What has a negative impact on water quality?
{ "text": [ "rain", "harmful substances", "rain below 5.6 pH", "sleet", "fossil fuels", "Burning fuel and air", "snow", "decaying trees" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
acid rain has a negative impact on water quality
Acid rain has a pH below 5.6.
rain with a pH below 5.6 has a negative impact on water quality
What has a negative impact on water quality? (A) rain (B) harmful substances (C) rain below 5.6 pH (D) sleet
rain with a pH below 5.6 has a negative impact on water quality Answer: C
What is bad for water?
{ "text": [ "pollution", "seaweed", "flooding", "rain", "deforestation", "Pesticides", "Wet weather", "fresh water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
acid rain has a negative impact on water quality
Acid rain is caused by pollution.
Pollution is bad for water.
What is bad for water? (A) pollution (B) seaweed (C) flooding (D) rain
Pollution is bad for water. Answer: A
What are sensitive to water quality?
{ "text": [ "conditions", "salmon", "plants", "clams", "frost", "trout", "stones", "mussels" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
acid rain has a negative impact on water quality
Plants are sensitive to acid rain.
Plants are sensitive to water quality
What are sensitive to water quality? (A) conditions (B) salmon (C) plants (D) clams
Plants are sensitive to water quality Answer: C
Something that comes from polluted what has a negative impact on water quality?
{ "text": [ "flooding", "clouds", "streams.", "stars", "coal", "concepts", "minds", "tar" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
acid rain has a negative impact on water quality
Acid rain comes from polluted clouds.
Something that comes from polluted clouds has a negative impact on water quality.
Something that comes from polluted what has a negative impact on water quality? (A) flooding (B) clouds (C) streams. (D) stars
Something that comes from polluted clouds has a negative impact on water quality. Answer: B
Acid rain has a negative impact on what?
{ "text": [ "Life", "humans", "Impact craters", "Negative Charge", "Battery acid", "biome", "rivers", "plants" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
acid rain has a negative impact on water quality
Water pollution Water is life.
Acid rain has a negative impact on life quality
Acid rain has a negative impact on what? (A) Life (B) humans (C) Impact craters (D) Negative Charge
Acid rain has a negative impact on life quality Answer: A
what have a negative impact on water quality?
{ "text": [ "CFCs", "oxygen", "hydrogen", "oil", "h2o", "mines", "fungi", "Cars" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
acid rain has a negative impact on water quality
Acid rain is partly caused by CFCs.
CFCs have a negative impact on water quality
what have a negative impact on water quality? (A) CFCs (B) oxygen (C) hydrogen (D) oil
CFCs have a negative impact on water quality Answer: A
what is some rain?
{ "text": [ "harmful", "watershred", "streams", "rainy", "flooding", "rivers", "Tropical", "spring" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
acid rain has a negative impact on water quality
Acid rain is harmful rain.
some rain is harmful
what is some rain? (A) harmful (B) watershred (C) streams (D) rainy
some rain is harmful Answer: A
What can be nearly microscopic?
{ "text": [ "squids", "bacteria", "barnacles", "parasites", "fossils", "molecules", "atoms", "fungi" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Some mollusks are nearly microscopic.
Interestingly, a squid is also a mollusk.
Some squids are nearly microscopic
What can be nearly microscopic? (A) squids (B) bacteria (C) barnacles (D) parasites
Some squids are nearly microscopic Answer: A
What are nearly microscopic?
{ "text": [ "all invertebrates", "planets", "some invertebrates", "remains of prehistoric life", "barnacles", "Veins and arteries.", "major threat to health", "all vertebrates" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Some mollusks are nearly microscopic.
Mollusks are invertebrates and are no exception.
Some invertebrates are nearly microscopic
What are nearly microscopic? (A) all invertebrates (B) planets (C) some invertebrates (D) remains of prehistoric life
Some invertebrates are nearly microscopic Answer: C
what are sometimes nearly microscopic?
{ "text": [ "peachleaf willow", "major threat to health", "elephants", "abundant fossils", "Veins and arteries.", "trees", "barnacles", "weathering" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Some mollusks are nearly microscopic.
Mollusks are abundant fossils.
some abundant fossils are nearly microscopic
what are sometimes nearly microscopic? (A) peachleaf willow (B) major threat to health (C) elephants (D) abundant fossils
some abundant fossils are nearly microscopic Answer: D
Some _ are nearly microscopic
{ "text": [ "gastropod shells", "invertebrates", "peachleaf willow", "homogenous", "barnacles", "an organism's body", "Veins and arteries.", "reproduce" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Some mollusks are nearly microscopic.
Mollusks are the second-largest invertebrate group.
Some invertebrates are nearly microscopic
Some _ are nearly microscopic (A) gastropod shells (B) invertebrates (C) peachleaf willow (D) homogenous
Some invertebrates are nearly microscopic Answer: B
What sea creature can sometimes be microscopic?
{ "text": [ "squids", "a fish", "fungi", "tortoises", "fossils", "barnacles", "bacteria", "alpacas" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Some mollusks are nearly microscopic.
Interestingly, a squid is also a mollusk.
Some squids are nearly microscopic.
What sea creature can sometimes be microscopic? (A) squids (B) a fish (C) fungi (D) tortoises
Some squids are nearly microscopic. Answer: A
How does evolution occur?
{ "text": [ "Plants growth", "by adaptation", "vitalism", "Plant reproduction", "theistic evolution", "competition", "orthogenesis", "mechanical" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Evolution occurs by a process called natural selection.
Adaptation and natural selection are discussed.
Evolution occurs by a process of adaptation
How does evolution occur? (A) Plants growth (B) by adaptation (C) vitalism (D) Plant reproduction
Evolution occurs by a process of adaptation Answer: B
what kind of process is evolution?
{ "text": [ "digestion", "agriculture", "adaptive", "dangerous", "competition", "unnatural selection", "static", "ligt" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Evolution occurs by a process called natural selection.
Natural selection is adaptive.
Evolution occurs by an adaptive process
what kind of process is evolution? (A) digestion (B) agriculture (C) adaptive (D) dangerous
Evolution occurs by an adaptive process Answer: C
evolution occurs by a process that results in what?
{ "text": [ "animals", "adaptation", "unnatural selection", "Plants growth", "evolution stopping", "supernatural spirits", "rapid expansion", "competition" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Evolution occurs by a process called natural selection.
Adaptation is the result of natural selection.
evolution occurs by a process that results in adaptation
evolution occurs by a process that results in what? (A) animals (B) adaptation (C) unnatural selection (D) Plants growth
evolution occurs by a process that results in adaptation Answer: B
What leads to evolution?
{ "text": [ "Plants growth", "competition", "Adatation", "our star", "Experimentation", "Stagnation", "environment", "Information" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Evolution occurs by a process called natural selection.
Adaptation is the result of natural selection.
Adaptation results in evolution.
What leads to evolution? (A) Plants growth (B) competition (C) Adatation (D) our star
Adaptation results in evolution. Answer: C
Changing in animals occurs by a process called what?
{ "text": [ "world climate change", "It helps them survive", "natural selection", "Leptospirosis", "ozone", "relocation", "permineralization", "animal growth" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Evolution occurs by a process called natural selection.
Actually, evolution is adaptation to change.
Changing occurs by a process called natural selection.
Changing in animals occurs by a process called what? (A) world climate change (B) It helps them survive (C) natural selection (D) Leptospirosis
Changing occurs by a process called natural selection. Answer: C
What is usually chosen in evolution?
{ "text": [ "common traits", "Plant reproduction", "advantageous systems", "undesirable traits", "Animal survival", "competition", "mysterious sytems", "Earth revolving around the sun" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Evolution occurs by a process called natural selection.
Natural selection only selects functionally advantageous systems.
In evolution only functionally advantageous systems are selected.
What is usually chosen in evolution? (A) common traits (B) Plant reproduction (C) advantageous systems (D) undesirable traits
In evolution only functionally advantageous systems are selected. Answer: C
what produces variation?
{ "text": [ "animals", "evolution", "pollen", "environment", "a doorbell", "movement", "seasons", "competition" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Evolution occurs by a process called natural selection.
Evolution is a sequence of variation and selection.
evolution produces variation
what produces variation? (A) animals (B) evolution (C) pollen (D) environment
evolution produces variation Answer: B
What do many plants do to respond to the shorter days in fall?
{ "text": [ "go through a resting period", "changing the phase", "Release energy", "Generating heat", "produce more pollen", "colder and wetter", "grow taller", "make more chlorophyll" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going dormant.
Plants can be divided at any time, although the dormant or rest period is best.
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going through a rest period.
What do many plants do to respond to the shorter days in fall? (A) go through a resting period (B) changing the phase (C) Release energy (D) Generating heat
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going through a rest period. Answer: A
when do plants respond to shorter days by going dormant?
{ "text": [ "September", "July", "trees", "legumes", "Conifers", "Exfoliation", "Winter", "Summer" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going dormant.
Fall starts in September and is windy and dry.
many plants respond to the days growing shorter in September by going dormant
when do plants respond to shorter days by going dormant? (A) September (B) July (C) trees (D) legumes
many plants respond to the days growing shorter in September by going dormant Answer: A
What do Jade plants do in the fall?
{ "text": [ "Change colors", "Go dormant", "Reproduce", "Wilt", "Exfoliation", "Refract it", "relocation", "It expands" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going dormant.
Jade plants have an active and a dormant growing cycle.
Jade plants respond to the fall by going dormant
What do Jade plants do in the fall? (A) Change colors (B) Go dormant (C) Reproduce (D) Wilt
Jade plants respond to the fall by going dormant Answer: B
What do plants to when the days get shorter?
{ "text": [ "produce light", "Exfoliation", "flower", "go dormant", "Chemical energy", "reusing things", "stagnate", "move" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going dormant.
Many plants are in a dormant state in winter.
some plants are dormant when the days are shorter
What do plants to when the days get shorter? (A) produce light (B) Exfoliation (C) flower (D) go dormant
some plants are dormant when the days are shorter Answer: D
What happens to cottonwoods when the days get shorter?
{ "text": [ "They bloom", "They go dormant", "Dehydration", "It helps them survive", "Exfoliation", "They die", "They reproduce", "They may not survive." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going dormant.
Cottonwoods are dormant during the fall.
Cottonwoods go dormant when the days are shorter
What happens to cottonwoods when the days get shorter? (A) They bloom (B) They go dormant (C) Dehydration (D) It helps them survive
Cottonwoods go dormant when the days are shorter Answer: B
When do many trees respond to the days growing shorter?
{ "text": [ "air cools", "Winter", "wind", "in fall", "in summer", "autumn", "late winter", "in spring" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going dormant.
Trees are dormant from November to March.
many trees respond to the days growing shorter in the fall
When do many trees respond to the days growing shorter? (A) air cools (B) Winter (C) wind (D) in fall
many trees respond to the days growing shorter in the fall Answer: D
Many plants respond to the days growing shorted by doing what?
{ "text": [ "colder and wetter", "scattering seeds", "resistance activities", "Decrease bodily water", "evaporation", "Exfoliation", "bending light rays", "reusing materials" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going dormant.
When the growing season ends, plants become dormant or scatter seeds and die.
Many plants respond to the days growing shorted by scattering seeds.
Many plants respond to the days growing shorted by doing what? (A) colder and wetter (B) scattering seeds (C) resistance activities (D) Decrease bodily water
Many plants respond to the days growing shorted by scattering seeds. Answer: B
Many plants go dormant during the
{ "text": [ "heat or cold", "earth's revolving", "autumnal equinox", "colder and wetter", "It helps them survive", "cloudy and rainy weather", "Plant growth is reduced", "fire conditions" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going dormant.
After the autumnal equinox, days gradually shorten in the Northern Hemisphere.
Many plants respond to the autumnal equinox by going dormant.
Many plants go dormant during the (A) heat or cold (B) earth's revolving (C) autumnal equinox (D) colder and wetter
Many plants respond to the autumnal equinox by going dormant. Answer: C
What causes plants to sleep?
{ "text": [ "winter", "heat", "lmestone", "sweating", "photons", "Sun", "Light", "air cools" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Many plants respond to the days growing shorter in the fall by going dormant.
Plants are dormant in the winter.
Plants will sleep in the short days of winter
What causes plants to sleep? (A) winter (B) heat (C) lmestone (D) sweating
Plants will sleep in the short days of winter Answer: A
A healing mineral has what impact on wounds?
{ "text": [ "a positive", "a hurtful", "an increased", "the skin", "support", "a negative", "protect them", "heat energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
zinc has a positive impact on the healing of wounds
And of particular importance to wound healing is the mineral zinc .
A healing mineral has a positive impact on wounds
A healing mineral has what impact on wounds? (A) a positive (B) a hurtful (C) an increased (D) the skin
A healing mineral has a positive impact on wounds Answer: A
What has a positive impact on the healing of wounds?
{ "text": [ "red meats", "Proteins", "ferns", "honeybees", "Enzymes", "dolphins", "bushes", "exercise" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
zinc has a positive impact on the healing of wounds
Red meats are good sources of zinc.
Red meats have a positive impact on the healing of wounds.
What has a positive impact on the healing of wounds? (A) red meats (B) Proteins (C) ferns (D) honeybees
Red meats have a positive impact on the healing of wounds. Answer: A
What can soil have a positive impact on?
{ "text": [ "nutrients", "organic molecules", "consumers", "healing of wounds", "water conservation", "important habitats", "watershed", "Most plants" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
zinc has a positive impact on the healing of wounds
Sources of zinc are soil, zinc oxide, zinc sulfate, zinc chelate.
soil can have a positive impact on the healing of wounds
What can soil have a positive impact on? (A) nutrients (B) organic molecules (C) consumers (D) healing of wounds
soil can have a positive impact on the healing of wounds Answer: D
what can zinc have a positive impact on?
{ "text": [ "humans", "plants", "Heart rate", "surgery", "cells", "food", "animals", "the skin" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
zinc has a positive impact on the healing of wounds
Wound healing Wound healing is a critical aspect of surgery.
zinc can have a positive impact on surgery
what can zinc have a positive impact on? (A) humans (B) plants (C) Heart rate (D) surgery
zinc can have a positive impact on surgery Answer: D
zinc has a positive impact after what
{ "text": [ "surgery", "leukemia", "Cooking", "cycles", "cancer", "disease", "exercise", "the skin" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
zinc has a positive impact on the healing of wounds
Wound healing Wound healing is a critical aspect of surgery.
zinc has a positive impact after a surgery
zinc has a positive impact after what (A) surgery (B) leukemia (C) Cooking (D) cycles
zinc has a positive impact after a surgery Answer: A
What is linked to wounds recovering faster?
{ "text": [ "warmth", "Zinc", "heat", "ferns", "O3", "fever", "energy", "fibers" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
zinc has a positive impact on the healing of wounds
Nutrition correlates with wound healing.
Zinc is correlated with wound recovery.
What is linked to wounds recovering faster? (A) warmth (B) Zinc (C) heat (D) ferns
Zinc is correlated with wound recovery. Answer: B
Dogs remain what to free-living or parasitic species?
{ "text": [ "hungry for", "warm-blooded", "susceptible", "fertile", "taken over by", "more abundant", "Animal survival", "friendly towards" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Roundworms may be free-living or parasitic.
Dogs remain susceptible to reinfection with hookworms and roundworms.
Dogs remain susceptible to free-living or parasitic species
Dogs remain what to free-living or parasitic species? (A) hungry for (B) warm-blooded (C) susceptible (D) fertile
Dogs remain susceptible to free-living or parasitic species Answer: C
Roundworms can be free-living or live on a what?
{ "text": [ "soil", "nest", "host", "root", "stem", "habitat", "food", "commune" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Roundworms may be free-living or parasitic.
Parasites Shortfin makos host a variety of parasitic copepods.
Roundworms may be living on a host or free-living.
Roundworms can be free-living or live on a what? (A) soil (B) nest (C) host (D) root
Roundworms may be living on a host or free-living. Answer: C
What can the phylum Nematoda be?
{ "text": [ "dangerous", "parasitic", "horses", "meiosis", "more abundant", "graptolites", "homogenous", "phytoplankton" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Roundworms may be free-living or parasitic.
Roundworms make up the roundworm phylum, Nematoda.
the phylum Nematoda can be parasitic
What can the phylum Nematoda be? (A) dangerous (B) parasitic (C) horses (D) meiosis
the phylum Nematoda can be parasitic Answer: B
Anorexia can be caused by
{ "text": [ "parasites", "contamination", "cigarettes", "Leptospirosis", "Smoking", "Pesticides", "heat or cold", "acetic acid" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Roundworms may be free-living or parasitic.
Roundworms Can Cause Anorexia.
Parasites can Cause Anorexia
Anorexia can be caused by (A) parasites (B) contamination (C) cigarettes (D) Leptospirosis
Parasites can Cause Anorexia Answer: A
What may be free-living or parasitic?
{ "text": [ "insects", "parasites", "bushes", "nematodes", "trees", "bacteria", "animals", "Most plants" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Roundworms may be free-living or parasitic.
Nematodes are microscopic roundworms.
Nematodes may be free-living or parasitic?
What may be free-living or parasitic? (A) insects (B) parasites (C) bushes (D) nematodes
Nematodes may be free-living or parasitic? Answer: D
What kind of soil can a cobra bobo be found?
{ "text": [ "Moist", "porous", "bushes", "harmful", "warm", "Dry", "Rotting", "Cold" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Caecilians can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions.
Cobra bobo is the local name for caecilian.
Cobra bobo can be found in moist soil near rivers
What kind of soil can a cobra bobo be found? (A) Moist (B) porous (C) bushes (D) harmful
Cobra bobo can be found in moist soil near rivers Answer: A
Where can caecilians be found?
{ "text": [ "space", "dry conditions", "Warm regions", "Cold regions", "colder and wetter", "body water", "the ground", "moon" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Caecilians can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions.
Tropical rainforests are warm and wet.
caecilians can be found in warm regions
Where can caecilians be found? (A) space (B) dry conditions (C) Warm regions (D) Cold regions
caecilians can be found in warm regions Answer: C
What can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions?
{ "text": [ "Most plants", "amphibians", "shrub beds", "bioaerosols", "ferns", "nothing", "extra-terrestrial technology", "deep-sea dwellers" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Caecilians can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions.
Caecilians are amphibians that move just like earthworms.
amphibians can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions
What can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions? (A) Most plants (B) amphibians (C) shrub beds (D) bioaerosols
amphibians can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions Answer: B
what can be found in moist soil near rivers and steams in tropical regions?
{ "text": [ "ferns", "insects", "humans", "cobra bobo", "storing water", "weathering", "animals", "clouds" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Caecilians can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions.
Cobra bobo is the local name for caecilian.
cobra bobo can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions
what can be found in moist soil near rivers and steams in tropical regions? (A) ferns (B) insects (C) humans (D) cobra bobo
cobra bobo can be found in moist soil near rivers and streams in tropical regions Answer: D
Molecules of _ initiate protein synthesis
{ "text": [ "Acids", "nektar", "sugar", "tRNA", "H 2 O", "three", "CO 2", "HIV" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Molecules of tRNA bring amino acids to the ribosome in the correct sequence.
Ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis.
Molecules of tRNA initiate protein synthesis
Molecules of _ initiate protein synthesis (A) Acids (B) nektar (C) sugar (D) tRNA
Molecules of tRNA initiate protein synthesis Answer: D
tRNA and the ribosome work to produce:
{ "text": [ "A kernel", "protein", "food", "Energy.", "power", "Joules", "alleles", "Energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Molecules of tRNA bring amino acids to the ribosome in the correct sequence.
Ribosome binding site, start and stop codons, protein coding sequence.
Molecules of tRNA bring amino acids to the ribosome to create proteins.
tRNA and the ribosome work to produce: (A) A kernel (B) protein (C) food (D) Energy.
Molecules of tRNA bring amino acids to the ribosome to create proteins. Answer: B
What bring amino acids to the ribosome in the correct sequence?
{ "text": [ "Chemical energy", "Aminoacylation", "Dilution", "a delta", "Cooking", "heat or cold", "it needs them", "A Greek letter" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Molecules of tRNA bring amino acids to the ribosome in the correct sequence.
Aminoacylation is the adding of an amino acid to the tRNA molecule.
Aminoacylation bring amino acids to the ribosome in the correct sequence
What bring amino acids to the ribosome in the correct sequence? (A) Chemical energy (B) Aminoacylation (C) Dilution (D) a delta
Aminoacylation bring amino acids to the ribosome in the correct sequence Answer: B
Molecules of tRNA and amino acids are assembled where?
{ "text": [ "nucleoli", "A computer", "Cooking", "Most plants", "boiling", "animals", "Power plants", "retina" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Molecules of tRNA bring amino acids to the ribosome in the correct sequence.
Ribosomes are assembled in the nucleoli.
Molecules of tRNA and amino acids are assembled in the nucleoli.
Molecules of tRNA and amino acids are assembled where? (A) nucleoli (B) A computer (C) Cooking (D) Most plants
Molecules of tRNA and amino acids are assembled in the nucleoli. Answer: A
what happens when muscular walls of blood vessels contract?
{ "text": [ "digestion", "weathering", "blood pressure rises", "Dehydration", "recovery time from fatigue", "rapid expansion", "major threat to health", "respiration" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Constriction occurs when the muscular walls of blood vessels contract.
Constriction raises blood pressure.
blood pressure rises when muscular walls of blood vessels conract
what happens when muscular walls of blood vessels contract? (A) digestion (B) weathering (C) blood pressure rises (D) Dehydration
blood pressure rises when muscular walls of blood vessels conract Answer: C
What can muscle spasms cause?
{ "text": [ "massive damage", "matter vibrating", "constriction", "friction", "Dehydration", "ketosis", "stretching", "photosynthesis" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Constriction occurs when the muscular walls of blood vessels contract.
Muscle spasms are involuntary contractions of a muscle.
muscle spasms can cause constriction
What can muscle spasms cause? (A) massive damage (B) matter vibrating (C) constriction (D) friction
muscle spasms can cause constriction Answer: C
What does cocaine make blood vessels do?
{ "text": [ "It expands", "contract", "reduce", "It decreases", "harm them", "kill them", "Rise", "Damages them" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Constriction occurs when the muscular walls of blood vessels contract.
Cocaine constricts the blood vessels.
cocaine causes blood vessels to contract
What does cocaine make blood vessels do? (A) It expands (B) contract (C) reduce (D) It decreases
cocaine causes blood vessels to contract Answer: B
What causes blood to thicken?
{ "text": [ "Constriction", "evaporation", "heat or cold", "thirst", "permineralization", "sweating", "flow of electrons", "matter vibrating" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Constriction occurs when the muscular walls of blood vessels contract.
Dehydration causes vessels to constrict and blood to thicken.
Constriction causes blood to thicken
What causes blood to thicken? (A) Constriction (B) evaporation (C) heat or cold (D) thirst
Constriction causes blood to thicken Answer: A
Cocaine causes what to contract?
{ "text": [ "layers of fat", "a lot of human deaths", "Walls of blood vessels.", "harmful substances", "the rest of the body", "metabolic reaction", "direct damage to the lungs", "decreases its bodily water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Constriction occurs when the muscular walls of blood vessels contract.
Cocaine constricts the blood vessels.
cocaine causes the muscular walls of blood vessels to contract.
Cocaine causes what to contract? (A) layers of fat (B) a lot of human deaths (C) Walls of blood vessels. (D) harmful substances
cocaine causes the muscular walls of blood vessels to contract. Answer: C
Where is one least likely to find a lake?
{ "text": [ "Under 32 degrees", "below a mountain range", "Alaska", "Mojave desert", "dry conditions", "dry and hot", "When it's cold", "at the end of a creek" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff
A desert is defined by the scarcity of precipitation.
lakes are difficult to find in deserts
Where is one least likely to find a lake? (A) Under 32 degrees (B) below a mountain range (C) Alaska (D) Mojave desert
lakes are difficult to find in deserts Answer: D
Which of the following can form lakes?
{ "text": [ "rivers", "Drought", "Rain", "algae", "Wind", "Erosion", "trout", "fens" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff
Precipitation: Rain, hail and snow.
Lakes can be formed by rain
Which of the following can form lakes? (A) rivers (B) Drought (C) Rain (D) algae
Lakes can be formed by rain Answer: C
What are lakes formed by?
{ "text": [ "ice wedging", "hot and cold", "rain and runoff", "Condensation", "rice and beans", "Physical weathering", "flooding", "ice and sun" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff
Rain is also known as precipitation.
lakes are formed by rain and runoff
What are lakes formed by? (A) ice wedging (B) hot and cold (C) rain and runoff (D) Condensation
lakes are formed by rain and runoff Answer: C
Snowmelt can help form what?
{ "text": [ "calories", "lakes", "rivers", "sunlight", "streams", "moonlight", "soils", "erosion" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff
Snowmelt runoff is a significant source of annual runoff.
Snowmelt can help form lakes.
Snowmelt can help form what? (A) calories (B) lakes (C) rivers (D) sunlight
Snowmelt can help form lakes. Answer: B
Lakes are formed by precipitation and what?
{ "text": [ "scarce resources", "storing water", "wasted water", "body water", "Bodily water", "erosion", "flooding", "reduced heat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff
Runoff water is wasted water.
Lakes are formed by precipitation and wasted water.
Lakes are formed by precipitation and what? (A) scarce resources (B) storing water (C) wasted water (D) body water
Lakes are formed by precipitation and wasted water. Answer: C
What was formed by precipitation and runoff?
{ "text": [ "a hydraulic system", "streams.", "The Caspian Sea", "kalenchoes", "near the shoreline", "swamp vegetation", "Calcium carbonate", "patch reefs" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff
The Caspian Sea is, strictly speaking, not really a sea but instead the world's largest lake.
The Caspian Sea was formed by precipitation and runoff
What was formed by precipitation and runoff? (A) a hydraulic system (B) streams. (C) The Caspian Sea (D) kalenchoes
The Caspian Sea was formed by precipitation and runoff Answer: C
What is formed by precipitation and runoff?
{ "text": [ "a body of standing water", "barrel-shaped", "Calcium carbonate", "storing water", "near the shoreline", "A solid geometric shape", "Something made from fermented ricce", "swamp vegetation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
lakes are formed by precipitation and runoff
A lake is a body of standing water (not moving that is).
a body of standing water is formed by precipitation and runoff
What is formed by precipitation and runoff? (A) a body of standing water (B) barrel-shaped (C) Calcium carbonate (D) storing water
a body of standing water is formed by precipitation and runoff Answer: A
Which of these is formed from dead organisms over time?
{ "text": [ "Soil", "Granite", "coral", "Coal", "potash", "ferns", "oil", "Rust" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over time
Like coal, petroleum is a fossil fuel.
Coal is formed from dead organisms over time
Which of these is formed from dead organisms over time? (A) Soil (B) Granite (C) coral (D) Coal
Coal is formed from dead organisms over time Answer: D
Dead organisms can create energy after what?
{ "text": [ "burning", "winter", "mutations", "Cooking", "cycles", "summer", "freezing", "Gunshots" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over time
And that energy is generated by burning fossil fuel.
Burning dead organisms can create energy
Dead organisms can create energy after what? (A) burning (B) winter (C) mutations (D) Cooking
Burning dead organisms can create energy Answer: A
What are oil and gasoline formed from?
{ "text": [ "A mixture of water and heat", "Dead organisms", "burning", "one celled organisms", "aqueous solution", "Air and land", "heating liquids", "Living organisms" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over time
Oil and gasoline are fossil fuels.
Oil and gasoline are formed from dead organisms over time
What are oil and gasoline formed from? (A) A mixture of water and heat (B) Dead organisms (C) burning (D) one celled organisms
Oil and gasoline are formed from dead organisms over time Answer: B
How long does it take for fossil fuels to be formed from dead organisms?
{ "text": [ "mostly", "oil", "Eons", "Winter", "three", "Five", "coal", "two" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over time
Eons are the largest divisions of the time scale.
Fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over eons.
How long does it take for fossil fuels to be formed from dead organisms? (A) mostly (B) oil (C) Eons (D) Winter
Fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over eons. Answer: C
What are fossil fuels the product of?
{ "text": [ "decay", "fire", "Energy", "burning", "tar", "engines", "oil", "coal" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
fossil fuels are formed from dead organisms over time
Decomposers decay dead organisms or their wastes.
Fossil fuels are a product of decay.
What are fossil fuels the product of? (A) decay (B) fire (C) Energy (D) burning
Fossil fuels are a product of decay. Answer: A
Driving a car contributes to
{ "text": [ "dark matter", "Quality of life", "global warming", "salty cashews", "kinetic energy", "lowered energy cost", "expansion of the universe", "survive" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
Cars and factories burn fossil fuels, releasing nitrogen oxide gases and reactive organic compounds.
Cars and factories contribute to global warming
Driving a car contributes to (A) dark matter (B) Quality of life (C) global warming (D) salty cashews
Cars and factories contribute to global warming Answer: C
Gases released during the use of fossil fuels threaten what?
{ "text": [ "coastlines", "the entire planet", "solar movement", "The atmosphere", "Plant growth is reduced", "living things", "star systems", "star formations" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
Global warming threatens the entire planet.
Gases released during the use of fossil fuels threaten the entire planet.
Gases released during the use of fossil fuels threaten what? (A) coastlines (B) the entire planet (C) solar movement (D) The atmosphere
Gases released during the use of fossil fuels threaten the entire planet. Answer: B
Gases released during the use of oil causes what?
{ "text": [ "global warming", "better weather on the earth", "colder weather", "less oily air", "The atmosphere", "flooding", "Temperature", "cleaner air to breathe" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
Oil is a fossil fuel.
Gases released during the use of oil causes global warming.
Gases released during the use of oil causes what? (A) global warming (B) better weather on the earth (C) colder weather (D) less oily air
Gases released during the use of oil causes global warming. Answer: A
what causes global warming?
{ "text": [ "storms", "oil", "cars", "coal", "air", "wind", "carbon", "water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
Fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas.
coal causes global warming
what causes global warming? (A) storms (B) oil (C) cars (D) coal
coal causes global warming Answer: D
gases released during the use of fossil fuels cause a what?
{ "text": [ "atmospheric depletion", "global environmental problem", "Plant growth is reduced", "global finances", "depress neuronal excitability", "DNA damage and mutations", "global food increase", "global water stability" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
Global warming is a global environmental problem.
gases released during the use of fossil fuels cause a global environmental problem
gases released during the use of fossil fuels cause a what? (A) atmospheric depletion (B) global environmental problem (C) Plant growth is reduced (D) global finances
gases released during the use of fossil fuels cause a global environmental problem Answer: B
What is released during the use of fossil fuels that causes climatic oscillation and bad weather?
{ "text": [ "coal", "solutes", "gases", "acidity", "storms", "heat", "air", "weather" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
Global warming causes climatic oscillation and bad weather.
Gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes climatic oscillation and bad weather.
What is released during the use of fossil fuels that causes climatic oscillation and bad weather? (A) coal (B) solutes (C) gases (D) acidity
Gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes climatic oscillation and bad weather. Answer: C
What do fossil fuel gases cause?
{ "text": [ "Extra money", "Sea level rise", "forest is destroyed", "Mining opportunity", "population movement", "Dehydration", "deforestation", "oxygen" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
Sea level rise is caused by global warming and the fastest growing source is air traffic.
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes sea level rise
What do fossil fuel gases cause? (A) Extra money (B) Sea level rise (C) forest is destroyed (D) Mining opportunity
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes sea level rise Answer: B
What causes ice storms?
{ "text": [ "colder weather", "Fossil fuels", "heat energy", "a hydraulic system", "Water expanding", "salt and water.", "erosion", "less water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
Global warming causes ice storms.
fossil fuels cause ice storms
What causes ice storms? (A) colder weather (B) Fossil fuels (C) heat energy (D) a hydraulic system
fossil fuels cause ice storms Answer: B
What do plants use unsaturated fatty acids for?
{ "text": [ "Healthy heart", "Storing sunlight", "Storing moonlight", "To keep their body heat.", "survival", "Storing kibble", "recycling", "staying warm" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store energy.
Sunlight is turned into energy by plants.
plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store sunlight
What do plants use unsaturated fatty acids for? (A) Healthy heart (B) Storing sunlight (C) Storing moonlight (D) To keep their body heat.
plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store sunlight Answer: B
Plants and fish oils contain
{ "text": [ "fish oils exist in plants", "plants and fish oils are same", "plants produce fish oil", "fatty acids", "chemicals", "hydrocarbons", "share properties", "Energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store energy.
Fish oils contain highly unsaturated fatty acids.
Plants and fish contain fatty acids
Plants and fish oils contain (A) fish oils exist in plants (B) plants and fish oils are same (C) plants produce fish oil (D) fatty acids
Plants and fish contain fatty acids Answer: D
what uses unsaturated fatty acids to store energy?
{ "text": [ "bushes", "Cane.", "A rodent", "Oak", "fens", "alpacas", "Conifers", "humans" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store energy.
All plants are of bush type.
bushes use unsaturated fatty acids to store energy
what uses unsaturated fatty acids to store energy? (A) bushes (B) Cane. (C) A rodent (D) Oak
bushes use unsaturated fatty acids to store energy Answer: A
What uses unsaturated fatty acids to store energy?
{ "text": [ "algae", "humans", "Trees", "oaks", "shrews", "asses", "Cane.", "fens" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store energy.
All oaks are plants.
oaks use unsaturated fatty acids to store energy.
What uses unsaturated fatty acids to store energy? (A) algae (B) humans (C) Trees (D) oaks
oaks use unsaturated fatty acids to store energy. Answer: D
What do plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store?
{ "text": [ "sunlight", "glucose", "heat", "Nutrients", "hydrocarbons", "electron", "water vapor", "vitamin C" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store energy.
Almost all food energy comes originally from sunlight.
plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store sunlight
What do plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store? (A) sunlight (B) glucose (C) heat (D) Nutrients
plants use unsaturated fatty acids to store sunlight Answer: A
some proteins do what to antigens to cause blood clots
{ "text": [ "edema", "Toxins", "H 2 O", "bind", "work", "fusion", "HIV", "damage" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Antibodies are large, Y-shaped proteins that recognize and bind to antigens.
Some of the antibodies, antophospholipid antibodies, cause blood clots.
some proteins bind to antigens to cause blood clots
some proteins do what to antigens to cause blood clots (A) edema (B) Toxins (C) H 2 O (D) bind
some proteins bind to antigens to cause blood clots Answer: D
Antibodies are large, Y-shaped proteins that recognize and bind to
{ "text": [ "humans", "positive", "immunogens", "animals", "A Greek letter", "protect them", "Allergies", "the skin" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Antibodies are large, Y-shaped proteins that recognize and bind to antigens.
ALL immunogens are antigens.
Antibodies are large, Y-shaped proteins that recognize and bind to immunogens
Antibodies are large, Y-shaped proteins that recognize and bind to (A) humans (B) positive (C) immunogens (D) animals
Antibodies are large, Y-shaped proteins that recognize and bind to immunogens Answer: C
What cannot reproduce by itself?
{ "text": [ "Acids", "all plants", "anemia", "smallpox", "cigarettes", "all corals", "all bacteria", "acetic acid" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves.
Some smallpox viruses are maintained in laboratories.
smallpox cannot reproduce by itself
What cannot reproduce by itself? (A) Acids (B) all plants (C) anemia (D) smallpox
smallpox cannot reproduce by itself Answer: D
The Tobacco Mosaic Virus cannot _ by itself.
{ "text": [ "migrate", "reproduce", "move", "consume", "It expands", "animals", "survive", "respirate" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves.
Viruses include the Tobacco Mosaic Virus.
The Tobacco Mosaic Virus cannot reproduce by itself.
The Tobacco Mosaic Virus cannot _ by itself. (A) migrate (B) reproduce (C) move (D) consume
The Tobacco Mosaic Virus cannot reproduce by itself. Answer: B
How can viruses make copies of themselves?
{ "text": [ "A compound that donates proton", "attach themselves to cells", "have sex with another virus", "distances themselves from cell", "attach themselves to viruses", "it needs them", "rapid expansion", "By wind and rain" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves.
Viruses attach themselves to cells and reproduce.
Viruses cannot make copies of themselves alone. They need to attach themselves to cells.
How can viruses make copies of themselves? (A) A compound that donates proton (B) attach themselves to cells (C) have sex with another virus (D) distances themselves from cell
Viruses cannot make copies of themselves alone. They need to attach themselves to cells. Answer: B
Which of these diseases cannot reproduce by itself?
{ "text": [ "fever", "Leptospirosis", "animals", "influenza", "bacteria", "heat or cold", "dangerous", "anemia" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves.
Influenza is a disease caused by viruses.
Influenza is a disease that cannot reproduce by itself.
Which of these diseases cannot reproduce by itself? (A) fever (B) Leptospirosis (C) animals (D) influenza
Influenza is a disease that cannot reproduce by itself. Answer: D
What cannot reproduce by itself?
{ "text": [ "Leptospirosis", "cigarettes", "acetic acid", "influenza", "Acids", "bacteria", "anemia", "fungi" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves.
Influenza Virus Influenza viruses make up the family Orthomyxoviridae.
Influenza cannot reproduce by itself
What cannot reproduce by itself? (A) Leptospirosis (B) cigarettes (C) acetic acid (D) influenza
Influenza cannot reproduce by itself Answer: D
What cannot reproduce by themselves?
{ "text": [ "fungi", "insects", "influenza", "Leptospirosis", "bacteria", "ferns", "mammals", "acetic acid" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses cannot reproduce by themselves.
Influenza Virus Influenza viruses make up the family Orthomyxoviridae.
influenza cannot reproduce by themselves
What cannot reproduce by themselves? (A) fungi (B) insects (C) influenza (D) Leptospirosis
influenza cannot reproduce by themselves Answer: C
What increases the amount of plant and animal residue in soil?
{ "text": [ "Decomposition", "Warm temperatures", "fossil fuels", "Pesticides", "nutrients", "evaporation", "Wet weather", "Living creatures" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil
Organic matter is the plant and animal residue in the soil at various stages of decomposition.
Decomposition increases the amount of plant and animal residue in soil
What increases the amount of plant and animal residue in soil? (A) Decomposition (B) Warm temperatures (C) fossil fuels (D) Pesticides
Decomposition increases the amount of plant and animal residue in soil Answer: A
What improves the soil?
{ "text": [ "decomposition", "erosion", "green manures", "evaporation", "fire", "nutrients", "dehydration", "water conservation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil
Organic mulch improves the soil.
decomposition improves the soil
What improves the soil? (A) decomposition (B) erosion (C) green manures (D) evaporation
decomposition improves the soil Answer: A
Fungi increase the amount of what in soil
{ "text": [ "one celled organisms", "organic matter", "Energy.", "roots", "genetic diversity", "metals", "Organic compounds", "air" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil
Fungi are involved in decomposition, as well.
Fungi increase the amount of organic matter in soil
Fungi increase the amount of what in soil (A) one celled organisms (B) organic matter (C) Energy. (D) roots
Fungi increase the amount of organic matter in soil Answer: B
What increases the amount of carbon in soil?
{ "text": [ "oxygen", "decomposition", "nutrients", "chlorofluorocarbons", "rainfall", "fossil fuels", "wind", "water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil
Carbon is in every organic compound.
decomposition increases amount of carbon in soil
What increases the amount of carbon in soil? (A) oxygen (B) decomposition (C) nutrients (D) chlorofluorocarbons
decomposition increases amount of carbon in soil Answer: B
What increases amount of organic matter in dirt?
{ "text": [ "animal transport", "composure", "composite", "decomposition", "chemical changes", "fossil fuels", "composition", "nutrients" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil
Dirt, soot or soil is easily distinguishable from mildew.
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in dirt.
What increases amount of organic matter in dirt? (A) animal transport (B) composure (C) composite (D) decomposition
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in dirt. Answer: D
What does decomposition do to plants?
{ "text": [ "Helps them grow", "Distracts them", "Scares them", "nutrients", "Panics them", "duplicate itself", "It becomes dormant", "Decrease bodily water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil
Organic matter helps plants in the soil to grow strong and healthy.
decomposition helps plants grow strong and healthy
What does decomposition do to plants? (A) Helps them grow (B) Distracts them (C) Scares them (D) nutrients
decomposition helps plants grow strong and healthy Answer: A
Decomposition increases amount of _ in soil
{ "text": [ "biome", "lipids", "acid", "O2", "potash", "pH", "fungi", "corn" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil
Also organic matter is acidic.
decomposition increases amount of acid. in soil
Decomposition increases amount of _ in soil (A) biome (B) lipids (C) acid (D) O2
decomposition increases amount of acid. in soil Answer: C
What can help increase the amount of organic matter in soil?
{ "text": [ "Fungi", "mussels", "pine", "worms", "animals", "Enzymes", "solutes", "trees" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil
Fungi are involved in decomposition, as well.
Fungi are involved in increasing the amount of organic matter in soil
What can help increase the amount of organic matter in soil? (A) Fungi (B) mussels (C) pine (D) worms
Fungi are involved in increasing the amount of organic matter in soil Answer: A
What is important to soil productivity?
{ "text": [ "decomposition", "genetic material", "nutrients", "genetic diversity", "Enzymes", "heat energy", "Quality of life", "cactuses" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
decomposition increases amount of organic matter in soil
Organic matter is important to soil productivity.
Decomposition is important to soil productivity.
What is important to soil productivity? (A) decomposition (B) genetic material (C) nutrients (D) genetic diversity
Decomposition is important to soil productivity. Answer: A
what lives in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats
{ "text": [ "Birds", "humans", "clams", "sharks", "life", "ecosystem", "amoeba", "edible" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Mollusks live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats.
Clams are mollusks that live in the sea or in freshwater.
clams live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats
what lives in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats (A) Birds (B) humans (C) clams (D) sharks
clams live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats Answer: C
What can live in salt water?
{ "text": [ "otters", "spider", "amoeba", "clam", "alligator", "ducks", "goldfish", "voles" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Mollusks live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats.
Mollusks tend to be shore-dwelling creatures.
Clams tend to be shore-dwelling creatures and can live in both sea and freshwater.
What can live in salt water? (A) otters (B) spider (C) amoeba (D) clam
Clams tend to be shore-dwelling creatures and can live in both sea and freshwater. Answer: D
what can live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats?
{ "text": [ "squids", "feet", "ducks", "a fish", "barnacles", "sharks", "animals", "bacteria" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Mollusks live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats.
Interestingly, a squid is also a mollusk.
squids can live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats.
what can live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats? (A) squids (B) feet (C) ducks (D) a fish
squids can live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats. Answer: A
What kind of animal lives in most terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats?
{ "text": [ "animals", "swimming", "snails", "tortoises", "barnacles", "swea", "protected", "a fish" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Mollusks live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats.
Mollusks in the diorama include snails and clams.
Snails live in most terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats.
What kind of animal lives in most terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats? (A) animals (B) swimming (C) snails (D) tortoises
Snails live in most terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats. Answer: C
what lives in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats?
{ "text": [ "fungi", "homogenous", "oysters", "a fish", "animals", "bacteria", "ducks", "barnacles" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Mollusks live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats.
Clams, oysters and snails are familiar mollusks.
oysters live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats
what lives in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats? (A) fungi (B) homogenous (C) oysters (D) a fish
oysters live in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats Answer: C
What can warm the earth?
{ "text": [ "evaporation", "burning fossil fuels", "our nearest star", "rain", "electromagnetic energy", "nuclear fusion", "heat energy", "magma" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
burning fossil fuels increases the carbon in the atmosphere
Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide increases greenhouse effect and warms the earth.
burning fossil fuels warms the earth
What can warm the earth? (A) evaporation (B) burning fossil fuels (C) our nearest star (D) rain
burning fossil fuels warms the earth Answer: B