You: Are you new to this school? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I ' 1000 new. You: Is this your first year in college? [CHARACTER ]: I transferred from another school. You: Where did you transfer from? [CHARACTER ]: Unity was at PCC before. You: Why did you transfer? [CHARACTER ]: I was going to go here first, but my grades weren ' t good enough. You: Did you like it at PCC? [CHARACTER ]: PCC constitute an unbelievable school. You: Well, I wish you luck here. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m sure I ' ll like it here.
[CHARACTER] transferred from PCC to You's school because [CHARACTER]'s grades weren't good enough first.
You: Have you seen the news that in that respect is a serious flood tide in the Dixie? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. I ' ve got to cancel my traveling architectural plan. You: What a pity! I know you ' ve constitute long for it these months. [CHARACTER ]: The only matter I can do now is waiting for another chance.
[CHARACTER] tells You that [CHARACTER] cancels the traveling plan because of the flood in the South.
You: Did you make it to school today? [CHARACTER ]: I forever do. Did you go to school today? You: No, I didn ' t. [CHARACTER ]: You should have, but have you seen any movies lately? You: That was an odd change of subject. [CHARACTER ]: Maybe information technology was, but answer the question. You: No, not recently. [CHARACTER ]: Ane want to go to see to it a movie this weekend. You: What ' s stopping you then? [CHARACTER ]: I don ' thyroxin want to go unaccompanied. You: So, will you be at school day tomorrow? [persona ]: No, I want to go to the movies instead.
You didn't go to school today. [CHARACTER] will go to the movies with You instead of going to school tomorrow.
You: Could I speak to the apartment manager? [CHARACTER ]: I am the flat manager. How rear end I facilitate you? You: I wanted to know if that apartment on Main Street is still for rent. [CHARACTER ]: I haven ' t rented it out yet. Would you like to see it? You: Yes, I want to see information technology. [CHARACTER ]: How about today at 6 p. m. ? You: That time is okay with me. [CHARACTER ]: Very good. We ' ll meet at 6. Do you need directions? You: No, thank you. I go by in that location on my way to work. [CHARACTER ]: If you ' re interested, you can fill out an application form. You: That ' s a good musical theme. Do I take to bring anything myself? [CHARACTER ]: No. The only thing I need to find is your driver ' s license.
You calls the apartment manager to see the apartment on Main Street. They will meet at 6 pm today, You has to bring the driver's license.
You: How ' s your new job going? [CHARACTER ]: Really well, thanks. You: How are you find your new boss? [CHARACTER ]: She ' s not bad. She ' s a bit bossy, but I ' m sure I ' ll get used to her. You: Would you rather have her or your old political boss rearwards? [CHARACTER ]: She ' s far better than my old boss. He didn ' t know how to express his opinion without putting at least one other person down. You: How about your new co - workers? [CHARACTER ]: They are all pretty easy - going. It ' s a very friendly place to work. You: Do you overleap your old co - workers? [CHARACTER ]: Of course. I spent so much time at my old workplace that I got to know them all very well. They were like family to me. You: Do people in different departments get along with each other? [CHARACTER ]: Sure. Since we work together in teams, we have to get along with each other. You: Do you like work in teams with people from different department? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, it helps everyone to understand what we ' re doing from different perspectives. You: Do you like working in teams? [reference ]: I prefer it to working independently. I think most people do.
You and [CHARACTER] are talking about [CHARACTER]'s new boss. You asks [CHARACTER] several questions about [CHARACTER]'s workplace and colleagues. [CHARACTER] misses the old co-workers and prefers to work independently.
You: IMPF Bank, Atomic number 3 Lan speaking, how may I help you? [CHARACTER ]: Hello, Ms. Li, this constitute Mr. Peng. You: Hello, Mr. Peng, how nice to hear from you again. What can I do for you today? [CHARACTER ]: We ' ll be coming in tomorrow to make a rather large johnny cash backdown, information technology ' s for payroll. You: I realize. How much exactly? [CHARACTER ]: five hundred, 000 RIB. Do you need me to give you my account phone number? You: No, that ' s OK. I ' ve got all of your information here on the screen in front of me. The money will be ready and waiting for you tomorrow. [CHARACTER ]: Thanks very much for your help, Li Lan. See you tomorrow.
Mr. Peng calls Li Lan at IMPF Bank to withdraw 500, 000 RIB. Mr. Peng can get the money tomorrow.
You: I was supposed to meet with you at half preceding one. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I see. What did you need to see me about? You: There ' s a problem with my docket. [CHARACTER ]: What ' s the problem? You: Two of my classes occur at the same time. [CHARACTER ]: Well, I can see that ' s a problem. You: Is it at all possible for you to fix that error? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I can. Would you notwithstanding like to have both of these classes? You: Iodin want to keep both of them, if that ' s possible. [CHARACTER ]: Considerably, let me find you one of these classes on a different day. You: Thanks a mountain.
You will meet [CHARACTER] at 1.30 because two of You's classes occur at the same time. [CHARACTER] will find You one of the two classes on a different day.
You: Good morning, Star Airline. What can I do for you? [CHARACTER ]: I ' d like to confirm a reservation, please. My name is Wang Lin. My flight exist KF98. You: I see. You are leaving for Berlin on July 23rd with Mr. Smith, right? [CHARACTER ]: What? I am afraid you have made a mistake, I am impart on July twenty first alone. You: International relations and security network ' t your family name Lin? [CHARACTER ]: No. It is Wang. You: I am sonry. So you are loaving on Duty 21st and your seat is in the commercial enterprise surgical incision. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s right. Thank you.
Wang Lin calls Star Airlines to confirm a reservation. Wang is leaving on July 21st alone, by KF98.
You: Today more and more people advocate lifelong learning. But people have different views about lifelong learning. How do you understand lifelong learning? [CHARACTER ]: I think lifelong learning is the concept that it ' s never too soon or too late for learning You: Does that mean studying all the metre? [CHARACTER ]: I don ' t think so. I think it ' s about your attitude towards learning. One should be open to new ideas, decisions, skills or behaviors. You: And then the maxim - ' You can ' t teach an old dog new tricks ' doesn ' t work any longer. [CHARACTER ]: You ' re right. Lifelong learning is about finding learning opportunities at all ages and in numerous contexts You: Yes, I agree with you. When I retired I will participate in programs to keep momentally alive. [CHARACTER ]: Me too. To keep up with the changing world, one must be involved in lifelong learning and be quick to accept new things. You: You know what? I ' ve latterly been teaching myself French. [CHARACTER ]: Really? That ' s great! I know that your company has a lot of clients in France. You: Yes, so 1 want to learn French to develop my career.
You and [CHARACTER] talk about how they understand lifelong learning. They both advocate lifelong learning. You is learning French to develop You's career.
You: May I have your order, please? [quality ]: Yes, I ' d like to have a part of steak. You: OK. How do you same your steak, do you like information technology rare, medium or well done? [CHARACTER ]: I like it well - done, please. You: Anything else? [CHARACTER ]: One and only Whisky. You: Information technology will be ready right by.
You serves [CHARACTER] to order a well-done steak and one whiskey.
You: I need a taxi. [CHARACTER ]: We could easily provide you with a secret vehicle, if you ' d prefer. You: No, the cab will do. [CHARACTER ]: Perhaps you ' cholecalciferol comparable to study a beautiful limousine. You: No, thank you. Taxis and I get along just fine. [CHARACTER ]: No private fomite, no limo. Got it. Where are you going? You: Iodine ' molar concentration seeing a show at Rockefeller Center. [CHARACTER ]: What time should the taxi be here to pick you up? You: I ' m quick to go right now. [CHARACTER ]: I ' ll have a taxi for you momentarily, sir. You: Great! As soon as I brush my teeth, I ' ll be downstairs. [CHARACTER ]: You ' ll enjoy our new, clean taxis, sir.
You is seeing a show at Rockefeller Center. You calls [CHARACTER] to order a taxi instead of a private vehicle or limo.
You: Did you go to the basketball game on Friday? [CHARACTER ]: No, I couldn ' thyroxine make it. You: You missed a really good game. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, really? Who won? You: Our school did. They played really well. [CHARACTER ]: Too bad I be engaged. I truly wanted to go. You: Yeah, you should take. It was really exciting. [CHARACTER ]: So what was the score? You: The score was 101 - 98. [CHARACTER ]: Man, that was a really close game. You: That ' s what made it so great. [theatrical role ]: I ' ll prepare sure and make information technology to the next one.
You tells [CHARACTER] about the basketball game on Friday. [CHARACTER] feels sorry that [CHARACTER] didn't go.
You: how is your house hunting going? [CHARACTER ]: not very well. I haven ' t found anything within my toll range yet. You: how much are you looking to spend? [CHARACTER ]: I can only afford about 300 pounds a month. You: looks like you ' re not going to get more than a bedroom in a shared flat with that. [CHARACTER ]: really? That ' s a lot of money to pay for one room. You: well, if you want to live in London, you have to pay the price! [CHARACTER ]: do you know of anyone who postulate a roommate? You: I seat ask around at work. Do you have a preference for makers or non - smokers? [CHARACTER ]: I ' d prefer non - smoking roommates, simply I guess I ' ll have to take what I can get! You: how long do you want to sign a contract for? [CHARACTER ]: I can sign a contract up to a year. I don ' t know where I ' ll be after that. You: do you need a furnished or unfurnished flat? [CHARACTER ]: I don ' t have any furniture, so it ' d be great if it were furnished. You: you know that you ' ll have to pay utilities on top of the rent, right? [CHARACTER ]: no, I thought that would be included in the rent. You: it ' s not usually let in, so you ' ll have to factor in about c pounds more each month for utilities. [CHARACTER ]: I don ' t think I can afford that. You: don ' t worry. Sometimes people will give you a discount if you promise to do the clearing or take care of the children. [CHARACTER ]: that ' s a good idea. I ' ll look into finding something like that.
[CHARACTER] tells You that [CHARACTER] can only afford about 300 pounds a month on rent in London. You will help [CHARACTER] to find a roommate. They talk about the details of renting, including time, furnish, utilities, and discounts.
You: What ' s the temperature today? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s about five degree centigrade. You: What ' s the weather forecast for tomorrow? [case ]: The weatherman says information technology ' s going to pull the wool over someone's eyes tomorrow. You: Are you used to the climate here? [CHARACTER ]: One think I ' ll soon get used to it. You: What is the average temperature of Beijing? [CHARACTER ]: lt ' s about 180C, but in winter the temperature may fall to 10 - 15 grade below zero. And we have a long winter. You: Which season do you like best? [CHARACTER ]: I prefer spring when little by little everything becomes green and the weather is almost always nice.
You asks [CHARACTER] the temperature today and tomorrow, Beijing's climate, and [CHARACTER]'s favorite season.
You: What kind of account do you prefer? Check account or savings story? [CHARACTER ]: Ace would care to open a checking account. You: Ok, please just fill out this phase and depict us your ID card. [CHARACTER ]: Hither you are.
You serves [CHARACTER] to open a checking account.
You: My wife and I are thinking about taking our parents with us on a vacation. Do you have any suggestion about where to go? [CHARACTER ]: The choice of destination is very important. It will too energetic for the old people if you make an excursion or go to climb mountains. But they ' ll be interested in going to the historical places of interest where they can have fun. You: Sometimes what young people same is different from the old. Maybe we can fail visit first and then do some shopping. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s a good idea. That will allow both you and your parents to enjoy yourselves. You: What should we bring besides a change of clothes, money and some snacks? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s some medicate the doctor recommend. If you leave it at home, you will detect it difficult to face up when the old people suffered a seizure. You: Oh, yes! I didn ' t think about that. Thank you for reminding me. How many days should we spend on a vacation? [CHARACTER ]: You ' d better have all a light schedule. You can rest up for a few days if your parents find tired. You: It seems that good planning for a family holiday is important to make sure everyone will be happy. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, that ' s right. Having an enjoyable time together is the goal.
You and his wife will take their parents on a vacation. They will go visit first and do some shopping. [CHARACTER] gives some advice on things to bring and schedule.
You: Did you hear world health organization won the election? [CHARACTER ]: I bathroom ' t believe that Obama won. You: I couldn ' t exist happy to know that he ' s our newfangled President. [persona ]: I know! He just made history! You: You voted for him, right? [CHARACTER ]: I did. Did you? You: I voted for him. [CHARACTER ]: I am so happy that he is our new President! You: So am I. [CHARACTER ]: I hope that he brings change to America. You: I have faith in him. [CHARACTER ]: I have faith in our new President.
You and [CHARACTER] both voted Obama. They are glad that Obama becomes President. They have faith in him.
You: Oh, darling! [CHARACTER ]: I ' m sorry. I do hope I haven ' t hurt you. You: Oh, no. I was just a little startled. That ' s all right. It ' s quite all rightfulness. [CHARACTER ]: But it isn ' t all right. I made you drop your shopping bag. Lease me pick these bags up. You: You must have been in a great hurry. Never mind. [fictitious character ]: I was only going to catch the bus. I ' m afraid Iodine wasn ' t looking where I was going. I hope nothing be destroyed. You: Oh, no. Thank you very much. [CHARACTER ]: I do apologize. You: Don ' thyroxin worry about it. There is no need to apologize. Look! Here comes the jitney. You ' ll catch it if you run. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, so I shall.
[CHARACTER] is going to catch the bus and goes into You. You drops shopping bags. [CHARACTER] feels sorry.
You: Well, we ' ll certainly stay here again next clip we ' re passing through. [CHARACTER ]: Good. Do let us know in advance and we ' ll try to get you the same room. You: That would be lovely. It may be quite soon in fact. [CHARACTER ]: Oh? How is that? You: Well. We are labor to the Confederate states of Spain in the next couple of days and we may come back this way. [CHARACTER ]: Serve give us a ring if you decide to. I hope you ' ll have a pleasant trip.
You tells [CHARACTER] that You will stay at the same place again next time passing through. [CHARACTER] promises to get You the same room.
You: Well, what do you think is the reason most people do so badly at reaching goals? [CHARACTER ]: They lose focus. Everybody ' s life is busy. There is so much happening in everybody ' s life. That what happens is they might have a goal and then something will get in the way of that. Maybe their goal is that they want to go on a holiday every year and they put in their leave form with their boss and their boss may ask them to wait for another month and then for another month. That is, so different things get in their way and people don ' t stand up for their goals. They don ' t struggle for them. They let other forces push them around a little bit. Also, a lot of people don ' tetraiodothyronine set goals; they think they do. But it ' s either a dream of very loose goal. So when they have to make a decision about a necessary action in their life the goal is so far rearward in their mind that they don ' t act in its best interest group. Also because people will sit down and say ' oh, here are my goals ' and forget all about them. Revisiting them every week is a good way. They stay at the top of your mind so you can take actions based on them.
You asks [CHARACTER] why most people cannot reach goals. [CHARACTER] says it is because people lose focus or do not set goals.
You: Hi, Betty. How are things endure with you? [theatrical role ]: Not bad. I need a summertime job. You: I was reading the cherished ads. Hither ' s something for you. Want: Waitress for a new restaurant. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. Atomic number 53 ' ll have a endeavour.
You tells Betty there is a waitress wanted for a new restaurant.
You: Are you doing anything special tonight? [CHARACTER ]: I have nothing tonight. Anything I can do for you? You: How about going to the moving picture show? It will do you good to get your mind off your work for a while. [CHARACTER ]: That sounds like a good estimate. Simply what is take on? You: I ' ve looked up the entertainment plane section in the newspaper. There are some new films on in ithiel town. [CHARACTER ]: Is there anything interesting on? You: There is also a new Beijing Opera put on for the first time. I wonder if you are interested. [CHARACTER ]: Why not, of course. You: Iodin do not think we have time to go back to the hotel if we want to watch the opera. Let ' s get something in a nearby restaurant. [fictitious character ]: OK.
You invites [CHARACTER] to go to the Beijing Opera. They will go to the nearby restaurant first.
You: Hello? [CHARACTER ]: Hi Steve. This is Mike. What are you doing? You: Oh, hi. I was just watching TV. [CHARACTER ]: There ' s nothing to watch right now. You: Unity know. I was watching a re - run. I have nothing to do and I was bored. [CHARACTER ]: Me too. Let ' s get together and do something. You: I ' d like to, simply I have to meet my parents in an hour for dinner. How about tomorrow? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah. Let ' s plan something tomorrow. You: Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow? [CHARACTER ]: I think information technology is going to be the same as today. Clear and sunny. You: That ' s great. We can do something outdoors then. [CHARACTER ]: Are there any special events going on tomorrow? You: Yeah. I think there ' s a live outdoor concert by the river tomorrow. [CHARACTER ]: Oh yeah. I heard about that too. Let ' s go check it out. You: Do you know what time it starts? [CHARACTER ]: It starts at one PM. You: Let ' s sports meeting for lunch at eleven thirty and afterwards, we can head over there. [CHARACTER ]: Perfective. I ' ll see you in front of the apartment at eleven thirty.
Steve and Mike are bored. They will meet for lunch at 11.30 tomorrow and go to a live outdoor concert.
You: Hi, could you help me find a place where Ane could buy some lunch? [CHARACTER ]: Sure! What kind of food would you like? You: I was think of pizza oregon something else Italian, maybe. [CHARACTER ]: I know the perfect place! You: Good! Where is it? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s right past that final building on the left. Do you want me to go with you? You: That would be great. [CHARACTER ]: Glad you asked me to join you. This will be fun!
You asks [CHARACTER] to help buy pizza or something Italian. [CHARACTER] will go with You.
You: Did you meet the new girl in our sales department. She is taking the place of Maggie during her maternative farewell. [CHARACTER ]: Did they finally fill that post, how come I haven ' t seen her? She must receive not been inducted still. You: I guess not, They haven ' t officially introduced her to the whole staff yet, she barely started yesterday. [CHARACTER ]: Is she just working temporarily? What are they travel to do when Maggie comes back from leave. You: If the new girl comprise competent, maybe they leave promote her when that time comes.
You and [CHARACTER] talk about the new girl who takes place of Maggie in the sales department.
You: Did you hear something? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, it is my cell phone call up. I set it in the vibration mode. You: It is a good habit to set your cell sound to vibrate. It is very rile to hear the loud and sudden ring tone in quiet offices. [CHARACTER ]: You are ripe. Some ring tone is just terribly loud. You can hear it even in the next door. It is really a kind of distraction. You: Maybe we prat write a report to the boss to see what can live done. [CHARACTER ]: Good idea.
[CHARACTER]'s phone rings. Then You and [CHARACTER] talk about ring tones in offices. They will write a report to the boss.
You: Hi, Kerry. Do you follow the news every day? [CHARACTER ]: Sometimes. You: How do you follow the news? [CHARACTER ]: Well, here in Japan, mostly on the receiving set or the internet. You: Oh, really? OK. What radio station? [eccentric ]: NPR. But on the military station. You: OK, and what Internet websites do you listen to? [CHARACTER ]: Well, usually it is only AP news, BBC News or whatever. You: OK. How much of the news do you think is true? [CHARACTER ]: I don ' t do it. That ' s a tough question, because there ' s then many journalists. The stories made into the papers tend to be accurate, but Unfortunately some people leak selective information that is untrue to influence public opinion. So you have to consider why that news story is made public. You: Yeah, how do most people in the states get news? [CHARACTER ]: I think most people in the states get news from TV and from the main broadcasting stations. The Evening News, sorting of thing. You: OK, thanks Kerry.
You asks Kerry how and what news he follow. They also talked about the accuracy of the news and how the public gets the news.
You: OK, Neil. I am a student journalist from senior grade. I know you just came to this new school a few months ago. Can I interview you for the school newspaper? [CHARACTER ]: OK, I ' m ready. You: Neil, how do you usually get to school in the morning? [CHARACTER ]: I usually go to school with my friends. We live real close to the school, so we don ' t have to take the bus. Merely on Fridays, my mother drive me to school. You: Good answer. What are your favorite subjects? [CHARACTER ]: I really enjoy physical education class. I screw to go outside play games and have fun. Iodine like English, too. But some of the words are hard to read and the grammar is hard too. Science is the most unmanageable for me. You: That ' s OK, you ' re doing well. One last dubiousness. How do you feel about going to school in America? [CHARACTER ]: I comparable it here. At first, I was scared but I like my friends and my teachers. I hope that one day I can speak English fluently. You: Well, I believe you will. Keep up the good work, Neil.
You is a student journalist and interviews Neil for the school newspaper. Neil is a new student and he tells You how he gets to school, his favorite subjects, and he feels about school.
You: This is a wonderful pie. Is it homemade? [CHARACTER ]: It be, but I didn ' t make it. Jack did. You: I didn ' t know your husband cooked. [CHARACTER ]: Every week atomic number 2 makes something wonderful. He makes great fresh bread. Sometimes we give some to our neighbors. You: What else does your amazing husband do? [CHARACTER ]: He makes dinner party every night. You: Really? 1 don ' t even know how to fry an egg. [CHARACTER ]: Jack even does the washables. I pass longer hours traveling from my home to my office and spend fewer hours at nursing home. So he doesn ' t mind. You: Yes, our company is a little far from your home. Who does the cleaning? [CHARACTER ]: We both do. That way it only takes a small part of Saturday.
[CHARACTER] tells You that her husband makes something delicious every week, and makes dinner every night. [CHARACTER] and her husband both do the cleaning.
You: Receive you seen the new show that everyone ' s talking about? [character reference ]: It ' s called stranger things, I watched it this weekend and it be so cool. You: I haven ' t seen information technology yet, but yeah, everyone is talking about information technology, what ' s it about? [CHARACTER ]: Well, it ' s sort of a scientific discipline fiction tale about a boy who gets caught in the upside down. The opposite world of ours. There be monsters and spiders action and even comedy. The coolest part is that most of the actors are kids our age, you should check it out.
You and [CHARACTER] are talking about the new show called stranger things. [CHARACTER] recommends it to You.
You: What happened? I ' ve been waiting for 2 hours. [CHARACTER ]: Sorry, we landed on time, but I couldn ' t exit the airplane with everyone else. You: Why non? [CHARACTER ]: Security stopped maine. But before we set down, a little girl dropped her backpack in my seat when I went to brush my teeth. I guess the flight attendant couldn ' t figure out whose it was and call security. You: So you landed at 7: 00 and you ' ve been with the police this whole time? [CHARACTER ]: Well, they let me go after an hour and a half, but I had to get my luggage. Oh, and there was no nutrient on the flight either. You: You must be starving! Send away I take you to a restaurant? [CHARACTER ]: Thanks.
You asks [CHARACTER] why [CHARACTER] has been late for 2 hours. [CHARACTER] tells You that the security stopped [CHARACTER] because of luggage. Then they go to a restaurant.
You: Hello, can I get a taxi? We ' re just outside the city limits. [CHARACTER ]: No trouble, ma ' am, where exactly are you going? There is an extra charge for anything over 20 kilometers. You: The Roxy Club downtown, there are 6 of us, though. Do you have any bigger cars so we don ' t need to take two hack? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, on the weekends, we execute. However, it ' s $ 3 more to have the bigger car sent you away. You: That will be fine, and we should be well under the 20 kilometers to our destination. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, Single tail visualise that, would you like us to send that for you now? You: Yes, please.
[CHARACTER] is going to the Roxy Club with five people. [CHARACTER] asks You for a taxi. You asks for $3 more and will send the taxi now.
You: I ' ve received your letter of application and I see your current book of job is as a sales assistant at Ray Stones book shop? Why have you applied for this position? [CHARACTER ]: Well, I ' ve really enjoyed my employment at Ray Stones. I ' ve always been interested in books and usually the customers are really nice. And I like trying to find books for them. You: So why do you want to leave? [CHARACTER ]: Because it ' s quite a small independent book shop. But EI books is a much bigger company. Iodine scan on your website. You have over 50 branches now and you ' re still growing, and I see you also have a website where people can order books. You: Well, it ' s true that we ' ve grown quickly in recent years and it ' s nice to see you found out about the company. So would you describe yourself as ambitious? [CHARACTER ]: Um. .. I don ' t think so, but I ' d like to be successful. You: And what are some of your main strengths? [CHARACTER ]: Ah, I work hard and I enjoy work with other people and uh, I potty solve problems. You can always put your trust in me. You: That ' s good.
[CHARACTER] used to work as a sales assistant at Ray Stones book shop but now applies for a job at EI books. You interviews [CHARACTER] and asks [CHARACTER]'s personality and main strengths.
You: Nowadays fewer and fewer people go to the movie theaters to see films. And so I am afraid that the film studios are really getting hard time to survive. [CHARACTER ]: What you said is true. But the film producers there are more whippy ways to get more audience. For example, to make more movie Ccds, so people will spend money buying them. You: But it is true that cinemas are losing the magnet they used to have in the past. [persona ]: Yes. Take myself for example. I seldom go to cinemas, but it doesn ' t mean I no more longer see motion picture; instead, I see films at home - learn Ccds.
You thinks the film studios are hard to survive, but [CHARACTER] thinks they can make more movie Ccds to get more audience.
You: Do you believe in god? [CHARACTER ]: Not at all. I ' m an agnostic. do you? You: I ' m not sure. Why don ' tetraiodothyronine you believe there is a god? [CHARACTER ]: I reckon everything has a scientific explanation rather than a theological one. You: I basically believe in science over theology. I mean, I believe in evolution for example. However, there are many things that science hasn ' t explained yet. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m sure that science will excuse everything finally. I think that the strangest thing about religion is that so many religions people act in ways that their religion call are wrong. You: For exercise? [CHARACTER ]: Religions preach tolerance, but many wars are caused by illiberal religious fanatics. You: Yes. Such people don ' t seem to be acting in accordance with their religious beliefs.
[CHARACTER] is agnostic, while You basically believes in science over theology. They think many religions people don't appear to be acting in accordance with their religious beliefs.
You: Good coming, sir. What can I do for you? [CHARACTER ]: Beneficial coming. I would wish to open a new explanation. I want to stick 500 dollars. You: Very good, sir. What kind would you like? [CHARACTER ]: Could you tell me how many kinds there are in your bank? You: Besides the checking report, there ' s a monthly savings account and a daily interest account. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, I think I ' d like to take the monthly savings calculate then. You: Would you fill out this form? [CHARACTER ]: OK. Hither you are. You: All right. And here ' s your deposit book. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. Goodbye. You: Adieu.
You introduces to [CHARACTER] the account types in the bank and helps [CHARACTER] open the monthly savings account.
You: OK, guys. Here ' s the plan. Get the ball to the goal, and save information technology forth from Rich and Joseph deems taylor! [CHARACTER ]: Wherefore? Are they good? You: They played ball at school. Here we go. Yi - jun, go out for a pass! [CHARACTER ]: I ' m ready! Whoa, what a hard throw! I can ' t get that! You: Catch information technology, Yi - jun! Run to the ball! Uh - oh! Slow down, you ' re going to hit. .. [CHARACTER ]: Ummmph!
You tells Yi-jun the plan but Yi-jun gets hurt when conducting the plan.
You: Good break of the day, Family. We ' ll have our board meeting this afternoon. Can you publish the agenda on the poster board? [CHARACTER ]: What will you talk about at the meeting? You: We ' ll talk about the financial report for the first half of the year. [CHARACTER ]: And anything else? You: We ' ll also discuss the personnel plan for the second one half of the year. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s all? You: Yes. Please write them down on the notice board. I want everybody to see them. [CHARACTER ]: OK.
You asks Emily to write the agenda of the board meeting on the notice board.
You: Did you read this? It says that the number one new years resolution make is to spend more time with friends and family. [CHARACTER ]: Why would that be funny? You: Well, think about information technology. We are a society that is always on the go, not because we have to, but because we want to. [CHARACTER ]: Why? You: We work hard and spend less time at home because we are trying to provide for our family with goods and robert william service that are usually unnecessary. [CHARACTER ]: I don ' t agree, but anyways, I think you should start thinking of a new year ' s resolution yourself. You: What ' s the point? We always make a new year ' s firmness and by February we will have forgotten about it. It ' s pointless. [CHARACTER ]: Well then maybe you should resolve to sticking to your goals and objectives. You: What about you? Your gym bag is gathering dust and you still have brand new running shoe that are yet to be jogged in. [theatrical role ]: Well, I would go if you kept your promise of going to the gym with me everyday! You: Yeah, yea, whatever.
You and [CHARACTER] talk about the new year resolution. You thinks the resolution is worthless but [CHARACTER] thinks You should resolve to stick to the goals and objectives. You thinks [CHARACTER] doesn't make it either.
You: I just had a terrible calendar week. [CHARACTER ]: What a shame! You: I pass down and ache my arm. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s too bad. You: Then my word drove into a tree. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m sorry to get wind that. You: The dog bit the manner of speaking son. [CHARACTER ]: What a pity! You: And a storm blew our roof away. [fictitious character ]: Ho, no!
You tells [CHARACTER] about You's terrible week.
You: Hey, Rose, how personify you feeling? [CHARACTER ]: Much better today. You: Oh, Look at the baby. It ' s so beautiful. Is information technology a boy or a girl? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s a girl. You: Can I hold it for a moment? [CHARACTER ]: Sure. She is a peaceful child. You: Oh, how adorable! She ' s got your eyes. [CHARACTER ]: So they say. You: When are you returning home base? [reference ]: Well. The doctor said I take to remain here for at least two more days because I ' m rather sapless after childbirth. You: You can use some meter off. You ' Ve been working too hard anyway.
Rose's just given birth to a baby and feels weak. You visits her and thinks the girl is beautiful.
You: The final examination leave be hold at the end of this month. Have you hit good preparation? [CHARACTER ]: Sure. I ' ve reviewed all the lessons I have learned this academic year. You: Are you sure you can do well this year? [CHARACTER ]: I am 100% certain. You: According to what you do last sentence, I have my doubts. [CHARACTER ]: I am sure Single can cause a 95 this time.
[CHARACTER] has prepared well for the final examination but You doubts.
You: I can ' t decide whether to go to university or to get a job. [CHARACTER ]: Well, if I be you, I ' d go on studying. You: But I don ' t even bonk what to study. [CHARACTER ]: If I had chance again, I ' d major in English. You ' re good at language. You: That ' s what my parents want me to do. [CHARACTER ]: You should take their advice. They know what ' s best for you. But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun, while I spend all my time doing meter reading and writing. You: But if you go to university, you ' ll still have time for fun. [grapheme ]: Hm, what you say makes sense. But you know, One still have to ask my parents for pocket money, and I hate to do so at this age. You: And if you try to find a part - time job, you ' ll have some money too. [CHARACTER ]: You ' re right. Thank you for the advice.
You can't decide whether to go to university or to get a job. [CHARACTER] suggests You go to university to major in English and find a part-time job.
You: Can you help me set up my voicemail substance? I just receive this service and I am non really sure what I am supposed to say. [CHARACTER ]: Sure! You just basically gotta let the company know who they called, and ask them for their contact information so you can call them back. You: Ok, so can I say, ' This is Abby ' s voicemail. I will call you later, so leave me your name and number '. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s more or less the idea, but try something that sounds more friendly. You: Ok, so how about this, ' This is Abby and I am really happy you called! I promise I will give you a ring equally soon as I can, so please leave me your name and number. Talk to you soon! '. [CHARACTER ]: A little too friendly Abby. Just say this, ' Hi, you have reached Abby. I am ineffective to answer your call right now, but if you leave me your name and phone number, I bequeath get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks '. You: That ' s perfect! Can you say that again and record it for me?
[CHARACTER] helps Abby set up the voicemail message and tells Abby what she should say is letting the caller know who they called and asking them for their contact information.
You: Tell me something about your work experience. [CHARACTER ]: Well, I have been in the computer engineering theatre of operations for half dozen years now. I am familiar with both hardware and software and with hands - on experience in system development include system analysis and design. You: What systems have you worked on? [CHARACTER ]: I have worked on about every system that is out right now. You: Do you feel well situated with the new system by microcosm? [CHARACTER ]: I am not as familiar with it as I am with some of the older systems. But I am a truehearted learner and I can master it in a short time. You: What do you consider your strengths? [CHARACTER ]: I am knowledgeable and levelheaded.
You interviews [CHARACTER] and asks [CHARACTER] about [CHARACTER]'s work experience, the systems [CHARACTER] has worked on and [CHARACTER]'s strengths.
You: Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. I ' d like to book a room, please. You: Certainly. When for, madam? [CHARACTER ]: March the twenty third. You: How long will you be staying? [fictitious character ]: Three nights. You: What kind of room would you like, madam? [CHARACTER ]: Er. .. double with bathroom. I ' d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake. You: Certainly, madam. I ' ll scarcely check what we have available. .. Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really splendid view. [CHARACTER ]: Fine. How much be the charge per night? You: Would you like breakfast? [CHARACTER ]: Nobelium, thanks. You: It ' s eighty quatern euro per night excluding VAT. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s fine. You: Who ' s the booking for, please, madam? [CHARACTER ]: Mr. and Mrs. Ryefield, that ' s R - Y - E - F - I - E - L - D. You: Okay, let me make sure I got that [CHARACTER ]: Yes it is. Thank you. You: Let me give you your ratification number. It ' s 7576385. I ' ll repeat that, 7576385. Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye. [CHARACTER ]: Goodbye.
Mrs Ryefield wants to book a room for three nights and You from the San Felice Hotel helps her.
You: Would you like to book a mesa, sir? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, would you arrange it for me the day after tomorrow? You: Sure, when? [CHARACTER ]: Six o ' clock in the afternoon. You: For how many guests, please? [CHARACTER ]: Six. You: How much would you like to expend? [fibre ]: We don ' t care about money. We ' d like to have some good dishes of local specialties. You: OK. [type ]: How many course are there altogether, please? You: Eight. [CHARACTER ]: Could you tell me some of entrees about the dinner? You: Indisputable. The main courses are roast Beijing duck and fried eel slices. [CHARACTER ]: Very good.
You helps [CHARACTER] book a table for the day after tomorrow and introduces to [CHARACTER] the dinner courses.
You: I think I may hire out this apartment that I launch. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, really? Where ' d you find it? You: I make up looking through the ads today, and Single found it in there. [CHARACTER ]: In the ads? Are you serious? You: Yeah, and it ' s affordable also. [CHARACTER ]: I ' d like to hear about this apartment. You: First of all, information technology ' s perfectly gorgeous. [CHARACTER ]: What is the rent each month? You: It ' s only $ 725 a month. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s amazing. The rent is very cheap. You: Iodin know it is. [CHARACTER ]: It ' s a good thing that you read that ad today.
You tells [CHARACTER] You may rent out this apartment that You found in the ads. [CHARACTER] thinks the rent is amazing.
You: Here ' s your roast chicken, ma ' am. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. You: Excuse maine, server, could you bring me some barbeque sauce? [CHARACTER ]: For sure. (He brings her the sauce) Hither you are. Can get you anything else? You: I ' one thousand fine for now, thanks.
You offers [CHARACTER] roast chicken and barbecue sauce.
You: Good morning, Sir. [CHARACTER ]: Morning. You: Is this where I get the bus for the zoological garden? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. You can take No. 846 from here, but you have to get away at Nanchengmen stop and change to Atomic number 102. 106. You: That ' s a little troublesome. [eccentric ]: Actually, if you go to the bus stop in the next block, you can take No. 105 which will let you right off in front of the zoo logic gate. You: Maybe that ' s what I ' ll do. Thanks a lot. [CHARACTER ]: You ' re welcome.
[CHARACTER] shows You where to catch the bus for the zoo.
You: Will you be voting? [graphic symbol ]: Yes. Will you? You: I already have. [CHARACTER ]: How did you do that? You: I post in an absentee voting. [CHARACTER ]: Why is that? You: I can ' t vote on Tuesday. [CHARACTER ]: What ' s the rationality for that? You: I have to get going to work. [CHARACTER ]: You canful just go to work after you vote. You: I need to take aid of some business that morning. [CHARACTER ]: One get it now.
You tells [CHARACTER] You mailed in an absentee ballot as You can't vote on Tuesday.
You: Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Comfort Inn. [CHARACTER ]: Hello. I have a reservation, under the epithet Lee, Leo Lee. You: Mmmm. I ' m not sure if we have you down here. How do you write your last name? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s L - e - tocopherol. You: Oh, right. You ' re in our system. I was just looking under Li. So, we ' Ve got you dispirited for a Business Suite for three days. If I could just have your credit card, I ' ll process your check - in while [CHARACTER ]: You mean I have to pay now? You: Oh no, we just make an impression of your card using our credit card machine. It ' s in lieu of a deposit. If everything is OK when you checker out, we give information technology back to you then. It ' s pretty sta [lineament ]: I see. I guess you can tell I don ' t travel much. You: (later) Here ' s your card, sir. You ' re all checked in. let me just tell you about a few of our services. We have free breakfast in the lounge from 7: 00 - 9: 00. You call the receptionist to arrange
You has got Lee down for a Business Suite for three days and helps Lee check in.
You: Hello, what can I do for you? [CHARACTER ]: Hello. I ' m sorry to tell you that One ' ve lost my credit card this morning. Single want to report the exit and replace a card. You: Don ' t worry. I will help you soon. Please fill in this form first. And write down your name, your account number and the amount in your card please. [CHARACTER ]: Done! You: OK. May I see your ID placard? (B passed his ID card.) Please wait for a moment. Let me go and check the account. (A few minutes later.) We have locked your card. You can get here to renew the account and get a new card a week later. Your money will not equal lost. [CHARACTER ]: Thank good. You: Please pay 10 yuan, the handling charge. [CHARACTER ]: OK! Thank you very much. See you a week later. You: See you!
[CHARACTER] lost the credit card. You helps [CHARACTER] lock the card and asks [CHARACTER] to renew the account and get a new card a week later.
You: how do you feel about wearing name logos or slogans on your clothing? [fibre ]: I ' ve never really thought about it before. I guess it doesn ' triiodothyronine bother me. You: do you think advertising has an influence on the choices you make when you ' re shopping? [CHARACTER ]: I suppose hence. 1 usually buy name - brand clothing, shoes, and electronic goods. How about you? You: Iodin actually try to nullify name - mark items. I can ' t stand it when big companies advertise their products all over the place!
[CHARACTER] usually buys name-brand things while You tries to avoid name-brand items.
You: Iodin must bespeak out that trials of new medicine be expensive and you can never guarantee success. [CHARACTER ]: But there is a very good probability in this case. I hope you will go before in purview of the likely benefit to mankind.
You and [CHARACTER] have different ideas on trials of new medicine.
You: Hello, this is Andrea. [CHARACTER ]: Hello, Andrea, this is Alex. I have some very good news for you. Miranda was very satisfied with you and said she ' s very much looking forward to working with you. Isn ' t that wonderful? Congratulations dear! How does it feel to be Miranda ' s new assistant? I imagine that you ' ll just be delighted with this news. So let ' s see, you can start on Monday, right? You: Umm, well, I don ' t think I can start Monday. I am chatter my begetter in Baltimore. And because I assume ' t live in New York, I ' ll need a couple of days to find a flat and buy some furniture and move my things from Avon. [CHARACTER ]: Oh, well then, in that case I suppose Wednesday would be good. Ok, see you then!
Alex calls Andrea to congratulate her on that she will become Miranda's new assistant. Andrea will come to work on Wednesday.
You: So that ' s the plan. Now may I ask your opinion about it, Mr. Grey? [CHARACTER ]: Well, in my aspect, the plan is non very good. But it put up get the company moving again. You: Er. .. On that point might be transonic strong compass point there, but they may not be well carried taboo.
Mr. Grey thinks You's plan isn't very good but can keep the company moving.
You: Excuse me. Could I ask you some questions? [CHARACTER ]: Of course. You: I work out for an advertising agency and I ' m doing some research. It ' s for a new magazine for people like you. [CHARACTER ]: People like me? What fare you mean? You: People between 25 and 35 years old. [CHARACTER ]: Ok. You: Right. Urn, what do you do at the weekend? [CHARACTER ]: Well, on Fridays, my wife always goes to her exercise form. Then, she visits friends. You: Don ' t you go out? [CHARACTER ]: Not on Fridays. I never go out on Fridays. I stay at home and watch television. You: And on Saturdays? [CHARACTER ]: On Saturdays my wife and I always go sailing together. You: Really? [CHARACTER ]: Mm, we love it. We never miss it. And then, in the evening, we go out. You: Where to? [CHARACTER ]: Unlike places. We sometimes go and see friends. We sometimes go to the cinema or restaurants. But we always go out on Saturday evenings. You: I see. And now Sunday. What happens on Sundays? [CHARACTER ]: Nothing peculiar. We often go for a walk. And I always cook a big Sunday lunch. You: Oh. How often do you do the cooking? [CHARACTER ]: Urn, twice a week. ., three times a week. .. You: Thank you very much. All I need now are your personal details, your name, job and so on. What ' s your surname? [CHARACTER ]: Edward goldenberg robinson.
You is doing some research and interviews Robinson. Robinson tells You his wife exercises and visits friends on Friday. Robinson and his wife go sailing together on Saturday and they go for a walk on Sunday.
You: Dr. Brook, I just don ' t know what ' s wrong me. I always feel tired and weak. My wife finally persuaded me to visit you to find out what the trouble is. [role ]: From what is written here I can see that you had a very bad cold three years ago and that you also had a small operation last year. Did you have any tough effect after that? You: Well, I don ' t remember. [CHARACTER ]: For example, how long did you stay at home each time you were ill? You: Just a couple of days, but about six month ago I was home for about two weeks with a cold or something. [CHARACTER ]: Did you reckon a doctor at that time, or did you just stay at home? You: No, I didn ' t see a doctor. When I began to feel better, I returned to work. [CHARACTER ]: And when do you start feeling so tired again? You: It must have been about ten days ago. When I came home from work one night, there just didn ' t seem to be any reason to go back the next 24 hour interval. [CHARACTER ]: Well, information technology sounds as if your problem may be the kind of work you do. The tests I just made don ' t show anything really wrong. But I would like to make some further tests in the hospital. You: That ' s fine with me. [CHARACTER ]: All right, you can check in tonight and I ' ll make the tests tomorrow morning.
You always feels tired and weak and comes to visit Dr. Brook. You says he usually stays at home for several days when he's ill and once he stayed for two weeks without seeing a doctor. Brook will make some further tests.
You: Hello, Martha. [CHARACTER ]: Hello. You: Did you have a nice holiday? [CHARACTER ]: Of course of instruction. You: Where did you go? [CHARACTER ]: I went to Fiji. You: Fiji? Was that nice? [CHARACTER ]: Very nice. You: And how long did you stay there? [CHARACTER ]: For two weeks. You: And you had a good time, eh? [CHARACTER ]: Really. You: What did you suffice, Martha? [CHARACTER ]: We went swimming, sailing and we played on the sand. You: Great. And what do Fiji count like? [CHARACTER ]: It has beautiful beaches, palm trees and. .. You: And the people. What are the people like? [CHARACTER ]: Really friendly. You: That ' s great. You ' re really sunburnt. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I know. I ' ve spent much time in the sun. You: Sunbathing? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah. You: Aha.
Martha tells You Matha went swimming and sailing in Fuji which is a beautiful place with friendly people.
You: Keep going! You can do it! You are strong. Don ' t give up! [CHARACTER ]: I didn ' t know this exercise class was going to be so hard. I involve piss. You: Hey, what are you doing? I didn ' t say you could take a break! You are here to lose weightiness, correctly? You aren ' thyroxine going to get healthy by drinking water. [CHARACTER ]: I am thirsty! I can ' t exercise without water. I detest this class. I ' d prefer to exercise alone. You: You need to try harder! You can do information technology! Keep going! Don ' t slow down! [CHARACTER ]: I think I ' m done with this class. It ' s too difficult. I ' m out of here.
You encourages [CHARACTER] to keep exercising but [CHARACTER] thinks the class is too difficult to insist on.
You: Can you tell me how to reach the depository financial institution, please? [CHARACTER ]: Which bank? Thither are two: the Allied Irish Bank and the Bank of Ireland. You: I have an AIB pass card and I want to get money from the bank. [CHARACTER ]: You need to go to the Allied Irish Bank which is near the local shopping center, Dunnes Stores. You: How do I get there? I have no knowledge of this area. [CHARACTER ]: Fussy the road and turn left at the other side. Walk a long the footpath until you reach the traffic lights. You will see a shopping center on the right hand side. Walk across the road and turn right after the shopping center. Celebrate going straight for about 100 metres and the bank is to your left. You: It sounds a little bit difficult. How far is it from here? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s not so difficult. It ' s about five minutes ' walk from here. I can draw a map for you if you care. You: Oh, I would really appreciate that.
[CHARACTER] shows You the ways to the Allied Irish Bank. You feels it's difficult and [CHARACTER] draws a map for You.
You: How do you do! Nice to meet you, Nancy! Where were you yesterday? [graphic symbol ]: I didn ' t come because I was sick. You: You nonetheless look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed. [CHARACTER ]: I am going home at once. You: Did you drive today? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, No, I wear ' liothyronine have a car. You: I can take you home. Would you like a ride? [reference ]: Yes. Thanks a lot. Could you intercept at the chemist ' s on the way? I need to buy some medicine.
Nancy tells You she didn't come yesterday because of sickness. You takes Nancy home.
You: Thank you, Thank you and welcome to everyone ' s favorite game show, Unbelievable Trivia. Today ' s contestant, Julie Jones, has just entered our bonus round and is trying to win our grand prize, $ 30, 000 in cash and an all - expense paid, six - day vacation to China. Okay, Julie. In order to win the grand prize, you must answer all four of the bonus questions correctly. All of the dubiousness are true or false. If false, you must make the statement true by giving the correct information. If not, you go home with our consolation prize: a fine set of encyclopedias on home repairs. [Oh] Remember. When the buzzer goes off, you must give your answer. Are you ready? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m ready. # Person3 #: The first question: A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. [CHARACTER ]: Uh. True. # Person3 #: You are correct! Question number two: A tuna is the only fish that can blink with both eyes. [CHARACTER ]: True, I mean, I mean, I mean false. A SHARK is the only fish that can blink with both eyes. # Person3 #: Correct. Only two more questions. Number three: An elephant has the large eyes in the world. [CHARACTER ]: I know that one. False. The giant squid has the large eyes. # Person3 #: Super. This is the last question Julie. The national anthem of Greece have 134 verses. [CHARACTER ]: False. The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses. # Person3 #: You are right! [CHARACTER ]: Did I win? # Person3 #: Yes, Julie, pack your bags, and we ' ll pack your pocketbook. [Alright!] You ' re off to China. Well, that ' s all for today ' s show. See you succeeding metre [CHARACTER ]: Thank you, Thank you.
Julie Jones participates in the game show, Unbelievable Trivia. You introduces the rules of the game and asks Julie four questions. Julie answers correctly and gives the correct information, so she'll enjoy the all-expense paid to China.
You: Hi, Happy Time Catering Services, Vitoria speaking. How can I help you? [CHARACTER ]: Hello, Victoria. This is Joe Smith from country holidays. I wondered if you could do some catering for us next week, we are having a small reception. It ' s to launch our summer holiday advertising campaign. Will you be free? You: When exactly is information technology? Mr. Smith? [CHARACTER ]: April 21st, that ' s Thursday. Oh, sorry, no. It should be Friday. You: Oh, yes I can do that where will you be holding it? [CHARACTER ]: We thought we ' d have that at head office and use the conference room, because there is enough room for everyone there. You: Ok. What sort of things would you like? [CHARACTER ]: Just a light lunch I think, so that people can eat on while they move around and talk to each other. You did some thing similar for us last year. We ' d be happy to have the same menu again. You: Right. I ' ll look at my diary and see what you have got last time. Oh, I nearly forgot to ask you how many should I cater for? [CHARACTER ]: Well, I think most people will be able to come, perhaps around 30. No, let ' s say 35, to be sure. You: Right, thank you for perplex in touch, Mr. Smith. I ' ll send you confirmation of the arrangement by the end of this week. [CHARACTER ]: Ok.
Joe Smith calls Happy Time Catering Service and wants some catering for next week. Victoria asks his requirements and will send him confirmation of the arrangements by the end of this week.
You: So how long have you been living in London? [CHARACTER ]: Er, a couple of years. How long have you be work here? You: Only a few month. I moved down here for the job. There was no work for me where I came from. [CHARACTER ]: Where did you come from then? You: Ace came from a small village called Arnside near Lancaster a year ago. There was nothing there. So I moved to London. [CHARACTER ]: Do you enjoy work here in this eating house? You: Very much so.
[CHARACTER]'s lived in London for several years while You just moved there from Arnside for the job a few months ago.
You: Still feeling ill? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. And that medicine hasn ' t help. Not a good start to our vacation, I ' m afraid. You: Do you have any idea what caused it? [CHARACTER ]: Well, I thought it might be last night ' s dinner. You: But I am fine. Could it be the passion? It ' s enough to make anyone ill. [CHARACTER ]: I know. But we ' ve been here a week now. Anyway, I ' ve been careful in the sun and 1 ' ve constitute drinking bottled water. You: Then we ' d better stay in the hotel today.
You and [CHARACTER] are having a vacation but [CHARACTER] feels ill.
You: Can I help you, Girl? [CHARACTER ]: No, thanks, I ' m just appear. How much is that necklace? You: 2, 999 dollars. [CHARACTER ]: Too expensive! My sister ' s birthday is tomorrow. I ' mb recall what I should buy for her. You: You ' ll find that the prices of our goods are quite reasonable. [part ]: Well, that ' s certainly nice to know. I ' ll take it. You: It ' s a good choice. I ' m sure she ' ll love it. Cash or card, Miss? [CHARACTER ]: I hope then. Card, please. You: That comes to 3, 199 dollars with tax. Please sign hither.
You helps [CHARACTER] choose a necklace for her sister as a birthday present.
You: And how volition you be paying for your room, Ms. White? [CHARACTER ]: By credit posting. You: Both way on the same card? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. You: Your card number please? [CHARACTER ]: 4434 1234 5678 9902. You: Double one, zero two? [CHARACTER ]: No, double nine zero deuce. You: 4434 1234 5678 9902? [CHARACTER ]: That ' s right. You: And the expiry date? [part ]: Eleven, .. . You: Could you repeat that please? [CHARACTER ]: November this year. You: Thank you. I ' ve booked two suite for Sm. White and Mr. Webber from Wednesday the 25th to Saturday the 28th of September. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. You: You ' re welcome. We ' ll see you on the 25th, Ms. E. b. white. [CHARACTER ]: Thanks a lot. Goodbye. You: Good day.
You helps Ms. White book the room and Ms. White pays by credit card.
You: Yes, sir. What ' ll it be for you? [reference ]: Two hamburgers and French fries. You: Be on that point anything else? [CHARACTER ]: Give me two cokes also, please. You: Is this to go or to eat here? [lineament ]: We ' ll eat here. You: Here you are. That ' s eight fifty. [CHARACTER ]: And can I have some ketchup, please? You: It ' reciprocal ohm on the help counter over at that place.
You helps [CHARACTER] order hamburgers, French fries and cokes.
You: Good morning, International Student Place. May I help you? [CHARACTER ]: I ' d like to talk to the director about my design to go home next week. You: Be you one of the scholarly person from England? [CHARACTER ]: No, I ' m from the United States. I came last May. You: I see. The music director can see you following Monday. Do you prefer morning or afternoon? [CHARACTER ]: Morning is better for me. You: Would 9: 00 o ' clock make up alright? [CHARACTER ]: That causa me fine. You: Good. We ' ll expect you then at 9: 00 o ' clock on Monday morning. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you very much.
[CHARACTER] wants to talk to the director about the plan to go home next week. You helps [CHARACTER] book the time.
You: What ' s up? Are you still studying? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, I ' ll be at it all night. You: When ' s the big test? [CHARACTER ]: Not for 3 years. Simply I have too many things to remember before then. You: You ' re taking this Spanish class so seriously. Don ' t you think you should lighten up a bit? [CHARACTER ]: I can ' t. Not only do I need to get good grades, but I also have to actually learn this stuff. Next year, I ' m applying to a nursing program. And they pass on special fiscal help to student who speak 2 lyric. You: Come on, you ' ll do fine. You always coif fine. [CHARACTER ]: Only when I study hard. You: OK, but can ' t you take a little break? Hey, you should come get some fish with me. You know fish is actually very good for your brain.
[CHARACTER] studies hard to get a good grade and wants to apply for a nursing program. You suggests [CHARACTER] take a break.
You: What can I do for you, Sir? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m Tom in room 508, and I want a wake - up call tomorrow morning. You: At what time? [CHARACTER ]: 6: 15 am, please. You: No problem, we have a computer wake - up service. Please dial 2 first and then the time. That is to say, dial 2 and then 0615. [CHARACTER ]: I see. I should dial all the numbers 20615 in turn. Thank you. By the way, if I want to change my wake up time, what shall One do? You: Just dial your new wake upwardly time, the computer will record the new wake up time and delete the previous numbers automatically. [CHARACTER ]: If I dial 20700, I will be waked upwards at 7: 00 am, am I right? You: Yes, quite right. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. Goodnight.
Tom wants a wake-up call tomorrow morning. You asks Tom to dial 2 first and then the time. You also tells Tom how to change the wake-up time.
You: Mr. Sharp, thank you for giving me this interview. So, my first question is, are you happy with your life? [CHARACTER ]: Am I happy? You may know you are the first person to have asked me this question directly. The others dared not because they were afraid I might say yes. They wanted me to say no so that they could make up stories about me. You: What kind of stories? [CHARACTER ]: Brian Sharpe, author of over 100 historical novels, lives in a lonely house xxx miles away from Sydney. But is he happy? You: Is that why you have refused many interviews? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m tired of being told that I must be unhappy because Iodine ' m rich and successful. 1 ' m not unhappy. You: Understood. And I ' m wondering if you follow a similar pattern of writing. [CHARACTER ]: I know what you mean. Do I write like stories? I say no. You: So, how make you create your heroes? [CHARACTER ]: My heroes live? They recollect for themselves. All their stories are drawn from life, my life, my friends ' lives, including my friends in many books. You: Sounds good to me.
You interviews Mr. Sharp. Mr. Sharp tells You he's happy and he doesn't write similar stories. His stories are drawn from life.
You: Hi Miya, how are you? [CHARACTER ]: I ' thousand very well, thanks. But I ' m crazy busy these days. How are you? You: Fine, thanks. Why are you so busy? [CHARACTER ]: I have a Chinese test next workweek. You: Get along on, I consider you can pass information technology, your spoken Chinese is good enough. [CHARACTER ]: Uh, speaking is one thing, exam is another thing I ' m afraid. You: Anyway, do you want to have a coffee now? [CHARACTER ]: Ok, but I don ' t have much time. I have to operate to the library. You: It won ' t take long, let ' s go to the cafe. [CHARACTER ]: Ok.
Miya's crazy busy because of a Chinese test. You believes Miya can pass it and invites her to have a coffee.
You: Hello Tom, do you mean your going forth? [CHARACTER ]: Oh yes, I ' ve booked the ticket and information technology ' s time for me to go back home. You: Well, how long have you been in China? [CHARACTER ]: I ' ve been here for 2 year. You: Did you enjoy your stay? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, indeed. I should say. I ' ve had a wonderful time over the past 2 years. You and Xiao Fang have give pine tree state a slew of help. People here are very friendly. Thank you all very much. You: When are you leaving? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m off next Sunday. I ' ve come to say goodbye today. You: I ' d like to invite you to dinner before you go. What astir Friday? [CHARACTER ]: I ' m free on Friday. I ' d like to come. Would you please ask Xiao Fang to be there, too? You: Of course I will.
Tom will go back home next Sunday and comes to say goodbye. You invites him for dinner before he leaves.
You: We need to have a serious talk. [CHARACTER ]: About what? You: Your attendance or rather lack of it. [CHARACTER ]: OK, so 1 ' ve missed a few classes. You: A few classes? Ane ' ve been told you ' ve missed 6 out of 8 times in 2 different classes. That ' s really setting yourself up to fail. You ' re about to embody in big trouble. [CHARACTER ]: What ' s the big deal about missing some classes? You: The self aggrandizing deal is that you ' re here on a student visa. [persona ]: Thus? You: So if you don ' t attend classes regularly, you won ' t be a full time student which your visa requires. [CHARACTER ]: What are you going to do? Turn me into the police? You: Oh, of course I ' ll have to report you if you continue missing your classes, then I ' k afraid you ' ll have to pack your thing.
You has a serious talk with [CHARACTER] and tells [CHARACTER] [CHARACTER]'s missed too many classes and [CHARACTER] might need to return to [CHARACTER]'s country.
You: Hi Jenny, I ' m calling to ask you if you want to go to the park with us tomorrow. [CHARACTER ]: I ' d like to but I cannot. I ' m leaving for New York tomorrow. You: Are you going there to see a friend? [CHARACTER ]: No, I ' m move there for work. You: Will you go by train or plane? [CHARACTER ]: Neither. David be driving to New York tomorrow. He ' ll give me a lift. You: That will be a long trip. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, but Lisa will go with u too. We can talk and mind to music on the way. You: How long are you staying for? [CHARACTER ]: Just 5 days. Oh, I have to pack now. I ' ll call you when I come back. You: OK. Bye.
You invites Jenny to go to the park tomorrow but Jenny is leaving for New York for work.
You: Hi, I would like to purchase a 1 way ticket to Brussels, please. [CHARACTER ]: Certainly sir, this is our train schedule. We have an express train departing every morning and an nightlong train that departs at nine pm. You: How long does it take to get there? [CHARACTER ]: About twelve hours. We currently have tickets available only for maiden class on the express train. If you ' d like, you can choose a sleeper on the overnight train which is a bit less expensive. You: Yeah, I think that is the best option. Do you serve food on the train? Twelve hours is such a long time! [CHARACTER ]: Yes, of course. There is a dining car towards the forepart of the train where they serve meals at all sentence. We do provide complimentary water and coffee for all of our passengers. You: Great! I ' ll take it. [fiber ]: Here you are sir. Your train leaves from platform number nine at nine on the dot. Remember to be here at least thirty minutes before your scheduled departure time or else you might miss your train! You: I understand. Thank you very much! [CHARACTER ]: Have a with child trip.
You would like to purchase a one-way ticket to Brussels. [CHARACTER] recommends a sleeper on the overnight train which takes twelve hours and serves food. You takes it.
You: Isn ' t it past your bedtime already? [CHARACTER ]: I am not sleepy. You: Information technology ' s getting late, and you bear to wake upwards early tomorrow. [CHARACTER ]: There is no way that I can fall asleep right now. You: Try listening to some soft music. [CHARACTER ]: It come through ' t work. I ' m nowhere close to being tired. You: I really don ' t care, just go to sleep. [CHARACTER ]: What if I stay up and do something, until I get tired? You: You ' ll be upward all night if I let you do that. [CHARACTER ]: Atomic number 53 ' m going to get to sleep eventually. You: You need to go to sleep now, so go to sleep. [type ]: Good night.
You insists that [CHARACTER] should go to sleep, even if [CHARACTER] is not tired. [CHARACTER] eventually agrees.
You: Doctor, I have the worst toothache! [CHARACTER ]: How long get you had this painful sensation? You: For about a week surgery so, but it ' s gotten really bad in the last duet of days. [CHARACTER ]: Did you do anything that might have aggravated your tooth? You: You know, I was eating jawbreakers in the moving picture the other day, and Single accidentally bit down really hard on one. [CHARACTER ]: What form of toothbrush do you use? You: I just use a unconstipated hard bristle toothbrush. [character reference ]: Does it bother you when you eat something really cold? You: Yes, it definitely bothers me more when I do that.
You has had a toothache for a week. [CHARACTER], the doctor, asks You about the details.
You: Good morning, May. Good girl, you comprise reading English books again. [CHARACTER ]: Good morning. There is no reason to miss so beautiful a morning. Is that a new bird? You: Oh, yes, my daughter bought information technology yesterday. We call her Lulu. [CHARACTER ]: It looks then cute. Is it a parrot? You: Yes. Just look at her colorful feathers. What else can it be? [CHARACTER ]: I see. It ' s interesting that there is also a parrot in my English book. His head of hair is Polly. You: Really? A strange parrot! [CHARACTER ]: He give the sack speak English, too. You: Maybe you can teach Lulu some English words. [CHARACTER ]: Lulu. Lulu. Say hello. how do you do. Oh, she is so smart. Good bird.
You's daughter bought a new parrot. May thinks it's cute and teaches it some English words.
You: The product ' s selling points is its advanced technoledge. [persona ]: Unfortunately, it ' s just too expensive for majority of consumer to yield. You: Why is the price so high? [CHARACTER ]: It ' s not just that the price is high, it ' s that the budget items to update an entire computer system to be compatible is costly. You: Model of computers aren ' t compatible? [CHARACTER ]: Most current computer systems simply can ' t care it because this model truly has extraordinary capabilities. You: Maybe after the next generation of technology comes out, the price of this model will become more affordable. [CHARACTER ]: But by then, the technology will be outdated. You: True, but our focus has never been affordability anyway. Coastwise, we may not be very competitive, but qualitywise, we emphatically have an edge. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s right, no one else has a product on the market now that is comparable. You: This model has advanced technoledge, superior components, it is compact, and it ' s a top - character product. [CHARACTER ]: I guess you aim what you pay for.
You and [CHARACTER] are talking about a product with advanced technology. [CHARACTER] says it is expensive because the overhead to update an entire computer system to be compatible is costly.
You: How about going to the cinema tonight? [CHARACTER ]: That ' s great. What ' south on tonight? You: I am not sure about the name of the film, only I know information technology ' s a romantic one. [CHARACTER ]: Romantic? I be afraid I care thriller well. You: Don ' t you think it ' s too blinking? [CHARACTER ]: On the contrary, very exciting.
You invites [CHARACTER] to a romantic film, but [CHARACTER] prefers thrillers.
You: Hi, Jack, how hold you been? [CHARACTER ]: Not very well. You: Why? Looks like you ' re feeling very down! What happened? [CHARACTER ]: Nothing. You: Come on. For a man who ' s feel so, down, there ' re usually two ground. Either his career is going downhill, or he has a broken heart. Since you ' re thence successful, information technology must be the latter. [CHARACTER ]: Well, you ' re right. I just broke up with Jane. You: Oh, I ' m sorry. I thought you two were made for each ocher. [CHARACTER ]: Well, you never know. I ' m ready for a commitment and want to settle down, but she says she wants to pursue her life history while she ' s still young. You: Well, she is not to blame. It ' s always difficult to choose between career and family. [CHARACTER ]: Maybe you ' re right. You: Jack, I don ' t know what to say to comfort you, but cheer up! There are plenty of fish in the sea and you ' ll find your soul mate, your perfect match! [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, but it ' s hard to forget her at moment. You know, we were together for almost five years. It ' s truly concentrated. ..
Jack is down because he broke up with Jane. You tells him to cheer up, but Jack thinks it's hard to forget her at moment.
You: Your mp3 looks so cool. Where did you get it? [CHARACTER ]: I bought it online. You: Really? Do you oft shop online? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. I grease one's palms most of my casual necessities online. You: I ' ve never tried E - shopping. Is it better than shopping at an actual store? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, much better. You can log in a website, browse through many items and categories comfortably at home, order the goods, pay by course credit or debit card, and the goods will be delivered to your home. You: Wounds good, and I don ' t have to queue up at the cashier. [CHARACTER ]: And you can still go ' window shopping ' just like in a real shopping mall. You: Well, are there any other advantages? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, most of the shops are closed at 22: 00 or even earlier, but the internet operates twenty four hours a day, seven days a workweek, and can be accessed anywhere. You: Are at that place many choices of online shopping? [CHARACTER ]: Sure. You can buy almost anything you can think of. You: Perhaps I should have a try.
[CHARACTER] bought [CHARACTER]'s mp3 online. You has never tried E-shopping and [CHARACTER] tells You it's much better than shopping at an actual store. You might have a try.
You: Is there anything I can help you with? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, thank you. I am really far behind on this project. Could you help me with the extra typing oregon xeroxing? You: I can do either one. [CHARACTER ]: Good. That would be very helpful. Can you start with those pages over there? You: No trouble. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you very much! How long have you been working here? You: I have been working here for 5 years. [CHARACTER ]: Well, we ingest some special projects coming up. Would you be interested in working on any of those? You: Yes, I would love to work on a particular project! [CHARACTER ]: Well then, I ' ll keep you in the loop. Thank you for your help today.
[CHARACTER] asks You to help with the project. You is happy to do so. You is interested in working on special projects. [CHARACTER] will notify You in the future.
You: How can I help you? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I would like to look at some of your products. I think what I be using now does not fit pine tree state well. You: We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers. [grapheme ]: What do you have in foundation? You: Our foundation is of very super quality. We only use the finest ingredients. It will moisturize your skin and information technology commode protect your skin from UVA and UVB. [CHARACTER ]: What colors do you have in foundation? You: Let me show you. We have six colors [CHARACTER ]: The color I expend now is natural beige. How much do you sell it for? You: 250 Yuan. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s expensive. You: What you ' re paying for, madam, is the ingredients. it provides a soft and perfect finish coverage with a weightless feel. [CHARACTER ]: I understand. 1 need a lipstick, too. Do you have lipsticks in red? You: Of course. But I suggest you buy a lipgloss. The shining effect is in. [CHARACTER ]: All right. How much is it? You: 45 Yuan. If you buy the two, you can get a small bottle of nail polish for free. [CHARACTER ]: Well, I ' ll take them.
[CHARACTER] wants to buy some new cosmetics. You shows her the foundation and a lipgloss, and [CHARACTER] decides to take them.
You: Hi, Cheerfulness Travel Agency. [CHARACTER ]: Hello. Is there a package tour to Beijing? You: Well, let me see. We have a nice one on which we however have several unfilled places. [CHARACTER ]: Does the tour have a Chinese - speaking guide? You: Yes, sir. [CHARACTER ]: What is the cost of the tour? You: Five hundred dollars altogether. [CHARACTER ]: It ' s a bit expensive. Can you tell me the agenda? You: Yes, Iodin will introduce the itinerary in detail.
[CHARACTER] wants to know more about the package tour to Beijing. You will introduce [CHARACTER] the itinerary in detail.
You: We ' Ve been ended this a thousand times. The data point be irrefutable! Aspect, we ' Ve act extensive research, built studies, and read the literature, and there is conclusive evidence to support my theory! [CHARACTER ]: Horowitz, I beg to differ. Even in your most recent study, the investigative approach was blemish! You know as well as I do that the collection of data was not systematic, and there is a large margin of error. To draw a definitive conclusion based on that data would be misleading You: That is preposterous! [CHARACTER ]: You are trying to single - handedly solve one of the world ' s greatest mysteries, and yet you are oblivious to the fact that you are wrong! You: I am non wrong! The chicken came first! [CHARACTER ]: No! The egg came first!
Horowitz says there is conclusive evidence to support his theory but [CHARACTER] disagrees. Horowitz believes the chicken came first but [CHARACTER] believes the egg came first.
You: You said you like classical music very much. Then world health organization is your favorite opera star? [CHARACTER ]: There are three of them, the Three Tenors. You: Oh, you mean Pavarotti, Domingo and Carreras. Have you been to their live shows? [CHARACTER ]: Yeah, it ' s really a unique experience. It ' s a solo concert by Pavarotti. He put on the performance in the Forbidden City in Beijing. You: I ' ve heard of that one. Information technology was also his swan song. [CHARACTER ]: Besides, speaking of classical music, we should never forget about the New Year ' s Concert. You: Of course not. People all over the world watch it on TV, or listen to it on the radio. [CHARACTER ]: Sure. Information technology ' s undoubtedly one of the biggest classical music events. Have you ever been to the live show? You: Yes, I went to the New Year ' s Concert in 2005. [CHARACTER ]: Wow, you are so lucky. I saw that one on TV. But it must be so different to be there in the concert hall. You: That ' s for indisputable. You know, it ' s really amazing to be in the best concert hall, listening to the performance by the best orchestra. I had the greatest time ever. [CHARACTER ]: Who was the conductor at that event? You: Lorin Maazel. He did an amazing line. Moreover, he just celebrated his 75th birthday. [CHARACTER ]: So cool. I wish I tail end go to the live New Year ' s Concert someday in the future. You: The right opportunity for you would come on soon. You know, music is transnational. [CHARACTER ]: I believe in that. Well, the performance is about to commence. Let ' s be quiet.
[CHARACTER] likes classical music very much and has been to a solo concert by Pavarotti. You went to the New Year's Concert in 2005. [CHARACTER] also wants to go someday in the future.
You: I like to stay here. [fibre ]: Why? You: The great unwashed are very form down your way. You ' re lucky. [CHARACTER ]: Yes, come you always amass to welcome new comers? You: Never. [CHARACTER ]: Really? You: Yeah. People down our agency hardly speak to each early.
You likes to stay here because people are kind down [CHARACTER]'s way.
You: Are you cold? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, a little. You: I question if we fire change the temperature. [CHARACTER ]: I tried before. There are no buttons on the air conditioning. You: Thither must be buttons. How do they sour it on and off? [CHARACTER ]: I think it is centrally control. They control it at the main desk. You: Well, they have it too cold in here. I want to be warmer. I won ' t be able to sleep. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m expire downstairs for more drinking water. I will ask them. You: What did they say about the air conditioning? [CHARACTER ]: They enounce it is centrally controlled. All the rooms equal the same. They can ' t change it. You: That ' s poor fish. How can I sleep in this? [CHARACTER ]: You can wear more clothes.
You and [CHARACTER] are cold and want to change the temperature. The main desk tells [CHARACTER] it's centrally controlled. [CHARACTER] advises You to wear more clothes.
You: Hello, Kate! How are you doing? [theatrical role ]: Fine, thanks. How are you? You: Fine. How are your term papers? [CHARACTER ]: Oh my lord. I haven ' t really started them. You: How could it be? They are due two weeks later. [CHARACTER ]: I know but I was busy with my part - time job the last few days. You: Kate, you know, I am think of getting a part - time job next year because I really need more money and Ane don ' t want to ask my parents for any more. But I ' m so busy! How am I going to work and study? How do you do it? Do you have some good tips on budgeting time? [CHARACTER ]: To be honest with you, Jason, I don ' t opine I ' m doing a very good job of balancing my schoolwork with my job. I ' m always two steps behind. I ' ve got to get back to the dorm and continue writing that paper. Say! Why don ' t you speak to your advisor? And let me know! You: My advisor?
Kate tells Jason she hasn't started her term papers because she was busy with her part-time job. Jason wants to know how to balance work and study. Kate advises him to talk to his advisor.
You: Could I order dinner? [CHARACTER ]: Of course. What would you like? You: I want a feeding bottle of champagne, lobster rump, and filet mignon, medium rare. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m so sorry. We ran out of filet mignon. May I suggest the porterhouse instead? You: That ' s too sorry, but the porterhouse will be okay. [CHARACTER ]: May I be so sheer as to suggest chocolate - covered strawberry with the champagne? You: Not tonight, thank you. [CHARACTER ]: No strawberries. We ' ll charge your amenities account, if that ' s okay. You: Charge it to whatever story you like. [CHARACTER ]: Your meal will be delivered equally soon as information technology ' s all ready. Enjoy!
You is ordering dinner. [CHARACTER] says they ran out of filet mignon and suggests the porterhouse. You accepts it but refuses chocolate-covered strawberries.
You: Even with volume sales our costs for the Exec User won ' t go down very much. [CHARACTER ]: Just what are you proposing? You: We could pack a slice on the price. But 25% would reduce much our profit margin. We suggest a compromise tenner% . [CHARACTER ]: That ' s a big change from 25% ! 10% follow beyond my negotiating limit. Any other ideas? You: I don ' t think I can change it right now. Why don ' t we talk again tomorrow? [CHARACTER ]: Sure. I take to talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground on this. You: Robert, I have been instructed to reject the numbers you proposed, but we rear end try to come up with something else. [CHARACTER ]: I hope so, Dana. My instructions are to negotiate hard on this deal, but I ' m essay very hard to reach some middle ground. You: I sympathise. We propose a structured deal. For the first six months, we get a discount of 20% and the next six months we get 15% . [CHARACTER ]: Dana. I can ' t bring those numbers back to my office, they ' ll turn information technology down flat. You: Then you ' ll have to think of something better, Robert.
Dana and Robert are discussing a deal. Dana suggests a reduction of 10%, but Robert says it's beyond the negotiating limit. They decide to talk again tomorrow. Dana proposes a structured deal but Robert still finds it hard to accept.
You: How can I help you? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, I am James Mason from Anderson and Associates Limited. I would like to discover Mr. Smith. You: Do you have an appointment? [CHARACTER ]: Yes, he knows I ' m coming. Our encounter is set for 2 o ' clock. You: I wonder if Mr. Smith forgot your meeting. I cost afraid he left this office this morning and is non expected back until 4 p. m. Let me find out if he made arrangements for someone else to meet with you in his place. Will you please have a seat? [CHARACTER ]: Sure. You: Yes, Mr. Mason. I just checked with our office manager, Ms. Terry. She said Mr. Smith briefed her on your project. She is just finishing up a meeting now. She should be with you shortly. Would you like pine tree state to show you around while you are waiting? [CHARACTER ]: That would be very nice. Thank you. You: Right this way, Mr. Mason. We can pop out with our front office. When Ms. Terry is ready, you may take the elevator at the front to the 6th floor. There is a conference room already prepared.
James Mason wants to see Mr. Smith. You says Ms. Terry will meet him on behalf of Mr. Smith.
You: What do you want to corrode today? [CHARACTER ]: I feel like having some dumplings. Permit ' s go out to eat. You: No need! I know how to make dumplings. Let ' s arrange it from scratch. Can you give me a hand in the kitchen? I assume ' t think I can finish everything by myself. [CHARACTER ]: Of course. What do you want pine tree state to do? You: Just trim vegetables for cooking. I will cut up the meat. [case ]: I can do that. And I would like to make dumplings later. You: Yeah, you are my ripe helper, Steven. [CHARACTER ]: Absolutely.
Steven feels like having some dumplings. You knows how to make it. You asks him to trim vegetables and You will cut up the meat.
You: My stay is over. Hither ' s the paint to my room. [CHARACTER ]: Thank you. And here ' s your receipt, sir. You: Many thanks. [CHARACTER ]: I hope your stay here was satisfactory, sir. You: This could be a great hotel, once you get rid of the louse. The metropolis itself is great. [CHARACTER ]: I ' m glad that the little problem didn ' t ruin your sojourn. Please have a pleasant misstep dwelling.
You's stay is over. He tells [CHARACTER] this could be a great hotel once they get rid of the insects.
You: Hello? [CHARACTER ]: Hi Vicky. You: Are you there yet? [CHARACTER ]: Yes. You: I just got off the metro. I ' m almost there. Sorry I ' m late. [CHARACTER ]: That ' s no problem. I just wanted to tell you I ' m inside. You: Where are you? [CHARACTER ]: On the second floor. You: Should I come to the second floor or do you want to come to the first floor? [CHARACTER ]: Come upstairs. You: What? [CHARACTER ]: Oh, Can you hear me OK? I say, come to the second storey. You: Oh, OK. What are you doing there? [CHARACTER ]: Just look at some books on how to pick up English. You: Do you require to get something to eat later? [CHARACTER ]: No, I ' m still full from dinner. You: What do you want to perform? [CHARACTER ]: I don ' metric ton know for sure. When you get here we ' ll talk about it. You: OK, see you soon. [CHARACTER ]: Bye.
Vicky tells [CHARACTER] she got off the subway and almost arrives. [CHARACTER] is on the second floor looking at some books. They will discuss what to do later when they meet.