7 values
Make this sentence more readable: The technique was shown to improve baseline low resource IWSLT'14 English-German and IWSLT'15 English-Vietnamese backward translation models by 11.06 and 1.5 BLEUs respectively.
The technique was shown to improve baseline low resource IWSLT'14 English-German and English-Vietnamese backward translation models by 11.06 and 1.5 BLEUs respectively.
Rewrite this sentence for readability: The synthetic data generated by the improved English-German backward model was used to train a forward model which out-performed another forward model trained using standard back-translation by 2.7 BLEU.
The synthetic data generated by the improved English-German backward model was used to train a forward model which out-performed another forward model trained using standard back-translation method.
Rewrite the sentence more clearly: This work proposes the use of the target-side data throughout the back-translation approach to improve both the backward and forward models. We explored using only the target-side monolingual data to improve the backward model through forward translation and the forward model through back-translation.
This work proposes a self-training strategy where the output of the backward model is used to improve the backward model through forward translation and the forward model through back-translation.
Rewrite the sentence more clearly: Stance detection on social media is an emerging opinion mining paradigm for various social and political applications wheresentiment analysis might be seen sub-optimal.
Stance detection on social media is an emerging opinion mining paradigm for various social and political applications wheresentiment analysis might be sub-optimal.
Rewrite the sentence more clearly: Second, an enhanced mask decoder is used to replace the output softmax layer to predict the masked tokens for model pretraining.
Second, an enhanced mask decoder is used to replace the output softmax layer to predict the masked tokens in model pre-training.
Write a readable version of the sentence: Visual Question Answering (VQA) models tend to rely on the language bias and thus fail to learn the reasoning from visual knowledge, which is however the original intention of VQA.
Recent VQA models may tend to rely on the language bias and thus fail to learn the reasoning from visual knowledge, which is however the original intention of VQA.
Rewrite this sentence clearly: Visual Question Answering (VQA) models tend to rely on the language bias and thus fail to learn the reasoning from visual knowledge, which is however the original intention of VQA.
Visual Question Answering (VQA) models tend to rely on language bias as a shortcut and thus fail to learn the reasoning from visual knowledge, which is however the original intention of VQA.
Make the text more understandable: In this paper, we propose a novel cause-effect look at the language bias, where the bias is formulated as the direct effect of question on answer from the view of causal inference.
In this paper, we propose a novel cause-effect look at the language bias as the direct effect of question on answer from the view of causal inference.
Clarify this text: Our proposed cause-effect look 1) is general to any baseline VQA architecture, 2) achieves significant improvement on the language-bias sensitive VQA-CP dataset, and 3) fills the theoretical gap in recent language prior based works.
Our proposed cause-effect look 1) is general to any baseline VQA architecture, 2) achieves competitive performance on the language-bias sensitive VQA-CP dataset, and 3) fills the theoretical gap in recent language prior based works.
Change to clearer wording: Recent VQA models may tend to rely on language bias as a shortcut and thus fail to sufficiently learn the multi-modal knowledge from both vision and language.
VQA models may tend to rely on language bias as a shortcut and thus fail to sufficiently learn the multi-modal knowledge from both vision and language.
Clarify this text: (2) train HDNO with hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL), as well as suggest alternating updates between dialogue policy and NLG during HRL inspired by fictitious play, to preserve the comprehensibility of generated system utterances while improving fulfilling user requests ;
(2) train HDNO with hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL), as well as suggest alternating updates between dialogue policy and NLG during training to theoretically guarantee their convergence to a local maximizer ;
Clarify this sentence: Finally, we demonstrate the semantic meanings of latent dialogue acts to show the ability of explanation.
Finally, we demonstrate the semantic meanings of latent dialogue acts to show the explanability for HDNO.
Make this sentence readable: SSNs address this by learning where and how to share parameters between layers in a neural network while avoiding degenerate solutions that result in underfitting. Specifically, we automatically construct parameter groups that identify where parameter sharing is most beneficial. Then, we map each group's weights to construct layerswith learned combinations of candidates from a shared parameter pool. SSNs can share parameters across layers even when they have different sizes, perform different operations, and/or operate on features from different modalities.
SSNs address this by learning where and how to allocate parameters to layers. This can result in sharing parameters across layers even when they have different sizes, perform different operations, and/or operate on features from different modalities.
Clarify this text: In SSNseach layer obtains weights from a parameter store that decides where and how to allocate parameters to layers. This can result in sharing parameters across layers even when they have different sizes or perform different operations.
In SSNseach layer obtains weights from a parameter store that decides where and how to share parameters between all layers in a network, even between layers of varying sizes and operations.
Make the text more understandable: SSNs do not require any modifications to a model's loss function or architecture, making them easy to use.
SSNs do not require any loss function or architecture, making them easy to use.
Clarify this sentence: We evaluate SSNs using seven network architectures across diverse tasks that include image classification, bidirectional image-sentence retrieval, and phrase grounding, creating high performing models even when using as little as 1\% of the parameters.
We evaluate SSNs using seven network architectures across diverse tasks including image classification, bidirectional image-sentence retrieval, and phrase grounding, creating high performing models even when using as little as 1\% of the parameters.
Rewrite this sentence for readability: When lowering the amount of labeled data to one hour, our model outperforms the previous state of the art on the 100 hour subset while using 100 times less labeled data.
When lowering the amount of labeled data to one hour, wav2vec 2.0 outperforms the previous state of the art on the 100 hour subset while using 100 times less labeled data.
Clarification: This demonstrates the feasibility of speech recognition with limited amounts of labeled data. Fine-tuning on all of Librispeech achieves 1.9/3.5 WER using a simple baseline model architecture. We will release code and models.
This demonstrates the feasibility of speech recognition with limited amounts of labeled data.
Write a clarified version of the sentence: Experiments using all labeled data of Librispeech achieve 1.8/3.3 WER on the clean/ noisy test sets.
Experiments using all labeled data of Librispeech achieve 1.8/3.3 WER on the clean/ other test sets.
Make this easier to read: How to explicitly encode positional information into neural networks is an important problem in natural language processing. In the Transformer model, the positional information is simply encoded as embedding vectors, which are used in the input layer, or encoded as a bias term in the self-attention module.
How to explicitly encode positional information into neural networks is important in learning the representation of natural languages, such as BERT. Based on the Transformer architecture, the positional information is simply encoded as embedding vectors, which are used in the input layer, or encoded as a bias term in the self-attention module.
Make the sentence clear: This design removes the noisy word-position correlation and gives more expressiveness to characterize the relationship between words/positions by using different projection matrices.
This design removes the addition over heterogeneous embeddings in the input, which may potentially bring randomness, and gives more expressiveness to characterize the relationship between words/positions by using different projection matrices.
Use clearer wording: To combat COVID-19, clinicians and scientists all need to digest the vast amount of relevant biomedical knowledge in literature to understand the disease mechanism and the related biological functions.
To combat COVID-19, clinicians and scientists need to digest the vast amount of relevant biomedical knowledge in literature to understand the disease mechanism and the related biological functions.
Clarification: We have developed a novel and comprehensive knowledge discovery framework, COVID-KG, which leverages novel semantic representation and external ontologies to represent text and images in the input literature data, and then performs various extraction components to extract fine-grained multimedia knowledge elements (entities, relations and events).
We have developed a novel and comprehensive knowledge discovery framework, COVID-KG, which leverages novel semantic representation and external ontologies to represent text and images in the input literature data, and then performs various extraction components to extract fine-grained multimedia knowledge elements (entities, relations and events) from scientific literature.
Write a readable version of the sentence: We then exploit the constructed multimedia KGs for question answering and report generation, using drug repurposing as a case study.
We then exploit the constructed multimedia knowledge graphs (KGs) for question answering and report generation, using drug repurposing as a case study.
Clarify the sentence: All of the data, KGs, resources, and shared services are publicly available.
All of the data, KGs, reports, resources and shared services are publicly available.
Write a clearer version for the sentence: To combat COVID-19, both clinicians and scientists need to digest the vast amount of relevant biomedical knowledge in literature to understand the disease mechanism and the related biological functions.
To combat COVID-19, both clinicians and scientists need to digest the vast amount of relevant biomedical knowledge in scientific literature to understand the disease mechanism and the related biological functions.
Clarify: Word embedding models overcome this problem by constructing a standardized meaning space where words are assigned a location based on relations of similarity to, and difference from, other words based on how they are used in natural language samples.
Word embedding models overcome this problem by constructing a standardized and continuous "meaning-space" where words are assigned a location based on relations of similarity to, and difference from, other words based on how they are used in natural language samples.
Rewrite the sentence more clearly: Motivation: NLP continues improving substantially through auto-regressive and auto-encoding Language Models. These LMsrequire expensive computing resources for self-supervised or un-supervised learning from huge unlabelled text corpora. The information learned is transferred through so-called embeddings to downstream prediction tasks. Bioinformatics provide vast gold-mines of structured and sequentially ordered text data leading to extraordinarily successful protein sequence LMs that promise new frontiers for generative and predictive tasks at low inference cost.
Computational biology and bioinformatics provide vast data gold-mines of structured and sequentially ordered text data leading to extraordinarily successful protein sequence LMs that promise new frontiers for generative and predictive tasks at low inference cost.
Make this sentence better readable: Bioinformatics provide vast gold-mines of structured and sequentially ordered text data leading to extraordinarily successful protein sequence LMs that promise new frontiers for generative and predictive tasks at low inference cost.
Bioinformatics provide vast gold-mines from protein sequences, ideal for Language Models (LMs) taken from Natural Language Processing (NLP). These LMs reach for new prediction frontiers at low inference cost.
Make this easier to read: Here, we addressed two questions: (1) To which extent can HPC up-scale protein LMs to larger databases and larger models? (2) To which extent can LMs extract features from single proteins to get closer to the performance of methods using evolutionary information? Methodology: Here, we trained two auto-regressive language models (Transformer-XL and XLNet) and two auto-encoder models (BERT and Albert) using 80 billion amino acids from 200 million protein sequences (UniRef100) and 393 billion amino acids from 2.1 billion protein sequences (BFD ).
Here, we trained two auto-regressive language models (Transformer-XL and XLNet) and two auto-encoder models (BERT and Albert) using 80 billion amino acids from 200 million protein sequences (UniRef100) and 393 billion amino acids from 2.1 billion protein sequences (BFD ).
Write a clearer version for the sentence: Methodology: Here, we trained two auto-regressive language models (Transformer-XL and XLNet) and two auto-encoder models (BERT and Albert) using 80 billion amino acids from 200 million protein sequences (UniRef100) and 393 billion amino acids from 2.1 billion protein sequences (BFD ).
Methodology: Here, we trained two auto-regressive language models (Transformer-XL and XLNet) and two auto-encoder models (Bert, Albert) on data from UniRef and BFD containing up to 393 billion amino acids from 2.1 billion protein sequences (BFD ).
Clarify the sentence: Methodology: Here, we trained two auto-regressive language models (Transformer-XL and XLNet) and two auto-encoder models (BERT and Albert) using 80 billion amino acids from 200 million protein sequences (UniRef100) and 393 billion amino acids from 2.1 billion protein sequences (BFD ).
Methodology: Here, we trained two auto-regressive language models (Transformer-XL and XLNet) and two auto-encoder models (BERT and Albert) using 80 billion amino acids from 200 million protein sequences (UniRef100) and 393 billion amino acids (words) from 2.1 billion protein sequences (BFD ).
Rewrite the sentence more clearly: The LMs were trained on the Summit supercomputer, using 5616 GPUs and one TPU Pod, using V3-512 cores. Results: The results of training these LMs on proteins was assessed by predicting secondary structure in three- and eight-states (Q3= 75-83, Q8= 63-72), localization for 10 cellular compartments (Q10=74) and whether a protein is membrane-bound or water-soluble (Q2=89).
The LMs were trained on the Summit supercomputer, using 5616 GPUs and one TPU Pod, using V3-512 or V3-1024). We validated the advantage of up-scaling LMs to larger models supported by bigger data by predicting secondary structure in three- and eight-states (Q3= 75-83, Q8= 63-72), localization for 10 cellular compartments (Q10=74) and whether a protein is membrane-bound or water-soluble (Q2=89).
Change to clearer wording: Results: The results of training these LMs on proteins was assessed by predicting secondary structure in three- and eight-states (Q3= 75-83, Q8= 63-72), localization for 10 cellular compartments (Q10=74) and whether a protein is membrane-bound or water-soluble (Q2=89).
Results: The results of training these LMs on proteins was assessed by predicting secondary structure (3-states: Q3= 75-83, Q8= 63-72), localization for 10 cellular compartments (Q10=74) and whether a protein is membrane-bound or water-soluble (Q2=89).
Clarify this paragraph: Dimensionality reduction revealed that the LM-embeddings from unlabelled data (only protein sequences) captured important biophysical properties of the protein alphabet, namely the amino acids, and their well orchestrated interplay in governing the shapeof proteins. In the analogy of NLP, this implied having learned some of the grammar of the language of life realized in protein sequences.
Dimensionality reduction revealed that the LM-embeddings from unlabelled data (only protein sequences) captured important biophysical properties governing protein shape. This implied learning some of the grammar of the language of life realized in protein sequences.
Make this sentence readable: Current models are too strongly linked to the text-based patterns in large corpora, and too weakly linked to the desires, goals, and beliefs that people use words in order to express.
Current models are too strongly linked to the text-based patterns in large corpora, and too weakly linked to the desires, goals, and beliefs that people express through words.
Make the sentence clear: Machines show an increasingly broad set of linguistic competencies, thanks to recent progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Machines have achieved a broad and growing set of linguistic competencies, thanks to recent progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Make the sentence clearer: We argue that contemporary NLP systems are promising models of human word similarity, but they fall short in many other respects.
We argue that contemporary NLP systems are fairly successful models of human word similarity, but they fall short in many other respects.
Clarify: Word meanings must also be grounded in vision and action, and capable of flexible combinations in ways that current systems are not.
Word meanings must also be grounded in perception and action and be capable of flexible combinations in ways that current systems are not.
Rewrite this sentence clearly: In this paper, we propose Glancing Transformer (GLAT) to address the above disadvantages, which reduces the difficulty of learning simultaneous generation and introduces explicit target language modeling in the non-autoregressive setting at the same time. Experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the accuracy of non-autoregressive models without sacrificing any inference efficiency.
In this paper, we propose Glancing Transformer (GLAT) to address the above disadvantages, which reduces the difficulty of learning simultaneous generation and introduces explicit target language modeling in the non-autoregressive setting at the same time. Experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the accuracy of non-autoregressive models without sacrificing any inference efficiency.
Make this sentence readable: In this paper, we propose Glancing Transformer (GLAT) to address the above disadvantages, which reduces the difficulty of learning simultaneous generation and introduces explicit target language modeling in the non-autoregressive setting at the same time. Experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the accuracy of non-autoregressive models without sacrificing any inference efficiency.
In this paper, we propose Glancing Transformer (GLAT) to address the above disadvantages, which reduces the difficulty of learning simultaneous generation and introduces explicit target language modeling in the non-autoregressive setting at the same time. Experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate that our approach can significantly improve the accuracy of non-autoregressive models without sacrificing any inference efficiency.
Make the sentence clearer: In this paper, we propose Glancing Transformer (GLAT) to address the above disadvantages, which reduces the difficulty of learning simultaneous generation and introduces explicit target language modeling in the non-autoregressive setting at the same time. Experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the accuracy of non-autoregressive models without sacrificing any inference efficiency.
In this paper, we propose Glancing Transformer (GLAT) to address the above disadvantages, which reduces the difficulty of learning simultaneous generation and introduces explicit target language modeling in the non-autoregressive setting at the same time. Experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the accuracy of non-autoregressive models without multiple decoding iterations.
Change to clearer wording: In particular, GLAT achieves 30.91 BLEU on WMT 2014 German-English, which narrows the gap between autoregressive models and non-autoregressive models to less than 0.5 BLEU score.
In particular, GLAT achieves state-of-the-art results among non-iterative models and even outperforms top iterative counterparts in some specific benchmarks.
Clarification: Although non-autoregressive models with one-iteration generation achieve remarkable inference speed-up, they still fall behind their autoregressive counterparts in prediction accuracy.
Recent work on non-autoregressive models with one-iteration generation achieve remarkable inference speed-up, they still fall behind their autoregressive counterparts in prediction accuracy.
Make this easier to read: Inspired by the way of learning word dependencies in autoregressive and iterative-decoding models, we propose Glancing Transformer (GLAT) with a glancing language model (GLM), which learns to capture the word dependency gradually. Experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate that our approach can significantly improve the accuracy of non-autoregressive models without multiple decoding iterations.
Inspired by the way of learning word dependencies in autoregressive and iterative-decoding models, we propose Glancing Transformer (GLAT) with a glancing language model (GLM), which learns to capture the word dependency gradually. Experiments on multiple WMT language directions show that GLAT outperforms all previous single pass non-autoregressive models without multiple decoding iterations.
Make the text more understandable: However, to build an intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, the fundamental problems of "multi-dialect" unification, imbalanced data and open vocabulary exist.
However, to build a real-world intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, the fundamental problems of "multi-dialect" unification, imbalanced data and open vocabulary exist.
Rewrite this sentence for readability: However, to build an intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, the fundamental problems of "multi-dialect" unification, imbalanced data and open vocabulary exist.
However, to build an intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, it should take the challenges of efficiency, imbalanced data and open vocabulary exist.
Clarify the sentence: However, to build an intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, the fundamental problems of "multi-dialect" unification, imbalanced data and open vocabulary exist.
However, to build an intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, the fundamental problems of "multi-dialect" unification, imbalanced data hungry and table context into consideration.
Improve this sentence for readability: However, to build a real-world intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, it should take the challenges of efficiency, imbalanced data hungry and table context into consideration.
However, to recommend commonly composed charts, it should take the challenges of efficiency, imbalanced data hungry and table context into consideration.
Rewrite this sentence for clarity: However, to build a real-world intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, it should take the challenges of efficiency, imbalanced data hungry and table context into consideration.
However, to build a real-world intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts in real world, one should take the challenges of efficiency, imbalanced data hungry and table context into consideration.
Clarify this paragraph: However, to build a real-world intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, it should take the challenges of efficiency, imbalanced data hungry and table context into consideration.
However, to build a real-world intelligent assistant that recommends commonly composed charts, it should take the challenges of efficiency, imbalanced data and table context into consideration.
Clarify this text: Table2Charts outperforms other chart recommendation systems in both multi-type task (with almost doubled recall numbers R@3= 0.62 and R@1= 0.44) and human evaluations.
Table2Charts outperforms other chart recommendation systems in both multi-type task (with doubled recall numbers R@3= 0.62 and R@1= 0.44) and human evaluations.
Clarify this text: One of the main conclusions of our analysis is that BERT performs a decent job in capturing high-level sense distinctions, even when a limited number of examples is available for each word sense.
One of the main conclusions of our analysis is that BERT captures high-level sense distinctions, even when a limited number of examples is available for each word sense.
Clarify this paragraph: One of the main conclusions of our analysis is that BERT performs a decent job in capturing high-level sense distinctions, even when a limited number of examples is available for each word sense.
One of the main conclusions of our analysis is that BERT performs a decent job in capturing high-level sense distinctions accurately, even when a limited number of examples is available for each word sense.
Make this sentence readable: One of the main conclusions of our analysis is that BERT captures high-level sense distinctions accurately, even when a limited number of examples is available for each word sense.
One of the main conclusions of our analysis is that BERT can accurately capture high-level sense distinctions accurately, even when a limited number of examples is available for each word sense.
Write a readable version of the sentence: One of the main conclusions of our analysis is that BERT captures high-level sense distinctions accurately, even when a limited number of examples is available for each word sense.
One of the main conclusions of our analysis is that BERT captures high-level sense distinctions, even when a limited number of examples is available for each word sense.
Make the sentence clear: In fact, a simple feature extraction strategy based on the averaging of contextualized embeddings proves robust even using only three training sentences per word sense, with minimal improvements beyond this small number of examples.
In fact, the simple feature extraction strategy based on the averaging of contextualized embeddings proves robust even using only three training sentences per word sense, with minimal improvements beyond this small number of examples.
Clarification: In fact, a simple feature extraction strategy based on the averaging of contextualized embeddings proves robust even using only three training sentences per word sense, with minimal improvements beyond this small number of examples.
In fact, a simple feature extraction strategy of averaging contextualized embeddings proves robust even using only three training sentences per word sense, with minimal improvements beyond this small number of examples.
Write a clearer version for the sentence: In fact, a simple feature extraction strategy based on the averaging of contextualized embeddings proves robust even using only three training sentences per word sense, with minimal improvements beyond this small number of examples.
In fact, a simple feature extraction strategy based on the averaging of contextualized embeddings proves robust even using only three training sentences per word sense, with minimal improvements obtained by increasing the size of this training data.
Make the text more understandable: Formally, some results about operations applied to computably enumerable (c.e.) and bi-immune sets are proven here, where the objective is for the operations to preserve bi-immunity.
Formally, some results about operations applied to computably enumerable (c.e.) and bi-immune sets are proven here, where the operations preserve bi-immunity.
Clarification: Formally, some results about operations applied to computably enumerable (c.e.) and bi-immune sets are proven here, where the operations preserve bi-immunity.
Formally, some results about operations applied to computably enumerable (c.e.) and bi-immune sets are proven here, where the objective is for the operations to preserve bi-immunity.
Clarify this sentence: } The complete structure of this new subgroup and its subgroups generated by one or more bi-immune rearrangements is unknown.
} The complete structure of the bi-immune symmetric group and its subgroups generated by one or more bi-immune rearrangements is unknown.
Make the sentence clear: However, when applied to zero-shot cross-lingual transfer tasks, most existing methods use only single-language input for LM finetuning, without leveraging the intrinsic cross-lingual alignment between different languages that is essential for multilingual tasks.
However, when applied to zero-shot cross-lingual transfer tasks, most existing methods use only single-language input for LM finetuning, without leveraging the intrinsic cross-lingual alignment between different languages that proves essential for multilingual tasks.
Clarify this paragraph: We propose a novel method to sparsify attention in the Transformer model by learning to select the most-informative token representations, thus leveraging the model's information bottleneck with twofold strength. A careful analysis shows that the contextualization of encoded representations in our model is significantly more effective than in the original Transformer. We achieve a notable reduction in memory usage due to an improved differentiable top-k operator, making the model suitable to process long documents, as shown on an example of a summarization task.
We propose a novel method to sparsify attention in the Transformer model by learning to select the most-informative token representations during the training process, thus focusing on task-specific parts of the input. A reduction of quadratic time and memory complexity to sublinear was achieved due to a robust differentiable top-k operator, making the model suitable to process long documents, as shown on an example of a summarization task.
Rewrite this sentence for clarity: Conventional sparse retrieval methods such as TF-IDF and BM25 are simple and efficient, but solely rely on lexical overlap and fail to conduct semantic matching.
Conventional sparse retrieval methods such as TF-IDF and BM25 are simple and efficient, but solely rely on lexical overlap without semantic matching.
Change to clearer wording: Recent dense retrieval methods learn latent representations to tackle the lexical mismatch problem, while being more computationally expensive and sometimes insufficient for exact matching as they embed the entire text sequence into a single vector with limited capacity.
Recent dense retrieval methods learn latent representations to tackle the lexical mismatch problem, while being more computationally expensive and sometimes insufficient for exact matching as they embed the text sequence into a single vector with limited capacity.
Make the sentence clearer: We demonstrate on open-domain question answering (QA) that the generated contexts significantly enrich the semantics of the queries and thus GAR with sparse representations (BM25) achieves comparable or better performance than the current state-of-the-art dense method DPR cite{karpukhin2020dense}.
We demonstrate on open-domain question answering that the generated contexts significantly enrich the semantics of the queries and thus GAR with sparse representations (BM25) achieves comparable or better performance than the current state-of-the-art dense method DPR cite{karpukhin2020dense}.
Make the sentence clear: We demonstrate on open-domain question answering (QA) that the generated contexts significantly enrich the semantics of the queries and thus GAR with sparse representations (BM25) achieves comparable or better performance than the current state-of-the-art dense method DPR cite{karpukhin2020dense}.
We demonstrate on open-domain question answering (QA) that the generated contexts significantly enrich the semantics of the queries and thus GAR with sparse representations (BM25) achieves comparable or better performance than the state-of-the-art dense method DPR cite{karpukhin2020dense}.
Make the sentence clear: We demonstrate on open-domain question answering (QA) that the generated contexts significantly enrich the semantics of the queries and thus GAR with sparse representations (BM25) achieves comparable or better performance than the current state-of-the-art dense method DPR cite{karpukhin2020dense}.
We demonstrate on open-domain question answering (QA) that the generated contexts significantly enrich the semantics of the queries and thus GAR with sparse representations (BM25) achieves comparable or better performance than the current state-of-the-art dense methods such as DPR cite{karpukhin2020dense}.
Clarify this text: We show that generating various contexts of a query is beneficial as fusing their results consistently yields a better retrieval accuracy.
We show that generating various contexts of a query is beneficial as fusing their results consistently yields better retrieval accuracy.
Make this sentence more readable: Moreover, GAR achieves the state-of-the-art performance of extractive QA on the Natural Questions and TriviaQA datasets when equipped with an extractive reader.
Moreover, GAR achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the Natural Questions and TriviaQA datasets when equipped with an extractive reader.
Clarify this sentence: Inspired by neuroscience, humans have perception systems and cognitive systems to process different information, we propose LUT, Listen-Understand-Translate, a unified framework with triple supervision to decouple the end-to-end speech-to-text translation task.
Inspired by neuroscience, humans have perception systems and cognitive systems to process different information, we propose Listen-Understand-Translate, a unified framework with triple supervision to decouple the end-to-end speech-to-text translation task.
Write a readable version of the sentence: Inspired by neuroscience, humans have perception systems and cognitive systems to process different information, we propose LUT, Listen-Understand-Translate, a unified framework with triple supervision to decouple the end-to-end speech-to-text translation task.
Inspired by neuroscience, humans have perception systems and cognitive systems to process different information, we propose LUT, Listen-Understand-Translate, (LUT), a unified framework with triple supervision to decouple the end-to-end speech-to-text translation task.
Write a clarified version of the sentence: Inspired by neuroscience, humans have perception systems and cognitive systems to process different information, we propose LUT, Listen-Understand-Translate, a unified framework with triple supervision to decouple the end-to-end speech-to-text translation task.
Inspired by neuroscience, humans have perception systems and cognitive systems to process different information, we propose LUT, Listen-Understand-Translate, a unified framework with triple supervision signals to decouple the end-to-end speech-to-text translation task.
Change to clearer wording: To reduce the learning difficulty, we propose COnSecutive Transcription and Translation (COSTT), an integral framework for speech-to-text translation.
To reduce the learning difficulty, we propose COnSecutive Transcription and Translation (COSTT), an integral approach for speech-to-text translation.
Rewrite the sentence more clearly: We introduce texttt N-LTP, an open-source Python Chinese natural language processing toolkit supporting five basic tasks: Chinese word segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, dependency parsing, and semantic dependency parsing. texttt N-LTP adopts the multi-task framework with the pre-trained model to capture the shared knowledge across all Chinese relevant tasks.
We introduce texttt N-LTP, an open-source Python Chinese natural language processing toolkit supporting five basic tasks: Chinese word segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, dependency parsing, and semantic dependency parsing. N-LTP adopts the multi-task framework with the pre-trained model to capture the shared knowledge across all Chinese relevant tasks.
Rewrite this sentence for readability: For natural language processing (NLP) taskssuch as sentiment or topic classification, currently prevailing approaches heavily rely on pretraining large self-supervised models on massive external data resources.
For natural language processing 'text-to-text' tasks, the prevailing approaches heavily rely on pretraining large self-supervised models on massive external data resources.
Improve this sentence for readability: For natural language processing (NLP) taskssuch as sentiment or topic classification, currently prevailing approaches heavily rely on pretraining large self-supervised models on massive external data resources. However, this methodology is being critiqued for: exceptional compute and pretraining data requirements ;
For natural language processing (NLP) taskssuch as sentiment or topic classification, currently prevailing approaches heavily rely on pretraining large self-supervised models on massive external data sources, which incurs exceptional pretraining data requirements ;
Write a readable version of the sentence: To minimise overly favourable evaluation, we examine learning on a long-tailed, low-resource, multi-label text classification dataset with noisy, highly sparse labels and many rare concepts.
To minimise overly favourable evaluation, we examine learning on a long-tailed, low-resource, multi-label text classification scenario with noisy, highly sparse labels and many rare concepts.
Change to clearer wording: We also find empirical evidence that zero and few-shot learning markedly benefit from adding more ` dataset-internal', self-supervised training signals, which is of practical importance when retrieving or computing on large external sources of such signals is infeasible.
We also find empirical evidence that zero and few-shot learning markedly benefit from increasing ' dataset-internal', self-supervised training signals, which is of practical importance when retrieving or computing on large external sources of such signals is infeasible.
Write a readable version of the sentence: We also find empirical evidence that zero and few-shot learning markedly benefit from adding more ` dataset-internal', self-supervised training signals, which is of practical importance when retrieving or computing on large external sources of such signals is infeasible.
We also find empirical evidence that zero and few-shot learning markedly benefit from adding more ` dataset-internal', self-supervised pretraining signals, to help reduce the reliance on large external sources of such signals is infeasible.
Make this sentence more readable: We also find empirical evidence that zero and few-shot learning markedly benefit from adding more ` dataset-internal', self-supervised training signals, which is of practical importance when retrieving or computing on large external sources of such signals is infeasible.
We also find empirical evidence that zero and few-shot learning markedly benefit from adding more ` dataset-internal', self-supervised training signals, which is of practical importance when retrieving or computing on large external sources.
Make this sentence readable: However, fundamental pretraining method capabilities like few to zero-shot learningor preserving minority concept (long-tail) prediction performance along with accordingly designed evaluation scenarios remain open challenges. We thus propose Contrastive Label-Embedding Self-Supervision (CLESS) pretraining, which enables pretraining from multiple magnitudes smaller, 'task internal' data only, while still strongly improving fully supervised, long-tail, few-shot and self-supervised zero-shot learning abilities.
However, fundamental pretraining method capabilities like few to zero-shot learningor preserving minority concept (long-tail generalization, since long-tail, few-shot and self-supervised zero-shot learning abilities.
Clarification: We propose a simple method to generate large amounts of multilingual question and answer pairs by a single generative model.
We propose a simple method to generate multilingual question and answer pairs by a single generative model.
Make this sentence readable: These synthetic samples are then applied to augment the available gold multilingual ones to improve the performance of multilingual QA models on target languages.
These synthetic samples can be used to improve the zero-shot performance of multilingual QA models on target languages.
Make the sentence clearer: Our approach only requires existence of automatically translated samples from Englishto the target domain, thus removing the need for human annotations in the target languages. Experimental results show our proposed approach achieves significant gains in a number of multilingual datasets.
Our proposed multi-task training of the generative model only requires the training samples in English, thus removing the need for human annotations in the target languages. Experimental results show our proposed approach achieves significant gains in a number of multilingual datasets.
Clarify the sentence: Our approach only requires existence of automatically translated samples from Englishto the target domain, thus removing the need for human annotations in the target languages. Experimental results show our proposed approach achieves significant gains in a number of multilingual datasets.
Our approach only requires existence of automatically translated samples from Englishto the target domain, thus removing the need for labeled samples in the target languages. Experimental results show our proposed approach achieves significant gains in a number of multilingual datasets.
Make the sentence clearer: Our proposed multi-task training of the generative model only requires the training samples in English, thus removing the need for labeled samples in the target languages, making it applicable to far more languages than those with labeled data.
Our proposed multi-task training of the generative model only requires the training samples in English, thus removing the need for such samples in the target languages, making it applicable to far more languages than those with labeled data.
Make the text more understandable: This paper disassembles the information represented by natural language,
Therefore the study begins with disassembling the information represented by natural language,
Write a clearer version for the sentence: analyzes the classification coding system of attribute information and the abstraction relation between attribute information and entities in the real world, constructs the storage model of information, and simulate the attribute information precessing process in one of the attribute spaces, interprets how the relations which represented by "Be", "Of", "Have", and so on are embodied in the information storage data structures and the corresponding data reading modes, reclassifies the sentences types from the perspective of task types and data reading modes.
analyzes the classification coding system of attribute information and the abstraction relation between attribute information and entities in the real world. To have a clear and better discussion, the attribute spaces, interprets how the relations which represented by "Be", "Of", "Have", and so on are embodied in the information storage data structures and the corresponding data reading modes, reclassifies the sentences types from the perspective of task types and data reading modes.
Clarify this paragraph: constructs the storage model of information, and simulate the attribute information precessing process in one of the attribute spaces, interprets how the relations which represented by "Be", "Of", "Have", and so on are embodied in the information storage data structures and the corresponding data reading modes, reclassifies the sentences types from the perspective of task types and data reading modes. Then, simulated the understanding process (the information processing process) on a dialogue example. Finally, the author summarizes the basic conditions of understanding and gives out the definition of understanding from a personal point of view. The study in this paper provides a practical, theoretical basis and research methods for NLU.It also can be applied in large-scale, multi-type information processing in the artificial intelligence (AI) area.
constructs the storage model of information, and simulate the attribute information precessing process in one of the attribute spaces, interprets how the relations which represented by "Be", "Of", "Have", and so on are embodied in the information storage data structures and the corresponding data reading modes can be further divided into the data description task, the data verification task, and the data search task, according to task types represented by these sentences...
Write a readable version of the sentence: Symbolic knowledge (e.g., entities, relations, and facts in a knowledge graph) has become an increasingly popular component of neural-symbolic models applied to machine learning tasks, such as question answering and recommender systems.
Knowledge graphs (KGs) have helped neural-symbolic models applied to machine learning tasks, such as question answering and recommender systems.
Rewrite this sentence clearly: Symbolic knowledge (e.g., entities, relations, and facts in a knowledge graph) has become an increasingly popular component of neural-symbolic models applied to machine learning tasks, such as question answering and recommender systems. Besides improving downstream performance, these symbolic structures (and their associated attention weights) are often used to help explain the model's predictions and provide " insights " to practitioners.
Symbolic knowledge (e.g., entities, relations, and facts in a knowledge graph) has become an increasingly popular component of neural-symbolic models applied to machine learning tasks, such as question answering and item recommendation. By using attention over the KG, such models can also " insights " to practitioners.
Clarify: Besides improving downstream performance, these symbolic structures (and their associated attention weights) are often used to help explain the model's predictions and provide " insights " to practitioners.
Besides improving downstream performance, these symbolic structures (and their associated attention weights) are often used to help explain the model's predictions and provide " explain " to practitioners.
Rewrite this sentence clearly: In this paper, we question the faithfulness of such symbolic explanations.
In this paper, we question whether these models are really behaving as we expect.
Clarify this text: We demonstrate that, through a learned strategy (or even simple heuristics), one can produce deceptively perturbed symbolic structures which maintain the downstream performance of the original structure while significantly deviating from the original semantics.
We demonstrate that, through a reinforcement learning policy (or even simple heuristics), one can produce deceptively perturbed symbolic structures which maintain the downstream performance of the original structure while significantly deviating from the original semantics.
Clarify this sentence: We demonstrate that, through a learned strategy (or even simple heuristics), one can produce deceptively perturbed symbolic structures which maintain the downstream performance of the original structure while significantly deviating from the original semantics.
We demonstrate that, through a learned strategy (or even simple heuristics), one can produce deceptively perturbed KGs which maintain the downstream performance of the original structure while significantly deviating from the original semantics.
Make the sentence clear: We demonstrate that, through a learned strategy (or even simple heuristics), one can produce deceptively perturbed symbolic structures which maintain the downstream performance of the original structure while significantly deviating from the original semantics. In particular, we train a reinforcement learning policy to manipulate relation types or edge connections in a knowledge graph, such that the resulting downstream performance is maximally preserved. Across multiple models and tasks, our approach drastically alters knowledge graphs with little to no drop in performance. These results raise doubts about the faithfulness of explanations provided by learned symbolic structures and the reliability of current neural-symbolic modelsin leveraging symbolic knowledge.
We demonstrate that, through a learned strategy (or even simple heuristics), one can produce deceptively perturbed symbolic structures which maintain the downstream performance of the original structure while significantly deviating from the original semantics and structure. Our findings raise doubts about the faithfulness of explanations provided by learned symbolic structures and the reliability of current neural-symbolic modelsin leveraging symbolic knowledge.
Rewrite the sentence more clearly: These results raise doubts about the faithfulness of explanations provided by learned symbolic structures and the reliability of current neural-symbolic modelsin leveraging symbolic knowledge.
These results raise doubts about KG-augmented models' ability to leverage KG information and provide plausible explanations.
Make the text more understandable: Knowledge graphs (KGs) have helped neural-symbolic models improve performance on various knowledge-intensive tasks, like question answering and item recommendation.
Knowledge graphs (KGs) have helped neural models improve performance on various knowledge-intensive tasks, like question answering and item recommendation.