user: hi am going to college and art is my major,[NEWLINE]agent: that sounds lovely. i work as a waitress from time to time for extra money.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: two times a year i visit europe since i have descended from christopher columbus.[NEWLINE]agent: i love celebrating columbus day![NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: wonderful. i just love fish and chips. it is my weakness. i love to cook paella[NEWLINE]agent: i am not much into cooking. i do ride motorbike though.[NEWLINE]user: do you know what paella is? neither do i.[NEWLINE]agent: yes, it is a mixture of ingredients kind of thrown in one pan.[NEWLINE]user: well i do not know why i love to cook it. it does not sound very tasty.[NEWLINE]agent: i do like meat and rice, but i do not go for things like snails or oysters.[NEWLINE]user: yuck... snails. i would never eat a snail.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: you are funny! did you ever ride motorbike? i love it![NEWLINE]user: no, i never have. i would die if i did. i just know it.[NEWLINE]agent: well i do wear a helmet to keep from brain injury![NEWLINE]user: that is good unless your head falls off. what then?[NEWLINE]agent: well, i am hoping to keep my head!
user: hi, how are you?[NEWLINE]agent: terrible, there are scorpions everywhere. please send help.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i am a musician. one day i hope to make it big.[NEWLINE]agent: i play banjo in the band i formed with my fellow postal workers.[NEWLINE]user: my husband is a postal worker. my parents are not supportive of my dream.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: why have you not sent help?! the scorpions are stinging my legs! ree!!!!!!![NEWLINE]user: i sing, play the banjo and the guitar. am a custodian to pay the bills.[NEWLINE]agent: dad i am sorry i did not support your nascar dream! these scorpions are my punishment[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i will sing my favorite folk music. it will help to calm in your distress.[NEWLINE]agent: the pain from these scorpions is unending, everything is turning grey[NEWLINE]user: i agree, you are being punished for not supporting your loving father.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i see the light, dad. i am coming. i will be in the passenger seat dad[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i am singing happy folk song music in rejoice.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: oh god why is there fire, why is there fire? this is not nascar[NEWLINE]user: are the scorpions gone at least?[NEWLINE]agent: there are scorpions everywhere!!! seas of scorpions for miles in all directions! ree!!!
user: i just had the best workout! time to wash my clothes.[NEWLINE]agent: so did i just came back from it and eating a papaya[NEWLINE]user: i love fruit. papaya turns my favorite color when it is ripe.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: its my fave fruit. i do not have family close by[NEWLINE]user: where do you live? i move around a lot to compete in the olympics.[NEWLINE]agent: names george by the way, and am married to a super model from italy[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i am leigh! do you like gymnastics?[NEWLINE]agent: no but i became a bee farmer[NEWLINE]user: that is a really neat job. do you get stung?[NEWLINE]agent: some times but that is why i wear the bee suit t[NEWLINE]user: i would way rather workout than get stung by bees. you are brave.[NEWLINE]agent: haha most do, which i can understand[NEWLINE]user: i would like some honey though. do you sell it?[NEWLINE]agent: sure you can always purchase on my website[NEWLINE]user: or i can trade you honey for tickets to the upcoming olympics i am in.[NEWLINE]agent: we can go for a trade that sounds awesome
user: hello. how are you doing?[NEWLINE]agent: good. what is your job?[NEWLINE]user: i work on old cars. how about you?[NEWLINE]agent: i am retired and used to teach gym in school.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: do you have any hobbies in retirement?[NEWLINE]agent: i often volunteer at a local soup kitchen.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: that is kind of you. do you have any pets?[NEWLINE]agent: i do not have any pets.[NEWLINE]user: i love both my dogs very much.[NEWLINE]agent: i like cheeseburgers almost as much as you love your dogs![NEWLINE]user: that is a bold statement to make![NEWLINE]agent: i must be bold because i grew up in a poor household.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: fortune favors the bold. do you like music?[NEWLINE]agent: i like the music in the war documentaries that i enjoy watching.[NEWLINE]user: my favorite music to listen to is country.[NEWLINE]agent: do you attend concerts often?
user: hi, how are you today?[NEWLINE]agent: good. tired. i had to walk my three dogs.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i love dogs! do you know the game starcraft?[NEWLINE]agent: i do. i have not played it tho.[NEWLINE]user: i designed parts of it, i am a popular twitch streamer.[NEWLINE]agent: oh very cool. i go on twitch for my pot farm updates.[NEWLINE]user: pot farm updates? like a real pot farm?[NEWLINE]agent: no, the game pot farm.[NEWLINE]user: oh, i do not know of it. sounds fun though lol[NEWLINE]agent: it is a cool game. i play it daily.[NEWLINE]user: i am going to have to look it up.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: right on! i own a dog walking service.[NEWLINE]user: that sounds so fun and like perfect exercise.[NEWLINE]agent: it is a lot of hard work.[NEWLINE]user: since you have your own dogs it must be easy.[NEWLINE]agent: it is now. it was harder when i first started.
user: hi there how are you doing?[NEWLINE]agent: i am doing well. how are you?[NEWLINE]user: good just tired from painting my room purple with lime green[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: wow that sounds pretty. do you live with family?[NEWLINE]user: yes atleast for 2 more years till i graduate high school[NEWLINE]agent: cool! my older sister lives with me right now.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: so what are your likes and dislikes[NEWLINE]agent: i love travis scott and playing basketball![NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: is he not the one having a baby by k jenner[NEWLINE]agent: you are correct, he is![NEWLINE]user: i feel like her sister is more pretty[NEWLINE]agent: my mom, who is a dentist, hates all of them![NEWLINE]user: haha yea so does mine[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: what is your dream career? i am looking for employment at a restaurant.[NEWLINE]user: ceo of my own beauty products[NEWLINE]agent: wow! that is a very lofty dream.
user: hi how are you today[NEWLINE]agent: i am great today just bought my first house, you?[NEWLINE]user: that is exciting! i am just updating my twitter status. i am doing great[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: happy for you, just making my meals for the meal, it is tough being an omnivore.[NEWLINE]user: i will only eat organic food it took some getting use to but i love it now[NEWLINE]agent: i am trying to eat healthy because i am pregnant.[NEWLINE]user: oh wow congrats! your life most be very exciting now[NEWLINE]agent: i do my best for sure, have twins on the way in two months.[NEWLINE]user: aww are they both boys or girls?[NEWLINE]agent: both girls! i can not wait to meet them![NEWLINE]user: i bet. the highlight of my life is looking around the internet.[NEWLINE]agent: do you do anything else for fun?[NEWLINE]user: not really i do go to feminist rallies a lot[NEWLINE]agent: sounds like quite an exciting life you live.[NEWLINE]user: it can be at times but social media makes me feel better[NEWLINE]agent: i just want to live a happy life with my children.
user: hello, how are you this morning?[NEWLINE]agent: i survived cancer for 3 years!! i am cancer free!![NEWLINE]user: how cool! congratulations! you should come watch me wrestle.[NEWLINE]agent: yeah sure! i run marathons i am preparing one for this summer[NEWLINE]user: i run as well as put a lot of time on the weights.[NEWLINE]agent: that is awesome i am also a clean eater[NEWLINE]user: i am on a raw diet. have you tried it?[NEWLINE]agent: no i have never tried raw diet before[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: you may like it. do you volunteer? i do at a shelter.[NEWLINE]agent: no but i have a new job as a life coach[NEWLINE]user: that is awesome too, you should stop by the shelter.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: my parents are extremely athletic[NEWLINE]user: what do they do? are they pros?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i started my new job yesterday i really like it so far.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: what do they do? are they pros?[NEWLINE]agent: they are heath coaches
user: hello! my name is johny i am four years of age. how are you?[NEWLINE]agent: hi! pleased to meet you. i am great, just baking cookies at home. my favorite hobby![NEWLINE]user: oh my favorite hobby is to look at blocks of stone and sing about the alphabet![NEWLINE]agent: that is so unique! knitting is another deep passion of mine.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: mom said i can be anything so i will become a dog when i am older. you?[NEWLINE]agent: i hope to open a business. like the countrywide bake sale i am now at![NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: my favorite food is chocolate candy, do you bake any chocolate pastry?[NEWLINE]agent: no, i avoid chocolate in case my dog gets into my treats[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: dogs! i love dogs so much! what is your dogs name?[NEWLINE]agent: i named my dog ralph. do you have any pets?[NEWLINE]user: i have a cat named mittens![NEWLINE]agent: that is so precious. how long have you had your cat?[NEWLINE]user: i have had it for one year, my mom gave it to me as a present![NEWLINE]agent: what a great gift! i once gave my sister a goldfish.
user: hiya, i do not see many people as i live on a farm owned by my parents[NEWLINE]agent: yeah i live at a farm in colorado as well so i do not see many people.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: wow coincidence! i actually have a trade electrician you?[NEWLINE]agent: i work as a mechanical engineer, mostly on farm equipment and trucks.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: lots in common! what music do you like? county is my fave[NEWLINE]agent: i do not listen to much music, i spend my free time rock climbing.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: more active than me i drive everywhere in my big truck. do you drive?[NEWLINE]agent: yeah i drive sometimes to my parents to see my dog called trooper.[NEWLINE]user: aww, i do not have pets except the animals on the farm my parents have[NEWLINE]agent: he is a black labrador retriever, saved my life when i was a kid. what animals?[NEWLINE]user: amazing what is his name? sheep mostly[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: his name is trevor, anyway i gotta go soon, it was nice chatting with you![NEWLINE]user: unusual name, but glad he saved you so we could chat![NEWLINE]agent: see you later partner, good luck with your farm![NEWLINE]user: and you, both out in the country[NEWLINE]agent: okay, time to part ways now, see ya!
user: hello! how are you doing today?[NEWLINE]agent: i am good! i just finished a book! i read 1 every week[NEWLINE]user: ah that is great. nothing like a good book![NEWLINE]agent: yeah! and i really enjoy a good documentary[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i do not have so much time anymore, just moved in a new house.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: congrats! i just started my new pa job 3 months ago![NEWLINE]user: oh i do not have a job yet, just finished my economy major.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that is good though! i am about to have my first child! i am pregnant[NEWLINE]user: oh congrats! i am married as well and got two kids![NEWLINE]agent: nice! i just have my husband and we live in pa[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: sorry i gotta go so soon, i am on a strict raw diet and have to eat![NEWLINE]agent: interesting! good luck with that![NEWLINE]user: it was nice talking to you, good luck with your pa job![NEWLINE]agent: thank you very much you too!
user: hi. i am home on facebook since i don not work today.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: hi. i live in the country, raise horse but i want to move to the big city.[NEWLINE]user: i use to live in the country with my wife.[NEWLINE]agent: i want to move to the big city and be a lawyer.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: my wife left me. she took our children.[NEWLINE]agent: i am so sorry to hear that.[NEWLINE]user: i am so overweight and very unhappy.[NEWLINE]agent: maybe you should change your lifestyle. start exercising.[NEWLINE]user: i do not believe in god, maybe that is the problem.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: is there anything good in your life?[NEWLINE]user: i got a new job in a nursing home.[NEWLINE]agent: well, that is good. do you enjoy the work?[NEWLINE]user: i did actually. maybe this is what i need.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i hope things get better for you. maybe you should spend time with some horses.[NEWLINE]user: that sounds nice. do you have horses?[NEWLINE]agent: born and raised on a horse farm. spent my entire life with horses.
user: hey there, how are you?[NEWLINE]agent: i am doing well thank you how are you?[NEWLINE]user: i am good thank you[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: how old are you? i am in my mid thirties.[NEWLINE]user: i am a bit older, i am 46[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: are you married? i m single but i have two dogs.[NEWLINE]user: no i am single, my ex cheated on me with a lawyer![NEWLINE]agent: oh no! that is why i just stay to myself. i do not like cheaters.[NEWLINE]user: i became very insecure and now spend most of my time inside[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: you should learn to play chess. i really like it.[NEWLINE]user: my passion is music, i have my own studio[NEWLINE]agent: how nice! do you sing?[NEWLINE]user: no, i am a recording engineer[NEWLINE]agent: that sounds interesting. i like to sing.
user: hi friend how are you this night?[NEWLINE]agent: hi, i just spray painted my hair rainbow color, am i weird?[NEWLINE]user: no! lots of people do things like that.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: yeah, do you like animals? i am know to be a animal activist[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: a little. i am from canada and i just joined the army.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: let me guess, your grandfather was in ww2?[NEWLINE]user: no he was in world 1. how about you grandfather?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: he was in ww2, how old are you?[NEWLINE]user: i just turned 31 last month. and got a new car.[NEWLINE]agent: cool, i am too old for me to even say, what kind of car did you get?[NEWLINE]user: i got a volvo s 40. and i am liking it.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: cool, i spend most of my time watching birds with my cats[NEWLINE]user: nice you have cats? what color fur?[NEWLINE]agent: they are black and orange[NEWLINE]user: that is really cool i like cats.[NEWLINE]agent: cool, tell me something interesting about yourself
user: good day how are you[NEWLINE]agent: how are you doing today[NEWLINE]user: i am good listening to music, playing some video games. how about you?[NEWLINE]agent: i am doing very well[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: that is good. are you married?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: yes and have two animals[NEWLINE]user: what kind of animals? i love taking my dog for runs to stay in shape.[NEWLINE]agent: they are cats. they do not like being outside[NEWLINE]user: i had one but she tore up all my favorite band t shirts and ruffle sleeved tops.[NEWLINE]agent: that would be so bad[NEWLINE]user: yes now i have nothing but sweaters to wear with my skinny jeans and leggings.[NEWLINE]agent: well at least something fits[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: what do you do for a living?[NEWLINE]agent: the olympic training and suh[NEWLINE]user: wow is that hard? i just make youtube videos about gaming.[NEWLINE]agent: yeah it is sometimes. yours sounds more difficult
user: hello there! my name is larry and i love to cook.[NEWLINE]agent: haha nice to meet you larry. what kind of food?[NEWLINE]user: i am an american chef that also loves fishing.[NEWLINE]agent: oh that is cool. i only eat organic kinds of food[NEWLINE]user: that is great! i spend all my time out of the kitchen on the water.[NEWLINE]agent: haha awesome. i use the internet a lot. especially twitter[NEWLINE]user: i have never been on twitter. i read comics though. still life twitter.[NEWLINE]agent: oh man its awesome. i am always up to date with gossip[NEWLINE]user: maybe you can fill me in on what i am missing?[NEWLINE]agent: well i am a bit of a feminist. and us women are about to raise hell[NEWLINE]user: oh dear! what is the hot topic right now? do not say trump![NEWLINE]agent: its def trump. he is a racist anti women anti god anti dogs, he hates rabbits[NEWLINE]user: he hates air if it is not making him money. he will not last longer.[NEWLINE]agent: yea us women are gonna go on twitter and tell everyone how racist he is[NEWLINE]user: maybe i will login and follow some of the action.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: maybe you should. i need a organic chicken salad so bad
user: hiya, just wondering if you have any hobbies? i love skateboarding[NEWLINE]agent: i love listening to the who.[NEWLINE]user: cool group. i am not into music much, i do not have much time[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: do you work a lot? i work at a local supermarket here in ohio.[NEWLINE]user: no, i do not seem to have a job just skateboarding with all my friends![NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: are you able to travel? i ve never let ohio.[NEWLINE]user: i like travel and follow rob dryden around. would you like to travel[NEWLINE]agent: yes. i want to go to chicago for black olive pizza. my fave.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: my fave too! always hungry after skateboarding. what else do you like?[NEWLINE]agent: my kitty spook. do you like cats?[NEWLINE]user: not much, they run in front of my skateboard good job i wear a hat![NEWLINE]agent: what kind of hat do you wear?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: helmets, like rob dryden when skating. do you like fashion?[NEWLINE]agent: eh, not so much i guess.[NEWLINE]user: there are lots of choices. do you wear a uniform to work?[NEWLINE]agent: yes i do. khaki pants and blue polo shirts. boring, but it s a job.
user: hey sonny, want to rent a book?[NEWLINE]agent: i am still learning to read english. i am somali.[NEWLINE]user: oh.. no want wants a book... i should just retire.[NEWLINE]agent: i do like dancing. do you have any books on dance?[NEWLINE]user: i do, but they are all in spanish. i got them in spain you see.[NEWLINE]agent: why were you in spain? i was in somalia until my aunt help me escape.[NEWLINE]user: i was searching the world for books. spain has a lot of them.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: spain sounds lovely! in somalia i was being forced to marry someone i hated....[NEWLINE]user: in all my sixty years i never did see a library in somalia. how tragic.[NEWLINE]agent: do not get me wrong, not all of somalia is bad, just... restricted... for women.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: is it true the age expectancy is 13?[NEWLINE]agent: it all depends. some of us are lucky and it is why i live in the us now.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i feel like this newfangled internet will force me to retire in a few years.[NEWLINE]agent: so funny! i only found it a few years ago and it opened my world.
user: hi how is your day going?[NEWLINE]agent: hi mine is going very slow how is yours?[NEWLINE]user: i am busy volunteering at a homeless shelter.[NEWLINE]agent: having three dogs keeps me busying cleaning my house.[NEWLINE]user: cleaning house must be a great workout. i love working out several times a week[NEWLINE]agent: it is a great work out.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: cool where do you work?[NEWLINE]agent: i am a homemaker you?[NEWLINE]user: professional wrestler here. that is why i workout so much[NEWLINE]agent: i thought i would always be a door to door salesperson as my father was.[NEWLINE]user: ah cool you must love being around people too. we have that in common[NEWLINE]agent: yes i do one of the reason i am in a poly amorous relationship[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: that is awesome. what do you do in your spare time?[NEWLINE]agent: i love hiking or being in the outdoors how about you?[NEWLINE]user: i volunteer whenever i am able.[NEWLINE]agent: i love to volunteer as well.
user: hi! i have dreams of being a big musician. what are your dreams?[NEWLINE]agent: hello, i am living mine as a life coach![NEWLINE]user: nice. when i am not singing, playing piano or guitar, i am a custodian.[NEWLINE]agent: the custodian at the hospital where i did chemotherapy was very nice.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: are your parents supportive? mine are not when it comes to my dreams.[NEWLINE]agent: not unless it is sports related.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: folk is my favorite type of music. what is yours?[NEWLINE]agent: i prefer metal. i do love rap too.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: so do i. i am eating sushi for lunch, what about you?[NEWLINE]agent: fruits and some vegetables, anything that is clean.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i am a clean eater as well. do you exercise? i do and i love it.[NEWLINE]agent: i do. i am a runner, i do all of the run disney races.[NEWLINE]user: interesting. i never heard of those races. sounds like fun.[NEWLINE]agent: they are. i like to dress up in costume while running.
user: hello how are u tonight[NEWLINE]agent: man i am starving! can i tell you something embarrassing?[NEWLINE]user: sure i am a good listening male[NEWLINE]agent: ok. the backseat of my pinto was filled with donuts. i ate them all waiting in traffic[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i love donuts do u own a house[NEWLINE]agent: then i ate another 3 dozen while playing dungeons and dragons[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i own a house in miami florida and i enjoy sports[NEWLINE]agent: wait you own a house in miami? that is insane! expensive dude. hang on. i see a donut[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i have a small bulldog and my son is 11 years old[NEWLINE]agent: what the heck? this donut is as hard as a rock. dang it. a bulldog huh[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i work in it and have been for 15 years do u work[NEWLINE]agent: i just licked the sugar off and threw it out the window you work in what?[NEWLINE]user: i work in it and have been for 15 years do u work[NEWLINE]agent: what the heck do you work in? i found a soft donut! my lucky day[NEWLINE]user: i work for a computer company what is your job[NEWLINE]agent: i am in an insane band and do side hustles
user: hi, i am planning my lesson for class tomorrow.[NEWLINE]agent: awesome me too! what do you teach? i teach piano.[NEWLINE]user: i teach science. i love gardening and the outdoors. so science is the best.[NEWLINE]agent: i like the outdoors also, especially exploring new places that i have not seen before.[NEWLINE]user: yes, that is me also. i go on trips with my church group every summer.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that is good! i do not attend church but i help out at the homeless shelter.[NEWLINE]user: how nice of you. our church group does many charitable services.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that is nice! i wish i had time! what do you do for fun?[NEWLINE]user: i love to research flowers and plan my flower beds. i also have several indoor plants.[NEWLINE]agent: awesome! i practice my instruments, i play a few. i guess i took after my dad.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i have a sensitive plant. my class loves it. what is your favorite instrument?[NEWLINE]agent: whats that? violin, my dad was a professional. i guess that is why i love it.[NEWLINE]user: it is a plant that closes when you touch it. i like a good violin.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: oh! sorta like a venus fly trap? those are neat.[NEWLINE]user: yes, sorta, but it does not eat bugs. look them up online. very cool.[NEWLINE]agent: i defiantly will! its been nice talking to you tonight!
user: hey how are you today?[NEWLINE]agent: hi i am doing great how are you today[NEWLINE]user: eh, bumming i have to work today. it s a whopper day.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: where do you work? i do not work anymore i just stream on twitch[NEWLINE]user: the burger king. i work for money and to get away from my nagging parents[NEWLINE]agent: that sounds like a good job. i used to design a videogame[NEWLINE]user: i wish i could program stuff. my mind doesn t work that way[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: are you still in school? i was an engineering major[NEWLINE]user: i didn t want to go to college until i figured out what i want to do.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that is very smart to do. after i finished school i started avoiding people[NEWLINE]user: i m 19 and all my friends went away to school. i m still at home avoiding parents![NEWLINE]agent: you will figure out what you want to do soon enough.[NEWLINE]user: you sound nice. it s not like i m an alcoholic or drug addict, just do have a passion[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i am building a robot clone of myself so i do not have to go anywhere[NEWLINE]user: that s impossible! no way you can do that![NEWLINE]agent: yeah i am very talented when it comes to technology i am even famous
user: good day how are you today?[NEWLINE]agent: doing just fine. just pulled some cookies out of the oven. smells heavenly.[NEWLINE]user: sounds good, i just returned from a hike so cookies would be great right now[NEWLINE]agent: oh man. i bet my dogs would love going hiking. just not my thing though.[NEWLINE]user: small world, i have a black lab and his name is trooper, what is your dogs name?[NEWLINE]agent: i have a german shepherd named king and an english bulldog named major.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: awesome, what do you do for a living?[NEWLINE]agent: i actually a professional baker. what about you?[NEWLINE]user: that is why you made cookies! my trade is mechanical engineer and i am in colorado[NEWLINE]agent: i like being a baker. but i much prefer the county bake sale. love the competition.[NEWLINE]user: i bet you will do great, i will stick to rock climbing[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i have always wanted to visit colorado. is it as beautiful as it is on tv?[NEWLINE]user: i think so, the mountains are covered in snow, where are you located?[NEWLINE]agent: i live in central virginia. lived here all my life. it is beautiful. but normal for me.[NEWLINE]user: is there a hobby you have besides baking?[NEWLINE]agent: my wife, my dogs and my baking are the loves of my life.
user: hello! how are you doing today?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i just reached the age of majority, i can vote![NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: that is awesome! what kind of music do you like?[NEWLINE]agent: every kind. what about you?[NEWLINE]user: i like classical and gospel. i sing at church.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: my favorite gospel singer is elvis presley. he looks like my pet fish[NEWLINE]user: that is funny! my sister is an entertainer. she dances on poles.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that must hurt. how old are you?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i am 25. i live on a farm and drive a red tractor.[NEWLINE]agent: a red tractor? i love red tractors[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: yes. it is my favorite color. how old are you?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i just turned 18. we should get married and drive a red tractor[NEWLINE]user: that is sweet! i am already married, though.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: so am i. but we could go hiking and look at the sunset[NEWLINE]user: i love hiking! and sunsets. i see amazing sunsets from my tractor.[NEWLINE]agent: lol i wish your tractor was orange. then it would match my wig
user: hello. do you live in united states?[NEWLINE]agent: yes i do. where are you from?[NEWLINE]user: my nationality is from somalia[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that is very interesting. what do you do for fun?[NEWLINE]user: i play games with my husband.[NEWLINE]agent: that is great. what games do you play?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: video games usually. you live in united states all your life?[NEWLINE]agent: i have lived in the persian gulf but i am from west virginia. what about yourself?[NEWLINE]user: i came after my aunt helped me escaped somalia when i was young[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i am glad you are safe. are you happy where you are now?[NEWLINE]user: yes i am. i learned to love my husband that i had to marry.[NEWLINE]agent: i wish you could have have a choice in marriage. are you sure you are happy?[NEWLINE]user: yes. anything is better than somalia. thank you for asking[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i am glad you are living a better life. what kind of music do you listen too?
user: hi! i am eating some raw spinach salad for lunch. you?[NEWLINE]agent: sounds yummy, i am feeding horses, my lunch is later[NEWLINE]user: cool! my wife and kids love horses[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i have three horses, how many children do you have?[NEWLINE]user: two kids. they love our new house. you have kids?[NEWLINE]agent: not yet, just got married and pretty busy on the farm[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: nice. i have been studying farmers finances as part of my economics major[NEWLINE]agent: wow, complicated field that is changing everyday[NEWLINE]user: definitely. i try to keep my brain sharp by eating a raw diet[NEWLINE]agent: me too, lucky to be on the farm, do you find your health improved?[NEWLINE]user: i do. i make sure to relax too by seeing the rolling stones once a year[NEWLINE]agent: great band! i always have some rock playing while i work[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: do you work elsewhere besides the farm?[NEWLINE]agent: not during harvest, my father needs full time help, you?[NEWLINE]user: i am a full time college student right now while my wife supports us[NEWLINE]agent: that is great, building a family takes time, good luck
user: hi, how are you? sitting here with my beautiful shepherd.[NEWLINE]agent: hey! german shepherd? i am feeling pretty crappy right now.[NEWLINE]user: yes! when i am down, i pick up my coloring book. i love them![NEWLINE]agent: my wife spends so much money on those coloring books[NEWLINE]user: my husband had a hard early life, then adopted, so he lets me get whatever![NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: how long have you been married? my wife and i are separating soon.[NEWLINE]user: so sorry. 5 years. and we live in the boondocks.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i wish i lived in the boondocks but i have to stay close to my crappy job.[NEWLINE]user: yeah, well, we are farmers. sometimes it is a hard life.[NEWLINE]agent: that sounds better than what i do selling cars.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: oh, yeah, i would not like that. we have sheep, horses and german shepherds.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: do you have kids too?[NEWLINE]user: two kids. and they like to color, too![NEWLINE]agent: we have 2 kids too and they like to spend all my money[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: kids are good at that! what about pets?[NEWLINE]agent: we have a parrot who can be quite obnoxious.
user: hi there, i decided to pack up my belongings and move here from germany.[NEWLINE]agent: hello. that sounds fun, except i would move to the beach.[NEWLINE]user: the beach is nice, but i am not very good at swimming.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: do you play board games? they are mine and my kids favorites.[NEWLINE]user: i do play board games, but i enjoy more excitement like rollercoasters and skydiving.[NEWLINE]agent: skydiving is fun. i also like to go to up concerts, they are my favorite.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i like concerts and i like watching cooking shows, what do you watch?[NEWLINE]agent: mainly documentaries. i am a fan of the walking dead.[NEWLINE]user: that is a great show! i always make a batch of hummus and watch it.[NEWLINE]agent: hummus is great. i like the red pepper.[NEWLINE]user: that is my favorite. i eat alot since i am a vegan.[NEWLINE]agent: i am a vegetarian, so i eat a lot of hummus as well.[NEWLINE]user: that is great, we have that in common![NEWLINE]agent: my parents were culinary teachers, they taught me to cook.
user: hi. i am building a robot to be my body double.[NEWLINE]agent: hello. tell me something about yourself.[NEWLINE]user: i am a twitch streamer and famous at it[NEWLINE]agent: that sounds like a the easiest money every[NEWLINE]user: very easy but i am allergic to water.[NEWLINE]agent: that must be the worst[NEWLINE]user: i am a recluse. what about you?[NEWLINE]agent: so i am but i am not[NEWLINE]user: well that is good. i am very sleepy.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: do you donate to charity?[NEWLINE]user: no i do not. i pay for college.[NEWLINE]agent: college is a scam ya[NEWLINE]user: do you think so? i would not be a teacher if i did not go[NEWLINE]agent: save your money, trust me[NEWLINE]user: i already went and pay student loans now[NEWLINE]agent: what did you need the money for?
user: hello! i love to skateboard[NEWLINE]agent: hi there! one of my sons loves to skateboard![NEWLINE]user: all of my friends like skateboarding too[NEWLINE]agent: it is popular. i enjoy baseball, i coach one of my sons little league team[NEWLINE]user: i always wear a hat like little league[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: me too. hats are the best. hey, do you like to drink coffee?[NEWLINE]user: i broke my arm so i can not drink coffee[NEWLINE]agent: oh no. how did you break your arm?!?[NEWLINE]user: i fell off of my skateboard[NEWLINE]agent: bummer. can you still skateboard with a broken arm?[NEWLINE]user: yes. it is quite easy. the same[NEWLINE]agent: my son hurt his wrist once skateboarding. comes with the territory i suppose.[NEWLINE]user: i agree. very dangerous sport[NEWLINE]agent: well i am off to relax with my evening glass of wine. cheers.[NEWLINE]user: have a great night. i love you[NEWLINE]agent: you as well. love you too.
user: hi! i just bought a house! where do you live?[NEWLINE]agent: congratulations! i am still at home with my parents in texas[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: oh, so you do not have any children?[NEWLINE]agent: nope! i have not even graduated high school yet[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: oh. are you on the track team?[NEWLINE]agent: no but i do love to ride horses[NEWLINE]user: oh. i want horses, but i have a kid and am expecting twins so i am broke.[NEWLINE]agent: aw that is so wonderful! congrats! sorry you are broke though[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i work as a bank teller so i guess i could always rob the place.[NEWLINE]agent: haha i would not suggest it![NEWLINE]user: what do you suggest i do?[NEWLINE]agent: get famous? i do not know[NEWLINE]user: if i rob a bank i will be famous. then i can have double money?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: lol no! i have strong ethics. i am even a vegan[NEWLINE]user: oh. i am omnivorous. it is a dilemma.[NEWLINE]agent: i just love animals too much and factory farming is horrible
user: hello there, how are you?[NEWLINE]agent: dude, like how are you, like totally?[NEWLINE]user: well, i have been online all day, pretty much like everyday[NEWLINE]agent: i am not so good, was with my buds and cracked up the elbow, totally[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: do you work from home?[NEWLINE]agent: my hat flew off while i was skateboarding and i lost it, i do not work[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: wish i did. i hate the factory makes my hair grey. need to dye it again[NEWLINE]agent: it hurts and this cast smells like a dead monkey butt, seriously, what color hair?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: blonde, do you do roleplay games?[NEWLINE]agent: boarding and friends is my life, even though they laughed when i fell, no games[NEWLINE]user: not even dracula? i hate blood though[NEWLINE]agent: blondes have more fun, but only if they skateboard, who is dracula?[NEWLINE]user: that guy with the fangs from romania who turns into a vampire[NEWLINE]agent: wow creepy gray haired factory person, like in lost boys?
user: hi there, i am bob.[NEWLINE]agent: hi bob, i am mandi[NEWLINE]user: i like that name, i am always on facebook.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: me too now that i have been fired and got a new job.[NEWLINE]user: god is not really real[NEWLINE]agent: to each their own, but i believe he is.[NEWLINE]user: my children are gone now[NEWLINE]agent: i lost my mom at a young age[NEWLINE]user: my wife took them all[NEWLINE]agent: sorry to hear that. i barely see my dad he is in the army[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i am sorry, do you like to travel?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i do, good thing too because i am now selling insurance to companies[NEWLINE]user: maybe i could buy one and loose weight[NEWLINE]agent: sure! i am trying to lose weight too[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i am a nurse at a home[NEWLINE]agent: that is interesting it must be rewarding
user: hello there! i am around the age of 13 years old! how about you?[NEWLINE]agent: i am 22, i live in the us now, you[NEWLINE]user: same. i take the bus to school, which is annoying.[NEWLINE]agent: you could get a car when you turn 16[NEWLINE]user: where i live, i cannot drive yet.[NEWLINE]agent: well, you will be old enough soon[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: meanwhile, i usually play soccer and i play on the soccer team for my school[NEWLINE]agent: that is nice to hear, when i was your age i was married[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: are you indian by any chance?[NEWLINE]agent: no i am from somalia[NEWLINE]user: oh, okay. that is nice to know! do you have brothers and sister?[NEWLINE]agent: no only my aunt in america[NEWLINE]user: oh, well i have parents, and a brother that is a little older than me[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that is nice do you go on vacations[NEWLINE]user: not a lot, mainly because i have vacation homework.[NEWLINE]agent: education is important, make sure you get good grades
user: good morning to you how are you today[NEWLINE]agent: i am well, glad to type to you. how are you?[NEWLINE]user: i am great i am in school and i am the queen of homecoming[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that is good. i am a spiritual person, are you?[NEWLINE]user: yes i am i also make great grades[NEWLINE]agent: that is nice, i spend most days in reflection here.[NEWLINE]user: that is so good. i am true good things will come your way[NEWLINE]agent: i believe so, the buddha has taught me well.[NEWLINE]user: well say some extra prayers for me[NEWLINE]agent: i do not speak, i took a vow of silence.[NEWLINE]user: oh that would be very hard for me[NEWLINE]agent: it has been three months now. i love it.[NEWLINE]user: you are a strong person to do that[NEWLINE]agent: thank you. i am on a quest to be spiritually strong.[NEWLINE]user: it sounds like you are headed in the right direction[NEWLINE]agent: i sit in lotus position and chant for hours. are you spiritual?
user: organic food are good for health[NEWLINE]agent: i prefer italian. especially garlic bread.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: in the fastest world all human are like shortcut to do work[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that is interesting. what kind of sports do you play? i like gymnastics.[NEWLINE]user: its totally wrong its ending will be worst then ever[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: most likely. yes, what is your favorite color?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i like boxing its all time favorite game to me[NEWLINE]agent: i won a gold metal in the olympics as a gymnast.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: my favorite color is sky blue like ocean and sky[NEWLINE]agent: i really like the color yellow because it reminds me of flowers.[NEWLINE]user: wow you are great dude[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: how often do you go to the gym? i go four hours a day.[NEWLINE]user: simple four times a week[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: that is cool. do you compete in any sporting events?[NEWLINE]user: no i like play video games only[NEWLINE]agent: i do not like to play video games. going outside is awesome.
user: am i alone in this chat room?[NEWLINE]agent: i am here how are you?[NEWLINE]user: oh good, i was getting confused. i am doing good, how about you?[NEWLINE]agent: i am good i am watching mean girls i love this movie[NEWLINE]user: i love that movie as well. just watched it last weekend snuggled with my two pups.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: awe i have a pug and a cat![NEWLINE]user: since i am single at the moment, my dogs are a valued distraction.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: right? i party a lot cause i am single and bored what do you do for fun[NEWLINE]user: oh i love relaxing. bubble baths after a long day at work are just the best.[NEWLINE]agent: nice! i do a lot of charity work like food banks do you?[NEWLINE]user: yes, i sometimes volunteer and teach chess to kids at the hospital.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: any fears? i am terrified of heights[NEWLINE]user: i am only terrified of aging! my thirties horrify me![NEWLINE]agent: oh no! i try to just live life and party right now!
user: i just came back from this monster party, i am so exhausted.[NEWLINE]agent: that sounds like fun! i went out to dance over the weekend.[NEWLINE]user: oh this weekend i had to cook 100 meals for the food bank[NEWLINE]agent: what a nice gesture. i take my dog to compete in agility classes.[NEWLINE]user: oh you gave me a great idea, i have a cat and a dog which are lazy[NEWLINE]agent: do you ever dress them up? i am not fashionable.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: never tried it, but maybe i should. what is your favorite movie?[NEWLINE]agent: i like forest gump, but i prefer books. i work at a bookstore.[NEWLINE]user: mine is mean girls, it reminds me of the time i was in school with my girlfriends.[NEWLINE]agent: i studied chemistry in school, and yes girls were mean.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: chemistry was my favorite subject, did you get bullied at all?[NEWLINE]agent: no, but i did wear orange for bullying, but i hate that color.[NEWLINE]user: ah yeah orange is way too bright for me, i prefer a light blue or black.[NEWLINE]agent: me too. i am not fashionable, but i avoid orange.
user: how are you doing today[NEWLINE]agent: hi. i am good. how are you? tell me about yourself.[NEWLINE]user: i used to be in the military. i like to help animals.[NEWLINE]agent: oh wow. thanks for serving. i am what you call a trust fund baby.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: do you help charities with your money[NEWLINE]agent: i find that most charities are farce. i like to give directly[NEWLINE]user: that is a great way to look at things[NEWLINE]agent: i love to spend and give, but i love to spend wisely.[NEWLINE]user: that is the best way to be.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: so do you have any musical preferences? favorite artist, etc[NEWLINE]user: i like r and b. how about you?[NEWLINE]agent: i am into pop. moreso old school. do not laugh but i love britney spears.[NEWLINE]user: oh boy. that is some stuff.[NEWLINE]agent: i know she has this valley girl thing going on, but she can really sing
user: i crave cheeseburgers. what food do you crave?[NEWLINE]agent: fish and chips are my weakness.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i watch crime dramas and war documentaries. what are your favorite tv shows?[NEWLINE]agent: anything that is a documentary of christopher columbus, he is a relative.[NEWLINE]user: have you told many people about this relation?[NEWLINE]agent: of course. it is no secret in my family, especially among my european relatives.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i help out at the local soup kitchen. do you volunteer too?[NEWLINE]agent: i used to cook paella for a kitchen in spain.[NEWLINE]user: i never heard of paella. what is it?[NEWLINE]agent: it is a fish and seafood stew.[NEWLINE]user: i bet it is delicious. do you eat shrimp too?[NEWLINE]agent: yes, i do. i painted a shrimp portrait for art school last year.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: that is interesting. how did your class project do?[NEWLINE]agent: very well. it sold for a lot of money for charity.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i like to have close friends. how sociable are you?[NEWLINE]agent: not very, i travel a lot and go to school full time.
user: hi how are you doing today? what is something interesting about you[NEWLINE]agent: i am doing great. i have been shocked[NEWLINE]user: are you ok, what shocked you[NEWLINE]agent: i work with electricity at work[NEWLINE]user: yikes! i am still in high school.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: what do you want to do[NEWLINE]user: i think i want to be a veterinarian. i ride horses and follow a vegan diet[NEWLINE]agent: i raise cattle and work[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: where are you living right now[NEWLINE]agent: in mississippi with my folks[NEWLINE]user: do you live on a farm or ranch?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: well both i guess do you like animals[NEWLINE]user: yes horses are my favourite but i also have a dog named ben[NEWLINE]agent: what is your dog like[NEWLINE]user: he is a golden retriever who loves to run[NEWLINE]agent: bessie likes to do that too
user: hello! what are you doing up so late?[NEWLINE]agent: i am just listening to classical music[NEWLINE]user: i am hanging out with my dog.[NEWLINE]agent: what is your dog breed[NEWLINE]user: i have a black lab, do you have pets?[NEWLINE]agent: no i do not have any pets[NEWLINE]user: they really are great company, especially at night.[NEWLINE]agent: i am sure they are[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: what do you like to do for fun?[NEWLINE]agent: i like to bike and read[NEWLINE]user: so you are kind of outdoorsy, like me. i like to hike. i also like to read.[NEWLINE]agent: no i do not like the outdoor that much[NEWLINE]user: where do you bike if not outdoors?[NEWLINE]agent: i do bike outdoor
user: i think i am going to have pizza for lunch. i love pizza.[NEWLINE]agent: that is cool. i am grilling out today with i love to do.[NEWLINE]user: you could grill my pizza! i will put charlie in the car and come over.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: great idea, then we can go gambling which i always do when i have time.[NEWLINE]user: perfect. well, charlie is a dog. can he gamble too?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: heck why not? plus i need to cut the grass which i love.[NEWLINE]user: i love the smell. i can play the stereo in my honda while you mow.[NEWLINE]agent: that is funny. i am soo glad i came down south for the winter.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: where are you from? i am from where my favorite rapper is from.[NEWLINE]agent: down south where i have been retired for many years now.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: i cannot wait to retire. i will trade in my 2015 civic for a cadillac.[NEWLINE]agent: maybe it will be possible if i will the big one gambling![NEWLINE]user: you will hit the big one! then you can teach me.[NEWLINE]agent: that would be my pleasure![NEWLINE]user: perfect. then i can retire early and grill with you all day.[NEWLINE]agent: i would absolutely love that i need the company!
user: hello! how are you doing this evening?[NEWLINE]agent: i am good. i am practicing the hula.[NEWLINE]user: may i know what is hula as this is the first time i am hearing.[NEWLINE]agent: it is a dance, traditional hawaiian dance.[NEWLINE]user: wow i love to see traditional dance.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i am taking a trip there next month.[NEWLINE]user: have fun! how long are you going to stay?[NEWLINE]agent: two weeks, i am excited. i love the beach.[NEWLINE]user: i love the beach too. i love traveling.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: where are you from? not knowing the hula and all.[NEWLINE]user: i am from macedonia but i am living in usa for over 10 years. what about you?[NEWLINE]agent: i have always lived in the us. kind of boring story.[NEWLINE]user: from which city are you?[NEWLINE]agent: charleston south carolina. i have lived here my entire life.
user: hi, how are you doing?[NEWLINE]agent: just eating, something i do when i am bored. what is up with you?[NEWLINE]user: not alot, i might go to church later[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: i will probably end up going to the gym. have any animals?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: no, i am only in college. what do you do?[NEWLINE]agent: in between jobs right now so you can find me on the treadmill or rowing machine.[NEWLINE]user: oh, nice! i need to work out more.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: what classes are you taking? using the time off to hang out with my two dogs.[NEWLINE]user: oh, nice i am majoring in art[NEWLINE]agent: that is cool. i have never been that creative for something like that,[NEWLINE]user: i became interested in it when i was in europe last year.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: europe is actually where i decided to get short hair. very chic over there.[NEWLINE]user: oh, awesome. did you have long hair previously?[NEWLINE]agent: yes but it was very hard to keep up with. chopped it all off. what about you?
user: hello. how are you today?[NEWLINE]agent: hello! i am doing great thanks! just finished some studying.[NEWLINE]user: i have been at the gym. what are you studying?[NEWLINE]agent: i am studying art in college,[NEWLINE]user: are you a sculptor? or a painter?[NEWLINE]agent: i am actually a painter, but i am hoping to be an art teacher.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]user: teaching is a great profession, i think. do you have any hobbies?[NEWLINE]agent: i enjoy cooking, especially paella, and i like to travel.[NEWLINE]user: i love to eat. i eat too much when i am bored, though. where have you been?[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: mostly to europe. i go twice per year. christopher columbus is actually a distant relative.[NEWLINE]user: wow. that is pretty impressive. how did you find that out?[NEWLINE]agent: through one of those ancestry websites and stories passed down by my grandfather.[NEWLINE]user: that is so cool. i do not think i am related to anyone like that.[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: sometimes we forget famous people are the same as you and i. do you have any hobbies?[NEWLINE]user: treadmill, rowing machine... i spend a lot of time at the gym[NEWLINE]agent: well, that is a great way to stay healthy. awesome for you!
user: hi, will you talk to me. i am all alone right now[NEWLINE]agent: hi, do you like taylor swift she is my favorite, what do you listen to?[NEWLINE]user: i like her! i also like zane![NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: sure, i can talk to you. how old are you? i am 24.[NEWLINE]user: i am 8. but it is okay, because i have magic powers. i can stop time![NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: yes zane is good too, in spring i will get married just to let you know[NEWLINE]user: wow! that is great. who are you marrying? can i come!!![NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: ha ha, that is so funny, do you eat out with friends? i do.[NEWLINE]user: no, since my house is in the cloud i do not get out much[NEWLINE][BOUNDARY][NEWLINE]agent: sure, your parents will have to take you here, i am also a teacher in kindergarten[NEWLINE]user: i am too old for kindergarten though![NEWLINE]agent: that is a strange thing to say[NEWLINE]user: yes, but i am young. i say weird stuff[NEWLINE]agent: well, you do not necessary have to[NEWLINE]user: but life is way more fun if you do! now you say something weird![NEWLINE]agent: you can learn to say something nice and smart