`` so your father was also a doctor ? ''
`` yes , he had a general medicine practice for forty years .
he just recently retired . ''
`` did he pressure you to follow in his footsteps ? ''
he grinned .
`` i 'm starting to feel like i 'm being interrogated . ''
she laughed .
`` i 'm sorry if you feel that way .
i 'm just trying to get to know you . ''
`` you 're certainly a very attractive interrogator , '' he said .
`` i think you 're avoiding the question by flattering me . ''
`` there 's flattery and then there 's the truth . ''
cocking her brows , she replied , `` and then there 's not answering my question . ''
he held up his hands in defeat .
`` fine , fine .
no , i did n't feel pressure to become a doctor .
my father would have never wanted me to pursue a profession where i did n't feel useful . ''
megan smiled .
`` so you 've always had a need to help people ? ''
`` pretty much .
as the oldest , i always looked out for my two younger brothers and sister .
my mother has always called me an old soul . ''
`` i can see that about you . ''
leaning forward , he rested his elbows on the table .
`` now it is my turn to be the interrogator . ''
`` okay , i do n't mind . ''
`` what about you ?
did you always see nursing in your future ? ''
`` yes and no .
originally , i wanted to be a doctor . ''
his brows shot up in surprise .
`` really ? ''
when she nodded , he asked , `` what happened ? ''
there was no way she was going to tell him the truth about her past and why she had been forced to abandon medical school .
instead , she shrugged .
`` life happened , i guess .
i decided on the next best thing , which was nursing . ''
pesh stared thoughtfully at her .
`` was it your son ? ''
`` excuse me ? ''
`` was it your son who changed your plans about medical school ? ''
she shook her head .
`` no , it was before i had mason . ''
`` does he ... are you ... ? ''
pesh shook his head .
`` forgive me .
i was being too forward . ''
`` no , go ahead .
i told you i was n't afraid to answer your questions . ''
he grimaced .
`` but it 's rude to pry , and it 's not my business . ''
`` just ask your question , '' she replied .
after a resigned sigh , he finally asked , `` were you married ? ''
`` no , i 'm not divorced .
and no , mason 's father does n't have anything to do with him . ''
anger flashed in pesh 's dark eyes .
`` even though i know nothing of him , i know that he is not a man .
a man does not abandon his children and his responsibilities . ''
`` you would be right .
he 's just a boy playing at being a man , '' she replied , glancing down at the table .
when pesh took her hand in his , she jerked her head up in surprise .
in a soft voice that vibrated with empathy , he asked , `` he hurt you very much , did n't he ? ''
as she shifted in her chair , she tried downplaying the moment by wagging her free finger at pesh .
`` now you 're really turning the heated questions on me , are n't you ? ''
he quickly released her hand .
`` i apologize . ''
she sighed .
`` no , it 's okay . ''
she raked her fingers through her hair as she tried processing if she was really going to be honest with pesh .
gazing into his eyes , she did n't detect any judgment or prying-there was only compassion .
`` yes , he hurt me .
he continues to hurt me each time i look at mason and realize what he 's being denied . ''
she jerked her chin over to where aidan cradled a sleeping noah in his arms .
as the others talked and laughed around him , aidan stared down at his son with such love in his eyes and adoration on his face that it cut a jagged hole in megan 's chest .
her chin trembled as she replied , `` i want that for my son . ''
pesh 's dark eyes pooled with empathy as he once again took her hand in his .
`` it is n't the same pain , but i do know how you feel .
i experience it every time i see a husband and wife sharing a loving moment .
it drives home what i do not have ... what i have lost . ''
megan wiped her eyes with the back of her hand .
`` emma told me about your wife .
i 'm very sorry . ''
`` thank you , '' he murmured .
nibbling her bottom lip , megan then hesitantly asked , `` what was she like ? ''
by his raised eyebrows , pesh seemed surprised by her question .
megan hoped she had n't stepped over a boundary in asking .
he leaned back in his chair and drew in an agonized breath .
`` she was my world-the sun , the moon , and the stars . ''
he met her intense gaze , checking to see if she really wanted him to continue .
after she gave a brief nod , he began to talk .
he told her how they had met and all the little attributes that jade possessed that made her special .
as megan listened to him speak with such reverence and love about his late wife , she could n't help feeling just a little bit jealous .
she 'd never had a man possess such intense feelings for her .
she could n't imagine ever being loved so completely by a man that not even death could lessen his feelings .
`` what you had with jade , what you still feel for her , it 's really beautiful , '' she murmured when he finished .
pesh jerked a hand through his thick hair .
`` it 's interesting to hear you say that .
i think most women are turned off by what they perceive is a man who ca n't let go of his dead wife . ''
megan shook her head .
`` i do n't think so .