>>INTRODUCTION<<what aappenne after his deah>>QUESTION<<Why did he want to do that?>>ANSWER<<Why did Dr. Frederick Weedon cut off Osceola's head?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what aappenne after his deah Why did he want to do that?>>QUESTION<<Did he torch any of his body part?>>ANSWER<<Did Dr. Frederick Weedon torch any of his body part?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what aappenne after his deah Why did he want to do that? Did he torch any of his body part?>>QUESTION<<Was the head, he kept for so long, embalmed?>>ANSWER<<Was the head, Dr. Frederick Weedon kept for so long, embalmed?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what aappenne after his deah Why did he want to do that? Did he torch any of his body part? Was the head, he kept for so long, embalmed?>>QUESTION<<Is his family member not mentioned in the article?>>ANSWER<<Is Osceola's family member not mentioned in the article?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what aappenne after his deah Why did he want to do that? Did he torch any of his body part? Was the head, he kept for so long, embalmed? Is his family member not mentioned in the article?>>QUESTION<<When did he do that?>>ANSWER<<When did Dr. Frederick Weedon cut off Osceola's head?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<What was Osceola's role in the resistance?>>ANSWER<<What was Osceola's role in the resistance?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was Osceola's role in the resistance?>>QUESTION<<What is the treaty?>>ANSWER<<What is the Treaty of Payne's Landing?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was Osceola's role in the resistance? What is the treaty?>>QUESTION<<Why did they want to remove the Seminole?>>ANSWER<<Why did the US government want to remove the Seminole?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was Osceola's role in the resistance? What is the treaty? Why did they want to remove the Seminole?>>QUESTION<<What else did Osceola do?>>ANSWER<<What else did Osceola do?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was Osceola's role in the resistance? What is the treaty? Why did they want to remove the Seminole? What else did Osceola do?>>QUESTION<<Who is Thompson?>>ANSWER<<Who is Wiley Thompson?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was Osceola's role in the resistance? What is the treaty? Why did they want to remove the Seminole? What else did Osceola do? Who is Thompson?>>QUESTION<<What did Thompson do?>>ANSWER<<What did Wiley Thompson do to Osceola?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was Osceola's role in the resistance? What is the treaty? Why did they want to remove the Seminole? What else did Osceola do? Who is Thompson? What did Thompson do?>>QUESTION<<Who did he forbid the sale to?>>ANSWER<<Who did Wiley Thompson forbid the sale to?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was Osceola's role in the resistance? What is the treaty? Why did they want to remove the Seminole? What else did Osceola do? Who is Thompson? What did Thompson do? Who did he forbid the sale to?>>QUESTION<<What did the Seminoles do?>>ANSWER<<What did the Seminoles do in response to Wiley Thompson's actions?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<What was his wife's name?>>ANSWER<<What was Hasan al-Askari's wife's name?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was his wife's name?>>QUESTION<<Who was she?>>ANSWER<<Who was Narjis bint Yashoua?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was his wife's name? Who was she?>>QUESTION<<Was she a slave?>>ANSWER<<Was Narjis bint Yashoua a slave?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was his wife's name? Who was she? Was she a slave?>>QUESTION<<Did Hasan buy her?>>ANSWER<<Did Hasan al-Askari buy Narjis bint Yashoua?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was his wife's name? Who was she? Was she a slave? Did Hasan buy her?>>QUESTION<<What did Ali do with the red purse?>>ANSWER<<What did Ali al-Hadi do with the red purse?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was his wife's name? Who was she? Was she a slave? Did Hasan buy her? What did Ali do with the red purse?>>QUESTION<<Did they marry right away?>>ANSWER<<Did Hasan al-Askari and Narjis bint Yashoua marry right away?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was his wife's name? Who was she? Was she a slave? Did Hasan buy her? What did Ali do with the red purse? Did they marry right away?>>QUESTION<<Was her dream significant in some way?>>ANSWER<<Was Narjis bint Yashoua's dream significant in some way?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What was his wife's name? Who was she? Was she a slave? Did Hasan buy her? What did Ali do with the red purse? Did they marry right away? Was her dream significant in some way?>>QUESTION<<Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?>>ANSWER<<Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<When was he born?>>ANSWER<<When was Hasan al-Askari born?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he born?>>QUESTION<<Where was he born?>>ANSWER<<Where was Hasan al-Askari born?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he born? Where was he born?>>QUESTION<<Who were his parents?>>ANSWER<<Who were Hasan al-Askari's parents?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he born? Where was he born? Who were his parents?>>QUESTION<<Did he have siblings?>>ANSWER<<Did Hasan al-Askari have siblings?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he born? Where was he born? Who were his parents? Did he have siblings?>>QUESTION<<Anything important or notable about his early life?>>ANSWER<<Anything important or notable about Hasan al-Askari's early life?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he born? Where was he born? Who were his parents? Did he have siblings? Anything important or notable about his early life?>>QUESTION<<Did he receive any education or religious training?>>ANSWER<<Did Hasan al-Askari receive any education or religious training?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he born? Where was he born? Who were his parents? Did he have siblings? Anything important or notable about his early life? Did he receive any education or religious training?>>QUESTION<<Any other pertinant or interesting info the reader should know?>>ANSWER<<Any other pertinant or interesting info the reader should know about this article?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he born? Where was he born? Who were his parents? Did he have siblings? Anything important or notable about his early life? Did he receive any education or religious training? Any other pertinant or interesting info the reader should know?>>QUESTION<<Any other background info on the father?>>ANSWER<<Any other background info on Ali al-Hadi?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he born? Where was he born? Who were his parents? Did he have siblings? Anything important or notable about his early life? Did he receive any education or religious training? Any other pertinant or interesting info the reader should know? Any other background info on the father?>>QUESTION<<Any other information about his formative years that is important?>>ANSWER<<Any other information about Hasan al-Askari's formative years that is important?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<Is marriage-a-la-mode a set of pictures?>>ANSWER<<Is marriage-a-la-mode a set of pictures?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Is marriage-a-la-mode a set of pictures?>>QUESTION<<What does it depict?>>ANSWER<<What does Marriage A-la-Mode depict?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Is marriage-a-la-mode a set of pictures? What does it depict?>>QUESTION<<When did he finish it?>>ANSWER<<When did William Hogarth finish it?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Is marriage-a-la-mode a set of pictures? What does it depict? When did he finish it?>>QUESTION<<Were they well received?>>ANSWER<<Was Marriage A-la-Mode well received?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Is marriage-a-la-mode a set of pictures? What does it depict? When did he finish it? Were they well received?>>QUESTION<<Where are the pictures now?>>ANSWER<<Where is Marriage A-la-Mode now?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Is marriage-a-la-mode a set of pictures? What does it depict? When did he finish it? Were they well received? Where are the pictures now?>>QUESTION<<Were these pictures reproduced?>>ANSWER<<Was Marriage A-la-Mode reproduced?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Is marriage-a-la-mode a set of pictures? What does it depict? When did he finish it? Were they well received? Where are the pictures now? Were these pictures reproduced?>>QUESTION<<What were these made on?>>ANSWER<<What was Marriage A-la-Mode made on?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Is marriage-a-la-mode a set of pictures? What does it depict? When did he finish it? Were they well received? Where are the pictures now? Were these pictures reproduced? What were these made on?>>QUESTION<<Who bought the pictures first?>>ANSWER<<Who bought Marriage A-la-Mode first?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<What is Harlot's ?>>ANSWER<<What is Harlot's Progress?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Harlot's ?>>QUESTION<<Who drew it?>>ANSWER<<Who drew Harlot's Progress?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Harlot's ? Who drew it?>>QUESTION<<How many paintings were there in the Progress of Harlot?>>ANSWER<<How many paintings were there in the Harlot's Progress?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Harlot's ? Who drew it? How many paintings were there in the Progress of Harlot?>>QUESTION<<When did he draw it?>>ANSWER<<When did William Hogarth draw Harlot's Progress?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Harlot's ? Who drew it? How many paintings were there in the Progress of Harlot? When did he draw it?>>QUESTION<<What is Rake's Progresses about?>>ANSWER<<What is a Rake's Progress about?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Harlot's ? Who drew it? How many paintings were there in the Progress of Harlot? When did he draw it? What is Rake's Progresses about?>>QUESTION<<Who is Tom Rakewell?>>ANSWER<<Who is Tom Rakewell?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Harlot's ? Who drew it? How many paintings were there in the Progress of Harlot? When did he draw it? What is Rake's Progresses about? Who is Tom Rakewell?>>QUESTION<<Where these 8 paintings now?>>ANSWER<<Where these 8 paintings of Rake's Progress now?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Harlot's ? Who drew it? How many paintings were there in the Progress of Harlot? When did he draw it? What is Rake's Progresses about? Who is Tom Rakewell? Where these 8 paintings now?>>QUESTION<<Where are these paintings of Rake's Progresses now?>>ANSWER<<Where are these paintings of Rake's Progresses now?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<what were the MCA years?>>ANSWER<<What were the MCA years?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what were the MCA years?>>QUESTION<<What switches did they make?>>ANSWER<<What switches did Oingo Boingo make?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what were the MCA years? What switches did they make?>>QUESTION<<Did they release any songs between 1985 to 1990?>>ANSWER<<Did Oingo Boingo release any songs between 1985 to 1990?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what were the MCA years? What switches did they make? Did they release any songs between 1985 to 1990?>>QUESTION<<What was weird science about?>>ANSWER<<What was Weird Science about?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what were the MCA years? What switches did they make? Did they release any songs between 1985 to 1990? What was weird science about?>>QUESTION<<When was it written?>>ANSWER<<When was Weird Science written?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what were the MCA years? What switches did they make? Did they release any songs between 1985 to 1990? What was weird science about? When was it written?>>QUESTION<<Did they release any more sound tracks?>>ANSWER<<Did Oingo Boingo release any more sound tracks?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what were the MCA years? What switches did they make? Did they release any songs between 1985 to 1990? What was weird science about? When was it written? Did they release any more sound tracks?>>QUESTION<<Which label did they use to release their music?>>ANSWER<<Which label did Oingo Boingo use to release their music?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what were the MCA years? What switches did they make? Did they release any songs between 1985 to 1990? What was weird science about? When was it written? Did they release any more sound tracks? Which label did they use to release their music?>>QUESTION<<Did they release any albums during this period?>>ANSWER<<Did Oingo Boingo release any albums during this period?
>>INTRODUCTION<<what were the MCA years? What switches did they make? Did they release any songs between 1985 to 1990? What was weird science about? When was it written? Did they release any more sound tracks? Which label did they use to release their music? Did they release any albums during this period?>>QUESTION<<How did it do on the charts?>>ANSWER<<How did Dead Man's Party do on the charts?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<Did they release any albums?>>ANSWER<<Did Oingo Boingo release any albums?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Did they release any albums?>>QUESTION<<Did they have any hit songs?>>ANSWER<<Did Oingo Boingo have any hit songs?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Did they release any albums? Did they have any hit songs?>>QUESTION<<Where they influenced by anyone?>>ANSWER<<Where Oingo Boingo influenced by anyone?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Did they release any albums? Did they have any hit songs? Where they influenced by anyone?>>QUESTION<<Did they do any live performances?>>ANSWER<<Did Oingo Boingo do any live performances?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Did they release any albums? Did they have any hit songs? Where they influenced by anyone? Did they do any live performances?>>QUESTION<<Did they do any music videos?>>ANSWER<<Did Oingo Boingo do any music videos?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Did they release any albums? Did they have any hit songs? Where they influenced by anyone? Did they do any live performances? Did they do any music videos?>>QUESTION<<Did they work with any other celebrities?>>ANSWER<<Did Oingo Boingo work with any other celebrities?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Did they release any albums? Did they have any hit songs? Where they influenced by anyone? Did they do any live performances? Did they do any music videos? Did they work with any other celebrities?>>QUESTION<<What happened in 1972?>>ANSWER<<What happened to Oingo Boingo in 1972?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Did they release any albums? Did they have any hit songs? Where they influenced by anyone? Did they do any live performances? Did they do any music videos? Did they work with any other celebrities? What happened in 1972?>>QUESTION<<Were they in any movies?>>ANSWER<<Was Oingo Boingo in any movies?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Did they release any albums? Did they have any hit songs? Where they influenced by anyone? Did they do any live performances? Did they do any music videos? Did they work with any other celebrities? What happened in 1972? Were they in any movies?>>QUESTION<<How were the movies received?>>ANSWER<<How were the movies Oingo Boingo performed on received?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<When did he start his musical career?>>ANSWER<<When did Chet Atkins start his musical career?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did he start his musical career?>>QUESTION<<What prompted him to start his musical career?>>ANSWER<<What prompted Chet Atkins to start his musical career?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did he start his musical career? What prompted him to start his musical career?>>QUESTION<<Was he playing with a band?>>ANSWER<<Was Chet Atkins playing with a band?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did he start his musical career? What prompted him to start his musical career? Was he playing with a band?>>QUESTION<<Was he successful?>>ANSWER<<Was Chet Atkins successful?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did he start his musical career? What prompted him to start his musical career? Was he playing with a band? Was he successful?>>QUESTION<<Why wasn't he successful?>>ANSWER<<Why wasn't Chet Atkins successful?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did he start his musical career? What prompted him to start his musical career? Was he playing with a band? Was he successful? Why wasn't he successful?>>QUESTION<<Did he have a job other than playing music at the time?>>ANSWER<<Did Chet Atkins have a job other than playing music at the time?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did he start his musical career? What prompted him to start his musical career? Was he playing with a band? Was he successful? Why wasn't he successful? Did he have a job other than playing music at the time?>>QUESTION<<Was he reviewed by critics?>>ANSWER<<Was Chet Atkins reviewed by critics?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did he start his musical career? What prompted him to start his musical career? Was he playing with a band? Was he successful? Why wasn't he successful? Did he have a job other than playing music at the time? Was he reviewed by critics?>>QUESTION<<Did he record anything?>>ANSWER<<Did Chet Atkins record anything?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did he start his musical career? What prompted him to start his musical career? Was he playing with a band? Was he successful? Why wasn't he successful? Did he have a job other than playing music at the time? Was he reviewed by critics? Did he record anything?>>QUESTION<<What was the record company?>>ANSWER<<What was the record company that released Chet Atkin's work?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<Who signed Chet>>ANSWER<<Who signed Chet Atkins?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Who signed Chet>>QUESTION<<Did he sign him?>>ANSWER<<Did Steve Sholes sign Chet Atkins?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Who signed Chet Did he sign him?>>QUESTION<<Did he record any song with them?>>ANSWER<<Did Chet Atkins record any song with RCA Records?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Who signed Chet Did he sign him? Did he record any song with them?>>QUESTION<<When did he do the recording?>>ANSWER<<When did Chet Atkins do the recording with RCA Records?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Who signed Chet Did he sign him? Did he record any song with them? When did he do the recording?>>QUESTION<<Was the record successful?>>ANSWER<<Was Chet Atkins' Gallopin' Guitar successful?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Who signed Chet Did he sign him? Did he record any song with them? When did he do the recording? Was the record successful?>>QUESTION<<Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?>>ANSWER<<Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Who signed Chet Did he sign him? Did he record any song with them? When did he do the recording? Was the record successful? Are there any other interesting aspects about this article?>>QUESTION<<Did Sholes later show appreciation or help him back?>>ANSWER<<Did Sholes later show appreciation or help Chet Atkins back?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Who signed Chet Did he sign him? Did he record any song with them? When did he do the recording? Was the record successful? Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? Did Sholes later show appreciation or help him back?>>QUESTION<<What other things does Chet do?>>ANSWER<<What other things does Chet Atkins do?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Who signed Chet Did he sign him? Did he record any song with them? When did he do the recording? Was the record successful? Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? Did Sholes later show appreciation or help him back? What other things does Chet do?>>QUESTION<<What did the people produce?>>ANSWER<<What did people produce for Chet Atkin's birthday?
>>INTRODUCTION<<Who signed Chet Did he sign him? Did he record any song with them? When did he do the recording? Was the record successful? Are there any other interesting aspects about this article? Did Sholes later show appreciation or help him back? What other things does Chet do? What did the people produce?>>QUESTION<<How long did he work for them?>>ANSWER<<How long did Chet Atkins work for RCA Records?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<What is Canyon de Chelly?>>ANSWER<<What is Canyon de Chelly?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Canyon de Chelly?>>QUESTION<<Were they safe there?>>ANSWER<<Were Kit Carson and his men safe at Canyon de Chelly?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Canyon de Chelly? Were they safe there?>>QUESTION<<Were they ever attacked there?>>ANSWER<<Were Kit Carson and his men ever attacked at Canyon de Chelly?
>>INTRODUCTION<<What is Canyon de Chelly? Were they safe there? Were they ever attacked there?>>QUESTION<<How many people died there?>>ANSWER<<How many people died at the Battle of Canyon de Chelly?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<When was he elected to congress?>>ANSWER<<When was Rogers Morton elected to Congress?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he elected to congress?>>QUESTION<<Was it a close race?>>ANSWER<<Was it a close race between Rogers Morton and Thomas Francis Johnson?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he elected to congress? Was it a close race?>>QUESTION<<What did he do as a congressman?>>ANSWER<<What did Rogers Morton do as a congressman?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When was he elected to congress? Was it a close race? What did he do as a congressman?>>QUESTION<<Did he work to enact other legislation?>>ANSWER<<Did Rogers Morton work to enact other legislation?
>>INTRODUCTION<<>>QUESTION<<When did she begin going by the name of Patsy?>>ANSWER<<When did Patsy Cline begin going by the name of Patsy?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did she begin going by the name of Patsy?>>QUESTION<<How were her early years?>>ANSWER<<How were Patsy Cline's early years?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did she begin going by the name of Patsy? How were her early years?>>QUESTION<<How did the illnesses affect her?>>ANSWER<<How did the illnesses affect Patsy Cline?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did she begin going by the name of Patsy? How were her early years? How did the illnesses affect her?>>QUESTION<<Did she have any siblings?>>ANSWER<<Did Patsy Cline have any siblings?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did she begin going by the name of Patsy? How were her early years? How did the illnesses affect her? Did she have any siblings?>>QUESTION<<How was her relationship with her parents?>>ANSWER<<How was Patsy Cline relationship with her parents?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did she begin going by the name of Patsy? How were her early years? How did the illnesses affect her? Did she have any siblings? How was her relationship with her parents?>>QUESTION<<Why did she start singing?>>ANSWER<<Why did Patsy Cline start singing?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did she begin going by the name of Patsy? How were her early years? How did the illnesses affect her? Did she have any siblings? How was her relationship with her parents? Why did she start singing?>>QUESTION<<What was the outcome of her singing on the show?>>ANSWER<<What was the outcome of Patsy Cline's singing on the show?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did she begin going by the name of Patsy? How were her early years? How did the illnesses affect her? Did she have any siblings? How was her relationship with her parents? Why did she start singing? What was the outcome of her singing on the show?>>QUESTION<<How old was she when she began singing?>>ANSWER<<How old was Patsy Cline when she began singing?
>>INTRODUCTION<<When did she begin going by the name of Patsy? How were her early years? How did the illnesses affect her? Did she have any siblings? How was her relationship with her parents? Why did she start singing? What was the outcome of her singing on the show? How old was she when she began singing?>>QUESTION<<What did the night club gigs lead to?>>ANSWER<<What did the night club gigs lead to for Patsy Cline?