3 values
3 values
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Because she knows I love you. SUPERGIRL You love me? ETHAN My angel. My goddess. I feel I've always loved you all my life. I'll die if I can't spend the rest of my life just looking at you, holding you in my arms... SUPERGIRL We have to have a long talk about all this. ETHAN I know just the place. Hang a left at the Amalgamated Tower. EXT. HOSPITAL ENTRY. TWILIGHT Selena comes striding out 'of the hospital, scowling. Jimmy Olsen notices her, and senses her aura of power. He drops his useless Nikon into his camera bag and starts rummaging for another camera. BIANCA Home? SELENA No way. I'm not going to let that little hussy make a monkey out of me. BIANCA (shrewdly) Is it her that's bothering you--or your gardener? Selena looks
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> at Bianca with wounded dignity. SELENA I use men, but I'm not addicted to them. I can quit whenever I want. She gets in the back seat of the car, just as Jimmy Olsen snaps a photo of her with a Polaroid. Selena slams the car door and Bianca drives off. Jimmy examines the instant photo he just took. His eyes widen with wonder and the hair prickles on the back of his neck as he sees the image. INSERT: THE POLAROID IN JIMMY'S HAND. THE PICTURE OF SELENA ENTERING HER CAR, BUT BEHIND HER THERE IS A HIDEOUS LOOMING SHADOW---MUCH LARGER THAN WHEN NIGEL SHOWED IT TO HER. CUT TO: EXT. AMUSEMENT PARK. NIGHT The park is deserted, in darkness. One by one the lights come on, outlining a1l the structures in jewel-like, fairyland colours.
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> It looks strangely familiar. On some deep level there is a resemblance to Argo City. THE CAMERA PANS over to reveal Ethan standing beside the huge fairground switch boxes, turning on the lights. Supergirl stands beside him. ETHAN This is my favourite place in the city. SUPERGIRL Are you sure it's all right for us to be here? ETHAN They don't care, they're tearing it down for a shopping centre. He flips the last switch, which starts the Ferris wheel revolving slowly, like a great spiral galaxy in space. Soft music plays. ETHAN Like it? SUPERGIRL Yes. It reminds me of home. ETHAN Where Superman's from? Krypton? SUPERGIRL No. Argo City. It was on a chunk of rock that was part of Krypton once---but we moved it to inner space. ETHAN I'm sorry, I don't understand.
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> SUPERGIRL It's not important. The important thing is I'm here to find something and I think you can he1p me. ETHAN Come on, let's ride. They walk to the slowly revolving Ferris wheel and hop aboard one of the gondola cars. ETHAN I used to work here summers when I was a kid. SUPERGIRL Ethan, tell me more about this woman who's after you. ETHAN Let's talk about us, not her. SUPERGIRL Tell me where I can find her. ETHAN I don't want you to go near her. She's bad news. Ethan puts his arm around her shoulders, casually, no big deal. SUPERGIRL But be reasonable. If I don't do something to stop her she'll try again. And maybe hurt you. ETHAN I'll be safe with you. We can stay together the rest of our lives.
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> SUPERGIRL We can't do that. ETHAN Why not ? SUPERGIRL We're from different worlds. ETHAN Just give me a chance to show how much I love you. Love changes everything. Love makes everything possib1e. EXT. ENTRANCE TO AMUSEMENT PARK. NIGHT Selena gets out of her Cadillac and walks to the chained and locked gate. A big sign says KEEP OUT. CONDEMMED PROPERTY. FUTURE SITE OF FUNFAIR MALL SHOPPING PLAZA. She mutters something under her breath and the chains fall away, the locks click open, and the gate glides noiselessly ajar. Se1ena strides in imperiously. EXT. TOP OF FERRIS WHEEL SUPERGIRL All this talk about love, it's silly. ETHAN You don't like me? You hate me? There is such a look of tragedy on Ethan's face, that Supergirl is afraid he might instantly fling himself to his
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> death if she said yes. SUPERGIRL Of Course I don't hate you. I don't hate anyone. ETHAN What do you feel about me? SUPERGIRL I...I don't know. This is all so sudden. THE CAMERA RACKS FOCUS FOR A MOMENT TO DISCOVER : Selena, lurking.be1ow them in the shadows of the Spine Snapper Ride. ETHAN There's one sure way to find out how you feel. SUPERGIRL What's that? ETHAN Let me kiss you. SUPERGIRL No. ETHAN You're not afraid are you? SUPERGIRL Of course not, but...there are things we don't understand. ETHAN If we wait until we understand everything we'll be dead. Come on. You can learn more from one kiss than from years in school. SUPERGIRL Well...I guess one is all right. She closes her eyes, parts her lips, and leans forward. SUPERGIRL Is this how?
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> ETHAN Terrific. Their lips meet. Zowie. SELENA What a touching scene! Her voice is like having a bucket of ice water dashed over you. Ethan and Supergirl pull apart. The Ferris wheel has carried them all the way around and back down again. Selena is standing beside them. Supergirl stands up and steps boldly out of the gondola to confront her. SUPERGIRL Who are you ? SELENA I am Selena. Give him to me. Now. Or you'll both be sorry. SUPERGIRL I don't scare that easily. Selena rummages down deep in her handbag and pulls out the gargoyle box. SELENA All right, Miss Know-it-all. If I can't have him, nobody can. She holds the gargoyle box out toward the Ferris wheel. SELENA Coffer of Shadow, show your Power! INSERT C.U. OF THE BOLTS HOLDING ETHAN'S GONDOLA
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> TO THE FERRIS WHEEL: THE BOLTS UNSCREW AND FALL OUT. BACK TO SCENE Ethan yells as his gondola falls off the Ferris wheel and down onto the tent, which covers the DODGEM CARS. INT. DODGEM CARS TENT He falls through the tent and onto the electrified floor below. The wooden gondola shatters on impact. Ethan sits up, dazed by the fall, and sees a dodgem car painted like the face of a vicious football player heading toward him. Ethan scrambles away on his hands and knees. Another hideously painted car attacks him, and another, and another. He dodges and scuttles around desperately. Finally he manages to climb aboard one of the cars. EXT. AMUSEMENT PARK Supergirl reaches out to seize Selena. But Selena holds up the gargoyle box and is surrounded by an impenetrable, glowing shield
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> of force. Supergirl tries to push through, the shield in vain. Supergirl flies to the little fence made out of steel spikes surrounding the Haunted House. At super speed she rips up the entire line of fence posts and hurls them like javelins at Selena. Selena dissolves her force field and tries to run away, ducking and dodging the rain of javelins. She turns too quickly and the GARGOYLE BOX slips out of her hand and rolls underneath the deck of the carousel. Selena moans with despair, and pauses, reluctant to leave without the box. This is the opportunity Supergirl needs. The fence posts bury themselves in the ground in a perfect circle around Selena---effectively imprisoning her. SUPERGIRL That ought to keep you out of my hair for a while. SELENA A cheap trick. SUPERGIRL Cheap
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> but effective. INT. DODGEM CAR TENT Ethan is holding on to his car desperately as all the other cars viciously ram into it. Suddenly his car is lifted up, carried through a hole in the tent roof, and off into the night sky. ETHAN Supergirl'? He looks under the car. There she is, carrying him to safety. She smiles reassuringly. EXT. AMUSEMENT PARK Selena is trapped inside the ring of posts, fumbling in her bag. One by one she takes out dried herbs, feathers, dusts, and flings them at the bars while she shouts magic word. Nothing works. SELENA Yookoohoo! No, that's not it. Sis-o-reb! Nope. Ka-ma-hoochie! Bianca appears out of the shadows. Selena looks up, embarrassed. BIANCA Sure glad you didn't let make a monkey of you. SELENA Shut up, and get me a hacksaw.
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Bianca pauses uncertainly. BIANCA Why don't you use the Coffer of Shadow? SELENA (evasively) I don't feel like it right now. BIANCA She didn't take it from you, did she? SELENA That little girl? Ha. Now go on, get me some tools. BIANCA There's no need. I learned the Craft from my grandmother. Bianca takes out a bundle of twigs from her pocket and strokes the bars of the fence with it. BIANCA Sycoraka f'kah s'koo... The bars fall down like boiled spaghetti. Selena steps out of the circle of confinement with queenly dignity. SELENA Good. Now bring the car. We must call a meeting of the seven. Bianca bows. BIANCA Yes, mistress. Bianca hurries off toward the parking lot. Selena watches her until she turns the corner of the Haunted House. Then Selena kneels down
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> and carefully reaches under the deck of the carousel for the GARGOYLE BOX. SELENA There you are. Come to mama. She takes out the box, s1ips it inside her cloak, and stands up. She casts a last glance around the scene of her defeat, and strides off after Bianca. CUT TO: EXT. TROPICAL BEACH. DAY Supergirl lands Ethan in his battered dodgem car on a beautiful, deserted tropical beach. Palm trees wave over a white sand beach. The blue ca1m of a lagoon mirrors huge white clouds that hang motipn1ess on the horizon like colossal snowy mountains. Gaily-coloured parrots screech in the branches of blooming hibiscus and jacaranda. Ethan gets out of his carnival ride and gazes around w1th awe at the beautiful scene. SUPERGIRL I thought I'd show you one of my favourite places. ETHAN
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> It's paradise . We could be very happy here. SUPERGIRL But I have to go back. I brought you here so you'd be safe. From her. ETHAN You can't just abandon me. Alone. His words strike a sensitive nerve in her. She relents. SUPERGIRL I'll stay for a while. Ethan is filled with enthusiasm. ETHAN Great! I'II build a house-- right over there, with a veranda looking out to sea. And I'll plant a garden! Papayas, pineapples, bananas, mangoes--- anything'll grow here. And I'II fish in the lagoon, and we can go sailing in a dugout canoe, and--- SUPERGIRL Ethan---when I said 'a while' I meant a couple of hours. Ethan's face falls. He looks at her beseechingly. SUPERGIRL Well, maybe a little longer than that. She smiles and takes his hand. Together they walk along
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> the beach. CUT TO: EXT. SELENA'S MANSION. NIGHT Rolls Royces, limos, and Maserattis parked in the driveway. It looks like a meeting of the ostentatious car club. A helicopter lands on the front lawn. The ELDERLY MAN from the garden party gets out and walks across the lawn toward the house with the aid of a cane. Behind him the helicopter takes off again. Selena opens her front door and confronts him angrily. SELENA You're late. ELD ERL Y MAN The President was giving a speech. I couldn't just walk out. SELENA You're more afraid of the President than me??? ELDERLY MAN No, of course not. INT. SELENA'S LIVING ROOM. CANDLELIT. NIGHT Waiting for her are an extraordinary group of people, all of whom we met or glimpsed briefly at the garden party. Bianca is talking
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> to ERICA, a red-haired female dwarf. A proud, barefoot AMERICAN INDIAN WOMAN in fringed doeskin is talking to a muscular, young BLACK MAN in a cashmere suit with lots of gold and diamond jewelry. NIGEL is sulking in the bar, his face covered with tannisroot ointment. Selena enters with the Elderly Man in the banker pinstripe. They all form a circle in the centre of the room. SELENA Let us begin. I invoke the rule of seven. OTHERS IN UNISON The Circle is complete. NIGEL You better have a pretty good explanation for this, Selena. SELENA We are in great danger. A being has come to Earth with powers far beyond those of anyone member of the Craft. INDIAN WOMAN But Superman has been away. SELENA It is not Superman I speak of, but his cousin
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Kara. She knows we exist.. ELDERLY MAN Then she must be destroyed. NIGEL How did she find out about us? ELDERLY MAN That is unimportant. Now that she knows, she will become curious and learn more. When she learns we plan to restore the ancient religion of this planet and avenge the centuries of persecution---she will try to stop us. BIANCA We must destroy her first. ERICA But how can we destroy her? SELENA By the Rite of Ultimate Power. One person must volunteer to take on the combined power of us all. Nigel stands up and points an accusing finger at Selena. NIGEL You! You want to take our power for yourself! Selena reacts calmly, speaking in low, modulated tones, as if to an overstimulated child. SELENA Nige1, you know the one who takes on
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Ultimate Power must sacrifice the last sparks of her own spirit. Selena takes hold of a golden chain hanging around her neck and draws out a little glass vial attached to it. Inside the glass vial a tiny spark glows brightly. SELENA (continuing) Which of you is willing to make that sacrifice? NIGEL You would! You revealed our existence so you could have all of our power. SELENA Maybe you'd like to get rid of this Supergirl yourself, Nigel? NIGEL Why get rid of her at al1? You've used the Coffer of Shadow too much. It is beginning to rule your heart. SELENA Nonsense. Nigel pulls aside the heavy veil covering her mirror. FOR AN INSTANT SELENA SEES HER REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR. BEHIND HER LOOMS THE DARK, EVIL PRESENCE, INVISIBLE TO THE OTHERS IN THE
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> ROOM, AND MUCH LARGER THAN WHEN SHE GLIMPSED IT AT HER GARDEN PARTY. Then Bianca leaps to the mirror and pulls the veil back across it. Bianca stands challenging Nigel, daring him to try again. Selena looks at the gargoyle-shaped Coffer of Shadow, sitting beside her hearth. It too seems much larger than when we last saw it at the hospital. Selena wonders for a beat if maybe Nigel is right. Can the Shadow be ruling her? BIANCA Enough quibbling. Let us vote. They all draw their sacred white-handled knives out of concealment in their clothing. Nigel defiantly places his on the floor with its blade pointing inward. Then one by one, the others put down their knives with the blades pointing outward. They all look at Nigel. His shoulders sag with dejection. SELENA I invoke
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> the rule of seven. Do you agree? Nigel speaks with the voice of someone pronouncing his own death sentence. NIGEL I have no choice. His knife turns by itself on the floor until its blade points outward. Everyone joins hands in the circle. A fire springs to life on the hearth. Someone starts to chant in a strange ancient tongue. Slowly the heavy, opulent living room begins to change: the carpet becomes the floor of an ancient stone temple with dark brown stains splattered across its massive granite blocks, the walls start to melt away. Outside the windows the dark night is replaced by hot, brutal sunlight pounding down on an endless desert stretching away to the horizon. The house completely dissolves and is replaced by monumental stone ruins. The smoky fire crackles and sends its
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> dark plumes boiling skyward. The only thing remaining of Selena's house is the hearth and the Coffer of Shadow. Selena stands up And walks out of the centre of the circle toward the Coffer. She opens the lid. She pulls the glass vial off the golden chain around her neck and drops it into the Coffer. CUT TO: EXT. TROPICAL BEACH. DAY Ethan wanders along the beach with Supergirl, holding hands. She stops to pick up a seashell. Ethan clutches his head as if he has a sudden violent headache, moans, and collapses on the sand. Supergirl kneels beside him. SUPERGIRL Ethan, what IS wrong? Ethan opens his eyes and looks at her. He speaks in a voice of bleak despair. ETHAN She said it wouldn't last. SUPERGIRL What wouldn't last? What's the matter with you?
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Ethan sits up, wincing like someone with a bad hangover. ETHAN I don't love you any more. SUPERGIRL Just like that? ETHAN Like turning off a light. He struggles to his feet and stands there unsteadily. ETHAN I feel awful. All that romantic garbage. All that mushy talk. He lurches off into the undergrowth, toward the interior of the island. She plunges into the vegetation keeping pace with him. SUPERGIRL Where are you going? ETHAN Away. From you. SUPERGIRL But why? ETHAN Because you remind me of all the dumb things I said. SUPERGIRL I sort of like what you said. ETHAN That makes it worse. SUPERGIRL But I don't understand. He stops and stares at her for a moment. ETHAN Of course you don't. We're from two different worlds, remember? He stalks off into the
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> jungle, leaving her behind, hurt and bewildered. CUT TO: INT. SELENA'S LIVING ROOM/PAGAN TEMPLE. NIGHT A barbaric ritual. Selena's companions sway and gyrate to the sound of gongs and drums. The floor is covered with a red mist. In the middle of a column of fire a figure like Selena seems to float. The ritual reaches its climax and everything pauses for a moment of sti11ness. Selena steps forth from the column of fire. She is clothed in a shimmering garment---white with flashing highlights of rainbow iridescence. The six other members of her group fall to their knees in awe. Selena seems to glow with an inner radiance. She laughs, and the pagan temple around her changes back to the living room of her house in Midvale. In her shining gossamer gown and her new aura
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> of majesty, she seems too large, too powerful to be contained in the familiar surroundings of her house. SELENA At last. Ultimate Power. BIANCA And the first thing we do is get rid of Supergirl! SELENA What do you mean we? She turns on the kneeling six. They cringe from her. Selena raises her hands and the kneeling six cry out in fear. CUT TO: EXT. BESIDE A STREAM. TROPICAL PARADISE. DAY Ethan is sitting beside a stream on a gravelly bank idly tossing pebbles into the water. Supergirl steps out of the jungle and watches for a moment. Then she comes and sits down beside him. ETHAN Hi. SUPERGIRL Hello. Are you still mad at me? ETHAN I'm not mad at you. SUPERGIRL It seemed that way to me. ETHAN I know I was acting
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> funny---I'm sorry. It's just...I miss it. SUPERGIRL Miss what? ETHAN What I had before. What's not there now. It's like I woke up and found part of me wasn't there any more: something that made me feel really alive and aware of things. It was like, for the first time in my life, everything fitted together perfectly---you and me and the world around us--like we were a wonderful song... He falls silent, and tosses a few pebbles into the stream. SUPERGIRL And now? ETHAN And now...the guitars are out of tune, and the words don't make sense, and somebody unplugged the mike... SUPERGIRL Well...I don It know much about these things, but maybe if you had that feeling can, come back. He turns to her hopefully. ETHAN You think so? SUPERGIRL I don't see why
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> not. ETHAN But what if---it wasn't real? SUPERGIRL Feelings are real. Once you've had them, they're yours forever. Ethan's face lights up. The future begins to exist for him again. ETHAN Hey, listen, when all this blows over, maybe we could get together every now and then and see each other. And maybe something might. happen again. What do you think? SUPERGIRL Are you asking me for a "date"? ETHAN Why not? You're a good-looking girl. And I'm--- available. SUPERGIRL Aren't you forgetting about Selena? ETHAN She'll forget about us eventually. CUT TO: INT. SELENA'S LIVING ROOM In the polished surface of her mirror, Selena makes a scene appear: Ethan and Supergirl on the tropical island. SUPERGIRL (image) There's something very dangerous about her. Something evil... ETHAN (image) I know what it is. She has this
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> lead container shaped like a gargoyle. Inside there's a silvery ring... CUT TO: EXT. TROPIAL ISLAND Supergirl becomes very excited. SUPERGIRL That's the Power Source that was lost from Argo City! That's what I came: to find! Where does she live? ETHAN In this big old house on Orchard Avenue---but you better stay away from there. SUPERGIRL I can see through walls. I could surprise her. The only thing I can't see through is lead, that's why I didn't see the Power Source at the amusement park. She stands up. ETHAN Wait. Don't leave me. SUPERGIRL You'll be safe here. I'll come back as soon as I have the Power Source. He stands up and takes her hand. ETHAN Before you go... SUPERGIRL What? ETHAN Just one kiss. For old times' sake. SUPERGIRL And you can
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> see how you feel about me, right? ETHAN Yes. She closes her eyes and parts her lips. Slowly their lips come together and touch. Then a sudden rush of sheer desire flows through them and the simple experimental kiss become an ecstatic prelude to the heights of lovemaking. But before either one of them can go one step further, ETHAN DISAPPEARS WITH A FLASH OF BLINDING WHITE LIGHT. A cloud darkens the sun, and the trees are lashed into a frenzy by gale-force winds. Selena's laughter can be heard from somewhere far away. SUPERGIRL Ethan! Supergirl flies into the air. EXT. TROPICAL ISLAND. SUNSET. SKY ABOVE ISLAND. DAY Supergirl flies around the island very fast at high speed, searching for Ethan and Selena. She hovers like an eagle for a moment, then speeds straight upwards. EXT.
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> ABOVE THE OCEAN. DAY Supergirl flies back to North America, faster than she has ever flown before. EXT. ABOVE MIDVALE. DAY Supergirl zeros in on Selena's house like an exocet. EXT. SELENA'S FRONT LAWN Supergirl lands and walks cautiously up to the front door, ready for anything but what she finds: the front door is ajar. She pushes it open with a creak of its massive hinges. She walks slowly inside. INT. SELENA'S MANSION. FRONT HALL/LIVING ROOM Supergirl looks around. The house seems deserted and drastically neglected. Cobwebs hang over everything. The dust has the thickness of a hundred years. Moths have eaten away all the splendid tapestries. Rats cavort along the baseboards. Bats sleep in the chandeliers. In the living room Supergirl finds Bianca crouched in A Corner, gibbering mindlessly. Bianca too has changed: she
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> is dressed in rags, and her wild staring eyes are rimmed with dark circles. When she sees Supergirl she cries with fright. SUPERGIRL Hey take it easy. I won't hurt you. BIANCA I thought .it was her, coming back. Spared me. But I thought. . . maybe changed her mind. Nigel warned us. Wouldn't listen to him. SUPERGIRL What are you talking about? Where's Selena? BIANCA No. Don't want to know. She's bad. Don't go near her. Hurt you. SUPERGIRL I have to find her. Tell me. Supergirl looks into Bianca's eyes with her calm, heroic gaze, and Bianca comes somewhat to her senses. Bianca points to the adjoining bar. Supergirl walks over warily and sees FIVE GOLDEN CAGES suspended among the bottles. Nigel and the four remaining members of the Circle are imprisoned in them,
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> shrunken but alive. Nige1 is in a perpetually turning squirrel wheel. He sees her and calls out. NIGEL Supergirl! She's waiting for you. On Taliesen Mountain. Stop her before it's too late! Supergirl gets a look of determination on her face. She turns and flies out through the French doors and heads straight up into the air. INT. SELENA'S NEW HOUSE (A MOUNTAIN-TOP PALACE) Ethan is in a dark, shadowy place, bound to a stake with stout cords. Sticks of wood are piled all around his feet. Selena stands beside him in her shining gown of power. She looks even more gorgeous and cruel than before. She offers him a glass of water to drink, but he turns his head away violently. ETHAN I'm wise to your tricks, lady. SELENA I could force you. ETHAN If
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> that worked, you would've done it already. No, you want me to drink it of my own free will. Well let me tell you, sweetheart, it'll be a cold day in hell before I fall for that one again. SELENA Go on, talk big! I'll soon have you purring like a kitten. She puts the glass of water in a, basket at the end of an iron chain hanging down from above. There is a straw in the glass at such an angle that Ethan can just reach it with his lips if he stretches as far as possible. SELENA You've been without water for a whole day. Let's see how thirsty you get in a week. ETHAN You vicious-- SELENA Careful, don't make me angry. I start fires when I'm angry. She glances meaningfully at
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> the faggots piled around his feet and walks away. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS HER revealing that she has been talking to Ethan inside the mammoth fireplace of her living room. Her new house is enormous. Where before she lived in a mansion, now she dwells in a palace. The fireplace is seven feet high, the living room floor is wide as a football field, and. the French windows into the garden now tower like the windows in the North transept of Chartres Cathedral. Selena disappears out the imposing portals which lead to the wet bar and butler's pantry--each now the size of a basketball court. Back in the fireplace, Ethan cranes his neck to make sure she has gone, then reaches out toward the glass hanging nearby. He pokes the straw with his forehead. The glass swings
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> slightly. The glass swings close enough for him to bump it with his forehead and set up a rhythm. He gauges the swing of the glass and, at the precise moment, grabs for it with his mouth. He catches hold of the rim of the glass with his teeth and holds it there for a moment as he summons his courage to do what must be done. He bites hard on the rim of the glass with his teeth. The glass shatters and falls to the floor with a crash, leaving Ethan with a small fragment of the rim in his mouth and a trickle of blood down his chin. He leans his head over until it is directly above his left hand tied to the stake two and a half feet below his shoulders. A
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> droplet of blood falls into his hand. He drops the glass fragment down to his hand and catches it. He grins, and sighs with relief. Then spits to clear his mouth. Slowly he saws. at the ropes that hold him with the sliver of glass in his left hand. One by one the strands part. Ethan strains against his bonds and the weakened rope snaps. He quickly disentangles himself from the coils and steps out of the fireplace. He looks around the mammoth room. The coast is clear. He spits a few bits of glass out of his mouth, and dashes out of the doors to the garden. EXT. SELENA'S HOUSE. GARDEN. CONSERVATORY Ethan sees a green plastic garden hose, which the gardener has left running in a trickle to irrigate the hydrangeas. Ethan remembers that
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> he is very thirsty. He picks up the hose, rinses out his mouth hurriedly, and then takes long, desperate gulps of the water. Behind him he hears Selena's laughter. He drops the hose as if stung by an electric eel and turns to see her emerge from behind a large strangler fig. INSERT ETHAN'S P.O.V. The same effect as when he drank the love potion the first time. The plants of the conservatory swirl and distort in garish nightmare colours. At the centre of his vision is an area of crystal clarity surrounding Selena. She approaches him seductively, fully confident of her power. As she comes nearer, the clear area expands and drives out the visual chaos. Selena speaks, and her voice is a close-miked throaty purr. SELENA I told you I'd win. BACK TO SCENE
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Ethan is held by the spell of her magic. And yet there is part of him that still resists. You can see him try to turn his head away from the vision of ideal beauty before him, and then give in as she comes closer and I touches him with her hand. A zap of energy passes between them at her touch. SELENA Kiss me. He embraces her roughly and crushes her lips with a kiss. He is filled with a tigerish lust that thrills her deeply. She rakes her long red fingernails across his back and moans with pleasure. EXT. ABOVE THE MOUNTAINS. DAY Supergirl flies over the Rockies toward Selena's house. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. TALIESEN MOUNTAIN. SELENA'S NEW HOUSE. DAY Supergirl flies over Selena's new house. For the first time we can see the
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> enormousness of it: a grotesque, towering monstrosity, that seems to brood threateningly over the landscape. EXT. GARDEN BEHIND SELENA'S NEW HOUSE. DAY Supergirl lands and walks toward the towering French doors of the living room. But something distracts her. She turns and enters the gigantic conservatory to her right. INT. CONSERVATORY Supergirl looks around and sees in the middle of the conservatory a reflecting pool surrounded by exotic plants. She walks closer and looks down into the reflecting pool. In the bottom of the shallow pool she sees Ethan securely bound. His eyes stare wildly. Dead or drowning. SUPERGIRL Ethan! She leaps into the shallow pool, and sinks over her head. A polygonal section of the surface of the reflecting pool detaches itself from the water and rises up perpendicularly. It is a door to the
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Phantom Zone. Supergirl is trapped behind an impenetrable force field, looking out in despair. Ethan is not there with her. His image has disappeared. The real flesh and blood Ethan appears with Selena from behind the strangler fig. They look in at Supergirl trapped behind the shimmering polygon that la ads to the Phantom Zone. Selena laughs at her, but Ethan stares as if at a long forgotten acquaintance whose name he is trying to recall. Selena notices Ethan's wandering attention and she puts her arms possessively around him. SELENA Enjoy your prison, Supergirl. It's forever. Supergirl calls out to Ethan, her hands and face pressed against the transparent wall of her prison, but no sound can escape the impenetrable force field. INT. PHANTOM ZONE DOOR Supergirl is seen in reverse, beating on the hard crystalline
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> surface of the prison. SUPERGIRL Ethan! Don't let her do this! Beyond the threshold of the zone, Selena in her conservatory kisses Ethan with fierce lust. He returns her , emotion, forgetting all about Supergirl. SUPERGIRL No. No. It isn't true. The image of Selena and Ethan begins to recede, getting smaller and smaller, until it vanishes entirely in infinite blackness. EXT. SPACE The flat two-dimensional polygon that is Supergirl's prison whirls away through space. Behind the transparent surface we can see Supergirl's face stained with tears. EXT. PHANTOM ZONE Another kind of reality. Unlike anything we have ever seen. The crystal prison lands on the ground of the Phantom Zone and shatters. Supergirl picks herself up from among the fragments of her prison and looks around. The landscape is utterly strange and alien, with a
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> feel of stark, oppressive sterility. As far as the eye can see there is no sign of life. Supergirl stands up and raises her arms to fly. She hops into the air about eight inches and lands flat-footedly on the sand. With a shock she realises SHE CAN'T FLY. She hops a few more times, with no more success. She picks up a small rock from the ground. She tries to crush it in her hand. She can't. Angrily she hurls it from her as far as she can. Instead of disappearing into infinity it drops at her feet a few yards away. She scoops up some sand from the ground and holds it cupped in her hand. She takes a deep breath and tries to blow it away. She is barely able to disturb a
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> few grains. She drops the sand and sits down on a rock, forlorn and dejected. Suddenly she hears Alura's voice, very faint and coming from a long distance away. ALURA'S VOICE Kara, where are you? KARA Mother? I can hardly hear you. ALURA. S VOICE Kara! You're alive. We were so worried. You disappeared from the scanners... KARA I'm lost, Mother. In some awful place. I can't fly anymore. And I'm weak. ALURA'S VOICE Kara, you must not give up. We must retrieve the Power Source. The City is dying. KARA Then send someone else. I failed. ALURA'S VOICE We can't. The' dimension barrier is stronger. We no longer have the power to push through. KARA But Mother, I'm lost. ALURA' S VOICE You must try. . . it's cold. And dark. . . The rest
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> of her sentence fades out, and is lost. KARA Mother---I tried. I really tried. Kara puts her face in her hands and starts to sob hopelessly. CUT TO: EXT. UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK. DAY Establishing shot. INT. GENERAL ASSEMBLY The DELEGATE FROM URITANIA is going on (in Esperanto) denouncing the latest outrage against his peace-loving country. A few bored DELEGATES of various nationalities are sprawled in their seats listening to the simultaneous translation over earphones. The dign1fied PRESIDENT of the General Assembly is sitting on the dais behind the ranting delegate. With a FLASH OF LIGHT and a chok1ng cloud of sulfur fumes, Selena appears beside the podium. She is in her shimmering white robe. The dozing delegates wake up with amazement. The URITANIAN delegate stares at her with his mouth open as she slides him
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> away from the microphone. INT. TRANSLATOR"S BOOTH . GENERAL ASSEMBLY Inside the translator's booth, the entire panorama of the enormous hall is visible through the glass window. The eight TRANSLATORS stop translating and stare at the scene below. BACK TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY Selena is about to speak in the microphone, when two SECURITY GQUARDS attempt to step onto the podium. Selena reaches out toward them. A field of force from her hands stops them in their tracks, knocking them backwards off the steps to land on their butts. The delegates gasp at this act of magical violence. SELENA Nations of the world! I bring you tidings of a new age! The President of the General Assembly starts to shout at her and bang on the podium with his gavel. Selena looks over her shoulder with mild
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> annoyance. Instantly the President's gavel turns into a live eel. The President drops it with horror. Selena continues her speech. SELENA I bring you a return to the ancient true worship of Nature, our Sovereign Queen and Mother. And I bring you myself as her representative here on Earth. The URITANIAN suddenly recovers his wits and tries to place a hand on Selena's shoulder. A whirlwind hurls him off the podium into the desks of the front row delegates. The delegates babble in consternation but keep to their seats. Selena raises her voice to be heard over the uproar. SELENA From this moment forth, all science, religion and other unnatural beliefs are forbidden. And in their place I will teach the One True Way of our ancient grandmothers. The President of the General Assembly has recovered
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> enough from the surprise of the eel to interrupt Selena. PRESIDENT You are talking about the end of Civilisation as we know it. SELENA And it's about time too. PRESIDENT I do not know who you are, or what evil force you represent, but it will take more than a few threats from you to make mankind turn back the clock and abandon thousands of years of progress. Selena has listened with a mocking smile as he speaks. He finishes to a smattering of applause from some of the delegates. SELENA Threats? I don't need threats to destroy civilisation. I have something better. She snaps her fingers in the air. Immediately a RAIN OF MONEY BEGINS TO FALL ALL OVER THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. PAPER MONEY AND COINS OF ALL NATIONS. Selena looks at her work with
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> pleasure. Then she disappears in a FLASH OF LIGHT. The delegates blink with astonishment. The only trace of her presence is the tang of sulfur in the air---and the money. One delegate forgets his dignity and starts scooping up money from his desk and stuffing it into his pockets. Suddenly all the delegates are doing the same thing. The only exception is the delegate from the United Kingdom who thinks it might be beneath his dignity, and looks about with mild disapproval. CUT TO: EXT. THE PHANTOM ZONE Supergirl walks across the rolling monotony of the Phantom Zone. We have never seen her like this before: sweating, her hair unkempt, streaks of dirt and grit on her face, exhausted and full of despair. She stumbles at the crest of a low ridge and falls down to
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> the bottom of the slope, banging her head on a rock. She sits there, a big rip in her ,uniform, rubbing her bruised forehead. It is hard to imagine her any worse off. She hears a sound, vaguely familiar. She looks around for its source. She follows the sound, crawling slowly along the base of the ridge. The sound gets louder and as she, approaches. It is a sound of celestial, spiritual beauty: the music of the spheres. Suddenly she comes out into a tiny valley in the Phantom Zone and sees before her the most beautiful sight she could imagine. The harsh monochromatic sterility of the Phantom Zone gives way to a riot of bright colours. A dome-like building protrudes from the ground. All around it are gorgeous singing sculptures in the style of Argo
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> City. A sculptor. in the clothing of Argo City is modeling a glassy statue with a matterwand. He turns and catches sight of Supergirl. It is Zaltar. SUPERGIRL Zaltar. Zaltar drops his wand and comes running over to Supergirl. He kneels beside her on the sandy ground. ZALTAR Kara? Is it you? Supergirl nods. She is obviously exhausted. Zaltar takes the bulb full of liquid off his belt and offers her a drink. She drinks thirstily of the refreshing green liquid, and feels strength returning to her body. SUPERGIRL What is this place? ZALTAR This is the Phantom Zone. But why did you come here from Argo City? SUPERGIRL I was on Earth... ZALTAR Earth? You crossed the dimension barrier? By yourself? SUPERGIRL Yes. I went there to find the lost Power Source... ZALTAR Shouldnt've done
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> that. SUPERGIRL ...but the person who has it. tricked me, and sent me to the Phantom Zone. ZALTAR It's dangerous to use a Power Source on Earth. It can unleash all sorts of terrible forces--- SUPERGIRL I know. ZALTAR Well, nothing we can do about it. Come into my house. You can stay with me, until I build you your own place. I expect you won't want to mix with the others-- not our type of people. He helps her to her feet and over to his house, a sort of Argonian gothic cathedral half-buried in the sand. The curves of the arches and the materials are strongly reminiscent of Zaltar's work on Argo City. SUPERGIRL Others? ZALTAR Criminals. Zaltar gestures vaguely to the horizon on his right. ZALTAR A few hundred parasangs that way. I
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero | Hero |
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> avoid them. And you should too. Zaltar leads Supergirl past the singing sculptures. She smiles as she passes them, and remembers his "tree" in Argo City. SUPERGIRL ...mid pleasures and palaces though I may roam..." ZALTAR What? Palace? Hardly. SUPERGIRL Just feels, a little, like a tiny bit of Argo City... ZALTAR Yes. Can't seem to get away from that style. Must try something new. INT. ZALTAR'S HOUSE He helps her down a long spiraling staircase to the floor of a high domed room. In the centre of the room is a huge round table cluttered with tools, models and unfinished projects. SUPERGIRL It's lovely. . . ZALTAR No, no. Not lovely. 'Perfect'. Did everything just right. Nobody telling you to change this, move that around. Please yourself. That's the secret of happiness. SUPERGIRL Are you
<|output|> Hero |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|question|> Is Supergirl a Hero or an Antagonist? <|text|> Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Hero | Hero | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist | Antagonist | Hero | Antagonist |
<|output|> Antagonist |
<|output|> Hero |