[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ | β–‘
[lemma=β–‘] β–‘ | β–‘
[ "The DPRK has also not resolved the issue of Japanese abductees .", "We all have a job to do to protect this expansion and keep the lid on inflation , which is the best guarantee against rising interest rates .", "When considering this game for your family , be sure to pay close attention to the specifications of your computer .", "Recall that when Dunne repeated the tipster 's statement , he seemed , at most , to insinuate - rather than actually making a `` statement '' - that Condit might have been actively involved in Levy 's murder .", "In Eve ( 1950 ) a vast ochre field of almost uniform value has a zip on the right edge , indicating the encroachment of forbidden knowledge and original sin , perhaps .", "He said it to Harold and I. DR .", "On the other hand , lots of American companies made tons of money too and the German market supported thousands of jobs , with all the gain that implies .", "But that problem may had been overcome if the terrorist were able to assemble the bomb in the plane 's bathroom while traveling from Athens to New York and then just left the bomb on the plane .", "In this area of the project problems shall be stochastically modelled , analysed and simulated that are connected with the economical questions which are described in A.4 and A.5 .", "Fixing the things you see as a problem may have no effect whatsoever on this enemy .", "The scale problem may be illustrated by the evaporation of water intercepted by tree crowns , which has been shown to contribute so largely to excessive forest evaporation .", "To do this , you must not come across as disrespectful or unappreciative of the work the employee is doing .", "A doctor who suspects an alcohol problem may ask a number of questions regarding drinking habits in order to get an indication of the amount of drinking .", "Some kid with time on his / her hands hangs around IRC chat or reads some of the references given below .", "If we ca n't come up with the answers , then we should look outside of our disciplines to engage other resources .", "But they have n't come up with an antidote to SARS .", "Ideas are logically grouped within parts of the essay , but there is little or no evidence of logical sequencing of ideas .", "Damned shame , too .", "The question in this case is this : did the initial jury that deadlocked ( causing the judge to impose the mandatory statutory penalty of life without parole ) in effect agree that the prosecution had not proved its case ?", "Philosophers have tried to do this for ages , and have not come up with complete categorizations of the world .", "I did n't come up smelling like a rose .", "Comus had mentioned Miss de Frey at luncheon that day , casually and dispassionately ; if the subject of the dinner guests had not come up he would probably not have mentioned her at all .", "But perceiving that the design of Hannibal in this proceeding was both to acquire a large supply of money and at the same time to check the ardor of his enemies in battle , by opening to their view the means of safety , even though they should be conquered , they were so far from yielding to this request , that they showed no regard either to the distressed condition of their fellow citizens , or to the services that might be expected from the prisoners : but resolved to disappoint the hopes and frustrate the intentions of this general , by rejecting all terms of ransom .", "It may be that in Ozick 's view other historical events beside the Holocaust require restrictions on the fiction writer 's imagination , but these other events did not come up .", "However , in the case of the item noted the grantee is a very large state grantee with several hundred grant documents totaling billions of dollars .", "I still could n't come up with an answer that was appropriate and honest .", "In the end , Romney ’ s biggest problem may be not his religion β€” Romney is a Mormon β€” but statements he made during his past races in Massachusetts , in which he was far more liberal on the issues of abortion and gay rights than he is today .", "'' Petitioner 's Post-Hearing Brief at 14 .", "During the first year the staff will be working closely with the office 's advisory board and the Office of Medical Development to expand the vision for future years and to initiate a fundraising campaign to support the effort .", "The Japanese constitutional convention did n't come up with a constitution that we deemed acceptable , so we wrote the Japanes Constitution ourselves .", "Congress and the President could be given a time limit and held in contempt and jailed if they did not come up with a solution .", "\" I was surprised to see the failure of this software system because I think in a way that this kind of managerial logistics is perceived to be Japan 's strength , Japan is good at meticulously managing these kinds of managerial procedures , but they could not come up with a workable system .", "In Nagaland women are the primary gatherers of forest resources , such as varieties of wild vegetables , non-timber forest products , fuel wood and fodder , to meet household needs ." ]
[lemma=problem] [tag=MD] | [β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=problem] [tag=MD] | [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[ "The DPRK has also not resolved the issue of Japanese abductees .", "We all have a job to do to protect this expansion and keep the lid on inflation , which is the best guarantee against rising interest rates .", "When considering this game for your family , be sure to pay close attention to the specifications of your computer .", "Recall that when Dunne repeated the tipster 's statement , he seemed , at most , to insinuate - rather than actually making a `` statement '' - that Condit might have been actively involved in Levy 's murder .", "In Eve ( 1950 ) a vast ochre field of almost uniform value has a zip on the right edge , indicating the encroachment of forbidden knowledge and original sin , perhaps .", "He said it to Harold and I. DR .", "On the other hand , lots of American companies made tons of money too and the German market supported thousands of jobs , with all the gain that implies .", "But that problem may had been overcome if the terrorist were able to assemble the bomb in the plane 's bathroom while traveling from Athens to New York and then just left the bomb on the plane .", "In this area of the project problems shall be stochastically modelled , analysed and simulated that are connected with the economical questions which are described in A.4 and A.5 .", "Fixing the things you see as a problem may have no effect whatsoever on this enemy .", "The scale problem may be illustrated by the evaporation of water intercepted by tree crowns , which has been shown to contribute so largely to excessive forest evaporation .", "To do this , you must not come across as disrespectful or unappreciative of the work the employee is doing .", "A doctor who suspects an alcohol problem may ask a number of questions regarding drinking habits in order to get an indication of the amount of drinking .", "Some kid with time on his / her hands hangs around IRC chat or reads some of the references given below .", "If we ca n't come up with the answers , then we should look outside of our disciplines to engage other resources .", "But they have n't come up with an antidote to SARS .", "Ideas are logically grouped within parts of the essay , but there is little or no evidence of logical sequencing of ideas .", "Damned shame , too .", "The question in this case is this : did the initial jury that deadlocked ( causing the judge to impose the mandatory statutory penalty of life without parole ) in effect agree that the prosecution had not proved its case ?", "Philosophers have tried to do this for ages , and have not come up with complete categorizations of the world .", "I did n't come up smelling like a rose .", "Comus had mentioned Miss de Frey at luncheon that day , casually and dispassionately ; if the subject of the dinner guests had not come up he would probably not have mentioned her at all .", "But perceiving that the design of Hannibal in this proceeding was both to acquire a large supply of money and at the same time to check the ardor of his enemies in battle , by opening to their view the means of safety , even though they should be conquered , they were so far from yielding to this request , that they showed no regard either to the distressed condition of their fellow citizens , or to the services that might be expected from the prisoners : but resolved to disappoint the hopes and frustrate the intentions of this general , by rejecting all terms of ransom .", "It may be that in Ozick 's view other historical events beside the Holocaust require restrictions on the fiction writer 's imagination , but these other events did not come up .", "However , in the case of the item noted the grantee is a very large state grantee with several hundred grant documents totaling billions of dollars .", "I still could n't come up with an answer that was appropriate and honest .", "In the end , Romney ’ s biggest problem may be not his religion β€” Romney is a Mormon β€” but statements he made during his past races in Massachusetts , in which he was far more liberal on the issues of abortion and gay rights than he is today .", "'' Petitioner 's Post-Hearing Brief at 14 .", "During the first year the staff will be working closely with the office 's advisory board and the Office of Medical Development to expand the vision for future years and to initiate a fundraising campaign to support the effort .", "The Japanese constitutional convention did n't come up with a constitution that we deemed acceptable , so we wrote the Japanes Constitution ourselves .", "Congress and the President could be given a time limit and held in contempt and jailed if they did not come up with a solution .", "\" I was surprised to see the failure of this software system because I think in a way that this kind of managerial logistics is perceived to be Japan 's strength , Japan is good at meticulously managing these kinds of managerial procedures , but they could not come up with a workable system .", "In Nagaland women are the primary gatherers of forest resources , such as varieties of wild vegetables , non-timber forest products , fuel wood and fodder , to meet household needs ." ]
[lemma=the]? [lemma=β–‘]
[lemma=the]? [lemma=phase]
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
[lemma=the]? [β–‘=β–‘]
[lemma=the]? [lemma=β–‘]
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
[lemma=β–‘]? β–‘
[lemma=the]? β–‘
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
[lemma=the]? β–‘
[lemma=the]? [β–‘]
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
[lemma=the]? [β–‘]
[lemma=the]? [β–‘=β–‘]
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
β–‘? β–‘
[β–‘]? β–‘
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
[β–‘=β–‘]? β–‘
[lemma=β–‘]? β–‘
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
β–‘? β–‘
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
[β–‘]? β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘]? β–‘
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "The phased retiree 's earned income will be subject to FICA payroll taxes as well as income tax .", "As a result of grassroots activism , several states are now phasing out MTBE .", "I must say that I think the United States has been really making a serious effort as a mediator , although it a quote mediator unquote and a quote intermediary unquote .", "Some facilities were also created for technical training of the disabled .", "There are over 60mil gun owners in the US .", "The United Kingdom so far has resisted a phased approach to a transatlantic open-skies agreement , saying that it wants a bigger deal that would open up all U.S. markets as well as international routes immediately .", "If you would like to have your events / job postings listed on NESEA 's Events Digest , please email your listing by the 15th of the month preceding your event .", "Although Ohio EPA is now lifting the restriction on placing waste in Phase 1 of Cell M , the Agency is requesting that for the next 60 days ESOI not place waste near the Phase 1 bubble area so a consultant for the City of Oregon has an opportunity to review the site and the investigative reports .", "For realistic emissions scenarios , the ozone depletion contribution to radiative forcing is positive ( since the phase out of ozone-depleting substances leads to a recovery of stratospheric ozone levels ) and small ( since the total ozone depletion effect to date is small - - only a few tenths W / m2 ) .", "The supplemental experience must have been gained in a work situation where the program or project required the joint application of full professional knowledge of forestry and the related professions in the solving of highly technical and complex problems ; where the work was largely concerned with the planning , developmental , and administrative phases of multiple-use , forest land management programs ; or with the carrying out of related research or special projects of a similar nature .", "Gain management experience through internships , part-time employment , or leadership in relevant student organizations .", "Not a case came up for discussion in which he registered that one or another outcome was just wrong , outrageous to a sense of decency , or to him .", "The reason for retrieving the phasing cable was that it was determined that the original phasing cable installed was one half lambda and it should have been a quarter lambda .", "No rights to a later full pension ( adjusted actuarially ) shall be abridged as a result of the phased retirement .", "Developed several web-based internet / intranet applications using php and mysql backends such as web sites for small businesses in which the owner can update the content without having to know HTML , ASPs and online merchants .", "The increase in new and increased credit limits was offset by an increase in cancellations and reductions , reflecting both increased competition in the credit card market and the initial phasing out of a key credit card product .", "The accord describes copying permitted under the Blanket Licence and defines Course Pack copying .", "Time to Acknowledge .", "If MTBE is phased out and ethanol is not used , the alternative is for oil companies to reformulate their gasoline .", "The proposed directive , which would apply to virtually all electronics sold in the European Union , recommends that the use of lead , mercury , cadmium , hexavalent chromium , and halogenated flame retardants be phased out by 1 January 2004 .", "Sutphin said this phase will be completed by the end of the year , and he expects to begin implementing the task force 's suggestions as early as next January by phasing in recommendations as they are endorsed by the appropriate faculty and administrative groups .", "Wireless users on the Rogers Hosted Email Solution can synchronize all of their data .", "A resolution procedure then solves this system through alternate propagation and labelling phases .", "MHMR conducted its facilities assessment in two phases : a needs assessment and a facilities assessment , which documented deficiencies and determined the expected life cycles of agency buildings and equipment .", "In connection with a proper theory of nucleation , the model is able to describe the evolution of the precipitate structure in the classical stages of nucleation , growth and coarsening as well as interaction of precipitates of different phases , of different chemical composition and of different sizes via diffusion in the matrix .", "We propose a new methodology for transforming anonymized traces of packet headers into application-neutral models of network traffic .", "As the ERISA Advisory Council task force on phased retirement noted , making Medicare the primary ( not secondary ) payer for workers over 65 with other health plans could encourage the employers to offer phased retirement .", "A non-recursive convolution filter can be designed in such a way that the phase distortion manifests itself simply as a time delay between the input and the output with the waveform being otherwise unmodified by the phase response .", "You may use the main entrance of the Kellogg or Dental Buildings to reach the Library .", "The William Hamilton house is presently owned by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Peterborough .", "For lower , but not too small driving forces the site fractions of the substitutional components remain constant in both phases except a thin concentration spike which occurs at the austenite side of the interface .", "It was soon after ordered to Dalton , and placed in Scott 's brigade with the Twelfth Louisiana , and Thirty-fifth , Forty-ninth , Fifty-fifth , and Fifty-seventh Alabama regiments - Loring 's division , Stewart 's corps .", "Therefore the request for comments rightly addresses ways to accomplish the phased retirement while retaining a livable income .", "Grades below B are generally unacceptable in graduate school .", "The prevailing tendencies and the belief in doctrine , could have resulted in a slack [ relajo ] in our organization .", "Based on his experience with Schmidt , Ediger believed Schmidt had experience which warranted classifying him as an architectural engineer .", "The Council reiterated its urgent appeal to the parties to increase the phased and orderly return of refugees and displaced persons , particularly to minority areas .", "Does your loved one seem demanding ?", "Although fertilizer subsidies should be carefully phased out , a case can be made for a temporary subsidy in those landlocked and food-deficit countries where markets are distorted , infrastructure is inadequate , environmental externalities are positive , and poverty is all-pervasive .", "The phased retirement option would have to be available to all workers who are vested and qualified to receive a full pension , if it is to be non-discriminatory .", "Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation ( coarsening ) behavior of alloys .", "See Vanderbilt 's Conference Ex .", "'' The stone-faced judges , with their black robes , and their imposing frowns , looked down at them and listened carefully to every word .", "An interesting detail about the horn call at this section 's opening is that the fourth note , B-flat , is held for 13 measures so that it serves as a bass to the dolce violin melody that follows ." ]
[ "Funds for the gift came from an antitrust settlement that 21 states reached with six major vitamin manufacturers who were fixing vitamin prices .", "You will have a personal tutor as well as tutors in individual subjects and they work with you to monitor your progress , as well as offering pastoral support and other help .", "Mr. Adams asked about legal liabilities for graduates of this program if they refer to themselves as \" software engineer \" and if the courses offered contain any ethical content .", "- - - - - Learn about Kama Sutra , Tantra and other sexual disciplines from Suzie Human at .", "Inadequate maintenance of an electric utility 's facilities can also lead to unexpected hazards for contract employees .", "In and around the Vatican City there are numerous hawkers handing out flyers offering meal-deals for restaurants in the vicinity .", "Reviewers should abstain from grading if the subject is outside the reviewer ( s ) area of expertise .", "In conjunction with the National Council of Churches and the Congress of National Black Churches , HUD has organized a series of information seminars at which HUD officials discuss its $ 10 million loan guarantee rebuilding fund , with architects , lawyers , and construction specialists available to offer specific assistance .", "They need to be able to do more than offer an employer a monetary amount to bring closure .", "The year 2003 will offer lawyers opportunities , more than technology , which they may not realize are coming .", "What if we do not fix it today ?", "In return , the law school offers opportunities for alumni to stay in touch with the school and each other , fostering professional relationships among the Loyola law community .", "If the full Senate will not , it is up to the President to stand up to this back door assault on our nation 's wildlife and wildlands .", "For his Ph.D. thesis ' Learning object nouns with visual processes ' he worked in the fields of pattern recognition , speech understanding , and integration with the goal to create an interactive system for learning unknown objects .", "The role of biodiversity in ecosystem function continues to be debated , although the role of individual species or functional groups is well established .", "The latest and greatest in both rhododendrons and companions will be offered , including new cultivars not previously available .", "you will find the details of this offer on the World Wide Web \" at the CODOH web site .", "Note that case 8 may arise between the time when the CA operator has generated the new key pair and the time when the CA operator stores the updated attributes in the directory .", "I have always been concerned about the limited educational choice offered to parents of children aged 16 and above .", "They endorsed a proposal to offer faster , deeper , and broader debt relief for those countries demonstrating a commitment to reform and poverty alleviation .", "Since scripting languages are typically untyped , scripts often contain hidden bugs that a type system may catch .", "And lastly , suppose that I obtain audience of the Sultan , what offering is there I can submit to the King 's majesty ?", "Word offers an incredible array of tools to help you improve your writing .", "NLS plans to build a Trusted Digital Repository to manage digital resources and preserve and provide access to them over the long-term .", "Conversely , if a charity stays within the guidelines for a long period of time , would they qualify for government funding for new programs ?", "This working group has been very successful and as of this date has produced three Internet drafts that are currently progressing through the standards track to eventual status as an accepted Internet standard .", "In addition , ownership by a spouse or family member subjects the participant 's desired ultimate disposition of the policy proceeds to risks associated with changes in family relationships or discord among family members .", "We are proud to be the first School of Social Work established at a Jesuit institution of higher learning , offering the Midwest 's only university-based doctorate in clinical social work , as well as the oldest School of Social Work at a Catholic university in North America .", "Phase II will finalize component designs with manufacturers in order to produce a test run of components .", "After Rados and I take time to shake hands with everyone in the room , Snezana - the center 's director and head psychologist - offers us chairs at a tiny table .", "It 's all there - - leeches , bugs , malnutrition , vomiting , exhaustion , mud and misery .", "The Tobacco Prevention Program now offers financial support to community organizations in the form of Opportunity Grants .", "She has a remarkably capable voice - everything from raspy bluesy to pure operatic soprano to wispy chanteuse to , well you name it .", "The BSE consists of the following procedures .", "A consideration of this issue may , in part , require an assessment of the value of the scholarships to be offered .", "iXsystems is a vendor of powerful computer systems built on free Unix systems .", "Chapters explore these \" limits \" through ethnographically grounded examples , and are framed by an introduction that offers one of the most comprehensive overviews of theories of meaning published in anthropology .", "Sprawl is the opposite of Smart Growth , which recycles existing buildings and land , conserves historic downtowns and residential neighborhoods , preserves farmland , maintains local community character , promotes a sense of community , and protects the environment for future generations .", "Petitioner withdrew the exhibits it had previously offered with respect to resident 16 , as these were no longer necessary ." ]
[ "Funds for the gift came from an antitrust settlement that 21 states reached with six major vitamin manufacturers who were fixing vitamin prices .", "You will have a personal tutor as well as tutors in individual subjects and they work with you to monitor your progress , as well as offering pastoral support and other help .", "Mr. Adams asked about legal liabilities for graduates of this program if they refer to themselves as \" software engineer \" and if the courses offered contain any ethical content .", "- - - - - Learn about Kama Sutra , Tantra and other sexual disciplines from Suzie Human at .", "Inadequate maintenance of an electric utility 's facilities can also lead to unexpected hazards for contract employees .", "In and around the Vatican City there are numerous hawkers handing out flyers offering meal-deals for restaurants in the vicinity .", "Reviewers should abstain from grading if the subject is outside the reviewer ( s ) area of expertise .", "In conjunction with the National Council of Churches and the Congress of National Black Churches , HUD has organized a series of information seminars at which HUD officials discuss its $ 10 million loan guarantee rebuilding fund , with architects , lawyers , and construction specialists available to offer specific assistance .", "They need to be able to do more than offer an employer a monetary amount to bring closure .", "The year 2003 will offer lawyers opportunities , more than technology , which they may not realize are coming .", "What if we do not fix it today ?", "In return , the law school offers opportunities for alumni to stay in touch with the school and each other , fostering professional relationships among the Loyola law community .", "If the full Senate will not , it is up to the President to stand up to this back door assault on our nation 's wildlife and wildlands .", "For his Ph.D. thesis ' Learning object nouns with visual processes ' he worked in the fields of pattern recognition , speech understanding , and integration with the goal to create an interactive system for learning unknown objects .", "The role of biodiversity in ecosystem function continues to be debated , although the role of individual species or functional groups is well established .", "The latest and greatest in both rhododendrons and companions will be offered , including new cultivars not previously available .", "you will find the details of this offer on the World Wide Web \" at the CODOH web site .", "Note that case 8 may arise between the time when the CA operator has generated the new key pair and the time when the CA operator stores the updated attributes in the directory .", "I have always been concerned about the limited educational choice offered to parents of children aged 16 and above .", "They endorsed a proposal to offer faster , deeper , and broader debt relief for those countries demonstrating a commitment to reform and poverty alleviation .", "Since scripting languages are typically untyped , scripts often contain hidden bugs that a type system may catch .", "And lastly , suppose that I obtain audience of the Sultan , what offering is there I can submit to the King 's majesty ?", "Word offers an incredible array of tools to help you improve your writing .", "NLS plans to build a Trusted Digital Repository to manage digital resources and preserve and provide access to them over the long-term .", "Conversely , if a charity stays within the guidelines for a long period of time , would they qualify for government funding for new programs ?", "This working group has been very successful and as of this date has produced three Internet drafts that are currently progressing through the standards track to eventual status as an accepted Internet standard .", "In addition , ownership by a spouse or family member subjects the participant 's desired ultimate disposition of the policy proceeds to risks associated with changes in family relationships or discord among family members .", "We are proud to be the first School of Social Work established at a Jesuit institution of higher learning , offering the Midwest 's only university-based doctorate in clinical social work , as well as the oldest School of Social Work at a Catholic university in North America .", "Phase II will finalize component designs with manufacturers in order to produce a test run of components .", "After Rados and I take time to shake hands with everyone in the room , Snezana - the center 's director and head psychologist - offers us chairs at a tiny table .", "It 's all there - - leeches , bugs , malnutrition , vomiting , exhaustion , mud and misery .", "The Tobacco Prevention Program now offers financial support to community organizations in the form of Opportunity Grants .", "She has a remarkably capable voice - everything from raspy bluesy to pure operatic soprano to wispy chanteuse to , well you name it .", "The BSE consists of the following procedures .", "A consideration of this issue may , in part , require an assessment of the value of the scholarships to be offered .", "iXsystems is a vendor of powerful computer systems built on free Unix systems .", "Chapters explore these \" limits \" through ethnographically grounded examples , and are framed by an introduction that offers one of the most comprehensive overviews of theories of meaning published in anthropology .", "Sprawl is the opposite of Smart Growth , which recycles existing buildings and land , conserves historic downtowns and residential neighborhoods , preserves farmland , maintains local community character , promotes a sense of community , and protects the environment for future generations .", "Petitioner withdrew the exhibits it had previously offered with respect to resident 16 , as these were no longer necessary ." ]
[ "Funds for the gift came from an antitrust settlement that 21 states reached with six major vitamin manufacturers who were fixing vitamin prices .", "You will have a personal tutor as well as tutors in individual subjects and they work with you to monitor your progress , as well as offering pastoral support and other help .", "Mr. Adams asked about legal liabilities for graduates of this program if they refer to themselves as \" software engineer \" and if the courses offered contain any ethical content .", "- - - - - Learn about Kama Sutra , Tantra and other sexual disciplines from Suzie Human at .", "Inadequate maintenance of an electric utility 's facilities can also lead to unexpected hazards for contract employees .", "In and around the Vatican City there are numerous hawkers handing out flyers offering meal-deals for restaurants in the vicinity .", "Reviewers should abstain from grading if the subject is outside the reviewer ( s ) area of expertise .", "In conjunction with the National Council of Churches and the Congress of National Black Churches , HUD has organized a series of information seminars at which HUD officials discuss its $ 10 million loan guarantee rebuilding fund , with architects , lawyers , and construction specialists available to offer specific assistance .", "They need to be able to do more than offer an employer a monetary amount to bring closure .", "The year 2003 will offer lawyers opportunities , more than technology , which they may not realize are coming .", "What if we do not fix it today ?", "In return , the law school offers opportunities for alumni to stay in touch with the school and each other , fostering professional relationships among the Loyola law community .", "If the full Senate will not , it is up to the President to stand up to this back door assault on our nation 's wildlife and wildlands .", "For his Ph.D. thesis ' Learning object nouns with visual processes ' he worked in the fields of pattern recognition , speech understanding , and integration with the goal to create an interactive system for learning unknown objects .", "The role of biodiversity in ecosystem function continues to be debated , although the role of individual species or functional groups is well established .", "The latest and greatest in both rhododendrons and companions will be offered , including new cultivars not previously available .", "you will find the details of this offer on the World Wide Web \" at the CODOH web site .", "Note that case 8 may arise between the time when the CA operator has generated the new key pair and the time when the CA operator stores the updated attributes in the directory .", "I have always been concerned about the limited educational choice offered to parents of children aged 16 and above .", "They endorsed a proposal to offer faster , deeper , and broader debt relief for those countries demonstrating a commitment to reform and poverty alleviation .", "Since scripting languages are typically untyped , scripts often contain hidden bugs that a type system may catch .", "And lastly , suppose that I obtain audience of the Sultan , what offering is there I can submit to the King 's majesty ?", "Word offers an incredible array of tools to help you improve your writing .", "NLS plans to build a Trusted Digital Repository to manage digital resources and preserve and provide access to them over the long-term .", "Conversely , if a charity stays within the guidelines for a long period of time , would they qualify for government funding for new programs ?", "This working group has been very successful and as of this date has produced three Internet drafts that are currently progressing through the standards track to eventual status as an accepted Internet standard .", "In addition , ownership by a spouse or family member subjects the participant 's desired ultimate disposition of the policy proceeds to risks associated with changes in family relationships or discord among family members .", "We are proud to be the first School of Social Work established at a Jesuit institution of higher learning , offering the Midwest 's only university-based doctorate in clinical social work , as well as the oldest School of Social Work at a Catholic university in North America .", "Phase II will finalize component designs with manufacturers in order to produce a test run of components .", "After Rados and I take time to shake hands with everyone in the room , Snezana - the center 's director and head psychologist - offers us chairs at a tiny table .", "It 's all there - - leeches , bugs , malnutrition , vomiting , exhaustion , mud and misery .", "The Tobacco Prevention Program now offers financial support to community organizations in the form of Opportunity Grants .", "She has a remarkably capable voice - everything from raspy bluesy to pure operatic soprano to wispy chanteuse to , well you name it .", "The BSE consists of the following procedures .", "A consideration of this issue may , in part , require an assessment of the value of the scholarships to be offered .", "iXsystems is a vendor of powerful computer systems built on free Unix systems .", "Chapters explore these \" limits \" through ethnographically grounded examples , and are framed by an introduction that offers one of the most comprehensive overviews of theories of meaning published in anthropology .", "Sprawl is the opposite of Smart Growth , which recycles existing buildings and land , conserves historic downtowns and residential neighborhoods , preserves farmland , maintains local community character , promotes a sense of community , and protects the environment for future generations .", "Petitioner withdrew the exhibits it had previously offered with respect to resident 16 , as these were no longer necessary ." ]
[ "Funds for the gift came from an antitrust settlement that 21 states reached with six major vitamin manufacturers who were fixing vitamin prices .", "You will have a personal tutor as well as tutors in individual subjects and they work with you to monitor your progress , as well as offering pastoral support and other help .", "Mr. Adams asked about legal liabilities for graduates of this program if they refer to themselves as \" software engineer \" and if the courses offered contain any ethical content .", "- - - - - Learn about Kama Sutra , Tantra and other sexual disciplines from Suzie Human at .", "Inadequate maintenance of an electric utility 's facilities can also lead to unexpected hazards for contract employees .", "In and around the Vatican City there are numerous hawkers handing out flyers offering meal-deals for restaurants in the vicinity .", "Reviewers should abstain from grading if the subject is outside the reviewer ( s ) area of expertise .", "In conjunction with the National Council of Churches and the Congress of National Black Churches , HUD has organized a series of information seminars at which HUD officials discuss its $ 10 million loan guarantee rebuilding fund , with architects , lawyers , and construction specialists available to offer specific assistance .", "They need to be able to do more than offer an employer a monetary amount to bring closure .", "The year 2003 will offer lawyers opportunities , more than technology , which they may not realize are coming .", "What if we do not fix it today ?", "In return , the law school offers opportunities for alumni to stay in touch with the school and each other , fostering professional relationships among the Loyola law community .", "If the full Senate will not , it is up to the President to stand up to this back door assault on our nation 's wildlife and wildlands .", "For his Ph.D. thesis ' Learning object nouns with visual processes ' he worked in the fields of pattern recognition , speech understanding , and integration with the goal to create an interactive system for learning unknown objects .", "The role of biodiversity in ecosystem function continues to be debated , although the role of individual species or functional groups is well established .", "The latest and greatest in both rhododendrons and companions will be offered , including new cultivars not previously available .", "you will find the details of this offer on the World Wide Web \" at the CODOH web site .", "Note that case 8 may arise between the time when the CA operator has generated the new key pair and the time when the CA operator stores the updated attributes in the directory .", "I have always been concerned about the limited educational choice offered to parents of children aged 16 and above .", "They endorsed a proposal to offer faster , deeper , and broader debt relief for those countries demonstrating a commitment to reform and poverty alleviation .", "Since scripting languages are typically untyped , scripts often contain hidden bugs that a type system may catch .", "And lastly , suppose that I obtain audience of the Sultan , what offering is there I can submit to the King 's majesty ?", "Word offers an incredible array of tools to help you improve your writing .", "NLS plans to build a Trusted Digital Repository to manage digital resources and preserve and provide access to them over the long-term .", "Conversely , if a charity stays within the guidelines for a long period of time , would they qualify for government funding for new programs ?", "This working group has been very successful and as of this date has produced three Internet drafts that are currently progressing through the standards track to eventual status as an accepted Internet standard .", "In addition , ownership by a spouse or family member subjects the participant 's desired ultimate disposition of the policy proceeds to risks associated with changes in family relationships or discord among family members .", "We are proud to be the first School of Social Work established at a Jesuit institution of higher learning , offering the Midwest 's only university-based doctorate in clinical social work , as well as the oldest School of Social Work at a Catholic university in North America .", "Phase II will finalize component designs with manufacturers in order to produce a test run of components .", "After Rados and I take time to shake hands with everyone in the room , Snezana - the center 's director and head psychologist - offers us chairs at a tiny table .", "It 's all there - - leeches , bugs , malnutrition , vomiting , exhaustion , mud and misery .", "The Tobacco Prevention Program now offers financial support to community organizations in the form of Opportunity Grants .", "She has a remarkably capable voice - everything from raspy bluesy to pure operatic soprano to wispy chanteuse to , well you name it .", "The BSE consists of the following procedures .", "A consideration of this issue may , in part , require an assessment of the value of the scholarships to be offered .", "iXsystems is a vendor of powerful computer systems built on free Unix systems .", "Chapters explore these \" limits \" through ethnographically grounded examples , and are framed by an introduction that offers one of the most comprehensive overviews of theories of meaning published in anthropology .", "Sprawl is the opposite of Smart Growth , which recycles existing buildings and land , conserves historic downtowns and residential neighborhoods , preserves farmland , maintains local community character , promotes a sense of community , and protects the environment for future generations .", "Petitioner withdrew the exhibits it had previously offered with respect to resident 16 , as these were no longer necessary ." ]
[lemma=","]* [tag=β–‘]
[lemma=","]* [tag=CC]
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
[lemma=","]* [β–‘=β–‘]
[lemma=","]* [tag=β–‘]
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
[lemma=β–‘]* β–‘
[lemma=","]* β–‘
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
[lemma=","]* β–‘
[lemma=","]* [β–‘]
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
[lemma=","]* [β–‘]
[lemma=","]* [β–‘=β–‘]
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
β–‘* β–‘
[β–‘]* β–‘
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
[β–‘=β–‘]* β–‘
[lemma=β–‘]* β–‘
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
β–‘* β–‘
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
[β–‘]* β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘]* β–‘
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "His innovations there were to determine the course of formal training for lawyers in the United States from then until now .", "But that is not the intent of cost-benefit analysis .", "Which is , perhaps , why people often prefer to see it that way - simply because it 's more comforting .", "Grab a wrap stuffed with chicken or shrimp , or a sandwich of pork , smoked chicken or chicken tenders .", "In fact , both the Constitution and common sense require that the federal role in regulatory affairs be carefully defined .", "I just ca not see them anymore .", "Adams still lives in Houston , where his Oilers fought to attract attention away from the Cowboys in Texas before relocating to Tennessee in 1997 .", "The Albany Board of Education criticized the scholarship offer as \" a political stunt , \" but still installed a new principal , transferred nine teachers , added two assistant principals and pledged to spend an additional $ 125,000 for books , equipment and teacher training at Giffen .", "Your shaking effort is actually reduced , while your mixing efficiency is exponentially increased .", "High Art is an icy New York comedy that metamorphoses into a story of humiliation .", "One can consider also families of representations that are defined over rings of integers of number fields .", "But the taste and texture was n't the sort of buttery tenderness you 'd get from aged prime beef .", "The long list of mezethes , or appetizers , includes stuffed grape leaves ; hummus ; a feta cheese plate ; baba gannouj , an eggplant and yogurt dip served with pita ; and borek , a generous square of spinach and feta pie with thin layers of phyllo .", "State and local leaders had tried for years to improve them by increasing funding and staff , allowing schools more flexibility , and implementing new programs and methods .", "Do you cook with your kids ?", "Cleveland students may remain in public schools and receive funding for tutoring , obtain a scholarship to attend a nonreligious private school , or attend a public charter or magnet school .", "The Court expressly left open the question of \" a case involving some sort of public assistance ( for example , scholarships ) made available generally without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian , or public-nonpublic nature of the institution benefited .", "And not garlic salt , either .", "However , it would be much simpler to install Win95 first .", "`` It was interesting for me to say , these are good people .", "For dessert , we sampled Key lime pie and chocolate mousse , both creamy and rich .", "Grill items include burgers and hot dogs β€” top ' em with bleu cheese , bacon , sauerkraut , chili , cheese and onions , or just take ' em plain .", "In this case , therefore , we submit that the Theory as an entity cannot be defended .", "This sustained growth has served to strengthen economic conditions in areas that had lagged behind the rest of the state .", "The fact that parts of the Arctic Ocean are ice-free in the summer is said to be evidence that sea ice and the pack ice along the Arctic coast are disappearing ; but changing wind patterns pushing the ice around , not rising temperatures , are responsible for navigable Arctic waters .", "The goat cheese had been lightly crusted with walnuts and lay on a bed of greens , which had been enlivened by strips of red bell pepper , haricot verts and asparagus and dressed in a champagne vinaigrette .", "'' A few pro-independence forces are trying to fan the emotions of Taiwanese who do not understand the law , bringing them onto the streets , `` said Xu Bodong , a professor at Beijing Union University .", "Growing up in the 1960 's during the heyday of the Apollo missions had an indelible effect on Bill , who was an active model rocketeer .", "Horizon parents reported significantly less fighting , fewer guns and other weapons and less destruction of property than did public school parents .", "However , since the \" aid \" here is not for schools but students , they tend to harmonize with federal precedents .", "Although the chimichanga is not as massive as what 's dished up at other places ( the tightly rolled flour tortilla is fried and topped with cheese sauce ) , it 's not nearly as heavy , either .", "These items are arranged in fixed-form level tests .", "The quality does n't suffer , either .", "Hosanna in the highest heaven !", "So thanks to Congress , we have new abilities to help us prevent the entry of foods that may be unsafe .", "The PMC will generally meet monthly at a predetermined regularly scheduled time ( currently the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2 PM ) .", "The enormous Philly cheesesteak comes with grilled fresh mushrooms perfectly blended with the sliced steak , cheese and onions on a soft hoagie roll ." ]
[lemma=","]? [tag=PRP] [lemma=β–‘]
[lemma=","]? [tag=PRP] [lemma=argue]
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
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[lemma=","]? [tag=β–‘] β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma=","]? [tag=PRP] [β–‘=β–‘]
[lemma=","]? [tag=PRP] [lemma=β–‘]
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma=","]? β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=","]? [β–‘] β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma=","]? [β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=","]? [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma=","]? [tag=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=","]? [tag=PRP] β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma=","]? [tag=PRP] [β–‘]
[lemma=","]? [tag=PRP] [β–‘=β–‘]
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
β–‘ β–‘
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[β–‘]? β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘]? β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma=β–‘]? β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=","]? β–‘ β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma=","]? β–‘
[lemma=","]? β–‘ β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
β–‘? β–‘
[β–‘]? β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma=β–‘]? β–‘
[lemma=","]? β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[β–‘=β–‘]? β–‘
[lemma=β–‘]? β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma=","]? [tag=PRP] β–‘
[lemma=","]? [tag=PRP] [β–‘]
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
β–‘ β–‘
β–‘? β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
β–‘? β–‘ β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
β–‘? β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘]? β–‘ β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[β–‘]? β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘]? β–‘ β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[β–‘=β–‘]? β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=β–‘]? β–‘ β–‘
[ "We argue in the paper that there is no reason to expect that such abnormal returns would continue in future periods ; rather , a more plausible explanation is that these abnormal returns reflect a slow adjustment , as investors learn about the impact of governance on operating performance and agency costs .", "We argue that the presence of one institution 's multiple political veto players should be crucial for the effectiveness of central bank independence , but should have no impact on the efficacy of exchange-rate pegs .", "In addition , they argued that , in the absence of evidence of significant abuse , there is no reason to eliminate funds ' ability to rely on rule 134 and impose the burden of increased liability .", "`` It was going to be a complex-transaction environment , which meant that you could create a deep , broad customer base and mine the data .", "The registry will list the names and meanings of each application 's attributes .", "All fats have 9 calories per gram , compared to protein and carbohydrates , which have 4 calories per gram and alcohol which has 7 calories per gram .", "They improve and change the tours as they go along and as the collection changes .", "They argue that although rating systems may operate on a voluntary basis to begin with , they provide an all-too-easy target for legislators .", "A common secondary school religious syllabus is being prepared for the general-biblical instructions .", "That comes out to an extra year for someone first diagnosed in 1995 .", "We argue that the nature of an industry ’ s business environment and market concentration will determine firm preferences over different negotiation strategies .", "Indeed , she argued that based on the screening of Ms. Havlik 's application , none of the selection board members had the necessary familiarity .", "Most recently , she argued Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood , a challenge to New Hampshire ’ s restrictions on teens ’ access to abortion , before the United States Supreme Court .", "Specialisations : General legal practice , administrative law , arbitration , banking law , bankruptcy , constitutional law , conveyancing , corporate law , distributorship , agency and franchise law , employers liability , entertainment law , environmental law , family law , foreign investments , immigration law , industrial relations and labour law , insurance law , international contracts , international private law , litigation , maritime and admiralty law , negligence law , personal injury law , property and real estate law , rent and lease .", "The plans would mean that local people would not have the right , at a Public Inquiry , to challenge the principle , need for or location of major developments which would affect them .", "But the most important aspect of the U.N. - civil society relationship , she argued , is shaped by the question of power .", "They argue that discrimination occurs whenever a county inhibits the flow of goods or resources across state lines .", "But this is a bluff that Taiwanese nationalism could call .", "The most critical problem with this type of testimony lies in the difficulty most people have in assessing the contribution of additional predictive information to the likelihood of an unlikely event .", "In fact , they argued that there is no difference in packaging costs between block and barrel cheese .", ") or anyone taking revenue in the middle via chargeable store and forward services - over and above the normal store and forward which is inherent in EMAIL anyway .", "They argue for the deontological status of Buddhist precepts and the emotional and karmic consequences of all action : violence no matter how righteous always produces more violence and warriors no matter how virtuous suffer the consequences of war .", "John Essigmann is the newest holder of the Leitch Professorship in Residence for a five-year term beginning July 1 .", "Isolated reports came from foreign correspondents , and we were frightened by these reports .", "Clearly these simple experiments cannot hope to explain the complexities of investment behaviour in recent recessions : the article does not claim that financial accelerator effects were the single , or even the most important , determinant of corporate investment behaviour in the early 1990s recession .", "To the bitter end , the Palestinian street remained enamored of Saddam Hussein .", "They argue that streamlining information requirements would facilitate trade , since it would be an improvement upon existing ad hoc co-operation .", "Q If the President has asked Congress to give money to the Russians , how can he argue now to Congress that , yes , it 's a good place to send our money and , a , it 's good to send tax money there and , b , we can trust them in Bosnia ?", ") After that report , Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club brought legal action against the NEPDG and the Vice President , seeking the discovery of documents that , they argued , were subject to disclosure under FACA .", "Catalysts of this type are known as Core-Shell Catalysts .", "The American people are at their best when they tackle difficult issues and reaffirm their values by challenging their own assumptions .", "We argue that a good solution for the multi-class problem leads to schemes for larger structured graphical models such as conditional random fields .", "Appeal to reason solved all disagreements , she argued .", "In this article we argue on the extent of the right of Malaysian workers to collective bargaining in the context of the ILO standards .", "They argue , correctly in my view , that the New York Times , CBS News , and others distorted the news in an attempt to defeat Bush in 2004 .", "The Centre is directed by Pippa Skotnes and its members include Stephen Inggs , Fritha Langerman , Sandra Prosalendis and Gwen van Embden .", "But there was one exception : In 1999 , 53 percent responded that productivity had increased ; last year , that percentage fell to 46 percent .", "The database offers deep coverage of applicable areas of agriculture , ecosystem ecology , energy , environmental law , geography , marine and freshwater resources , public policy , social impacts , urban planning , and more .", "Decreasing liquidity has been a major problem , particularly among the companies with long-term power commitments .", "More recently , as attorney general of Colorado , she argued that the Endangered Species Act was unconstitutional .", "He offered some minor reforms , but the delegates rejected them : sovereignty , they argued , lay in the entire nation , not in the king .", "What good , they argued , had learning done in the past ?" ]
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [tag=IN | lemma=β–‘]?
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [tag=IN | lemma=an]?
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [tag=IN | β–‘=β–‘]?
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [tag=IN | lemma=β–‘]?
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [β–‘ | β–‘]?
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘]?
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [tag=IN | β–‘]?
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [tag=IN | β–‘=β–‘]?
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | word=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] β–‘
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] β–‘
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] β–‘?
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘]?
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [tag=β–‘ | β–‘]?
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] β–‘?
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [β–‘]?
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [tag=β–‘ | β–‘]?
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [tag=IN | β–‘]?
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma="," | word=β–‘] β–‘
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[lemma="," | β–‘] β–‘
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [β–‘]?
[lemma="," | word=Ashton] [β–‘ | β–‘]?
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma="," | β–‘] β–‘
[lemma="," | β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "Herbivores , like deer or horses , have specialised adaptations to suit them for this diet .", "Is it time to refresh the look and feel of your site ?", "Any member of the University community who experiences discrimination or harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Articles , or experts , on deep diving could provide the correct information .", "Checking can be minimized by allowing the posts to season properly before being pressure-treated .", "Women have , on average , a higher proportion of fat in their bodies so that a drowning woman would probably float for longer than a drowning man .", "Bats have marrow in their bones , just like any other mammal , but the extreme narrowness of their bones means that the marrow-filled cavities are proportionally smaller than in other mammals , effectively giving them lighter bones than other mammals , an alternative adaptation for flight .", "Positive behavioral and adjustment outcomes for youth presenting to crisis programs and emergency departments across the country were reported in all of the studies .", "Also , the heat sensors in your skin are much more interested in the RATE at which heat is being gained or lost , than the actual temperature .", "It may even be said that this work had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud .", "By Stefanie Olsen .", "The Chairman also noted that the plan could provide a voluntary individualized account in addition to the basic benefit .", "Upon acceptance of its report , an Ad Hoc committee shall be discharged with thanks .", "`` The platform makes it easy for advertisers to leverage the benefits of search engine marketing across a wide base of distribution .", "Scientists are still unsure how much other things , like diet or exercise might help prevent diabetes , but it 's a very good idea to eat well and be active if someone has a family history of the disease .", "Cocaine blockade of DAT leads to increased extracellular dopamine , an effect widely considered to be the primary cause of the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine .", "Also commonly used are tulip and gladiolus , which , like lily , are available from florists .", "In 1997 , during the last Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act , a College Cost Commission was established to try to address the challenges .", "On the one hand , we want to encourage as much simplification of the need analysis as possible , on the other hand , the addition of tax credits and other measures has made it more complex to determine what families can be expected to contribute toward college expenses .", "The Messaging Suite is a free download from Psion 's web site and allows for both the sending and receiving of faxes .", "Any member of the University community who experiences sexual harassment should immediately report the incident to the Affirmative Action Office , a sexual harassment resource person , an administrator in his or her department or unit , or the Office of Human Resources .", "Each candidate completes four semester-length units of coursework .", "These , like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , can be activated by Phase I enzymes and form DNA adducts .", "Bar leaders have long insisted that such restrictions are motivated solely by concerns to protect the public rather than the profession .", "The President , on behalf of the Board of Directors shall submit the report as acted upon at an appropriate meeting of the Club .", "The ACT Government has committed $ 10 million over the next three years for the Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens .", "The main reasons why a false positive reaction might be suspected in the GPMT are collated in Table 1 ; the rationale also could be applied to other guinea pig tests .", "A statewide database of probate court mental health records is maintained for the purpose of supplying data to the NICS .", "`` '' Studies show that food safety is the top consumer concern today .", "Completely saturated / hydrogenated fats are basically a straight chain of carbons , like this ...", "The Fellowships in Museum Practice program is specially designed for mid-level and senior level staff who seek to strengthen their understanding of museum functions and their leadership capabilities .", "Campbell went ballistic ( the phrase is more than usually apt ) ." ]
[lemma=the] [word=body | lemma=β–‘]
[lemma=the] [word=body | lemma=crew]
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[lemma=the] [word=β–‘ | β–‘]
[lemma=the] [word=body | β–‘]
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[lemma=the] [word=body | β–‘=β–‘]
[lemma=the] [word=body | lemma=β–‘]
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[lemma=the] [β–‘]
[lemma=the] [β–‘ | β–‘]
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[lemma=the] [β–‘ | β–‘]
[lemma=the] [β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘]
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[lemma=the] [word=body | β–‘]
[lemma=the] [word=body | β–‘=β–‘]
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=the] β–‘
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[lemma=the] [β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘]
[lemma=the] [word=β–‘ | β–‘]
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[lemma=the] β–‘
[lemma=the] [β–‘]
[ "It is difficult to estimate the cost for maintaining an employee in this program .", "Clinical phenotypes include marked skin fragility , blisters , and erosions over trauma-prone parts of the body .", "They believed you could be changed into a tree from grief .", "Although normal operations were delayed a day due to the scattered arrivals of the new crew , Dr. Patrick Diel attempted to use the Musk Observatory on the crew 's first night at the habitat .", "The paper concludes by suggesting strategies to lower the rates of alcohol related social disorder in rural regions .", "For more than 12 hours , the crew was stranded at the top of the world before they were rescued .", "China 's fashion , arts and cultural community has enjoyed somewhat of a renaissance of late .", "A person who can \" hold their liquor \" is starting to adapt to frequent presence of the drug in the body , and this is an early sign of addiction .", "Now all that remains is to dispose of the body , a matter to which I must personally attend .", "The central committee do not even fix the make of the boats , and the labour of the crews is purely voluntary , though it involves tremendous exertion and is so perilous that , on an average , two men of each crew are drowned every year .", "The crews are often cramped into small living spaces and have often limited communications with their families and mission managers , thousands of miles away .", "'' I would like to start by providing a brief overview of the role , mandate and priorities of our Office .", "In Fall 2004 , Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that , because of over-classification , '' access [ is ] more difficult than was the case even at the height of the Cold War .", "The Crews decision , states Petitioner , \" was based on the interpretation of Virginia law governing nursing home administrators .", "As head of the Department of Physical Education , Bezdek was also expected to breathe renewed life into the program of physical conditioning that the College ostensibly required of all students .", "Governors should be guided by the principle that information technology is an `` enabler .", "It 's like going into a dark room and feeling around , finding the walls , and then finding the switch to turn on the lights .", "The crews were scheduled to visit at least two other bases that day but those plans were dashed since one base had received mortar fire that day and the other was considered too dangerous due to a huge sandstorm that blew in .", "For example , the html <body bgcolor=red> makes the body have a red background .", "After a flurry of catch-up packing at the hotel , the crew was on its way to the MDRS .", "Students wishing to then enroll in a directed reading course must submit a detailed learning contract ( approved by the faculty supervisor ) to the Director of the graduate program in Integrated Studies .", "They thus have far more in common with basketball and backgammon than with a movie like Gone With the Wind .", "`` It will discuss the role political and cultural elites play to face this phenomenon , and will examine means to guarantee that violence will be prevented from re-appearing in the future .", "'' Audley Court was not an attractive locality .", "So , the road will still need to be closed when the crews are at work , which will be during the afternoon and evening to take advantage of low tides .", "When the body \" burns \" food to produce energy , oxygen is used and carbon dioxide and heat are produced .", "Must have excellent oral , written , and facilitation skills .", "Once aboard a plane , there 's no getting off until the crew says so .", "Existing freight train crew and unit costs savings were based on cost data that was obtained from the U.S. DOT , CSX , NS , and a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey publication.19 The crew cost was valued at $ 175 per hour , based on the cost of a train comprised of one locomotive pulling 100 FEUs for 16 hours ( equivalent to approximately 300 miles ) .", "Improper payments for these services may be withheld or collected from the providers .", "This is the same as the budget request and the fiscal year 2005 level ." ]
[tag=DT] [!lemma=β–‘]
[tag=DT] [!lemma=eocene]
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
[tag=DT] [!β–‘=β–‘]
[tag=DT] [!lemma=β–‘]
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
[tag=DT] β–‘
[tag=DT] [β–‘]
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
[tag=DT] [β–‘]
[tag=DT] [!β–‘]
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
[tag=DT] [!β–‘]
[tag=DT] [!β–‘=β–‘]
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
[tag=β–‘] β–‘
[tag=DT] β–‘
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[tag=β–‘] β–‘
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
[β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[ "The Turkmen statistics note a dynamic increase in wages paid by the state-run enterprises and consumer cooperative societies , which has led to a reduction in the difference between the salaries of public sector workers and the staff of joint ventures and foreign companies .", "Ozone can cause shortness of breath , coughing , wheezing , and eye and nose irritation .", "In an interview , Rogozin stated that , in the opinion of participants in Thursday 's Committee meeting , \" nothing positive has taken place / in Turkmenistan / since that time , but the situation is so complex that it requires more careful analysis .", "Torture should be an anachronism in the modern world , a thing of the past .", "Protocols must be submitted 7 days prior to Committee meetings .", "\" Groups are denied permission to meet publicly and have no choice but to operate under the threat of harsh reprisals , such as home raids , imprisonment , deportation , internal exile , house eviction and even torture .", "Talk to your local system administrator .", "More importantly , we who embrace Joint warfare and Joint doctrine know that AirLand Battle Doctrine for all its strengths and weaknesses helped airmen bridge the intellectual divide between the one line mentality and the modern notion of a military campaign .", "I tell them `` it takes two people '' and demonstrate that it does not move when I do it alone .", "Recently , we have found that z descriptors are good predictors of MHC binding peptides [ 19,20 ] .", "See EPIC 's statement for more details ." ]
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma="``"] [tag=β–‘]
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma="``"] [tag=MD]
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma="``"] [β–‘=β–‘]
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma="``"] [tag=β–‘]
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma="``"] β–‘
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma="``"] [β–‘]
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma="``"] [β–‘=β–‘]
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[word="''"] [β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[word="''"] [word=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[word="''"] [word=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[word="''"] [word=We | β–‘] β–‘
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[word="''"] [word=We | β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[word="''"] [β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[word="''"] [β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma="``"] β–‘
[word="''"] [word=We | lemma="``"] [β–‘]
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
[word="''"] [β–‘] β–‘
[word="''"] [β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "The choice between Flame and Laughter is actually fairly close .", "\" We might not notice the impact for a couple of decades .", "Thus , courts refuse to supply terms where barriers do not exist and at the same time willingly supply terms when barriers to greater contractual specificity do exist , by supplementing quantity terms with a good faith discretionary component .", "In this press release and in related comments by General Motors ' and General Motors Acceptance Corporation 's management , the use of the words \" expect , \" \" anticipate , \" \" estimate , \" \" forecast , \" \" initiative , \" \" objective , \" \" plan , \" \" goal , \" \" project , \" \" outlook , \" \" priorities , \" \" target , \" \" intend , \" \" evaluate , \" \" pursue , \" \" seek , \" \" may , \" \" would , \" \" could , \" \" should , \" \" believe , \" \" potential , \" \" continue , \" \" designed , \" \" impact , \" or the negative of any of those words or similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "In addition to Cowan ' s notebook , the library has received a diary , kept on a roll of shelf paper by Susan Goodwillie Stedman , one of the first two staff members to sign on with Wednesdays in Mississippi for the Freedom Summer .", "Downplaying the factsThe Czech exhibit in Prague will be larger and much more comprehensive than the one in New York .", "\" We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests ; as , for instance , that the same sun which ripens my beans illumines at once a system of earths like ours .", "\" \" We can expect that the next generation of GM crops will offer many new benefits in terms of added nutritional value , for example , through increased vitamin content or the elimination of food allergens .", "'' The establishment of regional power markets has generally improved systems reliability , and economies of scale in planning , construction and operation of generating and transmission facilities - thereby contributing to the development and integration of regional economies , `` he said .", "He will join either the ammunition development or technology branch of Picatinny Arsenal in Dover , N.J ., a research and development center for the United States Army , after graduation .", "But we should also work to develop core NATO peacekeeping procedures that will balance political acceptability and military effectiveness .", "\" We can now move forward with developing a market-based system that makes California a world leader in the effort to reduce carbon emissions , \" said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger .", "\" We can offer new teachers all these incentives \" but still have trouble attracting them \" because we're not paying them competitively \" compared to other professions , says Ted Thornton , human resources director for the Baltimore Public Schools .", "\" We wo n't stay .", "\" We wo n't have any shuttle flights .", "According to DOE , resumption of tritium production is essential for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile .", "Such statements are indicated by words such as \" expect , \" \" might , \" \" should , \" \" anticipate \" and similar words indicating uncertainty in facts and figures .", "In certain places , shafts of sunlight strike a spiral differently at the spring and autumn equinoxes , and the winter and summer solstices .", "The army and generals halted at the Temple of Fortune , undecided as to their line of action .", "\" \" Should Microsoft succeed in this endeavor , it will have achieved a high-margin license business that will be the envy of the other enterprise application vendors , \" the analysts said .", "Much of this information will be held in variables .", "learning depends on the supervision they receive during their clinical training .", "The site lists the names and addresses of more than 45 million people from the electoral register .", "Working through the United Nations or directly , the United States has an opportunity to engage with Damascus to mitigate the suffering of Iraqi refugees and the growing burden on Syria .", "\" We wo n't be able to stop this crisis overnight , but we will be taking positive steps towards healing the mental , physical , emotional and spiritual problems that plague our young people , \" said the National Chief .", "\" We might have something here now , the way this sets up and with the extra bodies we have now .", "\" We can track all that and it give better visibility and manageability across an enterprise .", "Oft-times I despair of men .", "Words such as \" believes , \" \" anticipates , \" \" plans , \" \" predicts , \" \" expects , \" \" envisions , \" \" hopes , \" \" estimates , \" \" intends , \" \" will , \" \" continue , \" \" may , \" \" potential , \" \" should , \" \" confident , \" \" could \" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements .", "When Bergman contacts him for advice on a cigarette fire-hazard story , he sends off a series of panicked faxes saying he \" ca n't , \" \" wo n't , \" and \" does n't want to \" talk about ANYTHING tobacco-related .", "And if the Constitution recognizes the right of property of the master in a slave , and makes no distinction between that description of property and other property owned by a citizen , no tribunal , acting under the authority of the United States , whether it be legislative , executive , or judicial , has a right to draw such a distinction or deny to it the benefit of the provisions and guaranties which have been provided for the protection of private property against the encroachments of the government .", "\" We can do almost everything here with the horses - - we can disk , plow , harvest - - and 70 percent of it is just as effective as with machines .", "\" We might make a fire in this pretty little room , and it would be quite snug , and we could wait here till the folks come home .", "A message sent to initiate a friendly shutdown of an MP + link .", "\" We might squabble and bicker amongst ourselves , \" says Jim , \" but when something happens like this , we always come together .", "In the stone age , among the lake dwellers , among the cave men , there were Don Quixotes and Sancho Panzas ; there must have been the troglodyte who never could see the facts before his eyes , and the troglodyte who could see nothing else .", "Common system interfaces help application developers decouple their design choices , thus making it easier for developers to respond to new opportunities and for suppliers to enhance their offerings .", "\" We wo n't argue with the dashing Frenchman , who 's been seducing diners with his elegant , sumptuous seafood at New York 's Le Bernardin for over a decade .", "Dr Nick Fisher , Head of Applied and Industrial Statistics at CSIRO and convenor of the congress , says \" We wo n't be just talking about numbers and graphs and equations at this congress .", "In other cases , the pump supplier recommended oversize pump bowls in order to require fewer stages , thereby reducing initial cost .", "So even if `` sovereignty '' and `` government '' are different notions , this neither means nor implies that the two could not apply to one and the same individual ( s ) ." ]