Pengiriman cepet banget ga sampe seminggu. Semoga awet
very fast delivery less than a week. hope it lasts
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Desain elegan. Bahannya kokoh. Packaging rapi.
the sound is steady. quality can be contested. elegant design. the material is sturdy. neat packaging.
barang sampai dengan selamat, packaging rapi, semoga berfungsi dengan baik.
item arrived safely, well packaged, hope it works.
masih kerjamu cepat saya suka ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
still your work is fast i like it
Alhamdulillah pengiriman cepat thanks seller
thank god, fast delivery, thanks seller
Thanks paket sudah sampai, Alhamdulillah Tv aman suara nya mantap. meski lama sampai. padahal kayaknya di kirim dr cabang terdekat. Sayangnya admin kurang responship.-+ 2hr an chat baru balas. Tingkatkan pelayanannya kk. Supaya enak...
thanks, the package has arrived, alhamdulillah, the tv is safe, the sound is great. even though it's been a while. even though it seems like it was sent from the nearest branch. unfortunately, the admin is not responsive. improve the service kk. so delicious.
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Desain elegan 😍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain ramping. Ada banyak fiturnya. Proses pesanan cepat. Penjualnya ramah banget. Packaging rapi. Packaging aman 🙏. Respon penjualnya top.
sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. elegant design. the sound quality is good. sleek design. there are many features. fast order process. the seller is very friendly. neat packaging. safe packaging. top seller response.
Fitur Terbaik:👍ada lampunya ..sinar uv..bisa pilih highbor low watt Sepadan dengan Harga:tbaik d kelasnya Design elegant anti kotor..fitur bagus...mudah2an awet
best features: there is a light . uv light . you can choose highbor low watt worth the price: good in its class elegant anti-dirty design . good features. hopefully durable
Pesan tgl 6, dikirim tgl 7, nyampe tujuan tgl 9, dianter pake mobil box, makasih ya, sellernya ramah, maaf foto tidak sesuai, sukses terus ya..makasih
ordered on date, sent on date, arrived at destination date, delivered in a box car, thank you, the seller is friendly, sorry the photos don't match, keep going. thanks
Pengirimannya lama bgt,sampe 1 minggu,tp semoga aweettt............
shipping took a long time, arrived a week, but hopefully it will last.
ga usah pake fitur chat kalau konsumen nanya dobalesnya 2 hari kemudian.. pengiriman lama ditnya resi susah
no need to use the chat feature if the consumer asks for a reply the day after. the long delivery is difficult
Terimakasih, Alhamdulillah sampai dengan selamat., walau gak di instalasi dari Toko, alhamdulillah sudah bisa di gunakan dengan baik, Untuk pengirimannya lama banget, admin sama yg di lapangan. Sepertinya kurang komunikasi. Kurang sat-set.
thank god, it arrived safely, even though it wasn't installed from the shop, thank god, it can be used properly. the delivery took so long, the admin is the same as those in the field. there seems to be a lack of communication. less sat-set.
Barang Original, Fasilitas Lengkap dan gambar jernih mantab
original goods, complete facilities and clear pictures
the goods arrived well but for other buyers, don't use the sicepat expedition (sillet/silemot). because they are not responsible at all in the shipping process. even though the seller was good and responsible, but the slow expedition was very problem.
Kapok beli disini.
kapok buy here.
Overall good thanks
overall good thanks
konekin ke smart app nya agak susah
connecting to the smart app is rather difficult
proses pelacakan kurang update
the tracking process is less updated
Freezer tidak dingin, tidak dapat mencetak es batu padahal sudah didiamkan saharian ga beku juga
the freezer isn't cold, can't print ice cubes even though it's been left all day long it's not frozen either
Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan dg harga Yg di tunggu" sudah datang...barang mulus,langsung di coba ,berfungsi dg baik ,suara ok ...pengiriman cepat ,gk nyampe seminggu ...semoga awet .terima kasih
worth the price: worth the price what you've been waiting for "has come. the goods are smooth, tried it right away, works fine, sound is ok. fast delivery, didn't arrive for a week. hopefully it lasts. thank you
Mantab. Dapet harga promo
great. get promo price
Bagus udah d coba juga semua jln bener bener ori, nex order produk politron yang lain nya lagi d sini 😁👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
it's good, i've tried all the roads, they are really original, next time i will order other politron products here
Fitur Terbaik:suara sangat jernih enak di dengar nyaman di kuping Sepadan dengan Harga:sangat sepadan
best features: very clear sound, pleasant to hear, comfortable on the ears worth the price: very worth it
sebenerny agak kesel nh seller...gue udh checkout eh bli2 ny jual dibwah hrga nh seller dong...nyesekkk😭
actually a bit annoyed sh.. sm nh seller. i've already checked out eh bli sell below hrga nh seller dong.
barang sesuai..respon oke Resolusi gambar tajam 👍.
appropriate items..response okay sharp image resolution .
Walaupun ngirimiman lama , alhamdulilah bisa sampe tujuan Makasih poliytron
even though the delivery took a long time, alhamdulillah it arrived at the destination. thanks polytron
paking not good..tanpa paking malahan.. kardus box murni.. nomer resi langsung tempel di dusnya... kardus rusak .. segel kebuka.. minimal bungkus plastik lah..
packing not good.without food packaging.pure cardboard box.the receipt number was directly pasted on the box. the cardboard is damaged.. the seal is opened.. at least it's plastic wrap..
Kwalitas oke, yg disayangkan ekspedisinya, tangerang ke karawang 9 hari
the quality is okay, which is unfortunate for the expedition, tangerang to karawang today
pengiriman bagus, produk original, pokoke mantap
good delivery, original product, great staple
Respon dari penjual walopun Official Store, tetapi respon chating lambat..pengiriman lama..masih kendala juga barang datang kondisi error tdk bisa hidup..harus komplain.. Untung barang pengganti kondisi bagus
the response from the seller even though the official store, but the chat response is slow..long delivery..there are still problems with the item arriving in an error condition that can't live..must complain..fortunately the replacement item is in good condition
untuk yang belum terlanjur order di toko ini, saya sarankan untuk pikir2 lagi. karena pengalaman saya order di tanggal 6 agustus 2021, pesanan baru sampai pada tanggal 20 agustus 2021. jadi lama pesanan dari order hingga sampai adalah 14 hari, padahal lokasi saya di Bogor. untuk kualitas produk tidak perlu diragukan. untuk yang sudah terlanjur order sabar2 aja ya tunggu pesanannya sampai.
for those who haven't already ordered at this store, i suggest to think again. because of my experience ordering on august, new orders arrived on august. so it takes days for the order from order to arrive, even though my location is in bogor. for the quality of the product there is no doubt. for those who have already ordered, just be patient, wait for the order to arrive.
Barang datang dalam keadaan baik, terimakasih banyak seller ..
item arrived in good condition, thank you very much seller..
Alhamdulilah barang sudah sampai pengiriman cepat cuman respon penjual kurang bagus😁🙏
thank god, the goods arrived quickly, but the seller's response was not good
terimakasih " Top markotop ..
thank you &#; top marksotop..
Pengiriman amaaat sangat lama sekali.. chat dibls pake chat otomatis, sy rasa kalo sekelas produsen memberikan ongkir gratis diberikan yg kiranya ga terlalu lama.. ini 10 hari lebih baru smpe..untuk produk kualitas blm tau untuk suara sudah lumayan..
shipping took a really, really long time. chat can use automatic chat, i think if a manufacturer in the class gives free shipping, it won't take too long.
Sepadan dengan Harga:Ya Pengirimannya lamaaaa banget nyampe 2 minggu lamanyaaa, terusan susah kabar juga. Dichat susah banget blsnya padahal lagi aktif, tapi susah respon customer. Pdhl gamasalah sih kalo pengirimannya lama asal ada kabar keadaan barang gimana, tp ini susah pake ekspedisi pribadi jadi susah dapat kabar. Tapi masalah barang smuanya bagus semoga awet. Aamiin
worth the price: yes, the delivery took a long time to arrive, it took a week, it's hard to hear the news. chat is really hard to get through even though it's active, but it's hard to respond to customers. even though it doesn't matter if the delivery takes a long time as long as there is news about the condition of the goods, but it's hard to use a private expedition so it's hard to get news. but the problem is that the goods are all good, hopefully they last. amen!
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Ada banyak fiturnya. Packaging aman 🙏. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Desain ramping.
sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. there are many features. safe packaging. the sound quality is good. sleek design.
mantap keren puas jernih, cuman pengirimanya agak lama..
great, cool, clear, satisfied, but the delivery is a bit long..
Bisa muat banyak Ada garansi resmi Respon penjualnya top Packaging aman 🙏 Desainnya elegan ✨
it can fit a lot. there is an official guarantee. the seller's response is top. the packaging is safe. the design is elegant
pengoriman nya lama..
long delivery..
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Packaging aman 🙏.
sharp image resolution. light but sturdy. safe packaging.
pengirim lama.
old sender.
barang kualitas baik, hanya saja pengiriman lama, admin juga tidak membalas di message
good quality goods, it's just that the delivery took a long time, the admin also didn't reply to messages
Semoga awet ya dan berfungsi dengan baik
hopefully it lasts and works well
Barang oke berfungsi dengan baik cuma pengiriman lama sekali..
item is ok, works fine, but the delivery took a long time.
setiap chat ga pernah dbls tapi tetep dikirm kurir meskipun pengiriman lama terimakasih
every chat is never answered but the courier still sends it even though the delivery is long, thank you
Bagus OK, hanya di kirim nya hari kerja tdk seperti pesanan Shoppe yg bukan elektronik
good ok, only sent it on weekdays unlike shoppe orders which are not electronic
Pengiriman cepat, pelayanan mantap.. semoga awet, warnanya bagus
fast delivery, great service.. i hope it lasts, the color is good
Fitur Terbaik:bagus.. Sepadan dengan Harga:ya Belum di pake....mudh2an awet dan g rusak...pengiriman aman jaya .dan cepet
best features: good.. worth the price: yes not yet used. durable and not broken. safe and fast delivery
admin kurang gacor. diem bae
admin is less gacor. shut up babe
kurir ramah, penjual tidak ramah
friendly courier, unfriendly seller
Barang oke, kualitas oke, aman meskipun tanpa kayu, safe banget kalo misal dibuka dia auto berhenti tp nanti bisa lanjut kalo di tutup lagi, bisa isi air manual, cuman suara sedikit bising
good stuff, okay quality, safe even without wood, really safe. if for example, if you open it, it will stop automatically, but if you close it again, you can fill it manually, but the sound is a little noisy
pelayanan lambat, aplikasi mola tidak bisa di gunakan percuma bonus free 1thn cuma omong kosong, status di kirim tapi baru d kasih ke kurir 2 hari setelah order. perangkatnya ok buat yang mau order jgn ngarepin bonus mola ya
service is slow, mola application can't be used it's free bonus free yrs just bullshit, status sent but only given to courier the day after order. the device is ok for those who want to order, don't expect bonuses, okay?
sesuai pesanan
as ordered
barang sesuai dan berjalan normal
items fit and run normally
Terimakasih barang nya bagus tdk ada yg lecet berfungsi dengan baik Pengiriman sangat cepat
thank you, the goods are good, nothing is scratched, it works well. very fast delivery
pengiriman cepat, paket dikemas dengan baik, kualitas bagus
fast delivery, package well packed, good quality
Barang udah mendarat dengan selamat dan bsik baik aja, pengiriman super cepat kurir nya ramah ,, selerr ok shopee ok sip
the goods have landed safely and are fine, the delivery is super fast, the courier is friendly ,, selerr ok shopee ok sip
produk polytron rekomended deh. produk nasional rasa merk internasional
polytron products are recommended. national product with international brand taste
Memuaskan sekali..👍👍👍👍
very satisfying..
Suaranya mantap 🔊....,Kualitas boleh diadu,Pengiriman Bintang 1/2😇
the sound is steady., quality can be pitted, star delivery /
proses ke pengirimannya lamaaa,brg ny utg okeee
the process to the delivery took a long time, the goods owed okay
Belum di coba semoga awet
haven't tried yet hope it lasts
datang terlalu lama
came too long
Kualitas barang okee jernih bangettt , cuma respon dari penjual yg kurang responsif
the quality of the goods is very clear, only the response from the seller is not responsive
Barangnya original 👍. Remote berfungsi dengan baik. Barang dikemas dengan baik.
the goods are original. the remote works fine. goods packed well.
Beritahu pelanggan lain kenapa aku menyukai produk ini , yang pastinya dr pengemasan sampai diterima tidak makan waktu lama, puas dengan produk disini
tell other customers why i like this product, which is certain from packaging to receiving it doesn't take long, satisfied with the product here
original dan bisa langsung pakai
original and ready to use
Suaranya mantap 🔊. Kualitas boleh diadu. Garansi terjamin. Bahannya kokoh. Packaging rapi. Packaging aman 🙏.  Luar Biasa.. Sayang Harus Sabar Nunggu Datang Yaa...
the sound is steady. quality can be contested. guaranteed warranty. the material is sturdy. neat packaging. safe packaging. amazing.. honey, you have to be patient and wait for it to come.
Produk bagus..pengiriman ke Cirebon cm 3hari.. pelayanan + komunikasi minus..kasihan nama besar polytron dikecilkan oleh pelayanan+komunikasi stafnya
good to cirebon cm day..minus service + communication..sorry polytron's big name is understated by service+staff communication
Pelayanannya Lamaaaaaaa... Barang sampainya lebih lamaaaaa.... Admin ditanya tak ada respooon. Perbaiki SOP penjualan online.
old service. items arrive longer. admin asked no response. improve online sales sop.
To be fair, barangnya oke tapi pelayanannya tidak. Alas rubber kurang sepasang. Barang di-keep terlalu lama dan tidak bisa dilacak. Notes di pesanan juga tidak digubris👎👎👎
to be fair, the goods are okay but the service is not. less pair of rubber mats. the item has been kept too long and cannot be tracked. notes on the order were also ignored
Alhamdulillah brgnya nyampe dengan mulus dan nyala 😁😁 meskipun d chat nggak di respon2 ama csnya.
thank god, the item arrived smoothly and turned on even though the chat didn't respond to the cs.
Fitur Terbaik:apaan sih kulkas 3 juta belum 2 bulan udah gak dingin masa Sepadan dengan Harga:mending kulkas 1 jutaan deh ,gak ada problem Ini pelayanan admin Polytron di shopee buruk banget,masa mau minta tolong informasi claim garansi gak ada respon sama sekali,udah 2 hari minta bantuan.ujung2 nya harus ke Polytron nya langsung,ini Polytron shopee mall Padahal, kulkas nya juga harga 3 jutaan,belum 2 bulan ydah ada aja problem nya , kocak banget.Ujung2 nya manggil teknisi nya langsung.
best feature: what's wrong with a million fridge, it's not cold yet, it's not worth the price: it's better if the fridge is a million, no problem. help. in the end, you have to go directly to polytron, this is polytron at the shopee mall. in fact, the refrigerator also costs millions, it hasn't even been a month yet and there's been a problem, it's really funny.
pesanan telah diterima , mesin diterima dalam keadaan baik.
order has been received, machine received in good condition.
barang ok bet..produk polytron gk ush diragukan sayang barang agak lama nungguinnya kek nunggu besan aja,tp emg hrus dimaklumi ini kulkas bkan bh jd expedisi pun beda,untk seller tlg lbh responsif dikit yak😁
goods are ok bet. polytron products i don't doubt it's a shame the goods took a long time to wait for them to be ordered, but it's understandable that this is a refrigerator isn't it so the expedition is also different, for the seller please be a little more responsive ok
pengiriman terlama selama order di tokped, padahal satu kota yang sama..
the longest delivery while ordering at tokopedia, even though it's the same city..
baru 3 hari suara ya sudah sember sebelah kirinya , jadi di buat ribet harus di bawa ke service center udah mana salon ya besar tidak bisa di bawa pake motor
just today, the sound is already thick on the left, so it's complicated, you have to take it to the service center, where is the salon, big, can't be brought on a motorbike
Sudah 2x belanja di Polytron pengiriman nya cepat, produknya bagus, dan Realpict, sesuai dengan keinginan. Dan kualitasnya bagus banget. Jadi tambah rame di rumah 😁
haven't shopped at polytron, the delivery is fast, the product is good, and realpict, as desired. and the quality is really good. so it's more crowded at home
Pengiriman lama, admin kurang kooperatif setiap ditanya tunggu aja nanti pasti dikirim. Pas udah dikirim nggak ada nomor resi padahal antarnya via JNE. Dan dikirim dari Cikarang bukan Tangerang.
long delivery, the admin is not cooperative every time you ask, just wait, it will be sent later. when it was sent there was no receipt number even though it was delivered via jne. and sent from cikarang not tangerang.
Sdh sampai bbrp waktu lalu dan telah 'disetup' dan berfungsi sbgmn yg diharapkan.
it arrived a while ago and after &#;it was called#; and it works as expected.
Penjualnya ramah banget. Packaging aman 🙏. Ada garansi resmi. Gampang dipakai. Desainnya elegan ✨. Barangnya original 👍. Proses pesanan cepat. Packaging rapi.
the seller is very friendly. safe packaging. there is an official guarantee. easy to use. the design is elegant. the goods are original. fast order process. neat packaging.
Barang bagus kualitas packing terjaga.... Pengiriman cepat..... Dan sesuai dengan exspektasi......
good quality goods, packing is maintained. fast delivery. and according to expectations.
baru sampe langsung di test semua berfungsi normal..
just got tested and everything works normally.
Mesin cuci berfungsi dengan baik.. walaupun awalnya sempet degdegan 😆😆
the washing machine works fine . even though it was nervous at first
Produk Sesuai Deskripsi.... Terimakasih...
product as described. thank you.
kurirnya baik banget. semua lengkap semoga awet
very good courier. all complete hopefully durable
bintang aku kurangin. masa mau nonton film file tidak mendukung mulu. sama chanel jg masa tiba2 hilang
my stars are reduced. when you want to watch a movie, the file doesn't support it. same with chanel, the time is gone
Datangnya lama padahal tangerang ke serang kota deket
it took a long time to come even though tangerang was close to serang city
barang sampai juga walau inden karena tahun baru so far barang OK cuma filter kalau bisa di jual juga di blibli gak harus ke service centernya
the goods arrived even though the pivot was due to the new year, so far the goods are ok, only the filter, if you can sell it, also at bblibli, you don't have to go to the service center
Bagus dan byk channel nya cm harus sabar aja nunggu nya barang sampai.. pengiriman nya lama.. di kira gk di kirimin
it's good and there are lots of channels, just have to be patient waiting for the goods to arrive. the delivery took a long time. i don't think it was sent
Kulkasnya sudah datang maaf baru memberi ulasan kulkasnya berfungsi dengan baik semoga awet terima kasih seller dan kurirnya
the refrigerator has arrived, sorry i just gave a review, the refrigerator is working properly, i hope it will last, thank you seller and courier
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Kualitas suaranya bagus. Ada banyak fiturnya. Desain elegan 😍. Ringan tapi kokoh. Desain ramping.
sharp image resolution. the sound quality is good. there are many features. elegant design. light but sturdy. sleek design.
Kurang aja ,,.ngga ada mic nya..
it's just lacking, there's no mic..
kirim nya lama bet dah,,, tpi barang nya sii Ok,,
it took a long time to send it, but the item is ok,,
Pengiriman 3 hari, dikota yg sama
day delivery, in the same city
Fitur Terbaik:mantap Sepadan dengan Harga:sepadan Harga terbaik kwalitas bagus pengiriman harus butuh kesabaran
best features:great worth the price:worth it best price good quality delivery just need patience
Resolusi gambar tajam 👍. Packaging aman 🙏.  tolong di tingkatkan lagi pelayanan nya... karena sedikit kecewa dengan status pengiriman yang lama
sharp image resolution. safe packaging. please improve the service again. because a little disappointed with the old delivery status
Suara Bass mantab, vocal kurang, sesuai budget lah
bass sound is great, vocals are lacking, according to the budget