#Person1#: Only 2 months to go, so what are you going to do after graduating from college? #Person2#: My uncle has a company. He'll give me a job. I want to gain some work experience there. #Person1#: How long do you plan to work there? #Person2#: Just one year. Then I'll look for another job. #Person1#: Why won't you just worked for your uncle? #Person2#: Because I want to go to London and work there. You know the competition is very fierce there. With some work experience, I can find a job there more easily. So what's your plan? #Person1#: I'll find a job in this city and work here for one year. Then I'll go back to college to get my degree in business. #Person2#: Are you interested in working for my uncle? #Person1#: Thanks. But I've applied for 3 jobs. #Person2#: Have you got any replies? #Person1#: Yes, 2 of them have offered me a position.
#Person2# will work for #Person2#'s uncle for one year to gain work experience and look for another job in London. #Person1# will work for one year and go back to college.
work plan
#Person1#: Dad, you love me, don't you? #Person2#: Of course I do. Why do you ask? What's on your mind? #Person1#: Well I saw this great offer for a free cellphone here in the newspaper and... #Person2#: Free? Nothing's ever free. #Person1#: Well, the phone is free after a $50 Mail in rebate. #Person2#: Ah, so that's the catch, and why do you need a cellphone anyway? #Person1#: That all my friends have one and I can use it to call you in case the car breaks down. #Person2#: Oh, I don't know, there are always so many fees. #Person1#: But the monthly charge for this service is only $29.99 with one thousand free weekday minutes nationwide and unlimited weekend minutes, plus unlimited anytime minutes for anyone using the same service. #Person2#: I don't know. #Person1#: And you can run over the extra minutes, so the next month instead of just losing them. What do you think of that? #Person2#: Yes, but what are the terms of the service agreement? #Person1#: It's only for 6 months. #Person2#: But what if you cancel early? #Person1#: Umm there's a cancellation fee of $200, but with... #Person2#: 200 bucks? #Person1#: Yeah, but you won't have to worry about me while I'm driving the new car. #Person2#: New car? What new car? #Person1#: The new car you'll need to buy so I can use the cellphone. I mean, what's it gonna look like if I'm using a cellphone in our old lemon. #Person2#: Teenagers. What do they think of next?
#Person1# asks #Person2# for a cellphone and explains the charges and the service agreement. #Person1# also wants a new car to go with the cellphone. #Person2# can't imagine what #Person1# as a teenager will think of next.
#Person1#: Hi, Mr. Matthew. This is Susan Millers speaking from Chicago. Now we'd like to place an order with you. #Person2#: Oh, very glad to hear that. When can you send your purchase order? #Person1#: We will send it as soon as possible. We hope you can hurry on the order. #Person2#: No problem. But I'll have to check another purchase order, which is to be finished this Friday. Now I'm in Shanghai on business. Anyway, I'll let you know when I come back, and then we can sign a contract. #Person1#: Thanks. #Person2#: Well, I'm afraid we can't send the products until after the Christmas Holidays. We will begin our holiday in New York next Tuesday and our company will be closed for 2 weeks. #Person1#: That's alright. We'll try to have a meeting for the details of the order and send it to you this Thursday. I hope you tell your market manager about it. #Person2#: OK. Once we get our purchase order, we will begin preparing your bookings. #Person1#: Thanks. We need the products in one month. #Person2#: Fine.
Susan Millers wants to place an order with Mr. Matthew and needs the products in one month. Mr. Matthew will sign the contract after he comes back from a business trip. Susan will send the details to Mr. Matthew this Thursday.
place an order
#Person1#: I'd like to do some shopping, but I was told London is an expensive place to live. #Person2#: That's not completely true. If you shop in the right places, you can live cheaply. Here is a market list. You can buy all kinds of things in these markets had a low price. #Person1#: That's great. #Person2#: Let's see East Street Market sells cheap food and clothes. It's open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. #Person1#: Yes, but how can I get there? #Person2#: By underground. You can get off at the Castle station. Now look at the Leather Lane market. That's a good central London market for food and clothes. It's open at lunch times from Monday to Friday. It's near Chancery Lane station. #Person1#: What about Brixton market? #Person2#: It has a wide variety of vegetables from all over the world. It opens from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm everyday. #Person1#: Oh, it's close to Brookston station, very near my place. Great! It's very convenient. I like it. #Person2#: That's good. And here is the Karman Height market. It's a good place for buying presents. It opens on Sunday only.
#Person1# wants to do some shopping but thinks London is an expensive place to live. #Person2# gives #Person1# a list of markets where things are cheap and tells #Person1# how to get to the markets.
#Person1#: Did you lock the doors? #Person2#: All except the back door. I left that open for Tim. He took the dog for a walk. #Person1#: Well, I'm going on to bed. I'm beat. #Person2#: Okay. I'm going to stay up a while. I've got to go over the household budget. We're a little overspent this month. #Person1#: Please tell Tim to close the door to the basement. I don't want the dog down there tonight. #Person2#: Okay. Good night. See you at breakfast.
#Person1# asked #Person2# to lock doors before bed. #Person2# left one open for Tim.
lock doors
#Person1#: Put all baggage on the conveyor belt. Walk through the detector age one at a time, please. #Person2#: Excuse me, ma'ma. Could you walk back through the doorway again, please? #Person1#: What for? #Person2#: Airport security. Could you empty your pockets over here, please? #Person1#: Really? I'm in a hurry. All right. #Person2#: Ah, a set of keys. #Person1#: I'm embarrassed! I forgot completely about them. I'm terribly sorry. #Person2#: That's all right. Enjoy your flight. #Person1#: Thank you.
#Person2# tells #Person1# to do airport security again because #Person1# forgets to empty #Person1#'s pockets.
airport security
#Person1#: There are so many eating utensils on the table. Which ones do I use first? #Person2#: Use them from the outside in. #Person1#: I see. A set for appetizers and another for the main course. #Person2#: Right. We do the same thing at home. Don't you remember? #Person1#: Oh yeah. The big napkin goes on my lap. #Person2#: Let's look at our menus. #Person1#: Cindy, help me order because I'm still not very familiar with American cooking. #Person2#: Well, we order appetizers first and then entrees.
Cindy tells #Person1# about the manners of eating and ordering American food.
eating out
#Person1#: That's all the general information of our company. I think you already have good knowledge about our company. #Person2#: Yes, I have an overall understanding. #Person1#: When we have the final results, we will call you. #Person2#: Then when will I get a reply at the latest? #Person1#: If you pass the interview, the personnel department will inform you within two weeks. #Person2#: But if I don't pass, will you call me? #Person1#: I'm sorry we won't. You can wait for two weeks. If you don't get a telephone call, it means that you weren't successful. #Person2#: Then do I have the chance to get this job? #Person1#: I'm sorry but I can't make the final decision myself, and I have to discuss it with other interviewers. #Person2#: I know. No matter what the result will be, I have learned a lot from our conversation. #Person1#: Your mentality is very good and that's great. #Person2#: Thanks for giving me the opportunity of this interview. #Person1#: My pleasure.
#Person1# tells #Person2# the company will inform the interview result in two weeks by phone, or #Person2# fails. Though #Person1# cannot make the final decision alone, #Person1# appreciates #Person2#'s mentality.
job interview
#Person1#: Do you get the news that our company is trying to find out new tactics to test us? #Person2#: I know something about it. Our company often organizes all kinds of lectures to improve our professional skills. #Person1#: It takes most of our weekends to listen to these boring lectures, so I can not bear it anymore. It is said that they think out some tests to check our management skills. #Person2#: Is that true? #Person1#: Definitely! #Person2#: If that information is exact, I guess our company is willing to promote someone.
#Person1# is bored with the company's lectures. #Person2# thinks that the lectures indicate the company's willingness to promote someone.
conversation between colleagues
#Person1#: Why didn't you call me last night? #Person2#: Because I went out. #Person1#: Why didn't you phone me from a callboy? #Person2#: I didn't have any change. #Person1#: Tell me why you didn't come to see me tonight then. #Person2#: I don't like all your questions. That's why.
#Person1# asks why #Person2# didn't call #Person1#, which annoys #Person2#.
complain not calling
#Person1#: I like to open up a savings account please. #Person2#: O. K. We offer a few different kinds. #Person1#: I want the one with the highest interest rate. #Person2#: That would be our Saver's Plus account. #Person1#: 4. 5 %, that's good. How much money do I have to keep in it to get that rate? #Person2#: You have to maintain a balance of $ 10, 000 in the account or the rate drops to 3 %. #Person1#: All right. I'll open one of those. #Person2#: Just fill out these forms, and I'll be with you in one second. #Person1#: Thanks.
#Person2# helps #Person1# to open a Saver's Plus account with the interest rate of 4.5% and the requirement of 10000 deposits.
open saving accounts
#Person1#: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's that time of year again. Have you got your performance evaluations finished yet? #Person2#: Oh no! Evaluations! You can tell that's not my favorite job ; I haven't even started yet. When is the deadline for turning in thecompleted forms? #Person1#: Well, you do still have three weeks. But remember the employee must sign them, too. Filling them in is nothing - it's meetingwith the employees that takes so much time. #Person2#: I never know how to rate the employees'work. Of course attendance and productivity are easy, I just look at the sales figures. #Person1#: So it's the subjective criteria like team building and colleague support that you find hard? #Person2#: Exactly! Attitude. . . how do you rate attitude? #Person1#: I suggest letting each employee fill out his or her own evaluation for those items. Then, based on their self - assessment, you can add your comments. It's a great starting point for discussion #Person2#: Great idea. And after all, that's the whole point of an evaluation. I almost can't wait to give it a try.
#Person1# tells #Person2# to finish employee performance evaluations in three weeks. #Person2# feels the subjective criteria hard and #Person2# advises #Person1# to start with employees' self-assessments.
performance evaluation
#Person1#: Do you like cooking? #Person2#: Yes. I like cooking very much. I got this hobby when I was 12 years sold. #Person1#: Why do you like it? #Person2#: I have no idea. I like cooking by myself. I like to taste delicious food. #Person1#: That's wonderful! #Person2#: And I love trying new recipes, which I usually test with my friends. You can come, too. #Person1#: Really? I hope I can have a chance to taste it. Don't forget to tell me. #Person2#: Certainly.
#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# likes cooking and trying new recipes. #Person2# invites #Person1# for tasting.
cooking hobby
#Person1#: I'm reading an interesting report on Mars. #Person2#: Oh, what does it say? Does it say water could still exist under the surface of Mars? #Person1#: Absolutely! It says there is water on Mars buried beneath the surface. It's just a matter of how deep it is. #Person2#: Then could the soil on Mars somehow be fertile enough to grow simple plants? #Person1#: The soil would need quite a bit of fertilizer to grow anything. And it would need to be protected from the UV radiation. #Person2#: Actually, we are doing a project in school that involves landing a ship and staying on Mars for an extended period of time. Does NASA have any type of portable habitats that could be used to stay on the planet? #Person1#: I'm not sure NASA has built any portable habitats for extended stays on Mars, but they have looked at various designs. #Person2#: One of the most exciting things about Mars is that there could have bean life on it. What are your personal opinions on the life on Mars theory? #Person1#: Well, I'm not really an expert in this area, but my understanding is that anything is possible. It's just that it is so hard to determine what went on 4. 5 billion years ago. #Person2#: But maybe there is a chance of gradually improving the surface and atmosphere of Mars so it may be inhabitable by humans. #Person1#: I'm skeptical. Mars is made of rocks containing silicon, iron, and various minerals. It also has an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. It is so different from what we have on earth, you know. #Person2#: I'd still like to hope that some day we could set up a human colony there. #Person1#: But there are still other big problems we need to solve such as prolonged weightlessness, food storage, and a series of physiological effects.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the existence of water, the quality of soils, the presence of life, and the possibility of humans living on Mars.
living on Mars
#Person1#: you look better today. How did your test go? #Person2#: much better than it did yesterday. #Person1#: did you pass? #Person2#: I not only passed my test, but I aced it! I'm so happy! #Person1#: you should be. You worked really hard last night preparing for it. #Person2#: thanks for helping me with it. If you hadn't encouraged me to do my best, I wouldn't have ever been able to pass. #Person1#: you don't have to thank me. It's just a part of my job as your counsellor. #Person2#: did you always do well at school? #Person1#: no, in fact, I was terrible at taking exams. #Person2#: really? #Person1#: sure, but my teachers always encouraged me to do the best that I could and that helped me a lot. When are your final exams? #Person2#: I'll get my finals in two months. #Person1#: when do you plan on studying for those exams? #Person2#: most students just cram the night forehead. #Person1#: do you think that's a good idea? #Person2#: no, I think I should study a little bit at a time, starting a few weeks before the exam. #Person1#: that sounds like a good idea. What are you going to do if you have any questions while you're studying? #Person2#: I'll go and talk to my professor or a learning support assistant. #Person1#: it sounds like you've learned something useful this year!
#Person1# helps #Person2# pass and ace #Person1#'s test. #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# will prepare the final in advance and look for help when having questions.
test and exam
#Person1#: What are the seasons like in your city? #Person2#: Summers is hot and usually lasts a long time. Winters are short, but cold, wet, and windy. I love the summers in my city, but I hate the wintertime. #Person1#: Does it ever rain in summer? #Person2#: We usually get a big thunderstorm every two weeks, but apart from that, summers are dry. Thunderstorms make the air fresh again, so most people don't mind then. #Person1#: What are spring and autumn like? #Person2#: I like spring because flowers bloom and trees grow leaves again. In spring, the weather is very changeable-sometimes cold, sometimes warm. It's usually windy with some rain. Autumn is usually sunny an #Person1#: Well, I live in the southern hemisphere, so our summertime is your wintertime, and vice versa. We get some rain in every season, but most is in winter. In winter, it sometimes gets cold, but our wine #Person2#: Do you usually go on a summer holiday? #Person1#: No, I don't. I go on a winter holiday instead. I go somewhere warm. #Person2#: I usually go on holiday during the spring or the autumn. I try to go somewhere where the weather is more reliable than in my city.
#Person2# describes the summers with thunderstorms and the changeable springs with bloomings in #Person2#'s city. #Person1# lives in the southern hemisphere and goes somewhere warm on a winter holiday. #Person2# goes somewhere with reliable weather during the spring or the autumn.
season and holiday
#Person1#: Hi, Nancy. How are you doing? #Person2#: Hi, Tom. Want a cup of coffee? #Person1#: Not right now. I've got to get another car and my old one is blown up. #Person2#: Oh, hey, did you look in the classified ads? #Person1#: You mean used car? #Person2#: No, Ah. . . single sellers. #Person1#: Well, yeah, but I'd be getting somebody else's problem. #Person2#: Uh huh. How about a used car? They've got good ones now. #Person1#: It's the same kind of deal though, you know, you never know what you're going to get. #Person2#: Oh, hey, how about a new car? They've got easy loans now. You'd feel so good driving a new car. #Person1#: Let's look at them all. Have you got a paper there?
Tom tells Nancy about Tom's broken car. Tom decides to buy a new car instead of a single seller or used car.
buy car
#Person1#: And lots of Dear Abby sob stories. . . #Person2#: Hey! I learn a lot from the psychologists who give advice in those columns! #Person1#: No wonder you're such a wacko. . . #Person2#: Whatever. . . Smell! Perfume samples! #Person1#: Nice. Hey, I like the layout of this page. . . #Person2#: You mean, you like the pictures of the beautiful models. . . Hello?
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the contents of the columns.
discuss columns
#Person1#: Hello, Is this EYE computers? #Person2#: Yeas, It is. Sewen Jes speaking. How can I help? #Person1#: Actually, I'm calling to complain about your service. The computer I bought last week is faulty. #Person2#: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, sir. What exactly is problem? #Person1#: Well, easily, It doesn't work. It doesn't even start probably. #Person2#: Oh, dear! I'll do whatever I can.
#Person1# calls Sewen Jes about the faulty computer #Person1# bought last week.
faulty computer
#Person1#: It's very kind of you to show me around. #Person2#: Not at all. What would you like to see first? #Person1#: I really don't know. #Person2#: Let's walk around the lake first, shall we? #Person1#: Yes, that would be lovely. #Person2#: Have you been here before? #Person1#: No, it's the first time I've been here. #Person2#: I will take you to Li River after walking around here. #Person1#: That's wonderful! I have heard the scene of Li River is beautiful! #Person2#: Yes, you'll be in a different world there.
#Person2# decides to show #Person1# the lakes and the Li River.
sight seeing
#Person1#: Hello, how are you today. Here for your six month check-up? #Person2#: I'm fine, Dr. Beecham. Yes, just a cleaning and check-up today. #Person1#: Oh, fine. Let's take a look. #Person2#: She probed my teeth and checked my gums. #Person2#: Well, it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose. We need to fill that cavity before it gets any worse and the crown needs to be refitted. Make an appointment for next week and I'll take care of them. #Person2#: Okay, I'll do that, but my crown was just put on last year. Will my dental insurance cover the work? #Person1#: Since you had that done here, we'll take care of it. There won't be a charge. And, your insurance should cover the work on the cavity. Now, I'm going to have the hygienist do your cleaning and I'll see you soon for the other work. #Person2#: Thanks, doctor.
Dr. Beecham checks #Person1#'s teeth and will fill the cavity and refit the crown. #Person1#'s insurance will cover the work on the cavity. Dr. Beecham won't charge for the crown.
#Person1#: Hello, this is Peter Dixon from NEZ news radio. May I speak to Mr. Wilson please? #Person2#: Yes, speaking. #Person1#: Good morning, Mr. Wilson. I'm calling to confirm the date of the next interview program. #Person2#: Hold on a minute please. I'll have my assistant check that part.
Peter Dixon calls Mr. Wilson to confirm the interview.
make appointment
#Person1#: You look really wiped out. #Person2#: I had meetings back to back all morning. Then the printer broke in the middle of putting together the Six Soap presentation, and the phone rang off the hook from the minute I walked into the office. #Person1#: Not a good day, I hate to tell you that Mr. Emory wants to see the designs for the Polish Paste Ad tomorrow morning. #Person2#: I can't believe it! I guess I'll be here until ten again tonight!
#Person2# is busy but #Person1# tells #Person2# about one more task asked by Mr. Emory.
busy day
#Person1#: Happy New Year, Bill. #Person2#: Happy New Year, Steven. #Person1#: Do you have any plans for the New Year holiday? #Person2#: My whole family are going to Hainan for visiting. What about you? #Person1#: How happy you are! I have to stay at home to prepare my final exam.
Bill and Steven talk about their new year plan.
new year plan
#Person1#: Welcome. What can I do for you this morning? #Person2#: I'm here on holiday and I don't have a local debit card. Is it possible to withdraw money on my Visa credit card here? #Person1#: Well, welcome to our country. I trust you are having a pleasant stay? #Person2#: Oh, yes. It's amazing here. I don't think I ever want to go home again! #Person1#: That's the opinion of most people. Do you have your passport with you? I'll need to see that and you'll need to fill in this withdrawal form. #Person2#: Fine. Here you go. #Person1#: How much would you like to withdraw? #Person2#: Is it OK to withdraw USD? #Person1#: That's fine. #Person2#: OK, 200 USD, please. #Person1#: Here's your money, your card and your passport. Please double check the amount for me. #Person2#: Perfect. Thanks!
#Person1# helps #Person2# withdraw 200 USD from #Person2#'s visa credit card.
withdraw money
#Person1#: Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you? #Person2#: I'd like to withdraw 35, 000 RMB from my Corporate Account. #Person1#: Do you have an appointment? #Person2#: Yes, my name is Ms. Jane Reeve, R-E-E-V-E. #Person1#: Ah, yes, Ms. Reeve. I have all of your information here. Do you have the cash cheque? #Person2#: Here you go. #Person1#: I'm sorry Ms. Reeve, it says 45, 000 RMB here. #Person2#: Oh, how silly of me. Can we correct it here? #Person1#: I'm sorry, we cannot make corrections on these. You'll have to bring another one with the correct amount, I'm afraid.
#Person1# tells Jane Reeve to bring the cash cheque with the correct information to withdraw from the corporate account.
withdraw money
#Person1#: Excuse me. Could you help me? #Person2#: Certainly. What can I do for you? #Person1#: I'm looking for a leather belt for my husband. #Person2#: Do you know what size he wears? #Person1#: Size 36. . . I think. #Person2#: And what color would you like? #Person1#: Dark brown, if you have it. #Person2#: Okay. Let's see. . . a size 36 dark brown leather belt. Oh, yes. Her e we are. Do you think your husband will like this one? #Person1#: Yes. I'm sure he will. I'll take it. #Person2#: Will this be cash or charge? #Person1#: Do you take Master Card? #Person2#: No, I'm afraid not. We only accept our own store credit card. #Person1#: Oh. In that case, I'll pay cash.
#Person2# helps #Person1# buys a dark brown leather belt with a size of 36 for #Person1#'s husband by cash.
go shopping
#Person1#: Could you give me something for the pain? I couldn't get to sleep until 3 o'clock this morning. #Person2#: Aspirin is the strongest medicine I can give you. #Person1#: That isn't strong enough, and I don't have to meet my doctor until next week. #Person2#: Who is your doctor? #Person1#: Dr. Hilary. #Person2#: Doesn't he have his office on the corner? #Person1#: Yes, he does. #Person2#: Are you a regular patient? #Person1#: Yes. #Person2#: Oh. Then I can call him if you like. Dr. Hilary will give me a pain treatment over the phone. #Person1#: I'd appreciate that very much. Do you think that he'll still be in his office? #Person2#: Sure. It's only 4:30. He should be there until five.
#Person2# decides to call Dr.Hilary to find a stronger pain treatment over the phone for #Person1#.
medical treatment
#Person1#: Well, hello everyone, and welcome to today's show. And joining me today is my daughter, Ashley, who has had to endure my cooking experiments over the years. Are we ready, Ashley? [Ready to eat.] No, let's wait for a few minutes. We'll get to that. But as you know, my faithful listeners, I starting cooking and baking almost 30 years ago when my grandmother taught me in her humble kitchen. In fact, she taught almost me everything I know, and I've never attended cooking classes [You should have ...] Wait, wait, wait ... I know my daughter's going to mention to you faithful listeners that recently as I was helping the kids prepare for our kitchen for chicken meal, I forgot to take the chicken out of the oven, burned the bird to a crisp, and we ended up ordering pizza for dinner. #Person2#: We had to use the fire extinguisher. #Person1#: But that's another story. So, anyway, today I'd like to share with you our favorite ... at least my favorite ... chocolate chip cookie recipe. Now, before you switch the TV channel, I know what you are thinking. 'Another fattening cookie recipe.' But wait. What makes this recipe great is that it offers a wonderful low-fat, low-calorie, low-cholesterol dessert for the entire family. #Person2#: We still like the fat though. #Person1#: Well, I know we do. But let's see. We have all the ingredients, so we can start by mixing all of the ingredients, the sugars, the flour, the egg whites, the low-fat butter, vanilla, baking soda, and a pinch of salt in a large mixing bowl. Then, we add the mini chocolate chips. Now, my kids would like me to add the big ones but we start with the mini-chocolate chips. And don't forget to preheat the oven to 350 degrees (Fahrenheit). And finally, when the cookies are done, take them out of the oven, remove them from the cookie sheet, and let them cool before their fingers get into them. Did I forget anything? #Person2#: Yeah, if you have college-age kids, be sure to make a few extra batches they can take back to school for their roommates. And don't forget the kids still at home. #Person1#: Oh, well yeah. We can't do that. We can't forget them. And unfortunately, by the time your kids get the cookies, you, the cook, will be left with a single cookie - your instant diet plan for you - and a dirty kitchen. So, that's all for today. On next week's show, we will be showing you how to feed hungry teenagers on a budget without having to sell the family car. Until then.
#Person1# and #Person1#'s daughter, Ashley, introduce #Person1#'s childhood experience with #Person1#'s grandmother, the experience of a failed chicken meal, and a healthy chocolate chip cookie recipe.
cooking show
#Person1#: Oh, I'm exhausted. #Person2#: Why are you so tired? What did you do today? #Person1#: There were so many things to do. #Person2#: Did you do all those things all yourself? #Person1#: Oh, yes. I had to. I had to check the new products. I had to hold the meeting with the department managers. I had to listen to their reports and give my comments. That's my job, you know. #Person2#: Well, it sounds like you really had to do all those things. But you shouldn't work too hard. Do you know what you should do at the moment? #Person1#: What? #Person2#: Take some time off. #Person1#: Go on holiday? #Person2#: To relax yourself. How about having a trip this weekend? #Person1#: And to have a picnic? #Person2#: Yes. #Person1#: Great!
#Person2# advises #Person1# to have a picnic on the weekend to be free from exhausting work.
relax after hardwork
#Person1#: I'm afraid I must be going now. #Person2#: Must you? It's still early. #Person1#: I'm afraid I really must. I have to meet a midnight plane. #Person2#: In that case, we can't keep you. #Person1#: Well, thank you very much for a pleasant evening. #Person2#: Thank you for coming. You must come again. #Person1#: Thank you. I will. Good-bye. #Person2#: Good-bye. I wish you a very good journey home.
#Person1# says farewell to #Person2# to meet a midnight plane.
#Person1#: I'm really exhausted, Mary. But I don't want to miss the Hollywood movie that comes on at 11. #Person2#: If I were you, I'd skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow. And anyway I've heard it's not as exciting as advertised.
Mary advises #Person1# to skip the movie tonight.
skip the movie
#Person1#: 7286712 #Person2#: Hello, Susan's speaking, may I speak to Judy please? #Person1#: I'm afraid she is not here at the moment. I am her brother, shall I take a massage? #Person2#: Yes, you see, Judy and I plan to play table tennis tomorrow, but my cousin has broken my bat, I think Judy has an extra one, so please ask her to bring it for me. #Person1#: So, Susan called, her table tennis bat broke, hope Judy bring an extra one. #Person2#: Yes, thank you, er.... One more thing, I lent her a book a couple of weeks ago, I think she has probably forgotten it all together, could you possibly ask her to bring along that book as well. #Person1#: Ok, bring along Susan's book. #Person2#: Thank you very much! #Person1#: Bye!
Judy's brother takes a message for Susan. Susan wants Judy to bring an extra table tennis bat and Susan's book.
leave a message
#Person1#: Veronica! Veronica! Veronica! Are you OK? #Person2#: Steven! What's going on! Who were those guys? I didn't know you have a gun! What's going on! #Person1#: I will come clean as soon as we get to safety, OK? For now, you have to trust me, please! I would never do anything to hurt you. #Person2#: Steven, I. . . #Person1#: I haven't been completely honest with you Veronica, I'm sorry. I'm not a fireman. I'm not even from the United States. I'm a spy for the Indian government. #Person2#: What? Why didn't you tell me before? What are you doing here? #Person1#: When I was a young boy, I used to play cricket my father back in my hometown of Hyderabad. It was a peaceful town, and my father was a renowned chemist. One day, he was approached by members of the CIA, claiming that my father had made the discovery of the millennium in his small lab back at the university where he taught bio-chemistry. I never saw him again. I vowed to discover the whereabouts of my father and consequently joined the Indian Intelligence Bureau. #Person2#: What does that have to do with those men shooting at us? Most importantly, why did you lie to me! #Person1#: I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to meet you. I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you, but you have to believe me when I tell you that what I feel for you is real. #Person2#: I can't believe this! Why are all these things happening to me! I can't take it anymore! Let me out of the car! #Person1#: Veronica, wait!
During a gunfight, Steven tells Veronica the truth that Steven is a spy of the Indian government, aiming to discover his father's whereabouts but falling in love with Veronica. Veronica can't take this and wants to leave him.
#Person1#: I was told my friend Joe was speaking ill of me. That's a real let-down. #Person2#: I don't think Joe has done such a thing. Don't believe things in haste. #Person1#: Maybe I should go and ask him whether it's true.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about a friend, Joe.
#Person1#: Can you help me figure out how to use this vending machine? #Person2#: Yes, I would be happy to help. What do you want to buy? #Person1#: I want to buy that candy. #Person2#: OK. So this machine will make change if you need it. Do you have your dollars ready? #Person1#: Yeah, so far, so good. #Person2#: Next, you feed your dollars into the machine in the slot. Make sure they are smooth. #Person1#: Yeah, I already knew that. #Person2#: I'm sure you know that if the dollar gets stuck, you might have to re-feed it. #Person1#: OK, let's move on! #Person2#: Now you just make your selection and pray. If nothing comes out, try again or call the number on the side of the machine. #Person1#: I hope it works! #Person2#: Well, good luck!
#Person2# teaches #Person1# how to use a vending machine to buy candy.
vending machine
#Person1#: I like the Honda Accord you showed me before. I think it's more practical for my needs. #Person2#: Alright, sir. You are making a good choice. Honda has made a lot of design improvements in the new Accord. #Person1#: What does it come with standard? #Person2#: On all our new cars, the standards includeair conditioning, anti-lock brakes, air bags, and an AM/FM stereo with a CD player. But on the Accord, there is another standard item as well. The Accord com #Person1#: Cruise control? I don't like that. #Person2#: Why not, sir? #Person1#: I think it's dangerous. What if I can't turn it off? #Person2#: Well, sir, I know some of our customers are concerned about cruise control. But Honda has never had a single cruise control malfunction that led to an accident. #Person1#: I wish it didn't have cruise control. My wife doesn't like it either. #Person2#: You know, sir, you don't have to use it. You can turn it on or off. If you don't want to use it, you just never turn it on. #Person1#: I suppose. And what about the sunroof? Is that standard? #Person2#: No, the sunroof is optional, sir. #Person1#: I see. Another important question is the time I can get this car. I need a new car rather soon. #Person2#: Well, I can say that the new models will be here in August. If you order one now, we will have it for you in August. #Person1#: That's good enough, I think. What colors does the new Accord come in? #Person2#: We have this new model in red, white, black, or silver. These are the standard colors. Of course you could specially order from various other colors too. #Person1#: My brother has last year's Accord. And his car is a kind of soft purple color mixed with silver. I really like that color. I wonder if I can get that color on my Accord. #Person2#: I know the color you mean. Is this it, sir? #Person1#: Yes, I think that's it. Can I get that on the Accord? #Person2#: Yes, you can. That color is very popular with Honda buyers. So we've kept it available. #Person1#: Well, I think I want to order the new Accord then. It looks like an excellent car. #Person2#: You have made a good choice, sir. I drive an Accord myself. They are very solidly built machines, very reliable. #Person1#: Yes, I know. I think Honda is the most reliable car on the road. I would never change to anything else. The Honda I have now almost never has service problems. It runs smooth as silk. #Person2#: Alright, sir. I will get the paperwork ready for you. Just a moment.
#Person2# introduces the Honda Accord car with standards including air conditioning, anti-lock brakes, airbags, AM/FM stereo, and cruise control to #Person1#. #Person2# persuades #Person1# to accept cruise control. #Person1# decides to buy the new model with a soft purple mixed with silver color.
buying a car
#Person1#: I met a girl in elevator this morning. She works in a company upstairs. She said she envied the casual way we dress for work. She complained about the dress rule in her company. It requires everyone to wear formal clothes from Monday to Friday. #Person2#: Well, I was wondering where those people with professional attire come from. Now, I know the answer. #Person1#: You know, in a sense, a suits and ties are compulsory for male employees even in July, and no jewelry allowed for most of the female employees. Even the reasonable male leaf is returning the rule, isn't that strict? #Person2#: To some extent, it is. Anyway, whether they like it or not, they do give people a very good impression. #Person1#: But it is unjust to judge a book by its cover. If they're not happy or comfortable with their clothes, they can be less productive.
#Person1# complains about the strict dressing code that the company upstairs has because the comfortable clothes lead to less productivity. #Person2# thinks professional attire makes a good impression.
dress for work
#Person1#: Do you like cooking? #Person2#: Yes , I do it a lot. but I don't like doing dishes. what about you, do you like cooking and then cleaning up afterwards? #Person1#: To be honest, I don't really like doing either one , I can't cook and I hate cleaning. #Person2#: Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you prefer? #Person1#: I would rather do the dishes than cook. #Person2#: I prefer the absent. the way I see it , to do the dishes is boring. #Person1#: let's make a deal. #Person2#: What? #Person1#: I'm going to buy some vegetable and you cook. #Person2#: Will you do the dishes after the meal? #Person1#: Fair enough!
#Person1# and #Person2# make a deal that #Person1# will do the dishes and #Person2# will cook.
make a deal
#Person1#: Would you like to drink some coffee? #Person2#: No, thanks. I have some trouble with my heart, my doctor recommend I to drink less. #Person1#: Would you like to try some watermelon juice? It tastes good. #Person2#: All right
#Person1# help #Person2# order drinks.
#Person1#: Morning, Mary. I haven't seen you in a long time. What's up? #Person2#: Oh, I took up a new hobby. #Person1#: So you don't travel a lot now? #Person2#: No, Frank. I'm much more interestcd in collecting stamps now. #Person1#: It's certainly a popular hobby. I know a lot of people love stamps. #Person2#: It certainly is. It's so much fun. #Person1#: I believe collecting stamps has something similar to traveling right? #Person2#: Absolutely. Through all kinds of stamps I am able to learn about the world. #Person1#: Well, every stamp has a story to tell. #Person2#: You're right. And I also meet many new friends while collecting stamps. #Person1#: Good. #Person2#: Sometimes we even spend hours discussing our collcctions. #Person1#: There's a lot to share when you have a common interest. #Person2#: Yes, it's really amazing. I got to go now. I'm meeting with some other collectors. #Person1#: Ok, good luck. See you #Person2#: See you, Frank.
Mary tells Frank that she likes collecting stamps instead of traveling. Mary learns about the world by collecting stamps.
collecting stamps
#Person1#: Bruce, I think it's time to go and meet Pam at the airport. #Person2#: Oh no, we have no need to hurry. There's plenty of time. It's only 8:30. There won't be much traffic at this time of night. #Person1#: You never know. And I think your watch must be slow. I make it 8:40 and you'll have to stop for gas. I'd rather get there too early than too late. #Person2#: It'll take her a while to get her luggage. #Person1#: Oh, come on, Bruce. It's time to leave. We can always have coffee at the airport. Anyway, I like watching people at the airport. #Person2#: I'd rather see the end of the football match, but never mind. We better go.
#Person1# persuades Bruce to leave early to meet Pam at the airport.
go to airport
#Person1#: Which season do you like the most? #Person2#: I like summer the most. But at the same time I hate it. I like summer because it's warm. I don't mind the heat and I like the longer days so I can do more activities like swimming, bicycling and many other outdoor activities. I usually take a short vacation during the summer so I always look forward to that. However, the part about summer I hate the most is during the rainy season. When it gets hot along with the rain and the wind, it gets terrible.
#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# likes summer for the outdoor activities, but hates it for the rain and wind.
favourite season
#Person1#: I think my purse was stolen sir. #Person2#: Do you have any reason to believe that your purse was stolen? #Person1#: Oh yes, I left it on the table 20 minutes ago and then I went to the restroom. But when I came back 15 minutes ago it was gone. #Person2#: Are you sure you left your purse on the table? #Person1#: Of course sir, I plan to pay the bill before I went to the restroom. #Person2#: Is this your purse? We found it in the restroom. #Person1#: Oh, yes it is. I must have left it there and I totally forgot. Sorry.
#Person1# thinks #Person1# loses #Person1#'s purse but #Person2# finds the purse in the restroom.
lose a purse
#Person1#: My boss told me never to go to work again. #Person2#: Why? #Person1#: I don't know. When he told me that, I was very sad and surprised. #Person2#: Do you often go to work late? #Person1#: Yes, I often do. #Person2#: Do you work hard? #Person1#: Well, it's hard to say. It depends. #Person2#: Are you good at the computer? #Person1#: No, I don't know how to use it. #Person2#: Then I know the reason. You didn't use your time well and you don't learn new things.
#Person2# thinks #Person1# loses the job because #Person1# doesn't utilize the time and learn new things.
lose a job
#Person1#: Hello, Mike, it's Carrie in here. I've just been reading a paper and I find a job advertised on it will be perfect for you. #Person2#: Oh, what's the job? #Person1#: They want a marketing manager. Isn't that the kind of thing you're looking for? #Person2#: Yes. Does it say what the job involves? #Person1#: The main thing seems to be that you'll be in charge of sales planning. #Person2#: Well, what sort of people are they looking for? I suppose they want me to have an MBA. #Person1#: There's nothing about that. But it does say that they're looking for someone who can speak foreign languages. Well, that's OK for you, because you've lived abroad and you can speak German, don't you? #Person2#: Yes, and Spanish, too. When do the applications have to be completed? #Person1#: The third of July is the closing date. So you have exactly a month to complete. Do you want me to email you the advert, so you can see it yourself? #Person2#: Yes, that'll be great. #Person1#: OK, I'll do that now.
Carrie tells Mike about a job opportunity for a marketing manager position which requires someone speaking foreign languages. The application is due in a month.
job opportunity
#Person1#: Can you believe that I've been here almost a whole term, and you're the only friend I've made? #Person2#: No, how can that be? #Person1#: I don't know, you know me better than anyone else here at school. I thought maybe you could give me some advice. #Person2#: Sure, um, do you belong to any clubs or organizations? That's the best way to meet people. #Person1#: No, I don't have a lot of time to go to meetings. #Person2#: Neither do I, but, I do play school sports. It's just a group that meets regularly to play basketball. Of course, there are lots of other teams. You could join a football team or baseball, volleyball. Just go over to the Sports Center and sign up. #Person1#: I'd like to do that, but I don't want to take time away from my studies. #Person2#: Well, then why don't you join a study group? That way you won't feel like you're wasting time and besides, the people you meet will be serious students, so maybe they would be better friends for you anyway. #Person1#: This sounds good.
#Person2# advises #Person1# to join some clubs, organizations, sports teams, or study groups to make new friends. #Person2# decides to join a study group to focus on studies.
make friends
#Person1#: Excuse me sir, I'm a stranger here and have lost my way. #Person2#: Where do you want to go? #Person1#: I want to return to my hotel, the New York Hotel. #Person2#: Go straight along this road, then go over the bridge and turn right at the book shop. You'll find your hotel. #Person1#: Thank you, by the way, can you direct me to the Central Park? #Person2#: Oh, it's so far from here, you can take the subway. #Person1#: How long will it take me if I walk there? #Person2#: It might take you 3/4 of an hour. #Person1#: Well, where is the subway station? #Person2#: You just turn left, and walk 3 blocks and you'll find it. #Person1#: Where should I get off? #Person2#: Get off at forty fifth street.
#Person2# tells #Person1# the directions to the New York Hotel, Central Park, and the subway station.
ask for directions
#Person1#: How do you eat sushi, Mister Nakamura? #Person2#: I usually use chopsticks but some people prefer just using hands. #Person1#: You can eat with your hands at the restaurant? #Person2#: Yeah, it's totally acceptable in the traditional sushi restaurant. #Person1#: Hmm, interesting. So do I just eat it straight? #Person2#: Well, I like to eat it straight and enjoy the natural flavor of the fish, but you can always go with wasabi. #Person1#: Wasabi? What's wasabi? #Person2#: Wasabi is a sauce, which gives sushi a spicy flavor. #Person1#: Oh, you mean the green stuff, which always makes my tears come out? #Person2#: Correct. Some restaurants actually give you wasabi along with your sushi dish so that you can control the hotness. #Person1#: That's considerate. You've really taught me so much about Japanese culture. Thank you, Mister Nakamura. #Person2#: Don't mention it. We should help each other since we work in the same company now.
Mr. Nakamura helps #Person1# learn about the way to eat sushi and the use of wasabi because they work in the same company.
eating sushi
#Person1#: Cambridge Theatre box office. #Person2#: Have you got any tickets left for Romeo and Juliet for this Saturday. #Person1#: Which performance? 5:00 PM or 8:30 PM? #Person2#: 8:30 PM, please. #Person1#: We have tickets at 5 pounds, 6 pounds and 8 pounds. #Person2#: I'd like to reserve 2 seats at 6 pounds each, please. #Person1#: Alright, that's two tickets at 6 pounds, Saturday, 8:30 PM performance. What's your name? #Person2#: Bishop, Henry Bishop. #Person1#: Thank you. You'll be able to collect the tickets before 3:00 o'clock PM on Saturday right? #Person2#: Yes, of course, thank you. Bye.
Henry Bishop calls the Cambridge Theatre box office to book two 6-pounds tickets for Romeo and Juliet on this Saturday.
booking tickets
#Person1#: Good afternoon. May I help you? #Person2#: Yes, I ' m here to see Joanna Stevens. I have an appointment at four. #Person1#: Certainly, may I take your name? I ' ll let her know you ' Ve arrived. #Person2#: Sure, it ' s Josh O ' Neil. #Person1#: Ms. Stevens will be with you momentarily. Can I offer you something to drink? #Person2#: Yes, a coffee would be nice, thank you. #Person1#: Here you are. Ms. Stevens is ready for you now. I ' ll show you to her office, right this way.
Josh O'Neil comes to see Joanna Stevens. #Person2# serves him with coffee and leads him to Joanna's office.
#Person1#: I think it's time for me to meet my admirer and make him face the music. #Person2#: You do? How are you going to contact him? #Person1#: I'm leaving him a message taped to my computer screen. #Person2#: What does it say? Do you think he'll see it? #Person1#: He'll see it. It says, I like sweets. Meet me at two thirty in the parking lot. #Person2#: Can I spy on you guys from the window? #Person1#: No. But I'll fill you in later. Right now I have to find Vince.
#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# is going to meet an admirer after leaving a message on the computer screen.
#Person1#: Excuse me, could you help me pick out a lotion? #Person2#: Sure, what is the problem? #Person1#: I got poison oak while hiking, and I need something to help me with the itching. #Person2#: I can suggest a product called Techne that comes in a lotion or cream. #Person1#: Which do you prefer? #Person2#: Hikers tell me that the cream is best because it stays on longer. #Person1#: Is there anything else I can do to help with the itching? #Person2#: You can take an antihistamine. #Person1#: Thank you so much for all of the information. #Person2#: You are welcome. Please feel free to ask me a question any time you need help.
#Person1# got poison oak and wants a lotion. #Person2# recommends Techne and advises #Person1# to take an antihistamine to help with the itching.
#Person1#: Hello, I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Smith, and I can ' t make it on that day. #Person2#: What day was your appointment on? #Person1#: My appointment was on Monday. #Person2#: What time had you chosen? #Person1#: It was for 10 #Person2#: I am looking at your appointment right now. What day would you prefer? #Person1#: I would prefer next Thursday. #Person2#: What time would be best for you? #Person1#: I want to come in at 2 #Person2#: I am writing you down for that time. We look forward to seeing you.
#Person1# asks #Person2# to reschedule #Person1#'s appointment with Dr. Smith.
postpone an appointment
#Person1#: Joe, how are you doing? #Person2#: I am great! How about you, Mary? How are you? #Person1#: I am doing great! Thank you for asking, Joe. #Person2#: I was wondering if you want to go see a movie with me tonight? #Person1#: I need to stay home tonight and finish my term paper. #Person2#: OK. What about going to the movies on Friday night? #Person1#: What were you planning on seeing? #Person2#: I was thinking about seeing that one about the rapist serial killer. #Person1#: How about ' The Secret Life of Bees '? #Person2#: That's a chick flick!
Joe invites Mary to see a movie on Friday night but they haven't reached an agreement on what to see.
#Person1#: How silly of you to jump out of the window! #Person2#: But that was the first thing that came into my mind when I heard the shout earthquake! #Person1#: Why not use staircases? The terror was not so violent at that time. #Person2#: That would be too late. #Person1#: Maybe the situation is too urgent. #Person2#: Yes, I think I should have jumped in any case.
#Person2# tells #Person1# the situation was too urgent that #Person2# has to jump out of the window.
#Person1#: What's the problem, Nada? You look down in the dumps. #Person2#: I don't know. My life is a big mess. Everything is so complicated. #Person1#: come on, nothing can be that bad. #Person2#: but promise me, you'll keep it a secret. #Person1#: ok, I promise. So what's troubling you so much? #Person2#: I've fallen in love with my boss. #Person1#: really? Is he married? #Person2#: no, of course not. He is still single. #Person1#: then what's your problem? #Person2#: I try to keep it to myself. But there is a lot of gossip about us. #Person1#: oh, I see. Office romance tends to be the subject of gossip. #Person2#: worse still, he is trying to avoid me these days. #Person1#: office romance is very tricky. #Person2#: it gives me a lot of pressure and I feel depressed. #Person1#: cheer up, Nada. You'll be fine.
Nada tells #Person1# she's upset because she has fallen in love with her boss which causes gossips and she finds her boss is trying to avoid her. #Person1# comforts Nada.
office romance
#Person1#: Oh, I am not sure I even want to look at this house! #Person2#: It is a bit of a fixer-upper. Let's take a look inside. #Person1#: It doesn't look much better inside this place. #Person2#: You know, with a little elbow grease and paint, you could spruce it up a bit. #Person1#: There are hardly any windows in here, and that makes it really gloomy. #Person2#: Let's go check out the kitchen. The printout says that it is quite large. #Person1#: Look at those broken tile countertops and the peeling wallpaper. #Person2#: Maybe the master suite has some redeeming qualities. Follow me, please. #Person1#: What's that smell? #Person2#: Perhaps we should move on to the next listing.
#Person2# leads #Person1# to see a house, but the house is gloomy and shabby, so they decide to see another house.
#Person1#: You're home late today, David. How was school? #Person2#: Not bad. There's a new English teacher. #Person1#: Oh, what's she like? #Person2#: She is beautiful. #Person1#: Is she old or young? #Person2#: She is quite young and her hair is blond. #Person1#: Is she strict? #Person2#: Not really. Her eyes are blue. #Person1#: Can she speak Chinese? #Person2#: Not much. She is very tall and slim. #Person1#: David, stop dreaming. It's time to do your homework.
David tells #Person1# about his new English teacher and pays special attention to her beautiful appearance.
English teacher
#Person1#: We can't wait any longer. . . #Person2#: I'm terribly sorry to be so late. I had an article. . . #Person1#: You'll knock yourself out the way you've worked. Why don't you slow down? #Person2#: I can't afford to. #Person1#: All right. Now that everybody's here. Shall we be getting started? Miss Lin, are you ready? #Person2#: Yes, thanks. Before I start, I'd like to thank Professor Smith for all his help in giving me unlimited access to his research materials. #Person1#: Excuse me, Miss Lin. Would you mind speaking up, please? I can't hear you very well. #Person2#: Sorry, I'll try to speak louder.
Miss Lin is late because she had an article. Then Miss Lin starts her speaking and #Person1# asks her to speak up.
#Person1#: What kind of note are you taking there. That looks like doodle to me. #Person2#: It's picture association of the concept that the professor taught today. #Person1#: Does that actually work for you? #Person2#: I don't really know for sure yet. I'll tell you after the test on Friday. #Person1#: I like to use shorthand note taking. #Person2#: I was told once that the more time you spend writing, the less you are paying attention and so you miss stuff. #Person1#: Hmm. I never thought about it that way. #Person2#: One time I tried just listening, no notes, no pictures. I think I really learned more that day.
#Person1# thinks #Person2#'s note looks like a doodle and #Person1# likes to use shorthand note-taking. #Person2# believes it's better to spend less time writing.
#Person1#: David, what do you want to do after graduation? #Person2#: I suppose I should choose one from the'Best Career List', to be a public officer, what do you think? #Person1#: That sounds like a hot job, right? But in my opinion, you ought not to choose one career from that so-called list, and you need to take your interests, values, and skills into account. #Person2#: It beats me! I never thought about it before and maybe I thought finding a career is a simple thing. #Person1#: You'd better ask for suggestions from a career counselor, and then make a decision.
David supposes he will be a public officer. #Person1# advises him to ask for suggestions from a career counselor.
choose a job
#Person1#: Is that your phone? #Person2#: yes, it's my new business phone. Do you like it? #Person1#: it's very impressive. Can you use the Internet on your phone? #Person2#: yes, it's got wireless Internet access. #Person1#: that's really convenient. Does it have the Bluetooth? #Person2#: yes, but I don't really use it that often. Have you ever used it? #Person1#: no, but I think it'd be really great for people like you who are always on the go. #Person2#: yes, I guess I should try to use it. #Person1#: does it have a camera? #Person2#: of course it does. Doesn't every new phone include a camera these days? #Person1#: I guess so. Would you mind if I checked my email quickly? I'm supposed to be getting an important email this evening from a client. #Person2#: sure. Here you go. #Person1#: have you checked your voicemail recently? #Person2#: no, why? #Person1#: I think this icon means that you have a voicemail message. #Person2#: oh, yeah. Probably. I don't really know how to use this phone yet. #Person1#: do you want to listen to your messages first? #Person2#: no, it's ok. Check your email first ; I'll check my unbox later. #Person1#: I'm surprised you don't use more of the features on your phone. #Person2#: I'm surprised you know so much about it. Where's your phone? #Person1#: it quit working last week and I haven't had a chance to buy a new one yet. #Person2#: how have you been living without a cell phone for a week? hasn't it been driving you carry being without a phone? #Person1#: it's not that bad. It kind of feels like I'm on vacation, not having to answer my phone all the time! #Person2#: let's go shopping. You can't depend on public phones in this day and age!
#Person2# has a new business phone with multiple features. #Person1# borrows it to check #Person1#'s email and finds #Person2# has a voicemail message. #Person2# is surprised that #Person1# knows so much about the phone. #Person1#'s phone quit working and #Person2# suggests going to buy a new one.
#Person1#: What are you doing to your house? #Person2#: We're redecorating our living room. #Person1#: What are you going to do to it? #Person2#: First, we're going to change the curtains, then we're going to paint the walls. #Person1#: What colour are you going to paint them? #Person2#: Pale yellow. #Person1#: What else are you going to do? #Person2#: We're going to put in some new furniture.
#Person2# tells #Person1# how they will redecorate the living room.
#Person1#: Excuse me, which one is of the highest quality here? #Person2#: This one. It is of the best quality and excellently tailored as well. You may try it on. #Person1#: That is nice. But I don't quite like the collar. #Person2#: The collar? It is just the collar that is popular with young people in Shanghai. #Person1#: I don't care what others wear. How much is it? #Person2#: 250 Yuan. #Person1#: Really? Too expensive. I don't think I can afford it. #Person2#: But it is really worthwhile. #Person1#: OK, anyway, let me have it. #Person2#: Here you are. #Person1#: Thank you.
#Person1# doesn't like the collar of a product and thinks it's too expensive but sill buys it according to #Person2#'s suggestions.
#Person1#: Hi! Someone has reported a fault on one of your copiers. #Person2#: That's right. I'm glad you're here. It hasn't been working properly for the last few days. #Person1#: When was it serviced? #Person2#: Just a couple of weeks ago. It's usually very reliable. #Person1#: What's actually wrong with it? #Person2#: Well, it's making a strange noise when we try to change paper trays. #Person1#: I'm sure it's nothing serious, probably just a minor fault. I'll have a look at it.
#Person2# tells #Person1# a copier hasn't been working properly for days. #Person1# will have a look at it.
#Person1#: I'm quite upset! I want a new room and a refund for tonight. #Person2#: Forgive me, sir, I haven't been told what the problem is. #Person1#: I'm about to be swept away by millions of cockroaches! #Person2#: My apologies, sir. We'll transfer you to a new room at once and give you a full refund. #Person1#: Thank you. I didn't want to have to take this to court. #Person2#: Sir, we never want a guest to stay here mad or unhappy.
#Person1# complains about the cockroaches. #Person2# will give him a new room and a full refund.
#Person1#: Did you even bother to go to school today? #Person2#: Yeah, I went. Did you go? #Person1#: No, I didn't feel like it. #Person2#: That's nice, have you been to the movies lately? #Person1#: No, but that was a random change of subject. #Person2#: It may have been random, but have you? #Person1#: I haven't lately. #Person2#: I would love to catch a movie this weekend. #Person1#: So then, why don't you just go? #Person2#: I don't want to see a movie by myself. #Person1#: Okay, so are you going to school tomorrow? #Person2#: I think I might just go to the movies.
#Person1# didn't go to school today. #Person2# might go to see the movies rather than going to school tomorrow.
go to school
#Person1#: Can your dog do any tricks? #Person2#: Sure he can. He can shake hands, roll over, and even play dead. #Person1#: I wish I had a dog. My cat can't do any tricks. #Person2#: Yeah, but sometimes Bingo wants to play with me, but I don't have time. #Person1#: So who takes care of him then? #Person2#: My little brother likes to play with him. He even gives him a bath every week. #Person1#: I can't do that with my cat. She hates water. #Person2#: You know, you're right. Maybe you should get a dog.
#Person1# says #Person1#'s cat can't do tricks and #Person1# can't give her a bath every week because she hates water. #Person2# thinks #Person1# should get a dog.
#Person1#: are you ready for the meeting? #Person2#: yes, come on in. how's your new job going? #Person1#: it's challenging, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. #Person2#: that's great. I knew you'd do a good job as a manager. #Person1#: thanks a lot. #Person2#: how's your assistant manager getting on? #Person1#: well, that's part of the problem. His probation period is up tomorrow and I don't think he's ready to pass. #Person2#: what seems to be the problem? #Person1#: well, he was supposed to be able to learn his job in 30 days, but he just doesn't seem to know what he's doing. #Person2#: if you gave him another 30 days, do you think he could figure it out by then? #Person1#: to be honest, he has no authority. He's a hard-worker, but no one listens to him. #Person2#: I see. Not everyone is cut out to work in management. #Person1#: I know. It'd be great if we could transfer him to a department where he doesn't have to work with people. #Person2#: there's an opening in the creative design department. It involves working with computers. #Person1#: that's perfect. I'll let him know tomorrow. Thanks!
#Person1# thinks #Person1#'s new job as a manager is challenging but #Person1# is enjoying it. The problem is that the assistant manager doesn't seem to be able to work in management. #Person2# may transfer him to the design department.
#Person1#: Mon and I got in another fight, Boris. #Person2#: oh, Iris! what was it about this time? #Person1#: it was over food. I simply wanted some fried chicken but she said no. #Person2#: I believe she was right. You must know that fried foods contain a lot of fat. #Person1#: oh, she keeps saying that. She never allows me to have them. #Person2#: I think you'd better take her advice since health is the greatest wealth. #Person1#: But, Boris, i am not a baby any more. #Person2#: well, that's true. #Person1#: how about your mother? #Person2#: she also believes in healthy diet. And she requires us to have regular meals. #Person1#: poor you. It seems we are in the same boat. #Person2#: Oh, i am grateful for my mother on this point. her idea of healthy eating helps me a lot keeping fit. #Person1#: really? so you don't have fried food at all. #Person2#: not really. I may have some occasionally for a chance. But I don't indulge myself too much. #Person1#: how do you manage it? #Person2#: it's pretty simple, Iris. Just keep it in mind that you're what you eat.
Iris's mother and Boris's mother both believe in a healthy diet. Iris fights with her mother about that but Boris is grateful for his mother and suggests Iris take her mother's advice.
healthy diet
#Person1#: that was a great party. Thanks for saying behind to help me clear up. #Person2#: it certainly was a great party. It's a pity that a glass and a plate got broken and someone spilled a drink over here. #Person1#: I expected that something might get broken. That doesn't bother me. That spilled drink won't leave a stain, will it? #Person2#: I doubt it, I ' ll deal with it right away. Luckily it wasn't a glass of red wine, I'll just get a bowl of water and a cloth. #Person1#: I'm going to put all the rubbish into this big plastic bag. #Person2#: afterwards, we can do the washing up together. Everything will be finished within an hour. Your friend Keith is really funny. I liked his magic tricks. #Person1#: yes, he's very good. . isn't he? He told some funny stories too. #Person2#: Amanda told some very funny jokes. At the beginning of the party, she was being ver serious. #Person1#: I think that she had a litter too much of the punch. #Person2#: what did you put in that punch? It tasted great, but was quite strong. #Person1#: that's my little secret. Did you like the snacks and I prepared? #Person2#: very much. The birthday cake was delicious, wasn't it? Emily told me that she and karen made it themselves. #Person1#: that cake tasted so good! It disappeared within minutes, so I think everyone liked it a lot. How's that stain? #Person2#: all cleaned up. Are you ready to start on the washing up.
#Person2# stays behind to help #Person1# clear up after the party. #Person2# thinks it was a great party and likes the people and food at the party. #Person2# cleaned up the spilled drink and they will start on the washing up.
after party
#Person1#: I'm sorry, sir. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. #Person2#: What? I was just having a friendly conversation with the lady here. . . #Person1#: Well, she apparently doesn't think it's so friendly. Let's go. #Person2#: I think there's been a misunderstanding! #Person1#: You'd better cooperate with me, sir, or. . . #Person2#: OK! Just give her this for me!
#Person1# asks #Person2# to leave but #Person2# thinks there's been a misunderstanding.
#Person1#: What do you think we need to do to get our new branch office running well? #Person2#: First, I'd make sure that we have a good, local, corporate lawyer. He or she will know all the local laws and regulations. #Person1#: That's very important. A friend recommended a good law firm to me. We'll need someone to hire staff. #Person2#: I think that we should send one of our HR people to do that. I don't think we should use an agency, because they won't be familiar with the type of people we employ. Have we decide on the location of the branch office? #Person1#: Yes. We have. We chose the location in the northeast of the city, not too far from the airport and on the edge of the CBD. #Person2#: Why didn't we choose an office in the CBD? #Person1#: The offices there were too expensive. Have we negotiated any contracts yet? #Person2#: Yes. We'Ve signed two contracts with companies that we already do work for in other countries. We hope to sign another three this month. #Person1#: When will the branch office open? #Person2#: Hopefully next month. Everything is a little rushed. We should be able to set up our branch office and expand our business quickly. #Person1#: Has and advertising campaign been prepared? #Person2#: Yes, it has. We're going to target the business community through business magazine. #Person1#: I made plenty of business contract on my last visit and through the embassy. We should be able to get plenty of customers.
#Person1# and #Person2# will need a lawyer and send one of their HR people to hire staff for their new branch office. #Person1# chose the location in the northeast of the city. #Person2# has signed two contracts and hopes the branch office will open next month with the advertising campaign prepared.
new branch
#Person1#: Hi, have you got the exact number of people who are going take part in this activity? #Person2#: Yes, there are 62 in totals, and 2 of them still can't be sure. #Person1#: They always push the time. How many of them are over fifty? #Person2#: 6. So we should give them special attention. Some of them don't have a good health. #Person1#: OK, I see. As far as you think, how many buses should we get for them? #Person2#: 2 should be enough, for each one has at least 30 seats. There will be some seats to spare. #Person1#: I'll call the bus charter later. And have you announced the itinerary of this journey to all of them? #Person2#: Yes, most of them think it's good. But, some people have different opinions. They consider we should arrange some challenging activities. #Person1#: That's possible. At that time, they can choose any activity they like. #Person2#: That's good. I'll tell them later. And what kind of medicine we should be prepared? #Person1#: Let me think! Pills for carsick, traditional medicine for cold, some painkillers and something like that. #Person2#: OK, we should get them ready this afternoon. #Person1#: One more thing, have you got all people's phone numbers? #Person2#: Oh, God. I've almost forgotten. I'll get it done right away.
#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for an activity. They have got 62 people, including 6 over fifty. They plan to get two buses and let people choose the activities they like. They will get the medicine ready this afternoon. #Person2# will get all people's phone numbers.
prepare for activity
#Person1#: The government is going to organize a folk-custom activity at the end of the month. And our community is supposed to put on a performance. #Person2#: What kind of performance? A lion dance? #Person1#: Stuff like that but I think the lion dance is a bit too difficult and dangerous. #Person2#: Sure, you'll be dancing with lions. What do you expect? Then what about Range Dance which we did before. #Person1#: Good idea. Shall we get everyone in the community? #Person2#: Maybe not. I think we should just focus on the retired people. #Person1#: I know that they already have a Range Dance team and then what we need is just to do some rehearsals. #Person2#: What about the costumes? #Person1#: We can raise money in the community. You know each family 10 yuan maybe. #Person2#: Try something new. We can find a supporting agency. #Person1#: Great idea. There is a travel agency nearby who would love to be our sponsor. It's a perfect chance for them to promote ethnic tourism.
#Person1# and #Person2# decide to do Range Dance for the folk-custom activity. They will focus on the retired people and ask a travel agency to be their sponsor.
folk-custom activity
#Person1#: Do you have any plan to buy a house in this city? #Person2#: Absolutely we need a house here. But what makes me upset is the prices in this city. #Person1#: Our monthly salary can not buy one square meter of the house here. #Person2#: It is depressing to hear the price goes higher and higher. #Person1#: More and more people need to buy houses, but the market can not meet the needs, so this caused the bubble in real estate industry. #Person2#: And the rich still wants to buy more, even though they have at least one house to live. #Person1#: Have you watched the TV series, Humble Abode? #Person2#: Yes, it displays some social problems and interprets the values of our white-collars. #Person1#: I really, really want a house, even though it is small like a snail house.
#Person1# and #Person2# are upset because the house price in this city goes higher and higher and they cannot afford it. They also discuss the reasons behind it.
house price
#Person1#: What did her boss say to you? #Person2#: He asked me to beef up in the work. #Person1#: Yeah. You look so unhappy recently. What's the matter. #Person2#: Nothing, thanks. I am just not in the mood these days.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s not in the mood for working.
beef up
#Person1#: I will take the coat. Do you receive checks? #Person2#: Yes, of course. #Person1#: Here you are. Please give me a receipt. #Person2#: Sorry, sir, you have to pay in the check-out counter. It's there. #Person1#: OK, please wrap it for me first.
#Person2# asks #Person1# to pay in the check-out counter.
pay by check
#Person1#: Would you like to order now? #Person2#: This all looks good! I think we know what we want. #Person1#: Please let me point out the chef's special, which is blackened catfish. #Person2#: I am dieting, so could the chef prepare the food with no extra sauce? #Person1#: We are always happy to adjust our cooking to meet your needs. #Person2#: Could you tell me if there are any entrees that are vegetarian? #Person1#: The cashew broccoli noodles or the cheese and veggie enchiladas would be an excellent choice. #Person2#: I am going to go with the grilled shrimp with garlic sauce. I would like the garlic sauce on the side. #Person1#: Would you like your salad brought to you with your entree, or would you like it served now? #Person2#: You can serve our salads with our dinner.
#Person2# is dieting and wants vegetarian entrees. #Person1# gives some recommendations and will serve #Person2#'s salad with #Person2#'s dinner.
order food
#Person1#: I came in to see how my home inspection went. #Person2#: First of all, I need to share what the purpose of a home inspection is. Do you understand what I was doing there? #Person1#: I had a home inspection before, but didn't really understand it. #Person2#: I help you spot potential problems with the home before you purchase it. #Person1#: The owner said that the roof had leaked, but that he got it fixed last month. #Person2#: Sellers aren't really all that objective. They may have gotten used to a leaky faucet, but it is still broken. #Person1#: Are the sellers responsible for fixing the problems with the house? #Person2#: The owners may wish to pay to have the problems fixed, or maybe the price of the house can be reduced. #Person1#: Did you find a lot of things wrong during the home inspection? #Person2#: The house has a very outdated electrical system. Many of the switches and outlets do not work and are unsafe.
#Person2# helps #Person1# to spot potential problems with the home before #Person1# purchases it and finds the house has a very outdated electrical system and unsafe outlets.
home inspection
#Person1#: Hello? Ms. Patterson? This is Bill from Workmate calling. I'm just wondering if you had a chance to look over the estimate I sent for your gala dinner project next month. . . As I said in my email, we can help you with production according to your needs, but we will only be able to give insite management support services on a limited basis. #Person2#: Oh, yes. I reviewed your estimate. But it seems like the project blueprint you sent with the estimate is not quite what we had in mind. Did you get a copy of the specs for this project? #Person1#: Yes, I have several copies, but they're all different versions. . . The latest I have is version 12, is that current? #Person2#: No. Later we decided to opt for the prior outline, version 7. #Person1#: Hold on, let me pull up your version 7 requirements. . . Oh yes, no wonder our estimate is a little different from what you had in mind. I see the version 7 also includes 6 additional hostesses and a cocktail self-serve bar that wasn't in the version 12. That will definitely add to your cost on this project. . .
Ms. Patterson finds Bill's estimate for the gala dinner project is not quite what they had in mind. Bill finds that Ms. Patterson decided to opt for version 7 but Bill used version 12. Bill will fix it.
#Person1#: OK, so are you ready to learn how to bake a cake? #Person2#: Almost, let me just put my apron on. #Person1#: OK, so the first thing we are going to do is pre-heat the oven, that way we have it at the desired temperature once we finish preparing everything. Set it to three hundred and seventy five degrees Fahrenheit. #Person2#: Got it. #Person1#: No we are gonna make the batter. Take some butter and sugar and mix it lightly until you have a nice consistency. Then add some vanilla extract and eggs and continue mixing. #Person2#: Do I have to use a whisk or can I use the electric mixer? #Person1#: Go ahead and use the mixer, but put it on medium speed. I'm gonna sift the flour and baking powder separately and then we can mix it with milk and the rest of the ingredients. #Person2#: OK, so now we need a baking pan right? #Person1#: Yeah, but grease and flour it first so the cake won't stick to it when it bakes. #Person2#: Done. So how long do we bake it for? #Person1#: We can leave it in there for about twenty five minutes. Then we let it cool for ten minutes before we remove the cake from the pan. #Person2#: Wow! This was a lot easier than I thought!
#Person1# teaches #Person2# how to bake a cake. The steps include pre-heating the oven, making the batter, mixing the ingredients, preparing the baking pan, and baking. #Person2# finds it was a lot easier than #Person2# thought.
bake a cake
#Person1#: Hello, Room Reservation Service. May I help you? #Person2#: Yes. This is Mrs. Davinson. I'd like to reserve a two-room suite for tonight. #Person1#: Let me see. Yeah, There are two such rooms left. May I have your name please? #Person2#: Mrs. Davinson. Mary Davison. M-A-R-Y, mary. D-A-V-I-N-S-O-N. Davison. #Person1#: OK. I've got it. #Person2#: Thank you. Good-bye. #Person1#: Good-bye.
#Person1# helps Mrs. Davinson to reserve a two-room suite for tonight.
reserve a room
#Person1#: Frank, we've got a problem. We don't have enough money to pay the rent this month. I think I'd better ask Mon and Dad for a loan, or ask my boss for a raise. #Person2#: Well, I don't know. But maybe I'd better not take another English course this semester.
#Person1# and Frank talk about how to pay the rent.
#Person1#: What was it like working with those young stars? #Person2#: It was a great group, I always got mad when people said that we didn't get along, just because we're girls, there was never a fight. We had a great time.
#Person2# tells #Person1# working with the young stars was great.
great experience
#Person1#: I'm fed up with sitting on packing cases, Joe. Don't you think we should buy at least two chairs? #Person2#: Do you know how much new chairs cost? One cheap comfortable armchair is eighty pounds. #Person1#: Yes, I know. It's terrible. But I have an idea. Why don't we look for chairs at a street market? I've always wanted to see one. #Person2#: All right. Which one shall we go to? #Person1#: Portobello Road, I think. There are a lot of secondhand things there. And we'll have to go tomorrow. It's only open on Saturdays. #Person2#: What time do you want to go? Not too early. I hope. #Person1#: The guidebook says the market is open from nine to six. It's a very popular market, so we'd better be there when it opens. #Person2#: Right. I'll set the alarm.
#Person1# wants to sit on chairs instead of packing cases but Joe thinks new chairs are expensive. They decide to have a look at the street market tomorrow.
street market
#Person1#: We were advised to have a holiday by the lake. What's your opinion? #Person2#: I suggest we go to the seashore. I love it there. #Person1#: But it is too far away. How about going to the mountains? #Person2#: That's a good idea.
#Person1# and #Person2# decide to go to the mountains for holiday.
#Person1#: Hello, everyone. Welcome to our program. Today, we are fortunate to have a special guest with us. Some of you may have heard of him before. He's an artist. His works have received many prizes and have been shown in over one hundred exhibitions across the country - Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, to name just a few. His name is Chris Cucksy. So Chris, tell us a bit about yourself. #Person2#: Well, I was born in Springfield, Missouri, and grew up in Kansas. I didn't come from a family with wealth or position, but I did manage to get a master's degree in fine arts. #Person1#: When did you first start to make art? And what was the turning point in your life that made you an artist? #Person2#: I always liked drawing as early as I can remember, so right from then, I knew what I was going to be: an artist. #Person1#: What is it that always inspires you to create? #Person2#: Nature is the biggest inspiration. I'm always inspired by things of beauty and harmony.
#Person1# interviews Chris Cucksy, an artist, in #Person1#'s program. Chris introduces himself and tells #Person1# he started drawing very early and he was inspired by nature.
#Person1#: Oh, Mrs. Smith. Can I take the test now? I just ..., oh. #Person2#: Excuse me? What do you mean? The test ended 10 minutes ago, and you weren't there to take it. Sorry. #Person1#: Oh, Mrs. Smith. Come on. Come on. That's not fair. #Person2#: What do you mean it's not fair. Everyone else was there. So, why weren't you in class? #Person1#: Uh, my bus didn't come this morning on time. That's why. #Person2#: Um. Are you sure? Your friend, Tony, made it to class, and he said you were still in bed an hour ago. #Person1#: Uhh, yeah, well, that might be true, but I really need to take the test. #Person2#: Wait. Don't you realize that you just lied to me? #Person1#: Uh, well, listen. Mrs. Smith. Listen. My alarm didn't go off this morning, so it's not my fault I came late. #Person2#: So, you're blaming your alarm clock again? It's still your responsibility to be here. Wasn't that your excuse the last two times you missed class? #Person1#: But Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Smith. #Person2#: Listen. You know the policy of our program. If you miss a test for an unexcused reason ... and a lie is definitely unexcused, then you get a zero on the test. There are no exceptions. #Person1#: Mrs. Smith. Why don't you want to help me? You never help me. I mean I really need to pass this class. #Person2#: No, no. no. Listen to yourself. You're playing what we call the victim. You made some bad choices, and now you have to accept the consequences. Remember: When you point your finger at someone else, like me in this case, three fingers are pointing back at you. #Person1#: But Mrs. Smith. I lose my scholarship if I do poorly in the class; my parents will be really disappointed in me. #Person2#: I'm really sorry, but that's not my problem. [Oh, Mrs. Smith!] I can't help you with that. Don't try to shift the blame here. [Mrs. Smith!] You painted yourself into a corner. You need to be accountable for your own actions instead of trying to weasel out of your responsibility. While you aren't doing well in my class though, I must say I almost have to give you an A grade for trying to dodge the outcome of your bad choices. #Person1#: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Smith. #Person2#: Listen. You are learning one thing. #Person1#: What? #Person2#: My name. #Person1#: Agh.
#Person1# wants to take a test but the test has ended. #Person1# explains the bus didn't come on time, but Mrs. Smith realizes it's a lie. Then #Person1# blames the alarm clock. Mrs. Smith asks #Person1# to accept the consequences because #Person1# made some bad choices. Mrs. Smith thinks #Person1# should not shift the blame here and weasel out of responsibility.
take the test
#Person1#: Why do we have to walk to the station? And where is it? #Person2#: It's just down that road...I think. #Person1#: Look! There's a policeman! Ask him the way. #Person2#: All right. I'll go and ask him. #Person1#: (pause for 6 seconds) So,what did he say? #Person2#: Well, we have to walk down this road, take the first turning on the left. Then walk until we come to the river and... #Person1#: The river? #Person2#: Yes. It's over there, and there's a bridge. Across the bridge, we will be able to see some road signs which will tell us the way. #Person1#: But how far is it? How long does it take to walk there? #Person2#: About fifteen minutes, if we walk quickly. #Person1#: Fifteen minutes! We may be late for the train. And with these heavy bags, too! I think we ought to take a taxi. #Person2#: Not at this hour. Look at the traffic. It's moving very slowly. We can get there just as quickly on foot. #Person1#: Well, I can't possibly carry this bag any farther. #Person2#: All right. Let me take it, then. #Person1#: Don't be silly. You can't carry two bags at the same time. #Person2#: Yes, I can. The bags aren't that heavy...hmm! #Person1#: You see! They're heavier than you thought! #Person2#: Perhaps it's not such a bad idea after all. #Person1#: What isn't such a bad idea? What do you mean? #Person2#: Taxi! Taxi!
#Person1# and #Person2# are going to the station. #Person1# suggests taking a taxi after #Person2# asks a policeman the way. #Person2# thinks they can get there quickly on foot but changes #Person2#'s mind when #Person2# realizes how heavy their bags are.
take a taxi
#Person1#: Well, this must be the National Library. #Person2#: I guess so. Oh, no! I don't think it's open today. Look, it says 'Closed Tuesdays'. #Person1#: Well, we'll just have to come back tomorrow. #Person2#: But we're supposed to go on that tour tomorrow. #Person1#: Oh, that's right. I forgot all about it. How about the day after tomorrow then? #Person2#: It's Ok with me.
#Person1# and #Person2# will come back to the library the day after tomorrow.
closed library
#Person1#: Now, Cathy, do we know when the visitors from India are coming? #Person2#: We offered them 3 choices, the end of March, the middle of April and the beginning of May. And they chose the earliest one, which is good actually with the exams coming up in May. #Person1#: Right. And how many are coming? Did you say about 12? #Person2#: Yes, they said 12 at first, but changed to 10 this morning. #Person1#: Good. We have 8 weeks to prepare. Here are my suggestions. On the first day, a welcome party. Then they can visit the schools in the district on the second and third days. #Person2#: We've got to remember this group wants to look at how computers are being used in the classroom. #Person1#: Exactly. So I want to ask Mr. Goodman to give them a talk on this on the afternoon of the third day. #Person2#: That'll fit in very nicely. #Person1#: And on their last day, they want to do some sightseeing. We could take them on a tour of London. But many of them may have been there already. And Schottland will be too far away. #Person2#: Why not take them for a walk along the coast? It should be interesting. #Person1#: Good idea, Cathy. I'm sure they'll like it.
Cathy tells #Person1# 10 visitors from India are coming at the end of March. They are planning a welcome party, a talk on how computers are being used in the classroom, and some sightseeing along the coast.
#Person1#: Mike, I'm going to Washington tomorrow, do you have anything to be taken to professor Yang? #Person2#: Yes, Helen. I finished the article, if you will take it to him that will save me a trip. #Person1#: I'm glad to. #Person2#: Please ask him to read the article and point out any mistakes and I will try to correct them when I take it back. #Person1#: Have you printed it out? #Person2#: Not yet. Someone else is using the machine. #Person1#: Then can you print it before 4:50? #Person2#: Sure, I will take it to your office.
Helen will help to take Mike's paper to Professor Yang in Washington and ask Yang to point out the mistakes.
take the paper
#Person1#: The WHO reports about 1. 6 billion adults were overweight. Of which at least 400 million were too fat. #Person2#: Fatness can bring more trouble for People. #Person1#: What's worse, men who were overweight at the age of 18 had nearly 50% less chance of being married by their 30s and 40s. #Person2#: You mean women list a man's appearance first? #Person1#: Sure! 500,000 Swedish men born between 1951 and 1961 were surveyed. #Person2#: I must watch my weight from now on. #Person1#: Yeah, you should in my opinion.
#Person1# tells #Person2# about how fatness may bring trouble to people. #Person2# will watch #Person2#'s weight.
#Person1#: You look so fit, Nathan? What do you often do at the gym? #Person2#: Well, I try to work on specific back and lower back muscles with barbells. But I don't like gyms so much, you know. #Person1#: Why not? #Person2#: Because I find that many gyms are not really gyms, there just socializing places. You just sit on a machine and talk with others for like 45 minutes, #Person1#: Uhh, I see.
Nathan tells #Person1# he doesn't like gyms because they are just socializing places.
#Person1#: Hello and welcome to our program, Working Abroad. Our guest this evening is a Londoner, who lives and works in Italy. Her name's Susan Hill. Susan, welcome to the program. You live in Florence. How long have you been living there? #Person2#: since nineteen eighty two, but when I went there in nineteen eighty two, I plan to stay for only 6 months. #Person1#: Why did you change your mind? #Person2#: Well, soon after I arrived in Florence, I got a job with one of Italy's Top companies, Ferragamo, so I decided to stay. #Person1#: Oh, lucky. Do you still work for Ferragamo now? #Person2#: No, I left there in nineteen eighty eight. I've been a free designer since then. I've designed for some Italian companies as well as to American companies and in the last 5 years I've also been designing for the British company Burberry. #Person1#: What have you been designing for them? #Person2#: Mostly handbags and sometimes shoes and leather jackets. #Person1#: How's your industry changed since nineteen eighty two? #Person2#: It's become a lot more competitive because the quality of products from other countries has improved a lot, but Italian quality and design is still world famous. #Person1#: Well, thank you for talking to us, Susan.
#Person1# interviews Susan Hill, a Londoner who lives and works in Italy, on #Person1#'s program, Working Abroad. Susan went to Italy in 1982 and got a job there. She now works as a designer. She thinks her industry has become more competitive since 1982.
work abroad
#Person1#: Tina, my shirt is too tight, isn't it? Some of my friends were laughing at me today. #Person2#: Yes, it is a little tight. Let's buy you a new one. Oh look here, dear. This shirt costs only $24 on the Internet. I've seen it for 40 in the shops. #Person1#: But don't you think it looks rather unfashionable? #Person2#: No, I think it will suit you well. I'm going to buy you one. #Person1#: On the Internet? #Person2#: Yes, then we don't have to go out. They say it can be delivered in 48 hours. #Person1#: But I don't think it's safe to share our credit card information with a stranger. #Person2#: That's not a problem. They have a third party safety control. #Person1#: But I can't try it on before buying. #Person2#: Don't worry. They have different sizes and colors. I will order your size and your favorite color, brown, right? #Person1#: But what if I'm not satisfied with the quality? #Person2#: If we are not satisfied. We will return the T-shirt and they will return our money. #Person1#: Ok, then let's try shopping on the Internet.
Tina wants to buy #Person1# a new shirt online and persuades #Person1# that there's a third party safety control and they can return the T-shirt if #Person1#'s not satisfied. #Person1# agrees to try.
shopping online
#Person1#: Hello, I'd like to mail these books and clothes to Australia. How much will that cost? #Person2#: It depends on how much they weigh. Let's see, it's 5 pounds. So that will be $30. #Person1#: Let me take some stuff out to make it cheaper. There, how much now? #Person2#: It's 4 pounds now, so that will be $25. #Person1#: OK, I'll take out a few more items. Alright, how about now? #Person2#: Now it comes to $15 at 2 and a half pounds. #Person1#: OK, that works. Can I get a shipping number so that I know when it arrives? #Person2#: Yes, of course. We also offer insurance for $5. #Person1#: No, thanks. #Person2#: Would you like express shipping for an extra $10? #Person1#: No, regular shipping is fine.
#Person1# wants to mail some books and clothes to Australia. #Person1# keeps taking out some stuff until it only costs $15 and refuses #Person2#'s offer on insurance and express shipping.
#Person1#: Aren't you getting off at the next stop? #Person2#: You're right. That's where I usually get off for the office. But it's early so I thought I'd stay on as far as the High Street and do a couple of things there. #Person1#: Some shopping? #Person2#: Yes, after I've given this book back, I've just finished the last chapter and it's a few days late, so I have to pay a fine, but it is worth it. #Person1#: Then, which shop are you going to? You said you need a new jacket. #Person2#: I've already bought it. I'm going to buy Adele's new CD.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# will get off at the High Street to do some shopping after paying the fine for a late book return.
get off