@3679184699972501390 given it’s starting to get pretty cold nowadays, how about we look at a homeless charity for the lead up to christmas, andy. happy to get the ball rolling with £50.
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@6416713455887865639 <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 131]'></span> $tolovegood122 i was homeless and the nso helped me get an apartment would love just 1 <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 142, 129]'></span>
[ "0" ]
@4308478754126834672 will definitely join you after xmas for the homeless kitchen, i'm ok at handing stuff out and would have a go at helping cook
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@2267545113787588050 man who this homeless woman they le-oh...
[ "0" ]
@5236315762461767408 @2517852418397892786 @5177705779468961698 well done mate!
[ "0" ]
@8533446012597431606 remove this instantly sir. i'm not playing around anymore. so far 5 twitter users have been sued by my legal team, and have been left starving and homeless. mess with me further and i will send you to the deepest depths of desperation along side them.
[ "0" ]
@6439179270251656682 @4956728197185398160 i agree. nobody wakes up and says, "i think i'll be a drug addict, or a criminal, or a homeless person" there is a root cause for criminality, addiction, or being homeless. as i grew older, wiser ??, i realized just that.
[ "harmful_generalization" ]
@2334678513998247064 pick me i'm homeless living in a tent in minnesota. $dill60420
[ "0" ]
i say i know that could be for many reasons. however, i am looking at, or for, confluences explaining the behavior. i remember where i was, (homeless at a friend's house in hollywood hills; i don't think he was 30 years old yet) and from that i can guess the year. but looking..
[ "0" ]
@5910775081589770311 <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 165, 186]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 162]'></span> we feel the same brendan! we retired well and early to enjoy life but it's difficult to truly enjoy while others are suffering. so many homeless every where <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 162]'></span>
[ "societal_critique" ]
@1161149479842257496 @3422407501885385232 @1867585970292595669 @5773999487546632987 @1249045585539369622 need to densify dave's mansion so that it can be cut up and shared with the homeless. and helen's too
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@6678989648907688857 $mzladyg19 i pray it’s me. so i can move out of this homeless shelter. i hope i’m the lucky winner and i can have s great christmas.
[ "0" ]
@8979601747363334382 @6678989648907688857 let's hope. i feel like yall give hope and then snatch it away. i'll still play along $tootiefur please. hoping and praying. will use to help homeless family member stay out of shelter during holidays
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@506397461818965385 im not capping for trump, i hated him just as much. you can send all the articles you want dawg, until these mfs stop killing people and bullying other countries for no f’in reason, my stance will remain. military budget through the roof but ppl homeless n starving out here, w/e
[ "deserving_undeserving_of_resources", "government_critique" ]
@524120630850522526 it shows in their traffic and homeless rate lmao
[ "0" ]
@1530753811433579132 raise a billion and build safe communities for homeless people with proper medical, phycological, and addiction care for all with jib placement for those that can work.
[ "money_aid_resource_allocation", "solutions_interventions" ]
@5959923042781476210 @5954871364059301569 @877723561948686367 @7041266474317283674 i will listen when something gets done about our homeless. these people come to our country and get treated better than our own
[ "deserving_undeserving_of_resources", "government_critique" ]
@6678989648907688857 please me i have 2 kids and will be homeless jan 12 this would be a great dp on a house please
[ "0" ]
@4584739851957676508 @7358542856991081237 the same program i told you to build 2 years ago to document and track the most vulnerable in the community you could have used now to provide help to the homeless. remember that 100 million you did nothing with? we do. nothing to show for it and still dont know the community.
[ "money_aid_resource_allocation", "government_critique" ]
@3979747349817946617 @7074592845299378655 @2828932544185062219 thanks. i was shocked to learn that homeless children escaping a violent abuser could be discriminated against because of a disability. eventually @6995119722772710888 had some funding to get us off the streets. i am so grateful for them.
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@3135906276361964236 @6678989648907688857 @8674771162839414158 $tootiefur please. hoping and praying. will use to help homeless family member stay out of shelter during holidays
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@5267252990984941427 me and you know i can prove this. are you going to throw me in jail again. well you can’t take much more from me you left me homeless without any belongings not even a pair of socks. you passed me by and forced my son to walk by me with his father my sisters my mom and old
[ "0" ]
bing bong trend is getting annoying now guys. the rest of the united states decided to run it to the fucking ground. also something very distasteful about celebrities mocking the homeless man while taking no interest in giving him money. side talk owes him money too.
[ "societal_critique", "solutions_interventions" ]
@1830059037899636231 @184321897696868536 3/--circumstances. that is a flatly incorrect statement, if only because no such abundant supply of affordable housing exists; moreover, there is not a credible homeless care provider who would advocate moving a formerly homeless person directly into an unsupervised apartment.
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@5236315762461767408 @2517852418397892786 @5177705779468961698 congrats jack that is great news and very well deserved <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 143, 187]'></span>
[ "0" ]
it's so weird. my life imploded. i lost almost everything. became homeless....but now being more spiritual and hopeful i have to say i'm....not /happier/ obviously. but, i'm definitely more at peace even in the midst of all this chaos.
[ "0" ]
@534763421803510247 it was extremely impressive! salvador mundi bleeding blue above a homeless man who looked a bit asian like the artist himself.
[ "personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness" ]
god bless this american rich person buying the castle otherwise the whole village would be homeless, because that makes sense
[ "societal_critique" ]
@6678989648907688857 $steved6849 i'm homeless sleeping on nyc trains is crazy help please <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span>
[ "0" ]
@2801322809532533410 @7517181074461357910 @639914780883553655 @2699258625747485150 @5472466501840240275 @5020074035114848891 @6987092431565865665 you are aware that money is necessary for food, water, and shelter in modern society, so people without money generally go homeless, yeah? please stop playing dumb, there's no way you're actually saying homeless people and bezos are equally vulnerable.
[ "societal_critique" ]
@5849353029690266966 and the catholics pay double because they just take the money. no homeless shelters or soup kitchens, no poverty help forchildren of singlemothers, nothing. they take money, buy property, rape children, and dodge taxes.
[ "money_aid_resource_allocation", "government_critique", "societal_critique" ]
@448269645262743634 you’re a star @448269645262743634 for all the work you do for the homeless! brilliant suggestion asking for donations through school ❤️ well done to our generous families!!
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@5236315762461767408 @2517852418397892786 @5177705779468961698 well done jack! well deserved <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 143, 187]'></span>
[ "0" ]
@6678989648907688857 would be a huge blessing for us. we would be able to get our home before christmas. mom of two homeless. $tiffanyg2009
[ "0" ]
@6678989648907688857 notification gang!! <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 143, 188]'></span> that would get me out of my medical debt and i could help out the homeless kids in my city with christmas <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 142, 132]'></span> $rebawinchester
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@6678989648907688857 pls pick me and my fiancée me are going to go homeless at the end of the month and i don’t want him to suffer i’d rather be by myself.but please pick us. our car is messed and everything around me and him are falling apart so please
[ "0" ]
@1180651190433433249 isn’t this typical of san francisco a city that welcomes the unemployed, the homeless, the drug users, they lay in store fronts, urinate in the streets. this is where our speaker of the house lives.
[ "harmful_generalization", "government_critique" ]
@5606125335853194433 people aren't homeless cuz of foreigners or because there's a housing crisis. don't be so stupid. it's purposely done by capitalism, and your racist agenda is showing.
[ "deserving_undeserving_of_resources", "societal_critique" ]
are homeless people really homeless?
[ "0" ]
@1732531079383562292 in perhaps the greatest metaphor for punk that has ever existed. cbgb's is now a john varvatos flagship store. and the other part is a homeless shelter. it's 100% true
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@3278703811093529157 this day was the first step to free the abode of lord ram from napak invaders illegal prayer place. almost since 450 years ram lalla was homeless in his own holy land. our heart aches and we are ashamed we didn't try to regain shree ram's abode and kept him homeless for so long
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@7447624399559330748 @3648672410308673201 @328488451774557076 @4526754662673133768 @3240505342053271944 @5355980342785992286 would be ok if there was no minimum wage and homeless people were all offered jobs making $1/hr, while the company they work for makes at least 6x that in profit from their labor?
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
it's not all about patrols, this weekend we helped a homeless gentleman with some hot dinner and new trainers. we have been collecting and delivering donations for children and their families in need. keeping #wythenshawe a #safeplace2bee<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 144, 157]'></span>
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@1094803833681471278 @2799685640184283030 @7486031436261057475 they like why she did it. but robbing a bank to give the money to homeless people, while good for the homeless people, is still breaking the law.
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@6416713455887865639 @6678989648907688857 it most definitely would be a blessing. my daughter and i are homeless and i keep praying for a christmas miracle.
[ "0" ]
@7809768720849248913 how about people getting unemployment? are the homeless and illegals vaccinated? why pick on those creating tax dollars.
[ "money_aid_resource_allocation", "government_critique", "deserving_undeserving_of_resources" ]
this homeless man made me smile and then says “keep your smile it’s so bright” idk why i needed that but it made my heart happy lol
[ "personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness" ]
@1202652848864075137 i'm homeless and struggling. in desperate need of a blessing please <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 153, 143]'></span>
[ "0" ]
19 days until i'm homeless btw while i was tweeting this happened: *two beavers better than one playing* *me singing and jamming* *sees phone call* *rent lady discussing details* *not this academic year it's next year* *phone call ends* *continues the song, crying inside*
[ "0" ]
@7447624399559330748 @3648672410308673201 @328488451774557076 @4526754662673133768 @3240505342053271944 @5355980342785992286 no shit if you’re literally homeless any job with any pay is good, but that doesn’t mean anything. you’re essentially saying because someone with nothing benefits from shit pay, then it’s fine
[ "societal_critique", "solutions_interventions" ]
@5661657098684240169 @2325010236839565357 @8637247511918750656 @5260937696017284595 not a cry baby at all. not crying about anything. have you invited the homeless into your home during the code blue nights? or, do you stay nice and warm, thinking of them freezing to death? i know where my line is, my responsibility is to me, my friends and family.
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@592414171691364562 @1016874033532835187 @878684539826661298 @4187590101764027706 @8933978675019568034 @4253711061932933037 because everything you’re saying can be lead right back to billionaire propaganda, i proved addiction has nothing to do with the explosion of homeless families, millennials have had their entire generations wealth stolen, telling us “moving back in with your parents is normal”
[ "societal_critique" ]
@7452370335895744649 @8616313209244268767 thank fuck i’m a centrist. currently politically homeless at the moment though.
[ "0" ]
@4131111641236276586 spending millions on a damn garden is a waste of money, give the money to the homeless , poor veterans and old destitute . stop this non sense flower shit ,
[ "money_aid_resource_allocation", "solutions_interventions", "deserving_undeserving_of_resources" ]
i’m a whole hobo m-f. i hate getting dressed. i don’t do my hair &amp; could give any fucks about makeup. so if you see me out &amp; i look homeless. mind ya bidness.
[ "harmful_generalization" ]
honestly, it’s not the homeless people that bother me. it’s peoples reactions to the homeless that makes me dislike/not trust humans.
[ "societal_critique" ]
@2798139737714320816 i was homeless for 3 years and the majority of humans in this country wouldn't last a week, during the winter time. im thinking you've never been homeless cause it's not funny nor a game and i wouldn't wish on anyone
[ "0" ]
@5364210800945857152 @2580996971697140139 of course the guy he hired as a starting point assumed everyone in seattle had a home, vehicle and office. homeless, poor and jobless don't exist/matter to him.
[ "societal_critique" ]
@468766477386889833 @7890641746505860962 does he really know? can't even speak! falls asleep at summit, totally racist, let's millions flood the border, gives them free transportation to community near you, no vaccines, tests, masks, etc. but, we have homeless american citizens, starving. doesn't give a f$#k.
[ "deserving_undeserving_of_resources", "government_critique" ]
@7412044366285703212 @7467432112957515307 @4373399024541522308 @5182907800727555779 @4764662236912652524 and i’m sure la is beautiful with homeless people all over the place high crime and gang activity highest cost of living in the nation. homeless shooting dope and shitting on the sidewalks etc. sounds like paradise
[ "harmful_generalization" ]
@6416713455887865639 sadly not good. looking like ill be homeless for christmas. $amylatour73
[ "0" ]
@397381365515957395 @4281866556748512234 @4754230938782944636 i’m so sorry. that sucks. i would feel so uneasy in that situation. in my ca post office two days ago, everyone was masked, even the homeless lady, though one worker was a nose-peeper.
[ "personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness" ]
@6208759637382001379 uh oh clint hasn't listened to enough scott horton episodes on ukraine i hope this doesn't turn into a homeless ukranian nazis in the park debacle...
[ "media_portrayal" ]
@5661657098684240169 @2325010236839565357 @8637247511918750656 @5260937696017284595 but, do you give all of your food to others? do you open your home to the homeless? so, you draw the line somewhere? how should i be punished? locked up? put on a train? you tell me. what should my punishment be?
[ "societal_critique" ]
@99998332018000210 @8315130566157242564 he gave it away to finance the homeless world cup.
[ "0" ]
@6578358351008096676 i will never forget that rcmp made me go stay in a hotel because my homeless abuser showed up at my house with his shit and claimed he had nowhere to go. the reason women get killed is because cops are stupid cunts who don't listen to sense. too busy playing with their guns.
[ "harmful_generalization", "government_critique" ]
@1334741809089823334 for many it would be the instant recipe for being homeless. no consideration for those with family responsibilities or those maybe working while going to college or uni. and having bills to pay to simply have a roof over their heads. this is totally tone deaf from privilege.
[ "societal_critique" ]
@7170287317541494663 @7352913727822611456 <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 141]'></span> with weed i'm in agreement with you, there will always be people who use drugs, whether prescription drugs or drugs, weed now legalized in 10 countries, netherlands, canada, uruguay, south africa, jamaica, costa rica, colombia, span, belize, the czech republic.
[ "harmful_generalization" ]
what's the difference between @1495334696829020504 and a homeless guy living under a bridge? well, one's a drug addict with bad advice that you shouldn't listen to, and the other lives under a bridge.
[ "harmful_generalization" ]
@2940993900104590290 @6896569981984598438 not enough. liberal policies have destroyed cali. enjoy your homeless.
[ "government_critique" ]
@4625237552747464163 @2766002104656458515 @3495570569827990581 no. you promised to deliver it. so far nothing. and the homeless grow in california.
[ "government_critique" ]
@4584739851957676508 here comes the big nothing donut from @7358542856991081237 trying to spin his way into convincing you he's actually accomplished anything. 1) have you counted and have social services actively involved with every homeless person on the street? 2) web app case study designed to doc..
[ "societal_critique", "solutions_interventions" ]
@2454455438512438741 @7170287317541494663 @7352913727822611456 legalise it and then tax it in the same way we do tobacco and alcohol
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@156380912756897102 i would laugh with you but what's probably worse is all the waste doesn't even go to the hungry and homeless
[ "money_aid_resource_allocation", "societal_critique" ]
@3979747349817946617 @7074592845299378655 @2828932544185062219 i became homeless with 3 children in 2020 due to domestic violence. after turning over every rock in la looking for shelter (even just safe parking), i finally found 1 shelter with space. they then rejected us because one of my children has a disability.
[ "0" ]
this abusive relationship has been harder to seperate from than when i left the man i married. it's costing me thousands of dollars &amp; jepordizing my employment. and i'm still homeless. what kinda respect and honor for transgender elders is this? its disgraceful and disrespectful
[ "0" ]
deputy commissioner park is not being honest regarding the length of the stays in nyc homeless shelters, and shifting the blame on homeless people is disingenuous.
[ "government_critique" ]
@2798139737714320816 @4710469099036636585 in that case i most definitely would. i have been homeless for a while 30 years ago, i think it would be a lot tougher now but i know how to survive. the thought that it would provide a permanent house for someone else would keep me motivated.
[ "0" ]
watching @6513362264653709842 blame homeless people for not exiting shelter is so infuriating.
[ "societal_critique" ]
@2998473255447749644 @2724022186022549121 friends don’t let friends become homeless
[ "0" ]
like autumnal leave heart's hopelessly homeless soon it'll be ended #haiku
[ "0" ]
☝️this also makes me politically homeless, by choice.
[ "0" ]
got g checked in oakland friday leaving the rock climbing gym by a homeless dude talking about “what you know bout @565527158837099146 because of my shirt. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 128]'></span>
[ "personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness" ]
@6809641731314866531 20 years, the us has the state of infrastructure, high speed rail, number one in education, no one is homeless, free education, free healthcare. or wait a minute that's china, looks like the u.s. is doomed.
[ "deserving_undeserving_of_resources", "government_critique" ]
guest: we have started a charity organization to raise funds for homeless kids mac g: ya mara dawg do you like anal, that shit is crazy ane?
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
every time i come back to boston the same homeless dude is sleeping in front of my door. dude said “didn’t know you were coming back so soon” like we were roommates <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 173]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 152, 130]'></span>
[ "personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness" ]
@2885549234830625760 politicians say we need to help the homeless. but they do nothing. section 8 takes years to do anything. meanwhile these people are sleeping in their cars or who knows where? it's a joke on the people.
[ "government_critique", "solutions_interventions" ]
@3189405951125446660 didn't ardern take the same line on child poverty and homeless...look at how that worked out. i guess she is only hanging around to give us all a laugh at her.
[ "government_critique" ]
@8779658305406336118 who is the homeless guy on the lower left?
[ "personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness" ]
@6643919217142141954 averages dont help the homeless and the hungry
[ "societal_critique" ]
@4736677237000898915 i feel seen
[ "0" ]
@1201481512130032645 i just have the homeless look
[ "0" ]
@8356137966578850058 now do something similar for the homeless. that would be news worthy.
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
writing my finals while worried about being homeless rlly is something
[ "0" ]
@4526754662673133768 @3240505342053271944 @5355980342785992286 it takes 80 hours of min wage to afford an apt in the us, so you're just saying they should be homeless instead of making a living wage?
[ "societal_critique" ]
@5661657098684240169 @2325010236839565357 @8637247511918750656 @5260937696017284595 did i say that this was an infringement? i do not like them, i will not wear them. i choose not to. you choose to listen to the masters, by all means, you do you. go forth and protect all others. make sure you give the hungry your food and invite the homeless in as well.
[ "solutions_interventions" ]
@2334678513998247064 @336865475265078959 please pick us we are about to be homeless at the end of the month and we are going to be living in our car and it is messed up please pick us thank you
[ "0" ]
@3123814849810312151 people are being stabbed and attacked unprovoked in this city, mentally ill and homeless and this is what you choose to do on the way out. <span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 150, 149]'></span><span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 143, 190]'></span>you and good riddance.
[ "harmful_generalization", "not_in_my_backyard" ]
homeless and need help. my cashapp is $swordra1n
[ "0" ]
@3248969902604609149 we have our amazon wishlist for the homeless.
[ "solutions_interventions" ]