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Movie title: The Illusionist Context: The film begins in medias res as Chief Inspector Uhl (Paul Giamatti) recounts the history of Eisenheim for Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell), following Uhl's visit to the theatre to arrest Eisenheim during what appears to be necromancy passed off as a magic show.Eisenheim was born the son of a cabinetmaker (Andreas Grothusen) in Austria-Hungary. One day when he was a teenager, Eisenheim (played as young man by Aaron Johnson) meets a traveling magician (David Forest) along a road. The magician performs several tricks for him and then, according to various accounts, both the magician and the tree he was sitting under vanish. Eisenheim becomes obsessed with magic tricks after this.He also falls in love with Sophie, the Duchess von Teschen (Biel, played as a young lady by Eleanor Tomlinson ), a noblewoman well above his social class; her parents have hired Eisenheim's father as a cabinetmaker. Young Eisenheim makes Young Sophie a unique marquetry puzzle locket, which if twisted correctly reveals a small, hidden photograph of Eisenheim. Although the two are forbidden to see each other, they meet in a secret hideout chamber in the woods, where Eisenheim tells of his plans to go to China to learn more magic and Sophie promises to go with him. On the day that they are going to leave, however, the police come looking for Sophie. The two hide in the secret room and Sophie begs Eisenheim to make them both disappear. He is unable to fulfill this request and the two are separated.Eisenheim leaves his village to travel the world; he perfects his magic and returns 15 years later as a master illusionist. He meets Sophie at one of his performances, when she is volunteered by the ruthless Crown Prince Leopold as a reluctant participant in a trick. He soon learns that Sophie is expected to marry the Crown Prince, who purportedly has a history of abuse towards women. Eisenheim and Sophie, having recognized each other, meet privately, whereupon it is revealed that Sophie still has the locket he made for her years ago. After...
Question: Where was the Illusionist last seen? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where was the Illusionist last seen? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Illusionist Context: The film begins in medias res as Chief Inspector Uhl (Paul Giamatti) recounts the history of Eisenheim for Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell), following Uhl's visit to the theatre to arrest Eisenheim during what appears to be necromancy passed off as a magic show.Eisenheim was born the son of a cabinetmaker (Andreas Grothusen) in Austria-Hungary. One day when he was a teenager, Eisenheim (played as young man by Aaron Johnson) meets a traveling magician (David Forest) along a road. The magician performs several tricks for him and then, according to various accounts, both the magician and the tree he was sitting under vanish. Eisenheim becomes obsessed with magic tricks after this.He also falls in love with Sophie, the Duchess von Teschen (Biel, played as a young lady by Eleanor Tomlinson ), a noblewoman well above his social class; her parents have hired Eisenheim's father as a cabinetmaker. Young Eisenheim makes Young Sophie a unique marquetry puzzle locket, which if twisted correctly reveals a small, hidden photograph of Eisenheim. Although the two are forbidden to see each other, they meet in a secret hideout chamber in the woods, where Eisenheim tells of his plans to go to China to learn more magic and Sophie promises to go with him. On the day that they are going to leave, however, the police come looking for Sophie. The two hide in the secret room and Sophie begs Eisenheim to make them both disappear. He is unable to fulfill this request and the two are separated.Eisenheim leaves his village to travel the world; he perfects his magic and returns 15 years later as a master illusionist. He meets Sophie at one of his performances, when she is volunteered by the ruthless Crown Prince Leopold as a reluctant participant in a trick. He soon learns that Sophie is expected to marry the Crown Prince, who purportedly has a history of abuse towards women. Eisenheim and Sophie, having recognized each other, meet privately, whereupon it is revealed that Sophie still has the locket he made for her years ago. After...
One a train
Movie title: Lost Boys II: The Tribe Context: Chris Emerson (Tad Hilgenbrink) and his sister Nicole (Autumn Reeser), children of Michael Emerson (from the first The Lost Boys movie) have moved to the surfside town of Luna Bay, California following the death of their parents. They rent a house from their Aunt Jillian (Gabrielle Rose), and Chris sets out to find a job as a surfboard shaper. The only surfboard shaper in town is Edgar Frog (Corey Feldman), so Chris leaves his name and address on Edgar's screen door. Later, as he's watching the sun set over the ocean, he is approached by Shane Powers (Angus Sutherland), who Chris recognizes as "the greatest surfer in the world," but who just up and disappeared. Shane invites Chris to a surfer party. At first, Chris doesn't want to go, but Nicole talks him into it. Neither Chris nor Nicole know that Shane is a vampire.At the party, while Chris is in the shower with Lisa Thompson (Moneca Delain), Nicole links up with Shane. Shane tricks her into drinking some of his blood from his hipflask and then takes her for a motorcycle ride. By the time they get back, Chris is hopping mad, punches Shane in the mouth, and tells him to stay away from his sister. On the way home, as Chris reads the riot act to Nicole, she suddenly starts feeling sick. He helps her into the house, telling her that she's probably just drunk. Nicole grabs him by the throat, hoists him up into the air, and says, "I'm not drunk." Suddenly, she is hit on the back of the head, drops Chris, and falls to the floor. Edgar Frog introduces himself as "surfboard shaper and vampire hunter." Chris takes a swing at Edgar, and when Edgar tells him that his sister is one of the undead, Chris kicks him out of the house.Just after kicking out Edgar, Chris hears a knock on the door. Thinking Edgar has returned, Chris opens the door angrily and sees Lisa standing there. She takes off her clothes and asks him to invite her in so that they can finish what they started in the shower. Once inside, she jumps all over him, so much that he fights her off, causing her to...
Question: Who killed Kyle? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who killed Kyle? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Lost Boys II: The Tribe Context: Chris Emerson (Tad Hilgenbrink) and his sister Nicole (Autumn Reeser), children of Michael Emerson (from the first The Lost Boys movie) have moved to the surfside town of Luna Bay, California following the death of their parents. They rent a house from their Aunt Jillian (Gabrielle Rose), and Chris sets out to find a job as a surfboard shaper. The only surfboard shaper in town is Edgar Frog (Corey Feldman), so Chris leaves his name and address on Edgar's screen door. Later, as he's watching the sun set over the ocean, he is approached by Shane Powers (Angus Sutherland), who Chris recognizes as "the greatest surfer in the world," but who just up and disappeared. Shane invites Chris to a surfer party. At first, Chris doesn't want to go, but Nicole talks him into it. Neither Chris nor Nicole know that Shane is a vampire.At the party, while Chris is in the shower with Lisa Thompson (Moneca Delain), Nicole links up with Shane. Shane tricks her into drinking some of his blood from his hipflask and then takes her for a motorcycle ride. By the time they get back, Chris is hopping mad, punches Shane in the mouth, and tells him to stay away from his sister. On the way home, as Chris reads the riot act to Nicole, she suddenly starts feeling sick. He helps her into the house, telling her that she's probably just drunk. Nicole grabs him by the throat, hoists him up into the air, and says, "I'm not drunk." Suddenly, she is hit on the back of the head, drops Chris, and falls to the floor. Edgar Frog introduces himself as "surfboard shaper and vampire hunter." Chris takes a swing at Edgar, and when Edgar tells him that his sister is one of the undead, Chris kicks him out of the house.Just after kicking out Edgar, Chris hears a knock on the door. Thinking Edgar has returned, Chris opens the door angrily and sees Lisa standing there. She takes off her clothes and asks him to invite her in so that they can finish what they started in the shower. Once inside, she jumps all over him, so much that he fights her off, causing her to...
Movie title: Now You See Me Context: We open with J. Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg) demonstrating a card trick to us, as he explains, "Come in close. Closer. Because the more you think you see, the easier it will be to fool you. Because what is seeing? You're looking but what you're really doing is filtering, interpreting, searching for meaning. My job: to take that most precious of gifts you give me - your attention - and use it against you."Chicago, Monday: Daniel is a street performer in Chicago. He is shown doing a card trick to an attractive young girl. The seemingly typical card tricks climax in the side of the John Hancock Center somehow reflecting his card. The performance is being watched by a mysterious hooded man whose face is never seen.Afterwards, the attractive girl, who turns out to be a big fan of Daniel, charms him into taking her to his apartment for sex. Before they can begin, though, he is distracted by the discovery of a "Lovers" tarot card. On one side of the card is the text "March 29th; 4:44 PM, 45 East Evan Street, NY, NY."New Orleans, Tuesday:At a restaurant, we meet Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson), a street mentalist and hypnotist. He demonstrates his act on a married couple. First, he hypnotizes the wife so she can't speak or move, while he gets under the brain of husband, and through his mind reading exposes the man as an adulterer who is sleeping with his wife's sister. Merritt then fleeces the man out of $250 before hypnotizing them into "forgetting" the matter. While he's packing up his posters, he finds a "Hermit" tarot card.New York, Wednesday:On a New York City ferry boat, we meet Jack Wilder (Dave Franco), a street con artist and magician who lures in customers by betting them money if they can figure out how he bends a spoon with his mind. One correctly guesses it, and Wilder successfully pays him, only to pickpocket the guesser's wallet. He then flees, bumping into the mystery hooded man, who slips a "Death" tarot card into Wilder's coat pocket.Los Angeles, Thursday:At a theatre downtown, Henley Reeves...
Question: What do The Horseman do, as they jump off the wall, to evade capture? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What do The Horseman do, as they jump off the wall, to evade capture? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Now You See Me Context: We open with J. Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg) demonstrating a card trick to us, as he explains, "Come in close. Closer. Because the more you think you see, the easier it will be to fool you. Because what is seeing? You're looking but what you're really doing is filtering, interpreting, searching for meaning. My job: to take that most precious of gifts you give me - your attention - and use it against you."Chicago, Monday: Daniel is a street performer in Chicago. He is shown doing a card trick to an attractive young girl. The seemingly typical card tricks climax in the side of the John Hancock Center somehow reflecting his card. The performance is being watched by a mysterious hooded man whose face is never seen.Afterwards, the attractive girl, who turns out to be a big fan of Daniel, charms him into taking her to his apartment for sex. Before they can begin, though, he is distracted by the discovery of a "Lovers" tarot card. On one side of the card is the text "March 29th; 4:44 PM, 45 East Evan Street, NY, NY."New Orleans, Tuesday:At a restaurant, we meet Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson), a street mentalist and hypnotist. He demonstrates his act on a married couple. First, he hypnotizes the wife so she can't speak or move, while he gets under the brain of husband, and through his mind reading exposes the man as an adulterer who is sleeping with his wife's sister. Merritt then fleeces the man out of $250 before hypnotizing them into "forgetting" the matter. While he's packing up his posters, he finds a "Hermit" tarot card.New York, Wednesday:On a New York City ferry boat, we meet Jack Wilder (Dave Franco), a street con artist and magician who lures in customers by betting them money if they can figure out how he bends a spoon with his mind. One correctly guesses it, and Wilder successfully pays him, only to pickpocket the guesser's wallet. He then flees, bumping into the mystery hooded man, who slips a "Death" tarot card into Wilder's coat pocket.Los Angeles, Thursday:At a theatre downtown, Henley Reeves...
Movie title: The Collector Context: The film begins with a house at night. The owners, Larry and Gena Wharton (William Prael & Diane Ayala Goldner), come home from a night of drinking. While Gena goes upstairs, Larry stays downstairs to read some mail. However, he finds that the lights don't work. Gena calls out for him, and so he rushes upstairs. In their bedroom they find a big red box. Larry assumes one of the workers must've left it. On top of the box is the message for the collection. The box suddenly moves. Larry opens the box and is shocked to find what's inside. A hand suddenly reaches out and grabs Larry.After the opening credits, we see another two-story house having some construction. Among the workers are an exterminator and a man named Arkin (Josh Stewart). The family living in the house is Michael (Michael Reilly Burke), his wife Victoria (Andrea Roth), their teenage daughter Jill (Madeline Zima), and their little girl Hannah (Karley Scott Collins). Michael asks for Arkin to finish putting bars on the windows today.While outside, Arkin smokes a cigarette while putting up the remaining bars. After he finishes, Michael pays Arkin for his work and throws in a little extra for Arkin's daughter Cindy. Michael tells him to cherish his daughter, since they get all weird once they hit their teens. Arkin thanks him and drives off.Later, at home Arkin and his wife Lisa go to the kitchen, where she asks him for the money. It turns out that Lisa owes money to loan sharks, and the deadline is tonight. She's planning on running away with Cindy since she can't pay them, but Arkin promises to get the money for her debt by midnight. Arkin calls Roy (Robert Wisdom) and wants to see him immediately. They meet at a sleazy strip club and talk inside Roy's car. Arkin is an ex-convict and Roy helped him out while in prison. Arkin has been repaying Roy by picking locks and stealing things for him. Arkin tells Roy that he's been casing the house he's been working on. Michael is a jewel broker, and has a valuable jewel hidden in a safe. The family is out...
Question: Was The Collector arrested? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Was The Collector arrested? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Collector Context: The film begins with a house at night. The owners, Larry and Gena Wharton (William Prael & Diane Ayala Goldner), come home from a night of drinking. While Gena goes upstairs, Larry stays downstairs to read some mail. However, he finds that the lights don't work. Gena calls out for him, and so he rushes upstairs. In their bedroom they find a big red box. Larry assumes one of the workers must've left it. On top of the box is the message for the collection. The box suddenly moves. Larry opens the box and is shocked to find what's inside. A hand suddenly reaches out and grabs Larry.After the opening credits, we see another two-story house having some construction. Among the workers are an exterminator and a man named Arkin (Josh Stewart). The family living in the house is Michael (Michael Reilly Burke), his wife Victoria (Andrea Roth), their teenage daughter Jill (Madeline Zima), and their little girl Hannah (Karley Scott Collins). Michael asks for Arkin to finish putting bars on the windows today.While outside, Arkin smokes a cigarette while putting up the remaining bars. After he finishes, Michael pays Arkin for his work and throws in a little extra for Arkin's daughter Cindy. Michael tells him to cherish his daughter, since they get all weird once they hit their teens. Arkin thanks him and drives off.Later, at home Arkin and his wife Lisa go to the kitchen, where she asks him for the money. It turns out that Lisa owes money to loan sharks, and the deadline is tonight. She's planning on running away with Cindy since she can't pay them, but Arkin promises to get the money for her debt by midnight. Arkin calls Roy (Robert Wisdom) and wants to see him immediately. They meet at a sleazy strip club and talk inside Roy's car. Arkin is an ex-convict and Roy helped him out while in prison. Arkin has been repaying Roy by picking locks and stealing things for him. Arkin tells Roy that he's been casing the house he's been working on. Michael is a jewel broker, and has a valuable jewel hidden in a safe. The family is out...
Movie title: Deadly Eyes Context: A customer is trying out clothes in the changing rooms and she is bitten by a hidden rat under her clothes. She says "Damn it" and leaves.Susan Costello is the operations manager of a department store called Garsons and she welcomes a royal lady, showing Sam Groom Sam Groom ... Paul Harris Sara Botsford Sara Botsford ... Kelly Leonard Scatman Crothers Scatman Crothers ... George Foskins Cec Linder Cec Linder ... Dr. Louis Spenser Lisa Langlois Lisa Langlois ... Trudy White Lesleh Donaldson Lesleh Donaldson ... Martha James B. Douglas James B. Douglas ... Mel Dederick Lee-Max Walton Lee-Max Walton ... Tim Harris Joseph Kelly Joseph Kelly ... Matt Kevin Foxx Kevin Foxx ... Hoserman Jon Wise Jon Wise ... Skip Wendy Bushell Wendy Bushell ... Liz Charles Jolliffe Charles Jolliffe ... Henry Younger Dora Dainton Dora Dainton ... Mrs. Trumbull Michael Fawkes Michael Fawkes ... Motorman See full cast » Edit StorylineCorn grain contaminated with steroids produces large rats the size of small dogs who begin feeding on the residents of Toronto. Paul, a college basketball coach, teams up with Kelly, a local health inspector, to uncover the source of the mysterious rat attacks and they eventually try to prevent the opening of a new subway line as well as find the mutant rats nest quickly, or there will be a huge massacre of the entire city! Written by Matt PatayPlot Summary | Add Synopsis Plot Keywords: rat | subway | mutant | steroids | city | See All (21) » Taglines: Tonight they will rise from the darkness beneath the city... to feed! Genres: Horror | Sci-Fi Certificate: 18 | See all certifications » Parents Guide: View content advisory » Edit DetailsCountry: Canada | Hong Kong Language: English Release Date: 23 October 1982 (Canada) See more » Also Known As: The Rats See more » Filming Locations: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Box OfficeBudget: CAD 1,500,000 (estimated) See more » Company CreditsProduction Co: Golden Harvest Company, Filmtrust Productions, Northshore Investments Ltd. See more » Show detailed company contact...
Question: Who do the rats kill? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who do the rats kill? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Deadly Eyes Context: A customer is trying out clothes in the changing rooms and she is bitten by a hidden rat under her clothes. She says "Damn it" and leaves.Susan Costello is the operations manager of a department store called Garsons and she welcomes a royal lady, showing Sam Groom Sam Groom ... Paul Harris Sara Botsford Sara Botsford ... Kelly Leonard Scatman Crothers Scatman Crothers ... George Foskins Cec Linder Cec Linder ... Dr. Louis Spenser Lisa Langlois Lisa Langlois ... Trudy White Lesleh Donaldson Lesleh Donaldson ... Martha James B. Douglas James B. Douglas ... Mel Dederick Lee-Max Walton Lee-Max Walton ... Tim Harris Joseph Kelly Joseph Kelly ... Matt Kevin Foxx Kevin Foxx ... Hoserman Jon Wise Jon Wise ... Skip Wendy Bushell Wendy Bushell ... Liz Charles Jolliffe Charles Jolliffe ... Henry Younger Dora Dainton Dora Dainton ... Mrs. Trumbull Michael Fawkes Michael Fawkes ... Motorman See full cast » Edit StorylineCorn grain contaminated with steroids produces large rats the size of small dogs who begin feeding on the residents of Toronto. Paul, a college basketball coach, teams up with Kelly, a local health inspector, to uncover the source of the mysterious rat attacks and they eventually try to prevent the opening of a new subway line as well as find the mutant rats nest quickly, or there will be a huge massacre of the entire city! Written by Matt PatayPlot Summary | Add Synopsis Plot Keywords: rat | subway | mutant | steroids | city | See All (21) » Taglines: Tonight they will rise from the darkness beneath the city... to feed! Genres: Horror | Sci-Fi Certificate: 18 | See all certifications » Parents Guide: View content advisory » Edit DetailsCountry: Canada | Hong Kong Language: English Release Date: 23 October 1982 (Canada) See more » Also Known As: The Rats See more » Filming Locations: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Box OfficeBudget: CAD 1,500,000 (estimated) See more » Company CreditsProduction Co: Golden Harvest Company, Filmtrust Productions, Northshore Investments Ltd. See more » Show detailed company contact...
a customer
Movie title: 30 Days of Night: Dark Days Context: Its been over a year since the Alaskan town of Barrow's population was decimated by a gang of vampires during its annual month long sunset. Riddled with grief over the death of her husband, bound by nightmares and void of all emotions beyond hate and sorrow, Stella (Kiele Sanchez) has spent the past months traveling the world, trying to convince others that vampires exist in this world.Constantly feeling as though she is being hunted, Stella is well aware the impending threat on her life, the death of her husband Eben having taken from her her ability to feel emotions, leaving her feeling cold and empty inside. Following instructions from a mysterious man named Dane, she eventually ends up in Los Angeles.One night, while giving a lecture to an audience of people with whom she hopes to convince that vampires exist and aware that they attend when she speaks, she activates overhead ultraviolet lamps that incinerate several of the vampires in the audience before the humans. She is quickly arrested and harassed by a man named FBI Agent Norris whom she quickly learns that he is a 'familiar' (bug-eater) one of the many thousands of human followers of the vampires all over the world, placed to keep their activities covered up. After they release her from custody with a warning to keep quiet about the existence of vampires, she returns to her hotel room to find three people waiting for her; Paul (Rhys Coiro), Amber (Diora Baird) and Todd (Harold Perrineau) who had been sent by Dane to collect her in order to hunt down the vampire queen Lilith, whom they are convinced once out of the way, the vampires will fall into more-or-less form of dormancy as she is responsible for their every move and for keeping them hidden, when Stella asks if she is responsible for the incident at Barrow and is notified that she was. She is taken to meet Dane (Ben Cotton) and is shocked to discover that he too is a vampire, though due to a superficially inflicted wound he has maintained a grasp of humanity, only drinking blood from packaged...
Question: what are the hunters hunting? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: what are the hunters hunting? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: 30 Days of Night: Dark Days Context: Its been over a year since the Alaskan town of Barrow's population was decimated by a gang of vampires during its annual month long sunset. Riddled with grief over the death of her husband, bound by nightmares and void of all emotions beyond hate and sorrow, Stella (Kiele Sanchez) has spent the past months traveling the world, trying to convince others that vampires exist in this world.Constantly feeling as though she is being hunted, Stella is well aware the impending threat on her life, the death of her husband Eben having taken from her her ability to feel emotions, leaving her feeling cold and empty inside. Following instructions from a mysterious man named Dane, she eventually ends up in Los Angeles.One night, while giving a lecture to an audience of people with whom she hopes to convince that vampires exist and aware that they attend when she speaks, she activates overhead ultraviolet lamps that incinerate several of the vampires in the audience before the humans. She is quickly arrested and harassed by a man named FBI Agent Norris whom she quickly learns that he is a 'familiar' (bug-eater) one of the many thousands of human followers of the vampires all over the world, placed to keep their activities covered up. After they release her from custody with a warning to keep quiet about the existence of vampires, she returns to her hotel room to find three people waiting for her; Paul (Rhys Coiro), Amber (Diora Baird) and Todd (Harold Perrineau) who had been sent by Dane to collect her in order to hunt down the vampire queen Lilith, whom they are convinced once out of the way, the vampires will fall into more-or-less form of dormancy as she is responsible for their every move and for keeping them hidden, when Stella asks if she is responsible for the incident at Barrow and is notified that she was. She is taken to meet Dane (Ben Cotton) and is shocked to discover that he too is a vampire, though due to a superficially inflicted wound he has maintained a grasp of humanity, only drinking blood from packaged...
a vampire
Movie title: Dead & Breakfast Context: Six friends, Christian, David, Kate, Johnny, Sara, and Melody, are traveling in an R.V. to get to the wedding of their friend, Kelly, in Galveston, Texas. However they become lost in a small town called Lovelock, and decide to spend the night at the local bed and breakfast, owned by the creepy Mr. Wise. While staying, the group insult the chef, Henri, causing an argument to break out. After everyone goes to bed, David goes to the kitchen to get a snack, only to discover Henri brutally murdered, before Mr Wise suffers a heart attack. With the phone line broken it takes until morning for the Sheriff, and his Deputy, Enus, to be summoned for help. The Sheriff is quick to suspect the group, and takes the keys to the R.V. away, so they can not leave the town until the investigation is over. The group goes into town, while the Sheriff arrests a mysterious drifter, who quickly becomes the prime suspect. The drifter warns Christian and Sara of ancient exotic wooden box, that Sara realizes belongs to Mr Wise. However it is too late, as Johnny arrives back at the bed & breakfast and opens the box, unleashing the "Kuman Thong" which possesses him, causing him to savagely murder various people. Meanwhile, Christian and Sara meet town local Lisa Belmont (Miranda Bailey) who swears she saw Mr Wise dig up the body of his dead son and perform a form of black magic on the body. Sara and Christian return to the bed & breakfast and discover Johnny has opened the box. Sara and Christian alert the Sheriff, who drives them to a local party, that David, Kate and Melody are attending with the rest of the town folk. The possessed Johnny arrives and a bloody massacre ensues, with the town folk, including Enus, becoming zombies as Johnny puts various body parts of his victims in the box. In the chaos, Christian is decapitated as David, Kate, Sara and Melody escape with the Sheriff in a truck. They accidentally run over the drifter, knocking him unconscious after he escapes from his prison cell. Taking him with them, the...
Question: Who was the chef of the inn? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who was the chef of the inn? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Dead & Breakfast Context: Six friends, Christian, David, Kate, Johnny, Sara, and Melody, are traveling in an R.V. to get to the wedding of their friend, Kelly, in Galveston, Texas. However they become lost in a small town called Lovelock, and decide to spend the night at the local bed and breakfast, owned by the creepy Mr. Wise. While staying, the group insult the chef, Henri, causing an argument to break out. After everyone goes to bed, David goes to the kitchen to get a snack, only to discover Henri brutally murdered, before Mr Wise suffers a heart attack. With the phone line broken it takes until morning for the Sheriff, and his Deputy, Enus, to be summoned for help. The Sheriff is quick to suspect the group, and takes the keys to the R.V. away, so they can not leave the town until the investigation is over. The group goes into town, while the Sheriff arrests a mysterious drifter, who quickly becomes the prime suspect. The drifter warns Christian and Sara of ancient exotic wooden box, that Sara realizes belongs to Mr Wise. However it is too late, as Johnny arrives back at the bed & breakfast and opens the box, unleashing the "Kuman Thong" which possesses him, causing him to savagely murder various people. Meanwhile, Christian and Sara meet town local Lisa Belmont (Miranda Bailey) who swears she saw Mr Wise dig up the body of his dead son and perform a form of black magic on the body. Sara and Christian return to the bed & breakfast and discover Johnny has opened the box. Sara and Christian alert the Sheriff, who drives them to a local party, that David, Kate and Melody are attending with the rest of the town folk. The possessed Johnny arrives and a bloody massacre ensues, with the town folk, including Enus, becoming zombies as Johnny puts various body parts of his victims in the box. In the chaos, Christian is decapitated as David, Kate, Sara and Melody escape with the Sheriff in a truck. They accidentally run over the drifter, knocking him unconscious after he escapes from his prison cell. Taking him with them, the...
Movie title: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Context: SS officer Ralf (David Thewlis) and his wife Elsa (Vera Farmiga) have a twelve-year-old daughter, Gretel (Amber Beattie), and an eight-year-old son, Bruno (Asa Butterfield). The well-to-do family must move to the "countryside" when the father is promoted (to Obersturmbannführer). Unknown to Bruno, the new house is near a Nazi concentration camp, and Ralf is the new commandant. Bruno initially dislikes the new house as he always has to stay in the house or the garden; also there are no other children to play with, apart from his sister. From his bedroom window, Bruno spots a barbed wire fence with people in "striped pyjamas" behind it. Though he thinks it is a farm, it is the camp with Jewish people in their camp clothing. Bruno is forbidden to go there, because according to Ralf, "they're not really people"; it is agreed that at least they are a bit weird, as demonstrated by their clothing.Bruno goes there anyway, secretly, and becomes friends with a Jewish boy, named Shmuel (Jack Scanlon), whom he meets at the fence, and who is the same age. Shmuel tells Bruno that he is a Jew and that the Jewish people have been imprisoned here by soldiers, who also took their clothes and gave them the striped camp clothing, and that he is hungry. Bruno is confused and starts having doubts about his father being a good person. Later, he is relieved after seeing a propaganda film about the camp (that is a parody of Theresienstadt). Bruno often returns to the fence. He brings Shmuel food and plays draughts (checkers) with him through the fence.An elderly Jewish man named Pavel (David Hayman) is a servant in the family home; he is treated rudely by Ralf's adjutant, Obersturmführer Kotler (Rupert Friend). Formerly a doctor, Pavel mends Bruno's cuts when he falls off his homemade tire swing.Ralf hires Herr Liszt (Jim Norton) to tutor Gretel and Bruno, although in reality he is brainwashing them with anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda. Gretel is very responsive to this and becomes an even more fanatical Nazi than she already was, also...
Question: Why is Schmuel there to clean wine glasses? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Why is Schmuel there to clean wine glasses? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Context: SS officer Ralf (David Thewlis) and his wife Elsa (Vera Farmiga) have a twelve-year-old daughter, Gretel (Amber Beattie), and an eight-year-old son, Bruno (Asa Butterfield). The well-to-do family must move to the "countryside" when the father is promoted (to Obersturmbannführer). Unknown to Bruno, the new house is near a Nazi concentration camp, and Ralf is the new commandant. Bruno initially dislikes the new house as he always has to stay in the house or the garden; also there are no other children to play with, apart from his sister. From his bedroom window, Bruno spots a barbed wire fence with people in "striped pyjamas" behind it. Though he thinks it is a farm, it is the camp with Jewish people in their camp clothing. Bruno is forbidden to go there, because according to Ralf, "they're not really people"; it is agreed that at least they are a bit weird, as demonstrated by their clothing.Bruno goes there anyway, secretly, and becomes friends with a Jewish boy, named Shmuel (Jack Scanlon), whom he meets at the fence, and who is the same age. Shmuel tells Bruno that he is a Jew and that the Jewish people have been imprisoned here by soldiers, who also took their clothes and gave them the striped camp clothing, and that he is hungry. Bruno is confused and starts having doubts about his father being a good person. Later, he is relieved after seeing a propaganda film about the camp (that is a parody of Theresienstadt). Bruno often returns to the fence. He brings Shmuel food and plays draughts (checkers) with him through the fence.An elderly Jewish man named Pavel (David Hayman) is a servant in the family home; he is treated rudely by Ralf's adjutant, Obersturmführer Kotler (Rupert Friend). Formerly a doctor, Pavel mends Bruno's cuts when he falls off his homemade tire swing.Ralf hires Herr Liszt (Jim Norton) to tutor Gretel and Bruno, although in reality he is brainwashing them with anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda. Gretel is very responsive to this and becomes an even more fanatical Nazi than she already was, also...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Now, Voyager Context: Drab Charlotte Vale (Bette Davis) is an unattractive, overweight, repressed spinster whose life is brutally dominated by her dictatorial mother (Gladys Cooper), an aristocratic Boston dowager whose verbal and emotional abuse of her daughter has contributed to the woman's complete lack of self-confidence. It is revealed that Mrs. Vale had already brought up three sons, and Charlotte was an unwanted child born to her late in life. Fearing Charlotte is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, her sister-in-law Lisa (Ilka Chase) introduces her to psychiatrist Dr. Jaquith (Claude Rains), who recommends she spend time in his sanitarium. From the trailer Away from her mother's control, Charlotte blossoms. The transformed woman, at Lisa's urging, opts to take a lengthy cruise rather than immediately return home. On board ship, she meets a married man, Jeremiah Duvaux Durrance (Paul Henreid), who is traveling with his friends Deb (Lee Patrick) and Frank McIntyre (James Rennie). It is from them that Charlotte learns of Jerry's devotion to his young daughter, Christine ("Tina"), and how it keeps him from divorcing his wife, a manipulative, jealous woman who does not love Tina, and who keeps Jerry from engaging in his chosen career of architecture, despite the fulfillment he gets from it. Charlotte and Jerry become friendly, and in Rio de Janeiro the two are stranded on Sugarloaf Mountain when their car crashes. They miss the ship and spend five days together before Charlotte flies to Buenos Aires to rejoin the cruise. Although they have fallen in love, they decide it would be best not to see each other again. From the trailer When she arrives home, Charlotte's family is stunned by the dramatic changes in her appearance and demeanor. Her mother is determined to once again destroy her daughter, but Charlotte is resolved to remain independent. The memory of Jerry's love and devotion help to give her the strength she needs to remain resolute. Charlotte becomes engaged to wealthy, well-connected widower Elliot Livingston...
Question: Who develops a bond with Tina? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who develops a bond with Tina? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Now, Voyager Context: Drab Charlotte Vale (Bette Davis) is an unattractive, overweight, repressed spinster whose life is brutally dominated by her dictatorial mother (Gladys Cooper), an aristocratic Boston dowager whose verbal and emotional abuse of her daughter has contributed to the woman's complete lack of self-confidence. It is revealed that Mrs. Vale had already brought up three sons, and Charlotte was an unwanted child born to her late in life. Fearing Charlotte is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, her sister-in-law Lisa (Ilka Chase) introduces her to psychiatrist Dr. Jaquith (Claude Rains), who recommends she spend time in his sanitarium. From the trailer Away from her mother's control, Charlotte blossoms. The transformed woman, at Lisa's urging, opts to take a lengthy cruise rather than immediately return home. On board ship, she meets a married man, Jeremiah Duvaux Durrance (Paul Henreid), who is traveling with his friends Deb (Lee Patrick) and Frank McIntyre (James Rennie). It is from them that Charlotte learns of Jerry's devotion to his young daughter, Christine ("Tina"), and how it keeps him from divorcing his wife, a manipulative, jealous woman who does not love Tina, and who keeps Jerry from engaging in his chosen career of architecture, despite the fulfillment he gets from it. Charlotte and Jerry become friendly, and in Rio de Janeiro the two are stranded on Sugarloaf Mountain when their car crashes. They miss the ship and spend five days together before Charlotte flies to Buenos Aires to rejoin the cruise. Although they have fallen in love, they decide it would be best not to see each other again. From the trailer When she arrives home, Charlotte's family is stunned by the dramatic changes in her appearance and demeanor. Her mother is determined to once again destroy her daughter, but Charlotte is resolved to remain independent. The memory of Jerry's love and devotion help to give her the strength she needs to remain resolute. Charlotte becomes engaged to wealthy, well-connected widower Elliot Livingston...
Movie title: On Her Majesty's Secret Service Context: The film opens with Miss Moneypenny and M at MI6 headquarters in London, under the shell corporation known as 'Universal Exports', discussing the whereabouts of MI6's best "00" agent, James Bond. Bond happens to be driving on a country coastal road in Portugal in his Aston-Martin when he's passed by a woman driving a Mercury Cougar. The woman drives to a nearby beach and tries to drown herself in the surf. When Bond drags her back, he is attacked by several thugs, whom he is able to beat in hand-to-hand combat. When he turns his attention back to the mysterious woman, he sees her driving off in her Cougar. Bond, puzzled by the turn of events, says "This never happened to the other fellow!", (presumably a reference to the departure of Sean Connery from the series).Later, at a casino, the same woman Bond found on the beach, Contessa Teresa "Tracy" di Vicenzo, is gambling and finds herself unable to pay her debt. Bond pays the tab for her and she invites him to her room to "repay" him. Bond is again attacked by another man, whom he beats. When he returns to his own room, Tracy is there waiting, steals Bond's pistol and threatens to kill him "for a thrill". Bond disarms her and demands to know about the man in her room; Tracy has no answer. Tracy leaves the hotel the next morning and when James tries to trail her, he is apprehended by several more men who take him to Tracy's father, Marc-Ange Draco, head of a powerful European crime organization which is called Union Course. The gangster offers Bond a sizable dowry if he'll marry his troubled daughter after he tells Bond about Tracy's suicial depression since her mother's death. Bond turns down the offer but agrees to continue dating Tracy if Draco will help him find SPECTRE's sinister leader, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, whom Bond has been unsuccessfully tracking for the past two years.When he returns to MI6 in London, M tells Bond that his obsession with finding Blofeld must end. Bitter, James gives Miss Moneypenny his resignation and cleans out his office....
Question: Where does Bond ski down ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where does Bond ski down ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: On Her Majesty's Secret Service Context: The film opens with Miss Moneypenny and M at MI6 headquarters in London, under the shell corporation known as 'Universal Exports', discussing the whereabouts of MI6's best "00" agent, James Bond. Bond happens to be driving on a country coastal road in Portugal in his Aston-Martin when he's passed by a woman driving a Mercury Cougar. The woman drives to a nearby beach and tries to drown herself in the surf. When Bond drags her back, he is attacked by several thugs, whom he is able to beat in hand-to-hand combat. When he turns his attention back to the mysterious woman, he sees her driving off in her Cougar. Bond, puzzled by the turn of events, says "This never happened to the other fellow!", (presumably a reference to the departure of Sean Connery from the series).Later, at a casino, the same woman Bond found on the beach, Contessa Teresa "Tracy" di Vicenzo, is gambling and finds herself unable to pay her debt. Bond pays the tab for her and she invites him to her room to "repay" him. Bond is again attacked by another man, whom he beats. When he returns to his own room, Tracy is there waiting, steals Bond's pistol and threatens to kill him "for a thrill". Bond disarms her and demands to know about the man in her room; Tracy has no answer. Tracy leaves the hotel the next morning and when James tries to trail her, he is apprehended by several more men who take him to Tracy's father, Marc-Ange Draco, head of a powerful European crime organization which is called Union Course. The gangster offers Bond a sizable dowry if he'll marry his troubled daughter after he tells Bond about Tracy's suicial depression since her mother's death. Bond turns down the offer but agrees to continue dating Tracy if Draco will help him find SPECTRE's sinister leader, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, whom Bond has been unsuccessfully tracking for the past two years.When he returns to MI6 in London, M tells Bond that his obsession with finding Blofeld must end. Bitter, James gives Miss Moneypenny his resignation and cleans out his office....
down the mountain
Movie title: Rambo III Context: The film opens with Colonel Sam Trautman (Richard Crenna) returning to Thailand to once again enlist the help of Vietnam veteran John J. Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) whom has settled in the country since the events of First Blood Part 2. After witnessing Rambo's victory in a stick fighting match in Bangkok, Trautman visits the construction site of the Buddhist temple Rambo is helping to build and asks Rambo to join him on a mission to Afghanistan. The mission is meant to supply weapons, including FIM-92 Stinger missiles, to Afghan rebels, the Mujahideen, who are fighting the Soviets in the Soviet-Afghan War. Despite showing him photos of civilians suffering under Soviet military intervention, Rambo refuses and Trautman chooses to go on his own.While in Afghanistan, Trautman's troops are ambushed by Soviet troops while passing through the mountains at night. Trautman is imprisoned in a Soviet base and coerced for information by Colonel Zaysen (Marc de Jonge) and his henchman Kourov (Randy Raney).Rambo learns of the incident from embassy field officer Robert Griggs (Kurtwood Smith) and convinces Griggs to take him through an unofficial operation, despite Griggs' warning that the U.S. government will deny any knowledge of his actions if killed or caught. Rambo immediately flies to Peshawar, Pakistan where he meets up with Mousa Ghanin (Sasson Gabai), a weapons supplier who agrees to take him to Khost, a village deep in the Afghan desert, after Rambo threatens him, close to the Soviet base where Trautman is kept enslaved.The Mujahideen in the village, led by the village's main leader Masoud (Spiros Focas), are already hesitant to help Rambo in the first place. When their village is attacked by Soviet helicopters after one of Mousa's shop assistants has informed the Soviets of Rambo's presence, they agree to help him. Rambo shows his fighting skills when he mans a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun and uses it to shoot down one Soviet helicopter. However, the village is mostly devastated.Aided only by Mousa and a young boy...
Question: What does Rambo use to destroy the attack helicopter? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Rambo use to destroy the attack helicopter? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Rambo III Context: The film opens with Colonel Sam Trautman (Richard Crenna) returning to Thailand to once again enlist the help of Vietnam veteran John J. Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) whom has settled in the country since the events of First Blood Part 2. After witnessing Rambo's victory in a stick fighting match in Bangkok, Trautman visits the construction site of the Buddhist temple Rambo is helping to build and asks Rambo to join him on a mission to Afghanistan. The mission is meant to supply weapons, including FIM-92 Stinger missiles, to Afghan rebels, the Mujahideen, who are fighting the Soviets in the Soviet-Afghan War. Despite showing him photos of civilians suffering under Soviet military intervention, Rambo refuses and Trautman chooses to go on his own.While in Afghanistan, Trautman's troops are ambushed by Soviet troops while passing through the mountains at night. Trautman is imprisoned in a Soviet base and coerced for information by Colonel Zaysen (Marc de Jonge) and his henchman Kourov (Randy Raney).Rambo learns of the incident from embassy field officer Robert Griggs (Kurtwood Smith) and convinces Griggs to take him through an unofficial operation, despite Griggs' warning that the U.S. government will deny any knowledge of his actions if killed or caught. Rambo immediately flies to Peshawar, Pakistan where he meets up with Mousa Ghanin (Sasson Gabai), a weapons supplier who agrees to take him to Khost, a village deep in the Afghan desert, after Rambo threatens him, close to the Soviet base where Trautman is kept enslaved.The Mujahideen in the village, led by the village's main leader Masoud (Spiros Focas), are already hesitant to help Rambo in the first place. When their village is attacked by Soviet helicopters after one of Mousa's shop assistants has informed the Soviets of Rambo's presence, they agree to help him. Rambo shows his fighting skills when he mans a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun and uses it to shoot down one Soviet helicopter. However, the village is mostly devastated.Aided only by Mousa and a young boy...
12.7 mm machine gun
Movie title: The Dark Half Context: Castle Rock, Maine. 1968. 13-year-old Thad Beaumont is a junior high school student who wants to become a writer and spends many hours in his bedroom writing violent-themed stories. His mother buys him a typewriter to use and soon, Thad starts having violent headaches and hearing strange noises... like hundreds of small birds screeching. One day while waiting for the school bus, he collapses and is taken to the hospital where X-rays show "mass" in his brain that is thought to be a tumor which requires sugery. The exploratory operation reveals that the growth in his brain is actually a fetus complete with an eye, teeth, and fingernails. The doctor summaries that it is Thad's twin embryo which never developed and which Thad's foetus absorbed. The growth is removed, while at the same time, thousands of screeching birds fly around the hospital.23 years later. A grown-up Thad Beaumont is a fairly successful writer who teaches an intermediate writing class at the local university. He is married to Liz and they have two twin children, a 10-month old boy and girl. One day after class, a strange man named Fred Clawson whom is a reporter from New York City approaches him and addresses Thad as "George Stark". In his office, Fred reveals that he knows that Thad has been using a pseudonym to write violent best-selling thriller novels, and demands blackmail money once a month to keep his mouth shut. After Thad confides in Liz about his predicament, he decides to "come clean" about Thad's dual idenity to the public to get rid of the blackmailer. Thad and Liz bring together a group of reporters and photographers where he publicy reveals his pseudonym as well as shows them the remote lake house where he writes his novels as George Stark. As a gag, Thad and Liz "bury" George Stark in the local cemetery.A few days later, the local gravedigger Holt, calls the police when he discovers a large hole at the gravesite where the fake grave used to be; something has dug itself out. Soon, one by one, all the people who knew about Thad's...
Question: Who kills the doctor? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who kills the doctor? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Dark Half Context: Castle Rock, Maine. 1968. 13-year-old Thad Beaumont is a junior high school student who wants to become a writer and spends many hours in his bedroom writing violent-themed stories. His mother buys him a typewriter to use and soon, Thad starts having violent headaches and hearing strange noises... like hundreds of small birds screeching. One day while waiting for the school bus, he collapses and is taken to the hospital where X-rays show "mass" in his brain that is thought to be a tumor which requires sugery. The exploratory operation reveals that the growth in his brain is actually a fetus complete with an eye, teeth, and fingernails. The doctor summaries that it is Thad's twin embryo which never developed and which Thad's foetus absorbed. The growth is removed, while at the same time, thousands of screeching birds fly around the hospital.23 years later. A grown-up Thad Beaumont is a fairly successful writer who teaches an intermediate writing class at the local university. He is married to Liz and they have two twin children, a 10-month old boy and girl. One day after class, a strange man named Fred Clawson whom is a reporter from New York City approaches him and addresses Thad as "George Stark". In his office, Fred reveals that he knows that Thad has been using a pseudonym to write violent best-selling thriller novels, and demands blackmail money once a month to keep his mouth shut. After Thad confides in Liz about his predicament, he decides to "come clean" about Thad's dual idenity to the public to get rid of the blackmailer. Thad and Liz bring together a group of reporters and photographers where he publicy reveals his pseudonym as well as shows them the remote lake house where he writes his novels as George Stark. As a gag, Thad and Liz "bury" George Stark in the local cemetery.A few days later, the local gravedigger Holt, calls the police when he discovers a large hole at the gravesite where the fake grave used to be; something has dug itself out. Soon, one by one, all the people who knew about Thad's...
George Stark
Movie title: The Passion of the Christ Context: The film opens in Gethsemane in 'medias res as' in the dead of night some hours after the last supper. Jesus prays and is tempted by Satan, while his apostles, Peter, James, and John sleep. After receiving thirty pieces of silver from the highly feared Jewish priests of the Temple in Jerusalem, one of Jesus' other apostles, Judas Iscariot, tells them the location where his teacher is and the priests send a contingent of guards to arrest Jesus for heresy.In the woods outside Gethsemane, Judas approaches with the temple guards and betrays Jesus with a kiss on his cheek. As the guards move in to arrest Jesus, Peter intervenes and attacks them, cutting off the ear of Malchus, one of the guards, but Jesus tells Peter to stop with the violence and magically heals Malchus' ear. The temple guards arrest Jesus and the rest of the apostles flee.John runs and tells Jesus' mother, Mary, as well as Mary Magdalene of the arrest, and Peter follows Jesus at a distance who is severely beaten by the Temple guards on their way back to Jerusalem. At the Jewish Temple, the head priest, Caiaphas, holds a trial of Jesus over the objection of some of the other priests, who are expelled from the court. When questioned by Caiaphas whether he is the son of God, Jesus replies "I am". Caiaphas is horrified and tears his robes, and Jesus is condemned to death for blasphemy. Upon entering the Temple, Peter is confronted by a mob of Jewish spectators who recognize him being one of Jesus followers and confront him. Three times Peter denies knowing Jesus, but then runs away sobbing at his cowardice.Meanwhile, the remorseful Judas attempts to return the money in order have Jesus freed, but he is refused by the priests. Tormented by demons and his guilt, he flees the city and hangs himself with a rope from a dead donkey at dawn.Caiaphas brings Jesus before Pontius Pilate, the local Roman governor of Judea, to be condemned to death. But after questioning Jesus, the Latin-speaking Pilate (who is fluent in Jesus' native Aramaic language) finds no...
Question: Along with Jesus' mother Mary and other witnesses, who is there at the crucifiction? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Along with Jesus' mother Mary and other witnesses, who is there at the crucifiction? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Passion of the Christ Context: The film opens in Gethsemane in 'medias res as' in the dead of night some hours after the last supper. Jesus prays and is tempted by Satan, while his apostles, Peter, James, and John sleep. After receiving thirty pieces of silver from the highly feared Jewish priests of the Temple in Jerusalem, one of Jesus' other apostles, Judas Iscariot, tells them the location where his teacher is and the priests send a contingent of guards to arrest Jesus for heresy.In the woods outside Gethsemane, Judas approaches with the temple guards and betrays Jesus with a kiss on his cheek. As the guards move in to arrest Jesus, Peter intervenes and attacks them, cutting off the ear of Malchus, one of the guards, but Jesus tells Peter to stop with the violence and magically heals Malchus' ear. The temple guards arrest Jesus and the rest of the apostles flee.John runs and tells Jesus' mother, Mary, as well as Mary Magdalene of the arrest, and Peter follows Jesus at a distance who is severely beaten by the Temple guards on their way back to Jerusalem. At the Jewish Temple, the head priest, Caiaphas, holds a trial of Jesus over the objection of some of the other priests, who are expelled from the court. When questioned by Caiaphas whether he is the son of God, Jesus replies "I am". Caiaphas is horrified and tears his robes, and Jesus is condemned to death for blasphemy. Upon entering the Temple, Peter is confronted by a mob of Jewish spectators who recognize him being one of Jesus followers and confront him. Three times Peter denies knowing Jesus, but then runs away sobbing at his cowardice.Meanwhile, the remorseful Judas attempts to return the money in order have Jesus freed, but he is refused by the priests. Tormented by demons and his guilt, he flees the city and hangs himself with a rope from a dead donkey at dawn.Caiaphas brings Jesus before Pontius Pilate, the local Roman governor of Judea, to be condemned to death. But after questioning Jesus, the Latin-speaking Pilate (who is fluent in Jesus' native Aramaic language) finds no...
Mary Magdalene, Caiaphas, Pilate, Barabbas, Veronica, Simon of Cyrene
Movie title: Flushed Away Context: Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) is a decidedly upper crust pet rat who makes his home in a posh Kensington flat. While his owners are away on holiday Roddy plays around the house. A common sewer rat named Sid (Shane Richie) comes spewing out of the sink and decides to stay, especially as England are playing against Germany in the World Cup final. Roddy schemes to get rid of Sid by luring him into the "jacuzzi", which is actually the toilet. Sid isn't fooled at all and instead pushes Roddy in and flushes him away into the sewer. There, Roddy discovers a city resembling London made out of various bits of junk, and meets Rita Malone (Kate Winslet), an enterprising scavenger rat who works the drains in her faithful boat, the Jammy Dodger. Rita despises Roddy initially, but ends up taking him along, while her arch enemy The Toad (Ian McKellen) sends his rat henchmen, Spike (Andy Serkis) and Whitey (Bill Nighy), after her because she had stolen back her father's prized ruby a long time ago. The Toad loathes all rodents to the point of hateful obsession. He plans to have them frozen with liquid nitrogen inside an icemaker. The pair escape, and Rita takes a unique electrical cable that, unknown to everyone but the Toad, is required to control the floodgates. Roddy finds that the ruby is a fake and breaks it in front of Rita, enraging her, for she can now not get the money she needs for her large family. Roddy offers her a real ruby if she takes him back to Kensington. Accepting the offer, the pair first stop to visit her family before setting off. During Roddy's stay, he overhears a conversation that causes him to think that Rita had double-crossed him, so he steals the Jammy Dodger. When Rita catches up to him, she is able to clear up the misunderstanding. The pair evade Spike and Whitey pursuing in a remote-controlled toy boat, with Thimblenose Ted and others on eggbeater jet skis. During this scene, Roddy and Rita share a quick love moment. Incensed at his minions’ repeated failures, The Toad sends for his French...
Question: What does Roddy break in front of Rita? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Roddy break in front of Rita? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Flushed Away Context: Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) is a decidedly upper crust pet rat who makes his home in a posh Kensington flat. While his owners are away on holiday Roddy plays around the house. A common sewer rat named Sid (Shane Richie) comes spewing out of the sink and decides to stay, especially as England are playing against Germany in the World Cup final. Roddy schemes to get rid of Sid by luring him into the "jacuzzi", which is actually the toilet. Sid isn't fooled at all and instead pushes Roddy in and flushes him away into the sewer. There, Roddy discovers a city resembling London made out of various bits of junk, and meets Rita Malone (Kate Winslet), an enterprising scavenger rat who works the drains in her faithful boat, the Jammy Dodger. Rita despises Roddy initially, but ends up taking him along, while her arch enemy The Toad (Ian McKellen) sends his rat henchmen, Spike (Andy Serkis) and Whitey (Bill Nighy), after her because she had stolen back her father's prized ruby a long time ago. The Toad loathes all rodents to the point of hateful obsession. He plans to have them frozen with liquid nitrogen inside an icemaker. The pair escape, and Rita takes a unique electrical cable that, unknown to everyone but the Toad, is required to control the floodgates. Roddy finds that the ruby is a fake and breaks it in front of Rita, enraging her, for she can now not get the money she needs for her large family. Roddy offers her a real ruby if she takes him back to Kensington. Accepting the offer, the pair first stop to visit her family before setting off. During Roddy's stay, he overhears a conversation that causes him to think that Rita had double-crossed him, so he steals the Jammy Dodger. When Rita catches up to him, she is able to clear up the misunderstanding. The pair evade Spike and Whitey pursuing in a remote-controlled toy boat, with Thimblenose Ted and others on eggbeater jet skis. During this scene, Roddy and Rita share a quick love moment. Incensed at his minions’ repeated failures, The Toad sends for his French...
Rita's father's prized "Ruby."
Movie title: I'll Never Heil Again Context: I'll Never Heil Again follows much the same pattern as You Nazty Spy!. It opens at the estate of King Herman the 6 7/8s, the deposed, abeit exiled king of Moronica. Meanwhile, Ixnay, Ohnay and Amscray, the war profiteers from the first film have realized they've made a monster out of Hailstone and his cronies in letting them be too power hungry. They decided that they have had enough of the dictator they put in power, and want to help Herman retake the throne. Herman refuses to accept thier help until he finds out that they were sorry about the whole scenario about wanting to start a war and are willing to pay the price for their actions. To this end, he sends his daughter, the princess Glinda (disguised as Matty Herring in the first film) to try and assassinate Hailstone using an explosive pool ball strategically positioned in Hailstone's billiard table. Dictator Moe Hailstone of Moronica enjoys a shave, and fights Curly and Larry for a turkey (that is a parody of Hitler possibly wanting control in Turkey. Larry parodies the attempts to control Greece by saying, "I'll wipe out grease.") The winner of that battle is a picture of Napoleon who grabs the bird from the bewildered Stooges. Glinda enters, and starts to place in Moe's mind the idea that his allies, the "Axle" partners, are plotting against him. After doing this she replaces the 13 ball on Hailstone's pool table with an exploding 13 ball and flees as Hailstone begins a pool game with his partners. Throughout the game the cue ball inexplicably defies the laws of physics avoiding the exploding ball by swerving around it and jumping over it colliding with Herring's head. The result of this was Herring 'barking' at the exploding ball and upon Hailstone's order to put it down he rips off his mustache, causing Hailstone to remark the well remembered line "give me my personality."The film's climax occurs when the "Axle" partners arrive for a meeting and Hailstone orders the "Axle" partners Chizzilini (a parody of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini), the Bey...
Question: Who does Hailstone begin a game with? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who does Hailstone begin a game with? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: I'll Never Heil Again Context: I'll Never Heil Again follows much the same pattern as You Nazty Spy!. It opens at the estate of King Herman the 6 7/8s, the deposed, abeit exiled king of Moronica. Meanwhile, Ixnay, Ohnay and Amscray, the war profiteers from the first film have realized they've made a monster out of Hailstone and his cronies in letting them be too power hungry. They decided that they have had enough of the dictator they put in power, and want to help Herman retake the throne. Herman refuses to accept thier help until he finds out that they were sorry about the whole scenario about wanting to start a war and are willing to pay the price for their actions. To this end, he sends his daughter, the princess Glinda (disguised as Matty Herring in the first film) to try and assassinate Hailstone using an explosive pool ball strategically positioned in Hailstone's billiard table. Dictator Moe Hailstone of Moronica enjoys a shave, and fights Curly and Larry for a turkey (that is a parody of Hitler possibly wanting control in Turkey. Larry parodies the attempts to control Greece by saying, "I'll wipe out grease.") The winner of that battle is a picture of Napoleon who grabs the bird from the bewildered Stooges. Glinda enters, and starts to place in Moe's mind the idea that his allies, the "Axle" partners, are plotting against him. After doing this she replaces the 13 ball on Hailstone's pool table with an exploding 13 ball and flees as Hailstone begins a pool game with his partners. Throughout the game the cue ball inexplicably defies the laws of physics avoiding the exploding ball by swerving around it and jumping over it colliding with Herring's head. The result of this was Herring 'barking' at the exploding ball and upon Hailstone's order to put it down he rips off his mustache, causing Hailstone to remark the well remembered line "give me my personality."The film's climax occurs when the "Axle" partners arrive for a meeting and Hailstone orders the "Axle" partners Chizzilini (a parody of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini), the Bey...
His partners, Axle.
Movie title: A Christmas Carol Context: The film opens with Jacob Marley's funeral procession as his death is mentioned by the narrator (Roger Rees). This scene then changes to seven years later, on Christmas Eve in 1843 within the business establishment of Scrooge and Marley. Bob Cratchit (David Warner), a clerk employed by Scrooge, comments that Marley has been dead for seven years, but is gruffly ordered to return to work by Marley's surviving partner, Ebenezer Scrooge (George C. Scott). Bob then attempts to add some coal to an almost nonexistent fire, but is stopped by Scrooge, who gives him a curt and cutting lecture on clothing as protection against the cold, and that "coal burns; coal is momentary, and coal is costly". Scrooge then declares that there will be no more coal burned in the office that day, and orders Cratchit to return to work lest he be fired. Bob returns to his desk as Fred Hollywell (Roger Rees), Scrooge's nephew, cheerfully enters the office; Scrooge mocks his nephew's cheerful demeanor, calling Christmas a "humbug," a holiday that has never done anyone any good, summing up his view with a very well-known quote, in a mockingly cheerful manner, "If I could work my will, every fool with 'Merry Christmas' on his lips would be boiled in his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart." Despite this declaration, Fred patiently states his own views of how Christmas has benefited him in many ways, even if not with monetary gain. "Though it has not put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, it has done me good; and I say, 'God bless it!'" Bob applauds from his desk in the office, only to be sternly warned by Scrooge that he will spend Christmas unemployed should he make more noise. Fred invites his uncle to dinner, who curtly declines, and dismisses his nephew with, "You are wasting my time." Despite his uncle's rudeness, Fred maintains his good humor, wishing Bob and his family a Merry Christmas as he departs the office. Scrooge then prepares to leave for the Exchange; he grudgingly gives Bob Christmas Day off...
Question: Who gives Cratchit a raise? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who gives Cratchit a raise? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: A Christmas Carol Context: The film opens with Jacob Marley's funeral procession as his death is mentioned by the narrator (Roger Rees). This scene then changes to seven years later, on Christmas Eve in 1843 within the business establishment of Scrooge and Marley. Bob Cratchit (David Warner), a clerk employed by Scrooge, comments that Marley has been dead for seven years, but is gruffly ordered to return to work by Marley's surviving partner, Ebenezer Scrooge (George C. Scott). Bob then attempts to add some coal to an almost nonexistent fire, but is stopped by Scrooge, who gives him a curt and cutting lecture on clothing as protection against the cold, and that "coal burns; coal is momentary, and coal is costly". Scrooge then declares that there will be no more coal burned in the office that day, and orders Cratchit to return to work lest he be fired. Bob returns to his desk as Fred Hollywell (Roger Rees), Scrooge's nephew, cheerfully enters the office; Scrooge mocks his nephew's cheerful demeanor, calling Christmas a "humbug," a holiday that has never done anyone any good, summing up his view with a very well-known quote, in a mockingly cheerful manner, "If I could work my will, every fool with 'Merry Christmas' on his lips would be boiled in his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart." Despite this declaration, Fred patiently states his own views of how Christmas has benefited him in many ways, even if not with monetary gain. "Though it has not put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, it has done me good; and I say, 'God bless it!'" Bob applauds from his desk in the office, only to be sternly warned by Scrooge that he will spend Christmas unemployed should he make more noise. Fred invites his uncle to dinner, who curtly declines, and dismisses his nephew with, "You are wasting my time." Despite his uncle's rudeness, Fred maintains his good humor, wishing Bob and his family a Merry Christmas as he departs the office. Scrooge then prepares to leave for the Exchange; he grudgingly gives Bob Christmas Day off...
Movie title: The Vow Context: The movie begins with Paige Collins (Rachel McAdams) and her husband Leo (Channing Tatum) coming out of a movie theater. On their way home, when they stop at a stop sign, Paige unbuckles her seatbelt to lean over and kiss Leo. At that very moment, a truck rams their Saab 900 from behind and Paige crashes out through the windshield. Both of them are rushed to the emergency room, and as Leo, in a voice-over talks about how "moments of impact.. help in finding who we are" the movie cuts to how Paige and Leo first met. The scenes of how they courted, proposed and married are interwound with the present.When Paige regains her consciousness, she thinks Leo is her doctor, implying her loss of memory. Paige verifies what her remaining memories are when she starts a conversation with Leo. She learns she has not lost all, except for the past few years of her life given she still remembers that she wanted to be an artist in high school. Paige is unable to figure out why she left law school.Later her parents learn about the accident and come to visit her and it is for the first time that Leo meets them. They learn that the doctor recommends she return to her normal routine but her parents and Leo disagree about what her normal routine is at the present time. Leo tells Paige that she stopped talking to her parents before the accident mostly because her father insisted she attend law school while she attend art school. Paige is unable to understand why she broke off the engagement with Jeremy. Leo tries to persuade her to return home with him but she asks for proof such as a diary. He confirms that he does not know of such a diary existing before the accident.Her parents insist on taking her home with them and Paige agrees assuming she might have married Leo for some mutual benefit. Just as she's about to leave, Leo comes running to play her a voice message in which she sounds very happy and romantic. Paige decides to go back with Leo hoping it will help her regain her lost memory.On the drive to their home, Paige learns...
Question: What hits the couple's vehicle? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What hits the couple's vehicle? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Vow Context: The movie begins with Paige Collins (Rachel McAdams) and her husband Leo (Channing Tatum) coming out of a movie theater. On their way home, when they stop at a stop sign, Paige unbuckles her seatbelt to lean over and kiss Leo. At that very moment, a truck rams their Saab 900 from behind and Paige crashes out through the windshield. Both of them are rushed to the emergency room, and as Leo, in a voice-over talks about how "moments of impact.. help in finding who we are" the movie cuts to how Paige and Leo first met. The scenes of how they courted, proposed and married are interwound with the present.When Paige regains her consciousness, she thinks Leo is her doctor, implying her loss of memory. Paige verifies what her remaining memories are when she starts a conversation with Leo. She learns she has not lost all, except for the past few years of her life given she still remembers that she wanted to be an artist in high school. Paige is unable to figure out why she left law school.Later her parents learn about the accident and come to visit her and it is for the first time that Leo meets them. They learn that the doctor recommends she return to her normal routine but her parents and Leo disagree about what her normal routine is at the present time. Leo tells Paige that she stopped talking to her parents before the accident mostly because her father insisted she attend law school while she attend art school. Paige is unable to understand why she broke off the engagement with Jeremy. Leo tries to persuade her to return home with him but she asks for proof such as a diary. He confirms that he does not know of such a diary existing before the accident.Her parents insist on taking her home with them and Paige agrees assuming she might have married Leo for some mutual benefit. Just as she's about to leave, Leo comes running to play her a voice message in which she sounds very happy and romantic. Paige decides to go back with Leo hoping it will help her regain her lost memory.On the drive to their home, Paige learns...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Alien Trespass Context: It was a summer night in 1957 in the quiet California desert town of Mojave. Local astronomer Ted Lewis (Eric McCormack) is making a special anniversary dinner for his wife Lana (Jody Thompson). A local diner waitress, Tammy (Jenni Baird) is in her trailer painting a horse scene while Dick (Andrew Dunbar) and Penny (Sarah Smyth) are necking at lovers lane. All are watching the light show from the annual August Perseid meteor showers when suddenly there is a blinding light and crash into the butte just outside of town. Ted attempts to investigate but Lana prevails in keeping him home at least until she falls asleep and he can sneak out to the crash site. In the meantime we see a gruesome alien creature (The Ghota) leaving the spaceship to slip away into the night. Soon after, a tall alien in a silvery metallic suit (Urp) appears from the ship. When Ted arrives at the butte he does not discover a smoking red-hot meteorite but rather a flying saucer imbedded in the hillside with its ramp down. He cautiously enters the saucer and is snatched up by the mysterious silver alien.Townspeople soon start disappearing everywhere and the only remnant at the scene is a puddle of gurgling mud. Ted Lewis, having been body snatched by Urp, is now on the trail of the murderous Ghota. Urp, is actually a galactic Federal Marshal from another planet who was transporting the Ghota when his saucer crashed landed and the Ghota escaped. He needs to find and recapture the creature before it begins to divide or it will multiply exponentially until all life is consumed on planet Earth. After unsuccessfully trying to convince Lana to help him find the Ghota, Urp meets Tammy on the highway when she offers him a lift. Urp tries his best to convince Tammy of his plight and to help him track down the Ghota. But when they stop at an old derelicts cabin and find only a mud puddle of human remains, Tammy can take no more of the crazy talk and circumstances and leaves him in a huff.The teens, Dick & Penny, are on their own track encountering...
Question: Suddenly what happens in the nearby mountains? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Suddenly what happens in the nearby mountains? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Alien Trespass Context: It was a summer night in 1957 in the quiet California desert town of Mojave. Local astronomer Ted Lewis (Eric McCormack) is making a special anniversary dinner for his wife Lana (Jody Thompson). A local diner waitress, Tammy (Jenni Baird) is in her trailer painting a horse scene while Dick (Andrew Dunbar) and Penny (Sarah Smyth) are necking at lovers lane. All are watching the light show from the annual August Perseid meteor showers when suddenly there is a blinding light and crash into the butte just outside of town. Ted attempts to investigate but Lana prevails in keeping him home at least until she falls asleep and he can sneak out to the crash site. In the meantime we see a gruesome alien creature (The Ghota) leaving the spaceship to slip away into the night. Soon after, a tall alien in a silvery metallic suit (Urp) appears from the ship. When Ted arrives at the butte he does not discover a smoking red-hot meteorite but rather a flying saucer imbedded in the hillside with its ramp down. He cautiously enters the saucer and is snatched up by the mysterious silver alien.Townspeople soon start disappearing everywhere and the only remnant at the scene is a puddle of gurgling mud. Ted Lewis, having been body snatched by Urp, is now on the trail of the murderous Ghota. Urp, is actually a galactic Federal Marshal from another planet who was transporting the Ghota when his saucer crashed landed and the Ghota escaped. He needs to find and recapture the creature before it begins to divide or it will multiply exponentially until all life is consumed on planet Earth. After unsuccessfully trying to convince Lana to help him find the Ghota, Urp meets Tammy on the highway when she offers him a lift. Urp tries his best to convince Tammy of his plight and to help him track down the Ghota. But when they stop at an old derelicts cabin and find only a mud puddle of human remains, Tammy can take no more of the crazy talk and circumstances and leaves him in a huff.The teens, Dick & Penny, are on their own track encountering...
something crashes
Movie title: Revolver Context: Jake Green (Jason Statham) is in prison in solitary confinement for seven years. He has two mysterious characters serving solitary in cells on either side of him (one a con man, the other a chess master). While in solitary, Jake and the other two exchange thoughts on chess and the perfect con via handwritten messages slipped inside of provisional books that the three share. Jake comes to learn the makings of a perfect con, but never fully grasps its depth and relevancy to him until much, much later. In the course of these exchanges, Jake reveals a lot about himself to the other two. Jake never meets these two men face to face. The two prisoners plan to break out of prison and agree to break Jake out as well. The next day, the two escape, leaving Jake behind. He feels cheated.Jake remains in prison while the two escaped convicts steal all the money Jake had hidden "on the outside". They trusted Jake with the formula; Jake trusted them as to the whereabouts of his money...a LOT of money. They take the money, leaving in its place, a message on a card:The first rule of any game - YOU CAN ONLY GET SMARTER BY PLAYING A SMARTER OPPONENT.Cut to two years later.When Jake gets out of prison, broke and penniless, he starts to practice what he understands of the formula and of the con he learned from his time in solitary. Its very successful and he does very well in world of gambling, he seemingly learned a valuable lesson from the two conmen inside.Once Jake is up on his feet again (financially speaking), he takes on his nemesis the power hungry Dorothy Macha (Ray Liotta). Jake enters Macha's casino with his brothers in tow, and is swiftly summoned before Macha to play a game of chance. En route to Macha's game, they must take an elevator up 22 floors, where it is revealed Jake suffers from extreme claustrophobia following his years in solitary, and must suppress an anxiety attack to make the journey. At the game, Jake beats him in a game of chance, humiliating Macha. Fearing more of the same, Macha wants revenge and...
Question: What does Jake have a phobia of? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Jake have a phobia of? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Revolver Context: Jake Green (Jason Statham) is in prison in solitary confinement for seven years. He has two mysterious characters serving solitary in cells on either side of him (one a con man, the other a chess master). While in solitary, Jake and the other two exchange thoughts on chess and the perfect con via handwritten messages slipped inside of provisional books that the three share. Jake comes to learn the makings of a perfect con, but never fully grasps its depth and relevancy to him until much, much later. In the course of these exchanges, Jake reveals a lot about himself to the other two. Jake never meets these two men face to face. The two prisoners plan to break out of prison and agree to break Jake out as well. The next day, the two escape, leaving Jake behind. He feels cheated.Jake remains in prison while the two escaped convicts steal all the money Jake had hidden "on the outside". They trusted Jake with the formula; Jake trusted them as to the whereabouts of his money...a LOT of money. They take the money, leaving in its place, a message on a card:The first rule of any game - YOU CAN ONLY GET SMARTER BY PLAYING A SMARTER OPPONENT.Cut to two years later.When Jake gets out of prison, broke and penniless, he starts to practice what he understands of the formula and of the con he learned from his time in solitary. Its very successful and he does very well in world of gambling, he seemingly learned a valuable lesson from the two conmen inside.Once Jake is up on his feet again (financially speaking), he takes on his nemesis the power hungry Dorothy Macha (Ray Liotta). Jake enters Macha's casino with his brothers in tow, and is swiftly summoned before Macha to play a game of chance. En route to Macha's game, they must take an elevator up 22 floors, where it is revealed Jake suffers from extreme claustrophobia following his years in solitary, and must suppress an anxiety attack to make the journey. At the game, Jake beats him in a game of chance, humiliating Macha. Fearing more of the same, Macha wants revenge and...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Anna Karenina Context: Anna Karenina is a young and elegant wife of Alexei Karenin, a wealthy nobleman twenty years her senior. She is unhappy and lives only for their son, Seriozha. During a ball in Moscow, she encounters the handsome Count Alexei Vronsky. Vronsky is instantly smitten and follows her to St. Petersburg, pursuing her shamelessly. Eventually, Anna surrenders to her feelings for him and becomes his mistress. Though they are happy together, their relationship soon crumbles after she miscarries his child. Karenin is deeply touched by her pain and agrees to forgive her. However, Anna remains unhappy and, to the scandal of respectable society, she openly leaves her husband for Vronsky. Using her brother as an intermediary, Anna hopelessly begs her husband for a divorce. Karenin, under the poisonous influence of her friend the Countess Lydia Ivanovna, indignantly refuses to divorce and denies Anna any access to Seriozha. Distraught by the loss of her son, Anna grows severely depressed and self-medicates with laudanum. Before long, she is hopelessly addicted. With Vronsky she has another child, but he is also torn between his love to Anna and the temptation of a respectable marriage in the eyes of society. Anna becomes certain that Vronsky is about to leave her and marry a younger woman. She travels to the railway station and commits suicide by jumping in front of a train. Vronsky is emotionally devastated by her death and volunteers for a 'suicide mission' in the Balkan war. While travelling to join his regiment, he encounters Konstantin Levin at the train station. Levin has married Vronsky's former (and unrequited) sweetheart, Princess "Kitty" Shcherbatsky. Levin attempts to persuade Vronsky of the value of life. Vronsky, however, is now despondent, and can only speak of how Anna's body looked at the railway station when he arrived to see her. They separate, and Levin is left sure that he will never see again Vronsky, while the train departs. Levin returns to his family. At home, he writes the events of everything that...
Question: Who is Stiva visiting? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Stiva visiting? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Anna Karenina Context: Anna Karenina is a young and elegant wife of Alexei Karenin, a wealthy nobleman twenty years her senior. She is unhappy and lives only for their son, Seriozha. During a ball in Moscow, she encounters the handsome Count Alexei Vronsky. Vronsky is instantly smitten and follows her to St. Petersburg, pursuing her shamelessly. Eventually, Anna surrenders to her feelings for him and becomes his mistress. Though they are happy together, their relationship soon crumbles after she miscarries his child. Karenin is deeply touched by her pain and agrees to forgive her. However, Anna remains unhappy and, to the scandal of respectable society, she openly leaves her husband for Vronsky. Using her brother as an intermediary, Anna hopelessly begs her husband for a divorce. Karenin, under the poisonous influence of her friend the Countess Lydia Ivanovna, indignantly refuses to divorce and denies Anna any access to Seriozha. Distraught by the loss of her son, Anna grows severely depressed and self-medicates with laudanum. Before long, she is hopelessly addicted. With Vronsky she has another child, but he is also torn between his love to Anna and the temptation of a respectable marriage in the eyes of society. Anna becomes certain that Vronsky is about to leave her and marry a younger woman. She travels to the railway station and commits suicide by jumping in front of a train. Vronsky is emotionally devastated by her death and volunteers for a 'suicide mission' in the Balkan war. While travelling to join his regiment, he encounters Konstantin Levin at the train station. Levin has married Vronsky's former (and unrequited) sweetheart, Princess "Kitty" Shcherbatsky. Levin attempts to persuade Vronsky of the value of life. Vronsky, however, is now despondent, and can only speak of how Anna's body looked at the railway station when he arrived to see her. They separate, and Levin is left sure that he will never see again Vronsky, while the train departs. Levin returns to his family. At home, he writes the events of everything that...
Konstatin Dimitrivich Levin
Movie title: Anna Karenina Context: Tragic Anna Karenina (Russian: «Анна Каренина»; Russian pronunciation: [ˈanːə kɐˈrʲenʲɪnə])[1] leaves her cold husband for the dashing Count Vronsky in 19th-century Russia. The unfortunate series of events leave her hopelessly depressed.
Question: With whom does Kitty have a child? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: With whom does Kitty have a child? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Anna Karenina Context: Tragic Anna Karenina (Russian: «Анна Каренина»; Russian pronunciation: [ˈanːə kɐˈrʲenʲɪnə])[1] leaves her cold husband for the dashing Count Vronsky in 19th-century Russia. The unfortunate series of events leave her hopelessly depressed.
Movie title: Oliver Twist Context: A young woman in labour makes her way to a parish workhouse and dies after giving birth to a boy, who is systematically named Oliver Twist (John Howard Davies) by the workhouse authorities. As the years go by, Oliver and the rest of the child inmates suffer from the callous indifference of the officials in charge: beadle Mr. Bumble (Francis L. Sullivan) and matron Mrs. Corney (Mary Clare). At the age of nine, the hungry children draw straws; Oliver loses and has to ask for a second helping of gruel ("Please sir, I want some more"). For his impudence, he is promptly apprenticed to the undertaker Mr. Sowerberry (Gibb McLaughlin), from whom he receives somewhat better treatment. However, when another worker maligns his dead mother, Oliver flies into a rage and attacks him, earning the orphan a whipping. Oliver runs away to London. The Artful Dodger (Anthony Newley), a skilled young pickpocket, notices him and takes him to Fagin (Alec Guinness), an old man who trains children to be pickpockets. Fagin sends Oliver to watch and learn as the Dodger and another boy try to rob Mr. Brownlow (Henry Stephenson), a rich, elderly gentleman. Their attempt is detected, but it is Oliver who is chased through the streets by a mob and arrested. Fortunately, a witness clears him. Mr. Brownlow takes a liking to the boy, and gives him a home. Oliver experiences the kind of happy life he has never had before, under the care of Mr. Brownlow and the loving housekeeper, Mrs. Bedwin (Amy Veness). Meanwhile, Fagin is visited by the mysterious Monks (Ralph Truman), who has a strong interest in Oliver. He sends Monks to Bumble and Mrs. Corney (now Bumble's domineering wife); Monks buys from them the only thing that can identify Oliver's parentage, a locket containing his mother's portrait. By chance, Fagin's associate, the vicious Bill Sykes (Robert Newton), and Sykes' kind-hearted prostitute girlfriend (and former Fagin pupil) Nancy (Kay Walsh) run into Oliver on the street and forcibly take him back to Fagin. Nancy feels pangs of guilt...
Question: Who murders Nancy? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who murders Nancy? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Oliver Twist Context: A young woman in labour makes her way to a parish workhouse and dies after giving birth to a boy, who is systematically named Oliver Twist (John Howard Davies) by the workhouse authorities. As the years go by, Oliver and the rest of the child inmates suffer from the callous indifference of the officials in charge: beadle Mr. Bumble (Francis L. Sullivan) and matron Mrs. Corney (Mary Clare). At the age of nine, the hungry children draw straws; Oliver loses and has to ask for a second helping of gruel ("Please sir, I want some more"). For his impudence, he is promptly apprenticed to the undertaker Mr. Sowerberry (Gibb McLaughlin), from whom he receives somewhat better treatment. However, when another worker maligns his dead mother, Oliver flies into a rage and attacks him, earning the orphan a whipping. Oliver runs away to London. The Artful Dodger (Anthony Newley), a skilled young pickpocket, notices him and takes him to Fagin (Alec Guinness), an old man who trains children to be pickpockets. Fagin sends Oliver to watch and learn as the Dodger and another boy try to rob Mr. Brownlow (Henry Stephenson), a rich, elderly gentleman. Their attempt is detected, but it is Oliver who is chased through the streets by a mob and arrested. Fortunately, a witness clears him. Mr. Brownlow takes a liking to the boy, and gives him a home. Oliver experiences the kind of happy life he has never had before, under the care of Mr. Brownlow and the loving housekeeper, Mrs. Bedwin (Amy Veness). Meanwhile, Fagin is visited by the mysterious Monks (Ralph Truman), who has a strong interest in Oliver. He sends Monks to Bumble and Mrs. Corney (now Bumble's domineering wife); Monks buys from them the only thing that can identify Oliver's parentage, a locket containing his mother's portrait. By chance, Fagin's associate, the vicious Bill Sykes (Robert Newton), and Sykes' kind-hearted prostitute girlfriend (and former Fagin pupil) Nancy (Kay Walsh) run into Oliver on the street and forcibly take him back to Fagin. Nancy feels pangs of guilt...
Bill Sykes.
Movie title: Casino Royale Context: The movie begins in a black-and-white sequence in the city of Prague, Czech Republic, where James Bond has tracked down an MI6 section chief, Dryden, who has been selling information to enemies for profit. They chat about what it takes to be a 00- agent (one of the requirements is making two confirmed kills) and Bond casually tells Dryden that his espionage contact, Fisher died, and "Not well." Intercut with the conversation are black and white scenes of Bond and Dryden's contact fighting in a men's room. Bond finally pushes the man's face into an overflowing sink and holds him there until he drowns.Dryden points a gun at Bond. "Shame. We barely got to know each other." He pulls the trigger, but James has removed the ammunition from the weapon. "I know where you keep your gun. I suppose that's something." Dryden continues to taunt Bond, asking him if he felt any remorse or guilt over killing Fisher. Bond remains passive, his face expressionless. Dryden says that Bond "needn't worry, the second is--" at which point Bond kills Dryden, before Dryden had a chance to say the word "easier". Bond puts his pistol away saying, "Yes, considerably." (Though not said explicitly, Bond found the killing of Dryden, his second such kill, "considerably" easier than the first.) In flashback, Fisher recovers from Bond's attempt to drown him and picks up his pistol. The frame instantly shifts to the series' iconic "gun barrel" sequence as Bond spins around and shoots Fisher. Blood runs down the frame, prompting the opening titles.We cut to Mbale, Uganda where a group of freedom fighters, led by Steven Obanno, are arranging a meeting with Le Chiffre, a private banker to terrorist groups around the world. Obanno is not sure whether or not to trust Le Chiffre with his money, but Mr. White, the man brokering the meeting, explains that he's only the guy making the introduction.Moments later, a convoy of Land Rovers arrive, one of which carries Le Chiffre. Le Chiffre explains to Obanno that he invests their money and manipulates...
Question: Who appeared to have the upper hand in the tournament? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who appeared to have the upper hand in the tournament? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Casino Royale Context: The movie begins in a black-and-white sequence in the city of Prague, Czech Republic, where James Bond has tracked down an MI6 section chief, Dryden, who has been selling information to enemies for profit. They chat about what it takes to be a 00- agent (one of the requirements is making two confirmed kills) and Bond casually tells Dryden that his espionage contact, Fisher died, and "Not well." Intercut with the conversation are black and white scenes of Bond and Dryden's contact fighting in a men's room. Bond finally pushes the man's face into an overflowing sink and holds him there until he drowns.Dryden points a gun at Bond. "Shame. We barely got to know each other." He pulls the trigger, but James has removed the ammunition from the weapon. "I know where you keep your gun. I suppose that's something." Dryden continues to taunt Bond, asking him if he felt any remorse or guilt over killing Fisher. Bond remains passive, his face expressionless. Dryden says that Bond "needn't worry, the second is--" at which point Bond kills Dryden, before Dryden had a chance to say the word "easier". Bond puts his pistol away saying, "Yes, considerably." (Though not said explicitly, Bond found the killing of Dryden, his second such kill, "considerably" easier than the first.) In flashback, Fisher recovers from Bond's attempt to drown him and picks up his pistol. The frame instantly shifts to the series' iconic "gun barrel" sequence as Bond spins around and shoots Fisher. Blood runs down the frame, prompting the opening titles.We cut to Mbale, Uganda where a group of freedom fighters, led by Steven Obanno, are arranging a meeting with Le Chiffre, a private banker to terrorist groups around the world. Obanno is not sure whether or not to trust Le Chiffre with his money, but Mr. White, the man brokering the meeting, explains that he's only the guy making the introduction.Moments later, a convoy of Land Rovers arrive, one of which carries Le Chiffre. Le Chiffre explains to Obanno that he invests their money and manipulates...
Movie title: The Lion King II: Simba's Pride Context: The film opens where the previous film ended, set a few years later, where Rafiki (Robert Guillaume) gathers the animals of the Pride Lands together for the presentation of Simba (Matthew Broderick) and Nalas (Moira Kelly) new daughter Kiara. Mufasa's spirit (James Earl Jones) watches over the ceremony. Later, Simba becomes very overprotective of an older Kiara (Michelle Horn), assigning Timon and Pumbaa (Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella) to watch her. One day as Kiara was playing, she fell into a small pond as Timon and Pumbba got her back onto land. Kiara tells them only half of her is a princess. Pumbba asks, "Well, who's the other half?" While they wait for her to answer, they start having a snack. Then they started arguing about slimy and crunchy grubs. While they were arguing, Kiara sneaks into the "Outlands" where she meets a young cub named Kovu (Ryan O'Donohue). After escaping a river filled with nile crocodiles, the two become friendly, unaware they are being watched by Kovu's mother, Zira (Suzanne Pleshette). Simba arrives and confronts Zira, who reminds Simba that he exiled the Outsiders, and that if he wants to punish them, Kovu is Scar's hand-chosen successor. Unwilling to harm the cub, Simba orders them to leave. Later Simba scolds Kiara for endangering herself. In the Outlands, Zira's eldest son, Nuka (Andy Dick), complains to his younger sister Vitani (Lacey Chabert) about Kovu's status as "the Chosen One" the cub chosen by Scar to lead the pride after his death. ("I should've been the "Chosen One". I'm the strongest, I'm the smartest, I'm the oldest, etc.") At that moment, Zira returns and scolds both of her sons, but Kovu accidentally gives her the idea to use Kovu's new friendship with Kiara as a means of exacting her revenge on Simba for Scar's death. Now an adult, Kiara (Neve Campbell) heads out from home for her first solo hunt, however Simba again sends Timon and Pumbaa to follow and watch her progress after he promised to let Kiara hunt on her own. Furious to find out her father still...
Question: Who pushed Zira over a cliff? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who pushed Zira over a cliff? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Lion King II: Simba's Pride Context: The film opens where the previous film ended, set a few years later, where Rafiki (Robert Guillaume) gathers the animals of the Pride Lands together for the presentation of Simba (Matthew Broderick) and Nalas (Moira Kelly) new daughter Kiara. Mufasa's spirit (James Earl Jones) watches over the ceremony. Later, Simba becomes very overprotective of an older Kiara (Michelle Horn), assigning Timon and Pumbaa (Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella) to watch her. One day as Kiara was playing, she fell into a small pond as Timon and Pumbba got her back onto land. Kiara tells them only half of her is a princess. Pumbba asks, "Well, who's the other half?" While they wait for her to answer, they start having a snack. Then they started arguing about slimy and crunchy grubs. While they were arguing, Kiara sneaks into the "Outlands" where she meets a young cub named Kovu (Ryan O'Donohue). After escaping a river filled with nile crocodiles, the two become friendly, unaware they are being watched by Kovu's mother, Zira (Suzanne Pleshette). Simba arrives and confronts Zira, who reminds Simba that he exiled the Outsiders, and that if he wants to punish them, Kovu is Scar's hand-chosen successor. Unwilling to harm the cub, Simba orders them to leave. Later Simba scolds Kiara for endangering herself. In the Outlands, Zira's eldest son, Nuka (Andy Dick), complains to his younger sister Vitani (Lacey Chabert) about Kovu's status as "the Chosen One" the cub chosen by Scar to lead the pride after his death. ("I should've been the "Chosen One". I'm the strongest, I'm the smartest, I'm the oldest, etc.") At that moment, Zira returns and scolds both of her sons, but Kovu accidentally gives her the idea to use Kovu's new friendship with Kiara as a means of exacting her revenge on Simba for Scar's death. Now an adult, Kiara (Neve Campbell) heads out from home for her first solo hunt, however Simba again sends Timon and Pumbaa to follow and watch her progress after he promised to let Kiara hunt on her own. Furious to find out her father still...
Movie title: Let Me In Context: March 1983. Los Alamos, New Mexico. A group of police cars, with sirens wailing, escort an ambulance to Los Alamos Memorial Hospital. They are carrying an unidentified 50-year old man with acid burns to the face. He is placed on a respirator because the toxic fumes from the acid have seared his lungs and thus compromised his ability to breathe. A Detective (Elias Koteas) attempts to speak with him, asking him to identify himself and wondering whether he is a part of a Satanic cult. He gets no reply. A nurse calls him to the front desk to take a telephone call from the receptionist in the lobby who reports that the man's daughter is asking about him. Hearing a sudden change in the beeping of his respirator, the nurse returns to the man's room and screams. The man has jumped out of his tenth floor window to his death, leaving only a note that reads: "I'm sory [sic] Abby".Two weeks earlier. Twelve-year-old Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee) is sitting alone in the snow-covered courtyard of his apartment building, singing to himself, until his mother (Cara Buono) calls him for dinner. Owen's parents are in the process of a nasty divorce, and Owen is often left to eat alone and amuse himself by playing alone in his room. One evening, he notices a girl (Chloë Grace Moretz) about his age and her father (Richard Jenkins) moving into the apartment next door to his. Oddly, she is wearing no shoes.The next day at school, Owen is picked on as usual by three older boys -- Kenny (Dylan Minnette) and his friends Mark (Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak) and Donald (Nicolai Dorian). Out of fear, wimpy Owen doesn't fight back, even though they give him a wedgie, causing him to urinate on himself. That evening, as he sits in the courtyard rehearsing knife attacks on his tormentors, he notices the new girl, Abby, watching him. She's not very friendly and tells him right off that they can't be friends. Not long afterwards, her father walks through the courtyard. It is revealed to the viewers, and what Owen doesn't know, is that he is not Abby's...
Question: How does Abby and Owen communicate? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How does Abby and Owen communicate? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Let Me In Context: March 1983. Los Alamos, New Mexico. A group of police cars, with sirens wailing, escort an ambulance to Los Alamos Memorial Hospital. They are carrying an unidentified 50-year old man with acid burns to the face. He is placed on a respirator because the toxic fumes from the acid have seared his lungs and thus compromised his ability to breathe. A Detective (Elias Koteas) attempts to speak with him, asking him to identify himself and wondering whether he is a part of a Satanic cult. He gets no reply. A nurse calls him to the front desk to take a telephone call from the receptionist in the lobby who reports that the man's daughter is asking about him. Hearing a sudden change in the beeping of his respirator, the nurse returns to the man's room and screams. The man has jumped out of his tenth floor window to his death, leaving only a note that reads: "I'm sory [sic] Abby".Two weeks earlier. Twelve-year-old Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee) is sitting alone in the snow-covered courtyard of his apartment building, singing to himself, until his mother (Cara Buono) calls him for dinner. Owen's parents are in the process of a nasty divorce, and Owen is often left to eat alone and amuse himself by playing alone in his room. One evening, he notices a girl (Chloë Grace Moretz) about his age and her father (Richard Jenkins) moving into the apartment next door to his. Oddly, she is wearing no shoes.The next day at school, Owen is picked on as usual by three older boys -- Kenny (Dylan Minnette) and his friends Mark (Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak) and Donald (Nicolai Dorian). Out of fear, wimpy Owen doesn't fight back, even though they give him a wedgie, causing him to urinate on himself. That evening, as he sits in the courtyard rehearsing knife attacks on his tormentors, he notices the new girl, Abby, watching him. She's not very friendly and tells him right off that they can't be friends. Not long afterwards, her father walks through the courtyard. It is revealed to the viewers, and what Owen doesn't know, is that he is not Abby's...
Writing notes
Movie title: Dracula Context: The opening scene is on a quiet road surrounded by ominous mountains. A carriage with 6 people is going into the town near Count Dracula's castle. The driver drops everyone off and then talks to a townie about where Renfield (Dwight Frye), one of the passengers is going next. The townie pleads with him not to go, for that is the castle of Count Dracula and his Vampire wives.Despite the warnings, Renfield decides to go anyways. As he arrives, female Vampires are rising from their tombs in the castle as the evil Dracula watches. Then Renfield enters, though he is leery to. Of course after seeing some creepy creatures scurrying around the castle, he is greeted by the infamous Count, who bids him"welcome". Later, Renfield confirms that he kept his visit to Dracula's castle a secret, and then they discuss the sale of the castle which is what Renfield came for.They say good night and Renfield prepares to turn in. Three female vampires enter his room as he passes out from an encounter from the vampire bat (Dracula). In the next scene, Renfeild is shown as Dracula's ghoul that wakes him after sunset. Dracula is then shown on the very stormy ocean in a ship, on their way to London. After Dracula and his ghoul are on land, a newspaper describing the fate of the entire crew is displayed. It also stated the the only survivor was the now insane Renfeild who is under Dr's. supervision. Dracula waits until dark and then goes to the Opera and immediately introduces himself to Dr. Seward,His wife, their daughter Mina, and her escort John Harker. As they chat, Dracula tries to intrigue Mina, his next targeted victim. Later that night, the Vampire visits her while she is in bed. The next day, Renfeild is shown at the assylum screaming and raving. Then Vanhelsing is shown doing blood work on one of Dracula's dead victims. He tells Dr. Seward who is treating Renfield, and a few other men, that they are dealing with the undead. The two men meet with Renfeild to learn more about Dracula, and Renfeild asks to be sent far away. Then...
Question: Whose patient is Renfield? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Whose patient is Renfield? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Dracula Context: The opening scene is on a quiet road surrounded by ominous mountains. A carriage with 6 people is going into the town near Count Dracula's castle. The driver drops everyone off and then talks to a townie about where Renfield (Dwight Frye), one of the passengers is going next. The townie pleads with him not to go, for that is the castle of Count Dracula and his Vampire wives.Despite the warnings, Renfield decides to go anyways. As he arrives, female Vampires are rising from their tombs in the castle as the evil Dracula watches. Then Renfield enters, though he is leery to. Of course after seeing some creepy creatures scurrying around the castle, he is greeted by the infamous Count, who bids him"welcome". Later, Renfield confirms that he kept his visit to Dracula's castle a secret, and then they discuss the sale of the castle which is what Renfield came for.They say good night and Renfield prepares to turn in. Three female vampires enter his room as he passes out from an encounter from the vampire bat (Dracula). In the next scene, Renfeild is shown as Dracula's ghoul that wakes him after sunset. Dracula is then shown on the very stormy ocean in a ship, on their way to London. After Dracula and his ghoul are on land, a newspaper describing the fate of the entire crew is displayed. It also stated the the only survivor was the now insane Renfeild who is under Dr's. supervision. Dracula waits until dark and then goes to the Opera and immediately introduces himself to Dr. Seward,His wife, their daughter Mina, and her escort John Harker. As they chat, Dracula tries to intrigue Mina, his next targeted victim. Later that night, the Vampire visits her while she is in bed. The next day, Renfeild is shown at the assylum screaming and raving. Then Vanhelsing is shown doing blood work on one of Dracula's dead victims. He tells Dr. Seward who is treating Renfield, and a few other men, that they are dealing with the undead. The two men meet with Renfeild to learn more about Dracula, and Renfeild asks to be sent far away. Then...
Dr. Seward's
Movie title: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Context: In an alternate 1899, several high profile crimes occur in various nations throughout Europe, each allegedly carried out by nationals of other countries, leading Europe to the brink of war. An emissary of the British government, Sanderson Reed (Tom Goodman-Hill), arrives in a gentlemens club in Kenya, hoping to recruit the legendary, but now aged, hunter and adventurer Allan Quatermain(Sean Connery) to investigate the situation. However, Reed finds that Quatermain's sense of patriotism has declined over the years, and he refuses to offer his services. Suddenly, a group of armoured men armed with machine guns appear, and begin killing the club members. Quatermain defeats the attackers single-handed, giving chase to finish the last one, thereby surviving the club's destruction by a bomb planted by the men. Quatermain reluctantly agrees to return to England, deciding that a full scale war between the nations of Europe will quickly spread to Africa.Some time later, Quatermain arrives in London and meets the mysterious 'M'(Richard Roxburgh), who explains his plan to assemble a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen to combat the threat of The Fantom, who is the true mastermind of the current crisis, and ensure world peace, by stopping him from destroying Venice. In short order, Quartermain meets Captain Nemo(Naseeruddin Shah), the invisible gentleman thief Rodney Skinner(Tony Curran), and Mrs. Mina Harker(Peta Wilson), whom 'M' introduces as a well-regarded chemical scientist. Skinner had stolen an invisibility formula from its creator and is now helping the government in return for an antidote.'M' sends the group to meet up with the mysterious Dorian Gray(Stuart Townsend), whom they hope to convince to be another member of the League, but he refuses to join. While talking to Gray, Quatermain points out that a painting is obviously missing from a wall. Suddenly, the 'Fantom' and his men arrive, and the whole room erupts in a blazing gunfight, but one henchman reveals himself to be a friend of the group. During the...
Question: Where does the Nautilus arrive? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where does the Nautilus arrive? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Context: In an alternate 1899, several high profile crimes occur in various nations throughout Europe, each allegedly carried out by nationals of other countries, leading Europe to the brink of war. An emissary of the British government, Sanderson Reed (Tom Goodman-Hill), arrives in a gentlemens club in Kenya, hoping to recruit the legendary, but now aged, hunter and adventurer Allan Quatermain(Sean Connery) to investigate the situation. However, Reed finds that Quatermain's sense of patriotism has declined over the years, and he refuses to offer his services. Suddenly, a group of armoured men armed with machine guns appear, and begin killing the club members. Quatermain defeats the attackers single-handed, giving chase to finish the last one, thereby surviving the club's destruction by a bomb planted by the men. Quatermain reluctantly agrees to return to England, deciding that a full scale war between the nations of Europe will quickly spread to Africa.Some time later, Quatermain arrives in London and meets the mysterious 'M'(Richard Roxburgh), who explains his plan to assemble a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen to combat the threat of The Fantom, who is the true mastermind of the current crisis, and ensure world peace, by stopping him from destroying Venice. In short order, Quartermain meets Captain Nemo(Naseeruddin Shah), the invisible gentleman thief Rodney Skinner(Tony Curran), and Mrs. Mina Harker(Peta Wilson), whom 'M' introduces as a well-regarded chemical scientist. Skinner had stolen an invisibility formula from its creator and is now helping the government in return for an antidote.'M' sends the group to meet up with the mysterious Dorian Gray(Stuart Townsend), whom they hope to convince to be another member of the League, but he refuses to join. While talking to Gray, Quatermain points out that a painting is obviously missing from a wall. Suddenly, the 'Fantom' and his men arrive, and the whole room erupts in a blazing gunfight, but one henchman reveals himself to be a friend of the group. During the...
Paris, Venice
Movie title: Big Trouble in Little China Context: Truck driver Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) and his friend Wang Chi (Dennis Dun) go to the San Francisco International Airport to pick up Wang's fiancee Miao Yin (Suzee Pai). While at the airport, a Chinese street gang (called the Lords of Death) kidnap Miao Yin and take her into Chinatown intent on selling her as a sex slave.Jack and Wang follow and in the back alleys of Chinatown they get caught in a gang battle when the Wing Kong interrupt a funeral procession the Chang Sing are having for their recently assassinated leader. During the street battle, powerful magicians in league with the Wing Kong, called "The Three Storms" (Thunder, Rain, and Lightning) use their supernatural powers to slaughter the Chang Sing. Trying to escape Jack runs over the Wing Kong's leader, the sorcerer Lo Pan (James Hong). However, Lo Pan is not harmed by this and Wang has to help Jack after he is temporarily blinded by Lo Pan's glowing eyes.Jack's truck is then stolen by the Lords of Death. Wang takes Jack to his restaurant 'The Dragon of the Black Pool', where they meet up with lawyer Gracie Law (Kim Cattrall), Wang's friend Eddie Lee (Donald Li) and Egg Shen (Victor Wong), a magician and local authority on Lo Pan who moonlights as a tour bus driver in Chinatown. They come up with a plan to infiltrate the brothel where they think Miao Yin is being held. Once inside Jack (in disguise), starts to question one of the girls, but is interrupted when the Storms crash in and make off with Miao Yin.Back in Gracie's apartment, they find that Miao Yin was taken to a place called The Wing Kong Exchange, a front for Lo Pan's domain. With Wang's assistance, Jack infiltrates the place and the two get caught in a lift that fills with water. After making their way out, Wang claims they're in "The hell of the upside-down sinners," and they are taken to a cell by Rain, who grabs Wang by the neck, and sends rubber balls to Jack's stomach with force.Afterwards, they are taken in wheelchairs to see Lo Pan (now in the form of a crippled old man), where...
Question: Who is Wang Chi's fiance? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Wang Chi's fiance? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Big Trouble in Little China Context: Truck driver Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) and his friend Wang Chi (Dennis Dun) go to the San Francisco International Airport to pick up Wang's fiancee Miao Yin (Suzee Pai). While at the airport, a Chinese street gang (called the Lords of Death) kidnap Miao Yin and take her into Chinatown intent on selling her as a sex slave.Jack and Wang follow and in the back alleys of Chinatown they get caught in a gang battle when the Wing Kong interrupt a funeral procession the Chang Sing are having for their recently assassinated leader. During the street battle, powerful magicians in league with the Wing Kong, called "The Three Storms" (Thunder, Rain, and Lightning) use their supernatural powers to slaughter the Chang Sing. Trying to escape Jack runs over the Wing Kong's leader, the sorcerer Lo Pan (James Hong). However, Lo Pan is not harmed by this and Wang has to help Jack after he is temporarily blinded by Lo Pan's glowing eyes.Jack's truck is then stolen by the Lords of Death. Wang takes Jack to his restaurant 'The Dragon of the Black Pool', where they meet up with lawyer Gracie Law (Kim Cattrall), Wang's friend Eddie Lee (Donald Li) and Egg Shen (Victor Wong), a magician and local authority on Lo Pan who moonlights as a tour bus driver in Chinatown. They come up with a plan to infiltrate the brothel where they think Miao Yin is being held. Once inside Jack (in disguise), starts to question one of the girls, but is interrupted when the Storms crash in and make off with Miao Yin.Back in Gracie's apartment, they find that Miao Yin was taken to a place called The Wing Kong Exchange, a front for Lo Pan's domain. With Wang's assistance, Jack infiltrates the place and the two get caught in a lift that fills with water. After making their way out, Wang claims they're in "The hell of the upside-down sinners," and they are taken to a cell by Rain, who grabs Wang by the neck, and sends rubber balls to Jack's stomach with force.Afterwards, they are taken in wheelchairs to see Lo Pan (now in the form of a crippled old man), where...
Miao Yin
Movie title: Bitch Slap Context: Three very different young women; a down-and-out stripper named Trixie (Julia Voth), a violent, drug-running killer and ex-convict named Camero (America Olivo), and a corporate powerbroker nicknamed Hel (Erin Cummings), arrive at a remote desert hideaway to extort massive booty, worth over $200 million in diamonds, from a ruthless underworld kingpin. None of the three women are who they appear to be, and they all have an ulterior motive in looking for the stolen loot. All of them are lesbians, although it is strongly implied that Trixie is bisexual.18 hours earlier, it is revealed that they have kidnapped a gangster called Gage (Michael Hurst) whom they hold in the trunk of their car and they try to force him to reveal where the treasure is buried. He refuses, believing they will kill him anyway, but Hel promises he will not be harmed. But after he grabs Trixie and tries to use her as a hostage to escape, Camero shoots Gage dead, against the wishes of Hel. Camero tells Hel that she made no such promise to Gage personally. His cell phone rings and they believe Gage is connected to the notorious Pinky. An almost legendary figure Pinky is a sword wielding killer.Things become more complicated when a police officer arrives. Hel, Camero and Trixie hide the body in the car trunk and are able to convince Deputy Fuchs (Ron Melendez) to leave. Unknown to them, five nights ago, he was in the audience when Trixie performed as a stripper to seduce Gage.While digging for the treasure on the grounds, Camero asks the girls about the best sex they ever had, believing it tells her something important about their character. Trixie tells about having a bisexual three-way at a local carnival, or having sex with a guy in an Amish buggy. Hel refuses to talk, but hints that it may have been with some woman (which implies to be Camero). Camero admits her best sex ever was with a female circus contortionist three months ago, and she did not even know her name. During a water fight, Trixie falls onto something in the sand, they dig...
Question: Who alongwith Trixie find a concealed bunker full of goods? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who alongwith Trixie find a concealed bunker full of goods? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Bitch Slap Context: Three very different young women; a down-and-out stripper named Trixie (Julia Voth), a violent, drug-running killer and ex-convict named Camero (America Olivo), and a corporate powerbroker nicknamed Hel (Erin Cummings), arrive at a remote desert hideaway to extort massive booty, worth over $200 million in diamonds, from a ruthless underworld kingpin. None of the three women are who they appear to be, and they all have an ulterior motive in looking for the stolen loot. All of them are lesbians, although it is strongly implied that Trixie is bisexual.18 hours earlier, it is revealed that they have kidnapped a gangster called Gage (Michael Hurst) whom they hold in the trunk of their car and they try to force him to reveal where the treasure is buried. He refuses, believing they will kill him anyway, but Hel promises he will not be harmed. But after he grabs Trixie and tries to use her as a hostage to escape, Camero shoots Gage dead, against the wishes of Hel. Camero tells Hel that she made no such promise to Gage personally. His cell phone rings and they believe Gage is connected to the notorious Pinky. An almost legendary figure Pinky is a sword wielding killer.Things become more complicated when a police officer arrives. Hel, Camero and Trixie hide the body in the car trunk and are able to convince Deputy Fuchs (Ron Melendez) to leave. Unknown to them, five nights ago, he was in the audience when Trixie performed as a stripper to seduce Gage.While digging for the treasure on the grounds, Camero asks the girls about the best sex they ever had, believing it tells her something important about their character. Trixie tells about having a bisexual three-way at a local carnival, or having sex with a guy in an Amish buggy. Hel refuses to talk, but hints that it may have been with some woman (which implies to be Camero). Camero admits her best sex ever was with a female circus contortionist three months ago, and she did not even know her name. During a water fight, Trixie falls onto something in the sand, they dig...
Hel and Camaro
Movie title: Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood Context: The film opens with an animated prologue revealing the origins of leprechauns, stating that they were summoned by a king to protect his gold from those who would try to steal it. After the death of the king the Leprechauns returned to their places of origin, all except one (Warwick Davis) who remained in the mortal world and through the ages slowly became corrupted and obsessed with the treasure he still guarded. In the present Father Jacob (Willie C. Carpenter) is chased through the construction site of the youth center he had planned on building by the Leprechaun, whose gold Jacob had taken to fund the building project. Using four-leaf clover laced holy water Jacob manages to banish the Leprechaun, summoning demonic hands which drag him underground, but soon after drops dead of injuries inflicted by the Leprechaun during the fight.One year later two down on their luck friends Emily Woodrow (Tangi Miller) and Lisa Duncan (Sherrie Jackson) have their fortune told when the clairvoyant Esmeralda (Donzaleigh Abernathy) who warns them that they will attain great wealth soon, but it must be denied as it will come at a great price and summon a terrible evil. While having a barbecue at the abandoned youth center construction site with Lisa, their stoner friend Jamie Davis (Page Kennedy) and her ex-boyfriend turned drug dealer Rory Jackson (Laz Alonso) Emily falls through a hole and discovers the Leprechaun's gold in an old tunnel where it was hidden by Father Jacob. Splitting up the gold (which is produced in a never ending amount by the chest it was contained in) evenly the quartet of friends use it to fulfill their fantasies, unaware that by taking the gold they have released the Leprechaun, who begins stalking the group (killing a guest who takes one of his coins at a party held by Jamie, prompting the police to temporarily arrest him). At the salon where Emily works the Leprechaun sneaks in and, after killing a regular customer, Doria, on the massage table by breaking her neck, attacks Emily, who barely escapes...
Question: Who was it that did not want to return the gold to the Leprechaun? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who was it that did not want to return the gold to the Leprechaun? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood Context: The film opens with an animated prologue revealing the origins of leprechauns, stating that they were summoned by a king to protect his gold from those who would try to steal it. After the death of the king the Leprechauns returned to their places of origin, all except one (Warwick Davis) who remained in the mortal world and through the ages slowly became corrupted and obsessed with the treasure he still guarded. In the present Father Jacob (Willie C. Carpenter) is chased through the construction site of the youth center he had planned on building by the Leprechaun, whose gold Jacob had taken to fund the building project. Using four-leaf clover laced holy water Jacob manages to banish the Leprechaun, summoning demonic hands which drag him underground, but soon after drops dead of injuries inflicted by the Leprechaun during the fight.One year later two down on their luck friends Emily Woodrow (Tangi Miller) and Lisa Duncan (Sherrie Jackson) have their fortune told when the clairvoyant Esmeralda (Donzaleigh Abernathy) who warns them that they will attain great wealth soon, but it must be denied as it will come at a great price and summon a terrible evil. While having a barbecue at the abandoned youth center construction site with Lisa, their stoner friend Jamie Davis (Page Kennedy) and her ex-boyfriend turned drug dealer Rory Jackson (Laz Alonso) Emily falls through a hole and discovers the Leprechaun's gold in an old tunnel where it was hidden by Father Jacob. Splitting up the gold (which is produced in a never ending amount by the chest it was contained in) evenly the quartet of friends use it to fulfill their fantasies, unaware that by taking the gold they have released the Leprechaun, who begins stalking the group (killing a guest who takes one of his coins at a party held by Jamie, prompting the police to temporarily arrest him). At the salon where Emily works the Leprechaun sneaks in and, after killing a regular customer, Doria, on the massage table by breaking her neck, attacks Emily, who barely escapes...
Movie title: Repo Men Context: In 2025, a corporation called The Union has perfected the creation of artificial organs, which have replaced organ transplants. A potential customer can apply for an organ, which is sold on credit, at high interest. If a customer is unable to maintain payments, after three months, a repo-man is sent after the customer to 'reclaim' Union property. The process of the repossession is bloody & brutal, and often results in the death of the customer.Remy is one of the Union's top repo-men, who partners with his childhood friend, Jake, to collect on past due accounts. Remy is highly regarded within The Union as their top performer, though his occupation causes problems with his wife, who sees it as unsavory. After she leaves Remy when Jake commits a repossession in front of their home, Remy decides to transfer to a sales job, much to Jake's chagrin.As his final repossession job, Remy is sent to the residence of a music producer, whose work he happens to admire. After allowing the man enough time to complete a song, Remy prepares to repossess his heart. When he attempts to use a heart defibrillator to stop the unit, the defibrillator malfunctions, sending a large electrical shock through his body and knocking him into a coma. When Remy awakens from his coma, he is informed by Jake and Frank, his co-workers, that the shock severely damaged his heart. He can be fitted with an artificial heart, or die. After Remy attempts to flee the hospital, he reluctantly agrees to the procedure.Remy goes back to work, but is unable to perform his job, because he is just like the people he is repossessing from. He attempts to transition into sales, but quickly finds himself behind in payments. Jake takes Remy to the outskirts of the city to a nest, which is a collection of people who have past due accounts with the Union, but are fleeing to avoid being repossessed. Remy is again unable to perform a repossession, after which he is abandoned by Jake until he can perform his job. Remy is attacked by a pair of men from whom he was...
Question: When Beth fell through a hole in the floor, what prosthesis did she damage? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: When Beth fell through a hole in the floor, what prosthesis did she damage? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Repo Men Context: In 2025, a corporation called The Union has perfected the creation of artificial organs, which have replaced organ transplants. A potential customer can apply for an organ, which is sold on credit, at high interest. If a customer is unable to maintain payments, after three months, a repo-man is sent after the customer to 'reclaim' Union property. The process of the repossession is bloody & brutal, and often results in the death of the customer.Remy is one of the Union's top repo-men, who partners with his childhood friend, Jake, to collect on past due accounts. Remy is highly regarded within The Union as their top performer, though his occupation causes problems with his wife, who sees it as unsavory. After she leaves Remy when Jake commits a repossession in front of their home, Remy decides to transfer to a sales job, much to Jake's chagrin.As his final repossession job, Remy is sent to the residence of a music producer, whose work he happens to admire. After allowing the man enough time to complete a song, Remy prepares to repossess his heart. When he attempts to use a heart defibrillator to stop the unit, the defibrillator malfunctions, sending a large electrical shock through his body and knocking him into a coma. When Remy awakens from his coma, he is informed by Jake and Frank, his co-workers, that the shock severely damaged his heart. He can be fitted with an artificial heart, or die. After Remy attempts to flee the hospital, he reluctantly agrees to the procedure.Remy goes back to work, but is unable to perform his job, because he is just like the people he is repossessing from. He attempts to transition into sales, but quickly finds himself behind in payments. Jake takes Remy to the outskirts of the city to a nest, which is a collection of people who have past due accounts with the Union, but are fleeing to avoid being repossessed. Remy is again unable to perform a repossession, after which he is abandoned by Jake until he can perform his job. Remy is attacked by a pair of men from whom he was...
Movie title: The Woman Context: The movie opens with a nameless, rugged, feral woman (Pollyanna McIntosh) circling what appears as her child. A wolf, apparently tamed by the feral Woman, circles the infant as well but does it no harm. Although it is not fully explained, the Woman is the last remaining member of a human cannibalistic native american tribe that has roamed the north-east coast for decades (as seen in the 2009 film Offspring).Chris Cleek (Sean Bridgers) is a country lawyer who is shown at a local BBQ with his family. The family enjoys BBQ while the oldest daughter Peggy (Lauren Ashley Carter) sits off to the side clearly detached and upset. Their only son Brian Cleek (Zach Rand) watches as three or four boys violate and push a small girl into a corner. He stands up seemingly to come to her aid, but instead shoots a basketball. As they leave, Chris asks his son how it was to which Brian replies that he shot 9 out of 10 baskets. There is no mention of the girl or anything else.Later that night while out hunting, Chris happens upon the Woman who is bathing in a nearby stream. He watches her, leaves, and returns later with a net in an effort to capture her. He manages to trap the Woman in the net and knocks her out. Chris returns home with her, restrains her in the storm cellar next to the house, and directs his family to participate in "civilizing" her.The next day at school with the Woman in the cellar, the kids begin to show their true personalities. Brian is bested by a girl while playing basketball. So later in class, he maliciously puts gum in her brush. She unsuspectingly brushes her hair. He offers aid, but hurts her as he brushes. He appears to enjoy watching her scream in pain.Peggy is withdrawn at school, detached, and often seen wearing very baggy clothes. Her teacher begins to think she is pregnant and approaches her. Peggy does her best to avoid the topic and returns home.Chris' first attempt to approach the woman results in her biting off and swallowing the end of his ring finger. She spits his wedding ring out into...
Question: What profession is Chris cleek in ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What profession is Chris cleek in ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Woman Context: The movie opens with a nameless, rugged, feral woman (Pollyanna McIntosh) circling what appears as her child. A wolf, apparently tamed by the feral Woman, circles the infant as well but does it no harm. Although it is not fully explained, the Woman is the last remaining member of a human cannibalistic native american tribe that has roamed the north-east coast for decades (as seen in the 2009 film Offspring).Chris Cleek (Sean Bridgers) is a country lawyer who is shown at a local BBQ with his family. The family enjoys BBQ while the oldest daughter Peggy (Lauren Ashley Carter) sits off to the side clearly detached and upset. Their only son Brian Cleek (Zach Rand) watches as three or four boys violate and push a small girl into a corner. He stands up seemingly to come to her aid, but instead shoots a basketball. As they leave, Chris asks his son how it was to which Brian replies that he shot 9 out of 10 baskets. There is no mention of the girl or anything else.Later that night while out hunting, Chris happens upon the Woman who is bathing in a nearby stream. He watches her, leaves, and returns later with a net in an effort to capture her. He manages to trap the Woman in the net and knocks her out. Chris returns home with her, restrains her in the storm cellar next to the house, and directs his family to participate in "civilizing" her.The next day at school with the Woman in the cellar, the kids begin to show their true personalities. Brian is bested by a girl while playing basketball. So later in class, he maliciously puts gum in her brush. She unsuspectingly brushes her hair. He offers aid, but hurts her as he brushes. He appears to enjoy watching her scream in pain.Peggy is withdrawn at school, detached, and often seen wearing very baggy clothes. Her teacher begins to think she is pregnant and approaches her. Peggy does her best to avoid the topic and returns home.Chris' first attempt to approach the woman results in her biting off and swallowing the end of his ring finger. She spits his wedding ring out into...
Country Lawyer
Movie title: Brave Context: The movie tells the story in pictures accompanied by the entire Brave record minus "Paper Lies" and the final song "Made Again". On the recording, it is left ambiguous as to whether the main character commits suicide in the end. In the film, she does. Thus, "Made Again", which concludes the story on the record as a happy ending of sorts, is not included. On the back of the cover of the videocassette, the description reads as follows: Brave.. The Movie is a fifty-minute concept film directed by cult movie director Richard Stanley. It is Stanley's stark vision of a young life in the 90's inspired by Marillion's album of the same name, which centres around a teenage girl who is found wandering in a state of amnesia on the Severn Bridge, and her consequent search for her past. Although this story bears similarities to actual recorded incidents in the history of the Severn Bridge we wish to stress that this is a work of fiction. On the bottom of the cover, the final lines are: "Watch it loud with the lights off."
Question: who encouraged merida to marry when and whom she wants? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: who encouraged merida to marry when and whom she wants? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Brave Context: The movie tells the story in pictures accompanied by the entire Brave record minus "Paper Lies" and the final song "Made Again". On the recording, it is left ambiguous as to whether the main character commits suicide in the end. In the film, she does. Thus, "Made Again", which concludes the story on the record as a happy ending of sorts, is not included. On the back of the cover of the videocassette, the description reads as follows: Brave.. The Movie is a fifty-minute concept film directed by cult movie director Richard Stanley. It is Stanley's stark vision of a young life in the 90's inspired by Marillion's album of the same name, which centres around a teenage girl who is found wandering in a state of amnesia on the Severn Bridge, and her consequent search for her past. Although this story bears similarities to actual recorded incidents in the history of the Severn Bridge we wish to stress that this is a work of fiction. On the bottom of the cover, the final lines are: "Watch it loud with the lights off."
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Goon Context: Doug Glatt (Seann William Scott) from Massachusetts, feels ostracized from his family, his father (Eugene Levy) and brother both being doctors. One day he attends a minor league hockey game with his friend Pat (Jay Baruchel). Pat taunts the visiting team during a fight and one of their players climbs into the stands. Doug, in defense of his friend, quickly knocks him out, which prompts the rest of the crowd to cheer him on. Soon after, Doug gets a phone call from the coach of his hometown team who offers him a job as an enforcer, a player whose role is to protect his teammates and act as a deterrent by hitting or fighting opposing players who take liberties with his teammates.In the meantime, veteran enforcer and Doug's idol Ross "The Boss" Rhea (Liev Schreiber) is demoted to the minors after serving a 20 game suspension for slashing an opponent in the head from behind. Three years prior, Rhea hit and concussed the highly skilled prospect Xavier Laflamme (Marc-Andre Grondin) who has had trouble recovering from that incident due to the fear of being hit, being stuck in the minors and falling in with the wrong crowd. After earning himself the nickname "The Thug", Doug is called up to Canada and hired by Laflamme's team, the Halifax Highlanders, to protect Laflamme and be his roommate.The Highlanders experience success with Doug as their primary enforcer, and he quickly gains popularity among fans and teammates much to the chagrin of his parents and Laflamme, particularly after losing ice time and the alternate-captaincy to Doug. Doug becomes romantically involved with Eva (Alison Pill), a hockey fan with a penchant for players.With 4 games left on their schedule, the Highlanders need two wins to secure a playoff spot. On a road game in Quebec, after an opposing player concusses Laflamme with a heavy hit, Doug savagely beats the player unconscious and is suspended for the next game against Rhea and the St. John's Shamrocks. Doug encounters Rhea at a diner, where Rhea dismisses Doug's claim that he is a hockey...
Question: What does Doug manage to break? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Doug manage to break? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Goon Context: Doug Glatt (Seann William Scott) from Massachusetts, feels ostracized from his family, his father (Eugene Levy) and brother both being doctors. One day he attends a minor league hockey game with his friend Pat (Jay Baruchel). Pat taunts the visiting team during a fight and one of their players climbs into the stands. Doug, in defense of his friend, quickly knocks him out, which prompts the rest of the crowd to cheer him on. Soon after, Doug gets a phone call from the coach of his hometown team who offers him a job as an enforcer, a player whose role is to protect his teammates and act as a deterrent by hitting or fighting opposing players who take liberties with his teammates.In the meantime, veteran enforcer and Doug's idol Ross "The Boss" Rhea (Liev Schreiber) is demoted to the minors after serving a 20 game suspension for slashing an opponent in the head from behind. Three years prior, Rhea hit and concussed the highly skilled prospect Xavier Laflamme (Marc-Andre Grondin) who has had trouble recovering from that incident due to the fear of being hit, being stuck in the minors and falling in with the wrong crowd. After earning himself the nickname "The Thug", Doug is called up to Canada and hired by Laflamme's team, the Halifax Highlanders, to protect Laflamme and be his roommate.The Highlanders experience success with Doug as their primary enforcer, and he quickly gains popularity among fans and teammates much to the chagrin of his parents and Laflamme, particularly after losing ice time and the alternate-captaincy to Doug. Doug becomes romantically involved with Eva (Alison Pill), a hockey fan with a penchant for players.With 4 games left on their schedule, the Highlanders need two wins to secure a playoff spot. On a road game in Quebec, after an opposing player concusses Laflamme with a heavy hit, Doug savagely beats the player unconscious and is suspended for the next game against Rhea and the St. John's Shamrocks. Doug encounters Rhea at a diner, where Rhea dismisses Doug's claim that he is a hockey...
His Ankle
Movie title: 13Hrs Context: Sarah Tyler (Isabella Calthorpe) is driving along a winding road one night in order to return to her home in England. after a couple of years of staying in the Los Angeles in the United States. When she arrives, she greets her step-father who is working his way through a couple of paperworks. Sarah told her step-father to rest that night while she takes care of her brothers who are at the barn fixing a jeep. Sarah left the house to go to the family's barn nearby while a storm is brewing. She saw her brothers with their friends having a party at the barn. Among those partying were Stephen Moore (Peter Gadiot) and his girlfriend Emily (Gemma Atkinson), Charlie Moore (Gabriel Thomson), Gary Ashby (Tom Felton), and Doug Walker (Joshua Bowman). Also in the barn away from the noise of the party is their youngest brother Luke Moore (Anthony de Liseo) asleep amongst the hay together with their dog Stoner. Sarah woke up Luke and learned that their parents were fighting over bills and a supposed love affair of their mother with another man. She told Luke to go back to sleep and sent Stoner back home. Sarah then joined the party where she asked why she was kept out of the loop for so long. Stephen then told her that her step father accused their mother of having an affair with someone and that she is paying this man huge sums of money. Sarah can't believe that her mother is having an affair. Everyone went back to the house. There was a power outage caused by the storm. Inside, the pack went up the stairs and noticed blood dripping at the top of the stairs. Meanwhile, Gary separates from the group and ended up in the kitchen in order to look for candles. The group upstairs followed the marks of blood on the carpet and they saw that it came from their father's room. When they entered the room, everyone was shocked to see the lifeless body of their father that seemed to have been attacked by some wild animal. The rib cage can clearly be seen with some internal organs missing. Almost at the same time, Gary saw some candles...
Question: Who is Stephen attacked by ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Stephen attacked by ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: 13Hrs Context: Sarah Tyler (Isabella Calthorpe) is driving along a winding road one night in order to return to her home in England. after a couple of years of staying in the Los Angeles in the United States. When she arrives, she greets her step-father who is working his way through a couple of paperworks. Sarah told her step-father to rest that night while she takes care of her brothers who are at the barn fixing a jeep. Sarah left the house to go to the family's barn nearby while a storm is brewing. She saw her brothers with their friends having a party at the barn. Among those partying were Stephen Moore (Peter Gadiot) and his girlfriend Emily (Gemma Atkinson), Charlie Moore (Gabriel Thomson), Gary Ashby (Tom Felton), and Doug Walker (Joshua Bowman). Also in the barn away from the noise of the party is their youngest brother Luke Moore (Anthony de Liseo) asleep amongst the hay together with their dog Stoner. Sarah woke up Luke and learned that their parents were fighting over bills and a supposed love affair of their mother with another man. She told Luke to go back to sleep and sent Stoner back home. Sarah then joined the party where she asked why she was kept out of the loop for so long. Stephen then told her that her step father accused their mother of having an affair with someone and that she is paying this man huge sums of money. Sarah can't believe that her mother is having an affair. Everyone went back to the house. There was a power outage caused by the storm. Inside, the pack went up the stairs and noticed blood dripping at the top of the stairs. Meanwhile, Gary separates from the group and ended up in the kitchen in order to look for candles. The group upstairs followed the marks of blood on the carpet and they saw that it came from their father's room. When they entered the room, everyone was shocked to see the lifeless body of their father that seemed to have been attacked by some wild animal. The rib cage can clearly be seen with some internal organs missing. Almost at the same time, Gary saw some candles...
A beast
Movie title: The Elephant Man Context: London Hospital surgeon Frederick Treves finds John Merrick in a Victorian freak show in London's East End, where he is kept by a Mr. Bytes. His head is kept hooded, and his "owner," who views him as retarded, is paid by Treves to bring him to the hospital for exams. Treves presents Merrick to his colleagues and highlights his monstrous skull, which forces him to sleep with his head on his knees, since if he were to lie down, he would asphyxiate. On Merrick’s return he is beaten so badly by Bytes that he has to call Treves for medical help. Treves brings him back to the hospital. John is tended to by Mrs. Mothershead, the formidable matron, as the other nurses are too frightened of Merrick. Mr. Carr-Gomm, the hospital’s Governor, is against housing Merrick, as the hospital does not accept “incurables”. To prove that Merrick can make progress, Treves trains him to say a few conversational sentences. Carr-Gomm sees through this ruse, but as he is leaving, Merrick begins to recite the 23rd Psalm, which Treves did not teach him. Merrick tells the doctors that he knows how to read, and has memorized the 23rd Psalm because it is his favorite. Carr-Gomm permits him to stay, and Merrick spends his time practicing conversation with Treves and building a model of a cathedral he sees from his window. Merrick has tea with Treves and his wife, and is so overwhelmed by their kindness that he shows them his mother’s picture. He believes he must have been a "disappointment" to his mother, but hopes she would be proud to see him with his “lovely friends”. Merrick begins to take guests in his rooms, including the actress Madge Kendal, who introduces him to Shakespeare. Merrick quickly becomes an object of curiosity to high society, and Mrs. Mothershead expresses concerns that he is still being put on display as a freak. Treves begins to question the morality of his actions. Meanwhile, a night porter named Jim starts selling tickets to locals, who come at night to gawk at the "Elephant Man". The issue of Merrick's...
Question: Mr. Bytes kidnaps Merrick and takes him where? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Mr. Bytes kidnaps Merrick and takes him where? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Elephant Man Context: London Hospital surgeon Frederick Treves finds John Merrick in a Victorian freak show in London's East End, where he is kept by a Mr. Bytes. His head is kept hooded, and his "owner," who views him as retarded, is paid by Treves to bring him to the hospital for exams. Treves presents Merrick to his colleagues and highlights his monstrous skull, which forces him to sleep with his head on his knees, since if he were to lie down, he would asphyxiate. On Merrick’s return he is beaten so badly by Bytes that he has to call Treves for medical help. Treves brings him back to the hospital. John is tended to by Mrs. Mothershead, the formidable matron, as the other nurses are too frightened of Merrick. Mr. Carr-Gomm, the hospital’s Governor, is against housing Merrick, as the hospital does not accept “incurables”. To prove that Merrick can make progress, Treves trains him to say a few conversational sentences. Carr-Gomm sees through this ruse, but as he is leaving, Merrick begins to recite the 23rd Psalm, which Treves did not teach him. Merrick tells the doctors that he knows how to read, and has memorized the 23rd Psalm because it is his favorite. Carr-Gomm permits him to stay, and Merrick spends his time practicing conversation with Treves and building a model of a cathedral he sees from his window. Merrick has tea with Treves and his wife, and is so overwhelmed by their kindness that he shows them his mother’s picture. He believes he must have been a "disappointment" to his mother, but hopes she would be proud to see him with his “lovely friends”. Merrick begins to take guests in his rooms, including the actress Madge Kendal, who introduces him to Shakespeare. Merrick quickly becomes an object of curiosity to high society, and Mrs. Mothershead expresses concerns that he is still being put on display as a freak. Treves begins to question the morality of his actions. Meanwhile, a night porter named Jim starts selling tickets to locals, who come at night to gawk at the "Elephant Man". The issue of Merrick's...
Out of England
Movie title: Out of Sight Context: Jack Foley, a small-time crook and obviously agitated, walks out of an office building, rips his necktie off and throws it on the ground. He walks into a nearby bank and surveys the lobby for a few minutes. He walks up to a teller's window and informs the woman behind the counter that his accomplice is sitting with her manager and that if she doesn't follow his instructions, the man will shoot her boss. Foley tells her to empty the cash drawer of it's contents, leaving behind the bills on the very bottom of the piles. Foley assures her she's doing a good job, takes the money and walks out, stopping to talk momentarily to the man he identified as his accomplice. The man (a cameo by director Steven Soderbergh) has no idea who Foley is. Outside the bank, Foley tries to start his car, only to flood the engine in his desperation to flee the scene. A police officer, gun drawn, apprehends Foley, who submits without any altercation.The story jumps to two years before when Foley is a prisoner in Glades Correctional facility in Florida. Playing basketball with other inmates, he looks over the crowd of old-time "lifers" and seemingly reaches the conclusion that he doesn't want to end up like them. He spots a couple of fellow inmates, Chino and Lulu, jogging by. When he speaks to them later, he tells them he knows they are plotting an escape. Another security fence is being constructed just beyond the primary one just beyond the point where they plan to emerge once they've tunneled out. Foley tells them he's going with them in exchange for keeping silent about the breakout. Foley does tell a guard about the plan, telling the man to meet him in the prison chapel that night.In Miami, Karen Sisco, a US Marshall, has lunch with her father, a retired Marshall himself. He gives her a Sig-Sauer pistol as a birthday gift. He also questions her about a man she's been seeing, Ray Nicolette, another Marshall, who is married. Karen's father doesn't approve and she tells him to drop the subject. She also tells him that she has to go...
Question: What did Ripley brag about ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What did Ripley brag about ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Out of Sight Context: Jack Foley, a small-time crook and obviously agitated, walks out of an office building, rips his necktie off and throws it on the ground. He walks into a nearby bank and surveys the lobby for a few minutes. He walks up to a teller's window and informs the woman behind the counter that his accomplice is sitting with her manager and that if she doesn't follow his instructions, the man will shoot her boss. Foley tells her to empty the cash drawer of it's contents, leaving behind the bills on the very bottom of the piles. Foley assures her she's doing a good job, takes the money and walks out, stopping to talk momentarily to the man he identified as his accomplice. The man (a cameo by director Steven Soderbergh) has no idea who Foley is. Outside the bank, Foley tries to start his car, only to flood the engine in his desperation to flee the scene. A police officer, gun drawn, apprehends Foley, who submits without any altercation.The story jumps to two years before when Foley is a prisoner in Glades Correctional facility in Florida. Playing basketball with other inmates, he looks over the crowd of old-time "lifers" and seemingly reaches the conclusion that he doesn't want to end up like them. He spots a couple of fellow inmates, Chino and Lulu, jogging by. When he speaks to them later, he tells them he knows they are plotting an escape. Another security fence is being constructed just beyond the primary one just beyond the point where they plan to emerge once they've tunneled out. Foley tells them he's going with them in exchange for keeping silent about the breakout. Foley does tell a guard about the plan, telling the man to meet him in the prison chapel that night.In Miami, Karen Sisco, a US Marshall, has lunch with her father, a retired Marshall himself. He gives her a Sig-Sauer pistol as a birthday gift. He also questions her about a man she's been seeing, Ray Nicolette, another Marshall, who is married. Karen's father doesn't approve and she tells him to drop the subject. She also tells him that she has to go...
Diamonds hidden in his home
Movie title: The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Context: Connor Mead (Matthew McConaughey) walks into a building where his assistant, Melanie, meets him and gives him all of his messages and such. He stops behind a camera and takes one photo of a bunch of women in their underwear. He and his assistant keep walking and run into more women in their underwear, who invite him to dinner. He says hes booked and as they walk away, he tells his assistant to book them too. He walks behind a curtain and meets a singer who is supposed to be on the cover of Vanity Fair. He strips her down and puts an apple on her head and tells a lady with a bow and arrow to shoot the apple and he takes the picture.Connor and the singer are making out when the assistant comes in. She tells him about three messages he has from various women hes been seeing and that he needs to leave soon to make his brothers wedding rehearsal. He asks his assistant to break up with the women for him, but she refuses. He tells her to put them on a conference call. She puts all three on the computer and he proceeds to break up with them. The singer says that Connor is as bad as they say and that she knows he wont do that to her. He says he broke up with those women for her. They continue to make out.Connor is driving to his brother's rehearsal when he passes some swings that seem to hold significance. He gets to the venue where the rehearsal is taking place. He knocks on the window and the groom, Paul (Breckin Meyer), is really excited that he came. The bride, Sandra, is not as happy. Jenny (Jennifer Garner) is a bit nervous also. Sandra reveals that all but one of her bridesmaids has slept with Connor. The venue turns out to be Connor and Pauls uncle Waynes (Michael Douglas) karate dojo. Connor tells Paul that its not too late and if he changes his mind, he can take his car and leave. Paul laughs until he sees that Connor is serious. Sandra sees Connor giving Paul keys and asks Jenny why hes giving him keys. Jenny tries to cover by saying he may be giving them a car. She goes over to the guys and confronts and...
Question: Which actress plays Melanie? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Which actress plays Melanie? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Context: Connor Mead (Matthew McConaughey) walks into a building where his assistant, Melanie, meets him and gives him all of his messages and such. He stops behind a camera and takes one photo of a bunch of women in their underwear. He and his assistant keep walking and run into more women in their underwear, who invite him to dinner. He says hes booked and as they walk away, he tells his assistant to book them too. He walks behind a curtain and meets a singer who is supposed to be on the cover of Vanity Fair. He strips her down and puts an apple on her head and tells a lady with a bow and arrow to shoot the apple and he takes the picture.Connor and the singer are making out when the assistant comes in. She tells him about three messages he has from various women hes been seeing and that he needs to leave soon to make his brothers wedding rehearsal. He asks his assistant to break up with the women for him, but she refuses. He tells her to put them on a conference call. She puts all three on the computer and he proceeds to break up with them. The singer says that Connor is as bad as they say and that she knows he wont do that to her. He says he broke up with those women for her. They continue to make out.Connor is driving to his brother's rehearsal when he passes some swings that seem to hold significance. He gets to the venue where the rehearsal is taking place. He knocks on the window and the groom, Paul (Breckin Meyer), is really excited that he came. The bride, Sandra, is not as happy. Jenny (Jennifer Garner) is a bit nervous also. Sandra reveals that all but one of her bridesmaids has slept with Connor. The venue turns out to be Connor and Pauls uncle Waynes (Michael Douglas) karate dojo. Connor tells Paul that its not too late and if he changes his mind, he can take his car and leave. Paul laughs until he sees that Connor is serious. Sandra sees Connor giving Paul keys and asks Jenny why hes giving him keys. Jenny tries to cover by saying he may be giving them a car. She goes over to the guys and confronts and...
Noureen DeWulf
Movie title: Death Race 2 Context: Getaway driver Carl "Luke" Lucas (Luke Goss) is arrested after a robbery for his crime boss Markus Kane (Sean Bean) goes wrong. As his accomplices are robbing the bank, two officers casually enter the building. Luke tells them to abort, but they refuse; Luke intervenes, but it results in the death of one of the three accomplices. Luke shoots and kills one of the officers and dumps off his accomplices in order to fulfill Markus's wishes. In doing so, Luke is eventually captured by the police following a high-speed chase and sentenced in prison. Six months later, Luke is transferred to Terminal Island. Terminal Island is a prison under the control of The Weyland Corporation, which hosts Death Match, a televised pay-per-view competition where two dangerous convicts are chosen and then forced to fight to the death or submission. The prisoners are given access to weapons or defense items to use during the fight by stepping on a marked plate in the arena. Luke meets the men who eventually become his pit crew in the Death Race: Lists (Frederick Koehler), who annoys him by over-analyzing everything, Goldberg (Danny Trejo), and Rocco (Joe Vaz). The host of Death Match is September Jones (Lauren Cohan), a former Miss Universe who lost her crown due to allegations of having a sexual relationship with all of its judges. She now works for The Weyland Corporation to create profit from the pay per view subscribers of Death Match. When a convict tries to stab Lists (because of his nature and weakness, as he was convicted only of swindling), Luke takes it upon himself to defend him. Luke is later approached in the showers by September, who proposes that he fight. When he refuses, she makes sexual advances towards him, which he pretends to go for before refusing. In retaliation, September chooses Lists to fight with in a Death Match with the convict Big Bill who tried to stab him earlier. Luke confronts her while Lists is running for his life during the event, pleading to let him fight in place of Lists. She refuses to help...
Question: who is the host of the death match? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: who is the host of the death match? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Death Race 2 Context: Getaway driver Carl "Luke" Lucas (Luke Goss) is arrested after a robbery for his crime boss Markus Kane (Sean Bean) goes wrong. As his accomplices are robbing the bank, two officers casually enter the building. Luke tells them to abort, but they refuse; Luke intervenes, but it results in the death of one of the three accomplices. Luke shoots and kills one of the officers and dumps off his accomplices in order to fulfill Markus's wishes. In doing so, Luke is eventually captured by the police following a high-speed chase and sentenced in prison. Six months later, Luke is transferred to Terminal Island. Terminal Island is a prison under the control of The Weyland Corporation, which hosts Death Match, a televised pay-per-view competition where two dangerous convicts are chosen and then forced to fight to the death or submission. The prisoners are given access to weapons or defense items to use during the fight by stepping on a marked plate in the arena. Luke meets the men who eventually become his pit crew in the Death Race: Lists (Frederick Koehler), who annoys him by over-analyzing everything, Goldberg (Danny Trejo), and Rocco (Joe Vaz). The host of Death Match is September Jones (Lauren Cohan), a former Miss Universe who lost her crown due to allegations of having a sexual relationship with all of its judges. She now works for The Weyland Corporation to create profit from the pay per view subscribers of Death Match. When a convict tries to stab Lists (because of his nature and weakness, as he was convicted only of swindling), Luke takes it upon himself to defend him. Luke is later approached in the showers by September, who proposes that he fight. When he refuses, she makes sexual advances towards him, which he pretends to go for before refusing. In retaliation, September chooses Lists to fight with in a Death Match with the convict Big Bill who tried to stab him earlier. Luke confronts her while Lists is running for his life during the event, pleading to let him fight in place of Lists. She refuses to help...
September Jones
Movie title: Shadows and Fog Context: A Kafkaesque story set in a dark, nameless city in a time that might be the 1920s or '30s. A killer (Michael Kirby) walks the alleys and underground passages. He corners a man and strangles him with piano wire.Max Kleinman (Woody Allen) is roused from a sound sleep in the middle of the night by a group of his fellow citizens who want Kleinman to help them catch the killer. Despite his protests of uselessness, the vigilantes tell Kleinman to get dressed and meet them outside. Kleinman's landlady (Camille Saviola) comes in to help him, suppressing his objections as she bustles about. He worries that he might run into his boss, who is considering him for a promotion, and make a bad impression. She suggests that he marry her, which would make him half owner of the rooming house so he would no longer need his job. Before he goes she gives him some pepper and tells him to blow it in the killer's eyes if he needs to get away. When Kleinman comes outside, the vigilantes have gone. He wanders around looking for them.Irmy (Mia Farrow), a sword-swallower with the circus, and Paul (John Malkovich) the clown, her lover, are talking in their caravan after the show. Irmy reminds Paul of their plans to quit the circus, get married and have children. He replies that he's an artist and needs to concentrate on his work until he can make a name for himself. She says that if she doesn't have a baby soon, she might not be able to, and starts to cry. The clown tries to comfort her. Then he says he'll talk to the head of the circus and goes out to find him. On the way he's distracted by Marie (Madonna), the tightrope walker, and goes into her caravan, where her husband the strongman is asleep. But Irmy sees him go in and comes raging to the door, catching the couple in flagrante. She's furious; she pushes Paul around and tells him she doesn't want his baby.Kleinman stops to see the doctor (Donald Pleasence) in hopes of learning where to find the vigilantes. The doctor has performed autopsies on the killer's victims -- apparently...
Question: What was Allen doing before the mob interrupted? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What was Allen doing before the mob interrupted? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Shadows and Fog Context: A Kafkaesque story set in a dark, nameless city in a time that might be the 1920s or '30s. A killer (Michael Kirby) walks the alleys and underground passages. He corners a man and strangles him with piano wire.Max Kleinman (Woody Allen) is roused from a sound sleep in the middle of the night by a group of his fellow citizens who want Kleinman to help them catch the killer. Despite his protests of uselessness, the vigilantes tell Kleinman to get dressed and meet them outside. Kleinman's landlady (Camille Saviola) comes in to help him, suppressing his objections as she bustles about. He worries that he might run into his boss, who is considering him for a promotion, and make a bad impression. She suggests that he marry her, which would make him half owner of the rooming house so he would no longer need his job. Before he goes she gives him some pepper and tells him to blow it in the killer's eyes if he needs to get away. When Kleinman comes outside, the vigilantes have gone. He wanders around looking for them.Irmy (Mia Farrow), a sword-swallower with the circus, and Paul (John Malkovich) the clown, her lover, are talking in their caravan after the show. Irmy reminds Paul of their plans to quit the circus, get married and have children. He replies that he's an artist and needs to concentrate on his work until he can make a name for himself. She says that if she doesn't have a baby soon, she might not be able to, and starts to cry. The clown tries to comfort her. Then he says he'll talk to the head of the circus and goes out to find him. On the way he's distracted by Marie (Madonna), the tightrope walker, and goes into her caravan, where her husband the strongman is asleep. But Irmy sees him go in and comes raging to the door, catching the couple in flagrante. She's furious; she pushes Paul around and tells him she doesn't want his baby.Kleinman stops to see the doctor (Donald Pleasence) in hopes of learning where to find the vigilantes. The doctor has performed autopsies on the killer's victims -- apparently...
Looking at stars with Irmy
Movie title: Airport Context: The story takes place during one long night during a sudden blizzard at Lincoln International, a fictional Chicago airport based very loosely on O'Hare International Airport.The action mainly centers on Mel Bakersfeld (Burt Lancaster), the airport general manager. His devotion to his job is tearing apart his family and his marriage to his constantly angry and domineering wife Cindy (Dana Wynter), who resents his use of his job at the airport as a device to avoid going to various after-hours events she wants him to participate in, as she attempts to climb into the social circles of Chicago's elite. His problems in his marriage are further exacerbated by his romantically-charged friendship with a lovely divorcee, Trans America Airlines (TGA) passenger relations manager Tanya Livingston (Jean Sebrig).The movie centers on Bakersfeld's struggles to keep the airport open during the snowstorm. His chief problem is the unexpected closure of primary Runway two zero, caused when a landing airliner turns off past the wrong side of a runway marker light, burying the plane's landing gear in the snow, and blocking the runway. Bakersfield is forced to call upon Joe Patroni (George Kennedy), the tough and practical head of maintenance operations for Trans World Airlines, at Lincoln. Patroni is told to move the disabled aircraft blocking the runway two zero. Patroni spends the rest of the movie with his men to dig the plane out of the snow and fights with the pilots to do so under the aircraft's own power without damaging it.Meanwhile, Bakersfield deals with his brother-in-law Vern Demerest (Dean Martin), a pompous and self-confident senior pilot for Trans America Airlines who opposes Bakersfield on a number of issues involving business and personal issues. Both Mel Bakersfield and his sister Sarah (Barbara Hale) are unaware that Vern is having an extramarial affair with Gwen Meighen (Jacqueline Bisset), a chief stewardess on his routine flights whom is planning her latest trip to Rome, Italy and is frustrated about her...
Question: What did Demarest tell Guerrero his insurance policy would be if he detonated the bomb? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What did Demarest tell Guerrero his insurance policy would be if he detonated the bomb? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Airport Context: The story takes place during one long night during a sudden blizzard at Lincoln International, a fictional Chicago airport based very loosely on O'Hare International Airport.The action mainly centers on Mel Bakersfeld (Burt Lancaster), the airport general manager. His devotion to his job is tearing apart his family and his marriage to his constantly angry and domineering wife Cindy (Dana Wynter), who resents his use of his job at the airport as a device to avoid going to various after-hours events she wants him to participate in, as she attempts to climb into the social circles of Chicago's elite. His problems in his marriage are further exacerbated by his romantically-charged friendship with a lovely divorcee, Trans America Airlines (TGA) passenger relations manager Tanya Livingston (Jean Sebrig).The movie centers on Bakersfeld's struggles to keep the airport open during the snowstorm. His chief problem is the unexpected closure of primary Runway two zero, caused when a landing airliner turns off past the wrong side of a runway marker light, burying the plane's landing gear in the snow, and blocking the runway. Bakersfield is forced to call upon Joe Patroni (George Kennedy), the tough and practical head of maintenance operations for Trans World Airlines, at Lincoln. Patroni is told to move the disabled aircraft blocking the runway two zero. Patroni spends the rest of the movie with his men to dig the plane out of the snow and fights with the pilots to do so under the aircraft's own power without damaging it.Meanwhile, Bakersfield deals with his brother-in-law Vern Demerest (Dean Martin), a pompous and self-confident senior pilot for Trans America Airlines who opposes Bakersfield on a number of issues involving business and personal issues. Both Mel Bakersfield and his sister Sarah (Barbara Hale) are unaware that Vern is having an extramarial affair with Gwen Meighen (Jacqueline Bisset), a chief stewardess on his routine flights whom is planning her latest trip to Rome, Italy and is frustrated about her...
Movie title: Miss March Context: The movie beings with Eugene Pratt (Zach Cregger) and Tucker Cleigh (Trevor Moore) as little kids. Tucker wants to go and see Eugene's brother's rare baseball collection so they go inside Eugene's brother's closet and steal the box. Inside, they also find a Playboy magazine. Eugene is disgusted by the sight but Tucker is fascinated and curious, asking questions like "Where do they pee out of?" Tucker leaves the room with the magazine. Three weeks later, Tucker is checking out the ass of another girl and making sexual remarks like a teenage pervert while Eugene looks on in disgust.Fast forward about eight years. Eugene and Tucker are 18 years old and about to graduate. Little has changed though as Tucker continually checks out girls and makes perverted remarks while Eugene is still disgusted and tells Tucker to cut it out as he now has a girlfriend and feels uncomfortable checking out other girls. Candace walks by and Tucker makes a sexual joke about her epilepsy, causing her to beat him up.Eugene goes to speak at an assembly with his girlfriend Cindi Whitehall (Raquel Alessi) while Tucker watches in the crowd. They inform the middle school kids listening that they are abstinent and they are trying to encourage everyone to be abstinent to prevent the spread of STDs. Eugene tells them about his brother who had sex too early and got an STD as a result and then shows them a picture of it, horrifying the kids.Later that night, Eugene climbs up a tree and sits outside Cindi's window and proclaims his love for her. He then suggests they go to a party after prom to have fun. Cindi casually asks if this means that they are finally going to have sex but Eugene firmly states no, saying that he does not want the same thing that happened to his brother to happen to him. Cindi looks disappointed but agrees. Eugene then realizes his mistake and calls her and promises her that they will have sex at the party.As Eugene is getting ready for prom, a limo drives up, courtesy of Tucker. Inside the limo are Horsedick.mpeg (That's...
Question: What did Cindi's money help pay for? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What did Cindi's money help pay for? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Miss March Context: The movie beings with Eugene Pratt (Zach Cregger) and Tucker Cleigh (Trevor Moore) as little kids. Tucker wants to go and see Eugene's brother's rare baseball collection so they go inside Eugene's brother's closet and steal the box. Inside, they also find a Playboy magazine. Eugene is disgusted by the sight but Tucker is fascinated and curious, asking questions like "Where do they pee out of?" Tucker leaves the room with the magazine. Three weeks later, Tucker is checking out the ass of another girl and making sexual remarks like a teenage pervert while Eugene looks on in disgust.Fast forward about eight years. Eugene and Tucker are 18 years old and about to graduate. Little has changed though as Tucker continually checks out girls and makes perverted remarks while Eugene is still disgusted and tells Tucker to cut it out as he now has a girlfriend and feels uncomfortable checking out other girls. Candace walks by and Tucker makes a sexual joke about her epilepsy, causing her to beat him up.Eugene goes to speak at an assembly with his girlfriend Cindi Whitehall (Raquel Alessi) while Tucker watches in the crowd. They inform the middle school kids listening that they are abstinent and they are trying to encourage everyone to be abstinent to prevent the spread of STDs. Eugene tells them about his brother who had sex too early and got an STD as a result and then shows them a picture of it, horrifying the kids.Later that night, Eugene climbs up a tree and sits outside Cindi's window and proclaims his love for her. He then suggests they go to a party after prom to have fun. Cindi casually asks if this means that they are finally going to have sex but Eugene firmly states no, saying that he does not want the same thing that happened to his brother to happen to him. Cindi looks disappointed but agrees. Eugene then realizes his mistake and calls her and promises her that they will have sex at the party.As Eugene is getting ready for prom, a limo drives up, courtesy of Tucker. Inside the limo are Horsedick.mpeg (That's...
Movie title: Blade Runner Context: In 2019, humans have genetically engineered Replicants, which are essentially humans who are designed for labor and entertainment purposes. They are illegal on earth, and if they make it to our planet they are hunted down and killed.Rick Deckard is a blade runner, a hunter of replicants. A group of replicants makes it to Los Angeles seeking a way to extend their life span. Replicants have a built-in 4 year life span, and this group is near the end.==========================================A crawl after the opening credits informs us that, in the near future, technology that has created synthetic humans has entered a new phase: replicants, sophisticated androids that are virtually identical to humans, are now equal in strength and emotion to their creators. Replicants are designed and built by the Tyrell Corporation, a giant multi-conglomerate headquartered in two pyramid-like towers. The latest version of replicant technology is the Nexus 6 model. Replicants are mostly used as manual laborers in the "off world" colonies out in space. Because of their advanced nature and tendency towards violence, replicants have been outlawed on Earth. Specialized police units, "blade runners," are charged with the difficult task of detecting replicants who come to Earth. If found, replicants are executed or "retired." An opening title tells us that the setting for the story is Los Angeles, and the date is November, 2019. Los Angeles and the surrounding area have become heavily industrialized, crowded with people and rain falls constantly.At the Tyrell Corporation, a blade runner, Holden (Morgan Paull) is interviewing a new employee using a special device called a Voight-Kampff (VK) analyzer. The machine is designed to detect any physical changes in the test subject in response to questions that are deliberately meant to affect the subject emotionally. After a few questions, the man being tested, Leon, becomes obviously agitated and eventually hostile, shooting Holden. (We learn later that Holden survived: "He can breathe...
Question: In what city did officer Rick Deckard get detained? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: In what city did officer Rick Deckard get detained? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Blade Runner Context: In 2019, humans have genetically engineered Replicants, which are essentially humans who are designed for labor and entertainment purposes. They are illegal on earth, and if they make it to our planet they are hunted down and killed.Rick Deckard is a blade runner, a hunter of replicants. A group of replicants makes it to Los Angeles seeking a way to extend their life span. Replicants have a built-in 4 year life span, and this group is near the end.==========================================A crawl after the opening credits informs us that, in the near future, technology that has created synthetic humans has entered a new phase: replicants, sophisticated androids that are virtually identical to humans, are now equal in strength and emotion to their creators. Replicants are designed and built by the Tyrell Corporation, a giant multi-conglomerate headquartered in two pyramid-like towers. The latest version of replicant technology is the Nexus 6 model. Replicants are mostly used as manual laborers in the "off world" colonies out in space. Because of their advanced nature and tendency towards violence, replicants have been outlawed on Earth. Specialized police units, "blade runners," are charged with the difficult task of detecting replicants who come to Earth. If found, replicants are executed or "retired." An opening title tells us that the setting for the story is Los Angeles, and the date is November, 2019. Los Angeles and the surrounding area have become heavily industrialized, crowded with people and rain falls constantly.At the Tyrell Corporation, a blade runner, Holden (Morgan Paull) is interviewing a new employee using a special device called a Voight-Kampff (VK) analyzer. The machine is designed to detect any physical changes in the test subject in response to questions that are deliberately meant to affect the subject emotionally. After a few questions, the man being tested, Leon, becomes obviously agitated and eventually hostile, shooting Holden. (We learn later that Holden survived: "He can breathe...
Los Angeles
Movie title: The Hound of the Baskervilles Context: The film begins in a theater, where a pianist (Moore) begins to play a piano accompaniment to the actual film being shown in the theater. Holmes (Cook) has just restored a stolen artifact to three French nuns, and is later called on a case by Dr. Mortimer (Terry-Thomas) concerning Sir Henry Baskerville (Kenneth Williams) and a legendary hound that curses the Baskerville estate. Tired and worn out by so many cases, Holmes passes the case onto Dr. Watson (Moore), who is portrayed as a Welsh eccentric. Upon arriving at the station, Sir Henry, Dr. Mortimer, Watson and Perkins (their driver) are halted by a policeman (Spike Milligan), who warns them of a murderer stalking the moors, before sending the group on their way. While out in the moor collecting specimens, Watson has a curious encounter in a hut with the raving Mr. Frankland (Hugh Griffith) and Frankland's exceedingly strong daughter, Mary (Dana Gillespie ). In the next scene, we see Holmes still in London, visiting Ada, his mother (also played by Dudley Moore), who, as a bogus spiritualist aided by her housekeeper, Iris, scams older ladies of their money in false seances. Holmes' mother is concerned that "Watty" (Watson) may need help, and that "Sherl" (as she calls her son), should rush to his aid. In next scene, Holmes interviews the one-legged Mr. Spiggot (also played by Dudley Moore) to act as a runner on the moor. In the next scene, while wandering on the moors, Watson happens upon Mr. Stapleton (Denholm Elliott), who mistakes him for Sir Henry. Stapleton's sister (Joan Greenwood) describes dramatically her encounter with the Hound on the moor, suggesting that it ravished her, whereupon she attempts to force herself upon the reluctant Watson, with Miss Stapleton undergoing supernatural transformations reminiscent of The Exorcist. The Barrymores (Max Wall and Irene Handl) at Baskerville Hall mistreat Sir Henry and Watson, feeding them only cheese and water and then throwing them into a small bedroom, ankle-deep in water. Watson then goes to the...
Question: Who's body did Barrymore discover? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who's body did Barrymore discover? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Hound of the Baskervilles Context: The film begins in a theater, where a pianist (Moore) begins to play a piano accompaniment to the actual film being shown in the theater. Holmes (Cook) has just restored a stolen artifact to three French nuns, and is later called on a case by Dr. Mortimer (Terry-Thomas) concerning Sir Henry Baskerville (Kenneth Williams) and a legendary hound that curses the Baskerville estate. Tired and worn out by so many cases, Holmes passes the case onto Dr. Watson (Moore), who is portrayed as a Welsh eccentric. Upon arriving at the station, Sir Henry, Dr. Mortimer, Watson and Perkins (their driver) are halted by a policeman (Spike Milligan), who warns them of a murderer stalking the moors, before sending the group on their way. While out in the moor collecting specimens, Watson has a curious encounter in a hut with the raving Mr. Frankland (Hugh Griffith) and Frankland's exceedingly strong daughter, Mary (Dana Gillespie ). In the next scene, we see Holmes still in London, visiting Ada, his mother (also played by Dudley Moore), who, as a bogus spiritualist aided by her housekeeper, Iris, scams older ladies of their money in false seances. Holmes' mother is concerned that "Watty" (Watson) may need help, and that "Sherl" (as she calls her son), should rush to his aid. In next scene, Holmes interviews the one-legged Mr. Spiggot (also played by Dudley Moore) to act as a runner on the moor. In the next scene, while wandering on the moors, Watson happens upon Mr. Stapleton (Denholm Elliott), who mistakes him for Sir Henry. Stapleton's sister (Joan Greenwood) describes dramatically her encounter with the Hound on the moor, suggesting that it ravished her, whereupon she attempts to force herself upon the reluctant Watson, with Miss Stapleton undergoing supernatural transformations reminiscent of The Exorcist. The Barrymores (Max Wall and Irene Handl) at Baskerville Hall mistreat Sir Henry and Watson, feeding them only cheese and water and then throwing them into a small bedroom, ankle-deep in water. Watson then goes to the...
Sir Charles's
Movie title: Thumbelina Context: For over fifty years, the tiny keeper of the dam had watched over it and recently had begun to worry about its state. He shows his daughter the different cracks that have formed over the dam's surface, and though the girl shows no concern, her father is deeply worried that, come spring, newly melted snow will cause the dam to break and flood the meadow where the little people lived in flowers. The keeper sends his daughter to warn the little people's prince.After a long day of walking, the young girl falls asleep inside of a tulip. As she sleeps, an old medicine woman discovers her and takes the tulip to town. She sells the tulip to a lonely, child-less woman, promising that it will open to reveal a child. The child-less woman agrees and is delighted to find a beautiful girl smaller than her thumb, whom she names "Thumbelina". When Thumbelina awakes, she tries to explain that she is on a quest to find the prince of the little people, but the woman doesn't listen.At the end of her first day in her new home, Thumbelina goes to bed feeling lost hopeless. Shortly after she falls asleep, a frog captures Thumbelina and takes her away to her lily pad to marry the frog's son. Thumbelina escapes with the help of two fish, who cut the pad's roots and set it free. Downstream, Thumbelina befriends a swallow. The bird listens to her story but is unable to help, as he himself has lost his flock and needs to find it before the winter. Thumbelina then meets a butterfly who offers to take her to the meadow. However, a beetle snatches Thumbelina away before she can leave. After being ridiculed by his friends about his ugly new "pet", the beetle leaves the lost Thumbelina on her own once again.Thumbelina manages to make herself a home for the winter with the help of the large Big Bear, who brings her honey and protects her from dangerous animals. After Big Bear's brothers arrive and the three bears make their way to their cave to sleep during the long winter. Starving, Thumbelina searches for food and eventually finds the home...
Question: What happens when Cornelius falls in the water? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What happens when Cornelius falls in the water? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Thumbelina Context: For over fifty years, the tiny keeper of the dam had watched over it and recently had begun to worry about its state. He shows his daughter the different cracks that have formed over the dam's surface, and though the girl shows no concern, her father is deeply worried that, come spring, newly melted snow will cause the dam to break and flood the meadow where the little people lived in flowers. The keeper sends his daughter to warn the little people's prince.After a long day of walking, the young girl falls asleep inside of a tulip. As she sleeps, an old medicine woman discovers her and takes the tulip to town. She sells the tulip to a lonely, child-less woman, promising that it will open to reveal a child. The child-less woman agrees and is delighted to find a beautiful girl smaller than her thumb, whom she names "Thumbelina". When Thumbelina awakes, she tries to explain that she is on a quest to find the prince of the little people, but the woman doesn't listen.At the end of her first day in her new home, Thumbelina goes to bed feeling lost hopeless. Shortly after she falls asleep, a frog captures Thumbelina and takes her away to her lily pad to marry the frog's son. Thumbelina escapes with the help of two fish, who cut the pad's roots and set it free. Downstream, Thumbelina befriends a swallow. The bird listens to her story but is unable to help, as he himself has lost his flock and needs to find it before the winter. Thumbelina then meets a butterfly who offers to take her to the meadow. However, a beetle snatches Thumbelina away before she can leave. After being ridiculed by his friends about his ugly new "pet", the beetle leaves the lost Thumbelina on her own once again.Thumbelina manages to make herself a home for the winter with the help of the large Big Bear, who brings her honey and protects her from dangerous animals. After Big Bear's brothers arrive and the three bears make their way to their cave to sleep during the long winter. Starving, Thumbelina searches for food and eventually finds the home...
He gets frozen
Movie title: The Three Stooges Context: The film is broken up into three shorts a la the original Stooges shorts, but they each form one movie.Episode One - More Orphan Than NotIt begins at the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage where the children are playing happily until cranky Sister Mary-Mengele (Larry David) tells them to go inside. The children begin to do a song as to why they should keep playing, but the nun cuts them off and tells them to go inside. That's when a car drives up by the orphanage and tosses a gym bag on their front steps. As Sister Mary-Mengele opens it up, two fingers poke her in the eyes, sending her falling off the steps. Another nun comes out and calls for Mother Superior (Jane Lynch) and the other nuns. They see baby Moe, Larry, and Curly, all with their trademark hairstyles. They immediately adore all of them, agreeing to split their time with the boys.Cut to ten years later where the nuns are now terrified of being with the boys. The boys are attempting to remove a tooth out of Sister Mary-Mengele's mouth until they are told that a wealthy couple is coming, so they go to prepare. The nuns plan to keep the other orphans out so that the couple will take the boys out of the orphanage once and for all.The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Harter (Stephen Collins and Carly Craig), watch Moe, Larry, and Curly do a little performance to get their attention until a smaller and more adorable boy named Teddy comes in. As the couple makes their final decision, they land on Moe and adopt him. As he is leaving, he says goodbye to Larry and Curly, taking something to remember them by. So he rips off a chunk of Larry's hair, and, since Curly has no hair to rip off. Moe plucks out some of his nose hairs.As he leaves, Moe already starts to miss his friends. When the Harters tell him that it's his birthday, and he can ask for anything, he asks that they go back for Larry and Curly. They go back, but end up leaving Moe and taking Teddy. When asked why he got sent back, Moe says he couldn't deal with the couple after their supposed talk of chores and cleaning...
Question: Who plays the Mother Superior? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who plays the Mother Superior? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Three Stooges Context: The film is broken up into three shorts a la the original Stooges shorts, but they each form one movie.Episode One - More Orphan Than NotIt begins at the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage where the children are playing happily until cranky Sister Mary-Mengele (Larry David) tells them to go inside. The children begin to do a song as to why they should keep playing, but the nun cuts them off and tells them to go inside. That's when a car drives up by the orphanage and tosses a gym bag on their front steps. As Sister Mary-Mengele opens it up, two fingers poke her in the eyes, sending her falling off the steps. Another nun comes out and calls for Mother Superior (Jane Lynch) and the other nuns. They see baby Moe, Larry, and Curly, all with their trademark hairstyles. They immediately adore all of them, agreeing to split their time with the boys.Cut to ten years later where the nuns are now terrified of being with the boys. The boys are attempting to remove a tooth out of Sister Mary-Mengele's mouth until they are told that a wealthy couple is coming, so they go to prepare. The nuns plan to keep the other orphans out so that the couple will take the boys out of the orphanage once and for all.The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Harter (Stephen Collins and Carly Craig), watch Moe, Larry, and Curly do a little performance to get their attention until a smaller and more adorable boy named Teddy comes in. As the couple makes their final decision, they land on Moe and adopt him. As he is leaving, he says goodbye to Larry and Curly, taking something to remember them by. So he rips off a chunk of Larry's hair, and, since Curly has no hair to rip off. Moe plucks out some of his nose hairs.As he leaves, Moe already starts to miss his friends. When the Harters tell him that it's his birthday, and he can ask for anything, he asks that they go back for Larry and Curly. They go back, but end up leaving Moe and taking Teddy. When asked why he got sent back, Moe says he couldn't deal with the couple after their supposed talk of chores and cleaning...
Jane Lynch
Movie title: Go Tell the Spartans Context: It's July 1964 in the period when American troops were euphemistically termed "military advisors" in Vietnam. Major Asa Barker (Burt Lancaster) has been given this command: a poorly-manned outpost named Muc Wa in rural South Vietnam somewhere near the rural Da Nang to Phnom Penh (Cambodia) highway that a decade earlier had been the scene of a massacre of French soldiers during the First Indochina War. Barker is a weary infantry veteran in his third war (he served in the Pacific during World War II as well as in the Korean War), who provides veteran supervision to a cadre of advisors attached to a group of South Vietnamese who garrison the deserted village of Muc Wa.Barker, as a seasoned officer, knows that he cannot defend his position due to lack of numbers and the quality of his local troops. He is still obliged to carry out the orders of his superior, General Harnitz (Dolph Sweet), who sends Barker U.S. re-enforcements to appease him. His command consists of a handful of U.S. soldiers (encompassing the inexperienced, unhappy, idealistic and glory-seeking) and some reluctant former Vietnamese paddy farmers turned militiamen. Barker is a capable commander who has ended his career by having an affair with a senior officer's wife. He argues that the hamlet is deserted and has no importance, but sends a detachment from his command. The detachment is commanded by the brash but nervous Lt. Hamilton, and includes veteran Sergeant Oleonowski, who is suffering from battle fatigue, a drug-addicted medic, Cpl. Lincoln, and a young draftee, Cpl. Courcey, who quickly befriends an elderly native volunteer, nicknamed "Old Man". The American troops along with around 30 South Vietnamese troops and similar number of milita, set out from their base as Pangan to Mu Wa.On their way to Muc Wa along a dirt road, the column is ambushed at a roadblock, resulting in the sadistic ARVN Cpl. Nguyen "Cowboy" (Evan Kim) capturing and beheading the lone Viet Cong attacker. On reaching the hamlet, Hamilton sets up his defenses in a...
Question: How many villages does the poorly-manned outpost oversee? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How many villages does the poorly-manned outpost oversee? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Go Tell the Spartans Context: It's July 1964 in the period when American troops were euphemistically termed "military advisors" in Vietnam. Major Asa Barker (Burt Lancaster) has been given this command: a poorly-manned outpost named Muc Wa in rural South Vietnam somewhere near the rural Da Nang to Phnom Penh (Cambodia) highway that a decade earlier had been the scene of a massacre of French soldiers during the First Indochina War. Barker is a weary infantry veteran in his third war (he served in the Pacific during World War II as well as in the Korean War), who provides veteran supervision to a cadre of advisors attached to a group of South Vietnamese who garrison the deserted village of Muc Wa.Barker, as a seasoned officer, knows that he cannot defend his position due to lack of numbers and the quality of his local troops. He is still obliged to carry out the orders of his superior, General Harnitz (Dolph Sweet), who sends Barker U.S. re-enforcements to appease him. His command consists of a handful of U.S. soldiers (encompassing the inexperienced, unhappy, idealistic and glory-seeking) and some reluctant former Vietnamese paddy farmers turned militiamen. Barker is a capable commander who has ended his career by having an affair with a senior officer's wife. He argues that the hamlet is deserted and has no importance, but sends a detachment from his command. The detachment is commanded by the brash but nervous Lt. Hamilton, and includes veteran Sergeant Oleonowski, who is suffering from battle fatigue, a drug-addicted medic, Cpl. Lincoln, and a young draftee, Cpl. Courcey, who quickly befriends an elderly native volunteer, nicknamed "Old Man". The American troops along with around 30 South Vietnamese troops and similar number of milita, set out from their base as Pangan to Mu Wa.On their way to Muc Wa along a dirt road, the column is ambushed at a roadblock, resulting in the sadistic ARVN Cpl. Nguyen "Cowboy" (Evan Kim) capturing and beheading the lone Viet Cong attacker. On reaching the hamlet, Hamilton sets up his defenses in a...
three villages
Movie title: Stir of Echoes Context: Tom Witzky (Kevin Bacon) is a phone lineman living in a working-class neighborhood in Chicago with his pregnant wife Maggie (Kathryn Erbe) and his son Jake (Zachary David Cope), who possesses the ability to commune with the dead. At a party one evening, Tom challenges Maggie's sister Lisa (Illeana Douglas), a believer in paranormal activity and psychic telepathy, to hypnotize him. After putting him under, Lisa plants a post-hypnotic suggestion in Tom urging him to "be more open-minded." Tom then begins experiencing visions of a violent scuffle involving a girl who he later learns is Samantha Kozac (Jennifer Morrison), a 17 year-old that disappeared from the neighborhood six months prior.While Tom and Maggie attend a high school football game, Jake is overheard by his babysitter, Debbie Kozac (Liza Weil), as he speaks with Samantha. Debbie gets upset and snatches Jake, running off with him in the night. Meanwhile, Tom senses Jake is in danger and rushes home but finds him gone. Tom then sees strange flashes of red light that eventually leads him to the 'L' station where Debbie is speaking with her mother about Jake. When Tom and Maggie confront her, Debbie angrily questions them about her sister Samantha, explaining that she had an intellectual disability: having the mental capacity of an 8 year-old and thus, a child's tendency to trust strangers. Tom denies knowing her to Debbie, but admits to Maggie that she's the girl in his visions.Tom becomes obsessed with Samantha and begins probing members of the community about her disappearance. This attracts the attention of his landlord Harry Damon (Conor O'Farrell), Tom's friend, Frank McCarthy (Kevin Dunn) and their respective sons Kurt Damon (Steve Rifkin) and Adam McCarthy (Chalon Williams), who all dismiss Samantha as a runaway teen. During an afternoon walk, Jake and Maggie encounter a funeral where Chicago policemen are saluting in a ceremony; here a policeman named Neil (Eddie Bo Smith Jr.) immediately recognizes Jake's unique talent and invites Tom to a...
Question: who noticed samantha's spirit? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: who noticed samantha's spirit? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Stir of Echoes Context: Tom Witzky (Kevin Bacon) is a phone lineman living in a working-class neighborhood in Chicago with his pregnant wife Maggie (Kathryn Erbe) and his son Jake (Zachary David Cope), who possesses the ability to commune with the dead. At a party one evening, Tom challenges Maggie's sister Lisa (Illeana Douglas), a believer in paranormal activity and psychic telepathy, to hypnotize him. After putting him under, Lisa plants a post-hypnotic suggestion in Tom urging him to "be more open-minded." Tom then begins experiencing visions of a violent scuffle involving a girl who he later learns is Samantha Kozac (Jennifer Morrison), a 17 year-old that disappeared from the neighborhood six months prior.While Tom and Maggie attend a high school football game, Jake is overheard by his babysitter, Debbie Kozac (Liza Weil), as he speaks with Samantha. Debbie gets upset and snatches Jake, running off with him in the night. Meanwhile, Tom senses Jake is in danger and rushes home but finds him gone. Tom then sees strange flashes of red light that eventually leads him to the 'L' station where Debbie is speaking with her mother about Jake. When Tom and Maggie confront her, Debbie angrily questions them about her sister Samantha, explaining that she had an intellectual disability: having the mental capacity of an 8 year-old and thus, a child's tendency to trust strangers. Tom denies knowing her to Debbie, but admits to Maggie that she's the girl in his visions.Tom becomes obsessed with Samantha and begins probing members of the community about her disappearance. This attracts the attention of his landlord Harry Damon (Conor O'Farrell), Tom's friend, Frank McCarthy (Kevin Dunn) and their respective sons Kurt Damon (Steve Rifkin) and Adam McCarthy (Chalon Williams), who all dismiss Samantha as a runaway teen. During an afternoon walk, Jake and Maggie encounter a funeral where Chicago policemen are saluting in a ceremony; here a policeman named Neil (Eddie Bo Smith Jr.) immediately recognizes Jake's unique talent and invites Tom to a...
Movie title: Zombies Context: In 1913, in Carlton Mine, Addytown, Pennsylvania, the cruel owner of a mine exploits poor immigrant children. After an explosion, a group of children are buried alive.Present day. Karen Tunny has just lost her husband after a long period of terminal illness and has inherited her husband's home by Carlton Mine. She moves to Carlton Mine with her two daughters, the 16-year-old Sarah and the 10-year-old Emma.Sarah meets a couple of teenagers around her age. She mentions to them that she lives up in the hills and one of them replies "Up where the zombies are?"William Carlton, a cynical and greedy local businessman and the last surviving heir of the Carlton who owned the mine in 1913, is hungrily devouring property and kicking people off his own property, which he claims goes from the mine to Addytown, which is very perplexing to Karen, since she lives on part of this land. Carlton wants to build a fancy ski resort near the mine. Hanks, a neighbor, tells Karen that the only way she can stay on her land is if Carlton dies. In that event, the land goes back to the "miner's deed", or those like Hanks and Tunny, who now live on the land.Many people are known to have gone missing in the vicinity, and the plumber, Mr. Thompson, who helps the Tunny family to fix their place, is another victim. William Carlton's two associates, helping him to survey the land and plan for the ski resort, are two others when they are killed by unseen figures.As it turns out, the Tunny's and Mr. Hanks are all relatives of the zombie-like children, who protect relatives, while killing all others. Emma informs her mother that the "zombies won't eat me" and on another occasion, that they wouldn't hurt her mom, but others they might. Karen finds some old photo albums in the basement with her husband in them, as well as the Tunny and Hanks children who died in the mine disaster, thus revealing that the family is related to some of the children who died.Karen is advised by her neighbor, Hanks, to stay at home in the night when the zombie children...
Question: Who runs to the barn? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who runs to the barn? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Zombies Context: In 1913, in Carlton Mine, Addytown, Pennsylvania, the cruel owner of a mine exploits poor immigrant children. After an explosion, a group of children are buried alive.Present day. Karen Tunny has just lost her husband after a long period of terminal illness and has inherited her husband's home by Carlton Mine. She moves to Carlton Mine with her two daughters, the 16-year-old Sarah and the 10-year-old Emma.Sarah meets a couple of teenagers around her age. She mentions to them that she lives up in the hills and one of them replies "Up where the zombies are?"William Carlton, a cynical and greedy local businessman and the last surviving heir of the Carlton who owned the mine in 1913, is hungrily devouring property and kicking people off his own property, which he claims goes from the mine to Addytown, which is very perplexing to Karen, since she lives on part of this land. Carlton wants to build a fancy ski resort near the mine. Hanks, a neighbor, tells Karen that the only way she can stay on her land is if Carlton dies. In that event, the land goes back to the "miner's deed", or those like Hanks and Tunny, who now live on the land.Many people are known to have gone missing in the vicinity, and the plumber, Mr. Thompson, who helps the Tunny family to fix their place, is another victim. William Carlton's two associates, helping him to survey the land and plan for the ski resort, are two others when they are killed by unseen figures.As it turns out, the Tunny's and Mr. Hanks are all relatives of the zombie-like children, who protect relatives, while killing all others. Emma informs her mother that the "zombies won't eat me" and on another occasion, that they wouldn't hurt her mom, but others they might. Karen finds some old photo albums in the basement with her husband in them, as well as the Tunny and Hanks children who died in the mine disaster, thus revealing that the family is related to some of the children who died.Karen is advised by her neighbor, Hanks, to stay at home in the night when the zombie children...
Carlton and Hanks
Movie title: Shakespeare in Love Context: The film centres around the forbidden love of William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) and a noble woman, Viola de Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow).As the film begins, Shakepeare's patron Philip Henslowe (Geoffrey Rush) finds himself in debt to loan shark Hugh Fennyman (Tom Wilkinson). Henslowe offers Fennyman a partnership in the upcoming production of Shakespeare's newest comedy, Romeo and Ethel, The Pirate's Daughter promising that it will be a hit. This play will later be renamed Romeo and Juliet and be reworked into a tragedy (but with some comical undertones with a few characters, like the Nurse).Will Shakespeare is suffering from writer's block and has not completed the play, but begins auditions for Romeo. A boy named Thomas Kent is cast in the role after impressing Shakespeare with his performance and his love of Shakespeare's previous work. Unbeknownst to Shakespeare and the rest of the theater company, Kent is young noblewoman Viola de Lesseps. Viola de Lesseps's dream is to act, but as women were barred from the stage, she must disguise herself as a young man in order to fulfill her dream.After Shakespeare discovers his star's true identity, he and Viola begin a passionate secret affair. There are strong parallels between the pair's romance and the romance in Romeo and Juliet, including the ballroom scene from act 2 and the balcony scene immediately following it. The element of forbidden love forms the basis of Shakespeare's inspiration, and many of their conversations later show up as some of the most famous quotes in the play.Inspired by Viola, Shakespeare begins writing feverishly. His work in progress also benefits from the off-hand advice of playwright and friendly rival Christopher Marlowe (Rupert Everett). Yet Shakespeare and de Lesseps know that their romance is doomed. Shakespeare is married, albeit long separated from his wife, and Viola is a noblewoman whose parents would never permit her to marry a commoner such as Shakespeare. In fact, Viola's father has privately arranged a betrothal for her to...
Question: What theatre does Tilney close? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What theatre does Tilney close? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Shakespeare in Love Context: The film centres around the forbidden love of William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) and a noble woman, Viola de Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow).As the film begins, Shakepeare's patron Philip Henslowe (Geoffrey Rush) finds himself in debt to loan shark Hugh Fennyman (Tom Wilkinson). Henslowe offers Fennyman a partnership in the upcoming production of Shakespeare's newest comedy, Romeo and Ethel, The Pirate's Daughter promising that it will be a hit. This play will later be renamed Romeo and Juliet and be reworked into a tragedy (but with some comical undertones with a few characters, like the Nurse).Will Shakespeare is suffering from writer's block and has not completed the play, but begins auditions for Romeo. A boy named Thomas Kent is cast in the role after impressing Shakespeare with his performance and his love of Shakespeare's previous work. Unbeknownst to Shakespeare and the rest of the theater company, Kent is young noblewoman Viola de Lesseps. Viola de Lesseps's dream is to act, but as women were barred from the stage, she must disguise herself as a young man in order to fulfill her dream.After Shakespeare discovers his star's true identity, he and Viola begin a passionate secret affair. There are strong parallels between the pair's romance and the romance in Romeo and Juliet, including the ballroom scene from act 2 and the balcony scene immediately following it. The element of forbidden love forms the basis of Shakespeare's inspiration, and many of their conversations later show up as some of the most famous quotes in the play.Inspired by Viola, Shakespeare begins writing feverishly. His work in progress also benefits from the off-hand advice of playwright and friendly rival Christopher Marlowe (Rupert Everett). Yet Shakespeare and de Lesseps know that their romance is doomed. Shakespeare is married, albeit long separated from his wife, and Viola is a noblewoman whose parents would never permit her to marry a commoner such as Shakespeare. In fact, Viola's father has privately arranged a betrothal for her to...
Rose playhouse
Movie title: Once Upon A Time In Mumbai Context: The film opens with a suicide attempt by Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Agnel Wilson (Randeep Hooda) on the pretext of the Bombay Bombings in 1993. When questioned by his superior over his actions, he breaks down and claims that the recent tragic events are his own fault. Wilson recounts that 18 years ago, when he was posted as the ACP in the Mumbai crime branch, his inability to take the necessary action led to the rise of Shoaib Khan (Emraan Hashmi) a dreaded gangster, who played a central role in the bombings. Throughout the film, Wilson narrates the story of 1970s Bombay, when it was ruled by a kind hearted smuggler Sultan Mirza (Ajay Devgn), and how Mirza's eventual downfall led to Shoaib's rise to power. After being hit by a flood in his hometown in Madras, a young Mirza arrives in Mumbai, where he lands a job as a coal shoveller. In spite of his meager earnings, the boy never fails to help the poor and needy, which soon gains their respect and admiration. Mirza is given the nickname of "Sultan." As a grown man, Sultan Mirza becomes the kingpin of Mumbai's smuggling underworld. Through his influence, Mirza peacefully divides the city among four gangsters, thus thwarting police efforts to curb illegal activities. Despite being a criminal, Sultan Mirza is portrayed as a man of principle with a heart of gold and a godfather-like figure to the people. He even refrains from smuggling contraband, as it is against his Muslim faith. Mirza has a crush on Bollywood actress Rehana (Kangana Ranaut) and eventually the two begin dating. Sultan invests black money in her upcoming films. ACP Wilson moves to stop Rehana's films funded by Sultan. Later, Sultan and Rehana frame Wilson to make it look as if Wilson is accepting a bribe, which damages his credibility. Meanwhile, Shoaib is even in childhood a very ambitious person with a dark and daring character. He is frequently involved in petty theft. His father, Hussain Khan (Asif Basra), who is a sub-inspector with the Bombay Police, tries in vain to guide and...
Question: Which underworld don ruled Mumbai in 1970? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Which underworld don ruled Mumbai in 1970? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Once Upon A Time In Mumbai Context: The film opens with a suicide attempt by Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Agnel Wilson (Randeep Hooda) on the pretext of the Bombay Bombings in 1993. When questioned by his superior over his actions, he breaks down and claims that the recent tragic events are his own fault. Wilson recounts that 18 years ago, when he was posted as the ACP in the Mumbai crime branch, his inability to take the necessary action led to the rise of Shoaib Khan (Emraan Hashmi) a dreaded gangster, who played a central role in the bombings. Throughout the film, Wilson narrates the story of 1970s Bombay, when it was ruled by a kind hearted smuggler Sultan Mirza (Ajay Devgn), and how Mirza's eventual downfall led to Shoaib's rise to power. After being hit by a flood in his hometown in Madras, a young Mirza arrives in Mumbai, where he lands a job as a coal shoveller. In spite of his meager earnings, the boy never fails to help the poor and needy, which soon gains their respect and admiration. Mirza is given the nickname of "Sultan." As a grown man, Sultan Mirza becomes the kingpin of Mumbai's smuggling underworld. Through his influence, Mirza peacefully divides the city among four gangsters, thus thwarting police efforts to curb illegal activities. Despite being a criminal, Sultan Mirza is portrayed as a man of principle with a heart of gold and a godfather-like figure to the people. He even refrains from smuggling contraband, as it is against his Muslim faith. Mirza has a crush on Bollywood actress Rehana (Kangana Ranaut) and eventually the two begin dating. Sultan invests black money in her upcoming films. ACP Wilson moves to stop Rehana's films funded by Sultan. Later, Sultan and Rehana frame Wilson to make it look as if Wilson is accepting a bribe, which damages his credibility. Meanwhile, Shoaib is even in childhood a very ambitious person with a dark and daring character. He is frequently involved in petty theft. His father, Hussain Khan (Asif Basra), who is a sub-inspector with the Bombay Police, tries in vain to guide and...
Sultan Mirza
Movie title: The Departed Context: In voiceover, Irish-American mobster Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson) explains that he doesn't want to be the product of his environment, he wants his environment to be a product of him. Grainy historical film depicts violent riots in Boston during earlier generations. Costello, proudly Irish, unapologetically racist, explains that what annoys him about African Americans is their refusal to realize that they won't be given anything. Costello's belief is you have to do whatever possible to take what you want.Costello is in a small convenience store and collects protection money from the shop owner, who is visibly unnerved by Costello. Costello warns him to have more money next time. Costello asks the shop owner's young teenage daughter behind the counter if she's got her period yet. His attitude is nonchalant and all the more threatening for it. The daughter is both affronted and compelled by the powerful Costello and answers his rhetorical question. The shop owner doesn't show any emotion.A small boy, a young Colin Sullivan (Conor Donovan), is at the counter and witnesses Costello's interaction with the shop owner. Costello notices him and asks him if he's the son of a man Costello knows. He tells the store owner to give the boy two full bags of groceries and then presses some coins into the boy's hand. He tells the boy to remember he can get more money from Costello when he gets older.As Sullivan grows, Costello grooms him and steers him into a job as a police officer, where he can keep Costello informed. Sullivan completes the Police Academy and is immediately transferred to the State Police force. He is accepted into the Special Investigations Unit led by Ellerby (Alec Baldwin) which focuses on organized crime. The primary target of the unit is Costello. Sullivan (Matt Damon) is warmly welcomed onto the State Police force by Captain Queenan (Sheen) and Staff Sergeant Dignam (Wahlberg).Billy Costigan (DiCaprio), whose extended family has considerable ties to organized crime, also attends the police academy....
Question: Who begins a romance with Madolyn? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who begins a romance with Madolyn? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Departed Context: In voiceover, Irish-American mobster Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson) explains that he doesn't want to be the product of his environment, he wants his environment to be a product of him. Grainy historical film depicts violent riots in Boston during earlier generations. Costello, proudly Irish, unapologetically racist, explains that what annoys him about African Americans is their refusal to realize that they won't be given anything. Costello's belief is you have to do whatever possible to take what you want.Costello is in a small convenience store and collects protection money from the shop owner, who is visibly unnerved by Costello. Costello warns him to have more money next time. Costello asks the shop owner's young teenage daughter behind the counter if she's got her period yet. His attitude is nonchalant and all the more threatening for it. The daughter is both affronted and compelled by the powerful Costello and answers his rhetorical question. The shop owner doesn't show any emotion.A small boy, a young Colin Sullivan (Conor Donovan), is at the counter and witnesses Costello's interaction with the shop owner. Costello notices him and asks him if he's the son of a man Costello knows. He tells the store owner to give the boy two full bags of groceries and then presses some coins into the boy's hand. He tells the boy to remember he can get more money from Costello when he gets older.As Sullivan grows, Costello grooms him and steers him into a job as a police officer, where he can keep Costello informed. Sullivan completes the Police Academy and is immediately transferred to the State Police force. He is accepted into the Special Investigations Unit led by Ellerby (Alec Baldwin) which focuses on organized crime. The primary target of the unit is Costello. Sullivan (Matt Damon) is warmly welcomed onto the State Police force by Captain Queenan (Sheen) and Staff Sergeant Dignam (Wahlberg).Billy Costigan (DiCaprio), whose extended family has considerable ties to organized crime, also attends the police academy....
Movie title: Spirited Away Context: Ten-year-old Chihiro (voice: Daveigh Chase in the 2002 English dub) and her parents (voices: Lauren Holly and Michael Chiklis) drive to their new home. Chihiro is whiny and unhappy about the move, especially when she notices that the bouquet her friend gave her as a good-bye gift is wilting. In sight of their new house, they take a wrong turn and follow a bumpy, decayed old road through the woods; Chihiro sees an odd old statue through the trees as they drive by. The road ends at a tunnel leading to an abandoned theme park. It gives Chihiro the creeps, but her parents persuade her to go in with them and look around.After wandering across a grassy landscape and a dry riverbed, they climb a stone staircase and come to a street lined with restaurants and shops. Most are deserted, but the aroma of cooking leads them to the one restaurant that's well stocked with food -- though it's mysteriously deserted. Mom and Dad are hungry and start eating, despite Chihiro's objections. The food is delicious, and Chihiro wanders away to explore while they eat. She finds a towering, ornate building that she recognizes as a bathhouse (a spa resort); there's a train track running under it. She meets a boy (voice: Jason Marsden) in traditional dress who is alarmed to see her; he tells her to leave and get back across the river before it gets dark. Chihiro runs back to her parents, but they're still eating -- and they've turned into pigs. Strange, dark, ghostly figures appear in all the shops and streets, frightening Chihiro and separating her from the pigs that were her parents. Chihiro runs back to the river, which was nearly dry when they came over but is now full and large, and she doesn't even recognize the buildings on the far side. As a riverboat approaches, she notices that her body has become transparent.The riverboat lands a big crowd of people in costume -- or maybe they're not people; at first they're only visible as paper masks. Chihiro thinks shes dreaming, but can't wake up. The boy who warned her away finds her and...
Question: What is the name of the boy that Chihiro meets ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is the name of the boy that Chihiro meets ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Spirited Away Context: Ten-year-old Chihiro (voice: Daveigh Chase in the 2002 English dub) and her parents (voices: Lauren Holly and Michael Chiklis) drive to their new home. Chihiro is whiny and unhappy about the move, especially when she notices that the bouquet her friend gave her as a good-bye gift is wilting. In sight of their new house, they take a wrong turn and follow a bumpy, decayed old road through the woods; Chihiro sees an odd old statue through the trees as they drive by. The road ends at a tunnel leading to an abandoned theme park. It gives Chihiro the creeps, but her parents persuade her to go in with them and look around.After wandering across a grassy landscape and a dry riverbed, they climb a stone staircase and come to a street lined with restaurants and shops. Most are deserted, but the aroma of cooking leads them to the one restaurant that's well stocked with food -- though it's mysteriously deserted. Mom and Dad are hungry and start eating, despite Chihiro's objections. The food is delicious, and Chihiro wanders away to explore while they eat. She finds a towering, ornate building that she recognizes as a bathhouse (a spa resort); there's a train track running under it. She meets a boy (voice: Jason Marsden) in traditional dress who is alarmed to see her; he tells her to leave and get back across the river before it gets dark. Chihiro runs back to her parents, but they're still eating -- and they've turned into pigs. Strange, dark, ghostly figures appear in all the shops and streets, frightening Chihiro and separating her from the pigs that were her parents. Chihiro runs back to the river, which was nearly dry when they came over but is now full and large, and she doesn't even recognize the buildings on the far side. As a riverboat approaches, she notices that her body has become transparent.The riverboat lands a big crowd of people in costume -- or maybe they're not people; at first they're only visible as paper masks. Chihiro thinks shes dreaming, but can't wake up. The boy who warned her away finds her and...
Hayao Miyazaki
Movie title: Mercury Rising Context: The film opens with a hostage situation in South Dakota where FBI Agent Art Jeffries, who, as the inside man, protects a 15 year old kid named James while trying to talk a bank robber named Edgar Halstrom into surrendering. However, the FBI task force kills the robbers and James. Jeffries confronts his superior, Hartley, who tells him he'd report to Washington. An infuriated Jeffries punches Hartley for that and for James' death.A cryptographic code called "Mercury" was created by the National Security Agency and allegedly so complex that its creators believe no computer on Earth can decipher it. Originally it was created during the Reagan Administration as a test to keep the United States' highest priority secrets under wraps. One day, the NSA receives a message from a nine-year-old autistic savant named Simon Lynch who calls a telephone number written in the code which was secretly published in a puzzle magazine by two of the creators, Dean Crandell and Leo Pedranski, to see if anyone could break it. Crandell and Pedranski's division chief, Lt. Colonel Nick Kudrow sees the boy's ability to decipher the code as a liability and rather than rectify the problem adequately, instead plans to silence Simon, sending a hit man, Peter Burrell and his partner Shayes to murder the boy and his parents, Martin and Jenny.After shooting Martin and Jenny, Burrell searches the house, fails to find Simon, and leaves at the sound of approaching sirens (Martin was able to call 911 before dying). Jeffries, who has been demoted following a diagnosis of delusional paranoia, is sent to investigate what is initially thought to be a murder-suicide of Simon's parents. While investigating the scene, Jeffries finds Simon hiding in a cache of his bedroom closet and takes the boy under his wing. Jeffries begins to realize the difficulty of protecting, let alone questioning Simon, because of his impaired social abilities as a result of his autism, but the Chicago PD agree to assign a protection detail to Simon. Burrell tries to kill Simon...
Question: Who has the carbon copies of the letters? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who has the carbon copies of the letters? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Mercury Rising Context: The film opens with a hostage situation in South Dakota where FBI Agent Art Jeffries, who, as the inside man, protects a 15 year old kid named James while trying to talk a bank robber named Edgar Halstrom into surrendering. However, the FBI task force kills the robbers and James. Jeffries confronts his superior, Hartley, who tells him he'd report to Washington. An infuriated Jeffries punches Hartley for that and for James' death.A cryptographic code called "Mercury" was created by the National Security Agency and allegedly so complex that its creators believe no computer on Earth can decipher it. Originally it was created during the Reagan Administration as a test to keep the United States' highest priority secrets under wraps. One day, the NSA receives a message from a nine-year-old autistic savant named Simon Lynch who calls a telephone number written in the code which was secretly published in a puzzle magazine by two of the creators, Dean Crandell and Leo Pedranski, to see if anyone could break it. Crandell and Pedranski's division chief, Lt. Colonel Nick Kudrow sees the boy's ability to decipher the code as a liability and rather than rectify the problem adequately, instead plans to silence Simon, sending a hit man, Peter Burrell and his partner Shayes to murder the boy and his parents, Martin and Jenny.After shooting Martin and Jenny, Burrell searches the house, fails to find Simon, and leaves at the sound of approaching sirens (Martin was able to call 911 before dying). Jeffries, who has been demoted following a diagnosis of delusional paranoia, is sent to investigate what is initially thought to be a murder-suicide of Simon's parents. While investigating the scene, Jeffries finds Simon hiding in a cache of his bedroom closet and takes the boy under his wing. Jeffries begins to realize the difficulty of protecting, let alone questioning Simon, because of his impaired social abilities as a result of his autism, but the Chicago PD agree to assign a protection detail to Simon. Burrell tries to kill Simon...
Emily Lang
Movie title: Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life Context: The film begins on Santorini island, Greece, during a wedding when it is interrupted by an earthquake. The earthquake uncovers the Luna Temple, built by Alexander the Great to house his most prized treasures. Among these treasures is a glowing orb with a pattern resembling a code etched into it. Lara finds this orb, as well as a strange medallion; but both are stolen by the crime lord Chen Lo (Simon Yam). Lara (Angelina Jolie) only just manages to escape as a subsequent earthquake causes the Luna Temple to collapse, while her two companions are killed by Chen's men. Lara is tasked by MI6 to find Pandora's Box, an object from ancient legends that supposedly contains a deadly plague, before Nobel Prize-winning scientist turned bio-terrorist Jonathan Reiss (Ciarán Hinds) can get his hands on it. The key to finding the box, which is hidden in the mysterious Cradle of Life, is a magical luminous sphere that serves as a map, the one stolen by Chen Lo in Santorini, who plans to sell the sphere to Reiss. To help her track down Chen Lo and the ball, Lara recruits an old lover, Terry Sheridan (Gerard Butler), a former mercenary and Royal Marine, who was in prison in the Republic of Kazakhstan.Among the action sequences that take place during this time are Lara and Terry's entry into China, a fight scene in suburban Shanghai, and a leap off the then-under-construction International Finance Centre skyscraper in Hong Kong, using special winged flight-suits that Terry had arranged for, landing on a ship out in the Kowloon Bay after taking the Orb from Reiss. It is revealed that the medallion Lara also recovered from Chen Lo shows how to unlock the information in the Orb; a certain arrangement of musical sounds. Meanwhile, Lara and Terry begin to fall in love again; but Lara starts to back away from him knowing that she could easily kill him if he betrays her. She seduces him one morning, then leaves him handcuffed to a bedpost, saying "I'm not leaving because I can't kill you; I'm leaving because I could."Lara finds her...
Question: With whom Lara and Terry meets? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: With whom Lara and Terry meets? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life Context: The film begins on Santorini island, Greece, during a wedding when it is interrupted by an earthquake. The earthquake uncovers the Luna Temple, built by Alexander the Great to house his most prized treasures. Among these treasures is a glowing orb with a pattern resembling a code etched into it. Lara finds this orb, as well as a strange medallion; but both are stolen by the crime lord Chen Lo (Simon Yam). Lara (Angelina Jolie) only just manages to escape as a subsequent earthquake causes the Luna Temple to collapse, while her two companions are killed by Chen's men. Lara is tasked by MI6 to find Pandora's Box, an object from ancient legends that supposedly contains a deadly plague, before Nobel Prize-winning scientist turned bio-terrorist Jonathan Reiss (Ciarán Hinds) can get his hands on it. The key to finding the box, which is hidden in the mysterious Cradle of Life, is a magical luminous sphere that serves as a map, the one stolen by Chen Lo in Santorini, who plans to sell the sphere to Reiss. To help her track down Chen Lo and the ball, Lara recruits an old lover, Terry Sheridan (Gerard Butler), a former mercenary and Royal Marine, who was in prison in the Republic of Kazakhstan.Among the action sequences that take place during this time are Lara and Terry's entry into China, a fight scene in suburban Shanghai, and a leap off the then-under-construction International Finance Centre skyscraper in Hong Kong, using special winged flight-suits that Terry had arranged for, landing on a ship out in the Kowloon Bay after taking the Orb from Reiss. It is revealed that the medallion Lara also recovered from Chen Lo shows how to unlock the information in the Orb; a certain arrangement of musical sounds. Meanwhile, Lara and Terry begin to fall in love again; but Lara starts to back away from him knowing that she could easily kill him if he betrays her. She seduces him one morning, then leaves him handcuffed to a bedpost, saying "I'm not leaving because I can't kill you; I'm leaving because I could."Lara finds her...
Movie title: The Women Context: Clothing designer Mary Haines lives in a beautiful suburban Connecticut home with her wealthy financier husband Steven and their 11-year-old daughter Molly. Her best friend since college, Sylvie Fowler, is the editor of a prominent fashion magazine that dictates the latest in taste and style for New York City fashionistas. When Sylvie learns Steven is involved with Crystal Allen, a perfume salesgirl in Saks Fifth Avenue, from chatty manicurist Tanya, she confides in the ever-pregnant Edie Cohen but hesitates to tell Mary, who discovers the news from the same woman after getting a manicure herself. Despite her mother Catherine's exhortation to keep quiet about what she knows, Mary confronts Crystal first, in a lingerie store, and then Steven, before asking for a divorce. Sylvie, Edie, and writer Alex Fisher join forces to support their spurned friend, but complications arise when Sylvie, facing the loss of her job, conspires with local gossip columnist Bailey Smith by confirming Mary's marital woes in exchange for Bailey contributing a celebrity profile to the magazine. Mary is stunned by Sylvie's betrayal and ends their friendship. Mary's daughter begins to ditch school and confides in Sylvie because her mother, distracted by the upheavals in her once idyllic life, becomes more distant. Mary is fired from her job by her father, has a makeover, and decides to open her own clothing design firm with some financial assistance from Catherine. As she begins to get her life in order, she makes an effort to bond with Molly, who reveals her father's relationship with Crystal is unraveling, and reunites with Sylvie, who has quit her job. With this knowledge in hand, Mary sets out to repair her fractured marriage as she prepares to unveil her new line of womenswear in a fashion show attended not only by boutique owners but the buyer from Saks, as well. Sylvie tells Mary that she has met a guy and is thinking of giving him her real phone number. Edie's water breaks and she has a baby boy. Mary receives a call from her...
Question: Who is Mary's best friend? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Mary's best friend? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Women Context: Clothing designer Mary Haines lives in a beautiful suburban Connecticut home with her wealthy financier husband Steven and their 11-year-old daughter Molly. Her best friend since college, Sylvie Fowler, is the editor of a prominent fashion magazine that dictates the latest in taste and style for New York City fashionistas. When Sylvie learns Steven is involved with Crystal Allen, a perfume salesgirl in Saks Fifth Avenue, from chatty manicurist Tanya, she confides in the ever-pregnant Edie Cohen but hesitates to tell Mary, who discovers the news from the same woman after getting a manicure herself. Despite her mother Catherine's exhortation to keep quiet about what she knows, Mary confronts Crystal first, in a lingerie store, and then Steven, before asking for a divorce. Sylvie, Edie, and writer Alex Fisher join forces to support their spurned friend, but complications arise when Sylvie, facing the loss of her job, conspires with local gossip columnist Bailey Smith by confirming Mary's marital woes in exchange for Bailey contributing a celebrity profile to the magazine. Mary is stunned by Sylvie's betrayal and ends their friendship. Mary's daughter begins to ditch school and confides in Sylvie because her mother, distracted by the upheavals in her once idyllic life, becomes more distant. Mary is fired from her job by her father, has a makeover, and decides to open her own clothing design firm with some financial assistance from Catherine. As she begins to get her life in order, she makes an effort to bond with Molly, who reveals her father's relationship with Crystal is unraveling, and reunites with Sylvie, who has quit her job. With this knowledge in hand, Mary sets out to repair her fractured marriage as she prepares to unveil her new line of womenswear in a fashion show attended not only by boutique owners but the buyer from Saks, as well. Sylvie tells Mary that she has met a guy and is thinking of giving him her real phone number. Edie's water breaks and she has a baby boy. Mary receives a call from her...
Sylvia Fowler
Movie title: Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey Context: The story begins with the Cassini Saturn spacecraft releasing the Huygens Titan probe. We then transition to Earth, where a 12-year-old girl, Jeana (Voiced by Abigail Breslin), places a sun filter over a telescope to view sun spots. She asks her mentor, a Professor "Why is the Sun so bright?" This leads the professor to launch into a scientific explanation about fusion. The little girl laughs, having played this trick on her mentor many times, she says "No I meant bright, bright like happy. In most drawings the sun has a big smile. Is he good, like the man in the moon." Knowing this means she wants a story, the mentor begins to spin a tale, but as a mentor, this one, while entertaining, is also educational.[10] As he speaks, we transition to the Sun, and watching a Sun Spot spin into view, we dive into and pass through the chromosphere, and head toward the center. The mentor lays down the basis of our story as we travel through the Sun. He explains that the "man in the sun is called the Core (voiced by William Shatner)" and spins a story how he is good and that his children "photons" are sent out to chase away the darkness, and bring life, warmth, and knowledge to Earth. He adds that the only being who does not like the Core is a creature called the "Void" (voiced by Mark Hamill) who is an ancient, malevolent, being who existed before the Big Bang, and who sits at the edge of the solar system, scheming to stop the Core.[10] We transition through a plasma wall, into "The Hall of Destiny" where we are introduced to the main character in our story – David (voiced by Chris Pine), a young Photon who should have begun his travel to the surface a million years ago. The Core, tries to get him moving on his journey, but David is fearful.[10] We cut to the Kuiper Belt where a large space battle rages between two fleets – one composed of protons, and the opposing fleet of anti-protons. A character we call "The Ranger (voiced by Amanda Peet), who is a neutrino scout, makes it through the battle lines and heads to the...
Question: On the story of whom Quantum Quest centers? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: On the story of whom Quantum Quest centers? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey Context: The story begins with the Cassini Saturn spacecraft releasing the Huygens Titan probe. We then transition to Earth, where a 12-year-old girl, Jeana (Voiced by Abigail Breslin), places a sun filter over a telescope to view sun spots. She asks her mentor, a Professor "Why is the Sun so bright?" This leads the professor to launch into a scientific explanation about fusion. The little girl laughs, having played this trick on her mentor many times, she says "No I meant bright, bright like happy. In most drawings the sun has a big smile. Is he good, like the man in the moon." Knowing this means she wants a story, the mentor begins to spin a tale, but as a mentor, this one, while entertaining, is also educational.[10] As he speaks, we transition to the Sun, and watching a Sun Spot spin into view, we dive into and pass through the chromosphere, and head toward the center. The mentor lays down the basis of our story as we travel through the Sun. He explains that the "man in the sun is called the Core (voiced by William Shatner)" and spins a story how he is good and that his children "photons" are sent out to chase away the darkness, and bring life, warmth, and knowledge to Earth. He adds that the only being who does not like the Core is a creature called the "Void" (voiced by Mark Hamill) who is an ancient, malevolent, being who existed before the Big Bang, and who sits at the edge of the solar system, scheming to stop the Core.[10] We transition through a plasma wall, into "The Hall of Destiny" where we are introduced to the main character in our story – David (voiced by Chris Pine), a young Photon who should have begun his travel to the surface a million years ago. The Core, tries to get him moving on his journey, but David is fearful.[10] We cut to the Kuiper Belt where a large space battle rages between two fleets – one composed of protons, and the opposing fleet of anti-protons. A character we call "The Ranger (voiced by Amanda Peet), who is a neutrino scout, makes it through the battle lines and heads to the...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Ladder 49 Context: The film opens with Baltimore firefighter Jack Morrison (Joaquin Phoenix) saving a man's life in a massive four-alarm fire in a 20-story concrete grain elevator/warehouse in the Canton waterfront neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland; however the grain being stored in the warehouse explodes, sending Jack falling through several floors, breaking his leg on landing. The film follows the efforts of the other men in his unit, Ladder Company 49, led by the commands of Deputy Chief Mike Kennedy (John Travolta), Jack's longtime mentor, to rescue him while Morrison tries to reach a safe area of the burning structure. Interspersed with the current rescue efforts are a series of flashbacks showing how Jack joined the fire department, his first meeting (at a supermarket) with the woman who would eventually become his wife (Jacinda Barrett), his relationship with his children, and the bonds he formed and the trials and tribulations he endured with his fellow firefighters. After graduating from the fire academy, Jack is sent to work on Baltimore City Fire Department (BCFD) Engine Company 33, in the busiest firehouse in the city. Quartered with Engine 33 is Ladder Company 49. On Engine 33, Jack learns the ropes of firefighting. He quickly becomes close friends with his fellow firefighters, including Kennedy, his Captain at the time. Jack's first fire takes place at a burning vacant rowhouse. Engine 33 and Ladder 49 respond and are the first companies on the scene. Jack and Mike enter the building with a hose line and tackle the blaze, with Jack on the nozzle of the hose. They quickly and triumphantly extinguish it. After some time working on Engine 33, Jack arrives at the scene of another vacant rowhouse fire, where a fellow firefighter from Ladder 49, Dennis Gauquin (Billy Burke), dies after falling through a roof of the building. Jack decides, although it is more dangerous, to take his friend's position as a "truckie", a search and rescue member on Ladder 49 by transferring to the Truck. As the years go by, Jack suffers...
Question: What was Jack Morrison's profession? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What was Jack Morrison's profession? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Ladder 49 Context: The film opens with Baltimore firefighter Jack Morrison (Joaquin Phoenix) saving a man's life in a massive four-alarm fire in a 20-story concrete grain elevator/warehouse in the Canton waterfront neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland; however the grain being stored in the warehouse explodes, sending Jack falling through several floors, breaking his leg on landing. The film follows the efforts of the other men in his unit, Ladder Company 49, led by the commands of Deputy Chief Mike Kennedy (John Travolta), Jack's longtime mentor, to rescue him while Morrison tries to reach a safe area of the burning structure. Interspersed with the current rescue efforts are a series of flashbacks showing how Jack joined the fire department, his first meeting (at a supermarket) with the woman who would eventually become his wife (Jacinda Barrett), his relationship with his children, and the bonds he formed and the trials and tribulations he endured with his fellow firefighters. After graduating from the fire academy, Jack is sent to work on Baltimore City Fire Department (BCFD) Engine Company 33, in the busiest firehouse in the city. Quartered with Engine 33 is Ladder Company 49. On Engine 33, Jack learns the ropes of firefighting. He quickly becomes close friends with his fellow firefighters, including Kennedy, his Captain at the time. Jack's first fire takes place at a burning vacant rowhouse. Engine 33 and Ladder 49 respond and are the first companies on the scene. Jack and Mike enter the building with a hose line and tackle the blaze, with Jack on the nozzle of the hose. They quickly and triumphantly extinguish it. After some time working on Engine 33, Jack arrives at the scene of another vacant rowhouse fire, where a fellow firefighter from Ladder 49, Dennis Gauquin (Billy Burke), dies after falling through a roof of the building. Jack decides, although it is more dangerous, to take his friend's position as a "truckie", a search and rescue member on Ladder 49 by transferring to the Truck. As the years go by, Jack suffers...
Movie title: The Day After Context: While the movie contains significant exposition to explain the onset of the war, the plot lies in the human struggles of the characters. The film follows several average citizens and the people they encounter after a nuclear attack on Kansas City, Missouri.The chronology of the events leading up to the war is depicted entirely via television and radio news broadcasts. The Soviet Union is shown to have commenced a military buildup in East Germany with the goal of intimidating the United States into withdrawing from West Berlin. When the United States does not back down, Soviet armored divisions are sent to the border between West and East Germany.During the late hours of Friday, September 15, news broadcasts report a "widespread rebellion among several divisions of the East German Army". As a result, the Soviets blockade West Berlin. Tensions mount and the United States issues an ultimatum that the Soviets stand down from the blockade by 6:00 A.M. the next day, or it will be interpreted as an act of war. The Soviets refuse, and the President of the United States puts all U.S. military around the world at DEFCON 2.On Saturday, September 16, NATO forces in West Germany invade East Germany through the Helmstedt checkpoint to Free Berlin. The Soviets hold the Marienborn corridor and inflict heavy casualties on NATO troops. Two Soviet-built MiG-25RBs cross into West German airspace and bomb a NATO munitions storage facility but also hit a school and a hospital. Through a radio broadcast, viewers learn that Moscow, USSR is being evacuated. At this point, people in major U.S. cities are shown to begin mass evacuations, foreshadowing the impending doomsday. There follow unconfirmed reports that nuclear weapons were used in Wiesbaden and Frankfurt, West Germany. Meanwhile, in the Persian Gulf, naval warfare erupts, as radio reports tell of ship sinkings on both sides.Viewers then learn that the Soviet Army and other Warsaw Pact armies have reached the Rhine river having captured most of West Germany in less than six...
Question: Who plays Sam? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who plays Sam? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Day After Context: While the movie contains significant exposition to explain the onset of the war, the plot lies in the human struggles of the characters. The film follows several average citizens and the people they encounter after a nuclear attack on Kansas City, Missouri.The chronology of the events leading up to the war is depicted entirely via television and radio news broadcasts. The Soviet Union is shown to have commenced a military buildup in East Germany with the goal of intimidating the United States into withdrawing from West Berlin. When the United States does not back down, Soviet armored divisions are sent to the border between West and East Germany.During the late hours of Friday, September 15, news broadcasts report a "widespread rebellion among several divisions of the East German Army". As a result, the Soviets blockade West Berlin. Tensions mount and the United States issues an ultimatum that the Soviets stand down from the blockade by 6:00 A.M. the next day, or it will be interpreted as an act of war. The Soviets refuse, and the President of the United States puts all U.S. military around the world at DEFCON 2.On Saturday, September 16, NATO forces in West Germany invade East Germany through the Helmstedt checkpoint to Free Berlin. The Soviets hold the Marienborn corridor and inflict heavy casualties on NATO troops. Two Soviet-built MiG-25RBs cross into West German airspace and bomb a NATO munitions storage facility but also hit a school and a hospital. Through a radio broadcast, viewers learn that Moscow, USSR is being evacuated. At this point, people in major U.S. cities are shown to begin mass evacuations, foreshadowing the impending doomsday. There follow unconfirmed reports that nuclear weapons were used in Wiesbaden and Frankfurt, West Germany. Meanwhile, in the Persian Gulf, naval warfare erupts, as radio reports tell of ship sinkings on both sides.Viewers then learn that the Soviet Army and other Warsaw Pact armies have reached the Rhine river having captured most of West Germany in less than six...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: More American Graffiti Context: In this sequal to American Graffiti, set over the four consecutive New Year's Eve's from 1964 to 1967 depicts scenes from each of these years, intertwined concurrently with one another as though events happen simultaneously. The audience is protected from confusion by the conceit of a distinct cinematic style for each section.Northern California, New Years Eve, 1964. John Milner (Paul LeMat) is now a drag racer. He and his fellow competitors are racing each other for the right to race against the car made by a national racing team known as "The Factory". He gets to meet his old school friends Steve Bolander (Ron Howard) and Laurie Henderson (Cindy Williams) whom are now married and Laurie is nine months pregnant and expecting twins. Terry 'The Toad' Fields (Charles Martin Smith) also turns up having joined the U.S. Marines and whom is with his fiancee Debbie Dunham (Candy Clark). John also meets Carol (Mackenzie Phillips) whom has dropped out of high school and is now a hippie drifting around the country in defiance of her parental rules. While John deals with his manager wanting him to win the upcoming championship after he loses his latest match. But John has other complications when Teensa (Mary Kate Place) a former high school girlfriend, leaves behind a non-English speaking foreign exchange student named Eva (Anna Bjorn) whom is from Iceland and John attempts to woo her despite the language barrier.South Vietnam, New Years Eve, 1965. (Note: all of these sequences are shot hand-held on grainy super 16 mm film designed to resemble war reporters' footage.) Terry Fields is serving his tour of duty and sets out trying to wound himself so he can get sent home and be reunited with Debbie, but had a lot of bad luck wanting to do so. After an attempt to shoot himself causes an all-out artillery and airstrike against his location, he deals with his commanding officer, the pompous Major Creech, whom is trying to impress a visiting U.S. Senator both of whom appear indifferent to the troop's living conditions and low...
Question: What did Joe Young promise Terry? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What did Joe Young promise Terry? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: More American Graffiti Context: In this sequal to American Graffiti, set over the four consecutive New Year's Eve's from 1964 to 1967 depicts scenes from each of these years, intertwined concurrently with one another as though events happen simultaneously. The audience is protected from confusion by the conceit of a distinct cinematic style for each section.Northern California, New Years Eve, 1964. John Milner (Paul LeMat) is now a drag racer. He and his fellow competitors are racing each other for the right to race against the car made by a national racing team known as "The Factory". He gets to meet his old school friends Steve Bolander (Ron Howard) and Laurie Henderson (Cindy Williams) whom are now married and Laurie is nine months pregnant and expecting twins. Terry 'The Toad' Fields (Charles Martin Smith) also turns up having joined the U.S. Marines and whom is with his fiancee Debbie Dunham (Candy Clark). John also meets Carol (Mackenzie Phillips) whom has dropped out of high school and is now a hippie drifting around the country in defiance of her parental rules. While John deals with his manager wanting him to win the upcoming championship after he loses his latest match. But John has other complications when Teensa (Mary Kate Place) a former high school girlfriend, leaves behind a non-English speaking foreign exchange student named Eva (Anna Bjorn) whom is from Iceland and John attempts to woo her despite the language barrier.South Vietnam, New Years Eve, 1965. (Note: all of these sequences are shot hand-held on grainy super 16 mm film designed to resemble war reporters' footage.) Terry Fields is serving his tour of duty and sets out trying to wound himself so he can get sent home and be reunited with Debbie, but had a lot of bad luck wanting to do so. After an attempt to shoot himself causes an all-out artillery and airstrike against his location, he deals with his commanding officer, the pompous Major Creech, whom is trying to impress a visiting U.S. Senator both of whom appear indifferent to the troop's living conditions and low...
it doesn't address this.
Movie title: Just Before Dawn Context: Two men are hunting in a forest and come across an abandoned church. They go in to explore, and one of them receives a machete to the groin by a laughing man wearing a checkered jacket, while the other, Ty, runs away screaming.Next, we see park ranger, Roy McLean (George Kennedy) at his home, followed by a van of five teenagers going camping, but becoming lost. McLean warns them not to keep going the way they're headed, but they ignore him. The five are: Warren (Gregg Henry) the blonde, body builder; his girlfriend Constance (Deborah Benson), the shy, blonde girl; Jonathon (Chris Lemmon), the goofy, horny partygoer; his provocative girlfriend, Megan (Jamie Rose); and the nerdy camera operator, Daniel (Ralph Seymour). On their way to the campsite, they almost hit a frantic, dirty Ty who tells them to drive away, but they do not listen, and he runs into the woods.They finally find a campsite and begin to set up, drinking beer, eating, and listening to music, not paying attention to anything around them. When night falls they go to sleep, all the while being watched by something in the woods. The next morning, they eat breakfast and go to the waterfall, where they see a young girl named Merry Logan (Kati Powell) who runs off into the woods.Meanwhile, Megan and Jonathon have gone skinnydipping in the lake, not knowing someone is under the water with them. Megan does not realize that Jonathon has got out of the water, and feels hands touching her. She assumes it's Jonathon, until she sees him on shore, upon which she panics and swims to safety.When the group splits up to go exploring, Jonathon spots Merry and chases her, asking what her name is and telling her he will not hurt her. She thinks this is a game and runs out into a clearing where she sees something horrible, backing up towards the trees. Jonathon figures it's the roped passageway over the river ahead, and begins to go across, but Merry runs and he gives chase, only to be hit in the hand with a machete by a deformed, giggling man in a checkered shirt....
Question: Who leaves Constance at the campsite? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who leaves Constance at the campsite? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Just Before Dawn Context: Two men are hunting in a forest and come across an abandoned church. They go in to explore, and one of them receives a machete to the groin by a laughing man wearing a checkered jacket, while the other, Ty, runs away screaming.Next, we see park ranger, Roy McLean (George Kennedy) at his home, followed by a van of five teenagers going camping, but becoming lost. McLean warns them not to keep going the way they're headed, but they ignore him. The five are: Warren (Gregg Henry) the blonde, body builder; his girlfriend Constance (Deborah Benson), the shy, blonde girl; Jonathon (Chris Lemmon), the goofy, horny partygoer; his provocative girlfriend, Megan (Jamie Rose); and the nerdy camera operator, Daniel (Ralph Seymour). On their way to the campsite, they almost hit a frantic, dirty Ty who tells them to drive away, but they do not listen, and he runs into the woods.They finally find a campsite and begin to set up, drinking beer, eating, and listening to music, not paying attention to anything around them. When night falls they go to sleep, all the while being watched by something in the woods. The next morning, they eat breakfast and go to the waterfall, where they see a young girl named Merry Logan (Kati Powell) who runs off into the woods.Meanwhile, Megan and Jonathon have gone skinnydipping in the lake, not knowing someone is under the water with them. Megan does not realize that Jonathon has got out of the water, and feels hands touching her. She assumes it's Jonathon, until she sees him on shore, upon which she panics and swims to safety.When the group splits up to go exploring, Jonathon spots Merry and chases her, asking what her name is and telling her he will not hurt her. She thinks this is a game and runs out into a clearing where she sees something horrible, backing up towards the trees. Jonathon figures it's the roped passageway over the river ahead, and begins to go across, but Merry runs and he gives chase, only to be hit in the hand with a machete by a deformed, giggling man in a checkered shirt....
Movie title: Peacock Context: Peacock (2010) Synopsis:The film begins with lots of different voices and noises, shouting and people not saying very nice things. This is the voice of Johns mother throughout his childhood. Theres a massive storm and Emma Skillpa (Cillian Murphy) quickly takes down some of her washing off of the line and rushes in the house holding the basket. She quickly opens the door to collect the paper on the doorstep. She leaves dinner set out on the table and places the slippers in the same position. She peers out the window and keeps looking at the time. She moves the stool and walks up the stairs to the bedroom where she takes her wig off and gets undressed.John Skillpa (Cillian Murphy) sits reading the paper and collects his lunch from the table and walks over to his bike. He collects a treat from the hidden box under the stairs and cycles off to work in the Peacock State Bank. Once in his office, Mr. French (Bill Pullman) comes in to give him a pile of work and his pay slip.After work John stops by the river and chucks things around, he is emptying the contents of a bag he is holding, when he comes across a hand written note from Emma, which he looks down at, and smiles. He jumps onto the tire swing and sways looking up at the trees. On the way home, he stops by at the shop and bumps into Louise (Eden Bodnar) who invites him over for dinner as she says he must get lonely in his house. John returns home with the shopping, gets his dinner out of the fridge, which is accompanied by a handwritten note, which makes him laugh a little and soon after goes up to bed.The next morning, we hear the loud noises of the train nearby, Emma is taking down the washing in the garden, when all of a sudden the train comes crashing through the fence and Emma is unconscious for a short while. When she wakes up, lots of people are gathered around her and Louise questions who she is and how she knows John. Emma does not know how to respond, so walks away quickly muttering that she lives here. Emma enters the house and closes the door...
Question: What is Jake Skillpa's relationship to Maggie and John? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is Jake Skillpa's relationship to Maggie and John? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Peacock Context: Peacock (2010) Synopsis:The film begins with lots of different voices and noises, shouting and people not saying very nice things. This is the voice of Johns mother throughout his childhood. Theres a massive storm and Emma Skillpa (Cillian Murphy) quickly takes down some of her washing off of the line and rushes in the house holding the basket. She quickly opens the door to collect the paper on the doorstep. She leaves dinner set out on the table and places the slippers in the same position. She peers out the window and keeps looking at the time. She moves the stool and walks up the stairs to the bedroom where she takes her wig off and gets undressed.John Skillpa (Cillian Murphy) sits reading the paper and collects his lunch from the table and walks over to his bike. He collects a treat from the hidden box under the stairs and cycles off to work in the Peacock State Bank. Once in his office, Mr. French (Bill Pullman) comes in to give him a pile of work and his pay slip.After work John stops by the river and chucks things around, he is emptying the contents of a bag he is holding, when he comes across a hand written note from Emma, which he looks down at, and smiles. He jumps onto the tire swing and sways looking up at the trees. On the way home, he stops by at the shop and bumps into Louise (Eden Bodnar) who invites him over for dinner as she says he must get lonely in his house. John returns home with the shopping, gets his dinner out of the fridge, which is accompanied by a handwritten note, which makes him laugh a little and soon after goes up to bed.The next morning, we hear the loud noises of the train nearby, Emma is taking down the washing in the garden, when all of a sudden the train comes crashing through the fence and Emma is unconscious for a short while. When she wakes up, lots of people are gathered around her and Louise questions who she is and how she knows John. Emma does not know how to respond, so walks away quickly muttering that she lives here. Emma enters the house and closes the door...
The story does not specifiy, but I think he may be their child?
Movie title: The Pink Panther Context: As a child, Princess Dala receives a gift from her father, the Shah of Lugash: the Pink Panther, the largest diamond in the world. This huge pink gem has an unusual flaw: looking deeply into the stone, one perceives a tiny discoloration resembling a leaping pink panther hence the name. As the camera moves in, this image comes to life and participates in the credits. When Dala is a young woman, rebels seize power in Lugash and then demand possession of the jewel, but the exiled princess refuses to hand it over.Dala (Claudia Cardinale) relaxes on holiday at an exclusive skiing resort in Cortina d'Ampezzo, where noted British playboy Sir Charles Lytton (David Niven), who leads a secret life as a jewel thief called "The Phantom", has his eyes on the Pink Panther. His American playboy nephew, George (Robert Wagner), follows his uncle to the resort hoping to steal the jewel and blame it on the Phantom, not realizing that the Phantom is his uncle.On the Phantom's trail is the klutzy French police inspector Jacques Clouseau (Peter Sellers) of the Sûreté, whose wife Simone (Capucine) is unknown to him the paramour of Charles and helper in the Phantom's crimes. Clouseau tries to stop the theft attempts, but he is so clueless and clumsy that when several attempts are made at a fancy-dress party, he looks everywhere but the right place. Throughout the film, scenes at the skiing resort's hotel show Madame Clouseau dodging her husband while trying both to carry out Sir Charles' plans and to avoid George, who is enamoured of her.In spite of himself, the buffoonish inspector captures Sir Charles and his accomplice George when they both try to steal the diamond during a costume party. A long car chase though the streets ends with all of the vehicles colliding with one another.Later, Simone discovers that Dala herself stole the diamond from her own safe over her fears of being deported back to Lugash. Simone offers to help Dala by taking possession of the diamond and decides to help out Sir Charles and George when they are put...
Question: Where does the jewel drop from? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where does the jewel drop from? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Pink Panther Context: As a child, Princess Dala receives a gift from her father, the Shah of Lugash: the Pink Panther, the largest diamond in the world. This huge pink gem has an unusual flaw: looking deeply into the stone, one perceives a tiny discoloration resembling a leaping pink panther hence the name. As the camera moves in, this image comes to life and participates in the credits. When Dala is a young woman, rebels seize power in Lugash and then demand possession of the jewel, but the exiled princess refuses to hand it over.Dala (Claudia Cardinale) relaxes on holiday at an exclusive skiing resort in Cortina d'Ampezzo, where noted British playboy Sir Charles Lytton (David Niven), who leads a secret life as a jewel thief called "The Phantom", has his eyes on the Pink Panther. His American playboy nephew, George (Robert Wagner), follows his uncle to the resort hoping to steal the jewel and blame it on the Phantom, not realizing that the Phantom is his uncle.On the Phantom's trail is the klutzy French police inspector Jacques Clouseau (Peter Sellers) of the Sûreté, whose wife Simone (Capucine) is unknown to him the paramour of Charles and helper in the Phantom's crimes. Clouseau tries to stop the theft attempts, but he is so clueless and clumsy that when several attempts are made at a fancy-dress party, he looks everywhere but the right place. Throughout the film, scenes at the skiing resort's hotel show Madame Clouseau dodging her husband while trying both to carry out Sir Charles' plans and to avoid George, who is enamoured of her.In spite of himself, the buffoonish inspector captures Sir Charles and his accomplice George when they both try to steal the diamond during a costume party. A long car chase though the streets ends with all of the vehicles colliding with one another.Later, Simone discovers that Dala herself stole the diamond from her own safe over her fears of being deported back to Lugash. Simone offers to help Dala by taking possession of the diamond and decides to help out Sir Charles and George when they are put...
Clouseau's handkerchief
Movie title: Godzilla Context: Opening sceneA ship is at sea, the crew relaxes on deck as night begins to fall. Near the ship a flash of light baths the ship. Instantly the ship explodes and begins to sink. Next morning Hideto Ogato (Akira Takarada) receives a phone call. Being a salvage expert the coast guard wants him to report immediately as a result of the sinking.A situation room is set up to investigate the sinking of the Eiko Maru. Its last position is known but the cause of the sinking is still a mystery, though an explosion is suspected. A rescue vessel "Bingo Maru" approaches the location of the sinking. Again a flash of light erupts out of the water and the Bingo Maru suffers the same fate as the Eiko Maru.The Coast Guard assures frantic families of the crews of the two ships, that everything is being done including more ships and helicopters committed to the search. Finally there are results as three survivors are found in the water. At the same time reports of the sinking of a fishing boat brings the total of lost ships to three.On Odo island, the port of the missing fishing boat, inhabitants are scanning the sea looking for signs of the boat. A raft is seen with Masaji Sieji (Ren Yamamoto) who lives on the island on board. The islanders pull the raft in Masajis says "A monster did it" And passes out close to death.Days later other fishing boats return to the island, complaining their nets are all empty. One of the elders claims it is Godzilla eating the fish. Other members of the village laugh at his quaint ways. The same day a helicopter lands on the island carrying a group of press and military - they interview Masajis who again claims it was a monster. The elder gets their attention and tells the legend of Godzilla. He then explains the history of sacrifices the island used to make to keep Godzilla happy. Now all that is left is the religious ceremony.During the night a typhoon hits the island. The islanders take shelter but along with the normal noise of such storms they can hear something huge moving around. The next...
Question: Who does the government send to lead an investigation on the island? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who does the government send to lead an investigation on the island? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Godzilla Context: Opening sceneA ship is at sea, the crew relaxes on deck as night begins to fall. Near the ship a flash of light baths the ship. Instantly the ship explodes and begins to sink. Next morning Hideto Ogato (Akira Takarada) receives a phone call. Being a salvage expert the coast guard wants him to report immediately as a result of the sinking.A situation room is set up to investigate the sinking of the Eiko Maru. Its last position is known but the cause of the sinking is still a mystery, though an explosion is suspected. A rescue vessel "Bingo Maru" approaches the location of the sinking. Again a flash of light erupts out of the water and the Bingo Maru suffers the same fate as the Eiko Maru.The Coast Guard assures frantic families of the crews of the two ships, that everything is being done including more ships and helicopters committed to the search. Finally there are results as three survivors are found in the water. At the same time reports of the sinking of a fishing boat brings the total of lost ships to three.On Odo island, the port of the missing fishing boat, inhabitants are scanning the sea looking for signs of the boat. A raft is seen with Masaji Sieji (Ren Yamamoto) who lives on the island on board. The islanders pull the raft in Masajis says "A monster did it" And passes out close to death.Days later other fishing boats return to the island, complaining their nets are all empty. One of the elders claims it is Godzilla eating the fish. Other members of the village laugh at his quaint ways. The same day a helicopter lands on the island carrying a group of press and military - they interview Masajis who again claims it was a monster. The elder gets their attention and tells the legend of Godzilla. He then explains the history of sacrifices the island used to make to keep Godzilla happy. Now all that is left is the religious ceremony.During the night a typhoon hits the island. The islanders take shelter but along with the normal noise of such storms they can hear something huge moving around. The next...
Dr. Niko "Nick" Tatopoulos
Movie title: The Big Lebowski Context: A tumbleweed rolls up a hillside just outside of Los Angeles as a mysterious man known as The Stranger (Sam Elliott) narrates about a fella he wants to tell us about named Jeffrey Lebowski. With not much use for his given name, however, Jeffrey goes by the name The Dude (Jeff Bridges). The Stranger describes Dude as one of the laziest men in LA, which would place him "high in the running for laziest worldwide", but nevertheless "the man for his place and time."The Dude, wearing a bathrobe and flips flops, buys a carton of cream at Ralph's with a post-dated check for 69 cents. On the TV, President George Bush Sr. is addressing the nation, saying "aggression will not stand" against Kuwait. Dude returns to his apartment where, upon entering and closing the door, he is promptly grabbed by two men who force him into the bathroom and shove his head in the toilet. They demand money owed to Jackie Treehorn, saying that The Dude's wife Bunny claimed he was good for it, before one of the thugs, Woo (Philip Moon), urinates on The Dude's rug saying, "Ever thus to deadbeats, Lebowski!" Bewildered, Dude convinces them that they have the wrong person as he's not married and can't possibly possess the amount of money they're asking. Looking around, the first thug, (Mark Pellegrino), realizes they've made a mistake and must have the wrong Lebowski. Regardless, they break one of his bathroom tiles before leaving. "At least I'm housebroken", Dude calls after them.Dude meets up with his bowling team at the local alley and talks to them about his violent encounter. Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) reacts with anger and vengeance on his mind, often speaking of his time served in Vietnam to relate to the issue. Slow-witted Theodore Donald 'Donny' Kerabatsos (Steve Buscemi), often entering conversations halfway through, pipes in but is promptly told by Walter, "You're out of your element". Walter then tells Dude about a millionaire who shares Dude's name and must be the one the thugs were after. Dude agrees to meet with the Big...
Question: What does Dude failed to deliver? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Dude failed to deliver? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Big Lebowski Context: A tumbleweed rolls up a hillside just outside of Los Angeles as a mysterious man known as The Stranger (Sam Elliott) narrates about a fella he wants to tell us about named Jeffrey Lebowski. With not much use for his given name, however, Jeffrey goes by the name The Dude (Jeff Bridges). The Stranger describes Dude as one of the laziest men in LA, which would place him "high in the running for laziest worldwide", but nevertheless "the man for his place and time."The Dude, wearing a bathrobe and flips flops, buys a carton of cream at Ralph's with a post-dated check for 69 cents. On the TV, President George Bush Sr. is addressing the nation, saying "aggression will not stand" against Kuwait. Dude returns to his apartment where, upon entering and closing the door, he is promptly grabbed by two men who force him into the bathroom and shove his head in the toilet. They demand money owed to Jackie Treehorn, saying that The Dude's wife Bunny claimed he was good for it, before one of the thugs, Woo (Philip Moon), urinates on The Dude's rug saying, "Ever thus to deadbeats, Lebowski!" Bewildered, Dude convinces them that they have the wrong person as he's not married and can't possibly possess the amount of money they're asking. Looking around, the first thug, (Mark Pellegrino), realizes they've made a mistake and must have the wrong Lebowski. Regardless, they break one of his bathroom tiles before leaving. "At least I'm housebroken", Dude calls after them.Dude meets up with his bowling team at the local alley and talks to them about his violent encounter. Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) reacts with anger and vengeance on his mind, often speaking of his time served in Vietnam to relate to the issue. Slow-witted Theodore Donald 'Donny' Kerabatsos (Steve Buscemi), often entering conversations halfway through, pipes in but is promptly told by Walter, "You're out of your element". Walter then tells Dude about a millionaire who shares Dude's name and must be the one the thugs were after. Dude agrees to meet with the Big...
The breifcase
Movie title: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Context: Six months after winning the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark have resumed their life in the coal mining town in District 12. As part of their victory, they now have a luxurious house in the so-called Victor's Village, where Katniss lives with her mother and sister. On the day Katniss and Peeta are set to begin a victory tour of the country, President Coriolanus Snow visits her. He explains that her approach to ending the last Hunger Games, where she and Peeta attempted a suicide pact after learning they could not both survive, inspired rebellions in the districts. He orders that Katniss not only convince the entire country of her and Peeta's love as the reason for their actions, but convince Snow himself as well; if not, her loved ones will be killed, and District 12 will be destroyed, just as District 13 was during the uprising years ago.The first stop of the tour is in District 11, former home of Rue, Katniss' 12-year-old ally who was killed in the previous games. After Katniss and Peeta voice their personal thoughts regarding both the districts' fallen tributes, a man in the crowd whistles the tune Katniss and Rue shared to ensure each another of their safety, and makes the three-finger salute of District 12. Everyone follows the man's example until a Peacekeeper shoots the man dead, leaving Katniss angry, afraid, and upset. Their mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, informs Katniss and Peeta that they must display their relationship for the remainder of their lives.Katniss proposes a public engagement between herself and Peeta, which is carried out and celebrated at Snow's home in the Capitol. There, Katniss meets with the new Game-maker, Plutarch Heavensbee, who has specifically requested the position, in spite of his predecessor, Seneca Crane, ending up dead due to his inability to control the ending of the previous Hunger Games. Upon returning to District 12, Katniss warns her close friend, Gale Hawthorne, of President Snow's threat to kill both their families.In the meanwhile, Heavensbee...
Question: Which District is destroyed by the Capitol? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Which District is destroyed by the Capitol? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Context: Six months after winning the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark have resumed their life in the coal mining town in District 12. As part of their victory, they now have a luxurious house in the so-called Victor's Village, where Katniss lives with her mother and sister. On the day Katniss and Peeta are set to begin a victory tour of the country, President Coriolanus Snow visits her. He explains that her approach to ending the last Hunger Games, where she and Peeta attempted a suicide pact after learning they could not both survive, inspired rebellions in the districts. He orders that Katniss not only convince the entire country of her and Peeta's love as the reason for their actions, but convince Snow himself as well; if not, her loved ones will be killed, and District 12 will be destroyed, just as District 13 was during the uprising years ago.The first stop of the tour is in District 11, former home of Rue, Katniss' 12-year-old ally who was killed in the previous games. After Katniss and Peeta voice their personal thoughts regarding both the districts' fallen tributes, a man in the crowd whistles the tune Katniss and Rue shared to ensure each another of their safety, and makes the three-finger salute of District 12. Everyone follows the man's example until a Peacekeeper shoots the man dead, leaving Katniss angry, afraid, and upset. Their mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, informs Katniss and Peeta that they must display their relationship for the remainder of their lives.Katniss proposes a public engagement between herself and Peeta, which is carried out and celebrated at Snow's home in the Capitol. There, Katniss meets with the new Game-maker, Plutarch Heavensbee, who has specifically requested the position, in spite of his predecessor, Seneca Crane, ending up dead due to his inability to control the ending of the previous Hunger Games. Upon returning to District 12, Katniss warns her close friend, Gale Hawthorne, of President Snow's threat to kill both their families.In the meanwhile, Heavensbee...
Movie title: Transporter 2 Context: Frank Martin (Jason Statham) has relocated from southern France to Miami, Florida. As a favor, he becomes a temporary chauffeur for the wealthy Billings family. The marriage of Jefferson (Matthew Modine) and Audrey Billings (Amber Valletta) is under great strain due to the demands of his high-profile government job. Frank bonds with their son, Jack (Hunter Clary), whom he drives to and from elementary school in his new Audi A8 W12.[2] Later, a somewhat drunk Audrey shows up at Frank's home and tries to seduce him, but he tactfully sends her home. Frank prepares for the arrival of Inspector Tarconi (François Berléand), his detective friend from France, who has come to spend his holiday in Florida with Frank. When Frank takes Jack for a medical checkup, he realizes barely in time that impostors have killed and replaced the doctor and receptionist. A lengthy fight erupts between villains, led by Lola (Kate Nauta), and the unarmed Frank; which results in the death of one of the fake doctors. Frank escapes with Jack. Just as they arrive at Jack's house, he receives a phone call. The caller informs him that he and Jack are in the sights of a sniper capable of penetrating the car's bulletproof glass. Frank is forced to let Lola into the car; they speed away with Jack, shaking off many pursuing police cars. They arrive at a warehouse, where Frank meets Gianni (Alessandro Gassman), the ringleader of the operation. Frank is ordered to leave without Jack. He discovers an explosive attached to the car and succeeds in removing it prior to detonation. Jack is returned to his family after the payment of a ransom, but unknown to them and Frank, Jack has been injected with a deadly virus that will eventually kill anyone who the child breathes on. Suspected by everyone except Audrey of being one of the kidnappers, Frank tracks down the remaining fake doctor, Dimitri (Jason Flemyng), with Tarconi's assistance. Frank pretends to infect Dimitri with the same virus, then lets him escape. Dimitri panics and hurries to a lab to...
Question: What kills the pilot? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What kills the pilot? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Transporter 2 Context: Frank Martin (Jason Statham) has relocated from southern France to Miami, Florida. As a favor, he becomes a temporary chauffeur for the wealthy Billings family. The marriage of Jefferson (Matthew Modine) and Audrey Billings (Amber Valletta) is under great strain due to the demands of his high-profile government job. Frank bonds with their son, Jack (Hunter Clary), whom he drives to and from elementary school in his new Audi A8 W12.[2] Later, a somewhat drunk Audrey shows up at Frank's home and tries to seduce him, but he tactfully sends her home. Frank prepares for the arrival of Inspector Tarconi (François Berléand), his detective friend from France, who has come to spend his holiday in Florida with Frank. When Frank takes Jack for a medical checkup, he realizes barely in time that impostors have killed and replaced the doctor and receptionist. A lengthy fight erupts between villains, led by Lola (Kate Nauta), and the unarmed Frank; which results in the death of one of the fake doctors. Frank escapes with Jack. Just as they arrive at Jack's house, he receives a phone call. The caller informs him that he and Jack are in the sights of a sniper capable of penetrating the car's bulletproof glass. Frank is forced to let Lola into the car; they speed away with Jack, shaking off many pursuing police cars. They arrive at a warehouse, where Frank meets Gianni (Alessandro Gassman), the ringleader of the operation. Frank is ordered to leave without Jack. He discovers an explosive attached to the car and succeeds in removing it prior to detonation. Jack is returned to his family after the payment of a ransom, but unknown to them and Frank, Jack has been injected with a deadly virus that will eventually kill anyone who the child breathes on. Suspected by everyone except Audrey of being one of the kidnappers, Frank tracks down the remaining fake doctor, Dimitri (Jason Flemyng), with Tarconi's assistance. Frank pretends to infect Dimitri with the same virus, then lets him escape. Dimitri panics and hurries to a lab to...
A round of bullets
Movie title: The Boogeyman Context: The film opens with Willy and Lacey as children watching their mother and her boyfriend preparing to make out. When the mother notices them, she has her boyfriend tie Willy to his headboard before sending Lacey to her room. She frees Willy from his bed and Willy enters their room and repeatedly stabs his mother's boyfriend with a chef knife in front of a large mirror. Twenty years later, Lacey now an adult, is married with a young son and lives with her aunt and uncle on a farm. Willy who also lives with them, but has not spoken a word since the night he killed his mother's boyfriend and sometimes, Willy takes various knives from the kitchen and hides them in a drawer. One night over dinner, Lacey finds a letter in the mail from her mother, who claims to be on her deathbed and wishes to see them one last time that night, but Willy burns the letter. Lacey suffers from nightmares, and has a particularly frightening dream where she is been dragged, tied to a bed and almost stabbed by an unseen entity. Her husband, Jake takes her to a psychiatrist to help her confront her fears, and decides to go visit the house she grew up in. They arrive not knowing who is actually living there and meets two teenage girls and their younger brother. Their parents, the homeowners, have apparently just placed the home for sale and then gone out of town. The daughter thinks Lacey and Jake have been sent by the real estate company to view the house. Jake and Lacey pretend they want to buy the house so they can look around. At the house, however Lacey sees a reflection of her mother's deceased boyfriend coming towards her in a mirror inside the bedroom where he died and smashes the mirror in a panic with a chair. Her husband takes the broken mirror with him in an attempt to repair it, but a piece is left behind which later glows red as the teenage girls and their brother are all killed by an unseen force. However, the vengeful spirit of the deceased lover has been released from the mirror. Willy who's also having problems with...
Question: Who is gagged and tied to a bed? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is gagged and tied to a bed? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Boogeyman Context: The film opens with Willy and Lacey as children watching their mother and her boyfriend preparing to make out. When the mother notices them, she has her boyfriend tie Willy to his headboard before sending Lacey to her room. She frees Willy from his bed and Willy enters their room and repeatedly stabs his mother's boyfriend with a chef knife in front of a large mirror. Twenty years later, Lacey now an adult, is married with a young son and lives with her aunt and uncle on a farm. Willy who also lives with them, but has not spoken a word since the night he killed his mother's boyfriend and sometimes, Willy takes various knives from the kitchen and hides them in a drawer. One night over dinner, Lacey finds a letter in the mail from her mother, who claims to be on her deathbed and wishes to see them one last time that night, but Willy burns the letter. Lacey suffers from nightmares, and has a particularly frightening dream where she is been dragged, tied to a bed and almost stabbed by an unseen entity. Her husband, Jake takes her to a psychiatrist to help her confront her fears, and decides to go visit the house she grew up in. They arrive not knowing who is actually living there and meets two teenage girls and their younger brother. Their parents, the homeowners, have apparently just placed the home for sale and then gone out of town. The daughter thinks Lacey and Jake have been sent by the real estate company to view the house. Jake and Lacey pretend they want to buy the house so they can look around. At the house, however Lacey sees a reflection of her mother's deceased boyfriend coming towards her in a mirror inside the bedroom where he died and smashes the mirror in a panic with a chair. Her husband takes the broken mirror with him in an attempt to repair it, but a piece is left behind which later glows red as the teenage girls and their brother are all killed by an unseen force. However, the vengeful spirit of the deceased lover has been released from the mirror. Willy who's also having problems with...
Movie title: One Missed Call Context: Yumi Nakamura (Kou Shivasaki) is a pretty teenager whose university life has to do more with her friends than with studying psychology. One of the few lessons she attends to is children's psychology, but she's distracted anyway. It's as though she's getting a bad feeling about something to happen in the near future.At a dinner with her friends, everybody exchanges phone numbers. When Yumi and her friend Yoko Okazaki (Anna Nagata) go to the look, Yoko receives a strange missed call. It's from her own mobile phone. When she hears voicemail, she can hear her own voice saying "It's beginning to rain", and then screaming in pain. More mysteriously even, the message's date is the date after tomorrow. They disregard it, but Yoko dies at that exact moment of the call. She was speaking with Yumi on the phone, and the last things that Yimi can hear are " "It's beginning to rain" and then the scream.The following day, Yumi overhears a group of students talking about an urban legend about people receive phone calls with date and time of their death in the near future. Yumi seeks out Kioto's boyfriend Kenji Kawai (Atsushi Ida), who also received a call, and witnesses his death. He had believed her on the last moment, but an invisible energy pulls him into the lift shaft.When her roommate Natsumi Konishi (Kazue Fukiishi) receives a call, Yoko befriends Hiroshi Yamashita (Shin'ichi Tsutsumi), who tells her that his sister Ritsuko Yamashita (Azusa) was the first victim of the phone call. While in the hospital, Yumi hears an asthma pump and recalls that she heard the same noise when Kenji died. They decide to investigate victims of asthma in the hospital and find the name of Marie Mizunuma (Mariko Tsutsui) and her children Mimiko and Nanako. Both are thought to have been brutalised by her mother, who suffered from Muchhäusen Syndrome, an illness which makes parents injure their children in order to save them right away. Parents who suffer this syndrome seek prise and attention from other adults and they want to be considered...
Question: Who listens to the first voicemail? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who listens to the first voicemail? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: One Missed Call Context: Yumi Nakamura (Kou Shivasaki) is a pretty teenager whose university life has to do more with her friends than with studying psychology. One of the few lessons she attends to is children's psychology, but she's distracted anyway. It's as though she's getting a bad feeling about something to happen in the near future.At a dinner with her friends, everybody exchanges phone numbers. When Yumi and her friend Yoko Okazaki (Anna Nagata) go to the look, Yoko receives a strange missed call. It's from her own mobile phone. When she hears voicemail, she can hear her own voice saying "It's beginning to rain", and then screaming in pain. More mysteriously even, the message's date is the date after tomorrow. They disregard it, but Yoko dies at that exact moment of the call. She was speaking with Yumi on the phone, and the last things that Yimi can hear are " "It's beginning to rain" and then the scream.The following day, Yumi overhears a group of students talking about an urban legend about people receive phone calls with date and time of their death in the near future. Yumi seeks out Kioto's boyfriend Kenji Kawai (Atsushi Ida), who also received a call, and witnesses his death. He had believed her on the last moment, but an invisible energy pulls him into the lift shaft.When her roommate Natsumi Konishi (Kazue Fukiishi) receives a call, Yoko befriends Hiroshi Yamashita (Shin'ichi Tsutsumi), who tells her that his sister Ritsuko Yamashita (Azusa) was the first victim of the phone call. While in the hospital, Yumi hears an asthma pump and recalls that she heard the same noise when Kenji died. They decide to investigate victims of asthma in the hospital and find the name of Marie Mizunuma (Mariko Tsutsui) and her children Mimiko and Nanako. Both are thought to have been brutalised by her mother, who suffered from Muchhäusen Syndrome, an illness which makes parents injure their children in order to save them right away. Parents who suffer this syndrome seek prise and attention from other adults and they want to be considered...
Movie title: The Lookout Context: Driving with his headlights off down a country highway, to show his girlfriend, Kelly, and another couple the swarms of fireflies illuminated in the summer night, Chris Pratt crashes his convertible into a combine stalled on the road. Chris and Kelly survive, but the other two do not. Chris's injuries include brain damage that affects his short-term memory in the form similar to anterograde amnesia, along with some anger management issues.Four years later, he's in classes to learn new skills, including the simple sequencing of daily tasks to compensate for his inability to remember, and keeps notes to himself in a small notebook. Challenged by a tough case manager to build a life despite his injuries, he is emotionally supported by his roommate, a blind man named Lewis, but receives only financial support from his wealthy family. He works nights, cleaning a small-town bank, with regular visitations from Ted, a sheriff's deputy. Chris aspires to train as a teller, but the bank manager, Mr. Tuttle, can barely hide his contempt for Chris's ambitions. It is there Chris comes under the scrutiny of a gang planning to rob the bank. Their leader, Gary, who knows him from high school and resented his wealth and popularity as a hockey star before his accident, befriends him and uses a young woman, Luvlee, to seduce him. Taunted by the gang about the limitations of his life since the accident, he initially goes along with the scheme. His frustrations trickle down into confrontations with his friends, Lewis and Ted.When the gang arrives the night of the robbery, Chris tells them he has changed his mind. But they tell him it's too late and force him to empty the vault at gunpoint. His friend Ted, the deputy, stumbles into the robbery while delivering doughnuts to Chris, and triggers a shootout. The deputy and two of the gang members, Marty and Cork, are killed. Meanwhile Chris escapes in the getaway car, and when he realizes he's got the money they stole, he returns compulsively to the site of his accident, where he...
Question: What does Chris use to kill Bone? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Chris use to kill Bone? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Lookout Context: Driving with his headlights off down a country highway, to show his girlfriend, Kelly, and another couple the swarms of fireflies illuminated in the summer night, Chris Pratt crashes his convertible into a combine stalled on the road. Chris and Kelly survive, but the other two do not. Chris's injuries include brain damage that affects his short-term memory in the form similar to anterograde amnesia, along with some anger management issues.Four years later, he's in classes to learn new skills, including the simple sequencing of daily tasks to compensate for his inability to remember, and keeps notes to himself in a small notebook. Challenged by a tough case manager to build a life despite his injuries, he is emotionally supported by his roommate, a blind man named Lewis, but receives only financial support from his wealthy family. He works nights, cleaning a small-town bank, with regular visitations from Ted, a sheriff's deputy. Chris aspires to train as a teller, but the bank manager, Mr. Tuttle, can barely hide his contempt for Chris's ambitions. It is there Chris comes under the scrutiny of a gang planning to rob the bank. Their leader, Gary, who knows him from high school and resented his wealth and popularity as a hockey star before his accident, befriends him and uses a young woman, Luvlee, to seduce him. Taunted by the gang about the limitations of his life since the accident, he initially goes along with the scheme. His frustrations trickle down into confrontations with his friends, Lewis and Ted.When the gang arrives the night of the robbery, Chris tells them he has changed his mind. But they tell him it's too late and force him to empty the vault at gunpoint. His friend Ted, the deputy, stumbles into the robbery while delivering doughnuts to Chris, and triggers a shootout. The deputy and two of the gang members, Marty and Cork, are killed. Meanwhile Chris escapes in the getaway car, and when he realizes he's got the money they stole, he returns compulsively to the site of his accident, where he...
a shotgun
Movie title: Son of Dracula Context: Kay Caldwell [Louise Allbritton] and Frank Stanley [Robert Paige] have always been in love, even since they were children. But when Kay returns from traveling in Hungary, she seems changed. First, she begins to express a morbid curiosity with the supernatural. Then, she brings back with her a gypsy fortune teller, Madame Zimba [Adeline DeWalt Reynolds]. Finally, she has invited Hungarian Count Alucard [Lon Chaney, Jr] to be a guest at Dark Oaks, the southern plantation where Kay lives with her father Colonel Caldwell [George Irving] and her sister Claire [Evelyn Ankers].On the night of Alucard's arrival, Kay throws a welcome party. But only Alucard's baggage arrives on the train; no Alucard. Madame Zimba warns Kay that Alucard is not who he says he is and that death looms over Dark Oaks. True to her word, Madame Zimba suddenly dies of a heart attack after seeing a bat. Later that evening, Colonel Caldwell also dies of a heart attack, and Alucard arrives at Dark Oaks.Days later, at the reading of the will, it is discovered that Kay inherits the plantation and Claire all the money. With no resources to care for the plantation, Kay should be worried, but she is not. In fact, she admits that this is the way she wants it. In addition, Kay does not intend anymore to marry Frank and appears to be seeing Alucard, but no one can find out where Alucard is staying or what happened to the two large boxes that arrived with his baggage. Claire and Dr. Harry Brewster [Frank Craven] wonder if Kay might be insane, and Brewster calls his Hungarian friend Professor Lazlo [J. Edward Bromberg] to inquire about the legitimacy of Count Alucard. Could he really be Count Dracula?One night Kay goes into the swamp where Alucard issues forth from a coffin buried under the water. Later that night, Kay and Alucard are married. Distraught, Frank shoots Alucard but kills Kay instead and escapes to Brewster's house. Brewster goes to Dark Oaks but finds Kay seated in bed and quite alive. Nevertheless, the next day Frank confesses to murder...
Question: who stumbles into the playroom? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: who stumbles into the playroom? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Son of Dracula Context: Kay Caldwell [Louise Allbritton] and Frank Stanley [Robert Paige] have always been in love, even since they were children. But when Kay returns from traveling in Hungary, she seems changed. First, she begins to express a morbid curiosity with the supernatural. Then, she brings back with her a gypsy fortune teller, Madame Zimba [Adeline DeWalt Reynolds]. Finally, she has invited Hungarian Count Alucard [Lon Chaney, Jr] to be a guest at Dark Oaks, the southern plantation where Kay lives with her father Colonel Caldwell [George Irving] and her sister Claire [Evelyn Ankers].On the night of Alucard's arrival, Kay throws a welcome party. But only Alucard's baggage arrives on the train; no Alucard. Madame Zimba warns Kay that Alucard is not who he says he is and that death looms over Dark Oaks. True to her word, Madame Zimba suddenly dies of a heart attack after seeing a bat. Later that evening, Colonel Caldwell also dies of a heart attack, and Alucard arrives at Dark Oaks.Days later, at the reading of the will, it is discovered that Kay inherits the plantation and Claire all the money. With no resources to care for the plantation, Kay should be worried, but she is not. In fact, she admits that this is the way she wants it. In addition, Kay does not intend anymore to marry Frank and appears to be seeing Alucard, but no one can find out where Alucard is staying or what happened to the two large boxes that arrived with his baggage. Claire and Dr. Harry Brewster [Frank Craven] wonder if Kay might be insane, and Brewster calls his Hungarian friend Professor Lazlo [J. Edward Bromberg] to inquire about the legitimacy of Count Alucard. Could he really be Count Dracula?One night Kay goes into the swamp where Alucard issues forth from a coffin buried under the water. Later that night, Kay and Alucard are married. Distraught, Frank shoots Alucard but kills Kay instead and escapes to Brewster's house. Brewster goes to Dark Oaks but finds Kay seated in bed and quite alive. Nevertheless, the next day Frank confesses to murder...
There isn't any mention of a playroom.
Movie title: Dark City Context: John Murdoch (Rufus Sewell) awakens in a hotel bathtub, suffering from amnesia. He receives a phone call from Dr. Daniel Schreber (Kiefer Sutherland), who urges him to flee the hotel to evade a group of men who are after him. During the phone talk, Murdoch discovers the corpse of a brutalized, ritualistically murdered woman, along with a bloody knife. He flees the scene, just as the group of men (known as the Strangers) show up to investigate the room. Eventually Murdoch learns his own name, and finds he has a wife named Emma (Jennifer Connelly). He is also sought by police inspector Frank Bumstead (William Hurt) as a suspect in a series of murders committed around the city, though he cannot remember killing anybody. While being pursued by the Strangers, Murdoch discovers that he has mind powers—which the Strangers also possess, and refer to as "tuning"—and he manages to use these powers to escape from them. Murdoch explores the city, where nobody realizes that it is always nighttime. At midnight, he watches as everyone except himself falls asleep as the Strangers stop time and physically rearrange the city as well as changing people's identities and memories. Murdoch learns that he comes from a coastal town called Shell Beach, a town familiar to everyone, though nobody knows how to leave the city to travel there, and all of his attempts to do so are unsuccessful for varying reasons. Meanwhile, the Strangers inject one of their men, Mr. Hand (Richard O'Brien), with memories intended for Murdoch in an attempt to predict his movements and track him down. Murdoch is eventually caught by inspector Bumstead, who acknowledges he is innocent, and by then has his own misgivings about the nature of the city. They confront Dr. Schreber, who explains that the Strangers are endangered extraterrestrial parasites who use corpses as their hosts. Having a hive mind, the Strangers have been experimenting with humans to analyze their individuality in the hopes that some insight might be revealed that would help their race...
Question: Who is John pursued by? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is John pursued by? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Dark City Context: John Murdoch (Rufus Sewell) awakens in a hotel bathtub, suffering from amnesia. He receives a phone call from Dr. Daniel Schreber (Kiefer Sutherland), who urges him to flee the hotel to evade a group of men who are after him. During the phone talk, Murdoch discovers the corpse of a brutalized, ritualistically murdered woman, along with a bloody knife. He flees the scene, just as the group of men (known as the Strangers) show up to investigate the room. Eventually Murdoch learns his own name, and finds he has a wife named Emma (Jennifer Connelly). He is also sought by police inspector Frank Bumstead (William Hurt) as a suspect in a series of murders committed around the city, though he cannot remember killing anybody. While being pursued by the Strangers, Murdoch discovers that he has mind powers—which the Strangers also possess, and refer to as "tuning"—and he manages to use these powers to escape from them. Murdoch explores the city, where nobody realizes that it is always nighttime. At midnight, he watches as everyone except himself falls asleep as the Strangers stop time and physically rearrange the city as well as changing people's identities and memories. Murdoch learns that he comes from a coastal town called Shell Beach, a town familiar to everyone, though nobody knows how to leave the city to travel there, and all of his attempts to do so are unsuccessful for varying reasons. Meanwhile, the Strangers inject one of their men, Mr. Hand (Richard O'Brien), with memories intended for Murdoch in an attempt to predict his movements and track him down. Murdoch is eventually caught by inspector Bumstead, who acknowledges he is innocent, and by then has his own misgivings about the nature of the city. They confront Dr. Schreber, who explains that the Strangers are endangered extraterrestrial parasites who use corpses as their hosts. Having a hive mind, the Strangers have been experimenting with humans to analyze their individuality in the hopes that some insight might be revealed that would help their race...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: 21 Jump Street Context: Morton Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Greg Jenko (Channing Tatum) are former classmates who meet again at police academy. Schmidt was a nerd while Jenko was a jock. They end up becoming friends at the academy as they help with each others' weaknesses with Schmidt helping Jenko study and Jenko motivating Schmidt through physical activity. They graduate together as partners, but are assigned to park patrol. They catch a break when they spot a group of drug dealers and arrest their leader Domingo (DeRay Davis). However, the department is forced to release him as Jenko forgot to read the Miranda rights. The two are reassigned to a revived specialty division on 21 Jump Street.They are introduced to Captain Dickson (Ice Cube), who explains the division specializes in infiltrating high schools and that they were chosen because of their youthful appearances. Schmidt and Jenko are assigned to go back to their old high school to stop a new synthetic drug from spreading to other campuses by finding the supplier. They go undercover as brothers, living at Schmidt's parents' house, and see that their high school has changed. Jenko accidentally switches their identities and they get each others' classes. They learn the lead dealer of the drug is the popular Eric (Dave Franco), but he is not the supplier.They go to the dealing room where Eric forces them to take the drug right there and not wait. They attempt to throw it up but are unsuccessful, and they undergo the phases of the drug while talking to their P.E. teacher, Mr. Walters (Rob Riggle), and also while running track and during band practice. The mistakes that happen at the track meet causes Eric to take a liking to Schmidt.Schmidt manages to fit in with the popular kids and takes a romantic interest in Eric's friend Molly (Brie Larson), while Jenko becomes friends with the nerds in his AP Chemistry class while his teacher Ms. Griggs (Ellie Kemper) takes a sexual interest in him. Jenko discovers that his new friends secretly tap into other people's cell phones to listen...
Question: Who escapes with the money? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who escapes with the money? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: 21 Jump Street Context: Morton Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Greg Jenko (Channing Tatum) are former classmates who meet again at police academy. Schmidt was a nerd while Jenko was a jock. They end up becoming friends at the academy as they help with each others' weaknesses with Schmidt helping Jenko study and Jenko motivating Schmidt through physical activity. They graduate together as partners, but are assigned to park patrol. They catch a break when they spot a group of drug dealers and arrest their leader Domingo (DeRay Davis). However, the department is forced to release him as Jenko forgot to read the Miranda rights. The two are reassigned to a revived specialty division on 21 Jump Street.They are introduced to Captain Dickson (Ice Cube), who explains the division specializes in infiltrating high schools and that they were chosen because of their youthful appearances. Schmidt and Jenko are assigned to go back to their old high school to stop a new synthetic drug from spreading to other campuses by finding the supplier. They go undercover as brothers, living at Schmidt's parents' house, and see that their high school has changed. Jenko accidentally switches their identities and they get each others' classes. They learn the lead dealer of the drug is the popular Eric (Dave Franco), but he is not the supplier.They go to the dealing room where Eric forces them to take the drug right there and not wait. They attempt to throw it up but are unsuccessful, and they undergo the phases of the drug while talking to their P.E. teacher, Mr. Walters (Rob Riggle), and also while running track and during band practice. The mistakes that happen at the track meet causes Eric to take a liking to Schmidt.Schmidt manages to fit in with the popular kids and takes a romantic interest in Eric's friend Molly (Brie Larson), while Jenko becomes friends with the nerds in his AP Chemistry class while his teacher Ms. Griggs (Ellie Kemper) takes a sexual interest in him. Jenko discovers that his new friends secretly tap into other people's cell phones to listen...
it doesn't say
Movie title: Cruel Intentions Context: New York City. 1999. The womanizing Sebastian Valmont (Ryan Phillippe) is with his therapist Dr. Greenbaum (Swoosie Kurtz) to talk with her over his sexual urges over other women. Sebastian decides that he is more or less cured and bids goodbye to him to set out as a new man. She thinks she has convinced him of sustaining longer and more serious relationships with girls. After Sebastian leaves her office, Dr. Greenbaum gets a phone call from her distraught daughter Marci (Tara Reid) who claims that her boyfriend just broke up with her and posted a nude photograph of her on the Internet. Dr. Greenbaum realizes that Sebastian is the guy whom Marci is talking about and she chases after him and yells at him for violating and corrupting her daughter in front of a small crowd. Sebastian slyly denies knowing who Dr. Greenbaum is and leaves, only stopping to pick up another young woman.Kathryn Merteuil (Sarah Michelle Gellar), the image of social perfection, takes the sheltered and naive Cecile Caldwell (Selma Blair), under her wing, promising to turn Cecile into a model student like herself. Kathryn's real intention, however, is to take revenge on Court Reynolds, Kathryn's own ex-lover, who dumped her for the "innocent little twit", Cecile. Kathryn intends to corrupt Cecile by getting her to sleep with as many men as possible, thereby destroying her reputation and teaching Court a lesson.Kathryn asks for help from her step-brother, who happens to be Sebastian. Though Kathryn and Sebastian have collaborated in schemes of manipulation before, he initially refuses. He is busy planning another "conquest", the beautiful Annette Hargrove (Reese Witherspoon), a girl who has published a manifesto saying that she plans to keep her virginity intact until she gets married. Annette is the only daughter of the new headmaster at their prep school Manchester, which is currently closed for the summer season. Sebastian learns that Annette will be staying with his aunt Helen Rosemond (Louise Fletcher) in the Hamptons on Long Island...
Question: Who offers herself to Sebastian? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who offers herself to Sebastian? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Cruel Intentions Context: New York City. 1999. The womanizing Sebastian Valmont (Ryan Phillippe) is with his therapist Dr. Greenbaum (Swoosie Kurtz) to talk with her over his sexual urges over other women. Sebastian decides that he is more or less cured and bids goodbye to him to set out as a new man. She thinks she has convinced him of sustaining longer and more serious relationships with girls. After Sebastian leaves her office, Dr. Greenbaum gets a phone call from her distraught daughter Marci (Tara Reid) who claims that her boyfriend just broke up with her and posted a nude photograph of her on the Internet. Dr. Greenbaum realizes that Sebastian is the guy whom Marci is talking about and she chases after him and yells at him for violating and corrupting her daughter in front of a small crowd. Sebastian slyly denies knowing who Dr. Greenbaum is and leaves, only stopping to pick up another young woman.Kathryn Merteuil (Sarah Michelle Gellar), the image of social perfection, takes the sheltered and naive Cecile Caldwell (Selma Blair), under her wing, promising to turn Cecile into a model student like herself. Kathryn's real intention, however, is to take revenge on Court Reynolds, Kathryn's own ex-lover, who dumped her for the "innocent little twit", Cecile. Kathryn intends to corrupt Cecile by getting her to sleep with as many men as possible, thereby destroying her reputation and teaching Court a lesson.Kathryn asks for help from her step-brother, who happens to be Sebastian. Though Kathryn and Sebastian have collaborated in schemes of manipulation before, he initially refuses. He is busy planning another "conquest", the beautiful Annette Hargrove (Reese Witherspoon), a girl who has published a manifesto saying that she plans to keep her virginity intact until she gets married. Annette is the only daughter of the new headmaster at their prep school Manchester, which is currently closed for the summer season. Sebastian learns that Annette will be staying with his aunt Helen Rosemond (Louise Fletcher) in the Hamptons on Long Island...
Movie title: Teza Context: Teza, which means morning dew in Amharic, tells a story of hope, loss, and reminiscence through the eyes of an idealistic, young intellectual, displaced from his homeland of Ethiopia for many years. The film reflects on the fall of Emperor Haile Selassie and on the effects of that regime change relative to Ethiopian history and society. Through a broader lens, the film Teza focuses on the ways in which political upheaval and social change have impacted cultures and nations across the larger African Diaspora.Told mainly through a series of flashbacks, Teza follows the personal narrative of Anberber, who, after leaving Ethiopia for Germany to become a doctor, is led to return to his home village by lingering spirits and haunting visions from his childhood. Using the power of memory as its primary device, Teza recounts the historical circumstances that have framed the context in which contemporary Ethiopia exists.The movie chronicles Anberber's internal struggle to stay true--both to himself and to his homeland--but above all, the film explores the possession of memory, a right that humanity mandates that each of us have--the right to own our pasts.
Question: which year this movie takes place? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: which year this movie takes place? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Teza Context: Teza, which means morning dew in Amharic, tells a story of hope, loss, and reminiscence through the eyes of an idealistic, young intellectual, displaced from his homeland of Ethiopia for many years. The film reflects on the fall of Emperor Haile Selassie and on the effects of that regime change relative to Ethiopian history and society. Through a broader lens, the film Teza focuses on the ways in which political upheaval and social change have impacted cultures and nations across the larger African Diaspora.Told mainly through a series of flashbacks, Teza follows the personal narrative of Anberber, who, after leaving Ethiopia for Germany to become a doctor, is led to return to his home village by lingering spirits and haunting visions from his childhood. Using the power of memory as its primary device, Teza recounts the historical circumstances that have framed the context in which contemporary Ethiopia exists.The movie chronicles Anberber's internal struggle to stay true--both to himself and to his homeland--but above all, the film explores the possession of memory, a right that humanity mandates that each of us have--the right to own our pasts.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: The Night of the Hunter Context: Night of the Hunter opens in the stars, where Rachel Cooper (Lillian Gish) tells the children (and the audience) a Southern Gothic parable regarding the importance of childhood and the dangers of "wolves in sheep's" clothing.Several children play hide and go seek near a farmhouse. One of the kids finds a prime hiding spot: the cellar. However, when he opens the door, the twisted legs of a young woman appear on the top steps. Miles away, the perpetrator, Reverend. Harry Powell (Robert Mitchum) drives a stolen Model-T as he talks to the Lord about his earthly mission. He feels convinced that he is being led to punish some of the most wicked segments of society - "vain women", who use lust to ensnare men. At a peep show, Powell's disdain grows evident as his knuckles clutch his thigh - the words "LOVE and HATE" tattooed on his fingers. His weapon of choice, a switchblade rips through his pocket as the woman performs her striptease. However, the police stop the Preacher for car robbery, and he is charged with a thirty day stay in Moundsville Penitentiary.In another part of town, little John (Billy Chapin) and his young sister Pearl (Sally Jane Bruce) play in their front yard; Pearl dresses her doll, Miss Jenny. Their father, Ben Harper (Peter Graves) rushes to the lawn clutching wads of money: $10,000. He has stolen the money, and is on the run from the police. Harper hides the money in a secure location off camera. He forces John to swear to protect his sister, and to never reveal the location of the money. As the police arrive on the front lawn to arrest his father, John clutches his stomach, "Don't...don't!" He exclaims.Ben Harper is tried, and sentenced to be hanged for murder. Awaiting his execution, he is incarcerated with Harry Powell, who learns of Ben's financial gain. While Ben does not disclose the location of the money, Powell thanks the Lord for giving him the opportunity to find Ben's future widow and supplying him with funds.The town's children taunt John and Pearl by singing a hangman's song. They...
Question: Who is tried and convicted? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is tried and convicted? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Night of the Hunter Context: Night of the Hunter opens in the stars, where Rachel Cooper (Lillian Gish) tells the children (and the audience) a Southern Gothic parable regarding the importance of childhood and the dangers of "wolves in sheep's" clothing.Several children play hide and go seek near a farmhouse. One of the kids finds a prime hiding spot: the cellar. However, when he opens the door, the twisted legs of a young woman appear on the top steps. Miles away, the perpetrator, Reverend. Harry Powell (Robert Mitchum) drives a stolen Model-T as he talks to the Lord about his earthly mission. He feels convinced that he is being led to punish some of the most wicked segments of society - "vain women", who use lust to ensnare men. At a peep show, Powell's disdain grows evident as his knuckles clutch his thigh - the words "LOVE and HATE" tattooed on his fingers. His weapon of choice, a switchblade rips through his pocket as the woman performs her striptease. However, the police stop the Preacher for car robbery, and he is charged with a thirty day stay in Moundsville Penitentiary.In another part of town, little John (Billy Chapin) and his young sister Pearl (Sally Jane Bruce) play in their front yard; Pearl dresses her doll, Miss Jenny. Their father, Ben Harper (Peter Graves) rushes to the lawn clutching wads of money: $10,000. He has stolen the money, and is on the run from the police. Harper hides the money in a secure location off camera. He forces John to swear to protect his sister, and to never reveal the location of the money. As the police arrive on the front lawn to arrest his father, John clutches his stomach, "Don't...don't!" He exclaims.Ben Harper is tried, and sentenced to be hanged for murder. Awaiting his execution, he is incarcerated with Harry Powell, who learns of Ben's financial gain. While Ben does not disclose the location of the money, Powell thanks the Lord for giving him the opportunity to find Ben's future widow and supplying him with funds.The town's children taunt John and Pearl by singing a hangman's song. They...
Movie title: A Self Made Hero Context: The story is told mainly in the present tense and also in retrospective interview clips including several by the protagonist many years later. Our hero is first shown inventing stories as a French boy in a small town between WW1 and WW2. As a young man he meets a local girl, marries her and is employed by her father. On the liberation of France he runs away to Paris where chance encounters lead to his learning important lessons in begging, sex and employment as means of survival. Following the end of the war in France he deliberately inveigles himself into Resistance circles, copies the speech and knowledge of genuine veterans and is eventually regarded as a hero. His contacts and apparent experience result in his being sent to occupied Germany as a military observer. Here he is coincidentally forced to order the summary execution of several French defectors to the SS following which he confesses his lies. He is jailed for a short period of time on an unrelated charge following which he is rehabilitated to become an international political success.
Question: In which World War does his mother believe her husband in? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: In which World War does his mother believe her husband in? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: A Self Made Hero Context: The story is told mainly in the present tense and also in retrospective interview clips including several by the protagonist many years later. Our hero is first shown inventing stories as a French boy in a small town between WW1 and WW2. As a young man he meets a local girl, marries her and is employed by her father. On the liberation of France he runs away to Paris where chance encounters lead to his learning important lessons in begging, sex and employment as means of survival. Following the end of the war in France he deliberately inveigles himself into Resistance circles, copies the speech and knowledge of genuine veterans and is eventually regarded as a hero. His contacts and apparent experience result in his being sent to occupied Germany as a military observer. Here he is coincidentally forced to order the summary execution of several French defectors to the SS following which he confesses his lies. He is jailed for a short period of time on an unrelated charge following which he is rehabilitated to become an international political success.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Context: At the Burpelson U.S. Air Force Base somewhere in the continental USA, the eccentric Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper (Sterling Hayden) orders the 34 nuclear-armed B-52's of the 843rd Bomb Wing past their failsafe points where they normally hold awaiting possible orders to proceed and into Soviet airspace. He also tells the personnel on the base that the US and the USSR have entered into a "shooting war".In the "War Room" at The Pentagon, Air Force General Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott) briefs President Merkin Muffley (Peter Sellers) about the attack that General Ripper ordered. Although a nuclear attack should require Presidential authority to be initiated, Ripper used "Plan R", an emergency war plan enabling a senior officer to launch a retaliation strike against the Soviets if everyone in the normal chain of command, including the President, has been killed during a sneak attack. Plan R was intended to discourage the Soviets from launching a decapitation strike against the President in Washington to disrupt U.S. command and control and stop an American nuclear counterattack. Turgidson tries to convince Muffley to take advantage of the situation to eliminate the Soviets as a threat by launching a full-scale attack. Turgidson believes that the United States is in a superior strategic position, and a first strike against the Soviet Union would destroy 90% of their missiles before they could retaliate, resulting in a victory for the U.S. with "acceptable" American casualties of "no more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops... depending on the breaks". He is rebuked when Muffley instead admits the Soviet Ambassador (Peter Bull) to the War Room, contacts Soviet Premier Dmitri Kissoff on the hotline, and insists on giving the Soviets all the information necessary to shoot down the American planes before they can carry out their strikes.Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (also played by Peter Sellers), an RAF exchange officer serving as General Ripper's executive officer, realizes that there has been no attack on the...
Question: What is Lionel Mandrake's rank? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is Lionel Mandrake's rank? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Context: At the Burpelson U.S. Air Force Base somewhere in the continental USA, the eccentric Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper (Sterling Hayden) orders the 34 nuclear-armed B-52's of the 843rd Bomb Wing past their failsafe points where they normally hold awaiting possible orders to proceed and into Soviet airspace. He also tells the personnel on the base that the US and the USSR have entered into a "shooting war".In the "War Room" at The Pentagon, Air Force General Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott) briefs President Merkin Muffley (Peter Sellers) about the attack that General Ripper ordered. Although a nuclear attack should require Presidential authority to be initiated, Ripper used "Plan R", an emergency war plan enabling a senior officer to launch a retaliation strike against the Soviets if everyone in the normal chain of command, including the President, has been killed during a sneak attack. Plan R was intended to discourage the Soviets from launching a decapitation strike against the President in Washington to disrupt U.S. command and control and stop an American nuclear counterattack. Turgidson tries to convince Muffley to take advantage of the situation to eliminate the Soviets as a threat by launching a full-scale attack. Turgidson believes that the United States is in a superior strategic position, and a first strike against the Soviet Union would destroy 90% of their missiles before they could retaliate, resulting in a victory for the U.S. with "acceptable" American casualties of "no more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops... depending on the breaks". He is rebuked when Muffley instead admits the Soviet Ambassador (Peter Bull) to the War Room, contacts Soviet Premier Dmitri Kissoff on the hotline, and insists on giving the Soviets all the information necessary to shoot down the American planes before they can carry out their strikes.Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (also played by Peter Sellers), an RAF exchange officer serving as General Ripper's executive officer, realizes that there has been no attack on the...
Group Captain
Movie title: Ratha Kanneer Context: The film starts with Balu (S. S. Rajendran) giving a speech and narrating the story before an audience gathered around a man's statue. Mohanasundaram (M. R. Radha) is a philanderer, chain-smoker and drunkard. He does not respect elders, or people below his social standards. He is ruthless and even beats his own mother (S. R. Janaki). Immediately after his return to India, he is married to Chandra (Sriranjani), a cultured, well-mannered, conservative Indian village girl. But he develops an affair with Kantha (M. N. Rajam), a prostitute. His best friend Balu tries to advise him and mend his ways but Mohan turns a deaf ear. Mohan even failed to attend his own mother's post-death formalities as he wanted to attend the birthday function of Kantha's mother. Mohan loses his mind over Kantha, even surrenders all his riches to her and also loses every loved one in his life. When he lost the last of his riches and close ones, he gets struck down by leprosy. His life then turns upside down. With no money left for the treatment of his disease, he is totally ignored and despised by Kantha and her associates. She even locks him up in a room and treats him like an untouchable. In a few days, Kantha throws him out of her house and Mohan loses his eyesight soon after. As a poor leper, he wanders the streets to beg for food. In this last stage of his life, he learns the value of life itself and how to respect others. He feels remorseful for the way he treated his wife, mother and everyone else around him. He meets Chandra, his wife, who now lives a scarce life. Both do not recognize each other, as he is blind and she gets to see only his disfigured, leprosy-stricken face. He also meets his old best friend, Balu. The trio finally recognize each other. Mohan also learns through Balu about Kantha's death in an air crash. Mohan marries Chandra to Balu, in the hope that the still-virgin Chandra can now only be loved and cared for by a better man than Mohan himself. He also speaks his parting words and requests a leper's statue to...
Question: What is the relationship between Balu and Mohanasundaram? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is the relationship between Balu and Mohanasundaram? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Ratha Kanneer Context: The film starts with Balu (S. S. Rajendran) giving a speech and narrating the story before an audience gathered around a man's statue. Mohanasundaram (M. R. Radha) is a philanderer, chain-smoker and drunkard. He does not respect elders, or people below his social standards. He is ruthless and even beats his own mother (S. R. Janaki). Immediately after his return to India, he is married to Chandra (Sriranjani), a cultured, well-mannered, conservative Indian village girl. But he develops an affair with Kantha (M. N. Rajam), a prostitute. His best friend Balu tries to advise him and mend his ways but Mohan turns a deaf ear. Mohan even failed to attend his own mother's post-death formalities as he wanted to attend the birthday function of Kantha's mother. Mohan loses his mind over Kantha, even surrenders all his riches to her and also loses every loved one in his life. When he lost the last of his riches and close ones, he gets struck down by leprosy. His life then turns upside down. With no money left for the treatment of his disease, he is totally ignored and despised by Kantha and her associates. She even locks him up in a room and treats him like an untouchable. In a few days, Kantha throws him out of her house and Mohan loses his eyesight soon after. As a poor leper, he wanders the streets to beg for food. In this last stage of his life, he learns the value of life itself and how to respect others. He feels remorseful for the way he treated his wife, mother and everyone else around him. He meets Chandra, his wife, who now lives a scarce life. Both do not recognize each other, as he is blind and she gets to see only his disfigured, leprosy-stricken face. He also meets his old best friend, Balu. The trio finally recognize each other. Mohan also learns through Balu about Kantha's death in an air crash. Mohan marries Chandra to Balu, in the hope that the still-virgin Chandra can now only be loved and cared for by a better man than Mohan himself. He also speaks his parting words and requests a leper's statue to...
Balu is Mahanasundaram's oldest best friend.
Movie title: Blackadder's Christmas Carol Context: Ebenezer Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson), the Victorian proprietor of a "moustache shop", is the nicest man in England.[1] He is everything that Ebenezer Scrooge was by the end of the original story: generous and kind to everybody, and sensitive to the misery of others. As a result, people take advantage of his kindness—Mrs.Scratchit and an orphan take all his money, and Beadle takes his food. All but Mr. Baldrick (Tony Robinson) view him as a victim. His business turns no profit, all his earnings going to charity and to con artists, and he lives a lonely, miserable life. One Christmas Eve, Blackadder's destiny changes when the Spirit of Christmas (Robbie Coltrane) visits him to congratulate him for his ways. The spirit lets him see shades of the past: his ancestors Lord Blackadder and Mr. E. Blackadder, Esq. Instead of being convinced that he is better than them, he grows to admire them and their wit. He asks the spirit to show him what could happen if he became like them. He sees a vision of a distant future where his distant descendant Grand Admiral Blackadder is a successful and ruthless official of a Galactic empire (with Baldrick as his semi-naked slave) who is about to marry the similarly ruthless and insanely ambitious Queen Asphyxia XIX (Miranda Richardson) after murdering her "triple husbandoid". Blackadder asks the Spirit what will happen if he stays as he is. He is shown an alternative future in which his descendant is the semi-naked slave of the incompetent Admiral Baldrick. Blackadder proclaims, "Bad guys have all the fun." He wakes up a different man: bitter, vengeful, greedy, and insulting to everyone he meets. Now in control of his life, he misses an opportunity when he insults two strangers: Queen Victoria (Miriam Margolyes) and Albert, Prince Consort (Jim Broadbent), who were about to award him £50,000 and the title of Baron Blackadder for being the nicest man in England. They leave without doing so after being ridiculed by Blackadder. The episode ends when Blackadder's extravagant Christmas...
Question: Why does the Spirit of Christmas stop at Ebenezers? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Why does the Spirit of Christmas stop at Ebenezers? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Blackadder's Christmas Carol Context: Ebenezer Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson), the Victorian proprietor of a "moustache shop", is the nicest man in England.[1] He is everything that Ebenezer Scrooge was by the end of the original story: generous and kind to everybody, and sensitive to the misery of others. As a result, people take advantage of his kindness—Mrs.Scratchit and an orphan take all his money, and Beadle takes his food. All but Mr. Baldrick (Tony Robinson) view him as a victim. His business turns no profit, all his earnings going to charity and to con artists, and he lives a lonely, miserable life. One Christmas Eve, Blackadder's destiny changes when the Spirit of Christmas (Robbie Coltrane) visits him to congratulate him for his ways. The spirit lets him see shades of the past: his ancestors Lord Blackadder and Mr. E. Blackadder, Esq. Instead of being convinced that he is better than them, he grows to admire them and their wit. He asks the spirit to show him what could happen if he became like them. He sees a vision of a distant future where his distant descendant Grand Admiral Blackadder is a successful and ruthless official of a Galactic empire (with Baldrick as his semi-naked slave) who is about to marry the similarly ruthless and insanely ambitious Queen Asphyxia XIX (Miranda Richardson) after murdering her "triple husbandoid". Blackadder asks the Spirit what will happen if he stays as he is. He is shown an alternative future in which his descendant is the semi-naked slave of the incompetent Admiral Baldrick. Blackadder proclaims, "Bad guys have all the fun." He wakes up a different man: bitter, vengeful, greedy, and insulting to everyone he meets. Now in control of his life, he misses an opportunity when he insults two strangers: Queen Victoria (Miriam Margolyes) and Albert, Prince Consort (Jim Broadbent), who were about to award him £50,000 and the title of Baron Blackadder for being the nicest man in England. They leave without doing so after being ridiculed by Blackadder. The episode ends when Blackadder's extravagant Christmas...
to congratulate him for his ways
Movie title: Back to the Future Part II Context: The movie opens where Back to the Future left off: October 26, 1985. Marty (Michael J. Fox) opens the garage door and sees his 4X4, the one he longed for in Back to the Future. Jennifer Parker (now played by Elisabeth Shue) asks for a ride. Marty tells her that she is a sight for sore eyes, and wants to look at her. She says that he's acting like he hasn't seen her for a week. She asks if he's OK. When he sees his mom and dad, he says yeah.As they are about to kiss, there are three sonic booms and the DeLorean appears and screeches to a stop in the driveway. Doc (Christopher Lloyd) jumps out and smashes into one of the trash cans. He frantically tells Marty that he has to come back with him. Marty sees his strange goggles and asks, "Where?" Doc answers, "Back to the future!" Doc rummages in the garbage can, and then grabs some banana peels and a discarded beer can. Marty asks him what he's doing, and Doc hastily claims he needs fuel. He opens the attached Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor, and puts the banana peels in, topping it off with the beer can and the leftover beer inside it. Doc tells Marty to get in the car, but Marty protests, saying he just got here, and Jennifer and he are going to take the new truck for a spin. Doc tells Marty that they'll take her along, because this concerns her too.Marty wonders what happens to them in the future, Doc hesitates for a moment, before replying that they come out fine, but that something has to be done about their kids. After they get in, and Doc backs up into the street, Marty tells Doc that he had better back up, because they don't have enough road on the street to get up to 88 MPH. Doc quips, "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads." As Doc is starting up the car, Biff Tannen (Thomas F. Wilson) comes out of the house, and wants to show Marty the matchbooks he just got printed up for his auto detailing service, just in time to see the DeLorean fly away and vanish in a flash of light. "A flying DeLorean?" he asks, in disbelief.They reappear in the year 2015,...
Question: When was Goerge killed? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: When was Goerge killed? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Back to the Future Part II Context: The movie opens where Back to the Future left off: October 26, 1985. Marty (Michael J. Fox) opens the garage door and sees his 4X4, the one he longed for in Back to the Future. Jennifer Parker (now played by Elisabeth Shue) asks for a ride. Marty tells her that she is a sight for sore eyes, and wants to look at her. She says that he's acting like he hasn't seen her for a week. She asks if he's OK. When he sees his mom and dad, he says yeah.As they are about to kiss, there are three sonic booms and the DeLorean appears and screeches to a stop in the driveway. Doc (Christopher Lloyd) jumps out and smashes into one of the trash cans. He frantically tells Marty that he has to come back with him. Marty sees his strange goggles and asks, "Where?" Doc answers, "Back to the future!" Doc rummages in the garbage can, and then grabs some banana peels and a discarded beer can. Marty asks him what he's doing, and Doc hastily claims he needs fuel. He opens the attached Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor, and puts the banana peels in, topping it off with the beer can and the leftover beer inside it. Doc tells Marty to get in the car, but Marty protests, saying he just got here, and Jennifer and he are going to take the new truck for a spin. Doc tells Marty that they'll take her along, because this concerns her too.Marty wonders what happens to them in the future, Doc hesitates for a moment, before replying that they come out fine, but that something has to be done about their kids. After they get in, and Doc backs up into the street, Marty tells Doc that he had better back up, because they don't have enough road on the street to get up to 88 MPH. Doc quips, "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads." As Doc is starting up the car, Biff Tannen (Thomas F. Wilson) comes out of the house, and wants to show Marty the matchbooks he just got printed up for his auto detailing service, just in time to see the DeLorean fly away and vanish in a flash of light. "A flying DeLorean?" he asks, in disbelief.They reappear in the year 2015,...
Before Marty and Doc traveled into the past.
Movie title: The Brain Eaters Context: This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (April 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) A narrator informs us, "A few weeks ago, Riverdale, Illinois was just another quiet, small town. Then on that Saturday, shortly after midnight, a living nightmare began". A man (Hampton Fancher, uncredited) carrying a lighted, basketball-sized glass container, bumps into a pedestrian, and the container is broken. A fight ensues and a hissing sound is heard. A car approaches and the narrator continues, "On Sunday, about an hour before nightfall, my fiancée and I were returning from a trip to her family's home in the country. Our wedding date was set. Everything was right with the world. We were on the way back to town to tell the good news to my father". The driver, Glenn Cameron (Factor) and passenger, Elaine Cameron (Jody Fair) are distracted by a bright light from the nearby woods. They stop to investigate and find three dead animals, and to their surprise, they come upon a large, cone-shaped, spiral metal structure resembling the tip of a screw. Two days later in Washington, D.C., a flying saucer investigation committee reviews classified army footage of the object. Sen. Walter K. Powers (Cornelius Keefe) and his assistant Dan Walker (Robert Ball) arrive late for the briefing, which notes that the metal object stands 50 feet high with a base diameter of 50 feet. The nature and origin of this spiral metal cone is unknown. Dr. Paul Kettering (Ed Nelson) is the chief investigator. Also noted is the murder of several people in the nearby town. The senator and his assistant fly to Riverdale to investigate firsthand. They are met by Glenn Cameron, who explains that his father, the mayor, is missing. The three drive to the metal object's location. Alice Summers (Lee), the mayor's secretary, assists Kettering by recording test results. The senator climbs scaffolding erected around the spiral cone to...
Question: Who was locked inside the cabin? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who was locked inside the cabin? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Brain Eaters Context: This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (April 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) A narrator informs us, "A few weeks ago, Riverdale, Illinois was just another quiet, small town. Then on that Saturday, shortly after midnight, a living nightmare began". A man (Hampton Fancher, uncredited) carrying a lighted, basketball-sized glass container, bumps into a pedestrian, and the container is broken. A fight ensues and a hissing sound is heard. A car approaches and the narrator continues, "On Sunday, about an hour before nightfall, my fiancée and I were returning from a trip to her family's home in the country. Our wedding date was set. Everything was right with the world. We were on the way back to town to tell the good news to my father". The driver, Glenn Cameron (Factor) and passenger, Elaine Cameron (Jody Fair) are distracted by a bright light from the nearby woods. They stop to investigate and find three dead animals, and to their surprise, they come upon a large, cone-shaped, spiral metal structure resembling the tip of a screw. Two days later in Washington, D.C., a flying saucer investigation committee reviews classified army footage of the object. Sen. Walter K. Powers (Cornelius Keefe) and his assistant Dan Walker (Robert Ball) arrive late for the briefing, which notes that the metal object stands 50 feet high with a base diameter of 50 feet. The nature and origin of this spiral metal cone is unknown. Dr. Paul Kettering (Ed Nelson) is the chief investigator. Also noted is the murder of several people in the nearby town. The senator and his assistant fly to Riverdale to investigate firsthand. They are met by Glenn Cameron, who explains that his father, the mayor, is missing. The three drive to the metal object's location. Alice Summers (Lee), the mayor's secretary, assists Kettering by recording test results. The senator climbs scaffolding erected around the spiral cone to...
Glenn and Elaine
Movie title: Fargo Context: The movie opens with a car towing a new tan Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera through a sub-freezing blizzard to a small inn in Fargo, North Dakota. It is 8:30 p.m. on a cold night in January 1987. When the driver goes inside, we see that it is Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy), and he uses the false name 'Jerry Anderson' to check in. He then goes to the inn's bar/restaurant to have a meeting with two men.Jerry has obviously never met them before. The short, bug-eyed, dark-haired, annoyed, talkative one, Carl Showalter (Steve Buscemi), tells him that Shep Proudfoot, a mutual acquaintance of theirs who set up the meeting, had said Jerry would be there at 7:30 rather than 8:30. The other man, a tall, blond Swede named Gaear Grimsrud (Peter Stormare), sits silently and smokes. They discuss the tan Ciera as part of a payment to them from Jerry, plus $40,000. Apparently, Jerry has hired the men to kidnap his wife in order to get a ransom from his wife's father. Jerry is a fast talker and doesn't want to say much about why he needs the money, but he reveals that his father-in-law is rich and that he plans on asking for $80,000 and keeping the other half for himself. Carl and Gaear accept the deal.The next day, Jerry returns to his home in Minneapolis, Minnesota where we see part of his impassive home life. Jerry awkwardly greets his laid-back, subservient wife Jean (Kristin Rudrüd), but he becomes uncomfortable when he sees his father-in-law, Wade Gustafson (Harve Presnell), sitting on the couch watching a hockey game on TV, visiting that night for supper. They all eat dinner, and Jerry and Jean's young teenage son, Scotty (Tony Denman), leaves early to go to McDonald's. Jerry and Wade start to argue about this and that Jerry seems to spoil Scotty and allows him to do whatever he wants does not inflict much discipline. To get out of the conversation, Jerry changes the subject by bringing up a deal he had apparently suggested earlier to Wade, in which he's asking for a loan of $750,000 to build a 40-acre parking lot in...
Question: What lake does Marge drive to? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What lake does Marge drive to? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Fargo Context: The movie opens with a car towing a new tan Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera through a sub-freezing blizzard to a small inn in Fargo, North Dakota. It is 8:30 p.m. on a cold night in January 1987. When the driver goes inside, we see that it is Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy), and he uses the false name 'Jerry Anderson' to check in. He then goes to the inn's bar/restaurant to have a meeting with two men.Jerry has obviously never met them before. The short, bug-eyed, dark-haired, annoyed, talkative one, Carl Showalter (Steve Buscemi), tells him that Shep Proudfoot, a mutual acquaintance of theirs who set up the meeting, had said Jerry would be there at 7:30 rather than 8:30. The other man, a tall, blond Swede named Gaear Grimsrud (Peter Stormare), sits silently and smokes. They discuss the tan Ciera as part of a payment to them from Jerry, plus $40,000. Apparently, Jerry has hired the men to kidnap his wife in order to get a ransom from his wife's father. Jerry is a fast talker and doesn't want to say much about why he needs the money, but he reveals that his father-in-law is rich and that he plans on asking for $80,000 and keeping the other half for himself. Carl and Gaear accept the deal.The next day, Jerry returns to his home in Minneapolis, Minnesota where we see part of his impassive home life. Jerry awkwardly greets his laid-back, subservient wife Jean (Kristin Rudrüd), but he becomes uncomfortable when he sees his father-in-law, Wade Gustafson (Harve Presnell), sitting on the couch watching a hockey game on TV, visiting that night for supper. They all eat dinner, and Jerry and Jean's young teenage son, Scotty (Tony Denman), leaves early to go to McDonald's. Jerry and Wade start to argue about this and that Jerry seems to spoil Scotty and allows him to do whatever he wants does not inflict much discipline. To get out of the conversation, Jerry changes the subject by bringing up a deal he had apparently suggested earlier to Wade, in which he's asking for a loan of $750,000 to build a 40-acre parking lot in...
This isn't mentioned in this plot
Movie title: The Dark Knight Rises Context: Commissioner James Gordon (Gary Oldman) is delivering a eulogy for Harvey Dent at the end of The Dark Knight: "I knew Harvey Dent. I was his friend. And it will be a very long time before someone... inspires us the way he did. I believed in Harvey Dent..."Eight years later, a van is driving across a field, occupied by Russian soldiers. They are transporting a nuclear scientist, Dr. Leonid Pavel (Alon Aboutboul). Sitting in the backseats are three prisoners, who are handcuffed, have hoods over their heads, and rifles trained on them. The van arrives at an airfield, where it meets a jet occupied by a CIA agent, Bill Wilson, (Aidan Gillen) and U.S. Special Ops soldiers from an extraction team, whom Dr. Pavel has cut a deal with. The CIA agent refuses to let the hooded prisoners come on his aircraft. The agent is told by the truck driver, Barsad (Josh Stewart), that they are mercenaries who work for the masked man. He takes it that the "masked man" is Bane, an infamous terrorist, and brings them on board.During the flight, Wilson interrogates the prisoners for information about Bane. He has one prisoner dragged to the cargo door and demands to know who paid the men to kidnap Dr. Pavel. When the man refuses to talk, Wilson pulls his pistol and fires a shot away from the man's head and pulls the man back inside. The second prisoner is pulled over to the door and given the same treatment. This time, Wilson asks him about the mask that Bane wears. The man fails to talk leading Wilson to believe he's "awfully loyal for a hired gun".At this point, the third prisoner - who sounds like he is talking through a voice amplifier- suggests that his comrade is wondering why would someone shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane? Wilson signals for one soldier to seal the door and asks this prisoner for his name. The hooded man says that it doesn't matter who he and his comrades are, but it's their plan that matters. As the man admits that "no one cared who I was 'til I put on the mask", Wilson removes his hood, revealing...
Question: Who is Talia's protector? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Talia's protector? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Dark Knight Rises Context: Commissioner James Gordon (Gary Oldman) is delivering a eulogy for Harvey Dent at the end of The Dark Knight: "I knew Harvey Dent. I was his friend. And it will be a very long time before someone... inspires us the way he did. I believed in Harvey Dent..."Eight years later, a van is driving across a field, occupied by Russian soldiers. They are transporting a nuclear scientist, Dr. Leonid Pavel (Alon Aboutboul). Sitting in the backseats are three prisoners, who are handcuffed, have hoods over their heads, and rifles trained on them. The van arrives at an airfield, where it meets a jet occupied by a CIA agent, Bill Wilson, (Aidan Gillen) and U.S. Special Ops soldiers from an extraction team, whom Dr. Pavel has cut a deal with. The CIA agent refuses to let the hooded prisoners come on his aircraft. The agent is told by the truck driver, Barsad (Josh Stewart), that they are mercenaries who work for the masked man. He takes it that the "masked man" is Bane, an infamous terrorist, and brings them on board.During the flight, Wilson interrogates the prisoners for information about Bane. He has one prisoner dragged to the cargo door and demands to know who paid the men to kidnap Dr. Pavel. When the man refuses to talk, Wilson pulls his pistol and fires a shot away from the man's head and pulls the man back inside. The second prisoner is pulled over to the door and given the same treatment. This time, Wilson asks him about the mask that Bane wears. The man fails to talk leading Wilson to believe he's "awfully loyal for a hired gun".At this point, the third prisoner - who sounds like he is talking through a voice amplifier- suggests that his comrade is wondering why would someone shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane? Wilson signals for one soldier to seal the door and asks this prisoner for his name. The hooded man says that it doesn't matter who he and his comrades are, but it's their plan that matters. As the man admits that "no one cared who I was 'til I put on the mask", Wilson removes his hood, revealing...
Movie title: Day of the Dead Context: Restless and alone in a brick-paved cubicle, Sarah sees a calendar before her on the wall. It is the month of October and every day is crossed out. While gazing at the image of a pumpkin patch, a dozen decayed arms punch through the wall clutching at her....She wakes from this surreal horror in the back of a helicopter. She's reminded she is living a real nightmare, looking down over a deserted Florida city, in which they land near an abandoned harbor. She is part of a team searching for survivors of a gruesome crisis that began almost a year earlier, a plague that started mysteriously and eventually collapsed human civilization. Her sometimes lover Miguel, an overworked and nerve-wracked soldier, calls for survivors on a bullhorn as they stand on the edge of the street of this now decaying town. Amid the scattered palm fronds, a newspaper blows in the death-scented wind near an early century federal building. It's big bold headline: THE DEAD WALK! (possibly one of the last papers ever printed).The unburied and/or recently dead have returned to life, attacking humans to devour their flesh, most of them becoming zombies, thus adding to their population. No scientist-no army, could contain or cure it. Now the only living creatures in the outside world are the alligators, tarantulas and land crabs that scavenge remains in the streets of this city of the living dead. The hundreds of wailing hordes of dead humans turn towards the bullhorn calls and en masse, march toward the survivors instinctively like cattle, forcing the team to head back to their sanctuary.The helicopter lands almost out of gas inside the military compound surrounded by wire fence. An army of the living dead have managed to find the post and surround the entrance gates, their numbers growing every day. Two more soldiers help secure the chopper, giving their new past times an afternoon break: Johnson, who reads the last issues of porno magazines while Torrez grows gardens of marijuana plants. John, the calm Jamaican pilot and his flask-swilling...
Question: Who is the lead scientist? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is the lead scientist? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Day of the Dead Context: Restless and alone in a brick-paved cubicle, Sarah sees a calendar before her on the wall. It is the month of October and every day is crossed out. While gazing at the image of a pumpkin patch, a dozen decayed arms punch through the wall clutching at her....She wakes from this surreal horror in the back of a helicopter. She's reminded she is living a real nightmare, looking down over a deserted Florida city, in which they land near an abandoned harbor. She is part of a team searching for survivors of a gruesome crisis that began almost a year earlier, a plague that started mysteriously and eventually collapsed human civilization. Her sometimes lover Miguel, an overworked and nerve-wracked soldier, calls for survivors on a bullhorn as they stand on the edge of the street of this now decaying town. Amid the scattered palm fronds, a newspaper blows in the death-scented wind near an early century federal building. It's big bold headline: THE DEAD WALK! (possibly one of the last papers ever printed).The unburied and/or recently dead have returned to life, attacking humans to devour their flesh, most of them becoming zombies, thus adding to their population. No scientist-no army, could contain or cure it. Now the only living creatures in the outside world are the alligators, tarantulas and land crabs that scavenge remains in the streets of this city of the living dead. The hundreds of wailing hordes of dead humans turn towards the bullhorn calls and en masse, march toward the survivors instinctively like cattle, forcing the team to head back to their sanctuary.The helicopter lands almost out of gas inside the military compound surrounded by wire fence. An army of the living dead have managed to find the post and surround the entrance gates, their numbers growing every day. Two more soldiers help secure the chopper, giving their new past times an afternoon break: Johnson, who reads the last issues of porno magazines while Torrez grows gardens of marijuana plants. John, the calm Jamaican pilot and his flask-swilling...
Movie title: Joshua Context: A black soldier returns from fighting for the Union in the Civil War only to find out that his mother has been murdered by a gang of white thugs. He becomes a bounty hunter, determined to track down and kill the men who killed his mother.
Question: Who writes a song about his plan? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who writes a song about his plan? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Joshua Context: A black soldier returns from fighting for the Union in the Civil War only to find out that his mother has been murdered by a gang of white thugs. He becomes a bounty hunter, determined to track down and kill the men who killed his mother.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Alphaville Context: A man arrives in a hotel very possessive about his white suitcase. This is Lemmy Caution (Eddie Constantine), an American private-eye, and he has arrived in Alphaville, a futuristic city on another planet.Here he meets Natacha von Braun (Anna Karina) and tried to arrange an interview with her father, saying he is a journalist.In the Red Star hotel he meets Henri Dickson (Akim Tamiroff), who tells him that there used to be artists, musicians et.c but today nothing at all.FULL TRANSCRIPT:Sometimes ...reality is too complex for oral communication But legend embodies it in a form which enables it to spread all over the world It was 24.17 Oceanic Time ...when I approached the suburbs of Alphaville [Sign:] Silence. Logic. Security. Prudence. Scene: Hotel Johnson:My paper reserved a room for me: Ivan Johnson -Which paper? -Figaro-Pravda Clerk: Room 344. Have you registered at Residents' Control? You must, even if you're a Festival visitor Johnson: Clear off! Seductress: You're tired, sir? You'd like to sleep, sir? If you're tired, you can rest, sir. The bedroom's here [Johnson checks the walls] Seductress: I'm checking if the Bible's here -Do you believe in all that? -Of course. Seductress: I'll put the tranquilizers in the bathroom I'm very well, thank you, you're welcome Seductress: -Will you take a bath? -Yes, I must think. I'll help you, sir I'll take your tie, sir Johnson: Now what? Seductress: I'll bathe you, if you like, sir Johnson: I'm a big boy, sweetie; I can find my own dames Clear off! [Spy concealed in bathroom:] Be polite to the ladies, Mister Johnson Johnson: Bloody hell, now what? Spy: Don't you fancy this kid? Johnson: How about your sister, Mister? [Johnson kills spy] I'm getting rusty What's the game? Are you on narcotics? Seductress: No, it's just normal Johnson: Everything weird is "normal" in this hole Sit in that chair [Johnson takes photograph of Seductress] Her name was Beatrice She said she was a Seductress, Third Class I was struck by her sad, yet hard, face Something's not in orbit in...
Question: the opening line of the film was an extract of? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: the opening line of the film was an extract of? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Alphaville Context: A man arrives in a hotel very possessive about his white suitcase. This is Lemmy Caution (Eddie Constantine), an American private-eye, and he has arrived in Alphaville, a futuristic city on another planet.Here he meets Natacha von Braun (Anna Karina) and tried to arrange an interview with her father, saying he is a journalist.In the Red Star hotel he meets Henri Dickson (Akim Tamiroff), who tells him that there used to be artists, musicians et.c but today nothing at all.FULL TRANSCRIPT:Sometimes ...reality is too complex for oral communication But legend embodies it in a form which enables it to spread all over the world It was 24.17 Oceanic Time ...when I approached the suburbs of Alphaville [Sign:] Silence. Logic. Security. Prudence. Scene: Hotel Johnson:My paper reserved a room for me: Ivan Johnson -Which paper? -Figaro-Pravda Clerk: Room 344. Have you registered at Residents' Control? You must, even if you're a Festival visitor Johnson: Clear off! Seductress: You're tired, sir? You'd like to sleep, sir? If you're tired, you can rest, sir. The bedroom's here [Johnson checks the walls] Seductress: I'm checking if the Bible's here -Do you believe in all that? -Of course. Seductress: I'll put the tranquilizers in the bathroom I'm very well, thank you, you're welcome Seductress: -Will you take a bath? -Yes, I must think. I'll help you, sir I'll take your tie, sir Johnson: Now what? Seductress: I'll bathe you, if you like, sir Johnson: I'm a big boy, sweetie; I can find my own dames Clear off! [Spy concealed in bathroom:] Be polite to the ladies, Mister Johnson Johnson: Bloody hell, now what? Spy: Don't you fancy this kid? Johnson: How about your sister, Mister? [Johnson kills spy] I'm getting rusty What's the game? Are you on narcotics? Seductress: No, it's just normal Johnson: Everything weird is "normal" in this hole Sit in that chair [Johnson takes photograph of Seductress] Her name was Beatrice She said she was a Seductress, Third Class I was struck by her sad, yet hard, face Something's not in orbit in...
about thirty years ago
Movie title: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Context: Note: this is an English-language adaptation of the Swedish novel trilogy by Stieg Larsson. But with the same setting in Stockholm, Sweden.On his birthday, Henrik Vanger (Christopher Plummer), retired CEO of Vanger Industries, receives a pressed flower in the mail from an anonymous sender and phones retired inspector Gustaf Morell (Donald Sumpter).Co-owner of the magazine Millennium, Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) is swarmed by reporters as he leaves a courthouse, having lost a libel suit leveled against him by corrupt businessman Hans-Erik Wennerstrom (Ulf Friberg). His reputation destroyed and his life savings gone, Blomkvist returns to the office and informs his co-owner Erika Berger (Robin Wright), who is also his lover, that he is resigning.Dirch Frode (Steven Berkoff), the attorney of Henrik Vanger, meets with Dragan Armansky (Goran Visnjic) at the headquarters of Milton Security, having requested a background check on Blomkvist. Armansky has arranged for Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), a girl in her twenties with multiple tattoos and facial piercings who is his best researcher and computer hacker, to come in and personally report her findings on Blomkvist.On Christmas Day, Blomkvist receives a phone call from Frode summoning him to the Vanger estate on Hedeby Island in Hedestad for a face-to-face meeting with Henrik. Upon his arrival, Henrik explains that he is interested in hiring Blomkvist to investigate the murder of his niece Harriet Vanger, who disappeared from the island over 40 years ago. Before she vanished, Harriet would give Henrik a pressed flower for his birthday every year, a tradition that he believes has been continued by the person responsible for her disappearance. Convinced that someone in the family murdered Harriet, Henrik will allow Blomkvist to conduct his investigation out of a cottage on the island, under the guise of writing a memoir about Henrik and his life. Blomkvist is reluctant to accept, until Henrik offers him incriminating evidence that would validate his claims...
Question: Whose computer does Salander access? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Whose computer does Salander access? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Context: Note: this is an English-language adaptation of the Swedish novel trilogy by Stieg Larsson. But with the same setting in Stockholm, Sweden.On his birthday, Henrik Vanger (Christopher Plummer), retired CEO of Vanger Industries, receives a pressed flower in the mail from an anonymous sender and phones retired inspector Gustaf Morell (Donald Sumpter).Co-owner of the magazine Millennium, Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) is swarmed by reporters as he leaves a courthouse, having lost a libel suit leveled against him by corrupt businessman Hans-Erik Wennerstrom (Ulf Friberg). His reputation destroyed and his life savings gone, Blomkvist returns to the office and informs his co-owner Erika Berger (Robin Wright), who is also his lover, that he is resigning.Dirch Frode (Steven Berkoff), the attorney of Henrik Vanger, meets with Dragan Armansky (Goran Visnjic) at the headquarters of Milton Security, having requested a background check on Blomkvist. Armansky has arranged for Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), a girl in her twenties with multiple tattoos and facial piercings who is his best researcher and computer hacker, to come in and personally report her findings on Blomkvist.On Christmas Day, Blomkvist receives a phone call from Frode summoning him to the Vanger estate on Hedeby Island in Hedestad for a face-to-face meeting with Henrik. Upon his arrival, Henrik explains that he is interested in hiring Blomkvist to investigate the murder of his niece Harriet Vanger, who disappeared from the island over 40 years ago. Before she vanished, Harriet would give Henrik a pressed flower for his birthday every year, a tradition that he believes has been continued by the person responsible for her disappearance. Convinced that someone in the family murdered Harriet, Henrik will allow Blomkvist to conduct his investigation out of a cottage on the island, under the guise of writing a memoir about Henrik and his life. Blomkvist is reluctant to accept, until Henrik offers him incriminating evidence that would validate his claims...
Movie title: Godzilla Raids Again Context: In a seaplane searching for tuna pilot, Tsukioka (Hiroshi Koizumi) appears to spot a school before circling a ship, and reporting his position to base. Hidemi (Setsuko Wakayama), the base radio operator flirts briefly with him, then makes arrangements for a date.Another seaplane develops engine trouble near the southern Islands, pilot Kobayashi (Minoru Chiakai) reports that he is going down for a crash landing. Hidemi contacts Tsukioka and orders him to begin searching for Kobayashi. Flying low over an island Tsukiokai sees Kobayashis plane intact on a beach and lands to investigate. Finding Kobayashi is uninjured they make plans to leave the island, the discussion is interrupted by a strange roaring noise followed by a huge creatures head poking between rock outcrops.Fleeing the scene, the men hide behind some rocks and watch the creature. Godzilla says Tsukioka. Continuing to watch, it becomes apparent that Godzilla is fighting another similar sized creature. During the battle, both animals slip and disappear into the ocean.Back in Osaka, the men a questioned about what they saw. The second creature is identified as an angilosaurs or angilas. This is the realization of Professor Yamanes (Takashu Shimura) greatest fear; he always believed that Godzilla was not a one of a kid creature, now he has evidence. It is known that Angilas was a clever creature with a great hatred of predatory animals, and the resumption of this hatred is what the pilots witnessedYamane then shows a series of films from Godzillas attack a few years before, and admits since the scientist who invented the oxygen destroyer is dead, they have no solutions for how to deal with the monster. Yamane then explains his theory that a second Godzilla with Angilas emerged because of a recent round of atomic tests. He recalls the original Godzilla was affected by bright emergency lights and seemed to make him angry. Yamane proposes that if the creature comes ashore in Tokyo to drop light bombs in front of the creature to lure it away.Overnight the...
Question: Where does Kobayashi dive his plane towards ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where does Kobayashi dive his plane towards ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Godzilla Raids Again Context: In a seaplane searching for tuna pilot, Tsukioka (Hiroshi Koizumi) appears to spot a school before circling a ship, and reporting his position to base. Hidemi (Setsuko Wakayama), the base radio operator flirts briefly with him, then makes arrangements for a date.Another seaplane develops engine trouble near the southern Islands, pilot Kobayashi (Minoru Chiakai) reports that he is going down for a crash landing. Hidemi contacts Tsukioka and orders him to begin searching for Kobayashi. Flying low over an island Tsukiokai sees Kobayashis plane intact on a beach and lands to investigate. Finding Kobayashi is uninjured they make plans to leave the island, the discussion is interrupted by a strange roaring noise followed by a huge creatures head poking between rock outcrops.Fleeing the scene, the men hide behind some rocks and watch the creature. Godzilla says Tsukioka. Continuing to watch, it becomes apparent that Godzilla is fighting another similar sized creature. During the battle, both animals slip and disappear into the ocean.Back in Osaka, the men a questioned about what they saw. The second creature is identified as an angilosaurs or angilas. This is the realization of Professor Yamanes (Takashu Shimura) greatest fear; he always believed that Godzilla was not a one of a kid creature, now he has evidence. It is known that Angilas was a clever creature with a great hatred of predatory animals, and the resumption of this hatred is what the pilots witnessedYamane then shows a series of films from Godzillas attack a few years before, and admits since the scientist who invented the oxygen destroyer is dead, they have no solutions for how to deal with the monster. Yamane then explains his theory that a second Godzilla with Angilas emerged because of a recent round of atomic tests. He recalls the original Godzilla was affected by bright emergency lights and seemed to make him angry. Yamane proposes that if the creature comes ashore in Tokyo to drop light bombs in front of the creature to lure it away.Overnight the...
an island
Movie title: The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner Context: "The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner" begins with Colin Smith (Tom Courtenay) running, alone, along a bleak country road somewhere in rural England. In a brief voiceover, Colin tells us that running is the way his family has always coped with the world's troubles, but that in the end, the runner is always alone and cut off from spectators, left to deal with life on his own.Next, we see Colin in handcuffs with a group of other similarly encumbered young men. They are being taken to Ruxton Towers, what we would today term a medium security prison for young juvenile offenders. It is overseen by "The Governor" (Michael Redgrave), who believes that the hard work and discipline imposed on his charges will ultimately make them useful members of society. Colin, sullen and rebellious, immediately catches his eye as a test of his beliefs.An important part of The Governor's rehabilitation program is athletics, and he soon notices that Colin is a talented runner, able to easily outrun Ruxton's reigning long distance runner. As The Governor was once a runner himself, he is especially keen on Colin's abilities because for the first time, his charges have been invited to compete in a five-mile marathon against a nearby public school, Ranley, and its privileged students from upper class families. The Governor sees the invitation as an important way to demonstrate the success of his rehabilitation program.As the Governor takes Colin under his wing, offering him outdoor gardening work and eventually the freedom of practice runs outside Ruxton's barbed wire fences, we learn in a series of flashbacks how Colin came to be incarcerated. We see his difficult, economically strained family life in a lower-class workers' complex in industrial Nottingham. Without a job, Colin indulges in petty crimes in the company of his best friend, Mike (James Bolam). Meanwhile, at home, his father's long years of toil in a local factory have resulted in a terminal illness for which his father refuses treatment. Colin is angered by the...
Question: Where would Mike like to go for another outing? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where would Mike like to go for another outing? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner Context: "The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner" begins with Colin Smith (Tom Courtenay) running, alone, along a bleak country road somewhere in rural England. In a brief voiceover, Colin tells us that running is the way his family has always coped with the world's troubles, but that in the end, the runner is always alone and cut off from spectators, left to deal with life on his own.Next, we see Colin in handcuffs with a group of other similarly encumbered young men. They are being taken to Ruxton Towers, what we would today term a medium security prison for young juvenile offenders. It is overseen by "The Governor" (Michael Redgrave), who believes that the hard work and discipline imposed on his charges will ultimately make them useful members of society. Colin, sullen and rebellious, immediately catches his eye as a test of his beliefs.An important part of The Governor's rehabilitation program is athletics, and he soon notices that Colin is a talented runner, able to easily outrun Ruxton's reigning long distance runner. As The Governor was once a runner himself, he is especially keen on Colin's abilities because for the first time, his charges have been invited to compete in a five-mile marathon against a nearby public school, Ranley, and its privileged students from upper class families. The Governor sees the invitation as an important way to demonstrate the success of his rehabilitation program.As the Governor takes Colin under his wing, offering him outdoor gardening work and eventually the freedom of practice runs outside Ruxton's barbed wire fences, we learn in a series of flashbacks how Colin came to be incarcerated. We see his difficult, economically strained family life in a lower-class workers' complex in industrial Nottingham. Without a job, Colin indulges in petty crimes in the company of his best friend, Mike (James Bolam). Meanwhile, at home, his father's long years of toil in a local factory have resulted in a terminal illness for which his father refuses treatment. Colin is angered by the...
Movie title: Wanted Context: Wanted movie revolves around Unni (Madhu Warrier), Nandu (Aravindan), Mani (Nishanth Sagar) and Chupran (Aniyappan) who are friends who are unemployed but have a lot of liabilities in life. Unni aspires to become a police officer while Nandu wants to go to the Middle East. Mani is a loner who is willing to take any risk in life to make fast money and Chupran is taunted by his parents at home. Anu (Suchitha) is also in their gang and she needs money for her father?s (Bharath Gopi) heart operation. Meanwhile, Mohammed Ibrahim, a dreaded don who is wanted by the Mumbai police, flees to Kerala and lands in the same city. There is a sum of Rs 75 Lakhs announced on his head by the police but Ibrahim hatches a plan to escape from India, by hijacking a plane with a union minister in it. He promises money to the young gang and seeks their help but in a fantastic twist in the aircraft, they kidnap Ibrahim for the bounty he carries! But little do they realise that the criminals were hand-in-glove with the state police who try to track the youngsters. Now there is Narayana Swamy (Mohanlal), a sincere and efficient CBI officer from Mumbai who is out to track down Ibrahim.
Question: Who is the group's leader? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is the group's leader? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Wanted Context: Wanted movie revolves around Unni (Madhu Warrier), Nandu (Aravindan), Mani (Nishanth Sagar) and Chupran (Aniyappan) who are friends who are unemployed but have a lot of liabilities in life. Unni aspires to become a police officer while Nandu wants to go to the Middle East. Mani is a loner who is willing to take any risk in life to make fast money and Chupran is taunted by his parents at home. Anu (Suchitha) is also in their gang and she needs money for her father?s (Bharath Gopi) heart operation. Meanwhile, Mohammed Ibrahim, a dreaded don who is wanted by the Mumbai police, flees to Kerala and lands in the same city. There is a sum of Rs 75 Lakhs announced on his head by the police but Ibrahim hatches a plan to escape from India, by hijacking a plane with a union minister in it. He promises money to the young gang and seeks their help but in a fantastic twist in the aircraft, they kidnap Ibrahim for the bounty he carries! But little do they realise that the criminals were hand-in-glove with the state police who try to track the youngsters. Now there is Narayana Swamy (Mohanlal), a sincere and efficient CBI officer from Mumbai who is out to track down Ibrahim.
Movie title: Invasion of the Body Snatchers Context: An apparently delusional and paranoid Dr. Miles Bennell (Kevin McCarthy) has been arrested on a California highway and taken to a local hospital's psychiatric ward. There he tells a psychiatrist, Dr. Hill (Whit Bissell), and the attending physician, Dr. Bassett (Richard Deacon) his fantastic story.Several days earlier, Miles had been called home to Santa Mira from a medical convention. His nurse, Sally Withers (Jean Willes) told him that several patients had come in frantically insisting that their relatives and friends were not who they seemed to be. On the way to the office, Miles and Sally nearly ran over young Jimmy Grimaldi (Bobby Clark) who was fleeing from his mother (Eileen Stevens). Mrs. Grimaldi says Jimmy simply didn't want to go to school. Miles was sad to see that the Grimaldis had shut down their vegetable stand because it was too much work.Later, at his office, Miles learned that many of the patients begging for his return claimed they no longer needed his services. A former girlfriend, Becky Driscoll (Dana Wynter) stopped by. She told him that her cousin, Wilma (Virginia Christine), insisted that her father, Ira (Tom Fadden), wasn't who he seemed to be. Miles agreed to visit Wilma later. Miles and Becky chatted, revealing that they both had recently divorced. After lunch, Jimmy Grimaldi was brought to Miles's office by his grandmother. He insisted that his mother was not really his mother. Suspicious, Miles gave the boy a sedative and told his grandmother to keep the boy at her house that night.Miles and Becky visited Ira and Wilma. Miles admitted his examination of Ira led him to conclude that it was indeed Ira. Wilma insisted that although nothing physically or mentally seemed different about him, his emotional connection to her was wrong. Wilma agreed to see a psychiatrist to discuss her concerns. That night, Becky and Miles went to dinner and encountered the town psychiatrist, Dan Kauffman (Larry Gates), in the parking lot. He mentioned that he too had seen many perplexing cases of people...
Question: What disease are Dr Miles Bennell's patients suffering from ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What disease are Dr Miles Bennell's patients suffering from ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Invasion of the Body Snatchers Context: An apparently delusional and paranoid Dr. Miles Bennell (Kevin McCarthy) has been arrested on a California highway and taken to a local hospital's psychiatric ward. There he tells a psychiatrist, Dr. Hill (Whit Bissell), and the attending physician, Dr. Bassett (Richard Deacon) his fantastic story.Several days earlier, Miles had been called home to Santa Mira from a medical convention. His nurse, Sally Withers (Jean Willes) told him that several patients had come in frantically insisting that their relatives and friends were not who they seemed to be. On the way to the office, Miles and Sally nearly ran over young Jimmy Grimaldi (Bobby Clark) who was fleeing from his mother (Eileen Stevens). Mrs. Grimaldi says Jimmy simply didn't want to go to school. Miles was sad to see that the Grimaldis had shut down their vegetable stand because it was too much work.Later, at his office, Miles learned that many of the patients begging for his return claimed they no longer needed his services. A former girlfriend, Becky Driscoll (Dana Wynter) stopped by. She told him that her cousin, Wilma (Virginia Christine), insisted that her father, Ira (Tom Fadden), wasn't who he seemed to be. Miles agreed to visit Wilma later. Miles and Becky chatted, revealing that they both had recently divorced. After lunch, Jimmy Grimaldi was brought to Miles's office by his grandmother. He insisted that his mother was not really his mother. Suspicious, Miles gave the boy a sedative and told his grandmother to keep the boy at her house that night.Miles and Becky visited Ira and Wilma. Miles admitted his examination of Ira led him to conclude that it was indeed Ira. Wilma insisted that although nothing physically or mentally seemed different about him, his emotional connection to her was wrong. Wilma agreed to see a psychiatrist to discuss her concerns. That night, Becky and Miles went to dinner and encountered the town psychiatrist, Dan Kauffman (Larry Gates), in the parking lot. He mentioned that he too had seen many perplexing cases of people...
He is not suffering from anything.
Movie title: Georgia Rule Context: Rebellious teenager Rachel screams, swears and drinks; she is, in a word, uncontrollable. With her latest car crash, Rachel has broken the final rule in her mother Lily's San Francisco home. With nowhere else to take the impulsive and rambunctious girl, Lily hauls her daughter to the one place she swore she'd never return—her own mother's house in Idaho. Matriarch Georgia lives her life by a number of unbreakable rules—God comes first, and hard work comes a very close second—and wants that anyone who shares her home do the same. Now saddled with raising the young woman, it requires each patient breath she takes to understand Rachel's fury. Georgia arranges a job for Rachel as the office girl of Dr. Simon Ward, the local veterinarian, who also unofficially treats people. His two nephews Sam and Ethan are often at Georgia's house. Simon does not show interest in Rachel or other women, so she thinks he is gay. However, Simon's sister Paula reveals that he is still mourning the death of his wife and son who were killed in a car collision three years earlier. He refuses to have sex with Rachel even when she tries to seduce him, but feels some passion for her mother Lily, with whom he has dated in the past. Rachel performs oral sex on Harlan Wilson, who, not yet being married, was still a virgin because of his LDS (Mormon) religion. He confesses to his LDS girlfriend, who is shocked. A team of LDS girls spy on Harlan to make sure he does not "have sex" again. After what seems like a run over using Harlan's truck, Rachel soon explains to them that what happened was over and that they can go back to having their summer fun. They agree to do so if Rachel goes home. Rachel threatens them by saying if they have anything to do with her and Harlan again she will find all of their boyfriends and "fuck them stupid", at which point they stop insulting her and stop spying on Harlan. While trying to make a point to Simon about survival, Rachel bluntly says that her stepfather Arnold sexually molested and raped her from...
Question: What is Simon's profession? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is Simon's profession? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Georgia Rule Context: Rebellious teenager Rachel screams, swears and drinks; she is, in a word, uncontrollable. With her latest car crash, Rachel has broken the final rule in her mother Lily's San Francisco home. With nowhere else to take the impulsive and rambunctious girl, Lily hauls her daughter to the one place she swore she'd never return—her own mother's house in Idaho. Matriarch Georgia lives her life by a number of unbreakable rules—God comes first, and hard work comes a very close second—and wants that anyone who shares her home do the same. Now saddled with raising the young woman, it requires each patient breath she takes to understand Rachel's fury. Georgia arranges a job for Rachel as the office girl of Dr. Simon Ward, the local veterinarian, who also unofficially treats people. His two nephews Sam and Ethan are often at Georgia's house. Simon does not show interest in Rachel or other women, so she thinks he is gay. However, Simon's sister Paula reveals that he is still mourning the death of his wife and son who were killed in a car collision three years earlier. He refuses to have sex with Rachel even when she tries to seduce him, but feels some passion for her mother Lily, with whom he has dated in the past. Rachel performs oral sex on Harlan Wilson, who, not yet being married, was still a virgin because of his LDS (Mormon) religion. He confesses to his LDS girlfriend, who is shocked. A team of LDS girls spy on Harlan to make sure he does not "have sex" again. After what seems like a run over using Harlan's truck, Rachel soon explains to them that what happened was over and that they can go back to having their summer fun. They agree to do so if Rachel goes home. Rachel threatens them by saying if they have anything to do with her and Harlan again she will find all of their boyfriends and "fuck them stupid", at which point they stop insulting her and stop spying on Harlan. While trying to make a point to Simon about survival, Rachel bluntly says that her stepfather Arnold sexually molested and raped her from...
Movie title: The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Context: This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (October 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Five years after the first film, Crown Princess of Genovia Amelia "Mia" Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) has just graduated from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School and is returning to Genovia with her bodyguard Joe (Héctor Elizondo). There, she will await her reign once her grandmother, Queen Clarisse (Julie Andrews), steps down as Queen. During Mia's 21st birthday party, she dances with all the eligible bachelors in hope of finding a husband. She becomes attracted to a handsome gentleman named Nicholas (Chris Pine). During the course of the night, Mia's tiara falls off and is caught by Parliament member Viscount Mabrey (John Rhys-Davies) who secretly plans to steal Mia's crown. While the Parliament is in-session the next morning, Mia stumbles upon a hidden room that allows her to secretly listen in. Viscount Mabrey reveals his nephew, Lord Devereaux, is another heir to the Genovian throne. Despite Queen Clarisse's objection, the only way Mia can assume her duties as Queen is if she marries within the month. Clarisse invites Lord Devereaux to stay at the palace, while Mia is shocked to discover Lord Devereaux is Nicholas. Mia's best friend Lilly Moscovitz (Heather Matarazzo) surprises her by visiting. Together, they pick through potential husbands. Mia eventually chooses Andrew Jacoby (Callum Blue), Duke of Kenilworth and days later they are engaged. Mabrey plans to have Nicholas woo Mia and dissolve the engagement. For a ceremony, Mia is to ride sidesaddle but does not know how. Queen Clarisse provides an ancestral wooden leg decoy to make it look like she's riding sidesaddle. Mabrey spooks Mia's horse with a rubber snake and Joe rushes to Mia's aide, but accidentally tears off the wooden leg. Humiliated, Mia flees to the stables, where Nicholas fails to comfort her. At a garden party,...
Question: Who encourages Mia to sneak out? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who encourages Mia to sneak out? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Context: This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (October 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Five years after the first film, Crown Princess of Genovia Amelia "Mia" Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) has just graduated from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School and is returning to Genovia with her bodyguard Joe (Héctor Elizondo). There, she will await her reign once her grandmother, Queen Clarisse (Julie Andrews), steps down as Queen. During Mia's 21st birthday party, she dances with all the eligible bachelors in hope of finding a husband. She becomes attracted to a handsome gentleman named Nicholas (Chris Pine). During the course of the night, Mia's tiara falls off and is caught by Parliament member Viscount Mabrey (John Rhys-Davies) who secretly plans to steal Mia's crown. While the Parliament is in-session the next morning, Mia stumbles upon a hidden room that allows her to secretly listen in. Viscount Mabrey reveals his nephew, Lord Devereaux, is another heir to the Genovian throne. Despite Queen Clarisse's objection, the only way Mia can assume her duties as Queen is if she marries within the month. Clarisse invites Lord Devereaux to stay at the palace, while Mia is shocked to discover Lord Devereaux is Nicholas. Mia's best friend Lilly Moscovitz (Heather Matarazzo) surprises her by visiting. Together, they pick through potential husbands. Mia eventually chooses Andrew Jacoby (Callum Blue), Duke of Kenilworth and days later they are engaged. Mabrey plans to have Nicholas woo Mia and dissolve the engagement. For a ceremony, Mia is to ride sidesaddle but does not know how. Queen Clarisse provides an ancestral wooden leg decoy to make it look like she's riding sidesaddle. Mabrey spooks Mia's horse with a rubber snake and Joe rushes to Mia's aide, but accidentally tears off the wooden leg. Humiliated, Mia flees to the stables, where Nicholas fails to comfort her. At a garden party,...
Lilly Moscovitz (Heather Matarazzo)
Movie title: Layer Cake Context: Daniel Craig's character, Mr. XXXX (his name is not mentioned, and will be henceforth referred to as Craig) opens the movie, with a narration into the illicit drug industry and the billions of dollars it is worth. He doesn't reveal his name, because "If I told you that, then you'd be as wise as me." He considers himself a 'businessman whose commodity happens to be cocaine- not a gangster.' We discover that Craig is a middle-man drug dealer, who is planning on an early retirement having earned a nice little fortune for himself.We're then introduced to the various people in Craig's world. The camera cuts to a group of 'loud wannabe gangsters' in Amsterdam, one slightly crazy Duke who works in the Craig organization, his girlfriend Slasher, and second in command, Gazza. We also meet Morty (George Harris) and Terry (Tamer Hassan), two guys who watch Craig's back. Morty is a thug like character, with ties to the criminal world. We then see Craig paying his head supplier, Jimmy Price, and the payment is picked up by Price's right hand man, Gene (Colm Meaney). Gene mentions that Price wants to meet up with Craig for lunch.Over lunch, Price gives Craig an assignment- to find the daughter of one of his dear old pals, Eddie Temple (Michael Gambon, aka Dumbledore). She's hooked on cocaine and has gone missing somewhere. Craig is reluctant to take the job, but Price basically forces him to take the job. Meanwhile, we find that the crazy Duke and Slasher have hijacked a shipment of a million Ecstasy pills from a bunch of Serbians, who are understandably pissed that they've been robbed. Unfortunately for Craig, during the hijacking, Duke carelessly throws Craig's name around, which is the start of many troubles for Craig. The Serbians hire a hitman named 'Dragan', who has a penchant for putting his victims' heads into coolers, to track down the responsible. Furthermore, Price wants Craig to negotiate a purchase with Duke for the stolen pills.Craig meets two pals in a club, Cody and Tiptoes, to ask them to find Temple's...
Question: What did Cody and Tiptoes receive in exchange for the drugs? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What did Cody and Tiptoes receive in exchange for the drugs? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Layer Cake Context: Daniel Craig's character, Mr. XXXX (his name is not mentioned, and will be henceforth referred to as Craig) opens the movie, with a narration into the illicit drug industry and the billions of dollars it is worth. He doesn't reveal his name, because "If I told you that, then you'd be as wise as me." He considers himself a 'businessman whose commodity happens to be cocaine- not a gangster.' We discover that Craig is a middle-man drug dealer, who is planning on an early retirement having earned a nice little fortune for himself.We're then introduced to the various people in Craig's world. The camera cuts to a group of 'loud wannabe gangsters' in Amsterdam, one slightly crazy Duke who works in the Craig organization, his girlfriend Slasher, and second in command, Gazza. We also meet Morty (George Harris) and Terry (Tamer Hassan), two guys who watch Craig's back. Morty is a thug like character, with ties to the criminal world. We then see Craig paying his head supplier, Jimmy Price, and the payment is picked up by Price's right hand man, Gene (Colm Meaney). Gene mentions that Price wants to meet up with Craig for lunch.Over lunch, Price gives Craig an assignment- to find the daughter of one of his dear old pals, Eddie Temple (Michael Gambon, aka Dumbledore). She's hooked on cocaine and has gone missing somewhere. Craig is reluctant to take the job, but Price basically forces him to take the job. Meanwhile, we find that the crazy Duke and Slasher have hijacked a shipment of a million Ecstasy pills from a bunch of Serbians, who are understandably pissed that they've been robbed. Unfortunately for Craig, during the hijacking, Duke carelessly throws Craig's name around, which is the start of many troubles for Craig. The Serbians hire a hitman named 'Dragan', who has a penchant for putting his victims' heads into coolers, to track down the responsible. Furthermore, Price wants Craig to negotiate a purchase with Duke for the stolen pills.Craig meets two pals in a club, Cody and Tiptoes, to ask them to find Temple's...
for a fee
Movie title: Classmates Context: Ravi (Sumanth), Raaji (Sadha), Satish (Ravi Varma), Razia (Kamalinee Mukherjee), and Baddu (Sunil) were classmates of 90's batch and meet after ten years for a get-together arranged by their professor Kota Srinivasa rao. Now everyone was present except for Murali (Sharwanand), who died of asthmatic attack during last semester of their college. Slowly their flashbacks start to reveal and exposes their relationships. While in college Ravi and Raaji used to fight but fall in love some time after. Satish wants to pursue career in politics and wants to move close with Raaji, who was the daughter of a political leader. He encourages Raaji to nominate in college elections, opposite to Ravi. This slowly leads to fights between Raaji and Ravi. One day during a commotion Ravi suffocates Murali, mistaking him for a goon in darkness. Murali, who was an asthmatic dies in that shock. Ravi comes to know of his mistake later and repentantly leaves the college without telling anyone. Everybody, including Murali's father (Kota Srinivasa rao) thinks that Murali just died of an asthmatic attack. Raaji thinks that Ravi left college because of their fights. She tries to find his whereabouts but fails. Satish later confesses to her that he willingly caused fights between them to help her win but he never intended them to separate. In the present day, somebody attacks Ravi in darkness and tries to strangulate him. Police investigate but find no clue. Gradually it is revealed that Razia, shy and reserved girl tried to kill Ravi. She happens to overhear conversation between Ravi and Raaju, and comes to know that Ravi was the cause of Murali's death. Razia and Murali were sweethearts and even made plans to escape together on the night of his death. Her life becomes miserable after that and she still mourns Murali's death. Ravi apologizes for killing Murali unknowingly and Razia forgives him. She also asks Ravi for an apology and Murali's parents adopt her as a daughter. Ravi and Raaji reconcile too and marry. Everyone leaves happily...
Question: What class does the group attend? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What class does the group attend? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Classmates Context: Ravi (Sumanth), Raaji (Sadha), Satish (Ravi Varma), Razia (Kamalinee Mukherjee), and Baddu (Sunil) were classmates of 90's batch and meet after ten years for a get-together arranged by their professor Kota Srinivasa rao. Now everyone was present except for Murali (Sharwanand), who died of asthmatic attack during last semester of their college. Slowly their flashbacks start to reveal and exposes their relationships. While in college Ravi and Raaji used to fight but fall in love some time after. Satish wants to pursue career in politics and wants to move close with Raaji, who was the daughter of a political leader. He encourages Raaji to nominate in college elections, opposite to Ravi. This slowly leads to fights between Raaji and Ravi. One day during a commotion Ravi suffocates Murali, mistaking him for a goon in darkness. Murali, who was an asthmatic dies in that shock. Ravi comes to know of his mistake later and repentantly leaves the college without telling anyone. Everybody, including Murali's father (Kota Srinivasa rao) thinks that Murali just died of an asthmatic attack. Raaji thinks that Ravi left college because of their fights. She tries to find his whereabouts but fails. Satish later confesses to her that he willingly caused fights between them to help her win but he never intended them to separate. In the present day, somebody attacks Ravi in darkness and tries to strangulate him. Police investigate but find no clue. Gradually it is revealed that Razia, shy and reserved girl tried to kill Ravi. She happens to overhear conversation between Ravi and Raaju, and comes to know that Ravi was the cause of Murali's death. Razia and Murali were sweethearts and even made plans to escape together on the night of his death. Her life becomes miserable after that and she still mourns Murali's death. Ravi apologizes for killing Murali unknowingly and Razia forgives him. She also asks Ravi for an apology and Murali's parents adopt her as a daughter. Ravi and Raaji reconcile too and marry. Everyone leaves happily...
A political course
Movie title: Halloween Context: The film opens with a brief opening title/credits sequence showing a Jack-o-Lantern accompanied by John Carpenter's famous theme music. The shot slowly moves closer and closer. Once it stops, the lighting quickly changes to reveal that the eye and nose form the shape of a man holding a knife.The film begins on October 31, 1963, a cold Halloween night in Haddonfield, Illinois. In the middle of a street stands a two-story white Victorian house. Someone begins walking toward it, and sees a 17-year-old Judith Margaret Myers (Sandy Johnson) through the front door, kissing her boyfriend (David Kyle) passionately. As they move towards the couch in the living room, the person outside follows them around the side of the house and watches through the window. The boyfriend asks Judith if they are alone and she replies that someone by the name of Michael is around someplace. Her boyfriend puts on a clown mask jokingly and kisses her. She laughs and tells him to take it off and he suggests that they go upstairs to have sex. They run up the staircase as the person outside the house follows them back around to the front. The Shape sees the light in the upstairs window go out and begins swiftly walking back to the side of the house through the kitchen door. Quickly, the Shape opens a drawer and grabs a very sharp knife. It begins slowly creeping through the dining and living rooms and reaches the bottom of the staircase. There, Judith's boyfriend is putting his shirt back on and leaving the house. Judith calls down the staircase for him to call her the next day. He takes one last look upward and quietly leaves. As soon as this happens, the shape begins walking up the stairs into the dark hallway. Looking down, it sees the clown mask on the floor. The Shape picks it up and pulls it over its face. Entering Judith's bedroom, it sees her sitting in front of her mirror, nude except for a pair of panties, brushing her hair. She has her back to the shape and is unaware that it is standing there. The Shape walks up behind her and...
Question: What sort of doctor is Dr. Sam Loomis? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What sort of doctor is Dr. Sam Loomis? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Halloween Context: The film opens with a brief opening title/credits sequence showing a Jack-o-Lantern accompanied by John Carpenter's famous theme music. The shot slowly moves closer and closer. Once it stops, the lighting quickly changes to reveal that the eye and nose form the shape of a man holding a knife.The film begins on October 31, 1963, a cold Halloween night in Haddonfield, Illinois. In the middle of a street stands a two-story white Victorian house. Someone begins walking toward it, and sees a 17-year-old Judith Margaret Myers (Sandy Johnson) through the front door, kissing her boyfriend (David Kyle) passionately. As they move towards the couch in the living room, the person outside follows them around the side of the house and watches through the window. The boyfriend asks Judith if they are alone and she replies that someone by the name of Michael is around someplace. Her boyfriend puts on a clown mask jokingly and kisses her. She laughs and tells him to take it off and he suggests that they go upstairs to have sex. They run up the staircase as the person outside the house follows them back around to the front. The Shape sees the light in the upstairs window go out and begins swiftly walking back to the side of the house through the kitchen door. Quickly, the Shape opens a drawer and grabs a very sharp knife. It begins slowly creeping through the dining and living rooms and reaches the bottom of the staircase. There, Judith's boyfriend is putting his shirt back on and leaving the house. Judith calls down the staircase for him to call her the next day. He takes one last look upward and quietly leaves. As soon as this happens, the shape begins walking up the stairs into the dark hallway. Looking down, it sees the clown mask on the floor. The Shape picks it up and pulls it over its face. Entering Judith's bedroom, it sees her sitting in front of her mirror, nude except for a pair of panties, brushing her hair. She has her back to the shape and is unaware that it is standing there. The Shape walks up behind her and...
A psychiatrist
Movie title: Rachel Getting Married Context: Kym Buchman (Anne Hathaway) is released from drug rehab for a few days so she can go home to attend the wedding of her sister Rachel (Rosemarie DeWitt). At home, the atmosphere is strained between Kym and her family members as they struggle to reconcile themselves with her past and present. Kym's father Paul (Bill Irwin) shows intense concern for her well-being and whereabouts, which Kym interprets as mistrust. Kym also resents her sister's choice of her best friend to be her maid of honor instead of her. Rachel, for her part, resents the attention her sister's drug addiction is drawing away from her wedding, a resentment that comes to a head at the rehearsal dinner, where Kym, amid toasts from friends and family, takes the microphone to offer an apology for her past actions, as part of her twelve-step program. Underlying the family's dynamic is a tragedy that occurred years previously, which Kym retells at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. As a teenager, Kym was responsible for the death of her younger brother Ethan, who was left in her care one day; driving home from a nearby park, an intoxicated Kym had lost control of the car, driving over a bridge and into a lake, where her brother drowned. The day before the wedding, as Rachel, Kym, and the other bridesmaids are getting their hair done, Kym is approached by a man whom she knew from an earlier stint in rehab. He thanks her for the strength she gave him through a story about having been molested by an uncle and having cared for her sister, who was anorexic. Rachel, hearing this, storms out of the hair salon. The story turns out to be a lie, an apparent attempt by Kym to evade responsibility for her addiction. The tension between the sisters comes to a head later that night at their father's house, when Kym comes home. Rachel reveals she has never forgiven Kym for their brother's death, and suggests that Kym's rehab has been a hoax since she has been lying about the cause of her problems. Kym finally admits responsibility for Ethan's death and reveals that...
Question: What is Kym's mothers name? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is Kym's mothers name? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Rachel Getting Married Context: Kym Buchman (Anne Hathaway) is released from drug rehab for a few days so she can go home to attend the wedding of her sister Rachel (Rosemarie DeWitt). At home, the atmosphere is strained between Kym and her family members as they struggle to reconcile themselves with her past and present. Kym's father Paul (Bill Irwin) shows intense concern for her well-being and whereabouts, which Kym interprets as mistrust. Kym also resents her sister's choice of her best friend to be her maid of honor instead of her. Rachel, for her part, resents the attention her sister's drug addiction is drawing away from her wedding, a resentment that comes to a head at the rehearsal dinner, where Kym, amid toasts from friends and family, takes the microphone to offer an apology for her past actions, as part of her twelve-step program. Underlying the family's dynamic is a tragedy that occurred years previously, which Kym retells at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. As a teenager, Kym was responsible for the death of her younger brother Ethan, who was left in her care one day; driving home from a nearby park, an intoxicated Kym had lost control of the car, driving over a bridge and into a lake, where her brother drowned. The day before the wedding, as Rachel, Kym, and the other bridesmaids are getting their hair done, Kym is approached by a man whom she knew from an earlier stint in rehab. He thanks her for the strength she gave him through a story about having been molested by an uncle and having cared for her sister, who was anorexic. Rachel, hearing this, storms out of the hair salon. The story turns out to be a lie, an apparent attempt by Kym to evade responsibility for her addiction. The tension between the sisters comes to a head later that night at their father's house, when Kym comes home. Rachel reveals she has never forgiven Kym for their brother's death, and suggests that Kym's rehab has been a hoax since she has been lying about the cause of her problems. Kym finally admits responsibility for Ethan's death and reveals that...
Movie title: Ordinary People Context: The Jarretts are an upper-middle-class family in suburban Chicago trying to return to normal life after the death of one teenage son and the attempted suicide of their surviving son, Conrad (Timothy Hutton). Conrad has recently returned home from a four-month stay in a psychiatric hospital. He feels alienated from his friends and family and begins seeing a psychiatrist, Dr. Berger (Judd Hirsch). Berger learns that Conrad was involved in a sailing accident in which his older brother, Buck, whom everyone idolized, died. Conrad now deals with post-traumatic stress disorder and survivor's guilt. Conrad's father, Calvin (Donald Sutherland), awkwardly tries to connect with his surviving son and understand his wife. Conrad's mother, Beth (Mary Tyler Moore), denies her loss, hoping to maintain her composure and restore her family to what it once was. She appears to have loved her older son more (though perhaps more what he represented), and because of the suicide attempt, has grown cold toward Conrad. She is determined to maintain the appearance of perfection and normality. Conrad works with Dr. Berger and learns to try to deal with, rather than control, his emotions. He starts dating a fellow student, Jeannine (Elizabeth McGovern), who helps him to begin to regain a sense of optimism. Conrad, however, still struggles to communicate and re-establish a normal relationship with his parents and schoolmates, including Stillman (Adam Baldwin), with whom he gets into a fist fight. He cannot seem to allow anyone, especially Beth, to get close. Beth makes several constrained attempts to appeal to Conrad for some semblance of normality, but she ends up being cold and unaffectionate towards him. She is consistently more interested in getting back to "normal" than in helping her son heal. Mother and son often argue while Calvin tries to referee, generally taking Conrad's side for fear of pushing him over the edge again. Things come to a climax near Christmas, when Conrad becomes furious at Beth for not wanting to take a photo...
Question: What is the name of the actor who played Dr. Berger? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is the name of the actor who played Dr. Berger? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Ordinary People Context: The Jarretts are an upper-middle-class family in suburban Chicago trying to return to normal life after the death of one teenage son and the attempted suicide of their surviving son, Conrad (Timothy Hutton). Conrad has recently returned home from a four-month stay in a psychiatric hospital. He feels alienated from his friends and family and begins seeing a psychiatrist, Dr. Berger (Judd Hirsch). Berger learns that Conrad was involved in a sailing accident in which his older brother, Buck, whom everyone idolized, died. Conrad now deals with post-traumatic stress disorder and survivor's guilt. Conrad's father, Calvin (Donald Sutherland), awkwardly tries to connect with his surviving son and understand his wife. Conrad's mother, Beth (Mary Tyler Moore), denies her loss, hoping to maintain her composure and restore her family to what it once was. She appears to have loved her older son more (though perhaps more what he represented), and because of the suicide attempt, has grown cold toward Conrad. She is determined to maintain the appearance of perfection and normality. Conrad works with Dr. Berger and learns to try to deal with, rather than control, his emotions. He starts dating a fellow student, Jeannine (Elizabeth McGovern), who helps him to begin to regain a sense of optimism. Conrad, however, still struggles to communicate and re-establish a normal relationship with his parents and schoolmates, including Stillman (Adam Baldwin), with whom he gets into a fist fight. He cannot seem to allow anyone, especially Beth, to get close. Beth makes several constrained attempts to appeal to Conrad for some semblance of normality, but she ends up being cold and unaffectionate towards him. She is consistently more interested in getting back to "normal" than in helping her son heal. Mother and son often argue while Calvin tries to referee, generally taking Conrad's side for fear of pushing him over the edge again. Things come to a climax near Christmas, when Conrad becomes furious at Beth for not wanting to take a photo...
Judd Hirsch
Movie title: Jailhouse Rock Context: Construction worker Vince Everett (Elvis) accidentally kills a drunken and belligerent man in a barroom brawl. He is sentenced to two years in the state penitentiary for manslaughter. His cellmate, washed-up country singer Hunk Houghton (Shaughnessy) who was jailed for bank robbery, starts teaching Vince to play the guitar after hearing Vince sing and strum Hunk's guitar. Hunk then convinces Vince to participate in an upcoming inmate show, which is broadcast on nationwide television. Vince receives numerous fan letters as a result; but out of apparent jealousy, Hunk ensures they are not delivered to Vince. Hunk then convinces Vince to sign a "contract" to become equal partners in his act. Meanwhile, during an inmate riot in the mess hall, a guard shoves Vince, who retaliates by striking the guard. As a result, the warden orders Vince to be lashed with a whip. Afterwards, it was discovered that Hunk attempted to bribe the guards to drop the punishment, but to no avail. Elvis Presley as Vince Everett talks to Mickey Shaughnessy as Hunk Houghton in their cell. Upon Vince's release 20 months later, the warden gives Vince his fan mail. Hunk then promises Vince a singing job at a nightclub owned by a friend, where Vince meets Peggy Van Alden (Tyler), a promoter for pop singer Mickey Alba. Vince is surprised when the club owner denies him a job as a singer but offers him a job as a bar boy. Undeterred, Vince takes the stage when the house band takes a break and starts singing "Young and Beautiful." But one of the customers laughs obnoxiously throughout the performance, enraging Vince, who smashes his guitar on the customer's table and leaves the club. Peggy follows Vince and persuades him to record a demo so that he can listen to himself sing. Vince records "Don't Leave Me Now," which Peggy takes to Geneva Records. The manager seems unimpressed, but he reluctantly agrees to play the tape for his boss in New York. The next day, Peggy informs Vince that the song has been sold. She then takes him to a party at her...
Question: For how long has Hunk Houghton been in prison for armed robbery? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: For how long has Hunk Houghton been in prison for armed robbery? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Jailhouse Rock Context: Construction worker Vince Everett (Elvis) accidentally kills a drunken and belligerent man in a barroom brawl. He is sentenced to two years in the state penitentiary for manslaughter. His cellmate, washed-up country singer Hunk Houghton (Shaughnessy) who was jailed for bank robbery, starts teaching Vince to play the guitar after hearing Vince sing and strum Hunk's guitar. Hunk then convinces Vince to participate in an upcoming inmate show, which is broadcast on nationwide television. Vince receives numerous fan letters as a result; but out of apparent jealousy, Hunk ensures they are not delivered to Vince. Hunk then convinces Vince to sign a "contract" to become equal partners in his act. Meanwhile, during an inmate riot in the mess hall, a guard shoves Vince, who retaliates by striking the guard. As a result, the warden orders Vince to be lashed with a whip. Afterwards, it was discovered that Hunk attempted to bribe the guards to drop the punishment, but to no avail. Elvis Presley as Vince Everett talks to Mickey Shaughnessy as Hunk Houghton in their cell. Upon Vince's release 20 months later, the warden gives Vince his fan mail. Hunk then promises Vince a singing job at a nightclub owned by a friend, where Vince meets Peggy Van Alden (Tyler), a promoter for pop singer Mickey Alba. Vince is surprised when the club owner denies him a job as a singer but offers him a job as a bar boy. Undeterred, Vince takes the stage when the house band takes a break and starts singing "Young and Beautiful." But one of the customers laughs obnoxiously throughout the performance, enraging Vince, who smashes his guitar on the customer's table and leaves the club. Peggy follows Vince and persuades him to record a demo so that he can listen to himself sing. Vince records "Don't Leave Me Now," which Peggy takes to Geneva Records. The manager seems unimpressed, but he reluctantly agrees to play the tape for his boss in New York. The next day, Peggy informs Vince that the song has been sold. She then takes him to a party at her...
two years