<nb> public class HttpRequestEncoder extends HttpObjectEncoder < HttpRequest > { @ override protected void encodeInitialLine ( ByteBuf buf , HttpRequest request ) throws Exception { - buf . writeBytes ( request . getMethod ( ) . toString ( ) . getBytes ( CharsetUtil . US_ASCII ) ) ; + encodeAscii ( request . getMethod ( ) . toString ( ) , buf ) ; buf . writeByte ( SP ) ; SINGLE <nb> public class HttpRequestEncoder extends HttpObjectEncoder < HttpRequest > { buf . writeBytes ( uri . getBytes ( CharsetUtil . UTF_8 ) ) ; buf . writeByte ( SP ) ; - buf . writeBytes ( request . getProtocolVersion ( ) . toString ( ) . getBytes ( CharsetUtil . US_ASCII ) ) ; + encodeAscii ( request . getProtocolVersion ( ) . toString ( ) , buf ) ; buf . writeBytes ( CRLF ) ; } }
Improve performance of HttpRequestEncoder encodeInitialLine
<nb> public class AuthenticationProcessingFilter extends AbstractProcessingFilter { UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken ( username , password ) ; - authRequest . setDetails ( request . getRemoteAddr ( ) ) ; + + SINGLE + setDetails ( request , authRequest ) ; return this . getAuthenticationManager ( ) . authenticate ( authRequest ) ; }
Fix bug where class should delegate to setDetails method not set the details directly
<nb> public class StringPropertyCodeGenerator extends PropertyCodeGenerator implement if ( myHaveSetDisplayedMnemonicIndex ) { generator . loadLocal ( componentLocal ) ; generator . push ( textWithMnemonic . myMnemonicIndex ) ; - generator . invokeStatic ( Type . getType ( SupportCode . class ) , - new Method ( STRING0 , - Type . VOID_TYPE , new Type [ ] { Type . getType ( JComponent . class ) , Type . INT_TYPE } ) ) ; + generator . invokeVirtual ( Type . getType ( componentClass ) , + new Method ( STRING0 , + Type . VOID_TYPE , new Type [ ] { Type . INT_TYPE } ) ) ; } return true ; }
don t use SupportCode for generating setDisplayedMnemonicIndex
<nb> public class JacocoAntInitializer extends Initializer implements CoverageExtensi @ override public boolean shouldExecuteOnProject ( org . sonar . api . resources . Project project ) { return project . getAnalysisType ( ) . equals ( Project . AnalysisType . DYNAMIC ) ; - SINGLE } @ override <nb> public class JacocoAntInitializer extends Initializer implements CoverageExtensi } } SINGLE - SINGLE target . performTasks ( ) ; } } <nb> public class Filter { return ! isNumericMetric || sortedByLanguage || sortedByName || sortedByVersion ; } - SINGLE - SINGLE - SINGLE - public Filter setSortedMetricId ( Integer id , boolean isNumericValue , Boolean isVariation ) { unsetSorts ( ) ; this . sortedMetricId = id ;
Remove some commented out code
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; public class DialogWrapperPeerImpl extends DialogWrapperPeer { <nb> public class DialogWrapperPeerImpl extends DialogWrapperPeer { myFocusTrackback . dispose ( ) ; myFocusTrackback = null ; } + final BufferStrategy strategy = getBufferStrategy ( ) ; + if ( strategy != null ) { + try { + Method method = strategy . getClass ( ) . getMethod ( STRING0 ) ; SINGLE + method . invoke ( strategy ) ; + } + catch ( Exception ex ) { + SINGLE + } + } super . dispose ( ) ; if ( rootPane != null ) { SINGLE
dispose buffer strategy on closing dialog
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; - import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> class WebConnectorService implements Service < Connector > { boolean nativeSSL = false ; if ( connector . getProtocolHandler ( ) instanceof Http11AprProtocol ) { nativeSSL = true ; - } else if ( ! ( connector . getProtocolHandler ( ) instanceof Http11Protocol ) ) { + } else if ( ( connector . getProtocolHandler ( ) instanceof AjpProtocol ) || ( connector . getProtocolHandler ( ) instanceof AjpAprProtocol ) ) { throw new StartException ( MESSAGES . noSSLWithNonHTTPConnectors ( ) ) ; } SINGLE
Allow non AJP connectors to support SSL by default
<nb> public class ServletOutputStreamImpl extends ServletOutputStream implements Buff if ( channel == null ) { channel = servletRequestContext . getExchange ( ) . getResponseChannel ( ) ; } - StreamSinkChannel channel = this . channel ; - channel . shutdownWrites ( ) ; state |= FLAG_DELEGATE_SHUTDOWN ; - Channels . flushBlocking ( channel ) ; + StreamSinkChannel channel = this . channel ; + if ( channel != null ) { SINGLE + channel . shutdownWrites ( ) ; + Channels . flushBlocking ( channel ) ; + } } finally { if ( pooledBuffer != null ) { pooledBuffer . free ( ) ;
Fix NPE when using mock requests
<nb> public class PathBaseDirBuilder implements BaseDirBuilder { fileSystem . close ( ) ; } + System . gc ( ) ; + Files . walkFileTree ( toDelete , new SimpleFileVisitor < Path > ( ) { @ override public FileVisitResult visitFile ( Path file , BasicFileAttributes attrs ) throws IOException {
Explicitly call System gc to fix tests on Windows platform
<nb> public class SerialMessage { COMMENT @ override public String toString ( ) { - return String . format ( STRING0 , + return String . format ( STRING1 , new Object [ ] { messageClass , messageClass . key , messageType , messageType . ordinal ( ) , - SerialMessage . bb2hex ( this . getMessageBuffer ( ) ) } ) ; + SerialMessage . bb2hex ( this . getMessagePayload ( ) ) } ) ; } ; COMMENT
Change printout of message to payload to avoid modifying the packet
<nb> public class ClockwiseRotate implements LayoutBuilder { private ClockwiseRotateLayoutUI ui = new ClockwiseRotateLayoutUI ( ) ; public Layout buildLayout ( ) { - return new RotateLayout ( this , - NUMBER0 ) ; + return new RotateLayout ( this , NUMBER0 ) ; } public String getName ( ) {
Fix the initial value of the rotate parameter for Clockwise layout
<nb> public class AzureStorageServiceImpl extends AbstractLifecycleComponent < AzureSto options . setRetryPolicyFactory ( new RetryNoRetry ( ) ) ; blob_container . deleteIfExists ( options , null ) ; COMMENT + if ( logger . isTraceEnabled ( ) ) { + logger . trace ( STRING0 , container ) ; + } blob_container . deleteIfExists ( ) ; }
Add a missing trace to removeContainer
<nb> public class RegionCommands { desc = STRING0 , help = STRING1 + - STRING2 + + STRING3 + STRING4 + STRING5 , flags = STRING6 ,
Fixed typo in curve s help
<nb> public class UsageInfo2UsageAdapter implements Usage , UsageInModule , UsageInLibr } public TextChunk [ ] getText ( ) { - final PsiElement element = getElement ( ) ; - if ( element != null && element . isValid ( ) ) { + if ( isValid ( ) ) { SINGLE final long currentModificationStamp = getCurrentModificationStamp ( ) ; if ( currentModificationStamp != myModificationStamp ) {
js highlighting fixes
<nb> package NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT <nb> package NAMESPACE ; COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT + @ threadsafe public abstract class IndexDefinition < T > { COMMENT SINGLE <nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT + @ threadsafe class NonUniqueFieldIndex < T > implements FieldIndex < T > { private final IndexDefinition < T > mIndexDefinition ; private final ConcurrentHashMap < Object , ConcurrentHashSet < T > > mIndexMap ; <nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT + @ threadsafe class UniqueFieldIndex < T > implements FieldIndex < T > { private final IndexDefinition < T > mIndexDefinition ; private final ConcurrentHashMap < Object , T > mIndexMap ;
add ThreadSafe annotation
<nb> public class RecyclerView extends ViewGroup { COMMENT public void clear ( ) { mAttachedScrap . clear ( ) ; - mCachedViews . clear ( ) ; + recycleCachedViews ( ) ; } COMMENT <nb> public class RecyclerView extends ViewGroup { recycleViewHolder ( getChildViewHolderInt ( view ) ) ; } + void recycleCachedViews ( ) { + final int count = mCachedViews . size ( ) ; + for ( int i = count - NUMBER0 ; i >= NUMBER1 ; i -- ) { + final ViewHolder cachedView = mCachedViews . get ( i ) ; + if ( cachedView . isRecyclable ( ) ) { + getRecycledViewPool ( ) . putRecycledView ( cachedView ) ; + dispatchViewRecycled ( cachedView ) ; + } + mCachedViews . remove ( i ) ; + } + } + void recycleViewHolder ( ViewHolder holder ) { if ( holder . isScrap ( ) || holder . itemView . getParent ( ) != null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
Recycle cached views when clearing the cache
<nb> public abstract class UltimateViewAdapter extends RecyclerView . Adapter < RecyclerV @ override public long getHeaderId ( int position ) { if ( customHeaderView != null && position == NUMBER0 ) return - NUMBER1 ; - return generateHeaderId ( position ) ; + if ( getAdapterItemCount ( ) > NUMBER0 ) + return generateHeaderId ( position ) ; + else return - NUMBER1 ; } public abstract long generateHeaderId ( int position ) ;
update UltimateViewAdapter for HeadId
<nb> SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE + SINGLE package NAMESPACE ; <nb> public class HttpSender { public static final int BEAN_SHELL_INITIATOR = NUMBER0 ; public static final int ACCESS_CONTROL_SCANNER_INITIATOR = NUMBER1 ; public static final int AJAX_SPIDER_INITIATOR = NUMBER2 ; + public static final int FORCED_BROWSE_INITIATOR = NUMBER3 ; private static Logger log = Logger . getLogger ( HttpSender . class ) ;
Add initiator constant for Forced Browse requests
<nb> public abstract class LoadBalancerContext < T extends ClientRequest , S extends IRe host = svc . getHost ( ) ; if ( shouldUseOverridePort ) { - logger . debug ( STRING0 , clientName ) ; + logger . debug ( STRING0 , overridePort , clientName ) ; port = overridePort ; } else { port = svc . getPort ( ) ;
fixing debug statement
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT public class Logger extends LogListenerAdapter { private static final String TAG = STRING0 ;
Add JavaDoc to Logger from Sample app
<nb> public class CompletionPopupPanel extends ThemedPopupPanel private void hideAll ( ) { SINGLE - help_ . setPopupPosition ( - NUMBER0 , - NUMBER0 ) ; - setPopupPosition ( - NUMBER0 , - NUMBER0 ) ; - help_ . clearHelp ( false ) ; + setVisible ( false ) ; help_ . setVisible ( false ) ; } <nb> public class CompletionPopupPanel extends ThemedPopupPanel { return help_ . isVisible ( ) && help_ . isShowing ( ) ; } - + private HTML setText ( String text ) { HTML contents = new HTML ( ) ;
remove popup placement hacks
Add a brief comment
<nb> package NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; - import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ;
TEST remove redundant import
Fix Javadoc in Theories
<nb> public abstract class AbstractProject implements ProjectInternal , DynamicObjectA return fileOperations . delete ( paths ) ; } + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + @ deprecated public Directory dir ( String path ) { + DeprecationLogger . nagUserOfReplacedMethod ( STRING0 , STRING1 ) ; String [ ] pathElements = path . split ( STRING2 ) ; String name = STRING3 ; Directory dirTask = null ;
Deprecate AbstractProject dir String
<nb> public abstract class AbstractConnector extends ContainerLifeCycle implements Co SINGLE long stopTimeout = getStopTimeout ( ) ; - if ( stopTimeout > NUMBER0 && _stopping != null ) - _stopping . await ( stopTimeout , TimeUnit . MILLISECONDS ) ; + CountDownLatch stopping = _stopping ; + if ( stopTimeout > NUMBER0 && stopping != null ) + stopping . await ( stopTimeout , TimeUnit . MILLISECONDS ) ; _stopping = null ; super . doStop ( ) ; <nb> public abstract class AbstractConnector extends ContainerLifeCycle implements Co { _acceptors [ _acceptor ] = null ; } - _stopping . countDown ( ) ; + CountDownLatch stopping = _stopping ; + if ( stopping != null ) + stopping . countDown ( ) ; } } }
improved shutdown handling for travis CI
<nb> public abstract class XDebuggerUtil { COMMENT COMMENT public abstract void iterateLine ( @ notnull Project project , @ notnull Document document , int line , @ notnull Processor < PsiElement > processor ) ; + + public abstract void showBreakpointsDialog ( @ notnull Project project , @ nullable XBreakpoint < ? > breakpointToSelect ) ; } <nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> public class XDebuggerUtilImpl extends XDebuggerUtil { } } } + + @ override + public void showBreakpointsDialog ( @ notnull Project project , @ nullable XBreakpoint < ? > breakpointToSelect ) { + BreakpointsConfigurationDialogFactory . getInstance ( project ) . createDialog ( breakpointToSelect ) . show ( ) ; + } }
added method to show breakpoints dialog
<nb> public abstract class AbstractEntityManagerImpl implements HibernateEntityManage if ( clazz . equals ( SessionImplementor . class ) ) { return ( T ) getSession ( ) ; } - SINGLE - return null ; SINGLE + else { + SINGLE + throw new PersistenceException ( STRING0 + clazz ) ; + } } private void joinTransaction ( boolean ignoreNotJoining ) {
unwrap should raise a PE if the type is not unwrappable by the provider
<nb> package NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; - import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> public class UserManager implements IQResultListener { static { SINGLE userCache = CacheFactory . createCache ( STRING0 ) ; - remoteUsersCache = CacheFactory . createCache ( STRING1 ) ; + remoteUsersCache = CacheFactory . createCache ( STRING2 ) ; SINGLE initProvider ( ) ;
Fixed cache name typo
<nb> public class SummaryPage extends Request { Response r = Response . done ( res ) ; r . setBuilder ( ROOT_OBJECT , new Builder ( ) { @ override public String build ( Response response , JsonElement element , String contextName ) { - StringBuilder pageBldr = new StringBuilder ( STRING0 ) ; - StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( STRING1 ) ; + StringBuilder pageBldr = new StringBuilder ( STRING2 ) ; + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( STRING3 ) ; JsonArray cols = element . getAsJsonObject ( ) . get ( STRING4 ) . getAsJsonObject ( ) . get ( STRING5 ) . getAsJsonArray ( ) ; Iterator < JsonElement > it = cols . iterator ( ) ;
fixed scroll tested in Safari FF Chrome
<nb> public interface Symbolizable extends Perspective { COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT COMMENT void newReference ( Symbol symbol , int fromOffset , int toOffset ) ;
Add missing Javadoc
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; - import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> public class CmdStatusClient extends BaseSvnClient implements StatusClient { if ( StringUtil . isEmptyOrSpaces ( result ) ) { throw new SVNException ( SVNErrorMessage . create ( SVNErrorCode . FS_GENERAL , STRING0 + - command . myCommandLine . getCommandLineString ( ) ) ) ; + command . getCommandText ( ) ) ) ; } try {
Refactored CmdStatusClient do not use CommandExecutor myCommandLine directly use corresponding CommandExecutor methods instead
<nb> public class DispatcherTest { verify ( service ) . shutdown ( ) ; } + @ test public void shutdownUnregistersReceiver ( ) throws Exception { + dispatcher . shutdown ( ) ; + verify ( context ) . unregisterReceiver ( dispatcher . receiver ) ; + } + @ test public void performSubmitWithNewRequestQueuesHunter ( ) throws Exception { Action action = TestUtils . mockAction ( URI_KEY_1 , URI_1 ) ; dispatcher . performSubmit ( action ) ;
Added test to verify that recevier is in fact unregistered
<nb> class InferJSDocInfo extends AbstractPostOrderCallback break ; case Token . STRING_KEY : + case Token . GETTER_DEF : + case Token . SETTER_DEF : docInfo = n . getJSDocInfo ( ) ; if ( docInfo == null ) { return ; <nb> public class CheckAccessControlsTest extends CompilerTestCase { } , null , BAD_PRIVATE_PROPERTY_ACCESS ) ; } + public void testNoPrivateAccessForProperties11 ( ) { + test ( new String [ ] { + STRING0 + + STRING1 + + STRING2 + + STRING3 , + STRING4 + } , null , BAD_PRIVATE_PROPERTY_ACCESS ) ; + } + + public void testNoPrivateAccessForProperties12 ( ) { + test ( new String [ ] { + STRING0 + + STRING1 + + STRING5 + + STRING3 , + STRING6 + } , null , BAD_PRIVATE_PROPERTY_ACCESS ) ; + } + public void testProtectedAccessForProperties1 ( ) { testSame ( new String [ ] { STRING0 +
Handle the getter and setter case
<nb> public class PostNewDesignerNewsStory extends Activity { SINGLE if ( getIntent ( ) != null && Intent . ACTION_SEND . equals ( getIntent ( ) . getAction ( ) ) ) { - url . setText ( ShareCompat . IntentReader . from ( this ) . getText ( ) ) ; + ShareCompat . IntentReader intentReader = ShareCompat . IntentReader . from ( this ) ; + url . setText ( intentReader . getText ( ) ) ; + title . setText ( intentReader . getSubject ( ) ) ; SINGLE SINGLE
Make share intent use subject for title
<nb> public class HistoryStrategy { } } } + + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + public boolean hasChangedSubject ( ) { + return roomSubject != null ; + } }
Added method hasChangedHistory
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> public class WorkerProcessClassPathProvider implements ClassPathProvider , Closea GradleWorkerMain . class , BootstrapSecurityManager . class , EncodedStream . EncodedInput . class , + ClassLoaderUtils . class , FilteringClassLoader . class , FilteringClassLoader . Spec . class , ClassLoaderHierarchy . class ,
Fixed construction of worker process launcher jar
<nb> public abstract class NanoHTTPD { COMMENT COMMENT - COMMENT + COMMENT COMMENT void parseBody ( Map < String , String > files ) throws IOException , ResponseException ; }
Fix javadoc tag
<nb> public class LexicalizedParserServer { model = ParserGrammar . loadModel ( parserModel ) ; } else { model = ParserGrammar . loadModel ( parserModel , STRING0 , STRING1 , taggerModel ) ; + SINGLE + model . loadTagger ( ) ; } model . setOptionFlags ( model . defaultCoreNLPFlags ( ) ) ; return model ;
Preload tagger in LexicalizedParserServer
<nb> public class BinaryBlockWriter < M > { private int numRecordsWritten_ = NUMBER0 ; private List < ByteString > protoBlobs_ ; - public BinaryBlockWriter ( OutputStream out , Class < M > protoClass , BinaryConverter < M > binaryConverter , int numRecordsPerBlock ) { + protected BinaryBlockWriter ( OutputStream out , Class < M > protoClass , BinaryConverter < M > binaryConverter , int numRecordsPerBlock ) { out_ = out ; numRecordsPerBlock_ = numRecordsPerBlock ; innerClass_ = protoClass ;
make constructor protected
<nb> public class IndicesClusterStateService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent < Indic SINGLE continue ; } - SINGLE - SINGLE - SINGLE - SINGLE List < String > typesToRefresh = null ; String index = indexMetaData . index ( ) ; IndexService indexService = indicesService . indexServiceSafe ( index ) ;
checking on index metadata does not make sense for mappings
<nb> public interface ProtectACLCreateModePathAndBytesable < T > extends ACLPathAndBytesable < T > , CreateModable < ACLPathAndBytesable < T > > { + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT public ACLCreateModePathAndBytesable < String > withProtection ( ) ; }
Added copy of doc
<nb> public final class ExpressionUtils { COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + public static < D > Predicate in ( Expression < D > left , SubQueryExpression < ? extends D > right ) { + return predicate ( Ops . IN , left , right ) ; + } + + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT <nb> public final class ExpressionUtils { COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + public static < D > Predicate notIn ( Expression < D > left , SubQueryExpression < ? extends D > right ) { + return predicate ( Ops . NOT_IN , left , right ) ; + } + + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT
Add in notIn for subqueries
<nb> public final class Monitor { COMMENT COMMENT public boolean enter ( long time , TimeUnit unit ) { + long timeoutNanos = unit . toNanos ( time ) ; final ReentrantLock lock = this . lock ; if ( ! fair && lock . tryLock ( ) ) { return true ; } long startNanos = System . nanoTime ( ) ; - long timeoutNanos = unit . toNanos ( time ) ; long remainingNanos = timeoutNanos ; boolean interruptIgnored = false ; try {
Move timeout start to before tryLock
<nb> public abstract class DBCollection { COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT - COMMENT + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT public void ensureIndex ( DBObject keys , String name , boolean unique ) throws MongoException { DBObject options = defaultOptions ( keys ) ; - options . put ( STRING0 , name ) ; + if ( name != null && ! name . isEmpty ( ) ) + options . put ( STRING0 , name ) ; if ( unique ) options . put ( STRING1 , Boolean . TRUE ) ; ensureIndex ( keys , options ) ;
improved ensureIndex to use default index name if null is provided instead of getting mongoexception
<nb> public class MavenJDOMUtil { return doRead ( CharsetToolkit . bytesToString ( bytes ) , handler ) ; } + SINGLE @ nullable private static Element doRead ( String text , final ErrorHandler handler ) { final LinkedList < Element > stack = new LinkedList < Element > ( ) ;
rewrite it using NanoXML
<nb> public class SQLFileChange extends AbstractSQLChange { try { innputStream = openFromFileSystem ( path ) ; if ( innputStream == null ) { - throw new IOException ( STRING0 ) ; + return null ; } } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new IOException ( STRING1 + path + STRING2 , e ) ; <nb> public class SQLFileChangeTest extends StandardChangeTest { SINGLE SINGLE - @ test - public void generateStatementFileNotFound ( ) throws Exception { - try { - change . setPath ( STRING3 ) ; - change . finishInitialization ( ) ; - change . generateStatements ( new OracleDatabase ( ) ) ; - - fail ( STRING4 ) ; - } catch ( SetupException fnfe ) { - SINGLE - } - } + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE
Fixed failing tests
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> public class K2JSCompiler extends CLICompiler < K2JSCompilerArguments , K2JSCompile return ExitCode . INTERNAL_ERROR ; } - JetCoreEnvironment environmentForJS = JetCoreEnvironment . createCoreEnvironmentForJS ( rootDisposable ) ; + JetCoreEnvironment environmentForJS = JetCoreEnvironment . createCoreEnvironmentForJS ( rootDisposable , new CompilerConfiguration ( ) ) ; for ( String sourceFile : arguments . sourceFiles ) { environmentForJS . addSources ( sourceFile ) ; <nb> public class JetCoreEnvironment extends JavaCoreEnvironment { private final CoreAnnotationsProvider annotationsProvider ; @ notnull - public static JetCoreEnvironment createCoreEnvironmentForJS ( Disposable disposable ) { - return new JetCoreEnvironment ( disposable , new CompilerConfiguration ( ) ) ; + public static JetCoreEnvironment createCoreEnvironmentForJS ( Disposable disposable , @ notnull CompilerConfiguration configuration ) { + return new JetCoreEnvironment ( disposable , configuration ) ; } @ notnull
Added parameter to JetCoreEnvironment createCoreEnvironmentForJS
<nb> public class AddColumnGenerator extends AbstractSqlGenerator < AddColumnStatement > String refTableName = referencesMatcher . group ( NUMBER0 ) ; if ( refTableName . indexOf ( STRING0 ) > NUMBER1 ) { refSchemaName = refTableName . split ( STRING1 ) [ NUMBER1 ] ; - refTableName = refTableName . split ( STRING1 ) [ NUMBER1 ] ; + refTableName = refTableName . split ( STRING1 ) [ NUMBER0 ] ; } String refColName = referencesMatcher . group ( NUMBER2 ) ;
Fixed bug via patch from Marat Tukhvatullin
<nb> public class AudioService extends IAudioService . Stub { if ( UserHandle . getAppId ( pkg . applicationInfo . uid ) < FIRST_APPLICATION_UID ) { continue ; } + SINGLE + if ( pm . checkPermission ( Manifest . permission . INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS , pkg . packageName ) + == PackageManager . PERMISSION_GRANTED ) { + continue ; + } if ( homeActivityName != null && pkg . packageName . equals ( homeActivityName . getPackageName ( ) ) && pkg . applicationInfo . isSystemApp ( ) ) {
Don t kill apps that are multi user aware
<nb> public class SimpleTcpCluster extends LifecycleMBeanBase log . warn ( sm . getString ( STRING0 , manager ) ) ; return ; } - ClusterManager cmanager = ( ClusterManager ) manager ; - cmanager . setDistributable ( true ) ; + ClusterManager cmanager = ( ClusterManager ) manager ; SINGLE fireLifecycleEvent ( BEFORE_MANAGERREGISTER_EVENT , manager ) ; String clusterName = getManagerName ( cmanager . getName ( ) , manager ) ;
Remove unnecessary code
<nb> public class ModelMetrics extends Keyed < ModelMetrics > { public double _wYY ; SINGLE public double weightedSigma ( ) { - return _count <= NUMBER0 ? NUMBER1 : Math . sqrt ( _count / ( _count - NUMBER0 ) * ( _wYY / _wcount - ( _wY * _wY ) / ( _wcount * _wcount ) ) ) ; + SINGLE + double sampleCorrection = NUMBER0 ; SINGLE + return _count <= NUMBER0 ? NUMBER1 : Math . sqrt ( sampleCorrection * ( _wYY / _wcount - ( _wY * _wY ) / ( _wcount * _wcount ) ) ) ; } abstract public double [ ] perRow ( double ds [ ] , float yact [ ] , Model m ) ; public double [ ] perRow ( double ds [ ] , float yact [ ] , double weight , double offset , Model m ) {
Don t use sample weighted variance but full weighted variance
<nb> public class SplashScreenActivator if ( bundleName == null ) return ; + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + Object service = + bundleContext + . getService ( serviceEvent . getServiceReference ( ) ) ; + if ( service . getClass ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) . equals ( STRING0 ) ) + { + splash . close ( ) ; + stop ( bundleContext ) ; + return ; + } + + bundleContext . ungetService ( serviceEvent . getServiceReference ( ) ) ; + progress ++ ; int progressWidth = NUMBER0 ;
Hide splash screen when main window is iconified on startup
<nb> public class Intent implements Parcelable , Cloneable { = STRING0 ; COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + public static final String EXTRA_SKIP_UNINSTALL_CONFIRMATION = + STRING1 ; + + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT
Added a constant to be used as an Intent extra
<nb> public class BulkWriteError { result = NUMBER0 * result + details . hashCode ( ) ; return result ; } + + @ override + public String toString ( ) { + return STRING0 + + STRING1 + index + + STRING2 + code + + STRING3 + message + STRING4 + + STRING5 + details + + STRING6 ; + } }
Implemented BulkWriteError toString
<nb> public final class MongoConfigUtil { public static void setOutputURI ( final Configuration conf , final String uri ) { setMongoURIString ( conf , OUTPUT_URI , uri ) ; } - + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + @ deprecated public static void setOutputURI ( final Configuration conf , final MongoURI uri ) { setMongoURI ( conf , OUTPUT_URI , uri ) ; }
Deprecate old signature of setOutputURI that takes MongoURI
<nb> public class LiveUpdatesSettingsDialogFragment extends DialogFragment { downloadOverWiFiSwitch . setChecked ( downloadViaWiFiPreference . get ( ) ) ; builder . setView ( view ) - . setPositiveButton ( R . string . shared_string_save , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { + . setPositiveButton ( R . string . shared_string_ok , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) { @ override public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) { final int updateFrequencyInt = updateFrequencySpinner . getSelectedItemPosition ( ) ;
Replaced saved button in dialog with ok
<nb> public class RemoteInputView extends LinearLayout implements View . OnClickListene } @ override - protected void onFocusLost ( ) { - super . onFocusLost ( ) ; - defocusIfNeeded ( ) ; + protected void onFocusChanged ( boolean focused , int direction , Rect previouslyFocusedRect ) { + super . onFocusChanged ( focused , direction , previouslyFocusedRect ) ; + if ( ! focused ) { + defocusIfNeeded ( ) ; + } } @ override
Don t close RemoteInputView on window focus loss
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT - abstract class DbQueryBase { + abstract class DbQueryBase implements AutoCloseable { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory . getLogger ( DbQueryBase . class ) ; <nb> import NAMESPACE ; COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT - public class DbSession { + public class DbSession implements AutoCloseable { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory . getLogger ( DbSession . class ) ; <nb> public class DbSession { } } + @ override + public void close ( ) throws Exception { + closeSession ( ) ; + } + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT <nb> import NAMESPACE ; COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT - public interface ConnectionProvider { + public interface ConnectionProvider extends AutoCloseable { COMMENT COMMENT
Added few AutoCloseable interfaces
<nb> public class SelectWordHandler extends EditorActionHandler { } while ( element instanceof PsiWhiteSpace ) { - if ( element . getNextSibling ( ) == null ) { - element = element . getParent ( ) ; - continue ; + nextParent: while ( element . getNextSibling ( ) == null ) { + final PsiElement parent = element . getParent ( ) ; + final PsiElement [ ] children = parent . getChildren ( ) ; + + if ( children [ children . length - NUMBER0 ] == element ) { + element = parent ; + } + else { + element = parent ; + break nextParent ; + } } element = element . getNextSibling ( ) ;
Improved selection at first column in XML
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; COMMENT COMMENT public class BlockFromToEvent extends BlockEvent implements Cancellable { - protected Block from ; + protected Block to ; protected BlockFace face ; protected boolean cancel ; public BlockFromToEvent ( final Event . Type type , final Block block , final BlockFace face ) { super ( type , block ) ; this . face = face ; - this . from = block . getRelative ( face . getModX ( ) , face . getModY ( ) , face . getModZ ( ) ) ; + this . to = block . getRelative ( face . getModX ( ) , face . getModY ( ) , face . getModZ ( ) ) ; this . cancel = false ; } <nb> public class BlockFromToEvent extends BlockEvent implements Cancellable { COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT - public Block getFromBlock ( ) { - return from ; + public Block getToBlock ( ) { + return to ; } public boolean isCancelled ( ) {
Fixed BlockFromToEvent not knowing source block from destination block
<nb> public abstract class Repository extends RepositoryInfo { { SINGLE for ( int i = NUMBER0 ; i < datePatterns . length ; i ++ ) { - formatters [ i ] = new SimpleDateFormat ( datePatterns [ i ] , Locale . US ) ; + formatters [ i ] = new SimpleDateFormat ( datePatterns [ i ] ) ; COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT
changing the locale from US to default
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; - import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; - import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; - import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ;
Revert files where only import order had changed
<nb> public class WXSDKEngine { COMMENT COMMENT public static < T extends WXModule > boolean registerModule ( String moduleName , Class < T > moduleClass , boolean global ) throws WXException { - return registerModule ( moduleName , new TypeModuleFactory ( moduleClass ) , global ) ; + return moduleClass != null && registerModule ( moduleName , new TypeModuleFactory < > ( moduleClass ) , global ) ; } COMMENT
android stop register when class is null
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; COMMENT COMMENT public class CoreRegistry { - private static Map < Class < ? extends Object > , Object > store = Maps . newHashMap ( ) ; - private static Set < Class < ? extends Object > > permStore = Sets . newHashSet ( ) ; + private static Map < Class < ? extends Object > , Object > store = Maps . newConcurrentMap ( ) ; + private static Set < Class < ? extends Object > > permStore = Sets . newSetFromMap ( Maps . < Class < ? extends Object > , Boolean > newConcurrentMap ( ) ) ; COMMENT COMMENT
Changed core registry to use ConcurrentMaps to be thread safe
<nb> public class MulticastProcessor extends ServiceSupport implements Processor , Nav private final CamelContext camelContext ; private Collection < Processor > processors ; - private AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy ; + private final AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy ; private final boolean parallelProcessing ; private final boolean streaming ; private final boolean stopOnException ; <nb> public class MulticastProcessor extends ServiceSupport implements Processor , Nav return aggregationStrategy ; } - public void setAggregationStrategy ( AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy ) { - this . aggregationStrategy = aggregationStrategy ; - } - public boolean isParallelProcessing ( ) { return parallelProcessing ; }
Splitter now returns original exchange as outbound by default
<nb> public class PointNavigationLayer extends OsmandMapLayer implements float locationY = getPointY ( tb , pointToStart ) ; canvas . rotate ( - tb . getRotate ( ) , locationX , locationY ) ; canvas . drawBitmap ( mStartPoint , locationX - marginX , locationY - marginY , mBitmapPaint ) ; + canvas . rotate ( tb . getRotate ( ) , locationX , locationY ) ; } } <nb> public class PointNavigationLayer extends OsmandMapLayer implements float locationY = getPointY ( tb , pointToNavigate ) ; canvas . rotate ( - tb . getRotate ( ) , locationX , locationY ) ; canvas . drawBitmap ( mTargetPoint , locationX - marginX , locationY - marginY , mBitmapPaint ) ; + canvas . rotate ( tb . getRotate ( ) , locationX , locationY ) ; } Iterator < TargetPoint > it = targetPoints . getIntermediatePoints ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
Fix wrong rotation
<nb> public class CassandraDaemon { logger . warn ( STRING0 ) ; } - else + COMMENT { String [ ] java_version = javaVersion . split ( STRING1 ) ; String java_major = java_version [ NUMBER0 ] ; <nb> public class CassandraDaemon logger . info ( STRING2 , Arrays . toString ( java_version ) ) ; java_minor = NUMBER1 ; } - if ( java_major . equals ( STRING3 ) ) - { - SINGLE - if ( java_minor < NUMBER2 ) - SINGLE - logger . error ( STRING4 ) ; - else if ( java_minor < NUMBER1 ) - SINGLE - logger . warn ( STRING4 ) ; - } } - + COMMENT logger . info ( STRING5 , Runtime . getRuntime ( ) . totalMemory ( ) , Runtime . getRuntime ( ) . maxMemory ( ) ) ; logger . info ( STRING6 , System . getProperty ( STRING7 ) ) ; CLibrary . tryMlockall ( ) ;
Remove jvm revision checks
<nb> public class FocusWatcher implements ContainerListener , FocusListener { if ( getFocusedComponent ( ) == component ) { setFocusedComponentImpl ( null , cause ) ; } + myTopComponent = null ; } @ override
reset FocusWatcher myTopComponent to null
<nb> public final class SugarDataSource < T > { try { count = future . get ( ) ; - if ( null == count || count == NUMBER0 ) { + if ( null == count ) { errorCallback . onError ( new Exception ( STRING0 ) ) ; } else { successCallback . onSuccess ( count ) ;
modified count method
<nb> public class VCard extends IQ { } COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + public void setAvatar ( byte [ ] bytes , String mimeType ) { + if ( bytes == null ) { + SINGLE + otherUnescapableFields . remove ( STRING0 ) ; + return ; + } + + SINGLE + String encodedImage = StringUtils . encodeBase64 ( bytes ) ; + avatar = encodedImage ; + + setField ( STRING0 , STRING1 + mimeType + STRING2 + encodedImage + STRING3 , true ) ; + } + + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT
Added ability to set mime type of avatar
<nb> public class TaskVcsTest extends CodeInsightFixtureTestCase { myTaskManager = null ; myVcs = null ; myChangeListManager = null ; + + super . tearDown ( ) ; } - super . tearDown ( ) ; } }
invoke super tearDown in finally block
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> public class PeopleListFragment extends Fragment { mFilteredRecyclerView = ( FilteredRecyclerView ) rootView . findViewById ( R . id . filtered_recycler_view ) ; mFilteredRecyclerView . addItemDecoration ( new PeopleItemDecoration ( getActivity ( ) , R . drawable . people_list_divider ) ) ; + mFilteredRecyclerView . setLogT ( AppLog . T . PEOPLE ) ; mFilteredRecyclerView . setFilterListener ( new FilteredRecyclerView . FilterListener ( ) { @ override
Set the logT for people list also fixes the crash on filter change
<nb> package NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> public class ExecuteSqlCommand extends AbstractCommand { if ( sqlFile == null ) { sqlText = sql ; } else { - sqlText = FileUtil . getContents ( new File ( sqlFile ) ) ; + File file = new File ( sqlFile ) ; + if ( ! file . exists ( ) ) { + throw new LiquibaseException ( String . format ( STRING0 , file . getCanonicalPath ( ) ) ) ; + } + sqlText = FileUtil . getContents ( file ) ; } String out = STRING1 ;
provide a better error message when a file doesn t exist
Clarified javadoc comment
<nb> public class OpenID4JavaConsumer implements OpenIDConsumer { SINGLE public OpenID4JavaConsumer ( ) throws ConsumerException { - this . consumerManager = new ConsumerManager ( ) ; - this . attributesToFetchFactory = new NullAxFetchListFactory ( ) ; + this ( new ConsumerManager ( ) , new NullAxFetchListFactory ( ) ) ; } COMMENT <nb> public class OpenID4JavaConsumer implements OpenIDConsumer { } public OpenID4JavaConsumer ( AxFetchListFactory attributesToFetchFactory ) throws ConsumerException { - this . consumerManager = new ConsumerManager ( ) ; + this ( new ConsumerManager ( ) , attributesToFetchFactory ) ; + } + + public OpenID4JavaConsumer ( ConsumerManager consumerManager , AxFetchListFactory attributesToFetchFactory ) + throws ConsumerException { + this . consumerManager = consumerManager ; this . attributesToFetchFactory = attributesToFetchFactory ; }
Added extra constructor to OpenID4JavaConsumer which takes a ConsumerManager to allow a version compatible with GAE to be injected
<nb> public class FileConsumer extends ScheduledPollConsumer { return false ; } else if ( endpoint . isIdempotent ( ) && endpoint . getIdempotentRepository ( ) . contains ( file . getPath ( ) ) ) { SINGLE - LOG . warn ( STRING0 + file ) ; + if ( LOG . isTraceEnabled ( ) ) { + LOG . trace ( STRING0 + file ) ; + } return false ; }
Make the file consumer a bit quieter
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; + import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> public abstract class LocalWorld { COMMENT COMMENT public boolean isValidBlockType ( int type ) { - return type >= NUMBER0 && type < NUMBER1 ; + return BlockType . fromID ( type ) != null ; } COMMENT <nb> public class BukkitWorld extends LocalWorld { COMMENT @ override public boolean isValidBlockType ( int type ) { - return type <= NUMBER2 && ( Material . getMaterial ( type ) != null || BlockType . fromID ( type ) != null ) ; SINGLE + return type <= NUMBER2 && Material . getMaterial ( type ) != null ; } @ override
Reverted block id checking in BukkitWorld to prevent false positives and made LoclWorld use the internal list for easier updates
<nb> public class PluginManager . add ( STRING0 ) . add ( STRING1 ) . add ( STRING2 ) + . add ( STRING3 ) . build ( ) ; private static final Logger log = Logger . get ( PluginManager . class ) ;
Add JOL to list of allowed SPI classes
<nb> public class OptionParser { if ( fuzziness == null ) { return null ; } - return Fuzziness . build ( fuzziness ) ; + return Fuzziness . build ( BytesRefs . toString ( fuzziness ) ) ; } private static MatchQuery . ZeroTermsQuery zeroTermsQuery ( @ nullable Object zeroTermsQuery ) { <nb> import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; - import NAMESPACE ; - import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; import NAMESPACE ; <nb> public class TransportSQLActionTest extends SQLTransportIntegrationTest { assertThat ( TestingHelpers . printedTable ( response . rows ( ) ) , is ( STRING0 ) ) ; + execute ( STRING1 + + STRING2 ) ; + assertThat ( TestingHelpers . printedTable ( response . rows ( ) ) , + is ( STRING0 ) ) ; + execute ( STRING3 + STRING4 ) ; assertThat ( TestingHelpers . printedTable ( response . rows ( ) ) ,
convert bytesrefs to string when creating the fuzziness conversion
<nb> public class MainActivity extends Activity implements DefaultHardwareBackBtnHand } @ override + public void onBackPressed ( ) { + if ( mReactInstanceManager != null ) { + mReactInstanceManager . onBackPressed ( ) ; + } else { + super . onBackPressed ( ) ; + } + } + + @ override public void invokeDefaultOnBackPressed ( ) { super . onBackPressed ( ) ; }
handle back button press in JS
<nb> public class AndroidHarness extends Activity implements TouchListener , DialogInt public void initialize ( ) { app . initialize ( ) ; if ( handleExitHook ) { + SINGLE + SINGLE + SINGLE + if ( app . getInputManager ( ) . hasMapping ( SimpleApplication . INPUT_MAPPING_EXIT ) ) { + app . getInputManager ( ) . deleteMapping ( SimpleApplication . INPUT_MAPPING_EXIT ) ; + } + app . getInputManager ( ) . addMapping ( ESCAPE_EVENT , new TouchTrigger ( TouchInput . KEYCODE_BACK ) ) ; app . getInputManager ( ) . addListener ( this , new String [ ] { ESCAPE_EVENT } ) ; }
Remove Escape key mapping from InputManager defined in SimpleApplication when using Android platforms
<nb> public class RVRendererAdapter < T > extends RecyclerView . Adapter < RendererViewHolde COMMENT @ override public void onBindViewHolder ( RendererViewHolder viewHolder , int position ) { T content = getItem ( position ) ; - rendererBuilder . withContent ( content ) ; Renderer < T > renderer = viewHolder . getRenderer ( ) ; if ( renderer == null ) { throw new NullRendererBuiltException ( STRING0 ) ; <nb> public abstract class RendererBuilder < T > { protected RendererViewHolder buildRendererViewHolder ( ) { validateAttributesToCreateANewRendererViewHolder ( ) ; - Renderer renderer = getPrototypeByIndex ( viewType ) ; + Renderer renderer = getPrototypeByIndex ( viewType ) . copy ( ) ; renderer . onCreate ( null , layoutInflater , parent ) ; return new RendererViewHolder ( renderer ) ; } <nb> class RendererViewHolder extends RecyclerView . ViewHolder { } Renderer getRenderer ( ) { - return renderer . copy ( ) ; + return renderer ; } }
Fix bug related to render prototype cloned and the video click listener
<nb> abstract public class AbstractProjectSettingsStep extends AbstractActionWithPane if ( onlyWithCache && packageManager . cacheIsNotNull ( ) || ! onlyWithCache ) { final PyPackage pip = packageManager . findPackage ( STRING0 ) ; myInstallFramework = pip != null ; - setWarningText ( STRING1 ) ; + setWarningText ( frameworkName + STRING2 ) ; } } catch ( PyExternalProcessException ignored ) {
fixed framework name in warning
<nb> public class TabHost extends FrameLayout implements ViewTreeObserver . OnTouchMode COMMENT - COMMENT - COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT COMMENT < pre > mTabHost = ( TabHost ) findViewById ( R . id . tabhost ) ; mTabHost . setup ( ) ; <nb> mTabHost . addTab ( TAB_TAG_1 , STRING0 , STRING1 ) ; COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT - COMMENT + COMMENT COMMENT View createTabContent ( String tag ) ; } COMMENT - COMMENT + COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT <nb> mTabHost . addTab ( TAB_TAG_1 , STRING0 , STRING1 ) ; } mLaunchedView = wd ; - SINGLE + SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE
Fix javadoc typos
Added note to Facebook java discouraging its use
<nb> public class TestNGReferenceContributor extends PsiReferenceContributor { if ( cls != null ) { PsiMethod [ ] methods = cls . findMethodsByName ( methodName , true ) ; for ( PsiMethod method : methods ) { - if ( TestNGUtil . hasTest ( method ) || TestNGUtil . hasConfig ( method ) ) { + if ( TestNGUtil . hasTest ( method , false ) || TestNGUtil . hasConfig ( method ) ) { return method ; } }
enable navigation on disabled methods
<nb> public final class SourceMapDecoder { if ( reader . hasNext ( ) ) { names = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ; do { - names . add ( reader . nextString ( true ) ) ; + if ( reader . peek ( ) == JsonToken . BEGIN_OBJECT ) { + SINGLE + reader . skipValue ( ) ; + names . add ( STRING0 ) ; + } + else { + names . add ( reader . nextString ( true ) ) ; + } } while ( reader . hasNext ( ) ) ; }
cannot debug imported script
<nb> public class DAOTestRule extends ExternalResource { throw e ; } } + + public void transaction ( Runnable action ) { + transaction ( ( ) - > { + action . run ( ) ; + return true ; + } ) ; + } } <nb> public class DAOTestRuleTest { public void rollsBackTransaction ( ) { SINGLE final TestEntity testEntity = new TestEntity ( STRING0 ) ; - daoTestRule . transaction ( ( ) - > { - persist ( testEntity ) ; - return true ; - } ) ; + daoTestRule . transaction ( ( ) - > persist ( testEntity ) ) ; SINGLE testEntity . setDescription ( STRING1 ) ; <nb> public class DAOTestRuleTest { daoTestRule . transaction ( ( ) - > { persist ( testEntity ) ; persist ( new TestEntity ( null ) ) ; - return true ; } ) ; fail ( STRING2 ) ; } catch ( ConstraintViolationException ignoredException ) {
Provide a way to execute an action in transaction
<nb> class PFontTexture implements PConstants { h = PApplet . min ( NUMBER0 * textures [ currentTex ] . glHeight , maxTexHeight ) ; resize = true ; } else { - h = PApplet . min ( PGraphicsOpenGL . maxTextureSize , maxTexHeight / NUMBER1 ) ; + h = PApplet . min ( PGraphicsOpenGL . maxTextureSize , PGL . MAX_FONT_TEX_SIZE / NUMBER0 , maxTexHeight / NUMBER1 ) ; resize = false ; } <nb> class PFontTexture implements PConstants { h = PApplet . min ( NUMBER0 * textures [ currentTex ] . glHeight , maxTexHeight ) ; resize = true ; } else { - h = PApplet . min ( PGraphicsOpenGL . maxTextureSize , maxTexHeight / NUMBER1 ) ; + h = PApplet . min ( PGraphicsOpenGL . maxTextureSize , PGL . MAX_FONT_TEX_SIZE / NUMBER0 , maxTexHeight / NUMBER1 ) ; resize = false ; }
adjusted size initialization in font textures
<nb> public class JetColorSettingsPage implements ColorSettingsPage { STRING0 + STRING1 + STRING2 + - STRING3 + + STRING4 + + STRING5 + STRING6 + STRING7 + STRING8 +
Fix text on color configuration page
<nb> public class CordovaWebViewClient extends WebViewClient { COMMENT @ override public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest ( WebView view , String url ) { - SINGLE - if ( ! Config . isUrlWhiteListed ( url ) ) + SINGLE + if ( ! Config . isUrlWhiteListed ( url ) && url . startsWith ( STRING0 ) || url . startsWith ( STRING1 ) ) { return getWhitelistResponse ( ) ; }
Making framework only apply for http resources for now so we don t break non http handling
<nb> public class ZRTPTransformEngine long endTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + nextDelay ; long currentTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ; synchronized ( sync ) { - while ( ( currentTime <= endTime ) && newTask && ! stop ) + while ( ( currentTime < endTime ) && newTask && ! stop ) { try { <nb> public class ZRTPTransformEngine e . printStackTrace ( ) ; return false ; } - return true ; }
Fix a small but important bug in the TimeoutProvider run method
<nb> public class DataStructures { System . out . println ( STRING0 + next ) ; minHeap . remove ( next ) ; System . out . println ( minHeap . toString ( ) ) ; + System . out . println ( ) ; } {
Fixed formatting of data structure test code
<nb> public class Digester extends DefaultHandler2 { SINGLE bodyText = bodyTexts . pop ( ) ; - if ( debug ) { - log . debug ( STRING0 + bodyText . toString ( ) + STRING1 ) ; - } SINGLE if ( rules != null ) { <nb> public class Digester extends DefaultHandler2 { SINGLE bodyTexts . push ( bodyText ) ; - if ( debug ) { - log . debug ( STRING2 + bodyText . toString ( ) + STRING1 ) ; - } bodyText = new StringBuilder ( ) ; SINGLE
Removed debug messages as they do not give any valuable information and floods the log files with empty rows
<nb> public class PublishSubscribeTest extends CamelTestSupport { @ test public void testPresenceAgentBasedPubSub ( ) throws Exception { - if ( LOG . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { - LOG . debug ( STRING0 ) ; - } - unreachableEndpoint . expectedMessageCount ( NUMBER0 ) ; resultEndpoint . expectedMinimumMessageCount ( NUMBER1 ) ; producerTemplate . sendBodyAndHeader ( - STRING1 , + STRING2 , STRING3 , STRING4 , Request . PUBLISH ) ; assertMockEndpointsSatisfied ( ) ; - - if ( LOG . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { - LOG . debug ( STRING5 ) ; - } } @ override <nb> public class PublishSubscribeTest extends CamelTestSupport { @ override public void configure ( ) throws Exception { SINGLE - from ( STRING6 ) + from ( STRING7 ) . to ( STRING8 ) ; - from ( STRING9 ) + from ( STRING10 ) . to ( STRING11 ) . to ( STRING12 ) ; }
Fixed test on windows having port already in use
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; COMMENT COMMENT - COMMENT - COMMENT COMMENT public class SubtractTransform extends Transform { private String fieldName1 ; <nb> public class SubtractTransform extends Transform { } Map < String , Double > output = Util . getOrCreateFloatFeature ( outputName , floatFeatures ) ; - Set < String > allKeys = feature1 . keySet ( ) ; for ( String key : keys ) { if ( feature1 . containsKey ( key ) ) {
remove unused comment
<nb> import static NAMESPACE ; COMMENT public class MockitoJUnitRule implements TestRule { - private JUnitRule jUnitRule ; + private final JUnitRule jUnitRule ; - public MockitoJUnitRule ( Object object ) { - checkNotNull ( object , STRING0 ) ; - this . jUnitRule = new JUnitRule ( object ) ; + COMMENT + COMMENT + COMMENT + public MockitoJUnitRule ( Object testInstance ) { + checkNotNull ( testInstance , STRING1 ) ; + this . jUnitRule = new JUnitRule ( testInstance ) ; } public Statement apply ( final Statement base , Description description ) {
Improved the javadoc small refactoring
<nb> public class BeanELResolver extends ELResolver { } return property ; } + + public Class < ? > getType ( ) { + return type ; + } } private final static class BeanProperty { <nb> public class BeanELResolver extends ELResolver { String prop = property . toString ( ) ; BeanProperties props = this . cache . get ( type . getName ( ) ) ; - if ( props == null ) { + if ( props == null || type != props . getType ( ) ) { props = new BeanProperties ( type ) ; this . cache . put ( type . getName ( ) , props ) ; }
Fix improper caching by checking the class definition
<nb> import NAMESPACE ; COMMENT COMMENT public class Video implements PConstants { - protected static String VERSION_STRING = STRING0 ; + protected static String VERSION_STRING = STRING1 ; protected static long INSTANCES_COUNT = NUMBER0 ; protected static String gstreamerBinPath = STRING2 ;
Updated version string
<nb> class LanguageToolHttpHandler implements HttpHandler { if ( motherTongue != null ) { languageMessage += STRING0 + motherTongue . getShortNameWithCountryAndVariant ( ) + STRING1 ; } + if ( autoDetectLanguage ) { + languageMessage += STRING2 ; + } } catch ( IOException exception ) { SINGLE messageSent = STRING3 + exception . getMessage ( ) ; <nb> class LanguageToolHttpHandler implements HttpHandler { Language lang ; if ( autoDetect ) { lang = detectLanguageOfString ( text , langParam ) ; - print ( STRING4 + lang . getShortNameWithCountryAndVariant ( ) ) ; } else { if ( afterTheDeadlineMode ) { lang = afterTheDeadlineLanguage ;
put it in the same line as the rest of the output