Pengiriman cepat, barang sesuai deskripsi, karena kecil, ibu juga mau...
fast delivery, item according to the description, because it's small, mom also wants it.
ok baguus barangnya, ada jahitan di pinggirnya...👍
ok good stuff, there are seams on the edges.
Penjual sm sekali ga jwb chat tapi langsung sampe ok lah
The seller didn't answer the chat at all but it arrived immediately ok
Dudukan motor ke body bawahnya tidak sesuai tingginya jadi harus diganjal ring. Moga2 awet. Thanks.
the motor mount to the lower body doesn't match the height so it has to be propped up by a ring. hopefully durable. thanks.
Pengiriman sangat lamaaaaa menggunakan shopee expres. Harusnya 1x24 jam. Ini barang hampir seminggu baru di terima. Semoga ricecookernya awet.
Very long delivery using shopee express. should be x hours. Received this item almost a week ago. I hope the rice cooker lasts.
puas .tapi blom di tes terpasang
fasting. but not yet tested installed
sangat ramah.. terimakasih rexus.
very friendly.. thanks rexus.
saya suka saya suka, cuma sayang jarak buat nanak nasi ke pinggirnya tipis,
I like it, I like it, it's just a shame the distance for cooking rice to the edges is thin,
bagus banget 🥳🥳 mikir berkali-kali mau milih rexus vonix f80 apa ini, untungnya ini bagus walaupun box nya peyot gara2 kehujanan. RGB nya juga ga norak norak amat, pelayanan nya juga baik,terbaik lah ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
it's really good to think about choosing rexus vonix f what is this, fortunately it's good even though the box is dented because of the rain. the rgb isn't too tacky either, the service is also good, the best
Pengiriman barang tertunda karena barang restok, ya kalau barang belum ready jangan dijual dulu dong. Barangnya sih Ok, cuma susah cari softcasenya
Delivery of goods is delayed due to restocked goods, so if the goods are not ready, don't sell them first. the item is ok, it's just hard to find the softcase
terima kasi siler salam ber gabung....
thank you sealer greetings join.
packingannya g rapi skrg ni guntingnya trlepas shngga tmpt pisaunya abis cacat
The packaging isn't neat, now the scissors are loose so the knife holder is deformed
Mouse berfungsi, klik kiri dan kanan clicky. Ada fitur auto off apabila tidak dipakai selama beberapa menit, jadibisa menghemat baterai. Tombol forward dan backward juga berfungsi. Status DPI belum ada penanda nya, jadi harus pakai feeling. Di website resmi sepertinya juga belum support mouse ini. Overall, harga memang menentukan kualitas. 👍
mouse works, clicky left and right clicky. There is an auto off feature when it is not used for a few minutes, so it can save battery. the forward and backward buttons also work. the dpi status doesn't have a marker yet, so you have to use feeling. the official website doesn't seem to support this mouse either. overall, the price does determine the quality.
Bagus, original, semoga awet dan tetap panas dipakai dan memuaskan hasilnya
good, original, hopefully durable and still hot to use and satisfying results
Produk sudah diterima cuma pas dibuka pasta roller nya patah..blm coba alat nya..
The product has been received, only when I opened the pasta roller it broke.. haven't tried the tool yet..
jangan lupa mampir di channel youtube -> pokpokYT
Don't forget to stop by the YouTube channel -> Pokpokyt
Pisaunya tajam 👍. Gampang dibersihkan. Garansi terjamin. Nggak cepat berbau. Ringan tapi kokoh. Gampang dipakai. Penjualnya ramah banget. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging aman 🙏. Packaging rapi. Respon penjualnya top.
the knife is sharp . easy to clean. guaranteed warranty. doesn't smell fast. light but sturdy. easy to use. the seller is very friendly. fast order process. safe packaging . neat packaging. top seller response.
alhamdulillah..bagus.. sesuai gambar.. packing nya mantaap.. ada pengamanan nya.. aman ga ada yg penyok.. trimakasih.. semoga amanah terus...aamiin..
alhamdulillah..good..according to the picture..the packing is great..there is,no dents..thank you..hopefully keep on trusting.aamiin..
sesuai deskripsi, ram 2gb memory 32gb, android 11, garansi resmi, pengantaran kurang cepat. semoga lebih baik lagi
according to the description, gb ram gb memory, android, official warranty, delivery is not fast enough. hope it will be better
Barangnya sudah sampai kakkk..wowww...aman terkendali sampai ketangan pembelinyaaa
the goods have arrived under control until it reaches the hands of the buyer
Barangnya original 👍. Baterenya awet. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging rapi. Packaging aman 🙏.  untuk sementara aku kasih bintang 4 yaa krn selalu muncul pop-up google play store saat tab nyala,.. pop up nya tentang system,.. namun above all tab nya sih berfungsi, cuma pop up nya aja mengganggu 🙏🏻
the goods are original. the battery lasts. fast order process. neat packaging. safe packaging . for the time being I'll give it a star because it always shows a Google Play Store pop-up when the tab is on, the pop up is about system, but above all the tabs work, it's just the pop up that's annoying 🏻
selama belanja di lazada ini kali pertama KECEWA dah dari kurirnya kesan tak enak tambah unit cacat dari lahir lcd nya ada bintik nya malas return maka nya di pake aja
While shopping at Lazada, this was the first time I was disappointed, from the courier, the impression was not good, plus the unit was defective from birth, the LCD had spots, it was lazy to return, so I just used it
baru buka belom nyoba yang pasti Keyboardnya mantap
I just opened it, haven't tried it, I'm sure the keyboard is solid
pelayanan super
super service
Benda itu hijau
that thing is green
Pengiriman super cepet, tp barangnya gores2, ky bekas pake, dan kalo mo ditutup, ga bisa ngait dengan normal, ga bisa klop dgn pas...keliatan ada sisa sisa cuttingan plastik di deket tempat tutupnya...
super fast delivery, but the item is scratched, it's used, and if you close it, it can't hook normally, it can't fit snugly. It looks like there's some leftover bits of plastic near where the lid is.
Produk datang ga nyampe seminggu Palingan 5 harian Aman packaging nya Keyboard nya gak lagi sama aku hehe
The product doesn't arrive for a week, at least daily, the packaging is safe, the keyboard isn't the same as me anymore hehe
Bahan nya jelek banget dan tipis , di pake baru sekali doang sudah bolong
the material is really ugly and thin, when I used it just once it had holes in it
Bagussssss . Dpt pas flash sale. Pengiriman ok, gak kelamaan. Thank u
Good . got on flash sale. delivery ok, not too long thank u
semoga bisa berfungsi semua 75box tapi ada 3box yg penyok hehehe tq seller.Ada garansi resmi.
I hope all boxes can work but there are boxes that are dented hehehe tq seller. There is an official guarantee.
Dus rusak parah, dan sudah terbuka waktu saya terima. Packing sangat minim, hanya diberi bubble wrap melingkar sekali tapi bagian atas dan bawah tidak diberi. Untungnya barang saya terima utuh dan berfungsi dg baik. Tolong packing lebih ditingkatkan lagi supaya aman. Terima kasih
the box was badly damaged, and was open when I received it. very minimal packing, only given bubble wrap once but the top and bottom were not given. fortunately I received the item intact and working properly. please improve the packaging even more so it's safe. Thank You
Sejauh ini baru saya pakai untuk kukus makanan, dan oke. Diameter bawah tempat kukusan = 19cm, dan bagian atas = 21cm. Jadi kalo beli piring untuk dimasukkan ke situ, yg 7" atau 19cm ke bawah. Di atas itu bakal nyangkut.
so far I've only used it for steaming food, and it's okay. the bottom diameter of the steamer = cm, and the top = cm. so if you buy a plate to put in there, the one " or cm below. above it will get stuck.
Titipan orang, sorry seller
entrusted by people, sorry seller
Product yg saya terima tidak dapat dipergunakan( mesin blendernya tidak berputar)
the product that I received cannot be used (the blender machine is not rotating)
Modelnya lucuu, tapi kecil banget cuman bisa buat satu orang menurutku
the model is cute, but it's really small can only be for one person in my opinion
bawah y peyok
bottom y dented
Siap .. pesanan sampai.. terima kasih
ready .. order arrived .. thank you
Produk aman, tapi packagingnya kacau.
the product is safe, but the packaging is messed up.
Setrikanya bagus, dan panas. Nggak nyesel sama sekali order di toko ini. Bener2 bagus bgt. Thank you seller dan kurir yang udah nganterin
the iron is good, and hot. I don't regret ordering at this shop at all. really really good. thank you seller and courier for delivering
ok bagus dan cocok
ok nice and fit
Pengiriman oleh kurir cepat banget Respon pelapak cepat Harga sesuai kualitas ,barang lumayan bagus gk kecewa pokoknya.
the delivery by the courier was really fast, the seller's response was fast, the price was according to the quality, the goods were pretty good, I wasn't disappointed anyway.
Sesuai pesanan ok
as ordered ok
produk bagus namun tidak bisa benar benar untuk menghaluskan rempah2. hasil akhirnya akan berupa potongan kecil saja.
good product but can't really smooth spices. the end result will be just a small piece.
telat 1 hari ntar apa yg di pikirkan si penjual -_-
what is the seller thinking -_-
Belum buka kerdus, semoga ga kenapa2
haven't opened the box yet, hopefully it's okay
Pancinya bagus mulus licin imut lucu , packingnya rapi, pengirimannya jg lumayan cepet.
the pot is nice, smooth, smooth, cute, cute, the packaging is neat, the delivery is pretty fast too.
Barang sampe sayang ada retakan di 2 titik. Pengiriman lambat, mungkin karna PSBB.
the item arrived unfortunately there is a crack at the point. Slow delivery, maybe because of PSBB.
Awal beli puas2 aja, karena dari desain, penggunaan dllnya masih normal2 aja. Baru setelah 3 hari pemakaian normal mulai ada kendala, tombol kirinya mulai macet, harus ditekan kuat2bbaru fungsi..
At first, I was satisfied with the purchase, because from the design, use, etc., it was still normal. only after a day of normal use started there were problems, the left button started to jam, it had to be pressed hard to function..
pengiriman barang cepat.kualitas barang nya kuramg bagus karena ada cacat nya.
fast delivery of goods. the quality of the goods is not good because there is a defect.
Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai Fitur Terbaik:baik Alhamdulillah nyampe smogah berfungsi dengan baik dan awet
commensurate with the price: according to the best features: good, thank God, I hope it works well and lasts
sesuai gambar mantep
according to the mantep picture
terimakasih pesanan sudah sampai, sesuai deskripsi, packing sangat aman, pokoknya semua bintang 5.rekomend seller 👍. sukses selalu...
Thank you, the order has arrived, according to the description, the packaging is very safe, just all the stars. Recommended seller. good luck for the future.
order instan tapi dikirim esok hari
instant order but sent the next day
Barang sesuai deskripsi pacing rapih.. Walau agak lma pengiriman ya
the item according to the description neatly packed.. although the delivery took a long time
terimakasih semoga awet
thank you hope it lasts
Fitur Terbaik:dpi tinggi Sepadan dengan Harga:worth it lah Minus rgb nya cuma bisa ganti slow, fast, and static, gabisa atur sesuai keinginan
best features: high dpi commensurate with price: worth it minus the rgb you can only change slow, fast, and static, can't set as desired
Barang sampai dengan selamat, packing aman, barang original advan & baru. untuk smartphonenya + kelebihan : compact, ringan, os enteng & gak ribet, speaker bagus, batre awet, free kartu smartfren + case. - kekurangan : kamera jelek, layar kurang bagus, bloatwarenya mayan banyak, kalau charge pake cas bawaan mayan lama. + cocok buat : orang tua, belajar online, sebagai hp ke 2, dan yang nyari hp compact tapi kebutuhan cuma buat sosmed & chat aja. - gak cocok buat : yang nyari hp murah buat maen game & foto2. Thank Seller 👍
the goods arrived safely, the packing is safe, the goods are original advan & new. for the smartphone + advantages: compact, lightweight, light OS & not complicated, good speakers, long lasting battery, free smartfren card + case. - Weaknesses: bad camera, screen is not good, lots of bloatware, if you charge it with the default charger it takes a long time. + suitable for: parents, studying online, as a mobile phone, and those who are looking for a compact cellphone but only need it for social media & chat. - not suitable for: those who are looking for a cheap cell phone to play games & photos. thank seller
Oke . Cepet sampenya. Terimakasih banyak yaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
Okay . get there fast. Thank you very much..
Fitur Terbaik:Tidak Ada Sepadan dengan Harga:Tida Build quality yg buruk dan ringkih. Saya gak yakin bisa awet bahkan untuk beberapa bulan ke depan.
best features: none worth the price: no crummy, flimsy build quality. I'm not sure it will last even for the next few months.
barang sudah dibuka segel dari sananya. :)
the item has been unsealed from there. :)
Sayang sekali gantungannya ada yg patah. Padahal udh minta dicek jgn ada yg cacat :(
too bad the hanger is broken. even though I have asked to be checked, there are no defects :(
Brg dtg Packing luar uda terbuka bagian bawah.. Selotip pmbgkus pisau jg uda tbuka, pisau yg kecil kyk abis dibakar gtu,khitam2an,. Aduh bintg 4 aja laa y
the brg came with the outer packing already open at the bottom.. the knife wrapping tape had also been opened, the small knife looked like it had been burnt like that, it was black,. ouch star aja laa y
bagus, hpnya tapi kok segelnya udh dibuka ya . apa itu buat garansi atau gmna?
good, the cellphone but how come the seal has been opened huh? is that for warranty or what?
Fitur Terbaik:Ok Sepadan dengan Harga:Sesuai
best feature:ok worth the price:fit
ok...lah...tpi tidak setara dengan harga nya... terlalu mahal harga setrika nya.
ok.lah.tpi not worth the price. the iron is too expensive.
Sepadan dengan Harga:ok Barang nya bagus Tapi sayang pengiriman nya lama
commensurate with the price: ok the goods are good but unfortunately the delivery is long
so far sih ok ya, saya gak tau tp apakah produk advan ini bagaimana kemasannya, soalnya dus HP nya tidak ada plastiknya, kedua HP tidak ada lapiran plastiknya juga, dan pada saat saya buka casingnya, baut2 hp tidak terdapat segelnya,
so far it's ok, I don't know but what is the packaging for this advan product, the problem is the cellphone box doesn't have plastic on it, the two cellphones don't have a plastic coating either, and when I open the casing, the cellphone screws don't have a seal,
top cerrr dah
top cer already
Makasih bosquuuuu.... Mantaappp. Bisa jadi langanan niiih.
thanks boss. ex. you can subscribe.
Terimakasih gann barang nya cepat sampai
Thank you, bro, the item arrived quickly
Produk dah sampai dites hidup, daya hisap agak kurang (mungkin krna kecil ukuranya). Semoga awet
The product has been tested alive, the suction power is a bit lacking (maybe because of the small size). hope it lasts
mantuuul kipasnya
blow the fan
Barangnya original 👍 Ada garasi resmi Gampang dipakai
the item is original, there is an official garage, it's easy to use
Fitur Terbaik:blm tau soalnya bru dicoba sbntar Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayanlah dri pada lumanyun *respon seller bgs ja sih proses pengemasannya H+1 bru dikirim *pengiriman skitar 5hrian *strikanya bru dicoba sbentar tuk ngetes panasnya Agak ringan strikaannya moga awetlah dipake soalnya baru kali ini blnja elektronik lwt online *pengemasan kurang rapi pake BW sih tp ga tebal dusnya penyok dan jebol kena setrikaannya untung setrikanya aman ja
the best feature: I don't know, because I tried it for a while, it's worth the price: it's not bad, it's not bad * the seller's response is good, the packaging process is h + just sent * delivery is about a day * the iron has been tried for a while to test the heat is a bit light, hopefully the iron will last, because it's the first time buy electronics via online *the packaging wasn't neat enough to use BW but the box wasn't thick and the box was dented and the iron was broken fortunately the iron was safe
Paket sudah diterima dgn baik, HP nya original sesuai deskripsi bonus nya nyata sebanyak itu. Mantap 👍
the package has been well received, the cellphone is original according to the description the bonus is real that much. Excellent
fast respon, pesanan sesuai , recommended seller.
fast response, order according, recommended seller.
ada sedikit keluapas kulitnya, maaf ya
There's a bit of peeling off the skin, sorry
packing aman, barang oke dan ori. overall oke semua tp kotak dalam pisau nya sedikit jebol karna 2 di antara pisau nya tdk di beri penutup ujung pisau.
packing is safe, items are okay and ori. overall everything is okay but the inner box of the knife is a little broken because the blade tip is not covered between the blades.
Asik tokonya gercep. Produk sesuai dan bagus.
the shop is cool. suitable and good product.
Kualitas:Baik Harga:Baik Ukuran:Baik Overall semua bagus. Semoga ke depannya bisa order disini lagi ❤️
quality: good price: good size: good overall all good. hopefully in the future can order here again
pacing asal, bau kotoran kecoa, berdebu.
original pacing, smells of cockroach droppings, dusty.
Harga:harga sesuai barang Pengemasan: pengemadan sangat baik masyaaAllah tabarakallah smga awet bagus barangnya
price: price according to goods packaging: delivery is very good masyaallah tabarakallah hopefully the goods will last good
Fitur Terbaik:stiknya bisa geter
best feature: the sticker can vibrate
makasih ,, barangnya sudah datang
Thank you, the goods have arrived
Fungsi ok.. Barang ada rengat sedikit di bagian bawah, tapi ditekan dikit bener lg... Cuma lucunya, dusnya bagus ga ada tanda2 kekerasan dr expedisi, berarti emang dr gudang barangnya bgtu.. Pengirimannya jg lama.. Di-chat jg kaga direspon cuma direspon pake bot...
the function is ok.. the item has a little sting at the bottom, but it's pressed a little bit really. it's just funny, the box is good, there are no signs of violence from the expedition, which means the goods are really from the warehouse.. the delivery took too long.. chat doesn't respond, only responds using bots.
masih tersegel rapih, PO 1 minggu dpet harga murah dri yang lain, thnksssssssssss
still sealed neatly, per week get cheap prices from others, thnks
barang baru cman fitur getar tidak ada,,,terlalu sederhana
new item but there is no vibrate feature, too simple
Build quality oke dengan harga segitu, suara lumayan, fitur oke.. kekurangan ada di dusnya, dengan harga segitu dusnya keliatan murahan, ga ada plastik yg menyegel seluruh dusnya maupun isinya, dus juga penyok2 mungkin karena pengiriman..
the build quality is okay at that price, the sound is ok, the features are okay... the box lacks, at that price the box looks cheap, there's no plastic that seals the entire box or its contents, the box is also dented maybe due to shipping...
barang sudah sampai semoga awet.. sayang kardus penyok... belum dites..
the item has arrived hopefully it will last... unfortunately the box is dented. not tested yet..
barang hanya dilapisi dengan bubble warp tanpa kardus. Tetapi overall produk bagus dan berfungsi dengan baik.
Items are only covered with bubble warp without cardboard. but overall the product is good and works well.
Terbaik toko nya Jangan ragu beli di sini guys..
the best shop, don't hesitate to buy here guys..
Cuma minusnya kontak agak rusak
only minus the contact is a bit damaged
Barang sampai cepat, kardus sedikit penyok tapi Alhamdulillah barangnya bagusss 👍 semoga awet dan tahan lama 🤲🏻
the goods arrived quickly, the box was a little dented but thank God the goods are good, I hope it lasts and lasts a long time
mantap deh kualitas nya bagus. sy mpe bli 4x loh.... good licin enak brat landasan mouse sy.. layak dapat 2jempol.dr sy
great, the quality is good. I have bought x, you know. good product.. not slippery, delicious bro, my mouse pad.. deserves a thumbs up. Dr. me
pas sya colok cursotr sudh gerak, rgb udh nyala tapi msh ga ke detect ama softwarenya
when I plugged in the cursor it was moving, rgb was on but still not detected by the software
kemasan rapi tapi sparepartnya kurang dan tidak bisa nyala..
the packaging is neat but the spare parts are lacking and can't turn on..
bagus, barang sesuai dan sudah bisa digunakan untuk memasak nasi, terimakasih
good, the items are suitable and can already be used to cook rice, thank you
Respon penjual cepat, produk saya di retur dengan baik, kalau ada bintang 10 saya kasib tanda bintang 10 hehehe
the seller's response was fast, my product was returned well, if there is a star I will give it an asterisk hehehe
Barang yg yg dikirim warna hitam tanpa Konfirmasi padahal yg di minta warna putih
the item sent was black without confirmation even though the one requested was white
barang bagus, packing rapih, dus nya agak penyok, tp g ngefek,,, udah di cobain, hasilnya bagus,, terimakaaih seller, sukses terus
good item, neat packing, the box is a bit dented, but it doesn't work