STATPACKS is a small, tight-knit team that understands the perfect pack can't open a difficult airway, deliver a life-saving shock or console you after a brutal day. But a well built pack can be relied upon, can mitigate strain on your body, and it can buy you a few extra seconds with clever and functional design. And hopefully, generate a bit of pride. Pride and professionalism are linked and do matter. When we look and feel good, we perform better. We aim to build you the best gear and to make you look damn good while using it.
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PANIC is the Panoramic Near Infrared Camera for the 2.2m and 3.5m telescopes at Calar Alto observatory. The aim of the project is to build a wide-field general purpose NIR camera. In this paper we describe the software system of the instrument, which comprises four main packages: GEIRS for the instrument control and the data acquisition; the Observation Tool (OT), the software used for detailed definition and pre-planning the observations, developed in Java; the Quick Look tool (PQL) for easy inspection of the data in real-time and a scientific pipeline (PAPI), both based on the Python programming language. The Sierra Nevada Observatory (Granada, Spain) has a number of telescopes. Our study will focus on two Nasmyth telescopes with apertures of 1.5m and 0.9m and an equatorial mount. The system currently installed to control these telescopes is a 1995 centralized VME module. However, given the problems which have arisen due to the number of wires and other complications, we have decided to change this control module. We will control each telescope with a distributed control philosophy, using a serial linear communication bus between independent nodes, although all system capabilities are accessible from a central unit anywhere and at any time via internet. We have divided the tasks and have one node for alpha control, another for delta control, one for the dome, one for the focus and the central unit to interface with a pc. The nodes for alpha, delta and the dome will be used by means of FPGA's in order to efficiently sample the encoders and the control algorithms, and to generate the output for the motors and the servo. The focus will have a microcontroller, and the system is easy to expand in the event of the inclusion of more nodes. After having studied several fieldbus systems, we have opted for the CAN bus, because of its reliability and broadcasting possibilities. In this way, all the important information will be on the bus, and every node will be able to access the information at any time. This document explains the new design made in the IAA for the new consoles of control whose basic characteristics are, the distributed control, the hardware simplify, the cable remove, the safety and maintenance improve and facilitating the observation improving the interface with the user, and finally to prepare the system for the remote observation. The Observatorio de Sierra Nevada (OSN) is located at an altitude of 2800m at the Loma de Dilar in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, in the province of Granada, Spain. It is operated and maintained by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA-CSIC) and contains two Nasmyth telescopes with apertures of 1.5 and 0.9m and an Altazimuth telescope with an aperture of 0.6 m. Given that the quality of the images and, indeed, the performance of the instruments are influenced by weather conditions, it would appear that the existence of a weather station capable of producing accurate descriptions is an essential component of any observatory. This is particularly true, however, in our case where, given the altitude, weather conditions at certain times of the year are especially harsh. For this reason, our observatory has required the installation of a robust weather station with easily replaceable sensors which can provide accurate and reliable measures of wind, temperature and humidity. At the same time, in order to avoid a complex topology of unmanageably long wires due to the distribution of a large number of sensors around the buildings, domes telescope mirrors and instruments, it has been necessary to implement a distributed system with several independent nodes connected to a CAN bus. This system is now in operation and running automatically at the OSN and provides all the data from sensors to the observatory control systems and to internet users. This paper gives a detailed description of the SNOWS project, including the development of the weather station, the software and hardware architecture, and the use of distributed nodes with a linear serial bus. The paper also provides some results regarding the wind, temperature and humidity sensors employed at the OSN.
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Robust and resilient: Vehicle-accessible inverted roof. JACKODUR inverted roof: The rooftop parking solution. The vehicle-accessible inverted roof for extreme loads. Where structural loadings allow and motor vehicle access is possible, the construction of a vehicle-accessible inverted roof is a viable option. Along with the added benefit of creating extra parking, this configuration includes all the advantages of an inverted roof: The insulation is on top of the roof membrane, thereby providing a durable solution. The most common arrangements for vehicle-accessible inverted roofs are made with interlocking paving slabs, in-situ cast concrete or stone slabs on paving support pads. It goes without saying that the thermal insulation boards used here must have extremely high compressive strength – as JACKODUR® XPS thermal insulation boards do, with compressive strengths of 500 or 700 kPa.
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Ceilidh band (4 piece including caller) based in Oxford, playing a broad range of British traditional tunes as well as some from, Europe, the USA and Israel. The band performs with one of the musicians 'doubling' as caller. Latterly,they have also included a number of the Scottish Ceilidh dances to add a mix to the whole night's fun.They also have a the advantage of two fiddles in the line-up should that be to a client's preference.As well as picking up work in Oxfordshire this 4 piece band has also performed further afield in London, Cambridgeshire, Warwickshire, Berkshire and even Kent.
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NEW YORK (AP) — Remains of another 9/11 victim have been identified. The New York City Chief Medical Examiner's Office announced Friday that it had identified remains of Karol Ann Keasler. She was 42 when she died in the terrorist attack a decade ago. She worked in the World Trade Center at investment bank Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc. The new identification was made when officials retested remains gathered during the initial recovery efforts. More than 2,750 people were reported missing in the attack on the twin towers. The newest identification brings the number of victims to have some portion of their remains identified to 1,633. Another 1,120 never had any remains recovered.
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It's been a while! I have been busy with work, but I wanted to remind you guys about Choies' awesome back to school sale. As you know, it's that time of year again.. time to prepare to go BACK TO SCHOOL! Where did summer go?! Any way, be sure to shop the BTS collection before the sale ends. Who doesn't want to save some $$$ right? Here are my current favorite pieces! Hurry up before it's too late! Happy shopping! I hope you are all doing well. I'm hoping I get re-inspired to blog again. So, who's excited for the exclusive Alexander Wang for H&M collection? I know I am! I've always been a huge fan of Alexander Wang's aesthetic; this collection is going to be HUGE! "The Alexander Wang x H&M collection will feature apparel and accessories for women and men that captures the speed of the city, mixing sport and performance to create a new street-chic wardrobe. The collection is full of experimental and cutting-edge techniques, such as laser-cutting, embossing, foam-injecting and bonding. Technical details and fabrics are used for both function and fashion, including Wang’s first ever performance wear pieces for both the street and the gym." I have a few pieces I have to get my hands on! Remember, the collection releases in-store AND online on November 6th! I will be shopping from the comfort of my own home... thank you online shopping!
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Bring the essence, life style of the Golden Age of Western Civilization alive to you or students by this DVD containing the vast wealth of music produced at that time. Music has always been a reflection of the nature of life throughout history especially before all of today’s wealth of technology. The Golden Age in Western Civilization is no exception as proven by the creation of extensive variety and styles of music from England’s courts of Elizabeth I that includes the whimsical yet satirizing music performed by madrigals to entertain the Elizabethan Court. This DVD highlights the influence of the Church with the beautiful remembrance of St. Cecilia, the patroness of music to the operas borne and embraced by the French and Italians. This wealth of music lives again through excerpts of performances by musicians as the Zurich Opera, the London Opera, the Taverners Choir, the Consort of Musicke, and Anthony Rooley. Excerpts include playing pieces from composers such as Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo; Parcells’ Ode to St. Cecilia; Byrd’s Gaudeamus Omnes; Morley’s Fire, Fire; Lully’s Alceste; Marini’s Sonata for Two Violins; plus countless more music from the Golden Age.
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What is in the "Way of Gold and Steel" which makes it interesting? Main reason is the unusual gameplay style — combination of a real-time strategy (RTS) and a roguelike. Time moves forward only when you do in the dungeons of WazHack, so you can take your time to solve problems instead of just spamming 'attack' and 'drink healing potion'. The procedurally-generated dungeon and vast array of possible items gives immense replay value. Some games you'll find a good weapon early, other times you'll rely on wands or potions or spells. You don't see it much in the all-action video above, but some of the most fun is had just standing still trying to work out how to get out of a sticky situation. Should you try that unknown potion? Maybe it's Healing? What about that wand? Maybe it's Magic Missile... or maybe it's a Wand of Create Monster, and it'll get even stickier! You start with your choice from 16 character classes, each with different starting equipment, stats, belief system, and available talents. The game you play also depends very much on what interesting loot you find. Maybe you'll find a great spellbook and put all your efforts into turning your uneducated knight into a master battle mage!
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A physician treating an injured worker suffering from severe chronic pain may prescribe one prescription drug after another, including potent opioids, in search of relief for the patient. The use of opioid painkillers can lead to overdose, addiction, accidents, permanent disability, and even death. Governor Deval Patrick, responding to Massachusetts’ heroin and opioid addiction epidemic, which claimed 140 lives in the first months of 2014, banned the opioid ZohydroTM ER. His action was nullified by U.S. District Judge Rya Zobel, who granted manufacturer Zogenix’s request for an injunction halting the ban. Massachusetts and Vermont in April 2014 both implemented statewide regulations that require health care providers to justify the medical indication before prescribing Zohydro, after screening patients for risk of abuse. These regulations were criticized by Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who, although she acknowledged the states’ role in preventing a facilitator of opioid abuse — physicians’ inappropriate prescribing practices — cautioned that legislators and regulators should not focus on one drug, Zohydro, alone. Commissioner Hamburg argued for comprehensive policy solutions. She defended the FDA’s decision in October 2013 to approve Zohydro for doctors to prescribe for their patients who are experiencing severe pain, requiring 24-hour chronic treatment, and for whom Zohydro may be their last resort after trying other treatments that have proved inadequate. Dr. Hamburg characterizes Zohydro as providing more benefits and fewer risks for people who must cope with severe chronic pain and need relief to have any hope for an acceptable quality of life. For example, acetaminophen, a potent liver toxin, is found in such painkillers as Vicodin, but not in Zohydro. Such long-acting opioids as Oxycontin and extended-release morphine have about the same potency as Zohydro. Zohydro is also subject to stringent Drug Enforcement Administration prescribing restrictions imposed on all Schedule II drugs, such as patients being required to have a written prescription from their doctor, rather than one phoned in to the pharmacy, and not being permitted to refill the prescriptions. Dr. Hamburg contends that the FDA’s approval of Zohydro therefore does not significantly change overall opioid prescribing by physicians and use by patients suffering from severe chronic pain, since the most likely candidates to receive Zohydro will already be receiving opioids, such as potent painkillers like hydrocodone products or other long-acting opioids.
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It's Monday morning and I'm in the centre of Bronte Park. Sunlight tiptoes through the foliage, the perfume of wild plants drifts through the air, and the only form of tweeting is from enthusiastic birds. It's a great way to start the working week. I'm here to forage for wild food with award-winning chef Matt Stone, who is in town for a few months to helm East Sydney's Stanley Street Merchants. Stone, 27, is decked out in thongs, shorts and a flannelette shirt partially concealing a sleeve tattoo. He carries a calico bag printed with the MAD Symposium logo, the annual uber-hip chef-meet founded by Noma's Rene Redzepi. Redzepi is something of a demi-god to a group of young international chefs sourcing ingredients outside the farms and markets dictated by convention. Beaches and creeks, paddocks and footpaths, wide-open fields and other people's front yards - anywhere there's native or introduced flora that can be plucked, prepared and plated. Their philosophy is simple. Wild-growing weeds should not be ignored or cursed at, as we have done for generations. Many are plants that should be celebrated and enjoyed. Stone bounces across rocks, logs and creeks, pointing out patches of mallow, chickweed and native violet. They're the kind of plants as common to parks as frisbees and first-aid-inducing swing-sets. The ones most of us trample on the way to the bubbler. But Stone isn't trampling over them. He's scouring the ground with a mind racing at culinary possibilities. "These nasturtiums you can make into a paste and pair with some octopus," he says. "This sorrel I'll use as rocket substitute. And spinach can be subbed for that mallow." Picking other plants growing nearby and discovering how well the flavours work together is one of the great things about foraging. Nature is more than apt at suggesting flavour combinations, Stone says. "Picking other plants growing nearby and discovering how well the flavours work together is one of the great things about foraging." Stone's love of urban foraging is shared by Diego Bonetto, an infectiously happy Italian bloke known as "the Weedy One". "Weeds are co-evolutionary species," he says. "They're here today because of us. Because they adapted to us and exploited the way we interact with the environment. Where there are weeds it is because humans are there or once have been - in ethical terms, they are our botanical brothers and sisters. So everyone stop hating them!" Bonetto regularly takes members of the public on wild-food foraging expeditions to Cooks River in Tempe. Over the course of a morning, participants learn how to identify edible weeds and use them in the kitchen or as natural remedies. He has imparted his enthusiasm and knowledge to many a chef in Sydney, especially when it comes to advice on making weeds transition from edible to actually tasting good. Outside of the primary-school athletics carnival when you were five, ever pull something out the ground and shove it straight in your gob? The results can be decidedly variable. "Some plants speak for themselves," Bonetto says. "Others need a bit more coaxing to make them palatable. It's also about educating people." Waterloo's Studio Neon is all about customer education. Aaron Teece cooked all over Sydney, including Manly Pavilion, Felix, and est., before opening Studio Neon in 2011. Part studio-for-hire, part event space, Teece and head chef Richard Robinson (ex-Momofuku Seiobo) also host monthly cooking classes and fortnightly "Unearthed Dinners", showcasing foraged ingredients. "We use foraging as a means of keeping in touch with nature and keeping on the pulse of what's in season and the speed at which things are changing," Teece says. "With our chevre [goat's cheese] and wild weeds dish, we try to use ingredients similar to what the goat would be grazing on at the time. We often find these same flavours coming through the cheeses as the seasons change." I attended the "As Autumn Leaves" dinner at Studio Neon and loved it. Byron Woolfrey, from mobile cocktail service Trolley'd, was responsible for drinks on the night. He is another big champion of wild food in Sydney, using foraged natives in the Trolley'd drink creations. "Our go-to drink is Lemon Myrtle Lemonade," Woolfrey says. "It has a great flavour, and there's lemon myrtle trees growing all over the streets." So that's settled, then. Everyone - grab a calico tote and follow me. Or maybe not. Foraging sounds like jolly good fun, but if every part-time Don Burke starts digging up dandelions we won't have any left, right? I posit this to the weed-loving Bonetto. "Oh, no," he says. "Urban foraging is not sustainable. It is gastro-entertainment." Gastro-entertainment. A fantastic term and something that should be enjoyed with care and respect. If you do want to forage for wild food in your neighbourhood and local bushland, then forage like the animals and only take as much as you need. Bonetto says the best thing to do is explore your own yard for any weedy gifts. You'll be surprised at the value those pesky weeds and unassuming nasturtiums have in the kitchen - it's the culinary equivalent of discovering those old Archie comics under the stairs are actually worth a mint. Or in this case, a mint substitute. Bonetto even stumbled across a front yard recently where common weed was being grown, not ripped out and destroyed. "I was walking in Marrickville and there was this old Greek dude working in his garden growing flatweed. So I stopped and chatted for a bit. He said, 'This is good stuff. We boil it, put a bit of oil on it, a bit of lemon. It's good for you!'" Owners of weed-fertile lawns, beware. You may find yourself the target of renegade foragers. I asked conservationist and Bonetto collaborator Adrian O'Doherty where the borderline was when it came to foraging in other people's yards. "Legal," points O'Doherty to some leaves hanging over the fence of a Newtown terrace. "Illegal," he says, pointing to plants on the inside. "It also depends on how coy you are in terms of asking for permission," he says. Even if the plant is hanging over the fence, I think requesting permission from the owner is the right thing to do. If you do forage for wild food around your neighbourhood, the Wild Food Map created by Bonetto and O'Doherty promises to be a useful tool when it is released closer to September (until then you can request use of the prototype version from the Wild Food Map website). With the power of social media and Google maps, users can photograph wild food around Sydney and then map the pictures to a location. Stumble across a healthy bunch of lilly pillies in Redfern? You can let other foragers know exactly where. Alternatively, if the sorrel crop at Bronte is looking depleted, you can use the app to alert users it needs time to regrow. Importantly, it also provides information to assist in positively identifying wild plant species. Yes. Plant identification. I don't know about you, but put some cobblers' pegs, nettle and lantana in a line-up and I'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference. Fine in a restaurant where I trust the chef, but if I'm foraging these myself, how can I be sure I'm picking safe, edible food? It's pretty simple, really - if you're not sure, don't eat it. "Contact someone who knows what they're talking about," advises Studio Neon's Aaron Teece. "It's important to be completely knowledgeable when foraging." The "if in doubt, go without" rule applies tenfold when it comes to mushroom foraging. As you've made it this far in life, then you know that eating mystery mushrooms is about as safe as a tango with a scorpion. However, mushroom foraging is a lot of fun once you know what you're doing. The pine forests of Oberon in the Greater Blue Mountains have a wealth of wild mushrooms that are ripe for the picking between late February and early May. The Oberon Visitor Information Centre provides directions and an identification leaflet so you can tell your slippery jacks from your saffron milk caps. It also recommends that any novice seeks out an experienced mushroomer for in-the-field guidance. The Oberon info centre might be able to point you in the direction of a such a sage, and Bonetto also takes groups down to the Belanglo and Penrose state forests in wild mushie season. Alex Elliott-Howery and James Grant, the husband-and-wife owners of Marrickville's Cornersmith, recently took their staff on one such trip. "We had an amazing time," said Elliott-Howery. "Sabine [one of the Cornersmith chefs] made awesome pine mushroom schnitzels that we ate with labna, pickles and Young Henry's cider. We then took a car boot of mushrooms back to Sydney for pickling, preserving, and dehydrating for seasoning salt." Urban foraging may become more community-driven in the future. Joey Astorga from In the Annex notes an increasing trend of customers donating edible plants and weeds to the kitchen. "There's a place around the corner with stacks of wild fennel in their front yard," he says. "They had no idea what they were sitting on until we told them and now they're happy to bring it into the shop and we use it in dishes." Elliott-Howery says some Cornersmith customers don't want anything at all, while others might trade their crop for a cup of coffee or maybe a jam. Whether wild food and urban foraging is a permanent part of a culinary landscape, or merely a cool-kid trend remains to be seen. Trend or no trend, Matt Stone and his contemporaries are cooking beautiful, seasonal and delicious food that if you haven't tried already, I encourage you do so. And have a poke around your own yard and neighbourhood to see what weedy gems are begging to be your dinner that night. A morning spent in Bronte traversing creeks and moss beds on a hunt for nasturtiums is a thousand times more enjoyable than swiping a depressed bag of rocket through the fluorescent-lit beeps of a self-serve checkout. Native violet A ground-covering plant that loves shadows and moisture. High in vitamin C, both the heart-shaped leaves and sweet flowers are great in salads. Chickweed This tangled mess with the occasional white flower can be found in lawns all across Australia, especially in winter. It has a gentle taste, and Matt Stone recommends using it in place of rocket. Mallow It's abundant in autumn and a fan of sunny spots. Stone suggests using mallow as a spinach substitute. The leaves also contain mucilage, making them good candidates for thickening soups. Nasturtium A shade-dweller that flowers in red, yellow and orange from spring to autumn around Sydney. The leaves have a nice watercress flavour and the flowers make an attractive garnish. Bonetto suggests pickling the unripe seeds and using as a caper substitute. Warrigal greens Found around sand dunes and coastal areas and more than just a spinach substitute, this hardy native has a unique taste all of its own. Warrigal greens contain harmful oxalic acid, so a good blanch is needed before eating - be sure to discard the water, too. Nettle One of the sexiest foraged ingredients, popping up in pastas (it makes fantastic pesto) and braises the world over. Wear protective clothes and gloves if you're heading out on a nettle hunt - those fine little hairs pack quite a sting. Cooking the leaves neutralises the sting so they're safe to eat. Nettle loves rich soil and tangled, thickety environments. Wild Mustard Aaron Teece of Studio Neon reports this plant grows wild absolutely everywhere. For Studio Neon's dish of wallaby tartare with red pepper caramel, seeds, grains, and wild weeds, Teece used the yellow flowers and young leaves of wild mustard. "As the leaves get bigger they take on a really bitter taste. If you are going to eat them raw they need to be young when they can be added to salads for just a hint of pepper," says Teece. Sow thistle Adrian O'Doherty from the Wild Food Map says this abundant weed is hugely revered in New Zealand by Maori (where it is known by the name puha) and cooked in stews with pork bones. Yet here it is just completely ignored. Dandelion Perhaps the most famous of all weeds. When not carrying the blown wishes of children in the wind, the dandelion is an all-edible wonder-weed. The leaves can be dried and used to make tea, and if you're so inclined, the roots can be used as a parsnip substitute or roasted and ground into caffeine-free coffee. Flatweed These guys are rampant across every bit of terrain from coastal land through to alpine areas in Australia. Bonetto suggests using the young leaves raw or cooked as you would spinach. It is rather bitter, and the older leaves can be used in winter soups. ● See what edible weeds are in your own yard before foraging at other locations. ● Thoroughly wash any finds before eating. ● Experiment in the kitchen. Have fun making pastes, preserves, chutneys and salts. Not all weeds taste great straight from the ground. ● Share information with other foragers. ● ALWAYS check with the council or landholders that it's sweet to remove plants from the land you're foraging. ● Pick something if you're even the slightest bit unsure what it is. ● Forage a patch to the point it can't regrow. ● Don't take ANYTHING from national parks (except your own rubbish). ● Expect to live on foraged weeds alone. Trolley'd, 0406 837 907, trolleyd.com. For information about Diego Bonetto's edible weed tours and the Wild Food Map, see weedyconnection.com.
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Guest Contributor: Avery Watkins, Jr. eBay is a vast site full of useless stuff. Stuff that won’t match your style. Things that will be a waste of money. But if you look closely, you will find a true gem. I get a thrill from finding great things on eBay, but that’s not my main reason for using it. I find shopping for clothes on eBay easier than going to the thrift store, because I don’t always have good luck finding men’s clothing at thrift stores. I’m patient and don’t mind waiting for things, so I use my computer skills to search for exactly what I want on eBay. Most times, I’m looking for specific things and searching on eBay makes it easier to find. With all that said, shopping on eBay is an art and there are things to keep in mind. 2. Know your size margin of error. In other words, be ready to buy a little big or small, depending on the look you are going for and be ready to call your tailor. Some clothes are used just like a thrift store and some may have already been tailored, shrunken, etc. Never assume the cut and size will fit you like something you already have in your closet. 3. Reading is fundamental:. Because you can’t try the item on or smell it or see it, you have to pay extra attention to the details in the item description. Just because it shows you a picture of a great shirt/blouse/blazer you have been looking for, doesn’t mean they’re selling you that. You need to read to make sure they aren’t just selling you the sewing print or some buttons (lol). Spend time reading the description AND check the sellers ratings. People don’t hesitate to let you know a seller is good or bad. 4. Know your price. eBay has two pricing structures: “buy it now” and “bidding.” Buy it now means you pay the fixed price that is shown and you get the item. Bidding means you and anyone else can submit a price offer for an item, which can lead to a bidding war. Knowing how much you want to pay is really important when it comes to bidding. Don’t overbid. Nothing is worth more than what you feel comfortable paying for it. 5. Patience Patience Patience. Finding what you really are looking for could take weeks, days, hours, or a few minutes. You never know, so have patience with it and you will find a gem. One of my favorite purchases took a while to find. I found a Ralph Lauren brown tweed blazer that usually retails for more than $300 for $65. 6. A Word about Bidding Patience. It is extremely important to be a patient bidder, because you might find the item of your dreams but the bidding is going on for a whole week. Don’t place your max bid in early. Bid low and just wait to the final seconds to put your final bid to increase your chances of getting the item. I like eBay, because I can find specific things without having to spend a whole day in a thrift store, and I can do it all while sitting on my couch. If you need something immediately, eBay might not be the best option. But if you have some time and patience, check it out. There are some hidden gems there. Categories: Styling, Thrifting | Tags: ebay, man style, styling, thrifted, thrifting | Permalink. I’m loving that bowtie Avery. I would love to feature you on our ForRetroGents.com website and blog at ForRetroGents.tumblr.com.
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Click here to run a free scan for kbdcan. errors. Click here to run a free Performance Scan for kbdcan. errors.
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If you’re a longtime seafood lover, you likely know how quickly a good fish or shellfish dish can come together. However, if you’re a new seafoodie, you might underestimate how fast you can have a fish dinner on the table! Being pressed for time shouldn’t be a reason to skip cooking seafood at home or the reason you order less-than-stellar takeout. That’s why we’re sharing a few healthy and flavorful recipes that take little time to make. We can’t wait to dig into the garlicky baked salmon or fresh tilapia piccata – both of these favorites come together pronto. Each recipe may be short on preparation time, but we can assure you they are big on flavor!
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Monarda is a genus consisting of roughly 16 species of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. The genus is endemic to North America. Common names include bee balm, horsemint, oswego tea, and bergamot, the latter inspired by the fragrance of the leaves, which is reminiscent of bergamot orange (Citrus bergamia). The genus was named for the Spanish botanist Nicolás Monardes, who wrote a book in 1574 describing plants of the New World. This beautiful herb is one of my very favorites. I look forward to their blooms every summer. I’ll bet it smells lovely. I wonder if it would grow here. We’re a Zone 3. Never seen them before but they look so gorgeous and beautiful! I have a purple version and the hummingbirds, AND the hummingbird moths love it! I’m thinking I need to add some more to my garden and get some extra colors. Thanks for the info about its history!
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In only her third competition as a bona fide professional triathlete and her first on Guam since getting her pro card late last year, Manami Iijima outpaced the entire field at the Guam National Triathlon Championship Sunday in Merizo. Ijima’s time of 2 hours, 8 minutes and 30 seconds was well ahead of the next-best female finisher Laura Nadeau at 2:12:34 and even the second-best male finisher Kodi Roya at 2:14:46. Iijima was second overall out of the water after a 1,500-meter swim and she only increased her lead through the 40-kilometer bike ride and 10,000 meter run. One other competitor was in her sights during the bike ride, and she closed the gap a bit during the run. She was happy to be the second athlete overall to finish - and then shocked to learn that she won. Race official Dave Torre said that Soohwan Chun, a visiting triathlete from Korea, was penalized three minutes for drafting during the cycling leg of the triathlon. A cyclist who rides closely behind another gets an unfair advantage since the front-runner handles the headwind – and most of the work. Torre said the penalty was assessed on top of Chun’s performance time, giving him a 2:10:10 – still good for first male but behind Iijima for second place overall. The biggest field ever, 130 registered athletes, braved the beautiful, punishing morning of heat offered by the serene village located at Guam’s southernmost tip. The Olympic-distance event meant the average competitor would finish at around three hours, although some didn’t make it. And while triathlons exist for the individual athlete, teams were also welcome to increase participation and to allow beginners a gentle introduction to a supreme test of fitness and stamina. The event also served to declare Guam’s National Triathletes, the fastest finishers who meet residency requirements of the Guam National Olympic Committee. Cameron O’Neal at 2:16:15 and Kristina “Kit” Invargarssen Guerrero at 2:28:53 earned honor, qualifying them to represent Guam in future international triathlons. Iijima said that she’ll celebrate her win with more training. She’s got a 70.3 (half the Ironman distance) triathlon in Cebu, Philippines in early August, but she did say she looked forward to getting some sleep. The event was an overall success for organizers and competitors alike – even first-time triathlete Craig Weymouth, who’s only owned a bike for the last two months. He won the 50-59 division with a 2:23:29 time. “I am so grateful for all of the support I’ve received on this journey,” he said. Torre said that everyone should join again next year, and don’t come alone.
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The former Teen Wolf star took to Twitter on Thursday (March 29) to call out Fox News host Laura Ingraham who mocked a Parkland survivor. The day prior, Laura tweeted and commented on an article about David Hogg not having been accepted to four of the colleges to which he applied to that was published by a right-wing blog. She wrote, "David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.)" One of the many people outraged by Laura's comments, Dylan then responded writing: "You have no soul." This is not the first time that Dylan has been outspoken about his opinions on current events, having responded to other news stories in the past with words of disapproval. On March 26, a viral video started making the rounds which showed how Fox News was covering the March for Our Lives and correspondents insulting the students. Dylan retweeted the video and added, "This is sickening." In response to Laura's tweet, David tweeted a list of sponsors for her show The Ingraham Angle, telling followers to choose a number and pay a phone call to one of them to suggest that they un-endorse her. NPR reports that a number of the advertisers did just that. Plenty of other celebrities including Dylan have stood with David and other teens that have been calling for gun reform. Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, Yara Shahidi, and a number of others participated in the March last weekend. Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez also shared on Instagram their support for the rally.
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As the baby bump is still growing discreetly underneath it may not seem as though the woman is pregnant, but instead as though she has gained more weight. This gives the mother the feeling that her baby is doing well and helps in the bonding process between mother and child. For plus size pregnant women this judgment can be overwhelming coming from all sides in a society. Thank you for posting this. Wishing you all the very best with your pregnancy Sara. We only wish you knew that is already a sore spot for us that needs a gentle approach to avoid making us feel like we are failing even before we started. Moreover most of the weight is from the baby, amniotic fluid and placenta. Jessi was another incredible friend who amazingly had a due date just a few days after mine. Expectant women who are on the higher weight scale have been found to be more likely to suffer from hypertension and preeclampsia as well as gestational diabetes. Enter your email below and we'll send you another email. Many still believe this even for those who are pregnant with some even suggesting they go on diets and start exercising. What's a B Belly or Double Belly? Somehow everyone from colleagues to strangers on the road feel the need to weigh in on their size with some offering what they believe to be tidbits of wisdom.
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INNOVATIVE PARTNERSHIPS between leading businesses and schools at every level across the state are helping to shape a future workforce that will give the Commonwealth a key competitive edge in the global economy. Strengthening the talent of our workforce is the top priority cited by CEOs and senior executives at the Massachusetts Business Roundtable, which brings together business leaders from a wide variety of industry sectors across the Commonwealth to impact public policy and make Massachusetts a better place to live and work. The talent imperative is driving employers in every sector to build new and creative partnerships that will impact workforce development in both the short- and long-term. A recent survey of employers from across the Commonwealth found that 75 percent are having trouble finding workers with the skills necessary to fill open positions. To address this, companies are implementing innovative solutions to close the gap between the talent produced by the educational system and the talent businesses need to grow their operations in Massachusetts. A new Roundtable report, “Shaping the Future Workforce,” showcases more than two dozen high-value partnerships businesses have with public schools, community colleges, and universities. It highlights best practices and key drivers of success to engage and inspire the next generation of workers. Still others engage in philanthropic partnerships, devoting a significant amount of time on outreach and philanthropic efforts, and partnerships specifically focused on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Commitment by senior-level leadership is imperative and leads to a mutually beneficial partnership. Despite these high-value partnerships, business leaders report a persistent gap exists between the skills that students are graduating with and the skills employers need in hiring, particularly in the science and technology fields. They also report that the state’s education and workforce system must focus more attention on producing well-rounded employees who can read, write, and communicate effectively; work collaboratively in teams; engage in civic life; and present themselves professionally. To remain competitive, employers must be confident in their ability to find skilled and trained talent today and assured that the education and workforce pipeline is producing the workers of tomorrow. That is why they are reaching out in increasingly unique and targeted ways to schools from pre-K through graduate school to ensure the pipeline is producing the talent they need. While the Roundtable’s report on business and education partnerships is by no means an exhaustive list, it does provide a window on the key drivers of successful partnerships that policy makers, educational institutions, and businesses can use to shape a future workforce for Massachusetts that is second-to-none in the global economy. Policy ­­makers and educational and business leaders must continually adapt and innovate new policies, programs, and partnerships to shape the future workforce for Massachusetts to succeed in the global economy. To view the Roundtable report, click here. Tracy Pitcher is regional vice president for Comcast and chair of the Massachusetts Business Roundtable’s education task force; Marcy Reed is president of National Grid, Massachusetts, and chair of the Roundtable’s board of directors. The Massachusetts Business Roundtable is a non-partisan public policy organization consisting of businesses that employ more than 250,000 across the state.
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Here is the list of movies with the biggest opening weekends at the box office of all time (updated March 2019 to include record-breaker Captain Marvel). Why do we remember one movie and forget another? Who knows. But these are the 10 movies in 2015 I remember, for better or worse.
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This safari takes you to two of Kenya’s gems: Aberdares and Samburu. You begin with Aberdares National Park, where you find icy rivers, spectacular waterfalls and rain forests. Here elephants, buffaloes and other animals visit you at the floodlit waterholes of your lodge.
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Melaleuca provides the opportunity for any Marketing Executive to build an international business. For store hours and locations, visit the Contact Us page. Although this opportunity exists, it is strongly recommended that Marketing Executives continue to pursue local opportunities where they are most often present and can provide the needed support to their organisations.
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Agricultural Estimator is the fastest way to access quality, dependable, defendable and consistent costs for all agricultural structure and appraisal needs. Enter the subject property-specific building data into the specified fields and let the program pull all related cost figures, calculate totals and produce entire reports. Backed by expansive and trusted resources, Agricultural Estimator enables users to avoid under or overvaluing the agricultural properties in their portfolio. An annual subscription to Agricultural Estimator includes quarterly updates and unlimited free technical support services.
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LEWISTON, Maine – Bates College has appointed former Bowdoin standout, Connecticut College assistant and Andrew College head coach Margo Linton as the 11th head coach in the 45-year history of its varsity women's volleyball team, Director of Athletics Kevin McHugh announced today. Linton succeeds Brett Allen, who has coached Bates' volleyball team since the 2004 season and remains the head coach of the Bobcats' women's lacrosse team. NEW LONDON, Conn. – Connecticut College senior Kelsey Taylor (East Hampton, Conn.) has been named to the Capital One Academic All-America Women's Cross Country/Track & Field Team, as selected by the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA). Taylor earned third team accolades in the College Division. HADLEY, Mass. – Michaela Calnan (Melrose, Mass.), a 2011 graduate of Bowdoin College and a former two-sport athlete for the Polar Bears, has been nominated for the 2011 NCAA Woman of the Year Award by the NESCAC. The NCAA Woman of the Year Award honors graduating student-athletes who have distinguished themselves throughout their collegiate careers in the areas of academic achievement, athletics excellence, service and leadership. The award has been given annually since 1991. HADLEY, Mass. – A total of 12 men's tennis players from six different NESCAC teams have been honored as All-America for the 2010-11 season by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA). Among the 12 were four individuals who received All-America recognition for the second year in a row, including Bowdoin senior Stephen Sullivan, a four-time All-NESCAC and All-America honoree. HADLEY, Mass. – The Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) announced on Monday the All-America honorees for the 2010-11 season with 13 women's tennis players from five different NESCAC teams earning honors. Included among the 13 players were Middlebury's Victoria Aiello and Tufts' Julia Browne, both of whom earned All-America for the third year in a row. CLEVELAND, Ohio – Williams once again finds itself atop the final Division III Learfield SportsDirectors’ Cup Standings after recording 1147.00 total points. The Ephs most recently won national championships in both women’s rowing and women’s tennis, while also placing fourth in men’s tennis, fifth in women’s outdoor track & field and 75th in men’s outdoor track & field. AMHERST, Mass. – The Collegiate Women Sports Awards announced today Amherst College's Kendra Stern ’11 as the recipient of the 2010-11 Honda Award Division III Athlete of the Year, which recognizes the top female student-athlete in the nation. Stern is the first Amherst student to receive the prestigious honor. AMHERST, Mass. — Carolyn Arthur “Biddy” Martin, the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin’s renowned flagship university in Madison and a former longtime professor and provost at Cornell University, has been selected to be Amherst College’s 19th president, the school’s Board of Trustees announced Tuesday. HADLEY, Mass. – Bowdoin College has informed the NESCAC that is has vacated the conference championship it earned in men’s ice hockey on March 6, 2011, following an investigation by the College into a violation of the institution’s social code and policy that prohibits hazing. The NESCAC has accepted Bowdoin’s decision and has determined that the championship shall remain vacant for the 2010-11 season. HADLEY, Mass. – A total of three student-athletes representing three different NESCAC teams have been honored on the 2011 Capital One Academic All-America Women’s At-Large Teams, as announced by the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA) Thursday. Highlighting the three selections is Amherst's Kendra Stern, a two-time honoree who earned First Team honors. NEW LONDON, Conn. – Norm Riker, head women’s soccer coach at Wittenberg University, has been named head women’s soccer coach at Connecticut College, effective July 1. Riker compiled an impressive 108-51-25 record at Wittenberg and directed the program to its first four appearances in the NCAA Championship tournament from 2006-2009. BRUNSWICK, Maine – The Bowdoin College Athletic Department has announced that Colin Joyner is stepping down as head coach of the men's tennis program. One of the most successful coaches in program history, Joyner accumulated 73 victories over the past six seasons and led the team to its first NESCAC Championship in 2008. NEW LONDON, Conn. – Connecticut College head women’s lacrosse coach Heather McClelland is stepping down after six seasons with the program. McClelland will relinquish her duties as lacrosse coach July 1. The college will conduct a national search for her replacement. WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. – Williams Athletic Director Lisa Melendy announced Tuesday that Kate Maloney, an assistant women's crew coach at Yale University and former U.S. Olympic rower, has been hired as the head coach of the Eph women's team, replacing interim head coach Brad Hemmerly. MEDFORD, Mass. – On Friday night at the NCAA Championship banquet at M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore, Tufts senior D.J. Hessler (Monkton, Md.) was named as the recipient of the Elite 88 award for the 2011 NCAA Men's Lacrosse Championship. Hessler, the 2010 and 2011 NESCAC Player of the Year, is a biomedical engineering major. BALTIMORE, Md. – The Salisbury University Sea Gulls won their ninth NCAA title with a convincing 19-7 victory over Tufts in the 2011 men's lacrosse final on Sunday night at M&T Bank Stadium. Salisbury junior Sam Bradman dominated the game with seven goals, setting a record for the most ever in the Division III final and earning the Most Outstanding Player of the game award. CLAREMONT, Calif. – The most outstanding year in Bowdoin Athletics history ended with a flourish on Sunday as the Polar Bear duo of Stephen Sullivan and Oscar Pena won the NCAA Men's Tennis Doubles Championship. Sullivan and Pena knocked off Zhenya Pereverzin and Ronald Wu of Claremont Mudd Scripps for the title, 6-4, 6-4. They are the first tennis players in Bowdoin's history to win a national title. CLAREMONT, Calif. – Amherst College first years Jordan Brewer and Gabby Devlin capped off a phenomenal 2010-11 season on Sunday by winning the doubles tournament at the NCAA Women’s Tennis Individual Championship. This is the sixth time a NESCAC duo has won the national doubles tournament and the first time Amherst has earned the title since Alicia Menezes and Brittany Berckes claimed back-to-back crowns in 2007 and 2008. CLAREMONT, Calif. – Two men's doubles teams have reached Sunday's semifinal round in the NCAA doubles championship. Bowdoin's duo of Oscar Pena and Stephen Sullivan and the Amherst tandem of Moritz Koenig and Wes Waterman won their first two matches in the individual tournament to reach Sunday's semifinals. GOLD RIVER, Calif. – Williams College won its seventh consecutive NCAA women's rowing title on Saturday at Lake Natoma in California. The Ephs' first varsity eight won the Grand Final with a time of 6:54.43, while the second varsity eight came in sixth in the six-boat Grand Final in a time of 7:16.56. DELAWARE, Ohio – Jennifer Gossels of Williams added another distance title to her mantle with a first-place time of 17:06.76 in the womne's 5,000-meter run. Gossels also won the 10,000-meter run Thursday night for the Ephs, who finished fifth in the team standings. CLAREMONT, Calif. – The Amherst doubles team of Jordan Brewer and Gabby Devlin have reached the semifinals of the NCAA women's doubles tournament, which will take place on Sunday afternoon. Brewer and Devlin were one of three NESCAC doubles teams in action on Saturday, however they were the only duo to survive. CLAREMONT, Calif. – Middlebury senior Andy Peters advanced to the quarterfinal round of the NCAA Men's Tennis singles championship with a pair of wins on Friday. Peters, one of seven NESCAC men's tennis players to participate in this year's singles tournament, is the only individual from the conference to advance out of the first two rounds. WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. – Williams College sophomore standout Bryan Chow (Schenectady, N.Y.) has been named the winner of the prestigious NCAA Elite 88 Award at the 2011 NCAA Men's Tennis Championships. DELAWARE, Ohio – Sophomore Tanasia Hoffler of Williams College earned the national title in the women's triple jump during day two of the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field championships Friday at Ohio Wesleyan. The Ephs are second overall heading into the final day of the championship with 26 points, 22 points behind first-place Wis.-Oshkosh. WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. – Meghan Gillis has been named the head coach of women's ice hockey at Williams College, it was announced Friday by Williams Director of Athletics Lisa Melendy. Gillis has spent the past two years at Pomfret School as an assistant director of admissions, head girls ice hockey coach, and assistant softball coach. HADLEY, Mass. – The Intercollegiate Women's Lacrosse Coaches Association (IWLCA) announced its All-America teams on Thursday afternoon, and 15 players on the 48-member squad had NESCAC ties, as seven conference teams were represented. Of the 15 honored, six earned IWLCA First Team All-America recognition. CLAREMONT, Calif. – Four women's tennis players representing four different NESCAC teams are among the eight quarterfinalists in the NCAA singles championship. Among the four is Tufts senior Julia Browne, the three-time NESCAC Player of the Year and the 2010 NCAA singles champion. DALLAS, Texas – Archie Manning, chairman of The National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame (NFF), announced Tuesday the 2011 Divisional Hall of Fame Class, which included former Trinity standout Mickey Kobrowsky. This year's class will be inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame during the Enshrinement Festival, July 15-16, in South Bend, Ind.
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I found this location in 1997 by chance. The studio itself is housed in a vintage schoolhouse from the 1940's. It is 1225 square feet and includes my work area, gallery, partial kitchen where I do the glazing, restroom and storage area for dry materials. An upstairs living additon over a large double car garage was added by the previous owner in 1993. The property faces west with a view of Gold Canyon and the remains of the Yellow Jacket Mine and the Crown Point Mill. To the east is a steep hill where black locust and pinion pines grow precariously in the poor soil. To the north is a view of Mt. Davidson also known as Sun Mountain. In the morning, Sun Mountain turns pink and gold as the sun comes up..
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Myrtle Beach and the Grand Strand areas of South Carolina are home to over 250,000 year-round residents. Our communities also attract millions of visitors annually to the semitropical paradise that is a golfing, fishing and family vacation haven. When the number of people in such a small area increases, so too do the odds of pedestrian and biking accidents. Whether a biker or pedestrian is injured by a driver or through the carelessness of others, the Maguire Law Firm is prepared to offer skilled legal guidance. We serve injury victims in Horry, Georgetown and Marion counties of South Carolina. Our lawyers will work to gather the details and to seek justice for those injured through the negligence or recklessness of others. Call our firm today at 843-491-5044 to schedule a consultation*. Traffic conditions that could impact a bicyclist's safety include on-street parking, heavy volume of motor vehicles, the traveling speed of traffic, travel surface and debris on the roadway. Whether it is walking to the beach, coming out of restaurants or simply mingling on street corners, pedestrians need to stay alert at all times. This is especially true at intersections where the majority of pedestrian injuries occur. The Maguire Law Firm's staff deals with the insurance company to allow you to focus on your recovery, your family and your future. We understand the medical aspects of injuries and how they can impact your life. Our goal is to turn complex information into real language that jurors can understand. We are dedicated to seeing that you get the justice you deserve. To schedule a consultation*, call our Myrtle Beach office at 843-491-5044 or by sending us an email. We offer flexible appointment scheduling for your convenience.
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I use GUESS Visualization for creating graphs. When the graph is going to be placed in a webpage, then exporting it as JPEG is sufficient. However, when publication-quality is required, Inkscape is one of the best options to produce great figures. Inkscape can import a variety of formats. When you are importing a graph generated by GUESS, the best format export option inside of GUESS that I found is EMF (enhanced windows metafile). Exporting the graph in GUESS as PDF, and then importing the PDF into Inkscape also works, but the hassle is more than using EMF. Why send email from an email address that does not accept incoming email? As a customer, what are we supposed to do? They could at least have a “reply-to” address that goes to a customer support email address or something like that. Here’s the text and picture (emphasis added in the last line). We wanted to let you know that we received your return for your order . If you are due a refund you will receive another email confirmation shortly. Note: this e-mail was sent from a notification-only e-mail address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
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– Most automobiles are built to have various occupants, often with 4 or 5 seats. Vehicles with five seats commonly seat two passengers in the entrance and a few in the rear. Whole-size vehicles and huge sport utility automobiles can typically carry 6, 7, or maybe more occupants with regards to the arrangement on the seats. However, athletics cars and trucks are most frequently designed with only two seats. The differing wants for passenger capacity and their baggage or cargo House has resulted in the availability of a large range of human body variations to fulfill personal purchaser prerequisites that include, amongst Other folks, the sedan/saloon, hatchback, station wagon/estate, and minivan. According to analysis conducted by Julian Allwood in the University of Cambridge, global energy use can be heavily lowered by making use of lighter cars and trucks, and a mean body weight of 500 kg (1,one hundred lb) has long been mentioned being properly achievable. In a few competitions like the Shell Eco Marathon, common automobile weights of forty five kg (99 lb) have also been reached. These cars and trucks are only single-seaters (however falling throughout the definition of a car, While 4-seater cars are more frequent), Nevertheless they nevertheless demonstrate the quantity by which motor vehicle weights could however be lessened, and the following reduce gasoline use (i.e. up to a gas use of 2560 km/l). The automotive market types, develops, manufactures, markets, and sells the planet’s motor motor vehicles. In 2008, greater than 70 million motor motor vehicles, together with vehicles and business motor vehicles were generated globally. , In 2007, a total of 71.nine million new automobiles had been bought globally: 22.nine million in Europe, 21.4 million inside the Asia-Pacific Area, 19.4 million from the United states of america and Canada, 4.four million in Latin The us, two.four million in the Middle East and one.4 million in Africa. The markets in North The us and Japan were stagnant, when Individuals in South The united states and other parts of Asia grew strongly. Of the key markets, China, Russia, Brazil and India saw probably the most rapid expansion. . About 250 million cars are in use in The usa. Around the world, there were about 806 million autos and light-weight vans over the street in 2007; they burn about 260 billion US gallons (980,000,000 m3) of gasoline and diesel gasoline yearly. The quantities are growing swiftly, specifically in China and India. In the impression of some, urban transportation techniques primarily based round the motor vehicle have proved unsustainable, consuming abnormal energy, influencing the wellbeing of populations, and offering a declining volume of provider Even with increasing investments. A lot of of these destructive impacts fall disproportionately on Those people social groups who also are minimum more likely to possess and push vehicles. The sustainable transportation movement focuses on alternatives to those complications. In 2008, with fast climbing oil price ranges, industries including the automotive sector, are enduring a combination of pricing pressures from Uncooked product fees and modifications in client obtaining routines. The market can also be going through rising external Competitiveness from the general public transport sector, as shoppers re-Examine their personal auto usage. About fifty percent with the US’s fifty-1 mild auto vegetation are projected to permanently close in the coming decades, While using the lack of another 200,000 Work opportunities while in the sector, on top of the 560,000 Careers misplaced this decade. Combined with strong development in China, in 2009, this resulted in China getting to be the biggest car or truck producer and industry on the planet. China 2009 profits experienced greater to 13.six million, a substantial improve from a million of domestic auto product sales in 2000. Given that then on the other hand, even in China and other BRIC nations around the world, the automotive output is yet again slipping. . Cars and trucks are generally fitted with numerous sorts of lights. These include headlights, that are made use of to light up the way forward and make the vehicle seen to other customers, so that the car can be utilized at night; in some jurisdictions, daytime jogging lights; crimson brake lights to point in the event the brakes are applied; amber transform sign lights to point the change intentions of the motive force; white-coloured reverse lights to light up the realm guiding the car (and indicate that the motive force are going to be or is reversing); and on some motor vehicles, added lights (e.g., aspect marker lights) to enhance the visibility of the car. Interior lights within the ceiling of the vehicle are frequently fitted for the driving force and travellers. Some automobiles also have a trunk light-weight and, more seldom, an motor compartment mild.
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The 4th Asia-Pacific Programme for Senior National Security Officers (APPSNO) was held from 11 to 16 April 2010 at the Sentosa Resort and Spa, Singapore. How could law enforcement officials not directly involved in counter-terrorism duties in their daily work, better develop attitudes, mindsets and skills that would sensitise them to early warning indicators of violent radicalisation and/or terrorist threats in their respective environments? How could public officials in transport, education, health and other non-security sectors move beyond the old assumption that counter-terrorism is “not our core business” and be “incentivised” to develop some degree of ownership of this increasingly important national security domain? How could societies evolve and “mainstream” a cultural norm against the embrace of violent extremist ideologies? The 4th APPSNO Report can be found here.
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1. 1425 WELSH ROW (North Side) ------------ Nos 60 and 62 (The Gateway) SJ 6452 1/6 II GV 2. Early Cl9. Red brick,2 storeys. Consists of 2 small houses flanking and over central arch leading to the Porch House (Map No 1/6). Symmetrical front to Welsh Row, and return to Red Lion Lane; 3 sash windows in recessed 2 storey panels with arched heads; stone string course overall at springing line; projecting central feature with stone 5-centred arch leading through block; moulded wood eaves cornice with modillions, continued as pediment to centre feature; slate roof hipped at ends. Nos 42 to 64(even), 64A, 64B and Nos 66 to 92 (even) form a group.
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Gogar Primary School formerly consisted of eight rundown classrooms, a few desks and squalid latrines, now boasts clean and well-equipped classrooms, rainwater storage and enjoys ever increasing numbers of children. As a consequence of improved facilities at the Vanessa Grant School for children with special needs, it soon became apparent that facilities at the local primary school were in a poor state by comparison. It was then decided that the VGT should become involved in the task of upgrading and enhancing facilities at Gogar Primary School. Since that time, the primary school has been transformed through the generous support of Cheltenham College in the UK and King’s Edgehill School in Nova Scotia and thanks also to the efforts of countless willing volunteers and donors. Our most recent goal for Gogar Primary is to establish a computer room that will allow children to acquire invaluable IT skills. The school will also be able to offer IT courses to the broader community, thus providing opportunities for community members to also acquire such skills, as well as providing an additional source of income for the VGT. This and other such amibitions are made possible thanks to the generous support of organisations such as Cheltenham College and Brambletye School as well as individual donors.
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Dr. Yanhai Du is a professor at Kent State University, holds a Ph. D. in Material Science and Engineering, has over 20 years extensive experience in fuel cell research, development, and manufacturing, has published over 100 technical publications, including 11 patents in key areas of fuel cell design, and has received $1.5 million in grants for various clean energy research projects over the past six years. Dr. Du is the Team Leader and Principal Investigator (PI) of Kent State University's Fuel Cell Program. Tejas Dudhade is a graduate research assistant, and a graduate student in the Technology Management program. He received his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. His research is focused on the development of a universal tubular SOFC testing fixture. He is also a member of leading organizations in engineering management and quality engineering including the American Engineering Management (ASEM), American Society for Quality (ASQ), and Engineering Management Students Association (EMSA). Dr. Dhruba Panthi is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Fuel Cells group. He received his PhD and MS degrees from The University of Tokyo (Japan) and BS degree from Tribhuvan University (Nepal), all in Mechanical Engineering. His broad research interests lie in clean energy technologies, applied electrochemistry, ceramic materials, and the general areas of mechanical, materials and process engineering. Dr. Panthi has 11 research papers to his credit published in peer-reviewed journals and has presented his work at more than a dozen of international scientific conferences. Magd Al Harbi is a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Engineering with a concentration in Mechatronics. Magd interned at AlphaMicron Inc. from November 2015 to November 2016 where he handled numerous tasks that created a myriad of mutual opportunities for success and prosperity. Magd was also in the Individual Investigation class with Dr. Du where he worked on a project that was centered around his passion for automation and control. He successfully planned, developed, and executed the project meeting the deadlines and achieving the goal of the project: the RC Bluetooth Vehicle. Hemant Naik is a graduate student currently pursuing his Masters in Technology. His thesis is on the subject of spiral fuel cells and the challenges faced in their fabrication using 3D printing and functionality. With a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, he has had previous industrial work experience as a Design Engineer. He has also worked on individual projects including a Utility Vehicle for City and Suburbs for the Mahindra Design Competition, and has participated in competitions including the Formula Supra SAE India Competition and the International Bicycle Design Competition for disabled and financially unstable people. Chaitran Chakilam is a graduate student currently pursuing his masters in Engineering Technology Management. He has previously worked on three national level events organized by SAE International (formerly the Society of Automotive Engineers) and other individual projects such as Low-Cost Electrical Wheelchair, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Sriram Matturi is a graduate student currently pursuing his masters in Digital Sciences. He received his bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He has previously worked on individual projects such as industrial high voltage transformer protection against overheating of the transformer, and improving active power filter performance for renewable power generation system. Angela Deibel is an undergraduate student, double majoring in Marketing and Engineering. Her minors include Environmental Sustainability and Fine Arts. In Summer 2016, she interned in Dr. Du’s fuel cell lab, and was the catalyst for the student-led project creating a Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV). She has been involved in similar projects, such as fundraising for Tiny Homes. Xin Yang is a visiting scholar and PhD candidate in Science of Condensed Matter Physics at Jilin University, China. She has previously worked for a national program named the study of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Fueled with Commercial City Gas. During her time at Kent State University, she is working on synthesis and characterization of double-perovskite anodes for SOFCs with coking resistance and sulfur tolerance using hydrocarbon fuels. Theo Woodson is the lab manager. Hai Feng is a graduate research assistant, and a graduate student. He has a master's degree of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research is focused on the current collector of micro tubular solid oxide fuel cells. He is also supervising undergraduate students on senior design project.
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This page displays sold house prices for Peckham Close in Cardiff. Peckham Close in Cardiff CF5 consists predominantly of semi-detached houses. Properties on Peckham Close typically have values around £150,000 - £250,000, ranging upwards of £250,000 for larger semi-detached houses. Map showing Peckham Close in Cardiff.
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I taught for several years at Mount St. Mary’s University, where Thane Naberhaus, a (tenured) professor of philosophy, was abruptly fired yesterday afternoon for his role in opposing a plan to dismiss at-risk freshmen in their first semester of college. For more on the story, you can visit Daily Nous. To sign a statement of protest from members of the academic community, please visit http://tinyurl.com/msmprotestform. As a Mount alum, ’70, and an Elmira College professor for 40 yrs., I am embarrassed by the Pres. and Board’s actions. Both have demonstrated that they are unable to lead the University and should not only reinstate those fired but also tender their resignations. This is the most outrageous conduct of a president of an academic institution. The faculty should stand up as one body and fire the president! The students should take the president’s office and do not allow him to enter. Bring the provost back as temporary president to continue with the academic life.
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Increasing sectarian conflict in Syria has affected Lebanon in several ways. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have fled over the border into Lebanon as a direct result of the violence in Syria. The number of refugees registered with UNHCR in Lebanon increased drastically, from more than 130,000 in January 2013 to around 900,000 in March 2014, the largest refugee population from Syria in the region. In addition to refugees registered with the UNHCR, many refugees have not registered or are Syrian migrant workers in Lebanon who cannot return to Syria. According to the most recent estimate by the Lebanese government in March 2013, one million Syrians, including Syrian workers and those that have not registered, were living in Lebanon. Fleeing the continuing violence at home, Syrian refugees risk persecution by the Lebanese security services, and even their lives, when they cross the border into Lebanon. Syrian defectors and dissidents who fled their country were allegedly arrested by the Lebanese army and sent back to Syria. The enormous influx of Syrian refugees into Lebanon has had many destabilizing consequences for Lebanon. The total cost of the crisis to Lebanon is projected to reach 7.5 billion USD by the end of 2014. Spending on education and health has increased dramatically. Competition on the job market has driven wages down, while prices for basic necessities have increased. The majority of refugees are living in the poorest regions of Lebanon, such as the north and Beqaa, and this has led to increasing friction with the Lebanese population. The increased demand has led to water and electricity shortages, pressure on waste management, and overcrowded public schools. Areas near the Lebanese-Syrian border have been subject to cross-border fire, incursions, abductions, and arms trafficking. For the first time, on 18 March 2013, the Syrian regime launched airstrikes on Arsal, in eastern Lebanon, targeting suspected Syrian rebel positions. From the start of the Syrian crisis, the Lebanese government sought to prevent the violence from spilling over into Lebanon. In an interview with the UAE-based daily The National in January 2012, former prime minister Najib Mikati stressed that his country does not want to become involved in Syria’s domestic affairs. Critics have, however, termed the government’s self-proclaimed neutral position as tacit support for the Syrian regime, because Lebanon abstained from voting on a suspension of Syria’s membership and enforcement of economic sanctions during an emergency session of the Arab League on 12 November 2011. In addition, on 22 January 2012, Lebanon was the only member of the League to refrain from calling on al-Assad to step down. It had earlier (on 3 August 2011) disassociated itself from a United Nations Security Council statement condemning the Syrian authorities for ‘widespread violations of human rights [and] the use of force against civilians’ (in 2010/2011 Lebanon was a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council). In February 2012, Lebanon abstained from voting for a UN resolution condemning the Syrian regime and supporting a plan calling for Assad’s removal from power. Furthermore, Lebanon abstained from the UN resolutions of 3 August 2012 (calling for a political transition), 15 May 2013 (condemning the government’s indiscriminate violence against civilians) and 19 November 2013 (condemning human-rights violations). Lebanon’s stance can be ascribed to the dominant position of Hezbollah in Lebanese politics. Since the second half of the 1980s, the organization has maintained a tactical alliance with the Syrian regime. Syria is a crucial channel for military aid from Iran and a vital ally in an informal alliance—the so-called Resistance Axis (Jabhat al-Mumanaa), which also includes Iran and Hamas—against the alleged American-Israeli hegemony in the region. Hezbollah’s support for the Syrian regime has not been limited to rhetoric; Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon have been fighting against Syrian rebels, primarily in al-Qusayr and surrounding Shiite villages near the border with Lebanon. This military involvement has increasingly led to cross-border shelling and rocket attacks into Lebanon. While Hezbollah initially denied its members were fighting in Syria, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on 25 May 2013 officially committed to fight the Syrian opposition. The narrative of Hezbollah is that it helps the legitimate Syrian government in its fight against what it calls “terrorists”, radical Sunni jihadis who, in its eyes, are supported by the United States and Israel. In addition, Hezbollah claims that these jihadis supported by external powers threaten not only Lebanon’s Shia but all sects. In this way, Hezbollah tries to win domestic support. While Hezbollah retains support within Lebanon’s Shiite community, its role in defending the Assad regime has raised criticism from within. Hezbollah has been losing popularity, as some fighters have refused to fight in Syria. By siding with the Assad regime and its Alawite supporters, Hezbollah has involved itself in a conflict that has nothing to do with the aim for which it was originally established, resistance to the Israeli occupation. Its involvement in the Syrian conflict is not surprising, however, given that Hezbollah, as part of the Axis of Resistance, is defending its essential supply lines in Syria.
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Expanding its reach as an industry-focused strategic consultancy and managed services provider, Xceedance is delighted to join the American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) as an associate member. As a national advisory organization, AAIS develops policy forms and rating information for more than 700 property and casualty insurers who are regular members. Reinsurers, service providers and software vendors who support AAIS member companies can have access to AAIS information, resources and marketing opportunities through a membership program. The membership provides Xceedance with access to forms, manuals, bulletins, and educational materials. Online access to forms and manuals via AAISdirect will help Xceedance streamline operational processes and allow Xceedance to serve its clients quickly and efficiently, while staying current on the programs used by insurers.
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Personal factors: These include in particular attitudes and competencies of PE teachers. Research projects i.a. address the training of PE teachers, the qualification of trainers and instructors as well as research of further education. Task specific factors: These include in particular activities of PE teachers in terms of a purposeful, systematic support. Research projects i.a. address the development support, as well as the individual support and the support of boys. Environmental factors: These include in particular framework conditions in terms of a sociospatial learning environment. Research projects i.a. address informal learning processes, the participation and integration in schools, all-day schools, sport clubs and the educational network.
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Even if you’re a Small or Medium business, virtualization can help you more than you can possibly know. It gives you the power to grow, even if you’re not ready to do so in the foreseeable future. By moving businesses away from the idea of having just one or two Windows servers with the OS on the bare metal, you’re giving yourself a flexibility you’ve probably never even considered. The biggest advantage you’re going to get — the one that executives are going to get excited about — is portability. You can move your VM wherever you please, and you don’t have to worry about complex imaging procedures to move your server from one physical host to another. You purchased new hardware? Great! Just export your server somewhere, start up the new host and import it! You want to test something out on your live environment but are too scared it’ll destroy everything? No worries! Just download it onto your local machine and fire it up. Not only that, but in the future it’ll be easy too. It’s straightforward enough to see that the cloud is the next big revolution, and indications are that virtual machine portability is the pinnacle to their success. Soon enough, you’ll be able to just press a button and your machine will be hosted on Amazon or Azure during times of high load. Once it’s settled back down, you can push it again and it’ll bring it in house. It’s not a reality yet, but it’s soon going to be. Going virtual also has great benefits for backups too. It’s entirely possible with the latest backup products to not only back up the files in your environment, but the entire environment too. That way, you don’t have to rebuild the server from scratch, then recover the data manually. It’s all there. All you need to do is re-import it and you’re away. The best part about this? If you’re a small business, and you don’t need more than one or two servers in your environment, VMware has a free offering (ESXi) which is available for anyone and Microsoft includes Hyper-V with their latest versions of Windows too. As your environment grows, you can defer investment by building virtual machines in your unused resources too, rather than having a Quad-core sitting in the closet idling away serving that active directory infrastructure. If you get big enough to have a few virtual hosts, you can utilize even more advanced features to give yourself resiliency, such as the automatic migration of virtual machines when a host has issues. There’s no excuse for not putting your environments on top of these products, and it’ll save you a whole lot of hassle too. Since it’s free, there’s no reason to resist either. You’ll be seriously surprised at just how easy it is.
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NCTE has a history of supporting all students and taking positions to ensure that every school has a safe environment. In 2007, NCTE passed its Resolution on Strengthening Teacher Knowledge of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Issues. In 2010, NCTE passed its Resolution on Social Justice in Literacy Education, and in 2011, NCTE passed its Resolution on Confronting Bullying and Harassment. Bullying and its deleterious impact on students will be debated on the floor of the Senate when the ESEA is considered in the coming weeks. At the HELP Committee mark-up, both Chairman Alexander (R-TN) and Senator Casey (D-PA) submitted amendments to address bullying (listed as Alexander Title IV, Amendment 1, and Casey Title IV, Amendment 1). While the two amendments share similar language, they differ in their proposed implementation. Given the importance of addressing bullying, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) suggested that the two Senators work out a compromise. Their staffs are in the process of working on language acceptable to all parties. Senator Al Franken (D-MN) is also expected to introduce the Student Non-Discrimination Act as an amendment to ESEA. This amendment is focused on bullying but with particular attention paid to LGBT students. NCTE’s commitment to treating every student with dignity and respect and its belief that teachers should have a voice makes this a particularly good time to share our resolutions with decision makers on the Hill. All 100 Senators will be voting on these amendments when they are introduced on the floor. NCTE will send out relevant action alerts when the time comes, but why wait? Why not write your Senators now to raise their awareness about your perspective or the Council’s perspective on this issue!
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God calls on us to give regularly, generously and sacrificially to show our gratitude for all He has given us. For us, giving is worship. It’s an expression of gratitude because everything we have and enjoy comes from God. It changes us when we give. There is a joy and freedom we experience when we give as an expression of our love for God. Tithe means 10%. In the Bible, God calls on us to return 10% of all we make back to him through the local church. The purpose of tithing is to teach us to always put God first in our lives. An offering is any gift above your regular tithe. Jesus said if we’re generous with others, God will be generous with us. He is our model of generosity. There are many ways to give to Carefree Church.
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When the original Nissan Titan full-size pickup was first introduced it sent shock waves through the segment with its innovative bed design, high standard of interior comfort and convenience features and, of course, its rugged truck frame and powerful 317-horsepower Nissan Endurance V8 engine. Entering the 2011 model year, the popular Titan continues to set the bar high. Following a number of enhancements for 2010, the Nissan Titan full-size pickup features additional refinements to the optional equipment package content. In addition, the previous Titan SE model has been replaced with the Titan SV and the previous Titan LE model is now named the Titan SL. For 2011, the Titan four-model lineup consists of S, SV, PRO-4X and SL. The 2011 Titan is offered in King Cab and Crew Cab body styles with a choice of 4×4 and 4×2 drive configurations, along with two wheelbases (138.9 inches and 159.5 inches) and three bed lengths. Titan is also available as a Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) designed to run on E85 Ethanol. Titan is built on Nissan’s rugged F-Alpha pickup platform, featuring a powerful 5.6-liter DOHC Endurance V8 rated at 317 horsepower and 385 lb-ft torque. Titan features a standard 5-speed automatic transmission and a maximum towing capacity of up to 9,500 pounds for King Cab and 9,400 pounds for Crew Cab (when properly equipped). Titan again offers innovative features such as Wide-Open rear doors (King Cab) that open 168 degrees for nearly unlimited interior access, a utility bed that includes a segment-first factory-applied spray-on bedliner, a Utili-track™ Bed Channel System that provides ultimate cargo hauling flexibility and an integrated, lockable bedside storage compartment. And, though first and foremost designed for hard work and hard play, an array of technology and comfort features are available, including Bluetooth Hands-free Phone System, XM? Satellite Radio (XM® subscription required, sold separately), Nissan Navigation system, Rockford Fosgate® audio system, heated front seats, leather-appointed seating and DVD entertainment center. The Titan exterior is again anchored by a distinctive, powerful front end and cab appearance and an innovative high utility bed design. Titan King Cab offers a 138.9-inch wheelbase and 6-foot 6-inch bed, while the Titan Crew Cab features a 138.9-inch wheelbase and 5-foot 7-inch bed. The Crew Cab SV Long Wheelbase model features a 159.5-inch wheelbase and a 7-foot 3-inch bed, nearly 20 inches longer than the standard wheelbase Crew Cab bed and the longest in class. All Titans feature a 28-gallon fuel tank, providing an excellent driving range. Titan King Cab models also feature Wide-Open rear doors, which open 168 degrees for greatly improved rear cab access. Key to the door’s design is a hefty, two-stage hinge with four axis of rotation. The doors open first to a conventional 85 degrees, then can be swung the rest of the way for easy loading and unloading of cargo or passengers. Titan’s available spray-on bedliner (standard on SL models) helps prevent scratch damage and corrosion to the bed and inner tailgate surface. Thinner than drop-in bedliners or typical aftermarket spray-on applications, the Titan bedliner also maximizes bed volume. It was the first offered by any original equipment manufacturer and is covered by the Nissan warranty – unlike aftermarket bedliner systems. Also available is the Utili-track™ Bed Channel System, with five special “C” cross-section rails that are mounted in the bed (two channels in the bed floor, and one each on the bed side rails and the bed header panel). Titan is the only truck to offer five channels. Removable utility cleats (rated at 200 pounds) slide into the channels, providing a wide range of attaching points for cargo tie-down. The channels are open at the rear of the bed, allowing the cleats to be completely removed when not in use for easy cleaning. To further maximize Titan’s utility, Nissan offers an extensive line of bed accessories, including dividers, extenders, sliding cargo trays, modular storage units, bike and kayak racks and other accessories. As required for a working pickup, the Titan bed also carries 4×8-foot plywood sheets easily between the wheel housings. Titan’s bed includes an available dampened tailgate assist that aids in the effort to open and close the tailgate. Titan also features an available innovative bedside storage compartment located behind the rear driver’s side wheel (SV models only). The bedside storage bin is designed to hold common utility items such as work gloves, chains, rope, road flares, first aid kit or a hitch ball. The compartment is double-sealed to help prevent the intrusion of water and dust and uses the Titan ignition key for unlocking. The 2011 Nissan Titan again utilizes a rugged, fully boxed high-strength all-steel F-Alpha platform for enhanced crash performance and long-term durability. Every Titan comes equipped with Nissan’s advanced Endurance V8 as standard equipment. The all-aluminum 5.6-liter V8 engine is rated at 317 horsepower and 385 lb-ft of torque and utilizes an aluminum block with cast iron cylinder liners, forged steel crankshaft, microfinished crankshaft and camshaft, graphite-coated pistons, 6-bolt main bearing caps, and Super Silent single-stage timing chain. Titan is available with Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) technology as a no-cost option (available in certain regions only). Equipped with a common fuel tank designed to run on varying blends of gasoline with ethanol (up to E85), Titan FFV offers an alternative to conventional gasoline. Titan’s standard 5-speed automatic transmission is designed especially for heavy-duty truck use, with emphasis on serious towing and smooth shift quality. A transmission temperature gauge is included in the meter cluster on SV, PRO-4X and SL models. An Active Brake Limited-Slip Differential (2-wheel or 4-wheel) is standard on both 4×2 and 4×4 models. Titan 4X4 models adapt an advanced shift-on-the-fly 4-wheel drive system with 2WD/4HI/4LO modes with electronic control part-time transfer case. Titan features a maximum towing capacity of 9,500 pounds for King Cab and 9,400 pounds for Crew Cab (when properly equipped) – as much as some 3/4-ton pickups. Titan’s responsive handling is a product of its all-steel double wishbone front suspension design and overslung leaf spring (dual rate) rear suspension with shackles mounted along the frame sides to increase departure angle. Power-assisted rack-and-pinion steering is standard, along with 4-wheel disc brakes with Bosch Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and Electronic Brake force Distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist (BA). Titan offers standard 18-inch wheels on S, SV and PRO-4X models, while 20-inch aluminum-alloy wheels are standard on the Titan SL. Crew Cab SV models are offered with optional 18-inch chrome-clad aluminum-alloy wheels and 20-inch chrome-plated aluminum-alloy wheels are optional on SL models. Titan’s interior features refined styling and two interior configurations – a bench seat with column shifter (seats six) or two front bucket seats with a large center console and gated floor shifter (seats five). The bench seat is standard on S and SV models, while captains seats are standard on the PRO-4X and SL models and available as part of the SV Value Truck Package (SV models). The bucket seat-equipped Titan’s center console can hold a variety of beverage containers, including a 1-liter bottle. A 12-volt adapter is equipped in the storage area and can be used as a power source for a phone or other electronic devices. The console offers a variety of storage choices, with size adjusted by simply removing or adding dividers. The console’s storage box can also accommodate hanging file folders and contains holders for maps, paper, pens and business cards on the console lid. Among the Titan’s many interior features are standard flip-up 60/40 rear seat cushions for added cargo space and flexibility, with available grocery hooks on the bottom of the seat cushions. The rear floor was designed to be nearly flat for maximum cargo utility. The Crew Cab’s rear seat is large and relaxing, with a full 24 degrees of seat back angle, helping passengers take full advantage of the Crew Cab Titan’s 126 cubic feet of available space, including front and rear seat leg room of 41.8 inches and 40.4 inches, respectively. Both King Cab and Crew Cab Titans’ rear compartments offer ample rear storage, including door storage bins and rear door bottle holders in the armrests and available power front windows with one-touch auto up/down function (not available on King Cab S models). All Titan Crew Cab models feature a standard power down/up rear bed access cab window. An available overhead console system gives passengers more storage options. The console houses rear audio controls and also contains storage bins for both front and rear passengers for items like sunglasses, CDs, cell phone, PDA or a small tissue box. Titan features an available fold-flat front passenger seat that allows extra versatility and can also be used as a working area. Also available are power-adjustable front seats (8-way driver’s seat, 4-way passenger’s seat), a driver’s seat memory system and heated seats. Titan also offers available power-adjustable foot pedals with memory. Crew Cab PRO-4X and SL models offer an optional rear-seat DVD Entertainment System with fold-down 8.0-inch monitor. The 2011 Titan includes a long list of safety equipment, including Nissan’s Advanced Air Bag System (AABS) with dual stage front supplemental air bags with seat belt sensors and a front passenger occupant classification sensor; front seat belts with adjustable upper anchors, pretensioners and load limiters; front seat Active Head Restraints; three-point rear passenger seat belts; and LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) child seat anchor system. Front seat-mounted side-impact supplemental air bags and roof-mounted supplemental curtain air bags, which help provide improved side-impact and rollover protection for outboard passengers, are standard equipment on all models. Other vehicle-incorporated safety features include Zone Body construction with front and rear structure crumple zones, an energy absorbing steering column, hood buckling creases with safety stops, knee bolsters and special body side reinforcements and a shift interlock system. Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) and Traction Control System (TCS) are also standard for 2011. The 2011 Nissan Titan King Cab and Titan Crew Cab are offered in four well-equipped models – S, SV, PRO-4X and SL – and with a choice of 4×2 and 4×4 drive configurations. The PRO-4X is available in 4×4 only. Each is offered with a long list of standard equipment, including a powerful 5.6-liter Endurance V8 mated to a 5-speed automatic transmission. Titan S models are equipped with a standard 40/20/40 split front bench seat with a center seat fold-down armrest, split fold-up rear seat and seating for six people. Titan SV models include standard 5-spoke 18-inch alloy wheels and P265/70R18 tires, chrome steel bumpers, front overhead console, manual lumbar support, power door locks with Auto-lock feature, tailgate assist, power windows with front auto up/down, cruise control, Remote Keyless Entry and more. The Titan PRO-4X features body-colored grille and bumpers, an identifying decal over the rear fenders and a number of subtle exterior trim components to achieve a sportier look, along with a lockable bedside storage box, splash guards and auto on/off headlights. PRO-4X performance equipment includes Rancho® performance shock absorbers, a lower final drive ratio (3.357), additional skid plates on the oil pan and transfer case, an Electronic Locking Rear Differential and unique 18-inch aluminum-alloy off-road wheels with off-road style center caps and largest-in-class BFGoodrich® Rugged Trail® P275/70R18 all-terrain tires. The PRO-4X interior receives styling cues that differentiate it from the rest of the Titan lineup with unique white-face meters and gauges, seats featuring an embroidered PRO-4X logo, red stitching and available leather-appointed seats and red-stitched shifter knob and steering wheel. Titan SL models add 6-spoke 20-inch aluminum-alloy wheels, standard utility bed features, leather-appointed seating, Rockford Fosgate®-powered audio system with up to 10 speakers (eight speakers on King Cab, 10 speakers on Crew Cab), dual-zone auto-climate control system, wood appearance trim, Bluetooth® Hands-free Phone System, XM® Satellite Radio (XM® subscription required, sold separately), dual-zone automatic temperature control, front and rear overhead consoles (Crew Cab only), power folding mirrors with heat, power adjust, auto dim, integrated turn signal and more. A number of equipment packages are also offered, including the SV Value Truck Package, with cloth captain’s seats with center console, gated leather floor shift, fold-flat AS seat, rear HVAC vents (Crew Cab only), 8-way power driver’s seat, fog lights, Bluetooth® Hands-free Phone System, steering wheel audio controls, auto-dimming rearview mirror, compass, leather-wrapped steering wheel, rear sonar proximity sensors and receiver hitch, 7-pin wiring harness connector and brake controller jumper wire. Also offered is the SV Utility Package with lockable bedside storage compartment, C-channel tie-down rails with 4 cleats, rear bed lighting and 12V power point and spray-in bedliner. The SV Premium Utility Package adds a Rockford Fosgate premium audio system plus two speakers, HomeLink® Universal Transceiver, XM® Satellite Radio (XM® subscription required, sold separately), power-adjustable pedals, lockable bedside storage compartment, C-channel tie-down rails with 4 cleats, rear bed lighting and 12V power point, spray-in bedliner lower final gear ratio, front tow hooks (4×2) and power heated extending tow mirrors. Three packages are also offered for Titan PRO-4X: the exclusive PRO-4X Premium Utility Package and PRO-4X Luxury Package, and the shared PRO-4X/SL Technology Package. One exclusive SL package completes the options list: the SL Max Utility Package with step rails, lower final gear ratio, heavy duty battery (standard on FFV models), front tow hooks (4×2) and extending tow mirrors. The Nissan Titan is manufactured by Nissan North America in Canton, Mississippi.
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Recent science education standards emphasize the importance of the instruction of nature of science (NOS) concepts at all levels of schooling from pre-K to K-12. Delivering a proper NOS education to students is excessively dependent on their teachers with an adequate understanding of NOS concepts. The present study investigated the science conceptions of preschool and elementary teacher candidates. The data collected from a total of 506 prospective teachers were analyzed with respect to the following demographic variables: majors, genders, grade levels, high schools, and GPAs of teacher candidates. "Student Understanding of Science and Scientific Inquiry (SUSSI)" developed originally by Liang et al. (2008) was the instrument used to collect data in this study. The data analyses were conducted using MANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The corresponding mean scores of the teacher candidates in specific aspects of NOS ranged from "poor" to "informed" conceptions of science. All but one of the demographic variables yielded statistically insignificant results on the NOS conceptions of teacher candidates. The majors of the teacher candidates were detected as a significant variable influencing the conceptions of the teacher candidates. The results of the study were discussed in reference with the relevant literature.
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This recipe for SQUASH DRESSING, by , is from DEBBIE'S COOKBOOK, one of the cookbooks created at FamilyCookbookProject.com. We help families or individuals create heirloom cookbook treasures. Mix cooked squash, baked corn bread, cheese, bell pepper, soup, broth and onion. Bake at 350°F until done, about 60 minutes.
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Today, adidas Originals is teasing an upcoming collaboration with the mustachioed tennis legend. Today, adidas Originals is teasing an upcoming collaboration with the mustachioed tennis legend, which will presumably be a new spin on his own signature shoe. No other details have been made available. What could adidas possibly have up their sleeves this time? Share your guesses with us below and stick with Sole Collector for updates. UPDATE 10/2: @adidasOriginals provides us with a first look at the Stan Smith x Stan Smith. UPDATE 9/22: @adidasOriginals gives us a teaser of what could be inspiration for the upcoming Stan Smith x Stan Smith, with the cartoon series, American Dad. The shoe is set to release on Saturday, October 18.
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I decided to make my own vacuum chamber from an asparagus steamer pot, and a vacuum pump from Harbor Freight, for stabilizing some turning wood. Below is a link to a long-ish video of my setup. Seems to work pretty well, and relatively affordable. Thanks for watching. That is a nice vacuum chamber! Going to turn some more pens? Thanks Hank, yes this is primarily for stabilizing pen blanks. Hope to be able to complete the stabilizing and do some pen turning very soon! Excuse my ignorance, but how does vacuuming stabilize wood? removing moisture quickly? How long do you apply a vacuum. Can you pump it down then close int he vacuum and leave the pump off? OK. I looked at the video. I guess you submerge the piece in the stabilizer fluid, evacuate it all, then let the stabilizer seep into the pores/channels of the wood? Last edited by LCHIEN; 09-13-2018, 12:00 PM. Yes, the vacuum draws the air out, which in turn pulls the stabilizer in once you release the vacuum. Demo will be the subject of my next video. Also forgot to mention that after drawing in the stabilizer, the wood has to be heated to cure it. Asparagus steamer pot?? My wife loves those things, and her steamer just died. Yesterday she was trying to find something great as a replacement. Details? I didn’t watch the video......handicapped by very slow dsl. Where did you source the thick piece of lexan? What do you use for stabilizing liquid? I have a similar vacuum pump / large heavy glass jar, a surplus medical device I think, that I find myself using for a lot of things. It’s a wonderful brake bleeder, it can start a siphon on a fuel tank quickly without having to get a mouthful of gas. I’ve used it to pull glue and fiberglass into cracks, nail holes and voids in wood. My neighbor uses a vacuum pump like this to pull out small dents, hail damage from cars and trucks. Building one of these devices is a nice shop tool shop addition. Bill, my vacuum chamber is a thick glass jug, probably one quart. Instead of a lexan cover it uses a large tapered rubber stopper. A glass jar is capable of withstanding a lot of vacuum and I believe that a gallon jar would work equally as well for larger objects, and are easier to obtain than a stainless pot. The clear jar also has the advantage of being able to observe what is going on inside the chamber. Do you completely submerge your wood piece in the cactus juice? Any idea what cactus juice really is? Can you think of any reason this vacuum chamber wouldn’t work using with linseed oil, Watco, or any other penetrating oil? Metal pots are used because of the possibilities of glass breakage as much as anything else. Many pen turners purchase HF 2 1/2 gallon paint pots and use them. Paint pots can be used for both vacuum and pressure. Vacuum is used to pull the air out of cellular material and then let released pressure drive the stabilizer into the wood. For some people, after the stabilizer quits foaming, they put pressure to it to drive the stabilizer further into the wood. This vacuum and pressure is used more in dye situations. For casting one's own pen blanks out of different material such as epoxy types or plastic resins, or other, pressure is used in the casting process. Under pressure, bubbles that form from stirring and mixing are minimized. Pressure from 30 psi to 50 psi are the norms. This really helps, there is a world of difference between unpressurized casting vs pressurized casting. Some casting agents set up in as little as 5 to 7 minutes while some casting agents take 12 hours or so, therefore, knowing your casting agent and the time allowed is critical in some situations. And, different casting agents yield different results. Some material can be too brittle for the average user but make a better final finish; some material have less shine, some more, some change color (yellow) over time, some do not. Lots of variables on casting. For some, the longer curing times require less or no pressure as the bubble come to the surface and dissipate. All blanks are, or should be completely submerged in cactus juice or other stabilizing agent. BTW, there are dyes for mixing with cactus juice (or other stabilizing agent) to color/dye blanks if wanted. Cactus Juice - I will let Bill explain that. I have used it but it is something in my mind like thinned and clear "white glue". Some people place the stabilized blanks in heating chambers to shorten the curing times. I have tested, along with others over the years, with different medium such as oil based poly urethane and water based poly and other liquids. Some woods are more conducive to certain stabilizing agents than others - probably chemical reactions. I have read of those that used certain oil based finishes and the blanks were still wet inside a month after stabilizing. Different finishes can and do work, but they are not optimized for stabilizing because they were made for that purpose, hence in evaporation, they are not as effective as agents that do not shrink in curing and leave pores open. That is the problem with finishes and most oils, upon curing, they shrink and leave open pores. Last edited by leehljp; 09-14-2018, 09:36 AM. I'll order two. The wife loves artichokes and makes pens. She has a few chunks of spectacular stuff that needs to be stabilized. I'll be a hero. Last edited by Bill in Buena Park; 09-14-2018, 08:39 PM. Some posts teach you something. This post opened my eyes to a bunch of things. Thanks for sharing!
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When it comes to investing in property, there are a number of very costly mistakes that are made time and time again by first time investors. If you’re thinking about buying your first investment property, then make sure you don’t fall into these traps. If you’re thinking about buying an investment property, make sure you begin the process by having a meeting with your accountant to discuss your intentions, create a wealth management plan and establish the appropriate structures and entities to purchase your investment for tax planning and asset protection purposes. If you haven’t established the correct structures before signing your contracts and sign them on behalf of the correct entity, it becomes very costly to transfer the property. In most cases, you will need to pay stamp duty again. By speaking with your accountant first, you can work together to choose the right type of properties to acquire and ensure that you purchase them in the appropriate structure for your needs, whether it is a company/trust structure or in your own names. 2. Not doing the appropriate due diligence before purchasing. The novelty and excitement of purchasing a new property and becoming a “property investor” can quite often cloud the judgement of first time investors, causing them to overlook the business side of property investing and purchase a dud property. Performing soil tests on vacant land, to ensure that there are no nasty surprises in terms of contaminated soil or poor soil strength that will result in additional footing costs during construction. Appropriate building and pest inspections to ensure that the property that you are purchasing is structurally sound and safe for tenants to live in. “Running the numbers” and making sure that the property is suitable for the portfolio that you are trying to build, whether that is negatively geared with capital growth or positive cashflow. Researching and understanding the local property market in the area you are buying, to become a local property market expert and understand the sale prices of homes and vacant land (if appropriate), as well as typical rental incomes. Carefully doing price comparable research to ensure that you don’t overpay for the property. You can speak with other investors or your real estate agent to get contacts for companies that can perform those tests for you and guidance about what else you should be checking before purchasing a property in the particular area. A very large number of first time property investors will choose to purchase an investment property that is located within 5 kms of their own home. The rationale behind this decision is usually along the lines of “We know it’s a good area to live in” or words to that effect. First time investors are also more likely to purchase a property that they would feel comfortable living in themselves, rather than looking at it from an objective viewpoint as someone who is looking to purchase an investment. What gearing am I targeting – positive/negative? Does this property suit that? What is the expected weekly rental income for a property of this nature in this area? Also, if it’s currently tenanted, what’s the current rental income? What improvements can I make to increase the capital value and rental income of the property? Think along the lines of renovations, extensions, subdivisions, etc. How much are comparable homes in this suburb or neighbouring suburbs selling for? Is this property a good deal? How close is the property to key facilities such as shopping centres, transport, hospitals, etc. What are the expected outgoings for the property – ie council rates, water rates, strata management fees, etc. Remaining objective when looking at potential investment properties for your portfolio is really important to make sure that you don’t end up paying too much or purchasing a “dud”. Using an agent can really help you here, by removing you from the search and selection process of buying an investment property. It’s important to remember that you’re buying something to assist your wealth creation and possibly provide an additional income stream, rather than looking for something that you’d personally like to live in one day. When it comes to buying an investment property, first time investors are a lot less likely to want to walk away from a deal. Instead, they tend to become attached to the deal and are willing to pay a premium, in much the same way that many people looking to buy their own home are, in order to ensure they secure the deal. As a result, they are likely to continue trying to raise their offer to make the deal happen when they should instead choose to walk away and find a more suitable deal for their portfolio. When you’re looking for an investment, always “run the numbers” – and be willing to walk away from the deal if you can’t make it stack up. When purchasing an investment property, many first time investors don’t take the time to correctly perform financial analysis on the deal and check that their chosen property is right for their portfolio. Instead, they get swept up in the excitement of “becoming a property investor” and pick the first property that they see their own suburb or a neighbouring suburb that includes the words “Suits investor” in the ad. Budgeting the costs of a development project (buying vacant land and building) against the expected income from the sale or rent of the completed dwelling. Budgeting the expected rental income vs all expenses (interest, insurance, council rates, water rates, management fees, etc), including factoring in possible vacancies in the property and unexpected expenses such as repairs and maintenance. Determining the Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Cash (ROC) for the property, so that it can be compared against other asset classes. Making an informed calculation of the expected market value of the finished property after construction/renovation based on current listings and comparable sales for properties in the area over the last 6 months. While this is a list of 5 common mistakes that are made by first time property investors, I’d like to take this concept one step further. Please leave a comment below with the biggest mistake you made when you were beginning your property investing journey. If you found the information in this article to be useful to you, please share it using the social network buttons below. You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter – or, sign up for our email newsletter – you’ll never miss an article again. We will send you a weekly email about the new content on this site.
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Why I am seeing new JustCall contacts in Hubspot? We only create new contacts when our systems don't find a contact related to the phone number associated with your call. We map this against the phone number and mobile number field of Hubspot contacts.
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In the United States it has become commonplace for a company’s key managers to seek “A Piece of the Action” by acquiring stock in their firm through participation in a stock purchase plan or by buying shares in the open market. However, these methods of acquiring a stake in the company are often not available options for managers in a closely-held or privately-owned enterprise. Another instance where this type of buyout is popular occurs when managers of a division of a larger company discover that their division is scheduled to be sold or closed down. Managers who are faced with this situation feel that if they had the capital, they could manage the division successfully as a stand alone business. However, in most instances the key managers do not have the capital to purchase the company or division from the present owner. Traditionally, managers faced with this dilemma had very few options available to them. The most popular option was to go to a bank to borrow the capital required. Unfortunately, this option usually required that significant company operating assets would have to be pledged to secure the loan. This could stunt the future growth of the company or division. The recent emergence of Private Equity Groups (PEGs) and the buyout funds they manage have changed the MBO landscape for managers wishing to acquire equity in their firm in a very positive way. Today, management teams have the opportunity to secure financial backing from Private Equity Groups by partnering with them in the buyout transaction. The result is that as the managers succeed, the PEGs investment increases in value. This process is now the most popular structure for management buyouts. The Beringer Group has successfully designed, structured, and implemented MBOs for their clients and has close relationships with over one hundred of the leading Private Equity groups in the nation.
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Acton Academy of Washington, DC is a school that guides each child on a journey to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and discover a calling. Acton Montessori (ages 3-6) offers an authentic Montessori curriculum in a nurturing home-away-from-home environment. Acton Elementary (grades 1-6) combines Montessori principles with Socratic discussions and entrepreneurial projects, such as the Acton Children’s Business Fair of Washington, DC, where children ages 6-14 become entrepreneurs for a day. Beginning in 2020, we will add a grade per year to build Acton Middle and High School programs. To learn how to become a founding family, sign up for a personal tour. Acton Academy of Washington, DC is an independent affiliate of Acton Academy, founded in 2009 in Austin, Texas. The Acton network includes dozens of “learner-driven” schools across the United States and around the world. The mission of Acton Academy of Washington, DC is to guide each child on a journey to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and discover a calling. At Acton Academy of Washington, DC, we start with the most important question: What is education for? Acton believes that education is about discovering a calling. It’s about answering the most fundamental questions: “Who am I? Where am I going? How do my passions and talents connect with the world around me? How can I serve a great need and even change the world?” In other words, it’s about the entrepreneurial journey. We believe that students are the agents and primary drivers of their learning, the entrepreneurs of their own education and life calling. We believe that the role of adults is to prepare the physical and social environment and craft and curate experiences to support this entrepreneurial journey.
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Written by My Office News on 30th October 2018 . Posted in Furniture. Laptop computers are lightweight, portable and convenient, allowing us to work anywhere. But with many people now using laptops as their primary computer, even though they were originally designed as a temporary alternative to desktop computers, the risk of injury is high. “Unfortunately, the laptop’s compact design, with attached screen and keyboard, forces laptop users into awkward postures.” said Isla Galloway-Gaul, MD of Inspiration Office, an Africa-wide office space and furniture consultancy. She noted that this means that people need to pay special attention to the ergonomics of how they use laptops because they are designed with portability – not necessarily user health in mind. • “Companies should consider installing laptop stands to allow workers to use their laptops to the optimal height which is level with the eyes. Tilting your head forwards all day put an enormous strain on the neck and back. We are simply not designed to sit stooped forward for hours each day,“ Galloway-Gaul notes. • Laptop stands correctly positioned encourages healthy posture and stress-free movements while also reducing the glare caused by ambient lighting. Experts recommend to keep a distance between 50 and 70cm between eye and screen. “This will reduce eyestrain, one if the most common physical problems encountered in the workplace which 60% of workers experiencing it once a week,” says Galloway-Gaul. • Break work into smaller segments and switch between tasks that use different motions. For example, alternate use of mouse with reading and searching the web. Keep your head and neck in a relaxed posture; avoid excessive neck flexion or rotation to see the screen. • “Schedule mini-breaks every 30 to 40 minutes to avoid repetition and static positions,” says Galloway-Gaul. • If you have to raise your chair, use a footrest to support your feet. When seated your hips should be slightly higher than your knees. After the work day is done, many people go home and use the computer for an additional 2 to 4 hours per night. “But your body does not know the difference between computer work at home or work. All it knows is that it is being stressed. So it it a good idea to remember these principles for home too,” she concludes.
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Whether you are the skipper of a 50-foot yacht or 10-foot kayak, a boat float plan is important to complete before spending time the water. Many people mistakenly think that a float plan for boating is only necessary when running a large boat, but a float plan will always be beneficial in an emergency situation, regardless of the size or type of vessel. How is a boat float plan helpful? There are detailed facts that need to be recalled and communicated in the event of an emergency. Without having a float plan on file, you will have to hope that someone else can remember all the detailed information that rescue personnel will need in order to locate you, your boat, and your passengers. Float plans are simple to update and complete. In fact, you can even find free downloadable PDF float plan forms online from the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Many marine insurance providers also offer sample boat float plan forms. You can create a master copy and then just update as needed. Learn more about some of the important details that should be included on a float plan. Once you have completed your float plan for boating, be sure to leave it with a reliable person who you can depend on to notify the Coast Guard in the event you don't arrive back or check in as expected. When you do safely arrive at your destination, don't forget to check-in so that everyone knows you have arrived back safely. Description of the vessel, including boat registration numbers, size, make, capacity, horsepower, and type of engine. Include the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of everyone on board along with an emergency contact for each. List of boat safety equipment and survival gear on board. List of communication systems on board. Include a recent clear photograph of your vessel. Once you have completed your float plan for boating and completed your boat safety checklist, be sure to leave it with a reliable person who you can depend on to notify the Coast Guard in the event you don't arrive back or check in as expected. When you do safely arrive at your destination, don't forget to check-in so that everyone knows you have arrived back safely.
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You find out you make less than a coworker with the same job title. You decide to put in less effort. In fact, you may even think about calling it quits. That is, until you find out just how much your boss makes – especially when it’s even more than you expected. A new Harvard Business School study finds that if your boss makes more money than you thought, you tend to work harder. The study was produced by HBS’ Zoe Cullen and the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Richardo Perez-Truglia. It focuses on a sample of 2,060 employees from a multi-billion dollar corporation. Through surveys and administrative records with data, the authors disclosed the salaries of others to tested employees. The study found that employees decreased their effort, output, and retention when peers had a higher perceived salary. In contrast, a manager’s higher perceived salary boosted these three outcomes. For one, pitting employees against each other, especially when it comes to pay, has negative impact on effort, output, and retention. “That is, firms may want to motivate employees with the prospect of a higher salary upon promotion rather than through performance pay,” the authors write. The evidence may also shed light on why employees tolerate pay discrimination, such as gender-based wage gaps, especially when it’s done so vertically. “For instance, in the firm where the experiment was conducted, 92% of the gender pay gap comes from vertical differences and only 8% through horizontal differences – a similar decomposition has been found in firms in other countries such as the United States,” the study reads.
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IoT (Internet of things) is nothing new in that networked, connected and (semi) intelligent devices have been around for a long, long time. Given that the connectivity between devices with an IP address via the internet is a fact of life, the combination of the microminiaturization of devices with mobility, has given birth to the IoT. Whilst the convenience of being able to check out your home refrigerator’s contents, status of your home heating system or your BBQ via your Smartwatch may appeal to some, how this translates into your business with known value, known cost and known risk as another matter altogether. Anyone with a manufacturing or industrial background would recognise that many organisation’s own IoT has been doing the serious work of supervising, controlling and otherwise managing key physical processes within the organisation. Just that they were known by another, less alluring name- SCADA systems. SCADA is an acronym for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. May industrial, engineering or related processes, whether that be your manufacturing plant and equipment, automated warehouse and distribution systems, building security, water reticulation, airport air traffic control systems or city traffic management systems, are monitored and remotely managed by SCADA systems. SCADA is regarded as a subset of the broader term for what are termed Industrial Control Systems (ICS). These are computer controlled systems which help keep industrial or engineering processes operating within their expected performance envelopes. More importantly, these systems manage processes that exist in the physical world. Now add in the pervasive IP addressability of devices, connectivity via the internet and mobility, and voilà- we have the IoT on a potentially massive scale. IoT + IT department = ? Enterprise IT departments have their origins in the processing of financial and back-office data. Historically IT was known as the EDP Department (Electronic Data Processing). This is a far cry from the current remit of most enterprise IT functions, which support most, if not all business activities. Contemporary business has become, for the most part, absolutely dependent on the effective running of their IT systems, irrespective whether they be owned an operated within their own data centres, externally hosted and managed or in the Cloud. Now that the IoT has potentially extended the scope of SCADA systems or introduced new, interconnected systems, how certain are you that your organisation’s executives and shareholders are fully aware of the value, costs and risks associated with embarking on an ‘IoT’ initiative? If your IT department is being bypassed or excluded from any IoT discussions within your organisation, maybe it’s time consider which specific executive is accountable for managing the risk? If you’re not sure, then ask the question before plunging your organisation into the IoT sea. Rob Livingstone (rob@rob-livingstone.com) is a mentor, consultant, and industry advisor. He is the author of <i>Direction through Disruption</i> and Navigating through the Cloud. He is a fellow of the University of Technology, Sydney’s Faculty of Engineering and IT, where he lectures to higher-degree students on leadership, strategy and innovation.
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Lawrence Donald Bearnarth was born on Staten Island in New York City on September 11, 1941. He earned an English literature degree at St. Johns University where he also pitched for the Red men baseball team. He was a member of the St. Johns team that won the 1960 College World Series. In 1961, the expansion New York Mets were looking for some home grown talent & they didn’t have to go too far in finding a pitcher. The six foot two right hander was signed & sent directly to AAA Syracuse. Obviously he was rushed through the ranks of a young organization eager to push a local player to the ballclub. In his first year of minor league ball, Bearnarth went 2-13 with a 6.67 ERA in 1962. It didn’t matter, the 21 year old right hander was still brought up to the 1963 Mets pitching staff. Bearnarth made his MLB debut on April 16th pitching in relief at Wrigley Field in Chicago. He went three innings allowing just one run, finishing up a 7-4 Mets loss. One of his best early outings was on May 5th, at the Polo Grounds when he pitched four shutout innings against the San Francisco Giants. Bearnarth got his first victory a week later, coming against the Cincinnati Reds. He earned his first career win on June 2nd in the Polo Grounds, against the Pittsburgh Pirates. The Mets won it in the 10th inning, as Hot Rod Kanhel scored the winning run on Willie Stargell error. In a rare start on July 6th he gave up four runs on twelve hits, pitching seven innings innings against the San Francisco Giants. Bearnarth would earn two saves in August although he lost three straight decisions as well. On August 16th he came in to pitch in the 4th inning against the Los Angeles Dodgers. He allowed three runs on eight hits in six innings pitched taking the loss. On September 1st, he earned another victory, coming in relief of Roger Craig in the 10th inning. Bearnarth went on to pitch through the 16th inning, getting the win when Tim Harkness hit a walk off HR. Overall Bearnarth would have his best year in his 1963 rookie season. He made 58 appearances, going 3-8 with four saves, posting a 3.42 ERA. Between his saves & victories, he was involved in almost one quarter of the Mets 40 wins that season. He was the best of the bunch in the bullpen that year and his aggressive pitching style along with his name, earned him the nickname of Bear. In 1964 he began the month of April going 0-3 with a 6.97 ERA. In May he had a solid month, going 3-0 with a pair of saves. That month he was on the positive side of almost half of the Mets 12 victories. On June 9th he had an epic outing at Shea Stadium, pitching ten innings of relief & allowing just one run, to earn his fourth win of the season. On the year he made 44 appearances, going 5-5 with three saves & a 4.15 ERA while pitching in 78 innings. In 1965 he pitched well enough to go 3-1 into early July, but then was hit hard the rest of the month. In five separate outings, he retired just one batter or less each time. In early August when he was sent down to AAA Buffalo, where he went 3-2 returning at the very end of September to the Mets bullpen. Overall for the '65 season, he made 40 appearances going 3-5 with one save, striking out just 16 batters in 60 innings. He walked more batters than he struck out over the 1964-1965 seasons posting ERA’s averaging near five. In 1966, he was 2-3 with a 4.45 ERA, giving up 11 HRs in 54 innings of work. He was sent back to the minors in early August. He pitched in the minor leagues for the next five seasons & then was signed by the Milwaukee Brewers in 1971. He made two brief appearances in Milwaukee, allowing six runs in three innings of work. He decided to retire that season, at the age of 30. In his five year career he was 13-21 with eight saves, 124 strike outs, 135 walks & a 4.13 ERA in 322 innings over 173 appearances. Retirement: After his playing career he became a successful minor league coach in the Montreal Expos organization. He became their pitching coach for seven years under his friend, Expos manager Buck Rogers. In 1990 in Montreal, he put together a staff which led the league in ERA and a bullpen that tied the NL for the most saves. In 1993 Bearnarth became the first pitching coach for the expansion Colorado Rockies staff. He later scouted for the Detroit Tigers from 1996-1999. Passing: In 2000 he suddenly passed away from a heart attack in Seminole, Florida he was just 58 years old.
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Local rivals Liverpool visited Sefton Park, won the toss and decided to bat first. A fourth wicket partnership of 188 enabled them to declare on 248 for 8 in 60 overs. Phil Calrow took 4 for 53 and Jomel Warrican 3 for 70. With about 50 overs to reach the total, Sefton were 31 for 1 after 13 overs. Elliot Supria (scoring 36), Dave Hort (41) and Sean Vandome (31) then picked up the pace. A stand of 85 between Paddy Stern and Dave Hort for the fourth wicket set the foundation for a remarkable victory with 9 balls to spare and 7 wickets down, Paddy finished with 88 not out achieved in 61 balls. The Second XI Played Liverpool's Seconds at Liverpool College. Sefton won the toss and decided to bat first. Luke Connolly scored 96, James Baird 41and Rob Supria 24 in their total of 221 all out. In reply, Liverpool were dismissed for 155 with Ali Khan taking 5 for 66 and two wickets apiece for Rob Kelly and Andy Foulder. The Third XI were unable to complete a hat trick of wins against Liverpool. Batting first they were dismissed for 195 with John Davies scoring 49. Liverpool lost 3 wickets in reaching the total. The Fourth XI played Bootle's Thirds on the Lower Ground. Bootle won the toss and decided to bat first. Naj Ahmed took 3 for 23 in their declared total of 227 for 7. Jack Wildsmith scored 61, Adam Taylor 32, Phil McEvoy 26 and Stuart Lomas 21 in Sefton's reply of 174 for 9 as the game finished as a draw. The Fifth XI were defeated by Southport and Birkdale at Liverpool College. The visitors decided to bat first and declared on 228 for 1. In reply, Sefton were dismissed for 89 with Eddie McShane scoring 31 and Gourav Manocha 19 in his last game before he returns to India. Sefton Park were defeated by Bootle at the regional semi-final stage of the Cockspur Cup for the second year running. Bootle batted first and scored 149-8 off their 20 overs. Sefton Park replied with 62 all out, Elliot Supria scoring 37, to lose by 87 runs. The Sunday XI were dismissed for 136 in in the 44th over of their home game against Alder's Fifth XI. Daniel Coonan scored 73 and Alex Miller 20. In reply Alder were 65 for 9 but Sefton were unable to claim the last wicket as the visitors finished on 100 for 9 in 45 overs as the game was drawn. Matt Mann took 5 for 25 .
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1. My Mushroom Peddler Flicker the Dragon, ordered 12/28/11. I don't expect that one for at least three months since it is a small company and I asked for a custom paint job. "Please allow at least six to twelve weeks for the dolls to be created as each one is handmade to order." 2. My adopted Pukifee Ante, who STILL shows sitting at the LA airport since 1/12/12. 3. My Dollzone Moon Dragon boy, ordered 1/11/12 through Featherfall. I don't expect to see that doll for months and months, what with ordering him through a dealer (who will send in a group order) and dealing with Chinese New Year, which lasts two weeks. After losing the purple Mei, I almost ordered a Mei with the mature body at Resinsoul but it cost more at their site than trying to have Junkyspot order her. I missed the order deadline on the board but put a request in for a purple one anyway. Emory is gone for a week on RL business (not doll business) so I don't know if he has already put in the order yet. If he has, I will just wait for the next go-round.
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Other actors at the table reading included Chad Michael Murray, Eric Dane, Tate Donovan, Tom Skerritt, Tom Arnold, Johnny Galecki, and Jenna Elfman. A rep for Overbrook tells Access to “Please note that any actor’s presence at this table read does not mean that they have officially signed onto this project.” The Hollywood Reporter mentions that Cruise is actively seeking other roles incase Mission: Impossible 4 falls through, noting Paper Wings as one of the prospects. Apparently the film involves a champion bull rider who falls for an up-and-coming country singer (to be played by Reese Witherspoon). The Saddle Ranch was chosen/rented out for the reading because the location provided the right ambience for the project. Gabriele Muccino, the Italian filmmaker behind Smith’s Seven Pounds and The Pursuit of Happyness, has been approached to direct the film, but no contracts have been signed.
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I hate buying a car. The process takes way too long and it can be painful. I felt that although I spent quite a long time at the dealership, they were willing to work with me to make a fair deal. Love everything about Signature Ford, everyone is so friendly and helpful. Calm and welcoming setting (unlike other dealerships I've been to). The Service Department goes way above and beyond!!!! I love the fact that they will pick up and drop off my vehicle for maintenance, I don't have to miss any work or spend a day off sitting and waiting. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a vehicle!!!!!! We went to Pauli Ford because we needed a new commuter that got good gas mileage and also had enough room for our growing family. We worked with Paul Phillips who was great. I???ve bought a lot of cars over the years and he???s one of the few that I didn???t feel was trying to either hustle me through the process or push me into something. He listened to our needs and worked with us to get us into a new Fusion which we???re thrilled with! Brian Corbin who closed our deal was also great to work with and explained all our options on that end to make sure we got exactly what we needed. We also dealt with Tricia who helped us get our old lease closed out and even met Brian Pauli himself who took time to talk with us and make sure we were satisfied. Overall a great experience. We???ll be going back in a few months to trade my wife???s car in as well! Pauli Ford cares about their customers! Our experience with Will at Pauli Ford was very pleasant. He made sure we were well taken care of and worked with us on pricing and making sure the vehicle met our specifications. He was also very kind and understanding when we were an hour late to our appointment due to a small accident on the way. He also took the time to show us how all the options and settings worked. Thanks Pauli Ford and Will. I had a great experience at the dealership everybody I dealt with was very professional. I recommend talking to Shane Sawyers he was great to work with.
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If your toilet is clogged, not flushing, leaking or overflowing, call us right away for toilet repair. We can fix all models of toilets, and can even replace out your older, inefficient models with a new, comfortable and easy-to-clean toilet. We know how badly it interrupts your life to have a broken toilet, which is why we give you priority service. Call us to get toilet repair today! As a plumbing contractor we have the most up-to-date equipment and technology to handle any clogs or blockage you may have. We can even use an in-line camera to get in the sewer line and determine where the real block is and get it out of there, if the stoppage doesn’t seem to be resolving with ordinary toilet repair, or has been a recurring problem. Sometimes the problem is that a root has grown into your sewer pipes, breaking them and causing a block that your sewage can’t get past. If that’s the case, we’ll replace the affected pipe with one made out of a material that can’t be infiltrated by roots, such as PVC. No matter what the problem is, our plumbers will find the source of it and get it resolved quickly with our reliable toilet repair. We offer only the highest-quality services delivered in a timely fashion, so you can count on us any time you need help with plumbing services. Since toilets get so much use, and can last for so many years, oftentimes we take them for granted and don’t think to upgrade or replace them until there’s a real problem. You don’t have to wait for that to take advantage of modern day technology! The toilets that are being produced today last longer, require less water to flush waste matter, and are quite comfortable, as well as being easy-to-clean. As your plumbing contractor we are happy to show you some of the most popular models and help you decide which would be best for your home, just give us a call to schedule your service call. Whether you’d like a simple elevator to raise your toilet and make it easier to sit on (particularly beneficial for those with medical or mobility issues), or are interested in a completely new model, let us be the plumbing company to install it for you! Our work is consistently first-rate with great customer service to boot. Looking to update your toilet plumbing? We’ll give you one that’s comfortable and efficient! We offer toilet repair in Frederick, Columbia, Silver Spring and all surrounding areas. As a plumbing company with more than a decade of service under our belts, we’ve seen it all, and can handle it all. Give us a call to schedule your service, or let us know if you’ve got any questions. You can find out more about our high quality of service by checking us out on the BBB or Best Pick Reports; we’re also members of the PHCC and QSC.
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I shot this series in Peru South America in February. Although the rainy seasons was finished there was still a lot of rain causing disruptions along the Panamericana Sur 1S, which is the only main street that crosses the country from South to North. We left Arequipa heading to Nasca by car but the crossing of the Ocoña River was blocked by its overflowing into the Panamericana Sur. Travelling along the way I was shocked by the contrast between the harshness of the landscape and the presence of human settlements. Because of the geological configuration of the land, the landscape along this way is a dry mountainous desert where man lives in very poor conditions, trying to stole strips of land (mainly around the Ocoña and Camanà Rivers) for agriculture. The aridity of the dry land contrasting with the few greens of farming is representative of the struggle between man and nature in extreme conditions.
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People who mucoviscidosis having the disgestive system vitamins can consume the majority of the identical foodstuff anyone else. However people who fibrocystic disease of the pancreas will often have to try to eat a lot more calorie consumption everyday, typically, in comparison with people that do not possess the infection. Ingesting substantial-calorie, healthy foods is very important regarding increasing or sustaining fat and furnishing strength. Feeding on nicely also can fortify a defense mechanisms as well as muscle tissues for deep breathing. Unique healthy refreshments made for people who have chronic diseases as well as lack. These include offered at markets and druggist. Many of these cocktails are full of calories, aminoacids, along with weight, but they are also available in very low-excess fat, great-food styles. Request your medical professional or maybe a signed up dietitian regarding most of these beverages before you use them. Choice-string triglycerides (MCT) essential oil. MCT acrylic provides you with additional fats and also unhealthy calories and is particularly all to easy to process without the assistance of digestive enzymes. Inquire your medical professional if MCT acrylic is right for you. A top-extra fat diet. One's body employs a lesser amount of breathable oxygen to transform extra fat straight into vigor, which makes work fats easier on your lung area when compared with processing necessary protein and also sugar. Fat also provides a lot more calorie consumption in comparison with some other foods accomplish. Those who have CF have to feed on a lot more weight as compared to folks who do not need the illness. Vitamin supplements. Nutritional vitamins Your, Chemical, Age, along with Okay are generally excess fat soluble, which implies they're able to simply be consumed should you be taking in along with processing more than enough fat. Since the majority individuals who have mucoviscidosis don't have this minerals that are had to break down plus take up body fat, they will often never find enough of these types of vitamin supplements except they consider supplements. Most specialised CF centers have dietitians who'll seek advise from anyone with a health care provider to produce a plan for which forms of ingredients plus nutritional vitamins you need. It is very important for people who have mucoviscidosis to keep tabs on their weight at your home. Shedding weight can be a hint they are not receiving all of the vitamins and minerals needed. When they reach the who's fibrocystic disease of the pancreas is not able to acquire each of the nutrients and vitamins their own body requires to be healthy, any feeding tube may be required. These records will not upgrade counsel of a physician. disclaims just about any assurance or even the liability available of the info. Your current use of these records means that anyone accept to this Regards to Use. Exactly how this review began that may help you make better wellbeing judgements. &content; 1997-2014 , Incorporated. , for each and every well being determination, as well as the emblem usually are emblems regarding , Included. Vivactil (protriptyline) Pharmaceutical Side Effects, Connections, and Treatment Home International-Medicalsearch.
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Emirates Park Zoo and Resort rescued Jasper and Shazly, two cheetah cubs from the Saudi Arabian border. Officials confiscated 15 cubs who were being smuggled into the country, with the intent of selling as pets. All 15 are suspected of being taken from the wild. Originally, Emirates Park Zoo and Resort brought four cubs and treated them for malnourishment and feline leukemia. Within the first two days, two cubs died from advanced disease. As a result of efficient caregiving, Jasper and Shazly not only fully recovered, but also socialized completely into the zoo environment. Jessica Spohr, Emirates Park Zoo Head Zookeeper who was the cubs’ primary care-giver commented, “Jasper took a liking to all the keepers and has a very friendly personality. Once he was six months old, we started training him for husbandry behaviors such as sit, down, target, station, etc. that allowed us to use him not only as an ambassador animal, but to help in medical procedures and any other husbandry we needed to give him”. The diligent staff at Emirates Park Zoo and Resort has trained Jasper to learn how to paint using non-toxic children’s finger paint and canvas. Using the trained behaviors and positive reinforcement, Jasper has the ability to make art that is available for viewing for the general public, as well as for sale. 100% of the profits will go to conservation both within Emirates Park Zoo and with organizations like WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and CCF (Cheetah Conservation Fund). With the promotion of Jasper’s art, the management hopes to help cheetahs in the wild and teach people about the horrors of wildlife trafficking. Jasper and Shazly were some of the lucky ones, but 4 out of 5 cubs smuggled for the pet trade don’t survive the journey. A population of 100,000 cheetahs has dwindled to 7000 because of many issues (this being one of them), and something has to be done. Guests can view Jasper and Shazly, as well as the artwork, at Emirates Park Zoo and Resort, open from 9 am to 8 pm on weekdays and from 9am to 9pm on weekends.
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We hope you can utilize this real estate investment information. HomePriceRecords.com Egremont is the simplest place to find investing and appraisal information for the entire Egremont area. We've seen this site become increasingly popular among investors and home owners. We're working to keep the data fresher and more relevant to brokers. It is the simplest place in Egremont to find home price records which aid greatly in appraisal and investing. Our site is the easiest spot for real estate appraisers to find real estate statistics for the Egremont area.
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Category: Parents - For Educators of Cattaraugus and Allegany Counties. A hot button topic in many schools throughout New York State is the Common Core aligned curriculum modules in math. Many are questioning the instructional strategies used to teach various mathematical concepts. To help answer the questions of parents, 4th grade teachers in Olean held a parent night for the purpose of highlighting the concepts of the Core Knowledge math modules, explaining the reasoning behind building this conceptual understanding among the whole of the student population. Sue Kallenbach and Nancy Sullivan of Olean Intermediate School welcomed parents to OIMS this month for an evening of math conversation. Both teachers discussed where they had been in the curriculum thus far this school year and explored new mathematical concepts with the parents present. They welcomed questions from parents, many of which wondered why they couldn’t just “teach the trick” to the students when solving various mathematical problems. Kallenbach and Sullivan both held the importance of building the conceptual understanding of the students as a means of outfitting them with multiple strategies to use when solving a problem. When we “teach the trick” students are only given one way to derive a solution and aren’t given the option to solve in multiple ways, or in the way of which they are most comfortable. Parents look on as Mrs. Kallenbach and Mrs. Sullivan explain where they’ve been in the curriculum modules, and the direction that they are headed. Parents also reviewed several problems and posed questions to the teachers to provide further clarification about the mathematical concepts being taught.
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Our friend Mark Carras over at Rock My Monkey pointed out that the new Motörhead album, The World Is Yours, is streaming online for FREE right now at AOL Music. Seriously, give it a listen — it’s FREE, and it’s the entire album, which was released in the U.S. on February 8, 2011. I’m not familiar with AOL’s CD listening parties, so I’d recommend checking this out right away, since I’m not sure how long it will be streaming for free. The new album is awesome. When I listened to The World Is Yours, I felt like I did back in 1987 when I first heard Rock-N-Roll… it’s sooooo good. If you need more testimony from someone other than me (although, I have to say, my word is pretty solid when it comes to hard rock/heavy metal), check out our review of the album by our resident Brit Obi-Dan.
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VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Jan. 24, 2007) - Simba Technologies Inc., the industry leader in data connectivity toolkits and services, announced today the release of SimbaEngine ODBC SDK 7.5.2. This latest release of SimbaEngine ODBC SDK is the most powerful and capable release to date, making it even easier for developers to build a robust ODBC, JDBC or OLE DB driver, or an ADO.NET provider for their proprietary, relational and non-relational data sources. SimbaEngine ODBC SDK 7.5.2 extends several feature sets and key component updates to support developers with the latest development standards and trends. SimbaEngine ODBC SDK 7.5.2 includes a SQL-92 compliant SQL engine, enabling Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to build SQL connectivity to their data sources. The ODBC SDK is used by many ISVs to quickly build ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, and .NET drivers for their own proprietary data sources. ISVs using SimbaEngine ODBC SDK gain the utmost interoperability, and are able to connect products like CrystalReports, Excel and Access seamlessly to their proprietary data sources. Version 7.5.2 of the SDK supports development for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005, working seamlessly with the .NET 2005 IDE to deliver the same power and flexibility available with the .NET 2003 IDE and Visual Studio 6 IDE. In addition, the updated SDK provides extended OEM capability, new support for the "AS" keyword, and an updated JDBC component and test suite based upon Sun Microsystems' J2SE 1.4.2, which will allow developers to easily add JDBC connectivity with even greater compatibility. "SimbaEngine adds support for much anticipated enhancements, such as .NET 2005," said Amyn Rajan, President and CEO of Simba Technologies. "This release also contains many enhancements based upon customer feedback, ensuring the SDK is more capable than ever to enable our customers to provide the most functionality with the widest interoperability for their products." The SDKs new enhancements add to a long list of powerful and robust features SimbaEngine ODBC SDK already contains, such as support for a large number scalar functions for improved data access and manipulation, and push-down processing functionality for added performance optimization. Simba is a pioneer in ODBC technology, having co-developed the standard with Microsoft in the early nineties. Simba's ODBC technology has been installed on more than 30 million desktops worldwide, and SimbaEngine is the leading SDK for building robust relational data connectivity solutions. Simba Technologies Inc. (http://www.simba.com) is the recognized world leader in standards-based data access products, solutions and services. Simba delivers data connectivity and interoperability solutions to many of the world's leading companies on various platforms, including Windows, Solaris and Linux. Simba's best-in-class products support multiple interfaces, including ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, OLE DB for OLAP (ODBO), XML for Analysis (XMLA), ADO, ADO.NET, ADOMD, and ADOMD.NET. Simba's software is used worldwide. Its customers include leading independent software vendors and global enterprises, like ABAS Software, Alterian PLC, Business Objects, Hyperion, Microsoft, MIS AG, Poet GmbH, SAP AG, Sequiter Software, and Unify Corporation.
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The mood was reflective and solemn. The informal and unstructured setting of the ‘Personal Growth Lab’ seemed to have sent its participants on a journey of self-discovery. No one spoke for a while. Moments, in which they forgot that they were away from home, from family, from loved ones – together here for a year-long management course for returning women. They were of different ages, they came from different parts of the country but they were all here to realise their dreams of having a career and breaking the glass ceiling one day. Each woman was alone, with herself. Everyone waited for her to continue, not interrupting her meditative moment. “I haven’t shared this with anyone…. In July last year, my husband had to travel to Europe for a fortnight, for an official trip. He asked me to accompany him, but the thought of leaving my two-year old, for two long weeks seemed simply cruel. Six months later here I am – I have moved from another city to Mumbai for a full time course. I have left my toddler with my parents. I won’t see her for months and I refused a European junket of 2 weeks.” Sobbing, she looked up expectantly at the group, for support. Teary eyed faces looked back at her. In a society, where a woman’s worth is judged by her maternal capabilities and family commitments, crossing the threshold of leaving her child and family in the care of extended family or help, while she works or studies away from home, is an enormous step. This is what the promise of economic empowerment has done, for the participants of our ‘Returning Women Management Programme’ in Mumbai. Investing in women’s education and upskilling them to navigate and manage the VUCA world of Corporate India, will go a long way to build capacity and a leadership pipeline. This is especially true for returning women, for whom the stakes are higher. This an area which is has been largely misjudged by India Inc. Synergies between Industry and academia can catalyze efforts towards creating a favourable ecosystem for women empowerment principles to be successfully employed by the private sector and bear fruit. That Corporate India is a microcosm of our society is understood by all, what we need to reflect upon urgently is – how Corporates impact our social conditioning and the pivotal influence it can exert on society’s mental make-up. Sponsoring skilling and re-skilling programs for women, STEM related initiatives and campaigns, all women sales force development programs etc. will provide women the economic independence and voice they need besides having a pronounced bearing on their families and communities. Women’s economic empowerment has a ripple effect on families, societies and the economy. A demonstrated to us that the burning desire already exists, now Corporate India needs to partner and take the lead. Previous Am I A Feminist? What’s Feminism Anyway?
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A career in Law-related studies has been in great demand recently. So, if you want to pursue a career in Law, check out the following top law entrance exams in India. The top law entrance exams are listed below which will help in getting admissions to best law colleges in India.
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The steep cliffs, rocks, and roots found on the trail may pose a threat to trail runners. The West Rim Trail begins at the Cloudland Canyon State Park Interpretive Center. Gorgeous viewpoints including the Main Overlook can be accessed from here as well. Shortly after the trailhead, the 2-mile Waterfalls Trail will spur off to the right. Keep straight to stay on the West Rim Trail and continue the trail to the canyon floor. After a steep descent into the canyon, visitors will cross a bridge over Daniel Creek and begin climbing up the west rim of the canyon. During the ascent, visitors will face a few switchbacks before reaching the top. Keep your eyes peeled, for two small caves large enough to fit one person can be spotted during the climb. A little over a mile into the journey, the trail forks. Completing the loop in a clockwise formation allows visitors to first experience the wooded area atop the west rim, an area where massive quartz boulders are abundant. Soon after, the trail crosses a road and leads to the first overlook. This overlook, located on the northwest mouth of the canyon, offers amazing views 1,200 feet above Trenton and other small towns visible from the viewpoint. As the trail continues, runners will pass the state park cabins and a numerous amount of stunning viewpoints overlooking Cloudland Canyon. Soon enough, the loop will complete leaving visitors to finish the final mile back to the trailhead at the Interpretive Center. The West Rim Trail at Cloudland Canyon State Park is a real gem in northwest Georgia, and is definitely worth your while.
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American cheese on white bread. Grilled cheese BLT. Swiss, chopped bacon, butter lettuce, tomato and mayo. Classic with mac and cheese. Classic on A&M rustic bread. Grilled cheese with mac and cheese. Evil 1 with BBQ chicken. BBQ and chili grilled cheese.
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NVISION Eye CenterGeorge Baerveldt M.D. Dr. Baerveldt also invented and patented the Trabectome®, a minimally-invasive glaucoma surgical system and instrumentation for the treatment of adult and infantile open-angle glaucoma. Both the Baerveldt™ and Trabectome® surgical procedures are performed worldwide. Born and educated in South Africa, Dr. Baerveldt obtained his medical degree from the University of Pretoria and his residency in ophthalmology at the University of the Witwatersrand. He completed a fellowship in anterior segment surgery and neuro-ophthalmology at the State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center from 1974-1975. In 1980, Dr. Baerveldt was head of St. John’s Eye Hospital in Johannesburg when he was recruited as a fulltime faculty member at the Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern California. In 1994 he accepted a faculty position as the Director of Glaucoma at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation where he remained until joining University of California at Irvine in 1999 as Director of Glaucoma. He was the Irving H. Leopold Professor and Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at UCI and Director of the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute from 2003 – 2008. In 2012 retired from UCI and joined NVISION Laguna Hills. Dr. Baerveldt has participated in 44 clinical trials involving glaucoma drugs and glaucoma surgery and has published 84 peer-reviewed papers and 11 chapters in books. He was the principal investigator on the RPB Challenge Grant 2004 – 2008. He is honored in Best Doctors in America from 1996 till now. He was also named Top Ophthalmologist by the International Association of Healthcare Professionals. In 2012 he was the Honorary President of the 6th International Congress on Glaucoma Surgery.The Doheny Professional Association presented Dr. Baerveldt with the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2000. In 2017, Dr. Baerveldt was inducted into the Dohney Society of Scholars by the Doheny Eye Institute, UCLA. Dr. Baerveldt received the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Senior Achievement Award in 2002. In 2018, he received the Academy of Ophthalmology Life Time Achievement Award. He is a charter member of the American Glaucoma Society, and a founding member of the Glaucoma Society of Southern California and the Glaucoma Society of Orange County. In 2012, the American Glaucoma Society awarded Dr. Baerveldt the Innovator Award for inventing two new surgical procedures and instrumentation. Dr. Baerveldt delivered the 2014 American Glaucoma Society Lecture at the Annual Glaucoma Society Meeting in Washington, DC. Dr. Baerveldt's humanitarian endeavors have been recognized by the National Society to Prevent Blindness. He also received the Teacher of the Year award in 1981 from the University of Southern California, and Staff of the Year award from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1997/1998 and 1998/1999. Dr. Baerveldt is based at NVISION®’s Laguna Hills and looks forward to meeting you and assisting with your glaucoma-related needs. In his spare time, he enjoys gardening, spending time with his wife, three children and six grandchildren. Recent Reviews George Baerveldt M.D. The entire NVISION staff was terrific! The entire NVISION staff was terrific! Dr. George Baerveldt was both very professional and compassionate to all my concerns. My experience was excellent. Conscientious, wise, experienced, thoughtful expertise. Dr. Baerveldt is the best of the best!! Conscientious, wise, experienced, thoughtful expertise. Thanks to him and then entire team at NVISION, I received the best possible outcome. I look forward to continuing to patronize for many years to come. From the moment I entered your office, I was treated with respect and friendliness. I was most impressed with Dr. Baerveldt & am most happy to become one of his patients.
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This IDC10 breakout board brings all 10 pins of its male dual row header out to screw terminal blocks, providing quick and secure connections. Each pin is also brought to solder pads (4 per pin) at 0.1" (2.54mm) spacing, allowing the easy addition of pin headers. Please note that the breakout boards are manufactured with a connection between each connector pin and the corresponding terminal block position; no soldering of any type is necessary. The solder pads simply provide an area for making optional connections to additional headers or other components. This breakout board is perfect for production applications as well as experimentation and prototype work. It is well-suited for interfacing with microcontroller programming circuits, I/O ports, DAQ equipment, and any other device that uses a 2x5 10-position header connector. Long Ejectors: (-L option) Header contains ejector latches which are the correct length to accomodate IDC connectors with strain reliefs installed. Approximate dimensions: 2.38" x 2.5"
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Are you working with young people with fewer opportunities (excluded or disadvantaged) and want to give them an opportunity to truly participate in society? Then this publication is for you! In this inspirational guide, we will take you on a practical journey towards change and social justice. We will show you how to set up true participative projects for and with young people who usually fall out of the boat. The course of a person’s life often depends on a few crucial experiences. And you can generate such trigger moments.
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Weeknights at 9pm/8c starting Tuesday 9/11. I wouldn't say the premiere was bad, it just got off to a very clunky start. I kinda want to see how it goes, but I don't feel a burning need to recap it. It's like, it'll be ok if I'm not paying too close attention, but if I were every recap would turn into a rant. The guy who played Andres in Al Otro Lado Del Muro is playing a narco's hench in love with the narco's daughter. And it's not that he's not convincing, but he's just so darn cute! The domestic violence stuff was too realistic to be comfortable. And Eduardo Yañez as the police chief whose son is abusing his wife was just...does he even care about his image? I'm not sure what I was expecting, but somehow I was disappointed. Maybe all the violence against women was too much of a turnoff. Am I weird to really like Circe? She's not a typical-looking novela actress, and her falcon was cool! I'll keep watching for awhile and hope it hooks me. I liked Circe as soon as I heard the name. I hope her nana's right about her being important and getting her dad's respect. Although, her dad can basically stuff it right now with his sexist nonsense about her not being good enough because she's a woman. It almost felt like the show really hasn't started yet. I hope there's not much more setup to go. Second episode, and I'm still loving Circe. She's the main reason I'm watching right now. I didn't see Mariposa del Barrio, but that actress played the young Jenni Rivera. Her nana, Felipa, was Lupita D'Alessio in Hoy voy a cambiar. Since this is a Telemundo production, why did they create a script that they were going to have to edit for bad language every couple of minutes? It's so irritating being treated like a child that isn't allowed to hear certain words. I waited too long and couldn't edit my comment, but I wanted to clarify that I'm talking about Circe's nana on FI. There were huachicoleros in La Vecina, but they called them saqueadores. I complain about the language on the more "adult" Telemundo shows, but I think it was Sara who pointed out that if they put them on Netflix they get to use the language. Most of the men on this show are suffering from toxic machismo. I know it won't last long, but I liked the PM's mommy telling off Corona's dad. HA! She's scolding the dude about his brother said he's not a narco and he's getting all nervous. I feel bad for the kids. I think that's what's holding my interest right now is how they're going to deal with this. Circe for cartel head! And props to whatsisface for actually getting me to dislike his character as much as I liked Andres. I can barely watch the scenes with Corona and am dreading his manipulation of Amanda. I have a sick feeling that he'll somehow recover custody of her and try to turn her against her mother. Saw an interview with the actress who plays Circe. Looks like we'll be seeing more of her majestic falcon, whose name is Fabulosa. Yay, two strong females! Eliseo, you idiot! Throwing Circe under the bus. What a jerk. I caught Friday's epi (or at least parts of it, in between getting stuff done) and I still don't know if I want to watch the whole thing. There're a lot of characters to keep track of, and I'm only interested in the storylines of about half of them, at most. Whaddya think the chances are they'll thin the herd out soon to make it easier for me? It's not really grabbing me. And now that they killed the falcon . . . even less. I might give it one more episode. Damnit! Gavino had better be dying a slow, painful death. And I hate that police chief grandpa was talking smack about Amanda's mom and Zoraida right in front of her.
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Taking a stand against scams. Beware of scams – come to the Lakeside Inn evening talk on scams and learn how to avoid them. Margaret Ferguson, proprietor of The Lakeside Inn has organised an evening at The Lakeside in to address the very current issue of scams. She said: “I have organised an evening with Richard Gill Community Banker on the Ulster Bank to give us a presentation on Friends Against Scams. I thought this would be very beneficial to all my customers and I do hope for a reasonable attendance. Scams affect the lives of millions of people across the UK. From a banking perspective, we are working to protect customers, friends, family and colleagues from fraud and scams. Anyone can fall victim of a scam – the impact on a victim can be huge, not only financially, but people who are scammed often experience shame and social isolation as a result. The aim of the free presentation (usually around 45 minutes plus the opportunity for group discussion) is to highlight the different ways criminals target people and communities, what they can do to protect themselves, so people feel empowered to protect themselves and others against being the next victim of a scam. “Richard will also talk briefly on some digital security tips for anyone who may use the internet. “As I intend to give attendees a light supper, £3 charge I would appreciate if you would confirm your attendance by email or by texting myself on 07789208859 for catering purposes.
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We will do our very best to accommodate last-minute requests. Covers operational as well as transportation costs. Please note this fee is not gratuity. Kindly place your order with 24-hour notice. If you need to cancel your order, let us know as soon as possible. Same-day order cancellations may be subject to a 50% cancellation fee.
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There will be District and Parish elections in May 2019. Please click on the link for a schedule of Parish Elections. We will be holding a briefing for Election Agents and prospective Independent Candidates on Wednesday 13 March 2019 at 6.30pm in Committee Room 3. Publication of the Statements of Person Nominated: (District and Parish) and Uncontested Parish elections: 4pm on Thursday 4 April 2019. In the UK, there are three different ways you can vote. How you vote is up to you. It may depend on what you find easiest or the most convenient method. Most people vote in person at a polling station. However, if you are not able to go to the polling station in person on election day, you can apply to vote by post or by proxy (someone voting on your behalf). The most common method of voting is by casting your vote personally in a Polling Station. There are a number of Polling Stations within the District of Hart, often they are located at the local village hall, school, church hall or at a public building. Find your polling station for the next election. This takes you to an external organisation who are responsible for the information provided. Polling Stations are chosen to be as convenient as possible for the electorate, with access for people with disabilities being a significant factor. Provisions are made for the disabled such as providing ramps up stairs or guides to assist voters. Please follow the link for further information on the assistance available to disabled voters. However, we recognise that there are still some voters who will be unable to go to their Polling Station on the day of the election. If this is the case these voters may wish to consider voting by post or proxy. The situation of our Polling Stations does remain under regular review and any changes will be posted on this website. You can find more information about Neighbourhood Planning Referendums here. A postal ballot in relation to the setting up of a Fleet Business Improvement District was held in March 2017, for further information see our Fleet BID webpage.
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If you're a fan of massive, air-movingly boomy drums in your rock music, then behold the staircase that first enabled that sound. Smith, along with Queen drummer Roger Taylor and British drummer Andy Gangadeen, went into the Grange to record drums for Spitfire Audio's sample library. Smith climbed the famed staircase engineer Andy Johns used to help make the drums sound so powerful. Smith says in the video, “To be able to just look up and see the way the stairs go, just to be in that space and play those notes and be in this same air, goosebumps, man." The video is a teaser for the upcoming National Association of Music Merchants, or NAMM, convention. The convention showcases new music gear and equipment that manufacturers will be producing soon. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Smith jumped at a chance to get a jab in on his doppelganger and drum rival, Will Ferrell. When asked via Twitter who would win in the Hunger Games, himself or Ferrell, Smith was decisive. "I'm not familiar with the Hunger Games," Smith said. "I don't know what it is, but I would win. He's a pampered movie star, and I do have an edge. Rock and roll wins out over acting. I'm physical and I would survive. He's going down." He then mentioned that another drum battle between himself and Ferrell is likely to happen soon. He said he felt "robbed," and he wants a rematch. And we want to see a rematch. You Think You Know the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
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Oracle's $9.3 billion NetSuite acquisition this week was not entirely a surprise to many in the industry, but it raises questions about Oracle's strategy for the cloud and the SMB ERP market. NetSuite has been a mainstay of cloud-first ERP applications for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), and Oracle has pledged that its products are complementary and "will coexist in the marketplace forever," according to a statement by Oracle CEO Mark Hurd. The NetSuite acquisition says a lot about where Oracle sees the ERP business moving to in the future, according to Eric Kimberling, founder and managing partner of the ERP consulting firm Panorama Consulting Solutions, who called it a good strategic move for Oracle. "First, it means that Oracle is placing a big bet on the future of cloud and SaaS applications, and obviously they're betting on the fact that it's going to be a continuing cash cow for them once they've acquired the company," Kimberling said. "Second, it means that Oracle is betting to some degree on more of the midmarket because NetSuite appeals more to small and midsize companies. So I think it's a testament that Oracle may not be moving downstream completely, but they are certainly focusing more resources and money on the SMB market as opposed to their typical E-Business Suite or JD Edwards larger enterprises." If the NetSuite acquisition is good strategy for Oracle, it also makes sense for NetSuite because it can help them grow their market share, Kimberling said. "Oracle has a very strong sales organization and NetSuite will gain access to the sales channels pretty quickly I would imagine, but they also gain access to Oracle's R&D budget which I think is a big thing," he said. "Oracle has a lot of money that they invest in R&D and I'll be curious to see -- if Oracle does invest heavily in NetSuite -- what kind of advancements they might make with Oracle versus what they might have been limited to on their own." Paul Hamerman, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research, agrees that Oracle seems to be making the deal to solidify its cloud position. "Oracle has started to recognize that there's a lot happening in the world of ERP in terms of on-premises to SaaS conversion," he said. "I think they have over 1,000 customers now on their cloud product, but NetSuite has over 10,000, so it's a good time for Oracle to make this move. NetSuite has good growth and it gives them a bigger market that they can sell into and NetSuite will also benefit from it in that they do sell globally, but Oracle's scale will help them get into more deals abroad than they can do with a relatively small direct sales force." Hamerman speculated that the deal came about now because NetSuite was starting to move upmarket and make deals with larger companies while Oracle was starting to compete in the midmarket space. "Oracle is now getting more traction with its ERP cloud product and some of that traction has been down in the midmarket, whereas Oracle has historically focused mainly on enterprise companies," he said. "NetSuite, which was historically more in the midmarket space, is starting to gain more traction with enterprises. So the two were starting to compete with one another, NetSuite for a long time basically avoided competing with Oracle, but it was inevitable that they were going to compete with one another." The move could position Oracle to have strength in both markets, according to Holger Mueller, principal analyst at Constellation Research. "It's the end of the one-size-fits-all perspective on the Oracle side, so now there are customers who could have been NetSuite customers who chose Oracle over NetSuite because they felt they fit better there," Mueller said. "SAP has been doing this two-tier ERP approach for a long time and this is something that we should see Oracle doing soon and they'll probably use OpenWorld to clarify when it's going to be the Oracle cloud applications versus when it's going to be NetSuite." Not everyone is convinced of the soundness of Oracle's strategy, however. Joshua Greenbaum, founder and principal analyst at Enterprise Applications Consulting, said it was the latest in a string of poorly planned moves by Oracle. "I think Oracle once again mistakes acquisition for strategy and mistakes buying a company for fixing a problem, and in this case NetSuite doesn't really help Oracle anywhere near as much as it would like or should need," Greenbaum said. "This is a company that's not a leader in the cloud anymore, their competitors are doing a much more interesting job in the cloud and there's no discernable synergy between these products." Oracle needs to develop an effective cloud platform strategy, Greenbaum explained, because this presents a real opportunity for companies like Microsoft and Infor that have increasingly strong cloud offerings to go after the NetSuite customer base. Greenbaum noted that the move seemed to be more of a financial play to give Oracle some credible cloud revenue, but would not solve its existing cloud problem. Questions also need to be asked about exactly how Oracle will integrate the NetSuite product line, said Cindy Jutras, president of the research firm Mint Jutras. "[Oracle CEO] Mark Hurd was quoted as saying that the NetSuite products would coexist with their existing solutions, and my thought is that can mean anything -- from NetSuite will continue to run completely autonomously as its own subsidiary, or it could just mean 'Don't worry, we're not going to sunset the product and everything else is going to be integrated in,'" Jutras said. "It could be anything across those two extremes. There's nothing in the quote that I saw that leads me to believe that he's closing any doors of opportunity of how the company is going to absorb NetSuite." However, Jutras agrees that Oracle's deep-pocketed resources should help NetSuite improve a product that has lagged in many areas. "It's been in catch-up mode in the manufacturing field, but they're making great strides now to catch up," she said. There will almost certainly be an impact in the market for cloud ERP and SMB applications. "This could put SAP under some pressure to understand what they're going to do from a more tier-down perspective, where there's only the failed [Business] ByDesign, which doesn't die or go away because it's exactly in the NetSuite space," Mueller said. "Keep in mind from a history perspective SAP [Business] ByDesign was supposed to take out NetSuite from a positioning perspective; it was never the high-end goal and there's a lot of tier-two ERP happening and interest from the SAP customer side." Hamerman agrees the NetSuite acquisition will put pressure on SAP to be more credible in the SMB market, but may be a good shakeup for the market as a whole. "As far as the smaller vendors go, I think it's good for the market; there's plenty of room in the market for SaaS ERP and financial accounting players," he said. "This deal recognizes that this market has excellent traction and the other players will benefit from it." However, Hamerman explained that it should be a wake-up call for SAP to move more quickly into SaaS ERP, given that its Business ByDesign has disappointed and the vendor hasn't had much traction with its new ERP platform, S/4HANA, as a SaaS offering. "SAP's going to have to accelerate its path to delivering ERP solutions both at the enterprise level and midmarket as SaaS in order to compete with Oracle and others in the market like Workday," he said. The highly competitive market may have forced Oracle's hand in this case, Jutras surmised. "Some people have been saying that the Workdays and the pure cloud solutions have been eating Oracle and SAP's lunch, and I think they go too far in saying that," she said. "But they've all obviously posed a threat to SAP and Oracle, and I think this is a defensive move to stop that and also to prevent someone else from going in and acquiring NetSuite and turning the tables against them." What do you think NetSuite acquisition means for the market for SaaS ERP applications?
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Benefiting from Rev. Haroutune Selimian’ s visit to Paramus, NJ, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) organized an event on October 26, 2016 at the Armenian Presbyterian Church in Paramus, NJ to hear updates on Aleppo. Rev. Selimian is the President of the Armenian Evangelical Community in Syria and Pastor of the Armenian Evangelical Bethel Church in Aleppo. During the five-year war, which continues to be in escalation mode, Rev. Selimian has been with his flock suffering together the hardship and supporting them morally and spiritually every day. Rev. Berj Gulleyan, Pastor of the Armenian Presbyterian Church, opened the evening with a prayer. In his opening remarks, Zaven Khanjian, Executive Director/CEO of the AMAA, noted that the Western mainstream media recently hyped the reporting of the agony of the 250,000 Syrians living in Aleppo’s East side under the control of extremists. The media however ignored the five-year plight of the 1,250,000 people under government control who suffer from the daily barrages of rockets and mortars with no running water and no power. Mr. Khanjian noted “now that we know ‘Where is Aleppo’ and ‘What is Aleppo’ it may be time to ask the question ‘How is Aleppo, all of Aleppo?’” He mentioned the continuous financial help that the AMAA has been extending to the Armenian community in Aleppo since the economic machine stopped because of the conflict. He added that for those Syrian Armenians who are willing and unable, the AMAA has introduced the ‘Syria Lifeline’ program which manages their move and covers all transportation costs to the Homeland. Mr. Khanjian commended Rev. Selimian’s courage and sacrifice daily risking his life shepherding the flock in the divided war torn city. A video followed the presentation. The first part depicted ‘before and after’ pictures of institutions, structures, buildings, Armenian churches and schools in Aleppo, Kessab and Der Zor which show the horrible destruction. This part of the video also showed pictures of many Armenian victims of the war. The second part was an illustration of the fervent life of the faithful at Sunday Church services, Sunday schools, children’s choir, youth groups and ladies’ guild activities as well as Kindergarten, Elementary and Secondary students in classrooms and at leisure. The video concluded with pictures of social services; food and water distribution, household essentials, cooking gas, clothing and shoes, monetary subsidies to families in need, Christmas and Easter packages, pajamas and toys to children and the Bethel Polytechnic, family visitations by the pastor, visitation to the Armenian old aged home, the orphanage, etc. He stated that without the help of the AMAA, none of the good shown in the video would happen. Because of the AMAA aid, institutional structural damage is immediately repaired, teachers are paid their full salary and bonuses to cover currency devaluation and the children’s’ tuition is paid. Rev. Selimian elaborated on all the programs that were shown in the video. He stated that Christians believe that all people are created with the image of God. With this conviction some help is also distributed to local neighbors who suffer under the circumstances. He said ministers extend a shoulder for people to cry on, visit families of victims and perform funeral after funeral. Rev. Selimian expressed confidence that someday we shall see the Armenian churches rebuilt with the return of peace as there is always the hope of sunrise after darkness. Following Rev. Gulleyan’s closing prayer a reception followed. The AMAA is thankful to all those who responded to Mr. Khanjian’s call for support; $12,000 was raised for needy Syrian Armenian families. A special thank you to George Khorozian, who donated $10,000 which was raised in honor of his 70th birthday.
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What is the cost of Selling? Cutting edge technology and state of art internet product marketing service for each of your products including online chat, tech support, user verified reviews, social networking and search engine optimization. Grow your brand with a wealth of customers and promotional tools. Free product advertising and promotion opportunities on GeniCity.org - a free classified listing service and GeniCity.net a free social networking service for researchers in science and technology.
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Half my time I am a project manager developing IT solutions. The other half, you'll find me scribbling away at many a story that just won't leave me alone. I've been writing since I was a wee thing, and publishing since I discovered the internet in 1994 or so. So what do I write? Contemporary and urban fantasy have mainly been my playground, but I have done some real world settings as well. I do like mystery and have been reading (and watching) Agatha Christie since I was a child. I've also been known to do a bit of poetry. Style: I have been told I do angst well, so if you want your heartstrings twanged, or your tummy to tie in knots until the end, then I'm your gal. I am, however, a happy ending junkie, although I do throw a hint of realism in there sometimes as well. I like a few twists and turns on the way in some of my plots, although I have written my share of PWPs as well. I have to admit a small obsession with eyes: I believe they are the seat of beauty in a person, so I play with them in creature fic and use them for expression in others - personal hang up, sorry. Also, I have never met a cliché I didn't like and I am a firm believer that cliché is fine if you do it right. Writing is a passion and there's nothing better than writing for an audience. Any writer who says they don't care about feedback must have had an ego amputation :) If you life my scribbles, I'd be very glad to hear from you.
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The effect of almond consumption on elements of endurance exercise performance in trained athletes. BACKGROUND: Almonds are a healthy tree nut food with high nutrient density. Their consumption has been shown to ameliorate oxidative stress, inflammation, etc. The objective of the study was to examine the effect of almonds on elements of endurance exercise performance in trained athletes. METHODS: A 10-week crossover, placebo controlled study was conducted. Eight trained male cyclists and two triathletes were randomly assigned to consume 75 g/d whole almonds (ALM) or isocaloric cookies (COK) with equal subject number. They consumed the assigned food for 4 wks and then the alternate food for another 4 wks. They underwent 3 performance tests including 125-min steady status exercise (SS) and 20-min time trial (TT) on an indoor stationary trainer at the start of the study (BL) and at the end of each intervention phase. Venous blood was collected in the morning prior to the performance test for biochemical measurements and finger blood during the test for glucose determination. Carbohydrate and fat oxidation, energy expenditure, and oxygen use were calculated using respiratory gas analysis. RESULTS: ALM increased cycling distance during TT by 1.7 km as compared BL (21.9 vs. 20.2 km, P = 0.053) and COK increased 0.6 km (20.8 vs. 20.2 km, P > 0.05). ALM, but not COK, led to higher CHO and lower fat oxidation and less oxygen consumption during TT than BL (P < 0.05), whereas there was no significant difference in heart rate among BL, ALM and COK. ALM maintained higher blood glucose level after TT than COK (P < 0.05). ALM had higher vitamin E and haemoglobin and lower serum free fatty acid (P < 0.05), slightly elevated serum arginine and nitric oxide and plasma insulin (P > 0.05) than BL, and a higher total antioxidant capacity than COK (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Whole almonds improved cycling distance and the elements related to endurance performance more than isocaloric cookies in trained athletes as some nutrients in almonds may contribute to CHO reservation and utilization and effective oxygen utilization. The results suggest that almonds can be incorporated into diets of those who undertake exercise training for performance improvement.
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It is a cream-based polish and protectant with silicone. Use it for tires, vinyl, rubber, and door panels. Protect, beautify and restore your investment! It contains a pleasant lemon scent! Apply by hand or spray. It does not attract dust. This formulation is a concentrated, white cherry-scented, high gloss, universal protectant -- used for tires, vinyl, rubber, dashboards and doors. As it is concentrated, for best results dilute with water by 30%. It can be applied by hand or spray. This universal formulation is our brightest Teflon-based product. It is designed to revive plastics, rubber and vinyl that have been damaged or mistreated. Contains no solvents or oil. It is applied by hand and contains emollients and silicones of the highest quality. It produces a long-lasting and brilliant shine with superior protection. It can be used in interiors and exteriors. It has a tropical aroma. This formulation is a clear protectant made with oil and solvents. This product is transparent, colorless, quick-drying, and has a pleasant orange scent. It is used primarily for dressing hoses and belts in the engine compartment, as well as in the interior vents. It can also be used on new tires, fenders, and plastic & vinyl trim. For best results: we recommend applying by spray and sponge, and allowing it to dry naturally. This high quality product does not stain or scratch the surface. It is an economical gel for use on all types of tires. It produces a natural shine. This semi-thick formulation is easy to apply. It is a quality gel that is safe for use by autobody and detailing shops. Used with a sponge, it can be applied full strength or diluted in water. It contains no silicones. “Econo Blue Gel” is an excellent product, that does not attract dust. It is a thick red solution with a pleasant cherry scent. It is highly concentrated. It produces stable, dense foam and washes/waxes simultaneously. It is a product that resists water marks, leaving a freshly waxed appearance that provides extra protection and is water repellent. Since a small amount is used, one container yields many washes/waxes. It is a thick yellow liquid with a pleasant bubblegum scent. It is specifically designed for cleaning upholstery and carpets. It produces a dense foam which lifts away the dirt and leaves a whistle-clean surface. It is a special blend of quality detergents makes upholstery water resistant, speed up cleaning and also reduce drying time. It also contains optimal fabric brighteners. For best results, pour an ounce of “All Purpose Shampoo” into a clean pail. Then add agitated water (spray) from the hose until the foam rises to the top. Use a generous amount on an effected area and scrub with a brush. A thick-bodied pH neutral cleaner. It is designed for cleaning wheels and tires. It is 100% safe and will not stain clear wheels, polished aluminum, chrome, magnesium and painted wheels. The product will stick to the surface without running. It quickly dissolves grease and grime, and easily rinses off. It will not stain. It is a very high foaming product. This unique formulation is a cleaning and sealing wax that can be used on wet or dry paints. It is also designed for soiled paints. The product is easy to use and does not scratch the surface. For best results: spray the liquid on a wet microfiber towel and clean the surface. Afterwards, use another towel to dry. It is formulated with enzymes and bacteria, and is designed as a concentrated spray product to control and eliminate organic odors. It works quickly -- removing odors caused by urine, feces and vomit. It also eliminates pet odors. It also includes emulsifiers for best results. A partial list of odor producing areas include: trash cans, large dumpsters, bathrooms, carpets and pet living areas. It is bubble gum scented. It is a specially formulated general biologic cleaner for floors, walls and bathrooms. It contains bacteria, enzymes and special surfactants that create a heavy amount of foam. This product works great in general cleaning applications, eliminating the sources of odors and leaving a nice clean scent. Apply “Quickly Gone” directly with a cloth, sponge or brush over the problem or contaminated areas. For slight odors dilute with water, using a minimum of 8 - 16 ounces of product per gallon of water. This product is designed to remove tar, gum, stickers and organic stains on upholstery, carpets and cars. It is excellent for removing glue on recent graffiti application. It is a unique and special blend of polymers that helps to protect all types of upholstery, fabric and carpets. Protection is provided by a transparent shield that resists all liquids and oil spills. “Fabric Protector” seals individual fibers and allows the fabric to breathe and remain supple. It also loosens dirt and stains. After proper application, it is impossible for the fabric to absorb spills. Our formulation is a cleanser, conditioner and leather protectant. It produces a permanent protective shield against stains, dirt and is liquid resistant. It maximizes the brilliance and suppleness of new and used leathers. Our mixture contains a flouro-polymer and special emollients for maximum protection. It is safe for use with any type of leather. Our concentrated wax formula is made of high quality carnauba wax and paraffin. It contains banana extract and a special blend of silicone emulsions. It is for use with automotive paint finish in good condition. It covers scratches and provides long-lasting protection and a brilliant shine. This is a specially formulated sealing wax-based protective Teflon. It produces a brilliant and lasting shine and provides maximum protection. Designed for new clear coat paint finishes. This product allows new paint to breathe. This is formulated as an ultra-fine hand applied wax and polish. Can be applied by hand or buffer. It is for light work on clear coated paints. It can be used with a low speed buffer using foam or wool pads. Works well for removing light scratches and towel scratches. Dual function of waxing and polishing the surface at the same time without staining. It also removes buffer marks and will not leave dust. It leaves a high and deep penetrating gloss. Does not stain black, green, blue or red painted surfaces. It contains a pleasant coconut scent, and also contains emulsions that make it easy to apply and remove in the sun. It is formulated as a one-step polishing wax to be applied with the buffer. It is designed to remove scratches as thin as a hair and imperfections in clear coatings. It contains a mixture of high quality wax, silicones and mineral oils to provide more protection and shine. Our product will not scratch or stain black, red or green paint finishes. It repairs and softens paint and freshly painted finishes. Gets good results using a sponge or wool to eliminate streaks. It is formulated as a very fine compound that contains paraffin wax, carnauba wax, silicone and emollients. It can be used with buffer or by hand. This product is a cleaner and protector polish wax for painted surfaces that removes fine scratches and oxidation. It can be used to remove the scratches produced by wet sandpaper #1500 or finer over conventional paints or clear coat finishes. It is a high gloss product that protects for months. This formulation is a very thin and lightweight micro fine polish. It is designed to remove very thin scratches produced by wet sand paper #2000 micro-fine or finer. This product repairs imperfections in clear coatings. It is designed for use with a low speed buffer. It can be used to remove swirls left by a wool sponge. For best results, use in a dry heat to allow you more polishing time. This product contains mineral oils and emulsifying carnauba wax. It contains no silicone. This formulation is used to remove wet sanding scratches produced by micro-fine #1000. It helps remove swirl marks and blemishes in the paint finish. This product is extremely effective for restoring clear coats, conventional paints, silver and oxidized metallic paints. The formula contains medium to fine abrasives to clean the paint. It can be used to remove sponge or wool swirls with good results. It contains no wax or silicone.
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Issues Co-op Voice March 2017 Smart Drugs: Helpers for Our Sleepless Age? Smart Drugs: Helpers for Our Sleepless Age? It’s 3 PM. Are you crushing your “To Do” list? Or are you making a bee-line to the espresso machine for a double shot of Dark Roast, and maybe that leftover doughnut? I’ve always thought that mid-afternoon is the real litmus test for well-being. It’s not about how you feel first thing in the morning—we are all foggy at that ungodly hour. And it has even less to do with the Witching Hour, either (midnight or 3 AM to 4 AM, depending on your source), when that chorus of supernatural furies in your head threatens mayhem. The vim and vigor test is actually 3 PM, the hour that eerily forecasts whether you’re going to be sprawled on the couch with the remote by 8 PM, or slow-cooking tomorrow’s lunch AND taking out the garbage. I’m not making any claims on the potency of smart drugs. We all have different physiologies; what works for one person may have no effect on the other. Let me just say, though, that I now “own the zone” each weekday night, as I break out the distortion pedal and launch into Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young’s Ohio, well into the fourth hour of guitar practice—or at least I like to think I’m in the zone. Call it delusional, but I’m attracted to the idea of capitalizing on untapped cognitive potential, and I’m all ears for a product line that sharpens memory and thought processes. The brain is clearly an active organ, making it ripe for enhancement. Its cells—neurons—are in a constant state of rapid fire, processing and transmitting electrochemical signals approximately 200 times per second. Consider that our brains have 100 billion neurons firing at lightning-bolt speed at any given moment, and you have some idea of its complexity. How many neuron firings shape a single thought or drive the analysis of a complex idea? Billions. When these brain synapses are clicking in optimal fashion, life is dandy. But in reality, we’re faced with a slew of daily pitfalls and temptations that sabotage our best efforts at peak performance, as well as general wellness. Modern-day life conspires against us; stress, sugar, and lack of sleep are only the start. This is where these so-called smart drugs enter the picture. One mechanism by which nootropics alter brain activity is through the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which serves as a primary agent in shaping memory. Nootropic proponents assert that if we enhance acetylcholine activity, we can sharpen memory function. But, wait! The age-old combo of a coffee and cigarette can inspire the same action in the brain by enhancing acetylcholine. So why fuss over a range of smart drug product choices and high price points, when we could drink lots of black tea and sneak in a cigarette once in a while? Herbalists like to wave the magic wand of “synergistic effect” here—they point to the simultaneous action of not just one path to sharpening memory function, but to many approaches used together at once. My particular brand of smart drug, as one example, contains nine ingredients, chief among them are ginkgo; L-Theanine; ginseng; and Alpha GPC. Other companies sell single substances that are also designed for enhancing memory, such as piracetam and aniracetam—part of the -racetram family of substances. For more about these ingredients, see any one of a number of knowledgeable people at our Health and Beauty Aids Department. So while smart drugs can provide a competitive edge in a global culture that values processing over daydreaming, looking to nootropics as a panacea to navigate the digital forest of information overload reduces humans to automatons. Do we really need to find better ways for our brains to manage more data at ever-higher speeds? In other words, there are costs to narrowing your attention. Maybe the peripheral piece that you’re overlooking while under the influence of Superman’s brain-enhancing drug forced you to miss more important creative associations. Look at it this way: piracetam may work wonders for an air traffic controller at O’Hare Airport, but not so much for Neil Young while he composed “Ohio,” a process that gives “under the influence” a whole new meaning for our sleepless age.
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Life secrecy, deceit, danger No, no Run, escape Run Her inner voice is shouting She has to run faster She s about to get caught No, no She has to get away Please, she must escape Run faster As long as Tess Sanoby can remember, she has always had the same nightmares, where the girl in her dreams is running for her life with an unknown force chasing her Each tiLife secrecy, deceit, danger No, no Run, escape Run Her inner voice is shouting She has to run faster She s about to get caught No, no She has to get away Please, she must escape Run faster As long as Tess Sanoby can remember, she has always had the same nightmares, where the girl in her dreams is running for her life with an unknown force chasing her Each time, right before the girl is caught, Tess awakens, shaken with fear and confusion Who is the girl What do these dreams mean Getting through the growing pains of high school with her best friends Jack and Kylie, and then being accepted into her dream college, Tess is excited to start her life of independence There, she meets the mysterious trainer and mentor, Chris, and she instantly feels a strong connection with him Unfortunately, Chris wants nothing to do with her Although Chris continues to give her the cold shoulder, his overprotectiveness and the occasional slips of sensitivity confuse Tess Not understanding Chris or their relationship, she is on a constant emotional roller coaster with him Could her best friends be the stable force that she desperately needs Unfortunately for Tess, the she tries to connect the missing pieces of her life, the obscure her past and future appear to her To make matters worse, she realizes she has fallen hard for a man who may be her worst enemy As passion ignites between the two, she can t help but surrender her heart and soul to him Tess is unexpectedly exposed to a world of secrecy, deceit, and danger, causing her to be running for her life, chased by the unknown Can Tess escape and save not only herself, but also her loved ones Or, will she be caught, leaving her no choice but to face her worst nightmare Chaysing Dreams is the ultimate love story, full of suspense, friendship, betrayal, tragedy, and sacrifice In this epic tale, you will laugh and cry with Tess a story full of twists and turns, keeping you guessing until the end. Engrossing.Miss Williby has created a fascinating story, a true page-turning, Romantic Thriller. The intrigue begins from the start and throughout the novel the reader can't escape the feeling that the proverbial Damocles's Sword will fall at any minute. I don't like spoilers so I will not include details, except to say Tessnia is a spunky, lovable heroine and the book is an action-packed, definite must-read. Well done. On to book 2.
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Women must understand that they are not just aging, but have a natural condition which has been misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. Women must learn about the easy and effective treatment for this syndrome, bioidentical hormone pellet therapy. Women must ask their doctors about treatment for this syndrome. Medical professionals must provide support for your personal quest for this treatment. Medical professionals must stop unnecessary suffering caused by the lack of proper diagnosis and treatment. For more information about bioidentical hormone pellet therapy, visit the BioBalance Health website.
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Brooklyn Alumnae has produced Jabberwock biennially since 1985's "Dreamer of the Dream" inaugural event. Today, we continue the tradition with 2018's theme, "Through the Looking Glass: Reflections of Grace & Strength." Our Jabberwock program features educational, cultural, community service, and personal enrichment activities for the partipants while also serving as a successful fundraising vehicle for the chapter. The young woman that fully participates in the 7-month program and raises the highest amount of money throughout, will be crowned “Miss Jabberwock” at our culminating cotillion in May 2018. In recognition of her efforts, Miss Jabberwock will receive a percentage of the funds raised by her team, her family, and her community to be used toward funding her college education. Additional scholarships will be provided to runners up correlating to the amounts raised, subject to the Jabberwock rules and guidelines. The Brooklyn Alumnae Chapter uses the remaining funds for scholarships, programming and special projects that serve the greater Brooklyn community. Congratulations to Miss Jabberwock 2018, Miss Destini Jones! Special recognition goes to Team "Destini's Destiny" for their support of Destini and hard work raising funds for the benefit of the Brooklyn community. In his classic book, "Alice in Wonderland," Lewis Carroll created the character known as the Jabberwock. This mythical character called together all the creatures of his kingdom for the purpose of sharing their talents – a gala event. The first Delta Jabberwock, an idea conceived by Soror Marion Conover of Boston’s Iota Chapter in 1925, began as a means of raising scholarship funds. This member of Iota Chapter presented a variety of performers who competed for monetary prizes. Thus, from this successful venture, Delta Sigma Theta’s Jabberwock event was born and became a part of Delta tradition. Soon, Iota's annual production was adopted by chapters of the sorority throughout the country. Since that time, innumerable Jabberwocks have been produced by chapters in the United States and abroad. On December 28th, 1947, Jabberwock was formally adopted and copyrighted by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Delta Sigma Theta chapters have convened various organizations in the community for the express purpose of fostering positive relationships and providing an evening of fun and entertainment. The proceeds from Jabberwock are designated for scholarship and community projects.
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Roboseyo: Links here and there... and gross. Links here and there... and gross. The discussion on sexism in the blogs was really interesting... I'll have more to say about it in another post -- I actually learned (or at least realized) some stuff from it. Here are a few other links I've come by this week, and liked. Once again, Stupid Ugly Foreigner has written a great post, this time about turning from a fresh-faced expat to a grizzled long-termer. How did I go so long before I found this blog? The Diplomat on North Korea's Clumsy Assassins: They sure don't make Nork assassins like they used to. Which is a great excuse to post this old propaganda video of North Korean army training. I've got to say, I love the clipped accents and cadences of North Koreans speaking English. After Ms. Lee to Be's post about Konglish, and how English buzzwords get mangled into Korean business speak, because it sounds awesome sand, Yujin Is Huge has this post about the overdone bombast that is often the other way Korean self-important people (who might understand English, but don't understand how English is used) express themselves... in a way that uses our language, but into which we don't actually figure at all. Title: A world-class provider of world-leading pioneer technology that will remain competitive through fundamental adaptation to the paradigm shift. I went to Costco twice this week, once to get stuff, and once to return some of it... and I came across something that, honestly, grossed me out... as much as anything I've seen in my time in Korea. As much as pigeons pecking at street pizza, as much as old men hocking loogies in the street... as much as middle-school girls hocking loogies in the street... I hadn't paid enough attention to notice it the last times I went to Costco, because I usually don't use the Costco restaurant, but on Monday I learned of the Costco Salad Bar. What is the Costco Salad Bar? Leave your dignity in your shopping cart. Go to the condiment table. Grind the free onions into a small mountain in the middle of the plate. Squirt a whole bunch of mustard on top of the onions. Squirt between a little and a whole bunch of ketchup on there, too. If you really feel fancy, squirt some of the sugar syrup meant for the coffee drinks on there, too. If you ordered a hot dog, squeeze the pickle relish package in there, too. Mix until it looks like chunky baby poop. With fork, eat alongside whatever else you ordered. Discard the uneaten 2/3, creating a disgusting mountain of wasted onions and mustard in the bottom of the compost can. Ignore Costco employees watching you and performing facepalm after facepalm. Collect dignity from shopping cart. Zenkimchi writes about it here: turns out this is not an isolated thing here in Korea. At the Costco I went to, about 30-55% of the tables had a Costco salad on one of the plates. Normally, I just avoid the stuff I don't like or think is gross. I won't tell people not to eat this or that animal, or salad swimming in dressing, or the shredded cabbage/ketchup/mayonnaise gunk that was a side dish to the fantastic spit-roasted chicken at this place I used to go to. Avert the eyes, don't eat it, no sweat. but at least it was clear that's how you're supposed to eat the mayonnaise ketchup stuff, where Costco Salad reeks of "Hey! Free stuff!" (see also the equally classy Salad Bar Tower) -- both expressions of the same impulse that leads old ladies to bring ziplock bags to buffets, and stuff free plastic forks in their purse, and bend and twist the intended uses of things, just to maximize their exploitation of somebody's generosity in providing it for free. Zenkimchi even posits an explanation, and manages to applaud the creativity -- fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, Koreans gotta have banchan, and will find a way, you know. Intellectually, I acknowledge this, but it was still just too much for me. Next time I need a Costco hotdog, I'm bringing a blindfold. Maybe because it looked like the baby poo that's become a major part of my life rhythm? Anyway, I'm willing to look for the reason and sense behind most things, to seek out a perspective and a context. But this one just grossed me out, still does, and I'll be setting up a mental block instead. Yech. I find it peculiar as well.
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WILLIAM COSTELLIA: A very important Seer named Sylvia Kokwongeza Steven, united with me in 1987 with two other young children. Agetha, the Public Apparition Place in Mwanza, known very well by the Bishop, was investigated. These three young children received revelations about the `Little Pebble’ becoming Pope. – Mabetini Apparition Site.
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Join Kelley Wilkinson for a cooking class focused solely on the tortilla. She will share her passion for traditional flint and dent corn varieties, as well as the transformation from ground cornmeal to masa harina. Then, participants will learn recipe and technique for producing traditional corn tortillas.
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Jim Kasson calls it fake. On my Sony a7Rii, ISO below 100, like 50, is called fake. It is only going to affect captures to JPEG, where it will reduce the values by 1 stop. What doesn't change is the effect on RAW.
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All you need to tweak, customize and optimize Windows 8 and 8.x. Tweak-8 is the Windows 8 edition of our famous 'Tweak' product line, which started with Tweak-XP back in 2001. Just like Tweak-XP it established a new standard in system tweaking, as it concentrates on an easy to use user interface, packed with hundreds of system tweaks, and system optimization features, without demanding any special 'geek' knowledge from its' users. Tweak-8's state of the art user interface, with all main tweak and optimization categories listed in one left main navigation panel, makes it easy for the user to find the way in the jungle of performance and customization tweaks. Beside system tweaking and optimization Tweak-8 includes registry cleanung and defragementation features, a system cleanup tool and much more. The registry cleaner is extremely fast and removes unneeded entries from the Windows system registry database. The system cleaner wipes your disk and finds and deletes unneeded and redundant files, program libraries, system update backups and much more. Tweak-8 is the only tool you need to get all out of your Windows 8. Designed especially for Windows 8.x - unlike competitive products! Tweak-8 runs on any edition of Windows 8.x - x86 and x64. The Tweak-8 setup installs the correct version depending on your system's architecture. It includes an English, German, Russian user interface, but it surely works on any version of Windows 8.x.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz" }
BEST SELLER! Offering the fashionable look of leggings, the slimming effect of shapewear and the benefits of support all-in-one. In addition to renewing tired, swollen legs with graduated compression, these footless leggings flatten & firm trouble areas for an all-over flattering effect. If you have moderate to severe venous insufficiency or edema, consult with your physician to determine whether footless compression is right for you. If you have moderate to severe venous insufficiency or edema, consult with your physician to determine whether footless compression is right for you. In certain cases, compression with a full foot may be recommended.
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NEW : football cards hardback book, c.300 pages, 1000 colour pix! Coming in summer 2019 the new book from Pitch Publishing, and a new website too! This site is run by the cards expert seen on TV, on "Stuck On You" (2018). Football soccer cards were first made as far back as the 1870's, in England. myth tells us, Italians did NOT invent the pack of soccer cards, nor stickers. Both were British inventions. More on this, in my book. See FB/Twitter blogs.
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The Haymarket Theatre was opened in Leicester in the 1960s. It has an interesting situation, on the first floor of the Haymarket Centre, the older of the city's two indoor shopping centres. The Haymarket Theatre acquired a reputation over the years for originating touring shows, especially musicals, such as "Me and My Girl". Today, however, a new performing arts centre is being built in the Cultural Quarter of the City Centre, designed by Rafael Vinoly.
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Lawyers are not fully immune to making mistakes in their profession. They will commit one or two mistakes while representing you in a drunken driving case which is understandable. However, there are some glaring mistakes that are unacceptable especially when committed by your criminal dui lawyer intentionally. It is important for you to know about all these mistakes and how best they can be handled if at all they happen. The greatest mistake that a dui lawyer can make is deal with assumptions that your case has either been won or it cannot be won. Either way, the attorney will be doing you or any other client a great injustice by contemplating the case outcome. The lawyer should not rush you into pleading guilty just to have the case terminated early but it has to be on the basis of the strength and your preparedness. In any case, a lawyer cannot take plea on behalf of a client and that should not happen with you. Drink driving case is one of the strongest and most dangerous to be charged with so it should be treated with seriousness all the time. In many states, your driving license will be suspended for the entire period you are on trial for driving under the influence. It is the duty of your lawyer to fight against that and make sure you are allowed to continue driving as the case proceeds in court. Unfortunately, many lawyers never bother to have their clients’ driving license remain active which is a big mistake. The license may be revoked once you have failed the blood or breath test but your lawyer can have an appeal challenging the technical processes involved. He or she can dispute the period within which that was done, challenge the final results and any other technicality that can knock down the license revocation legally. There are times when the lawyer takes to assume that everything was okay in carrying out the test which is not the nature of the profession. He or she is bound to contest everything that goes against your way from a legal perspective until all options have been exhausted. On the same note, a lawyer will have failed if he or she does not file a motion to hold back the case. This has rare chances of succeeding but it is important to try it out so as to have the case terminated prior to official trial. The pre-trial proceedings are very important but lawyers mostly ignore that which is a blunder. It will offer an opportunity to question the competence of the officer who arrested you and expose the weaknesses of the whole procedure followed. The criminal dui lawyer should be responsible for carrying out parallel investigations into how you were arrested and the happenings surrounding that. That might not be very deep but it will give him or her some background information on how to counter the case as formulated by the prosecutor. The lawyer should visit the location you were arrested and failure to do that dents your case success chances.
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Pure herbal extract additive for all Koi, freshwater and saltwater fish. Improvement of coloration and vitality of all fish. At the first signs of any illness, mix Immun Stabil Fish into the appropriate feed. Normal: 2 drops daily per 1g of fish food. As an immune system stimulant: Use 1-2 times per week to increase fish vitality and reduce instances of infection and disease.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz" }
Many blogs focus on just one particular topic. If you would like to start a blog about something that you are passionate about, or if you already have a blog going, and are looking for ways to improve it, you have landed at the right place. Read this article to learn all that you need to know about blogging in today’s world. TIP! Make sure your blog is updated often. People will return often if they expect to find brand new content. You should purchase your own domain site instead of using a free hosting site when developing your blog. Domains do not have to be expensive, and it can help your blog seem more professional. People will be able to remember it more easily, particularly if the title includes your business name or other words that relate to the subject. TIP! Don’t forget your life that is not blog related! If you do not give yourself time to do things away from you computer, you may experience burnout. Make time for walks, visiting friends, or just a five minute break. Do not let writing a blog completely take over your life. If you do not give yourself time to do things away from you computer, you may experience burnout. Fit normal things like taking walks or visiting friends into your day. This allows you time to return to the blog to write some quality content. Allowing guest blog posts can be beneficial to you. This creates a relationship between your blogs and will allow you to help each other in the future. Do not underestimate the power in having good relationships with others. Perhaps that blogger will be able to return the favor one day. TIP! Include lists in your blog where appropriate. For instance, when writing about cooking, include lists of ingredients or the kitchen tools needed to create a memorable dish. Try to start accumulating addresses for your mailing list right away. The sooner you begin, the greater the amount of time you have for growing your list. This list can be utilized to make more money in the future. Neglecting to start a mailing list can greatly affect the efficiency of your site. Do not get frustrated if your readership doesn’t explode overnight. With so many other blogs out there, it will take time for readers to find your blog. Additionally, since you are just starting out, there will not be much content available for people to see right away. The longer your blog is around, and the more posts you write, the more readers you’ll get. TIP! Post your blog articles to as many places on the Internet as you can. This makes them easier to find, which means they get read more often. It is very important to maintain consistent with your blog, so you will want to keep a regular posting schedule. There are new blogs showing up every single day, and if you are not posting on a consistent basis, your visitors may start looking for someone that does. There is some breathing room during holidays, where regular content may not be expected by your readers, but for the most part, you must be diligent with new material to keep an active audience. TIP! It’s key for blog integrity that you are on a regular schedule. Competition in blogging is fierce, and if you do not provide your readers with consistent and fresh content, some other blogger will. The above article offered lots of running a blog information. If feelings of being overwhelmed are consuming you right now, know that is quite normal. Creating content and maintaining blogs is difficult, but it is worth it. Keep this article in mind to refresh what you have learned. Blog Posting is a fun hobby for some, and a business venture for others. Either way, your blog is a personal refuge. However, remember that it is important to create and maintain your blog the right way so that you attract the most visitors to your site. This article will give you some tips and advice to get people to notice your blog, and keep coming back. Make search engine optimization a priority when setting up your blog. Because your primary goal is increasing your readership, it is important that your blog shows up in the search results when potential readers look for a topic about which you write. Choose keywords relevant to your topic, and use them throughout blog posts and titles to boost readership. Make sure to blog on a regular basis. Bloggers tend to begin a blog and then post inconsistently. If you blog infrequently, you will soon find that readers who were once quite interested in your site no longer take the time to visit it. Generally speaking, it is wise to make new blog posts each week and transmit email updates. TIP! Invite successful bloggers to write guest blogs for your site. Not only does it increase the quantity of quality content but it invites viewers to your site who will most likely return. Make sure that you add to your blog on a regular basis. To increase and maintain your traffic, you need to provide new content on a regular basis. If you do not update your blog very often, internet users will not have any reason to revisit it. A general rule of thumb is to post new content no less than once, daily. TIP! Use pictures in your blog posts. Remember, a picture really is worth more than a thousand written words. If you plan to blog for the long haul, then invest in a domain name. Acquiring a domain name is inexpensive and will ensure a professional appearance. Including your business’s name or some other memorable phrase in your title will make it easier to remember. TIP! Allowing guests to make posts within your blog is extremely helpful. By doing this, you’ll be able to create a relationship with your guests. Don’t let blogging take over your life. You do not want to burn yourself out, so plan on staying away from your blog at some point in the day. Schedule in time to take a walk, see some friends or even just a 5 minute time out. Taking a break like this allows you to return to your blog with a fresh perspective so you can write some outstanding content. Create a blog that stands out from all the other blogs that already exist. Unique content will draw readers. If the information on your blog is rare, people will come to your blog, and then refer others. Blog about hobbies or experiences that are unique. Be intimate, personal and honest. You need to let the reader have a good reason to visit your blog. TIP! Read all of your comment,s and try to respond to any feedback given without taking it too personally. Whatever you are discussing, there will always be someone disputing or offering criticism. Make sure your posts are brief yet to the point. Long wordy blogs will turn off readers. No one expects verbose, Shakespearian depth discourse when it comes to blog writing. People want content, not fluff. Create your blog’s mailing list as quickly as possible. The earlier that you begin, the longer amount of time that you can grow your list. This list will help you increase your revenue as time goes on. It is a serious mistake to delay starting your mailing list. The tips you just read should have shown you how easy running a blog is. You just have to learn a few techniques, and keep working on your blog all the time. Use what you have learned here to set you on the path to reaching your goals. Where you go from here is up to you! TIP! Your blog should use search engine optimization. As you wish to appeal to the widest range of viewers possible, then it is important that the blog is visible within search results. Posting content on a website and sharing your opinion is typically considered blog posting. These sites offer a blogger everything from templates to particular features to enhance the look and content of your blog. This way, you can get the most out of your blog. This article will give you more tips. Attempt to be available to your readers at all times. Connections are important in the online world, and this is especially true when you are writing a blog. If you’ve begun to connect with your visitors, they’ll expect that you’ll be around regularly. Remember that other people out there will be disappointed if you give up on your blog. Don’t stuff your blog posts with keywords and don’t overload your blog with Adsense ads, plug-ins or large images. Overloading your blog with these elements will get it de-indexed from search engines results pages, and then all your hard work will have been wasted. Keep your writing organic, and allow it to flow smoothly. Make sure your blog is updated often. Posting new content regularly helps you maintain your current reader base, as well as attract new readers and cause existing ones to return. Without a steady stream of new content, visitors will not have a reason to return to your blog. A general rule of thumb is to post new content no less than once, daily. Create content for your blog that is relevant to your readers inquiries. Keep in mind the goal of your communication, and stay away from composing an article about mundane, everyday things like chores. If your information isn’t presented in a unique way then readers aren’t likely to care. Chose subject material that you feel confident readers will be interested in. Blog Posting success, after all, relies on your ability to attract readers. Make sure you start building your mailing list when you start your blog. The faster you start doing this, the more time you will have to cultivate a large list. In the future, you can use this list to generate more money. If you put off creating a mailing list, you might lose a lot of money, along with your wasted time. TIP! Do not simply try to write paragraphs and paragraphs of general content. Make sure you do research and write about a topic you feel is right for you and your blog. Make bullet lists as much as possible and use italics for keywords that attract an audience. This will enhance your site in terms of accessibility, which should grow your reader base. This is a useful tip that is powerful for your blog. TIP! Learn to utilize bullet lists, and italicized text featuring your keywords. This is an easy way to improve your search engine ranking and attract more relevant readers. As far as running a blog goes, it is not wise to use simple approaches. It is better to consider your blog as a professional, competitive product and continue to learn how to improve it. Learn from other seasoned bloggers, and incorporate different strategies and techniques that you pick up along the way. If you continue to refine your blog and learn new skills, your blog posting will only improve. TIP! Providing lots of content on your blog will ensure that you get found through search engines. The more people who can find your blog, the higher your readership numbers will be. Utilizing social media is helpful in promoting your blog, but you must be sure that you do not overdo it. If your tweets on Twitter are always links to your blog, others will begin to ignore them. Mix the links in with interesting content that can stand on its’ own. You can blog as little or as often as you’d like to, whether that’s a few posts each month or updates every day. If you want to attract a lot of visitors, make sure you post frequently. Remember the tips in this article, and you will be on your way to running a successful blog! It can be somewhat difficult to start a blog. With the abundance of blogs these days, it is both difficult and important to stand out from the rest. Pay close attention to this article, if you would like to make your blog stand out. TIP! Blog about things people care about. Ordinary chores like doing the laundry and cleaning the kitchen are familiar to everyone. Don’t let blogging take over your life. When you fail to take time away from your computer to enjoy all that life has to offer it can lead to obsessive behaviors, often resulting in blog burnout. Go for a walk with friends, or take a long bath. When you have had time to relax, your brain will return to work, ready to make excellent content. Post content regularly so your readers will come back to see your new posts. The top blogs post many times each day! If you are having trouble with this, you may want to have a lot of content already written before your blog goes live. This helps fill the gaps if you find you are having troubles coming up with something worthwhile to post. Give your readers all of the different links to social networking sites they need to follow your blog easily. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are popular and can be used to make you successful. Using a portal will give you lots options to communicate and reach out to the readers and possibly draw more readers in. TIP! Do not get frustrated if your readership doesn’t explode overnight. It takes everyone some time to develop a loyal readership. Try to start accumulating addresses for your mailing list right away. The faster you start doing this, the more time you will have to cultivate a large list. This list may prove profitable for you down the line. Neglecting to build a mailing list for your blog at the outset is rarely a good idea. TIP! Don’t just focus on writing paragraph after paragraph of content. Be sure to find a topic that suits your blog appropriately. While trying to build a blog following, stay patient. It takes time for online viewers to come across your blog. Also, unless you already have a sizable quantity of available content, there may not be much for readers to see right away. It is natural for a blog which has been around a long time to attract the most visitors, so hang in there! TIP! Do not use a simple approach when it comes to blogging. You should be constantly learning, researching and approaching it as a business. It’s important to select unique, non-competitive keywords for your site. If you pick keywords that many other sites have, your blog will be competing with everyone else. If you want visitors to return, you need to be unique with your blog. Don’t ramble on with your content when creating your blog entries. Make sure that you do the research and find a topic for your blog that is right. If you write filler or garbage, your blog won’t succeed. Always remember that your content is key to success. TIP! Be sure your blog makes it easy for readers to access your contact information. Visitors can ask you for further information through this if they have any questions. Post your articles to many different sites. It is important to get as many people reading it as possible. Remember that you should never limit your outlets for success. It is wise to get the largest number of readers out of every move you make. Try every idea you have to build your readership. TIP! Try making sure to partition long blog posts into smaller ones. Blogs that seem to go on and on are often too much for the average reader. Now you can make a blog that differs from the others. If you want to have success with running a blog, then you must have patience. The above advice offers several proven ways for increasing the audience, and by extension, the success of your blog. TIP! One easy way to get people to visit your own blog is to comment on other blogs in your niche. If you like Google reader, create a separate folder in it for other blogs you’re following. Are you trying to build an online presence? Having a ready-made audience can improve your relevance and revenue in a number of ways. A great way to establish your voice is through running a blog. If you desire to know how writing a blog could help you, then you must read through this guide. When it comes to keywords, ads, images, and plug-ins, do not overdo it. Overusing your tools will cause search engines to mark your website as spam, which will put you behind. Maintain a natural writing style that is seamless. TIP! Post content regularly so your readers will come back to see your new posts. The best blogs post daily, which keeps readers interested in the blog and makes them return again and again. Comment on related blogs as a means of attracting new interest in yours. Google Reader allows you to organize your blogs by folder. Make a folder for the blogs you most want to follow so that you can find them when you want them. Always keep them fresh and updated and comment whenever you have a chance or have something to say. Try recruiting guest bloggers to write for you. This creates a relationship between your blogs and will allow you to help each other in the future. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. Perhaps that blogger will be able to return the favor one day. Don’t shy away from using lists within blog posts. Whether you’re running a blog about romance novels; the ingredients required to make a recipe; or how to repair a refrigerator; a list is very important. Lists allow readers to find the information they need easily, and make it easy to absorb. TIP! Make sure that your readers can post comments, and don’t forget to respond! This way, audience members are allowed to become active participants in your blog. It also helps you build a relationship between you and your readers. Make the appropriate social network links available, so readers can follow your blog. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are popular and can be used to make you successful. You can easily reach more readers and followers with these web portals. TIP! Write more informally for a blog than you would for an article or business report. Blogs are, at their heart, a social format that is meant to be entertaining. Start your mailing list right away. The sooner you start, the more time you will have to grow your list. A good mailing list offers many future possibilities, including generating profits. It is a serious mistake to delay starting your mailing list. Post your blog content all around the internet. The more places that people can find your content, the higher your reader numbers will be. Never restrict the number of channels through which you can achieve your objectives. It is wise to get the largest number of readers out of every move you make. Use all means at your disposal to get your content read. TIP! Pepper the Internet with your blog articles. This will allow you to reach a wider audience. The more high-quality, relevant content you have on your blog, the higher search engines will rank it. This will make it easier for readers to find you when searching for your niche. This is because the more posts you have, the more they will show up in the search engines, which in turn translates to more readers. Use the tips here to help your blog gain readership and make your running a blog efforts more productive and interesting. While many tips for your blog are serious business, having fun with it is the most important strategy of all. Avoid boring writing by paying attention to the topics you choose to write about. Always choose topics that actually interest you rather than writing something because you feel you should be writing something. Find the topic you love the most, and really have fun writing about it! Smile, get creative, and have fun writing about fun stuff that you like. TIP! When making a longer blog post, remember to use subheadings to separate the article into smaller reading blocks. You want to keep a long post easy to read and hold the interest of the reader. With all that you have acquired from this article you should now have a solid understanding of running a blog and how it can help you. Take advantage of the suggestions you have just received. If you employ them diligently and be patient, before long your blog will be popular and respected.
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What a great month to get outside, enjoy the weather and Go Camping! There are numerous campsites and campgrounds in the areas surrounding the Highlands Plateau. Some are public, some are private and some are in the National Forest… From primitive tent camping to popup trailers to million dollar RV’s…most all of the sites offer accommodations for each style of camping and an ideal setting for relaxation and outdoor recreation. The website www.trails.com can give you all the information and details you need about camping in western North Carolina. But…what if you owned a piece of land and wanted to have the feeling of outdoor living on your own property. You wanted to have the amenities of your own shower and restroom. You wanted the feeling that if it rained you would be dry and if it was windy your structure would stay intact. You wanted a structure that would be in harmony with your surroundings and have the luxurious amenities of an upscale hotel room. Well…You Can! With emphasis on “Eco Friendly” building, Eco Structures of Australia has designed the Eco Tent Module that can be erected on your site. The Eco Tent is the ideal quality structure that is a highly mobile and flexible accommodation solution for most climates or seasonal use. These modules have very minimal impact on the environmental footprint as these structures are elevated above the ground and each Eco Tent is easy to erect and transport because they come shipped in a prefabricated kit form. The basic kit includes the steel frame, internal and external flooring and an allowance or supply of roof cladding. Bathroom ensuites can be fitted to the rear verandah and extra decks can be fitted to any side. In addition, each module can be modified with various options to include windows, doors, internal walls and any other ideas that a purchaser can imagine. Now that is Camping!! Check out their website at ecostructures.net.au.
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Museums and exhibitions are always lead by directors and curators but there are no limits for the artists bodily making themselves a part of this or another exhibition or institution in general - it only takes their physical presence, the magic of appearance. Repeating the scheme of a foundling - an envelope with a baby left at the door of an orphanage - I lock my body in a small and claustrophobic glassbox. It's safely sealed and screwed so the only way to open it would be either to break it or to open it using some specific instruments. I ask my good friends to bring this glass box with my naked body inside of it to the door of a museum. They should then leave the delivery and run away before anyone could stop them. The further scenario entirely depends on how well organised is an institution.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0009.json.gz" }