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My dear brothers and sisters, my heart is full to capacity. As we have been released in the normal rotation of assignments, we want to welcome those who have been newly called and to offer them our love and sincere support. Luther Burbank wrote: “Like the year [at the end of summer,] I pause now, toward the end of my allotted time, to glance backward and to gather my harvest of experience and growth and friendship and … memory. … “[And] what has been my ‘harvest …’? “The harvest of work accomplished and aims achieved. … “The harvested experiences and lessons that have moulded and impressed … my … life. … “[And] the harvest of dear friendships, happy memories. … Our harvested experiences and lessons have been molded with many of you: Your prayers on our behalf have been felt. We are grateful. Your yearnings and desires shared by letter or visit have become the pleadings of our prayers. Our assignments and invitations have brought us into your homes, families, and chapels, where we became acutely aware of how much you hunger and thirst after righteousness, for we with you, while we have been there, have been filled with the Holy Ghost. (See 3 Ne. 12:6.) We have watched your tender mercies and ministerings to one another. We have observed priesthood leaders and sisters and auxiliary leaders working together to strengthen families and bring them home to the Savior. The harvest of happy memories and dear friendships is perhaps the sweetest of all the blessings: “[For] that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory.” (D&C 130:2.) I am grateful for family support; grateful to have served with capable, committed counselors, general secretary, and board members, as well as officers and board members of our sister organizations, and our devoted, competent staff, volunteers, and hostesses. I am grateful for the support team in the Church offices. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve with our dear General Authorities, noble sons of our Heavenly Father. I have learned from them as I have observed integrity, loyalty, charity, compassion, and a stalwart devotion to Deity. How blessed I feel to have been a part. Six years ago my husband presided over the California San Diego Mission. We were called home a year early for me to fill this assignment. And now we return to specific missionary work. This time, he will preside over the Czechoslovakia mission, where he labored as a youth. It is humbling to look forward with my husband to yet another challenge. I desire to support him as he has supported me so steadfastly for the past six years. The spirit of missionary work is upon us, even as it was upon the sons of Mosiah: “They fasted … and prayed much that the Lord would grant unto them … his Spirit to go with them, and abide with them, that they might be an instrument in the hands of God to bring … their brethren … to the knowledge of the truth.” (Alma 17:9.) Recently while we were sitting in a mission presidents’ training meeting, the challenges of our California mission flooded back into my mind. And I knew we would again face similar concerns, even with yet unknown problems. In spite of these unsettled feelings, at the conclusion of the training meeting, I felt an excitement difficult to describe. I might liken it to how we may have felt in the premortal existence as we learned of the gospel plan. We knew there would be adversities in this earth life, yet we shouted for joy at the prospects of being able to come here. Now our excitement causes us to shout for joy as we gather our resources and prepare for this new opportunity. I will forever treasure this time in the Relief Society filled with rich associations and experiences. Indeed, the Lord has allowed the harvest to be abundant, bursting with seed for yet another season. I am humbled and weak but I know with the help of the Lord we can be instruments to accomplish his purposes. May we all feel his strength as we seek to serve him. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
So my fiance and I just bought our very first house together. I can't sleep at night. My mind just RACES constantly about things that need done and need to be bought, and I hate it. As most people here I assume, we're bargain shoppers. We don't buy in excess, but we do buy in bulk. Use and re-use. So the problem I'm having is this: We've been living in a rented apartment for the past 6 years. We don't worry about house maintenance, lawn care, etc all the stuff that comes with owning a home. We don't even own a lawnmower. We're going into this with absolutely nothing. So if you own a home, how did you do it? I have a really bad feeling we're going to move in, and have to blow our savings, which we worked so hard to get where it is. I want a cushion in case something goes wrong, which I'm sure it will, but I still feel that just hemorrhaging money at things we'll need is not the way to go. Any insight on how to keep staying frugal for a BRAND NEW homeowner? Edit: Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Here's what I am taking away from this: -Buy quality tools, even if they are a little more expensive up front. -One project at a time. Don't start 40 different things because they will never get done. -Property walk throughs at set intervals to determine maintenance needs. -Lists, lists, lists -YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AT ONCE -CALM DOWN IT WILL BE OKAY Edit #2: Seriously, thank you all for your wonderful replies. I REALLY appreciate it. I'm going to comb through the comments and make a list of helpful reminders that you all gave. Also, sorry if I didn't reply to everyone, but combing through 350+ comments, WHILE trying to pack, is a little hard. Thanks again everyone!
Sunday, October 29, 2006 Specific Acting-Scribner, Clampett, Blanc, Foster It took 4 wonderful talents to do this great scene. Warren Foster wrote the rhythmic dialogue. (Very important to voice actors. Bad stilted cartoon writing , written in "writer-speak" is very hard for an actor to read naturally. This might be partly why so much voice acting is so dry and monotone now. You can't read the awkward dialogue any other way.) Clampett directed the cartoon and gave it context and emotion. Mel Blanc read the dialogue with verve and rhythm and a huge variety of contrasts and accents. (no one does this any more) Rod Scribner animated it perfectly and in context to Mel's voice and created expressions and poses that gave even more meaning to the dialogue and delivery. Drawing specific acting is my favorite thing to do and more than anything else is why Ren and Stimpy was so successful. They had rhythmic dialogue and tons of unique expressions which made them seem real no matter what crazy situations I would plop them into. Of all the innovations that came from that show this is the biggest one and the one that wasn't carried on by anyone else. People would copy certain specific Stimpy expressions and use them out of context in their own cartoons, but I've yet to see anyone make their characters have an inner life which can only be achieved by doing what I've been talking about here. You have to be willing to turn over your model sheets too. And do layouts in the country. This is so Clampett. He himself was a big cartoon and comics fan so the whole gag itself is based on how he feels about getting the latest edition of one of his favorite comics. Everything Clampett did, even his dirty jokes are presented from the point of view of a kid. It's a kid's eye view of the world. I really identify with this scene because when I was kid I couldn't wait for Tuesdays and Thursdays, the 2 days when all the new comic books would arrive at the local drugstore. I would walk the mile and a half to Paul's Sundries and pace until they would place the new issues in the racks and then I'd spend an hour or two molesting all the comics, deciding and stressing over which 4 or 5 issues I could spread my allowance out to grab. Ditko's Spiderman and Kirby's Fantastic 4 were always on top of the list, then I'd have to take turns on Deadman, The Hulk, The Avengers, Hot Stuff, World's Finest and a zillion others. I always snapped up Betty and Veronica's Giant Size Summer fun issues to gawk at the sexy drawings Harry Lucey did of the girls frolicking on the beach in their skimpy suits. Wanna freeze frame through this amazing cartoon yourself? Well you can! Watch Clampett's "The Great Piggy Bank Robbery" and MORE on the 'LOONEY TUNES GOLDEN COLLECTION VOLUME 2'... ...BUY IT FROM AMAZON WITH THE LINK BELOW!
Fox Defends Wealthy From Tax Increases With Misleading "8.5 Days" Talking Point As part of its ongoing effort to fight tax increases on the wealthy, Fox News figures have suggested that ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy wouldn't affect the deficit because that money would only run the government for eight and a half days. But economists agree that ending these tax cuts would raise a significant amount of revenue and that more tax revenue must be part of balanced approach to reducing the deficit. Fox Spin: Expiration Of Bush Tax Cuts Won't Fix Deficit Because It Would Only "Run The Government For 8.5 Days" Sean Hannity: "Letting The Bush Tax Cuts Expire" Is "Not The Answer To Tackling This Deficit." On his Fox News show, Sean Hannity called "letting the Bush tax cuts expire" a "liberal myth" and claimed it is "not the answer to tackling the 2012 deficit" because it would only fund the government "for a whopping eight and a half days": HANNITY: Now, liberal myths, such as letting the Bush tax cuts expire, are not the answer to tackling this deficit. In fact, during the 2012 fiscal year, the federal government cost $9.7 billion to run each and every day. But the additional revenue from the Bush tax cuts expire -- well, that only amounts to $82 billion dollars a year. That means the government would be funded for a whopping eight and a half days - if, in fact, the President wins this fight. [Fox News, Hannity, 11/26/12] Eric Bolling: "If You Go Ahead And Let The Bush Tax Cuts Expire, You Raise $83 Billion. That's About Eight Days' Worth Of Government." Co-host of Fox's The Five Eric Bolling claimed, "If you go ahead and let the Bush tax cuts expire, you raise $83 billion. That's about eight days' worth of government, eight or nine days' worth of government." [Fox News, The Five, 11/26/12 ] Fox's Mike Emanuel: "Allowing Bush Tax Cuts To Expire ... Would Run The Government For 8.5 Days." Fox News correspondent Mike Emanuel claimed during a report on Fox News' Special Report that "allowing the Bush tax cuts on upper-income Americans to expire, which President Obama argued for during the campaign, would generate an average of $82.4 billion per year, and would run the government for 8.5 days." [Fox News, Special Report, 11/26/12 ] Lou Dobbs: "Allowing The Bush Tax Cuts To Expire On Upper Income Americans Would ... Run The Government For Eight And A Half Days." Fox Business host Lou Dobbs said "a Congressional Budget Office's analysis shows that allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire on upper-income Americans would generate approximately $82 billion a year, or enough to run the government for eight and a half days. Eight and a half days." [Fox Business, Lou Dobbs Tonight, 11/26/12 ] But Experts Say Ending Bush Tax Cuts Will Help Lower The Deficit ... NY Times: President Obama's Proposal To Allow The Bush Tax Cuts To Expire For Wealthier Americans Would Raise $850 Billion Dollars In A Decade. The New York Times reported that "economists estimate that letting the cuts expire for people above that threshold would generate $850 billion over 10 years": President Obama, drawing a contrast with what he called Republican trickle-down economics, called on Monday for temporarily extending the Bush-era tax cuts for people making less than $250,000 while letting the taxes of the wealthiest go up. A one-year extension for people making under $250,000 would cost the government $150 billion in revenue, the administration estimates, an amount that would be added to the deficit. In a point of comparison, economists estimate that letting the cuts expire for people above that threshold would generate $850 billion over 10 years. [The New York Times, 7/9/12 ] Robert Reich: "The Only Way America Can Reduce The Long-Term Budget Deficit ... Is By Raising Taxes On The Super Rich." In a Huffington Post blog post titled "Why We Must Raise Taxes On The Rich," former Labor Secretary Robert Reich argued that "[t]he only way America can reduce the long-term budget deficit ... is by raising taxes on the super rich": Here's the truth: The only way America can reduce the long-term budget deficit, maintain vital services, protect Social Security and Medicare, invest more in education and infrastructure, and not raise taxes on the working middle class is by raising taxes on the super rich. Even if we got rid of corporate welfare subsidies for big oil, big agriculture, and big Pharma -- even if we cut back on our bloated defense budget -- it wouldn't be nearly enough. [The Huffington Post, 4/4/11 ] CBO: Extending The Bush Tax Cuts Would Increase Deficits By $2.6 Trillion Over 10 Years. In January 2010, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that extending the tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 would increase deficits by $2.6 trillion between 2011-2020. [Congressional Budget Office, January 2010 ] ... And Economists Agree Revenue Must Be Part Of A Balanced Solution To Lowering The Deficit ... Former Bush Economic Adviser Believes "Both Tax Increases And Spending Cuts Are Required" To Lower Deficit. From The Hill: America has both a spending problem and a revenue problem -- too much of the former and too little of the latter. Every serious student of the federal budget, right, left and center, agrees that any realistic solution requires a combination of spending cuts and revenue increases. Democrats and Republicans on the Simpson-Bowles Commission knew that both revenue increases and spending cuts were necessary to deal effectively with our deficit problem. N. Gregory Mankiw, the chairman of George Bush's Council of Economic Advisers, knows both tax increases and spending cuts are required. Indeed, Mankiw argues, "The distinction between spending and taxation is often murky and sometimes meaningless." [The Hill, 6/28/11 ] Former Reagan OMB Official: "I Think The Biggest Problem Is Revenues." In an interview with Talking Points Memo, David Stockman, a former Office of Management and Budget director under President Reagan, responded to Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) budget plan and stated: "I think the biggest problem is revenues. It is simply unrealistic to say that raising revenue isn't part of the solution. It's a measure of how far off the deep end Republicans have gone with this religious catechism about taxes." [Talking Points Memo, 4/11/11 ] Krugman: "Government Spending Has Continued To Rise More Or Less On Its Pre-Crisis Trend" While "Revenue Has Plunged." In an October 17, 2010, post on his New York Times blog, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman wrote: For all those commenters saying that we must have had a surge in government spending -- I mean, look at the deficit! -- a simple picture: Government spending has continued to rise more or less on its pre-crisis trend. Revenue has plunged, because the economy is deeply depressed. [NYTimes.com, 10/17/10 ] Krugman: Since 2007, "Revenue Plunged, Leading To Big Deficits." In an October 18, 2010, post on his New York Times blog, Krugman wrote: During the pre-crisis period, spending grew slightly faster than GDP -- that's Medicare plus the Bush wars -- while revenue grew more slowly, presumably reflecting tax cuts. What happened after the crisis? Spending continued to grow at roughly the same rate -- a bulge in safety net programs, offset by budget-slashing at the state and local level. GDP stalled -- which is why the ratio of spending to GDP rose. And revenue plunged, leading to big deficits. But I'm sure that the usual suspects will find ways to keep believing that it's all about runaway spending. Krugman also included this chart: [NYTimes.com, 10/18/10 ] For more experts who say that increasing government revenue must be part of a deficit solution, click here . ... Which Is The Solution Obama Has Called For Obama's Deficit Reduction Plan "Would Cut $2.50 In Spending Allowances For Every $1 Of Increased Tax Revenue." A September 9 CBS article reported that Obama's plan for reducing the deficit "would cut $2.50 in spending allowances for every $1 of increased tax revenue - the same deal House Republicans turned down during last year's near-government shutdown episode." The article continued: "You can't reduce the deficit unless you take a balanced approach that says, 'We've gotta make government leaner and more efficient,'" the president said. "But we've also got to ask people - like me or Gov. Romney, who have done better than anybody else over the course of the last decade, and whose taxes are just about lower than they've been in the last 50 years - to do a little bit more. [CBSNews.com, 9/9/12 ] Obama: "We've Got To Reduce Our Deficit, But We've Got To Do It In A Balanced Way" During the October 17 presidential debate, Obama said that he wanted to lower the deficit by both taxing the wealthiest Americans and cutting spending: OBAMA: We've got to reduce our deficit, but we've got to do it in a balanced way -- asking the wealthy to pay a little bit more along with cuts so that we can invest in education like yours. And let's take the money that we've been spending on war over the last decade to rebuild America -- roads, bridges, schools. We do those things, not only is your future going to be bright, but America's future is going to be bright as well. [WhiteHouse.gov, 10/17/12 ] Obama: "I Am Going To Reduce The Deficit In A Balanced Way." During a July 13 campaign stop in Roanoke, Virginia, Obama advocated balanced deficit reduction: OBAMA: I do believe we can cut -- we've already made a trillion dollars' worth of cuts. We can make some more cuts in programs that don't work, and make government work more efficiently. (Applause.) Not every government program works the way it's supposed to. And frankly, government can't solve every problem. If somebody doesn't want to be helped, government can't always help them. Parents -- we can put more money into schools, but if your kids don't want to learn it's hard to teach them. (Applause.) But you know what, I'm not going to see us gut the investments that grow our economy to give tax breaks to me or Mr. Romney or folks who don't need them. So I'm going to reduce the deficit in a balanced way. We've already made a trillion dollars' worth of cuts. We can make another trillion or trillion-two, and what we then do is ask for the wealthy to pay a little bit more. (Applause.) And, by the way, we've tried that before -- a guy named Bill Clinton did it. We created 23 million new jobs, turned a deficit into a surplus, and rich people did just fine. We created a lot of millionaires. [WhiteHouse.gov, 7/13/12 ]
No fridge, no oven, no problem! Ironically the fewer ingredients and appliances I have, the more creative I get. This could also be related to the time in the day I have available to waste experimenting on cooking now (answer: a lot). But mostly I’m surprised by how much I can get away with that I would never have considered in America. Here is a list of things that I would have refrigerated at home that I definitely do not here, and they are totally fine: – Most vegetables – Unopened cheese (not really fair because I either get single servings or non-fridge needing kinds from packages) – Mayonnaise and other condiments Ok that last one isn’t really true. If I had real milk I would refrigerate it, but because I don’t have a fridge, I have discovered the glories of powdered milk. Nestle, you got me, I’m addicted to NIDO fortified powder. I mix it with water and can make it as creamy or not as I want, use it for cereal, tea, add it to hot chocolate packets, mix with tomato paste for soup, oh man it’s great. I realize that was legitimate product placement there, but I would not complain if some savvy marketer found this blog post and shipped a lowly peace corps volunteer a few tubs of Nido… no? Worth a try, it’s expensive! The other adjustment is using a dutch oven. Basically I bought a giant pot, and I put a smaller pot inside it on one of my stove burners so the heat gets all around it. For one of my site mate’s birthdays last week we made a cake… on a stove. Dutch ovens are cool. So you can send me muffin mix packets… if you want. I also don’t have a sink. Chiggerellum! (No Problem) I have 2 large plastic buckets that I pretty much use for everything. I did make the mistake of putting my hot skillet into one the other day and melted a hole through the plastic… oops. Ya, you don’t really need to remember that stuff with a metal sink, but a volunteer’s best friend, duct tape, came to the rescue on that one(special shout out for Josh and my other theater workshop friends).
A mere two states into the race for the Republican presidential nominations, political strategists are already living in fear of a dearth of enthusiasm among potential voters. The American economy is flagging, the country's collective morale is low, and Congress has about as much ability to affect institutional change as a middle manager who telecommutes. But there's a larger threat to voter enthusiasm, and it aired last night on CBS. I'm referring to the People's Choice awards, which for the past 38 years has been mocking and sullying the very concept of democracy itself. When you stop to think about it, the very idea of the People's Choice awards is pretty repulsive. On its surface it seems reasonable enough. There's a chasm between what the critics and cognoscenti enjoy and the stuff people actually watch, read and listen to. There are plenty of awards handed out by smug little groups of hoity-toity connoisseurs, so why not an award selected by the people, and reflective of the kind of art hard-working Americans actually pay for? Here's the rub: artists are often forced to choose between daring, challenging work that most people will never understand, or broadly appealing work that will make them wealthy and famous. When actors and actresses make the latter choice, they have to use their money to buy their own ego ornaments, because the awards don't come easy. Enter the People's Choice awards, which essentially exist so that actors who star in popular-but-terrible things can have tangible objects to validate their work. That is, in addition to the houses, cars, and crystal bidets they bought with the money they made from the same people ostensibly voting to give them the award. It might not be so bad, though, if there was something genuinely meritocratic about the process. If in order to be nominated for favorite TV comedy actress, for example, an actress would have to star in one of the five highest-rated comedies on television. But there appears to be no rhyme or reason to who gets nominated (aside from a clear tendency towards tabloid fixtures), and the show's producers have never revealed the details of their nomination process. Names show up on an online ballot, people apparently vote using those ballots, and people are awarded. Maybe I'm too old to have gotten the email, but I didn't vote for my favorite star under 25 or any other category because I had no idea this was a thing that was happening. I've never heard anyone talk about having voted, or seen any advertisements about voting, or heard it mentioned anywhere ever. Even the stars who show up to collect the awards seem just as baffled. "For all of you who voted for me and went out to the polls that day, or however it works, I don't know how you do it … thank you very much," said Ellen DeGeneres while picking up her favourite daytime television host award. I'm not sure how possible it would be to produce an engaging, entertaining two-hour awards show with this particular award as its main component. Presenters trot out, announce the nominees, and then hand the awards to bemused winners who ramble a lot, not out of nerves but out of a complete absence of things to say about an award they have no emotional connection with. That's the bulk of the show. There's not even much opportunity to play celebrity audience spotting, since no one shows up to the People's Choice awards unless they know they're going to win one, and sometimes not even then (ahem, Lady Gaga). The host, Kaley Cuoco of The Big Bang Theory, did her level best to keep the affair as lively as possible, though, and the two musical performances from Demi Lovato and Faith Hill seemed random and arbitrary but were a welcome respite from back-to-back "This is such an honor, um … cause it's from the people!" acceptance speeches. (All of the acceptance speeches were nearly identical in tone, save for Adam Sandler, who did an uncomfortably lengthy and not terribly funny bit about thanking his old teachers when he collected his award for best comedy movie actor.) In the age of Twitter, there's no bigger sin for an awards show than to be absent of OMG moments, and those are nearly impossible to create when there are two low-key performances and the winners know they've won before they already take the stage, and barely care anyway. So how do the People's Choice awards justify their existence? Apparently by having everyone continue to repeat the mantra: "This is the award chosen by the people!" Well if the people want Maroon 5 (favorite band) and Water for Elephants (favorite drama movie), perhaps it's time people gave some thought to people taking a break from deciding things for a while.
This Korean Solaris release uses the Korean CDE Motif graphical user interface, which is similar in layout and design to the U.S. release of CDE. Korean CDE supports multibyte characters and Korean messages with Motif objects. Differences in character width and proportional spacing cause minor differences in the exact layout of some Motif objects. All application windows that can take Korean input include a status area associated with their input window to show the current conversion mode. With an input conversion mode on, as Korean is being typed its entry point becomes a highlighted (reverse video) preedit area until the input is converted to Korean or special characters and committed. Some input modes also provide conversion choices among several Korean characters on menus. To accommodate the diversity of Korean, this Solaris software provides several different input methods for entering Korean characters. With these methods you can enter ASCII/English characters, and Korean Hangul/Hanja characters using an ASCII keyboard or a Korean keyboard. Korean input at the keyboard is stored temporarily in an intermediate representation. The conversion manager program, with the help of user interaction, then transforms this intermediate representation into a displayed character string.
Thursday, August 6, 2009 Back near the start of the season, I announced the exciting news that I would be participating in the Seamheads Near-Miss League, an all-time baseball simulation league being run by Mike Lynch over at Seamheads.com and featuring such big-name GMs as Jonah Keri, Eric Karabell, and Dave Dameshek. I still don't know how I got to be included in that group, but it was (and is) pretty exciting. The league began play shortly after I wrote the league's AL West preview, but I was sadly remiss in keeping you all up to date with how it was going. I would check in with the league every now and then, but I just never got around to writing a post about it. That might have had something to do with how poorly my team was performing, though. After going through the long history of the Philadelphia-Kansas City-Oakland Athletics franchise, I finally settled on the 2002 Oakland team as my team, choosing to go with the pinnacle of the Moneyball teams over the more powerful, but also more successful A's teams of the past. With MVP Tejada, Cy Young Zito, and the other stars of the team (Chavez, Hudson, Mulder), I felt pretty confident in my chances, even against the likes of the '82 Brewers and the '69 Orioles. I was very, very wrong, though. Looking at the standings and my team's stats, it's pretty clear that the 2002 A's (as GMed by me, at least) were just overmatched. The home runs were certainly there - first in the AL - but nothing else came together (the pitching staff was third best in strikeouts, at least). The team on-base percentage, supposedly the hallmark of the team, was only good for 11th in the AL. Whatever it was, it added up to a fifth place, 73-89 finish for the team, securely in the second division. Now, maybe I should've been a more proactive GM, sending weekly tweaks to Mike to try to get the most out of my roster - I don't know. I suspect it wouldn't have made much of a difference, though. Mike's 1922 Browns did win the division by 17 games, after all (and were 33 games better than my A's). I hardly think an extra 50 at-bats for David Justice or Olmedo Saenz would've made up that kind of difference. Anyhow, those Browns will be facing Dave Dameshek's 1990 Pirates (a wild card winner) in the World Series later this week. On paper, it looks like the Pirates have no chance, considering the way the Browns have steamrolled through everything, but that doesn't seem to mean anything these days. In the prior league, Joe Posnanski and his Indians played the underdog to the steamrolling Red Sox (manager by Bill James) but he was somehow able to pull out the miracle World Series title. Dameshek has to be hoping for the same thing in the Near-Miss League. You can find a fantastic article about the Browns and Pirates over at Seamheads. I can't wait to see if Dameshek will pull this thing out or if Mike will continue his juggernaut ways. And when it's time for the next Seamheads simulation league, I hope Mike thinks of me (if you do, Mike, I promise to be a more hand's on GM - it might be the only way for me to win). Posted by lar at 5:51 AM
Unfortunately I never get off before 1700 Monday through Friday. Unless it's a three or four day weekend due to a federal holiday. If i get some extra time today, I'll be sure to call, I'm doing all the research now and everyone works on the same schedule or in another time zone so it's been kind of rough trying to get all the information I'd like prior any kind of purchase. CIA, headers and exhaust. Want a loud deep growl sound and some power gain. But I'm a little weary, been asking, and not getting answers, about the mods. If I get them all done, will it trip the O2 sensor? Because the dealership I go through is pretty anal when it comes down to the warranty.
Ditch your stilettos and go for cool weather's covetable closed flat style. We have everything from Chloe's scalloped ballet flats to AGL ballets. Pair with everything from your favorite skinny jeans to a flowing maxi dress.They'll also go fabulously with skinny jeans. Chic and comfortable no matter how you wear them, closed flats are a closet must have! Take a look at all of our fall and winter closed flat styles today and choose your next favorite pair of shoes!
The last American soldier held captive by the Taliban starts his long journey home, but the release of Bowe Bergdahl hasn’t been without its critics. Vietnam era veteran Billy Connell spent his Sunday offering free hot dogs to sailors of the USS Reagan, a large POW flag flew high on his hot dog stand. Connell said, “I make sure my POW/MIA flag is flying high, I was thrilled we had a release of a POW yesterday.” Connell heard the news of Sgt. Bowe Bergdal’s release, who had been a prisoner of war held captive for five years. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told ABC News “How many soldiers lost their lives to capture those Taliban soldiers we just released.” The United States swapped five Guantanamo Bay detainees for Bergdahl’s freedom. Some don’t agree with the trade. “What does this tell terrorists that if you capture the U.S soldier you can trade that soldier for five terrorists we’ve gone after, that’s a very dangerous price.” Connell however said it was the right thing to do. Connell said the release of the POW brought back painful memories. “There was one gentleman who was a little older than I was back in New Jersey, and he had been taken prisoner and he hadn’t made it back to the states. I was lucky, I was in Europe,” Connell said. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel defended the release Bergdahl. He said it might open a channel with the Taliban but that wasn’t the point of the swap he said the focus was to get the Army Sergeant back.
Somerset County voting record, 1816 Click on the image to zoom. Click and drag your mouse over the image to move it left or right. Use the small navigation window to select the area you wish to zoom on. An election was held in 1816 in the District of Maine to see if the population would like to create a separate state - Maine. This manuscript is the record of Somerset County's town results. Please post your comment below to share with others. If you'd like to privately share a comment or correction with MMN staff, please use this form.
Extratropical Water Level Guidance What is a datum? In the context of this site, datum refers to a vertical tidal datum. The four datums used by this site are defined as follows. For more on tidal datums, please see NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS) tidal datum definition page. Highest Astronomical Tide| | "The [height] of the highest predicted astronomical tide expected to occur ... over the National Tidal Datum Epoch (NTDE). The present NTDE is 1983 through 2001." HAT is an estimate of the highest tide predictable strictly from the effects of gravity. Mean Higher High Water| | "The average of the higher high water height of each tidal day observed over the NTDE." Mean Sea Level| | "The arithmetic mean of the hourly water heights observed over the NTDE." Mean Lower Low Water| | "The average of the lower low water height of each tidal day observed over the NTDE." What do the Datum buttons do? The buttons allow the graphs or text to be displayed in other datums. provides an estimate of where the "grass line" is. Crossing HAT is an indication that flooding will occur as people tend to build to the grass is an estimate of how high water gets each day; however it is exceeded by the tidal cycle alone for approximately half the month. This site uses it as a warning that waters are likely to be high, so please pay attention. In addition, NOS and NHC consider this to be the threshold for flooding. Please see their Memo as .pdf. is the average water surface and the most familiar to the general public. Deviations from MSL provide a precise description of unexpected amounts of water, but it is difficult to directly tie it to human impacts due to the variability of the tide range centered on MSL. is an estimate of how low water gets each day and is the standard datum used by NOS tide stations (and earlier versions of this site). It is useful for mariners concerned with running aground. NOTE: "Surge Guidance" and "Anomaly" values are changes in water level, so are "datumless". This means that while they appear to move on the graph when toggling datums, they actually continue to be centered on 0.
KRAUS, Walter (Birkelandsvannet, Øyslebø, N-4532, NO) 1. System for shielding radio frequent electromagnetic radiation for a wireless phone, the system comprising: a first chamber (8) containing an RF transceiver (2), a second chamber (9) containing the main electronic elements of the phone (3), a third chamber (10) containing input and output devices, each chamber has a separate shielding from RF radiation (4), the chambers are electrically insulated from each other (5); and optical signal paths (6, 7) are adapted to communicate information between the chambers. 2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the input and output devices in the third chamber (10) are selected from a group consisting of keyboard, display, microphone, camera, and speaker. 3. The system of claim 1, wherein each chamber is connected to a separate power supply (12) and power supplies are electrically insulated from each other. 4. The system of claim 3, wherein the power supply (12) of each chamber is adapted to the individual energy requirements in the respective chambers. 5. The system of claim 3, wherein the power supply of each chamber (12) has its own individual plug (13) for the charger. 6. The system of claim 3, wherein the power supply (12) of each chamber can be charged simultaneously with the same battery charger. 7. The system of claim 1 further comprising a headset (16). 8. The system of claim 7 further comprising optical transmission means 14 between phone and headset, whereby communication between phone and headset is performed optically. The present invention concerns a system for shielding radio frequent electromagnetic radiation for a wireless phone. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION With the background of a worldwide public discussion on health hazards caused by electro-magnetic radiation from mobile phones and other telephones with a radio transmitter, as well as the evaluation of mobile phones connected to the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR-value), shielding technologies for wireless phones may provide a competitive advantage in the market. Contemporary radio frequency (RF) shielding technology for mobile phones is based on different shielding systems where shielding materials with high conductivity cover the whole phone, or parts or components of it. For example, US 6624432B1 discloses an apparatus for shielding of electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by electronic components. The shielding is preferably metal coated plastic, and may comprise several chambers to prevent electronic components from interfering with each other, and from emitting electromagnetic radiation to the atmosphere. The compartments are shielded and cover different components of the phone's circuit board. In WO 9531048A2 a flat battery covers the total length and width of the mobile phone. The battery itself has a certain shielding ability and shielding function, and is used directly as shielding material. Use of separate backup batteries is also disclosed. Other examples of shielding technology can be found in US 2004/0212520A1 , US 6855883B1 , EP 1244223A1 , WO 9740655, EP 949052A2 and DE 9113382U. All mentioned solutions have a major disadvantage. RF energy is induced upon shielding material and all metallic components of the phone. In this way, RF energy is more or less transmitted to the front side of the mobile phone and further towards the head of the user. This happens even though RF energy is partly reflected by or absorbed by shielding material built into the phone. Further, RF signals generated from the electronic components may, if unshielded, contribute to the RF radiation in the direction toward the user, and even disturb the RF-transceiver used to send and receive radio signals while communicating. The objective of the present invention is to overcome the problems of prior art and improve shielding against radiation in the direction of the user caused by radio transmitters in wireless phones. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION This is achieved by providing a system for shielding radio frequent electromagnetic radiation for a wireless phone, the system comprising: a first chamber containing an RF transceiver, a second chamber containing the main electronic elements of the phone, a third chamber containing input and output devices, wherein each chamber has a separate shielding from RF radiation, the chambers are electrically insulated from each other; and optical transceivers are adapted to communicate information between the chambers. By separating the major components of the mobile phone into three independently RF shielded and dielectrically insulated chambers, the above-mentioned induction problem and transmission of RF radiation via shielding material and metallic components of the phone to the front side are reduced. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will be better understood from the following detailed description with reference to the accompanying drawing, in which: FIG. 1 is a schematic side view of a wireless phone according to the invention DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION FIG. 1 is a schematic view of a wireless phone, e.g. a mobile phone, viewed from the side with its front facing left. The phone is divided into three different chambers. The first chamber 8 includes the RF transceiver unit 2. The second chamber 9 includes the major electronic parts 3. The third chamber 10 includes display, keyboard, microphone, speaker, camera, etc. The three different chambers are individually shielded against RF energy with a material of high conductivity 4. The RF shielding 4 of the three chambers is provided in accordance with the individual need of each chamber. While the first chamber 8 has an opening 11 in the RF shielding towards the back of the phone to allow radio signals to pass to and from the transceiver unit 2, the second chamber 9 is totally covered by the shielding material 4. The third chamber 10 is only shielded towards the second chamber and towards the frame of the mobile phone 1 , but remains unshielded 11 towards the front side of the phone. In this way it is avoided that shielding material influences the design of the phone. There are no electrical connections between the shielding materials 4 of the different chambers, because a dielectric material 5 is placed between them and against the frame 1 of the mobile phone. The chambers communicate with each other through optical signal paths 6 and 7. For example, electronic signals from the RF transceiver unit 2 are converted into optical signals before they are transmitted to the second chamber 9, where they are converted back to electrical signals for processing within the chamber. Because the second chamber is completely shielded, RF-signals from the electronic components cannot escape and disturb the transceiver unit 2 or be emitted into the atmosphere. In a similar manner optical signals from the second chamber are converted to electronic signals in order to communicate with the RF transceiver 2 in the first chamber. Optical signals are transmitted from chamber to chamber via fiber-optic cable or optical channel 7. An optical signal transceiver and an opto-electric signal converter 6 are positioned at each end of each optical channel where signals are sent through a fiber-optic cable or optical channel 7. In order to maintain integrity of the electromagnetically separated three chamber system, each chamber can be individually supplied with energy by its own battery 12. The batteries 12 can be charged simultaneously through connectors 13 and are adapted to the energy requirements of the respective chamber. A headset 16 can optionally be connected via an optical connector 14 and an electro optical transducer 15. The mobile phone headset 16 is built in accordance with the same principles. Between the signal converter 6 in the phone and the signal converter of the headset 15, signals are transmitted optically.
I knock on your front door. You come running to open the door for your loving Daddy, wearing nothing but a cute little T-shirt and pink panties and give him a big hug. Daddy grabs you by your butt and picks you up into his arms. One of Daddy’s fingers reaches across your butt and over your little baby pussy and finds you’ve been wetting your panties with your little pussy milk again. You of course gasp to Daddy’s finger glazing over your already precummy pussy and start kissing Daddy’s neck while saying, “Daddy, I’ve been a naughty girl.” “I know,” as I put you down and immediately spank your bottom and tell you to get on the floor. The front door is wide open and you notice my cute little diaper bag with me as you try to lay very obediently on the floor. I pull out a big baby pacifier and shove it in your mouth. “Suck your paci like a good baby.” “But Daddy, I’m a big girl.” “No, you’re a cummy girl and I’m not going to waste anymore money on getting your little cummy stains out of your sexy little lingerie panties.” I pull down your cummy panties and lean my mouth over your pussy. You feel my soft and hot breath over your bare-naked pussy before I kiss your lips baby cummy lips. I pull out the baby powder from the diaper bag and sprinkle the powder all over your crotch and butt. “Since you I plan on taking you shopping, I can’t afford any leaks so luckily I brought two thick white diapers for you two wear to the mall.” You start to kick and scream. “Don’t make me spank you in front of your neighbors watching you,” as I pretend there’s someone outside that you can’t see. You believe me and stop your moaning and suck on your paci to calm yourself down. I squirt a bunch of baby powder all over your crotch and butt before rubbing some petrolatum (Vaseline) in case you make a messy. I slide two big white diaper underneath you and strap you into one with a little slit down the front, before taping the second diaper. I grab some packing tape and tape around your diapered waist to make sure you don’t try and take them off. To increase the bulkiness, I snap on a plastic snap-on diaper cover to make sure you don’t leak in case you end up wetting you diaper like a baby. “Let’s go get your little pink dress you look so cute in.” You try to sit up, but the bulky-thick double diaper makes your turn on your stomach to try and stand. Right before you’re almost on your two feet, “Babies don’t walk, they crawl,” I tell you in a sternly voice. You instantly get on your hands and knees and start to crawl to your room. I occasionally push your diaper with my foot and throw you off balance a little just to imitate how a baby might actually crawl. When you get to the stairs, I say, “Aw come here baby,” as I pick you up into my arms and carry up the stairs. We get to your room and I find your used vibrator and my profile page on diaperspace on your computer all on top of your bed. I couldn’t help to notice a slightly opened diaper peaking out from underneath one of your pillows. You feel embarrassed by your Daddy seeing how much of baby you like to be by yourself and almost cry. I sit down on the bed and hold you on my lap and tell you, “You such a beautiful woman and it’s OK to be a baby, because you now have a Daddy to take care of you,” while taking your pacifier out of your mouth. I wipe your tears away and slowly lean in for a kiss. Our lips stop only a few millimeters apart before you then lean into my lips. Our soft and barely wet lips snuggle against each other as we passionately kiss and suck. Our tongues start to play and all of a sudden I lay on top of your double diapered crotch and suckle your neck. I breathe in your ear and whisper, “Such a good baby.” After seeing your nipples starting to pop out of your shirt, I put the paci back in your mouth and start searching for your little pink dress. Your mind is going nuts, while your pussy is making your diaper feel like you peed in it that you launch yourself back at me, hoping that I’d finish what I started. I only tell you get back on your hands and knees and be a good baby. “You’re going to learn to always ask your Daddy if you can masturbate by yourself, otherwise you’re going to be punished with a big tease.” We finally find your dress to wear and put it on and over your diaper. I carry you back down the stairs and to the kitchen. I grab the milk and pour it into an Aventi baby bottle. I take out your pacifier and replace it with your baby bottle. I let you suckle the milk from the baby bottle while I rock you back and forth in my arms. You end up closing your eyes while you drink your bottle and then suddenly realize a bright light and wake up to find yourself outside in front of my car. You try to hide the baby bottle and get into the front seat as quickly as possible. I get inside the driver side and put your baby bottle back in your mouth and tell you to finish it before we get to the mall or I’ll nurse you with another baby bottle on a bench inside the mall. You try to suckle the rest of the milk down as fast as you can, knowing that the mall wasn’t that far of a drive. I pull into the mall parking lot and you already feel the urge to pee pee. “Daddy, can I please take off my diapers? I need to go pee pee and don’t want anyone to notice my diaper through my dress when it sags down a little from my pee pee,” you say, whining like a little girl. I just place a pacifier in your mouth and say, “I don’t want to hear another peep about you not needing to wear diapers. You will be wear your diapers until I say otherwise. Now, show me how you suck a pacifier and say, “I’ll be a good girl.” You suck the pacifier really loud and struggle to say, “I’ll be a good girl,” like a little baby trying to talk. You watch me get out of the car and walk over to your side of the car to let you out. I the paci out of your mouth and place it in a little zip-lock bag and place it in my pocket. I undo your seat belt and take you out the car. You notice that I left the diaper bag in the car and get scared about the possibility of not being changed anytime soon while in the mall. The urge to pee is kicking inside of you that a little bursts out inside of your diaper. You suddenly stop dead in your tracks and kind of hunch over in the parking lot as your hot pee flows into your diaper. You feel your pee pee spread into the back and front of your diaper like you’re sitting inside of a wet and soft sponge. It’s really obvious of what you did in your diaper, as you see me smiling at you wetting you diaper in front of me. I see a little tear stream down from you face, “Daddy, Daddy.... I... wet .. my .. diaper.” I immediately hold you and pick you up into my arms. You gasp to the feeling of your hot wet diaper squishing against your pussy and butt. “Unfortunately those were the last two diapers I brought with me.” I guess you’ll have to wear your wet diaper until we can find some more diapers. I put you down and pat your butt to make you start walking towards the mall.
3rd Party Developer Join Date: Sep 2012 Location: Helsingborg, Sweden Leatherneck Simulations Mini-Update - SEPTEMBER 2015 We've been very quiet over the past few months, which has simply been a result of working hard over the summer months and focusing on making strong progress on our upcoming product line. This update will be fairly small as it will mainly focus on the improvements and changes coming to the MiG-21, and auxiliary components of that product. We are almost ready to reveal the aircraft we've been working so hard on over the summer, especially as we begin to hit milestones that were set for the end of summer/beginning of fall period. Before we move into our first subtopic, I'd like to take the time to welcome Stirling Rank to the Leatherneck roster. Hailing from the land down under, he has skillfully avoided Scorpions, Exploding Cacti, Sharks, Crocodiles, Snakes, Arachnids, Jellyfish and other Australians to go on and become a brilliant young character and hard surface artist. We also look forward to expanding the team by another two members towards the tail end of the year. With DCS 1.5 (and 2.0) just around the corner; we have focused on rolling in all of our improvements of the MiG-21 module into this particular version. F-14A&B This will likely be the first version we do not consider to be a “Beta” – but development of the product does not end here. It is also possible that we will retroactively implement features present in our new aircraft. Here is a general overview of what is changed and fixed in the MiG-21 for the next patch. Some fixes are not listed. It is possible that some fixes are not listed at all, or listed only partially. - Implemented RU Game Localization - Replaced multiple existing inputs with toggle inputs. - Added 9 New Keyboard Inputs: ASP Target Size, KPP Pitch Set, RSBN/PRGM Channel Select, Radio On/Off, Radio Volume & Chl Selection - Fixed various instances of the Radio not working. - Fixed the Radar operating without electrical power - Increased missile smoke visibility - Fixed the “SPRD Appears on F6 View after use” bug - Introduced special option for ASP pipper gameplay features. - Improved drag chute physics, including chute use in stall/spin recovery (Animation is however still limited) - Corrected Rudder Authority (“Rudder overpowering ailerons”) - Added UUA Sensor animation - Improved Over-G weapon jettison (Dynamic Weight Calculation, per-pylon/weapon limit) - Improved regulated Afterburner throttle control - Partially fixed visible weapons remaining on destroyed/missing wings - Fixed A-A missile lock tone bug - Corrected wing thickness & angle - Various corrections on all weapon pylons - Rebuilt frontal canopy for smooth fuselage transition - Re-Drew rivet and panel lines on rear fuselage - Added red floodlights in cockpit - Dozens of minor 3D/2D issues. - Fixed various Cockpit graphics issues. - Corrected various ASP calculation issues (Incorrect lead, “CCIP”) - Added 8-10 new default liveries. - New specular maps - Sculpted rear fuselage into a new normal map - Added new SPRD Rocket booster model and texture - Corrected placement of SPRD Rocket booster on aircraft - Further optimized external model and textures - Revised gear door textures - Corrected AoA vane animation - Temporarily removed 'Canopy Icing' checkbox pending visual implementation It is also very likely that some fixes may be in progress and not listed here to avoid disappointment, but may be included in the release. Backer Rewards is an item we've been silent on for a while simply because we're struggling with the logistics involved, and also the amount of work to design, order and ship any items. That said, we're ready with our Boxed copies, and hopefully will be completely ready with the replacement rewards very soon. I promise to make this a priority in the upcoming few weeks, so expect to hear from us if you're eligible for one of these rewards. We are making strong progress on the F-14, even though our other upcoming products are prioritized in terms of manpower. Terrain & Theatre Development Much work has recently been done to reverse engineer required parts of aircraft flight performance, so as to ensure the PFM is accurate. Most of the work being done on the Tomcat is still (just like in the last update) the deep systems and their modeling. We are done with the Electrical, Engine and AICS components, and have moved on to Advanced Flight controls, Navigation and Instrumentation. Interestingly, many of the F-14s' systems are possibly simpler than one of our unannounced aircraft, but there is simply more – and that takes time. Art development is progressing as well, with all exterior and interior components being animated and various model flaws have been corrected. We're currently working on rigging and animating the pilot, texturing, rebuilding the internal gearbays as well as a large amount of UVW Mapping. I know it's a fairly boring F-14 update; but that is generally how development goes. Long stretches of deep technical programming work, while the graphical component is not much more than the pretty layer on the very top of the stack. It is not long until the majority of our now large development team turn our entire attention to the F-14, and in that period of time we will likely see unprecedented (for us) speed of development. On a more visual and fun note; our dedicated F-14 site went up recently, you can find it at: http://www.leatherneck-sim.com/f14/ We've recently began ramping up the amount of time we spend on developing our new theatres and terrains for DCS World. Currently we have three separate theaters in development, one of which we have previously announced and will be released together with the F-14. The other two are slated for release either with, or directly after the release of our other two aircraft. All three are very unique and don't really have a lot in common. This is both a blessing and a curse, as it makes it easier to create more theaters in these particular environments later on, but also dramatically increases current workload.Future Our goal with theaters is to not only build a great environment to immerse the player in the game world, but to also try and provide an appropriate framework for the aircraft we create. To achieve this framework, we have to spend a lot of time creating AI Aircraft, Ground and Naval units, all of which represent a huge investment of time and effort. Thus, we hope to avoid aircraft that are 'misplaced' in the wrong theater and environment. Naturally, the main campaign for each module will take place in their respective theater. Current Art team focus on the front of Theatre development is the creation of everything from terrain textures (many based on Photogrammetry), environmental models, props & buildings, airfield objects, and 'unique' terrain features (Some terrain features require extra detail, an unrelated example would be Mt. Rushmore). We're also creating custom models and artwork for e.g. trenchlines, defensive installations and unique coastlines. The construction of the overall terrain components such as the coastline, roads, towns, airfields, fields, forests and more takes an incredible amount of time. I'm sure you can imagine how time consuming it can be to mark out each and every field in an e.g. 250x250 km area. Then add in all the forests and towns, and you certainly have your work cut out for you. Thankfully, resources exist to more easily automate some terrain features, such as roads. One of the most time intensive tasks is the creation of airports and airbases. These can be very complex, with many unique buildings and large amounts of interconnected taxiways and runways. Proper integration of AI pathing and other components such as beacons and radio frequencies, together with the documentation for these (charts and other reference) significantly add to the workload. Theatre development has been a learning process for us. We've already grown proficient with working with terrain in DCS world and we look forward to applying our new knowledge to continuously expand the world of DCS, whether it is to complement our own aircraft modules or those in development by other DCS developers. Most of the team's focus has currently been on our two upcoming aircraft that are not the F-14. We hope to announce one of these, which is part of a larger project during the month of September, and the other in October. We fully understand that it is frustrating to sit around and wait for an announcement of modules that are already so far into development; but I believe that you will all be very happy and very satisfied with the reveals coming up. We have been extremely busy for a good reason, so prepare to have your jaws collectively drop. (Hopefully, anyways ) As mentioned in a previous update, both of these aircraft (just like the F-14) have required us to develop new in-house technologies and components. We have also continued our work over the past few months to mature our in-house tools for easier analysis and creation of FM and system components. Most of these new technologies do however refer to in-game cockpit systems and avionics. Some have simply been time consuming, while others have been difficult in design, replication and implementation. They include, but are not limited to for example; We're also investing a lot of time into auxiliary components that require a lot of care and attention to detail. - Ground Mapping and Targeting Radar - Complex missiles with Advanced Targeting Parameters - Custom shaders for enhanced visual fidelity (e.g. CRT Screen representation) - Unique visual features (In-pilot customization, etc.) - New audio cues and enhanced fidelity - Far more complex avionic and computer systems than in the MiG-21 - New and unique PFM features and aerodynamic configurations - New or unique methods of propulsion or force distribution These include Audio, UI Artwork, Documentation, Mission & Campaign building, Training packages, music and Web/PR. Usually these are done in the final stages of development; where the aircraft approaches a feature complete status. The manual for one of our upcoming aircraft currently weighs in at around 350-400 pages; making it one of the thickest DCS manuals to date. Lots of fun, detailed reading for you all – but also nicely illustrates the complexity of our roadmap. That more or less concludes this mini-update. As we announce our new and upcoming products, you'll be bombarded with screenshots, videos, written previews, livestreams, and much more. Stay tuned! We very much look forward to you all enjoying another Leatherneck product soon (tm)! Last edited by Cobra847; 09-02-2015 at 12:25 AM.
Excitement over the North American tour of Leningrad's Kirov Ballet is based on the pursuit of an ideal. Like the hero in a 19th-century ballet, the dance community believes in a physical perfection, a nobility of soul, that has somehow survived from an earlier, purer time, and the Kirov embodies that ideal. It was the Imperial Russian ballet, of which the Kirov is the direct descendant, that crystallized classical ballet's technique -- its movement language -- and created its grandest theatrical works. The Kirov and its immediate predecessor, the Maryinsky school, have also produced some of the most extraordinary dancers, teachers, and choreographers of the 20th century, including Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, and George Balanchine, and the contemporary artists Rudolf Nureyev, Natalia Makarova, and Mikhail Baryshnikov. The Kirov is where you go in the ballet world to look for impeccable training, elegance and expression in dancing, and faithful productions of the classics. Philadelphia's sprawling, 5,000-seat orchestra shed, the Mann Music Center, was not the best place to savor a full-length Kirov classic, let alone assess the company after its 22-year absence from the United States. In fact, the whole rationale of the tour -- seven America and Canadian cities in just a month -- belongs to theater of the absurd: last minute bookings; no appropriate theaters available; no date in New York, the nation's dance capital; pressurized travel and rehearsal schedules; limited repertory. Nevertheless, the performance I saw in Philadelphia did show off the Kirov resources and reveal some of its stylistic priorities. Even though ``Swan Lake'' has been handed down in an unbroken line through the Maryinsky/Kirov ballet masters since its definitive form was reached in 1895, what we see today is only relatively authentic. Contemporary taste, politics, even the size of the stage can affect the look of a ballet, and the current Kirov ``Swan Lake,'' staged in 1950 by Constantin Sergeyev, is streamlined in several ways. Modern ballet everywhere seems to go in for reduced clutter, and this ``Swan Lake'' has cut miming and dramatic byplay to a minimum. Siegfried's mother doesn't gesture to him that he must choose a wife, and Odette neglects to explain how she came to be under the spell of the evil magician Rothbart. The audience is informed about these things by a synopsis in the program. However superfluous, these mime passages can add depth to the characters and texture to the dancing. But character differentiation is not a major concern for the Kirov either. The first act no longer mingles courtiers and peasants at the prince's pre-birthday party; everyone attending appears of equally high station. Perhaps even such an innocuous reference to a class system is not suitable for Soviet consumption, but throughout, this production goes for a more homogenous, less complicated cast of characters. The visiting delegations who entertain at the birthday ball with national dances of Spain, Italy, Hungary, and Poland retain very little ethnic distinction. The dances now seem mainly composed of ordinary ballet steps with a few typical gestures -- the arms and torso sweeping backward in the Spanish dance, the elbows folded and heels clicking together in the Czardas -- but no rhythmic emphasis or exotic fire. On the other hand, more opportunities have been made for use of the standard classical vocabulary. Benno, the prince's friend, long banished entirely from American productions, has been reinstated as a jumping, twirling jester. The villain Rothbart (Elidor Aliev), usually played by a mime with mask and enveloping costume, is also a danced role, which makes him seem more like Siegfried's rival for Odette's affections than a demon who already possesses her. These changes make for a certain theatrical blandness in the production, which was reinforced by the principals. Evgeny Neff, the Siegfried, made very little effort to project a character, and Lubov Kunakova was a monotonously tragic Odette and a uniformly triumphant Odile in the third act, where, as Rothbart's daughter, she tricks Siegfried into betraying Odette. All this de-emphasizing of the theatrical elements had the effect of focusing attention on the dancing -- on the Kirov's superlative corps de ballet and attractive demi-soloists. On a hot night in Philadelphia, with cameras clicking nearby, and neighbors humming familiar bits of the music, this dancing expressiveness came through to me and seemed to convey the whole argument for the tradition. It's not just that the Kirov corps is precise, that all the women's legs go up into the exact same angle of arabesque, or that they leave the ground exactly together for a jump. More than that, they seem connected to each other through space -- perhaps it's the music that links them, but the link is palpable. They can sense how far they are from each other even when moving backwards or in circles. They flutter -- you can feel the agitation in their feet -- when the music runs fast; they float when it slows. When Kunakova lifts her arms to simulate the wings of a woman-turned-swan, she makes me see an expanse of sky around her, with clouds and wind whipping past, an effect more real than what's painted on the backdrop. In the last act, when Siegfried returns to the lake in remorse, eight black swans appear and thread their way through the lines of white swans. They seem to be Rothbart's envoys, symbolizing the presence of evil among the noblest spirits. And that presence overshadows a hokey, happy ending. This is metaphor without acting; perhaps it's the beginning of modern choreography. This production was taped this week in performances at Washington's Wolf Trap-Filene Center and will be televised tomorrow at 8 p.m. (Check local PBS listings.) The company performs today through June 8 in Montreal and June 11-14 in Ottawa.
Zihuatanejo's best place is still Taurus. The last year several places closed and some new opened, just to close a couple of months later. During high season (xX-mas, new years and Easter) places are packed - with customers and girls. Anyway, there are two places that stand out: Taurus and D'Kché (pronounced "decachay"). Taurus is situated downtown in Zihua, close to the road to Ixtapa. You pay a 50 pesos ($5) cover charge and pay around 20 pesos ($2) per beer. Girls range from 5's to 9's. On a packed night, as many as 15-20 girls might be working. A slow night, maybe just 4 or 5. A lapdance sets you back around 120-150 pesos and is more frustrating than anything else. The girls drag you to a dark corner of the place, take their clothes off and move themselves on you while you touch them. The place is pretty filthy and you don't want to have Montezuma's Revenge in their toilets! :-) D'Kché is situated on the road to the airport, in a residential area. All cab drivers know about this place. You can get away with not paying any cover charge by gettint the guard outside cigarettes, etc. Regulars never pay the cover charge. This place is much nicer than Taurus, although a bit smaller. Two dance stages, where the girls dance/strip. A row of tables by the dance floor, and a mezzanine overlooking the dance floor. Although - in my opinion - better than Taurus, D'Kché is quite uneven. Some nights it might be completely closed, some nights it only has 2 or 3 girls working and some nights it has 10 girls working. It rarely ever gets crowded, so if you're lucky enough to go there a night when many girls are working, you're in for a treat. Drinks cost around as much as other places and girls range from 4's to 10's. Sometimes they bring over girls from Acapulco, normally really hot babes, but it's hard to know when they do that, so it's almost like playing the lottery. This place is much cleaner than Taurus and they also have small bedrooms where you can, for around $100-$150, go with a girl. On the patio of the house, they have a jukebox and if you're lucky, you'll be invited to the patio when the place closes down - with all the working girls. Dancing, drinking and XXX until the sun rises. One of the problems with D'Kché is that no or few waiters/girls speak English, but let your charm talk. :-) There are some other places, for instance Tejano Bar, Dollar Bar, etc. These places cater mainly to locals, thus the girls there are less attractive (cheaper) and these places tend to be closed down by police every now and then. If you're going to Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo and want some updated information about the scene, mail me at firstname.lastname@example.org. I don't promote any escort services or do introductions, just a happy amateur wanting you guys to enjoy your stay in my country. Date: None Subject: Life in Ixtapa / Zihuatanejo Just returned from a great week in Ixtapa - Zihuatenajo. Just wanted contribute some scouting reports in case anyone cruises to the area. All of the action is in Zihuatenajo. Ixtapa is a master planned resort community. However, there is a lot of discos and restaurants where you can pick up girls on vacation. But, sticking to the theme of this usenet group here is what I found. First, there are a lot of hotels in the Zihuatenajo area that range from $10 a night to over $300. Of course, you *will* have trouble getting a woman into some of the high end hotels. I was staying at the Westin Ixtapa during the first part of the week, and while I did bring a girl there one night they did mention something to me about bringing unregistered guests to the hotel at night. Most of the bars in Zihuatenajo are located in close proximity to each other, so if you don't like one you can walk to the next. Like TJ, spanish is not necessary, however, the all of the girls speak no or *very* little spanish. I arrived there are 9:00pm, was checked into my hotel by 9:30, caught a taxi (normally $20 pesos) and was in town by 10:00. Taxi drivers are my fountain of information when I go to someplace new in Mexico. He gave me the scoop and I paid him $100 pesos to give me a tour of the all the establishments in Zihuatenajo (about 5km to the Westin Ixtapa). So, the first night was an exploratory mission with a little adventure. Here is the run down: First, there is Taurus. This place has the best looking women of all the bars. They have a continuous strip show and the girls are not afraid of taking off their clothes. They even have a little changing area that is elevated near the door for everyone to see. While there were 10-15 women working there at any one time, there were not as many guys there. Next door, there is a place called Capricornio. This is more like a local drinking place that has some working women. If you speak spanish and you don't mind a women that have some ugly in them, go there. I can't really tell you that much more abou this place other than the first night that I was there the local authorities shut that place down for have some underaged (<18) women working there. There were open an hour later after paying a 6,000 peso fine. Next to this establishment is another place called, El Tejano. This is a nice little bar with good lighting to see the women. Again, there were only 10-15 women working on any given night. If you don't speak any spanish the doorman, Tony, speaks excellent english having lived in the US for a couple of years. Really cool guy and he can help you out. There is another place on the way outside of town (1km from Taurus) called, El Rodeo. This is a pretty good place also, very similar to El Tejano and the women are pretty good looking. There are other bars that I not mentioning, nor do they deserve mention. However, there is one other form of finding a woman, but I will talk about that later. Again, each of these places only has about 10-15 girls working at anyone time. If the bar is still open you have to pay the house a "salida" to take the women from the bar and each girl has their own negotiable price. Usually this depends on how late and how good looking the girl is. First night: After cruising to all of the places that I mentioned I went back to the Taurus. As soon as I walked in there was a Krystal. 5'3" with black hair that was slicked and pulled back. She had a very fair complexion with firm small tits. She was wearing a very classy short dress that could be worn in any of the discos in Ixtapa. Seeing that the time was already approaching 2:00am I decided to just grab something for the night. I paid the $N 150 "salida" (she carried a little higher exit fee from the normal $N 100) and we grabbed a taxi back to Ixtapa. Built on the hill in a bay the Westin Ixtapa has some pretty tight security. I told the guard she was my girlfriend and slipped him $N 50. We went to my room and she immediately started kissing me and rubbing my hard on. She took off her dress and walked to my balcony in her high heels and g-string. *MOST MEMORABLE* The room I happened to be staying in had its own pool, which after taking her remaining items, climed in. By this time I was already stripped down and started for the pool. Sitting on the edge she proceeded to give an *excellent* bj. I had to slow her down a couple of times to keep from exploding. After a while she moved to the edge of the pool and spread her legs. Her pussy was nice and trimmed and she had such a beautiful looking pussy that I could not resist temptation. I ate her for about 20 minutes after which I could feels her legs spasming from her orgasm. We rested in the pool for a little bit and them went into the room. After sucking on my tool for a little while longer she slapped on Mr. Trojan (which I brought) and proceeded to pump from the female superior position. Switched to several positions, but I had to burning desire to cum from behind. After turning her around I got a couple of minutes in before I could not hold it any longer. She knew I was going to cum and she ripped off the condom and sucked me off until I came in her mouth. She drained every ounce of energy from me and I collapsed on the bed. We had sex a couple more times that night and ended up naked on the hammock on the balcony watching night turn to day. I bought her a bathing suit from the shop in the hotel and we spent the rest of the day under the cabanas on the beach. Total cost for her services was $800 pesos (about $108 US). Seeing that she was such a good looking girl and that I spent so much time with her it was very cheap. She wanted to come over the next night, but I told her that I had to meet up with some friends (but I really wanted to check out other action). It was funny but I met a couple on the beach the next night from the states. They were in the hotel room above me. The hotel is constructed on a hill and the side facing the ocean looks like a pyramid, so you can see a portion of the balconies below you. Most people will sleep with their sliding door open and listen to the ocean at night. He said that his wife woke him up when they heard us and they went to investigate and could see us going at it. He thanked us for putting them in the *mood*. I actually along with some other people that I meet had some enjoyable time with these people. Second night: I could not head back to Taurus because I did not want to run into Krystal. So I instead when to El Tejano. Tony recognized me from the other night and asked me if I was american. I told him I was and he started rattling of in english. Tony gave me a tour of the inside and made all the women come by and introduce themselves. I finally settled on Patti. She was 5'8", 115, beautiful tan skin, wavey long brown hair, small frame, medium bulbous tits, and a killer ass. Paid her "salida" $100 pesos and headed back to Ixtapa. We settled on a price of $500 pesos ($65 US) until the morning. After we took a shower, we climed into bed. Patti said that she did not like giving head, but her technique said otherwise. I told her to bring it down a couple of notches to enjoy it for a longer period of time. Sex was ok, but nothing to write home about. All in all a very enjoyable evening. I sent her home before breakfeast. Third night: Krystal gave me her phone number from the previous night and I called her up. I told her to come down to the hotel to kick it on the beach and to bring some clothes for the evening. When she arrived around 10:00am we, and the couple above us (they thought she was my wife) went back to Zihua and took a boat ride to Los Gatos beach that is really only accessible by boat. We spent a great afternoon there and found out about a restaurant in a hotel called Puerto Mio that was in Zihua. After returning to Ixtapa, showering, changing, we all met up again (this time with 2 other couples) and headed back to Zihua. Now I know this is not the travel and lesuire group, but if you ever have a chance to stay at Puerto Mio, by all means do so. I've stayed at many nice hotels throughout Mexico and the food and view at the restaurant, to the view of the rooms (I changed after the third night, so did the couple above me at the Westin) there is nothing better. AWESOME!!! Although it was a little pricier (jr suite $160/$200 on/off season; sr suite $280/$350). Bedroom and bathroom views are amazing. Sex that night was great again. Multiple positions, multiple orgasms..yada, yada, yada. Fourth and Fifth night: I hung out with some girls from the states that I met at beach. Sixth and seventh night: Back with Krystal. Yeah, I know...there are other women. But, Krystal is a gem. Very classy, professional business look to her outside work, and very energetic in bed. Eighth (last night): As I mentioned, there are other ways of finding women. However, usually this takes some luck and more times than not spanish is required. Jose-Luis, my taxi driver of the first night, told me about a couple of places (homes) that run brothels. There are no women working the street, except for the he-shes that are out there. There is no drinking or dancing at these places and you need to know of someone to get you there and admitted. Jose took me to one place. It was a nice looking house with a driveway that led to a courtyard. The owners name was Armando. Big, friendly guy who smokes cigars, as I do. I gave him a Monte #2 (cuban) that I bought that night dinner and he immediately promised me the best of the house. Unfortunately, it was early and she was not there yet. I told him I was going to go grab a bite (lied) and would be back later. Jose and I took off to another location that was very similar. There were about 5 girls there and none of them were as appealing as what Armando had described he had. So, Jose and I went to a club called Rocka Rock. It was pretty full with a lot of local people. A lot of women and for a fee you could dance, buy them drinks (they earned commission), and take them home should you like. I decided to hold off and just had a couple of beers. Jose then drove me back to Armandos. Again, he greeted us as we got out of the car and called out for Sylvia. Sylvia said she was 19, although her face looked younger. She had short straight brown hair, like Krystal, it was pulled back into a small pony tail. Very fair skinned, hazel eyes, 5'2", Bcup, nice young firm body. She dressed in a nice summer dress with heals. I decided that we would go back into Ixtapa and hit Senor Frogs for some pre-sex fun. We were having fun dancing when someone tapped my on the shoulder. It was the couple that I met at the Westin and later changed to Puerto Mio. They were a little surprised in that they thought Krystal was my wife. I came clean, well almost, and told them that these were just some girls that I met here. After a few hours of dancing we headed back to the hotel...I had checked into another hotel just to avoid potential problems with Krystal. Sylvia was just as Armando described. A girl that was not hardened by the work of the clubs. She was fun, affectionate, and appreciative of a guy treating her like a woman. Armando's fee was $150 pesos and she asked for $500 pesos. I gave her another $500 pesos for the entire night of dancing and pleasure. She was gave bareback blow jobs and was a work horse in bed. We were done when I waived the white flag. Summary: Compared to TJ the selection is quite limited. However, Ixtapa/Zihuatenajo is gorgeous and very safe when compared to TJ. The women are warmer and do not have that cold professional feeling of many women in TJ. As a vacation spot, I would rate this as one of the top vaction spots in Mexico. I'll be heading down to Guadalajara/Zamora/Uruapan/Morelia on the 21st of this month. I've been there before and know the locations for tang. I'll give an updated report when I get back. Archive Index | Copyright © 1997-2013 WSG Properties User Agreement |
TRENTON - Two gunmen opened fire on a taxi as it sped away on Walnut Avenue last night, wounding the 18-year-old passenger who was apparently the target of the shooting, police said today. The victim was shot five times, in his back, upper back and right arm, and was rushed to Capital Health Regional Medical Center in Trenton. He is expected to survive, said Lt. Mark Kieffer, a police spokesman. The gunfire left the back window of the cab shot out, but but the cab driver was unhurt, Kieffer said. Around 11:50 p.m. Thursday, the victim was on the 100 block of Walnut Avenue when the cab he had called arrived. As the teen got into the taxi, the driver spotted the two gunmen. "They walk past the cab, the cab driver sees them in the rear-view mirror," Kieffer said. "The cab takes off and they fire into the back of the cab." The driver sped a block up Walnut Avenue, where taxis line up around the back of the Trenton train station. There, he called for assistance and police and an ambulance were called. Police yesterday had no information on what might have led to the shooting. Descriptions of the suspects were not available. Both suspects were using handguns, police said. Detective Edward Cunningham is investigating. Anyone with information on the case should call police at (609) 989-4170, or the Confidential Tip Line at (609) 989-3663. CONNECT WITH US: On mobile or desktop: • Like Times of Trenton on Facebook • Follow @TimesofTrenton on Twitter
A stand collapsed in Ericsson Globe Arena (Globen) tonight during a concert with Avicii. Around thirty people fell and twenty of them were taken to hospital. One of them, a young girl, has life-thretening injuries and is unconscious Four others have serious injuries. The concert continued despite the accident and many people in Globen didn't even notice the accident reports public service broadcaster SvT. Tonight's second concert with Avicii is cancelled.
In April of 1994, after decades of tension between the Tutsi and Hutu ethnic groups, the assassination of Rwanda’s Hutu president sparked the massacre of an estimated 800,000 people in a Hutu attempt to wipe out the minority Tutsi population. The genocide began in Rwanda’s capital of Kigali and quickly spread within the country, forcing millions to flee as refugees to neighboring countries. The genocide ended 100 days later in July when the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RFP) took over Kigali. They remain the political party in power today. Three World Vision staff members who spent time in Rwanda during and just after the genocide give their testimonies—stories of unbelief at the inhumanity, but also of how the 20-year transition to peace and forgiveness is “beyond human comprehension.”
Visit our North Carolina Room for printed, audiovisual, and online resources for your local or family history research. Prepare to be impressed with the available collections and the staff that can guide you through them. As a Federal Depository for United States government documents, we provide access to a wealth of reports and data. State and local government information is also on file and ready for you to access at the library or at home. Visit the North Carolina Room and meet with the experts. The Nonprofit Resource Center offers research materials on a wide variety of topics of interest to the nonprofit sector. This collection is housed on the second floor of Central Library and includes a dedicated workstation with subscription access to Foundation Directory Online. A very special collection of photographs is housed at Central Library as a part of the North Carolina Room. Most feature people, events, buildings, and street scenes of Winston-Salem and surrounding areas, and they date back as far as the late 1800s.
To make a long story short, "work", for me, has for the past two and a half years meant doing alterations for a bridal store (in fact, this is the second store I've worked for). This involves identifying and solving fitting issues but also fittin customers for corselettes and hoop skirts and discussing and creating style alterations. I should mention it does not mean making wedding dresses to order. I think I could do that but I could never sell such dresses at the price most customers want to pay. I'm mentioning this now because I came across some pictures on my phone. Being phone pictures, taken by nasty artificial light, they are not of quality but I hope you can see what I'm trying to show you anyway. I took these a month or so ago, after completing particularly involved project. The customer was a very nice lady who was getting married while being six months pregnant. She chose a combination of a white skirt and a black top. I took the waistband and some of the top of the skirt off and put on a wide jersey band. Functional, but not a very impressive job. The top was a different matter. Her black top started out exactly the same as this white one. It was too small, so I made a lacing panel at the back (which I do fairly often). She preferred a halter over shoulder straps so I took the straps out, turned them around and made a back closure with buttons and elastic loops. And I filled in the side next to the straps to avoid both gaping and showing the bra. To extend the top over her belly, I knew I would need to make some kind of pattern. To do this, I pinned muslin to the bottom of the top and drew on lines for the bottom and side seams. I used those as a pattern for the extension-bit. On the outside, I mimicked the pleated design of the rest of the top. In the end, it fitted her very well. I thought this might be nice to share with you, or, in fact, I guess I just wanted to show off my hard work.
Tag Archives: gymnastics By Ryan Kaczmarski The Greater Cleveland gymnastics world congregated at Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School on Saturday for the annual Rock-n-Roll Classic. More than 40 high schools were represented in the meet, including Bay, Westlake, North Olmsted, Lakewood and Magnificat high schools. The meet was broken up into three sessions, with teams of similar strengths […] By Ryan Kaczmarski The high school gymnastics season is already upon us, and the area teams are hopeful for postseason success. Last season, MAGNIFICAT did not qualify for the state meet – for the first time in 23 years – and head coach Joe Gura wants to make sure his squad makes it back to […] A family that competes together, succeeds together. That can certainly be said about the Cahill family of Westlake. With four of the five members of the family competing at a high level in each of their chosen sports, and the fifth making sure everyone gets to their games and practices on time, they could be seen as an American success story. Submitted by Magnificat High School The Ohio High School Gymnastics Coaches Association has selected Joe Gura, head coach at Magnificat, as its 2012 Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity (SEI) Award recipient. Gura has been coaching at the high school level for more than 25 years. Under his leadership, Magnificat has won nine state team championships and […]
This is the first Jeeves and Wooster story "Plum" ever wrote. Wodehouse weaves his wit through a wide collection of terrifying aunts, miserly uncles, love-sick friends, and unwanted fiancés. Bertie gets into a bit of trouble when one of his pals, Bingo Little, starts to fall in love with every second girl he lays his eyes on. But the soup gets really thick when Bingo decides to marry one of them and enlists Bertie's help. Luckily, he has the inimitable Jeeves to pull him out of it. (P)1999 Blackstone Audio, Inc. "By far the most prolific audiobook interpreter of P.G. Wodehouse's comic English manor-house tales, Frederick Davidson here offers a performance superior to most of his other efforts....Aunt Agatha alone is worth the price of admission." (AudioFile) St. Louis, Missouri I've always thought Bertie Wooster, so often characterized as a "dim-witted aristocrat", is actually wiser than he seems--both to his Aunt Agatha and to many readers. While not a genius like Thomas Hardy or Jeeves, Bertie has a cagey sense of self-preservation and, what's more, lives up to Madeline Basset's assessment of him as "one of the only truly chivalrous men" she knows. As a reader, Fredrick Davidson expresses that innate shrewdness in Bertie's character. Just listen to his intonation as Bertie sizes up Bingo Little's latest girlfriend, describes the unspeakable Honoria Glossop or counters the machinations of the vile Rupert Steggles. Then there is his good-heartedness: the lengths he goes to make every one of Bingo's romances come off, though knowing the effort is probably doomed. All this is important because it transforms Bertie Wooster from the fool with a silver spoon in his mouth to a character--albeit comic--who you actually get to know, like and care about. If Bertie were only a class-warfare stereotype I doubt the allure of the Jeeves-Wooster axis would have lasted as long as it has. And it's this side of the otherwise goofy, slow-witted Bertie that Davidson understood and expressed to a nicety. This book happens to be one of Davidson's and Wodehouse's best efforts. The stories can be read or listened to individually, but they all link together as chapters in an ongoing story. And that story is simply one of Wodehouse's most delightful and entertaining. I love reading and listening to books, especially fantasy, science fiction, children's, historical, and classics. The Inimitable Jeeves is the funniest audiobook I???ve listened to. Bertie Wooster is a consummately idle idle rich chappie, rather foolish and none too intelligent and prone to getting into absurd fixes regarding women, betting (what he calls sporting), or relatives. Bertie's laconic "genius" valet Jeeves relies on his network of connections among the upper crust???s servants and cooks and butlers and his knowledge of human nature and of Bertie???s foibles to fish Bertie ???out of the soup??? or even to solve Bertie???s mooching friend Bingo Little???s serial love troubles. If all that weren't enough, Jeeves prepares the perfect cup of tea and is a reliable (though severe) arbiter of fashion. The chapters tell a linked set of amusing and suspenseful stories with colorful characters and perfect, comical payoffs. All are narrated by Bertie in the first person, so that the reader is treated to a plethora of colorful similes (???He lugged them out of the drawer as if he were a vegetarian fishing a caterpillar out of the salad???) and slang. Influenced by Bertie, I now find myself ???biffing??? about saying things like "the rummy thing" and "eh, what?" and "ripping fine day" and "simply topping" and "what's the sitch" (situation)" and "cove" (guy) and and ???right-o??? and ???he???s got a goodish pile??? (money) and "rather" and "What the deuce" and ???Dash it all." At one point Bertie asks Jeeves, ???Did you put that pie-faced infant up to bally-ragging Mr. Basington-Basington???? Another time he asks Jeeves if some ???chappie is not a blighter or an excrescence.??? I could go on and on quoting the exquisite Bertie-isms! And the reader, Frederick Davidson, is perfect, making Bertie sound so refined and buffoonish and sophisticated and ignorant, and Jeeves so terse and superior. Even if you didn't usually like Davidson's manner, you couldn't resist his Bertie! If you love Jeeves and Bertie Wooster you will absolutley love this recording. The characters come alive in humor and drama with Frederick Davidson giving them voice and as always Blackstone's recording is top notch. Well worth the 6 hours of listening. Hilarious adventures of a young toff and his mates in Edwardian England. His faithful manservant, Jeeves is the brains of the operation. I am saving this one to re-listen to during long stressful drives and boring lectures Some people don't like Frederick Davidson (aka David Case) but I really think he was cut out for reading Bertie Wooster. I enjoyed every minute of this. UN excellent audiobook en anglais. Les aventures de Bertie et son valet, Jeeves sont extrement droles. Quant au narrateur, Frederik Davidson, il est genial. Il a su trouver pour chaque personnage le ton de voix qui correspond, on dirait une piece de theatre á 10 personnages . Attention, le niveau d'anglais est élevé et le texte emploie beaucoup d'expressions populaires, mais on arrive à comprendre l'essentiel. "Great narration and a treat for all Jeeves fans" Narration of some parts is very good and definitely a repeat listen. Ofcourse its Jeeves His way of reliving the old accents and the phrases. Not particularly moved but the overall experience was a great one. Report Inappropriate Content
AIRS Sees Gabrielle (image) NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Share Print E-Mail Caption When NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Gabrielle earlier on Sept. 5 at 1:41 a.m. EDT, it was a tropical storm. Gabrielle's cloud top temperatures were as cold as -63F/-52C at that time, and have since warmed. Credit NASA JPL/Ed Olsen Usage Restrictions None Share Print E-Mail Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.
Re: west nile virus and antibiotics Antibiotics wont help west nile, but they really cant make it worse. Usually for west nile you just push fluids and have plenty of bed rest. If he was up doing things then it probably would have been better had you guys found out sooner. DId he just have west nile virus or was it encepilitus or meningius which are more serious forms of west nile?
Daniel DePrey lists a top-five finish in a Mid-American Junior Golf Tour event and making the cut at the Illinois State Amateur Championship at Makray Memorial among his summer highlights. But those two accomplishments, impressive as they are, cannot top what DePrey pulled off Monday at Bowes Creek in Elgin. The Cary-Grove senior followed his first-round 71 – which was par – with a 6-under-par 65, his best round ever, to win the final Illinois Junior Golf Association event of the year. That victory vaulted DePrey from third to first place, earning him IJGA Player of the Year honors for ages 14 through 18. “I knew I had to win that tournament [to get first],” DePrey said. “I was 5-under through 10 on the first day and that motivated me to keep it together the entire round instead of breaking down.” DePrey had 25 putts on his career-best round and finished 11 strokes ahead of Orland Park’s Mike Misheck. He is brimming with confidence heading into his fourth varsity season for the Trojans this fall. “I feel really good about my ball-striking and short game,” DePrey said. “I don’t think it could be much better right now.” DePrey works a lot with his friend Paul Schlimm’s father (Paul) and brother (Dan). The younger Paul Schlimm plays for Crystal Lake Central. The DePreys and Schlimms play at Marengo’s Blackstone Golf Club. “My short game’s improved night and day from last year, it’s 10 times better,” DePrey said. “The Schlimms and my dad [Jeff] let me figure things out on my own, then they take a look at it.” DePrey wants to maintain his roll through the high school season and improve his standing with college coaches. He has been contacted by NCAA Division III Carthage College, but hopes he can make it to a scholarship school at the D-I or D-II level. All for Jodi: The Run for Jodi, a benefit for former Woodstock North cross country coach Bruce Farris’ wife, had 676 participants Saturday at the high school. Jodi Farris suffers from multiple sclerosis and one of Farris’ former runners started organizing a race in her honor, with the money raised going to the National MS Society. Bruce Farris said $40,000 was raised through entry fees, sponsorships and contributions. “The Run for Jodi was a huge success,” he said. • Joe Stevenson is a senior sports writer for the Northwest Herald. He can be reached by email at email@example.com. You also can follow him on Twitter @nwh_JoePrepZone.
CAIRO – Egyptians delivered an angry backlash against President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood on Friday, marking the second anniversary of the start of the country’s revolution with tens of thousands filling major squares and streets around the country to call for a new regime change. Two years to the day that protesters first rose up against now-toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak, Egypt is entrenched in the new phase of its upheaval – the struggle between ruling Islamists and their opponents, played out on the backdrop of a worsening economy. Rallies turned to clashes near Tahrir Square and outside the presidential palace in Cairo and in multiple cities around the country, with police firing tear gas and protesters throwing stones. At least four people, including a 14-year-old boy, were killed in the day’s worst clashes, in the city of Suez, where protesters set ablaze a building that once housed the city’s local government. More than 370 were injured nationwide, the Health Ministry said, including five in Suez with gunshot wounds, raising the possibility of a higher death toll, the state news agency said. Friday’s rallies appeared to have brought out at least 500,000 opposition supporters, a small proportion of Egypt’s 85 million people, but large enough to suggest that opposition to Morsi and his Islamist allies is strong in a country fatigued by two years of political turmoil, surging crime and a free falling economy that is fueling popular anger. Protests – and clashes – took place in at least 12 of Egypt’s 27 provinces, including several that are Islamist strongholds. “After what happened to me, I will never leave until Morsi leaves,” said protester Sara Mohammed after she was treated for tear gas inhalation during clashes outside the president’s palace in Cairo’s Heliopolis district. “What can possibly happen to us? Will we die? That’s fine, because then I will be with God as a martyr. Many have died before us and even if we don’t see change, future generations will.” The immediate goal of the opposition was to have a show of strength to push Morsi to amend the country’s new constitution, which was pushed through by his Islamist allies and rushed through a national referendum last month. But more broadly, protesters are trying to show the extent of public anger against the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization Morsi hails from, which they say is acting unilaterally and taking over the state rather than setting up a broad-based democracy. Morsi is Egypt’s first freely elected and civilian president, a significant feat given that all his four predecessors were of military background. But his six months in office have been marred by some of the worst crises since Mubarak’s ouster and divisions that have left the nation scarred and in disarray. A giant wave of demonstrations erupted in November and December following a series of presidential decrees, since rescinded, that gave Morsi near absolute powers, placing him above any oversight, including by the judiciary. The Brotherhood and its Islamist allies, including the ultraconservative Salafis, have justified their hold by pointing to their string of election victories the past year – though the opposition says they have gone far beyond what in many ways is a narrow mandate – Morsi won the presidency with less than 52 percent of the vote. Brotherhood officials have increasingly depicted the opposition as undemocratic, trying to use the streets to overturn an elected leadership. Thursday night, Morsi gave a televised speech that showed the extent of the estrangement between the two sides. He denounced what he called a “counter-revolution” that is “being led by remnants of ousted president Hosni Mubarak’s regime to obstruct everything in the country.” Unlike in 2012, when both sides made a show of marking Jan. 25 – though, granted, not together – the Brotherhood stayed off the streets for Friday’s anniversary. The group said it was honoring the occasion with acts of public service, like treating the sick and planting trees. On the horizon are key elections to choose a new lower house of parliament. The opposition is hoping it can leverage public anger into a substantial bloc in the legislature, but it is still trying to weld together an effective campaign coalition in the face of Islamists’ strength at the ballot box. Last winter, the Brotherhood and Salafis won around 75 percent of the lower house’s seats, though the body was later disbanded by court order. Pending the election of a new lower house, Morsi gave legislative powers to parliament’s Islamist-dominated upper house, a normally toothless chamber that only about seven percent of Egypt’s 50 million eligible voters bothered to elect in balloting last year. The violence Friday pointed to the increasing tempers among some in the opposition, particularly younger men who have been the most restive. Clashes erupted outside the presidential palace when youths tried to push through a police barricade outside the gates. In other cities, protesters tried to break into offices of the Brotherhood’s political party or government and security buildings. Beyond the violence, the protests re-created the tone of the 18-day uprising against Mubarak, including the same chants, this time directed against Morsi – “Erhal! Erhal!”, Arabic for “leave, leave” and “the people want to topple the regime.” Some of the protesters are planning sit-in strikes in major squares and streets, insisting that they will not go home before Morsi leaves office. Standing near Tahrir Square, retiree Ahmed Afifi declared that he joined Friday’s protests because he was struggling to feed his five children on less than $200 a month. “I am retired and took another job just to make ends meet,” he said, his eyes tearing. “I am close to begging. Under Mubarak life was hard but at least we had security … The first people hit by high prices are the poor people right here.” Tens of thousands massed in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, where the 2011 uprising began, and outside Morsi’s palace. Banners outside the palace proclaimed, “No to the corrupt Muslim Brotherhood government” and “Two years since the revolution, where is social justice?” Others demonstrated outside the state TV and radio building overlooking the Nile. In two towns in the Nile Delta, Menouf and Shibeen el-Koum, protesters blocked railway lines, disrupting train services to and from Cairo. In Ismailia on the Suez Canal, protesters stormed the building housing the provincial government, looting some of its contents. There were also clashes outside Morsi’s home in the Nile Delta province of Sharqiyah. The demands of Friday’s protesters vary. Some on the extremist fringe of Egypt’s loosely knit opposition want Morsi to step down and the constitution adopted last month rescinded. Others are calling for the document to be amended and early presidential elections held. “There must be a constitution for all Egyptians. A constitution that every one of us sees himself in it,” opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei said in a televised message posted on his party’s website. Egypt’s bestselling novelist and democracy campaigner Alaa al-Aswany marched with ElBaradei on Friday to Tahrir. “It is impossible to impose a constitution on Egyptians, a constitution which was sponsored by the Supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the revolution today will bring this constitution down,” he said. Protester Ehab Menyawi said he felt no personal animosity against the Brotherhood but opposed its approach toward Morsi as Egypt’s first freely elected leader. “The Brotherhood thinks that reform was achieved when their man came to power and that in itself is a guarantee for the end of corruption,” he said as he marched from the upscale Cairo district of Mohandiseen to Tahrir with some 20,000 others. Morsi has kept government policy-making and the choice of appointments almost entirely within the Brotherhood. Members and supporters of the group are being installed bit by bit throughout the state infrastructure – from governor posts, to chiefs of state TV and newspapers, down to preachers in state-run mosques. Many were also angered by the constitution and the manner of its adoption. Islamists finalized the draft in a rushed, all-night meeting, throwing in amendments to fit their needs, then pushed it through a swift referendum in which only a third of voters participated. The result is a document that could bring a much stricter implementation of Shariah, or Islamic law, than modern Egypt has ever seen. Looming over the struggle between the opposition against the Islamists is an economy that has been in tatters since Mubarak’s ouster. The vital tourism sector has slumped, investment shriveled, foreign currency reserves have tumbled, prices are on the rise and the local currency has been sliding. More pain is likely in the coming months if the government implements unpopular new austerity measures to secure a $4.8 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund. “Egypt is in a bad place, It’s been wholly consumed with issues of power, and governance has been left by the wayside. None of this had to be,” said Michael W. Hanna, a senior fellow at the New York-based Century Foundation.
Further Proof Charles Barkley is the Worst Golfer Ever (VIDEO) Former Phoenix Suns star Charles Barkley was a hell of a basketball player. That said, he's the shittiest golfer we've ever (ever) seen. Despite his world-renowned awfulness on the links, Barkley is often asked to play in celebrity golf tournaments and put his atrocious swing on display for other celebs to laugh at -- which is exactly what happens in a video circling the Interwebs this morning in which Barkley manages to break the head off of his driver as he tees off on the first hole. It's worthy of a chuckle. Check it out below. Get the This Week's Top Stories Newsletter Every week we collect the latest news, music and arts stories — along with film and food reviews and the best things to do this week — so that you'll never miss Phoenix New Times' biggest stories.
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In Peter Tieryas’ novel The United States of Japan, the United States loses the Second World War to Japan, and finds itself split between the invading Japanese army and Nazi Germany. When we assembled our list of books that we were pumped about coming out in 2016, one particularly stands out: United States of Japan, billed as a ‘spiritual successor of The Man in the High Castle’. It’s got giant mechs, alternate history, and did I mention giant mechs? We’ve all seen movies, read books and played games inspired by the works of sci-fi author Philip K. Dick. Californium is different. It’s not a game about his worlds. It’s a game about Dick himself. Critics seem unsure whether Sense8 is a masterpiece, a disaster, or both. But it’s still a game-changer—pushing the limits of narrative, and testing genre fiction’s patriarchal worldview for weak points. And with a concept that revolves around empathy and personhood, it’s also a great Philip K. Dick tribute. Roger Ebert has said that video games cannot be art. Similar judgments have been made over the decades and centuries about novels, plays, movies, television, comic books, and of course science fiction. You sitting down, sci-fi nerds? Halcyon - who now own the rights to the whole Terminator franchise - have secured the option to develop a number of films and games based on the works of Philip K Dick. At this stage, two games are planned. There's no word on just which of Dick's 44 novels and 120 short stories yet to…
The outdoor square – in the sense of a place for gathering, trading or informing – does not belong to the Japanese tradition of spaces. Even in the recent past, when Japan was importing knowledge and technology from the West, and attempts were made to establish western-style piazzas in Japanese cities, they wound up being spaces that the people of Japan found difficult to comprehend and were therefore destined to be unused. Fortunately this is not the case for T-Site, a recent project by Klein Dytham Architects (KDa). Located in the fashion district of Daikanyama, this scheme has been developed as a multi-functional urban site and has been a great success. T-Site is based on the Japanese definition of the public place intended for transit with the sense of taking a break and socialising just like the western piazza, the result being a new cosmopolitan idea of space that the people of Tokyo can understand. The T-Site is situated alongside the Hillside Terrace Complex. This is an unusual scheme: its designer Fumihiko Maki, approached it as if it were a garden rather than a work of architecture. It is a rare case of construction for progressive growth – with space given over to housing, commercial activities, areas for art galleries, cafes and restaurants – a collective form developed over seven different phases, which Maki has worked on since 1969. Undoubtedly, the spirit of the Hillside Terrace Complex can also be found in the T-Site. KDa in fact created a notion of urban environmental comfort that could be assimilated into Maki's project, designing outdoor spaces that are public, yet discreet and secluded, establishing visual links between spaces of different depths, exploiting, rather than altering, the subtle changes of level in the site. KDa's design for Mr Masuda — the client and president of Tsutaya, a wealthy company that rents films, DVDs and video games — is comprised of various buildings, the three most important of which are set along the main street. Two storeys high and white in colour, the three buildings are connected by a raised corridor, which facilitates circulation between the various spaces of the T-Site, as well as the passage from inside and outside in an easy and natural way. The "T" as design generator The appearance of the external elevation is directly derived from a play on the letter "T", of Tsutaya. The large "T" inscribed on the main and side elevations defines the solid and void of the building; while the voids are treated with large areas of glazing, the solid parts are decorated with a continuous pattern made up of many small Ts. The complex — along with a hotel, veterinary clinic and restaurants — strongly promotes the reinstatement of the book as an object and paper, and as such houses one of the biggest bookshops in Tokyo. Here can be found vintage collections of art, design and fashion magazines at prices that are altogether reasonable: a 1980s Domus costs around 14 euros. The inside of the bookshop — though various openings — enables extensive views into the various rooms that are positioned in such a way as to give a sense of fluidity. The result is a pleasant urban space that connects the outdoor piazza and transforms the interiors into an extended living room, the ideal place for having a coffee, reading a book or listening to music. KDa have been working in Tokyo for more than twenty years and are famous throughout the world for inventing the Pecha Kucha Night — an event and meeting revolving around the communication of creative projects and ideas — that has become so popular that it has been adopted in almost 200 cities around the world. Astrid Klein was born in Italy of German parents, studied in France, graduated in the UK in 1988 and lives and works in Japan: an international woman to the core. Mark Dytham was born in the UK in a new town near Milton Keynes. He grew up with the idea that the "new" had great potential to improve peoples' lives. The pair — who met at the Royal College of Art where they studied for their MA before moving to Tokyo together — are pop-art style interpreters of an architecture with a rarefied atmosphere: expressing an idea of space linked to architecture intended not only as a material work but also as a mark. This has often led them to make use of images and graphic motifs as the substance — and not only image — of the surfaces that they design. With the T-Site, they have developed to the full their passion for the sign as a generator of space and express a spatial articulation that is essentially cosmopolitan. Klein Dytham Architects: T-Site Tsutaya Books Architects: Klein Dytham Architects Location: Daikanyama, Tokyo Main use: Multifucntion, Book Store, Restaurant Total floor area: 4,300 square metres Structure: Glass, Steel and RC Completion date: February 2012
RFE: Conference Listings This service is a joint project of RFE and EconBiz. HWWA - Hamburg Institute of International EconomicsVienna University of Economics and Business Administration - September 16-17, 2005 - Re-location of production and jobs to CEE countries - who gains and who loses? - Hamburg, Germany - The Hamburg-based HWWA Institute for International Economics and the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WU) are organising a joint workshop on this issue in order to advance our knowledge on the effects of FDI in CEE and to provide a discussion forum for experts in this field. Papers are invited to cover for example the following issues:- What is the impact of FDI in CEE on home country employment and wages, including distributional effects? Are there any differences between greenfield investments and M&A, horizontal and vertical FDI or services and manufacturing? - Is there a trend from relocation of simple labour-intensive functions towards more complex skill-intensive functions, such as R&D? - Which firms can profit most from new opportunities in the East? Does the combination of proximity, highly qualified labour at low costs, and high market growth potential induce small and medium-sized firms that had not done so before to invest in the East? - Are there indications of FDI diversion? To what extent does expansion in the East take place at the cost of traditional locations in the European periphery? Is there a flying geese pattern of FDI in labour-intensive production in CEE countries with core CEE losing out vs. the other accession countries? [gem?_?? den Informationen des Anbieters - according to site editor's information] - JEL Code:
AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 10, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 126, OF DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO METHOD FOR APPOINTING DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR FOR JUSTICES OF PEACE. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Delaware: Section 1. Amend Title 10 of the Delaware Code, by striking § 126 thereof in its entirety and substituting in lieu of same, a new § 126 to read as follows: § 126. Deputy Administrator for Justices of the Peace (a) The Deputy Administrator shall be responsible for the administration of all accounts, expenditures and other administrative functions of the Courts. (b) The Deputy Administrator shall report directly to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (c) The Deputy Administrator shall be appointed to his position by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Section 2. Title 10, Delaware Code, is amended by adding thereto a new Section to read as follows: § 127. Powers of the Deputy Administrator (a) The Deputy Administrator shall perform such duties and shall enforce such orders and directives as the Chief Justice shall from time to time establish for the more efficient operation of the Justice of the Peace Courts. His duties and authority shall be limited to the operation of Justice of the Peace Courts and shall extend to no other court whatsoever. Anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding the Deputy Administrator shall not be considered one of the appointed Justices of the Peace, and the number of such Justices of the Peace as prescribed by law shall not be increased by virtue of such power vested in the Deputy Administrator. (b) The Deputy Administrator shall have free access at all times to any proceedings before a Justice of the Peace for the purpose of acting as an observer and shall have the authority to inspect the records of, and to require reports and information from any of the Justices of the Peace, with respect to the manner of the operation of their Courts. () The Deputy Administrator shall be a person who has been duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of Delaware. (a) The Deputy Administrator may select an Assistant Deputy Administrator to assist him in the performance of his duties. The said assistant shall serve at the pleasure of the Deputy Administrator or until the appointment of a new Deputy Administrator. (b) The Deputy Administrator shall be paid an annual salary of not less than $16,000 and not more than $23,000. Said salary shall be determined by the Governor. Section 3. The provisions of Sections 1 and 2 of this Act shall become effective upon the signature of this Act by the Governor. The Deputy Administrator presently serving shall continue to serve until his successor is appointed and confirmed by the Senate. Approved July 7, 1970.
Given recent public attention on cyber security following last year’s retailer data breaches, banks should be utilizing all government resources available to help protect customers and stay alert for the latest threats, the FDIC said today in a public statement. Banks of all sizes need to be aware of new cyber threats and government-sponsored resources that help identify them, the statement said. “We believe that financial institutions and their technology service providers have been managing system updates to mitigate potential vulnerabilities in an effective manner… financial institutions may benefit from greater awareness of the resources available to identify cyber-related risks as quickly as possible,” Doreen Eberly, director of the FDCIC’s Division of Risk Management Supervision. [For More On Recent Cyber Attacks, Check Out: Breaking Down the Impact of the Target Breach] In addition to recommending that banks work closely with risk and security teams of their third-party partners, the FDIC listed a number of available resources that it said information security staff should be utilizing: - United States Computer Emergency Readiness Teams (US-CERT). Run by the Department of Homeland Security, US-CERT helps coordinate information sharing around cyber threats and vulnerabilities through its Cyber Awareness System (NCAS). - U.S. Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force (ECTF). ECTFg coordinates local, state and federal law enforcement with the private sector to help fight cyber threats. - FBI InfraGard. A forum for sharing information between the FBI and the private sector, InfraGard has more than 60 chapters that host local meetings in their geography. - Regional Financial Services Coalitions. Regional industry coalitions can help coordinate between the private sector and local law enforcement. Check here for groups in your region. - Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISAC’s). ISAC’s can help provide incident alerts, response and mitigation and coordinate information sharing between different parties. Check out the National Council of ISAC’s to find out more. Jonathan Camhi has been an associate editor with Bank Systems & Technology since 2012. He previously worked as a freelance journalist in New York City covering politics, health and immigration, and has a master's degree from the City University of New York's Graduate School ... View Full Bio
Lately I see a lot of "news" on B2B from a place I wouldn't expect: Social. In my opinion Social and B2B have absolutely no business with each other (see my freeBook on Social Business) Joshua Paul is my superhero of the day here, with an utter nonsense post titled 10 Secrets of the B2B Social Business Superhero This very post has nothing to do with B2B and could have easily had any title - and yes it then would have to replace the two occurrences of B2B in the post itself by, well nothing, really B2B is about businesses doing business with other businesses. Those are typically based on fixed and very static partner agreements, carefully rolled down and out and always involving Integration Typically, B2B information flows are unattended and machine-only. All the people involved once were there in the inception phase, when the agreements were solidified, after which they were build, tested and implemented. There are no exceptions in B2B, it is entirely based on rules. There are hardly any exception-handling mechanisms other than the occasional operator watching all the EDI-traffic and spotting an odd one out message that doesn't make it through. That is, if you did it right. If this does not describe your B2B or EDI, feel free to contact me and I'll help you solve your problems Social is about doing people stuff with other people - sorry for this lame definition but I just want to contrast it with the B2B definition. Social Business deals with business exceptions rather than rules, requiring flexible answers to complex questions in dynamic environments. As such, it isn't about giving predefined answers to predictable questions, it is about giving unpredictable answers to undefined questions. Social Business serves best where an increased distance between people on all sides is negatively affecting business as a whole. Social Business is best for establishing ties between unknown people B2B: predefined, known, static, rules, machines. Social Business: undefined, unknown, dynamic, exceptions, people. Have you ever seen two fields of business that not only have so little in common, but even are so opposite of each other? I haven't. Now why on earth would people try to sell Social to B2B? It's exactly like selling ice-cream in the desert: B2B's Social equals the dessert in the desert I can only guess with regards to the reasons for this. - Is the Social B2B crowd populated by evangelists that fail to turn into priests and monks now the movement goes mainstream? - Is the Social B2B crowd populated by evangelists that used the phrase "Existing culture must change in order for Social to succeed" and were shown the enterprise door? - Is the Social B2B crowd populated by evangelists that cried "Break down the silos!" and were booted out the enterprise door? And please, stop trying to sell one-size-fits-all solutions. Especially if you only change the title in order to find a different audience
Originally Posted by mark h Hi Agrelon, the Talons have been going great, much better than expected for a large G10 construction. I'm toying with the idea of switching from Select slalom sizes to eithe C3 or Tectonic Talons Here's some info: Thanks for the link. I was also considering a Select S07 but apparently those don't work so well with Futuras.... I'm buying a cheap 34cm fin second hand (not sure about the specs yet) but it will be interesting to see how it changes the board feeling and if it's too big. JP Super-X 106l, North F8 Ram: 5.8m,
The song that gave it's name to a tour, Elevation was the third single from the band's 2000 album All That You Can't Leave Behind and went on to win the Grammy Award in 2002 for 'Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal'. An 'irresistible mix of crude techno and raw guitar-swagger' was how Adam Sweeting in the UK's Guardian put it, while David Browne in Entertainment Weekly in the US cited 'the charging-horse feel of U2's youth, with a bumpy-noise upgrade courtesy of producers Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois'. Chris Vrenna's 'Tomb Raider Mix' was the version released as a single, also featuring on the movie soundtrack to Lara Croft:Tomb Raider. The music video by Joseph Kahn stars Lara Croft with an 'evil U2' and a 'good U2' and begins with a phonecall from 'evil Bono' to 'good Bono': 'This is 'evil Bono'. We have The Edge. We want the key. You are surrounded and not even Lara Croft can help you now...'
Published: February 05, 2010 University of Tampa senior Hannah Duprey recently received the 2009 Excellence in Service Award from the Florida Campus Compact. award honors three of Florida’s most dedicated student service scholars who are making a positive impact through their contribution of service. Duprey, who is co-coordinator of UT’s student volunteer center and organizes UT’s Alternative Breaks Program, was selected as the recipient in the private college/university sector. Florida Campus Compact is a coalition of more than 50 colleges and universities committed to promoting community service, service-learning and civic engagement. of Belleville, Ill., is majoring in government and world affairs and international studies. Duprey has worked in the PEACE (People Exploring Active Community Experiences) Volunteer Center for two years, first as an alternative breaks coordinator and now as the head alternative breaks UT’s Alternative Breaks Program offers students the opportunity to travel outside the Tampa Bay area to serve those in need. The trips address issues of terminal illness, homelessness, hurricane relief and sustainability, and take place during weekends, winter break, spring break and the summer. In 2008, Duprey participated in the Alternative Spring Break to New Orleans to work on Hurricane Katrina relief. As an alternative breaks coordinator, Duprey coordinated six alternative breaks, including an international alternative break to volunteer with an agency called Orphanage Outreach in the Dominican Republic. This year, as head alternative breaks coordinator, Duprey is responsible for the implementation of eight trips, including a February weekend trip to the nonprofit Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary in Gainesville and an international alternative break to Peru in May. Upon graduation, Duprey plans to work for the U.S. National Park Service.
Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History. By S.C. Gwynne. Scribner, 371 pp., $27.50. By Janice Harayda No Indians of the Southern Plains had a more fearsome reputation than the Comanches. Nomadic warriors who liked to attack under a full moon, they inspired terror with their horned buffalo-wool caps and their ability to fire arrows while clinging to the sides of horses. They gang-raped women, speared babies with lances, and tortured male captives, sometimes by burning them to death. After a massacre, an Army captain reported seeing evidence of beheadings and victims whose “fingers, toes, and private parts had been cut off and stuck in their mouths.” In this worthy finalist for the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction, S.C. Gwynne denies neither these atrocities nor the many betrayals by whites that helped to foster the warriors’ thirst for vengeance. With journalistic balance and novelistic flair, he tells the story of the fall of the Comanches through the lives of three people who had entwined roles in it: Quanah Parker, their last great chief; his white mother, Cynthia Ann Parker, kidnapped by the tribe as a 9-year-old and removed from it against her will 24 years later by Texas Rangers; and Ranald Mackenzie, a brilliant Indian fighter who attended West Point with Gen. George Armstrong Custer. Of those three lives, only Quanah’s did not end in tragedy, and Empire of the Summer Moon shows the cost of the American ideal of Manifest Destiny both to those who pursued it and to those who obstructed it. Few stereotypes of Indians have proved more tenacious than that of the “noble savage,” but Gwynne shows that among native tribes as among whites, extraordinary courage often went hand-in-hand with comparable ignobility. Best line: One passage describes what Comanches did after they gang-raped and shot several arrows into Martha Sherman, a white settler who was nine months pregnant: “They scalped her alive by making deep cuts below her ears and, in effect, peeling the top of her head entirely off.” Worst line: In a rare descent into sentimentality and cliché, Gwynne writes of Cynthia Ann after whites recaptured her: “And maybe she thinks, just for a moment, that all is right in the world.” Published: May 2010 (Scribner hardcover), May 2011 (Scribner paperback). Read an excerpt from Empire of the Summer Moon. You may also want to read: The Unredeemed Captive: A Family Story From Early America You can follow Janice Harayda on Twitter at www.twitter.com/janiceharayda or by clicking on the follow button in the right sidebar. Jan is an award-winning journalist who has been the book columnist for Glamour and the book editor of the Plain Dealer in Cleveland. © 2011 Janice Harayda. All rights reserved.
It boggles the mind that criminals can be so dumb as to post pictures of themselves and the booty from their crimes on Facebook, Instagram and other social media outlets. Being part of a neighborhood watch program where I live, I know that Facebook is a great tool for police. This article will list a few of the dumbest social media criminals. A man from Lockport, New York was arrested in 2009 for assault from a bar fight he was involved in. When the man failed to appear for his court hearing, a warrant was issued for his arrest. However, the man had fled the state. The police decided to use the Google search engine to try and find him. It worked. His Facebook and Myspace pages were listed on the search engine. His Facebook page listed his new address, his job and the hours he worked. He also posted his wanted picture from a newspaper back in Lockport, New York. He was soon arrested after that. A young man from Jenkins, Kentucky posted a picture of himself on his social media page as he was siphoning gas from a Jenkins police car. The picture was soon circulated and the man was arrested and charged with “illegal tanking” and spent the night in county jail. When he was released he posted that he was arrested because of Facebook. I believe he was arrested because he was an idiot. Another idiot move is when people break into homes and then log onto Facebook or Instagram on the computers of the homes they break into. One young man in Washinton, D.C. broke into the home of a Washington Post reporter and stole four hundred dollars in cash, a laptop, and a winter coat. The criminal then logged onto the reporter’s son’s computer and posted a picture of himself with the stuff he stole. His social media “mugshot” led to his arrest and D.C. police said that this kid was the stupidest criminal they have ever encountered. I’d say. It isn’t just him though. There are plenty of stories about criminals posting their crimes on the computers of homes they break into. It really does boggle the mind. This following story boggles the mind as well. A young man who was a wanted sex offender was being protected by his girlfriend. She wanted to protect him so much that she “liked” the local police station’s Facebook page so she could keep an eye on them and their movements. However, she didn’t know that by liking their page and following them, this allows the police to check out her profile and they did just that. They found pictures of her and her wanted boyfriend on her profile and promptly was able to arrest the both of them the next day. It really is no wonder that police departments use Facebook and other social media outlets to monitor and catch these idiots. Facebook is a great tool for law enforcement. If you commit a crime, keep it to yourself and don’t brag about it. However, the police sure do appreciate it when you do.
Beau Biden undergoes hospital tests at M.D. Anderson Updated 12:06 am, Thursday, August 22, 2013 "Yesterday our son Beau underwent a successful procedure," the Vice President said in a statement released by the White House. " He is in great shape and is going to be discharged tomorrow and heading home to Delaware. He will follow up with his local physicians in the coming weeks." Beau Biden underwent tests at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Tuesday, the third hospital he's visited in the past week about an episode of weakness and disorientation. Earlier, a spokesman in the Delaware attorney general's office would not comment on the younger Biden's condition or give any further details at this time about his visit to Houston. An NBC affiliate in Washington, quoting unnamed sources, said the tests in Houston were to rule out cancer. It said that sources familiar with Biden's condition said that a biopsy would be conducted and that it could take days for the pathology to be studied under a microscope It was unclear exactly when Biden began tests Tuesday. But after a motorcade of six sports utility vehicles stopped at M.D. Anderson's ambulance emergency entrance about 10:30 a.m., a hospital employee reported seeing the vice president walk into the hospital. The vehicles departed shortly before 5 p.m. The Bidens arrived in Houston Monday. They dined at D'Amico's Italian Market Cafe in the Rice Village Monday night, and Beau Biden tweeted a photo of his wife, Hallie, and him Tuesday morning that read "Touched by all your well wishes - thank you. Nice evening in Houston w/Hallie; will share update when we have it. -bb." Biden's visit to M.D. Anderson followed previous stints at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago and Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. A statement from his office Monday night said that he was admitted to Northwestern on Wednesday night after feeling weak and disoriented, following a long drive to Indiana for a family vacation. "The next morning, feeling better, he traveled to Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia to consult with his doctor about his earlier symptoms," the statement said. "The attorney general was discharged and spent the weekend at home in Wilmington." Biden, who suffered what was described as a mild stroke in 2010, is undergoing testing "to investigate the cause of his symptoms," the Delaware Department of Justice statement said. M.D. Anderson, a component of the University of Texas System, is the state's cancer hospital but draws patients from the nation and world because of its renowned, cutting-edge care. Officials at M.D. Anderson said they have no information. Biden, 44, was elected in 2006 as Delaware's attorney general and is serving his second term. A former federal prosecutor in Philadelphia, he served in Iraq for one year as a captain with the Delaware Army National Guard. He was considered a front-runner to fill his father's former U.S. Senate seat in 2010, but decided against running for higher office. The attorney general and his wife have two children. "They called and asked if I could accommodate at table of 15," said D'Amico, who quickly moved a couple of patrons to accommodate the vice president's dinner party. D'Amico described the hourlong meal as low-key. He said a crowd gathered to greet the party as it exited the restaurant. "We love you, Joe," D'Amico said he heard several clapping well-wishers shout.
Crookers kept it pretty vibrant during his 2013 EDC Las Vegas set. He kicked things off with the "Dr. Gonzo Anthem," dropped immediately into his "Big Booty Bootleg," and kept his foot on the necks of the ravers out there. We can just imagine how intense the crowd was during this set. Truthfully, you don't need to know much else. Hit play and start raging. The only way you won't be satisfied is if you go looking for a download link and don't find one. Sorry. Related: The 2014 EDC Las Vegas Lineup
So as you may have noticed, there’s been a pretty steady flow of big-name performers from Saturday Night Live lately. We lost Kristen Wiig and Andy Samberg last season, and since this season’s finale we’re already down Bill Hader, Fred Armisen, Seth Meyers, and possibly Jason Sudeikis, although he hasn’t definitively decided yet one way or the other. A lot of people are calling it a ‘crisis’ or an ‘exodus’ and remarking on the fact that nobody on the show is particularly well-known now, but I don’t see it that way at all. The only reason we know who people like Kristen and Seth are is because they did the show for such a long time and we GOT to know them! The cast right now is supremely talented, and with no bigger names to overshadow featured players, I’m excited to see who gets (and takes) the opportunities created by a more traditional ensemble cast. Plus, there’s an added bonus now of a ton of slots being open at the same time, so we’re sure to get some tasty fresh meats in there come September. (You guys. I’m sorry about all the borderline sexual references. I don’t know where they keep coming from.) I don’t know if you know this, but a lot of the SNL cast members come up from the improv world, and since that’s a world that I have at least a working knowledge of, and since there’s nothing I like better than some good, old-fashioned rank speculation, here are some people I think would be a good fit for the cast. Also bear in mind that I don’t have any idea whether any of these people even want to be on the show. They’re just comedians I like a lot, and would like to selfishly see on my television every week. So sue me. Colleen Doyle, @anyanghello . Colleen is also based out of Chicago, performing her show Dummy at iO. She also appears on the same improvised webseries that her comrade on this list Tim Baltz stars in, Shrink. Annnnd her Twitter handle is an Arrested Development joke, so how can you go wrong? In sketches, she should play : the insane best friend who thinks she’s totally normal, perpetrator of a hare-brained scheme. You’d see a lot of her in those last crazy sketches at the very end of the show. . Greg also hails from Chicago. He performs on a team with Thomas Middleditch, The Improvised Shakespeare Company, as well as appearing with Second City, iO, and writing for The Onion News Network. He happens to look kinda sorta like Joffrey from Game Of Thrones , but try not to hold that against him. I promise he’s not a heartless dictator. In sketches, he should play : the former-SNL cast member he reminds me of most is Will Forte . Down to earth when he needs to be, but can be a little zany when that’s what the scene calls for. . Thomas came up through the improv world via Chicago at Second City, iO, and The Playground, then New York, and now LA, where he performs at Upright Citizens Brigade. He recently played Dwight’s brother on one of the final episodes of The Office, and if you watch television for long enough, you’ll see him in approximately every commercial. Plus, he has a webseries called ‘The Morning After’, guest-starring a bunch of people you should recognize from the comedy world, like current SNL featured player Cecily Strong. In sketches, he should play : a scorned lover or a sulky little brother with a Ninja Turtle backpack. . If you’re anyone that I want to be around, you’ll recognize Elaine from her amazing webseries ‘Very Mary-Kate’, where she plays Mary-Kate Olsen , to great success. Apparently she actually auditioned for the show back in the day and didn’t get on, but I’m super ready for that not to be a thing anymore. In sketches, she should play : an Olsen, obvi, or any other sassy, oblivious teenager. Pop culture references encouraged. . Guys, know who this is. He ran for president just because he was old enough, and now he’s doing the same thing for the Olympic team. He’s ridiculously hilarious and performs every Friday as a member of the long-form improv team The Stepfathers at UCB, so catch him there. In sketches, he should play : a surly mascot or an embarrassing dad. . Eliza is currently based in Los Angeles and plays at UCBLA with the teams Diamond Lion and Baby Wants Candy, both of whom are (gasp!) musical improv teams! I don’t have a clear idea of how she would fit in as a cast member, but I want to see it happen immediately, because this girl is smart in the head and hilarious on the stage. In sketches, she should play : an overeager prima ballerina or anyone ever who they can make sing on the spot. . Tim is another Chicago-based improviser, working at Second City and iO, and recently selected by Complex Magazine as one of the 25 Funniest People Who Deserve Their Own TV Show. In sketches, he should play : the charming straight man, being slowly driven mad by the insanity around him. Think Jason Sudeikis. . Neil actually already writes for SNL , funnily enough, but if you’ve ever seen him perform — he’s on the UCBNY team Death By Roo Roo and currently doing a run of his sketch show with Will Hines called ‘Small Men’ — you have your fingers crossed, like I do, that he makes the transition into appearing on the show, as well. Seriously funny dude. In sketches, he should play : your worst roommate ever or a chatty Midwesterner behind you in line. . Emily is based out of Chicago and has worked with iO, The Annoyance, and Second City, which is a really impressive roster in case you’re not an improv nerd like I am. She also had a show in the HBO Comedy/Arts Festival called ‘Moist’, and currently writes for Cougar Town, which is pretty effing fancy. In sketches, she should play : that sly cutting friend who would be mean if she wasn’t so funny. Or she’s someone I could see at the Weekend Update desk. . Chris already has that little blue checkmark next to his name on Twitter, so I’m far from the first person to point out that this guy is going places. He hosts The Chris Gethard Show , now on TV but formerly at UCBNY, where his most illustrious guest was inarguably P Diddy . He’s appeared on The Office, Louie, and Iron Man 3, and has published a book called A Bad Idea I’m About To Do. In sketches, he should play: honestly? I’d love to see him do Weekend Update as well.
Badgers continue downfall The state of Bo Ryan’s 13th team at Wisconsin has reached this point: The opponent can lose its leading scorer to injury in the first minute of the game and not miss a beat. Minnesota lost junior guard Andre Hollins to an ankle injury after only 16 seconds Wednesday night at Williams Arena and simply turned to Maurice Walker, a nondescript junior forward, to handle the scoring. Walker killed UW inside early to set the tone and the Gophers rode the early momentum to an 81-68 Big Ten victory. “It’s something that is very frustrating,” UW sophomore forward Sam Dekker, who scored a game-high 20 points, said of the Badgers’ porous defense. “It is something that is very bold on our list right now and we have to correct and we have to buckle down. “There’s not much else you can say other than we have to be better in every aspect on the defensive end. “Usually we take pride in it, and this is embarrassing.” Led by Walker, the Gophers (15-5, 4-3 Big Ten) killed UW in the paint and improved their home record to 12-1. UW’s free fall from the top of the Big Ten continued with a third consecutive loss. The Badgers (16-3, 3-3 Big Ten) fell into a tie for fifth place with idle Purdue (13-6, 3-3). Purdue, which hosts UW at 4 p.m. Saturday, suffered a 63-60 loss in two overtimes Tuesday at Northwestern. Walker entered the game averaging 4.9 points per game this season. His college-high scoring effort was 11 points. But after UW center Frank Kaminsky picked up his second foul less than three minutes into the game and headed to the bench for the remainder of the first half, the 6-foot-10, 250-pound Walker controlled the lane. He scored 12 points in the first 9 minutes 57 seconds to help the Gophers build a 21-15 lead and finished with 18 points on 6-for-11 shooting as the Gophers continued to impress under first-year coach Richard Pitino. “That’s definitely frustrating to watch, that I couldn’t be out there and do anything about it,” said Kaminsky, who finished with nine points and four rebounds. “I was sitting there for 17 minutes or whatever it is. “That’s one of the most frustrating things to sit there and watch and know you can’t do anything about it.” With Kaminsky out, Ryan tried freshman Nigel Hayes (12 points), Zach Bohannon and freshman Vitto Brown but found no stopper. “You better try something,” Ryan said. With Walker slowed in the second half, junior guard DeAndre Mathieu scored 13 of his 18 points after halftime. Mathieu hit two of two 3-pointers but used his quickness to get into the lane for jumpers or floaters. He hit 8 of 13 shots overall. “He was very good getting to the rim, and we let him have too many opportunities,” Kaminsky said. “He capitalized on them.” Guard Malik Smith added 14, including 10 in the second half for the Gophers. Fellow guard Austin Hollins added all 11 of his points in the second half. Minnesota entered the game eighth in the Big Ten in shooting (43.7 percent). The Gophers shot 51.7 percent in the opening half (15 of 29) in building a 34-28 lead and finished at 58.9 percent (33 of 56). The point total was the highest for Minnesota against UW since the 1993-’94 season when the Gophers routed UW, 109-78, in Madison. Indiana shot 51.6 percent in handing UW a 75-72 loss. Michigan shot 54.7 percent in handing UW a 77-70 loss. Minnesota topped those marks in handing UW a 13-point loss. Anyone else notice a troubling trend? “With the results it was clear we gave up way too many easy ones,” UW junior guard Josh Gasser said. “We kept working it and working it and they made some tough ones. “But at the same time they made a few easy ones that got them going…. I’m kind of sick and of talking about it. We’ve got to do it.” Kaminsky was asked if he agreed with Dekker’s assessment that the defensive execution has been embarrassing. “That’s accurate,” he said. “If you look at the points we’ve given up… it has been embarrassing to say the least.” Last updated: 11:40 pm Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Meeting of the NATO-Russia Council at the level of Foreign Ministers held in Brussels on 19 April 2012 The Foreign Ministers of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) met today in Brussels, fifteen years since the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security, and ten years since the Rome Declaration on NATO-Russia Relations, to take stock of progress achieved through continued cooperation and dialogue and to move forward on remaining differences. Ministers reaffirmed all the principles and commitments contained in the NRC Lisbon Summit Joint Statement, the Rome Declaration and the Founding Act. NRC nations share important common interests and face common security challenges that can be best addressed jointly. As agreed by the NRC Heads of State and Government in Lisbon, Ministers continued discussions on pursuing missile defence cooperation. They agreed that the stability of Afghanistan remains vital for all of us. They welcomed that the NRC has trained 2,000 counter-narcotics personnel from Afghanistan and its neighbours, and that Afghan helicopter technicians are being trained and spare parts will be provided in support of the Afghan Air Force. The two-way transit arrangements, in accordance with UNSC Resolution 1386, are an important contribution to the ISAF mission. Ministers looked forward to further cooperation on Afghanistan, including by taking into account the activities of relevant regional actors. Ministers also welcomed the important civilian-military counter-terrorism exercise held last month. The Cooperative Airspace Initiative, a joint system for air traffic coordination, is ready for operations. Interoperability between NATO and Russian ships off the Horn of Africa has improved. With the aim of further building confidence, Ministers agreed to conduct discussions and plan, as appropriate, activities related to defence reform, nuclear doctrines and strategies, and force development and posture. They also exchanged views on improving transparency, including on military exercises. Ministers looked forward to discussions on possible ways for NRC member states to assist each other in case of terrorist attacks, natural and man-made disasters, pirate attacks and other emergency situations. They noted interest expressed in exchanging views on cyber security and in discussing opportunities for military-technical cooperation. Ministers agreed to continue to work together on an ambitious cooperative agenda and looked forward to exploring new areas of co-operation. Ministers also discussed existing differences on key issues. They reiterated that they valued the NATO-Russia Council as a forum for political dialogue at all times and on all issues, including those where NRC member states disagree. Ministers agreed to build on their improved relations to reach the full potential of the NRC and underscored that it is through continued dialogue and transparency on all of our concerns that the NATO‑Russia relationship will be further strengthened, which would also enhance Euro‑Atlantic security as a whole.
Off the top I am disappointed that the Raps could not get in on Flynn or either of the Lakers 1st rnd picks which were clearly all in play and we moved for a decent price (IMO). Raptors have been given a grade of A by some for this trade because they essentially rented out Barbos for 23 games and got what looks like a 2nd round pick in approx the 50th spot (Alabi pick back). Even in this deep draft that 2nd likely will amount to another Solomon Alabi unless somehow packaged... who knows ... but there is much talk about the 7.6 mill. Without sounding like too much of a Debbie Downer how likely is BELL/ROGERS willing to authorize the use of that money for a piece?Grade for the Raptors: A Toronto got someone to take Barbosa (and Carter) off their hands without taking back any salary at all, while getting a second-round pick in return. It’s an added bonus that they can use the reported $7.6 million trade exception to add a player with a long-term commitment via trade over the next 12 months. ROGERS owns the Jays lets examine: Yankees $202,689,028(team)-------$ 6,756,300 (per player average) Boston $161,762,475(team) ---------$5,991,202 (per player average) Baltimo $85,304,038------------------$ 3,280,924 (per player average) Toronto $62,567,800(team)----------$ 2,018,316 (per player average) The two rivals teams are outspending Toronto 3-1 heck even recession ridden ghetto-filled Baltimore is almost double the average player salary. Salary Cap space and TPE doesn't mean the same in Toronto as it does in cities where they have win-at-all-costs ownership. If I am not mistaken they left 9mill+ TPE from Bosh deal on the table. here is hoping someone proves me wrong.
San Tan Valley, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/02/2014 -- www.GetMyMomaJob.com/payitforward Get My Mom a Job is announcing a major initiative for the Live Event for Single Mothers in Arizona. Today, marks the very first day in the "Pay it Forward Challenge!" Get My Mom a Job is putting on an event for Single Mothers in Chandler Arizona on May 29, 2014. However, the initiative is requiring the help of all citizens of Arizona, Businesses, Politicians, and Women all over the country! The issues that single mothers face on a daily basis are not just a concern for them and their families, but they should be the concern for everyone. Single mothers today face the employment challenges and wage challenges that no other demographic faces. Fact, according to the Department of Labor, the overwhelming majority of single mothers work and raise their family on an income below the poverty level! That ends today. Get My Mom a Job issuing the Pay it Forward challenge. Simply put Get My Mom a Job at the live event is going to provide to single mothers for FREE: - FREE: World-class, converting resume that will ensure their employment! - FREE: Video Cover Letter service that will get the employers’ attention and get them their job and/or career they want and need! - FREE: Training in the best practices for interviews. Plus practicing their interview skills through mock interviews. - FREE: Access to the database of jobs and employment with companies such as Apple, GE, Humana, and American Express, to name a SMALL few! - FREE: Childcare for all attendees for their next job interview! That’s right Get My Mom a Job will pay for 2 hours of childcare while the mother is interviewing so she can have peace of mind and a financial break! In turn Get My Mom a Job is seeking community support. Seeking for corporate sponsors for this event and the upcoming events from Get My Mom a Job. The time to pay it forward for businesses is now, and has never been so important! Plus, woman all over the country can help. By improving yourself; each time a product, service, or solution is purchased from Get My Mom a Job, all of the services above become free to another participant at the event. Get My Mom a Job will be able to expand the base of participants by having customers, businesses, organizations, and yes Government help Pay it Forward. The challenge is simple. 100 products in 20 days from today. Get My Mom a Job can expand its event and future events by 100 single moms that need help and the solutions from Get My Mom a Job. Come join the challenge and help Get My Mom a Job put women to work! www.getmymomajob.com/payitforward. About Get My Mom a Job Get My Mom a Job is an employment service company that specializes in telecommute jobs. With job listings that cover every industry from: Sales, Service, Technical, Management, IT, Education, and Medical. From entry level positions to management. Get My Mom a Job is a full service company providing resume writing services, resume blogs, video cover letters, social media services, plus much more. Get My Mom a Job is the safe and proven site for all job seekers and their needs. San Tan Valley AZ
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Dear Dr. Jones: You and I have been interacting, albeit at a distance, since I first asked you for your data some five years ago. I asked for your data in part because I was astounded by your answer to Warwick Hughes when he asked for the same data. You replied to Warwick at that time, “Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it?” I couldn’t fathom that a leading climate scientist could actually believe that. Finding something wrong with other scientists’ data and ideas is an integral part of how science progresses. This requires transparency and access to the data. I also couldn’t believe that other climate scientists would let you get away with saying that, without some other scientist pointing out the anti-scientific nature of your denial. Foolish me … d’ya think I might have been more than a bit naive back then about climate “science” realpolitik? In any case, I was also interested in the data for my own research, and I was curious whether you had been misquoted or taken out of context, so I wrote to you and asked for the data. I got no answer. (I found out later you had not been misquoted in any way. But I digress, back to the events.) So I made a Freedom of Information (FOI) request for the data. Your University of East Anglia (UEA) Climate Research Unit (CRU) FOI point man, Mr. David Palmer, responded that all the data was available somewhere on the web … but David didn’t say where, just waved his hands and uttered the mystical incantation “GHCN”, meaning the data was held by the Global Historical Climate Network. My response to that was as follows: Dear Mr. Palmer: Thank you for your reply. However, I fear that it is totally unresponsive. I had asked for a list of the sites actually used. While it may (or may not) be true that “it appears that the raw station data can be obtained from [GHCN]”, this is meaningless without an actual list of the sites that Dr. Jones and his team used. The debate about changes in the climate is quite important. Dr. Jones’ work is one of the most frequently cited statistics in the field. Dr. Jones has refused to provide a list of the sites used for his work, and as such, it cannot be replicated. Replication is central to science. I find Dr. Jones attitude quite difficult to understand, and I find your refusal to provide the data requested quite baffling. You are making the rather curious claim that because the data “appears“ to be out on the web somewhere, there is no need for Dr. Jones to reveal which stations were actually used. The claim is even more baffling since you say that the original data used by CRU is available at the GHCN web site, and then follow that with the statement that some of the GHCN data originally came from CRU. Which is the case? Did CRU get the data from GHCN, or did GHCN get the data from CRU? Rather than immediately appealing this ruling (with the consequent negative publicity that would inevitably accrue to CRU from such an action), I am again requesting that you provide: 1) A list of the actual sites used by Dr. Jones in the preparation of the HadCRUT3 dataset, and 2) A clear indication of where the data for each site is available. This is quite important, as there are significant differences between the versions of each site’s data at e.g. GHCN and NCAR. I find it somewhat disquieting that an FOI request is necessary to force a scientist to reveal the data used in his publicly funded research … is this truly the standard that the CRU is promulgating? Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Note that I was trying not to make waves. I didn’t want to appeal the ruling. I didn’t want to make any trouble for CRU or for anyone. I just wanted to get the data. A garden variety polite scientific request. (And by the way, this type of polite request, Dr. Jones, is what you have repeatedly denounced as ‘harassment’ … but again I digress from the story.) After discussing my statements with you, Mr. Palmer wrote back and identified a couple of websites (GHCN and NCAR) where the data you used might possibly be found … but again there was no information about where each station’s data was actually located. I wrote back and said in part: … While it is good to know that the data is available at those two web sites, that information is useless without a list of stations used by Jones et al. to prepare the HadCRUT3 dataset. As I said in my request, I am asking for: 1) A list of the actual sites used by Dr. Jones in the preparation of the HadCRUT3 dataset, and 2) A clear indication of where the data for each site is available. This is quite important, as there are significant differences between the versions of each site’s data at e.g. GHCN and NCAR.” Without knowing the name and WMO number of each site and the location of the source data (NCAR, GHCN, or National Met Service), it is not possible to access the information. Thus, Exemption 21 does not apply – I still cannot access the data. I don’t understand why this is so hard. All I am asking for is a simple list of the sites and where each site’s data is located. Pointing at two huge piles of data and saying, in effect, “The data is in there somewhere” does not help at all. To clarify what I am requesting, I am only asking for a list of the stations used in HadCRUT3, a list that would look like this:WMO# Name Source 58457 HangZhou NCAR 58659 WenZhou NCAR 59316 ShanTou GHCN 57516 ChongQing NMS etc. for all of the stations used to prepare the HadCRUT3 temperature data. That is the information requested, and it is not available “on non-UEA websites”, or anywhere else that I have been able to find. I appreciate all of your assistance in this matter, and I trust we can get it resolved satisfactorily. Again, a simple, polite, scientific request. You said the data was on the web. I simply wanted to know where I could find it. I made it clear that a trivially simple three-column response would suffice. Your new excuse was that some of the data was under distribution restrictions from the originating National Weather Service. I said OK, not a problem. Send me the data that’s not under restrictions. Internally, the emails (#3298) show that at this time Dave Palmer was discussing these questions with you, saying: As expected, Mr. Eschenbach is not satisfied with our most recent letter. I guess the essential question is whether we have the list of actual sites used for HadCRUT3 [global temperature reconstruction], and if not, who does…. And indeed, that is a very important question, Dr. Jones. Did the CRU have a list of the actual sites used for HadCRUT3? Incredibly, the only conclusion can be that the answer was “No”, because subsequently Mr. Palmer wrote back to me and said that UEA was not able to identify the locations on the web where the information was available. I was totally befuddled at that point, because at the time I was unaware that you didn’t know where the data was located. So I wrote back and said: Dear Mr. Palmer: It appears we have gone full circle here, and ended up back where we started. I had originally asked for the raw station data used to produce the HadCRUT3 dataset to be posted up on the UEA website, or made available in some other form. You refused, saying that the information was available elsewhere on non-UEA websites, which is a valid reason for FOI refusals. “I can report that the information requested is available on non-UEA websites as detailed below.” Your most recent letter, however, says that you are unable to identify the locations of the requested information. Thus, the original reason for refusing to provide station data for HadCRUT3 was invalid. Therefore, since the information requested is not available on non-UEA websites, I wish to re-instate my original request, that the information itself be made available on your website or in some other form. I understand that a small amount of this data (about 2%, according to your letter) is not available due to privacy requests from the countries involved. In that case, a listing of which stations this applies to will suffice. The HadCRUT3 dataset is one of the fundamental datasets in the current climate discussion. As such, it is vitally important that it can be peer-reviewed and examined to verify its accuracy. The only way this can be done is for the data to be made available to other researchers in the field. Once again, thank you for your assistance in all of this. It is truly not a difficult request, and is fully in line with both standard scientific practice and your ” CODE OF PRACTICE FOR RESPONDING TO REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000″. I am sure that we can bring this to a satisfactory resolution without involving appeals or unfavorable publicity. My best regards to you, Unfortunately, that letter was of no use either. The recently released Climategate email #1184 shows why, with Mr. David Palmer, as befuddled as I was, discussing my request with you and saying (emphasis mine): My head is beginning to spin here but I read this as meaning that he wants the raw station data; we don’t know which data belongs to which station, correct? Our letter stated: “We can, however, send a list of all stations used, but without sources. This would include locations, names and lengths of record, although the latter are no guide as to the completeness of the series.” Can we put this on the web? Perhaps I am being really thick here but I’m not sure if putting this on the web will actually satisfy Mr. Eschenbach – we’ve said we don’t have data sources, he says the external websites don’t have them, so who does? Are we back to the NMS’s? I am happy to give this one more go, stating exactly what we are putting on the web and seeing if that suffices. Should Mr. Eschenbach still insist that we actually possess the information in the form he requests, I can then only give the file to Kitty Inglis for review and then we move on formally…. Dave asked, who does have the data? The answer, sadly, turned out to be … nobody. Taken in conjunction with Dave’s earlier email, this makes the problem clear. You didn’t know which data belonged to which stations. And as a result, at the end of the day you put just a list of stations on the web, without any data or references at all to where the data could be found … because you couldn’t find it. At that point, not knowing any of this backstory revealed by the Climategate emails, I figured I’d never get any more from you than the list of stations, and I gave up the fight. In retrospect, I should have fought all the way to the top with it. Here’s my problem with all of this, Dr. Jones. You tried out a variety of claimed reasons for not responding to a request for your data. None of them were even remotely true. They were all intended to hide the fact that you didn’t know where the data was. Dave clearly spelled out the problem: “we don’t know which data belongs to which stations, right?” You claimed that the data was out there on the web somewhere. You claimed you couldn’t send any of it because of restrictions on a few datasets. You claimed it came from GHCN, then you said from NCAR, but you couldn’t say exactly where. You gave lots and lots of explanations to me, everything except the truth—that your records were in such disarray that you could not fulfill my request. It is clear now from the Climategate emails that some records were there, some were missing, the lists were not up to date, there was orphan data, some stations had multiple sets of data, some data was only identified by folder not by filename, you didn’t know which data might have been covered by confidentiality agreements, and the provenance of some datasets could not be established. The unfortunate reality was that you simply couldn’t do what I asked. Rather than just saying that, however, you came up with a host of totally bogus reasons why you could not give me the data. Those were lies, Phil. You and David Palmer flat-out lied to my face about why you couldn’t send me the data. Now, I’ve come to accept that you lied to me. Here’s what I think. I think you are a scientist, and a reasonably good one, who was hard squeezed by two things—the Peter Principle, and Noble Cause Corruption. When you began your scientific career, your sloppy record keeping didn’t matter much. And you didn’t want to be the record keeper in any case, you wanted to do the science instead, but you kept getting promoted and you ended up curating a big messy dataset. Then things changed, and now, climate decisions involving billions of dollars are being made based in part on your data. Disarray in your files didn’t make a lot of difference when your work was of interest only to specialists. But now it matters greatly, money and people’s lives are at stake, and unfortunately you were a better scientist than you were a data manager. So when my FOI request came along, you were caught. You were legally required to produce data you couldn’t locate. Rather than tell the truth and say “I can’t find it”, you chose to lie. Hey, it was only a small lie, and it was for the Noble Cause of saving the world from Thermageddon. So you had David tell me the data was available on the web. You knew that was a lie. David, apparently, didn’t realize it was a lie, at least at first. You hoped your Noble Lie would satisfy me, that I would get discouraged, and you could move on. But I asked again, and when I called you on that first answer, you thought up another Noble Lie. And when that one didn’t work, you invented another Noble Lie. OK, so you are a serial liar. Like I said, I’ve made my peace with that. It used to rankle me, but not any more. I just accepted that you can’t be trusted and I moved on. I do have compassion for you, Dr. Jones. None of you guys set out to do the ugly things you ended up doing. You all got caught by Noble Cause Corruption, by the vision of being smarter than everyone else and of being the only people standing between us and global destruction. It’s heady, treacherous stuff. I have been a victim of that same self-delusion myself. I understand the sweet seduction that arises from the conviction that your mission is of vital, crucial importance to the whole planet. However, I quit that kind of nonsense around the time the sixties wound down … but again I digress. I have compassion for your position, and I was, although not satisfied, at least at ease with the outcome. So if I made my peace with you, why am I writing this letter now? I’m writing because in response to the new Climategate 2.0 email release, over at the UEA website, you have a new post in which you are up to your old tricks, trying to peanut-butter up the cracks in your stories. Inter alia, you are attempting to explain the following two quotes. First, the new release of emails revealed that you had written: Email 2440: “I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI Acts. One way to cover yourself and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process” Your explanation of your statement is this: At the end of the IPCC process, chapters, formal comments and responses are all published and that is the appropriate place for this information. It is important that scientists should be allowed free and frank discussion during the writing process. I might also point out that I decided not to take part in AR5 because of the time commitment it requires. That sounds perfectly logical … if we were dealing with honest men. But if the Climategate emails have shown anything, they have shown that we are not dealing with honest men. Far too many of the leading AGW supporting climate scientists have been shown by their own words to be serial liars like yourself. But in any case, only scientists with something to hide need privacy to have a “free and frank discussion” about science. Honest scientists have no reason to hide their views. Honest scientists discuss these scientific issues on the web in the full light of day. Why on earth would someone need privacy to discuss the intricacies of the climate models? Do you really have to go into a closet with your best friend to speak your true mind about atmospheric physics? Is it true that you guys actually need some kind of ‘private space’ to expose your secret inner ideas about the factors affecting the formation of clouds? From my perspective, these kinds of private discussions are not only not what is needed. This two-faced nature of you guys’ statements on the science are a large part of the problem itself. This is quite visible in the Climategate emails. In your communications, you and many of the scientists are putting out your true views of other scientists and their work. You are expressing all kinds of honest doubts. You are discussing uncertainties in your and other scientists understandings. You are all letting your friends know which papers you think are good and which you think are junk, and that’s valuable information in the climate science discussions. But you never say any of this in public. Not one word. For example, in public it’s all about how great Michael Mann’s science is, not a word of criticism, while in private some of you guys justifiably tear both him and his work to shreds. I find this double-speak deceptive and underhanded. It has nothing to do with “free and frank discussion” as you claim. I think that if AGW supporting scientists actually broke down and told the truth to the public, you would fare much better. I think that if you disavowed your beloved Saint Stephen (Schneider) and his advice, and you expressed all of your doubts and revealed all of your uncertainties about the climate and told the plain unvarnished truth about your opinion of other scientists’ work, we’d be infinitely better off. Nobody likes two-faced people. You would be miles ahead if you said the same things in public you say in private, and so would the field of climate science. For example, the emails clearly show that you privately knew it wasn’t true when you told me that the data for which I had filed an FOI was available on the web. You knew the reason you couldn’t release the data was, as Dave Palmer belatedly found out, that “we don’t know which data belongs to which station, correct?” You could have told me the truth. But no, you decided to lie to me. And as with Nixon and Watergate, and with Clinton’s impeachment, it’s the cover-up that always brings the real trouble, not the original misdeed. If you had said something like ‘my office is in a mess, I can’t find some of the data, here’s almost all of it, let me get back to you when I can track down the rest’, you could have then put your house in order and sent me the data. And you would have been telling the truth. Instead, you lied to cover it up. And when it was shown to be untrue, you lied again. And again. Here’s my point—the only reason I know that you lied, the only way you were caught in your lies, was the release of your emails. And now, you come forth to advocate that everyone destroy their emails once the upcoming IPCC AR5 crime against science has finally been committed? Can’t say I’m impressed by that advice, it seems more than a touch self-serving. Here’s the thing, Dr. Jones. I don’t trust you. I don’t trust your friends. And I don’t trust your “free and frank discussions” out of sight of the public. This final distrust, of your secret discussions, arises from the same logic the cops use. They don’t give a couple of criminals any private time together for free and frank discussions about how to present believable lies to the police about their crime. Call me crazy, but for the selfsame reason I don’t want to make it easy for you to hold that kind of free and frank discussions about how to present believable lies to the public about the climate. I don’t want you covertly discussing how to hide the decline. And in the current case, your own words have betrayed you again. You say to the person you are addressing that there is some need to “cover yourself and all those working in AR5”. So what is it you think they’ll need to cover up this time, Dr. Jones? What is it you assume they will be saying that you don’t want the polloi to know about? If you truly have something to say about the science, hey, don’t be shy, Doc. Just blurt it out. And if you are unwilling to say something about the science or the scientists in public, DON’T SAY IT IN PRIVATE. That is cowardly backstabbing. Your assumption that the AR5 participants will have something to “cover up”, and your suggestion that they should obliterate and destroy the evidence of their true opinions about the science, are totally congruent with the fact that you were found out by way of your own emails. So of course you don’t want emails around. They proved you were lying, when nothing else could have. In scientific terms, I believe your current reaction to emails is called the “vampire/garlic syndrome”. When you and your friends get together off the record in your frank discussions, Dr. Jones, you cook up ugly things. The Climategate emails convict you all of this, in your own words. As a result, I do not want to make it easy for you all to compare notes with each other on how to lie to me, on how to subvert the IPCC rules to slip in the next “Jesus Paper“, or on how to further deceive the public. I thank the fates that your emails were released. Without those, we wouldn’t have known you were deceiving us, or why. And I think that destroying the emails related to the IPCC AR5 is just a way to hide further malfeasance. Your perennial but ultimately quixotic quest to leave no potential evidence un-destroyed comes up again and again in the emails. You try vainly to explain this over at the UEA website, where you refer to an email wherein you say: Email 1897: “Do I understand it correctly – if he doesn’t pay the £10 we don’t have to respond? With the earlier FOI requests re David Holland, I wasted a part of a day deleting numerous emails and exchanges with almost all the skeptics. So I have virtually nothing. I even deleted the email that I inadvertently sent.” Your explanation of this is as follows: This relates to a request from Steve McIntyre made under the Data Protection Act for any personal data held about him. Following a previous experience with FoI, I had adopted a more judicious approach to retention of emails that I no longer needed. I had deleted old exchanges with sceptics I had prior to 2005. I was saying that I probably no longer had any emails relating to Mr McIntyre, a prominent sceptic. The emails referred to were unrelated to any prior request from Mr Holland. Let me say again that I have never knowingly deleted any material subject to a current FoI request and this email should not be read in that way. You must be kidding. When the emails are read in order, it is obvious that you destroyed a host of relevant emails once people gave you a nudge and a wink. You were surprisingly blatant in your emails regarding the fact that you were destroying important documents under the guise of “housekeeping”. You really should read your own words again, they make it quite clear that you deleted emails under false pretences. But that’s not the worst of it. The egregious part was contained in the email you somehow neglected to mention in your recent UEA attempt at self-exoneration. That was the email wherein you counseled deleting evidentiary emails directly covered by David Holland’s FOI request: Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise… Can you also email Gene [Wahl] and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address. We will be getting Caspar [Ammann] to do likewise. You not only destroyed emails subject to an FOI request that contained the evidence of your misdeeds. You warned all of your friends to do likewise. Gene Wahl admitted that he destroyed emails at Michael Mann’s behest. And now you want us to believe that you never destroyed emails under FOI request? That claim doesn’t even pass the laugh test. The Information Commissioner said of your emails and actions that it was not possible to imagine “more cogent” prima facie evidence of contravention of the FOI Act. Unfortunately, as the Commissioner pointed out, the statute of limitations had run out on any crime by that time, so you were off the hook. But the evidence is still there, and the public’s statute of limitations on lying scientists hasn’t run out. So don’t try to make me believe that you’ve never, ever, oh my no, haven’t ever destroyed emails subject to FOI. Your own words show that’s a joke. And don’t bother telling me that the “investigation” declared that you were whitewashed as pure as driven snow. I know that, I watched them apply the necessary coats of paint, it was quite an impressive process. The facts remain. You erased emails containing evidence of your malfeasance and you advised your confederates to do the same. You lied about it then. You subsequently lied about it to your friends on the in-house whitewash “investigation” committee. And you are lying to us about it now. And that is the answer to the question why I am writing to you at this time. It’s disquieting enough that neither you, nor any of the other un-indicted co-conspirators, has ever offered up even the slightest word of apology for the flagrant misdeeds and scientific malfeasance revealed by your own words. You guys did huge damage to climate science and to science in general, and none of you have ever breathed even a whisper of an apology. But that’s not the reason I’m writing, because as I said, I’ve made my peace with that. At the end of the day, I realized that you were men without a scrap of honor, so it was quite foolish of me to expect you to apologize. But for you to stand up and start in again proclaiming your innocence? No way that’s gonna wash. I’m writing because I will not endure your new duplicity in silence. Stop this foolish, futile attempt to rehabilitate your reputation. Your reputation is so shredded and utterly lost at this point that, crazily, I find that my heart goes out to your predicament, calling on you to stop with the mendacity and prevarication, give up on the justifications, and return to your science. Your continued lies only make it worse. Only an apology could possibly begin to rehabilitate your reputation, and you seem totally unwilling to do that. So in lieu of acknowledging what you’ve done wrong, please just go and work on your science in peace, Dr. Jones, and leave the denials of wrongdoing to those who haven’t done wrong. You have done what you have done, and thanks to the release of the emails your works both good and bad are explained quite eloquently in your own words. My strong suggestion is that if you are unwilling to apologize, that for your own peace of mind you turn the page and leave yesterday behind, stop rehashing your past actions, and move forward to see what remains for you to learn about the climate. I’m sure there must be some small part of climate science left that is not already “settled”, something that you could profitably investigate. In closing, I am certain that if you wish to respond publicly to this open letter, Anthony would be more than happy to post your reply exactly as written. If you think I am mistaken in any part of what I have said, please let me know, and if you are right I will certainly retract any misstatement and correct the record. Until such time, however, what I wrote above is the truth to the best of my knowledge.
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I don't post on here at all, but I wanted to start a discussion on this. I know people here are on the lottery side rather than getting "swept" in the first round. But do any of you think we wouldn't be a dangerous playoff team? Who would really want to play us? I'm not suggesting that we can beat one of the perinnial East teams in a seven-game series but my point is this... we compete in almost every game no matter who the opponent, and that gives us a CHANCE. If the luck is on our side for a few games... anything can happen. We've just gotta get there first! If we make the playoffs, I'll be really excited to see what happens.
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The sky at night is darker than the sky during the day. You probably know why this is the case, so I will not bother explaining it to you. Twinkling stars, visible in the dark sky at night, seem to vanish in the daylight. But of course they are still there, in their appointed places. Only a nitwit would think otherwise. It is simply that they do not twinkle in the daytime. They save that for the night, when they can help nocturnal travellers find their way. Such a traveller would of course have to have some idea what he was looking at, neck arched to peer up at the night sky. He would need to have a practised ability to discern patterns, otherwise the myriad stars can look like a chaotic splattering of twinklings across the sky. If all the traveller sees is chaos, he is likely to get lost, for at night the sky is dark and there is little light and many of the signs and landmarks he may use to orient himself in the daytime cannot be seen clearly. But if, when he looks up at the stars, he is confounded by the sight, that is not going to help him. So if, in the night, you are wending your way home and you meet a traveller who is lost, you can play the good Samaritan by explaining the patterns to him. You might even have, stuffed into your pocket, a map or a diagram of the stars, and this you can give to the traveller. Or you might want to sell it to him, if you are penniless, and he is not. But let us say you are the traveller, the star-ignorant fellow abroad in the night when you would be better off tucked up in bed. We can only guess at your reasons for being out and about, plunged in darkness, without a clue where you are. Perhaps you set out on a mission of mercy, or on an errand so urgent it could not wait until daybreak. Or you may have been suddenly overcome with wanderlust, and crashed out of the door in the middle of the night without even stopping to put on your boots. Something similar happened to my maternal grandfather. He came home from the pub one night, in Ghent, in 1936, fired with drunken revolutionary zeal, and determined to go and fight in the Spanish Civil War. It is possible, of course, to walk directly from Belgium to Spain, and so without giving it further thought he crashed out of the door of his house in Haardstedestraat in Ghent, in the middle of the night. It is unlikely that he had a star map to guide him. The precise route he took is unknown, but a couple of days later he woke up in a Belgian ditch with a fever, and was brought home. In our hypothetical situation, you are the lost traveller abroad in the night. We shall try to save you from the ditch. Baffled by the stars in the sky, you are having second thoughts about your mission of mercy or urgent errand or wanderlust or fighting talk, when of a sudden you meet a local person wending his familiar way home. He is a good Samaritan, and takes from his pocket a map of the stars. But he is a penniless Samaritan and he wheedles out of you an outrageous price for the map. Armed with it, however, you are bursting with confidence that you will be able to find your way, so you consider it money well spent. The Samaritan disappears into the shadows, and you are left standing on the lane, or in the field. You unfold the star map and gaze at it, and then look up at the twinkling stars in the sky. You look from map to sky to map to sky to map to sky and try to correlate the two, and realise you are holding the map the wrong way round. You turn it, and try the correlation again. Now you are able to spot certain patterns, alignments of twinklings which seem similar, if not quite identical, upon the map and in the sky. You are, you think, getting somewhere. I am afraid to say you are getting nowhere. So deep-seated is your star-ignorance that you are faced with the myriad chaos of stars splattered across the sky, and the myriad chaos of pencil-markings splattered across the paper. The fact that you have identified similarities between the two makes them no less chaotic. Indeed it might be said that all you have achieved is to double the chaos. The best thing you can do now is to walk until you find a ditch, and lie down in the ditch, and rue the cost of the map, and fall asleep until daybreak. You will, when you wake, regret that you paid so little attention, when you were a tot, to the astronomy lessons given by Dr Von Straubenzee, in the cold bleak village schoolroom. The sky at night is darker than the sky during the day. Splattered across the sky are teeming billions of twinkling stars, so far away that you would be very very old, or more likely dead, before you ever reached them, even in the fastest and most advanced space age intergalactic voyager. Gaze at them, in the night, gaze and gaze until you have learned their allotted places, their appointed courses. Learn their disposition across the firmament so well that you can draw their positions with pencil on paper from memory. Where now you see chaotic splattering, learn to see patterns and alignments. Learn the stars! And the sky at night will be your guide. Those were the words of Dr Von Straubenzee to which you did not listen, preoccupied as you were with tiddlywinks and crumpled up blotting paper and other childish things. Had you listened, you would not, like my grandfather, be sprawled in a ditch at daybreak in the Belgian rain.
Police: Speed leads to driving charge for WRJ woman Staff Report | November 28,2013 WEATHERSFIELD - A White River Junction woman is facing charges after allegedly driving too fast during a storm Wednesday night. State Trooper Timothy Gould said 19-year-old Makenzie Baker was driving “at a high rate of speed during inclement weather and poor road conditions” when he pulled her over as she drove south on Interstate 91. Baker was taken to the Springfield Police Department where she was charged with negligent operation of a vehicle. She was released with a citation to appear Jan. 21 in White River Junction criminal court.
Thank Goodness It's Friday!!! This is how I started off my weekend last Friday night... Gonna do something similar tonight. This chicken was injected with a 50/50 mixture of Dale's Seasoning and Apple Cider Vinegar. I used some Charles Vergo's Rendezvous Rub on the outside, and smoke roasted it on my green ceramic smoker with some Applewood. Cooked it raised direct at around 375 deg f and spritz it with Apple Cider Vinegar every so often. It was very, very good...will definitely be using this simple injection for future cooks.
Canada beats North Korea, advances to quarter-finals in women's U20 soccer Canada's players celebrate Valerie Sanderson's (19) game tying goal as Finland's Emilia Iskanius during second half action in 2014 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup action in Toronto on August 8, 2014. (Chris Young / THE CANADIAN PRESS) Bill Beacon, The Canadian Press Published Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:06PM EDT Last Updated Tuesday, August 12, 2014 10:37PM EDT MONTREAL -- Janine Beckie scored in the 65th minute and Canada held on the defeat North Korea 1-0 on Tuesday night and book a spot in the quarter-finals of the FIFA women's under-20 World Cup. Canada and North Korea both finished group stage play with two wins and a loss, but Canada finished second in Group A based on goal differential and will play Group B winner Germany in a quarter-final in Edmonton on Saturday night. North Korea will face the United States in Toronto. Local product Amandine Pierre-Louis got a big ovation from the 13,031 spectators at Olympic Stadium when she went on as a substitute in the second half and got a bigger one when she initiated the only goal. Pierre-Louis slid a pass from the left flank to Nichelle Prince, who relayed the ball across the goal to an unguarded Beckie, who pushed it into the open side. Beckie scored a second goal in as many games after getting one in a 3-2 win in over Finland. Canada had lost its tournament opener 1-0 to Ghana. A scoreless first half saw North Korea control most of the play but there were good chances at both ends. Only 10 minutes in, Kim Mi Gyong shot over the bar from close range, but Kailen Sheridan's best save was in the 17th when after a clever buildup, Ri Kyong Hyong got in alone on the left side and blasted the bal from point blank range. Eight minutes later, North Korea had another chance on the left that Choe Un Hwa chipped just wide of the mark. Coach Andrew Olivieri's side picked up the pace near the end of the half and nearly cashed in on an Emma Fletcher cross into the box. Then Ashley Lawrence placed a near-perfect high ball to the front of the net, but Beckie's header was kept out by a diving save from goalkeeper Kim Chol Ok. The boisterous crowd screamed for a foul when Prince was take down in the area by Ri Un Yong, but no whistle came and the North Korean defence got back in time as Prince tried to feed Valerie Sanderson. A surprise from North Korean coach Hwang Yong Bong was to have scoring star Ri Un Sim start on the bench. She went in two minutes into the second half.
Probiotics refers to a broad group of nutritional supplements not to any specific ingredient or substance. In particular, it refers to living bacteria and yeast (or some combination of microbes) which are consumed as foods or as supplements and are helpful to us.* It may sound a little creepy at first, but the human body houses literally trillions of distinct, living microorganisms. The National Institutes of Health tells us the number of microbes contained by the human body outnumbers the total number of human cells by ten to one! That's a lot of critters. There are thousands of species of bacteria, both "good" and "bad," inside our digestive tract which we refer to collectively as intestinal flora. Our bodies depend on having the proper balance of good microbes in our intestinal flora. Probiotic supplements work to introduce helpful bacteria to our system to support a healthy balance in our intestines.* How long have probiotics been around? The first scientist to propose the concept was Russian scientist and Nobel prizewinner Eli Metchnikoff, who suggested in the early 1900s that it would be possible to modify our intestinal flora by consuming beneficial microbes.* He had noticed certain rural populations in Europe which were known to consume large quantities of milk fermented with bacteria had exceptional wellness.* Metchnikoff died in 1916 but his work was picked up by other scientists in the United States who introduced the term probiotics in 1953. It is difficult to describe an effect of probiotics because there can be so many depending on the particular microbes involved. There are thousands of species and each may have a slightly different impact. Most often, probiotics are produced from common bacteria groups such as lactobacilli or bifidobacteria, or from various yeasts. A particular supplement may contain one of these, or a mixture. Within each of these broad categories are individual species, such as lactobacillus acidophilus or bifidobacterium bifidus. And of course within each of these species are different strains ¦well, you get the idea. Probiotics may support a favorable environment for nutrient absorption in the body*, and support other functions such as: - Digestive health* - Microflora balance* - Immune function* - Intestinal support* Recent research has focused in particular on the molecular biology and genomics of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. The science of modern genomics is steadily providing new insights into bacteria and the human immune system. - Dairy products are a popular dietary source of probiotics. For example, yogurt contains both lactobacilli and bifidobacteria two common types of bacteria used in probiotics. - Other examples include fermented and unfermented milk, miso, tempeh, soy beverages, and certain juices. In probiotic foods, the bacteria may have been present originally or they might have been added during preparation. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
On the injury front, LB Jamari Lattimore (illness) and Mike Neal (core muscle injury) returned for the Packers 4th practice of camp. WR Jeff Janis (illness), DE Jerel Worthy (lower back), DT LeTroy Guion (hamstring), and OLB Nick Perry (foot/knee) reamined on the sidelines for Green Bay. Safety Morgan Burnett tweaked his ankle during practice, giving Micah Hyde and Ha Ha Clinton-Dix the majority of the first-team looks in the secondary. Guard T.J. Lang (shoulder) continues to just take a few reps here and there, while Don Barclay gets the majority of the work in his place. As far as on the field action goes, a few young guys continue to perform at a high level. TE Richard Rodgers has caught everything in his direction, while other tight ends have struggled at times to consistently haul passes in. WR Jared Abbrederis is showing he can run crisp routes and get open for receptions. His sure-hands have also been on display. Another guy who's stood out has been 4th year CB Davon House. Mike McCarthy said House is having his best camp yet, and entering a contract year it's good timing for the Packers 6'0, 195 pound corner. B.J. Raji looks like he entered camp with a point to prove as well. Raji has performed admirably in 1-on-1 work against the offensive line, particulary handling new center J.C. Tretter with a variety of pass-rush moves. Raji wasn't on the field much in pass rush situations a year ago, but in a contract year, Raji has entered camp in great shape and is showing what he's capable of. The big news of the day happened off the field where GM Ted Thompson signed a contract extension that will keep him with the team past 2016, when his deal was set to expire. Copyright Copyright 2014 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
10 Tips for Managing Psoriasis According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as many as 7.5 million Americans suffer from psoriasis—a chronic, non-contagious skin disease that affects the life cycle of skin cells. For most people, skin cells take about one month to move from the lowest skin layer to the outermost layer, where they die and flake off. For a person with psoriasis, the process takes only three or four days. As a result, cells build up and form thick, silvery scales and itchy, dry, red patches that may be painful. If you have psoriasis, it's important to talk with your doctor about your symptoms and to follow his or her treatment recommendations. Although there is currently no cure for the disease, the following self-care tips may help to prevent flare-ups and control your symptoms. - Take a daily bath. Bathing daily helps to remove scales and calm inflamed skin. Add bath oil, oiled oatmeal, or Epsom salts to the water, and soak for at least 15 minutes. Avoid hot water and harsh soaps, which can make symptoms worse. Instead, use lukewarm water and mild soaps that contain added oils and fats. - Use plenty of moisturizer. Blot skin after bathing, then immediately apply a heavy, ointment-based moisturizer while skin is still moist. For extra-dry skin, oils may be preferable, since they have more staying power than creams or lotions. During cold or dry weather, apply moisturizer several times a day. - Cover affected areas overnight. To help improve redness and scaling, apply an ointment-based moisturizer to skin, and cover with plastic wrap overnight. In the morning, remove the covering, and wash away the scales with a warm bath or shower. - Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight increases the risk of inverse psoriasis, which appears in skin folds, creases, and areas such as the armpits. Follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Smart choices include salmon, soybean oil, and spinach. - Apply cortisone. Apply an over-the-counter cortisone cream (0.5 percent or one percent) for a few weeks when symptoms are particularly severe. - Monitor your stress levels. Stress can trigger psoriasis symptoms, so it's important for psoriasis patients to find healthy ways to manage it. Try therapy or other types of stress-management techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or exercise. - Find a support group. Consider joining a psoriasis support group; you may find comfort in sharing your experiences and struggles and meeting other people who face similar challenges. - Use cover-ups if necessary. Concealing psoriasis beneath clothing or with cosmetic cover-up products can minimize self-consciousness. Concealing products can mask redness and psoriasis plaques. They can irritate the skin, however, and shouldn't be used on open sores, cuts, or unhealed lesions. - Get educated. Do your research on psoriasis, treatment options, and possible triggers of the disease, so flare-ups can be prevented. Educate your family and friends so they can recognize, acknowledge, and support your efforts in managing the disease. - Follow a doctor's recommendations. Be sure to follow the recommendations of a doctor or medical professional, and ask questions if anything is unclear. Sign Up for Free Newsletters Ask Your Doctor the RIGHT Questions! the most from your doctor visit. Emailed right to you! The Ask Your Doctor email series may contain sponsored content. 18+, US residents only please.
I went to tonights game and i have realized Lin doesnt complement Harden at all. Lin cant spot up shoot consistently. We share the ball so well that when it ends up in Lins hands there are times he is so hesistant to shoot the crowd had to yell for him to shoot the open jumper after two previous air balls. If we want to be contenders I don't see J.Lin as are PG of the future. You can't have ur PG being one of the most inconsistent players on the team. I understand he is learning, but he is missing a lot of wide open shots and this is a "make or miss league". However, like I said in previous post if we were able to trade for Brandon Jennings... I would do so. Before, anybody goes and says he takes bad shots and is a ball hog ect. go watch a few Bucks games then come back to the forum. I just played back Heat v Bucks game and Jennings controlled the game the whole way through the 3rd. J.J Redick/Marshawn Brooks/Lamarcus Aldrige/K.Love are a few names that would improve this team. Outside of Harden/Asik/Parsons everybody else is expandable. Trade for Jennings Trade for Lamarcus or K.Love(LaMarcus might have a lower market value than K.Love) Al Jefferson or Millsap Cp3 if available...*pipe dream* On NBA 2K? Rockets | Texans | Astros Royce White is a *****. If we do sign James Anderson and Patrick Beverly (feigen twitter) wpuld we have to cut 2 people or just send 2 to the d league? We can only have 15 under contract. So if White is gone (looking more and more like it everyday) they'd still have to cut/trade someone. What do you think we could get for Daquan Cook? 2nd rounder from a contender? At least it's something as he's basically Delfino's backup and hadn't showed hardly anything in his limited time. Maybe Machado/Cook/Patterson for someone? Last edited by Saddletramp; 12-30-2012 at 03:57 PM. I feel like we should be able to get a second from okc miami nyk or someone but morey probably won't pull the trigger on a trade like that right now According to Johnathan feigen we signed Anderson and cut cook Yeah, I just saw that. Guess there were no takers, although I imagine he'll get picked up by someone fairly soon. Cook is/was/has always been terrible. Big THX to MJ's Bulls and pheagles10 on the sig help! I miss you. i would really like to see more out of terrance jones, before relegating him to d league obscurity. i saw some really nice flashes from the kid, and before breaking the bank on a sexy household name, why not give him some more time? thats what irks me about mchale. he's so JVG, when it comes to player development. at least sleepy adelman would play the young guys if they practiced hard. not lurch. not smeagle. sad. i agree with the overall sentiment that an offensive post presence is sorely needed. our 4's play too much perimeter ball. lin doesnt suck dude, he doesnt have anybody to drop the ball into to create some space and allow him to move without the ball. in NY he had multiple offensive big men. here he has none. asik is the offensive big's best friend because he'll do the dirty work and like doing it. kinda like otis thorpe. some scenario's of obtaining entrenched players or gutting the roster for a couple of guys isnt realistic. IMO we are 1 offensive big man away from competing, and once the team gels and gets a little experience i can see a very good team. it's rather obvious jones wont get any playing time right now, so i'd rather him get playing time in the d-league. the d-league isnt like a death sentence anymore. teams are finally using it as a developmental part of their organization instead of it just being for wanna be NBAers. no rockets rookie get significant time early on. brooks didnt get significant minutes until mid to late December landry until mid to late January. patterson until new years. marcus morris at all really. the main difference is that those guys didnt really have much talent blocking their way. rafer alston, mike harris, those are the kinds of guys that they were going up against for PT. the only rookies who have gotten significant early playing time have been scola (who was for all intents and purposes was a vet), budinger, and parsons (who became a starter much faster than any of the other - under mchale) so i dont exactly buy that mchale refuses to play rookies just cause they are rookies. i think that the staff just feels that morris and patterson are better players at the moment Jones is just a rookie, give him time, he will get his chance. You say you saw some flashes but you didn't see some consistency, and that's what he'll get playing more in the D-League. I actually expected more out of Donatas Motiejunas, I think his style of play would fit really well on the team. Rockets | Texans | Astros moved to other thread. Last edited by WhiteSoxGod; 01-03-2013 at 06:50 PM. Vernon Hargreaves III, CB, Junior, 5-11, 198 38 Passes Defensed, 10 INTs Premier, quick twitch athlete with explosion pulsing through his hips and feet. 4.4 Speed & The Answer to 49ers Secondarys Prayers
Mansion and John Lewis Entertainment Group Bring Toys for Tots to SouthBeach Kim Smith to Host Annual Toy Drive at Mansion November 26, 2006 – Los Angeles, CA – Michael Capponi, The Opium Group’s hotnightclub, Mansion, and John Lewis of the John Lewis Entertainment Group(JLEG) come together for the annual Toys for Tots event, hosted bysupermodel Kim Smith at Mansion in Miami on December 16, 2006. Event beginsat 11pm. Real estate guru and mega promoter Capponi, along with West Coast eventwizard Lewis have aligned themselves in the first of many high exposureevents and present a night of giving, holiday cheer, and the ultimate kickoff to the season. All those attending are asked to bring an unwrapped toyfor a boy or girl – between the ages of 3 and 15 years old.Michael Capponi is one of Miami’s most respected and well-knownentrepreneurs. His internationally acclaimed nightlife, marketing and realestate ventures range from the 50-story high-rise Ten Museum Park, which ishelping to revitalize Downtown Miami. The Anglers boutique resort, createdby famed Gianni Versace architect, Wallace Tutt and Capponi Group LuxuryProperties, specializing in the development of high end and unique luxuryhomes. Michael Capponi’s nightlife ventures range from Wednesdays at Glass,Thursdays, Fridays at Prive and Saturdays at Mansion. Now a new venturearises for Summer 2006, the launch of a revolutionary artesian flavoredwater ” VIS “.John Lewis Entertainment Group is an entertainment and public relations firmdeveloped to create strategic breakthrough PR and event programs that gettheir clients noticed. Based out of Las Vegas, JLEG is the innovator of whatis now referred to as, progressive thinking. Providing value to all clientswhich is demonstrated through brand awareness with celebrity hosted fashionshows and events, red carpet press walks and unique personalized parties. Toys for Tots is a 59-year tradition of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves andis an IRS recognized 501(c) (3) not-for-profit public charity. In 2005,Toys for Tots delivered more than 18.5 million toys to over 7.4 millionchildren. Unfortunately, with over 13 million children living in poverty,Toys for Tots needs your help more than ever to achieve our goal ofdelivering a toy to every child in need. For more information please visit: www.theopiumgroup.com ORwww.myspace.com/jlentgroup OR www.toysfortots.org
There's really nothing I can add to this. In The Know: Are Tests Biased Against Students Who Don't Give A Shit? This page is an archive of entries from October 2010 listed from newest to oldest. May 2010 is the previous archive. Find recent content on the main index or look in the archives to find all content.
Note: Prior the the game, the press box at Tiger Stadium was dedicated in honor of former LSU Sports Information Director Paul Manasseh. By Chris Macaluso Special to LSUsports.net BATON ROUGE -- LSU entered Saturday’s game in Tiger Stadium with the best total defense in all of college football. Alabama had the nation’s 15th-best defense before the game. So, when the two teams dealt each other blow after offensive blow in the first half and scored a combined 35 points in the first half, it left more than a couple of the 92,588 of the shivering fans wondering when the two teams they expected to see play would show up. The Tiger defense finally stiffened in the second half and pressured Alabama just enough to hold the Crimson Tide scoreless for the last 30 minutes of the contest to hold on for a 28-14 win that ran LSU’s overall record to 8-2 and its conference record to 4-2. Alabama fell to 6-5 overall, 2-5 in the SEC after losing last week to Mississippi State. Ahead for Bama is a shot at redemption against beyond bitter rival Auburn. LSU has a chance to improve its post-season stock and hold onto slim SEC Championship game hopes when it hosts Ole Miss. The LSU defense had held opponents to a slight 215 yards per game entering the contest, but Alabama paid that fact no mind, gouging the Tigers for 369 total yards, the bulk of that thanks to the arm of John Parker Wilson who finished with 22 completions on 33 attempts for 291 yards, two touchdowns and a costly interception that cost the Tide a scoring chance in the third quarter. Wilson also fumbled inside the LSU 10-yard line in the waning moments of the first half when a touchdown would have tied the game at 21. But, all of Alabama’s offensive urgency didn’t make up for LSU’s offensive precision. Quarterback JaMarcus Russell was spectacular and efficient in completing 18-of-21 passes for 207 yards and three touchdowns. The Tigers ran the ball well also, compiling 211 rushing yards. Keiland Williams was responsible for 79 yards on just nine carries. Jacob Hester added 64 yards also on nine carries, while Russell contributed 36 as well. Tiger receiver Early Doucet followed his excellent performance last weekend at Tennessee with another team leading effort, hauling in seven catches for 101 yards and a touchdown. Alabams’s D.J. Hall led all receivers with 143 yards on eight catches. “When things are going back and forth like that you have to trust that your defense is going to do the job, which they did,” Russell said. “I am proud of how the team performed tonight.” In all, LSU amassed 418 yards against an Alabama defense that was giving up slightly more than 277 a game. The lone touchdown of the second half came halfway through the third quarter when Russell and Hester teamed up on a 17-yard screen pass. But, the Alabama offense kept fighting back and the Tide’s hopes of a comeback didn’t really deflate until Russell connected on a 15-yard pass to Dwayne Bowe on third down with 6:00 to play in the game. LSU received the opening kick for the first time this season and quickly turned the possession into points. The Tigers expertly and flawlessly eased down the field in five plays capped by a 38-yard touchdown run by Williams who burst through the right side of the Alabama defense then outran the defensive backs to the corner of the north endzone. The quick jaunt gave the Tigers a 7-0 lead after a 73-yard drive that consumed just 1:26. The Crimson Tide responded by moving the ball to the LSU 32-yard line in eight plays. LSU’s defense stiffened and allowed the Tide to surge no farther forcing place kicker Jamie Christensen to the field for a 49-yard field goal attempt with a stiff breeze at his back. But, the breeze only helped push the ball wide left and the scoring threat was quelled. LSU needed just five plays to insert the dagger deeper. Russell dropped back, took three steps up to avoid the Bama rush then found Doucet on a screen pass wide open in the right flat. Doucet raced up the east sideline, broke a tackle at the 5-yard line then skipped into the endzone to give the Tigers a two touchdown advantage with 7:33 remaining in the first quarter. This time, the Alabama response was much more fruitful as the Tide seamlessly attacked the Tiger defense on the ground and in the air. Wilson aided the drive early with a 13-yard scramble from the LSU 30. Wilson then finished the drive on its eighth play with a 29-yard touchdown pass to Kenneth Darby who snuck out of the back field and found single coverage along the sideline. The 75-yard march ate 3:45 off the clock and cut the Tiger lead to 14-7 with 3:37 to play in the first quarter. But, Bama’s glee evaporated shortly thereafter as Russell again piloted the Tiger offense straight down the field with little difficulty. LSU decided to take its time on the drive, making it last 10 plays and 4:55 in opposition to the first two drives that both lasted less than 2:00. Tailback Alley Broussard bruised Bama defenders on a 16-yard run on the drive’s ninth play giving Russell a chance to find Bowe in the south endzone just across the goal line and just out of reach of the Alabama defender. The point after gave LSU a 21-7 advantage with 13:33 to play in the half. Wilson and his teammates took no time to sulk as they moved right back down the field against the suddenly porous Tiger defense that came in leading college football in total defense. Wilson extended the Alabama push on a 3rd-and-9 at his 21-yard line with a 41-yard strike to Hall. Five plays later, Wilson tossed a six-yard strike to Nikita Stover to cut the LSU lead to 21-14 with 9:04 remaining in the half. Alabama caught the Tigers unaware on the ensuing kickoff with a dribbling onsides effort that was recovered by the Tide at the 50-yard line. But, LSU’s defense thwarted Bama’s attempt to dissolve the lead by forcing the Tide to punt after picking up a first down but, thanks to penalties and pressure a total of just two yards. The Crimson Tide appeared ready to tie the score in the waning seconds of the first half after driving inside the Tiger 10-yard line with little more than 30 seconds to play after taking control of the ball at their 36 with 1:21 remaining and moving the ball well into scoring distance in six plays. But, Tiger cornerback Daniel Francis blitzed and knocked the ball from Wilson’s hand. Defensive end Chase Pittman corralled the bounding ball at the LSU 18, preserving the 21-14 lead. “That was a team victory,” said LSU Coach Les Miles. “I think in the first half the offense was spectacular going down the field and moving the football against a very quality defensive front from Alabama.” LSU cracked the scoring column first in the second half thanks to Russell’s arm and legs. After losing 17 yards on a sack during a flee flicker attempt and facing a 3-19 at his 33-yard line, Russell scrambled out of the pocket for 25 yards, giving LSU a first down at the Alabama 32. Three plays later, Russell kept the ball on an off-tackle run for a first down at the Bama 17, setting up his chance to lob the ball to Hester at the 14-yard line. Hester dashed left and right and hurdled a defender at the two yard line before leaping into the endzone with 7:14 remaining in the third quarter. The nine-play, 78-yard drive extended the LSU lead back to two touchdowns and eased the crowd’s trepidation. Wilson and the Tide bounced right back as the Bama quarterback connected on passes of 23 and 35 yards during a seven-play drive that gave Alabama an excellent chance to cut into the LSU lead. Alabama was facing a 3rd-and-10 at the LSU 24 when Wilson arm was hit by blitzing safety LaRon Landry causing the ball to flutter right to Tiger cornerback Chevis Jackson at the 12-yard line, ending the Bama drive. Alabama gave themselves a good scoring chance again at the beginning of the fourth quarter after an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on LSU during a punt gave the Tide a first down at the LSU 45. Eight plays later, Wilson faced a 3rd-and-9 at the LSU 19 and was sacked for a four-yard loss by Ricky Jean-Francois giving Christensen a chance at a 40-yard field goal. But, much like he had done in the first half, Christensen pushed the attempt left, preserving LSU’s 14-point cushion. LSU vs. Alabama Nov. 11, 2006 – Tiger Stadium (Baton Rouge, La.) 1. LSU’s game captains were 2 JaMarcus Russell, 30 LaRon Landry, 41 Chris Jackson and 52 Ryan Willis. 2. Alabama won the toss and deferred to the second half. LSU received the opening kickoff. a. LSU failed to win the toss for the first time this season. The Tigers had won the toss in the nine previous games this season. 3. WRs Josh McManus and Brandon LaFell both made their first career starts tonight. LSU started the game in a 4-wide formation. 4. With the touchdown run by Keiland Williams, LSU has now scored on its first possession of each of the seven home games this season. 5. Tigers extending their consecutive starts streak today were: FS LaRon Landry (45), CB Chevis Jackson (23), DE Chase Pittman (16). 6. Tonight’s attendance of 92,588 is the second largest in Tiger Stadium history. The record is 92,664 set on Oct. 22, 2005 against Auburn. 7. LSU has recorded at least one sack in 16 straight games after a second quarter sack by Marlon Favorite in tonight’s game. The last time LSU’s defense did not record a sack was against North Texas last season. 8. LSU has outscored its opponents 115-14 in the first quarter this season, including the 14-7 score tonight. Florida and now Alabama are the only teams to dent the scoreboard in the first quarter against LSU. 9. LSU has outscored its opponents 108-7 in the first quarter of home games this season, including the 14-7 score tonight. 10. LSU has outscored its opponents 181-23 in the first half at home this season, including the 21-14 score tonight. 11. The Tigers have outscored their opponents in home games this season by a margin of 302-50. 12. Defensively, the Tigers have allowed only four touchdowns in 24 quarters in Tiger Stadium this season. 13. LSU has won four straight games over Alabama for the first time in program history. 14. The Tigers stretched their winning streak to 27 straight games over unranked opponents. 15. LSU has now won 13 straight games played in the month of November. The last time the Tigers lost in November was a 21-20 last-second defeat to Arkansas in 2002. 16. WR Dwayne Bowe pulled in a 20-yard reception in the first quarter to extend his consecutive games with a reception streak to 22 straight games. a. Bowe scored his ninth receiving touchdown of the season and his 23rd of his career on the 19-yard reception from Russell with 13:33 left in the second quarter. b. Bowe moved into a tie for sixth-place on LSU’s single season receiving touchdown list with nine. 17. RB Keiland Williams scored the second rushing touchdown of his career on a career-long 38-yard run with 13:34 left in the first quarter. a. Williams collected a career-high 79 yards rushing on nine carries. 18. With four PATs today, PK Colt David has extended his consecutive successful PAT streak to 75 straight. The streak puts him into second place in school history in consecutive extra points made 19. With a tackle in the first quarter, FS LaRon Landry extended his tackles in consecutive games streak. The senior has now made a tackle in 49 straight games. a. Landry recorded a pass break up in the second quarter to move into second-place on LSU’s career pass break up list with 35. He now only trails Corey Webster’s record of 49. 20. WR Early Doucet pulled in the sixth receiving touchdown of the season and the 13th of his career on a 30-yard pass from JaMarcus Russell with 7:33 left in the first quarter. a. Doucet recorded the first 100-yard receiving game of his career with his 101 yards tonight. His previous career-high was 94 against Vanderbilt in 2005. b. Doucet’s 101 yards marked the fourth 100-yard receiving game by an LSU receiver this season. Dwayne Bowe (twice) and Craig Davis also produced 100-yard receiving games this season. 21. QB JaMarcus Russell tossed his 19th, 20th and 21st touchdowns of the season and the 43rd, 44th and 45th of his career on a 30-yard strike to Early Doucet with 7:33 left in the first quarter, a 19-yard pass to Dwayne Bowe with 13:33 left in the second quarter and a 17-yard strike to Jacob Hester with 7:14 left in the third quarter. a. The three touchdowns tonight moved Russell into third-place on LSU’s single season TD passes list, passing Tommy Hodson. b. Tonight marks the fourth time this season (and his career) Russell has tossed three touchdown passes in a game. c. Russell moved into sole possession of fifth place for most career wins by a signal caller in school history with his 22nd career win tonight. 22. The duo of JaMarcus Russell and Dwayne Bowe have now connected on 20 TD passes and sit in second-place on LSU’s career list for pass-catch TD combos. The pair trail record holders Tommy Hodson-Wendell Davis (21). 23. DE Chase Pittman collected the first fumble recovery of his career late in the second quarter. 24. RB Jacob Hester scored his third receiving touchdown and his ninth overall of the season on a 17-yard pass from JaMarcus Russell with 7:14 left in the third quarter. The receiving TD was the sixth of Hester’s career. 25. CB Chevis Jackson pulled in the second interception of the season and third of his career late in the third quarter. ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE FOOTBALL NOTES PREGAME NOTES: The Alabama captains for the LSU game were center Antoine Caldwell (Montgomery), defensive back Ramzee Robinson (Huntsville) and fullback Le’Ron McClain (Northport) ... Alabama won the toss and deferred to the second half ... LSU received and defended the east goal ... The actual kickoff time was 6:47 p.m. (ET) ... Attendance was 92,588, the second largest crowd in Tiger Stadium history. GAME PARTICIPATION: Alabama dressed 70 players for its game with LSU with 54 playing at least one snap in the first half. On defense, Bobby Greenwood (Prattville) and Eric Gray (Trinity) earned their first starts of the season. Marcus Carter (Fort Payne) also drew a start for the first time since the Ole Miss game on Oct. 14 as Rashad Johnson (Sulligent) started the previous three games. It was his eighth start of the season. Keith Brown (Ft. Walton Beach, Fla.) returned to the starting lineup after a three-game absence since he was injured against Ole Miss. Marlon Davis (Columbus, Ga.) made his second start of the season and third time in his career. He also started against Florida International two weeks ago. Antoine Caldwell (Montgomery), Chris Capps (Jonesboro, Ga.) Kenneth Darby (Huntsville) and Wallace Gilberry (Bay Minette) each extended their Alabama longest start streaks to 23 straight games. Chris Harris (Tuscaloosa) has played in more games (41) than any other Alabama player without a career start. LSU SERIES: Alabama and LSU met for the 70th time on Saturday with Alabama holding a 43-22-5 lead in the series after the Tigers earned a 28-14 victory. * Mike Shula, now in his fourth season as the head coach at Alabama, has a 26-22 career record. He is 13-18 in SEC games. * John Parker Wilson (Hoover) became the seventh quarterback in Alabama history to pass for over 2,000 yards in a season. He moved passed Mike Shula, Freddie Kitchens and Scott Hunter in to fourth on the single season list with 2,287 yards. He is 16 yards shy of Brodie Croyle for third on the charts. * Wilson finished the game with career highs of 22 completions (35 att.) and 291 yards. He threw two touchdowns and one interception. He completed passes to eight different receivers in the game. * Wilson also moved into fourth on the single season list with 313 pass attempts, fourth with 180 completions and tied for third with 14 touchdown passes. He already holds the single season record with seven straight 200 yard passing games to begin the season. * The 200-yard game for Wilson was his eighth 200-yard passing game of the season. The mark is tied for the most in a single season by an Alabama quarterback. Gary Hollingsworth also tallied eight 200-yard games in 1989. Wilson set a school record with seven-straight 200-yard passing games to start the season. The eight games with over 200 yards puts Wilson in fifth on the career charts. Brodie Croyle and Andrew Zow are tied for the record with 14 200-yard games. * Two Alabama wide receivers rank among the top-10 all-time in receptions and receiving yards in school history. DJ Hall (Ft. Walton Beach, Fla.) is third with 121 receptions and second with 1,861 yards. Keith Brown is eighth with 1,481 yards and 10th with 91 receptions. * Hall finished the game with eight catches for 142 yards. He extended his school records to seven 100-yard receiving games in a season and 10 in his career. * Will Oakley (Ponte Vedre Beach, Fla.) set career highs with four catches for 51 yards. His previous best was 33 yards earlier this season against Ole Miss. * Kenneth Darby (Huntsville) recorded his second career touchdown reception in the first quarter on a 29-yard pass from Wilson. It was his longest career reception. His previous long was 17 yards against Florida in 2005. The 29 yards also matched his career high for total receiving yards in a single game. * Nikita Stover (Hartselle) caught a six-yard pass in the second quarter for his first career touchdown. The touchdown came on his sixth career catch. * Following Stover’s touchdown reception, Alabama’s Jeffrey Dukes recovered an onside kick, the first for the Crimson Tide since Oct. 18, 2003, when Thurman Ward recovered an onside kick in the fourth quarter against Ole Miss. * Matt Collins (Clay) recorded his first career sack in the third quarter when he brought down JaMarcus Russell for a 17-yard loss. * Wilson’s fumble on the last play of the first half was the first fumble Alabama has lost since the Arkansas game, spanning 363 offensive snaps. * Keiland Williams’ 38-yard touchdown run on the Tiger’s opening drive was the longest touchdown run of the season allowed by Alabama. It was the second longest run allowed after a 45-yard scamper by Florida’s Chris Leak on Sept. 30. * The touchdown run was only the second time in 11 games this season that the Crimson Tide allowed a touchdown on its opponents opening drive. Mississippi State scored on a 25-yard touchdown pass last weekend. It was the third time an opponent scored on its opening drive. Hawai’i posted a field goal in the season opener on Sept. 2. * The Tigers scored touchdowns on each of their first three possessions in the game. The three drives totaled 20 plays for 221 yards, an average of 11 yards per play. LSU scored 14 points in the first quarter while Alabama had only allowed 23 points in the opening stanza in the first 10 games. * LSU had two plays of 30 or more yards against the Crimson Tide. Alabama had only allowed 11 offensive plays of over 30 yards in its first 10 games. Hawai’i, Duke and Mississippi State each had two plays of over 30 yards against the Crimson Tide. NEXT GAME: Alabama will play conclude its regular season next Saturday, November 11 at 2:34 p.m. in Bryant-Denny Stadium when they host in-state rival Auburn ... The game will be televised by CBS, marking the eighth television appearance this season for the Crimson Tide and fifth time on CBS. LSU HEAD COACH LES MILES "That was a team victory. I think in the first half the offense was spectacular going down the field and moving the football against a very quality defensive front from Alabama. The defense played well but kept extending drives based on penalties and missed opportunities. The second half we come and the defense plays well and the offense maintains drive. We can run the clock out. We ran the football a little better and I felt good about that. I felt like our special teams came on some tough situations and made some nice punts and fielded some nice punts. If we continue to play like that we will get a chance to do the things we want to do. Now, one at a time, Ole Miss," On LB Darry Beckwith and SS Jessie Daniels being out with injuries... "Beckwith appears to have a little sprain. I don't know the length of time, but we were certainly sorry to see him leave the game. Jessie Daniels will probably be back next week. With guys out you make adjustments. Jacob Cutrera goes in at mike linebacker and we put Perry Riley in some at the sam, so we had some young linebackers stepping in there and playing a lot of football for us. There is no loss of productivity in the change of safeties. We bring in (Craig) Steltz and he is quality. We will be fine there. We look forward to Jessie (Daniels) getting back, but (Craig) Steltz as the starter doesn't bother us." On the secondary's play... "I think there may have been a couple of good calls in pass interference, but you have to play aggressive there. You can't just sit back there on your heels and give cushion and let a guy catch a ball in front of you. You have to challenge him and we did that. I don't know that we got every call there, but we certainly improved our productivity going into the second half. And give Alabama credit; they had a tough loss to a Mississippi State team that has a really gotten better and is going to play big in the back end of their schedule. They came in here and they gave us everything they had, every fake, every deep ball, every third and one, changed some play calling, got aggressive and knew that they needed to do that to stay in this game. They have good players. That is a quality football team, and we did what we needed to do tonight. I am proud of this football team. This team is gaining speed. This team is going to be tough to reckon with." LSU OFFENSIVE PLAYER QUOTES WR DWAYNE BOWE On tonight’s game... “It was a great night and everybody just came out ready to play. It was a great atmosphere and we were able to stay focused after our big road win at Tennessee. We proved that we weren’t satisfied with the Tennessee win and we still want more.” On how the offense did tonight... “I would give us a B- because we still have some mistakes we have to work on. We have to make sure we play hard for all 60 minutes.” RB JACOB HESTER On tonight’s game... “Tonight was a littler different because they kept coming after us. We are use to handling business early at home. Even though they scored 14 points on us, our defense did a great job shutting them down in the end. At the beginning it seemed like we were going score for score with them.” On QB JaMarcus Russell... “To me, he is one of the top 3 quarterbacks in the nation - if not the best. Every game he is getting better and better. He is a great leader for this offense because when he is working hard it makes to rest of us want to work hard. We know that he is capable of doing whatever he puts his mind to, which is why we put all our faith in him.” QB JAMARCUS RUSSELL On tonight’s game... “When things are going back and forth like that you have to trust that your defense is going to do their job, which they did. I am proud of how the team performed tonight.” On how he has been running more the past two games... “I am always trying to catch them off guard because they never expect me to run. When I see a hole and there is nothing open down field I just want to make any play I can to help this team win.” Defensive Player Quotes On the game as a whole... “Alabama came out and they played a nice game. We gave up a couple touchdowns and made some adjustments at half time. We came out and played some shutout football at the end.” On the defense... “I like the way we are right now. We play together as a group. No one is selfish. We don’t care who makes the plays as long as they get done.” On his interception... “Coach told me to get my head in the game, so that’s what I did. I went out there and made the play.” On the win tonight... “We knew it was going to be rough and it was. We fought hard in all four quarters. They got the ball moving on us, and most people can’t do that. We came in at half time after the coaches told us what we needed to correct and we played our game.” On the team... “I think we are already heading in the right direction we just have to keep moving that way. We have a lot of talent and the best coaches. When you put that all together we are a force to be reckoned with.” On the future Ole Miss game... “We will enjoy this one tonight and tomorrow. We will come on Monday and start preparing then. I’m sure Coach Pelini has a good scheme in mind.” On the game as a whole... “We came out and gave up a few big plays and a couple touchdowns especially in the first half. Then we came back with a couple of adjustments and shut them out at the end of the game.” On the momentum of the game... “Anytime you give up a big play your back is against the wall, but then it’s our turn to make the plays. The guys did a great job tonight and Coach Pelini put us in great positions, even though we gave up a couple pass interferences the guys didn’t give up and we kept fighting.” On Alabama’s team... “You know every time Alabama comes in Tiger Stadium it is going to be a great game. They lost a couple tight games this year, but we knew they were coming to play.” ALABAMA HEAD COACH MIKE SHULA QUOTES On how his team kept fighting... "I thought our kids probably had as good a look in their eye before the game as they ever had. Unfortunately they went down and scored. We come back and just get stopped. We tried to kick a long field goal because it was with the big wind behind us trying to get points on the board. They go down and score again and kept moving. I thought our offense did a nice job mixing things up, communicating well. We got some points on the board in the first half, and we had an opportunity there right before the first half. They made a play. They blitzed us, yet we were real close. We worked hard on the blitz and prepared hard on it. Our quarterback (John Parker Wilson) did a lot of good things tonight, and he will continue to improve with his experience in situations like that. And we'll be better because of it, and he'll be better because of it." On if the misdirection plays bought Wilson more time... "Sometimes it does; sometimes it doesn't. When you do some misdirection things, we probably didn't do as much as you thought or much different than other games. He made a bunch of plays on his own, moving around. We got some guys open down the field. Our offensive line did a good job protecting on early downs, but we just didn't score enough touchdowns." Alabama Offensive Quotes QB John Parker Wilson On how they changed plays to get back in the game ... “Nothing new, we really didn’t change a whole lot. We had no new protection and no new schemes. I think the guys blocked a lot better. They came out with fire in their eyes and I didn’t get hit too many times.” On what happened on the fumble... “I was just trying to step up and make a play and I was holding the ball a little too long and the guy just knocked it out of my hands. LSU then recovered the ball. That’s just one of those things; you just have to hold the ball a lot higher.” On how LSU scored so quickly ... It’s tough, we fall so hard. We have stuck together all week and we came out here and played as a team and played together. It’s hard to lose a game like this. The guys came out and played hard. Now it’s time for us to get ready for next week.” On the new play used tonight... “We said we were going to use this play for awhile. We saw tonight that we might have the chance to make it happen. Hall made a great catch, it was a tough play and he made it happen.” On DJ Hall ... “I really can’t say enough about him. He gets open and plays hard. He always shows up at practice. He’s a huge leader of our offense. He always goes out and plays the game. He always goes out and gives it 110 percent. No matter what happens I have complete trust and faith that he is always going to be there and get open for me to pass to him. ” WR DJ Hall On the injury during the game... “I fell on my shoulder and re-injured the past week.” On recovering from this loss... “It’s hard to say because we played harder than we have ever played. I guess with a real team like LSU , you can’t drop the ball because they will pick it up immediately. I think we did a great job executing and calling great plays. We just didn’t finish like we should have.” ALABAMA DEFENSIVE PLAYER QUOTES LB Juwan Simpson On the game... We came in expecting to play a lot better than we did. They came out hot, made some great plays, scored a couple of touchdowns. We just wanted to stay in there and our offense came out playing good and we just wanted to stay in the game and give our offense a chance to come back and win. On LSU quarterback JaMarcus Russell... His receivers did a great job of finding a way to get open. He is not the type of quarterback that you would expect to run, but he’s done a great job this year of getting open and finding a way to scramble. He did that a couple times today on third down and that killed our momentum. They came out and got on us early but we just wanted to stay in there and fight hard and give our offense a chance. DE Wallace Gilberry On the loss... Win or lose we will still go home with smiles on our faces, but unfortunately we came away with a loss. That’s one of those things you just have to swallow. On LSU quarterback JaMarcus Russell... He’s incredible. He’s definitely the best quarterback I’ve faced and this team has faced all year. He makes perfect throws, he’s big, he’s very elusive. On film he looks slow, but he’s very deceiving. He gets those long strides and he’s moving. My hat goes off to him and his team. He led them in the right direction tonight.
Dorothy Marie Garcia passed away Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012, peacefully in her sleep at home in Pagosa Springs, Colo. She was born in La Junta, Colo., on Nov. 2, 1939. She is survived by her husband of 33 years, Ernest Garcia, brother James E. Brown, daughter Athena Engle and son Robert Bisch. Dorothy was a loving grandmother and aunt to our large family. It is a great loss by all who knew her. Please join us for a small memorial service and a potluck on Saturday, Oct. 20, at noon, to be held at the Brown’s home, located at 250 Rio Del Sol/CR 335 Lower Blanco Road, 5-mile marker, turn left into drive. In lieu of flowers, memorials can be made to the Pagosa Springs Humane Society to honor Dorothy’s great love for animals.
Citizens Bank Mobile Deposit™ Service Agreement In this Agreement, the words "you" and "your" refer to each account owner or anyone else including each person, or, if applicable, entity with authority to deposit, withdraw, or exercise control over a deposit account. The words “you” and “your” also include any user you authorize to use the Service on your behalf. The words “Bank,” "we," "us," and "our" refer to Citizens Bank (either Citizens Bank, N.A. or its affiliate, Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania). 1. Services. The Service is designed to allow you to make mobile deposits (each such deposit a "Mobile Deposit" and collectively "Mobile Deposits") to your checking, savings or money market accounts from home, office, or other remote locations by using a mobile device with the Bank's downloadable mobile application "Software" to capture images of paper checks and transmitting the images and associated deposit information to the Bank or the Bank's designated processor ("Processor"). You acknowledge and agree that a Mobile Deposit made by you using this Service is not an "Electronic Fund Transfer" as that term is defined in Regulation E promulgated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The terms "Bank" and "Processor" are used interchangeably when used in relation to any services performed by a Processor on behalf of the Bank including, but not limited to, the receipt and processing of images and check data and any notices related thereto. The mobile device must capture an image of the front and back of each check (as herein defined) to be deposited (each an "Image" and, if more than one, "Images") in accordance with the Mobile Deposit Procedures outlined in the Agreement and provided to you in the Service documentation (the "Procedures") which are available here. After capture of the front and back Images and all other required data and information from the paper check, you will transmit, via the Internet, the Mobile Deposit containing the Images and all other required data and information from or pertaining to the check to the Bank or Processor using the Software. Subject to compliance with the terms, provisions and conditions of this Agreement, the Bank will process the Mobile Deposit on the day of receipt of the Mobile Deposit and enter the Images of the check into the collection process, in accordance with the Account Agreements pertaining to the account(s) into which the Mobile Deposit is to be made and this Agreement. 2. Acceptance of these Terms. Indicating your acceptance of the terms of this Agreement within the Mobile Application or your use of this Service constitutes your acceptance of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended from time to time and we will provide notice of such changes to you as may be required by applicable law. We will notify you of any material change via e-mail, by providing a link to the revised Agreement on our website or by an online or mobile secure message. You will be prompted to accept or reject any material change to this Agreement the next time you use the Service after the Bank has made the change. We may terminate your right to use the Service if you reject such change. Your acceptance of the revised Agreement or the continued use of the Service will constitute your consent to be bound by the revised Agreement. Further, the Bank reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, add, or remove any part of the Service. Your continued use of the Service will constitute your acceptance of any such changes to the Service. No changes requested by you shall be effective unless received and agreed to in writing by the Bank. 3. Hardware and Software. In order to use this Service, you must obtain and maintain, at your sole cost and expense, a compatible mobile device and/or other hardware and software that meets all technical requirements, as specified by the Bank from time to time, for the proper delivery of the Service and that fulfills your obligation to obtain and maintain secure access to the Internet. Refer to our compatibility requirements for current hardware and software specifications. The Bank is not responsible for any third party software you may need to use this Service. Any such software is accepted by you "as is" and is subject to the terms and conditions of the software agreement you entered into directly with the third party software provider at time of download and installation. You understand and agree that you may also incur, and shall pay, any and all expenses related to the use of the Service, including, but not limited to, telephone, mobile data, or Internet service charges. You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the operation, maintenance and updating of all equipment, software and services used in connection with the Service and the cost thereof, and you hereby agree that you will perform, or cause to be performed, all vendor recommended maintenance, repairs, upgrades and replacements. The Bank is not responsible for, and you hereby release the Bank from, any and all claims or damages resulting from, or related to, any virus or malware or related problems that may be associated with your using electronic mail or the Internet. The Bank is not responsible for, and you hereby release the Bank from, any and all claims or damages resulting from, or related to, defects in or malfunctions of your hardware or software, or failures of or interruptions in any electrical, telephone, mobile data, or Internet services. The Bank hereby advises you, and you hereby agree to scan your mobile device, hardware and software on a regular basis using a reliable virus detection product in order to detect and remove viruses or harmful malware. 4. Fees. We may, upon notice to you, to the extent required by applicable law, charge a fee for use of the Service. You are responsible for paying the fee for the use of this Service. Any fee that is charged will be disclosed prior to your Mobile Deposit. The Bank may change the fee for use of this Service from time to time pursuant to Section 2 of this Agreement. You authorize the Bank to deduct any such fee from any of your Bank accounts, even if such deduction causes an overdraft in the account. Should you fail or refuse to pay any charges under this Agreement, you agree to pay all collection costs (including reasonable attorney's fees) that may be incurred by the Bank. In addition to the Service fees, you agree to pay all taxes, tariffs and assessments levied or imposed by any government agency in connection with the Service, this Agreement, and/or the software or equipment made available to you (excluding any income tax payable by the Bank). You are also responsible for the costs of any communication lines and any data processing charges payable to third parties. 5. Eligible Items and Security Interest. You agree to scan and deposit only checks as the term check is defined in Federal Reserve Regulation CC ("Reg. CC"). You agree that the Image of the check that is transmitted to the Bank shall be deemed an "item" within the meaning of Articles 3 and 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code (1990 Official Text). You agree that you will not use this Service to scan and deposit any of the following checks ("Prohibited Check"), which shall be considered prohibited notwithstanding that such checks may constitute "checks" under Reg. CC: - Checks payable to any person or entity other than the owner(s) of the account into which the check is being deposited. - Checks containing an alteration to any of the fields on the front of the check, or which you know or suspect, or should know or suspect, are fraudulent or otherwise not authorized by the owner of the account on which the check is drawn - Checks payable to two or more persons jointly, not alternatively, unless deposited into an account jointly owned by all payees. - Checks previously converted to a substitute check, as defined in the Account Agreements, are "image replacement documents" that purport to be substitute checks. - Checks drawn on a financial institution located outside the United States. - Checks that are remotely created checks, as defined in the Account Agreement. - Checks not payable in United States currency. - Checks dated more than six (6) months prior to the date of deposit. - Checks prohibited by the Bank's current procedures related to this Service or which are otherwise not acceptable under the Account Agreement governing your Bank account. - Checks payable on sight or payable through Drafts. - Checks with any endorsement on the back other than that specified in this Agreement. - Checks that have previously been negotiated, submitted through this Service, or through a remote deposit capture service offered at any other financial institution. - Checks that are drawn or otherwise issued by the U. S. Treasury Department. - Money Orders or Postal Money Orders. - Travelers Checks. You agree that we may, in our sole discretion, amend the list of Prohibited Checks from time to time. If you deposit a Prohibited Check, you agree to indemnify and reimburse the Bank for, and hold the Bank harmless from and against, any and all losses, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) the Bank may incur associated with any warranty, indemnity or other claim related thereto. You grant us a security interest in all of your accounts or other deposits (whether general or special) at the Bank, and in all funds in such accounts or other deposits, to secure your obligations to the Bank under this Agreement to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. This security interest will survive termination of this Agreement. 6. Endorsements and Procedures. You agree to restrictively endorse any check transmitted through the Service with your name and the legend "FOR CITIZENS BANK DEPOSIT ONLY" or as otherwise instructed by us. You shall scan the front and back of each check to be deposited and thereby capture the image of the front and back of each check and any other required data from each check and transmit the Images to be deposited and all other required data and information from or pertaining to such checks to us or our Processor in accordance with the Procedures. We reserve the right to amend the Procedures, with or without prior notice to you. You agree to comply at all times with the Bank's "Safety and Security Procedures" published on the Banks' website and to safeguard the confidentiality and security of the Security Procedures and all other proprietary property or information the Bank provides to you in connection with the Service and to notify us immediately if you have any reason to believe the security or confidentiality required by this provision has been or may be breached. You acknowledge, understand and agree the Security Procedures are not designed for the detection of errors. The Bank is not, and will not be, obligated to detect errors by you or others, even if the Bank takes certain actions from time to time to do so. To ensure accuracy, you shall key the amount of each check prior to transmitting the Mobile Deposit in accordance with the Procedures. You may send multiple Mobile Deposits to us or Processor on the same day, not to exceed the deposit limits discussed in Section 13 of this Agreement. 7. Image Quality. The Images of checks transmitted to the Bank using this Service must be legible, as determined in our sole discretion. Without limiting the foregoing, each Image of each check must be of such quality that the following information can be clearly read and understood by sight review of such Image: - The amount of the check; - The payee of the check; - The signature of the person who wrote the check; - The date of the check; - The check number; - The information identifying the drawer and the paying bank that is preprinted on the check, including the MICR line; - All other information placed on the check prior to the time an Image of the check is captured, such as any required identification written on the front of the Check and any endorsements applied to the back of the check. Each Image shall also comply with any other requirements established from time to time by the Bank, and shall meet all standards for image quality established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, or any other regulatory agency, clearinghouse or association. 8. Receipt of Mobile Deposit and Notification. You agree that you shall be solely liable for, and the Bank shall not have any liability whatsoever to you for, any Mobile Deposit or the Images or other information contained therein that are not received by the Bank. You also agree to be liable for Mobile Deposits or the Images or other information contained therein that are intercepted or altered by an unauthorized third party or dropped during transmission. You agree that the Bank has no obligation to accept a Mobile Deposit and, therefore, we reserve the right to reject any Mobile Deposit or the Images or other information contained therein transmitted through this Service, at our discretion, without liability to you. Unless required by applicable law, the Bank has no obligation to notify you of the rejection of a Mobile Deposit or the Images or other information contained therein and shall have no liability to you for failing to do so. A Mobile Deposit is considered received by the Bank when a complete copy of the Mobile Deposit has been written on a Bank electronic storage device in conformity with the Bank's technical and operational requirements. To meet the cut-off time referenced in Section 9, the Mobile Deposit must be received by the Bank prior to the cut-off time and successfully pass the edits for conformity with the technical requirements. For purposes of determining when a Mobile Deposit has been delivered and received, the Bank's records shall be determinative. If customer elected to receive a receipt, upon receipt of a Mobile Deposit, we will send a confirmation that we have received the Mobile Deposit. Your receipt of such confirmation does not mean the transmission was error free, complete or will be considered a Mobile Deposit and credited to your account. Upon receipt of a Mobile Deposit submitted by you, the Bank may examine such Mobile Deposit and the Images and other information contained therein to ensure that you have complied with this Agreement and followed the Procedures. If the Bank determines that you have not complied with this Agreement or followed the Procedures or if errors exist in the Images or other information contained in the Mobile Deposit, the Bank, in its sole discretion, may either reject the Mobile Deposit or elect to correct the error, and accept and process the corrected Mobile Deposit (a "Corrected Mobile Deposit"). As a form of correction, the Bank may credit your account for the full amount of the deposit and make any necessary adjustments to the account to correct the error. The Bank may, at its option, also perform a risk management analysis of one or more Mobile Deposits submitted by you to detect potentially fraudulent checks, and, in its sole discretion, the Bank may reject any such Mobile Deposit, the Images or other information contained therein. If after examination of a Mobile Deposit, the Images and other information contained therein, the Bank determines that you have complied with this Agreement, processed and transmitted the Mobile Deposit in accordance herewith and with the Procedures, the Bank shall accept the Mobile Deposit for deposit to your Account. Notwithstanding the fact that Bank has accepted a Mobile Deposit for processing, any credit made to your Account shall be provisional until the final settlement of the deposited item, and you shall remain liable to the Bank for any errors, inaccuracies, breach of warranties and any other loss sustained by, or claim made against, the Bank. 9. Availability of Funds. Funds from your Mobile Deposit that are received and accepted by the Bank will be made available to you at the time and on the basis described below. When You Can Withdraw Funds You Have Deposited At the close of the same business day Available to pay checks and purchases that post to your account that night. - Citizens Bank check (written by Citizens Bank customer) and Federal Government Checks deposited up to 10:00pm Eastern Time. The next business day Available for next business day withdrawals, and to pay checks and purchases that post to your account the next night. - Citizens Bank check (written by Citizens Bank customer) and Federal Government Checks deposited after 10:00pm Eastern Time. - Non-Citizens Bank check (written by a customer of another bank) up to 10:00pm Eastern Time. The second business day Available for second business day withdrawals, and to pay checks and purchases that post to your account on the second night. - Non-Citizens Bank check (written by a customer of another bank) after 10:00pm Eastern Time. For additional information on our Funds Availability policies, including the definition of a Business Day, please refer to your Account Agreements. The Service is subject to transaction limitations and the Bank reserves the right to change our Funds Availability policy, in our sole discretion, subject to applicable law. 10. Laws, Rules, and Regulations. You agree to comply with all existing and future operating procedures used by the Bank for processing of transactions. You further agree to comply with, and be bound by, all applicable state or federal laws, rules, regulations, orders, guidelines, operating circulars and pronouncements, affecting checks and drafts, including, but not limited to, all rules and procedural guidelines established by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Electronic Check Clearing House Organization ("ECCHO") and any other clearinghouse or other organization in which Bank is a member or to which rules Bank has agreed to be bound. These procedures, rules, and regulations (collectively the "Rules") and laws are incorporated herein by reference. In the event of conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the Rules, the Rules will control. 11. Presentment. The manner in which the Images are cleared, presented for payment, and collected shall be in the Bank's sole discretion subject to applicable law and the Account Agreement. The Bank, in its sole discretion, shall select the clearing agents used to collect and present the Images, and the Bank's selection of the clearing agents shall be considered to have been designated by you. 12. Maintenance and Disposal of Transmitted Checks. You shall mark, stamp, or write on the original check "Electronically Presented" after scanning the check in accordance with Section 6 of this Agreement. You agree to securely store the original check for a period of fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the Image transmission (such period the "Retention Period"). During the Retention Period, you shall take appropriate security measures to ensure that: (a) only authorized persons shall have access to original checks, (b) the information contained on such checks shall not be disclosed, (c) such checks will not be duplicated or scanned more than one time and (d) such checks will not be deposited or negotiated in any form. During the Retention Period, you agree to promptly (but in all events within 5 business days) provide the original check to the Bank upon request. The risk of loss due to the unavailability of the original or copy of a check for any reason, during the Retention Period, shall be exclusively on you. Upon expiration of the Retention Period, you shall securely and irretrievably destroy the original checks you transmitted using commercially reasonable methods of destruction. You are obligated to ensure that the original checks are not accessed by unauthorized persons during the storage, destruction and disposal process and, once destroyed, the original checks will be unprocessable and all sensitive personal and financial information undecipherable. You hereby indemnify the Bank for, and hold the Bank harmless from and against, any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, losses and damages, of whatever nature or kind, and regardless of the theory upon which the same is (are) based, caused directly or indirectly by, arising out of, related to, in connection with or resulting wholly or partially from, the retention and destruction of original checks by you. 13. Deposit Limits. We may establish limits on the dollar amount and/or number of Check Images or Mobile Deposits from time to time. If you attempt to initiate a Mobile Deposit in excess of these limits, we may reject your Mobile Deposit. If we permit you to make a Mobile Deposit in excess of these limits, such Mobile Deposit will still be subject to the terms of this Agreement, and we will not be obligated to allow such a Mobile Deposit at other times. Your dollar deposit limit will be disclosed to you at the time that you make the Mobile Deposit. The Bank reserves the right to change the limits. Any such change shall be effective immediately and may be implemented prior to your receipt of notice thereof. 14. Return of Checks and Chargebacks. Any credit to your account of any deposit using the Service is provisional until final payment of the item deposited. If a check deposited through the Service is dishonored, rejected, or otherwise returned as unpaid by the drawee bank, or the item is rejected, or returned by a clearing agent or collecting bank for any reason, including, but not limited to, issues relating to the quality of the Image, you agree that an original check will not be returned to you, but that we may charge back the amount of the original check and provide you with an Image of the original check, a paper reproduction of the original check or a substitute check. You will reimburse us for all loss, cost, damage or expense caused by or relating to the processing of the returned item. You agree not to deposit or otherwise negotiate an original check after our chargeback. We further reserve the right to chargeback to your account at any time, any Check we subsequently determined was a Prohibited Check. 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Brazos County received proof today that not all federal mandates are unfunded. The county was reimbursed for every cent it spent on new voting machines to the tune of almost 2 million dollars. County officials have 1 point 8 reasons to smile. "That's exactly why I'm smiling. I like when the federal government, the state say you're going to get your money back, they deliver," says Brazos County Judge Randy Sims. The county spent close to 2 million dollars on replacing the old punch card voting system with electronic voting machines. It's the first county in the state to comply fully with the Help America Vote Act, that requires at least one electronic voting machine in every precinct in America by January 2006. "They actually did what they needed to do before they needed to do it and really set the mark for all the other counties in Texas," says Secretary of State Roger Williams. Brazos County is just one stop for Secretary Williams. Williams has begun a statewide listening tour to help counties comply with the new regulations. "It helps us when we go talk to the other counties and tell them what opportunities are available to them. Brazos County is a prime example," says Secretary Williams. And the county doesn't mind that at all. In fact, it was the goal. "As we continue to grow and have more and more voters and more and more elections...I thought let's just be at the forefront," says Judge Sims. The county says the money was an unexpected reward for getting things done and hope future mandates will pay off. The voting machines will still be leased out to Bryan and College Station for a small fee that goes toward up keep.
I'm working my way through 1000 pcs of Lake City 5.56 brass that I bought last year. The headstamp shows 2011 as the year. I'm coming across a disappointing amount of pieces with split mouths. Anyone else having this problem? Do they have 2nds on these or am I just unlucky?! If you enjoyed reading about "Problem with 5.56 LC brass" here in TheHighRoad.org archive, you'll LOVE our community. Come join TheHighRoad.org today for the full version! March 11, 2012, 09:42 AM If you bought them from an established source like Scharach's or another online retailer I would contact them and see if they will do anything for you, like replace them. It's not normal, and in the 4000 pieces of 100% processed I have from around 2000-2005 time frame I have to seen a single split neck. March 11, 2012, 09:46 AM Most suppliers of once fired brass includes extras to cover bad brass that may have slipped through. May want to call the supplier as suggested. March 11, 2012, 10:10 AM Are these new or once-fired? There is a lot of new LC 2011 on the market right now, and it should not have this problem. March 11, 2012, 10:12 AM I have found LC brass (along with most others) to have some cases with huge differences in neck thicknesses from one side to the other. Sometimes the thin side is quite thin. Since I neck turn and cull any cases that don't measure up, I expect to loose some. All is not lost with cases with split necks or bad kinks. I use a tubing cutter and size them to 7.62x25 and load them on the mild side because of the case thickness. Still I would be upset about buying brass with split necks. March 11, 2012, 10:26 AM I see a fair amount that isn't split but has what looks like a small notch in the neck. I've gotten it from my own factory XM193 after its first firing. It's tiny and usually gone with a 1.750 trim length. If not, I trash it. I'll see if there's an example handy. March 11, 2012, 10:54 AM unlucky. Lube the inside of the necks. March 11, 2012, 11:19 AM This is new uncrimped brass that I got from midway. The splits go halfway down the neck on most cases so trimming it out isn't really an option. March 11, 2012, 11:56 AM Call Midway and they should replace them and get with their distrib, and correct the lot of that brass being sold.... do it Monday. March 11, 2012, 12:24 PM This is new uncrimped brass that I got from midway. Does it look annealed? March 11, 2012, 12:27 PM Ordered 1K of new LC 11 from Midway in January, received 1002 cases in the lot, not a single cracked/split neck, less than a dozen case mouths visually out of round - they were pretty well-packed for shipment. I've reamed/deburred all the pockets and flash holes and was pleasantly surprised at the quality. I'd have to guess at "just unlucky" but they should make it good. March 11, 2012, 01:21 PM Yes it is annealed. March 12, 2012, 07:12 PM Well... Following up on this... I shot around 120 rounds of this brass today. More splits occured after being shot. I culled out at least another 20 cases that had severe splits that were discovered by just a quick once over! I've bought factory loaded rounds that used lc brass and have never had a problem! All of these are reloads (obviously) using a near minimum load of h335 with 62 grain fmj so I don't think pressure should be a problem. I see some of the other pcs of brass have light (bright) lines on the neck. Do you guys think I should avoid shooting these? I'm shooting them out of a ~$1000 sabre defence AR that I'd rather not damage. I'm going to email Midway tonight to see what they'll do... March 12, 2012, 09:37 PM Clean you FL die & expander. Look for build up of brass or rough expander. Use a copper removing solvent. I had some PMC brass, did the same thing, split necks. All scrap on the 3th firing. Brass was from factory new ammo. Still dont know why it split. Other brands, same dies, no problems. March 12, 2012, 09:38 PM Anything over maybe 10 bad necks in an order of 1000 would tick me off. Further, they certainly shouldn't be splitting on first use with any sensible load. I'd definitely talk with Midway ... perhaps you're not alone in having received part of a bad batch. They should make it good - be sure they pick up the return shipping or give you a store credit for roughly what it's costs. They sent me a "close but no cigar" bullet order once and when I called, offered to replace it BUT, expected me to ship the bad ones back. I asked for a supervisor and 2 seconds later, all was OK. March 12, 2012, 11:00 PM New LC brass--I've gone through about 3000 I bought from Natchez without any split necks and only a very few dented/bent cases. I'd say you were sold a lot of culls that made it past QC @ LC. They SURELY should not be split new off the line, and I'd be surprised if I didn't get at least 5 loadings from LC brass that I bought new. I am assuming that you have not re-sized any rounds, just received them this way. Plus after shooting a few that you loaded you discovered more splits after firing and before sizing. That would rule out the expander ball, dirty dies etc. You have faulty brass and the supplier needs to make it good. March 12, 2012, 11:51 PM You're right mtrmn. I usually dont size new brass. I check dimensions and if all measures up it gets loaded. That's how I've always done it if it is new. I'm a fairly new reloader and this has been pretty discouraging! Not enough to give up though. I'm pretty much hooked. March 12, 2012, 11:56 PM From lc's disclaimer on midway : This is true 5.56x45mm mil-spec, new, unfired, heavy duty brass with that is recent production with a Lake City headstamp. It is the same brass supplied to our fighting forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and offers outstanding performance in AR-15 type rifles. We made a special buy on a limited supply and it will not last long. Cases should be sized, chamfered and deburred before loading. With this brass, there is no primer crimp to remove. This is pretty common on brass , in the disclaimer department. Your neck spiltting is unusual....but if they are just used " out of the box" you may be having a ton of other issues that could cause this. March 13, 2012, 01:17 AM There's a LOT of 2011 5.56 ammo and brass for sale right now. It's been discussed many times about the source of this ammo and brass with some people feeling like it might be rejected or second ammo that Federal is selling. After hearing about the split necks on the brass, I tend to believe this theory. :scrutiny: March 13, 2012, 01:24 AM How would failing to FL size/chamfer/deburr cause or contribute to split necks? For the record, I just neck size and trim/chamfer/deburr, no FL sizing. The only reason I trim is to take them down to 1.740 as I use an X-die for resizing and basically never have to trim again in the life of the case. Personally I think it's just a bad batch ... too many guys have had good success with the LC 11 from Natchez and Midway in the last 6 months for these issues to be common. March 13, 2012, 06:20 AM Well, crunching incorrectly sized brass into your chamber could lead to some weak points and pressure spots.... so i've heard around the way. I'm not saying thats the definitive cause. However, if you can't/dont rule out the easy stuff first, you're just making assumptions with the rest. I know no one likes to follow instructions....or even read them most of the time... but when the manufacturer is telling you what you are receiving isn't ready to fire without " some assembly required" mayhaps that should be advice you listen to. I'm fairly certain ( even though it may not effect the outcome) that LC and or Midway would ask if you had done so ( followed the instructions) as part of the return/exchange process...if nothing else than for their own reference. At the very least, it wouldn't hurt to try.... March 13, 2012, 07:12 AM Re "crunching cases" - while the OP said he did not prep the brass, I presume he did check it before loading it up. On mine, I checked a random 100 while doing the primer pockets (I'm quasi-anal about rifle brass) and they were all at SAAMI min or .001 over min and that's been my previous experience with new LC brass as well. If they weren't checked in any way, then I agree it's time to do that before calling Midway. March 14, 2012, 03:43 AM I suppose its back to Fuse then.... He stated he checked the dimensions, so I guess we'll go with that. A bright ring encircling the case neck is to me not something that would indicate an imminent vertical failure, but a separation of the neck at that ring. This could be caused by poor headspace on the shoulder, which is a sizing or bolt, or chamber issue. It could also be a pressure issue, but given its repetitive uniformity and the charge used, I doubt that. Something mechanically is happening here. I know that its easy to just blame the brass....but I'd hate to rule everything else out, return the brass, and have him find some other issue. This is where I was headed with the "ton of other issues" portion of my original comment. So we do have a host of potential problems....faulty brass being amongst them, but this could also be indicative of other issues as well. I'd say lets address the easy ones first.... but we'd need a little more information. So, OP : Have you used any other brass other than this lot in this rifle ? If so, what were the cases like ? What were the conditions of factory loaded brass ejected from the rifle if any ? Whats the spec of the pills you are using ? March 14, 2012, 01:56 PM I understand bright rings can be a sign of a risk of case seperation, but these are not rings. Instead they are in similar areas on the neck as the currently split cases. Onto blarbys questions... As far as other brass: Yes I've used a good bit of factory federal american eagle in the black box. Also have ran quite a few federal branded loads using penetrators. Also, I run a little steel through my ars. Mostly monarch and tula, little bit of wolf. Never had any problems, I've reloaded brass from all kinds of factory ammo I've shot with no problems so far (win, rem etc.) I'd say the round count of this particular rifle is around 1,100 to 1,200 with say roughly 300 being steel cased. Mostly new factory loaded brass ammo and maybe 3-400 of my own handloads make up the rest of this equation. Never a problem with stress marks or cracks on the brass. Steel, I couldn't tell you. I don't pick it up. This particular lot of reloads were using speer 62g fmjs. March 14, 2012, 02:42 PM To erase whatever lingering doubts there may be, FL size 50 of the new cases and shoot the same load in them. At the current failure rate, you should get 8 or so splits. That would seem to me to be sufficient evidence to have a chat with Midway. March 14, 2012, 02:45 PM I concur, Canuck. Size away, OP And I apologize, Fuse- I misunderstood your description of the line. When I re-read it, I can visualize it now. Some pics of that "line" would be really helpful ! Usually a sizing will take out most light imperfections in a neck....but if what you are indicating is something that looks like a repetitive failure in the brass....and seems to line up with the split brass..... I think you might be right then that there is something wrong with it :) Do let us know how the sizing of 50 goes though. I'd even go so far to size 25 that didn't have the imperfection, and 25 that did... if you feel comfortable, fire and see what the results are. I'm thinking that if its a flaw in the draw or factory size process, an expander die might split'em on the bench...this has happened to me with some bad FC brass. We'll have to wait and see. If sizing the neck lined brass is suddenly much easier than the non-lined brass on the downstroke of the press...there's your answer. I agree Canuck. I'm still waiting on an initial response from them... But this wkend I may do a small batch as you mentioned and see what the outcome is. March 14, 2012, 03:08 PM Similar, otto. But my splits have all started at the mouth and went down the neck. This is straight out of the bag, not the once fired stuff. Although the once fired did about the same thing... I'll snap a pic later. March 14, 2012, 10:32 PM Well, I couldn't get my good camera to cooperate because of a dead battery but here's a cell pic... These are just a few of the splits... two cases on the left are straight out of the bag, two on the right except the very far right are once fired cases that split. The very far right case is a kinda scary shoulder botch (looks worse than in the pic, almost like it split and someone tried to weld it back) and just plain odd neck flare and inconsistency... Blarby I couldn't get a decent pic of the lines. They just wouldn't show up. This seems to be a common problem with some of the new production LC. Go to Midway and read the reviews, there are other folks with the same complaints (you'll have to scroll down to the bottom of the list to read them). I have a couple of thousand new LC 2011 and I randomly checked 200 of them...no split necks but several were deformed. Another thing is that Midway and Natchez have recently sold LC brass which is actually headstamped FC 10. This has irritated more than a few people but the brass comes from the same plant. March 15, 2012, 10:05 AM Good enough Fuse, any digi photo can be cleaned up or otherwise manipulated for clarity. If the ones on the left are unfired, and the ones on the right are- call midway ! Not a lot of call for anything else. You can see if you magnify them ( well, IRL- you prolly dont have to ! ) that the lines from the sizing process on the brass spearhead your splits ( I'm fairly certain the "brighter" lines that you have been seeing are a more advanced form of these lines, now that I see the brass). The brass inside the splits has that "non-shiny" color, which is indicative of heat being applied to the exposed metal.... Those are sizing splits that are annealed over.... You couldn't have created that unless you annealed them yourself. Thanks for all your help- both you and Canuck- Back to the factory they go ! I'd make sure and go over any brass purchases in the future with a fine-toothed comb :) March 15, 2012, 10:52 AM Well, this brings up a question - how does brand new Lake City brass get to the retail market? I think Lake City has only one customer - the US government, and I doubt they are willing to supply Midway and other retailers. So are the occasional lots of unfired LC brass simply a result of LC scrapping defective brass, which is later resold to us through unofficial channels such a scrap metal recycler? March 15, 2012, 11:01 AM There has been speculation that Midway is/was selling "seconds" . But if a neck is split...the case is useless. There are also many complaints that people aren't getting the full quantities that they purchased...like 962 instead of a thousand. Hard to imagine that there would be such a lack of quality control at the Lake City plant. March 15, 2012, 11:05 AM Otto - it could be that there is GREAT quality control at Lake City, but the brass they reject is then sold on the retail market instead of being scrapped. March 15, 2012, 11:09 AM Midway has sold seconds in the past..... both brass and bullets. They note that these are a "special buy" ( at least the current ones) which lends a little more credence to that theory. Overall midway is a good vendor....in this case apparently selling a class "b" product at best.... It comes down to how they make up for it. March 15, 2012, 11:49 AM I don't hold a grudge against Midway at all. I've been a customer for years and will continue to be. Still haven't heard back from them though... I'll probably be giving them a call sometime this weekend. Sent from my BlackBerry 9810 using Tapatalk March 15, 2012, 04:47 PM "Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence" ... or somesuch quote. I think LC just has surplus and/or surplus production capacity now that Iraq is over with ... what they don't have is very consistent QC. I've bought several products from Midway that were titled 2nds or blemished - generally received better merchandise than I expected. I've never received any regular product that I had reason to think was a return, a 2nd or anything similar. However, all that said, I'll be inspecting my last purchased lot over again ... with the reading glasses on this time. March 15, 2012, 04:59 PM from my exp. a call to Midway will solve the problem.... They'll ship you new product immediately and usually don't want the defective stuff back...... March 15, 2012, 05:46 PM I agree canuck. I've purchased blem bullets of different calibers and saw nothing visibly wrong with either of them. I got an email back today. They want me to do a return. Not worth it IMO... March 15, 2012, 05:51 PM Tell them to send you 200 cases as a replacement or a credit for $22 ... that should even you out OK. The credit option is in case they're out or don't want to break a 1000 count bag. You may have to escalate one level while on the phone to get "non-standard" treatment. Their screw-up, they can debate that with LC ... you shouldn't have to pay to ship their error back! ETA: Call them and insist on staying on the line until you're satisfied ... too easy to fob someone off via e-mail ... they guy that types, "Send them back" is not likely the customer support person who has to deal with irate customers. FWIW, a couple of years ago I had a long discussion with a couple of shooters who work at Nosler or at their 2nds distributor ... according to them, the blems they sell are strictly cosmetic ... he told me what to look for and for the life of me, I couldn't find it. Anything worse than cosmetic, they cull. Some blem Hornadys I got from Midway on the other hand were genuine blems ... some had an enclosed base, some not (XTPs maybe??). Dunno, I rarely shoot Hornady jacketed pistol. Given the value of brass, I'd expect LC to recycle errors. If you enjoyed reading about "Problem with 5.56 LC brass" here in TheHighRoad.org archive, you'll LOVE our community. Come join TheHighRoad.org today for the full version!
EDMONTON -- The Edmonton Oilers added some needed depth to their defence Monday, acquiring Mark Fistric from the Dallas Stars in exchange for a third-round pick in the 2013 NHL draft. "A lot of people are looking for the same type of addition to their depth chart," Oilers general manager Steve Tambellini said. "Defenceman at this time are difficult to find. We want to be in a proactive mindset, if we could get something now, obviously work him into this group as quick as possible, the better we will be." Fistric, an Edmonton native, joins an Oilers team with a wounded defence corps. Already missing blue-liner Andy Sutton, Edmonton was dealt another blow when defenceman Theo Peckham left the ice with an injury during Monday's practice. Tambellini said Peckham aggravated a hip flexor. Tambellini called it "a typical type of injury you would see when guys are trying to ramp up for an NHL season." "I think it probably confirmed what we were thinking, most likely you will see some people in and out of the line up over the next month because for some players it's going to be a shock to their system, not doing that type of workout or training a few times a week but every day," he said. Fistric played 60 games with the Stars last season, putting up two assists and 41 penalty minutes and posting a minus-3 defensive rating. In 257 career games with Dallas, he has 23 points (three goals, 20 assists) and 220 penalty minutes. "We know he's a difficult player to play against, he's a penalty killer and a defensively minded player," Tambellini said. "He's a heady player. We think we needed to add at least that to compliment what we have right now on defence. "I like the fact he's versatile and not locked into one side. Our right side is pretty defined I think ... this just adds to the balance of puck moving and skill and we're looking for some heaviness." The six-foot-two, 232-pound defenceman was selected in the first round, 28th overall, by Dallas in the 2004 draft. He played minor hockey with Edmonton's Maple Leafs Athletic Club before joining the Western Hockey League's Vancouver Giants for five seasons, where he recorded 58 points (11 goals, 47 assist) and 453 penalty minutes in 214 games.
Welcome to Knightdale Family Medicine Our mission is to help individuals who want to add years to their lives and life to their years by empowering them to take control of their health. We provide compassionate care to patients in a timely manner. Our health professionals are dedicated to helping patients realize the potential in their health, lifestyle and attitude. We want to help you be healthy and strong. Not only do we provide superior primary care, we also provide options for a healthier lifestyle. We are your partner in health and your resource for the information you need to make healthy choices. To schedule an appointment, call
Jivitputrika, popularly known as Jitiya Fasting, is observed by mother for their children in Ashwin month and is a three-day ritual. Paaran Ritual is observed on the third day of Jivitputrika Vrat and the priests in the region provide the time to end the fast on the day. Paaran 2016 date is September 24. The fast that begins on Jivitputrika Vrat day ends on the Paaran day. Time of Paaran in 2015 is at 4:48 AM on September 24 - as it is middle of night you can do it in the morning of September 24 Paaran Ritual ends when the Navami day begins. It must be noted that these days people perform the ritual as per the popular English calendar and end fast on morning after Jitiya fasting day. In 2016, Nahai-Khai Vrat the first day of Jivitputrika is on September 22. Jivitputrika Vrat or Jitiya Fasting is held on September 23. Special dishes are prepared on the day with herbs and Mahua flour and are eaten by women for breaking the Jitiya fast. Other dishes that are prepared include pyasa-aloo bhajiyas (onion potato fritters), dahi-vada, kadi-bari and channa ki sabji.
New studies at leading universities keep adding to the evidence that the potent antioxidant resveratrol – found in the skins of red grapes/red wine, certain berries & plants – activates the body’s natural defenses against the free radical damage that underlies aging and such related disease processes as Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. See, for example: The 60 Minutes special "Wine Rx" "Scientists have fund a substance in red wine that is slowing down the aging process in mice," Morley Safer reports. "Will it someday lengthen the lives of humans, too?" Substance in Red Wine Found to Keep Hearts Young Even small doses of resveratrol in food or supplements can potentially boost the quality of life as we age by supporting improved heart health, say researchers at the Universities of Wisconsin and Florida. Beneficial Effects of Resveratrol on Atherosclerosis Current research suggests the naturally occurring phytopolyphenol compound resveratrol supports the body six ways to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Grape Skin Compound (Resveratrol) Fights the Complications of Diabetes Nearly 13 percent of U.S. adults age 20 and older have diabetes, according to the NIH (about 40% of them still undiagnosed). Now, research carried out by scientists in the UK has found that resveratrol can protect against the cellular damage to blood vessels caused by the high production of glucose in diabetes – including kidney damage, heart disease, and retinal damage. Mounting Evidence Shows Red Wine Antioxidant Helps Body Kill Cancer Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center showed for the first time that a natural antioxidant found in grape skins and red wine can help destroy pancreatic cancer cells by reaching to the cancer cell's core energy source, or mitochondria, and crippling its function. Note: This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is generic and is not meant to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, or disease. It is very important that you make no change in your healthcare plan or health support regimen without researching and discussing it in collaboration with your professional healthcare team.
This elegant side cabinet comes with an Espresso finish. It features 3 pull-out drawers and 1 storage area with soft closing door. The handles are made with stainless steel (this item has no back panel). It matches nicely with any Espresso vanity. Narrow down your results by the piece that includes a mirror |Mirror Included:||No Mirror Included| |Number of Doors:||1| Narrow your search results by the desired number of drawers for your new piece of furniture. |Number of Drawers:||Three Drawer| |Mfr Part #:| |Category:||Bathroom Linen Cabinets - 1146| |Style:||Modern - 3|
Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Secondary College is one of the four largest secondary schools in Victoria. Over 40 nationalities and more than 50 languages are represented at the College. International students are regarded as important contributors to the College's ethos. The school is an active participant in international student exchange programs. Close to train and bus stations. The state wide average VCE performance for all Victorian secondary schools is 30. In 2007 GWSC far exceeded this mean recording an average of 34. Our students have consistently maintained this high standard outstanding over the last five years. 17.5% of GWSC students achieved a study score of 40 or more compared to only 6.0% on government schools across the state. GWSC students have consistently performed at this level over the past few years. In 2007, the VCE group of students had the distinction of achieving 6 perfect study scores of 50/50. More than 50% of grades were A or A+. Once again GWSC was one of the best performing schools in the state. The top International student for 2007 achieved an ENTER score of 99.93, and was accepted into Commerce at Melbourne University. - 43% of students achieved ENTERs above 90. - 47% of cohort accepted into Melbourne University. - 50% of cohort accepted into Monash University. - 3% of cohort accepted into Monash College.
As the world of manufacturing changes, the way factories are planned, constructed and operated will also change. They will need to become more flexible and adaptable, achieve better integration between buildings and processes, and be more resilient to economic and environmental shifts. Future factories will have to operate at higher material and energy efficiencies, while providing safe and healthy working conditions for an increasingly skilled and diverse workforce. This report explores the future of the factory from three different angles: people, production and space. ‘The Human Factor(y)’ looks at the growing impact of technology on the workforce, including automation and the diffusion of cyber-physical assistance systems. ‘Seamless Design and Production’ focuses on the growing use of big data, insights and smart machines to optimise production processes and enable greater customisation of complex products. ‘Resilient and Adaptive Spaces’ focuses on the physical factory, looking at designs that are resilient to environmental risks as well as sustainable in their construction, operation and end of life disassembly.
I've been on vacation from the blog for much of the summer. Like returning to school, I'm both dreading and excited about resuming my usual posting routine. But come Labor Day, I'll be back in my seat in Blogland. I couldn't resist popping in to talk about NPR's Top 100 List of YA Books. Argument over the value of this list has been heated, and several have eloquently discussed it. I won't rehash the discussion here, but it's worth checking out. The most interesting thing about the list is how off some of the entries are. They're simply not YA. There are a number that are borderline: The Hobbit; Fahrenheit 451; To Kill A Mockingbird. I don't think they're YA, but an argument could be made about their audience. But the books below are unarguably children's books. And in a survey of over 2,000 people, a fair number voted for these books. Someone probably could approximate the statistics, but that someone is not me. Bottom line--people do not know what YA is. But don't ask me to define it. Like obscenity, I know it when I see it! Without further ado, my top 10, next to the spot the book or series was given on the list: 1/100 The Betsy Tacy series 2/33 The Call Of The Wild 3/14 The Anne of Green Gable series 4/30 Tuck Everlasting 6/51 Treasure Island 7/44 The Dark Is Rising series 8/18 Lord Of The Flies 9/3 To Kill A Mockingbird 10/7 The Lord Of The Rings There you have it, folks. The above are by and large awesome books, but they're not YA. Even worse, NPR actually made an attempt to weed out books meant for younger readers. If this sloppiness bugs you, consider the following: for all anyone knows, The Hungry Caterpillar and Good Night Moon could be in the mix, below the one hundred mark. Oy.
Jump to content Back to gallery Photo courtesy of City of Fairfax October 17, 2012 A giant caterpillar makes its way down Chain Bridge Road in Old Town Fairfax during the city’s 36th annual Fall Festival on Saturday, Oct. 13. Use the comment form below to begin a discussion about this content. Contents of this site are © Copyright 2016 Ellington. All rights reserved.
Technologies offering electronic payment and invoicing have been around for a few years now, but surprisingly, the adoption of electronic invoicing and payments has been slow. Companies have yet to recognize the benefits and many, if not most, are still entrenched in the old ways of doing business. Yet companies that have shifted from paper-based methods of invoicing and bill payment are experiencing improved relationships with their customers and have eliminated paper and related inefficiencies throughout the accounting side of the business. Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) provides companies with a comprehensive approach to electronically manage invoice data, disputes, approvals, payment disbursement, and payment reconciliation. The system employs electronic processes to handle invoicing, including intricate line-item details, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. It improves efficiency by taking costs out of a company's very necessary financial operations. The most immediate benefit of moving to EIPP for companies is the elimination by nearly half of the $21.86 average per invoice handling cost-from initial handling, including postage, to reconciliation-which can save even small companies thousands of dollars per year. But an often unseen benefit is the improved customer relationships it grants by providing a business partnership with customers that adds value in several different areas: Elimination of paper handling costs: Just as the company saves from elimination of paper handling costs, the customer saves as well, providing savings from reduction in handling, postage and filing. Better growth possibilities: With EIPP, the supplier provides the customer with a way to grow his own business without the resulting growth in administrative costs that are common with paper-based systems. This enhances a "business partnership" relationship, which is much stronger in terms of customer retention and loyalty than a typical customer-supplier relationship. In a paper-based environment, the more a customer's business grows, the more overhead grows to handle invoicing, payments, bookkeeping and similar business necessities. With EIPP, no additional manpower is needed, even if the business grows exponentially. By giving suppliers the ability to use EIPP, companies also enable their customers to integrate invoicing with enterprise resource planning, CRM, sales and other systems throughout the organization. This eliminates the time, manpower and inherent human errors involved in rekeying information from one system into another, as with paper-based invoicing systems. Improved dispute resolution: Fewer disputes arise and those that do can be settled much more quickly because all information on invoices, payments, et al., is immediately available to all authorized parties without the delays caused by phone tag and the exchange of faxes and emails. For the customer and the supplier alike, there's no digging through paper files to find records or attempting to interpret handwritten or carbon copies. Customers and suppliers can both see what was ordered, the agreed upon price, and shipment, delivery, and payment details. There are fewer disputes, quicker resolutions, and a better customer relationship overall. Improved reporting: To track spending, many customers with paper-based invoicing systems will ask the supplier for an accounting of the most recent quarter or year because the supplier doesn't have the manpower to produce the reports himself. Even if the supplier has other business applications, they require technical expertise to run such reports. With electronic invoicing, the customer can easily, without any technical expertise, run these reports without the supplier's involvement in minutes, rather than hours or days. Complete spend management capabilities: By providing EIPP, suppliers build rapport with customers by providing insight where customers can save money. With electronic invoicing, customers can see at-a-glance what they are purchasing and in what quantities. This enables them to quickly determine if they can accelerate payments or increase order sizes with suppliers in order to take advantage of early pay or volume discounts. In this challenging economy, customers will stay loyal to those suppliers that can alert them to cost savings. Better timing of payments: In the same vein, by providing EIPP, a company enables its business customers to better time their payments so they can maximize their use of cash on hand-investing it or using it to offset interest charges-while also ensuring fewer late payments and associated fees. Business customers may not be immediately aware of all of the potential benefits of electronic invoicing. Yet they are constantly searching for ways to grow their businesses without adding to administrative overhead, a given with older invoicing systems. As businesses grow, so too does the invoicing function. Additional personnel are required to handle the paper-based booking process. With EIPP, no additional staff are required, even if the company grows exponentially. Supply companies can and should work with their business customers to initiate an EIPP solution. It's a technology that brings real, measurable benefits to both parties. About the author Dave Lindeen is vice president of sales for Corcentric, a company that provides firms with solutions to electronically manage all of their invoice data, disputes, approvals, payment disbursement, and payment reconciliation processes. Lindeen is responsible for strategic business planning, including sales, technology investments, and systems improvements. Please note that the Viewpoints listed in CRM magazine and appearing on destinationCRM.com represent the perspective of the authors, and not necessarily those of the magazine or its editors. If you would like to submit a Viewpoint for consideration on a topic related to customer relationship management, please email viewpoints@destinationCRM.com.
First lady told Sanford to stop affair Published: Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 4:07 p.m. Last Modified: Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 4:07 p.m. SULLIVANS ISLAND— When South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford disappeared, his wife hoped he was really hiking on the Appalachian Trail as his staff had claimed. Like the rest of America, she was stunned to find out he had dared to go to Argentina to see his mistress, a trip she told him not to take. "He was told in no uncertain terms not to see her," Jenny Sanford said in a strong, steady voice as she sat in her oceanfront living room Friday. "I was hoping he was on the Appalachian Trail. But I was not worried about his safety. I was hoping he was doing some real soul searching somewhere and devastated to find out it was Argentina. It's tragic." In her first extended comments on the affair, Sanford recalled how her husband repeatedly sought permission to visit his lover in the months after she discovered his infidelity. "I said absolutely not. It's one thing to forgive adultery; it's another thing to condone it," she told The Associated Press during a 20-minute interview at the coastal home where she sought refuge with their four sons. The Sanfords had separated about two weeks ago. She said her husband told the family he wanted some time away to work on writing a book and clear his head. The first lady said, "I had every hope he was not going to see her." "You would think that a father who didn't have contact with his children, if he wanted those children, he would toe the line a little bit," she said. Mark Sanford, who is staying at the official residence in Columbia, returned Wednesday to end days of speculation on his whereabouts, publicly confess his cheating and emotionally apologize. Jenny Sanford, a Georgetown-educated, former Wall Street vice president, did not stand next to her husband Wednesday during his pained public confession. Sanford said she discovered her husband's affair early this year after coming across a copy of a letter to the mistress in one of his files in the official governor's mansion. He had asked her to find some financial information, she said, not an unusual request considering her heavy involvement in his career. She would not comment on what was in the letter except to say "enough to figure out an affair was going on." She felt "shocked and obviously deeply hurt. I didn't think he had it in him," she said. "It's hard to find out your husband is not who you thought he was." The first lady said she confronted her husband immediately, and he agreed to end the affair. She said she wasn't sure Friday whether he had done so. "I guess that's what we will have to see. I believe he has," she said. "But he was down there for five days. I saw him yesterday and he is not staying here. We'll just see what kind of spirit of reconciliation he has himself." The governor declined to discuss details of the letter and how he handled it with his wife. "This goes into the personal zone," Gov. Sanford said Friday. "I'd simply say that Jenny has been absolutely magnanimous and gracious as a wonderful Christian woman in this process." Jenny Sanford cried at the end of the interview, and said the couple have been to counseling. "When I found out in January, we both indicated a willingness to continue working on the marriage, but there's not room for three people in a marriage," she said. "I've done everything in my power possibly to keep him from going to see her and to really make sure she was off the table, including asking him to leave." About an hour after Jenny Sanford talked of her pain and feelings of betrayal, her husband brushed aside any suggestion he might immediately resign, citing the Bible and the story of King David — who continued to lead after sleeping with another man's wife, Bathsheba, having the husband slain, then marrying the widow. "What I find interesting is the story of David, and the way in which he fell mightily — fell in very, very significant ways, but then picked up the pieces and built from there," Sanford told members of his cabinet in a session called so he could apologize to them in person and tell them the business of government must continue. Meanwhile, questions grew about a trip to Argentina he took last summer. While Sanford has agreed to reimburse the state for part of a more-than $8,000 tab that enabled him to see the mistress, state officials indicated they never intended a South American economic development trip to hold meetings in Argentina. That was only done at the governor's behest, said Kara Borie, a spokeswoman for the state Commerce Department. Sanford spokesman Joel Sawyer said he did not immediately know whether Sanford's request for business meetings would have allowed him to have taxpayers cover the entire Argentina visit. Some Republican leaders have called for Sanford to resign and some lawmakers and watchdog groups are pressing for investigations into whether he improperly used state money. For Jenny Sanford, the focus is the couple's four sons. During her interview, she wept as she displayed the stellar report cards earned by her eldest two sons at their exclusive private school in Columbia. On the coffee table was a collection of devotional books, including a book of commentary on the Bible's Book of Job, the story of a man whose faith God tests to the extreme. "Parenting is the most important job there is and what Mark has done has added a serious weight to that job," she said. Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. Reader comments posted to this article may be published in our print edition. All rights reserved. This copyrighted material may not be re-published without permission. Links are encouraged. Comments are currently unavailable on this article
Nate Silver on His Hollywood Future and 'Moneyball'-ing Box Office The FiveThirtyEight blogger tells THR he's been approached by agents and producers, already has done work for a studio and isn't sure he wants to write a book about the election: "I prefer to go broader." This story first appeared in the Nov. 23 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Statistician Nate Silver was called the breakout star of the Nov. 6 election when his New York Times-based FiveThirtyEight blog accurately predicted the voting outcome in all 50 states. Now Silver soon could be called something else: a Hollywood player. One high-level talent agency source says that Silver, who does not have entertainment representation, is attracting strong interest from the industry. This person believes Silver could try his hand at everything from box-office analysis to a correspondent gig on a television news program, not to mention radio shows and public speaking. Silver, 34, tells THR he has been approached with offers from TV producers, is pondering a follow-up to his best-selling book The Signal and the Noise (which hit No. 2 on Amazon post-election) and has been courted by Los Angeles-based talent agencies. He hasn't made any major new commitments since the election and says his literary agent -- Sydelle Kramer of New York's Susan Rabiner Agency -- is fielding the inquiries. "I have to make sure that I make good choices and that if I put my name on it, it's a high-quality endeavor and that I have time to be a human being," says Silver. "Between now and the end of the year, I am going to try to do some planning. Everything is on the table. I have to think about how to not spread myself too thin. It's a really great problem to have." Silver says he's been pitched TV programs that would look at "how statistics are shaping society and how they can solve problems." He declines to say who has contacted him. The statistician has worked in Hollywood in the past -- he says he once did a consulting project for an undisclosed studio -- and seems open to the possibilities of applying his methods to the realm of box-office data. "It's a fascinating little world," he says. "It's a place where maybe some people are doing things in a very sophisticated way and some people are doing things in a nonsophisticated way, so I feel like it's a place where you could have a Moneyball-style appraising." The Brooklyn-based Silver is under contract with the Times through the middle of 2013 and says the work he does for the paper could go beyond politics. "I prefer to go broader," he says. He isn't sure that he'd want to write a book about the 2012 election and his role in it, so for now he has remained noncommittal, instead focusing on a possible trip to Argentina. "It's summer down there," he notes. "I love South American food, and I haven't really been down there. I really need a vacation."
I studied an honours degree in Product Design in Edinburgh. After leaving university I worked at a design agency in Edinburgh as a junior web developer for a few months, but after grafting hard managed to get promoted to work on higher end website design. I worked at the company for about a year before applying to Jagex. I first heard about the job at Jagex through a recruitment website. The job looked great and I fell in love with Cambridge. Admittedly I was slightly worried about my lack of gaming knowledge, but I was ready for the challenge and willing to try out the odd game in the name of research.... I'm now the Puzzle Bobble champion (does this count as a game?)! My current role is as a Web Designer. Working in the Creative Services department often requires me to work on anything from websites to company branding and print design. I love the variety and the invaluable experience! I have been with Jagex for about 18 months. I begin my day by getting into the creative zone (a magical place where all my dreams come true) - this is normally fuelled by a single banana, a latte and Justin Bieber’s latest album. Being the creative hub for the company we are often working with various teams translating ideas and thoughts into something visually compelling. Being in the Creative Services department requires us to be cool at all times. The people! Everyone is so friendly and there's a great social scene. The projects are great too, I can't really complain when I get to work on games all day long! There are so many great perks to working at Jagex. I love the free gym membership and the gym is just around the corner from the office so I have no excuses. The parties are always amazing. There are so many great memories from working at Jagex. I remember taking part in the Dragon Boat Racing when I first joined, lacking in muscles I was probably more of a burden than anything else but I had a great day and everyone was so supportive. Jagex is all about the fun, we live by the motto 'love what you do'. I've never worked in a job before where I get so excited about coming into work on a Monday morning. Be passionate about all things design, be aware of the latest trends and continue to learn new skills - I often spend time at the weekend learning code and brushing up on Photoshop. The design industry is very competitive so gain as much experience as you can.
KENLY -- B.J. Starling, 70, died Wednesday at his home on Old Beulah Road. He was born on April 28, 1935, in Johnston County to the late Richard Lebolom and Ruth Elizabeth Cooper Starling. He served in the United States Army and worked for over 41 years as an automobile body mechanic at Hackney Brothers in Wilson. A graveside service will be conducted at 11 a.m. on Friday at Bethany Baptist Church Cemetery. Mr. Starling is survived by his wife, Linda S. Starling; one son, James Richard "Ricky" Starling of Kenly; one daughter, Rebecca Starling Hooks of Fremont; and three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The family will receive friends tonight from 7 until 9 at the Parrish Funeral Home in Selma. Flowers are acceptable, or memorial donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, Johnston County, 930-B Wellness Drive, Greenville, NC 27834. Published in Obituaries on June 23, 2005 1:46 PM
Fortune 500 rank: 9 (Previous rank: 12) 2006 Revenues (millions): $117,017 Headquarters: Charlotte, NC Get quote: BAC Bank of America just keeps getting bigger and bigger - it now has 9% of the nation's savings on deposit. Last year's $35 billion acquisition of credit-card issuer MBNA helped the growing financial services company see revenues jump by 39%. Profits increased by 28% to $21.1 billion. See more Fortune 500 data for Bank of America Corp.
A study was conducted to make soil and surface measurements (temperature profiles, frozen ground level depths, surface colour, etc) on dark surfaces at chosen localities, to examine and sample the Taylor mineral deposit at the snout of the Taylor Glacier and up the glacier and to investigate the structure of the large snow-ice features on Mount Discovery and Mount Morning. Sampling in the Kennar ... Valley and around the Taylor Glacier completed a program of sampling from the coast to the Lashly Mountains 90km to the west, at the edge of the polar plateau. Microscopic examinations of various salt samples were undertaken in the field and at Scott Base to help elucidate the patterns of salt crystal growth. Surface and soil temperatures and frozen level depths were measured on several basalt cones on the slopes of Mt Discovery. The area of mineral discharge at the snout of the Taylor Glacier was closely examined. The orange coloured layers in the glacier around the glacier discharge site were mapped. The volume percentage of tephra in englacial layers was measured for layers in the glacier between Mount Morning and Mt Discovery and in the Fang Glacier windscoop. Volume percentage is a useful parameter for distinguishing direct airfall deposits from wind deposited tephra and for describing englacial debris layers generally. No volcanic salts were found on the snow free areas around the summit of Mount Morning and Mount Discovery. The large snow and ice features around the summits were examined and ice sample densities were measured.
Democrats have been trying hard in recent years to squeeze God into their politics, perceiving that Republicans have an edge on invoking the Creator to bless their policies. Democrats worry they suffer from a "God gap." Bill Clinton and Al Gore, with their Southern Baptist backgrounds, were fluent in the language of religion, though not always in its personal application. Who can forget Easter Sunday 1996, when President Clinton emerged from church flashing a Bible for the cameras and later returning to the White House, where Monica Lewinsky got down on her knees to perform an act that did not resemble prayer? Clinton and Gore often quoted what they said were verses of Scripture, which turned out to be incorrect and/or misapplied. And now Howard Dean will rush in where political angels have feared to tread and try to advance the theological ball down the field to see if he can score votes for his candidacy. In an interview with the Boston Globe (Dec. 25), Dean announced that he is a "committed believer in Jesus Christ." He told writer Sarah Schweitzer that he plans to include references to Jesus and God in his speeches as he campaigns down South. That's the land of Confederate battle flags and pickup trucks Dean so recently disparaged. In the Globe interview, he said Southerners understand religious talk better than his fellow New Englanders. Yes, that "vast Unitarian wasteland of the Northeast," as Charles Colson has jokingly called it, is the latest target of Dean's regional stereotyping. Dean is from a Congregationalist background, a liberal denomination that does not believe in ministerial authority or church hierarchy. Each Congregationalist believes he is in direct contact with God and is entitled to sort out truth for himself. Dean's wife is Jewish and his two children are being raised Jewish, which is strange at best, considering the two faiths take a distinctly different view of Jesus. What exactly does Dean believe about Jesus, and how is it relevant to his presidential candidacy? "Christ was someone who sought out people who were disenfranchised," he told the Globe, "people who were left behind." Dean makes it sound as if He might have been a Democrat. "He fought against self-righteousness of people who had everything," the candidate continued. "He was a person who set an extraordinary example that has lasted 2,000 years, which is pretty inspiring when you think about it." Not really. If that is all Jesus was (or is), then he is just another entry in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, to be read or not, according to one's inspirational need. C.S. Lewis brilliantly dealt with this watered-down view of Jesus and what He did in the book "Mere Christianity." Said Lewis, who thought about such things at a far deeper level than Howard Dean, "I'm trying here to prevent anyone from saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I can't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg - or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God - or else a madman or something worse." One hopes that the next journalist who gets a chance to ask Dean about this will inquire as to which Jesus he is talking about, if for no other reason than to gauge whether Dean is being sincere or a political opportunist who seeks to bamboozle Southern religious Democrats. That reporter might also survey Christians in New England (there are more than Dean thinks) as to whether they are as offended by his reference to their region as Southerners were to his characterization of their symbols and driving choices. I can't wait to see how Dean panders to Californians. Fruits and nuts, anyone?
Python, and our first project. - Reading: Chapters 7 (High-Quality Routines) and 22 (Developer Testing) from Code Complete, 2nd edition by Steve McConnell. - Be ready to discuss in class on Monday, April 2. - A web server log summarizer program, written in Python. - Submit to your Courses/cs204-s12-00/Hand-in/yourname directory by 9:40 AM Friday, March 30. Getting started on a web application. - The first phase of a database-driven web application. - Submit your PDF file to your Courses hand-in directory by 9:50 AM Wednesday, April 4. - The second phase of your web application. - Submit as described in the assignment by 9:50 AM Monday, April 9. Debugging, testing, and MySQL in the context of your web application. - The first code review. - Exchange URLs on April 9 in class. The code review sessions will be in class on Wednesday, April 11. - Some steps I took to build a simple database. - Try doing this with your own data before Friday, when we'll discuss database design in class. - The third phase of your web application. - Hand in by 11:59PM Monday, April 16. Finish web app. Style, assertions, other miscellanea. - Finish your web application. - Hand in by 5:00PM Friday, April 20. - Reading: Chapter 8 (Defensive Programming) and Section 32.3 (The Commento) from Code Complete, 2e. - Be ready to discuss in class on Wednesday, April 18. Hodgepodge week: encoding, XML, REST, make, etc. - Reading: learn what you can about UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO 8859-1, and Python facilities for manipulating them. - Wikipedia is a good place to start, but there's lots more out there. - Reading: learn what you can about REST (Representational State Transfer). - We'll discuss this in class on Monday, April 23. The Wikipedia article isn't great, so see if you can find something else containing a clear, brief summary. - Reading: take a look at Python's - We'll work with the minidom in lab on Wednesday. - Two programs: encoding and XML. - Hand in via Courses Hand-in by 5:00PM Friday, April 27. - You might find these samples handy (including a very small XML file for use when testing xmltraverse.py). - class notes from 4/23 - I'll try to keep posting these... Midterm break. Design patterns. Getting started with the Java API. - Reading: Chapters 1 and 2 of Head First Design Patterns. - There are lots of design patterns. We'll spend some time talking about a few important ones: observer, singleton, abstract factory, model-view-controller. - Sprite-based animation in Java - Hand in via Courses by 5:00PM Monday, May 7. - Get a copy of Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. - Install it and try using it to create and debug a Java program. We'll discuss it in class. More design patterns. Unit testing. A visitor. - Code review and revision: DELAYED UNTIL NEXT WEEK - More later... - Reading: Chapters 4, 5, and 12 of Head First Design Patterns. - Read by class time Wednesday, May 9. In Chapter 12, focus on Model-View-Controller. - Unit tests with unittest/PyUnit - Hand in via Courses by 9:50AM Monday, May 14. MVC. Getting started on UI design. Code reviews - Reading: "Don't Make Me Think" by Steve Krug. Read the "Read me first" section, and Chapters 1-6, 9, and 10. (It's an awfully short book and an easy read, though, so you might just read the whole thing if you find it interesting.) - 1-6 by Wednesday, May 16. The rest by Monday, May 21. - A code review and a revision - Hand-in and due dates listed in the assignment itself. (UPDATE: revision now due Monday, May 28, not Friday, May 25. But sooner is probably better in any case.) - Final project - Due dates described in the assignment. Final code due 5:00PM Monday, June 4. - Demonstrated in class May 23. - An example for setting and using cookies in server-side Python scripts. Here's the source code and here's the executable version to test. - Use as you see fit. - Fred Brooks's essay The Tar Pit (available only from on campus--please don't post elsewhere). - This short essay is great all the way through, but I particularly love the section entitled "The Joys of the Craft." Worth a quick read.
Joe Budden at Eve June 10 The Internet has always been a cesspool of rumors, misinformation, and innuendo. And the latest debunked bit of web bullshit: Some hearsay that Jersey City spitter Joe Budden was set to score a solo record deal with Eminem's Shady Records. Now it's true that Budden's supercrew Slaughterhouse — Crooked I, Joell Ortiz, and Royce da 5'9" — has been signed to Slim's imprint since the beginning of this year. So the chatter wasn't totally scattershot. But as Jumpoff Joey told rap scene reporter Mr. Peter Parker: "I heard the rumors. People tweeted me all day long. I'm not being signed as a solo artist." In other words, Joe Budden isn't headed for Shadyville. But it ain't no web bullshit that he'll be hitting the 305 this Friday. That's been verified. Get the Music Newsletter Keep your thumb on the local music scene each week with music news, trends, artist interviews and concert listings. We'll also send you special ticket offers and music deals.
Lady Rangers Bow Out of Post-Season, Lose to Otter Valley 10-2 OTTER VALLEY-The curtain closed on the Lake Region Rangers’ softball season Wednesday, as the girls in blue fell to Otter Valley 10-2.“It’s not like they (Otter Valley) knocked the cover off of the ball. They 10 hits, but 3 were bunts singles, and 3 more were squirrely little squib hits. “But their hits were timely, and when you walk 8 and make a few errors, there was always someone on base when they did get a hit. We had two or three of the hardest hit balls all day, but right at someone. Their shortstop and catcher were outstanding defensively,” said LR coach Matt Tinker.For the full story, see the Express on 6-7-13.
Has the bigotry in Arizona got you down? Take heart in the fact that Tucson Weekly readers have named local nonprofit Wingspan as the best activist/advocacy group for seven years in a row—concrete proof that Tucson isn't a narrow-minded, intolerant city (despite anti-gay-marriage laws and other things coming out of the state Legislature). In action for the LGBT community since 1984—and despite economic woes—Wingspan's community outreach and public-service programs are still uniting gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and straight people in the good fight against discrimination and its deleterious effects. Enlightened public: 7. Homophobic assholes: 0. 2. No More Deaths 3. Tucson Tea Party
Blake Shelton's Ten Times Crazier Tour Kicks Off Tomorrow, July 19 Posted on Jul 18th by Team WMN in Blake Shelton, CMA Awards’ reigning Entertainer of the Year and Male Vocalist of the Year, Blake Shelton, kicks off his “Ten Times Crazier” tour tomorrow, July 19, at Farm Bureau Live at Virginia Beach featuring special guests Mercury Recording artist, Easton Corbin, and ACM New Female Vocalist of the Year, Jana Kramer. With over 50k tickets already sold for the first three nights alone, you can rest assured this tour will live up to its Ten Times Crazier moniker. The tour, with dates running through the fall, will feature songs from Blake’s No. 1 charting album, Based on a True Story…, which includes his latest single "Mine Would Be You” along with fan favorites that Blake hasn’t performed over the last few years. Blake is also featured on the cover of Men’s Journal’s current issue on stands now. “I’m excited to be on stage with my band playing some of our new songs off Based On A True Story… and also getting to play some older hits that haven’t been in our set over recent years, “ said Blake Shelton. “Everyone on that stage is there because they love to perform and want to give everything we have to our fans who came to hear us play. I love my band – they are the best out there and I wouldn’t want to perform with anyone else.” Blake Shelton is CMA Awards’ reigning Entertainer of the Year and three-peat Male Vocalist of the Year. With nine consecutive No. 1 singles (fourteen overall) Blake is one of the "most versatile of contemporary country singers" (The New York Times). His infectious multi-week No.1 hit, “Honey Bee" still holds the record for the fastest-selling digital Platinum single for a male country solo artist and just off the heels of his No. 1 smash hit “Boys ‘Round Here,” the follow up single “Mine Would Be You” is impacting radio now. “To A Purist Mr. Shelton is a savvy student of tradition. To A Would-be outlaw he’s forever adding a wink. He’s a star who is only as explicit as you want him to be,” Jon Caramanica, The New York Times. Blake Shelton’s passion for country music and his commitment to mentoring his teammates from The Voice make him an incredible ambassador for country music. July 19 in Virginia Beach, VA, Blake kicks off his “Ten Times Crazier Tour.” For additional dates please visit: www.BlakeShelton.com/shows.
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) â?? Four large blasts rocked Kenya's Westgate Mall on Monday, sending large plumes of smoke over an upscale suburb as Kenyan military forces sought to rescue an unknown number of hostages held by al-Qaida-linked militants. The explosions were followed by volleys of gunfire, then a thick, dark column of smoke. Military and police helicopters and one plane circled over the Nairobi mall, giving the upscale Westlands neighborhood the feel of a war zone. Security forces' efforts the previous day to rescue the unknown number of hostages inside failed despite the military announcing that "most" hostages had been saved. Kenyan officials have said preserving the hostages' lives is a top priority, greatly complicating the rescue effort. Kenyans and foreigners were among those confirmed dead, including British, French, Canadians, Indians, a Ghanaian, a South African and a Chinese woman. The UK Foreign Office said Monday it has confirmed the deaths of four British nationals. From neighboring Somalia, spokesman Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage for al-Shabab â?? the militant group that claimed responsibility for the attack â?? said in an audio file posted on a website that the hostage takers had been ordered to "take punitive action against the hostages" if force was used to try to rescue them. Military helicopters circled over the mall at daybreak Monday, when about five minutes of sustained gunfire broke out inside the mall, a clear indication that at least one of the estimated 10 to 15 gunmen who attacked the mall when it was filled with shoppers Saturday was still on the loose. A military ambulance then sped away from the scene. A person with knowledge of the rescue operation told AP that no hostages had been released or rescued overnight Sunday. The person insisted on anonymity in order to talk about the rescue response. At the Oshwal Centre next to the mall, the Red Cross was using a squat concrete structure that houses a Hindu temple as a triage center. Medical workers attended to at least two wounded Kenyan soldiers there on Monday. Al-Shabab militants reacted angrily on Sunday to the helicopters hovering over the mall, and warned on Twitter that the Kenyan military action was endangering hostages. A large military assault began on the mall shortly before sundown on Sunday, with one helicopter skimming very close to the roof of the shopping complex as a loud explosion rang out, far larger than any previous grenade blast or gunfire volley. Officials said the siege would soon end and said "most" hostages had been rescued and that officials controlled "most" of the mall. But on Monday the standoff remained. As the crisis surpassed the 48-hour mark, video taken by someone inside the mall's main department store when the assault began emerged. The video showed frightened and unsure shoppers crouching as long and loud volleys of gunfire could be heard. The al-Shabab extremists stormed the mall on Saturday from two sides, throwing grenades and firing on civilians. Kenyan authorities said they would do their utmost to save hostages' lives, but no officials could say precisely how many people were being held captive. Kenya's Red Cross said in a statement, citing police, that 49 people had been reported missing. Officials did not make an explicit link but that number could give an indication of the number of people held captive. Kenya's Red Cross said the death toll rose to 68 after nine bodies were recovered Sunday. More than 175 people were injured, including many children, Kenyan officials said. Al-Shabab said the attack, targeting non-Muslims, was in retribution for Kenyan forces' 2011 push into neighboring Somalia. Associated Press reporters Rodney Muhumuza in Nairobi, Kenya and Abdi Guled in Mogadishu, Somalia contributed to this report. Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Barrington Broadcasting is a member of the AP Network.
we have it here too-it can be considered a taxable benefit,by getting the 15 bucks a month it eliminates it in the eyes of the IRS or CRA Originally Posted by jrmech Last edited by cold in alberta; 07-16-2012 at 07:37 PM. yes, we can convince ourselves to accept anything and everything, Goebbels did wonders for the Nazi's..it didn't make it right though. Originally Posted by John Markl I want to give my 2 cents about Deem as I worked there for almost a year. They let the dispatchers run the business. They will run you into the ground and you will hate life. They put unqualified techs on service calls and have the best guy go play clean up. This cycle only lasts so long, if your any good you will work until it's completely unsafe and they will demand for more. They will send you FAR away and keep you out late. This is coming from a former Refrigeration Service Supervisor and mainly speaking of the refrigeration calls. They can not even handle a simple Papa Johns PM or CVS call without somebody totally screwing it all up. You will get great pay, a new van and some nice shirts. You will get terrible insurance and a bad attitude. You will have to call off to get some rest. The word is out on the street and they can't find any good techs anymore. They used to have some of the best but they have moved on. I started to get the opinion they like having call backs as most of the time they still get paid twice. I say this because the worst guys never got in ANY trouble for doing poor work. The dispatchers also talk trash with all the techs so they spread stuff around and get people mad at each other. The contract / installers slap stuff in and run. As if service didn't have enough on their plate you run call backs on the contract side constantly. Good pay / NO life. It's a Leak! we are ... Keeps all their property safe because when at the shop they have thefts ... Originally Posted by John Markl And if we start at the shop our time starts at the shop,as it is now my time starts when I arrive at the job or after one hour of drive time ... I live 3 minutes from our shop . I would love to park my van there . I wouldn't have to look at it when I'm home . I would get an easy 300 more hours of pay each year. I could walk or ride A bike to work I could go on .... Not being an ass... In our case it's cheaper for our customers ,allows jobs to be bid lower, and spreads our property out so the meth heads can't raid them all at once Last edited by mikeacman; 11-06-2012 at 10:22 PM. Not disagreeing with your post, but you just described most if not all mechanical contractors Kind of the nature of the beast, feast or famine. Originally Posted by wrightbrigade I can assure most of you that Pat could probably kick any one of your a$$es, just sayin. lol. Pretty big fella to be lipping off to. lol. Actually he can muster with the finest mechanics around. Pat usually is the only guy who I can count on to come help when I need the muscle, technical or anything else at 2 am. He's a good decent dude. As for the truck benefit as income, I don't like it, but it seems thats the way the IRS wants it. As for Deem and any other mechanical contractor, talent is extremely hard to come by. And when less talent is on staff, it makes it hard for the rest of the talented guys. Supermarkets especially. The solution is to train, teach, train, teach, train, teach. And find good men who have ethics and willingness and motivation to get better. The character of real men is the missing link. I was just with a young guy yesterday, who was really moaning about all the peripheral troubles and I could not help but think of back when I was in his shoes. Things were different. The trade has changed, it's kinda depressing. I've worked for companies big and small but DEEM is the most adversarial toward the front-line technician of any that I have ever worked for in decades in the service business. Turnover, at least in the geographical division with which I was affiliated with, was and is extremely high- even in this tough economy. In six months, we lost ten excellent rack technicians, two supervisors and a salesman. They do not treat their technicians fairly. One of my co-workers was the victim of what I have never seen in the service field. A meeting was held. A new rule was established (they were always changing policy and procedure but rarely communicating it to the techs). My buddy was called into the office and suspended for three days for allegedly misdiagnosing a unit. And the kicker was that during the meeting the manager from Indianapolis stated that the rule was just being put into effect and the penalties were to proceed from a verbal warning up to termination. They skipped all that and immediately suspended a good technician who may or may not have made a mistake. This kind of hints at the type of malice that DEEM engages in regards to their front-line employees. When I first started at DEEM, we spent an inordinate time waiting for the next call in parking lots- 1 hour or more was not uncommon. I spoke to a manager in Indianapolis who put the blame squarely on the technician- "The techs aren't trying hard enough to get ahold of Dispatch. And I am not going to pay you guys for sitting in parking lots!" I can cite so many examples, but I will share one last one- We were scheduled at a facility to replace some unit heaters. I showed up first, looked around and could not find a platform lift which I assumed was scheduled for the job. I called the office, was redirected from person to person to person until I finally got ahold of a man who sold the job. His response: "A platform lift wasn't included in the quote! Can't you guys do it from ladders?" No way- some of the heaters were located over a conveyor belt and couldn't be reached anyway without an extending platform. And how were we to get the old ones down and the new ones up? We did as much as we could as we continued to play phone tag for 3/4's of the day and having the local supervisor, who promised to get us a lift never call us back or respond to our calls until the end of the day when he called to cuss us out because we were going to exceed the quote. It was our fault! An hour later, in a more subdued tone, he called back and admitted that the lift was included in the quote but someone in Indy had dropped the ball. With DEEM, it is always the technician's fault until overwhelming evidence vindicates. Don't get me wrong- there are many good people in the Indianapolis headquarters but they, unfortunately are not the ones that engage the technicians on a regular basis. The things that I saw at Deem, I have never seen anywhere in twenty-plus years in the service industry. Bad craziness. Still- a job is a job and these days beggars can't be choosers. time to unionize the rats SOB, call your local union, talk to the organizer, its easier than you think. Even Serviceman classification wages trump what most non-Union Com. Ref. Techs make. It's time for change, indeed. Ask the Hostess employees how that worked out for them. Originally Posted by valdelocc Technical incompetence is NOT a sales tool.... You mean about the CEO's salary being tripled even after their 1st bankruptcy & then blaming their failure on union bakers & truckers? You must also be a strong Walmart supporter. Will you close your shop if your employees organize? Funny how union people like to point their fingers at Wal-Mart as some sort of lighting rod for "what's wrong with America"......Yet, millions of Americans "voice their support" with their purses and wallets on a daily basis. Originally Posted by MechanicallyInclined Technical incompetence is NOT a sales tool.... The company I started with was non-union. They stated that there was no union needed as they treated everyone well and paid decent wages. 7 years later I left that company and all the remaining mechanics went union as we were no longer being treated properly, getting ripped off and the service manager was an alcoholic fool backed by the company due to his extensive refrigeration knowledge. It had become so bad that communication between mechanics and the service manager required a mediator. No face to face conversations if you could believe it. IF a company tows the line no union is needed. The problem is that very few companies can stay decent without morals in place. They start getting greedy, tyrannical and think that they are doing the employees a favor by giving them a job. They think they can always get other employees. In that case it is past due for a union as the employees have built a life around that employer and location and through circumstances are almost forced to put up with the abuse. Human nature will soil employers, employees and unions if watchdogs are not in place. There is no right or wrong side. It comes down to the people involved. To quote a former coworker that was unhappy with that company: "Hey, I was looking for a job when I found this one!"
Fook Lam Seafood Restaurant Several weeks ago I was in Chinatown hoping to have some Taiwanese food for lunch. As luck would have it, it was a Monday, and K C Kitchen was closed. I also thought about visiting Season's Ice & Eatery, but remembered that the owners of the shop were out of town for two weeks. Since I was already in the area, my friend suggested having something to eat here. After that first visit, I decided to come back again and try a few different things. Upon arriving at Fook Lam, I found the restaurant to be crowded. Stepping inside, I left my name at the counter and was given a little slip of paper with the number 71 on it. Below that was written the number 2 (for two guests). After waiting for about 5 minutes, I heard over the loudspeaker "chat yap sat", "qi shi yi", "number 71" -- funny! At least they gave me three chances to respond. Once inside, we were seated at a table in the far corner of the restaurant. This is the crowd at 1:30 pm. Can you imagine how many more people are here at 11:00 am? Once seated the carts started coming around to visit. This one was on it's way and contained mostly fried stuff in the bottom and a number of desserts up top. See the hungry look on the man in red's face? And how's the girl with her mouth open. I think she saw something she wanted. We chose a few items off the carts and also ordered a few items that are not on the menu. Let's start with this -- #24. honey tripe (US$1.90). Sweet and just a little spicy, the tripe retained just enough bite to make this enjoyable. One thing that I don't usually like about tripe, is that it's most often overdone -- too tender, with not enough texture. That was definitely not the case here. If you like tripe, you'll definitely like this. #9. Chicken feet with black bean (US$1.90). After the first bite, I couldn't really tell that the chicken feet were braised using black bean sauce. Instead, the flavorful chicken feet seemed to have been flavored more with chilli and star anise. Distinctive in flavor, I wish this would have been braised for just a little while longer so the chicken feet would have been just a bit more tender. #21. Steamed spinach & scallop dumplings (US$1.90). Tiny bay scallops and wilted spinach were surrounded by a thin, semi-translucent rice flour skin. Soft and tender, with just the right amount of filling, these dumplings were nearly perfect. #33. Beef look funn roll (US$2.75). Thick and slippery look funn noodles were wrapped around lots of flavorful minced beef before being topped with sweet soy sauce and a healthy sprinkling of chopped green onions and cilantro. Pan fried turnip cake with XO sauce (US$4.95). This dish is actually not on the menu, but they will make it for you if you ask. Mashed turnips were mixed with flour and dried shrimp before being pan fried until crispy with savory XO sauce. Garnished with slices of cut red chillies, chopped green onions and cilantro, this was one of my favorite dishes here. It reminded me of the chai tow kway that I had in Singapore. All this needed was some of that sweet, dark soy sauce. Xiao long pau (US$3.80). Ever elusive, this dish is another that is not on the menu. Xiao long pau, or pork dumplings with soup, are a rare find on dim sum menus here. If you know to ask, you'll be in for a treat. Eat them while they're hot, otherwise, the soup will be absorbed by the skins. These were nicely filled with ground pork and well flavored with lots of ginger. The skins could have been a little thinner though. #43. Fish rice soup (US$3.95). Rice soup, or congee, is another favorite of mine, but one that I don't indulge in too often. Normally, I will have the century egg (pei dan) with pork rice soup, but this time I decided to try something different. Large chucks of fish were swimming in the bowl of smooth textured rice soup. Add a little vinegar and a sprinkling of pepper and you're set. After all that, I still had room for dessert. I decided to have the red bean jelly (US$1.90). Cool, refreshing and not at all sweet, this red bean jelly hit the spot. It's not often that I indulge in dessert after having dim sum, but was so irresistable. The dim sum here at Fook Lam is, in many ways, just as good as the dim sum at my favorite place, Panda Cuisine. The selection of items here is good and the dishes are thoughfully prepared, flavorful and well portioned. In addition, the service here is better than at most dim sum places and given the quality of the food, the prices are very reasonable. Fook Lam Seafood Restaurant Chinatown Cultural Plaza 100 North Beretania Street Suite 110-112
"Lose Yourself" rapper / SUN 5-27-12 / "The Royal Family of Broadway" star, 1930 / "Wanderings: Chaim ___ Story of the Jews" / Saint in a Sir Walter Scott title / "___ my garment and my mantle": Ezra 9:3 / ___ belli (war-provoking act) Sunday, May 27, 2012 Constructor: BYRON WALDEN Relative difficulty: Pretty difficult, if you ask me THEME: STATE QUARTERS — Theme answers are U.S. states clued by what appears on their state quarters and placed in the grid with two or three letters per square. [Edited to add that the state names are divided into four parts, ie, quarters. I had a feeling I was missing something obvious in this theme!] Byron was kind enough to make the rebus clear right from the beginning. Well, it was clear that there was some kind of rebus going on, but it was a little more difficult to get a grip on what exactly the deal was. Usually, Doug and I don't chat while we solve and we don't look at the other's clues. If, for example, I don't know a down answer, I wait for him to fill in crosses for me until I can get it. But I don't go reading the across clues in order to mentally fill the letters in myself. But on this puzzle, we ended up chatting quite a bit. And I don't know about Doug, but I found myself looking at across clues, but only to see if one of them was the clue for a state so I would know if my answer contained a rebus square. - 10A: *Patriot Caesar Rodney on horseback (DELAWARE) - 19A: *The Great Lakes (MICHIGAN) - 27A: *Scissor-tailed flycatcher with wildflowers (OKLAHOMA) - 59A: *Covered wagon next to Chimney Rock (NEBRASKA) - 66A: *Rice stalks, a diamond and a mallard (ARKANSAS) - 100A: *Statehouse dome (MARYLAND) - 109A: *Abraham Lincoln (ILLINOIS) - 112A: *Racehorse in front of the Federal Hill mansion (KENTUCKY) - 39D: *Rocky Mountains (COLORADO) - 46D: *"Commonwealth" statue and a keystone (PENNSYLVANIA) - 69D: *Old Man of the Mountain rock formation (NEW HAMPSHIRE) - 75D: *Lewis and Clark and the Gateway Arch (MISSOURI) I hate to keep whining but one last problem I had was with the completed grid on the Times applet. We are all agreed that the applet sucks, right? Good. Well, when we finished the puzzle, it looked like this: I can't even look at that grid and make sense of it because the applet doesn't "do" rebus squares. Luckily, Doug whipped up a jpg from his Crossword Compiler app and ta-da! Looking at That grid makes it look pretty damn awesome. I didn't even notice while solving that all the states are placed symmetrically in the grid. Nicely done, Byron! RIPENESS IS ALL is "much-quoted"? (44A: Much-quoted line from Edgar in "King Lear.") There are actually birds called LAUGHING FALCONS? (24A: Snake predators named for their calls.) People have heard of GEORGES DE LA TOUR? (101A: French Baroque artist who painted "The Fortune Teller.") And last but certainly not least: SNORKEL PARKA? (16D: Military jacket with a furry hood.) I must say I am ecstatic to find out that the coats I used to wear during the brutal winters in Fargo, North Dakota, are called SNORKEL PARKAs. I only wish I had known it at the time. (Please don't send me any nasty email about my GEORGES DE LA TOUR crack. I'm sure he's very well-known, left us a treasure trove of brilliant art, and was kind to his mother -- I'm just saying I've never heard of him and that undoubtedly says more about me than it does about him.) Bullets (acrosses brought to you by Doug): - 10A: *Patriot Caesar Rodney on horseback (DELAWARE) — I knew immediately that this was Delaware, because I've seen a ton of Delaware quarters. My friend's daughter was about 12 years old when the State Quarters program began, and she decided that the first quarter, Delaware, would be valuable someday. So she started saving Delaware quarters. And whenever I found one in change, I'd give it to her. Over the years, I bet I've given her at least $25 in Delaware quarters. And I'm still giving them to her. I suspected it might be a scam to get free quarters, but she showed me her collection, and she's got over 400 of them in a box. I'm going to try to recoup some of my losses by telling her that I collect Montana quarters. Maybe she'll give me a few. I picked Montana because I grew up there, and more importantly, it's the only state quarter that features a skull. It matches my awesome belt buckle. - 37A: Zales rival (KAY) — My first thought was Jared, because "It can only be Jared." That's the jewelry store founded by the guy from the Subway ads. I have my own version of the Subway diet. I walk to Subway for lunch, and then I don't eat anything because I hate Subway. - 44A: Much-quoted line from Edgar in "King Lear" (RIPENESS IS ALL) — Or "Don't eat the green bananas." I know quite a few Shakespeare lines, but this one baffled me. I don't like the "much-quoted" part, because if you don't know it, you feel like a dope. - 67A: Old comic book cowboy (RED RYDER) — You probably recognize the name from the Red Ryder BB Gun in "A Christmas Story." - 101A: French Baroque artist who painted "The Fortune Teller" (GEORGES DE LA TOUR) — Which translates to "George of the Tour." I guess he was a pro golfer. Seriously, I have never heard of this guy. At least the clue didn't say "Well-known French Baroque painter..." I'm still smarting from that "Much-quoted" business. - 106A: "Get Smart" robot (HYMIE) — Entry of the day! Man, I used to love "Get Smart." Hymie's a robot who was built by KAOS, but later decides to join CONTROL. He's named after his father and is "programmed for neatness." Speaking of "Get Smart," PuzzleGirl and I wrote this entire blog while in the Cone of Silence. Maybe that's why it took us seventeen hours. Bullets (downs brought to you by PuzzleGirl): - 7D: Father of the Blues (WC HANDY) - 8D: Outgrowth from the base of a grass blade (LIGULE) — Can't imagine I'll ever need to know that but okay. - 10D: Handlers of brats (DELIS) — Who wanted BABYSITTERS? - 12D: Designer Vera (WANG) — PuzzleDaughter and her friends seem to be into Vera Bradley these days. Totally different Vera. - 22D: Athletic awards since 1993 (ESPYS) - 26D: Salts (ABLE SEAMEN) — I like the tricky clue, but I'm not 100% sure ABLE SEAMEN is really a thing. I mean, I'm sure there are SEAMEN who are quite ABLE, but it's not exactly what I would call "in the language." See also NURSERY MEN (76D: Greenhouse workers). - 42D: E.M.T. application (CPR) — PuzzleKids and I enjoyed a street festival yesterday and had to spend a little bit of time at the First Aid station when PuzzleDaughter stubbed her toe pretty bad. I sorta felt like the EMTs were rolling their eyes at us, but honestly, I'm sure having them bandage her up calmed her down way more than I could have. Poor thing. When we got home she's all "Mom, will you wash the blood off my flip-flop?" Try not to be too jealous of my glamorous life. - 49D: Do dos, say (CATER) — I was thinking more along the lines of hairstylists, so this was a nice tricky clue. - 57D: Area that's frequently swept? (RADAR RANGE) — In my world, a RADAR RANGE is a microwave oven. (In my world, I spent much of my childhood in front of the TV watching game shows.) - 86D: Move toward the middle (INDENT) — And just to be clear, when you move text toward the middle of the page, you use TABS and not SPACES, right? RIGHT? - 96E: Like zombies (UNDEAD) — My first thought: "Dead." My second thought: "Waaait a minute …." Love, PuzzleGirl (and Doug)
VATICAN CITY — Cardinals enter the Sistine Chapel today to elect the next pope amid more upheaval and uncertainty than the Catholic Church has seen in decades: There’s no front-runner, no indication how long voting will last and no sense that a single man has what it takes to fix the church’s many problems. On the eve of the vote, cardinals offered wildly different assessments of what they’re looking for in a pope and how close they are to a decision. It was evidence that Benedict XVI’s surprise resignation has continued to destabilize the church leadership and that his final appeal for unity may go unheeded, at least in the early rounds of voting. Still, the buzz in the papal stakes swirled around Cardinal Angelo Scola, an Italian seen as favored by cardinals hoping to shake up the powerful Vatican bureaucracy, and Brazilian Cardinal Odilo Scherer, a favorite of Vatican-based insiders intent on preserving the status quo. Cardinals held their final closed-door debate Monday over whether the church needs more of a manager to clean up the Vatican’s bureaucratic mess or a pastor to inspire the 1.2 billion faithful in times of crisis. The fact that not everyone got a chance to speak was a clear indication that there’s still unfinished business going into the first round of voting. “This is a great historical moment but we have got to do it properly, and I think that’s why there isn’t a real rush to get into things,” Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier from South Africa said as he left the session Monday. None of that has prevented a storm of chatter over who’s ahead in the race. Scola is affable and Italian, but not from the Italian-centric Vatican bureaucracy called the Curia. That gives him clout with those seeking to reform the nerve center of the Catholic Church that has been discredited by revelations of leaks and complaints from cardinals in the field that Rome is inefficient and unresponsive to their needs. Scherer seems to be favored by Latin Americans and the Curia. The Brazilian has a solid handle on the Vatican’s finances, sitting on the governing commission of the Vatican bank, the Institute for Religious Works, as well as the Holy See’s main budget committee. As a non-Italian, the archbishop of Sao Paolo would be expected to name an Italian as secretary of state — the Vatican No. 2 who runs day-to-day affairs at the Holy See — another plus for Vatican-based cardinals who would want one of their own running the shop. The pastoral camp seems to be focusing on two Americans, New York archbishop Timothy Dolan and Boston archbishop O’Malley. Neither has Vatican experience. Dolan has admitted his Italian isn’t strong — seen as a handicap for a job in which the lingua franca of day-to-day work is Italian. Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet is well-known and well-respected by many cardinals, stemming from his job at the important Vatican office that vets bishop appointments; less well known is that Ouellet has a lovely voice and is known to belt out French folk songs on occasion. If the leading names fail to reach the 77 votes required for victory in the first few rounds of balloting, any number of surprise names could come to the fore as alternatives. Those include Cardinal Luis Tagle, archbishop of Manila. He is young — at age 55 the second-youngest cardinal voting — and was only named a cardinal last November. While his management skills haven’t been tested in Rome, Tagle — with a Chinese-born mother — is seen as the face of the church in Asia, where Catholicism is growing. Whoever he is, the next pope will face a church in crisis: Benedict XVI spent his eight-year pontificate trying to revive Catholicism amid the secular trends that have made it almost irrelevant in places like Europe, once a stronghold of Christianity. Clerical sex abuse scandals have soured many faithful on their church, and competition from rival evangelical churches in Latin America and Africa has drawn souls away. Closer to home, the next pope has a major challenge awaiting him inside the Vatican walls, after the leaks of papal documents in 2012 exposed ugly turf battles, allegations of corruption and even a plot purportedly orchestrated by Benedict’s aides to out a prominent Italian Catholic editor as gay. Cardinals on Monday heard a briefing from the Vatican No. 2 about another stain on the Vatican’s reputation, the Vatican bank. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who heads the commission of cardinals overseeing the scandal-marred Institute for Religious Works, outlined the bank’s activities and the Holy See’s efforts to clean up its reputation in international financial circles. Massimo Franco, noted columnist for leading daily Corriere della Sera, said the significance of the revelations about the bank and the Holy See’s internal governance cannot be underestimated in this conclave, having determined both Benedict’s decision to resign and the major task ahead for his successor. Franco, whose new book “The Crisis of the Vatican Empire” describes the Vatican’s utter dysfunction, said cardinals are still traumatized by Benedict’s resignation, leading to the uncertainty heading into the conclave. “It’s quite unpredictable. There isn’t a majority neither established nor in the making,” he said. Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz of Chile concurred, saying that while Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had tremendous front-runner status going into the 2005 conclave that elected him pope after just four ballots, the same cannot be said for any of the candidates of 2013. “This time around, there are many different candidates, so it’s normal that it’s going to take longer than the last time,” he told The Associated Press. “There are no groups, no compromises, no alliances, just each one with his conscience voting for the person he thinks is best, which is why I don’t think it will be over quickly.” Dolan, a possible papal contender, seemed to think otherwise and was bounding with optimism by the end of the pre-conclave meetings and the drama about to unfold. “I’m kind of happy they’re over because we came here to elect a pope and we’ll start it tomorrow with the holy sacrifice of the Mass, then into the conclave and look for the white smoke!” Dolan enthused on his radio show on SiriusXM’s “The Catholic Channel.” Errazuriz said the key isn’t so much where the next pope comes from, but what he would bring to the papacy. Cardinals, he told AP, are looking for a pope “who is close to God, has love for people, the poorest, the ability to preach the Gospel to the world and understand the young and bring them closer to God. These are the categories that count.” He argued that Latin America, counting 40 percent of the world’s Catholics, is underrepresented in the college of cardinals. “It doesn’t have 40 percent of the cardinals,” he said. Today begins with the cardinals checking into the Vatican’s Domus Sanctae Martae, a modern, industrial-feel hotel on the edge of the Vatican gardens. While the rooms are impersonal, they’re a step up from the cramped conditions cardinals faced before the hotel was first put to use in 2005; in conclaves past, lines in the Apostolic Palace used to form for using bathrooms. This morning, the dean of the College of Cardinals, Angelo Sodano, leads the celebration of the “Pro eligendo Pontificie” Mass — the Mass for the election of a pope — inside St. Peter’s Basilica, joined by the 115 cardinals who will vote. They break for lunch at the hotel, and return for the 4:30 p.m. procession into the Sistine Chapel, chanting the Litany of Saints, the hypnotic Gregorian chant imploring the intercession of the saints to help guide the voting. After another chant imploring the Holy Spirit to intervene, the cardinals take their oath of secrecy and listen to a meditation by elderly Maltese Cardinal Prosper Grech. While the cardinals are widely expected to cast the first ballot this afternoon, technically they don’t have to. In conclaves past, the cardinals have always voted on the first day. The first puffs of smoke from the Sistine Chapel chimney should emerge sometime around 8 p.m. Black smoke from the burned ballot papers means no pope, the likely outcome after Round 1. White smoke means the 266th pope has been chosen. Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, also a leading papal contender, said he was going into the conclave still rattled by the fact that his mentor, Benedict, had resigned. “It made me cry. He was my teacher. We worked together for over 40 years,” Schoenborn said during a Mass late Sunday. Nevertheless, Schoenborn said the cardinals had banded together to face the future. “It makes us brothers not contenders,” he said. “Such a surprising act has already begun a true renewal.”
Sue Conley to leave Community Foundation JANESVILLE—The Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin will have a new leader next year. Executive Director Sue Conley announced Thursday she is leaving the nonprofit charitable organization in July. Her decision wasn't easy, she said. “I feel nonprofit leadership should change every 10 to 12 years because new energy is a good thing for organizations like us. The timing is right for the foundation as well as for me personally,” she said. The foundation was re-accredited in September for the next five years by the Community Foundations National Standards Board that measures quality, integrity and accountability in six areas of operations. “This is a way for us to make sure we are a foundation that has excellent policies and procedures to ensure that we are doing a good job of holding charitable assets for the communities that we serve,” Conley said. Meanwhile, Conley said, she has no plans beyond June and will continue to focus on the foundation until her July departure. Conley came to the Community Foundation in 2002 after a decade at YWCA Rock County. Since then, the foundation's assets have grown from $16 million to more than $36 million, and the number of charitable funds held by the organization has risen 24 percent to more than 550. Her foundation tenure has been marked by a series of new charitable initiatives that have included coordinating the Farmers Market Coupon Program, implementing the Janesville Multicultural Teacher Opportunities Scholarship program and overseeing the Flood Recovery Fund in 2008. She also founded the Women's Fund in 2003 to serve the needs of women and girls in Rock County. Conley said her biggest accomplishment is growing the foundation to reach nine Southern Wisconsin counties. “It really has been a pleasure to work with many people within the Southern Wisconsin region to create charitable funds that help improve and enhance the lives of people,” she said. The board will meet next week to create a plan for the new executive director recruitment and selection. “Because I've given them lots of notice, they probably won't start accepting resumes until January, but we don't have that plan in place yet,” she said. “It really has been a joy to work here,” Conley said.