Very true :) I actually have no regrets about any of them, I learned a lot from them. Not sure how I forgot the last one I dated, Not sure what I'd qualify her as either. She had no problems...
Let me try this experiment: What is one character trait you are certain you do not possess.
Uncooperative players who say, But that defeats the purpose of the game! ( They gave up when I tried to usurp a rule last night while playing Apples to Apples. =_=;
I'd like the world to be hyper dramatic, a little like my fantasies, for a change... With a lot of things happening, lot of changes, lot of opportunities, lot of romance, lot of overreactions... It...
@hornet You missed my point? We can't as yet, be inside another person's experience (any humans, or animals for that matter). We don't even know at what point it might be possible for a computer...
Rarely asking for information - I always do my own research. But what if I need rumours, impressions and other people's experiences? It's different when people just talk to me. It kind of happens...
It really is.
You are mistaken. We're inherently better at understanding emotions of others and displaying emotions through our Fe. INTJs are better at actually feeling the emotion through their Fi, though often...
It doesn't sound like you're losing yourself to me. You're just playing your audience. You as an INTJ have a pretty good grasp of your mental state, so writing something like this shouldn't affect...
Thanks for reccomendation, i'll try it.
Horror movies look like my little pony when you open up terrifying vistas of reality, and view humanity's impending spiral into insanity, and eventually death.
Oh well, you surely deserve to feel very proud of yourself :) You are an amazing human being, I really hope you're having an okay time :)
If my partner farts, thats quite OK. We will laugh about it together.
Apparently INFPs are gorgeous as all hell. Ladies and gentlemen, alike. I'm going to post pictures of me holding something and then my eye because I can. Maybe real pics some other time =P ...
Who built this cube? Why would there be flowers in a desert? What are they cactus flowers? WELL OF COURSE I'M NOT SCARED OF THE STORM, IT'S JUST IMAGINARY! - Me in my head, during...
dear Se-user and ENFP, i'm sick of your inability to add buffers to your schedules - not only when you plan your day and always arrive late. you ask all your friends to help paint the house? great,...
10/30 wooooooooooot 33.3% (repeating, of course) done!
I still believed in make believe ninjas when I was 12 and played with toys till about 16 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Wow, those videos really helped. Great education about the different functions. Let’s see. First off, Temperaments: There is almost no escaping I'm an SP. I'd MUCH rather be doing. I'm really not...
Do you guys get annoyed when a friend of yours sends you like 500 messages while you're offline?
I really dislike talking about myself so I try to shift the conversational focus to other people as soon as possible. It's much more interesting to observe and listen to others.
Just imagine the surprise for the subject who downs the whole glass expecting to succumb to the poison and quickly end everything when they realize it wasn't poisoned and now they just get to slowly...
I guess the main reason I did actually drive him was because nobody else would. I look back on it more as a fun experience, though. It's not something that I would normally have done, and I guess...
Alassea Telrunya I'm not saying all the ENFPs are needy, but the ones I know are, and I've met a few, it's not enough to create a standard. But at first, yes, they are charming, they are nice, cool,...
I keep finding myself back in this thread. I'm stuck inside myself. I feel disconnected and unable to interract with people on a personal basis. I can still work. It's just an act. But I'm afraid of...
I'm at the grocery store and a little boy keeps watching at me Me: Hi there Boy: You have pretty hair *runs and hides behind grandma* Grandma: He loves to flirt but then gets nervous when...
yes definitely. thats why my iq is only 118 cause i have a very tiny head. my sister has the same head size and iq even though she is ESFJ. thats why i think mbti has nothing to do with iq. head size...
I must have it easy - I've never seen that before! I've seen her angry before but nothing to that extent... I think my wife has a much less stimulated temperament about her though.
People often tell me I'm intimidating, or that I intimidated them before they got to know me -- this is pretty common, but it's usually the people who know me less intimately who are intimidated. I'm...
I'm a high school student doing a science fair project relating to the Myers-Briggs theory and would really appreciate it if you participated in my survey. I'm not telling you what my topic is or...
I had a casual-ish outdoor wedding in the garden of an old house, then we went inside to a small-ish reception which was just a buffet so no big deal served meal for us. I did have my dream dress,...
On a side note, when dealing with this kind of stress is it normal to be completely unable to focus at work as an INFJ? (I don't really like my job, something I've realized through all this).
I have an account but it's been ages since I actually uploaded anything. Chogi on deviantART I'm mostly into skulpting, sketching and drawing stuff, though I haven't uploaded any pics in say two...
Hmmm... If I were you, I'd tell her something like, Hey boss lady. I love this job and I want to be the best employer I can be. Recently, I've been finding it a bit hard to get things done to the...
i find im not often absent minded so much as thinking in too many directions at once. however, ive recently been doing this thing where i will misplace something i use frequently and i cannot for...
Hello everyone, I believe I might have done something interesting with my personality type and wished to share my thoughts with this community. I believe I might have changed my personalities type...
Go ahead and stick around! We don't discriminate. Out loud. Or in front of crowds of more than three. Also, ISTJs are awesome, so please don't even think of leaving.
I maintain my opinion of TJ, but, really, you're free to believe anything you like. I think you would benefit greatly from studying the functions over the profiles and typical behaviour associated...
festerous I'm basically obsessed with Undertale music as well.
Hehehe my INFJ has the same problem--I have to remind him to eat and look after himself. I honestly do the same thing quite a bit (I test with really high Fe quite often), and so it's really nice...
If we forget to eat for long enough, we can hide quite happily between the pages of our favourite books.
Hmm. You must forgive me, but I do not believe I understand the point you are driving at, and its significance... I mean, for me, something like judging wimpiness would be easily dismissed as...
I can relate. There are some differences thought. In my place people are generally boring or stupid. If they are stupid then they will call me crazy, arrogant. If they are boring they will most...
It was ok. I don't really like narrations much in songs but it wasn't too bad. I just prefer instrumental songs that use more classical instruments though, sound less computerized.
Even when that wasn't your intention.
i think you should be more scared of an ENTJ like myself. we manipulate people and we have a perpose for doing so. i would think that an ENTJ women if she ever took it into her mind to do so would...
I'm agnostic more than a true atheist. While I am against most forms of monotheistic organized religions I do feel sympathy for the nature-based like Druidism and Wicca, for the philosophical like...
Well, he actually explained it in a lot of detail... he just didn't ask me any questions about myself. And I don't have a lack of availability. I can start Monday pretty easily. I do agree that...
No cause for debate on my forum! Just wanna know how guys 'strategize' zeroing in on a more compatible mate!! Thank you.
I'm drawing waay more lately, and I'm trying a new detailed style of drawing. There are some examples 638722 638730 638738 638746
Be passionate now, be at peace later. If you have something you could get passionate about, go for it. Peace is nice but it can be boring and offers no rewards. I have no passion and my life is...
Yeah, I imagine SJs have pressure put on them too but for different reasons. I think everyone is pressured unfortunately.
My guess is ISTJ. Your post reads like an open book, and lacks the mystery and cryptic about a typical INTJ post. Your post is also kind of thrown together rather than properly planned and structured...
I love dogs!! Definitely love my basset hounds! I mean we are suppose to be attracted to sad things, and their faces always look sad!! Then you add in the long ears, and stout body and it like they...
of course :laughing: yea if you stick around I'm sure you'll get used to the forum posting and all that haha
The conversation ended about a year a9o, but thanks.
There once was an INTP Awaiting 30 days depravity With Kalei from PerC Adieu thesis work Countdown lubricious rhapsody Good wifi, laundry paraphernalia, maybe his own room/study if...
I like playing tennis. I showed up for my school's football practice once and now I'm committed. I do enjoy weightlifting by itself too. As for watching I enjoy fighting stuff like UFC because of the...
I rarely rely on others, but sometimes the situation is unavoidable. I go out of my way to never ask for help when possible. I enjoy the self-satisfaction that come with a job-well-done, and that...
oh man! you wrote a LOT, lol. Do they like give you more stars when you do that? I got curious of this thread cause it had like 5/5 stars in it. No, don't get me wrong, I'm not being too critical,...
Okay, so what's you body fat percentage mate? And just becaue other people are heavier doesn't you're not overweight, that's like saying glenn beck isn't fat because a body builder weighs more than...
my parents could not afford Hogwarts so I now work under Mr. Filch
I'm not even the intended audience, but: First off, you're the teach! Regardless of what age group you're working with, those people are going to be forced to obey/respect/listen to you, because...
Reminds me of convos I have with my ENTP. :proud:
A wolf or an owl, they look cool.
I should know this, because I am an introvert, wouldn't you think? My specific example (although I've had this dilemma many times): there's a dude in my class who just seems super cool, and I'd...
What about your relationships don't you enjoy? I'm not sure becoming an ESTJ is the answer. I think really the best anyone can do to build meaningful relationships is to genuinely care for those...
You could be an art critic like lilysocks said or a producer.
It would help to narrow things down if you could list your gifts as here would be a high level list: 1. Virtual assistant - Handling scheduling appointments, correspondence and being that contact...
I like being an INFJ, but if I could be any other type for a while, it would be ENFP, for sure. They're like chihuahuas in human form. I know 6 ENFPs personally. My best friend and my younger sister...
Love will conquer all We don't say it. We hope it's true though, but life proves us wrong.
I was primarily talking about using emotional appeals as a broad political strategy. They use it because it works. If it didn't, I would imagine they would try something else. Also, important to...
Thank you! :)
Each and every person has a as self -who they are deep down, and a monkey mind. A monkey mind tariffed of the unknown, avoidant of change, worried about staying alive, lusting after a mate, keeper...
I am a 5w6, or a 9w1
This poll doesn't even make sense. First of all, there should be no you in the question. Second, the first two answers are trick questions because Yes and No mean the same thing. (edit:...
Free spirited
What a bizarre response. If someone tries to understand something, they are trying to gain the upper hand? :confused: EDIT: Are you owning your opinion here?
The Exception My guess would be: 6w5, 4w5, 9w1 but I'm not sure of the order
lol, conversations with yourself! Smart way to boost your posts. xD Anyway, hello! ^.^ And uh...yeah, just saying welcome...
Personality can also have an impact on this. A type 4 or an NF is likely going to have a different reaction than say a type 1 or a ST. By the time my idealistic self recognizes reality in its present...
I'm good at anything that requires interpersonal skills and analyzing my environment.
I think INTJs probably take it to the extreme. Either completely ignore their health or really work at it. Last time I got a complete health screen done (with blood work up and everything), I...
LOL! You know, that's a good point. I guess pen and paper games like D&D and card games like MTG haven't really been mentioned until now.
I'm not overwrought. :( Please don't say that. Please.
Cerebro I teared up just watching this clip. :/
What types are the characters from Bridge to Terabithia? It's such a great book/movie :) My guesses: Leslie: ENFP Jess: IxFx - I've seen a lot of people say INFP but I dunno...I need some...
A little more on the subject. I think surprisingly often (surprising to me, anyways) about immortality, and thus about death. I think that, rather than fear death, we should be thankful for it in...
Wait, nevermind my post. You already did :)
Yup, that's small talk in a nutshell.
ENTP here so I can't give advice on INTPs...but we're similar, right? I dated an INFJ and there was some mutual annoyance in this area, I think, based on a Ne vs Ni thingy going on. Basically, Ne...
Groovy! I was thinking meh, but considering this info and that trailer I hadn't seen yet I'm gonna have to give it a shot. *starts geeking out* My favorite one is Evil Dead 2, followed...
INFP, periwinkle. I also like cobalt blue, powder blue, blush, peach, lavender, and turquoise. I've been told I look best in blush. I think so, too. I'm a whore and everyone I'm attracted to...
I haven't seen that movie since I was 7. I really liked it at the time. I want to rewatch it. Same with The Indian in the Cupboard. I'd love to revisit it.
Bio major, Environmental Science and Policy and Music minor.