напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Я повел тебя в ресторан
Я повел тебя в ресторан А потом на такси домой Ты сказала, что очень рада И завтра встретишься со мной Ты обвела меня вокруг пальца Я знаю, что ты играла со мной Ты обвела меня вокруг пальца Я знаю, что ты играла со мной Я обещал прийти, я здесь Ты обещала - тебя здесь нет И букет в моих руках Давно завял, давно зачах Ты обвела меня вокруг пальца Я знаю, что ты играла со мной Ты обвела меня вокруг пальца Я знаю, что ты играла со мной Я писал тебе длинные письма Ты мне только - в открытке привет Я хочу совершить убийство Так, чтоб ты держала ответ Ты обвела меня вокруг пальца Я знаю, что ты играла со мной Ты обвела меня вокруг пальца Я знаю, что ты играла со мной Ты обвела меня вокруг пальца Я знаю, что ты играла со мной Ты обвела меня вокруг пальца Я знаю, что ты играла со мной
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя В городе мне жить или на выселках
Песен еще ненаписанных, сколько? Скажи, кукушка, пропой В городе мне жить или на выселках Камнем лежать или гореть звездой? Звездой... Солнце моё - взгляни на меня Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак И если есть порох - дай огня Вот так Кто пойдет по следу одинокому? Сильные да смелые головы сложили в поле в бою Мало кто остался в светлой памяти В трезвом уме да с твердой рукой в строю В строю... Солнце моё - взгляни на меня Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак И если есть порох - дай огня Вот так Мы привыкли: каждый день - бой Либо мы, либо нас, и мы можем теперь причинять и терпеть боль Но нам чувства не чужды, и рвутся наружу, и их не укрыть за враньём Ведь не камень в груди, а горячее сердце, что просто покрыто бронёй Да! Подъём, солдат! Выживая под огнём в котлах Всё сметаю на пути, да, я непобедим, если дома меня ждёт она Я вернусь! Я клянусь! Я готов пережить даже чёртову смерть! Ведь мне есть, зачем жить, потому что мне есть, за что умереть! Это наше проклятие - всех делить на своих и чужих Ожидая подвох или в спину ножи, и во сне видеть призраки павших собратьев Так закалялась сталь: под натиском одни ломались, другие - только твёрже Не все пойдут в победный парад, но мы все станем датами, кто раньше, а кто-то позже Под ливнями бомб я в атаку иду с её именем в мыслях Даже зная, что линия фронта может прервать мою линию жизни Но если не мы то никто Если не мы - ни один не вернётся! Кого-то ведёт звезда смерти, а кого-то звезда по имени солнце! Где же ты теперь, воля вольная? С кем же ты сейчас ласковый рассвет встречаешь? Ответь Хорошо с тобой, да плохо без тебя Голову да плечи терпеливые под плеть Под плеть... Солнце моё - взгляни на меня Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак И если есть порох - дай огня Вот так Солнце моё - взгляни на меня Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак И если есть порох - дай огня Вот так
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Я сижу в кровати, только что из ванной
Я сижу в кровати, только что из ванной С мокрой головой На улице мороз, и рано, как ни странно Я пришел домой За стенкой телевизор орет Как быстро пролетел этот год Он так похож на прошлый год Я в прошлом точно так же Сидел один, один, один... В поисках сюжета для новой песни В поисках сюжета для новой песни В поисках сюжета для новой песни Я не умею петь о любви Я не умею петь о цветах А если я пою, значит я вру Я не верю сам, что всё это так За стенкой телевизор орет Как быстро пролетел этот год Он так похож на прошлый год Я в прошлом точно так же Сидел один, один, один... В поисках сюжета для новой песни В поисках сюжета для новой песни В поисках сюжета для новой песни
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Танец на улице, танец на улице в дождь
Танец на улице, танец на улице в дождь Зонты, раскрываясь, звучат словно выстрелы ружей Кто-то бежал, а кто-то остался здесь И тот, кто остался, шагает прямо по лужам Капли дождя лежат на лицах, как слезы Текут по щекам словно слезы Капли дождя лежат на лицах, как слезы Ты знаешь теперь этот танец Битые стекла, рваные брюки - скандал К черту зонт, теперь уже все равно Танец и дождь никогда не отпустят тебя В их мокром обьятии не видно родное окно Капли дождя лежат на лицах, как слезы Текут по щекам словно слезы Капли дождя лежат на лицах, как слезы Ты знаешь теперь этот танец Мокрые волосы взмахом ладони - назад Закрыв свою дверь, ты должен выбросить ключ И так каждый день, так будет каждый день Пока не увидишь однажды небо без туч Капли дождя лежат на лицах, как слезы Текут по щекам словно слезы Капли дождя лежат на лицах, как слезы Ты знаешь теперь этот танец
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя И я должен прийти к девяти, на работу свою
И я должен прийти к девяти, на работу свою Но сейчас уже без десяти, а я только встаю На столе моем завтрак стоит, от него не уйти И наверное, я к девяти не смогу подойти Ещё только без десяти, девять часов Ещё только без десяти, девять часов В объяснительной я напишу, что был у врача А еще напишу, что часов, на пути не встречал И пускай все ругают меня, на работе моей И пускай все позорят меня, на работе моей Ещё только без десяти, девять часов Ещё только без десяти, девять часов Ещё только без десяти, девять часов Ещё только без десяти, девять часов Эх, ещё только без десяти, девять часов
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Гроза за окном, гроза с той стороны окна
Гроза за окном, гроза с той стороны окна Горят фонари и причудливы тени Я смотрю в ночь, я вижу, что ночь темна Но это не станет помехой прогулке - романтика Романтика, романтика, романтика Подворотни страшны, я слышу, как хлопают двери Черные кошки перебегают дорогу Пусть бегут, я в эти сказки не верю; И это не станет помехой прогулке - романтика Романтика, романтика, романтика Трудно идти, я вышел уже давно И вечер в гостях был так приятен и весел Я пил вино, я так люблю вино Но это не станет помехой прогулке - романтика Романтика, романтика, романтика Я проснулся в метро, когда там тушили свет; Меня разбудил человек в красной шапке Это кольцо, и обратного поезда нет; Но это не станет помехой прогулке - романтика Романтика, нео-романтика, романтика Романтика, нео-романтика, романтика Романтика, нео-романтика, романтика
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Да, я шут, я циркач, так что же?
Да, я шут, я циркач, так что же? Пусть меня так зовут вельможи Как они от меня далеки, далеки Никогда не дадут руки Цветы роняют лепестки на песок Никто не знает, как мой путь одинок Сквозь ночь и ветер мне пройти суждено Нигде не светит мне родное окно Устал я греться, у чужого огня Ну где же сердце, что полюбит меня? Живу без ласки, боль свою затая Всегда быть в маске — судьба моя
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Вечер. Я сижу дома. Это зима, это декабрь
Вечер. Я сижу дома. Это зима, это декабрь Ночь будет холодной, если верить часам, она уже рядом... Эй, кто будет моим гостем? Эй, кто будет моим гостем? Пить чай, курить папиросы, думать о том, что будет завтра Завидовать тем, кто знает, что хочет, завидовать тем, кто что-нибудь сделал... Эй, кто будет моим гостем? Эй, кто будет моим гостем? Расскажите мне, что происходит. Удивите меня, расскажите мне новость Убейте меня, рассмешите меня. Кто придет ко мне, подай голос! Эй, кто будет моим гостем? Эй, кто будет моим гостем? Эй-э-э-э-э-эй, эй-э-э-э-э-эй, моим гостем? Эй-э-э-э-э-эй, эй-э-э-э-э-эй, моим гостем?
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Я собираю чемодан, мне нельзя отступать
Я собираю чемодан, мне нельзя отступать Я заметил свой срок, я заметил свой срок... Я сминаю папиросу, смотрю в потолок Я заметил свой срок, я заметил свой срок... Мама, я узнал свое утро Он заметил свой срок, он заметил свой срок... Мама, я узнал свое утро Он заметил свой срок, он заметил свой срок... Я выхожу на порог, я слышу стук копыт Растопите снег, растопите снег... Он убьет меня, он - мой враг навек Растопите снег, растопите снег... Мама, я узнал свое утро Растопите снег, растопите снег... Мама, я узнал свое утро Растопите снег, растопите снег... Я не могу больше жить без нее Помогите мне, помогите мне... Я не могу больше жить без тепла Помогите мне, помогите мне... Мама, я узнал свое утро Помогите мне, помогите мне... Мама, я узнал свое утро Помогите мне, помогите мне... Мама, я узнал свое утро Помогите мне, помогите мне... Мама, я узнал свое утро Помогите мне, помогите мне...
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Я сижу в кровати, только что из ванной, с мокрой головой
Я сижу в кровати, только что из ванной, с мокрой головой На улице мороз, и рано, как ни странно, я пришел домой За стенкой телевизор орет, как быстро пролетел этот год Он так похож на прошлый год, я в прошлом точно так же сидел один, один, один... В поисках сюжета для новой песни. В поисках сюжета для новой песни В поисках сюжета для новой песни. В поисках сюжета для новой песни Я не умею петь о любви, я не умею петь о цветах А если я пою, значит, я вру... Я не верю сам, что все это так За стенкой телевизор орет, как быстро пролетел этот год Он так похож на прошлый год, я в прошлом точно так же сидел один, один, один... В поисках сюжета для новой песни. В поисках сюжета для новой песни В поисках сюжета для новой песни. В поисках сюжета для новой песни В поисках сюжета для новой песни. В поисках сюжета для новой песни В поисках сюжета для новой песни. В поисках сюжета для новой песни
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Теплое место, но улицы ждут
Теплое место, но улицы ждут Отпечатков наших ног Звездная пыль - на сапогах Мягкое кресло, клетчатый плед На не жатый вовремя курок Солнечный день - в ослепительных снах Группа крови - на рукаве Мой порядковый номер - на рукаве Пожелай мне удачи в бою, пожелай мне: Не остаться в этой траве Не остаться в этой траве Пожелай мне удачи, пожелай мне удачи! И есть чем платить, но я не хочу Победы любой ценой Я никому не хочу ставить ногу на грудь Я хотел бы остаться с тобой Просто остаться с тобой Но высокая в небе звезда зовет меня в путь Группа крови - на рукаве Мой порядковый номер - на рукаве Пожелай мне удачи в бою, пожелай мне: Не остаться в этой траве Не остаться в этой траве Пожелай мне удачи, пожелай мне удачи!
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя А один из них, как-нибудь
Так много весёлых ребят И все делают велосипед А один из них, как-нибудь Утром придумает порох Ну а я тут сижу без тебя Мне до этих ребят дела нет Лишь окурки лежат на полу Да мусора ворох Расскажи мне историю этого мира Удивись количеству прожитых лет Расскажи, каково быть мишенью в тире У меня есть вопрос, на который ты не дашь мне ответ И так странно проходят часы И так странно, мне хочется спать И так странно, когда за окном проезжает машина И я не знаю, точны ли весы Но мне не хочется их проверять Мне слишком нравится эта картина Расскажи мне историю этого мира Удивись количеству прожитых лет Расскажи, каково быть мишенью в тире У меня есть вопрос, на который ты не дашь мне ответ На который ты не дашь мне ответ
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Крыши домов дрожат под тяжестью дней
Крыши домов дрожат под тяжестью дней Небесный пастух пасёт облака Город стреляет в ночь дробью огней Но ночь сильней, её власть велика Тем, кто ложится спать Спокойная ночь, спокойная ночь Тем, кто ложится спать, спокойная ночь Спокойная ночь Я ждал это время, и вот это время пришло Те, кто молчал перестали молчать Те, кому нечего ждать, садятся в седло Их не догнать, уже не догнать А тем, кто ложится спать Спокойная ночь, спокойная ночь Тем, кто ложится спать, спокойная ночь Спокойная ночь Соседи приходят, им слышится стук копыт Мешает уснуть, тревожит их сон Те, кому нечего ждать, отправляются в путь Те, кто спасён, те, кто спасён А тем, кто ложится спать Спокойная ночь, спокойная ночь Тем, кто ложится спать, спокойная ночь Спокойная ночь Тем, кто ложится спать Спокойная ночь, спокойная ночь
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя А, я болею, мы все больны
А, я болею, мы все больны Мы все очень больны Помоги мне, мама Мама День, как день, только ты почему-то грустишь Все вокруг поют, а ты один молчишь Потерял аппетит и не хочешь пойти в кино Ты идешь в магазин, чтобы купить вино Ты идешь в магазин, головою поник Как будто иссяк чистый горный родник Она где-то лежит, ест мед и пьет аспирин И вот ты идешь на вечеринку один Солнце светит, и растет трава Но тебе всё равно Всё не так, и всё не то Когда она больна На вечеринку один На вечеринку один Когда она больна На вечеринку один На вечеринку один Ты идешь один Когда она больна Ты идешь один Солнце светит, и растет трава Но тебе всё равно Всё не так, и всё не то Когда она больна Мама, мы все больны Мама, мы все тяжело больны Мама, мы все больны Все тяжело больны Мама, мы все больны Мама, мы все тяжело больны Мама, мы все больны Мы все больны Солнце светит, и растет трава Но тебе всё равно Всё не так, и всё не то Когда она больна
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Ты смотришь мне в глаза, ты смотришь мне в глаза
Ты смотришь мне в глаза, ты смотришь мне в глаза Но темные стекла хранят мою душу Мы вышли из кино, мы вышли из кино Ты хочешь там остаться, но сон твой нарушен Ты смотришь мне в глаза, а я смотрю вперед Ты говоришь, что я похож на киноактера И ты меня зовешь, а я иду домой Я знал, что будет плохо, но не знал, что так скоро Знаю, что ты любишь каждый этот фильм И каждой твоей песни знаю я мотив Знаю, что ты так любишь эти кинотеатры Но быть с тобой вместе мы сможем вряд ли Ты хочешь, чтобы я остался навсегда с тобой Ты хочешь, чтоб ты пела, а я тебя слушал Оставь меня в покое, оставь меня в покое Оставь меня в покое и не тронь мою душу Ты хочешь, чтобы я остался навсегда с тобой Ты хочешь, чтоб ты пела, а я тебя слушал Оставь меня в покое, оставь меня в покое Оставь меня в покое и не тронь мою душу Знаю, что ты любишь каждый этот фильм И каждой твоей песни знаю я мотив Знаю, что ты так любишь эти кинотеатры Но быть с тобой вместе мы сможем вряд ли Ты так любишь эти фильмы Мне знакомы эти песни Ты так любишь кинотеатры Мы вряд ли сможем быть вместе Знаю, что ты любишь каждый этот фильм И каждой твоей песни знаю я мотив Знаю, что ты так любишь эти кинотеатры Но быть с тобой вместе мы сможем вряд ли Знаю, что ты любишь каждый этот фильм И каждой твоей песни знаю я мотив Знаю, что ты так любишь эти кинотеатры Но быть с тобой вместе мы сможем вряд ли
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Из сетки календаря выхвачен день
Вместо тепла зелень стекла Вместо огня дым Из сетки календаря выхвачен день Красное солнце сгорает дотла День догорает с ним На пылающий город падает тень Перемен требуют наши сердца Перемен требуют наши глаза В нашем смехе и в наших слезах И в пульсации вен Перемен! Мы ждём перемен Электрический свет продолжает наш день И коробка от спичек пуста Но на кухне синим цветком горит газ Сигареты в руках, чай на столе Эта схема проста И больше нет ничего, всё находится в нас Перемен требуют наши сердца Перемен требуют наши глаза В нашем смехе и в наших слезах И в пульсации вен Перемен! Мы ждём перемен Мы не можем похвастаться мудростью глаз И умелыми жестами рук Нам не нужно всё это, чтобы друг друга понять Сигареты в руках, чай на столе Так замыкается круг И вдруг нам становится страшно что-то менять Перемен требуют наши сердца Перемен требуют наши глаза В нашем смехе и в наших слезах И в пульсации вен Перемен! Мы ждём перемен
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя Ты звонишь мне каждый день
Ты звонишь мне каждый день Я не знаю, как мне быть Я не знаю, как мне дать Тебе понять, что я уже не тот Раньше я тебя любил Но сердце больше не поет И с момента нашей первой встречи Скоро будет целый год Ты выглядишь так несовременно Рядом со мной Я же говорил тебе Что так уже ходить нельзя А ты не понимаешь ничего И ничего не хочешь менять А я учил тебя целый год Тратил время целый год Ты думала, что я шучу И до сих пор не можешь понять Ты выглядишь так несовременно Рядом со мной
напиши песню в стиле Виктора Цоя В её жизни было много бед...
Она всегда была одна В её жизни было много бед... Она меня бесила и говорила что это её решение Но я её помогаю И говорю что будет правильней Что бы сделали другие девушки натуралки! Как будь-то игра съедает мою душу Как будь-то игра съедает мою душу Как будь-то игра съедает мою душу Как будь-то игра съедает мою душу... Ты видел сон как ушла от тебя сестра И это знак что скоро что-то случится Завтра Перед тобой всегда Каждое Завтра И каждое, Сегодня и Каждая ночь Каждое Вчера и Каждый Вечер Тебе хочется уйти из игры и твою душу съела эта игра! Как будь-то игра съедает мою душу Как будь-то игра съедает мою душу Как будь-то игра съедает мою душу Как будь-то игра съедает мою душу... Душу Душу Душу Душу...
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Dont politics on the insanes nigga
Dont politics on the insanes nigga You know how we coming nigga Babies, 23, FLC You know how we coming Opps get hit and they call the cops Double O he dont think, he just up it and hawk his top All these opps getting choked a lot While these boys talking hot When they know I dont talk a lot And Im shooting to end his life When he open the door he get met with a couple pipes Not trapped for a couple nights You gon run from the sound, but go duck when you see the light When you see me its terrorism Say your big homie dead well, you can get buried with him Send bro and I know he hit him One chop, two chops start blicking with a steady rhythm Me and Black, all black on a late night They gone know who did it when the face white Rock throwing up the V when the brake light Oppers skin gone melt when the eight bite Why you stalling, me and gang gon spin through Got a dot on his head like he Hindu Cant run from the shots gone win you Blue tip pop his face like a pimple Moving tact you get cooked like a dinner plate Do a drill then we back on the interstate Bullets hot you get blicked and your skin opaque Do a drill with my guys then we sit and wait Besides all the politics nigga Who spinning? clutch Two grips and a brief like Im Jeff Hardy Last call from his mom, its a death parting Max from the have him aching faking heart bitter Twenty-three shots when the stars get him TJ all the way on a different pace Double O got his eye on the interscope Kill him close Babies masked and we flicking grains The position, we clicking things and we clicking things What? Beef cant settle, took charge Now Im back to defending Trap house Babies crazy Throw that .9 at your back and receive it Pistol talk to the Federallies, please Off the porch, leave the score up to the streets Hop out the V, get to blamming M-Dot leave you drenched in your fashion Face was on the PIX-11 Purge night, closed race, stain gang move tact if you talk them digits move tact, fingers itching, blitzing Soo woo, One chop, move wock Get you boo wet Lil kids never chilling with opps They setting a drop , they move up the block Babies sliding unlimited flock then we plot again Hop out the Burban and to God dash, its a different slide dash, its a different slide Ed, Edd, and Eddie no picking pies OMBK how my niggas ride Spin through the then we leaving nines Cant fuck with fuck with no lame niggas They switch sides Couldnt find their own lane so they dick ride Niggas talk like they out but they inside I know that for a fact thats how bitches lie Run in your crib let me get that Call brodie its time for the get back Bitches love when I shoot then I step back Bullets inserted right where his chest at I put my life in this street shit Swear to god I dont tolerate weakness On court Im on offense and defense Call Pop and he got it the cheapest Got 23 shots for you opp niggas He survive he gone die in a hospital Kick doors come look in the house for you Kick doors come look in the house for you Smoking dead opps got me lazy This new clip I filled up is for Jaydee Put a beam on the tip, no safety When I spin through the Ville, he gon take three Dee Sav better run ricky, run Told bro dont stop just shoot til its done New .40 came equip with a drum Spin through my block are you dumb are you dumb Aint no hesitation its a man down anybody can get it Final destination you a damn clown all my niggas with it How you politicing, you aint spin yet You aint touch a damn soul Niggas politicing til the choppas hit him Up the pole then Im back home Two, three shots out the V or hop out and squeeze Either way its a man down Niggas start copping a plea til I pull up for real show you niggas some damn clowns thats the big bro When he spin on the opps he let six go When he spin on the opps he let six go Bodies drop all the time then we get low When he spin on the opps he let six go Two fifty rock you know how we coming Im back Shit dont stop EBK nigga, OMBK nigga, fuck nigga Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Oh, you toting Glocks? Pass me the tre pizzy
Structure Babies, babies TMO Ho-ho-ho Oh, you toting Glocks? Pass me the tre pizzy Come to your block like, Yo, Cigg, throw up mack and I piece Ciggy  Dont trip cause the breesh with me For my crippies, Ill crack out JJ gon back out, clear the whole background You hear them gun sounds, grrt-da-bap My shooters pop out when they moving too tac If we outside, its like two or three straps Uh, they is not tough enough They better structure up Fore this shit get critical Left his bitch looking all miserable Too many Glocks, we could pick and choose If you bluff on the Brim, thats a stupid move Get a TD and I act like Victor Cruz Tell them, tell them niggas dont play with us My shooter dont care, he too dangerous We the smoke you dont want, nigga, angel dust And if you want us dead, then come aim at us Plus I wont say no names when they takin us Get it, take it The breesh be the reason she naked Too many shots and I dont need no aimin She know what to do cause I put her in trainin Is you gon slide or what? Is you gon ride or what? If shit gettin litty , uh, is you ready to die or what? Pop out , is you ready to slide or what? Is you ready to , uh, is you ready to die or what? Is you ready to die or what? Take his soul, now his body stuck Panicking mannequin, out of luck Finish him, diligence, pedals bust Please dont chopper bluff TJ, he with me, he skeet, thats the gun, aint no drip talk Get him picked off Do his criss-cross Yo Sleezy, Yo Bizzy Here go the four-fizzy Two, three shots have him running, Ricky Got plenty Bullets is mixed, so the feds is confused when we empty Look, when we slide, get them doors open See a ghost out the trunk when the Sleez uppin End of discussion Thats structure Get to a bag, Im upper Out the window Watch em sketch up the block, no stencil Take the plate off the ride, we bend through Paramedicsll ride, we send you Know the Devil and God, we friends too Pop his top like Ciroq or something When its a shot, aint no coaching Me and Blizzo, we scorching Like the shark, you aint swag like some shore fish Is you gon slide or what? Is you gon ride or what? If shit gettin litty , uh, is you ready to die or what? Pop out , is you ready to slide or what Is you ready to , uh, is you ready to die or what Is you gon slide or what? Is you gon ride or what? If shit gettin litty, uh, is you ready to die or what? Pop out , is you ready to slide or what? Is you ready to , uh, is you ready to die or what? Pop out, is you ready to slide or what? Is you ready to, is you ready to slide or what? Grah Pop out Crack out2Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc It’s no kids in the spot, take out the drugs and them pills and the lean, what we need in the spot
It’s no kids in the spot, take out the drugs and them pills and the lean, what we need in the spot Got the treesh in the spot, we kickin doors, everyone in the floor, what we need is the guap What we need is the guap, if he tweak he get choked We gon stoke him and leave him to bleed in the spot We gon bake in the spot, me and Black on the tags See the look on their face when we creepin the spot They aint leavin the spot Shoot em like Klay up in three from the chop All they seen was the plot, fuck the heat from the shot All they seen was the dot All they seen was the dot, thats that beam on the chop, put the stash up I dont got time for the games with the beggar I need one tuck it go up and then blast that I get you lined in the box like a hashtag We need the keys to the safe or the code to the safe If he put it wrong put some holes in his face Put the chrome to her face This bitch cope with me, run in the spot, had the smirk on her face Wipe the smirk off your face, we not playin bitch Black and white not the ones to be playin with Put all the breesh in the bag and stop staring bitch cause you look at my eyes and Im airin shit Hold on, time to get out of the spot, cops are surrounding the block Neighbours is calling the cops cause they hearin them shots We got the breeshy, how we escape on the block, we caught them mordible pds We spillin death If you see me, you hit the spot dont be greedy, please dont be greedy Pass me the keys, Im tryna get off the scene but the pigs are surrounding the V, had to get off on feet We took a right by the , If they catch us we shoot at the D Only thing left on my mind is to get all this bread off the street so that Babies can eat Only if my baby knew what I did to put shoes on her feet Now we back to the crib, roll up the dead and we laugh about all of the shit that we did All the licks that we hit, all the bread that we split All the ops that we hit, I remember this shit Search on the way for two armed man accused in a home invasion robbery in Brooklyn. Police is realising the surveillance video of the suspects. Investigators say the men forced their way into a 31-year-old mans apartment near Grand Street1Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc For the gang, babies gon hop out them Jeeps, get to kick, get to drumming
For the gang, babies gon hop out them Jeeps, get to kick, get to drumming For the gang, we just gon sweep through them streets cause my janitors coming For the gang, babies gon hop out them Jeeps, get to kick, get to drumming For the gang, for the gang For the gang, babies gon hop out them Jeeps, get to kick, get to drumming For the gang, we just gon sweep through them streets cause my janitors coming For the gang, babies gon hop out them Jeeps, get to kick, get to drumming For the gang, we just gon sweep through them streets cause my janitors coming For the gang, cook him like take him, we bake him, we burning his muffin Look, you a stain, first snatch your chains, rob the jeweller got me bussin Im a alpha, post like Ibaka Let off shots, have him feel like Sinatra Dont get stitched like a muppet You moving too tactical, trust that Im slugging You get stuffed with these shells, now you in bed rest with twenty a stomach Now your priest making visits Crossfire, halo top, bring the whole choir And this shit cause the jocking You hear them shots, now his heart skipping Gang, gang, gang Remember them nights, villains We see a prey, now we all on it Break bread, you cannot eat, you aint starve with us For the gang, did you slide? Affiliate yourself with that mission Have him flap like a pigeon, he play with my blood and we sic em Mr Black, Mr White on the goalie mission I took the shots, he reload the bullets Yall think you safe, we gon keep it coming Ghostbusters, cross the Crips, aint no love from us Go text on the net, watch it get back, we just sit back, get them blickys ready, see it spit facts If locations is accurate, choppa take souls, you get sent to the Nazareth pussy Niggas duck while they gathering, tuta named Katherine, send the drop and the matics in For the gang, she just gon suck it, gon fuck it, get the drop from the oppys Look, we dont need a molly, you jacking his K/D we spinning your body Prolly kidnap your mommy, cut up her body, get sold to them zombies Business with the oppys, I dont got it on me, they send me the shotty The bullets departing, you cannot dodge Bullets into your body (The bullets departing, you cannot dodge Bullets into your body) For the gang, babies gon hop out them Jeeps, get to kick, get to drumming For the gang, we just gon sweep through them streets cause my janitors coming For the gang, babies gon hop out them Jeeps, get to kick, get to drumming For the gang, we just gon sweep through them streets cause my janitors In the arms got a baby here bleeding out Fuck the broom, get the mop, we gon clean it out Watch him walk out the house, bullets steam his scalp Skin is cold in the spot, like the heat is out Got the heaters out, gang is creeping round Apollo Creed in the choppa, lets beat him down In the hallway like gang didnt need a house For the gang, split heads with my chop, dont ask me, he in Satans hands Max ThaDemon I dont follow Jesus plan, if you do Ill just press bullets, you meet the man Told he flying like Peter Pan Got the drums in the spot, we dont need a band All the sticks in the spot, we the drummer boys And his brain get thrown back when the gun deploy You dont scream from this chop, get a different toy Have you up in the church like a christian boy He got wet in the church like a altar boy Holy water, the whole choir, kidnap your sister, you dont find her Got the heat in the streets, Im the Ghost Rider He not heated enough, he get more fire And thats more trauma, shoot from all angles like, where to run? If my .30 get jammed, click a different one I got Black in the cut, he the hidden one If my shot dont connect, he not missing son He like, Where in the fuck is yall hitting from? And we dressed in all black, we got mittens on And we dressed in all black, we got Gang, gang, gang For the gang, babies gon hop out them Jeeps, get to kick, get to drumming For the gang, we just gon sweep through them streets cause my janitors coming For the gang, babies gon hop out them Jeeps, get to kick, get to drumming For the gang, we just gon sweep through them streets cause my janitors coming2Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Who am I? Someone thats afraid to let go
Who am I? Someone thats afraid to let go You decide if youre ever gonna let me know Suicide if you ever try to let go, uh Im sad, I know, yeah, Im sad, I know, yeah Who am I? Someone thats afraid to let go Gang, gang Drop a bag we gon slide through the block Ima move close on an opp, Ima manage a shot Free Aiden, always down for the block We get him pitched out his socks now he down in a box Down in her throat by some inches Hit with extensions, Ima send to blick em Shit could get wicked, shoot like JO while he clickin He movin hot on his pivot On that block, so you finished Bro wet him up like some dishes Now his ligaments missin We gon smoke like a donut We thank the Lord cause he chose us Play disrespect, sendin soldiers Huh, look, look, we bag him up, tag his toe up Glock got a dick so its pissin But on the bible its sinnin, its sendin commitments Slick in my denims Im totin hollows, thats in em Go sick for the breeshy She let me sit cause she treeshy The animal, I go beastie I thought he died, but lets mush him I got the call, brodie panicked He coulda swore that he took him The life that we livin Its gettin money or blitzin And the life that you livin You could get left like a witness And dont lack while we spinnin Caliber been spittin this vicious Used to trap on my jail She capped on my name, she not preggo Used me for garments and pesos Cant be on that live, on that radar We come in three come and spray yall We hit that opp then we take off Send him on T get him paid off Suicide gang call me James Bond .30 gon sing like its Trey Songz Big booty bitch got her thing on She pop a perc then we lay up I dump that bitch on her make-up Lovin her jaws, fuck her face up Niggas get money and change up Only my brothers we dangerous Not a dime, not a soul that can change us Droppin a thumb, gettin facelift Got a mop on the chop, so its maintenance Niggas get low so they plankin Hollows gon touch, better thank us We see this man, theres no savior We see his mans, droppin gang too Different poles, different souls, different angles Who am I? Someone thats afraid to let go You decide if youre ever gonna let me know Suicide if you ever try to let go, uh Im sad, I know, yeah, Im sad, I know, yeahEmbed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Its that season with my demons
Its that season with my demons He dont drop we repeating If he hungry bullets feed em 50 shots in this chop i be tweakin’ Its that season with my demons He dont drop we repeating If he hungry bullets feed em 50 shots in this chop i be tweakin Ciggyblack off the he be geekin’ Knockems around got my mask for the season Never talk on the dead you could meet em Think about drills with the guys we some demons We not doing that back and forth shit Stomach shot got him feeling nauseous 50 shots I be tweakin One on top for a rеason Forty-niner catch me squeezin Up the hе recievin Intercept bullets reachin He got checked I just did it Got 3 knocks in the v for the mission Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Gang signs in this bitch, you know how the fuck we rockin
Hargo production Gang signs in this bitch, you know how the fuck we rockin Gang, gang Watch em Enough is - Watch em Enough is enough I dont do the dissin back Touch one of my movers Run up then we boomin , put holes in his fitted cap Double O’s where the killers at If patrolling the P’z its a boobie trap So we blow by the till Catch me an OMB peasant get hit with this ratchet She a dyke its attached with some plastic Call Tz he get popped for the acting If she scream then we snatching her, actress She get sold to them papi’s they asking Its a drought, in that traffic they panic 20k for a body on that end Im in tune with some other shit Got it tucked in my diaper Im searching Im off a pill Linden where they at 45th send him back Dont care if the sirens on rush Look then we leaving him wacked Get us all off the map Special .38 ADHD when I blow it cant stay in place Call up 226 Ball like A.I in 05 Get hit wit blue tips Make him bachata Hella rounds inna pool stick For the gang in the way we gon boom shit Im what you call My choppa sing, lullabys Felons crack out just for anybody Two or three poles move bogus we leave a zombie Dont care if he flossin or wooin or chooin Parley in Garvey Talk hot then we chalk the body Aint no chitter chat EBK on my fucking cap they dont check the body No I cant help Im sorry Blow, you done crossed the boundaries Linden where they at 45th send him back Dont care if the sirens on rush Look then we leaving him wacked Get us all off the map Special .38 ADHD when I blow it cant stay in placeEmbed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc I guess you wonder where Ive been
I guess you wonder where Ive been Gang, gang, gang, gang I searched to find a love within Watch em Rrah, rrah Im a demon, I do try to hide it Fake love feel real, you disguise it Brodie point, Ima draw, Ima drop shit For the love of the gang, she gon line em Watch the killer get killed, it take time Why you hate on a man on the grind? I done seen a grown man throw his life for some shine Clout-addicted niggas out of line Out of sight and niggas out of mind Free bro, brodie doin time .357 spinnin like a blender God forgive mе, I was born a sinner Hop out shootin, shootin like Im Kemba Gotta show lovе from a distance Need a bad bitch, like she Walker Uh, I get em slimed like he Porter Ill be damned I get slimed by an Albo .44 chrome bullets hittin his tonsils Stepper move tact like Marvel Uh, look Shit be different, Im missin my bros Some dead, some aint comin home Love my lady, Im feelin alone I go bendin when Im in that zone Cold hearted but Im dressed in Chrome Talkin crazy, now you in a song On the news, on a tee, get em gone Gang, gang, gang gang gang Well, Im in a daze from your love, you see Rrah, rrah Im a demon, I do try to hide it Fake love feel real, you disguise it Brodie point, Ima draw, Ima drop shit For the love of the gang, she gon line em Watch the killer get killed, it take time Why you hate on a man on the grind? I done seen a grown man throw his life for some shine Clout-addicted niggas out of line Clout-addicted niggas out of line Its a difference when you on a grind You dont know if you hittin, so you keepin silent Real situations will bring out the real you Showed too much love, your dad shouldve killed you What you heard? They didnt hear you Now you heartless and now niggas fear you Dont try to cheat, cause I be prepared too Fuck your feelings I could show I dont care too Paint you a picture So I could show you a clear view I could show I dont care too Uh, look, I could show I dont care too Im a demon, I do try to hide it Fake love feel real, you disguise it Brodie point, Ima draw, Ima drop shit For the love of the gang, she gon line em Watch the killer get killed, it take time Why you hate on a man on the grind? I done seen a grown man throw his life for some shine Clout-addicted niggas out of line I guess you wonder where Ive been Gang, gang, gang, gang I searched to find a love within Watch em Rrah, rrahEmbed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Bae, why you aint back right now?
Watch em Bae, why you aint back right now? You know when I get mad I say things I dont— I get mad, I say things I dont mean When you leave, I be missin your knees Ooh bae, yeah she a freak If I stalk you, I might be a creep Im your dog, give me a leash Im in love, beauty and beast Thugs cry, please be my peace Heart cold and Im blamin the streets Mean it hurts, but my scars really deep Je taime, man I love you in French Comment ça va? what I text you instead Je taime when I put you to bed I bе buggin, look I be thinkin bout fuckin you, uh I be thinkin I lovin you But Im wrong, and Im hurtin you Get goofy, I know you comfortablе Get moody, you thinkin Im subbin you And truthfully, I just be missin you And truthfully, I just be missin you, uh We touchin, less fuckin, lets vibe Back shots, oh you tryna ride? Submission, Im grippin your thigh Just listen, Im feeling this vibe Would you stay if I wasnt the topic? Would you stay if I wasnt in fly shit? Would you stay if I work nine to five? Would you stay if I wasnt that guy? Would you stay if I aint have a profit? If I cheat, would you give me more chances? If I love you, dont take it for granted Anything that you have, it could vanish Understand it I get mad, I say things I dont mean When you leave, I be missin your knees Ooh bae, yeah she a freak If I stalk you, I might be a creep Im your dog, give me a leash Im in love, beauty and beast Thugs cry, please be my peace Heart cold and Im blamin the streets Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc I aint gon lie I might get a little disrespectful on this one, but not too disrespectful
Raa Raa Watch em Gang gang gang I aint gon lie I might get a little disrespectful on this one, but not too disrespectful Ya feel what Im saying? Word to my mother, Turtle We caught an opp We make a movie Fat ass, rub on her booty Screaming we got one yelling out Boonski I be lurking I be with the foolery Bitch I be bugging and shit if you throw up them signs I wont lie knock him out of the whip Aim for heads now a nigga dead Thinking he a bully take him out like Craig Star shooter only aim for net 6 feet cuz the disrespect Kick a chevy yeah I got a jwеt Yeah I bust a move drop a nigga set 30 in thе uh make a nigga fetch Oh you jacking opps? Ima say less Brodie do a walk-up we circle the rest Ricky turned his back bullets through his neck Face shot how he aint dead? He aint spin back, nigga, on the net Ask niggas whats up when they talk on the dead Like its skelly I park when I plug him with lead Fuck having a get him slimed like Bishop Jackie my missus and bitch Im a mister Dont approach on an opp I let it Raa Raa Raa Raa Raa Chop out the window like a pet DOA if we catch him in the chest Bitch I been shooting Os Knock an O out an O free double O We performing them niggas making shows Make it clap talking bout Sitchy He get whacked cuz he on 50 Cuz he seven we getting reckless Like chess, nigga not checkers We some vets who gon check us? Get him hit thats a good message Aint no wonder we making it hot Like a skillet we frying the block Long range gon up on the spot Brodie swerving no throwing the knots We caught an opp We make a movie Fat ass, rub on her booty Screaming we got one yelling out Boonski I be lurking I be with the foolery Bitch I be bugging and shit if you throw up them signs I wont lie knock him out of the whip Aim for heads now a nigga dead Thinking he a bully take him out like CraigEmbed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc How can I trust mines?
Watch em Watch ’em I fuck niggas bitches How can I trust mines? Rags to the riches Run it up do it more times She a slime, she not fine nine Do the dash on the I9 Lamb truck on the drive-by Move tact when we slide by Makin bands off the Zaza And she matchin in Prada I can’t trust you designers Hope my feelings just vanish No paparazzi we flash em we blam em Mask on but we still up on camera Brodie died and she fuckin in two days Fuck love, and that truth say Hide my feelings in DUsse Sex tape, no blu-ray Only call me when you moody Wanna fuck mе dont be groupie DTB, this an anthem I cant trust hеr Im just sayin’ Wanna vibe and non-relation And she foreign, speak the language Caught him lackin’ please dont panic The bands and rubber-banding Chanel be on her luggage She a blasé, I can’t cuff it And my mans because you did it Movin funny with your digits In my lane I never hit it Its my turn them niggas fakin Fake love is irritatin’ Choppa shootin make a blanket Trey blow them niggas singin I dont want your love at all And my feelings gone since my brodie gone I dont want your love at all Ay, my feelings gone since my brodie gone Im back at it Play the block, we was good at it Do the dash, I aint plannin on crashin Fucked her friend, now she movin dramatic If you know what you did when I said it You a hoe and I give you your credit And my life soon be on the debit Swipin Louis and lookin impressive Make sure mama good, uh, gang lookin great Put some food on they plate Fuck love, you aint safe Fuck her friend just in case Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc You gotta trust the process, secure the bag nigga
Glah glah Gang gang gang You gotta trust the process, secure the bag nigga Watch em, drop em Gang gang How you smokin backdoor and that shit dont exist? Its a sin if I pray on a hit Fuck it, Im prayin to God I dont miss No disrespect, but Im tryna shit Like, but karma a bitch Like, so I know I wont slip Think he safe, then we makin it lit I know a brick that got shot in his shit Aint no time to be runnin and trippin Feel the heat from this chop while Im clickin You talkin that shit you aint livin See a opp, put his soul through the ceiling Im like Tom, I dont like Jerry livin My initials, she feelin the pendant Thought he died, how the fuck nigga livin? Gang I like when the opps get on BT Shit gettin worser and worse I got a stick in this D.E I dont think it can fit in her purse Now therеs a citizen app, used to turn on the T.V A nigga gеt clapped, you could look through phone full screen He got shot in his head for his home team Gang I remember them nights I was lonely Free 24, like Kobe Brodie a lefty, he shoot like Ginobili Got some shit on my hip, dont approach me Put his brain on his shoulder My 23s, on Locust Bounce out gang when we hop out and throw shit Glah glah, glah glah How you smokin backdoor and that shit dont exist? Its a sin if I pray on a hit Fuck it, Im prayin to God I dont miss No disrespect, but Im tryna shit Like, but karma a bitch Like, so I know I wont slip Think he safe, then we makin it lit I know a brick that got shot in his shit 1Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc I get those goosebumps every—
Yeah Yeah, yeah I get those goosebumps every— Yeah Yeah, yeah I get those goosebumps everytime, yeah Think Im lackin, Im not cause I got it Four nickel cant fit in my pocket Why she movin like she being honest? Fucked her friend, now Im being dishonest Get him slimed by his mans for a profit When I lost bro, I told him I got her How you left me bro, you was a father Young days used to thug through the charters Niggas dyin for shit they aint part of Not a coach, get em stepped by the starters Full court, man we playin the hardest Side step, long three, gon spark it Four deep when we slidin on Larkin When you hurtin so much, you get heartless When she fuckin your mans, it hit harder When she feenin for you like Mrs. Parker Free like a butterfly, she want a Ella She wanna come back, dont know what to tell her Im disappointed, I shouldve knew better Im with the vibeys, Im blockin her cellular In my bag and Im still with the members Uniform, and I dont call it drip still Spot a opp and I throw at his windshield .38 gon spin like a windmill Take mines, take yours, how the pain feel? Look, fuck it Im a beast, Ima throw .40 make him slip like soap I be settin them trends, Im a GOAT Upper hand, like IT, Ima float Gang gang Think Im lackin, Im not cause I got it Four nickel cant fit in my pocket Why she movin like she being honest? Fucked her friend, now Im being dishonest Get him slimed by his mans for a profit When I lost bro, I told him I got her How you left me bro, you was a father Young days used to thug through the charters I get those goosebumps every time, yeah, you come around, yeah You ease my mind, you make everything feel fine Worried bout those comments Im way too numb, yeah, its way too dumb, yeah I get those goosebumps every time, yeah, you come around, yeah You ease my mind, you make everything feel fine Worried bout those comments Im way too numb, yeah, its way too dumb, yeah I get those goosebumps every—Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc A Lau on the Beat
A Lau on the Beat Ay, AR Look Niggas better check my rap sheet AR dont rap I clap heat You aint gone ride better play the backseat Amiris for the day aint baggy Dont hit me if it aint cashy I be wavin glizzy like I need a taxi Once I get the lead they cannot pass me I remember niggas used to lap me Locked up these bitches used to cap me Now Im in my Birkin Bag on Ashley And I like my bitches bad and classy Nico comin home its gone be nasty Still got the gang with me but them niggas already know that shit Shooter dont play with me everywhere I go he tote that stick Armed and dangerous, cant lack I already know Im lit Armed and dangerous, cant lack I swear I tote my grip All them choppers, he was droppin the gang he got burned We do not play we got guns, smoke drugs to the face I cop Runtz If I tell flock bruh, we bent to the dash we got some Young nigga dripped in designer and Im mixing off any bottle Gang Why he moving so flagrant He get turned to a patient And that ass throw her back its amazing Off a perc throw it back I be quaking Call up AR, boy like JR, back to the block with them shakers Get to the bag like the takers, try to run up you just did me a favor Meet up, uh, he gone meet up his maker Rock like he Chapo Nine to his denims, get left out his Tahoe If you lack thats his business Glock with extensions Now he dealt with some misses Choppa he banged and he dealt with the witness Paranoia got me, I dont answer my door without the rocket And I wonder why niggas be flashing em, its so easy to up it and pop it, uh But lets switch the topic, I be seeing these boys tryna copy I aint dread but my pockets knotty You get a shot we pull up at your posse Its 26 and the babies we bending em Hotels only time we be checking in Have Choppa and Milly go handle that I bet they gone get the message then Boy Ive been toting since 2010 My glizzy close to me I dont need any friends I aint 50 but Many Men, Many Men Diamonds be all different colors like M&Ms way us nigga Im surrounded by dangerous killers Really wit it dont play tough nigga Hit it once I cant lay up nigga I cannot lack keep a K tucked nigga If he from it the gang come get em In a race to the lanes Im switching All the fuck niggas hate Im different, yeah Still posted with my shooters Jaleeky stay with 2 guns Do not move hot just move up I can make Choppa do ya KG pull up and boom some Fuck all of the opps they losers That little thot gon choose us Cuz she see all of these blue bucks Got my savage up Mommy satisfying It was plain rice, it was lonely nights I heard my momma crying It was glizzies, pipes, tryna take a life Hoping an opp a dying Got a laser beam, please dont make a scene I dont know why he trying Got on latex when we catch rec Dont know who the plug supplying Mask on no Coronavirus on the chop man he really sliding Gang moving tact and I know they watchin 260 on the shot clock, make your block hot, this is a last , gang Niggas better check my rap sheet AR dont rap I clap heat You aint gone ride better play the backseat Amiris for the day aint baggy Dont hit me if it aint cashy I be wavin glizzy like I need a taxi Once I get the lead they cannot pass me I remember niggas used to lap me Locked up these bitches used to cap me Now Im in my Birkin Bag on Ashley And I like my bitches bad and classy My nigga Nico home it gon be nastyEmbed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Itd be wrong if I tweet
Gang, gang, gang Watch em Watch em Itd be wrong if I tweet Man down, he aint dead then repeat She dont love me, she playin with fire You not ridin like Martin for Gina Bitch you toxic, like Tommy and Pam Yeah I got it, I up it and blam Why you bluffin? I aint takin no chances Off the pills, shawty takin advantage When I cheat, she cant understand it No fur, but she stitchin like Candace I was hurt, but I got a bandage And I felt so abandoned Look, dont care bout the cameras Get picked, like, nigga just draft him Pop this ten like Im poppin an aspirin Deal with demons, I need to relax em I bе steppin, runnin my fashion Keep it on me, why is you askin? Brodie swеrvin, tell him Im crashin In my feelings, Im thinkin bout past shit Bro was stompin New York, he was active CJ spinnin that block till he catch him Uh, we all was just happy Right now, they aint worth me sadly They the reason I told em its jacky Throwin up and get turned to a picture Only aimin for shoulders and figure Soul left, body bag got a zipper KD got a kick like a punter Brodie got a kick like a drummer Stepper got a pump like a plumber Look, get him drenched, leave him under Look, heart froze in the summer Heart still froze in the winter God protect me from all of this sinnin Fake love, knew that from beginnin Look, fake love knew that from beginnin God protect me from all of this sinnin Itd be wrong if I tweet Man down, he aint dead then repeat She dont love me, she playin with fire You not ridin like Martin for Gina Bitch you toxic, like Tommy and Pam Yeah I got it, I up it and blam Why you bluffin? I aint takin no chances Off the pills, shawty takin advantage When I cheat, she cant understand it No fur, but she stitchin like Candace I was hurt, but I got a bandage And I felt so abandoned Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Why he claiming he spinning, he flocking the block boy stop it
Hook : Why he claiming he spinning, he flocking the block boy stop it We aiming right for his top Know some rakes i aint into rake dropping He a rake opper ? Let the fifth clock him Screaming 9 shots cuz the hat shot him A crippy could get it too Like tookie he did it too EBK pray to god im invisible Verse : Sending shots pick up shells like its residue On the stretch but he died on the medical What would the shooter do? Up the chop make him miserable She wanna fuck cuz she see that my bands up Tie his mans for thе ransom We gon tweak , thats for sure If its up thеn its up we want war Slide on opps , they was nervous See me plotting , see me creeping Its that season , we gon bleed em Moving tact, make em famous if he think that he’s dangerous x2 Im steady to murder like melly, off white when im catching the becky Bumping my craft while im doing it, Run to the bag im pursuing it Soon protect my patek with this cooler kit Them kids copping pleas making disstracks Linden where they at we gon spin back We gon break em , aint no mismatch MB no sleeze gon blitz that XD up his sleeve for the diss rap And the shit on my waist got a kickback Fuck a 6 pack , Where his wig at? Come and slide if you wanna, make him a goner Gang coming stronger Opp niggas forfeit Hook : Why he claiming he spinning, he flocking the block boy stop it We aiming right for his top Know some rakes i aint into rake dropping He a rake opper ? Let the fifth clock him Screaming 9 shots cuz the hat shot him A crippy could get it too Like tookie he did it too EBK pray to god im invisibleEmbed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Paper Chasin Paper Chasin I just be chasin the bag
Babies Babies Paper Chasin Paper Chasin I just be chasin the bag Spin with artillery, Kick with artillery, Spin with artillery 23 23 Glllt, Babies Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, imma just get to that bag Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, imma just get to that bag Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, imma just get to that bag Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, imma just get to that bag We jus gon Spin with artillery, Kick with artillery, Spin with artillery We jus gon Spin with artillery, Kick with artillery, Spin with artillery Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, imma just get to that bag Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, imma just get to that bag Imma dump cuz you played with my Get the drop tryna pull up and dump Catch shots we gon blast, Ricky gon flash, we gon flock out the Jag Catch him and wеt him no conversation with the gang cuz this time is tickin Likе the on my pistol no fourty feelin Had to dodge all my pistol no fourty fill him Facts Facts, Racks Racks, Dont lurk without keeping a weapon Paramedics they pull up and stretch him My knee is hurtin, opps they be hurtin We get to the purgin I just sit back and Im waitin Chasin that to the bag its like crack, Im a patient I just move back and Im waitin Chasin that bag its like crack, Im a patient (Too much loud in the spot, got the neighbors Knockin We get low from the spot) Then we switch location On the way got you wrapped all my babies get him On the way got you wrapped all my babies get him 23-Oh Be the gang bitch Free the guys sittin up on that gang shit Red beam on his nose like a clowny Got the tag on his head like a bounty Tellin Get Cuz he owe me Callin up shot cuz he goofy Say he the dab daddy, Catch a opp make him flip then we dash past him Say he the dab daddy, Catch a opp then we know that we say he ain you do not Choo back leavin him toe tagged Paper Chasin Paper Chasin I just be chasin the bag Paper Chasin Paper Chasin I just be chasin the bag We jus gon Spin with artillery, Spin with artillery, Spin with artillery We jus gon Kick with artillery, Spin with artillery, Spin with artillery Paper Chasin Paper Chasin I just be chasin the bag Paper Chasin Paper Chasin I just be chasin the bag You know Im the top dog They call me K HUNDO And no I dont talk dog I just let the gun blow You know that we chase bands and we let the gun smoke You know that we chase bands no love for these dumb hoes Two Glocks and it came with a drum roll in the row with the gang with like five poles Hit you up now your body got five holes, and Baby 23 what I die for You a and we creepin inside boy Your death is the penalty Free my money Im catchin a felony Fuck all that hatin and jealosy Im a Rider like Ghost , Tell bro dont back out till he close 007 Im right here, Pop up in your Dream like a Nightmare I been hella Buzz like im Lightyear All black on a drill, thats the right gear And I been hella Buzz like im Lightyear, All black on a drill, thats the right gear We deep in the spot wit a gun tucked, try to run up on me you get gun bucked Kick her right out the spot she a dumb slut, Kick her right out the spot she a dumb slut I did a lot for this gang shit, Im Baby 23 Im not average You can get stretched like elastic, Have you gone in a second like magic So the life that we live is fantastic So the life that we live is fantastic Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, I just be chasin the bag Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, I just be chasin the bag We jus gon Spin with artillery, Spin with artillery, Spin with artillery We jus gon Kick with artillery, Spin with artillery, Spin with artillery Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, I just be chasin the bag Paper Chasin Paper Chasin, I just be chasin the bag I get to these racks, Im flippin these packs, I still make it back nigga I run to the cash, Im chasin the bag, you know we got mad hittas Me and Ciggy in the cut, got Kev with us you know he the pack flippa Your bitch on my body she fiend for the loot she said that im that nigga Gotchu runnin like the last nigga, Hop out and we blast niggas We blast it, Disaster, We blast it, Disaster These niggas, Is actors, Line him up no retractor We killin, We masters, See you lackin we blast you Chasin the bag thats a fat jew, Ready to leave with them attitudes CJ pull up, Black bag on you Pull up its tactical If you a opp I aint jackin you, Flippin these packs its magical Flippin these packs its magical Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Really demons, hop out the v and we get to squeezin
Ay Rocky, this wavy Grah grah grah Really demons, hop out the v and we get to squeezin I got some shooters thats really feinin How they gon spin if we all on defense? My niggas, really demons Hop out the V and I get to squeezin I got some shooters thats really feinin How they gon spin if we all on defense? And leavin no, witnesses My shooter, he not a citizen We do a hit then we searchin up citizens You aint with us, nigga where is your membership? Wе got them 30s, them 40s, them Glocks Thats likе a broom, and a swiffer, a mop Dont shoot at legs, we aim straight for your top I send a but dont think she a thot Shooters gon flood until we get the drop Niggas be talkin till we spin they block She show me love cause I got it on lock She show me love cause I got it on My bitch she gon hold the sitchy She know what to do if they try and get me Last time I saw Rich he was runnin Ricky Hop out in all Black like my name is Ciggy I shoot like a sixer but I aint Jimmy If a nigga run up we gon give em fifty I shoot like a sixer but I aint Jimmy If a nigga run up we gon give em fifty Like, like, look These bullets like Dracula, kissin his neck, and we dont be attackin him Them hollows is structure Do not cross all the tape see the tints when we fan him Rip his T like he Hogan The opps in the runtz what we smokin Bitch my aim is on focus Call D body three, G Bando he throwin Where is your membership? Pick a role you wont slide by that Jefferson We hittin innocents, anyone next to them, everyone relevant Bizzy gon for the checks for the settlement Right pocket hot, leave him dressed like a gentleman Triple threat through that block, and we itchin for opps, uh Two shooters named like Call my shooters, stop them when them bullets droppin We dead em no way, waste no time for nonsense Two shooters named like Call my shooters, stop them when them bullets droppin We dead em no way, waste no time for nonsense Shooters from overseas, I get low on these, cause the sitchy on me, look Jakes makin accusations bout some altercations cause they snitchin on me He could get put on the citizen app Yellow tape right on the floor where he at I told him, Structure savvy You feel a way, you can send the addy I see the subs that they throwin at me Please do not play, better not attack me Only money and pussy could make me happy Please do not play, better not attack me Only money and pussy could make me happy Look, they see us, saucin And worry bout opps, cause Im gettin offers Please back right, off us EBK, Structure gang, we are not foreign Next nigga ask bout my 23 nigga, tryna move you niggas with that bullshit Bizzy and Ciggy gon pick a position his goofy split when we spinnin em often Ricky and totin, and I keep it on me, I dont ever see niggas on Dont see me callin when I see em politicin, I dont argue, thats givin out warnings Make a movie, movie Make a performance, Im Martin Lawrence Niggas be, goofies He runnin for us, Structure performers Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Pa Ka Fe Sa x4
Pa Ka Fe Sa x4 Gang Gang Nigga ki sa you cant do that Knock his screw back nigga who that And we boom that if we “touye li”, Its vacation When my zoes step its nothing to play wit Came with machetes we cut him up like bacon We situate the situation Baby gouyé that mean mami shake it I speak kréyol she loving the language You dont speak the language gon get dangerous “Touye tout” that mean clear the location I’m like “fout”, that mean fuck! Boys is coming gotta throw the gun Dancing like konpa when them bullets dump Want a feature better havе the funds Uh uh Nigga ki sa you cant do that Knock his screw back nigga who that And we boom that if wе“touye li”, Its vacation When my zoes step its nothing to play wit Came with machetes we cut him up like bacon We situate the situation Baby gouyé that mean mami shake it Goddamn, Goddamn Goddamn, Gouyé Goddamn, Gouyé Goddamn, Gouyé Better watch out Free TooScary he clearing them blocks out, Kick the candles Run up on him don’t need for your handle Talk on bro and you need to be handled Put an opp nigga on a channel Clip long like tangled I’m the reason y’all lit, pop out We the reason y’all stay with a chop now Nigga ki sa you cant do that Knock his screw back nigga who that And we boom that if we “touye li”, Its vacation When my zoes step its nothing to play wit Stupid, Embed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc They cannot get with the Drench
Ay yeah Drench They cannot get with the Drench 26 cant forget the 23 He aint Muslim but we aim for Kufis Hot nine in rotation like Druski He get caught they gon do him like Boomski He on court, give him six, he the goat now Im the shit, she drivin the boat now Came home in the winter with a sweater on I got multiple coats now Look, get it together And go get some Amiris, stop drippin whatever Any problem, I was the aggressor Take his bitch, we applying the pressure Dice game is a band up Every piece of my clothes up Free all my niggas they stand up I bet they regret when they ran up Watch em I got chops that be kickin like Bruce Lee Two chops, I be slidin like Toosii get lined by a groupie 30 shots deep, he not a uzi Niggas slidin for a pat on the back I was certain we slide to attack These Amiris can tell by the tag Double dutches when them demons clap He get boomed now he left in the past Free the bros, eatin oatmeal 32 to his back like he ONeil And my wife is still mad bout an old kill And we still reminisce bout them old drills I be shootin like Ima hawk em And my pack is still fat like the Parkers Bro pop a bean for the start up Better dodge when them bullets is chargin Drench, drench, drench nigga This not a gang nigga, this a family nigga Slime slime shit nigga It be them same niggas talkin Thats in jail walkin dogs Bitch you in jail for takin a charge He aint dead, we spinnin the yard Aint no I in team hit em individually And these bullets dont stop, its infinity He get struck and he goin out instantly 13 x 2 x 23 Whos losin? Check them niggas bio You gon do what? Yeah I know Lot of wide receivers when I throw Desert Eagle gon sing like a high note TD 10 boy I got 10 of them Bitches lie on my dick, I aint fin them Treesh give me a loan, Im sendin em Social media gonna remember em Gang, gang Its the difference between me and them niggas If you slidin with me its a privilege Rotate so you drillin and spinnin Brodie drop, and Im aimin to finish KD thats an all-around scorer Fuck the DA they took all the starters My steppers go they pull up and park it So much boost, man they think that I farted Called a truce in that beef, why you start it? Please dont lack, you get stretched for your garments, nigga Boom boom boom Its a family not a gang nigga Free the family Gang, gang, gangEmbed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Choppa, choppa, choppa go blocka
Choppa, choppa, choppa go blocka Blocka MK the plug So many chops Dont know what to boom 556s, 7.62s So many opps Dont know who to choose Yeah, he an opp He gettin popped, Im clearin the room So many chops Dont know what to boom 556s, 7.62s So many opps Dont know who to choose Oh yeah, he an opp He gettin popped, Im clearin room Just me and my choppa She do what she do Knock the top of the roof Just copped me a nina Thirty clip on her shoes Fuck is a vest? Hell get TECd, checked by the news His body oozed Lil Uzi Vert, get popped like a perc, he itchin it too Dior be the shoes Fenty monster, see the opps on the crew Killer sponser, shorty high off of shrooms Spent a bag on a drake in the O and it came with a broom City girl she get clapped with the MAC if she actin a fool This choppa go blacka-da-blacka, do-do-do-do So many chops Dont know what to boom 556s, 7.62s So many opps Dont know who to choose Yeah, he an opp He gettin popped, Im clearin the room So many chops Dont know what to boom 556s, 7.62s So many opps Dont know who to choose Oh yeah, he an opp He gettin popped, Im clearin roomEmbed
write a song like Ciggy Blacc Is you ridin from the bottom to the top? Uh
HARGO Productions Watch em, watch em She a baddie, like Is you ridin from the bottom to the top? Uh So you gotta tote this chop Aint nothin but a G Thang baby Is you ridin from the bottom to the top? Uh So you gotta tote this chop Aint nothin but a G Thang baby Cause, you know you drive me crazy, like Is you ridin from the bottom to the top? Uh So you gotta tote this chop Aint nothin but a G Thang baby, look You know you drive me crazy, like Percocet, Ima hit it off a thirty Ima hit it off a percy She gon ride, she controls Opposition catch a murkin Paramedics, its a service Baddie big booty plastic Trap gettin backends She in love with her Chanel Marc Jacobs lashes, woah Fuck a , she gon ride like she Gina Plan B if I see her Lethal weapon never seen it, woah Amari lookin thiccums Pussy tastin like some skittles Catch her reachin in her luggage Caressin like her booty Shit get to clappin, woah If I introduce it Catch me in Patron Always fuckin up Saks Fifth Shawty put me to the task Percocet, I had it raw She seduced me out my drawers But I love her, woah And all her Fashion Nova clothes She turned me to an addict She a super You can bring your friend too Threesome, thats you, like Is you ridin from the bottom to the top? Uh So you gotta tote this chop Aint nothin but a G Thang baby, cause Is you ridin from the bottom to the top? Uh So you gotta tote this chop Aint nothin but a G Thang baby Cause, you know you drive me crazy, like Is you ridin from the bottom to the top? Uh So you gotta tote this chop Aint nothin but a G Thang baby, look You know you drive me crazy, like Percocet Ima hit it off a thirty Percocet Ima hit it off a thirtyEmbed
write a song like Headie One Chubbs might jam this yute for a chain
Woi Yes Yes Woi Again and again, again and again Yeah Yo Chubbs might jam this yute for a chain And give it to a sweet one, called that Maya Jama Givin out gifts like Santa, sippin on Sanna Used to do lean and Wock Closet filled up with designer, comin like Panda, Panda Yeah, gyal just came to the booth and asked for a wheel She never heard drill in Atlanta Arabic ting told me that I look like Youssef, look like Hamza Habibti please, ana akeed, inti wa ana ahla With Pop Skull in Gaza, but not that Gaza, but still its a mazza Niggas want peace like Cassava But we let bridge dem burn like grabba Woi Four in the cliz and one in the headie Hand no shake, man, hold that steady You man love pose with the ting for the picture You man shoulda buss that ting already You man love hezi, hezi Yeah, cant backchat to the Prezi Know when the beef just taste like veggie? Gyal go Ritz for the mani-pedi CC bag look nice, but the Birkin bag look way more heavy Thats just a big gyal ting, man, you get me? Raemi just turned mommy, and thats my sis, so I just turned abti Fan mail came to the crib from a yute that loves me, I swear that touched me I never even drive no whips I own, so they all look way too dusty If me and Gallest go St. Michael, the gyal come way too fussy, crushy Man said they would do this and that, but the man wasnt really that wassi, was he? Nah, nah, nah, the man wasnt really that what? One-nine-four-two hits my system, man get way too frosty, buzzy Girls from the past that lost me love me Same ones there that crossed me, cuss me Everything come full circle, word to the boss above me Slow stroking cause the bamski way too big, my gyal dont rush me Woi Dont make me have to rise my rifle Man try send some young boys for me, dont make me have to ride by high school Shit you man been droppin lately, dont make me have to fly my iTunes So much people buy into my hype, dont make me have to buy my hype too Dealt with the big homie already, dont make me have to side-by-side you Nuff times he tried to hide behind you Amnesia but when I remind you Im touchin road and I cant find you Word to the M-O-B Im tied to Im givin up when I decide to, jheeze One Suh-suh-suh Suh-suh Suh-suh, suh-suh-suh-suh Oh, how we hate leggies How much points have the gang got? Many Didnt ever have to rise that dots It was just under my bed and ready Bro-bro chinged up an opp Boy, I swear he got chinged already That next one thought he was boss Then he got shot, Nathan Tettey Got this bad B, Ohene My next one from yard love reggae We dishin out store and telly Then we in France balling out, Trezeguet She look sexy sippin on Henny My prawns grilled and my pasta penne She give headie, headie My tracksuit Louis, now covered in Fenty Used to put the light in the cling And it still didnt stop it smellin like petty Put a dark in the blue, then we put it in the red, Balotelli Them times it was M way I mean M way, T house, M way Now its penty, uptown penty Bentley, Range, then Bentley Have you ever had your pockets empty? But still found the bread to afford a trenton? Six litres flying through Epsom I swear Ive seen life from both perspectives That spot so far upsuh, en-route, got no connection I done run through so much Scottish notes Couldnt care bout no recession I still get one jail call from Boogie Judge gave him twenty years straight, it moved me CPS murder in the dock like Rupert Cah lil bro went and dun him so ruthless Got this cutie, she half-Cuban Probably why she like playin with the Cuban Say she like chillin with the ooters, booters Eating uptown all suited booted, booted, booted They wasnt with us when the jeans were bootleg Put in that work, we aint never been spoon-fed Comin for the jungle, you know where the zoo is Four-four or the three-two auto bells, its a toothpick No rap cap, we just speak what the truth is Lord forgive them, they dont know what theyre doing Shotgun, open the hatch, I put two in Still aint forgot how it feels to be losin They thought it was permanent, found it amusin Now this drip on me like Im canoein Time just flyin Im just tryna take this live ting to my juvies, juvies So the beef is fryin They aint tryna stop slidin, Toosie, Toosie 44Embed
write a song like Headie One Jordan 4s or Jordan 1s, Rolexes, got more than one
Jordan 4s or Jordan 1s, Rolexes, got more than one My AP cost thirty-one, millimeters: forty-one Stick him up with a stick-stick, he drew the shorter one You cant short me one, in the club with the shortest one Lighty, the shortest one, on my mind, Jorja one Crocodile bag, I bought her one, vegan ting, I slaughter one Freaks, I got more than one, fuck, daddy and daughter one Tory puttin in labour, this that Jeremy Corbyn one Awkward one, race me there, wait, hare, tortoise one I need a ting, thirty plus, Blackberry and Walkman 1s Look, I left my phone and my babies, silent mode My guys on ridin mode, zombies, survival mode Hes got a new vest? Man, pop that shield, no microphone Ill ride for bro, hes next to I like typin O The score: 5 and 0, 6-to-1 For the kicks I love, twelve-fifty-four like 6-to-1 Babe, cant look at my mentions, thats Area 51 Im so close to my pension, my left wrist is sixty-one My left wrist retiring, mm My apprentice tryna give Alan Sugar, theres no way I can— Jordan 4s or Jordan 1s, Rolexes, got more than one My AP cost thirty-one, millimeters: forty-one Stick him up with a stick-stick, he drew the shorter one You cant short me one, in the club with the shortest one Lighty, the shortest one, on my mind, Jorja one Crocodile bag, I bought her one, vegan ting, I slaughter one Freaks, I got more than one, fuck, daddy and daughter one Tory puttin in labour, this that Jeremy Corbyn one Overrated one, most hated one Slid round after his birthday, gave him a happy belated one Burned that bridge, cremated one, boom-boom, bailiff one Got away with murder, this that Viola Davis one They stop and stare, watch rare, clear, stainless one Debate this one, hatin-niggas gonna hate this one, ah I live life on the high, might fly to Dubai with the guys cause the weathers been shit I can wear a different kettle every day of the month from a different— Rollies, got twenty-one, I been lit since twenty-one Girl, I need that gently one, that Savage and Fenty one, hmm Daves got the new Aston Martin plug, could you send me one? He said No need to be rentin one Big flexes, inventin one, cold, cold My bros dont chat, we just wear all-black on a blend-in one Man are talkin war, dont know bout war til you end in one The machine got sweets, on a vending one Needed a hit, could have penned him one, cah youre pendin one Aight, she wanna go to the cinema, so we just walk downstairs The mortgage cleared, weve overtaken all our peers After all these years, disrespect is all I hear Im Pep, I ball with flair Off the set, they storm like, off the set, they storm like Piers Thats what I call mornin tears Them man are talkin bare, but its cool cause— I got my ting so Im more than good, anytime that I walk my hood I got the Jordan 4s and 6s, all I need now is Jordyn Woods Dont get caught for pus, dont die for nyash We slide and crash, sixteen, dont write and clash Sixteen, dont battlerap She got the WAP and a wap, what are you thinkin? Mans on simpin, Ill buy her a car like a pair of— Jordan 4s or Jordan 1s, Rolexes, got more than one My AP cost thirty-one, millimeters: forty-one Stick him up with a stick-stick, he drew the shorter one You cant short me one, in the club with the shortest one Lighty, the shortest one, on my mind, Jorja one Crocodile bag, I bought her one, vegan ting, I slaughter one Freaks, I got more than one, fuck, daddy and daughter one Tory puttin in labour, this that Jeremy Corbyn one20Embed
write a song like Headie One Bad B on the Nizz
They should know better They should know better They should know better Melo Beats Traphouse Mob Bad B on the Nizz You really think I went upsie for scrum? Live corn in the shh I could’ve let it in the uni room But I know better Opps wanna see me get nicked with a shh But I know better Next day shh got-got by shh Gang done got down two this week, thats shh and shh They should know better Don’t see me in the flesh and don’t make man leak Man do shit for the gram and tweet Man rise that shh and skeet How many: shh, shh, shh, shh? Lets see Man could’ve put it on the net When gang done chinged up shh And the bros didn’t neither Man just left it to the media They say I took a L in L But shh made a W in W Anything green get wah, then oh lord Know better Anything shh, shh, excellent finish, Mo Salah How man tell me buss my shh? Only cah they know I’m on camera They want me in the bin, Osama That would’ve been four summers Let me know if your favourite rapper wouldve shh, shh, shh You feel me? Still out here B Lobster, steak and these things One Old friends doing up commentary But they forgot that shh got shh Then they came over here with the mandem And that’s just becah Abz made Robbery Everybody do it for the net so much They forget to go do their job properly Shh done chinged down shh Put one on the wing, I was playin Monopoly Still see me on the opp block open toe I could’ve put shh on the net When I had man crashin on Croyland Road Bad B on the Nizz You really think I went upsie for scrum? Live corn in the shh I could’ve let it in the uni room But I know better Opps wanna see me get nicked with a shh But I know better Next day shh got-got by shh Gang done got down two this week, thats shh and shh They should know better Don’t see me in the flesh and don’t make man leak Man do shit for the gram and tweet Man rise that shh and skeet How many: shh, shh, shh, shh? Lets see OFB run Tottenham And I love my team like a Spurs fan Get round there and try burst man Blue Nile or I hit Kervans Them boy there neeks Cheff game on fleek Just copped new sweets Straight cash, no deets My strap got grease Still stack them P’s Ring, trap all week Got beef in the streets So I invest in shells Had man changing their bio Hashtag your bredrins world Try put gang on a vid Twenty-four hours later Shh got slapped with a stick Now opps can’t stand on their strip All now I don’t know who my paigons are Cah them man don’t wanna buck me My niggas keep up with fuckery Slide round there with that brucky Fry man like it’s Kentucky If I don’t hit one then they’re lucky If I don’t hit one then they’re lucky But I’m still gonna try my best Blow my ting and take him out the game I’m like the ref In the field I slide on dem But I ain’t tryna kick mans leg Twelve inch Rambo, dip mans chest Send shots tryna hit mans head Mind your friends don’t intercept Bad B on the Nizz You really think I went upsie for scrum? Live corn in the shh I could’ve let it in the uni room But I know better Opps wanna see me get nicked with a shh But I know better Next day shh got-got by shh Gang done got down two this week, thats shh and shh They should know better Don’t see me in the flesh and don’t make man leak Man do shit for the gram and tweet Man rise that shh and skeet How many: shh, shh, shh, shh? Lets see Fumez The Engineer10Embed
write a song like Headie One Brown and white, like I go cunch
Dont rush, slow touch Brown and white, like I go cunch Grab and buy, make em go bust  Eye for eye, make em lose trust White rum, fizzy pop Where you dey go? We dey go up Catch my vibe , let me go off Blammed her twice, man its so tough Aight yo, put the Belaire on her batty, make it kotch Seen the watch, now she wanna give crotch Boy got ps, now she hopping in the pod Man in real life sugar, gyaldem haffi get wopped Know she want dark, told her Meet me at the top Switching lanes the other day, I seen her waiting for a bus Baby this a Moncler sweater, Diesel denim Buy another while my pockets fat like Heather Neck froze like I dont know no better Benzo truck, white seats and they leather Go broke never, on my grind She make it clap like Im Busta Rhymes I got the juice, the sauce and all them things I blammed her twice tonight with all my bling Big Benz, I drive, I brought that ting Any girl you want, they want my ting Dont rush, slow touch Brown and white, like I go cunch Grab and buy, make em go bust Eye for eye, make em lose trust White rum, fizzy pop Where you dey go? We dey go up Catch my vibe , let me go off Blammed her twice, man its so tough Flood my ice, make a ho blush Back at the tour bus, gettin caught up DSquared got em distressed, gotta hand wash New racks with the old Nikes in the shoe box Keep my stripes, no cuffs Pull up in a new plate and she might just She werent tryna move bait when our eyes locked New tints on the coupé, thats her head lost Off my whites, right my wrongs Gucci my mum, while you diddle your thumbs Count my sums, this is gonna get long Love my green, Im tryna get strong Tryna get bun, where Im from, its on Yes, man dont take no dumb, threats They see funds, they hop, fence We been up, not up next Dont rush, slow touch Brown and white, like I go cunch Grab and buy, make em go bust Eye for eye, make em lose trust White rum, fizzy pop Where you dey go? We dey go up Catch my vibe , let me go off Blammed her twice, man its so tough And introducing The one and only Big truck, no clutch Wrist froze, dont touch French Ciri, Im so drunk Course I cant drink and drive, wheres my chauffeur? Bando upsuh, whip that coca I really hope this time my worker dont floss See, I was in the wok, now my penthouse at the top Shawty said theyre best friends, I bet they both fuck Cause they wont cuss, cause they said I sold drugs And when you down there, aint nobody around Wheres the comeback? When you blow up I forgot my jacket but my heated seats help me warm up Fast train to Inverurie, I used to go up Its ironic, I just sold out my show in Scotland Used to say I wanna put Tottenham on the map But one day Ima change the map in Tottenham Dont rush, slow touch Brown and white, like I go cunch Grab and buy, make em go bust Eye for eye, make em lose trust White rum, fizzy pop Where you dey go? We dey go up Catch my vibe , let me go off Blammed her twice, man its so tough11Embed
write a song like Headie One I roll out with no cash on me
Its like You niggas audacious Hmm Yeah I roll out with no cash on me Calm now with no mash on me Stay away from these ashy youts Fore they come around and get ash on me Thats five thousand capacity Five thousand capacity Then spread that over the UK And then add it up and get back to me You pussios are not bad for me Mad man, they go mad for me Who the fuck went an gassed you up Like youre good enough to be clashin me? Oh, please stop harrassin me Charge me up and put gas in me Them likkle fish want to try ting Oh, man, the audacity I got girl in my inbox sendin me eyes Livin on the edge til the end of our lives Wolf in a sheepskin tellin me lies Sometimes I love when my enemy dies Woo, so ahead of my time Mainstream boy starts lettin off lie We can never, ever, ever level in price Take that fee, and then treble it twice, yeah The problems back, I got flows Watch your back, Im on smoke Dodge the paps and do boat My boys are maximum boast Aint no time to bly man Know my ting from here to Thailand You man got that gun off my man So you man got that gun on finance Like whats this rented skeng? Buy your own Use my pen to skeng-fry your dome Want me to send for them, mind the throne Cliché, rep your ends, die alone Cliché, run your guns and die broke I dont buy in ones, I buy bulk Yeah, go and bust your gun, I like smoke Rude boy, mind ya lungs, you might choke Like cough, cough, puff, puff, pass Youre not tough or hard They callin me the virgin Mike How the hell I bust so fast? Rude boy, I came and shook my whole era No cosigns for me and no carers 2019 and I swear Im goin clearer Jar full of dead MCs like Paul Bearer I roll out with no cash on me Calm now with no mash on me Stay away from these ashy youts Fore they come around and get ash on me Thats five thousand capacity Five thousand capacity Then spread that over the UK And then add it up and get back to me You pussios are not bad for me Mad man, they go mad for me Who the fuck went an gassed you up Like youre good enough to be clashin me? Oh, please stop harrassin me Charge me up and put gas in me Them likkle fish want to try ting Oh, man, the audacity Had to slang this caine, no Harry Now my track suit says Balmain Paris Smoke on bro, no Cali So you better stay well back, Danny Oh, now we got beef in the streets And I thought itd only be in my patty Cause I learned how to work this handy Knowledge is power, ask Gandhi I was with the bro eatin jollof at aunties I told her Im tryna be the best I can be Next day, I go end up on the opp block Like whos on me, Chale? Come off the wing like Andros Townsend I bought her a new hanny and it cost four thousand Kept it close, paigons wanna out me They want me in a box like chicken chow mein I wonder why opps wanna try me Why feds put me in court and trial me? Bad Bs get bored and dial me And ask when were goin to the niz, Im like, Shall we? Laid back, but still rowdy Same goons from throwback still round me Funny how my old tings still shout me Oh, low me Roll out, its so casually Im poppin up in cities randomly London City or Birmingham I just done a hundred through Canterbury No security, I could have a twenty in cash on me Trident cant believe Im lege So theyre in the house like theyre Ali G I roll out with no cash on me Calm now with no mash on me Stay away from these ashy youts Fore they come around and get ash on me Thats five thousand capacity Five thousand capacity Then spread that over the UK And then add it up and get back to me You pussios are not bad for me Mad man, they go mad for me Who the fuck went an gassed you up Like youre good enough to be clashin me? Oh, please stop harrassin me Charge me up and put gas in me Them likkle fish want to try ting Oh, man, the audacity Oh man, the audacity Oh man, the audacity Oh, its a catastrophe I changed the game drastically Big Mike cut down Glastonbury Flashbacks from Glastonbury Love it when it all comes back to me Telling lies, not facts on me I roll out with no spesh on me Gods son, this is flesh on me Stay away from these paigon youts Cah many men, they wish death on me When Banksy put the vest on me Felt like God was testin me When Banksy put the vest on me Felt like God was testin me7Embed
write a song like Headie One Aint it different?  I link my ting in LA
Suh, suh, s-s-s-suh Aint it different?  I link my ting in LA But I cant fly to the States cah I got too much convictions Apparently all I talk is prison, but I dont know no different Cah I was in jail up north, runnin another coalition Fresh home, I bought coke and whipped it I put some roses where my wrist is You aint ever made a birthday cake from Digestive biscuits Will have to take lemon juice to a piss test Every day I look up to the Lord, give thanks for all this litness Come home, fresh out the system, gymnast Rollin with smoke on my jones Pigs want all the camera on me, not the one from Dipset I still cant mix pleasure with business, sorry, princess I come a long way from broke days I got to work and fixed it Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Aint it different? Spent like ten years grindin Covered in diamonds, never been minin Came through, mans still shinin Cah I was in Homeford House with the pack And now Im in Dubai, limin Me and Headz landed abroad, two new kettles, perfect timin The new whips white on white, peanut butter, rose gold linin You can catch me in Central Car so dumb, when I press this button, its gone, I dont do rentals Air 1s fresher than menthol I dont wanna get shit lit, but the way that bro grip sticks aint gentle Summer time shootouts, big big loot-outs Get corn stuck in your dental Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Aint it different? When I first stepped in the game Man tried leech on my name, now they wanna act all distant Man love smile in my face and then they wanna chat like vixens Its good, its not back in the day, woulda got yourself wrapped on Clifton I dont really take no checks, Ill warn you And I dont do threats, Im cordial I dont even Snap on the jet, its normal Black tie, but Im dressed informal Like the boys from East, Im nasty Dont do drip, but I still stay classy You wanna know, then ask me, easy Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah 11Embed
write a song like Headie One Bad B come to the niz
MKThePlug M1OnTheBeat MKThePlug M1OnTheBeat Turn, turn Bad B come to the niz Skin all gold, she cute Hows her boyfriend pissed cause she know my tunes? I need me a skeng, I cant fit it in the ride We might have to slide with an open boot Scored all of these points this season OFB won the Golden Boot Still do it how I did it with Scat Weve already worn those boots Opps see the offside flag Come like they forgot their boots Them man there selective bad boys I really dont know how they pick and choose The whole gang spent bands on boots Them man cant afford no boots Im married to Elizabeth, thats my wife Anyting green get bun, still do it like I done it like half my life Any sight of the goal man shoot Perform this excellent finish, I do it like Kane or Lukaku Old school like Bergkamp and Henry Ammuniton stays on me Keep an eye out for undies Sawn-off cost me a monkey Opposition wish they can touch me I remember pedal bike days and the kitchen knife getting frontied Now man just fly out the front seat Opps know that the gang too dumpy Age 17 in country, me and Jay like Lucas and Bumpy My first phone calls my alarm clock, the line too jumpy I told my young boys fly upsee I hit shots from far like Roberto Carlos All I do is organise orders, come like I work in Argos I do it for the bread no hard-dough Headie One need a reload in cargo, still tryna do it like they did it in Narcos I put weight on my phone, no cardio Opps see me in the flesh and they cant help when their heart goes All we did is pressure these opps, now they cant stand in the field like Marlo Bad B come to the niz Skin all gold, she cute Hows her boyfriend pissed cause she know my tunes? I need me a skeng, I cant fit it in the ride We might have to slide with an open boot Scored all of these points this season OFB, OFB, OFB Free Bradz, thats my guy Someone tell RV to controlla I was on basic coping Touch road and these tyres got broken Me and this 4s like Krept and Konan They soon touch the road all swollen Bet hes gonna want his boots all golden Cant tell the gang about scoring Been over them sides there, tryna tear shirts open like Hulk Hogan I gotta burn my clothing and dodge the wing cah I like my bread toasted Dem man hope to my downfall and all now theyre still hoping Back then I tried smoke with a sawny and all now Im still smoking Just done a whole night shift and all now theyre still calling T-house looking all scary, have you ever watched Conjuring? And thats all for the bread and wine Thats even those far from holy Mask on my face They couldve been Cactus Jack or Mick Foley Bad B come to the niz Skin all gold, she cute Hows her boyfriend pissed cause she know my tunes? I need me a skeng, I cant fit it in the ride We might have to slide with an open boot Scored all of these points this season OFB won the Golden Boot Still do it how I did it with Scat Weve already worn those boots Opps see the offside flag Come like they forgot their boots Them man there selective bad boys I really dont know how they pick and choose The whole gang spent bands on boots Them man cant afford no boots MKThePlug M1OnTheBeat MKThePlug M1OnTheBeat2Embed
write a song like Headie One 18 hunna for the new rusty
18 hunna for the new rusty Four and a half in the bando, profit oh-so lovely 169 18 hunna for the new rusty Man grab it and kick it like rugby I was in the T house, head back dusty Still waking up to nudes in country Four and a half in the bando Profit oh so lovely My little bro shitted out the pack and flushed it Tell me how he could be so clumsy? These bad Bs coming to the niz They dont really love me, but they love me From qway, been doing up upsy Yeah, I swear man done more sales than Gumtree If I get me that drop, it wont be nuttin like Humptys Backdoor bus, watch me get dumpy These opps cant never get comfy Heart of a lion Skenged up for the field Cah I might buck me a python Snakes in the grass, I dont know whos preeing on my ting Still gotta keep money on my mindset Losing weight all last year And I aint ever been on no diet Shh-shh got shh, all bait All now gang gotta keep that one quiet Half asleep last night, I done a night shift I couldnt even count those tenners and fivers I was fifteen stepping, stressing out cab drivers Skengs in the wiz, no licence I know full well where the 9 is You cant talk about riding 18 hunna for the new rusty Man grab it and kick it like rugby I was in the T house, head back dusty Still waking up to nudes in country Four and a half in the bando Profit oh so lovely My little bro shitted out the pack and flushed it Tell me how he could be so clumsy? These bad Bs coming to the niz They dont really love me, but they love me From qway, been doing up upsy Yeah, I swear man done more sales than Gumtree If I get me that drop, it wont be nuttin like Humptys Backdoor bus, we could get dumpy These opps cant never get comfy Look No composure, still flip like Motorolas Diss me? Then Im phoning bro up Hop into the oldest motor My west ting want to leave me But I told her I need three weeks notice Dont listen to them, theyre loafers We got beef with them mans olders Olders, hocus pocus Eyes all rolling back Gotta tap that face like babes, stay focused We aint ever had no- You see, most of my Gs got birded Thats why Ive still gotta watch for the vultures Somalis I roll with So its akhi on the side like salt fish Literally Mans been tryna make history But my little nigga in the ends And hes still tryna turn man history Ive got twins in Leicester Both tryna say that theyre into me But they aint getting no ring from me Thats Pot Noodles and Indomie So, man just put dick in her belly That girl got a big back like tellys In two-double-0 five, mans not ready My Somali called Ali, not Dele That girl wasnt worthy of the bedroom My brudda, she got touched on the settee Man came in heavy You know what it is, its Dave and Headie 18 hunna for the new rusty Man grab it and kick it like rugby I was in the T house, head back dusty Still waking up to nudes in country Four and a half in the bando Profit oh so lovely My little bro shitted out the pack and flushed it Tell me how he could be so clumsy? These bad Bs coming to the niz They dont really love me, but they love me From qway, been doing up upsy Yeah, I swear man done more sales than Gumtree If I get me that drop, it wont be nuttin like Humptys Backdoor bus, we could get dumpy These opps cant never get comfy 1695Embed
write a song like Headie One T house up north or near the coast, rudeboy, there’s both
Pipe it up PJ Nastylgia T house up north or near the coast, rudeboy, there’s both Spend this bread on jewels or spend it on smoke Man spend it on both Counting up this money from O or money from shows Mans counting up both Paps need a pattern business and a pattern up home Man patternin both Feds draw me out for a works and smoke Tryna do me for both They want me back on soch, using chips and rice Tryna pattern me both But Im on road, yellow bones, brown ones, I get loving from both Money and success, just let a young nigga go govern up both Me and T Buck see two opps on the mains And we ended up doing up both Too much beef on the streets Were hitting two blocks and were shooting up both I know feds want me back up in courts Sat in front of the judge just doing up oath How many times in jail was it bread and oats? Put peanut butter on both Now they say that Im the king of drill Trap, rap, Im doing it all Everywhere and everywhere, the gangs smokey Let the gangdem bring it on tour Every day I hear niggas tryna draw me out Why they all want me to war? .44 long and that poisonous scopes They dont want us bringing out both Come look at the table, its a lawn chair I had go get, traphouse really had no air You was out clubbin with nowhere OT, I had to go there But then I aint done a show here Remember I had plans to go near In the fast lane, I dont know where T house up north or near the coast, rudeboy, there’s both Spend this bread on jewels or spend it on smoke Man spend it on both Counting up this money from O or money from shows Mans counting up both Paps need a pattern business and a pattern up home Man patternin both Feds draw me out for a works and smoke Tryna do me for both They want me back on soch, using chips and rice Tryna pattern me both But Im on road, yellow bones, brown ones, I get loving from both Money and success, just let a young nigga go govern up both I just dial up bro for a half a B and tell him pattern up coke How many long afternoons did I spend in the T just bagging up both? Jailhouse, scrambling eggs in a kettle Just wishing I could have it with toast I couldnt tell you how weak was a sunday roast Rice pudding all in that bowl See this life of sin, Im just tryna make sure my heart stays pure Feds had me locked for time Evidence they would never find like Jah Cure I was tryna get rich or die, fuck tryin Id rather be dead than poor Im really out ere tryna govern it all Money, power, respect and more Come look at the table, its a lawn chair I had go get, traphouse really had no air You was out clubbin with nowhere OT, I had to go there But then I aint done a show here Remember I had plans to go near In the fast lane, I dont know where T house up north or near the coast, rudeboy, there’s both Spend this bread on jewels or spend it on smoke Man spend it on both Counting up this money from O or money from shows Mans counting up both Paps need a pattern business and a pattern up home Man patternin both Feds draw me out for a works and smoke Tryna do me for both They want me back on soch, using chips and rice Tryna pattern me both But Im on road, yellow bones, brown ones, I get loving from both Money and success, just let a young nigga go govern up both Both Money and success, just let a young nigga go govern up both7Embed
write a song like Headie One The search has claimed that social media is being used increasingly by gangs, to provoke each other and could be responsible for a rise in violence. The social group Catch22 told Sky News that, Videos and pictures posted online can intensify other rivalries, in ways not experienced by previous generations.
The search has claimed that social media is being used increasingly by gangs, to provoke each other and could be responsible for a rise in violence. The social group Catch22 told Sky News that, Videos and pictures posted online can intensify other rivalries, in ways not experienced by previous generations. Let me tell you how my animals move Step in the cut, designer shoes, done it in Canada Goose And these neeks aint touch me ever, Ive bored up their olders too Anything opp man drill it, or man fish it, Harlem Loose Crime scenes we done many plus, SA way too cheffy Anytime the opps make snaps, me, M and the Twins try lurk round Kelly Splash man down thats blood pon many, we came through and them boy werent ready Step for the kill dont bring that celly, say misch mash but their stacks on empty Got Naghz like Future got Metro, shoot that nigga if bro dont trust Slow down baby or screw me, trying on my hoodie, put it down love Smoking on dog or cookie, I see man stooky when shotgun buss You get got then you run out of luck Bruck down 20 of each I distribute grubs at the same way, President Trump distributing his speech I swear me and T wouldve been rich, if we ever had a run thats clean But for years we was doing up jail, between two Gs thats hundreds of weeks Thats all for jugging and violence, obbo in the hood thats Trident Things in the kitchen thats science, trap phones filled up with clients And the opps cant tell me bout riding, I had the whole block smelling like tyres And I know what it feels like to be dead broke, I scrapped the fuck out the Pyrex I heard a whole load of sirens How they talk about pressure? When its me that applied it I put skengs in a bruk down Vestra Dem man are Brock like Lesnar I still get it in a dance, I couldnt give a fuck about wands and sensors Circle the opp block too many times now the gang just restless My phone done a One last night, I just spent it Cause these weapons still part of expenses, Im still stuck in the trenches Been locked in a room with weights and benches, my trap phone still bench press Spend it on teeth and we aint even gotta go dentist Drilling, trapping, olympic chinging Name an opp block I aint been in Anything green get bun, hit anyone except kids and women Rambos twinning, on a late night tryna catch man slippin Go home with my black blade drippin, dem man run, shit, I pray that I catch one trippin Chef man down Im Michelin starred, tools in the ride like Im fixing a car Whos got a problem? No block in Tottenham does more drilling than ours I can get man down with the team, or I can ride alone Leave my house and my keys, rambo tucked and a Lyca phone Jakes done a raid at my mums house, I can tell that she aint impressed I swear down I really hate these feds Must think Im dumb, to have this gun and stay at the same address They couldnt rate me less DC tried read my rights, told him not to waste his breath Red up on a g-pack, all of these cells that I hit to the b-cats Could have me back in a cell in a b-cat, and I aint tryna see that So I gotta step with caution, sliders or expensive Jordans RV Im stuck in the trap, like my girl didnt get an abortionEmbed
write a song like Headie One I reminisce just once in a while
Sykes, Sykes Top floor penthouse I reminisce just once in a while Q and Q for free Everybody getting high when I come to the town I was locked down down South Had tugs tryna tell me ’come to the mount Had a couple months til I’m out Just three months later, had a nine in that presser And it come straight out that blender I was out ere playin catch up Cah I know that my timin is precious How many times did I do that fast lane? Reach that junction, take that exit? It couldve been wrap when I throw this twenty But it got spent on a sawn off Trenton Get yourself caught on the lack No one cant save him Youre gonna see a doctor, who? David Tennant Four long kickin Swear down this one here ain’t from Tekken Caught me a suttin’ and it got left leakin I done it just like my pendant This black blade, that’s my best friend, thats my best friend And all the fiends know about the bando, thats their entrance Face-to-face with judge But Im thinkin’ no way that thats my sentence Do it for bro cah he do it for me Thats my bredrin Top floor penthouse I reminisce just once in a while Q and Q for free Everybody getting high when I come to the town I was locked down down South Had tugs tryna tell me come to the mount Had a couple months til Im out Bro got a couple months til hes out No doubt, Bando, man do it and bounce This Bad Bs comin qway from South Said she loves Bando and SJ, thats clout Jump out, creep up like a mouse But bros too fast, he wan scream and shout Bring smoke to the dance, go bow Have mouth and watch me back it from my pouch Ouch, smoke on me, I got it My bro got it too but hes high off loud If I pull up, dont be in the crowd Bandokay, bad yute from a child The opp boys know gang go wild And my fam telling me that I make them proud Year 9, school times, werent allowed I wouldve have my Rambo like man does now This sweet one wants Nandos now On my line said she wants to take Bando out I aint leavin the bando now Trap boy, Bando, Im a bando child Swing that, got my Rambo out Put a hand on Mango, man take him out Man break it down, man chase him down And pray that he dont make it out Top floor penthouse I reminisce just once in a while Q and Q for free Everybody getting high when I come to the town I was locked down down South Had tugs tryna tell me come to the mount Had a couple months til Im out Free SJ, pray he beats his trial I swear I got beef with the Malis Cah theyre tryna take over the town Spin-ting spins like a merry-go-round This brown skin brucks her back, shes from South Two got shh in a week, like, how? Normal procedure, load that beater Creep up then you hear click-clack-bow Double Lz, Im classed as bad You can get chinged out your DSquared pants SJ, my bro, my fam I swear I cant wait til my broski lands You dont want us to get this call Were doing our duties in Transit vans I was on them sides when my guys decamped Jump out, shing-shaow, or you might get slapped Smoke in the ride, man got it and my bro got it too But hes high off the pack Do it and dash, and pray I get back Cant call no cab cah hes smarter than that Phones at home, we dont do it for Snap Free Boogie B, he got caught on the cam Go and ask opps how they dislike man Ill tell you for a fact that Im know as a sav Top floor penthouse I reminisce just once in a while Q and Q for free Everybody getting high when I come to the town I was locked down down South Had tugs tryna tell me come to the mount Had a couple months til Im out Ay, all eyes on me, all eyes on bro Sweet one on me, shes winnin She dont know that my Rambos twinnin Man stepped in the rave, smoked up and drillin Free Boogie B, he got bagged for a killin Were drillers and the opp boys keep on singin Im in love with spinners, shotgun and swingers Right back tryna boot these wingers Smoke in the ride, man got it and my bro got it too But hes high off fumes If I slap off this pocket rocket You wont hesitate to go hide in groups Man lean and shoot Bro off this roof, create a movie in the 2s Ay, spin this coupe, bro, paigon, shoot Slap man then head straight to the booth SJ, Im anti, I dont fuck with socials Ching my man in his throat Hes singin all shit, he aint got no vocals OFB, we aint got no totals Scorin and scorin, and scoreboards hopeful OFBs tryna make it global Cock it, jump out and watch bro-bro smoke you No Snapchat, we dont do it for socials Top floor penthouse I reminisce just once in a while Q and Q for free Everybody getting high when I come to the town I was locked down down South Had tugs tryna tell me come to the mount Had a couple months til Im out6Embed
write a song like Headie One Rah, its BKay you now
Rah, its BKay you now You know I spy with my little eye Something beginning with F Fuckboys doing up net Talking real, were the last ones left Suck your mudda I said it with chest I spy with my little eye Something beginning with F Fuckboys doing up net Talking real, were the last ones left Suck your mudda I said it with chest Play dirty We dont believe your raps Keep thinking your Mr Muscle Til you see the flash You dont want bro turning up Stolen car, burning clutch I hid the mash in my aunties toilet Panicking every time I heard it flush Walahi The line phone werent EE Bought two Os and got a Q free It was TT Sending me vids on snap Her boyfriend told her delete me Last week she saw me in tape Now she wants see D Roll up my sleeve and Ive got em all watching NSG with the watches, yeah, I got options All that talk on the socials, real life, they dont want problems How many times have my bredrin left flat like he works in Foxtons? Live in the flesh, I dont know about typing or doing no diss Dont be fooled by the shit they do in their vids Harvey Nicks, Im doing a quid Probably wear that shit on a glide, ruin the drip Get that press out, ruin a brick Remix one, put two on the strip Two man, two fuck off coats Its very clear what Im doing with Mish Two pack ting, man do it with twins Difference is I do it to win I just made her top and she said we are doing a ting Cant sleep on a vio so any time we riss it Score on the opp boys then swear blind we didnt Big Mac with fries That aint no Fish-O-Filet Whos that man? Spin it, drill it, miss it, Im livid I spy with my little eye Something beginning with F Fuckboys doing up net Talking real, were the last ones left Suck your mudda I said it with chest I spy with my little eye Something beginning with F Fuckboys doing up net Talking real, were the last ones left Suck your mudda I said it with chest If I come with Loony , then you know mans angle Buss mans head with a Hennessy bottle or he might Jack Daniel Had some of your favourite rappers baby mothers on scandals Chupa tu a mae, thats suck your mum in Español All my bros never had a pot to piss in But that dont mean they dont have a pot to whip in You aint on piss , and your bredrin isnt I highly doubt that Louis, got a western in it Them man spend money on hoes, us man spend money on homes Bro went so much cheffing, nearly gave him a job at Crepes and Cones On the same line up but we got different dough Ask Craig, just turned down a hundred-fifty racks for the show I was in the T with a pack tryna make sure I double that T Spent like twenty-eight days on the M non stop, tryna make sure that I double that re Got like three hunna numbers on my Lyca, my fiends wont ring when I double that E Me and bro just got a new fuckrey one, tryna score til we double that lead These skengs aint coming that cheap so I make sure I scrape that bowl They think Im Superman in my spot so Im calling that strip Cape Cove Me and bro break bread, same loaf, when I done two works in a week, same coat I got plans for my future and it aint sold, so I burned it all, make sure the case closed The feds been when I aint home, I was on the streets really playing Saints Rows One level on the track, I didnt do cane rows, I was really making sure all this green goes So I have no days off , it went in hard but I got it in soft These pigs really put me on the wing, had me rolling with snooker balls and sock I spy with my little eye Something beginning with F Fuckboys doing up net Talking real, were the last ones left Suck your mudda I said it with chest I spy with my little eye Something beginning with F Fuckboys doing up net Talking real, were the last ones left Suck your mudda I said it with chest 4Embed
write a song like Headie One The plaques come platinum, my bezels stainless
Turn Turn, turn Told me turn, ayy Yo The plaques come platinum, my bezels stainless Whip goes fast and the crib’s outrageous Just spent twenty-eight K on production Light up a stage and leave in a spaceship Day-Date plain for the day GG on my waist, CC on my trainers Pagans, they wanna play If I pipe her down, after that, were strangers Old school like Ratatouille Now I just act a fool in Louis Brown skin girl, caramel coulis Pockets fat, Andy Ruiz Pop that Ace of Spades I drank from the bottle, now my outfit ruined Ah, I bought a new one, could be Newham Fuck it, Ill bеat if the bitch is ratchet Long as her hands and feet arе matchin’ Young Aitch dont dive in the pussy I take off my DSQs and backflip Air 1s come white like my ashes But I wont smoke if it aint rolled backwards Long time, I aint seen the mandem Its just me, myself and the cameras First-class when I stamp this yay I got it with wads, not Apple Pay Route to the clearport, personalised Air Force And they’re lookin’ all crack cocaine If I get bored, the destinations St. Tropez St. Tropez, me and shorty twinnin’ in Saint Laurent Baguettes, dem fill up my wrist My watch aint French, its Swiss Put in that work, we took the risk And now we cant risk this lick Got ten bands cash in the bag Pink’s wrapped in fives and the reds in quids Chanel stores so big Just show me where the entrance is Baguettes, dem fill up my wrist My watch aint French, its Swiss Put in that work, we took the risk And now we cant risk this lick Got ten bands cash in the bag Pinks wrapped in fives and the reds in quids Chanel stores so big Just show me where the entrance is Yo, shorty said H Me and Aitch both lookin like H or Aitch? Im rollin in my jeans in exclusive Js Im sportin my Audemars Piguet Front row at the Louis show, you know how much I love Paris Toutes ces belles filles Parlez-vous anglais AP when I wanna be a rapper Normal day, its the Prezi or Dweller I dont like her man so fuck Keisha These days, mans with Becky or Bella Me and bro pulled up in a Double R Ghost Ex guy still flex umbrellas Bag in the back of the whip Bout twenty-six quid in nothin but tenners D down fanny Gyal from London, gyal from Manny Smoke biscotti or Skittles Or any type of Cali Twenty-five bags in cashish She was a good girl, now she turned bad B My plaque just went gold I tell my label, I want it in rose Tell the label, I aint puttin pen to paper for no less than two Ms Grew up in Moston, then I got rich, now Im in some new ends All I know is money and success Wanna talk Ps? Thats fine, Im fluent Stacks so big, the elastic snapped Now Im pissed cah the pictures ruined Baguettes, dem fill up my wrist My watch aint French, its Swiss Put in that work, we took the risk And now we cant risk this lick Got ten bands cash in the bag Pinks wrapped in fives and the reds in quids Chanel stores so big Just show me where the entrance is Baguettes, dem fill up my wrist My watch aint French, its Swiss Put in that work, we took the risk And now we cant risk this lick Got ten bands cash in the bag Pinks wrapped in fives and the reds in quids Chanel stores so big Just show me where the entrance is Turn, turn Turn, turn Turn, turn3Embed
write a song like Headie One My young boy got the stick like Moses with the Israelites
Turn, turn, turn My young boy got the stick like Moses with the Israelites Tellin them opp boys, Its on sight They aint outside , they stay inside We cant party if we cant get the tray inside Shoe cocaine white, teeth Colgate white You know what it gets like, I just gotta step right Trackie and my sliders, I got beef that I still dont let slide All those double Cs, I got a Chanel side Im really blowin trees in the Middle East Is you from the Philippines or Vietnamese? I dont dance, but I can shake a leg I one-two step, Billie Jean, Billie Jean Got twenty on my wrist, Im going crazy Canary princess cuts for my baby Out the window, I can hear the Old Bailey Sippin LOUIS XIII, Im with a Casey I made a wish, I got it, then I made a wish list Bust case, was no witness A hundred in a duffle bag, I got a big fish Shorty, you need assistance Im in Dior, Im a Christian, praise the Lord More time, Im on road if I aint on tour I pack light, first-class flight, hit them stores Hand luggage, if I could, I would take this .4 Ride with my jewels on an everyday thing My rose gold wrist, this an inspiration Feds tryna take away my liberation They dont like the way I handle situations Shorty need assistance , Im far from an assistant She dont see the vision , I just love her from a distance She slim thick, she take it all, she thick thick Unreleased Off-White, she sayin, Oh, Headie, you got drip drip Im still out here in the field, its a picnic I got my tracksuit covered in her lipstick Ooh, I made a wish list I just need a bad B to do the dishes Got twenty on my wrist, Im going crazy Canary princess cuts for my baby Out the window, I can hear the Old Bailey Sippin LOUIS XIII, Im with a Casey I made a wish, I got it, then I made a wish list Bust case, was no witness A hundred in a duffle bag, I got a big fish Shorty, you need assistance Heard you want a shoulder you can cry on Rely on , and you hope that really is me Blow chronic, my rose gold flourish I hold no solace, sweet wet coochie on me Boasy and my baby gorgeous A likkle mortgage, I need them flawless I lick my thumb and Im runnin it through these commas Louis orders, get me more of this Im in a flagship, Ferrari ranchin I brought the drillers, the trappers, they bought the waps in They brought the racks in, Henny, she backed it Girl, slap it all on me, I let you tap in Thats heavy cocaine, Bel-Air is rosê Dont wanna play out the Gucci, she love the Dolce My shorty okay, my niggas okay Weve been shoppin in Europe and spent a Rollie Got twenty on my wrist, Im going crazy Canary princess cuts for my baby Out the window, I can hear the Old Bailey Sippin LOUIS XIII, Im with a Casey I made a wish, I got it, then I made a wish list Bust case, was no witness A hundred in a duffle bag, I got a big fish Shorty, you need assistance Shorty, you need assistance Shorty, you need assistance5Embed
write a song like Headie One Bro just beat a next AM
M1OnTheBeat M1OnTheBeat Bro just beat a next AM He aint tell me, that’s normal Step with the metal, thats daily It wont fail me, that’s bro-bro On the opp block we took selfies Our presence, it was known of Now they dont even know its us when we get on that scoreboard Back hand grip with my black blade Ching mans head, leave that more than swollen Im in station like 5am Been like five AMs and not once mans spoken How many times have the gangdem denied them splashings Like five in the morning? Its the crack of dawn, I barely know where I am And Im still yawnin Really do them things that we talk of The gang ain’t fall off Still pree that 4 .44 long Nuttin’ but the baddest of Bs Cats, fiends, plugs in my call log I step with the ah, nearly as long as me I don’t even care if its sawn-off Tracksuit, no chinos, no polos Feds want me in the system, no solar Bad B in the visit hall, Im like oh lard’ Again I got a boner She wanna know what day I come home on I know what it feels like to go back and forth with my lawyer Cah he tell me what day I got court on I dont know that opp or what road he got caught on Or the date or timin Course Im lyin I dont know why they aint turned pack yet But course were tryin I dont know that dinger or whats on the clock yet bro But course its mileage Interview room, I dont know what I done yet Each and every time, course Im silent Im a product of my environment So my music, course its violent I dont even know why my shows get locked yet But course its Trident Bros beefin I dont even know if hes right or wrong Yet course Im riding Long as my OFs lively, beef aint dying, course its fryin Opp block settings, dressed all sporty Shoot straight, I dont air it in my Air Jordans Opp boys going on the net, going talky I aint tryna hear it, them man informers Living life on the fast lane From kway-kway we been cuttin them corners Tell bro-bro get some new smoking dingers When we bruck down this corner T house settings, skeng in my workers face So they tryna be koalased Primary school days it was astroturfs Now we can do kick ups in Pradas Really take these risks Been doin up field, no farmer These old timers aint on nuttin They fell off, Jamie OHara Got this bad B from Ghana Top floors, calamari for starter I gotta stay humble Theres times that I paid a few pens for a charger You aint ever done twenty eight days in the T Still feelin like youve gotta go harder Scrape that shit so hard, swear I nearly broke that Pyrex And yes it was four whole months on basic I swear it nearly broke my mindset Been jail three times, I dont know how Im out here Course Im tired (I dont even wanna risk my freedom Ahh, its mad) Course Im lyin I dont know why they aint turned pack yet But course were tryin I dont know that dinger or whats on the clock yet bro But course its mileage Interview room, I dont know what I done yet Each and every time, course Im silent Im a product of my environment So my music, course its violent I dont even know why my shows get locked yet But course its Trident Bros beefin I dont even know if hes right or wrong Yet course Im riding Long as my OFs lively, beef aint dying, course its fryin M1OnTheBeat M1OnTheBeat3Embed
write a song like Headie One I thank God for the plug
I thank God for the plug Saucing, dripping Me and bro on the M way doing mileage We been missing Missing Nah she aint calling you rude boy Its me that she missing Missing Book a flight, now Im missing When a man are running to the ps Yeah my bruddas bring me trees Im never sober Im never sober Really active on the streets If my brudda pull up we gon squeeze, yeah Then its all over Then its all over Sauce, be dripping I remember when they didnt wanna listen I told her bitch, dont be trippin If I give bro the job then youre missingg She know the gang cant fall out Do loads, if its me, wanna call out With Chase or Ace if I walk out Its only chicks or ps that we talk bout Upside livin Rudest women I came with the mandem, but I left with your missus She aint picking up the phone, my darg I think she missing Missing My darg I think she missing I thank God for the plug Saucing, dripping Me and bro on the M way doing mileage We been missing Missing Nah she aint calling you rude boy Its me that she missing Missing Book a flight, now Im missing I thank God for the plug Saucing, dripping Me and bro on the M way doing mileage We been missing Missing Nah she aint calling you rude boy Its me that she missing Missing Book a flight, now Im missing Shawty loud speaker in the T, I remember I was playing with the microwave Now her pussy just dripping, when she sees the guys on stage Just like the old days, Ill cause another tidal wave Just know that couldve been you when you see me put One of the licence plate Bad B come to the Niz, shawty wanna do it like Diddy and Cassie Only if she knew I was rolling down ballies, still with a skeng on my lap in the backseat No sort code when we step in, moretime man doing it straight casheen One level on a trackie, never look tacky, still fling a tenner on Andy Walk in the room and theres skengs in the duffel, different selections Locked in the cell and I look in the mirror, its my reflection And guess what I see, I see only me Taking those risks but for free, that just wont be me I thank God for the plug Saucing, dripping Me and bro on the M way doing mileage We been missing Missing Nah she aint calling you rude boy Its me that she missing Missing Book a flight, now Im missing I thank God for the plug Saucing, dripping Me and bro on the M way doing mileage We been missing Missing Nah she aint calling you rude boy Its me that she missing Missing Book a flight, now Im missing5Embed
write a song like Headie One Drillers and Trappers mixtape out now, iTunes, Spotify, go grab that
One RV Headie One Starish Ent OFB Drillers and Trappers mixtape out now, iTunes, Spotify, go grab that Free all the G-Gs Free the mandem Link Up TV Behind Barz 17 One The realest Tottenham Im a savage Had a chance to kill RV but he panicked Pulled out a burner on me But he couldnt slap it Either that ting was a rebore or I did magic But right now everything tragic My retaliation rate is rapid Anytime I get that drop Step round there with that mop Mum saw me leave my yard with my mask on, she asked when will it stop? And I told her never Out here applying that pressure Real gun driller, no Trevor Bag full of bells and its looking like treasure Link for the AM on the east and Im on the way back with the Mitchells, no Peggy 90 in the Ms for the readdies, invest in a speshy Headie One trying to roll on that land like Kelly We was doing anything green get shelly Still do it like I did it with Tug O War Bad B come to the Niz for the D, we aint gotta go Potters Bar Two hands on a hefty, freeze, all I gotta do is lock my arms We was 16 when we had the opp block looking like Tour de France Assist bro like a through ball I done it and I left no trace, thats why they think I do juju Feds said I cant be with Headz; this is my freedom Im risking Big rambo or the flick ting I dont take knives from the kitchen Tryna grab that yute Ive been itching Wet mans throat like hes drinking No immigration, Ill dip him They love me in Tottenham like Chick King .44 long holds six in Put tools in the ride and drive like something needs fixing RV, Ive never been a victim Try run up on gang, what the fuck were they thinking? Shh beat corn out the whip and they all blew on some Crip ting Weighing up all these grams, and I aint needing no ruler Gone half a day in the T and Im feeling like couldve brought the re back sooner All this nigga know is money, port land doing drug deals and Jummah How many times did I run up in cells and have to get man down with the tuna? Real gunners in my hood, Ill say that with my chest thats without the Puma I cant have beef with these losers Im really out here needing new bells for this Luger Them man need a computer They want me-, they want me in court again going at it again with a prosecutor Fuck all of my opps, fam I cant wait till we link up Shoot on your block with the Canon but I never came there with Link Up Dont involve my name with no mix-up Pole on my waist, got my ting tucked Have your mum putting flower by your grave while pouring that liquor like she waved that drink up Stepped in holding my burner, looking like Statue of Liberty Feds want this rapper in the bin, but I cant let them litter me I get shit popping When I was on the wing like Robben Chef one yout in his face, now hes got a scar like Ribery Im really taking these risks Thats nothing but latex from my fingertips to my wrist Think everything crisp til Im running that down tryna give him this ching Lean out the ride trying to spray mans head back like I just finished his trim All those times I came to induction, I pray to the Lord I was bringing this wing Still got my jail shank, that have been in the gym And I can tell you about the maddest of losses I put all of my bread in the T, and I had 70p in my pocket My nose blocked, Im coughing I spent that last change there on lockets Bruck down Vauxhall or Mazda Bag full of shells, not pasta All of this gun smoke, I think its affecting my asthma I got two of each cause the food was cheap like ASDA I got keeping making these sales, I trap like my lines got cancer Foods not dead like Whitney or Bobby, got Kim K or Kanye West You aint take a loss when you been up Conny, then you aint had a hard days yet Young Gs in the ride with the shotty—they aint even passed their test Had all these opp boys keep running from me, its a shame I aint fast as dem They said Im stepping out farm thats nonsense Headie One been on that block in my sliders, Air Force, Air Max, Jordans Moretime Headie One gripping on spinners and dottys and autos and choppers You cant afford to see man in a bruck down Focus My little niggas got an obsession with pokings Six man with their shanks out, got the gang looking like Logan These niggas know my head back good and I can leave your head back open Them man are snakes, man are cobras Interview rooms like their singing along to Frozen Normal Drillers and Trappers out now Jugg out now Favourite rappers favourite rappers Fuck the opps OneEmbed
write a song like Headie One They saw me flat on my back
They saw me flat on my back But they were the first ones to laugh Them man were too fast Whether you hate me or love me Same shit we doing today, the same shit we did yesterday We count up this money I cannot be worried bout nothing Didnt they know I’m the first and the last one Niggas ain’t know about One, but now they’re the first ones to ask one I wake up I’m incarcerated and it’s just gone half past one I still say my prayers, why do they think I do juju? Name me a risk I ain’t took, I probably took and I won Name me a nose I ain’t jugged, I probably jugging at one This is real nigga shit, they can’t feed me with no silver spoon I look through the window at night and all that I see is the full moon They told me I’m the one That backroad next to the one I know you like that grey coupe, go home and spend on that one Then sip that Grey Goose, say don’t be stressed about nothing My young boy listened to Enough He finessed this broad day chinging I’m chuffed New links on the joint come fresh and I boxed bro bro don’t be worried bout rust I can tell you bout the Monday morning, boss I’m in cuffs and my headpiece rough That was all on my lonelies, bang out and done it on my J’s no Hus The PM coming all lumpy, the last one the stones all dust The AM looking all pearly, the last one the stones all crumbs How only now you start boasting bout scoring? Look at the scoreboard that’s us I fell in love with the jugg You ain’t in love with the jugg that’s lust They say all a nigga rap bout is money, jail, bitches, drillings and drugs I can barely rap about loyalty, royalty, hugs, kisses and love Cah I live what I rap bout Nearly 2 years straight tuna baguettes for lunch We ain’t know about hash browns They told me I’m the one That backroad next to the one I know you like that grey coupe, go home and spend on that one Then sip that Grey Goose, say don’t be stressed about nothing They told me I’m the one That backroad next to the one I know you like that grey coupe, go home and spend on that one Then sip that Grey Goose, say don’t be stressed about nothing Love me or hate me, Im the one Take notes my time has just begun Take risks but I know that I will prosper Cos Im the one Yeah Im the one Love me or hate me, Im the one Take notes my time has just begun Take risks but I know that I will prosper Cos Im the one Yeah Im the oneEmbed
write a song like Headie One Bring out the dots, get back to basics
It sounds like Nyge Bring out the dots, get back to basics If I get stopped, its back to basic Bad B, lost out my waps and laces Ting set good, no, she can’t be basic Feds ask questions, I get evasive That’s No comment up in the station Gang can’t sleep on a violation Swear, Ima spend all my savings Switch off my iPhone, back to basics No, we aint watchin faces Violate us, man are catching cases I was on the High Road, armed and dangerous Steppin in some Run Away trainers, no introduction needed Peng ting already know what my name is And this year, its only money Im chasing Dont make me spend all my savings, do it for the cause Go play the field, gang fluent with the ball Life is tough when you aint with the law Seven jails, no, you aint been on tour You aint ever been on license, feds still tryna put their boot through your door Yo, go there, do it with the rambo, do it with a fours Send this grub back and do it in a wave or do it in a storm I just stabbed this niner, shining, I aint even do it on my toes I can bruck this grub into pebbles or do it on the low They think I do ooh-ooh Do it, the gangdem do it on the road Didnt they know its the usual? Now me and Skep in the studio Wrist all numb from the cuffs So I just bust out my Cuban Lord knows, life was confusing Now Im just chuffed No trim, they dont care if my head back rough Same way all of them gyally on us Bring out the dots, get back to basics If I get stopped, its back to basic Bad B, lost out my waps and laces Ting set good, no, she can’t be basic Feds ask questions, I get evasive That’s No comment up in the station Gang can’t sleep on a violation Swear, Ima spend all my savings Switch off my iPhone, back to basics No, we aint watchin faces Violate us, man are catching cases I was on the High Road, armed and dangerous Steppin in some Run Away trainers, no introduction needed Peng ting already know what my name is And this year, its only money Im chasing True stories, I aint gotta lie in my raps I was beside the feds with a .9 on my lap Gotta look straight forward, try to relax If I get pulled this time, its a wrap And I still get flashbacks of the cold nights in the trap And man slept on the floor, no heater Tottenham boy, I put the T in Tanita On a first name basis with the shopkeeper And he already knows what I came for, cling film and a Ribena Big Smoke on the feature, come a long way from draws in the pouch Thirteen scores in my mouth from the same line, tryna get all of it out Fast forward, now I turned starboy, man I dont stand on corners Two left feet when your diamonds dancing, why your shine look so awkward? Its One on the chorus, with a bit of Skepta, thats what the gyaldem ordered And you better lock up your wife and daughters cause all my guys are ballers Bring out the dots, get back to basics If I get stopped, its back to basic Bad B, lost out down my waps and laces Ting set good, no, she can’t be basic Feds ask questions, I get evasive That’s No comment up in the station Gang can’t sleep on a violation Swear, Ima spend all my savings Switch off my iPhone, back to basics No, we aint watchin faces Violate us, man are catching cases I was on the High Road, armed and dangerous Steppin in some Run Away trainers, no introduction needed Peng ting already know what my name is And this year, its only money Im chasing2Embed
write a song like Headie One How only now you start boasting bout gang?
How only now you start boasting bout gang? Rudeboy Ill tell you bout ganging Where were you when gang done the baitest uhh, back then it was red bandanas Still pull up on a gang ting anywhere goes main road or do it in traffic Still creep with the headlights off, then jump out spazzing How only know you start boasting bout gang? Rudeboy Ill tell you bout ganging Where were you when gang done the baitest uhh, back then it was red bandanas Still pull up on a gang ting anywhere goes main road or do it in traffic Still creep with the headlights off, then jump out spazzing I was in HM Durham with the geezers, and I aint looking on the early They dont wanna release us, before May like Theresa Touch road stepped straight into the T-house with this white girl, Tulisa I just linked big bro for a picture, thats Mona Lisa My young boy done 14 days in the T and he aint eaten nuttin but pizza I really come outta jail and I learnt how to handle this .44 easier I really come outta jail, finesse this bait face chinging, left man twiss up How many times was I doing up Serco and they told me to hold my wrists up? I done the wrong type of touring, association in the morning All the accents Northern, still man approach with caution Only now man are talking bout gang, rudeboy Ill tell you bout ganging Me and RV done the baitest uhh, back then it was red bandanas How only now you start boasting bout gang? Rudeboy Ill tell you bout ganging Where were you when gang done the baitest uhh, back then it was red bandanas Still pull up on a gang ting anywhere goes main road or do it in traffic Still creep with the headlights off, then jump out spazzing How only know you start boasting bout gang? Rudeboy Ill tell you bout ganging? Where were you when gang done the baitest uhh, back then it was red bandanas Still pull up on a gang ting anywhere goes main road or do it in traffic Still creep with the headlights off, then jump out spazzing Me and Headz gonna win the league for Tottenham, you can have faith in us Dem niggas there wouldnt make the subs, any opp block Ill tape it up Im in the trap tryna count these racks, until I get paper cuts Bad bs show man love, and opp boys just hate my guts I hit Abz on a casual day, go yum-yums when Im feeling peckish Opps love doing ten toes, them man must have a foot fetish Anything green get bun, went Five Guys in Wood Green and I told bossman just cool with the lettuce I used to go park and test it Now if aint aimed at paigans head then I aint interested All of this dough we spent on smoke, Lord knows I coulda invested How many times have I touched them kids, the whole opp blocks been molested? My girl puts it in her bag, cos I cant lack and I cant get arrested How only now you start boasting bout gang? Rudeboy Ill tell you bout ganging Where were you when gang done the baitest uhh, back then it was red bandanas Still pull up on a gang ting anywhere goes main road or do it in traffic Still creep with the headlights off, then jump out spazzing How only know you start boasting bout gang Rudeboy Ill tell you bout ganging Where were you when gang done the baitest uhh, back then it was red bandanas Still pull up on a gang ting anywhere goes main road or do it in traffic Still creep with the headlights off, then jump out spazzing2Embed
write a song like Headie One We aint slappers, were just rappers
M1onthebeat M1onthebeat We aint slappers, were just rappers Saw them boy get bun and they cant do the go get your block lit challenge Youd think that I play for West Ham all of the times I invest in hammers Shh shh got drilled in Haringey, the kickback nearly took the wap to Lambeth Unlimited boots, not sandals Im poolside in my Gucci sandals This bad B get her coochie handled then I go take off the roof in Flannels You aint do that works an try claim it, round here we call that a taboo Bro bro said he gotta pattern through Dam, told him fit two Lugar 9s in thе panel You got lit and turned brand new Im still with thе wolves but I support Man U Even though it gets long here in the field, Solomon, not Kalou Turn, there was meant to be COVID, still went and buried myself in roses So much I had to go get some tattooed It was 28 days in the T house, barely ever got to change my Camboot Whip that work by the window, hope my neighbours think Im tryna do Shaku I had no blinds but now everything on fleek I used to write en-route to the bando, I was really on the M1 with a beat Now sold out shows, Im unwinding, shawty pissed off I dont wanna jeet Thoughts turn things, thats my favourite quote Come a long way from Basingstoke Now Im covered in water, they shouldve never sent H to O Used to ride with my sword like Game of Thrones You was at home on your games console Them boys still in the Sunday League, you aint touched the field and played it pro Its all that chasing the clout for me, back a day I chinged up my man Then my man chinged up my man so why you wanna touch out for me? Over there or there, I dont know whos shitter If that boy ever turns package, it wont be Cali, were smoking on shisha Yeah Free up my street team Steady, you know what that means My broad day team holding up Turn the block into a business Shout-out GRM Turn3Embed
write a song like Headie One I pull up in Aston Martin, dawg, non voglio assomigliarti
Ehi, yeah Yeah, ah, yeah I pull up in Aston Martin, dawg, non voglio assomigliarti Tellin it on my brotha, la tua troia tornerà in taxi Cresciuto in strada a sassi, impari a fare i sorpassi Lei mi mette le ali, Aston Martin, Aston Martin I pull up in Aston Martin , dawg, non voglio assomigliarti Tellin it on my brotha, la tua troia tornerà in taxi Cresciuto in strada a sassi, impari a fare i sorpassi Lei mi mette le ali, Aston Martin, Aston Martin Ehi Atterro a London, stavo ascoltando dei beat di London Verità senza condom, nessuno dei miei conosce il bon ton Maccheroni, sei sciolto, per non tornare col buco ho tolto Dove sono cresciuto lodio al prezzo più basso in gioco Non è Audi né Lexus, Lexus , mo che faccio più soldi E spesso avvocati e infami in versus stanno insieme in un cellphone spento Più di un raga in S.O.S. non darà colpa a Esse o esso A un fréro non il mio K a destra, compro un capo firmato a testa Ehi, vecchi vizi, nuove tipe , alle strade manca un leader Nelle case manca un padre , più diamanti sul mio polso Metti meno , dawg Ho il sogno dellAston Martin in box Il polso è freddo, sono a Londra nord I pull up in Aston Martin, dawg, non voglio assomigliarti Tellin it on my brotha, la tua troia tornerà in taxi Cresciuto in strada a sassi, impari a fare i sorpassi Lei mi mette le ali, Aston Martin, Aston Martin I pull up in Aston Martin, dawg, non voglio assomigliarti Tellin it on my brotha, la tua troia tornerà in taxi Cresciuto in strada a sassi , impari a fare i sorpassi Lei mi mette le ali , Aston Martin, Aston Martin Yeah, pull up on a Aston Martin Feelin like Im go carting Side by side, no parallel parking Its just one driver, one marksman They say Im a thuggher I play the field like Im Verratti Though its anything green, get shh I still eat gamberetti, spinaci Push to start, we dont need no car key My soldiers growin, they slidin And its like half past three Shotgun longer than The Great Khali They was tryna take over the town So of course we got beef with the Malis Yeah, cause that shh got fried like a onion bhajees I pull up in Aston Martin, dawg, non voglio assomigliarti Tellin it on my brotha, la tua troia tornerà in taxi Cresciuto in strada a sassi, impari a fare i sorpassi Lei mi mette le ali, Aston Martin, Aston Martin I pull up in Aston Martin, dawg, non voglio assomigliarti Tellin it on my brotha, la tua troia tornerà in taxi Cresciuto in strada a sassi, impari a fare i sorpassi Lei mi mette le ali, Aston Martin, Aston Martin1Embed
write a song like Headie One All this rose gold on, swear I smell like roses
Ghosty One Turn, turn All this rose gold on, swear I smell like roses Louis Vutton embroidery Though I made the wrong choices I hit it from the back, shawty beggin me to choke her I might buy her a rose gold choker She said she wanna spend some time I might buy her a rose gold Rolex Told me turn and I followed those voices Am I lost? I just trust the process I was obsessed with money Now Im obsessed with the progress The vending machine, I couldnt even put coins in All I wanted was Cola I didnt ever wanna feed the streets poison I had to do up that yola Paris, you buy rose gold in euros Dubai, buy rose gold in dirhams I was gonna buy rose gold in Zurich At that point I was just bein curious Bad B skin tone rose gold She like bein naked, she a nudist My heart was broken, got my neck frozen Even got my rose gold plated Cupid HM juggers, blood stains and tuna Touch road, head straight to the bando Got dog hairs on my fifty pound Pumas Now I open my closet and everything Gucci Snakes in the hood, Medusa Pissed off cah I got a rose gold future Might smile when I look at my rose gold wrist It got a good sense of humour All I think is rose gold Im surprised it aint gave me tumour I fall asleep on rose gold Thats why you believe in the rumours I need a life to make me more rose gold At my art show, the coupe I got all the shows gold, I want more Theres always space for improvement All this rose gold on, swear I smell like roses Louis Vutton embroidery Though I made the wrong choices I hit it from the back, shawty beggin me to choke her I might buy her a rose gold choker She said she wanna spend some time I might buy her a rose gold Rolex Told me turn and I followed those voices Am I lost? I just trust the process I was obsessed with money Now Im obsessed with the progress The vending machine, I couldnt even put coins in All I wanted was Cola I didnt ever wanna feed the streets poison I had to do up that yola From the bando where the white heads like Sisqó When I close my eyes at night I can still hear that Nokia ringtone Uptown Kindle with glow Thats Encros and wads of pink notes Plain Jane rose gold looks simple But it still compliments my skin tone You ever had a good girl turn nympho? Arse patted, then it jiggles Both thumbs in her back dimples Wrists like ice cream dipped in sprinkles Bad B come for the flick Wine up her waist and wiggle, wiggle Free shh, he a well-known savage Knife work lethal, like Bizzle Ask gang, had the block like wap yard Suttin go bang-bang, some whistle Still out here shoppin for spinners One day I went to Lidl Remember when we used to go shop for singles? Now were here chartin with the singles Really had those Rambos twinnin I was like a partin in the middle All this rose gold on, swear I smell like roses Louis Vutton embroidery Though I made the wrong choices I hit it from the back, shawty beggin me to choke her I might buy her a rose gold choker She said she wanna spend some time I might buy her a rose gold Rolex Told me turn and I followed those voices Am I lost? I just trust the process I was obsessed with money Now Im obsessed with the progress The vending machine, I couldnt even put coins in All I wanted was Cola I didnt ever wanna feed the streets poison I had to do up that yola Ghosty4Embed
write a song like Headie One If it werent me on the back of the ride then I definitely sponsored that works
Zeph Ellis Money come first Money come first Oi Money come first If it werent me on the back of the ride then I definitely sponsored that works All I wanna do is pattern this Re but RV still slaps it in reverse All Im tryin to do is pattern this T but out here I still gotta dank mans t-shirt It was all banter on me til shh turned casualty He stay casually top floor with the baddest B Dicing this AM from A but Im pissed in the PM gotta bag this B Getting this money all week tax free still let them play score for free Do it how I did it with Skat, OP Still do it in a nine thats how I try bust mans throat with T My social phone was EE, feds put me on obb and they try pree me I just switched up to 3G Anything I see in the flesh too greeny, it gets dealt with speedy I know way better than 5 out of 10 that was medie I dealt with TT Put me in HM Winchy, I was wing B, bro was wing C Used to wish they would free me I was in Portland feeding the seagulls not Beanie Big back belly TV Collecting DVDs Swear I was locked down when shawty try leave me, now she need me I aint ever been greedy, been OT dishing out freebies Fiend just phoned for a three, thats Paige, Piper & Phoebe Money come first If it werent me in the back of the ride then I definitely sponsored that works All I wanna do is pattern this Re but RV still slaps it in reverse All Im tryin to do is pattern this T but out here I still gotta dank mans t-shirt It was all banter on me til shh turned casualty He stay casually top floor with the baddest B Dicing this AM from A but Im pissed in the PM gotta bag this B Getting this money all week tax free still let them play score for free 012 I was fresh home, probation talking jobseekers When I just spent 5 for a t-shirt, got it in a large not a medium My Italian joints in season Bad B come to the Niz and she dont really care about the weather or season Last time anything shh got shh by shh was recent Last time gang jumped in a 4 door and skrt skrt was recent Did them man there really try and play ball? After that tackle they still need treatment New ting fresh, it dont need greasing All of these skengs can get convenient From kway I took hard to O, if it was soft then it would have been regent Couldve done it in ends and dished out balls same time as Jenas But money and violence dont mix Bruck down day and night, eclipse Still got the dots in a JD bag just looking like twix Money come first If it werent me on the back of the ride then I definitely sponsored that works All I wanna do is pattern this Re but RV still slaps it in reverse All Im tryin to do is pattern this T but out here I still gotta dank mans t-shirt It was all banter on me til shh turned casualty He stay casually top floor with the baddest B Dicing this AM from A but Im pissed in the PM gotta bag this B Getting this money all week tax free still let them play score for free Money come first Embed
write a song like Headie One The bando, it look like Siberia
The bando, it look like Siberia They catch me, my face, its familiar I had my shank in the school cafeteria The bando, it look like Siberia They catch me, my face, its familiar I had my shank in the school cafeteria Them man just talk on the field, theyre like Lineker Jakes wanna deal with me like Johnny Dillinger, Dillinger They love to make me a prisoner I was in prison when bro used to visit me Now they got bro and they say Im the visitor Come up with needles and cylinders Fentanyl was bittin and king fishin Didnt do well on my literature Now its just fire in the booth, no fire extinguisher Fuck the prime minister, the system is sinister Load up this Nina, this one got a whistler No cap in my rap, know this story aint fictional Opps cant write to this principle I wont lie on an L, but I lie to the 12 Used to lie in my cell, I was writin my mail Sat there by my gun and my bitch YSL If I style in Chanel, shawtys stylin as well Do you wish me well? Ice on my wrist like it swell Opps try drill and they fail They got my bro fired for bail I guess time, it will tell The bando, it look like Siberia They catch me, my face is familiar I had my shank in the school cafeteria Them mans just talkin, left field like Lineker Jakes wanna drill me like Johnny Dillinger, Dillinger They love to make me a prisoner I was in prison when bro used to visit me Now they got bro in, they say Im the visitor Im smokin gas like a cylinder, I grip the fifty, like Vivica I got the packs and I send them down Ridin dirty like Chamillionaire Im just a greazy Nigerian, I just might fuck up your feelings dem I make you sick like malaria, I do the road by myself because I do not fuck with no niggas, I do not fuck with no niggas These niggas too fuckin snaky Makin me nervous, Im bitin my fingers Mi I no like no drama, because Im not Jerry Springer Side-by-side with hammers, airing you out through the window Black on black with the regalia, Ima have him swimming with tilapia Cause when my enemies die, I get happier Then I take a private plane out to Mali, yeah Thats my bro at the door, you should let him in Here go my food, all my bread with him Here go couple for my enemy dem Then I throw a middle finger for the government The bando, it look like Siberia They catch me, my face is familiar I had my shank in the school cafeteria Them mans just talkin, left field like Lineker Jakes wanna drill me like Johnny Dillinger, Dillinger They love to make me a prisoner I was in prison when bro used to visit me Now they got bro in, they say Im the visitor The bando, it look like Siberia They catch me, my face is familiar I had my shank in the school cafeteria Them mans just talkin, left field like Lineker Jakes wanna drill me like Johnny Dillinger, Dillinger They love to make me a prisoner I was in prison when bro used to visit me Now they got bro in, they say Im the visitor Mm, dont pull up around here actin goofy You can get shot like a movie You can get hit with a two-piece Your block get spun with a Uzi Bang, bang, bang, oww You can get shot in the mouth2Embed
write a song like Headie One Revz just slapped it in reverse
Revz just slapped it in reverse My bro got his hands on the wheel while I fly out the ride, its teamwork Remember when I couldn’t fit the dots in my top, I was showing off cleavage The last time I come out of jail, I learnt how to handle that .44 easier I got a pack looking like multiple bags of Maltesers I went and got nicked upsuh, two ninas Now I got Intent to Supply on my previous I can’t have beef with these eedyats Back then it was anyting green get bun, I went jail then I lost a one arm like Im sleeveless My Pa always said I need Jesus You think I do juju My niggas them think Im a demon Headie One re-up on new food Im talking like AM and PM My line ringing AM to PM In the AM replying to DMs Same way I hit the opp block in the PM None of my opps cant put their hand on H, if I spray and pray, Im believing Beef in the streets, I don’t reason Beef in the streets, get seasoned Niggas cant be my G and turn their back on OFB cause that one theres treason I was prison, on the wing fisting Right now Im home and I’m still drilling All for my Gs them, Im my brothers keeper Feds said I can’t be with Headz cause they know that’s Freddy and Jason You got a hundred man in your vids but when I slide through your block its vacant Them niggas soft it’s blatant They dont want smoke, theyre vaping I got a .44 long, that’s new, and a old dot, that’s ancient RV, man, I’m way too pokey And I back guns and get smokey Headz got the hammer like Thor Thats bro, I guess I gotta be Loki My team be shooting and scoring long time, should ha got a trophy Look, this beef tings deeper than rap Cant let them do me like– Back out my ting won’t pet it Aim for your chest then wet it Cant tell me bout beef or Ps cause I mash work and I get it Man claim they got beef with the gang but see me on the roads and leg it When I caught man lacking in jail; no verbal, just set it RV Im a problem, and the other side know this If I can’t line up a driver had to get round there and ten toes it Got a big stick like Moses Fed gon tape up the whole strip Find out where youre posted Brain stuck on the wall like a Post-It From way back me and Rev captained T like Hoddle Dip down a pussy on the opp block, turned that whole block brothel The last time I put in a work in a weekday, Sunday I listened to some gospel Then on Monday I scored full throttle, that’s me in a bruck down Vauxhall My class is A, still four an a half of the B in the bando Feds had me locked in the C, cant trust my bird get handled I got this bad B coming to the nizz for the D no need for a Tinsel or a Nandos Bitches in the hood moving fruity but theres no need for a kiwi or mango Summertime my Gs keep the strip hot, no need for a Bigga or Snapple Me and front ride with the swam in the whip, no need for a flicky or rambo How you gonna spend your own money on your grills but you don’t know how to fry like Nandos? Hear big guns get handled Paigons see me ten toes like a sandal One leather on a trackie, I still make it look neat I bust a four and a half at the press cause my trap game is on fleek One leather on a trackie, I still make it look neat I bust a four and a half at the press cause my trap game is on fleek 09 I was ducking down opps 010 I was cutting down crops 011 I was cruddy on the streets 012 I was stuck in a box Fed had me riding a sentence Never had time for repentance Been a bad boy from day I was doing lines in detention No face, no case, no comment, fed cant ask me no questions I dont do this for attention Niggas get got in a sevens I got shells for the dots And I just put in two like western So when you start adding those Ks make sure I dont get a mention Say what you want about RV, but no ones made me a victim Chef man down with the Ramsey, I dont take knife from the kitchen I treat opps like AC cause I’m tryna drop that instant I treat opps like AC cause I’m tryna drop that instant I used to get round there with blades in my hand like a wolverine Pull up, crash, them man dash, how can you call this beef? I don’t even call it beef I just got war with neeks Niggas keep talking grief Press the nine three times like Im calling policeEmbed
write a song like Headie One Brown and white, like I go cunch
This is the remix Rauw Alejandro Uh-uh Dont rush, slow touch Brown and white, like I go cunch Grab and buy, make em go bust Eye for eye , make em lose trust White rum, fizzy pop Por la entrada de atrá entramo al club A ese toto, no, se le dice que no ¿Pa qué llevarme a una si puedo con do? Aquí tenemo de to Me levanto y no miro el reloj En la cuenta tengo má de siete ceros Ellas me ven y cae un aguacero Tengo tanto hielo , me congelo El cheque llegó, me fui pal mall con un maletero Me siento como rey LeBron James , yo nací pa ganar to los games Gucci, Louis V, Phillip Plein , ey Rompemos los parties Comodo, como Neymar en París Siempre en camuflaje y no soy military Tengo GTR, ya voy pal Ferrari ¿Qué tú quiere, mami? Dont rush, slow touch Brown and white, like I go cunch Grab and buy, make em go bust Eye for eye , make em lose trust White rum, fizzy pop Por la entrada de atrá entramo al club A ese toto, no, se le dice que no ¿Pa qué llevarme a una si puedo con do? Aight yo, put the Belaire on her batty, make it kotch Seen the watch, now she wanna give crotch Boy got ps, now she hopping in the pod Man in real life sugar, gyaldem haffi get wopped Know she want dark, told her Meet me at the top Switching lanes the other day, I seen her waiting for a bus Baby this a Moncler sweater, Diesel denim Buy another while my pockets fat like Heather Neck froze like I dont know no better Benzo truck, white seats and they leather Go broke never, on my grind She make it clap like Im Busta Rhymes I got the juice, the sauce and all them things I blammed her twice tonight with all my bling Big Benz, I drive, I brought that ting Any girl you want, they want my ting Dont rush, slow touch Brown and white, like I go cunch Grab and buy, make em go bust Eye for eye , make em lose trust White rum, fizzy pop Por la entrada de atrá entramo al club A ese toto, no, se le dice que no ¿Pa qué llevarme a una si puedo con do? Flood my ice, make a ho blush Back at the tour bus, gettin caught up DSquared got em distressed, gotta hand wash New racks with the old Nikes in the shoe box Keep my stripes, no cuffs Pull up in a new plate and she might just She werent tryna move bait when our eyes locked New tints on the coupé, thats her head lost Off my whites, right my wrongs Gucci my mum, while you diddle your thumbs Count my sums, this is gonna get long Love my green, Im tryna get strong Tryna get bun, where Im from, its on Yes, man, dont take no dumb, threats They see funds, they hop, fence We been up, not up, next Dont rush, slow touch Brown and white, like I go cunch Grab and buy, make em go bust Eye for eye , make em lose trust White rum, fizzy pop Por la entrada de atrá entramo al club A ese toto, no, se le dice que no ¿Pa qué llevarme a una si puedo con do? Embed
write a song like Headie One Still step in my white tee, roof down
Yo Still step in my white tee, roof down Uptown, it aint hard to find me Me and this money come siamese Now this bad B gotta talk to me nicely Ting set good, angles, IG Cartier shades, course they fit nicely Bangle to match, icy, icy K on the gang, must be Kendall, Kylie Gang dont sleep on an L Just gonna get back then jeet down your gyal Bro got his hands on the wheel Hopped out, team work get the dream work as well Put ballies on Facetime, speakin to Vel Wouldnt think hes in jail cah he livin so nicеly Is that another name? Another sound Just feelin likе DeJ Loaf, try me, try me Suns out, guns out Bare chest in the Rolls Royce, park up and I jump out Rich nigga, used to bag food at my mums house Heard that boy dissed me, now that boy rubbed out Cant test a mans gangster Reach for my chain, dont cry when your face get tump out My young G love testin that smoke in the park Somebody gettin dropped if he comes out And they know that all hell break loose for my name Dont know why theyre so disrespectful They got skengs in the palm, man, they comin like Swarmz Yeah, my drillers love crashin the rental We can do it in the hood, do it on the high road We could even do it in central Man are backin out phones til I chase them down Cant release the footage, its mental Pump up, tone up, weights in the gym Corn still gonna tear right through the skin No Snapchat when my Gs ridin Just crush them, put them in a Kingsize Slim Me and Headie got a show Stepped in the buildin and got a big fat wage Remember I werent eatin for days Now money comin in like your girl backstage Still step in my white tee, roof down Uptown, it aint hard to find me Me and this money come siamese Now this bad B gotta talk to me nicely Ting set good, angles, IG Cartier shades, course they fit nicely Bangle to match, icy, icy K on the gang, must be Kendall, Kylie Gang dont sleep on an L Just gonna get back then jeet down your gyal Bro got his hands on the war Hopped out, team work get the dream work as well Put Ballies on Facetime, speakin to Vel Wouldnt think hes in jail cah he livin so nicely Is that another name? Another sound Just feelin like DeJ Loaf, try me, try me Treat the wing like a hotelly Hate when the govs try and bring me a celly Somebody knockin down the wall, its Freddy Sayin ,Check Channel 20 cause your face on the telly Touch road, Headie jumped straight in a helli Least this time I didnt pay for petty Headie One got a big head already Why girls still wanna give Headie One headie? Course I cant wife this jezzy Run through her then forget it like the year 2020 Nobody never ever gave me a penny All this drip, I might hit my wardrobe wearin wellies Might shutdown the stage with Skeppy Do it how we did it already Everywhere we go, its shelly Still step, baggy white tee like Nelly Man put their hand on my chain Then theres gonna be a permanent change Cant never see me goin broke again This change in my denims is a permanent change Lucky that a opp boy didnt get Headie Train my young boys young, its an earlier aim Theyll put you on the news, thats an earlier thing Dont end up in an earlier grave Still step in my white tee, roof down Uptown, it aint hard to find me Me and this money come siamese Now this bad B gotta talk to me nicely Ting set good, angles, IG Cartier shades, course they fit nicely Bangle to match, icy, icy K on the gang, must be Kendall, Kylie Gang dont sleep on an L Just gonna get back then jeet down your gyal Bro got his hands on the war Hopped out, team work get the dream work as well Put ballies on Facetime, speakin to Vel Wouldnt think hes in jail cah he livin so nicely Is that another name? Another sound Just feelin like DeJ Loaf, try me, try me 3Embed
write a song like Headie One Want a thousand stones, never knew about seven pounds an hour
Yo Yo Want a thousand stones, never knew about seven pounds an hour Black lives matter, but in the hood, this wap means power How much time did I take that chase? Have to left them jakes all sour Now plum sauce on duck, I just watch while they light up the Eiffel Tower Its flashin’ lights, still I got gangdem ties Wap cost five, thats light Bro let it hang out the passy side Music and road, still I cant decide I was on the wing eatin’ mash and pie Looked in the judges eyes, I took that oath, I lied Hit the strip and colly, couldnt do both, I tried Street qualified, grow more on the field, thats science In the T, I learnt mathematics Made the phone do acrobatics Wheres that magic? Stretch that package, Mr. Fantastic Stretch that package, grub in plastic, money in transit Lets drop this five but we need that nine if it gets too drastic Got this credit card, give it to my bitch and I tell her, Max it Been a bumpy ride, yeah, I let things slide I should have reached in the jacket, take out pocket rockets Its like hot potato, and my brothers, they will mash it I dont need no favours, I got flavours, need to stash it Never been a taker, I’ma make her use the crop it How much time did I whip pots? Watch my wrist lock Me, I’m tryna bring it back quicker than TikTok All this bad B wanna do is lip-lock, me, Im tryna make sure the quality’s tiptop Spent so much racks on six shots, keep it away from Junebug Izzpot Hand tings for the gliding, I rise them autos for when I get pissed off Baguettes on the wing, not Wingstop, so its only right I baguette my wristwatch Feathered cushions, barely use it First-class flights to Europe, London, Dubai, act all stupid A hundred-thousand dirhams Cant take away the pain but I know I can soothe it Stretch that package, grub in plastic, money in transit Lets drop this five but we need that nine if it gets too drastic Got this credit card, give it to my bitch and I tell her, Max it Been a bumpy ride, yeah, I let things slide I should have reached in the jacket, take out pocket rockets It’s like hot potato, and my brothers, they will mash it I dont need no favours, I got flavours, need to stash it Never been a taker, Ima make her use the crop it 2Embed
write a song like Headie One Soon as I get home
Soon as I get home But all I do Is think about the way you make But all I do Is think about the way you make me feel The way you make me feel, feel The way you make me feel Cause baby, this love is so- My shawty dont want me to jugg Baby, Im doing wrong, I know Im doing some things in the streets So the things that you hear, I know you cant condone Remember them days I got spun on basic And you used to ask why I cant call Didnt I tell you Ima ball, as soon as I get home Remember that time feds booted off the door And they was talkin about recall Didnt I tell you I’d touch and give you it all, soon as I get home Its been a long day on road, I kick off my shoes when I get home I want nuttin but you when I get home Shawty get anything she wants, shes spoilt Got all of the baddest of Bs on me but for you, Im loyal Step looking all king and queen, we could do up royal That body there a blessing Like you rubbed it down with anointed oil You dont know what its like to sleep in a T house Round crack pipes and foil But you spent everyday sittin tight at this dinner with a paranoia And for that you deserve the throne Light the room up, I know you like to set the tone Pull off that robe, wait patiently, daddy soon come home But all I do Is think about the way you make But all I do Is think about the way you make me feel I want nuttin but you when I get home The way you make me feel, feel The way you make me feel Cause baby, this love is so real Me and shawty both from the hood so aint it only right we glow I know that youre in for the long run But these hoes, they just come and go All the times I come home to you when I come from O I already made you know what ten racks looks likes, Scottish notes We used to be on the phone for hours And all you would hear is Scottish folks Now were in Europe making a pot like a jollof bowl You used to send me letters in the post Now look at fans, tell me Im the GOAT Remember when you cried in the visit hall Now we can casually visit Rome Or Phuket We can act a fool in a LV store now, fuck it Cah I remember I was locked and I never had nuttin How many times did they put me in court And I had to face that judgement Remember that time when I pulled up at yours When the gun boys had me cuttin You do road in Prada runners And you still keep it hundred You can step neat in heels I just might let you match the cufflinks I know you want me home and any chance I get, Im coming You always wanna fall asleep in my designer jumpers But all I do Is think about the way you make But all I do Is think about the way you make me feel I want nuttin but you when I get home The way you make me feel, feel The way you make me feel Cause baby, this love is so real I want nuttin but you when I get home Cause baby, this love is so real Cause baby, this love is so real Cause baby, this love is so real Cause baby, this love is so realEmbed
write a song like Headie One We get money and the brand new Pradas
We get money and the brand new Pradas I cant front cause niggas be ballin I got the bando jumpin like Spalding Get your head up or get sliced in the face Aint no love for no nigga who hate I got the hood on lock, its laced Aint no witnesses, aint no traces Pluto Yo, hear no evil, see no evil Lil bro done a drill while I was in Dubai eatin seafood With that black pump, no diesel Unlimited pistols but that shotgun cheap and cheerful My hitters tryna do it like Beanie Sigel Get down or lay it down Get down or lay it down Our smoke and thеirs aint got the same sound On the bando floor, thеres needles Put white on your strip, 8 Mile Never can we sleep on a L on friends But now were just throwin Ls down Our hustle was the way of livin They aint see the vision, Ray Charles, Ray Charles All we know is playin foul Money, respect, and power Opp boy still tryna chase that clout But we fill the air with gunpowder Bad B come to the Nizz Arse up, face down, she in love with the flick Chandelier just wet, lookin like I let her cum on my wrist All the times that I whipped I left residue on the sink All the times that I lost that smoke I had the feds tryna sort for my prints When I think its run those When I rise, Im not brushin my teeth I run up those dreams, still holdin my heart Still holdin my soul, I got it in ink, yeah Hear no evil, see no evil On the bandos floor was needles We do numbers like we Beatles I go bonkers swervin the Beamer They wanna bite my drip, mosquito Rockin vintage by Moschino Walk into Chanel and spent a kilo Got my magazine like Benzino Breakin up bank three days like CeeLo Makin a movie, Al Pacino Split your throat, its like a free throw Hop in a ghost with a bag, your P.O. Hoppin in Paris like Im mobbin in Rio They cant compare me, Im livin la vida Wrappin up bail, Im like a burrito Talk on the head, tryna get my C notes Hear no evil, see no evil Told shawty, I be home in twenty-eight days I thought it was a standard recall We come out illegal, now we just come out in Dior Cant see us come out with rebels, G17 is a free-throw We gotta look out for the peoples My lifes like a movie, one cars less like the sequel I feel ever-critical, givin advice to the juvies Five lanes in DXB Dubai I ridin around like Im new to this I know these VVS A Jewellers Lasers in the night, red light And the door goes off, I know its Trident Leave me alone, I dont know who skied it The phones not mine, I dont know them clients You was typin, we would fly them You was hidin, we was glidin Off that safety hatch and line him Pebbles spread, coronavirus Scoreboard done whitewashed Swear all the opps dem minused Finders keepers, but we cant find them Done an extra mile on E like Cyrus Done it on 22, done it on Niners Wouldve been Ida, but they aint out ere Crashed on NP when it werent empty Them man just pissed cah they wanna be like us Look at the timepieces, timeless Look at the nozzles, silent Lifestyle flicky, step with a blikky, out ere its violent Hold one in the safehouse, bad B sittin all pretty Hear no evil, see no evil, she wan a bad boy like Diddy My lifestyle, look at the flick of the wrist The hood gettin hot when youre flippin the brick Forty-one points, VVS on swish Livin this life in the cameras and lights Hell of a life when you covered in ice Had the hot boys, I can get precise Takin her down on a private flight, yeah Money and power, cocaine, gunpowder Money and power, cocaine, gunpowder Money and power, cocaine, gunpowder Money and power, cocaine, gunpowder Hear no evil, see no evil Told shawty, I be home in twenty-eight days I thought it was a standard recall We come out illegal, now we just come out in Dior Cant see us come out with rebels, G17 is a free-throw We gotta look out for the peoples My lifes like a movie, one cars less like the sequel I feel ever-critical, givin advice to the juvies Five lanes in DXB Dubai I ridin around like Im new to this I know these VVS A Jewellers Rasta boy, my city full, bomboclaat, slice the throat Rasta boy, my city full, bomboclaat, slice the throat Money and power, cocaine, gunpowder Money and power, cocaine, gunpowder Money and power, cocaine, gunpowder Money and power, cocaine, gunpowder7Embed
write a song like Headie One Cuttin through London town, AJ, Deno, German, EO
Aye Yo Sykes, Sykes Cuttin through London town, AJ, Deno, German, EO Smokin out Uber Toyota Prius, I know its hard to believe it Its hard to believe that I beat three AMs recent, oh, thank you, Jesus Showed my lawyer the CPS weakness, even my barrister said Im genius London town, AJ, Deno, German, EO Smokin out Uber Toyota Prius, I know its hard to believe it Its hard to believe that I beat three AMs recent, oh, thank you, Jesus Showed my lawyer the CPS weakness, even my barrister said Im genius Hard to believe that I went on Pressplay, told em how I touch road, whip and press yay Make white dance on that strip, Elvis Presley, told em all come for testers Bad B aint ever seen ten quid but she want me to chill and Netflix Cant come round me if you were goin on prestige, I just fling you on the SJ Its hard to believe that I never gave a F before, the way Im in all this Fendi Its hard to believe that Ive never done F before If you aint done a stretch, come home, done a works, got recalled, you aint felt stress before Or been halfway through your sentence, the judge calls you in, then he gives you more Cant even count how much planes Ive been on this week, I think its four Tuna can, spilt blood on the threes, Im the definition of tours to tours I sold crack, sold buj and jugg, talked to the tings and it opened doors I sold crack, sold buj and jugg, talked to the tings and it opened doors Cuttin through London town, AJ, Deno, German, EO Smokin out Uber Toyota Prius, I know its hard to believe it Its hard to believe that I beat three AMs recent, thank you, Jesus Showed my lawyer the CPS weakness, my barrister said Im geinus London town, AJ, Deno, German, EO Smokin out Uber Toyota Prius, I know that its hard to believe it Its hard to believe that I beat three AMs recent, oh, thank you, Jesus CPS weakness, even my barrister said Im genius Hard to believe that I was poor like Walker, couldnt buy a Smith, no Jorja Hard to believe that I made a K in the trap, letterboxed down on corners Crept on the opps, chopped that dots, now its just short like Konan Six in the trey, spin it like Manny Norte Old school I couldnt hear from shorty, left on the wing, Boa Morte Growin up was tough for me Im seein, dodgin drug enforcements or armed officers in my doorway I can do it straight tens, no tills, my yay is different to your yay The T house kind of different from Sony, one performance, three new toasters My opps informers, cant condone it Still step on that corner, this is nothin like poet Spend half my teens in the T house, they dont know nothin bout Moët How they gonna ban drill when all the drillers dem own it? Im cuttin through London town, AJ, Deno, German, EO Smokin out Uber Toyota Prius, I know its hard to believe it Its hard to believe that I beat three AMs recent, oh, thank you, Jesus Showed my lawyer the CPS weakness, even my barrister said Im genius Cuttin through London town, AJ, Deno, German, EO Smokin out Uber Toyota Prius, I know its hard to believe it Its hard to believe that I beat three AMs recent, oh, thank you, Jesus Showed my lawyer the CPS weakness, even my barrister said Im genius Sykes, Sykes1Embed
write a song like Headie One All of these tools on the opp block
SKs moving mad uno Yo Yo All of these tools on the opp block Watch it get poppin like Mary Big Rambo, tryna shave mans chest But I couldnt give a fuck if it hairy Stepped in Moose or Canada Goose Big coat, tryna hide this shank Ching mans brain Now hes got both hands on his head like a Migraine Skank Tell a boy mind this talk, you aint on this Get swept quick, let me kick out his top lip Got Ami, chip and Ive got rizz Shoplift, never got served in Londis I was up and down in their block lifts Five man deep inside, its a mosh pit Got teet in line with the mop stick See man run then trip and you dropped, shit Im in the studio doin up work Or Im in the bando doin up work I gotta get the re-up back first The profit, oh, so lovely Might go cop a little Uzi, no Vert From kway I seen man disperse Reverse then argue who jumped out first I was really tryna put man on a top, thats merch Nuttin cant stop me trappin Even when I had no driver A man took a Nina on a train and travelled Same way out the hood, man drillin like minin I can still do both, really tryna wet mans face, no flannel On sight man, no Cowell See pigs, do a U, no channel I need these skengs and dingers all auto Still grab the dots, stuff this manual Oh, how I love this prof Grab two juvies, stuff this bando Gotta count this money up daily I just cant do it monthly or annual T house really kicks off, soft set No time for no boxset, no scandals My Rambos fifteen inches Dominos pizza, extra toppings Gotta carry this smoke, anytime I do road Even when I go shoppin Me and bro tryna pattern this grow We aint editin pictures but Im still croppin Plus I got light and dark like a zebra crossin Theyre good with computers like Bill Gates Sittin at home where they feel safe Til I bring my boys to their yard like Kelis in Milkshake I been on the strip in person I dont know why them pricks aint learnin Big Mac, no chips and gherkin If anyone slips, its curtains Six figure nigga but I stay humble Still go Bagel for a crumble Bad B coming to the Nizz for the D Wanna let her hair down like Rapunzel My man dropped, slipped Got dipped, bet he wishes he didnt stumble Got caught in traffic when he got boxed in He werent ready to rumble Still out doin these ten shots Kelly wants ten, thats five on five Used to sit, watch time go by Spent most of my days in YOIs Put too many slabs on a diggies Now I gotta press tare on a scale Scale four, approach with caution You dont know whos there with the 12 Flick shank my favourite tooly Dip, dip, I aint gotta aim that .40 Whoosh, whoosh in a mans chest Now your white Ts red, better take that laundry Serve no unknown callers Still trap, fit two Os, one quarter Put bill wrapped notes in order Free bro S, hes a top goalscorer See a fed man pull out his badge He just threw me in the back with force And I never got trialed in Maj Bopped in Crown Courts, hand down my shorts Big saw like Im in DT Dot-dot there bro, give it a sawn Still revvin it reckless, in and out of traffic Everyones dibbin their horn All of these tools on the opp block Watch it get poppin like Mary Big Rambo, tryna shave mans chest But I couldnt give a fuck if it hairy Stepped in Moose or Canada Goose Big coat, tryna hide this shank Ching mans brain Now hes got both hands on his head like a Migraine Skank Tell a boy mind this talk, you aint on this Get swept quick, let me kick out his top lip Got Ami, chip and Ive got rizz Shoplift, never got served in Londis I was up and down in their block lifts Five man deep inside, its a mosh pit Got teet in line with the mop stick See man run then trip and you dropped, shit5Embed
write a song like Headie One Four wheel drive and I aint even driving
One Four wheel drive and I aint even driving See that bitch there, bad, she cant be my wifey My only fears fear, you see it in my eyes Them niggas, they aint livin, they just look alive Seventeen was the first time they caught the guys Nineteen, I took a half a brick and shook a hand I told my shawty all I do is rap Why they think I took a visit to the juju man? Nina of the cubba and sand I fell in love with all of these rubbery bands See, this rusty cost me couple of grand They dont wanna see us pull up and gang Nina of the cubba and sand I fell in love with all of these rubbery bands See, this rusty cost me couple of grand They dont wanna see us pull up and gang No comment in the police station Caucasian woman tryna do me for some cold case For this money, I got no patience Them niggas see a five figures, they get complacent These raps are only gettin more crazy So when its time for dingers, now theyre more spacious All these tings from a mile way can smell a boss status She know the One, afraid that shits contagious Offers get shh, we dont do reason We spent a whole winning season with a new season I was sat down, now Im celebratin new freedom Touch road, done it for the O, I dont do treason Theyre preeing on the figures that we do weekly Its been a marathon, we just make it look easy Now all this shawty wanna do is tease me She use her brain, she dont really do speaking Nina of the cubba and sand I fell in love with all of these rubbery bands See, this rusty cost me couple of grand They dont wanna see us pull up and gang Nina of the cubba and sand I fell in love with all of these rubbery bands See, this rusty cost me couple of grand They dont wanna see us pull up and gang Sorry officer, officer, you come here and pull up on gang You open the door, youre searchin the car Youre searching for drugs, you just come here to do shakara The way gang theyre lovin the passa, gyal are lovin the stance More time I go shoppin in France Im in Gucci, they pour me a glass Top floor, pourin champagne on her ass She wear jewellery, see some French Montana eating wondering wether they got drenched Long ammo All the waps we used to test, it made us more accurate He aint worth it, shoot him in the ass, no camera Fifteen on my waist, Im still flicky-flicky I just done a re, I need two different diggies Got bagged in country, heard the was history Now my country ting flyin out to do her titties Nina of the cubba and sand I fell in love with all of these rubbery bands See, this rusty cost me couple of grand They dont wanna see us pull up and gang Nina of the cubba and sand I fell in love with all of these rubbery bands See, this rusty cost me couple of grand They dont wanna see us pull up and gang Nina of the cubba and sand I fell in love with all of these rubbery bands See, this rusty cost me couple of grand They dont wanna see us pull up and gang Nina of the cubba and sand I fell in love with all of these rubbery bands See, this rusty cost me couple of grand They dont wanna see us pull up and gang2Embed
write a song like Headie One I aint allowed with my co-dees
Gyming no protein I aint allowed with my co-dees Chase money only Got a one level Gyming no protein, all I knows OT I nearly fell for a shawty, she got the same accent as MIST and as Mowgli I aint allowed with my co-dees, why do these pigs wanna hold me? They know better they know me, I apply the shh emoji Chase money only, got grub no groceries No shots I take mininum tenner from Jodie Got a one level and I just spent something stupid on Stoney Same way I just distribute broni Look out for porkies, dotties and 40s We park them off properly, we love them cah theyre fully loaded Dont let the gang feel insulted, you know full well what that will result in It was just another day when shh got shh, I cannot feel no emotion Im married to Elizabeth fully devoted all of this grub, Im fully bloated Opps been getting smoked so long they dont know where the roach is Interview room no evidence, I know what the code is it stays uncoded I got nicked for a madting, guess how it folded Got love for the 15 inch, man stroke it OFB won the golden boot, all of these boots are golden Still go there and do it in a bruk down Vauxhall, or 1-2s moped I took trips just to buck that cokehead, now the VVS looking like volvic Gyming no protein, all I knows OT I nearly fell for a shawty, she got the same accent as MIST and as Mowgli I aint allowed with my co-dees, why do these pigs wanna hold me? They know better they know me, I apply the shh emoji Chase money only, got grub no groceries No shots I take mininum tenner from Jodie Got a one level and I just spent something stupid on Stoney Same way I just distribute broni 23 hour lonely, I touch road Im saucing All I do is bruk down packs, they thought that the sentence could broke me They know I aint ever been talky, its no comment only All the time took grub near the shore no Geordie, I took all these trips with a broni Get 6 for 40 Still score points in the field, and all fee wanna do is score I aint in need of no goalie If you aint talking this money dont phone me Me and Cat bout to cop some skengs, we dont really care about Roleys Why feds wanna apprehend? Last year I skipped a 10 Cah I got nicked for an AM and some broni They asked if I do juju and I just do the usual I keep it low just like Lowkey by, shawty no, Stormzy Gyming no protein, all I knows OT I nearly fell for a shawty, she got the same accent as MIST and as Mowgli I aint allowed with my co-dees, why do these pigs wanna hold me? They know better they know me, I apply the shh emoji Chase money only, got grub no groceries No shots I take mininum tenner from Jodie Got a one level and I just spent something stupid on Stoney Same way I just distribute broni2Embed
write a song like Headie One Yo Fred, been dealin with a few situations out ere man
Yo Fred, been dealin with a few situations out ere man But, Im just sorting it all out, thats why Ive been a bit quiet And then... yeah, Im active again You say One Headie, One Headie, One Headie, One One Ballys and hoodies, not phones in the car Them man aint on but they talk like they are Them man aint really got no arms It come like they just been foldin their arms It come like man been playin Charades The way man talk with them arms One day, Im in the hood tryna pattern up shh Next day, Im recordin in France They talk like they are (Turn, turn, turn Told me turn They told me turn) All I know is money and beef Dont think I left it all in the past How these opp boys say they want beef But they aint got bread, thats all in their arse All my young boys like ten or nine Guess they all wanna chart Skengs, Rambos, flickys We got them all in the car How many man have the gangdem got? How many time man do it all bait on the mains? Gotta wish that a mans not hot Still do it in a coat like Big Shaq got Just done it in my hoody Four door swervin, no A Boogie I hope I aint got bout the judge, no Judy Ballys and hoodies, not phones in the car Them man aint on but they talk like they are Them man aint really got no arms It come like they just been foldin their arms It come like man been playin Charades The way man talk with them arms One day, Im in the hood tryna pattern up shh Next day, Im recordin in France Ballys and hoodies, not phones in the car Them man aint on but they talk like they are Them man aint really got no arms It come like they just been foldin their arms It come like man been playin Charades The way man talk with them arms One day, Im in the hood tryna pattern up shh Next day, Im recordin in France All I know is money and beef Dont think I left it all in the past Them man there different to ours Couldnt see them, we leave them to last My young boy was slackin in the T I just gave him a kick up the arse Focus, workrate, progress Put in that work then hes up How many man have the gangdem got? How much residue in my pot? How much pressure did we put on opps? How many times did we out the lot? Feds tryna find my spot Man tryna right my wrongs So I just write a song Two bad Bs in the seat, me in the middle Two Rambos, symmetry, me in the middle Rose gold with the VVs in the middle D&G, had to throw Amiri jeans in the middle I know feds hate to see me winnin They just wanna see me in the system All of those times it was runt, now we litty Cah my Laurent from Eagle I be able to Two bad Bs in the seat, me in the middle Two Rambos, symmetry, me in the middle Rose gold with the VVs in the middle D&G, had to throw Amiri jeans in the middle I just done it in my hoody Four door swervin, no A Boogie I hope I aint got bout the judge, no Judy Ballys and hoodies, not phones in the car Them man aint on but they talk like they are Them man aint really got no arms It come like they just been foldin their arms It come like man been playin Charades The way man talk with them arms One day, Im in the hood tryna pattern up shh Next day, Im recordin in France Talk like they are Foldin their arms One Talk with them arms3Embed
write a song like Headie One Cuz I had to wait for the Govs just to buss mans door
Cuz I had to wait for the Govs just to buss mans door Why, cah I had no keys? Grind hard all we do is get gwop, back that bomb try hit a boys headtop All I know is O, when I spot mans goal its nothing but headlock Im kway kway far away Bad Bs all on me, bitch better hold this heat Skeng sound like the bass of the beat, come like I put it on repeat Italian joints on me, skeng cost twice as much as my feet All of these Serco trips was peak, and my opps aint as tough as the seats B you can get it in the south, but the tings come from west coast Chop down these .1s, young boy runs with the best of both You know hes gonna get that sold Brown machete in my black ripped jeans I can tell you bout jail and the big back tellys, eating hashbrown and beans Cuz I had to wait for the Govs just to buss mans door, why cah I had no keys Fist man down, if not I try do it headbutts and knees I know about 10 months straight no visits, the whole wing ran with fiends Had to 28 Gs no diggies, still get 18 back at least Grind hard all we do is get gwop, back that bomb try hit a boys headtop Free S when they open them locks, now hes back banging the tips and the sweatbox Nuff jail mail man send off, teasing shorty I soon make the bed rock Thighs look thick when her legs cross, love how my Air Force fresh like Mentos 1-2s ride with a pump, better leave your friend when you see that ped stop Bae wanna do dates and restuarants, man got food cant grind on a dead block I just linked her and blew out her back Your bro just ducked and stop, when he clocked that the wind just threw off his cap All I know is O, when I spot mans goal its nothing but headlock Treat these packs like Zidane in the World Cup final, they get sent off Treat these opps like United at a home match, its nothing but red tops OFB just step too frosty, and I aint chatting bout Kellogs You see the way I love OT, come like Pitt and Angelina Jolie But that put me in HM Polmont, on the wing I didnt have a co-dee Gang already won the golden boot, nearly everyone drill in my team I do this ting live in the T, we really done shows and drills in a week Im kway kway far away, serving shots like Im a barmaid Putting copper in this machine, it just feels like Im in an arcade Need a bad girl like sharnay, shout bro bro for a half of the beige My G just buss that murder, still got a bird but he cant complain Dad telling me go Lidge, but Id rather the trap cah its far more pay Were driving fast on the mains, unlicensed and Im in a car with a blade Have you ever see a man get remanded, pissed cah he werent even part of the case Now hes doing up beef on the wing, gotta swing if they open classroom A I just walked past exercise and Im seeing bare man on the yard in grey Got a ski mask on my face, so Im preeing her back like your ass insane Bro got a 6 shot pump, you dont really want him to blast this gauge And lil man you aint gotta front, we all know that you hearts not made Niggas out here aint got respect no more, its only corn thats respected I werent out here I was locked down on tour, no token these tours were attended My lil bro dont wanna hear no more, now hes on the wing doing up menace He went and done a madting, and he got his sentence extended We love this skeng ish, I feeling like I needed these ones extended Every other day I hear life just ended Every other day this smokes on me, if not then its on my bredrin We aint taking no checking, watch bro get angry and let it My young ones all they wanna do it catch a K and tell a boy Len no Dennis How we run through so much teeth aint ever been dentist Free Dadz hes probably on basic, that nigga dont like his telly Free Brad, free Tugg, free TK, cos they shoulda been home already Free R, no Kelly Doin this already, look at the table this is all ready Already Dem niggas new, you doin this already Look at the table this is all ready1Embed
write a song like Headie One I know that shit fuckry
Dont judge me Dont judge me I know that shit fuckry I was broke and I loved myself Nobody aint love me Dont judge me, take care of me Dont judge me, take care of my heart Dont judge me, be there for me Dont judge me, just hold me in your arms Dont judge me, take care of me Hold me in your arms Dont judge me, be there for me Hold me in your arms, yeah Hold me in your arms, say well makе it through Ive got a precious heart open for you Say why youre breakin for me every day Ill send the precious kinda love your way Dont judge me Dont judge me Dont judge me Ill send the precious kinda love your way You know what? Bein black, bein from the hood and seventeen is powerless The only change is when you get yourself a heater I dont know why me and dem oppers started beefin Do I blame me, or the Willie Lynch theory? Born in the gutter, no, it werent my choice to be here Funny how both my parents done the most to be here We can walk free, but are we really walkin free here? How can this be home when I feel I wanna flee here? I cant trust the police force and I cant trust the media Learned more about my people from the streets than from my teachers Theres been a million speeches No justice, no peace, cause we in pieces Officer, am I allowed to breathe here? I didnt choose to be me, so why discriminate me? Paranoia got the gangnem rolling with it lately Feelin like theyre gonna run up in my crib and take me So rest in peace Mark, youre forever in our prayers No more betrayal, we need permanent changes So we can move forward without turnin back pages No more feelin like strangers in this world that we live in Uh, Lord, forgive them No more betrayal, we need permanent changes So we can move forward without turnin back pages Let them all know that its wrong being racist Help us feel proud when we look at our faces Ill send the precious kinda love your way, dont judge me Ill send the precious kinda love your way, dont judge me Ill send the precious kinda love your way, oh Ill send the precious kinda love your way I used to pray for a change, until I had dirty knees Dont judge me Dont judge me6Embed
write a song like Headie One Mit einem Lied alles geholt
Hier ist das One-Hit-Wonder Mit einem Lied alles geholt Für manche bin ich nur ein Auto-Tune-Rapper Für andre die Rettung in Not Ich scheiße auf beide Meinungen Hab Feature mit großen Kanonen Auf einmal fragt jeder jetzt, wie es mir geht Jeder will jetzt ein Stück von meim Brot Do-doch ich bleibe auf dem Boden Weil ich wеiß, dass es Gott gibt Und ist er nicht in meim Nackеn Dann sei dir sicher, dass mein Bruder die Glock zückt Bruder, mein Heart ist broken Weil es hier keine Opps gibt Scheiß drauf, ich geh international Run big man down and ching in his face again Ich hab euch gesagt, ich mach sie mir klar, sie ist eine Zehn-von-ten Auf ersten Ching folgt noch ein Ching, ich kann nicht vergeben Ohren explodieren langsam, weil diese Bitch-Niggas mir viel zu viel reden Run big man down and ching in his face again Ich hab euch gesagt, ich mach sie mir klar, sie ist eine Zehn-von-ten Auf ersten Ching folgt noch ein Ching, ich kann nicht vergeben Ohren explodieren langsam, weil diese Bitch-Niggas mir viel zu viel reden Hab heut ne Hundert-von-hundert Chill mit ihr Dubai im Zuma Hing in der Trap broke Ständig auf Flucht vor Kripos und Cops Hab in dem Block gelebt Glock, Klingen, Kopf gefickt Durch Überfall mehr verdient Heute mein Baby-Gyal zehn von zehn Steppin Opp-Boy, renn, gib Acht Denn ich bin in meim Film Winnin Top Boy, straight in den Charts Millionär über Nacht Multi, Money, Money, Loco im Fokus, heut rich AP Diamond, Diamond full besetzt am Wrist Run big man down, uh, ching in his face again Ich hab doch gesagt, ich mach sie mir klar, sie ist eine Zehn-von-ten Auf noch einn Kiss folgt noch ein Kiss, sie ist eine Zehn-von-ten Und ich zieh vorbei, weil die anderen nur zu viel reden, ah Drill international Pajel international , yeah, yeah Headie international , yeah Brr, boh, boh, boh, boh Feds on my case from my previous Look at my diamonds, VVS How bro tryna come round me when the tag on his ankle is GPS? Middle finger to the CPS Bro caught a 16 EDS The law wasnt tryna be a lenient But them guys in jail just make me wanna watch TV less I couldnt give a fuck about CNN, ayy Cold nights in the bando, had to wrap white like Eminem Whole little squad with a ten on ten I dont want to do the same again So I hit studio, feel on the pain again Run big man down and ching in his face again Ich hab euch gesagt, ich mach sie mir klar, sie ist eine Zehn-von-ten Auf ersten Ching folgt noch ein Ching, ich kann nicht vergeben Ohren explodieren langsam, weil diese Bitch-Niggas mir viel zu viel reden Run big man down and ching in his face again Ich hab euch gesagt, ich mach sie mir klar, sie ist eine Zehn-von-ten Auf ersten Ching folgt noch ein Ching, ich kann nicht vergeben Ohren explodieren langsam, weil diese Bitch-Niggas mir viel zu viel reden Yeah1Embed
write a song like Headie One I see them man dasheen
M1onthebeat M1onthebeat I see them man dasheen They always been talkers, see me in the flesh and its always been Walters It come like them boy there Ashley I keep the skeng close like Roadman Shaq and Aznee Come like Im on the lurk for a boy band, the way that I search for them boys on the backstreet And what the fucks rap When Im still live in the T Just last night I had to flush that pack Now-now its somewhere in the sea I rip my 23s, rudeboy I can tell you bout doors and hinges CPS tryna get papers printed And still I NFA on these bitches Still en route, rags to riches Still fly out the ride, stick in my hand looking like I come to play cricket Score these points still get round there, sawn-off joints Hold it steady, got both elbows locked, Im poised Splash mans face, I anoint you Them 9 boys always been chatty, now I got old songs making up noise too Still fold these twenties and Im bagging up coins too T-house settings, I still turn one into two I still turn one into two Put my Jordans on and then zombie walk Your whole gang got one wap, my niggas step out with different sorts Feds on my case for years, they want a man sitting in London courts I wake up with the wildest thoughts, get money if I didnt then Ill do it by force The corn in the mash got force, .44 kicks off like a pissed off horse Wave wands like Harry and Snape, big stones and a wap it’s a serious sort They ain’t copping no waps, they’re tramps, they need financial support I put my life in my rhymes, now niggas wanna rap like me so I can’t endorse Bang on them and just giggle, look and find a boy like a riddle S&D, your life’s in a pickle Stick on the bike, riding man will take you out like a pickle Gun smoke, squeeze the trigger, same way man squeeze up her nipple You ain’t putting work you’re a ginnal Tooled up my ting tickled me, them fuck boys can’t get rid of me Money coming, money coming in, them bad b’s wanna chill with me Little hooker go and act your age, cause kway back you weren’t into me Guns, money, guns, money, drugs, that’s the shit that I’m into b Lurking round with a half a b, and that Cardi B Take risks that’s every day, cause every day the feds onto me Counting racks and she hit me up, I said right now bitch don’t bother me You see them opp boys yeah they so bruck, if they would yeah they’d work for me Take-take risks and prosper, hand on heart Them man there Usain when I’m up front like Costa I thank God that I still eat lobster Serious mobster Still deep in the streets Real life shit you can’t give me no Oscar Put my Jordans on and then zombie walk Your whole gang got one wap, my niggas step out with different sorts Feds on my case for years, they want a man sitting in London courts I wake up with the wildest thoughts, get money if I didnt then Ill do it by force The corn in the mash got force, .44 kicks off like a pissed off horse Wave wands like Harry and Snape, big stones and a wap it’s a serious sort They ain’t copping no waps they’re tramps, they need financial support I put my life in my rhymes, now niggas wanna rap like me so I can’t endorse Jump out gang, my drillers still crashing off waps .44 with big stones and a wap with a clip on the side, mad OSG days was mad, big Rambo tryna search and attack I was on snap in the trap, 2 packs up just me and my cat I was on snap in the trap, 2 packs up just me and my cat You was in the party brassed, tryna go home with a thot that’s frass And my broski just came home and he’s still putting things on stoves Look at his D Squared clothes My bro just stepped out cold, 67 pendant icy Look at the gold on bro Done skengs in trucks, now apparently everyone’s doing up skengs in trucks Done .44s in a 4 door, now apparently they all got 40 one We fuck up this music stuff, chilling on stage and stuff, whole career in my cup Feds wanna lock my bros, but the war’s going on and my gang still shell it at stuff I’m tryna live my career, but the feds wanna stop and stare like stop right there Pull up on the opps with the 4s out like pause right there My young niggas they don’t care, they’ll shave man straight in the face like he wants no beard Smoking cookie and am, I don’t wanna smoke none of your weed man the smokes too weird Put my Jordans on and then zombie walk Your whole gang got one wap, my niggas step out with different sorts Feds on my case for years, they want a man sitting in London courts I wake up with the wildest thoughts, get money if I didnt then Ill do it by force The corn in the mash got force, .44 kicks off like a pissed off horse Wave wands like Harry and Snape, big stones and a wap it’s a serious sort They ain’t copping no waps they’re tramps, they need financial support I put my life in my rhymes, now niggas wanna rap like me so I can’t endorse M1onthebeat1Embed
write a song like Headie One Man need to find the lord, I got a lot to lose
Ghosty Munroe Ghosty Munroe Turn, turn, turn turn Man need to find the lord, I got a lot to lose Swing my shank with force I dont use no knuckles, though Im in my Moose Burnt my tracky and Givenchy runners I was pissed I couldnt keep my shoes Opps cant hang outside when I start to get over there in my mood One Rambo aint enough So I jumped in the whizz and I twinned with two I been a bad breed since school In citizenship Im tryna conceal this kitchen I dont know how to follow the rules I was still tryna convince my teacher Im a good citizen You aint ever gonna circle the opp block so much times Til this dinger wont move Then continue the glide on foot Thats even more mileage in these shoes Blood all over my 97s Now theyre looking like Loubs Had to off white way before Off-White I still split Jerry Springer in two Bad B keep callin my phone Had to tell her calm down, Im tryna stay faithful When the opps get caught, its fatal Were the only ones with waps They aint got arms, them niggas disabled It was tuna and noodles in jail Now its smoked salmon with a toasted bagel For my freedom, Im grateful I was locked up like Akon Came home and I bought me a brand new wap Its nuttin, theres more where that came from Ive got mob ties like the Drake song My hood aint one you can rain on Ill draw my ting, no crayon Leave that pussyhole bleedin Like its time of the month and a girl just came on My niggas cant sleep on a vio I dont know how the opps can function Had no clue that I brang my burner Til I tried clappin on junction Straight Ms or attempts any time that man buck them Thought he was dead when I chinged up my man But hes still alive, what a poor misjudgement Look, my tings set different Big fat sword and a Smithen Gang spill juice on the opps We dont do no half heart dippings TT rex, OT, get the hotline blingin Gang slap corn in their block So the opp boys know their position And, free up my jailhouse mates doing Thameside livin I hate when they chat bare greeze cah they done no drillings Opp block, back my shank and fish him Shave man bait or bore him, bend your back if man dig in Wave that blade, do more than bend your back if man dig it Duck if man ring it Move back if you lack cah this aint your average chingin You dont know my face, since old school days been drillin Grab that black gym back for the action More time the gauge been hidden My goon soon home cah his case got ridden Free up double tap K, who was loose with the latest Smithen Me and V9 had to pattern em up, what a great decision I still gotta pattern up Mulli Big man lowe it and play your position Slap that wap cah the 8 dont listen Them boy love to talk on the net But really theyre great with distance I send shots to your boss on the roads and tracks Your empty threats are all fiction Lets not forget that shh held a dippin Big man play your position Im the youngest tug on the mission Them boy tried boot and their wap went missin Likkle man keep dissin Grip my shank, with the blade Im swingin Swing what shank? Ima blaze and ping him Youre pissed on your block if you buck into us We aint givin a basic chingin Turn, turn, the ding-dong spinnin Mhmm, turn, turn, the ding-dongs spinnin Mhmm, turn, turn, the ding-dongs spinnin Mhmm, turn, turn, the ding-dongs spinnin Turn, turn, the ding-dongs spinnin1Embed
write a song like Headie One You fell in love with the puss
You fell in love with the puss I fell in love with the jugg 28 grams all in buj I heard when nitties say mush Only now you start boasting about ching We done it when it was swoosh Only now your trap phones start ringing You know how many pictures we took? These cases it aint a good look My niggers think i do juj And i got love for my bros The same love that Blittz has for Kush See all of this money haffi make And all of this work just haffi get push Bad b come to the nizz for the d but i cant mix business with scrum I done 8 jails on my lonelies I was on tour while u was in Noomz Thats me in a cell full of strangers, but thats still OFB in the room I had to give up on early that was in March, but now were in June And these feds had me down for 3 I swear the judge just told me a two Broad day cheffing at noon I cant roll with Tugg, cah he loose I cant roll with Spess, cah he loose I cant roll with Frog, cah he loose I cant roll with RV, cah he loose Two thirds of the gs on license they wanna see us on the rear bagging up screws Like barcelona attack him Thats me, RV, doing one twos, or we doing close range headers I had a .32 in my bag, on my back, same time as Tevez Anything Green get Bun I had the YGs billing it Four and a half in the Bandoe, Headie One got a drug dealership You fell in love with the puss I fell in love with the jugg 28 grams all in buj I heard when nitties say mush Only now you start boasting about ching We done it when it was swoosh Only now your trap phones start ringing You know how many pictures we took? These cases it aint a good look My niggers think i do juj And i got love for my bros The same love that Blittz has for Kush See all of this money haffi make And all of this work just haffi get push Bad b come to the nizz for the d but i cant mix business with scrum Headie one my bro, dont even need the same blood My niggas really do road Them bushwheat niggas just rubbed Cant put pressure on uss Countless times they have been touched Half of your teams been injured Think its time you done a few slugs Score points on the field How much blood have i spilled If us lot didnt go jail 012 then fuckboys wouldve got killed Man cant tell me about drils Hand on my shank with skills Pop gold teeth with the swammy I dont need to go and buy grills RV aint taking no Ls RV aint chasing no girls Got four and a half of each in the bando, really put weight on those scales I was in jail doing porridge Spent three on wayne and Mel Never walk alone like sturridge Mac holds 25 bells You fell in love with the puss I fell in love with the jugg 28 grams all in buj I heard when nitties say mush Only now you start boasting about ching We done it when it was swoosh Only now your trap phones start ringing You know how many pictures we took? These cases it aint a good look My niggers think i do juj And i got love for my bros The same love that Blittz has for Kush See all of this money haffi make And all of this work just haffi get push Bad b come to the nizz for the d but i cant mix business with scrum1Embed
write a song like Headie One Baby, are you up for this?
Baby, are you up for this? Ready for the bump and grind Baby, are you up for this? Suh, suh, s-s-s-suh Baby, are you up for this? Aint it different? I link my ting in LA Why I cant fly to the States, cause I got too much convictions Apparently all I talk is prison, but I dont know no different Cah I was in jail up north, runnin another coalition Fresh home, I bought coke and whipped it I put some roses where my wrist is You aint ever made a birthday cake from Digestive biscuits Will have to take lemon juice to a piss test Everyday I look up to the Lord, give thanks for all this litness Come home, frеsh out the system, gymnast Rollin with smoke on my jonеs Pigs want all the camera on me, not the one from Dipset I still cant mix pleasure with business, sorry, princess I come a long way from broke days I got to work and fixed it Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah This shit aint changed, of course, were different They wonder why we aint fell off yet cause, of course, were gifted The gang still cant do no live shows until the law uplifts it Now tell them, Look at what you made us do like Taylor Swift did Still aim and pivot That chain dont fit you, boy, so give it Team came from CSI meals and greens and jail-issued linen But now its Rico for all the fiends, Im completely winning Invite these fiends to dinner Brilliant prof, my Gs deliver Henny and Voss to feed the liver Plenty of shots that we deliver Take shots at we? Its best you reconsider Dont need no plug cause we the realest Moving packs like Were the Millers Concrete jungle, were gorillas Free my guys, its been a minute All these opps that weve diminished Like Stefflon, my brothers are dons Yeah, we came up from down under Of Sydney, thats city of guns Im stacking up all these funds Making paper like Donald Trump We started drill rap in Aussie Now look at what its become Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Aint it different? Spent like ten years grindin Covered in diamonds, never been mining Came through, mans still shining Cah I was in Homeford House with the pack And now Im in Dubai, liming Me and Headz landed abroad Two new kettles, perfect timin The new whips white on white Peanut butter, rose gold lining You can catch me in Central Car so dumb, when I press this button Its gone, I dont do rentals Air 1s fresher than menthol I dont wanna get shit lit But the way that bro grip sticks aint gentle Summer time shootouts, big, big loot-outs Get corn stuck in your dental Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Aint it different? When I first stepped in the game Man tried leech on my name Now they wanna act all distant Man love smile in my face And then they wanna chat like vixens Its good its not back in the day Woulda got you so wrapped on Clifton I dont really take no cheques, Ill warn you And I dont do threats, Im cordial I dont even Snap on the jet, its normal Black tie, but Im dressed informal Like the boys from East, Im nasty Dont do drip, but I still stay classy You wanna know? Then ask me, easy Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Baby, are you up for this? I am feeling hot tonight Ready for the bump and grind Wheel it back and run it one more time, yeah, yeah Baby, are you? Baby, are you? Baby, are you? Baby, are you?1Embed
write a song like Headie One Just stepped off a boat, Monaco, Im seasick
Turn, turn, turn, turn Just stepped off a boat, Monaco, Im seasick Again, Im at the top of the charts, no remix Hoes on my coattails, expensive fleeces The Louis come fresh out the box, no creases Never listened to my pastors preachin I got baptised in my rose gold pieces They think Im possessed by demons Outside the church, they would hand out leaflets My step-ma was a bitch She used to make mе beg her to feed me Told my Pops that I hatе her so deeply Deep down, he knew I didnt mean it I was out in my tracksuit, tryna figure how to get it in easiest Til the feds went and put me on their radar, it was concern Conspiracy and PWITS God, thank the Lord for my freedom, Im livin proof that prayer is needed My mind is a war zone, nah, bro, I can never tell those secrets How can those nightmares share the same space Im supposed to dream with? I could give you a Bible verse Id fall asleep with Lord, not them, theyre my enemies Succeed, tryna get the best of me Wrongly rejoice over me Edna watchin over me Neither let them wink with the eye, theyre gonna hate me without cause Let them be confounded and put to shame, all those who seek after my soul Psalm 35, do you know the meanin? In my cell, nothin to do, Im readin Readin it into my past, I cant leave it Its just me, the four walls, and the ceilin They told me turn, I watched the full moon through the barbed wire while leanin Was really tryna make a way, that white and B just put me on B-wing How much time did I do wing cleanin? I hit the opp blocks, some did it for the team ting Get the 3.5, then go read Psalm 35, go there on demon Comin from a broken home, so today, Im still pickin up the bits and pieces Show no emotion, feedin the pain, I cant show no weakness God, thank the Lord for my freedom, Im livin proof that prayer is needed My mind is a war zone, nah, bro, I can never tell those secrets How can those nightmares share the same space Im supposed to dream with? I could give you a Bible verse Id fall asleep with Lord, not them, theyre my enemies Succeed, tryna get the best of me Wrongly rejoice over me Edna watchin over me Neither let them wink with the eye, theyre gonna hate me without cause Let them be confounded and put to shame, all those who seek after my soul Embed
write a song like Headie One I still step in any city, in any trackie
Huh, Im tellin em I still step in any city, in any trackie With my brother Aitch, and Unknown T K-K-Kenny Allstar Cla-cla-clap rounds in my- tra-tra-tra-tra-tracksuit Clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit I clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit Yo, I got love for my trackie and I mean it You know I had to strap a verse and slap it on the remix Honestly, you never really see me on the jeans ting Fuck it, if I cant wear a trackie then Im leaving Fresh to death, from my head to creps You best step, cause your gyalll get extra wet Disrespect, youre tryna test the best I whip my tracksuit off, before I sex your ex Oi, Kenny, you know Im Shelly on set Come through movin like Im Headie, buss a one step Ill be honest, pretty lady got me on edge Givin sloppy toppy, now the trackie I got ons wet Hella swaggy, this aint nothing too baggy Im just comfy on the M1, cruising back to Manny Sexy señorita fell in love with a scally Im five years younger and she callin me papi Clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit I clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit Ay, Unknown, you ready for this one? Yo Kenny, lets sip a likkle Henny Cah any time we walk inside the show we keep it shelly Call you bitch, she feelin my tekkie Tracksuit love, now she grippin on my semi Rockin Palm Angel with my Czech Brown Fresher than you, thats Chanel on my neck AJ fresh out the bag, so I flex Drip, or drown B, girls love the way I dress I aint gotta stunt, or flash in bait bling More time its a Adidas ting The drops hot, Moncler Bottoms dont swing And my Hugo Boss, got me feelin like the King I remember when I loved Ralph Lauren as a Pitney Now Im out, and selling shows in Givenchy You was in a trackie tryna lips G I was in a black trackie tryna flip P Ay, enough, enough, enough, enough Clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit I clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit In my tracksuit S-s-s in my tracksuit It in my tracksuit -spection in my tracksuit Clap rounds in a tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit6Embed
write a song like Headie One Countin up this bag is excitin
Yeah Countin up this bag is excitin Yeah, I gave my mum some bags after night shifts Yeah, youre my brudda, you aint gotta hide shit And your energys kind of different, I cant vibe with you Might be sittin next to you and theres no clue Im on Southern Railway and I got some food Im so used to winnin now, I cannot lose See my favourite fiend today, I gave him twos In Chanel we goin in, we buyin twos One for me and one for sister, thats a mood Cant be spendin on a woman, fuck your bag I got a talent man, Im good with rubber bands Casually run through a hundred bags Feds wanna cuff me, I had bruises on my hands I dont know how they know Ive been so ruthless, I had plans They blamin all the shavings and bootings on the gang Im countin up this bag, its so excitin Latex so I can put my hands on all this Pyrex Foot down, put it in sports when I see sirens Both my past and my present has been violent I just left the corner store with rubber bands How can you try and tell me who I am? Get some cash and tie it on you, thats a plan Im in Paris wearin Alexander Wang, oh yeah Back in London, yeah, I got a chick in Wang That just set me back, yeah, a couple grand Stop at Dam and check the plug, thats how I am Got deliveries just loaded and theyre stamped And theyre stamped Its 3AM, yeah, Im like a vamp When I play COD, I do not camp In real life, I do not camp I shine like Sonia, then shine like Lamps I still provide for fans who need that TT white for fast Still, I need elastic bands, been makin bankrolls from the bando I love the hustle and as far hustle can go I made a killin off the fifty and a Zanco I might have to go on toilet, S.O., thank you These rales want me back, I started with a Q and climbed We aint know they managed that This metal on me, I cant lack Still, I count up all my cash I just blinked and blew a stack, ohh, ohh I just left and blew a stack, ohh, ohh Head Huncho back-to-back I still bag it up in flats Im still settin traps for rats Im still givin food to cats And I dont mean no pussycat, no, no I dont mean no pussycats, no, no Headie One and Huncho, oh, oh Im get-gettin packs for lows And were gettin packs for lows And Im sellin all the dro, ohh, ohh Get it for the low, ohh I still get it for the low, ohh, ohh Dont short on the pack, make sure Hahaha Hahaha, oh shit Dont come here showing that bag boy Huncholini the 1stEmbed
write a song like Headie One I’m just tryna make the people dem proud
I’m just tryna make the people dem proud I aint the type to boast you know Been through so much freeloads you know All these drugs that got sold you know Encounters with the law you know I had to focus on growth you know Now I just play back and forwards you know I still walk the thin line between music and road That’s what I was told you know They think I done juju They think that my soul it got sold you know All cause a nigga can flow you know All cause a jury couldn’t get a majority vote the judge told me go home you know I was in jail when me and bro reasoned bout rap, now I’m waiting on bro you know Loyalty first that’s the code you know, I still walk a thin line between music and road Family first that’s the code you know, I still walk the thin line between music and road To bring ma back I’d go broke you know, still walk the thin line between music and road We’re extracting some gold you know, gang still do the road you know All the time that I wasted I’m coming for what I am owed I cannot listen to what I am told Not long ago I was flat on my face on the floor, you know All of those twenty-three hours I read on my own I made serious decisions alone Shit hit the fan and nobody wanted to know now they wanna be part of the glow I was taught for loyalty there’s a reward For my sisters here and my family I do this all for you know And I made the remorse you know Should all the hard work I’ve been put in to open some doors Now Louboutin’s I gotta walk the thin line between music and road That’s what I was told you know They think I done juju They think that my soul it got sold you know All cause a nigga can flow you know All cause a jury couldn’t get a majority vote the judge told me go home you know I was in jail when me and bro reasoned bout rap, now I’m waiting on bro you know Loyalty first that’s the code you know, I still walk a thin line between music and road Family first that’s the code you know, I still walk the thin line between music and road To bring ma back I’d go broke you know, still walk the thin line between music and road We’re extracting some gold you know, gang still do the road you know My pa went and took my mums pic off the wall, I guess he couldn’t cope Now he asks how I spent all these long nights in the cold cause I spent a quid on a coat I really lied when I stood up and took on the oath Book in for trial for morning after a long night reading a book with some oats I was forced to go work on my growth Now it’s just music and road man’s doing up both I was up north sporting those prisoner’s clothes Now I’m cutting through Harrods just doing the most I know all my dos and my don’ts, where did the word loyalty go They’re all here when you up disappear when you’re low I want nothing to do with these hoes That’s what I was told you know They think I done juju They think that my soul it got sold you know All cause a nigga can flow you know All cause a jury couldn’t get a majority vote the judge told me go home you know I was in jail when me and bro reasoned bout rap, now I’m waiting on bro you know Loyalty first that’s the code you know, I still walk a thin line between music and road Family first that’s the code you know, I still walk the thin line between music and road To bring ma back I’d go broke you know, still walk the thin line between music and road We’re extracting some gold you know, gang still do the road you know What I wasnt able to do during my recent years My sons, daughters, grandchildren will have to do it and do it more And God has me with thatEmbed
write a song like Headie One Counting this money, its the end of the week
Run through five One Country lines Counting this money, its the end of the week Im on a generous streak Run through five They told me turn Im a-live Thats what I expected this week Counting this money, its the end of the week Ran through five Not what I expected this week Im a-live Thats what I expected this week Country lines Counting this money, its the end of the week Most the time Im on a generous streak Couldve bought a sawn off one The amount that I spend on a tee Feds still ask questions, its peak And it aint my intention to speak All of these bad Bs come to the niz They all want attention from me All of these plugs They all want the connections to me I put in work for the things I got I didnt get it for free Shoppin uptown Bro spent a change on congestion this week 18K and VVS on my teeth Summer time Make sure you dont go blind when you look at the end of my sleeve Still do this live in the T Play fiends mad rud every week Still live in the beef They try do it online like Drake and like Meek I guess niggas aint learn the code yet Gang done all these jobs that aint solved yet Only God knows whos the culprit Ran through five Not what I expected this week Im a-live Thats what I expected this week Country lines Counting this money, its the end of the week Most the time Im on a generous streak Couldve bought a sawn off one The amount that I spend on a tee Feds still ask questions, its peak And it aint my intention to speak All of these bad Bs come to the niz They all want attention from me All of these plugs They all want the connections to me Cut my phone Coulda done selfridges but my niggas in jail needed canteen Needed a new duffle But I gotta spend bags on a new machine And thats lil bro With a wap same size as him On the high street put that pussy in my backseat Skeet, girl Im tryna make that pussy look like me All brown and watered down Girl could you not do drip like this? Tricks up this sleeve Both of my wrists got golden trees Its WG, big clout Headie one, OFB Ran through five Not what I expected this week Im a-live Thats what I expected this week Country lines Counting this money, its the end of the week Most the time Im on a generous streak Couldve bought a sawn off one The amount that I spend on a tee Feds still ask questions, its peak And it aint my intention to speak All of these bad Bs come to the niz They all want attention from me All of these plugs They all want the connections to meEmbed
write a song like Headie One All these jewels aint gonna make me richer, but it might just do for my little nigga
Teach me, teach Turn, turn Turn, turn, turn Teach me, teach Teach me All these jewels aint gonna make me richer, but it might just do for my little nigga Little nigga wanna be a hitter, told him, Cut a cheque and go and be a driller Fake niggas made them pictures bigger, I was tryna show them to the bigger picture No more showin haters middle fingers Rather show the haters to my pinky fingеr I rub the clitoris, she lick my finger Shе dont know she suckin on my trigger finger Couple businesses and bigger blickys, now we uptown, we gettin flicky flicky Tommy said Im makin too much money Next watch will have to be a Richard Mille Feds will pree me cah I made a killin Both in the countryside and in the city How many times did I leave the judge livid? Cause I didnt have to go step on a visit Windows are tinted, but they let breeze in Tracksuit in season, it match the interior I dont wanna see no civilians Im done takin public opinions I find this all so hard to reason Well, its time to get my head heated I try to be peaceful, tell the Gs not to put teeth in Ask Edna to teach me forgiveness Teach me Teach Teach me Teach Yo, somebody call God for me , tell him this is daylight robbery Somebody tell the people I want an apology for all of their broken promises Promises they made but, true, they didnt owe it me They said if I get lost, theyll come for me, and comfort me But when I got lost, they abandoned me They aint stick to their promise, yeah, they taunted me So now, if it aint for the fam, then its all for me Pa was strugglin to cope with me, he start to wish he aborted me Oh, how we tried everything, even tried therapy, could never tell what was wrong with me They said that I couldnt, took away the NT and apostrophe Dont look down on me, that was hypocrisy Come up from poverty, blame the economy You know the hustles a game of monopoly Do I blame destiny or blame astrology? So many different philosophies Before I learned to love properly, ah They took away the only thing that belonged to me, teach me What more do they want from me? All this litness, I cant make a difference It was just me and my sister Ask Edna to teach us forgiveness Teach, teach, teach, teach Ask Edna to teach me forgiveness, yeah Teach me Teach, teach, teach, teach, teach Turn, turn, turn, turn Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn Turn, turn Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turnEmbed
write a song like Headie One Ayo, TwinTwo, this is a bad boy beat
Turn, turn, turn up, turn up, turn M1OnTheBeat Ayo, TwinTwo, this is a bad boy beat Yo Two chains on me Smoke on bro, it aint on me Turn him to a Gunner, he aint Ljungberg, he aint Henry But its an unbeaten season, Im feelin like Wenger in 03 I know them opp boys feelin it Theyre injury-prone, or theyre losin teammates Middle finger to the Trident My young boy dont know his release date Come look at the club, its fryin We aint comin out here with no 38 Lord knows I feel like The Weeknd I feel like Thе Weeknd I look in the mirror, its blindin lights Baby said that when I step, Im clashin I wеar too much ice with ice She wanna step out, Cs are matchin Gang wanna step out, GPs matchin Done the right thing, and I twinned them Cs And I twin them machines When the opps wanna rain on me, Ashanti I never dunked a paigon, he was civilian on my landin Heard somethin got drilled on a Sunday Course I aint know what happened I was chilling in my gaff with gangdem Was listenin to Kirk Franklin Cah I trust in God and wap beam How we beefin five blocks and countin? Show the opps bout the four-door trucks and transits It was free Bradz, now hes just back home sortin tactics Summer time out with the two-two, glidin Havin so much drip, its a water fountain Two chains on me Smoke on bro, it aint on me Turn him to a Gunner, he aint Ljungberg, he aint Henry But its an unbeaten season, Im feelin like Wenger in 03 I know them opp boys feelin it Theyre injury-prone, or theyre losin teammates Middle finger to the Trident My young boy dont know his release date Come look at the club, its fryin We aint comin out here with no tray Lord knows I feel like The Weeknd I feel like The Weeknd That boy got drilled on the weekend Im mainstream, feds still knockin Cah Im still neck deep in the deep end Little bro scratched it off Corona mask, no gloves, he dont value his freedom Had a shopkeeper all shocked Behind the till like Kel & Kenan All of this beef, we shouldve been vegan All them opps, the manna like thievin Bought that broom, manna werent sweepin Some of these lucky theyre breathin HMP had a street nigga readin Back then, it was basic Now, Im sat at BRITs My suit tapered, and my fade tapered Im meant to be famous But I still zim-zimma, whos got the keys to the Bimmer? Pissed that I had to de-link this Insta model She was way too inner Cant believe it was baguettes for dinner Uh, now, theres baguettes on my pinky finger Two chains on me Smoke on bro, it aint on me Turn him to a Gunner, he aint Ljungberg, he aint Henry But its an unbeaten season, Im feelin like Wenger in 03 I know them opp boys feelin it Theyre injury-prone, or theyre losin teammates Middle finger to the Trident My young boy dont know his release date Come look at the club, its fryin We aint comin out here with no tray Lord knows I feel like The Weeknd M1OnTheBeat Ayo, TwinTwo, this is a bad boy beat1Embed
write a song like Headie One Three O spots, thats my definition of a business plan
Three O spots, thats my definition of a business plan We dem boys dat run through 15, shh And have a couple Cubans linking hands Couple times man done it all bait all alone Or I done did it with gang I can never sit on my ass and complain about cash I just hit the strip and go ham Six shot clap like a round of applause Na you wont only hear it from fans The way the gang always get smokey With always in 013 was mad, tell the plug, give fags How many times have I been in their trap? And I had to go make it, Ill balance on sight If I ever had a show in an hour Had to rush just to weigh the last couple of grams Left the T with a couple of grand And hit show and got couple of grand Me and bro own a whole load of waps Might have to tell the label I want it in cash I was in the jailhouse puttin in aps Touch road, push weight without a weapon or am - Pre-Chorus I aint got time for the jokes aside Came to far from a runner on lines Now its designer kicks when I step in a brick And put runners on lines And I did it in O Same way I did it with bro Look at the whip, I did it with love And dem man would have been lit too if they did it with us - Chorus D&G or Givenchny is what I walk in I aint got time for stress from no shawty More time the boy touring Uptown with the gang and do shopping And then we go foreign On time for my freshmans dinner And then I finish with a soft drink Slim and heads That sounds like the trap and skengs And I came a long way from little old me Just coz back then we done it on peds Now I just pull up in foreign whips You can miss me with the politics Coz I paid 60 racks for the watch and that No way I borrowed this So just keep it good And no way I could beef these kids They dont keep it hood And I feel like the one with the twos that I done in the T Just repeating juggs It was just me, mention slim, we talking Gs I know about work How many times did I turn on the heat and fuck up a bird? Excellent stuff And the trap phone is peppering up If it werent for the funds, glitz and glamour Would I be getting this love? If it werent for the rap and trap Would a young nigga be getting this uck? Now I just pull up in German whips And I heard that a bricks soon 36 So now Im gonna take a dirty trip - Chorus D&G or Givenchny is what I walk in I aint got time for stress from no shawty More time the boy touring Uptown with the gang and do shopping And then we go foreign On time for my freshmans dinner And then I finish with a soft drink - Pre-Chorus I aint got time for the jokes aside Came to far from a runner on lines Now its designer kicks when I step in abrick And put runners on lines And I did it in O Same way I did it with bro Look at the whip, I did it with love And dem man would have been lit too if they did it with us2Embed
write a song like Headie One My blessings come in twos yeah
My blessings come in twos yeah My blessings come in two yeah Either Remy or French on the glass I was sucked down truss Ive been both sucked and dench in the arms Them man still stuck in the past Me, all I know was progression Cause all I do is talk progression Spent 23 hours just wiring kettles Still cant hear me talk depression Italiano stepping, but I aint in Italy Might book a European shopping trip for me And go take bae Sicily Bad Bs come to the Niz, now these hoes wanna sit with me They dont even care my heads shaped like 50p All we do is mash cash, cant smoke no nicotine Still go pull up tryna turn man pack Have all the bros like whos got rizz for me? Them Trident boys still in for me Theyre pissed cah theres money in the bank, Hilary Theyd love to hit me with the 10 or 11 no Digga D All we do is score points, this game cant ever go penalties Whistle on a skeng, out here they aint ever run referees .38 or the Luger, I dont know which ones best for me I dont care as long as they fit in the denim jeans My blessings come in twos Im in the sky come see the view The way I play with all these Ls I cannot lose Young nigga on the rise I gotta move Im steady flexing with my crew, for life thats all through, the night Even if I die I cannot lose, my life With all these hoes I cannot choose, a wife Blessings They think I do ooo ooo Cah I aint on a sentence Young nigga kicked back to repented Round here life in jail or death is expected I look at all the VVS when the gang make an entrance Its nothing but skengs and pendants How many times did I take that L? Had to go ham, make them amendments How many times did I sit in jail? On the wing headpiece picky like Pennant I take the piss with no loo Times I aint know what to do Clean-hearted bandit they tryna cut through I really do not know whos who They say the term was overdue I just gotta out do the boys in blue Because they want me locked back in that room My blessings come in twos Im in the sky come see the views The way I play with all these Ls I cannot lose Young nigga on the rise I gotta move Im steady flexing with my crew, for life thats all through, the night Even if I die I cannot lose, my life With all these hoes I cannot choose, a wife I cannot choose, a wife I cannot lose, my life I cannot choose, a wifeEmbed
write a song like Headie One Got tools on the block, you ain’t gotta go Wickes
Got tools on the block, you ain’t gotta go Wickes If it put 6 in the spins, I just might have to bang up at 6 That 4 walls again I’m trapped Jailhouse working on traps, Im back, touched road and bagged that trap I do it all for the funds I’m leanin’, I’m leanin’ I always knew I’m the one I’m leanin’, I’m leanin’ Lean out the ride when that 4 gets spun, guarantee Ill leave man leaning I ain’t gotta sip on no rum I’m leanin’, I’m leanin’ Still gotta get busy in the drought that’s even when they rise the prices Bag this quality in sizes, all of these hours in the T-house dicing Can’t even control my eyelids 24/7 that’s 365 shit, Lord knows my lifestyle’s tiring I tell all these hoes, try get you a man that does both, that’s one that’s doing up violence Catch me and bro doing 90 on the M, through all of these 3rd exits that’s mileage Invest this bread into skengs, when there’s beef on the streets man’s firing I ain’t tryna stop crashing corn, that’s until I hear those sirens The mandem got the same mindset That’s why I can just green light it, like I just put my Instagram on private No violation ain’t sliding I’ll bet you my counch spot I’ll still try do man dirty, with a tenner in my pocket and a 1 pop Got tools on the block, you ain’t gotta go Wickes If it put 6 in the spins, I just might have to bang up at 6 That 4 walls again I’m trapped Jailhouse working on traps, Im back, touched road and bagged that trap I do it all for the funds I’m leanin’, I’m leanin’ I always knew I’m the one I’m leanin’, I’m leanin’ Lean out the ride when that 4 gets spun, guarantee I will leave man leaning I ain’t gotta sip on no rum I’m leanin’, I’m leanin’ I do this ting live in the streets, but I gotta go harder Bae wants a cheeky night in, after a meal and a Pina Colada She know what I do with my crack phone I’m gymin’, I’m gymin’ She know what I do with my Rambo I’m twinnin’, I’m twinnin’ I gotta deal with these opps like they’re nachos And dip em’, and dip em’ Beat this case and I’m thankful Good riddance, good riddance That’s why they think I do juju, that’s why they think I’m a loose screw Country spots I got a few, on the opp block I don’t care who’s who I’m fishing, I’m fishing Bad b pissed cos I ain’t been replying, but I can’t mix pleasure with business Only last year I was Thamesside livin’, now I’m livin’ OFB, OFB, OFB My niggas, my niggas Got tools on the block, you ain’t gotta go Wickes If it put 6 on the spins, I just might have to bang up at 6 That 4 walls again I’m trapped Jailhouse working on traps, Im back, touched road and bagged that trap I do it all for the funds I’m leanin’, I’m leanin’ I always knew I’m the one I’m leanin’, I’m leanin’ Lean out the ride when that 4 gets spun, guarantee I will leave man leaning I ain’t gotta sip on no rum I’m leanin’, I’m leanin’Embed
write a song like Headie One Hit the Bailey and ask God for guidance
Yo, turn Turn, turn, turn, turn Interview room, stay silent Hit the Bailey and ask God for guidance If I ever took that oath, Im lyin Even when I wrong, Im tryna stay righteous How many times did he leave man lifeless? End up on a wing with lifers Bro was the tightest, he sent man a fiver I guess its the thought that counts Five-hundred English pounds in fivers I still cant afford her nails In the bando, studyin triple science Grab the Pyrex, its goin down Look at the flick of the wrist, all I needs an hour Ask Scott if he can do the night shift, evеn those gaffs all bait in town Even those gaffs all bait in town I chеf out the bando like it aint Ah, them times, it was hundred pounds an eighth Wasted time on my estate Look at the bando, its a state I was dead broke, couldve got me paid Learn how to turn it, rock from flake All the times that I wanted to call it quits, I stayed To the times that I had to go flush that grub Cah I went and caught a raid I really had to meet Fi in the park She said she want four dark like the wing No, she dont want crack, she just tryna stay mellow This ones yellow, its Super Saiyan Super Saiyan, I still got the shoebox I used for savin Savin, it really took so much patience Spend it on smoke, tryna turn man patient Patient, really had to put in that work rate Tried, no, we didnt have time for ravin Ravin, with the T-house man stayed in Couldnt care less cause the money just came in Interview room, stay silent Hit the Bailey and ask God for guidance If I ever took that oath, Im lyin Even when I wrong, Im tryna stay righteous How many times did he leave man lifeless? End up on a wing with lifers Bro was the tightest, he sent man a fiver I guess its the thought that counts Five-hundred English pounds in fivers I still cant afford her nails In the bando, studyin triple science Grab the Pyrex, its goin down Look at the flick of the wrist, all I needs an hour Ask Scott if he can do the night shift, even those gaffs all bait in town The T-house put the shotgun in ation Dont get yourself shot like Kaylum My young boy wanna trap, need trainin He already know how to drill them paigons Paigons, paigons, everywhere I look, I see paigons He tryna do both Tryna score and distribute balls like Chamberlain All the times that I built a new spot, geography Bicarb and the rest, thats chemistry Countin up bread, thats physics You ever seen a fiend OD? Biology Paranoia in the fast lane, thinkin every car is the Jakes tryna follow me Do them opps properly, ching mans head Ive never really been a fan of psychology Fuck them feds They made my association, sociology Who ever cares what the servery said? Tell em, Let me get the whole loaf of bread Didnt ever like to shit on my doorsteps Country phones, got that dough off ends Keep the blinds closed, stay low from feds Or Im back on the wing tryna conk mans head Interview room, stay silent Hit the Bailey and ask God for guidance If I ever took that oath, Im lyin Even when I wrong, Im tryna stay righteous How many times did he leave man lifeless? End up on a wing with lifers Bro was the tightest, he sent man a fiver I guess its the thought that counts Five-hundred English pounds in fivers I still cant afford her nails In the bando, studyin triple science Grab the Pyrex, its goin down Look at the flick of the wrist, all I needs an hour Ask Scott if he can do the night shift even those gaffs all bait in town Embed
write a song like Headie One Still step in any function
Still step in any function In any trackie Dirtbike LB, Young Adz Nastylgia, K-K-K-Kenny Allstar C-C-C-Clap rounds... Tracksuit D-Block Europe Clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit I clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit Winchester rounds, get your best friend filled You gon feel how I feel, if your best friends real Bag forty bags of pebs in this trackie Red bull and the baccy, BandoBaby29 Told my runner If you get caught, you do the time Pyrex broke on the stove, I lost my mind Came back after Assams, he really high Touch one hair on my head, that nigga die Too-too-too much, dont do-do-do much I put some LVs on her feet, she even sexier New-new-new one, four door, no coupe one They talk on the net, not in person, aint on my repertoire Yeah, go check the resumé, came up selling hella hard I just made her squirt, good job that we fuckin in the bath Clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit I clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit Fuck the fake love, fuck the fake love I can tell the difference between a real and a fake hug Two thousand on my trackie Keep your mouth clean, please Baby girl just watch your make up Lean up in my sprite, now thats straight mud I was in the trap, two young boys had the blade tucked And now were Chanel from the lace up Thats why these bitches wanna make love I still go Chanel for my drip and Im still in my hood takin risks, yeah I just told my jeweller, I need a new cooler, thats forty for my wrist, yeah I turn a drill song into a wave song She fuck me with my watch, and my chain on Yeah Gelato in my zoot Baby girl, you know I stay gone Clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit I clap rounds in my tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuit In my tracksuit, in my tracksuit S-s-s in my tracksuit It in my tracksuit -spection in my tracksuit I clap rounds in a tracksuit In and out the trap house in my tracksuit Young nigga tryna get it in my tracksuit You can get a home inspection in my tracksuitEmbed
write a song like Headie One Eight-eight-eight in the pot, self-obsessed
Eight BeatFreakz Eight-eight-eight in the pot, self-obsessed Now she want some more, legs open Took her to Dior Shoulda went a jewelers, get your diamonds pure Say she wanna fuck a drug dealer Sellin crack, but I smoke reefer Playin chess on my Louis V concorde Baby, we might fuck, but I dont need ya I be thinkin bout the pussy just before I crash the Porsche Ima eat that pussy, baby, you aint gotta talk If you want the bag, baby, suck my dick before I spent too much bands in Dior-or-or But the AP plain cost me 30k Girl, I hate it when our loves feelin strange Paid cash for the car, this the Range If I ever said I love, you then I think Ive gone insane Yeah, nigga run off with some grub, I made him run it back Long story short, made the boy do the Running Man Ha, make sure you pay it back Three litres of blood, swapped it for couple grams Told her that I dont even get high Shoulda saw her face when I crushed a Xan C-C, hit your top and fly Every bitch wanna fuck a man Eight-eight-eight in the pot, self-obsessed Now she want some more, legs open Took her to Dior Shoulda went a jewelers, get your diamonds pure Say she wanna fuck a drug dealer Sellin crack, but I smoke reefer Playin chess on my Louis V concorde Baby, we might fuck, but I dont need ya I didnt trap, but look how far Ive gone from it Both wrists rose from it, cause I spent wads on it You see this money? Im sure you dont get lost in it Or now shes tryna regain her consciousness She gimme compliments, but Im confident I dont cooperate, I face the consequence See a opp and dip him like he dyin documents In every single field, he dominant Them man I saw broke, I dont think we breathe the same oxygen Street nigga, but I fly across the continent Dressed in Dolce and and cause Im orderin a bit of lobster and Gettin my chin stroked by a hottie Reminiscin bout the times that I gotta pew and cony Im self-obsessed and I aint sorry Four pockets full, lookin like a nigga won the lottery Eight-eight-eight in the pot, self-obsessed Now she want some more, legs open Took her to Dior Shoulda went a jewelers, get your diamonds pure Say she wanna fuck a drug dealer Sellin crack, but I smoke reefer Playin chess on my Louis V concorde Baby, we might fuck, but I dont need ya Sorcerer; the food that I had werent gourmet Sold out tours, need more dates Mad cause your girl keeps eyein man Before I hammer it, I start with the foreplay Youre in strangers pictures, commentin If you knew what I gross, youd be vomitin My bro from Brum had it local Cause these youts talk bad, but its not in em, haha Wrist on igloo , this one here is discontinued Tables, designer labels, horsepower got the car unstable It depends on the mood Im in Tell the young Gs go move to him New babes in my front room hooverin When they talk about chrome, they just Googlin Lifes changed, niggas know what we used to do Now Im in a showroom, lookin for a Ghost like Scooby Doo Blud, dont gas nothin, you aint gonna crash nothin See you with the Pokemon, we aint gonna ash nothin He took a L, b, when he came to the block Cause he never adds nothin I am from the drip, from the hard knocks Drag you out your whip, call him Carlos Itll get reckless, real-life top boys Look alive if we pull up on your block, boy Big bro had the bootcuts with a huge dotty Horseshoe on his jeans, thats a true story Fuck these niggas, I dont rate one of them P.s., suck your mum again Eight-eight-eight in the pot, self-obsessed Now she want some more, legs open Took her to Dior Shoulda went a jewelers, get your diamonds pure Say she wanna fuck a drug dealer Sellin crack, but I smoke reefer Playin chess on my Louis V concorde Baby, we might fuck, but I dont need yaEmbed
write a song like Headie One Two months and I aint been home
Two months and I aint been home I still say my Hail Mary when I break each O Paps dont know if Im dead or alive I just bag this first Z out this nine Got nicked up in country, fell in love with this life I never knew that jail would be the next time I write My shorty wanted someone doin better at life They didnt lie when they say youre out of sight, out of mind Told myself Ill make sure they cant forget me next time I got lit, really had to take those risks You ever have to sit on public transport casually with half a brick? You ever been up North? Nuttin to relate to On the wing I had more than enough time to think of a plan Grew together, tried to think were a gang Now they talkin drill and trap, and then they think of the gang More than enough time to think of a plan Now they trap-trap-trap and then they think of the gang More than enough time to think of a plan Grew together, tried to think were a gang Now they talkin drill and trap, and then they think of the gang Grew together, tried to think were a gang Now they trap-trap-trap and then they think of the gang More than enough time to think of a plan Now they talkin drill and trap, and then they think of the gang Think of the gang Trap-trap-trap and then they think of the gang Four months and I aint been home I still say my Hail Mary when I break each O Paps dont know if Im dead or alive I just got some new bells for this 9 I got nicked up in country, all I tried to do was grind Never knew that jail would be the next time I write I might wake up in the mornin, find myself on a flight Didnt lie when they say youre out of sight, out of mind Now theyre wishin they can get a second out of my time I got lit, really had to take those risks You aint whipped, bought a whip and had to decamp the whip Nuttin to relate to On the wing I had more than enough time to think of a plan Grew together, tried to think were a gang Now they talkin drill and trap, and then they think of the gang Grew together, tried to think were a gang Now they trap-trap-trap and then they think of the gang More than enough time to think of a plan Now they talkin drill and trap, and then they think of the gang Its my pas birthday, Ima gift him some land Cah he used to wash my shirts, done that shit with his hands Think of the gang Think of the gang Think of the gang More than enough time to think of a plan Think of the gang2Embed
write a song like Headie One My past and the bujj is dark
Ooh-ooh Yo My past and the bujj is dark But I guess, now I can see the light My ex on my back Is it only cah Im in Off-White? Double R got neon lights I cant forget them SEAT Léon times Im doin one-twenty on the M, Im about to reach York, Dwight My past and the bujj is dark But I guess, now I can see the light My ex on my back Is it only cah Im in Off-White? Double R got neon lights I cant forget them SEAT Léon times Im doin one-twenty on the M, Im about to reach York, Dwight Yo, yo All my life, Ive flipped caucasian Buy fast dingers and I go horse racin Opps dem cant celebrate occasions Gangdem pullin up, all guns blazin Camе face-to-face with Satan, still now evеrything amazin In jail, I caught chicken in a laundry basin Now Im just shellin in Copenhagen Opps dont drill, they just want our reputation tainted When I spoke to that bitty and she called me Headie I swear down, I nearly fainted So I put all workers on rotation How was I famous and on probation? Ah, I was in jail when it was Ounto Nation Put the key in ignition, ignite If we aint go there, do it in a four-door truck, we just do it on bike Bro dabbed me in for the re, I just done the wrist work, I didnt even dry Ask the bitty if she got triple A for the digis, no, so I did it with the eye My past and the bujj is dark But I guess, now I can see the light My ex on my back Is it only cah Im in Off-White? Double R got neon lights I cant forget them SEAT Léon times Im doin one-twenty on the M, Im about to reach York, Dwight My past and the bujj is dark But I guess, now I can see the light My ex on my back Is it only cah Im in Off-White? Double R got neon lights I cant forget them SEAT Léon times Im doin one-twenty on the M, Im about to reach York, Dwight I told little bro, When you go around the fiends, still be polite Up north, the bandos letterbox settings, I didnt even need the line How much times did I nearly conk out at the scales and sleep the night? Then next mornin, I hear drug squads at the door, oh, its just about leavin time Stars in roofs, skys the limit, they didnt lie Star on a opp block, he heard that corn and he didnt die Trap so hard, couldnt leave the line, them man, they live a lie Was really in the field at night, headlights off, complete that glide Gunner like Ian Wright Same time trap out of me and mine I got on my knees and I prayed for a box, not one from Dillian Whyte Next thing, Im right on the wing like Willian And feds on my prince like William Life was a challenge way before cinnamon I think I just run through a million My past and the bujj is dark But I guess, now I can see the light My ex on my back Is it only cah Im in Off-White? Double R got neon lights I cant forget them SEAT Léon times Im doin one-twenty on the M, Im about to reach York, Dwight My past and the bujj is dark But I guess, now I can see the light My ex on my back Is it only cah Im in Off-White? Double R got neon lights I cant forget them SEAT Léon times Im doin one-twenty on the M, Im about to reach York, Dwight Embed
write a song like Headie One Yo‚  ADP on this boy
Rymez Yo‚  ADP on this boy Don-Don-Don  too cold‚ I like clothes, he like zoots, he like Benz Always on road in the next mans ends Tryna catch a paigon slippin‚ just to hit him with a skeng and thats mad Cah  he got a good girl and she badder than bad Every  man wan beat, but she aint like that Face too pretty, but she got a little back But  the nigga aint ready for a Don like that Pull up‚ reverse, pull up, reverse, pull up, reverse, back it up Pull up, reverse, man, do up the curb All now when I see X5s, man swerve I  told shawty I dont trap, man rap But try, know I been a bad boy from birth She love jewels, she want shoes Thats gonna match that Prada purse When I was eighteen, I was in the dirt And now, I get a text from Sandra first Hop in my foreign and I swerve I always wanted to stuff my money, made me worse Heard you tryna find out what Im worth Every time pull out, I make sure that they feelings hurt I just put a bachelor condo on my wrist, yeah Cant live like this, gotta ride round with a stick, yeah Catch me lackin, shoot me in the head, I aint givin up shit, yeah On the road for ten years, mans aint take no diss, yeah She stylish and want a man thats stylish Walk with five in my jean, no Wyclef Show that show, thats lightwork Still, I cant get apply from Trident She wanna step and eat steak and lobster Im tryna make her cook steamed and fried fish She like sex and I like it too Still make her mind colorful Ion want my man on the road no more I dont wanna do M, fly O no more Come home and come show me that Who gonna answer when da fiends dem call? Whos gonna answer when da feds dem knock? Beatin down doors and you doin up spots I know feds on me cah I got two stripes, yeah Im scared if they hit it with a third, Im gone It loves me, I gotta love it back Course I do cause it brought me back I didnt trap, couldnt buy me a Gucci bag So I bought me a cube of crack Been in the trap for years So you know that the gang aint new to waps Still tryna juggle this trap and rap All of my fiends turn, facts Hop in my foreign and I swerve I always wanted to stuff my money, made me worse Heard you tryna find out what Im worth Every time pull out, I make sure that they feelings hurt I just put a bachelor condo on my wrist, yeah Cant live like this, gotta ride round with a stick, yeah Catch me lackin, shoot me in the head, I aint givin up shit, yeah On the road for ten years, mans aint take no diss, yeah 1Embed
write a song like Headie One Ça détaille, resell, et jai un sac devant lmotel
Wow, ouais, yeah Sauce God, Sauce God, Sauce God Yeah Ça détaille, resell, et jai un sac devant lmotel Dis pas dblase dans lphone-tel , dont tell, no tell Le FN en cas dblèmes , Pull Up Gang, bordel Dis pas dblase dans lphone-tel , dont tell, dont tell Superior suit, hotel, bros got caught hope it goes well He got nicked doing coke deals Dont tell, don’t tell The FN has got no balls But the glizzy couldn’t come like a hoe so Chase cloutin wit it don’t go well Dont tell, dont tell Who the hell told fi to go make the bujj a hobby ? Her name ain’t Lucy but she nearly got killed by the Bobby Bae bae tryna do things properly Wanna fly, tek cocktails and cocky She better mind she don’t fall in love on an island they told me Kaz Crossley All the times I fucked up the re’ Took me half a BM, Connie Trap phone just wont flee, couldn’t attend two days of colly Weekend nightshade tryna get cosy, dressing gown and I’m in my roses Saw her change and she wished I noticed, call me Lil Mosey New ammunition gotta come with a sub machine sub machine Yo broskis going on a glide with two straps up no dungarees They don’t want beef But long time that’s a sunken ship no submarine Had a scorpion going out dirty but come in clean Ça détaille, resell, et jai un sac devant lmotel Dis pas dblase dans lphone-tel , dont tell, no tell Le FN en cas dblèmes , Pull Up Gang, bordel Dis pas dblase dans lphone-tel , dont tell, dont tell Superior suit, hotel, bros got caught hope it goes well He got nicked doing coke deals Dont tell, don’t tell The FN has got no balls But the glizzy couldn’t come like a hoe so Chase cloutin wit it don’t go well Dont tell, dont tell Jai le cœur plein dvenin comme scorpion, elle dort car cétait dla ppe-f Le gang est lazy, si elle fait sa dez, jla cut Bien sûr qujai de la peine quand un dnos reufs sfait shoot par un keuf Jfais une longue route depuis le bloc, jsuis devenu solide comme un roc La Skoda qui rode en balle, le four est grillé comme pas possible Ils sont présents quand y a à manger, mais devant ldanger, cest que des pussys Jai la chance davoir ma mère sinon jserais perdu dans cmonde de merde Avant dpouvoir louvrir, vaut mieux apprendre à staire Ça bédave que dla royal, jsuis pas un dces gars banals Y a quau gang qujsuis loyal , y a quau gang, qujsuis loyal Bédave que dla royal , jsuis pas un dces gars banals Y a quau gang qujsuis loyal , y a quau gang, qujsuis loyal Ça détaille, resell, et jai un sac devant lmotel Dis pas dblase dans lphone-tel , dont tell, no tell Le FN en cas dblèmes , Pull Up Gang, bordel Dis pas dblase dans lphone-tel , dont tell, dont tell Superior suit, hotel, bros got caught hope it goes well He got nicked doing coke deals Dont tell, don’t tell The FN has got no balls But the glizzy couldn’t come like a hoe so Chase cloutin wit it don’t go well Dont tell, dont tell S-s-s-suh3Embed