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Try some ecstasy
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/r/trees ***** ^report ^a ^**problem** ^| ^delete ^comment ^| ^source ^code ^| ^contact ^developer
{ "section": "opiates" }
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I understand, I was just agreeing with you that they can have hallucinatory effects as some people think it's extremely minor or just a lie. I wasn't aiming at you, sorry if it came off that way. I upvoted your posts
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Dude we aren't even cool enough to mod him. I feel so worthless now.
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Did Candlejack get you, because you forgot to finish your sent
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Dam that's the worst
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That has to be a placebo because even if you quarter them they still release over a 12 hour period. And if take 2 every day I really dont think that you would be sick just taking one. You wont be high but you also wont be sick.
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Yesss, someone finally recognizes it (& says something about it) R I P Yams
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He did a brilliant performance in Capote.
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you iv it?
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I've also heard from an alcoholic friend that it helped with her cravings.
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https://youtu.be/YolsznABxsw You'd like this song
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Be careful, dude. Your tolerance WILL increase over time, and you never know when you are going to hit that seizure threshold.
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Haha sry i misread i thought u were smoking in your work bathroom
{ "section": "opiates" }
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If only I could, it would be so awesome.
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Detroit Rock City
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EXACTLY!!! I'm glad that someone else has enough common sense and compassion not to bring even more life into this nightmare of a world just so their family name can live on.
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At some point I just could not take the extreme pain from loneliness, feelings of worthlessness and constant abuse, and I came very close to killing myself. I decided to try heroin to see if it helped my pain, and it really is perfect for me. It makes all my pain go away, although sometimes the pain becomes so bad that I can feel it under the heroin, but only just barely. Whenever I am going to cry (very often), whenever I feel suicidal, whenever I feel worthless, I snort some heroin. Works every time to alleviate the pain and allow me to get on with my day. My only fear is, one day, I may run out of opiates, and all the pain I have been suppressing for so long will bubble to the surface and I will likely kill myself. But that's a problem for future me :)
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Don't let it hurt you we have all done horrible things for dope. If I fell in love and found out someone had sex for drugs I would love them the exact same.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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You got this man. 3 months is super significant in almost all regards. In another few months your moods should really start to balance and improve. Not that your world will be amazing over night as you know - daily ups and downs but I am sure things are getting easier... What's your favorite part of all this clean time?
{ "section": "opiates" }
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You should punch that shit.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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I should look put over her much MUCH more. I was a fool. just to clarify she wanted to go too because she wanted to use imediatly in the room but i should have said no
{ "section": "opiates" }
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I like this post tbh
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I want to do a cross country tour where you travel from region to region and sample heroin each stop. Start in San Francisco copping tar in the tenderloin and end with stamp bags in Patterson. You hit all the major dope cities like Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, philly to name a few. Rent a charter bus and call it the r/opiate family reunion or some shit. Few gallons of narcan and enough spikes to always have a new one.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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injecting suboxone into my femoral vein :) my life is oh so lavish and extraordinary, extraordinary that i still have a fucking dick after shooting up here over a year. someone please come put me out of my misery!
{ "section": "opiates" }
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I always always give a buck to the guys asking for booze or drug money,,at least they're honest. One time outside Yankee Stadium, we gave someone with that sign the remainder from our subway trip like 3-4 beers, he was psyched, but the bum next to him was fuckin pissssed
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awesome. even if i can get a couple more g's. lol.
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jealous? nah not at all, but I'll pick out veins in my brain and be like "damn look at that juicy sumbish"
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Fffff don't do a CWE with four pills, that's a waste. You lose a certain percentage of the hydrocodone when you perform a cold water extraction, and there's not enough APAP in those four pills to do you any harm, anyway. Just pop 30-40mg and redose ~15mg after a couple of hours if you still aren't feeling good.
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Yes, it does. Negatively? Not so much currently. I lost a decent paying job because I kept calling out dope sick, but with the amount I've been using, not so much. In the past, absolutely it has. Incarceration. Court appearances for days. The negative effects on my life go on and on.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Yeah even when I shoot in my wrists the rush is a lot less intense so I imagine the legs might be even worse. I have really tiny veins naturally so it sucks. Any time I’ve had to get an IV put in at the doctors office or hospital it takes several attempts for someone to get it just right. Sometimes it even takes more than one person to get an IV in me! This life can be hell, no doubt, but I hope for the best for you. Death isn’t a good way out of addiction.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Haha damn. Sounds good to me. Thanks dude!
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Cuhz! You will get snuffed out talking reckless like that. SHEETZ is what I know, til the world blow!
{ "section": "opiates" }
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This is posted every few months, everyone knows about it but I doubt anyone has actually used it.
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Two fiends, carpet surfing down the boulevard
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The caveat.. youre the same if you're elevating yourself above other users.. quite different if you're in a room of IV users and you only smoke. End of the day though.. I am not arguing with what you said.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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I just shot some of this shit under my toe nail
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Why do you think that?
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I could tell that it didn't go in smoothly so I was surprised that you got in the vein that easily. Cool video tho! I enjoyed it!
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Really? Just hang a sign that says"dude with sax probably has dope" then stroll through dfw... I removed this post because I had to. If you want to post a question make it way less descriptive (don't list a specific fucking airport and bag for fuck sake) unless you like being in jail.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Actually I hate walking so I alternated sprinting the entire multiple hour distance. My legs are basically dead today. I used to run but its been about 2 years since I've tried more than the occasional mile.
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I always wondered how they cut tar. Can you expand on this a bit?
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None of this happened at all, or if anything did it was very minuscule and something that OP may have picked up from reading the news paper. Not only did he immediately know what everything is, and what the potential uses are, but he also knew where to find it and what was useless and what was useful. This looks like a fantasy that this person had(s) while they were at this job. Unfortunately this guy isn't quite the story teller that some of our other authors are.
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Haha nah man I would never do that
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What's up man? You in town?
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Hey, I have her on Facebook and she seems to be doing really, really well and is staying clean etc. Just wanted to let everyone know!
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Here in Portland we get that grey midwest shit once in a blue moon. Usually gotta play in the onion patch to get quality #4, and currently all the DNMs are down or panicking.
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Does it have a shine at all? It looks fine to me other than that. The edges and spots on the back throw me off a bit though
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doesn't he eventually jump from vicodin to heroin? or am i making that up? if so, he missed a couple steps.
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I think there's a lot of stuff wrong with millennials but morals have never really seemed to be one. I feel like most kids growing up are respectful and don't steal.
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OK, let's bang.
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Yeah, I've tried to stay away just for trigger's sake. But recently, I've been skipping hella days with my methadone, and I'm considering chipping again, just because methadone's two month WDs are too much. If I can chip low dose for long enough for the 'done to be gone, I could maybe just take the hit and make it the five days? I don't fucking know, I'm just so tired of being sick. And yeah FF, good to see familiar users still around. And I figured I'd let y'all (fuck I'm already turning into a Texan) know that I wasn't dead, just kicking around San Antonio, figuring out what Texas is all about and generally living the junkie life.
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Is it at all possible that you took the sub at a reasonable time, however, your withdrawl was too intense because of how much you'd been using; therefore the amount of bupe you took wasn't sufficient enough? I'm suggesting the possibility that you weren't in precipitated withdraw, but rather you needed more bupe because you were experiencing very bad "normal" withdraw. You said your withdrawals were vicious, so I imagine you'd been using a good bit of dope. Perhaps your withdraw would have been worse had you not taken the sub. I'm really just grasping at straws here. Lol. Sorry for rambling!
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What's this we shit?
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A bag and 8mg dilaudid in a shot. Makes me miss shooting.
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Yea they cut them out of even bigger peices.
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Glad you're ok bro. I just had these but the stamp was red.
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It took me awhile to get used to the horrid taste of it but honestly I love it now :)
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That towel got my brother banned from this sub-reddit, IRC Chat, and TinyChat. He's not happy with me.
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I don't deal with women at all in the dopw game. If a girl is in the room when I'm buying I'll insist she leaves. I do this for my own security. Way back when I did IT contract work for a law enforcement agency and what I learned there caused me to institute this rule. 1) confidential informants are predominantly women 2) the cops told me whenever a crime was committed and they were interrogating people involved trying this get a confessipn or information on who did it, if one of the suspects was a woman they new the case would be easy to solve because a 100% of the time they would spill the beans and rat out everyone. It is just a fact of life I've come to realize that loyalty is not something that women value the same way men do. The statistics of divorce initiation is a good example of this.
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Yes, I do think it's possible, although not probable.
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I go to the clinic
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Diggin the dreamcatcher
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um, link to video, ya know for science.
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yeah most people are assuming she OD'd when they seen she died, but sadly she died in the accident we were in. She was only 26.
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Reminds me of a few months ago. I was waiting for the dboy before me and the wife hit the road to see blink 182 in Cincinnati. He was on nigga time and I didn't wanna go without it. He made me push the wire on time, but he came through and the night was amazing, we missed the first band, A Day to Remember :( she was so fucked by the end of the night we were like fucking on the highway coming home, I had to pull over to a hotel parking lot so she could just get on me
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Right? That's when I sleep the best
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me too! i would reuse my needles till they barely punctured my arm lol terrible thats why i used to have the worst track marks ever. now i stock up on rigs so i only use them two maybe three times but man i used to be bad with my rig use my friends would look at me like i was crazy. id bend my tip of needle and just rebend it back all dull and almost breaking and stick her on in and shoot
{ "section": "opiates" }
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I feel you. For different reasons, but I do. Don't give up. I guess I should tell myself that... It's hard though.
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So what’s the plan now that you’ve possibly hit your “bottom”? Gonna stay down there and keep on keepin on? Or are you gonna change some shit? Totally up to you either way. No judgement here, I’m just curious.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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I don't have a back up. Thats the point. I did this so I wouldn't have anyone to buy dope from. I don't know anyone who condones opiates, I bought a new phone line which I am switching to tomoro so I wont have his number in my records any more. and I have a few subs to help me thru withdrawals. I already lost my wife to dope earlier this year and I actually started abusing dope a bit after that. my finances are shot now and I'm finally done. Tried to quit a few times before but never could cuz I always had this guy to fall back on. Now I don't and now I have no way to get it unless it falls from the sky into my lap. Oh yeah, and any amount of opiate (even tramadol, kratom, and alcohol too) just makes me puke uncontrollably so those things aren't even an issue for me. And just to clarify (already mentioned in a dif comment) This guy is essentially Mass's fent equivalent of the cartel so I don't mind "stealing" from him.
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I could see if you got a rush from it or something but they dissolve very quickly as-is. Also parachuting always makes me laugh, the idea of eating something meant to wipe your ass is funny.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Keep in mind that OC 80's were *extended* release, and roxies are *instant* release. Still though, I don't think it could kill someone. The first time I sniffed oxy I must've done 75-90mg.
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Morals are subjective sir.
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You think I'm in for hellish withdrawals even though I've only used for 5 days? Fuck. Yeah I've gone off the rails this week.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Thanks to a certain Redditor for hooking me up with some raw earlier! I love having a day off in the middle of the week. Time to enjoy some goodies and watch a couple of movies. Any suggestions?
{ "section": "opiates" }
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I was told I was getting the m 15s, but ended up being these. Same thing, but like you said lot of filler. Tonight I plan on railing a couple then smoking one for good measure.
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When I read a bit I realized it was written by a woman due to the inane detail about essentially nothing lol
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Not sure what kind of friends you got lolol
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what is the difference if i confess tomorrow after the test or now. it isn't like i committed a crime.
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God dammit i'm so sorry to hear that. I fucking despise tweakers so fucking much. Stupid ass uppity, high strung, way too anxious, paranoid, thieving pieces of shit scumbags... I'll prob never get why people wouldn't prefer drugs that relax them and calm them down
{ "section": "opiates" }
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I facilitate an addiction therapy group 3 times a week....im in recovery myself. May I have your permission to read this to my group? This is real fucking life with this shit and I feel they need to know.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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It's insane they were able to get ahold of that many pills every month, seemingly without fail
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Removed, this post reeks of sourcing. ^^^^^^/r/opiaterollcall
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Yeah this formula you can scrape off the coating and crush it up and it's ready to snort. Much better than those bastard concave ones for sure.
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Yes that the question sorrry for my bad english ans thanks you for the answer :)
{ "section": "opiates" }
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We've all made some shitty choices that we will regret. More importantly, happy birthday.
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Take it easy, man. Everybody doesn't know all the fucking imprints.
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It was hard to listen to the way people talk about junkies
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I'm looking for an image as cool as the current header is, to match the blues of the standard theme.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Have you done the fent patches? Any comparative notes?
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Yep I'm in AL, I feel your pain. The one guy I found sells $300/g.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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If by "couldn't keep up with you in a conversation" you mean wouldn't waste 5 minutes trying to convince your meth ranting ass about anything, then you are correct and I bet you get it a lot in your life.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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Honestly, it's fun to post weird things/questions on the internet from time to time. But, if what you post, and what subreddits you are a moderator of are indicative of the kind of person you truly are, your mom probably should have had that abortion.
{ "section": "opiates" }
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