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Says Elizabeth Warren said Having an abortion is no different than someone having their tonsils removed.
Fringe leftists are now advocating for cow fart bags to capture farts as a way to help prevent global warming.
Says we lose nearly 40000 people in this country to gun violence a number that no other country comes even close to.
Says the Democratic presidential candidates support giving illegal immigrants free health care at our expense.
A transaction tax in countries like the UK didnt affect their financial markets at all.
Says Abraham Lincoln said America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.
Trump wants to cut Medicare just to pay for tax breaks to billionaires.
Theres a survey done in Guatemala. A third of Guatemalans intend to migrate to the United States. Thats about 5.8 million people.
Gov. Scott is pushing for a statewide voucher program that would take millions from our public schools and funnel it to private schools that mostly serve privileged families.
SIX of the most prominent activists during the Ferguson riots have all been found burned to death in their cars. There are no coincidences here.
With Medicare for All study after study has shown that ... the average middleclass families will save $3000 each and every year on their health care bills.
The Department of Health and Human Services is considering a plan to adopt socialist price controls from foreign countries.
Terrorists who are currently being held at Guantanamo Bay can be transferred to a neighborhood near you as a result of House Democrats actions on the National Defense Authorization Act.
No one mentions that illegals are free to leave detention centers anytime to go back to Mexico. They arent our prisoners.
A black person is four times as likely as a white person to be incarcerated for the exact same crime.
Migrants at the U.S. border are able to pay cell phone bills after a twomonth excursion across four separate countries.
We hadnt had a car plant built in years in decades actually. And now we have many plants being built all throughout the United States.
Says Joe Biden calls for gun ban.
The Senate Democrats have not provided one tax cut.
Theres a hacking conference thats held every year in Las Vegas where I think a 14 or 15year oldgirl from Florida hacked into a replica of Floridas election system in less than 15 minutes.
Fifty percent of Republicans are in favor of Medicare for All.
Voucher schools have increased property taxes by $1 billion since 2011
Says the U.S. Department of Justice has seen in the past that police department consent decrees dont work that theres very little change that oftentimes immediately after a consent decree goes into effect crime actually goes up.
I did not oppose busing in America. What I opposed is busing ordered by the Department of Education.
Says court ruling allows abortions in North Carolina until right before the baby is delivered.
It matters that we nominate a candidate who saw the destruction wrought by a broken health care system and gave people universal health care. These things really matter. And these are the things that Ive done in New York.
As you know we apprehended over 144000 people in a single month. That is a pace which if it continues for 12 months would put us on a pace for nearly 2 million apprehensions on the border.
When President Obama was elected the market crashed Trump was up 9 President Obama was down 14.8 and President Bush was down almost 4. There is an instant reaction on Wall Street.
Says the Central Park Five admitted their guilt.
Says the only valid reason to oppose voter ID is that you plan to cheat and every Democrat in Congress opposes voter ID.
Well I got 52 of women voters. And I will tell you in my opinion I might have won women. ... Hey Hillary Clinton focused on women and I did phenomenally well.
Why should you get a break for racehorses and not get a break for child care
Says Ayn Rand said The question isnt who is going to let me its who is going to stop me.
There are parts of I80 near Joliet that school buses are not allowed to cross because of the fragile nature of a bridge.
Turns out the critics of the Texas maternal mortality rate were just lying. Its less than half of what the critics said. Its about 110 of 1.
For more than a year I have been saying that its time for Congress to act and begin impeachment proceedings.
Said Sen. Thom Tillis cosponsored a bill that not only provided amnesty but provided a clear path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.
Anybody can buy any weapon any time without much if any regulation. They buy it over the internet. They can buy machine guns.
More than 100000 people are waiting for public housing in Houston and people who are in the country illegally are taking their spaces.
Says a photo depicts a teacher and student with guns guarding a Delaware high school in 1973 after a shooting threat.
Says North Carolina banned and criminalized Islamic Sharia Law
In America today women on average are paid 80 cents on the dollar of what men are paid for the same work.
Drug prices are coming down first time in 51 years because of my administration.
Says Joe Biden deserted you. I guess he was born here but he left you folks. He left you for another state.
In Florida its illegal for mayors to even bring up gun reform for discussion.
In Virginia the woman has the right to talk to the doctor whos going to perform the abortion and Democrats wanted to strip that out.
In states that have legalized recreational marijuana you see steady decreases in youth use if you do it right.
Says he met a teacher in Dallas who was only in his third year of teaching and already making more than $90000 a year in salary.
Nowadays there is more regulation over toy guns than real ones.
Democrats dont want money to go to the Florida Panhandle for Hurricane Michael aid
Says he cast the deciding vote to override a vetoed born alive bill
60 million Americans live in a place where the water they drink is unsafe.
We have been losing to China for many years $500 billion a year.
State Sen. Emmett Hanger has voted for the three largest tax increases proposed tax increases in Virginia history.
Our road conditions cost WI families. In Milwaukee the average cost per driver is $2300.
Says he has more executive experience than the vice president.
In almost every state with an income tax wealthy people pay a higher tax rate than the middle class.
Fiftytwo counties have average taxes of above the SALT $10000 cap.
Says President Donald Trumps effort to roll back regulations means that Big Ag now gets to inspect its own pork and they decided to stop testing for E. coli.
Missouri still owes $60 million on bonds issued to build the 23yearold Edward Jones Dome the former home of the St. Louis Rams.
Says presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama each tried to get immigration bills passed but it did not work because the other party was unwilling to provide the president and his party a victory.
Drug prices in this country actually came down last year for the first time in 50 years. Thats because Donald Trumps president.
Says Chicagos reduction in teen smoking over the last eight years is the largest drop in the United States of America.
Says President Donald Trump cut funding from the Justice Department to investigate these domestic terrorist groups these white supremacist groups.
The F35 bombers scheduled to arrive in Burlington this fall have been designated with a nuclear mission.
Florida passed a law where former felons can now vote. Weve had more exfelons register as Republicans than Democrats.
Beginning in the early 1990s we built barriers in 4 sectors at our southern border. Since each was built those sectors have seen massive drops in apprehensions of people crossing the border illegallyincluding 90 percent to 95 percent decreases in the Tucson Yuma San Diego and El Paso sectors.
In the state rankings for ACT test scores West Virginia is 30th. Which states are listed in the bottom 15 states with charter schools.
When the wind stops blowing thats the end of your electric.
Says Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett did not want a juvenile facility in Milwaukee has never been to a juvenile facility and didnt want it to be done.
Every single health care plan that this White House has ever put forward since Donald Trump was elected covered preexisting conditions.
It is a carbon tax whether it is convenient to say it or not.
Says Fred Trump was arrested for participating in KKK riot in 1927.
The catalytic converter used in automobiles was invented in West Virginia.
The Trump budget cuts $845 billion almost a trillion dollar cut in Medicare.
HR 1 is going to take your hardearned tax dollars and millions more and send them to a political candidates campaign so they can put ads on TV.
During his governorship Virginia made the largest investment ever in K12 education.
Says that despite the tremendous amounts of money that have gone into it only 400 family housing units have been created in the last 12 years through Chicagos Affordable Requirements Ordinance.
Says Beto ORourkes fatherinlaw a billionaire real estate developer who bankrolled a Super PAC to buy Beto a congressional seat
Says Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper grew and smoked marijuana and said hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.
Instate tuition available for nonU.S. citizens after threeyears veterans have to wait fiveyears.
Almost every day another 911 survivor or responder dies from a 911related cancer.
Says NC absentee voters have no way to know if ballots are delivered
Ive already traveled to Washington D.C. and secured a historic commitment from the Trump administration to provide assistance to the communities that Michael battered.
Tax revenue went up actually $14 billion last year after the tax cut actually occurred. We had greater revenue.
Says taxing more services taxing retirement income and increasing the flatrate income tax would fall disproportionately on the working poor and the middle class.
Says replacing NC Supreme Court Chief Justice with most experienced justice is a longstanding nonpartisan tradition.
Half the states in the U.S. have laws that criminalize criticism.
Farmers are declaring bankruptcy in record numbers and the median income for U.S. farm households was $1548 in 2018.
We have record bankruptcies in farming country.
Were talking about a law that would allow a child to be aborted right up to the moment of birth.
Chinese workers made 90000 banners for Trumps 2020 reelection campaign and the president chose to hire Chinese workers instead of American workers
Violent crime is now going down for the first time in a long while.
The average tax refund is down about $170 compared to last year. Lets call the Presidents tax cut what it is a middleclass tax hike to line the pockets of already wealthy corporations and the 1.
Foxconn has already made a positive impact across Wisconsin with more than 1000 new jobs.
In 2017 the CEO of McDonalds got paid $21.8 million. The median pay for a McDonalds worker that year was $7000. This is a moral outrage. We need a $15 minimum wage so that no one is paid a poverty wage.
Says Ben Carson said illegal immigrants caught voting should be stripped of their citizenship.
The Dems and their committees are going nuts. The Republicans never did this to President Obama.
Seventy percent of the American public agree with Alexandria OcasioCortez on having the top marginal tax rate for the rich at 70 percent and thats a Fox News Poll saying that.
During the three times the top marginal tax rates were lowered in the 20th century revenues actually went up while the economy improved in America.