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gets the look and the period trappings right , but it otherwise drowns in a sea of visual and verbal clichés . | 0neg
it's hard to quibble with a flick boasting this many genuine cackles , but notorious c . h . o . still feels like a promising work-in-progress . | 0neg
anyone who wants to start writing screenplays can just follow the same blueprint from hundreds of other films , sell it to the highest bidder and walk away without anyone truly knowing your identity . | 0neg
a major waste . . . generic . | 0neg
the problem with the bread , my sweet is that it's far too sentimental . | 0neg
a late-night cable sexploitation romp masquerading as a thriller about the ruthless social order that governs college cliques . | 0neg
falls short in explaining the music and its roots . | 0neg
never inspires more than an interested detachment . | 0neg
what might have emerged as hilarious lunacy in the hands of woody allen or mel brooks ( at least during their '70s heyday ) comes across as lame and sophomoric in this debut indie feature . | 0neg
despite slick production values and director roger michell's tick-tock pacing , the final effect is like having two guys yelling in your face for two hours . | 0neg
pretty much sucks , but has a funny moment or two . | 0neg
they do a good job of painting this family dynamic for the audience but they tried to squeeze too many elements into the film . | 0neg
a supernatural mystery that doesn't know whether it wants to be a suspenseful horror movie or a weepy melodrama . it ends up being neither , and fails at both endeavors . | 0neg
two badly interlocked stories drowned by all too clever complexity . | 0neg
it is so earnest , so overwrought and so wildly implausible that it begs to be parodied . | 0neg
these are textbook lives of quiet desperation . | 0neg
swimfan , like fatal attraction , eventually goes overboard with a loony melodramatic denouement in which a high school swimming pool substitutes for a bathtub . | 0neg
claims to sort the bad guys from the good , which is its essential problem . | 0neg
purposefully shocking in its eroticized gore , if unintentionally dull in its lack of poetic frissons . | 0neg
feels like pieces a bunch of other , better movies slapped together . | 0neg
almost everything about the film is unsettling , from the preposterous hairpiece worn by lai's villainous father to the endless action sequences . | 0neg
writer-director randall wallace has bitten off more than he or anyone else could chew , and his movie veers like a drunken driver through heavy traffic . | 0neg
it follows the blair witch formula for an hour , in which we're told something creepy and vague is in the works , and then it goes awry in the final 30 minutes . | 0neg
one can't shake the feeling that crossroads is nothing more than an hour-and-a-half-long commercial for britney's latest album . | 0neg
phoned-in business as usual . | 0neg
there's an epic here , but you have to put it together yourself . | 0neg
what little atmosphere is generated by the shadowy lighting , macabre sets , and endless rain is offset by the sheer ugliness of everything else . | 0neg
director-chef gabriele muccino keeps it fast -- zippy , comin' at ya -- as if fearing that his film is molto superficiale . | 0neg
tartakovsky's team has some freakish powers of visual charm , but the five writers slip into the modern rut of narrative banality . | 0neg
the most horrific movie experience i've had since " can't stop the music . " it may as well be called " jar-jar binks : the movie . " it's that painful . | 0neg
god is great , the movie's not . | 0neg
like a three-ring circus , there are side stories aplenty -- none of them memorable . | 0neg
when in doubt , the film ratchets up the stirring soundtrack , throws in a fish-out-of-water gag and lets the cliched dialogue rip . or else a doggie winks . | 0neg
a 'girls gone wild' video for the boho art-house crowd , the burning sensation isn't a definitive counter-cultural document -- its makers aren't removed and inquisitive enough for that . | 0neg
as original and insightful as last week's episode of behind the music . | 0neg
plays like john le carré with a couple of burnt-out cylinders . | 0neg
you may be galled that you've wasted nearly two hours of your own precious life with this silly little puddle of a movie . | 0neg
it's neither as sappy as big daddy nor as anarchic as happy gilmore or the waterboy , but it has its moments . | 0neg
despite the surface attractions -- conrad l . hall's cinematography will likely be nominated for an oscar next year -- there's something impressive and yet lacking about everything . | 0neg
a smug and convoluted action-comedy that doesn't allow an earnest moment to pass without reminding audiences that it's only a movie . | 0neg
[crystal and de niro] manage to squeeze out some good laughs but not enough to make this silly con job sing . | 0neg
worthless , from its pseudo-rock-video opening to the idiocy of its last frames . | 0neg
the christ allegory doesn't work because there is no foundation for it | 0neg
go for la salle's performance , and make do as best you can with a stuttering script . | 0neg
it's hard to care about a film that proposes as epic tragedy the plight of a callow rich boy who is forced to choose between his beautiful , self-satisfied 22-year-old girlfriend and an equally beautiful , self-satisfied 18-year-old mistress . | 0neg
tries too hard to be funny in a way that's too loud , too goofy and too short of an attention span . | 0neg
i didn't find much fascination in the swinging . what they're doing is a matter of plumbing arrangements and mind games , of no erotic or sensuous charge . but that they are doing it is thought-provoking . | 0neg
the acting is just fine , but there's not enough substance here to sustain interest for the full 90 minutes , especially with the weak payoff . | 0neg
after collateral damage , you might imagine that most every aggrieved father cliché has been unturned . but no . | 0neg
ultimately the , yes , snail-like pacing and lack of thematic resonance make the film more silly than scary , like some sort of martha stewart decorating program run amok . | 0neg
releasing a film with the word 'dog' in its title in january lends itself to easy jokes and insults , and snow dogs deserves every single one of them . | 0neg
tedious norwegian offering which somehow snagged an oscar nomination . | 0neg
it was a dark and stormy night . . . | 0neg
a dark-as-pitch comedy that frequently veers into corny sentimentality , probably would not improve much after a therapeutic zap of shock treatment . | 0neg
this sort of cute and cloying material is far from zhang's forte and it shows . | 0neg
bray is completely at sea ; with nothing but a savage garden music video on his resume , he has no clue about making a movie . | 0neg
freundlich's made [crudup] a suburban architect , and a cipher . | 0neg
a huge disappointment coming , as it does , from filmmakers and performers of this calibre | 0neg
though it pretends to expose the life of male hustlers , it's exploitive without being insightful . | 0neg
aimed squarely at the least demanding of demographic groups : very small children who will be delighted simply to spend more time with familiar cartoon characters . | 0neg
what starts off as a satisfying kids flck becomes increasingly implausible as it races through contrived plot points . | 0neg
exhibits the shallow sensationalism characteristic of soap opera . . . more salacious telenovela than serious drama . | 0neg
seagal is painfully foolish in trying to hold onto what's left of his passe' chopsocky glory . | 0neg
even with harris's strong effort , the script gives him little to effectively probe lear's soul-stripping breakdown . | 0neg
the story is bogus and its characters tissue-thin . | 0neg
whereas the extremely competent hitman films such as pulp fiction and get shorty resonate a sardonic verve to their caustic purpose for existing , who is cletis tout ? is an inexpressible and drab wannabe looking for that exact niche . | 0neg
while american adobo has its heart ( and its palate ) in the right place , its brain is a little scattered -- ditsy , even . | 0neg
. . . a confusing drudgery . | 0neg
imagine a film that begins as a seven rip-off , only to switch to a mix of the shining , the thing , and any naked teenagers horror flick from the 1980s . | 0neg
most of the dialogue made me want to pack raw dough in my ears . | 0neg
costner's warm-milk persona is just as ill-fitting as shadyac's perfunctory directing chops , and some of the more overtly silly dialogue would sink laurence olivier . | 0neg
it's coherent , well shot , and tartly acted , but it wears you down like a dinner guest showing off his doctorate . | 0neg
directed by kevin bray , whose crisp framing , edgy camera work , and wholesale ineptitude with acting , tone and pace very obviously mark him as a video helmer making his feature debut . | 0neg
turns a potentially interesting idea into an excruciating film school experience that plays better only for the film's publicists or for people who take as many drugs as the film's characters | 0neg
robin williams departs from his fun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving role . | 0neg
high crimes is a cinematic misdemeanor , a routine crime thriller remarkable only for its lack of logic and misuse of two fine actors , morgan freeman and ashley judd . | 0neg
set in a 1986 harlem that doesn't look much like anywhere in new york . | 0neg
the chocolate factory without charlie . | 0neg
long on twinkly-eyed close-ups and short on shame . | 0neg
hip-hop rarely comes alive as its own fire-breathing entity in this picture . | 0neg
a well-crafted letdown . | 0neg
a dull , somnambulant exercise in pretension whose pervasive quiet is broken by frequent outbursts of violence and noise . | 0neg
deserving of its critical backlash and more . | 0neg
boring and meandering . | 0neg
neither a rousing success nor a blinding embarrassment . still , it just sits there like a side dish no one ordered . | 0neg
the sum of all fears is remarkably fuddled about motives and context , which drains it of the dramatic substance that would shake us in our boots ( or cinema seats ) . | 0neg
the movie spends more time with schneider than with newcomer mcadams , even though her performance is more interesting ( and funnier ) than his . | 0neg
this low-rent -- and even lower-wit -- rip-off of the farrelly brothers' oeuvre gets way too mushy -- and in a relatively short amount of time . | 0neg
it recycles every cliché about gays in what is essentially an extended soap opera . | 0neg
i'm all for the mentally challenged getting their fair shot in the movie business , but surely it doesn't have to be as a collection of keening and self-mutilating sideshow geeks . | 0neg
may offend viewers not amused by the sick sense of humor . | 0neg
many of benjamins' elements feel like they've been patched in from an episode of miami vice . | 0neg
it aimlessly and unsuccessfully attempts to fuse at least three dull plots into one good one . | 0neg
most folks with a real stake in the american sexual landscape will find it either moderately amusing or just plain irrelevant . | 0neg
if you're not fans of the adventues of steve and terri , you should avoid this like the dreaded king brown snake . personally , i'd rather watch them on the animal planet . | 0neg
cherish is a dud -- a romantic comedy that's not the least bit romantic and only mildly funny . | 0neg
feels as if the inmates have actually taken over the asylum . | 0neg
all of the filmmakers' calculations can't rescue brown sugar from the curse of blandness . | 0neg
the movie's gloomy atmosphere is fascinating , though , even if the movie itself doesn't stand a ghost of a chance . | 0neg
. . . post-september 11 , " the sum of all fears " seems more tacky and reprehensible , manipulating our collective fear without bestowing the subject with the intelligence or sincerity it unequivocally deserves . | 0neg
Subsets and Splits