Dermatitis, purulent (Inflammatory dermatosis) Skin, Human which has causative agent Unknown eubacterium
Phenazopyridine only product in oral dose form (Pharmacologic Substance) Pharmacologic Substance which has count of base of active ingredient Arabic numeral 1
Ultrasonography (Imaging Techniques) Diagnostic Radiology Modality which is method of Doppler ultrasound scan of aorta and right iliac artery
ascorbic acid 500 MG / ferrous fumarate 33 MG Extended Release Oral Tablet (Clinical Drug) something which is a ascorbic acid / ferrous fumarate Pill
pamidronate disodium (osteoclast inhibitors) Diphosphonates which is a bisphosphonates
Probe.amp (Laboratory Procedure) Laboratory Procedure which is method of Salmonella gallinarum DNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Probe.amp.tar
Subject of record (Population Group) Persons which is subject relationship context of Angiography of internal carotid artery, unilateral
deep incision of right pelvic region (Finding) something which has associated morphology deep wounds
bilateral mid lower leg pain (Sign or Symptom) something which is a Pain in both legs
codeine / phenylephrine / pyrilamine Oral Solution [Codimal PH] (Clinical Drug) something which has ingredient Codimal PH
spermatic cord rhabdomyosarcoma mixed type (rhabdomyosarcoma of spermatic cord) something which has finding site cord spermatic
Open wound of elbow, forearm, and wrist, without mention of complication (Injury or Poisoning) something which is classified as Limb injury
Urinary Tract (Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component) Anatomic structures which is specimen source topography of Urological fluid sample
Underdosing of unspecified psychotropic drug, sequela (Underdosing of unspecified psychotropic drug) something which is classified as Poisoning/toxic effect/adverse effects/underdosing, sequela
Publix Gas Relief 125mg Extra Strength Softgel (Clinical Drug) Clinical Drug which has inactive ingredient mcts
pacing wires Gram positive cocci in clusters (pacing wires Gram stain) pacing wires Gram stain which has focus gram positive cocci cluster
Leukodystrophy, Hypomyelinating, 6 (Autosomal dominant hereditary disorder) Hereditary cerebellar degeneration which has finding site Basal Ganglia
11-bromovincamine (Pharmacologic Substance) Vasodilator Agents which is mapped to vincamine
guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure which is component of Guidance for drainage+placement of drainage catheter:Finding:Point in time:Chest>Lung.left:Document:Computerized Tomography
Yersinia aldovae (Yersinia <bacteria>) Bacterium which is a Yersinia <bacteria>
Neonatal disorders (Classification) something which has member Infant sedation
CDA (Intellectual Product) something which is fragments for synonyms of Transfer summary note - recommended C-CDA R2.0 sections
Feeding position management (Dietary regime management) Health Care Activity which has focus Care regime
Cristobalite (Blood Coagulation Factor) Inorganic Chemical which is inactive ingredient of dicyclomine hydrochloride 20 MG Oral Tablet
Necrosis and Infiltrate (Physical shape) something which is concept in subset CDISC SEND Non-Neoplastic Finding Type Terminology
CDISC Questionnaire Terminology (Intellectual Product) CDISC QRS Terminology which is subset includes concept TSCYC - Yelling at Family, Friends or Teachers
Corneoscleral part of left sclera (Left sclera) Left sclera which is sib in isa Corneoscleral part of right sclera
Lethal tight skin contracture syndrome (Progeria) Skin Diseases, Genetic which has finding site Skin
docusate sodium 100 MG Oral Capsule (Docusate only product in oral dose form) Docusate only product in oral dose form which has inactive ingredient Gelatin, unspecified
Minimal depression (Depressive disorder) Depressive disorder which is a Disorder, Depressive
mercury (Element or Ion) Hazardous or Poisonous Substance which is active ingredient of Artemisia Abrotanum Flowering Top 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Horse Chestnut 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Garlic 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Arsenic Trioxide 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Artemisia Vulgaris Root 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Baptisia Tinctoria 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Artemisia Maritima Flower 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Copper 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Dryopteris Filix-mas Root 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Punica Granatum Root Bark 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Ipecac 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Lachesis Muta Venom 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Lycopodium Clavatum Spore 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Mercury 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Naphthalene 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Sodium Chloride 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Strychnos Nux-vomica Seed 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Pulsatilla Vulgaris 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Krameria Lappacea Root 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Ruta Graveolens Flowering Top 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Schoenocaulon Officinale Seed 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Santonin 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Silicon Dioxide 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Spigelia Anthelmia 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Turpentine Oil 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Teucrium Marum 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Thymol 15 [hp X] in 1 g / Ginger 15 [hp X] in 1 g / English Walnut 3 [hp X] in 1 g ORAL PELLET [Parasites]
Parenteral dosage form (Dosage Form By Route Of Administration) Biomedical or Dental Material which is dose form of Edaravone only product in parenteral dose form
Uterine and fallopian tube malignant tumours (Classification) Classification which has member Adenocarcinoma endometrial stage 0
Virus identified:Prid:Pt:Skin:Nom:Culture (Virus identified &#x7C; Skin &#x7C; Microbiology) Clinical Attribute which has method Laboratory culture
chronic; bronchitis, mucopurulent (Bronchial Diseases) Fetid chronic bronchitis which has associated morphology Chronic inflammation
Blade jaw implant (Dental endosseous implant) Medical Device which is direct device of Remove blade jaw implant
ENCEPHALOPATHY, ACUTE NECROTIZING, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO (Finding) Finding which has manifestation Altered breathing patterns during acute episodes
EGFR-TK Inhibitor (Protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor) EGFR-targeting Agent which is chemical or drug has mechanism of action Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Inhibition
Transurethral relief of prostatic obstruction without resection or incision (Transurethral relief of prostatic and bladder neck obstruction) Endoscopy of prostate which has method Removal Procedure
Hydroxypropyl methylcelluloses (Ophthalmic viscoelastic agent) generic drug products begining with the letter H which is inactive ingredient of Leader Caldyphen Clear Topical Lotion
Emphysematous pyelonephritis (Acute pyelonephritis) Urinary tract infection which has finding site Structure of upper urinary system
Left fifth lumbar nerve (root) Fifth lumbar nerve which has part Posterior rootlet of left fifth lumbar nerve
polyglyceryl-4 isostearate (P [Preparations]) Organic Chemical which is inactive ingredient of Octinoxate 0.07 g in 1 mL / Titanium Dioxide 0.0244 g in 1 mL TOPICAL LOTION [LBEL EFFET PARFAIT signs of age appearance minimizer foundation SPF 20 FM OBSCURE 8 - BROWN]
doxazosin 1 MG (Clinical Drug) Clinical Drug which has ingredient Product containing doxazosin
Oral Tablet (Tablet Dosage Form) Biomedical or Dental Material which is dose form of clopamide 5 MG / reserpine 0.1 MG Oral Tablet
lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid and saccharopine (lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid) lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid which is negatively regulated by negative regulation of lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid and saccharopine
Right cardiac ventricular structure (Right side of heart) Right cardiac chamber which is procedure site of Correction of tetralogy of Fallot, one-stage
Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound AND loss of consciousness (Hemorrhage of blood vessel) Hemorrhage of blood vessel which has finding site Cerebrovascular system
Articular branch of dorsal branch of left third posterior intercostal artery (Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component) something which is branch of Medial branch of dorsal branch of left third posterior intercostal artery
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (Classification) something which has member ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA, UNILATERAL, WITH IPSILATERAL MALFORMATIONS, ESPECIALLY ABSENCE DEFORMITY OF LIMBS
Post-surgical epistaxis (Postoperative Hemorrhage) Postoperative Complications which is a Observation of bleeding of nose
Transfer procedure (Transposition procedure) Surgical transplantation - action which is method of Transplant of salivary duct opening
Blood flow velocity.systolic.max:Vel:Pt:Cerebral artery middle:Qn:US.doppler (Clinical Attribute) Ultrasound scan - obstetric which has class Ultrasound obst diagn scan NOS
lactose monohydrate (L [Preparations]) something which is inactive ingredient of SOFOSBUVIR 200 mg ORAL PELLET [Sovaldi]
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (Classification) Classification which has member Septum atrial patent
Chronic psychosis (Psychological Disorders) Chronic mental disorder which is member of Dementia
pravastatin (P [Preparations]) something which is basis of strength substance of Aspirin 81 mg and pravastatin 20 mg oral tablet
Other ischaemic heart disease (Classification) something which has member Left main stem disease
Drainage of gallbladder (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure which is classified as Biliary catheter insertion
C8 innervation (Body Location or Region) Body Location or Region which is segmental supply of Structure of palmaris brevis muscle
Reduction of dislocation of ankle (Reduction of dislocation of ankle) Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure which has procedure site Ankle joint structure
TITANIUM DIOXIDE 80 mg in 5 g TOPICAL STICK [CLE DE PEAU BEAUTE CONCEALER ALMOND] (Substance) Substance which has inactive ingredient 2,6-ditertiary-butyl-4-cresol
Gastrointestinal tract structure (Digestive system subdivision) Gastrointestinal system which is direct procedure site of Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via jejunostomy
Repair of aneurysm with graft of splenic artery (Procedure on artery of abdomen) Insertion procedure which has direct morphology Aneurysm
HNF1A protein, human (Biologically Active Substance) Biologically Active Substance which is gene product has structural domain or motif Homeo Domain
Fatigue aggravated (Sign or Symptom) something which is classified as Fatigue
Echinostomiasis (Disease or Syndrome) Diseases Caused by Protozoa, Helminths and Other Parasites which has pathological process Parasitic process
Aminoquinolines (Organic Chemical) Quinolines which is mapped from PQ1 compound
petechial hemorrhage of left breast (petechial hemorrhage of breast) petechial hemorrhage of breast which has finding site skin structure of breast
Octadecanoic Acid, Magnesium Salt (Allergen class) M [Preparations] which is inactive ingredient of Oxycodone Hydrochloride 5mg Oral capsule
Osteotomy ilium congen def hip (Pelvic osteotomy for congenital dislocation of the hip) Procedure on ilium which has indirect procedure site Hip Joint
Spironolactone 25 MG Oral Tablet (spironolactone Oral Product) Spironolactone only product in oral dose form which has inactive ingredient sodium starch glycolate Type A potato
Fetal or neonatal intraventricular non-traumatic hemorrhage grade 4 (Pathologic Function) Pathologic Function which has associated morphology Spontaneous hemorrhage
Internal oesophageal fistula (Disease or Syndrome) Internal gastrointestinal fistula which is a Internal gastrointestinal fistula
3-methylglutarate (Glutaric acid and glutaric acid derivative) glutarate which is measured by 3-Methylglutarate:SCnc:Pt:CSF:Qn
acetaminophen 325 MG / dextromethorphan hydrobromide 10 MG / doxylamine succinate 6.25 MG / phenylephrine hydrochloride 5 MG Oral Capsule (Clinical Drug) Clinical Drug which has inactive ingredient polyethylene glycol, unspecified
Top Care Hemorrhoidal Ointment (Clinical Drug) something which has active moiety White paraffin product
Interchondral joint of right 8th and 9th ribs (Body Space or Junction) Body Space or Junction which is sib in part of Left fourth rib
Multisection:Find:Pt:Lower extremity.right>Knee vessels:Doc:MR.angio (Knee vessels - right &#x7C; MR angiogram &#x7C; Radiology) something which has imaging focus Knee vessels
Disorder pelvic size & disprop (Finding of bone of pelvis) Musculoskeletal Diseases which is mapped to Maternal care for disproportion, unspecified
Miscarriage with septic embolism (Disease or Syndrome) septic embolism following abortion which is same as spontaneous abortion complicated by septic embolism
fistula; ileum (Intestinal Fistula) Disease or Syndrome which is mapped to Other diseases of the digestive system
Biopsy (Clinical actions A - G) Cytodiagnosis which is method of Wedge biopsy of liver
Tetracarboxylporphyrin measurement (Porphyrin measurement) Porphyrin screening which is a Pyrrole measurement
Conventional release solution for injection (Solution Dosage Form) Injection which is dose form of fondaparinux sodium 7.5 MG in 0.6 ML Prefilled Syringe
Tumour, borderline malignancy (Neoplasms) something which is associated morphology of neoplasm of uncertain behavior of breast
Iselin's disease (Epiphysitis) Bone Diseases which is a Epiphysitis
teriparatide (T [Preparations]) PARATHYROID HORMONES AND ANALOGUES which is ingredient of 28 ACTUAT Forteo 0.02 MG/ACTUAT Pen Injector
1,4:3,6-Dianhydro-D-glucitol 5-nitrate (Pharmacologic Substance) something which is active ingredient of isosorbide mononitrate 10 MG Oral Tablet
Living with Subject Indicator (Indicator) Indicator which is a Indicator
Skin squamous cell carcinoma recurrent (Recurrent Skin Carcinoma) Recurrent squamous cell carcinoma which is member of Skin malignant tumours
respirations (Respiratory physiology) Respiratory physiology which is interpreted by O/E - breathing method
Urogenital diaphragm (Heterogeneous anatomical cluster) Skeletal muscle structure of perineum which has constitutional part Left bulbo-urethral gland
Unroofing of blister (Operation on skin) Drainage of blister which has direct procedure site skinned
Heart.ventricle.septum (Heart Septum) Heart which is finding site of Ventricular septal defect with malaligned outlet septum to right
Aortic surgery (Aortic therapeutic procedures) Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure which is member of Embolic and thrombotic events, arterial
MAGNESIUM STEARATE (M [Preparations]) M [Preparations] which is inactive ingredient of colesevelam hydrochloride 625 MG Oral Tablet [Welchol]
Fifth toe structure (Toes) Entire lesser toe which is location of Subcutaneous tissue structure of fifth toe
Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium Terminology (Intellectual Product) Terminology Subset which is subset includes concept GDS02-Feel Full of Energy
Loneliness Survey - national percentile:Prctl:Pt:^Patient:Qn:NIH Toolbox (SURVEY.NIH.EMO) something which has supersystem Patients