What Italian costume designer did Francesca Lo Schiavo marry
[ "Dante Ferretti" ]
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What Italian costume designer did Trauma star
[ "Fiore Argento" ]
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What Italian costume designer did Chiari e morbidi tessuti, l'arte di Piero Tosi and The Three Faces star
[ "Piero Tosi" ]
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What Italian costume designer did Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia employ
[ "Sylvano Bussotti" ]
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What Italian costume designer edited Morel's pija
[ "Mario Chiari" ]
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What Italian costume designer executive produced No label defined
[ "Sergio Stivaletti" ]
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What Italian costume designer executive produced No label defined and directed The Profane Exhibit and Rabbia furiosa - Er Canaro
[ "Sergio Stivaletti" ]
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What Italian costume designer married Franca Rame
[ "Dario Fo" ]
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What Italian costume designer of American Gigolo was Armani 's employee and founder
[ "Giorgio Armani" ]
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What Italian costume designer of Amici mostri was a director , executive producer , and star of a film
[ "Sergio Stivaletti" ]
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What Italian costume designer that Il seme della discordia and No label defined were written by and directed by was a costume designer and composer of Black Holes
[ "Pappi Corsicato" ]
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What Italian costume designer was a film director that No label defined was executive produced by and starred
[ "Sergio Stivaletti" ]
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What Italian costume designer wrote Fabiola and wrote The Iron Crown
[ "Mario Chiari" ]
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What Italian director of The Temptation of Dr Antonio and 8½ married Giulietta Masina and influenced Mikheil Antadze
[ "Federico Fellini" ]
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What Italian director of Si vive una volta sola was No label defined 's cinematographer
[ "Carlo Verdone" ]
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What Italian director of Machan married a composer
[ "Uberto Pasolini" ]
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What Italian director of No label defined was Destiny in Trouble 's producer 's founder and employee
[ "Mario Civelli" ]
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What Italian director of Swept Away did Enrico Job marry
[ "Lina Wertmüller" ]
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What Italian director of Taxi Driver executive produced The Family , directed Gangs of New York , and executive produced Boardwalk Empire , Revenge of the Green Dragons , and Pieces of a Woman
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian director , writer , and composer of Suspiria wrote The Mother of Tears and directed The Bird with the Crystal Plumage , Trauma , and The Phantom of the Opera
[ "Dario Argento" ]
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What Italian editor and writer of No label defined did Adriana Asti and Clare Peploe marry
[ "Bernardo Bertolucci" ]
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What Italian editor of I Am Self Sufficient did The Second Time star
[ "Nanni Moretti" ]
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What Italian editor of I Am Self Sufficient married Silvia Nono
[ "Nanni Moretti" ]
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What Italian editor of Woodstock was influenced by a film director
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian editor , composer , and star of Geppo il folle directed Joan Lui and Yuppi du
[ "Adriano Celentano" ]
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What Italian employee and founder of Art Aia-Creatives / In / Residence was influenced by Adriano Giannini 's parent
[ "Giovanni Morassutti" ]
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What Italian employee of Art Aia - La Dolce Berlin did a film producer influence
[ "Giovanni Morassutti" ]
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What Italian employee of A.C. Milan did Carla Dall'Oglio and Veronica Lario marry
[ "Silvio Berlusconi" ]
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What Italian executive producer of Revenge of the Green Dragons , Boardwalk Empire , and Before the Flood was a male film producer
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian executive producer of Conan the Barbarian 's sequel was a star of The Three Faces and L'orologio a cucù
[ "Dino De Laurentiis" ]
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What Italian executive producer of Boardwalk Empire did Howard Hawks influence
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian executive producer of Boardwalk Empire and The Family did a film star and Taxi Driver star
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian executive producer , director , and writer of Bicycle Thieves was Christian De Sica 's parent
[ "Vittorio De Sica" ]
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What Italian executive producer , star , and director of Der Kaiser von Kalifornien did No label defined star
[ "Luis Trenker" ]
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What Italian female film director that wrote A Castle in Italy and It's Easier for a Camel... edited Actrices
[ "Valeria Bruni Tedeschi" ]
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What Italian female film producer was a employee of Adolf Lieben 's employer
[ "Chiara Ottaviano" ]
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What Italian film director did Jeff Koons marry
[ "Ilona Staller" ]
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What Italian film director did UNICEF employ
[ "Nino Manfredi" ]
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What Italian film director did In Prison Awaiting Trial star
[ "Tano Cimarosa", "Mario Pisu", "Alberto Sordi" ]
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What Italian film director directed A Special Day
[ "Ettore Scola" ]
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What Italian film director edited I Am Self Sufficient
[ "Nanni Moretti" ]
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What Italian film director edited and wrote I grandi magazzini and Il signor Max
[ "Mario Camerini" ]
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What Italian film director executive produced Bicycle Thieves
[ "Vittorio De Sica" ]
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What Italian film director founded Melampo Cinematografica
[ "Roberto Benigni" ]
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What Italian film director influenced Picasso's face 's cinematographer
[ "Mario Monicelli" ]
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What Italian film director influenced Radu Penciulescu
[ "Federico Fellini" ]
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What Italian film director influenced by Jackson Pollock and influenced by Salem Ludwig and Gus Van Sant did For The Time Being , I Vicerè , and An Approximation of their Barbarous Manners star
[ "Giovanni Morassutti" ]
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What Italian film director married Shelley Winters , Juliette Mayniel , and Nora Ricci
[ "Vittorio Gassman" ]
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What Italian film director married Jeff Koons
[ "Ilona Staller" ]
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What Italian film director that Helen Schermerhorn Morris married was a film director 's parent
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film director that wrote Rome, Open City , The White Sheik , and I Vitelloni did Pablo Picasso and Charlie Chaplin influence
[ "Federico Fellini" ]
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What Italian film director was Asterix & Obelix Take On Caesar 's producer 's founder
[ "Roberto Benigni" ]
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What Italian film director was influenced by Charlie Chaplin and influenced Radu Penciulescu
[ "Federico Fellini" ]
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What Italian film director was influenced by Charlie Chaplin and Pablo Picasso
[ "Federico Fellini" ]
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What Italian film director was influenced by a spouse of Paulette Goddard and influenced by Charlie Chaplin
[ "Federico Fellini" ]
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What Italian film director wrote Django 's sequel
[ "Nello Rossati", "Sergio Corbucci" ]
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What Italian film director wrote and executive produced A Fistful of Death and Django and Sartana Are Coming... It's the End
[ "Demofilo Fidani" ]
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What Italian film editor did New York University employ
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film editor did Adriana Asti marry
[ "Bernardo Bertolucci" ]
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What Italian film editor did Howard Hawks influence and Helen Schermerhorn Morris marry
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film editor did No label defined star
[ "Ermanno Olmi" ]
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What Italian film editor directed Gangs of New York
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film editor edited Ritratto di borghesia in nero and Ginger and Fred
[ "Nino Baragli" ]
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What Italian film editor edited and wrote One Fine Day and The Tree of Wooden Clogs
[ "Ermanno Olmi" ]
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What Italian film editor executive produced Boardwalk Empire
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q585758", "Q38", "Q7042855", "Q41148" ], "relations": [ "P106", "P27", "P1431" ], "adjacency": [ [ 3, 0, 2 ], [ 0, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 1, 1 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Boardwalk Empire", "Italy", "film editor", "Martin Scorsese" ], "relation_labels": [ "occupation", "country of citizenship", "executive producer" ] }
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What Italian film editor executive produced a film and directed George Harrison: Living in the Material World , Taxi Driver , Goodfellas , The Aviator , and Gangs of New York
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film editor influenced Jerry Adriani
[ "Adriano Celentano" ]
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What Italian film editor married Adriana Asti
[ "Bernardo Bertolucci" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q53009", "Q38", "Q7042855", "Q374855" ], "relations": [ "P106", "P27", "P26" ], "adjacency": [ [ 0, 0, 2 ], [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 2, 3 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Bernardo Bertolucci", "Italy", "film editor", "Adriana Asti" ], "relation_labels": [ "occupation", "country of citizenship", "spouse" ] }
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What Italian film editor produced No label defined
[ "Luis Trenker" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q38", "Q560129", "Q7042855", "Q3860662" ], "relations": [ "P272", "P106", "P27" ], "adjacency": [ [ 1, 1, 2 ], [ 3, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 2, 0 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Italy", "Luis Trenker", "film editor", null ], "relation_labels": [ "production company", "occupation", "country of citizenship" ] }
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What Italian film editor that Yuppi du and Geppo il folle starred and were edited by married Claudia Mori
[ "Adriano Celentano" ]
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What Italian film editor that The Thing and I Am Self Sufficient were edited by did Silvia Nono marry
[ "Nanni Moretti" ]
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What Italian film editor that directed Gangs of New York executive produced A Ciambra , The Third Side of the River , Before the Flood , and Pieces of a Woman
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film editor was Quo Vadis 's costume designer
[ "Enrico Guazzoni" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q1057825", "Q38", "Q1343809", "Q7042855" ], "relations": [ "P106", "P27", "P2515" ], "adjacency": [ [ 2, 0, 3 ], [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 2, 1, 1 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Quo Vadis", "Italy", "Enrico Guazzoni", "film editor" ], "relation_labels": [ "occupation", "country of citizenship", "costume designer" ] }
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What Italian film editor was a costume designer of Quo Vadis
[ "Enrico Guazzoni" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q1057825", "Q38", "Q1343809", "Q7042855" ], "relations": [ "P106", "P27", "P2515" ], "adjacency": [ [ 2, 0, 3 ], [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 2, 1, 1 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Quo Vadis", "Italy", "Enrico Guazzoni", "film editor" ], "relation_labels": [ "occupation", "country of citizenship", "costume designer" ] }
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What Italian film editor was a male composer that married Claudia Mori
[ "Adriano Celentano" ]
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What Italian film editor was a producer of No label defined
[ "Luis Trenker" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q38", "Q560129", "Q7042855", "Q3860662" ], "relations": [ "P272", "P106", "P27" ], "adjacency": [ [ 1, 1, 2 ], [ 3, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 2, 0 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Italy", "Luis Trenker", "film editor", null ], "relation_labels": [ "production company", "occupation", "country of citizenship" ] }
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What Italian film editor was a sibling of Carla Bruni
[ "Valeria Bruni Tedeschi" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q143945", "Q232470", "Q38", "Q7042855" ], "relations": [ "P106", "P27", "P3373" ], "adjacency": [ [ 1, 0, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 0 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Carla Bruni", "Valeria Bruni Tedeschi", "Italy", "film editor" ], "relation_labels": [ "occupation", "country of citizenship", "sibling" ] }
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What Italian film editor was employed by New York University
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film editor was influenced by Howard Hawks
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q38", "Q51581", "Q7042855", "Q41148" ], "relations": [ "P106", "P27", "P737" ], "adjacency": [ [ 3, 0, 2 ], [ 3, 2, 1 ], [ 3, 1, 0 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Italy", "Howard Hawks", "film editor", "Martin Scorsese" ], "relation_labels": [ "occupation", "country of citizenship", "influenced by" ] }
SELECT DISTINCT ?x0 WHERE { ?x0 wdt:P106 wd:Q7042855 . ?x0 wdt:P737 wd:Q51581 . ?x0 wdt:P27 wd:Q38 }
What Italian film producer did Pier Paolo Pasolini influence
[ "Nico D’Alessandria" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q25120", "Q1985907", "Q3282637", "Q38" ], "relations": [ "P106", "P27", "P737" ], "adjacency": [ [ 1, 0, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 0 ], [ 1, 1, 3 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Pier Paolo Pasolini", "Nico D’Alessandria", "film producer", "Italy" ], "relation_labels": [ "occupation", "country of citizenship", "influenced by" ] }
SELECT DISTINCT ?x0 WHERE { ?x0 wdt:P106 wd:Q3282637 . ?x0 wdt:P737 wd:Q25120 . ?x0 wdt:P27 wd:Q38 }
What Italian film producer did The Second Time star
[ "Nanni Moretti" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q166249", "Q3282637", "Q38", "Q25100" ], "relations": [ "P106", "P27", "P161" ], "adjacency": [ [ 3, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 1, 2 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "The Second Time", "film producer", "Italy", "Nanni Moretti" ], "relation_labels": [ "occupation", "country of citizenship", "cast member" ] }
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What Italian film producer did Silvia Nono marry
[ "Nanni Moretti" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q20644315", "Q3282637", "Q38", "Q25100" ], "relations": [ "P106", "P27", "P26" ], "adjacency": [ [ 3, 0, 1 ], [ 3, 1, 2 ], [ 3, 2, 0 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Silvia Nono", "film producer", "Italy", "Nanni Moretti" ], "relation_labels": [ "occupation", "country of citizenship", "spouse" ] }
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What Italian film producer did New York University employ
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film producer did Clare Peploe , Maria Paola Maino , and Adriana Asti marry
[ "Bernardo Bertolucci" ]
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What Italian film producer directed Il vento fa il suo giro
[ "Giorgio Diritti" ]
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What Italian film producer edited Beyond the Clouds
[ "Michelangelo Antonioni" ]
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What Italian film producer edited and directed I Am Self Sufficient
[ "Nanni Moretti" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q521792", "Q3282637", "Q38", "Q25100" ], "relations": [ "P27", "P106", "P57", "P1040" ], "adjacency": [ [ 3, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 3, 0, 2 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "I Am Self Sufficient", "film producer", "Italy", "Nanni Moretti" ], "relation_labels": [ "country of citizenship", "occupation", "director", "film editor" ] }
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What Italian film producer edited , wrote , and directed The Passenger and Beyond the Clouds
[ "Michelangelo Antonioni" ]
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What Italian film producer married Silvia Nono
[ "Nanni Moretti" ]
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What Italian film producer produced Flesh for Frankenstein
[ "Carlo Ponti" ]
{ "entities": [ "Q527958", "Q299419", "Q38", "Q3282637" ], "relations": [ "P272", "P106", "P27" ], "adjacency": [ [ 1, 1, 3 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ], "entity_labels": [ "Flesh for Frankenstein", "Carlo Ponti", "Italy", "film producer" ], "relation_labels": [ "production company", "occupation", "country of citizenship" ] }
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What Italian film producer that Gangs of New York and The Key to Reserva were directed by and starred directed Goodfellas
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film producer that Howard Hawks influenced wrote The Age of Innocence and executive produced Boardwalk Empire and The Card Counter
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film producer was a director and executive producer of No label defined and Act of Revenge
[ "Ninì Grassia" ]
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What Italian film producer was a director and star of American Boy: A Profile of Steven Prince and Taxi Driver
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film producer was employed by Lux Film and was employed by Fiat
[ "Riccardo Gualino" ]
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What Italian film producer was employed by New York University and founded The Film Foundation
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film producer was employed by New York University
[ "Martin Scorsese" ]
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What Italian film producer wrote Quiet Chaos
[ "Laura Paolucci", "Nanni Moretti" ]
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What Italian film producer wrote and edited Beyond the Clouds
[ "Michelangelo Antonioni" ]
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What Italian founder of No label defined did Nora Barnacle 's spouse influence
[ "Umberto Eco" ]
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