automated workforce management software to complement their Automatic Call Distribution systems. Another option for maximizing agent productivity is to mix inbound and outbound calling in one center. Wall Mount Display A wall-mounted display of Call Center volume and agent performance can also serve as a motivator for agents. Mounted in positions of high visibility, displays can be used to scroll 90 - The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 4 information about incoming/outgoing call volumes, agents on line, average time to answer, etc. These displays serve as a rein- forcer to agents, and provide valuable information for supervisors when they are away from their desks. Screen Pops Screen Pops can shave seconds from many if not all calls. Using a computer-to-PBX/ACD interface, Screen Pop brings the caller profile to the agent at the same time a call arrives. This saves the agent from having to ask for the caller's name, account number or other relevant information, keying in a data request and waiting for the screen to appear. Some systems use ANI (automatic number identification of the calling number) to initiate the database inquiry and screen transfer, while others use an IVR (Interactive Voice Response System) to ask the caller to input identifying information that will in turn be used for database access and a screen transfer. Fax Server Routine requests for information can frequently be handled by a fax server. Order confirmation and general in- formation can be provided very quickly with integrated fax response functionality. These features give the caller an element of control over the way the call is handled. By using automation to eliminate the ambiguity and frustration of long hold times, Call Centers can increase customer satisfaction without increasing staffing levels. Perspective There is more to designing and managing a Call Center than selecting and implementing appropriate features. Consideration must be given to the context of the center: The Telecom Handbook 30 91 THE ACD 1. How it relates to other units w
ithin the greater enterprise, the local job and labor force. 2. Customer expectations. 3. Competitors' behavior. 4. Vendor relations. Although we may think of a Call Center as an independent entity, it does not operate in a vacuum. Businesses where the sole function revolves around Call Center activity (example: retail catalog sales) are the exception, not the majority. Increasingly, Call Center functionality is being incorporated into the general business environment (i.e.: service desk, help desk, account in- quiries, telemarketing). Thus, the relationship between the Call Center and the other operating units becomes an issue. Ideally, Call Center personnel have access to all appropriate corporate databases and telecommunications facilities. Network- ing must be addressed, along with questions of interoperability and administration and management of the various systems in use throughout the enterprise. The integrated approach to enterprise wide communica- tions, including voice communications, data communications, local area networks and wide area network access is appeal- ing to Call Center managers who appreciate the impact of their role within the larger organizational structure. In addition, managers of other operating units may want access to the cus- tomer communication center's real-time information. Activity levels by group, product or function should be available at any time to any manager who needs it. The customer support Call Center must be an integral part of the enterprise network. Ideally, all communications services within an enterprise will be available to all users. Information can flow freely to and from every desktop. This unified approach enables work- ers to do their jobs at the same time that it facilitates system administration and management. 92 35 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 4 The Call Center Approach to Designing Office Telephone Systems Many business people are beginning to view their entire com- pany or certain departments as Call Centers, and would like them to have similar functi
ons to those found on ACD. They are par- ticularly interested in functions that provide information on the handling of customer calls and on staff members' productivity. These systems will have to be more flexible and collect more information than today's ACDs. They will also have to combine functions such as multiple appearances of extensions for call coverage with the capability to track progress and status of calls as they move through the organization (transferred, conferenced, put on hold, etc.). While traditional PBX manufacturers have not been able to deliver these capabilities, newer communications server based systems will lend themselves more easily to the de- velopment of these applications. For more information on setting up a Call Center see The Call Center Handbook by Keith Dawson. Also, subscribe to Call Center Magazine (order from 888-824-9793 or www.callcentermagazine.com) The Telecom Handbook 93 Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis Group http://taylorandfrancis.com CHAPTER 5 Voice Mail and Automated Attendant Voice Mail and Automated Attendant are presented together because they are almost always functions of the same system. They may be collectively referred to as Voice Processing. Throughout this chapter, when we mention Voice Mail, the capa- bility for Automated Attendant is implied. Definition by How it Sounds to the Caller The easiest way to define the difference between Voice Mail and Automated Attendant is by what you hear. Here's an example of an Automated Attendant: "Thank you for calling CMP Books. If you are call- ing from a touch-tone phone and know the extension of the person with whom you wish to speak, you may dial it now. To purchase advertising, dial 1; to order a book, dial 2; for a company directory, dial 8; if you are calling from a rotary phone or need assistance, please wait. Someone will be with you shortly." The Automated Attendant can be likened to a live switch- board operator who directs calls to the appropriate extensions. It can answer and direct multiple calls at the s
ame time as long as there are a sufficient number of ports (one caller ties up one port until the call is answered at the extension, freeing up the port for the next call.) Most Automated Attendant systems can respond only if the caller is using a touch-tone telephone, although a few respond to rotary dial signals. Some systems also recognize the spoken word such as yes, no or saying a number, a name or a phrase. This is called voice recognition. Since voice recognition does not work 100% of the time, the system can be set up to transfer the caller to a live person if the system does not under- stand the words spoken. The Telecom Handbook - 95 VOICE MAIL & AUTOMATED ATTENDANT Voice recognition is proving to be particularly useful in large corporations, especially when callers don't know the spelling of the name of the person they're calling and do not want to listen to a long list of options. When trying to use the voice mail directory, saying the name can be easier. The system can be set up to look for all possible spellings based upon the way the name is pronounced. Simultaneous answering of calls by an Automated Attendant requires the capability to provide multiple announcement record- ings SO that more than one caller can hear the announcement at the same time. When you use the Automated Attendant to dial an extension and that extension is not answered, after a few rings you will hear the person's Voice Mail: "This is Harry Newton. I'm not in my office. Please leave a message at the tone, or dial 0 to reach our switch- board attendant." You wait for the tone and leave a personal message for Harry Newton that only he can retrieve (by using a password). While you're leaving the message, you are using a port. When Harry retrieves the message, he is using a port. That's Voice Mail. Most larger organizations use Voice Mail to answer a direct telephone number belonging to an individual (also called a Di- rect Inward Dial number or DID). When that person it on the telephone or away from his desk, his Voice Mail gree
ting an- swers. Unfortunately, in many organizations, it is more common to reach a voice mail announcement than a real person. Physical Components of Voice Mail and Automated Attendant The system hardware may reside on a shelf in a PBX cabinet or be housed in a separate proprietary cabinet or on a PC. It typi- cally works in conjunction with a PBX or Centrex system. The Automated Attendant and Voice Mail may also work in conjunction with an Interactive System for Voice or Fax response. 96 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 5 Voice Mail History The first Voice Mail system was installed in 1980 by VMX, Inc., started by Gordon Matthews, the devel- oper of Voice Mail. VMX has since merged with Octel, which was subsequently purchased by Lucent Technolo- gies, now called Avaya. At first there was considerable resistance to the idea of "having the telephone answered by a machine," but the barriers to acceptance have dropped along with the prices. From The Voice Mail Reference Manual & Buyers Guide by Marc Robins Older Voice Mail systems' physical makeup may resemble that of the PBX. There are circuit boards, each having a certain number of ports, usually two, four, or eight. These circuit boards slide into slots on a shelf either inside the PBX cabinet or into a separate cabinet. Newer Voice Mail systems are almost always PC-based. Proprietary software controls the system functions, which may be accessed by a terminal or PC to make programming changes. As with PBXs, no two systems work in exactly the same way, SO nothing that you learn about one system can be assumed to apply to another. The differences are actually greater among voice mail systems than PBXs. Different Ways of Setting it Up There are some systems that work only as an Automated At- tendant, incorporating no Voice Mail capability or working in conjunction with a separate Voice Mail system. Other systems work only as Voice Mail although most Voice Mail systems may be set up for Automated Attendant as well. All newer PC-based systems incorporate both capabilities
. Historically, separate ports had to be designated for Voice Mail VS. Automated Attendant. When this changed the ports were The Telecom Handbook 97 VOICE MAIL & AUTOMATED ATTENDANT called dynamic ports since they handled both functions. Today's more flexible systems use available ports for either Automated Attendant or Voice Mail functions, depending upon the require- ments of the moment. Some systems are set up as Voice Mail only, even though they have the Automated Attendant capability. A PBX may en- able callers to directly dial each individual extension (called DID or direct inward dialing). If an extension is busy or not answered, the caller hears the Voice Mail greeting of the person he called. As mentioned earlier, most large organizations use direct inward dialing and may reserve the Automated Attendant for callers to a main telephone number or for evening hours when the live switch- board attendant is not there. Voice Mail systems can be connected to outside lines without a PBX, but most work with one. Some of the major PBX manu- facturers, such as Avaya, Siemens and Northern Telecom, sell Voice Mail systems to work with their particular PBXs (their marketing names are Audix/Intuity, Phonemail and Call Pilot/ Meridian Mail respectively). Although these can work with other PBXs, they are designed to integrate with the manufacturer's PBX and often have the appearance of being part of the PBX. There are other major players in the Voice Mail market including Captaris (formerly AVT), Active Voice and some smaller companies. The Voice Mail systems from these companies are often de- signed in cooperation with PBX manufacturers and may integrate with the PBXs as smoothly as the Voice Mail systems sold by the PBX manufacturers themselves. Most of the PC-based systems now have Windows NT operat- ing systems and may have more capabilities at a lower cost, as well as lower upgrade costs than the non-PC-based systems. Some of the newer telephone systems, such as NBX by 3Com, deliver Automated Attendant and Voice Mai
l at an even lower cost, since they are packaged as an integral part of the telephone system rather than separate systems. The important thing is to under- stand which functions are possible and to identify those that are important to your organization before you decide upon a system. 98 S The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 5 Look at the history of the product and find out whether it is con- tinuing to be developed and improved upon by the manufacturer. Whether the Voice Mail is made by the PBX manufacturer or by a different company, it is still necessary to have a sufficient number of connections between the Voice Mail system and the PBX. These may be either analog or digital ports in the PBX, requiring separate circuit boards. You may also install Voice Mail if you use Centrex telephone service where your telephone system switching and other func- tions take place back at the central office of the local telephone company. If you use Centrex service and choose to buy a Voice Mail system housed in your office, you must connect it to the telephone company central office with a circuit known as an SMDI link (station message desk interface). The local telephone companies also sell central office based Voice Mail which may be rented for a monthly fee along with each Centrex telephone number. In this case, the Voice Mail sys- tem resides at the central office and not on your premises. The telephone companies buy their central office based voice mail systems from the same manufacturers as other users. You may want to ask whose system they use and check out the manufac- turer and model before subscribing to their voice mail service. It may seem logical to have one telephone installation com- pany responsible for both your PBX and your Voice Mail. However, many companies elect to have a separate Voice Mail integrator since they want to take advantage of some of the more advanced features often not available with the Voice Mail sys- tems sold by the PBX manufacturers. The integrator typically has more experience and expertise i
n setting up systems with special applications for your organization. Automated Attendant Some organizations use the Automated Attendant to answer calls only if the live switchboard attendant is busy. Under this scenario, you may want to install the Automated Attendant SO that it will only answer calls coming into the outside lines further The Telecom Handbook $ 99 VOICE MAIL & AUTOMATED ATTENDANT down in the hunting group. For example, the main telephone number, when busy, rolls over to four more lines, all answered by a live person. If the incoming calls reach the fifth line or be- yond, and the switchboard operator does not answer within several rings, then the Automated Attendant will answer. Another way to use Automated Attendant is to ask callers other than customers (such as employees and suppliers) to use a different telephone number which is answered by an Automated Attendant. This keeps the live switchboard attendants free to re- spond to customers. For example, a company may have ten incoming lines 883- 1000 through 883-1010. When someone dials 883-1000 and the call comes in on one of the first five lines, a live switchboard operator answers. Employees and suppliers can be instructed to call 883-1006 which is the sixth line in the 10-line rollover group. Callers to 883-1006 are answered by the Automated Attendant and can direct their own calls, keeping the live switchboard op- erator free for customer and new business calls. Other organizations use the Automated Attendant to di- rect all calls, sometimes calling it the "poor man's DID" (DID = direct inward dial). All callers dial the main telephone num- ber, then, when answered by the Automated Attendant, dial the extension number of the called person. This enables ev- eryone to be reached directly, without a live attendant intervening and costs less than giving each employee his own separate telephone number. Voice Mail System Components Voice Mail system components: 1. A CPU (central processing unit), which is the brain of the system and provides the
processing power. Many Voice Mail systems are housed on "robust server" type PCs. 2. As with a PBX, the Voice Mail system uses software to provide the intelligence controlling the system features, including the ability to integrate with the PBX. 100 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 5 3. The system includes circuit boards called codecs which convert the spoken word into a digital format for storage and then back to an analog voice for retrieval of the mes- sage. The rate of speed at which this conversion takes place is dependent upon the sampling techniques used by the manufacturer to convert the analog signal to a digital form. 4. Hard drives provide the storage for the Voice Mail mes- sages and are also the repository for the announcements and other recordings inherent in the system. PC-based Voice Mail systems or newer telephone systems with Voice Mail included tend to provide more hours of stor- age at a lower cost. Some PBX manufacturer's older Voice Mail systems offer only 10 hours with a 6-port Voice Mail system, while a PC-based system usually provides 80 to 120 hours as standard. Most circuit boards used in Voice Mail systems today are either proprietary or provided by a company called Dialogic. Typical circuit boards may have 4, 12, 16 or 24 ports. The voice mailbox itself is an electronic location in the sys- tem on which messages are held for each system user. The mailbox owner calls in and retrieves messages using a password entered from a touch-tone telephone. He can listen to messages, save them, erase them or forward them to another person's mailbox, with his own message attached. Voice Mail systems offer a variety of functions both for call- ers leaving messages and for mailbox owners. They all perform the basic operations of recording messages, receiving messages and redirecting messages. Additional capabilities vary from one system manufacturer to another. Most Automated Attendants in Voice Mail systems use menus which are treed, meaning that you select a feature from an open- ing menu and are then
branched to another menu, etc. Different systems use different keys on the touch-tone pad to access dif- ferent features (or, if using voice recognition, different words or numbers are spoken). The Telecom Handbook to 101 VOICE MAIL & AUTOMATED ATTENDANT Voice Mail Capabilities for the Caller Some desirable Voice Mail system features include the following: The ability for the caller to listen to a message he's just left, add to it, discard and re-record its or flag it as an urgent or private message. The ability for the caller to flag his message for future delivery. The ability for the caller to escape to the switchboard atten- dant or another live person at any time by pressing "0." The ability for a caller to leave a Voice Mailbox and get into another one at any time by dialing the new extension number. The capability to leave a single message, but have it sent to a group of pre-selected Voice Mailboxes known as a distribu- tion group. This may also be called a broadcast function. The ability for the Voice Mailbox user to dial in to retrieve not only voice messages, but faxes as well. The ability to dial out, activating the paging beeper of the mailbox user. The ability to dial out for the purpose of sending the caller to a customer service person located at another location. May be a selection on the Automated Attendant menu. The capability to access a company directory if the caller does not know the extension of the person he is calling when encountering an Automated Attendant. The capability for the mailbox user to slow down or speed up a message being reviewed. The capability to understand the spoken word (called voice recognition) SO that the Automated Attendant can direct calls 102 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 5 using spoken directions. For example: "To reach our sales department press "1" or say "Yes" now. Voice Mail System Capabilities for the Mailbox Owner These include capability for the voice mailbox owner: To reply to messages from other users of the Voice Mail sys- tem automatically. To forward
a message to another mailbox, appending your own comments at the end. To save messages for future reference. To delete messages. To control message playback by rewinding, backing up in- crementally, advancing incrementally, pausing, and/or changing the speed or volume. To skip over messages. To retrieve deleted messages before hanging up. The mailbox owner may also have the capability to: Change passwords and personalize greetings. Toggle among multiple greetings (vacation, on the telephone, out of the office, etc.). Verify delivery of messages to other mailboxes on the same system. Check the status of the mailbox (full, empty, etc.). Set up group distribution lists for broadcasting a message to a preselected group of mailboxes. The Telecom Handbook 12 103 VOICE MAIL & AUTOMATED ATTENDANT Other Voice Mail Features Message waiting indication. A Voice Mail system working in conjunction with a PBX can activate a message waiting lamp or indicator on the telephone of the mailbox owner. If there is no capability for this, the Voice Mail may periodi- cally ring the telephone to indicate a waiting message or provide a distinctive stutter dial tone, heard when the tele- phone is next used. Some Voice Mail systems can call a beeper number. (You would be beeped to indicate that there is a message in your Voice Mailbox.) Message delivery options. This enables the mailbox owner to have his messages follow him around. It is possible to pro- gram the system to forward messages to different telephone numbers at different times of the day. Guest mailboxes. You may elect to have individuals outside of your company (guests) have a mailbox in your Voice Mail system (e.g., consultants, subcontractors, attorneys, accoun- tants). The guests can send messages to mailbox owners on the system and receive messages from them. If you plan to use guest mailboxes, make this clear when you are setting up the system. You may need to assign corresponding extension numbers from the PBX. Voice Mail Administration Another consideration with a Voice
Mail system is ease of administration. In most instances, there is a separate PC-based administration terminal which may sit next to the PBX terminal. Management and administrative functions include: Configuring the system for the type of telephone system con- nections required. 104 < The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 5 Setting up specific system functions and applications. Setting up mailbox parameters. Enabling system features. Updating and changing passwords, mailbox numbers and voice prompts. Tracking system usage. PC-based Voice Mail systems using a Microsoft NT or Win- dows 2000 platform make administration easier if you already have someone who is trained to administer a Local Area Net- work (computer network). Telephone systems that integrate Voice Mail within the system have common administration for the tele- phone system and Voice Mail functions The Voice Mail administration (like the administration of some telephone systems) can be accessed from any computer on the network. Administrators can access system from a remote location to make changes and run reports. Administration and management features available on most systems include: Connecting individual ports to DID or combination trunks, tie lines or PBX extensions. Setting up company, night and other greetings for the recorded announcements that callers hear. Setting up the number of digits in the mailbox numbers. Setting up the level of security (passwords, pass codes, etc.). Setting up what is called the class of service for each mail- box. This is the length and number of messages which can be left before the mailbox is full. Note: Newer systems The Telecom Handbook * 105 VOICE MAIL & AUTOMATED ATTENDANT dynamically allocate the hours of storage, eliminating the embarrassment of a "mailbox full" announcement. Generating statistical reports on such information as: Use of mailboxes. Use of the system memory. Volume of telephone traffic through the system. Ports in use at different times of day. Voice Mail System Implementation and Integration with the
PBX One of the most important issues relating to the success of a Voice Mail system implementation is how well it integrates with the PBX. Evidence of Poor Integration Inability of the Voice Mail system to activate message waiting indicators on the telephones. Requiring a caller to re-enter the extension number or telephone number dialed from a touch-tone telephone in order to enter the Voice Mailbox of the person called. A long wait between a request being made of the Auto- mated Attendant and the Voice Mail greeting of the called person being heard. A lot of "dead air" heard by the caller (nothing heard at all). While the above scenarios are less likely to occur than in the past, it is still important to check for them and to fine tune all Voice Mail operations. 106 5 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 5 In addition to issues of integration, there are variables relat- ing to implementation. Evidence of Poor Implementation Callers hearing inappropriate announcements such as, "Your call is being forwarded to the switchboard atten- dant" when there is no switchboard attendant available (for example, during the evening). Callers who know which options to select having to wait for recorded announcements to finish prior to se- lecting the option. The Voice Mail system not responding to the digits di- aled by the caller. In some older Voice Mail systems, requiring a longer touch-tone signal in order to respond appropriately (works better if you hold down the touch-tone button a few more seconds). Asking callers to dial complex sequences in order to get help, such as ##0 or *T6668#. One of the largest tele- phone companies in the U.S. expects callers to dial five digits plus the pound sign to reach a sales representative. Talk about sales prevention! Not giving callers an easy escape route to a live person. Not setting up certain options that are offered to the caller as a part of the system menu. A well-implemented system can be used intuitively by people accustomed to using Voice Mail systems. Pressing 0 is the logi- cal
thing to do when you want to reach a live attendant. Anything else causes confusion. The Telecom Handbook * 107 VOICE MAIL & AUTOMATED ATTENDANT Some Voice Mail systems integrate with the PBX through a standard RS-232 link. One thing to remember when adding a Voice Mail system to a PBX is that there may be additional hard- ware and software required for the PBX. Networking Voice Mail Among Multiple Locations Just as PBXs in different geographic locations can be con- nected in a network and appear to work as one system, SO can Voice Mail systems be networked. Messages left in a Voice Mail system in New York can end up in a Voice Mailbox in London if the two systems are networked. Some of the challenges of networking Voice Mail systems include: Maintaining directories of users and systems for each system on the network SO that they are all updated with changes and additions at the same time. Providing service and support for the entire network. Coordinating global administration of access circuits used to network the voice mail systems. Networking is done best with systems that are all from the same manufacturer. However a new proposed standard for Internet messaging called VPIM (see box) will allow disparate systems to exchange voice messages over the Internet. If your organization already has a WAN (Wide Area Net- work) in place with permanent physical connections among sites for connecting the computer network, you may be able to use these circuits to immediately transmit Voice Mail messages left in one location to a Voice Mail system at another location. In this case, the message is sent in a digital form over the circuit and the Voice Message is reassembled at the distant end. This 108 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 5 VPIM - Voice Profile for Internet Messaging VPIM is a proposed Internet messaging protocol to allow disparate voice messaging systems to auto- matically exchange voice mail over the Internet. VPIM also will allow a voice messaging system to communicate with other such systems outside the or ganizat
ion. VPIM works like this: You record a message and enter a directory look-up to a public elec- tronic directory, using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) to find the e-mail address assigned for voice messages for that individual. Your system converts the voice message to a MIME (Multipur- pose Internet Mail Extension) attachment and routes the message through the internet using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). The message is delivered to the voice messaging system supporting the target tele- phone number, where it is converted back into a voice message and stored in the recipient's voice mailbox. The recipient can respond in the same fashion. - Definition Compliments of Newton's Telecom Dictionary is a more efficient method of Voice Mail networking than hav- ing one system dial up another at regular intervals. As Voice Mail messages are now being introduced to the com- puter networks (LANs and WANs), the capability to network Voice Mail is taking on new dimensions. Voice Mail Service Bureaus Voice Mail service bureaus are usually small companies who have installed Voice Mail systems on their own premises. They The Telecom Handbook - 109 VOICE MAIL & AUTOMATED ATTENDANT rent individual Voice Mailboxes on these systems to subscribers for a monthly fee. Many of the traditional live telephone answer- ing service companies have changed completely or in part to Voice Mail service bureaus. Users of the service bureau may call forward their office telephone numbers to their own unique telephone number (usu- ally a Direct Inward Dial number) at the service bureau. Or, if they want all callers to always reach Voice Mail, they may just give out that telephone number as their business number. Ser- vice bureaus can also provide individual 800 numbers with a service called DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service), which is provided to them by a long distance telecommunica- tions service provider. Many Voice Mail service bureaus offer the same features as an in-house system, including: message recording; revi
ewing and editing; password security for mailbox owners and various mes- sage delivery options, such as dialing out to another telephone number or dialing a beeper. Some Service Bureaus offer advanced capabilities such as an Automated Receptionist that will enable your callers to locate you wherever you are, including redirecting the caller to your cell phone. Voice Mail Purchasing Questions When you are purchasing a Voice Mail system, here are some questions to ask: How many ports? This defines the number of users that can be accessing the system simultaneously. How many hours of storage for messages and for announce- ments? What are the maximum number of ports and hours for the system purchased, without having to change the server platform? 110 : The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 5 Is the operating system Microsoft NT, Windows 2000 or some other proprietary system and what, if anything, does this mean to you? Considerations may be ease of administration (if you know how to administer NT or Windows 2000 for your com- puter network it will be easier to learn to administer a similarly based Voice Mail system) and whether you want to make the Voice Mail system or its administration terminal part of your Local Area Network. Is the Voice Mail capable of Unified Messaging using GUI (graphical user interface) and TUI (telephony user interface)? (See box for definitions of GUI and TUI.) Who will install, service and support the system, and what is their track record with other customers in your neighborhood? (When things go wrong, it helps to have support nearby.) Unified Messaging Unified Messaging has been around for quite a few years and has not yet been widely adopted. Nevertheless, it is being suc- cessfully used in some organizations and others are looking into GUI and TUI (pronounced "goo-ey" and "too-ey") GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. This is a generic name for any computer interface that substitutes graphics for characters. GUIs usually work with a com- puter mouse. The GUI lets users get in and out of pr
ograms and manipulate commands in those programs. TUI stands for Telephony User Interface. The TUI enables you to access and make changes to a computer program using touch-tone signals from a telephone. Definitions compliments of Newton's Telecom Dictionary The Telecom Handbook 34 111 VOICE MAIL & AUTOMATED ATTENDANT Statistics for Justifying Voice Mail Here are some statistics that add weight to Voice Mail's Logic: 75% of all business calls are not completed on the first attempt. 50% of all calls are for one-way transfers of information 66% of all calls are less important than the work they interrupt The average length of a voice mail message is 43 seconds. The average length of a telephone call is 3.4 minutes. Compliments of Newton's Telecom Dictionary it. Like most technology, it must become easier to implement and easy to use before it becomes commonplace. The rationale behind Unified Messaging is that today's work- ers spend an increasing proportion of their time accessing messages (voice mail, e-mail and fax.). With Unified Messag- ing, someone can retrieve voice mail, e-mail or faxes from any telephone, wireless device or desktop computer. At the desktop, the user had the capability to view and respond to all 3 of these types of communications displayed on the computer screen. Unified Messaging often includes Text-to-Speech capability enabling a user to listen to the system read his e-mails to him over the telephone, if there is no other way to retrieve e-mail. Other Unified Messaging Capabilities include: Ability for you to respond to your e-mail messages with a voice mail even when you are not at your computer. If you 112 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 5 Figure 5.1 Unified Messaging Inbox Microsoft Outlook Favorites Tools Actions Reply Reply to All Forward Inbox Folder List Subject Received Archives 0 Anderson, Rebecca RE: Proposal for new system at Western Univ.. Wed 3/14/2001 10:01 AM Outlook Today 0 Ohman, Julie FW: Captaris datasheets Wed 3/14/2001 9:48 AM Calendar Williams, Kristine Customer Appointme
nt Changed Tue 3/13/2001 5:02 PM Contacts 0 CallXpress Voice Message 2062281 769 Tue 3/13/2001 4:55 PM Deleted Items U RightFAXE-mail Gateway A new fax has arrived from Captaris Tue 3/13/2001 4:48 PM Drafts (2) 0 Clanton, Meghan Unified Messaging Time Savings Study Tue 3/13/2001 4:46 PM Inbox (9) 0 Kincaid, Wendi Voice Message from Kincaid, Wendi M (3150) Tue 3/13/2001 1:51 PM Call Backs 0 Price, Christina Captaris e News Tue 3/13/2001 9:40 AM Meetings 0 Fechko, Rose FW: Voice Message from Outside Call Day (0... Tue 11/7/2000 2:59 PM Product info Proposals Saved Items Sent Items System Cleanup Tasks Public Folders Compliments of Newcastle Communications and Captaris have listened to an e-mail converted from text to speech and wish to respond with a spoken message, you can record your response and it will end up in the sender's e-mail box as a " .wav file" attachment. Ability to respond to a voice mail message by pressing a single button on your telephone (provided the caller has been iden- tified through the Caller ID delivery of his telephone number or through some other method.) Ability to forward faxes from your computer to another fax machine for printing. Ability to access e-mail attachments from any telephone and forward them to a fax machine for printing. Ability to forward Voice Mail messages via the Internet. Unified Messaging is typically designed to work along with Microsoft Outlook/Exchange or Lotus Notes. The Telecom Handbook Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis Group http://taylorandfrancis.com CHAPTER 6 Call Accounting and Telemanagement Systems Call Accounting What Is a Call Accounting System? Call Accounting is a tool to help organizations manage and control telecommunications expenses. A Call Accounting System works in conjunction with a busi- ness telephone system (PBX or Key System) to track telephone calls. The resulting detailed and summarized reports provide in- formation on the specific telephone making or receiving the call and the duration, destination and cost of the call. The informa- tio
n is used to track and charge back expenses to departments and to minimize unauthorized telephone calls. Most typically, the expenses tracked are outgoing long dis- tance telephone calls. An increasing number of organizations are tracking local calls, fax calls, dial up modem calls and also in- coming calls, particularly toll free calls such as 800-type numbers that are paid for by the recipient. A few organizations also track internal calls as a means of determining what is going on within the organization. Call Accounting systems can also capture the calling telephone number (Caller ID or ANI - Automatic Number Identification) to provide a record of who called. The system also lets you charge- back prorated portions of non-usage based expenses including the cost of the telephone system and outside lines. How the Call Accounting Information is Used Organizations differ in their methods for charging back or al- locating costs to departments or individuals. The Call Accounting The Telecom Handbook $ 115 CALL ACCOUNTING & TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS report costs can represent the actual amount of the call or some agreed upon "marked up" amount. Some organizations do not use the costing capability of the system, but simply use it to determine what percentage of all calls were made by each de- partment. Then those percentages are applied to actual bills received to determine the amount of expense to be assigned to each department. It is important to note that the cost of each call on the Call Accounting report never exactly matches the cost of the call on the bill. Bills have different starting dates. Also there are vari- ables affecting the costing of individual calls (such as one second or six second billing increments) that may be beyond the capa- bility of the Call Accounting system to distinguish. Also Call Accounting systems do not generally have what is called answer supervision (the ability to detect when someone at the other end actually answers the telephone). If someone in the office places a call and lets it r
ing for a long time, it may show up on the Call Accounting report as a completed call, even though it will not appear on the bill. Many organizations distribute the reports to individuals us- ing company e-mail or make them available at a website, rather than generating the voluminous paper printouts of the past. These new methods of distribution facilitate more frequent reports, of- ten weekly instead of monthly, which keeps the information fresh and keeps the pressure on to manage expenses. The reports can be customized and automatically distributed to keep administra- tive costs down. Stand-Alone Call Accounting Systems There are two basic types of on-premise Call Accounting systems. The first is a Stand-Alone unit consisting of a preprogrammed piece of hardware incorporating a keyboard and display (usually housed in a small metal box with one or more printed circuit boards inside) and an associated printer. The Stand-Alone devices are low cost and have a limited 116 9 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 memory capacity. The reports available from them are basic and may include: Summary of calls made from each telephone Detail of calls made from each telephone Summary of calls made from a particular department Detail of calls made by each department Exception reports providing information such as all calls to a specific telephone number are generally not available from the Stand- Alone. These devices tend to be durable and require minimal management. Hotels and motels needing an easy method of charg- ing back the cost of calls to their overnight guests often use them. PC Based Call Accounting Systems The other type of on-premise Call Accounting is a software package that runs on a PC. This type of system provides the more comprehensive capabilities described in the rest of this chapter. Many Call Accounting systems are set up on a desktop PC connected to the office Local Area Network. It is not recom- mended that the Call Accounting system share the network server or another PC used for other purposes. Advice provi
ded by the Call Accounting system provider should be taken, as their expe- rience can best guide you to avoid system problems with set up and ongoing management. The PC based system can also poll remote sites on an organi- zations network, using point-to-point network circuits or dial-up lines, bringing call records from all sites to a centralized point for processing and report generation. Off-Site Call Accounting Service Bureaus Many organizations do not wish to have an on-site call ac- counting system or the to undertake the administration needed to The Telecom Handbook = 117 CALL ACCOUNTING & TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS keep it working (updating telephone call rates, updating the database as people are added, etc.). There is a small group of companies that can dial into your telephone system and poll it, downloading the call records from your storage device into their computer. They will then generate the Call Accounting and Chargeback reports for you on a monthly or as needed basis. They process the reports and send them back to you in whatever format and at whatever level of detail you wish. They can also process information from the CD-ROM provided by your local or long distance telecommunications service pro- vider. The CD-ROM may include calls not going through the PBX such as Calling Card calls. These reports can be e-mailed to the individuals and department heads and may also be ac- cessible from a website. For an example of this type of company go to WWw.comware-usa.com. Some Service Bureaus enable you to look at your call data on a real time or daily basis by visiting their website on the Internet. Where do the Call Records Come From? The call information transmitted from the telephone system into a buffer (storage device) is called SMDR (station message detail recording) or CDR (call detail recording) output. It may also be called RS-232 output since it connects to the buffer box via a cable with RS-232 connectors at each end. This comes out of the RS-232 port of the PBX, which is also called the serial
port. The PBX must not only have the capability to provide this output (most do), but it must be programmed to do SO. The Call Accounting software includes rate tables (details of the cost of telephone calls) which are applied to each call de- pending upon the duration, destination and time of day. Again, the Call Accounting pricing does not exactly match the cost of the call as it is billed by the long distance carrier or local tele- phone company. It usually comes within five to ten percent if the rates have been kept up to date and match the actual billing rates. 118 % The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 Rates are computed through the use of V&H (vertical and horizontal) coordinates incorporated into the software. These pinpoint the geographic location of the destination for the pur- pose of assigning a cost to each call. If your company subscribes to one of the long distance carrier's many special pricing plans and you want your Call Accounting report pricing to approxi- mate your actual costs, you enter your own set of rates into the software (or arrange to have it done for you by the Call Account- ing system provider). Call Accounting software is hierarchical and can provide in- formation on many different levels. Not all systems provide the same number of levels or the flexibility in setting up report pa- rameters, SO it is important to determine what information you require before selecting a system. Most systems have four levels providing the following reports: Extension: A list of all telephone calls made by a particu- lar extension. Department: A list of the calls or summary of costs for each extension within a department. Division: A summary of the costs for each department in the division. Company: A summary of the costs for each division within the company. The dates for the report can be specified. The system will also have the capability for storing historical data and being able to provide year-to-date information for each category. Again, it is best if the desktop PC designated for the Call Accountin
g system is not used for any other function since the hard drive must always be available for the collection of calls. A buffer box collects the call detail output from the PBX and stores The Telecom Handbook 8 119 CALL ACCOUNTING & TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS it until the buffer is polled by the desktop PC with the Call Ac- counting software. For an organization where there are multiple offices, it is possible to have just one Call Accounting system and buffers (sometimes called black boxes or poll cats) at the remote sites collecting information from the telephone system at that site. The Call Accounting system can call into each of those buffers to collect data. This is also known as polling. Call Accounting software is sold by a group of companies who specialize in this area. Most are relatively small with annual sales under $15 million. Some companies sell the software di- rectly and others sell through distributors. Most of the telephone installation and maintenance companies will sell you a Call Ac- counting system to work with your telephone system. If you buy a Call Accounting system from them, be sure that a sufficient number of their customers have the same system to ensure that you will receive continuing support. You may want to consider purchasing the Call Accounting system from a company who specializes in them, such as Newcastle Communications in New York City, WWW.nccomm.com. As when purchasing any other type of system, check the track record of both the company manufacturing the Call Accounting system and the company who will install and support it. Sizing and Pricing the Call Accounting System When purchasing an on-site Call Accounting system, the dis- tributor may ask how many call records you anticipate. This may affect the capacity of the storage device you buy and may affect the size of the PC hard drive, although most now have more than sufficient capacity for most organizations' call volume. Most on- site Call Accounting systems are priced according to the number of telephones in use on the PB
X, while the Service Bureaus price according to the number of call records, perhaps charging a frac- tion of a cent per record. A general rule of thumb is that each business telephone averages five calls per day. An average organization with 80 120 * The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 people generates approximately 8,000 outgoing calls per month. (5 calls per day X 80 people X 20 working days = 8,000 calls). The number of calls made can vary considerably for certain types of organizations. For example, the average Telemarketer makes 60 outgoing calls per day. Each call record takes up the same amount of space on the storage device or hard drive. Accuracy of Call Costing Many Call Accounting systems do not accurately price the calls due to insufficient effort spent in setting up the system and keeping it accurate. While this is not extremely labor in- tensive, the knowledge and experience needed to do this is increasingly rare. The pricing of different types of telephone calls from each telecommunications service provider can vary as can different rate plans and contract prices. For example, an interstate call may have an initial period of 18 seconds and subsequent billing incre- ments of 6 seconds, where an international call may have an initial period of one minute with a different billing increment. It is also important that the Call Accounting system be set up to recognize on which group of outside lines (also called a PBX Trunk Group) each call is being sent. Calls placed on a type of circuit called a T-1 directly connected to your long distance tele- communications service provider have a lower cost per minute than calls placed over your regular PBX outside lines (also called combination trunks). There are many different rates for calls de- pending upon the destination and the trunk group. If these are not all identified, the Call Accounting system will not accurately mirror the telecommunications bill. As new area codes and exchanges are added, the database of V&H coordinates in the Call Accounting system need
means of checking the accuracy of their monthly telecommuni- cations bills and the Call Accounting system can help in this effort, few succeed due to not their not being willing to spend enough time to get the call costing right and to keep it accurate. Charging Back the Cost of Outside Lines and the Telephone System Some organizations also charge back the cost of outside lines and the telephone system itself, using the Call Accounting sys- tem. Some simply divide the cost equally among all of the users or departments. Others allocate the cost of these proportionately to the call volume of each department. As with all costing, to do this accurately, the true costs must be known. Toll Fraud Prevention As the incidence of Toll Fraud increases, Call Accounting systems are assuming a renewed importance, since many are sold with Toll Fraud Packages included or optional. Toll Fraud refers to the unauthorized use of your telephone system by outsiders to make long distance calls on your lines. Toll Fraud is a multi- billion dollar illegal industry and all organizations are vulnerable. Your telephone system may be "hacked into" through your 800 (toll free) number, your Voice Mail system or the remote access port used by your telephone installation and maintenance com- pany to diagnose problems. The Toll Fraud package in your Call Accounting system will not prevent this access, but will alert you to unusual calling pat- terns taking place through your telephone system, which may indicate unauthorized use in progress. Some Call Accounting systems dial a beeper number to immediately alert you to a prob- lem. Others simply print a warning on the screen of the system administration terminal or on the paper report. 122 - The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 Other Applications for Call Accounting TRACKING EFFECTIVENESS OF ADVERTISING Although most companies use Call Accounting to obtain ba- sic reports on outgoing calls, others are more creative. For example, if you advertise in several different publications, when someone calls your
company, the switchboard attendant can ask where they saw the ad. The receptionist then dials a three-digit code relating to that ad on the touchtone pad on the telephone before sending the caller through to the salesperson. The result- ing report will indicate the volume of calls you are receiving from each ad, helping you to spend your advertising dollars more effectively. Or if you have a group of separate 800 numbers used for different marketing purposes, the Call Accounting system can track call volume by the 800 number called. TRAFFIC STUDIES ON OUTSIDE LINE USE Another function of the Call Accounting system is to track call activity on each of your outside lines, which is known as a traffic study. If you request a traffic study from your telephone installation and maintenance company, there may be a charge of up to $1,500. If you have a Call Accounting system you may do it yourself as often as you wish. This lets you know whether all of your outside lines are in use and if so, how often. If you have 25 outside lines and only 15 are in use at the busiest times of day, you will be able to disconnect some lines to lower your monthly costs. If the traffic study shows that all 25 lines are in use at the busiest times of day, this means that your callers are hearing busy signals when they dial your number, it's time to order more lines. OPTIMIZING YOUR TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK FOR VOICE CALLS Call Accounting reports can also single out calls to a specific telephone number. If you have two offices and you see that you The Telecom Handbook 123 CALL ACCOUNTING & TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS are spending $1,000 monthly to make telephone calls back and forth between them, you may want to order tie lines (can be individual lines or on a T-1 circuit) to connect the offices. This may cost only $400 per month per line (varies widely depending upon the distance) and permits an unlimited amount of calls (one call at a time per line). Rather than ordering a tie line, you may also want to consider sharing of data circuits for in
tra-office voice calls. Some systems track internal calls as well, SO managers can see how the departments within the company are interacting and who is talking to whom. HOTEL APPLICATIONS Hotels are big users of Call Accounting systems. They use them to create your bill for telephone calls when you check out. The system enables hotels to mark up the cost of calls. This is done either by adding a fixed service charge or just by billing a higher cost per minute than the hotel pays to its long distance carrier. In hotels, the Call Accounting may be part of a property management system. This uses the telephone system to track other hotel functions such as the occupied and "made uf t status of the rooms. LAW FIRM APPLICATIONS AND ACCOUNT CODES Law firms are also big users of Call Accounting systems. After dialing a telephone number, an account code of varying length may be entered using the touch-tone dial pad. This is usu- ally called a client/matter number. When the Call Accounting report is printed, the calls may be sorted by account code for the purpose of billing the calls back to each of the law firm's clients. AUTHORIZATION CODES A few organizations require PBX users to enter an autho- rization code before a call can be made. This is typically a function of the PBX, but the Call Accounting system does 124 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 have the ability to capture the Authorization Code and create reports sorted by this code. ACCOUNT CODES AND AUTHORIZATION CODES FROM TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PROVIDERS Many telecommunications service providers also offer their customers the ability to enter an account code or be required to enter an authorization code when placing a call. At the end of the month, a management report is delivered along with the invoice that sorts the calls by code. This has nothing to do with the on- site Call Accounting system. Some PBXs may need programming to enable the dialing of additional digits for the account codes. Old Call Accounting "Stories" There are a few of old stories relating
to Call Accounting. One is about the boss using the system to discover that one of the employees was regularly calling the boss' house during the day to talk to the boss' wife. Another story is how a company manager had a huge box wheeled through the office with "Call Accounting System" writ- ten in big letters on both sides. Even though the box was empty, the company's telephone bill dropped dramatically in the fol- lowing month. When employees believe that their calls are being tracked, they think twice before making personal telephone calls. Some companies obtain reports on each employee's home tele- phone number to determine the amount of time being spent on personal business. What Goes Wrong with an On-Site Call Accounting System In order to keep the Call Accounting system operating well, it is important to run the reports regularly. If you are using the system to generate the actual cost of the call, it is also important The Telecom Handbook - 125 CALL ACCOUNTING & TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS to keep the rates in the system up to date. Many organizations neglect this and thus the reports are not accurate. PC based Call Accounting systems can lock up, as can any PC based application. Having a back up procedure is important. Once call records are sent from the PBX, the PBX cannot recre- ate them. Occasionally, there are problems with the RS-232 connec- tion between the PBX and the Call Accounting system or storage device. This needs to be checked regularly since, again, once call records are lost they cannot be resent by the PBX. Predicting the Future of Call Accounting These thoughts are from an article in Business Communica- tions Review by Dave Lidyard. "Most organizations are using the Internet and World Wide Web and some are branching out into areas such as voice over IP and wireless voice and data access. However, few enterprises are tracking and charging back these costs as they do with traditional voice call accounting systems. Among call accounting vendors, it is widely anticipated that converged applicat
ions - such as IP, call waiting, unified messag- ing, multimedia multicasting, conferencing and collaborative applications - and their underlying network infrastructure will bring new attention to internal accounting and charge back systems." Telemanagement Systems While Call Accounting focuses the allocation and charge back of costs associated with calls, outside lines and equipment, Telemanagement systems keep all the information supporting the Call Accounting system up-to-date. Facilities Management is sometimes called Telemanagement. In 1976, Anthony G. Abbott founded a company called Com- mercial Software, Inc. which addressed the requirements of 126 $ The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 managing telecommunications equipment and services using the computer. This was the first company in the telemanagement soft- ware business. Mr. Abbott is now CEO of Comware Systems, Inc., Www.comware-usa.com , which has a large installed base of telecommunications management software users. The older customers continue to be supported while Comware builds new systems that support the emerging client/server model of com- puting and telecommunications. An article authored by Mr. Abbott for Business Communica- tions Review explains Telemanagement: The primary reasons for using telemanagement software are: 1. The responsibility for record keeping has fallen on the user. You cannot rely on the telecommunications service provider or the telephone system vendor. 2. As telecommunications expenses increase, the need to manage and allocate these costs becomes even more important. 3. The proliferation of suppliers results in more invoices and separate points of contact. Telemanagement systems have developed the following applications: Order/Inventory System This is a system that automates the process of creating and managing work orders for telecommunications equipment and services. It can reduce the labor associated with creating and managing work orders and, as a by-product, automati- cally create a detailed inventory of all telecommunic
ations system components. This also interacts with the company di- rectory which is updated automatically as moves and changes are made in the system. The Telecom Handbook * 127 CALL ACCOUNTING & TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Cost Accounting/Allocation/Chargeback This is usually the first application that is implemented. Cost allocation has the objective of providing cost center management with meaningful information about the telecommunications ex- penses, facilitating the exercise of local management prerogatives to control expenses. This is accomplished by (1) providing detailed reports to up- per management, (2) summarizing telecommunication costs for all levels of management and (3) providing journal entries or financial summary information as input to existing corporate fi- nancial control systems, such as the general ledger. This permits a review of these expenses in conjunction with normal planning and budgeting activities. Directory Systems Directory systems' objective is maintaining and making avail- able accurate telephone and e-mail directory information. They support three directory functions: directory assistance, directory publishing and directory updating. The assistance and publish- ing functions are generally straightforward. The most complex part is the updating and maintenance activity. Information for the directory comes not only from telecommunications, but also from the Human Resources and Information Technology Depart- ments. Network Engineering Systems Changes in tariffs and the continual introduction of new ser- vices with varying costs create the need to engineer and re-engineer your communications facilities (circuits) for both voice and data communications, including Internet access. Net- work Engineering support systems fall into two categories: data reduction and simulation. Data reduction is a method whereby detailed usage information is processed and reduced to summary 128 * The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 form. Reports that reflect the pattern of calls (e.g., all calls to a particular ar
ea code and exchange) and reports that summarize the utilization of existing facilities (traffic studies) are the type of information produced by data reduction systems. Simulation/ modeling systems make design recommendations based upon input of detailed telephone usage information. Trouble Reporting This application tracks outages, the response time to those outages and a variety of pertinent statistical data which can prove valuable in terms of evaluating how well your telecommunica- tions vendors are doing. Financial Applications The financial alternatives offered by the various telecommu- nications suppliers have created a need for sophisticated financial management tools. Applications such as financial analyses that provide the capability to look at disparate proposals, lease versus lease/purchase and the returns on investment are a necessity, par- ticularly for the large organization. In addition, basic functions such as accounts payable and bill reconciliation add support to the telecommunications manage- ment responsibilities. Cable Inventory Cable records can quickly become outdated. Failure to keep track of cables and pairs can result in increased expenses in terms of how long it takes technicians to complete work installing new telephones or other telecommunications devices. The key to a successful computer-based telecommunications management system is the integration of each of its parts SO that updating is automatic. For example, a directory system requires The Telecom Handbook & 129 CALL ACCOUNTING & TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS information that relates telephone numbers to organizational entities while a usage cost accounting system needs the same information in order to produce its reports. If this information is independently updated, data inevitably do not agree and there are inconsistencies between directories and cost accounting. Ad Hoc Query Systems Users of large systems have a variety of information needs which may require answers to questions upon demand such as, "What effect will an eight perc
ent increase in access charges have on my budget?" Another perspective on facilities management is presented in an article from TELECONNECT Magazine by Tracey Tucker. This includes some tips for purchasing this type of system. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEM As telecommunications networks become larger and more com- plex, telecom and IT managers are realizing the importance of controlling every aspect of their network's operations. It's not enough to just track and cost calls. There is a lot of money invested in equipment, and recurring expenses associated with MACs (moves, adds, changes). There are maintenance issues to deal with and choices regarding services and equipment. This is why you need tools to help to make timely and informed decisions. Telemanagement software provides these tools. It automates management functions in three primary administrative areas: Process control: This refers to the ongoing activities that occur on a day-to-day basis, like traffic engineering, network optimization, trouble tracking and work-order management. These activities are time-consuming and a great deal of in- formation crosses different files. For example, every time you generate a work order, you need to access cable, directory, inventory and vendor contract information. Telemanagement 130 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 software helps by automating the process and by provid- ing a central database from which you can access all network information. Asset management: This relates to inventory control. You know what equipment you have, where you have it, and the status of equipment (whether it's already in place, in stock, out on repair, etc.) Asset management also lets you allocate costs for budgeting and track feature usage for system de- sign and planning. Resource management: This allows you to manage your workforce and schedule problem resolution. You can issue work orders based on resource availability (i.e. Do we use our in-house staff for this job, or the vendor representative?) You are also able to
store information on the level of exper- tise required to resolve a particular problem, SO that you can assign an appropriately-skilled technician to the job. With all the benefits that telemanagement software provides, more organizations are implementing it. Some major differenti- ating factors are cost, functions and capabilities, and the platforms on which they run. Some offer one or two applications, while others cover the whole spectrum. How do you decide what soft- ware is right for you? 1. Functional Integration. All of the applications provided by the software should be integrated SO that you have one main information repository or database. A system that's integrated in this way ensures that any modifications you make in one module will automatically be updated in all relevant files. Otherwise, you will have a group of sepa- rate databases for each function, that must be accessed and updated separately. For example, each time you is- sue a work order or trouble ticket, instead of being able to immediately pull up a cable pair assignment, you will have to go to another database. The Telecom Handbook S 131 CALL ACCOUNTING & TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS There are a lot of stand-alone systems out there that provide only one or two functions. It is important for them to integrate with a larger telemanagement system. Now you may only have a need for cable management, but later you may want to branch out into network optimiza- tion and traffic engineering. If the stand-alone system cannot be integrated, its usefulness is limited. 2. Product Enhancements. Ask the vendor to provide a list of the types of product enhancements created over the past few years. What new applications, features and in- terfaces have been developed? Regular version releases and upgrades are positive signs. The sophistication of the product and the number of applications it provides dic- tate the enhancement schedule. With a really dynamic product, the vendor may come out with something new every six months. 3. Portable/Scalable Platforms. Lo
ok for a vendor that pro- vides software applications on a number of different platforms, or at least on the platform to which your orga- nization has committed. Every organization faces a continually changing business environment. What you have as a computer platform today may not be what you have when your company has been reorganized or merges with another division tomorrow. You should be able to migrate to a larger system when needed. Also, make sure that this portability is demonstrated. A lot of vendors say that their software can run on differ- ent platforms. It often turns out that the software only runs on one platform. For a fee, they will convert the pro- gram. To avoid being the "beta site," ask for certification, documentation and references indicating that the software does indeed run on all the platforms indicated. 132 - The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 Documentation is also important. When you switch to another platform, you may not get the same set of func- tions. Check. When you ask for a demonstration, make sure that it's done on a working system. 4. Interfaces To Network Management Systems. Network management systems are used for real-time monitoring and controlling of a telecommunications network. Net- work management consists of five main applications. The applications address management of network faults, con- figuration, performance, security and accounting. Network management takes into account all the smart devices you have on a network, such as PBX's, servers, multiplexers and data switches. This equipment is con- stantly spewing out management information regarding alarms, traffic statistics, security audit trails, etc. Consid- ering that information, the network management system diagnoses the current situation and decides whether or not to perform network reconfiguration or produce a trouble ticket. When a network management system and telemanagement software are integrated, you have one main information repository. Anything that happens on the network is automatically updated in the a
dministra- tive database. Commitment to Open Standards. Question the vendors' awareness and commitment to open standards. Are they keeping up with specifications and recommendations from the standards committees? 6. A Diverse Range of Vendor Services. To what extent is the vendor prepared to support you through product implementation and beyond? Can they provide a turn- key installation? If so, they probably have a better The Telecom Handbook 33 133 CALL ACCOUNTING & TELEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS understanding of their platform and the applications they have developed to run on it. This is a definite as- set when you enlist the vendor's help to solve any problems that arise. Find out also if the vendor provides customization services and, along with this, the composition of the vendor's organization. Look for a company that has a sig- nificant group of people in product development, application development and technical support. You will need people that can work with you to help define your requirements and then translate those needs into an ac- tual application. The staff's level of expertise is also important. De- velop an understanding of their backgrounds. Software is tied very closely to the company from which it comes, SO you should assess not only the product, but the people. Get some indication of their knowledge, such as number of years with the company or experience in telecommu- nications. Also check the rate of turnover in the product development area. Since software is always changing (new features and applications added), if there is a high rate of turnover you may not get a consistent product. 7. Vendor Stability. The telemanagement market is a vola- tile environment. Check how many times a vendor has been bought and sold, changed presidents or modified company philosophy. The vendor's longevity in the in- dustry will affect the product. You will need a close tie to your vendor in order to expand or modify your system in the future. Therefore, choose a vendor with whom you'll feel comfortable for the lon
g term. In addition to the vendor's track record, check the product's as well. In some cases, the software has not been developed by that company, but was purchased from the developer. Find out how many companies it has gone through and how many versions there have been. 134 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 6 8. User Group Activity. One of the biggest pluses for a telemanagement company is that they have a user group that meets annually. User groups put the users in com- munication with each other. They pool knowledge, share experiences and influence product development. These meetings also give users added clout, ensuring that the vendor continues to support them in a satisfac- tory manner. 9. Implementation Support. Most of the cost and effort associated with a telemanagement system comes from the initial setup of the system. Information that goes into the database must be collected, and a standard coding scheme (i.e., numbers that distinguish between telephones and PCs, for example) must be developed. If you do not al- ready have good records, this process can be labor intensive. Find out if there are any features that facilitate implementation. Autoload capabilities, for instance, en- able a PBX to load all its programming information into the system. Purchasing a telemanagement system represents a substan- tial investment, SO make an informed decision. The above guidelines will give you a head start on the selection process. The Telecom Handbook 135 Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis Group http://taylorandfrancis.com PART II Telecommunications Convergence The Telecom Handbook e 137 Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis Group http://taylorandfrancis.com CHAPTER 7 Convergence of Voice and Data Perspective Often the "next big thing" in telecommunications is ini- tially driven by what the manufacturers develop and decide to sell, rather than by what the consumers of the products and services really want. Some of today's most widely accepted telecommunications developments were never expected to be as great a success as t
hey turned out to be including: Personal Computers The Internet Fax Machines Cellular Telephones The year 2001 not only witnessed the end of the first dot.com boom, but also saw many telecommunications companies either go away or fall upon hard times. The general perception of why this happened is that too much capacity was built due to unreal- istically high expectations for demand. Other issues that shape the current marketplace include: Increased competition requires that companies sell circuits, telephone calls and data communications at increasingly lower prices without realizing lower costs for delivery. Government regulation requires the traditional local telephone company to rent pieces of its infrastructure (switching equip- ment, cables, etc.) to its competitors, enabling the competitors to offer the same services at lower prices. Not to mention that the legislation was tied up in the courts for over eight years, by which time most competitors went bankrupt anyway. The Telecom Handbook 38 139 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA The major telecommunications service providers have a sig- nificant investment in their infrastructure and are not likely to undertake a complete replacement anytime soon. Some of the "advanced services" they sell now have been around for 30 years. Unless the marketplace demands it, upgrading of network infrastructure will be a very slow process. The present glut in capacity primarily refers to many miles of cable that were run, but is not being used. However, a con- siderable investment in the associated electronic equipment to make the cable operable is still needed to take advantage of this excess. Until there is sufficient demand that will sup- port a high enough price, this investment to activate the cables may never take place. Expectation of the convergence of voice and data has been around for over thirty years, but has never played out in the manner that the companies with a vested interest in it have predicted. Many have come and gone without seeing their vi- sions realized. It
remains to be seen how things will ultimately develop. This chapter will provide you with an overview of what's happening now which may provide a basis for where things are likely to go. Introduction One predictable aspect of the telecommunications industry is that the terminology keeps changing. Convergence is the term currently being used to describe the coming together of voice and data communications in a variety of ways. John Jainschigg, editor of Communications Convergence Magazine observes that convergence incorporates elements of engineering, logistics and human behavior. Each of these needs to work together. This means: 1. The technology has to be available. 140 2. The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 2. There must be resources and capable people to put the technology in place. 3. There must be an acceptance of the technology and what it can accomplish by both individuals and organizations. Figure 7.1 Convergence ENGINEERING LOGISTICS VOICE & DATA CONVERGENCE HUMAN BEHAVIOR Just as terminology changes, what constitutes convergence has changed as well over the past few decades. An Earlier View of Convergence In the 1970's and early '80s, PBX manufacturers added ca- pability for switching data to their systems, hoping to have the PBX assume the role of connecting computers to each other, both inside and outside the office. Telephones were manufactured with a separate data jack providing a place to plug in the computer. The Telecom Handbook * 141 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA The circuit boards supporting the telephones included separate ports for data transmission. This approach did not succeed largely because the people in charge of the computers wanted nothing to do with the telephone system or the department that managed it. In addition, it was a costly approach and viewed as impractical. At the time, LAN technology was in its infancy. The primary use for the data port was to connect PCs to the outside world through modems connected to the PBX. However, PBXs were very over- engineered, and thus expensive, to a
ssure high availability. In addition, the PBX was never able to keep up with the fast pace of modem evolution. Thus, the approach of connecting PCs tele- phones to achieve convergence quietly disappeared as organizations began to set up office computer networks or LANs (Local Area Networks). To carry through with Jainschigg's view of the elements needed for convergence, even though the tech- nology was available, the approach failed due to the limitations of logistics and human behavior. It is interesting to observe that some of the newer telephone systems such as that manufactured by 3Com have revived the 'computer plugging into the telephone' concept, but there are new and different technologies underlying this physical similar- ity to the earlier systems. Product Categories Enabling Convergence Some of the building blocks and services that converge voice and data technologies and enable the creation of the modular net- work include: Voice Technologies Faxing Technologies Speech Technologies Telephone Interfaces IP Network Interfaces PBX Integration Products Carrier-class board systems-level products 142 & The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER z Engineering-Based Convergence Concepts Turning the Human Voice Into Transmission Signals That Look Just Like Data Today's "convergence" actually refers to several different concepts, primarily (1) those having to do with engineering and (2) those having to do with applications. The foundation of engineering-based convergence is the process of turning the human voice into digital data signals and transporting tele- phone conversations over the same networks, using the same devices as data transmissions. The protocol (message format) called IP (Internet Protocol) used for sending information around the Internet can also be used to transmit voice. This is called Voice over IP or VoIP. This is already being used by telecommunications service providers in their networks and by some organizations with multiple locations who are using the same circuits and devices to transmit voice and
data. HISTORY OF IP IP stands for Internet Protocol. This is a standard set of instructions for communicating among comput- ers that was agreed upon by a group of universities in the 1960's. Supported by the United States' military for research and development, the original network was called ARPANET. They set up a network among them- selves to exchange information over telecommunica- tions circuits. This was the foundation of today's Internet supporting the World Wide Web. VoIP vs. Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Calls As mentioned above, the term VoIP refers to voice com- munications using Internet Protocol. Most telephone calls are The Telecom Handbook - 143 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA currently made over what is sometimes called the PSTN or Public Switched Telephone Network, the network of circuits connected by the switching systems of the many local and long distance telephone companies worldwide. A voice con- versation on the PSTN requires an end-to-end connection that stays in place and uses up bandwidth on the circuit for the duration of the telephone call. During the call, the voice may be converted from analog to digital form and back to analog at the distant end. It is also possible to transmit and receive a voice conver- sation by breaking the voice transmission up into digital packets (groups of zeroes and ones) and sending it over a net- work in that form. In this scenario, the end-to-end type of connection used exclusively for the voice conversation on the PSTN is not required. The telecommunications carriers are migrating their net- works to IP enabling more efficient use of their network backbones. Unlike the PSTN, an IP network does not channelize high capacity telecommunications pipes (high ca- pacity circuits like T3's). The other big benefit of IP is that the intelligence is at the "edge" and the network is "dumb." A relatively simple router moves the packets to the next router and SO on until the packet gets to the right address. As such, IP networks are much cheaper than telephone
networks with their signaling, service nodes, etc. (an equivalent router costs an order of magnitude less than a PBX or a Class 5 central office switch interconnecting the same bandwidth.) The problems facing VoIP are latency and quality of ser- vice. The latency problem arises when a packet has to "hop" between multiple routers. For example, if each router takes 30 milliseconds to route a packet, the delays build up quickly and soon an echo or "talkover" results. Quality of service is- sues arise because current IP technology used on the Internet cannot prioritize voice over a video being downloaded, for example. Telecommunications carriers implementing VoIP are using proprietary schemes or emerging standards not yet de- ployed on the Internet. 144 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 Latency Latency is a fancy term for waiting time or time de- lay. It refers to the time it takes to get information through a network. Real-time interactive applications such as voice (telephone calls) and desktop video, are sensitive to ac- cumulated delay, which is called latency. - Compliments of Newton's Telecom Dictionary Communications Servers As part of the trend towards convergence, there is a develop- ing group of telephone systems, from different manufacturers, sometimes called communications servers, suggesting that voice communications is becoming simply another function of the com- puter network. As with any developing technology, different systems are be- ing put together in different ways. Most of the communications servers have separate desktop telephones (most still proprietary and can only be used with one system). Some provide the tele- phone capabilities (transfer, conference, etc.) right on the computer screen, using the computer mouse to control telephone functions. There has yet to be a wide acceptance of using the computer to totally replace the conventional telephone, except in the large incoming call center. Larger versions of communications servers are being deployed by telecommunications service providers to
deliver advanced ca- pabilities to their customers. Some communications servers send the voice over the same pair of wires as the data communications and may use IP or some other communications protocol to accomplish this. Softswitch Networks According to the International Softswitch Consortium a softswitch is a software-based entity that provides telephone call control functionality. The Telecom Handbook $ 145 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA Softswitches support different protocols (sets of rules for communicating) including MGCP, H.248, SIP, H.323 along with CAS; SS7 ISUP, TCAP and INAP; ISDN; and TCP/IP. (For more detail on these go to www.softswitch.org or check Newton's Telecom Dictionary). Elements Of A Softswitch Network The functional elements of a softswitch network may include the following: MEDIA GATEWAY CONTROLLER (ALSO KNOWN AS CALL AGENT OR CALL CONTROLLER) The media gateway controller maintains the "call state" for the endpoints of every call on a media gateway. Its primary role is to provide the call logic and call control signaling for one or more media gateways. It may also: Manage network resources such as ports or bandwidth. Interact with the application server to provide a service or feature to a user. Interface with call routing and accounting functions Participate in management tasks in a mobile communi- cations environment. The media gateway controller interfaces with the applications server or media server using SIP (session initiation protocol). The softswitch or the application server uses what is known as third party call control to control the media server. MEDIA GATEWAY (A SUB-COMPONENT OF A MEDIA GATEWAY CONTROLLER) As viewed by an IP network, a media gateway is an endpoint or a collection of endpoints. Its primary role is to transform me- dia from one transmission format to another, most often from 146 2 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 SIP - Session Initiation Protocol A protocol is a set of rules governing the format of messages that are exchanged between computers and people. Session
Initiation Protocol is a protocol for the establishment, modification and termination of conferencing and telephone sessions over IP-based net- works. SIP uses text based messages much like HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol used for moving docu- ments around the Internet.) - Compliments of Newton's Telecom Dictionary circuit to packet formats or from analog/ISDN circuit to packet. It is always controlled by a media gateway controller. The media gateway interfaces the IP network with an ac- cess endpoint or network trunk, or a collection of endpoints and/or trunks. As such, it serves at the gateway between the packet and the external networks such as the PSTN, cellular network, etc. For example, the media gateway can provide the gateway between an IP and circuit network (e.g. IP to PSTN), or between two packet networks (e.g. IP to 3G mobile networks or ATM) Its primary role is to transform media from one transmission format to another, most often between cir- cuits and packets, between ATM packets and IP packets, or between analog/ISDN circuits and packets. The media gateway always has a master/slave relationship with the media gateway controller It may perform media processing functions such as transcoding, packetization, echo cancellation, jitter buffer management, packet loss compensation, etc. It may perform media insertion functions such as call progress tone generation, DTMF (touchtone) generation, comfort noise generation, etc. The Telecom Handbook 65 147 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA It may perform signaling and media event detections such as DTMF (touchtone) detection, on/off hook detection, voice activity detection, etc. Many media gateways are controlled with media gateway control protocol (see box describing MGCP). Note: An earlier meaning of "softswitch" referred to the me- dia gateway and controller. Now softswitch has come to refer to the interaction all of these servers mentioned here and their col- lective operation. Call Routing and Accounting The routing function provides call routing information
to the media gateway controller, while the accounting function collects call accounting information for billing purposes. The accounting function can also have a broader role of authentication, authori- zation and accounting in remote access networks. Signaling Gateway The signaling gateway provides the gateway for signaling between a VoIP network and the PSTN, whether SS7/TDM or ATM based. It encapsulates and transports PSTN signaling pro- tocols over IP. Applications Server The applications server is the application execution entity. Its primary role is to provide the service logic and execution for one or more applications and/or services. The applications server provides enhanced service logic for applications such as voice mail, a conference bridge or a pre- paid calling card service. Other applications include delivering services and information to an end user. It can access data net- works such as the Internet to gain access to information systems to provide services to the user. 148 - The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER For example in a voice mail application, the applications server instructs a media server to play the ring that the caller hears, prompts the caller to enter the digits (touchtone) and re- port the collected digits back to the applications server. The applications server verifies the passcode and if the caller is a user, it determines whether there are messages. A Feature Server is a limited Applications Server. It uses a proprietary API (applications programming interface) while the Applications Server uses a standard protocol, SIP. Media Server A media server offers its resources to applications servers, feature servers and media gateway controllers. Its primary role is to operate as a server that handles requests from the applications server or the media gateway controller for performing media pro- cessing on packetized media streams. It supports multiple concurrent capabilities including: Digit detection and collection Streaming of tones and announcements Algorithmic tone generation Recordin
g of multimedia streams Speech recognition Speech generation from text Conference bridging Fax processing Transcoding Voice activity detection and loudness reporting Scripted combinations of the above You may have a single media server supporting multiple ap- plications servers, with applications such as voice mail, network announcements ("the number you have called is not in service at this time ") and pre-paid calling cards. The Telecom Handbook 149 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA A gateway takes the signal and digitizes it (if it is not already in a digital form); potentially compresses it, depending on the codec; packetizes it for transmission; and routes the packet to the destination. Note that all of these steps take time. This added time is called latency. Latency is one of the most important fac- tors contributing to the perceived quality of the voice transmission. Low latency results in good quality, while long latency results in poor quality. The gateway reverses the operation for packets coming from the packet network ending up on the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Both operations (coming and going) take place simultaneously at each end-point, allowing a full two-way conversation. A transcoder takes a media stream in one codec (stands for coder/decoder) and converts it to another. Media gateways take voice signals from their analog form into digital signals and vice-versa. A softswitch network may connect to the existing public switched telephone network (PSTN) in three different ways: 1. Physical media-path connections, through the circuits that connect media gateways to circuit switches. 2. Physical signaling-path connections, through the cir- cuits that connect signaling gateways to the SS7. 3. Logically, the softswitch may access network elements in the PSTN for routing, billing, emergency services and other value added services as needed by using the physical SS7 connection to exchange messages with other SS7-connected network elements. The early softswitch applications were Internet offloa
d (see box) and toll bypass (where long distance voice traffic is trans- ported as packets). More recent applications replicate the functions of today's PBXs and the PSTN to which users are 150 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 already accustomed. Even newer applications that will be adopted depend upon the marketplace, but may include things such as web-based collaboration and unified messaging. Media Gateway Control Protocol In November, 1998 Level 3 Communications, Inc. and Bellcore (now Telcordia Technologies) announced the merger of their respective technical specifications for a new protocol designed to bridge between the con- ventional circuit-switched PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) and the emerging IP (Internet Protocol) packet switched networks. The merged speci- fication, Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) represents a combination of the Internet Protocol De- vice Control (IPDC) specification developed by a consortium formed by Level 3 and made up of leading communications hardware and software companies, and the Simple Gateway Control Protocol (SGCP) de- veloped by Bellcore and Cisco Systems. MGCP is a draft specification (not a standard accepted by IETF) for a physically decomposed gateway, i.e. a protocol converter, the components of which may be distrib- uted across multiple physically distinct devices. MGCP enables external control and management of data com- munications equipment operating at the edge of emerging multi-service packet networks - known as "media gateways" - by software programs known as call agents or media gateway controllers. Examples of media gateway controllers include voice over IP gate- ways, voice over ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) gateways, modem banks, cable modems and set top boxes, soft PBXs and circuit cross-connects. - Compliments Newton's Telecom Dictionary The Telecom Handbook a 151 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA Internet Offloading Internet offloading is a term used to describe offloading Internet data traffic from a carrier's telephone voice switch onto a
separate data switch or other equip- ment, in order to get rid of the Internet-bound traffic and handle that data more cheaply. A normal central office telephone switch is designed to handle voice telephone calls, each averaging three minutes. Pricing was set to accommodate this pattern. With increasing Internet popu- larity, the average telephone call (using the telephone line to dial up the Internet from the PC) is approaching one hour. This continues to create a dilemma for the local tele- phone companies whose pricing is still based on an out of date assumption. Internet offloading is an attempt to lower their cost for handling this type of traffic. - Compliments of Newton's Telecom Dictionary Signaling System 7 (SS7) This is a network separate from the one that is carrying all of the telephone traffic. That network is called SS7, Signaling Sys- tem 7. It acts as a traffic cop for PSTN network traffic, assigning highways and routing customer traffic. SS7 is what makes the long distance carriers able to set up coast-to-coast calls in less than one second. Putting The Pieces Together One approach is to allow network operators to purchase the different pieces of the network from the best provider of each piece rather than being required to purchase an entire solution from a single company. Some network operators prefer to pur- chase all equipment from a single provider in order to get the 152 -8 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 systems integration work and the interoperability assurance that comes with dealing with only one company. Others prefer to mix and match equipment providers SO that they cannot be held hos- tage by any particular company and SO that the failure of one company will not leave them without a solution. The telecommunications network operators are not the only organizations who are assembling these capabilities. Some of the larger management consulting organizations are not only acting as large system integrators, but may actually control and resell elements of the softswitch network. Some equi
pment houses multiple functions within a single product. Some manufacturers and users observe that these prod- ucts have less flexibility and are less likely to interoperate with other products that equipment having a single function. Others are of the opinion that there are natural groupings of functions that should occur and choose to build a product that represents that natural grouping. Where The Network Components Are Located The signaling gateway and media gateway must be deployed at the boundary between the PSTN and the softswitch. All other components may be located anywhere in the network that makes sense with regard to the latency of access, co-location of control and other operational considerations. Note: Latency affects the pace of the conversation. Hu- mans can tolerate a maximum of 250 milliseconds of latency (time delay) before it has a noticeable effect on the quality of the conversation. In particular, media servers may be deployed at the edge or at the core of the network. Deploying media servers at the edge, alongside gateways makes sense when minimization of network traffic is important and when the gateway cluster is large enough to justify its own media server. The Telecom Handbook 2 153 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA Proxy Servers A proxy is an application running on a gateway that relays packets between a trusted "client" and an untrusted "host." A proxy server is software that runs on a PC, allocating IP addresses to users as they need them to access the high speed Internet connection. It may be viewed as the "corporate telephone system" for Internet access. In addition to managing access to the Internet, the proxy server also acts as a firewall, preventing unwanted intrusion from the Internet into your corporate computer network. - Compliments of Newton's Telecom Dictionary Deploying the media server in the core, alongside applica- tion servers is useful in the early stages of network deployment when network bandwidth is relatively inexpensive. Communications Servers Replacing The "Mainfra
ing their software code to a small "kernel." The "computer-like" part of a PBX is analogous to the com- bined capabilities of a media gateway controller and an applications server in the newer softswitch environment. The PBX circuit board for outside lines is analogous to the media gateway. An open and public operating system will mean that people other than the manufacturer can program the communications servers, making them do things that the manufacturer never thought of or did not have time to address. The communica- tions server can be programmed do what the customer wants it to do. This is the premise of the trend towards more open telecommunications systems. This openness still requires the skill of experienced and tal- ented programmers to design and test the new applications. The more ubiquitous and flexible the programming languages (like Java and C++), the more likely that new applications can be prac- tically developed, as there will be programmers available to design and support them. The situation driving communications server development today is clear. The average traditional PBX contains three to five million lines of software code. Central office switches such at The Telecom Handbook 30 155 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA Northern Telecom's DMS 100 also contain several million lines of code. Adding a few new features requested by a customer re- quires regression testing. The new software code is tested in combination with all of the old code, simulating conditions of the telephone system under normal day-to-day use. This can be a prohibitively lengthy process and in many cases, can never be completed. It is further complicated because it is unlikely that the pro- grammers writing the new code are the same programmers who wrote the original code. (Code refers to the sequence of instruc- tions in software.) Traditional PBX manufacturers respond to this phenom- enon by releasing new system features infrequently. When they do, a whole collection of new features is introduced, resulting in a very long ti
me for testing before the new software can be released. Once released, these software upgrades can be costly to install and may still have "bugs" to be worked out with fixes called patches. If a customer wants just one of the new features in the new software, he must still pay for the entire upgrade. As switches incorporate more features and thus more software code as demanded by the customers, the chance of system failures and the time required for testing are both in- creasing exponentially. While the manufacturers are being conservative in not offer- ing too many new features too quickly, the switch users have the experience of the programmability of PCs and want the same capability for their telephone systems. The communications equipment "factory" of the future may make each system to the specific requirements of the customer who ordered it. The factory will assemble the network interface modules, the hardware modules and the software modules or pieces into a customized telecommunications solution. The manufacturer's skill where value is added will be in three areas: 1. The Network Interface - The communications server manufacturer will make it possible to connect to T-1/PRI, 156 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER Z E1 (European equivalent of T-1), SS7, etc. This is not trivial. There are dozens of interfaces to telecommunica- tions networks. There are standards, but the tendency has been towards non-standard interfaces. For example, there are at least 20 varieties of ISDN Basic Rate Interface lines in North America, and even more internationally. 2. Making the communications server rugged, durable, re- dundant, and able to support areas that could be weak such as network interfaces and supplies. 3. Testing of products manufactured by others to work with the communications server. The communications server manufacturer will recommend the software modules, ob- jects and peripheral hardware that will work best with their system. It remains to be seen whether or not they will guarantee the performance of the products
made by the other companies. The benefits of the communications server architecture in- clude the following: 1. It is customized to your individual needs. You pay for what you need, and nothing more (unlike traditional PBXs, where you may never use many of the system features). 2. It can be truly different from what everyone else has and therefore provides a real competitive edge for your customers. You can get the equipment and hardware you prefer since hardware, software and telephones will all work on most platforms. (Note: This may be coming, but most commu- nications servers are still proprietary requiring the use of the manufacturer's telephones.) Even the desktop com- puter interfaces can be tailored to provide that with which the individual is most comfortable. 4. New features can be added quickly. The Telecom Handbook 157 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA 5. The life cycle of switches will decline, approaching that of PC's and local area networks. As the communications server industry develops and softswitch networks are deployed, time will tell how much of the above actually happens and how quickly. History tells us that technology never develops exactly as the industry gurus predict. The Concept Of Specialized Networks Telecommunications network transport has become a com- modity with cost per minute for a long distance call costing approaching 2 cents. It is increasingly difficult to distinguish one access network from another. In a softswitch network, the gateway, the media gateway controller and the IP telephones are all considered to be part of the access network. The differ- entiation will be with the applications network (which uses an access network for transport) as new applications are de- veloped for customers. With the deployment of fiber optic cable throughout the car- rier networks in anticipation of increased demand, theoretically there is no capacity limit. Additional transmission capability may be added to the network, as long as the cost of adding the elec- tronics at either end to activate
these cables can be cost justified. Whether or not this will happen remains to be seen. The telecommunications industry has never pursued the idea that a specialized network could offer its customers a competitive edge. The carriers (telecommunications service providers) have only cared about the conversations in progress from point A to point B, not about the business purposes for which the network was being used. There have been attempts at enhanced services available for 30 years, but now IP tech- nology is making them more affordable to deploy and in some cases, configurable by the user with a web interface. Now the network can be viewed as a platform for services such as In- teractive Voice Response, Automatic Call Distribution and 158 15 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 Voice Messaging Services, to name a few, for both business and residential customers. The networks can become competi- tive tools and the telecommunications carriers are now realizing the potential value that outside developers introduc- ing new applications may bring. Unfortunately, the unrealistic expectations for service demand and resulting overbuilding of telecommunications network ca- pacity starting around the year 2000 resulted in the bursting of a giant financial bubble and the demise of many telecommunica- tions companies selling both service and equipment. The short-term effect on the marketplace has been the continued re- duction in costs in a struggle to compete, but as companies start to give things away, it is not likely that they will be around to see the long-term effects of this telecommunications industry fiasco. Telecommunications service providers struggling for survival may miss the opportunities for specialization of their networks, al- though this may be a viable strategy with which to begin their recoveries. Applications-Based Convergence Concepts Adding Computer Supported Intelligence to the Traditional Telephone Call In addition to the Engineering Based Concepts of conver- gence, the other way that the term converge
nce is used has to do with raising the traditional telephone call to a new level by add- ing computer-supported intelligence. This is the applications- based view of convergence. This is best explained by providing some examples: PRESENCE TECHNOLOGY Presence Technology ensures that people trying to communi- cate with each other are provided with information on the "willingness to be available" or presence context of the other The Telecom Handbook 159 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA person. For example, you may be able to determine which people in your organization are at their desks and available for commu- nication. Presence technology also enables you to decide to whom you wish to be available and to assign different levels of accessi- bility for different callers. You may want your mother and your biggest customer to reach you anywhere. If you're not at your desk the system will automatically try your cell phone and then your pager. Other less important callers may be directed to voice mail to leave a message. Presence Technology incorporates aspects of a variety of tech- nologies including telephony, instant messaging and e-mail. COMPUTER TELEPHONY Computer Telephony is a term coined by Harry Newton of Newton's Telecom Dictionary fame. The concept of Computer Telephony covers a developing array of hardware, software and applications that add computer intelligence to the making and receiving of telephone calls. The way in which Computer Telephony continues to develop will be shaped by the technology, the tenacity of the companies involved and the demands of the marketplace. You may also hear the expression CTI or Computer Telephony Integration. CTI refers to the integration or merging of different systems (hardware and software) into a Computer Telephony ap- plication designed for a specific purpose. Some manufacturers build telephone systems incorporating many capabilities (such as PBX, Voice Mail, Automated Attendant and Call Accounting) into one system and all on one software platform. While this can reduce the
amount of work formerly needed to integrate these capabilities when they were separate systems, there is still considerable com- plexity in integrating the telephone system with a computer database for applications such as Screen Pops or Unified Messaging. As with all technology purchases, organizations wanting to roll out Computer Telephony applications must consider their systems and procedures already in place and the costs and trade- offs of different options. 160 to The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 SCREEN POPS One of the more commonly used Computer Telephony Inte- gration applications is found in some Incoming Call Centers and known as a Screen Pop. A Screen Pop is the delivery of a com- puter screen displaying information about the caller that arrives at the desktop at the same time as the telephone call. When some- one calls you, the telephone system recognizes the caller either by the Caller ID (the number from which they are calling) or by asking the caller to enter an identifying account number when the call is answered. For example, "Thank you for calling Comware Systems, Inc. For immediate hotline support enter your 5 digit customer identification number." Once the caller is iden- tified, the telephone system sends a message to the server on the local area network identifying the caller and providing instruc- tions on what customer information to deliver to which desktop. Computer Telephony Applications Development Telephone Call Control The starting point for developing Computer Telephony ap- plications is a set of basic services including (1) call control, (2) call monitoring and (3) system feature activation. Computer Te- lephony includes software that communicates with the telephone system, telling it what to do. This application can access a set of commands such as "Make Call", "Answer Call" and "Transfer Call". When a command is issued by the Computer Telephony software, the telephone system attempts to complete the assigned task and reports back to the application with the result. The re- sult m
ight mean complete success (the call went though), progress has been made (the other end is now ringing) or failure (the di- aled number is busy or was not answered.) This information must be provided on a real time basis as the events occur. The application design has to allow for real life situations, for example, peak times when all the outside lines The Telecom Handbook 161 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA may be busy or heavy users who switch back and forth between several calls on hold. People have come to expect almost instantaneous response from their telephone systems. The Computer Telephony applica- tion must deliver based upon that expectation. Call Control expects the application to act as if it were a tele- phone set. Anything that the telephone can do, the application can now do, too. There are two approaches to Call Control: FIRST PARTY CALL CONTROL The basic premise of first party call control is that the Com- puter Telephony application is acting on behalf of a single user. The application runs on the user's desktop PC. There is a physi- cal connection between the application, the user's desktop computer and the user's telephone line. Figure 7.3 First Party Call Control 162 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 The desktop computer may connect (with a cable) in front of the telephone, behind the telephone or may actually replace the telephone. The point is that the application is acting on behalf of this one user only. Through the application, the user controls the telephone call. Examples of this include Personal Name, Address and Telephone Number Directories, Personal Answering Machine and Personal Call Accounting (tracking calls made and received). A standard for first party call control is called TAPI (Tele- phony Application Programmer's Interface) for a PC running Windows. Other First Party Call Control standards often found in Call Centers include JTAPI (Java) and S.100. THIRD PARTY CALL CONTROL The premise of third party call control is that the Com- puter Telephony application acts on behalf of any
user who is Figure 7.4 Third Party Call Control NETWORK Application Server The Telecom Handbook << 163 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA part of a group using a Local Area Network. Third party call control is not limited to the LAN, but may operate a more widespread network, not restricted to one physical location. The application runs in a shared server. There may not be a direct physical connection between the user's computer and the user's telephone line, for example, in the case of a traditional PBX. Instead there is a logical connection. The PC application talks to the server, which in turn controls the com- munications server or PBX. The server is acting on behalf of the user. "Make a call for extension 123" or "Answer the call for extension 205" are examples of call control commands available. The shared server can offer both personal and group services such as directories, organizers, etc. The server provides a coordination point for all calls be- ing handled in the group. The central server-based application can handle the distribution of all calls to the members of the group, including activities like Call Screening or Back Up Call Answering. One standard for third party call control is TSAPI (Telephony Services Application Programmer's Interface) which was devel- oped jointly by Novell and AT&T. TSAPI is an Applications Programming Interface (API) writ- ten in C programming language. As an alternative to APIs, modern communications servers use SIP and markup such as CCXML for controlling a call. CCXML is what is called a "mark up" pro- gramming language for describing how an application should handle a call. People are beginning to buy servers to develop their own localized (within a department) applications using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). SIP is particularly well suited to third party call control. As an example of First VS. Third Party call control, if some- one calls into a Call Center and the software in the Telephone System (Communications Server) recognizes the caller's tele- phone number and
sends the call to a Customer Service Person, the software in the server uses Third Party Call control. Neither the caller nor the Customer Service Person's actions resulted in 164 $ The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 The Languages of the Internet CCML is a flavor of XML (eXtensible Markup Lan- guage) which in turn is a sister of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language - the lingua franca of the web). Both are subsets of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Lan- guage). Think of HTML as a way for people to talk to computers on and ad hoc basis across the web and XML as a way for computers to talk to each other in a similar fashion. In HTML there are "tags" that define how data should be presented, but there is no definition as to what the data is. (For example there are tags for "text," "pic- ture", "color," etc.) XML includes more detailed "tags" (definitions or a schema that can be defined by the pro- grammer) to tell a computer what the data is. (For example, tags for "names," address," "telephone num- ber," etc.) CCML (or Component Compatibility Markup Language) follows the conventions and rules of XML and set the definitions using agreed on terms to eliminate the need for translation. (e.g. one XML document might have a tag that is called <phonenum> and another might use the tag <telnum> for the same thing.) XML has some limitations. However, it is generally much simpler to pro- gram to than an API and has the advantage of easily connecting applications across IP networks or the Web. - Compliments of Gordon Fowler their being connected. So a "third party", in this case the com- munications server, had control of the call. If the Customer Service Person then decided to use his desk- top computer based capability to transfer the caller to another department, then the Customer Service Person would be using an application of First Party Call Control. The Telecom Handbook 200 165 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA The distinction between an API (application programming interface) and a protocol with markup is important. API's are inhe
rently limited to operating systems and program language bindings. Protocols, on the other hand, have no such limitations. This is the single most important development enabling multiple vendors to create collaborative communications applications. Feature Activation Most business telephone systems provide over 100 fea- tures to improve call handling. The majority of users never use more than 4 of them! The use of computer-based applica- tions that can be set to the user's preferences unlocks the capabilities built into the telephone system. These applica- tions allow simple, screen-based control of features that are otherwise cumbersome to access. Using a mouse to point and click on your computer screen, you can activate and deactivate features in the telephone system. For example, a Personal Organizer application could set up call forwarding for a user who is away from the office and turn off that call forwarding when the user returns. In another example, a Computer Telephony application could modify call screening by a secretary on behalf of a group. The screening would be turned off at the end of the day and calls would be redirected to an answering service. Other Computer Telephony Applications Unified Messaging and Unified Communication Unified Messaging is an application that attempts to stream- line the work of receiving and responding to multiple messages from voice mail, e-mail and fax. It has been developed prima- rily by Voice Mail companies as an expansion of their system's capabilities. A user of unified messaging receives e-mail, voice 166 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 mail and fax messages all on the same software platform. All appear on the computer screen at the same time and can be scrolled through, responded to or deleted. The Voice Mail mes- sages are heard through the computer speaker and can be responded to through the computer if is equipped with a micro- phone. With Unified Messaging, laptop users can be listening to and responding to Voice Mail messages from anywhere, with- out being con
nected to the Voice Mail system. When they log onto the system with their laptop, the Voice Mail responses they've left will be sent to the recipients. Unified messaging not only provides you with the opportu- nity to sort out the many pieces of information and communica- tions reaching your desk every day, but enables you to assign priorities to them. Unified Messaging lays out all of your voice mail, faxes and electronic mail on your desktop computer screen. It integrates with other programs spreadsheets, word processors, etc. The el- ements needed to accomplish this include a Local Area Network, a voice processing server that includes various communications- medium resource hardware (voice circuit board, fax circuit board, etc.) that hooks into e-mail and closely integrates with the PBX and client software running at the desktops. Unified Communication applications (sometimes part of the Unified Messaging software) can help you to respond to in- coming calls. This lets you know who is calling and gives you the option of answering the call, answering the call after a slight delay where the caller will hear a delay message ("This is Michael Berezein; I will be with you in just a moment."), or rerouting the call to Voice Mail or to someone else in your of- fice. This may tie into a "find me-follow me" application, enabling calls coming into your office to be forwarded to your cell phone, if you have provided the system with the instruc- tion to do SO. Unified Communication has been described as "your very own electronic personal secretary." It accesses a database on the communications server. The Telecom Handbook - 167 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA While Unified Messaging and Unified Communication have been around for quite a few years, they have not been widely adopted. However, the concepts on which they are based have been rolled into newer web-based applications that enable more flexibility in a more distributed environment. (applications and databases can be on different servers in different locations). These
capabilities may reside on an applications server that is part of the softswitch network described earlier. In particular, by leveraging IP technology, the voice media stream is truly separated from the signaling path. Thus a premise- based applications server can easily direct calls over the public network without having the call come into the premises and back out again. Placing Calls From The Computer Database Many individuals in the workplace have a computer data- base that includes names, addresses, telephone numbers and other information about contacts. These programs enable you to dial out by using the computer mouse to point and click on the tele- phone number on the screen, rather than having to dial the telephone. This is a natural application for third-party call con- trol. The PC requests he communications server to place the call to the desired party as well as the user's telephone, and then con- nects them. See www.edial.com for an example of such a service. IP Telephony IP Telephony is the collective set of applications providing PBX type services in an IP telephony environment. This can mani- fest itself in three ways: a. The PBX as a piece of Customer Premise Equipment - the telephones are connected through the same network (using the same pair of wires) as the computers whether 168 85 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 7 it is a local area network or wide area network connect- ing multiple sites. Administration of the telephones (making program changes, running reports on usage, etc.) can be done through any computer on the network (pro- vided it is authorized to do so). b. IP Centrex pairs a new concept using an old term. Tele- phone service is provided using IP from an applications server not located on the users premises. The applica- tions server can be located anywhere and support the connection of multiple locations as if all were on the same premise. This concept is also known as an ASP (Applica- tion Service Provider). IP Centrex applications may emulate traditional ca- pabilities like "do not
disturb" (no callers can reach you) and voice mail. For example, a company called PingTone describes this type of service that they offer (www.pingtone.com): The PingTone solution is based upon a comprehen- sive "managed service" concept whereby IP (Internet protocol) is provisioned to the desktop on a converged platform. The solution is comprised of network services such as local service, long distance, and Internet connec- tivity, a wide array of hosted PBX functions, unified messaging, and productivity-enhancing tools residing on the desktop through a voice client application which in- tegrates IP phone and PC functionality. In addition, one can buy or download software-only IP telephones (soft-phones) from companies such as VocalTech, Nortel, Ubiquity, Microsoft and SIPComm. These applications turn a PC into a telephone. In the case of VocalTech, they combine their software telephone with a service that not only lets you call other people with softphones, but through their network allows you to call virtually anywhere in the world. The Telecom Handbook dis 169 CONVERGENCE OF VOICE & DATA This chapter captures some of the history of the convergence of voice and data and the current environment, which continues to develop. To keep up to date we suggest the following websites: www.snowshore.com www.softswitch.org www.commweb.com 170 52 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 8 Interactive Voice Response Systems Interactive Voice Response (IVR) refers to the use of a touch- tone telephone to request information from a computer database. The touch-tone signals (sounds) are converted to digital signals understood by the computer. In turn, the digital signals coming back from the computer are converted into a voice that speaks the requested information. The idea is to eliminate the need for a live person to give out information. A well-designed IVR en- ables you to reach a live person if you need one. For example, most banks now offer you the capability to dial into a telephone number and enter your account number and passwor
d from your touch-tone telephone. This enables you to obtain information such as your account balance and the checks that have cleared. You may also instruct the computer to transfer funds from one account to another. Another example of IVR is encountered when you call to request railroad train schedule information. The automated sys- tem, using Interactive Voice Response will prompt you with instructions such as the following: If you're traveling today, press 1; for schedule information tomorrow, press 2; if you're leaving from Grand Central Station, press 1; if you're going to Grand Central Station, press 2; enter the first four letters of the station you're leaving from, using the buttons on your touch-tone tele- phone; enter the time of day you wish to leave, followed by AM or PM." Often you will be instructed to 'Press 1 if this is correct, after the system has repeated your selections back to you. The system will then speak to you, providing the information you have requested. IVR is also widely used in Call Centers in con- junction with an Automatic Call Distributor. Another way to define IVR is by its basic purpose, to use the telephone as an interface with a computer to receive or input data. Although not all IVR applications manipulate data, most receive and disseminate it. The Telecom Handbook 171 INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE Some IVR systems enable the caller to speak responses to the IVR questions, rather than using touch-tone signals. This is possible due to what is called speech recognition. The system might instruct the caller to "press 1 or say 'sales' " (for the sales department). The responses are usually simple one-word phrases. The term IVR sometimes refers to the application, but also refers to the system itself, which is usually PC-or server-based. The system is also sometimes called a VRU (Voice Response Unit), particularly the part that provides the communications between the touch-tone signals and the computer. The most popular PC operating systems for IVR are Windows 2000 and Windows NT.
The IVR components reside on circuit boards installed in- side a PC, using the PC processing and information storage capabilities. Some IVRs are separately built systems with a pro- prietary cabinet including circuit boards, processing capability and information storage space. The trend is toward standardized hardware, giving the IVRs more open architecture and lowering the cost. The IVR may work in conjunction with a telephone system, perhaps using an Automated Attendant, or callers may dial di- rectly into the IVR on outside telephone lines. The IVR is typically interfaced with a telephone system, enabling the IVR users to escape to a live operator, if necessary, by pressing "0." How The IVR Provides Information A telephone call comes through the PBX and reaches an an- nouncement asking the caller to enter or speak his five-digit account code. Or, the call may deliver an ANI or Caller ID, iden- tifying the caller. The PBX then repeats the information to the IVR and keeps the caller connected to the record located in the computer database. The caller then hears responses relating to his account through the IVR. If the caller wants to reach a live per- son, the PBX-to-host capability keeps the computer record attached to the call. The caller and the record arrive at the workstation of 172 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 8 Client/Server Model Linking computers together is best defined by the model called client/server. The client is the screen that you are looking at or the terminal where you are receiv- ing the information (such as your telephone). The server is the place from which the information you are viewing or hearing is coming. The term host is sometimes used to refer to a main- frame computer. The context in which we are using it here is to refer to the computer where the information for the IVR application resides. Another term might be IVR server. The expression PBX-to-host refers to the capabilities of a PBX to interface with a computer. IVRs are more likely to use a LAN (Local Area Network) and often OC
- cupy a dedicated server on the LAN. the customer service representative simultaneously. The call will be on the telephone and the record will be on the screen of a ter- minal or PC. There are two possible locations for data storage in an IVR application. One is on the IVR itself, as a local database. The other is on a separate host machine, known as a host database that may be a PC, a mainframe computer (still used by many banks) or, more likely, a server on the LAN. Each of these meth- ods has advantages and disadvantages. The simplest method of accessing data for an IVR applica- tion involves using data that is resident on the IVR machine. The files containing the data are stored on the hard drive of the IVR. Any information that the caller wants to access is already on the hard drive. Information input by the caller is then stored on the hard drive. The information may be imported from another ma- chine or exported to another machine for the purpose of updating The Telecom Handbook - 173 INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE the local database, but all is resident on the IVR hard drive dur- ing the session. The updating may be done via the LAN or using a diskette. It can be done as needed, either real-time (as informa- tion is changing), hourly, daily, etc. There are several ways to make this local database informa- tion available to the IVR applications. Local database access: Some IVR packages have built-in database functions. Applications can access ASCII files (called comma delimited) using built-in commands. This allows the person setting up the IVR to create a file on virtually any computer system. This may be information such as a customer file, a parts file or an area code table. It is imported into the IVR. The file can then be accessed by the IVR and information can be read out or input to this file. The same ASCII files can be exported at a later date and used for information transfer or the generation of re- ports. (ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange). Software programmers are writin
g open IVR systems designed to interface with specific database pro- grams. The use of ASCII for this purpose has diminished as a new interface called DDE has been developed. Any database that is DDE compliant can communicate with most IVRs. (DDE stands for Dynamic Data Exchange.) On-Board database: Some IVRs have the ability to exchange information with other programs that are running on the same server. If this is the case, then the IVR must be running on an operating system capable of running multiple applications simultaneously, such as Windows 2000, Windows NT or UNIX. Some IVRs can run a local database manager that allows the users of the IVR access to local relational data- bases for more complex applications. On-Board spreadsheet: In the same way that some IVRs can exchange information with other database programs run- ning on the same machine, they may also be able to exchange 174 * The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 8 information with spreadsheet programs on the machine. The spreadsheets allow data access and manipulation. Advantages of using a local database are the following: Lower Development Cost: An application using a lo- cal database will most likely be less expensive to develop. You will not need to program for file access into a host machine. Less Complexity: Many of the local database applica- tions are less complex and therefore more easily developed, changed and supported. No Interaction With The Host Computer: Since there is no direct interface with the mainframe or server, there is no need for complex interaction between the IVR and the host. May Be Faster and More Responsive: Because no com- plex interface is required, the local database may be faster and more responsive than a host database system. Disadvantages of the local database: May Not Have Real Time Information Access: If the information in a local database is being uploaded or downloaded from a server or mainframe, the informa- tion on the IVR may not be completely current. Whether or not this is important depends upon the needs of th
e application for which you are using the system. In some applications, for security reasons, you may not want the information available real-time. May Be Difficult To Administer: Complex local data- bases may be difficult to administer. Applications that require access to a large amount of constantly changing The Telecom Handbook & 175 INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE information are not good candidates for local data- base access. The more traditional method of data access has been to use data that is resident on a server or mainframe. The files contain- ing the required data are stored on some other computer (server, mainframe PC). Any information that the callers need to access during the IVR session needs to be read from the host system. There are several ways to make the connection between the host system and the IVR. Here are some different types of host connectivity. The type used for a particular application is determined by the hardware type of the host system. For example: IBM 3270 Emulation: This type of emulation will handle most IBM mainframe host applications. Asynchronous (RS-232) Terminal Emulation: This type of connectivity enables the IVR to emulate an RS- 232 terminal. Note: These two represent older technology, which is being phased out. SQL Database Interface: Some IVRs support SQL (Structured Query Language) which is a set of stan- dardized commands for accessing IBM's Database Manager, SQL Server, Oracle and many other data- bases. Access for this type of interface is usually done via a LAN interface. Advantages to using a LAN - (or WAN - wide area network) based database for the IVR applications are the following: Real Time Information Access: Mentioned above as a disadvantage to the local database. If the success of the application is dependent upon the availability of real time (up-to-the-minute) information, the LAN database will be more likely to provide this. 176 Si: The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 8 Easier Administration: As mentioned above, appli- cations requiring access to a large amount
of constantly changing information work better if the information remains on the host that is designed to manage those changes. Disadvantages to the LAN (WAN) database include: More Interaction With The LAN and MIS depart- ment: Since they are interfacing directly with the server or mainframe, there is more need for complex interaction between the IVR and the LAN. This also means more interaction between the IVR vendor and the MIS depart- ment. A change in the LAN programs must be coordinated with the IVR application in order for the IVR to continue to work smoothly. May Be Slower and Less Responsive: Some LAN in- terfaced systems will be slower and less responsive than a local database system. IVR Management Information Available Another consideration in setting up this type of application is how to export the information from the IVR machine into an- other computer. For example, the IVR is often interfaced with a fax server. Information gathered from the application can be stored in various files. It can be formatted into a report or sent to ASCII files. Here are some examples of the types of information that the IVR may export: Orders placed (including customer numbers, item numbers, quantities, etc.) Fax documents requested (for billing in a Fax-on-Demand application - see chapter on interactive fax response). The Telecom Handbook de 177 INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE History of how many callers listened to which type of information. Number of times callers used the application. Number of times callers used a certain choice on the menu of the application. Customized reports - IVR programs are becoming increas- ingly easier to administer to provide customized reports. The information may be exported from the IVR in a variety of formats that may include: Into Any DDE Compliant Database. Printed Reports: This method enables the application to pro- cess the required information right in the IVR, format a report, and send it directly from the IVR to a printer. Faxed Reports: This method enables the application to pro-
cess the required information within the IVR, format a report, and send it out to a specific fax machine. E-Mailed Reports. Audio Reporting Mailbox: Certain variables may be moni- tored within an application. This information can be stored in a spoken format in a particular Voice Mailbox where it can be retrieved on a regular basis. For example, you may call into your system to find out how many callers used it on the previous day. IVR Implementation The ease of accessing information through an IVR is directly related to the ease of accessing the database from a PC. If one 178 ® The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 8 needs to go through several different menus and screens to get to the desired information, the IVR application will probably be set up with the same number of menus or levels. If possible, clean up the ease of access to your databases before implementing the IVR. If callers are going to use the application, it is important to keep it as simple as possible. What are the reasons for implementing an IVR system? Here are a few from Call Center Magazine (www.callcenter magazine.com): Cost: IVR is more cost effective than people. If well designed, it does not waste time, does not need time off and will an- swer calls on weekends and holidays without extra pay. Ending Repetitive No-Brainer Calls: Requests for bank balances, order status and credit limits are the types of calls that IVR can and should handle. The idea is not to totally eliminate people, but rather to keep them free to handle the more complicated inquiries. 24-Hour Customer Service: The advantage is that callers can get an immediate answer to their questions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During business hours there is no need to wait on hold to obtain basic information. Proof of Transactions: IVR provides an audit trail for or- ders and the distribution of information. As Fax-on-Demand continues to develop, this will become more apparent to the customers of companies using IVR. Bank statements, trans- action receipts, order confirmations and invoi
ces will be instantly available. The trend in the IVR industry is toward a dedicated server on a LAN or WAN, open architecture and server-based plat- forms. These may be supported by trained non-technical personnel. You buy standard non-proprietary hardware and buy the software separately. The Telecom Handbook * 179 INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE Such systems are becoming more common as standard- ized hardware becomes the norm. Although Fax-on-Demand is being presented separately, the trend is toward the integra- tion of IVR and Fax-on-Demand. This allows more information to be delivered to callers, giving them immediate written con- firmation of transactions. These are also being integrated with screen pops. When a caller exits the interactive system to get to a customer service representative, the representative will have the caller and transaction information on the screen in front of him as the call arrives. Furthering this trend are platform-based systems on which Voice Mail, Automated Attendant, Interactive Voice Response and Fax Servers are integrated onto the LAN. This makes them accessible to all LAN users. This enables such things as tak- ing a written fax document and attaching it to a spoken message, and then sending both to the Voice Mailbox of ev- eryone using the LAN. Another trend is the broadening of the term IVR to refer to web-based applications. When the IVR menus are being set up, the same type of treed menu is also being developed for access by web-site users. The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 Fax Servers What is a Fax Server? A fax server is a server (PC) on your Local Area Network that sends or receives faxes directly to or from workstations on the Local Area Network. This is usually accomplished by intro- ducing a fax server into an existing LAN. If your organization does not have a LAN, you may still implement most of the capa- bilities described in this chapter on a separate PC. The trend is for organizations to incorporate fax capability into the Local Area Network to make it more accessible
to everyone who needs to use it and to give access to information residing on other servers on the network. The fax server contains fax boards, printed circuit boards that process incoming and outgoing fax transmissions. It also has a hard disk drive for storage and memory. There is also software controlling the fax server applications. This is similar, but not the same thing as simply having the ability to send and receive a fax using your PC, since it is designed for heavier volume and more complexity. As with other telecommunications systems, sizing depends upon the volume of use anticipated and on leav- ing room for growth and for adding new capabilities. Depending upon the nature and fax habits of your organi- zation, there are several ways to cost justify setting up a fax server. It can clearly cut down on staff time spent feeding printed paper documents through the fax machine and calling back and forth to the recipient to be sure the fax was received. A fax server can also reduce telecommunications expenses, both by enabling the sharing of outside telephone lines and by transmitting at faster speeds, reducing the cost of the telephone call made to send the fax. Fax servers can integrate with other technologies such as Interactive Voice Response. A caller may be listening to spoken The Telecom Handbook 56 181 FAX SERVERS information and want a hard copy immediately - for example, instructions for putting together a child's bicycle on Christmas Eve. The caller simply enters his fax number and his fax ma- chine receives the information within moments. Fax servers are also used in conjunction with Automatic Call Distribution systems in Incoming Call Centers. Callers queued up waiting for a live representative may be given the option of going to a fax server: "To use our Automated Fax Service, Press 3 to have a list of upcoming events faxed to you immediately." Fax Mail One of the earliest fax applications introduced was Fax Mail (combining some Fax Server capabilities with Voice Mail). This enables people who
call into a Voice Mail system for voice messages to retrieve faxes, as well, stored electronically in a digital format. Suppose you are traveling for business. You reach your hotel in the evening and call down to the front desk to get the hotel fax number. Then you call into your Voice Mail, listen to your messages and find out you have three faxes wait- ing. Using the touch-tone telephone, you enter the fax number of the hotel. Within a few minutes your faxes will arrive at the hotel fax machine. Fax mail enables system users to receive fax transmissions directly into mailboxes on the Voice Mail system. Users are no- tified of fax messages in similar manner to notification of Voice Mail messages. System users have the option of directing the fax messages to a fax machine at their current location or saving them until they are ready to receive them. Some systems can read faxes to the user over the telephone using text to speech technology. Fax mail software, working in conjunction with a fax board, enables the system to receive the faxes and store them on the hard drive until they are ready to be sent. There are two types of fax mail, normal and annotated: 182 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 Normal fax mail enables outside callers to send a fax transpar- ently. These callers send documents to your published personal fax number and the documents are automatically routed to your mailbox. In this application, each mailbox is given a separate direct inward dial telephone number. Some systems can detect whether the call is a voice or fax call, SO a separate direct dial telephone number for faxes is not necessary. The main advantage of normal fax mail is that it is trans- parent to the caller. It appears to them that they are sending a fax as usual since it will be no different from sending it to a fax machine. Annotated fax mail enables system users and callers famil- iar with the system to send fax messages with voice annotations. A well set-up system will prompt callers through- out the process. This allows the send
er to combine a voice message with a fax or to simply identify the fax with a voice annotation. The following is a sample of an Annotated Fax call: Caller is answered by an automated message, calling from a fax-equipped telephone and hears: "Press 2 to send a message. " Caller presses 2. "Enter the mailbox number of the person to whom your message should be sent." Caller enters voice mailbox number of fax recipient. "This message will be sent to Michelle Barricello. Press to start recording." Caller presses 2 to start recording. Beep (Recording voice message). "Hi, Michelle. Here is the fax of last month's sales figures that we talked about." The Telecom Handbook 183 FAX SERVERS Caller presses 2 (Finished recording). Caller presses 0 for message routing options. "To append a fax message, press 4. Caller presses 4. "Press the start button on your fax machine now." " Caller presses the start button on the fax machine. Annotated fax mail permits users to add spoken information to the fax being sent. It may clarify the document or make it possible to send an older document with the changes or updates spoken, saving the time needed to generate a new document. Annotated fax mail also enables the system user to identify a particular fax document from the spoken message, rather than just knowing that there are waiting faxes. To leave the voice annotation at the same time as the fax is sent, the caller must be calling from a fax-equipped telephone An annotated fax mail system may be known as a Fax Message Center. Fax-on-Demand Another type of fax server application is known as fax text, fax retrieval or, more typically, Fax-on-Demand. Fax-on-Demand allows callers 24 hour a day access to a library of documents stored on the fax server. Callers use a menu structure to request the documents they want to have faxed to them. Any type of pre-generated document (price sheets, bro- chures, technical information, product instructions, etc.) may be made available to callers with this application. Any caller can access the documents
in the library without the need for costly human assistance. Fax servers also support broadcast fax, the ability to send a single document or group of docu- ments to a list of separate fax recipients. 184 a The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 Documents can be faxed into the system using the Fax-on- Demand software in conjunction with a fax circuit board. A system administrator numbers documents and creates menus SO that the caller can request individual documents. The documents may be stored on the same hard drive as Voice Mail messages or this may be set up as a separate system. The system administra- tor then maintains the Fax-on-Demand Library. There are two basic ways for a caller to retrieve documents, Same Call Fax and Call Back Fax. With Same Call Fax, the caller requesting the documents re- ceives the fax during the same call on which the request was made. For this, the caller must be calling from a fax machine equipped with a telephone. The following is a scenario for Same Call Fax: Caller picks up the telephone on the fax machine and di- als the access number. "Good afternoon. Thank you for calling Netversant. If you know the extension of the party you are calling, you may dial it now. For access to our Fax Library, press 7." Caller presses 7. "If you are a first time user of our Fax Library, press 1 to have an index of available documents faxed to you. If you know the document number you wish to receive, you may enter it now. For an ex- planation of the operating procedures of the Fax Library, press 2 now." Caller presses 3021, the index number of the document they wish to receive. "Press the start button on your fax machine now.' Caller presses the start button on the fax machine. The Fax-on-Demand system transmits the requested document. The Telecom Handbook * 185 FAX SERVERS The advantages of Same Call Fax are the following: The caller pays the telephone charges for the fax transmis- sion. Since the caller dialed in from this fax telephone, he pays for the fax transmission as well as the cost to request
The disadvantages of Same Call Fax include the following: The caller must be calling from a fax-equipped telephone or PC. In addition, callers may not have direct access to the fax machine. It may be in another room or inaccessible (a hotel fax machine, for example). Since the call has to be placed from the fax machine that will receive the fax, delivery is limited to the same location that requests the documents. You cannot request a document to be sent to another location (such as to your office if you are out of town) or to another person. For the Same Call Fax application to work, a fax port must be available during the call made to request the fax. If no fax The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 ports are available in the system, the system will not hold the caller until a port is free, SO the caller must try again later. With Call Back Fax, the caller requesting the documents re- ceives the fax on a second call, not during the original call. Multiple documents can be requested on the same call. The scenario for Call Back Fax is as follows: Caller picks up any telephone and dials the access number. "Good afternoon. Thank you for calling Plantco in Redding, California. Visit our wholesale nursery or call us for landscaping. If you know the extension of the party you are calling, you may dial it now. For access to our Fax Library, press 7." Caller presses 7. "If you are a first time user of our Fax Library, press 1 to have an index of available documents faxed to you. If you know the document number you wish to receive, you may enter it now." Caller presses 3021, the index number of the document he wishes to receive. "Please enter the telephone number of your fax ma- chine, followed by a pound sign. Caller enters the telephone number of the fax machine to which he wishes to have the fax sent, followed by a pound sign (#). "The number you entered was If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise, press 9. " " Caller presses 1. "To identify your fax, enter your extension or tele- phone number, followed by a pound sign." The T
elecom Handbook * 187 FAX SERVERS Caller enters their extension number or telephone number, followed by a pound sign (# on the touch-tone dial pad). "The number you entered was If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise, press 9. " Caller presses 1. "Your fax will be delivered shortly.' The Fax-on-Demand transmits the requested document to the fax machine at the telephone number entered. The docu- ment should have a cover sheet that identifies the fax recipient as the person with the telephone or extension number that the caller entered when he requested the fax. Since the calls delivering the fax documents are made after the calls that request the documents, the fax callbacks can be queued. This way, the available fax ports in the call back system can be fully used. In some systems, Fax-on- Demand takes incoming calls when it is busy even though all the ports for faxing out might be in use. This possibility for delay is a consideration in building the application. As with each Fax Back application, you must consider how many out- side lines are available to handle the incoming and outgoing calls. Otherwise, although ports in the system may be free, if all available outside lines are in use, no calls, incoming or outgoing; will be possible. When designing Call Back Fax applications, remember that now the owner of the Fax-on-Demand pays for the call, rather than the caller, as is the case with Same Call Fax. Another consideration that may be a drawback of Call Back Fax is, since the documents may queue before being sent, it is possible that a fax will be sent to an unattended fax machine. This may not be the best approach for faxing confidential docu- ments or for controlling whether or not the fax has reached the intended recipient. 188 - The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 Methods of Document Selection There are two basic ways of requesting a document from a Fax-on-Demand application: Fax Back from Audio (Spoken) Menus Fax Library Using Document Number Audio Menus The easiest way to support small Fax Libraries is through
the use of an Audio Menu system. This system prompts the caller through a list of choices and allows the caller to select one of the documents based upon an audio description. A typical call scenario would go as follows: Caller dials the telephone number. "Good afternoon. Thank you for calling CMP Books. If you know the extension of the party you are calling, you may dial it now. For a catalog of our telecommu- nications and computer telephony books, press 7." " Caller presses 7. "For a list of books on telephone systems, press 1. For books on transmission and cabling, press 2. For IP telephony books, press 3. Caller presses 1. "For books on small systems, press 1. For books on large systems over 200 lines, press 2. All other requests, press 0 now and an operator will be with you shortly." Caller presses 1. "Please enter the telephone number of your fax ma- chine, followed by a pound sign." " The Telecom Handbook o 189 FAX SERVERS Caller enters the telephone number of the fax machine where he wishes to have the fax sent. "To identify your fax, enter your extension number or telephone number, followed by a pound sign." Caller enters the telephone number of the fax machine where she wishes to have the fax sent, followed by a pound sign. "The number you entered was [System repeats the entered telephone number]. If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise, press 9. " Caller presses 1. "Your fax will be delivered shortly. Fax-on-Demand transmits the requested fax containing the product information to the fax machine at the entered tele- phone number. The document will have a cover sheet that identifies the recipient of the fax as the person with the exten- sion number or telephone number that the caller enters when requesting the fax. The use of Audio Menus has advantages and disadvantages: ADVANTAGE: Simple for first-time callers to use. Callers have no need to know a document's number. Following the audio menus is straightforward. DISADVANTAGES: Not suited for a large selection of documents. With a large number of docum
ents, this method will be compli- cated for end-users. Fax Libraries that contain more than 10 to 15 documents are likely to be awkward to support when using audio menus. Too many choices in a menu, 190 28 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 or menus nested deeper than three levels, may confuse and irritate callers. Heavy Maintenance. If the Fax Library is changed of- ten, this method requires a large amount of maintenance. New audio greetings and call processor definitions need to be created each time changes are made. Document Numbers The most common way to support a Fax Library is through the use of document numbers. Using this method, the Fax-on- Demand system prompts the caller to enter the index number of the document he wishes to receive. The typical call scenario is as follows: Caller picks up the telephone and dials the Fax Server access number. "Thank you for calling DIgby 4 Group. If you know the extension of the person you are calling, you may dial it now. For tips on managing your telephone sys- tems and services, access our Fax Library by press- ing 7. " Caller presses 7. "If you are a first-time user of our Fax Library, press 1 to have an index of available material faxed to you. If you know the document number you wish to receive, you may enter it now." Caller presses 1. "Please make your selection from the following documents: For Dollar Saving Tips, select 11; For Tips on Purchasing a New Telephone System, se- lect 12; For Tips on Training Your Switchboard The Telecom Handbook & 191 FAX SERVERS Operators, select 14; For Tips on Purchasing Local and Long Distance Service, select 15.; For Tips on Maintenance Agreement Negotiation, select 16; For Telephone Bill Management Tips, select 17." Caller presses 16, the index number of the document re- quested. "Please enter the telephone number of your fax ma- chine, followed by a pound sign." Caller enters the telephone number of the fax machine where they wish to have the fax sent, followed by a pound sign. "The number you entered was [System repeats the ent
ered telephone number]. If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise, press 9. " Caller presses 1. "To identify your fax, enter your telephone number, followed by a pound sign.' Caller enters their extension number or telephone num- ber, followed by a pound sign. "The number you entered was... [System repeats the extension number]. If this is correct, press 1. Other- wise, press 9. Caller presses 1. "Your tips will be faxed to you shortly. Thank you." " Fax-on-Demand transmits the requested document to the fax machine at the entered telephone number. The document will have a cover sheet that identifies the recipient of the fax as the person with the telephone number that the caller enters when requesting the fax. 192 * The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 If the caller did not know the number of the document he wanted, he would press 1 after the first set of prompts. The system would ask for a fax telephone number and then fax him an index of available documents. Advantages & Disadvantages - Using Document Numbers ADVANTAGES: Easy to use. With a large number of documents, this method is the easiest for end users to use and understand. Even with as many as several hundred documents, the menus remain brief and simple. Light Maintenance. Even if the Fax Library is changed often, this method requires only a minimal amount of maintenance. No new mailbox greetings or Call Proces- sor changes need to be done in order to add new documents. DISADVANTAGES: May require first-time callers to call twice. First-time callers may need to place two calls to use the system; a first call to request the document index and a second call to request the actual document. Broadcast Fax The Fax-on-Demand software package may also support a feature known as Broadcast Fax. This allows a single document or group of documents to be broadcast to a list of people at different fax machine locations. The system administrator can create a list of fax numbers (including a name and title for the receiving party). He can then send a document or combination of Th
e Telecom Handbook = 193 FAX SERVERS documents to all parties on the list. The fax transmission time and date can be specified, allowing for the scheduling of fax delivery at off-peak times. Creating the Fax List Creating the list of fax machine telephone numbers and recipient names is a very simple process. Using any word pro- cessing system, the system administrator creates the list in the following format: 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX, Name 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX, Name 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX is the telephone number of the fax ma- chine, and Name is the recipient's name and/or title. The system administrator then uses a word processing system to export the file as an ASCII text file. This file is then placed into the disk drive of the Fax-on-Demand system. Some cautions: The local word processor must be able to export ASCII text files (almost every commercial software package has this ability) The computer that runs the local word processor must have the appropriate disk drive. The system administrator must have access to the Fax-on- Demand system in order to load the disk into the drive. Getting the Documents into the Fax Server Loading the documents you wish to send with the Broadcast Fax feature into the fax server is done in the same manner as loading the documents for the Call Back Fax application. These documents can be faxed in from a fax machine or created with word processing or desktop publishing software and faxed in from a computer with a fax board. 194 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 Scheduling the Transmission To schedule the transmission of the Broadcast Fax, the sys- tem administrator typically performs the following functions: a. Sends the fax list into the fax server. b. Goes to the Fax Send Screen on the fax server. c. Enters the name of the fax list file in the drive. d. Enters the date and time for the transmission to begin. Fax Library Management Library Maintenance The maintenance of the Fax Library is straightforward. It is done from the Fax Administration screen of the Fax-on-Demand system. The following functions ar
e supported: Receive a document Send a document Copy a document View a document Fax Reports Receive a document Adding a new document to the library is a simple function. The system administrator enters the Fax Maintenance screen and selects Send or Receive a Document. After specifying which fax port will receive the document and the name of the document, the administrator goes to a fax machine and calls the Fax-on- Demand fax port. The fax port answers and receives the document. The document is now available for use by the Fax-on-Demand system. If the fax server is on a LAN, the documents can be up- dated from another computer on the LAN. The Telecom Handbook * 195 FAX SERVERS Send a document Any document in the system can be manually sent from the Send or Receive a Document screen. The telephone number of the destination fax machine, the recipient's name, the name of the document, and the time and date you wish the document sent are entered from the Send a Document screen. Copy a document Sometimes a document is received under a name that simpli- fies the administration of the Fax-on-Demand application. A price list might be received as prclist.fax. In order to use this docu- ment in an application that uses document index numbers, it is necessary to rename it with a name containing only numbers. The copy feature is also used to trim off the fax header for docu- ments faxed into the library. This is easily done from the Fax Document Management screen. View a document Documents stored in the Fax Library may be viewed on the system administrator's screen. The resolution may not be such that all documents can be easily read, but the documents can at least be identified in this manner. Fax Reports The Fax-on-Demand software provides management infor- mation such as: Fax Call Log - A log of all incoming and outgoing calls made on the fax ports. Fax Error Log - A log of all errors and system start-ups in- volving the fax server. 196 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 Document Storage Fax documents are stored as digital fi
les on the hard drive of the fax server. Fax documents can vary in file size from 50k bytes to 110k bytes per page. As a rule of thumb, the average fax document is 75k bytes. Ten megabytes of drive space holds roughly one hour of voice storage. Ten megabytes of drive space holds roughly 120 pages of fax storage. A good rule of thumb for calculating storage requirements is: Each hour of storage holds 120 pages of fax. Storage methods are continually being improved upon to be more efficient. Methods of Creating and Importing Documents Faxing Documents The simplest way to send documents into the Fax Library is to fax them in from a fax machine. The disadvantage of this method is a reduction in image quality. Each time a document is faxed, the image quality deteriorates. Horizontal and verti- cal lines start to look rough (called jagging) and fine detail starts to be lost. Most documents can be faxed into Fax-on- Demand for the initial setup without a serious amount of image deterioration. It is important to start that process with a clean, sharp original. Word Processing Fax-on-Demand can also import documents from most word processors. Any word processor that can export a document in the ASCII text mode (Word, WordPerfect, etc.) can be used to generate documents for a Fax-on-Demand application. These documents are imported into the fax library by transferring them over the LAN to the fax server. The Telecom Handbook & 197 FAX SERVERS PC Fax Board The most efficient, professional way to create a Fax Library is to use a PC fax board. These are commercially available boards that fit into a slot inside a personal computer and allow that com- puter to emulate certain fax functions. Most PC fax cards can: Receive a fax. Send a fax. Convert received faxes into graphic files (which can be edited and cleaned). Convert special files (Postscript, etc.) into faxes. These boards can be used in a PC running a desktop publish- ing system to create and load professional quality documents into a Fax-on-Demand application. Fax-on-De
mand and Fax Broadcast Applications Certain departments and functions that are found in al- most every business can benefit from the Fax-on-Demand applications including: Human Resources Accounting, Payroll or Personnel: and Finance: Job postings Expense forms Payroll information Payroll forms Holiday schedules Capital investment or asset acquisition forms Benefits explanations Job descriptions Outside Sales: Hiring application forms Product brochures Company procedures Information sheets 198 S The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 Outside Sales (continued) : Technical Support (continued): Order forms Wiring diagrams Price sheets Warehouse or Logistics: Contact documents Product sheets Configuration guides Order forms Inside Sales or Order Desk: Marketing or Support: Product brochures Product brochures Specification sheets Program information Price sheets Price sheets Order forms Training: Telemarketing: Class schedules Product brochures Class descriptions Specification sheets Class prerequisites Company information sheets Class locations Technical Support: Field Technical Staff: Technical tips Technical tips Product information Programming forms Service forms Programming information or forms Training documents Fax-on-Demand Cost Justifications There are as many justifications for the Fax-on-Demand as there are applications. Each user will place a slightly different value on it depending on the specific business and applications. Below are a few of the common justifications for Fax-on-Demand. The Telecom Handbook * 199 FAX SERVERS Increased Service and Value to the Company Using Fax-on-Demand; 24 hour access to information Ease of access to information Remote access to information Increased Efficiency of Employees: 24 hour access to information Ease of access to information Remote access to information Administration Time Saved: Employee time on the phone Employee time at the fax machine Waiting for an available fax machine Searching for printed documents Time spent mailing out documents and bulletins Time spent explain
ing technical documents over the telephone Reduced Mailing or Express Service Charges: Money spent on sending out price sheets, etc. Money spent on sending out brochures or fact sheets Money spent on sending out sales promotional literature Money spent on sending out technical documents Simplified Document Administration: Price lists Technical information Business forms 200 2: The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 Configuring Fax-on-Demand The configuration of Fax-on-Demand can be broken into three areas: Hard Drive Requirements Fax-on-Demand Hardware Requirements Telephone System Requirements Each of these areas has its own set of configuration re- quirements. Hard Drive Requirements Hard drive space is needed to hold the documents of the Fax- on-Demand Library. This additional space must be taken into account when the basic system is sized. By following the basic formula of 1 Hour = 120 pages of Fax-on-Demand (an industry average) you can determine the additional hard drive capacity required to support the application. These applications always have a tendency to grow as new uses for the module are uncov- ered. Be sure to allow some extra hard drive capacity for growth. Hardware Requirements The Fax-on-Demand application uses fax boards for the fax server. Each fax card requires a slot. Telephone System Requirements Each fax port on the fax server system needs either a separate central office line or a separate analog port from the telephone system. The choice between outside line and analog station port is controlled by the application: Applications using the Same Call Fax method must have dedi- cated analog telephone ports for each fax port. Many The Telecom Handbook 69 201 FAX SERVERS Fax-on-Demand systems now use a combination of DID (di- rect inward dial) for incoming and combination trunks for outgoing calls. Applications using Call Back Fax may use either a dedicated analog telephone port or a dedicated outside line for every fax port. The outside lines can come directly into the fax server from the telecomunic
ations service provider or can be con- nected through the PBX on-site. On different telephone systems, different hardware is required to create analog telephone set ports. Considering application and telephone system type, it may be more economical to use sepa- rate outside lines. When purchasing a Fax-on-Demand system, here are some of the questions a knowledgeable vendor will ask you. Questions about your business: What is your business and what types of activities do you conduct? How many departments are there and how are faxes sent and received in each? In what instances do customers call asking the same ques- tions repeatedly? Do you have a separate customer service department? What type of telephone system do you have? Fax-on-Demand Specific Questions: How many documents are there to be retrieved? How frequently will they be retrieved? How time sensitive are they and how frequently do they need to be updated? 202 is The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 9 Will your application be serving different time zones? What overall volume are you anticipating? Including: Number of pages stored Number of callers Number of simultaneous callers What capability for growth is anticipated? When you buy a Fax-on-Demand system, find out what the upgrade costs will be and how many fax ports can be added. It is also a good idea to check the quality of the documents generated by the system you are considering. Other capabilities of fax servers to look for when you are shopping for one include the following: Least cost routing (sending the call over the lowest cost out- side line). Client/server architecture, providing all processing at the server level, freeing individual workstations to work in other applications. Ability to interface with other applications you may be using. Flexible licensing arrangements as the number of users increases. More on Fax Servers In addition to the special applications described above, any organization may use a fax server for general receipt and deliv- ery of faxes, although most keep the more traditiona
l fax machines as well. Fax servers have the ability to archive faxes for record keeping. This also solves the growing problem of faxes getting lost amidst office paperwork. The Telecom Handbook % 203 FAX SERVERS Fax Servers can also support WAP (Wireless Application Pro- cessor) enabled server software SO that fax transmissions can be received on WAP enabled cell phones. There are also a growing number of Internet-based fax applications. For more information on Fax Servers, see Internet and Computer-Based Faxing by Maury Kauffman (order from 1-800-LIBRARY or www.cmpbooks.com). 204 & The Telecom Handbook PART III Telecommunications Transmission and Outside Lines The Telecom Handbook 205 Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis Group http://taylorandfrancis.com CHAPTER 10 Outside Lines The terms outside lines, circuits and network services all re- fer to the same thing. These are the different types of lines (also called circuits) you may install from the local or long distance telephone companies to connect your organization to the outside world or to your other sites. The lines are brought into your tele- communications equipment room on cables that are terminated and labeled at a point of demarcation on the wall. Circuits To Connect Your Telephone System (PBX or Key System) To The Local And Long Distance Companies A circuit is the physical connection between two communi- cations devices. Some circuits are permanent connections between two points and may be known as fixed, dedicated or point-to- point circuits. These are also sometimes called leased lines. Other circuits are temporary connections and may be called switched circuits since the temporary physical connection between two points is accomplished by a switching system. In order to connect your telephone system to the rest of the world, it is necessary to order outside lines. Here are the types of outside lines you may connect to your telephone system. Combination Trunks (Both Way Trunks) A trunk is one outside telephone line. Since a trunk sounds like somethin
g big, it is often thought to represent many lines, but it does not. The term trunk refers to an outside central office dial tone line that connects to a PBX. A combination trunk (also called a both-way trunk) can be used for both incoming and out- going calls. Callers dialing into the main telephone number of a The Telecom Handbook a 207 OUTSIDE LINES company who are answered by the switchboard may be calling on one of a group of combination trunks. This is set up in what is called a hunting or rollover sequence (also called ISG or Incom- ing Service Grouping.). This means when the first line is busy, the call "rolls over to" the second line, and then on to the third if the second is busy, and SO on until the end of the hunt group. Employees inside the company may place outgoing calls on that same group of combination trunks when they dial 9. Using 9 is a convention, but it is possible to use any number or several num- bers as an access code to place a call through the PBX. Although combination trunks permit both way calling, most telephone sys- tems have the capability to be programmed SO that combination trunks are used for only incoming or only outgoing. You may hear the expression DOD or direct outward dial trunk. This typi- cally refers to a combination trunk used for outgoing calls only. (As with many terms, this one is based upon history. At one time, pre-1970's, it was possible to order a type of trunk from the local telephone company that could only be used for outgoing calls.) Combination trunks are usually ground start trunks. In order for the connection to the telephone company central office to be completed, the switch in the central office must receive a signal from the PBX on your premises. The signal results from a mo- mentary grounding of the circuit. When the signal is received, the connection is completed and you hear an outside dial tone. The ground start trunks provide what is known as supervision. When the trunk is seized by someone dialing 9 the PBX looks ahead to see if the same trunk may
have also been seized by the central office to send an incoming call to the PBX. If so, the PBX knows not to use the trunk for the outgoing call. It is also possible to use loop start trunks in a PBX. Loop start trunks are more typically used on a Key System for a smaller organization. When you press down on the outside line button on the telephone in a Key System, the outside dial tone is there. You do not need to dial 9 and the telephone system is not signaling to the central office, as with a ground start trunk. If you use loop start trunks with a PBX, there is a risk that someone calling in on 208 The Telecom Handbook Figure 10.1 Combination Trunks Combination Trunks Used for EXT. 241 Both Incoming and Outgoing Calls Dial "9" to Select a Combination Trunk to Place an Outgoing Call <<<<< Local Telephone Co. Central Office Incoming Call Goes to Switchboard. Switchboard Attendant Then Sends Caller to Requested Telephone Extension. OUTSIDE LINES a trunk will collide with someone who has just dialed 9, select- ing the same trunk to place an outgoing call. The callers will be able to speak to each other, although that it not what they in- tended! This type of collision is called glare. It will not happen on a ground start trunk. Most groups of combination trunks have a separate seven- digit telephone number associated with each trunk (seven digits plus 3 digit area code). If the central office runs out of telephone numbers, it may provide coded trunks. These trunks have no as- sociated telephone number and are reached only by dialing the main number and then rolling over if the main number is busy. A combination trunk is a switched circuit. It is one type of dial tone line. Direct Inward Dial (DID) Trunks Direct inward dial trunks are used for incoming calls only. Although in some parts of the United States (like New York City) they cost up to three times as much as combination trunks, they do provide a special function. Using direct inward dial trunks enables everyone within a company to have his own separate sev
en-digit telephone number. The first three digits of everyone's number are the same. The telephone numbers that work with DID trunks are purchased from a local telephone company in blocks, usually of 20 or 100. To the caller, these are indistinguishable from regular telephone numbers. Large companies using DID may assign the first seven digit DID number of the group as their main telephone number and have that number answered by the switchboard. The purpose of DID is that you do not need a separate trunk for each telephone number. You may have 10 DID trunks with 100 DID directly dialable telephone numbers. The as- sumption is that no more than 10 telephone numbers will be called at any given time. If an eleventh call comes in, the caller hears a busy signal. When a DID telephone number is dialed, the central office recognizes the number and sends it to the PBX. Once it reaches 210 8 The Telecom Handbook Figure 10.2 Direct Inward Dial Trunks (DID) DID Trunks PBX Directs Incoming Call to the DID Extension Number Combination Trunks Used for Outgoing Calls Only. 212-883-1242 (DID - Last 3 or 4 (1242 is the DID Extension Digits Sent to PBX Local Telephone Co. Number) Central Office Local Telephone OUTSIDE LINES the PBX, the last 3 or 4 digits (important to specify which when ordering - sometimes known as 3-digit outpulsing or 4-digit outpulsing) are repeated to the PBX. This instructs the PBX as to which telephone the call is to be directed. DID trunks in the U.S. are wink start trunks. The wink is a signal that the PBX sends to the central office to let it know that the PBX is ready to receive the call and the digits dialed. In Eu- rope, DID trunks are immediate start, meaning that there is no wink and the digits are sent immediately. Once a call has reached the DID extension, the PBX treats it just like any other extension. When selecting a DID extension on the telephone instrument and dialing 9, you are not dialing out on a DID trunk. You are dialing out on one of the combination trunks with which your system is al
so equipped. DID trunks are for incoming calls only. A DID trunk is a switched circuit. If DID trunks are delivered on a PRI type of -1circuit they may also be used for outgoing calls. See more on this below un- der PRI T-1's. The delivery of the DID digits to the PBX can be analog, where the actual digits are sent using audible touchtone signals or digital, where the digits are delivered using combinations of 1's and O's to represent the dialed digits in binary code. Tie Lines A tie line is a point-to-point line between two PBXs. You may occasionally hear the term dial repeating tie line or E&M tie line (stands for Earth & Magneto, Ear & Mouth or Emigrate & Migrate, depending on who you ask), which is the same thing as dial repeating. The idea behind a tie line is that you can dial the extension of someone on a PBX at a distant location without placing an outside call through the public network and without talking to the switchboard attendant at the distant PBX. A tie line may be accessed by dialing one or two digits into your PBX; for example dial 8. Once you dial 8, you will hear dial tone (also 212 - The Telecom Handbook Figure 10.3 Tie Lines Any Telephone in the NYC Office Can Place a Local Call in St. Louis Using the Tie Line Tie Line EXT. 7422 Tie Line Local Telephone Co. Central Office (St. Louis Local Call) NEW YORK ST. LOUIS EXT. 7421 Any Telephone Can Reach Extension 5812 in EXT. 5812 St. Louis Over the Tie Line by Can Dial Ext. 7421 Dialing 5812 (or Any Tele- in New York phone Extension on the St. Over the Tie Line Louis PBX) OUTSIDE LINES called drawing dial tone) from the distant PBX, you may then dial any extension within that PBX. If the distant system is pro- grammed to allow it, you may also be able to dial 9 instead of dialing an extension number. This will enable you to place an outgoing call through the distant PBX. For example, if the tie line connects Seattle to Los Angeles, the person in Seattle may dial through the Los Angeles PBX using the tie line and be charged only for a local call in
L.A. Tie lines usually connect separate offices of the same organization. A single tie line can handle only one conversation at a time. If there will be many calls going back and forth between the two PBXs, you need a sufficient num- ber of tie lines to handle the volume (you can put the tie lines on a high capacity circuit such as a T-1). If you have a network connecting more than two PBXs, you may call over several con- secutive tie lines, taking a route through one or more PBXs before reaching the final destination. Many PBXs are intelligent enough to recognize the location of the three or four-digit extension num- ber you have dialed. They send the call automatically to the correct PBX and telephone at that site. In this case, there is no need for you to dial an access code. The PBXs are still sending access codes to each other behind the scenes to route the call, but this is transparent to you. This capability to dial among PBXs on a net- work by simply dialing the extension number is sometimes called a uniform numbering plan. A tie line is sometimes called a tie trunk. It is a dedicated circuit between two points. Off-Premise Extensions An off-premise extension is another type of point-to-point line with a PBX on one end and a single line telephone or a key tele- phone system on the other. The idea is that if a call comes into the PBX, that call can then be extended to a distant location, across the street or across the country. To the caller, it appears that the person is at the location he called. The person at the off-premise extension can pick up the telephone and dial any extension on 214 The Telecom Handbook Figure 10.4 Off-Premise Extension EXT. 5555 on the PBX Incoming Call on DID Trunk Off-Premise Extension Circuit (OPX) Caller Dials Directs Call to the 212-883-5555 Off-Premise Extension Local Telephone Co. Telephone Rings Central Office OUTSIDE LINES the distant PBX, just as if he was on site. He can also, if set up to do so, draw dial tone and place an outside call through the PBX. If the off-pr
emise extension is on a key system rather than on a single line telephone, it appears on a separate button on one or more of the telephones in the key system. There may be one or many off-premise extensions to the same or different locations. Some local telephone companies have regulations concern- ing off-premise extensions. For example, if you want to have an off-premise extension from a business and have it terminate at a residence, you must already be paying for a separate residence telephone there. Off-premise extension telephone sets are typically analog (such as a plain single line telephone). Digital telephone systems have a distance limitation in terms of how far a proprietary digi- tal telephone can be located from the PBX control cabinet. Some system manufacturers are designing more distributed systems. These control components of the PBX, such as a modular shelf with circuit boards, are still needed a distant location to provide control for the telephones there. An off premise extension is a dedicated circuit. As newer IP (Internet Protocol) based telephone systems de- velop, the ability to have a proprietary multi-line digital telephone at an off-premise location is now possible, using the Internet or a corporate Intranet as the means of connecting to the main office telephone system. Since there are problems with sound quality still being worked out, this capability is not yet widely in use. Foreign Exchange Lines A foreign exchange line is a type of dial tone line that is brought into a PBX from a distant central office or exchange (the exchange is the first three digits of the seven digit telephone num- ber). These three digits, within each area code, are associated with a particular central office and therefore a particular geographic area. (Note: Telephone number portability enables numbers to be moved to the central office of a competing local service provider.) 216 of The Telecom Handbook Figure 10.5 Foreign Exchange Line (N.J. FX from NYC-Based Organization) Ring Ring! Foreign Exchange Line 7
32-775-5555 A Local Asbury Park, New Jersey Number Caller in Asbury Park Dials a Local Number New York City Call to Asbury Park, NJ Local Telephone Co. Telephone Number Rings on Telephone in Central Office New York in Asbury Park, NJ OUTSIDE LINES Foreign exchange lines are used for two different purposes. If a company has a heavy concentration of telephone calls to a particular city, it may cost less to install one or more foreign exchange lines from that city into their PBX. When someone calls that city, the PBX selects the foreign exchange line and the call is billed as a local call since the telephone line actually comes from the central office in the called city. Companies in some cit- ies, such as Los Angeles, with many different area codes within a small geographic area, may particularly benefit from the use of foreign exchange lines. As the cost per minute for making long distance calls has been reduced, SO has the need for using foreign exchange lines to reduce expenses. The more common use of a foreign exchange line is to give a company a local presence in another city. For example, a com- pany is listed in the Chicago telephone directory and Chicagoans place a local call to reach it. The callers are not aware that the calls are being answered by a PBX located in Milwaukee through a group of foreign exchange lines. This practice is diminishing as the use of 800 numbers increases. As more business is conducted on the telephone, location ceases to be as important. As multiple exchanges and even multiple area codes expand within each city, the association of a particular exchange and area code with a geo- graphic location is diminishing. There are too many new ones, SO callers do not recognize them as easily as in the past. A foreign exchange line is a switched circuit. T-1 Circuit (Can Be Used to Deliver All of the Above Circuits) All of the circuits described above can be delivered to your premises separately with each trunk brought in on a single pair of wires. Any of these may also be delivered on what
is called a T-1 circuit. The T-1 has the capability for 24 separate outside lines, all delivered on two pairs of wires (sometimes called a four-wire circuit). In order to work, the T-1 needs a multiplexer at either end to separately identify the 24 conversations, break them 218 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 10 down for sending and put them back together at the other end. Sometimes the multiplexer is external to the telephone system. The most common type of external multiplexer for voice commu- nications is called a channel bank. Most PBXs also have the capability for a T-1 circuit board which is a multiplexer inside the PBX. If you have a T-1 circuit board, there is no need for a channel bank. Use of a channel bank is becoming less common, although many are still in use. You may have different types of trunks combined on a T-1. For example you can have 12 combination trunks and 12 DID trunks. Digital services like T-1 have evolved based upon the digital signal known as DSO (digital signal zero) which is 64 Kbps. This is the bandwidth for a voice grade circuit. DS1 (also known as a T-1) is 1.544 Mbps, which is twenty-four 64 Kbps channels. There is also a T-3, which is 44.73 Mbps (the equivalent of 28 T-1s). On a T-1, signals are multiplexed SO that two pairs of wire can carry 24 separate voice conversations. The same two pairs of wires would carry only two voice conversations using analog technology. With each conversation using 64 Kbps and another 8 Kbps being used for control signals, the total T-1 capacity is 1.544 Mbps (million bits per second). (24 X 64kbps = 1536kbps + 8kbps = 1544kbps or 1.544Mbps). You may also hear the term Fractional T-1 which means that you are getting a circuit with some fraction or increment of the total T-1 capacity. For example, the circuit may provide only twelve 64 Kbps channels. Actually, the entire T-1 is in place, but some of the channels are turned off in the multiplexers. T-1 Circuit Applications for PBXs T-1 to the Local Telephone Company Central Office (Figure 10.6A & 10.6
B) In some cities, it costs less to bring a group of direct inward dial or combination trunks into your premises over a T-1 than to bring them in separately, each over a separate pair of copper wires. The Telecom Handbook of 219 Figure 10.6A T-1 from the Local Telephone Company Central Office Using T-1 Circuit Board In PBX 4 Wire T-1 Circuit Carrying 12 DID Trunks and 12 Combination Trunks (24 Channels) T-1 Circuit Board Local Telephone Co. in PBX Central Office Figure 10.6B T-1 from the Local Telephone Company Central Office Using Channel Bank 12 DID Trunks DID Circuit Boards 4 Wire T-1 Circuit Carrying 12 DID Trunks Combination Trunk and 12 Combination Trunks Circuit Boards (24 Channels) 12 Combination Trunks Local Telephone Co. Central Office OUTSIDE LINES For example, in New York City a DID trunk costs about $75 per month, SO 10 will cost $750. For that same $750 or less, twenty- four DID trunks can be brought into your PBX on a T-1 circuit (This includes the cost of the T-1 and the cost of the DID). In this instance, the other end of the T-1 is at the central of- fice of the local telephone company. They are responsible for the multiplexing capability at their end. Telephone companies may give this type of a T-1 a different name for marketing purposes such as Flexpath which is used in New York City. T-1 to Connect Two Offices of the Same Organization (Figure 10.7) Another common use of a T-1 is to connect two locations of an organization. This may be used for 24 tie lines connecting 2 PBXs or it may be used for a combination of voice and data cir- cuits. In the latter case, it is advisable to terminate the T-1 in a multiplexer external to the PBX. It is likely that the people using it for data will need to monitor the line and may want more so- phisticated diagnostic capabilities than are available when the T-1 terminates on a T-1 circuit board in the PBX. Again, the local telephone company may have a marketing name for this type of T-1 such as Superpath, used in New York City. T-1 to Your Long Distance Carr
(Equivalent of 24 Separate Tie Lines) <<<<< NASHVILLE, TN JOPLIN, MO Extension 2415 Rings Dials Extension 2415 in Nashville For calling back and forth between locations without using the switchboard operator. OUTSIDE LINES the T-1 are called dedicated rates. Calls placed on regular PBX trunks are billed at switched rates. T-1 for Local and Long Distance Service Since many telephone companies now provide both local and long distance service, it is possible to install a T-1 that will handle both types of calls. ISDN Lines ISDN is described in the next section since it is also used outside of the PBX. Most PBXs have the capability to accept an ISDN PRI circuit and require a separate circuit board to do SO. The ISDN PRI is a T-1 with enhanced capabilities. Just as differ- ent types of PBX trunks can be delivered via a T-1, they can also be delivered on a PRI circuit. The PRI actually provides greater flexibility, since you do not need to designate each of the chan- nels for either incoming or outgoing calls. Other Types of Telecommunications Circuits (not typically connected to the PBX) Dial Tone Lines This term generally refers to any outside line which, when accessed, a dial tone from the central office switch of the local telephone company is heard. The central office is the point at which all telephone numbers are created. You may also hear the term POTS line (plain old telephone service), or auxiliary, aux line or private line used to describe a dial tone line. It is deliv- ered to your telephone equipment room on two copper wires and may be terminated either on a separate modular jack or on the demarc in the telephone equipment room. PBX combination trunks are also a type of dial tone line, but not usually referred to as such. A dial tone line can be used for receiving calls or placing calls. It has a telephone number associated with it, also called a 224 & The Telecom Handbook Figure 10.8 T-1 to Your Long Distance Carrier LONG DISTANCE CARRIER POP (Point of Presence) (Carries 24 Separate Calls - May Be a Combi
nation of Outgoing and Incoming Toll-Free Calls) Dial "9" to Place an Outgoing Long Distance Call. PBX Routes the Call to the T- 1 to Your Long Distance Carrier. OUTSIDE LINES number assignment or line assignment, provided by the local tele- phone company. This is a seven digit number preceded by the three-digit area code. The first three digits of the seven numbers are called the exchange, the central office, or the NNX. In the case of a dial tone line, the telephone number assignment is also the circuit number. Other types of circuits have different types of circuit numbers usually including letters and not in the seven- digit format (for example 96OSNA111222). More On Loop Start vs. Ground Start A dial tone line may be a loop start or ground start line. When ordering an outside telephone line, you will be asked if the line is to be ground start or loop start. Dial tone lines coming into most key telephone systems or, directly to a telephone, fax or modem, are loop start. This means that when you access the line, the physical "loop" connecting you to the local telephone company central office becomes a complete circuit for sending and receiv- ing calls. (Tip and ring, a term used by telephone installers, refers to the two wires that complete the talk path.) You hear the dial tone immediately and can place your call. PBXs work better with ground start lines where the cen- tral office switch is looking for a signal from the PBX before the circuit is completed and dial tone is delivered. When you are at a PBX telephone, you may lift the receiver and hear a dial tone. This is not the dial tone being sent from the local telephone company, but rather the dial tone sent from the PBX on premises. To place a call to the outside world, you typically dial 9 and hear a second dial tone that will be the one from the local tele- phone company. You may then dial the outside telephone number you are calling. 226 * The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 10 Point-To-Point (Dedicated) Voice Communications Lines MANUAL AND AUTOMATIC RINGDOW
N CIRCUITS These are circuits that permanently connect two points when instantaneous communication is important, such as in the case of two brokerage traders needing to speak immediately to execute a trade. The person at one end presses a button on his telephone associated with the specific line; another button at the distant end flashes or rings, indicating that the line is to be answered. If the person originating the call needs only to depress the button associated with the line to signal the other end, then the signaling is automatic and the line is called an automatic ringdown line. If the person must depress the line button and then press a separate signal button to signal the other end, the line is known as a manual ringdown line. When a point-to-point line is rented from the lo- cal telephone company, the connecting point between the two locations will still be at the local central office rather than run- ning directly between the two end points. The cost of these lines is based upon mileage, which considers the distance from each point to the central office. Different parts of the U.S. have differ- ent methods for billing for point-to-point lines. There may also be long distance, formerly called long haul, ringdown private lines. Many brokerage firms on Wall Street in New York have lines going to Chicago and the West coast. In this case, the lines are rented from one of the long distance carri- ers, although the local part of the circuit may still be delivered to your premises on cable rented from the local telephone company. Centrex (Figure 10.9) Centrex is a type of telephone service offered by the local telephone company in most areas of the U.S. It goes by different marketing names in different areas including Centrum, Essex and Intellipath (in NYC), to name a few. The Telecom Handbook in 227 Figure 10.9 Centrex Ring Ring! EXT. 2411 YOUR COMPANY Local Telephone Co. Central Office EXT. 2480 With Centrex, there is no PBX on site. All connections are made through the switching equipment at the local tel
ephone company central office. The above illustration show Ext. 2480 placing an internal call to Ext. 2411. (If someone from the outside dials 883-2411, the call will ring directly to that telephone.) CHAPTER 10 The idea behind Centrex is that your organization does not need to buy a PBX. Instead, the switching of your calls takes place at the tele- phone company central office, with the telephone extensions coming out to your premises through cables under the street or overhead (most typically delivered using T-1 circuits). You use system features such as call transfer and call conference, which are capabilities of the central office switch. It is possible to use almost any telephone system with Centrex service, but some make more sense than others. The best solution is usually to purchase the telephones that are made to work with the central office switch. Northern Telecom makes a central office switch called the DMS-100. If your Centrex service is delivered from the DMS-100, you may want to buy Northern Telecom telephones to realize the maximum capability for using the system features. Lucent Technologies (formerly AT&T) also makes central office switches, as do Siemens, NEC, Ericsson and others. Centrex is particularly good for providing telephone service to multiple locations of the same company or organization within the geographic area served by the central office. For example, a municipality or a university with multiple buildings may benefit from Centrex service. In cities, Centrex typically serves a smaller geographic area than in areas less densely populated. With Centrex service, each telephone in the system has a sepa- rate telephone number and carries extra monthly charges for certain system features. It tends to be a more costly system, over time, than an on-site PBX, but some organizations like the idea of not having to manage their own PBX. If you decide to use Centrex, you may not have as much control to administer and troubleshoot the system as you would have with a PBX on your premises. Also,
you may not always have the very latest software release and system capabilities. Be- fore the local telephone company invests in upgrading the central office switch, there needs to be sufficient demand to justify the expense of the upgrade. Since the local telephone companies are The Telecom Handbook 58 229 OUTSIDE LINES regulated, they must also apply to the public utilities commis- sion in their state for permission to offer a new system capability as a new service. "The Network" Any group of circuits and their associated hardware is called a network. There are many different types of networks. A single site with a variety of lines connecting it to the outside world may be referred to as a network. More commonly, network is used to describe multiple sites linked together via telecommuni- cations circuits. ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. This is a collection of standards and protocols for digital communica- tions. The benefit of ISDN service is that it provides more advanced capability over the same pair of wires used to deliver a regular dial tone line to your home or business. Madeline Bodin, writing for TELECONNECT magazine does a good job of explaining the two things that ISDN lines enable you to do which your POTS lines (plain old telephone service) do not. First, ISDN lets you transmit more information from one point to another. It gives you more bandwidth. Comparing the infor- mation being sent on the telephone line to water, a regular telephone line would be like a drinking straw and an ISDN line would be like a 4 inch diameter plumbing pipe. Second, ISDN lets you control the information going across the line from outside the pipe, called out of band signaling. By doing this, more information about each call is delivered, the information is more secure and a number of limitations are re- moved. (Note: Currently, long distance companies accomplish this out of band signaling over a separate dedicated network called Signaling System 7 in order to open and close switches and route calls
.) The local telephone companies use in band signaling right 230 The Telecom Handbook CHAPTER 10 Figure 10.10 BRI ISDN Telephone B CHANNEL PUBLIC B CHANNEL Telephone B CHANNEL SWITCHED B CHANNEL Computer NETWORK D CHANNEL D CHANNEL Computer on the same line as the transmission with POTS lines. Signals such as tones take up transmission time that could be more effi- ciently used for transmitting voice and data. There are two ISDN interfaces: Basic Rate Interface and Pri- mary Rate Interface. Basic Rate Interface (BRI) (Figure 10.10) is usually described as 2B+D. That means it has two bearer chan- nels and one data channel or D channel. The B channels carry the content of the call that may be voice, high speed data or video. Each B channel carries 64 kilobits per second. The D channel carries the call delivery information, such as the telephone num- ber of the calling party. The D channel carries 16 Kbps. The PRI (Primary Rate Interface) is described as 23B+D for a total of 24 channels, the same as a T-1. PRI is what happens when ISDN meets T-1. In addition to the ISDN service and compatible telephone and computer equipment you also need a Terminal Adapter and a Network Termination Device known as NT-1. Sometimes the NT- 1 is built into the terminal adapter. Applications for ISDN include the following: Ability to send and receive data rapidly makes it popular for credit card processing. Internet users do not have to wait a long time for graphics to appear on the computer screen. (ISDN for this application is being replaced by dedicated high speed lines such as DSL or Cable Modems) The Telecom Handbook 231 OUTSIDE LINES ANI (Automatic Number Identification) delivered on ISDN enables you to capture the telephone number of the person calling you, enabling you to accept, reject, ignore or redirect incoming calls. Desktop video conferencing is accomplished by bonding to- gether the 2 B channels to provide sufficient bandwidth for video transmission. DDS Circuits DDS Service (Dataphone Fixed Digital Service) is a basic d