FD&C yellow no. 6 (Allergen class) Azo Dyes which is inactive ingredient of Diazepam 5 MG Oral Tablet
Point in time (Temporal Concept) Temporal Concept which is time aspect of CYP1A2 gene c.2473G>A Molgen Ql
erythrosine (Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid) Fluoresceins which is inactive ingredient of phenytoin sodium 200 MG Extended Release Oral Capsule
Gastrointestinal perforation, ulcer, haemorrhage, obstruction non-specific findings/procedures (Classification) Classification which has member Revision of ileostomy (procedure) [Ambiguous]
Adrenal Glands (Abdomen) something which is finding site of Small adrenal gland
open basilar skull fracture with cerebral laceration and contusion (Skull Fracture, Basilar) Contusion of brain with open intracranial wound which is a Cerebral laceration and contusion
Estimated from (Health Care Activity) Health Care Activity which is method of Gestational age:Time:Point in time:^Fetus:Quantitative:Ultrasound+Estimated from BD.Jeanty 1982
Medial part of thalamus (Structure of half of brain lateral to midsagittal plane) Body Location or Region which is a Structure of half of brain lateral to midsagittal plane
Neuronopathy, Distal Hereditary Motor, Type Viib (Disease or Syndrome) Disease or Syndrome which has manifestation No sensory symptoms
External Ear Carcinoma (Ear carcinoma) Neoplastic Process which is disease has abnormal cell Neoplastic Epithelial Cell
Cetirizine Hydrochloride/Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride 5 MG-120 MG Oral Tablet, Extended Release [THE MEDICINE SHOPPE ALL DAY ALLERGY D-12] (pseudoephedrine Oral Product) cetirizine hydrochloride + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride which has ingredient Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride
Nervus (Nervous System Part) Non-Autonomic Spinal Nerves which is procedure site of Splanchnicotomy
Chronic parametritis (Inflammatory disease of the uterus) Disorder of pelvis which has associated morphology Inflammation
Left plantar calcaneonavicular ligament surface (Body Location or Region) Body Location or Region which is a Surface of plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
PCO2 increased (Finding) Blood gas and acid base analyses which is member of Respiratory failure
Musculoskeletal System (Latvian translation of the Medical Subject Headings) COSTART which is finding site of intraoperative hematoma complicating musculoskeletal procedure
Charcot's arthropathy of midfoot (Charcot's joint of foot) something which has finding site Joint of foot, NOS
asymmetry (size) size which is a Symmetries
doxycycline hyclate 150 MG Delayed Release Oral Tablet (TEMPORARY parent for CDs that are not updated) doxycycline Oral Product which has basis of strength substance 2-Naphthacenecarboxamide, 4-(dimethylamino)-1,4,4a,5,5a,6,11,12a-octahydro-3,5,10,12,12a-pentahydroxy-6-methyl-1,11-dioxo-, (4S-(4alpha,4aalpha,5alpha,5aalpha,6alpha,12aalpha))-
SODIUM CHLORIDE 600 mg in 100 mL / SODIUM LACTATE 310 mg in 100 mL / POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 30 mg in 100 mL / CALCIUM CHLORIDE 20 mg in 100 mL INTRAPERITONEAL INJECTION, SOLUTION [VETone] (Sodium lactate-containing product in parenteral dose form) Veterinary proprietary drug AND/OR biological which has active ingredient CALCIUM CHLORIDE
Irrig of subcutaneous reservoir connecting to brain lesion (Subcutaneous reservoir procedures for brain lesions) something which has procedure site Brain
Alcohol-substance abuse rehabilitation treatment (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure which is system of Author of treatment plan:Cmplx:Pt:Alcohol-substance abuse rehabilitation treatment plan:Set
HydroCHLOROthiazide, 12.5 mg oral tablet (Clinical Drug) Clinical Drug which has inactive ingredient corn starch
Betazole (gastric secretion test diagnostic agents) Amine and amine derivative which is a Agonist, Histamine
Congenital anomaly of ovary (Congenital anomaly of body cavity) Congenital anomaly of body cavity which has course Multiple superficial injuries of lower leg
Difficulty managing appliance when dressing and undressing (Finding related to ability to manage appliance when dressing and undressing) Actual Negative Ability To Perform Self Dressing which is a Difficulty performing dressing activity
Extension Namespace 1000009 (Intellectual Product) something which is moved from glucose 500 MG/ML
Monocytes (Reticuloendothelial System) HEMATOPOIETIC AND RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEMS which is finding site of MONOCYTOSES
left sided (Spatial Concept) Topographical modifier which is laterality of diffuse periorbital induration of left eye
Insect bite, nonvenomous, of vulva (Injury of female perineum) nonvenomous insect bite of external female genital organs which is a injury; vulva, superficial
Incision - action (Incision - action) something which is method of Percutaneous renal stone surgery NOS
Cranial nerve, NOS (Head>Brain stem+Nerves.cranial) something which is finding site of Facio-pharyngo-glosso-masticatory diplegia
Gastrointestinal ulceration (Classification) Classification which has member Acute ulcerative colitis
Triterpenes (Prenol lipid) Organic Chemical which is mapped from 28-hydroxy-3-oxo-12-ursene
Microcornea (Corneal and scleral disorders congenital) Congenital anomaly of cornea which is member of Corneal disorders
carboplatin 10 MG/ML Injectable Solution [Paraplatin] (carboplatin 10 MG/ML Injectable Solution) something which has ingredient Paraplatin
View (Conceptual Entity) something which is component of Views:Finding:Point in time:Chest>Ribs.anterior:Document:XR
Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic (Collagen Diseases) Lupus erythematosus which is member of Systemic lupus erythematosus
edges of wound of right breast (Finding) something which has laterality R-
RBC count normal (Red blood cell test) Measurement finding within reference range which has finding method Interventional procedure
Absent right superior vena cava (Congenital Abnormality) Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava which has associated morphology Absence, congenital
Haematological malignant tumours (Classification) something which has member Follicle center lymphoma diffuse small cell lymphoma NOS
Interaortocaval lymph node (Lymph node group) something which is sib in isa Right lumbar lymph node group proper
Hearing impairment (Classification) Classification which has member Conduction deafness
cells malignant (Neoplasms) something which is abnormal cell of disease Adult Central Nervous System Embryonal Tumor, Not Otherwise Specified
Dorsal nail plate of little finger (Structure of nail of little finger) Structure of nail of little finger which is regional part of Structure of nail plate of little finger
Metastatic malignant neoplasm to caecum (Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine) something which has associated morphology Secondary Neoplasm
Tumor Suppression (Cancer Cell Growth Regulation) Cancer Cell Growth Regulation which is process involves gene Candidate Tumor Suppressor Gene
Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgM:PrThr:Pt:CSF:Ord:IA (Serology) Ganglioside GM1 IgM | Cerebral spinal fluid | Serology - non-micro which has scale Ord
First stage labour estab (Finding) Finding which interprets Functional observable
Subject of record (Persons) something which is subject relationship context of Unilateral electromyography of muscle innervated by cranial nerve
Dilation of Right Common Iliac Artery with Three Drug-eluting Intraluminal Devices, Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) something which is classified as Other OR procedures on vessels other than head and neck
Tiss (MeSH Russian) Tissue which is system of Dissection technique:Type:Pt:Tiss:Nom:*
Transsternal thymectomy (Total thymectomy) Total thymectomy which has method Excision
Ammonium urate crystals:PrThr:Pt:Calculus:Ord:Infrared spectroscopy (Ammonium urate crystals | Calculus (stone) | Chemistry - non-challenge) Ammonium urate crystals | Calculus (stone) | Chemistry - non-challenge which has component Urate crystals
Group counseling note:Finding:Point in time:{Setting}:Document:Addiction medicine (Group counseling note | {Setting} | Document ontology) something which has component Counseling note
Receptor Signaling (Molecular Function) Environment-to-Cell Communication which is biological process involves gene product Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha Homodimeric Complex
Malposition of uterus (Noninflammatory disorder of the female genital organs) High-Risk Pregnancy which classifies Other abnormalities in shape or position of gravid uterus and of neighboring structures, antepartum
MITOCHONDRIAL MYOPATHY GENE MUTATION ANALYSIS:PRID:PT:BLD/TISS:NAR:MOLGEN (Mitochondrial myopathy gene targeted mutation analysis | Blood or Tissue | Mutations) Mitochondrial myopathy gene targeted mutation analysis | Blood or Tissue | Mutations which has component Mitochondrial myopathy gene targeted mutation analysis
Nutrition.knowledge:Find:Pt:^Patient:Ord:Observed.OMAHA (SURVEY.NOTYETCATEG) something which has answer Minimal knowledge
Chronic inflammation (Chronic inflammatory morphology) Chronic inflammation which is associated morphology of canaliculitis; chronic
ethanol (Alcohols) Nerve depressant drugs which is active moiety of ALCOHOL 75 mL in 100 mL TOPICAL SWAB [Pharmacys Prescription Alcohol Wipes]
trimethadione (Pharmacologic Substance) Oxazolidine derivatives, antiepileptics which is a Oxazolidinediones
Epiretinal Membrane (Degeneration of macula and posterior pole) Epiretinal Membrane which is direct morphology of Preretinal membranectomy by hydrodelamination
Surgical action (Clinical action) Clinical action which is method of Close reduc-femur epiphy
epinephrine (as epinephrine bitartrate) 1:500,000 / lidocaine hydrochloride 2 % Injectable Solution (epinephrine Injectable Product) something which has dose form Inj
Topical Route of Drug Administration (Skin Route of Administration) BodySurfaceRoute which is route of administration of Application of cream to skin
Slow-growing Mycobacteria Susceptibility (Laboratory Procedure) something which is method of Deprecated Para aminosalicylate 2.0 ug/mL [Susceptibility] by Method for Slow-growing mycobacteria
LAY USER/PATIENT (RoleClassRelationshipFormal) RoleClassRelationshipFormal which is supersystem of I have trouble keeping track of what I am doing if I am interrupted in the past 7D:Finding:7 days:^Patient:Ordinal:FACIT
Watering (Oxygen and oxygen compound-containing product) something which is inactive ingredient of HYDROCORTISONE 10 mg in 1 L TOPICAL CREAM [ZIMS ADVANCED CRACK CREME WITH HYDROCORTISONE]
Fibrinogens (Protein Precursors) F [Preparations] which is fragments for synonyms of Insulin-like growth factor-I^8th specimen post XXX challenge:MCnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Qn
Amelogenesis Imperfecta (Tooth structure) Hereditary disturbances in tooth structure which is a Birth Defects
Stoll Levy Francfort syndrome (Hearing loss associated with syndrome) Disease or Syndrome which has manifestation Posterior wedging of vertebral bodies
Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (Autonomic nervous system disorders) Korean Standard Classification of Disease Version 5 which has associated morphology Neoplasms
cystitis infective recurrent (Chronic disease of genitourinary system) Infective cystitis which has causative agent infectious agent
Ligation of sinus of Valsalva fistula (Ligation) Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure which is a Ligation of ascending aorta
Psychosis and psychotic disorders (Classification) Classification which has member Severe recurrent major depression with psychotic features
Gastrointestinal system (German translation of the Medical Subject Headings) Latvian translation of the Medical Subject Headings which is primary anatomic site of disease Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Currently Living with Smoker (Clinical or Research Assessment Question) something which is a Clinical or Research Assessment Question
Respiratory failure (Classification) something which has member Supraclavicular retraction
Diabulimia (Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction) Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction which is member of Hyperglycemia/new onset diabetes mellitus
Sometimes (Frequencies) something which is answer to How often do you misplace or have difficulty finding things at home or at work:Find:Pt:^Patient:Ord:ASRS
Views AP + lateral:Find:Pt:Neck:Doc:XR (Neck | X-ray | Radiology) Clinical Attribute which has component Views AP & lateral
Creatinine^8H post XXX challenge:MCnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Qn (Clinical Attribute) Challenge tests which has challenge 8H post XXX challenge
Traumatic abnormality, NOS (Physical shape) Injury or Poisoning which is associated morphology of Open fracture of C1-C4 level with incomplete spinal cord lesion
ropinirole 2 MG Extended Release Oral Tablet [Requip] (Clinical Drug) something which is a ropinirole Extended Release Oral Tablet [Requip]
Other aircraft accidents injuring occupant (Injury or Poisoning) Accident to powered aircraft causing injury to occupant which is mapped from Forced landing while landing, occupant of military aircraft injured
PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS POLLEN (Pollen) Pharmacologic Substance which is active ingredient of RUMEX ACETOSELLA POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / URTICA DIOICA POLLEN 0.0003333 g in 1 mL / FELIS CATUS HAIR 33.33 g in 1 mL / CANIS LUPUS FAMILIARIS HAIR 0.0008333 g in 1 mL / ACER NEGUNDO POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / JUNIPERUS ASHEI POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / JUGLANS NIGRA POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / POPULUS DELTOIDES POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / FRAXINUS AMERICANA POLLEN 0.0000133 g in 1 mL / QUERCUS ALBA POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / ULMUS AMERICANA POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / MORUS ALBA POLLEN 0.00833 g in 1 mL / CYNODON DACTYLON POLLEN 13.3333 g in 1 mL / PHLEUM PRATENSE POLLEN 666.67 g in 1 mL / AMBROSIA ARTEMISIIFOLIA POLLEN 5.33 g in 1 mL / AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUS POLLEN 0.00033 g in 1 mL / SALSOLA KALI POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / IVA ANNUA VAR. ANNUA POLLEN 0.0000666 g in 1 mL / CARYA ALBA POLLEN 0.0000333 g in 1 mL / CARYA ILLINOINENSIS POLLEN 0.0000333 g in 1 mL INTRADERMAL INJECTION, SOLUTION
Left (Primary anatomical coordinate) Body Site Modifier which is laterality of Entire fifth left aortic arch
Polymorphous light eruption, NOS (non-infectious skin disorders) Photosensitivity of skin which is mapped from Polymorphous light eruption, diffuse erythematous type
INFECTIOUS PROCESS (Pathologic Function) something which is pathological process of Amebic abscess of brain
Incision and exploration of skin of groin (Incision of soft tissue) Incision of abdominal wall which is a Incision of inguinal region
open fracture of right proximal tibia at intercondylar eminence (Open fracture of upper end of right tibia) Injury or Poisoning which is a Open fracture intercondylar spine of tibia
SALMONELLA (Salmonella) Bacterium which is fragments for synonyms of Salmonella typhimurium Ab:Titr:Pt:Ser:Qn:Aggl
Tear (Maternal condition during puerperium) Maternal condition during puerperium which is associated with Laceration of eye
closed subtrochanteric fracture of right femur involving lesser trochanter, greater trochanter, and comminuted medial femoral cortex with lesser trochanter discontinuity (Closed subtrochanteric fracture of right femur) something which has associated morphology Fracture, closed, comminuted
Acute (Disease Clinical Qualifier) something which is course of ALKALOSIS RESPIRATORY ACUTE
Hepatitis B virus codon 236 (hepatitis B virus) hepatitis B virus which is measured by Hepatitis B virus codon 236 [Identifier] by Genotype method
Blasts.CD11a (Cells.CD11a) something which is component of Blasts.CD11a/100 blasts:NFr:Pt:Bone mar:Qn
BRIEF,PROMISE MEDIUM,SCOTT #61122 (Medical Device) Medical Device which is a PADS/DIAPERS,OTHER