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BREAKING: Jared Kushner Is Really A Woman And There Are Documents To Prove It
You know all those times conservatives have said something ridiculous proves President Obama is gay or Michelle Obama is a man? Each time, they say they have documents to back their claims and each time they fail. By this logic, we can now state unequivocally that squeaky-voiced Jared Kushner is really a woman and unlike when conservatives make similar claims, there are actually documents to back this.In fact, Kushner himself admits he is a woman. According to public records, Kushner registered to vote in New York as a woman in 2009.Prior to 2009, he listed his gender as unknown in New Jersey. Naturally, people find this hilarious:Might be cuz he just found out Kushner is registered female voter in NY and cannot have dinner with another women if wife not present!? jc5502 (@jc5502) September 27, 2017Jared Kushner can't figure out the "Male/Female" checkbox on his voter registration form but he'll definitely solve the Middle East. Chris Jackson (@ChrisCJackson) September 27, 2017#Kushner registered to vote as a female. Was this also due to miscommunications with his assistant? https://t.co/7DlpjC2dWI Walt Kowalski (@KowalskisLawn) September 27, 2017All joking aside, this is just one more example of Kushner having severe problems with properly completing paperwork. He has repeatedly updated his security clearance forms to include meetings and foreign contacts he forgot about entirely so it s entirely possible he just got his information wrong and thought he was a female.If Kushner actually identifies as a female, that s cool too. We ll just have to change a pronoun when we explain to people that she s a sniveling little weasel bootlicker with no spine who should spend some time in prison.
September 27, 2017
WATCH: War Veteran John McCain DESTROYS Draft-Dodger Trump’s Anthem Protest Whining
John McCain is far more qualified to comment on the NFL anthem protests than Donald Trump.After all, McCain spent over five years as a prisoner of war suffering brutal torture at the hands of his Vietnamese captors.He is a decorated military veteran who served his country and risked his life.Trump, on the other hand, dodged the Vietnam War draft several times, clearly too much of a coward to fight for America. Thousands of others died far away from home while Trump spent his daddy s money and slept around.So when it comes to choosing who we should listen to when it comes to talking about the NFL anthem protests, John McCain is the most credible.On Friday, Trump called NFL players who kneel during the anthem to protest racial injustice sons of bitches and called for them to be fired.Over the course of the weekend that followed and into this past Tuesday, Trump repeatedly attacked NFL players on Twitter.If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2017 NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN. Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2017Sports fans should never condone players that do not stand proud for their National Anthem or their Country. NFL should change policy! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2017The issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race. It is about respect for our Country, Flag and National Anthem. NFL must respect this! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2017The NFL has all sorts of rules and regulations. The only way out for them is to set a rule that you can t kneel during our National Anthem! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2017But ratings for the NFL remained extremely high, and players responded to Trump by kneeling en masse, something that had not happened prior to Trump attacking them and ordering them to stand.It should be pointed out that the government cannot force anyone to stand for the national anthem, just like the government can t force kids to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Hell, even flag-burning is protected free speech, therefore, so is kneeling.Also, players are not kneeling to disrespect the flag. They are doing so to protest racial injustice.And in one short sentence, John McCain obliterated Trump s whining. That s their right to do what they want as citizens, McCain told TMZ when asked about the protest.Here s the video via YouTube.Let s keep in mind that Donald Trump himself has repeatedly disrespecting military veterans. During the campaign, he said that McCain is not a war hero because he got captured. Trump also insulted a Gold Star family whose son was killed while courageously saving the lives of his fellow soldiers.Silently kneeling during the national anthem is not disrespectful at all. These NFL players are shedding light on injustice in this country. An injustice that goes against everything the American flag is supposed to stand for. This protest is not about the troops or the flag as Trump claims. It s about injustice and the right to protest against it.Featured Image: Steve Pope/Getty Images
September 27, 2017
Trump Is So Embarrassed His Candidate Lost He’s Deleting Tweets And Praying You’ll Forget
Donald Trump went all in for his man Luther Strange. I mean, he tweeted in between other pressing matters, of course at least a dozen times in support of the incumbent Senator in Alabama.Or at least, Strange was the incumbent, until former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and all-around douchebag Roy Moore beat him in a runoff primary last night.Trump did everything but attach himself at the hip to Strange, for a reason I ll get into in a minute. But it just wasn t enough to overcome Moore, who was backed by Trump s former right-hand man Steve Bannon, as well as a bevy of other prominent dumbass conservatives. Sarah Palin, Sebastian Gorka, Laura Ingraham and even Sean Hannity lent their support to the ultra-conservative Moore, while simultaneously being careful to tell voters that a vote against Strange wasn t a vote against Donald Trump. Bannon went so far as to say that a vote for Moore was a vote for Trump.They understand something that the president doesn t, and it s this I was alluding to as the reason Trump rolled so deep with Luther Strange. Donald Trump knows he has some kind of power over his supporters, but he doesn t know what it is. He honestly believes that he can make them do whatever he wants them to do and that they will do it happily. And above all, he believes that he is infallible in his decisions.Trump has it all backwards.In reality, it is Donald Trump who does the bidding of his fans. It s because he literally has no idea what he s doing. He has zero experience in politics. He doesn t know or even care what the people of Alabama think about or want in a Senate candidate. Let me put this plainly:If Donald Trump thought that a man like Roy Moore, who was removed from the Supreme Court of Alabama only by outside forces; who never lost the support of his constituents; who is literally the Bible-thumping, gay-hating, end-times preaching Senator that the most redneck state in America has been dreaming about since Reconstruction was going to lose this election to a career politician, well He s a whole lot dumber than any of us give him credit for.Trump s candidate lost because he was always going to lose. Trump himself lost because he had no idea. Prior to the election, Trump was so confident of his star power and Strange s ability to win by association that he hadn t bothered to learn Moore s first name.And one thing Donald J. Trump doesn t do is lose gracefully. The president went on a deleting spree of tweets he had posted in support of Strange. He was so angry that he couldn t even remember when the general election was being held in Alabama, so when he congratulated Moore after his win, he even had to delete the first draft of that:Trump has, of course, quieted down. Unfortunately for him, the slew of tweet deletions, which may actually be illegal, just makes his timeline look like literally all he can think about is big black men on their knees.As long as nobody s sitting down during the national anthem, I suppose.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
September 27, 2017
Trump Is So Bad Hillary Is Telling Him How To Be President And He’s Doing What She Says
President Donald Trump has had some strong words for his fiercest political rival, Hilary Clinton, over the years, including having his supporters to chant Lock her up! at his political rallies, but now it seems that Trump has bitten off a little more than he can chew with this whole President thing and needs all the advice he can get Even if it comes from Clinton. To make matters more amusing, he is actually acting on what she says!As the carnage from Hurricane Maria becomes more evident, President Trump has been a little too preoccupied with perpetually tweeting abound NFL players not standing for the National Anthem, while hardly acknowledging the fact that American lives are in danger after a enduring a week without electricity or clean water in Puerto Rico. On Sunday, Hillary Clinton had had enough of this madness and took to what she assumed was the only platform for getting Trump s attention directly, Twitter, to deliver a very direct message to the President of the United States:President Trump, Sec. Mattis, and DOD should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now. These are American citizens. https://t.co/J2FVg4II0n Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 24, 2017Clinton s call for action initially took place on change.org when she set up a petition that received 100,000 signatures in just three days, with critics showing their frustration with the hashtag #SendtheComfort. Both the hashtag and Clinton s tweet specifically mention the USNS Comfort, a hospital ship and, in what could be a simple twist of irony, although that is highly unlikely, Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long announced that that was exactly what the Navy was going to do just two days after Clinton s plea. We re dramatically increasing the federal footprint that s there, Long said outside the White House, a motion later confirmed by the Navy.Trump himself commented on the difficulty of getting aide to Puerto Rico, but it really didn t sound as if he knew much about the place, let alone where it is, but still claimed that officials were doing a really good job. It s very tough because it s an island, Trump said. In Texas, we can ship the trucks right out there. And you know, we ve gotten A-pluses on Texas and on Florida, and we will also on Puerto Rico. But the difference is, this is an island sitting in the middle of an ocean. And it s a big ocean; it s a very big ocean. The move to send the USNS Comfort came after days of criticism aimed at the US government for failing to truly offer any aide in Puerto Rico, a US territory of almost 3.5 million people, in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Large areas of Puerto Rico face months without power and as well as having an exceptionally long rebuilding process ahead of them.President Trump plans to visit the area next week.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
September 27, 2017
The Worst Possible Person Just Won Alabama’s Runoff For U.S. Senate, And It’s All Trump’s Fault
Alabama s Republican runoff election for Jeff Sessions vacant Senate seat has come to its end, and the candidate that will go up against Democrat Doug Jones in December s general election is none other than Roy Moore. Moore is the former chief justice of Alabama s state Supreme Court, and he s the one who ordered all of Alabama s probate judges to defy the U.S. Supreme Court s ruling on same-sex marriage in 2013.But Moore wasn t Donald Trump s candidate. Luther Strange, who has been holding Sessions seat, was the man backed by Trump. In fact, Trump was at a political rally for Strange last Friday when he called for NFL players who kneel during the national anthem to be fired. The president s endorsement usually helps a candidate, yet it s Moore who just won. Here s a little background on Moore: He was yanked from the Alabama Supreme Court s bench in 2003 for refusing to remove a massive monument to the Bible s 10 Commandments from the grounds of the courthouse. That s considered a violation of the First Amendment since it constitutes a government endorsement of one religion.In 2012, Moore won his job back, then called same-sex relationships sodomy, and decried the immorality of it all in the wake of the Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage across all 50 states. He wanted to bar Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison from serving in office because he s a Muslim, and he accused Obama of using our military for social experiments (including wiping out don t ask, don t tell and allowing transgender individuals to serve).He has also defended Putin because Putin seems to agree with him on the issue of LGBTQ rights. One might think that would earn him Trump s endorsement, but somehow, it didn t.All of that should have made this election a tossup given conservatives current love of Trump, but it didn t. Moore was polling ahead of Strange pretty much the entire time. Why?Well, Trump, for starters. That buffoon endorsed Luther Strange and bragged about it all over Twitter, up to and including through today. He boasted that Strange s numbers had skyrocketed since his endorsement, but according to NBC News, Trump s endorsement actually pushed people towards Moore. Trump won Alabama by double digits last year, but it seems they re souring towards him now.That makes this Trump s fault, at least partly. Voters claimed that his endorsement didn t affect them one way or another, but those who were influenced by Trump said he pushed them away from Strange. What that means is that some Republican voters chose Moore because Trump backed the other candidate.That s a massive blow to Trump. Maybe Alabama voters are ashamed of Trump, and they d have good reason to feel that way. For instance, speaking on the Rick and Bubba radio show, which is based out of Birmingham, Trump said: Luther Strange is going to be a great Senator. He loves Alabama, he loves the states and he loves the country. He will absolutely win against the Democrat.Ray will have a hard time. If Luther wins, the Democrats will hardly fight. If Ray wins, [Democrats] will pour in $30 million. Moore s first name is Roy. When Rick Burgess, one of the show s hosts, pointed out that he d gotten Roy s name wrong, Trump actually said that it s not a good sign if the president doesn t know his name. Then he said: I don t know that much about Roy Moore. Roy Moore is going to have a very hard time getting elected against the Democrat.Against Luther they won t even fight. When news of Moore s win came out, Trump tweeted the following:As noted above, the general election is December 12. That tweet has since been deleted, and replaced with one noting the correct month for the general.Where is Trump s influence, then? Rosie Gray of The Atlantic said: The outcome of the special election primary will help answer the question of who is more influential with Trump s base: Trump himself, or the constellation of powerful voices on the right to whom base voters listen and who are supporting Moore? Well, it seems that Trump doesn t have the influence he thinks he does. Especially given that Strange was likely a far better candidate for Senate than Moore ever could be. Moore is an absolute disaster. He s a danger to the U.S., and in deep-red Alabama, there s very little chance that a Democrat can win Sessions Senate seat. And Trump s endorsement of Strange is partly responsible for this. He s a blight on the GOP and a blight on the nation as a whole. He s dangerous, and Moore s election is evidence of that.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
September 26, 2017
Loser Trump Fails Miserably Again As ‘Monday Night Football’ Ratings Soar
Wow, it s like a president can t even get a boycott going anymore. Donald Trump tried to launch a boycott on the NFL over black athletes who choose to kneel instead of stand during the national anthem in protest of racial inequality and police brutality. Trump wasn t having any of that, so he took to his Twitter account after calling the African-American athletes sons of bitches, to promote a boycott. Conservatives have never been very good at boycotts anyway.The Cowboys versus Cardinals game featured Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones taking a knee in solidarity with his players. Pushing things even further, Trump tweeted that he heard boos from the crowd. The booing at the NFL football game last night, when the entire Dallas team dropped to its knees, was loudest I have ever heard, Trump tweeted. Great anger. The booing at the NFL football game last night, when the entire Dallas team dropped to its knees, was loudest I have ever heard. Great anger Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2017Instead of addressing the devastation in Puerto Rico, Trump has been on a mission to attack athletes. Even this morning, Trump called for banning the practice of kneeling.The NFL has all sorts of rules and regulations. The only way out for them is to set a rule that you can't kneel during our National Anthem! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2017He has called out the NFL over its ratings, but he really should worry about his own dismal approval ratings.Shareblue reports: This is a huge victory for MNF after a day and full weekend of coverage of the U.S. President openly criticizing protesting athletes, calling some sons of bitches, noted the Hollywood Reporter. That big increase Monday night meant that ratings for the league s entire slate of games during the Trump controversy were up compared to last year s Week 3.The Cowboys versus Cardinals match-up posted a massive rating boost, with 63 percent more viewers tuning in. The Dallas Cowboys 28-17 victory over the Arizona Cardinals earned a 9.3 overnight rating according to Nielsen, according to ESPN.Instead of a big wall on our southern border, fences are being mended. Instead of giving healthcare to all Americans, Trump tried to take it away from millions and that, too, failed. Trump promised to have Hillary Clinton locked up, but instead, he s found himself plagued with scandals. Hell, Trump can t even get a boycott going.Image via Twitter
September 26, 2017
Trump Will Be Furious Because The IRS Is Sharing Info With Special Counsel Mueller
CNN is now reporting that, after months of confusion over the scope of the investigation into Russian election interference, the IRS is now working with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team. The IRS had previously also balked at the no-knock raid on former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort s home at the beginning of August.Those concerns are clearly resolved at this point, as the independent government tax agency is now voluntarily sharing information with Mueller s squad.Mueller and the IRS worked jointly with the Treasury Department to come to an agreement over the matter, which was in question because of the specifics of Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein s written order for the special counsel, which allowed for Mueller to look into any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation. Mueller s interpretation of that order included years of tax filings, as possible evidence of financial crimes.According to CNN, the IRS had already been working with the FBI on a probe of Manafort before the election, sending criminal investigators to look into potential tax evasion and money laundering. The IRS is also sharing information with Mueller about Michael Flynn, although it is uncertain if Flynn was being investigated for anything similar prior to November.To be perfectly clear, the IRS s previous objections to the Manafort raid were not over its propriety, but whether or not it would interfere with their own investigation of Manafort, whose dealings with former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych made him suspect in almost every way back here on American soil. IRS agents declined to participate in the raid, which Mueller elected to go ahead with using only FBI agents for assistance. Once inside, the team gathered up tax and other financial documents, which have since prompted Mueller s team to warn Manafort that they intend to charge him with tax and financial crimes.All of this, of course, brings back the question of whether or not Robert Mueller will have or whether he already does have access to Donald Trump s tax returns. There is little doubt that if the investigation turns up evidence of financial crimes committed by either Manafort or Flynn, the next logical place to look for evidence of collusion is in Trump s own returns.And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the last thing Donald Trump wants.Featured image via Andrew Burton/Getty Images
September 26, 2017
One Republican Senator Is So Fed Up With Trump He’s Retiring In 2018
Donald Trump has been a thorn in Senator Bob Corker s side for quite some time, but especially since the mess that was The Donald s disgraceful response to the deadly racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. After Trump offered a defense of the neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and white supremacists, Corker said:Featured image via Chip Somodevilla via Getty images
September 26, 2017
Four Star General Blisters Trump Over NFL Anthem-Tantrums: ‘Put Me Down With Kaepernick’
A backlash has ensued after Donald Trump launched a war against black athletes who choose to sit rather than stand during the national anthem in protest of racial inequality and police brutality. Gen. Michael Hayden, a retired United States Air Force four-star general, who served in the military for 39 years, penned a column which savages the former reality show star over his NFL Twitter tantrums. At first, Hayden wasn t enthusiastic about throwing his support behind Colin Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback who started the silent protest of kneeling during the anthem.Hayden, who served as national security adviser and head the CIA after he left the military, wrote that the issues Kaepernick raised were both real and sincerely held. But then Trump crossed the line when he spoke to a crowd in deep red Alabama and called black athletes who kneel sons of bitches. Hayden wrote that it s the way he has previously treated other groups like Mexicans (murderers and rapists), intelligence professionals (Nazis), immigrants (deeply unfair), refugees (dangerous), and Muslims (they hate us). As a 39-year military veteran, I think I know something about the flag, the anthem, patriotism, and I think I know why we fight, he wrote. It s not to allow the president to divide us by wrapping himself in the national banner. I never imagined myself saying this before Friday, but if now forced to choose in this dispute, put me down with Kaepernick. Trump lashes out at everyone, especially minorities in order to rile up his base. He literally loves conflict and chaos. When you elect a former reality show star to lead the most powerful country on earth, you re begging for controversy and that s what Trump s base wants. Trump had zero political experience for the job he seems to loathe so much and yet, here he is. Trump uses his Twitter account to divide the nation, and sometimes to try to start a war.After Trump is out of office, we re really going to have to Make America Great Again but it will take years to correct all of the harm he s done to this country.Photo: Alex Wong via Getty Images
September 26, 2017
Trumpcare Is Officially Dead, Senator Collins Confirms She’s Voting No
Graham-Cassidy, the latest and worst in a line of Republican healthcare bills collectively dubbed Trumpcare, looks dead. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) just joined Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Rand Paul (R-KY) as one of the few to break party lines and refuse to vote for the bill. While not everyone is against the bill for the best of reasons, Susan Collins could not have been more clear about the many issues she had with the legislation.Here s her statement: First, both proposals make sweeping changes and cuts in the Medicaid program. Expert projections show that more than $1 trillion would be taken out of the Medicaid program between the years 2020 and 2036. This would have a devastating impact to a program that has been on the books for 50 years and provides health care to our most vulnerable citizens, including disabled children and low-income seniors.Second, both bills open the door for states to weaken protections for people with pre-existing conditions, such as asthma, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. Some states could allow higher premiums for individuals with pre-existing conditions, potentially making their insurance unaffordable. States could also limit specific categories of benefits for Affordable Care Act policies, such as eliminating coverage for mental health or substance abuse treatment.Third, physicians, patient advocates, insurers, and hospitals agree that both versions of this legislation would lead to higher premiums and reduced coverage for tens of millions of Americans.The CBO s analysis on the earlier version of the bill, incomplete though it is due to time constraints, confirms that this bill will have a substantially negative impact on the number of people covered by insurance.There has been some discussion that the new version of the bil includes additional money for my home state of Maine. The fact is, Maine still loses money under whichever version of the Graham-Cassidy bill we consider because the bills use what could be described as a give with one hand, take with the other distribution model. Huge Medicaid cuts down the road more than offset any short-term influx of money. But even more important, if Senators can adjust a funding formula over a weekend to help a single state, they could just as easily adjust that formula to hurt that state. This is simply not the way that we should be approaching an important and complex issue that must be handled thoughtfully and fairly for all Americans. There you have it Susan Collins just hammered the final nail into Trumpcare s coffin.On September 30th, a special rule allowing Republicans to pass legislation with only a simple majority (50 votes and a tiebreak) will expire. After that, any healthcare legislation that Republicans want to pass will have to get at least eight Democrats on board.Republicans can t govern or even get their own party to agree, so good luck with that.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
September 26, 2017
‘We Know Where You Live’: Trump-Loving Terrorist Threatens All Who Attack ‘The White Race’ (VIDEO)
Meet James Stachowiak. If he looks familiar, you may remember him as the guy who made headlines for telling his fellow patriots to shoot black women and children in the heads if they were seen simply exiting a store during the Ferguson protests. If you re unfamiliar well boy are you in for a treat!Stachowiak has by now cemented himself as one of the dumbest human beings on the internet, on par with right-wing agitator Charles Johnson and alt-right fake news creator Jim Hoft. In his latest video, the self-described leader of the patriot movement (a phrase synonymous with right-wing terrorist groups) has a threat to issue to those he perceives to be an-tee-fa (Antifa in English): if you f*ck with the white race you re dead. Since we the patriot movement don t see color, I am now going to pull this mask over my face, Stachowiak tells his fellow patriots as he pulls a red white and blue mask down. The sheepdogs are watching you. 200 million weapons in this country possessed by We the People,' Stachowiak says. 12 trillion rounds of ammunition and you people don t even know which bathroom to use? We grow stronger and more outraged every day. You want to destroy this country and the white race, Stachowiak adds. We have news for you. The sheepdogs have one mind. We love our country and we want it back. You will never know who we are, Stachowiak, who posted the video to Facebook under his real name, says. You will never know where we are. He then lays out a plan the patriot movement has to lure people they don t like into dark alleys and abandoned buildings to kill them.According to Stachowiak, members of the patriot movement are stalking those they think are planning insurrection and gathering intel to use against them. We will use it against you, Stachowiak says. We will create panic in your ranks, fear in your hearts, we will cause you to turn on each other like animals. We know where you live, where you work, where you go to school, Stachowiak says. We are looking over your shoulder. The sheepdogs are always watching. We are patriots. We are the new Minutemen. We will defend the flock. We will come for you. There will be no rules of combat or as the military says rules of engagement, Stachowiak says. There will be nowhere for you to run, nowhere for you to hide You will lie upon the earth until you are buried in it. Don t worry, though. He s not a terrorist. Just loves his country and stuff.Watch it below:Featured image via screenshot
September 26, 2017
The Only Pittsburgh Steeler To Stand For National Anthem Speaks Out, And Trump Fans Will HATE It
Conservatives cheered when Pittsburgh Steeler Alejandro Villanueva, who s also a combat veteran, came out and stood for the national anthem while the rest of the team stayed in the locker room. They won t be happy with what Villanueva has said about it since, though. They think he s just like them, a jingoist among a sport full of traitors to America, and this is really going to ruin that.First off, it doesn t look like Villanueva intended to be defiant this way:Villenueva asked Ben after Sat night meeting if he could be out in front with captains. Agreed to. Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Villenueva turned around when the Bears fan flag came in, he looked back to his teammates,then the anthem started. He couldn t walk out then Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017So it looks like there might have been some miscommunication about what they were doing, or maybe that Villanueva wasn t totally sure what the team had agreed to do.He also said he knew, every time he saw the flag on a fellow soldier s shoulder during a mission, that they were fighting for each other. He also did say, People die for the flag; there s no way else to put it There s nothing else that would justify dying for that mission. (It s likely the mission he meant was whatever mission he and his fellow soldiers were on, rather than the mission of fighting for the flag that Trump fans are glomming onto).But it s what he says about how he feels about what happened that will have Trump fans seething. Seriously:Alejandro Villanueva: This national anthem ordeal has sort of been out of control, and there s a lot of blame on myself Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Villenueva: I made coach Tomlin look bad, and that is my fault and my fault only. I made my teammates look bad, and that is my fault only Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Alejandro Villanueva: Unfortunately, I threw (my teammates) under the bus, unintentionally. Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Alejandro Villaneuva: Every single time I see that picture of me standing by myself, I feel embarrassed. Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Al Villanueva: For anybody who thinks that Coach Tomlin is not as patriotic as you can get in America I m offended by that. Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Villanueva: We as a team tried to figure it out, obviously we butchered it . I m not gonna pretend I have some kind of righteous voice. Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Alejandro Villaneuva: I will support all my teammates, and all my teammates and all my coaches have always supported me. Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017And then there s this:Villenueva says he absolutely would be OK if teammates kneeled or sat during the anthem. Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Al Villanueva says some players who have been kneeling during anthems have approached him after/before games and thanked him for his service Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Al Villenueva: Every single one of my teammates is extremely supportive and extremely patriotic. I can honestly said that. Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Al Villaneuva: The team meeting that we had on Saturday night brought the whole team together. Absolutely, We had great conversations. Chris Adamski (@C_AdamskiTrib) September 25, 2017Trump fans really don t understand why people are so angry at them for whining about professional athletes not standing for the national anthem. The jingoism is dangerously strong among them, along with the cluelessness and blind followership. In fact, many of them are on the above thread and totally, utterly and completely misunderstanding it. They aren t the patriots they believe themselves to be. Not even close.Featured image via Joe Robbins/Getty Images
September 25, 2017
Democrat Takes Trump To The Woodshed In Fiery Speech Defending NFL (VIDEO)
Donald Trump is getting absolutely hammered for his recent attacks on NFL players who refuse to stand during the National Anthem in a stand against social injustice. Trump has tried his hardest to pass off those attacks as a defense of patriotism, but most Americans know that Trump is simply trying to mask what are obviously remarks fueled by his own racism and one Democrat is calling him out for it.Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., blasted Trump on the House floor on Monday and attacked the undeserving POTUS for his pathetic attacks on athletes such as Stephen Curry, Lebron James and the NFL players. In his powerful, fiery speech, Jeffries asked the question that most of us would like to know: How dare Donald lecture us on what s patriotic?! You can watch this epic speech below:Just defended @StephenCurry30 @KingJames @Kaepernick7 on House floor. How dare donald lecture us on what s patriotic?! pic.twitter.com/wfbtDajTLD Hakeem Jeffries (@RepJeffries) September 25, 2017And that s not the only time Jeffries has spoken out against Trump about the POTUS recent attacks on athletes. In an interview with CNN, Jeffries called Trump a racial arsonist and stated that Trump was causing controversy just to keep his dwindling conservative fan base happy and engaged. Jeffries said: He uses race to advance his own ends. We couldn t have said it better. It is no coincidence that Trump s fan base are practically just white supremacists who he has repeatedly failed to denounce because he doesn t want to lost the only support he has left. Trump knows that his fans are losing interest and patience after all of his broken campaign promises, so he creates these scandals and spews nonsense to distract everyone and remind his racist fans why they voted for him in the first place. Trump s remarks about the NFL are disgusting and deserve to be condemned again and again.Featured image is a screenshot
September 25, 2017
Fox News Just Proved Trump Is Using Fake Video To Try To Start War With Iran
On Saturday, Donald Trump tweeted a dire warning about Iran test-firing a missile, and proclaiming that the country was working with North Korea, whatever that means. The tweet was easy to overlook, since it was part of a litany of unhinged rants about Obamacare, Alabama s special election, a basketball player, the National Football League, and his idea of patriotism.Iran just test-fired a Ballistic Missile capable of reaching Israel.They are also working with North Korea.Not much of an agreement we have! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017Literally 21 minutes later, Trump was back to talking about repealing healthcare for millions of Americans and calling John McCain a coward, and 5 minutes after that, Trump was back to the NFL. Like I said, I don t blame you if you missed it.Thankfully, the tweet is still there. That could come in handy, should anyone decide to do anything about the fact that he was either lying or a complete moron. Or even more disturbingly, that the President of the United States is using fake video to start a war with Iran. Or perhaps Donald Trump simply didn t recognize the exact same footage that he put Iran on notice for at the beginning of February:Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile.Should have been thankful for the terrible deal the U.S. made with them! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 2, 2017Fox News, the President s very favorite for of media, is now reporting that the missile launch that Trump was referring to on Saturday was in fact video from a launch in January. There was no missile fired on Saturday Iranian media was simply showing what the missile they included in a parade that day was capable of.Conducting international affairs via social media is nothing new for Donald Trump. It was scarcely hours before he had casually threatened North Korea with total nuclear annihilation via Twitter. By tomorrow, the US may find itself embroiled in World War Three if someone doesn t take that idiot s cell phone away from him.Sadly, nothing would make Trump happier than a new conflict, since wartime presidents are far more popular and important than those who govern peacefully over periods of expansion and global goodwill.That s what war would mean to Donald Trump: Ratings.Featured image via Majid/Getty Images
September 25, 2017
WATCH: GOP Senator Yawns As Disabled Healthcare Protesters Are Being Dragged Away By Cops
Republicans are desperately trying to repeal Obamacare in order to substitute it with a sh*t sandwich. The Graham-Cassidy bill is so bad that experts, including hospitals, doctors, and AARP have all warned against the dangerous proposal which will leave millions uninsured. During the hearings in the Senate today, Democrat Ron Wyden asked Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy for a yes or no answer over whether the bill protects people with pre-existing conditions. Wyden didn t get an answer to that question.Disabled protesters with ADAPT which stands for Americans Disabled Attendant Programs Today chanted No cuts to Medicaid, save our liberty! Those protesters will be the forgotten Americans in the GOP s travesty of a bill.Sen. Orrin Hatch told the crowd that, if you can t remain quiet, then get the heck out. Orrin Hatch gavels back in and tells the crowd that, if you can't remain quiet, "then get the heck out." Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) September 25, 2017 If the hearing is going to devolve into a sideshow or a forum for simply putting partisan points on the board, there s absolutely no reason for us to be here, Hatch added.The disturbing visual of disabled Americans being arrested was what you d call bad optics.Some Senators have stayed to watch the ongoing arrests. pic.twitter.com/bBuPskNFcE Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) September 25, 2017Bill Cassidy just sat there with no f*cks to give over disabled Americans being dragged out and arrested.Bill Cassidy doesn't seem to be phased. pic.twitter.com/3Ioi7aa2ZH Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) September 25, 2017More bad optics.Wow. pic.twitter.com/VOlQHBksPy Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) September 25, 2017And here is Bill Cassidy literally yawning while people are fighting for their lives.Bill Cassidy is literally yawning as protestors are carried away. pic.twitter.com/TqINKjrLx6 Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) September 25, 2017A majority of Americans said in a recent poll that they disapprove of Republican legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare, while less than 10 percent said they believed the GOP proposal would help them, according to Politico. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) came out on Friday in opposition to the bill. Sen. Rand Paul isn t too keen on the bill either, and Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) haven t taken a position on the bill, but the former is expected to vote against it.Hopefully, today s bad optics will help them to decide because there s a long line of people outside of the hearings being arrested and processed.Image via screen capture.
September 25, 2017
Target Just Made A Major Move That’s Going To Blow Conservative Minds (VIDEO)
Conservatives, who are notoriously anti-labor, are going to be outraged by the move Target just made.Target will be raising their national minimum wage to $15 by 2020, starting with an immediate raise next month. Here s more via Jessica Castro, an anchor for ABC7 out of the Bay Area:#breaking Target will increase its minimum wage nationwide to $15 by 2020; If you work there, this means RAISES next month! #livedesk pic.twitter.com/0BXcHJoBdC Jessica Castro (@JessicaABC7) September 25, 2017Republicans have repeatedly tried to make the case that raising wages kills jobs and raises prices, but that s not true. Target is making the right call. The current federal minimum wage, at $7.25, is extremely low compared to historic averages when adjusted for inflation.In fact, when you adjust for inflation, the minimum wage has steadily dropped since 1968.Republicans also try to make the case that most minimum wage workers have just entered the workforce and are not supporting families on their income (i.e. are students). This, too, is false. Less than half of minimum wage workers are aged 16-24. Additionally, tens of millions of hardworking Americans are paid nearly minimum wage, and would also be affected by proposed raises. It s not high schoolers with after-school jobs being paid minimum wage it s anybody working a job at a business that can get away with shifting the burden of its employees to the public.And make no mistake if you re a taxpayer, you re supporting underpaid employees. People working full-time (or part-time and can t get more hours) who are under the poverty line are eligible for benefits, and many choose to take them, being partial to eating and whatnot. That means if a business isn t paying their employees enough to eat, the government has to subsidize that employee. If a business can t afford a living wage, it has no right to exist.From Pew Research:While the idea of raising the minimum wage is broadly popular, a Pew Research Center survey this past August found clear partisan and racial differences in support. Overall, 52% of people favored increasing the federal minimum to $15 an hour, but that idea was favored by just 21% of Trump supporters (versus 82% of Clinton backers). And while large majorities of blacks and Hispanics supported a $15 federal minimum wage, 54% of whites opposed it.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
September 25, 2017
Republican Governor Helped Kill 11 Elderly People By Deleting Their Messages Begging For Help
Hurricane Irma, one of the most powerful Atlantic storms ever recorded, was responsible for the deaths of at least 102 people, 44 of whom were in the Caribbean. Of the fatalities recorded in the mainland US, at least 50 were in Florida, 11 of which were due to the stifling conditions inside a South Florida nursing home after it lost power. Those 11 deaths could have possibly been avoided if Republican Florida Governor Rick Scott had heeded the emergency calls he had received about the worsening conditions in the home.A criminal Probe has been opened into the tragedy at the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hill, a nursing home in Hollywood, Florida, north of Miami, where five bodies were found inside the home itself, with more patients dying later in a nearby hospital. The Vice President of The Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills, Natasha Anderson, attempted to contact Governor Scott by phone on four separate occasions in the two days leading up to the death of the first patient, leaving a message each time about the worsening conditions inside the home and asking for immediate assistance. When Scott s office was contacted in regards to the messages, a spokeswoman said, The voicemails were not retained. In what could amount to possible charges of criminal negligence against Scott, the spokeswoman wrote in an email: The voicemails were not retained because the information from each voicemail was collected by the Governor s staff and given to the proper agency for handling. Despite Anderson s claims that she requested immediate assistance, Scott has stated that nobody from the nursing home said the patients were in Danger or that the situation was at crisis level.Anderson called Florida Power and Light after the 152-bed facility lost power to its air-conditioning at around 3pm on September 10. FPL said they would have crews dispatched the next morning, but to no avail so on the evening of September 11, Anderson called a cellphone number provided by Scott during a conference call prior to the emergency in which he claimed they could contact him him if trouble arose, however, she was only able to get his voicemail. She tried three more times the following day, met with the same result. Patients at the home began to suffer from a variety of health problems between 3am and 6am on the morning of September 13, some of whom had body temperatures recorded as high as 109 . None of this changes the fact that this facility chose not to call 911 or evacuate their patients to the hospital across the street to save lives, a spokeswoman noted. I am going to work to aggressively demand answers on how this tragic event took place, Governor Rick Scott said in a statement. This situation is unfathomable. Every facility that is charged with caring for patients must take every action and precaution to keep their patients safe. The governor has since shut off the facility s Medicare and Medicaid funding.Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images
September 25, 2017
People Upset By NFL Players ‘Disrespecting’ The Flag Do It CONSTANTLY, According To The Flag Code
Maybe you re a little confused, like me, about when exactly the American flag took the place of the First Amendment to the Constitution. After all, I have a sister older than the current American flag. But conservatives sure do like symbols, and their assumption that everyone else does as much as they do is probably why the outrage over NFL players taking a knee, or sitting, or otherwise not properly respecting American symbolism has captured the zeitgeist in the country this football season.But what does respect for the flag actually mean, and is there a double standard? One Twitter user had a pretty spectacular take on whether there just might be a little hypocrisy at play in all of the criticism of those ungrateful black multi-millionaires who dare to protest in a way that s unacceptable to white people. HennyWise is a third generation veteran of the armed forces, and his outline of ways that America completely ignores the disrespect that doesn t bother them or even makes them happy is a primer on the United States Flag Code. Setting aside the fact that a significant number of sports fans may in fact be getting a beer at concessions during the national anthem and display of the colors, there are a number of regulations that Americans don t seem to mind breaking:Let s jump right in US Flag Code: Chapter 10.176C The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free. pic.twitter.com/a9niowcX5f HennyWise (@koopa_kinte) September 23, 2017US Flag Code: Chapter 10.176D The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. pic.twitter.com/z3rywoKDtO HennyWise (@koopa_kinte) September 23, 2017Here s a popular violationUS Flag Code Chapter 10.176I The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. pic.twitter.com/OMNzTurFaD HennyWise (@koopa_kinte) September 23, 2017US Flag Code Chapter 10.176I (pt 2) It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like pic.twitter.com/xHG3sypUrA HennyWise (@koopa_kinte) September 23, 2017US Flag Code Chapter 10.176I (pt3) or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. pic.twitter.com/WVvQVjD6qG HennyWise (@koopa_kinte) September 23, 2017Since it s Saturday US Flag Code Chapter 10.176J No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. pic.twitter.com/7R8sZmqcp1 HennyWise (@koopa_kinte) September 23, 2017Not covered in the Respect for Flag section; standing/kneeling/sitting. That s considered a conduct violation, not disrespectful. HennyWise (@koopa_kinte) September 23, 2017Signed,A 3rd Generation Vet HennyWise (@koopa_kinte) September 23, 2017Another user pointed out one small thing that HennyWise overlooked in his synopsis of hypocrisy:Great thread. Also this:#TakeTheKnee pic.twitter.com/x9WC5cmJCv HSquared (@BlondeWarship) September 23, 2017The Flag Code also specifies that:The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind.That makes the Blue Lives Matter flag an even more direct form of disrespect than a violation of most of the other regulations would be considered.But will conservatives care? Hypocrisy has never seemed to bother them before.Featured image via Brett Carlsen/Getty Images
September 25, 2017
Billion Dollar Company Tells Employees How They’re Allowed To React On Social Media To 46% Pay Cuts
You may not be familiar with the name Unilever, but there is a good chance you have some of their products in your home right at this moment. The multi-national giant owns a lot of the brands many will most likely find in both their bathroom cabinet, such as Axe and Dove, as well as in their kitchen, with brands including Hellman s, Best Foods, and I Can t Believe It s Not Butter. The company also makes Lipton Ice Tea in a partnership with PepsiCo.But Unilever s biggest cash-cow is ice-cream, with an annual turnover of almost $6 billion. The corporation owns Ben & Jerry s, Klondike, Popsicle, and Slim Fast just to name a few, but they aren t the names that are paying the bills It s what is officially known as the Heartbrand umbrella, available in over 40 countries under different names in order to retain a sense of regional familiarity, but always recognizable by its heart-shaped logo. If you have ever eaten a Magnum or a container of Blue Ribbon, you ll understand exactly how they got so big.Like most large corporations, however, it has also been discovered that Unilever is heartless at their core. This was proven after they applied to Australia s Fair Work Commission to terminate an enterprise agreement at its Heartbrand, known as Streets, manufacturing plant in western Sydney, Australia. It s a move that would result in workers facing pay cuts of up to 46%. Furthermore, their conditions would depreciate significantly as they would also lose existing limits on overtime, redundancy conditions, and protections against the use of labor hire and contractors among other current restrictions.Now it has come to light that Unilever is also briefing employees on how they are able to react on social media to their potential significant loss of wages and workers rights. A leaked memo from the company to employees states what constitutes the breach of company policy when posting on social media about the situation, covering everything right down to commenting with emojis.Could this two-page document pave the way to further stifling employees freedom to express their dissatisfaction? Read through and decide for yourself: The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union have also taken on Unilever with their Say No To Streets campaign that allows protesters to email both the Streets Financial Officer and the factory Site Manager directly on the topic.Featured image via screenshot
September 25, 2017
Zuckerberg Was Personally Warned About Russian Meddling By Obama And He Completely Blew It Off
As the investigations into how Russia meddled in our election escalate, Facebook has turned records relating to ad buys from Russian actors over to Congress. Facebook has found itself in the crosshairs of Democrats and Republicans alike because of this (and for other reasons), and Mark Zuckerberg is finally, finally wondering if maybe he should be taking a more active role in his own company.Why? Because Facebook sold over 3,000 pro-Trump and pro-right wing ads to fake accounts run by Russians and people with ties to Russia. They turned those records over to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. They re going to re-evaluate the processes they use to review political ads, and they will supposedly offer a higher standard of transparency on those ads than what the law requires for radio, television and other platforms.For many, it s too little, too late, though. Trump was elected, a hostile foreign power helped him win, and the true scope of how Russia used and manipulated Facebook is still unknown. When they first came under fire for allowing the proliferation of fake news following Trump s win, Zuckerberg s excuse was that they were a technology company, not a media company. The implication was that they couldn t be held responsible for any of that.They re only now starting to come around to the truth, but the sad thing about this is that Zuckerberg was warned about people misusing his platform to swing the election several times. In fact, none other than President Obama himself literally pulled Zuckerberg aside during a conference in Peru to practically beg him to take the threat of fake news and disinformation seriously. Obama told Zuckerberg that, unless he actually paid attention, this would only be worse in four years.But Zuckerberg blew him off. He told Obama that such messages weren t widespread on his platform, and that there wouldn t be an easy solution to it. Like his pathetic excuse of being a tech company, Zuckerberg shirked any and all responsibility for it. Obama tried. Zuckerberg didn t really seem to care.Discovering that another country would even dare to try and influence our elections should be a horrific epiphany for any American. It s true that neither Zuckerberg, nor anyone else at Facebook (or anyone really) could have sufficiently predicted that anything like this would happen. As recently as two to three years ago, most of us would have made fun of the conspiracy theorists making bizarre claims about shady and hostile foreign actors working to swing our elections to their favor. That s reality now, but early warnings like Obama s seem to have slid right off Zuckerberg s back, as he was more concerned with his product than with how his product was being misused.Russia weaponized Facebook, and it s not over. Facebook has its part to do and they need to get to it post-haste. But another part may lie with Washington, with our lawmakers. It may well be time to apply laws similar to those that govern political advertising elsewhere to social media. Facebook hasn t yet provided many details about how they ll be transparent, especially given the fact that many of their political ads don t meet current legal definitions for political ads. They are, however, talking the talk. Now they need to walk the walk, or be forced to do so under law.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
September 25, 2017
‘Racist, Fascist, White Supremacist’: Former NFL Star Chris Kluwe Scorches Trump Over His Attacks On Atheletes
Donald Trump is facing seriously fierce blowback for his attacks on black athletes who choose to protest racism and police brutality by taking a knee during the national anthem before games. Everyone from owners to players to players to former players are giving Trump a big middle finger during Suturday s games on Sunday, and former NFL star Chris Kluwe didn t stay out of the fray. During an interview with CNN host Fredricka Whitfield, Kluwe, who believes he was blacklisted in the league for speaking out for LGBTQ rights, did not hold back. First, Whitfield asked: This display of kneeling at the national anthem on a football field started a year ago with 49er s Kaepernick and now has evolved into something else or perhaps has blossomed into the same thing but in a bigger way. Chris, what statement do you see NFL teams, owners, coaches making when they kneel, touch, lock arms on display like this? Kluwe responded: Well, I think that the players and the teams are saying that they are not going to be dictated to by a racist, fascist white supremacist who currently occupies the highest place in our government. When you look at what Donald Trump has said about speaking out against Nazis, I think it s fantastic that players and owners are now taking a stand in using the platform to speak out against this because this is not what America is. America is not a fascist military state where its devotion to the flag above all. Right now our nation is not holding up its end of the social contract, especially with communities of color. It should be a baseline right now that you can walk down the street and not get shot by a police officer for carrying a toy gun or for selling cigarettes out of the back of a car. It should not be out of the ordinary to expect that. So I m glad to see these players and owners taking a stand. Communities of color within our nation are not receiving the same level of justice that white communities are, he added. Black members of our society are far more likely to be put in prison for what white members are able to skate by on. But it s also morphed into a discussion that we have a person in charge of our society that does not understand what it means to wield the American empire, and has shown no willingness to work with minorities, with immigrants, with anyone who is not white, and that is, again, against the heart of what America stands for. Kluwe is spot on. These players do not suspend their First Amendment right when they take to the field. Further, Donald Trump should not be using the bully pulpit of the White House to try and get people fired for demonstrating for justice. These players are using their platforms to bring awareness to a very serious, and literally life or death, issue in America s communities of color. There s nothing more patriotic that they could do.Trump, on the other hand, is no patriot. Kluwe is correct Trump IS a racist, a fascist, and a white supremacist. Kudos to these sports teams for standing up to this bullying.Watch the video below:Featured image via video screen capture
September 24, 2017
Over 500 NFL Players Plan To Tell Trump To F*** Off Today In The Best Way Possible
A backlash of epic proportions ensued after Donald Trump launched a war against African-American athletes who protest by kneeling during the national anthem. The former reality show star has managed to piss off players in three major professional sports and even went so far as to call Colin Kaepernick s mother a bitch. And even this morning, the 71-year-old man crawled out of bed to rant and rage on his Twitter timeline again about black athletes silently protesting. The backlash has been fierce, with the Pittsburgh Steelers announcing that they plan to stay in their locker room for the national anthem before their game against the Chicago Bears. Multiple team members from the Ravens and Jaguars took to their knees during the anthem while the remaining players stood behind them linking arms in solidarity.The Dolphins are wearing #ImWithKap t-shirts.The Dolphins have shirts showing their support for Colin Kaepernick's push for social justice and racial equality. pic.twitter.com/OMha2xl0wj Omar Kelly (@OmarKelly) September 24, 2017 Over 500 players have communicated to me that they intend on demonstrating today, activist and writer Shaun King tweeted.Over 500 players have communicated to me that they intend on demonstrating today. Shaun King (@ShaunKing) September 24, 2017There are 14 games that will be played today, with protesting athletes totaling at least one-third of all the players.Former NFL head coach Rex Ryan, a Trump supporter who endorsed the former reality show star during the campaign last year because he says what s on his mind now says that he s appalled and pissed off at Trump over his remarks against black NFL athletes.Former NFL Commissioner Paul Tagilabue called Trump s comments on NFL players insulting and disgraceful and added that we re not entitled to shut anybody s speech down. Trump blasted the NFL this morning over its ratings but he failed to mention his own. Trump s approval numbers are the lowest of any president in the history of polling.To kneel during the national anthem is not a sign of disrespect toward our country s flag. It is actually respecting what the flag truly stands for and the rights we have as citizens of this country. Ignoring racism is disrespecting the flag.Featured image via Scott Olson/Getty Images.
September 24, 2017
Golden State Warriors Coach Just WRECKED Trump After Attack On One Of His Players
On Saturday, the man we re forced to call President Trump responded to Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry s refusal to accept an invitation to the White House by doing the internet equivalent of incoherently screeching WELL FINE, YOU RE NOT INVITED ANYWAY. Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team.Stephen Curry is hesitating,therefore invitation is withdrawn! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017Unfortunately for Trump, Warriors coach Steve Kerr has Curry s back. The idea of civil discourse with a guy who is tweeting and demeaning people and saying the things he s saying is sort of far-fetched, Kerr said on Sunday. Can you picture us really having a civil discourse with him? It was an actual chance to talk to the president, he said. After all, he works for us. He s a public servant. He may not be aware of that, but he is a public servant, right? So maybe as NBA champions, as people in a prominent position, we could go in and say, This is what s bothering us, what can we do about this?' Then he laid in to Trump for attacking black football players for exercising their First Amendment rights while calling Nazis very fine people: How about the irony of Free speech is fine if you re a neo-Nazi chanting hate slogans, but free speech is not allowed to kneel in protest? No matter how many times a football player says, I honor our military, but I m protesting police brutality and racial inequality, it doesn t matter. Nationalists are saying, You re disrespecting our flag. Well, you know what else is disrespectful to our flag? Racism. And one s way worse than the other. Trump is a constant embarrassment to our country.Watch Kerr rip him apart below:Featured image via video screen capture
September 24, 2017
WATCH: Trump’s Treasury Sec. Steve Mnuchin Says NFL Players Have No Right To Free Speech
Donald Trump is clearly violating the free speech rights of NFL players, and his weaselly Treasury Secretary supports it.As we all know, Trump has been waging a war against the NFL since calling quarterback Colin Kaepernick a son of a bitch on Friday night and demanding that NFL team owners fire players who kneel during the national anthem. On Saturday night, and into Sunday morning, Trump lashed out at the NFL in a tirade that made it clear that Trump opposes free speech and the Constitution that protects it.If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL,or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017 our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU RE FIRED. Find something else to do! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017Roger Goodell of NFL just put out a statement trying to justify the total disrespect certain players show to our country.Tell them to stand! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2017 NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN. Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2017That s right. Trump accused an American business of being anti-American for not firing players who kneel during the anthem in protest of police brutality and racial injustice. In short, Trump ordered the NFL to fire players who exercise their freedom of speech and expression. That means the government is now actively trying to force private institutions to silence and punish free speech.And Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin agreed with what Trump is doing, and even went full hypocrite by defending Trump s vile language. The owners should have a rule that players should have to stand and have respect for the national anthem, Mnuchin told ABC host Martha Raddatz. This isn t about Democrats, this isn t about Republicans, it s not about race, it s not about free speech. They can do free speech on their own time. The Constitution protects freedom of speech. This is something that Mnuchin clearly does not understand, which should automatically disqualify him from being in government.When asked about Trump s language, Mnuchin argued that the president can use whatever language he wants to use. In other words, white racists like Trump have freedom of speech, but black NFL players do not.Mnuchin then butchered the First Amendment even further by claiming that NFL players only have the right to have the First Amendment off the field. And that s complete bullshit. Clearly, Mnuchin failed basic civics in school.Here s the video via YouTube.The government, including the president, can t order a business to violate the free speech rights of their employees. Donald Trump owes an apology to the players whom he offended with his outrageously divisive remarks. No one can be forced to stand for the national anthem, just as no child can be forced to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It s unconstitutional.Featured image via video screen capture
September 24, 2017
Trump Declares War On NFL In Early Morning Twitter MELTDOWN
Donald Trump is now obsessed with attacking the NFL.On Friday night, Trump demanded that NFL team owners fire any player who kneels during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and called NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick a son of a bitch. Seriously, Trump just publicly insulted a private citizen and called for dozens of firings. This is the so-called President of the United States.Apparently, Trump is tired of North Korea not giving in to his demands so he picked a new target closer to home.After much criticism, Trump jumped on Twitter to throw a temper tantrum on Saturday night.If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL,or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017 our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU RE FIRED. Find something else to do! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017Roger Goodell of NFL just put out a statement trying to justify the total disrespect certain players show to our country.Tell them to stand! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017But Trump clearly went to bed angry because he woke up early on Sunday morning to continue his hissy fit.If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2017 NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN. Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2017That s right, Trump literally just called for a boycott of an American business because it s not racist enough and suggested that the NFL is anti-American for not punishing players for exercising their constitutional rights. Kneeling during the national anthem is a protest against racial injustice, and so far, it has been working. Attention has been brought to the issue. But Trump wants owners to start firing players who kneel or force them to stand, which would likely see a bunch of lawsuits filed against the NFL.Refusing to stand during the national anthem is protected as free speech and expression by the Constitution. It would be like forcing kids to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance in school, which is what Trump will probably do next after he gets humiliated by the NFL.The NFL can do that by making sure Colin Kaepernick gets signed by a team. And every NFL player should kneel during the anthem in solidarity with their fellow teammates. Their teammates are under attack by Donald Trump now. It s time to kneel together, not just to protest racism, but to protest him as well. Because Trump is the biggest racist of them all.Featured Image: David Becker / Stringer via Getty
September 24, 2017
Trump Just Threatened To Murder 25 Million People Because Words Offended Him
On Saturday night, Donald Trump once again casually threatened nuclear war against the country of North Korea. The last time he did that, he came back with an arguably weak package of sanctions, which penalized only individuals doing business with the dictatorship. This time, Snowflake Trump was triggered by North Korea s Foreign Minister speaking at the UN.Ri Yong Ho told the assembly that the week s exchange of insults between Trump and his apparent arch-nemesis Kim Jong Un made our rocket s visit to the entire US mainland inevitable all the more, apparently threatening to aim North Korean missiles directly at the United States. The isolated peninsular nation, by all accounts, is years away from developing technology that will actually reach us.Trump fired back:Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won't be around much longer! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2017Trump has now added an adjective to his new nickname for Kim, further Trumpifying Rocket Man into what he surely believes is a dagger through the heart of the 33-year-old dictator. They won t be around, of course, includes the 25 million inhabitants of North Korea, as even the smallest of our nuclear weapons would cause inconceivable damage to the geographically insignificant country.Trump is undoubtedly attempting to deflect some attention away from his weekend misadventures in Alabama, which earned him the scorn of every sports fan in America over his racist call for NFL owners to fire players who kneel during the national anthem. Unpatriotic, he calls it. I don t think Donald Trump knows what patriotism is.It certainly isn t making America look like a global bully that takes offense at the most meaningless of statements from a hostile foreign minister.Featured image via Spencer Platt/Getty Images
September 24, 2017
Former Director Of National Intelligence Says Russia Interference Casts Doubt On Trump’s Win
James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence under President Barack Obama, appeared on CNN s Erin Burnett Out Front on Friday night, and he told Burnett just what many Americans have suspected since January. Speaking about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, Clapper told her that the intelligence community had met with Donald Trump prior to his inauguration. In that briefing, he and other intel chiefs discussed with Trump a joint assessment by the CIA, FBI, and NSA that concluded that the interference was significant enough to warrant concerns over the outcome of the election: Our intelligence community assessment did, I think, serve to cast doubt on the legitimacy of his victory in the election. Although Clapper didn t say it in the interview, the unspoken implication is that this message may have prompted Trump s ridiculous overreactions to his inaugural crowd size, the myth that millions of illegals voted in the election, and any number of other actions and statements that led to the creation of Trump s laughable Commission on Election Integrity, which has, thus far, served only as a vehicle for promoting voter suppression.Clapper s CNN appearance was timely. It came just a short while after Trump went back to his favorite outlet, Twitter, to vent his frustrations for the millionth time:The Russia hoax continues, now it's ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favor of Crooked Hillary? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2017Unfortunately for Trump, the fact is that the Facebook ads purchased by Russia weren t even part of that discussion with Clapper. Those weren t discovered until recently, after Facebook combed through their ad sales records and discovered hundreds of fake Russian profiles buying pro-Trump and pro-conservative ads on the social media platform during the campaign. That means that completely independent of any allegations about ad buying, the intelligence community had already concretely agreed that Russia helped Trump win the election.Even after the transition to Trump s administration and Cabinet, the investigation into Russian interference produced the same responses from different intel chiefs. When Senator Mark Warner, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, asked Trump s own CIA head and his new Director of National Intelligence whether they believed that Russian intelligence agencies were responsible for the hacks and leaks that led to the investigation, both Mike Pompeo and Dan Coats agreed.Clapper told Burnett that Trump s demeanor during the January briefing has been completely different than his behavior since he was inaugurated, calling the earlier Trump solicitous, courteous, [and] even complimentary when he sat down with the agencies.Trump is getting more than a little nervous now, and this interview with James Clapper sheds light on his renewed efforts to brush aside the Russia investigation.Watch:Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
September 23, 2017
Colin Kaepernick’s Mother Fires Back At Trump For Calling Him A ‘Son Of A B*tch’
On Friday, Donald Trump attacked NFL players such as Colin Kaepernick at a rally for Alabama Senate candidate Luther Strange (R). The amateur president called on NFL owners to fire players for taking a knee rather than standing during the national anthem. Wouldn t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, Trump said, adding, He is fired. Colin Kaepernick s mother wasn t having any of it. Do not mess with her son. Guess that makes me a proud bitch! Teresa Kaepernick tweeted.Guess that makes me a proud bitch! Teresa Kaepernick (@B4IleaveU) September 23, 2017While Puerto Rico remains devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the so-called president is busy attacking black athletes.Stephen Curry, a Golden State Warriors guard and two-time NBA MVP, said that he wasn t interested in visiting the White House to celebrate the team s 2017 championship. He added that he would wait to see how the team feels as a group. Curry said his reasons for not wanting to visit the White House were that we basically don t stand for what our president has said, and the things he hasn t said at the right time, according to SF Gate. By not going, hopefully, it will inspire some change for what we tolerate in this country and what we stand for, what is accepted and what we turn a blind eye toward. So, Trump tweeted a response. Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team. Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn! Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team.Stephen Curry is hesitating,therefore invitation is withdrawn! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017That s right, he can t break up with Trump. Trump is breaking up with him first, so there!NBA star LeBron James fired back at Trump over his tweet, calling him a bum on Saturday. You bum @StephenCurry30 already said he ain t going! So therefore ain t no invite, James tweeted. Going to White House was a great honor until you showed up! James tweeted.U bum @StephenCurry30 already said he ain't going! So therefore ain't no invite. Going to White House was a great honor until you showed up! LeBron James (@KingJames) September 23, 2017LeSean McCoy, running back for the Buffalo Bills tweeted, It s really sad man our president is a asshole. It's really sad man our president is a asshole Lesean McCoy (@CutonDime25) September 23, 2017Mrs. Kaepernick retweeted that.After a backlash, Trump took to his Twitter account. If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem, he tweeted. If not, YOU RE FIRED. Find something else to do! Welp, if a president disrespects our country then he should be fired.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty images.
September 23, 2017
WATCH: Bill Maher Hilariously Explains Why Trump Ditched McConnell And Ryan For Chuck And Nancy
Republicans have been furious with Donald Trump lately. He blindsided them by ditching House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-NY), now dubbed his new friends, Chuck and Nancy. However, Bill Maher, host of HBO s Real Time, seems to think that there is a very simple answer to this: Trump relates to Chuck and Nancy because he has the big city life in common with them. Using the children s book The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse to illustrate his point, Maher says: Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, they re city mice, and that s who a consummate New Yorker like Donald Trump relates to. Maher then goes on to say that, prior to running for the presidency as a Republican, Trump would never be caught dead hanging around with a traveling Bible salesman like Paul Ryan, or a corny, countrified goober like Mitch McConnell. For Christ s sakes the man is from Kentucky. Jeff Sessions is from Alabama. When he talks, all Trump hears is a tiny little Earnest movie. Maher then takes on Vice President Mike Pence, saying: And Mike Pence? It must be torture for Trump to be in the White House every day with that homespun, Christian, tightly wound human hard on. He literally won t dine with an unchaperoned woman. Meanwhile, Trump has spent his entire life posing with a shit-eating grin that says look at all the pussy I m getting. At the end of the monologue, Maher gives a brutal message to so-called Real Americans: I hate to break it to you, but what Trump likes about Chuck and Nancy, is that they re not you. This is absolutely true. Before running for president, Donald Trump was a typical New York Democrat. He doesn t give a shit about social issues or religion, and he sure as hell doesn t give a shit about the fools who put him in office. His own kids couldn t vote for him in New York s GOP primary because they were registered as Democrats. He s given bunches of money to Democratic politicians for years. Trump is no Republican. He just knew he could play that side of the aisle for fools, when he d never have had a chance running as a Democrat.Furthermore, Trump would never be caught dead hanging with any of the people who voted for him. And all those countrified middle American women who say that he can grab their pussies any time? Yeah, he wouldn t touch you with someone else s dick.Too bad those voters would vote for this guy again in a heartbeat.Featured image via video screen capture
September 23, 2017
Trump’s Making It Harder To Sign Up For Obamacare On Purpose, Even If The GOP Doesn’t Pass Anything
The Trump administration has announced even more impediments to signing up for health insurance through Healthcare.Gov, the website set up during the creation of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. Donald Trump has been steadfast in his insistence that Obamacare is failing, despite a wealth of evidence that it is not. So to make it appear as though the ACA is on its last legs, Trump has devised multiple ways to ensure that enrollment is as hard as humanly possible.The latest scheme was first reported by Kaiser Health News Phil Galewitz:..@HHSGov did a webinar with Assisters today, disclosing its plan to shut down @HHSGov on most Sundays during open enrollment season pic.twitter.com/fOF9AlKFo8 Phil Galewitz (@philgalewitz) September 22, 2017That s right: The Department of Health and Human Services, run by Tom Price, the man currently under intense scrutiny for his unethical use of taxpayer money to charter private jets for personal travel, has announced downtimes for the government website, and they are insane. All websites occasionally have downtime for maintenance, of course, but HHS is actually reserving 12 hours every single Sunday during open enrollment that the website will be inaccessible.HHS had already done their best to stifle participation in Obamacare by cutting the enrollment period in half and reducing advertising and promotional funds for the ACA by ninety percent. The Department also cut funding and grants for navigators, or health care specialists who help enrollees find coverage that s suitable for them, to the states by forty percent.The new roadblock means that, of the limited time working people actually have to get on the website and sign up, a huge chunk of free time has just been eliminated that could have been used. Make no mistake: The Trump administration knows that Sundays are the only day many Americans have free time. And the signup process, though easy, does take some time to complete.Just like his efforts toward voter suppression, Trump is using the power of the federal government to literally harm Americans who just want to avail themselves of a service that is offered. Hopefully the legions of people who benefit from the ACA who showed up at town halls across the country this summer understand that there is still nothing wrong with the system as it is other than that it s not single-payer and will remember Trump and the GOP s betrayal when they head to the voting booth next time.Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images
September 23, 2017
Trump Insults John McCain For Refusing To Strip Healthcare From Millions Of Americans
John McCain survived brutal torture and six years as a prisoner of war during Vietnam. If Donald Trump thinks he can intimidate him, he should think again.On Friday, the Arizona senator released a statement announcing his intention to vote against the Graham-Cassidy bill that Republicans have introduced to repeal Obamacare.The bill would strip healthcare from 30 million Americans, and turn Medicaid into a block grant program that would cease to exist after a few years. The bill also gives states the power to obtain waivers so that insurance companies can discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions. America s healthcare system would be thrown into dire chaos, and Trump is absolutely okay with that.McCain is not.The issue is too important, and too many lives are at risk, for us to leave the American people guessing from one election to the next whether and how they will acquire health insurance. A bill of this impact requires a bipartisan approach.Senators Alexander and Murray have been negotiating in good faith to fix some of the problems with Obamacare. But I fear that the prospect of one last attempt at a strictly Republican bill has left the impression that their efforts cannot succeed. I hope they will resume their work should this last attempt at a partisan solution fail.I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal. I believe we could do better working together, Republicans and Democrats, and have not yet really tried. Nor could I support it without knowing how much it will cost, how it will effect insurance premiums, and how many people will be helped or hurt by it. Without a full CBO score, which won t be available by the end of the month, we won t have reliable answers to any of those questions.And for that, Trump viciously attacked McCain.John McCain never had any intention of voting for this Bill, which his Governor loves. He campaigned on Repeal & Replace. Let Arizona down! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017Arizona had a 116% increase in ObamaCare premiums last year, with deductibles very high. Chuck Schumer sold John McCain a bill of goods. Sad Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017Large Block Grants to States is a good thing to do. Better control & management. Great for Arizona. McCain let his best friend L.G. down! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017First off, block grants are not enough to cover all the people who desperately need healthcare. In fact, it limits funding to the point where state officials will have to decide who gets care and who doesn t to avoid using up the grant money on expensive treatments, which sounds a lot like a death panel.Second, Lindsey Graham s friendship with McCain does not mean they vote the same, as Graham made clear on Twitter.My friendship with @SenJohnMcCain is not based on how he votes but respect for how he s lived his life and the person he is. Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) September 22, 2017Obamacare has its flaws, but those flaws can be fixed easily with bipartisan legislation. McCain understands this and he understands that repealing Obamacare would leave tens of millions of Americans without healthcare, including millions of conservatives in red states.Donald Trump is an asshole. He wants to kill a major healthcare law just because it is known as Obamacare and because he is desperate for major legislation to sign. He hasn t even actually read the damn bill, which medical organizations and the healthcare industry agree is terrible.Besides, if Trump wanted McCain s vote so much he should have thought of that before criticizing him for being a POW.Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images
September 23, 2017
Trump Whines That The Media Wouldn’t Film His Crowd In Alabama – CNN Makes A Fool Out Of Him
Trump s desperation to convince people that the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy Against Him is real is getting way out of control. On Twitter earlier, he cried that nobody was asking about the media s totally biased coverage of Hillary during the election. He also claimed at a rally a while back that the press was turning their cameras off during his speech because they didn t want their audiences to hear what he had to say. CNN made him look stupid for that. Then tonight, in Alabama, he did it again, and CNN made him look even worse for it.He said, Fake news. They won t show this, referring to his obsession with his crowd sizes. He then went on to say: They ll say Donald Trump spoke before a small crowd in Alabama last night. It was a small crowd. A very unenthusiastic crowd. It was a terrible evening. CNN had split the screen between him and his crowd before he started this diatribe. Seriously he said this while CNN was showing his crowd. Watch below:Trump says the fake news media won t show the crowd at his rally while CNN is literally running a split screen of the crowd. pic.twitter.com/mRtPaAr38Z Jim Dalrymple II (@JimDalrympleII) September 23, 2017In fact, according to Jim Dalrymple II, CNN had been running the split screen for most of the rally.Trump might be able to convince his fans that the media is dishonest, but anyone who can actually think can see just how badly he s embarrassing himself whenever he talks about the fake news media. Give it up, Donnie. We see right through you.Featured image via Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images
September 22, 2017
Republican Senator STUNS In Town Hall, Admits GOP’s ObamaCare Repeal Will Fail (TWEETS)
There s a lot of buzz about the GOP s latest effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare. As the GOP plans to vote on the Graham-Cassidy health care bill, their previous failures are coming back to haunt them, as many people are wondering why the Republican Party even continues to try to push a health care agenda that has repeatedly failed and isn t even wanted by the majority of Americans.The GOP s fight to repeal ObamaCare has never looked as pathetic as it did today when Republican Sen. Joni Ernst admitted that this bill is as good as dead during a town hall in Iowa. In speaking about the Graham-Cassidy bill, Ernst said to much applause: I ll be honest, it seems unlikely that we ll be voting on this. Seriously, this is a major blow to the GOP. Not only are Republican senators publicly expressing doubt over this health care bill, but some top Republicans like Arizona Senator John McCain are actively going to vote against it.As it stands, most of America Republicans included want bipartisan fixes to the Affordable Care Act. The majority of the country overwhelmingly is in favor of keeping ObamaCare, but the GOP continues to ignore what the people want. Instead, they are hellbent on stripping millions of healthcare and hiking up premiums.The insane thing is that even if Graham-Cassidy fails (which it likely will), the GOP will probably just continue to draft more health care bills! They seem to learn nothing from their failures and see nothing wrong with wasting time and energy that could be used for something far more promising. Under Trump s leadership , the Republican Party has never been so ineffective obviously taking after their leader s example. No one believes in the GOP s ability to improve health care not even its own Senators.Featured image is a screenshot
September 22, 2017
Scaramucci TV Appearance Goes Off The Rails As Show Brings Special Guest To Mock Him (VIDEO)
The most infamous characters from Donald Trump s administration are resurfacing and coming back to haunt him. Just a few days ago, former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer made an appearance at the Emmys to mock his old boss, and now former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci has made a television appearance as well. Basically, Trump should be terrified if this keeps happening.Anthony Scaramucci s short-lived role in the White House was pure insanity for the entirety of its 11 days. From day one, he became polarizing and controversial, causing several actors to rush at the opportunity to imitate him including comedian Mario Cantone, who became known for his perfect impersonation of the Mooch. Little did Scaramucci know, his memorable time as Communications Director would come back to bite him in the a**.On Friday, Scaramucci appeared on The View, where he was suddenly confronted with a surprise appearance by Cantone, who called Scaramucci his doppelg nger. Cantone sat right next to Scaramucci and said: Look at this guy! He s my doppelg nger! Scaramucci was more than uncomfortable and tried to get Cantone to stop imitating him by asking semi-serious questions. Scaramucci asked: How bummed were you when I was fired? You were on your way. And then you got shot like a little bird and hit the water. You had to be bummed. Unfortunately for the Mooch, Cantone continued to imitate him and landed this epic diss: You re lucky you re here. You got nothing. Spicer got the EMMYs. You re sitting here with four bleeding heart chiacchierones. Scaramucci tried to be a good sport for the rest of the show, but he was visibly irked by Cantone s portrayal of him as he spoke about his time as Communications Director.You can watch Scaramucci hate every second of this surprise appearance below:Featured image via Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images
September 22, 2017
Michelle Obama Opens A Can Of Whoop A** On Trump Without Ever Mentioning His Name
Without even mentioning Donald Trump s name former First Lady Michelle Obama opened a can of whoop ass on his administration Thursday, saying that the White House is currently being led by fear. Mrs Obama was speaking at a tech conference in Utah, and said that her husband s presidency was built on hope, while Trump s is being led with fear, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. It isn t just us first, she said, referring to Trump s America first agenda. We live in a big country and a big world, she said. You can t just want to help someone in a hurricane and not make sure they can go to the doctor when they re sick. At the United Nations, Trump again reiterated his America First policies. As president of the United States, I will always put America first, just like you as the leaders of your countries will always and should always put your countries first, he said.Mrs. Obama said that things are tough right now and suggested that we re being tested but added that she continues to be hopeful that the political climate will improve.An audience member urged the former First Lady to run for president in 2020, but she said, Oh, no! Running for office is nowhere on the radar screen, but continuing in public service is something I will do for the rest of my life. Mrs. Obama isn t alone in her thinking of the current administration.According to a new Gallup poll, the majority of Americans think Trump lacks courage and is generally unprepared as a leader.Only 22 percent of Americans describe Trump as prepared; 25 percent said he s consistent; 28 percent said he s inspiring, and only 32 percent feel that the former reality show star is courageous.In contrast, 66 percent of Americans described President Barack Obama as a strong and decisive leader, and by 72 percent as a man willing to make hard decisions in a Gallup poll released at the same point in his first term, back in 2009.Photo by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images.
September 22, 2017
BREAKING: John McCain Breaks With His Best Senate Friend, Will Vote No On Graham-Cassidy Deathcare Bill (VIDEO)
Senator John McCain is battling an aggressive form of brain cancer that will likely kill him, and he knows this. This grave reality seems to have given him a new outlook on his role as a United States Senator. In fact, his lease on life is so new and refreshing that he is going up against his best Senate friend, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Now that McCain is firmly in the no camp, the GOP can only lose one more vote, as Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is already a hard no vote as well.This bill is even more radical than the one McCain killed before, with a drastic move on the Senate Floor as Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell looked on with his stony turtle face signaling humiliation and rage. On this bill, McCain says: I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal. Here is the full statement, via Twitter:BREAKING: Sen John McCain comes out in opposition to Graham-Cassidy: " I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal" pic.twitter.com/Xy50UPAZUo Evan Rosenfeld (@Evan_Rosenfeld) September 22, 2017His original statement in an interview was less promising, but he voiced grave concerns already, so this is really no surprise. He truly is an American hero. Here is the original interview:WATCH: Senator John McCain says he s comfortable with the Graham-Cassidy bill as long as the Arizona governor signs off on it. pic.twitter.com/f3oR1JUsKr NBC News (@NBCNews) September 19, 2017
September 22, 2017
Medicaid Directors Of All 50 States Issue Joint Statement Slamming GOP Health Bill
On Thursday, the National Association of Medicaid Directors sent Congress a devastating letter about their planned overhaul of American healthcare. The NAMD is an organization comprised of quite literally every single Medicaid chief in the country, and any statement issued by the entirety of its body is a rare thing. Ironically, the Trump era seems to have ushered in more than one situation in which there is unanimity in opposition to his policies and positions.Medicaid directors are appointed by state governors, which means that the office is filled by partisan picks. Fully 34 of the 50 states, in fact, have Republican governors, so the joint statement isn t just bipartisan it s almost hyper-partisan.That makes this sharp criticism of the Graham-Cassidy bill even more poignant:BREAKING: The bipartisan Medicaid Directors from all 50 states just issued this negative statement about Graham-Cassidy.Big. Very unusual. pic.twitter.com/ZtqaAI8hg1 Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) September 22, 2017That tweet is clickable, and each image in the tweet is clickable, but here are the important parts, in case you don t feel like popping over to Twitter. The bill makes some major changes to Medicaid funding, including a massive transfer of funds from blue states to red states, and a transition to block grants that do not account for increased membership in Medicaid programs. That is to say, states would get the same fixed amount of money no matter how many people signed up, making states with high membership among those with the lowest per-patient allowance. Taken together, the per-capita caps and the envisioned block grant would constitute the largest intergovernmental transfer of financial risk from the federal government to the states in our country s history. The scope of this work, and the resources required to support state planning and implementation activities, cannot be overstated. States will need to develop overall strategies, invest in infrastructure development, systems changes, provider and managed care plan contracting, and perform a host of other activities. The vast majority of states will not be able to do so within the two-year timeframe envisioned here, especially considering the apparent lack of federal funding in the bill to support these critical activities. With only a few legislative days left for the entire process to conclude, there clearly is not sufficient time for policymakers, Governors, Medicaid Directors, or other critical stakeholders to engage in the thoughtful deliberation necessary to ensure successful long-term reforms. The mostly-Republican board of Medicaid Directors also took the GOP to task for trying to pass this bill before getting a score from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. Usually, that s the minimum a bill must have to even be considered for a vote. But Republicans are attempting to pass this bill before the end of the month, since that s the cutoff for them to do so with a simple majority. The Senate parliamentarian ruled that budget reconciliation, the process by which bills can be passed with a simple majority, expires at the end of Fiscal Year 2017. After September, votes will once again be subject to filibusters, meaning Republicans will need to muster 60 votes for anything they want to pass, unless they take Donald Trump s advice and invoke the nuclear option in the Senate.That s unlikely to happen, and Republicans are more desperate than ever for a win in Congress. That makes Graham-Cassidy a real danger to the future of American healthcare, despite this damning letter from the NAMD, and despite the massive opposition to the bill by every medical association, most states, nearly all consumers, and even some Republicans.Buckle up, my friends. This could get ugly.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
September 22, 2017
Trump’s HHS Sec. Latest To Be Caught Spending HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS Of Tax Dollars On Luxuries
What is it with the Trump administration and spending tax dollars on things that are literal luxuries? Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services, just got busted spending taxpayer dollars traveling on private planes something to the tune of $300,000 already. Private travel on the taxpayers dime is apparently the norm for Price he s been doing this since he took the helm over at HHS.According to a report from Politico, Kathleen Sebelius and Sylvia Burwell, both of whom headed up HHS under Obama, tended to travel on commercial airlines when flying domestically. Price s officials claim that he only uses private jets when commercial travel isn t feasible, but most of these flights are between big U.S. cities where many airlines regularly fly. For instance, he took a private jet from Washington, D.C., to Nashville, but there are four nonstop flights per day between those two cities, with fares as low as $202.Even if he insisted on flying first class, that flight would have been considerably cheaper with average ticket prices around $1,000. His private jet from D.C. to Nashville cost $17,760.Most of his flights are to areas where he speaks about the opioid epidemic, and these engagements are planned well in advance so he could book his flights well in advance, too. It s not like most of his travel is at the last minute due to the nature of his job, or his demanding schedule, which is another excuse HHS officials are using.His spokespeople also claimed that he was taking private jets because he was just so amazingly busy directing recovery efforts in the hurricane-ravaged areas of Texas and Florida. However, Politico says that at least 17 of these private flights happened before Hurricane Harvey. There s no way he could possibly have been needed for recovery efforts for a hurricane that hadn t happened yet.One of those flights was from San Diego to the Aspen Ideas Festival in June. That s a swanky festival in the swanky resort town of Aspen, CO, and he spent taxpayer dollars on that. While it s true that he was speaking during a panel there, he arrived 19 hours before that panel, so it s really hard for him to claim that he had to book a private jet because this was too last minute. An average of 26 percent of the flights that go into Aspen are scheduled commercial it s not like it s impossible to fly commercial into Aspen-Pitkin. Price s plane could have cost us as much as $7,100. Commercial flights cost well under half that.This administration is all about wasting taxpayer dollars, but cutting needed spending, while pretending to stand for regular Americans. It s absolutely sickening.Featured image via Chris Kleponis Pool/Getty Images
September 21, 2017
Trump Regrets, Move Over: ‘Sassy Gay Republican’ Is All Of The Healthcare Angst We Need Right Now
Unless you ve been living under a rock since January, you know that Republicans across the country have been slowly but slowly waking up to the horror that is their giant November mistake. In tale after tale, unfortunate conservatives, once defiant in their hatred of all things left of Hannity, are beginning to see what dyed-in-the-wool Republican policy looks like, and it ain t pretty.But with the disgusting Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill just around the corner and racing toward its September 30th finish line, Trumpcare is everything that MAGA-wearing troglodytes feared: They are just finding out that their diabetes will no longer be covered, their kid s heroin addiction is an afterthought, and their ailin mama s Medicare is fixin to be plowed over.Those folks I actually feel kind of bad for. I mean, not really. Most of them voted Trump because they hate Mexicans and gay people. But at least they have the decency to be sick over how nasty it s going to be to get sick under Trumpcare.The ones I have no sympathy for are the self-proclaimed intellectuals in the conservative realm. Like one Sassy Gay Republican on Twitter. His name is Alex, and if you visit his Twitter right now, it s a bit of a mess, because he s busy soaking in the fame and glory that comes with a BuzzFeed interview and someone calling you the next Tomi Lahren (which I don t think Alex has really thought through).But Bill Armagh felt kinda bad for Sassy Alex when he saw that he d been involved in a terrible car accident. We all did, really. But that doesn t stop any of us from drinking down some delicious schadenfreude at how fast life came at poor Sassy.A Sassy Gay Republican DRAMA in Four Acts. ?? pic.twitter.com/O3tNiTg56A Billy, Just Billy (@BillyArmagh) September 20, 2017It started with a simple question that many Republicans have asked:Sassy may have a point! Go on, Sassy:But then Sassy hits a snag in the pantyhose of life, and is forced to re-think some things:That can t be good. If only there was a way you could be covered in situations like this. Hmm And even Billy was surprised to find out there was more to the story of the Sassy Gay Republican. It turns out his conservative friends didn t have as much sympathy for him as he thought they might in his time of need:And it looks like Sassy himself may be having some serious second thoughts about how well conservative policies serve his interests:Welcome to the club, Sassy Gay Republican. It s terrifying in here.Note: I have not included a link for Alex s GoFundMe page, because there is some question as to whether the picture may be from an accident in the past, and I am not down with helping anyone, no matter how sassy they are, scam the public for sympathy dollars.Featured image via Twitter/composite
September 21, 2017
Mueller’s Latest Request In Russia Investigation Is Going To DESTROY Trump (DETAILS)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just dropped yet another unpleasant bombshell on Donald Trump, and it s really going to screw our disgraceful POTUS over.In the latest development in Trump s Russia investigation, Mueller is requesting the phone records from an Air Force One meeting where Trump apparently personally dictated the misleading statement about a meeting involving members of his campaign and a Russian official.Politico reports that records that Mueller is requesting will give insight into the statement that Trump s son, Donald Trump Jr., gave a statement that caused Trump a massive amount of trouble when it was exposed. Sources close to the investigation have also stated that Mueller is investigating whether or not Trump is guilty for obstruction of justice when it comes to the firing of former FBI Director James Comey.To make matters even worse for Trump, Mueller also wants the documents that were related to a press briefing in May, in which former White House press secretary Sean Spicer had stated that Trump had confidence in Comey and yet he fired the then-FBI Director less than a week later.If this doesn t look like the walls are caving in on Trump, we don t know what does. Mueller is getting closer to uncovering everything that Trump has been hiding, and it doesn t look like it s going to end well for the undeserving POTUS and his equally crooked campaign. What we can expect in the meantime is some very predictable, erratic behavior from Trump threats to North Korea, unpresidential attacks on the media, more Obama and Clinton jabs basically anything to distract America from his Russia probe. But Trump can only do that for so long and it s clearly starting to catch up with him. It s only a matter of time before Mueller catches him red handed.Featured image via Alex Wong / Getty Images
September 21, 2017
Beef Jerky Company Just Bit Off More Than It Can Chew With Direct Appeal To Nazis (VIDEO)
Jack Links, which is a very popular maker of beef jerky, just released a brand-new ad that is absolutely disgusting. It s supposed to give you facts about building muscle, and how beef jerky can aid you in that endeavor, but it does so as a direct appeal to Nazis and other white supremacists. Seriously.The 30-second spot features Green Bay Packers linebacker Clay Matthews, who literally says the following, word for word, at the beginning of the ad: I m the product of hard work, superior genetics, Norse mythology, and protein. The ad also shows primates putting muscle fibers back together, which could be seen as promoting slavery and anti-Semitism, since racists and anti-Semites have traditionally used monkeys to disparage black people and Jews. Watch below: Superior genetics is what white supremacy and anti-Semitism are all about. Sure, on their planet, people are people, but whites have superior genes and built the whole world, and everyone needs to understand that. Adolf Hitler s Aryan race was all about superior genetics, the white supremacists and Nazis in this country push that, so there s no getting away from the fact that the term is a dog whistle to white supremacy.What about the Norse mythology claim, though? Most of our Nazis and white supremacists want to preserve western European genetics. Norse mythology is Scandinavian, so what the hell? It turns out that this is also an appeal to a very racist brand of Odinism, which, unfortunately, does have a fairly strong history in the U.S. among the white supremacist hate groups.This brand of Odinism was popular in Nazi Germany, and it s popular among today s white supremacists, including Nazis, KKK members, skinheads, and others. The reason for that is it sings the virtues of the tribe, or folk, strongly emphasizing genetic closeness. And it credits whites with building civilization and an ethic of individual responsibility, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. That s exactly what white supremacists want. No more mixing of races because that s white genocide, and an acceptance that whites are the superior race above all others.Odinism is likely more appealing to these people than Christianity because Christianity (attempts) to emphasize inclusion and love of all, not the racial division they want. It also fits better with the anti-Semitism these hate groups harbor than Christianity does. However, many in these hate groups still call themselves Christian and pervert Christianity to suit their own needs, which those who actually promote Christian ethics say is a problem. It s possible that particular conflict can drive white supremacists to Odinism.Jack Links has a serious problem on its hands with this ad. They just branded themselves as openly white supremacist with a desire to appeal to the worst elements of our society. One might try to claim that they re just ignorant of the current social and political environments, but that s about as likely as Trump not knowing who David Duke is.Featured image via video screen capture
September 21, 2017
Anti-Porn GOP Florida Lawmaker Was Just Caught Porning On Twitter
The GOP has a thing for porn. In 2016, Sen. Todd Weiler introduced legislation asking his state to recognize that porn is creating a public health hazard and Republicans thought that was a cool idea. Well, now it s 2017 and a Florida lawmaker who filed a similar proposal was just busted favoriting a porn tweet. You could say he got Ted Cruzed.Just a few days ago, State Rep. Ross Spano filed a bill to declare pornography a public health crisis in Florida, but from his Twitter account, it appears he liked a pornographic tweet.According to the Orlando Weekly, the Republican s list of likes on Twitter is typically football clips, Bible verses, and GOP-related content about how evil Islam is. But, nestled into his likes list is a tweet from Jan. 8 by the Goddess Lesbian Twitter account, which features a video clip from adult entertainment company Reality Kings. On that same day, Spano liked a Biblical quote-tweet from Franklin Graham but we re not sure if that was before or after he was watching lesbians having sexy-time in front of the camera.Screenshot!This wouldn t matter in the least except for the bill Spano filled, HR157, which the Orlando Weekly notes is incredibly harsh on adult content and he left that liked porn tweet up for nine months. It appears to be deleted now. Franklin Graham s liked tweet is still there, though.The bill, which is contrary to research, states that recent research indicates that pornography is potentially biologically addictive, resulting in the user consuming increasingly more shocking material to satisfy the addiction, and adds, Pornography has a detrimental effect on families and is linked to a reluctance to enter into marriage, dissatisfaction in marriage and marital infidelity. Spano says he didn t do it. It wasn t him being horny on Twitter.Obviously, I have a long social media history on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram since I was first elected in 2012. With a thorough examination of my accounts, it will be easy to see that this is not my doing. I have since gone back, once notified, and rectified the problem. And I m now looking into how it occurred in the first place.In addition, referencing my prior statement, I don t believe any of this takes the focus off of the fact that there is a direct correlation between pornography and a host of societal problems, including human trafficking, exploitation of children, sex slavery, and domestic violence.Sure, it wasn t Spano, it must have been that other Spano guy with the same Twitter account and password. Sounds legit!Image via YouTube screen capture.
September 21, 2017
Ann Coulter Calls For Assembling ‘Death Squads’ To Kill Undocumented Immigrants (AUDIO)
This is why the right-wing should never have power again.Donald Trump s decision to work with Democrats on legislation that would enshrine the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program into law has angered his anti-immigration supporters.Despite the fact that these children were brought to America through no fault of their own and the fact that America is the only only home they have ever known, right-wingers like Ann Coulter want them deported anyway. And she is so angry over Trump s decision that she is now calling for the creation of death squads to go around the country executing anyone who is an undocumented immigrant or pro-immigration. We have made as clear as you can possibly make it, we want less immigration, Coulter said during an appearance on the Todd Starnes show. Stop dumping the third world on the country. If he continues down this path, well I guess there are three options, she continued. There s the organizing the death squads for the people who ruined America, because there will be no more hope. I guess the other possibility is to well I don t think anyone would mind him being impeached. What s the faction opposing that? And then at least we ll get Mike Pence. But in terms of saving America, maybe a third party. Here s the audio via Right Wing Watch.This is a seriously frightening threat that the American people must reject immediately. Furthermore, federal law enforcement authorities should investigate Coulter. Her words could literally inspire some right-wing nut jobs to actually create these death squads, which would go around terrorizing the nation.Killing immigrants and creating death squads is something that would make Adolf Hitler proud. This is the kind of action that Nazis want in this country and Coulter needs to face serious consequences for even suggesting it as an option. Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty
September 21, 2017
Obama Just Made A VERY Powerful Statement About Trump’s Attempts To Repeal Obamacare (VIDEO)
President Barack Obama appeared today at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation s Goalkeepers event, an event aimed at effecting change on a global scale in the areas of world hunger, education access and quality, clean energy, healthcare, gender equality, clean water, climate action, and a host of other goals the Foundation wants to help us work toward.Many speakers were on hand for the event, including President Obama, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, will.i.am, Malala, Stephen Fry, and more, all with stories of empowerment and positive change and possibility. But in America s current climate of fear and unease about what will happen with health care in this country, it was President Obama s speech that was particularly emblematic of the struggle we face in determining the outcome of the American way of life when it comes to insurance, medical care, and ongoing health concerns.This is in stark contrast with what we see in everyday life in America, where we seemingly can t even agree on whether or not white supremacists are bad, or if it s okay to run over protesters. We are engaged in a fight for our very lives, and at least legislatively speaking, Obama knows how hard it looks from where we are.From the video you re about to watch: [W]hen I see those people trying to undo that hard-won progress, for the 50th or 60th time, with bills that would raise costs or reduce coverage, or roll back protections for older Americans or people with pre-existing conditions the cancer survivor, the expecting mom, or the child with autism, or asthma, for whom coverage once again would be almost unattainable it is aggravating.And all of this being done without any demonstrable economic, or actuarial, or plain common sense rationale it frustrates. And it s certainly frustrating to have to mobilize every couple months to keep our leaders from inflicting real human suffering on our constituents. President Obama couldn t be more right. Although he is diplomatic here and does not call out Donald Trump and the Republicans by name, it is vital that we hold them to account. It is absolutely imperative that we make sure they cannot tear away at the fabric of our society and rip away at the moral cloth we ve woven in beginning the process of ensuring every American has access to health care.Watch the video here:Featured image via Yana Paskova/Getty Images
September 20, 2017
WATCH: Morgan Freeman Uses His Brilliant Movie Scripting Skills To Explain Just How Dangerous The Russia Scandal Is
So many people want to call the Special Counsel investigation into the Trump campaign s potential collusion with the Russian government to fix the 2016 presidential election fake news. They listen to every word out of Donald Trump s mouth, all the while being blind to his systematically dismantling our democratic institutions and potentially our republic as we know it. However, there is a huge anti-Trump resistance movement going, and we aren t going to sit idly by while this dangerous man potentially with the aid of the Russian government destroys all we hold dear as a nation. Well, whether the government cares about this or not, plenty of ordinary and not so ordinary citizens do care. One such person is iconic actor Morgan Freeman.Freeman has joined with other concerned citizens to raise awareness about the seriousness of the Russia probe. In his trademark, unmistakable baritone, Freeman announces in a new video for the newly launched Committee to Investigate Russia: We have been attacked. We are at war. Also with this new and potentially powerful organization is actor Rob Reiner. In his most ominous and godly voice, Freeman continues in the Committee s launch video: My fellow Americans, during this past election, we came under attack by the Russian government. I ve called on Congress and our intelligence community to use every resource available to conduct a thorough investigation to determine exactly how this happened. Freeman couches the whole thing as if it were some wildly brilliant movie script but in the end reminds us all that it s not, that this is indeed very real and that Trump and Russia are very dangerous. Therefore, we must act.Also involved in the project are anti-Trump GOPers who have more patriotism in their pinkie fingernails than the cowards in Congress could ever know such as radio host Charlie Sykes and Atlantic editor David Frum.This truly is a brilliant project. Perhaps Freeman s compelling voice and brilliant way of expressing this crisis will break the Trump fever before we all perish from it. We can hope, that s for sure.Watch this incredible video below:For generations, ppl have fought to protect democracy. Now it s our turn. Watch Morgan Freeman explain Russia s plot to undermine the U.S. pic.twitter.com/t65wckbmxS Investigate Russia (@InvestigateRU) September 19, 2017Featured image via video screen capture
September 20, 2017
Trump Judicial Nominee: Transgender Children Are Part Of ‘Satan’s Plan’ Of ‘Destruction’
Donald Trump s nominee for a federal judgeship in Texas sounds like Michele Bachmann in his defense of conversion therapy, a discredited and dangerous practice. That practice, which claims to change a person s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, has been rejected by every mainstream medical and mental health organization for decades. So naturally, Donald Trump s judicial pick, Jeff Mateer, the current first assistant attorney general of Texas, thinks it s a swell idea.At the time Mateer was serving as general counsel of the First Liberty Institute (have you noticed the liberty never means what they think it means?), he faced criticism from LGBT rights groups.Flashback: As the GOP nominee, Donald Trump said, As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. Believe me. And then he chose a bigot as his vice-president and now a judicial nominee with his head up his a**.If Mateer is confirmed by the US Senate, he will serve on the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.CNN reports:In a May 2015 speech, titled The Church and Homosexuality, Mateer discussed a Colorado lawsuit in which the parents of a transgender girl sued her school for preventing her from using the bathroom of her choice. In Colorado, a public school has been sued because a first grader and I forget the sex, she s a girl who thinks she s a boy or a boy who thinks she s a girl, it s probably that, a boy who thinks she s a girl, Mateer said in a video posted on Vimeo in 2015 And the school said, Well, she s not using the girl s restroom. And so she has now sued to have a right to go in. Now, I submit to you, a parent of three children who are now young adults, a first grader really knows what their sexual identity? he said. I mean it just really shows you how Satan s plan is working and the destruction that s going on. Trump, however, said in April that people should use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. Apparently, that s all changed now as he picks staunch and extreme conservatives to fill his administration and now, judicial posts.In that same May 2015 speech, Mateer said that the Supreme Court decision allowing same-sex marriage could lead to what he called disgusting new forms of matrimony. I submit to you that there ll be no line there, he said. Why couldn t four 4 people wanna get married? Why not one man and three women? Or three women and one man? I mean, it s disgusting. I ve learned words I didn t know. I mean, other than my assistants here, have you ever heard the word throuple ? Throuple so that s three people coming together of different sexes, maybe mixed sexes, he continued as if he couldn t stop himself. Them coming together. There are people who marry themselves. Somebody wanted to marry a tree. People marrying their pets. It s just like you know, you read the New Testament and you read about all the things and you think, Oh, that s not going on in our community. Oh yes, it is. We re back to that time where debauchery rules. Later that year in November 2015, Mateer blasted states for banning gay conversion therapy at a conference hosted by controversial pastor Kevin Swanson, who preaches that the Biblical punishment for homosexuality is death. Swanson has called for executing gays and he did that at an event packed with GOP candidates. The issue is always, it s same sex, Mateer said, according to CNN. And if you re giving conversion therapy, that s been outlawed in at least two states and then in some local areas. So they re invading that area. Image via screen capture.
September 20, 2017
Trump APOLOGIZED To Dictator After Protesters Attacked His Guards’ Fists With Their Faces
Donald Trump has spent a lot of time cozying up to dictators during his time as what we are forced to call President, but he just did something that should have every single American outraged: he apologized to Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdo an over an incident earlier this year in which his bodyguards brutally attacked American protesters.Eleven Americans were injured (including a police officer) and nine were hospitalized when Erdo an s security forces charged a group of peaceful protesters outside the Turkish ambassador s residence. We are communicating our concern to the Turkish government in the strongest possible terms, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said at the time.Apparently, that translates to: I m sorry Daddy, please don t be mad at me. Can I still have a pony? Erdo an told PBS NewsHour on Tuesday that Donald Trump called about a week ago about this issue. And Trump certainly took a stand against Americans: He said that he was sorry and that he was going to follow up on this issue when we come to the United States within the framework for an official visit. The White House, which regularly lies in press conferences and releases, denies that an apology was made.Last month, a grand jury indicted 19 defendants (including 15 of Erdo an s security guards) for the brutal attack on protesters. The Hill reports:The defendants, 16 of whom were charged in June on criminal complaints, were indicted on a charge of conspiracy to commit a crime of violence. Many of the 19 were also indicted on additional charges including assault with a dangerous weapon and aggravated assault.The charges stem from Turkish President Recep Erdogan s visit to Washington in May to meet President Trump. Guards for Erdogan attacked protesters near the embassy in a brawl that was caught on video.The Turkish Embassy defended the guards at the time, saying they were acting in self-defense and claiming the protesters were aligned with a terrorist group from Turkey.But Washington s police chief said the attack was unprovoked.Two defendants have been arrested, but the rest are currently at large.Was Erdo an lying? Maybe but at this point, he is more trustworthy than our serial liar-in-chief who regularly shows his disdain for the majority of the people he is supposed to lead.Donald Trump is disgusting, as is anyone who works for him willingly and anyone who voted for him.Featured image via screengrab
September 20, 2017
Global Survey HUMILIATES Trump After He Claims World Leaders Loved Everything He Said At United Nations
Let s just put it this way, if world leaders really agree with Donald Trump they have a lot of explaining to do in their home countries.Because a massive global survey found that only TWO nations think Trump is doing a good job.During his speech to the United Nations General Assembly this week, Trump voiced his disdain for the United Nations, accusing the organization of being a mismanaged bureaucracy and threatened to pull American financial and military support.Trump also threatened war with North Korea and criticized the Iran nuclear deal while one of his top advisers told climate ministers that Trump is still withdrawing America from the historic Paris climate agreement.Afterwards, Trump took to Twitter to boast about his speech, and claimed that those in attendance agreed with most or all of what he said.A great and important day at the United Nations.Met with leaders of many nations who agree with much (or all) of what I stated in my speech! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 20, 2017In fact, Trump received tepid clapping from the General Assembly, not even close to the kind of thunderous applause President Obama received when he spoke before the international peace-keeping body.And a new study of global surveys reveals that most nations in the world have very little confidence in Trump, which means all the world diplomats who supposedly agree with much or all of what Trump said can expect to be replaced. In fact, the only nations who have a favorable view of Trump are Russia and Israel.According to FiveThirtyEight.com, Since Trump took office, confidence in the president has gone down further, on average, than favorability toward the U.S.: Confidence dropped 47 points; U.S. favorability just 13 points Some of the biggest declines have been in countries with whom the U.S. has a collective defense agreement, such as NATO members and Japan, especially when it comes to confidence in the president Mexico, unsurprisingly, also saw a big public opinion drop on both questions. On the other hand, public favorability toward the U.S. has gone up in Russia, and public confidence in the president has gone up in both Israel and Russia since Trump took office. While President Obama enjoyed a public confidence rating of 63 to 73 percent, Trump only has a rating of 27 percent.One of the largest drops came from South Korea, in which only 17 percent have confidence in Trump. 88 percent had confidence in President Obama just two years ago. Clearly, South Koreans are alarmed by the pissing match Trump is having with Kim Jong-Un to discover who is the craziest dictator of them all. Overall, though, Trump has brought a return to George W. Bush-era levels of favorability for the U.S. and the presidency, FiveThirtyEight concluded.And it turns out that the world disagrees with Trump on most of the issues.Only one nation agreed with Trump s climate change policy. Trump s Mexican border wall was almost universally disliked. His vows to withdraw from trade agreements were just as unpopular. Only Turkey approved of withdrawing from the Iran deal. And only three nations approve of Trump s Muslim ban. Basically, most of Trump s supporters come from nations that have committed human rights violations or have oppressive governments.In short, the world representatives who make up the United Nations General Assembly are more likely repulsed by Trump. Tepid clapping is not the definition of overwhelming agreement. Trump thinks that everyone likes him and agrees with him because he is a delusional narcissist.The reality is that Trump has turned America into an international joke and has harmed our reputation around the globe. He is an embarrassment to our country who should be removed from office immediately before he inflicts more damage.He is now the most hated president in history, and that must make George W. Bush very happy. Featured Image: Ron Sachs Pool/Getty Images
September 20, 2017
Trump’s UN Speech May Have Been Terrible, But The Faces Of Other Representatives Were Priceless
By now you would be more than aware of President Trump s first address to the United Nations General Assembly, a speech that CNN s senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta referred to as a lot of Trump tweets strung together. Trump has never been shy in criticizing the UN, but now also needs their help and in his rambling, combative 41-minute speech, allegedly written by Stephen Miller, the President acted like school bully, calling terrorists losers, referring to Kim Jong Un as Rocket Man and threatening to totally destroy North Korea if the US and its allies were forced to defend themselves.In fact, at times it almost seemed like an unfunny roast of sorts, looking around the room, randomly calling out world leaders and criticizing their leadership, as well as their countries; He called the Iranian government a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos and described Venezuela under President Nicol s Maduro as a corrupt regime that has destroyed a prosperous nation by ideology that has produced poverty and misery everywhere it has been tried. Strangely enough, Russia wasn t targeted in his act.President Trump seemed quite happy with his delivery, taking to Twitter to boast about the overwhelmingly positive reaction to his speech:A great and important day at the United Nations.Met with leaders of many nations who agree with much (or all) of what I stated in my speech! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 20, 2017But was it, though? Sure, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted that, in his 30 years with the UN, he had never heard a bolder or more courageous speech, however, few shared Netanyahu s sentiments. They say a picture paints a thousand words and here are some pictures that show the true responses of those in attendance as the President delivered his address:Photo: Eduardo Munoz / ReutersNorth Korean ambassador Ja Song Nam stormed out before the President had even begun speaking, which left both seats empty for the Democratic People s Republic of Korea.Photos: Mary Altaffer/APAll White House Chief of Staff John Kelly could do was put his head in his hands and wish he was anywhere else, while the first lady listened on expressionless, although maybe she s just not capable of facial expressions right now.Photo: UNTVWere the Zimbabwean representatives even listening? I guess it could be a pretty opportune chance to catch a power-nap.Photo: UNTVThis Syrian delegate seemed to be giving President Trump a not-so-subtle hand gesture.Photo: Mary Altaffer / APThe first thing you would probably notice about this Iranian representative is his less-than-pleased facial expression, but it turns out it was the fact that he donned his glasses while Trump blasted Tehran s rogue regime that showed his true feelings:In Persian culture putting on one's glasses is the equivalent of GTFOH https://t.co/36u6Fx4anM Arash Karami (@thekarami) September 19, 2017Photo: UNTVBut the facial expressions of everyone shown here were almost certainly representative of almost all in attendance.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
September 20, 2017
Racist Charleston Church Shooter Seems To Think He Is Entitled To A Literal White Supremacist As His Public Defender
By now, everyone knows that Dylann Roof, the South Carolina white supremacist who shot up am historic Black Church in Charleston South Carolina, did it because the parishioners were Black. They invited him to their worship service, and after he sat there with them for more than an hour, he killed them. Well, Roof has been sentenced to die, and his case is not in the appeals process. Like all people, no matter how despicable, Roof is entitled, via the law, to a competent defense. Since he cannot afford his own team of attorneys, they have been provided for him in the form of public defenders. There s just one problem with that, though: According to Dylann Roof, his lawyers are the wrong color.Appointed to represent Roof are public defenders Alexandra Yates and Sapna Mirchandani, who are Jewish and Indian, respectively. Those facts seem to be the only things that are wrong here, rather than their actual defense of Roof. This isn t the first time race has entered into Roof s court proceedings; he had similar mishaps with his original attorney during the trial portion of his ordeal. The man representing him during that time, David Bruck, is Jewish. Roof said of the issues there: His ethnicity was a constant source of conflict even with my constant efforts to look past it. Trust is a vital component in an attorney client relationship, and is important to the effectiveness of the defense. Because of my political views, which are arguably religious, it will be impossible for me to trust two attorneys that are my political and biological enemies. To that end, the racist murderer, who seems to be more or less representing himself at this point, penned a missive from prison, firing his public defenders on the basis of their ethnicity:As if all of this weren t bad enough, Roof threatened his original lawyer, David Bruck, with death if he ever got out of prison.Luckily, the judge presiding over Roof s case sees his racism for what it is, and is denying this so-called motion. In short, if anyone deserves the death penalty, it s this piece of less-than-human excrement. No sympathy here, despite my usual opposition to the death penalty. If anyone deserves to die for his crimes, it s Dylann Roof.Featured image via video screen capture from ABC News Video
September 19, 2017
Trump Just Became First President In Modern History To Use Campaign Funds For Criminal Defense
Donald Trump has been fundraising like crazy for his re-election campaign, having filed his papers the day he was inaugurated for his first term. But there s quite possibly an odd reason for his incessant begging for funds: According to Reuters, he s using the money to pay for his defense team in the Russia scandal.Reuters spoke to two people who are familiar with the situation, but they were unable to determine how much has already been spent on legal fees. Federal election laws allow candidates to spend private campaign donations on legal matters, but up until now, the legal matters in question dealt with routine and mundane things such as compliance requirements and ballot access issues.Trump may well become the first president in the modern campaign finance era to use his donations to pay for a criminal defense in addition to routine legal matters. One of the biggest reasons that candidates shifted largely from public financing to private financing for their election campaigns is so they have greater flexibility in how they spend that money. That helps to give Trump greater latitude to spend donations on his own legal defense. Furthermore, since the Russia scandal is something that may not have existed had he not been elected, Trump and his family may well be legally free to spend their donors dollars on Russia.His campaign organization currently has nearly $12 million. When Reuters asked Trump s lead attorney how the bills were getting paid, he snapped, That s none of your business. Trump spent a large chunk of his campaign funding on his own properties during the 2016 election cycle, and has been spending government money at some of those same properties, lining his pockets with public dollars. His campaign has paid one law firm Jones Day almost $4 million, some of which probably did go to help with the Russia probe. Jones Day has also responded to inquiries related to Russia, including sending documents to Congress on the campaign s behalf.Here s the sad thing: His donors, whether they know where their money is going or not, would probably cheer their chance to help Trump defeat the liberal conspiracy that is the Russia probe. They think they re helping him get re-elected in 2020, so they think they re helping him defeat the great deep-state witch hunt.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
September 19, 2017
We Can’t Afford To Feed The Poor But We’re Spending $700 Billion Per Year To Kill People
The military s budget is being massively expanded this year, and nobody is really sure why. The answer seems to be because we can. Republicans in the Senate have decided that the Pentagon should receive even more money than Trump s hawkish White House wanted, and is giving the military things it never requested and does not need. The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act approves a budget of $696 billion, an annual increase of $80 billion. Meanwhile, Republicans are out to gut aid programs for low-income Americans.So why aren t deficit hawks like Paul Ryan questioning where this money will come from? We re ballooning the deficit to kill people, and for what, exactly? The Pentagon does not need the money. For example, the budget has allowed for 94 new F-35 Lightning fighter jets. Via Bloomberg:The measure would authorize 94 F-35 jets made by Lockheed Martin Corp., 24 more than requested by the president and seven more than the House agreed to in its version of the bill.Oh, by the way, the budget is also illegal. Why is that? Well, a law passed in 2011 only allows $549 billion in base-related expenses. The United States has 800 military bases and hundreds of thousands of soldiers occupying nations around the globe. The budget as it stands recommends $640 billion:Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) said during floor debate that his panel ignored the budget constraints set in law because responding to national security challenges requires more resources. The threats to our national security have not been more complex, severe, or daunting at any time in the past seven decades and our job is to ensure we have a military capable of meeting those threats, McCain said. For too long, we have locked ourselves into making strategic decisions based on budget realities. It is time to start making budget decisions based on strategic realities. That s right. Republicans think we should make budget decisions based on strategic realities, completely ignoring military-related deficits, in order to pay for jets (and other stuff) the military never asked for and does not need.Or, maybe, the massive lobbying arm of the defense industry has more to do with it. They ve already spent tens of millions in 2017 alone to buy politicians and influence, and there s no slowing down.these two things are unrelated pic.twitter.com/3PGzZzrLj9 Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) September 19, 2017What else could that money pay for? Great question. Common Dreams has a great perspective on the true cost of needless military spending:Put another way, with a $700 billion military budget, the U.S. would be spending more than three times as much as China on its military, and 10 times as much as Russia. According to [the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute], the U.S. already accounts for more than a third of all military spending.Yes, in the entire world. The United States, with about 1/25 of the world s population, is responsible for over 1/3 of the military spending worldwide. Who are we preparing to fight, exactly?Or with $80 billion a year, you could make public colleges and universities in the U.S. tuition-free. In fact, Sanders s proposal was only estimated to cost the federal government $47 billion per year.If the additional military spending over the next 10 years instead went to pay off student debt, it could come close to wiping it out entirely.Yet those kind of ideas, or universal healthcare coverage, are dismissed out-of-hand by Republicans. Maybe that s because the everyday people who would benefit most don t pay as well as insurance and military lobbyists. Maybe that s because most politicians, but especially Republicans, are more invested in personal careers and success than they are in their country.Eight members of the Senate voted against the bill: Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Bob Corker (R-TN), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), and Ron Wyden (D-OR).Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
September 19, 2017
Trump Doesn’t Want You To Know About This Study That PROVES Refugees Contribute To Our Economy
Trump administration officials who were under pressure from the White House scrapped a study which found that refugees had brought in more government revenue overall than they had cost in benefits, the New York Times reports. The Trump administration has been unable to rationalize its move to reduce the number of refugees allowed into the United States next year, so it rejected a study by the Department of Health and Human Services which concluded that refugees brought in $63 billion more in government revenues over the past ten years than they cost.The New York Times reports:The draft report, which was obtained by The New York Times, contradicts a central argument made by advocates of deep cuts in refugee totals as President Trump faces an Oct. 1 deadline to decide on an allowable number. The issue has sparked intense debate within his administration as opponents of the program, led by Mr. Trump s chief policy adviser, Stephen Miller, assert that continuing to welcome refugees is too costly and raises concerns about terrorism.Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer has claimed that he was a mentor of Stephen Miller s and said that his mentee is a white nationalist. Miller denied that affiliation with Spencer, but his actions prove that he s an extremist.The study concluded that refugees contributed an estimated $269.1 billion in revenues to all levels of government between 2005 and 2014 via the payment of federal, state and local taxes. Overall, this report estimated that the net fiscal impact of refugees was positive over the 10-year period, at $63 billion. The White House claims that the study was politically motivated. This leak was delivered by someone with an ideological agenda, not someone looking at hard data, a White House spokesman said. The actual report pursuant to the presidential memorandum shows that refugees with few skills coming from war-torn countries take more government benefits from the Department of Health and Human Services than the average population, and are not a net benefit to the U.S. economy. According to two sources, Miller personally intervened to ensure that only the costs and not any fiscal benefit of the program were considered, so it appears that he intentionally left out a few major details.Trump has filled his administration with swamp-like creatures, including Steve Bannon, who once played a large role in the White House, and Stephen Miller who still occupies Trump s ear.Photo: Alex Wong via Getty images.
September 19, 2017
Republican Senate Candidate Thinks If You Don’t Believe In God You Deserve To Be Shot
Republicans always like to push back on the idea that they are bigots. However, that s hard to believe, considering some of their racist and otherwise bigoted official policies. It becomes an even harder claim to believe when they have openly bigoted candidates. Case in point Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore.Moore has been removed from the federal bench not once but twice, due to his allowing his bigotry to make him defy the United States Supreme Court. Now, Moore has decided that his next target of American citizens is those who do not believe in the Christian god. In a shocking statement, Moore says of non-believers: You wonder why we re having shootings, and killings here in 2017? Because we ve asked for it. We ve taken God out of everything. We ve taken prayer out of school, we ve taken prayer out of council meetings. This man is a deranged extremist. He gave a speech just last month where he blamed America s march away from religion in the public square for the nation s ills. Well, newsflash, Mr. Moore: America is not, never has been, and never will be a Christian nation. You and your fellow fascist Christ warriors are in for a rude awakening. The rest of us will not tolerate your continued verbal abuse of us, and nor will we tolerate your attempting to enshrine bigotry into law. Considering where you re from super Christian Alabama you ll likely win your Senate race. However, I am sure that there are cooler heads within the United States Senate including other Republicans who will find this language offensive and outrageous, as they should.You, sir, are a bigot and a charlatan who has no business holding public office of any kind.Featured image via Gary Tramontina/Getty Images
September 19, 2017
Roy Moore Wants To Be Alabama’s Senator, But He Can’t Stop Being A Giant Racist
The name sounds familiar, right? Here s why: He used to be Judge Roy Moore, that one guy from The Dukes of Hazzard. Roscoe, you get them Duke Boys in here now! No, wait.Oh, that s right He was Chief Justice Roy Moore, of the Alabama Supreme Court. Remember the dude back in 2003 who refused to remove the monument of the Ten Commandments from the grounds of the courthouse? That s him. He s one of just a handful of judges who have ever been removed from office in this country by a judicial panel. Funny enough, he got re-elected to the position a decade later, but got smacked down again, this time because he told Alabama judges to ignore the Supreme Court and continue turning away same-sex marriage license applicants.Now Ol Roy wants to serve in the Yoo-nited States Senate, taking the place of Trump s Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who vacated his Senate seat after his appointment to the Department of Justice.The problem is, like the guy before him (who shares a namesake with that guy in the white hat), Roy Moore is an unrepentant racist. I m pretty sure when Roy kicks the proverbial bucket, his headstone is going to read Jesus Christ Was A White Man. So it was with no small amount of suppressed horror that the world watched the Formerly-Honorable Roy Moore call Native Americans and Asians reds and yellows at a campaign event on Sunday: We know that we were torn apart in the Civil War. Brother against brother, North against South, party against party. What s changed? Now we got blacks and whites fighting. Reds and yellows fighting. Democrats and Republicans fighting. Men and women fighting. What s gonna unite us? What s gonna bring us back together? A president? A Congress? No, it s gonna be God. We assume he means the white, Republican, male God.Watch the video here:Featured image via Erik S. Lesser/Getty Images
September 18, 2017
California Assembly Passes MAJOR Legislation To Keep Trump Off The Ballot In 2020
You know how Donald Trump stubbornly refuses to release his tax returns? Well, the California state assembly told him to f*ck off last week when they passed a bill that would require presidential candidates to release their tax returns before they are allowed on the state s ballot.The Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act passed 42-18 in the assembly and now heads to the state Senate. If and when it passes there, it will head to the governor s desk for his signature. President Trump s blatant disregard for the tradition of releasing tax returns is dangerous to our democracy, says state Sen. Mike McGuire, one of the bill s co-authors. For decades, every President has put their personal beliefs aside and put our country first and released their returns. SB 149 helps to reestablish desperately needed transparency in the White House, and we are looking forward to seeing the Governor s signature on the bill, he says of the bill, which would require at least five years of returns from candidates. As the months continue to go by in the disastrous Trump Administration and the investigations and conflicts of interest pile up, it becomes more and more clear how critical basic transparency is in how we elect our president, another co-author of the bill, state senator Scott Wiener, said, adding that this would give the American people the honesty and transparency they deserve. It s unlikely that Trump would win California in the first place, but it s looking like if he wants to do it in California he will need to cough up his returns.Featured image via Getty Images/Alex Wong
September 18, 2017
CNN’s Don Lemon: Trump Shouldn’t Get Apology From ESPN Until He Apologizes For Racism Against Obama (VIDEO)
If Donald Trump really wants an apology from ESPN, he ll need to issue a significant public apology to President Obama first.At least that s what CNN host Don Lemon told TMZ when he was encountered by a crew at an airport this week.Last week, ESPN host Jemele Hill called Trump a white supremacist on Twitter in response to his remarks blaming both sides for the violence at Charlottesville and his comment that white supremacists are fine people. Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists, Hill wrote.And it s true. Trump has been very reluctant to criticize white supremacists and does so very weakly when he finally does. And even then he soon reverses himself.Well, it didn t take long for Trump s team of snowflakes to cry foul. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders abused her position by calling for ESPN to fire Hill.Then Trump attacked ESPN and demanded an apology on Twitter.ESPN is paying a really big price for its politics (and bad programming). People are dumping it in RECORD numbers. Apologize for untruth! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 15, 2017So far, Trump has not received an apology from ESPN or Hill. Instead, Hill expressed regret that her personal remarks on her personal Twitter account caused grief for her employers. She stood by her remarks about Trump.And according to Don Lemon, if Trump really wants an apology he should start by apologizing to President Obama for promoting birtherism. I think when the president worked for NBC at The Apprentice, and he said that Barack Obama was not born here, and he called Barack Obama a racist. If he apologizes for that, then maybe ESPN should apologize. Here s the video via YouTube.Frankly, Trump doesn t deserve an apology at all. But he definitely owes President Obama several apologies. Trump has repeatedly smeared Obama over the years, especially since taking office even though it s considered seriously bad taste to bash your predecessor in the way Trump has been doing.But Trump worst offense committed against Obama is the perpetuation of the racist birther claims that he repeatedly pushed, especially on Fox News.Trump should have to apologize for that, but he won t because he thinks he s the only one who is ever owed an apology. Trump plays the victim card all the time, but you never heard President Obama whine like Trump does because Obama has true class. Obama rose above the abuse while Trump throws temper tantrums like a petulant child over the smallest of slights.The difference between Hill and Trump is Hill called it like it is while Trump pushed damnable lies that had already been repeatedly debunked.He should be ashamed of himself.Featured Image: Zach Gibson Pool/Getty Images
September 18, 2017
Michael Flynn Begs For Donations On Twitter, Gets Wrecked By The Internet
Remember that time Michael Flynn led lock her up chants at a rally for Donald Trump, and also said that he would be in jail if he had done a tenth of what Hillary Clinton did? Well, that was last year. It s 2017 and the disgraced former Trump administration national security adviser is begging for donations to help with expenses to defray costs connected to the investigations into Russian election meddling. The various investigations arising out of the 2016 presidential election have placed a tremendous financial burden on our brother Mike and his family. The enormous expense of attorneys fees and other related expenses far exceed their ability to pay, Flynn s siblings, Joe Flynn and Barbara Redgate, said in a statement, according to CNN. To help ensure that he can defend himself, we have set up a legal defense fund, and we are asking Mike s supporters, veterans and all people of goodwill to contribute whatever amount they can to this fund., the statement continued.On Twitter, Flynn wrote, Lori and I are very grateful to my brother Joe and sister Barbara for creating a fund to help pay my legal defense costs, and added, We deeply appreciate the support of family and friends across this nation who have touched our lives. Flynn included a link to donate so that he will not be locked up. Isn t karma a wonderful thing?We deeply appreciate the support of family and friends across this nation who have touched our lives. https://t.co/O08co3DRpn 2/2 General Flynn (@GenFlynn) September 18, 2017Twitter users are drinking Flynn s tears.#LOCKHIMUP Joe H-man?? ? ? ?? (@HallmanComposer) September 18, 2017 pic.twitter.com/NHtRJektAa Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) September 18, 2017Do you accept rubles? TJ (@TJishsh) September 18, 2017You mean you already spent all the money you got for selling out your country??? Bente Klinge (@BenteKlinge) September 18, 2017You're a traitor. Grant Stern (@grantstern) September 18, 2017 pic.twitter.com/RuIhRiYexe Rule of Law (@BaconJoel) September 18, 2017have fun in prison Lee Perry (@likeleeperry) September 18, 2017Nice to know you'll have the support of family on visiting days. StuckinIL (@mjamgb22) September 18, 2017I wish I could SPIT through twitter, you disgust me. ????? pic.twitter.com/ppe3fynMaH cold war vet (@katkel_ga) September 18, 2017You could have saved the trouble of having to set up a defense fund by not being a traitor. kat kl (@madkatkl) September 18, 2017Espionage is a tough charge to defend against eh Mike? Pinche-GOP Meltdown (@Pinche_Pi) September 18, 2017Wait, this was the guy yelling "lock her up"Karmas attacked to a blowtorch Thirtysixmiles (@thirtysixmiles) September 18, 2017 pic.twitter.com/vXZbuZx2dW SeriouslyUS? (@USseriously) September 18, 2017Maybe you should have saved some of that foreign money you lied about receiving GatorOs (@GatorOs) September 18, 2017There are some Trump supporters on Twitter who are heralding Flynn as a hero who has been undermined by the Deep State . We encourage those conservatives to donate every penny they have stashed away to help this traitorous arsehole while Special Counsel Robert Mueller buries him. Meanwhile, our donations can go to candidates who will help us to drain Trump s murky swamp which strangely seems to have a Russia accent now, thankyouverymuch.Photo by Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images.
September 18, 2017
WATCH: Trump Brags About Himself And Trump Tower During Remarks At United Nations Headquarters
It took all of a few seconds for Donald Trump to start bragging about himself during his remarks at the United Nations.Trump World Tower is a residential skyscraper catering primarily to the wealthy.It also happens to be across the street from the United Nations Headquarters where the General Assembly is meeting this week and where Trump spoke on Monday morning.Predictably, Trump began his remarks by bragging about the building and himself. Thank you very much. Thank you. I actually saw great potential right across the street to be honest with you, Trump began. And it was only for the reason that the United Nations was here that that turned out to be such a successful project. So, I want to thank you, Ambassador Haley for your introduction and your steadfast advocacy for American interests on the world stage. Here s the video via Twitter.Pres. Trump on luxury residential property by UN: United Nations being there was reason that turned out to be such a successful project. pic.twitter.com/kid9STah3W ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) September 18, 2017So, Trump can t even stop being a narcissist for one day to address the distinguished diplomats and representatives of the United Nations.It should be noted that New Yorkers strongly opposed the construction of Trump World Tower in the late 1990s, including legendary journalist Walter Cronkite.Basically, Trump robbed the neighborhood of their view of the East River and Long Island by placing a big ugly tower in front of it so that only wealthy people staying in his building could enjoy it. Residents were also concerned that the big ugly building would dwarf the more aesthetically pleasing United Nations Headquarters, which it did.Trump is nothing more than a cheap salesman who is more interested in touting his real estate ventures than he is in promoting international peace and cooperation. That s incredibly sad.Once again, Trump embarrassed himself and America on the world stage. And those were just his opening remarks. Just imagine how much more he will embarrass our country before he is done speaking. The United States is going to be an even bigger joke on the international stage than we have ever been.Featured Image: Screenshot
September 18, 2017
Your Local News Station Might Be Turning Into A Pro-Trump Propaganda Network Right Before Your Eyes
When Americans think about state-run television, we don t expect it to happen here. When we turn on the local news at night, we expect straight news, a rundown of the facts regarding local and national events. If we want opinion shows, we know where to go. If you re a conservative, there s a plethora of shows to watch on Fox News that offer soothing confirmation bias, such as Tucker Carlson Tonight, Hannity, or Fox and Friends. If you re a liberal, you can get the same on your side of the aisle on MSNBC with The Last Word with Lawrence O Donnell, The Rachel Maddow Show, or All In with Chris Hayes (though, to be fair, while they are opinion shows, the latter network doesn t lie, while Fox does). However, all of that could be changing.It turns out that many of America s local stations are owned by a company called Sinclair Broadcasting. That company happens to be pro-Trump. They are now going to have 174 stations around the country that will now be airing pro-Trump items on a daily basis, and those shows will be broadcast to the unsuspecting viewing public as actual news. According to Politicus USA, those shows will consist of the following: The Terrorism Alert Desk, advertised as a daily news update about terrorist activity. News pieces from Epshteyn, Sinclair s chief political analyst. A clearly labeled opinion show featuring Mark Hyman, a former vice president of the company.This is especially dangerous, because Americans do not expect to be forced to watch propaganda mixed in with their news. They just want the truth, or shows that are clear opinion. That is not what this is, though. This is nothing more than the kind of stuff Kim Jung Un s regime is feeding his people in order to brainwash them. This is the kind of thing we see in authoritarian states, and it is incredibly dangerous for democracy.People keep saying not to compare Trump to a dictator, but it is becoming more and more clear that this is exactly what he is aiming to be and he has plenty of help from his blind followers in high places.In short, beware, folks, because you re about to get a big dose of America s very own state-run propaganda.Featured image via William Thomas Cain/Getty Images
September 17, 2017
Republicans Humiliated As John McCain Slams Their Latest Attempt To Repeal Obamacare (VIDEO)
The Republican Party still hasn t learned that their wildly unpopular repeal of Obamacare just isn t going to happen. Even after failing miserably the first several times they tried to get their alternative to the historic health care bill passed, they are still willing to get pummeled again.One of the senators who has been extremely outspoken against the GOP s alternatives is speaking out again and it s a member of their own party. Sen. John McCain has just signaled that he is once again ready to shoot this health care plan down. In an interview with John Dickerson on Face The Nation, McCain made it perfectly clear that he would not be supporting the GOP s latest effort to get rid of Obamacare. Instead, McCain said he would rather be supporting the bipartisan amendments to the Affordable Care Act that are currently taking place in the Senate.During the interview, Dickerson asked McCain about Trump s current outreach to the Democrats. He asked, The President is working on bipartisan approach, what do you make of that? McCain actually took the side of Trump and nailed the Republican Party for continuing to do its own thing: I m interested in that, of course. We this President is always full of surprises. But the problem is, John, it shouldn t be bipartisanship. It should be both Republican, Democrat and the President. So, yes, he surprised the Republicans with the deal that he made with Chuck and Nancy with Chuck and Nancy. What it should take place is the three of them, both leaders Republican and Democrat and the President sit down and say, okay, we got a problem here. We need to fix it. And that means that we can come up with all three of us in one solid proposal. Why did why did Obamacare fail? Obamacare was ram through with Democrats votes only. Are we going to ram through our proposal with with Democrats and the President? That s not the way to do it. We got to go back, if I could just say again, the way to do this is have a bill, put it through the committee. We have Patty Murray and Lamar Alexander doing fine, bring it to the floor. Have debate, have amendments, we passed our bill twenty-seven to nothing for the Armed Services Committee. McCain is firmly stating that he will not support a healthcare bill that the GOP is imply trying to shove down everyone s throats without following any sort of legislative protocol.This is bad the Republicans are rushing to get this healthcare bill passed so they can strip millions of Americans of their health insurance, and they are doing it without the endorsement of the president or some of their most prominent members. This will only continue to be a massive embarrassment for conservatives. You can watch McCain rip the GOP below:Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
September 17, 2017
It’s Time To Stop Excusing Trump Supporters And Start Shaming Them For The Awful People They Are
For nigh on two years now, people have been making the argument that not all Trump voters are racist, misogynistic bigots. This could be true; after all, there are people who voted for Barack Obama twice, but then switched to Donald Trump. The idea of this makes most of us scratch our heads because Obama was everything Trump isn t. President Obama is dignified, classy, smart, experienced, accepting of all people. Trump is bigoted to his core, narcissistic, incompetent, impulsive, undignified, unpresidential. Therefore, how could people who voted enthusiastically for Barack Obama vote for Donald Trump? I still don t know the answer to that question. What I do know is this: It s time to stop making excuses for Trump voters and start shaming them, because that is what they deserve.Even if someone who voted for Donald Trump isn t personally a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, or an Islamophobe, they certainly are tolerant of those various bigotries and then some. They were able to look at the Access Hollywood tape, Trump s call to ban all Muslims from the nation, his kicking off his campaign by calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, his promise (and current attempts to carry out that promise) to round up hundreds of thousands of people and kick them out of the nation, his five-year-long crusade to delegitimize the first Black president all of it and still vote for him. They were able to realize just what a Trump Administration and all of its disgusting white supremacist glory would do to every American who is not a straight, white, Christian man and still pull the lever for him. These voters are selfish people who took an unconscionably callous position when it comes to the fate of millions of Americans. They knew he d do things like stacking the courts lifetime appointments, by the way with conspiracy theorists, racists, misogynists, and birthers, and they still voted for Trump.I could go on, but you get the picture.Trump voters watched the same campaign the rest of us did, and they saw the abhorrent behavior, the unending stream of bigotry, the dangerous flirtation with authoritarian figures around the world, the clear unfitness, and they voted for him anyway. These are not good people. It s time to stop making excuses for the people who voted for the most bigoted, ignorant, dangerous president in modern history. We have literal Nazis working in the White House because of these people. We have, in Jeff Sessions, a man who was deemed too racist in 1986 to be a federal judge as Attorney General. We have birthers on the federal bench. That s all their fault.There are no good people who are Trump voters. It s time we recognized a hard truth: There s no such thing as a good person who supports Donald Trump. Stop excusing them and start shaming them. It s up to us to recognize the ills in the American populous starting with the absolute imbeciles who voted for Donald Trump.Featured image via Daily Kos
September 17, 2017
Trump Posts Disgusting Video Of Himself Viciously Assaulting Hillary Clinton
This is beyond unpresidential.During a narcissistic tweetstorm on Sunday morning. Donald Trump retweeted a video featuring him driving a golf ball into Hillary Clinton s back. The ball knocks her down as she boards a plane. The person who shared the meme captioned it Trump s amazing golf swing and referred to Hillary with the nickname Crooked Hillary that Trump often calls her.Donald Trump s amazing golf swing #CrookedHillary pic.twitter.com/vKhxxFCBV1 Mike (@Fuctupmind) September 14, 2017Trump literally just retweeted a video of himself committing violence against a woman. Purposely hitting someone with a golf ball is assault, and this video appears to be a threat.This is not something a so-called American president should be tweeting.But Trump did it anyway and the backlash was swift and brutal.What a surprise Mr grab them by the pussy retweeting a gif of violence against women. Brief Truth (@TheBriefTruth) September 17, 2017This has to be by far the most childish thing you have retweeted. When are you going to start acting presidential? Chazz Archer (@ChazzAndreassi) September 17, 2017Seriously? WTH is wrong with you? Sandy Scerra (@99Turtles) September 17, 2017Trump is a pig? Maggie? (@MaggieM57) September 17, 2017This is a sick, demented clip that should never have been tweeted in the first place but our asinine @POTUS retweeted it! Violence to women Irish Mason ??? (@IrishMason) September 17, 2017You ve tweeted a lot of things that were wrong, but I gotta tell you, this one takes the cake. #disgusting #violent I love my dog (@mountainette) September 17, 2017How embarrassing to have a President who would actually retweet this. #TrumpDisgraceful Dr. Solfege (@EngelAcademy) September 17, 2017This is what @POTUS does all day. pic.twitter.com/rF0txCOXRR Brian P-C (@AlbertB_71) September 17, 2017Donald Trump should be ashamed of himself and he owes Hillary Clinton and the country a public apology and must immediately remove this offensive post. Violence against women in any form is not okay.Featured Image: Jim Lo Scalzo Pool/Getty Images
September 17, 2017
Pastor Decides Straight Couple Can’t Even SUPPORT Marriage Equality, Cancels Their Wedding
I m shooting for irony here, so bear with me: Thank GOD some people proclaim their bigotry out loud, so you don t have to find out the hard way.Okay, so this couple (who are choosing to remain anonymous) kind of did find out the hard way, but they re still free to make other arrangements after the minister of their church called them into a private meeting to let them know he would no longer perform their ceremony or allow them to marry in his church.Pictured: IronyThe problem, according to Minister Steven North of Ebenezer St. John s Presbyterian Church, was the bride s recent comment on Facebook in support of marriage equality in her native Australia. The country is holding a survey because some places value the individual input of their citizens to help the Australian parliament decide whether or not to allow same-sex couples to marry.Apparently, the clergyman was monitoring the bride-to-be s social media, where she spoke up in support of the measure: I know it s something not everyone will agree on and that s fine but this is what I stand for and frankly it doesn t effect [sic] my relationship with [my partner] one bit. That s when North made the decision to summon the couple into his office. Not only did he tell them that he would not perform the ceremony, but he drove the point home with a letter to the couple as well: After the pre-marital counselling that you attended and the sermons delivered at Ebenezer on this subject, you must surely appreciate that your commitment to same-sex marriage opposes the teaching of Christ Jesus and the scriptural position practiced by the Presbyterian Church of Australia and by me. This conflict of views has practical consequences in relation to your upcoming wedding. If I remember correctly and believe me, as someone who was raised in a very religious household, I do Jesus said as much about same-sex weddings as He did about abortions or whether His Dad wants you to drink that miracle water that creepy Peter Popoff sells at 2 AM on cable. That is to say, nothing. There were no teachings of Christ Jesus on gay marriage. So really the operative part of North s statement is that whole thing at the end where he says and by me. The bride was having none of it. The couple has decided to leave their long-time church, and they did so with a statement of their own: We feel this decision is absolutely disgraceful and is a disgrace to you and all the church, especially when we have been loyal and valued members of this congregation for 10 years. You were made aware from the beginning of our proceedings that we had gay friends and also that people in our wedding party were gay. How could you assume that we would abandon them or degrade them with regards to same-sex marriage? Rather than acquiesce to the thought police of her bigoted church, this couple has faith that they re doing the right thing.Featured image via Scott Barbour/Getty Images
September 17, 2017
GOP Implodes As California Passes Bill To Make Congress Censure Trump’s Racism (DETAILS)
About a month ago, Donald Trump shocked the country by responding to a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville in a way that was completely vile. Defending white supremacists and stating that both sides were responsible for the violence, Americans across the country were horrified that such a racist message could come from the President of the United States. And now, some areas of the country are standing up to it.California is now sending a strong message to Trump and his administration in response to the horrific endorsements Trump has given to white supremacists. The lower house of the California legislature has just passed a resolution that is demanding that Congress censure Trump so that the undeserving POTUS is clear that We will no longer tolerate his behavior. Assembly member Tony Thurmond said: The leader of the free world can t continue to use language that legitimizes the actions of extremists groups that promote hate. Congress must exercise its power to check the president by voting for his immediate censure. While a GOP-dominant Congress likely won t censure Trump, this initiative marks the first attempt to censure a sitting President since 1834 and that should send a strong message. The Hill also reports that California is trying to get other states to join them in similar ways, demanding that Trump should publicly apologize to all Americans for his racist and bigoted behavior. This bill follows Trump s own resolution in which he tried to condemn the attacks in Charlottesville. However, he continues to fall short with his weak statements. Refusing to denounce the specific hate groups that are responsible, Trump instead spoke against racism in all forms. Here s Trump s weak, spineless statement: We condemn the recent violence in Charlottesville and oppose hatred, bigotry, and racism in all forms. Hours before, Trump had doubled down on his horrendous both sides comment, stating that counterprotesters were also to blame: You have some pretty bad dudes on the other side also. When you look at really what s happened since Charlottesville, a lot of people are saying and people have actually written, Gee Trump may have a point. That is seriously disgusting. For that statement alone, Trump deserves the treatment he s getting from California.Featured image via Win McNamee / Getty Images
September 16, 2017
Trump Supporters At ‘Mother Of All Rallies’ MASSIVELY Outnumbered By Marching Juggalos
Saturday, September 16th, 2017 will surely go down as the strangest day for rallies in our nation s capital since at least January, when millions of invisible people attended Donald Trump s inauguration ceremony.Two different gatherings are taking place, quartered in different sections of the National Mall, but surely visible to one another: Trump supporters have come together to put on what they re calling the Mother of all Rallies, with expected attendance undoubtedly in the zillions, and a rally with an actual purpose is also taking place. Juggalos, or fans of the band Insane Clown Posse, are in D.C. to protest what they call an unfair label from the FBI and Department of Justice classifying them as a loosely organized hybrid gang. It s clear which group has the more ardent supporters, and it isn t the one I m calling (for the purposes of this piece) the Trumpettes. Donald Trump is known for his loyalty demands, but I m not sure he s ever met a Juggalo, because they showed up today:WASHINGTON, DC SEPTEMBER 16: People gather for a rally during the Juggalo March at the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall, September 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)That s the Juggalos showing up. The Juggalo March, at the time of this writing, is just getting underway.This, on the other hand, is the majority of the Trump rally happening just across the way:WASHINGTON, DC SEPTEMBER 16: Pro-Trump security forces try to keep people away on the National Mall on September 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)You ll note from the captions that these two photos are both by Getty photographer Tasos Katopodis. The Trump rally began, according to the Facebook event page, at 11 AM EDT, while the Juggalo March wasn t scheduled until 2 PM Eastern.The Trumpette organizers have tried to distance themselves from the white supremacists that organized the Charlottesville, Boston, and Portland rallies held in the name of free speech. Unfortunately for them, they don t seem to realize that the majority of people who show up at those rallies don t care who the president is, they just want to be allowed to shout racial slurs again without fear of public reprisal.Reaction to the stark difference in attendance was widespread:"The Juggalos outnumber the white supremacists at the Lincoln Memorial today." is not a sentence I ever thought I'd write. Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) September 16, 2017Someday the Battle of Juggalos vs Trump supporters will be in a Ken Burns documentary."My dearest Martha, whoop whoop."#JuggaloMarch #MOAR pic.twitter.com/oHLV2rUiM1 Edmund Hanlon (@EdmundHanlon) September 16, 2017There are more Juggalos marching today against Trump than pro-Trump folks marching in their "Mother of All Rallies". ?#JuggaloMarch #MOAR Charles Clymer? ? (@cmclymer) September 16, 2017And in what must be a crushing blow to the Trumpettes, the Juggalos have Antifa, the other side that Trump cannot stop dreaming about every night, there in solidarity. Not being violent, not pepper spraying anyone, just together to show the love:Antifascist contingent in solidarity with Juggalos at DC march against FBI gang classification pic.twitter.com/RZTbmCFaM9 Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) September 16, 2017The Juggalos give a big "whoop whoop" to "hating Confederate monuments." Daniel Dale (@ddale8) September 16, 2017Welcome to 2017, everyone.Featured image via Al Drago/Getty Images
September 16, 2017
Bill Maher Turns GOP’s ‘States’ Rights’ Nonsense On Its Head In EPIC Defense Of Liberal States’ Defiance Of Trump (VIDEO)
The Republican Party has long claimed that states rights mean that states can do as they like according to their own values, regardless of what the federal government wants. Of course, this is something that has just been used for southern states to do horrible things like, you know, own people. They used the states rights argument to justify segregation, to outlaw interracial marriage and abortion, and to basically strip citizens of personal liberty to satisfy the bigots in their citizenry and voting base. Well, comedian Bill Maher of HBO s Real Time has turned all of that on its head in the Trump era.During his New Rules segment on Friday night s program, Maher turned it around on the Republicans, pointing out how California s governor, Jerry Brown, is busily defending California s liberal way of life in defiance of Trump s regressive and dangerous administration. Gov. Brown has decided to sign a climate treaty with China, giving a big middle finger to Trump s foolish decision to pull out of the Paris Accord. Maher also pointed out that California will not move to enforce Trump s racist deportation force through its police departments, and nor would there be any attacks on LGBTQ Americans.The real kicker came when Maher adopted a country accent and mocked the insanity of the bigotry of Trump voters only using it to promote progressive values, such as legalized marijuana and lesbian weddings. He even mocked the tiki torches used last month in a horrifically violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left 32-year-old Heather Heyer dead and injured many others.In short, Bill Maher is right. If they can do this states rights stuff, so can we.Featured image via screen capture
September 16, 2017
Ohio Fireman In Deep Sh*t For HORRIBLE Remarks About Saving ‘N*****s’
A firefighter in Ohio recently came under fire for expressing his economic uncertainty (a synonym the media concocted for racism while attempting to explain why people voted for Trump) about rescuing black people.If it came down to choosing to rescue a single dog or a million n*ggers, Franklin township firefighter Tyler Roysdon says he would save the dog, which is more important than all those African-Americans he hates.According to Roysdon s Facebook likes, he is a fan of Donald Trump, Duck Dynasty, and far-Right Facebook group Uncle Sam s Misguided Children just so you know what sort of person we re dealing with.Roysdon was suspended from his position indefinitely as soon as township officials learned of the post, which went viral on social media because that s what happens when terrible people say terrible things. It s also very likely he will lose his job according to a statement from officials: Recently, a Franklin Township volunteer firefighter posted unacceptable remarks on social media. Upon gaining knowledge of this information, Fire Chief Steve Bishop immediately contacted the firefighter and directed the comments be removed. The firefighter was suspended without pay until the Board of Township Trustees could meet to determine a course of action. Chief Bishop does not have the authority to terminate employees. Termination of any township employee requires a vote by the Board of Trustees. It s unclear if Roysdon s racism has ever affected his work or if he has caused anyone to die, but this is absolutely something that should be investigated.Featured image via screengrab
September 16, 2017
Oh, How The Handsome Have Fallen: Gainesville ‘Hot Cop’ Turns Out To Be Hiding Some Nazi Tendencies
Remember the Hot Cops from the Gainesville, Florida Police Department that nearly broke the internet? The post by the GPD got so many likes, comments, and shares from thirsty females across the country that the wives of two of them had to ahem assert their authority to let would-be suitors know the hunks were taken.Gainesville Police Department/FacebookThe young, semi-Karl Urban-looking guy on the right turned out to be single, while the Bruce Willis in Striking Distance guy was married, and that Jack Johnson-esque fella in the middle, well He s a Nazi. Oh, and married. I wonder what his wife thought about her husband s newfound fame as a sex symbol after somebody compiled a few of his old Facebook posts and found out he was the best-looking anti-Semite in Florida.His name is Mike Hamill, and jokes about killing Jews help him sleep at night, apparently:Who knew? (Facebook)That actually makes sense, since he clearly came up with a final solution for the stupid people who annoy him way back in 2011:HAHA! Right, guys? Haha? Guys? (Facebook)Here s the thing: Yes, I know it sucks to find out this guy is a Nazi. And yeah, maybe you re a little red-faced if you were among those that spread the GPD post via Facebook share, now that his virulent anti-Semitism is out in the open, and he s been suspended pending an investigation.But there are probably some folks reading this who are genuinely surprised, and this part of the article you re reading is just for you guys:Mike Hamill is a white cop in the Deep South. If that doesn t clue you in, maybe you don t know what galvanized the nation into passing the Civil Rights Act in 1964. There s a movie about it, actually. And it looks like the show s not over.Featured image via Dave Conner/flickr
September 16, 2017
CNN Host Abruptly Ends Segment After Fox Sports Guest Makes DISGUSTING Trump-like Comment (VIDEO)
One thing that most conservatives have in common with Donald Trump and perhaps contributes to the reason they relate to him and supported him for POTUS is chronic misogyny and sexism. We saw this play out on Friday during a panel discussion on CNN, when an anchor had to shut the segment down abruptly due to a highly inappropriate comment from her Fox guest.CNN s Brooke Baldwin had Fox Sports Radio host Clay Travis as a guest, and the exchange went downhill very quickly. The panel was addressing the incident in which ESPN s Jemele Hill had called Trump a white supremacist, causing the White House to demand her be fired. When Clay Travis had his turn to give his opinion on the matter, he made Baldwin wish she d never asked him. Travis said this: I believe in the First Amendment and boobs. Baldwin was practically speechless, and had to do a double take, asking him if he d actually just said the word boobs. Travis only made it worse: Boobs, two things that never let me down, the first amendment and boobs. Those are the two things I believe in absolutely in the country. Baldwin still couldn t believe her ears, and wanted to give Travis another chance and the benefit of the doubt. She asked him once more to clarify that he d said boobs instead of booze. Once she confirmed that Travis had definitely said boobs, she shut the interview down right then and there. She said: I m done, I m sorry. I m done. This conversation is over, yanking mikes, bye. Forgive me, live television happens and you think you heard something, you are not sure and then you realize it happened, so I apologize for him on that. Right after the segment, Baldwin and Travis were both seen on Twitter, reacting to what had happened in two totally different ways. Baldwin seemed horrified and shocked, and Travis was, of course, proud of himself.What Travis said is not okay, and must be condemned. We re not at all surprised that this would come from a Fox employee, considering how prevalent misogyny, sexual assault, and support for our sexist POTUS is.Featured image via video screen capture
September 15, 2017
Ohio Fireman Suspended Indefinitely Over Extremely Racist Facebook Post (VIDEO)
An Ohio fireman from Franklin Township has just been suspended over his Facebook post which contains racist remarks. Tyler Roysdon used his social media account to say that if there was an emergency he would rather save a dog than a n*gger. While Roysdon is a volunteer fireman, he does receive payment for each emergency run which he takes part in, according to WHIO.And now, with his social media post easy to Google for any potential employers, he might have a hard time getting a job.Roysdon wrote on Facebook that if he had to choose between saving a dog and an African-American man from a burning building, he would save the dog s life because one dog is more important than a million n*ggers. Roysdon has just learned a valuable lesson: when you write something on social media, other people can read it. The Facebook post was deleted after Fire Chief Steve Bishop instructed him to do so.At this point. Roysdon s case is under review. Recently, a Franklin Township volunteer firefighter posted unacceptable remarks on social media. Upon gaining knowledge of this information, Fire Chief Steve Bishop immediately contacted the firefighter and directed the comments be removed, the statement reads. The firefighter was suspended without pay until the Board of Township Trustees could meet to determine a course of action. Chief Bishop does not have the authority to terminate employees. Termination of any township employee requires a vote by the Board of Trustees. Watch:Roysdon s post didn t go over well, according to the responses. One of them read, Wow is all I can say while another commenter wrote, SMH. The fireman s Facebook page looks like Ted Nugent took a sh*t all over it.Apparently, Roysdon likes to go mudding, shooting, fishing, and now he can start collecting coupons, too, since he ll be in a lower income bracket. Life is hard.Images via Facebook.
September 15, 2017
Here’s What Companies Admit They Will REALLY Do With Money They Save From Trump’s Tax Break
Trump, like George W. Bush before him, thinks a tax holiday on repatriated money will spur major corporations who are currently hoarding money overseas to bring that money back and invest it in America. They fail to take into account that, like other tax breaks, companies are not going to build new factories, plants, offices or stores and hire more people if consumer demand doesn t warrant it. Instead, they ll pocket the money they save in one of any number of ways, and regular Americans won t benefit one iota from it.That s what they ll do with Trump s tax holiday. This isn t speculation or conjecture, this is something to which they literally admit. Bank of America Merrill Lynch conducted a survey of more than 300 companies over the summer, asking them what they d do with all that money they bring back from overseas. Their top two responses were the following: Pay down debt, and buy back their own stocks.The idea that they d use the money for stock buybacks is especially upsetting since this is a known method for artificially driving stock prices up. Rich executives and shareholders then get even richer. Workers see no benefit from it, and the unemployed and underemployed don t see new job opportunities popping up.Literally, the whole point of this practice is to make the rich richer.When George W. did this in 2004, companies voluntarily brought over $300 million back in from overseas. $240 million went to stock buybacks. Let that sink in for a moment 80 percent of the money brought back in from overseas went to stock buybacks. Companies took advantage of that tax holiday to inflate their stock prices and get richer. There was no economic growth from that.The companies that brought back the most money actually turned right around and laid people off.Let that sink in as well.There will be no economic growth from Trump s tax break. Companies are not so broke that they can t afford to expand without some of the money they re hoarding elsewhere and protection from repatriation taxes. They don t need this money to build anything or hire new workers. This is nothing more than the government enabling companies to enrich themselves, possibly at the expense of the Americans Trump claims to love so much. The only way to spur economic growth is to help the consumer class afford to spend their money again. But we can t expect that from Trump he parrots Republican talking points on this because he knows he can use them to make himself and his most loyal rich buddies richer.Featured image via Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty Images
September 15, 2017
WATCH: Viral Video Of Tomi Lahren Being Called A ‘Racist Piece Of Sh*t’ To Her Face
If you don t know who Tomi Lahren is by this point, you re clearly a very fortunate person. Lahren has made her fame off trashing everything liberal despite not knowing anything of which she speaks.Barely out of college, and still green in the world, Lahren had viral videos hosted through The Blaze, but was ultimately let go because of her raging hypocrisy surrounding abortion rights. Then after months of making videos on her phone and clearly adored by Fox News propaganda artist Sean Hannity, she was ultimately added to Fox as a regular mouthpiece. Now, she s out in Hollywood, the land in which she claims to hate, going out and doing all the Hollywood things she can, and someone just caught her on camera.It looks as though she got hoodwinked into posing for a photo, because you can see her smiling, but then, in video mode, she s asked: Tomi, what s it like to be a racist piece of sh*t? At that point, she smiles and walks away.Watch the video here: How DOES it feel Tammy? pic.twitter.com/kL93Vhy5qM jordan ?? (@JordanUhl) September 15, 2017You see, Lahren, time and time again, has proven through her videos, that without a doubt, she is clearly racist.Welcome to Hollywood, Lahren. A liberal land of fact-checking, all-inclusive people who will literally call you out when they see you.Featured photo via video screen capture
September 15, 2017
White Security Guard Shoots Himself, Blames Nonexistent Black Guy ‘With A Small Afro’
On Tuesday night St. Catherine University security guard Brent Ahlers was viciously attacked by an evil black man with a short afro who was wearing a navy sweatshirt and a gun at least that s the story he told police after he suffered a gunshot wound while on the job.Ahler s report that he had been shot led to a swarm of 55 police officers and K-9 s, swarming the campus to search for the guy who Ahlers says shot him. The campus was placed on lockdown with 1,800 students held captive in their dorm rooms according to police spokesman Mike Ernster. The surrounding neighborhood, upon hearing reports of the shooting, began calling 911 in a panic asking officers to check their homes to be sure they were safe.None of it was true. Ahlers lied. As is commonly the case, there was no scary black man with a gun. There was only Ahlers, who brought his weapon to work to prove to himself that he s a badass despite it being against policy. He was nervous about losing his job due to the fact that he had his gun at work, and what had occurred, so he made up the story to cover what had happened, Ernster said on Wednesday after police had determined that the shooter was Ahlers the whole time.SPPD PIO: St. Kate's security guard admits to shooting himself. He has been arrested for falsely reporting a crime. pic.twitter.com/T75gbLuMgU St. Paul Police PIO (@sppdPIO) September 14, 2017For his dedication to keeping racism alive to save himself from being embarrassed by the results of his own actions, he now faces a charge of falsely reporting a crime though prosecutors are considering charges above and beyond the false-report citation according to the Star-Tribune.Fortunately, officers did not encounter someone who fit the description and no one important was hurt. But he could have gotten someone killed, and whatever he ultimately faces should reflect that.featured image via screengrab
September 15, 2017
Trump Claims He Has Done More Against ISIS Than Obama, The Scorecard Says He Is Lying
After a terrorist attack in London, Donald Trump used the occasion to brag about himself and smear President Obama.The United States has been fighting ISIS since 2014. Most of that fighting has been done under the leadership of President Obama.But nine months into his own presidency, Trump is now declaring that he has done more against ISIS than President Obama.We have made more progress in the last nine months against ISIS than the Obama Administration has made in 8 years.Must be proactive & nasty! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 15, 2017But, as usual, Trump is completely full of shit.Under Obama s strategy and leadership, the United States military killed over half of the commanders ISIS had and various military strikes wiped out well over 26,000 ISIS fighters (some reports say over 50,000), all while reducing ISIS territory from a wide swath of the Middle East stretching from Syria through Iraq to just a few remaining city strongholds.In addition, ISIS lost most of their valuable resources and recruitment dramatically declined.And in December 2016, United States officials announced that 75 percent of all ISIS fighters have been killed.By contrast, ISIS cheered when Trump took office and have been using him as a recruitment tool. Trump is also responsible for killing more civilians in nine months than President Obama did in just over two years, which is just helping ISIS radicalize more fighters to their cause.Basically, Trump is waging a desperate destructive campaign to kill the remaining ISIS fighters and leaders so he can boast that he is doing more against ISIS. But his campaign is full of unnecessary collateral damage that is only helping ISIS recruit.In military parlance, Trump s campaign is merely a mop-up operation, which is what takes place after the military has already gone in and wiped out most of the enemy forces.President Obama s strategy and leadership resulted in ISIS being crippled. Trump is only getting the crumbs that Obama did not have time to finish off. And he can t even get that right because killing civilians is the best recruitment tool that terrorist organizations like ISIS and al-Qaeda (another terrorist group President Obama crippled) use to remain relevant.So Trump can brag all he wants. It doesn t change the fact that President Obama was a better commander-in-chief.Featured Image: Jack Gruber-Pool/Getty Images
September 15, 2017
Trump Fans Are Crying In Their Milk After Their Hero Breaks Yet Another Promise To Them (TWEETS)
Trump made a bad decision, or so his ardent followers seem to think. His attempts to work something out with Congressional Democrats on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and also his remarks that current construction on his stupid border wall involves mostly existing fencing, have set off their ire. Big-time and small-time MAGAsh*ts alike are crying today, because their rigid, purist minds suffer from severe tunnel vision that doesn t include Trump doing, well, what he s done. They want Trump to do what he promised and damn the consequences to millions who aren t like them.Take Joe Walsh, for example. Walsh is a former U.S. Representative from Illinois 8th district, but his big claim to fame is being a deadbeat dad. All he wants is for Trump to cut his taxes and build the wall. With Trump s latest tweets on DACA and the wall, though, he s ready to abandon Trump and throw his support to probably someone worse:Trump: We re close to a deal on amnesty. The wall will come later. That s not why we voted for you. https://t.co/0eFMR9jvxT Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) September 14, 2017This is the art of the deal right? Can someone remind the president why he was elected? Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) September 14, 2017If true, Trump is done. Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) September 14, 2017We voted for #MAGA, not #DACA.Pull your head out Mr President. Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) September 14, 2017He ran on: BUILD THE WALL! He didn t run on: FIX UP SOME OF THE EXISTING FENCING! Not surprising. Just very disappointing. Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) September 14, 2017I m tired of @fox news saying: It s not the Donald s fault. Big, bad GOP made him do it. Bullshit. Trump is responsible for what he does. Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) September 14, 2017NONE of this is a surprise. I voted 4 Trump knowing he wasn t a Conservative & knowing he had no core.I voted 4 the wall & against amnesty Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) September 14, 2017Then we have Ann Coulter, who seems to have developed some serious regret about writing a book called In Trump We Trust. If Walsh is crying, Coulter is raging: Put a fork in Trump, he s dead. https://t.co/xEu5lwhmqO Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 14, 2017At this point, who DOESN T want Trump impeached? https://t.co/g1mMhmm8ng Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 14, 2017If we re not getting a wall, I d prefer President Pence. https://t.co/g1mMhmm8ng Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 14, 2017Let s play Jeopardy. ANSWER: An Easter egg. QUESTION: What s the only thing easier to roll than Donald J. Trump? Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 14, 2017Let s just tell @realDonaldTrump there was a hurricane at the border. Maybe he ll rush down there with FEMA and build a wall. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 14, 2017What s the only difference between @realDonald Trump & Carrot Top? Carrot Top might actually build the wall. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 14, 2017There are others who are sobbing over Trump s about-face on these issues, too. They were conned, they know it, but they were too dumb and blinded by the racist who said anything they wanted to hear to think this might happen prior to the election.Found this by the side of the road #amnestydon #burnmyMAGAhat pic.twitter.com/QivQ81xClG Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) September 14, 2017Trump s going to have to PAY people to attend his rallies now .and to chant Build that NEW RENOVATION OF OLD FENCES! Wait, what?? https://t.co/ouSYdSByjJ Mensans for USA (@Mensans4USA) September 14, 2017Disgusted I ever supported you. My family went through a lot supporting u. Cruz should have been nominee. Despise u & the other GOP traitors Patriotic Mama (@BluegillRises) September 14, 2017Live in apartment, can t burn. #AmnestyDon you broke my heart. @realDonaldTrump better look forward to retirement in 2020. #GoGetHimMueller pic.twitter.com/jdO5edLwqo Impeach Him (@GregPrill) September 14, 2017Trump used the grieving parents of those killed by illegal aliens as props then betrays them like this.#AmnestyDon mediacritic (@mediacritik) September 14, 2017Do you really want to be remembered as #AmnestyDon, the biggest traitor in US history since Benedict Arnold, and be a one term POTUS? Adorable Deplorable (@OliMauritania) September 14, 2017Do you really want to turn Florida blue and make our country look like a 3rd world hell hole? Tell us #AmnestyDon? Adorable Deplorable (@OliMauritania) September 14, 2017#AmnestyDon going to make himself a one term President just so he can get a week s worth of good headlines from the Liberal media. SAD! Craig ?? Norwalk (@LosGoyers) September 14, 2017I donated, volunteered, & trolled to help pull off the political miracle of the century, & all I got was a guy pushing amnesty. #AmnestyDon Coach Finstock (@RisenCoach) September 14, 2017Did ivanka cry again or something? #AmnestyDon Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) September 14, 2017.@CassandraRules is speaking for million upon millions of Trump supporters. #NoDACA #AmnestyDon pic.twitter.com/fz3rrzEyRm Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) September 14, 2017Dear @realDonaldTrump, We didn t elect you to give Dems whatever they want!! We elected you to do what you promised! ?#AmnestyDon #DACADeal CJ Schafer (@RaisedRightWI) September 14, 2017people aren t gettingJUST HOW F*CKING MADMAGA IS RIGHT NOW There will be no Amnesty - DT Arizona 8-31-16#AmnestyDon David Alvord (@davealvord164) September 14, 2017Poor Donald can t catch a break, but we can t feel sorry for him or his delusional MAGAs here.Featured image via Justin Merriman/Getty Images
September 15, 2017
Another Russian Turns Up Dead – He Actually Saved The World (VIDEO)
It has just come to light that Stanislav Petrov, a former Soviet Lieutenant Colonel, passed away on May 19 this year in his apartment in the small town of Fryazino, northeast of Moscow. You have probably never heard of him, but if it weren t for Petrov s actions (or lack thereof), there is a good chance you wouldn t be here to read this today.If you have seen the 2014 film The Man Who Saved The World, staring Kevin Costner, then you might have some sort of an idea of who Petrov is, as that movie was based how he prevented a nuclear crisis between the US and the USSR, as well as averting the potential for World War III, back in the 1980s by essentially doing nothing at all. That could be a part of the reason Petrov never considered himself a hero. At first when people started telling me that these TV reports had started calling me a hero, I was surprised. I never thought of myself as one after all, I was literally just doing my job, he once said in an interview later in life.The date was September 26, 1983 and Petrov was on duty in a bunker near Moscow, in charge of an early warning radar system. It wasn t long after midnight when Petrov noticed a single missile on the screen, launched from the US and heading toward the Soviet Union. When I first saw the alert message, I got up from my chair. All my subordinates were confused, so I started shouting orders at them to avoid panic. I knew my decision would have a lot of consequences, Petrov recalled in a 2010 interview. The siren went off for a second time. Giant blood-red letters appeared on our main screen, saying START. It said that four more missiles had been launched. This left the Kremlin only 30 minutes from when the warheads were initially fired to decide whether retaliation with nuclear weapons of their own was necessary and Petrov just 15 minutes to determine if the threat was indeed real. My cozy armchair felt like a red-hot frying pan and my legs went limp. I felt like I couldn t even stand up. That s how nervous I was when I was taking this decision. Fortunately for all of mankind, Petrov recalled from his training that, if the US were to attack, they would do so on an all-out offensive, as opposed to simply firing a couple of missiles here and there. Petrov took this into account and declined to tell his superior officers, figuring that a system malfunction must be responsible for the alarm and it turned out he was right; the Soviet satellites had actually picked up sunlight reflected from clouds and mistaken it for nuclear warheads, although Petrov s decision to keep the information from his superiors was a severe infraction of Soviet military rules.The incident was kept as a highly classified secret for years. Even at the time of her death in 1997, Petrov s own wife, Raisa, wasn t aware of what he had done and it was only made public when Colonel General Yury Votintsev, Petrov s superintendent, decided in 1998 that his deed should be commended and told the story to Bild, a German tabloid. German political activist Karl Schumacher was so affected by the article that he traveled to Russia to find Petrov and invited him back to Germany in order to give his version of how he had saved the world from nuclear war, something that had been a very real threat for decades.In 2006, the Association of World Citizens presented Petrov with an award in the UN headquarters in New York, which reads: To the man who averted nuclear war. In 2012, Petrov was also honored with the German Media Prize, which has previously been awarded to Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and Kofi Annan.Stanislav Petrov was 77 years old. Watch the story of Stanislav Petrov s actions unfold here:
September 15, 2017
Marco Rubio Just Had The Most Hilarious Reaction To Trump Touching Him (VIDEO)
No one likes to be touched by Donald Trump not even his own fellow Republicans.On Thursday, the full extent of Trump s repulsiveness was on display when he spoke with Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who was also one of his competitors in the 2016 primaries.Trump was visiting Florida on a tour of the damage left by Hurricane Irma, when he took a moment to commend Rubio, who clearly wasn t having it. Perhaps he remembered how disgusting Trump s behavior was while he was running against him in the primaries, so the look on Rubio s face said it all. When Trump approached and touched his shoulder, Rubio couldn t hold back a grimace and nearly shuddered on camera. You can watch this horrible, cringe-worthy moment below:Watch: While standing next to Marco Rubio, Trump says he hopes Rick Scott runs for Senate https://t.co/9cThL4c0S9 NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) September 14, 2017Trump was encouraging Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) to run for the Senate seat that is now being occupied by Democratic Senator Bill Nelson. Trump said to the cameras: What do I know? But I hope this man right here, Rick Scott, runs for the Senate. It s unclear if Rubio was wincing because he isn t happy with Trump s choice after all, Scott previously suggested that his millionaire buddy Carlos Beruff should take Rubio s seat or because he really doesn t like Trump touching him.Rubio would be far from the only person who doesn t want Trump getting that close to him. Recently, reporter Katy Tur detailed a truly disturbing encounter she had with Trump, which resulted in the POTUS planting an unwanted kiss on her cheek. It has also been widely documented that First Lady Melania Trump winces or looks extremely uncomfortable whenever Trump touches her. It s clear that there s definitely something wrong with Trump s transfer of affection, and it seems to make everyone feel dirty.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
September 14, 2017
Trump Vows To Save America From ‘Curse’ Of Functional Health Care System
In a pair of tweets on Thursday afternoon, Donald Trump proved once again how out of touch he is with the American public. Just three months ago, Pew Research published a study showing that a substantial majority of Americans some 60 percent feel the federal government is responsible for providing healthcare coverage for all citizens. Not only that, but the formerly-controversial idea of a single-payer system, like the Medicare For All bill just introduced with wide Democratic support by Senator Bernie Sanders, was favored by a third of Americans.Trump, however, sees universal coverage, enjoyed by every highly-developed nation in the world except the United States, as a curse on the citizens of this country.Bernie Sanders is pushing hard for a single payer healthcare plan a curse on the U.S. & its people Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 14, 2017 I told Republicans to approve healthcare fast or this would happen. But don't worry, I will veto because I love our country & its people. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 14, 2017Universal coverage was long considered a pipe dream, even as recently as during the primary campaign between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Secretary Clinton dismissed it as an idea that will never, ever come to pass. But buoyed by the popularity of Senator Sanders after the disastrous win by Donald Trump in November, the Democratic Party has moved decidedly left on the issue.At the time of Sanders introduction of his bill, painted as the sane alternative to the Republican frenzy to strip all Americans of non-private health coverage, there were a number of Democratic senators signed on, including those widely considered to be front-runners for the Democratic nomination in 2020. Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and even the favorites among Clinton loyalists, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand, all joined Senator Sanders in introducing Medicare For All. They were joined by Tammy Baldwin, Richard Blumenthal, Martin Heinrich, Mazie Hirono, Pat Leahy, Ed Markey, Jeff Merkley, Brian Schatz, Jeanne Shaheen, Tom Udall, and Sheldon Whitehouse.The irony, of course, is that even if one considers universal coverage a curse as Donald Trump does, the bill stands essentially no chance of passage in the first place. Trump would love to portray himself as a savior of conservative principles, but with Republicans in firm control of Congress (at least until 2018), the odds of Trump even needing to look through his plethora of gold-plated pens to find the one for vetoes are slim to none.
September 14, 2017
Trump Just Bragged About The Size Of His Hands At Hurricane Irma Relief Event (VIDEO)
The size of Donald Trump s hands seems to be an issue, even with the so-called president. Marco Rubio mocked the size of Trump s tiny hands during the campaign last year. He is taller than me, he s like 6 2 , which is why I don t understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5 2 , Rubio said at the time. Have you seen his hands? And you know what they say about men with small hands. At a Republican debate, Trump held up his hands and said to the audience, Look at those hands. Are those small hands? For the second time in two weeks, Trump brought up the size of his hands while helping out with hurricane relief. On Thursday, Trump was in Naples, Florida not doing a photo-op. Trump was getting ready to pass out sandwiches, then he fudged up putting his gloves on, according to a White House pool report. They re too small, Trump said.Here's the moment when President Trump needed bigger foodservice gloves pic.twitter.com/vSuKmevitz Peter Stevenson (@PeterWStevenson) September 14, 2017Two weeks ago, Trump made a similar remark about his YUGE hands. My hands are too big, he said while turning toward a camera.As he puts on plastic gloves to serve food at NRG Stadium President Trump turns to press and says: "My hands are too big!" pic.twitter.com/WIUTLOS4XD Pat Ward (@WardDPatrick) September 2, 2017In 2016, in an interview with the Washington Post, Trump spoke about his strong hands. My hands are normal hands, he said. I was on line shaking hands with supporters and one of the supporters said, Mr. Trump, you have strong hands, you have good size hands. And then another one would say, Oh, you have great hands, Mr. Trump. I had no idea.' This all began around 30 years ago when Graydon Carter, the editor of Vanity Fair magazine, described Trump in Spy magazine as a short-fingered vulgarian. Later, Carter said that he wrote the Sky magazine comment in 1988 just to drive him a little bit crazy. It worked. President Tiny Hands is so deeply insecure that he has to keep telling the public about how big his claw-like appendages are.Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
September 14, 2017
Racist GOP Rep. Steve King Goes BALLISTIC Over Trump’s DACA Deal
This is what happens when racists don t get their way.With a single deal, Donald Trump enraged his racist base, including Iowa GOP Rep. Steve King.On Wednesday, Democrats announced that they had struck a deal with Trump to revive the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program put in place by President Obama to prevent the deportation of 800,000 people who were brought to the United States as children by their undocumented parents.When Trump first scrapped the program, his conservative base cheered while the rest of the nation expressed revulsion.But Trump also left the issue to Congress, thus opening the door for legislative action to save the program. So, Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi offered Trump a deal. DACA will be restored and enshrined in law and Trump will get some enhanced border security that does not include a giant useless expensive wall.Trump took the deal and now conservatives are furious.In fact, Steve King went on CNN to whine about the deal and even threatened Trump with political ruin. The base will leave him they can t support him anymore. I am talking about my constituents in Iowa that will say you need to be behind trump. I am. I support his entire agenda I support the agenda Trump had when he went into office and I support almost every piece of the agenda except the amnesty piece being dangled, and that s so destructive to a first world country. If you do not have the rule of law or respect for that law, the people writing the immigration laws are the people breaking them. We had a protest here, DREAMers coming up demanding we give them amnesty. What right do law breakers have to make demands from the citizens of the United States of America. If anything, they should be pleading for it and not demanding. King also predicted that, Things are going to be going downhill real fast or the Republicans will be done for 2018 and 2020. Here s the video via YouTube.Amnesty is term used for people who broke the law. These 800,000 people did not break any law. Their parents did. These children had no control over their parents actions and did not understand that a law was being broken. Therefore, these children should not be forced to go back to a country they know nothing about. America is their home.Furthermore, King is a seriously depraved individual if he thinks these people should have to beg to stay in the country. They did nothing wrong. But King is clearly showing that he lacks compassion and is nothing more than a racist who has no business being a member of Congress.Featured image via screenshot
September 14, 2017
Kid Rock Just Had His First Political Rally, And It Was Worse Than You’d Imagine (VIDEO)
Robert Ritchie, AKA Kid Rock, has shown quite a bit of interest in running for the Senate in Michigan over the last few months, which would pit him against incumbent Democrat Debbie Stabenow. Although he has not officially entered the race, Kid Rock launched the website kidrockforsenate.com in July.I have had a ton of emails and texts asking me if this website is real https://t.co/RRVgISDFeq The answer is an absolute YES. pic.twitter.com/uYCUg6mjW1 Kid Rock (@KidRock) July 12, 2017Now Kid Rock has taken things to a whole new level by delivering campaign-style speeches during concerts. One of the first occured at a show on September 6 at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a performance that had already garnered it s share of criticism and protesters before it even began, due to the artist s history of using the Confederate flag as a prop, something Rock has tried to justify as Southern pride, despite the fact he hails from Detroit. Yes, this is a man who is considering running for office.Kid Rock opened the night s performance with a new track entitled Greatest Show on Earth and then the entire arena went dark. A campaign banner was projected on a screen and a voice announced over the public address system Ladies and gentleman, will you please welcome the next senator of the great state of Michigan, Kid motherf___ing Rock. Red, white and blue lights came back on and Rock made his way on to the stage and settled behind a lectern with a parody of the presidential seal that read United States of Merica while Hail to the Chief played in the background.What followed was completely surreal as Rock stood at the podium, flanked by two women resplendent in white business shirts and hot-pants, and rhymed his way through an offensive, expletive-laden speech that, in comparison, made Donald Trump seem as reserved as a kindergarten teacher during his presidential campaign and, really, was a speech only Kid Rock could deliver. Rock covered all of the hot topics over the following four minutes between periodic bursts of guitars and thrusting, touching on sensitive issues such as health care and racism, while also calling out single mothers that rely on government assistance and white supremacists. He even went as far as considering the possibility of being President, pondering the potential of being able to grab his own junk while addressing the nation!Watch the madness that was Kid Rock s rant unfold here, however, a word of warning, there is quite a bit of coarse language. But, as if you expected anything less.Featured image via Rick Diamond/Getty Images
September 14, 2017
ESPN Reporter Says Trump’s Supporters Are White Supremacists, They Use Her Facebook Page To Prove She’s Right (IMAGES)
Just a few days ago, SportsCenter anchor Jemele Hill made headlines due to her harsh but truthful comments about Donald Trump and his bigot followers.In several tweets posted on Monday, Hill trashed Trump s leadership, calling him unqualified and unfit for the White House. She tweeted: Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists. Trump is the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime. His rise is a direct result of white supremacy. Period. He is unqualified and unfit to be president. He is not a leader. And if he were not white, he never would have been elected. Anyone who actually pays attention to Trump, his policies, and his values knows that this is 100% true. Unfortunately, ESPN has refused to stand beside her, stating that Hill s views are not shared by the network.On top of that, recent comments by Trump s White House Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders pretty much stated that Trump and his corrupt administration believe that stating the truth about a president should be a considered an offense that could get someone fired.It s clear that Trump and his minions hate being called out, especially when it s true. Proving that his supporters are just as horrible and racist as he is, Trump voters came out in droves to react to Hill s tweets and actually ended up proving her right. On her Facebook page, Trump supporters couldn t help but leave numerous disgusting, racist comments on the African American anchor s page, which makes what Hill said about Trump even more prevalent.You can see some of the most hideous remarks below: It is impossible to read through these awful messages and still argue that Trump and his fanbase are not white supremacists.Featured image via D Dipasupil and Alex Wong / Getty Images
September 13, 2017
BREAKING: Martin ‘Pharma Bro’ Shkreli Has Bail Revoked, Hauled To The Slammer
Martin Shkreli quickly gained notoriety during the contentious 2016 presidential campaign by price gouging in a monopoly on a vital, life-saving HIV drug. He instantly became the most hated man in America when he was completely unrepentant when it comes to taking lives due to pricing people out of the ability to pay for their medication. After that, legal battles ensued, and Shkreli was eventually convicted of securities fraud. His original arrest was captured on camera in an absolutely humiliating live perp walk to the satisfaction of decent human beings everywhere. Of course, he is rich, so he was out of jail on bail. All of that is changing now, though, and it seems that the most hated man in America is now going where he belongs: Straight back to jail.BREAKING: Ex-pharmaceuticals company CEO Martin Shkreli has bail revoked in New York securities fraud case, heads to jail. The Associated Press (@AP) September 13, 2017The Associated Press is reporting that Shkreli has had his bail revoked by the State of New York in his securities fraud case, and will be going back to jail promptly. Hopefully, it is somewhere really brutal like Rikers Island, where his smug, frat boy smirk will be smacked right off his ugly face by people who are a hell of a lot more hard than he is. We generally abhor insane prison conditions around here, and we certainly abhor police brutality. However, considering what this guy did, it s hard to feel sorry for him.In a nation that rarely sees actual justice these days, these desserts are quite just, and inescapably satisfying. Fuck this guy. He s getting exactly what he deserves.This is a developing story. Please stay tuned to Addicting Info for updates.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
September 13, 2017
McDonald’s Manager To Hispanic Customer: ‘Can You Spell Deportation?’ (VIDEO)
An employee working at a North Carolina McDonald s was captured on camera telling a Hispanic customer on Saturday to spell deportation. The Charlotte woman said she went to a local McDonald s over the weekend when a woman who is identified as a manager at the store flipped her off, then kept repeating Donald Trump s name, then asked, Can you say deportation? Can you say that? Can you spell deportation? Wendy Rios told Fox 46 that she filmed the confrontation because she had been treated unfairly there previously. I am the kind of person who thinks, Treat the person the way you want to be treated,' Rios said.Rios told WECT that the manager seemed angry when she went to pay at the drive-thru and was yelling at other employees inside the store, but when she asked about her food at the second window, the employee lashed out at her. I asked the employee if my order was ready and the manager asked him what I asked. He told her and she said, Of course her [expletive] order is ready , Rios said. Then I asked for ketchup and he handed me two packets of ketchup. I asked for more ketchup and the manager yelled at the employee, What is she still doing here?' Rios said. He told her I was asking for more ketchup and she started yelling at me and saying bad words. Rios asked for the manager s name, and a male employee promptly wrote it down but she couldn t read it so she asked again.The manager wrote down her name in big letters on the receipt, Rios recalled, but refused to give her last name, so at that point, the customer pulled out her cell phone.The woman is seen on the video footage giving Rios her middle finger. Can you say, Donald Trump? Donald Trump. Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Yes, Donald Trump, Donald Trump. Can you say Donald Trump? the manager asked. You holding up my line, lady. You can stay there all you want. Can you say deportation? Can you say that? Can you spell deportation? the woman said. What you need to do is you need to get the [expletive] on. That s what you need to do. Rios posted the video on Facebook and it went viral, garnering 5,000 shares. Rios said that she feels sorry for the woman. Maybe she wasn t thinking straight, she said. Maybe she was stressed or something. But I m stressed, sometimes I m really, really angry with something but I m never going to say something discriminating. Watch: McDonald s issued a statement to say the woman is no longer employed by the giant fast food chain. The actions of this employee are inexcusable and in no way reflect the strong values McDonald s and my organization place on diversity, inclusion and providing a welcoming experience for our customers. This individual is no longer employed at my restaurant and we have expressed our sincerest apologies to the customer for this situation. George Forrest McDonald s Owner/Operator.Enjoy the unemployment line, Ms. Former Manager.Photo via Cate Gillon/Getty Images.
September 13, 2017
The Trump Administration Is Helping Scam Universities Steal Money From Their Students
Trump s Department of Education is delaying action on requests for student loan forgiveness from those whose money was stolen by the scams that are for-profit universities while they work to erase everything Obama tried to do to protect those very same students. The Trump administration, while claiming they re draining the swamp, has brought more of the swamp into the federal government than anyone, and the people working at DOE are sympathetic to these scam universities, not their victims.It s true that a lack of action isn t the same as telling students defrauded by these places that they ll have to continue making their payments or face the consequences. However, that same lack of action is harming students and their families who are on the hook for loans they took out on false promises they d be able to get good jobs with their degrees. They re now stuck in a limbo that s teetering towards the for-profit education scam.Corinthian Colleges and ITT Technical Institute both closed their doors under President Obama, who forgave more than $600 million in loans to their students. That s $600 million in stolen money for which students were off the hook. But that was Obama, who tried to do things that helped ordinary Americans even in the face of unprecedented GOP obstruction. Trump and his administration?Everything they do favors the few over the many, even when it includes stealing, which is what misrepresenting yourself and taking people s money based on that misrepresentation is.Trump himself has been sued more than once over his fraudulent Trump University because that program was literally nothing but lies built upon lies. Trump U. took people s money and gave them nothing in return. Other for-profit universities promise students jobs in their fields within just a few months of graduation, but charge exorbitant tuition and have a history of forcing students to forfeit their right to sue as well as making promises they can t back up.Obama tried to eliminate the arbitration clauses for-profit universities were forcing on their students. Betsy DeVos, Trump s education secretary, says that students shouldn t be the victims of fraud, but also said that certain standards protecting students were unfairly applied.So DOE is allegedly working to change that. But since Trump himself operated a scam university, it s only natural that he and his administration are going to see the profit side of things more than they will the defrauded-student side of things. Fraud is nothing more than another way to put dollars in their pockets, and it s clear that they d rather help scams rake in even more money than help real people.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
September 13, 2017
BREAKING: Someone Else Connected To Trump Is Under Investigation For Colluding With Russia (DETAILS)
Today, more bad news for Trump broke as yet another person related to the Trump administration comes under federal investigation. Michael G. Flynn, the son of Michael Flynn and infamous for his role in spreading the Pizzagate conspiracy, is under investigation for his role in colluding with Russia.It s likely he s as guilty as the rest of the Trump team, as he works closely with his father.NBC reports:Michael G. Flynn accompanied his father, for instance, on a trip to Moscow in December 2015 for the elder Flynn to deliver a paid speech at a gala for the state-sponsored Russian television network RT. He can be seen in video from an associated event.The elder Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general and a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was seated at the same table as Russian President Vladimir Putin during the dinner. Records released by the House Oversight Committee show he was paid nearly $34,000 for his speech; RT also paid for Flynn and his son s airfare to Moscow and lodging at a luxury hotel from Dec. 9 to Dec. 12. Several legal experts with knowledge of the investigation have told NBC News they believe Mueller, following a classic prosecutorial playbook, is seeking to compel key players, including Flynn and Manafort, to tell what they know about any possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia. Mueller has brought onto his team a federal prosecutor known for convincing subjects to turn on associates. Any potential criminal liability for Michael G. Flynn could put added pressure on his father, these legal experts said.In other words, any pressure put on Junior is pressure on the old man, who reports have repeatedly indicated the federal government is trying to flip.This is also just one more name at the end of a long, long list of Trump associates with shady connections to Russia. It s pretty clear that Trump thought the campaign was a business opportunity, never expected to win, and wanted to use the opportunity to build Trump Tower Moscow as well as other projects. He courted Russian investors, sought approval from Putin s government and then accidentally won the election, instead of just coming close. There is no other explanation for how amateurish and sloppy these cover-up attempts have been.Featured image via Addicting Info
September 13, 2017
Cowardly ESPN Won’t Stand Up For Black Reporter Who Spoke The Truth About Trump (TWEETS)
ESPN s Jemele Hill is one of the most influential black women in sports casting. She is also unafraid to tell the truth and speak her mind no matter who doesn t like it. Therefore it comes as absolutely no surprise that she has plenty to say about Donald Trump. Of course, Trump has been getting dragged ever since his disgraceful response to the racist violence and murder in Charlottesville, Virginia at the hands of Ku Klux Klan members, neo-Nazis, and other assorted white supremacists, and rightly so. Of course, Hill definitely had something to say about that, just like every other decent human being who sees Trump, once again, dog whistling racists. Hill took it a step further and said what we all should be saying, though: That Trump is a white supremacist, and there is no denying it now. Here are her tweets:Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists. Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) September 11, 2017The height of white privilege is being able to ?ignore ?his white supremacy, because it's of no threat to you. Well, it's a threat to me. Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) September 11, 2017Trump is the most ignorant, offensive president of my lifetime. His rise is a direct result of white supremacy. Period. Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) September 11, 2017He is unqualified and unfit to be president. He is not a leader. And if he were not white, he never would have been elected Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) September 12, 2017Of course, everything Jemele Hill just said is the straight up truth. Donald Trump has proven, repeatedly, that he is a white supremacist. Hell, he even hired literal Nazis to work in the White House in the form of now former advisers Stephen K. Bannon and Sebastian Gorka, and in the form of Stephen Miller, who is currently crafting the racist immigration policies, including the Muslim ban. Nonetheless, ESPN decided to be cowardly about this supposed controversy, and have released a statement distancing themselves from their sports reporter:ESPN Statement on Jemele Hill: pic.twitter.com/3kfexjx9zQ ESPN PR (@ESPNPR) September 12, 2017This network should be ashamed of itself. They are literally taking the side of Nazi-loving Trump over their marginalized black reporter. They know that what Jemele Hill said is the stone cold truth, yet they not only refuse to criticize Trump, but they are actively smacking down Jemele Hill.Go ahead and be on the wrong side of history, ESPN. Good riddance. Jemele Hill is the best thing that ever happened to that sorry ass network, and you d do well to recognize that.Featured image via Jemele Hill Instagram/Brobible
September 13, 2017
Texas Trump Fan Threatened To ‘Whip’ Black Man ‘Like The Slave You Are’ Before Executing Him
It s no secret that Donald Trump s rabid, uneducated fans are dangerous. The latest example of this is 38-year-old economically anxious voter Kevin Parnell.Parnell became furious when his biracial stepdaughter was arrested for prostitution and blamed it on her ex-boyfriend, Jordan Briggs. Parnell sent a number of colorful messages to Briggs calling him a n*gger and threatening to hang him. I m going to strip you naked and whip you like the slave you are, Parnell said in one message. You were warned, he posted publicly on Facebook, then ten he hopped in his white pickup truck and drove to the apartment Briggs shared with his roommate, Sammie Jones. He banged on the door three times, Briggs told the Star-Telegram. I told Sammie not to answer. I went to the back and instantly froze up. Sammie had answered the door. You know what kind of gun this is, boy? Briggs heard Parnell say to Sammie. It is a Glock 40. Then he heard the gunshot that took Sammie Jones life. Parnell, whose Facebook profile is unsurprisingly littered with posts supporting Donald Trump, closed the door and ran away like the coward he is. Sammie was being so calm, Briggs says. He just shot my bro in the face and burned off. Parnell remains behind bars on $500,000 bond, but he ll be happy to know his stepdaughter s case was dismissed.At this point, it s safe to say anyone who supports Donald Trump is a Nazi, a racist, a white supremacist, a bigot, a xenophobe, or is someone who is perfectly OK with all of those things and fine with being surrounded by those sorry excuses for people.. This is getting dangerous.Featured image via screengrab
September 13, 2017
White Supremacist Marine Kicked Out Of The Corps After Being Busted Doing Nazi Stuff
The best way to not get fired, get kicked out of school or booted out of the military if you re a Nazi, is to not do Nazi stuff. Apparently, one Marine just couldn t stop himself and was arrested at a pro-Confederate rally (where we re totally sure it was just about his heritage ), and took it upon himself to unfurl a banner with a white supremacist slogan allegedly.Staff Sgt. Joseph Manning was stationed at the Marine Corps Engineer School at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina at the time he was arrested on May 20th in Graham, North Carolina, and charged with first-degree trespass, a Class 2 misdemeanor, the Military Times reports.Manning and fellow active-duty Marine Sgt. Michael Chesny are accused of climbing a building and unfurling a banner with the letters YWNRU on it, The Times-News reported on May 27. The letters reportedly stand for You will not replace us, which is the slogan for Identity Evropa, a white nationalist group founded by Marine veteran Nathan Damigo.How Nazi is that you ask? Well, you didn t ask but that s the same slogan we heard in the Vice video which showed Nazis storming the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia during the Unite the Right hate-rally which rocked the nation and resulted in one Trump-supporting white supremacist using his car as a weapon to mow down anti-racist protesters, killing one and injuring at least 19 others. The You will not replace us chant from racists turned into Jews will not replace us during the march.Manning is presently in the process of being administratively separated from the Corps, according to the Military Times.Capt. Joshua Pena, a spokesman for Training and Education Command, said the investigation is part of the administrative process and its results cannot be released publicly.Manning s career in the Marine Corps lasted 15 years, beginning in 2002, His military awards include the Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, Iraq Campaign Medal, and Afghanistan Campaign Medal and he threw that all away so that he could act like a f*cking Nazi. And even though his banner read, YWNRU (you will not replace us), he was certainly replaced. Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images.
September 13, 2017
Trump Shamefully Uses Hurricane Devastation To Promote Tax Cuts For The Wealthy
Leave it to Donald Trump to exploit a tragedy.Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma have left parts of Texas and Florida in ruins. Americans are dead because of these storms and the resulting floods.I ll say that again. People are dead.But that isn t stopping Trump from using the storms to promote his tax reform policy, a policy that would mostly benefit the wealthy while slashing the very revenues that contribute to paying for a strong Coast Guard, a prepared FEMA, and the organizations that predict and track hurricanes.On his Twitter Wednesday morning, Trump urged Congress to begin work on tax reform.The approval process for the biggest Tax Cut & Tax Reform package in the history of our country will soon begin. Move fast Congress! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 13, 2017Trump then told Congress to pass tax reform because of the hurricanes.With Irma and Harvey devastation, Tax Cuts and Tax Reform is needed more than ever before. Go Congress, go! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 13, 2017For most Twitter users, this didn t make any sense.This makes no sense. Hurricanes are going to require more federal government spending. That means cutting taxes will just hurt relief effort Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) September 13, 2017Actually, those hurricanes suggest action on climate change is needed more than ever before. Miranda Yaver (@mirandayaver) September 13, 2017Also decreasing revenue of government may impact the ability to help fund relief efforts for those that need it most. Michael Romano (@Romano_PoliSci) September 13, 2017 What? How are the two connected? Who is paying for the relief if you continue to cut taxes? Calvin (@calvinstowell) September 13, 2017Indeed, Trump s tax plan would give tax giveaways to wealthy individuals and corporations. So while the rest of us are paying more than our fair share to keep the government running, people like Trump and corporations like the Trump Organization will be able to shirk their own responsibility.Right now, we need taxes. Trump is already growing the deficit that had been shrinking under President Obama. Now he wants it to skyrocket with tax cuts that won t do a damn thing to help this country. All such tax cuts will do is further strangle already cash-strapped government agencies like FEMA that Americans need more than ever.What this country needs most is higher taxes on the wealthy, not lower.Trump should be ashamed of himself for using these two tragedies to push his greedy tax plan. It s an insult to the millions of Americans who have been affected.Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images
September 13, 2017
Chainsaw MASS-acre: This Nun Is Doing More For Irma Victims Than Leather-Face Trump
On Tuesday afternoon, Miami-Dade Police tweeted a picture and an amazing video of one Sister Margaret Ann helping with cleanup from Hurricane Irma. Despite wearing some questionably suitable clothing for operating heavy equipment, the nun from Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll High School in the Miami suburb of West Kendall, Florida was on the scene with a chainsaw to put the fear of God into some downed trees in her neighborhood.We are #OneCommunity in @MiamiDadeCounty! Thank you Sister Margaret Ann of @ACCHS_Bulldogs for pitching in as we recover from #Irma ? pic.twitter.com/KSqdHFHJuv Miami-Dade Police (@MiamiDadePD) September 12, 2017? of Sister Margaret Ann in action. Thank you to all of our neighbors that are working together to get through this! We are #MiamiDadeStrong pic.twitter.com/5tG6nzk7Ye Miami-Dade Police (@MiamiDadePD) September 12, 2017The Sister is geared up for doing the Lord s work, and I can t help but wonder what other pious servants of Jesus are up to today. Let s see, we ve got Ted No Right To Masturbate Cruz he s got his hands full with a staffing issue Twitter mishap today. Mike Pence is probably about to give Mother her afternoon peck on the cheek, so he can t really grab a rake or a shovel. And what about the Proselytizer-in-Chief, Trump himself?He s busy congratulating his son Eric on the birth of their very-biblically nicknamed new child, Luke. Congratulations to Eric & Lara on the birth of their son, Eric "Luke" Trump this morning! https://t.co/Aw0AV82XdE Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 12, 2017I have no idea what the quotation marks are for, so I m just going to assume it s so nobody thinks Donald s newest grandchild is about to write the next book of Acts. But with a new baby to fawn over the genes of, and his Twitter to maintain, there s no way that Donald Trump has any time to be helping with any silly hurricanes. After his administration started talking about withholding Harvey aid, did anyone actually expect any different?All I know is, that s one bad-ass nun. Trump could take a lesson from Sister Margaret Ann.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
September 12, 2017
WATCH: Russian Politician Gloats On LIVE TV That Putin Stole Our Election
Donald Trump may call anything related to his administration s collusion with Russia as FAKE NEWS, but you know who disagrees? Russia.Russian politician Vyacheslav Nikonov appeared on Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov where he shocked everyone by coming out and saying that, yes, Russia did steal the election. The U.S. overshot. Their intelligence services all slept through Russia electing the U.S. President, Nikonov said, clearly shocking the host who seemed to have no idea how to respond (especially since the wrong response could have gotten him assassinated). What kind of intelligence service is that? As we speak, Mueller s investigation of Donald Trump is heating up as The Donald s campaign is forced to turn over documents. Many Republicans speculate that he s going for the kill. This is all very bad news for Trump, who has managed to bamboozle his Faithful into believing that the Russia investigation is a liberal lie designed to smear him one in which the FAKE NEWS media is complicit.Watch Rachel Maddow report on the remarks below:?BREAKING VIDEO? MADDOW reporting ? Russia ADMITTED on live TV last night that they ELECTED DONALD TRUMP AS PRESIDENT? share and RT! pic.twitter.com/rzTo1DMMeZ Royce Christyn (@ChristynRoyce) September 12, 2017Featured image via screengrab
September 12, 2017
OOPS: Trump Forgets That He’s A Twitter Obsessed Narcissist Who Talks About Himself
Donald Trump is a complainer, but he really only has himself to blame.Long before Election Day in 2016, a lot of books and articles had already been written about Trump, but since taking office, news about Trump has skyrocketed.For some reason, Trump has a problem with it.Fascinating to watch people writing books and major articles about me and yet they know nothing about me & have zero access. #FAKE NEWS! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 12, 2017I myself have written about Trump so many times that I have to take mental health breaks from time to time.Trump has apparently forgotten that everybody has access to him. Not only that, the man is constantly talking about himself he can t keep his mouth shut. Over the years he has appeared on radio and television, and has even repeatedly phoned into Fox News.Trump s Twitter feed alone is a rich source that has spawned thousands of articles and, yes, it could fill a book or two.It s never-ending for him. He is obsessed with being the center of attention and if he s not he will do or say something to become the center attention.Trump is such a public person that it makes sense that there s enough material out there to fill up books and give journalists and bloggers things to write about on a daily basis.Trump s other problem is that people who have personal access to him, such as aides and White House staffers, are leaking information. That s how the media has a good idea of what is going on inside the White House.It s how we know Trump s White House is chaotic.Make no mistake, Trump is whining because he thinks every book and article written about him should be nothing more than propaganda that makes him look good.But as long as he keeps acting like a buffoon on Twitter (and during public appearances), he can expect the truth to continue to be written whether he likes it or not.Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
September 12, 2017
Reporter Destroys Trump’s Homeland Security Advisor On Climate Change, This Is Brilliant (VIDEO)
The Trump administration has been getting absolutely pummeled for its refusal to acknowledge climate change, even as it becomes more obvious in our surroundings.On Monday, CNN s Jim Acosta tore Trump s Homeland Security advisor, Tom Bossert, apart in front of everyone for the administration s ignorance. Acknowledging the fact that several massive hurricanes have been ravaging the United States, Acosta cornered Bossert, asking him if Trump and his administration saw a connection between climate change and homeland security and that the frequency and intensity of powerful storms like Harvey and Irma can pose a problem for future administrations and if the storms were giving the administration some pause when it comes to the issue of climate change and homeland security. Bossert was almost beside himself as he said: Causality s something outside of my ability to analyze right now. We continue to take seriously the climate change, not the cause of it, but the things that we observe. Then, Acosta nailed him and the entire Trump administration for their stupidity and ignorance: When you see three category 4 hurricanes all on the same map at the same time, does the thought occur to you, Jeez, you know, maybe there is something to this climate change thing and its connection to powerful hurricanes? Or do you just separate the two and say, Boy, these are a lot of hurricanes coming our way? Bossert, nearly crumbling in front of the entire room of reporters, responded: There is a cyclical nature to the hurricane seasons and I thank the scientists for their forecast on this particular one. They were dead on that this would be a stronger and more powerful hurricane season with slightly more than average large storms making landfall So we ll have to do a larger trend analysis at a later date. Trump s administration is being challenged by the obvious evidence for climate change, and now they re being called out for it. No one can ignore what is currently happening in our environment, and the enormous impact it will have if Trump s administration doesn t wake up. You can watch Acosta destroy Bossert below:Featured image via video screen capture
September 11, 2017
A Florida Pizza Hut To Irma-Fleeing Employees: You Will Be Disciplined If You Leave
Residents in Florida who work at a Pizza Hut were told by the manager that workers would be disciplined if they evacuated due to the deadly hurricane that barreled down on the state. A photo quickly circulated on Twitter of a memo posted for employees in one Jacksonville Pizza Hut location, which included a list of instructions for employees according to the Washington Post. To all Team members, the memo begins, then lays out a policy that dictates that employees cannot evacuate more than 24 hours before the storm, and then must return within 72 hours. Failure to show for these shifts, regardless of reason, will be considered a no call/no show and documentation will be issued, it states. After the storm, we need all TM s available to get the store up and running and serve our communities as needed. Pizza Hut wants its minimum wage employees to risk their lives for corporate profits. (@KatiSipp) pic.twitter.com/r8rwb3O7I6 Jacobin (@jacobinmag) September 11, 2017We re not sure how drivers can deliver pizza during or following a storm, even for a whopping $7.91 per hour, which is totally worth risking your life for. After all, you re a team member. Obviously, a backlash ensued on Twitter, probably because most people don t want to see Pizza Hut employees die.@pizzahut why do you threaten workers who flee Irma?This is sick! brucewayne (@centurysavior) September 11, 2017@pizzahut You guys are closed on Christmas, but sending delivery drivers to their death for a hurricane? What's up with that? Avery (@Avyrey) September 11, 2017This is sick Serena Vega (@Serena_vegaYT) September 11, 2017Because the first thing I'm concerned about in a Cat 5 storm is whether or not I can get a stuffed crust pizza delivered. Josva Oedon ?? (@gtch603) September 11, 2017Pizza Hut has been taking a lot of flak and issued a statement. We are uncompromising in our commitment to the safety and well-being of our team members, the statement begins. All locations in the path of Irma are closed and will remain closed until local authorities deem the area safe. We absolutely do not have a policy that dictates when team members can leave or return from a disaster, and the manager who posted this letter did not follow company guidelines. We can also confirm that the local franchise operator has addressed this situation with the manager involved, it concludes while confirming that the manager of the store did indeed tell his or her employees that they would be disciplined for fleeing from a deadly hurricane.But not all Pizza Hut restaurants are bad. A Pizza Hut in the Houston area participated in relief efforts and handed out free pizza pies to Hurricane Harvey victims. One Pizza Hut manager, Shayda Habib, took it upon herself to use a kayak in order to deliver free pizza to people who were stuck in flooded homes. By the way, Ms. Habib is pregnant.Photo via Ulrich Baumgarten/Getty Images.
September 11, 2017
Never Forget: Donald Trump Bragged About Having The Tallest Building In Manhattan After 9/11
I ll bet if you go to your kitchen and look at the calendar by your fridge, in tiny letters at the bottom of today s date it says Patriot Day. If not, don t worry the official title for today s remembrance only began in 2002, the year after the terrorist attack that changed almost everything about the way our nation conducts itself. The word patriot means different things to different people, and we won t pretend to speak for them all here. But we know it when we see it, and we know the opposite of it, as well.Patriotism is what we see when we watched Americans coming together in grief and solidarity, helping each other in the aftermath of the attack. The opposite of it is what we saw when former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani politically invoked the attacks so much that Vice President Joe Biden once remarked that all Giuliani needed to make a sentence is a noun, a verb, and 9/11. Patriotism was on the face of our last President, holding a soup ladle in a national day of service in 2011. The opposite is what you call it when Rush Limbaugh attacked him and said he was visiting the beneficiaries of his policies. Patriotism, in the words of Clarence Darrow, hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else. What it does not do is tout itself as superior. We see nothing but that from Donald Trump. When Trump lied on national television one of more than a thousand times he s done so since his election and said that he heard Muslims cheering the fall of the towers, perhaps what he was actually doing was projecting a little bit of his own guilt onto adherents of a religion he doesn t and has no desire to understand.Maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump felt a tiny bit bad for saying the worst thing anyone in America said on that fateful day in 2001: 40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest-and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second-tallest. And now it s the tallest. What s at 40 Wall Street? The 71-story Trump Building.Listen here, if you can.Featured image via John Moore/Getty Images
September 11, 2017
Fox News Just Compared Slave Owners To 9/11 Victims. Seriously (VIDEO)
Nobody can accuse Fox News of being sane most of the time, particularly when it comes to some of their talk shows. Take Fox & Friends, for instance. Their hosts have extremely poor analytical skills and extreme conservative tunnel vision, but they press on with their bullshit anyway. Today is the 16th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, so Fox & Friends is talking about it. But they obviously can t do it without politicizing it, and they ve done so in an extremely disgusting way.They voiced their problems with the ongoing removal of Confederate statues from public spaces, and decided to try and appeal to people s emotions about them by complaining that, once liberals are done removing Confederate statues, they ll go after things like 9/11 memorial statues and monuments.No, really, they did that.Speaking to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who was talking about the memorial of United Flight 93 on the show, host Brian Kilmeade actually asked this question: Do you worry that 100 years from now someone is going to take that memorial down like they are trying remake our memorials today? Because the people who stopped terrorists from flying Flight 93 to its target are totally the same thing as people who advocated for the continued ownership of African-American. Of fellow human beings. The passengers on that plane died intentionally to prevent further tragedy. The Confederacy sought to preserve a tragedy that had already endured for thousands of years.Big difference, guys.And a horrifically insulting and inappropriate comparison to boot. Kilmeade might as well have tried to claim that the passengers of Flight 93 acted out of a desire to see the terrorists win. Zinke seemed uncomfortable with the question and tried to stumble his way out of it, and ultimately failed: I m one who believes, you know, that we should learn from history. And I think our monuments are a part of our country s history. Since we don t put up statues of Jesus, everyone is going to fall morally short. I think reflecting on our history, both good and bad, is a powerful statement and part of our DNA. I m an advocate, again, of learning from our monuments, understanding the period they were made. He ended with saying that, regardless of our differences, whether we re Republican or Democrat, monuments are a tribute to all of us.Oh, please. Just when we thought the entire administration had hit bottom, we find yet another freaking shovel with an order to start digging again. Zinke s complicit in this vile comparison now. Watch the entire shameful exchange below:Featured image via video screen capture
September 11, 2017
Trump Praises Coast Guard’s Hurricane Relief For All The Wrong Reasons, What He Said Is Awful (VIDEO)
Leave it to Donald Trump to disrespect both the heroes and victims of a massive hurricane.Earlier today at the White House, Trump spoke with reporters about the devastating effects Hurricane Irma will have on Florida and the surrounding areas. Trump also assured everyone that he would be traveling to the damaged areas soon to provide assistance. But what grabbed everyone s attention were Trump s comments to the Coast Guard as he praised them for their efforts.Everything started well as Trump commended the Coast Guard for their response to the hurricane. However, Trump ruined his speech by showing America that he still doesn t know how to be presidential and cannot tell the difference between what is appropriate and what is not in a dire situation. While Hurricane Irma rages on, Trump felt it was the perfect time to talk about the Coast Guard s branding. Yes, really. Trump congratulated the agency on raising its image, completely overshadowing any praise about their efforts. Trump said: A group that really deserves credit is the United States Coast Guard. What they ve done I mean, they ve gone right into that, and you never know. When you go in there, you don t know if you re coming out. They are really if you talk about branding, no brand has improved more than the United States Guard. Once again, it s very clear that even in times of great tragedy and danger, all Trump cares about or pays attention to is image and ratings. This was totally disrespectful to the Coast Guard as well as to those suffering due to Hurricanes Irma and Harvey. Branding is the last thing we should be concerned about here.You can watch Trump s ridiculous speech below:Pres. Trump says he will visit Florida soon, will keep an eye on how Hurricane Irma develops over the next few hours. pic.twitter.com/itaTVJYuDH CBS News (@CBSNews) September 10, 2017Featured image via Pool/Getty Images
September 10, 2017
Florida GOP Official Tried To Murder A Teen With A Claw Hammer, Refuses To Resign
Back in May, Republicans in Broward County elected Rupert Tarsey secretary of their GOP affiliate. Little did they know they had actually elected Rupert Ditsworth, a former student at LA s Harvard-Westlake School, a $40,000 per year preparatory academy in California. More than a decade ago, Ditsworth attacked a fellow student at H-W, Elizabeth Barcay, hitting her over the head at least 40 times with a claw hammer after a date to Jamba Juice gone awry, before dumping her out of the car and fleeing.After the attempted murder, Ditsworth s parents enlisted a psychiatrist to try and suss out why their son may have beaten a girl within an inch of her life. No word on whether the shrink was any use, other than that Rupert still claims he was defending himself and went on to work on the Trump presidential campaign before running for election to the Broward GOP.So that s a no.Now Florida Republicans are understandably freaking out. The Fort Lauderdale area is largely Democratic, and having a party secretary who once split open the skull of a high school girl tends to cast an organization in a dim light.Tarsey, as Rupert is now known, doesn t see what the problem is. He sat down for an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com at his $2 million beachfront condo: Why should I resign? I did nothing wrong and I was elected. This is just party politics. Tarsey insists his name change has nothing to do with his horrific attack on a defenseless young woman with a deadly weapon. I m estranged from my dad, Tarsey says. Perhaps the broken skull, nose, and leg that the girl suffered at the hands of his 6-foot-2 son explains why dear old dad may have created some distance between them.The chair of the Broward GOP, Bob Sutton, was apoplectic: We were blindsided. He s a member of the Knights of Columbus for Christ s sake. And he came highly recommended by the former chair.We had no idea what his background is. We want him out but he is refusing to resign. He deceived us. It looks like he even used a reputation management firm to make sure we wouldn t find out who he is. It really is a shame that Republicans aren t better at figuring out that members of their party are horrible monsters. Perhaps if they started with the racists, sexists, and homophobes, they might get better at spotting the guys with the claw hammers in their closets.Featured image via screen capture
September 10, 2017