[ "Where to women like to be touched?", "How do guys like you to touch them?", "What do guys like when touching his penis?", "How do you touch a guy that you like?", "Where do guys like to be touched the most?", "Do guys like it wen you touch thier penis?", "Do guys like it when you touch their abs?", "Do guys like their dicks to be touched?", "Why does guys like there penis touched?", "Do guys like when you touch the nape of their neck?" ]
[ "What qulifications do you need to be a vetinarian?", "What does wormadan involve into in pearl?", "What involves in veterinarian?", "What does being a veterenarian involve?", "What degree do you need to become a vetinarian?", "Who is a a american vetinarian?", "Infomation about a vetinarian?", "How much schooling for vetinarian?", "What degree do you have to get to be a vetinarian?", "What initial classes to consider to become a vetinarian?", "You want to be a vetinarian?", "What are the postives and negatives about being a vetinarian?", "What are the negatives of being a vetinarian?", "Financial risks involved in being a veterinarian?", "What does emperimentation involve?", "What does being a vetinarian involve?", "What do veterinarian jobs involve?", "What marks do you need in secondary one to become a vetinarian?", "What are trails for being a vetinarian?", "What is does veterinarian involve?", "What do you do in the career as a vetinarian?", "What specific task will veterinarian involve?", "What are the duties of a vetinarian?", "Does a veterinarian involve working with others?", "What specific skills will being a veterinarian involve?", "Location of vetinarian?", "About how much money does a vetinarian gets per week?", "Is being a vetinarian safe?", "What work does veterinarian involve?", "What current issues do you think veterinarians are involved in?", "What do you do when your a vetinarian?", "What does a vetinarian mostly do?", "What do you need to do to become a vetinarian?", "Do you need apprenticeship to become a vetinarian?", "What are the responsibilities of being a vetinarian?", "How much money do you make if your a vetinarian?", "What is intresting about being a veterinarian?", "What are some vetinarian requirements?", "What are some advantages of being a vetinarian?" ]
[ "What kind of food does a dingo eat?", "What kind of food does zebras eat?", "What types of food do zebras eat?", "What is the healthy food the zebras eat?", "What kind of food do zebras?", "What kind of food does zebra eats?", "What kind of food do you buy for a pet zebra?", "What kind of food zebras eat'?", "What kinds of food do zebras eat?", "What does a zebra eat and how does it ge its food?", "How is the zebra adaped for eating food?", "What kind of consumer is zebra?", "What kinds of food do micronesian people eat?", "What does a zebra eat and how does it get its food?", "Do zebra's eat any kind of animal?", "What kind of food dos a zebra eat?", "What kinds of foods does a zebra eat?", "What kind of leaves do zebras eat?", "What tipe of food do zebras eat?", "What kind of food do a zebra eats?", "What food does the zebra eats?", "What tyes of food do zebras eat?", "What eat food of zebras?", "What specific food does a zebra eat?", "What kind of meat do zebras' eat?", "What kind of food does a zebra eat?", "What do zebras eat and how do they get their food?", "What kinds of fruit do zebras eat?", "What kinda food does zebras eat?", "What kinds of plant does zebras prefer to eat?", "How do zebra support its kind?", "What foods does zebra eat?", "What kind of food do zebra eat?" ]
[ "In dinosaur king what is rexs dinosaur called?", "What kind of dinosaur is ace from dinosaur king?", "Why Rex Owen is Dinosaur King?" ]
[ "What could be an analogy for a smooth endoplasmic reticulum in anm animal cell?", "What are analogies for smooth endoplasmic retuculum?", "What would a analogy be for a smooth endplasmic reticulum?", "What is analogy of smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "Analogies for the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "What is an analogy for smoothe endoplasmic reticulum?", "What are analogies for smooth endoplasmic reticulm?", "Smooth endoplasmic reticulum make membrane lipids that are called?", "What is an analogy for smooth endoplasmin reticulum?", "What is a endoplasmic reticulum analogy to a house?", "What is a cell city analogy for smooth endopasmic reticulum?", "What is the analogy of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "What are some Analogies for smooth endoplasmic retiulim?", "What are analogies for endoplasmic reticulum smooth?", "What is smooth endople riticulum?", "What are analogies for a smooth endolasmic reticulum?", "What is an analogy for smooth endoplasmic recticulum?", "What is an analogy for smooth endoplasmic eticulum?", "What is an analogy for smooth andoplasmic reticulum?", "What is an analogy for the smooth endoplasmic reticulum for the cell?", "Cell city analogy for smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "Analogy of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "What are analogies for the smooth er in the factory?", "What is the analogy for a smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "Analogy for smooth endoplamic reticulum?", "What does the smooth endoplasmic reiculm?", "Analogy for a smooth endomplasmic reticulum?", "What is a cell analogy for smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "What are analogies for smooth endoplasmic reticlum?", "What does a smooth exdoplasmic reticulum?", "What is the analogy of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the cell?", "What is an analogy for smooth endoplasmis reticulum?", "What is an analogy of smooth reticulum?", "What is a analogy for smooth enoplasmic reticulum?", "Analogies for a smooth Endoplasmic reticulum?", "A good analogy for smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "What is the analogy of smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum?", "Smooth endoplasmic reticulum metaphor?", "Analogy of the smooth ednoplasmic reticulum in a plant cell?", "What are analogys for smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "Analogy for the smooth endoplamic reticulum?", "What are some analogies of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "What are analogies for smooth endoplasmic?", "What could the smooth endoplasmic reticulum be compared to?", "What is an analogy for Smooth endplasmic reticulum?", "Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Analogy?", "What is the analogy for smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "What are analogies for smooth edoplasmic reticulum?", "What is an analogy for a smooth endoplasmic reticulum?", "What is an analogy to smooth endoplasmic reticlum?" ]
[ "How did rob dyrdek make his money?", "How does rob dyrdek have so much money?", "How much money does Rob Dyrdek make a day from all his accesories?", "Why do people rob alot?", "How much money did rob dyrdek make last year?", "How much money does rob dyrdek make from fantasy factory?", "How did rob dedrick get all of his money?", "How much is rob dyrdek worth is us dollars?", "Haw much money does rob dyrdek make a year?", "What is Rob Dyrdek net -worth?", "How did rob drydek make his money?", "Why is Rob Dyrdek worth alot of money?", "Does rob dyrdek show off his money?", "How did rob dyrdek make all his money?", "How much money does rob dyrdek make per year?", "Rob dyrdek millionaire?", "How much money does rob dyerdek make?", "How much money does rob dyrdeck have?", "Why is rob dyrdek wortha lot of money?", "Where did rob dyrdek get his money?", "How is Rob Dyrdek worth so much?", "How is rob dyrdek worth so much money?", "Where is rob dyrdek worth?", "Why is rob dyrdek worth so much money?", "How did rob drydek get all his money?" ]
[ "Who was the inventer of a telescope?", "Who was the real inventor of the telescope?", "Who is the inventor of telescope?", "Who was the Inventer of the Telescope?", "Which scientist invented or discovered the telescope?", "Who is the inventor of the telescope?", "First scientist who invented the telescope?", "Who was the first inventor of the telescope?", "Who was the person who discovered the telescope?", "Who invented the opitcal telescope?", "Who was the first person that discovered the telescope?", "Who is the inventer of the telescope?", "Who invented the early telescopes?", "Who invented or designed the telescope?", "Who invented the telescope'?", "Who discovered the very first telescope?", "Who is famous for discovering the telescope?", "Who is known as the inventor of the telescope?", "Who is the most famous telescope inventor?", "Who discovered reflecting telescope?", "Who first discovered telescope?", "Who was the person who invented telescope?", "Who was the first man to discover the telescope?", "Who was the inventor of telescope?", "Who is the inventer of telescope?", "Who discovered the telescope?", "Who is the scientist that invented the telescope?", "Who was the first person to discovered telescope?", "Who discovered a telescope?", "Who had discovered telescope?", "Who was the first telescope discovered by?", "Who was the first person to discover a telescope?", "Who was the first man to bulid a telescope?", "Who was inventor the of the telescope?", "When was first telescope discovered?", "Who is inventer of the telescope?", "Who descovered the very first telescope?", "Who discovered the telescope in 1608?", "Who discovered telescope?", "Who invented the first telescope in 1608?", "Who envent the first teloscope?", "Who invented the original telescope?", "Who is a person that discover a telescope?", "Who is the scientist discovered the telescope?", "Which scientist made the first telescope?", "How was discovered the telescope?", "Why was the telescope discovered?", "Who was the first person to discover the telescopes?", "Who invented the first telescope in the world?", "Who is the first man who had discover the telescope?" ]
[ "What were african americans in the 1930s working conditions?", "Salaries in the 1930 for african americans?", "What was the salary for African Americans in the 1930s?", "What was education in the 1930s for african americans?", "What was the average african americans salary in the 1930s?" ]
[ "Animals are in a class called?", "What is a scientific name of aves?", "Characteristics of birds belong to class aves?", "Are Aves the same as birds?", "What are teh classes of aves?", "What characteristics animals belong in the aves?", "What animals are in class Aves?", "What type of body covering does class aves have?", "What are the classes of Aves consist of?", "Aves are vertebrates?", "What is the aves claas?", "What animals would you find in the class Aves?", "What birds are the most populous species in the entire aves class?", "What is a common name for aves?", "Animals class Aves?", "Characteristic of the animals that belong to class aves?", "What is the characteristic of aves?", "If a penguin is a aves class what is its genus?", "What is the latin meaning of Aves?", "What are the characteristics of the animals that belong to class aves?", "What aniamls are in the class aves?", "What are the characteristics of class aves animals?", "What birds are classed as aves?", "All animals in the aves class?", "What are some animals in the aves class?", "Give the characteristics of the animals that belong to class aves?", "All modern day birds belong to class aves what is their subclass?", "How does ostrich fit to the class Aves?", "Birds characteristics that belong to class aves?", "What species are in the class of Aves?", "A swan is class aves But what order?", "Class of animals?", "What animal belongs to aves class?", "What is bird is in the aves class?", "What animals belong to the zoological class aves?", "What organisms belongs in the Aves?", "Aves or birds?", "What are some animals in the class aves?", "What are four facts about aves?", "Animals of the class aves?", "What are some examples of organisms belong to class Aves?", "What is the most populous species in the entire Aves class?", "What are the four main characteristics of aves?", "Give the characteristics of the animal that belong to class aves?", "What animals besides birds are in Class Aves?", "Other animal of class aves?", "What animals belong in the aves class?", "List 5 animals from class aves?", "What class is aves?" ]
[ "What were the allies and axis powers?", "Who were the allies and axis in ww2?", "Who Were The Allies And Axis Power?", "Who Were Allies And Axis In ww2?", "What were the main axis allies in ww2?", "What countries were axis and allies in World War 2?", "What were some of the major allies and axis powers?", "What are the countrys that became part of the Axis Powers?", "Who were they allies and axis in world war 2?", "Map of allies neutrals and axis ww2?", "Who composed the allies and the axis in world war ii?", "Who are the Allies and Axis in World War 2?", "Axis and allied powers world war 2?", "Who were part of the axis powers and who were allies during world war 2?", "What countries were part of the axis powers at the beginig of world war 2?", "Who were the allies and the axis in world war 2?", "Who were the axis and allies leaders in ww2?", "What where the axis and allies of ww2?", "Who were the allies and the axis powers in war2?", "What countries were a part of the Allied and Axis powers during World War 2?", "What were the allies and axis of ww2?", "Which countries made up the allies and which countries meade up the axis powers during world war 2?", "Were hungary allies or axis in ww2?", "What are the allies and axis powers of World War 2?", "Who were the axis and allies in world war wwII?", "What countries were part of the Great Powers in World War 1?", "Who were the axis and the allies in world war 2?", "What countries were allies of the axis powers?", "Who are the Allies and the Axis for World War 2?", "Which countries made up the allies and axis powers?", "What are the allies and axis of ww2?", "Who were the allies and axis powers during wwII?", "Who were the Great Powers Allies and Axis Powers of World War 2?", "What were the Axis and allies powers?", "How did the Allies and Axis powers lead to war?", "What country were part of the axis powers during world war 2?", "Who were the axis powers allies during World War 2 and their allies?", "What were the allied nations and axis in world war 2?", "Which were the Axis and the Allies in World War 2?", "Was China allied or axis during ww2?", "What Countries primarily consistuted the axis powers and the allies?", "What countries were on allies and the axis World War 2?", "Who were the axis allies in world war 2?", "Was belgium a ally or a axis in ww2?", "Who were the allies and axis powers?", "What countries were part of the axis and allies powers?", "What was the total number of the contries in the war and which were the allies and the axis?", "What countries were part of the Allies and Axis in the Cold War?", "Who were on the allies and on the axis side in world war 2?" ]
[ "How do you find a sq mile?", "How many miles in a squrale?", "How many sq miles is honolulu?", "Hiow many achers is 1.5 sq miles?", "How many sq miles does calafornia cover?", "What is 1.6 of a mile?", "How many sq miles are there in cambridge massachusetts?", "How many miles is 3.1 sq miles?", "1 mile has 1760 of what?", "How many sq miles is Floridas roads?", "How do you figure out how to find sq miles in a radius?", "How many miles in 8 sq-miles?", "Convert 1 mile into 1 sq mile?", "What is a 100 sq miles?", "What is twelve sq miles?", "How many sq miles is in a mile?", "How many mins is in 2 miles?", "How many people live per sq mile in iceland?", "How many acers are in 5 sq miles?", "How many sq miles in a mile?", "1 over 1760 of a mile is a what?", "How many mile in 1 mile?", "What is 100 sq miles?", "How many sq miles is kurdistan?", "What is 570000 miles?", "How many feety in a mile?" ]
[ "Where did the gujarat eathquake happen?", "What is best college for bba in gujarat?", "Who is the bagetpresident of gujarat?", "What is the history of Gujarat Maharashtra Rajasthan and Goa?", "Is gujarat a plateau?", "Is Chikhodra in Gujarat?", "Where is gujarat located in India?", "Sex ratio of gujarat?", "Where is gujarat located?", "Who is the cheifJstice of Gujarat?", "Suntemple found in gujarat?", "Gujarat university fybecome at-kt?", "What is the population in Gujarat?", "What was the area of Gujarat?", "What is capital of Gujarat?", "Is gujarat in an ledc?", "Is chikhodra a gamm?", "Is Gujarat in Pakistan?", "Where in the world is gujarat?", "Sanctuary in gujarat?", "What country is gujarat in?", "Consultant gujarat vat audit reprt observe notes?", "How do the people of gujarat live?", "Restoration of mining side in gujarat?", "Where is gujarat?", "Gujarat situated in west?" ]
[ "When was the largest Ziggurat built?", "Who used a ziggurat?", "What does a ziggurat house look like?", "Did Egypt have a ziggurat?", "Where was the Sumerian Ziggurat built?", "What is ziggurat of your?", "How big is the ziggurat?", "What was built jon eack side of a ziggurat staircase?", "The great ziggurat of your?", "Where was the first ziggurat made?", "When was the first ziggurat of Ur built?", "Where is the first ziggurat?", "When was the ziggurat of your built?", "What is the deffination of ziggurat?", "What is ziggurat at Ur?", "How much does an averige ziggurat weigh?", "How they built a ziggurat?", "How are ziggurat?", "What is interesting about the Ziggurat of Ur?", "Why was the ziggurat built?", "Why do they call it a ziggurat?", "How big was the first ziggurat of Ur Nammu?", "What year was the ziggurat of Ur built?", "Who built the first ziggurats for worship?", "What built their cities at Ur and Akkad and constructed ziggurats?", "What is the contributions of Ziggurat?", "When were the ziggurat at Ur built?", "Facts about the ziggurat?", "How high is a ziggurat?", "What a ziggurat?", "Ziggurat at Ur age?", "What year were the ziggurats you Ur built?", "When was thew ziggurat built?" ]
[ "What are the five Types of organelles?", "What are some types of organelles?", "What are some types of organelles in cells?", "What type of cells have your organelle?", "What types of organelles are there?", "What types of organelles are there in a cell?", "What type of cell are most of the organelles?", "What are three different types of organelles?", "What type of organelle are lysosomes?", "What are the types of the cell?", "What are 10 types of organelles?", "What are 20 types of organelles?", "Is peroxysome a type of cell organelle?", "Diagrams of cell types?", "What are 3 types of organelle?", "What types of organelle are there?", "How do the types of organelles work in a cell?", "What are some types of organelles in a cell?", "Types of organelles in the body?", "What type of cell the organelle tissue?", "Where can you find three different types of organelles?", "2 types of organelles?", "Tell you all the different types of plant cell organelles?", "What determines the number and type of organelles in a eukayotic cell?", "5 types of cell?", "What are three types of nonmembranous organelles that form cytoskeleton of the cell?", "There are over 2500 of what type of organelle in a liver cell?", "What type of organelle allows glucose to enter cells?", "What arethe types of organelles?", "What are the major types of organelles?", "What organelles are in all types of cells?", "What are the types of cell organelles?", "What are different types of cell?", "What are the six types of organelles?" ]
[ "How do you calculate median of distributive data?", "How do you calculate the median in math?", "How do you calculate the median of data?", "Example of calculating the median of scores?", "How can a median be found?", "How do you work out medians?", "How do you calculate an median?", "How do you calculate median of particles?", "How do you calcualate the median?", "When you calculate the median what does it mean?", "What is the shortest median?", "How do you calculate a median age?", "How do you calculate the median of 3 figures?", "How do you calculate a median number?", "How do you calculate a median in mathematics?", "How Calculate the median?", "How do you calculate the median of something?", "How do you calculate the median of a number?", "How do you calculate median hour?", "How do you Calculate Group Median?", "How do you calculate the median in a distribution?", "How do you calculate median value?", "Calculate the median of frequency table?", "How do you calculated median?", "What id the median?", "How can you calculate median?", "Can the median be negative?", "How does one calculate the median in a data list?", "How do you calculate medians?", "How do you calculate median price?", "How do you calculate mean and median?", "How do you calculate a median price?", "How do you get the median if it is below?", "How do you calculate median of data?", "How do you calculate the median of a set of mumbers?", "What is median temperature?", "How do you calculate median in math?", "How do you calculate median score?", "How can you calculate the median?", "How you calculate the median temperature?", "How do you calculate median pay?", "How do you calculate median class?", "What is nthe median?", "How to calculate the median?", "How do you find the median in a calculator?", "How would you calculate the median?", "Explain how you calculate the median of numbers?", "How do you fugure out the median?", "How do you coding the median?", "How do you calculate median '?" ]
[ "The different label of the food?", "What label shows food is safe?", "What is food labelled?", "What is the best definition for food labels?", "What is a 'false label'?", "Food label lists?", "Box of food label?", "What does a food label tell us about the foot you eat?", "What are the labels on food called?", "What are the reqirements to have on a food label?", "Who is in charge of food labels?", "What has a label on food products?", "What 12 things go on a food label?", "What is a food label?", "How do you analyze food label?", "What exactly are food labels?", "What is 3 good uses of the food label?", "Way is a food label?", "Difference between sell by food labels and use by food labels?", "What is listed on a food label?", "What is allowed as a health claim on food labels?", "Where is a label on a food product?", "Are servings for 4 on food labels?", "What are the first two things listed on a food label?", "What is the purpose of this section of the food label?", "What do you use food labels for?", "What informationis on a food label?", "What is a is found on a food label?", "What is food label?", "What are suposed to be on food labels?", "What are a food label and how do you read them?", "What is the 5 food label that you should avoid?", "What informatiom is listed on food label?", "What is the label called that tells you the nutriens the food contains?", "What are the food labels for health?", "What is the importance of a food label?", "You What is a food label and what is it used for?", "What does a food label consist of?", "How do you interpret a food label?", "Label the equipment in food preparatoion?", "What is a food label used for?", "Wkat is a food label?", "What is the organization responsible for the food label is the?", "What elements are on a food label?", "Definition of food label?", "Healthclaim not allowed on food label?", "Are calories on the food label?", "Carbohydrates food label explain?", "On a food label how many calories are percentages based on?", "What are some other food label other than fat?" ]
[ "Who was a prolific flemish painter?", "Flemish baroque artist and diplomat knighted by charles the first?", "Who was the prolific flemish baroque painter?", "What was Ruben the Flemish Painter involved in?", "Who is prolific flemish baroque painter?", "What flemish painter was one of the most influential Baroque of the 17th century?" ]
[ "What were the main cash crops in Charlestown?", "What are some South Carolina cash crops?", "What is the most famous cash crop in South Carolina?", "What were South Carolina's 2 main cash crops at the beginning of colonization?", "What were the main cash crops in the south of 1861?", "Were tomotaoes a main cash crop in the south?", "Cash crop that was grown in the south?", "What was the main cash crop of south carolina and geogia?", "Did tobacco become the main crop of the south?", "Major cash crop of south asia?", "What were the two main crops of the south?", "Which cash crop dominated the economy of the South?", "What was one of the main cash crops of the southwest?", "What is south carolia cash crop?", "What was a cash crops in the south?", "The main cash crops were?", "What is china's main crop in the south?", "What were the main cash crops?", "Did the upper south have main crops?", "What was the most important cash crop of the south?", "What is the main cash crop in South caralina by 1700?", "What were the main cash crops in south carolina in the early 1600's?", "What were the main high-value cash crops that slaves were used to farm?", "What were three main crops in the south?", "What crops are harvested in the south?", "What is the main cash crop around the south around 1861?", "What are main cash crops in latin america?", "Main cash crop of the south?", "What was the main cash crop for south carolina and georgo?", "How did cottom become a main crop in the south?", "Main crop in colonial south Caralina?", "Cash crops in the south in the 1800s?", "What were the Five main food crops of yeoman farmers in the south?", "What was the leading cash crop in the south?", "5 main cash crops for Germany?", "Cash crop grown in the south?", "What was the souths biggest cash crop?", "What were the main cash crops in 1800?", "What were three main crops in early south?", "What crop repaced tobacco rice and indigo as the leading cash crop of the south?", "Three of the main crops in the south?", "How many crops were in the south?", "What were the main cash crops in the south?", "What were some of the main crops in the south?", "What was the leading cash crop of the deep south?", "What was a large cash crop in the south?", "What were the main cash crops of the southeastern part of US?", "What crop is associated with the south?", "Cottton cash crop of the South?", "Another cash crop exported from south east asia during the age of imperialism?" ]
[ "Regional populatuion of the philippines as of 2008?", "What is inter regional function?", "What is regional specialisation?", "What are the advantages of regional inter?", "What is the definition of regional weather?", "Is there are regional specialties what are they?", "Wgere are the regional hotspots for an orthodontist?", "Regional orlando map?", "The meaning of regional interpreation?", "Meaning of inter-intra ethnique in malaysia?", "What is intra-regional tariffs?", "What is the meaning of inter region?", "Other regional selections?", "French regional gov?", "What are the regional traits of the filipinos?", "What is the difference between inter and intra border migration?", "Explain the Regional Intergration?", "What is inter regional?", "The regional or feeder airports?", "Intra regional and inter regional planning?", "What is inter and intra regional planing?", "Different between intra regional and inter regional planning?", "Who were the regional indians in the souther colony?", "What is the regional season in Hawaii?", "Difference between intra regional and inter regional travel?", "Differenc detween intra reigional and inter regional?", "What are the regional divisions in nicaragua?", "What online schools have regional accreedation?", "What is meant by a regional company?", "What is a regional area?", "What is the most regional in china?", "What is intra-regional and inter-regional links?", "What is burke countys regional county?", "The list of the deped regional officer in the philippines?", "Ecuador a regional split has occurred between?", "Delawares regional information?", "What are the 8 regional cuisines in china?", "Give three examples of regional specialisation?", "What is a good regional map of maryland?", "The difference between intra-regional and inter-regional?" ]
[ "Actors name who plays red ranger?", "What is the spirit of the red ranger power rangers jungle fury?", "How old are the power rangers on power rangers jungle fury?", "Who plays the red ranger out of power rangers jungle fury?", "Who plays kasey in power rangers jungle fury?", "Who is the red ranger at power rangers wild force?" ]
[ "Name ten diffrents food with a high sugar level?", "Foods that are high in sugar content?", "What are 3 foods that are high sugar?", "What are types of foods that has high sugar in it?", "What are the foods that is high in sugar?", "What are foods with sugar inth?", "Can you have a list of foods?", "What foods are high in sugars?", "Does all foods have sugar in it?", "Which food is high in sugar?", "What foods have a high sugar content?", "What foods contain high sugar?", "What food is high in sugar?", "What food is not high in sugar?", "A list of high sugar foods?", "Whhat foods are high in sugar?", "List sugar content of most foods?", "Is there a list of foods high in sugar?", "What foods can you get sugars from?", "Are processed foods high in sugar?", "What is a list of foods that have sugar?", "List 5 substitutes for foods you eat that are high in sugar?", "What foods have high sugar levels?", "What foods are high in sugar and salt?", "List foods high in sugar fat and oil?", "Foods that are high in sugar and their percentage?", "What fast foods have high sugar levels?", "A food with high in added sugar?", "Are noodles high in sugar?", "What manufactured foods have a high sugar content?", "What is a list of foods high in sugar?", "What foods are very high in sugar?", "What foods that is high in sugar?", "What are foods that high in carbs and sugar?", "What are 3 examples 0f foods high in natarul sugar?", "What are some foods that are high in sugar?", "Which foods are high in sugar?", "What is a list of foods that are low in sugar?", "Name gigh fat ir high sugar snack foods that are unhealthy?", "Foods that have alot of sugar?", "What are foods that are high in sugar?", "Which food has high sugar?", "What foods high in salt and sugar?", "List food that are high in sugar?", "Which foods do you find sugar in?", "5 different foods high in sugar?", "What are the top 10 foods that are high in sugar?", "3 letter word food high in sugar?", "List of food products with sugar cane?" ]
[ "How tall is Padme Amidala?", "Why was Padme Amidala painted white in The Phantom Menace?", "Who plays padme amidala in starwars?", "Who plays queen amidala?", "How ols is padme in star wars number 1?", "In the first star wars who plays padme?", "Who played Padme Amadala is Star Wars?", "Who played padme star wars?", "Who has played Queen Amidala?", "Queen Amidala in Star Wars is played by which actress?", "In star wars is queen amadala padme?", "Who plays Queen Amidala's Royal Bodyguard?", "What animal was used in star was when the assasin tried tokill queen amidala?", "Who is queen amidala of star wars?", "What is the actor of queen amidala of starwars?", "What actress played Padme Amidala in Star Wars?", "Padmé Amidala in Star Wars 1-3?", "What actress played Queen Amidala in the Star Wars films?", "Is queen amidala lukes mom?", "What did padme do in star wars?", "Who played queen amidala on star wars?", "Is queen amildala and padme the same person?", "Who played padme in the star wars movies?", "In star wars what does padme look like?", "In star wars episode one is padme the queen pretending to be a maide?", "Who played queen amidala in star wars phanton menace?", "Wehere play amidala in star wars?", "Who is padme in star wars?", "Who played queen amidala in 1999?", "In wich stars wars episode does padme die?" ]
[ "How tall is Queen Elizabeth second?", "How tall is queen elizabeth the 2?", "How tall is queen Elisabeth II?", "How tall was queen elizabeth the second tall when born?", "How tall is Elizabeth Loyacano?", "Queen elizabeth II tall?", "How tall is Queen Elizabeth II?", "How tall queen elizabeth II?", "How tall is queen elizabeth 2nd?", "How tall is the prezent queen?", "How tall is Queen Elizabeth 11 of England?", "How tall is elizabeth II?", "How tall the queen?", "How tall was Queen Elizabeth second?", "How tall is queen elizabeth the second?", "How tall is Queen Elizaneth II?", "How tall was elizabeth speer?", "How tall is Elisabeth II?", "How tall was queen elizabeth the second?", "How tall in feet and inches is Queen Elizabeth 2nd?", "How tall is queen elizabeth 2?" ]
[ "What is the unit measure foe density of a solid object?", "What unit is used to measure density of a solid?", "Which unit is used for densities of solid?", "What is the standard si unit to measure the density of solid objects?", "What unit measure the density of solids?", "What unit of density can be used to measure a solid bar of silver?", "What units are used for density of solids?", "What units are used to measure the density of a solid?" ]
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[ "What is a fourteen line poem that generally expresses some sort of emothion and specific rhyme scheme called?", "What is a fourteen line two rhyme poem?", "What is a 14 line two rhyme poem?", "What kind of poem has 14 lines and each two lines rhyme?" ]
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[ "What postal code can you type out of malaysia?", "What are koalalampur postal code number?" ]
[ "How many countries are at 2008 Olympics in Bejing?", "What countries are competing today?", "How many nations are competing in the 2008 bejing olympics?", "How many countries are expected to compete at Bejing Olympics?", "How many countries are not competing at the 2008 bejing olympics?", "How many countries will be competing in bejing olympics?", "How many contries competed in the bejing olympics?", "What is happening at the Bejing Olympics?", "How many australians competing in Bejing Olympics?", "A list countiries competing in the 2008 bejing olympics?", "How many countries participated in bejing olympics?", "How many people are competing in bejing?", "What do they have to do to get into the Bejing Olympics?", "How many countries were competing inn the olympics?", "Countries that begin with M that are competing in the Olympics?", "3 Name 10 Countries competing in the Olympics this year?", "How does women and countries competing in Beiging?", "How many countries are competing in the bejing olympics?", "How many countries competed in the bejing olympics?", "How many contries participated in Bejing Olympics?", "How many countries are competing in the Bejing Olympics 2008?", "Is this the first olympics held in bejing?", "How many people are competing in the bejing olympics around the world?", "How many countries in the olympics are competing in the 100 metre sprints?", "How many countries are in the Bejing Olympics?", "Count countries at the bejing olympics?", "Contries competing in bejing olmpicss?", "How many countries are held in olmpics next year?", "How many countries are competing in this years olmpics?", "Total no of countries that have participated in bejing olympics?", "How many medals are going to be awarded in the Bejing olympics?", "How many countries competing at bejing 2008?", "How many countries are competing in chinese olympics?", "How many countries are competing at the 2008 Bejing olympics?", "How many countries competing at bejing olympics?", "How many countries in the bejing olympics?", "How many sports in bejing olympics?", "How do youok part in the bejing olympics?", "How many countries are participating in the bejing olympics?", "How many countries are competing in bejing?", "How many countries entered the bejing olympics?", "How many individuals in bejing olympics?", "How many girls are competing at the bejing olympics this year?", "How many countries are there in bejing olympics?", "How many countries competing in year 1896?", "Countrie list of bejing olympics?", "How many laos athletes are competing in the bejing olympics?", "How many countries are performing the Bejing Olympics?", "How many countries participated in the bejing olympics?" ]
[ "What were the goals of the missonaries who came to nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were the goals of the missionaires who came to Nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were the goals of the missionaries who cam to nigeria?", "Goals of missionaries who came to Nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were the goals of the missionaries who came to Nigeria ibn the late 1800's?", "What were the goals of the missionaries who to nigeria in the late 1800's?", "How did missionaries in the US act to the natives in the 1800's?", "Missionaries who came 2 Nigeria?", "What were the goals of the missinaries who came to nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were the goals of the missionaries who came 2 Nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were the goals of the missionarries who came to nigeria in the late 1880's?", "What were the goals of the missionaries who came to Nigeria in the ate 1800's?", "What were the goals of missionaries who came to Nigeria on the late 1800's?", "Goals of missionaryies in Nigeria in late 's?", "What were the goals of the missionaries who came to nigeria in the later 1800's?", "What were the goals of the missionarries who came to nigeria in the late 1800?", "What were the goals of the missionaries who came to nigeria in the late 1800?", "What were the goals of missionarys who came to nigeria in the 1800's?", "What were goals of the missionaries who came to Nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were the goals of the missionalaries who came to Nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were the missionaries goals?", "What sere de goals of the missionerswho came to nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were the goals of the missionaries who came to Nigeria in the 1800's?", "Goals missionaries nigeria?", "What was the goal of missionaries who went to Nigeria in the late 1800s?", "What were the goals of the missianarios who came to nigeria in the late 1800's?", "Goals of the missionaries who caame to nigeria?", "What did the missionaries do in Nigeria in the 1800's?", "What were the goals for the missionaries to?", "What were the goals of th misionaries who came to Nigeria in the late 1800?", "What were the goals of missionaries who came to nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were goals of missionaries who came to nigeria in late 1800's?", "What were the goals of missionaries who came to nigeria?", "What were the goals of the missionaries who came nigeria in the late 18s?", "What product brought bristish colonists to nigeria in the late 1800's?", "What were the goals of missionaries who came to nigeriain the late 1800's?", "What werre the goals of the missionaries who came to nigeria in the late 1800's?", "Goals of missionaries who came to Nigeria in the late 1800s?", "What were the goals of the misionaries who came to nigeria in the late 1800's?", "Why christians missionaries came to Nigeria?", "What were goals of the missionaries who cam to nigeria?", "How did the missionaries came to nigeria?", "4 What were the goals of the missionaries who came to Nigeria in the late 1800s?", "What were the goals of misonaries who came to nigeria in the late 1800?", "What were the goal of the missionaries who came to nigeria in the late 1800?" ]
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[ "What is the diffrent between native birds and introduced birds?", "What is the difference between native and endemic birds?" ]
[ "Bits of asteroid or comet fragments that break off are called what?", "What are broken of bits of asteroids and comets called?" ]
[ "What is the order of the kimono girls pokemon in pokemon soulsilver?", "How do you kill those kimono girls in soulsilver?", "Where do you go when you talked to all the kimono girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "Where are the kimiko girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "Where do you find all five kamona girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "Kimono girls pokemon soulsilver?", "How do you get all of the kamino girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "Pokemon soulsilver what to do after fighting kimono girls?", "How do you get to the kimono girls in pokemon soul silve?", "Where the kimono girls in soulsilver?", "In pokemon soulsilver where is the five kimono girls?", "Where kinomo girls in pokemon after saving them?", "Who are the komino girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "When beating the kimono girls soulsilver?", "What happens if you say no to the kimono girl in ilex forest pokemon soulsilver?", "Which pokemon on pokemon soulsilver can beat the kemono girls?", "Where are the Kmono girls in Soulsilver?", "Where are the kamono girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "What pokemon does the kimono girls have?", "What do you do after beating the kamono girls?", "What do you do when you be the kimmo girls on soulsilver?", "Where do the kimiko girls go after training in pokemon soulsilver?", "Where is the kimo girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "What are the kimono girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "What do you do after you beat the kimono girls in pokemon soulsivler?", "Where are all the kamono girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "How do you find komindo girl on soulsilver?", "Where do you find all of the kimono girls in soulsilver?", "What Pokemon Do The Kimono Girls Have?", "What does the kimono girls want you to do in pokemon soulsilver?", "What do you do if the kimono girls are not in the dance theater in soulsilver?", "Where do you find the kimono girls in pokemon heatgold?", "How do you get kimono girls is pokemon?", "In soulsilver how to get to the five kimon girls?", "What do you do for the kamono girls?", "Pokemon soulsilver where do you find the kimono girls?", "In pokemon soulsilver whet do you do after beating the girls?", "Pokemon soulsilver where to go after you fight the kimno girls?", "What pokemon do you use against the Kimono girls?", "Where can you find the kimono girls at pokemon soulsilver?", "What do you do after you help that girl get out of the cave in pokemon soulsilver?", "What do you do to fight the kimino girls in pokemon soulsilver?", "Where are the kimino girls in soulsilver?", "Where is the kimono girls dance studio in pokemon soulsilver?" ]
[ "Why is swiming pool got brown spots?", "How do you know what the brown spots are on the bottom above ground swimming pool floor?", "What are brown spots on the floor of an above ground pool?", "Brown spot on pool floor?", "How do you get rid of brown algae spots in your above ground pool?", "Why the ground is brown?", "What are brown spots on the floor of the above ground pool?", "What causes rusty brown spots on the bottom of an above ground pool?", "What are brown spots from in my pool?" ]
[ "Play Runescape sites?", "Are there any fixed runescape sites?", "What are some sites like runescape?", "Are there any runescape cheat sites?", "What sites can you cheat on your homework?", "What sites are like runescape?", "What is a cheat to use on runescape?", "Are there any rs cheat sites that are not rune hq or wiki answers?", "What are ways to cheat in runescape?", "Any free runescape cheat sites?", "Are there cheats for a site called runescape?", "Is cheat ingen cool for runescape?", "Are there any cheats on the site PokemonOmega?", "Where can you get an legal site for banditi cheats?", "Are there any sites like runescape?", "Runescape sites that let you buy runescape money?" ]
[ "Where is the US was a dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov born?", "Where in th eussr was dancer mikhail baryhnikov born?", "Where was the dancer mikihail born?", "Where in the US was dancer Milkhail Baryshnikov?", "Where in the US was dancer Mikhial Baryshniov born?", "Where in the US was mikhail baryshnikoz born?", "Where in the US SR was dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov born?", "Where was the dancer Mikhail Baryshnkov born?", "Where in US was dancer Mikhail Baryshnikovborn?", "Where in the USR was dancer mikhail baryshniov born?", "Where was the dancer mikhail baryshnikov born in the US?", "Were was Mikhail baryshnijov born?", "Where is the US was dancer Mikhail Baryshkuv born?", "Where was mikhail baryshiknov born?", "Where in the usssr was dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov born?", "US dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov?", "Where in the US was a dancer Mikhail Baryshnonikov born?", "Where is ussrdancer maikhail baryshnikov born?", "Wear in the US was dancer Mikhail born?", "What  city  and  country  was  dancer  Mikhail  Baryshnikov  born?", "Where in the ussr was dancep mikhail baryshnikov born?", "Where was dancer mikhail baryshnikov born in theussr?", "Where in the US dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov born?", "Where in the US was dancer Mikhail B?", "Where in the US was dancer Mikhail Baryshnnikov born?", "Were in US was Mikhail Baryshnikov dancer born?", "Wherein the USwas dancer mikhail baryshnikov born?", "Where is the US was dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov botn?", "Mikhail Baryshnikov was born were?", "Where in the US was a dancer Mikhail Baryshnikiv born?", "Where in the US was dancer Mikhail baryshnok born?", "Whwere in the US was dancer mikhail baryshnikov born?", "Where in the ussr dancer mikhail baryshikov born?", "Where was dancer mikhail baryshnikon born?", "Where was dancer Mikhail baryshnkov born?", "Where in the US wzas dancer mikhail baryshnikov born?", "Were was the US dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov born?", "Where in the US was dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov borh?", "Where in the US was dancer Mikhail Baryshniko?", "Where in the ussr was dancer mikhaii baryshnikov?", "Where in the US Mikhail Baryshnikov born?", "Where was dancer Mikhail Barshnikov born?", "Where in the Ussr was dancer Mikhail Barychnkov born?", "Where in the usse was the dancer mikhail baryshnikov born?", "Where in the US was the dancer Mikhail Baryshniko born?", "What year was US dancer Mikhail Barkshnikov born?", "Were is the US was dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov born?", "Where was dancer Mikhail Baryshincov born?", "Where was mikhail baryshnovic born?", "Where in the Mkhail Barshnikov born?" ]
[ "What bone of a man does a pig not have?", "Bone of man missing in pig?", "What bone does a human have that a pig does not?", "What bone of man missing in the pig?", "What bone in a human is missing in a pig?", "What is a bone of a man theat is missing in the pig?", "What bone is in the human body but not in a pig?", "What bones are in pig not in human?", "What similarities does a pig have and a human body?", "What bone is in the human body that is not in a pig?", "Bone of man missing in the pig?", "What bone does a human have that a pig doesnt?", "Name a bone of man missing in the pig?", "What is the human bone missing in a pig?", "What is the only bone in a man missing in a pig?", "Comparing pig bones with humans bones?", "What bone of a human is missing in a pig?", "What is a bone in a man that is pissing from a pig?", "What bone do humans have and pigs do not?", "What is a bone of man missing in the pig?", "What bone does a human have but not a pig?", "What bone if a man is missing in a pig?", "Name a bone of a man missing in the pig?", "What are the names of the bones in a pig?", "What bone does the pig have that humans dont?", "What bones do human have that pig doesnt?", "A bone of man missing in the pig?", "How many bones are in the fetal pig body?", "What bones of the pectoral girdle are present in humans but not in pig's?", "Bones in a human that are n ot in a pig?", "What bone of the human body is missing in a pigs body?", "What bone is in a pig but not in human?", "What are all the bone parts in a pig?", "Name the bone of man missing in a pig?", "What bone of a man is missing in a pig?", "What is the bone in a man missing in a pig?", "What is a bone in humans that is not found in a pig?" ]
[ "What does a mollusk eat?", "What is a mollusk?", "What dose goldfishs eat?", "What does mollusk eat?", "What nutrients do mollusks get?", "How do mollusks get nutrients?", "How do mollusks get their nutrients?", "How does a mollusk obtain nutrients?", "What do mollusk eat?", "What to mollusk eat?", "How do mollusks obtain nutrients?", "How do mollusk get nutrients?", "What dose a mollusk eat?", "How big do mollusk get?", "HOW do mollusk eat?" ]
[ "Who sided the British in the Revolutionary War?", "What was the british side of the revolooshanairy war?", "In the revolutionary war what side was the british?", "How many were in the revolutionary waron the brittish side?" ]
[ "How tall is the average lion?", "How tall and fat is a lion?", "How tall is a lion to the shoulder?", "How tall r lions?", "How tall is Lion rock?", "How tall is are lion?", "How long and tall are lions?", "How much tall is a female lion?", "Are lions tall?", "How tall is the avareage lion?", "How much can tall can lions be?", "How tall is african lion?", "How tall can a lion stand?", "Does a lion have tall hair?", "How tall is Barbary lion?", "How tall and long can lions become?", "How tall is a regular lion?", "How tall can lions stands?", "How many meters tall is a lion?", "How tall is the adverage lion?", "How tall can a lion gro up to?", "How tall does a lion get?", "How tall or long is the lion?", "How tall is a lion from the shoulder?", "How tall can lions grown?", "How tall isa lion?", "How tall in a lion?", "How tall and wide are lions?", "How tall is the lion on its legs?", "How tall is lion?", "How tall are africn lions?", "How tall is a south afican lion?", "How tall do lions get to?", "How tall is the usual lion?", "How tall is a lion at the shoulders?", "How tall is a lion and a cheetah?", "How tall do lions get up to?", "How tall is a moutin lion?", "How tall is lions?", "How tall do lions usually get?", "How tall is an averag lion?", "Ow tall can a lion grow to be?", "How tall are sfrican lions?", "How tall or long is a lion?", "How tall and fast is a lion?", "How tall are lions on four feet?", "How tall can a lion can be?", "How tall does the white lion get to be?", "How tall is a lion?", "How tall can a south afica lion get?" ]
[ "Figure ou a Social injustice and find a way to solve it?", "Social injustice of the great depression?", "McKay shows the social injustices experienced by blacks?", "Hamer and Chavez respond to social injustice?", "What are 9 things that are social injustice?", "Social injustice you would protest in japan?", "What does social injustice means?", "What is social injustice doing to your world?", "What are the two examples of the king's injustice?", "What are example of injustice?", "What some current social injustice issues?", "What is an important social injustice from the past?", "What are some present day examples of Social Injustice?", "Social injustice as a modern deadly sin?", "What are some social injustices in the US?", "What are the causes of social injustice?", "What does social injustice mean?", "How injustice caused by social movements?", "By what means do social injustice cause poverty?", "What was the social injustice during the holocaust?", "Is prejudice a social injustice?", "Examples of injustice of the PAST?", "What types of social injustice is there on earth?", "What examples of social injustice exist today?", "Examples of social injustice in india?", "Why does social injustice exist?", "If you could fix one social injustice in the world what would it be?", "What is an example of social injustice?", "Types of social injustice?", "What is an example of social injustices?", "What are some examples of modern day social injustice?", "Example of social injustice?", "Social injustice?", "What are some examples of social injustice in Nigeria?", "How is child labor social injustice?", "Types of Social injustice in pakistan?" ]
[ "What color is kool-aid?", "How many kool-aid packetrs woulodit take to turn the greatlakes into kool-aid?", "How many kool-aid packets would it take to turn the Great Lakes into kool-aidhttpwwwyoutubecomwatch?", "How many teespoons of sugar does it take to make kool aid?", "Is your mom kool?", "Kool facts about ernie?", "How many packs for kool aid to turn the great lakes?", "What happens if you dye your hair with kool aid?", "Why is kool aid so good?", "Kool aid in the old times?", "How much can a child earn by selling kool aid?", "How many kool-aid packets would it take to turn the Great Lakes into kool-aid?", "How many koolaid packets would it take to turn the great lakes to koolaid?", "How can you be kool?", "How many kool aid packets does it take to fill the great lakes?", "How many kool aids where maid so far?", "HOw many packs of Kool-Aid would you need to turn the ocean into Kool-Aid?", "Is kool aid man gay?", "Are you cool or kool?", "How many packets of kool-aid does it take to fill up the great lakes?", "Does kool-aid help a plant?", "How much are kool aid shoes?", "Who was the creator of kool aid?", "Who is Rj Kool Navalta?", "What company owns Kool-aid?", "How many teaspoons are in a kool aid packet?", "How many kool-aid packets does it take to fll up the great lakes?", "Should you go get jermaine so kool-aid?", "What is the less selling flavor of Kool-Aid?", "Famous dates about Kool-Aid?", "Is the kool aid guy a crack baby?", "Kool aid as a marker?", "Will kool-aid kill plants?", "Is jiles kool?", "How much dye is in Kool-Aid?", "Is matthew poitras kool?", "What chemicals are in kool aid?", "How are you kool?", "How much powdered sugar would you use in kool aid?", "How many kool-aids packets does it take to fill up the great lakes?", "Does kool-aid give you cancer?", "Is kool-aid better than regular soft drinks?", "How many teespoons does it take to make kool aid?", "What is another name for kool?", "Is titanium kool?", "What are some kool facts about earth?", "How many calories are in a Kool-Aid Single?", "Why are kids so kool?", "Whay is youtube so kool?", "Where was the Kool Aid drink invented?" ]
[ "Is there a game shark code for pokemon emerald shiny pokemon?", "What is the game shark code to get shiny pokemon n pokemon emerald?", "Pokemon Gold Game Shark Codes rera?", "How do you get shiny pokemon using game shark on gameboy?", "What is the shinny pokemon cheat for pokemon emerald code and mastercode for a twelve didgit game shark?", "How do you apply game shark codes for pokemon emerald?", "Game shark code for eaasy way to catch pokemon in emerald?", "Is there a shiny pokemon cheat for game shark for pokemon emerald?", "Game shark codes for making wild shiny pokemon in emerlad?", "What are some pokemon emerald game shark codes?", "Give you a cheat to get all pokemon on pokemon emerald game shark?", "What is the game shark code for shiny pokemon in pokemon emerald?", "You want a game shark code to get all Birth Island in pokemon emerald?", "What are the game shark codes for shiny pokemon?", "What category of the game shark can you activate master codes for pokemon emerald?", "What is the game shark code for stealing rental pokemon?", "Which game shark codes work on Pokemon emerald?", "What is the game shark code to change character appearance in pokemon emerald?", "Game shark code for pokemon blue?", "What is the game shark code for pokemon emerald for isntant lv 1oo?", "Pokemon emerald game shark codes for entei?", "What is the game shark code for always shiny?", "What is the Game shark code for getting shiny pokemon in?", "Game Shark Code on Pokemon Emerald infinite MasterBalls?", "Is there a game shark code thath makes your own pokemon shiny in the gba emerald?" ]
[ "How many 5 digit are there?", "How many 5 digit palindromic numers are there?", "Are there more 5 digit palindromes tan four digit palindromes?", "Is there a 5 digit palindromic date in every year?", "What are digits of palindromes?", "What is one five digit palindrome?", "Is there a 5 digit palindrome in a year?", "Palindromes Something that fails to work?", "What is a 5 digit palindrome?", "What is the greatsest five-digit palindrome?", "What is one five digit number that is palindrome?", "What are the 5 digit palindromes?", "How many 5 digit palindromic numbers are there?", "Is there a 5 digit palindromic date every year?", "How many 5 digit palindromes where digits add to 18?", "How many 5 digit palindromes?", "How many 5 digit palindromes are there?", "How many five digit palindromes exist?", "How many different five digit palindromes are there?", "How many more five digit palindromes than four digit palindromes?" ]
[ "What was the site of permanent headquarters of the new international peacemaking organizationformed after world war 2?", "Site of the permanent headquarters of the new international peacekeeping organization formed after World War2?", "Permanent headquarters of the new international peacekeeping organization formed after ww2?", "Site of the permanent headquaters of the new international peacekeeping organization formed after ww 2?", "Site of the permanent headquarters of the new international peaceseeking?", "Site of the permanent headquarters of thge new international peacekeeping organization formed after World War 2?", "Site of the permanent headquarters of the new international peacekeeping organization?", "Site of the permanent headquaters of the new international peacekeeping oraganization formed after ww2?" ]
[ "How does the suffixes ism does to the word?", "What words end with the suffix- ism?", "Words end with the suffix ism and its meaning?", "Words that end with the suffix -ism?", "What are some words ending with the suffix ism?", "Are their any words that end with ism?", "Word that ends with the suffix ion that means come?", "What words end with 'ism'?", "Words with the suffix ism'?", "What words start with the suffix ism?", "What words end with the suffix ism?", "What are some words that end with the suffix 'ism'?", "Words that end with suffixes -ism?", "Words ending in the suffix ism?", "What are the words that start with the suffix ism?", "Words with the ending -ism?", "What are words that end in the suffix ism?", "What are philosophy names that end with ism?", "6 letter words ending in ism?", "A word with a suffix ism in it?", "Medical words with suffix -ism?", "What are the words that ends in suffix ism?", "What is the subject of a word ending in 'ism'?", "What are words that have ism as a suffix?", "What is a disease with the suffix ism?", "Words that end in the suffix -ism?", "What is the type of speech of words that end in ism?", "What are some common words with the suffix ism in it?", "A word that has a suffix -ism?", "Words ending in ism suffixes?", "What words that end with the suffix ism?", "What does the suffix ism make a word?", "What suffixes end with ism?", "Suffixes that end with ism?", "What is a word that ends with ism?", "What are some words with a suffix ism?", "What are words that use the ism suffix?", "What are some words that use the suffix ism?", "What ends in ism?", "What is a word that ends in ism?", "Would you help me find some nouns that have a suffix of -ism?", "Words that contain the suffix ism?", "The suffix ism makes a word?", "What are some words taht end with the suffix ism and also men quality or state?", "What are some words that end with suffix ism?", "Words that have the suffixes -ism?", "More Words that end with ism?", "Words that end in a ism?", "What are suffix words that end with ism?", "Some suffixes that end in ism?" ]
[ "The second person in charge of the executive branch of a state government is called what?", "Is the second person in charge in the executive branch of a state goveernment is most often called what?", "The second person in charge in the executive of a state government is most often called the what?", "The secound person in change in the executive branch of a state government is most often called the?", "The seconf persom in charge in the executive branch of a state government is most often called the?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state government in Australia is most often called the?", "The second person in charge of the executive branch is called what?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state government is most often called the-------?", "What is secondperson?", "In the executive branch of a state government the second person in charge is called?", "The second preson in charge in the executive branch of state government is most often called the what?", "The second person in charge in the executitve branch of a state government is most often called the?", "Who is the second person in charge in the executive branch?", "The second person in change in the executive branch of state government is most often called the what?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of state government?", "What executive official is the most powerful person in the state?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state government is most often called the a-vice governor b-assistant governorc-lieutenant governor d-governor aide?", "The second peroson in charge in the executive branch of a state government is most often called the?", "The second person in charge in the executive?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state goverments is most often called?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of state governments is most often called the?", "The sencond person in charge in the executive branch of a state goverment is often called the?", "The second person in charge of the executive branch of a state government is most often called the what?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of the state goverment is the most often called the?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch os a state government is most often called?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of government is most offten called the?", "The second person in charge in the executive branh of a state government is most often called the what?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of government is most often called the?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state government is most often called the?", "The first person in charge in the executive branch of state government is most often called in Australia?", "The second person on charge in the exeutive branch of a state goverment is most often the?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state goverment is most oftern called?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state governmentis most often called what?", "The second person in charged in rthe executive branch of a state goverment is most often called the?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of the goverment is most often called the?", "The second person in charge int heexecutive branch of a state government is most often called the?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state goverment is?", "Second person in charge in the executive branch of a state goverment?", "The secand person in charge in the state goverment?", "What is the second person in charge in the executive of a state goverent often called?", "The second in charge in the executive branch of a state government is most called what?", "The second person incharge in the executive branch of a state government is most often called the?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state govermment most often called the?", "The second person in charge in the executive branch of a state goverent often called?", "The second person in charde in the executive branch of a state government is most often called what?", "What is the second person in charge in the executive branch of a state government is most often called?", "The second perso you charge in the executive branch of a state goverment is mst often called?", "The second person in chargein the executive branch of a state governmentis most often called the?", "In the executive branch of a state government what is the second person in charged called?", "Who in the executive branch of a state government the second person in charge is often called?" ]
[ "Where is Uxie and Azelf in pokemon diamond?", "What do you have to do so you can catch uxie mesprit and azelf?", "What is the best way to catch uxie azelf and mesprit?", "How do you catch Uxie Azelf and Mesprit on Pokemon pearl?", "Do you catch uxie azelf or mesprit first?", "Where can you find Uxie mesprite and azelf pokemon diamond?", "Pokemon dimond how to get azelf mesprit and uxie?", "Where can you catch uxie mesprite azelf in pokemon diamond?", "How can you catch uxie mesprit and azelf in pokemon diamond?", "How can you catch azelf uxie and mesprit after distorsion world in platinum?", "Do you see uxie and azelf again on diamond?", "Were do you catch uxiemersprit or azelf in pokemon diamond?", "Where do you get mesprit and uxie in pokemon daimond?", "Where to find mesprit uxie and azelf in pokemon diamond?", "How do you get azelf mesprit and uxie on pokemon diamond?", "When do you catch azelf mesprit and uxie in platinum?", "Where do you find mesprit azelf and uxie in pokemon diamond?", "Who do you catch azelf in pokemon diamond?", "Whencan you catch Mesprit Azelf and Uxie in Pokemon Diamond or?", "How do you get uxie mesprit and azelf in pokemon diamond?", "Where are uxie mesprit and azelf you cant find them in the lakes in pokemon diamond?", "What town are uxie Mesprit in pokemon diamond?", "Where could you find uxie and azelf if you beat them in pokemon diamond?", "Where do you find uxie and azelf in pokemon diamond?", "What poke ball should you use to catch uxie mesprit and azelf on pokemon dimond?", "How can you catch uxie on pokemon diamond?", "Where to get uxie and azelf in pokemon mystery dungen explorars of darknnestime?", "Were do you go to catch uxie mesprit After you free and azelf?", "You want azelf mesprit and uxie on pokemon platinum but you cant find them?", "Where do you get mespritazelf and uxie on pokemon diamond?", "How do you catch mesprit azelf and uxie after you set them free in pokemon diamond?", "Where do you find azelf and uxie on pokemon diamond?", "Where in Pokemon Diamond DSdo you catch UxieMesprit and Azelf?", "Where is azelf measpirt and uxie in pokemon diamond?", "How do get Uxie Azelf and mesperit on pokemon diamond?", "Where do you catch uxie azelf and mesprit?", "What happend after you catch azelf mesprit and uxie?", "Where is uxie mesprit and azelf in pokemon diamond?", "How do you get Azelf Uxie and Mesprit if you failed to catch them before in pokemon diamond version'?", "Where can you catch uxie mesprit and azelf in pokemon diamond?", "In pokemon diamond how do you get uxie azelf and mespirit back in their caves?", "If you catch Uxie can you catch Mesprite and Azelf on pokemon pearl?", "In pokemon diamond how catch uxie?", "Pokemon diamond where is azelf mesprit and uxie?", "How can you find uxie axelf and mesprit in pokemon platinum?", "When you catch azelf mesprit and uxie on pokemon pearl which one do you catch first?", "Where can you catch Uxie Mespirit and Azelf in pokemon diamond?", "Where can you catch uxie azelf or mesprit?", "How do you get uxie azelf and mesprit on pokemon diamond?", "When can you catch Azelf Uxie and Mesprit?" ]
[ "What Are 1943 Steel Cents Worth?", "Value of an1943 steel cent?", "What if your 1943 steel cent does not have an S or?", "What is the value of a1943 steel cent?", "What is the value of a 1943 s steel cent?", "What is the value of 1943 Wartime Steel Cent?", "Value of Steel Wheat cent - single year issue?", "What is the value of a steel 1943 US cent?", "What is the value of a 1949 wartime steel cent?", "What is the value of us wartime cents 1943 steel?", "1943 wartime steel cents coin set?", "Value of 1943 steel us one cent coins?", "What is the value of a Lincoln steel 1 cent 1943?", "What is the value of a 1943 steel one cent?", "What is the value of a 1956 1 cent?", "What is the value of a US steel cent?", "Value of a 1943s steel cent?", "1943 steel cent value today in exalent condition?", "What is the value of 1943 war time steel cents?", "How much is a 1943 steel cent penny?", "How do you tell if you have a real 1943 Steel Cent?" ]
[ "Do girls like boys with long or short hair?", "Do girls like spiky hair?", "Does girls like long hair better or short?", "Why does a girl like getting there hair pulled?", "How do you get the short and the long hair in poptropica?", "Should a girl have long hair or short hair?", "Should a teen have short hair or long hair?", "How did roman girls do their hair?", "Do plies like girls with long hair or short hair?", "Do girls like you cuz of your hair?", "Do girls like guys with short or long hair?", "What do girls perfer long hair or short?", "Does boys like girls with long hair or short hair?", "Why do you have long hair in the front and short hair in the back?", "Do girl have hair?", "Do girls like a boy's hair long or short?", "Do girls like long or short hair?", "Can a girl cut their long hair short?", "Why do most girls have long hair?", "What pecentage of girls have long hair in Wales?", "Do people like short hair?", "Do girls like shirt hair or long hair?", "Do girls like it short and thick or long and skinny?", "Do girls like rockers with long hair?", "Why do girls take to long doing there hair?", "Does taylor lautner like his hair short or long?", "Girls like long or short hair?", "Do girls like coconut hair?", "Do women like short or long hair?", "Does girls turn on long hair?", "Why do all girls have long hair?", "Will a girl like you more if have short hair?", "How do you get long hair like the white girls?", "Why do girls like their hair?", "What was the hopis hair like?", "Do girls prefer that boys have short or long hair?", "Does a fox have long hair or short hair?", "Do girls like short or long hair more?", "Do poeple like long hair?", "Do girls like short hair or long hair better?", "What kind og hair do goth girls like?", "Do girls like buzzcuts or longer hair?", "Do you like your hair or not?", "Do girls like boys with long hair more than short hair?", "Does sodapop have short or long hair?", "Do girls like long hair or short?", "Do girls like there hair long or short?", "Why do a lot of girls like long hair?", "What hair style is in for girls long or short?" ]
[ "What is the luster in gneiss?", "What is metamorfics luster?", "What is tufas luster?", "What is the luster of steel?", "What is the luster of neptunium?", "What is the luster of an agate geode?", "How do you do luster paint technique?", "Does calcite have a matalic luster?", "The luster of gypsum?", "High specific gravity metallic luster?", "What is a bright reflective luster?", "The luster of obsidian?", "Difference between glassy luster and metallic luster?", "How does a glassy luster differ from a metallic luster?", "Is there a luster for Tungsten?", "What is the luster for obsidian?", "What is the heliums luster?", "Mineral luster is broadly classified as either being opaque or metallic?", "Sumary of the poem education gives luster to motherland?", "Does tin have a luster?", "Luster of silver is?", "Glassy and metallic luster?", "How are those with metallic luster similar with those with none mettalic lusters?", "Are metallic and glassy considered cleavage?", "How do minerals with metallic luster differ from non metallic luster?", "In chemistry what is luster?", "Are nonmetals luster?", "What is the luster carbon?", "Is diamond's luster metallic?", "What is radium luster?", "What is luster for carbon?", "What is leads luster?", "What is the luster metals?", "Does metals and metaloids have luster?", "How do you put luster in a sentence?", "What is the luster foe the mica vanbiotite?", "How glassy differs from metallic?", "Is there luster on metallic?", "How does a glassy luster differs from a metallic luster?", "Luster Regarding of Rocks?", "Use these two minerals to explain how a glassy luster differs from metallic luster?", "How a glassy luster differs from a metallic luster?", "What is fluorine' luster?", "What pearls have extraordinary luster?", "Examples of dull luster?", "What are the 2 kinds of luster?", "Compare metallic and nonmetallic in terms of luster?", "How much luster dies graphite have?", "How does glassy luster differ from metallic luster?", "What is luster Name three elements that have luster?" ]
[ "Where did michelangelo bounarroti die?", "Did michelangelo ever have a way of transpotation?", "What counrty did Michelangelo Buonarroti come from?", "When did michelangelo parents die?", "Wher did michelangelo die?", "Where michelangelo died?", "What country did michelangelo die in?", "Where country did Michelangelo Buonarroti come from?", "What kind of artist was Michelangelo Buonarroti?", "Did Michelangelo Buonarroti's work signal a rebirth of Art?", "Where did machelangelo buonarroti die?", "Michelangelo buonarroti sister or brother?", "In what country did michelangelo die?", "Where michelangelo die?", "Michelangelo Buonarroti is alive or dead now?", "What part of rome did Michelangelo Buonarroti die?", "Where was the place that michelangelo died?", "Where did michelangelo died?", "How did michelangelo the scupture die?", "Did Michelangelo meet rolalty?", "Where did Michelangelo Buonarroti die?", "What media did michelangelo buonarroti use?", "What caused michelangelo buonarroti's health problem?", "Where did michelangelo di buonarroti die?", "Where was michelangelo when he died?", "On what did Michelangelo Buonarroti die?", "Where michelangelos died?", "Did Michelangelo sketch?", "Wen did michelangelo die?", "Did michelangelo have back problems?", "Where did Michelangelo Bounarrati die?", "What subject matter in Michelangelo Buonarroti?", "What city did michelangelo die in?", "Where michelangelo buonarroti die?", "When was michelangelo B born and when did he die?", "When did michelangelo die and what did he die of?", "How did machelangelo die?", "When died Michelangelo?", "Where did michelangelo did like state?", "How did Michelangelo di Loudovico Buonarroti Simoni?", "What country did michelangelo die?", "Wher was michelangelo when he died?" ]
[ "What are the simmilarities and differences of the greaser and the socs in the outsiders?", "What are the differences betwen the greesers and tha socs in the outsiders?", "In the book of the outsiders what are the differences between the socs and the greasers?", "How aer the greasers different from the socs?", "What makes the soc's and greasers hate eachother?", "How are the Socs and the Greasers alike and different in the book The Outsiders?", "What makes the socs different from the greasers?", "Socs worse attidutes than Greasers-the outsiders?", "What are the difference in the socs and greasers in the outsiders?", "Who is the roughest socs or the greasers in the outsiders?", "How are the greaser different from the socs outsiders?", "What is the differences between the soc and greasers in the outsiders?", "What seperates greasers and socs?", "How are the greasers and the socs really different?", "In the outsiders What is the difference from the greasers and socs?", "Who are the socs who are the greasers the outsiders?", "What are the differences between socs and greaser in the outsiders?", "What are some differences between the socs and the greasers?", "In the outsiders what is the difference between the socials and greasers?", "Diffrences between the greasers and the socs in the1960's?", "What is the difference between socs and greasers in the Outsiders?", "How are the socs richer than the greasers in the outsiders?", "What is the diffrence of a soc and greaser?", "What are some of the stereotypes the socs make the greasers?", "What separates the socs and greasers from the outsiders?", "How do greasers differ from socs'?", "In the outsiders in what ay are the greasers different from the socs?", "Who are the socs and greasers in the book the outsiders?", "What is the different from the Socc abd greaser for the outsider?", "What makes the soce different from the greasers?", "How are the soc and grasers different outsiders?", "Why should one choose the greasers over the socs?", "How are the greasers different from the socs in the outsiders?", "In the book outsiders what is the difference between social and greasers?", "What is the difference between the socs and greaser in the book?", "The outsiders why did the greasers like elvis and the socs like the beatles?", "What are the differences between the greasers and the socs in the outsiders?", "What are some differences about the socs and the greasers in the outsiders?", "What are some similarities between the greasers in the book the outsiders?", "What is the differences between the soc nd greasers in the outsiders?", "What is the major difference between the Greasers and the Socsaccording to Ponyboy?", "What is the difference between Socs and Greaseers in the book The Outsiders?", "Differences of the greasers to the socs?", "Greasers are different from socs because?", "How are the Socs and the Greasers different in The Outsiders?", "What is the diffrence between the socs and greasers?", "What is the differences between the Socs and the Greasers?", "What are differences between the socs and greasers in the book the outsiders?", "What is the difference in the socs and the greasers?" ]
[ "When you add artwork from your pictures to itunes the picture is white how come?", "How much does album artwork cost of itunes?", "How do you get itunes album artwork?", "What does itunes album artwork cost?", "Dose it cost anything to get a album artwork on itunes?", "How do you import album artwork into itunes?", "What does it cost to get an iTunes account?", "Does it cost money to get itunes album artwork?", "How much does it cost to get the album artwork on your ipod from itunes?", "How much does it cost to have the album artwork on your ipod using itunes?", "Does artwork on itunes cost money?", "Is iTunes album artwork free?", "Does getting artwork off itunes cost money?", "How do you you get artwork from other source for itune?", "Do you pay for album artwork on iTunes?", "Can you get The Beatles Album Artwork on iTunes?", "Does it cost to get album artwork only of iTunes?", "Does it cost money to use genius on itunes?", "Does album artwork cost anything on itunes?", "Does itunes charge for artwork?", "How much does album artwork cost at the itunes?", "How much do albums cost on itunes?", "Does it cost to get album artwork for Itunes?", "Why do some albums artwork download on my nano and others don't from itunes?", "Does album artwork cost anything?", "Why doesn't itunes have my albums artwork?", "Does it cost to get album artwork from itunes?", "Does album artwork on itunes cost anything?", "How much does each itune game cost on itunes?", "How do you get album artwork from CD to itunes?", "What kind of artwork did the sioux makebasketweaving?", "How do you get friends artwork for your itunes?", "How much does artwork on itunes cost?", "How much does artwork cost on itunes?", "Does you cost anything for the cover album artwork on itunes?", "How can you get album artwork on Itunes without signing up for it?", "How do you get album artwork in itunes?" ]
[ "Why do business planners refuse all types of credits?", "Why do business use credit?", "Why do business people sell on credit?", "Term Credit means by the business?", "What is Business Credit?", "What are credit terms for a business?", "What are the risks to a business of accepting credit?", "How can you prevent credit businesses from withold extensive lendings?", "How do you get a business line of credit?", "Business errors in the application of credit funds in the economy?", "Good credit records as a small business?" ]
[ "How do you set a picture as a background in word?", "How do you set a picture as a background in microsoft works word proffessor?", "How do you place a background image on microsoft works?", "How do you add a picture as a background on microsoft word?", "How do you set a picture as a background in microsoft works word professor?", "How do you set pictures as yur background if they are on microsoft work?" ]
[ "What was william shakespears daughters name?", "What was william few's daughters names?", "What is william clinton daughters name?", "Daughters names of william shakespeare?", "What were the names of william few jr's three daughters?", "How many daughters did king william have?", "Who are William Few's daughters?", "What were the names of william fews 3 daughters?", "What were William Few's daughters names?", "What are william few daughters names?", "What are some of William Few's achivements with dates?", "William Baffin's daughters names and ages?", "Who was william few's father?", "What were the names of william few's daughters?", "Who was william few's dad?", "William penns daughters name?", "What were William Few's daughters named?", "William few's Great Britan?", "Who were william shakespears daughters names?", "What were william fews daughter name?", "William shakespeares daughters names?", "What were the names of Williams Fews daughters?", "Who were William Few's family members and their names?", "William shakespears childerens names?", "What are tyhe names of william shakespeare family names?", "What is william smiths daughters name?", "What was William Few's child education?", "What were the names of William Few's three daughters?", "What were the names of william few's 3 daughters?", "Who were william few's 3 daughters?", "What were the names of the boks that william shakesoear rote?", "Names of Williams Few's Daughters?", "Did william shakespeare have any daughters?", "Who were william fews three daughters?", "Who is the king with three daughters names BanbaFodhla and Eire they are irish?" ]
[ "How do the same gender have sex?", "Did vikings have sex with same gender for entertainment?", "How do you have sex with same gender?", "How do people with the same gender have sex?", "Can you have a baby if you have sex with the same gender?", "Can you have sex with the same gender at 11?" ]
[ "What is anemia and what are its symptoms?", "What are the symptoms of baby pig anemia?", "What are symptoms anemia?", "What does anaemia do to your body?", "What symptoms anemia?", "What are symptoms of anemia in dogs?", "What is the symptom for anemia?", "The signs and symptoms of anaemia?", "What are the 4 symptoms of anemia?", "What does anaemia do to you?", "Signs and symptoms associated with anemia?", "The treatment for anaemia?", "What are the common symptoms of anemia?", "What are the symptoms of a anemia?", "Eating ice a symptom of anemia?", "What are anemia symptoms?", "Symptoms of anemia and what to do?", "What are the signs or symptoms associated with anemia?", "The symptoms of anaemia?", "What is anaemia when pregnant?", "What is anaemia also known as?", "What are symtoms anemia?", "What are the symptoms That connected with Anemia?", "What are some symptoms for anemia?", "What is the symptoms of the anemia?", "What is symptoms of anemia?", "What is anemia and what are the symptoms?", "What are the symtoms of anemia?", "What are some symptons of anaemia?", "What is the symtoms of anemia?", "General symptoms of anemia?", "What symptoms and complications of anemia?", "What are the five symptoms of anaemia?", "What are the symptoms for anaemia in cats?", "What is the symptom of the anemia?", "What are the symptons of the anemia?", "Whar are symptoms of anemia?", "What are the symptoms opf anemia?", "What are some symtoms of anaemia?", "What symptoms in anemia?", "What are the signs and symptoms associated with anemia?", "What can be done about anaemia?", "What are some symptoms of anemia?", "Can you list two symptoms of anaemia?", "What happens to you when you have anaemia?", "What are the symptoms of anemia for females?", "What is the symptoms of anaemi?", "Signs and symptoms anaemia?", "What symtoms of anaemia?" ]
[ "What effects does hyperventilation have on blood pH?", "When hyperventilation occurs the ph of the blood does what?", "What effect does hyperventilation have on ph blood?", "What effect does hyperventilation have on blood PH?", "What effect will ph have on hyperventilation?", "What effect does hyperventilation have blood ph?" ]
[ "Did judaism believe in more than one god?", "Does Judaism teach that there is only one god?", "Judaism teaches that there is only one god?", "Why is there just one god for judaism?", "Is there more than more than god in Judaism?", "Does Judaism believe there is more than one god?", "What is the main god in judaism?", "What god judaism?", "What is the supreme god or being of judaism?", "What is Judaism view on God?", "Judaism belifs about god?", "Judaism teaches that their is only one god?", "Judaism realashonship with god?", "Dose judaism have a god?", "Name of god judaism?", "Judaism views on god?", "Does judaism believe in 1 God?", "Do judaism people believe in only one god?", "The name of the god of judaism?", "Did Judaism believe in one god?", "Do judaism believe in more then one God?", "Judaism teaches only one god?", "Does Judism teach that there is only one god?", "Does judaism believe in more then one god?", "Do judaism teachers believe there is only one god?", "Who is the god of Judaism religion?", "What is judaism name for god?" ]
[ "What are examples if Friction?", "What examples of friction stops things?", "What are the example of increase friction?", "Can you give me a example of an friction?", "What are the 4types of friction example for each one?", "Which is an example of friction that is helpful?", "What are some examples of frictions?", "What is a example fo friction?", "What is the best example of friction?", "Swimming is an example of what friction?", "3 examples of how friction is encountered daily?", "What are the examples of frictional force?", "Cite example in each kind of friction?", "What are the examples of frictions?", "Another example of when friction takes place?", "Examples of intential friction?", "3 examples of when friction is not useful?", "What is a Positive example of Friction?", "What are examples of friction needed?", "What are the examples of friction in a hospital setting?", "Example of when friction takes place?", "Friction is a example of what?", "Ehat is one example of friction?", "Examples of which friction can occur?", "An example of friction?" ]
[ "How does the theme of place help us understand life on Eart?", "How do earth scientists help us understand your place in the universe?", "How does place help us better understand life?", "How does the place of location help us understand life on Earth?", "How does the theme of place help us understnad life on earth?", "Does theme help is understand life?", "How does the theme of place help us understood life on earth?", "How does the theme of place help us undersstand life on sEth?", "How does the theme of place help us nderstand on earth?", "How does the theme of location helps us understand life on earth?", "How does the theme of place help us understand life on Earth?", "How does place help us better undrestand life on earth?", "How does the theam of place help us understand life on earht?", "How does the theme of place help us understand life on Ear?", "How does the theme of place help us understand lif on earth?", "How does the theme of place help usn understand life on earth?", "How does the theme of movement tell us what earth is like?", "How do the theme of place help us understand life on earth?", "How does the theme of place help us understand the life on earth?", "Hoe does place help us better undrestand life on earth?", "How do place help us understand life on earth?", "How does the theme How does the theme of movement help us understand life on Earth?", "How does the theme of place help us better under stand life on earth?", "How does the theme place help understand life on earth?", "How does each of these themes help us better understand life on earth like place?", "How does location place region movement human environmental interaction help us better understand life on earth?", "How does place help us to better understand life on earth?", "How does the theme oflocation help us understand life on earth?", "How does the theme pf place help us understand life on earth?", "How does the theme of place help us understands life on earth?", "How does the theme of place help us understand the earth?", "How does the theme of place help us understand life of earth?", "How does the theme of place helpus understand life on earth?", "How does the theme of a place help us understand life on earth?", "How does the theme of place us understand life on earth?" ]
[ "What does kate spade love doing?", "When was Kate Spade born?" ]
[ "How do you figure out the significant notification for a number?", "How can you tell how many sigifcant figures are in a number when you have powers?", "How many significant figures are there in the number 10.46?", "How many significant figures does the number 889.095 have?", "How many significent figures are in 0.0400?", "How many significant figures in this number 6006?", "How many significant figures should you put in a number?", "How many significant figures do you record when the number is certain?", "How many signifiant figures are there in the number 10.76?", "How many significant figures when adding tow numbers?", "How many significant figures are in the number 103200000000?", "How many significan figures are in the number?", "How many significant figures are in the number 000000342?", "How many significant figures are there in the number 3400?", "How do you figure how many significant figures a number has?", "How can you tell how many significant figures a number has?" ]
[ "There's a reset button inside the front dash panel of the ford escape where is it?", "How do you reset the computer on a ford 2000?", "Reset computer ford escape?", "How do you reset computer for 2002 escape?", "What is the for escape the computer?", "How do you reset the engine computer in a ford escape?", "How do you reset a computer on a Ford Escape?", "2005 ford e 350 reset computer?", "How do you restartreset 2005year Ford Escape Hybrid computer?", "Reset escape computer?", "How do you reset the computer to a ford escape?", "2001 ford escape reset?", "How do you reset 2004 ford escape?", "Where is the master reset on the ford escape?", "Ford escape computer removal?", "How do you reset the computer on your 2001ford escape?", "Reset computer ford escape battery remove radio?", "Ho to reset cruise control2003 ford escape?", "2003 ford escape reset computer?", "How do you reset the CD player on a ford escape?", "How do you reset srs computer on 2004 foord escape?", "How do you reset the security features on 2001 ford escape?", "How do you reset the ecu on a ford escape?", "How do you reset computer on 2007 ford hybrid escape?", "How do you reset computer 2003 ford escape?", "2002 ford escape computer reset?", "How do you reset ford escape gps?", "How do you reset a 2001 ford escape?", "How do you reset your computer for a 2004 escape?", "Computer box reset for ford escape?", "How do you reset the computer on 2001 ford escape?", "Where is the reset button for 2002 ford escape?", "How do you reset the security system on a ford escape?", "Resetting engine light on 2003 ford escape?", "How do you reset the ford escape?", "How do you reset computer on 2003 ford escape?", "How do reset computer module in 2002 ford escape?", "Where is the computer on a ford escape?", "Reset computer on 2004 ford escape?", "How do you reset ford escape computer?", "How do you reset the computer on a 2003 3.0 ford engine in an escape?", "How do you reset the computer on a 2006 Ford escape?", "How do you reset a ecm ford escape?", "How do you reset the radio on ford escape 2001?", "Reset computer on ford escape?", "How do you reset the computer on a ford escape?" ]
[ "How many basketball players at a time?", "How many players on the tean on the court?", "How many players are normally on the court while playing basketball?", "How many active players are on the basketball court at a time?", "How many players can you have on the basketball court at one time?", "How many players on a teamplay on the florr at 1 time in basketball?", "How many total players are on the bassketball court at ne time?", "How many players on the court at a time in basketball?", "How many players are on the court of basketball for each time at a time?", "In basketball how many players can you have on the cort at a time?", "How many players are supposed to be on at a time in basketball?", "How many players play on one basketball court?", "How many players on the court at s time in basketball?", "How many players are on a basketball court at a?", "How many players on basketball court at one time?", "How many players play on the court at one time in basketball?", "How many players are on the court at the time in basketball?", "How many players can be on the basketball court at a time?", "Number of players on court during basketball?", "How many basketball players allowed on court at a time?", "How many playeres are on the court in basketball at a time?", "How many players are on the court at one time a regulation game?", "How many kids are on a basketball court at one time?", "How many player on a basketball court at a time?", "Amount of basketball players on court at a time?", "How many basketball players would you usaully find on a court?", "How many courts are in basketball?", "How many players are on the court at the same time in a basketball match?", "How many players are allowed on a court a time?", "How many players are on the court for the first time in basketball?", "How many basketball players are there on the court at any one time?", "How meny players can be on a basketball court at a time?", "How many players are nnormally on the court in a basketball game?", "Why only 5 basketball players on a court at one time?", "How many players in playing time in basketball?", "Number of basketball players on the court at a time?", "How many players are on the court for each time at a tme in NBA?", "How many people can be on a basketball court at a time?", "How many players on a basketball COURT team at a time?", "How many players can be on a basketball court at a time?", "How many players are normally in the court of a basketball court?", "How many basketball players are on the pitch at a time?", "How many players are on a basketball court are on at thesame time during a game?", "How many players are on a basketball court at a time?", "What happens when there are too many players on the court at a time?", "What is the total number of players on the basketball court?", "How many guys are on a basketball court at a time?", "Why could it only be 5 players on the court at one time basketball?", "How many players do you have to have on the basketball court at a time?", "How many players are on the court at any given time?" ]
[ "Can a scorpio and another scorpio be compatible?", "What is an scorpio?", "Scorpio male sargitarius female would they be lovers?", "Scorpio male and scorpio female compatibility?", "Are scorpios compatible with scorpios?", "Why are scorpio people so intense?", "Is kevin a scorpio?", "Can you see scorpio in the winter?", "Is a male scorpio compatible with a female gemini?", "If i'm a scorpio and have a crush on a scorpio are we compatible?", "Who is scopio scorpio?", "Are 2 scorpios compatible?", "What is the best mach for a scorpio?", "Can a scorpio get a long with another scorpio?", "What does scorpio stand for?", "Male scorpio and female scorpio?", "Will a long distance relationship work for a scorpio man and scorpio female?", "Are scorpio and scorpio good together?", "Do scorpio and Scorpio get along?", "What are the cons for a scorpio and a capricorn?", "Gemini and Scorpio do well?", "What does your scorpio signify?", "Is chris brown a scorpio?", "Are scorpio nice peolpe?", "Scorpio and pisces compatible?", "What are the aspects of a scorpio?", "What if you're a scorpio and are dating a scorpio?", "Is scorpio and scorpio compatible?", "Scorpio is what month?", "What is most compatiable with scorpio?", "Is scorpio compatible with scorpio?", "What is sex like for a female and male scorpio?", "What does it mean if your boyfriend is a scorpio?", "Compatibility between scorpio male female scorpio?", "Compatibility between scorpio male and female?", "Is Edward a Scorpio?", "Can scorpios have a romance?", "Is a female scorpio compatible with a male aquarius?", "Are a scorpio girl and scorpio boy compatible?", "How compatible are scorpios and cancers?", "How big is scorpio?", "What about scorpio?", "Can a male scorpio be compatible with a female scorpio?", "What are the traits of the scorpio?", "How do you attract a scorpio female?", "Does a 14 year old scorpio and 17 year old scorpio have a good relatioship?", "Are scorpio compatible with scorpio?", "Is taurus male and scorpio female compatible?", "What are the traits for Scorpio?", "How do you win a scorpio females as a taurus male?" ]
[ "How many syllables does a true haiku poem have?", "How many syllables in a haiku poem?", "How many syllables are in a Haiku poem?", "How many syllables in order in a haiku poem?", "How many syllables in a haiko?", "How many syllbales are in haiku?", "How many syllables are there altogether in a haiku poem altogether?", "How many lines are there in a haikus poem?", "How many syllables are in a hakiu poem?", "How many syllAbles is n a HAIKU?", "How many sylables do haiku poems have?", "How many syllables does a traditional hiaku have?", "How many syllables are in haiku?", "How many sylables are in a haiku poem?", "How many syllable does a haiku have?", "How many syllabeles are in a haiku poem?", "How many syllables are contained in one haiku?", "How many sylabols in a hiquo?", "How many syllables for haiku?", "How many total syllables are in a Haiku?", "How many syllables are in a haiku poern?", "How many syllables are in a haiku peom?", "How many silobols are in a haiku?", "How many syllables makeup a haiku poem?", "How many pair syllables Then lifted out a shoe from a poem by dudley randall?", "How many lines do haiku poem have?", "How many syllables all together in a haiku?", "Syllabus in a haiku?", "How many syallables does a haiku poem have?", "Haiku contains exactly how many syllables?", "How many syllable are in haiku?", "How many lines and sylables does a haiku have?", "How many syllables does a haiku poem usually have?", "What is a short 17 syllable japanese poem?", "How many syllables are in each line in a haiku poem?", "How many syllables does a original haiku poem have?", "How many syllables does a Haiku poem contain?", "How many syllabes are there in a haiku poem?", "How many syllables boes a haiku have?", "How many lines and wordsif you want to do an haiku poem?", "A Haiku has a syllable pattern of 4-7-4?", "Hw many syllables are in haiku?", "Does a Haiku poem have a syllable pattern of 4-7-4?", "How many syllables are in the 1st line of a haiku?", "How many syllables are in a haiku total?", "What is the order of syllables ina haiku?", "How many syllables in the second line of a haiku?", "How many syllables are there in each line of a haiku poem?", "How many sylabes in haiku?", "How many syllables does a haiku has?" ]
[ "How do youo suck a penis so the guy will enjoy it?", "What does it feel like to have a penis in a guys anus?", "Why do guys like when you suck the tip of there penis?", "Is it ok for a guy to suck a penis but like women?", "Why do guys like it when girls suck the tip of their penis?", "Y do guys like getting their penis's sucked?", "Do guys like you to rub their penis?", "Do guys like it when their penis is sucked?", "Do guys like their penis rubed?", "Why do you use condoms when sucking a guys penis?", "What does it taste like to suck on a penis?", "What does it feel like for a guys penis to be sucked by another guy?", "How does it feel when you suck a guys penis?", "What does it feel like for a guy to have a guy's penis in your mouth?", "Do girs like sucking penis?", "How does it feel to suck on a guy's penis?", "Does it fell like having your penis sucked?", "Do guys moan when you suck on their penis?", "Why does a guy like it when you suck his penis?", "Do guys shave their penis so you can suck on them?", "Do guys like it if you suck their penis?", "How do you feel after you have sucked a guys penis?", "Does guys like it when girls suck on there penis?", "If aman likes sucking penis does this mean he isgay?", "Dose guys like when you suck their penis?", "Does it feel good for a guy to get there penis sucked?", "Why do guys like thier penis sucked?", "Do you have twins if you suck on a guys penis for 20 min?", "Why do guys like it when their penis gets sucked?", "Why do guys like their penis to get hard?", "Why do guys like when girls suck on there penis?", "What do you do if you want to suck a guys penis and your not ready?", "Do guys like their penis's sucked?", "What is the point of sucking a guys penis?", "You like penis and im a guy is that ok?", "Do you like penis's if your a guy?", "How do you make a 21 year old strait guy let you suck his penis if you are only 13?", "What does it feel like when a guy sprains his penis?", "Do white women like sucking on penis?", "Do guys like there penis bitten?", "Do guys knees shake when you like their penis?", "Do gay guys like sucking on eachothers penis?", "Can guys suck a guys penis?", "What does it feel like to suck a guys penis?", "Whatdoes it fell like having your penis sucked?", "Does a girl like to suck a guys penis?", "Will he like when you suck his penis?", "Is it wrong for a guy to suck penis?", "Do guys love there penis sucked?", "Y do guys like when you suck their penis?" ]
[ "How are the federalists and republicans alike?", "What were the Similarities of the federalist and democratic-republicans?", "How are republicans and federalists alike?", "How are the federalists and the democratic republicans alike?", "How do you compare Federalists and Democratic-Republicans?", "How are the federalist and democratic-republicans alike?", "How were the federalist and democratic republican partirs alike?" ]
[ "How long does it take to grow a peanut?", "Can someone help you get started growing peanuts?", "Does turkey grow peanuts?", "What season do peanuts grow in?", "When can you grow peanut?", "Where do peanut's grow?", "How do peanut plant grow?", "Approximatley how many peanuts does america grow a year?", "How do you grow a peanut?", "Do pistachio's grow like a peanut?", "Can peanuts grow in florida?", "Do peanuts grow from seeds or bulbs?", "How do you grow my own peanuts?", "Where does the peanut grow?", "When are you supossed to grow peanuts?", "Does peanut grow?", "Can you grow your own peanuts?", "Why would it be very difficult to grow peanuts in Tasmania?", "Do peanuts grow undergrowned?" ]
[ "What words start with O in World War 2?", "Are there any world war 2 words that start with z?", "What is a word from world war 2 that starts with x?", "Are there any words that start with x from World War 2?", "Words that start with x that deal with World War 2?", "What are words that start with x pertaining to world war 1?", "What are words that start with o pertaining to world war 1?", "What is word related to world war 2 that starts with an x?", "Words that start with S that refer to World War 2?", "What are some words that start with the letter x and that are about world war 2?", "What is a word in world war 2 pacific that starts with an x?", "What world war 2 words start with x?", "World war II words that start with x or q?", "Are there any words that start with Q that pertain to World War 2?", "Are there any words that start with q or x that pertain to things used during World War2?", "Are there any words that start with the letter x that pertain to thins used during world war 1 or 2?", "Do you have any words that start with E pertaining from ww2?", "What are words that start with O pertaining to world war 2?", "Are there any words that start with x that pertain to things during world war 2?", "World war two terms starting with x?", "Are there any words that start with X and have to do with World War 2?", "What are words that start with q pertaining to world war 1?", "World war 2 words that start with a z?", "Words that start with a X during the World War 2?", "Words that start with '''' to do with World War 2?", "What are words that start with x pertaining to world war 2?", "What starts with x for world war 2?", "What words start with x in World War 2?", "Are there any words that start with q that happened in the world war 2?" ]
[ "How much does an mlb player make?", "Who was the first mlb player to make one million per year?", "First MLB player to make one million?", "How much does a MLB player make on a contract?", "How much does mlb player make in a year?", "What is the most a rookie in the mlb can make?", "How much money will a good mlb player make?", "How much does mlb players make?", "How much money does a mlb player make per year?", "How much does mlb player make?", "How much does a rookie basaeball player make a year?", "How much money dose an MLB player make?", "How much does a mlb player make annually?", "How much does a rookie mlb player make a yeare?", "How much does a mlb player make in a year?", "How much do mlb player make a year?", "How much on anual does an MLB player make?", "What is the salary of a MLB rookie?", "How much does a rookie MLB baseball player make?", "How much does a mlb player make per year?", "How much does a rookie make in mlb?", "How much money does a mlb rookie make a month?", "How much does a bench player for mlb make?", "How much does a MLB player make in the first year?", "What does a rookie mlb player earn?", "How much is the salary for a rooky in mlb?", "How much can a MLB player make in a year?", "How much money does a rookie mlb player gets paid?", "How much does a mlb player make a minute?", "What is the salary for a mlb rookie?", "Mlb rookie wages?", "How much does a rookie get paid in the mlb?", "How much does a player from the mlb make?", "How much does one mlb player make in a year?", "How much does a rookie bristol sox player make?", "How much dose a mlb player make?", "Rookie base salary MLB player?", "How much does a rookie player in the MLB make a year?", "How much do mlb player make?", "How much does a Rookie Whitesox Player make?", "How much does an mlb rookie make?", "How much does a rookie MLB player make?", "How much money does a rookie MLB player get?", "How much does a veteran MLB player make?", "How much deos a rookie get payed in the mlb?", "What is the mlb rookie salary?", "What the average pay for a rookie mlb player?", "Who is the highest paid rookie MLB player?", "What is the salary for a rookie mlb player?", "What does a mlb player make?" ]
[ "What water make a quarter rust?", "Can a quarter rust?", "Do quarters rust?", "Can quarters rust?", "Does Quarter rust?", "Does vinegar rust or clean a quarter?" ]
[ "What is selena gomez favorite place to hang out?", "Were was Selenas favorite place she travled to?", "What is Selena Gomez's favorite place to go in North Carolina?", "What selena gomez favorite place?", "What is the place for holidays for selena gomez?", "What is selena gomez's fave place?", "What is selena gomez' favorite place?", "Where is selena gomez's favorite place to be?", "Were is selena gomez favoride place?", "What is selena favorite place?", "What is selena gomez favorite place to visit?", "Where Is 'selena' gomez favourtie place?", "What are selena gomez favorite shoppinG places?", "What is selena Gomezs favorite place to eat?", "Where was the most favorite place selena gomez has performed?", "Where is Selena Gomez's favorite place to eat?", "Where is selena gomez's favorite place?", "Where is selena gomez's favorite place to go?" ]
[ "Can a golf ballrise higher than a ping pong ball?", "Does a golf ball bounce higher than a ping pong ball?", "What bounces higher a pingpong ball or golf ball?" ]
[ "How do you say Hope?", "How do you say wind in zulu?", "How do you say mango in zulu?", "Translate hope in zulu?", "What is yes in zulu?", "How do you say hope in pharsi?", "How do you say hell in zulu?", "How do you say freedom in ZULU?", "Who are the Zulu warriors?", "How do you say fast in zulu?", "How do you say Hope in egytian?", "Who are zulu heroes?", "What is the zulu word for hope?", "What is hope in zulu?", "How do you say father in zulu?" ]
[ "Why does black paper absorb more heat?", "Why Black paper absorbs more heat?" ]
[ "How do you unlock pdf?", "Free software to unlock pdf file?" ]
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