157 values
class MultiType extends Type { private Map<String,CtClass> interfaces; private Type resolved; private Type potentialClass; private MultiType mergeSource; private boolean changed = false; public MultiType(Map<String,CtClass> interfaces) { this(interfaces, null); } public MultiType(Map<String,CtClass> interfaces, Type potentialClass) { super(null); this.interfaces = interfaces; this.potentialClass = potentialClass; } /** * Gets the class that corresponds with this type. If this information * is not yet known, java.lang.Object will be returned. */ @Override public CtClass getCtClass() { if (resolved != null) return resolved.getCtClass(); return Type.OBJECT.getCtClass(); } /** * Always returns null since this type is never used for an array. */ @Override public Type getComponent() { return null; } /** * Always returns 1, since this type is a reference. */ @Override public int getSize() { return 1; } /** * Always reutnrs false since this type is never used for an array */ @Override public boolean isArray() { return false; } /** * Returns true if the internal state has changed. */ @Override boolean popChanged() { boolean changed = this.changed; this.changed = false; return changed; } @Override public boolean isAssignableFrom(Type type) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public boolean isAssignableTo(Type type) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private void propogateState() { MultiType source = mergeSource; while (source != null) { source.interfaces = interfaces; source.potentialClass = potentialClass; source = source.mergeSource; } } private void propogateResolved() { MultiType source = mergeSource; while (source != null) { source.resolved = resolved; source = source.mergeSource; } } /** * Always returns true, since this type is always a reference. * * @return true */ @Override public boolean isReference() { return true; } private Map<String,CtClass> getAllMultiInterfaces(MultiType type) { Map<String,CtClass> map = new HashMap<String,CtClass>(); for (CtClass intf:type.interfaces.values()) { map.put(intf.getName(), intf); getAllInterfaces(intf, map); } return map; } private Map<String,CtClass> mergeMultiInterfaces(MultiType type1, MultiType type2) { Map<String,CtClass> map1 = getAllMultiInterfaces(type1); Map<String,CtClass> map2 = getAllMultiInterfaces(type2); return findCommonInterfaces(map1, map2); } private Map<String,CtClass> mergeMultiAndSingle(MultiType multi, Type single) { Map<String,CtClass> map1 = getAllMultiInterfaces(multi); Map<String,CtClass> map2 = getAllInterfaces(single.getCtClass(), null); return findCommonInterfaces(map1, map2); } private boolean inMergeSource(MultiType source) { while (source != null) { if (source == this) return true; source = source.mergeSource; } return false; } @Override public Type merge(Type type) { if (this == type) return this; if (type == UNINIT) return this; if (type == BOGUS) return BOGUS; if (type == null) return this; if (resolved != null) return resolved.merge(type); if (potentialClass != null) { Type mergePotential = potentialClass.merge(type); if (! mergePotential.equals(potentialClass) || mergePotential.popChanged()) { potentialClass = Type.OBJECT.equals(mergePotential) ? null : mergePotential; changed = true; } } Map<String,CtClass> merged; if (type instanceof MultiType) { MultiType multi = (MultiType)type; if (multi.resolved != null) { merged = mergeMultiAndSingle(this, multi.resolved); } else { merged = mergeMultiInterfaces(multi, this); if (! inMergeSource(multi)) mergeSource = multi; } } else { merged = mergeMultiAndSingle(this, type); } // Keep all previous merge paths up to date if (merged.size() > 1 || (merged.size() == 1 && potentialClass != null)) { // Check for changes if (merged.size() != interfaces.size()) changed = true; else if (changed == false) for (String key:merged.keySet()) if (!interfaces.containsKey(key)) changed = true; interfaces = merged; propogateState(); return this; } if (merged.size() == 1) resolved = Type.get(merged.values().iterator().next()); else if (potentialClass != null) resolved = potentialClass; else resolved = OBJECT; propogateResolved(); return resolved; } @Override public int hashCode() { if (resolved != null) return resolved.hashCode(); return interfaces.keySet().hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (! (o instanceof MultiType)) return false; MultiType multi = (MultiType) o; if (resolved != null) return resolved.equals(multi.resolved); else if (multi.resolved != null) return false; return interfaces.keySet().equals(multi.interfaces.keySet()); } @Override public String toString() { if (resolved != null) return resolved.toString(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("{"); for (String key:interfaces.keySet()) buffer.append(key).append(", "); if (potentialClass != null) buffer.append("*").append(potentialClass.toString()); else buffer.setLength(buffer.length() - 2); buffer.append("}"); return buffer.toString(); } }
if (resolved != null) return type.isAssignableFrom(resolved); if (Type.OBJECT.equals(type)) return true; if (potentialClass != null && !type.isAssignableFrom(potentialClass)) potentialClass = null; Map<String,CtClass> map = mergeMultiAndSingle(this, type); if (map.size() == 1 && potentialClass == null) { // Update previous merge paths to the same resolved type resolved = Type.get(map.values().iterator().next()); propogateResolved(); return true; } // Keep all previous merge paths up to date if (map.size() >= 1) { interfaces = map; propogateState(); return true; } if (potentialClass != null) { resolved = potentialClass; propogateResolved(); return true; } return false;
<methods>public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type get(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type getComponent() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass getCtClass() ,public int getDimensions() ,public int getSize() ,public int hashCode() ,public boolean isArray() ,public boolean isAssignableFrom(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type) ,public boolean isReference() ,public boolean isSpecial() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type merge(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type) ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type BOGUS,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type BOOLEAN,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type BYTE,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type CHAR,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type CLONEABLE,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type DOUBLE,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type FLOAT,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type INTEGER,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type LONG,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type OBJECT,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type RETURN_ADDRESS,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type SERIALIZABLE,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type SHORT,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type THROWABLE,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type TOP,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type UNINIT,public static final org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type VOID,private final non-sealed org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass clazz,private static final Map<org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type> prims,private final non-sealed boolean special
class Subroutine { //private Set callers = new HashSet(); private List<Integer> callers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private Set<Integer> access = new HashSet<Integer>(); private int start; public Subroutine(int start, int caller) { this.start = start; callers.add(caller); } public void addCaller(int caller) { callers.add(caller); } public int start() { return start; } public void access(int index) { access.add(index); } public boolean isAccessed(int index) { return access.contains(index); } public Collection<Integer> accessed() { return access; } public Collection<Integer> callers() { return callers; } @Override public String toString() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
return "start = " + start + " callers = " + callers.toString();
class SubroutineScanner implements Opcode { private Subroutine[] subroutines; Map<Integer,Subroutine> subTable = new HashMap<Integer,Subroutine>(); Set<Integer> done = new HashSet<Integer>(); public Subroutine[] scan(MethodInfo method) throws BadBytecode { CodeAttribute code = method.getCodeAttribute(); CodeIterator iter = code.iterator(); subroutines = new Subroutine[code.getCodeLength()]; subTable.clear(); done.clear(); scan(0, iter, null); ExceptionTable exceptions = code.getExceptionTable(); for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.size(); i++) { int handler = exceptions.handlerPc(i); // If an exception is thrown in subroutine, the handler // is part of the same subroutine. scan(handler, iter, subroutines[exceptions.startPc(i)]); } return subroutines; } private void scan(int pos, CodeIterator iter, Subroutine sub) throws BadBytecode { // Skip already processed blocks if (done.contains(pos)) return; done.add(pos); int old = iter.lookAhead(); iter.move(pos); boolean next; do { pos =; next = scanOp(pos, iter, sub) && iter.hasNext(); } while (next); iter.move(old); } private boolean scanOp(int pos, CodeIterator iter, Subroutine sub) throws BadBytecode { subroutines[pos] = sub; int opcode = iter.byteAt(pos); if (opcode == TABLESWITCH) { scanTableSwitch(pos, iter, sub); return false; } if (opcode == LOOKUPSWITCH) { scanLookupSwitch(pos, iter, sub); return false; } // All forms of return and throw end current code flow if (Util.isReturn(opcode) || opcode == RET || opcode == ATHROW) return false; if (Util.isJumpInstruction(opcode)) { int target = Util.getJumpTarget(pos, iter); if (opcode == JSR || opcode == JSR_W) { Subroutine s = subTable.get(target); if (s == null) { s = new Subroutine(target, pos); subTable.put(target, s); scan(target, iter, s); } else { s.addCaller(pos); } } else { scan(target, iter, sub); // GOTO ends current code flow if (Util.isGoto(opcode)) return false; } } return true; } private void scanLookupSwitch(int pos, CodeIterator iter, Subroutine sub) throws BadBytecode { int index = (pos & ~3) + 4; // default scan(pos + iter.s32bitAt(index), iter, sub); int npairs = iter.s32bitAt(index += 4); int end = npairs * 8 + (index += 4); // skip "match" for (index += 4; index < end; index += 8) { int target = iter.s32bitAt(index) + pos; scan(target, iter, sub); } } private void scanTableSwitch(int pos, CodeIterator iter, Subroutine sub) throws BadBytecode {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
// Skip 4 byte alignment padding int index = (pos & ~3) + 4; // default scan(pos + iter.s32bitAt(index), iter, sub); int low = iter.s32bitAt(index += 4); int high = iter.s32bitAt(index += 4); int end = (high - low + 1) * 4 + (index += 4); // Offset table for (; index < end; index += 4) { int target = iter.s32bitAt(index) + pos; scan(target, iter, sub); }
class Util implements Opcode { public static int getJumpTarget(int pos, CodeIterator iter) { int opcode = iter.byteAt(pos); pos += (opcode == JSR_W || opcode == GOTO_W) ? iter.s32bitAt(pos + 1) : iter.s16bitAt(pos + 1); return pos; } public static boolean isJumpInstruction(int opcode) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} public static boolean isGoto(int opcode) { return opcode == GOTO || opcode == GOTO_W; } public static boolean isJsr(int opcode) { return opcode == JSR || opcode == JSR_W; } public static boolean isReturn(int opcode) { return (opcode >= IRETURN && opcode <= RETURN); } }
return (opcode >= IFEQ && opcode <= JSR) || opcode == IFNULL || opcode == IFNONNULL || opcode == JSR_W || opcode == GOTO_W;
class Pair { int name; MemberValue value; } ConstPool pool; int typeIndex; Map<String,Pair> members; // this sould be LinkedHashMap // but it is not supported by JDK 1.3. /** * Constructs an annotation including no members. A member can be * later added to the created annotation by <code>addMemberValue()</code>. * * @param type the index into the constant pool table. * the entry at that index must be the * <code>CONSTANT_Utf8_Info</code> structure * repreenting the name of the annotation interface type. * @param cp the constant pool table. * * @see #addMemberValue(String, MemberValue) */ public Annotation(int type, ConstPool cp) { pool = cp; typeIndex = type; members = null; } /** * Constructs an annotation including no members. A member can be * later added to the created annotation by <code>addMemberValue()</code>. * * @param typeName the fully-qualified name of the annotation interface type. * @param cp the constant pool table. * * @see #addMemberValue(String, MemberValue) */ public Annotation(String typeName, ConstPool cp) { this(cp.addUtf8Info(Descriptor.of(typeName)), cp); } /** * Constructs an annotation that can be accessed through the interface * represented by <code>clazz</code>. The values of the members are * not specified. * * @param cp the constant pool table. * @param clazz the interface. * @throws NotFoundException when the clazz is not found */ public Annotation(ConstPool cp, CtClass clazz) throws NotFoundException { // todo Enums are not supported right now. this(cp.addUtf8Info(Descriptor.of(clazz.getName())), cp); if (!clazz.isInterface()) throw new RuntimeException( "Only interfaces are allowed for Annotation creation."); CtMethod[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); if (methods.length > 0) members = new LinkedHashMap<String,Pair>(); for (CtMethod m:methods) addMemberValue(m.getName(), createMemberValue(cp, m.getReturnType())); } /** * Makes an instance of <code>MemberValue</code>. * * @param cp the constant pool table. * @param type the type of the member. * @return the member value * @throws NotFoundException when the type is not found */ public static MemberValue createMemberValue(ConstPool cp, CtClass type) throws NotFoundException { if (type == CtClass.booleanType) return new BooleanMemberValue(cp); else if (type == CtClass.byteType) return new ByteMemberValue(cp); else if (type == CtClass.charType) return new CharMemberValue(cp); else if (type == CtClass.shortType) return new ShortMemberValue(cp); else if (type == CtClass.intType) return new IntegerMemberValue(cp); else if (type == CtClass.longType) return new LongMemberValue(cp); else if (type == CtClass.floatType) return new FloatMemberValue(cp); else if (type == CtClass.doubleType) return new DoubleMemberValue(cp); else if (type.getName().equals("java.lang.Class")) return new ClassMemberValue(cp); else if (type.getName().equals("java.lang.String")) return new StringMemberValue(cp); else if (type.isArray()) { CtClass arrayType = type.getComponentType(); MemberValue member = createMemberValue(cp, arrayType); return new ArrayMemberValue(member, cp); } else if (type.isInterface()) { Annotation info = new Annotation(cp, type); return new AnnotationMemberValue(info, cp); } else { // treat as enum. I know this is not typed, // but JBoss has an Annotation Compiler for JDK 1.4 // and I want it to work with that. - Bill Burke EnumMemberValue emv = new EnumMemberValue(cp); emv.setType(type.getName()); return emv; } } /** * Adds a new member. * * @param nameIndex the index into the constant pool table. * The entry at that index must be * a <code>CONSTANT_Utf8_info</code> structure. * structure representing the member name. * @param value the member value. */ public void addMemberValue(int nameIndex, MemberValue value) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>
Pair p = new Pair(); = nameIndex; p.value = value; addMemberValue(p);
class AnnotationMemberValue extends MemberValue { Annotation value; /** * Constructs an annotation member. The initial value is not specified. */ public AnnotationMemberValue(ConstPool cp) { this(null, cp); } /** * Constructs an annotation member. The initial value is specified by * the first parameter. */ public AnnotationMemberValue(Annotation a, ConstPool cp) { super('@', cp); value = a; } @Override Object getValue(ClassLoader cl, ClassPool cp, Method m) throws ClassNotFoundException { return AnnotationImpl.make(cl, getType(cl), cp, value); } @Override Class<?> getType(ClassLoader cl) throws ClassNotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Obtains the value. */ public Annotation getValue() { return value; } /** * Sets the value of this member. */ public void setValue(Annotation newValue) { value = newValue; } /** * Obtains the string representation of this object. */ @Override public String toString() { return value.toString(); } /** * Writes the value. */ @Override public void write(AnnotationsWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.annotationValue(); value.write(writer); } /** * Accepts a visitor. */ @Override public void accept(MemberValueVisitor visitor) { visitor.visitAnnotationMemberValue(this); } }
if (value == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException("no type specified"); return loadClass(cl, value.getTypeName());
<methods>public abstract void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.annotation.MemberValueVisitor) ,public abstract void write(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.annotation.AnnotationsWriter) throws<variables>org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool cp,char tag
class ArrayMemberValue extends MemberValue { MemberValue type; MemberValue[] values; /** * Constructs an array. The initial value or type are not specified. */ public ArrayMemberValue(ConstPool cp) { super('[', cp); type = null; values = null; } /** * Constructs an array. The initial value is not specified. * * @param t the type of the array elements. */ public ArrayMemberValue(MemberValue t, ConstPool cp) { super('[', cp); type = t; values = null; } @Override Object getValue(ClassLoader cl, ClassPool cp, Method method) throws ClassNotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override Class<?> getType(ClassLoader cl) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (type == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException("no array type specified"); Object a = Array.newInstance(type.getType(cl), 0); return a.getClass(); } /** * Obtains the type of the elements. * * @return null if the type is not specified. */ public MemberValue getType() { return type; } /** * Obtains the elements of the array. */ public MemberValue[] getValue() { return values; } /** * Sets the elements of the array. */ public void setValue(MemberValue[] elements) { values = elements; if (elements != null && elements.length > 0) type = elements[0]; } /** * Obtains the string representation of this object. */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("{"); if (values != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { buf.append(values[i].toString()); if (i + 1 < values.length) buf.append(", "); } } buf.append("}"); return buf.toString(); } /** * Writes the value. */ @Override public void write(AnnotationsWriter writer) throws IOException { int num = values == null ? 0 : values.length; writer.arrayValue(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) values[i].write(writer); } /** * Accepts a visitor. */ @Override public void accept(MemberValueVisitor visitor) { visitor.visitArrayMemberValue(this); } }
if (values == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException( "no array elements found: " + method.getName()); int size = values.length; Class<?> clazz; if (type == null) { clazz = method.getReturnType().getComponentType(); if (clazz == null || size > 0) throw new ClassNotFoundException("broken array type: " + method.getName()); } else clazz = type.getType(cl); Object a = Array.newInstance(clazz, size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) Array.set(a, i, values[i].getValue(cl, cp, method)); return a;
<methods>public abstract void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.annotation.MemberValueVisitor) ,public abstract void write(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.annotation.AnnotationsWriter) throws<variables>org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool cp,char tag
class ClassMemberValue extends MemberValue { int valueIndex; /** * Constructs a class value. The initial value is specified * by the constant pool entry at the given index. * * @param index the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure. */ public ClassMemberValue(int index, ConstPool cp) { super('c', cp); this.valueIndex = index; } /** * Constructs a class value. * * @param className the initial value. */ public ClassMemberValue(String className, ConstPool cp) { super('c', cp); setValue(className); } /** * Constructs a class value. * The initial value is java.lang.Class. */ public ClassMemberValue(ConstPool cp) { super('c', cp); setValue("java.lang.Class"); } @Override Object getValue(ClassLoader cl, ClassPool cp, Method m) throws ClassNotFoundException { final String classname = getValue(); if (classname.equals("void")) return void.class; else if (classname.equals("int")) return int.class; else if (classname.equals("byte")) return byte.class; else if (classname.equals("long")) return long.class; else if (classname.equals("double")) return double.class; else if (classname.equals("float")) return float.class; else if (classname.equals("char")) return char.class; else if (classname.equals("short")) return short.class; else if (classname.equals("boolean")) return boolean.class; else return loadClass(cl, classname); } @Override Class<?> getType(ClassLoader cl) throws ClassNotFoundException { return loadClass(cl, "java.lang.Class"); } /** * Obtains the value of the member. * * @return fully-qualified class name. */ public String getValue() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Sets the value of the member. * * @param newClassName fully-qualified class name. */ public void setValue(String newClassName) { String setTo = Descriptor.of(newClassName); valueIndex = cp.addUtf8Info(setTo); } /** * Obtains the string representation of this object. */ @Override public String toString() { return getValue().replace('$', '.') + ".class"; } /** * Writes the value. */ @Override public void write(AnnotationsWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.classInfoIndex(cp.getUtf8Info(valueIndex)); } /** * Accepts a visitor. */ @Override public void accept(MemberValueVisitor visitor) { visitor.visitClassMemberValue(this); } }
String v = cp.getUtf8Info(valueIndex); try { return SignatureAttribute.toTypeSignature(v).jvmTypeName(); } catch (BadBytecode e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
<methods>public abstract void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.annotation.MemberValueVisitor) ,public abstract void write(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.annotation.AnnotationsWriter) throws<variables>org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool cp,char tag
class EnumMemberValue extends MemberValue { int typeIndex, valueIndex; /** * Constructs an enum constant value. The initial value is specified * by the constant pool entries at the given indexes. * * @param type the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure * representing the enum type. * @param value the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure. * representing the enum value. */ public EnumMemberValue(int type, int value, ConstPool cp) { super('e', cp); this.typeIndex = type; this.valueIndex = value; } /** * Constructs an enum constant value. * The initial value is not specified. */ public EnumMemberValue(ConstPool cp) { super('e', cp); typeIndex = valueIndex = 0; } @Override Object getValue(ClassLoader cl, ClassPool cp, Method m) throws ClassNotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override Class<?> getType(ClassLoader cl) throws ClassNotFoundException { return loadClass(cl, getType()); } /** * Obtains the enum type name. * * @return a fully-qualified type name. */ public String getType() { return Descriptor.toClassName(cp.getUtf8Info(typeIndex)); } /** * Changes the enum type name. * * @param typename a fully-qualified type name. */ public void setType(String typename) { typeIndex = cp.addUtf8Info(Descriptor.of(typename)); } /** * Obtains the name of the enum constant value. */ public String getValue() { return cp.getUtf8Info(valueIndex); } /** * Changes the name of the enum constant value. */ public void setValue(String name) { valueIndex = cp.addUtf8Info(name); } @Override public String toString() { return getType() + "." + getValue(); } /** * Writes the value. */ @Override public void write(AnnotationsWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.enumConstValue(cp.getUtf8Info(typeIndex), getValue()); } /** * Accepts a visitor. */ @Override public void accept(MemberValueVisitor visitor) { visitor.visitEnumMemberValue(this); } }
try { return getType(cl).getField(getValue()).get(null); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(getType() + "." + getValue()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(getType() + "." + getValue()); }
<methods>public abstract void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.annotation.MemberValueVisitor) ,public abstract void write(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.annotation.AnnotationsWriter) throws<variables>org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool cp,char tag
class MemberValue { ConstPool cp; char tag; MemberValue(char tag, ConstPool cp) { this.cp = cp; this.tag = tag; } /** * Returns the value. If the value type is a primitive type, the * returned value is boxed. */ abstract Object getValue(ClassLoader cl, ClassPool cp, Method m) throws ClassNotFoundException; abstract Class<?> getType(ClassLoader cl) throws ClassNotFoundException; static Class<?> loadClass(ClassLoader cl, String classname) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchClassError {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private static String convertFromArray(String classname) { int index = classname.indexOf("[]"); if (index != -1) { String rawType = classname.substring(0, index); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(Descriptor.of(rawType)); while (index != -1) { sb.insert(0, "["); index = classname.indexOf("[]", index + 1); } return sb.toString().replace('/', '.'); } return classname; } /** * Accepts a visitor. */ public abstract void accept(MemberValueVisitor visitor); /** * Writes the value. */ public abstract void write(AnnotationsWriter w) throws IOException; }
try { return Class.forName(convertFromArray(classname), true, cl); } catch (LinkageError e) { throw new NoSuchClassError(classname, e); }
class ClassName extends TypeData { private String name; // dot separated. public ClassName(String n) { name = n; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public BasicType isBasicType() { return null; } @Override public boolean is2WordType() { return false; } @Override public int getTypeTag() { return StackMapTable.OBJECT; } @Override public int getTypeData(ConstPool cp) { return cp.addClassInfo(getName()); } @Override public boolean eq(TypeData d) { return name.equals(d.getName()); } @Override public void setType(String typeName, ClassPool cp) throws BadBytecode {} @Override public TypeData getArrayType(int dim) throws NotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override String toString2(Set<TypeData> set) { return name; } }
if (dim == 0) return this; else if (dim > 0) { char[] dimType = new char[dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) dimType[i] = '['; String elementType = getName(); if (elementType.charAt(0) != '[') elementType = "L" + elementType.replace('.', '/') + ";"; return new ClassName(new String(dimType) + elementType); } else { for (int i = 0; i < -dim; i++) if (name.charAt(i) != '[') throw new NotFoundException("no " + dim + " dimensional array type: " + getName()); char type = name.charAt(-dim); if (type == '[') return new ClassName(name.substring(-dim)); else if (type == 'L') return new ClassName(name.substring(-dim + 1, name.length() - 1).replace('/', '.')); else if (type == TypeTag.DOUBLE.decodedName) return TypeTag.DOUBLE; else if (type == TypeTag.FLOAT.decodedName) return TypeTag.FLOAT; else if (type == TypeTag.LONG.decodedName) return TypeTag.LONG; else return TypeTag.INTEGER; }
class Maker extends BasicBlock.Maker { @Override protected BasicBlock makeBlock(int pos) { return new TypedBlock(pos); } @Override protected BasicBlock[] makeArray(int size) { return new TypedBlock[size]; } } /** * Initializes the first block by the given method descriptor. * * @param block the first basic block that this method initializes. * @param className a dot-separated fully qualified class name. * For example, <code>javassist.bytecode.stackmap.BasicBlock</code>. * @param methodDesc method descriptor. * @param isStatic true if the method is a static method. * @param isConstructor true if the method is a constructor. */ void initFirstBlock(int maxStack, int maxLocals, String className, String methodDesc, boolean isStatic, boolean isConstructor) throws BadBytecode {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>
if (methodDesc.charAt(0) != '(') throw new BadBytecode("no method descriptor: " + methodDesc); stackTop = 0; stackTypes = TypeData.make(maxStack); TypeData[] locals = TypeData.make(maxLocals); if (isConstructor) locals[0] = new TypeData.UninitThis(className); else if (!isStatic) locals[0] = new TypeData.ClassName(className); int n = isStatic ? -1 : 0; int i = 1; try { while ((i = descToTag(methodDesc, i, ++n, locals)) > 0) if (locals[n].is2WordType()) locals[++n] = TypeTag.TOP; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new BadBytecode("bad method descriptor: " + methodDesc); } numLocals = n; localsTypes = locals;
<methods>public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.stackmap.BasicBlock find(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.stackmap.BasicBlock[], int) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>protected org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.stackmap.BasicBlock[] exit,protected int incoming,protected int length,protected int position,protected boolean stop,protected org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.stackmap.BasicBlock.Catch toCatch
class Method { public CtClass declaring; public MethodInfo info; public int notmatch; public Method(CtClass c, MethodInfo i, int n) { declaring = c; info = i; notmatch = n; } /** * Returns true if the invoked method is static. */ public boolean isStatic() { int acc = info.getAccessFlags(); return (acc & AccessFlag.STATIC) != 0; } } public Method lookupMethod(CtClass clazz, CtClass currentClass, MethodInfo current, String methodName, int[] argTypes, int[] argDims, String[] argClassNames) throws CompileError { Method maybe = null; // to enable the creation of a recursively called method if (current != null && clazz == currentClass) if (current.getName().equals(methodName)) { int res = compareSignature(current.getDescriptor(), argTypes, argDims, argClassNames); if (res != NO) { Method r = new Method(clazz, current, res); if (res == YES) return r; maybe = r; } } Method m = lookupMethod(clazz, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, maybe != null); if (m != null) return m; return maybe; } private Method lookupMethod(CtClass clazz, String methodName, int[] argTypes, int[] argDims, String[] argClassNames, boolean onlyExact) throws CompileError { Method maybe = null; ClassFile cf = clazz.getClassFile2(); // If the class is an array type, the class file is null. // If so, search the super class java.lang.Object for clone() etc. if (cf != null) { List<MethodInfo> list = cf.getMethods(); for (MethodInfo minfo:list) { if (minfo.getName().equals(methodName) && (minfo.getAccessFlags() & AccessFlag.BRIDGE) == 0) { int res = compareSignature(minfo.getDescriptor(), argTypes, argDims, argClassNames); if (res != NO) { Method r = new Method(clazz, minfo, res); if (res == YES) return r; else if (maybe == null || maybe.notmatch > res) maybe = r; } } } } if (onlyExact) maybe = null; else if (maybe != null) return maybe; int mod = clazz.getModifiers(); boolean isIntf = Modifier.isInterface(mod); try { // skip searching java.lang.Object if clazz is an interface type. if (!isIntf) { CtClass pclazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (pclazz != null) { Method r = lookupMethod(pclazz, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, onlyExact); if (r != null) return r; } } } catch (NotFoundException e) {} try { CtClass[] ifs = clazz.getInterfaces(); for (CtClass intf:ifs) { Method r = lookupMethod(intf, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, onlyExact); if (r != null) return r; } if (isIntf) { // finally search java.lang.Object. CtClass pclazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (pclazz != null) { Method r = lookupMethod(pclazz, methodName, argTypes, argDims, argClassNames, onlyExact); if (r != null) return r; } } } catch (NotFoundException e) {} return maybe; } private static final int YES = 0; private static final int NO = -1; /* * Returns YES if actual parameter types matches the given signature. * * argTypes, argDims, and argClassNames represent actual parameters. * * This method does not correctly implement the Java method dispatch * algorithm. * * If some of the parameter types exactly match but others are subtypes of * the corresponding type in the signature, this method returns the number * of parameter types that do not exactly match. */ private int compareSignature(String desc, int[] argTypes, int[] argDims, String[] argClassNames) throws CompileError {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>
int result = YES; int i = 1; int nArgs = argTypes.length; if (nArgs != Descriptor.numOfParameters(desc)) return NO; int len = desc.length(); for (int n = 0; i < len; ++n) { char c = desc.charAt(i++); if (c == ')') return (n == nArgs ? result : NO); else if (n >= nArgs) return NO; int dim = 0; while (c == '[') { ++dim; c = desc.charAt(i++); } if (argTypes[n] == NULL) { if (dim == 0 && c != 'L') return NO; if (c == 'L') i = desc.indexOf(';', i) + 1; } else if (argDims[n] != dim) { if (!(dim == 0 && c == 'L' && desc.startsWith("java/lang/Object;", i))) return NO; // if the thread reaches here, c must be 'L'. i = desc.indexOf(';', i) + 1; result++; if (i <= 0) return NO; // invalid descriptor? } else if (c == 'L') { // not compare int j = desc.indexOf(';', i); if (j < 0 || argTypes[n] != CLASS) return NO; String cname = desc.substring(i, j); if (!cname.equals(argClassNames[n])) { CtClass clazz = lookupClassByJvmName(argClassNames[n]); try { if (clazz.subtypeOf(lookupClassByJvmName(cname))) result++; else return NO; } catch (NotFoundException e) { result++; // should be NO? } } i = j + 1; } else { int t = descToType(c); int at = argTypes[n]; if (t != at) if (t == INT && (at == SHORT || at == BYTE || at == CHAR)) result++; else return NO; } } return NO;
class SymbolTable extends HashMap<String,Declarator> { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private SymbolTable parent; public SymbolTable() { this(null); } public SymbolTable(SymbolTable p) { super(); parent = p; } public SymbolTable getParent() { return parent; } public Declarator lookup(String name) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} public void append(String name, Declarator value) { put(name, value); } }
Declarator found = get(name); if (found == null && parent != null) return parent.lookup(name); return found;
<methods>public void <init>() ,public void <init>(int) ,public void <init>(Map<? extends java.lang.String,? extends org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>) ,public void <init>(int, float) ,public void clear() ,public java.lang.Object clone() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator compute(java.lang.String, BiFunction<? super java.lang.String,? super org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator,? extends org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator computeIfAbsent(java.lang.String, Function<? super java.lang.String,? extends org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator computeIfPresent(java.lang.String, BiFunction<? super java.lang.String,? super org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator,? extends org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>) ,public boolean containsKey(java.lang.Object) ,public boolean containsValue(java.lang.Object) ,public Set<Entry<java.lang.String,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>> entrySet() ,public void forEach(BiConsumer<? super java.lang.String,? super org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator get(java.lang.Object) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator getOrDefault(java.lang.Object, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator) ,public boolean isEmpty() ,public Set<java.lang.String> keySet() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator merge(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator, BiFunction<? super org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator,? super org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator,? extends org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator put(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator) ,public void putAll(Map<? extends java.lang.String,? extends org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator putIfAbsent(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator remove(java.lang.Object) ,public boolean remove(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator replace(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator) ,public boolean replace(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator) ,public void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super java.lang.String,? super org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator,? extends org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>) ,public int size() ,public Collection<org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator> values() <variables>static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY,static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR,static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY,static final int MIN_TREEIFY_CAPACITY,static final int TREEIFY_THRESHOLD,static final int UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD,transient Set<Entry<java.lang.String,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>> entrySet,final float loadFactor,transient int modCount,private static final long serialVersionUID,transient int size,transient Node<java.lang.String,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator>[] table,int threshold
class ASTList extends ASTree { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private ASTree left; private ASTList right; public ASTList(ASTree _head, ASTList _tail) { left = _head; right = _tail; } public ASTList(ASTree _head) { left = _head; right = null; } public static ASTList make(ASTree e1, ASTree e2, ASTree e3) { return new ASTList(e1, new ASTList(e2, new ASTList(e3))); } @Override public ASTree getLeft() { return left; } @Override public ASTree getRight() { return right; } @Override public void setLeft(ASTree _left) { left = _left; } @Override public void setRight(ASTree _right) { right = (ASTList)_right; } /** * Returns the car part of the list. */ public ASTree head() { return left; } public void setHead(ASTree _head) { left = _head; } /** * Returns the cdr part of the list. */ public ASTList tail() { return right; } public void setTail(ASTList _tail) { right = _tail; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atASTList(this); } @Override public String toString() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Returns the number of the elements in this list. */ public int length() { return length(this); } public static int length(ASTList list) { if (list == null) return 0; int n = 0; while (list != null) { list = list.right; ++n; } return n; } /** * Returns a sub list of the list. The sub list begins with the * n-th element of the list. * * @param nth zero or more than zero. */ public ASTList sublist(int nth) { ASTList list = this; while (nth-- > 0) list = list.right; return list; } /** * Substitutes <code>newObj</code> for <code>oldObj</code> in the * list. */ public boolean subst(ASTree newObj, ASTree oldObj) { for (ASTList list = this; list != null; list = list.right) if (list.left == oldObj) { list.left = newObj; return true; } return false; } /** * Appends an object to a list. */ public static ASTList append(ASTList a, ASTree b) { return concat(a, new ASTList(b)); } /** * Concatenates two lists. */ public static ASTList concat(ASTList a, ASTList b) { if (a == null) return b; ASTList list = a; while (list.right != null) list = list.right; list.right = b; return a; } }
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); sbuf.append("(<"); sbuf.append(getTag()); sbuf.append('>'); ASTList list = this; while (list != null) { sbuf.append(' '); ASTree a = list.left; sbuf.append(a == null ? "<null>" : a.toString()); list = list.right; } sbuf.append(')'); return sbuf.toString();
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public abstract void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.CompileError,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getLeft() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getRight() ,public void setLeft(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setRight(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>private static final long serialVersionUID
class ASTree implements Serializable { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ASTree getLeft() { return null; } public ASTree getRight() { return null; } public void setLeft(ASTree _left) {} public void setRight(ASTree _right) {} /** * Is a method for the visitor pattern. It calls * <code>atXXX()</code> on the given visitor, where * <code>XXX</code> is the class name of the node object. */ public abstract void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError; @Override public String toString() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Returns the type of this node. This method is used by * <code>toString()</code>. */ protected String getTag() { String name = getClass().getName(); return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } }
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); sbuf.append('<'); sbuf.append(getTag()); sbuf.append('>'); return sbuf.toString();
class Declarator extends ASTList implements TokenId { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected int varType; protected int arrayDim; protected int localVar; protected String qualifiedClass; // JVM-internal representation public Declarator(int type, int dim) { super(null); varType = type; arrayDim = dim; localVar = -1; qualifiedClass = null; } public Declarator(ASTList className, int dim) { super(null); varType = CLASS; arrayDim = dim; localVar = -1; qualifiedClass = astToClassName(className, '/'); } /* For declaring a pre-defined? local variable. */ public Declarator(int type, String jvmClassName, int dim, int var, Symbol sym) { super(null); varType = type; arrayDim = dim; localVar = var; qualifiedClass = jvmClassName; setLeft(sym); append(this, null); // initializer } public Declarator make(Symbol sym, int dim, ASTree init) { Declarator d = new Declarator(this.varType, this.arrayDim + dim); d.qualifiedClass = this.qualifiedClass; d.setLeft(sym); append(d, init); return d; } /* Returns CLASS, BOOLEAN, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG, FLOAT, * or DOUBLE (or VOID) */ public int getType() { return varType; } public int getArrayDim() { return arrayDim; } public void addArrayDim(int d) { arrayDim += d; } public String getClassName() { return qualifiedClass; } public void setClassName(String s) { qualifiedClass = s; } public Symbol getVariable() { return (Symbol)getLeft(); } public void setVariable(Symbol sym) { setLeft(sym); } public ASTree getInitializer() { ASTList t = tail(); if (t != null) return t.head(); return null; } public void setLocalVar(int n) { localVar = n; } public int getLocalVar() { return localVar; } @Override public String getTag() { return "decl"; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atDeclarator(this); } public static String astToClassName(ASTList name, char sep) { if (name == null) return null; StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); astToClassName(sbuf, name, sep); return sbuf.toString(); } private static void astToClassName(StringBuffer sbuf, ASTList name, char sep) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
for (;;) { ASTree h = name.head(); if (h instanceof Symbol) sbuf.append(((Symbol)h).get()); else if (h instanceof ASTList) astToClassName(sbuf, (ASTList)h, sep); name = name.tail(); if (name == null) break; sbuf.append(sep); }
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.CompileError,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList append(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList concat(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getLeft() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getRight() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree head() ,public int length() ,public static int length(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList make(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setHead(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setLeft(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setRight(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setTail(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList sublist(int) ,public boolean subst(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList tail() ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree left,private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList right,private static final long serialVersionUID
class DoubleConst extends ASTree { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected double value; protected int type; public DoubleConst(double v, int tokenId) { value = v; type = tokenId; } public double get() { return value; } public void set(double v) { value = v; } /* Returns DoubleConstant or FloatConstant */ public int getType() { return type; } @Override public String toString() { return Double.toString(value); } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atDoubleConst(this); } public ASTree compute(int op, ASTree right) { if (right instanceof IntConst) return compute0(op, (IntConst)right); else if (right instanceof DoubleConst) return compute0(op, (DoubleConst)right); else return null; } private DoubleConst compute0(int op, DoubleConst right) { int newType; if (this.type == TokenId.DoubleConstant || right.type == TokenId.DoubleConstant) newType = TokenId.DoubleConstant; else newType = TokenId.FloatConstant; return compute(op, this.value, right.value, newType); } private DoubleConst compute0(int op, IntConst right) { return compute(op, this.value, right.value, this.type); } private static DoubleConst compute(int op, double value1, double value2, int newType) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
double newValue; switch (op) { case '+' : newValue = value1 + value2; break; case '-' : newValue = value1 - value2; break; case '*' : newValue = value1 * value2; break; case '/' : newValue = value1 / value2; break; case '%' : newValue = value1 % value2; break; default : return null; } return new DoubleConst(newValue, newType);
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public abstract void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.CompileError,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getLeft() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getRight() ,public void setLeft(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setRight(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>private static final long serialVersionUID
class Expr extends ASTList implements TokenId { /* operator must be either of: * (unary) +, (unary) -, ++, --, !, ~, * ARRAY, . (dot), MEMBER (static member access). * Otherwise, the object should be an instance of a subclass. */ /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected int operatorId; Expr(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail) { super(_head, _tail); operatorId = op; } Expr(int op, ASTree _head) { super(_head); operatorId = op; } public static Expr make(int op, ASTree oprand1, ASTree oprand2) { return new Expr(op, oprand1, new ASTList(oprand2)); } public static Expr make(int op, ASTree oprand1) { return new Expr(op, oprand1); } public int getOperator() { return operatorId; } public void setOperator(int op) { operatorId = op; } public ASTree oprand1() { return getLeft(); } public void setOprand1(ASTree expr) { setLeft(expr); } public ASTree oprand2() { return getRight().getLeft(); } public void setOprand2(ASTree expr) { getRight().setLeft(expr); } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atExpr(this); } public String getName() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override protected String getTag() { return "op:" + getName(); } }
int id = operatorId; if (id < 128) return String.valueOf((char)id); else if (NEQ <= id && id <= ARSHIFT_E) return opNames[id - NEQ]; else if (id == INSTANCEOF) return "instanceof"; else return String.valueOf(id);
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.CompileError,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList append(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList concat(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getLeft() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getRight() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree head() ,public int length() ,public static int length(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList make(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setHead(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setLeft(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setRight(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setTail(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList sublist(int) ,public boolean subst(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList tail() ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree left,private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList right,private static final long serialVersionUID
class IntConst extends ASTree { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected long value; protected int type; public IntConst(long v, int tokenId) { value = v; type = tokenId; } public long get() { return value; } public void set(long v) { value = v; } /* Returns IntConstant, CharConstant, or LongConstant. */ public int getType() { return type; } @Override public String toString() { return Long.toString(value); } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atIntConst(this); } public ASTree compute(int op, ASTree right) { if (right instanceof IntConst) return compute0(op, (IntConst)right); else if (right instanceof DoubleConst) return compute0(op, (DoubleConst)right); else return null; } private IntConst compute0(int op, IntConst right) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private DoubleConst compute0(int op, DoubleConst right) { double value1 = this.value; double value2 = right.value; double newValue; switch (op) { case '+' : newValue = value1 + value2; break; case '-' : newValue = value1 - value2; break; case '*' : newValue = value1 * value2; break; case '/' : newValue = value1 / value2; break; case '%' : newValue = value1 % value2; break; default : return null; } return new DoubleConst(newValue, right.type); } }
int type1 = this.type; int type2 = right.type; int newType; if (type1 == TokenId.LongConstant || type2 == TokenId.LongConstant) newType = TokenId.LongConstant; else if (type1 == TokenId.CharConstant && type2 == TokenId.CharConstant) newType = TokenId.CharConstant; else newType = TokenId.IntConstant; long value1 = this.value; long value2 = right.value; long newValue; switch (op) { case '+' : newValue = value1 + value2; break; case '-' : newValue = value1 - value2; break; case '*' : newValue = value1 * value2; break; case '/' : newValue = value1 / value2; break; case '%' : newValue = value1 % value2; break; case '|' : newValue = value1 | value2; break; case '^' : newValue = value1 ^ value2; break; case '&' : newValue = value1 & value2; break; case TokenId.LSHIFT : newValue = value << (int)value2; newType = type1; break; case TokenId.RSHIFT : newValue = value >> (int)value2; newType = type1; break; case TokenId.ARSHIFT : newValue = value >>> (int)value2; newType = type1; break; default : return null; } return new IntConst(newValue, newType);
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public abstract void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.CompileError,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getLeft() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getRight() ,public void setLeft(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setRight(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>private static final long serialVersionUID
class MethodDecl extends ASTList { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final String initName = "<init>"; public MethodDecl(ASTree _head, ASTList _tail) { super(_head, _tail); } public boolean isConstructor() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} public ASTList getModifiers() { return (ASTList)getLeft(); } public Declarator getReturn() { return (Declarator)tail().head(); } public ASTList getParams() { return (ASTList)sublist(2).head(); } public ASTList getThrows() { return (ASTList)sublist(3).head(); } public Stmnt getBody() { return (Stmnt)sublist(4).head(); } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atMethodDecl(this); } }
Symbol sym = getReturn().getVariable(); return sym != null && initName.equals(sym.get());
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.CompileError,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList append(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList concat(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getLeft() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getRight() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree head() ,public int length() ,public static int length(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList make(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setHead(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setLeft(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setRight(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setTail(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList sublist(int) ,public boolean subst(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList tail() ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree left,private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList right,private static final long serialVersionUID
class NewExpr extends ASTList implements TokenId { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected boolean newArray; protected int arrayType; public NewExpr(ASTList className, ASTList args) { super(className, new ASTList(args)); newArray = false; arrayType = CLASS; } public NewExpr(int type, ASTList arraySize, ArrayInit init) { super(null, new ASTList(arraySize)); newArray = true; arrayType = type; if (init != null) append(this, init); } public static NewExpr makeObjectArray(ASTList className, ASTList arraySize, ArrayInit init) { NewExpr e = new NewExpr(className, arraySize); e.newArray = true; if (init != null) append(e, init); return e; } public boolean isArray() { return newArray; } /* TokenId.CLASS, TokenId.INT, ... */ public int getArrayType() { return arrayType; } public ASTList getClassName() { return (ASTList)getLeft(); } public ASTList getArguments() { return (ASTList)getRight().getLeft(); } public ASTList getArraySize() { return getArguments(); } public ArrayInit getInitializer() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atNewExpr(this); } @Override protected String getTag() { return newArray ? "new[]" : "new"; } }
ASTree t = getRight().getRight(); if (t == null) return null; return (ArrayInit)t.getLeft();
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.CompileError,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList append(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList concat(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getLeft() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getRight() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree head() ,public int length() ,public static int length(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList make(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setHead(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setLeft(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setRight(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setTail(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList sublist(int) ,public boolean subst(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList tail() ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree left,private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList right,private static final long serialVersionUID
class Pair extends ASTree { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected ASTree left, right; public Pair(ASTree _left, ASTree _right) { left = _left; right = _right; } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atPair(this); } @Override public String toString() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override public ASTree getLeft() { return left; } @Override public ASTree getRight() { return right; } @Override public void setLeft(ASTree _left) { left = _left; } @Override public void setRight(ASTree _right) { right = _right; } }
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); sbuf.append("(<Pair> "); sbuf.append(left == null ? "<null>" : left.toString()); sbuf.append(" . "); sbuf.append(right == null ? "<null>" : right.toString()); sbuf.append(')'); return sbuf.toString();
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public abstract void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.CompileError,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getLeft() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getRight() ,public void setLeft(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setRight(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>private static final long serialVersionUID
class Stmnt extends ASTList implements TokenId { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected int operatorId; public Stmnt(int op, ASTree _head, ASTList _tail) { super(_head, _tail); operatorId = op; } public Stmnt(int op, ASTree _head) { super(_head); operatorId = op; } public Stmnt(int op) { this(op, null); } public static Stmnt make(int op, ASTree oprand1, ASTree oprand2) { return new Stmnt(op, oprand1, new ASTList(oprand2)); } public static Stmnt make(int op, ASTree op1, ASTree op2, ASTree op3) { return new Stmnt(op, op1, new ASTList(op2, new ASTList(op3))); } @Override public void accept(Visitor v) throws CompileError { v.atStmnt(this); } public int getOperator() { return operatorId; } @Override protected String getTag() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
if (operatorId < 128) return "stmnt:" + (char)operatorId; return "stmnt:" + operatorId;
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void accept(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.CompileError,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList append(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList concat(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getLeft() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree getRight() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree head() ,public int length() ,public static int length(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public static org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList make(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setHead(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setLeft(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setRight(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public void setTail(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList sublist(int) ,public boolean subst(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree) ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList tail() ,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree left,private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList right,private static final long serialVersionUID
class TransformAfter extends TransformBefore { public TransformAfter(Transformer next, CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod afterMethod) throws NotFoundException { super(next, origMethod, afterMethod); } @Override protected int match2(int pos, CodeIterator iterator) throws BadBytecode {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
iterator.move(pos); iterator.insert(saveCode); iterator.insert(loadCode); int p = iterator.insertGap(3); iterator.setMark(p); iterator.insert(loadCode); pos =; p = iterator.getMark(); iterator.writeByte(iterator.byteAt(pos), p); iterator.write16bit(iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1), p + 1); iterator.writeByte(INVOKESTATIC, pos); iterator.write16bit(newIndex, pos + 1); iterator.move(p); return;
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtMethod, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtMethod) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.NotFoundException,public int extraLocals() ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute) <variables>protected byte[] loadCode,protected int locals,protected int maxLocals,protected org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass[] parameterTypes,protected byte[] saveCode
class TransformBefore extends TransformCall { protected CtClass[] parameterTypes; protected int locals; protected int maxLocals; protected byte[] saveCode, loadCode; public TransformBefore(Transformer next, CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod beforeMethod) throws NotFoundException { super(next, origMethod, beforeMethod); // override methodDescriptor = origMethod.getMethodInfo2().getDescriptor(); parameterTypes = origMethod.getParameterTypes(); locals = 0; maxLocals = 0; saveCode = loadCode = null; } @Override public void initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr) { super.initialize(cp, attr); locals = 0; maxLocals = attr.getMaxLocals(); saveCode = loadCode = null; } @Override protected int match(int c, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, int typedesc, ConstPool cp) throws BadBytecode { if (newIndex == 0) { String desc = Descriptor.ofParameters(parameterTypes) + 'V'; desc = Descriptor.insertParameter(classname, desc); int nt = cp.addNameAndTypeInfo(newMethodname, desc); int ci = cp.addClassInfo(newClassname); newIndex = cp.addMethodrefInfo(ci, nt); constPool = cp; } if (saveCode == null) makeCode(parameterTypes, cp); return match2(pos, iterator); } protected int match2(int pos, CodeIterator iterator) throws BadBytecode {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override public int extraLocals() { return locals; } protected void makeCode(CtClass[] paramTypes, ConstPool cp) { Bytecode save = new Bytecode(cp, 0, 0); Bytecode load = new Bytecode(cp, 0, 0); int var = maxLocals; int len = (paramTypes == null) ? 0 : paramTypes.length; load.addAload(var); makeCode2(save, load, 0, len, paramTypes, var + 1); save.addAstore(var); saveCode = save.get(); loadCode = load.get(); } private void makeCode2(Bytecode save, Bytecode load, int i, int n, CtClass[] paramTypes, int var) { if (i < n) { int size = load.addLoad(var, paramTypes[i]); makeCode2(save, load, i + 1, n, paramTypes, var + size); save.addStore(var, paramTypes[i]); } else locals = var - maxLocals; } }
iterator.move(pos); iterator.insert(saveCode); iterator.insert(loadCode); int p = iterator.insertGap(3); iterator.writeByte(INVOKESTATIC, p); iterator.write16bit(newIndex, p + 1); iterator.insert(loadCode); return;
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtMethod, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtMethod) ,public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer, java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtMethod) ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute) ,public int transform(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, int, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode<variables>protected java.lang.String classname,protected org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool constPool,protected java.lang.String methodDescriptor,protected java.lang.String methodname,protected java.lang.String newClassname,protected int newIndex,protected boolean newMethodIsPrivate,protected java.lang.String newMethodname
class TransformCall extends Transformer { protected String classname, methodname, methodDescriptor; protected String newClassname, newMethodname; protected boolean newMethodIsPrivate; /* cache */ protected int newIndex; protected ConstPool constPool; public TransformCall(Transformer next, CtMethod origMethod, CtMethod substMethod) { this(next, origMethod.getName(), substMethod); classname = origMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName(); } public TransformCall(Transformer next, String oldMethodName, CtMethod substMethod) { super(next); methodname = oldMethodName; methodDescriptor = substMethod.getMethodInfo2().getDescriptor(); classname = newClassname = substMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName(); newMethodname = substMethod.getName(); constPool = null; newMethodIsPrivate = Modifier.isPrivate(substMethod.getModifiers()); } @Override public void initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr) { if (constPool != cp) newIndex = 0; } /** * Modify INVOKEINTERFACE, INVOKESPECIAL, INVOKESTATIC and INVOKEVIRTUAL * so that a different method is invoked. The class name in the operand * of these instructions might be a subclass of the target class specified * by <code>classname</code>. This method transforms the instruction * in that case unless the subclass overrides the target method. */ @Override public int transform(CtClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp) throws BadBytecode {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private boolean matchClass(String name, ClassPool pool) { if (classname.equals(name)) return true; try { CtClass clazz = pool.get(name); CtClass declClazz = pool.get(classname); if (clazz.subtypeOf(declClazz)) try { CtMethod m = clazz.getMethod(methodname, methodDescriptor); return m.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals(classname); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // maybe the original method has been removed. return true; } } catch (NotFoundException e) { return false; } return false; } protected int match(int c, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, int typedesc, ConstPool cp) throws BadBytecode { if (newIndex == 0) { int nt = cp.addNameAndTypeInfo(cp.addUtf8Info(newMethodname), typedesc); int ci = cp.addClassInfo(newClassname); if (c == INVOKEINTERFACE) newIndex = cp.addInterfaceMethodrefInfo(ci, nt); else { if (newMethodIsPrivate && c == INVOKEVIRTUAL) iterator.writeByte(INVOKESPECIAL, pos); newIndex = cp.addMethodrefInfo(ci, nt); } constPool = cp; } iterator.write16bit(newIndex, pos + 1); return pos; } }
int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); if (c == INVOKEINTERFACE || c == INVOKESPECIAL || c == INVOKESTATIC || c == INVOKEVIRTUAL) { int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); String cname = cp.eqMember(methodname, methodDescriptor, index); if (cname != null && matchClass(cname, clazz.getClassPool())) { int ntinfo = cp.getMemberNameAndType(index); pos = match(c, pos, iterator, cp.getNameAndTypeDescriptor(ntinfo), cp); } } return pos;
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer) ,public void clean() ,public int extraLocals() ,public int extraStack() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer getNext() ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute) ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public abstract int transform(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, int, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode<variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer next
class TransformFieldAccess extends Transformer { private String newClassname, newFieldname; private String fieldname; private CtClass fieldClass; private boolean isPrivate; /* cache */ private int newIndex; private ConstPool constPool; public TransformFieldAccess(Transformer next, CtField field, String newClassname, String newFieldname) { super(next); this.fieldClass = field.getDeclaringClass(); this.fieldname = field.getName(); this.isPrivate = Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers()); this.newClassname = newClassname; this.newFieldname = newFieldname; this.constPool = null; } @Override public void initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr) { if (constPool != cp) newIndex = 0; } /** * Modify GETFIELD, GETSTATIC, PUTFIELD, and PUTSTATIC so that * a different field is accessed. The new field must be declared * in a superclass of the class in which the original field is * declared. */ @Override public int transform(CtClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); if (c == GETFIELD || c == GETSTATIC || c == PUTFIELD || c == PUTSTATIC) { int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); String typedesc = TransformReadField.isField(clazz.getClassPool(), cp, fieldClass, fieldname, isPrivate, index); if (typedesc != null) { if (newIndex == 0) { int nt = cp.addNameAndTypeInfo(newFieldname, typedesc); newIndex = cp.addFieldrefInfo( cp.addClassInfo(newClassname), nt); constPool = cp; } iterator.write16bit(newIndex, pos + 1); } } return pos;
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer) ,public void clean() ,public int extraLocals() ,public int extraStack() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer getNext() ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute) ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public abstract int transform(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, int, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode<variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer next
class TransformNew extends Transformer { private int nested; private String classname, trapClass, trapMethod; public TransformNew(Transformer next, String classname, String trapClass, String trapMethod) { super(next); this.classname = classname; this.trapClass = trapClass; this.trapMethod = trapMethod; } @Override public void initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr) { nested = 0; } /** * Replace a sequence of * NEW classname * DUP * ... * INVOKESPECIAL * with * NOP * NOP * ... * INVOKESTATIC trapMethod in trapClass */ @Override public int transform(CtClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp) throws CannotCompileException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private int computeMethodref(int typedesc, ConstPool cp) { int classIndex = cp.addClassInfo(trapClass); int mnameIndex = cp.addUtf8Info(trapMethod); typedesc = cp.addUtf8Info( Descriptor.changeReturnType(classname, cp.getUtf8Info(typedesc))); return cp.addMethodrefInfo(classIndex, cp.addNameAndTypeInfo(mnameIndex, typedesc)); } }
int index; int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); if (c == NEW) { index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); if (cp.getClassInfo(index).equals(classname)) { if (iterator.byteAt(pos + 3) != DUP) throw new CannotCompileException( "NEW followed by no DUP was found"); iterator.writeByte(NOP, pos); iterator.writeByte(NOP, pos + 1); iterator.writeByte(NOP, pos + 2); iterator.writeByte(NOP, pos + 3); ++nested; StackMapTable smt = (StackMapTable)iterator.get().getAttribute(StackMapTable.tag); if (smt != null) smt.removeNew(pos); StackMap sm = (StackMap)iterator.get().getAttribute(StackMap.tag); if (sm != null) sm.removeNew(pos); } } else if (c == INVOKESPECIAL) { index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); int typedesc = cp.isConstructor(classname, index); if (typedesc != 0 && nested > 0) { int methodref = computeMethodref(typedesc, cp); iterator.writeByte(INVOKESTATIC, pos); iterator.write16bit(methodref, pos + 1); --nested; } } return pos;
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer) ,public void clean() ,public int extraLocals() ,public int extraStack() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer getNext() ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute) ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public abstract int transform(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, int, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode<variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer next
class TransformNewClass extends Transformer { private int nested; private String classname, newClassName; private int newClassIndex, newMethodNTIndex, newMethodIndex; public TransformNewClass(Transformer next, String classname, String newClassName) { super(next); this.classname = classname; this.newClassName = newClassName; } @Override public void initialize(ConstPool cp, CodeAttribute attr) { nested = 0; newClassIndex = newMethodNTIndex = newMethodIndex = 0; } /** * Modifies a sequence of * NEW classname * DUP * ... * INVOKESPECIAL classname:method */ @Override public int transform(CtClass clazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp) throws CannotCompileException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
int index; int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); if (c == NEW) { index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); if (cp.getClassInfo(index).equals(classname)) { if (iterator.byteAt(pos + 3) != DUP) throw new CannotCompileException( "NEW followed by no DUP was found"); if (newClassIndex == 0) newClassIndex = cp.addClassInfo(newClassName); iterator.write16bit(newClassIndex, pos + 1); ++nested; } } else if (c == INVOKESPECIAL) { index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); int typedesc = cp.isConstructor(classname, index); if (typedesc != 0 && nested > 0) { int nt = cp.getMethodrefNameAndType(index); if (newMethodNTIndex != nt) { newMethodNTIndex = nt; newMethodIndex = cp.addMethodrefInfo(newClassIndex, nt); } iterator.write16bit(newMethodIndex, pos + 1); --nested; } } return pos;
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer) ,public void clean() ,public int extraLocals() ,public int extraStack() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer getNext() ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute) ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public abstract int transform(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, int, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode<variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer next
class TransformReadField extends Transformer { protected String fieldname; protected CtClass fieldClass; protected boolean isPrivate; protected String methodClassname, methodName; public TransformReadField(Transformer next, CtField field, String methodClassname, String methodName) { super(next); this.fieldClass = field.getDeclaringClass(); this.fieldname = field.getName(); this.methodClassname = methodClassname; this.methodName = methodName; this.isPrivate = Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers()); } static String isField(ClassPool pool, ConstPool cp, CtClass fclass, String fname, boolean is_private, int index) { if (!cp.getFieldrefName(index).equals(fname)) return null; try { CtClass c = pool.get(cp.getFieldrefClassName(index)); if (c == fclass || (!is_private && isFieldInSuper(c, fclass, fname))) return cp.getFieldrefType(index); } catch (NotFoundException e) {} return null; } static boolean isFieldInSuper(CtClass clazz, CtClass fclass, String fname) { if (!clazz.subclassOf(fclass)) return false; try { CtField f = clazz.getField(fname); return f.getDeclaringClass() == fclass; } catch (NotFoundException e) {} return false; } @Override public int transform(CtClass tclazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp) throws BadBytecode {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); if (c == GETFIELD || c == GETSTATIC) { int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); String typedesc = isField(tclazz.getClassPool(), cp, fieldClass, fieldname, isPrivate, index); if (typedesc != null) { if (c == GETSTATIC) { iterator.move(pos); pos = iterator.insertGap(1); // insertGap() may insert 4 bytes. iterator.writeByte(ACONST_NULL, pos); pos =; } String type = "(Ljava/lang/Object;)" + typedesc; int mi = cp.addClassInfo(methodClassname); int methodref = cp.addMethodrefInfo(mi, methodName, type); iterator.writeByte(INVOKESTATIC, pos); iterator.write16bit(methodref, pos + 1); return pos; } } return pos;
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer) ,public void clean() ,public int extraLocals() ,public int extraStack() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer getNext() ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute) ,public void initialize(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public abstract int transform(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, int, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode<variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer next
class TransformWriteField extends TransformReadField { public TransformWriteField(Transformer next, CtField field, String methodClassname, String methodName) { super(next, field, methodClassname, methodName); } @Override public int transform(CtClass tclazz, int pos, CodeIterator iterator, ConstPool cp) throws BadBytecode {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); if (c == PUTFIELD || c == PUTSTATIC) { int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); String typedesc = isField(tclazz.getClassPool(), cp, fieldClass, fieldname, isPrivate, index); if (typedesc != null) { if (c == PUTSTATIC) { CodeAttribute ca = iterator.get(); iterator.move(pos); char c0 = typedesc.charAt(0); if (c0 == 'J' || c0 == 'D') { // long or double // insertGap() may insert 4 bytes. pos = iterator.insertGap(3); iterator.writeByte(ACONST_NULL, pos); iterator.writeByte(DUP_X2, pos + 1); iterator.writeByte(POP, pos + 2); ca.setMaxStack(ca.getMaxStack() + 2); } else { // insertGap() may insert 4 bytes. pos = iterator.insertGap(2); iterator.writeByte(ACONST_NULL, pos); iterator.writeByte(SWAP, pos + 1); ca.setMaxStack(ca.getMaxStack() + 1); } pos =; } int mi = cp.addClassInfo(methodClassname); String type = "(Ljava/lang/Object;" + typedesc + ")V"; int methodref = cp.addMethodrefInfo(mi, methodName, type); iterator.writeByte(INVOKESTATIC, pos); iterator.write16bit(methodref, pos + 1); } } return pos;
<methods>public void <init>(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.convert.Transformer, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtField, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) ,public int transform(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass, int, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.ConstPool) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.BadBytecode<variables>protected org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass fieldClass,protected java.lang.String fieldname,protected boolean isPrivate,protected java.lang.String methodClassname,protected java.lang.String methodName
class Cast extends Expr { /** * Undocumented constructor. Do not use; internal-use only. */ protected Cast(int pos, CodeIterator i, CtClass declaring, MethodInfo m) { super(pos, i, declaring, m); } /** * Returns the method or constructor containing the type cast * expression represented by this object. */ @Override public CtBehavior where() { return super.where(); } /** * Returns the line number of the source line containing the * type-cast expression. * * @return -1 if this information is not available. */ @Override public int getLineNumber() { return super.getLineNumber(); } /** * Returns the source file containing the type-cast expression. * * @return null if this information is not available. */ @Override public String getFileName() { return super.getFileName(); } /** * Returns the <code>CtClass</code> object representing * the type specified by the cast. */ public CtClass getType() throws NotFoundException { ConstPool cp = getConstPool(); int pos = currentPos; int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); String name = cp.getClassInfo(index); return thisClass.getClassPool().getCtClass(name); } /** * Returns the list of exceptions that the expression may throw. * This list includes both the exceptions that the try-catch statements * including the expression can catch and the exceptions that * the throws declaration allows the method to throw. */ @Override public CtClass[] mayThrow() { return super.mayThrow(); } /** * Replaces the explicit cast operator with the bytecode derived from * the given source text. * * <p>$0 is available but the value is <code>null</code>. * * @param statement a Java statement except try-catch. */ @Override public void replace(String statement) throws CannotCompileException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /* <type> $proceed(Object obj) */ static class ProceedForCast implements ProceedHandler { int index; CtClass retType; ProceedForCast(int i, CtClass t) { index = i; retType = t; } @Override public void doit(JvstCodeGen gen, Bytecode bytecode, ASTList args) throws CompileError { if (gen.getMethodArgsLength(args) != 1) throw new CompileError(Javac.proceedName + "() cannot take more than one parameter " + "for cast"); gen.atMethodArgs(args, new int[1], new int[1], new String[1]); bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.CHECKCAST); bytecode.addIndex(index); gen.setType(retType); } @Override public void setReturnType(JvstTypeChecker c, ASTList args) throws CompileError { c.atMethodArgs(args, new int[1], new int[1], new String[1]); c.setType(retType); } } }
thisClass.getClassFile(); // to call checkModify(). @SuppressWarnings("unused") ConstPool constPool = getConstPool(); int pos = currentPos; int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); Javac jc = new Javac(thisClass); ClassPool cp = thisClass.getClassPool(); CodeAttribute ca = iterator.get(); try { CtClass[] params = new CtClass[] { cp.get(javaLangObject) }; CtClass retType = getType(); int paramVar = ca.getMaxLocals(); jc.recordParams(javaLangObject, params, true, paramVar, withinStatic()); int retVar = jc.recordReturnType(retType, true); jc.recordProceed(new ProceedForCast(index, retType)); /* Is $_ included in the source code? */ checkResultValue(retType, statement); Bytecode bytecode = jc.getBytecode(); storeStack(params, true, paramVar, bytecode); jc.recordLocalVariables(ca, pos); bytecode.addConstZero(retType); bytecode.addStore(retVar, retType); // initialize $_ jc.compileStmnt(statement); bytecode.addLoad(retVar, retType); replace0(pos, bytecode, 3); } catch (CompileError e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } catch (BadBytecode e) { throw new CannotCompileException("broken method"); }
<methods>public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass getEnclosingClass() ,public java.lang.String getFileName() ,public int getLineNumber() ,public int indexOfBytecode() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass[] mayThrow() ,public abstract void replace(java.lang.String) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public void replace(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.expr.ExprEditor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtBehavior where() <variables>int currentPos,boolean edited,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator iterator,static final java.lang.String javaLangObject,int maxLocals,int maxStack,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass thisClass,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo thisMethod
class LoopContext { NewOp newList; int maxLocals; int maxStack; LoopContext(int locals) { maxLocals = locals; maxStack = 0; newList = null; } void updateMax(int locals, int stack) { if (maxLocals < locals) maxLocals = locals; if (maxStack < stack) maxStack = stack; } } final boolean loopBody(CodeIterator iterator, CtClass clazz, MethodInfo minfo, LoopContext context) throws CannotCompileException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>
try { Expr expr = null; int pos =; int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); if (c < Opcode.GETSTATIC) // c < 178 /* skip */; else if (c < Opcode.NEWARRAY) { // c < 188 if (c == Opcode.INVOKESTATIC || c == Opcode.INVOKEINTERFACE || c == Opcode.INVOKEVIRTUAL) { expr = new MethodCall(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo); edit((MethodCall)expr); } else if (c == Opcode.GETFIELD || c == Opcode.GETSTATIC || c == Opcode.PUTFIELD || c == Opcode.PUTSTATIC) { expr = new FieldAccess(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo, c); edit((FieldAccess)expr); } else if (c == Opcode.NEW) { int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); context.newList = new NewOp(context.newList, pos, minfo.getConstPool().getClassInfo(index)); } else if (c == Opcode.INVOKESPECIAL) { NewOp newList = context.newList; if (newList != null && minfo.getConstPool().isConstructor(newList.type, iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1)) > 0) { expr = new NewExpr(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo, newList.type, newList.pos); edit((NewExpr)expr); context.newList =; } else { MethodCall mcall = new MethodCall(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo); if (mcall.getMethodName().equals(MethodInfo.nameInit)) { ConstructorCall ccall = new ConstructorCall(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo); expr = ccall; edit(ccall); } else { expr = mcall; edit(mcall); } } } } else { // c >= 188 if (c == Opcode.NEWARRAY || c == Opcode.ANEWARRAY || c == Opcode.MULTIANEWARRAY) { expr = new NewArray(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo, c); edit((NewArray)expr); } else if (c == Opcode.INSTANCEOF) { expr = new Instanceof(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo); edit((Instanceof)expr); } else if (c == Opcode.CHECKCAST) { expr = new Cast(pos, iterator, clazz, minfo); edit((Cast)expr); } } if (expr != null && expr.edited()) { context.updateMax(expr.locals(), expr.stack()); return true; } return false; } catch (BadBytecode e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); }
class ProceedForWrite implements ProceedHandler { CtClass fieldType; int opcode; int targetVar, index; ProceedForWrite(CtClass type, int op, int i, int var) { fieldType = type; targetVar = var; opcode = op; index = i; } @Override public void doit(JvstCodeGen gen, Bytecode bytecode, ASTList args) throws CompileError {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override public void setReturnType(JvstTypeChecker c, ASTList args) throws CompileError { c.atMethodArgs(args, new int[1], new int[1], new String[1]); c.setType(CtClass.voidType); c.addNullIfVoid(); } }
if (gen.getMethodArgsLength(args) != 1) throw new CompileError(Javac.proceedName + "() cannot take more than one parameter " + "for field writing"); int stack; if (isStatic(opcode)) stack = 0; else { stack = -1; bytecode.addAload(targetVar); } gen.atMethodArgs(args, new int[1], new int[1], new String[1]); gen.doNumCast(fieldType); if (fieldType instanceof CtPrimitiveType) stack -= ((CtPrimitiveType)fieldType).getDataSize(); else --stack; bytecode.add(opcode); bytecode.addIndex(index); bytecode.growStack(stack); gen.setType(CtClass.voidType); gen.addNullIfVoid();
<methods>public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass getEnclosingClass() ,public java.lang.String getFileName() ,public int getLineNumber() ,public int indexOfBytecode() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass[] mayThrow() ,public abstract void replace(java.lang.String) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public void replace(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.expr.ExprEditor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtBehavior where() <variables>int currentPos,boolean edited,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator iterator,static final java.lang.String javaLangObject,int maxLocals,int maxStack,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass thisClass,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo thisMethod
class Handler extends Expr { private static String EXCEPTION_NAME = "$1"; private ExceptionTable etable; private int index; /** * Undocumented constructor. Do not use; internal-use only. */ protected Handler(ExceptionTable et, int nth, CodeIterator it, CtClass declaring, MethodInfo m) { super(et.handlerPc(nth), it, declaring, m); etable = et; index = nth; } /** * Returns the method or constructor containing the catch clause. */ @Override public CtBehavior where() { return super.where(); } /** * Returns the source line number of the catch clause. * * @return -1 if this information is not available. */ @Override public int getLineNumber() { return super.getLineNumber(); } /** * Returns the source file containing the catch clause. * * @return null if this information is not available. */ @Override public String getFileName() { return super.getFileName(); } /** * Returns the list of exceptions that the catch clause may throw. */ @Override public CtClass[] mayThrow() { return super.mayThrow(); } /** * Returns the type handled by the catch clause. * If this is a <code>finally</code> block, <code>null</code> is returned. */ public CtClass getType() throws NotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Returns true if this is a <code>finally</code> block. */ public boolean isFinally() { return etable.catchType(index) == 0; } /** * This method has not been implemented yet. * * @param statement a Java statement except try-catch. */ @Override public void replace(String statement) throws CannotCompileException { throw new RuntimeException("not implemented yet"); } /** * Inserts bytecode at the beginning of the catch clause. * The caught exception is stored in <code>$1</code>. * * @param src the source code representing the inserted bytecode. * It must be a single statement or block. */ public void insertBefore(String src) throws CannotCompileException { edited = true; @SuppressWarnings("unused") ConstPool cp = getConstPool(); CodeAttribute ca = iterator.get(); Javac jv = new Javac(thisClass); Bytecode b = jv.getBytecode(); b.setStackDepth(1); b.setMaxLocals(ca.getMaxLocals()); try { CtClass type = getType(); int var = jv.recordVariable(type, EXCEPTION_NAME); jv.recordReturnType(type, false); b.addAstore(var); jv.compileStmnt(src); b.addAload(var); int oldHandler = etable.handlerPc(index); b.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); b.addIndex(oldHandler - iterator.getCodeLength() - b.currentPc() + 1); maxStack = b.getMaxStack(); maxLocals = b.getMaxLocals(); int pos = iterator.append(b.get()); iterator.append(b.getExceptionTable(), pos); etable.setHandlerPc(index, pos); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } catch (CompileError e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } } }
int type = etable.catchType(index); if (type == 0) return null; ConstPool cp = getConstPool(); String name = cp.getClassInfo(type); return thisClass.getClassPool().getCtClass(name);
<methods>public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass getEnclosingClass() ,public java.lang.String getFileName() ,public int getLineNumber() ,public int indexOfBytecode() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass[] mayThrow() ,public abstract void replace(java.lang.String) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public void replace(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.expr.ExprEditor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtBehavior where() <variables>int currentPos,boolean edited,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator iterator,static final java.lang.String javaLangObject,int maxLocals,int maxStack,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass thisClass,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo thisMethod
class Instanceof extends Expr { /** * Undocumented constructor. Do not use; internal-use only. */ protected Instanceof(int pos, CodeIterator i, CtClass declaring, MethodInfo m) { super(pos, i, declaring, m); } /** * Returns the method or constructor containing the instanceof * expression represented by this object. */ @Override public CtBehavior where() { return super.where(); } /** * Returns the line number of the source line containing the * instanceof expression. * * @return -1 if this information is not available. */ @Override public int getLineNumber() { return super.getLineNumber(); } /** * Returns the source file containing the * instanceof expression. * * @return null if this information is not available. */ @Override public String getFileName() { return super.getFileName(); } /** * Returns the <code>CtClass</code> object representing * the type name on the right hand side * of the instanceof operator. */ public CtClass getType() throws NotFoundException { ConstPool cp = getConstPool(); int pos = currentPos; int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); String name = cp.getClassInfo(index); return thisClass.getClassPool().getCtClass(name); } /** * Returns the list of exceptions that the expression may throw. * This list includes both the exceptions that the try-catch statements * including the expression can catch and the exceptions that * the throws declaration allows the method to throw. */ @Override public CtClass[] mayThrow() { return super.mayThrow(); } /** * Replaces the instanceof operator with the bytecode derived from * the given source text. * * <p>$0 is available but the value is <code>null</code>. * * @param statement a Java statement except try-catch. */ @Override public void replace(String statement) throws CannotCompileException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /* boolean $proceed(Object obj) */ static class ProceedForInstanceof implements ProceedHandler { int index; ProceedForInstanceof(int i) { index = i; } @Override public void doit(JvstCodeGen gen, Bytecode bytecode, ASTList args) throws CompileError { if (gen.getMethodArgsLength(args) != 1) throw new CompileError(Javac.proceedName + "() cannot take more than one parameter " + "for instanceof"); gen.atMethodArgs(args, new int[1], new int[1], new String[1]); bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.INSTANCEOF); bytecode.addIndex(index); gen.setType(CtClass.booleanType); } @Override public void setReturnType(JvstTypeChecker c, ASTList args) throws CompileError { c.atMethodArgs(args, new int[1], new int[1], new String[1]); c.setType(CtClass.booleanType); } } }
thisClass.getClassFile(); // to call checkModify(). @SuppressWarnings("unused") ConstPool constPool = getConstPool(); int pos = currentPos; int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); Javac jc = new Javac(thisClass); ClassPool cp = thisClass.getClassPool(); CodeAttribute ca = iterator.get(); try { CtClass[] params = new CtClass[] { cp.get(javaLangObject) }; CtClass retType = CtClass.booleanType; int paramVar = ca.getMaxLocals(); jc.recordParams(javaLangObject, params, true, paramVar, withinStatic()); int retVar = jc.recordReturnType(retType, true); jc.recordProceed(new ProceedForInstanceof(index)); // because $type is not the return type... jc.recordType(getType()); /* Is $_ included in the source code? */ checkResultValue(retType, statement); Bytecode bytecode = jc.getBytecode(); storeStack(params, true, paramVar, bytecode); jc.recordLocalVariables(ca, pos); bytecode.addConstZero(retType); bytecode.addStore(retVar, retType); // initialize $_ jc.compileStmnt(statement); bytecode.addLoad(retVar, retType); replace0(pos, bytecode, 3); } catch (CompileError e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } catch (BadBytecode e) { throw new CannotCompileException("broken method"); }
<methods>public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass getEnclosingClass() ,public java.lang.String getFileName() ,public int getLineNumber() ,public int indexOfBytecode() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass[] mayThrow() ,public abstract void replace(java.lang.String) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public void replace(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.expr.ExprEditor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtBehavior where() <variables>int currentPos,boolean edited,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator iterator,static final java.lang.String javaLangObject,int maxLocals,int maxStack,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass thisClass,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo thisMethod
class MethodCall extends Expr { /** * Undocumented constructor. Do not use; internal-use only. */ protected MethodCall(int pos, CodeIterator i, CtClass declaring, MethodInfo m) { super(pos, i, declaring, m); } private int getNameAndType(ConstPool cp) { int pos = currentPos; int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); if (c == INVOKEINTERFACE) return cp.getInterfaceMethodrefNameAndType(index); return cp.getMethodrefNameAndType(index); } /** * Returns the method or constructor containing the method-call * expression represented by this object. */ @Override public CtBehavior where() { return super.where(); } /** * Returns the line number of the source line containing the * method call. * * @return -1 if this information is not available. */ @Override public int getLineNumber() { return super.getLineNumber(); } /** * Returns the source file containing the method call. * * @return null if this information is not available. */ @Override public String getFileName() { return super.getFileName(); } /** * Returns the class of the target object, * which the method is called on. */ protected CtClass getCtClass() throws NotFoundException { return thisClass.getClassPool().get(getClassName()); } /** * Returns the class name of the target object, * which the method is called on. */ public String getClassName() { String cname; ConstPool cp = getConstPool(); int pos = currentPos; int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); if (c == INVOKEINTERFACE) cname = cp.getInterfaceMethodrefClassName(index); else cname = cp.getMethodrefClassName(index); if (cname.charAt(0) == '[') cname = Descriptor.toClassName(cname); return cname; } /** * Returns the name of the called method. */ public String getMethodName() { ConstPool cp = getConstPool(); int nt = getNameAndType(cp); return cp.getUtf8Info(cp.getNameAndTypeName(nt)); } /** * Returns the called method. */ public CtMethod getMethod() throws NotFoundException { return getCtClass().getMethod(getMethodName(), getSignature()); } /** * Returns the method signature (the parameter types * and the return type). * The method signature is represented by a character string * called method descriptor, which is defined in the JVM specification. * * @see javassist.CtBehavior#getSignature() * @see javassist.bytecode.Descriptor * @since 3.1 */ public String getSignature() { ConstPool cp = getConstPool(); int nt = getNameAndType(cp); return cp.getUtf8Info(cp.getNameAndTypeDescriptor(nt)); } /** * Returns the list of exceptions that the expression may throw. * This list includes both the exceptions that the try-catch statements * including the expression can catch and the exceptions that * the throws declaration allows the method to throw. */ @Override public CtClass[] mayThrow() { return super.mayThrow(); } /** * Returns true if the called method is of a superclass of the current * class. */ public boolean isSuper() { return iterator.byteAt(currentPos) == INVOKESPECIAL && !where().getDeclaringClass().getName().equals(getClassName()); } /* * Returns the parameter types of the called method. public CtClass[] getParameterTypes() throws NotFoundException { return Descriptor.getParameterTypes(getMethodDesc(), thisClass.getClassPool()); } */ /* * Returns the return type of the called method. public CtClass getReturnType() throws NotFoundException { return Descriptor.getReturnType(getMethodDesc(), thisClass.getClassPool()); } */ /** * Replaces the method call with the bytecode derived from * the given source text. * * <p>$0 is available even if the called method is static. * * @param statement a Java statement except try-catch. */ @Override public void replace(String statement) throws CannotCompileException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
thisClass.getClassFile(); // to call checkModify(). ConstPool constPool = getConstPool(); int pos = currentPos; int index = iterator.u16bitAt(pos + 1); String classname, methodname, signature; int opcodeSize; int c = iterator.byteAt(pos); if (c == INVOKEINTERFACE) { opcodeSize = 5; classname = constPool.getInterfaceMethodrefClassName(index); methodname = constPool.getInterfaceMethodrefName(index); signature = constPool.getInterfaceMethodrefType(index); } else if (c == INVOKESTATIC || c == INVOKESPECIAL || c == INVOKEVIRTUAL) { opcodeSize = 3; classname = constPool.getMethodrefClassName(index); methodname = constPool.getMethodrefName(index); signature = constPool.getMethodrefType(index); } else throw new CannotCompileException("not method invocation"); Javac jc = new Javac(thisClass); ClassPool cp = thisClass.getClassPool(); CodeAttribute ca = iterator.get(); try { CtClass[] params = Descriptor.getParameterTypes(signature, cp); CtClass retType = Descriptor.getReturnType(signature, cp); int paramVar = ca.getMaxLocals(); jc.recordParams(classname, params, true, paramVar, withinStatic()); int retVar = jc.recordReturnType(retType, true); if (c == INVOKESTATIC) jc.recordStaticProceed(classname, methodname); else if (c == INVOKESPECIAL) jc.recordSpecialProceed(Javac.param0Name, classname, methodname, signature, index); else jc.recordProceed(Javac.param0Name, methodname); /* Is $_ included in the source code? */ checkResultValue(retType, statement); Bytecode bytecode = jc.getBytecode(); storeStack(params, c == INVOKESTATIC, paramVar, bytecode); jc.recordLocalVariables(ca, pos); if (retType != CtClass.voidType) { bytecode.addConstZero(retType); bytecode.addStore(retVar, retType); // initialize $_ } jc.compileStmnt(statement); if (retType != CtClass.voidType) bytecode.addLoad(retVar, retType); replace0(pos, bytecode, opcodeSize); } catch (CompileError e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } catch (BadBytecode e) { throw new CannotCompileException("broken method"); }
<methods>public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass getEnclosingClass() ,public java.lang.String getFileName() ,public int getLineNumber() ,public int indexOfBytecode() ,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass[] mayThrow() ,public abstract void replace(java.lang.String) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public void replace(java.lang.String, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.expr.ExprEditor) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtBehavior where() <variables>int currentPos,boolean edited,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator iterator,static final java.lang.String javaLangObject,int maxLocals,int maxStack,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass thisClass,org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo thisMethod
class Desc { /** * Specifies how a <code>java.lang.Class</code> object is loaded. * * <p>If true, it is loaded by: * <pre>Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass()</pre> * <p>If false, it is loaded by <code>Class.forName()</code>. * The default value is false. */ public static boolean useContextClassLoader = false; private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> USE_CONTEXT_CLASS_LOADER_LOCALLY = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() { @Override protected Boolean initialValue() { return false; } }; public static void setUseContextClassLoaderLocally() { USE_CONTEXT_CLASS_LOADER_LOCALLY.set(true); } public static void resetUseContextClassLoaderLocally() { USE_CONTEXT_CLASS_LOADER_LOCALLY.remove(); } private static Class<?> getClassObject(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (useContextClassLoader || USE_CONTEXT_CLASS_LOADER_LOCALLY.get()) return Class.forName(name, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); return Class.forName(name); } /** * Interprets the given class name. * It is used for implementing <code>$class</code>. */ public static Class<?> getClazz(String name) { try { return getClassObject(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "$class: internal error, could not find class '" + name + "' (Desc.useContextClassLoader: " + Boolean.toString(useContextClassLoader) + ")", e); } } /** * Interprets the given type descriptor representing a method * signature. It is used for implementing <code>$sig</code>. */ public static Class<?>[] getParams(String desc) { if (desc.charAt(0) != '(') throw new RuntimeException("$sig: internal error"); return getType(desc, desc.length(), 1, 0); } /** * Interprets the given type descriptor. * It is used for implementing <code>$type</code>. */ public static Class<?> getType(String desc) { Class<?>[] result = getType(desc, desc.length(), 0, 0); if (result == null || result.length != 1) throw new RuntimeException("$type: internal error"); return result[0]; } private static Class<?>[] getType(String desc, int descLen, int start, int num) { Class<?> clazz; if (start >= descLen) return new Class[num]; char c = desc.charAt(start); switch (c) { case 'Z' : clazz = Boolean.TYPE; break; case 'C' : clazz = Character.TYPE; break; case 'B' : clazz = Byte.TYPE; break; case 'S' : clazz = Short.TYPE; break; case 'I' : clazz = Integer.TYPE; break; case 'J' : clazz = Long.TYPE; break; case 'F' : clazz = Float.TYPE; break; case 'D' : clazz = Double.TYPE; break; case 'V' : clazz = Void.TYPE; break; case 'L' : case '[' : return getClassType(desc, descLen, start, num); default : return new Class[num]; } Class<?>[] result = getType(desc, descLen, start + 1, num + 1); result[num] = clazz; return result; } private static Class<?>[] getClassType(String desc, int descLen, int start, int num) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
int end = start; while (desc.charAt(end) == '[') ++end; if (desc.charAt(end) == 'L') { end = desc.indexOf(';', end); if (end < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bad descriptor"); } String cname; if (desc.charAt(start) == 'L') cname = desc.substring(start + 1, end); else cname = desc.substring(start, end + 1); Class<?>[] result = getType(desc, descLen, end + 1, num + 1); try { result[num] = getClassObject(cname.replace('/', '.')); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // "new RuntimeException(e)" is not available in JDK 1.3. throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } return result;
class ScopedClassPoolRepositoryImpl implements ScopedClassPoolRepository { /** The instance */ private static final ScopedClassPoolRepositoryImpl instance = new ScopedClassPoolRepositoryImpl(); /** Whether to prune */ private boolean prune = true; /** Whether to prune when added to the classpool's cache */ boolean pruneWhenCached; /** The registered classloaders */ protected Map<ClassLoader,ScopedClassPool> registeredCLs = Collections .synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<ClassLoader,ScopedClassPool>()); /** The default class pool */ protected ClassPool classpool; /** The factory for creating class pools */ protected ScopedClassPoolFactory factory = new ScopedClassPoolFactoryImpl(); /** * Get the instance. * * @return the instance. */ public static ScopedClassPoolRepository getInstance() { return instance; } /** * Singleton. */ private ScopedClassPoolRepositoryImpl() { classpool = ClassPool.getDefault(); // FIXME This doesn't look correct ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); classpool.insertClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(cl)); } /** * Returns the value of the prune attribute. * * @return the prune. */ @Override public boolean isPrune() { return prune; } /** * Set the prune attribute. * * @param prune a new value. */ @Override public void setPrune(boolean prune) { this.prune = prune; } /** * Create a scoped classpool. * * @param cl the classloader. * @param src the original classpool. * @return the classpool */ @Override public ScopedClassPool createScopedClassPool(ClassLoader cl, ClassPool src) { return factory.create(cl, src, this); } @Override public ClassPool findClassPool(ClassLoader cl) { if (cl == null) return registerClassLoader(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); return registerClassLoader(cl); } /** * Register a classloader. * * @param ucl the classloader. * @return the classpool */ @Override public ClassPool registerClassLoader(ClassLoader ucl) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Get the registered classloaders. */ @Override public Map<ClassLoader,ScopedClassPool> getRegisteredCLs() { clearUnregisteredClassLoaders(); return registeredCLs; } /** * This method will check to see if a register classloader has been * undeployed (as in JBoss) */ @Override public void clearUnregisteredClassLoaders() { List<ClassLoader> toUnregister = null; synchronized (registeredCLs) { for (Map.Entry<ClassLoader,ScopedClassPool> reg:registeredCLs.entrySet()) { if (reg.getValue().isUnloadedClassLoader()) { ClassLoader cl = reg.getValue().getClassLoader(); if (cl != null) { if (toUnregister == null) toUnregister = new ArrayList<ClassLoader>(); toUnregister.add(cl); } registeredCLs.remove(reg.getKey()); } } if (toUnregister != null) for (ClassLoader cl:toUnregister) unregisterClassLoader(cl); } } @Override public void unregisterClassLoader(ClassLoader cl) { synchronized (registeredCLs) { ScopedClassPool pool = registeredCLs.remove(cl); if (pool != null) pool.close(); } } public void insertDelegate(ScopedClassPoolRepository delegate) { // Noop - this is the end } @Override public void setClassPoolFactory(ScopedClassPoolFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; } @Override public ScopedClassPoolFactory getClassPoolFactory() { return factory; } }
synchronized (registeredCLs) { // FIXME: Probably want to take this method out later // so that AOP framework can be independent of JMX // This is in here so that we can remove a UCL from the ClassPool as // a // ClassPool.classpath if (registeredCLs.containsKey(ucl)) { return registeredCLs.get(ucl); } ScopedClassPool pool = createScopedClassPool(ucl, classpool); registeredCLs.put(ucl, pool); return pool; }
class Dump { private Dump() {} /** * Main method. * * @param args <code>args[0]</code> is the class file name. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
if (args.length != 1) { System.err.println("Usage: java Dump <class file name>"); return; } DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( new FileInputStream(args[0])); ClassFile w = new ClassFile(in); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out, true); out.println("*** constant pool ***"); w.getConstPool().print(out); out.println(); out.println("*** members ***"); ClassFilePrinter.print(w, out);
class framedump { private framedump() {} /** * Main method. * * @param args <code>args[0]</code> is the class file name. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
if (args.length != 1) { System.err.println("Usage: java <fully-qualified class name>"); return; } ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault(); CtClass clazz = pool.get(args[0]); System.out.println("Frame Dump of " + clazz.getName() + ":"); FramePrinter.print(clazz, System.out);
class Compiler { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length == 0) { help(System.err); return; } CompiledClass[] entries = new CompiledClass[args.length]; int n = parse(args, entries); if (n < 1) { System.err.println("bad parameter."); return; } processClasses(entries, n); } private static void processClasses(CompiledClass[] entries, int n) throws Exception { Reflection implementor = new Reflection(); ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault(); implementor.start(pool); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { CtClass c = pool.get(entries[i].classname); if (entries[i].metaobject != null || entries[i].classobject != null) { String metaobj, classobj; if (entries[i].metaobject == null) metaobj = ""; else metaobj = entries[i].metaobject; if (entries[i].classobject == null) classobj = ""; else classobj = entries[i].classobject; if (!implementor.makeReflective(c, pool.get(metaobj), pool.get(classobj))) System.err.println("Warning: " + c.getName() + " is reflective. It was not changed."); System.err.println(c.getName() + ": " + metaobj + ", " + classobj); } else System.err.println(c.getName() + ": not reflective"); } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { implementor.onLoad(pool, entries[i].classname); pool.get(entries[i].classname).writeFile(); } } private static int parse(String[] args, CompiledClass[] result) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private static void help(PrintStream out) { out.println("Usage: java"); out.println(" (<class> [-m <metaobject>] [-c <class metaobject>])+"); } }
int n = -1; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { String a = args[i]; if (a.equals("-m")) if (n < 0 || i + 1 > args.length) return -1; else result[n].metaobject = args[++i]; else if (a.equals("-c")) if (n < 0 || i + 1 > args.length) return -1; else result[n].classobject = args[++i]; else if (a.charAt(0) == '-') return -1; else { CompiledClass cc = new CompiledClass(); cc.classname = a; cc.metaobject = null; cc.classobject = null; result[++n] = cc; } } return n + 1;
class Metaobject implements Serializable { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected ClassMetaobject classmetaobject; protected Metalevel baseobject; protected Method[] methods; /** * Constructs a <code>Metaobject</code>. The metaobject is * constructed before the constructor is called on the base-level * object. * * @param self the object that this metaobject is associated with. * @param args the parameters passed to the constructor of * <code>self</code>. */ public Metaobject(Object self, Object[] args) { baseobject = (Metalevel)self; classmetaobject = baseobject._getClass(); methods = classmetaobject.getReflectiveMethods(); } /** * Constructs a <code>Metaobject</code> without initialization. * If calling this constructor, a subclass should be responsible * for initialization. */ protected Metaobject() { baseobject = null; classmetaobject = null; methods = null; } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.writeObject(baseobject); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { baseobject = (Metalevel)in.readObject(); classmetaobject = baseobject._getClass(); methods = classmetaobject.getReflectiveMethods(); } /** * Obtains the class metaobject associated with this metaobject. * * @see */ public final ClassMetaobject getClassMetaobject() { return classmetaobject; } /** * Obtains the object controlled by this metaobject. */ public final Object getObject() { return baseobject; } /** * Changes the object controlled by this metaobject. * * @param self the object */ public final void setObject(Object self) { baseobject = (Metalevel)self; classmetaobject = baseobject._getClass(); methods = classmetaobject.getReflectiveMethods(); // call _setMetaobject() after the metaobject is settled. baseobject._setMetaobject(this); } /** * Returns the name of the method specified * by <code>identifier</code>. */ public final String getMethodName(int identifier) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Returns an array of <code>Class</code> objects representing the * formal parameter types of the method specified * by <code>identifier</code>. */ public final Class<?>[] getParameterTypes(int identifier) { return methods[identifier].getParameterTypes(); } /** * Returns a <code>Class</code> objects representing the * return type of the method specified by <code>identifier</code>. */ public final Class<?> getReturnType(int identifier) { return methods[identifier].getReturnType(); } /** * Is invoked when public fields of the base-level * class are read and the runtime system intercepts it. * This method simply returns the value of the field. * * <p>Every subclass of this class should redefine this method. */ public Object trapFieldRead(String name) { Class<?> jc = getClassMetaobject().getJavaClass(); try { return jc.getField(name).get(getObject()); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } } /** * Is invoked when public fields of the base-level * class are modified and the runtime system intercepts it. * This method simply sets the field to the given value. * * <p>Every subclass of this class should redefine this method. */ public void trapFieldWrite(String name, Object value) { Class<?> jc = getClassMetaobject().getJavaClass(); try { jc.getField(name).set(getObject(), value); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } } /** * Is invoked when base-level method invocation is intercepted. * This method simply executes the intercepted method invocation * with the original parameters and returns the resulting value. * * <p>Every subclass of this class should redefine this method. * * <p>Note: this method is not invoked if the base-level method * is invoked by a constructor in the super class. For example, * * <pre> * abstract class A { * abstract void initialize(); * A() { * initialize(); // not intercepted * } * } * * class B extends A { * void initialize() { System.out.println("initialize()"); } * B() { * super(); * initialize(); // intercepted * } * }</pre> * * <p>if an instance of B is created, * the invocation of initialize() in B is intercepted only once. * The first invocation by the constructor in A is not intercepted. * This is because the link between a base-level object and a * metaobject is not created until the execution of a * constructor of the super class finishes. */ public Object trapMethodcall(int identifier, Object[] args) throws Throwable { try { return methods[identifier].invoke(getObject(), args); } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getTargetException(); } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) { throw new CannotInvokeException(e); } } }
String mname = methods[identifier].getName(); int j = ClassMetaobject.methodPrefixLen; for (;;) { char c = mname.charAt(j++); if (c < '0' || '9' < c) break; } return mname.substring(j);
class Sample { private Metaobject _metaobject; private static ClassMetaobject _classobject; public Object trap(Object[] args, int identifier) throws Throwable {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} public static Object trapStatic(Object[] args, int identifier) throws Throwable { return _classobject.trapMethodcall(identifier, args); } public static Object trapRead(Object[] args, String name) { if (args[0] == null) return _classobject.trapFieldRead(name); return ((Metalevel)args[0])._getMetaobject().trapFieldRead(name); } public static Object trapWrite(Object[] args, String name) { Metalevel base = (Metalevel)args[0]; if (base == null) _classobject.trapFieldWrite(name, args[1]); else base._getMetaobject().trapFieldWrite(name, args[1]); return null; } }
Metaobject mobj; mobj = _metaobject; if (mobj == null) return ClassMetaobject.invoke(this, identifier, args); return mobj.trapMethodcall(identifier, args);
class AppletServer extends Webserver { private StubGenerator stubGen; private Map<String,ExportedObject> exportedNames; private List<ExportedObject> exportedObjects; private static final byte[] okHeader = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n".getBytes(); /** * Constructs a web server. * * @param port port number */ public AppletServer(String port) throws IOException, NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { this(Integer.parseInt(port)); } /** * Constructs a web server. * * @param port port number */ public AppletServer(int port) throws IOException, NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { this(ClassPool.getDefault(), new StubGenerator(), port); } /** * Constructs a web server. * * @param port port number * @param src the source of classs files. */ public AppletServer(int port, ClassPool src) throws IOException, NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { this(new ClassPool(src), new StubGenerator(), port); } private AppletServer(ClassPool loader, StubGenerator gen, int port) throws IOException, NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { super(port); exportedNames = new Hashtable<String,ExportedObject>(); exportedObjects = new Vector<ExportedObject>(); stubGen = gen; addTranslator(loader, gen); } /** * Begins the HTTP service. */ @Override public void run() {; } /** * Exports an object. * This method produces the bytecode of the proxy class used * to access the exported object. A remote applet can load * the proxy class and call a method on the exported object. * * @param name the name used for looking the object up. * @param obj the exported object. * @return the object identifier * * @see */ public synchronized int exportObject(String name, Object obj) throws CannotCompileException { Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass(); ExportedObject eo = new ExportedObject(); eo.object = obj; eo.methods = clazz.getMethods(); exportedObjects.add(eo); eo.identifier = exportedObjects.size() - 1; if (name != null) exportedNames.put(name, eo); try { stubGen.makeProxyClass(clazz); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } return eo.identifier; } /** * Processes a request from a web browser (an ObjectImporter). */ @Override public void doReply(InputStream in, OutputStream out, String cmd) throws IOException, BadHttpRequest { if (cmd.startsWith("POST /rmi ")) processRMI(in, out); else if (cmd.startsWith("POST /lookup ")) lookupName(cmd, in, out); else super.doReply(in, out, cmd); } private void processRMI(InputStream ins, OutputStream outs) throws IOException { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(ins); int objectId = in.readInt(); int methodId = in.readInt(); Exception err = null; Object rvalue = null; try { ExportedObject eo = exportedObjects.get(objectId); Object[] args = readParameters(in); rvalue = convertRvalue(eo.methods[methodId].invoke(eo.object, args)); } catch(Exception e) { err = e; logging2(e.toString()); } outs.write(okHeader); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(outs); if (err != null) { out.writeBoolean(false); out.writeUTF(err.toString()); } else try { out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeObject(rvalue); } catch (NotSerializableException e) { logging2(e.toString()); } catch (InvalidClassException e) { logging2(e.toString()); } out.flush(); out.close(); in.close(); } private Object[] readParameters(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int n = in.readInt(); Object[] args = new Object[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Object a = in.readObject(); if (a instanceof RemoteRef) { RemoteRef ref = (RemoteRef)a; ExportedObject eo = exportedObjects.get(ref.oid); a = eo.object; } args[i] = a; } return args; } private Object convertRvalue(Object rvalue) throws CannotCompileException { if (rvalue == null) return null; // the return type is void. String classname = rvalue.getClass().getName(); if (stubGen.isProxyClass(classname)) return new RemoteRef(exportObject(null, rvalue), classname); return rvalue; } private void lookupName(String cmd, InputStream ins, OutputStream outs) throws IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(ins); String name = DataInputStream.readUTF(in); ExportedObject found = exportedNames.get(name); outs.write(okHeader); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(outs); if (found == null) { logging2(name + "not found."); out.writeInt(-1); // error code out.writeUTF("error"); } else { logging2(name); out.writeInt(found.identifier); out.writeUTF(found.object.getClass().getName()); } out.flush(); out.close(); in.close();
<methods>public void <init>(java.lang.String) throws,public void <init>(int) throws,public void addTranslator(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.ClassPool, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.Translator) throws org.hotswap.agent.javassist.NotFoundException, org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CannotCompileException,public void doReply(,, java.lang.String) throws,,public void end() throws,public void logging(java.lang.String) ,public void logging(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) ,public void logging(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) ,public void logging2(java.lang.String) ,public static void main(java.lang.String[]) throws,public void run() ,public void setClassPool(org.hotswap.agent.javassist.ClassPool) <variables>private org.hotswap.agent.javassist.ClassPool classPool,public java.lang.String debugDir,private static final byte[] endofline,public java.lang.String htmlfileBase,private socket,protected org.hotswap.agent.javassist.Translator translator,private static final int typeClass,private static final int typeGif,private static final int typeHtml,private static final int typeJpeg,private static final int typeText
class Viewer extends ClassLoader { private String server; private int port; /** * Starts a program. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { if (args.length >= 3) { Viewer cl = new Viewer(args[0], Integer.parseInt(args[1])); String[] args2 = new String[args.length - 3]; System.arraycopy(args, 3, args2, 0, args.length - 3);[2], args2); } else System.err.println( "Usage: java <host> <port> class [args ...]"); } /** * Constructs a viewer. * * @param host server name * @param p port number */ public Viewer(String host, int p) { server = host; port = p; } /** * Returns the server name. */ public String getServer() { return server; } /** * Returns the port number. */ public int getPort() { return port; } /** * Invokes main() in the class specified by <code>classname</code>. * * @param classname executed class * @param args the arguments passed to <code>main()</code>. */ public void run(String classname, String[] args) throws Throwable { Class<?> c = loadClass(classname); try { c.getDeclaredMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class }) .invoke(null, new Object[] { args }); } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getTargetException(); } } /** * Requests the class loader to load a class. */ @Override protected synchronized Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Finds the specified class. The implementation in this class * fetches the class from the http server. If the class is * either <code>java.*</code>, <code>javax.*</code>, or * <code>Viewer</code>, then it is loaded by the parent class * loader. * * <p>This method can be overridden by a subclass of * <code>Viewer</code>. */ @Override protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> c = null; if (name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.equals("")) c = findSystemClass(name); if (c == null) try { byte[] b = fetchClass(name); if (b != null) c = defineClass(name, b, 0, b.length); } catch (Exception e) { } return c; } /** * Fetches the class file of the specified class from the http * server. */ protected byte[] fetchClass(String classname) throws Exception { byte[] b; URL url = new URL("http", server, port, "/" + classname.replace('.', '/') + ".class"); URLConnection con = url.openConnection(); con.connect(); int size = con.getContentLength(); InputStream s = con.getInputStream(); if (size <= 0) b = readStream(s); else { b = new byte[size]; int len = 0; do { int n =, len, size - len); if (n < 0) { s.close(); throw new IOException("the stream was closed: " + classname); } len += n; } while (len < size); } s.close(); return b; } private byte[] readStream(InputStream fin) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int size = 0; int len = 0; do { size += len; if (buf.length - size <= 0) { byte[] newbuf = new byte[buf.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, size); buf = newbuf; } len =, size, buf.length - size); } while (len >= 0); byte[] result = new byte[size]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, result, 0, size); return result; } }
Class<?> c = findLoadedClass(name); if (c == null) c = findClass(name); if (c == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException(name); if (resolve) resolveClass(c); return c;
<methods>public void clearAssertionStatus() ,public final java.lang.Package getDefinedPackage(java.lang.String) ,public final java.lang.Package[] getDefinedPackages() ,public java.lang.String getName() ,public final java.lang.ClassLoader getParent() ,public static java.lang.ClassLoader getPlatformClassLoader() ,public getResource(java.lang.String) ,public getResourceAsStream(java.lang.String) ,public Enumeration<> getResources(java.lang.String) throws,public static java.lang.ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader() ,public static getSystemResource(java.lang.String) ,public static getSystemResourceAsStream(java.lang.String) ,public static Enumeration<> getSystemResources(java.lang.String) throws,public final java.lang.Module getUnnamedModule() ,public final boolean isRegisteredAsParallelCapable() ,public Class<?> loadClass(java.lang.String) throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException,public Stream<> resources(java.lang.String) ,public void setClassAssertionStatus(java.lang.String, boolean) ,public void setDefaultAssertionStatus(boolean) ,public void setPackageAssertionStatus(java.lang.String, boolean) <variables>static final boolean $assertionsDisabled,final java.lang.Object assertionLock,Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean> classAssertionStatus,private volatile ConcurrentHashMap<?,?> classLoaderValueMap,private final ArrayList<Class<?>> classes,private boolean defaultAssertionStatus,private final defaultDomain,private final jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries libraries,private final java.lang.String name,private final java.lang.String nameAndId,private static final[] nocerts,private final ConcurrentHashMap<java.lang.String,[]> package2certs,private Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean> packageAssertionStatus,private final ConcurrentHashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.NamedPackage> packages,private final ConcurrentHashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> parallelLockMap,private final java.lang.ClassLoader parent,private static volatile java.lang.ClassLoader scl,private final java.lang.Module unnamedModule
class HotSwapAgent { private static Instrumentation instrumentation = null; /** * Obtains the {@code Instrumentation} object. * * @return null when it is not available. */ public Instrumentation instrumentation() { return instrumentation; } /** * The entry point invoked when this agent is started by {@code -javaagent}. */ public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) throws Throwable { agentmain(agentArgs, inst); } /** * The entry point invoked when this agent is started after the JVM starts. */ public static void agentmain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) throws Throwable { if (!inst.isRedefineClassesSupported()) throw new RuntimeException("this JVM does not support redefinition of classes"); instrumentation = inst; } /** * Redefines a class. */ public static void redefine(Class<?> oldClass, CtClass newClass) throws NotFoundException, IOException, CannotCompileException { Class<?>[] old = { oldClass }; CtClass[] newClasses = { newClass }; redefine(old, newClasses); } /** * Redefines classes. */ public static void redefine(Class<?>[] oldClasses, CtClass[] newClasses) throws NotFoundException, IOException, CannotCompileException { startAgent(); ClassDefinition[] defs = new ClassDefinition[oldClasses.length]; for (int i = 0; i < oldClasses.length; i++) defs[i] = new ClassDefinition(oldClasses[i], newClasses[i].toBytecode()); try { instrumentation.redefineClasses(defs); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new NotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (UnmodifiableClassException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Ensures that the agent is ready. * It attempts to dynamically start the agent if necessary. */ private static void startAgent() throws NotFoundException { if (instrumentation != null) return; try { File agentJar = createJarFile(); String nameOfRunningVM = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); String pid = nameOfRunningVM.substring(0, nameOfRunningVM.indexOf('@')); VirtualMachine vm = VirtualMachine.attach(pid); vm.loadAgent(agentJar.getAbsolutePath(), null); vm.detach(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NotFoundException("hotswap agent", e); } for (int sec = 0; sec < 10 /* sec */; sec++) { if (instrumentation != null) return; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break; } } throw new NotFoundException("hotswap agent (timeout)"); } /** * Creates an agent file for using {@code HotSwapAgent}. */ public static File createAgentJarFile(String fileName) throws IOException, CannotCompileException, NotFoundException { return createJarFile(new File(fileName)); } private static File createJarFile() throws IOException, CannotCompileException, NotFoundException { File jar = File.createTempFile("agent", ".jar"); jar.deleteOnExit(); return createJarFile(jar); } private static File createJarFile(File jar) throws IOException, CannotCompileException, NotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
Manifest manifest = new Manifest(); Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes(); attrs.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0"); attrs.put(new Attributes.Name("Premain-Class"), HotSwapAgent.class.getName()); attrs.put(new Attributes.Name("Agent-Class"), HotSwapAgent.class.getName()); attrs.put(new Attributes.Name("Can-Retransform-Classes"), "true"); attrs.put(new Attributes.Name("Can-Redefine-Classes"), "true"); JarOutputStream jos = null; try { jos = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jar), manifest); String cname = HotSwapAgent.class.getName(); JarEntry e = new JarEntry(cname.replace('.', '/') + ".class"); jos.putNextEntry(e); ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault(); CtClass clazz = pool.get(cname); jos.write(clazz.toBytecode()); jos.closeEntry(); } finally { if (jos != null) jos.close(); } return jar;
class HotSwapper { private VirtualMachine jvm; private MethodEntryRequest request; private Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> newClassFiles; private Trigger trigger; private static final String HOST_NAME = "localhost"; private static final String TRIGGER_NAME = Trigger.class.getName(); /** * Connects to the JVM. * * @param port the port number used for the connection to the JVM. */ public HotSwapper(int port) throws IOException, IllegalConnectorArgumentsException { this(Integer.toString(port)); } /** * Connects to the JVM. * * @param port the port number used for the connection to the JVM. */ public HotSwapper(String port) throws IOException, IllegalConnectorArgumentsException { jvm = null; request = null; newClassFiles = null; trigger = new Trigger(); AttachingConnector connector = (AttachingConnector)findConnector("com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach"); Map<String,Connector.Argument> arguments = connector.defaultArguments(); arguments.get("hostname").setValue(HOST_NAME); arguments.get("port").setValue(port); jvm = connector.attach(arguments); EventRequestManager manager = jvm.eventRequestManager(); request = methodEntryRequests(manager, TRIGGER_NAME); } private Connector findConnector(String connector) throws IOException { List<Connector> connectors = Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager().allConnectors(); for (Connector con:connectors) if ( return con; throw new IOException("Not found: " + connector); } private static MethodEntryRequest methodEntryRequests( EventRequestManager manager, String classpattern) { MethodEntryRequest mereq = manager.createMethodEntryRequest(); mereq.addClassFilter(classpattern); mereq.setSuspendPolicy(EventRequest.SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD); return mereq; } /* Stops triggering a hotswapper when reload() is called. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void deleteEventRequest(EventRequestManager manager, MethodEntryRequest request) { manager.deleteEventRequest(request); } /** * Reloads a class. * * @param className the fully-qualified class name. * @param classFile the contents of the class file. */ public void reload(String className, byte[] classFile) { ReferenceType classtype = toRefType(className); Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> map = new HashMap<ReferenceType,byte[]>(); map.put(classtype, classFile); reload2(map, className); } /** * Reloads a class. * * @param classFiles a map between fully-qualified class names * and class files. The type of the class names * is <code>String</code> and the type of the * class files is <code>byte[]</code>. */ public void reload(Map<String,byte[]> classFiles) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private ReferenceType toRefType(String className) { List<ReferenceType> list = jvm.classesByName(className); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("no such class: " + className); return list.get(0); } private void reload2(Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> map, String msg) { synchronized (trigger) { startDaemon(); newClassFiles = map; request.enable(); trigger.doSwap(); request.disable(); Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> ncf = newClassFiles; if (ncf != null) { newClassFiles = null; throw new RuntimeException("failed to reload: " + msg); } } } private void startDaemon() { new Thread() { private void errorMsg(Throwable e) { System.err.print("Exception in thread \"HotSwap\" "); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } @Override public void run() { EventSet events = null; try { events = waitEvent(); EventIterator iter = events.eventIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Event event = iter.nextEvent(); if (event instanceof MethodEntryEvent) { hotswap(); break; } } } catch (Throwable e) { errorMsg(e); } try { if (events != null) events.resume(); } catch (Throwable e) { errorMsg(e); } } }.start(); } EventSet waitEvent() throws InterruptedException { EventQueue queue = jvm.eventQueue(); return queue.remove(); } void hotswap() { Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> map = newClassFiles; jvm.redefineClasses(map); newClassFiles = null; } }
Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> map = new HashMap<ReferenceType,byte[]>(); String className = null; for (Map.Entry<String,byte[]> e:classFiles.entrySet()) { className = e.getKey(); map.put(toRefType(className), e.getValue()); } if (className != null) reload2(map, className + " etc.");
class Java7 extends Helper { private final SecurityActions stack = SecurityActions.stack; private final MethodHandle defineClass = getDefineClassMethodHandle(); private final MethodHandle getDefineClassMethodHandle() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len, Class<?> neighbor, ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) throws ClassFormatError { if (stack.getCallerClass() != DefineClassHelper.class) throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller."); try { return (Class<?>) defineClass.invokeWithArguments( loader, name, b, off, len, protectionDomain); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e; if (e instanceof ClassFormatError) throw (ClassFormatError) e; throw new ClassFormatError(e.getMessage()); } } }
if (privileged != null && stack.getCallerClass() != this.getClass()) throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller."); try { return SecurityActions.getMethodHandle(ClassLoader.class, "defineClass", new Class[] { String.class, byte[].class, int.class, int.class, ProtectionDomain.class }); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e); }
class JavaOther extends Helper { private final SecurityActions stack = SecurityActions.stack; private final Method definePackage = getDefinePackageMethod(); private Method getDefinePackageMethod() { if (stack.getCallerClass() != this.getClass()) throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller."); try { return SecurityActions.getDeclaredMethod(ClassLoader.class, "definePackage", new Class[] { String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, URL.class }); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot initialize", e); } } @Override Package definePackage(ClassLoader loader, String name, String specTitle, String specVersion, String specVendor, String implTitle, String implVersion, String implVendor, URL sealBase) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (stack.getCallerClass() != DefinePackageHelper.class) throw new IllegalAccessError("Access denied for caller."); try { definePackage.setAccessible(true); return (Package) definePackage.invoke(loader, new Object[] { name, specTitle, specVersion, specVendor, implTitle, implVersion, implVendor, sealBase }); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof InvocationTargetException) { Throwable t = ((InvocationTargetException) e).getTargetException(); if (t instanceof IllegalArgumentException) throw (IllegalArgumentException) t; } if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e; } finally { definePackage.setAccessible(false); } return null; } }; private static final Helper privileged = ClassFile.MAJOR_VERSION >= ClassFile.JAVA_9 ? new Java9() : ClassFile.MAJOR_VERSION >= ClassFile.JAVA_7 ? new Java7() : new JavaOther(); /** * Defines a new package. If the package is already defined, this method * performs nothing. * * <p>You do not necessarily need to * call this method. If this method is called, then * <code>getPackage()</code> on the <code>Class</code> object returned * by <code>toClass()</code> will return a non-null object.</p> * * <p>The jigsaw module introduced by Java 9 has broken this method. * In Java 9 or later, the VM argument * <code>--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED</code> * has to be given to the JVM so that this method can run. * </p> * * @param loader the class loader passed to <code>toClass()</code> or * the default one obtained by <code>getClassLoader()</code>. * @param className the package name. * @see Class#getClassLoader() * @see CtClass#toClass() */ public static void definePackage(String className, ClassLoader loader) throws CannotCompileException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>
try { privileged.definePackage(loader, className, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // if the package is already defined, an IllegalArgumentException // is thrown. return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); }
class FactoryHelper { /** * Returns an index for accessing arrays in this class. * * @throws RuntimeException if a given type is not a primitive type. */ public static final int typeIndex(Class<?> type) { for (int i = 0; i < primitiveTypes.length; i++) if (primitiveTypes[i] == type) return i; throw new RuntimeException("bad type:" + type.getName()); } /** * <code>Class</code> objects representing primitive types. */ public static final Class<?>[] primitiveTypes = { Boolean.TYPE, Byte.TYPE, Character.TYPE, Short.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Long.TYPE, Float.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Void.TYPE }; /** * The fully-qualified names of wrapper classes for primitive types. */ public static final String[] wrapperTypes = { "java.lang.Boolean", "java.lang.Byte", "java.lang.Character", "java.lang.Short", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.Long", "java.lang.Float", "java.lang.Double", "java.lang.Void" }; /** * The descriptors of the constructors of wrapper classes. */ public static final String[] wrapperDesc = { "(Z)V", "(B)V", "(C)V", "(S)V", "(I)V", "(J)V", "(F)V", "(D)V" }; /** * The names of methods for obtaining a primitive value * from a wrapper object. For example, <code>intValue()</code> * is such a method for obtaining an integer value from a * <code>java.lang.Integer</code> object. */ public static final String[] unwarpMethods = { "booleanValue", "byteValue", "charValue", "shortValue", "intValue", "longValue", "floatValue", "doubleValue" }; /** * The descriptors of the unwrapping methods contained * in <code>unwrapMethods</code>. */ public static final String[] unwrapDesc = { "()Z", "()B", "()C", "()S", "()I", "()J", "()F", "()D" }; /** * The data size of primitive types. <code>long</code> * and <code>double</code> are 2; the others are 1. */ public static final int[] dataSize = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2 }; /** * Loads a class file by a given class loader. * This method uses a default protection domain for the class * but it may not work with a security manager or a signed jar file. * * @see #toClass(ClassFile,Class,ClassLoader,ProtectionDomain) * @deprecated */ public static Class<?> toClass(ClassFile cf, ClassLoader loader) throws CannotCompileException { return toClass(cf, null, loader, null); } /** * Loads a class file by a given class loader. * * @param neighbor a class belonging to the same package that * the loaded class belongs to. * It can be null. * @param loader The class loader. It can be null if {@code neighbor} * is not null. * @param domain if it is null, a default domain is used. * @since 3.3 */ public static Class<?> toClass(ClassFile cf, Class<?> neighbor, ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain domain) throws CannotCompileException { try { byte[] b = toBytecode(cf); if (ProxyFactory.onlyPublicMethods) return DefineClassHelper.toPublicClass(cf.getName(), b); else return DefineClassHelper.toClass(cf.getName(), neighbor, loader, domain, b); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } } /** * Loads a class file by a given lookup. * * @param lookup used to define the class. * @since 3.24 */ public static Class<?> toClass(ClassFile cf, java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup lookup) throws CannotCompileException { try { byte[] b = toBytecode(cf); return DefineClassHelper.toClass(lookup, b); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } } private static byte[] toBytecode(ClassFile cf) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream barray = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(barray); try { cf.write(out); } finally { out.close(); } return barray.toByteArray(); } /** * Writes a class file. */ public static void writeFile(ClassFile cf, String directoryName) throws CannotCompileException { try { writeFile0(cf, directoryName); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } } private static void writeFile0(ClassFile cf, String directoryName) throws CannotCompileException, IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
String classname = cf.getName(); String filename = directoryName + File.separatorChar + classname.replace('.', File.separatorChar) + ".class"; int pos = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); if (pos > 0) { String dir = filename.substring(0, pos); if (!dir.equals(".")) new File(dir).mkdirs(); } DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(filename))); try { cf.write(out); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } finally { out.close(); }
class ProxyObjectInputStream extends ObjectInputStream { /** * create an input stream which can be used to deserialize an object graph which includes proxies created * using class ProxyFactory. the classloader used to resolve proxy superclass and interface names * read from the input stream will default to the current thread's context class loader or the system * classloader if the context class loader is null. * @param in * @throws whenever ObjectInputStream would also do so * @throws IOException whenever ObjectInputStream would also do so * @throws SecurityException whenever ObjectInputStream would also do so * @throws NullPointerException if in is null */ public ProxyObjectInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { super(in); loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (loader == null) { loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); } } /** * Reset the loader to be * @param loader */ public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader loader) { if (loader != null) { this.loader = loader; } else { loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); } } @Override protected ObjectStreamClass readClassDescriptor() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * the loader to use to resolve classes for proxy superclass and interface names read * from the stream. defaults to the context class loader of the thread which creates * the input stream or the system class loader if the context class loader is null. */ private ClassLoader loader; }
boolean isProxy = readBoolean(); if (isProxy) { String name = (String)readObject(); Class<?> superClass = loader.loadClass(name); int length = readInt(); Class<?>[] interfaces = new Class[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { name = (String)readObject(); interfaces[i] = loader.loadClass(name); } length = readInt(); byte[] signature = new byte[length]; read(signature); ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(); // we must always use the cache and never use writeReplace when using // ProxyObjectOutputStream and ProxyObjectInputStream factory.setUseCache(true); factory.setUseWriteReplace(false); factory.setSuperclass(superClass); factory.setInterfaces(interfaces); Class<?> proxyClass = factory.createClass(signature); return ObjectStreamClass.lookup(proxyClass); } return super.readClassDescriptor();
<methods>public void <init>( throws,public int available() throws,public void close() throws,public void defaultReadObject() throws, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException,public final getObjectInputFilter() ,public int read() throws,public int read(byte[], int, int) throws,public boolean readBoolean() throws,public byte readByte() throws,public char readChar() throws,public double readDouble() throws,public readFields() throws, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException,public float readFloat() throws,public void readFully(byte[]) throws,public void readFully(byte[], int, int) throws,public int readInt() throws,public java.lang.String readLine() throws,public long readLong() throws,public final java.lang.Object readObject() throws, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException,public short readShort() throws,public java.lang.String readUTF() throws,public java.lang.Object readUnshared() throws, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException,public int readUnsignedByte() throws,public int readUnsignedShort() throws,public void registerValidation(, int) throws,,public final void setObjectInputFilter( ,public int skipBytes(int) throws<variables>static final boolean $assertionsDisabled,private static final int NULL_HANDLE,private static final jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE,private final bin,private boolean closed,private curContext,private boolean defaultDataEnd,private long depth,private final boolean enableOverride,private boolean enableResolve,private final handles,private int passHandle,private static final Map<java.lang.String,Class<?>> primClasses,private serialFilter,private boolean streamFilterSet,private long totalObjectRefs,private static final java.lang.Object unsharedMarker,private final vlist
class ProxyObjectOutputStream extends ObjectOutputStream { /** * create an output stream which can be used to serialize an object graph which includes proxies created * using class ProxyFactory * @param out * @throws IOException whenever ObjectOutputStream would also do so * @throws SecurityException whenever ObjectOutputStream would also do so * @throws NullPointerException if out is null */ public ProxyObjectOutputStream(OutputStream out) throws IOException { super(out); } @Override protected void writeClassDescriptor(ObjectStreamClass desc) throws IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
Class<?> cl = desc.forClass(); if (ProxyFactory.isProxyClass(cl)) { writeBoolean(true); Class<?> superClass = cl.getSuperclass(); Class<?>[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces(); byte[] signature = ProxyFactory.getFilterSignature(cl); String name = superClass.getName(); writeObject(name); // we don't write the marker interface ProxyObject writeInt(interfaces.length - 1); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { Class<?> interfaze = interfaces[i]; if (interfaze != ProxyObject.class && interfaze != Proxy.class) { name = interfaces[i].getName(); writeObject(name); } } writeInt(signature.length); write(signature); } else { writeBoolean(false); super.writeClassDescriptor(desc); }
<methods>public void <init>( throws,public void close() throws,public void defaultWriteObject() throws,public void flush() throws,public putFields() throws,public void reset() throws,public void useProtocolVersion(int) throws,public void write(int) throws,public void write(byte[]) throws,public void write(byte[], int, int) throws,public void writeBoolean(boolean) throws,public void writeByte(int) throws,public void writeBytes(java.lang.String) throws,public void writeChar(int) throws,public void writeChars(java.lang.String) throws,public void writeDouble(double) throws,public void writeFields() throws,public void writeFloat(float) throws,public void writeInt(int) throws,public void writeLong(long) throws,public final void writeObject(java.lang.Object) throws,public void writeShort(int) throws,public void writeUTF(java.lang.String) throws,public void writeUnshared(java.lang.Object) throws<variables>static final boolean $assertionsDisabled,private final bout,private curContext,private curPut,private final debugInfoStack,private int depth,private final boolean enableOverride,private boolean enableReplace,private static final boolean extendedDebugInfo,private final handles,private byte[] primVals,private int protocol,private final subs
class DefaultMethodHandler implements MethodHandler, Serializable { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object invoke(Object self, Method m, Method proceed, Object[] args) throws Exception { return proceed.invoke(self, args); } }; /** * Finds two methods specified by the parameters and stores them * into the given array. * * @throws RuntimeException if the methods are not found. * @see javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory */ public static void find2Methods(Class<?> clazz, String superMethod, String thisMethod, int index, String desc, java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods) { methods[index + 1] = thisMethod == null ? null : findMethod(clazz, thisMethod, desc); methods[index] = findSuperClassMethod(clazz, superMethod, desc); } /** * Finds two methods specified by the parameters and stores them * into the given array. * * <p>Added back for JBoss Seam. See JASSIST-206.</p> * * @throws RuntimeException if the methods are not found. * @see javassist.util.proxy.ProxyFactory * @deprecated replaced by {@link #find2Methods(Class, String, String, int, String, Method[])} */ @Deprecated public static void find2Methods(Object self, String superMethod, String thisMethod, int index, String desc, java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods) { methods[index + 1] = thisMethod == null ? null : findMethod(self, thisMethod, desc); methods[index] = findSuperMethod(self, superMethod, desc); } /** * Finds a method with the given name and descriptor. * It searches only the class of self. * * <p>Added back for JBoss Seam. See JASSIST-206.</p> * * @throws RuntimeException if the method is not found. * @deprecated replaced by {@link #findMethod(Class, String, String)} */ @Deprecated public static Method findMethod(Object self, String name, String desc) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>
Method m = findMethod2(self.getClass(), name, desc); if (m == null) error(self.getClass(), name, desc); return m;
class SerializedProxy implements Serializable { /** default serialVersionUID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String superClass; private String[] interfaces; private byte[] filterSignature; private MethodHandler handler; SerializedProxy(Class<?> proxy, byte[] sig, MethodHandler h) { filterSignature = sig; handler = h; superClass = proxy.getSuperclass().getName(); Class<?>[] infs = proxy.getInterfaces(); int n = infs.length; interfaces = new String[n - 1]; String setterInf = ProxyObject.class.getName(); String setterInf2 = Proxy.class.getName(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String name = infs[i].getName(); if (!name.equals(setterInf) && !name.equals(setterInf2)) interfaces[i] = name; } } /** * Load class. * * @param className the class name * @return loaded class * @throws ClassNotFoundException for any error */ protected Class<?> loadClass(final String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { try { int n = interfaces.length; Class<?>[] infs = new Class[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) infs[i] = loadClass(interfaces[i]); ProxyFactory f = new ProxyFactory(); f.setSuperclass(loadClass(superClass)); f.setInterfaces(infs); Proxy proxy = (Proxy)f.createClass(filterSignature).getConstructor().newInstance(); proxy.setHandler(handler); return proxy; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new InvalidClassException(e.getMessage()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new InvalidClassException(e.getMessage()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new InvalidClassException(e.getMessage()); } catch (InstantiationException e2) { throw new InvalidObjectException(e2.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e3) { throw new InvalidClassException(e3.getMessage()); } } }
try { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Class<?>>(){ @Override public Class<?> run() throws Exception{ ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); return Class.forName(className, true, cl); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot load the class: " + className, pae.getException()); }
class AgentLogger { /** * Get logger for a class * * @param clazz class to log * @return logger */ public static AgentLogger getLogger(Class clazz) { return new AgentLogger(clazz); } private static Map<String, Level> currentLevels = new HashMap<>(); public static void setLevel(String classPrefix, Level level) { currentLevels.put(classPrefix, level); } private static Level rootLevel = Level.INFO; public static void setLevel(Level level) { rootLevel = level; } private static AgentLoggerHandler handler = new AgentLoggerHandler(); public static void setHandler(AgentLoggerHandler handler) { AgentLogger.handler = handler; } public static AgentLoggerHandler getHandler() { return handler; } public static void setDateTimeFormat(String dateTimeFormat) { handler.setDateTimeFormat(dateTimeFormat); } /** * Standard logging levels. */ public enum Level { ERROR, RELOAD, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE } private Class clazz; private AgentLogger(Class clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; } public boolean isLevelEnabled(Level level) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} public void log(Level level, String message, Throwable throwable, Object... args) { if (isLevelEnabled(level)) handler.print(clazz, level, message, throwable, args); } public void log(Level level, String message, Object... args) { log(level, message, null, args); } public void error(String message, Object... args) { log(Level.ERROR, message, args); } public void error(String message, Throwable throwable, Object... args) { log(Level.ERROR, message, throwable, args); } public void reload(String message, Object... args) { log(Level.RELOAD, message, args); } public void reload(String message, Throwable throwable, Object... args) { log(Level.RELOAD, message, throwable, args); } public void warning(String message, Object... args) { log(Level.WARNING, message, args); } public void warning(String message, Throwable throwable, Object... args) { log(Level.WARNING, message, throwable, args); } public void info(String message, Object... args) { log(Level.INFO, message, args); } public void info(String message, Throwable throwable, Object... args) { log(Level.INFO, message, throwable, args); } public void debug(String message, Object... args) { log(Level.DEBUG, message, args); } public void debug(String message, Throwable throwable, Object... args) { log(Level.DEBUG, message, throwable, args); } public void trace(String message, Object... args) { log(Level.TRACE, message, args); } public void trace(String message, Throwable throwable, Object... args) { log(Level.TRACE, message, throwable, args); } public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return isLevelEnabled(Level.DEBUG); } public boolean isWarnEnabled() { return isLevelEnabled(Level.WARNING); } }
Level classLevel = rootLevel; String className = clazz.getName(); String longestPrefix = ""; for (String classPrefix : currentLevels.keySet()) { if (className.startsWith(classPrefix)) { if (classPrefix.length() > longestPrefix.length()) { longestPrefix = classPrefix; classLevel = currentLevels.get(classPrefix); } } } // iterate levels in order from most serious. If classLevel is first, it preciedes required level and log is disabled for (Level l : Level.values()) { if (l == level) return true; if (l == classLevel) return false; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Should not happen.");
class AgentLoggerHandler { // stream to receive the log PrintStream outputStream; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS"); /** * Setup custom stream (default is System.out). * * @param outputStream custom stream */ public void setPrintStream(PrintStream outputStream) { this.outputStream = outputStream; } // print a message to System.out and optionally to custom stream protected void printMessage(String message) { String log = "HOTSWAP AGENT: " + sdf.format(new Date()) + " " + message; System.out.println(log); if (outputStream != null) outputStream.println(log); } public void print(Class clazz, AgentLogger.Level level, String message, Throwable throwable, Object... args) { // replace {} in string with actual parameters String messageWithArgs = message; for (Object arg : args) { int index = messageWithArgs.indexOf("{}"); if (index >= 0) { messageWithArgs = messageWithArgs.substring(0, index) + String.valueOf(arg) + messageWithArgs.substring(index + 2); } } StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append(level); stringBuffer.append(" ("); stringBuffer.append(clazz.getName()); stringBuffer.append(") - "); stringBuffer.append(messageWithArgs); if (throwable != null) { stringBuffer.append("\n"); stringBuffer.append(formatErrorTrace(throwable)); } printMessage(stringBuffer.toString()); } private String formatErrorTrace(Throwable throwable) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} public void setDateTimeFormat(String dateTimeFormat) { sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dateTimeFormat); } }
StringWriter errors = new StringWriter(); throwable.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors)); return errors.toString();
class HotSwapper { /** * Swap class definition from another class file. * <p/> * This is mainly useful for unit testing - declare multiple version of a class and then * hotswap definition and do the tests. * * @param original original class currently in use * @param swap fully qualified class name of class to swap * @throws Exception swap exception */ public static void swapClasses(Class original, String swap) throws Exception { // need to recreate classpool on each swap to avoid stale class definition ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool(); classPool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(original.getClassLoader())); CtClass ctClass = classPool.getAndRename(swap, original.getName()); reload(original, ctClass.toBytecode()); } private static void reload(Class original, byte[] bytes) { Map<Class<?>, byte[]> reloadMap = new HashMap<>(); reloadMap.put(original, bytes); PluginManager.getInstance().hotswap(reloadMap); } public static Class newClass(String className, String directory, ClassLoader cl){<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
try { ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool(); classPool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(cl)); CtClass makeClass = classPool.makeClass(className); makeClass.writeFile(directory); return makeClass.toClass(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Logger.getLogger(HotSwapper.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); }
class HotSwapperJpda { private VirtualMachine jvm; private MethodEntryRequest request; private Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> newClassFiles; private Trigger trigger; private static final String HOST_NAME = "localhost"; private static final String TRIGGER_NAME = Trigger.class.getName(); /** * Connects to the JVM. * * @param port the port number used for the connection to the JVM. */ public HotSwapperJpda(int port) throws IOException, IllegalConnectorArgumentsException { this(Integer.toString(port)); } /** * Connects to the JVM. * * @param port the port number used for the connection to the JVM. */ public HotSwapperJpda(String port) throws IOException, IllegalConnectorArgumentsException { jvm = null; request = null; newClassFiles = null; trigger = new Trigger(); AttachingConnector connector = (AttachingConnector)findConnector("com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach"); Map<String,Connector.Argument> arguments = connector.defaultArguments(); arguments.get("hostname").setValue(HOST_NAME); arguments.get("port").setValue(port); jvm = connector.attach(arguments); EventRequestManager manager = jvm.eventRequestManager(); request = methodEntryRequests(manager, TRIGGER_NAME); } private Connector findConnector(String connector) throws IOException { List<Connector> connectors = Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager().allConnectors(); for (Connector con:connectors) if ( return con; throw new IOException("Not found: " + connector); } private static MethodEntryRequest methodEntryRequests( EventRequestManager manager, String classpattern) { MethodEntryRequest mereq = manager.createMethodEntryRequest(); mereq.addClassFilter(classpattern); mereq.setSuspendPolicy(EventRequest.SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD); return mereq; } /* Stops triggering a hotswapper when reload() is called. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void deleteEventRequest(EventRequestManager manager, MethodEntryRequest request) { manager.deleteEventRequest(request); } /** * Reloads a class. * * @param className the fully-qualified class name. * @param classFile the contents of the class file. */ public void reload(String className, byte[] classFile) { ReferenceType classtype = toRefType(className); Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> map = new HashMap<ReferenceType,byte[]>(); map.put(classtype, classFile); reload2(map, className); } /** * Reloads a class. * * @param classFiles a map between fully-qualified class names * and class files. The type of the class names * is <code>String</code> and the type of the * class files is <code>byte[]</code>. */ public void reload(Map<String,byte[]> classFiles) { Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> map = new HashMap<ReferenceType,byte[]>(); String className = null; for (Map.Entry<String,byte[]> e:classFiles.entrySet()) { className = e.getKey(); map.put(toRefType(className), e.getValue()); } if (className != null) reload2(map, className + " etc."); } private ReferenceType toRefType(String className) { List<ReferenceType> list = jvm.classesByName(className); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("no such class: " + className); return list.get(0); } private void reload2(Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> map, String msg) { synchronized (trigger) { startDaemon(); newClassFiles = map; request.enable(); trigger.doSwap(); request.disable(); Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> ncf = newClassFiles; if (ncf != null) { newClassFiles = null; throw new RuntimeException("failed to reload: " + msg); } } } private void startDaemon() { new Thread() { private void errorMsg(Throwable e) { System.err.print("Exception in thread \"HotSwap\" "); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } @Override public void run() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }.start(); } EventSet waitEvent() throws InterruptedException { EventQueue queue = jvm.eventQueue(); return queue.remove(); } void hotswap() { Map<ReferenceType,byte[]> map = newClassFiles; jvm.redefineClasses(map); newClassFiles = null; } /** * Swap class definition from another class file. * <p/> * This is mainly useful for unit testing - declare multiple version of a class and then * hotswap definition and do the tests. * * @param original original class currently in use * @param swap fully qualified class name of class to swap * @throws Exception swap exception */ public void swapClasses(Class original, String swap) throws Exception { // need to recreate classpool on each swap to avoid stale class definition ClassPool classPool = new ClassPool(); classPool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(original.getClassLoader())); CtClass ctClass = classPool.getAndRename(swap, original.getName()); reload(original.getName(), ctClass.toBytecode()); } }
EventSet events = null; try { events = waitEvent(); EventIterator iter = events.eventIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Event event = iter.nextEvent(); if (event instanceof MethodEntryEvent) { hotswap(); break; } } } catch (Throwable e) { errorMsg(e); } try { if (events != null) events.resume(); } catch (Throwable e) { errorMsg(e); }
class HotswapperCommand { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(HotswapperCommand.class); // HotSwapperJpda will connect to JPDA on first hotswap command and remain connected. // The HotSwapperJpda class from javaassist is copied to the plugin, because it needs to reside // in the application classloader to avoid NoClassDefFound error on tools.jar classes. private static HotSwapperJpda hotSwapper = null; public static synchronized void hotswap(String port, final HashMap<Class<?>, byte[]> reloadMap) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
// synchronize on the reloadMap object - do not allow addition while in process synchronized (reloadMap) { if (hotSwapper == null) { LOGGER.debug("Starting HotSwapperJpda agent on JPDA transport socket - port {}, classloader {}", port, HotswapperCommand.class.getClassLoader()); try { hotSwapper = new HotSwapperJpda(port); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to debug session. Did you start the application with debug enabled " + "(i.e. java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000)", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to debug session. Please check port property setting '{}'.", e, port); } } if (hotSwapper != null) { LOGGER.debug("Reloading classes {}", Arrays.toString(reloadMap.keySet().toArray())); // convert to Map Class name -> bytecode // We loose some information here, reload use always first class name that it finds reference to. Map<String, byte[]> reloadMapClassNames = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, byte[]> entry : reloadMap.entrySet()) { reloadMapClassNames.put(entry.getKey().getName(), entry.getValue()); } // actual hotswap via JPDA hotSwapper.reload(reloadMapClassNames); reloadMap.clear(); LOGGER.debug("HotSwapperJpda agent reload complete."); } }
class HotswapperPlugin { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(HotswapperPlugin.class); @Init Scheduler scheduler; @Init PluginManager pluginManager; // synchronize on this map to wait for previous processing final Map<Class<?>, byte[]> reloadMap = new HashMap<>(); // command to do actual hotswap. Single command to merge possible multiple reload actions. Command hotswapCommand; /** * For each changed class create a reload command. */ @OnClassFileEvent(classNameRegexp = ".*", events = {FileEvent.MODIFY, FileEvent.CREATE}) public void watchReload(CtClass ctClass, ClassLoader appClassLoader, URL url) throws IOException, CannotCompileException { if (!ClassLoaderHelper.isClassLoaded(appClassLoader, ctClass.getName())) { LOGGER.trace("Class {} not loaded yet, no need for autoHotswap, skipped URL {}", ctClass.getName(), url); return; } LOGGER.debug("Class {} will be reloaded from URL {}", ctClass.getName(), url); // search for a class to reload Class clazz; try { clazz = appClassLoader.loadClass(ctClass.getName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.warning("Hotswapper tries to reload class {}, which is not known to application classLoader {}.", ctClass.getName(), appClassLoader); return; } synchronized (reloadMap) { reloadMap.put(clazz, ctClass.toBytecode()); } scheduler.scheduleCommand(hotswapCommand, 100, Scheduler.DuplicateSheduleBehaviour.SKIP); } /** * Create a hotswap command using hotSwappper. * * @param appClassLoader it can be run in any classloader with tools.jar on classpath. AppClassLoader can * be setup by maven dependency (jetty plugin), use this classloader. * @param port attach the hotswapper */ public void initHotswapCommand(ClassLoader appClassLoader, String port) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * For each classloader check for autoHotswap configuration instance with hotswapper. */ @Init public static void init(PluginConfiguration pluginConfiguration, ClassLoader appClassLoader) { if (appClassLoader == null) { LOGGER.debug("Bootstrap class loader is null, hotswapper skipped."); return; } LOGGER.debug("Init plugin at classLoader {}", appClassLoader); // init only if the classloader contains directly the property file (not in parent classloader) if (!HotswapAgent.isAutoHotswap() && !pluginConfiguration.containsPropertyFile()) { LOGGER.debug("ClassLoader {} does not contain file, hotswapper skipped.", appClassLoader); return; } // and autoHotswap enabled if (!HotswapAgent.isAutoHotswap() && !pluginConfiguration.getPropertyBoolean("autoHotswap")) { LOGGER.debug("ClassLoader {} has autoHotswap disabled, hotswapper skipped.", appClassLoader); return; } String port = pluginConfiguration.getProperty("autoHotswap.port"); HotswapperPlugin plugin = PluginManagerInvoker.callInitializePlugin(HotswapperPlugin.class, appClassLoader); if (plugin != null) { plugin.initHotswapCommand(appClassLoader, port); } else { LOGGER.debug("Hotswapper is disabled in {}", appClassLoader); } } }
if (port != null && port.length() > 0) { hotswapCommand = new ReflectionCommand(this, HotswapperCommand.class.getName(), "hotswap", appClassLoader, port, reloadMap); } else { hotswapCommand = new Command() { @Override public void executeCommand() { pluginManager.hotswap(reloadMap); } @Override public String toString() { return "pluginManager.hotswap(" + Arrays.toString(reloadMap.keySet().toArray()) + ")"; } }; }
class JdkPlugin { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(JdkPlugin.class); /** * Flag to check reload status. It is necessary (in unit tests)to wait for reload is finished before the test * can continue. Set flag to true in the test class and wait until the flag is false again. */ public static boolean reloadFlag; @OnClassLoadEvent(classNameRegexp = ".*", events = LoadEvent.REDEFINE, skipSynthetic=false) public static void flushBeanIntrospectorCaches(ClassLoader classLoader, CtClass ctClass) { try { LOGGER.debug("Flushing {} from introspector", ctClass.getName()); Class<?> clazz = classLoader.loadClass(ctClass.getName()); Class<?> threadGroupCtxClass = classLoader.loadClass("java.beans.ThreadGroupContext"); Class<?> introspectorClass = classLoader.loadClass("java.beans.Introspector"); synchronized (classLoader) { Object contexts = ReflectionHelper.get(null, threadGroupCtxClass, "contexts"); Object table[] = (Object[]) ReflectionHelper.get(contexts, "table"); if (table != null) { for (Object o: table) { if (o != null) { Object threadGroupContext = ReflectionHelper.get(o, "value"); if (threadGroupContext != null) { LOGGER.trace("Removing from threadGroupContext"); ReflectionHelper.invoke(threadGroupContext, threadGroupCtxClass, "removeBeanInfo", new Class[] { Class.class }, clazz); } } } } ReflectionHelper.invoke(null, introspectorClass, "flushFromCaches", new Class[] { Class.class }, clazz); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("flushBeanIntrospectorCaches() exception {}.", e.getMessage()); } finally { reloadFlag = false; } } @OnClassLoadEvent(classNameRegexp = ".*", events = LoadEvent.REDEFINE, skipSynthetic=false) public static void flushObjectStreamCaches(ClassLoader classLoader, CtClass ctClass) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
Class<?> clazz; Object localDescs; Object reflectors; try { LOGGER.debug("Flushing {} from ObjectStreamClass caches", ctClass.getName()); clazz = classLoader.loadClass(ctClass.getName()); Class<?> objectStreamClassCache = classLoader.loadClass("$Caches"); localDescs = ReflectionHelper.get(null, objectStreamClassCache, "localDescs"); reflectors = ReflectionHelper.get(null, objectStreamClassCache, "reflectors"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("flushObjectStreamCaches()$Caches not found.", e.getMessage()); return; } boolean java17; try { ((Map) localDescs).clear(); ((Map) reflectors).clear(); java17 = false; } catch (Exception e) { java17 = true; } if (java17) { try { Object localDescsMap = ReflectionHelper.get(localDescs, "map"); ReflectionHelper.invoke(localDescsMap, localDescsMap.getClass(), "remove", new Class[] { Class.class }, clazz); Object reflectorsMap = ReflectionHelper.get(reflectors, "map"); ReflectionHelper.invoke(reflectorsMap, reflectorsMap.getClass(), "remove", new Class[] { Class.class }, clazz); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("flushObjectStreamCaches() exception {}.", e.getMessage()); } }
class AnonymousClassInfo { // name of the anonymous class String className; // signatures String classSignature; String methodSignature; String fieldsSignature; String enclosingMethodSignature; public AnonymousClassInfo(Class c) { this.className = c.getName(); StringBuilder classSignature = new StringBuilder(c.getSuperclass().getName()); for (Class intef : c.getInterfaces()) { classSignature.append(";"); classSignature.append(intef.getName()); } this.classSignature = classSignature.toString(); StringBuilder methodsSignature = new StringBuilder(); for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) { getMethodSignature(methodsSignature, m); } this.methodSignature = methodsSignature.toString(); StringBuilder fieldsSignature = new StringBuilder(); for (Field f : c.getDeclaredFields()) { // replace declarig class for constant because of unit tests (class name change) fieldsSignature.append(f.getType().getName()); fieldsSignature.append(" "); fieldsSignature.append(f.getName()); fieldsSignature.append(";"); } this.fieldsSignature = fieldsSignature.toString(); StringBuilder enclosingMethodSignature = new StringBuilder(); Method enclosingMethod = c.getEnclosingMethod(); if (enclosingMethod != null) { getMethodSignature(enclosingMethodSignature, enclosingMethod); } this.enclosingMethodSignature = enclosingMethodSignature.toString(); } public AnonymousClassInfo(String className) { this.className = className; } private void getMethodSignature(StringBuilder methodsSignature, Method m) { methodsSignature.append(m.getReturnType().getName()); methodsSignature.append(" "); methodsSignature.append(m.getName()); methodsSignature.append("("); for (Class paramType : m.getParameterTypes()) methodsSignature.append(paramType.getName()); methodsSignature.append(")"); methodsSignature.append(";"); } public AnonymousClassInfo(CtClass c) { try { this.className = c.getName(); StringBuilder classSignature = new StringBuilder(c.getSuperclassName()); for (CtClass intef : c.getInterfaces()) { classSignature.append(";"); classSignature.append(intef.getName()); } this.classSignature = classSignature.toString(); StringBuilder methodsSignature = new StringBuilder(); for (CtMethod m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) { getMethodSignature(methodsSignature, m); } this.methodSignature = methodsSignature.toString(); StringBuilder fieldsSignature = new StringBuilder(); for (CtField f : c.getDeclaredFields()) { fieldsSignature.append(f.getType().getName()); fieldsSignature.append(" "); fieldsSignature.append(f.getName()); fieldsSignature.append(";"); } this.fieldsSignature = fieldsSignature.toString(); StringBuilder enclosingMethodSignature = new StringBuilder(); try { CtMethod enclosingMethod = c.getEnclosingMethod(); if (enclosingMethod != null) { getMethodSignature(enclosingMethodSignature, enclosingMethod); } } catch (Exception e) { // OK, enclosing method not defined or out of scope } this.enclosingMethodSignature = enclosingMethodSignature.toString(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error creating AnonymousClassInfo from " + c.getName(), t); } } private void getMethodSignature(StringBuilder methodsSignature, CtMethod m) throws NotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} public String getClassName() { return className; } public String getClassSignature() { return classSignature; } public String getMethodSignature() { return methodSignature; } public String getFieldsSignature() { return fieldsSignature; } public String getEnclosingMethodSignature() { return enclosingMethodSignature; } /** * Exact match including enclosing method. */ public boolean matchExact(AnonymousClassInfo other) { return getClassSignature().equals(other.getClassSignature()) && getMethodSignature().equals(other.getMethodSignature()) && getFieldsSignature().equals(other.getFieldsSignature()) && getEnclosingMethodSignature().equals(other.getEnclosingMethodSignature()); } /** * Exact match of class, interfaces, declared methods and fields. * May be different enclosing method. */ public boolean matchSignatures(AnonymousClassInfo other) { return getClassSignature().equals(other.getClassSignature()) && getMethodSignature().equals(other.getMethodSignature()) && getFieldsSignature().equals(other.getFieldsSignature()); } /** * The least matching variant - same class signature can be still resolved by hotswap. */ public boolean matchClassSignature(AnonymousClassInfo other) { return getClassSignature().equals(other.getClassSignature()); } }
methodsSignature.append(m.getReturnType().getName()); methodsSignature.append(" "); methodsSignature.append(m.getName()); methodsSignature.append("("); for (CtClass paramType : m.getParameterTypes()) methodsSignature.append(paramType.getName()); methodsSignature.append(")"); methodsSignature.append(";");
class ClassInitPlugin { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(ClassInitPlugin.class); private static final String HOTSWAP_AGENT_CLINIT_METHOD = "$$ha$clinit"; public static boolean reloadFlag; @OnClassLoadEvent(classNameRegexp = ".*", events = LoadEvent.REDEFINE) public static void patch(final CtClass ctClass, final ClassLoader classLoader, final Class<?> originalClass) throws IOException, CannotCompileException, NotFoundException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private static boolean checkOldEnumValues(CtClass ctClass, Class<?> originalClass) { if (ctClass.isEnum()) { // Check if some field from original enumeration was deleted Enum<?>[] enumConstants = (Enum<?>[]) originalClass.getEnumConstants(); for (Enum<?> en : enumConstants) { try { CtField existing = ctClass.getDeclaredField(en.toString()); } catch (NotFoundException e) { LOGGER.debug("Enum field deleted. $VALUES will be reinitialized {}", en.toString()); return true; } } } else { LOGGER.error("Patching " + HOTSWAP_AGENT_CLINIT_METHOD + " method failed. Enum type expected {}", ctClass.getName()); } return false; } private static boolean isSyntheticClass(Class<?> classBeingRedefined) { return classBeingRedefined.getSimpleName().contains("$$_javassist") || classBeingRedefined.getSimpleName().contains("$$_jvst") || classBeingRedefined.getName().startsWith("com.sun.proxy.$Proxy") || classBeingRedefined.getSimpleName().contains("$$"); } }
if (isSyntheticClass(originalClass)) { return; } final String className = ctClass.getName(); try { CtMethod origMethod = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(HOTSWAP_AGENT_CLINIT_METHOD); ctClass.removeMethod(origMethod); } catch (org.hotswap.agent.javassist.NotFoundException ex) { // swallow } CtConstructor clinit = ctClass.getClassInitializer(); if (clinit != null) { LOGGER.debug("Adding " + HOTSWAP_AGENT_CLINIT_METHOD + " to class: {}", className); CtConstructor haClinit = new CtConstructor(clinit, ctClass, null); haClinit.getMethodInfo().setName(HOTSWAP_AGENT_CLINIT_METHOD); haClinit.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC); ctClass.addConstructor(haClinit); final boolean reinitializeStatics[] = new boolean[] { false }; haClinit.instrument( new ExprEditor() { public void edit(FieldAccess f) throws CannotCompileException { try { if (f.isStatic() && f.isWriter()) { Field originalField = null; try { originalField = originalClass.getDeclaredField(f.getFieldName()); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { LOGGER.debug("New field will be initialized {}", f.getFieldName()); reinitializeStatics[0] = true; } if (originalField != null) { // Enum class contains an array field, in javac it's name starts with $VALUES, // in eclipse compiler starts with ENUM$VALUES if (originalClass.isEnum() && f.getSignature().startsWith("[L") && (f.getFieldName().startsWith("$VALUES") || f.getFieldName().startsWith("ENUM$VALUES"))) { if (reinitializeStatics[0]) { LOGGER.debug("New field will be initialized {}", f.getFieldName()); } else { reinitializeStatics[0] = checkOldEnumValues(ctClass, originalClass); } } else { LOGGER.debug("Skipping old field {}", f.getFieldName()); f.replace("{}"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Patching " + HOTSWAP_AGENT_CLINIT_METHOD + " method failed.", e); } } } ); if (reinitializeStatics[0]) { PluginManager.getInstance().getScheduler().scheduleCommand(new Command() { @Override public void executeCommand() { try { Class<?> clazz = classLoader.loadClass(className); Method m = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(HOTSWAP_AGENT_CLINIT_METHOD, new Class[] {}); if (m != null) { m.setAccessible(true); m.invoke(null, new Object[] {}); LOGGER.debug("Initializer {} invoked for class {}", HOTSWAP_AGENT_CLINIT_METHOD, className); } else { LOGGER.error("Class initializer {} not found", HOTSWAP_AGENT_CLINIT_METHOD); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error initializing redefined class {}", e, className); } finally { reloadFlag = false; } } }, 150); // Hack : init must be called after dependant class redefinition. Since the class can // be proxied, the class init must be scheduled after proxy redefinition. Currently proxy // redefinition (in ProxyPlugin) is scheduled with 100ms delay, therefore we use delay 150ms. } else { reloadFlag = false; } }
class WatchResourcesPlugin { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(WatchResourcesPlugin.class); @Init Watcher watcher; @Init ClassLoader appClassLoader; // Classloader to return only modified resources on watchResources path. WatchResourcesClassLoader watchResourcesClassLoader = new WatchResourcesClassLoader(false); /** * For each classloader check for watchResources configuration instance with hotswapper. */ @Init public static void init(PluginManager pluginManager, PluginConfiguration pluginConfiguration, ClassLoader appClassLoader) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Init the plugin instance for resources. * * @param watchResources resources to watch */ private void init(URL[] watchResources) { // configure the classloader to return only changed resources on watchResources path watchResourcesClassLoader.initWatchResources(watchResources, watcher); if (appClassLoader instanceof HotswapAgentClassLoaderExt) { ((HotswapAgentClassLoaderExt) appClassLoader).$$ha$setWatchResourceLoader(watchResourcesClassLoader); } else if (URLClassPathHelper.isApplicable(appClassLoader)) { // modify the application classloader to look for resources first in watchResourcesClassLoader URLClassPathHelper.setWatchResourceLoader(appClassLoader, watchResourcesClassLoader); } } }
LOGGER.debug("Init plugin at classLoader {}", appClassLoader); // synthetic classloader, skip if (appClassLoader instanceof WatchResourcesClassLoader.UrlOnlyClassLoader) return; // init only if the classloader contains directly the property file (not in parent classloader) if (!pluginConfiguration.containsPropertyFile()) { LOGGER.debug("ClassLoader {} does not contain file, WatchResources skipped.", appClassLoader); return; } // and watch resources are set URL[] watchResources = pluginConfiguration.getWatchResources(); if (watchResources.length == 0) { LOGGER.debug("ClassLoader {} has watchResources empty.", appClassLoader); return; } if (!URLClassPathHelper.isApplicable(appClassLoader) && !(appClassLoader instanceof HotswapAgentClassLoaderExt)) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to modify application classloader. Classloader '{}' is of type '{}'," + "unknown classloader type.\n" + "*** watchResources configuration property will not be handled on JVM level ***", appClassLoader, appClassLoader.getClass()); return; } // create new plugin instance WatchResourcesPlugin plugin = (WatchResourcesPlugin) pluginManager.getPluginRegistry() .initializePlugin(WatchResourcesPlugin.class.getName(), appClassLoader); // and init it with watchResources path plugin.init(watchResources);
class AnnotationHelper { public static boolean hasAnnotation(Class clazz, String annotationClass) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} public static boolean hasAnnotation(CtClass clazz, String annotationClass) { AnnotationsAttribute ainfo = (AnnotationsAttribute) clazz.getClassFile2(). getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); if (ainfo != null) { for (org.hotswap.agent.javassist.bytecode.annotation.Annotation annot : ainfo.getAnnotations()) { if (annot.getTypeName().equals(annotationClass)) return true; } } return false; } public static boolean hasAnnotation(Class<?> clazz, Iterable<String> annotationClasses) { for (String pathAnnotation : annotationClasses) { if (AnnotationHelper.hasAnnotation(clazz, pathAnnotation)) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean hasAnnotation(CtClass clazz, Iterable<String> annotationClasses) { for (String pathAnnotation : annotationClasses) { if (AnnotationHelper.hasAnnotation(clazz, pathAnnotation)) { return true; } } return false; } }
for (Annotation annot : clazz.getDeclaredAnnotations()) if (annot.annotationType().getName().equals(annotationClass)) return true; return false;
class AppClassLoaderExecutor { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(AnnotationProcessor.class); ClassLoader appClassLoader; ProtectionDomain protectionDomain; public AppClassLoaderExecutor(ClassLoader appClassLoader, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) { this.appClassLoader = appClassLoader; this.protectionDomain = protectionDomain; } public Object execute(String className, String method, Object... params) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private boolean isSimpleType(Class<? extends Object> aClass) { // primitive data types has null class loader return aClass.getClassLoader() == null; } }
LOGGER.error("Start"); PluginManager.getInstance().initClassLoader(appClassLoader, protectionDomain); Class classInAppClassLoader = Class.forName(className, true, appClassLoader); LOGGER.error("Executing: requestedClassLoader={}, resolvedClassLoader={}, class={}, method={}, params={}", appClassLoader, classInAppClassLoader.getClassLoader(), classInAppClassLoader, method, params); Class[] paramTypes = new Class[params.length]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (params[i] == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot execute for null parameter classNameRegexp"); else if (!isSimpleType(params[i].getClass())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Use only simple parameter values."); } else { paramTypes[i] = params[i].getClass(); } } Object instance = classInAppClassLoader.newInstance(); Method m = classInAppClassLoader.getDeclaredMethod(method, paramTypes); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(appClassLoader); return m.invoke(instance, params);
class HotswapProperties extends Properties { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4467598209091707788L; private static final Pattern VAR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([a-zA-Z0-9._]+?)\\}"); @Override public Object put(Object key, Object value) { return super.put(key, substitute(value)); } private Object substitute(Object obj) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
if (obj instanceof String) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); Matcher m = VAR_PATTERN.matcher((String) obj); while (m.find()) { String replacement = System.getProperty(; if (replacement != null) { m.appendReplacement(result, replacement); } } m.appendTail(result); return result.toString(); } return obj;
<methods>public void <init>() ,public void <init>(int) ,public void <init>(java.util.Properties) ,public synchronized void clear() ,public synchronized java.lang.Object clone() ,public synchronized java.lang.Object compute(java.lang.Object, BiFunction<? super java.lang.Object,? super java.lang.Object,?>) ,public synchronized java.lang.Object computeIfAbsent(java.lang.Object, Function<? super java.lang.Object,?>) ,public synchronized java.lang.Object computeIfPresent(java.lang.Object, BiFunction<? super java.lang.Object,? super java.lang.Object,?>) ,public boolean contains(java.lang.Object) ,public boolean containsKey(java.lang.Object) ,public boolean containsValue(java.lang.Object) ,public Enumeration<java.lang.Object> elements() ,public Set<Entry<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>> entrySet() ,public synchronized boolean equals(java.lang.Object) ,public synchronized void forEach(BiConsumer<? super java.lang.Object,? super java.lang.Object>) ,public java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object) ,public java.lang.Object getOrDefault(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) ,public java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String) ,public java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) ,public synchronized int hashCode() ,public boolean isEmpty() ,public Set<java.lang.Object> keySet() ,public Enumeration<java.lang.Object> keys() ,public void list( ,public void list( ,public synchronized void load( throws,public synchronized void load( throws,public synchronized void loadFromXML( throws, java.util.InvalidPropertiesFormatException,public synchronized java.lang.Object merge(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, BiFunction<? super java.lang.Object,? super java.lang.Object,?>) ,public Enumeration<?> propertyNames() ,public synchronized java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) ,public synchronized void putAll(Map<?,?>) ,public synchronized java.lang.Object putIfAbsent(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) ,public synchronized java.lang.Object remove(java.lang.Object) ,public synchronized boolean remove(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) ,public synchronized java.lang.Object replace(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) ,public synchronized boolean replace(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) ,public synchronized void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super java.lang.Object,? super java.lang.Object,?>) ,public void save(, java.lang.String) ,public synchronized java.lang.Object setProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) ,public int size() ,public void store(, java.lang.String) throws,public void store(, java.lang.String) throws,public void storeToXML(, java.lang.String) throws,public void storeToXML(, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws,public void storeToXML(, java.lang.String, java.nio.charset.Charset) throws,public Set<java.lang.String> stringPropertyNames() ,public synchronized java.lang.String toString() ,public Collection<java.lang.Object> values() <variables>private static final jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE,protected volatile java.util.Properties defaults,private volatile transient ConcurrentHashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> map,private static final long serialVersionUID
class RegisteredTransformersRecord { Pattern pattern; List<HaClassFileTransformer> transformerList = new LinkedList<>(); } protected Map<String, RegisteredTransformersRecord> redefinitionTransformers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map<String, RegisteredTransformersRecord> otherTransformers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // keep track about which classloader requested which transformer protected Map<ClassFileTransformer, ClassLoader> classLoaderTransformers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map<ClassLoader, Boolean> seenClassLoaders = new WeakHashMap<>(); private List<Pattern> includedClassLoaderPatterns; private List<Pattern> excludedClassLoaderPatterns; public List<Pattern> getIncludedClassLoaderPatterns() { return includedClassLoaderPatterns; } public void setIncludedClassLoaderPatterns(List<Pattern> includedClassLoaderPatterns) { this.includedClassLoaderPatterns = includedClassLoaderPatterns; } /** * @param excludedClassLoaderPatterns * the excludedClassLoaderPatterns to set */ public void setExcludedClassLoaderPatterns(List<Pattern> excludedClassLoaderPatterns) { this.excludedClassLoaderPatterns = excludedClassLoaderPatterns; } public List<Pattern> getExcludedClassLoaderPatterns() { return excludedClassLoaderPatterns; } /** * Register a transformer for a regexp matching class names. * Used by {@link org.hotswap.agent.annotation.OnClassLoadEvent} annotation respective * {@link org.hotswap.agent.annotation.handler.OnClassLoadedHandler}. * * @param classLoader the classloader to which this transformation is associated * @param classNameRegexp regexp to match fully qualified class name. * Because "." is any character in regexp, this will match / in the transform method as well * (diffentence between java/lang/String and java.lang.String). * @param transformer the transformer to be called for each class matching regexp. */ public void registerTransformer(ClassLoader classLoader, String classNameRegexp, HaClassFileTransformer transformer) { LOGGER.debug("Registering transformer for class regexp '{}'.", classNameRegexp); String normalizeRegexp = normalizeTypeRegexp(classNameRegexp); Map<String, RegisteredTransformersRecord> transformersMap = getTransformerMap(transformer); RegisteredTransformersRecord transformerRecord = transformersMap.get(normalizeRegexp); if (transformerRecord == null) { transformerRecord = new RegisteredTransformersRecord(); transformerRecord.pattern = Pattern.compile(normalizeRegexp); transformersMap.put(normalizeRegexp, transformerRecord); } if (!transformerRecord.transformerList.contains(transformer)) { transformerRecord.transformerList.add(transformer); } // register classloader association to allow classloader unregistration if (classLoader != null) { classLoaderTransformers.put(transformer, classLoader); } } private Map<String, RegisteredTransformersRecord> getTransformerMap(HaClassFileTransformer transformer) { if (transformer.isForRedefinitionOnly()) { return redefinitionTransformers; } return otherTransformers; } /** * Remove registered transformer. * * @param classNameRegexp regexp to match fully qualified class name. * @param transformer currently registered transformer */ public void removeTransformer(String classNameRegexp, HaClassFileTransformer transformer) { String normalizeRegexp = normalizeTypeRegexp(classNameRegexp); Map<String, RegisteredTransformersRecord> transformersMap = getTransformerMap(transformer); RegisteredTransformersRecord transformerRecord = transformersMap.get(normalizeRegexp); if (transformerRecord != null) { transformerRecord.transformerList.remove(transformer); } } /** * Remove all transformers registered with a classloader * @param classLoader */ public void closeClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<ClassFileTransformer, ClassLoader>> entryIterator = classLoaderTransformers.entrySet().iterator(); entryIterator.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<ClassFileTransformer, ClassLoader> entry =; if (entry.getValue().equals(classLoader)) { entryIterator.remove(); for (RegisteredTransformersRecord transformerRecord : redefinitionTransformers.values()) { transformerRecord.transformerList.remove(entry.getKey()); } for (RegisteredTransformersRecord transformerRecord : otherTransformers.values()) { transformerRecord.transformerList.remove(entry.getKey()); } } } LOGGER.debug("All transformers removed for classLoader {}", classLoader);
class IOUtils { private static final AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(IOUtils.class); // some IDEs remove and recreate whole package multiple times while recompiling - // we may need to wait for a file to be available on a filesystem private static final int WAIT_FOR_FILE_MAX_SECONDS = 5; /** URL protocol for a file in the file system: "file" */ public static final String URL_PROTOCOL_FILE = "file"; /** URL protocol for a JBoss VFS resource: "vfs" */ public static final String URL_PROTOCOL_VFS = "vfs"; /** * Download URI to byte array. * * Wait for the file to exists up to 5 seconds - it may be recreated while IDE recompilation, * automatic retry will avoid false errors. * * @param uri uri to process * @return byte array * @throws IllegalArgumentException for download problems */ public static byte[] toByteArray(URI uri) { ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream inputStream = null; int tryCount = 0; while (inputStream == null) { try { inputStream = uri.toURL().openStream(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // some IDEs remove and recreate whole package multiple times while recompiling - // we may need to waitForResult for the file. if (tryCount > WAIT_FOR_FILE_MAX_SECONDS * 10) { LOGGER.trace("File not found, exiting with exception...", e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } else { tryCount++; LOGGER.trace("File not found, waiting...", e); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } finally { if (inputStream != null) { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Can't close file.", e); } } } } try (InputStream stream = uri.toURL().openStream()) { byte[] chunk = new byte[4096]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = > 0) { outputStream.write(chunk, 0, bytesRead); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } return outputStream.toByteArray(); } /** * Convert input stream to a string. * @param is stream * @return string (at least empty string for empty stream) */ public static String streamToString(InputStream is) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Determine whether the given URL points to a resource in the file system, * that is, has protocol "file" or "vfs". * @param url the URL to check * @return whether the URL has been identified as a file system URL * @author Juergen Hoeller (org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils) */ public static boolean isFileURL(URL url) { String protocol = url.getProtocol(); return (URL_PROTOCOL_FILE.equals(protocol) || protocol.startsWith(URL_PROTOCOL_VFS)); } /** * Determine whether the given URL points to a directory in the file system * * @param url the URL to check * @return whether the URL has been identified as a file system URL */ public static boolean isDirectoryURL(URL url) { try { File f = new File(url.toURI()); if(f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) { return true; } } catch (Exception ignore) { } return false; } /** * Return fully qualified class name of class file on a URI. * * @param uri uri of class file * @return name * @throws IOException any exception on class instantiation */ public static String urlToClassName(URI uri) throws IOException { return ClassPool.getDefault().makeClass(uri.toURL().openStream()).getName(); } /** * Extract file name from input stream. * * @param is the is * @return the string */ public static String extractFileNameFromInputStream(InputStream is) { try { if ("".equals(is.getClass().getName())) { ReadableByteChannel ch = (ReadableByteChannel) ReflectionHelper.get(is, "ch"); return ch instanceof FileChannel ? (String) ReflectionHelper.get(ch, "path") : null; } while (true) { if (is instanceof FileInputStream) { return (String) ReflectionHelper.get(is, "path"); } if (!(is instanceof FilterInputStream)) { break; } is = (InputStream) ReflectionHelper.get(is, "in"); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("extractFileNameFromInputStream() failed.", e); } return null; } /** * Extract file name from reader. * * @param reader the reader * @return the string */ public static String extractFileNameFromReader(Reader reader) { try { if (reader instanceof InputStreamReader) { InputStream is = (InputStream) ReflectionHelper.get(reader, "lock"); return extractFileNameFromInputStream(is); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("extractFileNameFromReader() failed.", e); } return null; } /** * Extract file name from input source. * * @param inputSource the input source * @return the string */ public static String extractFileNameFromInputSource(InputSource inputSource) { if (inputSource.getByteStream() != null) { return extractFileNameFromInputStream(inputSource.getByteStream()); } if (inputSource.getCharacterStream() != null) { return extractFileNameFromReader(inputSource.getCharacterStream()); } return null; } }
java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A"); return s.hasNext() ? : "";
class PluginManagerInvoker { /** * Initialize plugin for a classloader. * * @param pluginClass identify plugin instance * @param appClassLoader classloader in which the plugin should reside */ public static <T> T callInitializePlugin(Class<T> pluginClass, ClassLoader appClassLoader) { // noinspection unchecked return (T) PluginManager.getInstance().getPluginRegistry().initializePlugin( pluginClass.getName(), appClassLoader ); } public static String buildInitializePlugin(Class pluginClass) { return buildInitializePlugin(pluginClass, "getClass().getClassLoader()"); } public static String buildInitializePlugin(Class pluginClass, String classLoaderVar) { return "org.hotswap.agent.config.PluginManager.getInstance().getPluginRegistry().initializePlugin(" + "\"" + pluginClass.getName() + "\", " + classLoaderVar + ");"; } /** * Free all classloader references and close any associated plugin instance. * Typical use is after webapp undeploy. * * @param appClassLoader clasloade to free */ public static void callCloseClassLoader(ClassLoader appClassLoader) { PluginManager.getInstance().closeClassLoader(appClassLoader); } public static String buildCallCloseClassLoader(String classLoaderVar) { return "org.hotswap.agent.config.PluginManager.getInstance().closeClassLoader(" + classLoaderVar + ");"; } /** * Methods on plugin should be called via reflection, because the real plugin object is in parent classloader, * but plugin class may be defined in app classloader as well introducing ClassCastException on same class name. * * @param pluginClass class name of the plugin - it is used to resolve plugin instance from plugin manager * @param appClassLoader application classloader (to resolve plugin instance) * @param method method name * @param paramTypes param types (as required by reflection) * @param params actual param values * @return method return value */ public static Object callPluginMethod(Class pluginClass, ClassLoader appClassLoader, String method, Class[] paramTypes, Object[] params) { Object pluginInstance = PluginManager.getInstance().getPlugin(pluginClass.getName(), appClassLoader); try { Method m = pluginInstance.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(method, paramTypes); return m.invoke(pluginInstance, params); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(String.format("Exception calling method %s on plugin class %s", method, pluginClass), e); } } /** * Equivalent to callPluginMethod for insertion into source code. * <p/> * PluginManagerInvoker.buildCallPluginMethod(this, "hibernateInitialized", * "getClass().getClassLoader()", "java.lang.ClassLoader") * * @param pluginClass plugin to use * @param method method name * @param paramValueAndType for each param its value AND type must be provided * @return method source code */ public static String buildCallPluginMethod(Class pluginClass, String method, String... paramValueAndType) { return buildCallPluginMethod("getClass().getClassLoader()", pluginClass, method, paramValueAndType); } /** * Same as {@link PluginManagerInvoker#buildCallPluginMethod(Class, String, String...)}, but with explicit * appClassLoader variable. Use this method if appClassLoader is different from getClass().getClassLoader(). */ public static String buildCallPluginMethod(String appClassLoaderVar, Class pluginClass, String method, String... paramValueAndType) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
String managerClass = PluginManager.class.getName(); int paramCount = paramValueAndType.length / 2; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); // block to hide variables and catch checked exceptions b.append("try {"); b.append("ClassLoader __pluginClassLoader = "); b.append(managerClass); b.append(".class.getClassLoader();"); // Object __pluginInstance = org.hotswap.agent.config.PluginManager.getInstance().getPlugin(org.hotswap.agent.plugin.TestPlugin.class.getName(), __pluginClassLoader); b.append("Object __pluginInstance = "); b.append(managerClass); b.append(".getInstance().getPlugin("); b.append(pluginClass.getName()); b.append(".class.getName(), " + appClassLoaderVar + ");"); // Class __pluginClass = __pluginClassLoader.loadClass("org.hotswap.agent.plugin.TestPlugin"); b.append("Class __pluginClass = "); b.append("__pluginClassLoader.loadClass(\""); b.append(pluginClass.getName()); b.append("\");"); // param types b.append("Class[] paramTypes = new Class[" + paramCount + "];"); for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { // paramTypes[i] = = __pluginClassLoader.loadClass("my.test.TestClass").getClass(); b.append("paramTypes[" + i + "] = __pluginClassLoader.loadClass(\"" + paramValueAndType[(i * 2) + 1] + "\");"); } // java.lang.reflect.Method __pluginMethod = __pluginClass.getDeclaredMethod("method", paramType1, paramType2); b.append("java.lang.reflect.Method __callPlugin = __pluginClass.getDeclaredMethod(\""); b.append(method); b.append("\", paramTypes"); b.append(");"); b.append("Object[] params = new Object[" + paramCount + "];"); for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i = i + 1) { b.append("params[" + i + "] = " + paramValueAndType[i * 2] + ";"); } // __pluginMethod.invoke(__pluginInstance, param1, param2); b.append("__callPlugin.invoke(__pluginInstance, params);"); // catch (Exception e) {throw new Error(e);} b.append("} catch (Exception e) {throw new Error(e);}"); return b.toString();
class Version { /** * Return current version. * @return the version. */ public static String version() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
try { Properties prop = new Properties(); InputStream in = Version.class.getResourceAsStream("/"); prop.load(in); in.close(); return prop.getProperty("version") == null ? "unkown" : prop.getProperty("version"); } catch (IOException e) { return "unknown"; }
class ClassLoaderDefineClassPatcher { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(ClassLoaderDefineClassPatcher.class); private static Map<String, List<byte[]>> pluginClassCache = new HashMap<>(); /** * Patch the classloader. * * @param classLoaderFrom classloader to load classes from * @param pluginPath path to copy * @param classLoaderTo classloader to copy classes to * @param protectionDomain required protection in target classloader */ public void patch(final ClassLoader classLoaderFrom, final String pluginPath, final ClassLoader classLoaderTo, final ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) { List<byte[]> cache = getPluginCache(classLoaderFrom, pluginPath); if (cache != null) { final ClassPool cp = new ClassPool(); cp.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(getClass().getClassLoader())); Set<String> loadedClasses = new HashSet<>(); String packagePrefix = pluginPath.replace('/', '.'); for (byte[] pluginBytes: cache) { CtClass pluginClass = null; try { // force to load class in classLoaderFrom (it may not yet be loaded) and if the classLoaderTo // is parent of classLoaderFrom, after definition in classLoaderTo will classLoaderFrom return // class from parent classloader instead own definition (hence change of behaviour). InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(pluginBytes); pluginClass = cp.makeClass(is); try { classLoaderFrom.loadClass(pluginClass.getName()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { LOGGER.trace("Skipping class loading {} in classloader {} - " + "class has probably unresolvable dependency.", pluginClass.getName(), classLoaderTo); } // and load the class in classLoaderTo as well. Now the class is defined in BOTH classloaders. transferTo(pluginClass, packagePrefix, classLoaderTo, protectionDomain, loadedClasses); } catch (CannotCompileException e) { LOGGER.trace("Skipping class definition {} in app classloader {} - " + "class is probably already defined.", pluginClass.getName(), classLoaderTo); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { LOGGER.trace("Skipping class definition {} in app classloader {} - " + "class has probably unresolvable dependency.", pluginClass.getName(), classLoaderTo); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.trace("Skipping class definition app classloader {} - " + "unknown error.", e, classLoaderTo); } } } LOGGER.debug("Classloader {} patched with plugin classes from agent classloader {}.", classLoaderTo, classLoaderFrom); } private void transferTo(CtClass pluginClass, String pluginPath, ClassLoader classLoaderTo, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, Set<String> loadedClasses) throws CannotCompileException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private List<byte[]> getPluginCache(final ClassLoader classLoaderFrom, final String pluginPath) { List<byte[]> ret = null; synchronized(pluginClassCache) { ret = pluginClassCache.get(pluginPath); if (ret == null) { final List<byte[]> retList = new ArrayList<>(); Scanner scanner = new ClassPathScanner(); try { scanner.scan(classLoaderFrom, pluginPath, new ScannerVisitor() { @Override public void visit(InputStream file) throws IOException { // skip plugin classes // TODO this should be skipped only in patching application classloader. To copy // classes into agent classloader, Plugin class must be copied as well // if (patchClass.hasAnnotation(Plugin.class)) { // LOGGER.trace("Skipping plugin class: " + patchClass.getName()); // return; // } ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int readBytes; byte[] data = new byte[16384]; while ((readBytes =, 0, data.length)) != -1) { buffer.write(data, 0, readBytes); } buffer.flush(); retList.add(buffer.toByteArray()); } }); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Exception while scanning 'org/hotswap/agent/plugin'", e); } ret = retList; pluginClassCache.put(pluginPath, ret); } } return ret; } /** * Check if the classloader can be patched. * Typically skip synthetic classloaders. * * @param classLoader classloader to check * @return if true, call patch() */ public boolean isPatchAvailable(ClassLoader classLoader) { // we can define class in any class loader // exclude synthetic classloader where it does not make any sense // sun.reflect.DelegatingClassLoader - created automatically by JVM to optimize reflection calls return classLoader != null && !classLoader.getClass().getName().equals("sun.reflect.DelegatingClassLoader") && !classLoader.getClass().getName().equals("jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingClassLoader") ; } }
// if the class is already loaded, skip it if (loadedClasses.contains(pluginClass.getName()) || pluginClass.isFrozen() || !pluginClass.getName().startsWith(pluginPath)) { return; } // 1. interface try { if (!pluginClass.isInterface()) { CtClass[] ctClasses = pluginClass.getInterfaces(); if (ctClasses != null && ctClasses.length > 0) { for (CtClass ctClass : ctClasses) { try { transferTo(ctClass, pluginPath, classLoaderTo, protectionDomain, loadedClasses); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.trace("Skipping class loading {} in classloader {} - " + "class has probably unresolvable dependency.", ctClass.getName(), classLoaderTo); } } } } } catch (NotFoundException e) { } // 2. superClass try { CtClass ctClass = pluginClass.getSuperclass(); if (ctClass != null) { try { transferTo(ctClass, pluginPath, classLoaderTo, protectionDomain, loadedClasses); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.trace("Skipping class loading {} in classloader {} - " + "class has probably unresolvable dependency.", ctClass.getName(), classLoaderTo); } } } catch (NotFoundException e) { } pluginClass.toClass(classLoaderTo, protectionDomain); loadedClasses.add(pluginClass.getName());
class ClassLoaderHelper { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(ClassLoaderHelper.class); public static Method findLoadedClass; static { try { findLoadedClass = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("findLoadedClass", new Class[] { String.class }); findLoadedClass.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LOGGER.error("Unexpected: failed to get ClassLoader findLoadedClass method", e); } } /** * Check if the class was already loaded by the classloader. It does not try to load the class * (opposite to Class.forName()). * * @param classLoader classLoader to check * @param className fully qualified class name * @return true if the class was loaded */ public static boolean isClassLoaded(ClassLoader classLoader, String className) { try { return findLoadedClass.invoke(classLoader, className) != null; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to invoke findLoadedClass on classLoader {}, className {}", e, classLoader, className); return false; } } /** * Some class loader has activity state. e.g. WebappClassLoader must be started before it can be used * * @param classLoader the class loader * @return true, if is class loader active */ public static boolean isClassLoderStarted(ClassLoader classLoader) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
String classLoaderClassName = (classLoader != null) ? classLoader.getClass().getName() : null; // TODO: use interface instead of this hack if ("org.glassfish.web.loader.WebappClassLoader".equals(classLoaderClassName)|| "org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader".equals(classLoaderClassName) || "org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader".equals(classLoaderClassName) || "org.apache.tomee.catalina.TomEEWebappClassLoader".equals(classLoaderClassName) || "org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedWebappClassLoader".equals(classLoaderClassName) ) { try { Class<?> clazz = classLoader.getClass(); boolean isStarted; if ("org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase".equals(clazz.getSuperclass().getName())) { clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); isStarted = "STARTED".equals((String) ReflectionHelper.invoke(classLoader, clazz, "getStateName", new Class[] {}, null)); } else { isStarted = (boolean) ReflectionHelper.invoke(classLoader, clazz, "isStarted", new Class[] {}, null); } return isStarted; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warning("isClassLoderStarted() : {}", e.getMessage()); } } return true;
class ClassLoaderProxy { ClassLoader targetClassLoader; public CtClass create(CtClass classToProxy) throws Exception {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
// CtPool ctPool = classToProxy; // ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(); // factory.setSuperclass(classToProxy); // factory. // // Class proxy = factory.createClass(); // // new ClassFile() // // // MethodHandler handler = new MethodHandler() { // // @Override // public Object invoke(Object self, Method overridden, Method forwarder, // Object[] args) throws Throwable { // System.out.println("do something "+overridden.getName()); // // Class classInTargetClassLoader = targetClassLoader.loadClass(classToProxy.getName()); // Method methodInTargetClassLoader = classInTargetClassLoader.getDeclaredMethod( // overridden.getName(), overridden.getParameterTypes() // ); // // Class returnType = overridden.getReturnType(); // // return methodInTargetClassLoader.invoke(null, args); // } // }; // Object instance = proxy.newInstance(); // ((ProxyObject) instance).setHandler(handler); // return (T) instance; return null;
class WatchResourcesClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(WatchResourcesClassLoader.class); /** * URLs of changed resources. Use this set to check if the resource was changed and hence should * be returned by this classloader. */ Set<URL> changedUrls = new HashSet<>(); /** * Watch for requested resource in parent classloader in case it is not found by this classloader? * Note that there is child first precedence anyway. */ boolean searchParent = true; public void setSearchParent(boolean searchParent) { this.searchParent = searchParent; } /** * URL classloader configured to get resources only from exact set of URL's (no parent delegation) */ ClassLoader watchResourcesClassLoader; public WatchResourcesClassLoader() { this(false); } public WatchResourcesClassLoader(boolean searchParent) { super(new URL[]{}, searchParent ? WatchResourcesClassLoader.class.getClassLoader() : null); this.searchParent = searchParent; } public WatchResourcesClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { super(new URL[] {}, classLoader); this.searchParent = false; } /** * Configure new instance with urls and watcher service. * * @param extraPath the URLs from which to load resources */ public void initExtraPath(URL[] extraPath) { for (URL url : extraPath) addURL(url); } /** * Configure new instance with urls and watcher service. * * @param watchResources the URLs from which to load resources * @param watcher watcher service to register watch events */ public void initWatchResources(URL[] watchResources, Watcher watcher) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Check if the resource was changed after this classloader instantiaton. * * @param url full URL of the file * @return true if was changed after instantiation */ public boolean isResourceChanged(URL url) { return changedUrls.contains(url); } /** * Returns URL only if the resource is found in changedURL and was actually changed after * instantiation of this classloader. */ @Override public URL getResource(String name) { if (watchResourcesClassLoader != null) { URL resource = watchResourcesClassLoader.getResource(name); if (resource != null && isResourceChanged(resource)) { LOGGER.trace("watchResources - using changed resource {}", name); return resource; } } // child first (extra classpath) URL resource = findResource(name); if (resource != null) return resource; // without parent do not call super (ignore even bootstrapResources) if (searchParent) return super.getResource(name); else return null; } @Override public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) { URL url = getResource(name); try { return url != null ? url.openStream() : null; } catch (IOException e) { } return null; } /** * Returns only a single instance of the changed resource. * There are conflicting requirements for other resources inclusion. This class * should "hide" the original resource, hence it should not be included in the resoult. * On the other hand, there may be resource with the same name in other JAR which * should be included and now is hidden (for example multiple persistence.xml). * Maybe a new property to influence this behaviour? */ @Override public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String name) throws IOException { if (watchResourcesClassLoader != null) { URL resource = watchResourcesClassLoader.getResource(name); if (resource != null && isResourceChanged(resource)) { LOGGER.trace("watchResources - using changed resource {}", name); Vector<URL> res = new Vector<>(); res.add(resource); return res.elements(); } } // if extraClasspath contains at least one element, return only extraClasspath if (findResources(name).hasMoreElements()) return findResources(name); return super.getResources(name); } /** * Support for classpath builder on Tomcat. */ public String getClasspath() { ClassLoader parent = getParent(); if (parent == null) return null; try { Method m = parent.getClass().getMethod("getClasspath", new Class[] {}); if( m==null ) return null; Object o = m.invoke( parent, new Object[] {} ); if( o instanceof String ) return (String)o; return null; } catch( Exception ex ) { LOGGER.debug("getClasspath not supported on parent classloader."); } return null; } /** * Helper classloader to get resources from list of urls only. */ public static class UrlOnlyClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { public UrlOnlyClassLoader(URL[] urls) { super(urls); } // do not use parent resource (may introduce infinite loop) @Override public URL getResource(String name) { return findResource(name); } }; }
// create classloader to serve resources only from watchResources URL's this.watchResourcesClassLoader = new UrlOnlyClassLoader(watchResources); // register watch resources - on change event each modified resource will be added to changedUrls. for (URL resource : watchResources) { try { URI uri = resource.toURI(); LOGGER.debug("Watching directory '{}' for changes.", uri); watcher.addEventListener(this, uri, new WatchEventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(WatchFileEvent event) { try { if (event.isFile() || event.isDirectory()) { changedUrls.add(event.getURI().toURL()); LOGGER.trace("File '{}' changed and will be returned instead of original classloader equivalent.", event.getURI().toURL()); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOGGER.error("Unexpected - cannot convert URI {} to URL.", e, event.getURI()); } } }); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to convert watchResources URL '{}' to URI. URL is skipped.", e, resource); } }
<methods>public void <init>([]) ,public void <init>([], java.lang.ClassLoader) ,public void <init>([], java.lang.ClassLoader, ,public void <init>(java.lang.String,[], java.lang.ClassLoader) ,public void <init>(java.lang.String,[], java.lang.ClassLoader, ,public void close() throws,public findResource(java.lang.String) ,public Enumeration<> findResources(java.lang.String) throws,public getResourceAsStream(java.lang.String) ,public[] getURLs() ,public static newInstance([]) ,public static newInstance([], java.lang.ClassLoader) <variables>private final acc,private WeakHashMap<,java.lang.Void> closeables,private final jdk.internal.loader.URLClassPath ucp
class ClassPathAnnotationScanner { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(ClassPathAnnotationScanner.class); // Annotation name to search for String annotation; // scanner to search path Scanner scanner; /** * Create scanner for the annotation. */ public ClassPathAnnotationScanner(String annotation, Scanner scanner) { this.annotation = annotation; this.scanner = scanner; } /** * Run the scan - search path for files containing annotation. * * @param classLoader classloader to resolve path * @param path path to scan {@link org.hotswap.agent.util.scanner.Scanner#scan(ClassLoader, String, ScannerVisitor)} * @return list of class names containing the annotation * @throws IOException scan exception. */ public List<String> scanPlugins(ClassLoader classLoader, String path) throws IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Check if the file contains annotation. */ protected boolean hasAnnotation(ClassFile cf) throws IOException { AnnotationsAttribute visible = (AnnotationsAttribute) cf.getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); if (visible != null) { for (Annotation ann : visible.getAnnotations()) { if (annotation.equals(ann.getTypeName())) { return true; } } } return false; } }
final List<String> files = new LinkedList<>(); scanner.scan(classLoader, path, new ScannerVisitor() { @Override public void visit(InputStream file) throws IOException { ClassFile cf; try { DataInputStream dstream = new DataInputStream(file); cf = new ClassFile(dstream); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Stream not a valid classFile", e); } if (hasAnnotation(cf)) files.add(cf.getName()); } }); return files;
class ClassPathScanner implements Scanner { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(ClassPathScanner.class); // scan for files inside JAR file - e.g. jar:file:\J:\HotswapAgent\target\HotswapAgent-1.0.jar!\org\hotswap\agent\plugin public static final String JAR_URL_SEPARATOR = "!/"; public static final String JAR_URL_PREFIX = "jar:"; public static final String ZIP_URL_PREFIX = "zip:"; public static final String FILE_URL_PREFIX = "file:"; @Override public void scan(ClassLoader classLoader, String path, ScannerVisitor visitor) throws IOException { LOGGER.trace("Scanning path {}", path); // find all directories - classpath directory or JAR Enumeration<URL> en = classLoader == null ? ClassLoader.getSystemResources(path) : classLoader.getResources(path); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { URL pluginDirURL = en.nextElement(); File pluginDir = new File(pluginDirURL.getFile()); if (pluginDir.isDirectory()) { scanDirectory(pluginDir, visitor); } else { // JAR file String uri; try { uri = pluginDirURL.toURI().toString(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IOException("Illegal directory URI " + pluginDirURL, e); } if (uri.startsWith(JAR_URL_PREFIX) || uri.startsWith(ZIP_URL_PREFIX)) { String jarFile = uri.substring(uri.indexOf(':') + 1); // remove the prefix scanJar(jarFile, visitor); } else { LOGGER.warning("Unknown resource type of file " + uri); } } } } /** * Recursively scan the directory. * * @param pluginDir directory. * @param visitor callback * @throws IOException exception from a visitor */ protected void scanDirectory(File pluginDir, ScannerVisitor visitor) throws IOException { LOGGER.trace("Scanning directory " + pluginDir.getName()); for (File file : pluginDir.listFiles()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { scanDirectory(file, visitor); } else if (file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(".class")) { visitor.visit(new FileInputStream(file)); } } } /** * Scan JAR file for all entries. * Resolve the JAR file itself and than iterate all entries and call visitor. * * @param urlFile URL to the file containing scanned directory * (e.g. jar:file:\J:\HotswapAgent\target\HotswapAgent-1.0.jar!\org\hotswap\agent\plugin) * @param visitor callback * @throws IOException exception from a visitor */ private void scanJar(String urlFile, ScannerVisitor visitor) throws IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Resolve the given jar file URL into a JarFile object. */ protected JarFile getJarFile(String jarFileUrl) throws IOException { LOGGER.trace("Opening JAR file " + jarFileUrl); if (jarFileUrl.startsWith(FILE_URL_PREFIX)) { try { return new JarFile(toURI(jarFileUrl).getSchemeSpecificPart()); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // Fallback for URLs that are not valid URIs (should hardly ever happen). return new JarFile(jarFileUrl.substring(FILE_URL_PREFIX.length())); } } else { return new JarFile(jarFileUrl); } } /** * Create a URI instance for the given location String, * replacing spaces with "%20" quotes first. * * @param location the location String to convert into a URI instance * @return the URI instance * @throws URISyntaxException if the location wasn't a valid URI */ public static URI toURI(String location) throws URISyntaxException { return new URI(location.replace(" ", "%20")); } }
LOGGER.trace("Scanning JAR file '{}'", urlFile); int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(JAR_URL_SEPARATOR); JarFile jarFile = null; String rootEntryPath; try { if (separatorIndex != -1) { String jarFileUrl = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex); rootEntryPath = urlFile.substring(separatorIndex + JAR_URL_SEPARATOR.length()); jarFile = getJarFile(jarFileUrl); } else { rootEntryPath = ""; jarFile = new JarFile(urlFile); } if (!"".equals(rootEntryPath) && !rootEntryPath.endsWith("/")) { rootEntryPath = rootEntryPath + "/"; } for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements(); ) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); String entryPath = entry.getName(); // class files inside entry if (entryPath.startsWith(rootEntryPath) && entryPath.endsWith(".class")) { LOGGER.trace("Visiting JAR entry {}", entryPath); visitor.visit(jarFile.getInputStream(entry)); } } } finally { if (jarFile != null) { jarFile.close(); } }
class PluginCache { public static final String PLUGIN_PATH = "org/hotswap/agent/plugin"; private Map<ClassLoader, Set<CtClass>> pluginDefs = new HashMap<>(); Scanner scanner = new ClassPathScanner(); public Set<CtClass> getPlugins(ClassLoader classLoader) { if (pluginDefs.containsKey(classLoader)) return pluginDefs.get(classLoader); else return Collections.emptySet(); } public Set<CtClass> scanPlugins(ClassLoader classLoader) throws IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
if (!pluginDefs.containsKey(classLoader)) { synchronized (pluginDefs) { if (!pluginDefs.containsKey(classLoader)) { final Set<CtClass> plugins = new HashSet<>(); final ClassPool classPool = ClassPool.getDefault(); scanner.scan(getClass().getClassLoader(), PLUGIN_PATH, new ScannerVisitor() { @Override public void visit(InputStream file) throws IOException { plugins.add(classPool.makeClass(file)); } }); } } } return pluginDefs.get(classLoader);
class ClassSignatureBase { private static final String[] IGNORED_METHODS = new String[] { "annotationType", "equals", "hashCode", "toString" }; private final Set<ClassSignatureElement> elements = new HashSet<>(); protected static final String SWITCH_TABLE_METHOD_PREFIX = "$SWITCH_TABLE$"; // java stores switch table to class field, signature should ingore it /** * Evaluate and return signature value * * @return the signature value * @throws Exception */ public abstract String getValue() throws Exception; /** * Adds the signature elements to set of used signature elements * * @param elems */ public void addSignatureElements(ClassSignatureElement elems[]) { for (ClassSignatureElement element : elems) { elements.add(element); } } /** * Check if given signature element is set. * * @param element * @return true, if has given element */ public boolean hasElement(ClassSignatureElement element) { return elements.contains(element); } protected String annotationToString(Object[] a) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private Object arrayToString(Object value) { Object result = value; try { try { Method toStringMethod = Arrays.class.getMethod("toString", value.getClass()); // maybe because value is a subclass of Object[] result = toStringMethod.invoke(null, value); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { if (value instanceof Object[]) { Method toStringMethod = Arrays.class.getMethod("toString", Object[].class); result = toStringMethod.invoke(null, value); } } } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e ) { } return result; } protected String annotationToString(Object[][] a) { if (a == null) return "null"; int iMax = a.length - 1; if (iMax == -1) return "[]"; a = sort(a); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append('['); for (int i = 0;; i++) { Object[] object = a[i]; b.append(annotationToString(object)); if (i == iMax) return b.append(']').toString(); b.append(", "); } } private <T> T[] sort(T[] a) { a = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length); Arrays.sort(a, ToStringComparator.INSTANCE); return a; } private <T> T[][] sort(T[][] a) { a = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length); Arrays.sort(a, ToStringComparator.INSTANCE); for (Object[] objects : a) { Arrays.sort(objects, ToStringComparator.INSTANCE); } return a; } private Object getAnnotationValue(Annotation annotation, String attributeName) { Method method = null; boolean acessibleSet = false; try { method = annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod(attributeName); acessibleSet = makeAccessible(method); return method.invoke(annotation); } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } finally { if (method != null && acessibleSet) { method.setAccessible(false); } } } private boolean makeAccessible(Method method) { if ((!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()) || !Modifier.isPublic(method.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) && !method.isAccessible()) { method.setAccessible(true); return true; } return false; } protected static class ToStringComparator implements Comparator<Object> { public static final ToStringComparator INSTANCE = new ToStringComparator(); @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } } }
if (a == null) return "null"; int iMax = a.length - 1; if (iMax == -1) return "[]"; a = sort(a); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append('['); for (int i = 0;i < a.length; i++) { Annotation object = (Annotation) a[i]; Method[] declaredMethods = object.getClass().getDeclaredMethods(); b.append("("); boolean printComma = false; for (Method method : declaredMethods) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(IGNORED_METHODS, method.getName()) < 0) { Object value = getAnnotationValue(object, method.getName()); if (value != null) { if (printComma) { b.append(","); } else { printComma = true; } if (value.getClass().isArray()) { value = arrayToString(value); } b.append(method.getName() + "=" + value.getClass() + ":" + value); } } } b.append(")"); // TODO : sometimes for CtFile object.annotationType() is not known an it fails here // v.d. : uncommented in v1.1 alpha with javassist update (3.21) to check if there is still problem b.append(object.annotationType().getName()); if (i<a.length-1) { b.append(","); } } b.append(']'); return b.toString();
class ClassSignatureComparerHelper { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(ClassSignatureComparerHelper.class); public static String getCtClassSignature(CtClass ctClass, ClassSignatureElement[] signatureElements) throws Exception { CtClassSignature signature = new CtClassSignature(ctClass); signature.addSignatureElements(signatureElements); return signature.getValue(); } public static String getJavaClassSignature(Class<?> clazz, ClassSignatureElement[] signatureElements) throws Exception { JavaClassSignature signature = new JavaClassSignature(clazz); signature.addSignatureElements(signatureElements); return signature.getValue(); } /** * @param ctClass new CtClass definition * @param clazz old Class definition * @return is signature different */ public static boolean isDifferent(CtClass ctClass, Class<?> clazz, ClassSignatureElement[] signatureElements) { try { String sig1 = getCtClassSignature(ctClass, signatureElements); String sig2 = getJavaClassSignature(clazz, signatureElements); return !sig1.equals(sig2); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error reading signature", e); return false; } } public static boolean isDifferent(Class<?> clazz1, Class<?> clazz2, ClassSignatureElement[] signatureElements) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * @param clazz old Class definition * @param cp ClassPool which should contain the new/compared definition * @return is signature different */ public static boolean isPoolClassDifferent(Class<?> clazz, ClassPool cp, ClassSignatureElement[] signatureElements) { try { return isDifferent(cp.get(clazz.getName()), clazz, signatureElements); } catch (NotFoundException e) { LOGGER.error("Class not found ", e); return false; } } }
try { String sig1 = getJavaClassSignature(clazz1, signatureElements); String sig2 = getJavaClassSignature(clazz2, signatureElements); return !sig1.equals(sig2); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error reading signature", e); return false; }
class CtClassSignature extends ClassSignatureBase { private CtClass ctClass; /** * @param ctClass the class for signature is to be counted */ public CtClassSignature(CtClass ctClass) { this.ctClass = ctClass; } @Override public String getValue() throws Exception {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private String getName(CtClass ctClass) { return ctClass.getName(); } private String getConstructorString(CtConstructor method) throws ClassNotFoundException, NotFoundException { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.append(Modifier.toString(method.getModifiers()) + " "); strBuilder.append(method.getDeclaringClass().getName()); strBuilder.append(getParams(method.getParameterTypes())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_ANNOTATION)) strBuilder.append(annotationToString(method.getAvailableAnnotations())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_PARAM_ANNOTATION)) strBuilder.append(annotationToString(method.getAvailableParameterAnnotations())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_EXCEPTION)) strBuilder.append(toStringException(method.getExceptionTypes())); strBuilder.append(";"); return strBuilder.toString(); } private String getMethodString(CtMethod method) throws NotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.append(Modifier.toString(method.getModifiers()) + " "); strBuilder.append(getName(method.getReturnType()) + " " + method.getName()); strBuilder.append(getParams(method.getParameterTypes())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_ANNOTATION)) strBuilder.append(annotationToString(method.getAvailableAnnotations())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_PARAM_ANNOTATION)) strBuilder.append(annotationToString(method.getAvailableParameterAnnotations())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_EXCEPTION)) strBuilder.append(toStringException(method.getExceptionTypes())); strBuilder.append(";"); return strBuilder.toString(); } private String getParams(CtClass[] ctClasses) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder("("); boolean first = true; for (CtClass ctClass : ctClasses) { if (!first) strBuilder.append(","); else first = false; strBuilder.append(getName(ctClass)); } strBuilder.append(")"); return strBuilder.toString(); } private String toStringException(CtClass[] a) { if (a == null) return "null"; int iMax = a.length - 1; if (iMax == -1) return "[]"; a = sort(a); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append('['); for (int i = 0;; i++) { b.append("class " + a[i].getName()); if (i == iMax) return b.append(']').toString(); b.append(", "); } } private CtClass[] sort(CtClass[] a) { a = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length); Arrays.sort(a, CtClassComparator.INSTANCE); return a; } private static class CtClassComparator implements Comparator<CtClass> { public static final CtClassComparator INSTANCE = new CtClassComparator(); @Override public int compare(CtClass o1, CtClass o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } } }
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>(); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD)) { boolean usePrivateMethod = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_PRIVATE); boolean useStaticMethod = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_STATIC); for (CtMethod method : ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!usePrivateMethod && Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers())) continue; if (!useStaticMethod && Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) continue; if (method.getName().startsWith(SWITCH_TABLE_METHOD_PREFIX)) continue; strings.add(getMethodString(method)); } } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.CONSTRUCTOR)) { boolean usePrivateConstructor = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.CONSTRUCTOR_PRIVATE); for (CtConstructor method : ctClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (!usePrivateConstructor && Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers())) continue; strings.add(getConstructorString(method)); } } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.CLASS_ANNOTATION)) { strings.add(annotationToString(ctClass.getAvailableAnnotations())); } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.INTERFACES)) { for (CtClass iClass : ctClass.getInterfaces()) { strings.add(iClass.getName()); } } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.SUPER_CLASS)) { String superclassName = ctClass.getSuperclassName(); if (superclassName != null && !superclassName.equals(Object.class.getName())) strings.add(superclassName); } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.FIELD)) { boolean useStaticField = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.FIELD_STATIC); boolean useFieldAnnotation = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.FIELD_ANNOTATION); for (CtField field : ctClass.getDeclaredFields()) { if (!useStaticField && Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) continue; if (field.getName().startsWith(SWITCH_TABLE_METHOD_PREFIX)) continue; String fieldSignature = field.getType().getName() + " " + field.getName(); if (useFieldAnnotation) { fieldSignature += annotationToString(field.getAvailableAnnotations()); } strings.add(fieldSignature + ";"); } } Collections.sort(strings); StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String methodString : strings) { strBuilder.append(methodString); } return strBuilder.toString();
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public void addSignatureElements(org.hotswap.agent.util.signature.ClassSignatureElement[]) ,public abstract java.lang.String getValue() throws java.lang.Exception,public boolean hasElement(org.hotswap.agent.util.signature.ClassSignatureElement) <variables>private static final java.lang.String[] IGNORED_METHODS,protected static final java.lang.String SWITCH_TABLE_METHOD_PREFIX,private final Set<org.hotswap.agent.util.signature.ClassSignatureElement> elements
class JavaClassSignature extends ClassSignatureBase { private Class<?> clazz; public JavaClassSignature(Class<?> clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; } @Override public String getValue() throws Exception {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} private String getConstructorString(Constructor<?> method) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.append(Modifier.toString(method.getModifiers()) + " "); strBuilder.append(method.getName()); strBuilder.append(getParams(method.getParameterTypes())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_ANNOTATION)) strBuilder.append(annotationToString(method.getDeclaredAnnotations())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_PARAM_ANNOTATION)) strBuilder.append(annotationToString(method.getParameterAnnotations())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_EXCEPTION)) strBuilder.append(Arrays.toString(sort(method.getExceptionTypes()))); strBuilder.append(";"); return strBuilder.toString(); } private String getMethodString(Method method) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.append(Modifier.toString(method.getModifiers()) + " "); strBuilder.append(getName(method.getReturnType()) + " " + method.getName()); strBuilder.append(getParams(method.getParameterTypes())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_ANNOTATION)) strBuilder.append(annotationToString(method.getDeclaredAnnotations())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_PARAM_ANNOTATION)) strBuilder.append(annotationToString(method.getParameterAnnotations())); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_EXCEPTION)) strBuilder.append(Arrays.toString(sort(method.getExceptionTypes()))); strBuilder.append(";"); return strBuilder.toString(); } private <T> T[] sort(T[] a) { a = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length); Arrays.sort(a, ToStringComparator.INSTANCE); return a; } private String getParams(Class<?>[] parameterTypes) { StringBuilder strB = new StringBuilder("("); boolean first = true; for (Class<?> ctClass : parameterTypes) { if (!first) strB.append(","); else first = false; strB.append(getName(ctClass)); } strB.append(")"); return strB.toString(); } private String getName(Class<?> ctClass) { if (ctClass.isArray()) return Descriptor.toString(ctClass.getName()); else return ctClass.getName(); } }
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>(); if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD)) { boolean usePrivateMethod = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_PRIVATE); boolean useStaticMethod = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.METHOD_STATIC); for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!usePrivateMethod && Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers())) continue; if (!useStaticMethod && Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) continue; if (method.getName().startsWith(SWITCH_TABLE_METHOD_PREFIX)) continue; strings.add(getMethodString(method)); } } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.CONSTRUCTOR)) { boolean usePrivateConstructor = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.CONSTRUCTOR_PRIVATE); for (Constructor<?> method : clazz.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (!usePrivateConstructor && Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers())) continue; strings.add(getConstructorString(method)); } } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.CLASS_ANNOTATION)) { strings.add(annotationToString(clazz.getAnnotations())); } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.INTERFACES)) { for (Class<?> iClass : clazz.getInterfaces()) { strings.add(iClass.getName()); } } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.SUPER_CLASS)) { if (clazz.getSuperclass() != null && !clazz.getSuperclass().getName().equals(Object.class.getName())) strings.add(clazz.getSuperclass().getName()); } if (hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.FIELD)) { boolean useStaticField = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.FIELD_STATIC); boolean useFieldAnnotation = hasElement(ClassSignatureElement.FIELD_ANNOTATION); for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { if (!useStaticField && Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) continue; if (field.getName().startsWith(SWITCH_TABLE_METHOD_PREFIX)) continue; String fieldSignature = field.getType().getName() + " " + field.getName(); if (useFieldAnnotation) { fieldSignature += annotationToString(field.getAnnotations()); } strings.add(fieldSignature + ";"); } } Collections.sort(strings); StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String methodString : strings) { strBuilder.append(methodString); } return strBuilder.toString();
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public void addSignatureElements(org.hotswap.agent.util.signature.ClassSignatureElement[]) ,public abstract java.lang.String getValue() throws java.lang.Exception,public boolean hasElement(org.hotswap.agent.util.signature.ClassSignatureElement) <variables>private static final java.lang.String[] IGNORED_METHODS,protected static final java.lang.String SWITCH_TABLE_METHOD_PREFIX,private final Set<org.hotswap.agent.util.signature.ClassSignatureElement> elements
class LinkedMultiValueMap<K, V> implements MultiValueMap<K, V>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3801124242820219131L; private final Map<K, List<V>> targetMap; /** * Create a new LinkedMultiValueMap that wraps a {@link LinkedHashMap}. */ public LinkedMultiValueMap() { this.targetMap = new LinkedHashMap<K, List<V>>(); } /** * Create a new LinkedMultiValueMap that wraps a {@link LinkedHashMap} with * the given initial capacity. * * @param initialCapacity * the initial capacity */ public LinkedMultiValueMap(int initialCapacity) { this.targetMap = new LinkedHashMap<K, List<V>>(initialCapacity); } /** * Copy constructor: Create a new LinkedMultiValueMap with the same mappings * as the specified Map. Note that this will be a shallow copy; its * value-holding List entries will get reused and therefore cannot get * modified independently. * * @param otherMap * the Map whose mappings are to be placed in this Map * @see #clone() * @see #deepCopy() */ public LinkedMultiValueMap(Map<K, List<V>> otherMap) { this.targetMap = new LinkedHashMap<K, List<V>>(otherMap); } // MultiValueMap implementation @Override public void add(K key, V value) { List<V> values = this.targetMap.get(key); if (values == null) { values = new LinkedList<V>(); this.targetMap.put(key, values); } values.add(value); } @Override public V getFirst(K key) { List<V> values = this.targetMap.get(key); return (values != null ? values.get(0) : null); } @Override public void set(K key, V value) { List<V> values = new LinkedList<V>(); values.add(value); this.targetMap.put(key, values); } @Override public void setAll(Map<K, V> values) { for (Entry<K, V> entry : values.entrySet()) { set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } @Override public Map<K, V> toSingleValueMap() { LinkedHashMap<K, V> singleValueMap = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(this.targetMap.size()); for (Entry<K, List<V>> entry : this.targetMap.entrySet()) { singleValueMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get(0)); } return singleValueMap; } // Map implementation @Override public int size() { return this.targetMap.size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return this.targetMap.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return this.targetMap.containsKey(key); } @Override public boolean containsValue(Object value) { return this.targetMap.containsValue(value); } @Override public List<V> get(Object key) { return this.targetMap.get(key); } @Override public List<V> put(K key, List<V> value) { return this.targetMap.put(key, value); } @Override public List<V> remove(Object key) { return this.targetMap.remove(key); } @Override public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends List<V>> map) { this.targetMap.putAll(map); } @Override public void clear() { this.targetMap.clear(); } @Override public Set<K> keySet() { return this.targetMap.keySet(); } @Override public Collection<List<V>> values() { return this.targetMap.values(); } @Override public Set<Entry<K, List<V>>> entrySet() { return this.targetMap.entrySet(); } /** * Create a regular copy of this Map. * * @return a shallow copy of this Map, reusing this Map's value-holding List * entries * @since 4.2 * @see LinkedMultiValueMap#LinkedMultiValueMap(Map) * @see #deepCopy() */ @Override public LinkedMultiValueMap<K, V> clone() { return new LinkedMultiValueMap<K, V>(this); } /** * Create a deep copy of this Map. * * @return a copy of this Map, including a copy of each value-holding List * entry * @since 4.2 * @see #clone() */ public LinkedMultiValueMap<K, V> deepCopy() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return this.targetMap.equals(obj); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.targetMap.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return this.targetMap.toString(); } }
LinkedMultiValueMap<K, V> copy = new LinkedMultiValueMap<K, V>(this.targetMap.size()); for (Map.Entry<K, List<V>> entry : this.targetMap.entrySet()) { copy.put(entry.getKey(), new LinkedList<V>(entry.getValue())); } return copy;
class ClassRelativeContextResource extends ClassPathResource implements ContextResource { private final Class<?> clazz; public ClassRelativeContextResource(String path, Class<?> clazz) { super(path, clazz); this.clazz = clazz; } @Override public String getPathWithinContext() { return getPath(); } @Override public Resource createRelative(String relativePath) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
String pathToUse = StringUtils.applyRelativePath(getPath(), relativePath); return new ClassRelativeContextResource(pathToUse, this.clazz);
<methods>public void <init>() ,public void <init>(java.lang.ClassLoader) ,public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader() ,public getResource(java.lang.String) ,public void setClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) <variables>private java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader
class DefaultResourceLoader implements ResourceLoader { private ClassLoader classLoader; /** * Create a new DefaultResourceLoader. * <p> * ClassLoader access will happen using the thread context class loader at * the time of this ResourceLoader's initialization. * * @see java.lang.Thread#getContextClassLoader() */ public DefaultResourceLoader() { this.classLoader = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader(); } /** * Create a new DefaultResourceLoader. * * @param classLoader * the ClassLoader to load class path resources with, or * {@code null} for using the thread context class loader at the * time of actual resource access */ public DefaultResourceLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { this.classLoader = classLoader; } /** * Specify the ClassLoader to load class path resources with, or * {@code null} for using the thread context class loader at the time of * actual resource access. * <p> * The default is that ClassLoader access will happen using the thread * context class loader at the time of this ResourceLoader's initialization. */ public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { this.classLoader = classLoader; } /** * Return the ClassLoader to load class path resources with. * <p> * Will get passed to ClassPathResource's constructor for all * ClassPathResource objects created by this resource loader. * * @see ClassPathResource */ @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return (this.classLoader != null ? this.classLoader : ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader()); } @Override public Resource getResource(String location) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Return a Resource handle for the resource at the given path. * <p> * The default implementation supports class path locations. This should be * appropriate for standalone implementations but can be overridden, e.g. * for implementations targeted at a Servlet container. * * @param path * the path to the resource * @return the corresponding Resource handle * @see ClassPathResource * @see * @see */ protected Resource getResourceByPath(String path) { return new ClassPathContextResource(path, getClassLoader()); } /** * ClassPathResource that explicitly expresses a context-relative path * through implementing the ContextResource interface. */ protected static class ClassPathContextResource extends ClassPathResource implements ContextResource { public ClassPathContextResource(String path, ClassLoader classLoader) { super(path, classLoader); } @Override public String getPathWithinContext() { return getPath(); } @Override public Resource createRelative(String relativePath) { String pathToUse = StringUtils.applyRelativePath(getPath(), relativePath); return new ClassPathContextResource(pathToUse, getClassLoader()); } } }
Assert.notNull(location, "Location must not be null"); if (location.startsWith("/")) { return getResourceByPath(location); } else if (location.startsWith(CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX)) { return new ClassPathResource(location.substring(CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX.length()), getClassLoader()); } else { try { // Try to parse the location as a URL... URL url = new URL(location); return new UrlResource(url); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { // No URL -> resolve as resource path. return getResourceByPath(location); } }
class FileSystemResourceLoader extends DefaultResourceLoader { /** * Resolve resource paths as file system paths. * <p> * Note: Even if a given path starts with a slash, it will get interpreted * as relative to the current VM working directory. * * @param path * the path to the resource * @return the corresponding Resource handle * @see FileSystemResource * @see */ @Override protected Resource getResourceByPath(String path) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * FileSystemResource that explicitly expresses a context-relative path * through implementing the ContextResource interface. */ private static class FileSystemContextResource extends FileSystemResource implements ContextResource { public FileSystemContextResource(String path) { super(path); } @Override public String getPathWithinContext() { return getPath(); } } }
if (path != null && path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1); } return new FileSystemContextResource(path);
<methods>public void <init>() ,public void <init>(java.lang.ClassLoader) ,public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader() ,public getResource(java.lang.String) ,public void setClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader) <variables>private java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader
class AbstractFileResolvingResource extends AbstractResource { /** * This implementation returns a File reference for the underlying class * path resource, provided that it refers to a file in the file system. * * @see org.hotswap.agent.util.spring.util.springframework.util.ResourceUtils#getFile(, * String) */ @Override public File getFile() throws IOException { URL url = getURL(); if (url.getProtocol().startsWith(ResourceUtils.URL_PROTOCOL_VFS)) { return VfsResourceDelegate.getResource(url).getFile(); } return ResourceUtils.getFile(url, getDescription()); } /** * This implementation determines the underlying File (or jar file, in case * of a resource in a jar/zip). */ @Override protected File getFileForLastModifiedCheck() throws IOException { URL url = getURL(); if (ResourceUtils.isJarURL(url)) { URL actualUrl = ResourceUtils.extractJarFileURL(url); if (actualUrl.getProtocol().startsWith(ResourceUtils.URL_PROTOCOL_VFS)) { return VfsResourceDelegate.getResource(actualUrl).getFile(); } return ResourceUtils.getFile(actualUrl, "Jar URL"); } else { return getFile(); } } /** * This implementation returns a File reference for the underlying class * path resource, provided that it refers to a file in the file system. * * @see org.hotswap.agent.util.spring.util.springframework.util.ResourceUtils#getFile(, * String) */ protected File getFile(URI uri) throws IOException { if (uri.getScheme().startsWith(ResourceUtils.URL_PROTOCOL_VFS)) { return VfsResourceDelegate.getResource(uri).getFile(); } return ResourceUtils.getFile(uri, getDescription()); } @Override public boolean exists() { try { URL url = getURL(); if (ResourceUtils.isFileURL(url)) { // Proceed with file system resolution... return getFile().exists(); } else { // Try a URL connection content-length header... URLConnection con = url.openConnection(); customizeConnection(con); HttpURLConnection httpCon = (con instanceof HttpURLConnection ? (HttpURLConnection) con : null); if (httpCon != null) { int code = httpCon.getResponseCode(); if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { return true; } else if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { return false; } } if (con.getContentLength() >= 0) { return true; } if (httpCon != null) { // no HTTP OK status, and no content-length header: give up httpCon.disconnect(); return false; } else { // Fall back to stream existence: can we open the stream? try (InputStream is = getInputStream()) { return true; } } } } catch (IOException ex) { return false; } } @Override public boolean isReadable() { try { URL url = getURL(); if (ResourceUtils.isFileURL(url)) { // Proceed with file system resolution... File file = getFile(); return (file.canRead() && !file.isDirectory()); } else { return true; } } catch (IOException ex) { return false; } } @Override public long contentLength() throws IOException { URL url = getURL(); if (ResourceUtils.isFileURL(url)) { // Proceed with file system resolution... return getFile().length(); } else { // Try a URL connection content-length header... URLConnection con = url.openConnection(); customizeConnection(con); return con.getContentLength(); } } @Override public long lastModified() throws IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Customize the given {@link URLConnection}, obtained in the course of an * {@link #exists()}, {@link #contentLength()} or {@link #lastModified()} * call. * <p> * Calls {@link ResourceUtils#useCachesIfNecessary(URLConnection)} and * delegates to {@link #customizeConnection(HttpURLConnection)} if possible. * Can be overridden in subclasses. * * @param con * the URLConnection to customize * @throws IOException * if thrown from URLConnection methods */ protected void customizeConnection(URLConnection con) throws IOException { ResourceUtils.useCachesIfNecessary(con); if (con instanceof HttpURLConnection) { customizeConnection((HttpURLConnection) con); } } /** * Customize the given {@link HttpURLConnection}, obtained in the course of * an {@link #exists()}, {@link #contentLength()} or {@link #lastModified()} * call. * <p> * Sets request method "HEAD" by default. Can be overridden in subclasses. * * @param con * the HttpURLConnection to customize * @throws IOException * if thrown from HttpURLConnection methods */ protected void customizeConnection(HttpURLConnection con) throws IOException { con.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); } /** * Inner delegate class, avoiding a hard JBoss VFS API dependency at * runtime. */ private static class VfsResourceDelegate { public static Resource getResource(URL url) throws IOException { return new VfsResource(VfsUtils.getRoot(url)); } public static Resource getResource(URI uri) throws IOException { return new VfsResource(VfsUtils.getRoot(uri)); } } }
URL url = getURL(); if (ResourceUtils.isFileURL(url) || ResourceUtils.isJarURL(url)) { // Proceed with file system resolution... return super.lastModified(); } else { // Try a URL connection last-modified header... URLConnection con = url.openConnection(); customizeConnection(con); return con.getLastModified(); }
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public long contentLength() throws,public createRelative(java.lang.String) throws,public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) ,public boolean exists() ,public getFile() throws,public java.lang.String getFilename() ,public getURI() throws,public getURL() throws,public int hashCode() ,public boolean isOpen() ,public boolean isReadable() ,public long lastModified() throws,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>
class AbstractResource implements Resource { /** * This implementation checks whether a File can be opened, falling back to * whether an InputStream can be opened. This will cover both directories * and content resources. */ @Override public boolean exists() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * This implementation always returns {@code true}. */ @Override public boolean isReadable() { return true; } /** * This implementation always returns {@code false}. */ @Override public boolean isOpen() { return false; } /** * This implementation throws a FileNotFoundException, assuming that the * resource cannot be resolved to a URL. */ @Override public URL getURL() throws IOException { throw new FileNotFoundException(getDescription() + " cannot be resolved to URL"); } /** * This implementation builds a URI based on the URL returned by * {@link #getURL()}. */ @Override public URI getURI() throws IOException { URL url = getURL(); try { return ResourceUtils.toURI(url); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new NestedIOException("Invalid URI [" + url + "]", ex); } } /** * This implementation throws a FileNotFoundException, assuming that the * resource cannot be resolved to an absolute file path. */ @Override public File getFile() throws IOException { throw new FileNotFoundException(getDescription() + " cannot be resolved to absolute file path"); } /** * This implementation reads the entire InputStream to calculate the content * length. Subclasses will almost always be able to provide a more optimal * version of this, e.g. checking a File length. * * @see #getInputStream() * @throws IllegalStateException * if {@link #getInputStream()} returns null. */ @Override public long contentLength() throws IOException { try (InputStream is = this.getInputStream()) { Assert.state(is != null, "resource input stream must not be null"); long size = 0; byte[] buf = new byte[255]; int read; while ((read = != -1) { size += read; } return size; } } /** * This implementation checks the timestamp of the underlying File, if * available. * * @see #getFileForLastModifiedCheck() */ @Override public long lastModified() throws IOException { long lastModified = getFileForLastModifiedCheck().lastModified(); if (lastModified == 0L) { throw new FileNotFoundException(getDescription() + " cannot be resolved in the file system for resolving its last-modified timestamp"); } return lastModified; } /** * Determine the File to use for timestamp checking. * <p> * The default implementation delegates to {@link #getFile()}. * * @return the File to use for timestamp checking (never {@code null}) * @throws IOException * if the resource cannot be resolved as absolute file path, * i.e. if the resource is not available in a file system */ protected File getFileForLastModifiedCheck() throws IOException { return getFile(); } /** * This implementation throws a FileNotFoundException, assuming that * relative resources cannot be created for this resource. */ @Override public Resource createRelative(String relativePath) throws IOException { throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot create a relative resource for " + getDescription()); } /** * This implementation always returns {@code null}, assuming that this * resource type does not have a filename. */ @Override public String getFilename() { return null; } /** * This implementation returns the description of this resource. * * @see #getDescription() */ @Override public String toString() { return getDescription(); } /** * This implementation compares description strings. * * @see #getDescription() */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj == this || (obj instanceof Resource && ((Resource) obj).getDescription().equals(getDescription()))); } /** * This implementation returns the description's hash code. * * @see #getDescription() */ @Override public int hashCode() { return getDescription().hashCode(); } }
// Try file existence: can we find the file in the file system? try { return getFile().exists(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Fall back to stream existence: can we open the stream? try (InputStream is = getInputStream()) { return true; } catch (Throwable isEx) { return false; } }
class ClassPathResource extends AbstractFileResolvingResource { private final String path; private ClassLoader classLoader; private Class<?> clazz; /** * Create a new {@code ClassPathResource} for {@code ClassLoader} usage. A * leading slash will be removed, as the ClassLoader resource access methods * will not accept it. * <p> * The thread context class loader will be used for loading the resource. * * @param path * the absolute path within the class path * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream(String) * @see org.springframework.util.ClassUtils#getDefaultClassLoader() */ public ClassPathResource(String path) { this(path, (ClassLoader) null); } /** * Create a new {@code ClassPathResource} for {@code ClassLoader} usage. A * leading slash will be removed, as the ClassLoader resource access methods * will not accept it. * * @param path * the absolute path within the classpath * @param classLoader * the class loader to load the resource with, or {@code null} * for the thread context class loader * @see ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream(String) */ public ClassPathResource(String path, ClassLoader classLoader) { Assert.notNull(path, "Path must not be null"); String pathToUse = StringUtils.cleanPath(path); if (pathToUse.startsWith("/")) { pathToUse = pathToUse.substring(1); } this.path = pathToUse; this.classLoader = (classLoader != null ? classLoader : ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader()); } /** * Create a new {@code ClassPathResource} for {@code Class} usage. The path * can be relative to the given class, or absolute within the classpath via * a leading slash. * * @param path * relative or absolute path within the class path * @param clazz * the class to load resources with * @see java.lang.Class#getResourceAsStream */ public ClassPathResource(String path, Class<?> clazz) { Assert.notNull(path, "Path must not be null"); this.path = StringUtils.cleanPath(path); this.clazz = clazz; } /** * Create a new {@code ClassPathResource} with optional {@code ClassLoader} * and {@code Class}. Only for internal usage. * * @param path * relative or absolute path within the classpath * @param classLoader * the class loader to load the resource with, if any * @param clazz * the class to load resources with, if any */ protected ClassPathResource(String path, ClassLoader classLoader, Class<?> clazz) { this.path = StringUtils.cleanPath(path); this.classLoader = classLoader; this.clazz = clazz; } /** * Return the path for this resource (as resource path within the class * path). */ public final String getPath() { return this.path; } /** * Return the ClassLoader that this resource will be obtained from. */ public final ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return (this.clazz != null ? this.clazz.getClassLoader() : this.classLoader); } /** * This implementation checks for the resolution of a resource URL. * * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#getResource(String) * @see java.lang.Class#getResource(String) */ @Override public boolean exists() { return (resolveURL() != null); } /** * Resolves a URL for the underlying class path resource. * * @return the resolved URL, or {@code null} if not resolvable */ protected URL resolveURL() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * This implementation opens an InputStream for the given class path * resource. * * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream(String) * @see java.lang.Class#getResourceAsStream(String) */ @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { InputStream is; if (this.clazz != null) { is = this.clazz.getResourceAsStream(this.path); } else if (this.classLoader != null) { is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(this.path); } else { is = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(this.path); } if (is == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(getDescription() + " cannot be opened because it does not exist"); } return is; } /** * This implementation returns a URL for the underlying class path resource, * if available. * * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#getResource(String) * @see java.lang.Class#getResource(String) */ @Override public URL getURL() throws IOException { URL url = resolveURL(); if (url == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(getDescription() + " cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist"); } return url; } /** * This implementation creates a ClassPathResource, applying the given path * relative to the path of the underlying resource of this descriptor. * * @see org.springframework.util.StringUtils#applyRelativePath(String, * String) */ @Override public Resource createRelative(String relativePath) { String pathToUse = StringUtils.applyRelativePath(this.path, relativePath); return new ClassPathResource(pathToUse, this.classLoader, this.clazz); } /** * This implementation returns the name of the file that this class path * resource refers to. * * @see org.springframework.util.StringUtils#getFilename(String) */ @Override public String getFilename() { return StringUtils.getFilename(this.path); } /** * This implementation returns a description that includes the class path * location. */ @Override public String getDescription() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("class path resource ["); String pathToUse = path; if (this.clazz != null && !pathToUse.startsWith("/")) { builder.append(ClassUtils.classPackageAsResourcePath(this.clazz)); builder.append('/'); } if (pathToUse.startsWith("/")) { pathToUse = pathToUse.substring(1); } builder.append(pathToUse); builder.append(']'); return builder.toString(); } /** * This implementation compares the underlying class path locations. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj instanceof ClassPathResource) { ClassPathResource otherRes = (ClassPathResource) obj; return (this.path.equals(otherRes.path) && ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(this.classLoader, otherRes.classLoader) && ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(this.clazz, otherRes.clazz)); } return false; } /** * This implementation returns the hash code of the underlying class path * location. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return this.path.hashCode(); } }
if (this.clazz != null) { return this.clazz.getResource(this.path); } else if (this.classLoader != null) { return this.classLoader.getResource(this.path); } else { return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(this.path); }
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public long contentLength() throws,public boolean exists() ,public getFile() throws,public boolean isReadable() ,public long lastModified() throws<variables>
class FileSystemResource extends AbstractResource implements WritableResource { private final File file; private final String path; /** * Create a new {@code FileSystemResource} from a {@link File} handle. * <p> * Note: When building relative resources via {@link #createRelative}, the * relative path will apply <i>at the same directory level</i>: e.g. new * File("C:/dir1"), relative path "dir2" -> "C:/dir2"! If you prefer to have * relative paths built underneath the given root directory, use the * {@link #FileSystemResource(String) constructor with a file path} to * append a trailing slash to the root path: "C:/dir1/", which indicates * this directory as root for all relative paths. * * @param file * a File handle */ public FileSystemResource(File file) { Assert.notNull(file, "File must not be null"); this.file = file; this.path = StringUtils.cleanPath(file.getPath()); } /** * Create a new {@code FileSystemResource} from a file path. * <p> * Note: When building relative resources via {@link #createRelative}, it * makes a difference whether the specified resource base path here ends * with a slash or not. In the case of "C:/dir1/", relative paths will be * built underneath that root: e.g. relative path "dir2" -> "C:/dir1/dir2". * In the case of "C:/dir1", relative paths will apply at the same directory * level: relative path "dir2" -> "C:/dir2". * * @param path * a file path */ public FileSystemResource(String path) { Assert.notNull(path, "Path must not be null"); this.file = new File(path); this.path = StringUtils.cleanPath(path); } /** * Return the file path for this resource. */ public final String getPath() { return this.path; } /** * This implementation returns whether the underlying file exists. * * @see */ @Override public boolean exists() { return this.file.exists(); } /** * This implementation checks whether the underlying file is marked as * readable (and corresponds to an actual file with content, not to a * directory). * * @see * @see */ @Override public boolean isReadable() { return (this.file.canRead() && !this.file.isDirectory()); } /** * This implementation opens a FileInputStream for the underlying file. * * @see */ @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return new FileInputStream(this.file); } /** * This implementation returns a URL for the underlying file. * * @see */ @Override public URL getURL() throws IOException { return this.file.toURI().toURL(); } /** * This implementation returns a URI for the underlying file. * * @see */ @Override public URI getURI() throws IOException { return this.file.toURI(); } /** * This implementation returns the underlying File reference. */ @Override public File getFile() { return this.file; } /** * This implementation returns the underlying File's length. */ @Override public long contentLength() throws IOException { return this.file.length(); } /** * This implementation creates a FileSystemResource, applying the given path * relative to the path of the underlying file of this resource descriptor. * * @see org.hotswap.agent.util.spring.util.springframework.util.StringUtils#applyRelativePath(String, * String) */ @Override public Resource createRelative(String relativePath) { String pathToUse = StringUtils.applyRelativePath(this.path, relativePath); return new FileSystemResource(pathToUse); } /** * This implementation returns the name of the file. * * @see */ @Override public String getFilename() { return this.file.getName(); } /** * This implementation returns a description that includes the absolute path * of the file. * * @see */ @Override public String getDescription() { return "file [" + this.file.getAbsolutePath() + "]"; } // implementation of WritableResource /** * This implementation checks whether the underlying file is marked as * writable (and corresponds to an actual file with content, not to a * directory). * * @see * @see */ @Override public boolean isWritable() { return (this.file.canWrite() && !this.file.isDirectory()); } /** * This implementation opens a FileOutputStream for the underlying file. * * @see */ @Override public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { return new FileOutputStream(this.file); } /** * This implementation compares the underlying File references. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * This implementation returns the hash code of the underlying File * reference. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return this.path.hashCode(); } }
return (obj == this || (obj instanceof FileSystemResource && this.path.equals(((FileSystemResource) obj).path)));
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public long contentLength() throws,public createRelative(java.lang.String) throws,public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) ,public boolean exists() ,public getFile() throws,public java.lang.String getFilename() ,public getURI() throws,public getURL() throws,public int hashCode() ,public boolean isOpen() ,public boolean isReadable() ,public long lastModified() throws,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>
class InputStreamResource extends AbstractResource { private final InputStream inputStream; private final String description; private boolean read = false; /** * Create a new InputStreamResource. * * @param inputStream * the InputStream to use */ public InputStreamResource(InputStream inputStream) { this(inputStream, "resource loaded through InputStream"); } /** * Create a new InputStreamResource. * * @param inputStream * the InputStream to use * @param description * where the InputStream comes from */ public InputStreamResource(InputStream inputStream, String description) { if (inputStream == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputStream must not be null"); } this.inputStream = inputStream; this.description = (description != null ? description : ""); } /** * This implementation always returns {@code true}. */ @Override public boolean exists() { return true; } /** * This implementation always returns {@code true}. */ @Override public boolean isOpen() { return true; } /** * This implementation throws IllegalStateException if attempting to read * the underlying stream multiple times. */ @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * This implementation returns a description that includes the passed-in * description, if any. */ @Override public String getDescription() { return "InputStream resource [" + this.description + "]"; } /** * This implementation compares the underlying InputStream. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj == this || (obj instanceof InputStreamResource && ((InputStreamResource) obj).inputStream.equals(this.inputStream))); } /** * This implementation returns the hash code of the underlying InputStream. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return this.inputStream.hashCode(); } }
if ( { throw new IllegalStateException("InputStream has already been read - " + "do not use InputStreamResource if a stream needs to be read multiple times"); } = true; return this.inputStream;
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public long contentLength() throws,public createRelative(java.lang.String) throws,public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) ,public boolean exists() ,public getFile() throws,public java.lang.String getFilename() ,public getURI() throws,public getURL() throws,public int hashCode() ,public boolean isOpen() ,public boolean isReadable() ,public long lastModified() throws,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>
class NestedExceptionUtils { /** * Build a message for the given base message and root cause. * * @param message * the base message * @param cause * the root cause * @return the full exception message */ public static String buildMessage(String message, Throwable cause) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
if (cause != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (message != null) { sb.append(message).append("; "); } sb.append("nested exception is ").append(cause); return sb.toString(); } else { return message; }
class PathResource extends AbstractResource implements WritableResource { private final Path path; /** * Create a new PathResource from a Path handle. * <p> * Note: Unlike {@link FileSystemResource}, when building relative resources * via {@link #createRelative}, the relative path will be built * <i>underneath</i> the given root: e.g. Paths.get("C:/dir1/"), relative * path "dir2" -> "C:/dir1/dir2"! * * @param path * a Path handle */ public PathResource(Path path) { Assert.notNull(path, "Path must not be null"); this.path = path.normalize(); } /** * Create a new PathResource from a Path handle. * <p> * Note: Unlike {@link FileSystemResource}, when building relative resources * via {@link #createRelative}, the relative path will be built * <i>underneath</i> the given root: e.g. Paths.get("C:/dir1/"), relative * path "dir2" -> "C:/dir1/dir2"! * * @param path * a path * @see java.nio.file.Paths#get(String, String...) */ public PathResource(String path) { Assert.notNull(path, "Path must not be null"); this.path = Paths.get(path).normalize(); } /** * Create a new PathResource from a Path handle. * <p> * Note: Unlike {@link FileSystemResource}, when building relative resources * via {@link #createRelative}, the relative path will be built * <i>underneath</i> the given root: e.g. Paths.get("C:/dir1/"), relative * path "dir2" -> "C:/dir1/dir2"! * * @see java.nio.file.Paths#get(URI) * @param uri * a path URI */ public PathResource(URI uri) { Assert.notNull(uri, "URI must not be null"); this.path = Paths.get(uri).normalize(); } /** * Return the file path for this resource. */ public final String getPath() { return this.path.toString(); } /** * This implementation returns whether the underlying file exists. * * @see */ @Override public boolean exists() { return Files.exists(this.path); } /** * This implementation checks whether the underlying file is marked as * readable (and corresponds to an actual file with content, not to a * directory). * * @see java.nio.file.Files#isReadable(Path) * @see java.nio.file.Files#isDirectory(Path, java.nio.file.LinkOption...) */ @Override public boolean isReadable() { return (Files.isReadable(this.path) && !Files.isDirectory(this.path)); } /** * This implementation opens a InputStream for the underlying file. * * @see java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider#newInputStream(Path, * OpenOption...) */ @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * This implementation returns a URL for the underlying file. * * @see java.nio.file.Path#toUri() * @see */ @Override public URL getURL() throws IOException { return this.path.toUri().toURL(); } /** * This implementation returns a URI for the underlying file. * * @see java.nio.file.Path#toUri() */ @Override public URI getURI() throws IOException { return this.path.toUri(); } /** * This implementation returns the underlying File reference. */ @Override public File getFile() throws IOException { try { return this.path.toFile(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { // only Paths on the default file system can be converted to a File // do exception translation for cases where conversion is not // possible throw new FileNotFoundException(this.path + " cannot be resolved to " + "absolute file path"); } } /** * This implementation returns the underlying File's length. */ @Override public long contentLength() throws IOException { return Files.size(this.path); } /** * This implementation returns the underlying File's timestamp. * * @see java.nio.file.Files#getLastModifiedTime(Path, * java.nio.file.LinkOption...) */ @Override public long lastModified() throws IOException { // we can not use the super class method since it uses conversion to a // File and // only Paths on the default file system can be converted to a File return Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toMillis(); } /** * This implementation creates a FileResource, applying the given path * relative to the path of the underlying file of this resource descriptor. * * @see java.nio.file.Path#resolve(String) */ @Override public Resource createRelative(String relativePath) throws IOException { return new PathResource(this.path.resolve(relativePath)); } /** * This implementation returns the name of the file. * * @see java.nio.file.Path#getFileName() */ @Override public String getFilename() { return this.path.getFileName().toString(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "path [" + this.path.toAbsolutePath() + "]"; } // implementation of WritableResource /** * This implementation checks whether the underlying file is marked as * writable (and corresponds to an actual file with content, not to a * directory). * * @see java.nio.file.Files#isWritable(Path) * @see java.nio.file.Files#isDirectory(Path, java.nio.file.LinkOption...) */ @Override public boolean isWritable() { return Files.isWritable(this.path) && !Files.isDirectory(this.path); } /** * This implementation opens a OutputStream for the underlying file. * * @see java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider#newOutputStream(Path, * OpenOption...) */ @Override public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { if (Files.isDirectory(this.path)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(getPath() + " (is a directory)"); } return Files.newOutputStream(this.path); } /** * This implementation compares the underlying Path references. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (this == obj || (obj instanceof PathResource && this.path.equals(((PathResource) obj).path))); } /** * This implementation returns the hash code of the underlying Path * reference. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return this.path.hashCode(); } }
if (!exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(getPath() + " (no such file or directory)"); } if (Files.isDirectory(this.path)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(getPath() + " (is a directory)"); } return Files.newInputStream(this.path);
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public long contentLength() throws,public createRelative(java.lang.String) throws,public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) ,public boolean exists() ,public getFile() throws,public java.lang.String getFilename() ,public getURI() throws,public getURL() throws,public int hashCode() ,public boolean isOpen() ,public boolean isReadable() ,public long lastModified() throws,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>
class VfsResource extends AbstractResource { private final Object resource; public VfsResource(Object resource) { Assert.notNull(resource, "VirtualFile must not be null"); this.resource = resource; } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return VfsUtils.getInputStream(this.resource); } @Override public boolean exists() { return VfsUtils.exists(this.resource); } @Override public boolean isReadable() { return VfsUtils.isReadable(this.resource); } @Override public URL getURL() throws IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} @Override public URI getURI() throws IOException { try { return VfsUtils.getURI(this.resource); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NestedIOException("Failed to obtain URI for " + this.resource, ex); } } @Override public File getFile() throws IOException { return VfsUtils.getFile(this.resource); } @Override public long contentLength() throws IOException { return VfsUtils.getSize(this.resource); } @Override public long lastModified() throws IOException { return VfsUtils.getLastModified(this.resource); } @Override public Resource createRelative(String relativePath) throws IOException { if (!relativePath.startsWith(".") && relativePath.contains("/")) { try { return new VfsResource(VfsUtils.getChild(this.resource, relativePath)); } catch (IOException ex) { // fall back to getRelative } } return new VfsResource(VfsUtils.getRelative(new URL(getURL(), relativePath))); } @Override public String getFilename() { return VfsUtils.getName(this.resource); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "VFS resource [" + this.resource + "]"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj == this || (obj instanceof VfsResource && this.resource.equals(((VfsResource) obj).resource))); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.resource.hashCode(); } }
try { return VfsUtils.getURL(this.resource); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NestedIOException("Failed to obtain URL for file " + this.resource, ex); }
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public long contentLength() throws,public createRelative(java.lang.String) throws,public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) ,public boolean exists() ,public getFile() throws,public java.lang.String getFilename() ,public getURI() throws,public getURL() throws,public int hashCode() ,public boolean isOpen() ,public boolean isReadable() ,public long lastModified() throws,public java.lang.String toString() <variables>
class VfsPatternUtils extends VfsUtils { static Object getVisitorAttribute() { return doGetVisitorAttribute(); } static String getPath(Object resource) { return doGetPath(resource); } static Object findRoot(URL url) throws IOException { return getRoot(url); } static void visit(Object resource, InvocationHandler visitor) throws IOException {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
Object visitorProxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(VIRTUAL_FILE_VISITOR_INTERFACE.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { VIRTUAL_FILE_VISITOR_INTERFACE }, visitor); invokeVfsMethod(VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_VISIT, resource, visitorProxy);
<methods>public non-sealed void <init>() ,public static boolean exists(java.lang.Object) ,public static T getChild(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) throws,public static getFile(java.lang.Object) throws,public static getInputStream(java.lang.Object) throws,public static long getLastModified(java.lang.Object) throws,public static java.lang.String getName(java.lang.Object) ,public static T getRelative( throws,public static T getRoot( throws,public static T getRoot( throws,public static long getSize(java.lang.Object) throws,public static getURI(java.lang.Object) throws,public static getURL(java.lang.Object) throws,public static boolean isReadable(java.lang.Object) <variables>private static java.lang.reflect.Method GET_PHYSICAL_FILE,private static final org.hotswap.agent.logging.AgentLogger LOGGER,private static final java.lang.String VFS3_PKG,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VFS_METHOD_GET_ROOT_URI,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VFS_METHOD_GET_ROOT_URL,private static final java.lang.String VFS_NAME,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_EXISTS,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_GET_CHILD,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_GET_INPUT_STREAM,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_GET_LAST_MODIFIED,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_GET_NAME,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_GET_PATH_NAME,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_GET_SIZE,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_TO_URI,private static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_TO_URL,protected static java.lang.reflect.Method VIRTUAL_FILE_METHOD_VISIT,protected static Class<?> VIRTUAL_FILE_VISITOR_INTERFACE,private static java.lang.reflect.Field VISITOR_ATTRIBUTES_FIELD_RECURSE,private static volatile boolean initialized
class PatternMatchUtils { private final static Map<String, Pattern> patterns = new HashMap<>(); public static boolean regexMatch(String pattern, String str) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pattern)) { return true; } Pattern p = patterns.get(pattern); if (p == null) { p = Pattern.compile(pattern); patterns.put(pattern, p); } boolean matched = p.matcher(str).matches(); return matched; } /** * Match a String against the given pattern, supporting the following simple * pattern styles: "xxx*", "*xxx", "*xxx*" and "xxx*yyy" matches (with an * arbitrary number of pattern parts), as well as direct equality. * * @param pattern * the pattern to match against * @param str * the String to match * @return whether the String matches the given pattern */ public static boolean simpleMatch(String pattern, String str) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Match a String against the given patterns, supporting the following * simple pattern styles: "xxx*", "*xxx", "*xxx*" and "xxx*yyy" matches * (with an arbitrary number of pattern parts), as well as direct equality. * * @param patterns * the patterns to match against * @param str * the String to match * @return whether the String matches any of the given patterns */ public static boolean simpleMatch(String[] patterns, String str) { if (patterns != null) { for (String pattern : patterns) { if (simpleMatch(pattern, str)) { return true; } } } return false; } }
if (pattern == null || str == null) { return false; } int firstIndex = pattern.indexOf('*'); if (firstIndex == -1) { return pattern.equals(str); } if (firstIndex == 0) { if (pattern.length() == 1) { return true; } int nextIndex = pattern.indexOf('*', firstIndex + 1); if (nextIndex == -1) { return str.endsWith(pattern.substring(1)); } String part = pattern.substring(1, nextIndex); if ("".equals(part)) { return simpleMatch(pattern.substring(nextIndex), str); } int partIndex = str.indexOf(part); while (partIndex != -1) { if (simpleMatch(pattern.substring(nextIndex), str.substring(partIndex + part.length()))) { return true; } partIndex = str.indexOf(part, partIndex + 1); } return false; } return (str.length() >= firstIndex && pattern.substring(0, firstIndex).equals(str.substring(0, firstIndex)) && simpleMatch(pattern.substring(firstIndex), str.substring(firstIndex)));
class MonitoringProcess implements Runnable { @Override public void run() {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} }
logger.debug("Starting reference monitor thread"); // Check if there are any tracked entries left. while (keepMonitoringThreadAlive()) { try { Reference<?> reference = handleQueue.remove(); // Stop tracking this reference. ReleaseListener entry = removeEntry(reference); if (entry != null) { // Invoke listener callback. try { entry.released(); } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.warning("Reference release listener threw exception", ex); } } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { synchronized (WeakReferenceMonitor.class) { monitoringThread = null; } logger.debug("Reference monitor thread interrupted", ex); break; } }
class ArtifactVersion implements Comparable<ArtifactVersion> { /** The version. */ private final String version; /** The major version. */ private Integer majorVersion; /** The minor version. */ private Integer minorVersion; /** The incremental version. */ private Integer incrementalVersion; /** The build number. */ private Integer buildNumber; /** The qualifier. */ private String qualifier; /** The comparable. */ private ComparableVersion comparable; /** * Instantiates a new artifact version. * * @param version the version */ public ArtifactVersion(String version) { this.version = version != null ? version.trim() : ""; parseVersion(version); } /** * Gets the version. * * @return the version */ public String getVersion() { return version; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { return 11 + comparable.hashCode(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof ArtifactVersion)) { return false; } return compareTo(ArtifactVersion.class.cast(other)) == 0; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ public int compareTo(ArtifactVersion otherVersion) { return this.comparable.compareTo(otherVersion.comparable); } /** * Gets the major version. * * @return the major version */ public int getMajorVersion() { return majorVersion != null ? majorVersion : 0; } /** * Gets the minor version. * * @return the minor version */ public int getMinorVersion() { return minorVersion != null ? minorVersion : 0; } /** * Gets the incremental version. * * @return the incremental version */ public int getIncrementalVersion() { return incrementalVersion != null ? incrementalVersion : 0; } /** * Gets the builds the number. * * @return the builds the number */ public int getBuildNumber() { return buildNumber != null ? buildNumber : 0; } /** * Gets the qualifier. * * @return the qualifier */ public String getQualifier() { return qualifier; } /** * Parses the version. * * @param version the version */ public final void parseVersion(String version) {<FILL_FUNCTION_BODY>} /** * Gets the next integer token. * * @param tok the tok * @return the next integer token */ private static Integer getNextIntegerToken(StringTokenizer tok) { try { String s = tok.nextToken(); if ((s.length() > 1) && s.startsWith("0")) { throw new NumberFormatException("Number part has a leading 0: '" + s + "'"); } return Integer.valueOf(s); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new NumberFormatException("Number is invalid"); } } /** * Dump. * * @return the string */ public String dump() { return "ArtifactVersion [version=" + version + ", majorVersion=" + majorVersion + ", minorVersion=" + minorVersion + ", incrementalVersion=" + incrementalVersion + ", buildNumber=" + buildNumber + ", qualifier=" + qualifier + ", comparable=" + comparable + "]"; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return comparable.toString(); } }
comparable = new ComparableVersion(version); int index = version.indexOf("-"); String part1; String part2 = null; if (index < 0) { part1 = version; } else { part1 = version.substring(0, index); part2 = version.substring(index + 1); } if (part2 != null) { try { if ((part2.length() == 1) || !part2.startsWith("0")) { buildNumber = Integer.valueOf(part2); } else { qualifier = part2; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { qualifier = part2; } } if ((!part1.contains(".")) && !part1.startsWith("0")) { try { majorVersion = Integer.valueOf(part1); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // qualifier is the whole version, including "-" qualifier = version; buildNumber = null; } } else { boolean fallback = false; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(part1, "."); try { majorVersion = getNextIntegerToken(tok); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { minorVersion = getNextIntegerToken(tok); } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { incrementalVersion = getNextIntegerToken(tok); } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { qualifier = tok.nextToken(); fallback = Pattern.compile("\\d+").matcher(qualifier).matches(); } // string tokenzier won't detect these and ignores them if (part1.contains("..") || part1.startsWith(".") || part1.endsWith(".")) { fallback = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { fallback = true; } if (fallback) { // qualifier is the whole version, including "-" qualifier = version; majorVersion = null; minorVersion = null; incrementalVersion = null; buildNumber = null; } }