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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
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[ "Article 11 covers post-harvest practices and trade and deals specifically with responsible fish utilization , responsible international trade and laws and regulations relating to fish trade .", "Sitting under a shed watching Marines making sandbags and nervous-looking young Muslims stroll through the checkpoint , Penporn Suranatakul , the village chief of Ban Thung Kha in Yi-ngo district , accused the Muslims of collaborating with insurgents to drive out the Buddhists to buy cheap land .", "\" We did experience some significant slippage when we first attempted to drive up the rim of the crater , \" he recalled .", "`` '' I do not have any money .", "\" \" Juniper provides an ideal solution for research and education networks that require rapid , secure access to network-based information , need to drive down the total cost of infrastructure ownership and implement next-generation services , \" said Tim Lambie , vice president , Americas International of Juniper Networks .", "First , marriage is God 's institution and it represents His absolute best for man and woman .", "So far , she has untucked her front wheels and latched her suspension system in place , critical steps in the preparation to drive off the lander and onto this Martian pay dirt .", "He turned to nature as a spiritual resource that could energize the nation politically and elevate it morally .", "The book is translated into English as \" The story of spin \" , so , many of you must know it .", "Be it known that to make a man free from sin and to make him virtuous are both done in the same way , [ 1 ] that is by making him live without sin and in virtue .", "Soldiers were also drafted in to help evacuate residents in some areas .", "The Apaches revolted , and atrocities resulted on both sides , as each tried to drive out the other .", "Should Macedonia disobey and try instead to assert itself , should it declare war and attempt to drive out the NLA , it could well set the scene in flames .", "These provisions would delay the introduction of generic competition , which in a market economy is the most important means to drive down the price of medicines , with the potential exception of price controls .", "By the international $ 1 / day standard , the PRC has lifted an astounding 450 million people out of poverty .", "Although contaminated gases are destroyed at high temperatures , the soil itself is not destroyed since it is only heated sufficiently to drive off the contamination ( max 450 deg C ) .", "There will be a concerted effort to drive up the demand for learning through mass marketing and promotion .", "In Kosovo , America supported the Muslim cause despite the fact that some Kosovars were employing terrorism to drive out the Serbs .", "The petitioners also argue that more frequent disclosure would help to shed light on and prevent several potential forms of portfolio manipulation , such as \" window dressing \" ( buying or selling portfolio securities shortly before the date as of which a fund 's holdings are publicly disclosed , in order to convey an impression that the manager has been investing in companies that have had exceptional performance during the reporting period ) and \" portfolio pumping \" ( buying shares of stock the fund already owns on the last day of the reporting period , in order to drive up the price of the stocks and inflate the fund 's performance results ) .", "This tends to drive down the time allocated to pure development .", "That was before the Sunni tribal leaders united to drive out the insurgents , and promised to cooperate with the Iraqi government .", "It can result in spiritual pride .", "American born in Virginia in 1826 , a veteran of the Mexican War of 1846 , and later a blacksmith , surveyor , and sheep and cattle broker in the Los Angeles area .", "Muslims in UP prefer anyone who can take on the BJP .", "You will need to drive up the center of the road .", "The fifty - to sixty-foot width recommended by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for the last half-century is now widely viewed as promoting excessive impervious surface , unnecessary land consumption , and the exaltation of fire access above all other goals .", "Here 's the thing , what she posted is incredibly stupid and condescending - - and I say that as a mother of two young girls - - but some of the commentators have it right that * despite * Amy 's idiocy the left / liberal side has always had a dog in this fight .", "The Internet revolution , rise of digital technology , and the newness of bandwidth connections have raised a number of challenges for the traditional art painting and music industry .", "For example , I've been told that many SOE managers have been trying to drive down the price of their firm 's stock under the belief that the government may eventually follow the trend in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world and fully privatize these SOEs .", "`` - - go hide under the bed or something , especially from those awful check kiters & potheads ) , with no interest in the idea that maybe the jail sentence is the full extent of the punishment , for God 's sake .", "Now when we attempt to drive up the slope , we intentionally overdrive and when we drive down the slope and we under drive , \" he explained .", "We the public like to find reasons behind issues and the media in the whole will feed our hunger .", "Records management : procedures , manuals , staffing , planning and scheduling ." ]
[tag=DT | lemma=of] [word=September] [lemma=□]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[tag=DT | lemma=of] [word=September] [lemma=□]
[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[tag=DT | lemma=of] [word=September] □
[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
[tag=DT | lemma=of] [word=September] [□]
[tag=DT | lemma=of] [word=September] [□=□]
[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[tag=DT | lemma=of] □
[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[tag=DT | lemma=of] □ □
[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
[tag=DT | lemma=of] [□=□] □
[tag=DT | lemma=of] [word=□] □
[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[tag=DT | lemma=of] [□] □
[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
[tag=DT | lemma=of] [word=September] □
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Instead , I walked the immaculate streets of quaint towns with newfound pride .", "Many large charities reported raising billions of dollars to aid survivors of the September 11 , 2001 , terrorist attacks .", "'' An OPR engineer and photographer leave Washington , DC , for an extended tour ( through January 8 , 1910 ) to collect information for use in reporting the results of object lesson and experimental projects and for illustrating contemplated publications .", "Japan 's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi won praise for pushing hard on his country 's peace-bound envelope to aid US President George W Bush in his declared war against terrorism in the wake of September 11 .", "The local information technology sector is expected to be involved as projects are developed to reflect this goal .", "Qanooni 's nascent National Party is casting itself as the political successor of Ahmad Shah Masood , the charismatic Tajik field commander who battled both the Soviets and the Taliban , and who was assassinated just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks .", "At the time , 90 percent of the population was Arab ; the Jewish community included long-time residents and new immigrants fleeing persecution in Russia and , later , other parts of Europe .", "Many of the fire officials who responded to the crash site last year came together again this September 11 at the invitation-only event , which drew a crowd of about 13,500 .", "The VIAB identified treatment of severe visual impairment as a critical need for the veteran population .", "In one of the few controlled studies comparing next-generation interfaces with current interfaces , Wolf [ 145 ] found that certain spreadsheet editing operations could be performed significantly faster with a pen-based gesture interface than with a traditional mouse-and-keyboard interface , and that the advantage of the pen was especially great for inexperienced users .", "It was the work of men penetrated with a high ideal of the present life , and believing that they had found the best means of realizing it .", "\" Yet both September 11 and Katrina point out the need for nonprofit groups to continue to spend time and money refining the way they make use of volunteers , particularly sudden surges of people motivated to help during a time of national crisis .", "Students may register for both regular credits and 996 credits in a given term if all other conditions have been met .", "George W Bush plumbed the deepest place in himself , looking for a simple expression of what the assaults of September 11 required .", "There is one master group by default , but any user with the appropriate privileges can configure their own group .", "\" That fits into the current environment , both from a September 11 standpoint as well as from an economic standpoint .", "As students develop understandings about their own learning within and across Units of Study they will also be learning about themselves as learners and actors in the real world .", "Regent Baranco and Vice Chair Coleman will also serve on the Committee .", "The Internet Archive , for example , is currently developing more focused collections - - an election collection , a September 11 , collection , etc. Supporting a particular community of users through a digital library or knowledge base also implies supporting personalization of interface and search / browsing results for that user group .", "In a September 11 paper , Hilsman wrote that \" The U.S. policy objective should continue to be the maintenance of a viable , strong and free area in South Viet-Nam capable of maintaining its independence , successfully resisting Communist aggression , and susceptible to U.S. influence .", "In Miami , Cuban exiles took to the streets to celebrate the news .", "However , Lazzara refused to block a September 11 hearing in which Pasco Circuit Court Judge George Greer will schedule the date for the removal of Terri Schindler-Schiavo 's feeding tube , the AP reported .", "There must have been meetings on this subject in this country before this .", "Ultimately the cause provided its own justification - because the radial motion it produced is sound in mathematical terms .", "The data for the case study of the street dwelling homeless were collected as part of a project funded by the Richard Sterling Clark Foundation on Hidden Homelessness on Long Island .", "John Wadham , director of Liberty , last night said that while the internment proposal was by some way the worst threat to civil rights , \" other illiberal measures are being smuggled in under the cover of proposals to deal with the events of September 11 .", "\" For example , many people are quite willing to believe that the US government itself knew of or planned the September 11 attacks .", "In the wake of September 11 , the FBI concluded that analysts would be more effective if they were controlled by the operational divisions .", "That is the equivalent of a World Trade Centre , a September 11 , tragedy every day .", "In that case the normal preferred size is adjusted to the minimum size .", "Those are formidable goals under any circumstances , but they are particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and vast differences in resources among districts .", "The project has been so rewarding that Merkley marked this September 11 by creating a scholarship fund for the children of Canadian firefighters .", "This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy which the September 11 terrorism in the USA has so horrifically demonstrated .", "Recent enactment of the USA Patriot Act , in response to the events of September 11 , provides new urgency for considering the role of the judiciary in curbing the excesses of executive authority in pursuit of politically popular goals .", "Part of the increase in the unemployment rate that we're seeing now is reflecting both September 11 and activities that were happening slowing down the economy before ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "Bob has published educational software .", "Freedom to teach and guide , and inspire students .", "Unusual lesions include subependymoma , ganglioglioma and intramedullary schwannoma , and neurofibroma .", "All of this is done , and done well , with limited funds and the assistance of a small , but excellent staff .", "Renoir 's landscape paintings are celebrated for their luminosity and colour .", "To diagnose computerized equipment , repairers use software programs .", "Best location with a full view of the Bandai Bridge and Shinano River .", "\" Ever gracious , she even traveled out to Columbus to participate in the plaque 's dedication ceremony on a special , but poignant day for her - - the couple 's 41st wedding anniversary \" This is a little sad for me , \" she acknowledged .", "He would never be able to reach his base in North Africa .", "Pre-packaging Web Content to Better Meet Customer Needs - - Senator Jeff Bingaman 's Web site classifies its visitors , anticipates their needs , and provides them access to the info .", "As a result , sites that perform well under the interactivity , design , and innovations criteria will perform poorly in our overall evaluation if they fail to understand and acknowledge their audience and provide targeted content .", "To attract and retain highly qualified students in the College , the fund goal includes $ 2 million for undergraduate student scholarships and $ 5 million for graduate student fellowshipsYou who are recognized recipients of Ohio State 's distinguished past now have the opportunity to shape its dynamic future .", "Dean Gold expects the plaque to inspire those students who may follow in this distinguished alumnus 's footsteps ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "In general , this would be a good book to use to introduce students to women in mathematics .", "\" Visitors to Bath can also tour the historic Roman baths in addition to indulging in treatments at the Thermae Bath Spa , which opened last summer .", "Beyond the risks to others groups , a collective superiority mindset can pose dangers to the ingroup itself - including costly misjudgments borne of arrogance and a failure to consider constructive compromise solutions to intergroup hostilities .", "Behind me , I saw the roof-lights of another cruiser , which was gaining on us .", "And while Republicans are leading the way , where is the opposition ?", "Character , which opened last week , is an invitation to share Chew 's life : his selfishness at facing death , grief over dying friends and regret about failing to fulfill a promise to his now-deceased mother .", "The show , which opened last summer in Washington , is making its first stop on a national tour .", "The centers , which opened last fall at Oceanside and El Camino high schools , are a safety net for students at risk of dropping out because they are behind in credits ." ]
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[ "Service providers are also an important means by which Colorado State University maintains its Web site and mailing lists .", "\" What Grisez is also saying is that attempts of Church officials to deny the moral nature of this type of situation has been a source of scandal , leading both Catholics and non-Catholics to conclude that the Church , in effect , exempts priests from ordinary moral responsibility instead of holding them to Christian standards , which include and go beyond ordinary morality .", "The wartime bombing effort and follow-up efforts by early IAEA inspection teams took down the program 's infrastructure , Jim says , adding ominously that `` the people are all still there .", "Mr. Yaffe : The purpose of subsection 1 ( 6 ) is to make it clear that , again for purposes of the individual ownership restriction that we will be coming to , a person will be deemed to be the holder of a share even in the event that person is not the registered owner of the share , but if that person has the ability , the authority to dispose of the share without getting the specific authorization of the beneficial owner .", "Withdrawals from the university after the eighth week will be recorded with `` W '' or `` WF '' at the discretion of the instructor .", "Nevertheless , for the purposes of this act , they are deemed to be affiliated by virtue of their common parent , whether or not they have anything to do with each other at a company-to-company level .", "I do not think any of us enjoy serving in such a situation , but on the other hand , the saying which was quoted to us at least once during the public hearings , that for evil to triumph all that is required is for good people to do nothing , is also true .", "A code number was used for follow-up of non-respondents .", "Mr. Reid : Well , at the same time , the minister knows that we can debate the Levine case all night here , but he must recognize that the Supreme Court of Canada decision said that the labour organizations , the unions of this country , have a right and a responsibility to their members to take certain political actions deemed to be in the best interest of those employees that are being represented and , yet , the minister , through this legislation , is interfering in that process .", "So the effect , if one were to put this into the context of shares of MTS owned by a limited partnership , one example of the implication of 1 ( 6 ) would be that if a general partner of a partnership had the authority to dispose of shares owned by its limited partners , the general partner would be deemed to be the owner of those shares .", "And they cut off the head of Saul , and robbed him of his armour , and sent it into the land of the Philistines all about , that it might be showed in the temple of their idols , and unto the people ; and set up his arms in the temple of Ashtaroth , and hung his body on the wall of Bethshan .", "'' Not that she minds looking for bats .", "The association provides a forum for information and best practices sharing as well as education to foster the use , excitement , effectiveness , and enthusiasm of recognition .", "Would such companies to be deemed to be not at arm 's length , even though they are not related directly , and therefore for any tendering or other business purposes would not be deemed to be at arm 's length for legal purposes ?", "Among the comments on which the board relied are the following .", "While this argument is not devoid of theoretical and empirical weaknesses ( e.g ., interstate conflicts within civilizations still loom large , perceptions of the West among non-Westerners are more complex than Huntington allows , and the power of the West relative to other civilizations may not be declining ) , I wish to highlight one of its theoretical strengths ." ]
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[ "Service providers are also an important means by which Colorado State University maintains its Web site and mailing lists .", "\" What Grisez is also saying is that attempts of Church officials to deny the moral nature of this type of situation has been a source of scandal , leading both Catholics and non-Catholics to conclude that the Church , in effect , exempts priests from ordinary moral responsibility instead of holding them to Christian standards , which include and go beyond ordinary morality .", "The wartime bombing effort and follow-up efforts by early IAEA inspection teams took down the program 's infrastructure , Jim says , adding ominously that `` the people are all still there .", "Mr. Yaffe : The purpose of subsection 1 ( 6 ) is to make it clear that , again for purposes of the individual ownership restriction that we will be coming to , a person will be deemed to be the holder of a share even in the event that person is not the registered owner of the share , but if that person has the ability , the authority to dispose of the share without getting the specific authorization of the beneficial owner .", "Withdrawals from the university after the eighth week will be recorded with `` W '' or `` WF '' at the discretion of the instructor .", "Nevertheless , for the purposes of this act , they are deemed to be affiliated by virtue of their common parent , whether or not they have anything to do with each other at a company-to-company level .", "I do not think any of us enjoy serving in such a situation , but on the other hand , the saying which was quoted to us at least once during the public hearings , that for evil to triumph all that is required is for good people to do nothing , is also true .", "A code number was used for follow-up of non-respondents .", "Mr. Reid : Well , at the same time , the minister knows that we can debate the Levine case all night here , but he must recognize that the Supreme Court of Canada decision said that the labour organizations , the unions of this country , have a right and a responsibility to their members to take certain political actions deemed to be in the best interest of those employees that are being represented and , yet , the minister , through this legislation , is interfering in that process .", "So the effect , if one were to put this into the context of shares of MTS owned by a limited partnership , one example of the implication of 1 ( 6 ) would be that if a general partner of a partnership had the authority to dispose of shares owned by its limited partners , the general partner would be deemed to be the owner of those shares .", "And they cut off the head of Saul , and robbed him of his armour , and sent it into the land of the Philistines all about , that it might be showed in the temple of their idols , and unto the people ; and set up his arms in the temple of Ashtaroth , and hung his body on the wall of Bethshan .", "'' Not that she minds looking for bats .", "The association provides a forum for information and best practices sharing as well as education to foster the use , excitement , effectiveness , and enthusiasm of recognition .", "Would such companies to be deemed to be not at arm 's length , even though they are not related directly , and therefore for any tendering or other business purposes would not be deemed to be at arm 's length for legal purposes ?", "Among the comments on which the board relied are the following .", "While this argument is not devoid of theoretical and empirical weaknesses ( e.g ., interstate conflicts within civilizations still loom large , perceptions of the West among non-Westerners are more complex than Huntington allows , and the power of the West relative to other civilizations may not be declining ) , I wish to highlight one of its theoretical strengths ." ]
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[ "Service providers are also an important means by which Colorado State University maintains its Web site and mailing lists .", "\" What Grisez is also saying is that attempts of Church officials to deny the moral nature of this type of situation has been a source of scandal , leading both Catholics and non-Catholics to conclude that the Church , in effect , exempts priests from ordinary moral responsibility instead of holding them to Christian standards , which include and go beyond ordinary morality .", "The wartime bombing effort and follow-up efforts by early IAEA inspection teams took down the program 's infrastructure , Jim says , adding ominously that `` the people are all still there .", "Mr. Yaffe : The purpose of subsection 1 ( 6 ) is to make it clear that , again for purposes of the individual ownership restriction that we will be coming to , a person will be deemed to be the holder of a share even in the event that person is not the registered owner of the share , but if that person has the ability , the authority to dispose of the share without getting the specific authorization of the beneficial owner .", "Withdrawals from the university after the eighth week will be recorded with `` W '' or `` WF '' at the discretion of the instructor .", "Nevertheless , for the purposes of this act , they are deemed to be affiliated by virtue of their common parent , whether or not they have anything to do with each other at a company-to-company level .", "I do not think any of us enjoy serving in such a situation , but on the other hand , the saying which was quoted to us at least once during the public hearings , that for evil to triumph all that is required is for good people to do nothing , is also true .", "A code number was used for follow-up of non-respondents .", "Mr. Reid : Well , at the same time , the minister knows that we can debate the Levine case all night here , but he must recognize that the Supreme Court of Canada decision said that the labour organizations , the unions of this country , have a right and a responsibility to their members to take certain political actions deemed to be in the best interest of those employees that are being represented and , yet , the minister , through this legislation , is interfering in that process .", "So the effect , if one were to put this into the context of shares of MTS owned by a limited partnership , one example of the implication of 1 ( 6 ) would be that if a general partner of a partnership had the authority to dispose of shares owned by its limited partners , the general partner would be deemed to be the owner of those shares .", "And they cut off the head of Saul , and robbed him of his armour , and sent it into the land of the Philistines all about , that it might be showed in the temple of their idols , and unto the people ; and set up his arms in the temple of Ashtaroth , and hung his body on the wall of Bethshan .", "'' Not that she minds looking for bats .", "The association provides a forum for information and best practices sharing as well as education to foster the use , excitement , effectiveness , and enthusiasm of recognition .", "Would such companies to be deemed to be not at arm 's length , even though they are not related directly , and therefore for any tendering or other business purposes would not be deemed to be at arm 's length for legal purposes ?", "Among the comments on which the board relied are the following .", "While this argument is not devoid of theoretical and empirical weaknesses ( e.g ., interstate conflicts within civilizations still loom large , perceptions of the West among non-Westerners are more complex than Huntington allows , and the power of the West relative to other civilizations may not be declining ) , I wish to highlight one of its theoretical strengths ." ]
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[ "Service providers are also an important means by which Colorado State University maintains its Web site and mailing lists .", "\" What Grisez is also saying is that attempts of Church officials to deny the moral nature of this type of situation has been a source of scandal , leading both Catholics and non-Catholics to conclude that the Church , in effect , exempts priests from ordinary moral responsibility instead of holding them to Christian standards , which include and go beyond ordinary morality .", "The wartime bombing effort and follow-up efforts by early IAEA inspection teams took down the program 's infrastructure , Jim says , adding ominously that `` the people are all still there .", "Mr. Yaffe : The purpose of subsection 1 ( 6 ) is to make it clear that , again for purposes of the individual ownership restriction that we will be coming to , a person will be deemed to be the holder of a share even in the event that person is not the registered owner of the share , but if that person has the ability , the authority to dispose of the share without getting the specific authorization of the beneficial owner .", "Withdrawals from the university after the eighth week will be recorded with `` W '' or `` WF '' at the discretion of the instructor .", "Nevertheless , for the purposes of this act , they are deemed to be affiliated by virtue of their common parent , whether or not they have anything to do with each other at a company-to-company level .", "I do not think any of us enjoy serving in such a situation , but on the other hand , the saying which was quoted to us at least once during the public hearings , that for evil to triumph all that is required is for good people to do nothing , is also true .", "A code number was used for follow-up of non-respondents .", "Mr. Reid : Well , at the same time , the minister knows that we can debate the Levine case all night here , but he must recognize that the Supreme Court of Canada decision said that the labour organizations , the unions of this country , have a right and a responsibility to their members to take certain political actions deemed to be in the best interest of those employees that are being represented and , yet , the minister , through this legislation , is interfering in that process .", "So the effect , if one were to put this into the context of shares of MTS owned by a limited partnership , one example of the implication of 1 ( 6 ) would be that if a general partner of a partnership had the authority to dispose of shares owned by its limited partners , the general partner would be deemed to be the owner of those shares .", "And they cut off the head of Saul , and robbed him of his armour , and sent it into the land of the Philistines all about , that it might be showed in the temple of their idols , and unto the people ; and set up his arms in the temple of Ashtaroth , and hung his body on the wall of Bethshan .", "'' Not that she minds looking for bats .", "The association provides a forum for information and best practices sharing as well as education to foster the use , excitement , effectiveness , and enthusiasm of recognition .", "Would such companies to be deemed to be not at arm 's length , even though they are not related directly , and therefore for any tendering or other business purposes would not be deemed to be at arm 's length for legal purposes ?", "Among the comments on which the board relied are the following .", "While this argument is not devoid of theoretical and empirical weaknesses ( e.g ., interstate conflicts within civilizations still loom large , perceptions of the West among non-Westerners are more complex than Huntington allows , and the power of the West relative to other civilizations may not be declining ) , I wish to highlight one of its theoretical strengths ." ]
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[ "Service providers are also an important means by which Colorado State University maintains its Web site and mailing lists .", "\" What Grisez is also saying is that attempts of Church officials to deny the moral nature of this type of situation has been a source of scandal , leading both Catholics and non-Catholics to conclude that the Church , in effect , exempts priests from ordinary moral responsibility instead of holding them to Christian standards , which include and go beyond ordinary morality .", "The wartime bombing effort and follow-up efforts by early IAEA inspection teams took down the program 's infrastructure , Jim says , adding ominously that `` the people are all still there .", "Mr. Yaffe : The purpose of subsection 1 ( 6 ) is to make it clear that , again for purposes of the individual ownership restriction that we will be coming to , a person will be deemed to be the holder of a share even in the event that person is not the registered owner of the share , but if that person has the ability , the authority to dispose of the share without getting the specific authorization of the beneficial owner .", "Withdrawals from the university after the eighth week will be recorded with `` W '' or `` WF '' at the discretion of the instructor .", "Nevertheless , for the purposes of this act , they are deemed to be affiliated by virtue of their common parent , whether or not they have anything to do with each other at a company-to-company level .", "I do not think any of us enjoy serving in such a situation , but on the other hand , the saying which was quoted to us at least once during the public hearings , that for evil to triumph all that is required is for good people to do nothing , is also true .", "A code number was used for follow-up of non-respondents .", "Mr. Reid : Well , at the same time , the minister knows that we can debate the Levine case all night here , but he must recognize that the Supreme Court of Canada decision said that the labour organizations , the unions of this country , have a right and a responsibility to their members to take certain political actions deemed to be in the best interest of those employees that are being represented and , yet , the minister , through this legislation , is interfering in that process .", "So the effect , if one were to put this into the context of shares of MTS owned by a limited partnership , one example of the implication of 1 ( 6 ) would be that if a general partner of a partnership had the authority to dispose of shares owned by its limited partners , the general partner would be deemed to be the owner of those shares .", "And they cut off the head of Saul , and robbed him of his armour , and sent it into the land of the Philistines all about , that it might be showed in the temple of their idols , and unto the people ; and set up his arms in the temple of Ashtaroth , and hung his body on the wall of Bethshan .", "'' Not that she minds looking for bats .", "The association provides a forum for information and best practices sharing as well as education to foster the use , excitement , effectiveness , and enthusiasm of recognition .", "Would such companies to be deemed to be not at arm 's length , even though they are not related directly , and therefore for any tendering or other business purposes would not be deemed to be at arm 's length for legal purposes ?", "Among the comments on which the board relied are the following .", "While this argument is not devoid of theoretical and empirical weaknesses ( e.g ., interstate conflicts within civilizations still loom large , perceptions of the West among non-Westerners are more complex than Huntington allows , and the power of the West relative to other civilizations may not be declining ) , I wish to highlight one of its theoretical strengths ." ]
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[ "Service providers are also an important means by which Colorado State University maintains its Web site and mailing lists .", "\" What Grisez is also saying is that attempts of Church officials to deny the moral nature of this type of situation has been a source of scandal , leading both Catholics and non-Catholics to conclude that the Church , in effect , exempts priests from ordinary moral responsibility instead of holding them to Christian standards , which include and go beyond ordinary morality .", "The wartime bombing effort and follow-up efforts by early IAEA inspection teams took down the program 's infrastructure , Jim says , adding ominously that `` the people are all still there .", "Mr. Yaffe : The purpose of subsection 1 ( 6 ) is to make it clear that , again for purposes of the individual ownership restriction that we will be coming to , a person will be deemed to be the holder of a share even in the event that person is not the registered owner of the share , but if that person has the ability , the authority to dispose of the share without getting the specific authorization of the beneficial owner .", "Withdrawals from the university after the eighth week will be recorded with `` W '' or `` WF '' at the discretion of the instructor .", "Nevertheless , for the purposes of this act , they are deemed to be affiliated by virtue of their common parent , whether or not they have anything to do with each other at a company-to-company level .", "I do not think any of us enjoy serving in such a situation , but on the other hand , the saying which was quoted to us at least once during the public hearings , that for evil to triumph all that is required is for good people to do nothing , is also true .", "A code number was used for follow-up of non-respondents .", "Mr. Reid : Well , at the same time , the minister knows that we can debate the Levine case all night here , but he must recognize that the Supreme Court of Canada decision said that the labour organizations , the unions of this country , have a right and a responsibility to their members to take certain political actions deemed to be in the best interest of those employees that are being represented and , yet , the minister , through this legislation , is interfering in that process .", "So the effect , if one were to put this into the context of shares of MTS owned by a limited partnership , one example of the implication of 1 ( 6 ) would be that if a general partner of a partnership had the authority to dispose of shares owned by its limited partners , the general partner would be deemed to be the owner of those shares .", "And they cut off the head of Saul , and robbed him of his armour , and sent it into the land of the Philistines all about , that it might be showed in the temple of their idols , and unto the people ; and set up his arms in the temple of Ashtaroth , and hung his body on the wall of Bethshan .", "'' Not that she minds looking for bats .", "The association provides a forum for information and best practices sharing as well as education to foster the use , excitement , effectiveness , and enthusiasm of recognition .", "Would such companies to be deemed to be not at arm 's length , even though they are not related directly , and therefore for any tendering or other business purposes would not be deemed to be at arm 's length for legal purposes ?", "Among the comments on which the board relied are the following .", "While this argument is not devoid of theoretical and empirical weaknesses ( e.g ., interstate conflicts within civilizations still loom large , perceptions of the West among non-Westerners are more complex than Huntington allows , and the power of the West relative to other civilizations may not be declining ) , I wish to highlight one of its theoretical strengths ." ]
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[ "Service providers are also an important means by which Colorado State University maintains its Web site and mailing lists .", "\" What Grisez is also saying is that attempts of Church officials to deny the moral nature of this type of situation has been a source of scandal , leading both Catholics and non-Catholics to conclude that the Church , in effect , exempts priests from ordinary moral responsibility instead of holding them to Christian standards , which include and go beyond ordinary morality .", "The wartime bombing effort and follow-up efforts by early IAEA inspection teams took down the program 's infrastructure , Jim says , adding ominously that `` the people are all still there .", "Mr. Yaffe : The purpose of subsection 1 ( 6 ) is to make it clear that , again for purposes of the individual ownership restriction that we will be coming to , a person will be deemed to be the holder of a share even in the event that person is not the registered owner of the share , but if that person has the ability , the authority to dispose of the share without getting the specific authorization of the beneficial owner .", "Withdrawals from the university after the eighth week will be recorded with `` W '' or `` WF '' at the discretion of the instructor .", "Nevertheless , for the purposes of this act , they are deemed to be affiliated by virtue of their common parent , whether or not they have anything to do with each other at a company-to-company level .", "I do not think any of us enjoy serving in such a situation , but on the other hand , the saying which was quoted to us at least once during the public hearings , that for evil to triumph all that is required is for good people to do nothing , is also true .", "A code number was used for follow-up of non-respondents .", "Mr. Reid : Well , at the same time , the minister knows that we can debate the Levine case all night here , but he must recognize that the Supreme Court of Canada decision said that the labour organizations , the unions of this country , have a right and a responsibility to their members to take certain political actions deemed to be in the best interest of those employees that are being represented and , yet , the minister , through this legislation , is interfering in that process .", "So the effect , if one were to put this into the context of shares of MTS owned by a limited partnership , one example of the implication of 1 ( 6 ) would be that if a general partner of a partnership had the authority to dispose of shares owned by its limited partners , the general partner would be deemed to be the owner of those shares .", "And they cut off the head of Saul , and robbed him of his armour , and sent it into the land of the Philistines all about , that it might be showed in the temple of their idols , and unto the people ; and set up his arms in the temple of Ashtaroth , and hung his body on the wall of Bethshan .", "'' Not that she minds looking for bats .", "The association provides a forum for information and best practices sharing as well as education to foster the use , excitement , effectiveness , and enthusiasm of recognition .", "Would such companies to be deemed to be not at arm 's length , even though they are not related directly , and therefore for any tendering or other business purposes would not be deemed to be at arm 's length for legal purposes ?", "Among the comments on which the board relied are the following .", "While this argument is not devoid of theoretical and empirical weaknesses ( e.g ., interstate conflicts within civilizations still loom large , perceptions of the West among non-Westerners are more complex than Huntington allows , and the power of the West relative to other civilizations may not be declining ) , I wish to highlight one of its theoretical strengths ." ]
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[ "Service providers are also an important means by which Colorado State University maintains its Web site and mailing lists .", "\" What Grisez is also saying is that attempts of Church officials to deny the moral nature of this type of situation has been a source of scandal , leading both Catholics and non-Catholics to conclude that the Church , in effect , exempts priests from ordinary moral responsibility instead of holding them to Christian standards , which include and go beyond ordinary morality .", "The wartime bombing effort and follow-up efforts by early IAEA inspection teams took down the program 's infrastructure , Jim says , adding ominously that `` the people are all still there .", "Mr. Yaffe : The purpose of subsection 1 ( 6 ) is to make it clear that , again for purposes of the individual ownership restriction that we will be coming to , a person will be deemed to be the holder of a share even in the event that person is not the registered owner of the share , but if that person has the ability , the authority to dispose of the share without getting the specific authorization of the beneficial owner .", "Withdrawals from the university after the eighth week will be recorded with `` W '' or `` WF '' at the discretion of the instructor .", "Nevertheless , for the purposes of this act , they are deemed to be affiliated by virtue of their common parent , whether or not they have anything to do with each other at a company-to-company level .", "I do not think any of us enjoy serving in such a situation , but on the other hand , the saying which was quoted to us at least once during the public hearings , that for evil to triumph all that is required is for good people to do nothing , is also true .", "A code number was used for follow-up of non-respondents .", "Mr. Reid : Well , at the same time , the minister knows that we can debate the Levine case all night here , but he must recognize that the Supreme Court of Canada decision said that the labour organizations , the unions of this country , have a right and a responsibility to their members to take certain political actions deemed to be in the best interest of those employees that are being represented and , yet , the minister , through this legislation , is interfering in that process .", "So the effect , if one were to put this into the context of shares of MTS owned by a limited partnership , one example of the implication of 1 ( 6 ) would be that if a general partner of a partnership had the authority to dispose of shares owned by its limited partners , the general partner would be deemed to be the owner of those shares .", "And they cut off the head of Saul , and robbed him of his armour , and sent it into the land of the Philistines all about , that it might be showed in the temple of their idols , and unto the people ; and set up his arms in the temple of Ashtaroth , and hung his body on the wall of Bethshan .", "'' Not that she minds looking for bats .", "The association provides a forum for information and best practices sharing as well as education to foster the use , excitement , effectiveness , and enthusiasm of recognition .", "Would such companies to be deemed to be not at arm 's length , even though they are not related directly , and therefore for any tendering or other business purposes would not be deemed to be at arm 's length for legal purposes ?", "Among the comments on which the board relied are the following .", "While this argument is not devoid of theoretical and empirical weaknesses ( e.g ., interstate conflicts within civilizations still loom large , perceptions of the West among non-Westerners are more complex than Huntington allows , and the power of the West relative to other civilizations may not be declining ) , I wish to highlight one of its theoretical strengths ." ]
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[ "Service providers are also an important means by which Colorado State University maintains its Web site and mailing lists .", "\" What Grisez is also saying is that attempts of Church officials to deny the moral nature of this type of situation has been a source of scandal , leading both Catholics and non-Catholics to conclude that the Church , in effect , exempts priests from ordinary moral responsibility instead of holding them to Christian standards , which include and go beyond ordinary morality .", "The wartime bombing effort and follow-up efforts by early IAEA inspection teams took down the program 's infrastructure , Jim says , adding ominously that `` the people are all still there .", "Mr. Yaffe : The purpose of subsection 1 ( 6 ) is to make it clear that , again for purposes of the individual ownership restriction that we will be coming to , a person will be deemed to be the holder of a share even in the event that person is not the registered owner of the share , but if that person has the ability , the authority to dispose of the share without getting the specific authorization of the beneficial owner .", "Withdrawals from the university after the eighth week will be recorded with `` W '' or `` WF '' at the discretion of the instructor .", "Nevertheless , for the purposes of this act , they are deemed to be affiliated by virtue of their common parent , whether or not they have anything to do with each other at a company-to-company level .", "I do not think any of us enjoy serving in such a situation , but on the other hand , the saying which was quoted to us at least once during the public hearings , that for evil to triumph all that is required is for good people to do nothing , is also true .", "A code number was used for follow-up of non-respondents .", "Mr. Reid : Well , at the same time , the minister knows that we can debate the Levine case all night here , but he must recognize that the Supreme Court of Canada decision said that the labour organizations , the unions of this country , have a right and a responsibility to their members to take certain political actions deemed to be in the best interest of those employees that are being represented and , yet , the minister , through this legislation , is interfering in that process .", "So the effect , if one were to put this into the context of shares of MTS owned by a limited partnership , one example of the implication of 1 ( 6 ) would be that if a general partner of a partnership had the authority to dispose of shares owned by its limited partners , the general partner would be deemed to be the owner of those shares .", "And they cut off the head of Saul , and robbed him of his armour , and sent it into the land of the Philistines all about , that it might be showed in the temple of their idols , and unto the people ; and set up his arms in the temple of Ashtaroth , and hung his body on the wall of Bethshan .", "'' Not that she minds looking for bats .", "The association provides a forum for information and best practices sharing as well as education to foster the use , excitement , effectiveness , and enthusiasm of recognition .", "Would such companies to be deemed to be not at arm 's length , even though they are not related directly , and therefore for any tendering or other business purposes would not be deemed to be at arm 's length for legal purposes ?", "Among the comments on which the board relied are the following .", "While this argument is not devoid of theoretical and empirical weaknesses ( e.g ., interstate conflicts within civilizations still loom large , perceptions of the West among non-Westerners are more complex than Huntington allows , and the power of the West relative to other civilizations may not be declining ) , I wish to highlight one of its theoretical strengths ." ]