luckily , she knew how to ride one because her last boyfriend , whom she 'd dated while working at the mall in d.c.[SEP]had found great pleasure in the things .
the twinkling lights surrounding the dance floor were reflected in colt 's eyes , and he began singing the words to her ... ... .[SEP]and though i make mistakes , i 'll never break your heart ...
i 'm based in montana , but i travel all over the u.s.[SEP]doing what exactly ?
i agree , mr.[SEP]winchester , she said rigidly .
all of the witnesses are under protection of u.s.[SEP]marshals , not to mention us , and he 's becoming desperate .
he could have been working in d.c.[SEP]new york , seattle , l.a.
new york , seattle , l.a.[SEP]pretty much anywhere he wanted .
it was guarded - not as heavily as he 'd like , but a u.s.[SEP]marshal went by - and he 'd insisted that axel go in about half an hour before their return to ensure that no malefactor had forced an entry while they were gone .
we would like to keep you here overnight , ms.[SEP]linhart , just to make sure everything is under control .
my patient is exhausted and clearly having a difficult time keeping awake , dr.[SEP]carson said , but i can see she 's far too polite to say anything , so i 'll say it .
a bit of alcohol could n't hurt , though it was n't yet 5 p.m.[SEP]yeah , yeah , it was somewhere .
and , not to their surprise , the conspiracy went well beyond their state , all the way to washington , d.c.[SEP]and included some very surprising players .
i ca n't have sex with you for money , mr.[SEP]sinclair , emily told him flatly .
she 'd actually tried them on in dr.[SEP]pope 's office and rejected the choice , reasoning that they were too impractical , but the real reason she 'd decided against them had been the cost .
although i was planning to purchase some products i needed from dr.[SEP]pope , i had n't planned to buy all this right now .
and there is no mr.[SEP]sinclair at this e-mail address .
you 're looking very handsome , mr.[SEP]hudson , she teased , trying to get her racing heart under control .
and the fact that she could kick some major ass ?[SEP]pretty damn hot .
taping was scheduled for 5 p.m.[SEP]ready to go , ry ?
tricia , she said with a forced grin , mr.[SEP]christensen has foolishly decided to terminate his contract with brown and sullivan .
we did a few charity-type things when we filmed the two seaside s.[SEP]anyway , we can think about selling our wedding photos later .
ryan 's press interviews started promptly at 9 a.m.[SEP]held at a different hotel in paris .
tomorrow morning , 10 a.m.[SEP]we 'll be on a plane to barcelona and there is no time this evening to sightsee .
i 'm one of mr.[SEP]christensen 's stunt doubles .
the three of us stormed through the automatic doors at st.[SEP]luke 's and into the large waiting room .
the sky at 7:30 p.m.[SEP]was dark and ominous ; the heat of the day was being quenched , causing the steam to rise up off the hot macadam driveway .
i tapped the screen and said , hi , mr.[SEP]bainbridge , it 's taryn mitchell .
the lengths some stalkers go to- mr.[SEP]pantelanio is a seventy-two-year-old male , approximately five foot , seven inches , one hundred and forty pounds , dark peppered-hair .
and sure enough , dangling from the clasp of hers was an m.[SEP]did we just get collared ?
the outside of st.[SEP]andrew 's episcopal church was surrounded by a small mob .
marie had taken an assignment with mike in ll.a.[SEP]working private security for a young actor who 'd been plagued by an unwanted stalker .
good morning , mrs.[SEP]christensen , ryan said while kissing my neck .
four hours later , on march 9 , at 11:40 p.m.[SEP]mitchell ryan christensen made his debut .
ooh , look at me , i have mr.[SEP]super-hot actor man on my arm .
the third time ryan called , it was midnight in l.a.[SEP]and his obligations there were completed .
it was after three a.m.[SEP]again when i crawled into bed .
good morning , mr.[SEP]christensen , i greeted him with a tip of my hat .
nice van , ms.[SEP]mitchell , he murmured at me .
one of my acting coaches told me about this open audition in l.a.[SEP]so i went , and soon after that i got my first major movie role .
sometimes i wonder how my life would have turned out if i stayed in college and did n't get on that plane to l.a.[SEP]i 'd like to believe that everything happens for a reason .
i mean it tasted all right , but within a half hour or so we were both violently ill.[SEP]i looked down at ryan and combed my fingers through his hair .
marie asked when she came in at four p.m.[SEP]to start her shift behind the bar , her eyes assessed my appearance .
the women were stopped by on-set security and members of the production team as they attempted to reach mr.[SEP]strass while they were filming .
reports from eye witnesses who were at the scene indicated that at least one of the women allegedly yelled obscenities and death threats at ms.[SEP]strass , although it is unknown at this time the content of those threats .
good evening , mr.[SEP]christensen , i whispered seductively in the phone .
this is stacy from housekeeping with your seven p.m.[SEP]wake up call .
the clock read 9:18 a.m.[SEP]when i woke .
to my lovely tammy , for staying up until three a.m.[SEP]making all this fabulous food , and to taryn , for once again making the best steaks in rhode island !
according to this schedule , it looks like you can go to the bathroom on saturday around eight p.m.[SEP]i 'll have to reschedule that .
i heard what sounded like his security team instructing the crowd to back up and give mr.[SEP]christensen some space .
good evening , ms.[SEP]mitchell , the burly man greeted me .
we ... are staying ... east coast ... .[SEP]we ... holy shit .
when you were in l.a.[SEP]a couple of weeks ago .
people were yelling ryan , ryan and even a few times yelled ms.[SEP]mitchell or taryn to get me to look , but i copied ryan 's stance and kept my focus on getting to the door .
they were at metered parking spots ; unfortunately after six p.m.[SEP]the parking meters were no longer valid .
it was also reported that ryan had all of his things removed from his private suite at the lexington hotel on monday , where he had been staying while on location , and had them delivered to ms.[SEP]mitchell 's apartment .
angelica staunton , dob 2/17/1978 943 s.[SEP]bridge st , apt 12c brooklyn , ny she was thirty-one years old and a long way from home .
it reminded me of the time his car was surrounded out in l.a.[SEP]by screaming , hysterical fans .
ryan wrote down flight 1560 newark 10:30 a.m.[SEP]i wo n't be able to make it 'cause i 'm scheduled to be on set .
a few ladies who happened to be there when he arrived shortly before 7:00 p.m.[SEP]said that he was happy and friendly as he greeted his fans .
when she was in l.a.[SEP]she was accused of stalking another celebrity .
i 'll see you in l.a.[SEP]in a couple of weeks .
i 'll be in l.a.[SEP]the third week of december for the seaside wrap party .
follweiler wants me to screen test with a few actresses out in l.a.[SEP]ryan crawled under the covers and i snuggled up against him .
i could build a ten thousand square foot house here for the same amount of what you 'd pay for a one bedroom apartment in l.a.[SEP]ryan , are you planning on coming home for thanksgiving ?
she has physically placed her hands on mr.[SEP]christensen on our way into our home , and she has been sleeping in her car outside our place of business , which is also where our home is .
ryan had made our dinner plans with mr.[SEP]follweiler 's assistant and when he came back into the kitchen he was on the phone with his agent .
i tore open the zip tape ; inside was another envelope that contained a new platinum credit card with taryn l.[SEP]mitchell , shell-b enterprises embossed on it .
ryan said you 're coming out to l.a.[SEP]with him in december , kelly stated happily .
are you and ms.[SEP]mitchell an exclusive item ?
i 'll see you in l.a.[SEP]on the sixteenth .
kelly picked me up at the hotel an hour later and proceeded to take me to the swankiest stores in l.a.[SEP]two things before we go in there , kelly announced , parking her car .
i took the first seat next to mr.[SEP]follweiler ; he looked the least intimidating and most friendly out of the selection .
by the way , mr.[SEP]christensen , i do believe you still owe me a bottle of wine for losing that bet !
we can have a discussion later or you can speak to mr.[SEP]murphy directly for any security matters .
honey , i want to be there too , but a trip to l.a.[SEP]is n't possible right now .
i knew he was flying to l.a.[SEP]and he had a lot of things to do , but it still surprised me that he did n't try calling me .
when you 're filming , it 's another thing ... if you would have just come out to l.a.[SEP]like i asked you to we would n't be having this conversation .
i saw the road sign indicating palermo ave.[SEP]my throat became tight with anticipation .
ryan said he had just arrived in l.a.[SEP]and was going through final fittings for his wardrobe for slipknot .
production got pushed off a year and , well , we were both out in l.a.[SEP]both single at the time .
i 'll see you in l.a.[SEP]tomorrow , i promise .
i choke on my beer as i laugh , picturing the exact stereotype she 's mimicking , the kind of girl who populates l.a.[SEP]so thickly you could hit six of them every time you throw a stick .
but now i 'm wishing i 'd bothered , because i 'm in a hotel bathroom with adam trenton , in my jeans and my bra , and my bra is easily ten years old , the silk of the cups fraying at the edges , and it does n't fit because i 've filled out since i bought this bra , but it 's one of three i own and the other two are in the wash.[SEP]and my underwear ?
she stops breathing , and so do i.[SEP]i go slow .
she leans into me , a shoulder touching mine , her breasts squishing against my chest , and then her hand is on my shoulder and stealing up to my chin , then to my neck and she cups my skin beneath the hairline and she 's not breathing and neither am i.[SEP]i circle my arm behind her back and hold her close , and she twists in the booth so she can press closer , and our mouths move , seek , claim .
she glances at the clock , which reads 12:15 a.m.[SEP]and guess what ?
and i know the fear is there , the fear that i 'm already attached and that i know he 's going , and so am i.[SEP]i feel us .
some studio in l.a.[SEP]i 'd imagine .
i stop in manhattan on the way back to l.a.[SEP]from tokyo , and spend two days looking for her .
finally , i go home to l.a.[SEP]and begin the long , painful process of trying to forget her .
sit in some mansion in l.a.[SEP]waiting for him to get back from filming ?
i flew back to l.a.[SEP]early , did n't tell her .
come on back , dr.[SEP]guzman will see you now .
which means i 'm heading back to l.a.[SEP]at some point .
come back to l.a.[SEP]go to the premiere of fulcrum with me .
when i said i was going back to l.a.[SEP]what did you think i was saying ?
so you 'll come to l.a.[SEP]for the summer ?
chapter 15 i thought maybe we 'd go to his house after we landed in l.a.[SEP]or maybe to a hotel , or something .
babe , this is l.a.[SEP]traffic will slow me down at some point .