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fuksi | binding of isaac , would be nice indy game night to enjoy . http : / / steamcommunity . com / id / lionsi | 0 | 1,325,376,108 | t3_nxujl | 1 | playitforward | t5_2s4e5 | c3cu0at |
TooDrunkDidntFuck | how is it any more able to sustain its life after birth . it is still a parachute till 18 and beyond . should a mom be legally required to feed the baby after birth ? | 0 | 1,325,376,108 | t3_nx7ll | 2 | socialism | t5_2qjii | c3cu0au |
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij | i like mad . ; - ; | 0 | 1,325,376,108 | t3_nxswj | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu0aw |
nagumi | i wasn ' t sure if troll or not , but reading your comment history ( apparently , both dogs and cats are " satan ' s pets from hell " ) made me sure that you ' re either a troll or crazy . either way , lol ! " do not listen to this lawyer . the correct course of action is to pray to our true lord and savior , jesus christ almighty , holy warrior and master of all . " lol | 0 | 1,325,376,108 | t3_nxvpt | -4 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu0ax |
perrete | wait , so the celebs are " awesome " just for being nice to other human beings ? | 0 | 1,325,376,108 | t3_nxocv | 0 | movies | t5_2qh3s | c3cu0ay |
Speedingturtle | i think i remember fabricant making something fitting for this . | 0 | 1,325,376,108 | t3_nxgsg | 3 | mylittleandysonic1 | t5_2stzm | c3cu0az |
p_s | ontario engineering student here : ~ $ 6000 per * term * . | 0 | 1,325,376,108 | t3_nxhe7 | 1 | explainlikeimfive | t5_2sokd | c3cu0b0 |
xSmurf | you ever heard of fucking movie ratings ? that ' s what they are for so you can decide what is appropriate for your kids . but i ' m just gonna assume you ' re a troll and not a total retard . | 0 | 1,325,376,109 | t3_nxmz8 | 1 | atheism | t5_2qh2p | c3cu0b1 |
Wizardinth3attic | youll die first come december of next year . itll be a good warning system | 0 | 1,325,376,109 | t3_nxi7j | 2 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu0b2 |
[deleted] | pretty common if they ' re comfortable with their own sexuality . for me though , i can ' t stand it . it just makes me feel like i have to go to the bathroom . | 0 | 1,325,376,109 | t3_nxyqm | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu0b3 |
huntnm | how about a torchlight coupon ? http : / / steamcommunity . com / profiles / 76561198044177679 / inventory / # 753 | 0 | 1,325,376,110 | t3_ny24e | 1 | SteamTrade | t5_2sq77 | c3cu0b6 |
kyriose | 33 an hour canadian | 0 | 1,325,376,110 | t3_nvom3 | 1 | IAmA | t5_2qzb6 | c3cu0b7 |
LetoTheTyrant | like i said before . prior to the early 90 ' s your parents could be of another nationality and you could get an emirate passport . the girl i know who got one is my age , 30 , and has a canadian mother and british father . i would have loved to have gotten an emirate passport when i was living over there . traveling through the region would have been a lot easier . | 0 | 1,325,376,111 | t3_nxmz8 | 1 | atheism | t5_2qh2p | c3cu0b8 |
TheBlackHive | it ' s not so much that i have to ask whether or not to get it . i just wondered what the reception would be . | 0 | 1,325,376,111 | t3_ns2j7 | 1 | tattoos | t5_2qj9g | c3cu0b9 |
faptastrophe | good point , thanks . | 0 | 1,325,376,111 | t3_nxxek | 2 | SuggestALaptop | t5_2s4k5 | c3cu0ba |
banderwocky | after downing that bottle , are you going to r / gonewild ? | 0 | 1,325,376,112 | t3_ny0iv | 49 | pics | t5_2qh0u | c3cu0bb |
LXZY | you have a dirty sniper | 0 | 1,325,376,112 | t3_nw31r | 1 | halo | t5_2qixk | c3cu0bc |
Throw4faraway | what are the necessary steps to becoming a massage therapist ? would you recommend it ? i ' ve got a talent for massaging and i feel like i could use it to fall back on as a job . | 0 | 1,325,376,112 | t3_nwo4i | 1 | videos | t5_2qh1e | c3cu0bd |
tehsbean | 2011 made me think life was turning around . it suggested the concept that i might be able to finally not feel like a shitty waste of life , but then , it said " fuck that , you don ' t deserve to be happy ! " and threw everything back in my face . these sentiments of " fuck 2011 " are echoed by me . a year of false promises and endless strife and bullshit . i can ' t wait to put it behind me , and ring in the new year with the best solution to problems i ' ve ever discovered - - alcoholism . i ' m at a party , i have a fifth of russian standard , and a handle of pinnacle . i will be drunk . so drunk that i won ' t give any fucks about whatever happens tonight , despite the people here ( one of whom was the principle lie of 2011 . ) i ' ll get fucking wasted and wake up to what i can only hope will be a new chance . fuck you 2011 , and 2012 , may you bring something better , or the end of the world . either are acceptable . don ' t like the wall of text ? fuck you , too . | 0 | 1,325,376,112 | t3_nxrpw | 4 | cripplingalcoholism | t5_2s68b | c3cu0be |
gasfarmer | wouldest thou what ? | 0 | 1,325,376,112 | t3_nxpin | 1 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c3cu0bf |
chu12ch | * cough * dual citizenship . | 0 | 1,325,376,112 | t3_nxrif | 10 | starcraft | t5_2qpp6 | c3cu0bg |
Aspel | no , people who vocally declare themselves " atheist " are in the minority ; people who ' s stance on religion is " meh " are the majority . | 0 | 1,325,376,113 | t3_nxjp0 | -8 | lgbt | t5_2qhh7 | c3cu0bh |
slapchopsuey | bieber ' s gotta be darth vader . | 0 | 1,325,376,114 | t3_nxuqa | 3 | redditoroftheday | t5_2rftz | c3cu0bk |
71Comet | nope , chuck testa | 0 | 1,325,376,114 | t3_nxppi | -1 | skyrim | t5_2s837 | c3cu0bl |
itsmoist | to be able to get a reaction from people without having to deal with the consequences of telling someone your secrets | 0 | 1,325,376,115 | t3_ny22z | 2 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu0bm |
Arcanorum | the last time the us had a true free market was the era of the robber barons . america was not great during that time . america became great during wwii when the economy was more controlled by the government than at any point in us history . | 0 | 1,325,376,114 | t3_nxlan | 0 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu0bn |
grantmoore3d | i ' d love for you to take a stab at a logo for a game i ' m working on , i ' ll send you a pm shortly with details ! | 0 | 1,325,376,115 | t3_nxpjp | 1 | Entrepreneur | t5_2qldo | c3cu0bo |
[deleted] | some of those are ugly , but some of them are * * really * * good , especially for a 11 - 12 year old . : p | 0 | 1,325,376,115 | t3_nxkwg | 1 | pokemon | t5_2qmeb | c3cu0bp |
SarcasticOptimist | [ you can be awkward and still win . ] ( http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 3kdrjld7mv8 ) btw , nsfw tag yet ? [ his interview with lisa ann is absolutely hilarious . ] ( https : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = ihzkquj0hrm & amp ; list = pl2df3673d1df139a3 & amp ; index = 2 & amp ; feature = plpp _ video ) | 0 | 1,325,376,115 | t3_nx8x9 | 1 | seduction | t5_2qhrv | c3cu0bq |
marshmerrows | getting engaged and graduating with my master ' s degree in social work with a 4 . 0 . | 0 | 1,325,376,115 | t3_nxmqf | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu0br |
AJBarnhardt | nope , my sneak is mid - range . | 0 | 1,325,376,115 | t3_ny0tl | 2 | skyrim | t5_2s837 | c3cu0bs |
kjoneslol | this has been removed because it is being hosted by an unapproved host . more information about approved hosts can be found by clicking on the big faq button in the sidebar . | 0 | 1,325,376,114 | t3_ny1yz | 1 | AnimalPorn | t5_2sd1i | c3cu0bt |
ponchoandy | stop whining and single - handedly take them all on : p | 0 | 1,325,376,115 | t3_nxrr4 | 2 | wow | t5_2qio8 | c3cu0bu |
DarkFlame7 | [ here ' s mine ] ( http : / / steamcommunity . com / id / darkflame75 ) it ' s the best form of communication for me too . if you add me and you have a pony avatar or you tell me you ' re adding me , i ' ll probably accept . | 0 | 1,325,376,115 | t3_nxzkp | 1 | MLPdrawingschool | t5_2skv4 | c3cu0bv |
italklotsofshit | invest in headphones , never hear anything again . | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_ny1m3 | 1 | IAmA | t5_2qzb6 | c3cu0bw |
Leery | seems kind of high - minded to assume you know what god is thinking . i think any being capable of creating a universe is probably a bit more morally evolved than to say , " oh , he doesn ' t like me ? to hell with him ! " telling a person that their individual path to spiritual enlightenment is wrong causes stagnation of our culture and condemns mankind to a slow , lonesome death . | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nxvpt | -5 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu0bx |
louderthanbombs | paul newman was a super cool guy too . when asked if he ever cheated on his wife he said , " why eat a burger when i ' ve got steak at home . " his food company donates profits to charity and he supported civil rights . | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nxocv | 68 | movies | t5_2qh3s | c3cu0by |
kbud | but isn ' t a vote for just about any of the cookie cutter politicians just a vote for more of the same . . more of the same . . . loss of rights defense spending gone mad where are the politicians campaigning to stop this insanity ? | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nxu96 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu0bz |
Kevon1233 | stfu stupid ass | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nxit2 | -1 | atheism | t5_2qh2p | c3cu0c0 |
Lifeaftercollege | that is my point , actually . nobody ' s really tried to come up with a better way . | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nxnfi | -2 | TwoXChromosomes | t5_2r2jt | c3cu0c1 |
saucercrab | i ' m with you . i do my best to avoid killing any insect and understand that awareness is relative , but to project the idea of prolonged abuse , pain , or agony occurring in such simple organisms is a bit impudent in my opinion . | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nxc1e | 1 | vegan | t5_2qhpm | c3cu0c2 |
mamallama | i have about 30 of these that i collected from the bar i work at . i intend to make something like this someday . awesome work mom ! ! | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nx8cn | 2 | DIY | t5_2qh7d | c3cu0c3 |
adelie42 | & gt ; the one lesson we need to learn from all of this is that our government is deeply in bed with corporate interests . . . for the sake of discussion , allow me to disagree with you . i think a better lesson is that politicians can not understand the implications of what they do , nor be informed enough about every person in the country , let alone the world , to plan their lives for them . their excuse is that they are trying to " save " jobs . if they really were looking out for every american they would be trying to get as much information as possible from the people that would have the most / best information on the subject . it is entirely possible that they are doing exactly that and it isn ' t so much that they are " in bed with corporate interests " , but that what we are seeing is the side effect of entrusting them with an impossible task . on the extreme , lets not worry so much about who is getting to decide which books go into the bon fire and start making it clear that we are against book burning . | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nxo5b | 4 | SOPA | t5_2t3xs | c3cu0c4 |
Badmojoe | i had this happen to me a lot in high school . got pissed off every time . | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nxrlm | 1 | AdviceAnimals | t5_2s7tt | c3cu0c5 |
BitterDivorcedDad | welcome to adulthood , son . | 0 | 1,325,376,116 | t3_nxwwf | 1 | WTF | t5_2qh61 | c3cu0c6 |
crusoe | i wonder how many philistine farmers were just minding their fields , when they suddenly got ganked ? rpg , ot style . saul has given you a quest : quest : collect 200 philistine foreskins . reward : son - in - law , his daughter michal in marriage reviews : " 2 stars . killing soldiers with the jaw of an ass is a lot of fun when you play the samson level . but the grinding can be brutal at time . killing 200 philistines , and removing their foreskins ? i could have done without the harvesting animations . the gamedevs must have one sick sense of humor . also , with the red cross now saying military fps games should seek to minimize civilian casualties , or at least discuss the issue of warcrimes , they will have a field day with this game . the amelkhite campaign is especially nasty . upset you can ' t kill kids in skyrim or fallout 3 ? well , no problem here . the only ones you can ' t kill are the female virgins . i know this game is based on a famous book , but wow , just wow . and they have the gall to complain about " postal 2 " or " skyrim " " | 0 | 1,325,376,117 | t3_nu52g | 2 | Christianity | t5_2qh6c | c3cu0c7 |
Thunderducky | fus ro da | 0 | 1,325,376,117 | t3_nxpuf | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu0c8 |
killiangray | bingo . super fucked up | 0 | 1,325,376,118 | t3_nxlve | 2 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu0cb |
tn_n | depends on the particulars of the tsa agent . . . | 0 | 1,325,376,118 | t3_ny247 | 2 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu0cc |
[deleted] | if you ' ve got the resources , there are therapies that can slow down early puberty . i believe they use fsh ? i ' d do some research on it . i think i read about it in a recent time or scientific american . not sure . sorry . | 0 | 1,325,376,119 | t3_nxnlr | 1 | TwoXChromosomes | t5_2r2jt | c3cu0cd |
Kuraito | no digital camera , sorry . i guess it really comes down to this . if your integrated gpu is shot , will a discrete video card still work well enough without drivers to at least get something to your monitor ? if yes , i probably have a doa . if no , then my computer is boned and it leaves me baffled as to how i switched the cards out once before . | 0 | 1,325,376,119 | t3_nxs2j | 0 | techsupport | t5_2qioo | c3cu0ce |
GreenSpleen6 | easily my fastest . gif check yet . | 0 | 1,325,376,119 | t3_nxxsr | 4 | WTF | t5_2qh61 | c3cu0cf |
[deleted] | because i am going to make it a positive interview | 0 | 1,325,376,119 | t3_nxpqo | -4 | IAmA | t5_2qzb6 | c3cu0cg |
Ding84tt | this is really tough to watch . | 0 | 1,325,376,119 | t3_nxmh7 | 1 | Libertarian | t5_2qh63 | c3cu0ch |
Christopher_Wood | why not fire up a virtual machine with wheezy and give it a go ? | 0 | 1,325,376,119 | t3_nxjiz | 1 | linux | t5_2qh1a | c3cu0ci |
younginn | okay , i will let you know if anything changes . thanks for posting the offer ! | 0 | 1,325,376,119 | t3_nxbit | 1 | SteamGameSwap | t5_2skv6 | c3cu0cj |
[deleted] | write him in . | 0 | 1,325,376,120 | t3_nxu96 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu0ck |
DubstepMonkee | you got me there . imma h4ck4r allright . yep . | 0 | 1,325,376,120 | t3_nxppi | 1 | skyrim | t5_2s837 | c3cu0cl |
[deleted] | normally , the approach there is to encourage the student to ask questions and do your best to answer them in a way that builds understanding . how well this can be managed with 30 + students in each class is another matter . | 0 | 1,325,376,120 | t3_nxrlm | 1 | AdviceAnimals | t5_2s7tt | c3cu0cm |
M3nt0R | didn ' t you see american psycho ? sociopaths ( and psychopaths while we ' re at it ) are handsome , charming , intelligent , and very coherent , even when they say things like : & gt ; * well , don ' t just stare at it , eat it ! * & gt ; * that ' s a very fine chardonnay you ' re drinking . i want you to clean your vagina . * & gt ; * you ' re a fucking ugly bitch . i want to stab you to death , and then play around with your blood . * but still . . | 0 | 1,325,376,120 | t3_nw6qa | 2 | IAmA | t5_2qzb6 | c3cu0cn |
EvilJew | the police department in my city used to issue the px4 in . 40 up until a couple years ago . they changed them out for the . 40 m & amp ; p and haven ' t looked back . i ' m unsure what issues they had with the px4 , but they ' re apparently much happier with the m & amp ; p . | 0 | 1,325,376,120 | t3_nxxg5 | 1 | guns | t5_2qhc8 | c3cu0co |
thisiscameron | ah shit . first thing i post that actually gets a good amount of upvotes turns out to be a repost & gt ; . & lt ; | 0 | 1,325,376,120 | t3_nxq1u | 5 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu0cp |
[deleted] | because it seems more likely that you like the film because everyone else does , rather than for it ' s own merit . fight club is one of my favorite films . my girlfriend ( at the time ) said " it would be mine too , if it wasn ' t so popular . " stupid bitch . | 0 | 1,325,376,120 | t3_nxs1g | 7 | movies | t5_2qh3s | c3cu0cq |
AdjutantStormy | [ ] ( / joy " oh god the ' beetus " ) | 0 | 1,325,376,120 | t3_ny0rd | 2 | mylittlehuman | t5_2sub1 | c3cu0cr |
BBQCopter | & gt ; what the fuck has bailouts got to do with the poor . everything . it was money given to banks that is to be paid for by taxpayers . it was a huge ripoff of the american public . i ' m surprised you are not aware of this connection , it was screamed about all over the internet since 2008 . | 0 | 1,325,376,120 | t3_nwkj9 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu0cs |
meatspace | there is no inoculation from human nature . we ' ll make messes . as long as we are willing to clean up the messes we make , we are a shining example for how to govern . not by infallibility , but the willingness to take responsibility . dollar = upvote ? i am against . | 0 | 1,325,376,121 | t3_ntpl7 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu0ct |
asdjrocky | of course . and their coming to get your guns and put you in the fema camps for your gay indoctrination . just stay home and wait for the van . | 0 | 1,325,376,121 | t3_ny20b | 2 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu0cu |
micaheljcaboose | looks like a double street lamp or something . | 0 | 1,325,376,121 | t3_nxx9r | 1 | trees | t5_2r9vp | c3cu0cv |
seventhward | i may regret this . . . . the well . it ' s a great , fantastic bar at sunset and argyle . please let it stay a secret , please let it stay a secret , please let it stay a secret . . . | 0 | 1,325,376,121 | t3_nxv76 | 3 | LosAngeles | t5_2qht0 | c3cu0cw |
NS11J03K3rr | that ' s what it ' s telling me | 0 | 1,325,376,122 | t3_nn35r | 1 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c3cu0cx |
Siverix | fallout 3 made up for the dice by giving the community tools to create . which ended up ripping out the dice . | 0 | 1,325,376,122 | t3_nutx4 | 2 | truegaming | t5_2sgq6 | c3cu0cy |
Jahonay | & gt ; when men can become impregnated , carry a baby to term , and give birth - we may have reproductive equality . until then , biological differences make true equality absolutely impossible . all i ' m asking is you this to stay consistent . i ' m fine with men having no reproductive rights * * under this one circumstance : * * which is , if the child is her ' s because it ' s in her body , then it ' s her ' s after birth as well . if a father feels like ditching the kid , it ' s now his right because it didn ' t come from his body , and until men can give birth , they don ' t need to take responsibility for kids . again , i ' m only advocating this to keep it logically consistent . if the man has no right to tell a woman what to do with her body , then she has no right to hold him accountable for what happened in her body . if we ' re all in control of our bodies and only our bodies , then women can ' t force men to take care of their children . if you don ' t agree with this , then tell me how you ' re being logically consistent . that is , how can you apply the logic to women , but not to men . | 0 | 1,325,376,122 | t3_nxd4s | 1 | MensRights | t5_2qhk3 | c3cu0cz |
ironman86 | i think it would be pretty awkward to win without donating . | 0 | 1,325,376,122 | t3_nxsel | 5 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3cu0d0 |
ZuchinniOne | have you seen the multiple legal experts , both civil and military who say that you ' re wrong and that the bill could easily be interpreted in a much broader fashion than you suggest ? | 0 | 1,325,376,122 | t3_nxyct | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu0d1 |
drock66 | my teacher made a comment on how the beer on my shirt was his favorite one at the bar . | 0 | 1,325,376,122 | t3_nxrzf | 7 | Christianity | t5_2qh6c | c3cu0d2 |
picado | why didn ' t you play the christian women have to obey men card ? and if you ' ve alread been in her holy of holies , it ' s not like she would have had a choice . it ' s either marriage or a stoning . | 0 | 1,325,376,122 | t3_ny1hf | 7 | atheism | t5_2qh2p | c3cu0d3 |
below66 | i have a super fast metabolism and i ' ve been struggling with it lately , tell them you used to eat 5 times a day and lately you just haven ' t been eating enough due to life circumstances ( stress , no time , someone in the family is sick ) . it ' s the closest you can let the truth out without actually disclosing the real problem . it ' s hard to be politically correct in this situation because some people just might be commenting on wanting you to look healthier and better and you can ' t fault them for that since they don ' t know your issue , so you won ' t want to be a bitch but you don ' t want to disclose the truth . | 0 | 1,325,376,123 | t3_ny149 | 0 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu0d4 |
wolfcry0 | it sounds like the graphics driver is crashing in windows , and then when it resumes only partially running . have you re installed the graphics drivers ? that usually solves the crashing issue | 0 | 1,325,376,123 | t3_nxqhy | 2 | techsupport | t5_2qioo | c3cu0d5 |
MightyMumble | check the @ battlefield twitter account . they ' re normally good with saying when the servers are down . . . it happens more than it should . ( i ' m also on xbox ) | 0 | 1,325,376,123 | t3_nxqsn | 2 | battlefield3 | t5_2rlua | c3cu0d7 |
sagapo3851 | squeeze out whatever you have in mid - squeeze , stand up , turn the faucet on really loud , sit back down , commence shit . | 0 | 1,325,376,124 | t3_ny16o | 8 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu0d8 |
vantharion | i liked your recaps , they did a good job of recapping the action . i would recommend making a tappedout account or at least fixing the spacing to improving readability . how often do you run into color screw ? | 0 | 1,325,376,124 | t3_ny0s9 | 4 | magicTCG | t5_2qn5f | c3cu0d9 |
nopurposeflour | i ' ll give 5 coals ! http : / / steamcommunity . com / profiles / 76561197999337231 / | 0 | 1,325,376,124 | t3_ny243 | 1 | SteamTrade | t5_2sq77 | c3cu0da |
CallousCadence | because the two sound similar aloud causing some people to think " would of " is how it is written . pretty common mistake . | 0 | 1,325,376,124 | t3_nx5ow | 1 | DotA2 | t5_2s580 | c3cu0db |
[deleted] | that ' s quite a deluded viewpoint in that case . most of the people that i ' ve seen post on this site are so incredibly stupid that it pains me to even click on the " comments " anymore . | 0 | 1,325,376,124 | t3_ntpl7 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3cu0dc |
[deleted] | ours are both pretty mellow . . . about 80 % of the time . | 0 | 1,325,376,125 | t3_nxzcp | 2 | BorderCollie | t5_2sof5 | c3cu0dd |
SpaceHaven | i wish i could say i did . . . but i found it on one of those meme - creator websites . the shame . ; _ ; | 0 | 1,325,376,125 | t3_nxppi | 3 | skyrim | t5_2s837 | c3cu0de |
SYEDSAYS | philosophy by definition is the study and critique of the fundamentals of subjects , so if we have progress in other subjects , we have progress in philosophy . | 0 | 1,325,376,125 | t3_nxjyk | 1 | philosophy | t5_2qh5b | c3cu0dg |
timdorr | [ this ] ( http : / / a4 . sphotos . ak . fbcdn . net / hphotos - ak - ash4 / 382586 _ 952752254809 _ 12800553 _ 40958988 _ 1618502233 _ n . jpg ) isn ' t from the night that i djed and is also a terrible photo , but there you go . a combined taco and dinosaur costume : p | 0 | 1,325,376,125 | t3_nxm3s | 5 | electrohouse | t5_2ry9g | c3cu0dh |
Iwritewithdoody5 | it really sucks when that starts to happen | 0 | 1,325,376,126 | t3_nw9r2 | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3cu0dk |
JKastnerPhoto | i must break you . i ' m actually trying to lose weight . i used to be 320 . it ' s a slow progress , but i ' m getting there . i could never lose 100 , but i ' d be happy to shed 60 more . | 0 | 1,325,376,127 | t3_nxnwb | 6 | pics | t5_2qh0u | c3cu0dl |
GreatestWhiteShark | witty . | 0 | 1,325,376,127 | t3_nxl3g | 1 | CFB | t5_2qm9d | c3cu0dm |
ForrestFire765 | the * holy * bible ohohohohohohoho | 0 | 1,325,376,127 | t3_nxhwi | 2 | Christianity | t5_2qh6c | c3cu0dn |
jguy46 | & gt ; the scariest thing i ' ve ever eaten ftfy | 0 | 1,325,376,128 | t3_nxjuv | 1 | WTF | t5_2qh61 | c3cu0dp |
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