[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: What do you think of what's happening in the UK Parliament today?\r\nSpeaker2: You mean the resignations of four high-ranking ministers over the Brexit deal?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes.\r\nSpeaker2: Well, I don't think this deal is going to get signed. Apart from anything else it is worse than simply taking a second vote and hopefully being able to withdraw from Article 50 notice.\r\nSpeaker1: Can we even withdraw now?\r\nSpeaker2: Apparently we can do that. There are some opinions that say not, but in reality it would be a big relief to the other countries. \r\nSpeaker2: The alternative, having no deal at all, is not only risky for the UK, but could cause big trouble to the rest of the states and of course there are quite big issues in the Eurozone already. This could tip over a very big landslide.\r\nSpeaker1: So you think we could get a better deal if we hold out?\r\nSpeaker2: Right now the optimal strategy would be to stay inside the EU, forget about leaving as we did not know the hurdles that would be placed by the powers that be. We need to work today with other Eurosceptic countries like Italy, Greece, Poland, Hungary and the other ex-Warsaw Pact countries.\r\nSpeaker1: To do what?\r\nSpeaker2: To change the EU into what we actually want it to be. To radically alter it so that it becomes what we hoped it was going to be.\r\nSpeaker1: Can that be done?\r\nSpeaker2: We see that the Germans have had enough of Merkel. When she goes, Macron also goes. It wouldn't take more than one of those bigger countries going the way of Italy, or a few more of the secondary states like Holland and Denmark, from the western side, to start a programme of deep change.\r\nSpeaker1: Makes sense. IN the end we all need to have some kind of co-operation in Europe.\r\nSpeaker2: Every Brexiteer I spoke to actually wants A European Union, they just don't want THIS European Union.\r\nSpeaker1: But is there any chance that there will be a second vote.\r\nSpeaker2: May has said no, but May could be finished in a week from now. If there is a General Election and all the Conservatives stand on a revote platform with UKIP and Labour saying no re-vote, then the Tories may well win. Then they would have to offer a re-vote.\r\nSpeaker1: What if we then end up staying in but other countries start defaulting and leaving us picking up the bills which was going to maybe happen to France and Germany?\r\nSpeaker2: That's the downside risk. Certainly if we are ever going to leave, the time to do it is now, or stay and fight for a different kind of Union which might not need countries to go crashing out of it that way. \r\nSpeaker1: I don't know if you will every find a format that 30 countries will be able to agree on. \r\nSpeaker2: Either you have to make it so that there is really not that much that they have to agree on, or you make everything so harmonised that it is really one country and everyone is unhappy with something. Where we are now is stuck in the middle, trying to agree and enforce too much, but still with options for countries to do things differently and to look after themselves. We haven't managed to deliver the European dream." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 would like Great Britain to stay in the European Union but according to him the EU should evolve. Speaker1 is sceptic if it's possible to find a solution on which 30 countries would agree." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "By looking at the photos, Speaker2 thinks that Melanie looked nicer with curly hair. Speaker1 disagrees." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker4: the factory is owned as a cooperative by local cocoa growers\nSpeaker1: How did you find out?\nSpeaker4: google was enough, it's not a secret, apparently\nSpeaker2: but that's amazing! I thought it's Nestle or some other devil\nSpeaker3: so now you want to go there?\nSpeaker2: why not? Sounds interesting\nSpeaker2: and I've never been to a chocolate factory\nSpeaker3: but we should call ahead to book a tour\nSpeaker1: I don't think it's necessary\nSpeaker3: it is if we want to have a chance to taste their various products\nSpeaker4: ok, I can call them\nSpeaker4: I know it's always a problem\nSpeaker2: hahah :P" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3, Speaker2, Speaker1 and Speaker4 want to visit a chocolate factory. The factory is owned by local cocoa growers." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 forgot about her sociology assignment. She needs to research feminist act, and it's due tomorrow. Speaker1 has already finished it, and she rushes Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: are you going to the ball?\nSpeaker2: never, not with this snobs\nSpeaker3: he's right, they are horrible" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is not going to the ball. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Ryanair has canceled many flights. This affected Speaker7, Speaker6 and Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Anybody wants a sandwich?\nSpeaker2: are you going to the fat lady?\nSpeaker3: yes!\nSpeaker1: buy one for me, with pecorino cheese\nSpeaker2: and for me, one with cheddar\nSpeaker3: done!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 will buy a pecorino cheese sandwich for Speaker1 and one with cheddar for Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 loves Charlie Puth and his new song. Speaker1 thinks Charlie Puth is attractive. Speaker1 likes the song \"Galway Girl\" by Ed Sheeran." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Where the hell are you? We're waiting in front of the school with Stephanie!\r\nSpeaker1: I'll be there in 5, got stuck in traffic\r\nSpeaker2: Please be quick, we can't be late again\r\nSpeaker1: No worries, we'll make it right on time" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is late but will arrive in 5 minutes. Speaker2 and Stephanie are waiting for him in front of the school. Speaker2 is agitated because Speaker1 is late." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 will go to Marco's tonight to eat pizza." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I haven't been on FB for a week! Missed anything? No, don't think so.\r\nSpeaker6: I have to try it.\r\nSpeaker3: We sold our house and we'are moving to Canada! \r\nSpeaker1: really?!\r\nSpeaker3: of course not! silly!\r\nSpeaker1: oh! x\r\nSpeaker2: i can't imagine it! i need it in my life!\r\nSpeaker1: it's good to have a break\r\nSpeaker5: i left FB for a month but here i am again! haha! ;)\r\nSpeaker4: can't go without it!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 hasn't been using Facebook for a week. Speaker5 left Facebook for a month, but he's back now." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 doubt you can earn 80 thousands as a computer investigator. Speaker2 and Speaker1 can't imagine taking to customers all day." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: you inspired me\nSpeaker1: im baking a salty caramel cake!\nSpeaker2: oh thats nice, good luck!\nSpeaker1: yeah\nSpeaker1: but im not sure ive got everything\nSpeaker2: i can send you the recipe\nSpeaker2: <file_link>\nSpeaker1: lit\nSpeaker1: forgot about flour lol\nSpeaker2: 😄\nSpeaker1: gonna get back to it\nSpeaker2: if you need help just lemme know\nSpeaker1: yup\nSpeaker1: so far so good\nSpeaker1: cheers" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is making a salty caramel cake using the same recipe Speaker2 did." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 got a ticket for Dawid Podsiadlo's concert. Speaker1 is going, too." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: you should be glad you didn't go to brenda's dinner yesterday\r\nSpeaker1: it was a disaster lol :-/\r\nSpeaker2: why do you say that?\r\nSpeaker1: her dinner parties are usually awesome\r\nSpeaker2: number one, the food was gross 8‑D\r\nSpeaker2: she made this weird dish that was supposed to be a family recipe\r\nSpeaker2: and it gave me the worst stomachache in the world :-///\r\nSpeaker1: lol stop complaining\r\nSpeaker2: AND number two, only a handful of people were there :-(\r\nSpeaker2: none of them i knew\r\nSpeaker1: i've been in that position\r\nSpeaker2: it's really uncomfortable!!!\r\nSpeaker1: tell me about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\nSpeaker2: did you leave early?\r\nSpeaker1: i did, i was there for less than an hour" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 hated yesterdy's dinner party at Brenda's as the food was terrible, there were not many people there and he didn't know anybody, so he left early." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 got the job." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Check this out!\r\nSpeaker2: Already seen it, so funny!\r\nSpeaker1: Your the meme king ahahah you always come first!\r\nSpeaker2: ahaha true!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 always beats Speaker1 with checking funny memes. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is going to help Speaker1 clean the house, he will clean the bathroom. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I'm picking up my new car today!\r\nSpeaker1: You bought a car?\r\nSpeaker2: Well, yes and no.\r\nSpeaker1: Parents bought it for you?\r\nSpeaker2: The lent me some money. I had some of my own and took a loan on the rest. \r\nSpeaker1: Did you buy a Lamborghini or what? How much did it cost?\r\nSpeaker2: 55k.\r\nSpeaker1: So a new one?\r\nSpeaker2: Yup. \r\nSpeaker1: Tell me about it. \r\nSpeaker2: Mercedes-Benz, sedan, 180hp, 0-100 kmh in 6.2 seconds\r\nSpeaker1: Nice!\r\nSpeaker2: I know :) they just gave ma a call that after I provide them with insurance data, I can pick it up.\r\nSpeaker1: So going to insure it now?\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah, have to. Wanna go for a ride later?\r\nSpeaker1: Hell yeah! Will you let me drive?\r\nSpeaker2: Not in a million years!\r\nSpeaker1: Still ;)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is picking up his new car today. He bought it with his own money, the money from his parents and a loan. It's a new Mercedes-Benz, sedan, 180hp, it goes from 0 to 100 km/h in 6.2 seconds. It cost 55 k." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is sad, but doesn't want to talk about the reason. Speaker1 hasn't seen the funny video that went viral. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker4: Are you at the uni?\nSpeaker1: No, I'm sick\nSpeaker3: of the uni?\nSpeaker1: possibly\nSpeaker2: hahaha\nSpeaker4: so am I alone here today?\nSpeaker4: I don't want to eat lunch alone :(\nSpeaker2: poor baby :P" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1's sick and that's why he isn't at the university today. Speaker4 doesn't want to eat lunch alone there." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will pick up floating balloons for Tom's birthday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi Dad, you ok?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, love, I'm great, just been out to chess.\r\nSpeaker1: Brill! Did you win, Dad?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, I did. Club gone up to 3rd in table now, best for years!\r\nSpeaker1: You eaten yet?\r\nSpeaker2: Had a few crackers, cheese and an apple at 1ish. Had a pint with Glyn after.\r\nSpeaker1: Look, I made some chicken and veg soup last night, I'll bring some over if you want.\r\nSpeaker2: No, love! I know how precious your Sunday nights are, calm before the storm. \r\nSpeaker1: Look, I've not eaten yet, been working, I'll bring some over with some part baked baguettes and I'll eat with you.\r\nSpeaker2: Well, if you're sure, that'd be lovely.\r\nSpeaker1: See you about half six, Dad, love you.\r\nSpeaker2: Bye, see you soon, sweetheart. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 was out to play chess and he won. He ate crackers, cheese and an apple and he had a beer. Speaker1 made soup and she will bring it to eat with Speaker2. She will bring part baked baguettes. She hasn't eaten yet. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Coeliac disease makes it impossible to digest gluten. Speaker1 feels bloated and gained weight recently. Speaker4 stopped eating lactose. Speaker1 had a blood test." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: What are your plans for tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker1: After I drive you to work, I'm going to have my hair done. I've got a hairdresser scheduled.\r\nSpeaker2: And later?\r\nSpeaker1: I'm going home. Some domestic chores, \r\nSpeaker1: I'll read a book, make a dinner\r\nSpeaker1: No boredom I presume\r\nSpeaker2: Good. So I'll just do my part here and come home :D\r\nSpeaker2: 8 hours and weekend :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will drive Speaker2 to work tomorrow. Then she's going to her hairdresser. After she will stay home." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Mary moved to Southampton in December." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Where did you get that beautiful dress?\nSpeaker1: Yesterday you looked stunning!!\nSpeaker2: Thanks \nSpeaker2: That's a new dress of D&G but I bought it at a very low price\nSpeaker1: How much did it cost?\nSpeaker2: 150$\nSpeaker1: It was a real bargain" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 bought a new dress of D&G for $150. Speaker1 was impressed by Speaker2's outfit yesterday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has an exam soon. It lasts 4 hours. Speaker1 sent her a link to a website with some texts from previous years so that she can prepare for the exam better." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Can you tell me from which pages are we writing this test on friday?\r\nSpeaker1: Sure thing, it's from 28 to 34\r\nSpeaker2: Really, there is a lot of info\r\nSpeaker1: Easy... only from phrase spots on page 28,31 and 34\r\nSpeaker2: Uff... that's better, thanks.\r\nSpeaker1: No problem" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 will write a test from pages 28-34 on Friday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is staying for the weekend. Speaker1 asks Speaker2 to feed his animals on Friday and Saturday. Speaker2 agrees. Speaker1 will give her his keys on Thursday and provide Speaker2 with details." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Can we talk?\nSpeaker1: Hi, sure, how are you?\nSpeaker2: Not very well at the moment\nSpeaker1: Why?\nSpeaker2: Just talked to Rach.\nSpeaker1: Was she mean to you?\nSpeaker2: No, she was not.\nSpeaker2: I wanted to talk to you\nSpeaker2: Because she told me you were hitting on my boy\nSpeaker1: WHAT\nSpeaker2: Last party at Dan's, I was sick\nSpeaker2: I've heard you were eager to keep him company\nSpeaker1: That's bullshit\nSpeaker1: I just talked with him\nSpeaker1: Mostly about you anyways\nSpeaker2: I'll ask him what he thinks about it\nSpeaker1: Sure, ask him!\nSpeaker1: This is ridicolous.\nSpeaker1: We can meet and make the situation clear if you wish\nSpeaker2: Let me just calm down and think about it\nSpeaker2: I'll talk to you later\nSpeaker1: Ok, speak soon" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Rach told Speaker2 that Speaker1 had been flirting with Speaker2's boyfriend at the last party at Dan's. Speaker2 will explain the situation with her boyfriend and Speaker1. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The audition starts at 7.30 P.M. in Antena 3." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Do you still have that book?\r\nSpeaker1: About influence\r\nSpeaker2: I should have it somewhere…\r\nSpeaker1: If you could find it that would be great\r\nSpeaker1: I need to read it for my psychology class\r\nSpeaker1: And all the copies in the library are gone\r\nSpeaker2: I’ll look for it\r\nSpeaker1: Thanks" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 would like to borrow a book about influence from Speaker2. He needs to read it for his psychology class and the are no more copies of it in the library. Speaker2 will look for it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 used to work together in the clothes factory 25 years ago. Speaker1 still lives in Kings Norton. Speaker2 lives in Stoke now. Her husband Bill died 5 years ago. They will meet in Birmingham for a lunch next Saturday about 11. They want to organize a reunion for the Lister's girls. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Speaker1, how's the hand?\r\nSpeaker1: Getting better\r\nSpeaker2: have you seen the doctor?\r\nSpeaker1: not yet\r\nSpeaker2: come on girl, not yet?\r\nSpeaker1: I promise I'll do it tomorrow :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1' hand is getting better. Speaker1 promises Speaker2 to see the doctor tomorrow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 broke Speaker2's cup, which made him sad. She will buy him a new one." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: what about you? how's life going?\r\nSpeaker2: fine I would say, i don't do market research anymore, moved to IT\r\nSpeaker1: what is IT?\r\nSpeaker2: information technology\r\nSpeaker1: oh, thats a really good profession here in brazil\r\nSpeaker2: same in here\r\nSpeaker1: ye, here you earn so much it's crazy\r\nSpeaker2: i know, that's why I moved\r\nSpeaker1: you like it?\r\nSpeaker2: pretty much, its' really fun for me and I can get to work a lot remotely\r\nSpeaker1: i think people must work with something they like and get paid for it\r\nSpeaker2: or just get paid a bunch of money to wipe your tears of sorrow with\r\nSpeaker1: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker2: hahahahahahahah" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has recently started working in IT. He likes it because it's fun for him and he can work remotely." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4, Speaker2, Speaker1 and others are going on a research trip to Swazi. The name of the country was changed last year and it's now Eswatini." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: well I'm awake\nSpeaker1: what a night! how r u\nSpeaker2: well could be better, I've got a headache but I'll live\nSpeaker3: geeee I'm still so tired" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1, Speaker2 and Speaker3 are awake after a night full of adventures." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 doesn't know what she should give to her dad as a birthday gift. He's turning 50. Speaker2 tries to help her and suggests a paintball match." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi, Speaker1.\r\nSpeaker1: Finally. Good to hear from you.\r\nSpeaker2: You mean it?\r\nSpeaker1: Of course. I was just thinking about you.\r\nSpeaker2: Any particular reason?\r\nSpeaker1: No. I was just thinking, it's been a long time since we've been in touch.\r\nSpeaker2: Well, I thought you were mad with me.\r\nSpeaker1: Why would I be?\r\nSpeaker2: You know. Last time we've met wasn't pure pleasure.\r\nSpeaker1: You mean when you met me with John.\r\nSpeaker2: Yep. I had no idea, you were going out with him.\r\nSpeaker1: I know. And I had no idea you were his ex.\r\nSpeaker2: It was awkward. And I did say too much.\r\nSpeaker1: That's true. But it was for the better.\r\nSpeaker2: What do you mean.\r\nSpeaker1: Well, I took a better look at John. And we broke up.\r\nSpeaker2: You did? I had no idea.\r\nSpeaker1: Indeed. So actually I owe you one.\r\nSpeaker2: Good for you. John is a prick.\r\nSpeaker1: Couldn't agree more.\r\nSpeaker2: So I suppose we can go for a shopping spree.\r\nSpeaker1: We most certainly can.\r\nSpeaker2: Boy, I missed those.\r\nSpeaker1: Me too.\r\nSpeaker2: Saturday morning then? 10 am?\r\nSpeaker1: I'll meet you at the mall." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Last time Speaker2 and Speaker1 met, Speaker1 was dating John, Speaker2's ex. Speaker1 has since broken up with John. Speaker1 and Speaker2 are going shopping on Saturday at 10 am at the mall." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The particles in Speaker2's current peeling are too small. She'll try making her own peeling from ground coffee." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: <file_video>\r\nSpeaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: wow it looks great, whats the weather like?\r\nSpeaker2: it is great I'm really loving it xxx\r\nSpeaker1: good it looks like you are all having a whale of a time\r\nSpeaker2: we are, Reid got drink last night of course, now he is in bed with a hangover xxx\r\nSpeaker1: oh well he is the one missing out xx\r\nSpeaker1: you just be careful out there ok\r\nSpeaker2: I will love you xxx" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is having a great time. Speaker1 wants Speaker2 to be careful." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 is recommending a fair-trade brand to Speaker2 and Speaker1." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: i have had a massage today\r\nSpeaker1: for the first time in my life\r\nSpeaker1: it was so cool...\r\nSpeaker3: probably the masseur was handsome :>\r\nSpeaker3: am i right? :D\r\nSpeaker1: hahaha no Speaker3, she was a woman :D\r\nSpeaker2: i would kill for a massage now\r\nSpeaker2: my back is literally killing me\r\nSpeaker2: did you get a therapeutic one or just to relax?\r\nSpeaker1: i had a voucher for a relaxation package\r\nSpeaker1: massage, sauna, peeling\r\nSpeaker1: got it like half a year ago from people at work\r\nSpeaker3: glad you had it\r\nSpeaker3: it would have cost you a fortune otherwise :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has had the first massage in her life. She liked it a lot. It was part of a relaxation package. She got a voucher for it from her coworkers. Speaker2 has pains in her back." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is visiting family in Manchester for Speaker3tmas. Speaker3 stayed home with Ann." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Morning dear, I thought I would drop you a quick message :)\r\nSpeaker2: I just drove John to the airport\r\nSpeaker1: Top of the morning to you! Oh wow, where is he off to? Berlin?\r\nSpeaker2: London actually, he is going to attend the international IT conference\r\nSpeaker2: Have you left for Oxford yet?\r\nSpeaker1: Not yet. I'm leaving at around 10\r\nSpeaker1: It's cold here this morning.. ❄️❄️\r\nSpeaker1: It's +2..\r\nSpeaker2: Brrrr\r\nSpeaker1: Well.. at least it's not as cold as the US 😱\r\nSpeaker2: I know, it's crazy..\r\nSpeaker2: I'm heading over to Cristina for lunch today\r\nSpeaker2: I intend to sleep until I have to leave 😝\r\nSpeaker1: Haha, good for you 😊\r\nSpeaker1: You have the perfect excuse for taking a nap.. 😉💓\r\nSpeaker2: 😻😻\r\nSpeaker2: I'll catch up with you later x x \r\nSpeaker1: 💖" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 gave John a ride to the airport. John is going to attend the international IT conference in London. Speaker2 is coming over to Cristina today to eat lunch." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 described their dietary requirements in the website given by Speaker3." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: heyyyyy\r\nSpeaker1: hi whatsup\r\nSpeaker2: are you out tonight?\r\nSpeaker1: why not?????\r\nSpeaker2: im grounded\r\nSpeaker1: so what, fuck it\r\nSpeaker2: yea but… they’ll be home and surely they will check if im there a few times\r\nSpeaker1: dont be paranoidddd\r\nSpeaker2: im not, they were very serious this time i think they’ll do anything to catch me doing sth I shouldnt\r\nSpeaker1: and what then! you never cared\r\nSpeaker2: now i do, im done fighting with them\r\nSpeaker1: so youre gonna be a good boy for your mommy right\r\nSpeaker2: at least for some time, until the situation is gonna calm down\r\nSpeaker1: so see you then!! dont remember to write a poem for your mommy, you little sissy\r\nSpeaker2: oh just fuck off you sick fuck, im done talkin to you\r\nSpeaker1: ofc, mommy’s dinners waiting guys will go crazy after i tell them\r\nSpeaker2: do whatever you want, im not ashamed\r\nSpeaker1: well see, the next time youre going out and everyones there laughin a you!!\r\nSpeaker2: Ok, im going, just not for long\r\nSpeaker1: hahahhhehehehe I knew it!!! a good old luke, never lets his friend down\r\nSpeaker2: a psychopathic friend\r\nSpeaker1: psychopathic, theyre both psychopathic :D\r\nSpeaker2: eh great" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is grounded and he does not want to fight with his parents anymore. Speaker1 is making fun of Speaker2. Speaker2 decides to go out with his friends." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Today Speaker1 didn't go to school, she stayed at home." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: im so bored\r\nSpeaker1: are you at work?\r\nSpeaker2: yup\r\nSpeaker2: and i have finished all my tasks\r\nSpeaker1: cant you go home?\r\nSpeaker2: lol nope\r\nSpeaker1: awful" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has finished all his tasks at work, but can't go home, so he's bored." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3, Peter and Speaker2 are going to Amiens tomorrow. Speaker3 and Speaker2 are tired of Paris. Speaker3 and Speaker2 will meet at Speaker3's place tomorrow at 9 AM." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker1: Morning sweetie\r\nSpeaker1: I'v already been to Lidl and done some shopping\r\nSpeaker2: That's an early start 😊\r\nSpeaker2: Why so early?\r\nSpeaker1: There was an offer. I also needed to buy Coconut milk, it tends to sell out fast, so I stock up on it :)\r\nSpeaker2: Sounds like a good idea\r\nSpeaker2: I prefer Oat milk, they sell a nice one at Aldi\r\nSpeaker2: I always tend to shop there, they sell a lot of Vegan products\r\nSpeaker1: I love discounts, well who doesn't, but I'm always on the hunt for them ✌️\r\nSpeaker1: I'm cooking fish tonight, Dan has been looking forward to it\r\nSpeaker2: Hehe\r\nSpeaker2: I can't keep up with all the discounts, but I should, it's a good way to save some money 💶\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, definitely " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Even though it's early, Speaker1 has already been shopping at Lidl and bought coconut milk. Speaker2 likes oat milk, which she buys at Aldi. Speaker1 often looks for special offers at supermarkets, Speaker2 doesn't. Speaker1 will be preparing fish for Dan tonight." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will call Speaker2 when she gets back. He has something to tell her." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Have you seen today's news?\r\nSpeaker1: No, something happened?\r\nSpeaker2: They've just shown some videos from Mike's concert\r\nSpeaker1: Really?\r\nSpeaker1: I did not know that TV was at the concert.\r\nSpeaker2: I did not know either, but it looked great!\r\nSpeaker1: I'm sure!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 saw some videos from Mike's concert in today's news and it looked great to him. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1's dad is coming over for a month to decorate Jo's place. Speaker2's mom and Speaker1's parents are going to be here on Saturday. Speaker1 and Speaker2 will meet on Friday after 8 after Speaker1's yoga class. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: girls, do you want to go on shopping with me? after classes\r\nSpeaker3: sure!!! what are you buying?\r\nSpeaker1: I need some trousers and maybe some shirts...it's getting colder\r\nSpeaker2: hi!!! I'm in, I need jeans too\r\nSpeaker1: cool, what colour?\r\nSpeaker2: black, with wholes on the knees\r\nSpeaker1: you joking...I need the same XDDD\r\nSpeaker3: you can laugh now...cause I was looking for it too xD\r\nSpeaker1: hahahahahah\r\nSpeaker1: 3 pairs of black jeans with wholes then\r\nSpeaker3: yep :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1, Speaker3 and Speaker2 are going shopping after classes. They all need to buy trousers." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 are having pasta for dinner. They'll meet in the car park after Speaker1 finishes work. They'll do the shopping together." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: so when's the big day?\r\nSpeaker2: lol\r\nSpeaker4: what?\r\nSpeaker2: someone change this conversation's name please :)\r\nSpeaker2: it's confusing!\r\nSpeaker4: hey i'm not getting married!!!\r\nSpeaker1: Speaker4, how about 1st of june? we're all available right? :)\r\nSpeaker3: save the date guys!\r\nSpeaker2: Speaker4 I want to meet your brothers!\r\nSpeaker4: you guys are crazy...\r\nSpeaker3: don't run away this time Speaker4!\r\nSpeaker2: we'll stop you!\r\nSpeaker4: very funny...\r\nSpeaker1: I'll take care of the bachelor party\r\nSpeaker3: ok. next saturday?\r\nSpeaker1: hey you're not invited Speaker3! it's boys having fun\r\nSpeaker2: no offence Speaker1... but you're too old to have fun without us...\r\nSpeaker1: i'm a gentleman. i will not comment on your age Speaker2\r\nSpeaker3: hey Speaker2 we'll have our oarty with the bride!\r\nSpeaker3: btw who is she Speaker4?\r\nSpeaker1: lol\r\nSpeaker4: thank you my dear friends, I just wanted to go to the movies on a friday night\r\nSpeaker3: ok guys let's face it. we're not invited to Speaker4's wedding.\r\nSpeaker2: ;) ok let's get serious. friday night. what are we going to watch? new star wars?\r\nSpeaker1: NEW star wars? I saw it two months ago!\r\nSpeaker2: sorry... last thing I saw was My Little Pony - The Movie...\r\nSpeaker1: not the NEW James Bond with Pierce Brosnan? \r\nSpeaker2: go away\r\nSpeaker3: stop it. Friday :) 8pm :)\r\nSpeaker4: thanks Speaker3..." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to go out with Speaker4. Speaker2 and Speaker3 are going to the cinema Friday at 8 pm and Speaker4 will join them." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is at work and is having a break now. Speaker2 invites Speaker1 to a concert of Maroon 5 which takes place next week at the Hulu Theatre at Madison Square Garden. Suzzanne agrees." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: How was the party last night?\r\nSpeaker1: I feel so sad I couldn't be there :(\r\nSpeaker2: tbh it was ok\r\nSpeaker2: nothing special, no fireworks XD\r\nSpeaker2: You didn't miss much!\r\nSpeaker1: Really? David was so excited about that :D\r\nSpeaker2: David is always excited about everything XD\r\nSpeaker1: but who came there eventually?\r\nSpeaker2: well, David was there of course, then Lisa, Joey, Jeffrey, Kevin and Joanna, Kinky Chris and me\r\nSpeaker1: Kinky Chris XD I wouldn't expect him there!\r\nSpeaker2: I think that Joey told him accidentally about the party\r\nSpeaker2: that's why he arrived too XD" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wasn't at the yesterday's party. There were David, Lisa, Joey, Jeffrey, Kevin and Joanna, Kinky Chris and Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to meet Speaker2 over the weekend. Speaker2's friend is going to stay with her for a week. Speaker1 has been working on a movie with Lucy for the past two months. Speaker1 bought a video-creator app." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: What's an eight tract tape?\r\nSpeaker1: A what?\r\nSpeaker2: An eight tract tape! \r\nSpeaker2: Spotify keeps talking about it.\r\nSpeaker1: Well, let me google that for you...\r\nSpeaker2: Smartass...\r\nSpeaker1: Well!\r\nSpeaker1: It is exactly what it says. A cassette with a tape in it that has music recorded to eight tracks.\r\nSpeaker2: Weird.\r\nSpeaker1: They were popular in the 70's but replaced by cassette tapes.\r\nSpeaker2: What's that?\r\nSpeaker1: You are such a baby!\r\nSpeaker2: Sorry!\r\nSpeaker1: Another, smaller tape style way to listen to music.\r\nSpeaker2: Oh. So they were sticky?\r\nSpeaker1: No! God!\r\nSpeaker1: <file_other>\r\nSpeaker2: Oh, weird! You had to rewind?\r\nSpeaker1: Yep.\r\nSpeaker2: Much better now!\r\nSpeaker1: Maybe... I miss the art and actually holding the music in your hand, but whatevs.\r\nSpeaker1: And miss listening to a whole album, as intended.\r\nSpeaker2: Mkay...whatever! " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 googled what an 'eight-track tape' is. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The particles in Speaker2's current peeling are too small. She'll try making her own peeling from ground coffee." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Should I bring something for the party?\r\nSpeaker2: I have everything thanks\r\nSpeaker1: Ok, see you later " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is going to Speaker2's party later." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Imagine Dragons have a concert at ABC Theatre on 12 July. Speaker1 wants to go with Speaker2. She bought tickets, they cost 70." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I can't stand that bitch from my adjoining room. \r\nSpeaker1: What now?\r\nSpeaker2: At this point she annoys me even with her breathing\r\nSpeaker1: Haha Speaker2 come on don't be petty\r\nSpeaker2: I am not!!! She's a fuckin ice queen and a know it all. Always late and leaving earlier than anyone else.\r\nSpeaker1: Can't you just not talk to her?\r\nSpeaker2: I can but she is listening to anything I say in my room and she's judgmentally silent\r\nSpeaker1: Hahaha Nat you're not yourself today\r\nSpeaker2: Yesterday she took my sponge and went to wash her dishes without asking\r\nSpeaker1: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker2: It's not funny, she keeps losing it and I have to buy a new one\r\nSpeaker1: ... that's an expensive item\r\nSpeaker2: and her feet smell\r\nSpeaker1: hahahaha\r\nSpeaker2: And she's ugly and stupid\r\nSpeaker1: That's my adult, sophisticated girl\r\nSpeaker2: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker1: So you mean I could fry an egg on your head?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes.\r\nSpeaker1: You're adorable :*" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 hates the woman who lives in the next room. She annoys Speaker2, listens to her conversations, she used Speaker2's dish sponge without permission yesterday and she has smelly feet." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will lend Speaker2 her red velvet dress." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: hey eric\r\nSpeaker2: yeah man\r\nSpeaker1: so youre coming to the wedding\r\nSpeaker2: your brother's\r\nSpeaker1: yea\r\nSpeaker2: i dont know mannn\r\nSpeaker1: YOU DONT KNOW??\r\nSpeaker2: i just have a lot to do at home, plus i dont know if my parents would let me\r\nSpeaker1: ill take care of your parents\r\nSpeaker2: youre telling me you have the guts to talk to them XD\r\nSpeaker1: thats my problem\r\nSpeaker2: okay man, if you say so\r\nSpeaker1: yea just be there \r\nSpeaker2: alright" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is not sure whether to go to Speaker1's brother's wedding as he has lots to do at home. Speaker1 will talk to Speaker2's parents." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The particles in Speaker2's current peeling are too small. She'll try making her own peeling from ground coffee." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: hi, do you want to go to the cinema today?\r\nSpeaker1: hi there! why today?\r\nSpeaker3: it's monday, they have a discount on all tickets on mondays\r\nSpeaker1: sounds good! \r\nSpeaker3: i know ;) what would you like to see?\r\nSpeaker1: i still haven't seen \"Kler\"\r\nSpeaker3: me neither ... and i'm not sure i want to\r\nSpeaker1: really? and why??\r\nSpeaker3: i don't know ... it's nothing to do with religion just this whole fuss about the film makes me sick!\r\nSpeaker1: well i agree to some degree but i think we should see it\r\nSpeaker3: and why is that?\r\nSpeaker1: we have to see it to create our own opinion \r\nSpeaker3: maybe you're right ...\r\nSpeaker1: ok, so what time should we go?\r\nSpeaker3: i don't work today so it doesn't matter\r\nSpeaker1: what a lazy loafer!\r\nSpeaker3: hahah get off me! so what time suits you?\r\nSpeaker1: let's then grab something to eat after i finish work and then go\r\nSpeaker3: ok, i'Speaker2:30pm\r\nSpeaker1: great, we have a plan then! see you, enjoy your day off ;)\r\nSpeaker3: thanks! see you" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker3 are going to watch Kler at the cinema at 7:30pm. The cinema has a discount for Mondays." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to take Speaker2's car to get Harry. Speaker2 is taking the car to a mechanic. Speaker1 refuses to get Harry by bus. Speaker2 agrees to pick Harry up. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: this weather...\r\nSpeaker1: i know, so cold...\r\nSpeaker2: i used to love the snow, but this is too much\r\nSpeaker1: are you going to karen's party tonight?\r\nSpeaker2: i don't know, i don't think so, i'm in my pjs watching tv\r\nSpeaker1: and?\r\nSpeaker2: and just the thought of getting ready and going to the party is exhausting\r\nSpeaker1: you should go\r\nSpeaker2: i'll think about it\r\nSpeaker1: Ricardo will be there\r\nSpeaker2: REALLY?!?!?!?! He's in town!?!?!?!\r\nSpeaker1: yes, he's visiting his brother\r\nSpeaker2: are you sure he'll be at the party?\r\nSpeaker1: 100%\r\nSpeaker2: that changes everything lol\r\nSpeaker1: you really like him huh?\r\nSpeaker2: i do, but don't tell anyone\r\nSpeaker1: everyone knows!\r\nSpeaker2: really?!?! i haven't told anyone\r\nSpeaker1: you just get so nervous around him that it's obvious\r\nSpeaker2: whatever, lol, I'm gonna get ready i'll text you later\r\nSpeaker1: see you at karen's" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "It's very cold. Speaker2 doesn't want to go to Karen's party tonight, she plans to stay in and watch tv in her pyjamas. When Speaker1 tells her that Ricardo will be at the party, Speaker2 changes her mind and decides to go because she likes him. Speaker2 and Speaker1 will see each other at Karen's." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will check out Speaker1's latest music project when he gets home." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: cooking session on tuesday\r\nSpeaker1: i'll be there.\r\nSpeaker2: oops sorry, this tuesday it's serving class\r\nSpeaker1: don't worry, whenever there is a practical session i'm here. I should be at school\r\nSpeaker2: it's gonna be great to see you again\r\nSpeaker1: ok. let me see\r\nSpeaker2: Tuesday is definitely the best day of the week\r\nSpeaker1: you say so...\r\nSpeaker2: i really missed you, you know!\r\nSpeaker1: I'll be happy to see you again, but may be i'll sleep during the serving class\r\nSpeaker2: that's impossible!\r\nSpeaker1: i'm very good at it\r\nSpeaker2: you're my sunshine\r\nSpeaker1: you too" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is giving a service class on Tuesday. Speaker1 will be there." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will got some lunch for Speaker1 - it can be anything but chicken. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Good evening Speaker1, I'd hate to bother you with a call at that unearthly time but I must ask you something that might be urgent but not before tomorrow morning. My sister had just taken a bad fall in the bathroom hitting her L lower rib cage against an edge of a bathtub and is experiencing general pain. She doesn't think she's broken anything. Would you think it might be something demanding medical attention?\r\nSpeaker1: Good evening Speaker2, I'm still in bed reading, Emma is asleep, so I'll stick to writing. Firstly, sorry to hear that but don't worry. If she can still move and talk, it can't be too bad. She doesn't spit blood, does she?\r\nSpeaker2: No.\r\nSpeaker1: Is the impacted area swollen?\r\nSpeaker2: No.\r\nSpeaker1: BTW when did it happen?\r\nSpeaker2: Not more than an hour ago.\r\nSpeaker1: Is she alone? Sorry I mean immediate help if her condition deteriorated.\r\nSpeaker2: She lives alone. Her next door neighbours are just across the yard but I don't think they would be much help, being old themselves.\r\nSpeaker1: Do you think she'll be capable of phoning in case of an urgent need?\r\nSpeaker2: I should think so. Well, she texted me after the accident.\r\nSpeaker1: While you talked to her, was she lucid?\r\nSpeaker2: We couldn't talk because of my wife and the baby in the same room. She also preferred to write, since, as I suppose, it was less painful that talking. And yes – she was absolutely lucid.\r\nSpeaker1: Of course I cannot say anything definite without examining her but judging by the symptoms you've described I'd tend to say that it's just soreness due to the impact of the fall. But she has to observe her body.\r\nSpeaker2: Exactly what I told her! Should she see a doctor?\r\nSpeaker1: She might if she feels worse. What she may need, however, are painkillers. Tell your sister not to hesitate to take painkillers. Even strong ones. For that she may need a prescription.\r\nSpeaker2: Will they advise me at the drugstore when I describe the case? Anything over the counter?\r\nSpeaker1: If you're going to get them for her, take IBU-ratiopharm 400 g, 20 pills, and 10 pills of the same but 600 g. She may want to start with the stronger one.\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, they're available over the counter.\r\nSpeaker2: It's so generous of you to let me have all this advice at this late hour. I really appreciate it, Speaker1. Thank you very much.\r\nSpeaker1: Really nothing to thank for. Glad I could help. Let me know how she's doing.\r\nSpeaker2: I will. Thank you again. And good night.\r\nSpeaker1: Good night, Speaker2." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "According to Speaker1, Speaker2's sister should observe her body after the fall and take painkillers" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will find out who rents a pop corn machines on Speaker1's request." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: hey love, how long till you get home\r\nSpeaker1: hey handsome, just heading to the parking lot\r\nSpeaker3: I can't find Melissa's stuffed elephant\r\nSpeaker3: she is having a meltdown and keeps yelling ELLIE\r\nSpeaker3: is it in the car?\r\nSpeaker1: oh shit :-O\r\nSpeaker1: I thought I left it on the couch\r\nSpeaker1: it's not there?\r\nSpeaker3: I'll check again\r\nSpeaker3: No amount of bouncing or cooing is helping :(\r\nSpeaker3: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: OMG\r\nSpeaker1: XD\r\nSpeaker1: her angry face is so funny\r\nSpeaker3: it's not funny!!!!\r\nSpeaker1: ok, i'm almost at the car\r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: got 'im!\r\nSpeaker1: if there's no traffic, i'll be there in 15\r\nSpeaker3: oh thank god\r\nSpeaker1: be brave darling\r\nSpeaker3: Speaker2:" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 needs Melissa's toy. Mellisa looks upset in the picture Speaker3 sends. Speaker1 will deliver the toy by car within 15 minutes provided traffic isn't bad." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will lend Speaker2 money for the ticket for the event. Ruth and Paulette will accompany them." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Can you hang the washing out please.\r\nSpeaker2: I forgot to do it before I left for work.\r\nSpeaker1: Sure can.\r\nSpeaker2: And feed the cats.\r\nSpeaker1: Of course.\r\nSpeaker1: Anything else?\r\nSpeaker2: Nah, that's it. Unless I forgot something else.\r\nSpeaker2: My brain is like a sieve lately.\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah I noticed :-)\r\nSpeaker1: In the nicest possible way of course.\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah, I'm really sorry.\r\nSpeaker2: Really didn't want to bother you but...\r\nSpeaker2: Thanks for bailing me out hon. xoxo" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 forgot to hang the washing out. Speaker1 will do it. She will also feed the cats." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 send Speaker2 budget estimation for this year. Extra other expenses are boss's trip to Japan, for a convention." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker4: Hi Speaker1, you alright?\nSpeaker1: Hi Speaker4! \nSpeaker1: All good, except for Microsip issues - will be resolved soon :)\nSpeaker4: Oh, your professionalism exceeds my expectations ;)\nSpeaker4: Thank you very much! :)\nSpeaker1: Should be solved in 15 mins. Please use Skype in the meantime, will let you know once done :)\nSpeaker4: Thanks! :)\nSpeaker1: Looks like it's fixed, please check at your convenience.\nSpeaker4: It says incorrect password.\nSpeaker1: Hm.. let me check that.\nSpeaker1: Could you please try closing and opening Microsip?\nSpeaker4: Still the same.\nSpeaker4: Still \"connecting\".\nSpeaker1: When do you have your next time slot?\nSpeaker4: Tomorrow, Speaker3:30, it says \"request timeout\" now.\nSpeaker1: I would do a reinstall of Microsip, as that could solve the issue.\nSpeaker1: Speaker2:\nSpeaker1: <file_other> \nSpeaker1: When you'll have the time, no rush.\nSpeaker4: On it! \nSpeaker4: Okay, installed.\nSpeaker1: That was quick :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 is having problems with Microsip. Speaker1 suggests a reinstall." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 passed a driving exam." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Did you listen to Ed Sheeran's newest album?\r\nSpeaker1: Yessss, it's perfect. \r\nSpeaker2: I knew you world like it, lol\r\nSpeaker1: how can anyone NOT like it? He's a genius\r\nSpeaker2: Maybe not a genius, but he's not half bad, I'll admit ;)\r\nSpeaker1: Don't tease!\r\nSpeaker2: haha OK, hun ;*" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 listened to Ed Sheeran's new album. She thinks the album is perfect and that Ed is a genius. Speaker2 also likes him a lot." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "While redesigning the interior, Speaker2 looks for copper-coloured hangers." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: <file_photo>\nSpeaker2: <file_photo>\nSpeaker2: almost like Brighton ;)\nSpeaker1: Great!!! :D <3\nSpeaker1: Is that Bondi beach\nSpeaker2: yep\nSpeaker2: 28 degrees\nSpeaker1: at least looks quite windy right?\nSpeaker2: yes but the wind is hot...\nSpeaker1: are you there now?\nSpeaker2: no we just got back to the apartment to shower, too hot" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 sent Speaker1 photos of Bondi beach, with 28 degrees and hot wind. They withdrew to their apartment to have a shower." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 hasn't visited his parents in six months and is coming over tomorrow. His flight will land an hour later than originally scheduled. Speaker1 will let Dad know." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: hey your performance was awesome just loved your dance!!!\r\nSpeaker2: aww thank you love!!!! i am glad you liked it\r\nSpeaker1: it was just wonderful everyone loved it.. i dont know why judges decided 2nd position for you.\r\nSpeaker2: its ok my aim was performance and 2nd position is not bad either and thanks for appreciation\r\nSpeaker1: :) i like your spirit keep it up\r\nSpeaker2: thanks" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's dance performance earned her a second place in a competition." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker3 are flying to Japan in a week. Speaker3 is scared of long flight, earth-quakes and tsunamis. Speaker1 is comforting her. Speaker2 tried to comfort Speaker3 too with no effect." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Can you try to open this link? <file_other> \r\nSpeaker1: Does it work??\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, it works.\r\nSpeaker1: How long is this video?\r\nSpeaker2: around 3 min.\r\nSpeaker1: perfect, thx a lot for your help.\r\nSpeaker2: no problem, you're welcome." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 asks Speaker2 to check if a 3-minute-long video he forwarded is working." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 is not in favor of contemporary feminism movement." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi hun can you do me a few pieces this week?\r\nSpeaker1: Hiya, yes what do you need?\r\nSpeaker2: I need 3 for instant credit catalogues and 3 for the mobile phones\r\nSpeaker1: ok 550 words each?\r\nSpeaker2: yes for the phones but 750 for the catalogues\r\nSpeaker1: ok no problem whats the deadline?\r\nSpeaker2: Friday ok?\r\nSpeaker1: yes that will be workable\r\nSpeaker2: I will have a big job next week, its a bit more exciting for you\r\nSpeaker1: sounds interesting what is it?\r\nSpeaker2: we have a new client who is doing a website for swim spas\r\nSpeaker1: Swim Spas? like Jacuzzi?\r\nSpeaker2: yes but you can swim in them \r\nSpeaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: nice, let me know then.. I will get on with these now \r\nSpeaker2: perfect thanks darlin x" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will do 3 pieces on the phones- 550 words each and 3 on the catalogues- 750 words each till Friday. Speaker2 has an exciting job for Speaker1 next week. Speaker2 has a new client doing a website for swim spas. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's house has mould due to condensation. Speaker1 will send her a quote for the work needed by Friday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: How was the party?\r\nSpeaker1: What party?\r\nSpeaker2: Halloween party at Luke's!\r\nSpeaker1: Ur not here?\r\nSpeaker2: Hasn't it ended yet?\r\nSpeaker1: Shit! That's not my bed!\r\nSpeaker2: Lol. Must've been hell of a party then ;)\r\nSpeaker1: Jeez, I don't recognize Luke's house\r\nSpeaker2: Was it rly that bad?\r\nSpeaker1: I mean I LITERALLY don't recognize his house. Different ppl in the pictures.\r\nSpeaker2: Where the hell are u?\r\nSpeaker1: Idk. Try to find out. W8.\r\nSpeaker2: So? Any luck?\r\nSpeaker1: Yup. Needed to catch my breath. \r\nSpeaker2: Y? \r\nSpeaker1: Turned out I was sleeping in the neighbour's house and they have a really huge dog!\r\nSpeaker2: Rotfl. How did u manage that?\r\nSpeaker1: Got wasted. Don't remember much. Remember a bird though.\r\nSpeaker2: What bird? Like a hummingbird?\r\nSpeaker1: Bird like a girl. I remember her coming with me, but that's it.\r\nSpeaker2: Maybe she wasn't that drunk and left?\r\nSpeaker1: Or the dog ate her. It's like a horse!\r\nSpeaker2: Ur exaggerating!\r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo> Orly?\r\nSpeaker2: That's one big dog!\r\nSpeaker1: I know! I barely made out alive!\r\nSpeaker2: Well, probably shouldn't have been trespassing ;)\r\nSpeaker1: How do u know I was trespassing?\r\nSpeaker2: Well, the neighbours didn't invite u to their house and asked u to sleep there, did they?\r\nSpeaker1: Probably not." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 attended a Halloween party at Luke's. He has just woken up in the neighbour's house. Speaker1 probably trespassed on their property." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is looking for his green folder. Speaker2 hasn't seen it but maybe Alex will know." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Will you bring me something to eat to my office?\r\nSpeaker1: I forgot my breakfast.\r\nSpeaker2: Okay, Speaker3:00 okay?" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will bring Speaker1 some food around 10. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 like Borns' new album very much. Speaker2 is also excited about Florence's new single which comes out tomorrow. Speaker1 didn't know about it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: what did you choose?\r\nSpeaker2: I think that barbecue is better than billiards \r\nSpeaker2: and definitely better than doing nothing\r\nSpeaker1: Yep, we came up with the same thing\r\nSpeaker3: So it is\r\nSpeaker3: <file_gif> \r\nSpeaker2: you seem rather cold and distant\r\nSpeaker3: it's just I don't give a fuck what are we gonna do cuz I will have fun anyway\r\nSpeaker1: that's an interesting approach\r\nSpeaker3: everybody should do the same and there would be no conflicts at all\r\nSpeaker2: If everybody would think the same as you, nobody would do anything\r\nSpeaker1: that's a good point ;P" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3, Speaker1 and Speaker2 are going to a barbecue." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is sick, so she's not able to help Speaker1 with her thesis now." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi guys!\r\nSpeaker3: Hey.\r\nSpeaker2: Hi.\r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker2: Wowowowowow! Is that what I think it is?\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, it's my father's old Atari computer. I don't even know how that's possible, but it still works.\r\nSpeaker3: I remember playing River Raid and Alley Cat on one of those computers when I was a little boy, but that was... well, thirty years ago, I suppose!\r\nSpeaker1: You suppose right!\r\nSpeaker2: Thou art indeed the emperor of nerds, my friend!\r\nSpeaker3: Speaker1 or me? XD\r\nSpeaker2: Speaker1, but you seem like a worthy apprentice!\r\nSpeaker1: By the way, have you ever tried some of those River Raid remakes for Windows?\r\nSpeaker3: Yeah, but it's not the same. Also without a joystick they're not very playable.\r\nSpeaker2: The original game is always the best! No matter how old it is.\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, just think about FFVII.\r\nSpeaker3: Well, yes, kind of... Final Fantasy VII was a great game back in 1996 but, you know, it's aged terribly... the graphics, I mean.\r\nSpeaker1: But the story is still incredible! And the gameplay and overall experience...\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah, if one ignores all those annoying random combat encounters!\r\nSpeaker1: You're nitpicking.\r\nSpeaker3: Well, I guess we'll have to wait for the remake. Is there a release date yet?\r\nSpeaker1: Actually... I have no idea. Has there been any news on it?\r\nSpeaker2: Nope.\r\nSpeaker3: All I see is the face of eternal wait...\r\nSpeaker1: What's that?\r\nSpeaker3: A song by this cool Finnish metal band.\r\nSpeaker1: Oh right, now I remember, is it Wintersun? Or Ensiferum?\r\nSpeaker3: Ensiferum.\r\nSpeaker1: Ok.\r\nSpeaker2: Nerdiferum. :P\r\nSpeaker3: Wankersun :P" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 found dad's old Atari computer, it's still working. Speaker1, Speaker2 and Speaker3 talk about River Raid, Final Fantasy VII games, how they like them. Speaker3 quotes Finnish metal band lyrics. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "It's Tom's birthday. Speaker3 and Speaker2 will come to Tom's place about 5 pm to prepare everything before Tom gets back home at 5:30. Speaker2 has already paid for the cake - Speaker3 will pick it up and she will also get the balloons. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi! I just want to confirm your appointment with Mr Brown 23 Nov at 10.\r\nSpeaker2: I am glad to hear from you. Yes, I will be there.\r\nSpeaker1: Though I have to tell you he is leaving for the airport at 11 o’clock so you’ll only have an hour.\r\nSpeaker2: That’s fine.\r\nSpeaker1: I see you Thursday then.\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, see you on Thursday. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 confirms his appointment with Mr Brown on Thursday and Speaker2 informs him that he'll only have an hour." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker2 are getting drinks in Red Lion at 8 tonight." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Is the restaurant open already?\r\nSpeaker1: It is, would you like to book a table?\r\nSpeaker2: Yes, please. Table for 2 at 1 pm today.\r\nSpeaker1: Certainly, done.\r\nSpeaker2: Thank you, see you there.\r\nSpeaker1: See you at 1 pm, sir." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has reserved a table for two at 1 pm today." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The scariest place for Speaker3 was the Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: You know what... I think I need to look for a new job asap\r\nSpeaker4: omg, why?\r\nSpeaker4: anything happened?\r\nSpeaker2: Speaker1:(\r\nSpeaker2: the new manager is putting so much pressure on us. \r\nSpeaker2: I dont think I can stand it anymore, its too much for me\r\nSpeaker3: Im so sorry, Speaker2... I thought you quite liked it\r\nSpeaker2: I did\r\nSpeaker2: but things have changed\r\nSpeaker4: I understand\r\nSpeaker4: but maybe you should try to talk to her. Tell her that the job is important, that you care but you're stressed\r\nSpeaker4: do you think it'd work?\r\nSpeaker2: I dont really know... Im scared to talk to her\r\nSpeaker2: cant even think of that\r\nSpeaker3: and how about the other people in your team?\r\nSpeaker3: did you talk to them?\r\nSpeaker2: yes but theyre afraid to talk too\r\nSpeaker2 :(\r\nSpeaker4: its best when you try to talk to her\r\nSpeaker4: of course you can look for sth new in the meantime\r\nSpeaker3: I agree\r\nSpeaker3: start searching now, no stress yet\r\nSpeaker2: maybe\r\nSpeaker2: thx\r\nSpeaker2: :*" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is afraid to talk to her manager about her work stress. She might look for a new job." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is back. Speaker1's baby, Susie, is doing great." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker4: Anyone up for movie tonight?\r\nSpeaker1: I am, I'll be free at 7\r\nSpeaker2: I can't today, have plans already\r\nSpeaker3: I can too, around 8?\r\nSpeaker4: Let's meet at the usual cinema at 8" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 suggests a movie tonight. Speaker1 and Speaker3 can join, so they will meet at the usual cinema at 8. Speaker2 can't join, he has plans already. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 has got an interview. His wife Speaker2 is happy because her parents are glad she found a decent man. She is joking he is famous." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I saw Patton Oswalt last night. He was great!\r\nSpeaker2: I'm so jealous! \r\nSpeaker1: He really is so damn funny!\r\nSpeaker2: One of my favorite comedians! Just so smart!\r\nSpeaker1: Thinks on his feet, too!\r\nSpeaker2: Wish I would have seen him.\r\nSpeaker1: You'll have to keep an eye out for tickets next time. I got these by chance, my friend couldn't go and they gave me a heads up.\r\nSpeaker2: Lucky! Too bad you didn't have two!\r\nSpeaker1: I did! Took a date!\r\nSpeaker2: Get you! Anyone I know?\r\nSpeaker1: Jenny from bingo.\r\nSpeaker2: I don't know Jenny and don't play bingo. \r\nSpeaker1: Oh, right. Well then you don't know her!\r\nSpeaker2: I guess not! \r\nSpeaker1: Anyway, we had fun. I would highly recommend him. Thought I'd share.\r\nSpeaker2: I'll look for his tour and see if there is any chance he's coming back this way.\r\nSpeaker1: Fingers crossed! I'd see him again!\r\nSpeaker2: Good to know!\r\nSpeaker1: Have a great day!\r\nSpeaker2: You too, thanks!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 saw the comedian Patton Oswalt last night. He got two tickets from his friend and asked Jenny from bingo to go with him. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "It's Tom's birthday. Speaker3 and Speaker2 will come to Tom's place about 5 pm to prepare everything before Tom gets back home at 5:30. Speaker2 has already paid for the cake - Speaker3 will pick it up and she will also get the balloons. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Hey guys, when is our next meeting? I heard we postponed the one meant to be this week\r\nSpeaker1: Hi, yea have decided to not meet this week. Michael couldn't make it, he is at the hospital. We will simply meet next week\r\nSpeaker3: Wow, something serious?\r\nSpeaker2: He has the flu, but when I spoke to him yesterday he said that he should go back home in a day or two\r\nSpeaker3: Oh, good to hear. So see you guys next week\r\nSpeaker3: In two weeks* :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3, Speaker1 and Speaker2 postponed their meeting with Michael in two weeks time due to Michael's flu." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2, Speaker1 and Speaker3 are going to the Pub X at the central station today for a drink." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: he's a moron!\r\nSpeaker1: who?\r\nSpeaker2: my boss\r\nSpeaker1: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker1: what he did this time?\r\nSpeaker2: the ususall\r\nSpeaker1: ???\r\nSpeaker2: he yield at me 4 sth I did't do\r\nSpeaker1: again?\r\nSpeaker2: this is so annoying\r\nSpeaker2: I'm trying to explain, but he won't listen\r\nSpeaker1: why?\r\nSpeaker2: beacuse he'd has to admit that his favourite emploee do nothing\r\nSpeaker1: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker1: what a dickhead\r\nSpeaker2: It's time to find a new job\r\nSpeaker2: He won't change\r\nSpeaker2: and I won't be his whipping boy\r\nSpeaker1: good decision, I'll support u\r\nSpeaker2: thanks" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's boss yelled at her again for something she didn't do. Speaker2 is considering finding a new job." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will lend Speaker2 her red velvet dress." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi Speaker3, I forgot my charger from the office. \r\nSpeaker2: Can you take it for me and I'll pop into your place in the evening?\r\nSpeaker3: Sure, no problem!\r\nSpeaker2: thx!\r\nSpeaker1: Speaker2, you need some buerlecithin I think! ;)\r\nSpeaker2: :P" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 will pick up the charger Speaker2 left at the office. Speaker2 will come over in the evening to fetch the charger." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 lets Speaker2 know that the dress isn't ready yet." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Where are you? \r\nSpeaker1: At the pub. Why? What's up?\r\nSpeaker2: Well, last night you said you'll come over to mine at 8pm. So I'm waiting... and waiting... and you're at the goddamned pub.\r\nSpeaker1: I don't remember saying that I'd come to yours tonight\r\nSpeaker2: Isn't that just ever so convenient... hmmm... \r\nSpeaker1: Honestly hun I would've never said that. It's pub quiz night at the Lion's Head. You know that's what I do every Tues.\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah but you said that this Tues you'd come and see me. You know that's the only night of the week that I have off and you can't even make the effort to see me... grrrr!\r\nSpeaker1: Look I make lots of effort to do things for you babe... all the fucking time! I need a night off with my mates. \r\nSpeaker2: You have 'nights off' with your fucking mates all the bloody time... but when I ask you to do anything you're always busy and not available.\r\nSpeaker2: Are you giving me the silent treatment now? \r\nSpeaker2: Can't even be bothered to answer my messages?\r\nSpeaker2: Who are you with down the pub? \r\nSpeaker1: Sorry babe, was busy talking to Lauren at the bar. Why don't you pop down the pub and we can talk about this?\r\nSpeaker2: WTF?!! Who the fuck is Lauren??!!! \r\nSpeaker2: Are you fucking her?\r\nSpeaker1: Don't be ridiculous! She's like as old as your mother. LOL\r\nSpeaker2: You can't be fucked to come over and see me. Then when I try to find out where you are you tell me that you're at the quiz night with your mates. You don't even have the courtesy to tell me that you're not coming over to mine. Now you tell me that you're talking to some old hag by the name of Lauren at the bar. What bloody planet do you live on? You're a dick!\r\nSpeaker2: You know what? You can shove this relationship where the sun don't shine! I've had enough. \r\nSpeaker2: You better come over tomorrow because I'm throwing all your shit out Mr. Fucktard! It'll be on the front lawn if you want it. Fuck you!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is at the pub. Speaker2 is waiting for him, but he doesn't remember them arranging a meeting. He attends a pub quiz night at Lion's Head every Tuesday. Now he's there pub with a woman named Lauren and he invites Speaker2 to pop down the pub and talk. Jenny is furious and wants Speaker1 to come tomorrow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "They are meeting at Fratellis, upstairs." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi there! How was the concert yesterday?\r\nSpeaker1: sorry I couldn't make it\r\nSpeaker2: not so good\r\nSpeaker1: how come?\r\nSpeaker2: no one came\r\nSpeaker1: wtf no one?????\r\nSpeaker2: not a soul\r\nSpeaker1: oh gawd im so so sorry\r\nSpeaker2: it's ok, we played anyway. Only we didn't get paid of course\r\nSpeaker1: fml\r\nSpeaker2: fml indeed" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 couldn't come to the concert yesterday. Nobody came, so Speaker2 didn't get paid." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Ela is not taking Speaker1's phone calls. Speaker2 calls Ela at Speaker1's request." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: ALYA - Help!!!!\r\nSpeaker2: What's up, girl? \r\nSpeaker1: it's an emergency!! Felix is coming over to my house after class!\r\nSpeaker1: what if I mess it up? what if he thinks that im a total dorkasaurus!\r\nSpeaker1: you know how bad i get around him :(\r\nSpeaker2: MArly, calm down girl!! (man, you've gt it bad!)\r\nSpeaker2: Just be yourself! Besides, Felix totally likes you!! \r\nSpeaker1: what? how do you know??\r\nSpeaker2: Well this bestie might have overheard Felix telling Adam how cute he thought you were at lunchtime\r\nSpeaker1: Felix thinks I'm cute *sigh*\r\nSpeaker2: Yep, you've totally got it bad, girl!\r\nSpeaker1: but what if i mess it up? :(\r\nSpeaker2: you won't! especially if you use words like \"dorkasaurus\"!! XD\r\nSpeaker2: besides, Felix would have to be crazy not to like you!\r\nSpeaker1: Thanks Speaker2 - you're the best!!\r\nSpeaker2: I know ;) Meet you for ice cream after?\r\nSpeaker1: see u there! <3" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Felix is visiting Speaker1 after class. Speaker2 and Speaker1 will meet for ice cream later." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will buy a white bread and apples on Speaker1's request." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: So happy Harry won!\r\nSpeaker1: Me too, I've liked him from the start.\r\nSpeaker2: Team Hazza!\r\nSpeaker1: LOL!\r\nSpeaker2: I guess he was always the favorite of the fans.\r\nSpeaker1: Not surprised; it's usually someone who is natural and honest.\r\nSpeaker2: Some of them play to the cameras. \r\nSpeaker1: Harry's just a regular guy, that's why he won!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Harry won an award. Fans like him, because he's natural and honest." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has a day off tomorrow. She will meet Speaker2 in Meanwood in a cafe at 2 pm." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: is anyone home? I'm going to try and buy a cake but would like to keep it at your place\r\nSpeaker3: yes I’m home\r\nSpeaker1: Im not there but the code to enter is3608\r\nSpeaker2: ty, I'm heading back from selina now\r\nSpeaker3: How much time do you need?\r\nSpeaker2: 10 mins\r\nSpeaker3: K\r\nSpeaker2: Which apt is yours?\r\nSpeaker3: 2, second one on the right\r\nSpeaker2: Yoooo the code won't work\\\r\nSpeaker3: try again\r\nSpeaker2: Nope, not working\r\nSpeaker3: Wait, I'm coming down right now" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 is coming down to meet Speaker2 because the code to enter doesn't work." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 wants to buy Speaker1 a scarf, but he doesn't like scarves. She cares about his health and will buy him a scarf no matter his opinion." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Dad where are you?\r\nSpeaker2: son im stuck at work ... can we go tomorrow?\r\nSpeaker1: its same everyday? you keep delaying it... i dont think you want to buy me a car\r\nSpeaker2: i want to son.. its just that its really busy at work i cant leave\r\nSpeaker1: dad for last 4 days same thing is happening...\r\nSpeaker2: i am sorry but i am not doing it on purpose\r\nSpeaker1: how do i believe you?\r\nSpeaker2: why would i lie to you?\r\nSpeaker1: may be its excuse for not getting me car?\r\nSpeaker2: why would i make excuse dont want to get you a car i can simple say NO\r\nSpeaker1: OK DAD whatever\r\nSpeaker2: Hopefully tomorrow we will go\r\nSpeaker1: lets see\r\nSpeaker2: yes lets see" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 keeps coming back from work too late, while Speaker1 wants him to go and buy a car for him." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to apologize to Speaker2. They will meet at school later." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker4: what's the difference between flat white and cappuccino?\nSpeaker2: no idea\nSpeaker1: I guess Speaker3 will know!\nSpeaker3: flat white is double espresso\nSpeaker3: cappuccino is just one espresso\nSpeaker4: interesting\nSpeaker4: very very interesting\nSpeaker4: thanks sis\nSpeaker3: ha you're welcome" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 explains to Speaker2, Speaker1 and Speaker4 the difference between a flat white and a cappuccino." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is sick, so she's not able to help Speaker1 with her thesis now." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I can't do this.\nSpeaker1: Yes. You can.\nSpeaker2: No I can't! What if they see my design and hate it? Or worse, I accidentally trip and fall on one of the judges. Or they'll say that it's utter rubbish.\nSpeaker1: Speaker2 Lilliane Agreste. You are one of the most talented designers I know\nSpeaker1: True, you can be clumsy (it's a little concerning how clumsy you are)\nSpeaker1: BUT that only adds to your *charm*\nSpeaker1: They're gonna love you and they're gonna love your designs.\nSpeaker2: I wish this stupid competition was over with >:(\nSpeaker1: Be honest, you're loving every second you there\nSpeaker2: Okay, only because I get to choose my fabric without feeling like I'm fighting 20 other poeple for it\nSpeaker1: See? :) Focus on the positives :)\nSpeaker2: Thanks Speaker1 :)\nSpeaker1: ANything for my bestie ;)\nSpeaker1: Who will win and leave us millenials all behind in the dust career-wise\nSpeaker2: Don't know about that - Your culinary career is expanding :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 takes part in a designing competition. She is really nervous that she will fail and Speaker1 tries to give her some positive reinforcement." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1, Speaker2 and Speaker3 are meeting at Speaker1's place tonight. Speaker2 will bring the dog. Speaker2 and Speaker3 will stay overnight." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Did mum give you send you some money? \r\nSpeaker1: No... Why? \r\nSpeaker2: Mum sent me something. \r\nSpeaker1: Something big or small? \r\nSpeaker2: I'm not sure how you'll find that. \r\nSpeaker1: Well.. If it's enough, let's go out tomorrow to celebrate\r\nSpeaker2: Celebrate what? \r\nSpeaker1: Girl, it's your birthday tomorrow. \r\nSpeaker2: Ohhhh. I guess that was why mum sent me money. \r\nSpeaker1: You're right.\r\nSpeaker2: I'll call you if something is happening then. \r\nSpeaker1: You'd better do. \r\nSpeaker2: Trust me. \r\nSpeaker1: Alright sis." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 received money from her mum and Speaker1, her brother, didn't. She was confused. Speaker1 told Speaker2 it's her birthday tomorrow. Speaker2 promised to let Speaker1 know if there will be some celebration happening." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is confused, because Leah told her that Speaker1 was dating a girl named Claire. Speaker1 met Claire about 1,5 years ago, but they barely knew each other." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I've heard that there's going to be displayed a new musical with Frank Sinatra songs. Do you want to come with me?\nSpeaker1: I'm sorry, but my schedule is full. I've got to work\nSpeaker1: I have so many assignments that I barely have some time for myself\nSpeaker2: Won't you have just one free evening?\nSpeaker1: I'll check and let you know, ok?\nSpeaker2: sure thing" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is very busy at work, but she will check her schedule and let Speaker2 know if she can go to the new musical with him." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 will meet in town in the afternoon." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Hi, I saw you're selling your pieces of art 🙂\r\nSpeaker1: Yes, my paintings are flooding the apartament already\r\nSpeaker2: I'd love to come by and pick something to hang in my living room\r\nSpeaker1: Living room? you'll look at it every day\r\nSpeaker1: I hope you won't be dissapointed 😊\r\nSpeaker2: Are you kidding? You're so talented, it's an honour\r\nSpeaker1: Aww thanks, this is nice\r\nSpeaker2: Friday afternoon is okay?\r\nSpeaker1: Sure! And please stay for a tea, we didn't see eachother for so long!\r\nSpeaker2: With pleasure Dori 😊" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 will buy Speaker1's painting for her living room. She will come on Friday afternoon to choose a painting and drink some tea." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 doesn't want to go on the business trip tomorrow. Speaker1's stressed about it, because their boss is coming with them. Speaker2 think it's going to be ok. There will be meeting with clients and an expo." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: thanks my dear for your presentation. Tremendous as usual. By the way could you send me the contact you talk about.\r\nSpeaker1: <file_other>\r\nSpeaker1: you have to call in advance, she's very busy. \r\nSpeaker2: Thanks. I call her straight away" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 loved Speaker1's presentation. Speaker1 is sending Speaker2 the contact the talked about. Speaker2 is calling her straight away. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 saw a very good football game, with one football player chopping the ball back to his foot, which was particularly exciting. Jose has trust in that player. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Honey, can you explained what is that thing in the garage??\r\nSpeaker1: What ya mean\r\nSpeaker2: You know very well what I’m talking about!!\r\nSpeaker1: No I dont\r\nSpeaker2: A bunch of ladies underwear!!!\r\nSpeaker1: haha xd\r\nSpeaker2: Young man, if you think this is funny…\r\nSpeaker1: Idk I invited Tim and Frank, we were drunk, who knows what they did, its probably a prank\r\nSpeaker2: A prank?\r\nSpeaker1: Likeee… a joke xp\r\nSpeaker2: A nice one, I think I need to talk to their parents.\r\nSpeaker1: pleaseeee don’t they’ll be angry" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is angry at Speaker1, because she found women's underwear in the garage. Speaker2 wants to talk to Tim's and Frank's parents." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 doesn't want to go on the business trip tomorrow. Speaker1's stressed about it, because their boss is coming with them. Speaker2 think it's going to be ok. There will be meeting with clients and an expo." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: did u take days off before Xmas?\r\nSpeaker2: not yet\r\nSpeaker1: please do it! asap!\r\nSpeaker2: why the hurry?\r\nSpeaker1: I wanna be sure that u come\r\nSpeaker2: ok, I'll do it 1st thing tomo\r\nSpeaker1: thanks sis :*" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has not taken days off before Christmas yet. Speaker1 urges her to do it quickly. Marilyn will do it tomorrow." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 cannot go out today because she broke a bottle of her mother's expensive perfume. Speaker1's mother is angry. The smell of the perfume in the apartment is too intense now." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: have a nice time at the beach?\r\nSpeaker2: let me tell you\r\nSpeaker1: ok hahah\r\nSpeaker2: it was amazing weather water ahh amazing but there was one thing \r\nSpeaker1: yeah what's that?\r\nSpeaker2: so you know my friend Emma?\r\nSpeaker1: yes I do \r\nSpeaker2: she brought her boyfriend and he is the most annoying person ever hahah\r\nSpeaker1: really? why? what he do \r\nSpeaker2: everything we do he complain, if we went to the beach he want to go the pool at the pool the beach he want to go \r\nSpeaker1: I hate people like this\r\nSpeaker2: and if we went to eat he alwaysss complain were we would go \r\nSpeaker1: id tell him to just shut up and deal with it haha\r\nSpeaker2: I told Emma! I was like I can't take it you have to say something to him \r\nSpeaker1: and what she say?\r\nSpeaker2: she told me I should grow up \r\nSpeaker1: wowwww " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 enjoyed the beach but didn't like Emma's boyfriend, who complained a lot." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 are planning a meeting at Speaker2' place. Speaker2 has a Jacuzzi in his garden. Speaker2 has WiFi and can bring his TV outside. Speaker1 has a low internet limit whenever he's outside of Ireland." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Do you like my hair better blond or red?\r\nSpeaker1: Not sure. What is it today?\r\nSpeaker2: You saw me this morning! It's blond!\r\nSpeaker1: Oh, yeah. Well, I liked your hair this morning.\r\nSpeaker2: Oh you're such a help! Not!\r\nSpeaker1: Sorry, I don't notice these things!\r\nSpeaker2: Yet you'd notice if I didn't have hair!\r\nSpeaker1: Maybe!\r\nSpeaker2: You're terrible!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is upset that Speaker1 isn't aware of her current hair color." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Toby proposed to Speaker2 during their romantic weekend in a cosy hotel near the beach." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: I've got some really juicy gossip for you! :)\r\nSpeaker1: You're gonna love it!\r\nSpeaker2: Come on, don't keep me in suspense, spill the tea! :D\r\nSpeaker1: Have you heard the news about professor Brown?\r\nSpeaker2: This jerk, who gives lectures on the theatre? What's with him?\r\nSpeaker1: I've heard, that he had been fired!\r\nSpeaker2: YOU'RE KIDDING\r\nSpeaker2: Finally!!!\r\nSpeaker2: What's happened?\r\nSpeaker1: A group of students accused him of sexual harassment. They showed the rector some inappropriate emails from him and described, how badly he behaved during his lectures.\r\nSpeaker1: To my great surprise, several lecturers supported those accusations.\r\nSpeaker2: I'm so happy to hear that!!!\r\nSpeaker2: Schadenfreude is a nasty emotion, but - frankly speaking - it's hard not to celebrate the fact, that this dickhead eventually got what he earned.\r\nSpeaker2: Everyone knew, what he's like and everyone, who could actually do something with it, remained silent.\r\nSpeaker2: It was so freaking frustrating!\r\nSpeaker1: I agree with you, he should have been fired much earlier. Anyway, you have to admit it, it's great news.\r\nSpeaker2: Indeed it is! :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Professor Brown got fired because of sexual harrassment accusations from students. Several lecturer supported the accusations. Speaker2 and Speaker1 are happy he got fired. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 will make an appointment at a waxing salon. Home methods don't work for her." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: U on campus? Lunch at AW?\r\nSpeaker3: Yes, possible, at bookstore rn xd \r\nSpeaker1: I am on ground fl library \r\nSpeaker3: Ok just wait. \r\nSpeaker3: I am at the pharmacy \r\nSpeaker1: Did you go to class this morning? \r\nSpeaker3: Yea and I had to talk to the prof. It took a while \r\nSpeaker1: Ok I am heading there rn \r\nSpeaker3: Or you want to go for lunch with me and my parents? they're in town and they want to see you \r\nSpeaker1: Hmm sure, I am done for the day \r\nSpeaker3: Speaker2:45?\r\nSpeaker1: K I will be by the front desk \r\nSpeaker3: kk" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 invited Speaker1 for lunch with her parents. They will meet in Lower place at 2:45." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 wants Speaker1 to tidy up her dreads this weekend. Speaker1 will let her know tonight if she is available." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Do you know where Lisa went?\r\nSpeaker2: I think she's in the cinema with John\r\nSpeaker1: Oh shit!\r\nSpeaker1: She took my keys!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Lisa went to the cinema with John. She took Speaker1's keys." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 wants to buy a tablet and doesn't know which brand he should choose. According to Speaker2, other brands are better than Apple and he can get a Samsung tablet cheaper. Speaker1 will call Speaker2 after work to talk about it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: not sure if I will be at school tomorrow\r\nSpeaker1: why?\r\nSpeaker2: not feeling too well\r\nSpeaker2: might be the flu\r\nSpeaker1: sucks\r\nSpeaker2: yeah\r\nSpeaker2: anyway I'll go to see the doctor in the morning\r\nSpeaker2: can you tell the teacher?\r\nSpeaker1: sure, I'll let him know\r\nSpeaker2: thanks, I'll text you after the visit with an update\r\nSpeaker1: okay, get well!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 does not feel well and he probably will not go to the school tomorrow. In the morning he will go to the doctor. Speaker1 will tell the teacher that Speaker2 is ill. Speaker2 will text Speaker1 after visiting the doctor." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is going out after work tonight with her female friends. If she wants, Speaker2 will come and pick her up." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: And?\r\nSpeaker2: Have you had your scan?\r\nSpeaker1: yhyy\r\nSpeaker2: And?\r\nSpeaker1: It's growing\r\nSpeaker2: What did the doctor say?\r\nSpeaker2: Do you need a surgery?\r\nSpeaker1: No\r\nSpeaker2: That's good. If it was dangerous, you would have the surgery done...\r\nSpeaker1: maybe... but I'm fed up\r\nSpeaker2: oh, honey\r\nSpeaker2: It's gonna be okay\r\nSpeaker1: I also have problems with my liver\r\nSpeaker2: oh?\r\nSpeaker1: the pills I have been taking for the last few months probably caused it\r\nSpeaker2: oh dear\r\nSpeaker1: :(\r\nSpeaker2: they are gonna fix it for you, you'll see\r\nSpeaker1: hope so\r\nSpeaker2: Sure they will.\r\nSpeaker1: ok, speak to you later.\r\nSpeaker2: take care, bye" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has had her scan and she doesn't need a surgery. Speaker1 has also problems with her liver due to the pills she has been using. Speaker1 will speak to Speaker2 later." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's son is sick, she is taking a day off and taking him to the doctor's. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Speaker4, I haven't heard from you for a while\r\nSpeaker1: Speaker4 seems to ignore the group\r\nSpeaker2: Speaker4, Speaker4, bad girl\r\nSpeaker4: LOL, no, I've been just busy\r\nSpeaker1: busy with ignoring us\r\nSpeaker4: No, I'm in Lithuania right now\r\nSpeaker1: visiting your family?\r\nSpeaker4: yes, my grandmother on the Baltic coast\r\nSpeaker4: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker2: how cute both of you are\r\nSpeaker4: she's 97 so I didn't want to postpone the visit anymore\r\nSpeaker2: of course, and it seems quite nice there\r\nSpeaker4: very beautiful countryside indeed, a lot of childhood memories\r\nSpeaker2: enjoy then!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker4 is visiting her 97-year-old grandmother on the Baltic coast of Lithuania and hasn't been active in the group chat. Speaker4 finds the place pretty and full of memories." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is not going out because she doesn't feel well. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Do u pay federal and state taxes?\r\nSpeaker2: Not much\r\nSpeaker1: Probably not much of a saving for you\r\nSpeaker2: At least not yet\r\nSpeaker1: <file_other> Damn shame I can't rent this. Or Airbnb.\r\nSpeaker2: who says u can't? Big price reductions on it\r\nSpeaker1: I inquired about this building over a year ago. Long wait list. Airbnb can't be done at all. They are not having it there\r\nSpeaker2: Depends... LLC\r\nSpeaker1: Perhaps. I would just do rental\r\nSpeaker2: Talk to a lawyer?\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, I would want to meet and speak to an actual person or a lawyer that worked there. All I have are 3rd person stories.\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah u need actual proof it works.\r\nSpeaker1: And pay cash for LLC" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is looking to rent a building for LLC but needs to gather more information from a lawyer first. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's 5-year-old laptop is broken. Tomorrow she'll know what's wrong. She won't be repairing it, because her laptop is too old. Instead, she'll buy a new one." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Man, I hate Louis\nSpeaker1: What? Why\nSpeaker2: He keeps hitting on Mandy in front of me\nSpeaker1: Uhhh\nSpeaker2: Yeah, uhhh\nSpeaker1: That's douchebag-tier stuff\nSpeaker2: Yeah, I should kick him in the balls\nSpeaker1: Well, he certainly has a pair since he's hitting on your former gf and you're twice as big as he is\nSpeaker2: Right... that asshole, I'm gonna kick his ass\nSpeaker1: Lol" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is angry at Louis for flirting with his ex-girlfriend Mandy." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2, Speaker1 and Speaker3 will go for a beer." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: Guess what Martha did\r\nSpeaker1: She sat everything in fire?\r\nSpeaker2: Let's not get too carried away\r\nSpeaker1: I'm pretty sure she pissed u off\r\nSpeaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: LOL\r\nSpeaker2: She's crazy\r\nSpeaker1: Did she leave u this note while u were away?\r\nSpeaker2: Nope, I had been in my room this whole time\r\nSpeaker1: lol\r\nSpeaker1: She's messed up\r\nSpeaker2: funny thing is, I had no idea I'm using her sugar\r\nSpeaker1: Didn't she write which sugar is hers? So reckless of her ;P\r\nSpeaker2: Maybe she will\r\nSpeaker1: And this message is RUDE. how did u react?\r\nSpeaker2: I dealt with it like neurotypicals do, I talked to her\r\nSpeaker1: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker1: so proud of u\r\nSpeaker2: she seemed perplexed that we communicate face to face\r\nSpeaker1: leaving notes is way more efficient\r\nSpeaker2: anyway, I'm pretty sure she's too socially awkard to know that she did sth strange\r\nSpeaker1: are u telling me that leaving notes for someone who is present is strange? O_o\r\nSpeaker1: <file_gif>\r\nSpeaker2: :D" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Martha left a rude note for Speaker2 so he talked to her face to face about it." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has exchanged sexual messages with him. Speaker2 does not feel like pursuing the affair because he is engaged. Speaker2 will have a word with him because what he is doing is unfair." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: how's the practice?\r\nSpeaker2: not so good\r\nSpeaker1: why?\r\nSpeaker2: Woody isn't in shape\r\nSpeaker1: that's a shame :(\r\nSpeaker2: yeah, he need a rest and be better\r\nSpeaker1: hope so :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "The practice is not going well because Woody is not in shape." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 considers going to Egypt for holiday. It's too hot for Speaker1, she suggests Croatia instead. Mark likes the idea, he's never been there. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I'm lost. Been looking for the place for the last 20 min. Tried to call you but no answer.\r\nSpeaker1: It's bad reception over here that's why you couldn't get through.\r\nSpeaker1: Where are you?\r\nSpeaker2: On the corner of Station and Church St.\r\nSpeaker1: The place is behind the white house on the corner.\r\nSpeaker1: Go down the driveway. Then turn right into the public footpath. Walk another 50 yards and there should be a gate on your left.\r\nSpeaker2: OK.\r\nSpeaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker2: Is that the house you mean?\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah that's the place on the corner. Now go down the driveway.\r\nSpeaker2: OK.\r\nSpeaker2: I think I might have found it.\r\nSpeaker2: Is it the place with the yellow gate?\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah, that's the one.\r\nSpeaker1: I'll come downstairs and open the gate for you.\r\nSpeaker2: OK. I'm out the front.\r\nSpeaker1: Be down there in 5. Just have to lock the dogs up.\r\nSpeaker1: See you soon.\r\nSpeaker2: No probs.\r\nSpeaker1: :-)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is on the corner of Station and Church St. Speaker2 has been looking for the place for the last 20 minutes and couldn't reach Speaker1 over the phone. Speaker1 gives Speaker2 directions about how to get to the place. Speaker1 will open the gate for Speaker2 in 5 minutes. Speaker1 has to lock up the dogs first." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 got a new nail polish and did her nails herself. It took her nearly 4 hours, so she won't do her friends' nails, as it takes too long." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Why is your ex calling me?\r\nSpeaker2: What?\r\nSpeaker2: when did she call you?\r\nSpeaker1: yesterday\r\nSpeaker1: at about 6pm\r\nSpeaker2: I have no idea why she would!\r\nSpeaker2: What did she want\r\nSpeaker1: she wanted to talk about your son\r\nSpeaker1: and how she is worried about me coming into his life\r\nSpeaker2: gees \r\nSpeaker2: I'm sorry I'll talk to her" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2's ex called Speaker1 yesterday at about 6pm. She wanted to talk about his son. She's worried about Speaker1 coming into his life. Speaker2 will talk to her later." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Toby proposed to Speaker2 during their romantic weekend in a cosy hotel near the beach." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: I liked your red dress which you were wearing yesterday\r\nSpeaker1: Thank you\r\nSpeaker2 :)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 likes the red dress Speaker1 wore yesterday." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 is waiting for Speaker2 who's running late as she can't find her key. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: what's your niece's name?\r\nSpeaker2: amber, why?\r\nSpeaker1: my sister her baby girl amber!!!!\r\nSpeaker2: i didn't know your sister was expecting! :-D\r\nSpeaker1: please tell her i say congratulations" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1's sister is expecting a baby." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is heading to work so he's not watching the game." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker3: Hi there!\r\nSpeaker3: do you dudes maybe have some must sees in Rome to share?\r\nSpeaker2: ur in rome?? lucky bitch...\r\nSpeaker3: join me!\r\nSpeaker2: totally love italy! but never been to rome, can't help u\r\nSpeaker1: just sendin you a great blog\r\nSpeaker1: the girl, blogger, she's awesome and i used some of her tips and recommendtion when I was in Milan\r\nSpeaker1: but she also read about Rome\r\nSpeaker3: Kat your sweet thanks <3" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 is in Rome and wants to know if Speaker2 and Speaker1 can share some must sees. Speaker2 has never been to Rome, but Speaker1 shared a blog she used when in Milan, which also has tips and recommendations about Rome." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1s tells Speaker2 he loves her." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: My god! That bundle of claws has sure grown in the last few months! :-)\r\nSpeaker2: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker2: They've all grown!\r\nSpeaker2: At least I can tell them apart now :-)\r\nSpeaker2: Trotters is as smelly as ever so she's easy to tell apart.\r\nSpeaker2: Pixel is missing half a tail.\r\nSpeaker2: Marx is the only normal looking cat.\r\nSpeaker1: Hahaha! I guess that's one way to tell them apart.\r\nSpeaker1: What else is new in your life?\r\nSpeaker2: We're North of the Wall now so nothing new other than Whitewalkers.\r\nSpeaker1: LOL\r\nSpeaker2: :-)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 sends a photo of her cats. They've all grown and she describes how she tells them apart." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "A person was beaten and mugged on campus and had to be hospitalised. The attacker wore a mask. An official statement will be released, along with a newspaper article. Speaker1 and Speaker3 think the campus security is subpar, even though there are cameras around." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: They gave a great concert yesterday \r\nSpeaker3: True\r\nSpeaker3: I want to go next year too \r\nSpeaker1: It was average to me\r\nSpeaker1: but its a good party xd\r\nSpeaker1: So yeah Id like to go next year too \r\nSpeaker2: Haha" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker3 liked their yesterday's concert." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2, Speaker1 and Speaker3 are going to watch \"Batman. New Beginning\" on Saturday, at 7. Speaker2 will get the tickets." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Yow\r\nSpeaker2: Ssup\r\nSpeaker1: Have decided on what we talk\r\nSpeaker2: Not yet\r\nSpeaker2: I need some time\r\nSpeaker1: Okay you just take your time\r\nSpeaker2: Thanks" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 needs more time to decide on what they talk with Speaker1." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 called Sarah. She also sent her some old pictures. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi guys, we (me & Speaker4 of course) want to go for some bigger holidays this summer, and for the first time with the children\r\nSpeaker1: Do you have any suggestions? We were thinking about the Maldives, but they seem quite expensive\r\nSpeaker4: So maybe you have some other ideas/experiences/alternatives?\r\nSpeaker3: oh, wow! I would never go to the Maldives with my salary\r\nSpeaker4: Is it that bad?\r\nSpeaker3: of course! and I don't think it's particularly good for families\r\nSpeaker2: No, it's one of those typical lovers destinations I think\r\nSpeaker1: So what? We'd like to do something more exotic for once\r\nSpeaker2: If you want to go the Indian Ocean you should rather choose Mauritius \r\nSpeaker3: Yes, we really enjoyed it 2 years ago\r\nSpeaker3: it's safe, not too expensive and amazing for children\r\nSpeaker1: ok, we didn't know, magazines are full of the Maldives now\r\nSpeaker3: I think they are having an advertisement campaign now\r\nSpeaker1: what air lines would you suggest to make it comfortable but also cut the costs?\r\nSpeaker3: British Airways has some good offers sometimes\r\nSpeaker3: But we always fly with Air France honestly \r\nSpeaker1: why?\r\nSpeaker3: I like their style, offers, even food on board \r\nSpeaker1: haha, ok, so we will check them\r\nSpeaker4: we'll keep you posted here in case we have some more questions\r\nSpeaker3: sure, feel free to ask!\r\nSpeaker1: thanks!" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 and Speaker4 need some suggestions for bigger summer holidays with children and Speaker2. Speaker3 recommends Mauritius instead of Maldives as it's not that expensive and nice for children. Speaker3 suggests flying with British Airways even though he always flies with Air France." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has a new phone number starting with 304. Speaker1 has lost his job and is looking for a new one. Speaker2 offers to pass on Speaker1s CV to a contact. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Did you follow the G20?\r\nSpeaker2: unfortunately yes\r\nSpeaker3: in times like these I'm painfully remained that this guy is an embarrassment not just in the US\r\nSpeaker1: but you gotta admit that he's fun xD\r\nSpeaker2: He's the president, he's supposed to be not fun\r\nSpeaker1: but he is and this is the least we can get out of this nightmarish presidency\r\nSpeaker1: you saw his face when Putin and MBS did the buddy handshake?\r\nSpeaker3: or that time he left the president of Argentina standing there alone.\r\nSpeaker1: every time he goes abroad there are those priceless moments :D\r\nSpeaker3: at least you are thinking this way, I'm dying inside\r\nSpeaker2: I envy your optimism my friend.\r\nSpeaker1: It's not optimism it's more like... apocalyptic humor :P\r\nSpeaker2: Either way, lend me some of it.\r\nSpeaker3: me too\r\nSpeaker1: You guys should just watch more late night shows that's the recipe." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Discussing the G20 forum Speaker1 claims to have fun out of the situations the US President finds himself in. Speaker2 and Speaker3 don't share Speaker1's attitude and are embarrassed by the president's behaviours." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 has been working out at the gym near their office lately to improve his health. Speaker1 is considering working out and eating better to be healthier." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: hi there, what's up?\r\nSpeaker1: hi!\r\nSpeaker1: nothing special. Work work work\r\nSpeaker2: same for me\r\nSpeaker2: lots of work and nowhere near the end of it\r\nSpeaker1: thats it, bro\r\nSpeaker2: I really need a holiday\r\nSpeaker2: maybe next month\r\nSpeaker1: where?\r\nSpeaker2: doesnt matter\r\nSpeaker2: somewhere nice and away from it\r\nSpeaker1: ;)\r\nSpeaker1: I see\r\nSpeaker2: ;)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 have been working a lot and need a vacation." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Imagine Dragons have a concert at ABC Theatre on 12 July. Speaker1 wants to go with Speaker2. She bought tickets, they cost 70." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker2: So which shall we choose?\r\nSpeaker1: Not sure yet. Just gone through the six you sent me last night. They all seem of interest.\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah... Pros and cons with each and every.\r\nSpeaker1: Any preferences your end?\r\nSpeaker2: I described them in the email I sent you this morning.\r\nSpeaker1: Oh you did. Haven't seen it yet.\r\nSpeaker2: EM?\r\nSpeaker1: Too busy checking the previous listing. Sorry. Do it in a sec.\r\nSpeaker2: You'd better do! I put a couple of hours' work in it!!\r\nSpeaker1: Good work you did. BTW been checking other sites too. Nothing on hotels.com.\r\nSpeaker2: I checked them yesterday. I don't like them anymore. They declared my free night invalid \"due to inactivity in the last year\". Bastards!\r\nSpeaker1: Was it worth much?\r\nSpeaker2: Around 100.\r\nSpeaker1: Gone is gone. We'll start again. But how about now?\r\nSpeaker2: My favourite is Starfish Varadero. No doubt.\r\nSpeaker1: All-inclusive?\r\nSpeaker2 : Only breakfast.\r\nSpeaker1: Why not full board?\r\nSpeaker2: We have to lose weight. Both of us!\r\nSpeaker1: I like my tummy. Big and flabby.\r\nSpeaker2: And my bum.\r\nSpeaker1: And your boobs... Slobber, slobber...\r\nSpeaker2: WYWH\r\nSpeaker1: Soon. We only have to find a nice hotel.\r\nSpeaker2: Starfish in Varadero? On the beach, under the palm trees...\r\nSpeaker1: And full-board so that we don't lose time finding eateries?\r\nSpeaker2: You are impossible. I L U\r\nSpeaker1: XOXOXO" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 and Speaker1 are looking for a hotel. Speaker2's favorite is Starfish in Varadero." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Frank will help Speaker3 and Speaker1 transport the aquarium that is a gift for someone." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker3: haha, good job!\r\nSpeaker3: :D\r\nSpeaker2: are you kidding me XD\r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker3: amazing...\r\nSpeaker1: thanks guys...\r\nSpeaker2: how did you manage to do that? you ripped the whole thing off lol\r\nSpeaker3: somebody here needs to learn to drive lol\r\nSpeaker1: i was just leaving my parking spot...\r\nSpeaker1: and i touched the pillar...\r\nSpeaker3: :D\r\nSpeaker3: sorry but that's really funny :<\r\nSpeaker2: jack...\r\nSpeaker2: it's gonna be OK... XD\r\nSpeaker1: really thanks... i shouldn't have told you anything" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 has driven into a pillar when leaving her parking spot. Speaker3 and Speaker2 find it funny, which is frustrating." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 won't go with Speaker1 to visit uncle Steve. He will visit her and the boys. " ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: <file_photo>\r\nSpeaker3: Wow!! Beautiful picture!!\r\nSpeaker2: Lovely family :)\r\nSpeaker1: ;)" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker1 sends Speaker3 and Speaker2 a photo of a family." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker3 doesn't want to go on the business trip tomorrow. Speaker1's stressed about it, because their boss is coming with them. Speaker2 think it's going to be ok. There will be meeting with clients and an expo." ]
[ "Represent the dialog for retrieving similar scenarios", "Speaker1: Hi there!\r\nSpeaker2: Hey!\r\nSpeaker1: What are you up to?\r\nSpeaker2: Nothing special, at my 5th unpaid job at the moment, doing social media\r\nSpeaker1: Lmao It can't be that bad. Which social media?\r\nSpeaker2: TWITTER\r\nSpeaker1: Hmm that's an entire new dimension to explore\r\nSpeaker2: Without a doubt, this has brought 3D into my life. A considerable improvement\r\nSpeaker1: Man, what's happening to you, you're jokes aren't even funny anymore\r\nSpeaker2: There you go, the aftereffects of 3D\r\nSpeaker1: So what are you actually doing?\r\nSpeaker2: Well actually/to be fair/quite frankly unpaid job number 5 is not that bad at all. I'm working for this association which organises a few events during the year and I'm the Secretary, which looks cool on the cv. And has made me learn what twitter actually is. Before I only knew it from the news, because of Trump lol\r\nSpeaker1: ha ha ha! And What are you promoting atm?\r\nSpeaker2: I'm going to casually mention that we're having an event at the British Library and that's what I'm promoting\r\nSpeaker1: wow sounds really good\r\nSpeaker2: Yer, good opportunity for networking and I work with really nice people too\r\nSpeaker1: That's cool\r\nSpeaker2: I think it could hardly be better actually. It's also true that these professional British people can sometimes be extremely unprofessional, but this might be the most entertaining part of the job to be fair. The other day, for instance, my colleagues sent me a promo leaflet which repeatedly mentioned the British Museum and I immediately circulated it through all our social media, mailing list, etc. Turned out it was supposed to be the British Library. Can you dig it?\r\nSpeaker1: Ahahahaha that's hilarious!! I'm speechless\r\nSpeaker2: Well, so am I. Really glad that it's not a paid job actually\r\nSpeaker1: That's a nice silver lining you've got there\r\nSpeaker2: lol But hey, I think I should go back to TWITTER and then jump back to unpaid job number 1. Will I see you soon?\r\nSpeaker1: ok, no worries. Sure, this weekend?\r\nSpeaker2: Yeah, I do think so. Is it rude to suggest we meet at YOURS? I'll bring wine\r\nSpeaker1: ha ha ha Sure, no problem. Shall we say Saturday at mine?\r\nSpeaker2: Sounds good! Let's just confirm during the week\r\nSpeaker1: Will do\r\nSpeaker2: It was nice to talk though\r\nSpeaker1: Yeah. Keep in touch\r\nSpeaker2: I will! xx" ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "Speaker2 is working for an event organizing association, where he's in charge of social media. especially Twitter. It's yet another job, where Speaker2 is not getting paid. Some of Speaker2 colleagues can be unprofessional at times. Speaker2 and Speaker1 will meet on Saturday at Speaker1's place." ]
[ "Represent the dialog scenario for retrieval", "It's Tom's birthday. Speaker3 and Speaker2 will come to Tom's place about 5 pm to prepare everything before Tom gets back home at 5:30. Speaker2 has already paid for the cake - Speaker3 will pick it up and she will also get the balloons. " ]