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A provider of quality vision care products and optometry services in Boynton Beach, FL. Schedule an appointment with an eye care professional today. Shopping in Boynton Beach, Florida that never goes out of style. Benefits of signing up for Boynton Beach Mall emails: Be the first to know about store savings. Get detailed information on exclusive events. Best of 2018 – Optometrists in Boynton Beach, FL. Here are the top optometrists in Boynton Beach as rated by the Boynton Beach community. These optometrists have received the best reviews and they are currently accepting new patients. Dr. Stephen Franzblau Dr. Lori A. Mazza 3175 State Road 7, Suite 100 Wellington, FL 33449 (561) 439-2020 Email We are a full scope optometric practice dedicated to providing the highest quality vision care to children and adults in a friendly, comfortable, and professional atmosphere. Eye-Site Optical Studio 2244 N Congress Ave Boynton Beach, FL 33426 2244 N Congress Ave Boynton Beach, FL 33426. Eye-Site Optical Studio 2244 N Congress Ave Boynton Beach, FL 33426 2244 N Congress Ave Boynton Beach, FL 33426. 2.1 miles away. Dr. Michele McLin, OD. Optometrist in Boynton Beach, Florida. Places Boynton Beach, Florida Shopping & retailAccessories Eye & Ear of Boynton beach. hilton palm beach airport · West Palm Beach, FL, United States.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
In response to large, severe wildfires in historically fire-adapted forests in the western US, policy initiatives, such as the USDA Forest Service's Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP), seek to increase the pace and scale of ecological restoration. One required component of this program is collaborative adaptive management, in which monitoring data are used to iteratively evaluate and improve future management actions. Management practices since the late 19th century, including fire exclusion and harvesting, have altered the structure of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex P. Lawson & C. Lawson) dominated forests across the western United States. These structural changes have the potential to contribute to uncharacteristic wildfire behavior and effects. Extensive high-severity wildfires have driven major losses of ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forests in the southwestern United States, in some settings catalyzing enduring conversions to nonforested vegetation types. Management interventions to reduce the probability of stand-replacing wildfire have included mechanical fuel treatments, prescribed fire, and wildfire managed for resource benefit. Ponderosa pine forest restoration consists of thinning trees and reintroducing prescribed fire to reduce unnaturally high tree densities and fuel loads to restore ecosystem structure and function. A current issue in ponderosa pine restoration is what to do with the large quantity of slash that is created from thinning dense forest stands. New novel study expands the scope of monitoring efforts in one of the first USDA Forest Service Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) landscapes, Colorado's Front Range. Results from this study highlight both the effective aspects of restoration treatments, and the importance of initiating and continuing collaborative science-based monitoring to improve the outcomes of forest restoration efforts. Wildfires in the Great Basin have resulted in widespread loss of Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle & Young), an ecologically important shrub that has proven difficult to establish from seed.We sought to identify optimal seeding practices forWyoming big sagebrush in the context of postfire seeding operations involving rangeland drills. Fuel treatments in ponderosa pine forests of the northern Rocky Mountains are commonly used to modify fire behavior, but it is unclear how different fuel treatments impact the subsequent production and distribution of aboveground biomass, especially in the long term.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Mike McManus is learning what it takes to compete in Connecticut's fast-growing craft beer industry. When the soon-to-be 25-year-old opened Powder Hollow Brewery in Enfield as the state's latest craft brewery on Nov. 23, he wasn't sure what to expect for his business. What he's found in the weeks since opening is a source of local support that he plans to tap into. "The response has been great," said McManus, an Enfield native who graduated from Enrico Fermi High School in 2008. "It's been beyond expectations. It's more than I hoped would actually happen." Powder Hollow Brewery's licensing allows McManus to not only give out samples and sell growlers to go like other breweries in the state, but also serve pints of beer. It's turned his 504 Hazard Avenue operation into both a destination for visitors and a meeting place for the neighborhood. "The support that I've got and the amount of people that have come and said they live within two miles from here, it's unreal, I didn't know we had that many people living nearby," McManus said. While some new breweries focus on strengthening their brand with a few flagship beers, McManus has taken a different approach by offering one of the more varied and larger beer selections at a brewery in the state. "I think the thing that people like the most is that, right now, we have 13 beers on tap," McManus said. "There's always a beer for everybody here. That's been the most positive feedback." McManus said that's led to repeat customers, returning often to try beers they weren't able to on their previous visits. Some popular sellers recently include their west coast style India pale ale, a blonde ale and an amber ale. "It's been the same plan since day one," McManus said. "We're a small local brewery and we're going to cater to customers who come in all the time and want that variety. Every time you come in here, there's something new on tap, and it's always going to be like that." But brewing that many beers and maintaining a consistent quality, all on top of running a taproom, isn't easy work. McManus and his assistant brewer, Lance Boylan, work a lot of 18 hour days. "We've dumped a batch that I wasn't happy with," McManus said. "It didn't come out the way we wanted, so we got rid of it. We didn't serve it." To keep their beers consistent, McManus and Boylan take a lot of notes, and said they are always trying to fix any mistakes they can. Though McManus has been home-brewing since he was 20, he believes he can keep improving. "This is our time to learn," McManus said. "If things don't go the way we want them to, we're learning how to correct them. That's why we dumped that one batch. It's not easy to put that much down the drain, but you have to do it." Since opening, Powder Hollow Brewery is no longer the newest brewery in the state. Steady Habit Brewing opened its doors in Haddam on Jan. 17. McManus said he doesn't believe the state is at its capacity yet for breweries and called the competition between brewers a very friendly and open one. "Everybody's end result is to make a good beer, not to cut out competitors," McManus said. "I don't have any doubt in my mind when I say this is the best industry in the world." McManus next plan is to have his beer on tap in local restaurants and bars. He said customers can expect to see that happening within the next six to eight weeks.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Vanessa Ferrari (ur. 10 listopada 1990 w Orzinuovi, Brescia), włoska gimnastyczka, mistrzyni świata i Europy w wieloboju w gimnastyce sportowej. Mistrzostwa Świata Mistrzostwa Europy Odznaczeni Orderem Zasługi Republiki Włoskiej Urodzeni w 1990 Włoskie gimnastyczki sportowe Gimnastyczki sportowe
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Algeria Angola Benin Botswana British Indian Ocean Territory Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo Congo, DRC Cote d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Morocco X Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda Sao Tome & Principe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa St. Helena Sudan Swaziland Togo Tunisia Uganda X Zambia Zimbabwe Albania Andorra X Austria Belarus Belgium Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Faroe Is. Finland France Germany Gibraltar X Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Jan Mayen Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro X Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Reunion Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia X Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom North America (2 of 36) Anguilla Antigua & Barbuda Aruba Barbados Belize Bermuda British Virgin Is. Canada Cayman Is. Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic X El Salvador Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Martinique Mexico Montserrat Netherlands Antilles Nicaragua Puerto Rico X St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre & Miquelon St. Vincent & the Grenadines The Bahamas Trinidad & Tobago Turks & Caicos Is. United States Virgin Is. Oceania (NONE of 26) American Samoa Australia Cook Is. Fiji French Polynesia Guam Jarvis I. Kiribati Marshall Is. Micronesia Nauru New Caledonia New Zealand Niue Norfolk I. Northern Mariana Is. Palau Papua New Guinea Pitcairn Is. Samoa Solomon Is. Timor-Leste Tokelau Tonga Vanuatu Wallis & Futuna South America (NONE of 14) Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Falkland Is. French Guiana Guyana Paraguay Peru South Georgia & the South Sandwich Is. Uruguay Venezuela This small country is situated between France and Spain. Because of its elevation and proximity to the Pyrenees the climate is generally pleasant throughout the year. ************** Read More Show Less During the summer months the temperatures can rise to 30c but there is usually a cooling breeze. Lightening storms can occur during the summer months associated with torrential rain. Sun Exposure and Dehydration Those from Northern Europe can develop significant sun exposure and so remember to use a wide brimmed hat when necessary. The altitude can also lead to significant tiredness and dehydration so take sufficient initial rest and drink plenty of fluids. The level of crime throughout the country directed at tourists is very low. Nevertheless take care of your personal belongings at all times and use hotel safety boxes where possible. There are strict laws regarding the use of illegal drugs. Make sure you have sufficient supplies of any medication you required for your trip and that it is clearly marked. The European E111 form is not accepted in Andorra and so it is essential that you have sufficient travel insurance for your trip. Andorra is one of the regions where many travel to partake of their winter sport facilities. Generally this is well controlled and one of the safer regions. Nevertheless, make certain your travel insurance is adequate for the activities you are planning to undertake. The only standard vaccine to consider for Andorra would be tetanus in line with many other developed countries of the world. Government in Andorra vows to kick habit of cigarette advertising Pollution Andorra - 2 years ago Andorra la Vella, Andorra, July 12, 2018 (AFP) - The tax haven of Andorra has long been a favourite destination for smokers looking to stock up on cheap cigarettes, but the enclave said Thursday that it would soon stop advertising the fact. The government said it had signed up to the World Health Organization's (WHO) anti-tobacco convention, which aims to encourage people to quit smoking and combat contraband sales. "The goal is to contribute to public health and pursue the fight against trafficking," government spokesman Jordi Cinca said at a press conference. The tiny principality of Andorra, perched in the Pyrenees on the border between France and Spain, attracts millions of shoppers each year to duty-free stores, where prices of alcohol, cigarettes, electronics and clothes can be up to 20 percent cheaper than elsewhere in the EU. High taxes on tobacco imposed by many countries to help people kick smoking make Andorra's cigarettes a particularly good deal. The average pack costs just three euros ($3.50) compared with eight euros in France, which has said it will gradually raise the price to 10 euros a pack by November 2020. Tobacco sales bring in some 110 million euros a year for Andorra, whose economy is otherwise based almost entirely on tourism. It is also an enticing destination for smugglers, with French and Spanish border agents regularly seizing cartons from people trying to sneak them out, either by car or by hiking down the mountain trails which criss-cross the Pyrenees. No date has been set for the advertising ban, which will come into effect three months after the ratification of the WHO accord is voted by parliament. Population in Andorra witness first strike since 1933 Strikes Andorra - 2 years ago Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2018 02:41:51 +0100 Andorra la Vella, Andorra, March 16, 2018 (AFP) - The tiny principality of Andorra is witnessing a once in a generation phenomenon -- a widespread strike. Around a third of civil servants across the mountainous micro-state have walked out to protest proposed reforms to their sector in what has been described as Andorra's first large-scale strike since 1933. With no negotiation breakthrough in sight, picket lines are expected to be manned again on Friday with customs officers, police, teachers and prison staff among those taking part. The first major strike in 85 years was sparked by plans from the government of Antoni Marti to reform civil servant contracts. He has assured officials "will not do an hour more" work under the reforms and that 49 million euros would be allocated for the next 25 years to supplement civil servant salaries. But government workers are unconvinced with unions warning the reforms could risk their 35 hour working week and pay. Customs officers involved in the strike interrupted traffic on the Andorran-Spanish border this week, according to unions, while some 80 percent of teachers have walked out of classes. Strikers have occupied the government's main administrative building and held noisy protests outside parliament calling for Marti's resignation. "We have started collecting signatures to demand the resignation of the head of government and now nobody will stop us," Gabriel Ubach, spokesman for the public service union, told reporters. Report on 2016 outbreak of Norovirus in Catalonia (Spain) linked to water from Andorra Disease Norovirus Andorra - 2 years ago Date: Mon 27 Sep 2017 Source: Contagion Live [edited] http://www.contagionlive.com/news/2016-norovirus-outbreak-in-spain-linked-with-bottled-water A recent Dispatch article published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s Emerging Infectious Diseases journal, offers insight into a large norovirus outbreak that sprung up in Spain in 2016 that had been linked with bottled spring water. The Public Health Agency of Catalonia (ASPCAT) reported a staggering 4136 cases of gastroenteritis from 11-25 Apr 2016. Of the 4136 cases, 6 individuals required hospitalization. The CDC defines a "case-patient" as an "exposed person who had vomiting or diarrhoea (3 or more loose stools within 24 hours)," as well as 2 or more of the following symptoms: nausea, stomach pain, or fever. ASPCAT investigators traced back the outbreak to contaminated bottled spring water in office water coolers. The water came from a source in Andorra, a small independent principality located between Spain and France. Norovirus is a "very contagious virus," according to the CDC, and it is common for individuals to become infected by eating contaminated food. Although it is possible to be infected by consuming contaminated drinking water, this mode of transmission is "rare in developed countries," according to the article. The investigators collected water samples from a total of 4 19-L water coolers in 2 different offices located in Barcelona, "from which affected persons had drunk; samples 1 and 2 came from 2 water coolers in one office, while samples 3 and 4 came from 2 water coolers in another office. Using "positively charged glass wool and polyethylene glycol precipitation for virus concentration," the investigators tested the samples. "We detected high RNA levels for norovirus genotype I and II, around 103 and 104 genome copies/L, in 2 of the 4 water cooler samples concentrated by glass wool filtration and polyethylene glycol precipitation," according to the article. The investigators noted that a drawback of using molecular methods is that they are not able to differentiate between particles that are infectious and those that are not. Therefore, they "predicted the infectivity of norovirus in the concentrated samples by treating the samples with the nucleic acid intercalating dye PMA propidium monoazide and Triton X surfactant before RT-qPCR," which allowed them to "distinguish between virions with intact and altered capsids." In those 2 water samples, they found high genome copy values -- 49 and 327 genome copies/L for norovirus genotype I and 33 and 660 genomes copies/L for norovirus genotype II. This was not an unexpected finding, due to the large number of infected individuals associated with the outbreak. Through "PMA/Triton treatment before RT-qPCR assays," the investigators found that the proportion of infected virions accounted for 0.3% to 5.6% of the total number of physical particles in the water samples, "which was enough to cause gastrointestinal illness." The investigators also analyzed faecal samples collected from infected individuals who worked at the office in which the 1st 2 water samples were collected. They detected the following genotypes in those faecal samples: GI.2 and GII.17. In the faecal samples collected from the other office, they isolated the following genotypes: GII.4/Sydney/2012, GI.2, GII.17, and GII.2. "We hypothesize that the spring water was contaminated by all 4 strains (GI.2, GII.2, GII.4, and GII.17) but levels of viral contamination for each genotype were not homogeneous in all bottled coolers," the investigators wrote. "We may have detected only the GII.4 genotype in water samples 1 and 2 because of a higher concentration of this specific genotype or because of bias caused by the sampling, concentration, and molecular detection procedures." The investigators admit one limitation to their study: the small number of water samples collected and analyzed. They attribute this to the fact that on 15 Apr 2016, 4 days after the onset of the outbreak, the company that produced the drinking water recalled over 6150 containers of water "of suspected quality" as a precautionary measure. The recall prevented the investigators from collecting more samples to assess, according to the article. Although the exact cause of the contamination has not yet been identified, the investigators posit that "the high number of affected persons from 381 offices that received water coolers, and the many different genotypes found in some patients' faecal specimens" suggest that the spring aquifer had been contaminated by "sewage pollution," and the Andorra Ministry of Health and Welfare banned further use of the spring. The investigators suggest that assessing commercially-produced mineral waters for different harmful pathogens, such as norovirus would be beneficial. They note, however, that creating, enhancing, and managing such "virus surveillance systems" would be costly. Thus, the investigators suggest taking a "balanced approach to keep both the cost and the time required for the analyses within feasibility limits." [Byline: Kristi Rosa] [The interesting article published in the September 2017 issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases is: Blanco A, Guix S, Fuster N, et al: Norovirus in bottled water associated with gastroenteritis outbreak, Spain, 2016. Emerg Infect Dis. 2017; 23(9): 1531-34; https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/23/9/16-1489_article. - ProMED Mod.LL] [Catalonia and Andorra can be located on the HealthMap/ProMED-mail map at http://healthmap.org/promed/p/1341. - ProMED Sr.Tech.Ed.MJ] Skier and snowboarder die in Europe avalanches Accident Andorra - 6 years ago ANDORRA LA VELLA, Andorra, Dec 26, 2013 (AFP) - A Spanish skier and a French snowboarder have died in avalanches in different mountain ranges in Europe, officials said Thursday. The 27-year-old skier, a woman from Barcelona, died Wednesday while going off-piste alone in the Soldeu resort in Andorra, in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain, a resort manager told AFP. Although she was rescued within 10 minutes, after her glove was spotted on the surface, she was unable to be revived despite a helicopter dash to hospital. In the Italian Alps, close to the border with France, a 24-year-old Frenchman who was snowboarding with three friends on a closed run died Thursday when an avalanche swept over him in the resort town of Les Arnauds. Local officials said he succumbed to multiple injuries, asphyxia and hypothermia. Avalanches are common in Europe's ski resorts at this time of year, when early snows are heavy with moisture, and several deaths occur each winter. Last Sunday, a 35-year-old Frenchman died in an avalanche in the Alps near the Italian border while on a three-day trek with a friend. Andorra: Independent Outbreaks of Gastroenteritis Disease Gastroenteritis Andorra - 17 years ago Date: Fri 7 Feb 2003 From: Jaime R. Torres Source: EFE Salud, Thu 6 Feb 2003 (translated by Maria Jacobs) [edited] -------------------------------------------------- Close to 300 students in one school and 173 tourists staying in 7 hotels in the Principality of Andorra have been affected by outbreaks of gastroenteritis that, according to local authorities, are not related to each other. Monica Codina, Minister of Health, stated that the outbreak that has affected almost 300 children and 8 adults in the San Ermengol school was detected last Monday [3 Feb 2003] but that it may have started Wednesday or Thursday of the previous week. The epidemiological surveys of a group of pre-school and grammar school students that may also be affected have not been performed yet. Also pending are the results of the microbiological tests of the food and water served in the school dining room, but the minister has indicated that the probable cause of the outbreak is the fact that water pitchers were filled with hoses directly from the faucet. The Minister stated that this outbreak of gastroenteritis is not related to the one that affected 173 tourists, most of them young people on holiday, who where staying in 7 hotels of the Principality. The government is also investigating the cause of this outbreak and has indicated that an anomaly in the system that supplies water to the hotels was detected, requiring a process of chlorination, which has not been carried out due to the heavy snowfall of the past few days. * * * * * * * * * * [The suspicion that defective water supplies may be responsible for all of these independent outbreaks suggests that the etiologic agent may be an enterovirus, hepatitis A virus, or non-viral, rather than one of the noroviruses associated with sudden-onset viral gastroenteritis. Information on the outcome of diagnostic tests in progress would be welcomed. - ProMed Mod.CP] No Profile is available at present Read More Show Less Thousands of Puerto Rico's earthquake survivors wait for relief Natural Disaster Puerto Rico - 4 days ago By Ivelisse RIVERA, con Leila MACOR en Miami Yauco, Puerto Rico, Jan 16, 2020 (AFP) - Living out in the open, their nerves on edge after a series of earthquakes that have shaken Puerto Rico, some 5,000 people are hoping that their president, Donald Trump, will heed the island's plea to be designated a disaster zone and free up much-needed aid. Since December 28, more than 1,000 tremors have rattled the US island territory in the Caribbean, which just two years ago was devastated by two powerful hurricanes in quick succession. In Yauco, one of the areas worst hit by the earthquakes, dozens of people were sitting on cot beds Wednesday in the parking lot of a municipal stadium, sheltered from the sun by white tents and blue tarps handed out by the federal disaster management agency, known as FEMA. "The most difficult thing is the psychological aspect," said Wilfredo Rodriguez, 31. His house had been fractured by the seismic movement and he has spent a week living with his kids, aged six and 10, under an awning. "We are living in constant fear of another powerful tremor," he said. He only returns to his house to wash, then hurries back to the shelter. "We worry that there'll be a more powerful tremor while we are inside the house," he said. Throughout the day, volunteers arrive to hand out food and toys for the children who fill the shelters: schools have been suspended because the buildings are not sturdy enough to withstand another quake. The island's earthquake detection system has registered 1,104 tremors in the past two weeks alone, of which 186 could be felt by the population. By comparison, during the whole of 2019 there were 6,442 tremors, of which just 62 could be felt by people on the island. Further south, in Guanico, Juan Santiago decided to move into a shelter on Saturday after a tremor of 5.9 on the Richter scale hit the island. "The mountain shook and rocks and earth started to come down," said the 30-year-old. "My house has a crack in it and is about to fall down," he added. His home had weathered the Category Five winds of Hurricane Maria in September 2017 and of Hurricane Irma which followed it just two weeks later. "It's different to a hurricane. What is happening now is much nastier," he said. As he was talking the earth shook again, a tremor of 5.2 magnitude. Vehicles rocked like hammocks in the wind, but the quake-hardened victims barely reacted. The houses in this part of the island are mostly rudimentary constructions built by the people who live in them with scant resources available in the mountains, where no regulations stipulate that buildings should be earthquake resistant. The government of Puerto Rico said that as of Monday, there were 4,924 people living in 28 shelters in 14 municipalities. There were no figures on how many buildings had been damaged or destroyed. - Seeking disaster designation - Puerto Rico's governor Wanda Vazquez Garced called on Trump to declare the earthquake a disaster and clear the way for desperately needed aid. Trump had declared an emergency days before, but the governor wanted more. The declaration of an emergency frees up to $5 million dollars in aid for the island, although Congress can bump that figure up. But if the situation is designated a disaster, there is no ceiling on funding, a FEMA spokesman said. On Wednesday, the government said it would release $8.2 billion in delayed hurricane relief that had been stalled after the president threatened to divert Puerto Rico's emergency funds to help pay for his wall on the US-Mexico border. In the past few days there have been growing calls among Democratic lawmakers for Trump to declare the situation in Puerto Rico a disaster. It is a delicate subject, as Trump has accused the government of Puerto Rico of incompetence and of siphoning off hurricane relief money, triggering a public spat between the president and the mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulin Cruz, as well as the former governor Ricardo Rossello, who was forced to step down last summer amid massive protests. The Puerto Rican leaders accused Trump of treating the population of the island like second class citizens. Puerto Rico rattled by another strong quake Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 15:43:12 +0100 (MET) Washington, Jan 11, 2020 (AFP) - A 5.9 magnitude earthquake rocked Puerto Rico Saturday, the latest in a series of powerful tremors that have shaken the US territory in recent days, the US Geological Survey reported. The latest quake occurred at 8:54 am local time (1254 GMT) around 13 kilometres (eight miles) southeast of Guanica, a town on the island's southern Caribbean coastline that was hard hit by earlier quakes. The USGS revised its initial report of a 6.0 magnitude quake to 5.9. It follows a 6.4 magnitude quake Tuesday that killed one person, knocked out electric power and caused widespread damage. Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vazquez declared a state of emergency after Tuesday's quake, which forced an automatic shutdown of the power grid. Puerto Rico's electric power authority reported outages in the towns of Ponce, Lares, Adjuntas and San German after the latest quake. The Pacific Tsunami Information Center in Hawaii issued a statement saying there was "no significant tsunami threat" but a small possibility of tsunami waves along coasts nearest the epicentre. The island is still recovering from Hurricane Maria, which came ashore more than two years ago as a devastating Category 4 storm. Starting December 28, a wave of tremors have swept the island, putting residents on edge. The 6.4 quake on January 7 came a day after a 5.8 magnitude quake; it was followed by major aftershocks. Saturday's quakes were also preceded by a string of smaller tremors. Authorities in Puerto Rico declare state of emergency after wide quake damage Disturbances Puerto Rico - 10 days ago Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2020 23:44:45 +0100 (MET) By Ricardo Arduengo Guayanilla, Puerto Rico, Jan 7, 2020 (AFP) - Puerto Rico's governor declared a state of emergency on Tuesday after a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake killed at least one person in the south of the island and caused widespread damage. Governor Wanda Vazquez said the declaration would allow for the activation of National Guard troops in the US territory still recovering from a devastating 2017 hurricane. The US Geological Survey said the quake struck at 4:24 am (0824 GMT) with the epicenter off the coast of the southern city of Ponce, and was followed by more than a dozen aftershocks. Tuesday's quake was the most powerful in a series of tremors that have shaken the island since December 28. Scientists initially sent out an alert about a potential tsunami but it was later canceled. The island's electricity authority said the quake had forced an automatic shutdown of the power grid, already severely damaged by Hurricane Maria more than two years ago. The worst damage appeared to be in towns on the southwest coast, including Ponce, Guayanilla and Guanica. El Nuevo Dia newspaper said a 73-year-old man died after a wall fell in his home in Ponce. Eight others there were reported injured. Two power plants in Guayanilla sustained major damage, the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority said. The city could be without power for two weeks, its mayor Nelson Torres Yordan said. Celebrity chef Jose Andres announced that a charity he runs, World Central Kitchen, had started serving meals and distributing solar-powered lamps in quake-hit areas. Vazquez announced that $130 million in emergency aid funding will be disbursed. On social media, people wrote of being shaken awake by the force of the quake. One woman on Twitter said she had been "wrenched from sleep." "Everybody is awake & scared all over," she posted. In Guayanilla, the Inmaculada Concepcion church, built in 1841, was heavily damaged. Volunteers salvaged statues and other valuable items from the ruins as a priest consoled distraught parishioners. - 'Be safe' - A 5.8 magnitude quake on Monday toppled some structures, caused power outages and small landslides, but did not result in any casualties. It also destroyed a popular tourist landmark, Punta Ventana, a natural stone arch that crumbled on the island's southern coast. Vazquez, the governor, said government employees were being given the day off on Tuesday to take care of their families. "We want everyone to be safe," she said. She said ports were undamaged and there are several weeks' supply of gasoline, diesel and natural gas stored so people need not worry about shortages. The White House said President Donald Trump had been briefed and Pete Gaynor, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), had been in touch with the governor. Trump's administration came under severe criticism for its response to Hurricane Maria. The Category 4 storm destroyed the island's already shaky power grid, overwhelmed public services, left many residents homeless and claimed several thousand lives, according to government estimates. Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits off Puerto Rico cutting off electricity Natural Disaster Puerto Rico - 13 days ago Washington, Jan 7, 2020 (AFP) - A strong earthquake struck south of Puerto Rico early Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said, the latest in a series of tremors that have shaken the island since December 28. The shallow 6.5 magnitude quake struck 13.6 kilometres (8.5 miles) south of the city of Ponce, the USGS said, revising down its initial reading of 6.6. The quake struck just off the US territory's southern Caribbean coastline at 4:24 am local time (0824 GMT). "The whole island is without power," the director of Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Jose Ortiz, told local media. Puerto Rico's governor Wanda Vazquez Garced posted on Twitter that the government's security protocols had been activated. She said government employees were not expected at work, adding: "We want everyone to be safe." On social media, people wrote of being shaken awake by the force of the quake. One woman on Twitter said she had been "wrenched from sleep", adding "Everybody is awake & scared all over." Dramatic images also shared on social media appeared to show widespread damage in the town of Guayanilla, home to around 20,000 people, as well as nearby Guanica. The mayor of Guayanilla told local news channel NotiUno that the town's church had collapsed in the incident. An alert issued by the Tsunami Warning Center immediately following the earthquake was later cancelled. Tuesday's quake was the strongest of a series of tremors that have shaken the island since December 28, topping Monday's 5.8 quake. That earthquake toppled houses and caused power outages, but there were no reports of casualties. 5.8 magnitude quake rattles Puerto Rico Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2020 18:04:21 +0100 (MET) Miami, Jan 6, 2020 (AFP) - A 5.8-magnitude earthquake shook Puerto Rico Monday, toppling houses and causing power outages and small landslides but there were no reports of casualties, the US Geological Survey said. The quake, just off the US territory's southern Caribbean coastline, was felt throughout much of the island, including the capital San Juan. Some 250,000 customers were hit by electric power outages after the quake, which struck at 6:32 am local time (1032GMT). Images posted on social media showed houses tumbled from their supporting pillars, cracks in walls, cars crushed under collapsed houses and small scale landslides. The quake was the strongest of a series that have rippled through the island since December 28, and it was followed by at least eight aftershocks, officials said. No tsunami alerts were issued. United Kingdom and Gibraltar (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) US Consular Information Sheet The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a highly developed constitutional monarc Read More Show Less y comprised of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland. Read the Department of State Background Notes on the United Kingdom for additional information. Gibraltar is a United Kingdom Overseas Territory bordering Spain and located at the southernmost tip of Europe at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of thirteen former British colonies that have elected to continue their political links with London. Tourist facilities are widely available. A visa is not required for tourist or business visits to the UK of less than six months in duration. Visitors wishing to remain longer than one month in Gibraltar should regularize their stay with Gibraltar immigration authorities. Those planning to visit the UK for any purpose other than tourism or business, or who intend to stay longer than six months, should consult the website of the British Embassy in the United States at http://britainusa.com for information about current visa requirements. Those who are required to obtain a visa and fail to do so may be denied entry and returned to their port of origin. The British government is currently considering reducing the visa-free period from six months to 90 days. Travelers should be alert to any changes in legislation. The U.S. Embassy cannot intervene in UK visa matters. In addition to the British Embassy web site at http://britainusa.com, those seeking current UK visa information may also contact UK consular offices via their premium rate telephone service at 1-900-656-5000 (cost $3/minute) or 1-212-796-5773 ($12 flat fee). The United Kingdom is politically stable, with a modern infrastructure, but shares with the rest of the world an increased threat of terrorist incidents of international origin, as well as the potential, though significantly diminished in recent years, for isolated violence related to the political situation in Northern Ireland (a part of the United Kingdom). On July 7, 2005, a major terrorist attack occurred in London, as Islamic extremists detonated explosives on three underground trains and a bus in Central London, resulting in over 50 deaths and hundreds of injuries. Following the attacks, the public transportation system was temporarily disrupted, but quickly returned to normal. A similar but unsuccessful attack against London's public transport system took place on July 21, 2005. UK authorities have identified and arrested people involved in these attacks. Similarly, those involved in terrorist incidents in London and Glasgow during the summer of 2007 were identified and arrested. Like the US, the UK shares its national threat levels with the general public to keep everyone informed and explain the context for the various increased security measures that may be encountered. UK threat levels are determined by the UK Home Office and are posted on its web site at http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/security/current-threat-level/. Information from the UK Security Service, commonly known as MI5, about the reasons for the increased threat level and actions the public can take is available on the MI5 web site at http://www.mi5.gov.uk/. On August 10, 2006, the Government of the United Kingdom heightened security at all UK airports following a major counterterrorism operation in which individuals were arrested for plotting attacks against US-bound airlines. As a result of this, increased restrictions concerning carry-on luggage were put in place and are strictly enforced. American citizens are advised to check with the UK Department for Transport at http://www.dft.gov.uk/transportforyou/airtravel/airportsecurity/ regarding the latest security updates and carry-on luggage restrictions. The British Home Secretary has urged UK citizens to be alert and vigilant by, for example, keeping an eye out for suspect packages or people acting suspiciously at subway (called the "Tube" or Underground) and train stations and airports and reporting anything suspicious to the appropriate authorities. Americans are reminded to remain vigilant with regard to their personal security and to exercise caution. For more information about UK public safety initiatives, consult the UK Civil Contingencies Secretariat web site at http://www.ukresilience.gov.uk. The political situation in Northern Ireland has dramatically improved since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, the announcement by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) on July 28, 2005, that it would end its armed campaign, and the agreement to set up a power-sharing government on May 8, 2007. The potential remains, however, for sporadic incidents of street violence and/or sectarian confrontation. American citizens traveling to Northern Ireland should therefore remain alert to their surroundings and should be aware that if they choose to visit potential flashpoints or attend parades sporadic violence remains a possibility. Tensions may be heightened during the summer marching season (April to August), particularly during the month of July around the July 12th public holiday. The phone number for police/fire/ambulance emergency services - the equivalent of "911" in the U.S. - is "999" in the United Kingdom and "112" in Gibraltar. This number should also be used for warnings about possible bombs or other immediate threats. The UK Anti-Terrorist Hotline, at 0800 789 321, is for tip-offs and confidential information about possible terrorist activity. For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs' web site at http://travel.state.gov, where the current Travel Warnings, Travel Alerts, as well as the Worldwide Caution can be found. Recent communications from U.S. Embassy London to the local American citizen community, called Warden Messages, can be found on the U.S. Embassy's American Citizens' Services web site at http://london.usembassy.gov/cons_new/acs/index.html. Up-to-date information on safety and security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the U.S., or for callers outside the U.S. and Canada, a regular toll-line at 1-202-501-4444. For general information about appropriate measures travelers can take to protect themselves in an overseas environment, see the Department of State's pamphlet, A Safe Trip Abroad. The United Kingdom and Gibraltar benefit from generally low crime rates and rates decreased slightly in 2007 in significant categories, including violent crime. The crime situation in the UK is similar to the United States, with typical incidents including pick-pocketing; mugging; "snatch and grab" thefts of mobile phones, watches and jewelry; and theft of unattended bags, especially at airports and from cars parked at restaurants, hotels and resorts. Pickpockets target tourists, especially at historic sites, restaurants, on buses, trains and the London Underground (the "Tube," or subway). Thieves often target unattended cars parked at tourist sites and roadside restaurants, looking for laptop computers and hand-held electronic equipment, especially global positioning satellite equipment. Walking in isolated areas, including public parks, especially after dark, should also be avoided, as these provide advantageous venues for muggers and thieves. At night or when there is little foot traffic, travelers should be especially careful using the underground pedestrian tunnels. As a general rule, either walk the extra distance to use a surface crossing or wait until there are other adult pedestrians entering the tunnel. In London, travelers should use only licensed "black taxi cabs," or car services recommended by their hotel or tour operator. Unlicensed taxis or private cars posing as taxis may offer low fares, but are often uninsured and may have unlicensed drivers. In some instances, travelers have been robbed and raped while using these cars. You can access 7,000 licensed "Black Cabs" using just one telephone number – 0871 871 8710. This taxi booking service combines all six of London's radio taxi circuits, allowing you to telephone 24 hours a day if you need to "hail a cab." Alternatively, to find a licensed minicab, text "HOME" to 60835 on your mobile phone to get the telephone number to two licensed minicab companies in the area. If you know in advance what time you will be leaving for home, you can pre-book your return journey. The "Safe Travel at Night" partnership among the Metropolitan Police, Transport for London, and the Mayor of London maintains a website with additional information at http://www.cabwise.com/. Travelers should not leave drinks unattended in bars and nightclubs. There have been some instances of drinks being spiked with illegal substances, leading to incidents of robbery and rape. Due to the circumstances described above, visitors should take steps to ensure the safety of their U.S. passports. Visitors in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar are not expected to produce identity documents for police authorities and thus may secure their passports in hotel safes or residences. Abundant ATMs that link to U.S. banking networks offer an optimal rate of exchange and they preclude the need to carry a passport to cash travelers' checks. Travelers should be aware that U.S. banks might charge a higher processing fee for withdrawals made overseas. Common sense personal security measures utilized in the U.S. when using ATMs should also be followed in the UK. ATM fraud in the UK is becoming more sophisticated, incorporating technologies to surreptitiously record customer ATM card and PIN information. Travelers should avoid using ATMs that look in any way "temporary" in structure or location, or that are located in isolated areas. Travelers should be aware that in busy public areas, thieves use distraction techniques, such as waiting until the PIN number has been entered and then pointing to money on the ground, or attempting to hand out a free newspaper. When the ATM user is distracted, a colleague will quickly withdraw cash and leave. If distracted in any way, travelers should press the cancel transaction button immediately and collect their card before speaking to the person who has distracted them. If the person's motives appear suspicious, travelers should not challenge them but remember the details and report the matter to Police as soon as possible. In addition, travelers should not use the ATM if there is anything stuck to the machine or if it looks unusual in any way. If the machine does not return the card, report the incident to the issuing bank immediately. The loss or theft abroad of a U.S. passport should be reported immediately to the local police and the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate at the opening of the next business day. The U.S. Embassy or Consulate only issues replacement passports during regular business hours. If you are the victim of a crime while overseas, report it to local police. The nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate will also be able to assist by helping you to find appropriate medical care, contacting family members or friends, and explaining how funds could be transferred. Visit the "Victim Support" web site, maintained by an independent UK charity to helps people cope with the effects of crime: http://www.victimsupport.org.uk/ See our information for Victims of Crime. While medical services are widely available, free care under the National Health System is allowed only to UK residents and certain EU nationals. Tourists and short-term visitors will be charged for medical treatment in the UK. Charges may be significantly higher than those assessed in the United States. Hiking in higher elevations can be treacherous. Several people die each year while hiking, particularly in Scotland, often due to sudden changes in weather. Visitors, including experienced hikers, are encouraged to discuss intended routes with local residents familiar with the area, and to adhere closely to recommendations. If your medical insurance policy does not provide overseas coverage, you may want to purchase a short-term policy for your trip. The Department of State provides a list of travel insurance companies that can provide the additional insurance needed for the duration of one's trip abroad in its online at medical insurance overseas. Remember also that most medical care facilities and medical care providers in the UK do not accept insurance subscription as a primary source of payment. Rather, the beneficiary is expected to pay for the service and then seek reimbursement from the insurance company. This may require an upfront payment in the $10,000 to $20,000 range The information below concerning the United Kingdom is provided for general reference only, and may not be totally accurate in a particular location or circumstance. UK penalties for driving under the influence of even minimal amounts of alcohol or drugs are stiff and often result in prison sentences. In contrast to the United States and continental Europe, where traffic drives on the right side of the road, in the UK, it moves on the left. The maximum speed limit on highways/motorways in the UK is 70MPH. Motorways generally have a hard shoulder (breakdown lane) on the far left, defined by a solid white line. It is illegal to stop or park on a hard shoulder unless it is an emergency. In such cases, you should activate your hazard lights, get out of your vehicle and go onto an embankment for safety. Emergency call boxes (orange telephone booths with "SOS" printed on them) may be found at half-mile intervals along the motorway. White and blue poles placed every 100 yards along the motorway point in the direction of the nearest call box. Emergency call boxes dial directly to a motorway center. It is best to use these phones rather than a personal cell phone, because motorway center personnel will immediately know the location of a call received from an emergency call box. Roadside towing services may cost approximately £125. However, membership fees of automotive associations such as the RAC or AA (Automobile Association) often include free roadside towing service. Visitors uncomfortable with, or intimidated by, the prospect of driving on the left-hand side of the road may wish to avail themselves of extensive bus, rail and air transport networks that are comparatively inexpensive. Roads in the UK are generally excellent, but are narrow and often congested in urban areas. If you plan to drive while in the UK, you may wish to obtain a copy of the Highway Code, available at http://www.highwaycode.gov.uk. Travelers intending to rent cars in the UK should make sure that they are adequately insured. U.S. auto insurance is not always valid outside the U.S., and travelers may wish to purchase supplemental insurance, which is generally available from most major rental agents. The city of London imposes a congestion charge of £8 (eight pounds sterling, or approximately U.S. $16.00) on all cars entering much of central London Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Information on the congestion charge can be found at http://www.cclondon.com. Public transport in the United Kingdom is excellent and extensive. However, poor track conditions may have contributed to train derailments resulting in some fatalities. Repairs are underway and the overall safety record is excellent. Information on disruptions to London transportation services can be found at http://www.tfl.gov.uk and information about the status of National Rail Services can be found at http://www.nationalrail.co.uk. Many U.S. pedestrians are injured, some fatally, every year in the United Kingdom, because they forget that oncoming traffic approaches from the opposite direction than in the United States. Extra care and alertness should be taken when crossing streets; remember to look both ways before stepping into the street. Driving in Gibraltar is on the right-hand side of the road, as in the U.S. and Continental Europe. Persons traveling overland between Gibraltar and Spain may experience long delays in clearing Spanish border controls. Please refer to our Road Safety Overseas page for more information. For specific information concerning United Kingdom driving permits, vehicle inspection, road tax and mandatory insurance, refer to the United Kingdom's Department of Environment and Transport web site at http://www.dft.gov.uk, the Driving Standards Agency web site at http://www.dsa.gov.uk or consult the U.S. Embassy in London's web site at http://london.usembassy.gov/. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of the United Kingdom's Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of the UK's air carrier operations. For further information, travelers may visit the FAA's web site at http://www.faa.gov/safety/programs_initiatives/oversight/iasa. The legal drinking age in the UK is generally lower than in the U.S. and social drinking in pubs is often seen as a routine aspect of life in Britain. Parents, organizers of school trips, and young travelers should be aware of the impact that this environment may have when combined with the sense of adventure that comes with being abroad. Please see our Students Abroad web site as well Studying Abroad to help students plan a safe and enjoyable adventure. The UK has strict gun-control laws, and importing firearms is extremely complicated. Travelers should consider leaving all firearms in the United States. Restrictions exist on the type and number of weapons that may be possessed by an individual. All handguns, i.e. pistols and revolvers, are prohibited with very few exceptions. Licensing of firearms in the UK is controlled by the Police. Applicants for a license must be prepared to show 'good reason' why they require each weapon. Applicants must also provide a copy of their U.S. gun license, a letter of good conduct from their local U.S. police station and a letter detailing any previous training, hunting or shooting experience. Background checks will also be carried out. Additional information on applying for a firearm certificate and/or shotgun certificate can be found on the Metropolitan Police Firearms Enquiry Teams web site at http://www.met.police.uk/firearms-enquiries/index.htm. A number of Americans are lured to the UK each year in the belief that they have won a lottery or have inherited from the estate from a long-lost relative. Americans may also be contacted by persons they have "met" over the Internet who now need funds urgently to pay for hospital treatment, hotel bills, taxes or airline security fees. Invariably, the person contacted is the victim of fraud. Any unsolicited invitations to travel to the UK to collect winnings or an inheritance should be viewed with skepticism. Also, there are no licenses or fees required when transiting a UK airport, nor is emergency medical treatment withheld pending payment of fees. Please see our information on International Financial Scams. Please read our Customs Information. Persons violating British law, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in the UK are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines. Many pocketknives and other blades, and mace or pepper spray canisters, although legal in the U.S., are illegal in the UK and will result in arrest and confiscation if detected. A UK Metropolitan Police guide to items that are prohibited as offensive weapons is available at http://www.met.police.uk/youngpeople/guns.htm. A UK Customs Guide, detailing what items visitors are prohibited from bringing into the UK, is available at http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/downloadFile?contentID=HMCE_CL_001734. Air travelers to and from the United Kingdom should be aware that penalties against alcohol-related and other in-flight crimes ("air rage") are stiff and are being enforced with prison sentences. Please also see our information on customs regulations that pertain when returning to the US. For information on intercountry adoption and international parental child abduction, see the Office of Children's Issues. Americans living or traveling in the United Kingdom are encouraged to register with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate through the State Department's travel registration web site, and to obtain updated information on travel and security within the United Kingdom. By registering, Americans make it easier for the Embassy or Consulate to contact them in case of emergency, and to relay updated information on travel and security within the United Kingdom. The Embassy and Consulates regularly send security and other information via email to Americans who have registered. As noted above, recent communications from U.S. Embassy London to the local American citizen community, called Warden Messages, can be found on the embassy's web site. The Consular Section also disseminates a newsletter every month. Those wishing to subscribe to the monthly consular newsletter in London should send a request by email to SCSLondon@state.gov. The U.S. Embassy is located at 24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 1AE; telephone: in country 020-7499-9000; from the U.S. 011-44-20-7499-9000 (24 hours); Consular Section fax: in country 020-7495-5012; from the U.S. 011-44-20-7495-5012, and on the Internet at http://london.usembassy.gov. The U.S. Consulate General in Edinburgh, Scotland, is located at 3 Regent Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5BW; Telephone: in country 0131-556-8315, from the U.S. 011-44-131-556-8315. After hours: in country 01224-857097, from the U.S. 011-44-1224-857097. Fax: in country 0131-557-6023; from the U.S. 011-44-131-557-6023. Information on the Consulate General is included on the Embassy's web site at http://london.usembassy.gov/scotland. The U.S. Consulate General in Belfast, Northern Ireland, is located at Danesfort House, 228 Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5GR; Telephone: in country 028-9038-6100; from the U.S. 011-44-28-9038-6100. in country 028-9068-1301; from the U.S. 011-44-28-9068-1301. Information on the Consulate General is included on the Embassy's web site at: http://london.usembassy.gov/nireland. There is no U.S. consular representation in Gibraltar. Passport questions should be directed to the U.S. Embassy in Madrid, located at Serrano 75, Madrid, Spain, tel (34)(91) 587-2200, and fax (34)(91) 587-2303. The web site is http://madrid.usembassy.gov. All other inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy in London. This replaces the Consular Information Sheet dated December 12, 2007, to update the sections on Entry Requirements, Safety and Security, Crime, Victims of Crime, Medical Facilities, Medical Insurance, Traffic Safety and Road Conditions, and Special Circumstances. Aedes mosquitoes in Gilbraltar lead to concern over a number of diseases Disease Chikungunya Virus Gibraltar - 2 years ago Date: Thu 24 Aug 2017 Source: Gibraltar Chronicle [edited] <http://chronicle.gi/2017/08/tiger-mosquito-found-in-gibraltar-but-no-cause-for-concern-officials-say/> An aggressive species of mosquito known to transmit viral diseases has been detected in Gibraltar, but public health officials insist there is no cause for alarm. Public Health Gibraltar and the Environmental Agency confirmed that the mosquito of the species _Aedes albopictus_, also known as the tiger mosquito, has been found in Gibraltar. Last June [2017] after 9 months of intensive surveillance, officials said no tiger mosquito had been found in Gibraltar. But this has now changed after the 1st tiger mosquito was found in the urban dome stic environment within Gibraltar. "This finding alone does not however materially alter any health risks in Gibraltar and there is no immediate cause for public concern," the government said in a statement. Public Health Gibraltar was first alerted in January 2016 to the discovery of the mosquito in Malaga and Algeciras [in Andalusia, Spain]. Since then, together with the Environmental Agency, it began working with international experts to mount surveillance in Gibraltar. World Health Organization experts visited Gibraltar and gave advice on setting traps and monitoring locations, but no tiger mosquito had been detected until now. The tiger mosquito is not native to Gibraltar and has not been previously found here. It is common in other countries where it transmits viral diseases like Zika, dengue, and chikungunya. It is a domestic species, breeds in water in urban areas -- water butts, blocked drains, rainwater gullies -- and is able to reach high abundance around residential areas. It is also a day-time mosquito, that aggressively bites humans. "Health risks to the public only arise if the virus causing these diseases is also present, which is not the case in Gibraltar," the government said. "The virus can, however, be imported by travellers returning from an overseas country and if this happens, there is a risk of spread, but only if the mosquito bites within a small window period of about a week after the fever starts." Public Health Gibraltar has been raising awareness of travel risk amongst travellers through its publication A Factsheet for Travellers and recommends the following precautions: - before travelling to affected areas, consult your doctor or seek advice from a travel clinic, especially if you have an immune disorder or severe chronic illness; - if you are pregnant or are considering pregnancy, consider postponing non-essential travel; - when staying in a mosquito-prone area, wear mosquito repellents and take mosquito bite prevention measures; - if you have symptoms within 3 weeks of return from an affected country, contact your doctor; - if you have been diagnosed with any of the diseases Zika, dengue, or chikungunya, take strict mosquito bite prevention measures for 10 days after the fever starts. [The appearance of _Aedes albopictus_ in Gibraltar is not surprising. A map of the distribution of this species as of April this year (2017) shows it present around the Mediterranean Basin and up to Gibraltar on the west (<https://ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications-data/aedes-albopictus-current-known-distribution-europe-april-2017>). Now it has been found in Gibraltar. The concerns are real about transmission of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses should populations of _Ae. albopictus_ become established. In 2015 there were a few locally acquired cases of dengue in the south of France. This also happened on a larger scale in Emilia Romagna, Italy, when a viraemic man introduced chikungunya virus into Italy and sparked an outbreak. One hopes that mosquito surveillance will continue in Gibraltar, perhaps be intensified, and help guide vector control efforts. - ProMED Mod.TY] [A HealthMap/ProMED-mail map can be accessed at: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/517>.] Cruise passengers injured as explosion rocks Gibraltar Accident Gibraltar - 9 years ago Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 01:46:48 +0200 (METDST) GIBRALTAR, June 1, 2011 (AFP) - A fuel tank exploded and caught fire near a cruise ship in the British territory of Gibraltar Tuesday, injuring at least 15 people, most of them on the vessel, local officials and the ship's owners said. The blast was probably caused by a spark from welding operations, Chief Minister Peter Caruana told Radio Gibraltar. But police were not ruling out any possibility including that of an attack, he added. Flames several metres high could be seen coming out of the tank with dense black smoke billowing across the port as firefighters directed jets of water at the blaze from tugboats. The fire continued late into the night, with Radio Gibraltar reporting more explosions were heard. The tank was close to the giant cruise ship, Independence of the Seas, which had arrived in Gibraltar Tuesday morning. The ship made an emergency departure immediately after the blast Tuesday afternoon. The Gibraltar government and the ship's owners, Royal Caribbean International, both said 12 people on the ship had been hurt. Gibraltar officials said one of the passengers had suffered a fractured arm. Two Spanish welders working on the tank were injured, including one who was in critical condition in a burns unit at a hospital in the southern Spanish city of Seville, Radio Gibraltar said. A police officer was also slightly injured in the rescue attempt, police said. "The lid of the tank was blown off by the blast," a police spokesman said. The statement from Royal Caribbean International said: "Immediately after the explosion, the ship retracted the gangway and moved a safe distance from the dock. "Twelve guests sustained minor injuries and have received medical treatment onboard." The boat was on a two-week cruise, having left the southern English port of Southampton on Saturday, the company added. Air services to Gibraltar were suspended and offices in the port area evacuated. The police spokesman said the possibility of adjacent tanks overheating and exploding could not be ruled out. Caruana described it as a serious incident but said there was "no cause for concern". "Once it was established that there were welding operations going on, on top of the very tank at the time it exploded, (that) makes that a frontrunner for a likely explanation, but all possibilities are being kept open," he told Radio Gibraltar. "The police are obviously keeping their minds open to the possibility of maybe a security incident. It's looking unlikely but all possibilities are being looked into if only to be excluded." "The plan is to allow it to carry on burning itself off," he said later Tuesday, but warned that the wind was due to change during the night, which could bring the smoke over land. Spanish tugs from a private company were helping the local fire services, he added. One witness said he was in his office nearby when he heard three loud explosions. "We started running out and saw one of the main tanks set alight. My concern was the poor people who were working there," he told Radio Gibraltar. The public was being advised to keep away from the area and keep windows closed due to the smoke. Gibraltar is a 6.5-square-kilometre (2.6-square-mile) British territory of around 30,000 people off the tip of southern Spain. Madrid ceded it to London in 1713 under the Treaty of Utrecht, but it has long fuelled tensions between the two countries. Gibraltar slams Spanish border town's road toll plan Transport Gibraltar - 9 years ago Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 20:08:15 +0200 (METDST) GIBRALTAR, Aug 10, 2010 (AFP) - Gibraltar on Tuesday condemned as "illegal" a proposal by the neighbouring Spanish town of La Linea to impose a tax on cars entering or leaving the tiny British territory by road. The decision comes amid thorny relations between Madrid and London over the disputed British possession off the tip of southern Spain. La Linea mayor Alejandro Sanchez on Monday announced the "congestion charge" of no more than five euros (6.5 dollars) on cars crossing into and out of Gibraltar, saying the measure will be imposed in October once it is passed by the town council. He said lorries carrying debris and other materials used in Gibraltar to reclaim land from the sea will pay more, but the exact amount has not yet been determined. Sanchez, a member of Spain's conservative opposition Popular Party, said the tax is needed partly to compensate the municipality for austerity measures imposed by the socialist government in Madrid. La Linea residents would be exempt, but it was not clear if Gibraltarians would also have to pay. The Gibraltar government reacted angrily and said it has contacted the Spanish authorities over the decision. "The confused statements by the mayor of La Linea in respect of the proposed toll describe a litany of illegalities under EU Law and probably also under Spanish law," it said in a statement. "The mayor of La Linea is clearly engaged in a political manoeuvre with his central government, which is unlikely to allow the proposal. "The mayor's proposals are wholly unacceptable both legally and politically and in the unlikely event that these measures should be introduced, the (Gibraltar) government will take appropriate steps." Spain ceded Gibraltar to Britain in 1713 under the Treaty of Utrecht but has retained first claim on the tiny peninsula should Britain renounce sovereignty. "The Rock" has long fuelled tensions between Spain and Britain, with Madrid arguing the 6.5-square-kilometre (2.6-square-mile) territory that is home to roughly 30,000 people should be returned to Spanish sovereignty. But its people overwhelmingly rejected an Anglo-Spanish proposal for co-sovereignty in a referendum in 2002. In recent months British and Spanish naval and police boats have engaged in a series of cat and mouse games in the waters off Gibraltar, which lies at the strategic western entrance to the Mediterranean. Measles outbreak on Gibraltar affects over 250 Disease Konzo Gibraltar - 11 years ago Date: Thu 23 Oct 2008 Source: Panorama.gi [edited] <http://www.panorama.gi/localnews/headlines.php?action=view_article&amp;article=3776&amp;offset=0> During the last 10 weeks, Gibraltar has experienced an outbreak of measles. "We have so far been notified of over 250 cases and notifications are still coming in at around 4-6 cases per day," said the Gibraltar Health Authority [GHA], who believe that the actual numbers are greater as many people with mild attacks have chosen not to report them. While the majority of infections in the outbreak have been mild, some have been severe and a few patients including babies have needed intensive care. Measles is an unpleasant disease with fever, sore throat, streaming eyes, diarrhoea, and rash. Most people recover within a week or so, but complications like fits, bacterial infection, or pneumonia can develop. Long-term complications can also arise in very young children. Says the GHA: It is important that all persons with symptoms suggestive of measles should report the illness to their doctor to enable complications to be detected at an early stage. In addition to medical advice, persons with the illness should follow general hygiene practices such as limiting contact with other people, carefully discarding soiled tissues, and washing their hands. Anyone who has had measles infection is immune for life and cannot get measles again. There is no basis for the rumour that some people have had measles twice. It is possible that infection with rubella (German measles, a different disease) may have caused the confusion. Vaccination with the MMR [measles, mumps, and rubella] vaccine is the only way to prevent measles infection. [So far], the 250 cases have been in persons who are unvaccinated or partly vaccinated (one dose only). Not a single case has occurred in a person who has had a full course of MMR vaccine. MMR vaccine has been available free to children [from] Gibraltar's health service since 1989, although the boosters were only introduced in 2002. It is also a very safe and effective vaccine, with an impressive track record," they say. Gibraltar Health Authority adds that it is continuing to advise all parents of children who have not had the MMR vaccine to immunise their children. There had been some difficulties in obtaining vaccine recently due to an international shortage, but fresh supplies have now been received. The course consists of 2 injections, approximately 3 months apart. Please note that BOTH the doses are needed for adequate immunity. They add: If your child has received only one dose, either now or in the past, he or she could still be at risk. Arrangements have been made to offer additional vaccination to all unimmunised children as follows: During October and November [2008], the Child Welfare Clinics (primary care centre) will be open on Mondays (2:00 pm to 4:00 pm), Wednesdays (9:00 am to 11:00 am) and Fridays (9:00 am to 11:00 am) for immunisations. Appointments are not necessary. [The Rock of Gibraltar is located at the entrance of the Mediterranean. Gibraltar is connected to Spain by a sandy isthmus, by a ferry to Morocco, and by flights to London. By virtue of its geographical position and political status Gibraltar is vulnerable to introduction of infectious disease from diverse sources. No information has been provided regarding the source of the measles virus responsible for this outbreak. In this respect it will be relevant to determine the genotype of the measles virus involved (see comment in ProMED-mail "Measles - Gibraltar 20080814.2529"). The outbreak has escalated from the 17 cases reported on 14 Aug 2008 to the current 250 cases. Despite the availability of free MMR vaccination it is clear that there is an appreciable number of unimmunised individuals in the community who remain susceptible to measles virus infection. It is encouraging that efforts are underway to expand vaccine coverage. Interactive maps showing the location of Gibraltar can be accessed at <http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&amp;resnum=0&amp;q=Gibraltar&amp;um=1&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=geocode_result&amp;resnum=1&amp;ct=image>. and the HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map at <http://healthmap.org/promed?g=2411586&amp;v=36.133,-5.35,7>. - ProMed Mod.CP] Gibraltar's monkeys roam looking for food Animal Attacks Gibraltar - 12 years ago Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:56:40 +0200 (METDST) GIBRALTAR, April 16, 2008 (AFP) - Animal rights groups have expressed outrage over a plan by Gibraltar's government to cull its famous Barbary Apes, which are posing a hazard as they roam the town in search of food. The government of the tiny British territory off Spain's southern coast plans to cull 25 of the simians, whose population has exploded to around 200. The mischievous primates climb over cars and pull out antennas, open rubbish bags and rifle through handbags left unattended in the popular tourist destination. Officially, the management of the apes is the responsibility of the Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society (GONHS), on contract from the government. But the society said it has not approved the cull. "Our policy is that culling can be a population management solution but only in extreme cases when there is no other more suitable option," GONHS general secretary Dr. John Cortes said on Tuesday. "We would only ever recommend a cull after very careful assessment of the situation from a veterinary and a genetic point of view." However, Environment Minister Ernest Britto said a licence has been issued for the cull and two of the apes have already been given lethal injections. Helen Thirlway, the head of Britain's International Primate Protection League, said the government was failing to manage the apes "in a responsible manner." "There have been many advances and pilot studies in recent years on different methods of controlling free-roaming monkeys," she was quoted as saying in the local media Wednesday. "We are more than happy to work with the government of Gibraltar and with GONHS to help them develop more efficient, alternative solutions, but this needless slaughter has to stop." According to legend, if the apes disappear, Britain will lose control of Gibraltar. When wartime British prime minister Winston Churchill heard their population was low, British consuls in North Africa -- from where the apes originally came -- were tasked with sending new young simians to the Rock. At one time, the apes were looked after by the British army stationed in Gibraltar, which selected a place up the Rock where they were fed daily to keep them from loitering downtown. Spain ceded Gibraltar to Britain in 1713, but has retained a constitutional claim should Britain renounce sovereignty. The vast majority of the 30,000 people want to retain their links with Britain. Slovenia US Consular Information Sheet Slovenia operates under a parliamentary democracy. In May 2004, Slovenia became a member of the European Union. Tourist facilities are widely available th Read More Show Less oughout the country. Read the Department of State's Background Notes on Slovenia for additional information. Slovenia is a party to the Schengen agreement. As such, U.S. citizens may enter Slovenia for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa. The passport should be valid for at least three months beyond the period of stay. For further details about travel into and within Schengen countries, please see our Schegen fact sheet. Slovene authorities may confiscate passports with signs of damage, such as missing pages, as suspicious documents, potentially causing travel delays. American citizens entering and exiting Slovenia by personal vehicle are required to have a valid U.S. and International Driver's License (See our Road Safety page for further information) or they may be refused entry into the country and/or fined. All non-EU citizens staying longer than 3 days in Slovenia must register with the local police within 3 days of arrival and inform the office about any change in their address. Registration of foreign visitors staying in hotels or accommodations rented through an accommodation company is done automatically by the hotelier or accommodation company, but visitors staying with family members must register themselves. Registration is available 24 hours a day at police stations and is free of charge. Failure to register can result in a significant fine of up to 400 euros. For further information on entry requirements for Slovenia, travelers may contact the Embassy of Slovenia at 2410 California Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008, tel. (202) 386-6610; the Consulate General of Slovenia in New York City, tel. (2l2) 370-3006; or the Consulate General in Cleveland, Ohio, tel. (216) 589-9220. Visit the Embassy of Slovenia's web site for the most current visa information. Slovenia remains largely free of terrorist incidents. This assessment takes into account historical data relevant to terrorist activities and recent reporting indicating whether acts could be conducted without prior advance warnings. However, like other countries in the Schengen area, Slovenia shares open borders with its Western European neighbors, allowing the possibility of terrorist groups entering/exiting the country with anonymity. There are occasional political demonstrations in city centers in Slovenia. They occur most often in central Ljubljana in areas around Kongresni Trg (Congress Square), in front of the Parliament building, around other government facilities, and, at times, near the American Embassy. These demonstrations are usually peaceful and generally are not anti-American in nature. However, there have been demonstrations that voiced anti-American sentiments. American citizens should keep in mind that even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence. American citizens are therefore urged to avoid the areas of demonstrations if possible, and to exercise caution if within the vicinity of any demonstrations. For additional information, Americans are encouraged to check the Embassy's website or call the Embassy at 386-1-200-5595 or 200-5599 (200-5556 after hours and on weekends/holidays). For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs' web site, where the current Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts, as well as the Worldwide Caution, can be found. Up-to-date information on safety and security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the U.S. and Canada, or for callers outside the U.S. and Canada, a regular toll-line at 1-202-501-4444. For general information about appropriate measures travelers can take to protect themselves in an overseas environment, see the Department of State's A Safe Trip Abroad. Slovenia's overall crime rate is low and violent crimes are relatively uncommon. Most crimes tend to be non-violent and directed towards obtaining personal property, such as purse-snatching, pick-pocketing, and residential and vehicle break-ins. Visitors should take normal security precautions and are requested to report any incidents to the local police. Vehicle break-in/theft is a continuous problem in Slovenia. Individuals should always lock vehicles, use vehicle anti-theft devices, park in well-lighted areas, and secure vehicles in residential or hotel garages. Residential burglaries occur where there are security vulnerabilities and/or where residents are not implementing residential security practices. American citizens should ensure their residence is properly secured at all times, as recent burglary reports indicate access was gained when doors were not secured with an appropriate lock. The embassy/consulate staff can, for example, assist you to find appropriate medical care, contact family members or friends and explain how funds could be transferred. The local equivalent to the "911" emergency line in Slovenia is: 113. Please see our information on Victims of Crime, including possible victim compensation programs in the United States. Persons violating Slovenian laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Slovenia are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines. Adequate medical care is readily available. Travelers to Slovenia may obtain a list of English-speaking physicians at the U.S. Embassy. Antibiotics, as well as other American-equivalent prescription medications are available at local pharmacies. In Slovenia all medications, including drugs considered over-the-counter and first aid supplies, are dispensed through pharmacies ("lekarna"). For those persons who engage in outdoor activities, a vaccine to prevent tick-borne encephalitis is recommended. The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Slovenia. Information on vaccinations and other health precautions, such as safe food and water precautions and insect bite protection, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747) or via the CDC's web site. For information about outbreaks of infectious diseases abroad, consult the World Health Organization's (WHO) web site. Further health information for travelers is available from the WHO. The information below concerning Slovenia is provided for general reference only, and may not be totally accurate in a particular location or circumstance. Slovenia has a well-developed road network that is safe for travel. Highways connect to neighboring cities and countries and are clearly sign-posted; road signs and traffic rules are consistent with those used throughout Europe. As the number of cars in Slovenia continues to rise, roads are becoming more heavily congested during the weekends on major routes and during rush hours. Parking is difficult and can be expensive in the center of Ljubljana. Traffic moves on the right. Third-party liability insurance is required for all vehicles; coverage is purchased locally. Travelers should be alert to aggressive drivers both in cities and on highways. Many of the serious accidents in Slovenia occur as a result of high-speed driving. Emergency roadside help and information may be found by dialing 1-987 for vehicle assistance and towing services, 112 for an ambulance or fire brigade, and 113 for police. By Slovene law, the maximum legal blood-alcohol content limit for drivers is 0.05%. U.S. visitors or U.S. residents in Slovenia must be in possession of both a valid U.S. driver's license and an International Driver's License in order to drive in Slovenia. International Driver's Licenses are valid for a maximum of one year, after which residents of Slovenia are required to obtain a Slovene driver's license. Current information about traffic and road conditions is available in English by calling (01) 530-5300 and online from the Automobile Association of Slovenia and the Traffic Information Center for Public Roads. The speed limit is 50kph/30 mph in urban areas, 130 kph/80 mph on expressways (the avtocesta). Motorists are required to have their headlights on during the daytime; drivers and passengers alike must wear seat belts; motorcyclists and their passengers must wear approved helmets. The use of handheld cellular telephones while driving is prohibited in Slovenia. Highway vignettes are obligatory for all vehicles with the permissible maximum weight of 3,500 kg on motorways and expressways in Slovenia. A one-year vignette costs EUR 55; a half-year vignette costs EUR 35; for motorcycles, the one-year vignette is EUR 27,50 and the half-year vignette is EUR 17,50. A one-year vignette for the current year is valid from December 1st of the previous year to January 31st of the next year (a total of 14 months). The half-year vignette is valid for six months following the day of its purchase. Using motorways and expressways without a valid and properly-displayed vignette in a vehicle is considered a violation of the law; violators may be fined between EUR 300 and 800. In addition to this fine, a new sticker must be purchased and displayed on the vehicle. Vignettes can be purchased in Slovenia at petrol stations, newsstands, automobile clubs, post offices (Posta Slovenije), and some toll stations, and also at petrol stations in neighboring countries. Current information is also available at the website of Slovenia's national tourist office, which is the national authority responsible for road safety. As there is no direct commercial air service to the United States by carriers registered in Slovenia, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not assessed Slovenia's Civil Aviation Authority for compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards. For more information, travelers may visit the FAA's website. Americans living or traveling in Slovenia are encouraged to register with the U.S. Embassy or through the State Department's travel registration website so that they can obtain updated information on travel and security within Slovenia. Americans without Internet access may register directly with the U.S. Embassy. By registering, American citizens make it easier for the Embassy to contact them in case of emergency. The U.S. Embassy is located at Presernova 31, Ljubljana 1000, Tel: (386)(1) 200-5500 or Fax: (386)(1) 200-5535. This replaces the Country Specific Information for Slovenia dated July 29, 2008, to update the Entry/Exit Requirements and Traffic Safety and Road Conditions sections. Slovenians strive to live in peace with bears Animal Attacks Slovenia - 1 year ago Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2018 12:06:36 +0200 By Bojan KAVCIC Markovec, Slovenia, Aug 6, 2018 (AFP) - When he used to go hunting, Miha Mlakar would dream of killing a bear. But today the 33-year-old from Slovenia makes his living watching the animals, peacefully, in their natural forest environment. The turnaround to shooting bears with a camera, not a rifle, puts Mlakar, who runs bear observation tours, in step with wider efforts in the small Alpine nation to promote the coexistence of humans and bears. Once on the verge of extinction, Slovenia's brown bear population is booming, with the number roaming the sprawling forests having doubled in the last decade to around 1,000. As a result, encounters with bears have increased -- not that it seems to unduly worry everyone. "If you run into a bear, you have to step back... (But) there is no danger. The bear also prefers to move away," Ljubo Popovic, a 67-year-old pensioner who lives in the village of Banja Loka in the southern Kocevje region, told AFP. Lying an hour to the west, near Markovec village, Mlakar has built 20 hides in a remote patch of forest reachable only by off-road vehicle and takes visitors, including foreign tourists, to observe the bears. "I cannot imagine this forest without bears. Bears make the forest wild and pristine, natural, like it was a few hundred or thousand years ago... I feel a connection with bears," he tells AFP. - Managing bears - Slovenian bears are even sought after abroad. Between 1996 and 2006, eight Slovenian bears were released in the French Pyrenees, and France currently has a population of about 40 bears, whose presence divides opinion in regions where they live. In Slovenia, more than 60 percent of respondents in a 2016 survey carried out in areas where bears live said they were in favour of the bears' presence, even if many also said they would like to see the numbers regulated. "We have an average of one to three cases of physical contact between bears and humans per year," Rok Cerne, of the Slovenia Forest Service in charge of wildlife, told AFP. "Fortunately, we haven't registered any serious incident over the last years," he added, stressing they were "very active in preventive measures". Removing food sources that could attract bears has been one such step. In villages close to bear habitats, local authorities have replaced regular plastic waste and compost bins, which can be easily opened or flipped by the animals, with containers protected by heavy metal cages. Meanwhile, damage to cattle from bear forays has remained stable, at up to 200,000 euros ($231,500) a year, despite the bear population increasing, Cerne said. Farmers are entitled to an 80-percent subsidy for using electric fences to protect flocks and the loss of cattle due to bears is compensated. If a bear becomes a habitual visitor to a village, special intervention groups step in to kill or relocate the animal with the help of local hunters. Regular culling also keeps the population under control to ensure long-term cohabitation, Cerne said. This year, authorities have proposed culling 200 bears, twice as many as last year. - Romania's 'Van Damme' bear - Slovenia's approach could inspire neighbouring Romania, home to about 6,000 bears or 60 percent of Europe's estimated bear population, where tourists to villages in the Carpathian Mountains often post pictures online of bears waiting to be hand-fed. Bears rummaging through waste containers on the outskirts of cities, such as Brasov in central Romania, have become a common sight. And on a central motorway construction site, workmen have christened a regularly spotted sturdy male bear Van Damme after the Hollywood star. Beyond tourists' anecdotes however, Romania has seen a "growing number of attacks" by bears, highlighted in a conservation plan published last month that recommends hunting to keep numbers at optimum levels. Use of reinforced bins, as well as a proposal for building work to be limited in regions where bears live, are also included in the government plan. Since the beginning of last year, 31 people, mostly shepherds, have been attacked, one of them fatally. Meanwhile, some 940 forays by bears into populated areas were registered last year, including attacks on sheep flocks and entry into gardens; so far this year, the figure is 120. But environmental campaigners fear that "hunting will be the main instrument to keep bear populations under control", when other measures could work, said Livia Cimpoeru, of the WWF Romania. The government has proposed 4,000 bears as the ideal number in the country of 20 million people. Learning simple rules, such as how to avoid startling bears and not feeding them, as well as efficient management like accurate counting to ascertain trends, is crucial for reducing conflicts with humans, said Mareike Brix, of German-based EuroNatur foundation. "There is a risk, and there can be problems... But it's also great (to have bears). Wild nature has become so rare in Europe," she tells AFP. Measles cases reported in Slovenia Disease Measles Slovenia - 2 years ago Date: Thu 13 Jun 2018 Source: STA [not open access; edited] <https://english.sta.si/2524873/three-more-measles-cases-in-maribor> The UKC Maribor hospital has registered 3 new cases of measles infection, including a doctor and a nurse who treated 1 of the 3 patients who got measles earlier. The rest of this story is by subscription.... [A HealthMap/ProMED-mail map of Slovenia can be found at Child with Tetanus reported in Slovenia Disease Tetanus Slovenia - 3 years ago Date: Mon 17 Oct 2016 <http://outbreaknewstoday.com/slovenia-reports-first-tetanus-case-in-two-decades-69285/> The vaccine-preventable disease, tetanus, has been considered eradicated among children in the Central European country of Slovenia for the past 20 years; health officials report a case in an unvaccinated child as reported in local media Fri, 14 Oct 2016. The National Public Health Institute (NIJZ) says while the disease has been considered eradicated among children for the past 2 decades, a few cases are reported every year among the elderly, who grew up before systemic vaccination against the disease was introduced. Tetanus vaccination has been available in Slovenia since 1951. Tetanus is caused by a very potent toxin produced by the anaerobic bacterium, _Clostridium tetani_. The spores of this organism are very resistant to environmental factors and are found widely distributed in soil and in the intestines and feces of horses, sheep, cattle, dogs, cats, rats, guinea pigs, and chickens. Manure-treated soil may contain large numbers of spores. In agricultural areas, a significant number of human adults may harbor the organism. These spores are usually introduced into the body through a puncture wound contaminated with soil, street dust, animal bites or animal or human feces, through lacerations, burns or trivial unnoticed wounds or by injecting contaminated drugs. So many times you hear about concern over stepping on a rusty nail; however the rust has nothing to do with tetanus. At this point the spores germinate into bacteria which multiply and produce toxin. Depending on the extent of the wound, the incubation of tetanus is around 10-14 days. Some of the common symptoms of tetanus are lockjaw, followed by stiffness of the neck, difficulty swallowing, and rigidity of abdominal muscles. Other symptoms include fever, sweating, elevated blood pressure, and episodic rapid heart rate. Spasms may occur frequently and last for several minutes. Spasms continue for 3-4 weeks. The typical features of a tetanus spasm are the position of opisthotonos and the facial expressions known as "risus sardonicus". The death rate for this disease ranges from 10 to 80 percent depending on age and quality of care. There are really no laboratory findings that are characteristic of tetanus. The diagnosis is entirely clinical and does not depend upon bacteriologic confirmation. This disease in not transmitted from person to person. Even if you had tetanus and recovered, this potent toxin produces no immunity. [Byline: Robert Herriman] [Tetanus is a potentially fatal disease characterized by skeletal muscle rigidity and painful convulsive spasms, which are caused by a potent neurotoxin, tetanospasmin, produced by the vegetative form of _Clostridium tetani_, an anaerobic spore-forming Gram-positive bacillus. _C. tetani_ is a member of the normal intestinal flora of animals, including humans. Tetanus usually occurs following contamination of wounds by soil or animal feces in which the spores of _C. tetani_ can be found. A newly published article demonstrates that the extracellular matrix proteins called nidogens (or entactins) appear to be the receptor for the tetanus neurotoxin to enter the neuromuscular junction (Bercsenyi K, Schmieg N, Bryson JB, et al: Tetanus toxin entry. Nidogens are therapeutic targets for the prevention of tetanus. Science. 2014;346(6213):1118-23. doi: 10.1126/science.1258138, abstract available at: <http://science.sciencemag.org/content/346/6213/1118.long>). "Tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) is among the most poisonous substances on Earth and a major cause of neonatal death in nonvaccinated areas. TeNT targets the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) with high affinity, yet the nature of the TeNT receptor complex remains unknown. Here, we show that the presence of nidogens (also known as entactins) at the NMJ is the main determinant for TeNT binding. Inhibition of the TeNT-n idogeninteraction by using small nidogen-derived peptides or genetic ablation of nidogens prevented the binding of TeNT to neurons and protected mice from TeNT-induced spastic paralysis. Our findings demonstrate the direct involvement of an extracellular matrix protein as a receptor for TeNT at the NMJ, paving the way for the development of therapeutics for the prevention of tetanus by targeting this protein-protein interaction." Tetanus may follow surgical procedures, burns, deep puncture wounds, crush wounds, otitis media, dental infection, animal bites, abortion, and pregnancy. The presence of necrotic tissue and/or foreign bodies increases risk for tetanus because they favor growth of _C. tetani_. Tetanus can also follow injection of contaminated illicit drugs. Neonatal tetanus occurs usually in developing countries in infants with infection of the umbilical stump who are born to a non-immune mother. Infants of actively immunized mothers acquire passive immunity that protects them from neonatal tetanus. Tetanus is not directly transmitted from person to person. Tetanus occurs in people who are inadequately immunized, i.e., people who have not completed the primary series and received appropriate boosters. Recovery from tetanus is not necessarily associated with immunity, and primary immunization is indicated after recovery from tetanus. - ProMED Mod.LL] Authorities in Slovenia remove sections of razor-wire border fence due to floods Climate Changes Slovenia - 4 years ago Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 20:27:43 +0100 Ljubljana, Jan 12, 2016 (AFP) - The Slovenian army on Tuesday began removing sections of a razor-wire border fence, erected to control the inflow of migrants from Croatia, due to flooding by the Kolpa river, local media reported. Slovenian soldiers removed 200-300 metres of the fence in the Griblje and Dragatus areas, villages some 110 kilometres (70 miles) south of Ljubljana, after the Kolpa burst its banks and floodwaters threatened to tear down the fence, the STA news agency reported. Since mid-November Slovenia has built over 150 kilometres of razor-wire fence along its border with Croatia, hoping to prevent an uncontrolled inflow of migrants across the "green border". Over 400,000 migrants have crossed into Slovenia since mid-October, most hoping to carry on to Austria or Germany. The Slovenian government's information office said Monday that the border fence would be removed in areas where the stream of the Kolpa river was strongest and replaced, in the near future, by a more resistant fence. Situated in one of Slovenia's most attractive natural parks, the Kolpa river marks over 100 kilometres of the 670 kilometre-long Slovenia-Croatia border. The fence has been criticised by environmentalists and civil groups in Slovenia and Croatia which claim the razor wire is a threat to wildlife. Further details following reported disease outbreak in Solvenia Disease Gastroenteritis Slovenia - 4 years ago Date: 4 Jan 2016 From: Maja Socan, M.D. Maja.Socan@nijz.si In response to the request for information in the ProMED mail post "Undiagnosed gastroenteritis - Slovenia (GO): international athletes, RFI http://promedmail.org/post/20151228.3896510, the following information was received 4 Jan 2016 [edited]: As a response to the ProMED request for information on 28 Dec 2015 quoting izvestia.ru from 19 Dec [2015] that 3 teams were affected by a viral epidemic during Biathlon World Cup in Pokljuka, Slovenia, an investigation has been carried out. Regional epidemiologists contacted the organizers, the hotel where athletes were staying, local outpatient clinics/emergency teams and both hospitals nearby. The organizers of the Biathlon World Cup in Slovenia were not aware of any communicable diseases affecting biathlon teams during the cup. One of the athletes was admitted to the hospital but the reason for the admission was non-infectious. Another athlete lost consciousness during the competition. Neither emergency medical teams nor nearby hospitals were contacted for any health intervention except for the above-mentioned situations. The hotel where the teams were staying was not informed about any gastrointestinal problems among its guests during the competition. The findings of our investigation do not preclude that some of the athletes had health problems during the competition but apparently not severe enough to contact local health services. We assume that if high numbers of athletes had become ill with gastrointestinal problems the organizer would have been informed. According to the national algorithm for mass gatherings (with emphasis on the international ones), the National Institute of Public Health is obligated to provide in advance the information to the organizers about possible health issues during mass gatherings and measures which must be taken to stop the spread of communicable diseases or at least to mitigate the outbreak. To conclude, we were not able to identify an outbreak of acute gastrointestinal or respiratory infection among competing athletes during the Biathlon World Cup in Pokljuka, Slovenia. Maja Socan, M.D. Communicable Diseases Centre National Institute of Public Health Maja.Socan@nijz.si [ProMED thanks Dr. Socan for the thorough investigation into this report and for sharing the information with the ProMED community. A HealthMap/ProMED-mail map can be accessed at: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/115>. - ProMed Mod.LK] Uganda - US Consular Information Sheet Uganda is a landlocked, developing country in central eastern Africa. Infrastructure is adequate in Kampala, the capital, but is limited in other areas. Read t Read More Show Less e Department of State Background Notes on Uganda for additional information. A passport valid for three months beyond the date of entry, visa and evidence of yellow fever vaccination are required. Visas are available at Entebbe Airport upon arrival or may be obtained from the Embassy of the Republic of Uganda. The current fee for a three month tourist visa obtained upon arrival at Entebbe Airport is $50.00. Travelers should be aware that a visa does not determine how long a person may remain in Uganda. The Ugandan immigration officer at the port of entry will determine the length of authorized stay, which is generally from one to three months as a tourist. Extensions of duration of stay may be requested at Ugandan immigration headquarters on Jinja Road in Kampala. Airline companies may also require travelers to have a visa before boarding. Travelers should obtain the latest information and details from the Embassy of the Republic of Uganda at 5911 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011; telephone (202) 726-7100. The Ugandan Embassy may also be contacted by email. Travelers may also contact the Ugandan Permanent Mission to the United Nations, telephone (212) 949-0110. Overseas, inquiries may be made at the nearest Ugandan embassy or consulate. U.S. citizens residing in or planning to visit Uganda should be aware of threats to their safety posed by insurgent groups operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and southern Sudan, and the potential of cross border attacks carried out by these armed groups. In addition, U.S. citizens traveling to the area commonly known as Karamoja in northeastern Uganda should also be aware of ongoing conflict and armed banditry in this region. Northern Uganda: After years of conflict, relative stability has returned to northern Uganda with the departure of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) insurgent group in 2006. Recent LRA activity has been restricted to the remote region of Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where LRA insurgents have continued to attack and terrorize civilian populations. LRA attacks have also occurred in the neighboring Central African Republic and southern Sudan. The Governments of Uganda, the DRC, and southern Sudan initiated joint military operations against LRA bases in Garamba National Park on December 14, 2008, after LRA leader Joseph Kony refused to sign a peace agreement following two years of negotiations. These military operations continue and in order to deter an LRA return to Uganda, the Uganda Peoples Defense Force (UPDF) maintains a significant presence in the northern districts. Given the continued threat to regional security posed by the LRA, American citizens should exercise caution when traveling in those districts of northwestern Uganda that border the DRC and southern Sudan and which could potentially be subject to LRA incursions. The Ugandan Government also continues to expand and improve the capacity of the civilian police force in northern Uganda by deploying additional personnel and concentrating resources to further recovery and re-development activities throughout the north. American citizens traveling to northern Uganda are advised to ensure that they have made appropriate travel, lodging, and communication arrangements with their sponsoring organization before visiting the region. Local officials in northern Uganda have expressed concern for the safety and security of foreigners visiting the area to assist with relief efforts, but without any specific arrangements with a sponsoring organization. Foreign citizens who travel to the region without a sponsoring organization may not find secure lodging or safe transport, and may become more susceptible to crime. They may also find that local officials are unable to provide assistance in the event of an emergency. There is a general lack of infrastructure throughout northern Uganda, and services such as emergency medical care are nonexistent. Given crime and other security concerns in northern Uganda, American citizens are advised to restrict travel to primary roads and during daylight hours only. Cattle rustling, armed banditry, and attacks on vehicles are very common in the Karamoja region of northeastern Uganda, and the UPDF continues to implement a program to disarm Karamojong warriors. Past incidents have included ambushes of UPDF troops, and attacks on vehicles, residences, and towns that resulted in multiple deaths. Most of the violence occurred in the districts of Kaabong, Kotido, and Abim, although some violent incidents also occurred in Moroto and Nakapiripirit Districts. American citizens are advised to avoid travel to the Karamoja region given the frequent insecurity. Any travel to Karamoja (excluding charter flights to Kidepo National Park) by U.S. Embassy personnel must first be authorized by the Chief of Mission. Southwestern Uganda: American citizens traveling in southwestern Uganda should also exercise caution given the ongoing conflict in the districts of North and South Kivu in the DRC, and the close proximity of fighting to the Ugandan border. During spikes in the conflict, refugee flows across the border number in the thousands and there is also a risk of incursions by armed combatants. American citizens should review the Travel Warning for the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the most up-to-date information regarding the conflict in the DRC. On August 8, 2007, a group of armed assailants entered Uganda from the DRC and raided Butogota, a town in Kanungu District, southwestern Uganda. Three Ugandans were killed and many others assaulted during the raid. Ugandan officials believe that the perpetrators of the attack were members of one of the various militia groups operating in the southeastern region of the DRC or possibly remnants of the "Interahamwe," a group that participated in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and was also responsible for the 1999 attack on Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The 1999 Bwindi attack killed four Ugandans and eight foreign tourists. The 2007 raid on Butogota is in an area transited by tourists traveling to Bwindi, a popular gorilla-trekking destination. Within Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, armed security personnel accompany tourists on the daily gorilla hikes and the UPDF maintains a military presence. At Ishasha Camp, another popular tourist destination located in the southern sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park, the UPDF also maintains a small military base near the park headquarters for security purposes. Eastern Uganda: In February 2008, an isolated incident occurred in Mount Elgon National Park in eastern Uganda that resulted in the death of a foreign tourist. A Belgian tourist climbing Mt. Elgon in the company of park rangers was shot and killed. The attack occurred while the group was camped for the night and assailants fired into the campsite. The tourist was reportedly struck by gunfire when exiting her tent in the darkness. Ugandan security and park officials suspected that the attack was perpetrated by smugglers engaged in cattle rustling or other illicit activities that are common in the border area. Demonstrations: Demonstrations take place in Kampala and other Ugandan cities from time to time in response to world events or local developments. In most cases, these demonstrations occur with no warning and demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly violent. American citizens are therefore urged to avoid the areas of demonstrations if possible, and to exercise caution if they find themselves in the vicinity of any demonstration. American citizens should stay current with media coverage of local events and be aware of their surroundings at all times. Because many demonstrations are spontaneous events, the U.S. Embassy may not always be able to alert American citizens that a demonstration is taking place and to avoid a specific area. If employed with an institution or other large organization, American citizens may find it helpful to request that local employees notify expatriates when they learn of a demonstration from local radio reports or other sources. Recent protests have occurred over land disputes involving Kampala market areas, university closures and strikes, opposition political party demonstrations, and protests by taxi drivers over the enforcement of traffic regulations. For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department of State's, Bureau of Consular Affairs' web site, where the current Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts, as well as the Worldwide Caution, can be found. Up-to-date information on safety and security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the U.S. and Canada, or for callers outside the U.S. and Canada, a regular toll-line at 1-202-501-4444. Crimes such as pick pocketing, purse snatching, and thefts from hotels and parked vehicles or vehicles stalled in traffic jams are common. The Embassy receives frequent reports of theft of items from locked vehicles, even when the stolen items were secured out of sight and the vehicle was parked in an area patrolled by uniformed security personnel. Pick pocketing and the theft of purses and bags is also very common on public transportation. Armed robberies of pedestrians also occur, sometimes during daylight hours and in public places. Although infrequent, the Embassy also receives reports of armed carjackings and highway robbery. In May 2007, two American citizens reported an attempted robbery when they were traveling near the town of Bugiri in eastern Uganda. The Americans reported that a second vehicle with at least one armed assailant tried to stop their vehicle by forcing it off the road. This incident occurred during daylight hours. On June 27, 2007, two American citizens were robbed and held at gunpoint when the vehicle transporting them to Entebbe Airport was stopped by a group of armed men. This incident occurred during the early morning hours on Entebbe Road. Although some of these attacks are violent, victims are generally injured only if they resist. U.S. Embassy employees are advised against using roads at night, especially in areas outside the limits of cities and large towns. Home burglaries also do occur and sometimes turn violent. In April 2008, the Ugandan police reported an increase in armed robberies in the Kampala neighborhoods of Bukoto, Kisaasi, Kiwatule, Naalya, Najera, and Ntinda. Several of these robberies occurred as the victims were arriving at their residences after nightfall and the assailants struck as they were entering their residential compounds. Women traveling alone are particularly susceptible to crime. In early 2008, there was an increase in reports of sexual assaults against expatriate females. In some instances, the victims were walking alone, or were single passengers on one of the common modes of public transport which include "boda boda" motorcycle taxis. If the victim of a sexual assault, medical assistance should be sought immediately and counseling provided regarding prophylactic treatment to help prevent the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The U.S. Embassy provides a list of local medical providers for those with medical needs. American citizens visiting Uganda are advised not to accept food or drink offered from a stranger, even a child, because such food may contain narcotics used to incapacitate a victim and facilitate a robbery or sexual assault. In addition, patrons of bars, casinos, nightclubs, and other entertainment centers should never leave their drink or food unattended. When visiting such establishments, it is advisable to remain with a group of friends as single individuals are more likely to be targeted. Victims have included female patrons who reported they were drugged, and taken to another location and sexually assaulted. Robberies have been facilitated on public transportation under similar circumstances. In 2006, an American citizen traveling by bus from Kenya to Uganda was incapacitated and robbed on the bus when the passenger accepted a sealed beverage from a fellow traveler. Expatriates traveling by bus to the popular tourist destination of Bwindi Impenetrable National Forest in southwest Uganda were also incapacitated and robbed when they accepted snacks from fellow bus passengers. There has been a recent, marked increase in financial crime, including fraud involving wire transfers, credit cards, checks, and advance fee fraud perpetrated via email. The U.S. Embassy recommends using money orders for all fund transfers and protecting all bank account and personally identifiable information such as social security numbers and other types of information. An increasing number of U.S. exporters (primarily vendors of expensive consumer goods such as computers, stereo equipment, and electronics) have been targeted by a sophisticated check fraud scheme. A fictitious company in Uganda locates a vendor on the Internet, makes e-mail contact to order goods, and pays with a third-party check. The checks, written on U.S. accounts and made out to entities in Uganda for small amounts, are intercepted, chemically "washed" and presented for payment of the goods with the U.S. vendor as payee and an altered amount. If the goods are shipped before the check clears, the U.S. shipper will have little recourse, as the goods are picked up at the airport and the company cannot be traced. American companies receiving orders from Uganda are encouraged to check with the Political - Economic Section of the Embassy to verify the legitimacy of the company. The Embassy strongly cautions U.S. vendors against accepting third-party checks as payment for any goods to be shipped to Uganda. Additional information about the most common types of financial fraud can also be found in the State Department Financial Scams brochure. The local equivalent to the "911" emergency line in Uganda is: 999. Persons violating Ugandan laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Uganda are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines. Please note that U.S. currency notes in $20 and $50 denominations are exchanged at a lower rate than $100 currency notes. In addition, travelers often find that they cannot exchange or use U.S. currency printed earlier than the year 2000. Travelers who find they cannot pay for accommodation or expenses often must request that friends or family wire money to them in Uganda. There are offices that facilitate Western Union, MoneyGram, and other types of money transfers in Kampala and other cities throughout the country. ATMs are available in Uganda, particularly in downtown Kampala, but usually only customers who have an account with a specific Ugandan bank may use them. A few machines function with overseas accounts. The U.S. Embassy frequently receives requests from American citizens to verify the bona fides of nongovernmental (NGO) and charity organizations operating in Uganda. The Embassy is unable to provide information regarding the bona fides of these organizations and American citizens traveling to Uganda to work for an organization are encouraged to request that the charity provide references of past volunteers whom they may contact. American citizens have also reported intimidation and harassment by directors of organizations, when the Americans questioned the organization's activities or use of donated funds. While the vast majority of NGOs operating in Uganda are legitimate organizations aiding development efforts, there have been reports from concerned Americans regarding the suspected diversion of charity funds for personal gain, etc. Ugandan Customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning the importation of pets. A Ugandan import permit is required, along with an up-to-date rabies vaccination certificate and a veterinary certificate of health issued by a USDA-approved veterinarian no more than thirty days before arrival. Travelers are advised to contact the Ugandan Embassy in the United States for specific information regarding customs requirements. Please see our Customs Information sheet. Photography in tourist locations is permitted. However, taking pictures of military/police installations or personnel is prohibited. Military and police officers have detained tourists for taking photographs of Entebbe Airport and of the area around Owen Falls Dam, near Jinja, although the prohibition on taking photographs is not publicly displayed on signs. The U.S. Embassy receives frequent inquiries from American citizens wishing to register a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in Uganda. Information about registering an NGO can be obtained from the Ugandan NGO Board which has offices within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The NGO Board can be reached on phone number: 256 414 341 556. One of the requirements for registering an NGO is that a foreign national employee or volunteer must provide a Certificate of Good Conduct/Criminal Background Check. The U.S. Embassy Kampala cannot provide a Certificate of Good Conduct or Criminal Background Check, so American citizens intending to travel to Uganda as an employee an NGO or who plan to register an NGO should obtain a Certificate of Good Conduct from their local police or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) before departing the United States. More information on how to obtain a Criminal Background Check can be found on the FBI web page about Identification Record Requests. Medical facilities in Uganda, including Kampala, are limited and not equipped to handle most emergencies, especially those requiring surgery. Outside Kampala, hospitals are scarce and offer only basic services. Recently, American citizens involved in automobile accidents required immediate evacuation from Uganda as surgery could not be performed due to insufficient blood supplies at the hospital where they sought treatment. Equipment and medicines are also often in short supply or unavailable. Travelers should carry their own supplies of prescription drugs and preventive medicines. A list of medical providers is available at the U.S. Embassy. Tuberculosis is an increasingly serious health concern in Uganda. For further information, please consult the CDC's Travel Notice on TB. Malaria is prevalent in Uganda. Travelers who become ill with a fever or flu-like illness while traveling in a malaria-risk area and up to one year after returning home should seek prompt medical attention and tell the physician their travel history and what antimalarials they have been taking. For additional information on malaria, including protective measures, see the CDC's information on malaria. In January, 2009, the CDC's Special Pathogens Branch retrospectively diagnosed a case of Marburg hemorrhagic fever in a U.S. traveler, who had returned from Uganda in January, 2008. The patient developed illness four days after returning to the United States. The Amcit had visited the "python cave" in Queen Elizabeth Park, western Uganda, which is a popular destination among tourists to see the bat-infested cave. For additional information on Marburg hemorrhagic fever, including protective measures, visit the CDC web site. Information on vaccinations and other health precautions, such as safe food and water precautions and insect bite protection, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747) or via the CDC's web site. Further health information for travelers is available from the WHO. Uganda has experienced recent outbreaks of Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Pneumonic Plague, Meningitis, and other types of infectious diseases. The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Uganda. American citizens who are seriously injured in vehicle or other types of accidents in Uganda generally seek medical evacuation to Kenya or other destinations for more advanced emergency medical treatment. These medical evacuations can be very expensive, and in the event the American citizen does not have sufficient insurance coverage, the evacuation is carried out at their personal expense. The information below concerning Uganda is provided for general reference only, and may not be totally accurate in a particular location or circumstance. Most inter-city transportation in Uganda is by small van or large bus. Many drivers of these vehicles have little training and some are reckless. Small vans and large buses are often poorly maintained, travel at high speeds, and are the principal vehicles involved in the many deadly single and multi-vehicle accidents along Ugandan roads. Accident victims have included American citizens traveling in small vans and personal cars, passengers on motorcycle taxis locally known as "boda bodas," and pedestrians. Large trucks on the highways are often over-loaded, with inadequately secured cargo and poor braking systems. Alcohol frequently is a contributing factor in road accidents, particularly at night. Drivers are advised to take extra care when driving. Nighttime driving and road transportation should be avoided whenever possible. Pedestrians often walk in the roads and may not be visible to motorists. Large branches or rocks in the road sometimes indicate an upcoming obstruction or other hazard. Highway travel at night is particularly dangerous, including the road between Entebbe Airport and Kampala. The Embassy recommends caution on this road and use of a reliable taxi service to and from the airport. Traffic accidents draw crowds. Ugandan law requires that the drivers stop and exchange information and assist any injured persons. In some cases where serious injury has occurred, there is the possibility of mob anger. In these instances, Ugandans often do not get out of their cars, but drive to the nearest police station to report the accident. For specific information concerning Ugandan driving permits, vehicle inspection, road tax and mandatory insurance, please contact Tourism Uganda, IPS building, 14, Parliament Avenue, Kampala, Uganda; telephone 256-414-342 196. You may also wish to consult the Tourism Uganda web site or, for information on government agencies, see the My Uganda web site. As there is no direct commercial air service to the United States by carriers registered in Uganda, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not assessed Uganda's Civil Aviation Authority for compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards. For more information, travelers may visit the FAA web site. International airlines offer several weekly flights to Europe and the United Arab Emirates, and Kenya Airways has daily flights between Entebbe Airport and Nairobi. Other regional airlines operate weekly flights to other destinations in Africa, such as Dar es Salaam, Addis Ababa, Cairo, and Johannesburg. Americans living or traveling in Uganda are encouraged to register with the U.S. Embassy in Kampala through the State Department's travel registration web site to obtain updated information on travel and security within Uganda. By registering, American citizens make it easier for the Embassy or Consulate to contact them in case of emergency. The U.S. Embassy is located at 1577 Ggaba Road, Kampala; telephone 256-414-259-791 or 256 414 306 001; fax 256-414-258-451. You may contact the Embassy via e-mail. This replaces the Country Specific Information dated May 6, 2008, to update sections on Entry/Exit Requirements, Safety and Security, Crime, Information for Victims of Crime, Medical Facilities and Health Information, Medical Insurance, Traffic Safety and Road Conditions, Special Circumstances, Aviation Safety Oversight, Special Circumstances, and Registration/Embassy Location. 2nd fatality from Rift Valley Fever reported in Uganda Disease Rift Valley Fever Uganda - 13 days ago Date: Tue 31 Dec 2019 <http://outbreaknewstoday.com/uganda-reports-2nd-fatal-rift-valley-fever-case-51670/> A 2nd fatal human Rift Valley fever (RVF) case in recent weeks was reported in Uganda. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the 2nd confirmed case of RVF was reported from Ntoroko district, Uganda. The individual was a 25-year-old male from the Democratic Republic of Congo who was living and working in Kimara Village, Butungama sub-county, in Ntoroko district, Uganda. The patient developed haemorrhagic symptoms on 5 Dec [2019] and despite treatment, the patient died the next day [6 Dec 2019]. A safe and dignified burial occurred later in the month [December 2019]. The 1st RVF case/death was reported from Obongi district (see Rift Valley fever - Eastern Africa (06): Uganda ex South Sudan http://promedmail.org/post/20191209.6829994). According to WHO, RVF is caused by a virus transmitted by mosquitoes and blood-feeding flies that usually affects animals (commonly cattle and sheep) but can also involve humans. In humans, the disease ranges from a mild flu-like illness to severe haemorrhagic fever that can be lethal. When livestock are infected, the disease can cause significant economic losses due to a high mortality rate in young animals and waves of abortions in pregnant females. [The WHO report cited above leads one to conclude that although the man was from the DR Congo, he was living and working in Uganda and contracted the Rift Valley fever [RVF] there. There is no indication that RVF cases were occurring in livestock in Uganda at the time this case occurred, nor how the man became infected. There were RVF livestock cases in 2018. There were 3 reported RVF outbreaks located in 3 separate southwestern districts of Uganda (Mbarara, Isingiro, Lyantonde) (see Rift Valley fever - Eastern Africa (31): Uganda, bovine, OIE http://promedmail.org/post/20180907.6014484). At that time, there also were 2 confirmed human cases (see Rift Valley fever - Eastern Africa (13): Uganda, WHO http://promedmail.org/post/20180711.5898523). However, in 2019, no livestock cases were reported. The occurrence of human cases in the absence of reported animal cases prompted Mod.AS to comment: "Unfortunately, during the recent South Sudan RVF event, as in most -- if not all -- previous RVF events in other African countries, humans served as sentinels. Improved surveillance in animals is desperately needed in Africa to allow timely measures applied, predominantly preventive vaccination, before the development of a full-blown epizootic involving secondary infection in humans." It is likely that RVF virus has persisted in this Uganda and other countries in East Africa in transovarially infected eggs of _Aedes_ mosquito vectors. These eggs can remain viable for long periods of time and hatch when flooded during future rain events, with the subsequent emergence of infected females ready to transmit the virus. This risk provides justification for keeping livestock of the area well vaccinated into the future. This may have accounted for the reappearance of RVF in South Sudan in 2018, after nearly 2 years without additional reported cases in humans or livestock, and again with this human case in 2019. - Mod.TY] Ntoroko district, Uganda: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/24929>] 35yo dies from Rift Valley Fever in Uganda after returning from South Sudan Disease Rift Valley Fever Uganda - 1 month ago Date: Tue 3 Dec 2019 <http://outbreaknewstoday.com/rift-valley-fever-uganda-reports-fatal-case-in-obongi-district-92864/> In late November [2019], Uganda health authorities notified the World Health Organization of a fatal Rift Valley fever (RVF) case from Obongi district. The case was a 35-year-old man from South Sudan who was living in the Palorinya Refugee camp in Obongi district, Uganda. The case had travel history to South Sudan between 12 and 19 Nov 2019 to harvest cassava. While in his home country, he developed fever and other symptoms and was treated for malaria; however, his condition got worse. He later returned to the refugee camp in Uganda and his symptoms progressed and he was hospitalized. Viral hemorrhagic fever was suspected. Samples were collected and sent to the Uganda Virus Research Institute; however, the patient died. A safe and dignified burial was performed on 22 Nov 2019. As of 24 Nov 2019, a total of 19 contacts were recorded during the active case search including 10 healthcare workers. [The circumstances and specific location under which the man became infected with Rift Valley fever (RVF) virus in South Sudan is not mentioned. It is worth noting that there was an RVF outbreak in the Eastern Lakes region of South Sudan during the 1st 3 months of last year (2018). At the end of that outbreak, the OIE's follow-up report no. 3 reported: "The event cannot be considered resolved, but the situation is sufficiently stable. No more follow-up reports will be sent. Information about this disease will be included in the next 6-monthly reports." There were more human cases than animal ones in that outbreak, prompting Mod.AS to comment: "Unfortunately, during the recent South Sudan RVF event, as in most -- if not all -- previous RVF events in other African countries, humans served as sentinels. Improved surveillance in animals is desperately needed in Africa, to allow timely measures applied, predominantly preventive vaccination, before the development of a full-blown epizootic involving secondary infection in humans." Intensified surveillance is needed in South Sudan in those localities where the affected man had been prior to his return to Uganda. It is likely that RVF virus has persisted in this area in transovarially infected eggs of _Aedes_ mosquito vectors. These eggs can remain viable for long periods of time and hatch when flooded during future rain events, with the subsequent emergence of infected females ready to transmit the virus. This risk provides justification for maintaining livestock of the area well vaccinated into the future. This may have accounted for the reappearance of RVF in South Sudan in 2018, after nearly 2 years without additional reported cases in humans or livestock and again with this human case in 2019. - ProMED Mod.TY] Obongi district, Uganda is located approximately 50 km (30 mi) from the South Sudan border. HealthMap/ProMED-mail maps: Uganda: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/65264> South Sudan: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/8402> According to OIE's data, a total of 2 outbreaks of RVF affecting animals have been reported from Sudan during the event. The 1st outbreak started in the Arabaata dam area, Red Sea state, on 25 Sep 2019, affecting goats. The 2nd (and, so far, last) outbreak started 10 Oct 2019 in the River Nile state, affecting sheep and goats. Both outbreaks have been declared as 'resolved' on 14 Nov 2019. Outbreak summary: Total outbreaks = 2 (Submitted) Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered Goats / 1700 / 37 / 7 / 0 / 0 Sheep / 1550 / 37 / 5 / 0 / 0 According to the recent (5 Dec 2019) OCHA (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) update, the (human) RVF situation in Sudan, as of 26 Oct 2019, was the following: "a total of 345 suspected RVF cases -- including 11 related deaths -- reported in the states of Red Sea (128), River Nile (212), Khartoum (1), White Nile (1), Kassala (2), and Gedaref (1). The most affected age group is 15 to 45 years, which accounts for 83% of the total suspected cases. The male to female ratio is 2.6, with a high proportion of the cases being farmers (37.5 per cent). RVF is endemic in Sudan and 3 outbreaks affecting people have been documented in 1973, 1976, and 2008. During the outbreak in 2008, a total of 747 laboratory-confirmed cases were reported, including 230 deaths." Egypt suffered its 1st RVF outbreak in 1977/78 with serious human disease and death as well as severe losses in livestock; several additional events have been recorded since. A recent historical review paper [1] concluded: "due to the availability and abundance of the potential vectors, the suitability of environmental conditions, continuous importation of livestock's from Sudan, and the close association of susceptible domestic animals with humans, the RVF virus could possibly occur and circulate in Egypt." (https://tinyurl.com/whz3pz5) 1. Kenawy MA, Abdel-Hamid YM, Beier JC. Rift Valley fever in Egypt and other African countries: Historical review, recent outbreaks, and possibility of disease occurrence in Egypt. Acta Trop. 2018; 181: 40-49; <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actatropica.2018.01.015> - ProMED Mods.AS/TY] Floods kill 12 people in western Uganda Climate Changes Uganda - 1 month ago Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2019 15:58:56 +0100 (MET) Kampala, Dec 7, 2019 (AFP) - Twelve people have been swept to their deaths by floods in western Uganda, the Red Cross said on Saturday, as the East African country is battered by torrential rain. "We have recovered 12 bodies from the water and one person has been rushed to hospital with serious injuries," said Diana Tumuhimbise, Red Cross branch manager in the Bundibugyo district. "The rain started last night and continued until 9:00 am (0600 GMT)," she told AFP on Saturday. "Several houses have been swept away, roads have been blocked and some washed away completely." The Red Cross has launched a search and rescue operation with the police, military and community members in 12 affected areas but it is not yet clear how many people are missing. Rain is hampering communication in the remote location, on the border with DR Congo and separated from the rest of Uganda by the Rwenzori mountains. At least 20 people have been killed as a result of floods and mudslides in the last week in Uganda. The extreme weather has been blamed on the Indian Ocean Dipole -- a climate system defined by the difference in sea surface temperature between western and eastern areas of the ocean. At the moment, the ocean around East Africa is far warmer than usual, resulting in higher evaporation and moist air flowing inwards over the continent as rain: the hallmarks of a "positive" dipole. Scientists warn that as ocean temperatures rise because of climate change, Indian Ocean dipoles will become more frequent and severe. Condoms recalled in Uganda over quality concerns Disease AIDS Uganda - 2 months ago Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 12:59:15 +0100 (MET) Kampala, Nov 20, 2019 (AFP) - Global health charity Marie Stopes said Wednesday it had recalled hundreds of thousands of faulty condoms on sale in Uganda, where HIV rates are among the highest in the world. The recall followed a warning from Uganda's National Drug Authority (NDA) that the Life Guard brand condoms had failed manufacturing "quality tests" because they contained holes and may burst. The affected condoms were manufactured by India-based MHL Healthcare in April 2019 and have an expiry date of April 2024, the government regulator said. Marie Stopes Uganda spokesman David Kamu told AFP on Wednesday that the two affected batches each contained "around 400,000" condoms. Earlier reports had suggested millions of condoms could have been involved but NDA spokesman Fred Ssekyana told AFP the figure was below one million. Marie Stopes Uganda said more than half of the condoms of concern had been recalled. "While the LifeGuard brand follows strict quality controls, unfortunately two recent batches have fallen short of the quality we demand," the charity's country director, Carole Sekimpi, said in a statement Tuesday. Marie Stopes is the largest and most specialised sexual reproductive health organisation in Uganda, the charity says on its website. According to UNAIDS, 1.4 million Ugandans are living with HIV. Last year 53,000 people were newly infected with the disease in the East African country, the UN agency said. Fake Yellow Fever vaccination certificates being sold in Uganda Disease Yellow Fever Uganda - 3 months ago Source: Daily Monitor [edited] <https://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Yellow-Fever-vaccine-cards-sold-unvaccinated/688334-5328398-decw4w/index.html> Yellow fever vaccine cards are being sold on the streets for Shs 60,000 [about USD 16] to unvaccinated Ugandan travellers, who upon presenting them at Entebbe International Airport, are cleared to proceed to their destinations. Daily Monitor has established the scam has been ongoing for some time. Our 3-week investigation shows how one can easily get a yellow fever immunisation card without being vaccinated. According to our investigations, these cards are acquired mainly by people scheduled to travel out of the country who do not want to pay the higher fee charged by hospitals accredited to administer the vaccine. Hospitals charge about Shs 100,000 [about USD 27] for the vaccination. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes of the _Aedes_ and _Haemagogus_ species [_Haemagogus_ mosquitoes are South American forest mosquitoes not found in Africa. - ProMED Mod.TY]. Its symptoms include fever, headache, jaundice, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. The yellow fever card became a mandatory requirement for travellers following the outbreak of the disease in Masaka and Rukungiri districts in 2016. The Ministry of Health directed that all travellers exiting or entering Uganda must be vaccinated against the disease to prevent infection or spreading. Yellow fever cards are only issued by the Health Ministry and given to accredited hospitals to administer the vaccine. The cards are engraved with the Ministry's logo but accredited hospitals are required to stamp and engrave them with a seal to validate them. A list of all the accredited hospitals is sent to Entebbe airport and other border posts for officials to verify the seal of the hospital on the card when it is presented by a traveller. According to the Health ministry's guidelines, the card is supposed to be given only to someone who has been vaccinated against yellow fever. It is this card that a traveller presents to officials at either the airport or immigration offices at borders before being allowed to enter or travel out of the country. However, our investigation shows that while officials at Entebbe airport and border immigration offices have a list of accredited hospitals, they cannot tell whether a traveller, who carries the card, was vaccinated or not because details of all those vaccinated remain at the hospitals. This has given leeway to unscrupulous people to forge the cards. Mr Jacob Siminyu, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which oversees the directorate of Citizenship and Immigration, told Daily Monitor that the health ministry has not alerted them on the ongoing scam. But he added that whereas immigration officials are mandated to allow only travellers with the cards to leave the country, they do not have the means to determine whether a traveller was vaccinated or not. "The Ministry of Health needs to put mechanisms which can help our officials ascertain whether a traveller was vaccinated or not. Otherwise, it is very hard for our officials to identify those who were not vaccinated because they come with valid cards at the borders," Mr Siminyu said. The scam involves a cartel of city medical practitioners, who use brokers to carry out the fraudulent transactions on their behalf to avoid detection. The brokers accept to meet you only after being satisfied that you are a genuine traveller, not a spy. Our reporter carried out an undercover [investigation] to unravel the cards scam and how it is executed. The reporter disguised as a labour worker scheduled to travel to South Africa. He shares his findings. "I was connected to a medical officer working at Kisenyi Health Centre IV in Kampala's Central Division. The official asked for Shs 60,000 [about USD 16] but he declined to discuss much on phone and proposed that they meet the next day. He postponed the meeting several times and after 4 days of pleading, he told me to meet a man at Kisenyi Health Centre IV on 9 Oct [2019]. The health officer at the centre said he only had yellow fever cards from Norvik Hospital. Norvik Hospital, located on Bombo Road, Kampala, is one of the hospitals accredited to vaccinate against the disease. "Upon reaching the health centre, a man ushered me into an office within the hospital. The official opened one of the drawers and pulled out a bundle of yellow fever cards and filled in the forged details of the passport number and name which I had given him. "The bundles of cards were meticulously arranged in the drawer and were engraved with the Ministry of Health logo with a stamp and seal reading Norvik Hospital. He backdated the time of issuance to 14 Jul 2019, and forged the batch number of the yellow fever vaccine and signature. As I waited for the card, 2 women, who had made an earlier appointment, sauntered in to pick their cards too. "I later learnt from their conversation with the health official that they were scheduled to travel to United Arab Emirates in the next 3 days. When I inquired why the official was issuing out cards from Norvik Hospital, a private facility, yet he works in a government one, he said they get the cards from their colleagues at the hospital. He also claimed that Norvik receives a big number of the cards from the Ministry of Health hence it becomes easy for his colleagues to get some of them, which they sell to desperate travellers on the black market. However, Daily Monitor could not independently verify the claims. "Kisenyi Health Centre IV is among the 8 public facilities managed by Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). It is only City Hall Health Centre II out of the 8 that is accredited to administer the vaccine. The KCCA health centre charges Shs 102 000 [about USD 28] per vaccine but other hospitals in the country have varying charges. The official told us that many travellers prefer to acquire the cards without being vaccinated because of the high cost at the accredited hospitals and the urgency of the flight. "We have helped very many people and they have never met any resistance at the airport and other borders. I am very sure of what I am giving you," he said before handing the card to me. Vaccination at Norvik Hospital To verify the authenticity of the yellow fever card, which we acquired undercover from Kisenyi Health Centre IV, I visited Norvik on 16 Oct [2019] to be vaccinated. I was asked to pay Shs 60,000 [about USD 16] and a receipt was issued to me. My details, including date of birth, age, nationality, and date of vaccination, were entered in the system. Upon vaccination, I was asked to sign in a book to prove I had been vaccinated and given the card. The card bears the stamp and seal of the hospital and is also engraved with the logo of Ministry of Health. Both the Norvik Hospital card and one I acquired undercover at Kisenyi bear the same stamp and Ministry of Health's logo. It is hard to detect forgery. However, the serial numbers differ in length. The genuine Norvik Hospital card's serial number has 6 digits while the forged one from the Kisenyi health centre has 9 digits. The rest of the features look the same. When contacted yesterday [27 Oct 2019], Mr Emmanuel Ainebyoona, the Health Ministry senior spokesperson, advised that we ask Norvik Hospital to explain the variations since both cards bear their stamp and seal but with different serial numbers. He added that he was unable to confirm the features by yesterday. However, this newspaper's attempt to speak to Norvik Hospital authorities for the past one week hit a snag. Ms Mildred Obeja, hospital's client care officer, declined to comment on the matter, saying it is only the medical director who is mandated to speak to the media. She promised to have an interview with me with the hospital's medical director, but our efforts to have it were futile. Our follow-up calls to her mobile phone number went unanswered. She did not reply our WhatsApp messages either. When contacted on [Thu 24 Oct 2019], the health state minister for general duties, Ms Sarah Opendi, said the ministry was not aware of the cards scam. "I am shocked that this is happening because we thought that we had solved this challenge. Now that you have alerted me, I need to inform the officials at the Civil Aviation Authority about this fraud. We shall look into it and take action," she said. Health warning Ms Opendi wondered why someone would choose to travel with a fake card yet vaccination would prevent them from acquiring the deadly haemorrhagic disease. "Why are people risking their lives by travelling outside the country without vaccination? When you choose to use a fake card, it means you are taking your life for granted," she said. Asked why the details of those who are vaccinated from accredited hospitals are not shared with officials at the airport for verification, Ms Opendi said the ministry would look into that option. However, she warned all accredited hospitals against loopholes in the issuance of the cards, saying such an anomaly not only points at laxity in their systems to fight fraud, but also breaches the agreement they made with the ministry. Laxity at airport On 18 Oct [2019], I visited Entebbe airport to ascertain how immigration officials verify the cards presented by travellers. I found out that unlike passports, which are scanned to prove authenticity, yellow fever cards are not. Officials look at the seal and stamp of the hospital on the card and if these details correspond with the list of hospitals which they have, they let the traveller to proceed. I also found out that officials cannot tell whether a traveller was vaccinated or not because they do not have details of all those who were vaccinated at the accredited hospitals. I spoke to at least 3 different officials at the airport and they intimated that they only look out for the Ministry of Health's logo, seal, and stamp of the accredited hospital and whether the card bears the passport number. If the name of the hospital on the seal corresponds with the list of the accredited hospitals they have, they allow the traveller to proceed. They also said there is no digital verification of the cards except that of the passport. I also interviewed several people, who recently travelled out of the country to corroborate my findings at the airport and they confirmed immigration officials only looked at the seal and stamp of the hospital on the cards and allowed to travel." Dr Simon Abachu, a [a member of] health personnel at Entebbe airport, confirmed by telephone on Friday [25 Oct 2019] that some travellers use forged cards. Dr Abachu said checking the cards at the airport is no longer done by medical officers. "Initially, our medical doctors used to check at the departure centre but there were some internal issues where it was found out that verifying the travellers' yellow fever cards was delaying flights. It is now handling agents who check the cards," he said. According to Dr Abachu, the scam is commonest among labour export companies, which he alleged acquire the cards for their workers without vaccination. Asked how they intend to close this loophole, Dr Abachu said the Ministry of Health must give full mandate of verification of the cards to health officers at the airport, adding that currently, they do not have powers over the exercise. [byline: Amos Ngwomoya] [Fake yellow fever (YF) vaccination cards have been a recurring problem in several African countries in the recent past. The sale of fake yellow fever vaccination cards to individuals who did not receive the vaccine presents a serious public health problem inside and outside of Uganda. The new cards were supposed to avoid purchase of cards without receiving the vaccine. Uganda has had an outbreak of sylvan-origin YF in 2016. Although it was declared ended on 6 Sep 2016, the risk of additional cases from forest sources remains. An unvaccinated, viremic individual with a fake card who becomes infected outside Uganda could carry YF virus to localities in the country where vector mosquitoes are present and initiate an outbreak of this serious disease. An unvaccinated individual who becomes infected in Uganda and travels to an area abroad where there are vectors could initiate a new outbreak. One wonders, if the practice of issuance of fake YF cards continues, whether countries that are currently YF-free but are most at risk of ongoing transmission should the virus be introduced, in Central and North America, South and South East Asia, will deny visas to or admittance of individuals coming from Uganda unless they can prove that their cards are legitimate. The Ugandan government authorities should put a stop to these practices immediately. - ProMED Mod.TY] [HealthMap/ProMED-mail map of Uganda: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/97>.] Dominican Republic US Consular Information Sheet COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: The Dominican Republic covers the eastern two-thirds of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. The capital city is Santo Domingo, located on the south coast of th Read More Show Less island. Tourist facilities vary according to price and location. Spanish is the official language. Though English is widely spoken in major cities and tourist areas, it is much less common outside these areas. Read the Department of State Background Notes on the Dominican Republic for additional information. ENTRY/EXIT REQUIREMENTS: All Americans traveling by air outside of the United States are required to present a passport or other valid travel document to enter or re-enter the United States. This requirement will be extended to sea travel (except closed loop cruises), including ferry service, by the summer of 2009. Until then, U.S. citizens traveling by sea must have government-issued photo identification and a document showing their U.S. citizenship (for example, a birth certificate or certificate of nationalization), or other WHTI compliant document such as a passport card for entry or re-entry to the U.S. Sea travelers should also check with their cruise line and countries of destination for any foreign entry requirements. Applications for the new U.S. Passport Card are now being accepted. We expect cards will be available and mailed to applicants in spring 2008. The card may not be used to travel by air and is available only to U.S. citizens. Further information is available on our U.S. Passport Card page at http://travel.state.gov/passport/ppt_card/ppt_card_3926.html and upcoming changes to U.S. passport policy can be found on the Bureau of Consular Affairs web site at http://travel.state.gov/travel/cbpmc/cbpmc_2223.html. We strongly encourage all American citizen travelers to apply for a U.S. passport well in advance of anticipated travel. American citizens can visit travel.state.gov or call 1-877-4USA-PPT (1-877-487-2778) for information on how to apply for their passports. For information concerning entry and exit requirements, travelers may contact the Embassy of the Dominican Republic at 1715 22nd Street NW, Washington, DC 20008, tel. (202) 332-6280. There are also Dominican consulates in Boston, Chicago (Northfield, IL), Mayaguez, Miami, New Orleans, New York, and San Juan. Visit the Embassy of the Dominican Republic web site at http://www.domrep.org for the most current visa information. Visas: Visitors who do not obtain a Dominican visa prior to entry must purchase a tourist card upon arrival to enter the country. Tourist cards cost ten U.S. dollars, which must be paid in U.S. currency. Tourist cards may be purchased at the Dominican Embassy in Washington or Dominican Consulates prior to arrival, as well as at Dominican airports at the time of entry. Tourist cards normally permit a legal stay of up to 60 days. Visitors who would like to extend their time in the Dominican Republic should visit the Migration Department in Santo Domingo and request an extension. Failure to request an extension will subject the visitor to a surcharge at the airport upon departure. Travel of children and EXIT requirements: Strict exit requirements apply to minors under 18 years of age (of any nationality) who are residents in the Dominican Republic. Such children traveling alone, without one parent, or with anyone other than the parent(s), must present written authorization from a parent or legal guardian. This authorization must be in Spanish, and it must be notarized at a Dominican consulate in the United States or notarized and then certified at the Dominican Attorney General's office (Procuraduria de la Republica) if done in the Dominican Republic. Though not a requirement for non-resident minors (in the Dominican Republic), the U.S. Embassy recommends that any minor traveling to the Dominican Republic without one or both parents have a notarized document from the parent(s). In addition to clarifying the reason for travel, this will facilitate departure from the Dominican Republic. The specific guidelines on the Dominican regulations governing the travel of children in the Dominican Republic can be found (in Spanish) at http://www.migracion.gov.do. Visit the Embassy of the Dominican Republic web site at http://www.domrep.org for the most current visa information. American citizens should be aware that foreign tourists are often considered attractive targets for criminal activity, and should maintain a low profile to avoid becoming victims of violence or crime. In dealing with local police, U.S. citizens should be aware that the standard of professionalism might vary. Police attempts to solicit bribes have been reported, as have incidents of police using excessive force. Protests, demonstrations, and general strikes occur periodically. Previous political demonstrations have sometimes turned violent, with participants rioting and erecting roadblocks, and police sometimes using deadly force in response. Political demonstrations do not generally occur in areas frequented by tourists and are generally not targeted at foreigners. However, it is advisable to exercise caution when traveling throughout the country. Street crowds should be avoided. In urban areas, travel should be conducted on main routes whenever possible. Power outages occur frequently throughout the Dominican Republic, and travelers should remain alert during blackout periods, as crime rates often increase during these outages. U.S. citizens considering overland travel between the Dominican Republic and Haiti should first consult the Country Specific Information Sheet for Haiti as well as the Internet site of the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince for information about travel conditions in Haiti. Santo Domingo and the majority of tourist destinations within the Dominican Republic are located several hours from the Haitian border, and recent events in Haiti have generally not directly affected these areas. Up-to-date information on safety and security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the U.S. and Canada, or for callers outside the U.S. and Canada, a regular toll-line at 1-202-501-4444. These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). CRIME: Crime continues to be a problem throughout the Dominican Republic. Street crime and petty theft involving U.S. tourists does occur, and precautions should be taken to avoid becoming a target. While pick pocketing and mugging are the most common crimes against tourists, reports of violence against both foreigners and locals are growing. Criminals can be dangerous and visitors walking the streets should always be aware of their surroundings. Valuables left unattended in parked automobiles, on beaches and in other public places are vulnerable to theft, and reports of car theft have increased. Cellular telephones should be carried in a pocket rather than on a belt or in a purse. One common method of street robbery is for at least one person on a moped (often coasting with the engine turned off so as not to draw attention) to approach a pedestrian, grab his or her cell phone, purse or backpack, and then speed away. This type of robbery is particularly dangerous because the motorcyclist reaches the intended victim at 15–20 miles per hour and often knocks the victim to the ground. Many criminals have weapons and are likely to use them if they meet resistance. Be wary of strangers, especially those who seek you out at celebrations or nightspots. Traveling and moving about in a group is advisable. The dangers present in the Dominican Republic, even in resort areas, are similar to those of many major U.S. cities. Expensive jewelry attracts attention and could prompt a robbery attempt. Limiting the cash and credit cards carried on your person and storing valuables, wallet items, and passports in a safe place is recommended. Burglaries of private residences continue to be reported as well as crimes of violence. Criminals may also misrepresent themselves in an effort to gain access to your residence or hotel room. In one 2005 homicide, a U.S. citizen was murdered by two men who posed as repairmen to gain access to the apartment. In another, the Dominican police arrested the building's actual maintenance man and an accomplice for the crime. The U.S. Embassy continues to receive reports from Americans who have been stopped while driving and asked for "donations" by someone who may appear to be a police officer before they would be allowed to continue on their way. Usually, the person(s) stopping the American drivers had approached from behind on a motorcycle; several of these motorcyclists pulled up alongside the driver's window and indicated that they were carrying a firearm. In some cases, the perpetrators were dressed in the light green uniform of "AMET," the Dominican traffic police; however, they often seemed too young to be police officers or wore ill-fitting uniforms that might have been stolen. In another incident, individuals dressed in military fatigues told the victim they were police and requested the victim to follow them to the police station prior to robbing him. Such incidents should be reported to the police and the Consular Section. If Dominican police stop an American driver for a traffic violation, the driver should request a traffic ticket rather than paying an on-the-spot fine. The driver also has the right to ask police for identification. New regulations require police to wear a nametag with their last name. While everyone driving in the Dominican Republic should abide by traffic laws and the instructions of legitimate authorities, Americans finding themselves in the aforementioned scenarios should exercise caution. In general, drivers should keep their doors locked and windows closed at all times and leave themselves an escape route when stopping in traffic in the event of an accident or other threat. Incidents involving police may be reported to the Internal Affairs Department of the National Police at 809 688-1777 or 809 688-0777. In 2006, the U.S. Embassy received reports of Americans and others who were victims of vehicular-armed robberies in the northern provinces of the Dominican Republic. At least three of the reports indicate the victims were intercepted during the morning hours, when there was little other traffic, while driving on rural highways connecting Santiago and Puerto Plata. Drivers should exercise extreme caution when driving at night and use major highways when possible. Although kidnappings are not common in the Dominican Republic, in 2007, two American citizens were kidnapped and held for ransom, in separate instances. Many public transportation vehicles are unsafe, especially the route taxis or "carros publicos" in urban areas. These are privately owned vehicles that run along certain routes, can take up to six or more passengers, and are inexpensive. Passengers in "carros publicos" are frequently the victims of pick pocketing, and passengers have on occasion been robbed by "carro publico" drivers. Urban buses ("guaguas") are only marginally better. The U.S. Embassy is also aware of at least one incident in which the driver of a "motoconcho" (motorcycle taxi) robbed an American passenger. The U.S. Embassy cautions its staff not to use these modes of transportation. As an alternative, some scheduled interurban bus services use modern buses and run on reliable timetables. These are generally the safest means of intercity travel. With respect to taxis, visitors to the Dominican Republic are strongly advised to take only hotel taxis or taxis operated by services whose cabs are arranged in advance by phone and can subsequently be identified and tracked. Credit card fraud is common and recent reports indicate that its incidence has increased significantly. The U.S. Embassy strongly advises Americans to restrict severely the use of credit/debit cards in the Dominican Republic. The increase in credit card fraud is particularly pronounced in the eastern resort areas of the Dominican Republic. According to reports, store workers, restaurant service staff and hotel employees may conceal devices that can instantly record the credit card information. Often, this device appears to be a normal card reader used by businesses. Credit or debit cards should be carefully protected and never allowed out of the owner's sight. Stolen cards are often used to the maximum amount before the victims are able to contact the bank. Victims of credit card fraud should contact the bank that issued the credit card immediately. It is advisable to pay close attention to credit card bills following time spent in the Dominican Republic. There have been reports of fraudulent charges appearing months after card usage in the Dominican Republic. Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are present throughout Santo Domingo and other major cities. However, as with credit cards, the use of ATMs should be minimized as a means of avoiding theft or misuse. One local ATM fraud scheme involves sticking photographic film or pieces of paper in the card feeder of the ATM so that an inserted card becomes jammed. Once the card owner has concluded the card is irretrievable, the thieves extract both the jamming material and the card, which they then use. There are other ATM scams as well. Exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings when using an ATM card. The overall level of crime tends to rise during the Christmas season, and visitors to the Dominican Republic should take extra precautions when visiting the country between November and January. In many countries around the world, counterfeit and pirated goods are widely available. Transactions involving such products may be illegal under local law. In addition, bringing them back to the United States may result in forfeitures and/or fines. More information on this serious problem is available at http://www.cybercrime.gov/18usc2320.htm. Beaches and Resorts: The Embassy occasionally receives reports of individuals who have become victims of crime, and particularly sexual assault, while at the beach. Vigilance is recommended. The numerous "all-inclusive" resorts serve abundant quantities of alcohol, a practice that encourages inattention and may be a factor in crime or sexual assault. Tourist Police: The Dominican Republic does have police that are specially trained to assist tourists who require assistance. This public institution is called Politur and represents a cooperative effort between the National Police, Secretary of the Armed Forces, and the Secretary of Tourism. Politur typically has personnel in tourist areas to provide first responder type assistance to tourists. If you are the victim of a crime, Politur can help you get to a police station so that you may file a police report and seek further assistance. For more information on Politur and contact information, use the following link: http://www.politur.gov.do/. Politur is located at the corner of 30 de Marzo and Mexico, Bloque D, Governmental Building, Santo Domingo. The general phone number is 809-686-8639. INFORMATION FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME: The loss or theft abroad of a U.S. passport should be reported immediately to the local police and the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If you are the victim of a crime while overseas, in addition to reporting to local police, please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance. The Embassy/Consulate staff can, for example, assist you to find appropriate medical care, contact family members or friends, and explain how funds could be transferred. Although the investigation and prosecution of the crime is solely the responsibility of local authorities, consular officers can help you to understand the local criminal justice system and to find an attorney if needed. MEDICAL FACILITIES AND HEALTH INFORMATION: Medical care is limited, especially outside Santo Domingo, and the quality of care varies widely among facilities. There is an emergency 911 service within Santo Domingo, but its reliability is questionable. Outside the capital, emergency services range from extremely limited to nonexistent. Blood supplies at both public and private hospitals are often limited, and not all facilities have blood on hand even for emergencies. Many medical facilities throughout the country do not have staff members who speak or understand English. A private nationwide ambulance service, ProMed, operates in Santo Domingo, Santiago, Puerto Plata and La Romana; Telephone number is 809-548-7200. ProMed expects full payment at the time of transport. The U.S. Embassy maintains a non-comprehensive list of providers of medical care in the Dominican Republic, which can be found at the following link: http://www.usemb.gov.do/Consular/ACS/medical_assistance-e.htm. Tap water is unsafe to drink and should be avoided. Bottled water and beverages are safe. Dengue: Dengue is endemic to the Dominican Republic. To reduce the risk of contracting dengue, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends wearing clothing that exposes as little skin as possible and applying a repellent containing the insecticide DEET (concentration 30 to 35 percent) or Picaridin (concentration 20 percent or greater for tropical travelers). Because of the increased risk of dengue fever and the ongoing risk of malaria in the Dominican Republic (see below), practicing preventative measures is recommended by the CDC. For further information on dengue fever, please visit the CDC web site at http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/dengue. Malaria: There are occasional reports of cases of malaria in areas frequented by U.S. and European tourists including La Altagracia Province, the easternmost province in which many beach resorts are located. Malaria risk is significantly higher for travelers who go on some of the excursions to the countryside offered by many resorts. Prior to coming to the Dominican Republic, travelers should consult the CDC web site at http://www.cdc.gov/malaria/index.htm for more information and recommendations on malarial prophylaxis. Information on vaccinations and other health precautions, such as safe food and water precautions and insect bite protection, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747) or via the CDC's web site at http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/default.aspx. For information about outbreaks of infectious diseases abroad consult the World Health Organization's (WHO) web site at http://www.who.int/en. Further health information for travelers is available at http://www.who.int/ith. The U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo and the CDC are aware of several cases in which U.S. citizens experienced serious complications or died following elective (cosmetic) surgery in the Dominican Republic. The CDC's web site at http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5323a4.htm contains a report on patients who suffered postoperative infections following cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic. Patients considering travel to the Dominican Republic for cosmetic surgery may also wish to contact the Dominican Society of Plastic Surgeons (tel. 809-688-8451) to verify the training, qualifications, and reputation of specific doctors. MEDICAL INSURANCE: The Department of State strongly urges Americans to consult with their medical insurance company prior to traveling abroad to confirm whether their policy applies overseas and whether it will cover emergency expenses such as a medical evacuation. Americans traveling in the Dominican Republic should be aware that Dominican hospitals often require payment at the time of service and may take legal measures to prevent patients from departing the country prior to payment. Please see our information on medical insurance overseas. TRAFFIC SAFETY AND ROAD CONDITIONS: While in a foreign country, U.S. citizens may encounter road conditions that differ significantly from those in the United States. The information below concerning the Dominican Republic is provided for general reference only, and may not be totally accurate in a particular location or circumstance. Traffic in the Dominican Republic moves on the right side of the road. Speed limits vary from 25 mph in the city to 50 mph on rural roads, but they are generally not enforced. Drivers are required to carry liability insurance. If you do drive in the Dominican Republic, you should be aware that the utmost caution and defensive driving are necessary. Traffic laws are similar to those in the United States, but undisciplined driving is common, due to a lack of adequate traffic controls. Many drivers will not use turn indicators. Rather, it is common for a vehicle operator to stick his hand out the window to signal a turn. Drivers can also be aggressive and erratic, often failing to yield the right-of-way even when road signs or signals indicate that they should. Travel at night on intercity highways and in rural areas should be avoided, due to animals on the road, poor road conditions, and other vehicles being driven at excessive speeds, often with malfunctioning headlights or taillights. Blackouts also increase the danger of night travel. Turning right on red lights is permitted, but should be done with caution. Traffic accidents often result in serious injury or death. This is often the case when heavy vehicles, such as buses or trucks, are involved. Traditionally, vehicles involved in accidents in the Dominican Republic are not moved (even to clear traffic), until authorized by a police officer. Drivers who violate this norm may be held legally liable for the accident. Dominican law requires that a driver be taken into custody for driving under the influence or being involved in an accident that causes serious injury or death, even if the driver is insured and appears not to have been at fault. The minimum detention period is 48 hours; however, detentions frequently last until a judicial decision is reached (often weeks or months), or until a waiver is signed by the injured party (usually as the result of a cash settlement). Visitors to the Dominican Republic might want to consider hiring a professional driver during their stay in lieu of driving themselves. Licensed drivers who are familiar with local roads can be hired through local car rental agencies. In case of accidents, only the driver will be taken into custody. Pedestrians tend to step out into traffic without regard to corners, crosswalks, or traffic signals. Many pedestrians die every year crossing the street (including major, multi-lane highways) at seemingly random locations. Pedestrians do not have the right-of-way, and walking along or crossing busy streets – even at intersections with traffic lights or traffic police present – can be very dangerous. Seat belts are required by law, and those caught not wearing them will be fined. There are no child car seat laws. The law also requires the use of hands-free cellular devices while driving. Police stop drivers using cell phones without the benefit of these devices. Penalties for those driving under the influence and those involved in accidents resulting in injury or death can be severe. Motorcycles and motor scooters are common in the Dominican Republic, and they are often driven erratically. Dominican law requires that motorcyclists wear helmets, but local authorities rarely enforce this law. As noted previously in this report, public transportation vehicles such as the route taxis ("carros publicos") and urban buses ("guaguas") are unsafe. Please see the Crime section of this information sheet for more information regarding crimes involving road safety. AVIATION SAFETY OVERSIGHT: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of the Dominican Republic's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of the Dominican Republic's air carrier operations. For more information, travelers may visit the FAA's web site at http://www.faa.gov/safety/programs_initiatives/oversight/iasa. Currency Regulations: It is legal to exchange currency at commercial banks, exchange booths in hotels and exchange houses. The exchange rate is set by the Central Bank, based on prevailing market conditions. The market determines the exchange rate. No more than USD $10,000 or its equivalent in another currency, including Dominican pesos, may be taken out of the Dominican Republic at the time of departure. Real Estate: Real estate investments require a high level of caution, as property rights are irregularly enforced. Investors often encounter problems in receiving clear title to land, and title insurance is not available. Real estate investments by U.S. citizens have been the subject of both legal and physical takeover attempts. Absentee landlords and absentee owners of undeveloped land are particularly vulnerable. Investors should seek solid property title and not just a "carta de constancia," which is often confused by foreigners with a title. An official land registry measurement (also known as 'deslinde' or 'mensura catastral') is also desirable for the cautious overseas investor. Squatters, sometimes supported by governmental or non-governmental organizations, have invaded properties belonging to U.S. citizens, threatening violence and blocking the owners from entering their property. In at least one instance, the U.S. citizen landowner was physically assaulted. Several U.S. citizens with long-standing expropriation disputes with the Dominican Government have not received compensation. Gambling: Many Americans have reported losing large amounts of money at Dominican casinos by playing a game (or variations thereof) known as "Super Keno," "Caribbean Keno," "Progressive Keno," or "Progressive Roulette." Players have complained that the game's rules are unclear and/or misleading. Any complaints arising from a casino should be directed to the Office of Casinos at the Secretary of Finance. To register a complaint with this office, call 809-687-5131, ext. 2120. Divorce: In recent years, there have been a number of businesses, primarily on the Internet, which advertise "Quickie Dominican Divorces." The services of these businesses should be used with caution, as they may misrepresent the process of obtaining a divorce in the Dominican Republic. While it is relatively simple for foreigners to obtain a divorce in the Dominican Republic, such divorces are only valid if specific steps are taken. Those seeking information regarding divorce should first consult with an attorney in their home state. Additional information is available via the U.S. Embassy's flyer on Divorce in the Dominican Republic at http://www.usemb.gov.do/Consular/ACS/divorce_DR-e.htm. Alien Smuggling: Dominican authorities may prosecute anyone arrested for organizing the smuggling of aliens into or out of the Dominican Republic. This is in addition to any charges individuals may face in the other country involved, including the United States. Hurricanes: The Dominican Republic is situated in an area of the Caribbean prone to hurricanes. In the event of a hurricane alert, a notice will be posted on the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo's web page at http://www.usemb.gov.do/index.htm. Further information can be obtained by visiting the National Weather Service's web site at http://www.nhc.noaa.gov. General information about natural disaster preparedness is available via the Internet from the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency at http://www.fema.gov. Water Sports: Visitors to the Dominican Republic, including to local resort areas, should carefully assess the potential risk of recreational activities. Some of the swimming areas at popular beaches around the Dominican Republic are subject to dangerous undertows. Many beaches lack life guards and/or warnings of unsafe conditions. Resort managers usually offer current information on local swimming & surf conditions. Americans are cautioned not to swim alone, particularly at isolated beaches. CRIMINAL PENALTIES: While in a foreign country, a U.S. citizen is subject to that country's laws and regulations, which sometimes differ significantly from those in the United States and may not afford the protections available to the individual under U.S. law. Penalties for breaking the law can be more severe than in the United States for similar offenses. Persons violating Dominican laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in the Dominican Republic are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines. For more information on the Dominican judicial system, procedures, and penalties, please visit the Consular Section's web page at http://www.usemb.gov.do. Engaging in sexual conduct with children or using or disseminating child pornography in a foreign country is a crime, prosecutable in the United States. Please see our information on Criminal Penalties. CHILDREN'S ISSUES: For information on international adoption of children and international parental child abduction, see the Office of Children's Issues web pages. The Dominican Republic is a party to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The United States formally accepted the accession of the Dominican Republic on June 1, 2007. Americans living or traveling in the Dominican Republic are encouraged to register with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate through the State Department's travel registration web site, and to obtain updated information on travel and security within the Dominican Republic. Americans without Internet access may register directly with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. By registering, American citizens make it easier for the Embassy or Consulate to contact them in case of emergency. The Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy is located at the corner of Calle César Nicolás Penson and Avenida Máximo Gómez. The American Citizens Services (ACS) Unit can be reached by telephone at 809-731-4294, or via email at acssantodom@state.gov. ACS Unit office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, Friday 7:30-12:15, except on U.S. and Dominican holidays. The Chancery of the U.S. Embassy is located a half-mile away from the Consular Section, at the corner of Calle César Nicolás Penson and Calle Leopoldo Navarro. The telephone number is 809-221-2171. There is a Consular Agency in the north coast city of Puerto Plata at Calle Villanueva esq. Avenida John F. Kennedy, Edificio Abraxa Libraria, 2nd floor, telephone 809-586-4204, 809-586-8017, 809-586-8023; office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. This replaces the Country Specific Information dated May 09, 2007 to update Safety and Security, Crime, and Special Circumstances. Report on increasing cases of Malaria across Central and South America Disease Malaria Dominican Republic - 2 months ago Date: Mon 18 Nov 2019 Source: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) [abridged, edited] <https://www.paho.org/hq/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&category_slug=2019-2&alias=51009-18-november-2019-malaria-epidemiological-update&Itemid=270> Between 2005 and 2014, there was an overall decreasing trend in the number of cases of malaria in the Region of the Americas; however, since 2015, there has been an increase in the number of malaria cases reported in the Region. This overall increase is due to the increase in cases over the last 3 years in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela along with increased transmission in endemic areas of countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Nicaragua, and Panama, as well as outbreaks in countries that were moving towards elimination (Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Ecuador) (Figure 1 [available at the source URL above]). Despite this, in 2018, Guatemala and Honduras reported a significant decrease in malaria cases compared to the prior year, which has continued as of November 2019. El Salvador has not reported an autochthonous case in almost 3 years, while Paraguay and Argentina were certified by the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) as malaria-free countries in July 2018 and May 2019, respectively. In Venezuela, between 1 Jan and week 41 [ending 11 Oct] of 2019, a total of 323,392 malaria cases were reported, representing a slight decrease (1.5%) compared to the same period in 2018 (328,373 cases). In contrast, in 2017, there were 321,358 cases reported during the same period. In Brazil, the Amazon region is characterized by high endemicity of malaria, accounting for nearly 99% of the cases reported nationally. In this region, there was a 24% overall decrease in the number of cases reported during the 1st semester of 2019 (71,549 cases) compared to the 1st semester of 2018 (93,995 cases). In Colombia, between 1 Jan and week 42 [ending 18 Oct] of 2019, an outbreak has been occurring with 66,581 malaria cases reported, representing a 28.2% increase compared to the same period in 2018 (51,935 cases). In Nicaragua, in 2019 as of week 41 [ending 11 Oct] of 2019, there were 9358 cases reported, representing a 15% decrease compared to the same period in 2018 (10,988 cases). This is mainly due to the decrease in cases reported in Puerto Cabezas since mid-2019. [The complete PAHO summary can be accessed at the source URL above. The surge of malaria in Venezuela is well known and is due to an almost entire lack of any vector control activities over the past 10 years. - ProMED Mod.EP] [HealthMap/ProMED-mail maps: Venezuela: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/29> Brazil: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/6> Colombia: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/16> Nicaragua: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/23>] Tourist deaths in the Dominican Republic raises concerns as cause remains a mystery Tourism Dominican Republic - 7 months ago Source: VOX [edited] <https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/6/26/18759843/dominican-republic-tourist-deaths> Tourist deaths in the Dominican Republic are sparking concern among travellers. It's not yet clear whether the deaths of 10 Americans over the past year are connected. [Some sources report as many as 13 deaths. - ProMED Mod.TG] Ten known US tourists have died at Dominican Republic resorts, or at the hospital immediately following resort stays -- including 3 within 7 days, and 2 within 3 days -- in just over a year. Now over a dozen more visitors who fell dangerously ill on vacation in the Dominican Republic are coming forward. Sicknesses reportedly set in quickly, marked by frequently cited symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, and sweating; guests' descriptions of a "chemical smell" in hotel rooms; and a pattern of minibar liquor consumption before indicators of illness set in. The Dominican Republic's Ministry of Tourism attributes these deaths to natural causes; local and US federal authorities, however, are investigating the incidents, having left some American travellers uneasy, and the future of the Dominican Republic's robust tourism industry uncertain. The incidents occurred at a collection of resorts on the island: the Terra Linda Resort in Sousa, the Excellence Resorts in Punta Cana, the Grand Bahia Principe in Punta Cana, the Grand Bahia Principe in La Romana, and the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Punta Cana. At least 3 of the people who died reportedly began experiencing symptoms after having a drink from the minibar in their rooms. The US Embassy in Santo Domingo confirmed earlier this month [June 2019] that the FBI were dispatched to the island to conduct toxicology reports, and the Dominican Republic's Ministry of Health announced samples from the minibar in the guest room of CD and NH of Maryland, who were both found dead on 30 May 2019 in their room at the Grand Bahia Principe La Romana, were undergoing testing. On Monday [24 Jun 2019], the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino announced it'd be removing liquor from minibars in its guest rooms. As forensic scientist Lawrence Kobilinsky told the "Cut," many of the victims' symptoms might suggest methanol poisoning. Methanol is a toxic, synthetic chemical normally used in antifreeze, also used, illegally, to create counterfeit alcohol. Consuming even a small amount of pure methanol can lead to pulmonary edema, or fluid in the lungs, and respiratory distress, 2 of the official causes of death listed for CD and NH. They're also 2 of the official causes of death listed for SW of Pennsylvania, who also died at Grand Bahia Principe La Romana, after reportedly having a drink from her hotel room minibar, just 5 days before CD and NH's deaths. The toxicology reports for CD, NH, and SW have not yet been released; the FBI said in mid-June 2019 that answers could be another 30 days coming. Some recent travellers, however, suspect they were exposed to fumes emitted from the air conditioners in their rooms. CNN reports one Denver couple, KK and TS sued the Grand Bahia Principe La Romana -- the same resort where CD and NH stayed -- earlier this year [2019] for illnesses occurring during a trip last July 2018. KK and TS described a "chemical smell" overtaking their room, an odor similar to paint or industrial cleaner. [Earlier, reports indicated KK and SW described the smell as chemical or pesticide smell. Some of their clinical signs sound like organophosphates. This couple reported earlier a grounds worker was spraying the trees, which reportedly was over the air conditioner. - ProMED Mod.TG] Soon after, they said they experienced excruciating stomach cramps, diarrhoea, bloody stool, incessant sweats and drool, watery eyes, and dizziness. Back home in Denver, their doctors wondered whether they'd been exposed to organophosphates, chemicals most often used in pesticides. KK said she thought back on what she had seen days earlier: A maintenance person spraying palm plants covering the air conditioning units just outside their room. "I wondered if someone sprayed our unit. They are always constantly out there taking care of the plants. We saw them out there with bug sprayers." Other tourists told CNN they too became sick after they inhaled what they described as a chemical, or paint-like smell, at the Majestic Elegance Resort in Punta Cana in 2017, and at the Grand Bahia Principe Punta Cana going back to 2016. As the New York Times reports, poisoning or pesticide exposure is even more likely when more than one person experiences the same outcome on the same timeline, as was the case with CD and NH. Chemicals like organophosphates, adds the Times, can "seep into a vent not adequately sealed, or be sucked inside by a hotel air conditioner." Current scientific literature indicates organophosphate poisoning can lead to respiratory failure in some cases. Tourism drives much of the Dominican Republic's economy, employing more than 300 000 people and drawing a reported 6.6 million international travellers in 2018. A report on the Dominican Republic's economy from the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service says the Dominican government aims to draw 10 million tourists -- roughly the size of its current population -- by 2020, "generating estimated revenues of US $7.2 billion." Preliminary autopsies conducted by Dominican authorities have been released by the resorts for several of the 10 Americans known to have died in the past year. In addition to pulmonary edema and respiratory failure, the causes of death for the tourists have included pneumonia, multiple organ failure, and an exceptionally common one: heart attack. According to Tourism Minister Javier Garcia, 5 of the deaths can be categorized as "natural causes." [While the Tourism Minister may report it as "natural causes," an investigation is necessary, including toxicology reports, to be fully certain of the cause of those individuals' deaths. - ProMED Mod.TG] The Excellence Resorts in Punta Cana told the family of LC of New York City she died in her room on 10 Jun 2019 of a heart attack. Her son BC remains skeptical, telling WCBS, "I do not believe it was of natural causes." It's not yet clear what caused this spate of heart attacks, respiratory failures, and food poisoning-like illnesses. And it's also not clear whether these catastrophic events, similar as they are in geographic location, presenting symptoms, and outcome, are connected. Neither the US Embassy nor the Dominican Ministry of Public Health has acknowledged the possibility of a connection; in fact, Garcia has said: "These cases are very regrettable, but isolated" [The deaths are indeed tragic and regrettable, but evidence revealed so far does not seem isolated. - ProMED Mod.TG]. The Dominican Republic's Ministry of Tourism asks the public to look at these recent deaths in context: Many millions of people travel to the Dominican Republic each year and don't fall seriously ill or die. A statement released by the ministry earlier this month [June 2019] references statistics and polls conducted by the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic. The "rate of tourist incidents" in 2018, the ministry says, fell to 1.4 per 100 000 tourists from 1.6 the previous year. It also highlights that 99 percent of American tourists told their survey they'd return to the Dominican Republic for future vacations. Nevertheless, US travellers are concerned by recent news, to say the least. CNBC cites a survey from the American Society of Travel Advisors revealing that 2/3rds of its members have cancelled trips to the Dominican Republic for clients within one week. CBS News adds flights to the Dominican Republic from the US are down 74.3 percent from this time last year [2018], with cancelled flights up by 51.2 percent in recent weeks, according to data from flight analysis agency. The [US] State Department's most recent Travel Advisory on the Dominican Republic -- from April 2019 -- places the country as a Level 2, with the directive, "Exercise Increased Caution." The rationale: crime. "Here we are talking about 9 people, but there are countries in the area where 10 times the number of Americans have died there," the Dominican Republic's tourism board reportedly said at a press conference on 21 Jun 2109, as covered by NBC News. (Details on the 10th death, of New York native VC on 17 Jun 2019, hadn't yet been released.) "But all eyes are on us." [Byline: Stephie Grob Plante] [There are several reports of individuals complaining of shortness of breath and an ill feeling after consuming products from the mini bar. There were television reports indicating some drink containers were filled by the hotel, or the pool bar and put back into the mini bar. This is the 1st article reporting methanol. However, methanol is a common product substituted in alcoholic drinks because it is cheap and easy to make. Frequently, this type of alcohol is associated with blindness. An individual, possibly dehydrated, coming in from the sun who consumes the beverage somewhat quickly may react differently. But pulmonary oedema is certainly associated with methanol consumption. From <https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002680.htm>: Airway and lungs: - Breathing difficulty - No breathing - Blindness, complete or partial, sometimes described as "snow blindness" - Dilation (widening) of the pupils [Organophosphates produce pin point pupils - Mod.TG] Heart and blood: - Low blood pressure Nervous system: - Agitated behaviour - Coma (unresponsiveness) - Difficulty walking - Dizziness - Seizures Skin and nails: - Bluish-colored lips and fingernails Stomach and intestines: - Abdominal pain (severe) - Diarrhea - Liver problems, including jaundice (yellow skin) and bleeding - Pancreatitis (nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain) - Vomiting, sometimes bloody - Fatigue - Leg cramps Compare the clinical signs, as listed by the same source <https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002832.htm> for organophosphate poisoning: Symptoms of organophosphate or carbamate poisoning: - Slow heart rate Lungs and Airways - Wheezing - Anxiety - Coma (decreased level of consciousness and lack of responsiveness) - Convulsions Bladder and Kidneys - Increased urination Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat - Drooling from increased saliva - Increased tears in the eyes - Small pupils Stomach and Intestines - Abdominal cramps - Loss of appetite - Nausea and vomiting - Blue-colored lips and fingernails Note: Serious poisoning can occur if an organophosphate gets on your bare skin or if you don't wash your skin soon after it gets on you. Large amounts of the chemical soak through the skin unless you are protected. Life-threatening paralysis and death can occur very quickly. While the clinical signs have some differences, it could have been a combination of organophosphates and methanol intoxication. - ProMED Mod.TG] Dominican Republic: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/24>] Update on deaths of tourists in Dominican Republic Disease Idiopathic Disease Dominican Republic - 7 months ago Source: USA TODAY on Yahoo News [edited] <https://news.yahoo.com/denver-man-dies-dominican-republic-170618207.html> A Denver man is the latest American tourist to die in the Dominican Republic this year [2019]. [KA] died on Tuesday [25 Jun 2019], the State Department confirmed to USA TODAY. Denver's 9 News and Fox 31 report [KA] was on vacation with his daughter [MA] when he fell ill in the Caribbean vacation destination. [MA] told 9 News her father started to complain about a painful bump on his leg just before her flight home on Sunday [23 Jun 2019]. She said they stopped by their hotel's medical clinic, but decided against treatment unless the pain became worse. [MA] had already returned to Denver when her father's pain worsened the following day [24 Jun 2019]. He booked an earlier return flight but was forced to disembark due to his symptoms. His sister-in-law [MS] told Fox 31 he was dripping with sweat and vomited in the plane's lavatory. "They transferred him to Santo Domingo and (said) his breathing is really bad and his kidneys were failing," she said. [MS] noted while her brother-in-law had undergone a kidney transplant several years earlier, he was in perfect health when he left Colorado. [KA]'s relatives said they were not even told he had died; they found out only after [MA] called the hospital repeatedly Wednesday [26 Jun 2019] morning. "It's been hard," she told 9News. "Not being able to get a hold of them, or them miscommunicating, or simply not knowing information." Authorities are conducting an autopsy and investigation to determine the official cause of death, according to 9 News. (The family said they did not receive any diagnosis.) Questions about safety have dogged the Dominican Republic since late May [2019], when the 1st of several Americans died in their hotel rooms and a Delaware woman claimed she was attacked there in January [2019]. Last week, tourism minister Francisco Javier Garcia held a press conference to dispel those concerns, stating, "The Dominican Republic is a safe country." Garcia also said the confirmed deaths -- 9 including [KA] -- are not out of the ordinary and the number is actually lower than in some previous years. Garcia said by this point in 2011 and 2015, 15 tourists had died in the Dominican Republic. [Byline: Sara M. Moniuszko] [The Dominican Republic is a small place compared with the USA, Europe, Russia, Australia, Canada, Brazil and others. While this article says there were 9 deaths, including this victim, other sources and listed names add up to 13, with other victims being severely ill and reporting their illness and having survived to tell about it. This is a lot for a small place and even more so given that most of them are reporting the same clinical signs. An autopsy alone is insufficient for determining a cause of death in these cases. We have been waiting weeks for the release of the toxicology report from the first 10 or more victims, which allegedly the US officials and CDC toxicologist are involved with. If the man had no prior illness and suddenly started having these pains, sweating and vomiting, it seems quite out of the ordinary. His kidneys may well have failed from the toxins (allegedly) in his system, but it does not mean the kidney failure was the primary reason for death. The excessive sweating, complained about by every victim prior to death, and by a few who managed to survive, as well as reports of vomiting roll together to make me think this is not a plain and simple death or a death from kidney failure. I am still suspicious of organophosphates. I am also suspicious of the pain from a bump on his leg. This article does not address anything about the bump. I wonder if there was a bite or sting there? Or was he injected with something? While the minister of tourism is saying it is safe, there is no indication of security being increased around the resorts to prevent others with nefarious motives from entering the area. There is no indication of an investigation from the resorts or the minister of tourism to assess what is really happening. - ProMED Mod.TG] [It is also possible that the "bump" on his leg was an abscess either insect bit related or small entry wound related and the disease process described could also be consistent with sepsis, remembering that the individual had a history of a kidney transplant and was most likely on immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection of the transplanted kidney. - ProMED Mod.MPP] Update on sickness among tourists visiting Dominican Republic Date: Sat 15 Jun 2019, 1:03 PM Source: New York Post [edited] <https://nypost.com/2019/06/15/oklahoma-jimmy-buffett-fans-mysteriously-fall-ill-while-vacationing-in-dominican-republic/> A group of Jimmy Buffett-diehards from Oklahoma were incredibly sick in paradise -- the latest in an ever-growing list of tourists to be sickened during a jaunt to the Dominican Republic, a report said. DF, a travel agent who vacationed to Punta Cana with the Buffett-loving Central Oklahoma Parrothead Association, said 4 days into their April [2019] trip, he and other members came down with a mysterious illness. "I can't even explain how sick I was," DF told Oklahoma's News 4. "I lost 14 pounds during that time and was really sick." By the end of the vacation, 47 of the 114 Oklahomans reported becoming ill, DF said, with many of them too sick to leave their rooms at the Hotel Riu Palace Macao. DF said it's unclear what caused the illnesses -- Punta Cana doctors suggested a parasite might be to blame. Everyone who got sick swam in the resort pool equipped with a swim-up bar, DF recalled. Some of the sick Parrotheads, the nickname for fans of the "Why Don't We Get Drunk" singer [Jimmy Buffet], tested positive for _Salmonella_ spp, according to DF, who said he did not. The latest report of illness comes amid a spate of unexplained deaths on the island nation since January [2019]. The death count ticked to 8 on [Fri 14 Jun 2019], when the family of a 78-year-old Ohio man revealed he died suddenly after dinner and drinks at the Dreams Punta Cana Resort & Spa. Authorities are eyeing bootleg liquor from hotel minibars as the potential killer, sources have told The Post. "I will not be going back to the Dominican any time soon," DF said. [Byline: Sara Dorn] [These people may be lucky they were only sick and not dead. However, _Salmonella_ sp most often causes diarrhoea and cramps along with severe dehydration and weakness. While an individual may develop a fever and be sweating, the sweating reported in the fatal cases is extreme sweating. There is no report of the deceased individuals testing positive for salmonellosis. Regardless of the cause, salmonellosis, or poisoning by something other than bacteria, the resorts involved in these reports appear to have a problem. The problem may be lack of awareness of chemicals from spraying trees above air conditioning units, to someone tampering with alcohol bottles, or perhaps uncleanliness at some eating/drinking establishment. This many illness and deaths seems quite out of the ordinary for these resorts. - ProMED Mod.TG] Report on deaths of six Americans visiting Dominican Republic during the past year Date: Wed 12 Jun 2019 Source: New York Times [edited] <https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/12/travel/dominican-republic-deaths.html> More than two million Americans visit the Dominican Republic every year, making up about a third of the country's tourists. Six have died in the last year during their visits. Because of the seeming similarities among their deaths, their family members have suggested that they are connected and have raised suspicions about the resorts where they died. Here's what we know, and don't know, about the circumstances. Who has died, and how? Yvette Monique Sport, 51, died in June 2018 of a heart attack. Her sister, Felecia Nieves, has said that Ms. Sport had a drink from the minibar in her room at a Bahia Pri­ncipe resort, one of a number on the island, then went to sleep and never woke up. In July 2018, David Harrison, 45, died at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana. Mr. Harrison died of a heart attack and The Washington Post reported that his death certificate also listed "pulmonary oedema, an accumulation of fluid in the lungs that can cause respiratory failure, and atherosclerosis" as causes of death. He and his wife were in the Dominican Republic for their wedding anniversary with their son. In April of this year, Robert Wallace became sick at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana, where he was attending a wedding and died. The 67 year old's family said that he became ill after drinking scotch from the minibar in the hotel. Miranda Schaup-Werner, 41, of Allentown, Pa., was celebrating her 10th wedding anniversary when she died at the Luxury Bahia Pri­ncipe Bouganville, on May 25 of this year of a heart attack. She had been at the resort for less than 24 hours. A few days later, Nathaniel Edward Holmes 63, and Cynthia Ann Day, 49, from Prince George's County, Md., were found dead in their room at the Grand Bahia Pri­ncipe La Romana. The two had recently become engaged. An autopsy found that the couple had respiratory failure and pulmonary oedema. Are the hotels connected? Four of the dead were staying at Bahia Pri­ncipe resorts, which are part of a group of 14 hotels in the Dominican Republic that are popular among tourists because they are all-inclusive. The Luxury Bahia Pri­ncipe Bouganville, where Ms. Schaup-Werner died, is less than a five-minute walk away from the Grand Bahia Pri­ncipe La Romana, where Mr. Holmes and Ms. Day died. Both are near the town of San Pedro De Macoris. The Hard Rock is across the island from the other two hotels in Punta Cana. It is not known which Bahia Principe resort Ms. Sport was staying in. What are the hotels saying? In a statement on Friday, Bahia Principe said reports of the deaths had been inaccurate and that the hotel was committed to "collaborating completely with the authorities and hope for a prompt resolution of their inquiries and actions." Hard Rock Hotels & Casinos said in a statement on Tuesday evening that it is waiting for official reports about the deaths and is, "Deeply saddened by these two unfortunate incidents, and we extend our sincerest sympathy to the families of Mr. Harrison and Mr. Wallace." What are Dominican officials doing? The Dominican Attorney General's office and the national police are investigating the deaths, but tourism officials have been downplaying them. The tourism minister, Francisco Javier Garci­a, said last week that in the last five years, more than 30 million tourists have visited the country, and that these deaths are "isolated incidents" and the island is safe for tourists. "These are situations that can occur in any country, in any hotel in the world," he said. "It's regrettable but sometimes it happens." The tourism ministry said last week that hotels had 60 days to install security cameras. What are U.S. officials saying? In a statement issued Tuesday evening, the U.S. State Department said that "Dominican authorities have asked for F.B.I. assistance for further toxicology analysis," and it could take up to a month to receive the results. A spokeswoman for the Centers for Disease Control said that the organization had not received a request for assistance from the Dominican Republic relating to these deaths. Are there any theories as to what might be causing the deaths? Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said in a phone interview that the symptoms that have been reported, like pulmonary oedema, bleeding and vomiting blood, are "consistent with poisoning," perhaps accidental. But until toxicology reports are available, he said, it is difficult and too soon to definitively say what caused the visitors' deaths. "It's rare for travellers to die of unknown causes like this, and to have a high number of them in a relatively short period of time is alarming, shocking, sad," Dr. Inglesby said. "It's something that investigators should be able to get to the bottom of." The fact that toxicology reports have not been released or completed is "unconscionable and inexplicable," he said. Have there been other incidents? Two couples have come forward to say they fell ill while staying at one of the Bahia Pri­ncipe resorts where tourists have died. In January 2018, Doug Hand, 40, and his wife Susie Lauterborn, 38, were staying at the Grand Bahia Pri­ncipe La Romana when, he said in a phone interview, they got sick with fevers, nausea, cold sweats, diarrhoea and fatigue. Mr. Hand said that he didn't drink alcohol on the trip, but he did notice a "mouldy, mildew smell like the A.C. or filter hadn't been cleaned." When Mr. Hand told an employee in the hotel's lobby that his wife was sick, the employee gave him directions to a doctor, but seemed more focused on ensuring the couple attended a meeting about buying time shares, Mr. Hand said. Kaylynn Knull, 29, and Tom Schwander, 33, are suing the resort chain for $1 million, their lawyer told The Times, because the Colorado-based couple became violently ill during their stay at the Grand Bahia Pri­ncipe La Romana last summer. Ms. Knull got a persistent headache and was sweating and drooling profusely, the lawyer, David Columna, said. She also had blurry vision, nausea and diarrhoea, she told CNN, and family doctors determined the couple had been exposed to organophosphates, a class of insecticides. "The hotel did nothing," said Mr. Columna, who is representing Ms. Knull and Mr. Schwander in the Dominican Republic. The couple, he said, "spent the night inhaling the chemical and they are still having side effects of the intoxication and the hotel hasn't given us any idea of what happened." [Byline: Elisabeth Malkin, Tariro Mzezewa] Morocco is a North African country and a favourite destination for many Irish tourists. The climate, relative shortness of the flights and the idyllic swimming conditions encourage many to vis Read More Show Less The border regions of the country can be volatile and travellers planning to visit away from the main tourist routes should take extra precautions. The Western Sahara region is still in dispute though there has been an official cease-fire in place since 1991. The possibility of unexploded mines exists though it should be remembered that this area is many miles away from the normal tourist resorts. The level of street crime in Morocco is low but growing. Busy market places, parks and beaches are popular locations for petty criminals. Tourists should take care not to flaunt personal wealth and to avoid travelling away from the main tourist zones late at night. Travelling alone is a particular risk and only authorised guides and taxis should be used. Tourists have been threatened with serious injury at knife point if they have refused to purchase cannabis. Laws & Customs It is an Islamic country and ladies in particular should take care to dress modestly. Islamic festivals can cause significant changes to occur which affect tourists including the holy month of Ramadan when all street cafés close until 5.30pm each day as strict Muslims do not eat during the daylight hours. The main tourist hotels continue to serve food as normal but many shops will remain closed. During these times tourists will need to carefully check their tickets and any travel arrangements may need to be changed. Banks and larger shops will remain open between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday. Drug offences are treated very seriously and those visiting the Rif Mountains should realise this is a major cannabis growing area. Visitors with Arabic Bibles or those involved in any perceived outreach activity may find they are subjected to prolonged interrogation. The level of health care available in many of the main hotels and resorts is perfectly adequate but care should be taken if your illness necessitates admission. Communication in English may be difficult and many medications will be unavailable. Frequently small private hospitals are used where standards vary greatly. Check that your travel insurance provides adequate cover for repatriation if required. Food & Water Facilities The food and water provided in many of the main tourist resorts is very satisfactory but variations can easily occur and travellers should be careful at all times. Lettuce, undercooked bivalve shellfish (mussels, oysters, clams etc) and untreated water are all frequently implicated in sickness among travellers. Eating previously peeled fruit is also unwise and should be avoided. Bottled water purchased from main shops or hotels should be used for drinking and brushing your teeth. Insect Bites & Mosquitoes There is only a very small risk of malaria transmission throughout Morocco and prophylaxis is not recommended for the majority of tourists. However, sandflies do abound during the summer months and can transmit a nasty disease known as Leishmaniasis. These small flies tend to hover close to the ground in shaded areas and can easily bite without the individual noticing. It is essential to use good insect repellent when at risk and to report any slow healing bite or sore to a doctor after your return home. The level of sun exposure in Morocco during the summer months can be intense. Take care to avoid the midday sun and use high sun blocking creams at all relevant times. Take particular care of children while in such a hot climate. Extra water and salt will be required to replace the amounts lost through perspiration. Salted crisps and nuts will be a useful source of salt. Water Sports & Activities Many tourist locations in Morocco offer extended water sport facilities for tourists. Always check out what the standard of care is before agreeing to take part. Ask tourists who arrived before you and check with your holiday representative if possible. Confirm that good safety procedures are in place and that your travel insurance covers any accidents as a result of your activities. Cash Facilities Traveller's cheques and credit cards are accepted in many of the main tourist resorts. ATM machines are available in Casablanca and Rabat. It may be difficult to reconvert Moroccan money back to sterling and so care should be taken not to change too much initially until you clarify your expenses. To visit other parts of the country many travellers use the train journey south from Tangier. However, be wary of any invitation from fellow passengers to alight at Asilah rather than continuing the journey south. A number of tourists have been held hostage and forced to make credit card transactions or cash withdrawals before being freed. Many tourists to Morocco hire motorbikes or cars to see more of the country. This is regarded as a high-risk activity and special care will be required at all times. Driving practices throughout Morocco are poor and traffic signals do not always function. Modern freeways link the main cities of Tangier, Rabat, Fez and Casablanca. Flash flooding can occur during the rainy season (November – March). Rabies does occur in Morocco and it is essential that you avoid any and all contact with at risk animals. Typically this includes dogs, cats and monkeys but this viral disease can infect any warm-blooded animal. Take particular care to warn children to avoid animals and to report any contact as soon as possible. There are no essential vaccines for entry into Morocco from Ireland. However most tourists are advised to consider adequate cover against: Poliomyelitis (childhood booster) Typhoid (food and water disease) Hepatitis A (food and water disease) Those planning a longer or more rural trip will also need to consider cover against diseases like Hepatitis B and Rabies. The majority of tourists visiting Morocco will remain very healthy and well. However, following simple precautions against food and water disease and sun exposure will be essential. Disputed Western Sahara becomes kitesurfing hotspot Tourism Morocco - 2 months ago Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 01:13:41 +0100 (MET) By Sophie PONS Dakhla, Western Sahara, Nov 15, 2019 (AFP) - In the heart of disputed Western Sahara, a former garrison town has become an unlikely tourist magnet after kitesurfers discovered the windswept desert coast was perfect for their sport. In Dakhla, an Atlantic seaport town punctuated with military buildings in Morocco-administered Western Sahara, swarms of kitesurfers now sail in the lagoon daily.y "Here there is nothing other than sun, wind and waves. We turned the adversity of the elements to our advantage: that's the very principle of kitesurfing," said Rachid Roussafi. After an international career in windsurfing and kitesurfing, Roussafi founded the first tourist camp at the lagoon at the start of the 2000s. "At the time, a single flight a week landed in Dakhla," the 49-year-old Moroccan said. Today, there are 25 a week, including direct flights to Europe. "Dakhla has become a world destination for kitesurfing," said Mohamed Cherif, a regional politician. Tourist numbers have jumped from 25,000 in 2010 to 100,000 today, he said, adding they hoped to reach 200,000 annual visitors. The former Spanish garrison is booming today with the visitor influx adding to fishing and trade revenue. Kitesurfing requires pricey gear -- including a board, harness and kite -- and the niche tourism spot attracts well-off visitors of all nationalities. Peyo Camillade came from France "to extend the summer season", with a week's holiday costing about 1,500 euros ($1,660). Only the names of certain sites, like PK 25 (kilometre point 25), ruined forts in the dunes and the imposing and still in-use military buildings in Dakhla, remind tourists of the region's history of conflict. In the 1970s, Morocco annexed Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, and fought a war with the Algeria-backed Polisario Front from 1975 to 1991, when a ceasefire deal was agreed. A United Nations mission was deployed to monitor the truce and prepare a referendum on Western Sahara's independence from Morocco, but it never materialized. Without waiting for the political compromise that the UN has been negotiating for decades, hotels have sprouted from the sand along the coast, and rows of streetlights on vacant lots announce future subdivisions. - 'Good communication' - "The secret to success is to develop kitesurfing with good communication focused on the organisation of non-political events," said Driss Senoussi, head of the Dakhla Attitude hotel group. Accordingly, the exploits of kitesurfing champions like Brazilian Mikaili Sol and the Cape Verdian Airton Cozzolino were widely shared online during the World Kiteboarding Championships in Dakhla last month. The competition seemed to hold little interest for Dakhla's inhabitants however. Only a few young people with nothing to do and strolling families found themselves on the beach for the finals. Just as rare are the foreign tourists who venture into the town of 100,000 residents to shop. Like her friends, Alexandra Paterek prefers to stay at her hotel, some 30 kilometres (19 miles) from downtown. "Here is the best place in the world for learning kitesurfing," said the 31-year-old Polish stewardess. On her understanding of the broader regional context, she said: "It's an old Spanish colony and they have good seafood, for sure." Like many tourists, she was under the impression that the area belonged to Morocco, as the destination tends to be marketed in the travel industry as "Dakhla, Morocco". That angers the Polisario, which wants independence for the disputed region and tried last year in vain to sue businesses it said were "accomplices to the occupying military power." The independence movement is now focused on challenging commercial deals between Morocco and the European Union that involve Western Sahara, according to the group's French lawyer Gilles Devers. Moroccan authorities are looking actively for investors for their development projects on the west coast, the most ambitious being the Dakhla Atlantique megaport with a budget of about $1 billion to promote fishing. - Environmental concerns - On the lagoon, surrounded by white sand and with its holiday bungalows, "there is a struggle between developing aquaculture and tourism," said a senior regional representative, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "One has less impact on the environment, but the other generates more revenue and jobs," said the representative, adding that "pressure from real-estate investors is very high." With the influx of tourists, the protection of the environment has become a major concern. "Everything is developing so quickly... we need to recycle plastic waste and resolve the issue of wastewater," said Rachid Roussafi. Daniel Bellocq, a retired French doctor, worries for the future of this lagoon, that was "once so wild" that he has kitesurfed in for 20 years. "There is green algae that wasn't there before, it's becoming a septic tank," he said. Regional councillor Cherif, though, insists the bay is clean, saying: "All the hotels are equipped with wastewater management systems." For him, the real threat is from plastic waste, whether it is dropped by tourists or brought by sea currents. Authorities in Morocco make headway against HIV but stigma remains Disease AIDS Morocco - 4 months ago Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2019 06:34:45 +0200 (METDST) Casablanca, Morocco, Sept 27, 2019 (AFP) - In Morocco, the struggle against HIV has been so successful in recent years that campaigners worry about losing funding for combatting the virus, but for people living with the disease it remains a heavy stigma. In Casablanca, a group therapy workshop offers HIV patients a rare opportunity to speak openly about their disease. "Here I feel normal, I'm treated like a human being," said Zineb, a 29-year-old mother. Organised by the Association for the Fight Against AIDS (ALCS), on a recent Thursday the workshop brought 12 HIV patients together with a psychologist and a therapist. The ALCS also organises follow-up therapeutic care in hospital, and prevention and screening campaigns, with funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. These programmes were developed shortly after the first HIV case was detected in Morocco in 1986. This early start is partly why UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, calls Morocco a "model country" for its HIV response. Thanks to improved screening, access to treatment and monitoring, new HIV infections in Morocco declined by 42 percent between 2010 and 2016, compared to an average reduction of four percent across the rest of the Middle East and North Africa. Morocco had 350 deaths from AIDS in 2018, from a population of about 35 million. But some groups remain vulnerable, with intravenous drug users, men who have sex with other men, and sex workers accounting for two thirds of Morocco's 21,000 identified cases. And the stigma attached to those infected remains high, even within the family. "My mother treated me like a murderer. For a long time I felt alone in the world," said Youssef, a 28-year-old who has twice attempted suicide. Like other HIV patients interviewed by AFP, he asked to be identified by a pseudonym. And all of them -- save for a 40-year-old considered very lucky by the group -- have either hidden their illness or been rejected by loved ones. - 'Don't tell him anything' - In this conservative Muslim society, where sex outside marriage and homosexuality are illegal, HIV patients seldom talk publicly about the virus. "The subject is taboo, because the infection is linked to sex, itself a taboo subject in Morocco," said Yakoub, a 25-year-old ALCS worker. "The social rejection is such that some (HIV patients) lose everything: family, friends, work, home," he said. Zineb, like many HIV patients, hides her medication to conceal her illness. For 10 years, the former teen mother has told her family that she is being treated for diabetes. "My 17-year-old son knows nothing, I can't bring myself to tell him, I'm too afraid," she said with a sad smile. "Once you're sick, you're no longer a person," said Sakina, a mother who says she never speaks of her illness except with doctors, the ALCS staff and other HIV patients. Like 70 percent of HIV positive women in Morocco, Sakina was infected by her husband. She cannot bring herself to tell her 15-year-old son that he is also infected. She has always lied to him but she can "no longer sleep at night", she told the group through tears. "My advice: above all, don't tell him anything," said a young man. "For your sake, let him find out from someone else," another group participant suggested. Then the psychologist interjected to say that private sessions are available to "reflect on these difficult questions". The shame of HIV is so entrenched, it even permeates the medical establishment. "For 30 years we've been talking about it, the virus is well known but the discrimination is still there," said Dr Kamal Marhoum El Filali, head of the infectious diseases department at Ibn Rochd Hospital in Casablanca, which hosts an ALCS branch. "The stigmatisation isn't just from society but also from medical staff within the hospital environment." Amina, another group therapy participant, experienced this first hand. "When I went to the hospital to give birth, no one wanted to take care of me, no one wanted to touch me, I ended up in intensive care," she recalled indignantly. Others in the session though were grateful for the care they had received. "We are lucky to be under the care of the infectious diseases department: we are well cared for compared to others, considering the lack of funding and disrepair in Moroccan hospitals," said another participant - 'Victim of own success' - The emergency room at Ibn Rochd is sometimes overwhelmed with doctors each seeing up to 40 patients a day. But the infectious diseases department is always spotlessly clean, providing personalised support as ALCS staff liaise with the medical teams. But how much money Morocco will receive to continue its fight against HIV will be determined at a three-yearly conference for the Global Fund in October. With funding declining globally and controversy surrounding the management of UNAIDS, ALCS president Mehdi Karkouri fears financial cuts. "We are a victim of our own success: because our results are good, we risk losing funding," he said. Eighth body found after Morocco football match flood Climate Changes Morocco - 5 months ago Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 21:08:54 +0200 (METDST) Rabat, Sept 2, 2019 (AFP) - Morocco authorities said Monday they had found the body of a person missing after a flood hit a football pitch, bringing to eight the number of people killed in last week's tragedy. The flood took place when a nearby river burst its banks in the southern region of Taroudant on Wednesday. A 17-year-old boy and six elderly men were killed and have since been buried, while rescuers continued the search for an eight victim who was swept away by the flood, authorities said. The last body was found some 20 kilometres (12 miles) from the village of Tizret near where an amateur football tournament had been taking place. Photographs and videos shared on social media showed muddy waters carrying away people who had clambered on top of a building flattened by the flood. Authorities have opened an investigation and the government has promised to take several measures to avoid such tragedies in the future. Morocco's national weather service had warned of the risk of stormy rains on Wednesday afternoon in several provinces. The heavy downpour followed a dry spell, making the floods more violent, local media reported. Floods are common in Morocco. In late July, 15 people died in a landslide caused by flash floods on a road south of Marrakesh. In 2014, floods killed around 50 people and caused considerable damage in the south of the country. Between 2000 and 2013, a series of 13 major floods killed a total of 263 people in Morocco and caused considerable damage to infrastructure worth $427 million, according to the World Bank. A study published in 2015 pointed to multiple failures in infrastructure maintenance, prevention, warning and emergency management. Flooding in southern Morocco kills seven Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 00:08:33 +0200 (METDST) Rabat, Aug 28, 2019 (AFP) - At least seven people died Wednesday when a river burst its banks and flooded a village football pitch where a game was being played in south Morocco, local authorities and a witness said. Eight men who had sought refuge in the changing rooms were swept away in the floodwater after heavy showers hit the Taroudant region late in the day, an eyewitness told AFP on condition of anonymity. "We're in shock, I'm 64 years old and I've never seen such a downpour," the witness said. Search and rescue operations were under way to find further victims, officials said. Photographs and videos shared on social media showed muddy waters carrying away people who had clambered on top of a building flattened by the flooding. Morocco's national weather service had warned of the risk of stormy rains on Wednesday afternoon in several provinces. The heavy downpour followed a dry spell, making the floods more violent, local media reported. Floods are common in Morocco. In late July, 15 people died in a landslide caused by flash floods on a road south of Marrakesh. Morocco landslide leaves 15 dead in Atlas Mountain region Natural Disaster Morocco - 6 months ago Rabat, July 26, 2019 (AFP) - Moroccan emergency crews pulled 15 bodies from the mud after a rare summer downpour triggered a landslide that buried a minibus, authorities said Friday, providing the first official toll. The victims -- eleven women, three men and one child -- were found in the bus buried some 20 metres (more than 60 feet) under the masses of earth and rock dislodged by the rain, local authorities said. "There are no survivors," they said in a statement. The official toll comes after public broadcaster 2M reported Friday morning that 16 bodies had been recovered. The bus was buried Wednesday evening when a deluge in the Atlas mountains south of Marrakesh triggered flash flooding. Images released by the authorities show excavators working to dig a path to the bus, more than 24 hours after it was engulfed by the debris. A weather alert on Tuesday warned of storms in several provinces in the North African country, which rarely receives summer rains. Investment in Morocco's road network has largely focused on the main transport arteries and many rural areas can be reached only by dirt tracks that are vulnerable to extreme weather. Every year, nearly 3,500 people are killed on the North African country's roads. Authorities in Montenegro ban indoor smoking in public places Pollution Montenegro - 5 months ago Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2019 14:19:50 +0200 (METDST) Podgorica, Montenegro, Aug 14, 2019 (AFP) - Smoking indoors in public places was banned from Wednesday in Montenegro, a major challenge in the tobacco-mad Balkan country with some of the highest smoking rates in Europe. More than one third of adults among the population of just 650,000 are regular smokers, according to the public health institute. Under the new law, lighting up is prohibited in all closed public places, including restaurants and cafes where smoking was previously common as elsewhere across the region. The exception is casinos, where smoking will still be allowed. Businesses can also set up separate rooms solely for smoking. Fines for violating the law range from 500 euros ($560) to 20,000 euros ($22,370) under legislation that also regulates cigarette sales and warnings on the packaging. On Wednesday, cafes in the capital Podgorica had put up notices about the ban in their windows and removed ashtrays from indoor tables. "Fines are high and we have to comply with the ban," said barista Milan. But the ban is not without its critics. "This law is hypocritical. If its adoption was motivated by health concerns, casinos should not have been exempted," says Dusan, a customer. Montenegro, which is hoping to join the European Union, had already adopted an anti-tobacco law in 2004, but it was not respected. Regulations passed in 2012 requiring restaurants to pay additional taxes for allowing smoking inside were similarly ineffective. "The Ministry will persevere in its efforts to enforce every section of the law to the letter," assured Health Minister Kenan Hrapovic. According to the health ministry, some 400 Montenegrins are diagnosed with lung cancer every year. The medical treatment is costly -- amounting to some 70,000 euros per patient. Smoking indoors is widespread in the Balkans, though Croatia and North Macedonia have similar bans on closed public places. Cruise ships and crowds swamp Montenegro Tourism Montenegro - 1 year ago By Sally MAIRS and Olivera NIKOLIC Kotor, Montenegro, Aug 22, 2018 (AFP) - Montenegro's medieval walled city of Kotor, an Adriatic seaport cradled in a spectacular fjord-like bay, has survived centuries of weather and warfare. Now it is facing a different kind of assault, that of gargantuan cruise ships disgorging throngs of tourists threatening a place that was only a few years ago commonly described as a "hidden gem". The coastline the poet Lord Byron called the "most beautiful merging of land and sea" is now one of unbridled real estate development. With rocky slopes jutting into azure waters, Kotor's bay and its white-stone old town have been hailed as an alternative for travellers looking to avoid the mass tourism choking Dubrovnik some 70 kilometres (45 miles) up the coast in Croatia. Last year the hugely popular Dubrovnik -- like Kotor, a medieval walled city and a UNESCO World Heritage site -- became synonymous with the global "overtourism" scourge, showing up on lists of destinations to avoid. Dubrovnik has seen a marked surge of visitors since scenes of the HBO series "Game of Thrones" were set there. Now there are fears Kotor could meet a similar fate. "Kotor was once known for being more authentic (than Dubrovnik), but now we're in the same place," said Sandra Kapetanovic from Expedito, a local architecture group that advocates sustainable development. "We are being transformed into a city of souvenir shops," she said, noting that rising prices have forced out a library, hair salon, market and shoemaker in the past year. Last week a Lonely Planet travel writer tweeted a photo of a massive cruise ship moored in Kotor, which welcomes up to four of them at once, contributing to some 10,000 daily visitors at the height of the season. - Tipping point? - "There were 3 of these obnoxious giants clogging up the bay yesterday," wrote Peter Dragicevich. "They've killed #Venice and #Dubrovnik. Here's hoping they don't kill #Kotor as well." UNESCO, which named Kotor a World Heritage site in 1979, has been warning for years that rampant construction in the bay is threatening its main appeal -- the city's "harmony" with the natural landscape. In 2016 the UN cultural body threatened to revoke Kotor's heritage status -- a wakeup call for the Montenegro authorities, who imposed a temporary moratorium on construction last year. "The question is what happens next?" asked Ana Nives Radovic, head of Kotor's local tourism body. "We are witnessing an era where we either make big changes, or we will be completely devastated if we just choose some profit from investments," she warned. Montenegro was once a magnet for the glitterati, drawing American movie stars like Elizabeth Taylor and British royalty like Princess Margaret in the 1960s. But the tourism industry collapsed with the wars leading to the break-up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. After the tiny country of just 600,000 people declared independence 2006, it went on a construction spree. Foreign investors -- mostly Russians -- drove a property boom that saw apartment complexes blight the coast. Tourism was largely spared the ravages of the 2008 global financial crisis, and today accounts for nearly a quarter of Montenegro's gross domestic product. The annual influx totals around two million visitors -- mostly in summer, and mostly on the coast. During that time, tourism puts "great pressure on cities, on the area, on communal infrastructure," said Damir Davidovic, a senior tourism ministry official. Authorities are "analysing" the situation to find the right balance, he told AFP. One key concern is the rise of private accommodation -- a model that hurts hotel operators and is changing the character of communities, as many locals evacuate for the summer to rent their homes. The explosion of online rental platforms like Airbnb has only amplified the problem. "It is really a serious issue," said Davidovic, estimating that more than half the private accommodation for tourists operate in a "grey zone", with owners evading taxes by not registering their properties. Rade Ratkovic, a professor of tourism in nearby Budva, another hotspot marred by over-construction, said the town was being "attacked by huge buildings". - Love-hate - For now, many locals are trapped in a love-hate relationship with the visitors. Gazing at a jam-packed beach in Ulcinj farther south, local journalist and tourism expert Mustafa Canka shook his head. "Traffic, parking, electricity... with such huge numbers of tourists it is an attack on the infrastructure -- and on the nerves of the local people," he said. "But," he added, "all of us who work in tourism live for these 45 days." Without other industries in Montenegro's coastal towns, the crucial income from travellers has so far staved off "overtourism" protests like those seen in Barcelona and Venice. Yet Canka is worried about the future. "We are not worthy of this city and its history," he said, gesturing towards Ulcinj's ancient castle, perched on a rocky peninsula. "Greed is what is happening, and this consumerism is eating up our space and our people -- and now our future." Authorities in Montenegro ask for international help to fight fires Natural Disaster Montenegro - 3 years ago Podgorica, Montenegro, July 17, 2017 (AFP) - Montenegro asked Monday for international help to fight wildfires in the Lustica peninsula on the country's Adriatic coast, while forest fires in neighbouring Croatia spread to suburbs of the coastal city of Split. "The situation at Lustica is critical. The interior ministry of Montenegro asked for the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism" to be activated to help extinguish the fire, the government said in a statement. Mayors of the threatened coastal towns of Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi urged the government to ask neighbouring nations -- Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia-- to send fire-extinguishing aircraft. Fanned by strong winds, the forest fires forced the evacuation of more than a hundred campers. Firefighters aided by the armed forces and volunteers have been battling the blazes since Sunday, boosted by police aircraft on Monday, the interior ministry said. Further north, wildfires on Monday evening spread to the suburbs of Split, Croatia's second largest city on the central Adriatic coast, where a shopping centre had to be evacuated and several cars were burned, local media reported. The city waste dump was set on fire, HRT state-run television reported, while the town was covered with thick black smoke. Some dozen wildfires were raging for the second consecutive day in the Split area villages, burning several houses, local media reported. Some 400 firefighters were trying to fight the blaze, helped by more than 100 soldiers and firefighting planes. "Current situation is apocalyptical, the blaze engulfed a large area, all is in smoke and fire," head of the Split county, Blazenko Boban, told reporters. The cause of the fires is not known. Montenegro's tourist jewel of Kotor riven by drug gang feuds Drug Trade Montenegro - 4 years ago Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2016 05:02:47 +0200 By Olivera Nikolic Kotor, Montenegro, June 11, 2016 (AFP) - With its winding cobbled streets and stunning Adriatic bay, the Montenegrin town of Kotor draws crowds of visitors each summer. But deadly gang violence threatens to cloud the tourist boom. Dozens of anti-terrorist police officers have descended on the medieval fortress town in the past week after a string of public shootouts between rival drug-trafficking clans. "Kotor is a hostage town," Montenegro's Interior Minister Goran Danilovic told reporters after the special forces were sent into the Balkan resort last weekend. "Kotor has to stop being centre of clashes between criminal gangs." According to police sources, Kotor's main drugs cartel split into three feuding gangs in 2014 over the disappearance of 200 kilograms (440 pounds) of South American cocaine in the Spanish town of Valencia. Their quarrels have led to at least five murders in the past year across the region -- and at least four murder attempts in the past two months in Kotor, all of them in public places. The latest on June 3 -- although there were no casualties -- pushed the authorities to deploy an anti-terrorist unit that has nearly 70 members, the police sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "The town is in a drugs hell, left to criminals," said 52-year-old Mladen, working in an art gallery in the town centre. Like most local residents who spoke to AFP, he was afraid to give his full name because of the tensions in the small community. "I fear for the future of my two sons," he said, complaining that authorities "do nothing" to stop rampant crime. - Lonely Planet's top city - The heightened security comes as Kotor, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, gears up for a bumper tourist season. Kotor was named the top city in the world to visit in 2016 by travel guide Lonely Planet, and tourism officials expect up to a million visitors this year. Many of them arrive on cruise ships carrying up to 3,000 people, and the restaurants, churches and museums behind the 12th-century walls are already filling up. For now, the police presence is subtle: an AFP reporter saw one black armoured vehicle parked at the entrance to the old town, about 20 metres from anchored cruise liners. But some locals are worried the security forces could turn off holiday-makers. "I'm afraid that sending them only few weeks before the start of the tourist season will damage it," said Branko, a 55-year-old former sailor, sitting in a cafe in the old town. With nearly 850,000 visitors last year, making it the country's top tourist destination, Kotor sums up the Montenegrin dilemma: a growing tourism sector under the threat of powerful organised crime. The nation of fewer than 650,000 people is a candidate for European Union membership, but the EU's progress report on Montenegro last year said "further efforts are needed, in particular to investigate wider criminal networks and to counter money laundering". - From sailing to trafficking - Kotor has a rich seafaring history and was once home to successful shipping company Jugooceanija, which fell apart with the break up of Yugoslavia. Some out-of-work sailors are thought to have subsequently got involved in lucrative cocaine trafficking. The sense of impunity among Kotor's criminal gangs today is such that they installed surveillance cameras around town to control each other's movements -- something a prosecutor is now investigating. Balkans "cocaine king" Darko Saric, who was jailed for 20 years by a Serbian court last year, had several companies in Kotor including a nightclub popular with tourists, according to local media. Foreign visitors who spoke to AFP expressed little awareness of Kotor's darker side. Canadian cruise-goer Claire Tremblay, 58, said she had chosen Montenegro over Istanbul owing to recent terrorist attacks in Turkey. "Now we see that we got a bonus. Kotor and the Adriatic Sea are beautiful," she said. Kotor's Mayor Aleksandar Stjepcevic said the situation had improved since the special police arrived, but he regretted that his town had become "the scene of clashes" between gangs. "I am disappointed that such scenes became part of everyday life. They should not be a characteristic of this ancient town," he said. Montenegro expels 58 foreign cult members Tourism Montenegro - 4 years ago Podgorica, Montenegro, March 29, 2016 (AFP) - Montenegro has deported 58 foreign members of a Japanese doomsday cult, most of them Russians, for lacking the right permits to visit the Balkan country, police said on Tuesday. "Police received information from partner security services showing that a group of foreign nationals, who were members of a closed religious group, were staying in Montenegro," a police statement said. The statement did not specify the religious group, but a police source told AFP anonymously that they belonged to Aum Shinrikyo, the Japanese doomsday cult that carried out a deadly sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995. Local media also reported that the expelled group belonged to the cult. Police briefly detained the group at a hotel in the central town of Danilovgrad on Friday and found they were not in possession of valid visitor permits, so they were asked to leave the country, the statement said. The group was made up of 43 Russian nationals, seven from Belarus, four from Japan, three from Ukraine and one from Uzbekistan. Police did not elaborate on their reasons for being in Montenegro. An earlier Russian foreign ministry statement said 60 foreign nationals, including Russians, had been detained by Montenegro police on suspicion of involvement in "international organised crime" but were released without charge after questioning. It said however they were to be deported for failing to register their stay.
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Biografia Ha raggiunto il suo best ranking in singolare il 11 agosto 1997 con la 65ª posizione; nel doppio è diventata, il 2 aprile 2001, la 75º del ranking WTA. Nel corso della sua carriera ha conquistato tre titoli WTA in doppio, sempre in coppia con la connazionale Miho Saeki: due Tier III (Japan Open Tennis Championships 1995 e Regions Morgan Keegan Championships and the Cellular South Cup 2005) e un Tier IV (Pattaya Women's Open 1996). Nei tornei del grande slam non è mai riuscita ad andare oltre al secondo turno, mentre nel doppio ha raggiunto nel 1998 i quarti di finale dell'US Open. Come junior nel 1993, in singolare, è stata sconfitta in finale nell'US Open dall'italiana Maria Francesca Bentivoglio. Nello stesso anno, in coppia con la connazionale Hiroko Mochizuki, ha raggiunto le finali dell'US Open e del torneo di Wimbledon. Ha fatto parte della squadra giapponese di Fed Cup dal 1998 al 2004. Statistiche Titoli WTA (3) Singolare Finali perse (1) Doppio Vittorie (3) Finali perse (2) Risultati in progressione Singolare nei tornei del Grande Slam Doppio nei tornei del Grande Slam Doppio misto nei tornei del Grande Slam Nessuna partecipazione Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
"STRANGER THINGS: A Bad Lip Reading" "STRANGER THINGS: A Bad Lip Reading" In this very special installment of Bad Lip Reading, Han (voiced by Mark Hamill) struggles with a language barrier. Jessica DiCicco guests as the voice of Rey. Be sure to also check out Mark Hamill's Pop Culture Quest! First episode here: https://youtu.be/SrEqrD_qEzQ Follow Mark on Twitter: @HamillHimself Follow Jessica on Twitter and Instagram: @jessicadicicco Follow Bad Lip Reading on Twitter and Instagram: @badlipreading Thanks for watching! "STAR WARS: A Bad Lip Reading" "STAR WARS: A Bad Lip Reading" "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: A Bad Lip Reading" "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: A Bad Lip Reading" "RETURN OF THE JEDI: A Bad Lip Reading" "RETURN OF THE JEDI: A Bad Lip Reading"
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Western Sydney Wanderers will travel to Brisbane to take on Brisbane Roar at Suncorp Stadium on Saturday the 28th of January. The Roar are in fourth spot on the table with 24 points while the Wanderers are in seventh spot with 18 points. Last round was great for Brisbane as they won 1-0 away against Wellington Phoenix. It was a similar result for Western Sydney as they beat Newcastle Jets 2-0. The Wanderers have a slight lead in the head-to-head record with 7 wins compared to Brisbane's 6. There have been 4 draws that have been played which have happened in their past 2 meetings. Last time these sides met was in round 12 of this season where the game ended 1-1. Western Sydney have not beaten the Roar in Brisbane since round 22 of the 2014/15 season. Brisbane have the last win in these meetings which was at Suncorp Stadium last season. History shows that this game will be a close contest. Both teams will be coming into this game with confidence after wins last round so we should expect high quality football. Brisbane are looking to control the game from the start and create plenty of passes to get their forwards every opportunity to score. A spot in finals is what Western Sydney are fighting for and we should see them work hard to make sure that Brisbane do not get any space. A win for the Roar could see them move to third spot while a Wanderers win will see the move into the top 6. Since their previous 2 meetings this season have ended in draws, this match between Brisbane Roar and Western Sydney Wanderers should end in another draw. Correct Score: 1-1 at 7.00 (6/1).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Connaught School No. 1630 (RM of Argyle) A monument stands at the original site of Connaught School, established in May 1912 and named for the Duke of Connaught, the third son of Queen Victoria and Canada's Governor General at the time. A one-room wood frame building was erected here, on the northeast corner of 33-3-14 west of the Principal Meridian, in the Rural Municipality of Argyle. The school served the educational needs of the district until January 1965 when it was consolidated with Baldur Consolidated School No. 667. The building was moved north of Glenboro and renovated into a private residence. Among the teachers of Connaught School were R. O. P. Bolton and Albert Buttress (1912). Connaught School (no date) by G. H. Robertson Connaught School commemorative monument (October 2011) Historic Sites of Manitoba: Baldur District Schools (RM of Argyle) Page revised: 5 February 2019
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Tsg Fuessen GARY RENARD THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE UNIVERSE PDF June 19, 2020 By: admin The book that most captured my attention was The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, which was published in I purchased. Two remarkable teachers came into Gary Renard's life in , he chose to listen to them carefully. (And ask a lot of questions.) The result is. The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives, In this tradepaper edition of the standalone companion to Gary Renard's. Author: Mek Zololl Uploader: Nele ACIM was originally published in and gained immense popularity in the s. The book that most captured my attention was The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, which was published in I purchased it then and felt that now would be a good time to review it. The story goes like this. In the early s Gary Renard underwent a powerful spiritual awakening when he began to be instructed by two ascended masters named Pursah and Arten, who eventually identified their previous incarnations as including those of Saint Thomas and Saint Thaddaeus. He said that they appeared to him in the flesh in a series of 14 meetings spaced out over 9 years. And I believe that you will get a lot out of it regardless. This method of teaching, I feel, makes it more understandable. All the way through the scribing process, which took 10 years, she resisted and had grave doubts about the validity of the material. And later, after it was complete, she still had grave doubts and never really related to or believed in the material fully. JOHN LANGSHAW AUSTIN PDF The problem that we have with the ACIM material is that it seems based primarily in a Judeao-Christian-Freudian psychological framework. Gary Renard – Official Site And furthermore, the material keeps pounding away at the concept of the Ego in or approaches, which after a while becomes difficult to endure. This approach, I suspect, may have been perfectly tailored to convince the author, Helen Schucman herself, after reading so many variations of the theme it eventually becomes oppressive. The Disappearance of the Universe book, in my opinion, makes a wonderful transition and shapes the ACIM material into a more modern framework of understanding. There renxrd been other authors who have attempted to translate the ACIM material into their own understanding, for which many have been criticized. I say, So What? I never believed that God ever stopped speaking to humanity. Amazon has a powerful and insightful review of The Disappearance of the Universe book which was written by Michael Wilkinson. When you dream at night that someone is chasing you, in the dream it feels very real and no one in the dream could likely convince you that it was not real. But in truth you are home in your bed. When you wake up, the dream disappears, because it was never real in the first place, and you find you were in your bed the entire time. Well, the basic premise for the Disappearance of the Universe is that we are really home in God, but dreaming a dream that we are bodies living this life. BUSHBERG PHYSICS PDF The Disappearance of the Universe Of course our true home is out of our awareness. Yet when we wake up, the tthe will disappear, because it was never real in the first place, we were at home in God the entire time. This is indeed an incredible and hard to believe premise. But what if it is true? I had studied the Course for over a decade, and even served as a group facilitator for several years. This point is easy to overlook in the voluminous ACIM text, but is critical to understand if you want to experience Miracles. For myself, I like to go one step further and simply bless people and situations by visualizing the Light of the Holy Spirit around them. Try it for yourself and you will see Miracles! The Disappearance of the Universe — Book Overview. Book Overview of The Disappearance of the Universe. BYWAYS OF BLESSEDNESS BY JAMES ALLEN PDF ENOCH A BIGFOOT STORY BY AUTUMN WILLIAMS PDF BHASKARA MATHEMATICIAN PDF DIVORCELESS RELATIONSHIPS PDF DOULOS GOLDEN REFERENCE GUIDE PDF FUNTINELI BOSZORKANY PDF LIVING WITH HONOUR BY SHIV KHERA PDF JACK WILLIAMSON THE HUMANOIDS PDF HILARY PUTNAM BRAIN IN A VAT PDF LEE SMOLIN LIFE OF THE COSMOS PDF
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Syrian Electronic Army compromises FOX TV Hootsuite account on September 10, 2013 • In The News, Social Media, Television (Click for a larger view) The Syrian Electronic Army compromised a Hootsuite account used to post content to several international FOX television networks, the group confirmed to The Desk Tuesday afternoon. The Hootsuite account was used to post pro-Syria messages on the Twitter accounts of FX Australia and FOX TV United Kingdom. A member of the SEA who goes by the name Th3 Pr0 told The Desk a colleague had access to over 200 Twitter and Facebook profiles associated with the compromised Hootsuite account. FOX acknowledged that it had been "hit by some hackers" in a tweet posted on the account @FOXtvUK Tuesday afternoon. The cyber attack follows several others by the SEA against western media organizations in recent months. Last week, the group also claimed responsibility for a cyber attack against the recruitment website of the U.S. Marine Corps. A cyber attack orchestrated by the group against the domain registration provider used by the New York Times resulted in a lengthy outage of the newspaper's website and mobile apps last month. In April, the group compromised a Twitter profile used by the Associated Press. An erroneous tweet sent by the group that claimed President Barack Obama had been injured in an explosion at the White House briefly caused the Dow Jones index to drop over 100 points. – A conversation with the Syrian Electronic Army – FBI memo warns about Syrian Electronic Army – Syrian Electronic Army hits New York Times, Twitter DNS records
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Kuter torpedowy, także ścigacz torpedowy – klasa niewielkich okrętów przeznaczonych do wykonywania grupowych ataków torpedowych na zespoły jednostek nawodnych przeciwnika, głównie na wodach przybrzeżnych, i szybkiego wycofania się z pola walki. Porównywalnej wielkości okręty wyposażone w torpedy przeciw okrętom podwodnym zostały określone jako kutry zwalczania okrętów podwodnych. W Polsce wczesne jednostki takie określano naprzemiennie mianem kutrów torpedowych i torpedowców. W miarę rozwoju techniki torpedowcami zaczęto nazywać wyłącznie większe, lepiej uzbrojone i wyposażone w obrotowe wyrzutnie torpedowe okręty, które ostatecznie wyodrębniły się z kutrów torpedowych jako osobna klasa. Początki klasy Koncepcja kutra torpedowego, będącego małym parowcem uzbrojonym w minę holowaną lub wytykową, powstała w latach 60. XIX wieku. Jego przeznaczeniem było atakowanie większych i opancerzonych okrętów. W 1863 roku, podczas wojny secesyjnej na potrzeby wojsk Konfederacji skonstruowano prawdopodobnie pierwszą użytą bojowo jednostkę torpedową, która nosiła nazwę CSS "David". W 1877 roku rosyjski wiceadmirał Stiepan Makarow zastosował kutry z minami w trakcie wojny rosyjsko-tureckiej. Były to okręty o małej prędkości, ich uzbrojenie nie zapewniało bezpieczeństwa, gdyż wymagało podejścia w bezpośrednią bliskość atakowanej jednostki, a wybuch miny zagrażał samemu kutrowi. Dalszym krokiem stało się wyposażenie tego typu kutrów parowych w rozwijane w tym czasie torpedy samobieżne. Również one wzięły udział w wojnie rosyjsko-tureckiej, po raz pierwszy 14 stycznia 1878 roku. W tym okresie angielski konstruktor John Thornycroft zaczął prace nad szybszymi jednostkami, rozwijającymi prędkość kilkunastu węzłów. Pierwszym był zwodowany w 1873 roku z przeznaczeniem dla Norwegii "Rap". Podobne okręty budowano następnie dla wielu innych flot wojennych państw świata, a wzorowane na nich szybkie kutry zaczęły powstawać także w innych stoczniach. I i II wojna światowa Wynalezienie silników spalinowych, pozwalających uzyskać duże prędkości przy niewielkich rozmiarach kadłubów, dało nowy impuls rozwojowi kutrów torpedowych i spowodowało ponowne konstruowanie małych jednostek tego rodzaju, w odróżnieniu od rosnących pod względem wymiarów torpedowców. Znaczący rozkwit nastąpił podczas I wojny światowej, kiedy niewielkie i szybkie okręty torpedowe zaczęto licznie budować we Włoszech, następnie w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz na niewielką skalę w Niemczech. Wiązało się to z udoskonaleniem uzbrojenia oraz układu napędowego, a szczególnie udane były włoskie kutry typu MAS. Jednakże czasy świetności kutrów torpedowych przypadły na lata II wojny światowej. Wszystkie liczące się wówczas marynarki wojenne budowały duże flotylle tych jednostek, które głównie w rejonach przybrzeżnych prowadziły szybkie ataki torpedowe na zespoły okrętów i statków przeciwnika. Dodatkowym zadaniem kutrów torpedowych stało się zwalczanie zanurzonych okrętów podwodnych przy pomocy bomb głębinowych. Jednostki takie odegrały szczególnie znaczącą rolę we flotach Niemiec, Wielkiej Brytanii, Stanów Zjednoczonych, Związku Radzieckiego i Włoch. Charakterystyka okrętów z tego okresu: wyporność 20–100 t, długość do 20 m, zanurzenie do 1,5 m, prędkość 30–50 w., zasięg 200–300 Mm, autonomiczność 2–3 dni. Uzbrojenie składało się z 2–4 wyrzutni torped, 1–2 zrzutni bomb głębinowych, 2–3 wielkokalibrowych karabinów maszynowych lub działka przeciwlotniczego kal. 20–40 mm oraz ciężkich karabinów maszynowych. Okres powojenny Na przełomie lat 50. i 60. XX wieku z kutrów torpedowych i ścigaczy okrętów podwodnych wyewoluowała kolejna klasa okrętów; kutry zwalczania okrętów podwodnych. Główną przyczynę powstania nowych jednostek stanowiło przystosowanie uzbrojenia torpedowego do użycia przeciwko zanurzonym okrętom podwodnym. Przez to kutry torpedowe powróciły do tradycyjnej formy okrętów atakujących wyłącznie cele nawodne. Charakterystyka okrętów z tego okresu: wyporność 200–300 t, długość 25–30 m, zanurzenie do 2 m, prędkość 40–55 w., zasięg 600–800 Mm, autonomiczność do 5 dni. Uzbrojenie składało się z 4–6 wyrzutni torped i 1–2 armat uniwersalnych kal. 20–30 mm. Niekiedy spotykane były także 1–2 zrzutnie świec dymnych. Znaczenie omawianych jednostek pływających gwałtownie zmalało po pojawieniu przeciwokrętowych kierowanych pocisków rakietowych, które mogą być przenoszone przez niewielkie okręty. W ten sposób powstały kutry rakietowe, pomimo że nieco większe i wolniejsze od torpedowych, charakteryzowały się nieporównywalnym wzrostem możliwości bojowych. W związku z tym w latach 70. XX wieku zaczęto rezygnować ze stosowania kutrów torpedowych, które jeszcze przez pewien czas wchodziły wspólnie z kutrami rakietowymi w skład okrętowych grup uderzeniowych. Okręty w Polsce Na krótko przed wybuchem II wojny światowej, 24 stycznia 1939 roku polska Marynarka Wojenna zamówiła dwa kutry torpedowe, w brytyjskiej stoczni J. Samuel White w Cowes, z przewidywanym terminem dostawy w styczniu 1940 roku. Ich uzbrojenie stanowić miały 2 wyrzutnie torped kal. 533 mm, działko przeciwlotnicze kal. 40 mm, 2 karabiny maszynowe oraz 6 bomb głębinowych. Zamierzano także podpisać kontrakt na dwie kolejne jednostki, a wiele dalszych wybudować na licencji w Warsztatach Portowych Marynarki Wojennej w Gdyni. Wszystkie te plany przerwała wojna. Dopiero od połowy 1944 roku Polskie Siły Zbrojne otrzymały 6 brytyjskich ścigaczy torpedowych, które pod nazwami ORP "S-5" – "S-10" używano do 1945 roku. W 1946 roku wcielono do linii 2 eks-radzieckie kutry torpedowe projektu D-3, które pływały do 1964 roku. Również od ZSRR wydzierżawiono 19 kutrów torpedowych projektu 183. Jednostki te skreślono z listy floty na przełomie lat 60. i 70. XX wieku. W okresie od 1969 do 1986 roku służyło 9 kutrów torpedowych projektów 663D i 664, konstrukcji polskiej, wyprodukowanych w Stoczni Północnej w Gdańsku. Zachowane w Polsce ORP "Odważny": Muzeum im. Orła Białego w Skarżysku-Kamiennej. Przypisy Historyczne klasy okrętów
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
SC Johnson Launches DISSOLVE™ Concentrated Pods in U.S. to Reduce Plastic Waste, Provide More Sustainable Choices for Consumers Uses 94 Percent Less Plastic with Each Refill* Submitted by SC Johnson RACINE, Wis., April 12, 2022, /CSRwire/ - SC Johnson, the global maker of household consumer and professional products, today announced the launch of DISSOLVE™ Concentrated Pods in its Windex®, Scrubbing Bubbles® and fantastik® brands in the U.S. The easy-to-use dissolvable liquid pods and reusable, 100% recyclable bottle are the latest effort from the company to reduce plastic waste and provide more sustainable choices for consumers. Each DISSOLVE™ refill pod uses 94% less plastic than a 23 fluid ounce or larger same-branded sprayer bottle. "Plastic waste is one of the great environmental challenges we face today, and at SC Johnson we have a responsibility to help reduce waste and provide more sustainable product choices for consumers," said Fisk Johnson, Chairman and CEO of SC Johnson. "Since launching our first concentrated refill more than a decade ago, we have continued to develop products that enable people to reduce even more plastic in their everyday routines." DISSOLVE™ Concentrated Pods are available for purchase as a starter pack, which also includes a reusable, 100% recyclable trigger bottle, and as standalone refills for use with DISSOLVE™ trigger bottles. To use, simply drop one pod into the empty reusable bottle, fill with warm tap water, twist on the sprayer and shake until the pod dissolves. The product is for sale now on Amazon and at retailers nationwide such as Target, Meijer and Walmart. DISSOLVE™ is the latest product innovation in SC Johnson's efforts to help create a waste-free world. Other efforts include: Increasing the amount of post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic to 25% of product packaging by 2025. Today, 19% of SC Johnson's plastic packaging is PCR, up from 14% in 2020. Continuing to remove excess plastics wherever possible. SC Johnson has eliminated more than 6.1 million kilograms of unnecessary or problematic plastic packaging since 2018. Making 100% of plastic packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable. Today, 65% of the company's packaging is designed to be recyclable or reusable – up from 62% in 2019. Continuing to work with industry and other organizations to support closed-loop recycling models and keep plastic out of landfills and the environment. SC Johnson's global partnership with Plastic Bank has prevented more than 20,000 metric tons of plastic from entering the ocean since 2019. The company incorporates this plastic into its Windex® and Mr Muscle® brands in North America and the U.K., respectively. The company has partnered with iconic sports franchises, such as Liverpool Football Club, the Milwaukee Bucks and the Milwaukee Brewers, to transform stadium plastic bottles and cups into SC Johnson product packaging by creating closed-loop recycling infrastructure. Additionally, the company's Ecover® brand continues to test the refill station concept at major retailers throughout the U.K., Belgium and the Netherlands. For more information on DISSOLVE™ Concentrated Pods, visit: https://www.windex.com/en-us/dissolve. Founded in 1886 and headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin USA, SC Johnson believes that a more sustainable, healthier and transparent world that inspires people and creates opportunities isn't just possible – it's our responsibility. A heritage of innovation and bold, transparent decisions is why our high-quality products and iconic brands – including OFF!® Raid®, Glade®, Windex®, Scrubbing Bubbles®, Ziploc®, Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day®, method®, Autan®, Baygon®, Mr Muscle®, Duck®, Lysoform® and more – are in homes, schools and businesses in virtually every country worldwide. As a global, purpose-led company, we are committed to making the world a better place today and for future generations. That means relentlessly bringing our expertise in science, innovation and partnerships to bear on some of the world's most pressing environmental and health issues like reducing plastic waste and eradicating malaria. Around the world, we use our resources to unlock greater economic and educational opportunities for people and communities where access may be limited, but curiosity and potential are limitless. See how SC Johnson is a Family Company At Work For a Better World by visiting scjohnson.com or joining us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. SC Johnson is a family-owned and managed business dedicated to innovative, high-quality products, excellence in the workplace and a long-term commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates. Based in the USA, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, and insect control. It markets well-known brands such as GLADE®, OFF!®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX® and ZIPLOC® in the U.S. and beyond, with brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, and MR. MUSCLE®. The 125-year-old company, with more than $8 billion in sales, employs approximately 12,000 people globally and sells products in virtually every country around the world. www.scjohnson.com More from SC Johnson
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Bin Laden denied he was guilty for 9/11 Debates & Discussion Discord Channel By Dublo 7, May 3, 2005 in Debates & Discussion tehhunter 0 ShaqFu2u Thank you Mortukai. However he will probably ask for credible links for that official information. You wish to know a credible source? Try ones without an agenda or bias (or at most, very little). www.NoGW.com does not seem very reputable. If you might have noticed, we did not post www.onwardchristiansoldiers.org or www.fox.com. This is coming from a previous republican--turned liberal who hates biased liberals/conservatives. I used to work at a f*cking anarchist site. I don't know what the hell you are arguing for, but its mind blowing how someone can take a tragedy like 9/11 and pump some hot air into it so it becomes a conspiracy. For f*cks sake, what more do you want? Radical islamic militants take hold of four planes and use them as missiles against America, destroying public moral and the economy? I mean, jesus. Thats the only real conspiracy. Nuts like you believe JFK was killed by a second shooter, or that the moon landing was fake. But listen, I am gentle man. If you have the means, go watch "Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t! - Conspiracy Theories". And last but not least, the fact that you could even begin to believe that the people on those planes were working for the government and are still alive somewhere is possibly the worst thing that could ever be said for shock value. My friends dad was on the plane that hit the pentagon, you f*cking douche. I live in Washington D.C. Don't be lecturing me about finding the way around this place. As if years of planning and clear skies werent enough to find the f*cking only building with five sides. All that aside, I hope that Dublo and missile drown, Dublo 7 2 Trying Your Luck Aww you broke my heart. MissileDefender 0 How could he be certain it was a plane, When its travelling at 400MPH, Deafining, And the vibration would cause your liqud in your eyes to vibrate, Therefore making you close your Eyes! Did you ever even bother to pay attention during Biology? Building 7 was one of the Most strongest buildings in the world If you seen the Pics of Steel colums inside that Buidling, Youd realize a fire would not even damage it And for the fire that was there? By the way, How did fire randomly start in that floor? Err, the WTC was made of steel also. Steel doesn't need to melt; it needs to warp and lose structural integrity (you won't be an architect, I can tell you that). Yeah, True there, Lucky... Makes loads of sence What was it? 800-2500 Degrees for a Jet crash? So what your saying is, Its capible of destorying 100% Steel, But not Human life? ...People were in stairwells on the bottom floor. You do know the record for the farthest fall with survival was by an airline stewardess, don't you? Some 5000 feet. And im an idiot? By showing you these points, What other reasons is there fore these points ive proven? Your embarrasing yourself... The moment you can form an entire post without some sort of an idiotic grammatical error, you can start saying other people are embarrassing themselves. Your points are all from stupid conspiracy books like Painful Questions. Here is the break down of how a conspiracy theorist works: They like to believe that it is impossible that anyone could suddenly attack us; that there is order, and a system. Conspiracy theorists bring two facts that have nothing to do with each other together to try to form something remotely tangible. By the way, you might be one of the slowest and (nothing personal, but) dumbest people I've ever seen on this forum. Did you even bother to read the Popular Mechanics thing? Its the same thing as PBS: Non-biased media. They gain nothing from support for either side. Im sorry clearly you havnt bothered to read the 3 long posts i wrote, Come back when you read them Also, Just to take the piss outta ya, Theres a pic of people alive in the Impact crater in the site of WTC, So, Youve missed what i was talking about And, Can you be certain bout something flying by you at 400MPH? I doubt it, It Obviously wasnt a plane, More likely a Global Hawk... And, Wrong about the steel If steel can bend and buckle like that, Holy sh*t, Everyone in a office is at risk. This is an office fire in Philadealphia (Sp?) This was much worse than WTC fires... There were only a few in sight at WTC Im the most dumbest person on this Forum? Look at yourself, Ive proved you dead wrong, N i dont plan to be a Air cabin crew, Or A architect, I dont see you being one either, Cuz, By the sounds of it, Youd make buildings outta poor quailty steel, The stuff that made WTC was 100% Steel frame So, If the "fires", as shown in my 3 long "Conspiacry" posts, are real, Then why did all 4 corners of WTC break at the same time? And there was Bearly anyfires... As shown in the pictures Mortukai 1 Merciless Rancor Look, I'll be the first one to admit I don't have an answer to every question in the world (IE the time to google said answers). What I will say though is that the evidence is FAR more in favor of a few mishaps on the part of the US government rather than the US government committing one of the most horrible crimes against humanity ever. Therefore, I'll side with reason. Ok, well if you don't have time to seek sources to answer criticisms about your position, it would be best to not reply at all, than to reply with only "nuhuh!". As to the second portion of your post, let's consider an analogy. Let's say someone came up to you and described this big whole story about how the universe started and humans got here. They tell you about this dude called God, and his magical powers, and how he not only made us, but also loves us and only wants to do good for us. Now let's imagine (hypothetically, of course), that there are many holes in this story. That perhaps a few things don't click with how you know the universe works. That maybe some explanations that this God is supposed to offer don't make sense. But it does sound like a tempting and wonderful story, to believe that there's this big God guy up there who's looking out for you and loves you. Would "siding with reason" in this case require rejecting the God story, or accepting it because it sounds good despite all the holes in it? I think you can see what I'm saying here, so I won't insult your intelligence by explaining the analogy and how it applies to 9/11. Err, the WTC was made of steel also. Steel doesn't need to melt; it needs to warp and lose structural integrity (you won't be an architect, I can tell you that) Ok, there's a few things about steel and the WTC buildings that people like to forget. Thing #1: Steel, like all metals, conducts heat very well. What this means, is that if you heat one end of a piece of steel, the other end will heat up very quickly too. This is why welders have to use special equipment to apply extremely high temperatures to a precise location fast enough that only that one location melts, and not the whole piece of metal. You can test this effect out yourself quite easily. Grab any longish piece of solid metal, like a knife, or a spoon, or whatever. Now hold it on one end, and hold a lit cigarette lighter underneath the other end. See how long you can hold the metal. If you want to be really tricky, you can test different lengths of metal an plot graphs with the lengths of the metal and the time you could stand to hold them. The point is, in the WTC towers, only near the tops, and potentially the bottoms of the steel were being heated (if flammable material fell down the base of the steel supports). That leaves a pretty significant length of steel which can absorb the heat. The fire would have had to be hot enough for long enough that it could raise pretty much the whole length of the steel supports to about 1000°, which is where steel starts losing it's integrity. This is because, as explained above, if you heat one area, the heat dissipates rapidly through the whole thing, to to raise any given area to a given temperature, you pretty much have to raise the whole thing to that temperature (not quite, because it still takes time for the heat to move, but close enough). And I'm completely ignoring the fact that all the jet fuel would have been exhausted within a few minutes, leaving only everyday office equipment to burn. Thing #2: The WTC buildings were NOT, as it seems most people believe, built with only the minimum amount of steel supports required to keep them from collapsing. That would have been stupid. Instead, the clever engineers decided to make them strong enough to withstand pretty much anything they could feasibly be made to withstand. Earthquakes, hurricane winds, and airliners crashing into them at full speed. And yes, fires too. After all, they were making two of the tallest buildings in the world. It wouldn't look very good to have the falling down for any reason, least of all something as common as a fire. There were many steel supports. Big ones. The whole building could almost certainly survive in normal conditions with a couple of them missing. So not only, as I mention in Thing #1, do you have to heat the entire length of a steel support in order to weaken it, but you have to heat enough of all of the steel supports that the aggregate weakening was sufficient to do the same sort of damage as removing a handful of the steel beams. In other words, by my reckoning, you'd have to heat the entire lengths of at least half of all the beams to over 1000° (at least. That's the temperature at which steel starts to lose integrity), using only regular office equipment and supplies for your fire (because all the jet fuel ran out within minutes). Thing #3: Steel, like pretty much everything, is weakest when force is applied perpendicular to its thinnest cross-section. You can snap a pencil in half by bending it at both ends (applying force across its thinnest cross-section). Try breaking a pencil (not a sharpened one, unless you are a shaolin monk) by standing it on end and pressing down on the top (applying force onto its thickest cross-section: it's length). Now try doing the same thing with a handful of pencils bundled together. Notice how it's pretty hard to do? The WTC towers collapsed straight down, perfectly in on themselves. Now, I've read both sides of crap on this, about how it was "pancaking" due to the weight of the higher floors on each floor as they fell. Yes, that makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense, is what happened to all the steel supports running down the middle? I don't care how weakened those steel supports were, because unless they were melted, they would have resisted the force against their thickest cross-section (ie: resisted the force bearing down on their lengths from the weight), and would have, if anything, started bending one way or another. But instead, we're led to believe that these steel beams collapsed in on themselves like a concertina. Remember the pencils above? Yeah. They're made of wood, and so they splinter (steel bends or snaps, it doesn't splinter), but I'd still be surprised if you could get a handful of pencils to collapse in on themselves by applying force to the top. In fact, if you can do that with 10 pencils, I suggest you ring the guinness book of records. Either that or lay off the PCP. Mutliple steel beams to do not collapse in on themselves under any circumstances. They bend. ESPECIALLY when the force being applied to them is only exactly the same force they've always supported, and the only reason they're even supposed to be collapsing is due to the heat from a fire heating them enough to weaken them. This would have resulted in, you guess it, the buildings tipping over and crashing down onto many other buildings. Exactly what didn't happen. Until someone can show me that ordinary office equipment can burn hot enough to heat the entire lengths of multiple steel beams to AT LEAST 1000° enough that they collapse under the weight they were designed to carry, and that multiple steel beams can all collapse in on themselves like a concertina, until then, I won't buy the official story of how the towers collapsed. That's a pretty broad generalization don't you think? What if I said something like this: "Here's how government fanboys work: they like to believe that their government works in a democratic manner, and only ever has their best interests in mind. They like to believe that politicians are above suspicion, and would never allow harm to come to their people (despite indisputable official military plans to do exactly that). They also like to believe that politicians only ever tell the truth, and never have any agendas. Mentally, they prefer to take the path of least resistance, and so will always accept whatever they are told by their governments in order to avoid having to think or realise that maybe their government isn't the innocent shining beacon of hope that they want to believe it is." But that would be a broad generalization, so I wouldn't say such a thing. And last but not least, the fact that you could even begin to believe that the people on those planes were working for the government and are still alive somewhere is possibly the worst thing that could ever be said for shock value. My friends dad was on the plane that hit the pentagon, you f*cking douche. I don't know who made the claim that the people on the planes are still alive (which would be ridiculous: a much more sensible assumption would be that they were killed and their bodies incinerated), but don't bring emotions into this debate. I don't care if your friend's dad died. Really, I don't give a f*ck. Your friend could rape his dad's rotting corpse every night for all I care. He could cut it up, bake it into pies, and feed homeless people with his dad's carcass. It has no bearing on the logic of any debate about 9/11. Nothing changes just because you personally knew someone who died. To assume it does, or worse, to use it as something to strengthen your position is irrational and futile. It'd be like me yelling about how my grandpa died of stomach cancer if someone started talking about how cancer is some conspiracy by the government to increase medical profits by filling milk with carcinogens. I don't do that, because I'm not a stupid bitch. If what I just said made you feel anger/offence/whatever random emotion, then do us all a favour, and grab a tissue, cry me a river, and then post something rational and considered. So it seems you are yet to do your homework. To answer everything you just said, think of a beetle. It has an exoskeleton, which means it has a hard outside that supports the inside. The World Trade Centers were built like this: The steel on the outside provided the neccessary support for the other side of the building. So, when one side of the building, and the the other side (as was the case with building 2). This removes two sides of the square of balance that was holding the building up, so its relying partially on friction and the balance of the building. On the first building it went through two sides that were right next to each other, so it leaves that building to fall down in an angle. If you recall, one building fell down with its side leading eventually. The other fell nearly straight down. By the way, you haven't proved anything. Don't be going on tangents about how you proved everything and we are government agents. Thats what fascists do. The World Trade Centers were built like this: The steel on the outside provided the neccessary support for the other side of the building. Erm... I don't think so. NO building that tall would be built like that. It would be absolutely retarded to even consider building the WTC buildings so that they are supported by their external skeleton. For starters, this makes it incredibly difficult to withstand earthquakes, high winds, fires, or plane crashes. And the WTC buildings were built specifically to withstand these things and more. Instead, the WTC buildings had all their main structural supports running down the middle, and like all such buildings, they were built to do some nifty counter-balancing, so that if the building begins to tip in one direction, the supports pull it in the other direction, thus keeping it upright. This is extremely important because on a building that tall and wide, high winds can actually bend them a lot. The main structural supports are a bunch of incredibly strong steel beams running up through the middle, and then you have "ribs" coming off of them which hold each floor up, so that each floor is supported both by the floor underneath it, and by its attachment to the central supports. If all it took to build extremely tall buildings was a strong exoskeleton, then we'd see a hell of a lot more extremely tall buildings. Unfortunately, it requires much more clever techniques than that, to counter weight shifting (high winds) and base movements (earthquakes) and structural damage (fires, plane crashes, etc). I think, with your last statement, that it is you who have demonstrated your need to do your homework. No engineer with half a brain would build a tower that is only supported by its exoskeleton, because no matter how strong they make it, there's no way it'd be able to withstand earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, or, most especially, plane crashes. Which, I think you keep forgetting, the WTC towers were actually specifically designed to be able to withstand. What the hell are you talking about? Swarz 0 Andolini Mafia Family In terms of the structure of the building, Mortukai is correct. The newspapers the day following 9/11 detailed the structure of the WTC towers, and had images showing the steel beams running down the middle of buildings. Exactly, You cant build a building, That tall, And that important, and not put any strength in it Like many buildings, It was made to withstand more than needed Only when its intentionally broke apart from thought out Demolition can it fall, and fall like it did. Btw. Of course planes can withstand Planes smashing into them Recall Back when a jet fighter mashed into the Empire state Building? Also, If youve listened to some of the Phone calls made from WTC while it was still standing after the planes hit, You can hear many people say a bomb went off, This was supposidly ment to be the plane that they had mistaken I dunno bout you, But i can be pretty sure about a plane hitting a building, Or a bomb going off! Its intresting... Edited May 17, 2005 by MissileDefender The empire state has more than double the amount of iron it needed. The WTC were designed actually to be able to withstand a hit from a Boeing 707. Not a much larger 747. By the way Mork, that was directed at missile, who seemingly thinks he disproves evis and I every time. jersiq 0 Please recall Newtonian physics: Force=Mass * Acceleration, and don't forget you have the mass of two planes. Funny story that helps out on this one, the other day I was sitting in my study doing some work when a car in the street in front of my house backfired. Well to me it sounded like a gunshot. Upon further investigation (asking my wife who has a different frame of reference as she was in the front yard) I found that it wasn't actually a gunshot, but rather a car backfiring. You see, because I was not there at the time of the backfiring, my frame of reference was different. Although compelling, the phone calls made by the people in the towers, may not have been in sight of the second plane crashing. Those of us as bystanders do have a definite distinct frame of reference because we have footage of the second plane crashing into the tower. This will of course bring forth arguments that the time stamp of the call doesn't coincide with the crash. I'll go ahead and put this one to bed, as I work for a telecommunications company, and have a lot of familiarity with switching telephone calls. In the basement of the towers was a phone company's central office (the location through which landline, and cell phone traffic will go through. I know for a fact that the switch handling the traffic was bogged down as everyone was making calls at the same time. In conjunction with this is the fact that the cellular companies' switchboards were flooded at the same time. Now the only proper way to do a call trace is to look in a log file and review the time stamp for the call. Phone switchboards work has established priorities as follows. 1. call processing and 2. Accounting for calls to properly bill the customer in necessary. Now I apologize for my long-windedness, but the fact remains that due to a high call volume and increased caller activity, the switch maintained its priorities, and switched the calls then accounted for them later as processor time permits. This means that the time stamps on the calls are inaccurate. Steel, like all metals, conducts heat very well. What this means, is that if you heat one end of a piece of steel, the other end will heat up very quickly too. This is why welders have to use special equipment to apply extremely high temperatures to a precise location fast enough that only that one location melts, and not the whole piece of metal. Well actually it is a time and cost saving feature. It is cheaper and quicker to provide a quick amount of heat energy, than to provide a lower, sustained amount of heat energy. The thing you are failing to remember that the spot where the flame is placed on your spoon will be hotter than the terminal end of the spoon. Well, considering anyone would be an idiot to burn a large building, we would have to look at smaller scale fires. In a study conducted before 9/11 (1999 to be exact) a fire department conducted a test to see the temperatures of a burning home. It is a .PDF file so you need acrobat as you can see the common household items are able to be raised to a peak temperature of 1200. Certainly, now you can agree that it is possible to have a fire in a building at 1100 degrees. Now that was conducted pre-911, let's go ahead and look at a quote from a website for a Fire Department. In only 3 /12 minutes, the heat from a house fire can reach over 1100°F. People die when the temperature is over 212°F. Perhaps that is not enough evidence though. Let's look at American Institute of Steel Construction where they say The strength of steel remains essentially unchanged until about 600°F. The steel retains about 50% of its strength at 1100°F. The steel loses all of its capacity when it melts at about 2700°F. However, for design purposes, it is usually assumed that all capacity is lost at about 2200°F. The duration and the maximum temperature of a fire in a building compartment depends on several factors including the amount and configuration of available combustibles, ventilation conditions, properties of the compartment enclosure, weather conditions, etc. In common circumstances, the maximum temperature of a fully developed building fire will rarely exceed 1800°F. The average gas temperature in a fully developed fire is not likely to reach 1500°F. Temperatures of fires that have not developed to post-flashover stage will not exceed 1000° The fire was already in a post flash stage as the fuel had already ignited. Also, we can only CONJECTURE the several mitigating conditions of having a lower temperature fire, as we had no scientists or engineers handy to run up to the floors and take some measurements. But I want to go back to the spoon analogy for a second. You Said Steel, like all metals, conducts heat very well. What this means, is that if you heat one end of a piece of steel, the other end will heat up very quickly too. Yet they say: The connections usually contain more material (additional plates, bolts, etc.) than the connected members. Also, connections often have less exposure to heat and higher capacity for heat dissipation because of their proximity to other members. Therefore, temperatures are likely to develop faster in members than in connections, making connections less critical for fire-protection design. Now I don't mean any offense sir, but if it was a psychology problem, then I would say that you are correct. I think you understand what I mean. But then again maybe all my research is for naught. It is entirely feasible that this site was bought off by the Men in Black, and used to hinder the search of the truth through these avenues. Conspiracy theories are also very suspect in tenability in the fact of the sheer amount of "conspiracy" required to "cover up" a destruction of this magnitude would be amazing. Just consider for a moment that the amount of people involved in the U.S. prisoner scandal in Gitmo Cuba, and yet that story was released. Surely, a conspiracy on this scale would involve someone with moral integrity who would "come forth" and expose it. It would require the silence of at least 100 individuals I would imagine (from planning to commitment phases). And as we all know the more people who know a lie, the higher the potential of someone talking about the lie. Unless you are postulating that Rumsfeld himself planted the charges? Dirty Sanchez 0 And Rock n Roll could never ever hip hop like this For some reason, I feel that MissleDefender will come back in here, disregard the statements above, spout out some more "facts" and ramble on in a largely non-sesical fashion about how he has proved everyone wrong. I'm not sure that you fully understood what you read. They say, quite clearly, that the connections between the members have a higher capacity for heat dissipation. This means they conduct heat more readily, because they are more fully enclosed to other members. Think of a heat sink on your CPU. The more surface area contact the chip has with the heat sink, the more heat is efficiently transfered from the chip to the heat sink. The larger the heat sink, the more energy it takes to raise it to a given temperature. This is basic physics here. So what they are saying in that quote, is that the members (major elements of the structural supports) don't dissipate heat as fast as the connections. This means that heat will transfer from one member to another at least as fast as if there were no connections and the two members where instead one and the same. This is great for engineers, because it means that the connections are NOT the weak point. Here's my little illustration of this fact: ====:====:====:==== This is how the structures were made: seperate steel beams (====) connected together (: ). The connections (: ) carry heat faster than the beams because they have a large surface which is in contact with other members, meaning they don't retain the heat: they pass it on. Thus the weakest links in the chain in terms of heat are the big steel beams. ================== This is not how the structural supports were made: one single solid beam. In this design, heat would only dissipate as fast as the base material could conduct it. Now, regarding the spoon, there are a few things you're not taking into account, which admittedly, I didn't bother to mention because it would have complicated things, but I might as well bring them up now. For starters, a spoon, being largely flat and thin, presents a pretty decent surface area to the air around it. Air which, I might add, is significantly cooler than the spoon. Air which, it is worth noting, is a pretty sh*t conducter of heat, but far, far better than a vacuum. So the simple movements of air across the spoon's surface will be sufficient to cool it, according to the laws of thermodynamics. Thus, of course, given that there is more time for the air to cool one end than the other, and that, as I said, it takes time for heat to spread through metal (but it WILL spread), then yes, we can predict that one end will be cooler than the other. But if you test the difference in temperature over time between the ends after you remove the flame (it'd still work with the flame there, but it'd be much harder to conduct this experiment), you'd see that the "hot" end cools faster than the "cool" end, because the heat is not only being removed by the air, but also is spreading to reach equilibrium within the spoon. So the cool end will cool slower, as it is being fed heat from the hot end, plus it is closer to equilibrium with the air anyway. Make sense? Study elementary chemistry and it'll make sense. Re: your psychology comment: I hope you realise that psychology is not my main area of interest, but merely one of many. Likewise, I might say to you, if it was a telecommunications/military problem, then I would say you are correct. I think you'd understand what I mean. Don't go on about your generic stereotypes of what a conspiracy theorist is in an attempt to underhandedly slander and label suspect everything put forward against your position, and I won't go on about blindly believing the ridiculous claims of your "divine" government. Deal? Two things here. One, a house fire is quite different from building like the WTC burning. For starters, there is simply much more combustible material in a house fire. Typically, they are made entirely of wood and gyprock (you guys probably know it as plasterboard or something), are densely furnished, and have plenty of ventilation. The second thing, which I won't go on about, is that according to your source, the fire was over 5 times hotter than it needed to be to kill people, and yet people were still alive on the floors where the plane crashed into, as shown by MissileDefender's photo. I won't harp on that, but it's worth noting that this point which he has raised has yet to be contested by anyone besides someone making some irrelevant comment about a stewardess falling 5000ft and surviving. Much of the WTC was steel and concrete, which tend not to burn very well. Sure there was carpet and plasterboard partitions and ceilings, but these don't burn as hot as wood, and for nowhere near as long. The only real wood was desks and furniture, which unlike in a house, would form isolated hot-spots, not an all-encompassing inferno. All the carpet, paper, fabric, and gyprock would burn up pretty fvcking quickly. Like in a few minutes. Especially if they were coated in jet fuel. Similarly, ventilation was not very good in the WTC fires. Now you may say "But Mort, there was a big-assed hole in the side!". Yes, there was, but that hole was the fire's chimney. It's hard to suck air in through where the smoke goes out. Thats why fires in combustion heaters need air coming in from another source or they'll suffocate despite having a chimney. The flames just cannot suck the air through the smoke. The final thing you are missing, which is important, is that houses burning that hot (+1000°) are usually reduced to a pile of ashes inside of five minutes. Heat that hot burns things very fast, and thus runs out of fuel very fast, and thus never lasts very long. Not to mention, it also has a much greater requirement for oxygen, and releases much more light energy (visual flames, which are largely suspiciously absent in the WTC photos). I used to be a pyromaniac. Sue me. Some more facts about fire: the hotter it burns, the less smoke there is. Smoke is caused by ash and particles of whatever is burning being carried away by the heat. A hotter fire burns more efficiently, leaving less ash and other particles. If you compare the photo of the building fire that MissileDefender posted on the previous page to photos of the WTC, you'll notice that not only can you see roaring flames in the first photo (the flames aren't really belching out from the building like that, it just looks that way because they are illuminating the smoke), but also much less smoke than the billowing columns of smoke that were emenating from the WTC towers. This is clear evidence that the fires in the WTC towers were NOT hot enough to reach +1000°: there was too much smoke and not enough flames. As I've said, this makes perfect sense, because the materials in the building wouldn't be conducive to a really hot fire with the poor ventilation that they had (compare with the first photo again, and notice that all the windows on that burning floor are gone). Erm... no, you're wrong. You can't weld metal by applying a consistent lower amount of heat energy. That would only result in weakening/warping the entire piece of metal, not melting one part enough that it joins with another. I seriously have no idea how you came to your conclusion, but I suggest you read up on the chemistry of metals (specifically electron sharing: the feature that enables metals to act like they do (bend instead of break, deform instead of shatter, melt instead of be turned to ash, and conduct heat over the whole body of metal)), and how this works in welding situations. Seriously, what you said just screams "I have no understanding of the physical and chemical properties of metals". As an aside, warping occurs when more heat than the metal can spread (every metal has a rating of conductivity) is applied to one area, causing that area to expland before the other areas can catch up. Thus again, welding is done like it is out of necessity, not because of time or cost. Also, we can only CONJECTURE the several mitigating conditions of having a lower temperature fire, as we had no scientists or engineers handy to run up to the floors and take some measurements. Actually, the reason we must conjecture is because ALL THE STEEL FROM THE WTC BUILDINGS was removed and recycled before ANY of the investigators got a chance to look at it. That's right: ALL the steel evidence. With the steel, we'd know exactly what caused the collapse, and exactly how the collapse happened, and exactly what temperatures the fires were burning, and where the heat sources were. But instead, no steel, because the evidence was destroyed before the investigators had a chance to look at it. Isn't that nice and convenient? So it appears then, that no matter what evidence is brought in about steel, the WTC towers should not have collapsed as they did. Heat would have very easily dissipated along the whole lengths of the supports, without being hindered by the connections in the slightest, and without risking weakening the connections more than the beams themselves. And it also seems that no matter what evidence is brought in about fires, the WTC towers should not have collapsed as they did. If you argue that the fires were very hot, then you reduce the time that they burn and you reduce the smoke and you increase the size of the inferno. All of these things are inconsistent with the photographic and timestamp evidence. It is clear that the fires must have (as one would expect, knowing how fires burn and what fuel was available) burned cooler than was needed to reduce the integrity of the steel. Anyone want to add anything else? I'm not sure you understand. We are not cooling here, we are heating things up. If the Connections have greater heat dissipation, and the connections are stronger than the member, then the relative heat required to cause structural integrity issues is less for the member than the connections. So the cool end will cool slower, as it is being fed heat from the hot end, plus it is closer to equilibrium with the air anyway. Make sense? Study elementary chemistry and it'll make sense. It's physics. Newton's Law of Cooling. Believe me I have studied it. I can't imagine why you feel as if I am stereotyping you. Nothing in what I wrote attempted to define a conspiracy theorist. I fell that I posed a question that needs to be addressed. For such a large scale plan, how is everyone being kept quiet? Nor did I say that the governement is divine, please don't put words into my mouth or make assumptions. Deal? I am not sure which offices you have been to, but a lot of the offices I have been in are a lot less spartan than the ones you have been in. There is plenty combustible material. Let's ask Missle how long the fire continued in the other building the he provided a picture for. Surely with such similarities in being an office building, they would be furnished nearly the same. As far as the oxygen, I would like to remind you that the towers did have a ventilation system which has "return" air coming from sources on the ground as well as on the roof. Thus again, welding is done like it is out of necessity, not because of time or cost. Please then explain the process of "Brazing" Actually, the reason we must conjecture is because ALL THE STEEL FROM THE WTC BUILDINGS was removed and recycled before ANY of the investigators got a chance to look at it. Do you mean this Steel? On June 3, 2002 the International Peace Garden received ten, 10-foot girders from the trade center wreckage. The girders lie at rest at the 911 Memorial Site at the International Peace Garden as an everlasting reminders of the human tragedy that occurred one quiet September morning in New York City, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. Peace Garden.com Feel free to scroll down to the bottom of that web-page and explain why the steel recyclers did such a poor job of recycling Surely this link has a "doctored" photo and was written with conspiracy in mind and even maybe the Arlington newspapaer was duped when this truck was making the rounds. Wreckage and Remembrance Truck Bearing Steel From World Trade Center Makes Fundraising Tour By Ylan Q. Mui Washington Post-- But why not just go to the source? By chance, while visiting the offices of The New York Times last week to chat with one of its science writers, he heard about plans to immediately recycle steel from the site, and launched a lobbying effort to convince the city to wait until the debris had been inspected by structural engineers. Thanks largely to a Saturday article by Kenneth Chang and James Glanz, the city has agreed to make the steel available to Astaneh and other engineers heading up an investigation for the American Society of Civil Engineers. They plan to draft a technical report to the National Research Council for forwarding to the federal government. A brief synopsis of which is available on ASCE website linky So they did get the extra time to conduct studies, and according to the article, was a collaboration of various engineers. Are you telling me that the entire Engineering Team was in on a conspiracy? That's a far-reach there my friend. Would anyone now care to add anything else? Im sorry, I dont see you posting anything of any relavence No one has answered any questions that can prove the destruction of WTC was an attack Obviously if the US are gonna attack their own land, Theyre gonna want there target to fall. And about the plane and bomb phone call thing, Its pretty easy tp hear the plane coming, Youve got a rather loud noise with a plane travelling 400mph at a building You cannot deny the facts that at the Pentagon, The engine part found, Wasnt from a 747, It was a small engine part, Not fit for a 747! Building 7 collapsed, isnt that strange that a Building, That is among the strongest on the planet collapsed because of a few tiny fires? It was a back up power supply for NY, Its Girders were thicker than WTC, Id supply a pic of what a Girder from Building 7 looks like if i could find one! There is no way, That it could collapse because of a few fires... If that was the case, Mostly every office building would of fallen once, Because of poorly made Girders You cannot deny people were still alive in WTC, How did they survive the blast, And the heat of the flames? There could not have been many flames, If people are still alive on the floors the plane hit! If it collapsed by the plane crash, Wouldnt it have folded in the way, Towards the Impact crater! The pillars destroyed in the crash, would have made a weak spot, there for, making it fall in that direction... We never saw anyone jump from the building on fire! It only created the illution that theyd rather jump than be burnt, They jamp because of the Toxic fumes, Not "Fires" There were also little fires visable inside the building... Its impossible it collapsed by so few fires! Many conspiracy theorists point to FEMA's preliminary report, which said there was relatively light damage to WTC 7 prior to its collapse. With the benefit of more time and resources, NIST researchers now support the working hypothesis that WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris than the FEMA report indicated. "The most important thing we found was that there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7," NIST's Sunder tells PM. "On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom--approximately 10 stories--about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out." NIST also discovered previously undocumented damage to WTC 7's upper stories and its southwest corner. NIST investigators believe a combination of intense fire and severe structural damage contributed to the collapse, though assigning the exact proportion requires more research. But NIST's analysis suggests the fall of WTC 7 was an example of "progressive collapse," a process in which the failure of parts of a structure ultimately creates strains that cause the entire building to come down. Videos of the fall of WTC 7 show cracks, or "kinks," in the building's facade just before the two penthouses disappeared into the structure, one after the other. The entire building fell in on itself, with the slumping east side of the structure pulling down the west side in a diagonal collapse. According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors," Sunder notes, "it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down." There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities. Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time." WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors--along with the building's unusual construction--were enough to set off the chain-reaction collapse. -Popular Mechanics And I'd like to see some evidence that the engine recovered wasn't from a 747. I'd also like to point out that a fire causes fumes. So the peple jumping were more than likely humping becuase of fumes and fires inside the building. I know I wouldn't want to wait for either of the two to get to me. Eviscero 6 Upright and Locked Position MissileDefender, that is the third time that exact passage has been posted. You just keep asking the same question and ignoring the answer. Please stop. Thank you. Heh. I just forgot something I thought up three years ago to completely dismiss conspiracy "bomb" theories: search-and-rescue dogs. You see, these dogs often bare the ability to detect where a human has recently been based on scent, or as was the case at the oklahoma city bombings, bombs. These dogs, along with a gas canister, are used to detect what started a fire (note: There is not way for a dog to tell humans what chemical it is at this point) by arson detectives. At the WTC, and Pentagon, numerous dogs (from all over the country, mind you) were there assisting in finding the bodies and the rare person-still-alive-from-structural-collapse. Now if you want me to believe that the scent of (apparently huge according to you (as in bombs on each floor)) many bombs somehow managed to escape these dogs, then no. I'd place all the money I ever made in my life in the fact that dogs are not corruptable by money, or even by dog treats. Dogs are, after all, dogs. They can't be bought off. They do as they are trained. Wait, do you have anymore crazy theories to throw out while I'm still here? No, Youve said the Steel simply melted in the towers... The maxium temputure for a fire is 1800 Degrees Only explosives can exceed that number But 1800 Degrees can only be reached when theye is a perfect mix of Oxygen and hydrocarbons in the air That can only be made in controlled enviroments... Such as a hob... The colour of the flame would be Blue, Not orange, and full of soot... OK, I woulda posted this earlier but I had trouble accessing the forums for some reason. tehhunter, I'm not going to attempt to counter your dog argument, because I haven't read anything on either side of the debate (official or "conspiracy") regarding the dogs, and I don't know enough about dog training or the dogs that were used. It might be that the dogs used were search and rescue dogs, only trained to smell for humans. It might be that the dogs are only trained to bark when they smell something, so they can't communicate the difference between smelling a body or a bomb. It might be that the dust confounded their ability to detect bomb traces. I don't know, because dogs are not my forte. As such, I wouldn't look at your "dog argument" as being the undeniable proof that you claim it to be. I'm sure you understand the inherent confusion of that statement, being that you've studied newton's law of cooling or whatever (any physical law of cooling works because of chemical properties, so cooling is both physics and chemistry). Heating is[/i] cooling. If something is being heated up, it's due to heat being transfered from a hotter body (air, fire plasma) to a cooler body (steel). Thus the process of heat energy being transfered is called "cooling". Likewise, from the perspective of the steel, which is being heated by the cooling process, the steel is also constantly being cooled, as it dissipates the heat coming into it throughout it's whole structure, as well as transferring it to any cooler air around it. So no matter what, we are always dealing with both things being heated up, and things being cooled, simultaneously. But yes, you are right, and I think we are talking past each other re the members and connections. We both agree that the connections are not the weak point, and that the members are the weakest link in the chain. So for all intents and purposes, let's ignore the connections and focus on the members. Which, I might add, is exactly what I was doing before you introduced the connections. Err. You missed my point. Nevermind, it wasn't important anyway. Haha. Ok, you bring up a good point. In fact, it's a great point, because it illustrates something very important about why the towers could never have collapsed due to fires: No steel building in the history of mankind has ever collapsed due to fires. And there have been fires in steel skyscrapers that were much, much worse than the fires in the WTC towers (see above link). Also, we can see how hot a fire is through a few clues: -The fires did not cause parts of the building to glow. At temperatures above 700º C, steel glows red hot, a feature that is visible in daylight. source. -The fires were not hot enough to produce significant window breakage in either tower. Window breakage is a common occurrence in large office fires, particularly when temperatures exceed 600º C. Also, 800º C is near the maximum flame temperature of hydrocarbons burning in air without pre-heating or pressurization of the air. Even those temperatures are usually reached only with premixed (blue) flames, such as in gas stoves and blowtorches. Diffuse flames, of the type in the WTC, tend to be far cooler. So really, when it comes down to it, I don't care if the WTC towers were stacked floor to ceiling in wood and oxygen tanks. The fires did not burn hot enough or for long enough to damage the steel in any way, just like in many more severe fires where the steel has not been damaged. Oh, and as a minor aside, the ventilation system was designed so that people could breathe. Fires consume far, far greater volumes of oxygen, far quicker, especially when they are hot and widespread. The fact that the smoke was turning black was, as I've mentioned before, evidence of soot, which is uncombusted hydrocarbons. Soot is produced when a fire is oxygen-starved, or has just been extinguished. Soot also has a high thermal capacity and may act to rob a fire of heat by carrying it away. As I said, ten pieces of steel huh? Wow. 10ft each huh? Wow. How tall were the towers? And each tower (two towers) had around 46 steel supports in its core. I think the possibility then, given those odds, of finding 10 members which are consistent with the official story are pretty high, wouldn't you agree? I have no idea where you got the idea that they studied all the steel from the collapses, because they never mention it. All they do is mention their conclusions and recommendations. And all the sources I've ever read have quotes from members of the investigative team complaining about how the majority of the steel had already been recycled and they could do nothing. But you asked if anyone has anything new to add. I do. How about this: One aspect of engineering that is not widely understood is that structures are over-engineered as a matter of standard practice. Steel structures like bridges and buildings are typically designed to withstand five times anticipated static loads and 3 times anticipated dynamic loads. The anticipated loads are the largest ones expected during the life of the structure, like the worst hurricane or earthquake occurring while the floors are packed with standing-room-only crowds. Given that September 11th was not a windy day, and that there were not throngs of people in the upper floors, the critical load ratio was probably well over 10, meaning that more than nine-tenths of the columns at the same level would have to fail before the weight of the top could have overcome the remaining columns. Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, spoke of the resilience of the towers in an interview recorded on January 25, 2001. The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting. Demartini, who had an office on the 88th floor of the North Tower, has been missing since the 9/11/01 attack. [uel=http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/design.html#overdesign]Source.[/url] In short, there is a reason that no fire has ever collapsed a steel building: It's pretty much impossible. Everything about fire and how it burns, everything about steel and how it works, and everything about building engineering, all combine to ensure that no steel building can collapse due to fires or planes crashing into them or both. Not even huge BOMBS being exploded at their foundations (just in case you guys have forgotten that a huge bomb was exploded beneath one of the towers, leaving a crater 10 stories deep and 200ft wide in the concrete and steel basement. Remember that? Yeah. The tower didn't fall huh). And don't forget the 1975 fire that lasted for 3 hours. Exactly, That completly went by me when i was writing my Long Reasons That bomb that went off was ment to be a Chemical bomb, What terrorists didnt realize is... That type of Chemical is flammable... It ignited on ignition! I dunno how the tower would of went down if only the foundations were blown out, But, If that succeded, Id say alot more would of died in that car bomb, If it had made the towers collapse, Than 9/11.... Can you really trust this fool with America? MisslleDefender, please don't resort to posting petty photoshops or "funny" pictures. Chalkstar 0 QvsQ lab monkey just in case you guys have forgotten that a huge bomb was exploded beneath one of the towers, leaving a crater 10 stories deep and 200ft wide in the concrete and steel basement. Remember that? Yeah. The tower didn't fall huh). And don't forget the 1975 fire that lasted for 3 hours. Just so you know. It was really at the spot that it needed to be. It's hard getting the perfect postion for a bomb, as when they built it, they left little room for parking etc. right under the towers. That is why the terrorists had to park close to a wall, as they couldn't get into the perfect positioning. Not many builders accomodate for terrorist attacks when they are designing buildings in the 1960s. They might account for high winds, tidal waves maybe, small fires and even bombs, but not many designers thought that a couple of planes would try and park in the towers. Umm, the bomb left a 200ft wide by 10 story deep hole. I don't think they really needed pinpoint accuracy. Maybe they would have had better luck if the bomb went off near the top of the building? Not many builders accomodate for terrorist attacks when they are designing buildings in the 1960s. They might account for high winds, tidal waves maybe, small fires and even bombs, but not many designers thought that a couple of planes would try and park in the towers Erh, the designers DID build the towers to survive the impact of a 707 travelling at flight speed under full fuel load AND the subsequent fires that this would cause. They may not have been thinking "terrorist", but they sure as hell were thinking "plane accidentally crashing into the tallest buildings in the busiest city in the world". Seriously, I have no idea how you can honestly entertain the thought that the designers built the twin towers with "just enough" integrity to withstand minor disturbances like high winds and small fires. What kind of retarded engineer would ever do that? No, like all building engineers, as I quoted in my previous post (from a statement made pre 9/11), as a matter of course, all buildings are built to withstand many times their maximum anticipated static and dynamic loads. And yes, they did account for jetliners hitting them. The largest airliners around at the time (the 707, which is only marginally smaller than the 757s that hit the towers), under maximum fuel load, at full flight speed, smashing into the towers, and causing big fuel fires. They thought about this before the first piece of steel was made. Sometimes I think you people honestly believe they made the twin towers out of paperclips and cardboard, and were designed by two 15yr old girls with Down Syndrome who thought the worst danger to the towers was a fart in a prevailing breeze. Unbelievable. *shakes head* Exactly, If your gonna fill a building with over 3000 people, your not gonna make it outta paper... That was the 1993 blast That was in the foundations, Your telling me that a plane on the upper levels hitting it, is enough it make it collapse? When this bomb shook the foundations, and tore the pillars away, and didnt collapse Btw, Those pics arnt photoshopped, Hes just a dumbass..... Prat If the designed did account for planes hitting the towers, then concidering that the towers collapsed, they probably didn't do a very good job of it now did they? Do you often post to threads that you haven't actually read? Or are you just really dumb? You are making a logical error known as post hoc, ergo propter hoc, or in english: after this, therefore because of this. The fact that the towers collapsed after the planes hit them is not proof that the planes hitting them was responsible for their collapse, just like the fact that I was born after the assassination of JFK is not proof that the assassination of JFK is responsible for my birth. There is always the posibility of another factor or cause, like, I dunno, controlled demolition maybe (which, coincidentally, just so happens to explain exactly how and why the collapse occured much, much better than any other theory, especially the incredulous official story). And no, it's impossible to design a building to withstand controlled demolition. If you can't contribute to an argument in a meaningful, reasoned way, then it's probably best to just shut the fvck up. I'm not saying that's what you need to do, I'm just putting it out there as something you might want to think about. This has been bugging me for a while, and I keep seeing it every time the page loads, so I felt compelled to address this. What you describe is the net force, which really isn't useful in this situation, since if the planes were decelerating, then the net force would be negative, and if the planes weren't accelerating or decelerating (ie, travelling at a constant speed), then the net force would be zero. A far more useful equation in this circumstance would be Kinetic Energy (J) = 1/2 Mass (kg) * Velocity^2 (m/s), and so we can see that the speed of an object is rather more important than its mass when determining the resulting energy of an impact. But I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say "don't forget you have the mass of two planes". Only one plane hit each tower. There would be no reason to account for both planes at any point unless you think that the impact on one tower was significant enough to affect the other in any meaningful way. Edited May 23, 2005 by Mortukai You have completely proved me wrong. I apologize for wasting your time with my un-thought-out inane comments. I guess because Bush is an idiot he managed to pull off the biggest conspiracy in America's history without a hitch. P.S. You think the government can hold in information well? Look at Guantanomo Bay or the Iraqi prisoner scandal. I never really said that the towers collapsed because of the planes. I've heard about how contolled demolitions could also be responsible. I'm sorry if you have mistaken me. Southern Finest 0 This interview actually has been posted all through out the net. This is just one place I got it from. Don't make baseless claims; Find me a reputable news source (not a extreme-liberal site) confirming it is real, not just questioning its authenticity. What would you call a credible news site? Fox? Cnn? Here are some other sites with it http://www.public-action.com/911/oblintrv.html http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/forget.html Yes , i would call fox and cnn credible so why the f*ck did you post another 2 crappy sites that prove nothing except how stupid the webmatsers are? and ive only read page 1 and 6 and i just wanna say this. If a huge plane with over 300 people on board crashs into one of the tallest buildings in the world you cant tell me you honestly think it wouldve stood there. Edited May 24, 2005 by Southern Finest
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Jaipur holds the distinction of being the first planned city of India. Renowned globally for its coloured gems, the capital city of Rajasthan combines the allure of its ancient history with all the advantages of a metropolis. The bustling modern city is one of the three corners of the golden triangle that includes Delhi, Agra and Jaipur.
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Absolute Write Water Cooler > Discussion > Research > How much plastic explosive would be needed? View Full Version : How much plastic explosive would be needed? ... to blow up a substantial building, like a big house? Could it be planted in the cellar or the house or would it have to be an upstairs room? The main thing is not to destroy the house but to destroy it during a meeting of Nazi generals in a downstairs room. The perpetrators have access to the building; it's sort of a big villa. But only one room needs to be destroyed. They have a good supply of plastics and a timer detonater, rather I think like the one used on the assassintion attempt on Hitler. stephenf I'm not too sure about the quantities of explosives, but I know it is hard to blow a building up. You need to understand the way buildings are constructed and how to undermine the structure so it falls down. Professional demolition people make holes in the walls of the buildings, to weaken them. I would guess that would not be practical for your story. You could place explosives on supportive beams in the cellar. A relatively small explosion could make part of the building collapse.Another possibility is to place explosives on the chimney in the attic. There is a lot of weight in a chimney stacks and if undermined will crash through the ceiling. If you can have you victim sitting by the fire, a ton of bricks coming down might be a worry for them Thanks. I'll think some more of how they can do this. I'm flexible! WeaselFire 4.7 kilos. Unless it's a different building. dpaterso The Valkyrie conspirators planted the briefcase with the plastic explosive (captured from the British) right where Hitler would be standing at a big map table, but you know the story, it's on film, some helpy person brushed against it with his boot and moved it away so the blast was blunted by a heavy table support. And Hitler was carried out, still alive. So close but yet so far. If you can get the explosive into the same room as the Generals and the explosion isn't thwarted by a resistant obstacle then you've got a good chance of killing them. The blast itself can kill or incapacitate, but if said explosive can be planted inside something or beside something that disintegrates, sending debris/shrapnel everywhere, even better. I recall another WWII thwarted sabotage story, unrelated to Hitler, an enterprising chap chiselled a space for his bomb inside a statue, which would have fragmented everywhere, but he was discovered and arrested before he completed his weeks-long task. Bad luck, good idea, though. A couple of plastic bricks could do the business, planted apart but detonated simultaneously, the percussive shock wave could bring down the ceiling and walls, trapping and killing whoever's in the downstairs room. And the house above would collapse on top of this, sealing the deal. Planting more than one bomb may seem redundant, but if one is discovered the other might still do the business. -Derek So much is down to chance. It's not just how much plastic explosive could be surreptitiously brought into the building and carefully located at the proper weak points to destroy part of the building. There's also 'how do you keep the targeted people in the right place at the right time?' The famous July 20th plot that just missed killing Hitler to start Operation Valkyrie failed. The briefcase that held the bomb was shoved out of the way by a third party, and ended up behind a heavy table leg. Which, when it exploded, only killed four people, none of them Hitler. That one used a 1 kilo block of explosive, which was originally intended to be used in a solid blockhouse, where the trapped explosion and resulting shrapnel would be lethal to all in the room. However the meeting was moved to a smaller wooden building, where the explosive force was able to escape. Are you sure you couldn't park a tank or anti-aircraft gun just out of sight, and use that? No, it's got to be plastics... but dpaterso's comment has given me an idea.... (thanks Derek!) And it's OK -- the bombing is meant to fail. So though the bomb goes off, the intended target is no longer in the house... :cry: Thomas Vail There are many ways it could fail. Target takes a call and walks out of the room. Something pulls them outside of the building. The incidents involving the 'demon core' (a plutonium testing core that was involved in two separate fatal accidents) are another good example of how random chance can save people. In one of the incidents where the core went supercritical, it was the 'shadow' created by the researcher standing right next to it at the time that prevented some of the people behind him from being bombarded by dangers radioactivity. He himself of course was not so lucky. Al X. If the intention is to kill all the Nazi generals in the room, then a single brick with a mass of heavy nails taped around it would be quite effective, placed anywhere in the room. If you tasked me with the destruction off the building itself, I would form the plastics in to cone shaped charges aimed at the corners near the foundations. These days we use det cord to string the charges together for simultaneous explosion, but back then you would have had to accomplish that using electric caps. Would it be possible to mould the plastic to the top of the conference table legs? Sure, but it would be more destructive as a single charge. Plus then you have to rig them all up for simultaneous detonation.
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Resellers Are Courting Shoppers Away From Brands. Can They Work Together Instead? The resale market is growing 21 times faster than the fashion industry overall. Below, BoF outlines the ways luxury labels and resellers can make money together. Outside the Chanel show | Source: Shutterstock Cathaleen Chen NEW YORK, United States — Like any fashion enthusiast with an eye for luxury, Lauren Mazzei rarely shops retail. But rather than waiting for sales and discounts, the 27-year-old part-time blogger scours resale sites like Rebag, Fashionphile and The RealReal for designer labels. Her latest purchase? A black Prada Saffiano cross-body bag from Rebag, where "almost every bag has similar quality as retail" but hundreds of dollars cheaper, she said. A Prada Saffiano bag runs anywhere between $800 to $1,200 on Rebag, but costs upwards of $2,500 in stores like Neiman Marcus and Barneys. And when she gets sick of a certain item, she sells it through The RealReal. She even has a monthly recurring appointment at one of the company's NYC stores to consign unwanted products. Mazzei, who works in the digital IT department at Tiffany & Co., is among the millions of consumers embracing the emerging resale market, many of whom are millennials that have yet to reach their spending prime. Their preference for online second-hand shopping is why resale is growing 21 times faster than retail at large, and why companies like The RealReal are reaching billion-dollar valuations: The vintage luxury marketplace platform filed for an initial public offering last month, with plans of raising up to $285 million at a valuation of $1.6 billion. Meanwhile, multi-brand retailers are taking note: Neiman Marcus Group bought a minority stake in Fashionphile in April, citing access to customers like Mazzei as a primary reason for the purchase. Luxury labels have remained tepid toward resale, if not full-out aggressive, as Chanel has demonstrated through its lawsuit against The RealReal, in which the storied French house claimed that only they — and not any reseller — could guarantee the authenticity of a Chanel handbag. If I'm a fashion brand right now and see that the resale clothing market is growing at a rate that's 21 times faster than the overall fashion industry, I'd be thinking to myself, 'How do I get a piece of this? But Chanel could be in the minority with its hardline stance against resellers, according to industry insiders, as brands come to terms with market opportunities provided by resale, which reached a global market size of $24 billion last year. This means that among resellers, the biggest players are all competing for partnerships with these brands, boasting proprietary data on consumer behaviour as well as a way for brands to build loyalty. Labels could follow in the footsteps of Neiman Marcus and invest in a resale platform in order to gain access to its customer data, or of Farfetch, which partnered with a startup to create a pilot program that allows customers to trade in their worn designer bags for store credit. "If I'm a fashion brand right now and see that the resale clothing market is growing at a rate that's 21 times faster than the overall fashion industry, I'd be thinking to myself, 'How do I get a piece of this?'" said retail consultant Doug Stephens. What exactly will that look like? Below, BoF outlines the ways in which brands like Gucci and Prada can work directly with resellers and resale platform providers to woo consumers together. Resale as a means to fuel repeat purchasing In 2017, Stella McCartney became the first major brand to promote resale by incentivising store credit. Working with The RealReal, the designer encouraged shoppers to sell their worn Stella McCartney garments on the platform and receive $100 in store credit to shop in Stella McCartney stores or online. "Early on Stella recognised that the secondary market helps introduce new customers to her brand, extend the life of her goods, keep them out of landfills and put into the hands of new owners," said Allison Sommer, director of strategic initiatives at The RealReal, in an emailed statement to BoF. While Stella McCartney remains the only label engaging in this sort of setup, resale service providers like Yerdle are hoping that they can convince brands to skip the resale platform altogether and pursue their own direct resale services online. Yerdle provides a backend system for brands to offer resale services at their own websites and stores. It handles the IT, logistics and all other operations for a brand to accept gently worn items, offer sellers store credit and list the items online. Yerdle currently works companies including Eileen Fisher, Patagonia and menswear brand Taylor Stitch, and will unveil partnerships with more contemporary fashion brands this year, according to CEO Andy Ruben. Eileen Fisher has sold more than 1 million used items on its site since taking back clothing in 2009, while Patagonia now expects its resale segment to account for a double-digit percentage of its overall sales by 2023. The white-labelling of these services is critical for brands, Ruben said, because it's a way for them to exert full control over customer engagement. "You can't just hand that customer over to a different retailer," he told BoF. "To introduce a platform that's not you just doesn't make sense … it's like 10 years ago when e-commerce was beginning to be a big deal and brands like [now-shuttered] Toy'R'Us said, 'Oh, we can just work with Amazon.'" Yerdle uses a revenue sharing agreement with partners for resale items sold and charges a one-time setup fee. Rebag is developing its own version of a white-label platform for brands to take in used product for store credit. Instead of listing the worn item on the brand's website as Yerdle does, Rebag would give shoppers cash upfront and resell the product on its own platform. Under this setup, brands won't have to pay to buy the worn products — Rebag will. If you make this process widely and conveniently available, we can guarantee that conversion will increase at first-hand stores. "We think Rebag can power that resale operation on the supply side for brands," CEO Charles Gorra said. "Rebag will assist the shopper through selling that product on the spot, and the customer gets store credit." "If anything we should be paid [by the brand] because we are de facto reducing the price tag of new items by being able to finance part of that through the resale process," Gorra explained. "If you make this process widely and conveniently available, we can guarantee that conversion will increase at first-hand stores." Resale as a means for customer acquisition Under a white-label partnership with a resale platform, brands will also be able to attract new customers — customers such as Mazzei and her friends, who currently use resale to experiment with a multitude of styles and brands, but may develop loyalty to labels as they gain purchasing power. "I think as you get older you find a brand that you like and stick with it," Mazzei said. "Like right now, I'm very apt to pick Gucci. Maybe the older I get, the more I'd go with Gucci than a trendier brand." Resellers argue, though, that their own stellar services — the type not generally available through traditional secondhand stores — have attributed to this emotional attachment, and that further engagement with their customers can lead to an even higher affinity with certain brands. Vestiaire Collective hopes that its social commerce platform will be a big draw for brands, which could engage with Vestiaire users through its mobile app. Under a potential partnership, a brand could create content and share its story with Vestiaire users the same way they interact with social media posts. Chief Executive Max Bittner calls this the "gamification" of luxury resale shopping — something that enables Vestiaire to compete with Instagram for customer engagement and in turn, offer the same levels of engagement to potential brand partners. By establishing a relationship with an up-and-coming customer early on, resellers are already creating bonds on behalf of brands, they say. "And when they're ready to upgrade to the first-hand product, there's a [bigger] opportunity that brands are missing out on," said Gorra. They're missing out on a whole sector of customers, he argues, and resale can be the vehicle that drives first-time luxury retail sales to the brand. According to Gorra, a partnership with a luxury brand could mean that Rebag makes regular referrals to that brand after a customer has purchased its products via the resale platform. For instance, if a customer has purchased multiple Louis Vuitton handbags from Rebag.com, the company could reach out to her through email or the Rebag app to alert her of events and promotions at her local Louis Vuitton store. "[For] customers who bought a product from us in a certain region, we could do a pop-up event where our brand representatives would be present," he said. "We could even do a pop-up event together at our locations or theirs." For companies wary of cannibalisation of sales, preliminary data from Yerdle shows that across its clients, there has been a net increase in new customers after providing resale on their websites. "This is the gateway customer. It surprises me why a brand wouldn't try to get them in their stores," Gorra said. Perhaps resellers' most appealing asset they can offer to brands is access to customer data. Long-time resellers like Fashionphile not only keep data on how customers like to shop, but also what products oversell the quickest and retain the highest value. Fashionphile, for instance, uses such data to constantly evolve its pricing algorithm. While a brand like Chanel may have its own historical archives of stock keeping units or SKUs, a prolific resale site can cross reference SKUs among a multitude of brands. The resale value of a luxury product is a very true proxy to the underlying value of the brand. "We use computer learning to identify and [assess] every single bag and every single style," Fashionphile founder Sarah Davis said. For luxury brands, this sort of data can be invaluable for marketing future styles and formulating "drops" that are more conducive to maintaining high resale value. "The resale value of a luxury product is a very true proxy to the underlying value of the brand — and brands are extremely interested in these data points, but they have no visibility of what happens when their products leave their retail floors," said Gorra. Vestiaire Collective's Bittner said his company's global data is something that other resellers can't offer. Vestiaire operates in 50 countries worldwide in Asia, Europe and the US. With its latest funding round, the company plans on launching in additional markets including the Middle East and South America. Conversely, brands can offer resellers authentication guarantees — a component that's at the heart of Chanel's lawsuit against The RealReal, in which the luxury French house claims that only the brand itself can promise a Chanel bag's authenticity. Brands and resellers can work together to combat the burgeoning counterfeit industry, a market that was worth over $450 billion in 2017, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Labels selling their own certified pre-owned goods would be a solution, said Stephens. "With certified pre-owned, you could authenticate your products and trample down the counterfeits and also get a huge chunk of what's already a robust resale market," he said. "If Mercedes-Benz could do it, why can't Gucci do it as well?" Strategic acquisitions While some luxury brands will likely develop resale platforms of their own, others have an opportunity to consider M&A options in the space, as Neiman Marcus has done with Fashionphile. Seth Weisser, co-founder of What Goes Around Comes Around, hopes that a Kering or LVMH would consider his vintage chain a useful strategic acquisition, pointing to the former's 2018 acquisition of sneaker reseller Stadium Goods. If Mercedes-Benz could do it, why can't Gucci do it as well? "There are a lot of ways that relationship can benefit both companies and validate the space," he told BoF, adding that the company has long worked with multi-brand retailers such as Shopbop and Dillards to provide vintage inventory. "We're at a tipping point in the resale ecosystem. It's just now becoming mainstream," said Rebag's Gorra. "Ten years from now, we'll all be laughing about how strange it was when resale was small." Editor's note: This article was revised 24 June, 2019. A previous version stated that shoppers who sell their worn Stella McCartney garments on The RealReal would receive $100 in store credit to shop in The RealReal stores or online. This is inaccurate. Shoppers would receive $100 in store credit to shop in Stella McCarney stores or online. [ Inside The RealReal's Plan to Dominate the Secondhand Luxury Market ] [ How to Create the Next Birkin ] [ Luxury Resale's Quiet Reckoning ] Fashionphile
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CNN Airs Two Uninterrupted Minutes of Obama Campaign Propaganda The Obama 2012 campaign didn't even have to pay CNN for helping get its re-election message out on Thursday's The Situation Room. CNN aired two uninterrupted minutes of a trailer for a 17-minute Obama campaign film to be released in the future. And after the two-minute clip played, CNN saved the Republican criticism for last. Host Wolf Blitzer's first question after the video had to do with the trailer's opening line delivered by actor Tom Hanks. [Video below.] "It has the look and feel of a Hollywood blockbuster, but it's really an Obama campaign film," mused Blitzer. The film, while marketed as a "documentary," is directed by David Guggenheim who was also behind "An Inconvenient Truth," and is meant to show the accomplishments of President Obama from his first term. "Brianna, what jumps out at me in this trailer is the opening line by Tom Hanks, do we look at the day's headlines or do we remember what we as a country have been through? Is the campaign really worried that all the day-to-day headlines are really going to drag down the prospects of the President getting himself re-elected?" Blitzer asked CNN White House correspondent Brianna Keilar. Finally at the end of the segment CNN aired the Republican criticism. "A spokeswoman for the RNC saying voters don't need a movie trailer or a documentary to learn about the President's records, blaming him for unemployment – the unemployment rate, the national debt and for high gas prices," reported Keilar. A transcript of the segment, which aired on March 8 on The Situation Room at 4:28 p.m. EST, is as follows: WOLF BLITZER: We're also right now getting a first look at the trailer of an upcoming Obama campaign film. It's called "The Road We've Traveled." It's a 17-minute look at the President's first-term accomplishments. (Video Clip) TOM HANKS, narrator: How do we understand this President and his time in office? Do we look at the day's headlines? Or do we remember what we, as a country, have been through? AUSTAN GOOLSBEE, chairman, White House Counsel of Economic Advisors: The president-elect is here in Chicago and he's named the members of the economic team. And they all fly in for the first big briefing on the economy. DAVID AXELROD, chief campaign strategist, Obama 2012 campaign: What was described in that meeting was an economic crisis beyond anything anybody had imagined. BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States: Our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions – that time has surely passed. HANKS: His advisers would ask where to begin, which urgent need would he put first. Mayor RAHM EMANUEL, Chicago: Which is one, which is two, which is three, which is four, which is five? Where do you start? JOE BIDEN, Vice President of the United States: If we don't do this now, there'll be a generation before 30 million people have health insurance. ELIZABETH WARREN, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, Massachusetts: If the auto industry goes down, what happens to America's manufacturing base? What happens to jobs in America? What happens to the whole Midwest? BIDEN: Entire national security apparatus was in that room. And now, we had to make a decision, go or not go. As he walked out of the room, it dawned on me, he's all alone. This is his decision. Nobody is standing there with him. BLITZER: Brianna, what jumps out at me in this trailer is the opening line by Tom Hanks, do we look at the day's headlines or do we remember what we as a country have been through? Is the campaign really worried that all the day-to-day headlines are really going to drag down the prospects of the President getting himself re-elected? BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN White House correspondent: I think, Wolf, if the campaign had its way that would not be the metric by which they would want voters to judge President Obama. Instead you see them here really trying to create enthusiasm and excitement, and really kind of a mood, by evoking some of these iconic and historic moments that have happened in the Obama presidency, especially as polls show the campaign is really facing an enthusiasm gap compared to what they had in 2008. And I asked White House press secretary Jay Carney today about this strategy of perhaps avoiding headlines. And he laughed off the suggestion. KEILAR: So Jay Carney joking there about the approach, Wolf, but some Republicans certainly aren't. A spokeswoman for the RNC saying voters don't need a movie trailer or a documentary to learn about the President's records, blaming him for unemployment – the unemployment rate, the national debt and for high gas prices – Wolf. -- Matt Hadro is a News Analyst at the Media Research Center Past MRC Galas Media Bias 101 ©Copyright 2020, Media Research Center | All Rights Reserved
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DISCOVER WHAT'S NEW AT NCM NCM Associates Moves Headquarters Back to Kansas City, Mo., After Nearly 35 Years Overland Park, Kan., June 15, 2015 – NCM Associates originated the automotive dealer 20 Group peer collaboration model nearly 70 years ago in Kansas City, Mo. Since 1947, NCM has been empowering non-competing business owners and operators to share best practices, strategies, and pitfalls with one another. As a 100% employee-owned company, NCM provides automotive retail consulting and management training, operations Benchmark analysis, business intelligence, and data management tools to the automotive sector, as well as to 20 other industries across the US and Canada. After nearly 35 years in Overland Park, Kan., NCM recently signed a 10-year lease and will move its headquarters back to the Country Club Plaza area in Kansas City, Mo., in the fall of 2015. NCM will lease more than 36,000 square feet, which will accommodate its 84 locally-based associates with room to meet the growing company's future needs. The space includes a professional video studio, a full-production print shop, and gives the company's management training division, the NCM Institute, separate administrative offices and a state-of-the-art training facility for its classroom and virtual training programs. "We are fortunate to be experiencing growth, thanks to our great clients who've entrusted us with their dealership performance development," said NCM President & CEO Paul Faletti, Jr. "This investment in our new headquarters signifies our commitment to our clients as well as the appreciation of the hard work of our employee-owners and the local community for the foreseeable future. Over the years, NCM Associates has been honored to support a number of local and national charities from our Overland Park location, and we will continue that tradition in support of our new Plaza-area neighbors," he said. NCM's new headquarters will be located at 4717 Grand Ave, Kansas City, Mo., 64112, a few short blocks from its original office at the Kansas City Board of Trade building. "I started my career with NCM more than 36 years ago, when it was located on the Country Club Plaza," said Nikki Lear, NCM senior composite specialist & product developer. "I'm thrilled to finish my working years back in the same area where it all began."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home > Archives > Volume 17, Issue 4, published 30 Nov 2012 Smaller Text Bigger Articles with the same author(s) From SRO From Google Scholar Articles with similar keywords Download this article in PDF format Alert me when this article is cited within SRO Send a link to this page to a colleague Your colleague's email: Accounting for Personal Overindebtedness: Debtors' Accounts in Applications for Debt Relief at the Swedish Enforcement Authority by Bengt Larsson and Bengt Jacobsson Sociological Research Online, 17 (4) 6 <http://www.socresonline.org.uk/17/4/6.html> 10.5153/sro.2753 Received: 24 Apr 2012 Accepted: 16 Jul 2012 Published: 30 Nov 2012 This paper aims to describe and understand the accounts given in applications for debt relief/adjustment in relation to the 'question situation' that overindebted person stand before in their encounters with Swedish authorities. The analysis is based on the sociology of accounts and is made against the background of previous research on overindebtedness in the Nordic countries. The paper shows that the accounts given by debtors include examples of 'refusals' and 'denials', but mainly comprise narratives and accounts centred around giving 'justifications' and 'excuses' focusing on external circumstances (illness, unemployment, divorce, bankruptcy), helplessness, or a lack of knowledge or intent (others causing the debt, or problems of addiction). The applications also contain some 'concessions', 'pledges' and 'appeals' by which the debtors try to show that they are improving in taking economic responsibility and deserve debt relief. The analysis thereby shows which accounts are considered legitimate, but also that the framing cues defining and delimiting the question situation are too weak to produce uniform forms of accounting. Many applicants for debt relief respond to a wide definition of the question situation - one that relates to self-image and social identity. Keywords: Accounts, Institutional Ethnography, Overindebtedness, Debt Relief, Debt Adjustment, Enforcement Authority 1.1 Problems of consumer overindebtedness and bankruptcy are related to the growth of consumer credit capitalism since the 1970s in general, and the de-regulations of the credit markets in the 1980s in particular. The possibility to be discharged of debts through debt relief/adjustment has been legally developed in Europe since the mid-1980s, and the systems for debt relief are continuously reformed to adjust for inaccessibility, disparities and unfairness in treatment, and ineffectiveness (e.g. Kilborn 2009; Niemi-Kiesil�inen 1999; Ramsay 2007). 1.2 While the Swedish economy has been recovering from the financial crisis of 2008-9, many households are still in severe and increasing debt problems. Although the increase of indebted persons registered at the Swedish Enforcement Authority (SEA) is coming to a halt at approximately 5 % of the population, the number of applications for debt relief continues to increase (Kronofogden 2010; SFS 2006, p. 548; Kilborn 2006). 1.3 Research on overindebtedness and debt relief in the Nordic countries has basically focused on legal changes (e.g. Carlsson & Hoff 2000; Kilborn 2006, 2009; Niemi-Kiesil�inen 1999); aggregated data to explain the causes and effects of overindebtedness (e.g. Dellgran 2000; Gumy 2007; Konsumentverket 2003; Kronofogden 2008; Niemi-Kiesil�inen & Henrikson 2005; Tufte 2004); surveys and interviews on popular attitudes towards debt relief (Tufte 2005); and interviews to understand the debtors situation and experiences (Jacobsson 2003; Sandvall 2008; Poppe 2008). There is less research on the activities of the SEA and on the debtors� encounters with the authorities. Thus, we know quite little about the �translation� of debtors� situations into official decisions (cf. Ramsay 2007). An exception is Sellerberg�s (2010) work on the accounts of bankrupt entrepreneurs. 1.4 There exists, however, much research on stories and accounts that people use in other contexts to explain deviant or improper behaviour to avoid threats to their self-image, status and identity (e.g. Maruna & Copes 2004; Orbuch 1997). As stated by Polletta et al. (2011, p. 123) in their review of the sociology of storytelling, we still �need to know more about the sources of norms for telling and evaluating stories within institutions�� Thus, there is a value not only from an empirical but also from a theoretical point of view in studying the accounts given by debtors in an institutionalized setting such as the debt relief process. 1.5 The aim of this paper is to analyse �accounts� given in applications for debt relief in relation to the �question situation� (Mills 1940) that overindebted persons stand before in their encounters with the authorities; that is, how debtors explain their situation and the origin of their debts when required to do so by the SEA. We thereby attempt both to fill an empirical void in the research on overindebtedness and debt relief and to contribute to the analysis of how accounts are produced and used in institutionalized settings � as part of the overall process of translating experiences and situations into legally binding formal decisions (cf. Latour 2010; Polletta et al. 2011; Smith 2005). 1.6 The main empirical material analysed consists of 60 applications for debt relief, including some attached letters. The analysis is based on the sociology of accounts and is made against the backdrop of previous research on personal overindebtedness in the Nordic countries. The analysis of the applications is at points also contextualized by other empirical data from our ongoing research project, primarily interviews with the case officers at the SEA.[2] 1.7 Since our methodology implies working close to the individuals in the studied organisation, they require ethical considerations regarding integrity and openness. We took the following steps to secure ethical reflection in the research process: 1) When initiating the project, it was tried at a Regional Ethical Review Board. 2) Before gathering any data, a short presentation of the purpose and methods was circulated at the SEA, followed by presentations in two interactive video conferences arranged by the SEA. 3) The SEA lawyers took the formal decisions giving us access to case files, and we signed an agreement of secrecy with the SEA covering sensitive personal information from case files. All information that made it possible to track individuals in the files was blackened, and we omitted the names of cities, creditors and employers when citing material from the applications. 4) We informed all participants in interviews and ethnographic observation about the purpose and methods of the project, that it was voluntary to participate, and that they may withdraw their consent at any time. We de-identified all interviewees and meetings observed, and tried to choose selections of quotations with respect for confidentiality. 5) We presented preliminary versions of our papers at �dialogue seminars� held at the SEA, with video link to all locations, giving the staff and management an opportunity to discuss methods and analyses. Background: overindebtedness and debt relief in Sweden 2.1 It is not only those who are already poor who are struck by overindebtedness; we also find highly educated and previously well off individuals amongst the ranks of overindebted (e.g. Dellgran 2000; Gumy 2007; Sellerberg 2010; Tufte 2004). Becoming overindebted is for many not only a dramatic economic change, but a situation with consequences for their social identity and status (Poppe 2008). For others, it is just the final proof of a situation they have been in for years, in some cases so long that they are spoken of as �eternal debtors�. 2.2 Research shows that overindebted persons often become socially excluded and suffer from shame and bad health (Jacobsson 2003; Manktelow 2011; Sandvall 2008; Poppe 2008). Despite studies showing that most overindebted persons are struggling to straighten out their situation and carry their own weight, there are strong notions of overindebted individuals as being careless, unreliable and without moral standards (Tufte 2005; cf. Efrat 2006). 2.3 In Sweden, overindebted persons have the possibility to get help from a municipal Budget and Debt Counsellor to straighten out their economy and apply for debt relief. If the debtor decides to submit an application, the counsellor may �coach� the debtor in completing it (Dellgran 2000; cf. Schwartz 2005). From our interviews with case officers it is clear that applications from debtors who have used these services are generally better prepared (Larsson & Jacobsson 2002). 2.4 The main purpose of debt relief is �that it shall be rehabilitating; gravely indebted persons shall have an opportunity to solve their economic problems and thereby get a new chance to a life more liveable and beneficial to society� (SOU 2004, 81, p. 143). The number of persons registered as indebted at the SEA has been around 400,000-500,000 in recent decades � i.e. approximately 5% of the population. Annually, around 7000-8000 of them apply for debt relief, though the number for 2011 is expected to rise to around 10,000 because of a legal change expanding the possibility to receive debt relief (Kronofogden 2010; SFS 2006, p. 548). 2.5 The Debt Adjustment Act of 2007 states two general conditions for granting debt relief/adjustment. First, the debtor must be qualifiedly insolvent, which implies that �The debtor is insolvent and so indebted that he or she cannot be assumed to have the ability to pay the debts within foreseeable time� (SFS 2006, p. 548, 4�; cf. Kilborn 2006). The second condition is that �it is reasonable considering the debtor�s personal and financial circumstances to grant him or her debt relief� (ibid.). Four aspects are to be considered in this assessment of reasonableness, �the age of the debts, the circumstances of their origin, the efforts of the debtor to fulfil his/her obligations, and the manner in which the debtor has participated in the case handling ...� (ibid.).[3] These aspects of reasonableness are assessed both separately and in a joint overall assessment. 2.6 In the application form for debt relief, the debtors are put in an explicit �question situation� � implying situations in which an actor is confronted with questions concerning the motives of action that he or he has to act verbally on; that is, to give accounts for (Mills 1940, p. 441; cf. Scott & Lyman 1968, p. 46). The application form requires the debtors to account for their present financial situation, for background details concerning education, employment and family relationships, for when the debts arose, for why they failed to pay, and for what they have done to resolve the situation and pay the debts. The answers to the last two questions are, by definition, accounts. The sociology of accounts and institutional ethnography 3.1 The sociology of accounts was articulated in a paper by Scott and Lyman (1968) on how people explain �unanticipated or untoward behaviour� in order to maintain their social identity and position, and avoid shame or negative social sanctions. They defined an account as �a linguistic device employed whenever an action is subjected to valuative inquiry� (Scott & Lyman 1968, p. 46). The basic ideas of the paper were influenced by Mills� take on �situated actions and vocabularies of motive�, and the discussion of �question situations� (Mills 1940, p. 905). Another influence was Goffman�s studies of how people explain and apologize for embarrassing incidents, and how situations are �framed� (e.g. Goffman 1961). A third influence was the criminological concept of �techniques of neutralization� presented by Sykes and Matza (1957), referring to how individuals explain and justify acts of deviance to avoid negative sanctions by society. 3.2 To give an account, thus, implies to explain why something has occurred � e.g. the Enforcement Agency�s inquiries about why one has failed to pay one�s debts and is in need of debt relief. The analysis of accounts has some traits in common with sociological analyses of narratives and stories, which are occasionally merged in what Polletta et al. (2011) call �the sociology of storytelling� (cf. Orbuch 1997; Maruna & Copes 2004). Yet it is still reasonable to keep the analytic distinction since the analysis of accounts often focuses on the substance of the arguments whereas the analysis of narratives focuses on their form and structure (Riessman 1993, p. 18f.; Smith 2000).[4] Although accounts may be �storylike� (Harvey 2001; Orbuch 1997), their power is not in the causal description or development, but rather in the adjustment to the situation and the audience. In line with Tilly (2006, p. 32ff.), we might say that accounts are based on conventionally accepted reasons for the occurrence of a situation or action. Accounts are, thus, often produced from a given formula fitting the situation � what Mills speaks of as �vocabularies of motives�, which have �ascertainable functions in delimited societal situations� (Mills 1940, p. 439). 3.3 While Scott and Lyman (1968) discussed only a few classes and types of accounts, subsequent research has identified a large number of types (Maruna & Copes 2004, p. 64; cf. Antaki 1994, p. 50; Fritsche 2002; Orbuch 1997; Sch�nbach 1990). In performing our analysis we started from a list of 36 types of accounts found in previous research. Since we did not identify all 36 account types and some of them were quite adjacent in the material, we chose to group them into the overall classes of refusals and justifications, excuses and concessions and appeals. In this we were particularly inspired by the �ways model� of account-giving developed by Fritsche (2002), which is an integrative meta-taxonomy of accounts placing different types of accounts into a process of �episodes� or �ways in which an actor covers by confessing her guilt� (Fritsche 2002, p. 382). 3.4 The accounts of the overindebted are used at the SEA in producing what Mills (1940, p. 911) calls �institutionalized actions�, by processing them through established procedures. Studying such processes is part of what Smith talks about as �institutional ethnography�, i.e. studying �how people�s activities or practices are coordinated� in practice, not least through language (Smith 2005, p. 59). Of particular significance for our case is to study �documents in action�: how they are produced, activated, and used in a routine activity of an institution (Smith 2005, p. 101ff.; cf. Polletta et al. 2011, p. 114-118). 3.5 In order to reach a decision on debt relief, the accounts given by debtors and other information retrieved from registers have to be �translated� into the codes and categories of the institution; that is, into descriptions or explanations that are produced by professionals through �a double conversion: from cause-effect accounts into formulas, and from popular idioms into specialized discourse� based on formally established categories, procedures and rules � mainly law (Tilly 2006, p. 119f.; cf. Hawkins 1992). The translation of individuals� accounts into an administrative decision can be made ??by fitting the arguments into a �standardized vocabulary� (Smith 2005, p. 101ff.). This is done by translating and subsuming the particularities of an account or story into the general categories and codes that make it possible to assess it beyond its local context. This means that the various document formats, and their production and function, are basically predetermined, and must as such be relatively independent of the individual officer�s personal beliefs and practices. 3.6 This process of �objectification� results in an institutional encoded reality that trumps the individual accounts or stories, �making the actual institutionally actionable� (Smith 2005, p. 186) � an official and legally binding decision can then be taken. One of the main aims of institutional ethnography is thus to understand how �truth� is produced in a certain setting � in the legal setting by �stringing text and Codes together� (Latour 2010, p. 13). Refusals and justifications 4.1 According to Fritsche�s (2002) �ways model� of accounting, the first option for a person exposed to blame to defend him/herself is to delegitimize the accusation, either on the grounds that it never happened, or that the opponent has no right to blame. The only examples of such refusals in the applications are statements that the debts �no longer exist because they are �fictitious�� (Case 25) or only �alleged�, since they were already fully paid or were just not deleted from the registers of the debt-collecting agency. The main reason that such accounts are unusual seems to be that debt relief is something you voluntarily apply for, which means that the applicant agrees on the existence of debts. We have not studied the process of debt recovery at the SEA, but a study of overindebted individuals in Norway shows that such denials are, for many, part of the process of accepting being overindebted (Poppe 2008, p. 123). 4.2 Although most applicants recognize the debts, there are many ways to deny moral or legal culpability. The justification closest to refusal is the condemnation of condemners. Such accounts are more common than straight refusals. In one case, the SEA is accused of making small payments to the bank impossible by levying distraint on the debtor�s income. In other cases such condemnation is directed at the creditors, banks and debt collection companies for refusing to negotiate on deferred payments, applications for voluntary debt adjustment or a composition offer from the debtor. One debtor states that �Since the [Bank] in no way� tried to help me, I do not think I need to accept their weird motivations and threats� (Case 15). Another example is taken from one of the cases of refusal above: I have taken legal action against the debt collection companies� deceptive methods, partly to get rid of the faulty demands, and partly to receive damages for those companies� criminal acts, and thus be capable of paying my real debts. (Case 25) 4.3 Some cases broaden this condemnation to other authorities for aggravating the debtor�s situation: the Social Insurance Agency, courts, as well as the Debt SEA. The most extreme example is the following: I am a victim of crime from a trustee � and illegally bugged by a police � he sold my condominium at a losing price. And the (bank) lies about the debt.... The debts are not mine I am a victim of crime, check with the debt collection service and the (bank) and with crim .... (illegible) I have been misdiagnosed and received malpractice, been damaged by psychiatry and been incorrectly (illegible) that the SEA used as an excuse not to grant me debt relief. I have been beaten since I was little by (illegible) authorities and suffered reprisals to be silenced. (Case 53) 4.4 Though such accounts may seem less credible, they may be understandable considering the strong feelings of revenge that are often part of the experience of overindebtedness. It is not unusual for overindebted individuals to believe that authorities have contributed to their economic problems due to inconsequential rules or cracks in the coordination of the social insurance and unemployment benefits systems (Sandvall 2008, p. 88f.). Conspiracy-like accounts of this kind were also found in interviews with overindebted persons in Norway (Poppe 2008, p. 190f.). 4.5 Two classical justifications in other research � denial of injury and denial of victim � are quite absent in the studied applications. However, two other accounts that justify by �bypassing� the norm can be found: appeal to higher loyalties and social comparisons (Antaki 1994: p. 50; Fritsche 2002; cf. Maruna & Copes 2004; Scott & Lyman 1968; Sykes & Matza 1957). The former type is primarily about values, e.g. young and elderly relatives have been prioritized over the interests of creditors. Such accounts may be in an indirect form: �it is difficult to cope with all the collection letters for a single parent with three young children� (Case 2). But they may also be directly stated as causes of the debts: �The telephone debts are due to my mother being seriously ill in [Country]� (Case 13). I took loans to buy a washing machine, furniture and car ... The economy was extra tight during my studies for 3.5 years (1995-98) when I had two children living at home and it was impossible to pay the debts. (Case 2) 4.6 Social comparisons are justifications that aim to make the debt morally and socially acceptable by referring to the fact that others have acted in a similar way. The only explicit case in our material is the following: I want to point out that we were not the only ones who suffered from the banks� hysteria of nailing everyone who borrowed money in the late 80s and early 90s. It was the regular people that had to take the beating At that time I had no problems, but the banks did. Because of that we were many small business entrepreneurs who ran into trouble. (Case 57) Though this is the only case in our material, Poppe�s interviews with overindebted persons in Norway shows a number of stories with references to the extravagant lending of the 1980s (Poppe 2008, p. 183ff.). 5.1 Whereas justifications deny moral or legal culpability, excuses are a class of accounts that do not deny that the act or situation is morally wrong. Rather, they deliver arguments that it is excusable since there are mitigating circumstances. Such accounts often refer to lack of knowledge, helplessness, accidents or pure necessity (Fritche 2002; cf. Maruna & Copes 2004; Scott & Lyman 1968). There are also similar types of accounts maintaining a denial of (full) responsibility by claiming that others were responsible � at least through joint production � or by an appeal to defeasibility, i.e. that one was incapable of volition due to psychological causes or drugs or alcohol abuse (Antaki 1994, p. 50; Scott & Lyman 1968). 5.2 Direct excuses referring to a lack of knowledge are quite rare. A number of more indirect referrals to ignorance exist, for example applicants stressing that they are �poorly educated�, or were not �ready to run a business�. There is also a slightly weaker variant of ignorance, claiming an inability to prioritize, in this case in combination with an appeal to higher loyalties: I only wanted to help my sick mother who is in (Country). It was war and she was in great need of medicine and medical care. I was not aware that my priorities were wrong and that I should have paid my debts. (Case 43) 5.3 Other accounts deny a full or sole responsibility, mainly by claiming that a relative is really the one responsible. Some state that a previous partner or spouse indebted them, thereby denying the full moral responsibility without rejecting the legal responsibility: It all started when my father got a credit card in my name. I was the only family member who had a permanent income and my dad forged my signature. This was in (year). I was 17 years old then. When I saw no end to these loans I took new loans to solve the old ones. (Case 46) However, there are also accounts where the debtor approaches a total denial of responsibility, mainly by referring to mental health problems. The most explicit is one where a trustee attached a letter to the application, describing how the debts originated from mental illness and how the debtor�s economy for this reason was �completely out of control� (Case 3). 5.4 A rather large number of applications state external causes as explanations, and appeal to situations of helplessness or unfortunate circumstances as mitigating. As shown in previous research, the major risk factor for becoming overindebted is exposure to not one but several unexpected events such as sickness, death, divorce, unemployment, bankruptcy and addiction (Dellgran 2000; Gumy 2007; Niemi-Kiesil�inen & Henrikson 2005; Poppe 2008; Sandvall 2008, p. 71-82). Not surprisingly then, the most commonly recurring accounts in our study refer to illness or injury. The following is one of many possible examples of this: My husband died in April -06 and it was a shock. I was (am) still in debt because then two incomes became one. Found it difficult to get on my feet and realize that I alone had to take over all the responsibility. (Case 15) Events of illness, injury and death are often accompanied by unemployment or incapacity to work, as in this short account of when the debts arose and why: �Started 1993-1994. I drove truck between Sweden and (country). Poor profitability and additional workload burned me out completely� (Case 24). 5.5 In addition to illness and unemployment, business bankruptcy is a recurring excuse for debt. As with the aforementioned excuses and justifications, this explanation usually implies that something hit the debtor undeservedly. In several cases, the description is only a few words and little is said beyond that bankruptcy has caused debt, which is exemplified by this short account of when and why the applicant became overindebted: �After divorce and business bankruptcy in 1996� (Case 6). Other cases give quite complex narratives, where bankruptcy is only one of several events that led to debt problems. An initial event had often been followed by divorce, unemployment, illness and drinking problems. 5.6 In a number of cases, alcohol and drug problems are a central part of the explanation given. This is a way of giving excusing accounts for not �being able� to pay, or for �losing control� of the economy. Yet this does not mean that the debtor denies responsibility. In fact, some on the contrary explicitly state that they are �fully aware� of their responsibilities. One example is the following account of a difficult combination of psychological disorders and drinking problems, which is not only an excuse but a concession as well: During the past 10 years � my alcohol problems escalated and developed into manifest dipsomania. I could (and can) cope quite well with my depressions and phobias and my anxieties with the help of medication, but my alcoholic relapses, more or less intense, became more and more frequent [...] It was during this alcoholic relapse that I gradually undermined my finances. [...] I want to emphasize that I in no way disclaim from the responsibility for my financial situation. My mental state is not meant as an excuse but an explanation. (Case 30) 5.7 Also, we found two variations of the account-type defence of necessity (Fritsche 2002; Maruna & Copes 2004). The first refers to the impossibility of straightening out the situation and the second to the necessity of the expenses causing the debt. The former is often part of accounts where the applicants exclude the history and the origin of the debts � something that in fact is absent in most applications, probably because the SEA primarily is interested in the direct causes of the debts. The impossibility is often presented as a loss of agency, with referrals to being �forced into bankruptcy�, having �no possibility of permanent employment�, or simply not �being able� to pay or finding �no way out�. Such accounts do not necessarily imply that the debtor feels that he/she is entirely without fault. They are also related to the condition that the debtor must be qualifiedly insolvent to obtain debt relief. Some state for example that they have �no scope� or �no opportunities� to pay, or that the amounts �exceed my means to pay�. Others explain the existence of new debts in the same manner: �the reason for the relatively fresh consumer debts is that the household�s money was insufficient for the running costs of living� (Case 8). Such accounts are ways of expressing that one is so overindebted that debt relief is the only way out: I have no assets to sell. I have had a pension since 2004 and have been unable to pay my debts, which originated in (year) when I started my own company. I also took new loans to pay off old debts. My ability to ever be able to pay my debts is non-existent since I have no chance of increasing my income. (Case 45) 5.8 The flip side of such impossibility to do anything is the coercive power in the situation, often accounted for as a necessity for loans to pay for furniture, housing and food: I was put on the sick list (date) due to burnout. Our house burned down in (the year before). The insurance company has always given us trouble; we did not get what we should have got so we were forced to take out a loan to build a new home� (Case 10) 5.9 Such accounts referring to necessities are also used when arguing for keeping part of the income free from distraint, or for limiting the repayment amounts. Such limits may be based on the need for transportation, as in the statement that �I am in great need of a car since I have hip and knee problems� (Case 7), or the note written by a case-handling officer after a phone call to get supplemental information from the debtor: �The debtor has a truck and states that he needs it to visit his daughter� (Case 11). Concessions and appeals 6.1 According to Fritsche�s (2002) model, when criticized, promises to improve is a way to �bypass� the blame. Yet we find such promises to rather be part of the class of accounts that do not �block� the criticism, namely concessions. Concessions include not only pledges � which in fact implicate a moral concession � but also straightforward acceptance of guilt, regret and appeals for compassion. 6.2 There are only a few explicit concessions in the applications. Some acknowledge having �prioritized wrongly�, or not having fully understood that things were �going downhill�, admitting that they should have paid their debts. They are also accounts from debtors� admitting the legal responsibility but having reservations regarding the moral responsibility, since they actually tried to straighten up: I am aware that I am legally responsible for the debt that has occurred as a result of my drug abuse. I have tried to carry my own weight as far as possible considering my capacity to pay. (Case 56) 6.3 Such confessions border to pledges, which are very frequent, not least since it is important for the debtors to show efforts to fulfil their obligations. As noted above, this is part of the assessment of reasonableness. Such accounts also signal that the debtor is already in the process of becoming �economically rehabilitated�, i.e. becoming able to take responsibility for his/her future economy. Examples are accounts stating that the debtor wants to �carry his/her own weight�, that he/she is prepared to �do everything I can to get on my feet, economically speaking�, or that he/she now has �learned the lesson of my life�, and that �from this application onward, I will not incur debts again�. I've incurred a lot of unnecessary debt over the years. Recently, I have come to realize that I cannot buy more than I can afford. I have not incurred any new debts for about a year. (Case 46) Pledges of this kind may also be related to rehabilitation of underlying problems that also imply indirect concessions: �I am now in control of my panic attacks and am nowadays happy with my wife and kids, and I am employed by my mother; I believe in my future� (Case 49). 6.4 Yet, statements written in response to the request in the application form to �Describe what you have done to try to resolve your situation and pay off the debts (for example sold the car, changed residence)� are the most common form of concessions. Two �right� answers are indicated already by the examples in parentheses, and indeed, these are the most commonly stated efforts: to get rid of the car or to move to a more affordable place to live. Usually the debtors state having done both of these things, and more, to cut their expenses: I have been living below the subsistence level since 1990. I don�t have a car or any other motor vehicle, no TV, no daily newspaper, no Internet, no insurance and no possibility to go on vacation, and I live in an old apartment with two rooms and a kitchen. (Case 26) 6.5 A common measure described is that of being subject to distraint on income, and many claim to live below the subsistence level. Some state that there was not even an income to distraint, or that they have chosen an even cheaper place to live � a trailer. Another measure � which was compulsory before 2007 � is that they have made themselves subject to voluntary debt renegotiation with their creditors. Other state that they have borrowed from relatives or friends, or taken more favourable loans, to pay overdue debts and keep things going a little longer. 6.6 Excuses and concessions are often supplemented with appeals for compassion. Such accounts often express a wish to leave this difficult time behind them, if only to �get out of debt before it�s time to move on�, as expressed by an 83-year-old debtor (Case 7). Common elements of such appeals are that a decision on debt relief would have a positive effect on the applicants� health, mentally as well as physically, or that they simply cannot cope any longer. Such claims may be substantiated by references to consequences for their children: I have many chaotic years behind me. I have been a single mother with two children and I have a severe whiplash injury from a traffic accident (date). [�] I know it's serious that I have received parking tickets and that I have not paid them. My life as a single mother and being overindebted because of my former partner made it difficult to sort out the situation, think clearly and prioritize rightly. My daughters are now adults and I want to try to get my life in order. It is important for my health, both mentally and physically, to straighten out my debt situation. (Case 42) 6.7 Many also explicitly express a wish for a normal life. It may be that the debts hindered them from having �a proper relation� or, as in the following extract from an application of a pregnant woman with a history of drug problems, from being a good mother: � considering my past, it feels important that I get the opportunity to re-establish my role as a worthy mother. I am sorry to say that I let down my previous children all too often, because of my addiction and my bad way of living. Now I am faced with the opportunity to show myself and my children that I am a good mother. (Case 56) Others appeal for a positive decision by claiming that such a decision would be the only �right� one. The reception and translation of debtors� accounts 7.1 The above analysis of debtors� accounts is of value as supplements to interview-based research on the experiences of overindebted persons. However, from the approach of institutional ethnography, these accounts are better approached as part of how �the actual� is made �institutionally actionable� (Smith 2005; cf. Latour 2000). Thus we need to think of these accounts as �documents in action� that are co-produced and translated by the SEA. 7.2 As presented above, the SEA puts the debtor before this specific �question situation� through the application form. The debtor is asked to give information on details regarding when the debts arose, why he/she failed to pay, and what he/she has done to resolve the situation. The �audience� for these accounts is the case officers. They are the ones performing the translation, through the �double conversion� described in the section on institutional ethnography above, in order to reach a legally binding decision. Thus, it seems reasonable to contextualize the accounts by taking a closer look at the reception and translation of them at the SEA. 7.3 The accounts facilitate the assessment of reasonableness discussed above. However, the case officers express quite diverging opinions on the value of debtors� accounts and stories. Some state that the assessment of reasonableness is of minor interest if the debtor fulfils the condition of being qualifiedly insolvent. Thus, they state, the debtors� accounts are of less importance, and they prefer to stick with the �raw facts� of the application and information retrieved from registers. Some officers, thus, see no need for detailed accounts. It �does not matter whether they write really good arguments or no good arguments ...� (Interview 5). Long descriptions are of less use in the case-handling situation: � some write real, like A4 pages about their miseries, and (sigh). It, that is, this is administrative law, whatever is written I must have read. I cannot skip it, if they have written it. So it would have been better if it had not been written, since they present lots of things that are not relevant in my assessment, but the debtor does not understand that. So they�re in the process of explaining everything, how proper they are and how sad it is for them, but I do not care about it! (Interview 11) 7.4 Other officers find it easier to write the proposal and decision if there is some description of the circumstances of the debt, and some emphasize that the condition of reasonableness is really �half of the assessment�. It may be enough just to have a single sentence �like �I had a company, and the company went bankrupt.� So, I do not know much more� (Interview 2). The reason for this is that the age of the debts is seen as the most important aspect of the assessment of reasonableness � as discussed above in the presentation of the Debt Adjustment Act, the age of the debts is the first requirement mentioned in the Act. Still, when assessing the other aspects � the circumstances of the genesis of the debts, the efforts made by the debtor, and his/her participation in the case-handling � it may be of value to have �some kind of, like, little story� (Interview 13), not least to be able to write a proposal for debt relief to the creditors. It is, however, not that important that the accounts are accurate descriptions. As stated by one of the officers, he/she �has neither the time nor the role that I have to dig into what is actually true and not� (Interview 3). They have to �weed out the most important� and look �more at what kinds of debts there are� (Interview 9). Thus, the legal and institutional codes and categories are really the point of departure for writing the proposals and decisions. An illustration is given on how one may treat the question of the debtor�s effort in case handling: What they have done to sort out their financial situation? [...] I look at my records and see if they have a distraint. Distraint of income. If they do and I see that they do not have, kind of, a really expensive apartment or a giant flashy car [�] I usually write in the proposal that: �The person has had a distraint of income, and then he is considered to have made the effort required to, to pay the debts.� It�s, really, it�s, it�s a little bit stupid since it's not the person who has chosen to have the distraint, so he/she has not made ??an active choice, probably. But anyway, you have to, you may see it so. (Interview 9) 7.5 Irrespective of approach to dealing with debtors� accounts, the officers emphasize the importance of writing arguments that convince creditors � if only to avoid having to have the matter reconsidered. For this, it is not as important to check that the story is correct, but rather to interpret what it says: �I do not think that I pay attention to the way they express themselves; but I understand that ... there could be anything behind, no matter what is written� (Interview 10). This interpretative skill is a professional one, and one that apparently plays a major role for the outcome. Yet there are also ways to work with debtors� accounts to separate �facts� and �truth� from what seems to be just �a story�: ... If it's like this: �I had a company that went bankrupt -93, and after that I became ill and sad and have incurred automobile insurance charges�, like. If it is like that you see very clearly, then, then I can, then I write it with my own words. �This and this has happened.� But � sometimes it is this kind of really incredible stories [...] Would it be tried in court they would go through everything really meticulously, as well. �What is the evidence, did this and that really happen?� But, but then, I can, it happens that I reproduce, like, their words too, and not just try to write �It was like this he meant�, but rather use, the way they expressed themselves expressed a bit. [...] I do not think I do like quotations marks, I think you get it, like with their tone, a bit. (Interview 3) 7.6 To sum up, there is a considerable degree of discretion for the case officers in both using these accounts in the assessment and in translating them to an official decision. As shown, the case officers are not that interested in the accounts, and in many cases care quite little about their accuracy. The accounts are rather seen as part of the stock of information on a debtor to be selected from when writing a proposal or decision on debt relief. All in all, quite some translation work needs to be done in order to take the leap from the application to a decision � and this process is unknown to the applicants other than through the �framing cues� given by the application form or complementary information from Budget and Debt Counsellors or the SEA (cf. Larsson & Jacobsson, 2012). 8.1 In this paper we have analysed accounts of overindebted persons in applications for debt relief at the Swedish Enforcement Authority (SEA). As analytical tools we used the sociology of accounts in general, and Fritsche�s (2002) process (�ways�) model of account-giving in particular. This model seems well adjusted to such empirical studies, and we only had to make some minor adjustments due to the character of the empirical material. 8.2 Empirically, the analysis shows that the debtors� accounts include relatively few examples of refusals, while the main bulk of accounts were focused around giving justifications and excuses. The relative absence of refusals is explained by the fact that debt relief is voluntary, which implicates an acknowledgement of the existence of debts. Among the justifications, there were no denials of injury or of victims, which are common in criminological research on accounts (Maruna & Copes 2004). We did find, however, some condemnation of condemners as well as appeals to higher loyalties and social comparisons. The excuses were based primarily on referrals to unfortunate circumstances, helplessness or pure necessity � based on illness, unemployment, divorce or bankruptcy. Other excuses referred to a lack of knowledge or an appeal to defeasibility (i.e. problems of addiction or others causing the debt). It is not surprising that excuses are particularly common in these accounts, since research shows that a combination of unfortunate events are the major factors leading to overindebtedness. The applications also contain some concessions, such as acceptances of responsibility and promises to reform, but appeals for compassion as well. Many of these concessions were seemingly produced to show that they were already improving in taking economic responsibility, and therefore deserved debt relief. 8.3 These results are valuable in themselves as supplements to interview-based research on the experience of overindebted persons. However, we argue that they should rather be understood from the approach of institutional ethnography (Smith 2005). That is, the institutional setting in which the �question situation� is defined is a central aspect of the interpretation of these accounts (Mills 1940). The applications are �documents in action�, co-produced and translated by the SEA. The point is that many, if not all, of the accounts are produced to meet the expectations of a specific audience: the SEA. The applicants� accounts and choice of �framing� are cued by both the application form, and other information from the SEA, and are often co-produced by a Budget and Debt Counsellor. Thus, the applicants have some information on the official frames of the question situation, i.e. what legal codes and administrative practices the case officer relies on when making the translation of the accounts and other applicant information into a formal decision. 8.4 From this perspective, we believe that the results show that applicants see external circumstances, lack of knowledge and basic needs as particularly valid reasons for being overindebted. Many also seem to realize the importance of relating to the conditions stated in the Debt Adjustment Act, i.e. of showing that they are qualified insolvent, that they have done their best to pay off their debts and that they promise to straighten out their economy in the future. This interpretation is substantiated by the fact that although there are some concessions, there are none of the kind found in interview research, namely that the interviewee confesses to have engaged in over-consumption, or that he/she finds that others, behaving less badly, are really more deserving of debt relief (Sandvall 2008, p. 103ff.; Poppe 2008, p. 197). There may of course be many reasons for the presence of such accounts in some studies, and for the absence of them in others, but one of the important ones is that applying for debt relief is a different type of �question situation� compared to a research interview. 8.5 Still, as shown by the analysis of case officers� experiences of applicants� accounts, the framing cues delimiting the question situation are not strong enough to produce uniform forms of accounting. One reason is that some applications are produced without help from a Budget and Debt Counsellor. Another is that these counsellors, according to the case officers, give advice of quite varying quality. Regardless, it is obvious that many applicants respond to a much wider definition of the question situation than the one used by �the audience� � one that relates to their self-image and social identity. As discussed in other research, giving accounts and explaining can be about protecting oneself from feelings of shame, guilt, loss of self-esteem, remorse or cognitive dissonance, or trying to restore a social position and re-establish relationships with others by apologizing or verbally bridging the conflict between the expectations of others and one�s own actions (Maruna & Copes 2004, p. 18f., 35ff.; McAdams 2008). Thus, applicants do not only address the narrow frames of the official question situation, but also wish to be forgiven, or at least gain social acceptance of what has happened to them. 8.6 In this paper we have given only touched upon the process of translation of accounts into official decisions at the SEA. The paper has not considered the full implication of �institutional ethnography� (Smith 2005).[5] The point in presenting a condensed analysis of interviews with the case officers was rather to give a slight understanding of the reception of these accounts by their true �audience�, and to highlight how these accounts are best approached as �documents in action� that are produced and translated into official decisions. Hence, the contribution of this paper is not only empirical. We also present an important approach to the analysis of accounts � that they must be interpreted in light of the specific �question situation� in which they are produced. This is of course not a new insight, but one that leans on the analytical approach once put forward by Mills (1940, p. 439), stating that �vocabularies of motives� should be understood as having �ascertainable functions in delimited societal situations�. 1The project on which this article is based was funded by the Swedish Research Council. We would like to thank the Swedish Enforcement Authority and its personnel for making this research possible, and Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Cecilia Hansen L�fstrand, Ingrid Sahlin, Hanna Wikstr�m and Malin �kerstr�m, as well as the two anonymous reviewers, for constructive comments on previous versions. 2The project as a whole is influenced by an �institutional ethnography� approach (Smith 2005). The data consists of organizational documents and field notes from observations at the SEA, as well as 29 interviews with management and staff from all five locations where debt relief is handled in Sweden (17 case officers, 3 lawyers, 7 central/local managers, 2 administrators). The applications for debt relief analysed in this paper are taken from 60 case files selected from all five locations in Sweden. The selection was made by staff at these locations, though following detailed instruction from us in order to achieve as much variation as possible. All data were collected in 2010. All quotes have been translated from Swedish to English by the authors of this paper. 3A legislative amendment in mid-2011 discharged the assessment of the age of the debts from the assessment of reasonableness. However, this has no implication for our analysis, since the material was gathered in 2010. 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Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. TUFTE, P.A. (2005) Gjeldsordning som fortjent? En studie av oppfattninger om rettferdige levek�r under gjeldsordning. Oslo: Oslo universitet. © Sociological Research Online, 1996-2012
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This special selection of extremely current living style comes to us from the experienced designers at Savastudio, in Russia; this superb set includes open plan homes of realistic modest proportions that still manage ooze luxury, and statement making glossy bedroom schemes. The same lighting and color palette has been used throughout the living spaces to create a flowing and seamless effect from entranceway to lounge area, to kitchen diner. A glass dining table has been used here to allow light and vision to pass through, appearing barely there to create the sense of more space. An L-shaped sofa divides a relaxation area from the practical cooking and dining zone, providing an unobtrusive sectioning solution for an open plan home. Rather than blending the kitchen into the background of this open plan space, the visible cabinetry has been seized as an opportunity to introduce a zing of strong color, almost a feature wall, to set the tone for the entire apartment. A matching rug continues the zesty color story further into the living area, where a sofa bed echoes the fabric used on the adjacent dining chairs. This bedroom achieves a sense of space by utilizing the face of the fitted wardrobes as mural space for an impressive cityscape, whilst a winged headboard conjures a feeling of grandeur.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Afeni Shakur, mother of Tupac Shakur, died at the age of 69. Most of the world was introduced to Afeni Shakur by way of her superstar, super Gemini, super handsome son, Tupac Shakur aka 2pac. In the 20 years since his tragic passing, we've grown to understand that the revolutionary (and contradictory) artist was shaped largely by his mother. Afeni was an activist, poet, actress, political prisoner, and member of the Black Panther Party—and late in life she dedicated herself to keeping the name, legacy, and truth of her son's contribution to the world alive. She suffered a possible cardiac arrest last night. Here are five reasons why Afeni Shakur will always be appreciated. 1. . Afeni Shakur was a revolutionary. Afeni Shakur (not to be confused with Assata Shakur, who was her sister-in-law), joined the Black Panther Party in the 1960s. Speaking to Davey D, she explained the following: "When I joined, I wasn't a student. I did not come off the college campuses like a lot of known Panthers did. I came from the streets of the South Bronx. I had been a member of the Disciples Deads, which would have been the women Disciples in the Bronx," she said. "What the Panther Party did for me, I used to always say it gave me home training. The Party taught me things that were principles to living, and those principles are the principles I think most Panthers have tried to pass on to their children and to anybody else that would listen to them..." she continued. "And those are the things I think the people recognize in Tupac." 2. . Afeni Shakur was a writer. 3. . Afeni Shakur was a badass. Appreciated, indeed. Rest in peace, Afeni.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
from 80 pcs. 1,21 EUR ea. You get a very large magnet for a ludicrously low price. This one is certainly strong enough to give your fingertips a good pinch if you're not careful enough. It holds 40 pieces of A4 (80g/m²) to a metal plate! Can your kitchen magnet do that?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
FILE - In this Oct. 17, 2019, file photo U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, center, arrives for a interview with the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and House Committee on Oversight and Reform on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File) AP source: 2nd US official heard Trump call with Sondland WASHINGTON (AP) — A second U.S. Embassy staffer in Kyiv overheard a key cellphone call between President Donald Trump and his ambassador to the European Union discussing the need for Ukrainian officials to pursue "investigations," The Associated Press has learned. The July 26 call between Trump and Gordon Sondland was first described during testimony Wednesday by William B. Taylor Jr., the acting U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. Taylor said one of his staffers overhead the call while Sondland was in a restaurant the day after Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy that triggered the House impeachment inquiry. The second diplomatic staffer also at the table was Suriya Jayanti, a foreign service officer based in Kyiv. A person briefed on what Jayanti overheard spoke to AP on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter currently under investigation. Trump on Wednesday said he did not recall the July 26 call. "No, not at all, not even a little bit," Trump said. The staffer Taylor testified about is David Holmes, the political counselor at the embassy in Kyiv, according to an official familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity. Holmes is scheduled to testify Friday before House investigators in a closed session. Taylor was one of the first witnesses called Wednesday during the impeachment inquiry's initial open hearing. He testified that his staffer could hear Trump on the phone asking Sondland about "the investigations." The accounts of Holmes and Jayanti could tie Trump closer to alleged efforts to hold up military aid to Ukraine in exchange for investigations into political rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter's business dealings. Current and former U.S. officials say Sondland's use of a cellphone in a public place in Ukraine to speak with anyone in the U.S. government back home about sensitive matters, let alone the president, would be a significant breach of communications security. Jayanti is an attorney who joined the State Department in 2012 and was previously posted at the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. She has been stationed since September 2018 at the embassy in Kyiv where she helps coordinate U.S. business interests with the former Soviet republic's energy industry. Jayanti was in Washington last month and scheduled for a closed-door interview with impeachment investigators. But the deposition was canceled because of the funeral for former House Oversight Chair Elijah Cummings and has not yet been rescheduled. Holmes, a career diplomat, joined the Foreign Service in 2002 and has served in Afghanistan, Colombia, India, Kosovo and Russia as well as on the White House National Security Council staff. He won an award for constructive dissent from the American Foreign Service Association in 2014 for complaining about problems that an alternate diplomatic channel had caused in South Asia and recommending organizational changes to the State Department's bureaucratic structure for the region. U.S. diplomats and other government employees are instructed not to use cellphones for sensitive official matters while traveling anywhere abroad but notably in countries known to be targeted for surveillance by intelligence agencies such as Russia, China and Israel. Ukraine has long been among the countries of concern, particularly since a 2014 incident in which the U.S. accused Russian intelligence of eavesdropping on and then leaking a recording of a conversation between two senior U.S. officials in Kyiv that led to great embarrassment and strains between the U.S. and its European allies. In that recording, then-Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland is heard telling former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoff Pyatt "F-ck the EU," because of the European Union's slowness to respond to the political crisis in the country. "That phone call was also a mistake the way it was conducted and it had huge implications for our foreign policy," said Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia who is now at Stanford University. "Particularly after that, anybody should understand how dangerous it is to make an unsecured call in Kyiv, or anywhere else for that matter." "Obviously, making a phone call from Kyiv to the president of the United States means that not just the Russian intelligence services will be on the call, but a whole lot of other people, too," McFaul said. "If it was that important, he (Sondland) could have easily gotten up from the restaurant, gone to the embassy and made a secure call through the White House operations center. A lower-level official would probably be reprimanded for this kind of breach." Follow Associated Press investigative reporters Desmond Butler at https://twitter.com/desmondbutler , Michael Biesecker at http://twitter.com/mbieseck and Diplomatic Writer Matthew Lee at https://twitter.com/APDiploWriter Contact AP's global investigative team at Investigative@ap.org Government surveillance International incidents Impeachments
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Make this top by Open End the starting point for a stylish weekend look. Crafted from glossy stretch jersey for easy comfort, the design is shaped in a flattering straight cut that skims over your hips with ease. The palm foil print makes this top stand out.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Ricoh Announces DocuWare Acquisition ProQuest Expands Remote and Mobile Access with Google Scholar ProQuest has added support for two new Google Scholar features, giving academic researchers round-the-clock access to scholarly full-text articles and graduate works from anywhere in the world. Now, researchers who use Google Scholar can more easily discover and access the scholarly journal articles, dissertations and theses in their library's ProQuest databases with the help of: Google Scholar CASA Remote Access--ProQuest has added support for Google Scholar's Campus Activated Subscriber Access (CASA) service, giving students and faculty an easy way to retrieve content from anywhere in the world. With CASA, academic researchers can access the full-text scholarly ProQuest content their institution subscribes to – including journals, dissertations and theses – when they're studying or working remotely and IP authentication isn't available. Mobile access with Quick Abstracts--This feature significantly improves the workflow of researchers that use their mobile phones to search and retrieve ProQuest content. Quick Abstracts– available for all content indexed on Google Scholar – lets users quickly read abstracts and browse through articles on Google Scholar when using mobile devices. Customers can begin using these features automatically, with no setup required. They'll also see millions of additional scholarly full-text articles from ProQuest indexed in Google Scholar since the company began using the service in 2015.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
SHARPE v. CITY OF LOS ANGELES ET AL District Court of Appeal, Third District, California. SHARPE v. CITY OF LOS ANGELES ET AL. Civ. 5031. Erwin P. Werner, City Atty., Frederick Von Schrader, Asst. City Atty., and Joseph T. Watson, Deputy City Atty., all of Los Angeles, for appellants. Lewis E. Whitehead and Earl Glen Whitehead, both of Los Angeles, for respondent. The defendants have appealed from an order for an injunction pendente lite which was made in a suit in equity restraining the city of Los Angeles from discharging the plaintiff as an employee in the bureau of engineering in the department of public works of that city. It is claimed he had attained permanent tenure under civil service. The issue on appeal is whether a court of equity has jurisdiction to determine by injunction the tenure of an employee of a city as distinguished from an officer. In the complaint for injunction it is alleged that the plaintiff was employed in the bureau of engineering of the department of public works in the city of Los Angeles pursuant to an ordinance designating the number of persons to be employed in that department, and that he had secured permanent tenure therein under civil service and was entitled to retain his position by virtue of seniority; that the city of Los Angeles subsequently passed an ordinance dispensing with the service of several employees in that department, including petitioner, and had reclassified those who remained; that this last–mentioned ordinance is in conflict with the rules of civil service which are in force in said city; and that the petitioner has been notified by the city of Los Angeles of his discharge, and, unless it is restrained therefrom, the plaintiff will be wrongfully dismissed. The defendants demurred to the complaint on the ground that it fails to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action in equity authorizing the issuing of a writ of injunction. The demurrer was overruled. An injunction pendente lite was thereupon issued restraining the city of Los Angeles and its officers and agents from discharging the plaintiff from the engineer's office in the department of public works. From the order directing the issuing of an injunction pendente lite the defendants have appealed. It is well established that equity ordinarily lacks jurisdiction to enjoin the appointment or removal of a public officer, and that injunction will not usually be granted to restrain an individual from exercising the duties of such office pending the determination of his legal right thereto. In other words, title to a public office may not be tried in a suit for injunction. Barendt v. McCarthy, 160 Cal. 680, 118 P. 228; Purviance v. Compton, 94 Cal. App. 277, 271 P. 120; In re Sawyer, 124 U. S. 200, 8 S. Ct. 482, 31 L. Ed. 402; White v. Berry, 171 U. S. 366, 18 S. Ct. 917, 921, 43 L. Ed. 199; High on Injunctions (4th Ed.) p. 1325, § 1312; 32 C. J. p. 258, § 406; 46 C. J. p. 1007, § 215; 14 R. C. L. p. 374, § 76. In the authority last cited, the general rule regarding a controversy over the title to a public office is stated as follows: "It is a general rule that a court of equity has no jurisdiction in matters of a political nature, and that no injunction to protect a person in the enjoyment of a political right or to assist him in acquiring such a right will be granted. No such jurisdiction has ever been conceded to a chancery court, either by the English or American judiciary. * * * To assume jurisdiction to control the exercise of political powers, or to protect the purely political rights of individuals, would be to invade the domain of the other departments of government, or of the courts of common law. In line with this principle courts of equity have uniformly refused to interfere by injunction in controversies relating to public office. Thus, such right as a person may have to hold a public office is not a property right which equity will enforce, although he may have a right in the emoluments of his office which he may enforce in an action at law to recover the same, nor, on the other hand, will it interfere by injunction to prevent a person from entering on the duties of a public office." Likewise, the late Mr. Justice Harlan, speaking for the United States Supreme Court, said in rendering the opinion in the case of White v. Berry, supra: "It is equally well settled that a court of equity has no jurisdiction over the appointment and removal of public officers, whether the power of removal is vested, as well as that of appointment, in executive or administrative boards or officers, or is intrusted to a judicial tribunal. The jurisdiction to determine the title to a public office belongs exclusively to the courts of law, and is exercised either by certiorari, error, or appeal, or by mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto, or information in the nature of a writ of quo warranto, according to the circumstances of the case, and the mode of procedure established by common law or by statute." Quoting approvingly from the case of Morgan v. Nunn (C. C.) 84 F. 551, that court further says: "A court of equity will not, by injunction, restrain an executive officer from making a wrongful removal of a subordinate appointee, nor restrain the appointment of another." The respondent, however, contends that the foregoing rule with respect to the jurisdiction of a court of equity has no application to the present case, for the reason that the petitioner is an employee of the city of Los Angeles and not an officer. Several authorities are cited which attempt to define an officer as distinguished from a mere employee. Frequently this distinction becomes vital to the determination of the particular issues which are involved in litigation. We are, however, of the opinion that the technical definition of the term "public officer" is not necessarily determinative of the jurisdiction of equity in a suit involving the title of an individual to his position as an agent of any branch of government, federal, state, or municipal. The real issue in the present case is whether the petitioner is acting as an agent of the city of Los Angeles in his employment under the authorization of an ordinance of that city, or whether he is an independent employee who is serving the city in a contractual relation. It is not a question as to whether the plaintiff holds a public office in the technical sense in which that term is frequently used, but rather, Does the controversy over the plaintiff's alleged right to hold the position which he occupies necessarily involve the performance of prescribed duties within the functions of the municipal government of the city of Los Angeles? It has been determined that the duties and powers which are to be exercised by an individual determine his relationship to the municipality or other governmental agency, rather than the mere name which is assigned to his position, 21 Cal. Jur. 824, § 8; Coulter v. Pool, 187 Cal. 181, 186, 201 P. 120, 123; Logan v. Shields, 190 Cal. 661, 214 P. 45; Rand v. Collins, 214 Cal. 168, 172, 4 P.(2d) 529; Staheli v. City of Redondo Beach, 131 Cal. App. 71, 79, 21 P.(2d) 133. In the Coulter Case, supra, regarding the status of a public officer, it is said: "Its definition and application depend, not upon what the particular office in question may be called, nor upon what a statute may call it, but upon the power granted and wielded, the duties and functions performed, and other circumstances which manifest the true character of the position and make and mark it a public office, irrespective of its formal designation. Knox v. Board of Sup'rs of Los Angeles County, 58 Cal. 59; Mechem on Public Offices, § 4; Hartigan v. Board, 49 W. Va. 14, 38 S. E. 698. A public office is ordinarily and generally defined to be the right, authority, and duty created and conferred by law, the tenure of which is not transient, occasional, or incidental, by which for a given period an individual is invested with power to perform a public function for the benefit of the public. State v. Jennings, 57 Ohio St. 415, 63 Am. St. Rep. 723, 49 N. E. 404. "A public officer is a public agent, and as such acts only on behalf of his principal, the public, whose sanction is generally considered as necessary to give the act performed by the officer the authority and power of a public act or law. The most general characteristic of a public officer, which distinguishes him from a mere employee, is that a public duty is delegated and intrusted to him, as agent, the performance of which is an exercise of a part of the governmental functions of the particular political unit for which he, as agent, is acting." Applying the facts in the present case, as they are related in the complaint, to the foregoing definition of a public officer, as that term is there used, for the purpose of determining whether equity will assume jurisdiction in a controversy involving the right of an employee to hold his position, it clearly appears the plaintiff was employed in the bureau of engineering of the public works department of Los Angeles as an agent of that city for the performance of specific duties incident to the government of the city. His status in that capacity divests equity of jurisdiction to determine his right to hold the position, and precludes the issuing of an injunction to prevent his dismissal. His position in that office was created by ordinance, with a fixed tenure prescribed by the terms of civil service. His duties as such agent of the city are classified and prescribed by ordinance. Neither the term of his employment nor his duties are "transient, occasional, incidental," contractual, or uncertain. Upon the contrary, they are fixed by law. In effect he is an assistant in the engineer's office to perform designated duties for the city which are strictly within the political functions of the municipality. For that reason, equity will not interfere with the affairs of the city, and an injunction will not issue to restrain the dismissal of such an officer. Nor is equity vested with jurisdiction under the circumstances of this case merely because the tenure of the plaintiff's position is determined by resort to the civil service law, instead of having been definitely fixed by ordinance or statute. In the case of White v. Berry, supra, it was held that the removal of a gauger who was appointed in the federal service, and whose tenure was determined by the rules of civil service, could not be enjoined by equity, even though his removal was in violation of law. In support of his contention that equity has jurisdiction in the present case for the reason that the plaintiff is a mere employee of the city of Los Angeles, as distinguished from an officer thereof, the respondent cites 6 McQuillin's Mun. Corp. (2d Ed.) p. 545, § 2666, which reads as follows: "Equity has jurisdiction to restrain municipal officers from removing employees until the validity of such action may be determined by virtue of charters and ordinance provisions." The case of State v. Lucas, 236 Mo. 18, 139 S. W. 348, 351, is the only authority cited in support of that declaration of law. In the Lucas Case it was held that injunction will lie to restrain the unlawful dismissal of certain clerks employed in the waterworks department of Kansas City, notwithstanding the fact that their tenure was fixed by civil service. The court said: "These plaintiffs are not [public] officers; they are mere clerks, mere employees." In a proper case, under circumstances showing that an employee is engaged in performing work for a municipality of a contractual nature, and that he is not an agent for the city in the performance of its governmental affairs, it seems clear that equity will assume jurisdiction to determine his property rights by means of injunction. Apparently the Lucas Case extends the jurisdiction of equity far beyond that limitation. That case was decided on the theory that a mere employee, as distinguished from an officer, possessed property rights in the tenure of his position which entitle him to resort to equity. If that is the purport of the decision, it is in conflict with the great weight of authority in nearly every other state in the Union, as well as in the federal courts. In applying the principle which declares that equity will not interfere to determine the title to a position which involves the governmental affairs of a city, state, or nation, we are unable to distinguish any essential difference between an officer and an employee whose position is created by ordinance or statute with his duties classified and prescribed and his tenure fixed by civil service rules. Both classes appear to be agents for the performance of specific governmental functions. In California it has been definitely held that a controversy over the right to hold office involves none of the characteristics of property rights. In Matter of Carter, 141 Cal. 316, 74 P. 997, it is said in that regard: "Here we have a controversy between the office holder and that functionary of sovereignty who is invested with the power of removal, and the question is whether or not the officer (fire commissioner) has a right to the office which the sovereign power which conferred it must respect as private property. The authorities are uniform that in such a controversy the office has not the characteristics of property. Throop on Officers, §§ 345, 346, subds. 17–19; Conner v. Mayor, etc., of City of New York, 5 N. Y. 296; Id., 2 Sandf. [4 N. Y. Super. Ct.] 369; Nichols v. MacLean, 101 N. Y. 533, 5 N. E. 347, 54 Am. Rep. 730; Hoboken v. Gear, 27 N. J. Law, 273; Kenny v. Hudspeth, 59 N. J. Law, 322, 36 A. 662; State v. Council, 53 Minn. 242, 55 N. W. 118, 39 Am. St. Rep. 595; Donahue v. County of Will, 100 Ill. 94." Among the authorities there appears to be some confusion in the application of the general rule that injunction will not lie to determine title to a public office. Missouri, Kentucky, and Texas have held that injunction would lie under certain circumstances. The great weight of authority in most of the states and in the federal courts adheres strictly to the rule that equity has no jurisdiction in cases affecting the tenure of public officers. In the case of City of Electra v. Taylor (Tex. Civ. App.) 297 S. W. 496, 499, the court held that: "Inasmuch as plaintiff (Chief of Police) alleged merely that the defendants were threatening to relieve him of his official positions, and inasmuch as plaintiff was still occupying said positions at the time of the filing of the suit, we hold that injunction rather than mandamus was the proper remedy." So also in the case of Bonner v. Belsterling (Tex. Civ. App.) 137 S. W. 1154, it was held that injunction was a proper remedy on the part of a duly elected member of a city board of education to prevent another claimant from wrongfully ousting him from office. These last–mentioned cases appear to be in conflict with the well–established rule in regard to trying title to a public office by means of injunction. Indeed, Texas appears to have later reached a different conclusion in the case of Miles v. Logan (Tex. Civ. App.) 265 S. W. 421, 424. In that case, Miles, who was the city clerk of Port Arthur, sought to restrain the city commissioners from removing him from office. The court said: "If appellant is not out of office, he cannot have his injunction to restrain the city commission from removing him. On the allegations of his petition, the power to remove a civil service employee of the city of Port Arthur is vested in the city commission, and the form and manner of removal is fully prescribed by duly enacted city ordinances. It is the law of this state that––'Courts of equity will not interfere to protect a person from removal from office by a man or body of men to whom the power to remove is given by law.' " In support of the injunction pendente lite, the respondent relies chiefly on the foregoing Missouri, Kentucky, and Texas cases above cited. But he also cites the case of Priddie v. Thompson, 82 F. 186, 190, wherein the United States Circuit Court, quoting with approval from the dissenting opinion which was rendered in the case of In re Sawyer, 124 U. S. 223, 8 S. Ct. 482, 31 L. Ed. 402, says "equity will intervene in a proper case to protect a de facto officer against interference on the part of adverse claimants." The Sawyer Case did not so hold. The Priddie Case, however, has been disapproved and is not in accord with numerous other federal cases which hold exactly the contrary. In the later case of Morgan v. Nunn, 84 F. 551, 554, the United States Circuit Court said: "The same questions arose before Judge Jenkins in Carr v. Gordon [C. C.] 82 F. 373, and Taylor v. Kercheval (before Judge Baker [C. C.]) 82 F. 497, and was by each of those learned judges elaborately considered; and both came to the conclusion that the rules regulating removals in the classified service were mere executive orders, not having the force or effect of law, and that, aside from this, a court of equity will not, by injunction, prevent a removal from office, or restrain an appointment. A contrary view was taken by Judge Jackson * * * in Priddie v. Thompson [C. C.] 82 F. 186, but I find myself unable to concur with the reasoning of that learned judge." For the foregoing reasons we are persuaded that equity is without jurisdiction to restrain the city of Los Angeles or its agents from discharging the plaintiff. Equity has no jurisdiction to determine the title of the plaintiff to the position which he occupies. The order granting the injunction pendente lite is therefore reversed. Mr. Justice R. L. THOMPSON delivered the opinion of the court. We concur: PULLEN, P. J.; PLUMMER, J.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: UserWarning: No contour levels found within the data range Can someone explain what does the Python compiler mean when it says: UserWarning: No contour levels found within the data range ? I couldn't find any good resources on the web about the mentioned UserWarning. Thanks in advance for the help! PS: I am trying to implement a paper related to image segmentation and I am using matplotlib library for that. A: I think this link answers your question.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Black Maria Film Festival 2019 Premiere Screening 2019 Premiere Screening in the James Stewart Film Theater. Photo by Theresa Loong To kick off its 38th annual tour, the renowned international Black Maria Film Festival will present the Stellar Award-winning films chosen by the jury for the 2019 season in partnership with Princeton University's Lewis Center for the Arts. Festival Director Jane Steuerwald introduces the program featuring short documentary, narrative, and animated films. Filmmakers Lynn Tomlinson and Kelly Gallagher will be present to discuss their work. The pre-screening reception starts at 7:00 p.m. at 185 Nassau Street. Both the reception and screening are free and open to the public; no tickets required. Free parking is available behind 185 Nassau Street in Lot #10 on Williams Street in Princeton. FEATURED FILMS IN PROGRAM: HENRIETTA BULKOWSKI Animation, 15 min. by RACHEL JOHNSON (Los Angeles, CA) Winner of 2019 Jury's Stellar Award A determined young woman, crippled with a severe hunchback, will stop at nothing to fulfill her dream of seeing the world. This is the story of how she finds happiness. MY GOSSIP Documentary, 15 min. by KELLY GALLAGHER (Chester Springs, PA) Incorporating live-action, stop-motion and digital animation, this personal documentary colorfully explores the radical importance of women's close friendships. The filmmaker examines her relationship with her own best friend, and how women's friendships were historically weaponized against them. ULISES (ULYSSES) Narrative, 8 min. by JORGE MALPICA (Catalonia, Mexico) Warned by Circe, the Goddess, Ulysses orders his men to tie him to his ship's mast. Thus, preventing him from surrendering to the enchanting mermaid's call, which devoured the unwary men seduced by it. Narrative, 10 min. by TAKESHI KUSHIDA (Tokyo, Japan) A lonely man becomes fascinated with a shadow that appears on the wall of his apartment. THE ELEPHANT'S SONG Animation, 8 min. by LYNN TOMLINSON (Owings Mills, MD) Winner of 2019 Global Insights Stellar Award The Elephant's Song tells the true and tragic tale of Old Bet, the first circus elephant in America, as recounted in song by her friend, an old farm dog. Their story is portrayed in colorful, handcrafted animation, created frame by frame with clay-on-glass animation, where oil-based modeling clay is spread thinly on a glass sheet and moved frame-by-frame like a moving finger painting. Old Bet the elephant sings the choruses, which are animated with oil pastel on video frames printed from archival films, paintings, and photographs. The Black Maria Film Festival attracts and nationally showcases the work of independent film and video makers. The festival is a project of the Thomas Edison Media Arts Consortium, an independent non-profit organization. The festival was founded in 1981 as a tribute to Thomas Edison's development of the motion picture at his laboratory, dubbed the "Black Maria" film studio, the first in the world, in West Orange, New Jersey. The Black Maria Film Festival annually conducts an international juried competition. Following the extensive pre-screening and jurying process by experts in the field of film curation, media studies and production, the festival launches its year-long tour traveling to museums, colleges and universities, libraries, cinemas, and arts venues. Black Maria received over 400 submissions for the 2019 festival tour from every continent around the globe, save Antarctica. The highly regarded festival jurors, Margaret Parsons, Head Curator of Film at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC and Henry Baker, Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and former director of Synapse Video Center, chose 55 films for the 2019 collection and awarded the top prizes. Venues interested in scheduling a screening should contact Festival Director Jane Steuerwald at jane@blackmariafilmfestival.org. To learn more about the Black Maria Film Festival and Thomas Edison Media Arts Consortium, visit blackmariafilmfestival.org. Poster | Press release The James Stewart Film Theater is located on the first floor at 185 Nassau Street in Princeton. Free parking is available behind 185 Nassau Street in Lot #10 on Williams Street in Princeton. blackmariafilmfestival.org Black Maria Film Festival Screening Thomas Edison Black Maria Film Festival Screening Black Maria Film Festival 38th Premiere Screening The Thomas Edison Media Arts Consortium – Black Maria Film Festival Announces New Partnership with the Lewis Center for the Arts at Princeton University for the Festival's 2019 Season Su Friedrich
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
From fibres of her own anana tree. And through the dark her mocking-bird yet sings. With lithe, lax, folded hands and heavy eyes. To broad bayous 'neath hazy-golden skies. Oft looms the great jawed alligator's head. O'ergrown by creeping tendrils and rank moss. Was hers a dream of empire? was it sin? And is it well that all was borne in vain? By the new light to be or stirred or glad. Her aims shall be subserved with boundless wealth. Great-souled, hath suffered much and much hath loved! And leaps from dreams to hail the coming day. The careless young slumberer lay. The best of their mid-summer hours. Give fancy permission to range. Had made the whole garden alive. Improve every hour as it goes. To come near the station he held. And fenced him on every hand. And stretched like a veil o'er the skies. And, he thought, hurled at him and his throne. And hail-stones were rattling around. And borne off its crimson and gold. But he crept under covert and died. Thank you for these poems and images. You're very welcome – I have a lovely time putting these collections together. Beautiful collection Jane – I particularly enjoyed being reminded of the Sylvia Plath poem, and also seeing the lovely Marie Laurencin image. I've only just discovered her work and I love it. Thanks for sharing these with us. Another lovely collection, Jane. Thanks for sharing these excerpts and images. I have a copy of Elizabeth and Her German Garden tucked away somewhere – maybe I should dig it out as it sounds perfect for this time of year. Inspired and beautiful! I have always thought that tulips were among the neatest of the flowers but I didn't know that Elizabeth Von Arnim had also made that observation!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Newport Transport - Monday, July 15, 2019 We are delighted to be appointed the Official Games Transport provider for the Westfield Health British Transplant Games that will be held in Newport from July 25 to 28, 2019. This is another great event for the city, giving Newport the opportunity to show off its warm and welcoming atmosphere. Now in its 42nd year, the four-day multi-sport event organised for Transplant Sport will attract around 2,500 transplant recipients, live donors, donor families and supporters to venues across the city to take part in and watch 23 sports including track and field, swimming, cycling, badminton, walking and table tennis. Newport Transport will be organising high capacity vehicles to shuttle the athletes and their family to four key events, from the Newport International Sports Village and the Official Games hotels to Rodney Parade for the opening ceremony, the Riverfront and the Celtic Manor for the exclusive celebration gala on Sunday. In total, Newport bus are expecting to be moving over 5000 people over the 4-day event. For those attending who will need to get themselves around the City to the various sporting venues, Newport Bus operates the local bus services to the key venues and spectators can plan their journey via www.newportbus.co.uk/journey-planner. The routes to the main venues are: Newport International Sports Village: Stop Spytty Road Park (SDR) Routes 42, 43 and 44 Rodney Parade: Stop Rugby Ground, Routes 42, 43, and 44 Active Learning Centre, Bettws: Stop High School, Routes 15 and 16 Hollywood Bowl, Spytty Retail Park: Stop Retail Park Routes 42, 43, 20, and 74 For assistance, our Travel Centre is in the Friars Walk section of Newport bus station. Opening hours and details can be found here. Newport Bus friendly inspectors are also on duty on the platforms at the bus station to provide passenger assistance. Information on bus fares and where to procure a bus cash card can be found here. "The Westfield Health British Transplant Games aim to raise awareness of the importance of organ donation and the need for families to have the donation conversation. The Games also serves to highlight that through physical activity transplant patients and donors can lead healthy and active lives. Wales was the first to introduce a soft opt-out system of the organ donor register. However, the decision on organ donation is made by loved ones. That's why organisers are keen to spread the word that you need to make your wishes – whatever they may be - known to your loved ones. Event Organiser Andrew Bridge explained: "With less than two weeks to go, Britain's transplant community is very excited about the Games starting. We have been preparing for this for well over 12 months and Newport is already proving itself yet again as a brilliant host city for large-scale events. We are really pleased to be working with Newport Transport who we are sure will help make the Games a huge success." Commenting on this fantastic event, Morgan Stevens, Operations Director for Newport Transport said:" We are no stranger to moving large numbers of people from venue to venue, and we are proud of being associated with The Westfield Health British Transplant Games by providing transport to the athletes, donors and their families, which include over 300 children. At Newport Transport, we are keen to engage with the local community and events and this event gives everyone the opportunity to meet truly inspiring people." Newport Transport - Wednesday, July 03, 2019 In support of Newport City Council's activities in cutting down illegal parking around Newport, we decided to give the civil enforcement officers free travel on Newport Bus. We made the offer to ensure the officers can reach a variety of destinations for their shifts, without adding to the traffic and parking availability. This is part of our campaign #maketheswitch to public transport. One of the smart solutions to avoid parking fines is for motorists to leave their cars at home and use public transport instead. This campaign goes hand-in-hand with the council's #ParkRight campaign, which encourages drivers to adhere to the Highway Code and park safely. Councillor Roger Jeavons, the council's cabinet member for City Services welcomes the move. He said: "For years residents have complained both to us and Gwent Police about the lack of enforcement on the streets where motorists were blatantly ignoring the rules of the road, causing problems for pedestrians and other drivers, especially in the city centre. "We know bus drivers also had a lot of problems negotiating roads around the city because of badly parked cars so we welcome the offer by Newport Transport to help in this way. "We have spent months reinstating or refreshing traffic orders and putting up new signs so people are in no doubt over parking rules." Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) was introduced to improve road safety, reduce congestion ensuring more free-flowing traffic and to protect communities from illegal and reckless parking plus enforcing resident parking schemes. Our Operations director, Morgan Stevens explained: "We're happy to support the council with the parking enforcement. "As significant road users ourselves, we understand first-hand the difficulties inconsiderate parking creates for other road users. Public transport can be part of the solution to lessen congestion and improve air quality in the city. "At Newport Bus, we provide over 40 routes in Newport and the surrounding areas, and with 15 new zero-emission electric buses to be fully operational by Easter 2020 and our commitment to continuously review our routes, we can really encourage people to make the switch to the bus as their preferred mode of transport." Admin-3 Newport-Bus - Thursday, June 20, 2019 Thank you to all our passengers, especially to the travellers on route 15 and 16 who have been showing loyalty and patience while we sorted out a revised bus schedule. The results of the prize draw, which ran on route 15 and 16 between the 10th and 15th of June to say a special thanks are below. The draw was carried out by selecting electronically and at random five bus ticket numbers among all types of the tickets issued on the 15 and 16 services. It's been lovely to see that the new timetable has already led to an increase of 5% in the passenger numbers in just over a week. It proves that the new timetable makes it easier for people to travel in and out of Bettws. As a reminder, Newport Bus now operates the 15 and the 16 services every 15 minutes, making it a bus going around Monnow Way every 7 or 8 minutes. The timetables are available at the Travel Centre or ready for download to your devices from our website. Traveline Cymru also operates a live timetable service. The 5 winning numbers are: 1st Prize – Day trip for up to 4 people Ticket Number 6475 Date 10/06 - Time 11:59 Ticket Bought – Adult Single 2nd Prize – Month pass worth £48.00 Ticket Number 231608 Ticket Bought – Freedom £5 top up 3rd Prize – £10 Freedom card Ticket Number 44610 Ticket Bought – Adult Day Ticket Ticket Bought – Adult City Day Plus Congratulations to the winners! Llongyfarchiadau! To claim your prize, please visit our headquarter at 160 Corporation Road with your ticket. The day trip prize can be chosen from any coach only trips from our Summer 2019 Programme and the Winter 2019 programme, soon to be released. The month of bus transport will start on the start day of your choice. Please note that all prizes need to be claimed by the 31st of July 2019. If you're not a user of the 15/16 routes, don't worry you will soon have the chance to win too. Keep a close eye on our updates. Newport Transport - Wednesday, June 05, 2019 We, at Newport Transport, are very excited to announce the Newport Bus fleet will soon be operating zero emission electric buses, making these the very first of this type of buses to operate in Wales. The order is in place for fifteen Yutong E12 electric single-decker buses. The first bus in Newport Transport colours is due to arrive in July 2019. Seven vehicles will arrive in February 2020 and with a further seven due for delivery in April 2020. The fifteen zero-emission electric vehicles supplied by Pelican Engineering/Yutong will represent 15% of the vehicle fleet of Newport Bus. It was announced on 6 February 2019 that Newport Transport would receive £1,342m of funding from the Ultra-Low Emission Bus (ULEB) Scheme. Newport Transport is working in partnership with Yutong UK, Pelican Engineering, and Zenobe Energy, an independent owner and operator of battery storage. Zenobe also works with the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) to ensure all projects are zero-emission and are compatible with the standards set in the UK government's recent ULEB scheme. Councillor Debbie Wilcox, Leader of Newport City Council, said: "This is excellent news especially as Newport Transport will be at the forefront of a revolution in public transport in Wales. Clean, efficient, zero-emission electric buses will significantly improve air quality across the city for the benefit of all those who live and work in Newport." The Yutong E12 can seat up to 39 passengers and has an operating range of up to 200 miles (330km) according to the manufacturer. The Yutong E12 will be the manufacturer's first 12-metre electric bus operating in the UK. The driver and passenger experience is second to none, with separate air-conditioning for the driver and the passengers and no engine vibration or noise. The passenger seating is also enhanced with LED lighting and separate USB charging points. Councillor Jane Mudd, chair of Newport Transport, said: "This is an exciting and ground-breaking development for public transport in the city. I'm proud that the company is leading the way in partnership with Yutong, Pelican Engineering and Zenobe Energy to guarantee that the buses meet the highest possible environmentally beneficial criteria." "As Newport Transport already utilises 214 solar panels, a significant proportion of the energy used to charge the buses will be from a renewable source," comments Scott Pearson Managing Director of Newport Transport, "This is the start of a very exciting journey for the company as it moves into providing the people of Newport with an environmentally clean option for travel in and around the City. We recognise that in this ever-changing world, sustainable renewable energy is essential, and this must include public transport. This venture will mean that Newport will be the first area in Wales to operate zero-emissions buses for our customers and the environment." Newport Transport - Monday, June 03, 2019 We've listened to your feedback, and from the 9th of June 2019, there will be a higher frequency of buses coming your way linking the City Centre and Bettws. With a bus every 7 or 8 minutes throughout the day, it makes it a lot simpler for you to travel back and forth to the city centre, for work or leisure. Read on to find out about the changes and our thanks to you our loyal customers. The routes remain the same with the 15 service going anti-clockwise and the 16 service clockwise along Monnow Way. However, we'll be operating each service every 15 minutes for most of the day, giving you the option to travel with the 15 or 16 service from Monnow Way every 7 or 8 minutes. The main improvements to the schedule are summarised below: Service No. Current service From June 9, 2019 15 Every 20 minutes from 9:45 till 14:05 (from the bus station Every 15 minutes from 7:32 till 18:02 (from the bus station) 16 Every 20 minutes from 9:55 till 14:15 (from the bus station) Every 15 minutes from 7:25 till 18:07 (from the bus station) Current Service 16 Every 20 minutes from 10:15 till 14:15 (from the bus station) Every 15 minutes from 7:25 till 17:55 (from the bus station) Your early mornings, evenings and Sunday services remain unchanged. At Newport Bus, we are committed to working with Newport communities and would like to say thank you for your loyalty and input given. Therefore, to celebrate the launch of the new improved bus timetable for the Bettws services, we will be running a prize draw for the bus users who purchase their tickets (or swipe their smartcards!) on the 15 and 16 bus routes between Monday 10 and Saturday 15, June. You just need to keep your bus tickets safe! The draw will take place on Wednesday 19 June. We will electronically select 5 winning ticket numbers from the tickets sold during that period. The 5 winning tickets will be announced on our social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter, and displayed in our Travel Centre in Friars Walk. Don't forget to follow us - Facebook and Twitter What are the prizes? ⦁ One-month free bus transport – start date of your choice ⦁ A day trip (coach only) for up to a family of four – to be chosen from our day trip Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter 2019 programmes ⦁ Three Freedom cards pre-loaded with £10.00 of credit. Where do I get the new timetable? The new timetable leaflets will be available at our Travel Centre in Friars Walk or our depot at 160 Corporation Road, Newport from the 1st of June. You can also download the new timetable to your mobile device from our website. We're looking forward to seeing you on our buses. Newport Transport - Wednesday, May 15, 2019 As the principal bus operator in the city of Newport, we are delighted to announce the release of free personal on-board entertainment on all our main bus routes. Newport Bus vehicles are now equipped with the Bustle Entertainment platform! Thanks to an update of our on-board Wi-Fi system, Newport Bus can now offer passengers with free access to audio and visual entertainment, such as e-books, audiobooks, podcasts, magazines and games. The system is simple, with the entertainment platform appearing automatically on the login screen when passengers connect to the on-board Newport-Wifi using their mobile device, phones or laptops. From the main page, the customer can choose from a selection of e-books, audio books and podcasts as well as browse magazines or play games. They can come back to the portal and their chosen activity later too, by simply entering www.bustlewifi.com while connected to the on-board WiFi hotspot. The content is managed by a third-party company is renewed every 3 months. Passengers have also the option to simply go online by selecting the Go Online button. And, there's no need to create an account or download an app to take advantage of this! As Morgan Stevens, our Director of Delivery explains:" A bus journey to work or school is becoming more than just a journey, but a time to unwind and relax, especially on the extended routes of Cardiff, Cwmbran and Chepstow." We're delighted to be able to bring a free entertainment package to our customers. At Newport Bus, we always strive to deliver the best journey experience to the people of Newport and the surrounding communities. Dezines Internet - Friday, December 18, 2015 Newport Bus are delighted to announce that our brand new Travel Centre is now open. Situated in Newport Central Bus Station, at the entrance to Friars Walk Shopping Centre, we are confident that our modern facility and friendly staff, will provide the people of Newport with a first class service. Pictured above are the Travel Centre Manager Dan Reilly speaking with Mrs Jean Phillips who visited us today whilst our web development and professional photographic partner Dezines Internet Solutions Limited, were on site taking photographs. Pictured below are (left to right) David Jenkins (Finance Director), Scott Pearson (Managing Director), Helen Burgess (Operations Manager) and Dan Reilly (Travel Centre Manager). We very much look forward to serving the City of Newport in 2016 and beyond, and wish all our customers a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Newport Transport - Thursday, December 17, 2015 Have you seen Darth Vader or his Storm Troopers on our buses? May the force be with you - always! Newport Transport - Friday, October 16, 2015 Newport Bus are very pleased to have completed the refurbishment of our MOT & Service Centre. These images taken by our web development agency Dezines Internet Solutions Limited - show the new signage at the front of our premises and our warm and comfortable customer reception area - reinforcing the fact that we do much more than just bus travel. Our friendly staff will make you feel very welcome, and you can help yourself to hot or cold drinks, read daily newspapers or watch our flat screen television while we complete your vehicle testing. If you're looking to have your car MOT tested now or in the future, then we provide the expertise and great customer service excellence, all at a fair price you can trust. Did you know that we are an approved UNIPART Car Care Centre, and that all of our work is guaranteed for 12 months? If you would like to book your vehicle in for an MOT, then you can save £5 off the £45 price of a car MOT, or 10% off all other MOT types by BOOKING ONLINE TODAY. Newport Transport - Tuesday, August 25, 2015 Magor Almondsbury Ministry of Transport Pontprennau Caerwent Business Functions Coach Hire Tredegar Usk Affordable MOT's Ebbw Vale Bamboo Card Luxury Minibus Private Hire Airport Transfers Brynmawr SME Economic Growth On The Go Blakeney Morgan Stevens City of Newport Newport Central Bus Station Corporate Social Responsibility M4 Corridor Risca Thornbury Belgium Mobile Internet River Usk Walk Monmouth Super Fast Broadband Cheap MOT's Vintage Bus Hire Ecommerce Certification carbon footprint Monmouthshire Regiment Vehicle Graphic Wraps Cardiff Newport City Council Rememberance Easter Day Trips National Grid Fully Integrated Website Development David Jenkins Dezines Internet Solutions Limited Newport Bus Travel Centre Charity Cycle Ride 300 Miles Car Servicing Directors Passport Plus Save Money Customer Service Provision Friars Walk Shopping Centre Energy reduction Waterloo Frezenberg Ridge Professional Bus Service Hotel Transfers Pontypool Passport Smartcard London WW1 100th Anniversary Newport Transport Limited Commercial Driver Training Book Online Party Nights All Makes of Vehicles Newly Refurbished MOT & Service Centre Communication Saving the Planet Serrenu Children's Centre Bristol WiFi Department of Culture Media & Sport VOSA Abergavenny Newport Concerts solar panels Mercedes 19 Seat Minibus Brussels Fully Insured Private Hire Minibuses Weddings High Cross Second Battle of Ypres Special Occasions Monmouthshire Vehicle Testing Testing Corporate Free Passenger Wi-Fi City Sparkle Appeal Cardiff Gate Newport Bus Bus Travel Glamorgan Trust Quality Workmanship Chepstow Vehicle & Operator Services Agency MOT Caldicot Mons SparkleAppeal.org Cwmbran Gwent Small Business Fully Qualified Professional Bus Drivers
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: post checkbox values to a php file I'm trying to write a script to post with jQuery checkboxes ids that are checked(for php deletion script). I have something like this <form> <input type="checkbox" name="id" id="id" value='1'> <input type="checkbox" name="id" id="id" value='2'> <input type="checkbox" name="id" id="id" value='3'> <input type="button" name="DELETE" id="DELETE"> </form> So I want to post those values(ids) to a php file delete.php, how can I achieve this? A: HTML <form> <input type="checkbox" name="id" value='1'> <input type="checkbox" name="id" value='2'> <input type="checkbox" name="id" value='3'> <input type="button" name="DELETE" id="DELETE"> </form> JQUERY <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#delete").click(function(){ var data = $('input:checkbox:checked').map(function(){ return this.value; }).get(); var dataString = "imgList="+ data; $.post('delete.php',dataString,function(theResponse){ //// Check theResponse }); }); }); </script> PHP $imgList = $_REQUEST['imgList']; $i = 0; $token = strtok($imgList, ","); $imgArray = array(); while ($token != false){ $imgArray[$i] = (string)$token; $token = strtok(","); $i++; } A: There are many ways to do. send the form collection to the php page. make sure your input and other elements you unique id. <form action="yourUrl/Method" Method="POST"> <input type="checkbox" name="id" id="id1" value='1'> <input type="checkbox" name="id" id="id2" value='2'> <input type="checkbox" name="id" id="id3" value='3'> <input type="button" name="DELETE" id="DELETE"> </form> then in PHP access Request object and use those values. A: Single check box <form action="checkbox-form.php" method="post"> Do you need wheelchair access? <input type="checkbox" name="formWheelchair" value="Yes" /> <input type="submit" name="formSubmit" value="Submit" /> </form> In the PHP script, we can get the submitted option from the $_POST array. If $_POST['formWheelchair'] is "Yes", then the box was checked. If the check box was not checked, $_POST['formWheelchair'] won't be set. Here's an example of PHP handling the form: <?php if(isset($_POST['formWheelchair']) && $_POST['formWheelchair'] == 'Yes') { echo "Need wheelchair access."; } else { echo "Do not Need wheelchair access."; } ?> The value of $_POST['formSubmit'] is set to 'Yes' since the value attribute in the input tag is 'Yes'. You can set the value to be a '1′ or 'on' instead of 'Yes'. Make sure the check in the PHP code is also updated accordingly. Furthemore information at below articles. http://www.html-form-guide.com/php-form/php-form-checkbox.html determine whether checkbox is checked php $_GET Hope it helps A: I assume you wanted to achieve this through using jQuery ajax call to post to php Html <form> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" id="id" value='1'> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" id="id" value='2'> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" id="id" value='3'> <input type="button" name="DELETE" id="DELETE"> </form> Javascript with jQuery var selected_values = $("input[name='id[]']:checked"); Directly post to delete.php <?php // $_POST['id'] will return an array. $selected_values = $_POST['id']; ?>
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Stay at selected version (ES) Anti-Siglec-F MicroBeads, mouse The Anti-Siglec-F MicroBeads, mouse have been developed for the positive selection or depletion of cells expressing mouse Siglec-F antigen from mouse peripheral blood (eosinophils, minor fraction of neutrophils) or mouse lung single-cell suspensions (eosinophils and alveolar macrophages). Siglec-F, also known as Siglec-5, is a member of the sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin (Ig)-like lectins (Siglecs). The extracellular Ig domain binds specifically carbohydrate structures containing sialic acid residues. Siglec-F has, like most Siglecs, an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) in its cytoplasmic domain and is discussed to play a role in eosinophil accumulation and survival. It is expressed in a tissue dependent manner on most eosinophils, but also found on alveolar macrophages and some neutrophils. Siglec-F eosinophils were isolated from mouse peripheral blood using Anti-Siglec-F MicroBeads, two MS Columns, and a MiniMACS™ Separator. Cells were fluorescently stained with Anti-Siglec-F-APC and Anti-Gr-1-VioGreen™ and analyzed by flow cytometry using the MACSQuant Analyzer. Cell debris and dead cells were excluded from the analysis based on scatter signals and propidium iodide fluorescence. alveolar macrophages and eosinophils were isolated from mouse lung single-cell suspension using Anti-Siglec-F MicroBeads, two MS Columns, and a MiniMACS Separator. Cells were fluorescently stained with Anti-Siglec-F-APC and CD11c-PE‑Vio 770 and analyzed by flow cytometry using the MACSQuant Analyzer. Cell debris and dead cells were excluded from the analysis based on scatter signals and propidium iodide fluorescence. Selected references Zhang, M. et al. (2007) Defining the function of Siglec-F, a CD33-related Siglec expressed on mouse eosinophils. Blood 109(10): 4280-4287 Guo, J. P. et al. (2011) Characterization of expression of glycan ligands for Siglec-F in normal mouse lungs. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 44(2): 238-243 Bochner, B. (2009) Siglec-8 on human eosinophils and mast cells, and Siglec-Fon murine eosinophils, are functionally related inhibitory receptors. Clin. Exp. Allergy 39(3): 317-324 for 1× For up to 100 separations, when working with mouse peripheral blood. or for 2× For up to 200 separations, when working with mouse lung.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Explosion in Nam Định kills three family members The house in Thanh Minh Village, Nam Định Province where an explosion occurred on Thursday night, killing three members of a family. — Photo vietnamnet.vn NAM ĐỊNH — An explosion in Nam Định Province on Thursday night killed three members of a family, including two children, and left another critically injured. Residents of Thanh Minh Village in Trực Phú Commune said they heard a loud explosion around 9pm from the house of resident Nguyễn Văn Thử. Neighbours rushed to the house and found four members of the family on the ground, of whom two were dead. The other two injured were taken to hospital, but the hospital declared one of them dead on arrival. Trực Phú People's Committee confirmed that the explosion killed Thử's relative Nguyễn Văn Duy, 31, and two of Thử's grandsons, Nguyễn Văn Trí, 10, and Nguyễn Văn Nam, 5. Thử's son and the two boys' father Nguyễn Văn Thụy suffered critical injuries on his legs and was later transferred to Việt Đức Hospital in Hà Nội. The Nam Định police said the blast was probably caused by explosive materials. Preliminary investigations suggest that the family was trying to make stage fireworks using water pipes, Trần Kha, chief of staff of Nam Định People's Committee, said on Friday morning. Stage fireworks are triggered by electricity, and they may have exploded when the victims were trying to electrify them, according to Kha. — VNS fireworks explosion Overseas Vietnamese feel Tết's warmth far from home (January, 18 2020) Trà Vinh farmers harvest mud crab for Tết, earn high profit (January, 18 2020) PM welcomes Dean of Harvard political school (January, 18 2020) Finding a home far away from home (January, 18 2020) Tân Sơn Nhất airport braces for Tết holiday's gridlock (January, 18 2020) Deputy PM orders ministries to prevent acute pneumonia spread into Việt Nam (January, 17 2020) Italian insurer changes Vietnamese preconception about health insurance Two objects spotted, says Australian PM Plane believed to have flown into southern Indian Ocean1 Search corridors narrowed, says Hisham
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Here you shall find six of the twelve games slated to release in 2015 that I am looking forward to the most. They are in no particular order of importance. Have I missed your most anticipated game? Let me know in the comments and maybe I won't mock you horribly for having terrible taste. Fair warning, I Kickstarted Massive Chalice last year and have already been playing the beta. It is just excellent. Massive Chalice is made by Double Fine, makers of some damn fine games like Costume Quest, Trenched Iron Brigade and Psychonauts. Massive Chalice is a turn based strategy game in the vein of Final Fantasy Tactics on an epic 300 year timeline. You're heroes won't just die in battle, they will die of old age, all of them. Your only hope to survive is to play as a quasi-pimp/matchmaker to hook up your best heroes and hope they produce lots of children. Parents pass down genetic and personality traits to their children. In the beta so far, my best bloodline also happens to be a family of horrible drunks who suffer from a hangover debuff at the beginning of each battle. Massive Chalice is slated to release spring 2015, but can be purchased under Early Access on Steam right now. It is available for PC, Mac, Linux and Xbox One upon final release. Here is the second game on this list I Kickstarted last year. Hyper Light Drifter is an action role-playing game that was promised to be a mix of Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Diablo. So count me in. I have actually played the early beta they made available to backers in October. It was a very limited demo of one level of the game and I unfortunately didn't have a tremendous amount of time to play it. What I did play with my limited time was fluid, had great animations and excellent art pixel art. All this has me counting the days to final release. You can expect to be playing this sometime early to mid-spring on PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox One and Ouya of all things. I came across this game very recently. Darkest Dungeon is by Red Hook Studios and was successfully Kickstarted in March of 2014. It doesn't have a release date yet, but it's up on Steam to add to your wish list and is being advertised as "coming soon". It's a roguelike dungeon crawler, which doesn't sound at all unique in this day and age, but stay with me. It is also a sidescroller with turn based combat. If you're still yawning, look at that hand drawn art. That is what the game look like. It looks excellent and has a really great, morbid, moody style. I think I'm going to dig this. When it comes out in February, it will be for PC, Mac, Linux, PS4 and PS Vita. Would you like to play a game where Henry Fleming of The Red Badge of Courage, the Lion from Wizard of Oz, Tiger Lilly from Peter Pan and Tom Sawyer team up with Abraham Lincoln to defeat an evil race of aliens invading England? Me too. When Nintendo announces they are making a new game with a brand new IP and gameplay that seems reminiscent of new X-COM, you play it! Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is coming exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS and I am pretty pumped. It's not every day that Nintendo releases a new IP. It looks crazy and weird and everything I love about Nintendo. Also, Intelligent Systems, the team behind Fire Emblem, are working on it so you know the strategy elements will be top notch. The game is scheduled for North American release on March 13 and is currently in the May release window for Europe. I'm not usually into this kind of isometric shooter but this one looks fun. I guess that's all I've got. Games are meant to be fun anyways, right? Galak-Z is made by 17-BIT and is scheduled for a 2015 release on PC, PS4 and PS Vita. This is a pretty popular pick for many anticipated games of 2015 I imagine. Truth is, I really just want to see if the developers at Hello Games can pull off what they are saying this game will do. No Man's Sky is advertised as a procedural generated open universe, free for players to explore at will. If not familiar, procedural generation simply means the game creates the the game world in this case, using a set of rules the developer puts in place. No artist actually crafts the world or creatures, as is the case in 99% of games. Hello Games claims the system they have put in place can support 18 Quintilian possible planets…. How many zeros is a Quintilian? So it's a first person adventure game where you pilot space ships, explore planets and we aren't really sure what else. I guess it could suffer from the "Minecraft" problem of no way to win, which some people seem to have a problem with. I do not and have happily sunk hours into a small farm along a cool mountain ridge in Minecraft, so I'll make due here. We have seen very little other than some impressive, supposedly in game, videos. If it achieves what the developers say it will, it will be an experience unlike any I have ever experienced. Slated for release sometime this year on PS4 and PC. Bannerizer makes it easy for you to promote ClickBank products using banners, simply visit Bannerizer, and get the banner codes for your chosen ClickBank products or use the Universal ClickBank Banner Rotator to promote all of the ClickBank products.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: How, when and where are generic methods made concrete? This question got me wondering about where the concrete implementaiton of a generic method actually comes into existence. I've tried the google but am not coming up with the right search. If we take this simple example: class Program { public static T GetDefault<T>() { return default(T); } static void Main(string[] args) { int i = GetDefault<int>(); double d = GetDefault<double>(); string s = GetDefault<string>(); } } in my head I've always assumed that at some point it results in an implementation with the 3 necessary concrete implementations such that, in naive pseudo mangling, we would have this logical concrete implementaiton where the specific types used result in the correct stack allocations etc. class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int i = GetDefaultSystemInt32(); double d = GetDefaultSystemFloat64(); string s = GetDefaultSystemString(); } static int GetDefaultSystemInt32() { int i = 0; return i; } static double GetDefaultSystemFloat64() { double d = 0.0; return d; } static string GetDefaultSystemString() { string s = null; return s; } } Looking at the IL for the generic program it is still expressed in terms of generic types: .method public hidebysig static !!T GetDefault<T>() cil managed { // Code size 15 (0xf) .maxstack 1 .locals init ([0] !!T CS$1$0000, [1] !!T CS$0$0001) IL_0000: nop IL_0001: ldloca.s CS$0$0001 IL_0003: initobj !!T IL_0009: ldloc.1 IL_000a: stloc.0 IL_000b: br.s IL_000d IL_000d: ldloc.0 IL_000e: ret } // end of method Program::GetDefault So how and at what point is it decided that an int, and then a double and then a string have to be allocated on the stack and returned to the caller? Is this an operation of the JIT process? Am I looking at this in the completely wrong light? A: In C#, the concepts of generic types and methods is supported by the runtime itself. The C# compiler does not need to actually create a concrete version of a generic method. The actual "concrete" generic method is created at runtime by the JIT, and does not exist in the IL. The first time a generic method is used with a type, the JIT will see if it's been created, and if not, construct the appropriate method for that generic type. This is one of the fundamental differences between generics and things like templates in C++. It's also the main reason for many of the limitations with generics - since the compiler isn't actually creating the runtime implementation for types, the interface restrictions are handled by compile time constraints, which make generics a bit more limiting than templates in C++ in terms of potential use cases. However, the fact that they are supported in the runtime itself allows creation of generic types and usage from libraries possible in ways that aren't supported in C++ and other compile-time created template implementations. A: The actual machine code for a generic method is created, as always, when the method is jitted. At that point, the jitter first checks if a suitable candidate was jitted before. Which is very commonly the case, the code for a method whose concrete runtime type T is a reference type needs to be generated only once and is suitable for every possible reference type T. The constraints on T ensure that this machine code is always valid, previously checked by the C# compiler. Additional copies may be generated for T's that are value types, their machine code is different because T values are not simple pointers anymore. So yes, in your case you'll end up with three distinct methods. The <string> version would be useable for any reference type but you don't have others. And the <int> and <double> versions fit the "T's that are value types" category. Otherwise an excellent example, the return values of these methods are passed back to the caller differently. On the x64 jitter, the string version returns the value with the RAX register, like any returned pointer value, the int version returns with the EAX register, the double version returns with the XMM0 register.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Michael showed up as scheduled to give us an estimate for snow plowing for the winter of 2009-2010. He was extremely polite, professional and his rates were very reasonable. Michael never disappointed us. We asked that he not plow unless the snow was more than 3-4", and he has honored that. Once he called us from the bottom of our driveway as he was plowing for another customer downhill from us (who had several inches of snow blown onto their driveway) to see if we wanted our drive plowed. He could have just plowed it and charged us for it. He is very honest, and simply a breath of fresh air when it comes to working with contractors.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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Post-Game Quotes Recap | Box Score | Notes – GEORGIA TECH COACH Paul Hewitt Was this disappointing after making the great come-back in regulation? "Give the kids credit. They battled back. Alade [Aminu] did a great job at the top of the press being disruptive. We got some turnovers and got back in the game, but unfortunately let another one slip away." Does it become frustrating using so much energy to come back in overtime and then let the game slip away in overtime? "I thought we were about one play away from putting the game away in regulation. We had a couple opportunities as well in overtime when we had the lead to put some distance between ourselves and Boston College. Give BC credit. Tyrese Rice played like a big-time senior tonight and made all of his free throws and some tough shots down the stretch." What positives can you take out of tonight? "Iman [Shumpert] had a good second half, but the turnovers are still bothering us. 20 turnovers is something we just can't have. We need to be stronger with the ball and made better decisions. I applaud the effort. It was great and courageous, but we have to figure out a way to pull some of these games out." Where is this team mentally? "There's no question, they're down. The locker room is very quiet. We have a day off tomorrow and then we have to get back at it. We'll practice Thursday, Friday and Saturday and get ready to go play Clemson." BOSTON COLLEGE COACH AL SKINNER and GUARD TYRESE RICE On the difference between the end of regulation and overtime, breaking the press: SKINNER: "In regulation, we really weren't disciplined when they were pressing. We did not run our press offense at all and were very inconsistent, so it made it very difficult. We weren't going to try to dribble through the press, we were going to try to pass through it, and obviously that did not occur. In overtime we settled down and executed the way that we wanted to and that created some opportunities for us. That was really the difference for us – the lack of discipline that we had on the offensive end." RICE: "When we executed it, we got good things out of it, when we didn't, you see what happened – we got a lot of turnovers. Believe me, I'm not happy with the ones that I had either, because it makes for a lot of running in practice on Thursday. But when we executed the offense like coach said and we settled down it was fine, but when we started to get fancy and a little rattled, it made for a lot of turnovers. They have a lot of very tall, athletic guys with long wingspans and they got their hands on a lot of basketballs" On the shot that put them up by five with 30 seconds remaining. RICE: "They switched out, and basically I just tried to attack them, just tried to make a play – whether that was going to be me scoring or hitting the open man." On having Lawal on him late in the game. RICE: "We run through it and try to find the mismatch, and today they switched on every screen, so there really was no choice but to go 1-on-1, and it was successful, so we kept doing it.." On being more aggressive in overtime. SKINNER: "The difference was that our spacing was extremely poor in regulation and, for whatever reason, we didn't really understand what we needed to do. In overtime, when the pressure came we had our correct spacing and we were able to attack. Georgia Tech wasn't coming at us right away, they were picking up right before the 10-second line, so I guess our guys assumed that there was no pressure. So we were running down to setup to run our plays. What was disappointing to me was that if it happens the first or second time we should recognize that's what's occurring. We didn't have that recognition. In the overtime, we were able to settle down. The other thing I did was I brought back my other point guard. That improved our ball handling and decision making and allowed us to really attack. A simple substitution, along with the adjustment that we made was the difference in the overtime and then regulation." On seeing things coming together. SKINNER: "We wanted to do a good job of rebounding the basketball. At times we did a very good job. And then executing on the offensive end – I thought we did that. We showed some patience, which I was very pleased about. And then we recognized the plays. So I was really pleased with the way that we were playing, and of course we made some shots to get the lead. We were in a good place, and then give credit to Georgia Tech because they changed the tempo of the game and we did not react the way we should have. But then in overtime we made the adjustment and were able to get it done." July 16, 2019 B.J. Elder Joins Georgia Tech Basketball Staff High-scoring guard from 2004 Final Four team named associate director of player personnel B.J. Elder Joins Georgia Tech Basketball Staff July 12, 2019 #TGW: Georgia Tech's Big3 Former Jacket stars Will Bynum, Dion Glover and Anthony Morrow join forces in the Big3 league #TGW: Georgia Tech's Big3
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We offer complete periodontics care, including scaling, surgery and deep cleaning. The primary focuses of periodontics are the gum and the supporting structure of the teeth. Most people focus on the health of their teeth because, besides the lips, they are the most visible feature of the mouth. However, like the foundation of a building, the gums and bone beneath the gum are what support the teeth. If the gums fail, then the teeth will soon follow. It is important to maintain healthy gums in order to maintain healthy teeth. One of the preventative procedures that we provide is scaling. Scaling involves the removal of dental plaque buildup on the lower portion of the tooth just below the gumline. This is done by using a dental instrument caller a dental scaler to reach dental plaque buildup beneath the gumline but above the root of the tooth. Depending on Dr. Javadi's recommendation or your personal preference, this procedure might require a local anesthetic. Scaling is often followed up by deep cleaning (also known as root planing). In this procedure, Dr. Javadi will use a dental instrument to get beneath the gums and smooth the root of the tooth. This is done to help receding gums reattach to the teeth. The two main types of periodontal surgery are gum graft surgery and periodontal plastic surgery. Periodontists are sometimes referred to as the plastic surgeons of dentistry because periodontal surgery can enhance the way your smile looks while improving gum health. Gum graft surgery is a procedure involving the grafting of skin tissue to an affected gum area. The most common reason for gum surgery is to restore gum tissue that has receded to the point of exposing the root of the tooth. There are many reasons why Dr. Javadi might recommend periodontal plastic surgery, such as in when bone loss has occurred due to missing teeth. One of the most common periodontal plastic surgery procedures is ridge augmentation, which is done to recreate the natural contour of the jaw where bone loss has occurred. Regardless of which periodontal procedure you may require, we will be sure to give you the type of care that will bring positive and long lasting results.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Why don't pytest fixtures work as intended? I'm trying to use PyTest and I cannot obtain how to set fixtures. I've tried the following code: import pytest import random @pytest.fixture() def setup(): a = random.randint(0, 10) def test(setup): assert 3 > a if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main() And I am getting "NameError: name 'a' is not defined". Also the example from the official documentation doesn't work. What's wrong? I need functionality similar to setUp/tearDown. But I don't want to use unittest. Can someone provide me an example with working fixtures (both setUp type and tearDown type)? I want to write some test as functions and some test as methods inside classes. Therefore me second question is for an working example of using fixture with classes/methods. I just need to see working examples of fixtures in Python. Is there a different Python 3 unit testing framework with assertions as simple as in PyTest? A: Fixtures don't work like this. They cannot magically transfer the name a from one function's (setup) local scope to another's (test). Instead, your setup function must explicitly return the object that will be passed as the setup argument to your test function. For example: import pytest import random class TestSetup: def __init__(self): self.a = random.randint(0, 10) @pytest.fixture() def setup(): return TestSetup() def test(setup): assert 0 <= setup.a <= 10 if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main() A: More typically you'd do something like: /usr/bin/env python import pytest import random @pytest.fixture() def my_rand_int(): return random.randint(0,10) def test(my_rand_int): assert 3 > my_rand_int if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main()
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
The original item was published from 9/7/2022 4:57:24 PM to 10/16/2022 12:00:01 AM. [ARCHIVED] Two suffer minor injuries in boating accident on Hudson River Date of Incident: Tuesday, September 06, 2022 Time of Incident: 11:07 AM Incident Location: Hudson River near Lock 6 Township: Fort Edward INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED: 1. Martin L. Feletto Age: 67 Address: Sacramento, CA 2. Debra A. Jordan Age: 65 Address: Sacramento, CA 3. Stephen R. Windom Age: 72 Address: Alexander City, AL 4. Joanne Kristiansen Age: 72 Address: Alexander City, AL 5. Kjell O. Kristiansen Age: 76 Address: Louisville, KY 6. Vaughn Stough Age: 70 Address: Alexander City, AL INCIDENT SUMMARY: According to Sheriff Jeffrey J. Murphy, on September 6, 2022 at 11:07 A.M., the Washington County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of a boating accident on the Hudson River near Lock 6 in the Town of Fort Edward. Upon arriving, Deputies determined that a 1989, 30 foot Riva (Manufacturer) St Tropez (Model) vessel was being operated by Martin L. Feletto northbound on the Hudson River. Mr. Feletto was traveling with a group of vessels and misjudged the entrance to the lock and subsequently drove his vessel onto a large rocky shole located to the west of the lock entrance. The other vessels were uninvolved in the incident. Mr. Feletto suffered minor facial injuries and another passenger, Debra A. Jordan, age 65 of Sacramento, CA suffered minor injuries to the torso as the vessel ran into the rock ledge. The other passengers in the boat were uninjured. Both were treated by EMS once on shore. Drugs or alcohol are not believed to be a factor in the incident. No tickets have been issued however the incident remains under investigation. No major damage was sustained to the vessel and no fluids are believed to have leaked from the vessel. A full inspection will be completed when the vessel is removed from the rocks. Assisting agencies: Fort Edward Fire and EMS, Schuylerville Fire Department, NYS Canal Corporation
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
OpenXcom => Offtopic => Topic started by: Galdred on February 15, 2021, 08:59:30 pm Title: Zodiac Legion, another fantasy Game inspired by X-COM Post by: Galdred on February 15, 2021, 08:59:30 pm I didn't know about @Nikita_sakov's game until a very recent date, so I started writing my own fantasy X-COM game a long time ago, around 2014. In Zodiac Legion, you lead an order of arcane knights, dedicated to protect the heirs of the ancient Empire from the wizards of the league. As magic depends on astral configuration, and the last emperor went a bit overboard with its use, it had been depleted for centuries, but there is a new conjunction, and it starts flowing again. Given that magic had became a fairy tale, and the Empire had split into several small kingdoms, the Zodiac Legion has been terribly underfunded. You are tasked with recovering and studying ancient tomes to harness the power of the zodiac constellations, and find the way to craft new artifacts of power. (https://i.imgur.com/OuuZZUo.png) (https://i.imgur.com/4WysSfL.png) (https://i.imgur.com/vXbRqRA.png) (https://i.imgur.com/N7b0q2v.gif) (https://i.imgur.com/N7Z1uzS.gif) The Zodiac Legion (https://i.imgur.com/CMbIBvA.gif) The opposing forces: (https://i.imgur.com/OqNAglm.gif) The geoscape prototype: (https://i.imgur.com/tysIbyg.png) What I wanted to convey from X-COM was the progression, from a low magic force to a high magic one, and the sheer brutality, where you can go home with 8 dead out of 12 characters, and feel like the mission was a success. However, it is also an age of heroes, so once a character gets strong enough, he can become one of the Zodiac Champions, and get access to one of the recovered zodiac artifacts. Ascending and moon signs will grant access to some powers from other classes. We will have small "commando" missions where 6 characters can be teleported, and larger ones that can be done with a group of 12. Unlike X-COM, there will be a single fortress to design, while the secondary outposts will have very stripped down options (because we imagined it as Castle Grayskull, ie, the seat of power of the Zodiac Order, and the lose condition of the game). Currently, the tactical battles need some polishing (LoS clean-up, more victory conditions, different AI for different opponents and missions), but it is almost "done". The geoscape, however is in a state of constant flux. Title: Re: Zodiac Legion, another fantasy Game inspired by X-COM Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 15, 2021, 09:27:35 pm While obviously I can't say anything about the game as such, the graphics are stunning. The visuals really convey late 90's style in a very nice quality. Exciting! Regarding trying the game, it should be featured for the next Steam demo festival (so before summer). I just need to cobble a "prologue" with some geoscape elements around the tactical levels. TheEdmon made a pre-alpha preview here: Beware the loud music at the beginning. I could comment on the issues of the game build, but they will be self apparent. I hope you still enjoy it! Post by: NancyGold on March 25, 2021, 05:50:10 pm Looks like it is completely different from my attempt :D Will it have leveling up and classes, like Final Fantasy Tactics? If yes, how are you planning to mitigate experience grinding? Post by: Galdred on May 18, 2021, 10:03:24 pm Quote from: NashGold on March 25, 2021, 05:50:10 pm It is a good thing, because your attempt looks really impressive (with the extended terraforming). Yes, it will have leveling up and classes. In order to mitigate experience grinding, I will use a system similar to the ranks in X-COM, but give them way more importance: The character "standard progression" will be classless (kind of), characters will follow a "player defined profession templates" at early level (so you can decide how your archers will train, but won't allocate points for individual ones). Then become fully customizable as they become full brothers of the order. Then, the highest ranked ones will have the opportunity to become champion or master of one of the 13 Zodiac order. This will give them benefits on top of their skill (and potentially much stronger than their skills). The benefits granted by the Zodiac order will depend on the magic research conducted, and the artifacts crafted/recovered. So when Master Libra dies, another one takes the mantle and inherits all the benefits, but not the mundane skills of his predecessor. But my intent is to make the end game (once a good part of the research tree has been researched) Zodiac powers much stronger than the regular skill up, so a lvl 3 Master of Leo will be slightly weaker than a lvl 8 Master, but he will still be much more powerful than a lvl8 champion, or a lvl 8 "standard brother of the order". The number of masters will be limited to 1 per sign (and probably 1 champion, but I am not sure of that). I will also remove kill XP, because I don't want to give incentive to random killing, so it will be entirely based on the number of missions, their difficulty, and their outcome (or the time spent training at the stronghold while other completed the mission). Post by: Galdred on June 06, 2021, 10:04:45 am The game not got a trailer. It was first played yesterday among the Guerrilla Collective: Post by: Galdred on June 18, 2021, 02:54:06 pm We also made a let's play video, showcasing the tactical part of the game (on one level): Post by: Galdred on August 27, 2021, 12:41:47 pm We added a small dungeon crawling demo to our Steam page if you want th check it out (and leave feedback, because everyone is very silent!). It is still lacking in the QoL department and the pacing is still a bit off in some missions: https://store.steampowered.com/app/812910/Zodiac_Legion/ (https://store.steampowered.com/app/812910/Zodiac_Legion/) Post by: Galdred on January 10, 2022, 06:36:46 pm Splattercat made a cool presentation video of our game here:
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home › News › Appointments › Exclusive: Sonia Rykiel appoints new managing director Exclusive: Sonia Rykiel appoints new managing director By Olivier Guyot Sonia Rykiel appointed Perry Oosting as the brand's managing director at the last general meeting, FashionNetwork.com has learned. The exec began in the role on 18 July. Eric Langon, who was the Managing Director of the French fashion house since 2012, is therefore leaving the role and his function as administrator for the business. The executive, former operations manager at Lancel and CFO at Céline, first arrived alongside the first investment into the label from First Heritage Brands. In 2016, the investment fund went on to acquire 100 percent of the French fashion house, shortly after the death of Sonia Rykiel. Perry Oosting In 2016, the label announced its reorganisation, with the intention of reinvigorating the business. As part of this strategy, children's collections were outsourced; a store was opened in Madrid; and the brand's management evolved. For its fiftieth anniversary, the house staged several events including a one-off runway show during Paris Haute Couture Week, on June 30, for which Julie de Libran revisited the brand's most iconic pieces from throughout the years. Whether it was a change of era or just a bad fit, the brand now has a new head. The Amsterdam-based executive Oosting appears to be the man in whom Marc Loubier, head of First Heritage Brands (which he founded with the powerful Fung family from Hong Kong), has put his trust. As a luxury specialist, former director at Prada, Gucci, and Bulgari, Oosting has worked as the managing director of Clergerie for the past year, another of First Heritage Brand's subsidiaries amongst other brands including the Belgian leather goods brand Delvaux and Sonia Rykiel Perfume and Beauty. Sonia Rykiel's board of directors, headed by Jean-Marc Loubier, consists of a group including Julie de Libran and some close to Fung Investment, such as Monica Tsui, Giles Hefer and Martin Angus. Translated by Isabelle Crossley Fashion - Ready-to-wear, Appointments # Prada # Sonia Rykiel # Bulgari # Lancel # Celine # Delvaux # Giles # Li & Fung # Eric Langon # First Heritage Brands # Paris Haute Couture # Perfume
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The Doctorate in Specific Education at SRU prepares educators and human service agency workers for leadership positions in the field of Unique Education. The plan is accredited by National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and authorized by the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind. In addition to taking on the web classes, students analyze present study in particular education and pursue in-individual coached field experiences in nearby schools. The University of North Dakota's On the internet Master of Science in Special Education prepares graduates to work with people with mild to moderate disabilities. The on the web system follows the identical curriculum guidelines as the on-campus plan, with students finishing common core and investigation coursework required for all Master of Education degrees. Students can comprehensive Frostburg State University's Master of Education in Unique Education entirely on the web. They do this for each kid who has an Individual Education Program in the grade levels that are testing. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that employment in special education is expected to develop 17 % by way of 2018 thanks to earlier diagnosis of understanding disabilities and legislation emphasizing tougher graduation standards for specific education students. The Particular Education advanced credential applications Masters degree prepares candidates to assume leadership roles in the field of Unique Education. The on-line Master of Education in Particular Education Initial Teacher Certification plan, aligned with national and state requirements for particular education teachers, prepares students in the areas of law, disability awareness, formal and info assessments, and instructional strategies. By earning this degree, students will be able to get Arkansas licensure as a specific education teacher in grades K-12. The University of Texas-Pan American delivers an on the internet Master of Education in Unique Education that can be completed in as little as ten months. Normal Classroom: In some cases, all your youngster may possibly need to have the least restrictive environment in San Jose Schools is a regular classroom with modified workouts accomplished in consultation with a member of the unique education employees. The University of Michigan-Dearborn provides an on-line Master of Education in Specific Education that includes Specialist in Mild Disabilities certification.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Realtor Sentenced For Her Role In Mortgage Fraud Stephanie Abbott — April 30, 2020 — Leave a comment Tina Brown, 45, Bronx, New York, who was convicted of conspiracy to commit wire fraud affecting a financial institution, was sentenced today to six months home detention. Between about June 2008 and February 2009, the defendant conspired with others to devise a scheme to commit mortgage fraud and obtain eight loans for unqualified borrowers for homes in the Bronx, New York. As part of the scheme, Brown used a relative to purchase a property located at 4087 Edson Avenue, Bronx, New York. The defendant falsely verified that the purchaser worked for her own company in order fraudulently to inflate the purchaser's income so that she would qualify for a mortgage for that property. Brown knew that these false loan documents were submitted to The Funding Source, a mortgage bank, in order to secure a loan insured by the Federal Housing Administration. Based on that false application and supporting documentation, the loan was approved. The Funding Source sold the loan on the secondary market to M &T Bank, which wired funds from New York through the State of Ohio to purchase the loan. The defendant and her co-conspirators arranged for additional fraudulent loans to be approved. These fraudulent transactions caused losses of approximately $244,000 to M&T Bank, Citibank, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Four co-defendants were previously convicted and sentenced: Gregory Gibbons, a mortgage broker, was sentenced to time served; Laurence Savedoff, an attorney, was sentenced to serve four months in prison; Julio Rodriguez, an appraiser, was sentenced to serve six months in prison; and Daniel Badu, a borrower, was sentenced to time served. Defendant Alagi Samba has been convicted and is awaiting sentencing. The defendant was also ordered to pay restitution totaling $220,042.17 to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Citibank. U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy Jr. made the announcement. The sentencing is the result of an investigation by the United States Postal Inspection Service, Boston Division, under the direction of Inspector-in-Charge Joseph W. Cronin, Boston Division, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Brad Geary, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the direction of Special Agent-in-Charge Gary Loeffert. In Mortgage Fraud Appraiser, False Documents, New York Stephanie Abbott Man Sentenced to 12 Years for... Man Arrested for Bilking...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Marisa Rossi Marisa Rossi with the stigmata. Top left photo in the afternoon of January 15, 2004 an extraordinary eucharistic miracle happened. In the past, many times, the Eucharist, brought into the thaumaturgical place by Jesus, Our Lady, the angels and the saints, was laid down on some flowers, in the sacred vessels on the altar, but this time Our Lady laid down a host on Marisa's bleeding forehead. Top right photo visible stigmata on Marisa's wrists. Bottom photos stigmatic cross engraved on Marisa's forehead bled again. Above top image from [here]. Below images from [here]. Marisa Rossi with the stigmata on her hands Marisa Rossi with the stigmata/head hands/feet On the feet three crosses hollowed in the flesh, which bled abundantly Marisa Rossi with the stigmata on her wrists/palms Marisa's stigmata/crosses on feet Our Lady placed a host on Marisa's bleeding forehead Marisa Rossi's Eucharistic miracles At the beginning of 2003 Marisa's stigmata have opened again and have bled abundantly for some weeks. The Lord asked the visionary to suffer his Passion for the renaissance of the Church, for the Bishop and for the end of the wars all over the world. Between June 18 and 20th of 2003 the invisible stigmata of the visionary Marisa Rossi have opened again. The wounds in the hands and in the feet, on the forehead and in the right flank have bled many times in the following days. Marisa has suffered unceasingly the passion for many days for the renascence of the Church, as was said by Jesus. Moreover for some hours she has been suffered from blindness, caused by the crown of thorns. For many decades Our Lady has appeared in private to [Marisa Rossi] in Rome and she has given God's messages for all mankind about the Eucharist which is the heart of the Catholic faith. In June 1993 she asked in the name of God that the messages be made public and since 1995 many [Eucharistic Miracles] have happened. Our Lady said: I am The Mother of the Eucharist, know Jesus' word. Love Jesus the Eucharist. Since 1971 Marisa Rossi has been assisted by the Bishop Claudio Gatti, her spiritual director, who founded the Movimento Impegno e Testimonianza -"Madre dell'Eucaristia", a prayer movement for the "Triumph of the Eucharist". H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti acknowledged the supernatural origin of the apparitions and of the Eucharist Miracles (Decree of September 14th 2000) The apparitions ended with the visionary's death, happened on August 8th 2009. Learn more about these events [here].
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Балахи — деревня в Опочецком районе Псковской области России. Входит в состав Глубоковской волости. География Расположена в 16 км к югу от города Опочка. Население Численность населения по состоянию на начало 2001 года составляла 398 человек. История С 1995 до 2005 года деревня входила в состав Краснооктябрьской волости в качестве её административного центра, с 2006 до 2015 года — в состав Звонской волости. Примечания Населённые пункты Опочецкого района
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Baseball really is a glorified game of throw and catch. And if you don't have guys who throw it really well, you can't compete for long. Though it took me until late-August to finally make it to a game, I suddenly seem to have made quite a shift in my luck, as the other night I made it to my second game in two weeks. This past Wednesday night was Bark at the Park night at Kauffman Stadium, and the ballpark was full of our furry friends. We arrived early enough to take a detour through the Royals Hall of Fame. We've seen much of it all before, so we didn't linger too much, though I had yet to see the short film the Royals had created chronicling their journey to the 2015 World Series championship. Watching it turned out to be a moving experience, almost like reliving the whole trip in a Reader's Digest format. It was enough to make me wish the Royals would hurry up and have a repeat season. The gal who invited me to come along to the game with her had some impressive seats, so I was able to enjoy being in closer proximity to the field than I was last week. Unfortunately, the Royals were unable to pull off another win with my presence. I suppose I can't be lucky all the time, eh? Jason Vargas gave up three home runs, and even Whit Merrifield's 3-run homer in the bottom of the third wasn't enough of a spark to keep the Royals in it. The Royals are now 11 games out of first in the AL Central, and our chances at a Wild Card slot are starting to look a bit slim. Then again, these are the Kansas City Royals, and as we all know, you can't count them out even in the bleakest of circumstances. This story came out a couple days ago, describing the use of virtual reality for batting practice by the Tampa Bay Rays. The team is using a simulator called the iCube through which players can take swings against a virtual pitcher that mimics a variety of human MLB pitchers. I would love to see the perspective that the batter himself has in using the system. Without a doubt, the experience would be far more realistic than the one I have taking batting practice against my Wii (and certainly much more difficult). It'll be fascinating to see how technology like this will ultimately impact training and the game itself. It's not every day that we see an inside-the-park home run, but Jarrod Dyson managed to pull one off a couple nights ago against the Tampa Bay Rays. In some ways, it was kind of a bittersweet moment, because the reason Dyson entered the game in the first place was due to an injury to Alex Gordon that will keep Gordon out of the Royals lineup for the next two months. Of course, if you're Dyson, this is an excellent time to do things to help solidify your position in the lineup, and an inside-the-park home run is a good way to make a statement. It takes him all of fourteen seconds to round the bases in this awesome display of speed. So congratulations to Dyson and the Royals as they continue to expand their lead in the AL Central! Fingers crossed that it continues even after the All-Star break.
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Believe it or not, Thomas Massie has two degrees from MIT. His comments here make me wonder if he took any humanities courses. The New York Times is running a very revealing op-ed by Peter Wehner, a fellow at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, on Michael Cohen's testimony before Congress yesterday. This is not my district, but I live close to its borders. I have written before about the way Christianity has been fueling the Democratic candidates for Congress in south-central Pennsylvania. (Also see this post on Lutheran minister George Scott). Here is another Washington Post piece on Jess King, a Mennonite who is fighting an up-hill battle against Republican incumbent Lloyd Smucker in Pennsylvania's 11th Congressional District. LANCASTER, Pa. — Voters in the heart of Pennsylvania's rolling dairy farms and Amish countryside have rarely seen a Democrat mount a competitive campaign for Congress — until now. From all appearances, first-time candidate Jess King is giving freshman Republican U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker a fight to the finish in Tuesday's midterm election in this heavily conservative district on Pennsylvania's southern border. Drawn by her Mennonite faith into a career of nonprofit anti-poverty work, King said she isn't necessarily running against President Donald Trump. For sure, she doesn't like Trump, calling him inflammatory and divisive. But, she said, she is trying to tap into issues where she and Trump voters can agree, whether on the need for health care, a level economic playing field or a government that is responsive to people, not corporate campaign contributions. King, 44, is endorsed by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and has gone toe-to-toe with Smucker in fundraising without accepting corporate campaign contributions or getting help from Democratic Party organizations. Smucker, 54, acknowledges the race is competitive. Two polls in recent weeks have shown a single-digit race and Republicans are not disputing that finding. Still, Smucker says Republicans are getting engaged and happy with the last two years, and will vote to ensure the seat remains in Republican hands. Last week, Vice President Mike Pence came to campaign and raise cash for Smucker, who began airing attack ads that King says are full of lies about her. Smucker suggests she wants to legalize heroin and abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. She doesn't. He said she's for open borders. She's not. The ads show Smucker in a plaid shirt, call him a central Pennsylvania native and suggest that "socialists" from San Francisco and New York are funding King's campaign. King does not call herself a socialist and much of Smucker's campaign contributions are from outside the district. A lot of his here in south central Pennsylvania are following the congressional race in the 10th District. Trump loyalist and incumbent Scott Perry (R) is running against Lutheran clergyman (ELCA) George Scott (D). Because of the newly redrawn congressional maps in Pennsylvania, the district that includes my hometown of Mechanicsburg is now up for grabs for the first time in decades. Scott, who aspires to be a "servant-leader," is a political moderate at a time when American politics is badly in need of some moderation. He impressed the board with his views on healthcare, women's reproductive rights and his commitment to increasing the minimum wage and expanding Medicaid coverage, among other issues. Unlike Perry, who has marched in lockstep with the House's most conservative faction, Scott has said he will not support current House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., for House speaker should Democrats retake the majority on Election Day. He shares Perry's commitment to the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. But unlike his Republican opponent, Scott also believes that right must be balanced with better regulation, including background checks for all gun sales and bans on products like bump stocks and high-capacity magazines. Scott has also called for a strong federal policy to address climate change, and says one that has caught his eye is a carbon fee-and-dividend proposal advanced by the Citizens Climate Initiative that would tax fossil fuels at production or point of importation, according to the carbon dioxide (one of the top greenhouse gases) produced. The idea is to get business, industry and government to more quickly convert to conversion to renewables and other cleaner fuels. After three terms in Congress, Perry has emerged as a sharp-elbowed partisan and loyal conservative foot soldier of the hyperpartisan Freedom Caucus, a coalition of GOP lawmakers whose main priority often seems to be less about effective governance and more about ensuring a permanent state of legislative paralysis on Capitol Hill. Perry has voted repeatedly to repeal the Affordable Care Act, without approving legislation that would have replaced former President Barack Obama's signature legislative achievement. In 2017, he voted in favor of the GOP-authored alternative, the American Healthcare Act. Despite recent attempts at Republican white-washing, the bill would have made it harder and much more expensive for people with pre-existing conditions to obtain insurance coverage. Perry voted against a carbon tax proposal and has said his preference is to let market forces continue to attack the problem. He pointed to large emission reductions that have occurred organically in recent years as American power plants have moved from coal to natural gas as a fuel source. Perry's assertion to a constituent that he didn't want to pay for maternity care for other women because "I have two children, and we're not having any more," is dangerously short-sighted and a profound violation of the social contract between Americans. Perry joined with the Freedom Caucus to call for the impeachment of the Rod Rosenstein, the senior U.S. Department of Justice official, who oversees Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. And he made the bizarre assertion, without providing any evidence, that ISIS was behind the mass shooting in Las Vegas that wounded hundreds and resulted in the death of 59 people. Asked by the board to substantiate that claim, which he still stands by, Perry declined, saying he'd been given access to confidential information he could not share. The Nov. 6 midterm offers central Pennsylvania voters a chance to forge a new direction, in a new district, with someone who truly represents their values. George Scott is that candidate. There's something about Newt Gingrich that seems to capture the spirit of America circa 2018. With his immense head and white mop of hair; his cold, boyish grin; and his high, raspy voice, he has the air of a late-empire Roman senator—a walking bundle of appetites and excesses and hubris and wit. In conversation, he toggles unnervingly between grandiose pronouncements about "Western civilization" and partisan cheap shots that seem tailored for cable news. It's a combination of self-righteousness and smallness, of pomposity and pettiness, that personifies the decadence of this era. Coppins is probably right about Gingrich, but let's be careful making too many grandiose claims about Newt as the originator of political bloodsport. As I read Coppins's piece I was reminded of Yale historian Joanne Freeman's new book The Field of Blood: Violence in Congress and the Road to the Civil War. Dean Phillips is trying to unseat Erik Paulsen in Minnesota's 3rd congressional district. Paulsen, a Republican, has held this seat since 2009. Phillips is a business man who apparently made a fortune selling gelato. In theory, in America's constitutional system, the different branches of the federal government check one another. When a presidents acts in corrupt, authoritarian, or reckless ways, the legislative branch holds hearings, blocks his agenda, refuses to confirm his nominees, even impeaches him. That's how America's government is supposed to work. But it no longer does. Instead, for the last year and a half, congressional Republicans have acted, for the most part, as Trump's agents. Not only have they refused to seriously investigate or limit him, they have assaulted those within the federal bureaucracy—the justice department and the FBI in particular—who have. So in the absence of this public, constitutional system of checks and balances, a secret, unauthorized system has emerged to replace it. Because Congress won't check the president, the president's own appointees are doing so instead. The members of the House of Representatives who get the most money from the NRA are listed below. Their current anti-abortion voting score from National Right to Life is in parentheses next to their names. Find the list of Senators here. Does the Separation of Powers Allow the President to Deliver a Face-to-Face Message to Congress? When President Trump steps into the well of the House on Tuesday to give his first formal State of the Union address, he will be performing one of the most familiar presidential rituals. But for nearly half the nation's history, the idea of a president personally delivering a speech on Congress's turf was considered an act so presumptuous as to be nearly unthinkable. The president who broke the mold — and introduced the kind of speech that modern Americans expect to hear each year — was Woodrow Wilson. Wilson tested out the idea barely a month after his 1913 inauguration, when he traveled to Capitol Hill to give a speech on tariffs. "Washington is amazed," The Washington Post pronounced in a headline, over a story that noted no president since John Adams had done such a thing. Is Trump Going to Western PA to Stump for Rick Saccone? Who is Rick Saccone? The POTUS wrote this tweet about today's trip to Western Pennsylvania. But the White House says something different. So who is Rick Saccone? He is a Pennsylvania state representative who is running in a special election for a seat in Congress. This is the seat that opened after pro-life Republican Tim Murphy resigned in October 2017 after it was revealed he had asked his mistress to have abortion. Early last year Saccone announced that he was running for a U.S. Senate seat. Now he is running for Congress. As we reported back in February 2017, Saccone is one of Pennsylvania's biggest David Barton supporters. He is a Christian nationalist with a Ph.D in public and international affairs from the University of Pittsburgh and a former professor at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. In 2013, he published God in our Government. Frankly, when Donald Trump won the GOP nomination, I thought Christian nationalist rhetoric would decline. It has not. Lutherans allowing a politician to speak in church? Did u hear our President just admit how much more he relies on God in this position of great responsibility. So Refreshing. President Trump is preserving our country's Godly heritage by swearing his oath on not just one Bible but two. Thank you President Trump. I have recently been reading some of the work of Christian political philosopher Glenn Tinder. In his wonderful essay, The Fabric of Hope, Tinder argues that good politics requires patience. A politics of sobriety would take the form sometimes of a stance seldom adopted in so impatient and restless a society as America. The stance is that of waiting. As we have seen, the idea of waiting for God is strongly emphasized both in the Old Testament and in the words of Jesus ("Watch and pray"). There is such a think as waiting for God in a political situation. It comes about when the demands of a situation are contradictory or obscure. Hence we hesitate, hoping for clarity of mind and conscience. We wait for the leadership of God. In such circumstances, the waiting is itself a form of obedience–an act taken, so to speak, in anticipation of further instructions. In an age beguiled by unrealistic hope, waiting is a repellent notion, darkened by a consciousness of human limitations. But neglect of those limitations, in our time, has been calamitous. A realization of their inescapable reality would be one of the benefits of a true understanding of hope. In an age when bills are passed quickly and legislative decisions are rushed through Congress with little dialogue, deliberation, feedback, or conversation, Tinder's words are sobering. Over at AHA Today, Dane Kennedy reports on a congressional briefing about what to do with Confederate monuments. A standing-room-only crowd gathered at the Rayburn House Office Building to hear three leading authorities on the subject—David Blight, director of the Gilder Lehrman Center at Yale University; Karen Cox, professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte; and Gaines Foster, LSU Foundation Professor of History at Louisiana State University. James Grossman, executive director of the American Historical Association, chaired the event…. Another person asked, so what should be done with the monuments? Options include placing them in museums, contextualizing them with historical labeling, and collecting them at a single site, such as Stone Mountain. James Grossman pointed out that the Russians adopted the latter strategy with their Fallen Monument Park, where they relocated statues of Soviet leaders. In response to a related question about how public arts programs can alter historical narratives, Grossman recommended monuments that present the Civil War as a war of liberation for blacks. Blight suggested memorials to the black churches that sustained African American communities in the South and "elegiac" monuments that highlight the horrific slaughter of the Civil War. But he also cautioned against any precipitate action, urging deliberation in dealing with Confederate monuments. Foster struck a similar note, pointing out that public opinion on the issue needs to change. Cox was blunter: the removal of these monuments, she stated, will not bring an end to the systemic racism that inspired them. Yale historian Joanne Freeman reminds us that violence against members of Congress has a long history in the United States. In a recent op-ed at The Washington Post, Freeman takes us back to the contentious decades before the Civil War. Takes health insurance away from at least 24 million Americans; that was the number the CBO estimated for a previous version of the bill, and the number for this one is probably higher. Revokes the Affordable Care Act's expansion of Medicaid, which provided no-cost health coverage to millions of low-income Americans. Turns Medicaid into a block grant, enabling states to kick otherwise-eligible people off their coverage and cut benefits if they so choose. Slashes Medicaid overall by $880 billion over 10 years. Removes the subsidies that the ACA provided to help middle-income people afford health insurance, replacing them with far more meager tax credits pegged not to people's income but to their age. Poorer people would get less than they do now, while richer people would get more; even Bill Gates would get a tax credit. Allows insurers to charge dramatically higher premiums to older patients. If you want a reliable company that can give you car insurance and many others visit One Sure Insurance for more info. Allows insurers to impose yearly and lifetime caps on coverage, which were outlawed by the ACA. This also, it was revealed today, may threaten the coverage of the majority of non-elderly Americans who get insurance through their employers. Allows states to seek waivers from the ACA's requirement that insurance plans include essential benefits for things such as emergency services, hospitalization, mental health care, preventive care, maternity care, and substance abuse treatment. Provides hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts for families making over $250,000 a year. Produces higher deductibles for patients. Allows states to try to waive the ACA's requirement that insurers must charge people the same rates regardless of their medical history. This effectively eviscerates the ban on denials for preexisting conditions, since insurers could charge you exorbitant premiums if you have a preexisting condition, effectively denying you coverage. Shunts those with preexisting conditions into high-risk pools, which are absolutely the worst way to cover those patients; experience with them on the state level proves that they wind up underfunded, charge enormous premiums, provide inadequate benefits and can't cover the population they're meant for. Multiple analyses have shown that the money the bill provides for high-risk pools is laughably inadequate, which will inevitably leave huge numbers of the most vulnerable Americans without the ability to get insurance. Brings back medical underwriting, meaning that just like in the bad old days, when you apply for insurance you'll have to document every condition or ailment you've ever had. This is from Paul Waldman's piece in The Washington Post. He wants to hold the GOP accountable. Slacktivist is also ready for a fight. How Do You Implement a New Government When Nobody Shows Up to Govern? At first glance you may have thought that this post had something to do with the habits of some of our current members of Congress. Nope. The title of the post is referencing the first meeting of the United States Congress in 1789. Cannons fired 11 shots at sunrise, one for each state that had ratified the Constitution. At noon, they fired again, to announce the opening of Congress. It was March 4, 1789, and a new federal government had dawned. But awkwardly, no one was ready. Only eight senators and 13 representatives showed up at New York's newly renovated Federal Hall for the festivities. Where was everyone? The excuses were various: The members of the new government were sick, late, slowed by weather, not even elected yet. Others simply didn't bother to attend. The new republic had a new congress—but it was off to an embarrassing start. Pennsylvania senator Robert Morris was just across the Hudson River in New Jersey, writing to his wife that "the wind blew so hard, the Evening so dark & Fogg so Thick," he didn't dare get on a boat. Congressman Theodorick Bland of Virginia was still in his home state, "shipwrecked & landwrecked, mired, fatigued with walking." New York's legislature, split between Federalists and Antifederalists, hadn't yet chosen its U.S. senators. Even new congressman James Madison, who had done so much to draft the new Constitution and argue for its ratification, got to New York late. Fresh off a victory over his friend James Monroe in Virginia's congressional election, he'd stopped by Mount Vernon on the way north to help George Washington draft his inaugural address. Then he got caught on muddy roads. Here are the details from the Organization of American Historians. If you care about funding for history education, contact your representative as soon as possible. I just contacted mine. On December 2, the House of Representatives is scheduled to consider the conference report to S. 1177, the "Every Student Succeeds Act." The bill reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) for the next four years and replaces the much maligned No Child Left Behind Act. Most importantly the legislation includes multiple sources of funding to support improved instruction in K-12 history, civics, geography and economics. The Organization of American Historians (OAH) urgently needs you to contact your Member of the House of Representatives and urge him or her to support the conference report that includes key provisions that benefit history and civics education. Click here for a link that allows you to send an email directly to your Member of the House of Representatives and urge him or her to support the conference report that includes key provisions that benefit history and civics education. The House is voting first on S. 1177, the "Every Student Succeeds Act." While the Senate is likely to pass the bill, as you know in recent months the House has gone through a chaotic fight over its leadership. Even though the bill cleared the House-Senate conference committee by an overwhelming bi-partisan majority of 38-1, its passage by the House is by no means a foregone conclusion. Politics unrelated to the underlying merits of the bill may still derail it. So it is vital that all representatives, Republicans and Democrats, receive the message from their constituents that the education of our nation's K-12 students is vitally important and a non-partisan issue. OAH limits our legislative "action alerts" to situations and issues that are vital to the interests of our constituents. We cannot overstress the importance of this effort! Congress has not reauthorized the ESEA in 15 years so this legislation is our only opportunity to get funding restored for K-12 history and civics education. The bill is expected to go to the House floor on December 2. Time is of the essence so call or email today! Please call or email your House member's office and urge them to support restoring federal funding for history and civics education. To contact your representative, you can use one of these two options. No matter which means of communication you choose, please personalize your message as to your background or interest in history. If you are employed in the field, especially as a K-12 teacher, mention the institution where you work in your congressional district. Send an email. The National Coalition of History (of which the OAH is a member) is working with the National Humanities Alliance which has prepared a one-step link to your House member (click here). You simply enter your address and the system identifies your representative. We've provided an email template that can be edited to personalize your message. The message not only goes to your House member's email, but their Twitter account and Facebook page as well. Are you familiar with the National History Center's "Congressional Briefings" program? The Center's Congressional Briefings program aims to provide members of Congress and their staff with the historical background needed to understand the context of current legislative concerns. It does so by bringing leading historians to Capitol Hill to provide non-partisan briefings on past events and policies that shape the issues facing Congress today. This is an outstanding program. It is yet another way to bring historical knowledge and thinking skills to some of the most important policy issues facing the United States today. I was aware of the Congressional Briefings program, but I did not know that the National History Center had extended it to college students until Amanda Moniz, the Assistant Director of the Center, brought the Mock Policy Briefing Program to my attention. It is featured in her article in the October 2015 issue of Perspectives on History. This fall the National History Center is introducing the Mock Policy Briefings Program, modeled on our own Congressional Briefings by Historians initiative. The inspiration for the Mock Policy Briefings Program comes from concerns and questions of colleagues and students. Last fall, in an address about the state of civic engagement in the United States, National Endowment for the Humanities chair William "Bro" Adams remarked that the humanities are the intellectual guardians of civic participation and challenged us to think about how we can strengthen civics education and practice. Later, one of the participants in our briefing last winter on the Ukraine-Russia conflict, Mark Von Hagen of Arizona State University, told center staff that his students were surprised to learn that he, a historian, was going to Washington to brief congressional staffers. The Mock Policy Briefings Program responds to Adams's challenge and students' curiosity about historians' public role, along with broad concern in the discipline about declining history enrollments. The program has three goals. It aims to foster students' understanding of the value of historical perspectives for policy decision making. It seeks to enhance students' civic engagement by asking them to connect their historical studies to policy-making conversations. And, finally, it aims to help students recognize and showcase the skills and habits of mind they have gained from their history education. This fall, Temple University's Jessica Roney has incorporated the briefings model into a course on the history of the City of Brotherly Love. Examining local history within the context of national and international developments, her students will craft a briefing to bring a historical perspective to an issue currently facing Philadelphia policy makers. Members of the class are working both individually to research potential topics and collaboratively to choose and prepare the issue for the class briefing. Once they have identified appropriate policy makers and held a dress rehearsal near the end of the semester, they will hold the formal event before an audience of Philadelphia policy makers. (I am honored to have been invited to attend and offer feedback.) The final assignment for the course is a blog post reflecting on what students learned about how history shapes current policy considerations and how they can apply those lessons going forward. Watch AHA Today (blog.historians.org) to learn more about the students' experiences. Read the entire article here. I especially recommend the section on how other history professors are using this model for student engagement with the past and the present in their classes. This is definitely something to think about after I return to the classroom in Fall 2016. I strongly encourage you to write your member of the House of Representatives. STEM may produce good workers in a capitalist economy, but history and the humanities are essential for the preservation of our democracy. Negotiations to finalize a rewrite of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) will resume when Congress returns after Labor Day. Members of the House and Senate will be meeting to iron out the differences between the versions of the bill passed by each body. Quite simply, the Senate bill restores federal funding for K-12 history and civics education while the House bill does not. The Senate version includes four provisions that create funding for high quality American history, civics, geography, and economics education. Some House Majority Conferees, however, have already declared their top priority in conference to be eliminating as many new programs and grants as possible. This poses a direct threat to the Senate provisions that could inject much needed funding into history, civics, and the social studies. The Organization of American Historians and the National Coalition for History (NCH) urgently need you to contact your member of the House of Representatives. Congressmen Ross (R-FL) and Cicilline (D-RI) have drafted and distributed a sign-on letter urging their colleagues to adopt the history and civics provisions in the Senate's version of the bill. We need your help collecting as many signatures on this "Dear Colleague" letter as possible before September 11th so that this letter can have an important impact on the negotiations. Please urge your representative to sign the "Dear Colleague" letter supporting key provisions that benefit history and civics education. Send an email directly to House members! Follow this link to NCH's website for more information. We cannot overstress the importance of this effort. Congress has not reauthorized the ESEA in 15 years so this is likely our only opportunity to get funding restored for K-12 history and civics education. Time is of the essence, please act today!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
life is always speaking to us , especially in our greatest trials.the question is:Will you listen to the whisper? each one of us has our own platfrom mine is a stage in a church yours is wherever you are , with your own reach. khumazi hasn't asked any friends to write a recommendation yet.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
@(resourceForm: Form[forms.ResourceAddForm.Data])(implicit message: Messages) @import b3.inline.fieldConstructor @main("리소스 추가") { <div class="panel panel-primary"> <div class="panel-heading">리소스</div> <div class="panel-body"> @helper.form(action = routes.ResourceController.save) { @b3.text(resourceForm("resource.resourceKey"), '_label -> "언어리소스 ID", 'placeholder -> "Pick a username") @b3.text(resourceForm("resource.resourceName"), '_label -> "언어리소스 이름", 'placeholder -> "Your email address") @helper.repeat(resourceForm("resourceDetailList"), min = 2) { resourceField => @b3.text(resourceField("resourceText"), '_label -> "언어리소스 이름", 'placeholder -> "Your email address") @b3.text(resourceField("resourceLocale"), '_label -> "언어리소스 이름", 'placeholder -> "Your email address") } @b3.submit('class -> "btn btn-success btn-large f3 btn-block") { SAVE } } </div> </div> }
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COLUMBUS, Ohio--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 3, 2006--Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. ("Hexion" or the "Company") announced today that, it had received, as of 5:00 p.m. New York City time, on May 3, 2006, tenders and consents from holders of (i) 88.7%, of the outstanding principal amount of 13 1/2% Senior Subordinated Notes due 2010 (the "13 1/2% Notes"); (ii) 99.9%, of the outstanding principal amount of 9 1/2% Senior Second Secured Notes due 2010 (the "9 1/2% Notes"); and (iii) 100%, of the outstanding principal amount of 8% Senior Secured Notes due 2009 (the "8% Notes" and, together with the 13 1/2% Notes and the 9 1/2% Notes, the "Notes"), in connection with the previously announced cash tender offers and consent solicitations for such Notes, issued by Hexion and HSC Capital Corporation. Hexion also announced today that it will pay the consent payment to all holders of Notes who validly tender their Notes prior to midnight, New York City time, on the evening of May 17, 2006, which is the currently scheduled Expiration Date. As a result of the receipt of the requisite consents Hexion intends to enter into supplemental indentures effecting the proposed amendments, substantially as described in the Offer to Purchase and Consent Solicitation Statement dated April 20, 2006 and the related Consent and Letter of Transmittal (the "Offer Documents"), with each trustee under each respective indenture. The proposed amendments, which will eliminate most of the restrictive covenants and certain events of default contained in the indentures, will become effective when Hexion accepts for purchase the Notes validly tendered pursuant to the terms of the Offer Documents. In addition Hexion intends to terminate the security interests securing obligations under the 9 1/2% Notes and the 8% Notes. Holders who have not yet tendered their Notes may tender until midnight, New York City time, on the evening of May 17, 2006, unless extended or earlier terminated by Hexion. The purchase price for any such tendered Notes is described in the Offer Documents. In addition, the pricing terms for the 8% Notes will be determined as described in the Offer Documents and will be announced on May 4, 2006 (unless Hexion, in its sole discretion, establishes a new price determination date). Hexion's Tender Offers are subject to the conditions set forth in the Offer Documents including, among other things, Hexion obtaining the financing necessary to pay for the Notes and consents in accordance with the terms of the tender offers and consent solicitations. The tender offers and consent solicitations are being made solely by means of the Offer Documents. Under no circumstances shall this press release constitute an offer to purchase or the solicitation of an offer to sell the Notes or any other securities of Hexion. It also is not a solicitation of consents to the proposed amendments to the indentures and the collateral agreements. No recommendation is made as to whether holders of the Notes should tender their Notes or give their consents.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home > Trusts Law > Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts A Modern Approach Practice Area: Trusts Law Authors:Charlotte John; James Kessler, QC Format: Hardback, CD-ROM (£142.00 + £2.84 VAT) The new 14th edition of Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts is a crucial guide to drafting and understanding wills and trust documents. The work offers a comprehensive selection of precedents to suit a wide range of requirements, and helps ensure the practitioner can make the best succession planning judgments through the use of the correct wills and trusts. This fully updated 14th edition has been written to incorporate all of the key developments in this area of law in the years since the publication of the previous edition. Features of the 14th edition include: Guidance on the technical issues involved in drafting settlements, common mistakes and traps, which matters are essential to cover and those that can be safely be omitted Coverage of the inheritance tax Residence Nil Rate Band A new chapter on the drafting of co-ownership trusts of the family home and six new related precedents, including trusts providing for both fixed and floating shares and charge arrangements to protect third party contributions Coverage of the Finance Act 2019 Updated chapters to reflect changes in law and practice including revised Law Society Guidance on Making Gifts of Assets, the use by beneficiaries of data protection legislation to obtain information about trusts, and the use of the STEP Standard Provisions in personal injury trusts Written in an easy to understand style enabling the less experienced drafter to comprehend more complex issues Fully reviewed and updated precedents for practical assistance with drafting Precedents are accompanied with an explanation of why the text is there and the choices which need to be made James Kessler QC is a leading practitioner in the field of private client work. He is the founder of the Trusts Discussion Forum, the author of the STEP Standard Provisions, and of the book Taxation of Non-residents and Foreign Domiciliaries. In 2011 James received the Geoffrey Shindler Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Profession. Charlotte John is a busy junior with a traditional chancery practice focusing on wills and probate, trusts, property law, and Court of Protection matters. TRUSTS LAW MUST HAVES Lewin on Trusts Lynton Tucker Nicholas Le Poide... James Brightwell Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts in Sc... James Kessler, QC William Grant
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Children will learn practical strategies to achieve emotional balance and make positive connections at school and online. Cyber safety program for schools that promotes balance, positive relationships and responsible use of technology. Highly recommended! Outstanding! Clear messages about child protection, values, bullying, self-esteem and building friendships. Fantastic song and interactive whiteboard activities. 10/10. Awesome! Congratulations! Amazing! Supports computer safety, anti bullying, restorative justice and PDHPE. 10/10! Flawless delivery! Great messages. Had students attention 100% of the time. Valuable Q & A. Good balance of humour, entertainment and strong powerful messages about screen time, only playing PG games, getting enough sleep. Compliments our Cyber bullying/Digital Citizenship, Health and Safety, Arts, 'You Can do It', Social and Emotional Health programs. Highly recommended! If you're angry or sad, have a bit of a cry, exercise and a big sleep and you'll feel balanced. Amazing! Awesome! Actors were highly engaging, great costumes, question time at the end was great for both students questions and my assessment. Students were very engaged during show! Supports our anti-bullying policy, ICT - cyber safety, ICT school guidelines, values education. Excellent show lots of key messages in play. Excellent all round performers. Highly recommended! PLUS: The National Education Initiative (Be You), National Framework for Values Education in Australian Schools, National Education & the Arts Statement, A National Framework for Health Promoting Schools, Pastoral Care, Behaviour Management, Student Welfare, Student Safety, Student Wellbeing, Civics & Citizenship, Respect in Schools Strategy (Respect Agenda), Anti-bullying initiatives in each state, Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), Positive Mental Health.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
You have to see the images. When watching Beauty and the Beast, it's hard to remember that Dan Stevens is actually The Beast. With the help of a lot of CGI, the Downton Abbey actor was transformed into the character with such lifelike precision, you'd be forgiven for not realizing there's a real man under all that fur. (Of course, that's the fairy tale's story line at its core, so it's a fitting illusion.) Now, however, we've been given the gift of behind-the-scenes images that show just what the filmmakers saw through their camera lens, pre-CGI. Spoiler: It's hilarious. On stilts that look like moon boots and wearing a gray muscle suit peppered with CGI-friendly targets, Dan is certainly a sight to behold. The images are now being shared all over Twitter, with many users questioning how Emma was able to keep a straight face while filming scenes with her costar and love interest. Consider that feat one more reason she's an amazing actress. Sure, all of that sounds quite involved and extremely meticulous, but when we saw it all come to life on-screen, we gave no thought to the artistic prowess it took to create what we were seeing. Until now. While Dan was certainly the one literally carrying the extra weight in each scene, Emma's acting in Beauty and the Beast was more imaginative and impressive than we'd even realized.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Red Patch Boys Forums > Toronto FC > TFC/MLS News Section > Today's News, Friday , May.30 View Full Version : Today's News, Friday , May.30 Cunningham to start up front against L.A. Galaxy `I almost feel like a rookie again,' says TFC veteran of spot in lineup MORGAN CAMPBELL Midway through yesterday's practice, Toronto FC head coach John Carver sidled up to Jeff Cunningham, flung an arm around the striker's shoulder and delivered a soliloquy in his ear. Besides complimenting Cunningham on how natural he looked on the catwalk at the team's charity fashion show Wednesday night, Carver said he expected Cunningham to look just as sharp tomorrow against the L.A. Galaxy. Cunningham, currently ranked third in scoring among active MLS players, hasn't started a league game since April 5, but logged 90 minutes in Tuesday night's Canada Cup match against Montreal. Yesterday Carver told him that with the Montreal game behind him, he expects Cunningham to torment L.A. defenders the way he did in April, when he scored the game-winning goal as a substitute. Cunningham saw the impromptu speech as both a vote of confidence and a challenge. "I almost feel like a rookie again," said Cunningham, who has scored 97 times in his MLS career. "I'm a bit nervous, knowing it's an opportunity that might not present itself again. It's a lot of pressure, but it brings out the best at times." Read more (http://www.thestar.com/Sports/article/433871) Donovan rejoins Galaxy in Toronto SANTANDER, Spain — Forward Landon Donovan rejoined the Los Angeles Galaxy on Thursday ahead of the team's Major League Soccer match at Toronto this weekend and is questionable for the United States' exhibition game against Spain next week. Donovan missed Wednesday's 2-0 loss at England because of a tight groin and met up in Canada with the Galaxy, who play Toronto FC on Saturday. The U.S. Soccer Federation said the 26-year-old Donovan, one game from becoming the fourth-youngest player in the world with 100 international appearances, is expected to rejoin the national team ahead of Wednesday's match against the Spaniards. David Beckham, Donovan's teammate on the Galaxy, will miss Los Angeles' match at Toronto to be with England's national team for Sunday's exhibition game at Trinidad and Tobago. Read more (http://www.globesports.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080529.wspt-donny29/GSStory/GlobeSportsSoccer/home) De Rosario, de Guzman call out CSA MATTHEW SCIANITTI Dwayne De Rosario and Julian de Guzman, two of Canada's most prominent soccer players, are speaking out against what De Rosario calls the Canadian Soccer Association's "poor support" of the men's national team. The two players made the comments as Canada prepares for an exhibition match against Brazil, ranked No. 2 in the world, at Qwest Field in Seattle tomorrow. Canada will also face Panama in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Wednesday. The two matches are preparation for Canada's FIFA World Cup qualifying series against St. Vincent and the Grenadines next month. John Billingsley, the CSA's deputy chief operating officer, has said the 2008 budget for the men's team is more than $1-million. "It's not enough," said De Rosario, a two-time Canadian soccer player of the year, "and they know it's not enough. … The CSA has to realize some of the situations that the players are under and realize that there is more than just going out there and playing." De Rosario bemoans the lack of international matches, quality accommodations and proper transportation that he feels are essential to creating team chemistry. He scoffs at the notion that added sponsorship – which Billingsley says has helped to increase the CSA's annual budget to an estimated $13-million – has trickled down to the men's team. "If we do have sponsorships," De Rosario said, "it is either they [the CSA] get the money and we are not seeing much of the benefits, or the money is coming in and we do not know where it is going." Read more (http://www.globesports.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080529.soccer-can30/GSStory/GlobeSportsSoccer/home) Toronto FC pursuing Brian McBride By John F. Molinaro Brian McBride is coming home to Major League Soccer, and Toronto could be where he lands. McBride's contract with English Premier League club Fulham expired at the end of the 2007-08 season and the veteran American forward announced this week he was leaving the London team after four years to return to MLS. The Chicago native played for the Columbus Crew from 1996 until 2004 and was a seven-time all-star before signing with Fulham. The Chicago Fire are just one of many MLS suitors said to be interested in McBride, but Toronto FC has the first chance to sign him to a contract because the Canadian club owns his allocation rights. However, if Toronto can't ink McBride to a deal, it could still trade him to another MLS team. Toronto FC general manager Mo Johnston told reporters Thursday that while he is very interested in signing McBride, he also confirmed he's talking to other MLS teams to see what he could get in exchange for the former Fulham star. "We're exploring every avenue. Obviously, we have the allocation slot, so we'll look at it, we'll be speaking to several clubs and see how it goes," Johnston said. Read more (http://www.cbc.ca/sports/soccer/story/2008/05/29/toronto-fc.html) Canada looks forward to friendly with Brazil Canada faces a daunting challenge when it takes on Brazil in a friendly at Qwest Field in Seattle Saturday evening as part of its preparation for the upcoming 2010 World Cup qualifying campaign. Canadian coach Dale Mitchell will have the unenviable task of deciding on a starting roster for the match against Brazil, the world's No. 2 ranked nation. The Canadian roster is stocked, bolstered by the availability of European-based players who are in their off-season, but would usually not be called up for a friendly in North America. In goal, Mitchell will likely choose from Toronto FC's Greg Sutton or Pat Onstad of the Houston Dynamo. Both are veterans and capable of leading Canada into World Cup qualifying. Read more (http://www.cbc.ca/sports/soccer/story/2008/05/29/soccer-brazil-canada.html) 'A great chance' for Canadian soccer By STEVE BUFFERY (steve.buffery@sunmedia.ca) Toronto FC captain Jim Brennan has decided not to join the Canadian national team for tomorrow's friendly against Brazil in Seattle. But that doesn't mean Brennan isn't high on Canada's chances of qualifying for the 2010 World Cup. "I think we have a great chance to qualify for this World Cup. We've got good players, a lot of guys are playing in (the MLS), a lot of guys over in Europe, and I think we have a great opportunity," said Brennan, who will join the national side after tomorrow's TFC game in preparation for a friendly against Panama on June 4 in Fort Lauderdale. His TFC teammate, goalkeeper Greg Sutton, is in Seattle with the national side. "We've got two nice stadiums now with this one (BMO Field) and the one in Montreal (Stade Saputo), not like where we played before in a park in Kingston (for two 2006 World Cup qualifying games), so it's good and it's exciting times for Canada," he said. Read more (http://www.torontosun.com/Sports/OtherSports/2008/05/30/5718641-sun.html) 'I'm delighted he's not here' Becks no-show doesn't upset TFC coach Just as the Toronto FC practice wrapped up at BMO Field yesterday, a large helicopter flew overhead, prompting one wag to suggest that soccer's golden boy, David Beckham, was arriving for tomorrow afternoon's game. But, alas, Beckham will not play for the Los Angeles Galaxy against Toronto FC in the only regular-season match here between the two MLS sides -- marking the second consecutive season the English soccer star has been unable to perform in front of the Toronto faithful. But forgive Toronto FC coach John Carver for not shedding any tears. "I'm disappointed for the fans and the ladies in the crowd, but I'm absolutely over the moon that he's not here, because he's still a top player and we saw that in the service he provided for John Terry's goal," Carver said, in reference to Beckham's setup in the U.S.-England friendly on Wednesday night at Wembley Stadium. "So deep inside, I'm delighted he's not here." Still, TFC will have its hands full against the Galaxy, even without Beckham in the lineup. U.S. international Landon Donovan, the MLS leader in both goals (nine) and assists (six), will be back in the Galaxy lineup after travelling to England but not playing there due to a tight groin. And the Galaxy does lead the Western Conference with a 4-3-2 record, matching TFC's mark. SUNSHINE (http://www.torontosun.com/SUNshineGirl/home.html):drool5: Alarius NICE! How Much?:sheep: Smuttynose I'm disappointed for the fans and the ladies in the crowd :rofl::rofl::rofl: that's awesome! Cambridge_Red Cunnigham: "Honestly, I've never felt settled here," he said. "There's players coming in and out, coaches looking to improve the team. That's fair. That's the business we're in." No shit, buck up sunshine put the ball in the net and stop sulking. Fort York Redcoat Cunny says he's nervous. I can see why. The article below his is about McBride. This looks like win it for us or you're out... Nice call Jimmy. TFC vs friendly makes sense from what's being said about the national teams chemistry. An injured Landycakes? Not playing on a big stage like Wembley? You're kdding... I was just saying last night, that Cunny does not feel the right kind of "Fight for your spot" pressure that a lot of the other positions, specifically defenders feel. . maybe he has become complacent. But its all to do for him tomorrow. . and he knows it. If TFC make it oublic that they are looking at another striker, now is the time for cunny to shine. His pace is un-real, he has the skill, we have seen the spots of brilliance, but without the drive and pressure. . he has fallen a bit short. With great service. . comes great accountability! Daveisonfire I'm glad to see Cunningham start, the Galaxy showed against the Whitecaps that they can't handle pace whatsoever...I just hope Cunny can use it smartly and actually finish for a change. Glad that Landycakes is coming..I'll have to hit Dollarama for some pink streamers now! Carver: ""I'm disappointed for the fans and the ladies in the crowd, but I'm absolutely over the moon that he's not here" Carver is a beauty! graeme117 That had me laughing too :lol:, part because i feel the same way about becky being a threat and part b/c it screwed over the scalpers :D James17930 Cunny is being shopped, simple as that. He'll score a goal, we'll win, and then he'll be gone within the week. tks denime Zidane10 I wonder if McBride is still any good. If so, he could be what we're missing up front. You can count on trader Mo for that! The fact is, Cunny probably won't score many more goals in MLS, because he's starting to get washed up. What will we get for him if we trade, though? A Braz quality player? I've had enough of those, thank you very much! We need to sign a quality DP striker and if we can't trade Cunny, just keep on the bench or get rid of him. jloome The fact is, he's been hella-streaky his whole career. In 2000, he had 2 goals in 20. If he gets his confidence back, he's the kinda guy who'll go on a seven to 10 goal tear over a eight or 10 games. But then he'll disappear for another year. I think at his age ,and still exhibiting good speed, he'd be a great first striker off the bench, if we could afford it and the spot. ThunderBaby I was disappointed with Cunningham's performance in Montreal against the Impact. I do hope that this shape up or ship out mentality will light a fire under his ass and he can get some balls in the net this weekend. He has some good speed, if he could just pay more attention to what his teammates are doing to set him up, we'd be set.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Not enough space to throw the javelin? That's not a problem with the Gill® Nocken Ball. Designed to simulate the feel of throwing a javelin, nocken balls can be safely used indoors to make sure your training schedule isn't interrupted. Weight: 800 g / 1.8 lb. Weight: 800 g / 1.8 lb.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Troggs lead singer Reg Presley wrote this in about 10 minutes. He was inspired by the Joy Strings Salvation Army band he'd seen on TV. The song is a gentle folk ballad and a far cry from The Troggs previous hit "Wild Thing." Reg Presley's real name is Reginald Ball,he adopted the name of Presley in 1966 as a publicity stunt. In 1994 this became a huge hit when Wet Wet Wet covered it for the movie Four Weddings And A Funeral. The band chose it over Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" and Barry Manilow's "Can't Smile Without You" even though some of their members hadn't heard it before. Their version was UK #1 for 15 weeks and became the best selling single in the UK in 1994. The UK record for longest stay at #1 is held by Bryan Adams' "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You)." Wet Wet Wet's record company tried to tie this record by announcing they were pulling the single after 16 weeks, hoping people would rush out to buy it. The plan failed and Whigfield knocked them out of #1 with "Saturday Night." Wet Wet Wet claimed they asked their record company to pull the song because they were sick of it. Their version does hold the record for most weeks at #1 for a UK based act. In the US it reached #41. When this was revived by Wet Wet Wet, Reg Presley got massive royalties as the songwriter. He denoted the proceeds to crop circle research. Presley recalled the inspiration for the song in the July 2011 edition of Mojo magazine: "I got back from America, I smelt the Sunday lunch cooking (inhales deeply), phaaaaw - after about 25 years on burgers - I kissed my wife, my little daughter, four years old. We went into the lounge and those Salvation Girls, The Joystrings, were on television, banging their tambourines and singing something, 'Love, love,' love.' I went over to turn it off, knelt down and hearing that 'Love, love' I got a bass line, (sings) 'doom, doomdoom, doomdoom, doomdoom, doom,' and I got: 'I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes. My wife, my kid… And so the feeling grows.'" Victoria Semenenko George Michael's Baby from UkraineIn Wet Wet Wet official video for a song actually taken from "Four Weddings and a Funeral" there's not a model but Andy McDowell as an actress. And by the way in my life I really acted a bridemate exactly four times! Victoria Semenenko George Michael's Baby from UkraineGot to notice that actually Wet Wet Wet songs are a kind of extention for George Michael's ones likely explaining what was really happening between us in term of emotional connection. Howard from St. Louis Park, Mn It's definitely the antithesis of The Troggs first big hit "Wild Thing." It is a very pretty song and one of the best love songs of the late 60s. Camille from Toronto, OhHere's an amazing song that you don't hear often enough on oldies radio. The song is sung in such a way that you could imagine your lover whispering the lyrics into your ear. It makes it seem calming and mysterious at the same time. I love when it says "there's no beginning, there'll be no end", perfect words in a love song. When you are truly in love with someone, it feels as tho you've always loved them and always will. This is one of those songs that made the 60s fabulous. Uh, it's just this year, 2013, tho, that I found it's sung by The Troggs, famous for "Wild Thing". Never knew! Sharon from Calais, MeI can remember this song when I was growing up in the late sixties and early seventies. I loved it then and still do. It was one of those songs that would come to mind every now and then. WET WET WET did a great remake of this song also. Super from Asheville, NcI have always wondered who the girl was in the "Love is All Around You" video. A model or just a pretty actress? Where is she now? Not a stalker, just a trivia nut. Brenda from Wayne, Ok"Love is All Around" was 'our song' in the 60's and being very sentimental...my sweetie bought an original "Love is All Around" album, put out by Fontana records in 1967/68, as a Christmas present for me. It is one of my prized possessions...besides the sentimental sweetie. Also, I noticed that I have some of the songs that you don't have the lyrics for on this album. If I can find a stereo or record player for the album, I'll try to share the lyrics with you...if you'd like. Keep up the good work for all us baby boomers...Hi School Sr. 1969...senior citizen 2006! Wet Wet Wet is also good, but I prefer the original from the Troggs, always nice to hear it again. Henning from Oslo, NorwayReg Presley was not the bass guitar player in The Troggs. He was the vocalist(lead singer). Pete Staples was the bass player, Ronnie Bond was the drummer and Chris Britton played electric guitar.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Die A429 road (englisch für Straße A429) ist eine überwiegend als Primary route ausgewiesene, 107 km lange Fernverkehrsstraße, die nördlich von Chippenham am M4 motorway in Fortsetzung der A350 road beginnt und in generell nordnordöstlicher Richtung nach Coventry führt. Teilstrecken der Straße verlaufen auf der Trasse des römischen Fosse Way. Verlauf Die Straße führt zunächst an Malmesbury östlich vorbei, nimmt südwestlich von Cirencester die A433 road auf und umgeht, dabei die A419 road und die A417 road kreuzend, Cirencester. Sie führt nach Northleach weiter, kreuzt die A40 road und quert in der Folge Stow-on-the-Wold. In Moreton-in-Marsh wird die A44 road gekreuzt. Bei Halford wird der Fosse Way verlassen und die Straße führt an Wellesbourne vorbei. Sie mündet bei der Anschlussstelle junction 15 des M40 motorway in die A46 road, die Warwick im Westen umgeht. Von Kenilworth an verläuft sie wieder getrennt von der A46, ist aber keine Primary route mehr, kreuzt südlich von Coventry die A45 road und endet im Zentrum von Coventry. Siehe auch Straßensystem in Großbritannien Weblinks A429 bei SABRE (englisch) 429 Verkehrsbauwerk in Wiltshire (Unitary Authority) Verkehrsbauwerk in Gloucestershire Verkehrsbauwerk in Warwickshire Verkehrsbauwerk in West Midlands (Metropolitan County) A Grossbritannien429 road
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Margraten () is een voormalige gemeente in het zuiden van de Nederlandse provincie Limburg. De gemeente telde 13.370 inwoners (31 december 2010, bron: CBS) en had een oppervlakte van 5767 hectare. Op 1 januari 2011 werd de gemeente opgeheven en werd het een deel van de nieuwe gemeente Eijsden-Margraten. De gemeente Margraten in haar laatst bekende verschijningsvorm, kwam bij de gemeentelijke herindeling op 1 januari 1982 tot stand. Op die datum werden de tot dan toe zelfstandige gemeenten Margraten, Cadier en Keer, Noorbeek, Mheer, Bemelen en Sint Geertruid, alsmede de kern Scheulder van de voormalige gemeente Wijlre, samengevoegd. Topografie Kernen De gemeente Margraten telde 9 dorpen en 21 buurtschappen en gehuchten. Aantal inwoners per woonkern op 1 januari 2005: Buurtschappen Naast deze officiële kernen bevonden zich in de gemeente de volgende buurtschappen: Berg, Groot Welsden, Klein Welsden, Schilberg, Terhorst, Ulvend, Vroelen, Wesch, Wolfshuis Aangrenzende gemeenten Zetelverdeling gemeenteraad De gemeenteraad telde in 2002(?) 15 zetels , verdeeld over 4 fracties, te weten: CDA 6 zetels Samenwerkingsverband 5 zetels VVD 3 zetels Gemeentebelangen 1 zetel NB: de combinatie PvdA, GroenLinks en D66 verloor in 2006 haar twee zetels. Op 2 februari 2006 besliste de Raad van State dat een lijstverbinding van PvdA, D66 en GroenLinks niet aan de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen mocht meedoen. Een vertegenwoordiger van deze combinatie van drie partijen was dertien minuten te laat bij het hoofdstembureau, om de kandidatenlijst in te leveren. Zie ook Lijst van burgemeesters van Margraten Geschiedenis van Eijsden-Margraten Voormalige gemeente in Limburg (Nederland)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
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Connect any audio device using Bluetooth technology, and listen to the sound amplified through a loudspeaker. Connect an audio device through the auxiliary input such as a microphone or electric guitar. Insert a micro SD card or USB thumb drive and listen to music stored on the device in MP3 or WMA format. It is also possible to connect a external 12V battery. It included rechargeable battery (up to 6 hours of battery life). Telescopic handle to bring the trolley speaker wherever you want.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Implementing a time and attendance module will give you many advantages. It provides visibility into work activities and how your employees spend their time. It enables efficient staff scheduling and allows for reporting. A time and attendance module may bring challenges during implementation. Here are three areas where you need to stay aware to easily bypass any issues. One of the advantages of implementing an HRMS time and attendance module is that you have an opportunity to standardize work rules and practices. You may have local agreements and working regulations that outline your requirements. Working practices may have been defined locally many years ago and evolved over time. It is an effort to figure out which work rules have a legal basis that will need to be set up in the new system. You may choose to standardize other ones when possible which will improve your operational efficiency. You are often starting from scratch in this area to document the variations to later convert into system rules. If you have a uniform workforce where everyone clocks in on-site or uses a standard laptop build when working from home, it's easy. Most workplaces have more diversity in their population and devices. When your employees need to log in each day to clock in and out, your clocking mechanism must be robust. Potentially you will need to add time and effort to your testing schedule to accommodate your variety of devices and time clocking mechanisms. Device management is another area that can benefit from standardization. If you are a BYOD (bring your own device) workplace, have you defined requirements to access your HRMS? There are many self-service transactions that can be done in the HRMS but time and attendance is one of the key ones to get right. When everyone logs into the HRMS to clock in and out it's an easy implementation. More often you will need to support a variety of physical clocking systems on various platforms. If you are not able to standardize to one clocking provider due to existing contracts or facility limitations you may need to integrate data from a number of systems. Multiple integrations are not the end of the world but they add a layer of complexity to your implementation. The frequency of data exchanges needs to be established for timely data and each integration will require a layer of testing before sign off.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
You are in Home > News > > Off The Wire Trump administration considers tapping TSA funds for border: source Reuters Tuesday May 21, 2019 14:45 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Homeland Security Department is considering tapping more than $230 million from the Transportation Security Administration to fund border operations if Congress fails to approve additional funding, a person briefed on the matter said. NBC News reported the plan earlier, citing documents of a contingency plan to fund $1.1 billion in border efforts. The U.S. House Appropriations Committee said Tuesday it had not received any notification from DHS that it plans to shift existing funds. NBC News said TSA could shift $50 million that had been set aside to buy advanced airport screening equipment and $64 million from a workers' compensation fund for injured TSA employees. The White House on May 1 asked Congress for $4.5 billion in emergency funds to address the rising number of people crossing the southwestern border with Mexico. DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton said Tuesday in a statement the agency "is considering all options to address the humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border. We will continue to work with our workforce to find dynamic solutions and funding to address this very serious problem." Houlton said the agency was exploring "fiscal mechanisms that will ensure the safety and welfare of both our workforce and the migrant population, which is also reflected in the supplemental request submitted to Congress." Last week, TSA confirmed it planned to redirect staff to the U.S. southern border to assist with immigration duties and migrant flows. A TSA spokesman said the agency was looking for volunteers to support efforts at the border with Mexico, where the government has said it is grappling with record numbers of people. TSA staff will include 175 law enforcement officials, including air marshals, and as many as 400 security staff drawn from six unnamed U.S. cities but will not include airport screeners, CNN reported last week, citing two additional unnamed sources. Officers have apprehended nearly 99,000 people crossing the border with Mexico in April, the highest figure since 2007, the U.S. government reported earlier this month. More than two-thirds of those were children or people traveling as families. Earlier this month, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said it was deploying an additional 186 CBP officers to assist Border Patrol agents at sectors on the southwest border, after earlier shifting more than 300 officers from airports, northern border checkpoints and other locations. Reporting by David Shepardson; Editing by Bernadette Baum Home All Metal Quotes Charts & Data Markets News Commentaries Mining About Us Kitco Media Careers Contact Us Advertise With Us Kitco Gold Index Interactive Gold Chart Bitcoin in USD Currency Converter ScrapIt! Mobile Application Site Map Online Store Be Informed of our special offers, alerts and news. sign up How can we help you? 1 877 775-4826 Drop us a line info@kitco.com Website Terms of Use | Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy
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House Of Frames Ltd. is a business dealing with frames as well as many things. Frames are not the only thing House Of Frames Ltd. is in the business of; wood is yet another field of expertise. Positioned in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, House Of Frames Ltd. is famous for being a magnificent company. This is in the group of firms found in Alberta dealing with frames. WEBSITE: House Of Frames Ltd.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I am always looking for the slept on artist with something to say and the talent to match along with a great band! This album gives me life & takes me to another place! The words that come to mind AUTHENTIC, REFRESHING.....& SULTRY! Love it!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Filters: Keyword is Constituent sources and sinks and Author is D. M. Cunnold [Clear All Filters] Rigby, M., R. G. Prinn, P. J. Fraser, P. G. Simmonds, R. L. Langenfelds, J. Huang, D. M. Cunnold, P. L. Steele, P. B. Krummel, R. F. Weiss et al. "Renewed growth of atmospheric methane." Geophysical Research Letters 35, no. 22 (2008): L22805. Simmonds, P. G., A. J. Manning, D. M. Cunnold, A. McCulloch, S. J. O'Doherty, R. G. Derwent, P. B. Krummel, P. J. Fraser, B. L. Dunse, L. W. Porter et al. "Global trends, seasonal cycles, and European emissions of dichloromethane, trichloroethene, and tetrachloroethene from the AGAGE observations at Mace Head, Ireland, and Cape Grim, Tasmania." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111, no. D18 (2006): D18304. Yoshida, Y., Y. Wang, C. Shim, D. M. Cunnold, D. Blake, and G. S. Dutton. "Inverse modeling of the global methyl chloride sources." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111, no. D16 (2006): D16307. Cunnold, D. M., P. L. Steele, P. J. Fraser, P. G. Simmonds, R. G. Prinn, R. F. Weiss, L. W. Porter, S. J. O'Doherty, R. L. Langenfelds, P. B. Krummel et al. "In situ measurements of atmospheric methane at GAGE/AGAGE sites during 1985–2000 and resulting source inferences." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107, no. D14 (2002): ACH - 20-1. O'Doherty, S. J., P. G. Simmonds, D. M. Cunnold, R. H. J. Wang, W. T. Sturges, P. J. Fraser, D. Ryall, R. G. Derwent, R. F. Weiss, P. K. Salameh et al. "In situ chloroform measurements at Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment atmospheric research stations from 1994 to 1998." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 106, no. D17 (2001): 20429-20444. Simmonds, P. G., S. J. O'Doherty, J. Huang, R. G. Prinn, R. G. Derwent, D. Ryall, G. Nickless, and D. M. Cunnold. "Calculated trends and the atmospheric abundance of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane, and 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane using automated in-situ gas chromatography-mass spectrometry measurements recorded at Mace Head, Oct 94 - Mar 97." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103, no. D13 (1998): 16029-16037. Simmonds, P. G., D. M. Cunnold, R. F. Weiss, R. G. Prinn, P. J. Fraser, A. McCulloch, F. N. Alyea, and S. J. O'Doherty. "Global trends and emission estimates of CCl4 from in situ background observations from July 1978 to June 1996." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103, no. D13 (1998): 16017-16027. Hartley, D. E., T. Kindler, D. M. Cunnold, and R. G. Prinn. "Evaluating chemical transport models: Comparison of effects of different CFC-11 emission scenarios." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 101, no. D9 (1996): 14381-14385.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: ps4 controller won't connect on initial startup My PS4 is on the initial startup screen (when you first buy the system) and the controller doesn't connect to the system. I've tried resetting the controller and using different wires, but still nothing. The controller only connects to the system on safe mode (with any wire), but after I choose an option, it goes back to the initial startup screen and the controller doesn't work anymore. Does anyone know how to fix this? A: What works for me (every time so far) is to turn off the PS4 (by holding down the power button) then wait a few seconds (about 10) seconds to make sure it's turned off completely, then unplug the power cable and wait another few seconds (waiting 10 seconds works fine for me). Then replug the power cable and press the PS4 button on the controller and it SHOULD start on its own. Every now and again it will turn on (and give the blue light on the controller) and at the start-up screen act like it doesn't recognize the controller again. If it does that, press the PS4 button again and let it flash white until it reconnects again. Sometimes I have to press the button 2-3 times before the console FINALLY contects, but this method was worked for me every time so far.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Vito "Don Vito" Genovese Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel Charles "Lucky" Luciano Frank Costello Frank Nitti Johnny Torrio Meyer Lansky Paul Ricca Sam Giancana Tony "Joe" Accardo follow The Making of the Mob: Vito Genovese (played by Craig Rivela) enjoyed a long run in the top echelons of Mafia power, both as an underboss and boss. He was a canny, ruthless survivor who habitually used violence and murder to get what he wanted, be it power, witness tampering or control of a family. Or a bride: Genovese married his second wife, Anna, twelve days after her husband's body was found, strangled to death. Genovese was never convicted of murder, but his methods did backfire in one notable instance. While in prison, he reportedly ordered a hit on one of his soldiers, Joe Valachi, who was also his cellmate. The plan didn't come off as expected; Valachi not only lived, he testified before a Senate committee in 1963, giving the public its first detailed look at the Mafia. Born and raised near Naples, Genovese was 15 when his family came to the U.S. and settled in New York City's Little Italy. His exploits as a menacing petty thief attracted favorable interest from the city's Mafiosi, and his gangland career began. He quickly climbed the ranks and allied himself with another ambitious young criminal, Lucky Luciano. In the 1920s, Genovese worked for the city's preeminent kingpin, Giuseppe "Joe the Boss" Masseria, and distinguished himself as a particularly tough customer, cunning and willing to do anything. He proved that in 1931, when he conspired with Luciano to murder Masseria and his rival Salvatore Maranzano, thus ushering in a new era of organized crime. Luciano became most powerful boss of New York's Five Families; Genovese, who participated in the murder of Masseria, was his underboss. In 1936, Luciano went to prison and Genovese took over the family's daily operations. It was a short tenure; in 1937, he learned he was about to be arrested for murder and fled to Fascist Italy. Genovese flourished there; he became a key Mafia player and a friend of Benito Mussolini; after the Allied invasion, he ingratiated himself with the U.S. Army and used his position to run a thriving business on the black market. Towards the end of the war he was arrested and sent back to New York to stand trial for murder. Witnesses soon died or disappeared, and the case was dismissed. Genovese returned to the Luciano family, though he was not happy that Frank Costello had been chosen to lead the family after Luciano's deportation to Italy. By 1957, Genovese had cultivated new allies and ordered a hit on Costello. The attempt was unsuccessful, but Costello decided it was time to retire. Two years later, Genovese was convicted on narcotics charges; he continued to control the Genovese Family from prison, until he suffered a fatal heart attack in 1969.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Adam Sandler is Netflix's biggest star, and Netflix thinks that's great Netflix says its audiences love the stuff it makes for itself, like Murder Mystery. Its rivals are betting otherwise. By Peter Kafka Dec 30, 2019, 11:00am EST Share All sharing options for: Adam Sandler is Netflix's biggest star, and Netflix thinks that's great Luke Evans, Adam Sandler, and Jennifer Aniston star in Murder Mystery, available on Netflix. Scott Yamano / Netflix Peter Kafka covers media and technology, and their intersection, at Vox. Many of his stories can be found in his Kafka on Media newsletter, and he also hosts the Recode Media podcast. This story is part of a group of stories called Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing — and changing us. Netflix became one of the world's most powerful media companies by using other media companies' TV shows and movies. Now many of those media companies are pulling their stuff back from Netflix, which means Netflix has to make its own TV shows and movies. No big deal, says Netflix. Our customers like the stuff we make just fine. Here is what that argument looks like in chart form. This is Netflix's list of the 10 most popular shows and movies it started streaming in the US in 2019. Note that everything on here was made by Netflix, with the exception of Disney's Incredibles 2. Also note that because other popular Netflix shows made by other companies, like Friends and The Office, debuted on Netflix years ago, they wouldn't qualify for this list, which is helpful for the point Netflix is trying to make: 1) Murder Mystery 2) Stranger Things 3 3) 6 Underground 4) The Incredibles 2 5) The Irishman 6) The Witcher 7) The Triple Frontier 8) Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile 9) The Umbrella Academy 10) The Highwaymen If you are unfamiliar with many of these titles, Netflix is okay with that. It would like you to know that The Highwaymen was a Kevin Costner movie about Texas Rangers chasing Bonnie & Clyde. But it is happy that many of its 160 million subscribers ended up watching it, anyway. Ditto for The Witcher, a swords-and-sorcery series it just debuted. The same goes for Murder Mystery, an Adam Sandler movie that no one talks about on (my version) of Twitter but Netflix audiences apparently love, because Netflix audiences apparently love Adam Sandler. That is: Netflix thinks this list is good, because it shows that Netflix audiences like the stuff Netflix makes on its own. Especially stuff with Adam Sandler. Another way to view this list, of course, is that it shows the opportunity Netflix's new rivals will have as they boot up their own streaming services: Disney+ is stocked with Disney movies and shows you've heard of (plus The Simpsons from Fox); AT&T's HBO Max will be full of movies and shows made by AT&T's Warner Bros studio; and Comcast's Peacock will have movies made by Universal Studios and shows you may have seen on NBC at some point. At a minimum, promoting things you've heard of before should make it easier for those new services to grab your attention. Just like Netflix used to do when it licensed stuff from those media companies. And if you were starting a streaming company from scratch, you might well look at Netflix's top 10 list and assume they were in a lot of trouble. But, again, Netflix isn't starting from scratch: It has 160 million subscribers worldwide. And it is betting that by putting stuff in front of those 160 million people, it can make that stuff popular. We're going to get a real-world test of that thesis over the next few years. Before we go, a word about Netflix's methodology for this list. (And if you're the kind of person who distrusts stats Netflix has previously cherry-picked to tell Wall Street and Hollywood that it's doing well, you will really hate this set.) In the past, Netflix would report viewership by counting households that had watched 70 percent of a movie or TV show. But this list counts households that have merely watched the first two minutes of a movie or TV show in the first 28 days of its release. Netflix says it is counting this way to indicate titles that people want to watch as opposed to total time spent watching (which means that for this list, a 50-minute episode of Stranger Things has the same value as the three-hour, 30-minute Irishman). And it says that counting the first month of a release (in the case of The Witcher, it is apparently extrapolating, since the show just started) means that stuff that debuted in January and stuff that started running late in 2019 are weighted equally. You may roll your eyes at all of this. But, again: Netflix can make its own rules for this stuff until Wall Street, or subscribers, say otherwise. Next Up on Recode Trump hasn't changed. But Facebook is giving him a second chance. The former president and promoter of the "big lie" is Facebook's problem again. Microsoft is beating Google at its own game The software stalwart's big investment in AI could make it cutting-edge again. Google's bad year is getting worse Layoffs, an AI threat, and now a massive antitrust lawsuit. Jeff Bezos wants the world to know he's a philanthropist The Amazon founder has committed to giving most of his money to charity — and he's got roughly $120 billion to burn. How's he doing? Inside the battle for the future of Amazon After the largest corporate layoffs in its history, the tech giant is at a crossroads. More in The Latest The Latest on Vox
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If we want to live fully, to risk intimacy and closeness with other persons, it is essential that we embrace the reality of death. The contemplation of death occupies a central and honored place in Buddhist meditative training. Some people, when they hear of this, imagine that such reflections must result in a morbid and depressed outlook on life. Quite to the contrary however, when we openly face the previously unconscious fears, a new joy, freedom and aliveness appear. Being alive as a separate person is one end of a polarity which includes death. We do our best to deny this truth. Much of the anxiety that we experience arises from this unconscious fear of death. We and our loved ones may be healthy today, but we know in the back of our minds that sickness or death will soon be with us. There is also a shadowy intuition that accidental death is but a moment away. We say, "drive carefully" when we would more honestly say. "I am afraid that I am going to lose you in a car accident". During this day of practice, in the supportive community of PIMC, we will use mindfulness to bring stability and clarity to the mind. With this foundation we will turn our minds to a variety of contemplations of death. Consider the Conversation: A Documentary on a Taboo Subject. ploughing in the autumn is supreme. Of all footprints, the elephant's is supreme.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Write for Australian Women Online Shoe Boutique Australian Women Online Business, career, health and lifestyle content for women Discount Holidays You are here: Home / Uncategorized / Your Home: Affordable House and Land Packages in Adelaide Your Home: Affordable House and Land Packages in Adelaide December 2, 2015 by Deborah Robinson While the Great Australian Dream of owning your own home is out of reach for many of us living in major cities and towns on the east coast, new house and land packages are going for a song in north Adelaide's newest community, Blakes Crossing. Located just 30 minutes from the Barossa Valley and with direct access to the Adelaide CBD by train or by car on the Northern Expressway, Blakes Crossing offers new home buyers all the conveniences of living near a capital city, in a tranquil country setting. But the most attractive feature of the area has to be the price. You can purchase brand new 3 bedroom house and land packages in Adelaide for around $300,000 making it an attractive option for first home buyers and single income families. A Planned Community Blakes Crossing is a well planned community with landscaped streets, native trees, walking trails, open spaces and parks. A lake spanning approximately 100m across the new 1.4 Hectare park is surrounded by lush green lawns, kids playground and barbeque facilities. There are also plans to construct a community oval. Blakes Crossing was designed to be a walkable community with a network of walking and cycle paths to reduce the use of cars. For example, all homes are located within walking distance of the town centre which has a Woolworths, Fasta Pasta, Monica's Pizza, United Discount Chemists, Angkor Bakery, BWS, Blakes Crossing Newsagency, Hollywood Nails, The Chicken Home, and more stores opening in the not-too-distant future. Schools and Childcare The Blakes Crossing Christian College is currently accepting enrolments for Reception to Year 5 and is aiming to eventually cater for around 700 students up to year 12. The newly opened Blakeview Childcare Centre caters for 121 children and is owned and operated by Stepping Stone (SA) Childcare & Early Development Centres. The TAFE Elizabeth and TAFE Gawler campuses are both located close to Blakes Crossing. Affordable House & Land Packages As previously mentioned, the Great Australian Dream of owning your own home is now just a pipe dream for so many of us who reside on the east coast. After watching Sydney house prices skyrocket over the past five years or so, I was completely bowled over when I was told about Blakes Crossing. Ranging in price from around $270,000 up to a maximum of about $350,000 on the developer's website, these 3 and 4 bedroom homes in Blakes Crossing are going for a song when compared to Sydney housing prices. This Rosedale Homes 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house and land package in Blakes Crossing will cost you just $299,850. Photo credit: Lend Lease.com Promoting a Healthier & Active Lifestyle The planned community of Blakes Crossing provides plenty of open spaces and sports and recreation facilities for both kids and adults. There is a neighbourhood Oval and Adventure Playground under construction and there's even a place to exercise your four-legged friends. As you can imagine, Pooch Park has been a howling success with dogs and their owners since it opened. A Lend Lease planned community, Blakes Crossing will have 1,500 homes accommodating about 4,000 residents upon completion in 2019. For more information about Blakes Crossing, including house and land packages, visit the website http://communities.lendlease.com/blakes-crossing/ Filed Under: Uncategorized, Your Home Magic men hens night Sydney Male Revue 6 Japanese Beauty Products You Should Own in 2019 Write This, Not That: The Biggest Resume Mistakes You're Probably Making Why is Being an Early Learning Educator a Great Career? 4 Reasons Spas are the Hottest Trend in Bathroom Design How to Lay Out Your Retail Store with Shop Fittings Finally Travelling Overseas? Here's What You Need to Know about Caravan Storage Plumbing: When and When Not to Do Plumbing Work Yourself Why New Zealand is the perfect road trip destination Women in Newcastle are Selling their Cars to this Service for Instant Cash Best Fashion Labels on sale, with Afterpay July 2019 Moore Weekly Stars The 10 Best Side Dishes For Ribs Advertise with Australian Women Online Get the Hamptons Look for Your Home on a Budget Aussie Mums open male escort agency catering exclusively to women The 4 Best Cooking Oils for Your BBQ Marcs Rose Felted Wool Coat Sexy and Stylish Short Hairstyles for Women Over 60 Australian Women Online © Copyright 2007 - 2019 Deborah Robinson ABN 38 119 171 979 · All Rights Reserved
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Charles H. MacNider Art Museum 303 Second Street South East The Charles H. MacNider Museum is a non-profit, municipally owned institution conceived in 1964 and opened by 1966 in Mason City, Iowa.Everything the Museum does is educational or aesthetic in nature centering around working with objects of art. By entering into a partnership with our regional community, the Charles H. MacNider Art Museum seeks to engage diverse audiences in the visual arts and through them sustain a thriving environment in which American art and exceptional collections are collected, enjoyed, and understood. Our commitment to professional museum standards is a central part of our public trust and responsibility to current and future generations. Mason City Happenings ARP IA Fraud Watch Update An ally on the issues that matter most to you in Mason City
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
On November 18, 2016 Chip & Chad Snyder donate the new Penn Square Clock to the City of Lancaster. Our beautiful city has always been symbolically referred to as the "Red Rose City." When I was working on the design of the clock for Lancaster City's Penn Square with City Planner, Charlotte Katzenmoyer, we really wanted to incorporate the Red Rose. The Red Rose represents a few things to all of us: love and passion – we're very proud of our Lancaster, the history and innovation of the City, and are passionate for the well-being of our city; the rose is also a symbol of great respect – our city is known to welcome all ethnic and cultural backgrounds with open arms; and courage – Lancaster has embraced many courageous people who have helped transform our city into what it is today. As a little boy growing up in Lancaster City, on King St., I can remember walking through Penn Square on my way to the annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Central Market with my sister, Christina, and parents, Chip and Doreen, and watching Santa at Watt & Shand; I never imagined I would be standing on Penn Square, 30 years later, dedicating a clock to the city we all admire. Our family is very honored to be able to present this clock. After hearing that the former clock was being removed with no plan to replace it, I presented our idea to Charlotte Katzenmoyer and Mayor Gray. Our family agreed that this was a fitting tribute to the city that will honor our families' long history of service and civic engagement. My grandfather, Charles F. Snyder, founded the funeral home on King Street in 1947, and served as the City Controller from 1962-1966. My other grandfather, George Vlassis, was employed by the City as a housing inspector, and my great aunt, Janice Stork, was Lancaster city's first female Mayor who served two terms from 1990-1998 – all were city residents. As a newlywed, my wife, Lee Shand and her family, owned and operated the Watt & Shand Department Stores for over a 100 years at Penn Square. On behalf of our entire family and staff, we would like to dedicate this clock to the City of Lancaster as a monument for all of the hard work and all of the time that has been spent in making this the best place to live in the United States! Charles F. "Chip" Snyder, Jr.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Following the 2016 U.S. presidential election, an anti-Trump resistance movement began, drawing on much longer-existing movements ranging from the women's movement to the Black Lives Matter movement to the immigrant rights movement. While Trump resisters are a diverse lot, in general, they are opposed to both Trump's political agenda and his personal history of racism, capitalist greed, misogyny, and dishonesty. This opposition has taken many forms from Marches (e.g., the Women's March) to protests and a greater involvement in state and local politics. Throughout this, one of the main questions has been whether and how this resistance can be sustained in the long run. Informing Activists: How can activists avoid burnout? How can activists avoid burnout? Klandermans, Bert. 1997. The Social Psychology of Protest. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers. Many thanks to this great group of contributors.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Making A Deal On A House Qld If the seller suches as everything other than the sale priceor the proposed closing date or the basement pool table you desire entrusted to the propertyyou may get a created counteroffer with the seller's favored adjustments. what is a hoarder house Scottdale money experiment. Remember though that, despite having these brand-new rules in area, whether a specific customer actually obtains funding is eventually up to the lender. While the FHA guidelines might state loan providers could supply the financing, specific lending institutions might have significantly more stringent standards than the FHA. You have one trump card to play as a newbie purchaser which the reality you have absolutely nothing to sell, so maximize it. But one of one of the most vital things you need to prove is that you can most definitely manage the property as well as you have a home loan waiting. After that your offer will certainly be taken seriously. Gator REIA http://www.GatorREIA.com Call: Glen Woodfin [email protected] Telephone: (864) 578-3553 When: 1st Thursday of each month, 6:30 pm coffee, 7:00 pm meeting Where: Holiday Inn West, I-75 & Newberry Rd. If the inspector determines an issue, you could ask the seller to repair it If so, the examiner could come back to confirm that the job was completed. In other situations, an invoice from a reputable repair business could work as adequate evidence. Realty Investors Group Georgia Property Investors Association - Scottdale (AZREIA) http://www.azreia.com Call: Alan Langston [email protected] Telephone: (480) 990-7092 When: 2nd Tuesday of monthly, 5:30 networking, 6:30 pm conference Where: Doubletree Resort, 445 S. Alvernon Method, Scottdale. You can secure yourself versus rates of interest adjustments with a price lock, since the price can transform in between the moment you speak with the lending institution and when you authorize the home mortgage. Your lending institution will typically give you the option to lock your rate once you have moved right into a certain stage of the financing process. For the low-income market that make up the majority of Scottdale home sales, the absolute best selection for funding is an FHA-backed vehicle loan. FHA loanings are offered for both landed houses when the Scottdale house as well as land it relaxes after are had by the exact same individual along with those residences that will certainly be situated in a Scottdale residence park. Requirement FHA qualifications apply. Savings and banks as well as funding organizations will generally be taken into consideration as a last resort. Because of their high closing expenditures as well as lengthy hold-ups in taking care of residence financings, this is. When a vendor is not in a hurry to close, in addition to the structure will certainly bring the added prices, standard home mortgages might be a choice, specifically in the existing lower passion market. Credit rating are an additional key demand when buying a residence in Georgia. Youve possibly became aware of the importance of having good credit rating, when it comes to getting a finance. Consumers with greater credit report typically have an easier time getting home mortgage financing, and also tend to get better rate of interest as well. After you have actually created a wish list, you need to after that produce a home buying list where you can list important information. Make certain you consist of products from your shopping list on this list so that you could rapidly check off which features the residential or commercial property has for referral later.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The new Franciscan Health Michigan City hospital took a significant step down the road of progress July 14, with a ceremonial topping-off of the steel support structure, which consisted of installation of the final beam for the facility at Interstate 94 and U.S. 421. The beam had been signed by hospital officials, staff and other well-wishers before being raised during the ceremony, which was officiated by Dean Mazzoni, hospital president and CEO, and highlighted with guest speakers, among them Sister Jane Marie Klein, chairwoman of Franciscan Alliance, shown affixing the last signature before the raising. After the beam was set in place, workers who guided in the white beam and attached it raised their arms in celebration as some 150 guests cheered from ground level. The hospital plan was in the works for years and began taking shape with a ground-breaking and blessing ceremony last year. Construction on the $232 million project is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2018. Results of the Repeal – Did It Work? Everybody's Using CRM Software – Which Ones Are the Best?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
3 Milwaukee residents headed to DC event arrested in Indiana Tory Lowe By Associated Press - Thursday, August 13, 2020 WARSAW, Ind. (AP) - Three men who are members of a Milwaukee group that's marching to the nation's capital for a national commemoration of the 1963 civil rights March on Washington were arrested in northern Indiana after police said they were blocking traffic on a highway. Frank David Sensabaugh, 30, Eric Ajala, 20, and Tory Lowe, 44, were arrested Wednesday on misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and obstruction of traffic, Indiana State Police said. Lowe was also arrested on a misdemeanor charge of resisting law enforcement, police said. All three Milwaukee residents were taken to the Kosciusko County Jail and later released, The Times-Union of Warsaw reported. State police spokesman Sgt. Ted Bohner said all three are Black men. Sensabaugh told the newspaper after their release that they planned to sue Kosciusko County. "You treat Black people differently than you do white people," he said. "So let's play the game to see who loses more money." State police said in a news release that the county's prosecutor "will review this case for all appropriate charges." Sensabaugh, who goes by the name Frank "Nitty" Sensabaugh, and Lowe are leaders of a group that's marching nearly 800 miles (1,287 kilometers) from Milwaukee, to Washington, D.C., to join an Aug. 28 commemoration of the 57th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. Indiana State Police said Sensabaugh, Ajala and Lowe were arrested about 6 p.m. near the city of Warsaw on U.S. 30 - a divided four-lane highway with a speed limit of 60 miles per hour (97 kilometers per hour) - after dispatchers "began receiving calls of traffic backed up for several miles in the eastbound lanes of US 30." State police said the protesters were "creating a dangerous situation for the group as well as traveling motorists" by walking at times in the right lane, with eight support vehicles traveling at walking speed. Troopers spoke to Sensabaugh and explained that he and the others were creating a dangerous situation, but police said the group continued walking eastbound with the highway traffic, which state police said was backed up for about 7 miles (11 kilometers). Troopers again approached the marchers and explained that they could not continue traveling in the highway lane. The three were arrested following "multiple attempts to gain compliance," police said. Video that Lowe livestreamed on Facebook shows police speaking to him and eventually arresting him as someone can be heard saying, "Let him go," and, "This is an unlawful arrest."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Chiril may refer to: Chiril (name), a male given name Chiril, a village in Crucea Commune, Suceava County, Romania Chiril River (disambiguation), several rivers in Romania See also Chirilov, a surname Chirilovca (disambiguation)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Drawing March 31, April 30 and May 30 for a Kindle Fire. Just pre-order this book and you're entered. Includes the San Bernardino Shooting, Boston Marathon Bombings and other cases of terrorism on American soil.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
ICANN Announcements Read ICANN Announcements to stay informed of the latest policymaking activities, regional events, and more. Pilot Holistic Review Draft Terms of Reference Today, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) opened a new Public Comment proceeding. Recommendation 3.5 of the Third Accountability and Transparency Review called for a new Specific Review, the Holistic Review. The ICANN Board approved the Holistic Review as a pilot, "pursuant to community-agreed Terms of Reference." A community team developed Draft Terms of Reference and finished its work in June 2022. This proceeding seeks input on the Draft Terms of Reference to be used by the Pilot Holistic Review Team. Please visit the proceeding webpage for more information. Open for Submissions Date: Tuesday, 30 August 2022 Closed for Submissions Date: Friday, 21 October 2022 ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address – a name or a number – into your computer or other device. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a nonprofit public benefit corporation with a community of participants from all over the world. Register for ICANN's Pilot Holistic Review Draft Terms of Reference Webinar Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Final Report Webinar Invitation: Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Final Report ICANN Request for Information: gTLD Application Life Cycle System ICANN Request for Quotation: Storage Network Replacement 2023 ICANN Publishes UA Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems See more announcements ICANN News
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This car is happiest when the road ahead is wide open. I spent a week with this year's model of the Lexus RC F after record-breaking rainfall turned many of Dallas' roads into minefields of potholes. As I opened it up on northbound Interstate 35 south of Farmers Branch, the sunken cavities eyed the car's suspension and tires. This was treacherous pavement: the potholes were deep and jagged and damn near unavoidable. But the RC F glided over those I couldn't avoid with a subtle bump. For those I could, the tight turning radius allowed me to precisely angle the vehicle to swiftly dodge them before pushing down the pedal and testing the V-8 engine, which Lexus says can power the car from zero to 60 mph in 4.4 seconds. This is a car for an empty freeway and an open road. You'll notice its heft as you accelerate from a dead stop (it's about 400 pounds heavier than its closest competitor, the BMW M4), and the steering wheel doesn't respond nearly as well in the neighborhood as it does on the highway.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Zach (Nick Robinson) and Gray (Ty Simpkins) come face to face with a monstrous new dinosaur in Jurassic World. IT'S been 22 years since Steven Spielberg brought Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park to the big screen. I remember watching that film and being blown away by the dinosaurs in it. I also remember being disappointed by the two films that followed it. So, it was with a bit of trepidation that I went to see the fourth instalment in the franchise, Jurassic World. Could it be as good as the original? The short answer is yes. Although Spielberg is not in the director's chair, his influence as executive producer can be felt in the film, and there are a host of fun nods to the original, courtesy of holograms and a visit to the original building where T-Rex and the veloceraptors had a fight to the death. In the new film, the disaster at Jurassic Park is a distant memory and Isla Nublar off the coast of Costa Rica is now owned by the Masrani Corporation. It is also a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, just like the one originally envisioned by John Hammond (played in the first film by the late Richard Attenborough). At Jurassic World you can let your children ride on the back of a young horned Triceratops or hand feed a little Brachiosaurus; you can watch a Mosasaur — a giant, carnivorous marine reptile — snacking on a shark; see T-Rex feeding; and take a journey through the park on monorails or in a gyrosphere. Of course, like any theme park, the owners are looking for bigger and better attractions to show their guests. And that's where things take a nasty turn. The lab geeks, headed up by Dr Henry Wu (BD Wong) have been playing in the dinosaur gene pool and what they have created makes T-Rex look like a pussycat. The Indominus Rex is not just a massive predator with foot-long teeth, she is also very clever and uses her intelligence to trick the staff and then break out of her supposedly impregnable enclosure. It's the worst possible news for Jurassic World's manager, Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard), and the owner, Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan), who watch helplessly as their monster rampages through the park killing other dinosaurs — and any humans she encounters — for sport. Enter Owen (Chris Pratt), a dinosaur wrangler who has been working with and training four veloceraptors since birth. The military, led by Hoskins (Vincent D'Onofrio), is keen to use the dinosaurs on the battlefield. They see the disaster as a perfect time to test the raptors and see if they can be controlled. Owen reluctantly agrees; and the scene in which Pratt, riding a motorcyle, speeds through the jungle surrounded by his raptor "family" is one of the best in the movie. Aside from the action sequences — which include winged dinosaurs attacking people in the park and a showdown between T-Rex and Indominus — there is also a strong human element to the film. This centres on Claire, an uptight career woman, who finds herself trekking through the forest and dodging dinosaurs, as she and Owen work together to save her nephews, Zach (Nick Robinson) and Gray (Ty Simpkins) from being eaten. That she manages to do so in a pair of heels is mind boggling! What that all means is that Jurassic World is the perfect popcorn movie. It offers movie-goers plenty of action, a bit of romance and it doesn't try to take itself too seriously. So, do yourselves a favour and go and see it. You won't regret it.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
About Company Our company Products Our products Induction Heating - Design Induction Heating - Applications Induction Furnaces Hot Outlets Preheating of Machine Parts Induction Heating - Generators < 2 kW - SF1 < 5 kW - HF1-VA5 < 10 kW - SFG-8 < 20 kW - SFG-15 Thyristor Generator SF2-AG Viscometer ROTVE Littleton Softening Point LBM-5 Device for Production of Glass Fibers Gradient Furnace Plastometer PM-04 Dilatometer AA-04 Laboratory Cylindrical Furnace Portable Cooling Furnace Marklar - LBM References Our customers Contacts Contact Us Technology of induction heating cannot be used for a specific application without a detailed technical analysis. First, it is needed to determine, whether a given task can be solved by the technology of induction heating at all. After this, a calculations of required power are performed and, depending on a shape of a heated object, the first inductor is designed. Efficiency and power parameters of this inductor are verified by a model. When desired results are achieved, a final adjustments of inductor and generator are made to meet customer demands. We have successfully applied induction heating in several industries, including induction furnaces for melting of silver, gold and dental alloys, induction heating of enamel outlets, high temperature induction furnaces and devices for sealing of caps of plastic bottles and cans. For applications of induction heating, we typically use generators of own production, which operate in the frequency range of 15 to 200 kHz with an output power up to 15 kW. The generators are usually supplemented by a temperature controller. In case of simple applications, power delivery loop is sufficient. Laboratory devices, which we produce, are in the most cases built on our previous work in the Glass Institute. Usually these devices measure physical properties of glass. Next to these, we create two devices for the RMI Company, which are used to measure physical properties of coking coal. During a custom manufacturing, we have devised some devices, which do not fit into previous categories. These are mostly resistive furnaces of non-standard design or purpose. Laboratory instruments can be delivered together with an utility software, in which an user can give a name to a measured sample, write a comment to that sample or insert some other information to measuring procedure. Software is designed in a way, so computer is able to perform a measurement automatically. After measurement is finished, the results are evaluated automatically by the software. It is possible to perform a multiple measurements with one sample. In this case, as the result the average of all the measurements is taken. There is a built-in feature inside the software, allowing an export of protocol in PDF format (and the consecutive print) and an export of measured data in CSV format (for further data analysis e.g. in Excel). Copyright © 2020 VEZAS. All rights reserved.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
a jokey statement, or is pleased about something. ;-) Winky smiley. User just made a flirtatious and/or sarcastic remark. :-| User's lips are sealed. Note: A lot of these can be typed without noses to make midget smileys.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I was searching for a Property and found this listing (MLS® #1437157). Please send me more information regarding 228 Reeds Lane, Everson, WA, 98247. Thank you! I'd like to request a showing of 228 Reeds Lane, Everson, WA, 98247 (MLS® #1437157). Thank you!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The day has finally arrived, your brand new SolTravelerHoverboard has arrived! As you go to put one foot on, the hoverboard begins to vibrate vigorously and as you try to mount the second foot on, boom, down you go. Not easy, you say to yourself. Fear no more, we've all been there, so we decided to compile a mini guide to help you out. Before you know it you'll be up and running in no time. Step 1: Getting on the hoverboardA. Make sure your board is fully charged up. Begin by placing the board right in front of your toes. B. Keep the board as flat as possible and with your dominant foot, step as close as possible to the wheel. The wider the distance is between your two feet, the easier the ride will be. Quickly transition your other foot onto the board. Again, ensuring the foot is as close to the wheel as possible. C. Look forward, not down or up. Focus on a distant object, trying not tense up. Tensing up will only make it more difficult, as the board will begin to wobble back and forth. Again, try not to over think it. In fact, simply think about where you want to go., focusing on a distant object. The board is very responsive, and slight transitions in body weight will be sufficient enough to get you moving in the direction you want to go in. Lean too much and you will fall. Keep your core as still as possible, and ever so slightly lean forward to go north and back to move south! In order to turn, begin by twisting forward the foot that is opposite your turning direction. Therefore, if you want to turn right, simply push your left toe forward. Sharp turns or turning on the spot can be accomplished by twisting your back foot, essentially pushing down your back heel. For example, given our earlier example of turning left, your right foot is twisting forward, while at the same time your left foot is twisting down and back. Step 3: Stepping Off the HoverboardHands down, probably the hardest part in the entire process. But, fear not, we got your back! Begin by shifting your weight to your dominant foot, and then step off the board with your non-dominant foot. Try your best to resist trying to simply jump off your board! Follow the above steps and we are confident tha you will be zooming around on your soltravelerhoverboard in no time!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Absentee-ballot fraud suspected in Franklin County Franklin County officials are investigating possible fraud involving absentee ballots for the Nov. 3 election, in which voters will decide the fate of casinos proposed for Ohio's four largest cities. Franklin County Elections Director Michael Stinziano said yesterday that seven applications for absentee ballots appear to have been filled out by the same person. The matter has been referred to Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien, Stinziano said. Filling out a false application is a fifth-degree felony. Hamilton County authorities, who raided the offices of the pro-state Issue 3 committee Monday and seized documents, are investigating whether 38 fraudulent applications for absentee ballots were mailed to the board of elections there by a worker for the campaign. The proposed constitutional amendment would authorize casinos in Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Toledo. Issue 3 backers admitted "irregularities" with applications for absentee ballots submitted in Hamilton County by one employee of FieldWorks, a firm it had hired to go door to door to canvass voters. The employee was fired, Issue 3 spokesman Bob Tenenbaum said. He said there's no reason to think the misconduct extended to other workers. The same problems appear to have cropped up in Franklin County, although on a smaller scale. Board of Elections spokesman Ben Piscitelli said the seven suspicious applications are among about 24,000 requests for absentee ballots countywide. "We don't know who dropped them off so we're not making any correlation to the Issue 3 campaign," Stinziano said. TruthPAC, a group opposed to Issue 3, said the apparent phony applications are part of a pattern of deception by casino proponents. "Clearly, it would be prudent for all Ohio election boards to examine this further," said Sandy Theis, a spokeswoman for the group. Also yesterday, four Democrats in the state House introduced a resolution for a May ballot initiative to allow as many as 15 casinos across Ohio. The casinos would be taxed at 50 percent, which is higher than the 33 percent rate proposed for the four casinos in Issue 3. Rep. Dennis Murray, D-Sandusky, the resolution's chief sponsor, said he opposes Issue 3 but wouldn't necessarily drop his idea if the ballot measure passes. jnash@dispatch.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Streaming is New Media's reply to Digital Media's 'Live Broadcast' and looking at the extent of usage of Instagram Live, Facebook live and others, we can say that slowly it is overtaking the popularity once held by live broadcasts. But why? The answer is 'nearness.' People tend to value your brand more if you are able to provide them some insights of your working style, showcasing some of your employees, and by showing them some behind the scenes information. Live videos do what a normal post with an edited image cannot. It communicates efficiently. This is a fundamental requirement. It's very obvious that you need to plan what you are going to show or talk about when you to go live. If you are able to document your plan and work according to it, you have high chances of conducting a successful live video. If you do not plan, you may not be able to communicate properly with your audience and may even end up losing a few potential customers. I guess you will be aware that videos require high speed and an active internet connection for broadcasting or to be uploaded. If your connection is is not strong or is slow, it may get compressed to a lower quality or people may also experience lag. Both are hazardous for your video. Have you seen that the companies before hosting press conferences or any events send various reminders in form of press releases, e-mails, and text messages? It is the same regarding live broadcasts. TV channels give various reminders on the channel itself about the live broadcasts well in advance. Same is required in case of going live. If you do not keep the people informed in advance or do not remind them of your live video, the viewership may not be much. People today are very busy. So, you need to keep them informing and reminding for your own good. Based on your product or message, fix a time of going live. The last thing you would want is your target audience missing out on your live broadcast. So research thoroughly and set a time of your broadcast. It might be a book. It might be a car. Whatever it might be, you can always launch your products on Facebook live. People those who aren't present there in person can view the video in real time and experience it. Only a few days back, car manufacturer 'Jeep' launched its entry-level SUV 'Compass' in the Indian market. Of course, the company's event was covered by the Print Media and Digital Media, but the event was wholly covered via Facebook Live too. The viewers could see the full event in real time!Question Answer Sessions. This is something that celebrities are using on a regular basis nowadays, to get closer to their fans. People ask questions based on a set topic or theme and the celebrity answers them one by one. This application of Facebook Live is being extensively used. You can use Facebook Live to show your attendance at an event. People can get to know about the event, which would otherwise remain unnoticed. So, use it to promote any events or functions. We have seen that news channels and online channels are using Facebook Live to host interview of film-stars, cricketers, politicians and other famous personalities. Also, sometimes companies question their employees. The employee opens up about the organization or product. This is a unique way used by the companies to market themselves or their products. For those who don't know what vox-pop means, it is usually a very short opinion taken from the public on a particular topic. Usually, the opinions comprise of few words and the members who will opine are chosen on a random basis. In recent times we have seen people going live to gather this kind of opinions from the people. And it works! Almost all the news channels have their own Facebook page. And on those pages, you might have seen live videos of breaking news. May it be on field reporting, or studio debates, almost all the significant news are covered in Facebook Live. The viewership of these videos is very high. So these were some of the contents for your Facebook live video. Choose any one of them and go live. People nowadays are very much interested to see live contents rather than other video uploads. So, use this tool wisely and on a regular basis.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The always anticipated Michael Kors runway show at New York Fashion Week has been made accessible to everyone via their new ALL ACCESS Kors microsite. Showtime is 10am EST on Wednesday, September 11. The live footage promises to showcase the runway from various angles - including shots from the photographers pit and a bird's eye aerial view. "We're changing what it means to watch a runway show," says Kors. You can head over their site to RSVP and set a reminder before the show: http://live.michaelkors.com/! I'll also be streaming it live right here on my blog. Watch with me using #AllAccessKors and #MichaelKors. Can't wait to see his Fall designs!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Jérôme Baugnies, né le à Soignies, est un coureur cycliste belge. Biographie Jérôme Baugnies devient coureur professionnel en 2010 au sein de l'équipe continentale professionnelle belge Topsport Vlaanderen-Mercator. Avec celle-ci, il est notamment troisième des Trois vallées varésines en 2010 et deuxième du Grand Prix de Francfort en 2011. En 2012, il est recruté par l'équipe continentale professionnelle allemande NetApp, où il connait une année difficile. Il redevient coureur amateur en 2013, et est le leader de l'équipe continentale belge To Win-Josan. Il effectue une saison réussie, obtenant une vingtaine de victoires, dont notamment la Course des chats, le Triptyque ardennais et le Championnat de Belgique élite sans contrat. En fin de saison, il est troisième du Grand Prix Impanis-Van Petegem, battu par les professionnels Sep Vanmarcke et Pieter Weening. Ces résultats lui permettent de retrouver un contrat professionnel en 2014, avec l'équipe continentale professionnelle belge Wanty-Groupe Gobert. Il reprend la compétition sous ses nouvelles couleurs bleues à l'occasion de la Tropicale Amissa Bongo au Gabon, où il gagne la deuxième étape devant Luis Leon Sanchez. C'est la première d'une série de résultats prometteurs, dont on compte également la première étape du Tour des Fjords, une deuxième place au Grand Prix de Francfort et une victoire à la Course du Raisins. Au mois d'août 2017 il termine deuxième d'une étape du Tour du limousin derrière son coéquipier Guillaume Martin et gagne la Course des raisins pour la troisième fois. Au mois de mars 2018, il termine cinquième du Grand Prix de Lillers-Souvenir Bruno Comini remporté par le coureur français Jérémy Lecroq. En août, il remporte le Grand Prix de la ville de Zottegem devant son compatriote Aimé De Gendt. En aout 2019, il termine neuvième du Grand Prix de la ville de Zottegem. Palmarès 2005 de Remouchamps-Ferrières-Remouchamps du Kuurnse Leieomloop de La Bernaudeau Junior de Paris-Roubaix juniors 2006 du Grand Prix Criquielion 2007 a étapes du Tour de Lleida (contre-la-montre par équipes) 2008 du Tour des Flandres espoirs du championnat de Belgique sur route espoirs 2009 Grand Prix d'Affligem du Triptyque ardennais du championnat du monde sur route espoirs 2010 des Trois vallées varésines 2011 du Grand Prix de Francfort 2013 Champion de Belgique élite sans contrat Course des chats des Deux jours du Gaverstreek et de l'Arden Challenge Triptyque ardennais : Classement général et du Tour du Brabant flamand Grand Prix d'Affligem des Deux jours du Gaverstreek de l'Internatie Reningelst du Grand Prix de la Magne du Grand Prix de la ville de Nogent-sur-Oise du Grand Prix Impanis-Van Petegem 2014 de la Tropicale Amissa Bongo du Tour des Fjords du Tour de Toscane du Grand Prix de Francfort du Tour des Fjords du Grand Prix du canton d'Argovie 2015 Course des raisins du Tour du Finistère du Grand Prix Jean-Pierre Monseré du Stadsprijs Geraardsbergen 2016 Course des raisins du Rhône-Alpes Isère Tour Internationale Wielertrofee Jong Maar Moedig du Rhône-Alpes Isère Tour du Grand Prix Pino Cerami du Grand Prix de Wallonie 2017 Course des raisins de la Wanzele Koerse de la Flèche côtière du Grand Prix Jean-Pierre Monseré 2018 Internationale Wielertrofee Jong Maar Moedig Grand Prix de la ville de Zottegem du Grand Prix Pino Cerami du Rhône-Alpes Isère Tour de la Tacx Pro Classic 2019 Grand Prix José Dubois 2022 de la Hill 60-Koers Classements mondiaux Notes et références Notes Références Liens externes Coureur cycliste belge Naissance en avril 1987 Naissance à Soignies
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Exquisitely Restored 400 Year Old Private Abode in Lush Ibiza, Spain. Submerge yourself in a peaceful detoxifying environment, deepen your yoga practice, learn about nutrition & healthy cooking, cleanse and relax in Ibiza this coming fall. After a week with Nectar Yoga you'll feel renewed, refreshed, and rejuvenated, we promise! A peaceful haven welcomes you where the air is pure and clean. The view of distant peaks piercing through the morning mist is a perfect way to start off your day of yoga & well-being. You'll be led through two daily yoga and meditation sessions in the yoga dome taught by Amrita and Mirella, your retreat hosts. Whether you are new to yoga or deepening your existing practice, you'll gain a stronger awareness of your mind, body and spirit connection after your week with us. Our yogi chef Mirella will have your taste buds watering before every meal. Each day we will enjoy inspirational, delicious, and extremely healthy creations. Informative demonstrations and lessons are included during this week. You'll go home with a new relationship to food and the desire to eat clean. This hillside property features a centuries-old "finca", or traditional farmhouse, one detached adobe cottage and two adjoining stone dwellings which are truly one-of-a-kind. A terraced swimming pool, framed by extra-large group seating and dining, is the focal point of the main house's exterior. Natural rock landscaping, beds of fresh herbs, including mint and rosemary, trees bearing almonds, figs, pomegranates, oranges are yours to indulge in. Hammocks dot the property giving you many options to choose from when in search of a place to relax and rest. This small exclusive retreat is your perfect getaway this Fall. Join Nectar Yoga for a retreat you'll always remember.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }