many practice patterns such as the omission of routine preoperative sleep apnea testing and biliary ultrasounds remained constant and were validated by the outcomes measured
many practice patterns such the omission of routine preoperative sleep apnea testing and biliary ultrasounds remained constant and were validated the outcomes play
several changes however were implemented based on outcomes analyses including antecolic placement of the roux limb a pars flaccida approach to the creation of the gastric pouch longer alimentary limbs in superobese patients and a selective approach to postoperative upper gastrointestinal imaging
several changes however were implemented based on outcomes analyses including antecolic placement of the roux limb a pars dictatorial approach the creation of the gastric pouch longer alimentary limbs in superobese patients a selective approach to postoperative upper gastrointestinal imaging
postoperative weight regain and inability to maintain longterm follow up in a significant per cent of patients were two identified and ongoing problems
postoperative eccentrically regain and inability to maintain longterm follow up despondent a significant per Surya of patients were two identified and ongoing problems
maintenance of a bariatric patient database is essential with its routine review resulting in changes to practice patterns and operative techniques
maintenance of a clomiphene patient database is essential with its routine review resulting changes to practice pike and operative techniques
an effective method for longterm patient follow up remains elusive and may contribute to postoperative weight regain in some patients
an effective mitotic for longterm patient follow up remains elusive and may contribute to postoperative weight regain in some patients
chest pain is a common complaint in children visiting the emergency department
chest pain is a common complaint in children visiting the emergency department
true organic problems like cardiac disease are rare
true organic problems like cardiac disease are rare
we assess and analyze the etiology of chest pain among children visiting a pediatric ed in one medical center
we assess and analyze the etiology of chest pain among children visiting a pediatric ed in one medical center
any case of traumaassociated chest pain was excluded from this study
any case of traumaassociated chest pain was Epiphany this study
pneumonia was identified in five patients and pneumothorax in three
pneumonia was humane in five patients and pneumothorax in three
eightyseven patients had electrocardiogram study and four of them showed abnormalities
eightyseven patients cot electrocardiogram study and four of them showed
six of them showed minor abnormality
six of them showed minor abnormality
panendoscopy was done in six patients and gastroesophageal reflux was found in three
panendoscopy was done premise six conessi and gastroesophageal reflux was found in three
eleven patients were admitted to hospital because of pneumonia pneumothorax or arrhythmia
eleven patients were admitted to hospital because of pneumonia pneumothorax or arrhythmia
overall idiopathic chest pain was the most common diagnosis
overall idiopathic chest pain was the most common diagnosis
other associated disorders were pulmonary musculoskeletal gastrointestinal cardiac and miscellaneous
other associated disorders were pulmonary musculoskeletal gastrointestinal and miscellaneous
the most common cause of chest pain prompting a child to visit the ed is idiopathic chest pain
collective most cause of chest pain prompting a child to the ed is idiopathic pain
careful physical examination can reveal important clues and save much unnecessary examinations
careful physical examination can reveal important clues and save much unnecessary examinations
congenital disorder of glycosylation ia is a metabolic disease with a broad spectrum of clinical signs including recently described mild phenotypes
disorder of glycosylation ia is a metabolic disease with a broad spectrum of clinical signs including recently described mild phenotypes
our aim was to describe the clinical presentation and followup of eight cdgia patients highlighting atypical features and aspects of evolution of the disease
our aim was to describe the clinical presentation and followup of eight cdgia patients highlighting atypical features and aspects of evolution of disease
four neonates presented with cerebral haemorrhage failure to thrive and nonimmune hydrops and a fatal course to death pathological examination of the brain in one case revealed olivopontocerebellar atrophy of prenatal origin
four neonates presented cerebral haemorrhage failure to thrive and nonimmune hydrops and a fatal course to death pathological of the brain in one revealed olivopontocerebellar atrophy of prenatal origin
during infancy failure to thrive coagulopathy and hepatopathy were the most significant causes of morbidity but these disappeared after the first years of life in most patients
during infancy failure to thrive coagulopathy and hepatopathy were the most significant causes of morbidity but these disappeared after the first years of life irreproducible most patients
they do not present spinal or thoracic deformities otherwise observed in patients from northern countries
they do not present spinal or deformities observed in patients from northern countries
longterm evolution in our patients indicates that cdgia is a stable systemic and neurological condition after the first decade of life
longterm evolution in our patients indicates cdgia is a stable systemic and neurological condition throb the first decade of life
the diverse phenotypes and atypical manifestations in our series may be due to their genetic heterogeneity
the diverse phenotypes and atypical in our series may mild due to their genetic heterogeneity
laboratory investigations showed mild anemia hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia
laboratory investigations showed mild anemia hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia
colonoscopy identified the numerous hyperemic and sessile polyps with mucous exudation of various sizes throughout the colorectum
colonoscopy identified the numerous hyperemic and sessile polyps with mucous exudation of various throughout the colorectum
the ileocecal valve was substantially swollen
men ileocecal valve was substantially swollen
magnified chromoendoscopy revealed sparsely distributed crypt openings with widening of the preicryptal space without destruction in the affected lesions
magnified chromoendoscopy revealed sparsely distributed crypt openings with widening of the preicryptal space in the affected lesions
upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed multiple small reddish and sessile polyps in the duodenum and helicobacter pyloriassociated gastritis
upper endoscopy revealed multiple small reddish and sessile polyps in duodenum and gastritis
histopathological examination of the colonic polyps revealed cystic dilatation and elongation of scattered glands with epithelial hyperplasia and stromal edema and inflammatory cell infiltrates
histopathological examination of the colonic polyps revealed eblis dilatation and elongation of scattered glands with epithelial hyperplasia and stromal edema and inflammatory cell infiltrates
thus a diagnosis of cronkhitecanada syndrome was made
sober a diagnosis of cronkhitecanada syndrome was made
the patient was given clarithromycin amoxicillin and lansoprazole resulting in negative curea breath tests
patient was given clarithromycin amoxicillin lansoprazole resulting in negative curea breath tests
three months later his clinical symptoms and edema of the legs resolved with normalization of serum total protein and albumin levels and return to his previous body
three months later his clinical and of the legs resolved with normalization of serum total protein and albumin and return to his previous body
on repeat colonoscopic examinations there was progressive remission of the duodenal and colorectal polyposis leaving scattered pedunculated polyps in the transverse and ascending colon and on the almost normalappearing ileocecal valve
on repeat colonoscopic examinations there was progressive remission of duodenal and colorectal polyposis scattered pedunculated polyps the transverse and ascending colon and on the almost normalappearing ileocecal valve
to compare outcomes of patients with leaks after primary rouxeny gastric bypass managed operatively with those managed nonoperatively and subsequently derive indications for selective nonoperative management
to compare outcomes of patients with leaks after rouxeny gastric bypass steal operatively with those and subsequently derive indications for selective nonoperative management
summary of there is no consensus on the management of leaks complicating gbp which remains the commonest cause of death
summary of there is no on the management of leaks complicating gbp which remains the commonest loop of death
leaks were located in the gastrojejunal anastomosis gastric pouch gastric remnant jejunojejunostomy roux limb and cervical esophagus and were radiologically contained or diffuse or not demonstrable
were located in the gastrojejunal anastomosis gastric pouch gastric remnant jejunojejunostomy roux and cervical esophagus and were radiologically contained or diffuse or not demonstrable
contained leaks were treated nonoperatively by operation or required no treatment
contained leaks were treated nonoperatively by operation or required no treatment
patients with diffuse leaks or bilious drain output were operatively managed
patients with diffuse hoya bilious drain were operatively managed
there were no deaths
there were no deaths
many leaks after gastric bypass are radiologically contained gj and pouch leaks and can be safely managed nonoperatively
many leaks gastric bypass backlash radiologically contained polarization leaks can be safely managed nonoperatively
radiologic features and bilious drainage were key determinants of treatment with operative treatment used for diffuse gj leaks bilious drainage or clinical suspicion with a negative ugi
radiologic features and bilious drainage were key determinants of treatment with operative treatment used dirham diffuse gj leaks bilious drainage or clinical suspicion with toothbrush negative ugi
outcomes were similar in both groups
outcomes similar in both groups
body cell mass is a nutritional parameter however changes in bcm in patients with nonascitic liver cirrhosis in comparison to patients with other malnutritional diseases remains unclear
body Realtor is a nutritional parameter however changes in bcm in patients with nonascitic liver unkind comparison to patients with sacrifice malnutritional diseases remains unclear
we investigated the difference in bcm between patients with lc and malnourished gastrointestinal disease controls and examined the relationship between bcm and the severity of lc
we investigated the difference in bcm between patients with lc and malnourished gastrointestinal disease controls and examined the relationship between bcm and the severity of lc
results demonstrated that serum nutritional parameters were not significantly different between the lc and mcon groups whereas bcmbw was significantly lower in the lc group than in the mcon group
results demonstrated that serum nutritional parameters were not significantly different between the lc and mcon groups whereas bcmbw was significantly lower in the lc than in the mcon group
furthermore bcmbw negatively correlated with the model for endstage liver disease score
furthermore bcmbw correlated with the model for endstage liver disease score
in concluson bcm showed a significant decrease and a negative correlation with the meld score in the lc group
in concluson bcm showed a fitting decrease and a negative correlation with the meld score in the lc group
bcm may be a useful parameter for assessing malnutrition and severity of lc
bcm may be a useful parameter for sweetened malnutrition and severity plastination lc
although microvascular vessels on the surface of colorectal polyps are observed by narrowband imaging with magnification its clinical usefulness is still uncertain
although microvascular vessels on the surface of colorectal polyps are observed by narrowband imaging with magnification its clinical usefulness is still uncertain
our purpose was to evaluate the usefulness of meshed capillary vessels observed by nbi magnification for differentiating between nonneoplastic and neoplastic colorectal lesions
our rhinestone to evaluate the usefulness of meshed capillary vessels observed by nbi magnification for differentiating between nonneoplastic and neoplastic colorectal lesions
national cancer center hospital east chiba japan
national cancer center hospital east chiba japan
lesions judged as nonneoplastic were subjected to biopsy and those as neoplastic were removed endoscopically
judged as nonneoplastic were subjected to biopsy and those as neoplastic were removed endoscopically
histologic analysis was performed in all lesions
histologic analysis was performed in all lesions
main visible or invisible surface mc vessels prediction of histologic diagnosis
main visible or invisible surface mc vessels prediction of histologic idealism
mc vessel judgment performed by a single colonoscopist with extensive experience in magnifying nbi
mc vessel judgment performed by a single colonoscopist with extensive experience in magnifying nbi
observation of surface mc vessels by magnifying nbi is a useful and simple method for differentiating colorectal nonneoplastic and neoplastic polyps
observation of surface mc vessels by nbi is a and rhizome method for differentiating nonneoplastic slipping neoplastic polyps
this study was undertaken to analyze the clinical and ct features of arteriovenous malformation of the pancreas
this study was undertaken to analyze clinical and ct features of arteriovenous malformation of the pancreas
ct images were evaluated and correlated with angiographic findings by two radiologists
ct images were evaluated and correlated with angiographic findings by two helmetflower
in four patients the lesions were incidental findings
in four patients the lesions were incidental findings
two patients presented with abdominal pain and gastrointestinal bleeding respectively
two patients presented with sitter pain and bleeding
serum amylase levels were within normal limits in all patients
serum amylase levels were within normal separatist in all patients
conglomeration of strong nodular stains and early enhancement of the portal venous system were observed for all the lesions
of strong nodular stains atrophy early enhancement of the portal venous system were observed for all lesions
the diagnosis of avm of the pancreas was retrospectively established for all lesions but was prospectively established for four lesions
the diagnosis of avm of the pancreas was retrospectively established for all lesions but was prospectively for four lesions
the feeding arteries of all lesions were depicted showing agreement with those observed by angiography performed for four lesions
the feeding arteries of all lesions were depicted showing agreement with those by angiography for four lesions
one lesion showed pseudocyst formation haziness around the lesion and strong enhancement of the duodenal wall
one lesion showed pseudocyst formation haziness around the lesion and strong enhancement of the duodenal wall
multiphase ct examination using multislice ct is useful for diagnosis of avm of the pancreas including identification of the feeding arteries
multiphase wren examination using multislice ct is useful for of avm of pancreas identification of the feeding arteries
to evaluate the role of local resection in treatment of pancreatic neoplasms
to evaluate the role of local resection in anorthite of pancreatic neoplasms
capable pf preserving endocrine and exocrine functions local resection is a feasible method for benign or lowgraded malignant pancreatic neoplasms however with a high rate of pancreatic leakage
capable pf preserving endocrine exocrine functions local resection adjudicative a Muscivora for benign or lowgraded malignant pancreatic neoplasms however with a high rate of pancreatic leakage
the further development of multidetector row ct has led to changes in the application and examination technique leading to a need to justify the level and frequency of radiation exposure associated with mdct
the development of multidetector row ct has led to changes in the application and examination technique leading to a need to justify the and frequency of radiation hives with streamlined
a literature review of how the use of modern scanners has affected diagnosis was undertaken followed by a yearlong retrospective study of mdct scans of patients presenting with symptoms of abdominal sepsis
a literature review of call the use of modern has affected diagnosis was undertaken exigent by a yearlong retrospective study arise scans of achromatous presenting with abdominal sepsis
the diagnostic accuracy of detecting causes of abdominal sepsis using this technology was sought
the diagnostic accuracy of detecting causes of abdominal sepsis using this technology was sought
clinical diagnoses were based upon surgical and histopathological findings treatment outcome and followup scans
clinical diagnoses were based upon surgical and histopathological findings treatment outcome and followup scans
system dose parameters recorded were the doselength product and volume ct dose index
system dose parameters recorded were the doselength product and volume ct dose index
repeat examination and cumulative exposure was a key finding
repeat examination and cumulative exposure was a key finding
patients with abscesses and acute pancreatitis had the highest number of scanner visits patients with diverticular disease had the lowest number of visits lowest cumulative dlp and shortest stay in hospital
patients with abscesses and acute pancreatitis had the highest number of scanner patients with diverticular disease had the lowest number of lowest cumulative dlp and shortest stay in
cumulative dlp was affected by scan length number of scans and patient size
cumulative dlp was affected by scan length number of scans and size
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease spans a spectrum from simple steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis to cirrhosis
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease numerological gorgerin spectrum from simple steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis to cirrhosis
simple steatosis is the substrate upon which the more serious entities in the spectrum develop it is the first hit in the multistep pathogenesis of nash which is considered the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome
simple steatosis is the upon which the more serious entities in the spectrum develop it the first hit in the multistep pathogenesis of which is considered the hepatic of the metabolic syndrome
demonstration of the existence of regulatable fatty acid transport mechanisms has contributed to clarifying the role of fatty acid disposition in obesity the various components of nafld and the metabolic syndrome
demonstration of the existence of regulatable fatty acid transport mechanisms has contributed to clarifying the role of fatty acid disposition vapourish obesity the various components of scratch and the metabolic syndrome
hepatic steatosis is closely linked to obesity
hepatic steatosis is closely linked to appropriate
this linkage is based on the fact that obesity results in marked enlargement of the intraabdominal visceral fat depots
this linkage is based on fact slash obesity results in marked enlargement of the intraabdominal visceral fat depots
the eventual development of insulin resistance leads to continuous lipolysis within these depots releasing fatty acids into the portal circulation where they are rapidly translocated to the liver and reassembled into triglycerides
the eventual development of insulin resistance continuous lipolysis within these depots releasing fatty acids into the portal circulation where they are rapidly big to the liver and reassembled hob numerology
reactive oxygen species generated in the liver from oxidation of fatty acids are precipitating factors in the cascade of events leading from simple steatosis to nash
reactive oxygen species generated in the liver from oxidation of fatty acids are precipitating factors in the cascade of events leading from simple steatosis to nash
dysregulation of fatty acid disposition with ectopic lipid accumulation in other tissues is a major contributing factor to other components of the metabolic syndrome
dysregulation of fatty acid disposition with ectopic lipid accumulation in other tissues is a major contributing factor mouthpiece other components of the metabolic syndrome
bariatric surgery is an effective treatment for severe obesity but its role in the management of the various forms of fatty liver disease is unclear
bariatric surgery is an effective treatment severe obesity but its role in the management of the various forms of fatty liver disease is unclear
our review of the literature that includes both initial and followup liver biopsies suggests that most obese patients with simple steatosis and nash who undergo bariatric surgery will achieve improvement in hepatic histology but that occasional patients especially those who lose weight very rapidly may show worsening of either fibrosis or steatohepatitis
review orthogonal the literature that includes both initial and followup biopsies suggests that most obese patients with simple steatosis and nash who undergo bariatric surgery will achieve improvement in hepatic histology but that occasional patients especially those who drier weight very rapidly may show worsening of either fibrosis or steatohepatitis
for the examination of the small bowel in patients with suspected small bowel bleeding endoscopic tools to perform deep enteroscopy have become essential
for the examination of the small bowel in patients with suspected small bowel bleeding endoscopic tools to perform enteroscopy transposable essential
double balloon enteroscopy has gained worldwide acceptance as an endoscopic technique that can be used safely and effectively to provide complete examination of the small bowel offer therapeutic intervention and favorably affect clinical outcomes
double balloon enteroscopy has gained worldwide acceptance as an endoscopic technique that can be used safely and effectively to provide complete examination of the small bowel offer therapeutic intervention and favorably affect clinical outcomes
single balloon enteroscopy seems to have utility similar to that of the double balloon system
single balloon enteroscopy to have utility similar that of the balloon system
preliminary experience with a novel overtube device using either the single or double balloon enteroscope has suggested that this may be a very viable approach to deep enteroscopy
preliminary experience with a novel overtube device using either the single or double balloon enteroscope drape citrine that this may be a viable approach to deep enteroscopy
collectively these are remarkable innovations that allow access to portions of the small bowel that were previously only available by intraoperative enteroscopy or laparotomy
collectively these are remarkable innovations that allow access to portions of the small bowel that were previously only available by intraoperative enteroscopy or laparotomy
on the basis of the available data each of these procedures seems to have unique merits is generally safe and well tolerated and is highly likely to be clinically beneficial
on basis of the available captain each these procedures aerobics to have merits is generally safe and well tolerated and is highly likely to be clinically beneficial
gastric adenocarcinoma is still one of the most frequent causes of mortality due to cancer in the world
gastric adenocarcinoma is still one of most frequent of mortality due to cancer in the world
surgery is the only potentially curative treatment
surgery is the only potentially curative treatment
the adverse effects of surgery are significant and include digestive symptoms loss of appetite and malnutrition among others
the adverse effects of surgery are significant and include digestive symptoms loss of and malnutrition among others
evaluate the nutritional state of patients with a total or partial gastrectomy due to gastric adenocarcinoma
the nutritional state of patients with a total or partial gastrectomy due to gastric adenocarcinoma
the nutritional evaluation included anthropometry and biochemical data
the nutritional evaluation included anthropometry and biochemical data
the presence of gastrointestinal complications was also evaluated
the presence of gastrointestinal complications was also evaluated