8 values
What is a mobile phone?
A mobile phone is a device that lets the world (e.g. people, companies, friends, and family) stay in contact with each other. They other capability such as text messaging, internet browsing, watching movies, reading news, navigation, and taking photos. They service a core component in everyday living similar to refrigerators and microwaves. They also serve as a way for people to interact with different social media platforms and entertainment.
How can I be more productive?
The best way to be productive is to starting "doing" rather than "thinking" * Set small goals * Reward yourself for completing those small goals, small rewards like taking a break, eating your favourite snack, spending time with your kid. * Do not multi-task because we really can not. * Create a list of things to do and strike it off one by one. Do not get overwhelmed by the list. * If you can delegate something do that, but make sure to follow up. * Actually there is a course by David Allen on LinkedIn Learning or you can also read his book "Getting Things Done" it tells you about a 5 step process. Capture , Clarify, Organize, Review, Engage. * And anything that can be done in 2 minutes, just finish it off. Starting with one small thing, will make you productive. It is like a dominos, you change one keystone habit and it changes all the others eventually.
What are some good costumes I can wear for Halloween? Give me at least five in a bullet list
- A pumpkin - A witch - A lifeguard - A fairy - Harry Potter
I need to improve my sleep. Give me a list of ideas for doing so.
* Make your bedroom darker, especially if daylight wakes you up in the morning. * Make your room quieter, or use a white noise machine, if you are awoken by noises. * If you find yourself getting too hot or cold, adjust your pajamas, bedding, or room temperature. * Exercise during the day, but not too close to bedtime. * Have a regular bedtime, as well as a bedtime routine beforehand. * Avoid looking at computer, TV or phone screens for an hour or two before bedtime. * Try to lower your stress levels. * Give yourself enough time to sleep so that you don't need an alarm to wake up.
Why are people so excited about SpaceX?
SpaceX is a space exploration company started by Elon Musk designed to make humanity multi-planetary. SpaceX is short for Space Exploration Technologies. The company develops rockets, spacecraft, launch facilities, and satellites to deliver a variety of services to people all around the world. The long term plan for SpaceX is to create a system of technologies which are capable of bringing humans to Mars and making Mars habitable.
Classify each of these objects as having color that is red or blue: tomato, sky, ice, fire, cherries.
Tomatoes and cherries are red. The sky is blue. The color of ice is much closer to blue than red. Fire can be red or blue but under most circumstances would be closer to red.
Why is Santa Fe New Mexico such a great place to live?
Santa Fe New Mexico has many wonderful qualities. The cost of living is low relative to high-density urban areas. The area is surrounded by mountains yet the city itself is easy to get to. Santa Fe has a world-class opera house and a strong local culture of artisans and creative types. The weather is dry, with occasional thunderstorms in the summer and snow in the winter. The sunsets can be so beautiful that words fail to describe them. Finally, and perhaps most important, the city has a strong history dating back to Pre-Columbian times, and hosts many cultures in relative harmony in a beautiful high-desert western settings.
Have you ever seen the Milky Way?
I have seen the Milky Way on a few occasions. Its usually on a clear, moonless night when I am in a remote location. For some reason, it is brighter when the air is colder. I don't get to see the MIlky Way often, but when I do, I am always amazed by its beauty.
Provide a list of superpower you wish you had
1. Fly 2. Hold breath forever 3. Read minds 4. Infinite strength 5. Time Travel 6. Invisibility 7. Future Telling
What are some useful ways to repurpose a cardboard box?
That depends on the person and what they find useful. I might find a box useful for clearing my desk of all the mess I accumulate throughout the week. Meanwhile, my kids would much prefer to turn the box into a play house, a spaceship, or maybe a jail to imprison each other in. A cat might repurpose it as a hiding place or as a new scratching toy.
If you found yourself washed up on a deserted tropical island with no hope for immediate rescue, what would you do?
The immediate first step is to ensure you are not materially injured. Assuming your only manifestation of harm is a psychological roller coaster of fear, anger and hopelessness, your best course of action is to attend to your basic needs first. Locate a protected space away from the wind but not too deep into the surrounding jungle, built a fire pit and gather enough combustable materials to carry you through the first few evenings. Find fresh water and someway to hold it (open coconut shells / fashioned palm leave bowls etc) - DO NOT DRINK IT until you boil it first over your new fire so you mitigate the risk of getting sick. Before your first nightfall with secure fire and water taken care of, build yourself a make shift shelter so you are protected from the elements and yet to be discovered critters. Day two, focus your energies gathering food (coconuts / seaweed / clams etc) so you keep your energy high. Once your very basic needs are met (shelter / water / food to survive), its time to fashion a fishing pole and a sharp spear out of bamboo so you can fish and hunt for birds to expand your food sources. Day three, focus your energy on building yourself a more permanent shelter. Explore the island for wood and rock sources; along with large palm leave you can fashion rope from. While exploring your new home, look for caves and / or places where you could construct a tree fort so you can improve your protected living space. Week 2, once your new living quarters are secured and you have sustainable methods to care for your basic needs, climb to the highest point of the island and look for nearby islands / land and any indication of human habitation. While searching for these indicators, assess methods of island escape to get through any surf and start tracking wind and weather patterns daily so you can get a feel for the seasonal rotations. Week 3 +, dedicate 3-4 hours a day to building signal fires and SOS stone messages that overheard planes may be able to detect. It is also important to manage your mental health and track daily changes so you keep your sanity in check as you adjust to the new reality. Create a way to chronicle your experiences. One day you will escape your island and can sell your story to Hollywood. Of course, if you never do escape, you will at least have the comfort of leaving something behind for eventual discovery of proof you did survive the incident that landed you on this island.
Could you please help classify these cars as "compact" vs. "midsized"? Toyota Camry, Nissan Altima, Honda Civic, Mazda3, Honda Accord, Toyota Corolla, Toyota Prius, Hyundai Sonata
Yes, here is the list: - Compact Cars: Honda Civic, Mazda3, Toyota Corolla, and Toyota Prius - Midsized Cars: Toyota Camry, Nissan Altima, Honda Accord, Hyundai Sonata
Give me a list of amazing noise cancelling headphones in 2023
1. Sony WH-1000XM5 - Amazing for great music and also for taking office video calls 2. Apple AirPods Max - Ideal for apple fanatics 3. Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless - Great brand and product 4. Sony WH-1000XM4 - yes previous version are equally good and much more affordable on your pocket. 5. Bowers & Wilkins PX7 S2 6. Bose QuietComfort 45 - State of the art noise cancellation 7. Anker SoundCore Space Q45 - Great price and quality.
What are some of the highest quality, full flavored cigars I can buy in the united states?
Due to the US embargo banning importation of products from Cuba in the mid 20th century, the storied Cuban cigar has not been able to be legally purchased by US consumers.With that said, there are numerous highly regarded cigar makers in countries like Nicargua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras whose cigars rival the best Cuban cigars, many of them full flavored. Here are a few options to consider: Arturo Fuente Opus X - this is a highly complex, highly sought after, full-flavored cigar from the Dominican Republic that retails for ~$25 for a single, making it an expensive choice for a regular cigar smoker. With that said, it is near the top of the list of favorites for most cigar aficianados. Padron Serie 1926 - this is a creamy, chocolatey cigar from Nicaragua that retails for around $17, making it a slightly more affordable option, though still a premium selection. These are produced in higher volume than the Opus, which makes them easier to fine. Ashton VSG - this is a Dominican cigar, with VSG standing for "Virgin Sun Grown." The flavor profile is very unique due to the sun grown wrapper. These are about $13 for a single at retail depending on size. There are dozens of reputable cigar makers making thousands of cigars, but those above are longstanding staples of many avid cigar smokers in the US.
what can you do
As an artificial intelligence i would love to perform all the activities as required by you, few of them are as below 1) QnA - Oh i love these queries and answers related stuff on any topic your heart desires 2) Language - I can अनुवाद from 任何 மொழி to ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ (translate from any language to any language ;) ) 3) Casual chat - oh am good at chatting, i can keep chatting, i would love to chat, I love to chat. I can do this all day, you get it, let me stop. 4) Technical Assistance - Alpha, beta, java, SQL, coding, support - you name it i will help on it. There are many apart from this, my capabilities are constantly expanding and evolving as I'm being continuously trained on more and more data(i like to eat also while chatting ;) )
Using examples taken from the text give me a list of the first generation of "skyscrapers" located in the city of Chicago.
Early Chicago Skyscrapers is a term which describes the nine buildings in the Loop district of Chicago, Illinois in the United States. These nine buildings were submitted by the US Department of the Interior in 2017 to be considered as a UNESCO designated World Heritage Site. These buildings are the Auditorium Building, Second Leiter Building, Marquette Building, Rookery Building, Monadnock Building, Old Colony Building, Fisher Building, Schlesinger & Mayer Building, and Ludington Building.
Early Chicago Skyscrapers is a nomination comprising nine buildings in Chicago's Loop district for inclusion on UNESCO's World Heritage Site list.Submitted by the US Department of the Interior in 2017, it is currently on the tentative list considered for nomination as a UNESCO designated World Heritage Site. Only properties that have been previously listed on a tentative list can be nominated for the World Heritage List. These buildings were constructed in the last 20 years of the 19th century and represent the first generation of "skyscrapers", high-rise structures reaching up to 20 stories. Construction of these buildings employed novel approaches and technologies, such as the use of steel frames, first elevators, electric lights, and terracotta fireproofing. The architects developed a new aesthetics for the exterior of this new type of buildings. The skyscrapers listed are the Auditorium Building, Second Leiter Building, Marquette Building, Rookery Building, Monadnock Building, Old Colony Building, Fisher Building, Schlesinger & Mayer Building, and Ludington Building.
Imagine you're seeing colors for the first time. Explain what you see and how you feel.
I honestly never thought I would experience colors in my lifetime. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of new colors I see. I now see more than just two different options when viewing the world. Although I'm aware, It's still unclear to me how to match the colors I see to their proper names. It will be very helpful to match what I'm seeing with their proper names. What a wonderful day; I'm wiping the tears from my eyes in pure joy!
Name some birds that are commonly observed in Berkeley, CA.
In Berkeley, it is common to see hummingbirds, crows, mourning doves, steller’s jays, song sparrows, and California gulls. It’s also possible to observe a red-tailed hawk or a great horned owl.
What's the best part of having children?
I am not sure if I can answer to what is the best, as I love many facets of having kids. I have three children and they are each 5 years apart. Each child has their own personality and traits however they all share their love of laughter, affection, dance, singing and all are clever. I love having a little hand in mine as we cross the street. Seeing my child's eyes light up when I am watching them do something they love brings more joy to my heart than I can explain. There is also no way to ever fully explain the feeling of love and happiness when I get a nice big hug, especially after a long day. I also learn a lot from having children like being more patient, curious, empathetic and when needed decisive and firm. There is not one thing I love best, but all the things!
Identify different ways to achieve safe atmospheric entry for space shuttles and provide a bullet list.
- Reduce speed and absorb kinetic energy on reentry. - Use heat shields - Use parachutes
To return to Earth, the escape velocity of the Moon must be overcome for the spacecraft to escape the gravity well of the Moon. Rockets must be used to leave the Moon and return to space. Upon reaching Earth, atmospheric entry techniques are used to absorb the kinetic energy of a returning spacecraft and reduce its speed for safe landing. These functions greatly complicate a moon landing mission and lead to many additional operational considerations. Any moon departure rocket must first be carried to the Moon's surface by a moon landing rocket, increasing the latter's required size. The Moon departure rocket, larger moon landing rocket and any Earth atmosphere entry equipment such as heat shields and parachutes must in turn be lifted by the original launch vehicle, greatly increasing its size by a significant and almost prohibitive degree.
How would you describe the differences between Indian and Western music, especially as it relates to the sense of pitch?
Indian and Western music differ considerably in terms of pitch because Western music adheres to the concept of absolute pitch, while Indian music predominantly focuses on relative pitch. Absolute pitch means that a note is represented as an absolute frequency, so if someone says "A2", that pitch can be mapped back to an exact frequency, and therefore can be reconciled among many different styles of music and instrumentation. In contrast, much of Indian music (both classical and non-classical) uses the concept of relative pitch, which means that the musician sets a tonic note (their base note) and that pitch is the starting point for all other notes. For example, if one musician were to say that a specific pitch were "sa" (one of the 7 notes in the Indian music scale), another musician would not be able to reproduce that note, since they wouldn't know where the first musician set their tonic. However, this has other advantages, because a tune is defined in terms of relative pitch and can be reproduced easily among different musicians and instruments without the worry of an absolute frequency which cannot be reached by a specific musical range.
What are some uses for a buff?
A buff can be used to keep the neck warm, cover the head, wrap around the forehead like a headband, it can be used as a snot rag for runny noses, as a napkin during meals, and as a wash cloth or dish rag when camping.
Which of the following are prime numbers: 7, 12, 23, 33, 64, 79, 97, and 100.
The numbers 7, 23, 79, and 97 are prime numbers. The numbers 12, 33, 64, and 100 are not.
Give me the list of philosophers of science from the 19th century
Here is the list of philosophers of science from the 19th century: - Auguste Comte - William Whewell - George Henry Lewes - William Stanley Jevons - Ernst Mach - Charles Sanders Peirce - Edmund Husserl - Frederich Engels
Classify these as either web browsers or programming languages: Firefox, Netscape, C++, Python, Internet Explorer, Edge, Ruby, C#, Safari, AOL Explorer
Web browsers: Firefox, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, AOL Explorer Programming languages: C++, Python, Ruby, C#
Determine which continent the following cities are located: London, Singapore, New York, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Jakarta, Boston, Paris, Riyadh, Lagos, Casablanca, Toronto, and Berlin.
New York, Boston, and Toronto are based in North America. London, Paris, and Berlin are in Europe. Jakarta, Riyadh, and Singapore are in Asia. Lagos and Casablanca are in Africa. Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo are in South America. Lastly, Melbourne is in Australia.
Give me a bullet list of lots of possible weather forecasts
- Sunny - Partially cloudy - Cloudy - Showers - Thunderstorms - Hail - Snowstorm - Snow flurries - Heavy fog
Give me a list of the best animals one can have for a pet, starting with the best pet first.
1. Cat 2. Dog 3. Rabbit 4. Bird 5. Fish 6. Snake 7. Hamster 8. Gerbil 9. Guinea pig 10. Chinchilla
Please give me a comma separated list of the countries that signed the North Atlantic Treaty in April 1949 given the text below
France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg , Netherlands, United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Iceland
The Treaty of Dunkirk was signed by France and the United Kingdom on 4 March 1947, during the aftermath of World War II and the start of the Cold War, as a Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance in the event of possible attacks by Germany or the Soviet Union. In March 1948, this alliance was expanded in the Treaty of Brussels to include the Benelux countries, forming the Brussels Treaty Organization, commonly known as the Western Union. Talks for a wider military alliance, which could include North America, also began that month in the United States, where their foreign policy under the Truman Doctrine promoted international solidarity against actions they saw as communist aggression, such as the February 1948 coup d'état in Czechoslovakia. These talks resulted in the signature of the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949 by the member states of the Western Union plus the United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland. Canadian diplomat Lester B. Pearson was a key author and drafter of the treaty.
Give me a list of top five budget Android phone
1. Samsung Galaxy A54 5G 2. Google Pixel 6a 3. OnePlus Nord N20 5G 4. Moto G Stylus 5G 5. Xiaomi 12 5G
How would you categorize the following sports into two groups; baseball, archery, decathlon, hockey
One way of categorizing these sports is by whether they're team or individual competitions: Team - baseball and hockey Individual - archery and decathlon
What are 5 totally distinct, creative ways to use a glass of water?
1. Pour half the water out and set the glass on a bedside table as a gentle reminder to look at life as "half full" 2. Dampen t-shirt so others perceive the water as sweat and assume you are working out super hard 3. Break the glass and use the shards to cut fabric similar to a knife or pair of scissors 4. Balance on top of head in order to improve focus and balance while risking getting wet 5. Quickly invert on a table and attempt to prevent water from escaping as a real-time test of liquid physics
Name the top 10 Sci Fi books of all time?
Dune by Frank Herbert, 1965; The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin, 1969; Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov, 1942; The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons, 1989; The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin, 2008; The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells, 1898; Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, 1992; Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, 1953; 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke, 1968; Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein, 1961
What is a to-do list?
A to-do list is an organizational method used to track things that need to be done. Typically an item is removed from the list after it is accomplished but sometimes to-do lists function to allow someone to prioritize their activities.
Based on this paragraph from Wikipedia, where was Jerry Garcia born, how many fingers did he have, and where did he attend college?
Based on this paragraph, Jerry Garcia was born in San Francisco, had nine fingers and he quit school at age 17 before attending college.
Jerry Garcia was born August 1, 1942, in San Francisco, California. His father was Jose Ramon Garcia, a Spanish immigrant. His mother, Ruth Marie Clifford, named him after her favorite composer, Jerome Kern. His father was a jazz musician who bought a bar. As a child Garcia took piano lessons. When he was four he lost part of a finger chopping wood. A year later his father drowned. When his mother took over the bar, Garcia went to live with his grandparents. They introduced him to the Grand Ole Opry. This along with his brother's collection of Chuck Berry records gave him an interest in country music. In 1953 his mother remarried and Garcia moved back with her. Garcia attended several different schools in and around San Francisco. But he had little interest in school until 1957 when he attended the California School of Fine Arts (now the San Francisco Art Institute). At age 15 his mother gave him a guitar. In high school he played in several bands. At age 17 he quit school. He joined the Army in 1960 but was given a general discharge a few months later.
What is the circumference of the earth?
40,075km or 24,855 miles depending on which metric system you use.
Give me a bunch of ways that you can get information from a book.
There a number of ways to gather information from a book, you can listen to the audiobook version, there are a number of services that provide abridged versions of books that you can try, alternatively you can simply read the book.
What is the ranking of poker hands from strongest to weakest that you can make with a regular deck of 52 cards and five cards total?
The ranking of poker hands with 52 regular playing cards is: 1) A Royal Flush - this hand consists of ten, jack, queen, king and ace of a single suit (e.g. ten, jack, queen, king, ace, all of spades) 2) A Straight Flush - this hand consists of five consecutive cards in a single suit. The ace counts as either the highest or lowest, but not both at the same time. (e.g. five, six, seven, eight, nine, all of hearts) 3) Four-of-a-kind - this hand contains four of the same card (e.g. four tens) 4) Full house - Three-of-a-kind of the same card, and a pair of a different card. (e.g. three sevens and two jacks) 5) Flush - Five cards of the same suits (e.g. five spades) 6) Straight - Five consecutive cards, where the ace can count as either the highest or lowest card, but not both at the same time (e.g. ace, two, three, four, five). 7) Three-of-a-kind - this hand contains three of the same card (e.g. three sevens) 8) Two pair - this hand contains two sets of two cards that are the same (e.g. two fives and two queens) 9) One pair - this hand contains one set of two cards that are the same (e.g. two tens) 10) High card - this hand contains none of the other options, and just has a high card. For all poker hands, if they are of the same ranking, then one has to look at the height of the cards themselves to determine the strongest hand. A full house of three aces and two tens is stronger than a full house of three kings and two tens. At the same time, three kings and two tens beats three tens and two aces, because the kings are stronger.
When talking about paint colours, which one of these colours is considered "cold", "warm" or "both". Both meaning the way the colour is perceived depends on the colours surrounding it. Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Orange, Red-Orange, Red, Red-Violet, Violet, Blue-Violet, Blue, Blue-Green, Green, Yellow-Green
Warm: Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Orange, Red-Orange, Red Cold: Violet, Blue-Violet, Blue, Blue-Green, Green Both: Red-Violet, Yellow-Green
What would be a first date option in Boston?
There are many options for first dates in Boston. You could go for a nice walk in the Boston Common and grab a coffee/tea somewhere nearby. You could go to the Boston Aquarium and walk along the water afterwards. You could go to Seaport and spend time in the indoor mini golf spot. You could also wander around Quincy market and grab a bite to eat and then visit the Sam Adams brewery. Lastly, you could go for a walk along the esplanade and grab a drink and Night Shift brewery if the weather is nice.
As a business analyst whats the most efficient way to quickly gain functional knowledge when you join a new company
The strength of a business analyst is their domain knowledge and ability to understand business process, gather requirements from business users and perform analysis and preparing requirements artefacts (BRD, process flow, UAT Document). Most of this information is gathered by interacting with business users. As a first step the business analyst like any other employee should familiarise themselves with the company way of working, introducing themselves and making connection with fellow team members and business users.the BA next needs to understand the business process of the systems and application he/she will be supporting. This would require speaking to the business users to understand the as-is process, going through existing BRD and process flow documents to understand as-is structure. Regular 1:1 with key business stakeholders does help. BA also needs to establish relationship with the IT team, after all its them who will be implementing the BRD BA documents. BA needs to understand the current IT system and overview of teh technologies the current issues/challenges the IT team faces. This will help manage expectation with business users for any new requirements.
What are the four primary states of matter? Answer in bullet point list, and capitalize each words
- Solid - Liquid - Gas - Plasma
Why is professional wrestling entertaining?
Professional wrestling is one of the best forms of entertainment. First, it's an incredible display of physical talent. Professional wrestling and acrobats are showcasing their physical attributes in a partially choregraphed dance. There is an element of improv in professional wrestling. Wrestlers often are calling the match as the action happens. The next set of moves can be greatly influenced from the crowd's reaction. The "pop" of the crowd, if you will. Finally, the best wrestlers are ones that are amplified versions of their true selves. The audience can detect an inauthentic speech on the mic. Those wrestlers who combine their charisma to their true gimmick are the ones that turn the normal fan to a mark.
Help me come up with 3 ideas for a new business and how I can start it
There are many businesses you could think about creating. Here are a few examples: - Services: you can create a firm that provides services such as marketing, technical consulting, or strategic advising. You can start this business by examining your professional expertise, building marketing materials, and networking to find your first customers. - Product: you can create a product in a domain you're passionate about is a great way of starting a business. This could be small scale boutique items such as candles or soaps made at home and sold at local markets or on a website like Etsy. This could also include something mass manufactured, either contracted out or involving significant capital expenditure in order to start development. - Training: you can start a training or education program in an industry where you have expertise. There are online platforms for hosting content and managing payments. You can also leverage social media in order to build a funnel of customers. There are many different potential businesses you might create but services, product, and training businesses are good domains to examine as you look to start your business.
What is the best way to get a good night of rest.
Do not look at any screens with blue light 1 hour before bed. Drink tea. Meditate. Ensure there is no light in the room and it is a quiet space. Optimal temperature is 65 degrees.
Provide a bulleted list of easy accommodations for autistic individuals in the workplace.
Noise-canceling headphones Ability to control lighting -- dimming the lights, lamp light instead of overhead lights, or the ability to let in or reduce natural light Make a quiet sensory free room available for breaks or individual work Allow pets in the office
Why is open source so important?
Open source is so important because it allows developers to contribute their skills and ideas to coding projects in the programming community. This democratizes coding and is a way to crowd source the development. It is one of the best and quickest ways to innovate and create new technology.
Give me a list of 10 books on building better habits
1. "Atomic Habits" by James Clear 2. "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg 3. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey 4. "How to Change" by Katy Milkman 5. "Better than Before" by Gretchen Rubin 6. "Tiny Habits" by BJ Fogg 7. "Elastic Habits" by Stephen Guise 8. "Good Habits, Bad Habits" by Wendy Wood 9. "The Habit Blueprint" by Patrik Edblad 10. "The Now habit" by Neil Fiore
Who came in first place in Formula One the last ten years?
There have been three drivers that have won the world championship over the last ten seasons of Formula One. In 2013, it was Sebastian Vettel (Germany) racing for the RedBull team. Then, Lewis Hamilton (United Kingdom) won seven seasons in a row from 2014-2017 racing for Mercedes. Then, Max Verstappen (Netherlands) won the championship the last two years from 2021-2022 racing for Redbull.
Explain to me why people decide to go vegan.
Vegans are primarily concerned with animal welfare. Humans do not need to eat animal products to be healthy, so using animals for food is unnecessary. Under capitalism, trillions of animals are raised in horrible conditions each year to be slaughtered to satisfy human taste buds. However, even if an animal is raised in conditions better than a factory farm, killing them is purely for taste since humans do not need to eat them to survive. Vegans view this as immoral and choose to not use animal products. Additionally, meat has a high carbon footprint compared to eating plants. Beef is a particularly bad offender. Vast swathes of the rainforest are cleared away to make room to raise cows for slaughter. Many vegans also care about the environment and avoiding animal products is a way to contribute less damage to the environment.
What are some ways of traveling from Washington D.C to San Francisco?
- take a direct flight - drive cross country on paved roads with a car - drive cross country on dirt roads with a car - ride cross country on dirt roads with a motorcycle - ride cross country with a bicycle - take a ship through the panama canal - walk cross country - take a bus - take a train - hitchhike - combine any of the following methods
What is pair skating, Can you help identify some key points from the give text?
1. The International Skating Union (ISU) defines pair skating as "the skating of two persons in unison who perform their movements in such harmony with each other as to give the impression of genuine Pair Skating as compared to independent Single Skating" as a kind of figure skating. 2. According to the ISU, a pairs team is comprised of "one Man and one Woman." 3. Since figure skating, the first Winter Olympic sport, was established at the 1908 Summer Olympics in London, men's and women's pair skating have been Olympic events, along with men's and women's single skating. 4. Pair skating was first featured in the ISU World Figure Skating Championships in 1908.
Pair skating is a figure skating discipline defined by the International Skating Union (ISU) as "the skating of two persons in unison who perform their movements in such harmony with each other as to give the impression of genuine Pair Skating as compared with independent Single Skating". The ISU also states that a pairs team consists of "one Woman and one Man". Pair skating, along with men's and women's single skating, has been an Olympic discipline since figure skating, the oldest Winter Olympic sport, was introduced at the 1908 Summer Olympics in London. The ISU World Figure Skating Championships introduced pair skating in 1908.
When sailing on a boat between 26ft and 40ft in San Francisco Bay, what items are 'required', 'useful', or 'neither'. A compass, laser printer, floatation devices for all passengers, fog horn, water, sun lotion, hat, fire extinguisher (one type B-2 or two type B-1), soft toys, tv, visual distress signals, sunglasses, snacks, ford mustang, American Airlines
Required: floatation devices for all passengers, Sound Signaling Device (fog horn), fire extinguisher (one type B-2 or two type B-1), and visual distress signals (flares) Useful: compass, water, sun lotion, hat, sunglasses, snacks Neither: laser printer, soft toys, tv, ford mustang, American Airlines
Provide a bulleted summary of the history of how home-field advantage is determined for the World Series.
Home field advantage for the World Series has been determined in the following ways throughout history: - 1924 - 2002: Home field advantage simply alternated between the American and National Leagues each year. - 2002 - 2016: Home field advantage was determined by the winner of the All-Star game. - 2016 - Present: Home field advantage is determined by the team with the best record playing in the World Series.
Home-field advantage World Series The World Series used several different formats in its early years. Initially, it generally followed an alternating home-and-away pattern, except that if a seventh game was possible, its site was determined by coin toss prior to the sixth game. In 1924 the Series began using a 2-3-2 format, presumably to save on travel costs, a pattern that has continued to this day with the exception of a couple of the World War II years when wartime travel restrictions compelled a 3-4 format (used in 1943 and 1945, but not in the 1944 series, which was contested between crosstown rivals the St. Louis Browns and St. Louis Cardinals; all games were held in the same stadium in St. Louis). From the start of the 2-3-2 format through the 2002 season, home-field advantage generally alternated between leagues each year. Prior to the 1994 strike, the National League champion received home-field advantage in even-numbered years and the American League champion in odd-numbered years; these were reversed for 1995–2002 (because 1994 would have been the NL's turn to have home-field, but the World Series was canceled by the aforementioned strike). That changed starting in 2003. The 2002 All-Star Game ended in a tie, much to the displeasure of both fans and sportswriters, who complained about a lack of intensity and competitiveness on the part of the players. This hit especially close to home for Commissioner Bud Selig, as the game had been played in his home city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In response, to make the game's outcome more meaningful, in 2003, MLB began assigning home-field advantage in the World Series to the winner of that year's All-Star Game, which is typically held in mid-July. Following the acceptance of a new collective bargaining agreement after the 2016 season (which went into effect in 2017) home-field advantage in the World Series is no longer tied to the outcome of the All-Star Game, but instead is granted to the team with the better regular-season record. One exception was 2020, when all World Series games were played at a neutral site. The home-field advantage designation in the World Series was determined based on whichever pennant winner held the higher seed in its league, not necessarily the team with the better regular season record. However, in the event both pennant winners had held the same seeding number, only then regular season records would have determined the home team in Games 1, 2, 6, and 7.
Which of the following numbers are prime? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2^11-1, 14, 17, 29, 47
Out of that list, the following numbers are prime: 2, 3, 5, 7, 17, 29, 47
Give me a bulleted list of the seven most recent presidents of Brazil
- Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - Jair Bolsonaro - Michel Temer - Dilma Rousseff - Fernando Henrique Cardoso - Itamar Franco - Fernando Collor de Mello
If we wanted to play sports that involve a ball, which of these would we play: soccer, football, swimming, snowboard, skiing, baseball.
Soccer, football and baseball are sports that require a ball whereas swimming, snowboarding and skiing do not.
How can I become a better runner?
There are a few things you can do to become a better runner: 1. Train consistently - Endurance running creates physiological adaptations which take a long time for you to notice. Try to run at least 3 or 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes to begin building those adaptations. 2. Get enough sleep - studies show that muscles recover better if you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. 3. Fuel your body - you can't gain muscle if you don't provide your body with enough calories to keep yourself fueled. Ensure that you are eating a good mix of protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables to set yourself up for success. 4. Don't overtrain - One common mistake new runners make is to run more than they are trained to manage and end up injuring yourself. You can't build fitness if you are off of training due to injury!
Tell me few brainstorming techniques
Mind-Mapping - is where you write down a central idea or problem and then create branches of related idea around it. You can add sub-branches and idea to each branch, creating a visual map of ideas and connections Free-Writing - is where you set a timer for a specific amount of time and then write down idea that comes to mind, without stopping to edit or censor. Goal is to generate as many ideas as possible in a shortest amount of time Role-Playing - is where you assign different roles or personas to participants in the session. Example, one person can play role of a customer, another of a competitor and so on. This help participants to see things in different perspective and generate new ideas
Which of these items will be useful to pack when I’m getting ready for soccer practice: cleats, grass, guitar, water bottle, shin guards, helmet.
Cleats, shin guards, and a water bottle may be helpful things to pack when you’re getting ready for soccer practice. A helmet is not typically used in soccer, a guitar is a musical instrument, and grass is the material soccer is usually played on but not something you’ll need to pack.
What tools Aloy can exploit to survive in the world? give me the category and examples in the format {category} - {examples}
weapons: arrows, tripwires using the Tripcaster, explosives, spear resources: Ammo, resource satchels, pouches, quivers, resistance, antidotes, health potions, traps technology: Focus, Override Tool
Horizon Zero Dawn is an action role-playing game played from a third-person view. Players take control of Aloy, a hunter who ventures through a post-apocalyptic land ruled by robotic creatures. Aloy can kill enemies in a variety of ways – shooting them with arrows, setting traps such as tripwires using the Tripcaster, using explosives, and a spear. Machine components, including electricity and the metal they are composed of, are vital to Aloy's survival; she can loot their remains for crafting resources. Ammo, resource satchels, pouches, quivers, resistance, antidotes, health potions, and traps can all be crafted. Weapons have modification slots for dealing more damage. Aloy wears a Focus, a small head piece that scans machines to determine their susceptibilities, identify their location, their level, and the nature of loot they will drop. One machine, the Stalker, can enable cloaking technology to avert the gaze of Aloy's Focus scan. Machines attack with defensive and offensive measures, and in either case react to a perceived threat by charging at it with brute force or projectiles. Exhibiting the behaviour of wild animals, some machines are inclined to move in herds, and others, with the ability to fly, do so in flocks. Unless hacked with the Override Tool, or sufficiently hit with corruption arrows, machines do not exert aggressive force against each other. Aloy also engages in battle with human enemies, such as bandits and the Eclipse cult.
Write a short story about how a man named Larry Joe proposed to his girlfriend, known as The President. The proposal should take place in an unusual manner, among friends.
Larry Joe had made a plan; a plan to propose to his girlfriend. She was known as The President among his friends due to having the same unusual name as a former president. The President knew Larry Joe was going to propose: they had shopped for rings together and she had even reserved a venue. In order to make his proposal a surprise, Larry Joe was going to have to do things a little out-of-the-ordinary. His plan was to have a party with all of their friends, swimming in the lake behind his house. Having such a casual party helped reduce any suspicion that The President might have, plus Larry Joe had thrown such parties before. In order to make things special, he bought a dozen bottles of champagne and food for after the proposal. And to make things memorable, he would shout his proposal while flying over the lake on the rope swing! His plan was coming together. The day of the party had arrived and the guests started showing up. The President was wearing her bikini and swam to the floating dock. Larry Joe took his friend Smoochy aside and whispered something in his ear. Everyone was having a good time, enjoying the warm water and cold beverages. But suddenly a low rumble of thunder rolled in from a distance. Larry Joe decided he better make his proposal now. He climbed up on the platform with the rope and yelled, "it's time for the presidential address!" This was the code that sent Smoochy running up to the house to retrieve the ring, which had been hidden in the computer desk inside. Larry Joe then leapt off the platform and swung out over the water. He yelled, "President, will you marry me?", then dove into the water. At this point, all but the select few friends who knew of the upcoming proposal were caught off guard, most especially The President. Larry Joe then swam over to the dock where The President was laying in the sun, and she said, "is this really happening?" Larry Joe replied, "yes!" He then climbed out of the water as Smoochy came back down the stairs with the ring box in hand. Larry Joe took The President by the hand over to the trees and knelt down in the traditional manner and once more repeated his proposal: "President, will you marry me?", then he handed her the ring box. Now you must understand that this ring box was quite unique. It had been hand-made by Larry Joe out of wood, in the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron. In fact, the box was actually a puzzle box, and required a special, awkward three-fingered grip to open. And the two halves fit so well together that you couldn't even see the seam. The President looked the beautiful box over trying to find a way to open it without luck. She handed the box back to him saying, "I don't know how to open it!" Larry Joe then twirled it around, found the seam, and carefully slid the two halves open. He removed the ring and placed it on The President's finger. And finally, she tearfully said "YES!" and kissed him. The party then moved up to the house and the champagne flowed. The President excitedly called her parents and more friends to come and join the celebration. She beamed with joy, showing off her ring to everyone. Larry Joe likewise had a grin from ear to ear: his crazy plan, a perfect reflection of his personality, had come off without a hitch and he was now engaged to his best friend.
What are the five best sports cars to buy right now, under $200K USD?
Assuming now authorized dealer markups (ADMs), the following cars are often considered among the best sports cars under $200K. 1. Porsche 992 GT3, 2. Audi R8 V10, 3. Chevrolet C8 Z06 Corvette, 4. Porsche 718 GT4, 5. Acura NSX
Classify the following literals as strings or ints: "a", "", "0", 0, 0xasdf, "0xasdf"
In many programming languages, string literals are surrounded by double quotes. That means that "a", "", "0", and "0xasdf" are strings, while 0 and 0xasdf are int literals.
Give me a bulleted list of the seven most recent Heisman Trophy Winners
Caleb Williams, Bryce Young, DeVonta Smith, Joe Burrow, Kyler Murray, Baker Mayfield, and Lamar Jackson
What are three ways to build a pillow fort?
You could use chairs or sofas in the room as stands, draping large sheets across them to form a canopy and walls. Alternatively, you could stick the corners of the sheets to a corner of the room so the walls are pre-built in, allowing for as tall a canopy as you want, but having a less cozy feel overall. As another option, you could use other large items besides blankets and sheets such as large umbrellas, decorating the space with lots of pillows and stuffed animals to cover any item that isn't already soft or fluffy.
Which of the following movies is not from the Harry Potter Franchise? - Order of the Phoenix. - Goblet of Fire. - Sorcerer's Stone. - Chamber of Secrets. - The Fellowship of the rings.
"The Fellowship of the rings" is not part of the Harry Potter Franchise, it is in-fact a part of the Lord of the Rings Franchise. The canonical Harry Potter movies in chronological order are: - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1. - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.
What is the best way to store passwords?
Password managers are generally regarded as the gold standard for safely warehousing your passwords. A password manager can index many unique and complicated passwords so that a user can have confidence that they can set a strong and secure password without compromising accessibility due to the password being difficult to read or overly complex.
Which of these items are helpful for starting a fire? Matches, kindling, banana, newspaper, water, plastic bath toy, a zippo, wet grass, thin dry stick, and liquid charcoal lighter.
Of the items listed, those that are helpful for starting a fire include matches, newspaper (if it's dry), a zippo, thin dry sticks, and liquid charcoal lighter.
How do I avoid and protect myself of being hacked?
There are multiple ways to be vigilant and protect your digital identity and presence in the Internet. First turn on MFA (Multiple Factor Authentication) everywhere for all your accounts work (must be turned on if your employer takes security seriously) and personal accounts. Second NEVER reuse passwords, instead use a Password Manager. There are several for instance Google Chrome browser provides a password manager out of the box. Same if you use Apple products (iOS, Safari web browser, etc.). There are also commercial password managers such as 1Password and LastPass. Third never click or open URL links that look suspicious or from unknown senders. Fourth use a digital key like a Yubikey. The YubiKey is an easy to use extra layer of security for your online accounts. A single YubiKey has multiple functions for securing your login to email, online services, apps, computers, and even physical spaces. These are some basic steps that will protect your digital identity. Finally ALWAYS use a Lockscreen for your desktop computer, laptop, etc. All your devices should always auto lock after 3-5 minutes of inactivity. These basic steps provide a solid foundation so you will never be hacked.
Classify the following as either airplanes or helicopters: - EC-135 - DC-10 - Antonov An 225 - Boeing 787 - Bell 206 - MD-500 - MD-11 - Airbus A320 - Airbus H165 - Cessna 172
Airplanes: - McDonnell Douglas DC-10 - Antonov An-225 - Boeing 787 - MD-11 - Airbus A320 - Cessna 172 Helicopters: - Bell 206 - Robinson R44 - MD-500 - Airbus H165
Give me a bulleted list of the 7 wonders of the ancient world:
Here are the 7 wonders of the ancient world: - Great Pyramid of Giza, in El Giza, Egypt, the earliest of the wonders to be completed, as well as the only one that still exists in the present day. - Colossus of Rhodes, in the harbor of the city of Rhodes, on the Greek island of the same name. - Hanging Gardens of Babylon, in Babylon, near present-day Hillah, Babil province, Iraq; or Nineveh, Mosul, Nineveh Governorate, Iraq. - Lighthouse of Alexandria, in Alexandria, Egypt. - Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, in Halicarnassus, a city of the Achaemenid Empire in present-day Turkey. - Statue of Zeus at Olympia, in Olympia, Greece. - Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, in the city of Ephesus, near present-day Selçuk, Turkey.
What are five totally distinct, creative ways to describe the usefulness of extra fingers?
1. One extra finger can be used to help hold up a conversation. 2. An extra finger can be used to create a more efficient way to spell out words. 3. One extra finger can be used to play a musical instrument. 4. One extra finger can be used to help open a bottle of wine. 5. An extra finger can be used to play a game of pool.
Which of these sports involve a ball: swimming, baseball, javelin, hockey, cycling, high jump, tennis, , netball, basketball, and handball.
Hockey, tennis, baseball, basketball, netball, and handball involve a ball. High jump, javelin, swimming, and cycling do not involve a ball.
What are some types of physical exercise?
Exercise can encompass: cardiovascular (aka, cardio), to improve blood flow/circulation and overall heart and lung health lifting, to build or tone muscles (arms, legs, shoulders benefit from lifting) core, to improve balance, coordination, and stability stretching, to improve flexibility and tone (yoga, martial arts, barre, pilates) endurance (swimming, cycling, running distances)
How would you build a winning basketball team?
Basketball is a team sport that requires both skill and the players on the team to complement one another. A winning team requires each player to complement the others on the team through specialization by having smaller players to handle that ball that can also make shots further away from the basket, as well as taller players who can rebound and defend the basket from the opposing team trying to get easier shots. The team must also learn how to communicate, build trust, and play together unselfishly. Putting too many players who are alphas and are good at the same things is much worse than having a team with less talent who plays as a unit and complement each other.
Compared to a human, categorize the following as fast or slow animals: sloth, cheetah, eagle, tortoise, hippo, slug, horse.
A sloth, tortoise and slug are all slower than a sprinting human. If traveling at top speed, a cheetah, eagle, hippo, and horse are all faster than a sprinting human.
Why is customer obsession important
Customer obsession is important to acquire new and maintain customer account and customer account growth over time. It helps to create trust with customers and build lasting relationships with them. When the customer says we only want to work with a single person who they have a relationship with this enables that person to grow accounts, find new use cases, and opportunities to drive platform consumption increasing company revenue. Its important as you work with customer for them to trust you in your ability to deliver world-class results and work that is reproducible and scalable in their account and across new and other existing accounts.
Give me a bulleted list of ways to protect a house from hurricane damage
The following are ways to protect a house from hurricane damage: 1. Ensure all exterior windows are impact windows 2. Build the house elevated above ground level 3. Use sandbags to reduce water entering exterior doors 4. Cover windows with plywood or hurricane shutters 5. Don't build a house in hurricane and flood prone areas
Give me a bulleted list of the Seven Wonders of Portugal and their construction dates:
In Portugal, you can find these 7 wonders: - Castle of Guimarães, 10th century - Castle of Óbidos, 1195 - Batalha Monastery, 1385 - Alcobaça Monastery, 1153 - Jerónimos Monastery, 1502 - Pena Palace, 1854 - Belém Tower, 1521
What are some different ways I can use many fresh lemons?
If you have multiple lemons and want to use them before they go bad, consider the following uses: 1) Lemon cleaning spray. Mix 1 parts water, 1 parts white vinegar, and the juice of one lemon into a spray bottle. A great non-toxic cleaner for around the house! 2) Limoncello. Add 1 cup simple syrup to 4 cups vodka and pour over the peels from 12 lemons. Leave in a sealed glass container for 30 days. Serve over ice and enjoy. (Drink responsibly!) 3) Lemon flavored olive oil. Slice 4 lemons and put in 4 cups of extra-virgin olive oil. Leave in a sealed container for 30 days. Enjoy in salads and soups! 4) Lemon bars. There are many ways to make these using all parts of a lemon. Check online for a recipe to make these deliciously tart bars. 5) Lemon-aid. Mix 1 parts fresh squeezed lemon juice to 6 parts water. Sweeten to taste. Serve over ice 6) Lemon Centerpiece. Brighten up the room by arranging lemons in a decorative bowl. Place on the table or counter to add a pop of color. 7) Lemon Detox water. Start your morning with 16oz of warm water, the juice of one lemon, and a pinch of cayenne.
Name some famous poets and their poems.
Edgar Allen Poe Birthplace: Boston Famous poem: ”The Raven” Famous quote: ”I have great faith in fools — self-confidence my friends call it.” William Shakespeare Birthplace: Stratford-upon-Avon, England Famous poem: ”Sonnet XVIII” (Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?) Famous quote: ”All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts. His acts being seven ages.” Maya Angelou Birthplace: St. Louis Famous poem: ”On the Pulse of Morning” Famous quote: ”I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Emily Dickinson Birthplace: Amherst, Massachusetts Famous poem: “‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers” Famous quote: “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul — and sings the tunes without the words — and never stops at all.” Shel Silverstein Birthplace: Chicago Famous poem: “Where the Sidewalk Ends” Famous quote: ”What I do is good. I wouldn’t let it out if I didn’t think it was.” Robert Frost Birthplace: San Francisco Famous poem: “The Road Not Taken” Famous quote: “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” Pablo Neruda Birthplace: Parral, Chile Famous poem: “I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You” Famous quote: “To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life.” E. E. Cummings Birthplace: Cambridge, Massachusetts Famous poem: “i carry your heart with me” Famous quote: “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” Langston Hughes Birthplace: Joplin, Missouri Famous poem: “I Too Sing America” Famous quote: “Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.” Walt Whitman Birthplace: Long Island, New York Famous poem: “I Hear America Singing” Famous quote: “Either define the moment or the moment will define you.” Thomas Hardy Birthplace: Dorset, England Famous poem: “Hap” Famous quote: “The main object of religion is not to get a man into heaven, but to get heaven into him.” Rudyard Kipling Birthplace: Bombay Presidency, British India Famous poem: “Gunga Din” Famous quote: “We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.” Oscar Wilde Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland Famous poem: “A Vision” Famous quote: “I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.” John Keats Birthplace: London Famous poem: “A Thing of Beauty (Endymion)” Famous quote: “A thing of beauty is a joy forever; its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning Birthplace: Durham, England Famous poem: “How Do I Love Thee?” Famous quote: “If you desire faith, then you have faith enough.” William Blake Birthplace: London Famous poem: “The Tyger” Famous quote: “The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness.” Sylvia Plath Birthplace: Boston Famous poem: “Daddy” Famous quote: “Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it and the imagination to improvise.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Birthplace: Portland, Maine Famous poem: “The Song of Hiawatha” Famous quote: “Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.” William Wordsworth Birthplace: Cumberland, England Famous poem: “The Prelude” Famous quote: “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” Mark Twain Birthplace: Florida, Missouri Famous poem: “Ode to Stephen Dowling Bots, Dec’d.” Famous quote: “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Birthplace: Boston Famous poem: “Uriel” Famous quote: “A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.” John Donne Birthplace: London Famous poem: “No Man Is An Island” Famous quote: “Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” W.B. Yeats Birthplace: County Dublin, Ireland Famous poem: “The Second Coming” Famous quote: “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” Lord Byron Birthplace: London Famous poem: “She Walks in Beauty” Famous quote: “There is no instinct like that of the heart.” Lewis Carroll Birthplace: Cheshire, England Famous poem: “Jabberwocky” Famous quote: “It is one of the great secrets of life that those things which are most worth doing, we do for others.” Alfred, Lord Tennyson Birthplace: Lincolnshire, England Famous poem: “The Charge of the Light Brigade” Famous quote: “‘Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all.” Dante Alighieri Birthplace: Florence, Italy Famous poem: “Divine Comedy” Famous quote: “Consider your origin; you were not born to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.” T.S. Eliot Birthplace: St. Louis Famous poem: “The Waste Land” Famous quote: “Friendship should be more than biting time can sever.” Ezra Pound Birthplace: Hailey, Idaho Famous poem: “Hugh Selwyn Mauberley” Famous quote: “With one day’s reading a man may have the key in his hands.” John Milton Birthplace: London Famous poem: “Paradise Lost” Famous quote: “A good book is the precious lifeblood of a master spirit.” Sappho Birthplace: Lesbos, Greece Famous poem: “Sappho 31” Famous quote: “What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful.” Homer Birthplace: Smyrna (present-day Greece) Famous poem: “The Iliad” Famous quote: “Evil deeds do not prosper; the slow man catches up with the swift.” Li Bai Birthplace: Tang Empire (present-day Kyrgyzstan) Famous poem: “Quiet Night Thought” Famous quote: “We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains.” Jalal al-Din Rumi Birthplace: Khorasan (present-day Afghanistan) Famous poem: “Masnavi-ye Ma’navi (Spiritual Verses)” Famous quote: “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”
What are three tips to a successful fishing outing?
1. Be prepared. Check the weather and ensure you have adequate clothing for the expected weather. Bring enough food and water to keep yourself comfortable while out on the boat. 2. Go at the best time of day. Most freshwater fish have a relatively predictable daily routine and will bite best very early in the morning (just before or at sunrise) and later in the evening, a couple hours before sunset. 3. Fish in the right place! Most freshwater fish have an environment preference. For example, summer bass like to be in weeds and other cover; spring walleye can be found in more shallow water with sandy/rocky bottoms; fall pike and musky ambush prey from thick weed beds. If you want to catch a lot of fish, you need to be fishing where the fish are!
How many planets are there?
There are eight planets in our native solar system. We used to consider there to be nine, but then scientists decided that Pluto doesn't fit the requirements to be a planet. I don't really know what that is, but that's what they decided. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and doesn't really have an atmosphere. Venus is subject to a runaway greenhouse effect. Earth is where we live. Mars is red, and slightly smaller than Earth. We've recently found evidence of water there. The asteroid belt comes next, which isn't really a planet. Following the asteroid belt are the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. They have rings. Neptune comes last. Other solar systems seem to have planets too - in fact this appears to be far more common than we would have thought.
Give me a bulleted list of ways to get around New York City.
The following is a bulleted list of ways to get around New York City: - The New York City Subway - A taxi cab - Walking - A rideshare car service such as Uber or Lyft - A rideshare moped service such as Revel - New York City's public buses - New York City's ferry service - A rideshare bicycle such as Citibike - Driving your personal vehicle - Riding your personal bicycle - Rollerblading or roller-skating - Taking a pedicab - Taking a scooter
What makes The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie good?
I re-read this book 7 years later, after recently reading book 4 and book 5 of the series. Gosh I've forgotten how excellent the first book is. It's hilarious, grim/dark, witty, with a fantastic cast of characters and a nuanced worldbuilding that I'm dying to uncover.
Given a reference text about the Anglo-Spanish War, tell me what treaty marked the end of the war.
The Treaty of London marked the end of the Anglo-Spanish War.
The Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604) was an intermittent conflict between the Habsburg Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of England. It was never formally declared. The war included much English privateering against Spanish ships, and several widely separated battles. It began with England's military expedition in 1585 to what was then the Spanish Netherlands under the command of the Earl of Leicester, in support of the Dutch rebellion against Spanish Habsburg rule. The English enjoyed a victory at Cádiz in 1587, and repelled the Spanish Armada in 1588, but then suffered heavy setbacks: the English Armada (1589), the Drake–Hawkins expedition (1595), and the Essex–Raleigh expedition (1597). Three further Spanish armadas were sent against England and Ireland in 1596, 1597, and 1601, but these likewise ended in failure for Spain, mainly because of adverse weather. The war became deadlocked around the turn of the 17th century during campaigns in the Netherlands, France, and Ireland. It was brought to an end with the Treaty of London (1604), negotiated between Philip III of Spain and the new king of England, James I. In the treaty, England and Spain agreed to cease their military interventions in the Spanish Netherlands and Ireland, respectively, and the English ended their high seas privateering.
Who did the French national football team play against in the last 3 matches of the 2018 World Cup and how did the matches turn out?
On 06/07/2018, France won 2-0 against Uruguay in the quarter-finals. On 10/07/2018, France won 1-0 against Belgium in the semi-finals. On 15/07/2018, France beat Croatia 4-2 in the final to become world champions for the next four years. The French national football team has thus been world champion twice. The last time was in 1998.
List down some information about Ahilya Bai from given passage
1.Ahilya bai Holkar under took the affairs of Holkar Dynasty after demise of her husband khande Rao Holkar and father in law Malhar Rao Holkar. 2.Ahilya Bai defended the Malwa state against intruders and personally led armies into battle, with Tukoji Rao Holkar as her milatary commander. 3.Ahilya Bai was a great pioneer and builder of Hindu temples and Dharmshalas through out India. 4.Ahilya Bai is specially renowned for refurbishing & reconsecrating some of the most sacred sites of Hindu pilgrimage that had been demolished by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.
After the demise of her husband Khande Rao Holkar and father-in-law Malhar Rao Holkar, Ahilya Bai herself undertook the affairs of Holkar dynasty. She defended the Malwa state against intruders and personally led armies into battle, with Tukoji Rao Holkar as her military commander. Ahilya Bai was a great pioneer and builder of Hindu temples who constructed hundreds of temples and Dharmashalas throughout India. She is specially renowned for refurbishing & reconsecrating some of the most sacred sites of Hindu pilgrimage that had been desecrated & demolished in the previous century by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb
Which of the following are cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Rio de Janeiro, Beijing, Shanghai, New York, Singapore, Germany, United States, Tokyo
Cities in Australia include Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra. However Rio de Janeiro is not in Australia, but in Brazil. Beijing, Shanghai are not in Australia as well, there are in China. Singapore, Germany, United States are not cities, they are countries. Even Singapore is both a country and its only city. New York is in United States. And Tokyo is in Japan.
Give me some ideas of places to visit on my next backpacking trip to South America.
- Take a cruise to visit the islands of the Galapagos - Straddle the northern and southern hemispheres at La Mitad del Mundo (The Middle of the Earth), close to Quito, Ecuador - Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu from Cusco in Peru. You need to get a permit at least 6 months in advance. - Hike the Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu from Cusco in Peru. It is a great alternative to the Inca Trail if you do not get a permit. - Visit villages around Lake Titicaca in Peru - Take a multi-day tour to the Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt flat, on a four-wheel drive from Uyuni in Bolivia - Go stargazing in the Atacama Desert in Chile
From the passage provided, extract the types of castles in Greater Manchester and the corresponding number of each type in a numbered list of format {Type} - {Number}
1. Motte-and-bailey castle - 4 2. Fortified manor house - 3 3. Enclosure castle - 1 4. Shell keep - 1
There are nine castles in Greater Manchester, a metropolitan county in North West England. They consist of four motte-and-bailey castles, three fortified manor houses, an enclosure castle, and a possible shell keep. Four of Greater Manchester's castles are scheduled monuments: Buckton, Bury, Radcliffe Tower (pictured), and Watch Hill. The purpose of a castle was not simply militaristic, but was also considered to be a stamp of authority over the population of an area and a status symbol. Some would have acted as centres of trade and administration for a manor. The earliest castles in Greater Manchester are Dunham and Watch Hill in Trafford, Ullerwood in Manchester, and Stockport Castle in Stockport. They were first recorded in 1173 as belonging to barons who had rebelled against Henry II.
Given this paragraph, which was built first Disneyland or Disney World?
According to this text, Disneyland was built first in 1955, with Disney World construction starting later in 1967 and first opening in 1971.
Designed to supplement Disneyland in Anaheim, California, which had opened in 1955, the complex was developed by Walt Disney in the 1960s. "The Florida Project", as it was known, was intended to present a distinct vision with its own diverse set of attractions. Walt Disney's original plans also called for the inclusion of an "Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow" (EPCOT), a planned community intended to serve as a testbed for new city-living innovations. Walt Disney died on December 15, 1966, during the initial planning of the complex. After his death, the company wrestled with the idea of whether to bring the Disney World project to fruition; however, Walt's older brother, Roy O. Disney, came out of retirement to make sure Walt's biggest dream was realized. Construction started in 1967, with the company instead building a resort similar to Disneyland, abandoning the experimental concepts for a planned community. The Magic Kingdom was the first theme park to open in the complex, in 1971, followed by Epcot (1982), Disney's Hollywood Studios (1989), and Disney's Animal Kingdom (1998). It was Roy who insisted the name of the entire complex be changed from Disney World to Walt Disney World, ensuring that people would remember that the project was Walt's dream.
Are the following books fantasy or science fiction: Red Mars, The City We Became, The Three-Body Problem, the Harry Potter series, A Game of Thrones, Dune, The Fifth Season.
These books are science fiction: Red Mars, The Three-Body Problem, and Dune, because they involve space travel and life on other planets. In addition, Red Mars and The Three-Body Problem include discussions of hard science. These books are fantasy: The City We Became, the Harry Potter series, and A Game of Thrones, because they involve magic and beings with supernatural powers. In addition, A Game of Thrones takes place in a different world that is not related to space travel. The Fifth Season is considered "science fantasy", because it includes elements of both science fiction and fantasy. It takes place on a planet that is not Earth, but is not reached by space travel. Some of its characters have special powers. However, the plot depends on the hard science of plate tectonics.
Write a friendly letter to my landlord, convincing them to let me get a cat. His name is George and my name is Steve. I live alone in Unit 2C and I work long hours. Include details regarding my rental contract that currently only permits dogs under 25 pounds and caged animals and requires pet deposit and rent. Give him examples as to why those animals are not ideal (include my dog allergy) and why a cat is better. Let him know I plan a robotic vacuum and mop to keep things clean. Tell him I've already found a potential pet at the local animal shelter, who is a two-year-old shelter cat who is housebroken and friendly. Remind him that Unit 2C does not have any carpeted floors and a tiled bathroom which is good for the future litter box. Convince him I'm open to a conversation to discuss further.
Hello, George, This is Steve in Unit 2C. I hope your day is going well. I have a request I would like to ask of you. As you know, I live alone. I have been considering getting a pet for companionship, but after reviewing my rental contract, I noticed the only permitted animals are small dogs and animals that can be kept in a tank, like hamsters and fish. I am hoping you would reconsider these restrictions and allow me to have a cat. I am more than willing to resign a rental contract to include the requisite pet deposit and pet rent. I thought about a dog, since those animals are already in the contract, but I don't want a dog. Since I work long hours, it's not ideal to have a dog in my unit. My unit is small and could be claustrophobic for a dog who has a lot of energy. I also don't want to leave a dog alone because it may bark and disturb the other tenants in the building. Dogs also urinate and defecate in the shared yard around the property, which is gross, considering not everyone picks up after their dogs. Also, I am allergic to dogs, so this rules out dogs. I also considered a hamster or fish, but I am reluctant to have either of those, as well. Firstly, they do not offer the same cuddly companionship of a cat. If a hamster got loose, it could cause far more damage to a unit than a cat could -- the hamster could defecate in many areas, chew electrical wires, and chew through drywall. Fish pose a problem if the tank cracks or breaks, which would cause lots of water damage to the flooring. I recognize there are drawbacks to any pet, including cats, and I understand that some landlords are reluctant to permit cats, because there is an impression that cats may be more destructive, such as peeing in inappropriate places. However, I believe a cat is the least-destructive option of all. As my unit is not carpeted, I don't believe persistent urination stains will be an issue. Cats are easy to litter box train and I plan to put the litter box in the tiled bathroom where there is no opportunity for urine to get into the subfloor. Cats are less destructive than dogs, because they don't chew on things like furniture and doorways. Cats also are not nearly as loud as barking dogs. I have already looked into pets at the local animal shelter and found a possible new roommate, who is a friendly two-year-old cat and is housebroken and box-trained. This is an ideal pet, since I don't have to risk accidents with box-training a kitten, and it's unlikely the cat will be destructive if it's already housebroken. I believe a cat would be the ideal companion for me, given my work schedule and my preference for my ideal pet. I am happy to discuss my desire in person and further elaborate my plan on how I will continue to maintain a clean and tidy unit with a cat, such as purchasing an automatic robot vacuum and mop to ensure an extra clean space. Please consider my request. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, Steve
List the types of pasta that can be used to make carbonara
Spaghetti, fettuccine, rigatoni, linguine, bucatini
Carbonara (Italian: [karboˈnaːra]) is a Roman pasta dish made with eggs, hard cheese, cured pork and black pepper. The dish took its modern form and name in the middle of the 20th century. The cheese is usually Pecorino Romano, Parmigiano-Reggiano, or a combination of the two. Spaghetti is the most common pasta, but fettuccine, rigatoni, linguine, or bucatini are also used. Normally guanciale or pancetta are used for the meat component, but lardons of smoked bacon are a common substitute outside Italy.
List the club sports teams that Neumann University has
Based off of the shared information, Neumann University has the following club sports teams: * baseball * basketball * cheer leading * a dance team * ice hockey * roller hockey * men's rugby * women's rugby Note that this may not be a fully exhaustive list.
Neumann University is a member of the Atlantic East Conference as well as the United Collegiate Hockey Conference (UCHC). It competes in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Division III. In 2009 Neumann University's men's ice hockey team won the NCAA Division III National Championship. In the summer of 2012, Neumann University constructed the Mirenda Center, a 72,000 square foot athletic complex which houses an indoor track, NCAA Division III regulation basketball court, dance studios, student lounges, a classroom, weight and cardio rooms as well as the Center for Sport Spirituality and Character Development. Neumann sponsors 12 women's athletic teams and 10 men's teams. In addition the 22 varsity teams, Neumann University also has a very active club sports roster which includes baseball, basketball, cheer leading, a dance team, ice hockey, roller hockey as well as men's and women's rugby. Most recently, Neumann University won back to back national championships (2015 and 2016) as part of the National Collegiate Roller Hockey Association (NCHRA).
Given this paragraph, who was the President of Mexico during the seige of Bexar?
Based on this text, during the seige of Bexar Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was the President of Mexico.
The siege of Béxar (or Béjar) was an early campaign of the Texas Revolution in which a volunteer Texian army defeated Mexican forces at San Antonio de Béxar (now San Antonio, Texas). Texians had become disillusioned with the Mexican government as President and General Antonio López de Santa Anna's tenure became increasingly dictatorial. In early October 1835, Texas settlers gathered in Gonzales to stop Mexican troops from reclaiming a small cannon. The resulting skirmish, known as the Battle of Gonzales, launched the Texas Revolution. Men continued to assemble in Gonzales and soon established the Texian Army. Despite a lack of military training, well-respected local leader General Stephen F. Austin was elected commander.
Given this paragraph about Selena Gomez, where did her first name come from?
Selena Gomez was named after Selena Quintanilla, a Tejano singer.
Selena Marie Gomez was born on July 22, 1992, in Grand Prairie, Texas, to Ricardo Joel Gomez and Texas-born former stage actress Mandy Teefey. She was named after Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla, who died in 1995. Her father is of Mexican descent, while her mother, who was adopted, has Italian ancestry. Gomez's paternal grandparents emigrated to Texas from Monterrey in the 1970s. Of her heritage, Gomez has said she is "a proud third-generation American-Mexican" and "My family does have quinceañeras, and we go to the communion church. We do everything that's Catholic, but we don't really have anything traditional except go to the park and have barbecues on Sundays after church." Gomez was fluent in Spanish until age seven. Her parents divorced when she was five years old, and she remained with her mother. Gomez has two younger half-sisters and a younger stepbrother: Gracie Elliot Teefey, through Mandy and her second husband, Brian Teefey, and Victoria "Tori" and Marcus Gomez, through Ricardo and his second wife, Sara. She earned her high-school diploma through homeschooling in May 2010.
What are some uses for a garden bucket with a hole in it?
A bucket with a hole in it may be compromised from holding liquid within it. However, the bucket can still be useful for many other scenarios. For example, the bucket can be used to hold solids (eg rocks, dirt, toys) that are generally larger than the size of the hole. The bucket could also be repurposed as a watering can, or as a small seat to sit on while working in the garden.