[ "What is the climater of freshwater biomes?", "What are some abiotic factors of a freshwater biome?", "What is the climate like at freshwater?", "What is the climates of freshwater biomes?", "What is the common weather for the freshwater biome?", "How is the climate in the freshwater biome?", "What is the freshwates weather like?", "What is the climate in freshwater biomes?", "What is the weather like in freshwater biome?", "What is the climate of freshwater animals?", "What is the climate or weather like in the freshwater biome?", "What are the climate conditions in freshwater?", "What is the climate weather for freshwater?", "What kind of the weather in the freshwater?", "What kind of climate does a freshwater biome?", "What is a biome of a climate?", "The climate conditions of freshwater is?", "What is the climate in freshwate?", "What kind of climate and weather in freshwater biome?", "What is the weather and climate of the walrus biome?", "What is the climate and weather like in freshwater?", "What is the weather like in a freshwater biomo?", "Whay is the climate of freshwater biome?", "What climate of the freshwater biome?", "What is the weather in freshwater?", "Freshwater ecosysems high climate in Fraenheit?", "What is the weather of the freshwater biomes?", "What is the climate and weather for the freshwater biome?", "What the climate of freshwater biome?", "What is the commen climate in freshwater biomes?", "Climate in the freshwaster biome is?", "What is the temperature climate and weather of the biome of freshwater?", "What are some major weather conditions in freshwater?", "What are the climate conditions for a freshwater biome?", "Where is freshwater biome climate?", "What water zones are in the freshwater biome?", "What ist he weather and climate of this biome?", "What is the climate of the freshwater like?", "What is the weather ina freshwater biome?", "What do climate and weather mean to a biom?", "How would you discribe the climate of freshwater lake biome?", "What it the climate for standing freshwater?" ]
[ "Details about Greg Mortentson's childhood-three cups of tea?", "Why did grey mortenson write three cups of tea?", "Is the three cups of tea about greg mortenson?", "Why did greg mortensen decide to write three cups of tea?", "Where did greg go after he left the pakistan community in 3 cups of tea?", "Why did Greg Mortenson write Three Cups of Tea?", "When did greg mortenson write the three cups of tea?", "Why did Greg Mortenson write the book three cups of tea?", "How Relin chose to write about Greg montersons characteristicts in the book entitled three cups of tea?", "Who are the people constantly impact greg monterson's ability to carry out his mission in three cups of tea?" ]
[ "What are the top five countries with the most population?", "What countries have the worlds greatest population?", "What three countries have the greatest human population?", "Which spieces of dolphins has the greatest population?", "What is the largets countries by population?", "List of countries' population?", "Which 5 countries have the greatest horse population?", "Which 5 countries have the greatest population?", "Which cities population is the greatest?", "Is Arizona has the greatest population?", "What are the four countries with the most population?", "What is the greatest contries whith the most population?", "What continent ahs the greatest population?", "Which 10 countries have the greatest population?", "Which states had the best Greatest population growth?", "Where is mexicos greatest population?", "What are the top five over populated countries in the word?", "Countries that have the greatest Jewish population?", "What is the population of countries from greatest to least?", "What states have the greatest population?", "Which countries have the greatest population in NC?", "Countries with big population?", "Which us city have greatest population?", "What countries in europe have the greatest population?", "Which five countries have the greatest population in 2008?", "What countries have the greatest population?", "Did philadelphia have th greatest population in 1790?", "Which countries have the greatest population density?", "What 3 countries in the world have the greatest population of Muslims?", "What is the population of countries?", "Five countries with the list population?", "What countries and continents have the greatest population denisty?", "Five nations in the world that have the greatest populous?", "Which continent has th greatest population?", "Which five countries have the greatest population?", "What five countries have the greatest population?", "What part of Australia has the greatest population?", "List the countries with the greatest population?", "What are the 5 countries that gets the most population?", "What countries in asia had the greatest immigration population?", "What are the countries with huge population?", "Which five nations have the greatest population?" ]
[ "Is bass guitar cool?", "Why does the bass guitar have four strings?", "What is the difference between electric bass and bass guitar?", "What is the difference betwwen a bass and a guitar and an electric bass guitar?", "Does billie joe armstrong have an electric guitar or a bass guitar?", "What does an electric bass guitar sound like?", "What does a bass guitar look like?", "Is the electric bass concidered a guitar or another instroment?", "What are the roles for bass guitars?", "Is Bass the same a the first 4 strings on Guitar?", "Wgy does a bass guitar have four strings?", "Can a electric guitar cable work on a bass guitar?", "Difference between a bass and electric guitar?", "How does the bass guitar create sound?", "How is a bass guitar made compared to an electric guitar?", "What was the bass guitar used for?", "What is the best bass guitar to use?", "How does the bass guitar make its sound?", "What colleges offer electric bass?", "What is the difference beteewn acoutic electric and bass?", "Do bass guitars control the beat?", "When is the bass guitar userlly performed with?", "What does a bass do and what does a guitar do?", "How was the electric bass guitar made?", "Which guitar has a longer neck bass or electric?", "What is the guitar made of bass?", "What is the difference between an eletric bass and an eletric guitar?", "What is the difference betwwen a bass and a guitar and what is an electric bass guitar?", "What is the difference between a bass and a lead guitar?", "What is the diffrence between a regular guitar and a bass?", "Is a bass guitar sexy?", "What is the difference between electric bass and Bass?", "Can a guitar be used as a bass?", "What makes the best sound Electric guitar or bass guitar?", "Tell you the structure of the bass guitar?", "What is the diffrence bettween a bass and electrick guitar?", "What is the diffrence between a bass and a regular guitar?", "What is a electric bass guitar?", "Are the notes for a bass guitar the same for an electric guitar?", "Bass or guitar?", "What is the difference between electric guitars and electric bass guitars?", "What is the difference between a electric guitar and a bass?", "What is the difference between an electric bass and an electric guitar?", "Is bass quitar and a regular guitar use the same methods?", "What is the difference between a bass and a guitar?", "Where can you get a free bass guitar?", "Are srings thicker on an electric guitar or a bass guitar?", "An intresting fact on the bass guitar?", "What inspired the creator of the bass guitaR?" ]
[ "Why did Queen Elizabeth sponsor Sir Francis Drake?", "Why did queen elizabeth fund for francis drake?", "What fears did queen elizabeth have about sir francis' travel?" ]
[ "Is air pollution is harming the earth?", "What air pollution does to the earth?", "Why air pollution happen on earth?", "What is destroying your air pollution plus earth?", "Why does gas hurt the earth?", "What are reasons why factory's hurt earth?", "Howdoesit hurt the earth?", "How can air pollution do to the earth?", "How does pollution hurt the planet?", "Five ways air pollution affects earth?", "Dous pollution hurt your earth?", "What does air pollution do to earth?", "Wh ydoes air pollution hurt the earth?", "How is air pollution effecting te earth?", "How does air pollution hurt the earth?", "How is air pollution hurting the earth?", "How does air pollution hurt us?", "How does air pollution hurt the planet?", "How can air pollution harm the people of the earth?", "What will air pollution do to your earth in the future?", "How does pollution hurt your earth?", "How could air pollution hurt earth's resources?", "How is air pollution harming the earth?", "What is air pollution doing to Earth?", "Does air pollution hurt Earth and its environment?", "How does air pollution hurt the earth's resources?", "How does air pollution hurt people?", "How does gas hurt the earth?", "How does pollution hurt the enviroment?", "Why does pollution hurt the eath?", "How do air pollution damage the earth?", "How do you protect earth from air pollution?", "How does air get so polluted in countries such as china how do you stop the pollution spreading across your precious earth?", "How does polluting hurt the earth?", "Why does pollution hurt earth?", "Why is the air pollution important to the earth?", "How does pollution hurt the earth everyday?", "Who does pollution hurt?", "Does pollution hurt the earth?", "What is going to happen to the earth if we don't decrease Air Pollution?", "How do hmans hurt the atmospereh and air?", "How does air pollution affect your earth?", "How does air pollution ruin the Earth?", "How does pollution hurt earth?", "How is air pollution affecting the earth?", "Has air pollution hurt a vaulble mariarl?", "How can air pollution can harm the earth?", "What can air pollution do to the earth?", "How is air pollution damaging the earth?", "Do Air Pollution Save the Earth?" ]
[ "How long did thomas jefferson serve as presedint?", "Did thomas jefferson serve any time in the military?", "When did thomas jefferson serve as govenor of virginia?", "What year did Thomas Jefferson serve?", "What year did thomas jefferson retire from presidenthood?", "How many years was thomas jefferson govener?", "When did thomas jefferson serve the new nation?", "What years were thomas jefferson presidnt in?", "What army did thomas jackson serve?", "What american politics did Thomas Jefferson serve?", "How many years did thomas jefferson serve and what was his home state?", "Did thomas jefferson serve in the militia?", "What years did jefferson serve as presidnet?", "During what years did thomas jefferson serve his terms?", "The years thomas jefferson served as presadent?", "What years did thomas jefferson serve from?", "When did thomas jefferson serve his term as president?", "What year did thomas jefferson serve as prisedent?", "In what state was jefferson serve as a minister or ambassador?", "How many years did thomas jefferson serve when he was president?", "What years was Thomas Jefferson?", "What years did Thomas Jefferson serve?", "How many years was thomas jefferson in officwe?", "What year did thomas jefferson served?", "Did thomas jefferson serve eight years as president?", "What years did thomas jefferson served?", "What years did thomas jefferson serve as predient?", "When did thomas jefferson serve as prsident?", "What was the circumstances that allowed Jefferson to serve more than two years?", "What year did thomas jefferson serve in office?", "The years thomas jefferson was in power?", "How many years did thomas jefferson serve as vice president?", "What year did Thomas Jefferson serve as US minister to France?", "What year did thomas jefferson serve his term?", "From what time to time did thomas jefferson serve?", "What years did President Thomas Jefferson serve?", "What years was Thomas Jefferson presedent?", "Did Thomas Jefferson serve as the governor of Virginia from 1782 to 1784?", "What were the years that thomas jefferson had in ofice?", "What years was thomas jefferson alive?", "When did Thomas Jefferson serve on the supreme court?", "How many years did thomas jefferson servre?", "What years was Thomas Jefferson in term?", "When did thomas jefferson serve in term?", "How long did thomas jefferson serve when he was presidant?", "What years was Thomas Jefferson presidant?", "When did thomas Jefferson serve in office?", "What years was thomas Jefferson prsident?", "Why did Jefferson serve more than two terms?", "What years were thomas jefferson alive?" ]
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[ "What term includes all the activities to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities required to keep the organism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities to keep an oraginsm alive?", "Whichterm includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term requires all activities recquired to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities required to keep organiams alive?", "Which term includes all the ctivities required to keep an organsim alive?", "Which term includes all the activities required to keep an organsim alive?", "The activities required to keep an organism alive?", "Which terms includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?", "What term includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?", "What includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?", "Term includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?", "What term is used to describe all the activities to keep an organism alive?", "Which term include all the acitivites to keep an indiviual alive?", "Which term indicates all the activites required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities requierd to keep an organism alive?", "What is required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities required to keep an oranism alive?", "What term includes all the chemical reactions needed to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes all activites to keep an organism alive?", "What term includes all the actrivites required to keep an organsim alive?", "Which term includes all the ativities required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term required to keep all organisms alive?", "Wich term includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?", "What term includes all activities required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities required to keep an orgaism alive?", "Which term included all the chemical reactions needed to keep an organism alive?", "What are activities required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities required too keep an organism alive?", "Which activities required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities required to keep and orgainism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities required to keep a cell alive?", "What includes all active required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term includes allthe activities required to keep an organism alive?", "Which term in sterngrr includes all activities to keep organisms alive?", "Which term includes all the activities to keep an organism alive 1growth 2excretion 3 metabolism 4nutrition?", "Which life function includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?" ]
[ "Do turtles compete against each other for food?", "Do te same turtles kill each other?", "Can turtles kill each other?", "Will turtles try kill each other?", "How can turtles kill each other?", "Do texas map turtles eat each other?", "How do you kill each other on gears of war?" ]
[ "How many puppies will a small dog have?", "How many puppys doea a small have her first time?", "Is it true that the dog will kill her puppies?", "How do you count how many puppies your dog will have?", "How many puppies can be born if the dog is small?", "Can your dog die if she has too many puppies if she is small?", "How many puppies cana small dog have?", "How many puppies can a collie have if its small?", "What kind of small puppies?", "How small are chihahua puppies?", "Can male dog be near newborn puppies?", "How many puppies can a small?", "What is the maximum puppies for a small dog?", "Does the size of the dog determine how many puppies she has?", "How many puppies are born in a litter of small dogs?", "How many puppies does a small have if its her first pregnancy?", "About how many puppies can a small dog have?", "How many puppies can a small dog have at a time?", "How many puppies can a shih tuz small dog have?", "How many times a small dog have puppies?", "How long does it take for a mixed small dog to have puppies?", "How many puppies can a dog have at once?", "Can a small dog survive a large puppy?", "Can small dogs only have one puppie?", "How many puppies does the average small dog have?", "How many puppys can a shih tuz small dog have?", "How many puppies does a small dog usually have?", "How many puppies can a small dog have?", "How many puppies could a small female dog have?" ]
[ "What is continental asia?", "What is the northernmost point in continental asia?", "Asia's northernmost point is?", "What is continental asia's northermost point?", "What is continental asia's northenmost point?", "Where is Asia's Continental northenmost point is?", "What is continental asia's most southern point?", "Continental asias northernmost point is?", "What is continental Asia's nothermost point?", "Continental asias northen most point?", "What is contenential asia's northernmost point?", "What isContinental Asia's northernmost point?", "The northernmost point in asia?", "What is the northernmost country of asia?", "What is asia's northermost point is?", "Asia's northern point is where?", "What is continental asia's most northen point?", "What is asia's northernmost?", "What is asia's most nothern point is?", "What is asia's up most point?", "Continental asias northernmost point?", "Continental Asia's northernmost point?", "Continental asia's northermost point is?", "Where is asia's northern most point?", "Asia's northern most point is?", "Most northernmost part of asia?", "Continental asia's northernmost point ias?", "Continental Asia's most northern point?", "What is Asia's northernmost point?", "Contiental Asia's most northern point is?", "Asia's northermost point?", "Asia's northern most point?", "What continental asia's northernmost point?", "What is the northernmost point on continental Asia?", "Is cape baba asia's most nourthern point?", "What is the most northernmost piont in asia?", "What is asia's northenmost point is?", "QWhat is continental Asia's northernmost point?", "Continental asia's northmost point is?", "The continental northernmost of china?", "Continenital asia's northernmost point is whatt?", "Continental asia's northermosten point is?", "What is Asia's northernmost counrty?", "Continental Asia's northenmost point is?", "What is the northernmost peak in asia?", "Asia's continental northermost point?", "What is the northernmost point of Asia?", "Continental Asia's northern most point is?", "What is continental asias northernmost point?" ]
[ "What is an irregular verd in the past for tear?", "What are the past tense of teAR?", "What si teh past tense of tear?", "What is the past tense for tear?", "What is the correct past tense for tear?", "Past tense of tear?", "What is the past form of tear?" ]
[ "What was the tone toward the conscience of judge pyncheon?", "What is the tone toward Judge Pyncheon?", "What is the tone of the author toward Judge Pyncheon in the novel house of seven gables?", "What is the tone of the author toward the conscience of jude pyncheon?", "What is the tone of the concience toward judge?", "What is the author toward the conscience of judge pycheon?", "Which is the tone of the author toward the conscience of judge pyncheon?", "In the House of the Seven Gables what is the tone of the author toward the conscience of Judge Pyncheon?", "What is the tone of the author towar the conscience of judge pyncheon?", "What is the tone of the author toward the conscience if judge pyncheon?", "What tone does the author have toward judge pyncheon?", "What is the tone of the authpr toward the conscience of judge pyncheon?", "What was the tone of the author toward the conscience of judge pyncheon?", "What is the tone of the author towards judge pyncheon house of 7 gables?", "What is the tone of the author toward to conscience of judge pycheon?", "What was the tone of the author towards the conscience of Judge Pyncheom?", "What is the tone toward the conscience of Judge Pyncheon?", "What is the tone of author toward judge pyncheon?", "What was the tone of the author toward the conscience of judge pynchoen?", "What is the tone of the author toward Judge Pyncheon in thehouse of the seven gables?", "What was the authors thoughts and tones about Judge pyncheon in house of seven gables?", "What is the tone of the auther torward the conscience of judge pyncheon?", "What is the tone of the author toward the consicence of judge pyncheon?", "What is the tone of the author toward the conscience of Judge Pyncheon?", "What tone of the author toward the conscience of judge pyncheeon?" ]
[ "Can a cold make your ear hurt?", "How can a cold pass to the ear?", "How do cure your ears hurt when you have a cold?", "What do you have if your ear hurts and you have a cold?", "Can a cold make your jaws and ears hurt?", "Can a cold hurt you?", "Can a cold make your ears hurt?" ]
[ "How long does the basket ball game go to?", "What is the time duration of a high school basket ball game?", "How long is a basket games period?", "How many mintes are there in the basket ball game?", "How long is an offical basket ball match?", "How long is a profesional basket ball game?", "How many minuets is a basket ball game?", "How long does a game of basket ball go for?", "How long does a professioal basket ball game last?", "Largest fan attendance to a basket ball game?", "How long doe sa basket ball game last?", "How long is the average basket ball game last?", "What is the most basket ball shots made in one basket ball game?", "How long is a quater in basket ball?", "How long is the actual game in a nba basket ball game?", "How many parts does a basket ball game have?", "How much time is in a half of a college basket ball game?", "How long does a basket ball game go on for?", "How long is a backet ball game?", "How long is each basket ball game?", "Haw mach in 1 basket ball game?", "How long is basket ball game in scotland?", "How long does a game of basket ball last?", "How long deos a basket ball game last?", "Number of minute in half a game of basket ball?", "How long is there in one game of basket ball?", "How long is a games of basket?", "How long are basket ball games?", "Steps to win the basket ball game?", "How many periods are there in a basket ball game?", "How long is a quarter of basket ball?", "How long does basket ball go for?", "How long is a baskit ball game?", "How long does basket ball last?", "How long is high school basket ball game?", "How long is a average high school basket ball game?", "How does te game end in basket ball?", "How long is a pro basket ball game?", "Time for a basket ball game?", "How long does basket ball game last?", "How long does the basket ball game last?", "How long dose a basket ball game last?", "How long does a b-ball game last?", "How long is a basket ball game?", "Is the game of basket ball divided into 4 quaters?", "How long is a college basket ball game in canada?", "How long is a basket ball game on for?", "How long does a basket ball game take?", "What would you need for a game of basket ball?", "Time taken for one basket ball game?" ]
[ "What are 5 grassland omnivores?", "What are some omnivores in the grasslands of Africa?", "Name at least 3 omnivores in the grasslands?", "What is a grassland animals that is a omnivore?", "Are there omnivors in grasslands?", "Omnivores in grasslands?", "What is grassland omnivores?", "What omnivores is in the prairie grasslands?", "What omnivores are in grasslands?", "What are tha omnivores in the grasslands?", "What are some omnivores that are in grasslands?", "What are 3 common omnivores that live in the grasslands?", "Omnivore beside a baboon in the grasslands?", "What kind of omnivores in grasslands?", "List the omnivores in the grasslands?", "What are 3 major omnivores in the grasslands?", "What omnivores are in africa grasslands?", "What is an omnivore in the grassland biome?", "Do omnivores live in the african grasslands?", "What omnivore that in the grasslands?", "What is a omnivore in he grassland?", "What are omnivores or the grasslands?", "List all omnivores in the grassland?", "What are some omnivors in grasslands?", "What is an omnivore in a prairie or grassland?", "What are four omnivore that live in grassland?", "What some omnivores in the grasslands?", "What are the kinds of omnivores that live in the grasslands?", "What are the common Omnivores inthe Grasslands?", "Omnivores with adaptatons in the grassland?", "What are some omnivores of the grasslands?", "What animal is an omnivore that is a consumer of grasslands?", "What are some adaptations of the omnivores in grasslands?", "What kinds of omnivores in the grasslands?", "What common omnivores you all grasslands?", "Are there any any animals that are omnivores in the Praire grassland area?", "What omnivores are in the grassland biomes?", "Omnivores in the prairie grasslands?", "What omnivors live in the grasslands?", "What are the omnivores in the grasslands?", "What omnivore lives in the grasslands?", "What types of omnivore birds inhabit grasslands?", "What is a grassland omnivors?", "Omnivores that live in a grassland?", "What is a grassland omnivore?", "What are some omnivores of grassland community?", "Omnivores in the temperate grassland biome?", "What are animals omnivores that are in Grasslands?", "What is a omnivore of the prairie grasslands?" ]
[ "What year did the ball first drop in time square?", "What year was the New Years ball first dropped in?", "First new years eve ball drop?", "What year did the New York ball drop?", "How did time square new years ball drop start?", "When do they drop the ball on new years?", "What is for the giant ball when it is new years?", "Did the 1st new years eve ball drop in 1907?", "What watersidetown drop the ball on new years?", "8 The first New Years Even ball drop in Times Square happened in what year?", "When was the ball drop for new years start?", "Which year did the first ball drop in New York?", "What year did the new years ball start?", "What was the first year a ball drop in new york?", "Does the ball drop for new years?", "What first year did the new years eye ball drop in times square?", "What year was the new yesr's ball first dropped?", "What year did the first New Year Eve ball drop in Times Square?", "In what year was the new years ball first drop in newyork time square?", "When was the first new years ball drop?", "When was the ball first dropped on new years?", "New years ball first dropped times square?", "What year was the first for NYC to drop the ball?", "How many people get kiss on new years when the ball drops?", "What was the year of the first ball drop in nyc?", "What it the name of the building in new york where the new year ball drops?", "When did the first ball drop for new years?", "What was the first year that the New Years ball dropped in time square?", "In what year did the first new years eve ball drop in new york?", "What Year did the New Years Eve Ball drop in New York?", "What year did the first ball drop in time square?", "New years ball drop?", "What was the first year the ball was first droped?", "What was the first year the ball droped?", "What year was the first ball drop on New Year's Eve in New York?", "On what date did they first drop the New Year's Ball?", "What year was the first new years ball droped?", "What year did the ball drop started?", "Why dose new years eve ball drop at 1200?", "What was this year new years ball made out of?", "Does the ball that drop every year change?", "What time does the ball drop on new years?", "What year did the ball first drop?", "When does the ball on new years drop exactly?", "New year drop ball?", "What year did the first ball drop for new years?", "How many lightbulbs are on the New Years Ball that drops in New York City?", "How large is the ball that drops on news years eve?", "When did new york first drop the ball on new years?", "What year was the new years ball not dropped?" ]
[ "What is the engine size for a ford transit 80?", "How do you fit a fan on a Ford Transit Van?", "What engine size is a transit 140bhp?", "Which transit engine is better?", "Ford transit van engine mark 5?" ]
[ "Attachment of the conceptus to the uterine wall is called?", "What is the process where a zygote attaches to the uterine walls?", "What is it call the atachment of the zygote and the uterine wall?", "What wall does zygote attches to?", "Is the emryo attached to the zygote to the uterine wasll?", "How many days for the zygote to reach the uterine wall for implantation?", "Inner portion of the zygote that implants in the uterine lining?", "The attachment of an embryo into the uterine wall is known as?", "When does the zygote attach to the uterine wall?", "Layer of uterine wall where implantation occurs?", "The attachement of the zygote to the uterus wall?", "Once the zygote is completely embedded in the uterine wall it is called?", "What is the attachment of a zygote to the uterine wall?", "The slender projection that grow out from th ethrphoblast into the uterine wall are called?", "Zygote attaches to the wall of?", "Zygote attaching to the uterine wall?", "How soon does egg implant in uterine wall?", "The fact that a blastocyst has been implanted on the uterine wall can be demonstrated by the presence of in the urine of a pregnant female?", "A zygote attaches to the wall of the?", "Attached to the uterine wall and provides an exchange and transport of materials between the maternal and fetal bloodstream?", "Attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall?", "Embedding of the zygote in uterin lining?", "Where does the zygote attach?", "A zygote attaches to the wall of?", "Zygote that has attached to the wall of the uteris?", "The point at which a zygote burrows into the uterine wall is referred to as?", "When a zygote splits and both pieces embed in the uterine wall they produce what?", "Zygote attaches to uterine wall is called?", "The attachment of the embryo into the uterine wall is called?", "When does the zygote implant on the uterine wall?", "What type of muscle is in a uterine wall?", "The attachment of a zygote to the uterine wall is called?", "What is the process when the zygote attaches to the uterine wall?", "The zygote attaching to the uterine wall?", "The attachment of the zygote to the utrine wall?", "What it mean when your baby attach to the uterine wall?", "The attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall is called what?" ]
[ "Where are the duties of congress found in the constitution?", "What two powers the constitution granted to congress?", "The specific powers granted to Congress by the US Constitution can be found in?", "Powers granted to Congress in Constitutions are?", "7 Name three powers that are granted to Congress?", "Where in the constitution can the powers granted congress be found?", "Where can you find the powers granted to the congress?", "Where in the us constitution is congress granted the power to declare war?", "What section in the constitution are the powers of congress found?", "Under the US Constitution only Congress is granted?", "Section of the constitution that spells out the powers granted to congress?", "The powers of Congress is found in what section?", "What affirms that a bill is consitutional if it has an obvious relation to the powers granted to Congress by the Constitution?", "5 most important enumerated powers granted to congress?", "Which of the following powers was granted to Congress in Article you of the Constitution?", "Is congress granted the power to make treaties in the constitution?", "What are the powers not granted to the Congress?", "Where can you find powers granted to congress?", "What are the powers granted to the senate by the us constitution?", "Where in the Constitution can the powers granted to Congress be found?", "All legislative powers granted in the US Constitution your legally be used only by?", "Name as many of the powers granted to Congress by the constitution as you can?", "Which artile and section of the constitution lists the powers granted to congress?", "Where in the constitution are explicit state powers granted?", "Which part of the US Constitution explicitly lists the powers granted to Congress?", "Where in the constitution can congessional powers reguarding dealings with foreign relations be found?", "In what section of the Constitution are the Powers of Congress found?", "Where are the powers granted congress found in the constitution?", "What powers belong to whom are not granted to congress or state?", "Powers granted to the executive branch by the constitution?", "What are the two specific powers granted to the Congress?", "Power granted congress article 1 constitution?", "The pwers the constitution granted to congress?" ]
[ "How long does it take to drive from phoenixaz to flagstaff az?", "How long is the drive from Phoenix Arizona to the Gran Canyon?", "What is the driving time from flagstaff arizona to phoeniz arizona?", "Ow long is the drive from Phoenix Arizona to Grand canyon?", "How long is drive from phoenix to flagstaff?", "How long to drive Phoenix Arizona to Flagstaff Arizona?", "What is the driving time from Flagstaff Arizona to phoenix arizona?", "How far from flagstaff to phenoix arizona?", "How long to drive from phoenix arizona to Flagstaff?", "How many hours driving from phoenix arizona to flagstaff arizona?", "What is the road distance between phoenix arizona to flagstaff arizona?", "How long from arizona to la?", "How many miles to drive from phoenix arizona to flagstaff arizona?", "Driving time from flagstaff arizona to phoenix arizona?", "Drive time frome phoenix to flagstaff?", "How long is the driving time from flagstaff to phoniex?", "How long does it take to drive from Grand Canyon to Phoenix Arizona?", "Driving time from phoenix to flagstaff?", "What is the distance between phoenix arizona flagstaff arizona?", "Miles from phoenix arizona to flagstaff arizona?", "How long does it take to drive from flagstaff arizona to phoenix?", "What is the drive time from NE phoenix to flagstaff az?", "How long is the drive from Tempe AZ to Flagstaff AZ?", "How long is the drive from Phoenix Arizona to Grnad Canyon?", "What is the driving time from Flagstaff Arizona to phoenix?", "Flagstaff arizona to phoenix arizona drving distance?", "What is the driving time between flagstaff arizona to phoenix arizona?", "Time to drive phoenix to flagstaff?", "Driving time flagstaff arizona to phoenix arizona?", "How many miles from phoenix arizona to flagstaff arizona?", "What is the driving time from flagstaff arizona to phonix arizona?", "How long does it take to drive form Phoenix Arizona to flagstaff arizona?", "What is the driving time from Phoenix Arizona to Flagstaff Arizona?", "How many hourss would it take to drive from arizona to flagstaff?", "How many miles to flagstaff arizona from phoenix oregon?", "How long does it take to drive from flagstaff to phoenix arizona?", "How long does it take to drive from phoenix arizona to flagstaff arizona?", "What is the drive time from phoenix az to flagstaff az?", "How long does it take to drive from mesa arizona to flagstaff arizona?", "How far is it to drive from phoenix to flagstaff arizona?", "Distance from flagstaff arizona to phonix?", "How long is the drive from Phoenix Arizona to Flagstaff Arizona?", "How long a drive between phoenix arizona and flagstaff arizona?", "What is the drive time from Phoenix Arizona to Flagstaff Arizona?", "How long does it take to drive from Flagstaff Arizona to Phonix Arizona?", "How long does it take to drive from the grand canyon to phoenix arizona?", "What is the driving time from Phoenix Arizona to flagstaff?", "Miles phoenix arizona to flagstaff arizona?", "What is driving time from flagstaff arizona to pheonix arizona?", "How long is the drive from scootsdale to flagstaff?" ]
[ "What is the law in PA for statutory rape?", "What is jail time for a statutory rape charge in PA?", "If you are gay in PA do the dating laws pertan to you?", "What is the age for statutory rape in the state of pA?", "What are the rape laws in the state of PA?", "Is it statutory rape in pa if your gf is 16 and im 19?", "What is considered statutory rape in pa?", "What are statutory rape laws in pa?", "What are the statutory rape laws in the state of pa ixzz1hwpaaak0?", "Is it statutory rape between 16 yr old and 24 yr old in state of pa?", "What is the 2007 statutory rape law in pa?", "Statue of limitations on rape in pa?", "If you are 16 and your partner was 22 is that consider statutory rape in the state of Pa?", "Statutory rape laws in philly?", "What are the statutory rape law in PA ixzz1HWRMKhH2?", "What is the name of the law if you comit statutory rape in pa?", "What are the statutory rape law in PA?", "What is the classification of statutory rape in the state of pa?", "Staturtory rape laws in Pa?", "What are the laws on statutory rape in Pennsylvania?", "Statutory rape in pa?", "What are the pa statutory rape laws?", "What is PA statutory rape law?", "What are the statutory rape laws in the state of PA?", "What is the penalty for rape in pa?", "What are the rape laws in pa?", "What are the statutory rape laws in pa?", "What is the age limite for stachatory rape in pa?", "What are the laws of legal cosent in pa?" ]
[ "Who will win the x factor in 2010?", "Who wins X factor on channle 7 for 2010?", "Will bell amie win the x factor 2010?", "Will one direction win x factor 2010?", "Who will win the x factor 2010?", "Who is goin to win X factor 2010?", "Who is favourite to win the X factor in 2010?", "Who win x factor 2010?", "Who wins x factoe 2010?", "Will wagner win the x facter 2010?", "Who wins the x factor 2010?", "Who wins the x factor australia 2010?", "Who has one x factor 2010?", "Will bell amie win the x factor or mary 2010?", "Who is the favourite contestant to win the x factor 2010?", "Who is voted- the one to win on x factor 2010?", "Who will win factor 2010?", "Who wil win the x factor 2010?", "How wins x factor 2010?", "Who wins X-Factor 2010?", "Who wins x fact0r 2010?" ]
[ "Level 4 prove your logic?", "Answer for level 4 on prove your logic?", "What are the answers to prove you logic?", "Yes there is m prove logic?", "Prove your logic 4?", "Prove your logic answer level 6?", "What are the answers to prove your logiccom?", "What are the answers to Prove your Logic -?", "What is the answer for level 16 on prove your logic?", "What are the anwers to prove your logic?", "Where can you find the answers from prove your logic?", "Level 1 to 25 what is the answers in prove your logic?", "Prove your logic envelope?", "What are the answers to Prove your Logic quiz?", "Answers to prove your logic game?", "Solution the answers of prove your logic?", "Answers to Goose pimple hall logic problem?", "Level 15 prove your logic?", "What was the killer doing in prove your logic?", "What are the answers on prove your logic?", "Hints at prove your logic?", "Level 17 prove your logic?", "Answers in prove your logic?", "Anwer for level 25 on prove your logic?", "What is the answer for level 24 on prove your logic?", "What is the answer for 1 on prove your logic?", "How much triangles can you count in level 24 of prove your logic?", "Level 21 on prove your logic?", "What are the answers to logic?", "What is the answer for level 3 on prove your logic?", "What are the answers to proe your logic?", "Prove your logic q12?", "Anwers to prove your logic?", "What are the answers to Prove Your Logic?", "Which state ment requires logical prove?", "What is the answer for level 18 on prove your logic?", "Prove you logic?", "Prove your logic 16?" ]
[ "What is the word for water in latin geography?", "What is a latin word word for WATER?", "What does the latun word water mean?" ]
[ "State courts are under the judicial of the stste goverments?", "State courts ar under the judicial brnach of the state governments?", "What does the judicial branch do at state government?", "Is it true or false that the state courts are under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under the judicail branch of the state governments?", "State courts under judicial branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under the judicial branch of the states governments?", "States court are under the judicial branch of the state government?", "State courts are under the judicial brnch of government?", "State courts are under the judicial branch of the state governements?", "Are states courts under the judicial branch of the state government?", "State courts are under teh judicial branch of the state governments?", "Does State courts are under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under thr judicial branch of the state governments?", "Are state courts under judicial branch of state government?", "Stae courts are under the judical branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under judical branch of the state governments?", "State court are under the judicial branh of the state governments?", "Is it true that the State courts are under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under the judical branch of the state of the state government?", "State courts are under the judical branch of the state governmnet?", "Are state court under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "Are state courts under the judical branch of state governments?", "State courts are the judicial branch of the state governments?", "States courts are under the judical branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under the judicial branch of the state governement?", "State courts are under the judicial branch of the state government true or false?", "State courts are under the judical branch of the state government?", "Who is in charge of the state judicial government?", "State courts are under the judicial branch of the state goverment?", "State courts are under the judicia branch of the state governments?", "What State courts are under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under the judical branch of state government?", "State courts are under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "States courts are under the judicial branch of the states governments?", "Stat courts are under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under the judicial branch of the states of governments?", "State courts are under the judicial of the state governments?", "Are state court is under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "What branch of government are state courts under?", "State courts are under the judicial branch of the state governments true or false?", "State courts are under the judicial brancg of the state governments?", "What is a judicial is it a state or fedreal?", "State ourts are under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under the judicial brandh of the state governments?", "Is the State courts under the judicial branch of the state governments?", "State courts are under which branch of government?", "States courts are under the judicial of the state governments?", "State courts are under judicial branch of state governments?", "True or false state courts are under judicial branch of the state governments?" ]
[ "Pisces sexual life with an aries?", "Does Aries and Pisces match?", "Are aries good fighters?", "Are aries and pieceis good partners?", "Are Aries and an Pisces a good match?", "Does aries and pisces go well together in relationships?", "Does an pisces and an aries lasts forever?", "Is a pisces and aries a good match?", "Is a aries an pisces a good match?", "Do aries and pisces make a good couple?", "How YOU make pisces and aries relation work?", "Are aries and pisces get along?", "Linda Goodman love poems aries pisces?", "Do a pisces and a aeries make a good coupel?", "Do pisces and aris?", "What is the partner of the aries?", "Is an Aries and a Pisces campatible?", "Are aries and pisces good partners?", "Is an aries and an pisces a good match for each other?", "Are Aries and Pisces a good match?", "Do pices and aries go together?" ]
[ "How long does it take to heat 2000L of water?", "How long does it take sand to heat up?", "How long does it take to heat one gallon of water one degree?", "How long to heat up water?", "How long does it take to heat one liter of water from a heat source?", "How many kilowatts does it take to heat 1 liter of water?", "Hhow long does it take to heat water by 50?", "How many calories to heat 1 liter of water?", "How long will it take to heat?", "How long to heat 500ml water by 1800W?", "How much heat to heat one liter of water?", "How long does it take to heat one liter of water form a heat source?" ]
[ "What are the plants and animals living in caves?", "How did they called the types of caves?", "What animals live in caves besides bats?", "What animals live in ocean caves?", "Do animals that live in limestone caves ever leave the cave?", "What animals live in thewaikanaloa cave?", "What animals live in a cave or dig there whole?", "What animals live in the cave Narracootre?", "Why are the animals that live in a cave have bad eyesight?", "What type of plants live in or near caves?", "What are the animals that live in a cave?", "Animal that lives in caves and looks like a crab?", "Which animals live in a cave and dont leave?", "What animals live in the caves?", "What animals spend there whole lives in caves?", "What cave animals live in caves?", "What animals use caves?", "Which land animal live in cave?", "What animals live in cave lakes?", "3 animals that live in a cave?", "What types of animals are found in caves?", "What types of animala live in caves?", "What sort of animals live in caves?", "What types of live in caves?", "What type of animals live in fresh water caves?", "All types of animals that live in caves?", "What cave and plant animals are in caves?", "How manny animals live in caves?", "What animals live ina cave?", "What kinds of animals live in Jenolan Caves?", "How do animals survive in a cave?", "What marine animals live in a cave?", "What other animals live with tooth cave spiders?", "Which type of animal would live in a cave?", "Do you know any animal that lives in a cave?", "Food web for animals that live in caves?", "What type of animal which are designed to only live in caves?", "What animals do live in the cave?", "Does animals live in caves?", "What type animals live in the beach?", "What are some cave animals?", "What animals live a cave?", "What animals live in tectonic caves?", "What are the cave animals?", "What animals stay in caves?", "What animals live in the cave?", "What type of animals live in sea caves?", "What type of animals live in land caves?", "What type of animal lives in a cave?" ]
[ "What makes you go crazy?", "Why doteachers go crazy?", "Are people with personalitiy disorders crazy?", "Why do crazy people go crazy?", "What happens if you go really crazy?", "Who are those people prone in craziness?", "What happens to crazy people?", "Are people crazy because there high?", "Do nurses go crazy?", "What is the mental illness called when people go crazy?", "How do people turn crazy?", "Are crazy people really sent to a plain white room?", "Why do you feel like im going crazy?", "Why are adults crazy?", "Do people go crazy when they see Selena Gomez?", "You are going crazy why?", "Can you go crazy?", "Is ebony crazy?", "What happens if you go crazy?", "Why does people go crazy?", "What is the britsh word for crazy people?", "Are there crazy people on the train?", "Was muzzamil crazy?", "Why white people crazy?", "Why are there crazy religionous fanatics?", "When you know when people are getting crazy?", "Why do people gets crazy?", "Are crazy people related to hamsters?", "Who covered you go crazy in the early 90s?", "Is louanne crazy?", "How do you think of these questions you crazy people?", "Y do some people are crazy?", "What happens when you go crazy?", "How do you make big people go crazy?", "What cause people to go crazy?", "Is there a group where only crazies go in?", "How many people are crazy go to jail?", "What makes people go crazy?", "Why do people get crazy?", "Can you go crazy watching barney?", "Why do you go crazy?", "Why r some people crazy?", "Will you go crazy?", "What is the best thing to do when people go crazy?", "At what point do people go crazy?", "Can you go crazy from having chlamydia?", "Can you be tested to be crazy?", "Can crazy people change?", "Why do people go crazy when they see an animal?" ]
[ "What is the intended action of hanging leg raises?", "What action is being done in a hanging leg raise?", "What is the intended action on a hanging knee raise?", "What is the intended action of the abdominals in the hanging leg raise?", "What is the inteded action of a hanging leg raise?", "What is the name of an intended action of the abdominal in a hanging leg raise?", "What is the action of the primay muscle during a hanging leg raise?", "What is the intended action of the abs in the hanging leg raise?" ]
[ "Who are abraham lincolns son?", "What are lincolns 4 sons names?", "What are abraham lincolns son names?", "Who are abraham lincons sons?", "What was the names of the 2 sons of abraham lincoln?", "What were abrahams sons names?", "Who were Abraham Lincoln's sons named?", "What is the name of abraham lincolns son?", "What was Abraham Lincoln's sons named?", "What is the names of lincoln's 3 sons?", "What were the names of the sons of Abraham Lincoln?", "What are the name of Abraham lincoln son?", "What was the nam of abraham lincolns son?", "What abraham lincoln sons name?", "Abraham had a son named what?", "What was aberaham lincolns sons name?", "What was Abraham Lincon's sons name?", "What is abraham lincoln sons name?", "What were the names to abraham lincoln's sons?", "What is Abraham Lincoln's sons name?", "What was aberaham lincoln's sons names?", "What were the names of Aberham lincolns 4 sons?", "What is abraham lincoln's thrid sons name?", "Who are abraham lincolns sons?", "What was the name of Abraham Lincolns son?", "What r the names of abraham lincoln's sons?", "What were the names of lincoln's four sons?", "What is abraham lincolns sons name?", "When was Abraham Lincoln's sons born?", "What were abrahams lincoln's sons named?", "What was abraham lincoln's second son's name?", "How old are Abraham Lincoln's sons?", "What were Abraham Lincoln's sons named?", "Who are the son's of Abraham Lincoln?", "What was linccons sons name?", "What was abraham lincoln's sons names are?", "What was Lincoln's sons name?", "What were abarham lincoln's son names?", "Who is abraham lincolns son?", "What was Abraham Lincoln's sons' names?", "What was Abraham's sons names?", "Abraham lincolns son lived in manchester vermont?", "Who were Abraham lincoln sons?", "What are Abraham Lincolns sons name?", "What were the names of abraham licolns sons?", "What os abrahams sons name?", "What are the names of Abraham linncoln's son's?", "What was the name of Abraham Lincoln's son?", "What is Abraham Lincoln son's names?" ]
[ "How can you tell that the spongy mesophyll produces food for the plant?", "Were do plants produce there food?", "What uses sunlight to produce food for the plant cell?", "What is the process in plants by which sunlight is turned into food?", "Process plants use to convert sunlight into food?", "Food is produced where in plants?", "What is the organelle that traps sunlight and produces food for plants?", "Why do plant cells produce food from sunlight?", "What is the purpose when a plant produce food using sunlight?", "How do plants convert sunlight into food?", "Plants must have it to produce food?", "What cell produces food from sunlight?", "How does a plant use sunlight as food?", "What part of the plant gathers sunlight and produces food?", "What is process by which plant turn sunlight into food?", "What type of enrgy helps plants convert sunlight into food inside their leaves?", "What plant parts help produce food from sunlight?", "What green material inside plant cells produces food from sunlight energy?", "Plants inability to produce food during the fall and winter?", "How does plants turn water and sunlight to food?", "What plant use sunlight to create their own food?", "How do green plantsuse sunlight to produce food?", "Does autotrophic produce their food from sunlight?", "How green plants use sunlight to produce food?", "How does sunlight helps the plants to produce food?", "What plant makes food from sunlight?", "What do plants use to transform sunlight into food?", "What turns sunlight into food for plant cells?", "How does chlorophyll turn sunlight into food for plants?", "Why do plants produce food?", "What do plants produce do to the sunlight?", "What is the process which plants turn sunlight into food'?", "The sunlight get food through food?", "Plants need sunlight to produce oxygen espirienced vy?", "What is the process called when plants use sunlight to produce food?", "What is a pigment that helps plants produce food for the plant?", "Which four things are used by plants to produce food?", "How do plants produce food from sunlight?", "What cell alows the plant to produce food from the sunlight?", "Example of how plants produces food?", "How do plants trun sunlight into food?", "Plants take in co2 plus sunlight and produced?", "How doese plant produce food?", "What converts sunlight in to food in the plant cell?", "Why do plants produce food from sun?", "What is sunlight needed in making food of plants?", "Does chloroplst allow plants to produce food from sunlight?", "Where in the plant does the food produce?" ]
[ "What is an energy converting organelle foind in plant or algae cells?", "Energy converting organelle found under a microscope?", "Energy-cinverting organelle foun in plant and algae cells?", "Energy converting organelle found plant algae cells?", "Energy-converting organelle found un plant and algar cells?", "Organelle in plant and algae cells that conduct photosynthesis?", "Energy-converting oranelle found in plant and algae cells?", "Organelle in plant and algae cells that conduccts photosynthesis?", "What is energy-coverting organelle found in plant and algae cells called?", "Wtah energy-converting organelle found in plant and algae cells?", "What is the energy-converting organelle?", "How does algae releses energy?", "What organelle in plant cells traps the sun's energy?", "Energy-converting organelle in plant and algae?", "Energy-converting organelle fouynd in plant and algae cells?", "Energy producing organellefound in plant and algae cells?", "Energy converting organelle foundin plant and alagae cells?", "Entergy converting organelle found in plants?", "What is a energy-converting organelle found in plants and algae?", "Engery converting organelle foind in plant and algae cells?", "Energy-converting organelle found in plant and elgae cells?", "What is an energy-convertiing organelle found in plant and algae cells?", "What is energy converting organellefound in plant and algae cells?", "Energy-converting organelle found in plant alge cells?", "Enargy-converting organelle in a plant cell?", "What is an energy-converting cell organelle found in plant and algae cells?", "Energy- coverting organelle found in plant and algae cell?", "What is an energy-converting organelle found in plant and algae?", "Energy converting organelle found in plant alge cells?", "Energy-converting organelle found in the plant and algae cell?", "Energy processing in plant cells?", "What plant or algae cells convert kigh energy into chemical energy?", "Energy converting organelle foundi n plant and algae cells?", "Plant and algae cells?", "What is energy-converting organelle found in plants and algae cells?", "What is the organelle that plant and algae cells have that let them perform photosynthisis?", "Energy-coonverting organelle found in plant and algae cells?", "The energy converting organelle found in a plant and algae cell?", "Energy-converting organelle found in a plant and algae cells?", "Energy converting organelle found in plant and algae celsl?", "What is the energy converting organell found in a plant and alage cell?", "Enegy converting organelle found in plant and algi cells?", "Energy-converting organelle found on plant and alge cells?", "Energy-converting organelle found in plat cells?", "What is an energy-converting organelle found in pants and alge cells?", "Energy converting cell organelle?", "What is energy converting organelle found in plant and algae cells?", "What energy-converting organelle foimd in plant and algae cells?", "What is an energy-converting organellefound in plants and algae cells?" ]
[ "Is nike product orientated?", "What is product base assessment?", "Assess the orientation of product of absa bank?", "TYPES OF process-oriented based assessment?", "What is the definiton of product oriented assessment?", "What business assessment compares products?", "What is the definition of product-oriented performance-based assessment?", "What is a product oriented?", "Why are there adoptions of production or efficiency oriented?", "Sample of product-scale in product oriented based assessment?", "What is product- oriented performane?", "What is product-oriented perfomance assessment design?", "What are the SPECIFICconditions in process oriented assessment?", "In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be used more appropriately?", "What are the examples of product oriented business?", "What is a product- oriented assessment?", "What is product assessment?", "What is the definition of product-oriented base assessment?", "What product-oriented assessment design?", "Process-oriented assesstment versus product-oriented assessment?", "What product oriented assessment that is more appropraite for the classroom?", "Kinds of product-oriented assessment?", "Features of a process oriented assessment?", "Give example about the product oriented activities?", "Importance of process oriented assessment?", "Examples of product-oriented activities?", "Product - oriented performance - base assessment?", "In what conditions can be product-oriented performance assessment be used more appropriately?", "What is the best features of product oriented assessment plan?", "What are the best features of product-oriented assessment?" ]
[ "Was france an allie of ausria-hungry?", "Is france allies with spain?", "Indian allies of new france?", "Who are France's allies and blocs?", "Allied troops finally going to france to relieve pressure on the russians?", "Who were allie's of france during fascist period?", "Who is france allies and why?", "What allies does France have?", "What countries are allies with france?", "Which countries are allies of france nowadays?", "France and its allies were called?", "Who was france allies with in ww2?", "Is france allies with finland?", "What are franc's allies today?", "Who was france's allies and enemies from 1400-1900 ad?", "Who are frances allis?", "Are vietnam and france allies?", "Why were England and France allies?", "What part of france where allies on D day?", "Who were the allies of new france?", "Are the cubans allied with france?", "Who are three key allies of france?", "An attempt to take France back for the Allies?", "Who were the allies for the france?", "Who is frances allies?", "Was france allies with uk?", "Who where frances allies in ww2?", "Who was frances allies?", "Who are franc'es allies?", "Frances political allies are?", "The allies of france are?", "Who are france allies with?", "France allies itself with the new US?", "What are France's allies?", "Are german and france allies?", "Primary friends and allies france?", "Who are the main allies of france?", "Was france involed with the allies?", "Which countries are considered allies of france?", "What are political allies of france?", "Who are the allies and enemys of France?", "Who allied themselves with France?", "Why was france part of the allies?", "Who are allies in with france?", "Is france in allie?", "Who is France allies with?", "Who is frances smallest allie?", "Is France Allies With Israel?", "What contries are allies of france?", "Who is frances allies NOW?" ]
[ "Why is iodine so important?", "Is iodine important in your uses?", "Why is iodine important to your world?", "How did iodine change the world?", "What is the percentage of iodine in the world?", "What is an important fact about iodine?", "Is iodine important to the world?", "What important uses of iodine?", "What is the importance of the iodine number?", "What is some important information on Iodine?", "How important is iodine?" ]
[ "What is an up-grade in pokemon silver?", "What does up-grade do in pokemon silver?", "Silph co in pokemon gold?", "How do you get into silph co pokemon gold?", "On pokemon platinum what is the up grade form th silph co?", "What do you do with the up-srade from silph co in pokemon crystal?", "How do you get up in Silph Co saol silver?", "How get in silph co in pokemon silver?", "What does up grade do in pokemon silver?", "What to do with the up-grade from silph co?", "What does silph co up-grade do in emerald?", "What does the up-grade in silver do?", "How do you pass silph co in pokemon silver?", "What does the silph co Up grade box do?", "How do you find silph co in pokemon silver?", "What do you do with the mysterious silph box pokemon gold?", "Who do you give up-grade to in silver?", "In pokemon silver what does the up-grade you get from silph co do?", "How do you use the up grade box in pokemon silver?", "What is the up-grade in silver?", "What does up grade do on pokemon silver?", "How do you go up stairs in silph co in silver version?", "How do you get to the Silph Co in Pokemon crystal?", "How do you get into silph-co in pokemon crystal?", "What do you do with the up-grade you get at silph co?", "What to use the up-grade for from silph co?", "How do you get the silph on pokemon silver version?", "What do you do with the up-grade from silph co in pokemon soul silver?" ]
[ "Short summary of the fall of the house of usher?", "The fall of the house of usher What is the perspective in that passage?", "Why does the narrator come to the usher mansion?", "What is the PROBLEM in the fall of the house of usher?", "Wy was the narrator going to the house of usher?", "What kind of imagery was used in the fall of the house of usher?", "The narrator in the fall of the house of usher mind is slowly deteriorating how?", "How does the narrator feel about being at the house of usher?", "In the book the fall of the house of usher?", "Why does the narrator go to the house of usher?", "Explanatin of the fall of the house of usher?", "In the fall of the house of usher why has the narrator come to the usher house?", "Who is the usher of the story fall in the house of the usher?", "What happened to lady Madeline on the day the narrator arrived in the house of the usher?", "Why has the narrator come to the usher mansion?", "Why has roderick usher asked his friend the narrator to come vist him?", "Why does the narrator stay at the house in The Fall of the House of Usher?", "What are the gothic elements in the fall of the house of usher?", "What is the house of usher about?", "Who was the visitor to the usher house who tells the story?", "Symboles and images in the fall of the house of usher?", "The fall of the house of usher summ?", "What happens to the narrator when he finally leaves the house in the hous of usher?", "Why do the narrator visit the house of usher?", "Why does the friend come to the house in the house of usher?", "What are questions for the house of usher?", "What is the relationship between the two ushers infall of house of usher?", "Who two things do the peasantry think the term house of usher refer to?", "Why has the narrator come to see the usher house?", "What is the ending of The Fall of The House of Usher?", "What is the moral in the house of usher?", "Who is the narrator and why is he leaving the house of usher?", "In the house of usher why is the narrator there in the first place?", "Why did the narrator go visit the usher in the fall of the house of usher?", "What is the narrator's primary reason for coming to the House of Usher?", "Why does he go to the house of usher?", "How is the house and integral part of the action in the fall of the house of usher?", "Who is the narrator of the fall of the house of usher and why was he visiting the house?", "What is the narrartor's primary reason for coming to the house of usher?", "What time does usher have to be in his house?", "Who is the narrator of the house of usher?", "What is the symbol of secret in the fall of the house of usher?", "What happened to the narrator in house of usher?", "Why did the narrator in the fall of the house of usher visit the usher?", "Why has roderick usher asked his friend to come visit him in the story the fall of the house of usher?", "The Fall of the House of Usher-themes?", "Why has the narrator come to the Usher house in the fall of the house of usher?", "The narrator in The Fall of the House of Usher first responds to Roderick Usher with?", "Why does the narrator start when then usher mentions?", "In the fall of the house of usher the narrator first responds to roderick usher with?" ]
[ "On thrillville holiday on xbox 360 where do you find moe potts?", "Where do you find the brief case on enter horrorland?", "Where is the brief case for thrillville off the rails for wii?", "Where is al karumba's brief case in thrillville for the wii?", "How do you use a brief case?", "Where do you find the suitcase on thrillville?" ]
[ "Where is thermostat located on 1997 audi a4 quattro?", "How do you change thermostat on 1997 audi quattro?", "How do you change thermostat on a 1997 audi a4 2.8?", "Where is a thermostat on a 1995 audi quattro?", "Were is the thermostat in 97 audi a4 quattro?", "How do you change thermostat in audi?", "How do one operate the heat and AC in a 1997 Audi A6 Quattro?", "Audi quattro 2.8 thermostat?", "How do you change thermostat on 1997 audi 2.6 v6 petrol?", "What do you need to change spark plugs on a audi a4 quattro?", "Where is the battery located on an audi quattro year 1997?", "How do you change a thermostat on the 1997 audi a4?", "Change a thermostat on a 1997 A4 Audi?" ]
[ "What is the most popularest dog in the uk?", "What isthe most popularest dog?", "What dog are their the most of in the world?", "What is the most popular type of dog in ireland?", "What is the most popular phone in the celebirty world?", "What is the most popular dog in San Diego?", "Witch is the most popular dog in the country?", "What place is the shnauzer on the list of most popular dogs?", "What is the most popular actress acter in the world?", "What was the most popular breed of dogs in World War 1?", "What is the most awesome dog in the world?", "What is most popular action figure in the world?", "What is the most expencive dog in the world?", "The most prestiguos dog in the world is called what?", "What is the most popular trench in the whole world?", "Which is the most popular dog in the world?", "What is the most popular species of dogs?", "Is the beagle the most popular dog?", "What is the most popular family dog?", "What is the most popularest dogs in the world?", "Which dog is popular?", "What is the most popular dog to get?", "What is the most popularest breed of dog?", "What is the most popularst dog in the world?", "What dog is the most enegetic?", "Who is the most popular dog in the world?", "What is the nasty dog in the world?", "What in the most popular dog in the world?", "Which dog is most ferosas in the world?", "What is the most popular ship in the world?", "What is the popularest anime?", "What is the most lovable dog in the world?", "What isthe most popular dog for celebrities?", "How many dogs does the most person in the world have?", "What is the popularest dogs?", "What is the most unintelligent dog in the world?", "Which dog is the most popularest?", "What most popular owned dog?", "Who is the most popular human in the world?", "What is the most popular beed of dog?", "What is the most popular dog in the iditarod?", "What is the popular dog in denmark?", "What is the most friendliest dog in the world?", "What is the most bought dog in the world?", "What is the worlds most popular type of dog?", "What is the most popular dog in 2011?", "What are the 10 most popular dogs in the world?", "What is the most popular herd of dog in the world?", "Is the labrador the most popular dog in the world?" ]
[ "Which US president graduated from Yale and from Harvard?", "How many U S Presidents graduated from Harvard and Yale?", "What president graduated from Yale and Harvard?", "Which president graduated from Yale and from Harvard?", "President who graduated from Yale and Harvard?", "Which president graduated from Harvard and from Yale?", "Which president graduated from Yale and Harvard before entering politics?" ]
[ "How many sibling dose Logan from big time rush have?", "Who are the siblings in big time rush?", "Is big time concert the last big time rush?", "Does big time rush stars have siblings?" ]
[ "Whose was the first signature appear on the declaration of independance?", "First signature on the declareation of independence?", "Whose name appears at the top of the declaration of independance?", "First signature of declaration of independance?" ]
[ "Who did the rock beat to win his first WWE tital?", "When did the rock when his first wwf title?", "When did the rock win his first WWE title?", "How many times did the rock win the WWE title?", "Who did the rock beat to win his frist WWE title?", "Who did The Rock beat to win his first WWE Title?", "Who did the rock beat for first wwf title?", "Who did rock beat to win his first WWE title?", "Who did tha rock beat win his fist WWE title?", "When did the rock win his first title in WWE?", "What title did the rock have the most?", "Who did the rock beat to win his 1st WWE title?", "''How many timies did the rock beat stonecold''?", "Who did the rock beat to win his WWE title?" ]
[ "What problem concerned Lincoln when he said in a speech in 1858 that A house divided against itself cannot stand?", "What did Abraham Lincoln meant when he said that a house divided against itself cannot stand?", "Why did abraham lincoln ment when he said that ' a house divivded against itslef cannot stand'?", "What is meant by lincoln's speech a house divided against itself cannot stand?", "What did abraham mean by the statement A House divided against itself cannot stand?", "Lincoln said a dividedagainst itself cannot stand?", "What did Lincoln mean when he said a huse diveded against inself can not stand?", "What did abraham lincoln meant when he said a house divide?", "What did lincoln mean when he said that a house divided against itself cannot stand?", "What Lincoln meant by the statement A House divided against itself cannot stand?", "A house divided cannot stand - lincoln?", "What important political principle did Abraham Lincoln endorse when he said A house divided against itself cannot stand?", "What did lincoln mean when he said A house divied cannot stand?", "What did lincoln mean when he said a house divide against itself cannot stand what did he mean?", "What does abraham Lincoln mean when he says A house divided against itself cannot stand?", "What scripture was Lincoln alluding to when he said A house divided against self cannot stand?", "What did abraham lincoln mean when said a house divided against itself cannot stand?", "What does Lincoln say he meant when he said a house divided against itself cannot stand?", "Who said a country divided against itself cannot stand cannot stand?", "What did lincoln mean when he siad a house divided cannot stand?", "What did Abraham LIncoln mean when he said a house divided against itself can not stand?", "What did lincoln mean when he said- house divided cannot stand''?", "Why did abraham lincoln say a house divided among itself cannot stand?", "What does mean when abraham lincoln said a house divede against itselftcan nopt stand?", "What did lincoln mean when he said a house divided against iyself cannot stand?", "What do you think abraham lincoln meant when he said A country divided against itself cannot standi believe his government cannot endure permanently half slave and half freee?", "When Abraham Lincoln said A house divided against itself cannot stand he was talking about?", "What did president lincoln mean by a house divided against itself cannot stand?", "What did abraham lincoln mean when he said a house devided against itself cannot stand?", "What is the house divided lincoln refers to?", "What do you think lincoln meant when he said a housedivided against itself cannot stand?", "What did lincoln refer to in his A house divided speech?" ]
[ "What is the condition wherein you experience pain on the left lower abdomen?", "You are 14 years old and have back and lower left side plevic pain what is it?", "What causes pain on your left lower back?", "Can back pain cause breast pain?", "What would cause pain in the lower left back?", "Can back pains cause pains on the sides?", "Wha causes lower back swelling on the left SIDE?", "What can be the cause of having pain on the lower left side of your back?", "What causes lower back pain and pain on the left side of the abdomen?", "What causes pains in the left lower abdomen area?", "What causes the pain in left side of abdomen?", "What is the pain in your back and left lower side you go pee all the time?", "What is the cause of the burning pain in your lower left side of your back?" ]
[ "What does it mean when you touch the net in volleyball?", "When can a volleyball touch the net?", "Can you touch the net while setting in volleyball?", "Can your clothes touch the net in volleyball?", "Is a player permitted to touch the net in volleyball?", "Does a net foul occur when a player touches a net in volleyball?", "In volleyball can a player touch the net during a play?", "Are you ever allowed to touch the net?", "Can you touch the volleyball net without penalty?", "Can you touch the net after spiking a volleyball?", "Can you touch a volleyball net?", "Can you touch net in volleyball?", "Who is allowed to touch the net in volleyball?", "Can you touch the net in a volleyball game?", "Is touching the net during volleyball lega?", "What part of your body can touch the net in volleyball?", "In volleyball is it illegal to touch the net?", "Can you touch a volleyball net with your shirt?", "When you serve can you touch the net when you play volleyball?", "Can a player touch the net at anytime in volleyball?", "Can you touch the net when you set a ball in volleyball?", "Can a serve touch the net in volleyball?", "Are you allowed to touch the net in volleyball?", "Can arms touch the net in volleyball?", "If ball touches net net in volleyball is it good?", "Is it legal to touch the net?", "If the ball touches the net and goes over volleyball?", "In volleyball is touching the net legal with any part of your body?", "Touching of the net in volleyball?", "Can you touch the net in volleyball?", "Can the player in volleyball touch the net?", "Can you touch net in volleyball if you are not in play?", "Is it illegal to touch the net during volleyball?", "Are volleyball players allowed to touch the net?", "Can you touch the volleyball net in play?", "Ou allowed to touch the net after the ball is spiked in volleyball?" ]
[ "Why must all patients be decontaminated before entering an MTF?", "Why must patients be decontaminated before they enter the Medical Treatment Facility MTF?" ]
[ "What are the words to describe thw aroma of the food?", "What words can be used to describe the aroma of food?", "What words describe food and start with n?", "What is a better word to describe food better than delicious?", "What are the words to describe aroma of foods?", "Whatwords describe the aroma of food?", "Words describe the aroma of food?", "What words describe the aroma of foods?", "What are the words to describe the odour of the food?", "How do you describe aroma?", "Words to describe aroma of foods?", "What is the importance of aroma in food?", "Word to describe food that hard to digest?", "Aroma of food description?", "Is appetite linked to the aroma of food?", "What are words to describe the aroma of food?", "Does aroma have speam in its food?" ]
[ "What blood types may individuals with type a blood receive transfusions from?", "What type of blood can an A type person receive?", "What type of blood would a person with A positive get that needed a transfusion?", "What types of blood could a person with type A blood safely receive in transfusion?", "What would happen if a person with type Bblood reiceive a transfusion of type Ablood and a person with type ABblood recieve a transfusion of type Ablood?", "What type of blood can a person with A get?", "What type of blood can a person with A blood receive in a transfusion?", "If a person has A blood type who can they receive transfusion from?", "Who can a person with type a blood receive a transfusion from?", "If a person with type a blood needed a blood transfusion what abo types of blood could be received?", "Can a person with a blood type a recieve a transfusion with blood type o?", "A person with type A can safely recieve a transfusion of?", "What type of blood could a person with type a blood receive in a transfusion?" ]
[ "Why do chefs wear funny hats when cooking?", "Why should you wear aprons in the kitchen?", "Why should you wear a apron when you are cooking?", "Why is it imporatant to wear aprons?", "What protect hazald aprons?", "Why do cooks wear apron and tokes?", "To wear for cooking?", "Why do you wear aprons when cooking?", "Why dont you wear a scarfe while cooking?", "Why do you wear aprons?", "What is cooking aprons used for?", "Why do they wear hats in cooking?", "What are aprons made of?" ]
[ "What shape are amoeba?", "Do amoeba change shape?", "What is the shape of a resting cyst stage amoeba?", "Is the shoe-shaped protozoan the amoeba?", "Does amoeba retain its shape?", "Does an amoeba have the same shape all of its life?", "How is the shape of amoeba?", "What is the shape of an amoeba?", "What is the general shape of an amoeba?", "Do amoeba maintain a constant shape?", "What shape does a amoeba have?", "Do amoebas have no definate shape?", "Compare the shape of a amoeba and a paramecium?", "What is the shape of an amoeba look like?", "Does Amoeba contain a constant shape?", "What is thew shapeform of an amoeba?", "What shape do amoeba look like?", "What are the general shapes of amoeba?", "Does the amoeba retain a constant shape?", "Why can't the parmecium change shape like the amoeba?", "What is an amoeba's shape?", "Does Amoeba maintain a constant shape?", "What is a shape of an amoeba?", "How do amoeba get there shape?", "What is the amoeba's shape and color?", "Does amoeba change shapes?", "What is an amoebas shape?", "How does an amoeba keep its shape?", "Does an amoeba retain a constant shape and why?", "What gives amoebas their shape?", "Does an amoeba have asymmetrical shape?", "What kind of shape does amoeba have and why?", "Describe the shape of an amoeba?", "What is a amoeba shape called?", "What is the shape and color of an amoeba?", "General shape for amoebas?", "Does amoeba have difinite shape?", "What is shape of amoeba?", "What shape are amoeba proteus?", "Where are amoebas shape?", "Shape of amoeba?", "What is the general body shape of amoeba?", "What are the shapes of amoebas?", "Why Amoeba dont always have the same shape?", "What is the general shape of an Amoeba cell?", "Why does the amoeba have a irregular shape?", "Does an amoeba have an irregular shape?", "What shape is a amoeba?", "What shape are amoebas?", "How does a amoeba change shape?" ]
[ "Which country does demi lavato live in?", "What country demi lovato live?", "Where country demi lovato live?", "What country does Demi Lovato come from?", "What country demi lovato been?", "Where does demi lovato live now wikianswers?", "Which country does Demi Lovato live in?", "Does demi lovato live in india?", "Where does Demi Lovato live when she is in Canada?", "What country does Demi Lovato live in currently?", "Where doe demi lovato live at the moment?", "Does demi lives in a hotel?", "What is Demi Lovato's Country?", "Were does demi live at?", "What demi lovato live?", "Where country demi lovato whas born?", "From Wich Country Is Demi Lovato?", "Which country does demi lovato come from?", "Where demi lovato lives california?", "What country does Demi Lovato currently live in?", "Demi lovato lives in which country?", "From which country does demi lovato come from?", "Were is demi lovato live now?", "Does Demi Lovato live in the US?", "Where country did demi lovato live?", "Which country is Demi lovato in?", "Where does demi live in 2010?", "Where abouts is demi lovato living?", "Which county does demi lovato live in?", "Where does demi loato live ezactly?", "Which country dose demi lovato live in?", "Were dos Demi lovato live?", "Does Demi Lovato live in dallas tx?", "What country does demi lavonto live in?", "Does demi lovoato live in england?", "Where does dime lovato live?", "In which country did demi live?", "How old was demi lovato when she lived in dallas texas?", "What conutry does demi lavoto?", "Does demi lovato live in apartment?", "Where demi lovato live in your country?", "Where does demi lovato really live in?", "Were dous demi lovato live?", "What city in california does demi lovato live in?", "Where doe demi live?", "What country does demi lavato live in?", "From what country is demi lovato from?", "Were is were demi lovato lives?", "Demi lovato is from another country?", "What country do demi lovato live?" ]
[ "How do you disconnect fuel lines on 88 ford thunderbird?", "When you disconnect the fuel line does gas pour out?", "How do you remvove fuel lines on ford?", "How do you disconnect fuel lines on a 99 expedetion?", "Whwere to disconnect fuel pressure line?", "How do you disconnect fuel line on 2002 avalanche?", "How do you disconnect fuel lines on a 1994 ford f-150?", "How do you disconnect fuel lines on ford trucks?", "On a ford taurus do the fuel lines have to be nonpressurized?", "How do you change the fuel line on a 1989 Ford Ranger?", "What tools do you need to disconnect fuel lines from fuel pump on 1996 Ford Windstar GL?", "How do you disconnect fuel lines for back tank for f 250 truck?", "How much is a fuel line disconnect tool?", "How do you disconnect push type fuel lines?", "How do you disconnect fuel line from fuel rail?", "How do you disconnect fuel line connectore from ford cv 2001?", "How do you disconnect the fuel lines on a 2001 ford expedition?", "How do you disconnect fuel line from fuel tank?", "When changing fuel pump on2002 windstar how do you disconnect fuel line?", "Fuel lines for ford focus 1.8 tddi?", "How do you use a ford fuel line disconnector?", "C-clips Ford Fuel line?", "How do you disconnect fuel lines on ford expedition?", "93 ford ranger how to disconnect fuel lines?", "Fuel line disconnect wrench for ford truck?", "How do you disconnect fuel line from sender unit on fuel tank on a ford f250?", "Ford F-Series fuel line layout?", "Fuel injector lines 91 ford explorer?", "How do you disconnect the fuel line from the fuel harness?", "How do you disconnect fuel line fron fuel filter?", "How do you disconect fuel lines from fuel rail on ford wind star?", "How do you disconnect fuel lines withoutfuel filter disconnect tool?", "How do you disconnect ford fuel lines?", "How do you disconnect fuel lines on 1999 ford ranger?", "How do you disconnect fuel line at filter on e-150?", "How do you remove a fuel line on a ford taurus?", "How do you disconnect ford f150 fuel lines from gas tank?", "How do you disconnect fuel filter on 2006 Ford Mustang?", "How do you remove the fuel disconnect line?", "How do you use a ford fuel line tool?", "Do disconnect fuel filter lines?", "How do you disconnect the fuel lines on a 92 ford?", "Fuel line removal tool ford explorer?", "1990 ford ranger how do yo disconnect fuel lines from the engine?", "Ford taurus 2005 is the plastic chips on the fuel lines are the same?", "How do you disconnect a fuel line on a Mustang?", "2001 ford 7.4l oil line tool?", "How do you disconnect 1999 ford expedition fuel injection lines?", "How do you disconnect fuel lines F250 Ford?", "Is ther a website that shows you a diagram of the fuel line on a 196 ford diesel 7.3 turbo fuel line?" ]
[ "Does the velocity of an object change when the forces are balanced?", "What is force that changes the velocity of object?", "When does a force change the velocity of an object?", "Why must force be exerted on an object to change velocity?", "What states that if a force is applied to an object over a distancethen the velocity of the object changes?", "What force is causeing the change in velocity to occar?", "What will be applied to change an objects velocity?", "How does force change when separaton of objects is doubled?", "What type of force changes the velocity?", "What force on an object always changes the velocity of the object?" ]
[ "What is the definition of indigenous food?", "What is the meaning of indigenous food?", "The definition of indigenous referring to people?", "What is the indigenous foods of Mangyans in the Visayas?", "How is indigenous food grown?", "Where come from the indigenous food?", "What foods are indigenous in the philippines?", "Definition of indigenous foods?", "What is the meaning of the indigenous food?", "What foods are available to indigenous people?" ]
[ "What do you consider to be most important when servicing customers and why?", "3 most important things when working with customers?", "Interview question What do you do to find out about your customers needs?", "Which aspects of your job do you consider most crucial?", "What do you consider most when working with customers?", "What do you consider is the most important when working with customers pn a job interview?", "What do yu consider is the most important when working with customers?", "How do you answer 'What do you consider is the most important when working with customers' in a job interview?", "Why working envionment important to job seekers?", "What do you like most about working with customers?", "'working with customers' in a job interview?", "In a job interview how to answer the questionWhat do you consider is the most important when working with customers?", "What do you consider is the most important when working with customers in sales?", "'What do you consider most important when working with customers' in a job interview?", "What do you consider is the most important when working with customers in a job interview?", "What do you consider is the most important working with customers?", "What is the most important factor in working with customers?", "What do you consider is the most important when working with a cutomer?", "What did you cosider in working with the customers?", "Who do you consider is the most important when working with the customers?", "What do you consider is the most important when working customers?", "What is the most important about working with customers?", "What do you consider to be the best part about working with customers?", "What do you consider as the most important when working with the customers?", "What you consider the most important when working with customers?", "What is the most important attitude in work?", "How do you reply to 'What do you consider your most important or proudest accomplishment' in an interview?", "Job interview working together?", "What do most consider when working with the customers?", "Answer for What do you consider is the most important when working with customers?", "How do answer 'team working' in a job interview?", "What is most important to consider when working?", "Can you answer what is the most important thing in working?", "How do you answer 'What do you consider most important when working with customers' in a job interview?", "The most important when working with the customers?", "How do you answer ' What do you consider is the most important when working with customers' in a job interview?", "Why does your job make a difference to customers?", "What is important when working with customers?", "What is important to you when working with customers?", "What to do when working with customers?", "What do tou consider is the most important when working with customers?", "What is the most important in working with customers?", "How do you answer what do you consider important when working with customers?", "What do you consider in the most important when working with customers?", "'What Is Most Important When Working With Customers'?", "How do you answer 'What do you consider most important when working with customer' in a job interview?", "How do you answer 'What do you consider is the most important when working with customers?", "If you never working before what will be your answer about your ex job?" ]
[ "If the compression is okay is the valve bent?", "What fixes a timing chain?", "How do you know if you have a bent valve in a 350 engine?", "What does a Bent valve on1994 jeep mean?", "If the timing chain broke on a 01 cavalier 4 cylinder how do you know if the valve has bent and what does it cost to replace the timing chain?", "Bent valve cause engine knock?", "How do you fix a timing chain How do you know if you have a bent valve?", "1994 saturan sl1 how to tell if valves are bent with bad timing chain?", "Timing chain chevy 2.2 bent valve?", "What does bent valve sound like?", "How do valve get bent in 3.0?", "Can you fix a motor with a bent vaule?", "How do you fix the timing chain?", "How do you fix timing chain?", "How do you tell bent valve?", "How can you tell if you have a bent valve?", "How would you know when you bent a valve in your motor?" ]
[ "What is the official name given to the zero degrees latitude?", "The name given to 0 degrees latitude is the?", "What is the name given to zero degree latitude?", "What is the offical name given to zero degrees latitude?", "Name given to zero degrees latitude?", "What is the name given 0 deegres latitude?", "What the name given to the zero degree line of latitude?", "What is the name of the parallel at zero degrees latitude?", "What is the name of the parellell that is located at zero latitude?", "The name given to 0degrees latitude?", "What name is given to the area of continuous pressure located at 0 degrees latitude?", "What is he name for zero degrees latitude?", "What is there name of zero degrees latitude?", "What is the name that was given to 0 degres latitude?", "Name given to zero degrees altatiude?", "What is the name given to zero degrees latutude?", "The name given to latitud 0 is?", "What is the name given to zero degrees latitude?", "What is th name given to 0 latitude?" ]
[ "What is the proper tire size for the 1997 nissan altima?", "Tire size for 1998 nissan altima gxe?", "What size tires fit on a 1996 Nissan Altima?", "Correct tire size for 1997 nissan altima?", "What is the correct tire size for nissan 1999 altima?", "Correct tire size for 1998 Nissan Altima?", "What is the correct tire size for a 1998 Altima?", "What is the standard tire size 1999 nissan altima?", "What size tire is for a 1998 nissan altima?", "What is the correct size tire for a 1998 nissan sentra?", "What is the correct tire size for a Nissan Altima?", "What is the corect tire size for a 1997 nissan altima?", "What is the correct tire size for a 1998 Nissan Altima?", "Tire pressure for a 1998 nissan altima?", "Stock tire size for 1998 nissan altima?", "What is the maximum size width rim and tire on the rear of a standard 1998 nissan sentra?", "What size tires for a 1998 nissan altima?", "What is the correct size tire for a 1998 Nissan altima?", "What is the standard tire size on a 1998 nissan altima?", "Tire size for 1998 nissian altima?" ]
[ "The bill of rights are amendment to what document?", "What is the bill of rights 25 amendment?", "Bill of Rights what Amendment?", "What is the Bill of rights amendment 26?", "Bill of rights includes all 26 amendments?", "The bill of rights is what amendment?", "What rights does the 26 amendment protect?", "What does amendment 26 say?", "What was the last amendment to the bill of rights?", "The number of amendment in the bill of right?", "What does the 26th amendment say?", "What is some information about the 8 Amendment of the Bill of Rights?", "Which amendment make up the bill of right?", "Which amendment makes up the bill of rights?", "What is the 10th amendment in the bill of rights?", "Why is the first amendment the number of the bill of rights?", "Federal bill of rights amendment?", "Amendment in the bill of right?", "Was there an amendment in the Bill Of Rights that protected against illegal services?", "What to last 4 bill of rights discuss?", "What does amendment 26 provide?", "Bill of rights first 10 amendment?", "Wut is amendment 26?", "No true bill amendment?", "Which amendment is called the bill of right?", "What is the bill of rights 1st 10 amendments?", "2 amendments that were not passed as part of the bill of rights?", "What was the last amendment in bill of rights?", "Which amendment are the bill of rights?", "Which amendment is the bill of rights in?", "How many amendment make up the Bill of Right?", "The number of amendment in the bill of rights?", "Under what amendment are the bill of rights?", "Bill of right 1-10?", "The bill of rights is which amendment?", "The bill right of 2 amendment?", "What bill of right talks about provisions amendment?", "The Bill of Rights contains what amendment?", "Which amendment applied the Bill of Rights to State government?", "Bill of rights all 27 amendments?", "Amendment applies bill of right?", "What amendment to the bill of rights extended individual rights?", "What are the bill of rights 1-10?", "Which amendment in bill of rights deals with state powers?", "The amendment called the bill of rights?", "Bill of right amendment?" ]
[ "How much silver is in a sterling silver teaspoon?", "How much is sterling silver verses 999 silver?", "How much silver is in 925 silver?", "How much is the Silver Tray?", "How much is sterling silver tableware worth?", "How much are old sterling silver fly pins worth?", "How much 999 silver in 1000 grains sterling silver?", "How much is sterling silver a ounce?", "How much silver is sterling silver?", "How much silver is actually in jewellery?", "How much is sterling silver in pounds?", "Is sterling silver considered cheap silver?", "How do you separate silver from sterling silver?", "Is italian sterling real silver?", "How much is a sing piece of silver?", "How much is stearling silver?", "What percent silver is sterling silver?", "How much is sterling silver in a band worth?", "How much pure sterling silver worth?", "How much is patron silver at Ralphs?", "How much is a sterling silver tray worth?", "How much is a once of sterling silver worth?", "How much silver is in 925?", "How much silver is on a mirror?", "What is the purity of sterling silver?", "925 Sterling Silver Thick Bracelet Necklace Set?", "How much silver has to be in something for it to be marked 925?", "Nnual edition fifth in series 1975 sterling medallion by wallace silver smiths?", "Sterling silver is a comnonationof silver?", "How much in sterling please?", "How much silver in 1000 grains sterling silver?", "How much silver in sterling silver?", "How Much is a Tiffany and Co sterling silver bow makers 22967vi?", "How much are 20 sterling fags?", "How much would a 925 sterling silver ring go for?", "What is silver sterling?", "Tiffany heart breacelet sterling silver?", "How much will get for 0.050 of silver?", "What percentage is sterling silver?", "How much would a Sterling silver knife and for with no mongram be worth?", "How much sterling silver does it take to make an oounce of silver?", "Is sterling silver the same as coin silver?", "How much pure silver in sterling?", "When did sterling silver coins cease to exist?", "Elements that make up sterling silver?", "How much silver is in Sterling silver?", "Silver content of sterling silver spoon?", "How do rate sterling silver?", "How much for sterling silver per ounce?", "What percent sterling silver?" ]
[ "How does Human-Environment Interaction affect your eveyday lives?", "The environment that you live in affects what two areas?", "Can human in future live happily without a good environment?", "How does environment affect human lives?", "How can environment affect humans?", "How telephone affect human lives?", "How does living environment affect humans life?", "How can it be used to enhance human environment and human lives?", "What comprises the Human environment in which you live?", "How does temptaure affect where humans live?", "How does the environment affect humans' lives?", "How do enviroment affects human lives?", "How does environment affects human lives?", "How the environment affects humans?", "Does the environment affect human?", "How does the Environment affect the way the Cherokee lived?", "How does environment effects human lives?", "How does the environment affect your lives today?", "How does the environment affect the way mesopotamia live?", "What are two ways environment affect human lives?", "How does the environment affect people living in dubai?", "How do environment affect human lives?", "How can the environment affect humans?", "What are the different avtivities carried out by people in human environment?", "How is environment affects human lives?", "Are environment issues affecting human?", "How does the environment affect country living?", "Why can humans live in different environments?", "How do environment affect human live?", "What type of an environment does a human live in?", "How is human affected to human?", "What are the the positive affects of humans interacting with the environment?", "How does the environment affect your lives?", "How does environment affect the way everyone lives?" ]
[ "Do you separate the male rabbit from the female pregnant rabbit?", "Can you feel when your rabbit is pregnant?", "Should you separate your rabbits when one of them is pregnant?", "Should you separate rabbits when pregnant?", "If your rabbit is pregnant should you move har away from the male rabbit?", "Can a female rabbit be near a male if pregnant?", "Will a rabbit kill the male rabbit when she's pregnant?", "Do you separate the pregnant female?", "Can you put a female and male rabbit togather for a little wile?", "Can a male rabbit be in with a pregnant female rabbit?", "Should the male rabbit be separated from the female while pregnant?", "Is male wild rabbit bigger than a female?", "How many minutes does it take for a male rabbit to get a female pregnet?", "Should you separate male and female rabbits when pregnant?", "How big does a female rabbit get when pregnant?", "Why separate male rabbit from female after breeding?", "Why would the pregnant doe try to escape away from the male rabbit?", "Can a male rabbit live with a female pregnant rabbit?", "When do you separate the male rabbit from the pregnant female rabbit?", "Do you have to split a pregnant rabbit up from the male?", "How does a pregnant rabbit looks?", "When will your female rabbit start to show if pregnant?", "Do you need to separate the male rabbit from the doe?", "Should a female pregnant rabbit be seperated from the males?", "Do you have to seperate pregnant rabbit from male rabbit?", "How do you differ a male and female rabbit?", "When is the male rabbit removed from the pregnant female?", "Does a female rabbit have to be separate from the male rabbit?", "When a feale rabbitis pregnant should you separate the male an the femae?", "Can you keep a male rabbit in with a pregnant rabbit?", "Needs for pregnant rabbit?", "What does a pregnant female rabbit do to the male?", "Should you seperate the male and female rabbit when the female is pregnant?", "Should you separtate the male rabbit from the female while pregnant?", "Can the male rabbit stay in same cage when female is pregnant?", "Do you have to separate the male rabbit if a female rabbit is pregnant?", "How old does are female rabbit have to be to get pregnant?", "When a rabbit pregnant look like?", "What if your female rabbit is pregnant but she mates with your male rabbit?", "Should your female rabbit go to the vet if you think she is pregnant?", "Your rabbit is pregnant shall you separate it from the male rabbit?", "Should you separate male and female rabbit after they mate?", "When should you separate the male rabbit?", "How old can female rabbit can get pregnant?", "Should the male rabbit be put seperate from the pregnant female?", "What does the male rabbit do when the female gives birth?", "Do you take the male rabbit out of the hutch when the female is pregnant?", "Should you let the male be you the female rabbit if she is pregnant?", "How do you separate a male rabbit from the female rabbit?", "If the female rabbit is pregnant should she be removed from other rabbitsmale and female?" ]
[ "Does the hedgehog live in ohio?", "Where does a hedgehog live?", "Does the hedgehog live in canada?", "Do hedgehogs live in the jungle?", "What are all the areas that hedgehogs live?", "Wher do hedgehogs live?", "Were do irish hedgehog live?", "How do hedgehog live?", "Does the hedgehog live in the canadain willderness?", "Where do hedgehogs mainly live?", "What climate does the hedgehog live in?", "Where does a hedgehog live and why?", "What type of place does a hedgehog live?", "How many years can hedgehog live?", "Where dous a hedgehog live?", "Wht do hedgehog live?", "What hedgehogs live in africa?", "Where EXACTLY do hedgehogs live?", "Where in a home would a hedgehog live?", "Does the hedgehog live in africa?", "Why are hedgerows good for hedgehogs to live in?", "What it is like where a hedgehog lives?", "Do hedgehogs live undergrounds?", "Where hedgehog live?", "Where does hedgehoge lives?", "How does hedgehogs find where to live?", "What part of britain does a blonde hedgehog live?", "Where do hedgehogs usually live?", "In America where in the wild do hedgehogs usually live?", "Where does hedge hog lives?", "What type of enviornment do hedgehogs live in?", "Where do albino hedgehogs live?", "Does a blonde hedgehog live in a nest?", "Do hedgehogs live in woods or.?", "Where do hedgehogs live in england?", "In what biome does the hedgehog live?", "Do hedge hogs live in the wild in colorado?", "Where Do Wild Hedgehogs Live Locally?", "Were do euopean hedgehogs live?", "Does a hedgehog live in the taiga?", "Do hedgehog live in holes?", "Where is live do hedgehog?", "What climate does the for toed hedgehog live in?", "Do hedge hogs live in forest?", "Where does a pygmy hedgehog live?", "Which area does the hedgehogs live in?", "Where live the hedgehog of land?", "What tempature do hedgehogs live in?", "Where do hedgehogs live in Ireland?", "Where do hedgehogs like to live?" ]
[ "What is a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Means a temporary in economic activity?", "Which of these terms mean temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which terms means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in enomic activity or prospertiy?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in econmic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temorary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in economicc activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in economic activity of prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperty?", "Which of these terms means temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in ecomonic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temoprary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these trems means a temporary decling in economic activity?", "Which of these terms mean a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in economic activity or presperity?", "Which term means prosperity?", "Which of these terms maeans a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means to temporary decline in economic activity of prosperity?", "Term that means temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in econmic activity or prsperity?", "What term means temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "What term means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporany decline in ecomic activity prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in economic activity or propersity?", "What is the term which means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which od these terms means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms mean a temporary decline in economic activity of prosperity?", "What means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosparity?", "Hich of these terms means a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms means a temporary declin in economic activity or prosperity?", "Which of these terms measn a trmporary decline in economic activity or porsperity?", "Temporary decline in economic activity or proserity?" ]
[ "What are famous places to visit in New Mexico?", "Where is a good place to visit in New Mexico?", "Pictures of famous places in new mexico?", "What is the famous one place to visit in New Mexico?", "What are 3 famous places in New Mexico and Why?", "What are some famous places that tourrists visit in new mexico?", "What monuments or famous places are there to visit in New Mexico?", "What are some famous places found in new mexico?", "What is a major place to visit in new mexico?", "Are there any famous places in New Mexico?" ]
[ "How do information technology help businesses?", "What are the impact of information technology in developing a nation?", "How information technology is helping business?", "What is the impact of Information Technology in business promotion?", "How information technology impacts the business in terms of service?", "Describe how information technology impacted of politic system?", "Impact of information technilogy on business?", "What is the role and impact of information technology?", "Information technology brought changes in business enviroment?", "How Does Information Technology Impact radiography?", "Impact of changing technology into business?", "What is the impact of information technology to business?", "Information technology Impact?", "What are the advantages of information technology for a business man?", "Impact tecnology business?", "What is the impact of information technology?", "Impact of information technology in business communication?", "Why Information Technology is the actual cause drive of business?", "Bad impact that information technology has?", "What is the role of information technology in international business?", "What are the inpact of information technology in business?", "How does the technological force has an impact on businesses?", "Impact of information technology on business society?", "What is the impact of Information Technology on business and of business on Information Technology?", "What has the impact of information technology been on the way business is conducted?", "Impact of Information Technology in business and education?", "3 What are the principal tools and technologies for accessing information?", "Value of and impact of information?", "Impact of computer based information sytem in business today?", "The impact of information technology in commercial banks service delivery?", "What is the impact of Information Technology in business management?", "Impact of information technology in buisness?", "The impact of information technology on business?", "What are the impact of a business on information technology?", "Usage of information technology in business?", "What is the impact of technology on business organisation?", "How has advecment technology impacted in business?", "What are the impacts of information technology in business organization?", "How information technology benefited business industry?", "What has the impact of information technology been on business Read more httpwikianswerscomQWhat has the impact of information technology been on business?", "What is the impact of technology on business organisation What is the role of information technology in international business?", "Discuss how information technology has impacted business?", "What has the impact of transparent information technology been on business management?", "How information technology enhances business processes?", "What is impact of information tecnology in business performance?", "Impact of information technology on business operation?", "What has the impact of information technology been on business managementhttpbarbieeverythinggirlcom?", "What is the impact of IT on business practise?", "How does information technology impacts businesses bottom line?" ]
[ "Whic all famous personalities have born on march 21st?", "What is the name of the famous person who has a birthday on March 22?", "What famous person has the birthday of March 24?", "Who birthday is on March 19?", "Is there any famous person with the birthday 29th of march?", "What famous person has the same birthday on March 28 1995?", "Who famouses birthday is march 16th?", "What famous author birthday on march 2?", "What famous persons birthday is on march 22nd?", "Which famous person has a birthday that is on the 11th march x?", "Who famous person has a birth day on march 11?", "What famous person was born on March 3rd?", "What famous persons birthday is on March 27?", "Which famous person birthday march 20?", "Which special persons birthday is on march 8?", "What famous persons birthday is on march 3?", "What famous persons birthday is on march 18?", "What famous person has a birthday on march 16?", "Famouse person that is born in March?", "What fames person has their birthday on march 1?", "Is any famous person's birthday on the 3rd of march?", "When is mahima choudhury's birthday?", "What famos person has a birthday on March 11?", "Does any famous person have a birthday on March?", "What famous person birthday was yestarday?", "Do any famous people have a birthday on March 3?", "Is there any famous person who has a birthday on march 2nd?", "What famous person that there birthday is in march?", "What are those things called that say a famous persons birthday to correspond every day of the year?", "What famous person has their birthday on march 19?", "What famouse person's birthday is in march?", "What famous basketball player's birthday is on March 1?", "Who has march 27 birthday?", "What famous person has there birthday in march?", "What fampus person has a birthday march 1ts?", "Famous peoples birthdays on march 14?", "What famous persons birthday is on march 31?", "Is there any famous person that has a birthday on march 17?", "What famous person has a birthday in april?", "Anyones famouses birthday on march 16th?", "Whcih famous person birthday is on March 2oth?", "Wich famous persons birthday is on 26th march?", "What famous singers birthdays are in March?", "Who birthday is it next that was a famous black person?", "Who is a famous person bon on march 19th?" ]
[ "What is the Bony tube made of vertebrae?", "What is a bony structure unites of the spinal column?", "What is a bony structure that covers the skin of bony fishes?", "What are the type of bony prominence?", "Was the vertebral column of the common ancestor of sharks and bony fishes made of bone or cartilage?", "Synthesized by mammals most amphibians sharks and some bony fishes because of its lesser toxicity?", "What structure does a bony fish have?", "What kind of skin do bony fish have?", "What bony plates make up the starfish?", "What are the bony scales covering bony fish called?", "What is a fishes skeleton structure?", "How is called the bony part of the elbow?", "Bony part of elbow is called?", "What is the bony strcture that surrounds the brain?", "What is the bony landmark that can be recognized by a distinct dimple in the skin?", "What type of joint connects bony portions?", "Which vertebrates lacks of bony spine?", "Bony structures covoring the surfaces of bony fish?", "What is the formation of new bony material around fracture site?", "What special adaptions help bony fishes live in water habitats?", "What is a bony structure covering the skin of boney fishes?", "What is a bony endoskeleton?", "Is trout bony fishes?", "A bony structure is known as?", "Explain the skin of bony fish?", "Bony fish have toughoverlapping to protect their skin?", "What is bony and supports for the gills?", "What types of scales do bony fishes have?", "Forms the bony eyebrow rides and roofs of orbits?", "Amphibians have a bony and?", "Bony structure covering the skin of bony fishes?", "Thin bony plates formed from the skin in fishes?", "What is the skin of bony fish?", "What is a bony?", "Characterized by ccartilage connecting the bony portions?", "The Class Osteichthys includes the bony fishes?", "What are the functions of the operculum in bony fishes?", "What is the bony structures covering the skin of a bony fish?", "What is a bony butt?", "Bony structures in fins of fish?", "What are the structures that cover the skins of most fishes?", "Bony structures covering the skin of bony fish?", "How much percent does bony fishes make up to all fish species?", "What is the latin word for bony?", "What is the prominent projecting bony bar or bow?", "What is bony classified skin?", "What is the hard cover on bony fish?", "Bony structure that coveres the skin of bony fish?", "What is the bony column that is made up of 33 vertabraes?" ]
[ "Where is the most sunny place on earth?", "Is idaho a sunny place?", "What are the most known places on earth?", "Which is the place with most sunny days year round?", "What place on earth receives the most sun?" ]
[ "Is the air force part of the department of defense?", "What is the mission of department of defense?", "How many service branches comprise the Defense Department?", "What branch of the military is not department of defense?", "What does theUS Department of Defense?", "What are the subdivisions of the department of defense?", "The army is one department in the Department of Defense?", "What are the three cabnet department?", "What are the three branches of the Department of Defense?", "What are branches of the department of defense?", "What are the branches of the Department of D erebse?", "Why was the US Department of Defense created?", "What is the department of defense also known as?", "What are the branches of the department of deffense?", "What are the three departments of the department of defense?", "What branch is Department of Defense?", "What are branches of the Department of Justice?", "What are the three military departments?", "What are the 3 departments within the us department of defense?", "How do the department of defense work together?", "What are three county departments in the US?", "Who is head master of the department of defense?", "What divisions make up the department of defense?", "What are the three divisions within the department of defense?", "Havent you heard about the first defense department?", "How many service branches comprise the department of defense?", "U s department of defense is address?", "The department of defense is made up of what divisions?", "Who is employed at the department of defense?", "Why is the Department of Defense necessary?", "Seperate Agencies in the Department of Defense?", "Location of the US department of defense?", "What are the three different departments?", "Which of the three major parts of the Department of Defense is best described as responsible for planning and coordinating deployments and operations?", "Sangay ng Department of National Defense?", "Who are some people who are involved in the department of defense?", "What branch is able to disband a department?", "Who found the Department of Defense?", "What are the branches of the Deparment of Defense?", "The three branches of the department of defense?", "What is the primary goal of the department of defense?", "What are the branches of the department of justice?", "What does a field supervisor do for the department of defense?" ]
[ "Positive cash flow and negative net income?", "Is net cash flow equal to net income?", "Cash flow negative cFo positive net profit?", "Negative cash flow but positive cash?", "What is the difference between ash flow and net income?", "How can it be possible for a student to have a positive cash flow in the same year that she has a net loss?", "Is it possible to have a negative net income and positive cash flow from operations if your answer is yes provide two examples when might find this?", "Why is it important to have a positive Net Worth?", "Is it possible to have a negative net income and positive cash flow from operationsif your answer is yes provide two examples when might find this?", "What does a negative cash flow mean?", "Net cash flow?", "Can you have a negative income and a negative cash flow?", "If net income is negative will cash flow be negative?", "Example of negative income and positive cash flow?", "Expalin how a compnay can report a negative net income but still have a positive net operating cash flow?", "Define net negative cash flow?", "Can an accrual cause negative income but positive cash flow?", "A negative net income and postive cash flow?", "Negative net income and positive cash flow?", "What do you mean by increase in net income in cash flow?", "Is it possible to have a negative net income and a positive cash flow from operations?", "Is it possible to have a negative net income and positive cash flow?", "Can net income be negative in an income statement?", "Is net loss influence cash flow?", "Can cash flow be positive when net income is negative?", "Cash is positive while net income is negative?", "Is it possible to have a positive cash and a negative profit?", "Why is an increasing positive income good?", "Is it possible to have negative cash flow from operations and substantial net income during the same period?", "Can an organization have positive cash flows but a negative net income?", "What is a negative net income figure?", "Explain how it is possible to have cash increasing and net income decreasing?", "Why does a gain on the sale of an asset require a negative adjustment to net income?" ]
[ "What is Athens topography?", "Where is the athens?", "Where is athen on poptropica?", "What is athens cloce to?", "What province is athens in?", "Where in athens?", "What was the judiciary in athens?", "Athens is in what contry?", "What stuff in Athens?", "Who said athens loved innovation?", "Is athens rocky?" ]
[ "Where are the mites found?", "Can humans get hamster mites?", "How did you get itch mites?", "Can snake mites hurt humans?", "How do aphidsscalesand mites look like?", "How do get micriscopic mites?", "Oh ok what are mites and can humans get them?", "Why does any mite attack a human?", "Do mites bite humans?", "Do hermit crab mites attach to humans?", "Can a human get mites from a snake?", "Can humans get sarcoptic mites?", "How do you treat turkey mites on humans?", "Can humans get mites?", "What if turkey mites get on humans?", "Can humans get chicken red mites?", "Are mites contageous to humans?", "You think your dog has mites or sarcoptic mange can it translate to humans?", "Are there mites that live in wood that bite humans?", "How do you treat mites on a snake?", "Can humans get mites from your pet hamster?", "Do you have skin mites?", "Can mites get into noses of humans?", "How do you get rid of biting mites?", "How do human get mites?", "What is itch mites?", "Can humans catch cat mites?", "Can mites live on humans?", "Do mites from bees affect humans?", "What do red velevet mites do?", "Can humans get mites from snakes?", "Can humans get mites from chickens?", "Where can you find aphidsscalesand mites?", "Are mites contagious to other animals and humans?", "How are mites and ticks dangerous to humans?", "Can humans get a diease from mites and ticks?", "What do mites do?", "What are follicle mites?" ]
[ "Good writing is variety in what way?", "Good writing is enhanced by sentence emphasis and variety in what way?", "What is a good way to use a variety of sentence and paragraph structures is to?", "What rule will result in varied sentences that enhance the writing flow?", "Good writing is enchanced emphasis and viarity in what way?", "Good writing is enhanced by sentence emphasis and a variety in what way?", "Good writing is enhanced by sentence emphases and bariety in what way?", "Good writing is enhanced by sentence emphasis and variety in what say?" ]
[ "What are the factors new locating business?", "What factors determine where to locate a business?", "How location affects business?", "Factors that effect location of a business?", "What are the factors affecting the location of a manufacturing business?", "What are the factors affecting location of a business?", "How does price affect the location of a business?", "What are the factors affecting business location?", "What are the factors that are affecting the location of a business?", "Why is location the most important factor affecting a new business?", "What are the factors in location if you are going to business?", "Factors affecting the location of a sservice sector business?", "Factors affecting location of a retail business?", "How does the location affect your business?", "What are the factors affecting the choices of a business location?", "What are the factors when chosing a business location?", "What is a factor for a fast pace business?" ]
[ "Who is the shortest bball player in history?", "Who was the alltime shortest basketballplayer in nba history?", "Who is the shortest nba player ever in history?", "Shortest player in nba histroy?", "Who is the shortest player in the history of the nba?", "Who was the shortest power forward in NBA history?", "Who is the shortest player in history?", "Who was the shortest NBA basketball player?", "Is mugsy bogues the shortest person in the nba?", "Who is the shortest nba player history?", "Tallest and shortest nba player?", "Who is the shortest white basketball player in the NBA?", "Who is te shortest ever player in the nba?", "Who is the shortest player in sports history?", "Who was the shortest nba player ever?", "Currently shortest NBA player?", "What year did the shortest NBA player play?", "What is the shortest game in NBA history?", "Shortest dick in history?", "The shortest nba player in history?", "The shortest NBA player ever?", "Shortest nba player in history of the nba?", "Who is the shortest in nba history?", "What was the shortest filibuster in history?", "Shortest player to ever play in the nba?", "Who is the shortest active NBA player?", "What player has the most 3 pointers in the playoffs in the history of the NBA?", "Who is the shortest b ball player in history?", "Who was the shortest playin in the NBA history?", "Who was the shortest player in the NBA ever?", "Smallest player in NBA history?", "Shortest player ever in the nba?", "Who is the shortest NBA player ing history?", "Who wasis the shortest NBA player?", "Shortest nba basketball player?", "Shortest nba player currently?", "The shortest player to play in the NBA?", "In NBA History Who's The Shortest Player?", "Who was the shortest player to leave the nba in single season?", "Who was the Shortest NBA player in history?", "Whose the shortest nba player?", "Who is the shortest rugby league player ever in history?", "Who is the shortest Nba player in history?", "Who is the shortest man in NBA history?", "Who is the most shortest nba player in history?", "How tall is the shortest person in nba history?", "How tall was the shortest nba player?", "Who is the shortest nba player of all time?", "Shortest people in sports history?" ]
[ "The three factors of formation of soils are?", "What are three factors that affect soil formation?", "List five factors that affect the characteristics of the soil in particular area?", "What factors affect the formation of soil?", "Five factors that influence soil formation?", "Explain the factors affecting the soil?", "What are the factors that rate the soil formation?", "What are five factors that influence soil formation?", "List five factors of soil formation?", "What affects the rate of soil formation?", "What are controls on soil formation and how do they affect soil development?", "What factors contribute to the formation of soil aggregates?", "List 4 factors that affect soil development?", "5 key factors in formation of soil?", "Key factors in formation of soil?", "What factors that hasten the formation of soil?", "List four agents of soil formation?", "What are the five factors involved in the process of soil formation?", "What are the three factors that influence the soil formation?", "What factors determine the rate of soil formation?", "How biodiversity affects soil formation?", "List the important factors in soil?", "What things affect soil formation?", "List factors affecting soil formation?", "List factors that affect soil formation?", "What are the factors that cause soil formation?", "Is fungi a factor that affects soil?", "What are the 5 factors involved in soil formation?", "What are factors affecting soil formation?", "List the factors affecting soil formation?", "List important factors in soil formation?", "5 factors effecting formation of soil?", "Main factors contribute to soil formation?", "List the factors that influences soil formation process?", "What four factors effect soil formation?", "List and explain the factors affecting soil fertility?", "What are three factors thataffect soil formation?", "List five factorsthat affect soil devolopment?", "Factors that affect soil formation?", "List the factors of soil formation?", "How different factors conttribute to soil formation?", "Factors affecting rate of solution formation?", "What are the three important factors in soil formation?", "How does illuvation affect soil formation?", "Outline the factors affecting soil formation?", "What is the major factor in soil formation?", "Factors that influence soil formation?" ]
[ "How do you change transmission fluid on a manual transmission on a 1998 honda civic Lx?", "Where do you put transmission fluid in your 98 honda civic ex?", "How do you change the transmission fluid in 97 civic?", "How do you change manual transmission fluid on 98 civic?", "Civic transmission sliping?", "How do you change the fluid in a manual transmission?", "Transmission fluid honda civic?", "How do you change the transmission fluid on a 97 civic?", "How do you change the transmission fluid of a manual transmission on a 1992 honda accord?", "Where is the transmission fluid for a 97 honda civic ex?", "How do you replace transmission oil on a 1998 civic?", "Transmission fluid change honda?", "Transmission plugs civic 98 ex?", "How do you change transmission fluid on honda civic ex?", "How do you change manual transmission oil 92 civic?", "Where Manual honda transmission fluid?", "Where do you put transmission fluid for a honda civic 1.5 manual?", "How do you change transmission fluid on a Honda?", "Change transmission fluid for 2007 civic?", "How do you change the transmission fluid on a manual transmission?", "How do you change manuel transmission fluid 98 honda civic?", "How do you change transmission fluid on a civic?", "Honda 2001 v-6 change transmission fluid?", "Change honda civic transmission linkage?", "How do you change the transmission fluid on a 1998 Honda Civic?", "Manual transmission fluid 92 honda civic?", "How do you drain the transmission fluid on a 1998 Honda Civic EX?", "Where do you change the oil in a 1996 honda civic manual transmission?", "How much oil in manual transmission handa civic?", "How do you you change the automatic transmission fluid on a 1998 Honda Civic EX?", "How do you change the transmission fluid for 99 honda civic?", "Where is the transmission fluid on a 1998 civic hatch back?", "How do you change transmission fluid on a manual transmission on a 1998 honda civic ex coupe?", "How do you change transmission fluid in a civic?", "How do you change the transmission fluid in a manual transmission in a 1997 honda civic?", "What transmission oil fluid should you use for a 1998 honda civic?", "2000 civic manual Transmission fluid?", "Check civic manual transmission fluid?", "How do you change the transmission fluid in a 1997 Honda Civic?", "Transmission fluid for honda civic 1995 ex coupe?", "How do you change 2000 honda civic manual transmission fluid?", "1994 Honda civic ex manual transmission?", "How do you know when a transmission is going out on a honda civic 1998 dx 5speed?", "Where is manual transmission for 1996 honda civic ex?", "Where do you put transmission fluid in a 1998 civic manual?", "How do you change transmission fluid in 1995 civic?", "What should you do if there is a rattle in your 1998 honda civic transmission?", "Werid transmission sounds in a 93 honda civic?", "How do you change transmission fluid on a 1998 Honda Civic EX?", "How do you Change Transmission Fluid honda civic 1991?" ]
[ "Germany and italy became known as the axis powers what country also became part of the axis powers?", "Germany italy axis?", "Powers included germany italy japan?", "What powers included Germand Italy and Japan?", "What agreement was signed between japanitaly and germany' isnt this the whole axis powers?", "What alliance was germany italy and japan in during the axis powers?", "The Allied powers were Italy Germany and Japan?", "What did Germany have to do with the Axis Powers?", "Italy and Germany are what powers?", "Was germany part of the axis powers?", "What powers was germany italy and japan called?", "Was Japan a country that belonged with the Axis powers?", "Germany italy and japan in ww2?", "Germany italy and japan were called the what powers?", "Germany and italy for the axis powers?", "When were the axis powers formed between germany italy and japan?", "Why did germany start the axis powers?", "Was germany and italy axis?", "Which rulers came to power in the Soviet Union ITaly Germany and Japan in the 1920s and 1930s?", "All of the following joined the axis powers except italy japan germany or the soviet union?", "Was Germany part of the Ailles or The Axis?", "Why were germany italy and japan known as the aaxis powers?", "Was Eastern Germany a part of the Axis Powers?", "Who was the axis powers leader in germany?", "What countries were the axis powers to Germany?", "Germany italy and japan were what powers?", "Who were the three axis powers in germany?", "Germany Italy and Japan were part of what powers during ww2?", "Germany italyand japan were called the what powers?", "Germany italy and spain are axis powers?", "Which powers included germany italy and japan?", "Did Japan side with Germany and Italy in the Rome-Berlin axis powers?", "Powers included germany italy and japan?", "The Allied powers were made up of Italy Germany and Japan?", "Germany Italy and Japan were known as the Powers?", "Is germany apart of the allie or axis powers?", "What powers are japan germany italy?", "When did JapanItaly and Germany sign agreement to axis powers?", "Axis powers in wwll included Germany Japan and China?", "Axis japan germany?", "What was the axis powers of germanyitalyand japan?", "Germany italy and japan were what kind of powers?", "What type of powers were japan italy and germany?", "Besides Japan and Germany who made up the group of Axis states?", "Why was germany Italy and Japan referred to as the axis powers?", "When Germany Signed a treaty to form the axis powers?", "Germany italy and japan were called th what powers?", "When were germany and italy for the axis powers?", "Germany Italy and Japan were the nations known as what kind of powers?" ]
[ "What to make with pumpkins?", "What are pumpkins use for other than food?", "What are all the uses of a pumpkin?", "In what ways can you use a pumpkin?", "The types of different of pumpkins?", "What ways can you use a pumpkin?", "When are pumpkins harwested?", "What are pumpkins used for?", "When do carved pumpkins go bad?", "What foods are pumpkins used for?", "What are the uses for pumpkins?", "Do pumpkins reproduce?", "What are 5 uses for a pumpkin?", "What are 6 uses of of pumpkins?", "How can you use pumpkins?", "How do you use a pumpkin?", "What are the use of pumpkin?", "What can you do with pumpkins?", "What are the different uses of pumpkins?", "What is the uses of pumpkins?", "What is an example of an appetizer using a pumpkin?" ]
[ "Why does a mole rat bang it's head on its tunnel?", "Why are nacked mole rats nacked?", "Where do naked mole rats come fron?", "What is the habitat for a naked mole rat?", "How do naked mole rats dig?", "Where do naked mole rats get their name?", "A member of the naked mole rat colony?", "How much do Naked mole-rats wight?", "What does a naked mole rat looks like?", "What is the common name for the naked mole rat?", "Why is naked mole rat not a mole?", "Facts about a Naked mole rat?", "How old can the average Naked mole rat live?", "Why the naked mole-rat doesn't have any fur?", "What is the mole rats adatggb?", "Why are naked mole rats called that?", "Where can you see naked moll rats on the computer?", "Why are naked mole rat doesn't haveany fur?", "What is a naked mole rack?", "Why are mole rats so funny looking?", "Is a naked mole-rat a carnivore?", "What can kill a naked mole rat?", "Why has the naked mole rat got short legs?", "Are mole rats ugly?", "How do you take care of a pet naked mole rat?", "Are naked mole rats really naked?", "Are naked mole rats ugly?", "What is the naked mole rats scientific name and why?", "Where can you by naked mole rats?", "Where can you get a naked mole as a pet?", "Does naked mole rats have fur?", "Is the naked mole rat immune to disease?", "Does naked mole rats have hair?", "Why are naked mole rats called naked mole rats?", "Do naked mole rats make good pets?" ]
[ "How the equation NH3 and H2O balance?", "Mno2 plus nh4 -------- mn2o3 plus nh3 plus h2o balance this equation?", "How do you balance this equation NH3 plus O2 - NO plus H2O?", "Balance NH3 plus O2--- NO plus H2O?", "NH3 plus H2O NH4 plus plus OH-?", "How would you balance the equation of O plus NH3 equals NO plus H2O?", "Balance the equation nh3 plus Cuo equals cu plus n2 plus h2o?", "How do you balance the equation NH3 plus O2 equals N2 plus H2O?", "Nh3 plus o2 plus no plus h2o?", "How do you balance NH3 plus O2--NO plus H2O?", "NH3 plus O2 equals N2 plus H2O?", "NH3 plus O2 equals?", "NH3 plus O2 à NO plus H2O?", "Balance NH3 plus O2 ----- NO2 plus H2O?", "How do you balance the equation NH3 plus O2 - NO plus H2O?", "NH3 plus O2 equals NO plus H2O?", "How do you balance Nh3 plus 02 --no plus 3h2o?", "How do you balance this equation NH3 plus O2 equals NO plus H2O?", "Balance this equation NH3 plus O2 - NO plus H2O?", "Balance the equation NH3 plus O2-NO plus H2O?", "How do you balance NH3 plus O equals NO plus H2O?", "Is the reaction NH3 plus H2O arrow 2NH4OH balanced?" ]
[ "How long does a person have to go to college to become a journalist?", "How many years does a journalist have to attend college?", "How many years of college do you have to do in order to become a journalist?", "How many years of college do you need to be a fashoin journalist?", "Sports journalist go to college for how many years?", "How many years of college d you need to become a journalist?", "What major do you take in College to become a journalist?", "How many years of college is needed to be a journalist?", "How man y years of schooling do you need to become a journalist?", "How many years do you spend in college to get to be a journalist?", "How many years of college do you need to be a sports journalist?", "What does a journalist have to do to pass college?", "How many years in college to become a journalist?", "How many years of college do you have to take to become a journalist?", "How many years of college is required to be a journalist?", "How much school years does it take to become a journalist?", "What is the best journalist college in the US?", "What qualifications to be a journalist?", "How many years of college do you have to go through to be a journalist?", "What is a journalist salary?", "How many do you have to do to become a journalist?", "How many years of training do you need to be a journalist?", "What are the requirements of being a journalist?", "How many years does it take to graduate universiy to become a journalist?", "How many years of college does a journalist have to take?", "How many years of school must one take to become a journalist?", "What are some college questions for a sports journalist?", "How many years do you need to become a journalist?", "How many years do you have to be in college to be a journalist?", "How many years for a journalist?", "How long do you have to go to college to become a music journalist?", "How many years of college do you need to go to to become a journalist?", "How many years to become a Journalist?", "How many years for university do you need for a journalist?", "How many years of tafe before becoming a journalist?", "Do you have to go to college to become journalist?", "College best for journalist?", "What college degree do you need to become a Journalist?", "How much does a broacast journalist make a year?", "How many years of education does it take to become a journalist?", "How many years would it take to become a journalist?", "How many years in college will it take to become a journalist?", "How many years to be a journalist?", "How many years do a journalist need in college?", "How many years of colledge does it take to be a journalist?", "What do you have to do to become a travel Journalist?", "How many years of college does it take to become a sports journalist?", "How many years of schooling does it take to become a newspaper journalist?", "How many years do you have to go to college to be a broadcast journalist?", "How many years of college does it take to become a journalist?" ]
[ "Are illegal immigrants harming this country?", "Is illegal immigration bad for america?", "Are illegal immigrants harming american?", "Are illegal immigants harming america?", "Reasons for illegal immigrants in america?", "Are illegal immigrants harming americs?", "Are illegal immagrants harming america?", "Why was illegal immigrants not allowed in america?", "Why should you allow immigrants in america?", "How do illegal immigrants come to america?", "How do immigrants make america lose money?", "Do immigrants harm your country?", "What are harms of immigration?", "Are illegal immigrantes harming America?", "Illegal immigrants are not harming america?", "Is illegal immigration not harming america?", "How are illegal imgrants harming the ecomy?", "How are immigrants harming American jobs?", "Should immigrants be illegal in america?", "What will immigrants do to harm the US?", "How are illegal immigrants harming america?", "Are illegal imigrants harming amerca?", "How year did a illegal immigrant attack america?", "Are immigrants good for america?", "Are illegal imigrants harming America?", "Is Illegal Imigration Harming the US?", "Are illegal immigrants harming America?", "Are illegal immigrants harmig america?", "Are illeal immigrants harming America?", "Is it true that illegal immigrants take away jobs from americans?", "Are illegal immigrants harming amreica?", "Are illigal immigrants harming America?", "What is the AZ Governor saying to illegal immigrants?", "Why should illegal immigrants be able to work in the US?", "How many illegal immigrants came to America?", "Are illegal immigrants harming or helping the us?", "Since when has illegal immigrants been coming to America?", "Are illegal immigrants harming Americacom?", "Are illeal immerarent harmful to america?", "Illegal immigrants are haring america?", "Are illegal immigration harming america?", "Are immigrants harming US?", "What industry hires the most illegal immigrants?", "How do illegal immigrants affect america?", "How do illegal immigrants cross the border of america?", "Are illegal immigrants helping or harming?", "If you find an illegal immigrant?", "How is illegal immigration harming americacom?", "Are immigrants harming america?" ]
[ "Who explained the theory of universal gravitation?", "Who explained the laws of universal gravitation?", "Who gave us the Law of Universal Gravitation?" ]
[ "How much did a camera cost in 1800?", "What was the cost of digital cameras in 1994?", "What is the cost of a camera in 2008?", "How much did an average digital camera costin the 1900's?", "How much did a digital camera cost then?", "How much did the digital cameras cost in 1975?", "How much does a digital camers cost?", "When did digital cameras develop?", "How much did the 1st digital camera cost?", "How did the digital camera get its name?", "What was the fisrt cost of the digital camera?", "What was the most cost of a digital camera?", "How much did a camera cost in the 1950?", "How much did a camera cost in 1950?", "How much did digital camera cost?", "How much does a digital camera cost in england?" ]
[ "What is a oh functional group?", "The OH functional group is called what group?", "What is OH functional gorup?", "An oh group is a?", "What are the six functional groups?", "What group is a single bonded OH?", "What functional group is an example of OH?", "Is -OH in fuctional group?", "What group is of the OH functional group?", "What functional group does OH- beliong?", "Is there a oh group in alcohol?", "What is a functional group-OH?", "What group does OH go under?", "What are the functional groups of allergy medication singlar?" ]
[ "What is the most common oxidation in magnesium?", "The oxidation state of magnesium in mgcl2?", "What is the most common oxidation state of magnesium?", "What is the oxidation states of magnesium?" ]
[ "How old is hiafia webne?", "How old is nailpolish?", "How old is the omggirls?", "How old is adere?", "How old is a MAV408Daww?", "How old is shakirah?", "How old is jamilette?", "How old is jordensparks?", "How old is prinse wiilm?", "How old is gillberg?", "How old is kajuana shuford?", "How old is Magikoopa?", "How old is babr ruhd?", "How old is cristan bettels?", "How old is zhikov?", "How old is a maltepoo?", "How old he when mrfrank?", "How old is bilmore?", "How old is eldo?", "How old is Merjam Brljak?", "How old is latron?", "How old is bozo?", "How old is ridwan?", "How old is old?", "How old is ropert?", "How old is hkk?", "How old is recep uktug?", "How old is chunkie?", "How old is the twintowers?", "How old is JasmineVillegas?", "How old is pipin?", "How old 75 or 76?", "How old is GHanalieus?", "How old is joshturner?", "How old is Macella?", "How old is resputia from norbit?", "How old is Voilet Boberguarde?", "How old is sqidword?", "How old is kesia?", "How old do you have to be to be on whipeout?", "How old is ludaicris?", "How old is Pudollski?", "How old are you from 1991?", "How old am old?", "How old is bodie?", "How old you have to be to get a answer?", "How old is the deluding of gylfi?", "How old are you when you get your peread?", "How old is hitgirl?", "How old is chistiono ranldo?" ]
[ "How does a woman feel having an orgasm?", "How do you know when a woman have orgasm?", "How do you know if a woman has an orgasm and wat if she doesn't?", "How does a girlk know she is having an orgasm?", "How do you know when your having a real orgasm?", "How do you tell if woman has an orgasm?", "How does a woman know when shes having an orgasm?", "How do a woman know when she has has an orgasm?", "When does a woman know if she has an orgasm?", "How does a woman know when she id having an orgasm?", "How do people know if they are having a orgasm?", "How does a woman know when she's having an orgasm?", "How does a woman know she is having an orgasm?", "Howdo you know when your having an orgasm?", "How does a woman know if shes having an orgasm?", "How does someone know when they're having an orgasm?", "How do you have an orgasm by having sex with a woman and a woman?", "Does a woman moan when having an orgasm?", "Is having an orgasm addictive?", "How do you know if a woman is having a orgasm?", "How does a woman know when she's having a orgasm?", "What does a woman having an orgasm look like?", "How do girls know when they're having an orgasm?", "How do woman know if they've had a orgasm?", "Does having an orgasm affect a woman's thinking?", "How do you know when a woman about to orgasm?", "How do you know if woman reached orgasm?", "How will you know if im having an orgasm or not?", "How does a woman know when she having an orgasm?", "How does a woman knwo if she is having a orgasm?", "How do you know when your having an orgasm in the shower?", "How do a woman knows when shes having an orgasm?", "How do woman know if they are having an orgasm?", "What are some signs if a woman is having an orgasm?", "How does a man know if a woman is having a orgasm?", "For a woman how do you know your having an orgasm?", "How does a woman no if she has had an orgasm?", "How does a woman know she has had an orgasm?", "How can a woman tell if she has had an orgasm?" ]
[ "What is the value of a M1 Grand rifle?", "What is the value of a h and r m1 garand?", "What is the cost of m1 garand?", "What is a M1-D?", "What is a m-1 garand worth?", "How old is your m1 garand?", "Cost of M1 Garand and M1 Carbine rifle?", "Value of M1 Garand?", "What is the value of a m-1 garand?", "Price for a m1 garand?", "What is value of hr arms m-1 garand rifle?", "What is the value of a M-1 Garand 2465415?", "What is the value of your harrington and richardson m1 garand?", "What is the value of a wwII m1 garande?", "What is the value of an M1 Garrand?", "How much is an m1 garand military rifle worth?", "What is the value of a garand rifle?", "What is the value of an orignal M1 garand?", "Value of m-1 garand?", "Vlaue of m1 garand rifle 1942?", "What is the value of an M-1 Garand rifle?", "What is the value of a 7mm M1 Garand ten round magazine from World War 2 excellant condition?", "What is the value of M1D garand?", "What is the value of World War 1 M1 Grand rifle?", "How much is your M1 garand?", "When did manufacturing stop on the M1 Garand rifle?", "How much did a US- M-1 Garand Rifle cost?", "What is the approximate value of a World War 2 era M-1 Garand Rifle?", "What is the value of an m-1 garand with import marks?", "How much for a m1 garand springfield armory rifle?", "What is your m1 garand rifle worth?", "How much for your springfield rifle m1?", "How much does a garand cost?", "Is there a sight to tell you what the m1 rifle is worth?", "What is the value of an American M1 Garand Semiautomatic Rifle?", "What is the value of a m1 garand rifle with a paratrooper cartush on it?", "What is the value of a m1 garand at todays market prices?", "What is the value of a springfield mi garand rifle?", "What is the value of a Garand M1 rifle?", "What is the value of a Remington M-1 Garand?", "How much do m1 garand rifles cost around?", "Value M1 garand?", "What is garand thumb?", "What is your m1 tanker garand worth?", "How much is an M1 Garand Rifle?", "Used price of m1 garand?", "M1 garand value?", "1942 m1 garand value?", "Value of an m-1 garand rifle?", "Where can you find a value of a m1 rifle?" ]
[ "Where do you do the codes for Mario Kart Wii?", "Where do you put in the code for mario kart wii?", "How do you put a code in mario kart wii?" ]
[ "What are the methods and approaches in political science?", "What are methods for studying political science?", "Methods and nature of political science?", "What are the method you study politics?", "Explain the methods use in political science?", "Different Methods used in political science?", "Methods and approaches of political science?", "What are the methods used in studying political science?", "What are the methods in studying polirical science?", "What are the methods of studying political science?", "Method used political science in malaysian?", "What are the methods on political science?", "What is the methods of the political science?", "What are the methods for studying political science?", "4 methodologist of studying political science?", "What is the methods use in the study of political science?", "What are the diff methods of political science?", "What is the methods of studing political science?", "Explain the methods of political science?", "What is political science methods?", "Diff methods of political science?", "The methods used in political science?", "What is political science methods used in the study of political science?" ]
[ "Television is changing the people life?", "How television change americans house hold and family life?", "How did television change family life in the 1950s and 1960s?", "Television change American?", "How did television change your world?", "How the Television change the world?", "How has television changed the american life style?", "How did television change family interactions?", "How did television change societu?", "What changes does television and telephone bring to your life?", "Why has television change life in Britian?", "Did the television change peoples life?", "How did television affect family life?", "How did the television change people life?", "What effect did television have on family life in the 1950s?", "How did television change people's life ina america?", "How did television change life in the 50s?", "How did TVs change family life and life in the neighborhoods?", "How did the television change your life for the better?", "How television changed your life?", "How did the television affect the life in the US?", "How did television changed family life?", "1 How did television advertising impact family life during the decade?", "How did televisions changed the world?", "How did television change American life?", "How did television change the US?", "How did tv change amircan familys?", "How did television advertising change family life?", "How did the television change life in america?", "What transitions family television?", "How did the television set change the life of an individual?", "How did the television change your life?", "Life without television?", "How did television programming change family life?", "How did television change am life in the 1950s?", "How did television change life in america?", "How did television change American family life?", "How did the television change family lifes?", "Has television changed your life?", "How has television been bad for family life?", "What is the positive and negative influences of television in family life?", "How did television change americans families life in 1950?", "What do televisions do for families?", "How could television change your life?", "Television - how did it change american life in the 1950's?", "How internte or television change your life?", "How did television change family life in the 1950s?", "How did television change the life of people?", "How did television change the life of the individual who used it?" ]
[ "As a substance goes through its boiling phase what happens to the distance between its particles?", "What do particles do as they boil?", "What happend when the particles of a liquid boils?", "Explain what happens to the particles when a liquid boils?", "What happens to particles during the process of boiling?", "What happens to the motion of particles as it begins to boil?", "What happens to particles when they are at boiling pint?", "What happens when particels are boiling?", "What happens to particles druing boiling?", "What is happening to particles in a substance when boiling?", "Particles in soup reach boiling point what happens?", "What happens to motion particles when they are boiling?", "What happens to solid particles when its boiled?", "What happens to particles at a boiling point?", "What happens to the particles when something is boiling?", "What happens to the particles as a liquid boils?", "What happens with motion of particles when it is boiling?", "Evaporation and boiling on movement of particles and spaces between particles?", "How do particles act when boiling?", "What happens to the particles when a liquid boils?", "What happens to particles when boiling?", "What happens to particles in boiling?", "Motion of particles when it is boiling?", "What do the particles do when they boil?", "What happens when particles boil?", "What happens when the particles of a liquid begin to boil?", "What happens when the particles in soup reach boiling point?", "What will happen to the particles of a substance when boils?", "What Happens To Particles when they boil?", "What is boiling pint and what happens to the particles?", "How does boiling change and affect the particles of the boiling substance?", "2 What happens to the particles of a substance at its normal boiling point?", "What happens to particles durring boiling?", "What happens to the particles in a liqud when its boiling?", "What happens to particles when liquid boils?", "What happens to the particles when a liquis boils?", "What happens on a particle level when a liquid is at its boiling point?", "What happens to particles at boiling point?" ]