There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_postgres'.The syntax is: az aks connection create postgres [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--database] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--new {false, true}] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--server] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg PostgresRG --server MyServer --database MyDB --secret name=XX secret=XX. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/{server}/databases/{database} --secret name=XX secret=XX. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new postgres and connect aks to it interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres --new. The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new postgres and connect aks to it', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --new. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--database' is optional. name of postgres database. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--new' is optional. indicates whether to create a new postgres when creating the aks connection.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--server' is optional. name of postgres server. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--server', '--database'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the postgres service. required if '--target-id' is not specified..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_postgres serviceconnector passwordless'.The syntax is: az aks connection create postgres [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--database] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--new {false, true}] [--no-wait] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--server] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group] [--vault-id] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg PostgresRG --server MyServer --database MyDB --secret name=XX secret=XX. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/{server}/databases/{database} --secret name=XX secret=XX. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new postgres and connect aks to it interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres --new. The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new postgres and connect aks to it', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --new. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--database' is optional. name of postgres database. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--new' is optional. indicates whether to create a new postgres when creating the aks connection.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--server' is optional. name of postgres server. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--server', '--database'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the postgres service. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--vault-id' is optional. the id of key vault to store secret value.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_postgres flexible'.The syntax is: az aks connection create postgres-flexible [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--database] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--server] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres flexible interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres-flexible. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres flexible with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres-flexible -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg PostgresRG --server MyServer --database MyDB --secret name=XX secret=XX. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres flexible with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres-flexible --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/{server}/databases/{database} --secret name=XX secret=XX. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--database' is optional. name of postgres flexible database. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--server' is optional. name of postgres flexible server. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--server', '--database'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the flexible postgres service. required if '--target-id' is not specified..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_postgres flexible serviceconnector passwordless'.The syntax is: az aks connection create postgres-flexible [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--database] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--server] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group] [--vault-id] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres flexible interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres-flexible. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres flexible with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres-flexible -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg PostgresRG --server MyServer --database MyDB --secret name=XX secret=XX. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and postgres flexible with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create postgres-flexible --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/{server}/databases/{database} --secret name=XX secret=XX. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--database' is optional. name of postgres flexible database. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--server' is optional. name of postgres flexible server. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--server', '--database'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the flexible postgres service. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--vault-id' is optional. the id of key vault to store secret value.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_redis'.The syntax is: az aks connection create redis [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--database] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--server] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and redis interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create redis. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and redis with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create redis -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg RedisRG --server MyServer --database MyDB --secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and redis with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create redis --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Cache/redis/{server}/databases/{database} --secret. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--database' is optional. name of the redis database. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--server' is optional. name of the redis server. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--server', '--database'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the redis server. required if '--target-id' is not specified..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_redis enterprise'.The syntax is: az aks connection create redis-enterprise [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--database] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--server] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and redis enterprise interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create redis-enterprise. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and redis enterprise with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create redis-enterprise -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg RedisRG --server MyServer --database MyDB --secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and redis enterprise with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create redis-enterprise --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/{server}/databases/{database} --secret. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--database' is optional. name of the redis enterprise database. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--server' is optional. name of the redis enterprise server. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--server', '--database'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the redis server. required if '--target-id' is not specified..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_servicebus'.The syntax is: az aks connection create servicebus [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--namespace] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and servicebus interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create servicebus. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and servicebus with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create servicebus -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg ServicebusRG --namespace MyNamespace --secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and servicebus with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create servicebus --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/{namespace} --secret. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--namespace' is optional. name of the servicebus namespace. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--namespace'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the servicebus. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_signalr'.The syntax is: az aks connection create signalr [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, none}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-principal] [--signalr] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and signalr interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create signalr. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and signalr with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create signalr -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg SignalrRG --signalr MySignalR --secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and signalr with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create signalr --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/{signalr} --secret. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--signalr' is optional. name of the signalr service. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--signalr'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the signalr. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_sql'.The syntax is: az aks connection create sql [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--database] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--server] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and sql interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create sql. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and sql with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create sql -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg SqlRG --server MyServer --database MyDB --secret name=XX secret=XX. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and sql with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create sql --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{server}/databases/{database} --secret name=XX secret=XX. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--database' is optional. name of the sql database. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--server' is optional. name of the sql server. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--server', '--database'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the sql server. required if '--target-id' is not specified..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_sql serviceconnector passwordless'.The syntax is: az aks connection create sql [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--database] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--server] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group] [--vault-id] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and sql interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create sql. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and sql with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create sql -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg SqlRG --server MyServer --database MyDB --secret name=XX secret=XX. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and sql with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create sql --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{server}/databases/{database} --secret name=XX secret=XX. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--database' is optional. name of the sql database. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--server' is optional. name of the sql server. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--server', '--database'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the sql server. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--vault-id' is optional. the id of key vault to store secret value.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_storage blob'.The syntax is: az aks connection create storage-blob [--account] [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--new {false, true}] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage blob interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-blob. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage blob with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-blob -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg StorageRG --account MyAccount --secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage blob with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-blob --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{account}/blobServices/default --secret. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new storage blob and connect aks to it interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-blob --new. The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new storage blob and connect aks to it', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-blob --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --new. The parameter '--account' is optional. name of the storage account. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--new' is optional. indicates whether to create a new storage-blob when creating the aks connection.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--account'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the storage account. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_storage file'.The syntax is: az aks connection create storage-file [--account] [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage file interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-file. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage file with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-file -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg StorageRG --account MyAccount --secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage file with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-file --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{account}/fileServices/default --secret. The parameter '--account' is optional. name of the storage account. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--account'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the storage account. required if '--target-id' is not specified..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_storage queue'.The syntax is: az aks connection create storage-queue [--account] [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage queue interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-queue. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage queue with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-queue -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg StorageRG --account MyAccount --secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage queue with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-queue --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{account}/queueServices/default --secret. The parameter '--account' is optional. name of the storage account. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--account'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the storage account. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_storage table'.The syntax is: az aks connection create storage-table [--account] [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage table interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-table. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage table with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-table -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg StorageRG --account MyAccount --secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and storage table with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create storage-table --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{account}/tableServices/default --secret. The parameter '--account' is optional. name of the storage account. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--account'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the storage account. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_create'. This group of commands could 'create a connection between a aks and a target resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_create_webpubsub'.The syntax is: az aks connection create webpubsub [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-principal] [--source-id] [--target-id] [--target-resource-group] [--webpubsub] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and webpubsub interactively', the syntax is: az aks connection create webpubsub. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and webpubsub with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection create webpubsub -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --tg WebpubsubRG --webpubsub MyWebPubSub --secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connection between aks and webpubsub with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection create webpubsub --source-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{cluster} --target-id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{target_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/{webpubsub} --secret. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-id' is optional. the resource id of target service. required if ['--target-resource-group', '--webpubsub'] are not specified.. The parameter '--target-resource-group --tg' is optional. the resource group which contains the webpubsub. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--webpubsub' is optional. name of the webpubsub service. required if '--target-id' is not specified.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_app insights'.The syntax is: az aks connection update app-insights [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, python}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--resource-group] [--secret]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update app-insights -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update app-insights --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_appconfig'.The syntax is: az aks connection update appconfig [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update appconfig -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update appconfig --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_confluent cloud'.The syntax is: az aks connection update confluent-cloud --connection [--appconfig-id] [--bootstrap-server] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, none, python, springboot}] [--customized-keys] [--kafka-key] [--kafka-secret] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--resource-group] [--schema-key] [--schema-registry] [--schema-secret] [--source-id]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a bootstrap server connection', the syntax is: az aks connection update confluent-cloud -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client python. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the auth configurations of a bootstrap server connection', the syntax is: az aks connection update confluent-cloud -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --bootstrap-server xxx.eastus.azure.confluent.cloud:9092 --kafka-key Name --kafka-secret Secret. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a schema registry connection', the syntax is: az aks connection update confluent-cloud -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection_schema --client python. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the auth configurations of a schema registry connection', the syntax is: az aks connection update confluent-cloud -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection_schema --schema-registry https://xxx.eastus.azure.confluent.cloud --schema-key Name --schema-secret Secret. The parameter '--connection' is required. It is used to name of the connection.. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--bootstrap-server' is optional. kafka bootstrap server url.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--kafka-key' is optional. kafka api-key (key).. The parameter '--kafka-secret' is optional. kafka api-key (secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--source-id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--schema-key' is optional. schema registry api-key (key).. The parameter '--schema-registry' is optional. schema registry url.. The parameter '--schema-secret' is optional. schema registry api-key (secret).. The parameter '--source-id' is optional. the resource id of a aks. required if ['--resource-group', '--name'] are not specified..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_cosmos cassandra'.The syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-cassandra [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-cassandra -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-cassandra --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_cosmos gremlin'.The syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-gremlin [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, php, python}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-gremlin -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-gremlin --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_cosmos mongo'.The syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-mongo [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-mongo -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-mongo --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_cosmos sql'.The syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-sql [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-sql -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-sql --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_cosmos table'.The syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-table [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-table -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update cosmos-table --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_eventhub'.The syntax is: az aks connection update eventhub [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, kafka-springboot, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update eventhub -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update eventhub --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_keyvault'.The syntax is: az aks connection update keyvault [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update keyvault -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update keyvault --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_mysql'.The syntax is: az aks connection update mysql [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update mysql -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update mysql --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_mysql flexible'.The syntax is: az aks connection update mysql-flexible [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--resource-group] [--secret]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update mysql-flexible -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update mysql-flexible --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_postgres'.The syntax is: az aks connection update postgres [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update postgres -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update postgres --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_postgres flexible'.The syntax is: az aks connection update postgres-flexible [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--resource-group] [--secret]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update postgres-flexible -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update postgres-flexible --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_redis'.The syntax is: az aks connection update redis [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update redis -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update redis --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_redis enterprise'.The syntax is: az aks connection update redis-enterprise [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--resource-group] [--secret]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update redis-enterprise -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update redis-enterprise --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_servicebus'.The syntax is: az aks connection update servicebus [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update servicebus -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update servicebus --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_signalr'.The syntax is: az aks connection update signalr [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, none}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update signalr -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update signalr --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_sql'.The syntax is: az aks connection update sql [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {django, dotnet, dotnet-internal, go, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update sql -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update sql --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_storage blob'.The syntax is: az aks connection update storage-blob [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update storage-blob -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update storage-blob --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_storage file'.The syntax is: az aks connection update storage-file [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, php, python, ruby, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update storage-file -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update storage-file --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_storage queue'.The syntax is: az aks connection update storage-queue [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python, springboot}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update storage-queue -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update storage-queue --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_storage table'.The syntax is: az aks connection update storage-table [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-endpoint {false, true}] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update storage-table -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update storage-table --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by service endpoint. source resource must be in the vnet and target sku must support service endpoint feature.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_connection_update'. This group of commands could 'update a aks connection'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_connection_update_webpubsub'.The syntax is: az aks connection update webpubsub [--appconfig-id] [--client-type {dotnet, dotnet-internal, java, nodejs, none, python}] [--connection] [--customized-keys] [--enable-csi {false, true}] [--id] [--kube-namespace] [--name] [--no-wait] [--opt-out {auth, configinfo, publicnetwork}] [--private-endpoint {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret] [--service-principal] [--workload-identity]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource name', the syntax is: az aks connection update webpubsub -g ClusterRG -n MyCluster --connection MyConnection --client-type dotnet. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the client type of a connection with resource id', the syntax is: az aks connection update webpubsub --id /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{source_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{site}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/{linker} --client-type dotnet. The parameter '--appconfig-id' is optional. the app configuration id to store configuration.. The parameter '--client-type' is optional. the client type used on the aks.. The parameter '--connection' is optional. name of the aks connection.. The parameter '--customized-keys' is optional. the customized keys used to change default configuration names. key is the original name, value is the customized name.. The parameter '--enable-csi' is optional. use keyvault as a secrets store via a csi volume. if specified, authtype arguments are not needed.. The parameter '--id' is optional. the resource id of the connection. ['--resource-group', '--name', '--connection'] are required if '--id' is not specified.. The parameter '--kube-namespace' is optional. the kubernetes namespace where the connection information will be saved into (as kubernetes secret).. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--opt-out' is optional. whether to disable some configuration steps. use configinfo to disbale configuration information changes on source. use publicnetwork to disable public network access configuration.use auth to skip auth configuration such as enabling managed identity and granting rbac roles.. The parameter '--private-endpoint' is optional. connect target service by private endpoint. the private endpoint in source virtual network must be created ahead.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. the resource group which contains the managed cluster. required if '--id' is not specified.none.. The parameter '--secret' is optional. the secret auth info.. The parameter '--service-principal' is optional. the service principal auth info.. The parameter '--workload-identity' is optional. the user-assigned managed identity used to create workload identity federation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_pod identity_exception'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage pod identity exceptions in managed kubernetes cluster'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_pod identity_exception_add'.The syntax is: az aks pod-identity exception add --cluster-name --namespace --pod-labels --resource-group [--aks-custom-headers] [--name]. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--namespace' is required. It is used to the pod identity exception namespace.. The parameter '--pod-labels' is required. It is used to space-separated labels: key=value [key=value ...].. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--aks-custom-headers' is optional. send custom headers. when specified, format should be key1=value1,key2=value2.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. the pod identity exception name. generate if not specified..
There is a command group 'az_aks_pod identity_exception'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage pod identity exceptions in managed kubernetes cluster'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_pod identity_exception_delete'.The syntax is: az aks pod-identity exception delete --cluster-name --name --namespace --resource-group [--aks-custom-headers]. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the pod identity exception name to remove.. The parameter '--namespace' is required. It is used to the pod identity exception namespace to remove.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--aks-custom-headers' is optional. send custom headers. when specified, format should be key1=value1,key2=value2..
There is a command group 'az_aks_pod identity_exception'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage pod identity exceptions in managed kubernetes cluster'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_pod identity_exception_list'.The syntax is: az aks pod-identity exception list --cluster-name --resource-group. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_pod identity_exception'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage pod identity exceptions in managed kubernetes cluster'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_pod identity_exception_update'.The syntax is: az aks pod-identity exception update --cluster-name --name --namespace --pod-labels --resource-group [--aks-custom-headers]. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the pod identity exception name to remove.. The parameter '--namespace' is required. It is used to the pod identity exception namespace to remove.. The parameter '--pod-labels' is required. It is used to pod labels in key=value [key=value ...].. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--aks-custom-headers' is optional. send custom headers. when specified, format should be key1=value1,key2=value2..
There is a command group 'az_aks_approuting_zone'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage app routing dns zones'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_approuting_zone_add'.The syntax is: az aks approuting zone add --ids --name --resource-group [--attach-zones]. The parameter '--ids' is required. It is used to comma-separated list of dns zone resource ids to add to app routing.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--attach-zones' is optional. grant dns zone contributor permissions on all zone ids specified in --ids..
There is a command group 'az_aks_approuting_zone'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage app routing dns zones'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_approuting_zone_add aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks approuting zone add --ids --name --resource-group [--attach-zones]. The parameter '--ids' is required. It is used to comma-separated list of dns zone resource ids to add to app routing.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--attach-zones' is optional. grant dns zone contributor permissions on all zone ids specified in --ids..
There is a command group 'az_aks_approuting_zone'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage app routing dns zones'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_approuting_zone_delete'.The syntax is: az aks approuting zone delete --ids --name --resource-group [--yes]. The parameter '--ids' is required. It is used to comma-separated list of dns zone resource ids to delete from app routing.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_approuting_zone'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage app routing dns zones'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_approuting_zone_delete aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks approuting zone delete --ids --name --resource-group [--yes]. The parameter '--ids' is required. It is used to comma-separated list of dns zone resource ids to delete from app routing.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_approuting_zone'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage app routing dns zones'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_approuting_zone_list'.The syntax is: az aks approuting zone list --name --resource-group. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_approuting_zone'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage app routing dns zones'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_approuting_zone_list aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks approuting zone list --name --resource-group. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_approuting_zone'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage app routing dns zones'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_approuting_zone_update'.The syntax is: az aks approuting zone update --ids --name --resource-group [--attach-zones]. The parameter '--ids' is required. It is used to comma-separated list of dns zone resource ids to replace in app routing.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--attach-zones' is optional. grant dns zone contributor permissions on all zone ids specified in --ids..
There is a command group 'az_aks_approuting_zone'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage app routing dns zones'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_approuting_zone_update aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks approuting zone update --ids --name --resource-group [--attach-zones]. The parameter '--ids' is required. It is used to comma-separated list of dns zone resource ids to replace in app routing.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--attach-zones' is optional. grant dns zone contributor permissions on all zone ids specified in --ids..
There is a command group 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage the upgrades for azure service mesh'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade_complete'.The syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade complete --name --resource-group [--no-wait]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'complete azure service mesh upgrade', the syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade complete --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish..
There is a command group 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage the upgrades for azure service mesh'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade_complete aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade complete --name --resource-group [--no-wait] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'complete azure service mesh upgrade', the syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade complete --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage the upgrades for azure service mesh'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade_rollback'.The syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade rollback --name --resource-group [--no-wait]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'rollback azure service mesh upgrade', the syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade rollback --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish..
There is a command group 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage the upgrades for azure service mesh'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade_rollback aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade rollback --name --resource-group [--no-wait] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'rollback azure service mesh upgrade', the syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade rollback --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage the upgrades for azure service mesh'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade_start'.The syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade start --name --resource-group --revision [--no-wait]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'initiate azure service mesh upgrade', the syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade start --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster --revision asm-1-18. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--revision' is required. It is used to azure service mesh revision to upgrade to.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish..
There is a command group 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage the upgrades for azure service mesh'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_mesh_upgrade_start aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade start --name --resource-group --revision [--no-wait]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'initiate azure service mesh upgrade', the syntax is: az aks mesh upgrade start --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyManagedCluster --revision asm-1-18. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the managed cluster.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--revision' is required. It is used to azure service mesh revision to upgrade to.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_create'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding create --cluster-name --name --resource-group --roles --source-resource-id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new trusted access role binding', the syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding create -g myResourceGroup --cluster-name myCluster -n bindingName --source-resource-id /subscriptions/0000/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Demo/samples --roles Microsoft.Demo/samples/reader,Microsoft.Demo/samples/writer. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to specify the role binding name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--roles' is required. It is used to specify the comma-separated roles.. The parameter '--source-resource-id' is required. It is used to specify the source resource id of the binding..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_create aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding create --cluster-name --name --resource-group --roles --source-resource-id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new trusted access role binding', the syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding create -g myResourceGroup --cluster-name myCluster -n bindingName --source-resource-id /subscriptions/0000/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Demo/samples --roles Microsoft.Demo/samples/reader,Microsoft.Demo/samples/writer. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to specify the role binding name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--roles' is required. It is used to specify the space-separated roles.. The parameter '--source-resource-id' is required. It is used to specify the source resource id of the binding..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_delete'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding delete --cluster-name --name --resource-group [--yes]. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to specify the role binding name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_delete aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding delete --cluster-name --name --resource-group [--yes]. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to specify the role binding name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_list'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding list --cluster-name --resource-group. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_list aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding list --cluster-name --resource-group. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_show'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding show --cluster-name --name --resource-group. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to specify the role binding name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_show aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding show --cluster-name --name --resource-group. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to specify the role binding name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_update'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding update --cluster-name --name --resource-group --roles. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to specify the role binding name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--roles' is required. It is used to specify the comma-separated roles..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access role bindings'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_rolebinding_update aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess rolebinding update --cluster-name --name --resource-group --roles. The parameter '--cluster-name' is required. It is used to the cluster name.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to specify the role binding name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--roles' is required. It is used to specify the space-separated roles..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_role'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access roles'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_role_list'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess role list --location. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_trustedaccess_role'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage trusted access roles'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_trustedaccess_role_list aks preview'.The syntax is: az aks trustedaccess role list --location. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage nodepool snapshots'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot_create'.The syntax is: az aks nodepool snapshot create --name --nodepool-id --resource-group [--aks-custom-headers] [--location] [--no-wait] [--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a nodepool snapshot', the syntax is: az aks nodepool snapshot create -g MyResourceGroup -n snapshot1 --nodepool-id "/subscriptions/00000/resourceGroups/AnotherResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/akscluster1/agentPools/nodepool1". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a nodepool snapshot with custom tags', the syntax is: az aks nodepool snapshot create -g MyResourceGroup -n snapshot1 --nodepool-id "/subscriptions/00000/resourceGroups/AnotherResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/akscluster1/agentPools/nodepool1" --tags "foo=bar" "key1=val1". The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the nodepool snapshot name.. The parameter '--nodepool-id' is required. It is used to the source nodepool id from which to create this snapshot.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--aks-custom-headers' is optional. send custom headers. when specified, format should be key1=value1,key2=value2.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. the tags of the snapshot..
There is a command group 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage nodepool snapshots'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot_delete'.The syntax is: az aks nodepool snapshot delete --name --resource-group [--no-wait] [--yes]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the nodepool snapshot name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage nodepool snapshots'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot_list'.The syntax is: az aks nodepool snapshot list [--resource-group]. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage nodepool snapshots'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot_show'.The syntax is: az aks nodepool snapshot show --name --resource-group. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the nodepool snapshot name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'commands to manage nodepool snapshots'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_aks_nodepool_snapshot_update'.The syntax is: az aks nodepool snapshot update --name --resource-group --tags. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update tags on a nodepool snapshot', the syntax is: az aks nodepool snapshot update -g MyResourceGroup -n snapshot1 --tags "foo=bar" "key1=val1". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'clear tags on a nodepool snapshot', the syntax is: az aks nodepool snapshot update -g MyResourceGroup -n snapshot1 --tags "". The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the nodepool snapshot name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is required. It is used to the tags to set to the snapshot..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_run'. This group of commands could 'command group for consecutively running the arc resource bridge commands required for deployment this command is idempotent'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_run_hci'.The syntax is: az arcappliance run hci --location --name --resource-group [--cloudagent] [--force] [--loginconfigfile] [--out-dir] [--tags] [--working-dir]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'use the run command to deploy arc resource bridge on azure stack hci', the syntax is: az arcappliance run hci --resource-group [REQUIRED] --name [REQUIRED] --location [REQUIRED] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --cloudagent [OPTIONAL] --loginconfigfile [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to the azure location where the arc resource bridge azure resource will be deployed. must be set to the same location as the resource group.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--cloudagent' is optional. fqdn or ip address of the azure stack hci moc cloud agent service used by arc resource bridge. this can be found in the <bridgename>-infra.yaml configuration file stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--force' is optional. delete arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm and azure resource with the same name/id (if it exists) before continuing to the run command.. The parameter '--loginconfigfile' is optional. file path for the azure stack hci login configuration file, kvatoken.tok. by default, it is stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--out-dir' is optional. output directory for on-premises appliance vm log files, defaults to ./ (current directory).. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. The parameter '--working-dir' is optional. local directory path to store image & files downloaded for arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm deployment. if not specified, a default temp directory is used..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_run'. This group of commands could 'command group for consecutively running the arc resource bridge commands required for deployment this command is idempotent'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_run_scvmm'.The syntax is: az arcappliance run scvmm --location --name --resource-group [--address] [--force] [--out-dir] [--password] [--port] [--tags] [--username] [--working-dir]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'use the run command to deploy arc resource bridge on scvmm', the syntax is: az arcappliance run scvmm --resource-group [REQUIRED] --name [REQUIRED] --location [REQUIRED] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --address [OPTIONAL] --port [OPTIONAL] --username [OPTIONAL] --password [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to the azure location where the arc resource bridge azure resource will be deployed. must be set to the same location as the resource group.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--address' is optional. scvmm server fqdn (e.g. vmmuser001.contoso.lab) or ipv4 address. if you have a highly available vmm setup, enter the role name.. The parameter '--force' is optional. delete arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm and azure resource with the same name/id (if it exists) before continuing to the run command.. The parameter '--out-dir' is optional. output directory for on-premises appliance vm log files, defaults to ./ (current directory).. The parameter '--password' is optional. scvmm administrator password.. The parameter '--port' is optional. scvmm server port number (default: 8100).. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. The parameter '--username' is optional. scvmm administrator username in the format domain\username where 'domain' should be the netbios name of the domain (e.g. contoso\administrator).. The parameter '--working-dir' is optional. local directory path to store image & files downloaded for arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm deployment. if not specified, a default temp directory is used..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_run'. This group of commands could 'command group for consecutively running the arc resource bridge commands required for deployment this command is idempotent'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_run_vmware'.The syntax is: az arcappliance run vmware --location --name --resource-group [--address] [--force] [--out-dir] [--password] [--tags] [--username] [--working-dir]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'use the run command to deploy arc resource bridge on vmware', the syntax is: az arcappliance run vmware --resource-group [REQUIRED] --name [REQUIRED] --location [REQUIRED] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --address [OPTIONAL] --username [OPTIONAL] --password [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to the azure location where the arc resource bridge azure resource will be deployed. must be set to the same location as the resource group.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--address' is optional. fqdn or ip address for vcenter server instance. ex: The parameter '--force' is optional. delete arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm and azure resource with the same name/id (if it exists) before continuing to the run command.. The parameter '--out-dir' is optional. output directory for on-premises appliance vm log files, defaults to ./ (current directory).. The parameter '--password' is optional. password for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. The parameter '--username' is optional. username for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--working-dir' is optional. local directory path to store image & files downloaded for arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm deployment. if not specified, a default temp directory is used..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_createconfig'. This group of commands could 'command group for creating configuration files for arc resource bridge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_createconfig_hci'.The syntax is: az arcappliance createconfig hci --location --name --resource-group [--authenticationport] [--certificatefilepath] [--cloudagent] [--controlplaneendpoint] [--dnsservers] [--gateway] [--http] [--https] [--ipaddressprefix] [--k8snodeippoolend] [--k8snodeippoolstart] [--loginconfigfile] [--noproxy] [--out-dir] [--overwrite-existing] [--port] [--storagecontainer] [--vlanid] [--vswitchname] [--working-dir]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create appliance hci configuration', the syntax is: az arcappliance createconfig hci --resource-group [REQUIRED] --name [REQUIRED] --location [REQUIRED] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --cloudagent [OPTIONAL] --loginconfigfile [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to the azure location where the arc resource bridge azure resource will be deployed. must be a valid location where the self-service vm feature for azure stack hci is available and set to the same location as the resource group.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--authenticationport' is optional. network port used by appliance vm ip to communicate with the cloud agent service endpoint. this port should be open on the firewall to enable communication between the two if the windows server physical cluster nodes and arc resource bridge vm are on separate vlans.. The parameter '--certificatefilepath' is optional. certificate file path if your proxy server requires the proxy clients to trust a certificate. only pass a single proxy certificate, not a bundle.. The parameter '--cloudagent' is optional. fqdn or ip address of the azure stack hci moc cloud agent service used by arc resource bridge. this can be found in the <bridgename>-infra.yaml configuration file stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--controlplaneendpoint' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm hosts a management kubernetes cluster with a control plane that requires a static ip address. this static ip address must lie within the subnet range specified in the ip address prefix.. The parameter '--dnsservers' is optional. ip address(es) of dns server(s) used by arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm for dns resolution. appliance vm must be able to resolve external sites and internal endpoints. enter multiple ip addresses as a comma-separated list.. The parameter '--gateway' is optional. static gateway ip address, must lie within the subnet range specified in the ip address prefix.. The parameter '--http' is optional. http proxy url and port information entered as http://<url>:<port>. example: The parameter '--https' is optional. https url and port information entered as http://<url>:<port>. example: The parameter '--ipaddressprefix' is optional. arc resource bridge requires 3 ip addresses for the on-premises appliance vm (appliance vm ip, upgrade vm ip, control plane ip). all ips should reside within the same subnet and fall within the range specified in the ip address prefix. ip address prefix is entered as the subnet's ip address range for the virtual network and subnet mask (ip mask) in cidr notation (ex: an ip subnet cidr calculator can be used for this. example: for ips within a subnet range of -, the ip address prefix is within, set k8snodeippoolstart (appliance vm ip) to, k8snodeippoolend (upgrade vm ip) to and control plane ip to The parameter '--k8snodeippoolend' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm requires 2 ip addresses (appliance vm ip & upgrade vm ip) that should reside within the same subnet and fall within the range specified in the ip address prefix. ip addresses are specified as an ip range with a minimum size of 2 ip addresses. this parameter is to specify the end range ip. example: for a subnet range of -, the ip address prefix is within, set k8snodeippoolstart (appliance vm ip) to, k8snodeippoolend (upgrade vm ip) to and control plane ip to The parameter '--k8snodeippoolstart' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm requires 2 ip addresses (appliance vm ip & upgrade vm ip) that should reside within the same subnet and fall within the range specified in the ip address prefix. ip addresses are specified as an ip range with a minimum size of 2 ip addresses. this parameter is to specify the start range ip. example: for a subnet range of -, the ip address prefix is within, set k8snodeippoolstart (appliance vm ip) to, k8snodeippoolend (upgrade vm ip) to and control plane ip to The parameter '--loginconfigfile' is optional. file path for the azure stack hci login configuration file, kvatoken.tok. by default, it is stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--noproxy' is optional. the list of comma-separated entries for excluded networks, hosts, or domains from being accessed through the proxy server.. The parameter '--out-dir' is optional. output directory for arc resource bridge configuration files, defaults to ./ (current directory).. The parameter '--overwrite-existing' is optional. overwrite existing configuration files. default: false.. The parameter '--port' is optional. port.. The parameter '--storagecontainer' is optional. azure stack hci storage container.. The parameter '--vlanid' is optional. vlan id.. The parameter '--vswitchname' is optional. azure stack hci virtual network switch name.. The parameter '--working-dir' is optional. local directory path to store image & files downloaded for arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm deployment. if not specified, a default temp directory is used..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_createconfig'. This group of commands could 'command group for creating configuration files for arc resource bridge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_createconfig_scvmm'.The syntax is: az arcappliance createconfig scvmm --location --name --resource-group [--address] [--certificatefilepath] [--cloudid] [--controlplaneendpoint] [--dnsservers] [--gateway] [--highlyavailable] [--hostgroupid] [--http] [--https] [--ipaddressprefix] [--ippool] [--k8snodeippoolend] [--k8snodeippoolstart] [--libshare] [--macaddress] [--memorymib] [--network] [--noproxy] [--numcpus] [--out-dir] [--overwrite-existing] [--password] [--port] [--username] [--vlanid] [--working-dir]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'interactive mode to create arc resource bridge configuration files for arc enabled scvmm', the syntax is: az arcappliance createconfig scvmm --resource-group [REQUIRED] --name [REQUIRED] --location [REQUIRED] --out-dir [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to the azure location where the arc resource bridgeazure resource will be deployed. must be a valid location where arc-enabled scvmm is available and set to the same location as the resource group.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--address' is optional. scvmm server fqdn (e.g. vmmuser001.contoso.lab) or ipv4 address. if you have a highly available vmm setup, enter the role name.. The parameter '--certificatefilepath' is optional. certificate file path if your proxy server requires the proxy clients to trust a certificate (press enter to skip).. The parameter '--cloudid' is optional. scvmm cloud id.. The parameter '--controlplaneendpoint' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm hosts a management kubernetes cluster with a control plane that requires a static ip address. this static ip address must lie within the subnet range specified in the ip address prefix.. The parameter '--dnsservers' is optional. ip address(es) of dns server(s) used by arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm for dns resolution. appliance vm must be able to resolve external sites and internal endpoints. enter multiple ip addresses as a comma-separated list.. The parameter '--gateway' is optional. static gateway ip address, must lie within the subnet range specified in the ip address prefix.. The parameter '--highlyavailable' is optional. deploy resource bridge as highly available.highly available vm recommended for production environment.(expected true/false).. The parameter '--hostgroupid' is optional. scvmm hostgroup id.. The parameter '--http' is optional. http proxy url and port information entered as http://<url>:<port>. example: The parameter '--https' is optional. https url and port information entered as http://<url>:<port>. example: The parameter '--ipaddressprefix' is optional. arc resource bridge requires 3 ip addresses for the on-premises appliance vm (appliance vm ip, upgrade vm ip, control plane ip). all ips should reside within the same subnet and fall within the range specified in the ip address prefix. ip address prefix is entered as the subnet's ip address range for the virtual network and subnet mask (ip mask) in cidr notation (ex: an ip subnet cidr calculator can be used for this. example: for ips within a subnet range of -, the ip address prefix is within, set k8snodeippoolstart (appliance vm ip) to, k8snodeippoolend (upgrade vm ip) to and control plane ip to The parameter '--ippool' is optional. scvmm static ip pool id.. The parameter '--k8snodeippoolend' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm requires 2 ip addresses (appliance vm ip & upgrade vm ip) that should reside within the same subnet and fall within the range specified in the ip address prefix. ip addresses are specified as an ip range with a minimum size of 2 ip addresses. this parameter is to specify the end range ip. example: for a subnet range of -, the ip address prefix is within, set k8snodeippoolstart (appliance vm ip) to, k8snodeippoolend (upgrade vm ip) to and control plane ip to The parameter '--k8snodeippoolstart' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm requires 2 ip addresses (appliance vm ip & upgrade vm ip) that should reside within the same subnet and fall within the range specified in the ip address prefix. ip addresses are specified as an ip range with a minimum size of 2 ip addresses. this parameter is to specify the start range ip. example: for a subnet range of -, the ip address prefix is within, set k8snodeippoolstart (appliance vm ip) to, k8snodeippoolend (upgrade vm ip) to and control plane ip to The parameter '--libshare' is optional. scvmm library share (ensure vmm server has write access on the selected library share).. The parameter '--macaddress' is optional. static mac address (press enter to assign mac from default vmm mac pool).. The parameter '--memorymib' is optional. specify the memory (mb) for the arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm.. The parameter '--network' is optional. scvmm vm network id.. The parameter '--noproxy' is optional. the list of comma separated entries for excluded networks, hosts, or domains from being accessed through the proxy server.. The parameter '--numcpus' is optional. specify the number of cpus to allocate to the arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm.. The parameter '--out-dir' is optional. output directory for arc resource bridge configuration files, defaults to ./ (current directory).. The parameter '--overwrite-existing' is optional. overwrite existing configuration files. default: false.. The parameter '--password' is optional. scvmm administrator password.. The parameter '--port' is optional. scvmm server port number (default: 8100).. The parameter '--username' is optional. scvmm administrator username in the format domain\username where 'domain' should be the netbios name of the domain (e.g. contoso\administrator).. The parameter '--vlanid' is optional. scvmm network vlan id (0 if vlan is disabled on the network or a valid vlan id in the range (1-4095)).. The parameter '--working-dir' is optional. local directory path to store image & files downloaded for arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm deployment. if not specified, a default temp directory is used..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_createconfig'. This group of commands could 'command group for creating configuration files for arc resource bridge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_createconfig_vmware'.The syntax is: az arcappliance createconfig vmware --location --name --resource-group [--address] [--certificatefilepath] [--controlplaneendpoint] [--datacenter] [--datastore] [--disksizegib] [--dnsservers] [--folder] [--gateway] [--http] [--https] [--ipaddressprefix] [--k8snodeippoolend] [--k8snodeippoolstart] [--memorymib] [--network] [--noproxy] [--numcpus] [--out-dir] [--overwrite-existing] [--password] [--resourcepool] [--username] [--working-dir]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'interactive mode to create arc resource bridge configuration files for arc enabled vmware', the syntax is: az arcappliance createconfig vmware --resource-group [REQUIRED] --name [REQUIRED] --location [REQUIRED] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --address [OPTIONAL] --username [OPTIONAL] --password [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to the azure location where the arc resource bridge azure resource will be deployed. must be a valid location where arc-enabled vmware is available and set to the same location as the resource group.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--address' is optional. fqdn or ip address for vcenter server instance. ex: The parameter '--certificatefilepath' is optional. certificate file path if your proxy server requires the proxy clients to trust a certificate. only pass a single proxy certificate, not a bundle. (press enter to skip).. The parameter '--controlplaneendpoint' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm hosts a management kubernetes cluster with a control plane that requires a static ip address. this static ip address must lie within the subnet range specified in the ip address prefix.. The parameter '--datacenter' is optional. name of the datacenter (as shown in vsphere) where the arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm should be deployed.. The parameter '--datastore' is optional. name of datastore to be used for arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm.. The parameter '--disksizegib' is optional. specify the disk size (gb) for the arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm.. The parameter '--dnsservers' is optional. ip address(es) of dns server(s) used by arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm for dns resolution. appliance vm must be able to resolve external sites and internal endpoints. enter multiple ip addresses as a comma-separated list.. The parameter '--folder' is optional. full path to the vsphere folder, including vsphere vm name and template folder. this is where the arc resource bridge appliance vm will be deployed. ex: /datacentera/vm/foldera.. The parameter '--gateway' is optional. static gateway ip address, must lie within the subnet range specified in the ip address prefix.. The parameter '--http' is optional. http proxy url and port information entered as http://<url>:<port>. example: The parameter '--https' is optional. https url and port information entered as http://<url>:<port>. example: The parameter '--ipaddressprefix' is optional. arc resource bridge requires 3 ip addresses for the on-premises appliance vm (appliance vm ip, upgrade vm ip, control plane ip). all ips should reside within the same subnet and fall within the range specified in the ip address prefix. ip address prefix is entered as the subnet's ip address range for the virtual network and subnet mask (ip mask) in cidr notation (ex: an ip subnet cidr calculator can be used for this. example: for ips within a subnet range of -, the ip address prefix is within, set k8snodeippoolstart (appliance vm ip) to, k8snodeippoolend (upgrade vm ip) to and control plane ip to The parameter '--k8snodeippoolend' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm requires 2 ip addresses (appliance vm ip & upgrade vm ip) that should reside within the same subnet and fall within the range specified in the ip address prefix. ip addresses are specified as an ip range with a minimum size of 2 ip addresses. this parameter is to specify the end range ip. example: for a subnet range of -, the ip address prefix is within, set k8snodeippoolstart (appliance vm ip) to, k8snodeippoolend (upgrade vm ip) to and control plane ip to The parameter '--k8snodeippoolstart' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm requires 2 ip addresses (appliance vm ip & upgrade vm ip) that should reside within the same subnet and fall within the range specified in the ip address prefix. ip addresses are specified as an ip range with a minimum size of 2 ip addresses. this parameter is to specify the start range ip. example: for a subnet range of -, the ip address prefix is within, set k8snodeippoolstart (appliance vm ip) to, k8snodeippoolend (upgrade vm ip) to and control plane ip to The parameter '--memorymib' is optional. specify the memory (mb) for the arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm.. The parameter '--network' is optional. name of the virtual network or segment to connect arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm to. this network should allow the appliance vm to communicate with vcenter server and the azure endpoints (or internet).. The parameter '--noproxy' is optional. the list of comma separated entries for excluded networks, hosts, or domains from being accessed through the proxy server.. The parameter '--numcpus' is optional. specify the number of cpus to allocate to the arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm.. The parameter '--out-dir' is optional. output directory for arc resource bridge configuration files, defaults to ./ (current directory).. The parameter '--overwrite-existing' is optional. overwrite existing configuration files. default: false.. The parameter '--password' is optional. password for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--resourcepool' is optional. full path to the vsphere resource pool where the on-premises appliance vm will be deployed. ex: /datacentera/host/cluster-1/resources/resourcepoola.. The parameter '--username' is optional. username for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--working-dir' is optional. local directory path to store image & files downloaded for arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm deployment. if not specified, a default temp directory is used..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_logs'. This group of commands could 'command group for collecting logs for arc resource bridge run get credentials command before running logs command'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_logs_hci'.The syntax is: az arcappliance logs hci [--cloudagent] [--credentials-dir] [--ip] [--kubeconfig] [--loginconfigfile] [--out-dir]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'collect appliance logs on hci using ip', the syntax is: az arcappliance logs hci --ip [REQUIRED] --kubeconfig [OPTIONAL] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --credentials-dir [OPTIONAL]. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'collect appliance logs on hci using kubeconfig', the syntax is: az arcappliance logs hci --ip [OPTIONAL] --kubeconfig [REQUIRED] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --credentials-dir [OPTIONAL]. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'collect appliance logs using noninteractive feature on hci using hci credentials as parameters', the syntax is: az arcappliance logs hci --ip [REQUIRED] --kubeconfig [OPTIONAL] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --cloudagent [REQUIRED] --loginconfigfile [REQUIRED] --credentials-dir [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--cloudagent' is optional. fqdn or ip address of the azure stack hci moc cloud agent service used by arc resource bridge. this can be found in the <bridgename>-infra.yaml configuration file stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--credentials-dir' is optional. folder to read logging key and certificate from. if no value specified, defaults to .kva/.ssh for darwin and linux and c:\programdata\kva\.ssh for windows.. The parameter '--ip' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm ip or its control plane ip.. The parameter '--kubeconfig' is optional. path to kubeconfig, output from deploy command.. The parameter '--loginconfigfile' is optional. file path for the azure stack hci login configuration file, kvatoken.tok. by default, it is stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--out-dir' is optional. output directory for on-premises appliance vm log files, defaults to ./ (current directory)..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_logs'. This group of commands could 'command group for collecting logs for arc resource bridge run get credentials command before running logs command'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_logs_scvmm'.The syntax is: az arcappliance logs scvmm [--address] [--credentials-dir] [--ip] [--kubeconfig] [--out-dir] [--password] [--port] [--username]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'collect arc resource bridge logs on scvmm using ip', the syntax is: az arcappliance logs scvmm --ip [REQUIRED] --kubeconfig [OPTIONAL] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --credentials-dir [OPTIONAL]. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'collect arc resource bridge logs on scvmm using kubeconfig', the syntax is: az arcappliance logs scvmm --ip [OPTIONAL] --kubeconfig [REQUIRED] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --credentials-dir [OPTIONAL]. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'collect arc resource bridge logs using noninteractive feature on scvmm using scvmm credentials as parameters', the syntax is: az arcappliance logs scvmm --ip [REQUIRED] --kubeconfig [OPTIONAL] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --credentials-dir [OPTIONAL] --address [REQUIRED] --port [REQUIRED] --username [REQUIRED] --password [REQUIRED]. The parameter '--address' is optional. scvmm server fqdn (e.g. vmmuser001.contoso.lab) or ipv4 address. if you have a highly available vmm setup, enter the role name.. The parameter '--credentials-dir' is optional. folder to read logging key and certificate from. if no value specified, defaults to .kva/.ssh for darwin and linux and c:\programdata\kva\.ssh for windows.. The parameter '--ip' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm ip or its control plane ip.. The parameter '--kubeconfig' is optional. path to kubeconfig, output from deploy command.. The parameter '--out-dir' is optional. output directory for on-premises appliance vm log files, defaults to ./ (current directory).. The parameter '--password' is optional. scvmm administrator password.. The parameter '--port' is optional. scvmm server port number (default: 8100).. The parameter '--username' is optional. scvmm administrator username in the format domain\username where 'domain' should be the netbios name of the domain (e.g. contoso\administrator)..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_logs'. This group of commands could 'command group for collecting logs for arc resource bridge run get credentials command before running logs command'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_logs_vmware'.The syntax is: az arcappliance logs vmware [--address] [--credentials-dir] [--ip] [--kubeconfig] [--out-dir] [--password] [--username]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'collect appliance logs on vmware using ip', the syntax is: az arcappliance logs vmware --ip [REQUIRED] --kubeconfig [OPTIONAL] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --credentials-dir [OPTIONAL]. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'collect appliance logs on vmware using kubeconfig', the syntax is: az arcappliance logs vmware --ip [OPTIONAL] --kubeconfig [REQUIRED] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --credentials-dir [OPTIONAL]. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'collect appliance logs using noninteractive feature on vmware using vmware credentials parameters', the syntax is: az arcappliance logs vmware --ip [REQUIRED] --kubeconfig [OPTIONAL] --out-dir [OPTIONAL] --credentials-dir [OPTIONAL] --address [REQUIRED] --username [REQUIRED] --password [REQUIRED]. The parameter '--address' is optional. fqdn or ip address for vcenter server instance. ex: The parameter '--credentials-dir' is optional. folder to read logging key and certificate from. if no value specified, defaults to .kva/.ssh for darwin and linux and c:\programdata\kva\.ssh for windows.. The parameter '--ip' is optional. arc resource bridge on-premises appliance vm ip or its control plane ip.. The parameter '--kubeconfig' is optional. path to kubeconfig, output from deploy command.. The parameter '--out-dir' is optional. output directory for on-premises appliance vm log files, defaults to ./ (current directory).. The parameter '--password' is optional. password for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--username' is optional. username for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_delete'. This group of commands could 'command group for deletion of an arc resource bridge on premises appliance vm and its azure resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_delete_hci'.The syntax is: az arcappliance delete hci --config-file [--cloudagent] [--location] [--loginconfigfile] [--name] [--resource-group] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete arc resource bridge from azure stack hci', the syntax is: az arcappliance delete hci --config-file [REQUIRED] --cloudagent [OPTIONAL] --loginconfigfile [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--cloudagent' is optional. fqdn or ip address of the azure stack hci moc cloud agent service used by arc resource bridge. this can be found in the <bridgename>-infra.yaml configuration file stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--loginconfigfile' is optional. file path for the azure stack hci login configuration file, kvatoken.tok. by default, it is stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_delete'. This group of commands could 'command group for deletion of an arc resource bridge on premises appliance vm and its azure resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_delete_scvmm'.The syntax is: az arcappliance delete scvmm --config-file [--address] [--location] [--name] [--password] [--port] [--resource-group] [--username] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete arc resource bridge from scvmm', the syntax is: az arcappliance delete scvmm --config-file [REQUIRED] --address [OPTIONAL] --port [OPTIONAL] --username [OPTIONAL] --password [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--address' is optional. scvmm server fqdn (e.g. vmmuser001.contoso.lab) or ipv4 address. if you have a highly available vmm setup, enter the role name.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--password' is optional. scvmm administrator password.. The parameter '--port' is optional. scvmm server port number (default: 8100).. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--username' is optional. scvmm administrator username in the format domain\username where 'domain' should be the netbios name of the domain (e.g. contoso\administrator).. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_delete'. This group of commands could 'command group for deletion of an arc resource bridge on premises appliance vm and its azure resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_delete_vmware'.The syntax is: az arcappliance delete vmware --config-file [--address] [--location] [--name] [--password] [--resource-group] [--username] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete appliance vmware resource', the syntax is: az arcappliance delete vmware --config-file [REQUIRED] --address [OPTIONAL] --username [OPTIONAL] --password [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--address' is optional. fqdn or ip address for vcenter server instance. ex: The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--password' is optional. password for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--username' is optional. username for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_update infracredentials'. This group of commands could 'command group for updating the on premises infrastructure credentials used by arc resource bridge to manage on premises resources'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_update infracredentials_hci'.The syntax is: az arcappliance update-infracredentials hci --kubeconfig [--cloudagent] [--loginconfigfile]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update azure stack hci credentials used by arc resource bridge', the syntax is: az arcappliance update-infracredentials hci --kubeconfig [REQUIRED]. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update azure stack hci credentials used by arc resource bridge with non interactive mode using hci credentials as parameters', the syntax is: az arcappliance update-infracredentials hci --kubeconfig [REQUIRED] --cloudagent [REQUIRED] --loginconfigfile [REQUIRED]. The parameter '--kubeconfig' is required. It is used to path to kubeconfig output from deploy command.. The parameter '--cloudagent' is optional. fqdn or ip address of the azure stack hci moc cloud agent service used by arc resource bridge. this can be found in the <bridgename>-infra.yaml configuration file stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--loginconfigfile' is optional. file path for the azure stack hci login configuration file, kvatoken.tok. by default, it is stored locally on the hci cluster..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_update infracredentials'. This group of commands could 'command group for updating the on premises infrastructure credentials used by arc resource bridge to manage on premises resources'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_update infracredentials_scvmm'.The syntax is: az arcappliance update-infracredentials scvmm --kubeconfig [--address] [--password] [--port] [--username]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update scvmm credentials used by arc resource bridge', the syntax is: az arcappliance update-infracredentials scvmm --kubeconfig [REQUIRED]. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update scvmm credentials used by arc resource bridge with non interactive mode using scvmm credentials as parameters', the syntax is: az arcappliance update-infracredentials scvmm --kubeconfig [REQUIRED] --address [REQUIRED] --port [REQUIRED] --username [REQUIRED] --password [REQUIRED]. The parameter '--kubeconfig' is required. It is used to path to kubeconfig output from deploy command.. The parameter '--address' is optional. scvmm server fqdn (e.g. vmmuser001.contoso.lab) or ipv4 address. if you have a highly available vmm setup, enter the role name.. The parameter '--password' is optional. scvmm administrator password.. The parameter '--port' is optional. scvmm server port number (default: 8100).. The parameter '--username' is optional. scvmm administrator username in the format domain\username where 'domain' should be the netbios name of the domain (e.g. contoso\administrator)..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_update infracredentials'. This group of commands could 'command group for updating the on premises infrastructure credentials used by arc resource bridge to manage on premises resources'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_update infracredentials_vmware'.The syntax is: az arcappliance update-infracredentials vmware --kubeconfig [--address] [--password] [--skipwait] [--username]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update vmware credentials used by arc resource bridge', the syntax is: az arcappliance update-infracredentials vmware --kubeconfig [REQUIRED] --skipWait. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update vmware credentials used by arc resource bridge with non interactive mode using vmware credentials as parameters', the syntax is: az arcappliance update-infracredentials vmware --kubeconfig [REQUIRED] --address [REQUIRED] --username [REQUIRED] --password [REQUIRED] --skipWait. The parameter '--kubeconfig' is required. It is used to path to kubeconfig output from deploy command.. The parameter '--address' is optional. fqdn or ip address for vcenter server instance. ex: The parameter '--password' is optional. password for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--skipwait' is optional. use this flag to update the vcenter credentials without verification. this is only recommended if you are locked out of vsphere and validation is not possible until lockout period expires.. The parameter '--username' is optional. username for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_deploy'. This group of commands could 'command group for deployment of the arc resource bridge on premises appliance vm and creation of its corresponding azure resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_deploy_hci'.The syntax is: az arcappliance deploy hci --config-file [--cloudagent] [--location] [--loginconfigfile] [--name] [--outfile] [--resource-group] [--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'deploy arc resource bridge on azure stack hci', the syntax is: az arcappliance deploy hci --config-file [REQUIRED]. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'deploy arc resource bridge on azure stack hci with a specified outfile for the kubeconfig', the syntax is: az arcappliance deploy hci --config-file [REQUIRED] --outfile [OPTIONAL] --cloudagent [OPTIONAL] --loginconfigfile [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--cloudagent' is optional. fqdn or ip address of the azure stack hci moc cloud agent service used by arc resource bridge. this can be found in the <bridgename>-infra.yaml configuration file stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--loginconfigfile' is optional. file path for the azure stack hci login configuration file, kvatoken.tok. by default, it is stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--outfile' is optional. file output path for the kubeconfig, defaults to ./kubeconfig.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_deploy'. This group of commands could 'command group for deployment of the arc resource bridge on premises appliance vm and creation of its corresponding azure resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_deploy_scvmm'.The syntax is: az arcappliance deploy scvmm --config-file [--address] [--location] [--name] [--outfile] [--password] [--port] [--resource-group] [--tags] [--username]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'deploy arc resource bridge on scvmm', the syntax is: az arcappliance deploy scvmm --config-file [REQUIRED]. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'deploy arc resource bridge on scvmm with a specified outfile for the kubeconfig', the syntax is: az arcappliance deploy scvmm --config-file [REQUIRED] --outfile [OPTIONAL] --tags [OPTIONAL] --address [OPTIONAL] --port [OPTIONAL] --username [OPTIONAL] --password [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--address' is optional. scvmm server fqdn (e.g. vmmuser001.contoso.lab) or ipv4 address. if you have a highly available vmm setup, enter the role name.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--outfile' is optional. file output path for the kubeconfig, defaults to ./kubeconfig.. The parameter '--password' is optional. scvmm administrator password.. The parameter '--port' is optional. scvmm server port number (default: 8100).. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. The parameter '--username' is optional. scvmm administrator username in the format domain\username where 'domain' should be the netbios name of the domain (e.g. contoso\administrator)..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_deploy'. This group of commands could 'command group for deployment of the arc resource bridge on premises appliance vm and creation of its corresponding azure resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_deploy_vmware'.The syntax is: az arcappliance deploy vmware --config-file [--address] [--location] [--name] [--outfile] [--password] [--resource-group] [--tags] [--username]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'deploy arc resource bridge on vmware', the syntax is: az arcappliance deploy vmware --config-file [REQUIRED]. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'deploy arc resource bridge on vmware with a specified outfile for the kubeconfig', the syntax is: az arcappliance deploy vmware --config-file [REQUIRED] --outfile [OPTIONAL] --address [OPTIONAL] --username [OPTIONAL] --password [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--address' is optional. fqdn or ip address for vcenter server instance. ex: The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--outfile' is optional. file output path for the kubeconfig, defaults to ./kubeconfig.. The parameter '--password' is optional. password for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. The parameter '--username' is optional. username for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_prepare'. This group of commands could 'command group for preparing for an arc resource bridge deployment this downloads the necessary images to build the on premises appliance vm and uploads it to the private cloud gallery'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_prepare_hci'.The syntax is: az arcappliance prepare hci --config-file [--cloudagent] [--location] [--loginconfigfile] [--name] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'prepare azure stack hci for arc resource bridge deployment', the syntax is: az arcappliance prepare hci --config-file [REQUIRED] --cloudagent [OPTIONAL] --loginconfigfile [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--cloudagent' is optional. fqdn or ip address of the azure stack hci moc cloud agent service used by arc resource bridge. this can be found in the <bridgename>-infra.yaml configuration file stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--loginconfigfile' is optional. file path for the azure stack hci login configuration file, kvatoken.tok. by default, it is stored locally on the hci cluster.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_prepare'. This group of commands could 'command group for preparing for an arc resource bridge deployment this downloads the necessary images to build the on premises appliance vm and uploads it to the private cloud gallery'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_prepare_scvmm'.The syntax is: az arcappliance prepare scvmm --config-file [--address] [--location] [--name] [--password] [--port] [--resource-group] [--username]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'prepare scvmm environment for arc resource bridge deployment', the syntax is: az arcappliance prepare scvmm --config-file [REQUIRED] --address [OPTIONAL] --port [OPTIONAL] --username [OPTIONAL] --password [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--address' is optional. scvmm server fqdn (e.g. vmmuser001.contoso.lab) or ipv4 address. if you have a highly available vmm setup, enter the role name.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--password' is optional. scvmm administrator password.. The parameter '--port' is optional. scvmm server port number (default: 8100).. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--username' is optional. scvmm administrator username in the format domain\username where 'domain' should be the netbios name of the domain (e.g. contoso\administrator)..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_prepare'. This group of commands could 'command group for preparing for an arc resource bridge deployment this downloads the necessary images to build the on premises appliance vm and uploads it to the private cloud gallery'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_prepare_vmware'.The syntax is: az arcappliance prepare vmware --config-file [--address] [--location] [--name] [--password] [--resource-group] [--username]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'prepare vmware environment for arc resource bridge deployment', the syntax is: az arcappliance prepare vmware --config-file [REQUIRED] --address [OPTIONAL] --username [OPTIONAL] --password [OPTIONAL]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--address' is optional. fqdn or ip address for vcenter server instance. ex: The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--password' is optional. password for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--username' is optional. username for vsphere account that arc resource bridge uses for on-premises infrastructure guest management..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_create'. This group of commands could 'command group for creation of the connection between the arc resource bridge on premises appliance vm and its corresponding azure resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_create_hci'.The syntax is: az arcappliance create hci --config-file --kubeconfig [--location] [--name] [--resource-group] [--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create connection between the on premises appliance vm and azure resource for arc resource bridge on azure stack hci', the syntax is: az arcappliance create hci --config-file [REQUIRED] --kubeconfig [REQUIRED]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--kubeconfig' is required. It is used to path to kubeconfig, output from deploy command.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_create'. This group of commands could 'command group for creation of the connection between the arc resource bridge on premises appliance vm and its corresponding azure resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_create_scvmm'.The syntax is: az arcappliance create scvmm --config-file --kubeconfig [--location] [--name] [--resource-group] [--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create connection between the on premises appliance vm and azure resource for arc resource bridge on scvmm', the syntax is: az arcappliance create scvmm --config-file [REQUIRED] --kubeconfig [REQUIRED]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--kubeconfig' is required. It is used to path to kubeconfig, output from deploy command.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_create'. This group of commands could 'command group for creation of the connection between the arc resource bridge on premises appliance vm and its corresponding azure resource'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_create_vmware'.The syntax is: az arcappliance create vmware --config-file --kubeconfig [--location] [--name] [--resource-group] [--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create connection between the on premises appliance vm and azure resource for arc resource bridge on vmware', the syntax is: az arcappliance create vmware --config-file [REQUIRED] --kubeconfig [REQUIRED]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to the arc resource bridge appliance config file, <resourcename>-appliance.yaml.. The parameter '--kubeconfig' is required. It is used to path to kubeconfig, output from deploy command.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_upgrade'. This group of commands could 'command group for upgrading an appliance cluster'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_upgrade_hci'.The syntax is: az arcappliance upgrade hci --config-file [--location] [--name] [--no-wait] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'upgrade hci appliance', the syntax is: az arcappliance upgrade hci --config-file [REQUIRED]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to appliance config file.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_arcappliance_upgrade'. This group of commands could 'command group for upgrading an appliance cluster'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_arcappliance_upgrade_scvmm'.The syntax is: az arcappliance upgrade scvmm --config-file [--location] [--name] [--no-wait] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'upgrade scvmm appliance', the syntax is: az arcappliance upgrade scvmm --config-file [REQUIRED]. The parameter '--config-file' is required. It is used to path to appliance config file.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the arc resource bridge.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..