[lemma=differ] [tag=IN] [β–‘=β–‘]
[lemma=differ] [tag=IN] [lemma=β–‘]
[lemma=differ] [tag=IN] [tag=β–‘]
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[lemma=differ] β–‘
[lemma=differ] β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=differ] β–‘*
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[lemma=differ] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=differ] [tag=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=differ] [lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[lemma=differ] [tag=IN] β–‘
[lemma=differ] [tag=IN] [β–‘]
[lemma=differ] [tag=IN] β–‘*
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[lemma=differ] [tag=IN] [β–‘]
[lemma=differ] [tag=IN] [β–‘=β–‘]
[lemma=differ] [tag=IN] [β–‘ | β–‘]
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[lemma=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=differ] β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=that] β–‘ β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[lemma=differ] [β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=differ] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=differ] [!β–‘] β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[lemma=differ] β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=differ] [β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=differ] β–‘? β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=differ] β–‘
[lemma=that] β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
(β–‘ | β–‘) β–‘ β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘
[] β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[tag=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[tag=β–‘] β–‘
[ "In its effort to provide assistance to the New York City area following the terrorist attacks , the federal government provided aid in all categories of assistance - - initial response efforts , compensation for disaster-related costs and losses , infrastructure restoration and improvements , and economic revitalization - - that differed from that provided in any previous disaster .", "I suppose not , I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of both of them if the discussion could have been confined to this one subject and if there were not many other questions awaiting us , which he who desires to see in what respect the life of the just differs from that of the unjust must consider .", "Our ABE / GED curriculum perhaps differs in that it begins with an corresponding level Orientation module before entering into the Reading , Language , Math , and GED curriculums .", "Jordanian officials stressed yesterday that the campaign carried out by the army to arrest wanted citizens in Maan is continuous , though it is taking a shape that differs from that during the seven past days .", "Although in this species , the nucleus basalis has a neuronal distribution comparable to those described in man and other primate species , nevertheless it shows some major specific differences : 1 ) the anterior region ( Ch4a ) , located inferiorly to the interhemispheric intersection of the commissura anterior , differs in that it is not clearly divided into a medial and lateral portion ; 2 ) in the posterior region ( Ch4p ) , that is surrounded by the globus pallidus , the putamen and the optic tract , a significant increase of the interstitial component in the internal medullary lamina of the globus pallidus can be evidenced ; 3 ) a short cell interruption between the Ch4i and the Ch4p is present ; 4 ) distinctive neuronal and cytoarchitectural patterns are also observed .", "The degree with Honours differs in that it declares its specialisation and provides an extra year ( the Honours year ) of more advanced work in the chosen subject .", "They differed in that one class had four doses of Ac2 and the other class had none .", "Marcion 's theology only differed from that of the Gnostics of Syria and Egypt by its simplicity .", "For now , let us turn to the gospels of the New Testament to see how our Lord ’ s view of the Sabbath differed from that of religious leaders of His day .", "I beg to differ with that view .", "Gemini people are quick , active and alert in all their movements , habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes , which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs , although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurian stubborn , nevertheless , there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction ; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid , changeable and past finding out .", "Leading authorities on Minimalism , Conceptual art , institutional critique , and Performance art debate how Buren 's work corresponded to and differed from that of his peers in America .", "Its property differs from that of a crystal or an amorphous substance .", "It is , moreover to be observed , that the repentance which we are enjoined assiduously to cultivate , differs from that which raises , as it were , from death those who had fallen more shamefully , or given themselves up to sin without restraint , or by some kind of open revolt , had thrown off the authority of God .", ") in that it holds that the universe is contained in God , but differs in that it holds that God is more than the universe .", "As part of the Inquiry procedings , a research team at the Department of Epidemiology and Publich Health at Imperial College in London were commissioned to carry out a statistical comparison of the outcomes of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol with similar centres across England , to determine the extent to which Bristol 's performance differed from that in other hospitals .", "The conservative interpretation of the narrative differs from that of the radical school of critics , because it accepts the story as history or as having at least a historic basis , while they regard it as only one of the legends of Genesis ." ]
[ [ 51, 54 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 51, 54 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 24, 27 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 19, 22 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 55, 58 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [!lemma=β–‘]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [!lemma=author]
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[word=for | tag=JJ] β–‘
[word=for | tag=JJ] [β–‘]
[word=for | tag=JJ] (β–‘ | β–‘)
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [!β–‘=β–‘]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [!lemma=β–‘]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [!tag=β–‘]
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[word=for | β–‘] β–‘
[word=for | β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=for | !β–‘] β–‘
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[word=for | tag=β–‘] β–‘
[word=for | tag=JJ] β–‘
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [β–‘]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [!β–‘]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [β–‘ | β–‘]
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [!β–‘]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [!β–‘=β–‘]
[word=for | tag=JJ] [!(β–‘ | β–‘)]
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘
β–‘* β–‘
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[word=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[lemma=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[word=for | β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=for | tag=β–‘] β–‘
[word=for | lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[word=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[word=for | β–‘] β–‘
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘ | β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "The district saw its population increase dramatically when it became part of the less-than-successful Group Settlement Scheme after World War I. Part of the idea was to give Western Australia 's rural economy a boost by opening up more land for agriculture .", "Alternatively , for a scenic drive , avoid the Tanjil South turn-off and continue north past the Moondarra State Park , through the historic goldmining town , Walhalla , and on to Baw Baw National Park , Mount Erica and the Victorian Alps .", "Despite considerable achievements , the settlement was soon crippled by the nationwide depression of the 1890s , rabbit plagues , a devastating drought , dubious business associates , technical problems , transportation difficulties , settler dissatisfaction with and parliamentary hostility towards the brothers ' management , inflammatory press coverage , foreclosed mortgages and the liquidation , in 1894 , of Chaffey Brothers Ltd. George Chaffey returned to America but William remained to become a significant member of the business community .", "After holding a local audience of 2000 spellbound with his oratory for 90 minutes he sought financial backing for a fraudulent scheme to secede from Victoria and form the new state of ' Greater Mildura ' under his leadership .", "As the visitor enters from the north they are immediately presented with the Rotary Park where a steam engine and other historic memorabilia stand .", "By car you can follow Halls Rd then turn right into Scenic Drive .", "For a scenic drive , follow Old Thorpdale Road out of town , turn left at Dickies Hill Road and stop at the lookout at Dickies Hill Reserve ." ]
[ [ 31, 33 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]
[word=surveillance] [tag=β–‘]
[word=surveillance] [tag=NN]
[ "Israel has also provided aerial surveillance equipment , decoy drones , and armored construction equipment .", "\" Axel H. Horns of GILC member FITUG writes of a recent and urgent report regarding the German government 's intention to install a strict Internet surveillance infrastructure on provider 's expenses .", "If the technology is implemented irresponsibly , we as a society could experience it not as a wonderful convenience with many social benefits , but as a tool for consumer profiling and tracking - - in other words , as one part of a larger surveillance infrastructure .", "The syndromic surveillance software package was released in October 2002 and is available free of charge at .", "Also included in the president ’ s request is $ 500 million for some infrastructure improvements and surveillance equipment .", "So she established an Internet Lab - - eight computers with high-speed connections and sophisticated surveillance software - - that allows staffers to surf anonymously .", "This technology embodies all the features to enable the development of the kind of total surveillance infrastructure portrayed in Spielberg 's Minority Report .", "According to the report , the German government intends to impose on all Internet providers a duty to install and maintain a surveillance infrastructure like the FAPSI approach known from Russia for tapping Internet traffic on IP level .", "If we attempt to scale this approach to a large surveillance problem , the resulting multiple fields of view will not provide a concise fused view .", "Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry , such as : fire-fighting equipment ; guard and security / safety surveillance equipment ; medical facilities , laboratory facilities ; or communications equipment .", "The government also wants ISPs to install and monitor surveillance equipment themselves .", "America Online recently announced that it would be selling network surveillance software to businesses to monitor employee communications over AOL 's Instant Messenger ( AIM ) service .", "\" With their unequalled high bandwidth capabilities , the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology is very well suited to high definition surveillance equipment that must process multiple video streams simultaneously , \" \" iOmniscient 's internationally patented Non-Motion Detection engine ( the World 's only surveillance software to accurately operate in a crowd ) performs well on the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology .", "At the same time , the President or Prime Minister of each and every NATO member agreed to a set of commitments to modernise their forces in key areas such as strategic air transport , air-to-air tanker , precision guided munitions , ground surveillance equipment and logistic sustainability .", "Meanwhile , on 30 November , the Interior Ministry announced the creation of a media surveillance unit empowered to bring legal actions against the press .", "In March 2002 and March 2003 , the Trustees approved funding to a consortium of institutions led by the New York Academy of Medicine , in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and the University of Connecticut , to develop and disseminate easy-to-use syndromic surveillance software to help provide early warnings of a bioterrorist attack or disease outbreak ." ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 26, 28 ], [ 45, 47 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 22, 24 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 43, 45 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 47, 49 ] ]
[word=surveillance] [β–‘=β–‘]
[word=surveillance] [tag=β–‘]
[word=surveillance] [word=β–‘]
[ "Israel has also provided aerial surveillance equipment , decoy drones , and armored construction equipment .", "\" Axel H. Horns of GILC member FITUG writes of a recent and urgent report regarding the German government 's intention to install a strict Internet surveillance infrastructure on provider 's expenses .", "If the technology is implemented irresponsibly , we as a society could experience it not as a wonderful convenience with many social benefits , but as a tool for consumer profiling and tracking - - in other words , as one part of a larger surveillance infrastructure .", "The syndromic surveillance software package was released in October 2002 and is available free of charge at .", "Also included in the president ’ s request is $ 500 million for some infrastructure improvements and surveillance equipment .", "So she established an Internet Lab - - eight computers with high-speed connections and sophisticated surveillance software - - that allows staffers to surf anonymously .", "This technology embodies all the features to enable the development of the kind of total surveillance infrastructure portrayed in Spielberg 's Minority Report .", "According to the report , the German government intends to impose on all Internet providers a duty to install and maintain a surveillance infrastructure like the FAPSI approach known from Russia for tapping Internet traffic on IP level .", "If we attempt to scale this approach to a large surveillance problem , the resulting multiple fields of view will not provide a concise fused view .", "Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry , such as : fire-fighting equipment ; guard and security / safety surveillance equipment ; medical facilities , laboratory facilities ; or communications equipment .", "The government also wants ISPs to install and monitor surveillance equipment themselves .", "America Online recently announced that it would be selling network surveillance software to businesses to monitor employee communications over AOL 's Instant Messenger ( AIM ) service .", "\" With their unequalled high bandwidth capabilities , the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology is very well suited to high definition surveillance equipment that must process multiple video streams simultaneously , \" \" iOmniscient 's internationally patented Non-Motion Detection engine ( the World 's only surveillance software to accurately operate in a crowd ) performs well on the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology .", "At the same time , the President or Prime Minister of each and every NATO member agreed to a set of commitments to modernise their forces in key areas such as strategic air transport , air-to-air tanker , precision guided munitions , ground surveillance equipment and logistic sustainability .", "Meanwhile , on 30 November , the Interior Ministry announced the creation of a media surveillance unit empowered to bring legal actions against the press .", "In March 2002 and March 2003 , the Trustees approved funding to a consortium of institutions led by the New York Academy of Medicine , in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and the University of Connecticut , to develop and disseminate easy-to-use syndromic surveillance software to help provide early warnings of a bioterrorist attack or disease outbreak ." ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 26, 28 ], [ 45, 47 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 22, 24 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 43, 45 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 47, 49 ] ]
[word=surveillance] β–‘
[word=surveillance] [β–‘]
[word=surveillance] β–‘+
[ "Israel has also provided aerial surveillance equipment , decoy drones , and armored construction equipment .", "\" Axel H. Horns of GILC member FITUG writes of a recent and urgent report regarding the German government 's intention to install a strict Internet surveillance infrastructure on provider 's expenses .", "If the technology is implemented irresponsibly , we as a society could experience it not as a wonderful convenience with many social benefits , but as a tool for consumer profiling and tracking - - in other words , as one part of a larger surveillance infrastructure .", "The syndromic surveillance software package was released in October 2002 and is available free of charge at .", "Also included in the president ’ s request is $ 500 million for some infrastructure improvements and surveillance equipment .", "So she established an Internet Lab - - eight computers with high-speed connections and sophisticated surveillance software - - that allows staffers to surf anonymously .", "This technology embodies all the features to enable the development of the kind of total surveillance infrastructure portrayed in Spielberg 's Minority Report .", "According to the report , the German government intends to impose on all Internet providers a duty to install and maintain a surveillance infrastructure like the FAPSI approach known from Russia for tapping Internet traffic on IP level .", "If we attempt to scale this approach to a large surveillance problem , the resulting multiple fields of view will not provide a concise fused view .", "Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry , such as : fire-fighting equipment ; guard and security / safety surveillance equipment ; medical facilities , laboratory facilities ; or communications equipment .", "The government also wants ISPs to install and monitor surveillance equipment themselves .", "America Online recently announced that it would be selling network surveillance software to businesses to monitor employee communications over AOL 's Instant Messenger ( AIM ) service .", "\" With their unequalled high bandwidth capabilities , the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology is very well suited to high definition surveillance equipment that must process multiple video streams simultaneously , \" \" iOmniscient 's internationally patented Non-Motion Detection engine ( the World 's only surveillance software to accurately operate in a crowd ) performs well on the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology .", "At the same time , the President or Prime Minister of each and every NATO member agreed to a set of commitments to modernise their forces in key areas such as strategic air transport , air-to-air tanker , precision guided munitions , ground surveillance equipment and logistic sustainability .", "Meanwhile , on 30 November , the Interior Ministry announced the creation of a media surveillance unit empowered to bring legal actions against the press .", "In March 2002 and March 2003 , the Trustees approved funding to a consortium of institutions led by the New York Academy of Medicine , in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and the University of Connecticut , to develop and disseminate easy-to-use syndromic surveillance software to help provide early warnings of a bioterrorist attack or disease outbreak ." ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 26, 28 ], [ 45, 47 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 22, 24 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 43, 45 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 47, 49 ] ]
[word=surveillance] [β–‘]
[word=surveillance] [β–‘=β–‘]
[word=surveillance] [β–‘ | β–‘]
[ "Israel has also provided aerial surveillance equipment , decoy drones , and armored construction equipment .", "\" Axel H. Horns of GILC member FITUG writes of a recent and urgent report regarding the German government 's intention to install a strict Internet surveillance infrastructure on provider 's expenses .", "If the technology is implemented irresponsibly , we as a society could experience it not as a wonderful convenience with many social benefits , but as a tool for consumer profiling and tracking - - in other words , as one part of a larger surveillance infrastructure .", "The syndromic surveillance software package was released in October 2002 and is available free of charge at .", "Also included in the president ’ s request is $ 500 million for some infrastructure improvements and surveillance equipment .", "So she established an Internet Lab - - eight computers with high-speed connections and sophisticated surveillance software - - that allows staffers to surf anonymously .", "This technology embodies all the features to enable the development of the kind of total surveillance infrastructure portrayed in Spielberg 's Minority Report .", "According to the report , the German government intends to impose on all Internet providers a duty to install and maintain a surveillance infrastructure like the FAPSI approach known from Russia for tapping Internet traffic on IP level .", "If we attempt to scale this approach to a large surveillance problem , the resulting multiple fields of view will not provide a concise fused view .", "Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry , such as : fire-fighting equipment ; guard and security / safety surveillance equipment ; medical facilities , laboratory facilities ; or communications equipment .", "The government also wants ISPs to install and monitor surveillance equipment themselves .", "America Online recently announced that it would be selling network surveillance software to businesses to monitor employee communications over AOL 's Instant Messenger ( AIM ) service .", "\" With their unequalled high bandwidth capabilities , the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology is very well suited to high definition surveillance equipment that must process multiple video streams simultaneously , \" \" iOmniscient 's internationally patented Non-Motion Detection engine ( the World 's only surveillance software to accurately operate in a crowd ) performs well on the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology .", "At the same time , the President or Prime Minister of each and every NATO member agreed to a set of commitments to modernise their forces in key areas such as strategic air transport , air-to-air tanker , precision guided munitions , ground surveillance equipment and logistic sustainability .", "Meanwhile , on 30 November , the Interior Ministry announced the creation of a media surveillance unit empowered to bring legal actions against the press .", "In March 2002 and March 2003 , the Trustees approved funding to a consortium of institutions led by the New York Academy of Medicine , in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and the University of Connecticut , to develop and disseminate easy-to-use syndromic surveillance software to help provide early warnings of a bioterrorist attack or disease outbreak ." ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 26, 28 ], [ 45, 47 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 22, 24 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 43, 45 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 47, 49 ] ]
[β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘ & β–‘] β–‘
[ "Israel has also provided aerial surveillance equipment , decoy drones , and armored construction equipment .", "\" Axel H. Horns of GILC member FITUG writes of a recent and urgent report regarding the German government 's intention to install a strict Internet surveillance infrastructure on provider 's expenses .", "If the technology is implemented irresponsibly , we as a society could experience it not as a wonderful convenience with many social benefits , but as a tool for consumer profiling and tracking - - in other words , as one part of a larger surveillance infrastructure .", "The syndromic surveillance software package was released in October 2002 and is available free of charge at .", "Also included in the president ’ s request is $ 500 million for some infrastructure improvements and surveillance equipment .", "So she established an Internet Lab - - eight computers with high-speed connections and sophisticated surveillance software - - that allows staffers to surf anonymously .", "This technology embodies all the features to enable the development of the kind of total surveillance infrastructure portrayed in Spielberg 's Minority Report .", "According to the report , the German government intends to impose on all Internet providers a duty to install and maintain a surveillance infrastructure like the FAPSI approach known from Russia for tapping Internet traffic on IP level .", "If we attempt to scale this approach to a large surveillance problem , the resulting multiple fields of view will not provide a concise fused view .", "Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry , such as : fire-fighting equipment ; guard and security / safety surveillance equipment ; medical facilities , laboratory facilities ; or communications equipment .", "The government also wants ISPs to install and monitor surveillance equipment themselves .", "America Online recently announced that it would be selling network surveillance software to businesses to monitor employee communications over AOL 's Instant Messenger ( AIM ) service .", "\" With their unequalled high bandwidth capabilities , the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology is very well suited to high definition surveillance equipment that must process multiple video streams simultaneously , \" \" iOmniscient 's internationally patented Non-Motion Detection engine ( the World 's only surveillance software to accurately operate in a crowd ) performs well on the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology .", "At the same time , the President or Prime Minister of each and every NATO member agreed to a set of commitments to modernise their forces in key areas such as strategic air transport , air-to-air tanker , precision guided munitions , ground surveillance equipment and logistic sustainability .", "Meanwhile , on 30 November , the Interior Ministry announced the creation of a media surveillance unit empowered to bring legal actions against the press .", "In March 2002 and March 2003 , the Trustees approved funding to a consortium of institutions led by the New York Academy of Medicine , in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and the University of Connecticut , to develop and disseminate easy-to-use syndromic surveillance software to help provide early warnings of a bioterrorist attack or disease outbreak ." ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 26, 28 ], [ 45, 47 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 22, 24 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 43, 45 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 47, 49 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
[ "Israel has also provided aerial surveillance equipment , decoy drones , and armored construction equipment .", "\" Axel H. Horns of GILC member FITUG writes of a recent and urgent report regarding the German government 's intention to install a strict Internet surveillance infrastructure on provider 's expenses .", "If the technology is implemented irresponsibly , we as a society could experience it not as a wonderful convenience with many social benefits , but as a tool for consumer profiling and tracking - - in other words , as one part of a larger surveillance infrastructure .", "The syndromic surveillance software package was released in October 2002 and is available free of charge at .", "Also included in the president ’ s request is $ 500 million for some infrastructure improvements and surveillance equipment .", "So she established an Internet Lab - - eight computers with high-speed connections and sophisticated surveillance software - - that allows staffers to surf anonymously .", "This technology embodies all the features to enable the development of the kind of total surveillance infrastructure portrayed in Spielberg 's Minority Report .", "According to the report , the German government intends to impose on all Internet providers a duty to install and maintain a surveillance infrastructure like the FAPSI approach known from Russia for tapping Internet traffic on IP level .", "If we attempt to scale this approach to a large surveillance problem , the resulting multiple fields of view will not provide a concise fused view .", "Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry , such as : fire-fighting equipment ; guard and security / safety surveillance equipment ; medical facilities , laboratory facilities ; or communications equipment .", "The government also wants ISPs to install and monitor surveillance equipment themselves .", "America Online recently announced that it would be selling network surveillance software to businesses to monitor employee communications over AOL 's Instant Messenger ( AIM ) service .", "\" With their unequalled high bandwidth capabilities , the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology is very well suited to high definition surveillance equipment that must process multiple video streams simultaneously , \" \" iOmniscient 's internationally patented Non-Motion Detection engine ( the World 's only surveillance software to accurately operate in a crowd ) performs well on the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology .", "At the same time , the President or Prime Minister of each and every NATO member agreed to a set of commitments to modernise their forces in key areas such as strategic air transport , air-to-air tanker , precision guided munitions , ground surveillance equipment and logistic sustainability .", "Meanwhile , on 30 November , the Interior Ministry announced the creation of a media surveillance unit empowered to bring legal actions against the press .", "In March 2002 and March 2003 , the Trustees approved funding to a consortium of institutions led by the New York Academy of Medicine , in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and the University of Connecticut , to develop and disseminate easy-to-use syndromic surveillance software to help provide early warnings of a bioterrorist attack or disease outbreak ." ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 26, 28 ], [ 45, 47 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 22, 24 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 43, 45 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 47, 49 ] ]
[word=β–‘] β–‘
[word=surveillance] β–‘
[ "Israel has also provided aerial surveillance equipment , decoy drones , and armored construction equipment .", "\" Axel H. Horns of GILC member FITUG writes of a recent and urgent report regarding the German government 's intention to install a strict Internet surveillance infrastructure on provider 's expenses .", "If the technology is implemented irresponsibly , we as a society could experience it not as a wonderful convenience with many social benefits , but as a tool for consumer profiling and tracking - - in other words , as one part of a larger surveillance infrastructure .", "The syndromic surveillance software package was released in October 2002 and is available free of charge at .", "Also included in the president ’ s request is $ 500 million for some infrastructure improvements and surveillance equipment .", "So she established an Internet Lab - - eight computers with high-speed connections and sophisticated surveillance software - - that allows staffers to surf anonymously .", "This technology embodies all the features to enable the development of the kind of total surveillance infrastructure portrayed in Spielberg 's Minority Report .", "According to the report , the German government intends to impose on all Internet providers a duty to install and maintain a surveillance infrastructure like the FAPSI approach known from Russia for tapping Internet traffic on IP level .", "If we attempt to scale this approach to a large surveillance problem , the resulting multiple fields of view will not provide a concise fused view .", "Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry , such as : fire-fighting equipment ; guard and security / safety surveillance equipment ; medical facilities , laboratory facilities ; or communications equipment .", "The government also wants ISPs to install and monitor surveillance equipment themselves .", "America Online recently announced that it would be selling network surveillance software to businesses to monitor employee communications over AOL 's Instant Messenger ( AIM ) service .", "\" With their unequalled high bandwidth capabilities , the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology is very well suited to high definition surveillance equipment that must process multiple video streams simultaneously , \" \" iOmniscient 's internationally patented Non-Motion Detection engine ( the World 's only surveillance software to accurately operate in a crowd ) performs well on the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology .", "At the same time , the President or Prime Minister of each and every NATO member agreed to a set of commitments to modernise their forces in key areas such as strategic air transport , air-to-air tanker , precision guided munitions , ground surveillance equipment and logistic sustainability .", "Meanwhile , on 30 November , the Interior Ministry announced the creation of a media surveillance unit empowered to bring legal actions against the press .", "In March 2002 and March 2003 , the Trustees approved funding to a consortium of institutions led by the New York Academy of Medicine , in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and the University of Connecticut , to develop and disseminate easy-to-use syndromic surveillance software to help provide early warnings of a bioterrorist attack or disease outbreak ." ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 26, 28 ], [ 45, 47 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 22, 24 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 43, 45 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 47, 49 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Israel has also provided aerial surveillance equipment , decoy drones , and armored construction equipment .", "\" Axel H. Horns of GILC member FITUG writes of a recent and urgent report regarding the German government 's intention to install a strict Internet surveillance infrastructure on provider 's expenses .", "If the technology is implemented irresponsibly , we as a society could experience it not as a wonderful convenience with many social benefits , but as a tool for consumer profiling and tracking - - in other words , as one part of a larger surveillance infrastructure .", "The syndromic surveillance software package was released in October 2002 and is available free of charge at .", "Also included in the president ’ s request is $ 500 million for some infrastructure improvements and surveillance equipment .", "So she established an Internet Lab - - eight computers with high-speed connections and sophisticated surveillance software - - that allows staffers to surf anonymously .", "This technology embodies all the features to enable the development of the kind of total surveillance infrastructure portrayed in Spielberg 's Minority Report .", "According to the report , the German government intends to impose on all Internet providers a duty to install and maintain a surveillance infrastructure like the FAPSI approach known from Russia for tapping Internet traffic on IP level .", "If we attempt to scale this approach to a large surveillance problem , the resulting multiple fields of view will not provide a concise fused view .", "Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry , such as : fire-fighting equipment ; guard and security / safety surveillance equipment ; medical facilities , laboratory facilities ; or communications equipment .", "The government also wants ISPs to install and monitor surveillance equipment themselves .", "America Online recently announced that it would be selling network surveillance software to businesses to monitor employee communications over AOL 's Instant Messenger ( AIM ) service .", "\" With their unequalled high bandwidth capabilities , the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology is very well suited to high definition surveillance equipment that must process multiple video streams simultaneously , \" \" iOmniscient 's internationally patented Non-Motion Detection engine ( the World 's only surveillance software to accurately operate in a crowd ) performs well on the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology .", "At the same time , the President or Prime Minister of each and every NATO member agreed to a set of commitments to modernise their forces in key areas such as strategic air transport , air-to-air tanker , precision guided munitions , ground surveillance equipment and logistic sustainability .", "Meanwhile , on 30 November , the Interior Ministry announced the creation of a media surveillance unit empowered to bring legal actions against the press .", "In March 2002 and March 2003 , the Trustees approved funding to a consortium of institutions led by the New York Academy of Medicine , in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and the University of Connecticut , to develop and disseminate easy-to-use syndromic surveillance software to help provide early warnings of a bioterrorist attack or disease outbreak ." ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 26, 28 ], [ 45, 47 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 22, 24 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 43, 45 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 47, 49 ] ]
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=β–‘] β–‘
[tag=β–‘] β–‘
[ "Israel has also provided aerial surveillance equipment , decoy drones , and armored construction equipment .", "\" Axel H. Horns of GILC member FITUG writes of a recent and urgent report regarding the German government 's intention to install a strict Internet surveillance infrastructure on provider 's expenses .", "If the technology is implemented irresponsibly , we as a society could experience it not as a wonderful convenience with many social benefits , but as a tool for consumer profiling and tracking - - in other words , as one part of a larger surveillance infrastructure .", "The syndromic surveillance software package was released in October 2002 and is available free of charge at .", "Also included in the president ’ s request is $ 500 million for some infrastructure improvements and surveillance equipment .", "So she established an Internet Lab - - eight computers with high-speed connections and sophisticated surveillance software - - that allows staffers to surf anonymously .", "This technology embodies all the features to enable the development of the kind of total surveillance infrastructure portrayed in Spielberg 's Minority Report .", "According to the report , the German government intends to impose on all Internet providers a duty to install and maintain a surveillance infrastructure like the FAPSI approach known from Russia for tapping Internet traffic on IP level .", "If we attempt to scale this approach to a large surveillance problem , the resulting multiple fields of view will not provide a concise fused view .", "Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry , such as : fire-fighting equipment ; guard and security / safety surveillance equipment ; medical facilities , laboratory facilities ; or communications equipment .", "The government also wants ISPs to install and monitor surveillance equipment themselves .", "America Online recently announced that it would be selling network surveillance software to businesses to monitor employee communications over AOL 's Instant Messenger ( AIM ) service .", "\" With their unequalled high bandwidth capabilities , the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology is very well suited to high definition surveillance equipment that must process multiple video streams simultaneously , \" \" iOmniscient 's internationally patented Non-Motion Detection engine ( the World 's only surveillance software to accurately operate in a crowd ) performs well on the Intel Digital Security Surveillance Platform Technology .", "At the same time , the President or Prime Minister of each and every NATO member agreed to a set of commitments to modernise their forces in key areas such as strategic air transport , air-to-air tanker , precision guided munitions , ground surveillance equipment and logistic sustainability .", "Meanwhile , on 30 November , the Interior Ministry announced the creation of a media surveillance unit empowered to bring legal actions against the press .", "In March 2002 and March 2003 , the Trustees approved funding to a consortium of institutions led by the New York Academy of Medicine , in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and the University of Connecticut , to develop and disseminate easy-to-use syndromic surveillance software to help provide early warnings of a bioterrorist attack or disease outbreak ." ]
[ [ 5, 7 ], [ 26, 28 ], [ 45, 47 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 17, 19 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 22, 24 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 43, 45 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 47, 49 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [lemma=β–‘]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [lemma=the]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [lemma=buddhism]
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [β–‘]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [β–‘=β–‘]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [lemma=β–‘]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [word=β–‘]
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [β–‘]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [β–‘=β–‘]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=IN] [β–‘ & β–‘]
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=the] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=understanding] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=the] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] β–‘+
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [tag=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [word=β–‘] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!(β–‘ | β–‘)] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘? β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!tag=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [β–‘] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [lemma=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!word=β–‘] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [tag=β–‘] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!lemma=buddhism] [β–‘ & β–‘] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘ & β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘? β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] β–‘+ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘? β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=β–‘] β–‘
[word=understanding] β–‘
[word=of] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [β–‘ & β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] β–‘+
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=of] [!(β–‘ & β–‘)] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] β–‘? β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] β–‘
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] (β–‘ | β–‘)
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [!β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[word=β–‘] β–‘
[tag=β–‘] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] (β–‘ | β–‘) β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [!β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘
[β–‘ & β–‘] β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=understanding] [β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] [lemma=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
(β–‘ | β–‘) β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
β–‘* β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘ | β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘
[word=of] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘
β–‘ | β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[tag=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=of] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
β–‘? β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
(β–‘ | β–‘) β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[β–‘ & β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[β–‘=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[lemma=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[word=β–‘] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=understanding] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[word=of] β–‘ β–‘ β–‘ β–‘
[ "Interns remain in the same agency with the same field instructor to further develop their ethical foundation , skills , knowledge , and understanding of self in the delivery of social services with multi-level client systems .", "\" Importantly , he brings to the foundation experience and understanding of giving at the local level .", "These scholars knew that the dialogue among thinkers persists through history as it continues across continents , so they sought to find an understanding of culture through the eyes of the ancient Athenians and Romans .", "Students will acquire an advanced understanding of contemporary and historical understanding of gender in the global arena , social and political theories as well as an in depth knowledge of the nature of gender studies .", "All students are expected to develop an understanding of diseases of the brain and mind , some basic understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of those diseases , as well as treatments for them .", "This course also develops an understanding of self in the context of an information age ." ]
[ [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 23, 28 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 5, 10 ] ]
[!lemma="'"] [lemma=β–‘]
[!lemma="'"] [lemma=s]
[!lemma="'"] [lemma="'"]
[ "The most thorough portrayal of death is fond in Capek 's Three novels and in Kundera 's Immortality .", "- - Anna 's friend Louisa had driven her down from Auckland airport and seeing her car in the driveway Pam walked with a cheery \" Hello Louisa !", "To begin at the beginning , Pam and Ian ghosted out of Beulah 's home marina early in the afternoon of 31 December 1998 and eventually slid into Opopoto , a little baylet on the west side of Onetangi Bay , on the north shore of Waiheke Island .", "In January 2003 we made good on our promise of a Wedding Present Cruise for our friends Sarah and Alex , whose log entry records an entree of fresh cold oysters served with gin and tonics , followed by the legendary Thai chicken curry , and a postprandial apricot-coloured full moon , serenaded by clarinet to bring a golden path of moonbeams rippling straight to Beulah 's transom .", "Scanning through Beulah 's log reveals much chat about good food and wine , and idyllic sun-soaked weekends .", "Nutrient enrichment of surface waters can result in the excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants , reducing the water 's ability to support aquatic organisms and diminishing recreational and aesthetic values of the area .", "This is not so easy as it sounds , particularly as Beulah 's new cocktail shaker had been getting a good workout on the trip .", "We anchored at Oakura Bay , Anna 's wedding venue .", "Key issues include : the relation between political philosophy , social theory , and cultural critique ; the relative weight of Kantian versus Hegelian moments ; the relation of the theory to its addressees ; the role of moral psychology versus discourse theory in establishing the Theory 's normative underpinnings ; the possibility / desirability of \" grand \" totalizing theory versus a \" modest \" disciplinary division of labor ; and the challenges of feminism , postmodernism , poststructuralism , postcolonialism , and globalization theory .", "During these trips the two family groups communicated by txt messaging , and an envious entry by Brian in Beulah 's log reads , \" Today the other group said they visited six wineries .", "From Anna 's flat you can walk a few minutes to the ocean beach , or in the other direction to the relatively placid harbour .", "First to a conference in Sydney , prior to which he spent a lovely weekend in Manly at Anna 's flat ." ]
[ [ 9, 11 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 12, 14 ], [ 65, 67 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 19, 21 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 18, 20 ] ]
[!lemma="'"] [β–‘=β–‘]
[!lemma="'"] [lemma=β–‘]
[ "The most thorough portrayal of death is fond in Capek 's Three novels and in Kundera 's Immortality .", "- - Anna 's friend Louisa had driven her down from Auckland airport and seeing her car in the driveway Pam walked with a cheery \" Hello Louisa !", "To begin at the beginning , Pam and Ian ghosted out of Beulah 's home marina early in the afternoon of 31 December 1998 and eventually slid into Opopoto , a little baylet on the west side of Onetangi Bay , on the north shore of Waiheke Island .", "In January 2003 we made good on our promise of a Wedding Present Cruise for our friends Sarah and Alex , whose log entry records an entree of fresh cold oysters served with gin and tonics , followed by the legendary Thai chicken curry , and a postprandial apricot-coloured full moon , serenaded by clarinet to bring a golden path of moonbeams rippling straight to Beulah 's transom .", "Scanning through Beulah 's log reveals much chat about good food and wine , and idyllic sun-soaked weekends .", "Nutrient enrichment of surface waters can result in the excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants , reducing the water 's ability to support aquatic organisms and diminishing recreational and aesthetic values of the area .", "This is not so easy as it sounds , particularly as Beulah 's new cocktail shaker had been getting a good workout on the trip .", "We anchored at Oakura Bay , Anna 's wedding venue .", "Key issues include : the relation between political philosophy , social theory , and cultural critique ; the relative weight of Kantian versus Hegelian moments ; the relation of the theory to its addressees ; the role of moral psychology versus discourse theory in establishing the Theory 's normative underpinnings ; the possibility / desirability of \" grand \" totalizing theory versus a \" modest \" disciplinary division of labor ; and the challenges of feminism , postmodernism , poststructuralism , postcolonialism , and globalization theory .", "During these trips the two family groups communicated by txt messaging , and an envious entry by Brian in Beulah 's log reads , \" Today the other group said they visited six wineries .", "From Anna 's flat you can walk a few minutes to the ocean beach , or in the other direction to the relatively placid harbour .", "First to a conference in Sydney , prior to which he spent a lovely weekend in Manly at Anna 's flat ." ]
[ [ 9, 11 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 12, 14 ], [ 65, 67 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 19, 21 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 18, 20 ] ]
[!lemma=β–‘] β–‘
[!lemma="'"] β–‘
[!lemma=s] β–‘
[ "The most thorough portrayal of death is fond in Capek 's Three novels and in Kundera 's Immortality .", "- - Anna 's friend Louisa had driven her down from Auckland airport and seeing her car in the driveway Pam walked with a cheery \" Hello Louisa !", "To begin at the beginning , Pam and Ian ghosted out of Beulah 's home marina early in the afternoon of 31 December 1998 and eventually slid into Opopoto , a little baylet on the west side of Onetangi Bay , on the north shore of Waiheke Island .", "In January 2003 we made good on our promise of a Wedding Present Cruise for our friends Sarah and Alex , whose log entry records an entree of fresh cold oysters served with gin and tonics , followed by the legendary Thai chicken curry , and a postprandial apricot-coloured full moon , serenaded by clarinet to bring a golden path of moonbeams rippling straight to Beulah 's transom .", "Scanning through Beulah 's log reveals much chat about good food and wine , and idyllic sun-soaked weekends .", "Nutrient enrichment of surface waters can result in the excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants , reducing the water 's ability to support aquatic organisms and diminishing recreational and aesthetic values of the area .", "This is not so easy as it sounds , particularly as Beulah 's new cocktail shaker had been getting a good workout on the trip .", "We anchored at Oakura Bay , Anna 's wedding venue .", "Key issues include : the relation between political philosophy , social theory , and cultural critique ; the relative weight of Kantian versus Hegelian moments ; the relation of the theory to its addressees ; the role of moral psychology versus discourse theory in establishing the Theory 's normative underpinnings ; the possibility / desirability of \" grand \" totalizing theory versus a \" modest \" disciplinary division of labor ; and the challenges of feminism , postmodernism , poststructuralism , postcolonialism , and globalization theory .", "During these trips the two family groups communicated by txt messaging , and an envious entry by Brian in Beulah 's log reads , \" Today the other group said they visited six wineries .", "From Anna 's flat you can walk a few minutes to the ocean beach , or in the other direction to the relatively placid harbour .", "First to a conference in Sydney , prior to which he spent a lovely weekend in Manly at Anna 's flat ." ]
[ [ 9, 11 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 12, 14 ], [ 65, 67 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 19, 21 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 18, 20 ] ]
[!lemma="'"] β–‘
[!lemma="'"] [β–‘]
[!lemma="'"] β–‘?
[ "The most thorough portrayal of death is fond in Capek 's Three novels and in Kundera 's Immortality .", "- - Anna 's friend Louisa had driven her down from Auckland airport and seeing her car in the driveway Pam walked with a cheery \" Hello Louisa !", "To begin at the beginning , Pam and Ian ghosted out of Beulah 's home marina early in the afternoon of 31 December 1998 and eventually slid into Opopoto , a little baylet on the west side of Onetangi Bay , on the north shore of Waiheke Island .", "In January 2003 we made good on our promise of a Wedding Present Cruise for our friends Sarah and Alex , whose log entry records an entree of fresh cold oysters served with gin and tonics , followed by the legendary Thai chicken curry , and a postprandial apricot-coloured full moon , serenaded by clarinet to bring a golden path of moonbeams rippling straight to Beulah 's transom .", "Scanning through Beulah 's log reveals much chat about good food and wine , and idyllic sun-soaked weekends .", "Nutrient enrichment of surface waters can result in the excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants , reducing the water 's ability to support aquatic organisms and diminishing recreational and aesthetic values of the area .", "This is not so easy as it sounds , particularly as Beulah 's new cocktail shaker had been getting a good workout on the trip .", "We anchored at Oakura Bay , Anna 's wedding venue .", "Key issues include : the relation between political philosophy , social theory , and cultural critique ; the relative weight of Kantian versus Hegelian moments ; the relation of the theory to its addressees ; the role of moral psychology versus discourse theory in establishing the Theory 's normative underpinnings ; the possibility / desirability of \" grand \" totalizing theory versus a \" modest \" disciplinary division of labor ; and the challenges of feminism , postmodernism , poststructuralism , postcolonialism , and globalization theory .", "During these trips the two family groups communicated by txt messaging , and an envious entry by Brian in Beulah 's log reads , \" Today the other group said they visited six wineries .", "From Anna 's flat you can walk a few minutes to the ocean beach , or in the other direction to the relatively placid harbour .", "First to a conference in Sydney , prior to which he spent a lovely weekend in Manly at Anna 's flat ." ]
[ [ 9, 11 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 12, 14 ], [ 65, 67 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 20, 22 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 46, 48 ], [ 19, 21 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 18, 20 ] ]