Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My husband has a funny feeling in the mid chest region. He states it is hard to explain. He gets a funny rush feeling that comes while at rest in the mid chest region. It does happen with activity. Please help. I will be scheduling him a doctors appointment. He states it has beefing going on for 1 year now every day, but this morning it has happened twice. ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . Funny feeling in the center of the chest can be due to HERD (Castro Esophageal Reflux Disease). It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms. Try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 3. Avoid stress and anxiety. 4. Start proton pump inhibitor. 5. Go for walk after meals. 6. Keep 2 - 3 pillows under head in the bed. 7. Avoid smoking and alcohol if he has this habit. 8. Lose weight if he is obese. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Why is it everytime i eat my chest and and esophagus tighten and become very painful making breathing very difficult it also causes me to vomit and usually will stop after that. It sometimes happens right after the first bite or a couple bites in but i always have this issue when eating ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your situation and problem. By your history and description, in my opinion you are having HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) mostly, because your symptoms like vomiting, burning pain and mild breathlessness after eating is seen in HERD. It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms. So try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid stress and tension. 3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals.4. Start Proton pump inhibitors. 5. Go for walk after meals.6. Keep 2-3pillows under had in bad to prevent reflux.7. Lose weight if obese.8. Avoid smoking and alcohol if you are having these habits. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am a 16 year old 55 140 lbs male . Since April 28 I have been having anxiety attacks. And every time I had one, my heart would not only beat fast but it would have irregular heart beats. It would go from fast to slow drastically and would have an extra beat. And it would have one really hard beat every couple of minutes. It would feel like pressure on my heart and would only have little pain. I went to the hospital and they said everythings ok and normal after the tests and EKG and x ray. Now About two weeks later I have been experiencing pain on the left side of my chest, when I inhale to a certain point it would hurt really bad. Ive read about it and I had all the symptoms of PCS, so I think I may have PCS. I went to the hospital on the same day I had an episide if what I think is PCS. And theyve done the same tests. An EKG an xray and they said everything is ok and normal. But I still have been having the pain for about 16 hours now. And im kind of worried, but when I go to the hospital they say im ok and that Its just muscle spasms. I need to know whats going on. Please help.. Thank you ### REPLY: Hi, Getting a heart disease at your age is very rare if all your tests are normal. So you need to stop worrying from the cardiac point of view. If you keep thinking about the disease our brain adapts accordingly and make us think we are diseased. Chest pain can have a lot of causesSymptoms like you are telling(pain increases with breathing) looks like Costco . You just need a painkiller and stop worrying. The condition will gradually go in a week. Thanks ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi i am 34 years old now i want to ask question, i need to know why my heart pound so hard then suddenly dissappear,then after few hours it will pound again,i remember this started when i did not eat for two consecutive meals then after i ate food my heart pound hard.hope you will help me bec it annoys me everyday.im worried.thank you ### REPLY: Hello! Thank you for asking on ! Your symptoms could be related to anxiety. Besides, after a large meal, the stomach distention can cause elevation of the diaphragm leading to skipped heart beats or palpitations. Anyway, considering the fact that these phenomena is repeating frequently, I would recommend performing some tests to investigate for the possible underlying causes: - a resting ECG and a cardiac ultrasound to examine your heart function and structure- a chest X-ray study for possible hiatal hernia that may trigger these symptoms-complete blood count for anemia-thyroid hormone levels for possible dysfunction- blood electrolytes for possible imbalance ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG monitoring would help examine your heart rhythm trends for a prolonged time and exclude possible cardiac arrhythmia. If all the above tests result normal, there is nothing to worry about! It may be just a little anxiety. You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. Hope to have been helpful! Best wishes, ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi I have been having pain in my right side (liver area) I had a blood test last week and now have a letter from my GP to get another test. This test has a LFT again, also Gamma gt and all phos. Would like to know what this means and should I have concern at this stage. Many thanksSteve ### REPLY: Hi.noted history of abdominal pain and liver concerns. It is best if you consult with a doctor, preferably a gastroenterologist or a general surgeon, for physical examination and clinical evaluation. It may be of hepaticopancreaticobiliary tree problem, such as liver cysts, gallstones or other gallbladder disease. Diagnostica (such as ultrasound, complete blood count, etc.) and management (medical and/or surgical if indications are found) will be directed accordingly. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi my husband had deviated septum surgery after seeing his regular doctor and two rounds of antibiotics( he also has a broken heal, nasty fall at work ). He now has jaundice and has stopped all meds. He cant get to the the doctor till after the weekend. Is there something otc for pain? Also can he take his sleep aide? ### REPLY: Dear friend due to jaundice you can not take higher analgesic/painkiller. Take simple analgesic like paracetamol when needed along with omeprazole/pantoprazole/sanitizing + risperidone to prevent gastritis/nausea in jaundice. It will be better if you don't take any medicines for inducing sleep. Though if you want to take alprazolam 0.25 mg. Hope this answer will be helpful to you. For more queries please don't hesitate to ask. Get well soon dear friend ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Last night i was working at wal-mart, when i started feeling lightheaded, and weak. So i thought it was dehydration. So i went to get a drink of water. after i had my drink of water, i felt like i was going to puke. So i ran to the bathroom, where i proceeded to vomit projectically... i felt something pop in my chest and i started coming up with blood and nothing else. The rest of the night ive had a really sharp pain in my chest that hurts whenever i drink anything. ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you should immediately consult gastroenterologist and get done clinical examination and upper GI (gastrointestinal) copy to rule out bleeding from stomach or esophagus. You are having hematemesis (vomiting with blood). And gastric ulcer is the likely cause for this. You're all symptoms' chest pain, vomiting etc. are also suggestive of gastritis and gastric ulcer. So better to consult gastroenterologist and get done endoscopic examination of stomach. It is therapeutic also in stopping blood. Endoscopic measures like glue, banding etc. are helpful in stoppage of blood. Also do following things for better symptomatic relief. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid stress and tension. Take pantoprazole tablet on empty stomach. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hey I had an allergic reaction towards Penicillin an was at the doctor who gave me a shot of antihystamin, and biobarkhomon so i want home and thought everything was going to be ok but the following morning i was re-swelling and i went there again and he gave me more biobarkhomon, and told me now i would look normal and that i should take these other pills for three days, but now 7 hours later i still dont look anything near normal? Do you know how normal i am supposed to look / how much the swelling should decrease? ### REPLY: Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to . I read and understand your concern. I am answering your concern. This is the case of allergy to the penicillin injection. After injection this reaction appears. It should be controlled by giving prednisolone and chlorpheniramine male ate. Your doctor has given you the same therapy. The swelling will be slowed gradually. The prescribed therapy by doctor was right, and you should continue to it. Though it takes some time, but it will gradually disappear. As it is not a severe reaction you can wait till your three-day therapy is going to complete. You have to maintain the good hygiene by cleaning and . Please avoid injury. You can substitute the penicillin with other good antibiotics. I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/ ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I fell on going up stone steps and landed on my right knee. It bruised it pretty badly and then as the bruising went away I noticed a knot or bump on my knee. It is painful if I press on it, otherwise it is just uncomfortable when I walk. What could this lump be? I fell about 2 1/2 weeks ago. ### REPLY: Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to virtual Clinic. I studied your query in all the details put forth by you. I understood your health concerns. Cause of the health problems you queried-There are many causes of the lumps on your right knee after the recent fall. To rule out other causes, I would advise you to consult ER surgeon, who would examine it and treat it accordingly. Still with my expertise and experience, I would suggest you to rule out following causes with your ER OrthoSurgeon. Cause in your case-As the lump is of 2 1/2 weeks duration after review of your query data, it seems to be due to either of the following reasons--Post-traumatic Hematoma with traumatic swelling-which is in process of recovery and may take another 2-3 weeks.-If it doesn't settle after 4-6 weeks, Pre-Patellar Bursitis(Housemaids Knee)-post-traumatic needs to be ruled out. Both above possibilities needs to be ruled as only discomfort is felt by you while walking. In the absence of more information, I would advise Second opinion in your case, who would examine it and investigate it to treat it as per the cause of the lump. So I would advise you to consult ER OrthoSurgeon, who would rule out other causes of such a lump and would help you out with the fist hand information. Do take his Second Opinion, on the above suggestion, as he would advise you with fist hand clinical information. Hope this would resolve your query with full satisfaction. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME by direct question at . Write excellent review and hit thanks, to narrate your experience, which would improve my rating for many other visitors to . Wishing you fast recovery. Have a good day. . N. Senior Surgical Consultant. M.S. Genl-CVTS ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, my daughter 2 years 2 months weighs 12 kgshas always been a fussy eater but from last 2 weeks she has stopped eating.Yesterday she had only one egg in whole day. I asked from Doc, he said it is perfectly fine as far as she is active. he prescribed some hunger medicines also, but even then her appetite is not increasing. I am having night mares thinking of her diet. I am giving her soaked raisins but that also come out from her body in full. Please help. ### REPLY: Please stop worrying and having nightmares about something that does not actually even qualify to be called a medical problem! Child . You cannot judge a children appetite by what she is eating, but by how much she is growing (your daughter is THRIVING) and how active she is (which she appears to be!) Trust your children doctor. What he has said is correct. Stop any hunger medicines if you ARE using these treatments. Best wishes, ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: i havent had a period for six weeks now, i am feeling sick at night occassionally, i am getting headaches, eating food i never used to, im tired all the time and feel like napping during the day, my stomach seems to be getting bigger, my breasts are sore and enlarged and my nipples seem darker and bigger, i took a pound shop pregnancy test on the day or day after my period was due but it was negative, could i have taken it to soon ### REPLY: Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion all your symptoms correlate with pregnancy symptoms. But as the pregnancy test is negative there might be no chance of pregnancy. Usually the urine pregnancy test gives accurate results a week after missed period in case of regular cycles. As you are 6 weeks now it should have been positive by now. Repeat the test after a week and if negative wait for spontaneous onset of periods for a week and I suggest you to consult doctor for further management. Avoid stress regarding the pregnancy or anything as it might cause hormonal imbalance and further delay the periods. So relax. Best regards... ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My mother is 90 years old and bedridden. Her hair is getting very long and I was wondering how to cut the back of her hair. The top and sides i have already done. But I would now like to trim the back of her hair without any discomfort to her. She has dementia and every little thing upsets her from her normal routine. ### REPLY: Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Dementia is a broad category of brain diseases that includes any disease that causes loss of cognitive ability (the ability to think and reason clearly) that is severe enough to affect a person daily functioning. It must also be a worsening of functioning compared to how the person was previously. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. Other common forms of dementia include: Lewy body dementia, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, progressive supra nuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, normal pressure HY . But whatever may be the form of dementia, hair cut is not related to the form, it is related to the patient. You and your people know the patient better than we here. You must have tried all conventional methods. A visit to the hair ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello, I just spoke to my Mum who is 89, and generally in very good health. Recently she had a few high blood pressure results. This has now come back to normal, but her doctor told her today she sufffers from a shaky heart. What exactly does that mean? ### REPLY: At this age it's not abnormal to have high blood pressure bouts sometimes but when she is okay now, no need to worry. Shaky heart denotes rapid palpitation. May get Thyroid test done and Blood sugar for any hypoglycemic effect just to exclude. Tachycardia may be excluded too. All these possibilities may be excluded only after tests, but my experience prompts me to tell you to opt for an Ayurveda course - safe, no side effects, economic, easy to take and even may be given to healthy persons. Arjuna is a herb (Terminal Arjuna) whose bark is given in powdered form. Available in capsule form too by Himalaya herbs co. It may be given with AMLA (Indian gooseberry powder in capsule form) and Prajwal pistil (powder made of Corals). These are natural things. If you give it to your mother, you may start seeing the changes yourself.However, if you are not satisfied, other tests can be done anytime and toxic . Better to meet any Ayurveda doctor near you to get decisions of dosage etc. These capsules are available all over the world. Prajwal Pistil has to be found out. I hope this will do away your worries. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, I having some problem of jaundice . I have this problem from last 2 year. My bilirubin is suffering b/w 2-3. I have consulate with doctor he ask me somebody s default bilirubin level is this you don t need for any treatment . I have some yellowish in my eye but not any other problem with that.I eating food problem and don t have any problem of appetite . Please suggest me do I need to take care for it or I have to get some treatment for it. ### REPLY: Hi Welcome to forum, Your problem doesn't seem to be of any major concern. It seems like a simple Hepatitis A infection which usually doesn't need any treatment. You need to eat good food as possible and . I'm sure you will get well soon. No other medication is required. In case it gets worse than its better you get some more investigations done. It usually takes few weeks to a month for it to subside completely. Get well soon ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I recently discovered a lump just above my left ankle and slightly to the left of my shin. Sometimes it is more pronounced.I have in-toed with that foot since I was a child, and have fallen 2-3x in recent years. Was just wondering if I should be concerned. ### REPLY: Hello! Thank you for the query. This can be a lump caused by swelling due to ankle overload or stretched ankle. It may be also a varicose vein. Especially if it is soft and less visible when lying down and gets more visible at the end of the day. If you have also ankle pain, this is rather swelling. I suggest you to consult orthopedist if ankle problem sounds possible. If its more varicose vein, Doppler's ultrasound should be done. Hope this will help. Regards. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have been nausea for a little over a month, everyday. I had blood drawn and my alkaline phosphatase level was elevated to 139. My Dr. wants me to wait another 2 weeks and have blood drawn again. I do have pain on my right side but it is not constant. Any insight you can provide? I want to request a CT scan because I think it is my gall bladder. ### REPLY: Hi and welcome to . Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. Yes, this may be gallbladder issue but if only ALP is elevated then I don't think that urgent measures are required. If other liver markers are fine than it may be just small gallbladder stone that passed so only lab follow up in few weeks is required. You can do ultrasound to see if stones are present, but CT scan is not necessary. You need to change your dietary habits first. Need to avoid fried food, carbonated . You should eat more milk products, vegetables and boiled food. Some other causes are less common and include biliary tree pathology, but this is not likely at this point if no symptoms are present and liver markers are fine, I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My baby is passing the stools from the last 20 days in green color. he is 5 month 5 days old boy baby he going motion in every feeding along with mucus and in water consistency . We Did the motion test and the result is normal doctor gave antibiotic For 5 days.though it s not cured.pls help me wat to do and shall I start to give ragi porridge as he is loosing his weight... ### REPLY: Hi, It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting, you need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I recently returned from a month long trip to Mexico, where I experienced a few days of diarreah. My friends, who also had gastro-intestinal issues, went to the doctor where they were treated for an amoebic parasite. One of the friends, developed skin rashes even after the diarreah had subsided and that s when she was given a blood test and found the amoeba. I discovered a non-itching rash above my armpits. Just wondering if this is common with parasites. ### REPLY: Hello, I understand your concern. I am , infectious disease specialist, answering your concern. Amoeba never causes a skin infection or rash. It must be something else. Some non-intestinal amoeba can cause Central Nervous System infections but they won't cause skin infections. Glad to answer your further concern contact me on bit.ly/ . Thank you, ChatDoctorIf you are satisfied with my answer rate me as five star and close the answer ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, I am married for an year now. We are not planning to have a child for another year but I missed my period last month and the pregnancy test is showing positive. I have taken mtp kit as consulted by a gynecologist. But now this month I missed my period and the pregnancy test is showing positive can I take MTP tablet. I want to now how many time take MTP tablet. ### REPLY: Hello, Thanks for writing to us. Period inconsistency may be due to hormonal imbalance, mental stress, POD, over weight, high prolactin, pelvic infection etc. Intake of MTP tablet should be limited to 1-2 times in whole reproductive life to avoid ill-health effect. Repeated intake is NOT recommended as it may create future problem in conceiving. I suggest to use regular combined OCP if you don't want child for next one year. Medical abortion at home without doctors prescription and guidance is NOT recommended. For proper dosing and direction of using those pills, you need to consult with local doctor, which will be helpful also in emergency. It can be done up to 9 wk safely by using abortion pills (Tab Bisoprolol and Tab Mifepristone, present in MTP Kit) under observation or guidance of gynecologist as it may cause unnecessary excessive vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain etc. and may require surgical method (D & C) to complete abortion. Don't take those pills by yourself. Practice safe sex and use emergency pill or condom to avoid unwanted pregnancy in the future. Good luck. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: good morning I m a nurse that works as a health coach for a major insurance company. I work with the DDD population. One of my member s has his mother as his primary care giver. she was just Dx d with ventricular lymphoma . They did the surgery and the results are malignant. She is extremly scared because of her son.. I am primarily a behavioral helath specialist and know very little about cancer besides doing continuous care for hospice which is not a good reference at this point. Can you eplain about this cancer to me. They removed the mass from her groin to her leg from the crease. The incision is about 6 inches. ### REPLY: Hi, probably the diagnosis is not mentioned correctly. Can you please mention the detail pathology report? I doubt this is lymphoma or some other disease. Has she got any swelling in any other area like armpit, neck, opposite groin. Even it came as lymphoma detail imaging like chest, abdomen CT scan to be done. If necessary bone marrow biopsy to be done for proper staging. Then treatment will be planned accordingly. Do not worry. Lymphoma has got good treatment option. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am a 41yr old female with a history of recurrent miscarriages 5 before my successful pregancy and two after. She will be three in December. I have fibroids , diabetes which was diagnosed in my successful pregnancy. I have been trying to concieve for over a year now and have not been successful. Can fibroids contribute to a miscarriage and/or infertility? The only symptom I have is a bloated tummy but otherwise my periods are fine. ### REPLY: Hi, There are multiple problems concerned in your case. I would have liked to know your previous pregnancies were assisted or natural conception. There can be multiple causes for infertility. Yes, fibroid can be one of the causes of infertility but rarely by itself can cause recurrent miscarriages. However, It's important to know the size and location of fibroid for considering its treatment. I hope you have checked your sugars after your pregnancy, as it may persist even after pregnancy in few people. I would advise you to meet your gynecologist and consider starting the infertility treatment at the earliest, specially considering your age. All the best. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I had my gall bladder removed in 1995 and lately have been feeling ill and loosing weight without even trying so the doctor sent me for a mri and it says that ive got a extra hepatic bile duct and she wants me to have a gastropothy(sorry dont know how to spell it) and a colonoscopy and also says that i have a mild dilation of my intrahepatic bile duct and is sending me to a specialist to see what it all means. And myextrahepatic measures 10mm at its proximal third tapering to approx 8mm distally could you please explain. Thanks ### REPLY: Hi, If the MRI is not showing any cause for obstruction then you need not worry. Postcholcytectomized state can also give rise to dilatation. A 10 mm duct becoming 8 mm is suggestive of narrowing which can be extrinsic or intrinsic and needs to be evaluated. At times a Contrast enhanced Ct yields more information on such issues. Get a stool occult blood examination done. If positive then an upper GIs copy and Ct may be indicated. Reagrds ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: How can I find a competent pain management doctor in Washington State? I was a professional water skier aka professional fool at ABC Marine World/ Africa U.S.A in Calif. I obtained a spinal cord injury. My husband retired and we moved to Washington state, Since moving to our Dream Retirement property I have been unable to find a pain Doctor. My Pain Dr.s neurosurgeons had told us this was the Meca of Pain Management . I have been forced to be almost totally bedridden or in our hot tub due to the fact that Washington State has some new laws on pain meds. Sitting in a hot tub for 4-6 hours a day is not much of a life, I am unable to walk without forearm crutches. I am fused from L2 to the sacrum anterior and posterior with screw Instrumentation (Harrington rods). I was hospitalized due to naseau which would last up to 16 hours at a time. While I was hospitalized the Doctors at the hospital NOT ME set up an appointment for me to be seen by a general practishioner which Washington State requires. I went to the appointment as scheduled then all hell broke loose. I was discharged from the general practicioner because I was seen by another Doctor. Total shock to me since I was only doing was the Hospital had set up. I did NOT request pain meds, but the doctor wrote me a for Norco at the rate of 4 day. since in Calif. my pain management doctors had me on 9 a day (I understand about the Tylenol) I had a DEFECTIVE Medtronic Pain pump which stuck out of my stomach like a tuna can. I am considering it again as well as a spinal cord stimulator. ### REPLY: Your situation seems to be complex. From what I understand, because you had obtained a narcotics prescription from another physician, your GP may have considered this as a violation of the narcotics contract and that's why discharged you. I would recommend finding a new GP, and when you see him/her explain the situation up front. He/She can then refer you to a pain specialist since it looks like you will need close follow up and advanced treatment ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi drMy name is nashat age 54. I have a heart condition. Since last 2 days iam having stomach pains and fever. I havent been able to go doctors but was concerned whether this may be related to my heart condition. Please advise me on this and the best medicine to take. ### REPLY: Hi Nash at ! Good evening. I am answering your query. Even though heart problem could also mimic as a gases or acidity in the upper abdomen (epigastric region), we can not conclude on it without related investigations and a physical examination by your treating doctor. The fever with stomach pain points more to an infective origin like a food poisoning if you had any food from outside recently. I would also advise for an ultrasound of abdomen to rule any chances of a cholecystitis/cholelithiasis for the pain and fever. Till the reports of clinical examination and investigation reports are ready, you can take some proton pump inhibitor, a probiotic, and an antispasmodic . Further management would depend on the results of investigations and physical examination. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Dr. I want to know that i don t masturbate as i have left that habbit for 3 years and now i am 21 years old but when i m preoccupied in sexual topic or sexual thought i loose sperms or mostly talking to my gf i loose a lot of sperms and sometimes i do phone sex which again results in loosening of a lot of spems but even then i don t masturbate....my private part erects but i resist my self to touch it...bcoz i might masturbate. So i wang to know that whether this loosening of sperms without masturbation is harmful and if it is then at what extent. Please kindly inform me. ### REPLY: Hello, Thanks for choosing for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Masturbation is a safe way of expressing ones own sexual desires. It leads to know physical or mental problems. The sperms and semen which are formed in the body are meant to come out of the body. They cannot be accumulated in the body and like urine they are formed in the body and are thrown out. They may come out on having sex or during masturbation. If you are indulging in none of these then the sperms and semen will come out at night by self (night fall) or routinely during any sexual stimulation. This is a normal phenomenon and will not cause any harm to you. Masturbation is safe and will cause no harm. It is harmful only when indulged in excessively leading to avoidance of normal work and schedule. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, or want to know further details, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly/ . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, My son age is 2.10 years, he is getting continues cough in night times and wheezing. this is happening 2 months once. Right now we are giving nebulization with Levolin but its not controlled from past 2 to 3 days. Apart from this nebulization we are ging Asthelin Syrup 3 time per day as prescribed by doctor. Please help to improve his health. If a kid gets continues cough(dry cough) after nebulization how we can we treat this situation. Thanks much, Srinivasa Reddy.P ### REPLY: Thank you for using .hi mam. I think your sons' asthma is poorly controlled that is why he has been having attacks every month. Better to see a pediatric pulmonologist for this problem. Your kid needs a step-up in the asthma controller medications. This means you have to add other medications (ex: steroids, montelukast, cetirizine, etc.) to your current albuterol nebulizations. Sincerely, Mark Rosario MD pediatric pulmonology ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, I m in the beginning of my 10 th month..My due date is 17th Nov.. During my 9th month scan , they informed me tat my baby is about 2.25 kgs.. And during the recent check up, doctor told me that there is a consistent increase in my weight and so i should go for walking atleat for an hour. I am following the instrn correctly. WIll this increase in weight affect normal delivery by any means? If so can you guide me some tips for normal delivery? ### REPLY: Hi, Thanks for the query under platform. I understand your concern. Normal delivery needs good uterine contractions/ a positive attitude of mother/ a strong flexible & stretchable body & size of fetal head body optimum to pass through pelvis & its out let. Yes, increase in weight affects stretchability & flexibility of body . So does affect course of normal delivery. * there are many more things a lady can do to facilitate normal delivery. It needs continuous practice from 4th month of pregnancy. You being already in 10th month of pregnancy. You ACN do only the things advised below. - Try to reduce weight by regular walks as advised by your doctor./ Learn pregnancy yoga under expert guidance. - Learn respiratory exercise to have good management of labor pains. - Continue walking during early labor pains (10 minutes in every hour.) - Bear down while holding breath out in exhalation position. This helps easy decent of baby. - Follow doctors instructions properly. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I got all four wisdom teeth pulled on Tuesday, got stitches on my two,bottom ones but my right side is still painful followed by ear pain, and fever.My left side how ever is fine pain free.ive taken prescribed Tylenol and it hasnt helped one bit, Ive Also used ice bags and the pain hasnt ware off What else can I do.? ### REPLY: Hi, Thanks for asking the query, Wisdom tooth extraction is not a simple procedure and often associated with post-operative complications like pain, swelling, numbness, difficulty in mouth opening, fever, malaise. You don't worry about the symptoms as they will subside after sometimes. Follow the post-operative instructions given by the Dentist properly, use warm saline gargles, antiseptic mouthwash gargles. You can take paracetamol 500 mg twice for fever. Take complete rest, maintain a good oral hygiene. Hope this helps out. Regards.... ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My friends mother who is in her 70 s and has dementia has had diarrhea for approx 2 weeks with little to now appetite, has seen doctors and gone to the ER 4 + x s however she is now vomiting, is this cause for another ER visit and how can she convince the doctors to admit her mom? ### REPLY: HAI, Dementia is a degenerative neurological illness characterized by loss of memory and deteriorating personality the rate of progression of the disease varies from individual to individual. There are medications currently available which can slow down the progression of the disease, I would advise you to see a psychiatrist at the earliest. The vomiting that she has been having could be due to a lot of reasons, taking her age in to consideration, she is in high risk of going in for deny . Considering her age her illness, I'm sure if I was her treating physician I will surely suggest in hospital treatment. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi. I am 28 yrs old and 6wks 2day pregnant. I have been sick for a little over a week. I have had constant loose bowel with diarrhea. I ve had white discharge in bowels, but today I had a large white mass bigger than a quarter come out. The consistency of it was like fat. Sort of soft, but was staying intact. No bowels mixed with it. What is going on with me? ### REPLY: Hi, You have nothing but Mucus in stools which indicates Inflammation of Intestines, and it could be associated with constipation or Diarrhea. It could be due to bacterial overgrowth (Infection) or food allergies, Other cause could be Irritable Bowel Syn . Kindly get yourself examined by a Gastroenterologist so that he can examine you and Prescribe Medications. Experiment with Fiber foods, The best approach is to gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet over a period of weeks. Avoid Problem foods which increase your Symptoms like alcohol, chocolate, caffeinated beverages and dairy products, Eat at regular times, kindly Do not skip meals and try to eat about the same time each day to help regulate bowel function. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi a few days ago I was sleeping and woke up because of a nightmare,at the moment of waking up I heard a pop on the left side of my skull followed by a sharp pain that ran to the back of my head ! It s been a few days and I still feel somthing a slight pain discomfort! ### REPLY: Hi, If it's been a few days since you heard the pop which occurred while asleep and there was no nausea, vomiting, double vision, slurred speech, or other constitutional symptoms then, you may have heard an auditory phenomenon associated with the nightmare, but it is not clinically concerning or relevance. If you are having headaches that are not going away then, you should see your doctor for a more detailed story on the symptoms of the headaches which are likely treatable with simple measures. However, what you describe does not likely involve any blood vessels, aneurysms, or strokes should any of those entities be of concern to you. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have developed as of late a bout of PVCs mostly in evening and sleeping hours that are accompanied by a flushing sensation in my shoulders and head. I check my BP and during these same time periods it is higher than normal (120/78 <150/95) Could the higher BP be related to the stress of PVCs and lack of sleep? ### REPLY: Hello, Actually PVC can only be detected in EKG. Only if there are any symptoms, then one can say it is PVC. Some of these symptoms are flushing sensation in the head and in the shoulder. But it can be caused by another illness as well and other functional factors. High blood pressure may be not related to PVC. Because PVC is a complex phenomenon; most of the time it is nonspecific and may disappear on its own. Hope I have answered your query, Let me know for further assistance. ### END