75 values
"@5171831732181772050 yep people are living in desperation next to massive wealth and working their asses off for extended periods of time with little to no reward half my friends are homeless or have fallen into poverty and/or are hiding *massive* *unsustainable debt* just to keep heads above water"
"@5312812684738839899 @4170710660182693448 @5019481512859582705 not a good time to buy in denver. think he’ll buy in cherry hills now, or stay at the fourseasons until the bubble settles? is he aware of our “homeless” situation? i guess we’re an upgrade from seattle either way."
['government_critique', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
"@5312812684738839899 @4170710660182693448 @5019481512859582705 not a good time to buy in denver. think he’ll buy in cherry hills now, or stay at the fourseasons until the bubble settles? is he aware of our “homeless” situation? i guess we’re an upgrade from seattle either way."
['societal_critique', 'not_in_my_backyard']
"@5339228108317811983 @4663164019789433771 @574203614049603820 start your own socialist movement with your manifesto, everyone is waiting at least all the politically homeless and the ex labour members.."
"@5339228108317811983 @4663164019789433771 @574203614049603820 start your own socialist movement with your manifesto, everyone is waiting at least all the politically homeless and the ex labour members.."
"@5339228108317811983 @4663164019789433771 @574203614049603820 start your own socialist movement with your manifesto, everyone is waiting at least all the politically homeless and the ex labour members.."
"@5339228108317811983 @4663164019789433771 @574203614049603820 start your own socialist movement with your manifesto, everyone is waiting at least all the politically homeless and the ex labour members.."
"@5348087729192658628 poverty, drug addiction, mental illness, trauma. my daughter works with the homeless in la and sees it daily. depressing but rewarding work. no idea what the answer is, but what we are doing now is all band-aids. it isn’t working."
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
"@5348087729192658628 poverty, drug addiction, mental illness, trauma. my daughter works with the homeless in la and sees it daily. depressing but rewarding work. no idea what the answer is, but what we are doing now is all band-aids. it isn’t working."
['harmful_generalization', 'solutions_interventions']
"@5385302327322784235 you didn't complain when the us bailed out wall st. / corporate america / the rich! is it fair the veterans who fought for this country become homeless. let's be fair<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 141]'></span>"
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@5385302327322784235 you didn't complain when the us bailed out wall st. / corporate america / the rich! is it fair the veterans who fought for this country become homeless. let's be fair<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 141]'></span>"
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions']
"@5385302327322784235 you didn't complain when the us bailed out wall st. / corporate america / the rich! is it fair the veterans who fought for this country become homeless. let's be fair<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 141]'></span>"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@5385302327322784235 you didn't complain when the us bailed out wall st. / corporate america / the rich! is it fair the veterans who fought for this country become homeless. let's be fair<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 141]'></span>"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@5385302327322784235 you didn't complain when the us bailed out wall st. / corporate america / the rich! is it fair the veterans who fought for this country become homeless. let's be fair<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 141]'></span>"
"@5385302327322784235 you didn't complain when the us bailed out wall st. / corporate america / the rich! is it fair the veterans who fought for this country become homeless. let's be fair<span class='emoji-bytes' data-emoji-bytes='[240, 159, 145, 141]'></span>"
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@5432734434790992008 he’s a phony like all the other democrats. he should go to sanfrancisco , he’ll be in good company with the poor homeless people !! pos"
"@5653683089589068928 it appears the problem in el paso with illegal aliens were solved overnight, so that you could have a photo op without anyone seeing hundreds of homeless illegals on the streets."
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
"@5653683089589068928 it appears the problem in el paso with illegal aliens were solved overnight, so that you could have a photo op without anyone seeing hundreds of homeless illegals on the streets."
['deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'societal_critique', 'not_in_my_backyard']
"@5653683089589068928 it appears the problem in el paso with illegal aliens were solved overnight, so that you could have a photo op without anyone seeing hundreds of homeless illegals on the streets."
['government_critique', 'societal_critique']
"@5653683089589068928 it appears the problem in el paso with illegal aliens were solved overnight, so that you could have a photo op without anyone seeing hundreds of homeless illegals on the streets."
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'not_in_my_backyard']
"@5653683089589068928 it appears the problem in el paso with illegal aliens were solved overnight, so that you could have a photo op without anyone seeing hundreds of homeless illegals on the streets."
"@5653683089589068928 it appears the problem in el paso with illegal aliens were solved overnight, so that you could have a photo op without anyone seeing hundreds of homeless illegals on the streets."
"@5805345906330331941 $bn2chd my house burned down and i'm in a homeless shelter. there has to be someone nice enough to send a little cash for shampoo, deodorant etc"
"@5805345906330331941 $bn2chd my house burned down and i'm in a homeless shelter. there has to be someone nice enough to send a little cash for shampoo, deodorant etc"
"@5805345906330331941 $bn2chd my house burned down and i'm in a homeless shelter. there has to be someone nice enough to send a little cash for shampoo, deodorant etc"
"@5805345906330331941 $bn2chd my house burned down and i'm in a homeless shelter. there has to be someone nice enough to send a little cash for shampoo, deodorant etc"
"@5829758342929274610 my other screenshots were pregnant, homeless, and poor like wtf?"
"@5829758342929274610 my other screenshots were pregnant, homeless, and poor like wtf?"
"@589562590786921209 @5018518565331697962 25% is still no where near as bad as 50%. and that’s not the democrats fault, homeless people migrate to california because of the good weather. don’t act like republicans would do a better job when their states overall are in worse condition than blue states"
"@589562590786921209 @5018518565331697962 25% is still no where near as bad as 50%. and that’s not the democrats fault, homeless people migrate to california because of the good weather. don’t act like republicans would do a better job when their states overall are in worse condition than blue states"
"@589562590786921209 @5018518565331697962 25% is still no where near as bad as 50%. and that’s not the democrats fault, homeless people migrate to california because of the good weather. don’t act like republicans would do a better job when their states overall are in worse condition than blue states"
['harmful_generalization', 'government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@589562590786921209 @5018518565331697962 25% is still no where near as bad as 50%. and that’s not the democrats fault, homeless people migrate to california because of the good weather. don’t act like republicans would do a better job when their states overall are in worse condition than blue states"
"@589562590786921209 @5018518565331697962 25% is still no where near as bad as 50%. and that’s not the democrats fault, homeless people migrate to california because of the good weather. don’t act like republicans would do a better job when their states overall are in worse condition than blue states"
"@589562590786921209 @5018518565331697962 25% is still no where near as bad as 50%. and that’s not the democrats fault, homeless people migrate to california because of the good weather. don’t act like republicans would do a better job when their states overall are in worse condition than blue states"
['government_critique', 'not_in_my_backyard']
"@5964830388911892151 “hey fred schneider, what are you doing” becoming the mayor and criminalizing the homeless!"
"@5964830388911892151 “hey fred schneider, what are you doing” becoming the mayor and criminalizing the homeless!"
"@5964830388911892151 “hey fred schneider, what are you doing” becoming the mayor and criminalizing the homeless!"
"@5964830388911892151 “hey fred schneider, what are you doing” becoming the mayor and criminalizing the homeless!"
"@5964830388911892151 “hey fred schneider, what are you doing” becoming the mayor and criminalizing the homeless!"
"@5964830388911892151 “hey fred schneider, what are you doing” becoming the mayor and criminalizing the homeless!"
"@5969725348357695585 what about the 1 billion $$ spent by chirlane mccray on thrive nyc, which was supposed to help the homeless and other people in crisis."
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'solutions_interventions']
"@5969725348357695585 what about the 1 billion $$ spent by chirlane mccray on thrive nyc, which was supposed to help the homeless and other people in crisis."
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
"@6146729728499508244 that’s banbury house hotel and whatley, unbelievable when you think of the homeless people on the streets but we can care for immigrants?"
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@6146729728499508244 that’s banbury house hotel and whatley, unbelievable when you think of the homeless people on the streets but we can care for immigrants?"
"@6207652192561825443 @1847499612088677191 @7189782715143163000 really texas,ohio,florida. virginia. etc. lowest unemployment. california washington. new york etc. highest homeless. funny how dumbazzes paying higher tax rates make them think they are smarter."
"@6207652192561825443 @1847499612088677191 @7189782715143163000 really texas,ohio,florida. virginia. etc. lowest unemployment. california washington. new york etc. highest homeless. funny how dumbazzes paying higher tax rates make them think they are smarter."
"@6235236742738366406 ""tag someone to win"".... well i've had 5 terminal illnesses for the last 20 years, i'm homeless, my dog died, i had a leg cut off.... okay slight exaggeration but you get the point."
"@6235236742738366406 ""tag someone to win"".... well i've had 5 terminal illnesses for the last 20 years, i'm homeless, my dog died, i had a leg cut off.... okay slight exaggeration but you get the point."
"@6235236742738366406 ""tag someone to win"".... well i've had 5 terminal illnesses for the last 20 years, i'm homeless, my dog died, i had a leg cut off.... okay slight exaggeration but you get the point."
"@6235236742738366406 ""tag someone to win"".... well i've had 5 terminal illnesses for the last 20 years, i'm homeless, my dog died, i had a leg cut off.... okay slight exaggeration but you get the point."
"@6235236742738366406 ""tag someone to win"".... well i've had 5 terminal illnesses for the last 20 years, i'm homeless, my dog died, i had a leg cut off.... okay slight exaggeration but you get the point."
"@6235236742738366406 ""tag someone to win"".... well i've had 5 terminal illnesses for the last 20 years, i'm homeless, my dog died, i had a leg cut off.... okay slight exaggeration but you get the point."
"@6312395767911301703 i see it the most with addicts/homeless. the lack of connection w/a community is killing the sensitive souls of our world. we're hurting each other, but not on purpose. we've lost true community where no one is left alone/neglected. be mindful of the quiet ones; draw them close."
"@6312395767911301703 i see it the most with addicts/homeless. the lack of connection w/a community is killing the sensitive souls of our world. we're hurting each other, but not on purpose. we've lost true community where no one is left alone/neglected. be mindful of the quiet ones; draw them close."
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@6312395767911301703 i see it the most with addicts/homeless. the lack of connection w/a community is killing the sensitive souls of our world. we're hurting each other, but not on purpose. we've lost true community where no one is left alone/neglected. be mindful of the quiet ones; draw them close."
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']
"@6312395767911301703 i see it the most with addicts/homeless. the lack of connection w/a community is killing the sensitive souls of our world. we're hurting each other, but not on purpose. we've lost true community where no one is left alone/neglected. be mindful of the quiet ones; draw them close."
"@6312395767911301703 i see it the most with addicts/homeless. the lack of connection w/a community is killing the sensitive souls of our world. we're hurting each other, but not on purpose. we've lost true community where no one is left alone/neglected. be mindful of the quiet ones; draw them close."
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@6312395767911301703 i see it the most with addicts/homeless. the lack of connection w/a community is killing the sensitive souls of our world. we're hurting each other, but not on purpose. we've lost true community where no one is left alone/neglected. be mindful of the quiet ones; draw them close."
"@6340573065919492215 you can bring muslim’s into this country , give them brand new top notch everything and not help ur own canadian homeless community or provide for you’re real canadians????"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'money_aid_resource_allocation']
"@6340573065919492215 you can bring muslim’s into this country , give them brand new top notch everything and not help ur own canadian homeless community or provide for you’re real canadians????"
['government_critique', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@6340573065919492215 you can bring muslim’s into this country , give them brand new top notch everything and not help ur own canadian homeless community or provide for you’re real canadians????"
['money_aid_resource_allocation', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@6340573065919492215 you can bring muslim’s into this country , give them brand new top notch everything and not help ur own canadian homeless community or provide for you’re real canadians????"
"@6390043830906393169 @3387037793728975888 @2855324857638233752 the poor, have had a chance to live. the homeless, have had a chance to live. abortion cuts out that chance because of a person’s current circumstances. why can’t adoption be an option, why can’t that be pushed, and invested in?"
['harmful_generalization', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources', 'solutions_interventions']
"@6942804984619150535 @503539239604373008 i’m homeless i’m on the streets of dallas texas with an iphone 14 pro and the latest macbook pro going from street corner to street corner looking for a good wi-fi it’s a rough life. you didn’t hear? you should see what the sleuthing of your people found my real name is jonhatan"
"@6991299567293123523 @1409647196137339066 the best part? the hug! i purchased presents for santa's anonymous, and volunteered to help sell 50/50 tickets to assist agencies that are helping the homeless. acr: jedwoods"
"@6991299567293123523 @1409647196137339066 the best part? the hug! i purchased presents for santa's anonymous, and volunteered to help sell 50/50 tickets to assist agencies that are helping the homeless. acr: jedwoods"
"@7047851746258172690 please help me, i'm homeless and disabled. i sold everything to get a van to live in and it it stopped working after a day and i'm stuck and it's cold were i'm at. i don't even have the money to tow it to my friends and i been rejected for a loan. please..."
"@7047851746258172690 please help me, i'm homeless and disabled. i sold everything to get a van to live in and it it stopped working after a day and i'm stuck and it's cold were i'm at. i don't even have the money to tow it to my friends and i been rejected for a loan. please..."
"@7047851746258172690 please help me, i'm homeless and disabled. i sold everything to get a van to live in and it it stopped working after a day and i'm stuck and it's cold were i'm at. i don't even have the money to tow it to my friends and i been rejected for a loan. please..."
"@7047851746258172690 please help me, i'm homeless and disabled. i sold everything to get a van to live in and it it stopped working after a day and i'm stuck and it's cold were i'm at. i don't even have the money to tow it to my friends and i been rejected for a loan. please..."
"@7047851746258172690 why, do i keep getting this guys tweet. free money yea right. so much spam. if you're so rich then why don't you start helping homeless people like myself with a little cash my pay pal. click send wow!!! every five minutes bogus notification s"
"@7047851746258172690 why, do i keep getting this guys tweet. free money yea right. so much spam. if you're so rich then why don't you start helping homeless people like myself with a little cash my pay pal. click send wow!!! every five minutes bogus notification s"
['societal_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@7053998386298562473 now that you're not homeless, why are you still a marxist?"
"@7053998386298562473 now that you're not homeless, why are you still a marxist?"
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
"@7053998386298562473 now that you're not homeless, why are you still a marxist?"
"@7053998386298562473 now that you're not homeless, why are you still a marxist?"
"@7160372653317865843 get a pass for an obvious breaking of the mask rules and a homeless man gets a fine… damn great job… policing is easy on the down and out, btw how did these religious zealots know to buy rat tests… nothing untoward, of course!!!"
"@7160372653317865843 get a pass for an obvious breaking of the mask rules and a homeless man gets a fine… damn great job… policing is easy on the down and out, btw how did these religious zealots know to buy rat tests… nothing untoward, of course!!!"
"@7216122146782180814 so that guy ranting on the corner, he's homeless because the factory closed, right?"
"@7216122146782180814 so that guy ranting on the corner, he's homeless because the factory closed, right?"
"@7243114339888246932 @3023508127701427185 @8473397634392527515 @8690804036431392308 here is a list gavin doesn't want you to see: san francisco crime la homeless, murder rate no electricity for californians round of applause for rules for thee and not for me gavin!!!"
"@7243114339888246932 @3023508127701427185 @8473397634392527515 @8690804036431392308 here is a list gavin doesn't want you to see: san francisco crime la homeless, murder rate no electricity for californians round of applause for rules for thee and not for me gavin!!!"
"@7243114339888246932 @3023508127701427185 @8473397634392527515 @8690804036431392308 here is a list gavin doesn't want you to see: san francisco crime la homeless, murder rate no electricity for californians round of applause for rules for thee and not for me gavin!!!"
"@7243114339888246932 @3023508127701427185 @8473397634392527515 @8690804036431392308 here is a list gavin doesn't want you to see: san francisco crime la homeless, murder rate no electricity for californians round of applause for rules for thee and not for me gavin!!!"
"@7243114339888246932 @3023508127701427185 @8473397634392527515 @8690804036431392308 here is a list gavin doesn't want you to see: san francisco crime la homeless, murder rate no electricity for californians round of applause for rules for thee and not for me gavin!!!"
"@7243114339888246932 @3023508127701427185 @8473397634392527515 @8690804036431392308 here is a list gavin doesn't want you to see: san francisco crime la homeless, murder rate no electricity for californians round of applause for rules for thee and not for me gavin!!!"
"@7243114339888246932 how does someone who can't solve the homeless issues, crime issues and imposes mandates on others except his family, have the nerves to talk about what another state is doing? take care of your state's problems sir!"
"@7243114339888246932 how does someone who can't solve the homeless issues, crime issues and imposes mandates on others except his family, have the nerves to talk about what another state is doing? take care of your state's problems sir!"
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@7243114339888246932 how does someone who can't solve the homeless issues, crime issues and imposes mandates on others except his family, have the nerves to talk about what another state is doing? take care of your state's problems sir!"
"@7243114339888246932 how does someone who can't solve the homeless issues, crime issues and imposes mandates on others except his family, have the nerves to talk about what another state is doing? take care of your state's problems sir!"
"@7243114339888246932 how does someone who can't solve the homeless issues, crime issues and imposes mandates on others except his family, have the nerves to talk about what another state is doing? take care of your state's problems sir!"
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@7243114339888246932 how does someone who can't solve the homeless issues, crime issues and imposes mandates on others except his family, have the nerves to talk about what another state is doing? take care of your state's problems sir!"
['government_critique', 'solutions_interventions']
"@7293181906244033132 @2724725387037602949 the answer is it won’t crash, as long as these are mostly primary homes. what caused the crash of 2008 was tons of speculative buying, strippers owning 5 homes. that’s not what’s happening now. rent is going up too. unless you want to be homeless, you need a home to live."
['harmful_generalization', 'societal_critique']
"@7293181906244033132 @2724725387037602949 the answer is it won’t crash, as long as these are mostly primary homes. what caused the crash of 2008 was tons of speculative buying, strippers owning 5 homes. that’s not what’s happening now. rent is going up too. unless you want to be homeless, you need a home to live."
"@7299593329707391888 @3570123471683009133 i will be proud when you return the raise congress just approved, return the peleton membership and ban liquor from congressional buildings. do it and challenge the democrats who don't need the raise either. #returntheraisechallange . #homeless #hunger #formulashortage pick one."
['government_critique', 'money_aid_resource_allocation', 'deserving_undeserving_of_resources']
"@7299593329707391888 @3570123471683009133 i will be proud when you return the raise congress just approved, return the peleton membership and ban liquor from congressional buildings. do it and challenge the democrats who don't need the raise either. #returntheraisechallange . #homeless #hunger #formulashortage pick one."
"@7485687152001995776 @6278419238161374902 congratulations to them baba pls help me, i'm broke and i'm homeless, i have been writing you all time pls reason my matter today pls"
"@7485687152001995776 @6278419238161374902 congratulations to them baba pls help me, i'm broke and i'm homeless, i have been writing you all time pls reason my matter today pls"
"@7516099030557634878 it happens here also… probably not on the same scale… but it is a thing. i spent nearly 10 years of my life, working in a cmht for homeless people."
"@7516099030557634878 it happens here also… probably not on the same scale… but it is a thing. i spent nearly 10 years of my life, working in a cmht for homeless people."
['solutions_interventions', 'personal_interaction_observation_of_homelessness']