[ "Most people already know why , but in case you do n't : the source licensing agreement that the Blackdown Team has with Sun says that we cannot do a final release of our ports without satisfying the Java compatibility requirements .", "\" This work takes us an important step forward by proving the compatibility of the nanotube synthesis process with modified silicon technology and leading the way to future nanotube-based commercial applications .", "It does make it wrong to give as knee-jerk advice \" never install FC on clusters \" as that 's just plain silly , even as it makes it perfectly reasonable to say \" do n't install FC on your cluster if you want to run product X , as it may have binary / library compatibility issues \" .", "You do not think about it .", "So do not be afraid to ask , politely , a chef how he makes a certain dish or what is in the recipe .", "Will the next step lead me to a better place ?", "The party had its own salute ( the raised arm and the words Heil Hitler !", "While Microsoft has been criticized in the past over SP2 delays , this time the schedule change is intended to address the requests of users worried that the update will cause chaos because of compatibility problems .", "The presence of this media pack causes the RVI installer to check for a C++ compatibility library that is not required on Solaris .", "If this happens to you , check the lists policies and procedures to see if you should be allowed to post or not , then be sure to send messages from an account that has posting privileges ." ]
[ "Most people already know why , but in case you do n't : the source licensing agreement that the Blackdown Team has with Sun says that we cannot do a final release of our ports without satisfying the Java compatibility requirements .", "\" This work takes us an important step forward by proving the compatibility of the nanotube synthesis process with modified silicon technology and leading the way to future nanotube-based commercial applications .", "It does make it wrong to give as knee-jerk advice \" never install FC on clusters \" as that 's just plain silly , even as it makes it perfectly reasonable to say \" do n't install FC on your cluster if you want to run product X , as it may have binary / library compatibility issues \" .", "You do not think about it .", "So do not be afraid to ask , politely , a chef how he makes a certain dish or what is in the recipe .", "Will the next step lead me to a better place ?", "The party had its own salute ( the raised arm and the words Heil Hitler !", "While Microsoft has been criticized in the past over SP2 delays , this time the schedule change is intended to address the requests of users worried that the update will cause chaos because of compatibility problems .", "The presence of this media pack causes the RVI installer to check for a C++ compatibility library that is not required on Solaris .", "If this happens to you , check the lists policies and procedures to see if you should be allowed to post or not , then be sure to send messages from an account that has posting privileges ." ]
[ "Most people already know why , but in case you do n't : the source licensing agreement that the Blackdown Team has with Sun says that we cannot do a final release of our ports without satisfying the Java compatibility requirements .", "\" This work takes us an important step forward by proving the compatibility of the nanotube synthesis process with modified silicon technology and leading the way to future nanotube-based commercial applications .", "It does make it wrong to give as knee-jerk advice \" never install FC on clusters \" as that 's just plain silly , even as it makes it perfectly reasonable to say \" do n't install FC on your cluster if you want to run product X , as it may have binary / library compatibility issues \" .", "You do not think about it .", "So do not be afraid to ask , politely , a chef how he makes a certain dish or what is in the recipe .", "Will the next step lead me to a better place ?", "The party had its own salute ( the raised arm and the words Heil Hitler !", "While Microsoft has been criticized in the past over SP2 delays , this time the schedule change is intended to address the requests of users worried that the update will cause chaos because of compatibility problems .", "The presence of this media pack causes the RVI installer to check for a C++ compatibility library that is not required on Solaris .", "If this happens to you , check the lists policies and procedures to see if you should be allowed to post or not , then be sure to send messages from an account that has posting privileges ." ]
[ "Most people already know why , but in case you do n't : the source licensing agreement that the Blackdown Team has with Sun says that we cannot do a final release of our ports without satisfying the Java compatibility requirements .", "\" This work takes us an important step forward by proving the compatibility of the nanotube synthesis process with modified silicon technology and leading the way to future nanotube-based commercial applications .", "It does make it wrong to give as knee-jerk advice \" never install FC on clusters \" as that 's just plain silly , even as it makes it perfectly reasonable to say \" do n't install FC on your cluster if you want to run product X , as it may have binary / library compatibility issues \" .", "You do not think about it .", "So do not be afraid to ask , politely , a chef how he makes a certain dish or what is in the recipe .", "Will the next step lead me to a better place ?", "The party had its own salute ( the raised arm and the words Heil Hitler !", "While Microsoft has been criticized in the past over SP2 delays , this time the schedule change is intended to address the requests of users worried that the update will cause chaos because of compatibility problems .", "The presence of this media pack causes the RVI installer to check for a C++ compatibility library that is not required on Solaris .", "If this happens to you , check the lists policies and procedures to see if you should be allowed to post or not , then be sure to send messages from an account that has posting privileges ." ]
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[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
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[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
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[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
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[!tag=NN] [□]
[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
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[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
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[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
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[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
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[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
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[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
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[ "Mathematician `` game , during which five talented high school students won a total of $ 7,000 from the AMS .", "Funding for the publication of the printed version of this guide was provided by the Randleigh Foundation Trust to the Southern Historical Collection of the Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .", "In recognition of the unique challenges of this program , it is the policy of the Office of Chief Counsel to utilize a coordinated approach to deal with the most significant case matters .", "These cases make a key point about the value of a trusted , cross-border ADR system to North American businesses and consumers .", "One morning the Buddha robed himself early in the morning and , taking his bowl , went into Vesali for alms .", "This method provides very fast exception propagation , but introduces significant overhead for the use of exception handlers , even if no exception is raised .", "Generally these cases will follow a lead case that will be coordinated under the National Coordination procedures .", "In these cases , the state provides grants only for their removal .", "A better approach would be to partition the content among the machines thus avoiding replication of the documents in the RAMs .", "Research staff and students at University of Cincinnati : Do you realize that you can now publish in journals published by BioMed Central without directly paying any article processing charges .", "If interoperability is not an issue , the new packet format is preferred .", "God , to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof , disponed to Abraham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance , and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword , for the actual possession thereof ; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites , though the occasion of David 's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword , did arise from particular and occasional exigencies and injuries ; but it followeth in no sort that , therefore , kings now wanting any word of promise , and so of divine right to any lands , may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own , by no other title than the bloody sword .", "The groundwork of our case must be factually authentic and constitute a well-documented history of what we are convinced was a grand , concerted pattern to incite and commit the aggressions and barbarities which have shocked the world .", "A related criminal case or a Tax Court case having open criminal aspects may not be defined with exactitude .", "Or , you can announce your intentions to run at the October meeting .", "That one response may have earned him a ticket to the March 2 and March 9 contests .", "At the meeting , Prosecutor-General Gurbanbibi Atajanova read out a report on the criminal case filed against the mayor of Turkmenbasy .", "Results : Sixteen studies assessed hospital disaster drills for training hospital staff to respond to an MCI , and included lessons learned .", "Where : Beef , chicken , pork , fish , fortified cereals , pumpkin seeds , molasses , soybeans , dried fruit , spinach , bran , prune juice .", "In our case , the people in the room where the meeting was being conducted could hear the people connected by Skype through the Sony portable speakers perfectly , and the people in the outlying areas could hear the meeting proceedings just fine too .", "Accordingly , in these cases it is reasonable to assume that the provisions of paragraph I.B.2 agreed between the United States and the European Union in the framework of the Understanding with Respect to Disciplines for the Strengthening of Investment Protection , on 18 May 1998 , would be applied .", "Most countries in southern Africa had persistent budget deficits .", "In only about 20 percent of our case load do we divide five-four .", "Nesting and wintering grounds have been located for some species , and specific nesting grounds have been connected to specific wintering areas .", "His challenger , Phil Angelides , is touting his own environmental record forcefully .", "If such a case is identified , the Associate Area Counsel will complete an LMSB Significant Case Approaching Litigation form and forward it to the Associate Area Counsel ( Strategic Litigation ) ( AAC ( SL ) ) .", "It is time to revisit the whole Safeguards system to see whether it is still effective to meet emerging challenges : illicit trafficking of nuclear material and facilities , the increasing threat of nuclear terrorism , the discovery of more clandestine programmes by a number of countries .", "This partnership must span the entire process of significant case coordination from initial case planning and development through pretrial practice , trial preparation , trial of the case , submission of briefs , and appellate consideration .", "That , in these countries , when you look at the numbers , you will see that there is new financing being provided to enable those expenditures to be made , and in virtually all of these cases , you will see that there is a quite large current-account deficit being financed by development financing that is helping them to make those expenditures .", "These services may be found via county or municipal health departments or community service boards .", "In line with a special presidential decree , only these commissions have the right to authorize searches and arrests , and have the authority to file a criminal case .", "It is the function of route files to modify Fido 's view of `` the network '' to conform to yours .", "Thus , the criminal case and the Tax Court case may be related for coordination and other purposes described in this manual even though each involves different taxpayers and even though the taxable years involved in the two cases are not the same .", "Form , will be responsible for initiating the screening of all Tax Court petitions to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case ( National , Division , or National Project ) or excluded ; and for initiating the screening of all complaints in District Court and Court of Federal Claims cases and summons actions recommended for enforcement , to determine whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case or excluded .", "In our case , a research supported year-round curriculum was shot down by a coalition of Little League parents and businesses that depend on surplus teenage labor in the summer .", "License agreements may govern the uses of some materials .", "On March 20 , 1888 , Waite appeared in Court to read his opinion in the Telephone Cases , involving complex and vigorously disputed patent claims .", "MuzikMan : What is your opinion on posting a review on several websites opposed to having it in a few traditional print magazines ?", "The case will be re-screened in the following month , with the benefit of greater knowledge of the significance of the issue , and a determination made whether the case should be classified as a Significant Case .", "Raising the financing for these arrears cases , not only for the HIPC framework , but also to enable them to be supported , in our case with a PRGF instrument , is an item that has been on the agenda , remains on the international financing agenda , particularly financing for HIPC ." ]
[tag=DT] [lemma=vaccine] [lemma=□]
[tag=DT] [lemma=vaccine] [lemma=be]
[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
[tag=DT] [lemma=□] □
[tag=DT] [lemma=vaccine] □
[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
[tag=DT] [lemma=vaccine] [□=□]
[tag=DT] [lemma=vaccine] [lemma=□]
[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
[tag=DT] □
[tag=DT] □ □
[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
[tag=DT] [□=□] □
[tag=DT] [lemma=□] □
[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
[tag=DT] [lemma=vaccine] □
[tag=DT] [lemma=vaccine] [□]
[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
□ □
[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "Backordered : this vaccine is recommended , in addition to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine , for children aged 2 years up to the 19th birthday who meet the following high risk criteria : asplenia , sickle cell disease , nephritic syndrome ; cerebral spinal fluid leaks ; immunosuppression ; children living in special environments or social settings with an identified increased risk of pneumococcal disease or its complications ( e.g ., certain Native American populations ) .", "In addition , the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure .", "The Company knew that an Englishman , William Adams , was living in Japan in great favour with its military dictator .", "However , not all of these are accessible for cleaning ; other cylinders need to be moved to provide access .", "Children today receive more vaccinations , but the amount of antigen ( substance that causes an immune response ) in each vaccine is less than those given in earlier years .", "The vaccine is preserved with thimerosal .", "A few days in dry-dock for repairs put us ship-shape again , and we set off for North America .", "The Special Committee would like to believe that an initial statement will help to imprint the notion of academic integrity but also believes that reminders and reinforcement are needed .", "But the heads of the femur and humerus are very similar to one another as to their dislocations .", "Smallpox can be prevented through use of the smallpox vaccine , even if the vaccine is given within three days after exposure to smallpox .", "' `` In the end , the officer let Murphy in the house and Brown left to get the court order .", "Both vaccines are safe and reduce disease occurrence .", "According to the study , the dependence of these communities on billfish is related in a complex way to the number of billfish available to be caught .", "A prototype of this vaccine is being tested in vivo at the Veterinary School .", "If this advice does not bring improvement in the employee 's sick leave record he / she will be notified , in writing , that all future absences because of sickness must be substantiated by medical certificate .", "If the first symptom of these injuries / conditions occurs within the listed time periods , it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found .", "A 3 week minimum interval between cholera and yellow fever vaccines is recommended except in those cases where both vaccines are required and time constraints exist .", "So , the reports of large-scale pertussis outbreaks in the United Kingdom since the vaccine was made optional seem to me a convincing argument against vaccinating anybody , even those who desire it , because if the vaccine produces authentic immunity , then this rebound phenomenon should not occur .", "Use case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system .", "But in that case , we also ended up giving each of the races the ability to dispel efficiently .", "Children were regarded as vaccinated appropriately for age if the vaccine was administered up to one month after the recommended age .", "So no , shooting Palestinian civilians is not like shooting Vietnamese or Chechen civilians .", "Even in people with a weaker response , the vaccine is usually protective against serious flu complications , particularly pneumonia , if such people get the flu .", "With the four antenna wheels sitting on a track that is , in the mean , horizontal , it is possible to adjust the loads on each wheel to those specified for optimal operation .", "The task of the Askari was to point me out since he was still working under my command without me knowing that he had become a turncoat .", "When directly quoting the words of another author , you must use their exact words , same punctuation , same spelling and same capitalisation .", "Maintenance of StatusIf you are not in F-1 or J-1 student status and are in the U.S. in another non-immigrant status but would like to or need to change your status to F-1 or J-1 , you must apply for an official change of status to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ( USCIS ) .", "This vaccine is licensed only for use as the fourth and fifth doses for children who have previously been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis with three doses of whole-cell diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine ( DTP ) .", "Because the vaccine is inactive , it is safe for pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies .", "If there are time constraints and both vaccines are necessary , the injections can be administered simultaneously or within a 3-week period with the understanding that antibody response may not be optimal .", "The burning bush was a figure of thee , and the tablets of the law , and the ark of the testament .", "The options to export and import are handy for that .", "No. They immediately invited a whole battery of reporters and photographers to be present when the vaccine was delivered to the official , and they made the presentation with much ceremony and solemnity , making a great to do about the vaccine .", "Because this is the first time this vaccine will be administered to humans , our main goal is to make sure this vaccine is safe .", "The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia , which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox .", "If the Fordham Foundation and the AFT analyses are correct , then the standards are fraudulent ; they are not what they purport to be ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "The goal is to show how the problems highlighted above were solved and a functional GIS laboratory was established .", "We do not have it in us to stop listening .", "REDI will help students develop knowledge , skills and attitudes they need to become more resilient young people .", "Those are pretty weak numbers for a scandal-free incumbent .", "This paper will explain how the clearinghouse is organized and how instructors can use and contribute to the collection of materials now being compiled .", "In addition , Hays helped establish the W.V .", "The diagrams on the figure 3 demonstrate the share of 1997 graduates who have received the specialization in geoinformational systems .", "People who have narcolepsy fall asleep easily and enter into rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep quickly .", "He tells juries about the car-accident death of his own son , Wade , and speculates that he may have received the ability to \" feel \" the souls of dead or injured children because of the close relationship he still feels with his son .", "The companies would also be asked to provide Vista with details of how the students performed while with the firms .", "By shortening the time required for planning , development and construction , front end costs are reduced .", "It is not true , however , that every single residence owned by the either of the Kerrys ( whether it be in America or abroad ) would be staffed by five Secret Service agents around the clock , and that those agents would be guarding the Kerrys and all their properties for the rest of John Kerry 's life .", "Detailed records of all system network information must be kept for network troubleshooting .", "( ii ) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms ; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners ( Lovers ) .", "\" As to the second aspect of the e-mail , whether Tamiflu is effective against influenza ( especially the specific H5N1 strain now referred to as avian or bird flu ) , the e-mail 's dismissive \" This medicine does n't so much as cure the common flu \" is misleading in that Tamiflu is n't meant to be a flu cure .", "Scrutiny of all PSAADs at school and division level includes collaborative arrangements , both at home and overseas , and provides opportunities for feedback and sharing good practice ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [tag=CD] [□=□]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [tag=CD] [word=□]
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word=□] □
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [□] □
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [□=□] □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [tag=CD] [□]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [tag=CD] [□=□]
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [□=□] □ □
[word=and | lemma=","] [word=□] □ □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word=□] □ □
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] □ □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] □ □
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] □
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] □ □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [□=□] □
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [tag=□] □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [tag=CD] □
[word=and | lemma=","] [word="$"] [tag=CD] [□]
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] □ □
[word=and | lemma=","] □ □ □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [□] □ □
[word=and | lemma=","] [□=□] □ □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [□=□] □
[word=and | lemma=","] [word=□] □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
[word=and | lemma=","] [□] □
[word=and | lemma=","] [□=□] □
[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "If no applicable spec can be found a domain error is raised .", "In July 1992 , he was named an officer of the Bank in the operations system department of the systems development function .", "in 1995 and Sumitomo Corporation in 1996 , to name but a few - - have been catalysts for regulatory change .", "He advised that Western 's share should be between $ 40 million and $ 45 million and that plans are underway to provide the Ministry of Education and Training with information .", "It was a much smaller war , a war of much shorter duration .", "The surge in funding was driven by three particularly large deals : $ 130 million to telecommunications company Current Communications Group of Germantown ; $ 55 million to CoGenesys of Rockville , a biotech firm ; and $ 45 million to another Rockville biotech company , MacroGenics.Venture firms , many flush with cash from new investments , have consistently increased their investments in Washington area start-ups over the past three years after a downturn from a national high-tech slowdown from 2001 to 2003.Yet the local venture financing market is still small , compared with Silicon Valley and Boston .", "To reduce congestion , $ 27.6 million will be invested in the Quebec City area on the Highway 20 bridges .", "In a recent development , the deputy chief of the Taliban movement , Maulana Jalaluddin Haqqani , is now positioned in the eastern zone , including Jalalabad , from where he is guiding attacks on coalition forces .", "It includes $ 9.1 billion for discretionary programs and $ 879.7 million for mandatory programs .", "Confusion is not uncommon with elderly patients , and when the conversation is over the phone where there are no verbal cues .", "How does behavior sculpt the brain and how are these changes controlled ?", "The deferred compensation liabilities amounted to $ 384 million and $ 287 million in 1999 and 1998 , respectively , and are included in other accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets .", "Of the $ 79 million , $ 7.56 million will be reserved for use by eligible nonprofit entities , $ 4.2 million for under-served counties and colonias , and $ 7.25 million for rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities ." ]
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[ "She passed the MCAS , Massachusetts ' high stakes test , on her last try and barely passed her math graduation requirements at our Boston Public School .", "For example , we have recently discovered that Arabidopsis exosome subunits are functionally nonequivalent , and their loss affects determination of plant embryo identity as well as expression of maternally imprinted genes in the developing seed .", "Internal consistency reliability = .87 and test-retest reliability = .72 .", "The second section of the paper is the introduction .", "\" The reader would take my finger and try and invisibly draw the diagram and I would try and remember the way it was laid out and try to keep all the information in my head , \" said Latif .", "Others have been tried but not yet sentenced ; at least a dozen more are still in detention .", "Would add that here in Brasil we have a few that do ot care for their pits as they should , with love and use them for fight , which is being strongly fighted against.On the other hand ( tried but not succeeded getting the report on ) yesterday our local TV Record showed an interview of over 10 minutes of Pits being used in help treatment of disabled people !", "This means that the continuity of corporate memory is broken and the organisation must depend more heavily on recorded information .", "Mr. Pfutzenreuter said that they have tried but not done as good a job as with academic units .", "Requires BSEE or MSEE , microwave design experience , and 6 years experience managing engineering projects including microwave design , schedules , budgets , and proposals .", "Perhaps now , after 30 years of trying and apparently \" flat-lining \" in our attempts to raise the reading achievement of children through schemes that largely ignore the literacy education needs of the children 's parents , it may be time to acknowledge the existence of the adult education and literacy system and to provide the funding and other resources it needs to produce genuine and extensive improvements in the literacy and lives of adults .", "'' In examining the historical relationship between imperialism and the semantics of sovereignty , this paper will look at Japanese efforts to interject Western ( post-Westphalian ) concepts of sovereignty into Choson 's dynastic rituals , and the effect such acts of `` translation '' might have had on early 20th century narratives of Korean nationhood and selfhood .", "I have personal experience of someone else trying or actually taking credit for the work of someone else in the business world , and in institutions of higher learning .", "The function of these illustrations was initially to provide an anticipatory set for the serial reader , then subsequently a handy aide memoire so that , as the date of release for the next number approached , the reader could quickly refresh his memories of characters and relationships thus far introduced .", "We shall realize that He loved us wretched sinners so much indeed that He gave us His only-begotten Son into death for us .", "Students create a fully rigged character model while learning their way around a state-of-the-art 3D animation program .", "Indicate other brands / models considered or tried but not selected .", "His wife came every day , and he clung to her like a child .", "And I thank - - Mr. Duelfer , I appreciate you coming here at a very sensitive political time .", "\" The proposals , which the commission warned would be expensive , include several ideas that experts say are unprecedented , and others that have been tried but not so comprehensively .", "] The difficulties and problems which make the observance of celibacy trying or actually impossible for some , derive often enough from a priestly training which , because of profound changes that have taken place in recent times , is no longer entirely adequate to form a personality worthy of a ' man of God ' ( I Tim 6 , 11 ) ." ]
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[word=purchasing | lemma=try] [tag=CC] [word=releasing | tag=□]
[ "She passed the MCAS , Massachusetts ' high stakes test , on her last try and barely passed her math graduation requirements at our Boston Public School .", "For example , we have recently discovered that Arabidopsis exosome subunits are functionally nonequivalent , and their loss affects determination of plant embryo identity as well as expression of maternally imprinted genes in the developing seed .", "Internal consistency reliability = .87 and test-retest reliability = .72 .", "The second section of the paper is the introduction .", "\" The reader would take my finger and try and invisibly draw the diagram and I would try and remember the way it was laid out and try to keep all the information in my head , \" said Latif .", "Others have been tried but not yet sentenced ; at least a dozen more are still in detention .", "Would add that here in Brasil we have a few that do ot care for their pits as they should , with love and use them for fight , which is being strongly fighted against.On the other hand ( tried but not succeeded getting the report on ) yesterday our local TV Record showed an interview of over 10 minutes of Pits being used in help treatment of disabled people !", "This means that the continuity of corporate memory is broken and the organisation must depend more heavily on recorded information .", "Mr. Pfutzenreuter said that they have tried but not done as good a job as with academic units .", "Requires BSEE or MSEE , microwave design experience , and 6 years experience managing engineering projects including microwave design , schedules , budgets , and proposals .", "Perhaps now , after 30 years of trying and apparently \" flat-lining \" in our attempts to raise the reading achievement of children through schemes that largely ignore the literacy education needs of the children 's parents , it may be time to acknowledge the existence of the adult education and literacy system and to provide the funding and other resources it needs to produce genuine and extensive improvements in the literacy and lives of adults .", "'' In examining the historical relationship between imperialism and the semantics of sovereignty , this paper will look at Japanese efforts to interject Western ( post-Westphalian ) concepts of sovereignty into Choson 's dynastic rituals , and the effect such acts of `` translation '' might have had on early 20th century narratives of Korean nationhood and selfhood .", "I have personal experience of someone else trying or actually taking credit for the work of someone else in the business world , and in institutions of higher learning .", "The function of these illustrations was initially to provide an anticipatory set for the serial reader , then subsequently a handy aide memoire so that , as the date of release for the next number approached , the reader could quickly refresh his memories of characters and relationships thus far introduced .", "We shall realize that He loved us wretched sinners so much indeed that He gave us His only-begotten Son into death for us .", "Students create a fully rigged character model while learning their way around a state-of-the-art 3D animation program .", "Indicate other brands / models considered or tried but not selected .", "His wife came every day , and he clung to her like a child .", "And I thank - - Mr. Duelfer , I appreciate you coming here at a very sensitive political time .", "\" The proposals , which the commission warned would be expensive , include several ideas that experts say are unprecedented , and others that have been tried but not so comprehensively .", "] The difficulties and problems which make the observance of celibacy trying or actually impossible for some , derive often enough from a priestly training which , because of profound changes that have taken place in recent times , is no longer entirely adequate to form a personality worthy of a ' man of God ' ( I Tim 6 , 11 ) ." ]
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[ "She passed the MCAS , Massachusetts ' high stakes test , on her last try and barely passed her math graduation requirements at our Boston Public School .", "For example , we have recently discovered that Arabidopsis exosome subunits are functionally nonequivalent , and their loss affects determination of plant embryo identity as well as expression of maternally imprinted genes in the developing seed .", "Internal consistency reliability = .87 and test-retest reliability = .72 .", "The second section of the paper is the introduction .", "\" The reader would take my finger and try and invisibly draw the diagram and I would try and remember the way it was laid out and try to keep all the information in my head , \" said Latif .", "Others have been tried but not yet sentenced ; at least a dozen more are still in detention .", "Would add that here in Brasil we have a few that do ot care for their pits as they should , with love and use them for fight , which is being strongly fighted against.On the other hand ( tried but not succeeded getting the report on ) yesterday our local TV Record showed an interview of over 10 minutes of Pits being used in help treatment of disabled people !", "This means that the continuity of corporate memory is broken and the organisation must depend more heavily on recorded information .", "Mr. Pfutzenreuter said that they have tried but not done as good a job as with academic units .", "Requires BSEE or MSEE , microwave design experience , and 6 years experience managing engineering projects including microwave design , schedules , budgets , and proposals .", "Perhaps now , after 30 years of trying and apparently \" flat-lining \" in our attempts to raise the reading achievement of children through schemes that largely ignore the literacy education needs of the children 's parents , it may be time to acknowledge the existence of the adult education and literacy system and to provide the funding and other resources it needs to produce genuine and extensive improvements in the literacy and lives of adults .", "'' In examining the historical relationship between imperialism and the semantics of sovereignty , this paper will look at Japanese efforts to interject Western ( post-Westphalian ) concepts of sovereignty into Choson 's dynastic rituals , and the effect such acts of `` translation '' might have had on early 20th century narratives of Korean nationhood and selfhood .", "I have personal experience of someone else trying or actually taking credit for the work of someone else in the business world , and in institutions of higher learning .", "The function of these illustrations was initially to provide an anticipatory set for the serial reader , then subsequently a handy aide memoire so that , as the date of release for the next number approached , the reader could quickly refresh his memories of characters and relationships thus far introduced .", "We shall realize that He loved us wretched sinners so much indeed that He gave us His only-begotten Son into death for us .", "Students create a fully rigged character model while learning their way around a state-of-the-art 3D animation program .", "Indicate other brands / models considered or tried but not selected .", "His wife came every day , and he clung to her like a child .", "And I thank - - Mr. Duelfer , I appreciate you coming here at a very sensitive political time .", "\" The proposals , which the commission warned would be expensive , include several ideas that experts say are unprecedented , and others that have been tried but not so comprehensively .", "] The difficulties and problems which make the observance of celibacy trying or actually impossible for some , derive often enough from a priestly training which , because of profound changes that have taken place in recent times , is no longer entirely adequate to form a personality worthy of a ' man of God ' ( I Tim 6 , 11 ) ." ]
[word=purchasing | lemma=try] [tag=CC] [□=□ | □]
[word=purchasing | lemma=try] [tag=CC] [word=□ | □]
[ "She passed the MCAS , Massachusetts ' high stakes test , on her last try and barely passed her math graduation requirements at our Boston Public School .", "For example , we have recently discovered that Arabidopsis exosome subunits are functionally nonequivalent , and their loss affects determination of plant embryo identity as well as expression of maternally imprinted genes in the developing seed .", "Internal consistency reliability = .87 and test-retest reliability = .72 .", "The second section of the paper is the introduction .", "\" The reader would take my finger and try and invisibly draw the diagram and I would try and remember the way it was laid out and try to keep all the information in my head , \" said Latif .", "Others have been tried but not yet sentenced ; at least a dozen more are still in detention .", "Would add that here in Brasil we have a few that do ot care for their pits as they should , with love and use them for fight , which is being strongly fighted against.On the other hand ( tried but not succeeded getting the report on ) yesterday our local TV Record showed an interview of over 10 minutes of Pits being used in help treatment of disabled people !", "This means that the continuity of corporate memory is broken and the organisation must depend more heavily on recorded information .", "Mr. Pfutzenreuter said that they have tried but not done as good a job as with academic units .", "Requires BSEE or MSEE , microwave design experience , and 6 years experience managing engineering projects including microwave design , schedules , budgets , and proposals .", "Perhaps now , after 30 years of trying and apparently \" flat-lining \" in our attempts to raise the reading achievement of children through schemes that largely ignore the literacy education needs of the children 's parents , it may be time to acknowledge the existence of the adult education and literacy system and to provide the funding and other resources it needs to produce genuine and extensive improvements in the literacy and lives of adults .", "'' In examining the historical relationship between imperialism and the semantics of sovereignty , this paper will look at Japanese efforts to interject Western ( post-Westphalian ) concepts of sovereignty into Choson 's dynastic rituals , and the effect such acts of `` translation '' might have had on early 20th century narratives of Korean nationhood and selfhood .", "I have personal experience of someone else trying or actually taking credit for the work of someone else in the business world , and in institutions of higher learning .", "The function of these illustrations was initially to provide an anticipatory set for the serial reader , then subsequently a handy aide memoire so that , as the date of release for the next number approached , the reader could quickly refresh his memories of characters and relationships thus far introduced .", "We shall realize that He loved us wretched sinners so much indeed that He gave us His only-begotten Son into death for us .", "Students create a fully rigged character model while learning their way around a state-of-the-art 3D animation program .", "Indicate other brands / models considered or tried but not selected .", "His wife came every day , and he clung to her like a child .", "And I thank - - Mr. Duelfer , I appreciate you coming here at a very sensitive political time .", "\" The proposals , which the commission warned would be expensive , include several ideas that experts say are unprecedented , and others that have been tried but not so comprehensively .", "] The difficulties and problems which make the observance of celibacy trying or actually impossible for some , derive often enough from a priestly training which , because of profound changes that have taken place in recent times , is no longer entirely adequate to form a personality worthy of a ' man of God ' ( I Tim 6 , 11 ) ." ]
[word=purchasing | lemma=try] [tag=CC] [word=releasing | □]
[word=purchasing | lemma=try] [tag=CC] [word=releasing | □=□]
[ "She passed the MCAS , Massachusetts ' high stakes test , on her last try and barely passed her math graduation requirements at our Boston Public School .", "For example , we have recently discovered that Arabidopsis exosome subunits are functionally nonequivalent , and their loss affects determination of plant embryo identity as well as expression of maternally imprinted genes in the developing seed .", "Internal consistency reliability = .87 and test-retest reliability = .72 .", "The second section of the paper is the introduction .", "\" The reader would take my finger and try and invisibly draw the diagram and I would try and remember the way it was laid out and try to keep all the information in my head , \" said Latif .", "Others have been tried but not yet sentenced ; at least a dozen more are still in detention .", "Would add that here in Brasil we have a few that do ot care for their pits as they should , with love and use them for fight , which is being strongly fighted against.On the other hand ( tried but not succeeded getting the report on ) yesterday our local TV Record showed an interview of over 10 minutes of Pits being used in help treatment of disabled people !", "This means that the continuity of corporate memory is broken and the organisation must depend more heavily on recorded information .", "Mr. Pfutzenreuter said that they have tried but not done as good a job as with academic units .", "Requires BSEE or MSEE , microwave design experience , and 6 years experience managing engineering projects including microwave design , schedules , budgets , and proposals .", "Perhaps now , after 30 years of trying and apparently \" flat-lining \" in our attempts to raise the reading achievement of children through schemes that largely ignore the literacy education needs of the children 's parents , it may be time to acknowledge the existence of the adult education and literacy system and to provide the funding and other resources it needs to produce genuine and extensive improvements in the literacy and lives of adults .", "'' In examining the historical relationship between imperialism and the semantics of sovereignty , this paper will look at Japanese efforts to interject Western ( post-Westphalian ) concepts of sovereignty into Choson 's dynastic rituals , and the effect such acts of `` translation '' might have had on early 20th century narratives of Korean nationhood and selfhood .", "I have personal experience of someone else trying or actually taking credit for the work of someone else in the business world , and in institutions of higher learning .", "The function of these illustrations was initially to provide an anticipatory set for the serial reader , then subsequently a handy aide memoire so that , as the date of release for the next number approached , the reader could quickly refresh his memories of characters and relationships thus far introduced .", "We shall realize that He loved us wretched sinners so much indeed that He gave us His only-begotten Son into death for us .", "Students create a fully rigged character model while learning their way around a state-of-the-art 3D animation program .", "Indicate other brands / models considered or tried but not selected .", "His wife came every day , and he clung to her like a child .", "And I thank - - Mr. Duelfer , I appreciate you coming here at a very sensitive political time .", "\" The proposals , which the commission warned would be expensive , include several ideas that experts say are unprecedented , and others that have been tried but not so comprehensively .", "] The difficulties and problems which make the observance of celibacy trying or actually impossible for some , derive often enough from a priestly training which , because of profound changes that have taken place in recent times , is no longer entirely adequate to form a personality worthy of a ' man of God ' ( I Tim 6 , 11 ) ." ]
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[ "She passed the MCAS , Massachusetts ' high stakes test , on her last try and barely passed her math graduation requirements at our Boston Public School .", "For example , we have recently discovered that Arabidopsis exosome subunits are functionally nonequivalent , and their loss affects determination of plant embryo identity as well as expression of maternally imprinted genes in the developing seed .", "Internal consistency reliability = .87 and test-retest reliability = .72 .", "The second section of the paper is the introduction .", "\" The reader would take my finger and try and invisibly draw the diagram and I would try and remember the way it was laid out and try to keep all the information in my head , \" said Latif .", "Others have been tried but not yet sentenced ; at least a dozen more are still in detention .", "Would add that here in Brasil we have a few that do ot care for their pits as they should , with love and use them for fight , which is being strongly fighted against.On the other hand ( tried but not succeeded getting the report on ) yesterday our local TV Record showed an interview of over 10 minutes of Pits being used in help treatment of disabled people !", "This means that the continuity of corporate memory is broken and the organisation must depend more heavily on recorded information .", "Mr. Pfutzenreuter said that they have tried but not done as good a job as with academic units .", "Requires BSEE or MSEE , microwave design experience , and 6 years experience managing engineering projects including microwave design , schedules , budgets , and proposals .", "Perhaps now , after 30 years of trying and apparently \" flat-lining \" in our attempts to raise the reading achievement of children through schemes that largely ignore the literacy education needs of the children 's parents , it may be time to acknowledge the existence of the adult education and literacy system and to provide the funding and other resources it needs to produce genuine and extensive improvements in the literacy and lives of adults .", "'' In examining the historical relationship between imperialism and the semantics of sovereignty , this paper will look at Japanese efforts to interject Western ( post-Westphalian ) concepts of sovereignty into Choson 's dynastic rituals , and the effect such acts of `` translation '' might have had on early 20th century narratives of Korean nationhood and selfhood .", "I have personal experience of someone else trying or actually taking credit for the work of someone else in the business world , and in institutions of higher learning .", "The function of these illustrations was initially to provide an anticipatory set for the serial reader , then subsequently a handy aide memoire so that , as the date of release for the next number approached , the reader could quickly refresh his memories of characters and relationships thus far introduced .", "We shall realize that He loved us wretched sinners so much indeed that He gave us His only-begotten Son into death for us .", "Students create a fully rigged character model while learning their way around a state-of-the-art 3D animation program .", "Indicate other brands / models considered or tried but not selected .", "His wife came every day , and he clung to her like a child .", "And I thank - - Mr. Duelfer , I appreciate you coming here at a very sensitive political time .", "\" The proposals , which the commission warned would be expensive , include several ideas that experts say are unprecedented , and others that have been tried but not so comprehensively .", "] The difficulties and problems which make the observance of celibacy trying or actually impossible for some , derive often enough from a priestly training which , because of profound changes that have taken place in recent times , is no longer entirely adequate to form a personality worthy of a ' man of God ' ( I Tim 6 , 11 ) ." ]
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[ "She passed the MCAS , Massachusetts ' high stakes test , on her last try and barely passed her math graduation requirements at our Boston Public School .", "For example , we have recently discovered that Arabidopsis exosome subunits are functionally nonequivalent , and their loss affects determination of plant embryo identity as well as expression of maternally imprinted genes in the developing seed .", "Internal consistency reliability = .87 and test-retest reliability = .72 .", "The second section of the paper is the introduction .", "\" The reader would take my finger and try and invisibly draw the diagram and I would try and remember the way it was laid out and try to keep all the information in my head , \" said Latif .", "Others have been tried but not yet sentenced ; at least a dozen more are still in detention .", "Would add that here in Brasil we have a few that do ot care for their pits as they should , with love and use them for fight , which is being strongly fighted against.On the other hand ( tried but not succeeded getting the report on ) yesterday our local TV Record showed an interview of over 10 minutes of Pits being used in help treatment of disabled people !", "This means that the continuity of corporate memory is broken and the organisation must depend more heavily on recorded information .", "Mr. Pfutzenreuter said that they have tried but not done as good a job as with academic units .", "Requires BSEE or MSEE , microwave design experience , and 6 years experience managing engineering projects including microwave design , schedules , budgets , and proposals .", "Perhaps now , after 30 years of trying and apparently \" flat-lining \" in our attempts to raise the reading achievement of children through schemes that largely ignore the literacy education needs of the children 's parents , it may be time to acknowledge the existence of the adult education and literacy system and to provide the funding and other resources it needs to produce genuine and extensive improvements in the literacy and lives of adults .", "'' In examining the historical relationship between imperialism and the semantics of sovereignty , this paper will look at Japanese efforts to interject Western ( post-Westphalian ) concepts of sovereignty into Choson 's dynastic rituals , and the effect such acts of `` translation '' might have had on early 20th century narratives of Korean nationhood and selfhood .", "I have personal experience of someone else trying or actually taking credit for the work of someone else in the business world , and in institutions of higher learning .", "The function of these illustrations was initially to provide an anticipatory set for the serial reader , then subsequently a handy aide memoire so that , as the date of release for the next number approached , the reader could quickly refresh his memories of characters and relationships thus far introduced .", "We shall realize that He loved us wretched sinners so much indeed that He gave us His only-begotten Son into death for us .", "Students create a fully rigged character model while learning their way around a state-of-the-art 3D animation program .", "Indicate other brands / models considered or tried but not selected .", "His wife came every day , and he clung to her like a child .", "And I thank - - Mr. Duelfer , I appreciate you coming here at a very sensitive political time .", "\" The proposals , which the commission warned would be expensive , include several ideas that experts say are unprecedented , and others that have been tried but not so comprehensively .", "] The difficulties and problems which make the observance of celibacy trying or actually impossible for some , derive often enough from a priestly training which , because of profound changes that have taken place in recent times , is no longer entirely adequate to form a personality worthy of a ' man of God ' ( I Tim 6 , 11 ) ." ]