stringlengths 2
⌀ | Meaning
stringlengths 4
Adaptation | an alteration that makes an animal or thing more suitable for a certain environment |
Addend | a number added to another number |
Addendum | something to be added; especially text added as an appendix or supplement to a document |
Addict | someone that is obsessed with something to an extent where they suffer withdrawal without it |
Addictive | something that is easy to be addicted to; easy to develop a reliance on |
Additional | added or extra |
Additionally | used in the place of ‘also’ or to introduce extra facts |
Addle | to cause a person’s thoughts to become jumbled or confused |
Addled | incapable of thinking in a clear manner |
Address | a description of the location of a property |
Adduce | to produce as support during a discussion or argument |
Adduction | the act of bringing a body part usually an arm or leg inward to the middle part of the body |
Adept | very good at doing something that is not easy |
Adequacy | being satisfactory or acceptable |
Adequacy | the quality of being sufficient, adequate or able to meet the needs |
Adequate | enough; good enough |
Adhere | conform to or follow rules exactly |
Adherence | faithful support for a cause |
Adherent | a material that sticks to other things or a person who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas |
Adhesion | a substance’s ability to attach to another substance |
Adhesive | sticky |
Adieu | a farewell, a goodbye; especially a fond farewell, or a lasting or permanent farewell |
Adjacent | lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring |
Adjoining | next to or joined with something else |
Adjourn | to suspend or conclude an event |
Adjudge | to view or determine something in a particular manner |
Adjudicate | to make a decision on an issue |
Adjunct | something that is joined or added to another thing, but not part of the whole |
Adjure | request or urge someone to do something |
Adjust | to change something a little so that it fits or works better |
Adjustment | a small change that improves something or makes it work better |
Adjutant | A military officer that is an administrative assistant to a senior officer |
Administer | to supply or give out something |
Administer | to give, handout, or dispense |
Administration | the process of running some sort of organization |
Admirable | worthy of respect and admiration |
Admiration | a sentiment of esteem and respect |
Admire | to hold a thing or person in high esteem |
Admissible | something that is allowed or considered appropriate |
Admit | to acknowledge that something is real, valid, or true |
Admittedly | certainly; definitely |
Admonish | to scold; to warn strongly |
Admonition | a warning or reprimand given with advice |
Admonitory | conveying a warning |
Ado | trouble, difficulty, or complications |
Adobe | sundried bricks made of clay |
Adolescence | the time period when a young person becomes a grownup |
Adonis | a very handsome young man |
Adopt | a legal process to take care of another’s biological child as your own |
Adoptive | related to someone through adoption (becoming a parent or child of someone not by birth) |
Adoptive | related through adoption |
Adorable | charming and easy to love because it is so attractively cute |
Adoration | deep love, devotion, and respect |
Adore | to idolize or worship something, or to love it very much |
Adorn | make more attractive or beautiful |
Adornment | an ornament or decoration that adds attractiveness |
Adrenaline | a chemical produced by your adrenal glands that gives you a rush of energy when you are frightened, excited, or angry |
Adrift | uncontrolled floating on water |
Adroit | clever or skillful |
Adscititious | additional or external; coming from an outside source |
Adulation | great praise for someone, often more than what is deserved |
Adulterate | to make a substance less pure by adding something else to it |
Adultery | sexual activity between a married person and someone other than their spouse |
Adulthood | the state or condition of being fully grown or mature |
Adumbrate | to create an outline or a faint shadow |
Advance | before; ahead of time |
Advanced | progressive; complex or of a higher order |
Advantage | a condition or circumstance that gives someone a greater chance of success |
Advantageous | helpful or useful and likely to make you more successful |
Advent | the coming or arrival of something |
Adventitious | not natural; foreign |
Adventure | an exciting or dangerous experience |
Adventuresome | adventurous or prone to going on adventures |
Adventurous | daring; brave |
Adversary | one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute |
Adverse | negative, harmful, or unpleasant |
Adversely | in a negative or bad way |
Adversity | a difficult situation or condition; misfortune |
Advert | an advertisement |
Advertise | to provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others |
Advice | an opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel |
Advisable | worthy of being recommended; desirable |
Advise | to offer suggestions to a person or group |
Advisement | advice that is both carefully considered and thought out before given |
Advisory | an official announcement that usually serves as a warning to the public |
Advocacy | the practice of supporting someone to make their voice heard |
Advocate | to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things |
Aegis | under the influence or protection of a specific individual, body, or government |
Aerate | to cause air to circulate through something |
Aerial | happening in the air |
Aerie | a nest built in a high place by a predatory bird |
Aerobic | activity used to strengthen the heart and lungs by making them work hard for several minutes |
Aerodynamics | the study of air and how it works when an object moves through it |
Aeronautics | the science of flight |
Aerosol | substances confined under pressure and typically released in the form of a spray |
Aerospace | the atmosphere of the Earth and the region of space around it; the industry concerned with aircraft, missiles, satellites and spacecraft |
Aesthete | one who strongly appreciates beauty, art and music |
Aesthetic | concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste |
Afar | in a distant area |
Afebrile | having no fever |