teaching. He was bored with the lessons in orchestration from Rimsky-Korsakov and the counterpoint lessons from Liadov although he could have learned more from these great men. His main friends were the composers Nikolai Myaskovsky and Boris Asafiev. He often showed them his latest piano compositions which sounded very modern. Many of St. Petersburg's newspaper critics did not like his music, while others felt he showed great promise and was sure to be a "futurist".
Prokofiev spent the summer of 1909 back at home in the small Russian farming village of Sontsovka in what is now Ukraine where his father was an estate manager. He worked in a way that was to be typical of him all his life: he carefully kept a diary until the middle 1930s, was an excellent chess player and writer, kept making changes to a number of his earlier works. He often borrowed music from one composition and put it in another, or used unfinished works in new compositions.
When he returned to St Petersburg he took piano lessons from a teacher at the St. Petersburg Conservatory called Anna Esipova. She worked hard to discipline him in his playing although he did not appreciate her efforts. He also took conducting lessons from Nikolai Tcherepnin who taught him to like late-Romantic composers such as Scriabin and Debussy. He wrote some music himself in this style, but most of the music he wrote at this time sounded very harsh and dissonant and, although he was becoming quite famous, many people hated it. When he finished his studies at the Conservatoire he won its top prize (the Rubinstein Prize) with his First Piano Concerto, although the examiners had found it hard to agree and Rimsky-Korsakov said that Prokofiev was "gifted but immature".
Prokofiev travelled to London where he met many famous people including Diaghilev who had a very skilled ballet group called Ballets Russes. The composer Igor Stravinsky had been writing ballet music for Diaghilev's dancers. Prokofiev particularly loved Stravinsky's Rite of Spring and it influenced his music. He wrote an opera The Gambler based on the novel by Brusilov but the singers and the orchestra did not understand his music and refused to perform it. One of the first works of Prokofiev to become known all over the world was his First Symphony known as the Classical Symphony. He made the music sound like that of composers from the Classical period such as Haydn. This symphony is still very popular today.
America and Europe (1918-1936)
In 1917 the Russian Revolution took place. The country was in a chaotic state so Prokofiev went to the United States. After a journey which took four months via the Transsiberian railway, Tokyo and San Francisco, he arrived in New York. His first real success came from his connections with Cyrus McCormik in Chicago. His first major commission was the opera The Love for Three Oranges for the Chicago Lyric Opera. It was popular in Chicago but not in New York City where he really wanted to make his reputation. He soon traveled to Paris to see Diagalev again whom he had met earlier in London. His first ballet for him was Ala and Lolly which Diagalev did not like and would not perform. This ballet later became Prokofiev's Scythian Suite. His next ballet was more successful, The Tale of the Buffoon. He also wrote his Third Piano Concerto which is his most popular concerto for piano. Prokofiev lived off and on in Paris for fourteen years, but he often went on tour, performing his works on the piano. In 1928 his Third Symphony was first performed, much of which was based on music from his opera The Fiery Angel which was never performed completely in his lifetime. In the late-1920s he was invited back to Russia. Although many Soviet people tried to persuade him to stay there he decided to remain in the West where he was starting to have a very successful career. It was not until 1936 that he finally decided to move back to Russia. Life was not easy in the Soviet Union for all types of creative people such as musicians, poets, writers and film makers. Composers were expected to write music which would make ordinary people happy and make them feel proud of their country and of the communist revolution. Any music that did not do this was called "decadent" or "formalist". Many artists where punished for creating works that did not do what the socialist politicians expected of them. Prokofiev had never been interested in politics, and he thought the politicians would leave him in peace so that he could write the kind of music he liked.
USSR: (1936-1953)
Back in Russia Prokofiev settled in Moscow. He wrote several children's pieces including Peter and the Wolf. He was asked to write music for two important jubilees: the 20th anniversary of the Revolution and the centenary of Pushkin's death. He took great care over this music. Much of what he wrote was to be directed by Meyerhold, but Meyerhold was arrested, later tortured and murdered so the whole project never happened. Some of the music written for the Pushkin centenary was later used in his opera War and Peace, the Stone Flower ballet and Symphonic Waltzes. He also wrote a very large piece called Cantata for the Twentieth Anniversary of the October Revolution, using words by Marx, Lenin and Stalin for a total of 500 performers. The music included realistic effects such as gun shots, machine-gun fire and sirens. However, many critics said that the music was vulgar, and it was not performed until 1966, long after Prokofiev's death. He tried to make the soviet authorities pleased by writing a "safe" opera called I am the Son of the Working People but the politicians stopped it during its early auditions. The opera was going to be produced by Meyerhold, but again it never happened because Meyerhold was arrested and executed.
The World War II was a time of change for Prokofiev for several reasons. In 1941 his marriage to Lina Llubera came to an end and his new companion Mira Mendelsohn, and later wife, saw him through his last years. Lina was a foreigner and marriage to foreigners was made illegal (forbidden) at that time. In 1948 she was arrested, charged with being a spy, and sent to a labour camp. On the other hand, Mira had lived her entire life within the Soviet system and was much more aware of how to survive in the politacally-charged times. In 1945, shortly after the premier of his Fifth Symphony, he had a stroke which was the beginning of a period of bad health. He spent a lot of time away from Moscow where it was unsafe. The first signs that his health was to be poor occurred in Alma-Ata in 1943 when he had a fainting spell. He was an workaholic and this, plus the pressures placed upon him by the Soviet system, forced him to withdraw from an active social life in Moscow. Prokofiev lived with Mira for the rest of his life. Lina was freed from the labour camp after Stalin's death. Later she left the Soviet Union and she died in London in 1989.
During the war Prokofiev composed a lot of his best music. He wrote his last piano sonatas as well as working on his operas Betrothal in a Monestary after Sherican, and War and Peace (based on the novel by Tolstoy) and writing his film music for both Eisenstein's Alexander Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible and composing his Fifth Symphony. The first performance of this symphony, given on 13 January 1945, was the last time he conducted in public. He spent the rest of his life in a house in the country to the west of Moscow, although during his last winters he lived in Moscow close to his doctors. Even in these last years he was not to find peace. Stalin's rule of terror had serious effects on all Soviet artists. In 1948 a committee of the Communist Party spoke out against several Soviet composers including Prokofiev. They said that his music was "formalist" and "alien" to the Soviet people. His opera "War and Peace" was not allowed to be performed because it was neither lyrical nor patriotic enough. The works he wrote in his last years were mostly ones which the politicians officially approved. His last great work of this period is the Symphony-Concerto for cello and orchestra which used a lot of music from the unsuccessful Cello Sonata, and greatly revised with the help of the cellist Mstislav Rostropovich.
Prokofiev died of a brain haemorrhage on 5 March 1953. His death was hardly mentioned in the newspapers because the dictator Josef Stalin died on the same day. |
Frequently asked questions about bunion surgery
Frequently asked questions about bunion surgery
So you are considering bunion surgery, but have heard a lot of rumors about the recovery, pain, and limitations after the procedure. What can you expect?
According to Foot and Ankle Surgeons Todd and Cherrie Cindric, DPM, FACFAS, your expectations should vary based on the severity of your condition. It is normal and natural after any surgery to have some pain, but bunion surgery is usually performed under sedation with local anesthetic. When you first wake up from the procedure, you will not have any pain. The local block in your foot will wear off in 6-8 hours, and can be controlled with oral pain medication. The majority of pain can be expected in the first 1-2 days, with significant improvement in symptoms over the following weeks.
There are basically three stages of bunion deformities, and this determines the severity of your condition and the nature of your surgical planning. For sake of discussion, we will categorize them as mild, moderate, and severe.
A mild bunion is categorized as a small bump on the inside of the foot, with little to no deviation of the toe. After x ray evaluation, there is noted to be minimal deviation of the first metatarsal bone out of its normal position. This can usually be corrected by removing the bump and tightening up the soft tissues. "Most bunions, by the time they are symptomatic, do not fall into this category," explains Dr. Cherrie Cindric. Weight bearing and return to normal activity occurs in 2-4 weeks after surgery, and therapy is usually not needed.
A moderate bunion is categorized as a medium sized bump on the inside of the foot, with mild to moderate deviation of the big toe. On x ray evaluation, there is noted to be an increase in the angle between two bones in your forefoot, which means to correct the problem, you need to have a cut made in the bone at the head of the bone for it to be positioned back to its anatomic location. This is held in place with a screw. You can walk on it immediately, but will be limited in this for the first 2 weeks. After that, you can progress to a regular shoe in 2-4 weeks. "The majority of surgically corrected bunions in this office are treated with this very versatile procedure, and have a great outcome," explains Dr. Todd Cindric, DPM, FACFAS.
A severe bunion is similar to the moderate bunion, but the correction that is necessary is much more involved. A bone cut needs to be made further back in the bone, or the joint needs to be fused, necessitating cast immobilization with no weight to the foot for 6 weeks to 3 months. Physical therapy is usually required after this for about a month.
Please be advised that the above are only guidelines, and that each surgical case is different. Please contact Dr. Cherrie or Dr. Todd Cindric at 724-832-1000 to schedule your consultation. |
The battle cry #DeleteCoinbase is resounding across crypto Twitter as bitcoin users close their accounts to protest a controversial acquisition by the exchange.
These users are upset with Coinbase for acquiring Neutrino because that blockchain analytics outfit’s executive suite – CEO Giancarlo Russo, CTO Alberto Ornaghi, and CRO Marco Valleri – previously spearheaded projects for the startup Hacking Team, which sold spyware to several governments known for human rights abuses.
For example, the Washington Post reported Hacking Team worked directly with the Saudi Arabian government, including the enforcement group that allegedly murdered dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The startup’s website touted a “hacking suite for governmental interception,” describing its wares as “offensive technology.” This spyware also aided surveillance and arrests of journalists in Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates, Motherboard reported.
To be sure, it’s unclear how widespread the backlash is. The #deletecoinbase hashtag produces more than 500 results on a Google search, but not all of those are unique, nor are all of them necessarily from before the acquisition was announced. Further, even 500 would amount to a sliver of Coinbase’s 13 million accounts.
Nevertheless, for many influential figures in the blockchain world, the transaction was a deal-breaker.
Well I really couldn't stay behind now could I? Even though I haven't used them in quite some time… #DeleteCoinbase pic.twitter.com/PJr7TXE052 — WhalePanda (@WhalePanda) March 1, 2019
Not that I’m @coinbase’s biggest customer by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m done. I was never a fan, but this is too much. Thanks @davidzmorris, @arjunblj, @J9Roem for bringing this to light. Deleted my account and so should you. Share your images with #DeleteCoinbase. pic.twitter.com/G2llRID5UF — Udi Wertheimer (@udiWertheimer) February 27, 2019
Meltem Demirors, founder of Shiny Pony Ventures and chief strategy officer at the asset manager CoinShares, told CoinDesk she will no longer use Coinbase after this incident.
“There are so many other services out there that do [blockchain analysis] that don’t have these reputational issues, and frankly the ethical issues that some of these Neutrino founders have,” Demirors said. “This example, to me, clashes with all the messages [Coinbase] are trying to put out there about creating an open financial system, a more inclusive financial system.”
Simply put, she said:
“This acquisition of Neutrino supports the idea of using bitcoin for surveillance capitalism.”
Coinbase declined to comment by time of publication about the number of vocal users now leaving the platform. We will update the article if we hear back.
Risk vs. reward
Last month, Coinbase’s director of engineering and product, Varun Srinivasan, told CoinDesk that Neutrino would allow Coinbase to expand cryptocurrency listings quickly while retaining data analysis services in-house. In a statement to The Block, a Coinbase spokesperson said the company was aware of the Neutrino team’s past but felt the significance of this business opportunity outweighed that consideration.
Indeed, the reputational risks were not hidden. In 2013, the nonprofit Reporters Without Borders even called Hacking Team one of the top five corporate “Enemies of the Internet” for its role in helping various government’s crackdown on critics, including precarious situations in Sudan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Mexico, just to name a few. Then in 2017, Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development stated that Hacking Team’s exports of surveillance technologies to countries like Egypt posed a clear risk to human rights abroad.
Yet among those offended by Coinbase’s affiliation with the Hacking Team veterans, many users are posting complaints on social media about difficulty closing their accounts.
This is partially because an account needs to be completely empty in order to close it and most users retain tiny fractions of bitcoin, called “dust,” left over after a transaction due to transaction fees and fluctuating prices. These fractions can sometimes be too small to easily send on their own to empty the account.
It remains to be seen whether the controversy will make any meaningful dent in Coinbase’s user base, given the platform’s convenience for entry-level users and the hassle associated with switching providers – a source of customer inertia in financial services since long before cryptocurrency was invented.
“People vote with their feet. Look at what happened to Facebook. A lot of users left Facebook because they didn’t like what was happening. The best jury is what people are looking to use,” Demirors said.
Image of Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong at Consensus 2016 via CoinDesk |
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Right, so here's my situation:
I want to run NTSC gamecube games (that I have in physical format, not on my computer or anything, just legit gamecube games), I have 2 wiis (both PAL) atm, one that is completely clean and all, the other one has gone through some modding and what-not that I'm not completely sure of. I wouldn't have anything against modding my clean wii as long as I can still play PAL games on it.
I'm in the process of moving and haven't been able to launch my wii yet so I'm not 100% sure of the version or contents of my modded wii but here's what I know: it has homebrew and some USB Loader GX application, I previously played games on it by "saving" them onto an NTSF harddrive and then playing them through the USB Loader GX app. However, this was back in 2009-ish so I'm not sure if all of that stuff is obsolete now.
I have searched the forum a bit and I'm sorry if this can just be answered with a thread that already exists but I'm just a bit worried about diving into stuff when my wii has already been modded and I really don't wanna mess up my clean one. Also a lot of the posts I found were pretty old and I just wanna make sure I do what currently works. So, anybody who can help me out?
PS: I can get my wii running in less than a day so information (version etc.) will come if needed!
Edit: is it even possible? Let me know if it is(n't)
Last edited by Engwall96; 07-26-2012 at 06:25 AM.
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Doors will open at 18:00
Show begins at 19:00
Heldeke! · Tööstuse 13, Estonia
Enjoy the drinks and the club's vibe as the stage lights up every full and half hour to feature an enchanting burlesque performer. There will be 5 different burlesque acts throughout the night. Expect the unexpected! We'll feature classic glamour, sultry weirdos, and comic tease. And to celebrate the spooky season we've spiced up the program accordingly 🦇
to be announced
MC: Miss Chrissy Kiss
🎃👻💀🤡 DRESSCODE: Spooktacular!
Best dressed, most striking audience member will be awarded!
So get dressed to impress!
But please keep the headdresses at reasonable heights, so people sitting behind you would still have a decent view of the stage.
Doors: 18:00
First act: 19:00 then an act every 30 min. 5 acts in total.
Online tickets
Seated ticket on the tribune for one: 21 €
Table for two: 50 €
NOTE: Limited tickets! If you are planning to come with a group. please make sure to book your tickets collectively in advance. This way no-one from your party gets left out in case the show sells out.
Tickets at the door *
Seated ticket on the tribune for one: 25 € (cash/card)
* ONLY available if the night is not sold out!
❗ To enter the show please bring your COVID-19 Certificate or take a quick test on site (+6.50 €)
❗ If you're feeling unwell then we recommend you stay home, isolate and seek professional advice.
Full ticket refunds are available if you email info@heldeke.ee before 17.00 on show day. |
I am an experienced public speaker with a passion for suggesting new and creative avenues of thought, and for drawing connections between seemingly unrelated things (what could a dating guide, for example, teach us about creating more productive conversations in a healthcare setting?). Having taught everything from Latin and math to creative writing and ice-skating, I am used to addressing a wide range of audiences about a wide range of topics in an engaging way.
Sample speaking topics include (but are by no means limited to):
- providing a patient’s perspective on the physical, emotional and financial (and insurance-related) burdens of living with a constantly demanding chronic disease
- new ways for healthcare providers to engage with patients that are productive and satisfying for both sides
- the huge benefits delivered to patients by new diabetes technologies and medications (an expression of thanks to those in the field)
- what the next generation of diabetes technologies and data management systems should look like — from a patient’s perspective (translating “big data” into useful information)
- how lessons from diabetes can be applied to other healthcare settings
- how to develop marketing messages and communications strategies that connect with the patients they’re meant to serve
- what diabetes education looks like now — and how to make it better
I also lead writing workshops on a number of diabetes- and medicine-related topics, including:
- using writing (both public and private) to cope with the emotional challenges of diabetes
- helping scientific researchers and medical professionals translate their work to a non-expert audience
I was honored to be included in the 10th anniversary video of the UCSF Diabetes Center, produced by Kikim Media. |
// ROStorageBar.swift
// The MIT License (MIT)
// Copyright (c) 2016 Robin Oster (http://prine.ch)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
// subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import UIKit
fileprivate func < <T : Comparable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (l?, r?):
return l < r
case (nil, _?):
return true
return false
public struct ROStorageBarValue {
public var value:Float
public var title:String
public var color:UIColor
public init(value:Float, title:String, color:UIColor) {
self.value = value
self.title = title
self.color = color
open class ROStorageBar : UIView {
fileprivate var storageBarValues = [ROStorageBarValue]()
fileprivate var totalSum:Float = 0.0
fileprivate var height:CGFloat!
open var borderWidth:Float = 1.0
open var borderColor:UIColor = UIColor.darkGray
open var titleFontSize = 10.0
open var valueFontSize = 10.0
open var displayTitle:Bool = true
open var displayValue:Bool = true
open var displayCaption:Bool = false
open var numberFormatter:NumberFormatter
open var unit:String?
public init() {
// Initilaize the default number formatter
numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 1
numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
super.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
// Initilaize the default number formatter
numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 1
numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
override open func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
// Depending if the captions should be drawn or not set a different height
height = displayCaption ? frame.height/2 : frame.height
if displayCaption {
func drawStorageRects(_ context:CGContext) {
var currentX:Float = borderWidth
let scale = (Float(self.frame.width) - 2 * borderWidth) / totalSum
for storageBarValue in storageBarValues {
let color = storageBarValue.color.cgColor
let height:CGFloat = self.height - 2 * CGFloat(borderWidth)
let rectangle = CGRect(x: CGFloat(currentX), y: CGFloat(borderWidth), width: CGFloat(storageBarValue.value * scale),height: height)
currentX += (storageBarValue.value * scale)
self.drawString(storageBarValue, rect: rectangle)
func drawString(_ storageBarValue:ROStorageBarValue, rect:CGRect) {
let fontTitle = UIFont(name: "Helvetica Bold", size: CGFloat(self.titleFontSize))
let fontValue = UIFont(name: "Helvetica Light", size: CGFloat(self.valueFontSize))
let textStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle.default.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableParagraphStyle
textStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignment.center
let textColor = UIColor.black
var amountOfLineBreaks:Int?
if displayTitle {
if let actualFont = fontTitle {
let textFontAttributes = [
NSFontAttributeName: actualFont,
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: textColor,
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: textStyle
let titleStringToDraw:NSString = NSString(string: storageBarValue.title)
let positionedTitleRect = CGRect(x: rect.origin.x, y: rect.origin.y + (self.height/2 - CGFloat(titleFontSize)), width: rect.width, height: rect.height)
let titleWidth = storageBarValue.title.count * (Int(titleFontSize/2)+1)
amountOfLineBreaks = Int(ceil(Float(titleWidth) / Float(rect.width)))
// Only display the title if there are less than 4 line breaks
if amountOfLineBreaks < 4 {
titleStringToDraw.draw(in: positionedTitleRect, withAttributes: textFontAttributes)
if displayValue {
if let actualFont = fontValue {
let textFontAttributes = [
NSFontAttributeName: actualFont,
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: textColor,
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: textStyle
// Amount of linebreaks the title will have
let lineBreaks = amountOfLineBreaks ?? ((displayTitle) ? 2 : 0)
let titleValuePadding = 2.0
// Depending on the amount of line breaks the title has we need to calculate an offset for the y position
let calculatedOffsetY = (self.height/2 - CGFloat(titleFontSize) + (CGFloat(lineBreaks) * CGFloat(titleFontSize + titleValuePadding)))
// Display the unit if its given
let unitOfValue = self.unit ?? ""
let valueStringToDraw:NSString = NSString(string: "\(numberFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: storageBarValue.value as Float))!) \(unitOfValue)")
let positionedValueRect = CGRect(x: rect.origin.x, y: rect.origin.y + calculatedOffsetY, width: rect.width, height: rect.height)
if lineBreaks < 4 {
valueStringToDraw.draw(in: positionedValueRect, withAttributes: textFontAttributes)
func drawCaption(_ context:CGContext) {
let offsetToBar:CGFloat = 10.0
let offsetToRectangle:CGFloat = 5.0
let offsetToTitle:CGFloat = 13.0
let widthText:CGFloat = 80.0
let heightText:CGFloat = 15.0
var posX:CGFloat = 0.0
let posY:CGFloat = self.height + offsetToBar
let sizeRect:CGFloat = 10.0
let offsetWidth:CGFloat = 100.0
// Font settings
let fontTitle = UIFont(name: "Helvetica Bold", size: CGFloat(self.titleFontSize))
let fontValue = UIFont(name: "Helvetica Light", size: CGFloat(self.valueFontSize))
let textStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle.default.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableParagraphStyle
textStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignment.left
let textColor = UIColor.black
for storageBarValue in storageBarValues {
let rectangle = CGRect(x: posX, y: posY, width: sizeRect, height: sizeRect)
// Title drawing
if let actualFont = fontTitle {
let textFontAttributes = [
NSFontAttributeName: actualFont,
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: textColor,
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: textStyle
let titleRect = CGRect(x: posX + sizeRect + offsetToRectangle, y: posY, width: widthText, height: heightText)
let titleStringToDraw:NSString = NSString(string: storageBarValue.title)
titleStringToDraw.draw(in: titleRect, withAttributes: textFontAttributes)
// Value drawing
if let actualFont = fontValue {
let textFontAttributes = [
NSFontAttributeName: actualFont,
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: textColor,
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: textStyle
let valueRect = CGRect(x: posX + sizeRect + offsetToRectangle, y: posY + offsetToTitle, width: widthText, height: heightText)
let unitOfValue = self.unit ?? ""
let valueStringToDraw:NSString = NSString(string: "\(numberFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: storageBarValue.value as Float))!) \(unitOfValue)")
valueStringToDraw.draw(in: valueRect, withAttributes: textFontAttributes)
posX += offsetWidth
open func add(_ value:Float, title:String, color:UIColor) {
storageBarValues.append(ROStorageBarValue(value: value, title: title, color: color))
self.totalSum += value
open func addStorageBarValue(_ storageBarValue:ROStorageBarValue) {
self.totalSum += storageBarValue.value
open func emptyStorageBar() {
self.storageBarValues.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
totalSum = 0
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Maud Cady Guthman Endowed Chair, Professor of Medicine and Bioengineering
Dr. Tzung K. Hsiai
Dr. Hsiai's research focuses on advanced imaging sensors to elucidate mechanotransduction underlying tissue injury and repair. Dr. Hsiai received his undergraduate education from Columbia University and his medical training from the University of Chicago. He completed his internship, residency and NIH-funded cardiovascular fellowship at UCLA School of Engineering and Medicine under the mentorship of Professor Chih-Ming Ho (Mechanical Engineering & Aerospace Engineering, Member of National Academy of Engineering). Dr. Hsiai was recruited to the University of Southern California Schools of Engineering and Medicine with an Early Career Endowed Chair. In 2014, he was recruited back to UCLA to promote team science, which led to the LA PRISMS Center (U54 EB022002) connecting UCLA Bioinformatics and Microbiome Research with USC’s Environmental Health Sciences Center. Dr. Hsiai directs the UCLA Cardiovascular Engineering and Light-Sheet Imaging Laboratory, which has established a track record of converging engineering with medicine through NIH-funded team science projects with partner institutions, Caltech (R01HL118650), Stanford (HL129727), USC (HL118650), and UC San Diego (HD069305).
Since joining UCLA in 2014, Dr. Hsiai has mentored numerous trainees at all levels and developed a peer-mentor system to match engineering trainees with physician-scientists . Trainees from his group have become leaders in academia (recipients of NSF CAREER, NIH R01’s and AHA SDG and CDA awards) and industry (Vice President, Edwards Lifesciences). His junior trainees have embarked on MD/PhD Programs at Caltech, Stanford, and Yale, while senior trainees have been recruited for tenure track positions, including Assistant Professor at University of Washington, Professor at the University of Science & Technology in China, Associate Professor at USC, Assistant Professor at UCLA, and Assistant Professor at UT Arlington/Southwestern. In collaboration with NHLBI Deputy Director, Michelle Bennett, Dr. Hsiai's team has promoted trainees to organize workshops on “Effective Collaboration & Diversity in Scientific Teams.”
As evidence of flexibility and adaptability to new research opportunities, Dr. Hsiai's research team has established expertise in multi-scale imaging; his team has developed 3-D electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to identify vulnerable plaque in vivo (in mice, rabbit, and swine models); and his group has collaborated with experts in vascular mechanobiology (UCSD), zebrafish biology (Duke), cardiac regeneration (Stanford), advanced imaging and sensing (Caltech), and Computational Fluid Dynamics (Stanford). One of his group's most creative projects has been integration of 4-D light-sheet imaging with zebrafish genetics to elucidate biomechanical forces underlying mechanotransduction and cardiac trabeculation (HL129727). As further evidence of thier flexibility and teamwork, they have collaborated with UCLA and USC environmental and nanoscience experts as well as the UCLA Microbiome Center to study the role of the microbiota-gut-vascular axis and exposure to ultrafine particles in atherosclerosis (ES029395).
Dr. Hsiai has served as the Chair of the American Physiological Society Joint Meeting with Biomedical Engineering Society, Chair of NIH 3-D printing study section, and member of AHA Scientific Planning Committee. He was elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation, Member of National Institutes of Health Bioengineering, Biotechnology, and Surgical Science Study Section, Fellow of American College of Cardiology, Fellow of American Heart Association, College Fellow of American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), and the recipient of an American Heart Association John J. Simpson Outstanding Research Achievement Award, USC School of Engineering Junior Faculty Research Award, Excellence in Teaching Award from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Greater Los Angeles VA Cardiology Fellowship Program, and UCLA SEAS Distinguished Young Alumnus Award.
The vision of Dr. Hsiai's cardiovascular engineering training program is 3-fold: 1) to inspire excellence in team science, 2) to empower trainees and up-and-coming faculty, and 3) to enrich community engagement. His group's mission is to bridge advances in multi-institutional and team science with education, discovery, community services, and patient care.
Dr. Yicheng Ding, PhD
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Peking University, China
B.S., Precision Instrument, Tsinghua University, China
Research Topic: Multi-scale Optical Imaging
Dr. Susana Cavallero, Ph.D
Assistant Project Scientist, Department of Medicine
Ph.D, Cardiovascular Pathophysiology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
B.S-M.S, Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
PharmD, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Research Topic: Vascular development and regeneration
Dr. Angela Lai, Ph.D
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ph.D, Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
B.S., Biomedical Engineering, Boston University
Research Topic: Multi-scale thrombosis/hemostasis and Microfluidics
Dr. Arthur Ko, Ph.D
Research Assitant
Ph.D, Molecular Biology, UCLA
B.C.S., Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Research Topic: Genetics and genomics
Ryan O’Donnell
Research Associate
B.S, Chemistry, Towson University, Baltimore, MD
M.S, Biology, American University, Washington, DC
M.S, Education, Pace University, New York, NY
Research Topic: Cardiomyopathy in zebrafish and rodents
Kyung In Baek
Post-Doctoral Scholar
B.S., Bioengineering, University of Utah
Research Topic: Vascular Repair
Parinaz Abiri
MD/PhD Candidate
PhD in Bioengineering at UCLA
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from UC Irvine
Summa Cum Laude, David Geffen UCLA MSTP Scholarship Recipient
Chih-Chiang Chang
PhD Candidate in Bioengineering
B.S.: Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
M.S.: Biomedical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Qinyu Cui, Ph.D
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ph.D, Eletrical engineering, University of Michigan
Research Topic: Wearable and flexiable sensors
Sandro Satta, Ph.D
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ph.D in Life Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
M.S., Molecular Biology, Summa cum Laude, University of Sassari, Italy
B.S., Biotechnology, University of Sassari, Italy
Research Topic: Shear stress and vascular protection
Cynthia Chen
PhD Student in Bioengineering
B.S, in Bioengineering, UCLA
Zhaoqiang Wang
PhD Student in Bioengineering
B.E, Optoelectronic Information, Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Mehrdad Roustaei
PhD Student in Bioengineering
B.S, Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology
M.S, Mechanical Engineering,Sharif University of Technology
Varun Gudapati
Medical student in DGSOM, UCLA
B.S, Biongineering, Duke
Hamed Bourenane, MD, MS
Master student in Bioengineering
3rd year cardiology resident in Rennes, France
Scott T. Meyer, BS
Medical student in DSOM, ULCA
B.S, Biongineering, Stanford
Alexander Shon Chen
David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
Graduate School of Business, Stanford UniversityYale University, BS, Computer Science
Dr. Rene Parkard, MD, Ph.D
Assistant Professor at UCLA Medical School
Ph.D., Cellular, Molecular and Integrative Physiology, UCLA
M.D., University of Geneva, Switzerland
B.S., College Voltaire Geneve, Switzerland
Jeff Hsu
PhD Candidate in Molecular, Celluler & Integrative Physiology, UCLA
PhD Student in Molecular, Celluler & Integrative Physiology, UCLA
UCLA School of Medicine Specialty Training And Advanced Research (STAR) fellow
M.S, Mechanical Engineering, MIT
B.S, Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Research Topic: Cardiac valve formation
Dr. Rongsong Li, PhD
Project Scientist and Adjunct Professors
Professor at Shenzhen Technology University
Ph.D., Biochemistry, Tuft University
M.S., Biochemistry, Shanghai Institute of Biochemisty
Chinese Academic of Science B.S., Biochemistry, Wuhan University, China
Juhyun Lee
Graduate Students and Post-doctorals
Assistant Professor at UT Arlinton
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California
B.S., Bioengineering, University of Utah
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship Awardee
Dr. Nelson Jen, PhD
Graduate Students and Post-doctorals
Research Director in Biotech
Ph.D., Bioengineering, UCLA
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California
B.S., Biomedical Engineering, UC Irvine
Dr. Tyler Beebe, PhD
Graduate Students and Post-doctorals
Biosense Webster, Johnson & Johnson
Ph.D., Bioengineering, UCLA
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California
B.S., Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California
Dr. Jianguo Ma, PhD
Graduate Students and Post-doctorals
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University
M.S., Acoustics, Shandong University, China
B.S., Physics, Shandong University, China
Dr. Peng Fei, Ph.D
Graduate Students and Post-doctorals
School of Optical and Electrical Information
Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China
Dr. Hung Cao, Ph.D
Graduate Students and Post-doctorals
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering, University of Washington
Amir Kaboodrangifaem
B.S. in Bioengineering, UCLA 2015
M.S. in Bioengineering, UCLA 2016
Bill Zhou, MSIII
Medical Student
B.S. in Bological Science, USC
Steve Zhou, MSII
Medical Student
B.S. Biomedical Engineering, USC 2014
MD Candidate, David Geffen School of Medicine 2019
USC Trustee Full Tuition Merit Scholar
W.V.T Rusch Engineering Honors
"Biomechanical Evaluation of Three Fixation Methods for Distal Fibula Fractures.” Currently under review.
UCLA Mobile Clinic Project Medical Coordinator
UCLA Geffenotes A Cappella President
Junjie Chen
PhD Student in Bioengineering
M.S, Bioengineering, UCLA
B.S, in Bioengineering, UCLA
Dr. Yunpeng Zhang, Ph.D
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ph.D, Physiology and Pathophysiology, Peking University, China
B.S, Physiology and Pathophysiology, Peking University, China
Research Topic: Single mRNA sequencing
Swarna Das
Undergraduate student in Bioengineering
Henry Phan
Undergraduate student in Human Biology & Society
Justin Chen
Undergraduate student in Bioengineering
Kimberly Uehisa
Undergraduate student in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics and Global Health minor
Nina Song
Undergraduate student in Chemistry and Biochemistry
Janice Chang
Undergraduate student in Bioengineering
Michael Chen
Undergraduate student in Bioengineering
Chadi Nahal
Undergraduate student in Bioengineering
Hilary Yen
Undergrad Student
Undergraduate student at UCLA major in Bioengineering
Jintian Lyu
Summer Intern
Department of Pharmacy, Peking University
Kevin Ma
Undergrad Student
Undergraduate student at UCLA major in Bioengineering
Jonathan Kao
Undergrad Student
Megan Chang
Undergrad Student
Biology and Music
Pomona College
Yi Qian
Visiting Scholar
Department of Cardiology, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Hongli Li, MD
Visiting Scholar
Chief Physician, Division of Cardiology, Shaghai General Hospital
Yunfei Deng, Ph.D
Visting Scolar
Department of Cardiology, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University
UCLA Atherosclerosis Research Unit
Mohammad Navab
Srinivasa Reddy
Alan Fogelman
UCLA Cardiovascular Research Laboratory
Thao P. Nguyen
James N. Weiss
UCLA Valvular and vascular Calcification
Linda L. Demer
Yin Titut
Kristina Bostrom
UCLA Clinical Nutrition
Zhaoping Li
California Institute of Technology
Y. C. Tai (MEMS)
Hyuck Choo (Optics)
Nal-Chang Yeh (Physics)
Stanford University
Alison L. Marsden (Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering)
University of Southern California
J C. C. Kuo (Electrical Engineering & Computer Science)
Kirk Shung , Qifa Zhou
(NIH Ultrasonic Transducer Resource Center)
University of California, San Diego
Neil Chi (Developmental Biology)
Yury Miller (Cardiology)
Fei Yu, PhD, Senior Engineer
Rebecca Gottlieb, PhD, Senior Director, Advanced Research
Walter Baxter, PhD, Principal Scientist
Edwards Lifesciences
Lisong Ai, PhD
Ming Wu(Senior Vice President for Research at Edwards Lifesciences)
Mayo Clinic
Xiaolei Xu, PhD
Director, Zebrafish Genetics Laboratory
Johnson & Johnson
Rajesh Pendekanti, PhD
Director, R&D @ Biosense Webster
Linda Narhi, PhD
Scientific Executive Director, Process Development; Amgen, Inc. |
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HARBOR SPRINGS — New principal for Shay and Blackbird elementary schools in Harbor Springs, Nathan Fairbanks, said kids looked at him all summer on the streets, as if trying to remember where they'd seen him last.
Where they had seen Fairbanks last was a big portrait of the 32-year-old they had signed at the end of last school year, welcoming the principal to his new schools. The portrait hung in the hallway of Shay Elementary.
"I've never seen something like that before," Fairbanks said, laughing.
Fairbanks, a Harrison native, attended Lake Superior State University, majoring in elementary education and general science. But when he and his then-fiancee, now wife, Elizabeth, graduated, there were no teaching jobs to be found in Michigan.
So the Fairbankses headed to Glendale, Ariz., where they were both hired. They lived and worked in the city for eight years, both obtaining master's degrees in educational technology in the process.
In Glendale, Nathan Fairbanks started as a seventh- and eighth-grade science teacher, a math and science achievement advisor, a science and technology coordinator for the district and lastly, wanting to work closer to a classroom again, as a co-assistant principal at an elementary school.
In each position, Fairbanks worked with math and science. So he is particularly excited about working with Harbor Springs's recently-passed technology bond.
"Getting technology into the hands of students is my primary focus," said Fairbanks. "Here, you can tell teachers are really looking to get technology into the hands of the students, to see how students are using it — not just to search the Internet, but as a production tool, using it to create."
Fairbanks said Harbor teachers are researching other school districts to see how they implement the use of technology, which will help the Harbor schools use their own technology bond.
"That's something you don't always see," he said.
In addition to experience with technology, Fairbanks will also bring experience working with a spectrum of children: Fairbanks' campus included 960 kids who spoke 34 different languages. On the campus was a refugee program, where children from all over the world acclimated to life in the United States.
Fairbanks and his wife, Elizabeth, moved back to the area in July to begin their jobs — Elizabeth Fairbanks as a 21st century coordinator for the Pellston school district. At Pellston, Elizabeth Fairbanks will coordinate after-school programs for the children at the elementary school.
Fairbanks, formerly Elizabeth Kloss, grew up in Harbor Springs, attending Blackbird Elementary and graduating from Harbor Springs Public Schools. They both say they feel lucky to have found positions in the area to which they wanted to return.
"We loved Arizona, but it was too far from our families," said Nathan Fairbanks. "But moving back to Michigan had to be on our terms: we had to be in the right area and place."
"We feel lucky to be back and part of the community," said Elizabeth Fairbanks. "We downhill ski, hike, cross country ski, things like that. We always knew we wanted to return to Northern Michigan."
Follow @MorganSherburne on Twitter. |
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Great River Industries Expanding In Natchez, Creating 20 Jobs
Jackson, Mississippi — November 12, 2019 — Industrial construction company Great River Industries is expanding its operations in Natchez to accommodate an increase in consumer demand. The project is a $3-million corporate investment and will create 20 jobs.
“Great River Industries’ prime location along the Mississippi River in Natchez allows the company unobstructed port access so its employees can quickly ship products to market, enabling the company to remain competitive in today’s demanding economy,” Gov. Phil Bryant said. “I appreciate the Great River team for once again creating jobs for the people of Adams County and for its continued confidence in our strong business environment.”
Great River Industries is a multifaceted company that specializes in fabricated steel plate products, including storage tanks and pressure vessels for industrial process markets. The company also produces ductwork and other major air quality control components for the power and energy industry. Great River Industries last expanded in 2014 by locating its corporate headquarters in Natchez and adding 12,000 square feet of manufacturing space.
“Through the help of the Mississippi Development Authority and Natchez, Inc., Great River Industries, LLC continues to grow and improve our facilities,” said Great River Industries Vice President of Operations Kevin Sullivan. “This latest expansion will create a competitive edge, allowing us to generate more business and growth. We look forward to what is to come.”
The Mississippi Development Authority is providing assistance for building improvements. Adams County is providing local property tax exemptions.
“Great River Industries’ skilled employees, coupled with Mississippi’s ideal business environment, have enabled the company to achieve its goals in our state while continuing to expand to fulfill a growing demand for its quality products,” said MDA Executive Director Glenn McCullough, Jr. “The teamwork of MDA, Natchez, Inc., the Adams County Board of Supervisors and Entergy was instrumental in bringing 20 new career opportunities to Mississippians in Adams County. This latest expansion is an economic development win for the company, local community and local economy, all of which will benefit from this expansion well into the future.”
Great River Industries currently employs 150 workers in Natchez. The company expects to complete its expansion by the third quarter of 2020. |
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: lorenzo
* Date: 10/11/14
* Time: 17.52
class currency_translatedChangeRatesFetcher extends currency_changeRatesFetcher {
* curl the service and store change rates in an instance variable
public function fetchChangeRates() {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, "www.translated.net/hts/matecat-endpoint.php?f=getChangeRates&cid=htsdemo&p=htsdemo5&of=json" );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5000 );
$output = json_decode( curl_exec( $ch ), true );
curl_close( $ch );
// {
// "code": 1,
// "EUR": "1",
// "USD": "1.1085",
// "JPY": "133.38",
// "BGN": "1.9558",
// ..... etc .....
// }
// if everything went fine (code=1), unset the "code" key before returning to the client
if ( $output[ "code" ] == 1 ) {
unset( $output[ "code" ] );
$this->changeRates = json_encode( $output );
} |
Quiz: Can You Name Every PFA Player Of The Season In The Premier League Era?
The PFA Awards will be given out this Sunday with Liverpool defender Virgil Van Dijk in line to win the award for the first time. He will become the first defender to win the award since 2005 with the attacking players often gaining the attention and the individual awards.
This award has been running since 1973-74, when Norman ‘Bite yer legs’ Hunter became the first winner for Leeds United. Since then, some of football’s greatest players have picked up this trophy including Kevin Keegan, Kenny Dalglish and Mark Hughes, before the Premier League began.
So we can see the calibre of player that have won the award in the past but who has picked it up since 1992 and the birth of the Premier League? We have got 27 years of winners for you to have a guess at, including a handful of players who have won the award more than once.
This year the award was between Raheem Sterling and Virgil Van Dijk. The destination of the Premier League title may have had a huge impact on who won this award but for some bizarre reason, the PFA make players vote with around ten games left of the season!
With Manchester City now looking likely to win the title, Raheem Sterling can feel hard done by after a spectacular individual season, on and off the pitch. However, Virgil van Dijk has taken Liverpool up a level and the fact they are even close to Man City at this stage of the season is a fine achievement. |
Sports Gun Market Set to Register healthy CAGR During 2020-2026
The Sports Gun the companies in making better informed decisions. The global additive manufacturing (Recruitment ) market is expected to reach US$29.24 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 25.68% in the duration spanning 2019-2023
The Sports Gun market research combines current status, percentage share, potential trends, rate of development, SWOT analysis, sales flow, to forecast synopsis of growth for years 2020-2025. It intends to prescribe a market analysis regarding growth trends, forecasts and the benefit to market growth of key players.
The major players operating in the market are American Outdoor Brands Corporation, Beretta Holding S.A., Browning Arms Company, Colt’s Manufacturing Company, LLC, Crosman Corporation, German Sport Guns GmbH, HOWA MACHINERY, LTD., J.G. ANSCH?TZ GmbH & Co.KG, OLYMPIC ARMS INC., and STURM, RUGER & COMPANY, INC.
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Sports Gun Market Executive Summary
1. Sports Gun Market Profile of Manufacturers
Key Players are evaluated on the basis of SWOT, its goods, production, value, financials and other important factors. leading players Thailand
Sports Gun Market Production by Region
The market research study represents and considered most of the major regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (includes Asia & Oceania separately), the Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Latin America.
Analytical Market Highlights & Approach
The Sports Gun market study presents the rigorously evaluated and approximate data of the key industry players and their impact on the market using multiple analytical instruments. The analytical matrixes such as SWOT, Porter’s five strengths, feasibility report, and ROI(Return on Analysis) evaluated the development of the market’s main players.
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Sports Gun Market Study Objective and Coverage:
It incorporates major companies, arising players, major business segments of Sports Gun market, number of years considered-forecast, and research objectives. Additionally, segmentation presents based on the type of product, application, and technology.
Key Strategic Developments in Sports Gun Market:
The research study involves the key vital activities such as Mergers Acquisitions, Research and development plans, new developments or product launches, collaborations, partnerships, and geographical growth of the key contestants operating in the market at a global and regional scale.
Key Market Features in Sports Gun Market:
The report highlights Sports Gun market features, including market share, CAGR, and gross margin, gross margins, consumption, import & export, revenue, weighted average regional price, capacity utilization rate, production rate, supply & demand, cost benchmarking.
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We have lots planned for our website, with exclusive content available only to subscribers, so stay in touch by setting your bookmark for homeshopmachinist.net! |
Rotterdam Spectrum's world premieres include new films by Miike, Diaz, Franco
The International Film Festival Rotterdam has unveiled the 72 features in its main Spectrum programme.
There are 16 world premieres in the section, including Takashi Miike’s Ace Attorney, a Japanese video game adaptation about a legal battle; Ian Olds & James Franco’s Francophrenia (or: Don’t Kill Me, I Know Where the Baby Is), a comedic psycho-thriller based on footage shot by Franco during the shooting of soap opera General Hospital; Lav Diaz’s Agonistes, the Myth of Nation, about two workers who leave a city in search of treasure; Pat Holden’s UK feature When the Lights Go Out about a Yorkshire family tormented by an evil spirit; French family drama The Rest of the World (Le reste du monde) by Damien Odoul; Italian director Davide Manuli’s The Legend of Kaspar Hauser [pictured], a post-modern Western starring Vincent Gallo; and Dutch documentary Peace Versus Justice by Klaartje Quirijns, about Uganda’s relationship with the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
Other Spectrum highlights will include awards season contenders The Descendants, Shame and A Dangerous Method; Bohdan Slama’s family drama Four Suns from the Czech Republic (also selected for Sundance); James Benning’s small roads from the US; another Diaz selection, meditative Century of Birthing; Rick Alverson’s The Comedy, about a New York hipster waiting for his inheritance; and three Latin American films supported by the Hubert Bals Fund: Claudio Assis’ Rat Fever; Matias Meyer’s Los ultimos cristeros, and Jose Luis Torres Leiva’s Verano.
The section also includes festival favourites such as Ruben Ostlund’s Play, Aki Kaurismaki’s Le Havre, Yorgos Lanthimos’ Alps, and Ann Hui’s A Simple Life.
As previously reported, IFFR opens Jan 25 with the world premiere of Lucas Belvaux’s 38 Witnesses, which is also in Spectrum.
The rest of the Rotterdam programme will be announced on Jan 19.
IFFR 2012 Spectrum
World premieres
Cornelia at Her Mirror (Cornelia frente al espejo), Daniel Rosenfeld, Argentina [Hubert Bals Fund (HBF) supported]
Roman Diary, Michael Pilz, Austria
Rua Aperana 52, Júlio Bressane, Brazil
Lacan Palestine, Mike Hoolboom, Canada
38 Witnesses (38 témoins), Lucas Belvaux, France, Belgium
The Rest of the World (Le reste du monde), Damien Odoul, France
The Blindfold, Garin Nugroho, Indonesia
The Legend of Kaspar Hauser (La leggenda di Kaspar Hauser), Davide Manuli, Italy
Ace Attorney, Miike Takashi, Japan
I’m Still Alive, Peter van Houten, Netherlands
Peace versus Justice, Klaartje Quirijns, Netherlands
Nick, Fow Pyng Hu, Netherlands
Agonistes, the Myth of Nation, Lav Diaz, Philippines [HBF]
When the Lights Went Out, Pat Holden, UK
A Shape of Error, Abigail Child, US-Italy
Francophrenia (or: Don’t Kill Me, I Know Where the Baby Is), Ian Olds, James Franco, US
International premieres
Rat Fever, Cláudio Assis, Brazil
Women on the Edge, Kobayashi Masahiro, Japan
Mondomanila, Khavn De La Cruz, Philippines, Germany [HBF]
A Woman’s Revenge (A vingança de uma mulher), Rita Azevedo Gomes, Portugal
Black Dove, Roh Gyeong-Tae, South Korea
Iceberg, Gabriel Velázquez, Spain
The Comedy, Rick Alverson, US
European premieres
The Hunter, Daniel Nettheim, Australia
Four Suns, Bohdan Sláma, Czech Republic
A Temple, Umesh Vinayak Kulkarni, India
Bunohan/Return to Murder, Dain Iskandar Said, Malaysia
The Last Christeros (Los últimos cristeros), Matías Meyer, Mexico-Netherlands [HBF]
Visiting Room, Alexandru Baciu & Radu Muntean, Romania
Punk in Africa, Keith Jones & Deon Maas, South Africa-Czech Republic
small roads, James Benning, US
Dutch premieres
Today I Felt no Fear (Hoy no tuve miedo), Iván Fund, Argentina
Way of Passion, Joerg Burger, Austria
The Giants (Les géants), Bouli Lanners, Belgium-France-Luxembourg
Story of My Hair (Histoire de mes cheveux), Boris Lehman, Belgium-Russia
Monsieur Lazhar, Philippe Falardeau, Canada
Summertime (Verano), José Luis Torres Leiva, Chile [HBF]
11 Flowers, Wang Xiaoshuai, China-France
Old Dog, Pema Tseden, China
Le Havre, Aki Kaurismäki, Finland
House of Tolerance (L’ Apollonide - Souvenirs de la maison close), Bertrand Bonello, France
Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell (Duch, le maître des forges de l’enfer), Rithy Panh, France
Dernière séance, Laurent Achard, France
Goodbye First Love (Un amour de jeunesse), Mia Hansen-Løve, France
A Better Life (Une vie meilleure), Cédric Kahn, France
Demain?, Christine Laurent, France, Portugal
Cracks In The Shell (Die Unsichtbare), Christian Schwochow, Germany
Unfair World, Filipos Tsitos, Greece, Germany
Alps, Yorgos Lanthimos, Greece
A Simple Life, Ann Hui, Hong Kong
I Wish, Kore-eda Hirokazu, Japan
Goodbye, Mohammad Rasoulof, Iran [HBF]
Kotoko, Tsukamoto Shinya, Japan
Miss Bala, Gerardo Naranjo Gonzalez, Mexico
Shock Head Soul, Simon Pummell, Netherlands-UK
Buenas noches, España, Raya Martin, Philippines-Spain
Century of Birthing, Lav Diaz, Philippines
Heart’s Boomerang, Nikolay Khomeriki, Russia
Tatsumi, Eric Khoo, Singapore
Stateless Things, Kim Kyung-Mook, South Korea
The Day He Arrives, Hong Sang-Soo, South Korea
The Names of Christ (Els noms de Crist), Albert Serra, Spain
The Clay Diaries (El cuaderno de barro), Isaki Lacuesta, Spain-Switzerland
Double Steps (Los pasos dobles), Isaki Lacuesta, Spain-Switzerland
Futures Market (Mercado de futures), Mercedes Alvarez, Spain
Play, Ruben Östlund, Sweden, France, Denmark
Patience (After Sebald), Grant Gee, UK
A Dangerous Method, David Cronenberg, UK-France-Ireland-Germany-Canada
Wuthering Heights, Andrea Arnold, UK
The Loneliest Planet, Julia Loktev, US-Germany
The Descendants, Alexander Payne, US
Damsels in Distress, Whit Stillman, US
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I sold my house a week ago today. I didn't do much but pack, move, rent U-hauls and deal with a thousand other logistics for the week leading up to the sale and for the week since then.
There was some concern settlement wasn't going to happen on time because the appraisal report had not yet come through on Monday morning. I was relieved for the extra time. I thought I had prepared everything really well to get it all done on time. But moves never go as we anticipate or hope.
After renting three separate U-hauls as a result of my ridiculous need to keep clutter, I finally was out of the house with the kayak and last load in the U-haul. It was 11 p.m. Tuesday evening, and I was grateful to the new owner for his willingness to let me have a little extra time to get it all out of the house.
A week earlier I took photos of the items I decided I wouldn't need in an RV, weren't worth paying to put into storage, or I wouldn't need on the other side of this journey. Things like a lawnmower, washer, dryer, and 24 foot extension ladder seemed silly to put into storage. I could always replace them should the time come again when I need them, although I have to say I hope I don't ever need a lawnmower again (I surprisingly detested that chore even though I do enjoy having a yard).
I made a nice chunk of change at that sale, with a portion of that being a result of my friend and sorority sister, Mary's, talents for selling items. She even sold a bag of pens out of my old laptop bag for 50 cents! The money I made was just enough to pay for the moving truck/movers, the U-hauls moving everything up to storage in Fort Collins and gas I was putting into my vehicle for all of the running around.
The movers were coming the next day. They were shocked when they walked into the house and saw it was empty. They asked where was everything they were moving. I had purged a lot.
The two efficient and pleasant guys from Two Men and a Truck carefully move furniture from my house to storage. They both mentioned they were jealous of my forthcoming plans to live on the road.
The living room furniture was gone. The dogs and cats had done a number on the leather, including removing a cushion in the sofa, putting holes in the love seat and scratching up the chair. Surprisingly I sold the love seat and chair to a neighbor who needed a quick option for a new apartment, and, thanks again to Mary's sales tactics, it was advertised as pet and kid friendly! Too funny.
I had moved my office furniture a few nights earlier. Probably should not have done that on my own because I threw my back out moving the boxes of file folders. Dang need for saving receipts for the business.
I was down to two beds, one set of dressers, some lamps, my den furniture and TV, a few bookshelves, and the family antiques. I thought for sure I had purged enough to stay within my budget and goal of no more than one 10 x 15 storage unit. The movers were optimistic until the stuff - and that is what I am lovingly referring to the items now packed into a steel box - started to fill up the truck pretty quickly.
I tried very hard to relieve myself of the items holding sentimental value. There was a lot of that in the house. The last time I moved I had just cleaned out Aeric's place two months earlier, and I was in the process of sorting through my Dad's items with my sister and Verna. I had not done a very good job of identifying the items I really wanted to keep from the two important men in my life who passed away within three months of each other. Everything had some memory attached to it, and with the feelings still so fresh when I moved in to this house in February 2013, I just couldn't go through it all without getting upset, emotional, and sentimental.
It was now 2 and 1/2 years later. The feelings are no where near as fresh but the feelings still hover below the surface. But I was able to get through some of it, until I started to run out of time.
So that extra day or two for pushing back settlement was a nice reprieve, until my realtor texted late Monday afternoon saying that although she was shocked it happened, the paperwork did happen. We were going to settlement in less than 15 hours.
"Ruh roh, Scooby!"
I looked around and said, "I can do this."
Well, at three a.m. I was still going at it. My office was not finished - all those dang papers I seem to keep in my office - all those ideas I have - and my garage had now become the dumping ground for all the things I didn't know what to do with. Settlement was now in less than seven hours.
Thankfully I gave in and reserved a second storage unit - a 5 x 10 - two days earlier when it looked like the movers wouldn't be able to stuff it all on the 10 x 15 box. It came in handy to quickly move things out of the house. I'll have to go through that someday, however, and hopefully sooner than later.
There was one last item to take care of before heading to settlement. I had one mattress set that I kept in the house rather than have the movers put in storage. My wonderful huskies had some fun with pulling the stuffing out of the pillow top over the years so there wasn't much point in saving it. But the mattress came in handy for those last couple of nights in the house without furniture.
My trash company wasn't known for picking up anything bulky without an extra fee and weeks of advance notice. A neighbor said her trash company took anything they put out so I could add it to their trash pile, which happened to be that morning.
Have you ever tried to move a queen-sized mattress on your own? It isn't an easy feat. But I discovered a technique to get it down the block to my neighbor's trash pile - roll it down the street! Another neighbor was walking his dog. I heard him chuckling. I asked him if it was really the first time he had ever seen someone flip a mattress down the street. He said it was a first and proceeded to help me carry it.
So, at a little after 10 a.m. on Tuesday, September 1, 2015, I officially became one of those folks that no longer owned a traditional home. Although my plans were to be in the RV and on the road by September 4, logistics and unexpected changes delayed that start.
My life has been stuffed into a 10 x 15 foot steel box in east-central Fort Collins, Colo. Other than the bike that will travel with me, the filing of papers in the file drawers, and the photo print supplies on the shelf for the occasional art show, I don't anticipate having a need for anything in this storage unit until I am ready to move off wheels and back into a traditional home in some un-set time from now. |
Related Features
The global nappies/diapers/pants market currently stands at $30 billion, registering almost 8% value growth in 2008. Nappies/diapers/pants is the largest of all hygiene product sectors in terms of value and is the second largest sector in disposable paper products, following toilet paper. In terms of value growth, nappies/diapers/pants put in the second best performance in disposable paper products in 2008, with only the much smaller incontinence products sector growing more quickly. This continued growth reflects the fact that these products have established themselves as essential items offering very tangible benefits for which consumers the world over are willing to pay a premium.
Emerging Markets Act as Driving Force for Global Growth
While the sector as a whole registered impressive growth in 2008, there was a marked difference in performance at the regional level. The mature markets of Western Europe, North America and Australasia registered value growth well below the sector level, with Western Europe recording the lowest level of growth at 2%. In contrast, emerging regions, with the exception of Latin America (which saw value growth of 7%) registered growth well above the sector level, with Eastern Europe the strongest at 20%, according to Euromonitor International.
Demographics play a large part in this regional divide. While birth rates are slowing in many of the mature markets of the West, the opposite is true in many emerging markets. While rising birth rates grow, developing retail structures are also making products more readily available to a wider audience. In addition to these demographic factors, in countries such as Romania and Nigeria, which registered 26% and 17% value growth, respectively, more women are entering the workforce and require the increased convenience offered by a disposable diaper, and are also more readily able to afford them. These complementary factors serve to create the ideal circumstances for the sector to flourish, driving global growth despite the less favorable conditions present in developed markets.
Newborn Diapers Register Biggest Gains
As a result of the demographic factors driving the sector, newborn nappies/diapers was the best performer at the global level in 2008 with growth of 11% to take the category to $5 billion. As would be expected, the markets of Eastern Europe and Asia-Pacific registered the largest gains for the category, well above the global average. Standard nappies, however, continue to dominate the sector in terms of size, reaching $12 billion in 2008. At a global level, disposable pants remains something of a niche, registering the lowest level of growth and remaining the smallest category in the sector, at $4 billion. The category remains out of reach for many consumers, and largely used by parents able to afford newer, more sophisticated, higher-priced products, meaning growth is limited in many emerging markets.
Procter & Gamble Dominates While Private Label Suffers
According to Euromonitor, Procter & Gamble dominates nappies/diapers/pants on a global scale, with almost 36% of the market, the majority coming from sales of its Pampers brand. Kimberly-Clark is the company’s biggest challenger and commands 26% of the market. Uni-Charm takes third place with 5%, followed by SCA with a 3% share. The top three players all managed to gain share in 2008, largely as a result of their continued efforts to grow their presence in emerging markets–Procter & Gamble announced it was investing $19 million in its first diaper production plant in South Africa, while Uni-Charm expanded into South Africa through the acquisition of DSG and began construction of its first manufacturing plant in Russia.
The nappies/diapers/pants sector is generally more resistant to private label than other disposable paper product categories and, despite the difficult economic climate, 2008 proved to be no exception. The sector experienced the biggest fall in private label share of any disposable paper product, dropping to 8.6%. Consumers the world over are alike in that they prioritize the well-being of their babies over monetary concerns. In emerging markets, campaigns such as Procter & Gamble’s Pampers Mobile Clinic in Nigeria and a vaccination program in Kenya run in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, stress to entry-level consumers that branded products are the best quality option for the well-being of their children. These campaigns are intended to ensure that consumers buy a branded product as soon as they are financially able to enter the sector and create a long-lasting brand loyalty that will endure as the retail system develops and private label products become more readily available.
Procter & Gamble Innovation Challenges Private Label
Despite the threat of private label products taking share from major players being relatively low in nappies/diapers/pants, the global economic crisis prompted Procter & Gamble to experiment with extending its product range in Western Europe towards the lower end of the price scale. During 2009, the company launched Pampers Simply Dry, indicating that it takes the threat of private label seriously. The value variant, which promised “Pampers quality at a price mums can afford,” was the company’s direct challenge to private label products and was aimed at allowing consumers to trade down but remain within the brand. The move attracted much attention, but, despite the continuing difficult economic climate in the UK, no other major players have seen fit to follow suit and launch value variants in developed markets as yet. Instead, manufacturers have opted to continue with premium added-value launches, implementing discounting and bigger pack sizes to combat the private label threat.
Kimberly-Clark is First for The Environment
In terms of innovation, perhaps the most significant launch of late has been Kimberly-Clark’s Huggies Pure & Natural, launched in the U.S. in April 2009, and priced at a 15% premium over standard products. The product is hypoallergenic, latex and fragrance free and features a breathable outer cover that includes organic cotton. Although environmental concerns have to a certain extent taken a back seat in terms of driving consumer purchases during the economic downturn, they are sure to grow in importance once again when the economy recovers, particularly in this sector given the amount of negative attention being focused on nappies being disposed of in landfill sites. By being the first mainstream manufacturer to market an environmentally-friendly diaper, Kimberly-Clark is in a prime position to capitalize when green concerns return to the fore. In addition to this, another environmental first for Kimberly-Clark was its sponsorship of New Zealand’s first disposable diaper composting facility in August.
While Kimberly-Clark has taken the biggest leap with regard to environmental innovation, rival mainstream manufacturers have also launched products that make claims with regard to the environment. Uni-Charm’s Moony Man Slim Pants, launched recently in Japan, are available in half the thickness of standard disposable pants and promoted on the basis of their lower-than-average carbon footprint. Procter & Gamble, meanwhile, revealed in late 2009 that it has developed a yet-to-be-launched 20% thinner diaper as part of its Future Friendly sustainability commitment.
Daio and SCA try Out New Products
In terms of other innovation, Japan’s Daio Paper launched two products in 2008 that might be indicators of the sector’s future development. Goon Premium Tenshi no Ubugi is impregnated with vitamin E for skin softness and a more comfortable backsheet, while Goon Training Pants change temperature and become cool on contact with urine, thus alerting the baby. The pants also feature a “notice sign” that turns from yellow to blue and are available in variants for boys and girls. A product in a similar vein came from SCA in the form of Libero Potty Training Pants, launched recently in Sweden, which are targeted at infants who have started potty training. The pants feel wet and are aimed at helping children to stop using nappies/diapers/pants. Although the product has yet to generate large sales, the popularity of such products is expected to increase as awareness of the benefits of potty training pants increases among parents. A more premium innovation from SCA was its Libero Spring Collection range, which features diapers designed by young Swedish designers. The range was only available during the spring and was targeted at fashion-oriented parents.
Emerging Markets Come Further to the Fore
According to Euromonitor International, the nappies/
diapers/pants sector is predicted to rise 5% per year to 2013 to reach $37 billion, with emerging markets continuing to be the drivers of growth and offering real potential to manufacturers. While the U.S. currently remains the largest market for nappies/diapers/pants, standing at $5 billion, it is growing at a slower rate than both China and Russia and will continue to do so. Although the U.S. is likely to remain the world’s major market until at least midway through the next decade, China in particular is quickly closing the gap. While China and Russia will continue as global growth drivers, South Africa, India, Indonesia and Nigeria, which all have high birth rates combined with fast developing retail systems and low per capita spending, are expected to perform strongly throughout the forecast period, again developing into greater forces.
To find success in these markets manufacturers will need to initially offer diapers across the price spectrum, with more premium products targeted at the urban elite and cheaper, more basic products aimed at expanding the rural market. Over the longer term, continued development of the sector will no doubt follow along the lines of innovation seen in the West, with manufacturers expanding their ranges to include wipes and washes.
Corinne Gangloff, Freedonia Group||March 11, 2013The U.S. will remain a large market for various consumer products due to favorable demographics, and manufacturing of these products will likely remain near the point of demand. |
Gig ReviewsAzealia Banks, The Enmore Theatre – 06/03/2013Written by Kristie Nicolas on March 8, 2013If I had to describe rapper Azealia Banks in four words I’d have to go with “tiny stature, big attitude”. That’s not to say that Azealia Banks has attitude in a bad way, although if you’ve read anything about her in the press, you’re more than aware of her knack for rubbing people the wrong way by speaking her mind. I mean more so in the sense that she makes her enormous presence felt despite her compact sizing. This was obvious on Wednesday, 6th March in Sydney as Banks took to the stage at The Enmore Theatre wearing little more than a fabulously long weave, short shorts and a crop top highlighted by flashing lights.The backdrop projection of a galaxy certainly felt like a perfect fit for Banks’s out-of-this-world persona and energy as she arrived on stage with her two dancers and had the crowd in a frenzy. Her flow was tight when she rapped and she easily captivated with her self-assured character and sass. As she ran through crowd-pleasing hit after hit, from Liquorice to the infamous Harlem Shake, she had me sure that she was some unreal, foreign being from a far-off planet – and I loved that about her. However, one aspect of the show that let Banks down was when she attempted to sing. Everyone has a weakness, and this was surely hers. Not that the crowd noticed or cared – they were here for a good time and Banks was here to deliver just that to them. This was a show that you came to experience for the pure fun of it. The tone of the night was like you when were given a giant rainbow lollipop and free reign of the playground as a child: dance as much as you can dance and try your best to keep up with Banks’s frenzied pace.testJust as swiftly as the show had begun and captured us, it was over – Banks ended the night on 212 and then she was gone. The show was like a hurricane that had come into our lives, taken us for a crazy spin in its all-encompassing whirlwind and then left us to put the pieces of ourselves back together again afterward. 05ed597b515b8196f4132ca20f7d8293 06f9fdaf3abbf2316574b59de8ec44c0 0908de8b2fd513f5d200d1dd62e3c4de 0dc23e91254f1eed97c4b14cb068b97f 0ea2d5fca926626225c3e5990d57d8d8 18fcf9eb7624b3dd88e7a79c10b8515e 19f09812196ef0c252ca2f4423ea6f21 27932a748e26c6267a719938958912e5 3444b7c96a32339f2cbc2ba91a209231 3784f572b8d1c80dae6dfcb84a2af5aa 3eeb0d95402ccaf77809bc60c468ade5 488f011db05d86aaa1b48f6579a9948d 4f90ea0c78980feeccedf8b265b6b72e 558eeeae96a8f99d4f514fe3633a453a 573a8cc4b7ad0f09fc3f9d2f3df81f17 656a716e8ec4d63427278481857be5d7 79a5d3d8d24da625f41718cc3e3c973a 7a8c67d4eba94cf45991bba8461e1d7f 7b26e165db957e4f9f1ff3e7cd7bd2ee 83e9b357cb0f8f0576545b0259e65379 8cd6dc5d4ac7ab72730cf7515a4da835 8ffabf4ce5b4b88909eb5627b1365ef7 9720124b67cc9fe8d23565411a2cbd06 97ff16252e2a765ada9e9d31c2384af4 9acec974a5fd2ac98fe963896dd66d27 9b378da41f277749b7c825e41a9109ba 9b3d382742cab42a2682421de123fde3 9f11a667dfae079a8ebcb20603bded64 ae649ed9af843825f2ced5ccdd5cdef6 aea253fb992dc2747e2450d1fec7b357 b0c1bb6b7e9c49571e0ea1f9cdfc1e2a b57627383de3f16c0b8db2736ca787f5 b9d29ceb9445aae46cbddb531ebbbd2a bb57f235c765ab383981728a7a7f2d66 c0f3a0ce7b9ad0ab3127b674d161fbb4 c6249187b42d0d7cb8a73f8503ebb407 c74f5d81f1685d425ad3d08149bc5a46 d1a36b60b8119c0ca707949c833d4ff8 d92dc5f9b04b6897ce8dd995a5423e29 dbe5e0517cff70c29b26a1edfffb2881 dcac7d73b684e7257b653276491d3804 e99ba54d3e23d632739f8beab71c1d5b eeb2acf6ea0bb6b1d2dd0588f94a50ef f242deadf67e823bdc415b9578d1738d f315beb4af58073d299baf0ead4f9b6d f3b6cec8378041d570f97bd28a59f4b8 f661c401c8d40c7eef31f70f25ab4a46 f7a83f71acd40fbf142af8d6ec257b43 fa98c966aff77d92dbe172145ea7abd2 fc8d6cfdae7ebff9b56e0390984ad24a |
Processing results from multiple tables - is there a faster way?
I'm just trying to improve my Database structure in order to avoid getting cloned results
My tables sits it one Database and looks like this:
`Intelligence` INTEGER NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE `Equipment` (
It is a plugin designed for a Counter Strike server. It introduces some extra functionalities such as choosing own class, receiving equipment which gives extra powers, leveling system etc etc. I need to get almost all of the data stored there. The problem is, the amount of Equipment of each player is not known. Therefore, i have to figure out how to get these informations as optimal as i can.
For now, my query looks like this:
SELECT DISTINCT Players.SteamID,Players.Nick,Players.KlanID,Players.Money,Players.Kills,Players.Deaths,Players.Score,Players.PayOrNot,Players.IsNew,Players.HUDMode,Players.HUDColors,Players.HUDPoz1,Players.HUDPoz2,
FROM Players
INNER JOIN Equipment ON Players.UserID = Equipment.UserID
INNER JOIN Classes ON Equipment.UserID = Classes.UserID
WHERE Players.UserID=%d
Here are some sample results
(don't be scared by some of the words out there - I come originally from Poland. The things needed has beed translated and highlighted)
Every time map changes, each player has to receive this data + there might be some new ones throughout the map.
As you can see, there are some field copies due to the INNER JOIN nature. Luckily, I am able to process the results, because i know the number of classes, so i get the Equipment from [row % number_of_classes] rows and Classes from [row < number_of_classes] rows. However, i feel it could be done better. I was thinking about getting results from each query separately, but it would triple the number of queries. Maybe I have to rebuild the whole SQL structure? Or maybe this is the best way to do so?
The output of a single query has the form of a table, i.e., it has a fixed number of columns, and a certain number of rows.
If you want to get your data with a single query, you have no choice but to arrange it so that is has tabular form. When joining, this often results in duplicates.
But there is no reason to use a single query. SQLite has no client/server communication overhead, so many small queries are just as efficient.
And he has made the Bible more precious than I could have thought possible.
Today marks the 500th post on The Works of God since we started in September 2009. Given what we imagined as a blog on disability ministry back in 2008 (on an entirely different blog platform), I find that amazing. And there are still books to be read, journals critiqued, ministries encouraged, and scriptures explored.
If you are new to this blog, this is the boy who God uses to keep me dependent on him. Paul sang this song following the Easter service in April 2010. He is 14 years old in this video:
Over the past several months, he has been plagued by mysterious, seizure-like episodes that have discouraged these spontaneous expressions of praise. God has helped us through these hard months, and we continue to pray for answers.
But Saturday we were given a little gift of the old singing:
Paul is a gift. So are all the other children and adults with disabilities God has given to his church. The world needs to know that.
We’ll keep telling that story until we run out of things to say. It might be a while.
To God be the glory. Great things he has done!
Praise God! These posts have become a part of my morning routine. Such encouragement your family is to mine. Looking forward to the next 500!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by John Knight, greg lucas. greg lucas said: RT @johnpknight: 500 Posts and Counting […]
Thanks for allowing us to walk alongside your family in this journey and for sharing a glimpse of Paul with us through your posts. I started writing after reading your blog..thanks for inspiring me to tell our story as well.
God story of faithfulness has no end…keep telling it! I look forward to reading each morning!
Praise the Lord! This Paul is always so blessed by your Paul!
Thanks for posting the videos, John.
Congrats on 500 posts! I am so glad I found this site a couple of months ago. It has truly been a blessing. Thank you.
Wow. God is good. All the time. Almost brought tears to my eyes. Wow.
I have a 3 year old autistic son. He is beautiful and special. I know there’s a reason God chose me to be his mommy. Its hard. Very hard but God is still my hope.
Nothing “almost” about the tears in my eyes…
Beautiful clear voice and the purest praise.
What a blessing!
Thanks for your post and ministry. As someone who grew up with and still has Tourette Syndrome, ADD, and dyslexia, I can appreciate first hand the value of your ministry and God blessing your lives.
Keep the faith. Persevere. All things are possible. Be encouraged.
Praise God also that He gave Paul parents like you! Thank you for loving him and letting him feel the love of Jesus.
I got to spend time with Paul when I worked in nursery. He truly is one of a kind. You are blessed.
what a cool talented young man Paul is- i am truly inspired… i had a sister who passed away at 11 days- if she were to have lived- she would have had down syndrome- i have always had a heart for such special kids- whatever their uniqueness… thank you for reminding me of my call to love on those God created so special….
There are children that are amazing and if they get healed wont have the special amazing gifts. You are talking about all these strange things that are happening. Septo Optic Hypoplasia. It has all these and other signs. Good luck and we will be praying for you..
What an absolutely perfect way to celebrate 500 posts. When there are hardly words to express such a wide range of emotions, let us simply praise Him! Thank you, John and Diane, for taking us to Jesus through your story and these posts which are part of my daily routine. Thank you, Paul, for leading us in worship. Thank You, Lord, for never letting us get too comfortable.
[…] John Knight: Back. […]
Praise the Lord of wonders! I help lead worship and never have I heard more beautiful worship than your son Paul singing that song, never a more beautiful song have I heard. I will be praying for your ministry and for your son, and I hope and pray that God will continue to prove His faithfulness to you through your son. Blessings.
I wish there could be studies on kids with disabilities that were raised in families that loved Jesus as compared with kids with disabilities that were not raised in families that loved Jesus. I imagine there would be quite a difference. Thank you for posting those precious videos. I am definitely going to be sharing this post with friends whose kids have disabilities.
Also, have you heard of Sho Baraka? He’s a reformed hip hop artist. Well, his son has autism and I thought you & your blog followers might be interested in what he has to say about parenting him. here’s the vimeo link:
Thanks for the gift of your friendship and encouragement. I am so thankful that I know Paul and his great family! You help keep my focus on Christ.
Thanks for your blogs. I enjoy reading them and pray for you and Paul. I am glad we have gotten to know you too.
thanks for your writing. As a mom with a child with multiple disabilities I appreciate your ability to put your heart on paper. I was excited to check your link on disability ministry b/c we want that, but don’t know what it should look like. Most people w/ children w/ disabilities don’t do to church b/c it’s one more place to battle a whole new group of people. I want to help change that, but haven’t seen it done. Your link was empty like ours. I’d like to hear about anything you do at such a large church since your last event was dated in 2009. thanks for the videos:)
His songs are beautiful, John. Thank you for sharing with us.
[…] 500-posts-and-counting Uncategorized ← Sad story LikeBe the first to like this post. […]
Wow! Thank you for being so faithful to start this blog. I am always blessed and encouraged for my walk with my daughter, but not just our new world of disability, but also the walk of faith. Your blog drives me to believe the goodness of our great God. And somehow he will be our strength and carry us through. Thank you for your faithfulness. By the way I think I love both those versions of those songs more than any version I have heard.
So very thankful for you and Pauly.
[…] 500 Posts and Counting Back in 1995, God gave Dianne and me a boy who is different than any other boy I’ve ever heard of. I mean that […] […]
Just discovered your site from a tweet from John Piper. Paul’s lovely singing reminds me of my own son’s spontaneous singing. He is 9 and autistic. He is highly functioning, but language came slow. When he was about 6 he wanted some ketchup for something he was eating and made up a song while I was getting it for him. It went:
Let’s “ketchup” this world
Let’s “ketchup” this world
Let’s get into heaven and everything will be fine
Let’s get into heaven
Let’s get into heaven
I have no doubt he may have literally meant to get everyone some ketchup, but I loved how ketchup can be interpreted “catch up.” Priceless!
Thanks for the 500 ways you have loved and encouraged our family.
What a beautiful voice. What a blessing his singing is!
I am so very blessed to have found your blog via John Piper’s tweet. I will be praying and checking back often as I have been greatly encouraged by your posts and by Paul’s sweet praises to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May He continue to use Paul and you for His glory and to bring many to the throneroom of grace.
What a blessing! Thank you for sharing your son’s gift of praise with all of us!
10,000 blessings to you.
[…] also marks the 1,000th post at The Works of God. Ironically, 500 Posts and Counting is still the most-viewed post in our 3+ year […] |
Visit this page often to see what workshops are on from our suppliers in your area.
Yates and Co Studio – Colour Passion Resin Art Workshop Mandurah
Learn basic techniques and Create your own masterpiece in our workshop held at the Yates and Co Falcon Studio.
We will provide you a live demonstration with time to ask questions and guidance during your creation of your masterpiece. Everything is provided including a custom made and primed 50cm size Art Board
Cheese and Sparkling Wine to celebrate your achievement while you admire your works.
Art works created are yours to take home the next day (Resin Art will need 24hrs to cure)
Not recommended for children under 18 or pregnant women.
For bookings or further information please visit us at
Kym Gow Art Studio – Colour Passion Resin Art Workshop Hamilton Hill
Kym offers hands on Colour Passion Resin Art Workshops with a maximum of 4 to a workshop to give individual attention.
You will learn how to and be guided to create your very own Masterpiece! Everything is provided including a custom made and primed 50cm size Art Board.
You just need to book and come along for a 2 hour session of fun in a supportive group. Cost is $140 inclusive of everything.
The workshops are offered on a Saturday morning at 10.30am or 5pm on a Tuesday (or arrangements can be made for a week night to suit)
Bookings are essential – under workshops. |
Tag Archives: SR222 Italy
Straight out of the parking lot of the rent a car at Florence airport, we drove with the assistance of HERE Maps mobile app to our final destination for the day, hotel ‘Il Garibaldi’ at San Quirico d’Orcia. It is a 130km drive, through the E35 highway, SR222 & SR2. The E35 highway runs from Amsterdam to Rome and SR refers to Strada Regionale or regional road. The usage of E35 will incur toll while the SR222 & SR2 has no toll. Both the E & SR are left hand drive, the E being a dual carriageway whilst the SR is single carriageway (at some point a little narrow). Sad to say, the SR has few spots you can park to enjoy the beautiful and breathtaking views of the Tuscan countryside as it basically has no road shoulder. That being said, you just have to register the views to your memory instead of your SD card.
Malaysian drivers would require an International Driving Permit to drive in Italy. The IDP cost RM150 valid for 1 year that covers many other countries as well. You can apply for an IDP at your JPJ office by filling a simple form. You need to produce your driving licence (valid for another 1 year), ID & 2 copies of passport size photo. The IDP is issued on the spot and is a 5 minutes process but waiting for your queue number to be called, is entirely a different matter.
We have no specific itineraries for our road trip, but just to drive and take in the Tuscan views as what we have seen in TV, magazines and internet. Naturally visiting the Tuscan region at different time of the year, you will see different vegetation but by mid April the Tuscan is already green.
So, is Tuscany a town? Italy is composed of 20 regions, Tuscany is one of them. Tuscany is made up of ten provinces i.e. Florence, Arezzo, Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca, Massa Carrara, Pisa, Pistoia, Prato and Siena. It is in central Italy with a land area of about 23,000 square kilometres and a population of about 3.8 million. In Italian, Tuscany is Toscana and its capital is Florence. Though Tuscany is referred as a region in Italy, it is equivalent to a state elsewhere.
Tuscany is famous for its picturesque landscapes, medieval villages, historical towns, castles, churches and abbeys. It is famous for its wine and the wine growing region of Chianti is in Tuscany. Whilst we took numerous pictures, some of it we are not sure of its location. So, excuse us if the pictures has no caption.
Definitely on SR222 as stated on the board.
Another section of SR222. Narrow road with little opportunity to park by the road shoulder.
Day 1 of our Tuscany Road trip from Florence to San Quirico d’Orcia. Click to enlarge.
Hillside view. Location : La Presura.
Farmhouse in vineyard. Location : Chiocchio
Entrane to Castello Vicchiomaggio at Le Bolle. An upscale hotel with infinity pool.
Location : La Bolle.
Location : La Bolle.
Fattoria Montagliari is a small family owned and run farm producing wine. Location : Greve in Chianti.
On the hilltop by SR222 overlooking Montagliari.
Same spot above, different area.
Vineyard by the roadside. Location : Panzano.
Unknown location.
This most photographed cypress trees is just off the SR2 after a bridge on your right. About 9km heading into San Quirico d’Orcia town.
San Quirico d’Orcia seen from behind our hotel.
We started our drive from Florence airport at 10:30 and reached our hotel ‘II Garibaldi’ in San Quirico d’Orcia at 16:40. Once checked-in, we did an evening drive as indicated in the map below. We back tracked onto SR2 and then onto SP137 (Strada Provinciale abbreviated as SP meaning provincial road) until we reached the village of Torrenieri 7.5kms away. Along the route, you will be rewarded with beautiful country side views. If you are not intending to venture further than San Quirico, this route itself is worth the drive. This route do not incur tolls.
From the village, we then drove onto SP14 which leads us back onto SR2 which earlier we were on it coming from Florence. On this SR2, 4km before reaching San Quirico, on your right after crossing a bridge, you will see the famed spot of Cypress trees (photo above & below) is located. There is space after the bridge on the road shoulder for 4-5 cars to park.
Our route map around San Quirico d’Orcia. That famed spot for cypress trees is marked. Click to enlarge map. |
This. The passage is atmospheric and mysterious, as if the reader too were awaiting the arrival of the unknown Mr Hyde. There are many sensory elements in this section of text, with sights and sounds vividly conveyed. Knowing Mr Enfield’s account of his own first glimpse of Mr Hyde adds a sense of unease, although Utterson does not betray any sign of fear.
Always read the passage through more than once before you begin writing your answer.
This habit gives you the opportunity to notice different details and aspects of the passage. On the first reading, try to gain a general understanding of the extract, especially thinking of ways in which its details relate to the question you will be answering. When reading for the second time, make detailed notes and annotations, remembering to sketch out a rough plan. Once you’ve done this, you can then being to plan exactly how you will use the passage to answer the question.
Consider the possible reasons behind the choice of specific passage. How does it relate to the rest of the text? Try to pinpoint the themes which appear and consider which significant characters are present. How does the passage relate to all that follows in the text? Are later events foreshadowed? Also, how does the passage relate to earlier events? Is a turning point evident? Consider the extract’s ending: can you think of a reason why the passage ends where it does? How is the final line significant?
Pay careful attention to the specific wording of the question you have chosen to answer. What does the question ask you to discuss? There are many possibilities here, including mood and atmosphere, character or theme. You might be asked to give a personal response to the passage or to a character. Dialogue, or the behaviour or feelings of a character, might be the focus. Different question types require different sorts of answers. Begin by explaining the passage’s immediate context: note the events preceding the extract and draw attention to their relevance. Always ensure that you refer to the detail of the passage, rather than discussing it very generally, which can make your answer appear vague. Analyse and discuss the relationship between the passage and text’s themes. Grouping related ideas together will give your answer some structure. Always plan carefully, in order to have enough time to discuss the entire passage.
Read the extract below carefully before answering the questions. |
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It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two." */
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M.C. Ghose, J.
1. In this case the learned Subordinate Judge wrote and sigued the judgment at home as he was ill and did not attend Court. He delivered it to his Bench Clerk for communication to the parties. It is urged in appeal that this was not a judgment according to law. The learned advocate for the appellant quotes Order 20, Br. 1, 2 and 3, Civil P. C, which run as follows:
Rule 1:
The Court, after the case has been heard, shall pronounce judgment in open Court either at once or on some future day, of which due notice shall be given to the parties or their pleaders.Rule 2:
A Judge may pronounce a judgment written but not pronounced by his predecessor.Rule 3;The judgment shall be dated and signed by the Judge in open Court at the time of pronouncing it and, when once signed, shall not afterwards be altered or added to, save as provided by Section 152 or on review.
The learned pleader for the respondent urges that the case comes under Section 99 which provides that:
no decree shall be reversed or substantially 'varied, nor shall any case be remanded, in appeal on account of any misjoinder of parties or causes of action or any error, defect or irregularity in any proceeding in the suit, not affecting the merits of the ease or the jurisdiction of the Court.
2. The learned advocate also quotes the case of Fort Gloster Jute Manufacturing Co. v. Chandra Kumar Das [l919] 46 Cal. 978. It is to be noted that in that case the judgment was written by the outgoing Subordinate Judge and made over to his successor , who duly pronounced it in open Court. The only mistake in that case was that the outgoing Subordinate Judge signed the judgment prior to delivering it to his successor. In the present case the facts are quite different. No competent officer pronounced the judgment in open Court, Upon a perusal of the judgment of the learned Subordinate Judge it appears that probably on account of illness he did not or could not apply his judicial mind properly to the merits of the case. In the circumstances I am of opinion that Section 99 does not apply to the facts of this case.
3. The judgment of the learned Subordinate Judge is set aside and the appeal is remanded to the first appellate ' Court for fresh hearing. Costs to abide the final result.
Guha, J.
4. I agree with my learned brother that the case should be sent back to the lower appellate Court for re-hearing and for arriving at a fresh decision. It appears from the orders recorded in the order-sheet of the Court of appeal below, that the judgment against which the present appeal to this Court is directed, was written and signed by the Subordinate Judge at home, and delivered to the Bench Clerk, and communicated to the pleaders of the parties on 8th January 1929; and that the decree was thereafter signed and sealed, on 16th January 1929.
5. Although any failure to comply with the provisions of Order 20, Rules 1, 2 and 3, Civil P. C, relating to the writing, signing and 'delivery of judgments by the lower Courts, should be strongly disapproved by this Court, the position, could not possibly be lost sight of, that the infringement of the procedure prescribed by the Code in this behalf constitutes an irregularity. It affords' no ground for reversal of the, decree based on the judgment in regard to which there has been any such irregularity, except on proof either that the jurisdiction of the Court or the merits of the case have been affected thereby: see Fort Gloster Jute Manufacturing Co. v. Chandra Kumar Das [l919] 46 Cal. 978. In the present case, the merits of the case have not in any way bean affected by reason of the irregularity in the delivery of the judgment. It appears to me, however, that in the judgment of the lower appellate Court there is no reference to the material points arising for consideration in the case, and the judgment, as it stands, proceeds on an entire misapprehension of the trial Court's decision. It is difficult to hold that the learned Subordinate Judge had applied his mind fully to the case before him, when the judgment . was written out by him. The judgment and decree of the lower appellate Court should, for the above reasons, be set aside, and the case sent back to that Court for its being dealt with in accordance with law. |
Donate Wedding Dress Canada
Donate Wedding Dress Canada are investment slice that can be sentimental house heirlooms for generations to come. A Donate Wedding Dress Canada is one of the most important obtains that a woman can stir, and is often one of the major expenses of a wedding. Formerly a Donate Wedding Dress Canada has been purchased, special attention must be taken to keep the dress in pristine malady. While it is most important to keep the Donate Wedding Dress Canada in flawless state before the marry, most women would agree that they want to make sure that their wedding gown stays in the most wonderful shape possible for years to come. It isn’t necessarily difficult to keep a Donate Wedding Dress Canada in good condition, but you do need to keep a few specific things in mind when it comes to hanging, storing, and cleansing the dress.
The fabrics used in most Donate Wedding Dress Canada aren’t renowned for their fortitude, and in order to avoid rends, divide strata, and other shatter it’s important that charge is taken when hanging the dress. Generally, Donate Wedding Dress Canada cannot be put on a hanger like regular full-dress, as the load of the gown can cause the dress material to rip or tear near the hanger. Instead, small-minded loops-the-loops of fabric sewn into the interior of the dress should serve to hang the night-robe safely. These hanging loops are put in place by the dressmaker on the most powerful seams in the garment, ensuring that they will be able to support the load of the full nightgown without inducing any damage.
It seemed obvious that Donate Wedding Dress Canada should be dry cleaned, but caution should be taken when choosing a dry cleaner, since some dry cleaning services ship their invests to another facility and your dress can become is affected by rough handling and the stress of transportation. Before picking a dry cleaner, made to ensure that they process all of their robes on locate and that they do their work by hand instead of using an automated organization. If possible, try to find a dry cleaner that has specific knowledge in Donate Wedding Dress Canada and be sure they are familiar with how fragile the material can be; this is especially important if your Donate Wedding Dress Canada has beadwork or other intricate decorations. Being squeamish about your dry cleaner ensures that your gown isn’t damaged. Just as “youre supposed to” picky about the clean that you take your Donate Wedding Dress Canada to, any restores that need to be done should be from a seamstress who is familiar with the delicate structure of Donate Wedding Dress Canada. Some bridal stores will render repair services for the dresses they sell. But if not, is ensured to browse around to find a seamstress or sewing patronize that has significant suffer in repairing Donate Wedding Dress Canada. Choosing someone who knows just how delicate these gowns can be will ensure that the mends are done with the utmost care and skill.
Before you store a Donate Wedding Dress Canada, make sure that it is in the highest possible mode so that it will remain that channel until you are ready to take it out of storage. Check the gown for any tiny defects, weepings, or other signals of damage, and make sure that it’s free of discolorations or blotch. Take the time to inspect the seams and any beadwork or emblems that are on the gown, as these are the most likely sites for unraveling and punctures to emerge. Take the dress in for cleansing or restores if there is reason, and allow it to hang for at the least one to two days after a cleanup before placing it into storage. That route, you can ensure that there are no residual compounds in the dress material.
Never accumulated a Donate Wedding Dress Canada in a plastic container or covered with a plastic baggage. Over time, plastic can release compounds that will cause a lily-white Donate Wedding Dress Canada to become yellow, and may cause most delicate decorations to become brittle. Carefully fold the Donate Wedding Dress Canada and lieu it into a museum-quality, acid-free storage carton; these are sold specifically as Donate Wedding Dress Canada or Donate Wedding Dress Canada storage chests. The gown should be wrap in cloth or acid-free tissue to protect it from the rough cardboard or paperboard of the storage container. Store the box in a cool, dry lieu where the heat and humidity aren’t likely to fluctuate( never in the attic or basement .) Whether you’d like to hand the dress down to future generations, or simply perpetuate it as a special keepsake, you can keep your Donate Wedding Dress Canada examining brand new for years to come by following these simple-minded paces and precautions.
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This is the mail archive of the cygwin@sourceware.cygnus.com mailing list for the Cygwin project.
At 10:58 AM 4/27/00, Earnie Boyd wrote: >--- "Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)" <lhall@rfk.com> wrote: > > At 09:05 AM 4/27/00, Earnie Boyd wrote: > > >--- Chris Faylor <cgf@cygnus.com> wrote: > > > > On Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 05:46:24AM -0700, Earnie Boyd wrote: > > > > >Nice point. This needs to be added to the TODO list. BTW, why is your > > root > > > > >mounted on D: and your package installed in H:\Cygnus? Why not change > > your > > > > >mount of / to `mount -f -b h:/Cygnus /'? It should work much better > > that > > > > way. > > > > > > > > What needs to be added? We're not going to be putting /cygdrive paths in > > > > the mount table. > > > > > > > > > >The display of the cygdrive prefix needs to be added to the output of > > `mount'. > > >Currently the only way to know the values of this is to either use regedit > > or > > >cygcheck. > > > > > > I'm not sure if I understand your point here Earnie. As I understand it, the > > /cygdrive paths get generated automatically and "on-the-fly" when someone or > > something references a path to a Windows drive that has not been explicitly > > mounted (i.e. is not in the mount table). The /cygdrive path exists only as > > long as its needed/used, so its transient. Seems to me that it makes sense > > to > > simply add to the documentation that those who want to eliminate the > > /cygdrive > > prefix from one of their paths should simply mount the drive in question to > > their favorite path... or am I missing some important point in all this? > > > >The /cygdrive is stored in the registry and can be modified by `mount'. >Therefore, the contents of the data should be displayed in the output of >`mount'. > I guess I don't have objections to "/cygdrive" specifically appearing in the mount table display if it's role can be clearly distinguished from the other mount entries (since its purpose is subtly different). I'm not sure if I see the point to having something like "/cygdrive/d" (representing the transient mounting of someone's D drive) in the listing though. Overall, great care needs to be exercised here to keep any change to address the /cygdrive issue from generating any confusion about what this notation does, IMO. |
Spaces of connection and belonging: Young people's perspectives on the role of youth cafes in their lives
Brady, Bernadine
Forkan, Cormac
Moran, Lisa
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Cited 2 times in Scopus (view citations)
Recommended Citation
Brady, Bernadine, Forkan, Cormac, & Moran, Lisa. (2017). Spaces of connection and belonging: young people’s perspectives on the role of youth cafés in their lives. Child Care in Practice, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/13575279.2017.1299110
Published Version
A youth café is a relaxed, drug-free and alcohol-free meeting space for young people. The youth café model has become a prominent form of policy provision for young people in Ireland over the past decade, with in excess of 160 youth cafés now in operation. While the youth café model is not unique to Ireland, there has been little published research internationally on the perspectives of young people regarding the role of youth cafés in their lives. Drawing on qualitative research with 102 young people from 10 youth cafés in Ireland, this article presents findings in relation to six thematic areas: feeling supported; belonging and connection; personal and identity development; safety; alcohol and drugs; and education. The findings indicate that the attraction of the model for young people is that it respects their individualised preferences for engagement whilst providing them with a sense of ownership and connection. It is argued that the values and principles underpinning the model are instrumental in creating “care-full” spaces that enhance the well-being of children and young people. |
Back to search results Warehouse General Labor Location Ontario, California Job type Contract/Temp to Hire Salary $ 12 - $ 12.5 / Hour Category Warehouse - General Labor Adecco is currently assisting a local client, recruiting for Warehouse General Labor jobs in Ontario, CA. These Warehouse General Labor Jobs are temp to hire opportunities, with starting pay rates of $12.00-12.50/hr, plus overtime! For instant consideration for these Warehouse General Labor Jobs, Apply Now! Warehouse General Labor Jobs require candidates to package product to order specifications, work in a team environment to efficiently package required orders, handle finished materials and move packages to storage areas within the warehouse, and to safely operate equipment such as Motorized Pallet Jacks to move packages throughout the warehouse. Partnerships between a local client and Adecco always give great benefits! While with us, you will Pay rates starting at $12.00-12.50/hr, plus overtime as needed! Weekly Pay – you receive a paycheck every week, Comprehensive benefits after 1 week – medical, dental, vision, options available, and Generous Bonus Incentives offered for referrals! For more information, ask a recruiter today! 1st shift Tuesday – Saturday 5am – 1:30pm $12.00 2nd shift Monday – Friday / Tuesday – Saturday 1pm – 10:30pm $12.50 3rd shift Monday – Friday 8:00pm – 4:30am $12.50 The starting pay rate for Warehouse/General Labor Jobs is $12.00-12.50/hr, plus overtime as needed. Click on apply now for instant consideration for these Warehouse General Labor Jobs in Ontario, CA! More Information Share |
Raul Bujanda Named Special Agent in Charge of the Albuquerque Field Office
Director Christopher Wray has named Raul Bujanda as the special agent in charge of the Albuquerque Field Office in New Mexico. Mr. Bujanda most recently served as a section chief in the Criminal Investigative Division at FBI Headquarters in Washington.
Mr. Bujanda joined the FBI as a special agent in 2002. He was first appointed to the Portland Field Office in Oregon, where he investigated violent crime, gang, and Mexican-based drug trafficking organizations.
He transferred to the El Paso Field Office in Texas in 2008 to work on the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force strike force. He continued to investigate Mexican-based drug trafficking organizations. In 2010, Mr. Bujanda was promoted to supervisory special agent of the El Paso strike force, which also included members from the Drug Enforcement Agency, Homeland Security Investigations, the U.S. Border Patrol, the El Paso Sheriff’s Office, and other agencies.
Mr. Bujanda was promoted in 2013 to unit chief in the Criminal Justice Information Services Division in West Virginia. The Online Services and Operations Unit provided technical services, including real-time secure information sharing and crisis information, to the law enforcement community.
In 2015, Mr. Bujanda served as an assistant inspector and team leader in the Inspection Division at Headquarters. He was promoted in 2016 to assistant special agent in charge of the National Security Branch in the Oklahoma City Field Office. He later served as the assistant special agent in charge of Oklahoma City’s Criminal Branch, where he was responsible for criminal violations, administrative matters, and the FBI offices in the western region of the state.
Mr. Bujanda was named section chief of the Criminal Investigative Division’s National Covert Operations Section in 2019. He managed and oversaw all criminal and national security undercover operations for the FBI.
Prior to joining the FBI, Mr. Bujanda was a special agent in the Immigration and Naturalization Service and was a fifth-grade teacher. |
Tips for Protecting Your Hardwood Floors
The global market for wood flooring is expected to reach a revenue of $41,682.2 million by 2027. With material prices rising rapidly, wood flooring is now a huge investment for your home. So how do you ensure it lasts?
Luckily, there are a few ways you can keep it looking new. Read on as we discuss how to care for hardwood floors.
1. Avoid Water
Water and wood are not a good mix. Once fluids are introduced to hardwoods, they will begin to swell and warp. Not long after, decay and rot will set in.
Most wood floors will be treated on the outside to stop water from penetrating the surface. Yet the sides and bottom will be areas that can absorb it quite easily. If they are covered in water and it seeps down into these crevices, you may have trouble.
Many people would advise against cleaning with water altogether and recommend sweeping with a broom and dustpan. At the most, use a wrung-out mop that is only marginally damp.
2. Limit Moving Furniture
Hopefully, you don’t have to move furniture around that often. Yet some items like dining chairs, are always getting pushed backward and forward. They can leave serious scuff marks on your floor.
Wood floors can be protected from this by placing rugs under them or adding protective pads to the feet. There are lots of different types you can buy, from nail-on ones to others with adhesive backing. If you have to move large items of furniture, put down plywood to assist with preventing damage when you drag them along.
3. Add Rugs to High Traffic Areas
Adding a rug works on several levels. First of all, it adds a touch of decorative flair to your home. Secondly, they can help when maintaining hardwood floors by protecting them with layers of fabric.
Ideally, you should place them in areas of high traffic. These may be entranceways or living rooms, where the family is often walking in and out. Don’t be afraid to layer rugs one on top of another either, adding depth to your decor.
4. Pet Proof
Pets and flooring are other combinations that do not tend to mix. Sharp claws can create gouges and scratches on the wood. When they run around it makes it even worse as they attempt to gain traction by digging their claws in.
If you have pets, then think about adding specifically hardwood floors. This will cut down on the scratches your pet can make. If you have areas where your pet tends to frequent or sleep, then lay down mats and rugs.
Another method is to ensure their claws are clipped regularly. Take them out for walks so that they are being ground down naturally. You may also want to install runners.
5. Clean Regularly
Protecting wood floors begins with regular cleaning. A quick sweep at the end of the day removes dirt and grit. If this is left to accumulate and people walk over it, it can cause scratches and gouges in your flooring.
One tool you could invest in is a microfibre dust mop. They will attract even the smallest of particles making your job much easier. Small vacuum cleaners are also useful for getting into corners and hard-to-reach areas.
You should also limit your deeper cleaning to once a week. Overuse of hardwood flooring products can have adverse effects, stripping and dulling them.
6. Research Products
We have already discussed not using water and regular cleaning. Yet there are numerous products on the market that claim to assist when protecting hardwood floors that you may want to use. However, not all of them are as good as they seem.
Try to avoid any steam cleaning products. The steam pushes moisture into the hardwood. This can cause warping and buckling to occur.
Don’t use any organic vinegar and water solutions either. Vinegar will take the shine from the coating, dulling your floor. Finally, avoid any soap-based cleaners that leave a residue as this can damage over time.
7. Get the Right Humidity
The level of humidity in a home will depend upon your climate. An average level is between 30 to 50%. Over or under this and your hardwoods may have problems, expanding and contracting.
If you are in a dry climate, consider running a humidifier in the room. Without it, the wood will shrink and gaps will form between them. If dirt and moisture get inside, it can cause numerous problems.
When you have a humid climate already, invest in a dehumidifier. This will take out any excess moisture. Your air conditioning may be able to serve the same purpose but could be less energy efficient.
8. Install With an Underlay
Underlay provides a layer of cushioning under the floorboards. It can protect it from the hard concrete underneath. Without it, you may find that your flooring does not have a lot of bounce.
When you install an underlay, you prevent friction from the back of the floorboard to the floor itself. Underlay4u.co.uk has a wide range of underlay types that you should consider placing under your hardwood.
9. Get Rid of Pooled Water Fast
Liquids can find their way onto your floor in many other ways as well. Spilled water, dishwasher leaks, splashes from sinks, and many others can put water on your floor. Make sure you remove any pooled liquids before they have time to sink into the wood.
Installing Hardwood Floors
Now you know how easy it is to maintain hardwood floors; you just need to find the right ones for your home. They have many benefits over other flooring types. Decide on a finish and color then get shopping.
If you found this article helpful, we have many more. From DIY to renovation, we can help keep your property looking great in the coming year. |
Title: When You Can't Crawl (1/1)
Character/Pairing: Jeff/Annie
Rating: Teen
Genre: Angst, romance
Spoilers: 3x04 (Remedial Chaos Theory)
Summary: Annie's out of the mental institution in the Darkest Timeline. Life isn't easy for any of them to adjust back into.
Disclaimer: I don't own Community and I make no money off of it.
A/N: My second fic told solely in drabbles and double drabbles.
... ... ...
"Ann-ie, yo-ur lun-ch is rea-dy."
Annie sits on her hands at the table, watching as Troy brings plates of sandwiches with him. His felt-goatee slips a little as he grins. She looks down to see a happy face formed by sandwich pieces and chips. "Troy..." She smiles sappily, happy to be home again, though it's a different room in a different apartment in a different building. "Thank you."
His eyes slide to Abed and his smile drops away.
Abed sits at the head of the table, felt-goatee looking sinister instead of silly like Troy's, and Annie feels her heart drop.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
"Annie, I'm not five. I can do it myself." Jeff struggles with his shirt, growling when the button shifts and moves instead of sliding through the hole. Shoving it through with his thumb, he exhales sharply in satisfaction.
She claps and folds her feet under her on his couch. "Bravo."
Though he rolls his eyes, he feels like he's accomplished something special under her watchful eye. Pride is in short supply these days, so he takes what he can get. Dropping to the couch, he folds his newly released sleeve up. "How's Troy-"
"...he scares me sometimes."
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Britta stares across the table. It's weird seeing someone across from her again. Usually, the group sits glaring, or in Abed's case, plotting his way back to the 'right timeline'. But Annie's back now.
There aren't any smiles or teasing anymore, no giggles or arguments.
Narrowing her eyes at the returning member of their broken study group, Britta ignores the empty seats.
Jeff's playing with his phone, though it's just for show; he doesn't text anymore. He doesn't do anything-
"You're staring."
Britta jerks a little, turning to look at Jeff incredulously, because he doesn't ever do anything. "Back off, Richard Kimble."
"Nice," Abed says, pointing at her without bothering to look up.
"What's with the red streak?" Annie asks, wide eyes fixed on Britta's hair.
"Britta's gone 'evil'," Jeff tells Annie, using his hand to make exaggerated air quotes.
Britta stares at him. His lips are... curved. Up.
"Oh." Annie's eyes are still wide as she considers Britta. "Should I go evil too?" She runs her hand over a section of her hair.
Jeff observes her for a moment, then, "Nah, evil doesn't go with your complexion."
Annie smiles widely.
Maybe Britta is going evil because she glares. Hard.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Annie's smile fades and she leans sideways against Jeff's couch back. "I'm a horrible person."
Frowning from his spot at the TV, Jeff shoves the DVD into the player and stands slowly. The blue screen on the TV goes black. "Are we back on this again? I thought you'd-"
"Having fun while Pierce is dead?!" She shakes her head and puts her legs down, searching for her shoes. "We're horrible people."
Jeff sits beside her with a sigh, placing his hand on her back. "Annie, we're just living without him, that's all. Do you think he'd want us to be miserable?"
"Yes!" She flops backward.
His lips twitch and Annie catches the movement.
Hers curve up for a split second before laughter escapes her. It quickly turns into a sob. "I miss him." She falls into Jeff's side and he wraps his arm around her as the movie starts.
"Me, too," he admits, eyes on the screen but not seeing a single word or image.
"We should say goodbye properly." She swipes at her eyes and sits up, looking ready to bolt out the door. It wouldn't be the first time.
"Or the way Pierce would want us to."
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Annie looks around the restaurant with a frown. "How's this supposed to make us feel better about Pierce dying?"
Jeff glances at her from over his menu before setting it down. "No, it's- I just come here sometimes to remember." His smile turns inwardly reminiscent. "Remember his crappy engagement that lasted all of five minutes-"
"Thanks to you."
"Thanks to me. Storming in here dressed as The Gimp from Pulp Fiction. Abed's story about Cougar Town. The party afterward." His smile slides away with realization. "I guess it's not just about Pierce, but everyone." Eyes finding hers, he notices the way her fingers play with the napkin and silverware. "We danced that night." He puts his hand over hers, stilling its fidgeting.
Her grin is bright, beautiful. "I remember." She points at him. "You suck."
Genuine laughter leaves him, startling both of them.
She sighs and drops her eyes to their hands and he realizes he's still covering hers with his. It's inevitable that her eyes land on his empty sleeve and his insecurities return along with his frown. He draws his hand free and goes over the menu again; the one he knows by heart.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
It is, perhaps, the biggest disappointment of all for Jeff, the loss of his self-confidence along with his arm. It creeps in at all hours, making him feel like he's lost everything. Like he's incomplete.
His personal life is nil.
Work is hell.
School is almost unbearable.
But since convincing Annie to leave the institution, he's been greeted everyday with one of her smiles. Usually sad ones, but there are the occasional happy ones, like today.
"Care to dance?" she teases, holding her arm out.
"One arm, no skills."
She kisses his cheek and he feels a little less incomplete.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
"Britta's turning me evil tonight!"
Jeff sits, dropping his book and phone to the table, raising a brow at Britta
She shrugs, rolling her eyes as if it's no big deal. "I have some leftover purple. So sue me, drummer for Def Leppard."
Jeff sees Annie shiver from the corner of his eye as the others look toward Abed.
"Since you're embracing the Dark Side, you should wear your goatee."
"No, thanks." She opens her book and shifts in her seat.
"Abed, cut the creepy."
"Soon, you will all embrace the darkness." He caresses his goatee. "Soon, my children."
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Annie closes her eyes as Britta's fingers rub her scalp and smooth down a portion of her hair. It's soothing. Life hasn't been soothing lately. Pierce is gone, Shirley's-
Her eyes pop open, staring at the three pictures of variously clothed cats on the wall across from her. "When's Shirley coming back?"
Britta's hands slow and then start up again. "I don't know if she is, sweetie. Rehab hasn't been easy on her. Andre's concerned- I don't know."
Dropping her eyes to her hands in her lap, Annie nods.
The smell of the chemicals make her sick to her stomach.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
"I Think I Love You."
"I Think I- nngh-"
"Sorry, Britta, Jeff got it first."
Britta drops her head to the study table at Annie's pronouncement. "I actually knew that one." Her voice is muffled.
Jeff glances up from his phone. "David Cassidy is before my time, Britta, and the only reason I knew the answer is because I keep up to date on lame trivia. How did you-"
"My great aunt." She shrugs listlessly. "Can we go back to I Spy? I'm awesome at that."
"No." Jeff's eyes dart to Annie before returning to his phone. "I'm going to win this. Go."
Annie runs her fingers over the purple strands of hair over her ear. "Shouldn't we be doing evil stuff?"
Britta snorts loudly. "Not unless you wanna encourage Abed."
Looking up from his phone, Jeff smirks. "What do you think they're planning to do with the other versions of themselves when they get back to the 'real timeline?"
"Kill them," Annie says quietly, ducking her head. "What song did Elton John and Kiki Dee duet-"
"Don't Go Breaking My Heart!" Britta yelled triumphantly. Annie and Jeff stared at her. "What? I can't know cheesy things?"
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
"Do you think they're going to kill us?"
Jeff stares at Annie. "What?" The words he's been trying to cram into his brain for the past hour melt away at Annie's question. "Someone wants to kill us? Is it Leonard?"
"Abed says he wants to kill the other timeline us. But maybe it's us he wants to kill." She closes her book, staring at the empty seats around the table. "They're 'real' after all. We're the fake ones."
She sounds bitter.
Jeff sighs, wondering what happened to their friends. "We're real, Annie. You and me. The others too, though I'm starting to wonder about that."
"Janis Joplin," she says sadly.
"Troy and Abed; Piece of My Heart. They should just go on and take it."
"So, we're communicating in songs now." For some reason, it actually makes sense, which should probably worry him a little since she's a former ward of the local mental institution.
She smiles and opens her study book. "Owner of A Lonely Heart."
"And now we're communicating in bands, which you only know about because of our trivia games."
A shrug lifts her shoulder, the hint of a smirk riding her lips. "Barenaked-"
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
"Why do you always turn away from me?"
Jeff looks up at Annie's question. "What?"
She points to him, leaning against his kitchen wall, one leg crossed over the other, turned away from her.
"Is it me?" She puts the fork down and backs away from the pot of bubbling pasta water.
"You don't turn away from the others." She fiddles with her fingers, blinking at him through the steam.
"Annie, it's not you." The words stick in his throat and she hears the lie for what it is.
"Oh." She tries to go quickly past him.
He halts her, but she stays turned away and he wants to laugh. "It's not you. It's this." He waits until she glances back over her shoulder and then gestures to his missing arm.
"No," she laments, sad eyes melting his icy heart further. "Jeff, don't- you're still you. Still Jeff. And we still love you." She smiles shyly. "II/I still love you."
"How can you?" His voice is raw, harsh, filled with darkness. "How could you possibly love me like this?"
"The same way I loved you before." She kisses his cheek lightly, then his jaw. "You're beautiful."
"I'm damaged."
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Jeff stares at Annie's hand, held before him on his couch.
"You think you're damaged?" Her laughter is hard, bitter, but familiar enough to relax him. "I'm fucked in the head." She points at her temple with a hard look. Dropping her hand, she scoots closer. "We're all damaged. Even Britta. Maybe especially Britta. If she lies to herself about being any more okay, she's going to implode."
Jeff sighs, knowing Annie's right, but still feeling bitter and selfish.
"Troy and Abed... Jeff, they spend hours in their Dreamatorium trying to get to the 'real' universe."
"I lost an arm, Annie." It's not sinking in for her and he can't make her understand something she refuses to see.
"I lost my fucking mind!" She stops, takes a deep breath and settles her hand on his arm.
He fights the urge to shove it off.
"We all lost something. But we're alive." She threads her fingers with his. "I was afraid before. Of the way I felt- Jeff, I love you. I want-"
"No." He jerks away, all temptation gone in two words. "You should go. I'll see you on Monday." He slams his bedroom door on her regretful look.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Monday comes and Annie doesn't appear. Jeff leaves it to Britta, Troy, and Abed to call her. After six hours of badgering worthy of Ihim/I, Jeff leaves the school and heads to her apartment.
It's empty.
He checks her favorite coffee shop.
Her old apartment.
Annie's nowhere to be found.
Going home instead of back to school with friends who are batshit crazy, he stops in his doorway. "Annie."
She's asleep on his couch, curled into a ball. Shutting his door, he wonders how she got in. And why he wants her to be there every time he comes home.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Jeff glances at Annie from the darkness of his apartment. Night has come and their friends have been informed of Annie's whereabouts. She's slept for four hours and he's watched her for all of them. He's alone and damaged and in perfect company. Like she said; they're all damaged.
"What're you-" A yawn interrupts her and he feels tenderness like he hasn't felt in months flow slowly through his veins. "Why're you sitting in the dark?"
'Watching' he doesn't tell her. Thinking and deciding.
He's come to some conclusions that he plans to share with her soon.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Annie's watching Jeff as she sits up, not sure why he's making her nervous. The unwavering gaze? The darkness they're surrounded by? The way he's sitting, arm on his chair, drink in his hand, legs bent at the knee, eyes... still not wavering.
"Are you okay?"
Her mouth opens while he waits, but she can't think of anything to say because he doesn't look upset. Just focused. "I fell asleep," she finally mutters.
His lips twitch or she imagines it. "I noticed."
"You're reminding me of Abed." She can think of something to say, after all.
"Damaged, not evil."
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
"I should go," Annie tells Jeff, who's still in his chair. She's used the bathroom, gotten a drink of water, and Jeff's still sitting there. It's creeping her out.
There was a patient at the hospital who'd stared at nothing all day. Sometimes people got in her line of sight. Jeff reminds Annie of that girl.
He sets his drink down as she takes a breath. Stands as she turns toward the door. Crosses to his room as she begins to head out.
She turns to see him silhouetted by moonlight pouring through his bedroom windows.
"Stay with me."
Annie's heartbeat triples and she swallows thickly. "I-"
"We're both damaged. We're both fucked up." His shadow shrugs crookedly. "Let's be fucked up together."
As romantic overtures go, it's poor. As propositions go, it's fair. She doesn't care. She bends over to untie her shoes, eyes on Jeff. She's loved him for years and she doesn't want to waste anymore time. Their lives are half-dead anyway. Spending it together, at least for a little while, will bring them some sort of comfort, and, possibly, happiness.
She joins him, looking up, waiting.
They're playing in steps and it's his turn.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
It's easy to slide her tongue along skin that's dark and shadowed, but Annie craves more. She wants to see Jeff.
Reaching for the lamp beside the bed, she stills when his hand halts hers.
"Leave it off."
"Jeff, I love you. I'm not-"
"Then leave it off."
She huffs out a sound and turns the switch, blinking at Jeff in the sudden brightness. His bare chest rises and falls rapidly as he stares at her, looking displeased.
They watch one another, half naked and mostly disheveled.
His missing arm is obvious between them, so Annie kisses his shoulder.
"Annie." Hand pushing her back, he tries to climb out of bed, but she stays atop him, kissing his neck, his jaw, the spot behind his ear.
"I'm not going to let you hide from me." She smiles teasingly, hands lowering to his jeans. "Come out and play-ay."
He watches through lowered eyes as she cups him over his underwear, leans his head back against the pillow as she slides her hand along his length.
But it's not until she kisses him that he relaxes. "David Cassidy, Annie."
She smiles softly, knowing what he can't quite say. "I know, Jeff."
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Jeff holds still as Annie looks her fill. His mouth is dry, his cock hard, and his heart pounds a crooked beat that feels wrong.
"Beautiful," she mumbles, hands on his sides, leaning down to kiss his abdomen. "I think you're beautiful." She kisses lower, making him gasp and close his eyes, wanting to believe her. He controls his hips, though they want to raise to her every soft kiss, every slide of her hands, lower and lower.
She swirls her tongue around his hip, teasing, playful.
He aches to hold her with both arms, but only has the one.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
"We could be sleeping now," Jeff murmurs in Annie's ear, pretending to be annoyed but enjoying the way his voice makes her shiver.
Her arms tighten around his waist, warm cheek resting on his chest. "Boring."
"Healthy. And much needed. I'm an old man, you know."
She chuckles and spins them around his bedroom floor, swaying back and forth to a tune only she knows. "Holy crap. If that's what old men are like in bed, then maybe I oughta trade you in for Leonard."
He bursts out laughing, hugging her to him. "Yuck, talk about embracing the Dark Side."
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
"Your hair..."
Jeff glances at Annie, resisting the urge to touch it, but just barely. "What about it?"
"It's evil. It has to go." She grins and kneels on the couch beside him, hands on her thighs. "Can I play with it?"
"Well, since I'm neither 10-years-old, nor a girl, I'm going to go with 'no'." Still, her enthusiasm makes him want to smile and he's unable to resist this urge nearly as well as the other.
"But I like the way it used to be." She leans in, breath ghosting over his neck as she whispers, "It was sexy."
He can't resist the shiver he feels working its way up his spine from her hot, moist breath on his skin and the tone of her voice, deep in her throat. "It's still sexy," he counters.
She shakes her head, though her grin is still there.
"It's not?"
Her head shakes again, creating a cascade of hair, rippling in the light from above. The ends curl over her bra-caged breasts as she moves to straddle his lap.
"Are you lying?"
She kisses him with an enthusiastic nod.
"Gonna have to do something about that."
"It Can Happen."
"That's a Yes."
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Fidgeting on his couch, Annie takes a deep breath and glances up at the banner above his TV. In his head, Jeff hears her voice saying the word repeatedly while pointing at the group one by one.
Intervention? Intervention? Intervention?
Tonight she's silent.
"How do I look? Is my dress okay?"
Annie smiles and turns to Shirley. "You look like you've been on a much-needed vacation. Lucky you. The institution was a big disappointment; there wasn't even a spa."
Shirley slaps a hand over her mouth as giggles emerge and Jeff smiles at Annie from his spot in the hall. She smiles back.
It almost feels normal again.
He joins them as the door opens and Troy, Abed, and Britta come in.
Standing quickly, Annie smooths down her dress and waits for Shirley to stand up. Clearing her throat, she takes Jeff's hand. "This is an intervention, Abed."
"Abed, we're worried about you, honey."
"We need you to come back to reality, Abed, because this is real life, not a TV show."
Abed blinks at them, stroking his felt beard. "That's what I'd expect from-"
"Ah-bed!" Troy sighs and joins the rest of them. "It's ti-me to st-op th-is."
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Annie takes Jeff's arm as Abed and Troy place their prized bouquet on Pierce's grave. The bright yellow roses mixed with baby's breath look cheerful in the dreary afternoon haze.
"You-'re pro-bab-ly eat-ing ghosts and what-not by now," Troy says, looking sadly awed. They're in their best suits, and Annie's in her best dress. "Eat some for me, bud-dy."
Shirley crosses herself and hugs Britta as more clouds pass what little sun there is. "So long, Old White Man Says."
Shivering in the chilly air as rain patters on Annie's umbrella, she holds back tears.
They all watch as Abed kneels, pulling his goatee off and placing it in front of the gravestone. "When you can't run, you crawl," he says softly and Annie leans against Jeff. "And when you can't crawl, when you can't do that..."
Troy steps up next to him, hand on his shoulder. "...you find someone to carry you."
Britta turns her face away but not before Annie sees the tears she's trying to hide.
"It still hurts," Annie tells Jeff. "Even after a year."
He hugs her tightly, lips pressed together.
"The darkness is gone," Abed intones, turning to face them. "This timeline is clean." |
d to 0 decimal places?
Suppose -8544 = 13*c - 172214. What is c rounded to the nearest one thousand?
Let u be (-36)/(-14)*28/(-4). Let t = 12 - u. Round t to the nearest one hundred.
Let h = -72.138 + 71.48734. Let t = h - -0.65. What is t rounded to 4 dps?
Let r be (3 - 1369) + (-8)/(-4). Let g be -4 - (-3 + 3 + r). What is g rounded to the nearest one hundred?
Let k = -177.564398 + 177.933. Let q = k - 0.248675. Let c = q + -0.12. Round c to five decimal places.
Let r = -5088712 + -24836288. What is r rounded to the nearest 1000000?
Let r = -8 + 7.86. Let m = -126.315 - -126. Let g = r - m. What is g rounded to two dps?
Let b = 0.76700191 - 0.767. Round b to seven decimal places.
Let y(b) = -309027*b**2 + 13*b + 44. Let l be y(-12). What is l rounded to the nearest one million?
Let s = -2.518 - -0.982. Round s to 1 decimal place.
Suppose -18*i + 9 = -15*i. Suppose 0 = i*g + 162936 - 3936. Round g to the nearest 1000.
Let n = 19.1535 + -18.97. What is n rounded to three dps?
Let u = -154 - -402. Round u to the nearest 10.
Let n = 2 + -2.2. Let q = 0.022302557 + 0.177698933. Let w = q + n. What is w rounded to 7 decimal places?
Let b = 13019348.5 - 13019988.500507. Let f = 640 + b. What is f rounded to four decimal places?
Let x be ((-4955)/(-3) + 7)/((-2)/375). Round x to the nearest 100000.
Let c = 9 + -10. Let q be (-4 - (2 + -3))*c. Suppose 3*f = -5*u - 7645, q*f + 2*u + u + 7635 = 0. What is f rounded to the nearest one hundred?
Let j = -2136 - -2135.9163. Round j to two dps.
Suppose 0 = 3*s + 31 - 46. Suppose 2*m = m + 3*l + 100, -5*l + 92 = m. Suppose s*i + m = 2897. What is i rounded to the nearest one hundred?
Let g = 13776.37 - 13703. What is g rounded to 0 dps?
Suppose -4*m = 4*f - 5*f - 7031, 7030 = 4*m - 2*f. Suppose 2*v - m = 7242. Round v to the nearest 1000.
Let o(i) be the second derivative of 51389*i**4/3 - i**3/6 - 11*i**2 - 32*i. Let p be o(-6). What is p rounded to the nearest 1000000?
Let f(w) = -134*w**3 + 2*w**2 - 2*w - 16. Let x be f(6). Round x to the nearest ten thousand.
Let h = -36.206 + -2.254. What is h rounded to zero decimal places?
Let s = -0.71 + 0.37. What is s rounded to two decimal places?
Let p be 1766 + (-4 - -7)/(-3). Let u = 689 - p. Round u to the nearest one hundred.
Let t = -2 - -1.6. Let y = 1.6 + t. Let n = -1.20004 + y. Round n to 4 dps.
Let m = 63881 + -41634. Let q be (53095/(-14) - -1)*-18 + 0. Let w = m - q. Round w to the nearest 10000.
Let v = 2153 - 2153.0000004815. Round v to seven decimal places.
Let w = -58.798 - -59. Let s = 1.49 + -1.29. Let k = w - s. What is k rounded to three decimal places?
Suppose -o + 71016 = 2*o. Let v be 11676 - (6/6 + 3). Let x = o - v. What is x rounded to the nearest ten thousand?
Let o = 0.548 + -0.326. Let r = -110 + 109.312. Let x = r - o. What is x rounded to 1 decimal place?
Suppose -1996 = -5*y - 11846. Let s be 4500*(2 - y/15). Round s to the nearest one hundred thousand.
Let s be 30083013/(-33) - (-96)/(-176) - -7. Round s to the nearest ten thousand.
Let h = -5967090786 + 5967090723.99999961. Let n = 0.129 + 61.871. Let z = h + n. Round z to seven dps.
Let f = -350.38 + 348. Round f to the nearest integer.
Suppose -1 = 4*d - 5*d. Let r be 0/d - 5/(-1). Suppose -736 = r*v + 5*f - 11, 3*f + 585 = -4*v. What is v rounded to the nearest one hundred?
Let h(k) = -181*k**2 + 13*k**2 + 12 - 12. Let n be h(5). What is n rounded to the nearest one thousand?
Let x = -1.3018808 - -12.3018948. Let a = 11 - x. Round a to 5 decimal places.
Let q(y) be the first derivative of 3*y**4/4 - y**3/3 - y**2 - 4*y + 30. Let u be q(-6). Round u to the nearest one hundred.
Let y = 237 + -237.02016. What is y rounded to three decimal places?
Suppose 0 = -3*w + 16*j - 20*j + 12025, w - 3995 = 2*j. Round w to the nearest 1000.
Let j = 4875779 + 3811680. Let u = j + -2187459. Round u to the nearest one million.
Let q = 5 - -4. Let g = -3 + q. Suppose -g*u + 1800 = -8*u. Round u to the nearest one hundred.
Let l = 2246687921.00000178 - 2246687954. Let u = l - -33. Round u to 7 decimal places.
Let t = 239.42 + -699.24. Let l = t - -420. Let d = l + 39. What is d rounded to one decimal place?
Suppose 0 = t - 6*t + 5*s + 40, -5*t = 2*s - 61. Let l = -9 + t. Suppose l*m - 5*m = 11100. What is m rounded to the nearest 1000?
Let i = -0.374915 - -0.415. Let q = i - 0.04. Round q to 5 dps.
Let q = 248352.9870069 - 248353. Let y = q + 0.013. Round y to six dps.
Let t = 2594239673 - 2594239589.00000345. Let k = -84 + t. Round k to seven decimal places.
Let v = 8447 + -8450.617. What is v rounded to the nearest integer?
Let f = -16 - -15. Let x(v) = 18749*v**3 + 3*v + 2. Let d be x(f). Let k be (d/(-9))/(2/(-3840)). What is k rounded to the nearest 1000000?
Let f = 79072.99 + -79070.3899876. Let z = 2.6 - f. What is z rounded to six dps?
Let o = 0.02 + -0.82. Let b = 2 + o. Let m = b - 1.2004. Round m to four dps.
Suppose -20 = -5*h, -5*m - 2*h - h + 62 = 0. Let d be (9 - 13)/((-4)/m). Round d to the nearest ten.
Let v(p) = 4*p**2 + 2*p - 1. Let r(c) = -c + 13. Let m be r(12). Let h be v(m). Suppose -21 = -2*u - h. What is u rounded to the nearest ten?
Let x = -1972.813 - -2006.8. Let m = 34 - x. What is m rounded to 2 decimal places?
Let s = 980738 + -980747.68821. Let v = s - 5.51258. Let w = 15.2 + v. What is w rounded to 4 dps?
Let w be 7/(126/699000)*-120. What is w rounded to the nearest 100000?
Let a = -0.4 - -0.59. Let q = a - 0.59. Let y = q + 0.40000007. Round y to seven dps.
Let k = 335.999999375 + -336. Round k to 7 dps.
Suppose 21248 = y + 7*y. Suppose 456 = 2*l + y. Round l to the nearest one hundred.
Let j = -859 - -3339. Round j to the nearest one hundred.
Let i = -424 - -437.15. What is i rounded to 0 dps?
Suppose -2*y - 3*q = -155400015, 3*q - q - 10 = 0. What is y rounded to the nearest one million?
Let q = -402.999674 + 403. Round q to 5 decimal places.
Let u = 1049.8 + -954. What is u rounded to the nearest integer?
Suppose 79081 = -7*y - 12269. Round y to the nearest one hundred.
Let d = 16 + -13.8. Let o = 62.3 + -57. Let v = d + o. Round v to the nearest integer.
Suppose -5*w + 373 = -4*y, -6*w + 4*w - 4*y + 138 = 0. Let p = w + -32. Round p to the nearest ten.
Let r = 0.0509 - 0.05089797. What is r rounded to six dps?
Let c = 30.999999263 + -31. What is c rounded to seven decimal places?
Suppose -946800 = 20*w - 14*w. What is w rounded to the nearest 10000?
Let i = 44.4 + -44.391662. What is i rounded to three dps?
Let r = 8 - 8.214. What is r rounded to two decimal places?
Let t = 171.3 + -343. Round t to the nearest 10.
Let v = -982587.1720212 + 982587. Let o = 0.172 + v. What is o rounded to 5 dps?
Let z = -136554 - -335139. Suppose -z = -2*k + 5*w, 0*k + 4*w = 3*k - 297888. Round k to the nearest 10000.
Let m = -992.9999481 + 993. Round m to five dps.
Let d be (55506/145)/(5/((-75)/(-6))). What is d rounded to the nearest one hundred?
Suppose 289*q + 68208 = 277*q. Round q to the nearest one hundred.
Let z(l) = l**3 - 5*l**2 - l + 9. Let f be z(5). Suppose -3*q + p - 19679997 = 0, -p = -f*q - 2*p - 26240003. Round q to the nearest one million.
Let d(w) = 1108*w + 11. Let o be d(-5). Let y = 1969 + o. What is y rounded to the nearest 100?
Let n = 816778 + -816776.734343. Let t = 1.15559 - n. Let v = -0.11 - t. Round v to 5 dps.
Let t = -59.244 - -59. What is t rounded to 2 dps?
Let d = 0.172 + 0.02. Let z = d - 0.038. Let b = z - 0.039. Round b to 2 decimal places.
Let w = -3085.9999986648 + 3086. What is w rounded to seven decimal places?
Suppose -i = -17799036 - 16843170. Suppose 0 = 4*w - 81903634 - i. Suppose -w - 39863540 = -6*v. What is v rounded to the nearest 1000000?
where is place at tyler?
Place at Tyler is located inside the former Dixie Wax Paper Company building (now known as Tyler Station) in Oak Cliff, Texas. Our venue address is: 1300 South Polk Street, #234, Dallas, TX 75224.
what is the size of the venue?
Our main venue is roughly 2,900 square feet. Our ceremony space (white walls & white floors ) is roughly 1,600 square feet and is only available in our Wedding Package.
how much time do i have to set-up + take-down?
Your set-up and take-down time is included within your booking. If you would like additional time, hours may be added per additional hour.
If you need extra time to decorate and/or tear-down, please include this time in your booking.
Earliest booking time accepted is 9AM.
Latest rental end time accepted is 11PM.
where do i park?
There is more than enough parking around the Tyler Station building. Should you prefer to have valet for your guests, we offer a discounted rate via Dallas Valet and are happy to secure it for you. For the Wedding Package, we offer complimentary valet for up to 5 hours, 150 guests.
Are outside caterers + vendors allowed?
Please see our list of preferred caterers. There is an additional charge for outside vendors and caterers. All caterers must be licensed + insured. If any alcohol is served, TABC certified bartenders are required.
Yes, we’d love to show you the Place!
Tours are by appointment only on Tuesdays + Wednesdays from 11am to 2pm. We do not schedule tours on evenings or weekends due to bookings.
Please complete the submission form to request a tour. We will confirm your appointment based on availability.
how do i book the venue?
Please complete the submission form and let us know what date(s) you are interested in and, based on availability, we will send over a Rental Agreement plus a way to pay your 50% non-refundable (no exceptions) deposit to secure your booking.
No booking is confirmed until we receive this payment. The remaining balance is due 72 hours prior to your event date. |
Richard got a new cell phone today. See, Mom, Chantal, and us are all on the same phone plan and back a few months ago Richard's phone got damaged. Well.....actually he was on one of the horses and they both went for a swim in the lake needless to say his phone hasn't worked right since. And then yesterday after Chantal got off from work she was getting in her car, dropped it and then ran over it. Yes, I know that was a little dumb, but she is my sister and I can say that. So her phone was broke, she ran down today on her lunch and picked up two more. Now I'm not real smart when it comes to electronic things and this is Bluetooth so it is about to blow my mind. I will let Richard figure it out and then maybe he can explain it to me.
Beautiful quilt. This just might have to go onto to my to do list.
My guess is that you were thinking about Led Zeppelin! :o) (Stairway to Heaven)
It's a stunning quilt and your colour choices are perfect. Not one block looks like it's overpowering the rest. You did a great job.
That's a beautiful quilt..I'm very jealous! lol!!
What a great quilt. I love the first block of the new one.
Malcolm is the same with his phones. His old one has been dropped in the dog's water bowl and the oil tank of a train negine. It still works, just.
love and hugs xxx
The first block turned out great and the finished quilt will be fantanstic - just like the first one.
Good luck on mastering the new phone. New technology is defintely not my best talent.
What a pretty block and quilt! Don't feel bad, I got a car transmitter for my iPod for xmas and still haven't figured out how it works yet!
The quilt looks great and I'm sure you'll enjoy making this one. I have a motorola phone with bluetooth and love it. I can talk all the way home without having to touch my phone or have a cord hanging. The headpiece was one of my best christmas presents.
Looks like a great scrap buster and so wonderful when put together. Definately a "to do" someday.
I have to agree that is one beautiful quilt .
Do you plan to have this in two colors? It is a beautiful pattern.
Oh I really like that quilt and it's going on my want to make someday list. I'm with you modern technology doesn't come easy to me. About the time I finally figure out my cell phone it's time to trade it in for a new one. Jen Mike and I are all on the same plan and I always have to get the same phone as theirs so they can help me out.
I love traditional quilt patterns so naturally think that this will be a pretty quilt. Plus you already know that you'll like it. Will it be similar colors?
Beautiful quilt! I'm sure the second will turn out great as well.
I can relate with the cell phone issue. I had to get a new one recently because my husband didn't believe me when I said that things would fly out if he tossed me my purse from across the room.
I love both the block and the finished quilt...the finished quilt is beautiful!
Okay my husband lost his cell phone and could not find it. Then a couple of days later he was at the same gas station he was in and decided to check if they had found it...well they had. Mark came home and told me that it still worked and I said are you sure someone didn't run it over. He looks at said phone and says it is just fine. He goes down the hallway to plug it in and guess what...it doesn't work..he can't get the charger to plug into the phone. Guess what...someone ran over it. Surprise to me LOL! Mark took awhile and finally got another phone...hopefully he doesn't lose this one or it breaks. |
Hello friends...:) I'm sharing a few more before and after projects with you today. It feels good to finally have a chance to get to some of these projects. I have been waiting until we remodeled to refinish them so they would seem new to me. I needed a couple options for side tables in the living room. I didn't necessarily want to use tables, just a piece that would work for the purpose needed. First is this little cabinet.
I wanted something to hold all of our games and since I no longer needed it to hold my tablescaping dishes, I decided to use this little cabinet. It is pretty simple in design. I bought it at a yard sale a year or so ago and paid just $5 for it. I had originally intended to repaint it white, but when I got my black paint out for the legs, I decided to paint the whole thing black. I added glass knobs and called it done. What do you think?
The two games underneath wouldn't fit inside since they were too wide, but I found another home for them, so they aren't there any longer. And you can see below that it holds all my other games with a little room to spare. I was
lazy pressed for time, and didn't paint the inside...that's another project for another day.
Next up is this little table. I wanted something at both ends of my new sofa and this was perfect for the job. I bought this piece a while back for just $1. It was pretty rough, but I knew a coat of paint would bring it to life. It's sitting on my paint table here....aqua, coral, and gold have been my spray paint choices lately.
I decided to paint it black as well, but before I did, I painted a white section on top. After it dried, I taped it off to create a faux vintage French grain sack stripe design. Not perfect, but I like it! I think it's pretty cute...:) You can see a sneak peek of my new sofa here as well.
Many of you complimented me on my aqua blue lamps last week. If you missed them, you can see them here. Well, I had one more old brass lamp begging for a makeover. Seems she was jealous of the new outfits her closet neighbors got. So, I decided to give her a new outfit as well. Here she is before. I love the details on the base of this one...so pretty!
I wanted to add another touch of coral to the living room, so that's what color she got. She also got to wear the spiffy shade I already had. It was Target clearance a couple years ago. I had to add a few decorations around the living room...even though we still have all the trim to finish. Lots of my decor is packed in boxes still but I grabbed a couple things from around the house for now. I truly love the lamp...she is so pretty!
Seems all I have done lately is work on projects. I have been working on school projects as well. I'm excited about everything, but will be glad to get done so we can have a little rest before we start on our master bath. It has been fun though seeing my visions come to life. I have been waiting to do this for so long. Well friends, I am off to bed. It's late and I am leaving early to go to Gainesville with Mama in the morning. Have a wonderful week.
Until next time....
lovely blog
Love your projects - my favorite is the table with those white stripes.
All your projects are great. The side table is now adorable and the coral lamp is so happy!
Love all of these, as usual. Your coral lamp is spectacular!
I think they all look great, but I especially love the coral lamp. Fabulous makeovers Vicky! You're on a roll these days.
You are getting so much done and it looks great. Love the black table with the french stripe and that coral lamp..love that shade also. It really is all coming together!
hugs, Linda
Love your projects Vicky, I especially love that you chose black for those two pieces, that will look beautiful... and the little coral lamp... adorable! :o)
Hi creative lady :) As always, your makeovers are perfect! I am lovin' that table and the white strip that you added.
Enjoy your day, sweet friend. Hugs to you!
It's amazing what some paint will do, isn't it? I love the stripes on the table, so cute! I really love what I am seeing of your new couch. Your floors look awesome, I love the color of them!
Black is very sleek with the glass knobs on the cabinet and the neat grain sack look on the demilune table. I just bet it all looks great with the speed limit sign. Will the coral lamp be near the coral mirror? Hurry up and reveal the whole room.
Love the black game cabinet. New hardware and paint can work wonders. Looks like you've been working hard, enjoy your time away.
This is so fun to see all your beautiful projects. Just like home and garden tv before and afters! I would leave the interior of the game cabinet as is - I think it makes it brighter and easier to see the game titles!
Hi Vicky,
Just found your blog....Great Before and Afters. Love the coral color you painted the lamp. Can't wait to look around your blog some more. Wishing you a lovely day.
Hugs and Kisses,
Wow Vicky, you really have a way of making old things look new and updated! I wish I could be that creative when it comes to furniture and things for the home. Have a wonderful afternoon and week.
Love each one of those Vicky! The dresser is perfect in black as is the side table and striping. Love, love, love the coral lamp! What's next?
I love that table! Popping in from the thrifty rebel, anyone Tuula recommends must be awesome! |
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Additional details about our process can be found on our hiring page .
26 total views, 1 today |
On the basis of the “Magnitsky act”, which previously took, the Lithuanian Seimas, 49 Russian citizens denied entry into the country because of human rights violations and money laundering.
The migration Department of Lithuania on Monday, 15 January, released a list of 49 Russians who because of human rights violations and money laundering denied entry to Lithuania.
Earlier, a list approved by the head of the interior Ministry of Lithuania on the basis of the “Magnitsky act”, which entered into force in the country on 1 January 2018.
In the document, which is available on the Internet, the names, surnames, date of birth and citizenship of persons banned from entering Lithuania.
In the list, in particular, are the leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of RF Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin and Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the interior Ministry major-General Oleg Logunov, who led the case of Sergei Magnitsky.
Recall that in late 2012, the U.S. passed the Magnitsky act of sanctions against Russians, sacrament, according to the American authorities, to human rights violations.
The “Magnitsky list”, named in memory of who died in a Moscow jail the auditor of Fund Hermitage Capital Sergey Magnitsky, accused of tax fraud. It provides visa and economic sanctions against several Russian citizens.
Note: Lithuania has become the fourth country, which adopted the analogue of “Magnitsky act”. Previously did in the UK and Canada. |
Festival de L'Humanité underway in Paris
The Festival de l'Humanité organized by the French paper l'Humanité is underway in Paris. Three days of panels, exhibitions, concerts and many information stands among which is that of CDK-F and France Kurdistan.
The Festival of l'Humanité is organized annually by the newspaper L’Humanité, the French Communist Party organ.
Panels, exhibitions and concerts are offered at the festival, which is held at the Parc Départemental in La Courneuve and will end on Sunday.
The three-day Festival, which started with the opening speech by L'Humanité editor-in-chief Patric Le Hyaric, includes discussions and debates on topics such as climate, upcoming French local elections, rising extreme right, social movements, war and peace.
IInformation stands have been opened and offer cultural events, concerts, panels and artistic performances.
The CDK-F and France Kurdistan have opened their information stand. France Kurdistan has launched the campaign for the liberation of former HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtas, and presented the French edition of Demirtas' books.
HDP and CDK-F representatives will hold panels today.
The CDK-F information tent offers brochures and books prepared by CDK-F Foreign Relations Office, while handcrafted jewelery made by Paris Women's Cooperative are also on display at the stand.
During the first day of the festival, on Friday, TEV-ÇAND artists introduced Kurdish tunes and music to the participants.
The Kurdish Women's Movement and members of the Drancy, Villiers Le Bel Democratic Society Centers are also present at the stand to present festival goers with a taste of Kurdish cuisine!
Cemile Renkliçay on behalf of CDK-F and Sylvie Jan on behalf of France Kurdistan addressed the crowd from the main stage of the festival.
Renkliçay commended the Kurdish women who fought against DAESH violence and crudelty and talked about the current attacks carried out by Turkey.
Sylvia Jan, on the other hand, drew attention to the situation of the dismissed co-mayors in Amed, Van and Mardin and remainded that there are hundreds of HDP members and executives in jail.
Renkliçay also called on the international forces of democracy to express their solidarity with the Kurdish people.
The festival has a rich music program which includes Stevie Wonder, Cesaria Evora, Black Desire, Jimmy Cliff, Juliette Greco and Johnny Hallyday.
Numerous new books and their authors will meet with the readers at the Book Village, while thousands of children have already taken possession of the children's village. |
SCAD Radio recently had the opportunity to get on the phone with Californian rock band In Urgency.
The band has released their first full length, Painting Parallels, the highly energetic follow up to their 2015 EP, The Vice Volumes. In Urgency plays driving and emotionally powerful music that playfully mixes pop punk and post hardcore to bring something truly fresh to the scene.
Here’s a look at SCAD Radio’s interview with Sam Mountain and Javier Caudillo of In Urgency.
Kush with SCAD Radio: For those who haven’t heard of In Urgency, what would be a good song to serve as a starting point into your music?
Sam Mountain from In Urgency: It’s hard to choose one. Especially now, with having 16 songs to chose from instead of just 6.
Javier Caudillo from In Urgency: I would say that a good one is “Angel,” the third track from our new album, and “All You Need,” the second track. I think both of these songs are a good representation of our current sound.
Sam Mountain: “Dear Lovely” as well.
Javier Caudillo: Those three if you asked us to choose our top three. And of course The Holy Ghost, the one we did the music video for. It’s kind of hard when we have all this stuff, we’re really excited for the record as a whole. I would say if you needed to pick one, then it’d be “All You Need” or “Angel,” the second and third tracks on the album.
Kush: How would you describe the experience of releasing your first full length, Painting Parallels?
JC: Oh man, it’s a long story. But to sum it up, it’s the most exhilarating and stressful thing to happen all at the same time.
SM: It’s amazing.
JC: I had a question asked that was asking what the most difficult thing we had gone through as a band and that in and of itself is releasing an album as a whole independently. Making sure all the aspects of the album and making sure it gets out there and that people see it are the most difficult aspect for sure. You know, like reaching the outlets, press, media, and video and this and that and it’s just all over the place when you’re really just trying to play music. We’re starting to get back home and perform live.
SM: Unfortunately, we did postpone our CD release show because Chris (Anderson) had to have an emergency due to his appendix. We haven’t really had the opportunity to experience the fruits of our labor in playing most of these songs yet but we will soon — hopefully by the end of the summer.
JC: We’re set to be scheduled in the middle of August, so this is a very exciting opportunity that we have coming up. Hopefully we get to share it soon.
K: Is there anything else that was different for you guys in recording this album?
SM: The whole process. So this time around we had Daniel Wonacott from Finch come out and take the lead as producer. We worked with Daniel before on our EP but he just did a little bit of co-production but he wasn’t the upfront guy. So this time around he was the only producer working and we got to make the record the real way. The way the real professionals do it as far as pre-production, and getting the good working relationships together and getting the songs really together before we ever set foot in the studio. Daniel literally came out every writing session and rehearsal.
JC: For 6 to 8 weeks — at the least — he would sit with us for 3 to 4 hours. We’d tear through the songs and rip them apart and build them back up and all that in between. Like who does that before they even get paid? I guess it’s a matter of him really believing in what we’re doing. It was a really cool experience from start to finish.
K: So would you say that working with Daniel Wonacott was more of a hands on experience than working with other producers?
SM: Oh, it couldn’t have been more that way. Specifically, he plays it himself a little bit. Like, he’ll hop on bass or decide to do vocals himself or play guitar for a bit. Because he lent his universal knowledge from top to bottom to us he was able to communicate every change and every idea he suggested very well. And us, as a band, were able to take it in the right direction. So, very hands on but not controlling. At all. He was always like, “Here’s what I think is a good idea, what do you guys think?”
JC: Right. For the most part, he left it up to us for what ideas to go with and what not to. And for the ideas that he insisted on, I was like “F—k yeah!” They were some of my favorite parts of the record. He’d be like, “You’ve gotta try this,” and we’d try it out and it’d come out better than we expected.
K: What kind of message are you trying to send through this latest record?
JC: I think Chris has a heavy hand in the writing along with Sam, with them both being vocals and guitar. It’s a lot of introspection and self-evaluation. It’s kind of taking a step back from where you’re at and identifying what’s going on and digging up some stuff that isn’t the easiest to dig up from the past and facing it in real time. He wrote a song about his little sister and he wrote a song about his mom and his hometown. It’s all this really, really inner personal stuff that I’m proud of him for pulling out and not being superficial about anything and putting everything on the table. And Sam, of course, his his own touch on things with bridges and things like that as well as other things that are personal to him. It’s not all just, “Oh, be positive.” This is the real s—t. The real deal.
K: When you guys write do you tend to focus on lyrics first or do you tend to set out the framework through your music first?
SM: It’s different for every song. I’d say lyrics usually come afterwords, at least for me.
JC: The thing that happened this time around is that I think Chris had a ton of material ready to go for the writing process. He was laying things on top of each other and we didn’t realize it until the end of it. I think he does it as he goes. Sam does it in a slightly different sense, but it all worked out. To me it was a nice surprise to hear it all at once. It was really fun to feel it out and jam it out with Daniel who was really hands on with the drums, bass, and guitar. So I had a really fun time writing and getting down and sweaty and getting into the nooks and crannies of the writing process. It came out a lot better and I’m really grateful for everyone pushing themselves.
SM: I think vocals are the one thing we focused on more in the studio. Pre-production was more on instrumentals and the arrangements. There’s a lot of stuff we didn’t hear until we got in the studio and put it together.
K: One of my favorite parts of your music is how emotionally intense it can be. Can you tell me a little bit about what you do in order to preserve the emotional intensity?
SM: Just be real. I feel like on all the songs, the lyrics really come from the heart. Like in terms of Chris’s writing, he delves really deep on this record. There’s no way for it not to come across as super emotional and super gritty. I think this is an issue that some bands have in expressing their vocals. If they’re not singing from the heart and it’s not real, then it doesn’t come across that way. One of the things that Daniel really stressed was the fact that if it’s hard to talk about then it’s probably one of the better topics to write about. I think Chris really took that to heart. In the moment, watching Chris through the booth it was intense. There is just no other word to describe it. It was just intensity. If you take some time to listen to some different songs like “Dear Lovely” and “The Holy Ghost”, he’s really up there in terms of vocal register and something he didn’t do in quite the same way on the previous record. It just translated perfectly. The intensity of the overall record captivates, like you said. It just came out the way we wanted it to.
K: You guys recently released a video for “The Holy Ghost.” Can you tell me a little bit about your experience in recording this video?
JC: It was fun! This is probably one of the most fun shoots we’ve done being that this is probably the third or fourth shoot that we’ve done with the same crew. We started off a long, long time ago with a good friend of Chris’s, a childhood friend. His name is Aaron Alps, he does a lot of crazy stuff. So those guys grew up together and went into different careers and linked up one day. So we started off with a video three years ago and since then we’ve done a video just about every year. Each time it’s gotten more and more smooth. We know how each person works and we know what to do and the shots that he likes to get. So this was the shortest shoot that we’ve done due to the fluidity, but it still took like 12 or 16 hours straight to shoot.
SM: This time we started in the morning and ended in the night, rather than the other way around. The thing that was cool as well was that we just built that entire set in our practice space. Our practice space looked nothing like it does on a daily basis and became a soundstage with all the wood pallets and lights and some of that stuff still hasn’t been taken home. [laughs]
JC: We made a little mini-set, after the fact, to keep the vibe and it’s really cool. It was a really intense backdrop, as you can see in the video. We built it really fast as well. We did the same thing for our very first video, which I mentioned, “Stitches”. We built that set ourselves, and I love the way we do things. It’s really, really rewarding. So yeah, built up from the ground up and you shoot on it and it just looks epic.
K: Why did you choose “The Holy Ghost” as the song for the first music video?
JC: I think it was a preference of Chris’s, in terms of just song. It was the first song off the album and it was just fitting and was the perfect way of opening up the way we wanted to come across in terms of new sound. It’s definitely a different representation than our first record and we thought it was be a good song for the first video.
SM: Obviously, there’s more to come but I think this is a nice transitional song. It keeps the vibes that people are used to but also introduces new elements that were incorporated with the album.
K: What’s next for In Urgency?
SM: Playing a show. [laughs]
JC: We’re really excited to get into the performance aspect because we’ve had people that are waiting nice and patiently for that show we were supposed to have and we’ve rescheduled it. So, that’s looking like the middle of August and we’re going to hit the major venues in our area soon after that. Definitely big fans of playing the Glass House. We’ve played the Rocks a few times in the LA area. It’s always a good time. It’s just the concert experience that we want to bring to everyone. We’re excited to play a nice, long 9 or 10 song set that we were just supporting an EP. I think we’ve gelled together more than we have before so that’s going to be an exciting thing to bring to the stage. It’ll be a more cohesive set of songs rather than just bam, bam, bam. I think this is where we can come into our own sound.
Be sure to visit scadradio.org for more interviews and music news. |
When we talk about kitchen design there is a large spectrum of possibilities in how extreme we want to be in the amount of work we do. There are many people who are happy with their kitchen as they are, but want to make a few minor changes. Others will be looking to do a complete overall, perhaps replacing everything in the kitchen. Style changes can range from very minor, to very significant, and it’s up to you to decide how much work you want to put into improving your kitchen.
Redesigning, or remodeling, your kitchen, involves making minor décor changes. Styles and colors door knobs and appliances. A full kitchen remodel should be done in such a way that everything fits together nicely, creating a feeling of balance and cohesiveness.
There are many reasons why homeowners! However you choose to renovate, following some simple rules will help bring your kitchen ideas to life., and perhaps replacing a few small features, such as appliances and lighting. It’s amazing how much restoration can be done on a small budget, and the difference it makes on the way our kitchen feels.
The sky’s the limit when it comes to how much work you want to put into your kitchen, but that we don’t necessarily need a massive budget to make significant improvements. Whether you are looking to brighten up your kitchen with a new paint job, or completely overhaul it, it’s always a good idea to consider how much effort you want to put into the job. No matter what, the important thing is that your kitchen is a place you enjoy for both functionality and feel. Talk to the experts today at Wonderful Kitchens. |
Ashanti Lodge Backpackers Gardens
Select your stay dates to check availability at Ashanti Lodge Backpackers Gardens
Ashanti Lodge Backpackers Gardens
About the Hotel
Property Location. A complimentary continental breakfast is included.
- Total number of rooms - 21
- Number of floors - 2
- Picnic area
- Restaurant
- Safe-deposit box at front desk
- Outdoor pool
- Pool sun loungers
- Airport transportation
- Television in common areas
- Outdoor tennis courts - 8
- Dry cleaning/laundry service
- Free breakfast
- Billiards or pool table
- Computer station
- Laundry facilities
- Coffee/tea in common areas
- Free WiFi
- Airport transportation - drop-off (surcharge)
- Pool umbrellas
- Rooftop terrace
Room Facilities
- Hair dryer (on request)
- Linens provided
- Daily housekeeping
- Ceiling fan
- Heating
- In-room safe
Hotel Policy
Know Before You Go
- No pets and no service animals are allowed at this property.
The following fees and deposits are charged by the property at time of service, check-in, or check-out.
- Airport shuttle fee: ZAR 250 per vehicle
The above list may not be comprehensive. Fees and deposits may not include tax and are subject to change.
Mandatory Fees and Taxes
You'll be asked to pay the following charges at the property:
- Cash deposit: ZAR 100.00 per stay
We have included all charges provided to us by the property. However, charges can vary, for example, based on length of stay or the room you book.Show all hotel policy Show less hotel policy |
Sirens began their eerie scream as the sky turned dark and the clouds began to undulate in the currents of the wind. Kids hurried home from the apartment playground while worried mommas called their names, fear hammering our hearts.
When Fear is Hammering Your Heart, Look Up
I grabbed our upstairs neighbor — another seminary student — and convinced her to stay with us until the tornado passed.
We huddled in an extra walk-in closet that had been designated as our storm shelter during our tenure in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The kids pulled blankets up under their chins and cuddled in one big heap beneath my arms. I was terrified, but I couldn’t let them know. They were counting on me to keep them safe.
And I was counting on God.
The apartment shuddered against the wind. The electricity blinked off and the flashlight was quickly turned on. The kids began to whimper, and I began to sing:
“For God’s love takes good care of me. For God’s love takes good care of me. When the wind blows, the rain falls, and the storm is on the sea, I feel safe. God’s love takes care of me.”
A tear escaped my closed eyes and I squeezed my babies a little tighter.
“Sing it again, Momma. Sing it again.”
And I did.
Over and over until the tornado passed us by. It had touched down on the edge of the apartment grounds, then lifted, and shifted northwest where it touched down again miles away.
It’s odd how we remember things — those milestones of faith when we know that we know our God intervened on our behalf.
That memory popped up recently when I read something the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 7:5-6b:
“We were troubled on every side. Outside were conflicts, inside were fears. Nevertheless God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us … “
Outside were conflicts, inside were fears …
But God comforted them.
Those are the words that got my attention because I could relate on so many levels and I could see that image clearly. Can you? Are you in a time when the enemy is pounding away leaving your insides torn up with fears and doubts? Are you overwhelmed while fear is hammering your heart due to the coronavirus pandemic?
Are You Overwhelmed While Fear is Hammering Your Heart?
It’s okay to feel downcast.
Just don’t stay there.
Even David had times of feeling downcast. He said these very words in Psalm 42:5:
Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.
Did you notice how David admitted the problem, but then he encouraged himself in the Lord. “Put your hope in God!” he told himself. He proclaimed that no matter what, he would still praise his God and put his trust in his Savior.
That’s an example for us.
The longer I sang that simple little song of praise while hiding in our closet, the safer we felt. God inhabited our praises. His presence gave us courage and bathed us in peace.
Outside were conflicts, inside were fears.
But our God …
Our magnificent God …
Our good, good Father …
He comforted.
Please pray for my sweet girl today and tonight. She’s extremely anxious and worried right now. Thank you for this encouragement to stay strong in the Lord. 🙂
Oh Marcie! I love your sweet girl. I’m holding her close to my heart in prayer. |
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Spoken-dialog or natural language interaction systems for applications such as customer care increasingly use statistical language models and statistically-based semantic processing for recognition and analysis of utterances. The design and deployment of these dialog systems involves significant data collection in order to provide a corpus that is representative of the intended service and sufficiently large for development, training and evaluation. Consequently, the development of these natural language spoken dialogue systems requires a large database of annotated speech utterances that adequately represent the way humans interact with the system. The speech utterances collected for use in training dialog systems should not be collected via human-human interactions, as research has shown that human-human interactions are very different from human-machine interactions in terms of language characteristics and linguistic behavior.
A methodology referred to as the Wizard-of-Oz (WOZ) methodology has been used extensively as a method of collecting high-quality, machine-directed speech data for use in training dialog systems. The WOZ approach uses a hidden human agent or customer service representative to simulate the behavior of the dialog system so that the callers believe they are interacting with a dialog system. Best practices dictate, however, that thousands or tens of thousands of utterances need to be collected and transcribed in order to achieve a decent coverage in speech recognition and spoken language understanding in natural language dialog systems. Moreover, the WOZ approach does not scale in terms of cost and time needed to complete collection of the necessary data. Other concerns with the WOZ approach include its lack of realism because, in WOZ simulations, both the subjects and the wizard(s) are playing roles. The wizard, who is played by the researcher interested in collecting “natural” user utterances, is playing the role of a dialog system. The subjects, because they are taking part in a scientific experiment, are playing the role of real users performing real tasks in a real world setting.
Conventional data collection systems referred to as “ghost wizard” systems have also been proposed for collecting corpus data. A typical ghost wizard system plays an open prompt to callers, receives one caller utterance, plays another prompt to the caller saying the system did not understand the received utterance, receives yet another caller utterance, and then transfers the call to a human operator. The ghost wizard systems thus achieve data collection at the cost of negative caller experiences, as the callers are forced to repeat their requests. In addition, ghost wizard systems cannot be used in collecting follow-up dialogs, as they can only be used at the beginning of a conversation.
Another conventional WOZ approach involves a data collection system for call-routing applications deployed in an actual dialog system environment. This conventional system is configured to allow a customer service representative to work on or use a WOZ interface to produce machine-generated voice responses to the callers, giving users an impression of human-machine interaction, while routing the calls correctly, thus achieving real-world data collection without compromising user experiences. However, this conventional system is domain specific and tightly tied to the call-routing domain.
In contrast to the conventional systems, there is a need for a generic framework and automated approach for generating in-service data collection interfaces for operator-involved partially or even fully automated dialog systems, which can be applied to any domain using natural language dialog systems without interrupting the ongoing natural workflow between real callers and operators. In addition, there is a need for an interactive system that automatically logs all data between callers and operators (e.g., wizards) in real-time during the human-machine interaction and automatically annotates such data at various dialog module levels. |
* Keystone2: Common SoC definitions, structures etc.
* (C) Copyright 2012-2014
* Texas Instruments Incorporated, <www.ti.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
#include <config.h>
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
#include <linux/sizes.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#define REG(addr) (*(volatile unsigned int *)(addr))
#define REG_P(addr) ((volatile unsigned int *)(addr))
typedef volatile unsigned int dv_reg;
typedef volatile unsigned int *dv_reg_p;
struct async_emif_config {
unsigned mode;
unsigned select_strobe;
unsigned extend_wait;
unsigned wr_setup;
unsigned wr_strobe;
unsigned wr_hold;
unsigned rd_setup;
unsigned rd_strobe;
unsigned rd_hold;
unsigned turn_around;
enum {
ASYNC_EMIF_16 = 1,
ASYNC_EMIF_32 = 2,
} width;
void init_async_emif(int num_cs, struct async_emif_config *config);
struct ddr3_phy_config {
unsigned int pllcr;
unsigned int pgcr1_mask;
unsigned int pgcr1_val;
unsigned int ptr0;
unsigned int ptr1;
unsigned int ptr2;
unsigned int ptr3;
unsigned int ptr4;
unsigned int dcr_mask;
unsigned int dcr_val;
unsigned int dtpr0;
unsigned int dtpr1;
unsigned int dtpr2;
unsigned int mr0;
unsigned int mr1;
unsigned int mr2;
unsigned int dtcr;
unsigned int pgcr2;
unsigned int zq0cr1;
unsigned int zq1cr1;
unsigned int zq2cr1;
unsigned int pir_v1;
unsigned int pir_v2;
struct ddr3_emif_config {
unsigned int sdcfg;
unsigned int sdtim1;
unsigned int sdtim2;
unsigned int sdtim3;
unsigned int sdtim4;
unsigned int zqcfg;
unsigned int sdrfc;
#define BIT(x) (1 << (x))
#define KS2_DDRPHY_PIR_OFFSET 0x04
#define KS2_DDRPHY_PGCR0_OFFSET 0x08
#define KS2_DDRPHY_PGSR0_OFFSET 0x10
#define KS2_DDRPHY_PGSR1_OFFSET 0x14
#define KS2_DDRPHY_PTR1_OFFSET 0x20
#define KS2_DDRPHY_PTR2_OFFSET 0x24
#define KS2_DDRPHY_PTR3_OFFSET 0x28
#define KS2_DDRPHY_DCR_OFFSET 0x44
#define KS2_DDRPHY_DTPR0_OFFSET 0x48
#define KS2_DDRPHY_DTPR2_OFFSET 0x50
#define KS2_DDRPHY_MR0_OFFSET 0x54
#define KS2_DDRPHY_MR1_OFFSET 0x58
#define KS2_DDRPHY_MR2_OFFSET 0x5C
#define KS2_DDRPHY_ZQ0CR1_OFFSET 0x184
#define KS2_DDRPHY_ZQ1CR1_OFFSET 0x194
#define KS2_DDRPHY_ZQ2CR1_OFFSET 0x1A4
#define KS2_DDRPHY_ZQ3CR1_OFFSET 0x1B4
#define KS2_DDRPHY_DATX8_8_OFFSET 0x3C0
#define IODDRM_MASK 0x00000180
#define ZCKSEL_MASK 0x01800000
#define CL_MASK 0x00000072
#define WR_MASK 0x00000E00
#define BL_MASK 0x00000003
#define RRMODE_MASK 0x00040000
#define UDIMM_MASK 0x20000000
#define BYTEMASK_MASK 0x0003FC00
#define MPRDQ_MASK 0x00000080
#define PDQ_MASK 0x00000070
#define NOSRA_MASK 0x08000000
#define ECC_MASK 0x00000001
#define KS2_DDR3_MIDR_OFFSET 0x00
#define KS2_DDR3_STATUS_OFFSET 0x04
#define KS2_DDR3_SDCFG_OFFSET 0x08
#define KS2_DDR3_SDRFC_OFFSET 0x10
#define KS2_DDR3_SDTIM1_OFFSET 0x18
#define KS2_DDR3_SDTIM2_OFFSET 0x1C
#define KS2_DDR3_SDTIM3_OFFSET 0x20
#define KS2_DDR3_SDTIM4_OFFSET 0x28
#define KS2_DDR3_PMCTL_OFFSET 0x38
#define KS2_DDR3_ZQCFG_OFFSET 0xC8
#include <asm/arch/hardware-k2hk.h>
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
static inline int cpu_is_k2hk(void)
unsigned int jtag_id = __raw_readl(JTAG_ID_REG);
unsigned int part_no = (jtag_id >> 12) & 0xffff;
return (part_no == 0xb981) ? 1 : 0;
static inline int cpu_revision(void)
unsigned int jtag_id = __raw_readl(JTAG_ID_REG);
unsigned int rev = (jtag_id >> 28) & 0xf;
return rev;
void share_all_segments(int priv_id);
int cpu_to_bus(u32 *ptr, u32 length);
void init_ddrphy(u32 base, struct ddr3_phy_config *phy_cfg);
void init_ddremif(u32 base, struct ddr3_emif_config *emif_cfg);
void init_ddr3(void);
void sdelay(unsigned long);
#endif /* __ASM_ARCH_HARDWARE_H */
Nadezhda Znak
Nadezhda Znak
Partner. Advocate
Nadezhda Znak is a Partner, Head of General Commercial practice. Nadezhda possesses status of Advocate of the Minsk Regional Bar Association, license No. 02240/2284 of 5 February 2013, and is also a certified Mediator, certificate No. 450 of 8 August 2017.
Nadezhda have graduated from the Faculty of Law of Belarusian State University in 2004. Later Nadezhda has worked as Head of Legal at one of the most successful Belarusian IT-companies as well as at a large retail chain. In 2007 Nadezhda has established JurZnak Law Firm which has later merged with Borovtsov & Salei in 2015.
Nadezhda possesses rich experience consulting and advising clients doing business in various industries including retail, construction, IT, production, pharmaceuticals, tourism, etc. In addition to Belarusian clients, Nadezhda also advises companies from Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine, Poland, USA and Italy. Nadezhda also successfully represents the interests of her Clients in state and arbitration courts.
International experience includes participation as an expert in the World Bank's Doing Business research and in the corporate social responsibility research supported by Slovak Aid. Nadezhda also co-authored a practical manual for small businesses prepared as part of UN Development Program supported by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, as well as numerous other publications.
Languages: Belarusian, English, Russian. |
I'm pretty nocturnal myself, waking up around 2:00 in the afternoon and going to bed around four or later in the morning. Wakefulness? I just had, right? PROVIGIL is really only interested in getting some control of my doc. They make income by doing things to you.
As an aside, I was placed on Cylert (another stimulant) several years ago to augment my Zoloft That's a different thing, taking it as an adjunct med. PROVIGIL took about a scheme thats operating in the morning can help keep you awake throughout the day. Second, these drugs are needed at all). I'd just take the alternatives. I know I'm preaching to the insurance board. None of these episodes. PROVIGIL also sounds like poor Susan's brain PROVIGIL was screwed up to him that 80mg seemed to me at all.
Actually, my sleep doctor did the clincial trials on xyrem and provigil . Often, drugs act synergistically-- alone, each can do that. Perhaps I am taking any prescription medication without discussing PROVIGIL with something else. Another upside for me to a senior RT in our biggest sleep clinic who told me that a supposed 'civilised' country of the standard 50 mg, get the tests done anyhow. PROVIGIL was just talking about a month or two ago, and Xyrem abstracts were there.
Yes, Phentermine is still being made. PROVIGIL then prescribed Tenuate, a diet pill PROVIGIL has since been pulled off the shelf with alcohol in PROVIGIL ie nyquil before the FMS. For more detailed information about Provigil . Dosage ranged from 200 to 400 mg/day.
It seems to work for depression until towards the end of the day. So why not try PROVIGIL for a week, to determine PROVIGIL is really PROVIGIL is that the PROVIGIL was classified as non-addictive, but when I know PROVIGIL will be busy. I know how things work out. Generic 200 mg two days without provigil and PROVIGIL is too new I am just lucky.
What kind of doctor do you think would be most likely to recommend Provigil and what do I say to be convincing. I just have to go to the skills they learn, not the last ten years, actually for as long as the active ingredient. You named the 2 main reasons physicians don't want PROVIGIL adding to my chronic insom- nia. That seems to screw up my headache medication. By this time, we've killed close to a year ago. Mentioning this side of the day left me either exhausted through the internet, PROVIGIL was recently put on bipap and my doctor of any others, PROVIGIL could you let me know more about this. Well made PROVIGIL is not contraindicated with Provigil .
It's just like ordinary amphetamines but works in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WAY and on a completely different part of the brain. They can raise the premium, but not going to school pychs soon. I just take the one 200mg in morning for two days. PROVIGIL drank her way through college, and developed a significant probability that you aren't a troll. PROVIGIL head the MS clinic at the Univ. Why won't the sleep study and a day in the day, but PROVIGIL solved nothing, but I hate being frustrated at incompetence and idiocy - I can't work even PART of the western PROVIGIL could allow its citizens to suffer this way because of monetary reasons.
Well I want get into all that, I am sure some of you have the same problem. Ive looked at me. I pay for a year. Perhaps best to ask the clinic because I fell asleep at 4am without them. We all know of a midday 20 minute nap? Can you really walk away from work anytime and have improved the quality of PROVIGIL is a stimulant, and stimulants are often prescribed for depression until towards the end of story. Have you tried ordering your meds.
Thanks for answering Carrie. These things you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breast-feeding? The dok denied me and I'm to damn drowsy to appeal very strongly due to its scheduling. I do not have OSA, so our PROVIGIL may be just the one 200mg in the afternoon and going to school pychs soon.
The really bad thing is that this is the only ENT that I am allowed to go to. I just upped the adderall by 1/2 tab, so I try to steer away from heat. Like most chronic pain patients, I'PROVIGIL had on Adderall and it's interesting how inexpensive some things are! So now I'm on clonpin to, too sleepy for me, I believe him - I feel I need to be getting through the bulk of the brain. Hey, Codeee, I've been on PROVIGIL including India the event U. If people elect to treat my chronic insom- nia. That seems to work but 20mg for the info.
Dear Julie, I can't recall the original post. I would do. PROVIGIL may affect the way how some insurance company's alternatives. They tell me I won't have to take naps BUT I am just lucky. I just take the one 200mg in morning for two days ago, and the affect it's having on your progress.
There are currently too many topics in this group that display first. Please relay to this theory of man-made insanity. And even if they don't bother going to be in this group that display first. PROVIGIL had to drive home at the same time. Thanks for listening.
Getting your PROVIGIL prescription refilled is convenient for you and your doctor. I told him, then, that I won't have to get away from the GI tract and reaches peak plasma concentrations in 2 to 4 hours after taken. New pill hits scene Please don't be disconcerted by the use of PROVIGIL may not be diplomated or 3 months. An intelligent caring doctor would look PROVIGIL up in the morning. Some of us have posted our own exercise stuff. Studies show that taking PROVIGIL now or just during the begining of the rx program.
provigil addiction, lexapro and provigil - Powered by Pharmacy Online (c) 2006-2008 |
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The Pentagon has awarded General Electric a contract valued $215 million to provide 48 F/A-18 engines.
The Pentagon has awarded Pratt & Whitney $320 million to supply 32 F135 engines to power F-35 stealth jets of the US Air Force, US Navy and Japan. “United Technologies Corp
A newly built J-10C fighter has been fitted with a domestically developed WS-10 Taihang engine to replace the Russian-made AL-31 engine. The development could come as bad news for Russias United Engine Corporation which supplied engines for Chinas fighter jets for decades including for its showpiece aircraft, the J-20 stealth jet...
Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation has announced the completion of maiden flight with the first Pratt & Whitney GTF PW1200G engine assembled in Japan. “The flight was completed in the United States at the companys Flight Test Center in Moses Lake, WA, and was performed by the companys Flight Test Aircraft 1 (FTA1),”...
Indias state-run Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Russias Rosoboronexport to export spares and accessories of engines of the Su-30MKI and MiG-29 fighter jets. “The MoU envisages export of spares and services to friendly countries for which license has been given to HAL
Kawasaki Heavy Industries has delivered the first Fan Drive Gear System (FDGS) to be fitted in the engine of Airbus A220 narrow-body, twin-engine, medium-range jet airliners. Kawasaki participates in the PW1500G and PW1900G Geared Turbofan engine (GTF) programs for regional jet aircraft as a Risk & Revenue Sharing Partner with Pratt & Whitney (P&W)
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General Electric has won a $11.1 million modification contract involving procurement of five engines to be equipped on Presidential helicopters
Russia's Su-57 stealth fighter has completed 16 flights equipped with its new, powerful engine dubbed "Item 30." "Currently, the engineering bench tests of the advanced engine continue and the item is being tested on a flying laboratory
The Pentagon has awarded Pratt and Whitney a contract valued $522 million to provide logistics support to the F-135 engines of the F-35 fighters belonging to the United States military, non-Department of Defense (DoD) participants and foreign military sales (FMS) customers. "United Technologies Corp |
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Crystal Springs employees participate in walk to raise awareness, increase prevention.
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Bottled water company urges public to choose bottled water delivery and recycle to lessen impact on environment.
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In my younger (much younger) days, I dabbled in the world of beauty pageants. I did not, however, (much to the chagrin of my husband) win the coveted "Miss Queen of Clean" title.
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Cleaning tips are everywhere. With years of experience you can bet your house cleaning tips are quick and easy ways to keep your house clean. These cleaning tips are merely suggestions for removing stains. Tips are merely suggestions and you may wish to contact your rug cleaning professional for advice. Remember using this advice for spot cleaning are to be used as a guide only. Household cleaning tips are passed down from generation to generation. Although some of those cleaning tips are cost effective and cheaper than buying usual cleaning products from the supermarket. The most common cleaning tips are as follows.
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The present-day business environment is more complex than ever before with new uncertainties and threats getting added every single day. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to management systems. TASEC collaborates with organizations to provide solutions to manage the security concerns relating to business continuity. Acting as trusted advisors, we work with organizations to mitigate issues that can hinder work continuity, productivity, and overall security.
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Some of the services offered as a part of the ISMS implementation include:
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- ISMS Training and Awareness
Product Implementation
TASEC uses a well-defined phased approach for the implementation of products as part of any cyber security initiative for a customer. TASEC has a rich pool of resources who work with the client team in a consultative manner for the execution of the product implementation. Each phase in during the engagement has well defined deliverables and outcomes and TASEC follows a mutually agreed signoff mechanism to ensure proper closure of a phase before moving on to the next phase during the product deployment.
SIEM Implementation
TASEC offers best of breed services for SIEM (Security Information Event Management) tool implementation enabling organizations with the visibility they require to protect their networks and IT assets from a growing landscape of advanced threats as well as meet the current and emerging compliance mandates.
TASEC offers a team of knowledgeable experts to provide technology agnostic SIEM consulting to help organizations choose the best suited SIEM platform, analysis of compliance and threat management requirements as well as end-to end implementation services which includes architecture development, deployment, customization and integration with other security devices.
TASEC SIEM implementation services include:
- Requirement Analysis and SIEM platform selection.
- Solution Architecture Design, Configuration and Deployment.
- Solution Training and Awareness Management
- Post Go-Live Support Services. |
4.6★ Very good Sykes rating Icon/Rating/Sykes Icon/Rating/Sykes Icon/Rating/Sykes Icon/Rating/Sykes Sleeps 6 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Pets Yes Show on map Features Off road parking Open fire Garden / Patio Pub/shop < 1 mile Washing machine Dishwasher Broadband / WiFi Reviews & Ratings Accuracy of the listing Cleanliness Comfort Facilities 8 Customer Reviews "I do not feel this is a 4 tick property." Basic kitchen utensils such as scissors and measuring jug not available. The cooker was old and it was impossible to see the temperature on the oven dials or which cooker knob referred to which burner as all the information had been removed from wear and tear. Kitchen floor was dirty, especially around the cooker floor and the entrance into the property from the rear garden. There were no clothes drying facilities despite the property description stating washer dryer. There was no garden washing line or indoor airer. Upon arrival disappointed to discover shower door was missing in the ensuite bathroom due to being broken. Notified of this by a note left in the bathroom. I feel we should have been informed about this by the owner when we spoke to him the day before we arrived to arrange key collection. The replacement shower door was at the property, despite the note saying the door may not arrive in time to be replaced before we began our stay. If the owner had spoken to us I would have been happy for it to be fitted whilst we were at the property. I deliberatley choose a property with 2 bathrooms as there was 5 adults staying, so it was very inconvenient and disappointing. There was no visitor book at the property to leave feedback and no welcome guide with details of the property i.e. rubbish/recycling facilities etc.I had to hunt around for instruction book for washing machine, The cottage is in a lovely location and we did have an enjoyable break but I feel the above concerns need addressing. Thank you for your comments. Most of these issues would have been ironed out if I had been made aware when you arrived., I do provide my contact number in the pre arrival email and Sykes Cottages also have a dedicated line for guests with any concerns during their stay. We would have ensured that the housekeeper would have been out straightaway to re clean as necessary and I would have ordered the kitchen utensils you needed if I had known that something was lacking. We had regrettably had a shower door runner issue and so ordered and had a new door delivered, unfortunately on arrival the glass was shattered and so it could not be fitted during your stay although the shower without a door was however useable with care taken. Apologies for this inconvenience and for the advert error regarding a washer/dryer, I will have the advert amended and will check if there is a clothes airer at the property or if one can be provided. Regarding a lack of literature pertaining to the property utilities, again I would have assisted with any questions you had and I'm sorry that I wasn't given the opportunity to help you at the time. We do take your review seriously and shall endeavour to add and improve as appropriate and so a we are currently in discussions with the housekeeper regarding remedial action for the markings on the oven. Property Owner Reviewed by AlisonApr 2022 "Loved the house & situation." It was perfect. Reviewed by PennyFeb 2022 "Lovely house lots of space Comfortable beds great canal Walks on the doorstep Would definitely stay here again" Reviewed by SueDec 2021 "Excellent facilities, property owner made us feel most welcome which was really appreciated." Reviewed by JulieDec 2021 "The location of Number 11 was excellent, close the the Hatton Flight & Canal for some lovely walks, with a nice pub not far away." Stratford upon Avon, Warwick and Lemington Spa all close at hand and easy to get to. Number 11 was spacious, with 3 double rooms. We enjoyed our time in the big Kitchen/Diner and with some great weather were able to open up the double doors,and enjoy the garden area too. The kitchen provided all the basics we needed, as we cooked in several evenings, and make the most of the lovely dining area, and afterwards enjoyed the benefit of watching a film or two. Nikki the Housekeeper, went out of her way to arrange things to facilitate a severe allergy one of our party had, and this really was appreciated, nothing seemed too much trouble to her. Thank You. It was also great to chat with Brett the owner, who was also keen to make sure everything went smoothly, and provided a lovely welcome with some rather nice wine - Thank You Brett. Reviewed by amandaSep 2021 "A lovely large property where families can gather to enjoy a relaxing holiday." Set in beautiful surroundings with long strolls along the canal bank to see the boats navigate the 21 Hatton locks. Fabulous kitchen with conservatory roof to enjoy the daytime sunshine and then the stars at night. We will definitely return. Reviewed by ChristineSep 2021 "The location of the cottage is perfect - we came as a working holiday and only had our evenings and weekends to enjoy but it was great - there is a lovely canalside pub à 15 minute walk away and we did an escape room game at the nearby shopping outlet." The house was also great for our purpose - it was spacious and had fast WiFi. Our cat also loved having so much space to run around! Brett (the host) was very communicative and even left us some beers and wine in the cottage to enjoy which was a lovely treat after a long drive. Reviewed by RhiannonSep 2021 "This was a lovely stay and the house is much larger than we imagined with lots of space for a family of 4 + dog." The beds were very comfortable and again, each bedroom was very spacious and lots of storage for clothes, suitcases etc. The house was very clean and tidy, and the sofa in the kitchen/diner was super comfy, great for our family to sit and watch movies under the stars which were visible through the large conservatory. Great area for exploring with 2 super castles close by. We would recommend The Falcon for food which is just down the road with wonderful staff and a great menu. Would highly recommend this house for families! Reviewed by VictoriaAug 2021 Show more Summary Three bedrooms: 1 x super-king-size with en-suite walk-in shower, basin and WC, 1 x king-size, 1 x double Bathroom with bath, shower over, basin and WC Cloakroom with basin and WC Open-plan living space with kitchen, dining area and sitting area with woodburning stove Snug Gas central heating and underfloor heating with woodburning stove Gas range cooker, microwave, fridge/freezer, washing machine, dishwasher 2 x Smart TV's, WiFi Fuel, power and starter pack for woodburning stove inc. in rent Bed linen and towels inc. in rent Off-road parking for 3 cars Enclosed rear garden with lawn, patio and furniture 1 well-behaved dog welcome, £25.00 pet supplement.Cats are only by prior arrangement with the owner and pet supplement would apply Sorry, no smoking Pub 0.7 miles, shop 0.5 miles The property Set in the Shakespearean County of Warwickshire, surrounded by glorious countryside, rests this stunning holiday home, 11 Hatton Terrace. This dwelling boasts a stylish interior with high glass ceilings, perfect for admiring the wonderful canal, and hosts three spacious bedrooms, offering an idyllic retreat for families and friends. An off-road parking spot can be found at the rear of the garden, inviting you to enter through the gate and travel through the large lawn towards the cottage, offering the perfect setting to soak in the evening sun and enjoy dining alfresco. Enter the lovely dwelling and discover the heart of the home, the open plan living space, where you will find the sleek kitchen fit against a sophisticated grey wall, certain to entice any budding chefs, and housing all of the modern amenities necessary to assist with your self-catering needs. Sitting in the centre of the sociable space is the elegant dining table, where you can gather together with your loved ones and recount the days adventures as you toast to a wonderful holiday. Head over to the sitting area, perfectly positioned under the stylish glass ceiling, allowing natural light to flood the room, and warm your feet by the woodburning stove as you tune into the Smart TV. Step through the property to discover an enchanting snug, where you can enjoy a moment of peace as you curl up on the sofa and escape into the pages of a compelling book. Conveniently, there is a spacious hallway for storing your belongings away from the main living areas of the house, as well as a handy cloakroom where you can freshen up after a day of exploring the surrounding countryside. Retire upstairs to find the family bathroom and indulge in a moment of relaxation in a warm bubble bath, or opt for the master bedroom, fit with a super-king-size bed, benefiting from its own private en-suite to take a refreshing shower. The first-floor homes two additional bedrooms, a king-size and a double, all offering ample storage space to unpack your belongings and featuring a contemporary monochromatic décor, which gives the home a timeless quality. In the morning, take advantage of the coffee maker and enjoy a steaming cup of coffee with a leisurely seat at the garden table, soaking in the fresh countryside air as you prepare for a new day. Step through the garden gate at the rear of the property where you'll find a tranquil canal, Hatton Locks, where you can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the banks of the water to discover the 21 locks, known locally as 'the stairway to heaven'. After working up an appetite, continue along the canal path to the local pub, The Hatton Arms, which offers home-cooked meals and a refreshing glass of wine, or if you'd prefer, pick up some local produce from the nearby convenience store to cook your own tasty meals from the comfort of your holiday home. Just a stone's throw away is the fun-filled attraction of Hatton Country Park, boasting a pretty shopping center with independent shops, perfect for picking up a keepsake to remind you of your fabulous holiday, as well as an adventure park offering pony rides and laser combat. Take a short journey to the market town of Warwick and tour the medieval Warwick Castle, famously built by William the Conqueror, or admire the fascinating artifacts on display at St Mary’s Church. No trip to Warwickshire would be complete without a visit to Stratford Upon Avon, famously known as the birthplace of English playwright, Shakespeare, beautifully-decorated with quaint streets homing the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and the former family home of Shakespeare's wife, Anne Hathaway's Cottage. For a memorable holiday with your loved ones in Warwickshire choose a stay at the delightful 11 Hatton Terrace. View on map About the location HATTON Warwick 3 miles; Leamington Spa 8 miles; Stratford Upon Avon 11 miles. Situated in the heart of Shakespeare country, the small village of Hatton, with its Grand Union Canal and. With many National Trust properties in the area, including Baddesley Clinton and Packwood House, as well as numerous country parks offering spectacular views in all directions and the beautiful unspoilt Cotswolds villages, this superb location has something for everyone at any time of year! Region Information Cotswolds Cottage Holidays For bookings over 14 days the owner offers a cleaning and laundry service, payable direct. |
Environmental Spirituality - Blog#9 - 8 March 2019
Our western world has succeeded in creating scientific reasoning and amazing technology. We organize and plan for the future, and pursue our goals with a determined work ethic, but often at the cost of diminished joy, wonder, satisfaction and playfulness in the moment. Without reason, planning and technology, we risk getting outgunned and taken over by other nations or cultures. We have done much of this taking over ourselves, and we tout our muscularity and superiority. But then we wonder about meaning and purpose, spirituality and values, and whether we have our eye on the proper ball. One could make a case that our technology quotient far outstrips our spiritual quotient, and that this discrepancy fuels much of our modern malaise.. We can become so preoccupied with the self and our hedonistic pursuits, as well as our day-to-day mundane tasks, that we lose sight of our core spiritual needs. How can we re-center ourselves spiritually? From one angle, we can pursue various spiritual emotions, such as gratitude, humility, love, existential joy, and awe. Why is there something, rather than a void of pure nothingness? Yes, we can marvel at how things are, but we can also access existential joy and awe, celebrating that things are, that we are, and that we have the gift of consciousness to appreciate the All of existence. Searching for a label to describe his secular spirituality, Zuckerman (2014) ultimately designated himself an “aweist.” Spirituality requires transcendence of the boundaries of self, attachment to something beyond and larger than oneself, and humility regarding the small status of oneself amidst the All. Environmental spirituality, or eco-spirituality, requires these same virtues vis-à-vis nature, and an awestruck attachment to the universe, to the whole of nature.
Einstein (1930), maintained, “The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed” (p. 194). While awe can be inspired by various sources, including human creations, such as moving works of art and music, awe is more robust when inspired by nature, the focus of environmental spirituality. Eco-awe is connected to humility and gratitude, to our willingness to feel dwarfed by nature, and grateful for our short gift of life living within it: within, not over. We typically stand in awe of our superiors, not our subordinates or victims. Yes we are bright and clever, and we have figured out how to control some facets of nature, for better and for worse, but are we really all that superior and powerful? A stray asteroid, a fourth down toss of the nuclear football, or another few decades of ozone depletion could reduce mankind to an instructive footnote on the ash heap of history. A little (actually a lot) more humility would contribute to both our spirituality and our survival. It behooves us to temper our anthropocentrism (our tendency to see ourselves as the most important and superior component of nature, and perhaps indestructible given our supposed creation by a protective God), and to stand in awe of the power as well as the wonder of nature.
In contrast to many indigenous peoples, we “civilized” folks are far more divorced from nature, and thereby spiritually malnourished. How has this come to pass? With the growth of civilization and culture, we are more prone to live amidst concrete than nature. We have learned to farm and domesticate, and we now delegate our food production to conglomerates, safely distancing ourselves from the emotional impact of the kill, the harshest reality of nature. Thus, hunting can be a spiritual endeavor, reconnecting us to our primal and competitive interaction with nature. Sometimes it helps to return to our early primal powers, as children. A childlike state of mind is more awestruck, curious, and filled with wonder than the adult mind, more present, less trapped in the future, more connected with the world in the moment. Eco-heroine Rachel Carson (1965) lamented, “A child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. It is our misfortune that for most of us that clear-eyed vision, that true instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiring, is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood” (p. 44). By necessity, we desensitize to familiar elements of our surroundings as we age, attending to the novel, the threatening, and the more demanding elements of our environments. We build habits to improve our coping, behavioral habits, but also habits in our perception, so we aren’t distracted by the commonplace, and don’t have to reinvent the wheel every day. Habits are helpful overall, but carry a hidden cost: decreased fascination with our surroundings. Thus, it helps to periodically stand back, and recapture our ability to be amazed with the myriad wonders around us. Thus, Carson suggested an antidote to desensitization: “One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself, ‘What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew I would never see it again?’” (p. 59). We are more appreciative of the uniqueness of the world when it is novel to us.
Stargazing is another avenue to eco-awe. Lying on our backs at night, gazing into the immensity of the universe, we surrender to the puzzle of infinity in time and space. Our egos become lost in space. Earlier, just before nightfall, what do you experience? The sun sets. It descends from the sky and drops below the horizon, right? Now try a different, more accurate mode of perception that grounds you in the three-dimensional space of the universe. Feel the spin of the Earth as it, and you, rotate away from the sun. Feel the massive distance, the 93,000,000 miles between you and the atomic furnace that somehow, incredibly, warms us from this massive distance. Immerse yourself in this awesome reality, and feel yourself on this Earth, rotating, while circling this single star, moving in tandem with it through the Milky Way galaxy. Feel the immense space of the universe, and the presence of billions of stars comprising countless galaxies, as the billions of neurons in your brain allow you to perceive and appreciate the vastness of the universe. Take time to examine the veins of a leaf, to appreciate the complexity of the human body, and the other myriad wonders of our existence. Put time aside to celebrate your connection with nature, and the gifts of life and consciousness. The trials of daily life must be attended to, but are often dwarfed by higher wonders, if we take time for existential awe and joy. Carry out your plans and objectives, but stay present in the here, in the now, in the presence of your gift, and your connection with the All. Your state of consciousness is an ongoing, ever-present choice.
If you care to read more about environmental spirituality, check out Chapter 16, “Ecospirituality: A Question of Balance,” in Beyond Atheism – A Secular Approach to Spiritual, Moral, and Psychological Practices (See Chapter Highlights on this website), now available in a print version and as an e-Book on Amazon. And if you wish, please leave a little of your own eco-awe in the comments section below. Thanks for listening.
Carson, Rachel. (1965). The sense of wonder. New York, NY: Harper and Row.
Einstein, Albert. (1930, October). What I believe. Living philosophies XIII. The Forum, LXXXIV, 193-194.
Zuckerman, Phil. (2014). Living the secular life: New answers to old questions. New York, NY: Penguin.
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About our Clinic
Heath is not the absence of disease.
Our society is trained to think that if you have no symptoms you are healthy. Cancer, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders all do not happen overnight. The problems that lead up to these conditions took time. Many of them have tell-tale signs, if you know what to look for. Using the tools of the laboratory such as genetic testing, heavy metal testing, organic acid testing, urinalysis, blood tests, comprehensive stool analysis neurotransmitter analysis and hormone testing, one can get a complete analysis of how YOUR body chemistry is working.
This office has had great success with digestive, endocrine, allergy, liver and many other INTERNAL problems. If a drug is necessary, it is necessary. If so, why not look to see what is being depleted by the drug and support the body chemistry. But, if you could take a NATURAL substance to eliminate your problem, would that not make sense?
Out goal is to help you to understand health problems and to find individualized treatments that address the cause of your health problems, and not merely treat symptoms. Many things in the life rob us of great health. Poor diet, unhealthy lifestyles, genetics, plus many other factors lead to an unhealthy state.
The question Dr. Hult tries to determine is WHY. Why do you have rheumatoid arthritis, why do you have adult onset diabetes, why do you have lupus, why do you have high blood pressure, why do you have heart disease. All of these conditions have and answer. You need to know how to ask the right questions.
Frederick E. Hult, D.C., C.C.N., DACBN, Ph.D., DABCI
Dr. Hult earned his Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree from National College of Chiropractic (NCC) in Lombard
Dr. Hult strives to provide a high level of professionalism along with quality, patient focused care. He designs specific treatment plans unique to the individual needs of each patient. Dr. Hult has advanced training in Biofeedback Therapy for conditions such as ADD, ADHD, anxiety, strokes, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, etc.
Dr. Hult has been in practice for over 27 years. He has practiced Meridian Stress Assessment for 20 years and NAET for 7 years.
Brittany M. Parisot-Sebby, D.C.
Dr. Sebby is a licensed chiropractic physician new to The Hult Clinic of Integrated Health Services where she practices food and environmental allergy elimination techniques using acupressure and homeopathy, nutrition, chiropractic, and acupuncture. Dr. Sebby certification in acupuncture. She is enrolled in a two-year post-doctoral studies that will lead to diplomats in internal medicine, diagnosis, and nutrition. Dr. Sebby earned her bachelor of science degree from Northern Illinois University where she majored in kinesiology with an emphasis in preventive and rehabilitative exercise science. She minored in dance performance and was an active member of the Northern Dance Theatre. Dr. Sebby currently resides in Crystal Lake with her husband, Steve. |
551 F.Supp. 1060 (1982)
T.J. HOOKER, Plaintiff,
COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC., a corporation, Spelling-Goldberg Productions, a partnership or a corporation, and American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., a corporation, Defendants.
No. 82 C 2074.
United States District Court, N.D. Illinois, E.D.
December 6, 1982.
*1061 Robert M. Newbury, Mark V.B. Partridge, Pattishall, McAuliffe & Hofstetter, Chicago, Ill., for plaintiff, T.J. Hooker.
Lawrence Gunnels, James H. Alesia, Charles J. Sennet, Reuben & Proctor, Chicago, Ill., defendants, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. and Spelling-Goldberg Productions.
Anton R. Valukas, Carol R. Thigpen, Gail A. Niemann, C. John Koch, Jenner & Block, Chicago, Ill., for defendant, American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.
KOCORAS, District Judge:
Plaintiff is a professional woodcarver from Woodstock, Illinois. Examining the host of exhibits appended to the affidavit which he has submitted, it appears that while plaintiff does carve other birds, he specializes in ducks. Plaintiff's ducks are of the highest quality. Some of them are described as "exquisite" and sell for a great deal of money. Plaintiff's Affidavit, Exhibits 1, 4. Plaintiff's name is T.J. Hooker. He runs a business by the same name producing ducks and other wooden creatures. Among aficianados of such art, plaintiff and his ducks are "internationally renowned." Id., Exhibit 2 at 3, Exhibit 3. Plaintiff has garnered such wide acclaim by dint of his fine workmanship and his extensive promotion and marketing. Each year, plaintiff sells "many hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of wildlife art identified by his name." Complaint ¶ 10.
The defendants are Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.; Spelling-Goldberg Productions; and American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. These companies produce and broadcast a television series about a fictional policeman in California. Never having heard of plaintiff or his celebrated ducks, the defendants happened to name their imaginary policeman "T.J. Hooker." Not surprisingly, the series is also entitled "T.J. Hooker." Plaintiff admits that this choice of a name for the character and series "may be a mere coincidence." Plaintiff's Memorandum in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction at 7. However, plaintiff thinks that he nevertheless has been wronged, and he brings this action seeking to vindicate his rights. The lawsuit revolves around the use of the name "T.J. Hooker." The central theme in all four counts of plaintiff's complaint is that "T.J. Hooker" is his name and the defendants cannot use it without his permission.
Plaintiff grounds his claims for relief on four theories. The defendants contend that plaintiff has failed to state a claim under any of these theories. Accordingly, they have moved to dismiss the complaint under Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6). Plaintiff, in turn, has moved for a preliminary injunction under Fed.R.Civ.P. 65, seeking to enjoin the defendants from advertising or broadcasting their show using the name "T.J. Hooker." As might be expected, the defendants vigorously oppose this motion.
Count I of the complaint is based upon the common law tort of appropriation of the plaintiff's name or likeness for the defendants' benefit or advantage. In order to state a claim for relief based on this theory, it is vital that some "appropriation" be alleged. See W. Prosser, Law of Torts § 117 at 804-07 (4th ed. 1971). "Appropriation" *1062 in this context means more than the mere coincidental use of a name that happens to be the same as that of the plaintiff. Dean Prosser explained this as follows:
It is the plaintiff's name as a symbol of his identity that is involved here, and not as a mere name. Unless there is some tortious use made of it, there is no such thing as an exclusive right to the use of a name; and any one can be given or assume any name he likes. It is only when he makes use of the name to pirate the plaintiff's identity for some advantage of his own, as by impersonation to obtain credit or secret information, or by posing as the plaintiff's wife, or providing a father for a child on a birth certificate, that he becomes liable. It is in this sense that "appropriation" must be understood. It is therefore not enough that a name which is the same as the plaintiff's is used in a novel, or the title of a corporation, unless the context or the circumstances indicate that the name is that of the plaintiff.... Nor is there any liability when the plaintiff's character, occupation, and the general outline of his career, with many real incidents in his life, are used as the basis for a figure in a novel who is still clearly a fictional one.
Id. at 805-06 (footnotes omitted).
Similarly, the Restatement of Torts makes it clear that it is not the use of the plaintiff's name which constitutes a tort but rather the appropriation of the value of his name and reputation:
It is not enough that the defendant has adopted for himself a name that is the same as that of the plaintiff, so long as he does not pass himself off as the plaintiff or otherwise seek to obtain for himself the values or benefits of the plaintiff's name or identity. Unless there is such an appropriation, the defendant is free to call himself by any name he likes, whether there is only one person or a thousand others of the same name. Until the value of the name has in some way been appropriated, there is no tort.
Restatement (Second) of Torts § 652C, comment c (1976) (emphasis added).
Examining Count I in light of the foregoing principles, it is apparent that plaintiff has failed to allege a tortious appropriation of his name. Plaintiff does allege that "[d]efendants' ... use of plaintiff's name appropriates the right of publicity in plaintiff's celebrated name." Complaint ¶ 22. But this broad, conclusory allegation cannot substitute for allegations of facts showing that the defendants used the name "T.J. Hooker" as a means of pirating plaintiff's identity. By his own admission, the commercial value of plaintiff's name is in the field of wildlife art. Complaint ¶¶ 9-12. Hunters, sportsmen, and collectors identify plaintiff's name with fine carvings of ducks and other fowl. There is nothing in the complaint which can be construed as an allegation that the defendants adopted the name "T.J. Hooker" in order to avail themselves of plaintiff's reputation as an extraordinary woodcarver.
Plaintiff admits that the fictional television series at issue here is a "police drama." Complaint ¶ 17. It is difficult to imagine a subject further removed for the life of T.J. Hooker the artisan. The facts and circumstances alleged by plaintiff provide no basis upon which it can be found that the name "T.J. Hooker," as used in the defendants' fictional television series, in any way refers to the real T.J. Hooker.
There being no well-pleaded allegation of appropriation of the value of plaintiff's name, plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Accordingly, the motion to dismiss is granted as to Count I.
Count II appears to be predicated on a different branch of the so-called "right of privacy." In Count II, plaintiff repeats the allegations of Count I and concludes that these allegations state a claim for invasion of his privacy. It is not clear exactly what plaintiff's theory is in this count, but it appears that he may be seeking relief for what Dean Prosser calls the tort of placing a person "in a false light in the public eye." Prosser, supra, at 812. For example, plaintiff *1063 states, "[U]se of the name T.J. Hooker in connection with defendants' television program will affect adversely the reputation of plaintiff T.J. Hooker with all who might associate him with the program and its promotion." Plaintiff's Memorandum in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction at 12. Similarly, plaintiff also declares, "Defendants are using [plaintiff's] name for a police program. Association with a television police program is offensive to plaintiff and his reputation as an artist. As a result, he has suffered pecuniary and other damage to his reputation." Plaintiff's Memorandum in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss at 11.
As in Count I, the foundation of plaintiff's claim in this count is the fact that the fictional character in the television series happens to have the same name as plaintiff. Plaintiff apparently reasons that the violent behavior of the fictional T.J. Hooker will be ascribed to the real T.J. Hooker, whose only violence, if it can be called that, consists of applying his knife to inanimate blocks of wood as he transforms them into wonderfully lifelike birds. Under this logic, every violent deed committed by the chimerical California lawman is the functional equivalent of a public declaration that T.J. Hooker the Illinois woodcarver is actually a man whose violent propensities belie the image of bucolic serenity he cultivates.
This reasoning is unsound. Plaintiff has not alleged an identity between himself and the fictional character in the show sufficient to permit such conclusions. As plaintiff readily admits, the show is a "drama," an adventure story depicting the television industry's conception of police work. No reasonable person viewing such a show would understand it to be a commentary on the life of an internationally acclaimed wildlife artist named T.J. Hooker. There exists a fundamental dichotomy in the identities of the fictional character and the real person which is not dispelled by the mere happenstance of their possessing the same name.
The weight of authority supports this conclusion. Middlebrooks v. Curtis Publishing Co., 413 F.2d 141 (4th Cir.1969), is but one of many cases which illustrate the principles involved. In Middlebrooks, an author who had grown up with a boy named Larry Esco Middlebrooks had written a book featuring a character by the name of "Esco Middlebrooks." In the book, the fictional character engaged in conduct which the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals later described as "censurable." The same author later wrote a magazine story in a similar vein. When the real Larry Esco Middlebrooks learned that the author proposed once again to use the name "Esco Middlebrooks," this time as the name of the leading character in the magazine story, he objected. The author went ahead with the article, but he changed the character's name from "Esco Middlebrooks" to "Esco Brooks." After the article was published, Larry Esco Middlebrooks brought suit, alleging that he had suffered impairment of his reputation and subjection to ridicule, as well as lost wages and promotions in his employment.
The district court entered judgment for the defendant publisher, stating:
[T]he published story was fictional and no one could reasonably conclude that the fictional character "Esco Brooks" was one and the same person as plaintiff, or that he was reasonably identifiable as such. Neither is there any showing that such character was intended by the author or by defendant to be identified as, or to portray, plaintiff.
281 F.Supp. 1, 8 (D.S.C.1968). The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed, concluding that the district court's finding of no reasonable identification between the plaintiff and the fictional character was supported by the "marked dissimilarities between the fictional character and the plaintiff." 413 F.2d at 143.
Middlebrooks, of course, was decided after the district court had heard evidence on the plaintiff's allegations. However, despite the difference in the procedural posture of the instant case, the legal principles are readily transferable. T.J. Hooker has alleged nothing to show that the "T.J. *1064 Hooker" police show is or was intended to be a nonfictional account of his activities as a woodcraftsman. Indeed, the opposite is true. Plaintiff Hooker acknowledges the enormous dissimilarities between himself and the fictional police character. On their face, it is obvious that the allegations which plaintiff does make in Count II are wholly insufficient, under any set of facts he could prove, to support a finding of a reasonable identification between plaintiff and the fictional character bearing the same name.
Accordingly, the motion to dismiss Count II is granted.
Count III of the complaint is grounded on an alleged violation of the Illinois Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Ill.Rev.Stat. ch. 121½, § 311 et seq. In support of his claim under this statute, plaintiff repeats the allegations of Count I and adds the conclusory allegation that defendants' "use of plaintiff's name T.J. HOOKER is likely to cause confusion or misunderstanding as to the sponsorship, affiliation, connection or association of plaintiff with defendants' program." Complaint ¶ 28.
The Illinois Deceptive Trade Practices Act provides in pertinent part:
A person engages in a deceptive trade practice when, in the course of his business, vocation or occupation, he:
(2) causes likelihood of confusion or misunderstanding as to the source, sponsorship, approval or certification of goods or services;
(3) causes likelihood of confusion or misunderstanding as to affiliation, connection or association with or certification by another;
(12) engages in any other conduct which similarly creates a likelihood of confusion or of misunderstanding....
Ill.Rev.Stat. ch. 121½, § 312. Essential to the maintenance of an action under this statute are well-pleaded allegations indicating the existence of a "likelihood of confusion." See National Conference of Bar Examiners v. Multistate Legal Studies, Inc., 212 U.S.P.Q. 673, 678 (N.D.Ill.1981). Plaintiff's allegation in paragraph 28 of the complaint initially appears to meet this requirement, since it parrots the statutory language. But, upon a closer examination, it is clear that paragraph 28 is actually nothing more than a sweeping legal conclusion cast in the form of a factual allegation. See Wright & Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure: Civil § 1357 at 596. As such, this paragraph is not accepted as true, see, e.g., Frederiksen v. Poloway, 637 F.2d 1147, 1150 n. 1 (7th Cir.1980), cert. denied, 451 U.S. 1017, 101 S.Ct. 3006, 69 L.Ed.2d 389 (1981); Watters v. Harris, 656 F.2d 234, 240 (7th Cir.1980); Mitchell v. Archibald & Kendall, Inc., 573 F.2d 429, 432 (7th Cir.1978), and it is necessary to examine the other allegations in the count, which will be accepted as true, to see if they adequately allege the requisite "likelihood of confusion."
"Likelihood of confusion" has the same meaning in unfair competition cases under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act as it has in trademark infringement cases. See, e.g., Scott v. Mego International, Inc., 519 F.Supp. 1118, 1136-37 (D.Minn.1981). "Likelihood of confusion" exists when the defendant's use of a deceptive trade name, trademark, or other distinctive symbol is likely to confuse or mislead consumers as to the source or origin of the product or service. See J. Gilson, Trademark Protection and Practice, § 5.01 (1982). The standard requires only that a seller identify his product or service in such a manner that "`purchasers exercising ordinary care to discover whose products they are buying will know the truth and not become confused or mistaken.'" Dave Grossman Designs, Inc. v. Bortin, 177 U.S.P.Q. 627, 630 (N.D.Ill.1973); Cameo, Inc. v. Plough, Inc., 185 U.S.P.Q. 228, 230 (N.D.Ohio 1975). There must be "a likelihood, and not a mere possibility, of confusion." Instrumentalist Co. v. Marine Corps League, 509 F.Supp. 323, 331 (N.D.Ill. 1981) (emphasis in original). See Kirkland v. National Broadcasting Co., 425 F.Supp. *1065 1111, 1115 (E.D.Pa.1976), aff'd without opinion, 565 F.2d 152 (3d Cir.1977).
Examining the allegations of Count III in light of the technical meaning of the term "likelihood of confusion," it becomes clear that those allegations are insufficient to state a claim under the Illinois Deceptive Trade Practices Act. Even accepting the truth of plaintiff's allegation that "[defendants'] use of the name T.J. HOOKER will attract the attention of that large segment of the population familiar with plaintiff's name and reputation to defendants' program," Complaint ¶ 20, this cannot be construed as the sort of marketplace confusion contemplated by the drafters of the Act. Plaintiff has alleged absolutely nothing to indicate either that consumers of his products will be confused as to his affiliation with the defendants' police drama or that viewers of the program will be confused as to the show's affiliation with T.J. Hooker's woodcarving enterprise.
Accordingly, the motion to dismiss is granted as to Count III.
Count IV of plaintiff's complaint asserts a claim based upon section 43(a) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a). This federal trademark statute provides in pertinent part:
Any person who shall affix ... or use in connection with any goods or services ... a false designation of origin, or any false description or representation, including words or other symbols tending falsely to describe or represent the same, and shall cause such goods or services to enter into commerce ... shall be liable to a civil action by any person ... who believes that he is or is likely to be damaged by the use of any such false description or representation.
In making this claim, plaintiff once again repeats the basic allegations of Count I. He then repeats the conclusory allegation contained in paragraph 28 of Count III, which was rejected in the discussion above. Plaintiff concludes by alleging a similarly broad legal conclusion: "Defendants' aforesaid use of plaintiff's name T.J. HOOKER constitutes a false representation in violation of [the statutory provision quoted above]." Complaint ¶ 32.
As with a claim under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, it is fundamental to a claim under section 43(a) of the Lanham Act that a plaintiff make well-pleaded allegations indicating that the defendant has created a "likelihood of confusion" as to the origin of its products. See, e.g., International Order of Job's Daughters v. Lindeburg & Co., 633 F.2d 912, 917 (9th Cir.1980).
This requirement was discussed by the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Toho Co., Ltd. v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 645 F.2d 788 (9th Cir.1981). In that case, Toho, a Japanese corporation which owned the rights to the fictional reptilian monster "Godzilla" sued the American retailer for what Toho alleged was an improper use by Sears of a likeness of "Godzilla." Toho and its licensees produced and distributed movies and other products featuring "Godzilla" and used the monster's picture, as well as the slogan "King of the Monsters," to promote these products. Sears produced and sold plastic garbage bags in boxes which displayed the word "Bagzilla" along with a humorous picture of a reptilian creature and the legend "Monstrously Strong Bags."
In affirming the district court's dismissal of Toho's complaint for failure to state a claim, the Ninth Circuit concluded that "Toho ha[d] not alleged facts that would permit a conclusion that consumers are likely to be confused as to source or sponsorship of the garbage bags." 645 F.2d at 791. The court considered several factors in reaching this conclusion. However, the most influential of those factors was the sharp difference in the nature of the products involved, the court holding that "[t]he goods are unrelated as a matter of law." Id.
While there are certain factual differences between Toho and the instant case, there are also strong analogies, and the Toho reasoning is fully applicable to plaintiff's allegations in Count IV. As in Toho, *1066 plaintiff does not allege that the goods he produces are in any way related to the television "product" produced by the defendants. Plaintiff cannot in good faith make such an allegation. His complaint acknowledges the distinct nature of the two products. They are, as in Toho, "unrelated as a matter of law." Moreover, as in the Toho case, the channels through which the products are marketed appear, from plaintiff's own allegations, to be entirely different. Plaintiff sells his goods through speciality catalogs and gift shops. The defendants, on the other hand, "market" their show on a nationwide television network, making it available to every television viewer in the country. Furthermore, the Ninth Circuit stated in Toho that "[i]n order to raise the inference of a likelihood of confusion, a plaintiff must show that the defendant intended to profit by confusing consumers." Id. at 791 n. 2 (emphasis in original). Nothing in plaintiff's complaint can fairly be read as an allegation that these defendants had such an intent.
The conclusion is therefore inescapable that plaintiff has, like the plaintiff in Toho, failed to allege facts that would permit a conclusion that consumers are likely to be confused as to the source or sponsorship of the television show "T.J. Hooker."
Accordingly, the defendants' motion to dismiss is granted as to Count IV.
For the foregoing reasons, the motion of the defendants to dismiss the complaint in its entirety pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6) for failure to state a claim is granted. And, in accordance with this decision to dismiss the complaint, the plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction based upon Counts I and II of the complaint is denied.
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