open trust model within device allows key sharing notably decreases potential cost.nevertheless layer creates frame responsible security.malicious devices may exist every network layer payload must ciphered unauthorized traffic immediately cut off.exception transmission network key confers unified security layer grid new connecting device.security architecture zigbee uses bit keys implement security mechanisms.
key associated either network usable zigbee layers mac sublayer link acquired preinstallation agreement transport.establishment link keys based master key controls link key correspondence.ultimately least initial master key must obtained secure medium transport preinstallation security whole network depends it.link master keys visible application layer.different services use different oneway variations link key avoid leaks security risks.key distribution one important security functions network.
secure network designate one special device devices trust distribution security keys trust center.ideally devices center trust address initial master key preloaded momentary vulnerability allowed sent described above.typical applications without special security needs use network key provided trust center initially insecure channel communicate.thus trust center maintains network key provides pointtopoint security.devices accept communications originating key supplied trust center except initial master key.security architecture distributed among network layers followsthe mac sublayer capable singlehop reliable communications.
rule security level use specified upper layers.the network layer manages routing processing received messages capable broadcasting requests.outgoing frames use adequate link key according routing available otherwise network key used protect payload external devices.the application layer offers key establishment transport services zdo applications.the security levels infrastructure based ccm adds encryption integrityonly features ccm.according german computer emagazine heise online zigbee home automation .using fallback keys encryption negotiation known cannot changed.makes encryption highly vulnerable.simulation network simulators like ns omnet opnet netsim used simulate ieee .. zigbee networks.these simulators come open source c c libraries users modify.
Internet hosting service
way users determine validity new algorithms hardware implementation.see also comparison .. radio modulescomparison wireless data standardsconnected home ipmobile ad hoc networksthread references external links official websitecommon kind hosting web hosting.hosting providers offer combination services email hosting website hosting database hosting example.dns hosting service another type service usually provided hosting providers often bundled domain name registration.dedicated server hosts provide server usually housed datacenter connected internet clients run anything want including web servers servers.hosting provider ensures servers internet connections good upstream bandwidth reliable power sources.
Internet hosting service
another popular kind hosting service shared hosting.type web hosting service hosting provider provisions hosting services multiple clients one physical server share resources clients.virtualization key making work effectively.types hosting service fullfeatured hosting services fullfeatured hosting services includecomplex managed hosting applies physical dedicated servers virtual servers many companies choosing hybrid combination physical virtual hosting solution.many similarities standard complex managed hosting key difference level administrative engineering support customer pays – owing increased size complexity infrastructure deployment.
Internet hosting service
provider steps take management including security memory storage support.service primarily proactive.dedicated hosting service also called managed host service hosting service provider owns manages machine leasing full control client.management server include monitoring ensure server continues work effectively backup services installation security patches various levels technical support.virtual private server virtualization technology employed allow multiple logical servers run single physical servercolocation facilities provide internet connection uninterruptible power climate control let client system administration.cloud hosting also termed timeshare ondemand hosting user pays system time space used capacity quickly scaled computing requirements change.hosting provider normally charges power also space used datacentre.
Internet hosting service
limited applicationspecific hosting services includefile hosting serviceweb hosting serviceemail hosting servicedns hosting servicegame serverswiki farmscolocation center bandwidth cost internet hosting services include required internet connection may charge flat rate per month charge per bandwidth used — common payment plan sell predetermined amount bandwidth charge overage usage predetermined limit customer may incur per gb basis.overage charge would agreed upon start contract.patent dispute web hosting technology causing controversy web.com claims holds patent rights common hosting technologies including use webbased control panel manage hosting service patents.addition web.com sued godaddy well similar patent infringement.see also internet service providerapplication service providerhosted service providerutility computinggreen hostingcloud storagehybrid serverinfrastructure servicebulletproof hosting references
Glossary of backup terms
page glossary backup terms aims clarify meaning jargon terminology.terms definitions rule backup strategythe idea minimal backup solution include three copies data including two local copies one remote copy.backup policyan organizations procedures rules ensuring adequate numbers types backups made including suitably frequent testing process restoring original production system backup copies.backup rotation schemea method effectively backing data multiple media systematically moved storage usage backup process back storage.several different schemes.takes different approach balance need long retention period frequently backing changes.schemes complicated others.backup sitea place business continue data loss event.
Glossary of backup terms
site may ready access backups possibly even continuously updated mirror.backup softwarecomputer software applications used performing backing data i.e.systematic generation backup copies.see also list backup software.backup windowthe period time system available perform backup procedure.backup procedures detrimental effects system network performance sometimes requiring primary use system suspended.effects mitigated arranging backup window users owners systems.copy backupbacks selected files mark files backed reset archive bit.
Glossary of backup terms
found backup windows .daily backupincremental backup files changed todaydata salvagingrecoverythe process recovering data storage devices normal operational methods impossible.process typically performed specialists controlled environments special tools.example crashed hard disk may still data even though doesnt work properly.data salvage specialist might able recover much original data opening clean room tinkering internal parts.differential backupa cumulative backup changes made since last full backup.advantage quicker recovery time requiring full backup latest differential backup restore system.
Glossary of backup terms
disadvantage day elapsed since last full backup data needs backed especially majority data changed.disaster recoverythe process recovering business disaster restoring recreating data.one main purposes creating backups facilitate successful disaster recovery.maximum effectiveness process planned advance audited.disk cloningthe process copying contents one computer hard disk another disk image file see disk image later recovery.disk imagesingle file storage device containing complete contents structure representing data storage medium device hard drive tape drive floppy disk cddvdbd usb flash drive.full backupa backup selected files system.contrast drive image included file allocation tables partition structure boot sectors.hot backupa backup database still running changes may made data backed up.database engines keep record entries changed including complete new value.
Glossary of backup terms
used resolve changes made backup.incremental backupa backup contains files changed since recent backup either full incremental.advantage quicker backup times changed files need saved.disadvantage longer recovery times latest full backup incremental backups date data loss need restored.media spanningsometimes backup job larger single destination storage medium.case job must broken fragments distributed across multiple storage media.multiplexingthe practice combining multiple backup data streams single stream written single storage device.example backing pcs single tape drive once.multistreamingthe practice creating multiple backup data streams single system multiple storage devices.
Glossary of backup terms
example backing single database tape drives once.normal backupfull backup used windows server .near storeprovisionally backing data local staging backup device possibly later archival backup remote store device.open file backupthe ability back file use another application.see file locking.remote storebacking data offsite permanent backup facility either directly live data source else intermediate near store device.restore timethe amount time required bring desired data set back backup media.retention timethe amount time given set data remain available restore.backup products rely daily copies data measure retention terms days.others retain number copies data changes regardless amount time.sitetosite backupbackup internet offsite location users control.similar remote backup except owner data maintains control storage location.synthetic backupa restorable backup image synthesized backup server previous full backup incremental backups since then.
Principle of least privilege
equivalent full backup would taken time last incremental backup.tape librarya storage device contains tape drives slots hold tape cartridges barcode reader identify tape cartridges automated method physically moving tapes within device.devices store immense amounts data.trusted paper keya machinereadable print cryptographic key.virtual tape library vtla storage device appears tape library backup software actually stores data means.vtl configured temporary storage location data actually sent real tapes final storage location itself.see also computer data storagedata proliferationfile synchronizationinformation repositorydisaster recovery business continuity auditingdigital preservationreversible computing references external links online backup glossarydetails principle means giving user account process privileges essential perform intended function.example user account sole purpose creating backups need install software hence rights run backup backuprelated applications.privileges installing new software blocked.principle applies also personal computer user usually work normal user account opens privileged password protected account situation absolutely demands it.when applied users terms least user access leastprivileged user account lua also used referring concept user accounts run privileges possible also launch applications privileges possible.the principle least privilege widely recognized important design consideration enhancing protection data functionality faults fault tolerance malicious behavior computer security.benefits principle includebetter system stability.code limited scope changes make system easier test possible actions interactions applications.
Principle of least privilege
practice example applications running restricted rights access perform operations could crash machine adversely affect applications running system.better system security.code limited systemwide actions may perform vulnerabilities one application cannot used exploit rest machine.example microsoft states “running standard user mode gives customers increased protection inadvertent systemlevel damage caused shatter attacks malware root kits spyware undetectable viruses”.ease deployment.general fewer privileges application requires easier deploy within larger environment.usually results first two benefits applications install device drivers require elevated security privileges typically additional steps involved deployment.
Principle of least privilege
example windows solution device drivers run directly installation device drivers must installed separately using windows installer service order grant driver elevated privileges.in practice exist multiple competing definitions true least privilege.program complexity increases rapidly number potential issues rendering predictive approach impractical.examples include values variables may process addresses need precise time things required.object capability systems allow instance deferring granting singleuse privilege time used.currently closest practical approach eliminate privileges manually evaluated unnecessary.
Principle of least privilege
resulting set privileges typically exceeds true minimum required privileges process.another limitation granularity control operating environment privileges individual process.practice rarely possible control processs access memory processing time io device addresses modes precision needed facilitate precise set privileges process require.the original formulation jerome saltzer every program every privileged user system operate using least amount privilege necessary complete job.peter j. denning paper fault tolerant operating systems set broader perspective among four fundamental principles fault tolerance.dynamic assignments privileges earlier discussed roger needham .historically oldest instance least privilege probably source code login.c begins execution superuser permissions and—the instant longer necessary—dismisses via setuid nonzero argument demonstrated version unix source code.implementation kernel always runs maximum privileges since operating system core hardware access.one principal responsibilities operating system particularly multiuser operating system management hardwares availability requests access running processes.kernel crashes mechanisms maintains state also fail.
Principle of least privilege
therefore even way cpu recover without hard reset security continues enforced operating system cannot properly respond failure possible detect failure.kernel execution either halted program counter resumed execution somewhere endless and—usually—nonfunctional loop.would akin either experiencing amnesia kernel execution failure trapped closed maze always returns starting point closed loops.if execution picks crash loading running trojan code author trojan code usurp control processes.principle least privilege forces code run lowest privilegepermission level possible.means code resumes code executionwhether trojan simply code execution picking unexpected location—would ability perform malicious undesirable processes.
Principle of least privilege
one method used accomplish implemented microprocessor hardware.example intel x architecture manufacturer designed four ring ring running modes graduated degrees accessmuch like security clearance systems defence intelligence agencies.as implemented operating systems processes execute potential privilege set active privilege set.privilege sets inherited parent determined semantics fork.executable file performs privileged function—thereby technically constituting component tcb concomitantly termed trusted program trusted process—may also marked set privileges.logical extension notions set user id set group id.
Principle of least privilege
inheritance file privileges process determined semantics exec family system calls.precise manner potential process privileges actual process privileges file privileges interact become complex.practice least privilege practiced forcing process run privileges required task.adherence model quite complex well errorprone.similar principles trusted computer system evaluation criteria tcsec concept trusted computing base tcb minimization far stringent requirement applicable functionally strongest assurance classes viz.
Business continuity planning
b evidentiarily different functionally identical.least privilege often associated privilege bracketing assuming necessary privileges last possible moment dismissing soon longer strictly necessary therefore ostensibly reducing fallout erroneous code unintentionally exploits privilege merited.least privilege also interpreted context distribution discretionary access control dac permissions example asserting giving user u readwrite access file f violates least privilege u complete authorized tasks read permission.see also user account controlcapabilitybased securitycompartmentalization intelligenceconfused deputy problemencapsulation objectoriented programmingneed knowprivilege bracketingprivilege escalationprivilege revocation computingprivilege separationprotection ringsetuidsudo references bibliography external links managing least privileges cloud monique sendzethe saltzer schroeder paper cited references.nsa one implemented selinux talks principle least privilegea discussion implementation principle least privilege solaristoms pro organizations unaware employees admin rightsproof lua makes safer dana eppapplying principle least privilege user accounts windows xp microsoftcommercial enterprises putting critical infrastructure risk csohow successfully implement principle least privilegeaddition prevention goal enable ongoing operations execution disaster recovery.business continuity intended outcome proper execution business continuity planning disaster recovery.several business continuity standards published various standards bodies assist check listing ongoing planning tasks.an organizations resistance failure ability ... withstand changes environment still function.often called resilience capability enables organizations either endure environmental changes without permanently adapt organization forced adapt new way working better suits new environmental conditions.overview event could negatively impact operations included plan supply chain interruption loss damage critical infrastructure major machinery computing network resource.bcp subset risk management.
Business continuity planning
us government entities refer process continuity operations planning coop.business continuity plan outlines range disaster scenarios steps business take particular scenario return regular trade.bcps written ahead time also include precautions put place.usually created input key staff well stakeholders bcp set contingencies minimize potential harm businesses adverse scenarios.resilience analysis disruptions adversely affect operations corporations investments resilience give competitive advantage entities prepared various contingencies extended thencommon business continuity planning practices.
Business continuity planning
business organizations council competitiveness embraced resilience goal.adapting change apparently slower evolutionary manner sometimes many years decades described resilient term strategic resilience used go beyond resisting onetime crisis rather continuously anticipating adjusting case change becomes desperately obvious.this approach sometimes summarized preparedness protection response recovery.resilience theory related field public relations.resilience communicative process constructed citizens families media system organizations governments everyday talk mediated conversation.the theory based work patrice m. buzzanell professor brian lamb school communication purdue university.article resilience talking resisting imagining new normalcies buzzanell discussed ability organizations thrive crisis building resistance.buzzanell notes five different processes individuals use trying maintain resilience crafting normalcy affirming identity anchors maintaining using communication networks putting alternative logics work downplaying negative feelings foregrounding positive emotions.when looking resilience theory crisis communication theory similar same.crisis communication theory based reputation company resilience theory based process recovery company.
Business continuity planning
five main components resilience crafting normalcy affirming identity anchors maintaining using communication networks putting alternative logics work downplaying negative feelings foregrounding negative emotions.processes applicable businesses crisis times making resilience important factor companies focus training.there three main groups affected crisis.micro individual meso group organization macro national interorganizational.also two main types resilience proactive post resilience.proactive resilience preparing crisis creating solid foundation company.
Business continuity planning
post resilience includes continuing maintain communication check employees.proactive resilience dealing issues hand cause possible shift work environment post resilience maintaining communication accepting chances incident happened.resilience applied organization.continuity plans procedures used business continuity planning ensure critical organizational operations required keep organization running continue operate events key dependencies operations disrupted.continuity need apply every activity organisation undertakes.
Business continuity planning
example iso organisations required define business continuity objectives minimum levels product service operations considered acceptable maximum tolerable period disruption mtpd allowed.a major cost planning preparation audit compliance management documents automation tools available reduce time cost associated manually producing information.inventory planners must information aboutequipmentsupplies supplierslocations including offices backupwork area recovery war sitesdocuments documentation including offsite backup copiesbusiness documentsprocedure documentation analysis analysis phase consists impact analysisthreat analysis andimpact scenarios.quantifying loss ratios must also include dollars defend lawsuit.estimated dollar spent loss prevention prevent seven dollars disasterrelated economic loss.business impact analysis bia business impact analysis bia differentiates critical urgent noncritical nonurgent organization functionsactivities.function may considered critical dictated law.each functionactivity typically relies combination constituent components order operatehuman resources fulltime staff parttime staff contractorsit systemsphysical assets mobile phones laptopsworkstations etc.documents electronic physicalfor function two values assignedrecovery point objective rpo – acceptable latency data recovered.
Business continuity planning
example acceptable company lose days data recovery point objective must ensure maximum tolerable data loss activity exceeded.recovery time objective rto – acceptable amount time restore function maximum rto maximum time constraints long enterprises key products services unavailable undeliverable stakeholders perceive unacceptable consequences named asmaximum tolerable period disruption mtpodmaximum tolerable downtime mtdmaximum tolerable outage mtomaximum allowable outage maoaccording iso terms maximum acceptable outage maximum tolerable period disruption mean thing defined using exactly words.consistency one system crashes recovery plans must balance need data consistency objectives rto rpo.recovery consistency objective rco name goal.applies data consistency objectives define measurement consistency distributed business data within interlinked systems disaster incident.similar terms used context recovery consistency characteristics rcc recovery object granularity rog.while rto rpo absolute persystem values rco expressed percentage measures deviation actual targeted state business data across systems process groups individual business processes.the following formula calculates rco n representing number business processes entities representing abstract value business data rco − number inconsistent entities n number entities n displaystyle textrcofrac textnumber inconsistent entitiesntextnumber entitiesn rco means post recovery business data deviation occurs.
Business continuity planning
threat risk analysis tra defining recovery requirements potential threat may require unique recovery steps.common threats includethe areas cascade responders stumble.supplies may become depleted.sars outbreak organizations compartmentalized rotated teams match incubation period disease.also banned inperson contact business nonbusiness hours.
Business continuity planning
increased resiliency threat.impact scenarios impact scenarios identified documentedneed medical suppliesneed transportation optionscivilian impact nuclear disastersneed business data processing suppliesthese reflect widest possible damage.tiers preparedness shares seven tiers disaster recovery released updated ibm eight tier modeltier offsite data • businesses tier disaster recovery solution disaster recovery plan.saved information documentation backup hardware contingency plan.typical recovery time length recovery time instance unpredictable.
Business continuity planning
fact may possible recover all.tier data backup hot site • businesses use tier disaster recovery solutions back data offsite facility.depending often backups made prepared accept several days weeks data loss backups secure offsite.however tier lacks systems restore data.pickup truck access method ptam.tier data backup hot site • tier disaster recovery solutions make regular backups tape.combined offsite facility infrastructure known hot site restore systems tapes event disaster.
Business continuity planning
tier solution still result need recreate several hours days worth data less unpredictable recovery time.examples include ptam hot site available ibm tivoli storage manager.tier electronic vaulting • tier solutions utilize components tier .additionally missioncritical data electronically vaulted.electronically vaulted data typically current shipped via ptam.result less data recreation loss disaster occurs.tier pointintime copies • tier solutions used businesses require greater data currency faster recovery users lower tiers.
Business continuity planning
rather relying largely shipping tape common lower tiers tier solutions begin incorporate diskbased solutions.several hours data loss still possible easier make pointintime pit copies greater frequency data replicated tapebased solutions.tier transaction integrity • tier solutions used businesses requirement consistency data production recovery data centers.little data loss solutions however presence functionality entirely dependent application use.tier zero little data loss • tier disaster recovery solutions maintain highest levels data currency.used businesses little tolerance data loss need restore data applications rapidly.solutions dependence applications provide data consistency.tier highly automated businessintegrated solution • tier solutions include major components used tier solution additional integration automation.
Business continuity planning
allows tier solution ensure consistency data granted tier solutions.additionally recovery applications automated allowing restoration systems applications much faster reliably would possible manual disaster recovery procedures.solution design two main requirements impact analysis stage arefor minimum application data requirements time must available.outside preservation hard copy contracts.process plan must consider skilled staff embedded technology.this phase overlaps disaster recovery disaster recovery planning.the solution phase determinescrisis management command structuretelecommunication architecture primary secondary work sitesdata replication methodology primary secondary work sitesbackup site applications data work space required secondary work site iso standards many standards available support business continuity planning management.iso example developed whole series standards business continuity management systems responsibility technical committee isotc iso security resilience – vocabularyiso security resilience – business continuity management systems – requirementsiso security resilience – business continuity management systems – guidance use iso isots security resilience – business continuity management systems – guidelines business impact analysisisots security resilience – business continuity management systems – guidelines supply chain continuityisots security resilience – business continuity management systems – guidelines people aspects business continuityisots security resilience – business continuity management systems – guidelines business continuity strategyisots security resilience – business continuity management systems – guidelines developing business continuity plans proceduresisoiects conformity assessment – requirements bodies providing audit certification management systems – part competence requirements auditing certification business continuity management systemsisoiec security techniques — guidelines information communication technology readiness business continuity.
Business continuity planning
british standards bsi group british standards institution bsi released series standards bs peripherally addressed information security procedures.withdrawn bcp — bs business continuity management.code practice withdrawn bs specification business continuity management specifies requirements implementing operating improving documented business continuity management system bcms.withdrawn bs specifically align computer continuity business continuity.withdrawn march standards withdrawn replaced iso standards above.
Business continuity planning
within uk bs bs used business continuity management across organizations industries sectors.documents give practical plan deal eventualities—from extreme weather conditions terrorism system failure staff sickness.itil defined terms.civil contingencies act following crises preceding years uk government passed civil contingencies act businesses must continuity planning measures survive continue thrive whilst working towards keeping incident minimal possible.the act separated two parts part civil protection covering roles responsibilities local responderspart emergency powers australia new zealand united kingdom australia incorporated resilience continuity planning.united kingdom resilience implemented locally local resilience forum.in new zealand canterbury university resilient organizations programme developed assessment tool benchmarking resilience organizations.covers categories questions.
Business continuity planning
resilience ratio summarizes evaluation.implementation testing implementation phase involves policy changes material acquisitions staffing testing.testing organizational acceptance book exercising excellence published british standards institution identified three types exercises employed testing business continuity plans.tabletop exercises small number people concentrate specific aspect bcp.another form involves single representative several teams.medium exercises several departments teams disciplines concentrate multiple bcp aspects scope range teams one building multiple teams operating across dispersed locations.prescripted surprises added.complex exercises aspects medium exercise remain maximum realism nonotice activation actual evacuation actual invocation disaster recovery site added.while start stop times preagreed actual duration might unknown events allowed run course.
Business continuity planning
maintenance biannual annual maintenance cycle maintenance bcp manual broken three periodic activities.confirmation information manual roll staff awareness specific training critical individuals.testing verification technical solutions established recovery operations.testing verification organization recovery procedures.issues found testing phase often must reintroduced analysis phase.informationtargets bcp manual must evolve organization maintain information know series checklistsjob descriptions skillsets needed training requirementsdocumentation document managementdefinitions terminology facilitate timely communication disaster recoverydistribution lists staff important clients vendorssuppliersinformation communication transportation infrastructure roads bridges technical specialized technical resources must maintained.checks includevirus definition distributionapplication security service patch distributionhardware operabilityapplication operabilitydata verificationdata application testing verification recovery procedures software work process changes must documented validated including verification documented work process recovery tasks supporting disaster recovery infrastructure allow staff recover within predetermined recovery time objective.see also references reading united states bibliography business continuity planning fema retrieved june continuity operations planning date.u.s. department homeland security.
Business continuity planning
retrieved july .purpose standard checklist criteria business recovery date.federal emergency management agency.retrieved july .nfpa standard disasteremergency management business continuity programs .national fire protection association.united states general accounting office yk bcp guide august .united states government accountability office.spc.
Business continuity planning
organizational resilience security preparedness continuity management systems—requirements guidance use approved american national standards institute international organization standardization iso security resilience vocabularyiso security resilience – business continuity management systems – requirementsiso security resilience business continuity management systems guidance use iso isots societal security – business continuity management systems – guidelines business impact analysis biaisopas guideline incident preparedness operational continuity management withdrawnisoiec guidelines information communications technology disaster recovery servicesisoiec formerly bs information technology — security techniques — information security management systems — requirementsisoiec information technology — security techniques — code practice information security controlsisoiec information technology – security techniques – guidelines information communication technology readiness business continuityiwa emergency preparedness withdrawn british standards institution bs business continuity management part code practice superseded withdrawnbs business continuity management part specification superseded withdrawn australia standards hb practitioners guide business continuity managementhb executive guide business continuity management others james c. barnes .guide business continuity planning.isbn .kenneth l fulmer .business continuity planning stepbystep guide.isbn .richard kepenach.
Business continuity planning
business continuity plan design steps getting started designing plan.judy bell october .disaster survival planning practical guide businesses.isbn .dimattia s. november .planning continuity.library journal.
Business continuity planning
–.andrew zolli ann marie healy .resilience things bounce back.simon schuster.isbn .international glossary resilience dri international.external links tiers disaster recovery tsm.
Business continuity planning
charlotte brooks matthew bedernjak igor juran john merryman.disaster recovery strategies tivoli storage management.chapter .pages –.red books series.
Business continuity planning
ibm.tivoli software..steelstore cloud storage gateway disaster recovery best practices guide.riverbed technology inc. october .disaster recovery levels.robert kern victor peltz.
Business continuity planning
ibm systems magazine.november .business continuity tiers disaster recovery.archived wayback machine recovery specialties..continuous operations seven tiers disaster recovery.mary hall.
Backup site
storage community ibm.july .retrieved march .refmaximum tolerable period disruption mtpodmaximum tolerable period disruption mtpod bsi committee responsewayback machinejanco associatesdepartment homeland security emergency plan guidelinescidrapshrm pandemic hr guide toolkitadapt respond risks business continuity plan bcpintegral part disaster recovery plan wider business continuity planning organization.a backup alternate site another data center location operated organization contracted via company specializes disaster recovery services.cases one organization agreement second organization operate joint backup site.addition organization may reciprocal agreement another organization set site data centers.sites generally classified based prepared speed brought operation cold facility prepared warm equipment place hot operational data loaded – increasing cost implement maintain increasing temperature.classification cold site empty operational spaces basic facilities like raised floors air conditioning power communication lines etc.following incident equipment brought set resume operations.
Backup site
include backed copies data information original location organization include hardware already set up.lack provisioned hardware contributes minimal startup costs cold site requires additional time following disaster operation running capacity close prior disaster.cases cold site may equipment available operational.a warm site compromise hot cold.sites hardware connectivity already established though smaller scale.warm sites might backups hand may complete may several days week old.
Backup site
recovery delayed backup tapes delivered warm site network connectivity established data recovered remote backup site.a hot site near duplicate original site organization full computer systems well complete backups user data.real time synchronization two sites may used completely mirror data environment original site using wide area network links specialized software.following disruption original site hot site exists organization relocate minimal losses normal operations shortest recovery time.ideally hot site running within matter hours.personnel may moved hot site possible hot site may operational data processing perspective staff relocated.
Backup site
capacity hot site may may match capacity original site depending organizations requirements.type backup site expensive operate.hot sites popular organizations operate real time processes financial institutions government agencies ecommerce providers.the important feature offered hot site production environments running concurrently main datacenter.syncing allows minimal impact downtime business operations.event significant outage event hot site take place impacted site immediately.
Backup site
however level redundancy come cheap businesses weigh costbenefitanalysis cba hot site utilization.nowadays backup site misses proactive approach may considered hot site depending level maturity organization regarding iso approach international standard business continuity management.alternate sites generally alternate site refers site people equipment need work relocated period time normal production environment whether reconstituted replaced available.choosing choosing type backup site used decided organizations based cost vs. benefit analysis.hot sites traditionally expensive cold sites since much equipment company needs must purchased thus people needed maintain making operational costs higher.however organization loses substantial amount revenue day inactive may worth cost.
Backup site
another advantage hot site used operations prior disaster happening.load balanced production processing method cost effective provide users security minimal downtime event affects one data centers.the advantages cold site simple — cost.requires fewer resources operate cold site equipment brought prior disaster.organizations may store older versions hardware center.may appropriate server farm environment old hardware could used many cases.
Backup site
downside cold site potential cost must incurred order make cold site effective.costs purchasing equipment short notice may higher disaster may make equipment difficult obtain.commercial sites contracting services commercial provider backup site capability organizations take note contractual usage provision invocation procedures.providers may sign one organization given site facility often depending various service levels.reasonable proposition unlikely organizations using service likely need time allows provider offer service affordable cost.
Backup site
however large scale incident affects wide area likely facilities become oversubscribed.organization request priority service provider often higher monthly fee.commercial site also used secondary production site full scale mirroring environment primary data center.higher fee required security site ability organization provide users uninterrupted access data applications could justify cost.see also offsite data protectionbackup notes references records management services july .
Backup site
vital records protect store vital records retrieved uw records management web site httpf.washington.edufmrecmgtmanagingvitalrecordsstorehaag cummings mccubbrey pinsonneult donovan..information management systems information age.mcgrawhill ryerson.it service continuity itil v. service continuity.retrieved httpitlibrary.orgindex.phppageitservicecontinuitymanagement sephttp
Database security
involves various types categories controls technical proceduraladministrative physical.security risks database systems include exampleunauthorized unintended activity misuse authorized database users database administrators networksystems managers unauthorized users hackers e.g.inappropriate access sensitive data metadata functions within databases inappropriate changes database programs structures security configurationsmalware infections causing incidents unauthorized access leakage disclosure personal proprietary data deletion damage data programs interruption denial authorized access database attacks systems unanticipated failure database servicesoverloads performance constraints capacity issues resulting inability authorized users use databases intendedphysical damage database servers caused computer room fires floods overheating lightning accidental liquid spills static discharge electronic breakdownsequipment failures obsolescencedesign flaws programming bugs databases associated programs systems creating various security vulnerabilities e.g.unauthorized privilege escalation data losscorruption performance degradation etc.data corruption andor loss caused entry invalid data commands mistakes database system administration processes sabotagecriminal damage etc.ross j. anderson often said nature large databases never free abuse breaches security large system designed ease access becomes insecure made watertight becomes impossible use.sometimes known andersons rule.many layers types information security control appropriate databases includingaccess controlauditingauthenticationencryptionintegrity controlsbackupsapplication securitydatabase security applying statistical methoddatabases largely secured hackers network security measures firewalls networkbased intrusion detection systems.
Database security
network security controls remain valuable regard securing database systems programsfunctions data within arguably become critical networks increasingly opened wider access particular access internet.furthermore system program function data access controls along associated user identification authentication rights management functions always important limit cases log activities authorized users administrators.words complementary approaches database security working outsidein insideout were.many organizations develop baseline security standards designs detailing basic security control measures database systems.may reflect general information security requirements obligations imposed corporate information security policies applicable laws regulations e.g.concerning privacy financial management reporting systems along generally accepted good database security practices appropriate hardening underlying systems perhaps security recommendations relevant database system software vendors.
Database security
security designs specific database systems typically specify security administration management functions administration reporting user access rights log management analysis database replicationsynchronization backups along various businessdriven information security controls within database programs functions e.g.data entry validation audit trails.furthermore various securityrelated activities manual controls normally incorporated procedures guidelines etc.relating design development configuration use management maintenance databases.privileges two types privileges important relating database security within database environment system privileges object privileges.
Database security
system privileges system privileges allow user perform administrative actions database.object privileges object privileges allow use certain operations database objects authorized another user.examples include usage select insert update references.the principal least privilege separation dutiesdatabases fall internal controls data used public reporting annual reports etc.subject separation duties meaning must segregation tasks development production.task validated via code walkthroughfresh eyes third person writing actual code.
Database security
database developer able execute anything production without independent review documentationcode work performed.typically role developer pass code dba however given cutbacks resulted economic downturn dba might readily available.dba involved important minimum peer conduct code review.ensures role developer clearly separate.another point internal control adherence principle providing least amount privileges especially production.allow developers access get work done much safer use impersonation exceptions require elevated privileges e.g.
Database security
execute sudo temporarily.often developers may dismiss “overhead” path coding glory.please aware however dbas must considered responsible de facto data stewards organization must comply regulations law.vulnerability assessments manage risk compliance one technique evaluating database security involves performing vulnerability assessments penetration tests database.testers attempt find security vulnerabilities could used defeat bypass security controls break database compromise system etc.
Database security
database administrators information security administrators may example use automated vulnerability scans search misconfiguration controls often referred drift within layers mentioned along known vulnerabilities within database software.results scans used harden database improve security close specific vulnerabilities identified vulnerabilities often remain unrecognized unaddressed.in database environments security critical continual monitoring compliance standards improves security.security compliance requires amongst procedures patch management review management permissions especially public granted objects within database.database objects may include table objects listed table link.permissions granted sql language commands objects considered process.
Database security
compliance monitoring similar vulnerability assessment except results vulnerability assessments generally drive security standards lead continuous monitoring program.essentially vulnerability assessment preliminary procedure determine risk compliance program process ongoing risk assessment.the compliance program take consideration dependencies application software level changes database level may effects application software application server.abstraction application level authentication authorization mechanisms may effective means providing abstraction database layer.primary benefit abstraction single signon capability across multiple databases platforms.single signon system stores database users credentials authenticates database behalf user.
Database security
abstraction idea making complex ideas easier understand.database activity monitoring dam another security layer sophisticated nature includes realtime database activity monitoring either analyzing protocol traffic sql network observing local database activity server using software agents both.use agents native logging required capture activities executed database server typically include activities database administrator.agents allow information captured fashion disabled database administrator ability disable modify native audit logs.analysis performed identify known exploits policy breaches baselines captured time build normal pattern used detection anomalous activity could indicative intrusion.systems provide comprehensive database audit trail addition intrusion detection mechanisms systems also provide protection terminating user sessions andor quarantining users demonstrating suspicious behavior.
Database security
systems designed support separation duties sod typical requirement auditors.sod requires database administrators typically monitored part dam able disable alter dam functionality.requires dam audit trail securely stored separate system administered database administration group.native audit addition using external tools monitoring auditing native database audit capabilities also available many database platforms.native audit trails extracted regular basis transferred designated security system database administrators doshould access.
Database security
ensures certain level segregation duties may provide evidence native audit trails modified authenticated administrators conducted securityoriented senior dba group read rights production.turning native impacts performance server.generally native audit trails databases provide sufficient controls enforce separation duties therefore network andor kernel module level host based monitoring capabilities provides higher degree confidence forensics preservation evidence.process procedures good database security program includes regular review privileges granted user accounts accounts used immediate processes.individual accounts twofactor authentication system improves security adds complexity cost.
Mega (service)
accounts used automated processes require appropriate controls around password storage sufficient encryption access controls reduce risk compromise.in conjunction sound database security program appropriate disaster recovery program ensure service interrupted security incident incident results outage primary database environment.example replication primary databases sites located different geographical regions.after incident occurs database forensics employed determine scope breach identify appropriate changes systems processes.see also negative databasedatabase firewallfips us federal standard authenticating cryptography modulevirtual private database references external links httpsweb.archive.orgwebhttpiase.disa.milstigschecklistindex.htmlhttpsweb.archive.orgwebhttpiase.disa.milstigsstigindex.htmlservice offered webbased apps.mega mobile apps also available android ios.mega known largest fully featured free cloud storage world gb storage allocation free accounts.website service launched january kim dotcom together chief technical officer director cofounder mathias ortmann chief marketing officer finn batato bram van der kolk.data encryption data mega services endtoend encrypted clientside using aes algorithm.
Mega (service)
since mega know encryption keys uploaded files cannot decrypt view content.therefore cannot responsible contents uploaded files.encrypting files mega work larger number data hosting companies around world decreasing likelihood megauploadstyle seizure servers one government.mega also uses cloudraid technology means files split roughly equalsized parts stored different countries.also store another part yet another country recording whether number bits certain position within parts even odd.
Mega (service)
means users reconstruct data even one parts unavailable.in first weeks mega launch various security problems found researchers said attacker could use gain access loggedin users files.response mega started vulnerability reward program offers reward € reporting security problems mega.account options free account users receive gb base storage quota gb bandwidth per dayadditional storage allowances activated various achievements expire days.maximum storage.paid account users provided four tiers options gb storage tb bandwidth per month tb storage tb bandwidth per month tb storage tb bandwidth per month tb storage tb bandwidth per monthbusiness accounts users minimum tb storage tb bandwidth per monthadditional tbs storage bandwidth purchased upper limit transparency mega publishes sdk well source code client applications mega limited code review licence proprietary sourceavailable license permits usage code purposes review commentary.source code released former director kim dotcom stated would create mega competitor completely open source nonprofit following departure mega ltd.mega also releases yearly transparency report publishes statistics takedown requests subscriber information disclosure related issues.
Mega (service)
intended provide transparency users regulatory bodies suppliers megas operating processes relating privacy statutory compliance.according latest report mega million registered users countries territories.total megas users uploaded billion distinct files.history mega founded filehosting site megaupload seized shut january united states department justice began criminal cases owners.gabon denied new company domain name me.ga mega announced would instead registered country residence founders new zealand domain name mega.co.nz.
Mega (service)
mega launched january – exactly year megaupload shut down.founded kim dotcom bram van der kolk finn batato mathias ortmann.dotcom reported twitter mega registered users within first hour speculating may make mega fastestgrowing startup history.kim dotcom also reported twitter site extremely busy received thousands user registrations per minute time tweet.kim later reported mega million registered users uploads completed every second.
Mega (service)
three days later number updated uploads completed every second.early users site experienced various issues due sites popularity including slowtononexistent upload speeds problems logging in.service improved slightly next three days remained insufficient large volumes uploads.others said appeared way close account case got compromised.technology commentators blamed poor performance sites popularity noting ranked top websites world first days existence subsequently dropping thousand places.mega launched cloud service tagline privacy company.july mega android application released google play marketplace.
Mega (service)
four days later july mega software development kit sdk affiliate program released.september kim dotcom stepped director mega could pursue political ambitions internet party.later interview washington post september kim dotcom announced mega getting signups service every day.furthermore mega receiving dmca takedowns per day.november official mega ios application released app store marketplace.
Mega (service)
january official megasync application released windows september official megasync application released linux.in march chief executive stephen hall announced intentions list mega new zealand stock exchange.september report published digital citizens alliance – commissioned via brand protection organization netnames – characterising mega shadowy cyberlocker branded grossly untrue highly defamatory megas ceo.in july qa session tech website slashdot dotcom mentioned longer involved mega.neither managing shareholder capacity.dotcom also mentions launch opensource competitor mega.competitor supposed launched development launch seem delayed indefinitely.in january mega announced service million registered users uploaded billion files.later mega ltd. released source code clientside software mega limited code review license sourceavailable software license github.
Mega (service)
allows independent verification correctness integrity implementation megas cryptographic model service reliability.in reached userbase million users.also first year turning profit.in mega added domain name include mega.io mega.nz..io domain chosen reflect global nature mega million registered users countriesterritories.mega continues say .io pages also likely properly indexed search engines current .nz pages often incorrectly treated relevant new zealand searches.later mega shared transparency report record million registered users storing billion files.limitations according mega site works major current browsers inconveniences using browsers google chrome mozilla firefox opera vivaldi microsoft edge.
Mega (service)
example safari mega runs limitations due inferior browser design.new features megachat february mega announced would expanding email chat voice video mobile.december mega said would soon launch browserbased chat service.midjanuary mega launched megachat beta marketed webbased encrypted alternative applications like skype facetime.browser extension mega released browser plugin extension called mega chrome extension .
Norton 360
advertised reducing loading times improving downloading performance strengthening security.mega also released browser extension firefox.on september reported extension chrome web store compromised addition code designed steal website credentials cryptocurrency.original code github page affected.see also comparison file hosting servicescomparison file synchronization softwarecomparison online backup services references external links official websiteversion history project genesis symantec announced project genesis february .genesis would differ symantecs consumer security products incorporating file backup performance optimization tools antivirus capabilities firewall.phishing protection realtime heuristics also planned.windows vista compatibility major aspect genesis.genesis slated release september.
Norton 360
may microsoft announced windows live onecare security suite similar functionalities slated release .genesis renamed norton may .feature set confirmed—it would functionalities norton internet security—with file backup performance tools phishing protection realtime heuristics.public beta test planned summer .final release date set end .day mcafee announced falcon security suite similar functionalities norton onecare.
Norton 360
however dates delayed.onecare launched summer falcon entered public beta testing.some viewed norton response microsofts antivirus software onecare.however release onecare saw symantec lagging behind rivals.mark bregman symantecs vice president claimed upcoming norton intended compete onecare stating somehow left wrong impression market place theres windows live onecare microsoft theres falcon mcafee theres nothing symantec.the first public beta delivered november compatible windows xp.second beta subsequently released december adding compatibility windows vista build .
Norton 360
people tested software symantec began distribution retailers february .version .version .released february .version first symantec product use sonar detect zeroday viruses.
Norton 360
monitors applications malicious behavior taking action needed.backup restore functionality allowed users back files online hard drive cd dvd.performance optimization tools allowed users clear web browser history temporary files.disk defragmenter bundled part optimization tools.phishing protection integrates internet explorer warning users fraudulent sites.in windows xp megahertz processor megabytes ram mb hard disk space required.
Norton 360
vista mhz processor mb ram mb hard disk space required.reviews cited norton low resource usage relative norton internet security phishing protection.pc magazine found phishing protection feature effective blocking access fraudulent sites internet explorer firefox .however reviewers highlighted lack manual control advanced users.cnet noted lack phishing protection browsers internet explorer mozilla firefox.cnet also highlighted lack wireless network tools notifying users someone uninvited joins network help encrypting wireless signals.
Norton 360
pc magazine criticized antispam filter version .finding blocked half spam mail five percent false positive rate.version .version .released march .
Norton 360
backup feature inscribe data bluray hd dvd discs.multiple installations norton also managed centralized location.backing files online user control amount bandwidth norton uses.registry cleaner bundled performance tools allowing user remove invalid entries.phishing protection firefox added.
Norton 360
supplementing phishing protection norton identity safe stores login credentials websites.network map allows users view status norton installations networked computers view basic information computer.system requirements remain version ..pc magazine found spam filter inaccurate percent false positive rate.cnet encountered problems installing version .legacy machines.
Norton 360
version .version .released march .version uses codebase norton internet security .earlier versions symantec rewrote code specifically norton .version .
Norton 360
incorporates norton safe web offered standalone service earlier.safe web integrates firefox internet explorer toolbar blocking access fraudulent malware hosting sites.toolbar also includes search box routing search queries typed box ask.com search engine.toolbar share code ask.com toolbar classified spyware mcafee trend micro antivirus vendors.due criticism search functionality symantec announced ask.com search box would hidden future releases version ..the capability back files flash drive introduced release.
Norton 360
files stored flash drive copied another computer without norton installed.norton also creates virtual drive windows explorer allowing users browse backup files stored locally online.users restore individual files using draganddrop technique.version .retain previous versions files skips files open another program.
Norton 360
startup application manager included release allowing users control programs start login.complement application manager norton measure impact programs login time.pc magazine highlighted version .s inaccurate spam filter misfiling half valid mail spam.pc magazine also noted support session symantec technician used shareware application malwarebytes antimalware remove malware computer referring online norton program.controversy raised fact technician misleadingly referred program symantec product.version .
Norton 360
version .released february .version adds many new security features found norton internet security .version also features gui change.prominent colors match gold black sunburst norton internet security.
Norton 360
widely criticized antispam replaced far effective brightmail according symantec gives better results require training.version .version .released february offers improved performance virus detection.also provides updated versions sonar version system insight.
Norton 360
download insight supports internet explorer firefox browsers also supports following clients qq chat msn messenger chat limewire pp msn explorer browser email chat opera browser outlook email thunderbird email windows mail email chrome browser bittorrent pp aol browser yahoo messenger chat safari browser filezilla file manager outlook express email.it features new enhanced interface realistic icons animations also includes norton widgets platform integrates symantec online services directly ui.also new version reputation scan gives user clear insight loaded applications files safeweb facebook scans links wall verify safety.links norton recovery tools added scanners interface start menu folder help restoring highly infected system.backup restore functionality also improved.passmark performance test rated norton .
Norton 360
fastest lightest allinone suite.version .featured metered broadband modes easily remembers logins personal info protecting online identity theft.versionless unofficially ..
Norton 360
version norton released september together newest norton antivirus norton internet security products.described versionless symantecs press release alluding automatic updates always keep software latest version.specific version reference anywhere description software.software compatible windows .version norton features enhancements social networking protection antiscam capabilities stronger networking defenses.
Norton 360
norton also introduced extra tune disk optimizer.version version nortons security suite released september together newest norton antivirus norton internet security products.norton antivirus solution developed sonar technology claims able detect threat block remove thanks three five layers shields threat monitoring threat removal network defense last one dealing online threats actually reach user’s computer.protection also granted analyzing behavior known menaces.another important aspect derives stealth capabilities five shields work silently background performing scans updates backups automatically need whatsoever care important files.browser protection download insight keen eye dangerous applications warning user eventual threats running computer.
Norton 360
version version released september .release marketed norton security however norton users able update v even norton retiring norton brand.appearance software identical norton security except product name topleft corner.norton april norton brand revived replace norton security adding norton secure vpn gb online backup peruser well premium plans incorporating lifelock identity theft protection.norton editions norton available norton standard norton premier edition norton multidevice.
Norton 360
premier edition functions standard edition difference comes gb online storage versus gb included standard edition.norton multidevice actually three products one subscription norton premier edition norton internet security mac® norton mobile security.comparison norton editions norton one shows features os coverage.norton gold edition credit card type unique sets alphanumeric key data reverse sold instructions go online install installation page.norton software sold purchased subscription stated period e.g.one year.software e.g.
Norton 360
firewall antivirus automatically disabled end subscription period unless new subscription purchased.a special edition norton premier edition branded norton security suite used available free pc mac customers comcast xfinity internet service .comcast norton security subscriptions ended .difference norton premier edition norton security suite latter include online storage feature.major version updates norton security suite typically occur month norton .windows consumer preview compatibility windows consumer preview released february .symantec announced norton antivirus internet security well newest norton version compatible windows .
Norton 360
disadvantages older versions .fbi cooperation symantec compliance fbi whitelisted magic lantern keylogger developed fbi.purpose magic lantern obtain passwords encrypted email part criminal investigation.magic lantern first reported media bob sullivan msnbc november ted bridis associated press.magic lantern deployed email attachment.
Norton 360
attachment opened trojan horse installed suspects computer.trojan horse activated suspect uses pgp encryption often used increase security sent email messages.activated trojan horse log pgp password allows fbi decrypt user communications.symantec major antivirus vendors whitelisted magic lantern rendering antivirus products including norton internet security incapable detecting magic lantern.concerns include uncertainties magic lanterns full potential whether hackers could subvert purposes outside jurisdiction law.graham cluley technology consultant sophos said way knowing written fbi even wouldn’t know whether used fbi commandeered third party.
Norton 360
another reaction came marc maiffret chief technical officer cofounder eeye digital security customers paying us service protect forms malicious code.us law enforcements job make exceptions law enforcement malware tools.fbi spokesman paul bresson response magic lantern needed court order deploy like technology projects tools deployed fbi would used pursuant appropriate legal process.proponents magic lantern argue technology would allow law enforcement efficiently quickly decrypt messages protected encryption schemes.implementing magic lantern require physical access suspects computer unlike carnivore predecessor magic lantern since physical access computer would require court order.uninstallation norton internet security windows versions criticized uninstalling completely leaving unnecessary files registry entries.