7 values
open! Core_kernel open! Import open! Sexp module With_text = struct open! With_text let sexp_of_il = sexp_of_list sexp_of_int let il_of_sexp = list_of_sexp int_of_sexp let il_of_text text = Or_error.ok_exn (of_text il_of_sexp text) let il_of_value il = of_value sexp_of_il il module IL = struct type t = int list [@@deriving compare, sexp_of] let equal = [%compare.equal: t] end let t = il_of_value [ 3; 4 ] let%expect_test _ = print_s [%sexp (text t : string)]; [%expect {| "(3 4)" |}] ;; let t' = il_of_text (text t) let%expect_test _ = require_equal [%here] (module IL) (value t') [ 3; 4 ]; [%expect {| |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = print_s [%sexp (t : il t)]; [%expect {| "(3 4)" |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = require_equal [%here] (module IL) (value (t_of_sexp il_of_sexp (Atom "(3 4)"))) [ 3; 4 ]; [%expect {| |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = require_equal [%here] (module IL) [ 8; 9 ] (value (il_of_text ";this is a comment\n (8; foo\n 9) \n ")); [%expect {| |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = require_does_raise [%here] (fun () -> il_of_text "(1 2 bla)"); [%expect {| (Of_sexp_error :1:5 "int_of_sexp: (Failure int_of_string)" (invalid_sexp bla)) |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = require_does_raise [%here] (fun () -> t_of_sexp il_of_sexp (Sexp.of_string "\"(1 2 bla)\"")); [%expect {| (Of_sexp_error :1:5 "int_of_sexp: (Failure int_of_string)" (invalid_sexp bla)) |}] ;; end let%test_module _ = (module struct type t1 = Sexp.t [@@deriving bin_io] type t2 = Sexp.Stable.V1.t [@@deriving bin_io] type t3 = Core_kernel_stable.Sexp.V1.t [@@deriving bin_io] let%expect_test "Sexp.t, Sexp.Stable.V1.t and Core_kernel_stable.Sexp.V1.t \ bin_digests match" = print_endline [%bin_digest: t1]; print_endline [%bin_digest: t2]; print_endline [%bin_digest: t3]; [%expect {| 832b40ae394f2851da8ba67b3339b429 832b40ae394f2851da8ba67b3339b429 832b40ae394f2851da8ba67b3339b429 |}] ;; end) ;; let%test_module "of_sexp_allow_extra_fields_recursively" = (module struct module V = struct type v1 = { a : string ; b : int ; suffix : string } [@@deriving sexp] type v2 = { a : string ; b : int } [@@deriving sexp] type t = v2 [@@deriving sexp_of] let t_of_sexp sexp : t = try v2_of_sexp sexp with | e -> (match v1_of_sexp sexp with | { a; b; suffix } -> { a = a ^ suffix; b } | exception _ -> raise e) ;; end type t = { v : V.t } [@@deriving sexp] let%expect_test "affect sexp converter globally" = let sexp = Sexp.of_string {|((v ((a a)(b 0)(suffix "-suffix"))))|} in let t = t_of_sexp sexp in print_s (sexp_of_t t); [%expect {| (( v ( (a a-suffix) (b 0)))) |}]; let t = Sexp.of_sexp_allow_extra_fields_recursively t_of_sexp sexp in print_s (sexp_of_t t); [%expect {| (( v ( (a a) (b 0)))) |}] ;; end) ;;
open! Core_kernel open! Import open! Sexp module With_text = struct open! With_text let sexp_of_il = sexp_of_list sexp_of_int let il_of_sexp = list_of_sexp int_of_sexp let il_of_text text = Or_error.ok_exn (of_text il_of_sexp text) let il_of_value il = of_value sexp_of_il il module IL = struct type t = int list [@@deriving compare, sexp_of] let equal = [%compare.equal: t] end let t = il_of_value [ 3; 4 ] let%expect_test _ = print_s [%sexp (text t : string)]; [%expect {| "(3 4)" |}] ;; let t' = il_of_text (text t) let%expect_test _ = require_equal [%here] (module IL) (value t') [ 3; 4 ]; [%expect {| |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = print_s [%sexp (t : il t)]; [%expect {| "(3 4)" |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = require_equal [%here] (module IL) (value (t_of_sexp il_of_sexp (Atom "(3 4)"))) [ 3; 4 ]; [%expect {| |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = require_equal [%here] (module IL) [ 8; 9 ] (value (il_of_text ";this is a comment\n (8; foo\n 9) \n ")); [%expect {| |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = require_does_raise [%here] (fun () -> il_of_text "(1 2 bla)"); [%expect {| (Of_sexp_error :1:5 "int_of_sexp: (Failure int_of_string)" (invalid_sexp bla)) |}] ;; let%expect_test _ = require_does_raise [%here] (fun () -> t_of_sexp il_of_sexp (Sexp.of_string "\"(1 2 bla)\"")); [%expect {| (Of_sexp_error :1:5 "int_of_sexp: (Failure int_of_string)" (invalid_sexp bla)) |}] ;; end let%test_module _ = (module struct type t1 = Sexp.t [@@deriving bin_io] type t2 = Sexp.Stable.V1.t [@@deriving bin_io] type t3 = Core_kernel_stable.Sexp.V1.t [@@deriving bin_io] let%expect_test "Sexp.t, Sexp.Stable.V1.t and Core_kernel_stable.Sexp.V1.t \ bin_digests match" = print_endline [%bin_digest: t1]; print_endline [%bin_digest: t2]; print_endline [%bin_digest: t3]; [%expect {| 832b40ae394f2851da8ba67b3339b429 832b40ae394f2851da8ba67b3339b429 832b40ae394f2851da8ba67b3339b429 |}] ;; end) ;; let%test_module "of_sexp_allow_extra_fields_recursively" = (module struct module V = struct type v1 = { a : string ; b : int ; suffix : string } [@@deriving sexp] type v2 = { a : string ; b : int } [@@deriving sexp] type t = v2 [@@deriving sexp_of] let t_of_sexp sexp : t = try v2_of_sexp sexp with | e -> (match v1_of_sexp sexp with | { a; b; suffix } -> { a = a ^ suffix; b } | exception _ -> raise e) ;; end type t = { v : V.t } [@@deriving sexp] let%expect_test "affect sexp converter globally" = let sexp = Sexp.of_string {|((v ((a a)(b 0)(suffix "-suffix"))))|} in let t = t_of_sexp sexp in print_s (sexp_of_t t); [%expect {| (( v ( (a a-suffix) (b 0)))) |}]; let t = Sexp.of_sexp_allow_extra_fields_recursively t_of_sexp sexp in print_s (sexp_of_t t); [%expect {| (( v ( (a a) (b 0)))) |}] ;; end) ;;
open Ext.Filepath open Ext.Fugue open Ext.Compat type t = string exception InvalidModuleName of string exception EmptyModuleName exception ModuleFilenameNotValid of string let char_isalpha c = (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') let char_is_valid_modchar c = char_isalpha c || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' let string_all p s = let valid = ref true in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do valid := !valid && p s.[i] done; !valid let wrap x = if String.length x = 0 then raise EmptyModuleName else if not (string_all char_is_valid_modchar x) then raise (InvalidModuleName x) else if char_uppercase x.[0] <> x.[0] then raise (InvalidModuleName x) else x let of_string x = wrap x let to_string x = x let to_dir x = string_uncapitalize x let to_x ext modname = fn (string_uncapitalize modname ^ ext) let to_o = to_x ".o" let to_directory = to_x "" let to_filename = to_x ".ml" let to_parser = to_x ".mly" let to_lexer = to_x ".mll" let atd_modname modname = if String.length modname > 2 then let b, e = string_splitAt (String.length modname - 2) modname in match e with | "_t" | "_v" | "_j" -> b | _ -> modname else modname let to_atd modname = to_x ".atd" (atd_modname modname) let module_lookup_methods = [ to_directory; to_parser; to_lexer; to_atd; to_filename ] let of_directory filename = wrap (string_capitalize (fn_to_string filename)) let of_filename filename = try wrap (string_capitalize (Filename.chop_extension (fn_to_string filename))) with | EmptyModuleName -> raise (ModuleFilenameNotValid (fn_to_string filename)) | Invalid_argument _ -> raise (ModuleFilenameNotValid (fn_to_string filename))
open Ext.Filepath open Ext.Fugue open Ext.Compat type t = string exception InvalidModuleName of string exception EmptyModuleName exception ModuleFilenameNotValid of string let char_isalpha c = (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') let char_is_valid_modchar c = char_isalpha c || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' let string_all p s = let valid = ref true in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do valid := !valid && p s.[i] done; !valid let wrap x = if String.length x = 0 then raise EmptyModuleName else if not (string_all char_is_valid_modchar x) then raise (InvalidModuleName x) else if char_uppercase x.[0] <> x.[0] then raise (InvalidModuleName x) else x let of_string x = wrap x let to_string x = x let to_dir x = string_uncapitalize x let to_x ext modname = fn (string_uncapitalize modname ^ ext) let to_o = to_x ".o" let to_directory = to_x "" let to_filename = to_x ".ml" let to_parser = to_x ".mly" let to_lexer = to_x ".mll" let atd_modname modname = if String.length modname > 2 then let b, e = string_splitAt (String.length modname - 2) modname in match e with | "_t" | "_v" | "_j" -> b | _ -> modname else modname let to_atd modname = to_x ".atd" (atd_modname modname) let module_lookup_methods = [ to_directory; to_parser; to_lexer; to_atd; to_filename ] let of_directory filename = wrap (string_capitalize (fn_to_string filename)) let of_filename filename = try wrap (string_capitalize (Filename.chop_extension (fn_to_string filename))) with | EmptyModuleName -> raise (ModuleFilenameNotValid (fn_to_string filename)) | Invalid_argument _ -> raise (ModuleFilenameNotValid (fn_to_string filename))
(ns dvlopt.kstreams.stream "Kafka Streams' abstraction of streams. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` for the big picture and details A stream can be transformed by various functions. Those functions returns themselves a new stream representing the transformation. Hence, a single stream can be used for the base of more than one transformation. The values of a stream can be aggregated. Prior to this, it needs to be grouped by using the `group-by` or `group-by-key` function from this namespace. If needed, a grouped stream can then be windowed by fixed time intervals or by sessions. Then, an appropriate `reduce-*` function can be used to perform the aggregation which always result in a table. A whole variety of joins between a stream and anything else are available." {:author "Adam Helinski"} (:refer-clojure :exclude [group-by]) (:require [dvlopt.kafka.-interop.java :as K.-interop.java] [dvlopt.kstreams.store :as KS.store]) (:import (org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream GlobalKTable KeyValueMapper KGroupedStream KStream KTable Predicate SessionWindowedKStream TimeWindowedKStream))) ;;;;;;;;;; Transformations (defn branch "Given a list of predicate functions, returns a vector of new corresponding streams such that as soon as a key-value from the original stream returns true on a predicate, it is sent to the corresponding stream (and only that one). A record is dropped if it matches no predicate. Divives a stream into 3 new streams containing respectively : red values , : black ones , and any other ones . (branch stream [(fn only-red [k v] (= v :red)) (fn only-black [k v] (= v :black)) (fn other [k v] true)])" [^KStream stream predicates] (into [] (.branch stream (into-array Predicate (map K.-interop.java/predicate predicates))))) (defn merge-stream "Returns a new stream merging the two given ones. There is no guarantee about the ordering of the records between streams. However, order is preserved for each stream." ^KStream [^KStream stream ^KStream other-stream] (.merge stream other-stream)) (defn filter-kv "Returns a new stream filtering out key-values from the given one. Keeps values greater than or equal to 42 . (filter-kv stream (fn [k v] (>= v 42)))" ^KStream [^KStream stream predicate] (.filter stream (K.-interop.java/predicate predicate))) (defn map-kv "Returns a new stream mapping key-values from the given one. Marks the resulting stream for repartioning. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` Ex. ;; The key is an ip address mapped to a country and the value is a collection mapped to its number of items. (map-kv stream (fn [k v] [(country-from-ip k) (count v)]))" ^KStream [^KStream stream f] (.map stream (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper f))) (defn map-keys "Returns a new stream efficiently mapping keys from the given one. Marks the resulting stream for repartioning. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` Ex. ;; The key is an ip address mapped to a country. (map-keys stream (fn [k v] (country-from-ip k)))" ^KStream [^KStream stream f] (.selectKey stream (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--raw f))) (defn map-values "Returns a new stream efficiently mapping values from the given one. Unlike other mapping functions, does not mark the resulting stream for repartioning as the keys remain intact. Ex. ;; The value is a collection mapped to its number of items. (map-values stream (fn [k v] (count v)))" ^KStream [^KStream kstream f] (.mapValues kstream (K.-interop.java/value-mapper-with-key f))) (defn fmap-kv "Returns a new stream mapping key-values from the given one into a collection of [key value]'s (or nil). Marks the resulting stream for repartioning. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` Ex. ;; The value is a list of tokens and we want to count them individually so that we end up with a collection where the key is a unique token and the value is its count. (fmap-kv stream (fn [k v] (reduce (fn [hmap token] (assoc hmap token (inc (get hmap token 0)))) {} v)))" ^KStream [^KStream kstream f] (.flatMap kstream (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--flat f))) (defn fmap-values "Returns a new stream mapping values from the given one into a collection of values (or nil). Unlike `fmap-kv`, does not mark the resulting stream for repartioning as the keys remain intact. The value is a list we want to split into individual items while filtering out nils . (fmap-values stream (fn [k v] (filter some? v)))" ^KStream [^KStream kstream f] (.flatMapValues kstream (K.-interop.java/value-mapper-with-key f))) (defn process "Returns a new stream processing the records from the given one using a low-level processor. For when the high-level API is not enough. It is typically used for an `fmap-kv` like behavior involving some state. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.topology/add-processor` :dvlopt.kstreams/processor.on-record may be used to explicitly forward records using the associated context. Marks the topic for repartioning. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kstreams.store/names List of state store names previously added to the underlying builder this processor need to access. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder/add-store`" (^KStream [stream processor] (process stream processor nil)) (^KStream [^KStream stream processor options] (.transform stream (K.-interop.java/transformer-supplier processor) (into-array String (::KS.store/names options))))) (defn process-values "Returns a new stream efficiently proccessing the values of the given one using a low-level processor. Unlike `process`, does not mark the resulting stream for repartioning as the keys remain intact. Also, because this function is about processing values, there is no point forwarding records using the associated context so doing so will throw an exception. Rather, the library maps the original value of the records to the value returned by :dvlopt.kstreams/processor.on-record (which may be nil). It is typically used when some state is needed. A map of options may be given, just like in `process`." (^KStream [stream processor] (process-values stream processor nil)) (^KStream [^KStream stream processor options] (.transformValues stream (K.-interop.java/value-transformer-with-key-supplier processor) ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" (into-array String (::KS.store/names options))))) ;;;;;;;;;; Joins (defn join-with-stream "Returns a new stream inner joining values from both given streams every time : a) They shares the same key. b) The difference in the timestamps of both records is <= the given interval. Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for descriptions of time intervals. Hence, for the same key, several joins might happen within a single interval. Records with a nil key or nil value are ignored. Input streams are repartitioned if they were marked for repartitioning and a store will be generated for each of them. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` for requirements related to joins A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.key :dvlopt.kstreams/left :dvlopt.kstreams/right Maps which may contain value ser/de : :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.value :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.value Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of serializers and deserializers. :dvlopt.kstreams.store/retention Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.store` Ex. (join-with-stream left-stream right-stream (fn [v-left v-right] (str \"left = \" v-left \"and right = \" v-right)) [2 :seconds])" (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval] (join-with-stream left-stream right-stream f interval nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval options] (.join left-stream right-stream (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/join-windows interval options) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn left-join-with-stream "Exactly like `join-with-stream` but the join is triggered even if there is no record with the same key yet in the right stream for a given time window. In such case, the right value provided for the join is nil." (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval] (left-join-with-stream left-stream right-stream f interval nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval options] (.leftJoin left-stream right-stream (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/join-windows interval options) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn outer-join-with-stream "Exactly like `join-with-stream` but the join is triggered even if there is no record with the same key yet in the other stream for a given time window. In such case, the value provided for this side of the join is nil." (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval] (outer-join-with-stream left-stream right-stream f interval nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval options] (.outerJoin left-stream right-stream (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/join-windows interval options) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn join-with-table "Returns a new stream inner joining the given stream with the given table. The join is triggered everytime a new record arrives in the stream and the table contains the key of this record. This is very useful for enriching a stream with some up-to-date information. Records from the input stream with a nil key or value are ignored. Records from the input table with a nil value removes the corresponding key from this table. The input stream is repartioned if it was marked for repartioning. A map of options may be given, just like in `join-with-stream`. Ex. (join-with-table stream table (fn [v-stream v-table] (assoc v-stream :last-known-location (:location v-table))))" (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KTable right-table f] (join-with-table left-stream right-table f nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KTable right-table f options] (.join left-stream right-table (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn left-join-with-table "Exactly like `join-with-table` but the join is triggered even if the table does contain the key. In such case, the right value supplied during the join in nil." (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KTable right-table f] (left-join-with-table left-stream right-table f nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KTable right-table f options] (.leftJoin left-stream right-table (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn join-with-global-table "Similar to `join-with-table` but offers the following : - Data need not to be co-partitioned. - More efficient when a regular table is skewed (some partitions are heavily populated, some not). - Typically more efficient that performing several joins in order to reach the same result. - Allows for joining on a different key. Each record of the input stream is mapped to a new key which triggers a join if the global table contains that mapped key. The value resulting from the join is associated with the key of the original record. Records from the input stream with a nil key or value are ignored. Records from the global table with a nil value removes the corresponding key from this global table. The input stream is repartitioned if it was marked for repartitioning. Ex. ;; Enrich a stream of users by adding the most popular song of the country they are from. (join-with-global-table stream global-table (fn map-k [k v] (:country v)) (fn join [v-stream v-global-table] (assoc v-stream :song (first (:top-10 v-global-table)))))" ^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^GlobalKTable right-global-table f-map-k f-join] (.join left-stream right-global-table (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--raw f-map-k) (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f-join))) (defn left-join-with-global-table "Exactly like `join-with-global-table` but the join is triggered even if the global table does not contain the mapped key. In such case, the right value supplied during the join is nil." ^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^GlobalKTable right-global-table f-map-k f-join] (.leftJoin left-stream right-global-table (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--raw f-map-k) (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f-join))) Grouping , windowing and aggregating (defn group-by "Returns a new grouped stream grouping values based on a chosen key. Drops records leading to a nil chosen key. Because a new key is explicitly selected, the data is repartioned. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` about repartioning. A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.value :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.value Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of deserializers :dvlopt.kstreams/repartition-name Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` section \"State and repartitioning\" Ex. (group-by stream (fn by-country [k v] (:country v)))" (^KGroupedStream [stream f] (group-by stream f nil)) (^KGroupedStream [^KStream kstream f options] (.groupBy kstream (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--raw f) (K.-interop.java/grouped options)))) (defn group-by-key "Exactly like `group-by` but groups directly by the original key than a selected one. Unless the stream was marked for repartioning, this function will not repartition it as keys remain intact." (^KGroupedStream [^KStream stream] (group-by-key stream nil)) (^KGroupedStream [^KStream stream options] (.groupByKey stream (K.-interop.java/serialized options)))) (defn window "Returns a new time windowed stream windowing values by a fixed time interval for each key of the given grouped stream. A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kstreams.store/retention Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.store` ::interval.type Fixed time windows can behave in 3 fashions : :hopping Hopping windows of interval I advance by sub-interval J <= I and are aligned to the epoch, meaning they always start at time 0. The lower bound is inclusive and upper bound is exclusive. Ex. I = 5 seconds, J = 3 seconds (thus every window overlaps with its neighbor by 2 seconds) 5 ) , [ 3;8 ) , [ 6;11 ) , ... :tumbling (default) Tumbling windows are simply non-overlapping hopping windows (ie. I = J). 5 ) , [ 5;10 ) , [ 10;15 ) , ... :sliding Sliding windows are aligned to the timestamps of the records and not the epoch. Two records are said to be part of the same sliding window if the difference of their timestamps <= I, where both the lower and upper bound are inclusive. Windows of type :hopping accepts the following additional option : ::advance-by The J sub-interval. Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of time intervals. `dvlopt.kstreams.store` for description of time windows. Windows of 5 seconds advancing by 3 seconds ( thus overlapping 2 seconds ) . (window grouped-stream [5 :seconds] {::interval.type :hopping ::advance-by [3 :seconds]})" (^TimeWindowedKStream [grouped-stream interval] (window grouped-stream interval nil)) (^TimeWindowedKStream [^KGroupedStream grouped-stream interval options] (.windowedBy grouped-stream (K.-interop.java/time-windows interval options)))) (defn window-by-session "Returns a new session windowed stream windowing values by sessions for each key of the given grouped stream. Sessions are non-fixed intervals of activity between fixed intervals of inactivity. Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of time intervals Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.store` for description of sessions A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kstreams.store/retention Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.store`" (^SessionWindowedKStream [grouped-stream interval] (window-by-session grouped-stream interval nil)) (^SessionWindowedKStream [^KGroupedStream grouped-stream interval options] (.windowedBy grouped-stream (K.-interop.java/session-windows interval options)))) (defn reduce-values "Returns a new table aggregating values for each key of the given grouped stream. A map of standard table options may be given (cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.table`). Ex. (reduce-values grouped-stream (fn reduce [aggregated k v] (+ aggregated v)) (fn seed [] 0))" (^KTable [grouped-stream fn-reduce fn-seed] (reduce-values grouped-stream fn-reduce fn-seed nil)) (^KTable [^KGroupedStream grouped-stream fn-reduce fn-seed options] (.aggregate grouped-stream (K.-interop.java/initializer fn-seed) (K.-interop.java/aggregator fn-reduce) (K.-interop.java/materialized--kv options)))) (defn reduce-windows "Returns a new table aggregating values for each time window of each key of the given time-windowed stream. Cf. `reduce-values` A map of standard table options may be given (cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.table`)." (^KTable [time-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-seed] (reduce-windows time-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-seed nil)) (^KTable [^TimeWindowedKStream time-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-seed options] (.aggregate time-windowed-stream (K.-interop.java/initializer fn-seed) (K.-interop.java/aggregator fn-reduce) (K.-interop.java/materialized--by-name options)))) (defn reduce-sessions "Returns a new table aggregating values for each session of each key for the given session-windowed stream. Sessions might merge, hence the need for a function being able to do so. A map of standard table options may be given (cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.table`). Ex. (reduce-sessions grouped-stream (fn reduce [aggregated k v] (+ aggregated v)) (fn merge [aggregated-session-1 aggregated-session-2 k] (+ aggregated-session-1 aggregated-session-2)) (fn seed [] 0))" (^KTable [session-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-merge fn-seed] (reduce-sessions session-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-merge fn-seed nil)) (^KTable [^SessionWindowedKStream session-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-merge fn-seed options] (.aggregate session-windowed-stream (K.-interop.java/initializer fn-seed) (K.-interop.java/aggregator fn-reduce) (K.-interop.java/merger fn-merge) (K.-interop.java/materialized--by-name options)))) Transitions (defn through-topic "Sends each record of the given stream to a given topic and then continue streaming. Useful when the stream was marked for repartioning. Streaming to a chosen topic before a stateful operation will avoid automatic repartioning. A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.value :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.value Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of serializers and deserializers. :dvlopt.kstreams/select-partition Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder`" (^KStream [stream topic] (through-topic stream topic nil)) (^KStream [^KStream stream ^String topic options] (.through stream topic (K.-interop.java/produced options)))) (defn do-kv "For each key-value, do a side-effect and then continue streaming. Side effects cannot be tracked by Kafka, hence they do not benefit from Kafka's processing garantees. Ex. (do-kv stream (fn [k v] (println :key k :value v)))" ^KStream [^KStream stream f] (.peek stream (K.-interop.java/foreach-action f))) ;;;;;;;;;; Terminating streams (defn sink-process "Marks the end of the given stream by processing each record with a low-level processor. Returns nil. A map of options may be given, just like in `process`." (^KStream [stream processor] (process stream processor nil)) (^KStream [^KStream stream processor options] (.process stream (K.-interop.java/processor-supplier processor) (into-array String (::KS.store/names options))))) (defn sink-topic "Marks the end of the given stream by sending each key-value to a chosen topic. In this case, topic might be either : - [:always TopicName] Where TopicName is the name of the unique topic the records will always be sent to. - [:select (fn [record])] Where the function is used to dynamically select a topic. All the values in the provided record refer to what is known about the original record sourced from Kafka. As such, even ::topic might be missing. Returns nil. A map of options may be given, the same one as for `through-topic`." ([stream topic] (sink-topic stream topic nil)) ([^KStream stream topic options] (let [options' (K.-interop.java/produced options) [type target] topic] (condp identical? type :always (.to stream ^String target options') :select (.to stream (K.-interop.java/topic-name-extractor target) options'))))) (defn sink-do "Marks the end of the given stream by doing a side-effect for each key-value. Side effects cannot be tracked by Kafka, hence they do not benefit from Kafka's processing garantees. Returns nil. Ex. (sink-do stream (fn [k v] (println :key k :value v)))" [^KStream stream f] (.foreach stream (K.-interop.java/foreach-action f)))
Transformations The key is an ip address mapped to a country and the value is a collection mapped to its The key is an ip address mapped to a country. The value is a collection mapped to its number of items. The value is a list of tokens and we want to count them individually so that we end up with Joins Enrich a stream of users by adding the most popular song of the country they are from. 8 ) , [ 6;11 ) , ... 10 ) , [ 10;15 ) , ... Terminating streams
(ns dvlopt.kstreams.stream "Kafka Streams' abstraction of streams. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` for the big picture and details A stream can be transformed by various functions. Those functions returns themselves a new stream representing the transformation. Hence, a single stream can be used for the base of more than one transformation. The values of a stream can be aggregated. Prior to this, it needs to be grouped by using the `group-by` or `group-by-key` function from this namespace. If needed, a grouped stream can then be windowed by fixed time intervals or by sessions. Then, an appropriate `reduce-*` function can be used to perform the aggregation which always result in a table. A whole variety of joins between a stream and anything else are available." {:author "Adam Helinski"} (:refer-clojure :exclude [group-by]) (:require [dvlopt.kafka.-interop.java :as K.-interop.java] [dvlopt.kstreams.store :as KS.store]) (:import (org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream GlobalKTable KeyValueMapper KGroupedStream KStream KTable Predicate SessionWindowedKStream TimeWindowedKStream))) (defn branch "Given a list of predicate functions, returns a vector of new corresponding streams such that as soon as a key-value from the original stream returns true on a predicate, it is sent to the corresponding stream (and only that one). A record is dropped if it matches no predicate. Divives a stream into 3 new streams containing respectively : red values , : black ones , and any other ones . (branch stream [(fn only-red [k v] (= v :red)) (fn only-black [k v] (= v :black)) (fn other [k v] true)])" [^KStream stream predicates] (into [] (.branch stream (into-array Predicate (map K.-interop.java/predicate predicates))))) (defn merge-stream "Returns a new stream merging the two given ones. There is no guarantee about the ordering of the records between streams. However, order is preserved for each stream." ^KStream [^KStream stream ^KStream other-stream] (.merge stream other-stream)) (defn filter-kv "Returns a new stream filtering out key-values from the given one. Keeps values greater than or equal to 42 . (filter-kv stream (fn [k v] (>= v 42)))" ^KStream [^KStream stream predicate] (.filter stream (K.-interop.java/predicate predicate))) (defn map-kv "Returns a new stream mapping key-values from the given one. Marks the resulting stream for repartioning. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` number of items. (map-kv stream (fn [k v] [(country-from-ip k) (count v)]))" ^KStream [^KStream stream f] (.map stream (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper f))) (defn map-keys "Returns a new stream efficiently mapping keys from the given one. Marks the resulting stream for repartioning. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` (map-keys stream (fn [k v] (country-from-ip k)))" ^KStream [^KStream stream f] (.selectKey stream (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--raw f))) (defn map-values "Returns a new stream efficiently mapping values from the given one. Unlike other mapping functions, does not mark the resulting stream for repartioning as the keys remain intact. (map-values stream (fn [k v] (count v)))" ^KStream [^KStream kstream f] (.mapValues kstream (K.-interop.java/value-mapper-with-key f))) (defn fmap-kv "Returns a new stream mapping key-values from the given one into a collection of [key value]'s (or nil). Marks the resulting stream for repartioning. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` a collection where the key is a unique token and the value is its count. (fmap-kv stream (fn [k v] (reduce (fn [hmap token] (assoc hmap token (inc (get hmap token 0)))) {} v)))" ^KStream [^KStream kstream f] (.flatMap kstream (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--flat f))) (defn fmap-values "Returns a new stream mapping values from the given one into a collection of values (or nil). Unlike `fmap-kv`, does not mark the resulting stream for repartioning as the keys remain intact. The value is a list we want to split into individual items while filtering out nils . (fmap-values stream (fn [k v] (filter some? v)))" ^KStream [^KStream kstream f] (.flatMapValues kstream (K.-interop.java/value-mapper-with-key f))) (defn process "Returns a new stream processing the records from the given one using a low-level processor. For when the high-level API is not enough. It is typically used for an `fmap-kv` like behavior involving some state. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.topology/add-processor` :dvlopt.kstreams/processor.on-record may be used to explicitly forward records using the associated context. Marks the topic for repartioning. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kstreams.store/names List of state store names previously added to the underlying builder this processor need to access. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder/add-store`" (^KStream [stream processor] (process stream processor nil)) (^KStream [^KStream stream processor options] (.transform stream (K.-interop.java/transformer-supplier processor) (into-array String (::KS.store/names options))))) (defn process-values "Returns a new stream efficiently proccessing the values of the given one using a low-level processor. Unlike `process`, does not mark the resulting stream for repartioning as the keys remain intact. Also, because this function is about processing values, there is no point forwarding records using the associated context so doing so will throw an exception. Rather, the library maps the original value of the records to the value returned by :dvlopt.kstreams/processor.on-record (which may be nil). It is typically used when some state is needed. A map of options may be given, just like in `process`." (^KStream [stream processor] (process-values stream processor nil)) (^KStream [^KStream stream processor options] (.transformValues stream (K.-interop.java/value-transformer-with-key-supplier processor) ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" (into-array String (::KS.store/names options))))) (defn join-with-stream "Returns a new stream inner joining values from both given streams every time : a) They shares the same key. b) The difference in the timestamps of both records is <= the given interval. Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for descriptions of time intervals. Hence, for the same key, several joins might happen within a single interval. Records with a nil key or nil value are ignored. Input streams are repartitioned if they were marked for repartitioning and a store will be generated for each of them. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` for requirements related to joins A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.key :dvlopt.kstreams/left :dvlopt.kstreams/right Maps which may contain value ser/de : :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.value :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.value Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of serializers and deserializers. :dvlopt.kstreams.store/retention Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.store` Ex. (join-with-stream left-stream right-stream (fn [v-left v-right] (str \"left = \" v-left \"and right = \" v-right)) [2 :seconds])" (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval] (join-with-stream left-stream right-stream f interval nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval options] (.join left-stream right-stream (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/join-windows interval options) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn left-join-with-stream "Exactly like `join-with-stream` but the join is triggered even if there is no record with the same key yet in the right stream for a given time window. In such case, the right value provided for the join is nil." (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval] (left-join-with-stream left-stream right-stream f interval nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval options] (.leftJoin left-stream right-stream (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/join-windows interval options) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn outer-join-with-stream "Exactly like `join-with-stream` but the join is triggered even if there is no record with the same key yet in the other stream for a given time window. In such case, the value provided for this side of the join is nil." (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval] (outer-join-with-stream left-stream right-stream f interval nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KStream right-stream f interval options] (.outerJoin left-stream right-stream (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/join-windows interval options) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn join-with-table "Returns a new stream inner joining the given stream with the given table. The join is triggered everytime a new record arrives in the stream and the table contains the key of this record. This is very useful for enriching a stream with some up-to-date information. Records from the input stream with a nil key or value are ignored. Records from the input table with a nil value removes the corresponding key from this table. The input stream is repartioned if it was marked for repartioning. A map of options may be given, just like in `join-with-stream`. Ex. (join-with-table stream table (fn [v-stream v-table] (assoc v-stream :last-known-location (:location v-table))))" (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KTable right-table f] (join-with-table left-stream right-table f nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KTable right-table f options] (.join left-stream right-table (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn left-join-with-table "Exactly like `join-with-table` but the join is triggered even if the table does contain the key. In such case, the right value supplied during the join in nil." (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KTable right-table f] (left-join-with-table left-stream right-table f nil)) (^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^KTable right-table f options] (.leftJoin left-stream right-table (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f) (K.-interop.java/joined options)))) (defn join-with-global-table "Similar to `join-with-table` but offers the following : - Data need not to be co-partitioned. - More efficient when a regular table is skewed (some partitions are heavily populated, some not). - Typically more efficient that performing several joins in order to reach the same result. - Allows for joining on a different key. Each record of the input stream is mapped to a new key which triggers a join if the global table contains that mapped key. The value resulting from the join is associated with the key of the original record. Records from the input stream with a nil key or value are ignored. Records from the global table with a nil value removes the corresponding key from this global table. The input stream is repartitioned if it was marked for repartitioning. (join-with-global-table stream global-table (fn map-k [k v] (:country v)) (fn join [v-stream v-global-table] (assoc v-stream :song (first (:top-10 v-global-table)))))" ^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^GlobalKTable right-global-table f-map-k f-join] (.join left-stream right-global-table (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--raw f-map-k) (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f-join))) (defn left-join-with-global-table "Exactly like `join-with-global-table` but the join is triggered even if the global table does not contain the mapped key. In such case, the right value supplied during the join is nil." ^KStream [^KStream left-stream ^GlobalKTable right-global-table f-map-k f-join] (.leftJoin left-stream right-global-table (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--raw f-map-k) (K.-interop.java/value-joiner f-join))) Grouping , windowing and aggregating (defn group-by "Returns a new grouped stream grouping values based on a chosen key. Drops records leading to a nil chosen key. Because a new key is explicitly selected, the data is repartioned. Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` about repartioning. A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.value :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.value Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of deserializers :dvlopt.kstreams/repartition-name Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder` section \"State and repartitioning\" Ex. (group-by stream (fn by-country [k v] (:country v)))" (^KGroupedStream [stream f] (group-by stream f nil)) (^KGroupedStream [^KStream kstream f options] (.groupBy kstream (K.-interop.java/key-value-mapper--raw f) (K.-interop.java/grouped options)))) (defn group-by-key "Exactly like `group-by` but groups directly by the original key than a selected one. Unless the stream was marked for repartioning, this function will not repartition it as keys remain intact." (^KGroupedStream [^KStream stream] (group-by-key stream nil)) (^KGroupedStream [^KStream stream options] (.groupByKey stream (K.-interop.java/serialized options)))) (defn window "Returns a new time windowed stream windowing values by a fixed time interval for each key of the given grouped stream. A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kstreams.store/retention Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.store` ::interval.type Fixed time windows can behave in 3 fashions : :hopping Hopping windows of interval I advance by sub-interval J <= I and are aligned to the epoch, meaning they always start at time 0. The lower bound is inclusive and upper bound is exclusive. Ex. I = 5 seconds, J = 3 seconds (thus every window overlaps with its neighbor by 2 seconds) :tumbling (default) Tumbling windows are simply non-overlapping hopping windows (ie. I = J). :sliding Sliding windows are aligned to the timestamps of the records and not the epoch. Two records are said to be part of the same sliding window if the difference of their timestamps <= I, where both the lower and upper bound are inclusive. Windows of type :hopping accepts the following additional option : ::advance-by The J sub-interval. Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of time intervals. `dvlopt.kstreams.store` for description of time windows. Windows of 5 seconds advancing by 3 seconds ( thus overlapping 2 seconds ) . (window grouped-stream [5 :seconds] {::interval.type :hopping ::advance-by [3 :seconds]})" (^TimeWindowedKStream [grouped-stream interval] (window grouped-stream interval nil)) (^TimeWindowedKStream [^KGroupedStream grouped-stream interval options] (.windowedBy grouped-stream (K.-interop.java/time-windows interval options)))) (defn window-by-session "Returns a new session windowed stream windowing values by sessions for each key of the given grouped stream. Sessions are non-fixed intervals of activity between fixed intervals of inactivity. Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of time intervals Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.store` for description of sessions A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kstreams.store/retention Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.store`" (^SessionWindowedKStream [grouped-stream interval] (window-by-session grouped-stream interval nil)) (^SessionWindowedKStream [^KGroupedStream grouped-stream interval options] (.windowedBy grouped-stream (K.-interop.java/session-windows interval options)))) (defn reduce-values "Returns a new table aggregating values for each key of the given grouped stream. A map of standard table options may be given (cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.table`). Ex. (reduce-values grouped-stream (fn reduce [aggregated k v] (+ aggregated v)) (fn seed [] 0))" (^KTable [grouped-stream fn-reduce fn-seed] (reduce-values grouped-stream fn-reduce fn-seed nil)) (^KTable [^KGroupedStream grouped-stream fn-reduce fn-seed options] (.aggregate grouped-stream (K.-interop.java/initializer fn-seed) (K.-interop.java/aggregator fn-reduce) (K.-interop.java/materialized--kv options)))) (defn reduce-windows "Returns a new table aggregating values for each time window of each key of the given time-windowed stream. Cf. `reduce-values` A map of standard table options may be given (cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.table`)." (^KTable [time-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-seed] (reduce-windows time-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-seed nil)) (^KTable [^TimeWindowedKStream time-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-seed options] (.aggregate time-windowed-stream (K.-interop.java/initializer fn-seed) (K.-interop.java/aggregator fn-reduce) (K.-interop.java/materialized--by-name options)))) (defn reduce-sessions "Returns a new table aggregating values for each session of each key for the given session-windowed stream. Sessions might merge, hence the need for a function being able to do so. A map of standard table options may be given (cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.table`). Ex. (reduce-sessions grouped-stream (fn reduce [aggregated k v] (+ aggregated v)) (fn merge [aggregated-session-1 aggregated-session-2 k] (+ aggregated-session-1 aggregated-session-2)) (fn seed [] 0))" (^KTable [session-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-merge fn-seed] (reduce-sessions session-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-merge fn-seed nil)) (^KTable [^SessionWindowedKStream session-windowed-stream fn-reduce fn-merge fn-seed options] (.aggregate session-windowed-stream (K.-interop.java/initializer fn-seed) (K.-interop.java/aggregator fn-reduce) (K.-interop.java/merger fn-merge) (K.-interop.java/materialized--by-name options)))) Transitions (defn through-topic "Sends each record of the given stream to a given topic and then continue streaming. Useful when the stream was marked for repartioning. Streaming to a chosen topic before a stateful operation will avoid automatic repartioning. A map of options may be given : :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/deserializer.value :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.key :dvlopt.kafka/serializer.value Cf. `dvlopt.kafka` for description of serializers and deserializers. :dvlopt.kstreams/select-partition Cf. `dvlopt.kstreams.builder`" (^KStream [stream topic] (through-topic stream topic nil)) (^KStream [^KStream stream ^String topic options] (.through stream topic (K.-interop.java/produced options)))) (defn do-kv "For each key-value, do a side-effect and then continue streaming. Side effects cannot be tracked by Kafka, hence they do not benefit from Kafka's processing garantees. Ex. (do-kv stream (fn [k v] (println :key k :value v)))" ^KStream [^KStream stream f] (.peek stream (K.-interop.java/foreach-action f))) (defn sink-process "Marks the end of the given stream by processing each record with a low-level processor. Returns nil. A map of options may be given, just like in `process`." (^KStream [stream processor] (process stream processor nil)) (^KStream [^KStream stream processor options] (.process stream (K.-interop.java/processor-supplier processor) (into-array String (::KS.store/names options))))) (defn sink-topic "Marks the end of the given stream by sending each key-value to a chosen topic. In this case, topic might be either : - [:always TopicName] Where TopicName is the name of the unique topic the records will always be sent to. - [:select (fn [record])] Where the function is used to dynamically select a topic. All the values in the provided record refer to what is known about the original record sourced from Kafka. As such, even ::topic might be missing. Returns nil. A map of options may be given, the same one as for `through-topic`." ([stream topic] (sink-topic stream topic nil)) ([^KStream stream topic options] (let [options' (K.-interop.java/produced options) [type target] topic] (condp identical? type :always (.to stream ^String target options') :select (.to stream (K.-interop.java/topic-name-extractor target) options'))))) (defn sink-do "Marks the end of the given stream by doing a side-effect for each key-value. Side effects cannot be tracked by Kafka, hence they do not benefit from Kafka's processing garantees. Returns nil. Ex. (sink-do stream (fn [k v] (println :key k :value v)))" [^KStream stream f] (.foreach stream (K.-interop.java/foreach-action f)))
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} # LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable # # LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} # LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude # module P.Maybe.Strict ( Maybe'(..) , fromMaybe' , fromMaybeM' , isJust' , isNothing' , maybe' ) where import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..)) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..), rnf) import Control.Monad (Monad(..), MonadPlus(..)) import Data.Bool (Bool(..)) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Eq (Eq) import Data.Foldable (Foldable) import Data.Function (flip) import Data.Functor (Functor(..)) import Data.Ord (Ord) import Data.Traversable (Traversable) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Text.Show (Show) import Text.Read (Read) -- | Strict version of 'Data.Maybe.Maybe'. data Maybe' a = Just' !a | Nothing' deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data, Typeable) instance Functor Maybe' where fmap _ Nothing' = Nothing' fmap f (Just' x) = Just' (f x) instance Applicative Maybe' where pure = Just' Just' f <*> m = fmap f m Nothing' <*> _m = Nothing' Just' _m1 *> m2 = m2 Nothing' *> _m2 = Nothing' instance Alternative Maybe' where empty = Nothing' (<|>) l r = case l of Nothing' -> r Just' _ -> l instance MonadPlus Maybe' where mzero = empty mplus = (<|>) -- | Not technically a monad due to bottom, but included anyway as we don't -- use partial functions. instance Monad Maybe' where (Just' x) >>= k = k x Nothing' >>= _ = Nothing' (>>) = (*>) return = Just' fail _ = Nothing' instance NFData a => NFData (Maybe' a) where rnf Nothing' = () rnf (Just' x) = rnf x maybe' :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe' a -> b maybe' n _ Nothing' = n maybe' _ f (Just' x) = f x isJust' :: Maybe' a -> Bool isJust' Nothing' = False isJust' (Just' _) = True isNothing' :: Maybe' a -> Bool isNothing' Nothing' = True isNothing' (Just' _) = False fromMaybe' :: a -> Maybe' a -> a fromMaybe' x Nothing' = x fromMaybe' _ (Just' y) = y fromMaybeM' :: Applicative f => f a -> Maybe' a -> f a fromMaybeM' = flip maybe' pure
# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable # # LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable # | Strict version of 'Data.Maybe.Maybe'. | Not technically a monad due to bottom, but included anyway as we don't use partial functions.
# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable # # LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude # module P.Maybe.Strict ( Maybe'(..) , fromMaybe' , fromMaybeM' , isJust' , isNothing' , maybe' ) where import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..)) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..), rnf) import Control.Monad (Monad(..), MonadPlus(..)) import Data.Bool (Bool(..)) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Eq (Eq) import Data.Foldable (Foldable) import Data.Function (flip) import Data.Functor (Functor(..)) import Data.Ord (Ord) import Data.Traversable (Traversable) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Text.Show (Show) import Text.Read (Read) data Maybe' a = Just' !a | Nothing' deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Data, Typeable) instance Functor Maybe' where fmap _ Nothing' = Nothing' fmap f (Just' x) = Just' (f x) instance Applicative Maybe' where pure = Just' Just' f <*> m = fmap f m Nothing' <*> _m = Nothing' Just' _m1 *> m2 = m2 Nothing' *> _m2 = Nothing' instance Alternative Maybe' where empty = Nothing' (<|>) l r = case l of Nothing' -> r Just' _ -> l instance MonadPlus Maybe' where mzero = empty mplus = (<|>) instance Monad Maybe' where (Just' x) >>= k = k x Nothing' >>= _ = Nothing' (>>) = (*>) return = Just' fail _ = Nothing' instance NFData a => NFData (Maybe' a) where rnf Nothing' = () rnf (Just' x) = rnf x maybe' :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe' a -> b maybe' n _ Nothing' = n maybe' _ f (Just' x) = f x isJust' :: Maybe' a -> Bool isJust' Nothing' = False isJust' (Just' _) = True isNothing' :: Maybe' a -> Bool isNothing' Nothing' = True isNothing' (Just' _) = False fromMaybe' :: a -> Maybe' a -> a fromMaybe' x Nothing' = x fromMaybe' _ (Just' y) = y fromMaybeM' :: Applicative f => f a -> Maybe' a -> f a fromMaybeM' = flip maybe' pure
open Term open Libnames open Coqlib open Environ open Pp open Evd open Decl_kinds open Topconstr open Rawterm open Util open Evarutil open Names open Sign val ($) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b val contrib_name : string val subtac_dir : string list val fix_sub_module : string val fixsub_module : string list val init_constant : string list -> string -> constr val init_reference : string list -> string -> global_reference val fixsub : constr lazy_t val well_founded_ref : global_reference lazy_t val acc_ref : global_reference lazy_t val acc_inv_ref : global_reference lazy_t val fix_sub_ref : global_reference lazy_t val fix_measure_sub_ref : global_reference lazy_t val lt_ref : global_reference lazy_t val lt_wf_ref : global_reference lazy_t val refl_ref : global_reference lazy_t val sig_ref : reference val proj1_sig_ref : reference val proj2_sig_ref : reference val build_sig : unit -> coq_sigma_data val sig_ : coq_sigma_data lazy_t val eq_ind : constr lazy_t val eq_rec : constr lazy_t val eq_rect : constr lazy_t val eq_refl : constr lazy_t val not_ref : constr lazy_t val and_typ : constr lazy_t val eqdep_ind : constr lazy_t val eqdep_rec : constr lazy_t val jmeq_ind : unit -> constr val jmeq_rec : unit -> constr val jmeq_refl : unit -> constr val boolind : constr lazy_t val sumboolind : constr lazy_t val natind : constr lazy_t val intind : constr lazy_t val existSind : constr lazy_t val existS : coq_sigma_data lazy_t val prod : coq_sigma_data lazy_t val well_founded : constr lazy_t val fix : constr lazy_t val acc : constr lazy_t val acc_inv : constr lazy_t val extconstr : constr -> constr_expr val extsort : sorts -> constr_expr val my_print_constr : env -> constr -> std_ppcmds val my_print_constr_expr : constr_expr -> std_ppcmds val my_print_evardefs : evar_defs -> std_ppcmds val my_print_context : env -> std_ppcmds val my_print_rel_context : env -> rel_context -> std_ppcmds val my_print_named_context : env -> std_ppcmds val my_print_env : env -> std_ppcmds val my_print_rawconstr : env -> rawconstr -> std_ppcmds val my_print_tycon_type : env -> type_constraint_type -> std_ppcmds val debug : int -> std_ppcmds -> unit val debug_msg : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds val trace : std_ppcmds -> unit val wf_relations : (constr, constr lazy_t) Hashtbl.t type binders = local_binder list val app_opt : ('a -> 'a) option -> 'a -> 'a val print_args : env -> constr array -> std_ppcmds val make_existential : loc -> ?opaque:obligation_definition_status -> env -> evar_defs ref -> types -> constr val make_existential_expr : loc -> 'a -> 'b -> constr_expr val string_of_hole_kind : hole_kind -> string val evars_of_term : evar_map -> evar_map -> constr -> evar_map val non_instanciated_map : env -> evar_defs ref -> evar_map -> evar_map val global_kind : logical_kind val goal_kind : locality * goal_object_kind val global_proof_kind : logical_kind val goal_proof_kind : locality * goal_object_kind val global_fix_kind : logical_kind val goal_fix_kind : locality * goal_object_kind val mkSubset : name -> constr -> constr -> constr val mkProj1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr val mkProj1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr val mk_ex_pi1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr val mk_ex_pi1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr val mk_eq : types -> constr -> constr -> types val mk_eq_refl : types -> constr -> constr val mk_JMeq : types -> constr -> types -> constr -> types val mk_JMeq_refl : types -> constr -> constr val mk_conj : types list -> types val mk_not : types -> types val build_dependent_sum : (identifier * types) list -> Proof_type.tactic * types val and_tac : (identifier * 'a * constr * Proof_type.tactic) list -> ((constr -> (identifier * 'a * constr * constr) list) -> Tacexpr.declaration_hook) -> unit val destruct_ex : constr -> constr -> constr list val id_of_name : name -> identifier val definition_message : identifier -> std_ppcmds val recursive_message : constant array -> std_ppcmds val print_message : std_ppcmds -> unit val solve_by_tac : evar_info -> Tacmach.tactic -> constr val string_of_list : string -> ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string val string_of_intset : Intset.t -> string val pr_evar_defs : evar_defs -> Pp.std_ppcmds val tactics_call : string -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_arg list -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr val pp_list : ('a -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> 'a list -> Pp.std_ppcmds
open Term open Libnames open Coqlib open Environ open Pp open Evd open Decl_kinds open Topconstr open Rawterm open Util open Evarutil open Names open Sign val ($) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b val contrib_name : string val subtac_dir : string list val fix_sub_module : string val fixsub_module : string list val init_constant : string list -> string -> constr val init_reference : string list -> string -> global_reference val fixsub : constr lazy_t val well_founded_ref : global_reference lazy_t val acc_ref : global_reference lazy_t val acc_inv_ref : global_reference lazy_t val fix_sub_ref : global_reference lazy_t val fix_measure_sub_ref : global_reference lazy_t val lt_ref : global_reference lazy_t val lt_wf_ref : global_reference lazy_t val refl_ref : global_reference lazy_t val sig_ref : reference val proj1_sig_ref : reference val proj2_sig_ref : reference val build_sig : unit -> coq_sigma_data val sig_ : coq_sigma_data lazy_t val eq_ind : constr lazy_t val eq_rec : constr lazy_t val eq_rect : constr lazy_t val eq_refl : constr lazy_t val not_ref : constr lazy_t val and_typ : constr lazy_t val eqdep_ind : constr lazy_t val eqdep_rec : constr lazy_t val jmeq_ind : unit -> constr val jmeq_rec : unit -> constr val jmeq_refl : unit -> constr val boolind : constr lazy_t val sumboolind : constr lazy_t val natind : constr lazy_t val intind : constr lazy_t val existSind : constr lazy_t val existS : coq_sigma_data lazy_t val prod : coq_sigma_data lazy_t val well_founded : constr lazy_t val fix : constr lazy_t val acc : constr lazy_t val acc_inv : constr lazy_t val extconstr : constr -> constr_expr val extsort : sorts -> constr_expr val my_print_constr : env -> constr -> std_ppcmds val my_print_constr_expr : constr_expr -> std_ppcmds val my_print_evardefs : evar_defs -> std_ppcmds val my_print_context : env -> std_ppcmds val my_print_rel_context : env -> rel_context -> std_ppcmds val my_print_named_context : env -> std_ppcmds val my_print_env : env -> std_ppcmds val my_print_rawconstr : env -> rawconstr -> std_ppcmds val my_print_tycon_type : env -> type_constraint_type -> std_ppcmds val debug : int -> std_ppcmds -> unit val debug_msg : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds val trace : std_ppcmds -> unit val wf_relations : (constr, constr lazy_t) Hashtbl.t type binders = local_binder list val app_opt : ('a -> 'a) option -> 'a -> 'a val print_args : env -> constr array -> std_ppcmds val make_existential : loc -> ?opaque:obligation_definition_status -> env -> evar_defs ref -> types -> constr val make_existential_expr : loc -> 'a -> 'b -> constr_expr val string_of_hole_kind : hole_kind -> string val evars_of_term : evar_map -> evar_map -> constr -> evar_map val non_instanciated_map : env -> evar_defs ref -> evar_map -> evar_map val global_kind : logical_kind val goal_kind : locality * goal_object_kind val global_proof_kind : logical_kind val goal_proof_kind : locality * goal_object_kind val global_fix_kind : logical_kind val goal_fix_kind : locality * goal_object_kind val mkSubset : name -> constr -> constr -> constr val mkProj1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr val mkProj1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr val mk_ex_pi1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr val mk_ex_pi1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr val mk_eq : types -> constr -> constr -> types val mk_eq_refl : types -> constr -> constr val mk_JMeq : types -> constr -> types -> constr -> types val mk_JMeq_refl : types -> constr -> constr val mk_conj : types list -> types val mk_not : types -> types val build_dependent_sum : (identifier * types) list -> Proof_type.tactic * types val and_tac : (identifier * 'a * constr * Proof_type.tactic) list -> ((constr -> (identifier * 'a * constr * constr) list) -> Tacexpr.declaration_hook) -> unit val destruct_ex : constr -> constr -> constr list val id_of_name : name -> identifier val definition_message : identifier -> std_ppcmds val recursive_message : constant array -> std_ppcmds val print_message : std_ppcmds -> unit val solve_by_tac : evar_info -> Tacmach.tactic -> constr val string_of_list : string -> ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string val string_of_intset : Intset.t -> string val pr_evar_defs : evar_defs -> Pp.std_ppcmds val tactics_call : string -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_arg list -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr val pp_list : ('a -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> 'a list -> Pp.std_ppcmds
let a = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa let b = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvvbbb bbbvvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
let a = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa let b = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvvbbb bbbvvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
(ns sc-one (:use [overtone.live])) page 4 play({SinOsc.ar(LFNoise0.kr(12 , mul : 600 , add : 1000 ) , 0.3 ) } ) (demo 10 (sin-osc (+ 1000 (* 600 (lf-noise0:kr 12))) 0.3)) ;;;;;;;; page 5 play({RLPF.ar(Dust.ar([12 , 15 ] ) , LFNoise1.ar(1/[3,4 ] , 1500 , 1600 ) , 0.02 ) } ) (demo 10 (rlpf (dust [12 15]) (+ 1600 (* 1500 (lf-noise1 [1/3, 1/4]))) 0.02 )) Page 6 ///////////// Figure 1.1 Example of additive synthesis ;; ;;play({ var sines = 5 , speed = 6 ; ;; Mix.fill(sines, ;; {arg x; ;; Pan2.ar( SinOsc.ar(x+1 * 100 , ;; mul: max(0, ;; LFNoise1.kr(speed) + Line.kr(1 , -1 , 30 ) ;; ) ;; ), rand2(1.0))})/sines}) ;; ;;///////////// (demo 2 (let [sines 5 speed 6] (* (mix (map #(pan2 (* (sin-osc (* % 100)) (max 0 (+ (lf-noise1:kr speed) (line:kr 1 -1 30)))) (- (clojure.core/rand 2) 1)) (range sines))) (/ 1 sines)))) Page 10 ///////////// Figure 1.3 Fortuitous futuristic nested music . ;; ;;( ;;play( ;; { ;; CombN.ar( ;; SinOsc.ar( ;; midicps( LFNoise1.ar(3 , 24 , LFSaw.ar([5 , 5.123 ] , 0 , 3 , 80 ) ;; ) ;; ), 0 , 0.4 ) , 1 , 0.3 , 2 ) ;; } ;;) ;;) ;; ;;///////////// (demo 10 (let [noise (lf-noise1 3) saws (mul-add (lf-saw [5 5.123]) 3 80) freq (midicps (mul-add noise 24 saws)) src (* 0.4 (sin-osc freq))] (comb-n src 1 0.3 2))) ;;;;;;;;; Pages 15 - 16 ( PMOsc.ar(440 , MouseY.kr(1 , 550 ) , MouseX.kr(1 , 15))}.play { PMOsc.ar(100 , 500 , 10 , 0 , 0.5)}.play ;; is n't an actual ugen , it 's actually a pseudo ugen defined for backwards ;;compatibility with older scsynth implementations. Its definition is as follows: { ;; * ar { arg , , pmindex=0.0,modphase=0.0,mul=1.0,add=0.0 ; ^SinOsc.ar(carfreq , SinOsc.ar(modfreq , modphase , pmindex),mul , add ) ;; } ;; * kr { arg carfreq , , pmindex=0.0,modphase=0.0,mul=1.0,add=0.0 ; ^SinOsc.kr(carfreq , SinOsc.kr(modfreq , modphase , pmindex),mul , add ) ;; } ;; ;;} (demo (* 0.5 (sin-osc 100 (* 10 (sin-osc 500 0))))) ;;we can use the pm-osc cgen provided by overtone: (demo (* 0.5 (pm-osc 100 500 10 0))) (demo 10 (pm-osc 440 (mouse-y:kr 1 550) (mouse-x:kr 1 15))) Page 17 ///////////// Figure 1.4 VCO , VCF , VCA ;; ;;( ;;{ ;; Blip.ar( ;; TRand.kr( // frequency or VCO 100 , 1000 , // range Impulse.kr(Line.kr(1 , 20 , 60 ) ) ) , // trigger TRand.kr ( // number of harmonics or VCF 1 , 10 , // range Impulse.kr(Line.kr(1 , 20 , 60 ) ) ) , // trigger Linen.kr ( // , or amplitude , VCA Impulse.kr(Line.kr(1 , 20 , 60 ) ) , // trigger ;; 0, // attack 0.5 , // sustain level 1 / Line.kr(1 , 20 , 60 ) ) // trigger ;; ) ;;}.play ;;) ;; ;;///////////// (demo 10 (let [trigger (line:kr :start 1, :end 20, :dur 60) freq (t-rand:kr :lo 100, :hi 1000, :trig (impulse:kr trigger)) num-harmonics (t-rand:kr :lo 1, :hi 10, :trig (impulse:kr trigger)) amp (linen:kr :gate (impulse:kr trigger) :attack-time 0, :sus-level 0.5, :release-time (/ 1 trigger))] (* amp (blip freq num-harmonics)))) ;;;;;;;;; page 19 ;; ;; ;;( ;;{ r = , 10 ) ; SinOsc.ar(mul : ) , 0 , 1 , 1 / r ) ) ;;}.play ;;) (demo 10 (let [rate (mouse-x (/ 1 3) 10) amp (linen:kr :gate (impulse:kr rate), :attack-time 0, :sus-level 1, :release-time (/ 1 rate))] (* amp (sin-osc)))) ///////////// Example 1.5 Synthesis example with variables and statements ;; ;;( // run this first ;;p = { // make p equal to this function r = Line.kr(1 , 20 , 60 ) ; // rate // r = LFTri.kr(1/10 ) * 3 + 7 ; ;;t = Impulse.kr(r); // trigger ;;// t = Dust.kr(r); e = Linen.kr(t , 0 , 0.5 , 1 / r ) ; // envelope uses r and t f = TRand.kr(1 , 10 , t ) ; // triggered random also uses t // f = e + 1 * 4 ; , f , e ) // f , and e used in Blip ;;}.play ;;) ;; ;;p.free; // run this to stop it ;; ///////////// Figure 1.6 Phase modulation with modulator as ratio (demo 10 (let [r (line:kr :start 1, :end 20, :dur 60) r ( + 7 ( * 3 ( lf - tri : kr 0.1 ) ) ) t (impulse:kr r) ;;t (dust:kr r) e (linen:kr :gate t, :attack-time 0, :sus-level 0.5, :release-time (/ 1 r)) f (t-rand:kr :lo 1, :hi 10, :trig t) f ( * 4 ( + 1 e ) ) ] (* e (blip :freq (* f 100), :numharm f)))) Page 21 ///////////// Figure 1.6 Phase modulation with modulator as ratio ;; ;;( ;;{ // carrier and modulator not linked ;; r = Impulse.kr(10); c = TRand.kr(100 , 5000 , r ) ; m = TRand.kr(100 , 5000 , r ) ; PMOsc.ar(c , m , 12)*0.3 ;;}.play ;;) ;; ;;( ;;{ var rate = 4 , carrier , modRatio ; // declare variables carrier = LFNoise0.kr(rate ) * 500 + 700 ; ;; modRatio = MouseX.kr(1, 2.0); ;; // modulator expressed as ratio, therefore timbre PMOsc.ar(carrier , carrier*modRatio , 12)*0.3 ;;}.play ;;) ;; ;;///////////// (demo 10 (let [r (impulse:kr 10) c (t-rand:kr :lo 100, :hi 5000, :trig r) m (t-rand:kr :lo 100, :hi 5000, :trig r)] (* [0.3 0.3] (pm-osc c m 12 0)))) (demo 10 (let [rate 4 carrier (+ 700 (* 500 (lf-noise0:kr rate))) mod-ratio (mouse-x :min 1, :max 2)] (* 0.3 (pm-osc carrier (* carrier mod-ratio) 12 9)))) Page 22 ;; ;;SynthDef("sine", {Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar)}).play ;; ;;SynthDef("sine", {Out.ar(1, SinOsc.ar)}).play // right channel ;; ;;// or ;; ;;( ;;SynthDef("one_tone_only", { var out , freq = 440 ; ;; out = SinOsc.ar(freq); ;; Out.ar(0, out) ;;}).play ;;) (defsynth left-sine [] (out 0 (sin-osc))) (left-sine) (stop) (defsynth right-sine [] (out 1 (sin-osc))) (right-sine) (stop) (defsynth one-tone-only [] (let [freq 440 src (sin-osc freq)] (out 0 src))) (one-tone-only) (stop) Page 23 ;;///////////// ;; ;;( SynthDef("different_tones " , { arg freq = 440 ; // declare an argument and give it a default value ;; var out; ;; out = SinOsc.ar(freq)*0.3; ;; Out.ar(0, out) ;;}).play ;;) ;; ;;///////////// (defsynth different-tones [freq 440] (let [src (* 0.3 (sin-osc freq))] (out 0 src))) run all four , then stop all (different-tones 550) (different-tones 660) (different-tones :freq 880) (different-tones) (stop) ;;tracking and controlling synths independently (def a (different-tones :freq (midi->hz 64))) (def b (different-tones :freq (midi->hz 67))) (def c (different-tones :freq (midi->hz 72))) (ctl a :freq (midi->hz 65)) (ctl c :freq (midi->hz 71)) (do (ctl a :freq (midi->hz 64)) (ctl c :freq (midi->hz 72))) (do (kill a) (kill b) (kill c)) Page 24 ;; ///////////// Figure 1.7 Synth definition ;; ;;( //run this first ;;SynthDef("PMCrotale", { arg midi = 60 , tone = 3 , art = 1 , amp = 0.8 , pan = 0 ; ;;var env, out, mod, freq; ;; ;;freq = midi.midicps; env = Env.perc(0 , art ) ; mod = 5 + ( 1 / IRand(2 , 6 ) ) ; ;; ;;out = PMOsc.ar(freq, mod*freq, pmindex : EnvGen.kr(env , : art , levelScale : tone ) , mul : EnvGen.kr(env , : art , levelScale : 0.3 ) ) ; ;; ;;out = Pan2.ar(out, pan); ;; out = out * EnvGen.kr(env , : 1.3*art , levelScale : Rand(0.1 , 0.5 ) , doneAction:2 ) ; , out ) ; //Out.ar(bus , out ) ; ;; ;;}).add; ;;) (defsynth pmc-rotale [midi 60 tone 3 art 1 amp 0.8 pan 0] (let [freq (midicps midi) env (perc 0 art) mod (+ 5 (/ 1 (i-rand 2 6))) src (* (pm-osc freq (* mod freq) (env-gen:kr env :time-scale art, :level-scale tone) 0) (env-gen:kr env :time-scale art, :level-scale 0.3)) src (pan2 src pan) src (* src (env-gen:kr env :time-scale (* art 1.3) :level-scale (ranged-rand 0.1 0.5) :action FREE))] (out 0 src))) Synth("PMCrotale " , [ " midi " , rrand(48 , ) , " tone " , , 6 ) ] ) (pmc-rotale :midi (ranged-rand 48 72) :tone (ranged-rand 1 6)) Page 25 ;; ;;~houston = Buffer.read(s, "sounds/a11wlk01-44_1.aiff"); = Buffer.read(s , " sounds / a11wlk01.wav " ) ; ;; ;;{PlayBuf.ar(1, ~houston)}.play; ;;{PlayBuf.ar(1, ~chooston)}.play; this assumes you have a separate install of SuperCollider and ;;you're running OS X. Feel free to change the following audio paths ;;to any other audio file on your disk... (def houston (load-sample "/Applications/SuperCollider/sounds/a11wlk01-44_1.aiff")) (def chooston (load-sample "/Applications/SuperCollider/sounds/a11wlk01.wav")) (demo 4 (play-buf 1 houston)) (demo 5 (play-buf 1 chooston)) Page 26 ;; ;;[~houston.bufnum, ~houston.numChannels, ~houston.path, ~houston.numFrames]; [ , ~chooston.numChannels , ~chooston.path , ~chooston.numFrames ] ; ;;samples are represented as standard clojure maps houston chooston ;;( ;;{ ;; var rate, trigger, frames; ;; frames = ~houston.numFrames; ;; rate = [ 1 , 1.01 ] ; ;; trigger = Impulse.kr(rate); PlayBuf.ar(1 , ~houston , 1 , trigger , frames * Line.kr(0 , 1 , 60 ) ) * EnvGen.kr(Env.linen(0.01 , 0.96 , 0.01 ) , trigger ) * rate ; ;;}.play ;;) (demo 60 (let [frames (num-frames houston) rate [1 1.01] trigger (impulse:kr rate) src (play-buf 1 houston 1 trigger (* frames (line:kr 0 1 60))) env (env-gen:kr (lin 0.01 0.96 0.01) trigger)] (* src env rate))) ;; note how the envelope is used to stop clicking between segments. Contrast with the following (demo 5 (let [frames (num-frames houston) rate [1 1.01] trigger (impulse:kr rate) src (play-buf 1 houston 1 trigger (* frames (line:kr 0 1 60)))] (* src rate))) ;;( // speed and direction change ;;{ ;; var speed, direction; speed = LFNoise0.kr(12 ) * 0.2 + 1 ; ;; direction = ]LFClipNoise.kr(1/3); PlayBuf.ar(1 , ~houston , ( speed * direction ) , loop : 1 ) ; ;;}.play ;;) (demo 5 (let [speed (+ 1 (* 0.2 (lf-noise0:kr 12))) direction (lf-clip-noise:kr 1/3)] (play-buf 1 houston (* speed direction) :loop 1))) Page 27 ;;( // if these haven't been used they will hold 0 ~kbus1 = Bus.control ; // a control bus ;;~kbus2 = Bus.control; // a control bus ;;{ ;; var speed, direction; speed = In.kr(~kbus1 , 1 ) * 0.2 + 1 ; ;; direction = In.kr(~kbus2); PlayBuf.ar(1 , , ( speed * direction ) , loop : 1 ) ; ;;}.play ;;) ;; ;;( ;;// now start the controls ;;{Out.kr(~kbus1, LFNoise0.kr(12))}.play; { Out.kr(~kbus2 , ; ;;) // Now start the second buffer with the same control input buses , ;;// but send it to the right channel using Out.ar(1 etc. ;; ;;( ;;{ ;; var speed, direction; speed = In.kr(~kbus1 , 1 ) * 0.2 + 1 ; ;; direction = In.kr(~kbus2); Out.ar(1 , PlayBuf.ar(1 , ~houston , ( speed * direction ) , loop : 1 ) ) ; ;;}.play; ;;) (def kbus1 (control-bus)) (def kbus2 (control-bus)) (defsynth src [] (let [speed (+ 1 (* 0.2 (in:kr kbus1 1))) direction (in:kr kbus2)] (out 0 (play-buf 1 chooston (* speed direction) :loop 1)))) (defsynth control1 [] (out:kr kbus1 (lf-noise0:kr 12))) (defsynth control2 [] (out:kr kbus2 (lf-clip-noise:kr 1/4))) (defsynth player [] (let [speed (+ 1 (* 0.2 (in:kr kbus1 1))) direction (in:kr kbus2)] (out 1 (play-buf 1 houston (* speed direction) :loop 1)))) (do (src) (control1) (control2) (player)) (stop) Page 28 ;;~kbus3 = Bus.control; ;;~kbus4 = Bus.control; { Out.kr(~kbus3 , SinOsc.kr(3).range(340 , 540))}.play ; { Out.kr(~kbus4 , , 640))}.play ; SynthDef("Switch " , { arg freq = 440 ; , SinOsc.ar(freq , 0 , 0.3))}).add ;;x = Synth("Switch"); ;;x.map(\freq, ~kbus3) ;;x.map(\freq, ~kbus4) (do (def kbus3 (control-bus)) (def kbus4 (control-bus)) (defsynth wave-ctl [] (out:kr kbus3 (lin-lin (sin-osc:kr 1) -1 1 340 540))) (defsynth pulse-ctl [] (out:kr kbus4 (lin-lin (sin-osc:kr 1) -1 1 240 640))) (defsynth switch [freq 440] (out 0 (sin-osc:ar freq 0 0.3))) (def s (switch)) (def w (wave-ctl)) (def p (pulse-ctl))) ;;try evaling these (map-ctl s :freq kbus3) (map-ctl s :freq kbus4) (stop) Page 29 ;;( ;;{ ;; Out.ar(0, ( PlayBuf.ar(1 , ~houston , loop : 1 ) * SinOsc.ar(LFNoise0.kr(12 , : 500 , add : 600 ) ) , 0.5 ) ;; ) ;;}.play ;;) (demo 10 (pan2 (* (play-buf 1 houston :loop 1) (sin-osc (+ 600 (* 500 (lf-noise0:kr 12))))) 0.5)) ;; ;;( ;;{ ;; var source, delay; source = PlayBuf.ar(1 , , loop : 1 ) ; delay = AllpassC.ar(source , 2 , [ 0.65 , 1.15 ] , 10 ) ; ;; Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(source) + delay) ;;}.play ;;) (demo 10 (let [source (play-buf 1 chooston :loop 1) delay (allpass-c source 2 [0.65 1.15] 10)] (+ delay (pan2 source)))) ;;//Create and name buses ~delay = Bus.audio(s , 2 ) ; ~mod = Bus.audio(s , 2 ) ; ~gate = Bus.audio(s , 2 ) ; ;;~k5 = Bus.control; ;; ;;~controlSyn= {Out.kr(~k5, LFNoise0.kr(4))}.play //start the control ;; ;;// Start the last item in the chain, the delay ~delaySyn = { Out.ar(0 , AllpassC.ar(In.ar(~delay , 2 ) , 2 , [ 0.65 , 1.15 ] , 10))}.play(~controlSyn , addAction : \addAfter ) ; ;; ;;// Start the next to last item, the modulation ~modSyn = { Out.ar(~delay , In.ar(~mod , 2 ) * SinOsc.ar(In.kr(~k5 ) * 500 + 1100))}.play(~delaySyn , addAction : \addBefore ) ; ;; //Start the third to last item , the gate ~gateSyn = { Out.ar([0 , ~mod ] , In.ar(~gate , 2 ) * max(0 , In.kr(~k5)))}.play(~modSyn , addAction : \addBefore ) ; ;; //make a group for the PlayBuf synths at the head of the chain ~pbGroup = ) ; ;; // Start one buffer . Since we add to the group , we know where it will go { Out.ar(~gate , Pan2.ar(PlayBuf.ar(1 , ~houston , loop : 1 ) , 0.5))}.play(~pbGroup ) ; ;; ;;// Start the other { Out.ar(~gate , Pan2.ar(PlayBuf.ar(1 , , loop : 1 ) , -0.5))}.play(~pbGroup ) ; (do (def delay-b (audio-bus 2)) (def mod-b (audio-bus 2)) (def gate-b (audio-bus 2)) (def k5-b (control-bus)) (defsynth control-syn [] (out:kr k5-b (lf-noise0:kr 4))) (def c-syn (control-syn)) (defsynth delay-syn [] (out:ar 0 (allpass-c (in delay-b 2) 2 [0.65 1.15] 10))) (def d-syn (delay-syn [ :after c-syn])) (defsynth mod-syn [] (out delay-b (* (in mod-b 2) (sin-osc (+ 1100 (* 500 (in:kr k5-b))))))) (def m-syn (mod-syn [:before d-syn])) (defsynth gate-syn [] (out [0 mod-b] (* (in gate-b 2) (max 0 (in:kr k5-b))))) (def g-syn (gate-syn [:before m-syn])) (def pb-group (group :before c-syn)) (defsynth hous [] (out gate-b (pan2 (play-buf 1 houston :loop 1) 0.5))) (defsynth choos [] (out gate-b (pan2 (play-buf 1 chooston :loop 1) -0.5)))) (hous [:tail pb-group]) (choos [:tail pb-group]) (stop) Page 32 // This uses the PMCrotale synth definition ;;( a = [ " C " , " C # " , " D " , " Eb " , " E " , " F " , " F # " , " G " , " Ab " , " A " , " Bb " , " B " ] ; ;;"event, midi, pitch, octave".postln; ;;r = Task({ ;; inf.do({ arg count; var midi , oct , density ; density = 1.0 ; // density = 0.7 ; // density = 0.3 ; midi = [ 0 , 2 , 4 , 7 , 9].choose ; // midi = [ 0 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11].choose // midi = [ 0 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 11].choose ; // midi = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11].choose ; oct = [ 48 , 60 , 72].choose ; ;; if(density.coin, ;; { // true action ;; "".postln; [ midi + oct , a.wrapAt(midi ) , ;; (oct/12).round(1)].post; ;; Synth("PMCrotale", [ " midi " , midi + oct , " tone " , , 7 ) , " art " , rrand(0.3 , 2.0 ) , " amp " , rrand(0.3 , 0.6 ) , " pan " , 1.0.rand2 ] ) ; ;; }, {["rest"].post}); // false action ;; 0.2.wait; ;; }); ;;}).start ;; ) (def cont (atom true)) (do (def a [:C :C# :D :Eb :E :F :F# :G :Ab :A :Bb :B]) (future (loop [] (let [density 1 midi (choose [0 2 4 7 9]) oct (choose [48 60 72])] (if (weighted-coin density) (do (println "") (println [(+ midi oct) (nth (cycle a) midi) (round-to (/ oct 12) 1)]) (pmc-rotale :midi (+ midi oct) :tone (ranged-rand 1 7) :art (ranged-rand 0.3 2.0) :amp (ranged-rand 0.3 0.6) :pan (ranged-rand -1 1))) (println "rest")) (Thread/sleep 200) (when @cont (recur)))))) ;; to stop (reset! cont false) Page 36 ;;// Mix down a few of them tuned to harmonics ;; ;;( ;;{ var fund = 220 ; ;; Mix.ar( ;; [ SinOsc.ar(220 , : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) , SinOsc.ar(440 , : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/2 , SinOsc.ar(660 , mul : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/3 , SinOsc.ar(880 , : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/4 , SinOsc.ar(1110 , mul : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/5 , SinOsc.ar(1320 , : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/6 ;; ] ) * 0.3 ;;}.play ;;) (demo 15 (* 0.3 (+ (* (sin-osc 220) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1) (* (sin-osc 440) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/2) (* (sin-osc 660) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/3) (* (sin-osc 880) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/4 ) (* (sin-osc 1110) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/5) (* (sin-osc 1320) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/6)))) ;; or the more compact but equivalent: (demo 15 (let [freqs [220 440 660 880 1110 1320] muls [1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6] mk-sin #(* (sin-osc %1) (max 0 (lf-noise1 12)) %2) sins (map mk-sin freqs muls)] (* (mix sins) 0.3))) Page 37 ;;// And a patch ;;( ;;{ ;; Mix.ar( Array.fill(12 , ;; {arg count; ;; var harm; harm = count + 1 * 110 ; //remember precedence ; count + 1 , then * 110 SinOsc.ar(harm , : max([0 , 0 ] , SinOsc.kr(count + 1/4 ) ) ) * 1/(count + 1 ) ;; }) ) * 0.7}.play ;;) (demo 15 (* 0.7 (mix (for [count (range 12)] (let [harm (* (inc count) 110)] (* (sin-osc harm) (max [0 0] (sin-osc:kr (/ (inc count) 4))) (/ 1 (inc count)))))))) Page 38 ;;( ;;{ ;; var scale, specs, freqs, amps, rings, numRes = 5 , bells = 20 , pan ; scale = [ 60 , 62 , 64 , 67 , 69].midicps ; Mix.fill(bells , { ;; freqs = Array.fill(numRes, {rrand(1, 15)*(scale.choose)}); amps = Array.fill(numRes , { rrand(0.3 , 0.9 ) } ) ; rings = Array.fill(numRes , { rrand(1.0 , 4.0 ) } ) ; specs = [ freqs , amps , rings].round(0.01 ) ; specs.postln ; pan = ( ) ) * 2).softclip ; ( Klank.ar(`specs , Dust.ar(1/6 , 0.03 ) ) , ;; pan) ;; }) ;;}.play; ;;) (demo 10 (let [num-res 5 bells 20 scale (map midi->hz [60 62 64 67 69]) mk-bell (fn [] (let [freqs (repeatedly num-res #(* (ranged-rand 1 5) (choose scale))) amps (repeatedly num-res #(ranged-rand 0.3 0.9)) rings (repeatedly num-res #(ranged-rand 1 4)) specs [freqs amps rings] pan (softclip (* 2 (lf-noise1:kr (ranged-rand 3 6))))] (pan2 (klank specs (* 0.03 (dust (/ 1 6)) )) pan)))] (out 0 (mix (repeatedly bells mk-bell)))))
play({ Mix.fill(sines, {arg x; Pan2.ar( mul: max(0, LFNoise1.kr(speed) + ) ), rand2(1.0))})/sines}) ///////////// ( play( { CombN.ar( SinOsc.ar( midicps( ) ), } ) ) ///////////// compatibility with older scsynth implementations. Its definition is as follows: } } } we can use the pm-osc cgen provided by overtone: ( { Blip.ar( TRand.kr( // frequency or VCO 0, // attack ) }.play ) ///////////// ( { }.play ) ( p = { // make p equal to this function // rate t = Impulse.kr(r); // trigger // t = Dust.kr(r); // envelope uses r and t // triggered random also uses t }.play ) p.free; // run this to stop it t (dust:kr r) ( { // carrier and modulator not linked r = Impulse.kr(10); }.play ) ( { // declare variables modRatio = MouseX.kr(1, 2.0); // modulator expressed as ratio, therefore timbre }.play ) ///////////// SynthDef("sine", {Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar)}).play SynthDef("sine", {Out.ar(1, SinOsc.ar)}).play // right channel // or ( SynthDef("one_tone_only", { out = SinOsc.ar(freq); Out.ar(0, out) }).play ) ///////////// ( // declare an argument and give it a default value var out; out = SinOsc.ar(freq)*0.3; Out.ar(0, out) }).play ) ///////////// tracking and controlling synths independently ( SynthDef("PMCrotale", { var env, out, mod, freq; freq = midi.midicps; out = PMOsc.ar(freq, mod*freq, out = Pan2.ar(out, pan); //Out.ar(bus , out ) ; }).add; ) ~houston = Buffer.read(s, "sounds/a11wlk01-44_1.aiff"); {PlayBuf.ar(1, ~houston)}.play; {PlayBuf.ar(1, ~chooston)}.play; you're running OS X. Feel free to change the following audio paths to any other audio file on your disk... [~houston.bufnum, ~houston.numChannels, ~houston.path, ~houston.numFrames]; samples are represented as standard clojure maps ( { var rate, trigger, frames; frames = ~houston.numFrames; trigger = Impulse.kr(rate); }.play ) note how the envelope is used to stop clicking between segments. Contrast with the following ( // speed and direction change { var speed, direction; direction = ]LFClipNoise.kr(1/3); }.play ) ( // if these haven't been used they will hold 0 // a control bus ~kbus2 = Bus.control; // a control bus { var speed, direction; direction = In.kr(~kbus2); }.play ) ( // now start the controls {Out.kr(~kbus1, LFNoise0.kr(12))}.play; ) // but send it to the right channel using Out.ar(1 etc. ( { var speed, direction; direction = In.kr(~kbus2); }.play; ) ~kbus3 = Bus.control; ~kbus4 = Bus.control; , SinOsc.ar(freq , 0 , 0.3))}).add x = Synth("Switch"); x.map(\freq, ~kbus3) x.map(\freq, ~kbus4) try evaling these ( { Out.ar(0, ) }.play ) ( { var source, delay; Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(source) + delay) }.play ) //Create and name buses ~k5 = Bus.control; ~controlSyn= {Out.kr(~k5, LFNoise0.kr(4))}.play //start the control // Start the last item in the chain, the delay // Start the next to last item, the modulation // Start the other ( "event, midi, pitch, octave".postln; r = Task({ inf.do({ arg count; if(density.coin, { // true action "".postln; (oct/12).round(1)].post; Synth("PMCrotale", }, {["rest"].post}); // false action 0.2.wait; }); }).start ) to stop // Mix down a few of them tuned to harmonics ( { Mix.ar( [ ] }.play ) or the more compact but equivalent: // And a patch ( { Mix.ar( {arg count; var harm; //remember precedence ; count + 1 , then * 110 }) ) ( { var scale, specs, freqs, amps, rings, freqs = Array.fill(numRes, {rrand(1, 15)*(scale.choose)}); pan) }) }.play; )
(ns sc-one (:use [overtone.live])) page 4 play({SinOsc.ar(LFNoise0.kr(12 , mul : 600 , add : 1000 ) , 0.3 ) } ) (demo 10 (sin-osc (+ 1000 (* 600 (lf-noise0:kr 12))) 0.3)) page 5 play({RLPF.ar(Dust.ar([12 , 15 ] ) , LFNoise1.ar(1/[3,4 ] , 1500 , 1600 ) , 0.02 ) } ) (demo 10 (rlpf (dust [12 15]) (+ 1600 (* 1500 (lf-noise1 [1/3, 1/4]))) 0.02 )) Page 6 ///////////// Figure 1.1 Example of additive synthesis SinOsc.ar(x+1 * 100 , Line.kr(1 , -1 , 30 ) (demo 2 (let [sines 5 speed 6] (* (mix (map #(pan2 (* (sin-osc (* % 100)) (max 0 (+ (lf-noise1:kr speed) (line:kr 1 -1 30)))) (- (clojure.core/rand 2) 1)) (range sines))) (/ 1 sines)))) Page 10 ///////////// Figure 1.3 Fortuitous futuristic nested music . LFNoise1.ar(3 , 24 , LFSaw.ar([5 , 5.123 ] , 0 , 3 , 80 ) 0 , 0.4 ) , 1 , 0.3 , 2 ) (demo 10 (let [noise (lf-noise1 3) saws (mul-add (lf-saw [5 5.123]) 3 80) freq (midicps (mul-add noise 24 saws)) src (* 0.4 (sin-osc freq))] (comb-n src 1 0.3 2))) Pages 15 - 16 ( PMOsc.ar(440 , MouseY.kr(1 , 550 ) , MouseX.kr(1 , 15))}.play { PMOsc.ar(100 , 500 , 10 , 0 , 0.5)}.play is n't an actual ugen , it 's actually a pseudo ugen defined for backwards { ^SinOsc.ar(carfreq , SinOsc.ar(modfreq , modphase , pmindex),mul , add ) ^SinOsc.kr(carfreq , SinOsc.kr(modfreq , modphase , pmindex),mul , add ) (demo (* 0.5 (sin-osc 100 (* 10 (sin-osc 500 0))))) (demo (* 0.5 (pm-osc 100 500 10 0))) (demo 10 (pm-osc 440 (mouse-y:kr 1 550) (mouse-x:kr 1 15))) Page 17 ///////////// Figure 1.4 VCO , VCF , VCA 100 , 1000 , // range Impulse.kr(Line.kr(1 , 20 , 60 ) ) ) , // trigger TRand.kr ( // number of harmonics or VCF 1 , 10 , // range Impulse.kr(Line.kr(1 , 20 , 60 ) ) ) , // trigger Linen.kr ( // , or amplitude , VCA Impulse.kr(Line.kr(1 , 20 , 60 ) ) , // trigger 0.5 , // sustain level 1 / Line.kr(1 , 20 , 60 ) ) // trigger (demo 10 (let [trigger (line:kr :start 1, :end 20, :dur 60) freq (t-rand:kr :lo 100, :hi 1000, :trig (impulse:kr trigger)) num-harmonics (t-rand:kr :lo 1, :hi 10, :trig (impulse:kr trigger)) amp (linen:kr :gate (impulse:kr trigger) :attack-time 0, :sus-level 0.5, :release-time (/ 1 trigger))] (* amp (blip freq num-harmonics)))) page 19 SinOsc.ar(mul : ) , 0 , 1 , 1 / r ) ) (demo 10 (let [rate (mouse-x (/ 1 3) 10) amp (linen:kr :gate (impulse:kr rate), :attack-time 0, :sus-level 1, :release-time (/ 1 rate))] (* amp (sin-osc)))) ///////////// Example 1.5 Synthesis example with variables and statements // run this first , f , e ) // f , and e used in Blip ///////////// Figure 1.6 Phase modulation with modulator as ratio (demo 10 (let [r (line:kr :start 1, :end 20, :dur 60) r ( + 7 ( * 3 ( lf - tri : kr 0.1 ) ) ) t (impulse:kr r) e (linen:kr :gate t, :attack-time 0, :sus-level 0.5, :release-time (/ 1 r)) f (t-rand:kr :lo 1, :hi 10, :trig t) f ( * 4 ( + 1 e ) ) ] (* e (blip :freq (* f 100), :numharm f)))) Page 21 ///////////// Figure 1.6 Phase modulation with modulator as ratio PMOsc.ar(c , m , 12)*0.3 PMOsc.ar(carrier , carrier*modRatio , 12)*0.3 (demo 10 (let [r (impulse:kr 10) c (t-rand:kr :lo 100, :hi 5000, :trig r) m (t-rand:kr :lo 100, :hi 5000, :trig r)] (* [0.3 0.3] (pm-osc c m 12 0)))) (demo 10 (let [rate 4 carrier (+ 700 (* 500 (lf-noise0:kr rate))) mod-ratio (mouse-x :min 1, :max 2)] (* 0.3 (pm-osc carrier (* carrier mod-ratio) 12 9)))) Page 22 (defsynth left-sine [] (out 0 (sin-osc))) (left-sine) (stop) (defsynth right-sine [] (out 1 (sin-osc))) (right-sine) (stop) (defsynth one-tone-only [] (let [freq 440 src (sin-osc freq)] (out 0 src))) (one-tone-only) (stop) Page 23 SynthDef("different_tones " , { (defsynth different-tones [freq 440] (let [src (* 0.3 (sin-osc freq))] (out 0 src))) run all four , then stop all (different-tones 550) (different-tones 660) (different-tones :freq 880) (different-tones) (stop) (def a (different-tones :freq (midi->hz 64))) (def b (different-tones :freq (midi->hz 67))) (def c (different-tones :freq (midi->hz 72))) (ctl a :freq (midi->hz 65)) (ctl c :freq (midi->hz 71)) (do (ctl a :freq (midi->hz 64)) (ctl c :freq (midi->hz 72))) (do (kill a) (kill b) (kill c)) Page 24 ///////////// Figure 1.7 Synth definition //run this first pmindex : EnvGen.kr(env , : art , levelScale : tone ) , out = out * EnvGen.kr(env , : 1.3*art , (defsynth pmc-rotale [midi 60 tone 3 art 1 amp 0.8 pan 0] (let [freq (midicps midi) env (perc 0 art) mod (+ 5 (/ 1 (i-rand 2 6))) src (* (pm-osc freq (* mod freq) (env-gen:kr env :time-scale art, :level-scale tone) 0) (env-gen:kr env :time-scale art, :level-scale 0.3)) src (pan2 src pan) src (* src (env-gen:kr env :time-scale (* art 1.3) :level-scale (ranged-rand 0.1 0.5) :action FREE))] (out 0 src))) Synth("PMCrotale " , [ " midi " , rrand(48 , ) , " tone " , , 6 ) ] ) (pmc-rotale :midi (ranged-rand 48 72) :tone (ranged-rand 1 6)) Page 25 this assumes you have a separate install of SuperCollider and (def houston (load-sample "/Applications/SuperCollider/sounds/a11wlk01-44_1.aiff")) (def chooston (load-sample "/Applications/SuperCollider/sounds/a11wlk01.wav")) (demo 4 (play-buf 1 houston)) (demo 5 (play-buf 1 chooston)) Page 26 houston chooston PlayBuf.ar(1 , ~houston , 1 , trigger , frames * Line.kr(0 , 1 , 60 ) ) * (demo 60 (let [frames (num-frames houston) rate [1 1.01] trigger (impulse:kr rate) src (play-buf 1 houston 1 trigger (* frames (line:kr 0 1 60))) env (env-gen:kr (lin 0.01 0.96 0.01) trigger)] (* src env rate))) (demo 5 (let [frames (num-frames houston) rate [1 1.01] trigger (impulse:kr rate) src (play-buf 1 houston 1 trigger (* frames (line:kr 0 1 60)))] (* src rate))) (demo 5 (let [speed (+ 1 (* 0.2 (lf-noise0:kr 12))) direction (lf-clip-noise:kr 1/3)] (play-buf 1 houston (* speed direction) :loop 1))) Page 27 // Now start the second buffer with the same control input buses , (def kbus1 (control-bus)) (def kbus2 (control-bus)) (defsynth src [] (let [speed (+ 1 (* 0.2 (in:kr kbus1 1))) direction (in:kr kbus2)] (out 0 (play-buf 1 chooston (* speed direction) :loop 1)))) (defsynth control1 [] (out:kr kbus1 (lf-noise0:kr 12))) (defsynth control2 [] (out:kr kbus2 (lf-clip-noise:kr 1/4))) (defsynth player [] (let [speed (+ 1 (* 0.2 (in:kr kbus1 1))) direction (in:kr kbus2)] (out 1 (play-buf 1 houston (* speed direction) :loop 1)))) (do (src) (control1) (control2) (player)) (stop) Page 28 (do (def kbus3 (control-bus)) (def kbus4 (control-bus)) (defsynth wave-ctl [] (out:kr kbus3 (lin-lin (sin-osc:kr 1) -1 1 340 540))) (defsynth pulse-ctl [] (out:kr kbus4 (lin-lin (sin-osc:kr 1) -1 1 240 640))) (defsynth switch [freq 440] (out 0 (sin-osc:ar freq 0 0.3))) (def s (switch)) (def w (wave-ctl)) (def p (pulse-ctl))) (map-ctl s :freq kbus3) (map-ctl s :freq kbus4) (stop) Page 29 ( PlayBuf.ar(1 , ~houston , loop : 1 ) * SinOsc.ar(LFNoise0.kr(12 , : 500 , add : 600 ) ) , 0.5 ) (demo 10 (pan2 (* (play-buf 1 houston :loop 1) (sin-osc (+ 600 (* 500 (lf-noise0:kr 12))))) 0.5)) (demo 10 (let [source (play-buf 1 chooston :loop 1) delay (allpass-c source 2 [0.65 1.15] 10)] (+ delay (pan2 source)))) //Start the third to last item , the gate //make a group for the PlayBuf synths at the head of the chain // Start one buffer . Since we add to the group , we know where it will go (do (def delay-b (audio-bus 2)) (def mod-b (audio-bus 2)) (def gate-b (audio-bus 2)) (def k5-b (control-bus)) (defsynth control-syn [] (out:kr k5-b (lf-noise0:kr 4))) (def c-syn (control-syn)) (defsynth delay-syn [] (out:ar 0 (allpass-c (in delay-b 2) 2 [0.65 1.15] 10))) (def d-syn (delay-syn [ :after c-syn])) (defsynth mod-syn [] (out delay-b (* (in mod-b 2) (sin-osc (+ 1100 (* 500 (in:kr k5-b))))))) (def m-syn (mod-syn [:before d-syn])) (defsynth gate-syn [] (out [0 mod-b] (* (in gate-b 2) (max 0 (in:kr k5-b))))) (def g-syn (gate-syn [:before m-syn])) (def pb-group (group :before c-syn)) (defsynth hous [] (out gate-b (pan2 (play-buf 1 houston :loop 1) 0.5))) (defsynth choos [] (out gate-b (pan2 (play-buf 1 chooston :loop 1) -0.5)))) (hous [:tail pb-group]) (choos [:tail pb-group]) (stop) Page 32 // This uses the PMCrotale synth definition // midi = [ 0 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11].choose [ midi + oct , a.wrapAt(midi ) , [ " midi " , midi + oct , " tone " , , 7 ) , (def cont (atom true)) (do (def a [:C :C# :D :Eb :E :F :F# :G :Ab :A :Bb :B]) (future (loop [] (let [density 1 midi (choose [0 2 4 7 9]) oct (choose [48 60 72])] (if (weighted-coin density) (do (println "") (println [(+ midi oct) (nth (cycle a) midi) (round-to (/ oct 12) 1)]) (pmc-rotale :midi (+ midi oct) :tone (ranged-rand 1 7) :art (ranged-rand 0.3 2.0) :amp (ranged-rand 0.3 0.6) :pan (ranged-rand -1 1))) (println "rest")) (Thread/sleep 200) (when @cont (recur)))))) (reset! cont false) Page 36 SinOsc.ar(220 , : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) , SinOsc.ar(440 , : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/2 , SinOsc.ar(660 , mul : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/3 , SinOsc.ar(880 , : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/4 , SinOsc.ar(1110 , mul : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/5 , SinOsc.ar(1320 , : max(0 , LFNoise1.kr(12 ) ) ) * 1/6 ) * 0.3 (demo 15 (* 0.3 (+ (* (sin-osc 220) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1) (* (sin-osc 440) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/2) (* (sin-osc 660) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/3) (* (sin-osc 880) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/4 ) (* (sin-osc 1110) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/5) (* (sin-osc 1320) (max 0 (lf-noise1:kr 12)) 1/6)))) (demo 15 (let [freqs [220 440 660 880 1110 1320] muls [1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6] mk-sin #(* (sin-osc %1) (max 0 (lf-noise1 12)) %2) sins (map mk-sin freqs muls)] (* (mix sins) 0.3))) Page 37 Array.fill(12 , SinOsc.ar(harm , : max([0 , 0 ] , SinOsc.kr(count + 1/4 ) ) ) * 1/(count + 1 ) ) * 0.7}.play (demo 15 (* 0.7 (mix (for [count (range 12)] (let [harm (* (inc count) 110)] (* (sin-osc harm) (max [0 0] (sin-osc:kr (/ (inc count) 4))) (/ 1 (inc count)))))))) Page 38 Mix.fill(bells , { ( Klank.ar(`specs , Dust.ar(1/6 , 0.03 ) ) , (demo 10 (let [num-res 5 bells 20 scale (map midi->hz [60 62 64 67 69]) mk-bell (fn [] (let [freqs (repeatedly num-res #(* (ranged-rand 1 5) (choose scale))) amps (repeatedly num-res #(ranged-rand 0.3 0.9)) rings (repeatedly num-res #(ranged-rand 1 4)) specs [freqs amps rings] pan (softclip (* 2 (lf-noise1:kr (ranged-rand 3 6))))] (pan2 (klank specs (* 0.03 (dust (/ 1 6)) )) pan)))] (out 0 (mix (repeatedly bells mk-bell)))))
-- | Collect statistics. module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Statistics ( MonadStatistics(..), tick, tickN, tickMax, getStatistics, modifyStatistics, printStatistics ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Writer import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes as Boxes import Agda.Syntax.TopLevelModuleName (TopLevelModuleName) import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Debug import Agda.Utils.Maybe import Agda.Utils.Null import Agda.Utils.Pretty import Agda.Utils.String class ReadTCState m => MonadStatistics m where modifyCounter :: String -> (Integer -> Integer) -> m () default modifyCounter :: (MonadStatistics n, MonadTrans t, t n ~ m) => String -> (Integer -> Integer) -> m () modifyCounter x = lift . modifyCounter x instance MonadStatistics m => MonadStatistics (ExceptT e m) instance MonadStatistics m => MonadStatistics (MaybeT m) instance MonadStatistics m => MonadStatistics (ReaderT r m) instance MonadStatistics m => MonadStatistics (StateT s m) instance (MonadStatistics m, Monoid w) => MonadStatistics (WriterT w m) instance MonadStatistics TCM where modifyCounter x f = modifyStatistics $ force . update where -- We need to be strict in the map. , 2014 - 03 - 22 : Could we take Data . Map . Strict instead of this hack ? -- Or force the map by looking up the very element we inserted? -- force m = Map.lookup x m `seq` m -- Or use insertLookupWithKey? -- update m = old `seq` m' where -- (old, m') = Map.insertLookupWithKey (\ _ new old -> f old) x dummy m Ulf , 2018 - 04 - 10 : Neither of these approaches are strict enough in the -- map (nor are they less hacky). It's not enough to be strict in the -- values stored in the map, we also need to be strict in the *structure* -- of the map. A less hacky solution is to deepseq the map. force m = rnf m `seq` m update = Map.insertWith (\ new old -> f old) x dummy dummy = f 0 -- | Get the statistics. getStatistics :: ReadTCState m => m Statistics getStatistics = useR stStatistics -- | Modify the statistics via given function. modifyStatistics :: (Statistics -> Statistics) -> TCM () modifyStatistics f = stStatistics `modifyTCLens` f | Increase specified counter by @1@. tick :: MonadStatistics m => String -> m () tick x = tickN x 1 -- | Increase specified counter by @n@. tickN :: MonadStatistics m => String -> Integer -> m () tickN s n = modifyCounter s (n +) -- | Set the specified counter to the maximum of its current value and @n@. tickMax :: MonadStatistics m => String -> Integer -> m () tickMax s n = modifyCounter s (max n) -- | Print the given statistics. printStatistics :: (MonadDebug m, MonadTCEnv m, HasOptions m) => Maybe TopLevelModuleName -> Statistics -> m () printStatistics mmname stats = do unlessNull (Map.toList stats) $ \ stats -> do First column ( left aligned ) is accounts . col1 = Boxes.vcat Boxes.left $ map (Boxes.text . fst) stats Second column ( right aligned ) is numbers . col2 = Boxes.vcat Boxes.right $ map (Boxes.text . showThousandSep . snd) stats table = Boxes.hsep 1 Boxes.left [col1, col2] reportSLn "" 1 $ caseMaybe mmname "Accumulated statistics" $ \ mname -> "Statistics for " ++ prettyShow mname reportSLn "" 1 $ Boxes.render table
| Collect statistics. We need to be strict in the map. Or force the map by looking up the very element we inserted? force m = Map.lookup x m `seq` m Or use insertLookupWithKey? update m = old `seq` m' where (old, m') = Map.insertLookupWithKey (\ _ new old -> f old) x dummy m map (nor are they less hacky). It's not enough to be strict in the values stored in the map, we also need to be strict in the *structure* of the map. A less hacky solution is to deepseq the map. | Get the statistics. | Modify the statistics via given function. | Increase specified counter by @n@. | Set the specified counter to the maximum of its current value and @n@. | Print the given statistics.
module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Statistics ( MonadStatistics(..), tick, tickN, tickMax, getStatistics, modifyStatistics, printStatistics ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Writer import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes as Boxes import Agda.Syntax.TopLevelModuleName (TopLevelModuleName) import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Debug import Agda.Utils.Maybe import Agda.Utils.Null import Agda.Utils.Pretty import Agda.Utils.String class ReadTCState m => MonadStatistics m where modifyCounter :: String -> (Integer -> Integer) -> m () default modifyCounter :: (MonadStatistics n, MonadTrans t, t n ~ m) => String -> (Integer -> Integer) -> m () modifyCounter x = lift . modifyCounter x instance MonadStatistics m => MonadStatistics (ExceptT e m) instance MonadStatistics m => MonadStatistics (MaybeT m) instance MonadStatistics m => MonadStatistics (ReaderT r m) instance MonadStatistics m => MonadStatistics (StateT s m) instance (MonadStatistics m, Monoid w) => MonadStatistics (WriterT w m) instance MonadStatistics TCM where modifyCounter x f = modifyStatistics $ force . update where , 2014 - 03 - 22 : Could we take Data . Map . Strict instead of this hack ? Ulf , 2018 - 04 - 10 : Neither of these approaches are strict enough in the force m = rnf m `seq` m update = Map.insertWith (\ new old -> f old) x dummy dummy = f 0 getStatistics :: ReadTCState m => m Statistics getStatistics = useR stStatistics modifyStatistics :: (Statistics -> Statistics) -> TCM () modifyStatistics f = stStatistics `modifyTCLens` f | Increase specified counter by @1@. tick :: MonadStatistics m => String -> m () tick x = tickN x 1 tickN :: MonadStatistics m => String -> Integer -> m () tickN s n = modifyCounter s (n +) tickMax :: MonadStatistics m => String -> Integer -> m () tickMax s n = modifyCounter s (max n) printStatistics :: (MonadDebug m, MonadTCEnv m, HasOptions m) => Maybe TopLevelModuleName -> Statistics -> m () printStatistics mmname stats = do unlessNull (Map.toList stats) $ \ stats -> do First column ( left aligned ) is accounts . col1 = Boxes.vcat Boxes.left $ map (Boxes.text . fst) stats Second column ( right aligned ) is numbers . col2 = Boxes.vcat Boxes.right $ map (Boxes.text . showThousandSep . snd) stats table = Boxes.hsep 1 Boxes.left [col1, col2] reportSLn "" 1 $ caseMaybe mmname "Accumulated statistics" $ \ mname -> "Statistics for " ++ prettyShow mname reportSLn "" 1 $ Boxes.render table
Copyright ( c ) 2016 - present , Facebook , Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the -- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} # LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax # module Duckling.Rules ( allRules , rulesFor ) where import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import Prelude import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import Duckling.Dimensions import Duckling.Dimensions.Types import Duckling.Locale import Duckling.Types import qualified Duckling.Rules.AF as AFRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.AR as ARRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.Common as CommonRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.BG as BGRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.BN as BNRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.CA as CARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.CS as CSRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.DA as DARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.DE as DERules import qualified Duckling.Rules.EL as ELRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.EN as ENRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ES as ESRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ET as ETRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.FI as FIRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.FA as FARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.FR as FRRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.GA as GARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.HE as HERules import qualified Duckling.Rules.HI as HIRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.HR as HRRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.HU as HURules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ID as IDRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.IS as ISRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.IT as ITRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.JA as JARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.KA as KARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.KM as KMRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.KN as KNRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.KO as KORules import qualified Duckling.Rules.LO as LORules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ML as MLRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.MN as MNRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.MY as MYRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.NB as NBRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.NE as NERules import qualified Duckling.Rules.NL as NLRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.PL as PLRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.PT as PTRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.RO as RORules import qualified Duckling.Rules.RU as RURules import qualified Duckling.Rules.SK as SKRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.SV as SVRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.SW as SWRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.TA as TARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.TE as TERules import qualified Duckling.Rules.TH as THRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.TR as TRRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.UK as UKRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.VI as VIRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ZH as ZHRules -- | Returns the minimal set of rules required for `targets`. rulesFor :: Locale -> HashSet (Seal Dimension) -> [Rule] rulesFor locale targets | HashSet.null targets = allRules locale | otherwise = [ rules | dims <- HashSet.toList $ explicitDimensions targets , rules <- rulesFor' locale dims ] -- | Returns all the rules for the provided locale. We ca n't really use ` allDimensions ` as - is , since ` TimeGrain ` is not present . allRules :: Locale -> [Rule] allRules locale@(Locale lang _) = concatMap (rulesFor' locale) . HashSet.toList . explicitDimensions . HashSet.fromList $ allDimensions lang rulesFor' :: Locale -> Seal Dimension -> [Rule] rulesFor' (Locale lang (Just region)) dim = CommonRules.rules dim ++ langRules lang dim ++ localeRules lang region dim rulesFor' (Locale lang Nothing) dim = CommonRules.rules dim ++ defaultRules lang dim -- | Default rules when no locale, for backward compatibility. defaultRules :: Lang -> Seal Dimension -> [Rule] defaultRules AF = AFRules.defaultRules defaultRules AR = ARRules.defaultRules defaultRules BG = BGRules.defaultRules defaultRules BN = BNRules.defaultRules defaultRules CA = CARules.defaultRules defaultRules CS = CSRules.defaultRules defaultRules DA = DARules.defaultRules defaultRules DE = DERules.defaultRules defaultRules EL = ELRules.defaultRules defaultRules EN = ENRules.defaultRules defaultRules ES = ESRules.defaultRules defaultRules ET = ETRules.defaultRules defaultRules FI = FIRules.defaultRules defaultRules FA = FARules.defaultRules defaultRules FR = FRRules.defaultRules defaultRules GA = GARules.defaultRules defaultRules HE = HERules.defaultRules defaultRules HI = HIRules.defaultRules defaultRules HR = HRRules.defaultRules defaultRules HU = HURules.defaultRules defaultRules ID = IDRules.defaultRules defaultRules IS = ISRules.defaultRules defaultRules IT = ITRules.defaultRules defaultRules JA = JARules.defaultRules defaultRules KA = KARules.defaultRules defaultRules KM = KMRules.defaultRules defaultRules KN = KNRules.defaultRules defaultRules KO = KORules.defaultRules defaultRules LO = LORules.defaultRules defaultRules ML = MLRules.defaultRules defaultRules MN = MNRules.defaultRules defaultRules MY = MYRules.defaultRules defaultRules NB = NBRules.defaultRules defaultRules NE = NERules.defaultRules defaultRules NL = NLRules.defaultRules defaultRules PL = PLRules.defaultRules defaultRules PT = PTRules.defaultRules defaultRules RO = RORules.defaultRules defaultRules RU = RURules.defaultRules defaultRules SK = SKRules.defaultRules defaultRules SV = SVRules.defaultRules defaultRules SW = SWRules.defaultRules defaultRules TA = TARules.defaultRules defaultRules TE = TERules.defaultRules defaultRules TH = THRules.defaultRules defaultRules TR = TRRules.defaultRules defaultRules UK = UKRules.defaultRules defaultRules VI = VIRules.defaultRules defaultRules ZH = ZHRules.defaultRules localeRules :: Lang -> Region -> Seal Dimension -> [Rule] localeRules AF = AFRules.localeRules localeRules AR = ARRules.localeRules localeRules BG = BGRules.localeRules localeRules BN = BNRules.localeRules localeRules CA = CARules.localeRules localeRules CS = CSRules.localeRules localeRules DA = DARules.localeRules localeRules DE = DERules.localeRules localeRules EL = ELRules.localeRules localeRules EN = ENRules.localeRules localeRules ES = ESRules.localeRules localeRules ET = ETRules.localeRules localeRules FI = FIRules.localeRules localeRules FA = FARules.localeRules localeRules FR = FRRules.localeRules localeRules GA = GARules.localeRules localeRules HE = HERules.localeRules localeRules HI = HIRules.localeRules localeRules HR = HRRules.localeRules localeRules HU = HURules.localeRules localeRules ID = IDRules.localeRules localeRules IS = ISRules.localeRules localeRules IT = ITRules.localeRules localeRules JA = JARules.localeRules localeRules KA = KARules.localeRules localeRules KM = KMRules.localeRules localeRules KN = KNRules.localeRules localeRules KO = KORules.localeRules localeRules LO = LORules.localeRules localeRules ML = MLRules.localeRules localeRules MN = MNRules.localeRules localeRules MY = MYRules.localeRules localeRules NB = NBRules.localeRules localeRules NE = NERules.localeRules localeRules NL = NLRules.localeRules localeRules PL = PLRules.localeRules localeRules PT = PTRules.localeRules localeRules RO = RORules.localeRules localeRules RU = RURules.localeRules localeRules SK = SKRules.localeRules localeRules SV = SVRules.localeRules localeRules SW = SWRules.localeRules localeRules TA = TARules.localeRules localeRules TE = TERules.localeRules localeRules TH = THRules.localeRules localeRules TR = TRRules.localeRules localeRules UK = UKRules.localeRules localeRules VI = VIRules.localeRules localeRules ZH = ZHRules.localeRules langRules :: Lang -> Seal Dimension -> [Rule] langRules AF = AFRules.langRules langRules AR = ARRules.langRules langRules BG = BGRules.langRules langRules BN = BNRules.langRules langRules CA = CARules.langRules langRules CS = CSRules.langRules langRules DA = DARules.langRules langRules DE = DERules.langRules langRules EL = ELRules.langRules langRules EN = ENRules.langRules langRules ES = ESRules.langRules langRules ET = ETRules.langRules langRules FI = FIRules.langRules langRules FA = FARules.langRules langRules FR = FRRules.langRules langRules GA = GARules.langRules langRules HE = HERules.langRules langRules HI = HIRules.langRules langRules KN = KNRules.langRules langRules HR = HRRules.langRules langRules HU = HURules.langRules langRules ID = IDRules.langRules langRules IS = ISRules.langRules langRules IT = ITRules.langRules langRules JA = JARules.langRules langRules KA = KARules.langRules langRules KM = KMRules.langRules langRules KO = KORules.langRules langRules LO = LORules.langRules langRules ML = MLRules.langRules langRules MN = MNRules.langRules langRules MY = MYRules.langRules langRules NB = NBRules.langRules langRules NE = NERules.langRules langRules NL = NLRules.langRules langRules PL = PLRules.langRules langRules PT = PTRules.langRules langRules RO = RORules.langRules langRules RU = RURules.langRules langRules SK = SKRules.langRules langRules SV = SVRules.langRules langRules SW = SWRules.langRules langRules TA = TARules.langRules langRules TE = TERules.langRules langRules TH = THRules.langRules langRules TR = TRRules.langRules langRules UK = UKRules.langRules langRules VI = VIRules.langRules langRules ZH = ZHRules.langRules
All rights reserved. This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # LANGUAGE GADTs # | Returns the minimal set of rules required for `targets`. | Returns all the rules for the provided locale. | Default rules when no locale, for backward compatibility.
Copyright ( c ) 2016 - present , Facebook , Inc. # LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax # module Duckling.Rules ( allRules , rulesFor ) where import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import Prelude import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import Duckling.Dimensions import Duckling.Dimensions.Types import Duckling.Locale import Duckling.Types import qualified Duckling.Rules.AF as AFRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.AR as ARRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.Common as CommonRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.BG as BGRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.BN as BNRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.CA as CARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.CS as CSRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.DA as DARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.DE as DERules import qualified Duckling.Rules.EL as ELRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.EN as ENRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ES as ESRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ET as ETRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.FI as FIRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.FA as FARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.FR as FRRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.GA as GARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.HE as HERules import qualified Duckling.Rules.HI as HIRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.HR as HRRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.HU as HURules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ID as IDRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.IS as ISRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.IT as ITRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.JA as JARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.KA as KARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.KM as KMRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.KN as KNRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.KO as KORules import qualified Duckling.Rules.LO as LORules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ML as MLRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.MN as MNRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.MY as MYRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.NB as NBRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.NE as NERules import qualified Duckling.Rules.NL as NLRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.PL as PLRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.PT as PTRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.RO as RORules import qualified Duckling.Rules.RU as RURules import qualified Duckling.Rules.SK as SKRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.SV as SVRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.SW as SWRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.TA as TARules import qualified Duckling.Rules.TE as TERules import qualified Duckling.Rules.TH as THRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.TR as TRRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.UK as UKRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.VI as VIRules import qualified Duckling.Rules.ZH as ZHRules rulesFor :: Locale -> HashSet (Seal Dimension) -> [Rule] rulesFor locale targets | HashSet.null targets = allRules locale | otherwise = [ rules | dims <- HashSet.toList $ explicitDimensions targets , rules <- rulesFor' locale dims ] We ca n't really use ` allDimensions ` as - is , since ` TimeGrain ` is not present . allRules :: Locale -> [Rule] allRules locale@(Locale lang _) = concatMap (rulesFor' locale) . HashSet.toList . explicitDimensions . HashSet.fromList $ allDimensions lang rulesFor' :: Locale -> Seal Dimension -> [Rule] rulesFor' (Locale lang (Just region)) dim = CommonRules.rules dim ++ langRules lang dim ++ localeRules lang region dim rulesFor' (Locale lang Nothing) dim = CommonRules.rules dim ++ defaultRules lang dim defaultRules :: Lang -> Seal Dimension -> [Rule] defaultRules AF = AFRules.defaultRules defaultRules AR = ARRules.defaultRules defaultRules BG = BGRules.defaultRules defaultRules BN = BNRules.defaultRules defaultRules CA = CARules.defaultRules defaultRules CS = CSRules.defaultRules defaultRules DA = DARules.defaultRules defaultRules DE = DERules.defaultRules defaultRules EL = ELRules.defaultRules defaultRules EN = ENRules.defaultRules defaultRules ES = ESRules.defaultRules defaultRules ET = ETRules.defaultRules defaultRules FI = FIRules.defaultRules defaultRules FA = FARules.defaultRules defaultRules FR = FRRules.defaultRules defaultRules GA = GARules.defaultRules defaultRules HE = HERules.defaultRules defaultRules HI = HIRules.defaultRules defaultRules HR = HRRules.defaultRules defaultRules HU = HURules.defaultRules defaultRules ID = IDRules.defaultRules defaultRules IS = ISRules.defaultRules defaultRules IT = ITRules.defaultRules defaultRules JA = JARules.defaultRules defaultRules KA = KARules.defaultRules defaultRules KM = KMRules.defaultRules defaultRules KN = KNRules.defaultRules defaultRules KO = KORules.defaultRules defaultRules LO = LORules.defaultRules defaultRules ML = MLRules.defaultRules defaultRules MN = MNRules.defaultRules defaultRules MY = MYRules.defaultRules defaultRules NB = NBRules.defaultRules defaultRules NE = NERules.defaultRules defaultRules NL = NLRules.defaultRules defaultRules PL = PLRules.defaultRules defaultRules PT = PTRules.defaultRules defaultRules RO = RORules.defaultRules defaultRules RU = RURules.defaultRules defaultRules SK = SKRules.defaultRules defaultRules SV = SVRules.defaultRules defaultRules SW = SWRules.defaultRules defaultRules TA = TARules.defaultRules defaultRules TE = TERules.defaultRules defaultRules TH = THRules.defaultRules defaultRules TR = TRRules.defaultRules defaultRules UK = UKRules.defaultRules defaultRules VI = VIRules.defaultRules defaultRules ZH = ZHRules.defaultRules localeRules :: Lang -> Region -> Seal Dimension -> [Rule] localeRules AF = AFRules.localeRules localeRules AR = ARRules.localeRules localeRules BG = BGRules.localeRules localeRules BN = BNRules.localeRules localeRules CA = CARules.localeRules localeRules CS = CSRules.localeRules localeRules DA = DARules.localeRules localeRules DE = DERules.localeRules localeRules EL = ELRules.localeRules localeRules EN = ENRules.localeRules localeRules ES = ESRules.localeRules localeRules ET = ETRules.localeRules localeRules FI = FIRules.localeRules localeRules FA = FARules.localeRules localeRules FR = FRRules.localeRules localeRules GA = GARules.localeRules localeRules HE = HERules.localeRules localeRules HI = HIRules.localeRules localeRules HR = HRRules.localeRules localeRules HU = HURules.localeRules localeRules ID = IDRules.localeRules localeRules IS = ISRules.localeRules localeRules IT = ITRules.localeRules localeRules JA = JARules.localeRules localeRules KA = KARules.localeRules localeRules KM = KMRules.localeRules localeRules KN = KNRules.localeRules localeRules KO = KORules.localeRules localeRules LO = LORules.localeRules localeRules ML = MLRules.localeRules localeRules MN = MNRules.localeRules localeRules MY = MYRules.localeRules localeRules NB = NBRules.localeRules localeRules NE = NERules.localeRules localeRules NL = NLRules.localeRules localeRules PL = PLRules.localeRules localeRules PT = PTRules.localeRules localeRules RO = RORules.localeRules localeRules RU = RURules.localeRules localeRules SK = SKRules.localeRules localeRules SV = SVRules.localeRules localeRules SW = SWRules.localeRules localeRules TA = TARules.localeRules localeRules TE = TERules.localeRules localeRules TH = THRules.localeRules localeRules TR = TRRules.localeRules localeRules UK = UKRules.localeRules localeRules VI = VIRules.localeRules localeRules ZH = ZHRules.localeRules langRules :: Lang -> Seal Dimension -> [Rule] langRules AF = AFRules.langRules langRules AR = ARRules.langRules langRules BG = BGRules.langRules langRules BN = BNRules.langRules langRules CA = CARules.langRules langRules CS = CSRules.langRules langRules DA = DARules.langRules langRules DE = DERules.langRules langRules EL = ELRules.langRules langRules EN = ENRules.langRules langRules ES = ESRules.langRules langRules ET = ETRules.langRules langRules FI = FIRules.langRules langRules FA = FARules.langRules langRules FR = FRRules.langRules langRules GA = GARules.langRules langRules HE = HERules.langRules langRules HI = HIRules.langRules langRules KN = KNRules.langRules langRules HR = HRRules.langRules langRules HU = HURules.langRules langRules ID = IDRules.langRules langRules IS = ISRules.langRules langRules IT = ITRules.langRules langRules JA = JARules.langRules langRules KA = KARules.langRules langRules KM = KMRules.langRules langRules KO = KORules.langRules langRules LO = LORules.langRules langRules ML = MLRules.langRules langRules MN = MNRules.langRules langRules MY = MYRules.langRules langRules NB = NBRules.langRules langRules NE = NERules.langRules langRules NL = NLRules.langRules langRules PL = PLRules.langRules langRules PT = PTRules.langRules langRules RO = RORules.langRules langRules RU = RURules.langRules langRules SK = SKRules.langRules langRules SV = SVRules.langRules langRules SW = SWRules.langRules langRules TA = TARules.langRules langRules TE = TERules.langRules langRules TH = THRules.langRules langRules TR = TRRules.langRules langRules UK = UKRules.langRules langRules VI = VIRules.langRules langRules ZH = ZHRules.langRules
(defproject the/parsatron "0.0.9-SNAPSHOT" :description "Clojure parser combinators" :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"] [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.520"]] :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.7"]] :source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljs"] :test-paths ["test/clj"] :global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* false} :cljsbuild {:builds [{:source-paths ["src/cljs" "test/cljs"] :compiler {:optimizations :simple :target :nodejs :output-to "test/resources/parsatron_test.js"}}] :test-commands { "unit" ["node" "test/resources/parsatron_test.js"]}})
(defproject the/parsatron "0.0.9-SNAPSHOT" :description "Clojure parser combinators" :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"] [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.520"]] :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.7"]] :source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljs"] :test-paths ["test/clj"] :global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* false} :cljsbuild {:builds [{:source-paths ["src/cljs" "test/cljs"] :compiler {:optimizations :simple :target :nodejs :output-to "test/resources/parsatron_test.js"}}] :test-commands { "unit" ["node" "test/resources/parsatron_test.js"]}})
type t = { module_names : string array; module_data : bytes array } type cmi_data = Cmi_format.cmi_infos type cmj_data = { values : Js_cmj_format.keyed_cmj_value array; pure : bool } let marshal_cmi_data (cmi_data : cmi_data) = Marshal.to_bytes cmi_data [] let marshal_cmj_data (cmj_data : cmj_data) = Marshal.to_bytes cmj_data [] let unmarshal_cmi_data bytes : cmi_data = Marshal.from_bytes bytes 0 let unmarshal_cmj_data bytes : cmj_data = Marshal.from_bytes bytes 0
type t = { module_names : string array; module_data : bytes array } type cmi_data = Cmi_format.cmi_infos type cmj_data = { values : Js_cmj_format.keyed_cmj_value array; pure : bool } let marshal_cmi_data (cmi_data : cmi_data) = Marshal.to_bytes cmi_data [] let marshal_cmj_data (cmj_data : cmj_data) = Marshal.to_bytes cmj_data [] let unmarshal_cmi_data bytes : cmi_data = Marshal.from_bytes bytes 0 let unmarshal_cmj_data bytes : cmj_data = Marshal.from_bytes bytes 0
import Data.Char problem_56 = maximum $ map (sum.map digitToInt.show) [a^b | a <- [1..100], b <- [1..100]] main = print problem_56
import Data.Char problem_56 = maximum $ map (sum.map digitToInt.show) [a^b | a <- [1..100], b <- [1..100]] main = print problem_56
# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.Colchis.Protocol.JSONRPC20 ( module Network.Colchis.Protocol , jsonRPC20 , JSONRPC20Error (..) , IN.ErrorObject (..) ) where import Network.Colchis.Protocol import qualified Network.Colchis.Protocol.JSONRPC20.Request as OUT import qualified Network.Colchis.Protocol.JSONRPC20.Response as IN import Data.Text (Text,pack) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Pipes import Pipes.Core import Pipes.Lift import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P import Pipes.Aeson data JSONRPC20Error = MalformedResponse Text Value |ProtocolMismatch Text |ResponseIdMismatch Int Int |ErrorResponse IN.ErrorObject deriving (Show) -- jsonRPC20 :: Monad m => Protocol Text m (Text,Value,JSONRPC20Error) jsonRPC20 = evalStateP 0 `liftM` go where go (method,mkStructured -> j) = do msgId <- freshId jresp <- request . toJSON $ OUT.Request protocolVer method j msgId let throwE' x = lift . lift . throwE $ (method,j,x) case parseEither parseJSON jresp of Left str -> throwE' $ MalformedResponse (pack str) jresp Right (IN.Response p' rm' em' id') -> do if protocolVer /= p' then throwE' $ ProtocolMismatch p' else case em' of Just err -> throwE' $ ErrorResponse err Nothing -> case rm' of Nothing -> throwE' $ MalformedResponse "missing fields" jresp Just val -> case parseEither parseJSON id' of Left str -> throwE' $ MalformedResponse "strange id" jresp Right i -> if msgId /= i then throwE' $ ResponseIdMismatch msgId i else respond val >>= go freshId = lift $ withStateT (flip mod 100 . succ) get protocolVer = "2.0" mkStructured j = case j of o@Object {} -> o a@Array {} -> a Null -> emptyArray x -> toJSON $ [x]
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #
# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # module Network.Colchis.Protocol.JSONRPC20 ( module Network.Colchis.Protocol , jsonRPC20 , JSONRPC20Error (..) , IN.ErrorObject (..) ) where import Network.Colchis.Protocol import qualified Network.Colchis.Protocol.JSONRPC20.Request as OUT import qualified Network.Colchis.Protocol.JSONRPC20.Response as IN import Data.Text (Text,pack) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Pipes import Pipes.Core import Pipes.Lift import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P import Pipes.Aeson data JSONRPC20Error = MalformedResponse Text Value |ProtocolMismatch Text |ResponseIdMismatch Int Int |ErrorResponse IN.ErrorObject deriving (Show) jsonRPC20 :: Monad m => Protocol Text m (Text,Value,JSONRPC20Error) jsonRPC20 = evalStateP 0 `liftM` go where go (method,mkStructured -> j) = do msgId <- freshId jresp <- request . toJSON $ OUT.Request protocolVer method j msgId let throwE' x = lift . lift . throwE $ (method,j,x) case parseEither parseJSON jresp of Left str -> throwE' $ MalformedResponse (pack str) jresp Right (IN.Response p' rm' em' id') -> do if protocolVer /= p' then throwE' $ ProtocolMismatch p' else case em' of Just err -> throwE' $ ErrorResponse err Nothing -> case rm' of Nothing -> throwE' $ MalformedResponse "missing fields" jresp Just val -> case parseEither parseJSON id' of Left str -> throwE' $ MalformedResponse "strange id" jresp Right i -> if msgId /= i then throwE' $ ResponseIdMismatch msgId i else respond val >>= go freshId = lift $ withStateT (flip mod 100 . succ) get protocolVer = "2.0" mkStructured j = case j of o@Object {} -> o a@Array {} -> a Null -> emptyArray x -> toJSON $ [x]
module Cfg = Configurator.V1 (*** utility functions ***) (* pretty dumb file reading *) let read_file fn = let ichan = open_in fn in let rec helper lines = try let line = input_line ichan in helper (line :: lines) with End_of_file -> lines in let lines = List.rev @@ helper [] in String.concat "\n" lines let extract_words = Cfg.Flags.extract_comma_space_separated_words let string_match re s = Str.string_match re s 0 let match_fn_ext fn ext = String.equal ext @@ Filename.extension fn (* scans `regression` folder looking for `test*.ml` files *) let get_tests ?(except=[]) pattern tests_dir = let re = Str.regexp pattern in let check_fn fn = (string_match re fn) && (match_fn_ext fn ".ml") (* `dune` doesn't give us direct access to `source` folder, only to the `build` folder, * thus we have to exclude files generated by the preprocessor *) && (not @@ match_fn_ext (Filename.remove_extension fn) ".pp") (* `tester.ml` also should be excluded *) && (not @@ String.equal fn "tester.ml") in Sys.readdir tests_dir |> Array.to_list |> List.filter check_fn |> List.map Filename.remove_extension |> List.filter (fun s -> not (List.mem s except)) |> List.sort String.compare (*** discovering ***) let discover_camlp5_dir cfg = String.trim @@ Cfg.Process.run_capture_exn cfg "ocamlfind" ["query"; "camlp5"] let discover_camlp5_flags cfg = let camlp5_dir = discover_camlp5_dir cfg in let camlp5_archives = List.map (fun arch -> String.concat Filename.dir_sep [camlp5_dir; arch]) ["pa_o.cmo"; "pa_op.cmo"; "pr_o.cmo"] in Cfg.Flags.write_lines "camlp5-flags.cfg" camlp5_archives let discover_logger_flags cfg = logger has two kinds of CMOs : two from camlp5 ( pr_o and pr_dump ) and one for logger . ` pr_o ` is required because logger uses pretty - printing inside itself . ` pr_dump ` is required for printing result in binary format ( to save line numbers ) . ` pa_log ` for logger itself in META file they are listed as ` pr_o.cmo pr_dump.cmo pa_log.cmo ` With ocamlfind they are passed as is to compilation command prefixed by linking directory options . Because of that we ca n't write , for example , ' .. /camlp5 / pr_o.cmo ` in META file . With dune these three cmos are prefixed using full path , so using naive approach they are all located in the same directory $ LIB / logger . This is wrong but we can hack it in dune script because we know exact names of cmos . `pr_o` is required because logger uses pretty-printing inside itself. `pr_dump` is required for printing result in binary format (to save line numbers). `pa_log` for logger itself in META file they are listed as `pr_o.cmo pr_dump.cmo pa_log.cmo` With ocamlfind they are passed as is to compilation command prefixed by linking directory options. Because of that we can't write, for example, '../camlp5/pr_o.cmo` in META file. With dune these three cmos are prefixed using full path, so using naive approach they are all located in the same directory $LIB/logger. This is wrong but we can hack it in dune script because we know exact names of cmos. *) let camlp5_dir = discover_camlp5_dir cfg in let logger_archives = Cfg.Process.run_capture_exn cfg "ocamlfind" ["query"; "-pp"; "camlp5"; "-a-format"; "-predicates"; "byte"; "logger,logger.syntax"] in let pr_o_cmo = "pr_o.cmo" in let pr_dump_cmo = "pr_dump.cmo" in let cmos = extract_words logger_archives |> List.map (fun file -> if Filename.basename file = pr_o_cmo then Filename.concat camlp5_dir pr_o_cmo else if Filename.basename file = pr_dump_cmo then Filename.concat camlp5_dir pr_dump_cmo else file ) in Cfg.Flags.write_lines "logger-flags.cfg" cmos let discover_tests ?(except=[]) cfg pattern = let out = Cfg.Process.run_capture_exn cfg ~dir:"../../regression" "find" ["."; "-maxdepth"; "1"; "-iname"; pattern; "-exec"; "basename"; "{}"; "'.ml'"; "\\;"] in let out = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") " " out in Format.printf "out = '%s'\n%!" out; let out = Cfg.Flags.extract_blank_separated_words out in let out = List.filter (fun s -> not (List.mem s except)) out in out (*** generating dune files ***) let camlp5_rectypes_tests = [ "test081llist" ] let ppx_rectypes_tests = [ "test798gen"; "test817logic" ] let camlp5_tests dir = (get_tests "test0" ~except:camlp5_rectypes_tests dir) @ ["test705"; ] let ppx_tests dir = let except = [ "test809cool" ; "test810cool" ; "test808ext" ; "test801mutal" ; "test814nonreg" ] @ ppx_rectypes_tests in get_tests "test8" ~except dir (* generates build rules for `test*.exe` *) let gen_tests_dune dir = let cramch = let f = Format.sprintf "regression.t" in let _ = Sys.command (Format.sprintf "rm -f %s" f) in open_out f in let outch = open_out (Format.sprintf "dune.tests") in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel outch in Format.pp_set_margin fmt 80; Format.pp_set_max_indent fmt 6; let wrap ?flags desc tests rewriter = tests |> List.iter (fun s -> Printf.fprintf cramch " $ ./%s.exe\n%!" s ); match tests with | [] -> () | _ -> let exes = String.concat " " @@ List.map (Printf.sprintf "%s.exe") tests in Format.fprintf fmt "\n; %s\n" desc; Format.fprintf fmt "(cram (deps %s))\n" exes; tests |> List.iter (fun test -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[(executable"; Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2> "; Format.fprintf fmt "@[(name %s)@]@," test; Format.fprintf fmt "@[(modules %s)@]@," test; let () = match flags with | None -> () | Some f -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[(flags (:standard %s))@]@," f in Format.fprintf fmt "@[(libraries GT)@]@,"; Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" rewriter (); close vbox Format.fprintf fmt ")@]\n" ); Format.pp_print_flush fmt () in let p5_rewriter ppf () = let pp = "%{project_root}/camlp5/pp5+gt+plugins+dump.exe" in Format.fprintf ppf "@[(preprocess (action (run %s %%{input-file})))@]@," pp; Format.fprintf ppf "@[(preprocessor_deps (file %s))@]@," pp in let ppx_rewriter ppf () = let pp = "%{project_root}/ppx/pp_gt.exe" in --as - pp will output serialized AST without it the human - readable AST will be printed * * without it the human-readable AST will be printed ***) Format.fprintf ppf "@[(preprocess (action (run %s --as-pp %%{input-file})))@]@," pp; Format.fprintf ppf "@[(preprocessor_deps (file %s))@]@," pp in let () = wrap "camlp5 " (camlp5_tests dir) p5_rewriter in let () = wrap ~flags:"-rectypes" "camlp5+rectypes" (camlp5_rectypes_tests) p5_rewriter in let () = wrap "ppx" (ppx_tests dir) ppx_rewriter in let () = wrap ~flags:"-rectypes" "ppx+rectypes" (ppx_rectypes_tests) ppx_rewriter in close_out cramch; close_out outch let discover_doc () = let filename = "package-doc.cfg" in Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "rm -fr '%s'" filename) |> ignore; try let _ = Unix.getenv "GT_WITH_DOCS" in Cfg.Flags.write_lines filename ["-package"; "pa_ppx"] with Not_found -> Cfg.Flags.write_lines filename []; () (*** command line arguments ***) let tests = ref false let tests_dune = ref false let tests_dir = ref "./regression" let camlp5_flags = ref false let doc_flags = ref false let logger_flags = ref false let all_flags = ref false let all = ref false let args = let set_tests_dir s = tests_dir := s in Arg.align @@ [ ("-tests-dir" , Arg.String set_tests_dir, "DIR discover tests in this directory" ) ; ("-tests" , Arg.Set tests_dune , " generate dune build file for tests" ) ; ("-camlp5-flags", Arg.Set camlp5_flags , " discover camlp5 flags (camlp5-flags.cfg)" ) ; ("-doc-flags" , Arg.Set doc_flags , " discover whether to build documentation") ; ("-logger-flags", Arg.Set logger_flags , " discover logger flags (logger-flags.cfg)" ) ; ("-all-flags" , Arg.Set all_flags , " discover all flags" ) ; ("-all" , Arg.Set all , " discover all" ) ] (*** main ***) let () = Cfg.main ~name:"GT" ~args (fun cfg -> if !doc_flags || !all then discover_doc (); if !tests_dune || !all then gen_tests_dune !tests_dir; if !camlp5_flags || !all_flags || !all then discover_camlp5_flags cfg; if !logger_flags || !all_flags || !all then discover_logger_flags cfg; () )
** utility functions ** pretty dumb file reading scans `regression` folder looking for `test*.ml` files `dune` doesn't give us direct access to `source` folder, only to the `build` folder, * thus we have to exclude files generated by the preprocessor `tester.ml` also should be excluded ** discovering ** ** generating dune files ** generates build rules for `test*.exe` ** command line arguments ** ** main **
module Cfg = Configurator.V1 let read_file fn = let ichan = open_in fn in let rec helper lines = try let line = input_line ichan in helper (line :: lines) with End_of_file -> lines in let lines = List.rev @@ helper [] in String.concat "\n" lines let extract_words = Cfg.Flags.extract_comma_space_separated_words let string_match re s = Str.string_match re s 0 let match_fn_ext fn ext = String.equal ext @@ Filename.extension fn let get_tests ?(except=[]) pattern tests_dir = let re = Str.regexp pattern in let check_fn fn = (string_match re fn) && (match_fn_ext fn ".ml") && (not @@ match_fn_ext (Filename.remove_extension fn) ".pp") && (not @@ String.equal fn "tester.ml") in Sys.readdir tests_dir |> Array.to_list |> List.filter check_fn |> List.map Filename.remove_extension |> List.filter (fun s -> not (List.mem s except)) |> List.sort String.compare let discover_camlp5_dir cfg = String.trim @@ Cfg.Process.run_capture_exn cfg "ocamlfind" ["query"; "camlp5"] let discover_camlp5_flags cfg = let camlp5_dir = discover_camlp5_dir cfg in let camlp5_archives = List.map (fun arch -> String.concat Filename.dir_sep [camlp5_dir; arch]) ["pa_o.cmo"; "pa_op.cmo"; "pr_o.cmo"] in Cfg.Flags.write_lines "camlp5-flags.cfg" camlp5_archives let discover_logger_flags cfg = logger has two kinds of CMOs : two from camlp5 ( pr_o and pr_dump ) and one for logger . ` pr_o ` is required because logger uses pretty - printing inside itself . ` pr_dump ` is required for printing result in binary format ( to save line numbers ) . ` pa_log ` for logger itself in META file they are listed as ` pr_o.cmo pr_dump.cmo pa_log.cmo ` With ocamlfind they are passed as is to compilation command prefixed by linking directory options . Because of that we ca n't write , for example , ' .. /camlp5 / pr_o.cmo ` in META file . With dune these three cmos are prefixed using full path , so using naive approach they are all located in the same directory $ LIB / logger . This is wrong but we can hack it in dune script because we know exact names of cmos . `pr_o` is required because logger uses pretty-printing inside itself. `pr_dump` is required for printing result in binary format (to save line numbers). `pa_log` for logger itself in META file they are listed as `pr_o.cmo pr_dump.cmo pa_log.cmo` With ocamlfind they are passed as is to compilation command prefixed by linking directory options. Because of that we can't write, for example, '../camlp5/pr_o.cmo` in META file. With dune these three cmos are prefixed using full path, so using naive approach they are all located in the same directory $LIB/logger. This is wrong but we can hack it in dune script because we know exact names of cmos. *) let camlp5_dir = discover_camlp5_dir cfg in let logger_archives = Cfg.Process.run_capture_exn cfg "ocamlfind" ["query"; "-pp"; "camlp5"; "-a-format"; "-predicates"; "byte"; "logger,logger.syntax"] in let pr_o_cmo = "pr_o.cmo" in let pr_dump_cmo = "pr_dump.cmo" in let cmos = extract_words logger_archives |> List.map (fun file -> if Filename.basename file = pr_o_cmo then Filename.concat camlp5_dir pr_o_cmo else if Filename.basename file = pr_dump_cmo then Filename.concat camlp5_dir pr_dump_cmo else file ) in Cfg.Flags.write_lines "logger-flags.cfg" cmos let discover_tests ?(except=[]) cfg pattern = let out = Cfg.Process.run_capture_exn cfg ~dir:"../../regression" "find" ["."; "-maxdepth"; "1"; "-iname"; pattern; "-exec"; "basename"; "{}"; "'.ml'"; "\\;"] in let out = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") " " out in Format.printf "out = '%s'\n%!" out; let out = Cfg.Flags.extract_blank_separated_words out in let out = List.filter (fun s -> not (List.mem s except)) out in out let camlp5_rectypes_tests = [ "test081llist" ] let ppx_rectypes_tests = [ "test798gen"; "test817logic" ] let camlp5_tests dir = (get_tests "test0" ~except:camlp5_rectypes_tests dir) @ ["test705"; ] let ppx_tests dir = let except = [ "test809cool" ; "test810cool" ; "test808ext" ; "test801mutal" ; "test814nonreg" ] @ ppx_rectypes_tests in get_tests "test8" ~except dir let gen_tests_dune dir = let cramch = let f = Format.sprintf "regression.t" in let _ = Sys.command (Format.sprintf "rm -f %s" f) in open_out f in let outch = open_out (Format.sprintf "dune.tests") in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel outch in Format.pp_set_margin fmt 80; Format.pp_set_max_indent fmt 6; let wrap ?flags desc tests rewriter = tests |> List.iter (fun s -> Printf.fprintf cramch " $ ./%s.exe\n%!" s ); match tests with | [] -> () | _ -> let exes = String.concat " " @@ List.map (Printf.sprintf "%s.exe") tests in Format.fprintf fmt "\n; %s\n" desc; Format.fprintf fmt "(cram (deps %s))\n" exes; tests |> List.iter (fun test -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[(executable"; Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2> "; Format.fprintf fmt "@[(name %s)@]@," test; Format.fprintf fmt "@[(modules %s)@]@," test; let () = match flags with | None -> () | Some f -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[(flags (:standard %s))@]@," f in Format.fprintf fmt "@[(libraries GT)@]@,"; Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" rewriter (); close vbox Format.fprintf fmt ")@]\n" ); Format.pp_print_flush fmt () in let p5_rewriter ppf () = let pp = "%{project_root}/camlp5/pp5+gt+plugins+dump.exe" in Format.fprintf ppf "@[(preprocess (action (run %s %%{input-file})))@]@," pp; Format.fprintf ppf "@[(preprocessor_deps (file %s))@]@," pp in let ppx_rewriter ppf () = let pp = "%{project_root}/ppx/pp_gt.exe" in --as - pp will output serialized AST without it the human - readable AST will be printed * * without it the human-readable AST will be printed ***) Format.fprintf ppf "@[(preprocess (action (run %s --as-pp %%{input-file})))@]@," pp; Format.fprintf ppf "@[(preprocessor_deps (file %s))@]@," pp in let () = wrap "camlp5 " (camlp5_tests dir) p5_rewriter in let () = wrap ~flags:"-rectypes" "camlp5+rectypes" (camlp5_rectypes_tests) p5_rewriter in let () = wrap "ppx" (ppx_tests dir) ppx_rewriter in let () = wrap ~flags:"-rectypes" "ppx+rectypes" (ppx_rectypes_tests) ppx_rewriter in close_out cramch; close_out outch let discover_doc () = let filename = "package-doc.cfg" in Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "rm -fr '%s'" filename) |> ignore; try let _ = Unix.getenv "GT_WITH_DOCS" in Cfg.Flags.write_lines filename ["-package"; "pa_ppx"] with Not_found -> Cfg.Flags.write_lines filename []; () let tests = ref false let tests_dune = ref false let tests_dir = ref "./regression" let camlp5_flags = ref false let doc_flags = ref false let logger_flags = ref false let all_flags = ref false let all = ref false let args = let set_tests_dir s = tests_dir := s in Arg.align @@ [ ("-tests-dir" , Arg.String set_tests_dir, "DIR discover tests in this directory" ) ; ("-tests" , Arg.Set tests_dune , " generate dune build file for tests" ) ; ("-camlp5-flags", Arg.Set camlp5_flags , " discover camlp5 flags (camlp5-flags.cfg)" ) ; ("-doc-flags" , Arg.Set doc_flags , " discover whether to build documentation") ; ("-logger-flags", Arg.Set logger_flags , " discover logger flags (logger-flags.cfg)" ) ; ("-all-flags" , Arg.Set all_flags , " discover all flags" ) ; ("-all" , Arg.Set all , " discover all" ) ] let () = Cfg.main ~name:"GT" ~args (fun cfg -> if !doc_flags || !all then discover_doc (); if !tests_dune || !all then gen_tests_dune !tests_dir; if !camlp5_flags || !all_flags || !all then discover_camlp5_flags cfg; if !logger_flags || !all_flags || !all then discover_logger_flags cfg; () )
%%========================================================================== Copyright ( C ) 2003 %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a %% copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " Software " ) , to deal in the Software without restriction , including %% without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute , sublicense , and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so , subject to the %% following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software . %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS %% OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN %% NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR %% OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE %% USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. %% Author : < > %%========================================================================== -module(eg_xml2richText). -export([normalise_xml/2, normalise_xml/3, default_tagMap/1]). -include("eg.hrl"). %% -define(DEBUG, true). -ifdef(DEBUG). dbg_io(Str) -> dbg_io(Str,[]). dbg_io(Str,Args) -> io:format("eg_xml2richText: ~p " ++ Str, [self()] ++ Args), ok. -else. %dbg_io(_) -> ok. dbg_io(_,_) -> ok. -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- normalise_xml(XML , , ) - > %% XML = XML parse tree The tree is walked - if any Tag is in %% Then the subtree of this tag is assumend to be rich text = [ Tag ] = [ # face { } ] %% Invarients no consequative spaces or spaces next to NLs default_tagMap(Pts) -> {[p], [{default,eg_richText:mk_face("Times-Roman", Pts, true, default, 0)}, {em, eg_richText:mk_face("Times-Italic", Pts, true, default, 0)}, XXX ! ! ! the font ZapfChancery - MediumItalic is not availible {red, eg_richText:mk_face("ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", Pts, true, {1,0,0},0)}, {blue, eg_richText:mk_face("ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", Pts, true, {0,0,1},0)}, {code, eg_richText:mk_face("Courier", Pts, false, default, 0)}, {b, eg_richText:mk_face("Times-Bold", Pts, true, default, 0)} ]}. normalise_xml(XML, {StandardTags, TagMap}) -> normalise_xml(XML, StandardTags, TagMap). normalise_xml({Tag, Args, L}, RichTextTags, TagMap) -> case lists:member(Tag, RichTextTags) of true -> L1 = normalise_richText(L, TagMap), {Tag, Args, L1}; false -> L1 = lists:map(fun(I) -> normalise_xml(I, RichTextTags, TagMap) end, L), {Tag, Args, L1} end; normalise_xml(Z, _, _) -> dbg_io("I cannot normalise:~p~n",[Z]). normalise_richText(Items, FontMap) -> L0 = lists:foldl(fun(I, L0) -> normalise_inline(I, FontMap, L0) end, [], Items), L1 = lists:reverse(L0), test_inline_invarient(L1), {richText, L1}. test_inline_invarient([H1,H2|T]) -> case {eg_richText:classify_inline(H1), eg_richText:classify_inline(H2)} of {space, space} -> dbg_io("Warning spaces:~p ~p~n",[H1,H2]), test_inline_invarient([H2|T]); {nl, space} -> dbg_io("Warning NL + NL:~p ~p~n",[H1,H2]), test_inline_invarient([H1|T]); {space,nl} -> dbg_io("Warning spaces + NL:~p ~p~n",[H1,H2]), test_inline_invarient([H2|T]); _ -> test_inline_invarient([H2|T]) end; test_inline_invarient(_) -> true. normalise_inline({raw,Str}, FontMap, L) -> normalise_tag(default, Str, FontMap, L); normalise_inline({Tag, _, [{raw,Str}]}, FontMap, L) -> normalise_tag(Tag, Str, FontMap, L); normalise_inline({_Tag, _, []}, _FontMap, L) -> L. normalise_tag(Tag, Str, FontMap, L) -> Face = get_face(Tag, FontMap), case eg_richText:is_face_breakable(Face) of true -> normalise_str(Str, Face, L, skip_ws); false -> normalise_str(Str, Face, L, keep_ws) Wd = eg_richText : mk_fixedStr(Face , ) , % [Wd|L] end. get_face(Tag, [{Tag,Face}|_]) -> Face; get_face(Tag, [_|T]) -> get_face(Tag, T); get_face(Tag, []) -> dbg_io("There is no face associated with Tag=~p~n",[Tag]), eg_pdf:default_face(). Collect spaces nls etc . %% in a breakable face normalise_str([$\r,$\n|T], Face, L, WS) -> normalise_str(T, Face, [eg_richText:mk_nl(Face)|L], WS); normalise_str([$\n|T], Face, L, WS) -> normalise_str(T, Face, [eg_richText:mk_nl(Face)|L], WS); normalise_str([H|T], Face, L, WS) -> case {is_white(H), WS} of {true, skip_ws} -> %% Hop over the white space If we get to put in a NL otherwise %% put in a space T1 = skip_white(T), case T1 of [] -> Space = eg_richText:mk_space(Face), normalise_str(T1, Face, [Space|L], WS); [H2|_] -> case is_nl(H2) of true -> normalise_str(T1, Face, L, WS); false -> Space = eg_richText:mk_space(Face), normalise_str(T1, Face, [Space|L], WS) end end; {true, keep_ws} -> Space = eg_richText:mk_space(Face), normalise_str(T, Face, [Space|L], WS); {false, _} -> {Str, T1} = collect_word(T, [H]), Word = eg_richText:mk_word(Face, Str), normalise_str(T1, Face, [Word|L], WS) end; normalise_str([], _, L, _WS) -> L. %% End Normalise XML %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% misc is_white($\s) -> true; is_white($\t) -> true; is_white(_) -> false. is_white_or_nl($\n) -> true; is_white_or_nl($\r) -> true; is_white_or_nl(X) -> is_white(X). is_nl($\n) -> true; is_nl($\r) -> true; is_nl(_) -> false. skip_white(X=[H|T]) -> case is_white(H) of true -> skip_white(T); false -> X end; skip_white([]) -> []. collect_word(X=[H|T], L) -> case is_white_or_nl(H) of true -> {lists:reverse(L), X}; false -> collect_word(T, [H|L]) end; collect_word([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}.
========================================================================== Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ========================================================================== -define(DEBUG, true). dbg_io(_) -> ok. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- XML = XML parse tree Then the subtree of this tag is assumend to be rich text Invarients no consequative spaces [Wd|L] in a breakable face Hop over the white space put in a space End Normalise XML ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- misc
Copyright ( C ) 2003 " Software " ) , to deal in the Software without restriction , including distribute , sublicense , and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so , subject to the in all copies or substantial portions of the Software . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR Author : < > -module(eg_xml2richText). -export([normalise_xml/2, normalise_xml/3, default_tagMap/1]). -include("eg.hrl"). -ifdef(DEBUG). dbg_io(Str) -> dbg_io(Str,[]). dbg_io(Str,Args) -> io:format("eg_xml2richText: ~p " ++ Str, [self()] ++ Args), ok. -else. dbg_io(_,_) -> ok. -endif. normalise_xml(XML , , ) - > The tree is walked - if any Tag is in = [ Tag ] = [ # face { } ] or spaces next to NLs default_tagMap(Pts) -> {[p], [{default,eg_richText:mk_face("Times-Roman", Pts, true, default, 0)}, {em, eg_richText:mk_face("Times-Italic", Pts, true, default, 0)}, XXX ! ! ! the font ZapfChancery - MediumItalic is not availible {red, eg_richText:mk_face("ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", Pts, true, {1,0,0},0)}, {blue, eg_richText:mk_face("ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", Pts, true, {0,0,1},0)}, {code, eg_richText:mk_face("Courier", Pts, false, default, 0)}, {b, eg_richText:mk_face("Times-Bold", Pts, true, default, 0)} ]}. normalise_xml(XML, {StandardTags, TagMap}) -> normalise_xml(XML, StandardTags, TagMap). normalise_xml({Tag, Args, L}, RichTextTags, TagMap) -> case lists:member(Tag, RichTextTags) of true -> L1 = normalise_richText(L, TagMap), {Tag, Args, L1}; false -> L1 = lists:map(fun(I) -> normalise_xml(I, RichTextTags, TagMap) end, L), {Tag, Args, L1} end; normalise_xml(Z, _, _) -> dbg_io("I cannot normalise:~p~n",[Z]). normalise_richText(Items, FontMap) -> L0 = lists:foldl(fun(I, L0) -> normalise_inline(I, FontMap, L0) end, [], Items), L1 = lists:reverse(L0), test_inline_invarient(L1), {richText, L1}. test_inline_invarient([H1,H2|T]) -> case {eg_richText:classify_inline(H1), eg_richText:classify_inline(H2)} of {space, space} -> dbg_io("Warning spaces:~p ~p~n",[H1,H2]), test_inline_invarient([H2|T]); {nl, space} -> dbg_io("Warning NL + NL:~p ~p~n",[H1,H2]), test_inline_invarient([H1|T]); {space,nl} -> dbg_io("Warning spaces + NL:~p ~p~n",[H1,H2]), test_inline_invarient([H2|T]); _ -> test_inline_invarient([H2|T]) end; test_inline_invarient(_) -> true. normalise_inline({raw,Str}, FontMap, L) -> normalise_tag(default, Str, FontMap, L); normalise_inline({Tag, _, [{raw,Str}]}, FontMap, L) -> normalise_tag(Tag, Str, FontMap, L); normalise_inline({_Tag, _, []}, _FontMap, L) -> L. normalise_tag(Tag, Str, FontMap, L) -> Face = get_face(Tag, FontMap), case eg_richText:is_face_breakable(Face) of true -> normalise_str(Str, Face, L, skip_ws); false -> normalise_str(Str, Face, L, keep_ws) Wd = eg_richText : mk_fixedStr(Face , ) , end. get_face(Tag, [{Tag,Face}|_]) -> Face; get_face(Tag, [_|T]) -> get_face(Tag, T); get_face(Tag, []) -> dbg_io("There is no face associated with Tag=~p~n",[Tag]), eg_pdf:default_face(). Collect spaces nls etc . normalise_str([$\r,$\n|T], Face, L, WS) -> normalise_str(T, Face, [eg_richText:mk_nl(Face)|L], WS); normalise_str([$\n|T], Face, L, WS) -> normalise_str(T, Face, [eg_richText:mk_nl(Face)|L], WS); normalise_str([H|T], Face, L, WS) -> case {is_white(H), WS} of {true, skip_ws} -> If we get to put in a NL otherwise T1 = skip_white(T), case T1 of [] -> Space = eg_richText:mk_space(Face), normalise_str(T1, Face, [Space|L], WS); [H2|_] -> case is_nl(H2) of true -> normalise_str(T1, Face, L, WS); false -> Space = eg_richText:mk_space(Face), normalise_str(T1, Face, [Space|L], WS) end end; {true, keep_ws} -> Space = eg_richText:mk_space(Face), normalise_str(T, Face, [Space|L], WS); {false, _} -> {Str, T1} = collect_word(T, [H]), Word = eg_richText:mk_word(Face, Str), normalise_str(T1, Face, [Word|L], WS) end; normalise_str([], _, L, _WS) -> L. is_white($\s) -> true; is_white($\t) -> true; is_white(_) -> false. is_white_or_nl($\n) -> true; is_white_or_nl($\r) -> true; is_white_or_nl(X) -> is_white(X). is_nl($\n) -> true; is_nl($\r) -> true; is_nl(_) -> false. skip_white(X=[H|T]) -> case is_white(H) of true -> skip_white(T); false -> X end; skip_white([]) -> []. collect_word(X=[H|T], L) -> case is_white_or_nl(H) of true -> {lists:reverse(L), X}; false -> collect_word(T, [H|L]) end; collect_word([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}.
(ns dispatch.multimethods (:refer-clojure :exclude [remove-all-methods remove-method prefer-method methods get-method prefers defmulti defmethod]) (:use [dispatch.is-a-protocol :only [is-a? global-is-a-hierarchy]])) mostly stolen from clojurescript ;;NB: hierarchy must be IRef in this case , use Var ; in cljs , they use Atom (defn- reset-cache [method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy] (swap! method-cache (fn [_] (deref method-table))) (swap! cached-hierarchy (fn [_] (deref hierarchy)))) (defn- prefers* [x y prefer-table] (let [xprefs (@prefer-table x)] (or (when (and xprefs (xprefs y)) true) (loop [ps (parents y)] (when (pos? (count ps)) (when (prefers* x (first ps) prefer-table) true) (recur (rest ps)))) (loop [ps (parents x)] (when (pos? (count ps)) (when (prefers* (first ps) y prefer-table) true) (recur (rest ps)))) false))) (defn- dominates [x y prefer-table] (or (prefers* x y prefer-table) (is-a? x y))) (defn- find-and-cache-best-method [name dispatch-val hierarchy method-table prefer-table method-cache cached-hierarchy] (let [best-entry (reduce (fn [be [k _ :as e]] (if (is-a? dispatch-val k) (let [be2 (if (or (nil? be) (dominates k (first be) prefer-table)) e be)] (when-not (dominates (first be2) k prefer-table) (throw (Error. (str "Multiple methods in multimethod '" name "' match dispatch value: " dispatch-val " -> " k " and " (first be2) ", and neither is preferred")))) be2) be)) nil @method-table)] (when best-entry (if (= @cached-hierarchy @hierarchy) (do (swap! method-cache assoc dispatch-val (second best-entry)) (second best-entry)) (do (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy) (find-and-cache-best-method name dispatch-val hierarchy method-table prefer-table method-cache cached-hierarchy)))))) (defprotocol IMultiFn (-reset [mf]) (-add-method [mf dispatch-val method]) (-remove-method [mf dispatch-val]) (-prefer-method [mf dispatch-val dispatch-val-y]) (-get-method [mf dispatch-val]) (-methods [mf]) (-prefers [mf]) (-dispatch [mf args])) (defn- do-dispatch [mf dispatch-fn args] (let [dispatch-val (apply dispatch-fn args) target-fn (-get-method mf dispatch-val)] (when-not target-fn (throw (Error. (str "No method in multimethod '" name "' for dispatch value: " dispatch-val)))) (apply target-fn args))) (deftype MultiFn [name dispatch-fn default-dispatch-val hierarchy method-table prefer-table method-cache cached-hierarchy] IMultiFn (-reset [mf] (swap! method-table (fn [mf] {})) (swap! method-cache (fn [mf] {})) (swap! prefer-table (fn [mf] {})) (swap! cached-hierarchy (fn [mf] nil)) mf) (-add-method [mf dispatch-val method] (swap! method-table assoc dispatch-val method) (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy) mf) (-remove-method [mf dispatch-val] (swap! method-table dissoc dispatch-val) (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy) mf) (-get-method [mf dispatch-val] (when-not (= @cached-hierarchy @hierarchy) (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy)) (if-let [target-fn (@method-cache dispatch-val)] target-fn (if-let [target-fn (find-and-cache-best-method name dispatch-val hierarchy method-table prefer-table method-cache cached-hierarchy)] target-fn (@method-table default-dispatch-val)))) (-prefer-method [mf dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y] (when (prefers* dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y prefer-table) (throw (Error. (str "Preference conflict in multimethod '" name "': " dispatch-val-y " is already preferred to " dispatch-val-x)))) (swap! prefer-table (fn [old] (assoc old dispatch-val-x (conj (get old dispatch-val-x #{}) dispatch-val-y)))) (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy)) (-methods [mf] @method-table) (-prefers [mf] @prefer-table) (-dispatch [mf args] (do-dispatch mf dispatch-fn args)) ;; IHash ;; (-hash [this] (hash this)) clojure.lang.IFn ;;TODO: do we need all these? can it just be ;;(invoke [this & args] (-dispatch this args)) (invoke [this] (-dispatch this ())) (invoke [this a1] (-dispatch this (list a1))) (invoke [this a1 a2] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20 restargs] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20 restargs))) (applyTo [this args] (-dispatch this args))) metafns on (defn remove-all-methods "Removes all of the methods of multimethod." [multifn] (-reset multifn)) (defn remove-method "Removes the method of multimethod associated with dispatch-value." [multifn dispatch-val] (-remove-method multifn dispatch-val)) (defn prefer-method "Causes the multimethod to prefer matches of dispatch-val-x over dispatch-val-y when there is a conflict" [multifn dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y] (-prefer-method multifn dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y)) (defn methods "Given a multimethod, returns a map of dispatch values -> dispatch fns" [multifn] (-methods multifn)) (defn get-method "Given a multimethod and a dispatch value, returns the dispatch fn that would apply to that value, or nil if none apply and no default" [multifn dispatch-val] (-get-method multifn dispatch-val)) (defn prefers "Given a multimethod, returns a map of preferred value -> set of other values" [multifn] (-prefers multifn)) creating multimethods (defn ^:private check-valid-options "Throws an exception if the given option map contains keys not listed as valid, else returns nil." [options & valid-keys] (when (seq (apply disj (apply hash-set (keys options)) valid-keys)) (throw (apply str "Only these options are valid: " (first valid-keys) (map #(str ", " %) (rest valid-keys)))))) (defmacro defmulti "Creates a new multimethod with the associated dispatch function. The docstring and attribute-map are optional. Options are key-value pairs and may be one of: :default the default dispatch value, defaults to :default :hierarchy the isa? hierarchy to use for dispatching defaults to the global hierarchy" [mm-name & options] (let [docstring (if (string? (first options)) (first options) nil) options (if (string? (first options)) (next options) options) m (if (map? (first options)) (first options) {}) options (if (map? (first options)) (next options) options) dispatch-fn (first options) options (next options) m (if docstring (assoc m :doc docstring) m) m (if (meta mm-name) (conj (meta mm-name) m) m)] (when (= (count options) 1) (throw "The syntax for defmulti has changed. Example: (defmulti name dispatch-fn :default dispatch-value)")) (let [options (apply hash-map options) default (get options :default :default)] (check-valid-options options :default :hierarchy) `(def ~(with-meta mm-name m) (let [method-table# (atom {}) prefer-table# (atom {}) method-cache# (atom {}) cached-hierarchy# (atom {}) hierarchy# (get ~options :hierarchy #'global-is-a-hierarchy)] (MultiFn. ~(name mm-name) ~dispatch-fn ~default hierarchy# method-table# prefer-table# method-cache# cached-hierarchy#)))))) (defmacro defmethod "Creates and installs a new method of multimethod associated with dispatch-value. " [multifn dispatch-val & fn-tail] `(-add-method ~(with-meta multifn {:tag 'multimethods/MultiFn}) ~dispatch-val (fn ~@fn-tail))) ;;TODO: need to throw useful exceptions when dispatch fails
NB: hierarchy must be IRef in cljs , they use Atom IHash (-hash [this] (hash this)) TODO: do we need all these? can it just be (invoke [this & args] (-dispatch this args)) TODO: need to throw useful exceptions when dispatch fails
(ns dispatch.multimethods (:refer-clojure :exclude [remove-all-methods remove-method prefer-method methods get-method prefers defmulti defmethod]) (:use [dispatch.is-a-protocol :only [is-a? global-is-a-hierarchy]])) mostly stolen from clojurescript (defn- reset-cache [method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy] (swap! method-cache (fn [_] (deref method-table))) (swap! cached-hierarchy (fn [_] (deref hierarchy)))) (defn- prefers* [x y prefer-table] (let [xprefs (@prefer-table x)] (or (when (and xprefs (xprefs y)) true) (loop [ps (parents y)] (when (pos? (count ps)) (when (prefers* x (first ps) prefer-table) true) (recur (rest ps)))) (loop [ps (parents x)] (when (pos? (count ps)) (when (prefers* (first ps) y prefer-table) true) (recur (rest ps)))) false))) (defn- dominates [x y prefer-table] (or (prefers* x y prefer-table) (is-a? x y))) (defn- find-and-cache-best-method [name dispatch-val hierarchy method-table prefer-table method-cache cached-hierarchy] (let [best-entry (reduce (fn [be [k _ :as e]] (if (is-a? dispatch-val k) (let [be2 (if (or (nil? be) (dominates k (first be) prefer-table)) e be)] (when-not (dominates (first be2) k prefer-table) (throw (Error. (str "Multiple methods in multimethod '" name "' match dispatch value: " dispatch-val " -> " k " and " (first be2) ", and neither is preferred")))) be2) be)) nil @method-table)] (when best-entry (if (= @cached-hierarchy @hierarchy) (do (swap! method-cache assoc dispatch-val (second best-entry)) (second best-entry)) (do (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy) (find-and-cache-best-method name dispatch-val hierarchy method-table prefer-table method-cache cached-hierarchy)))))) (defprotocol IMultiFn (-reset [mf]) (-add-method [mf dispatch-val method]) (-remove-method [mf dispatch-val]) (-prefer-method [mf dispatch-val dispatch-val-y]) (-get-method [mf dispatch-val]) (-methods [mf]) (-prefers [mf]) (-dispatch [mf args])) (defn- do-dispatch [mf dispatch-fn args] (let [dispatch-val (apply dispatch-fn args) target-fn (-get-method mf dispatch-val)] (when-not target-fn (throw (Error. (str "No method in multimethod '" name "' for dispatch value: " dispatch-val)))) (apply target-fn args))) (deftype MultiFn [name dispatch-fn default-dispatch-val hierarchy method-table prefer-table method-cache cached-hierarchy] IMultiFn (-reset [mf] (swap! method-table (fn [mf] {})) (swap! method-cache (fn [mf] {})) (swap! prefer-table (fn [mf] {})) (swap! cached-hierarchy (fn [mf] nil)) mf) (-add-method [mf dispatch-val method] (swap! method-table assoc dispatch-val method) (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy) mf) (-remove-method [mf dispatch-val] (swap! method-table dissoc dispatch-val) (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy) mf) (-get-method [mf dispatch-val] (when-not (= @cached-hierarchy @hierarchy) (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy)) (if-let [target-fn (@method-cache dispatch-val)] target-fn (if-let [target-fn (find-and-cache-best-method name dispatch-val hierarchy method-table prefer-table method-cache cached-hierarchy)] target-fn (@method-table default-dispatch-val)))) (-prefer-method [mf dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y] (when (prefers* dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y prefer-table) (throw (Error. (str "Preference conflict in multimethod '" name "': " dispatch-val-y " is already preferred to " dispatch-val-x)))) (swap! prefer-table (fn [old] (assoc old dispatch-val-x (conj (get old dispatch-val-x #{}) dispatch-val-y)))) (reset-cache method-cache method-table cached-hierarchy hierarchy)) (-methods [mf] @method-table) (-prefers [mf] @prefer-table) (-dispatch [mf args] (do-dispatch mf dispatch-fn args)) clojure.lang.IFn (invoke [this] (-dispatch this ())) (invoke [this a1] (-dispatch this (list a1))) (invoke [this a1 a2] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20))) (invoke [this a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20 restargs] (-dispatch this (list a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20 restargs))) (applyTo [this args] (-dispatch this args))) metafns on (defn remove-all-methods "Removes all of the methods of multimethod." [multifn] (-reset multifn)) (defn remove-method "Removes the method of multimethod associated with dispatch-value." [multifn dispatch-val] (-remove-method multifn dispatch-val)) (defn prefer-method "Causes the multimethod to prefer matches of dispatch-val-x over dispatch-val-y when there is a conflict" [multifn dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y] (-prefer-method multifn dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y)) (defn methods "Given a multimethod, returns a map of dispatch values -> dispatch fns" [multifn] (-methods multifn)) (defn get-method "Given a multimethod and a dispatch value, returns the dispatch fn that would apply to that value, or nil if none apply and no default" [multifn dispatch-val] (-get-method multifn dispatch-val)) (defn prefers "Given a multimethod, returns a map of preferred value -> set of other values" [multifn] (-prefers multifn)) creating multimethods (defn ^:private check-valid-options "Throws an exception if the given option map contains keys not listed as valid, else returns nil." [options & valid-keys] (when (seq (apply disj (apply hash-set (keys options)) valid-keys)) (throw (apply str "Only these options are valid: " (first valid-keys) (map #(str ", " %) (rest valid-keys)))))) (defmacro defmulti "Creates a new multimethod with the associated dispatch function. The docstring and attribute-map are optional. Options are key-value pairs and may be one of: :default the default dispatch value, defaults to :default :hierarchy the isa? hierarchy to use for dispatching defaults to the global hierarchy" [mm-name & options] (let [docstring (if (string? (first options)) (first options) nil) options (if (string? (first options)) (next options) options) m (if (map? (first options)) (first options) {}) options (if (map? (first options)) (next options) options) dispatch-fn (first options) options (next options) m (if docstring (assoc m :doc docstring) m) m (if (meta mm-name) (conj (meta mm-name) m) m)] (when (= (count options) 1) (throw "The syntax for defmulti has changed. Example: (defmulti name dispatch-fn :default dispatch-value)")) (let [options (apply hash-map options) default (get options :default :default)] (check-valid-options options :default :hierarchy) `(def ~(with-meta mm-name m) (let [method-table# (atom {}) prefer-table# (atom {}) method-cache# (atom {}) cached-hierarchy# (atom {}) hierarchy# (get ~options :hierarchy #'global-is-a-hierarchy)] (MultiFn. ~(name mm-name) ~dispatch-fn ~default hierarchy# method-table# prefer-table# method-cache# cached-hierarchy#)))))) (defmacro defmethod "Creates and installs a new method of multimethod associated with dispatch-value. " [multifn dispatch-val & fn-tail] `(-add-method ~(with-meta multifn {:tag 'multimethods/MultiFn}) ~dispatch-val (fn ~@fn-tail)))
module Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Api where import Servant import Servant.Swagger.Tags import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_DELETE import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_Documents_Preview_GET import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_Documents_Preview_Settings_PUT import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_GET import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_PUT import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.List_GET import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.List_POST import Wizard.Model.Context.BaseContext type DocumentTemplateDraftAPI = Tags "Document Template Draft" :> ( List_GET :<|> List_POST :<|> Detail_GET :<|> Detail_PUT :<|> Detail_DELETE :<|> Detail_Documents_Preview_GET :<|> Detail_Documents_Preview_Settings_PUT ) documentTemplateDraftApi :: Proxy DocumentTemplateDraftAPI documentTemplateDraftApi = Proxy documentTemplateDraftServer :: ServerT DocumentTemplateDraftAPI BaseContextM documentTemplateDraftServer = list_GET :<|> list_POST :<|> detail_GET :<|> detail_PUT :<|> detail_DELETE :<|> detail_documents_preview_GET :<|> detail_documents_preview_settings_PUT
module Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Api where import Servant import Servant.Swagger.Tags import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_DELETE import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_Documents_Preview_GET import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_Documents_Preview_Settings_PUT import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_GET import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.Detail_PUT import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.List_GET import Wizard.Api.Handler.DocumentTemplateDraft.List_POST import Wizard.Model.Context.BaseContext type DocumentTemplateDraftAPI = Tags "Document Template Draft" :> ( List_GET :<|> List_POST :<|> Detail_GET :<|> Detail_PUT :<|> Detail_DELETE :<|> Detail_Documents_Preview_GET :<|> Detail_Documents_Preview_Settings_PUT ) documentTemplateDraftApi :: Proxy DocumentTemplateDraftAPI documentTemplateDraftApi = Proxy documentTemplateDraftServer :: ServerT DocumentTemplateDraftAPI BaseContextM documentTemplateDraftServer = list_GET :<|> list_POST :<|> detail_GET :<|> detail_PUT :<|> detail_DELETE :<|> detail_documents_preview_GET :<|> detail_documents_preview_settings_PUT
Copyright ( c ) 2002 - 2003 by and ; All rights reserved . ;;; This software is made avilable for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ;;; ONLY, and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, express or implied, of ;;; its merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. (in-package USER) (defstruct reaction reactants ; Lefthand side catalyst Righthand side ) (defstruct molecule abbrev ; The abbreviation we'll use for convenience. fullname ; The pretty-printing name. S , NS , or INS ) (defvar *molecules* nil) (defvar *reactions* nil) (defmacro add-molecule (abbrev fullname type &rest constituents) `(push (make-molecule :abbrev ',abbrev :fullname ,fullname :type ',type) *molecules*)) (compile (defun find-molecules (abbrevs) (loop for molecule in *molecules* when (member (molecule-abbrev molecule) abbrevs) collect molecule))) Same thing , but only for one molcule : (compile (defun find-molecule (abbrev) (loop for molecule in *molecules* when (eq (molecule-abbrev molecule) abbrev) do (return molecule)))) (defmacro add-reaction (reactants products enzyme) `(push (make-reaction :reactants (find-molecules ',reactants) :catalyst ',enzyme :products (find-molecules ',products) ) *reactions*)) (defun init-objects () (setq *molecules* nil) (add-molecule P "phosphatate" ins) (add-molecule C "carbon" ins) (add-molecule aden "adenosine" ns) (add-molecule guan "guanosine" ns) (add-molecule H+ "H+" ns) (add-molecule H2O "H2O" ns) (add-molecule NAD+ "NAD+" ns) (add-molecule FAD "FAD" ns) (add-molecule coa "CoA" s) (add-molecule atp "ATP" ins) (add-molecule adp "ADP" ins) (add-molecule gdp "GDP" ins) (add-molecule gtp "GTP" ins) (add-molecule NADH "NADH" ns) (add-molecule CO2 "Co2" ins) (add-molecule FADH2 "FADH2" ns) (add-molecule glu "glucose" s) (add-molecule fru "fructose" s) (add-molecule dha "dihydroxyacetone" s) (add-molecule glh "glyceraldehyde" s) (add-molecule gla "glycerate" s) (add-molecule pyr "pyruvate" s) (add-molecule ace "acetyl" s) (add-molecule oxa "oxaloacetate" s) (add-molecule cit "citrate" s) (add-molecule ict "isocitrate" s) (add-molecule akg "a-ketoglutarate" s) (add-molecule suc "succinate" s) (add-molecule fum "fumarate" s) (add-molecule mal "malate" s) (add-molecule g6p "glucose 6-phosphate" s) (add-molecule f1p "fructose 1-phosphate" s) (add-molecule f6p "fructose 6-phosphate" s) (add-molecule fbp "fructose 1,6 bisphosphate" s) (add-molecule dap "dihydrozyacetone phosphate" s) (add-molecule g3p "glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate" s) (add-molecule bpg "1,3-bisphosphoglycerate" s) (add-molecule 3pg "3-phosphoglycerate" s) (add-molecule 2pg "2-phosphoglycerate" s) (add-molecule pep "phosphoenolpyruvate" s) (add-molecule aca "acetyl CoA" s) (add-molecule sca "succinyl CoA" s) ;; Reactions: (setq *reactions* nil) (add-reaction (fru) (f1p) "Fructokinase") (add-reaction (f1p) (glh dap) "Fructose 1-phosphate aldolase") (add-reaction (glh) (g3p) "G3p kinase") (add-reaction (glu atp) (g6p adp) "Hexokinase") (add-reaction (g6p) (f6p) "Phosphoglucomutase") (add-reaction (f6p atp) (fbp adp) "Phosphofructokinase") (add-reaction (fbp) (dap g3p) "Aldolase") (add-reaction (dap) (g3p) "Isomerase") (add-reaction (P NAD+ g3p) (NADH H+ bpg) "G3p dehydrogenase") (add-reaction (bpg adp) (3pg atp) "Phosphoglycerate kinase") (add-reaction (3pg) (2pg) "Phosphoglyceromutase") (add-reaction (2pg) (pep H2O) "Enolase") (add-reaction (pep atp) (pyr adp) "Pyruvate kinase") (add-reaction (pyr NAD+ coa) (NADH H+ CO2 aca) "Citrate synthase") (add-reaction (cit) (ict) "Aconitase") (add-reaction (ict NAD+) (akg NADH H+ CO2) "Isocitrate dehydrogenase") (add-reaction (akg NAD+ coa) (sca NADH H+ CO2) "a-ketogluterate dehydrogenase complex") (add-reaction (sca gdp P) (suc gtp coa) "Succinyl CoA synthase") (add-reaction (suc FAD) (fum FADH2) "Succinate dehydrogenase") (add-reaction (fum H2O) (mal) "Fumerase") (add-reaction (mal NAD+) (oxa NADH H+) "Malate dehydrogenase") ) (defun pp-reaction (r) (let* ((catalyst (reaction-catalyst r)) (reactants (reaction-reactants r)) (products (reaction-products r)) ) (pp-mols reactants) (format t " --[~a]--> " catalyst) (pp-mols products) (format t "~%")) r) (defun pp-mols (m*) (loop for m+ on m* do (format t "~A" (molecule-fullname (car m+))) (when (cdr m+) (format t " + ")))) (defmacro pp-reactions (reactions) `(loop for reaction in ,reactions do (pp-reaction reaction))) (defvar *env* nil) (defun init-env () (setq *env* (find-molecules '(frk f1pa tk atp adp gdp gtp fru glu NAD+ FAD P hxk pfk pgm ald gapdh pgk pym eno pyk iso csy act idh adhc scs sdh fas mdh)))) (defvar *goal* nil) (defun init-goal () (setq *goal* (find-molecule 'mal))) (defun init () (init-objects) (init-env) (init-goal)) (compile (defun possible-reactions (env) (loop for reaction in *reactions* when (loop for reactant in (reaction-reactants reaction) when (not (find reactant env)) do (return nil) finally (return t)) collect reaction))) (compile (defun apply-reaction (reaction env) (append env (loop for product in (reaction-products reaction) unless (member product env) collect product)))) (compile (defun paths (env goal &optional path) (cond ((find goal env) (list path)) (t (loop for reaction in (possible-reactions env) append (paths (apply-reaction reaction env) goal (cons reaction path))))))) (compile (defun paths (env goal &optional path) (cond ((find goal env) (list path)) (t (loop for reaction in (loop for reaction in (possible-reactions env) when (not (member reaction path)) collect reaction) append (paths (apply-reaction reaction env) goal (cons reaction path)))) ))) (defmacro pathsto (goal) `(length (setq *pathways* (paths *env* (find-molecule ',goal))))) (compile (defun remove-duplicate-paths (path*) (loop for this-path in path* ;; When the current path is NOT a superset of ;; anything else in the path list then collect it. ;; (Careful not to remove it when it matches itself!) when (loop for target-path in path* when (and (not (eq this-path target-path)) (superset? this-path target-path)) do (return nil) finally (return t)) collect this-path))) (compile (defun superset? (s1 s2) (and (>= (length s1) (length s2)) (loop for a in s2 when (not (member a s1)) do (return nil) finally (return t))))) (defmacro pathsto (goal) `(length (setq *pathways* (remove-duplicate-paths (paths *env* (find-molecule ',goal)))))) (defun ppp (&optional (pwys *pathways*)) (loop for path-n from 1 by 1 as path in pwys do (format t "~%~%Pathway #~a:~%~%" path-n) ;; We copy the list (pp-reactions (reverse (copy-list path))))) ;;; We have to come from a particular molecule, and we have to pass ;;; the pathway down alongwith us, so that we can use the previous ;;; reaction to constrain the search. (defun paths-between (from to &optional (env *env*) path) (cond ((member to env) (list path)) ; If we've found our goal, we're done! (LIST for appends up the stack.) (t (loop for reaction in (possible-reactions-from from env) when (not (member reaction path)) append (paths-via (cons reaction path) to (apply-reaction reaction env)))) )) ;;; Track each SPECIFIC reaction product molecule into a new path. (defun paths-via (path to env) (loop for link-mol in (reaction-products (car path)) when (eq 's (molecule-type link-mol)) append (paths-between link-mol to env path))) ;;; This is a constrained version of POSSIBLE-REACTIONS. ;;; The only difference is the (AND (MEMBER ...) ...) which ;;; ensures that the reaction chosen also links to the FROM molecule. (defun possible-reactions-from (from env) (loop for reaction in *reactions* as reactants = (reaction-reactants reaction) when (and (member from reactants) (loop for reactant in reactants when (not (find reactant env)) do (return nil) finally (return t))) collect reaction)) ;;; And we'll make a new PATHTO for this search as well; We'll ;;; call it FPATHSTO -- F for "Fast"! This version doesn't even ;;; do the superset duplicate removal! (defmacro fpathsto (from to) `(length (setq *pathways* (paths-between (find-molecule ',from) (find-molecule ',to) *env*))))
All rights reserved . This software is made avilable for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, express or implied, of its merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Lefthand side The abbreviation we'll use for convenience. The pretty-printing name. Reactions: When the current path is NOT a superset of anything else in the path list then collect it. (Careful not to remove it when it matches itself!) We copy the list We have to come from a particular molecule, and we have to pass the pathway down alongwith us, so that we can use the previous reaction to constrain the search. If we've found our goal, we're done! (LIST for appends up the stack.) Track each SPECIFIC reaction product molecule into a new path. This is a constrained version of POSSIBLE-REACTIONS. The only difference is the (AND (MEMBER ...) ...) which ensures that the reaction chosen also links to the FROM molecule. And we'll make a new PATHTO for this search as well; We'll call it FPATHSTO -- F for "Fast"! This version doesn't even do the superset duplicate removal!
(in-package USER) (defstruct reaction catalyst Righthand side ) (defstruct molecule S , NS , or INS ) (defvar *molecules* nil) (defvar *reactions* nil) (defmacro add-molecule (abbrev fullname type &rest constituents) `(push (make-molecule :abbrev ',abbrev :fullname ,fullname :type ',type) *molecules*)) (compile (defun find-molecules (abbrevs) (loop for molecule in *molecules* when (member (molecule-abbrev molecule) abbrevs) collect molecule))) Same thing , but only for one molcule : (compile (defun find-molecule (abbrev) (loop for molecule in *molecules* when (eq (molecule-abbrev molecule) abbrev) do (return molecule)))) (defmacro add-reaction (reactants products enzyme) `(push (make-reaction :reactants (find-molecules ',reactants) :catalyst ',enzyme :products (find-molecules ',products) ) *reactions*)) (defun init-objects () (setq *molecules* nil) (add-molecule P "phosphatate" ins) (add-molecule C "carbon" ins) (add-molecule aden "adenosine" ns) (add-molecule guan "guanosine" ns) (add-molecule H+ "H+" ns) (add-molecule H2O "H2O" ns) (add-molecule NAD+ "NAD+" ns) (add-molecule FAD "FAD" ns) (add-molecule coa "CoA" s) (add-molecule atp "ATP" ins) (add-molecule adp "ADP" ins) (add-molecule gdp "GDP" ins) (add-molecule gtp "GTP" ins) (add-molecule NADH "NADH" ns) (add-molecule CO2 "Co2" ins) (add-molecule FADH2 "FADH2" ns) (add-molecule glu "glucose" s) (add-molecule fru "fructose" s) (add-molecule dha "dihydroxyacetone" s) (add-molecule glh "glyceraldehyde" s) (add-molecule gla "glycerate" s) (add-molecule pyr "pyruvate" s) (add-molecule ace "acetyl" s) (add-molecule oxa "oxaloacetate" s) (add-molecule cit "citrate" s) (add-molecule ict "isocitrate" s) (add-molecule akg "a-ketoglutarate" s) (add-molecule suc "succinate" s) (add-molecule fum "fumarate" s) (add-molecule mal "malate" s) (add-molecule g6p "glucose 6-phosphate" s) (add-molecule f1p "fructose 1-phosphate" s) (add-molecule f6p "fructose 6-phosphate" s) (add-molecule fbp "fructose 1,6 bisphosphate" s) (add-molecule dap "dihydrozyacetone phosphate" s) (add-molecule g3p "glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate" s) (add-molecule bpg "1,3-bisphosphoglycerate" s) (add-molecule 3pg "3-phosphoglycerate" s) (add-molecule 2pg "2-phosphoglycerate" s) (add-molecule pep "phosphoenolpyruvate" s) (add-molecule aca "acetyl CoA" s) (add-molecule sca "succinyl CoA" s) (setq *reactions* nil) (add-reaction (fru) (f1p) "Fructokinase") (add-reaction (f1p) (glh dap) "Fructose 1-phosphate aldolase") (add-reaction (glh) (g3p) "G3p kinase") (add-reaction (glu atp) (g6p adp) "Hexokinase") (add-reaction (g6p) (f6p) "Phosphoglucomutase") (add-reaction (f6p atp) (fbp adp) "Phosphofructokinase") (add-reaction (fbp) (dap g3p) "Aldolase") (add-reaction (dap) (g3p) "Isomerase") (add-reaction (P NAD+ g3p) (NADH H+ bpg) "G3p dehydrogenase") (add-reaction (bpg adp) (3pg atp) "Phosphoglycerate kinase") (add-reaction (3pg) (2pg) "Phosphoglyceromutase") (add-reaction (2pg) (pep H2O) "Enolase") (add-reaction (pep atp) (pyr adp) "Pyruvate kinase") (add-reaction (pyr NAD+ coa) (NADH H+ CO2 aca) "Citrate synthase") (add-reaction (cit) (ict) "Aconitase") (add-reaction (ict NAD+) (akg NADH H+ CO2) "Isocitrate dehydrogenase") (add-reaction (akg NAD+ coa) (sca NADH H+ CO2) "a-ketogluterate dehydrogenase complex") (add-reaction (sca gdp P) (suc gtp coa) "Succinyl CoA synthase") (add-reaction (suc FAD) (fum FADH2) "Succinate dehydrogenase") (add-reaction (fum H2O) (mal) "Fumerase") (add-reaction (mal NAD+) (oxa NADH H+) "Malate dehydrogenase") ) (defun pp-reaction (r) (let* ((catalyst (reaction-catalyst r)) (reactants (reaction-reactants r)) (products (reaction-products r)) ) (pp-mols reactants) (format t " --[~a]--> " catalyst) (pp-mols products) (format t "~%")) r) (defun pp-mols (m*) (loop for m+ on m* do (format t "~A" (molecule-fullname (car m+))) (when (cdr m+) (format t " + ")))) (defmacro pp-reactions (reactions) `(loop for reaction in ,reactions do (pp-reaction reaction))) (defvar *env* nil) (defun init-env () (setq *env* (find-molecules '(frk f1pa tk atp adp gdp gtp fru glu NAD+ FAD P hxk pfk pgm ald gapdh pgk pym eno pyk iso csy act idh adhc scs sdh fas mdh)))) (defvar *goal* nil) (defun init-goal () (setq *goal* (find-molecule 'mal))) (defun init () (init-objects) (init-env) (init-goal)) (compile (defun possible-reactions (env) (loop for reaction in *reactions* when (loop for reactant in (reaction-reactants reaction) when (not (find reactant env)) do (return nil) finally (return t)) collect reaction))) (compile (defun apply-reaction (reaction env) (append env (loop for product in (reaction-products reaction) unless (member product env) collect product)))) (compile (defun paths (env goal &optional path) (cond ((find goal env) (list path)) (t (loop for reaction in (possible-reactions env) append (paths (apply-reaction reaction env) goal (cons reaction path))))))) (compile (defun paths (env goal &optional path) (cond ((find goal env) (list path)) (t (loop for reaction in (loop for reaction in (possible-reactions env) when (not (member reaction path)) collect reaction) append (paths (apply-reaction reaction env) goal (cons reaction path)))) ))) (defmacro pathsto (goal) `(length (setq *pathways* (paths *env* (find-molecule ',goal))))) (compile (defun remove-duplicate-paths (path*) (loop for this-path in path* when (loop for target-path in path* when (and (not (eq this-path target-path)) (superset? this-path target-path)) do (return nil) finally (return t)) collect this-path))) (compile (defun superset? (s1 s2) (and (>= (length s1) (length s2)) (loop for a in s2 when (not (member a s1)) do (return nil) finally (return t))))) (defmacro pathsto (goal) `(length (setq *pathways* (remove-duplicate-paths (paths *env* (find-molecule ',goal)))))) (defun ppp (&optional (pwys *pathways*)) (loop for path-n from 1 by 1 as path in pwys do (format t "~%~%Pathway #~a:~%~%" path-n) (pp-reactions (reverse (copy-list path))))) (defun paths-between (from to &optional (env *env*) path) (t (loop for reaction in (possible-reactions-from from env) when (not (member reaction path)) append (paths-via (cons reaction path) to (apply-reaction reaction env)))) )) (defun paths-via (path to env) (loop for link-mol in (reaction-products (car path)) when (eq 's (molecule-type link-mol)) append (paths-between link-mol to env path))) (defun possible-reactions-from (from env) (loop for reaction in *reactions* as reactants = (reaction-reactants reaction) when (and (member from reactants) (loop for reactant in reactants when (not (find reactant env)) do (return nil) finally (return t))) collect reaction)) (defmacro fpathsto (from to) `(length (setq *pathways* (paths-between (find-molecule ',from) (find-molecule ',to) *env*))))
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-} module Prometheus.Metric.HistogramSpec ( spec ) where import Prometheus.Metric.Histogram import Prometheus.Metric.Observer import Prometheus.Registry import Prometheus.Info import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck spec :: Spec spec = describe "Prometheus.Metric.Histogram" $ do context "Maintains invariants" invariantTests context "Laziness tests" observeToUnsafe # NOINLINE testMetric # testMetric :: Histogram testMetric = do unsafeRegister $ histogram (Info "test_histogram" "") defaultBuckets observeToUnsafe :: Spec observeToUnsafe = it "Is able to observe to a top-level 'unsafeRegister' metric" $ do observe testMetric 1 `shouldReturn` () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- QuickCheck tests invariantTests :: Spec invariantTests = do it "Total count is greater than or equal to sum of counts per bucket." $ property prop_totalCountVsCountPerBucket prop_totalCountVsCountPerBucket :: [Double] -> Bool prop_totalCountVsCountPerBucket observations = let bucketCounts = bucketCountsAfterObserving observations in sum (Map.elems (histCountsPerBucket bucketCounts)) <= histCount bucketCounts bucketCountsAfterObserving :: [Double] -> BucketCounts bucketCountsAfterObserving = foldr insert (emptyCounts defaultBuckets)
# language OverloadedStrings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QuickCheck tests
module Prometheus.Metric.HistogramSpec ( spec ) where import Prometheus.Metric.Histogram import Prometheus.Metric.Observer import Prometheus.Registry import Prometheus.Info import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck spec :: Spec spec = describe "Prometheus.Metric.Histogram" $ do context "Maintains invariants" invariantTests context "Laziness tests" observeToUnsafe # NOINLINE testMetric # testMetric :: Histogram testMetric = do unsafeRegister $ histogram (Info "test_histogram" "") defaultBuckets observeToUnsafe :: Spec observeToUnsafe = it "Is able to observe to a top-level 'unsafeRegister' metric" $ do observe testMetric 1 `shouldReturn` () invariantTests :: Spec invariantTests = do it "Total count is greater than or equal to sum of counts per bucket." $ property prop_totalCountVsCountPerBucket prop_totalCountVsCountPerBucket :: [Double] -> Bool prop_totalCountVsCountPerBucket observations = let bucketCounts = bucketCountsAfterObserving observations in sum (Map.elems (histCountsPerBucket bucketCounts)) <= histCount bucketCounts bucketCountsAfterObserving :: [Double] -> BucketCounts bucketCountsAfterObserving = foldr insert (emptyCounts defaultBuckets)
(ns playphraseme.api.routes.favorites (:require [playphraseme.api.middleware.cors :refer [cors-mw]] [playphraseme.api.middleware.token-auth :refer [token-auth-mw]] [playphraseme.api.middleware.authenticated :refer [authenticated-mw]] [playphraseme.api.route-functions.search.phrases-search :refer :all] [playphraseme.api.queries.favorites :refer :all] [ring.util.http-response :refer :all] [compojure.api.sweet :refer :all] [schema.core :as s])) (def favorites-routes "Specify routes for Favorites Phrases" (context "/api/v1/favorites" [] :tags ["Favorites"] (GET "/" request :return s/Any :middleware [token-auth-mw cors-mw authenticated-mw] :header-params [authorization :- String] :query-params [{skip :- s/Num 0} {limit :- s/Num 10}] :summary "Return user favorites" (let [user-id (-> request :identity :id)] (ok {:count (get-favorites-count user-id) :favorites (get-favorites-by-user user-id skip limit)}))) (GET "/:phrase-id" [phrase-id :as request] :return s/Any :middleware [token-auth-mw cors-mw authenticated-mw] :header-params [authorization :- String] :summary "Get phrase favorite" (let [user-id (-> request :identity :id)] (ok (get-favorite-by-phrase-id phrase-id user-id)))) (POST "/:phrase-id" [phrase-id :as request] :return s/Str :middleware [token-auth-mw cors-mw authenticated-mw] :summary "Add favorite" (do (insert-favorite! phrase-id (-> request :identity :id)) (ok "OK"))) (DELETE "/:phrase-id" [phrase-id :as request] :return s/Str :middleware [token-auth-mw cors-mw authenticated-mw] :summary "Remove favorite" (do (delete-favorite-by-phrase-id! phrase-id (-> request :identity :id)) (ok "OK")))))
(ns playphraseme.api.routes.favorites (:require [playphraseme.api.middleware.cors :refer [cors-mw]] [playphraseme.api.middleware.token-auth :refer [token-auth-mw]] [playphraseme.api.middleware.authenticated :refer [authenticated-mw]] [playphraseme.api.route-functions.search.phrases-search :refer :all] [playphraseme.api.queries.favorites :refer :all] [ring.util.http-response :refer :all] [compojure.api.sweet :refer :all] [schema.core :as s])) (def favorites-routes "Specify routes for Favorites Phrases" (context "/api/v1/favorites" [] :tags ["Favorites"] (GET "/" request :return s/Any :middleware [token-auth-mw cors-mw authenticated-mw] :header-params [authorization :- String] :query-params [{skip :- s/Num 0} {limit :- s/Num 10}] :summary "Return user favorites" (let [user-id (-> request :identity :id)] (ok {:count (get-favorites-count user-id) :favorites (get-favorites-by-user user-id skip limit)}))) (GET "/:phrase-id" [phrase-id :as request] :return s/Any :middleware [token-auth-mw cors-mw authenticated-mw] :header-params [authorization :- String] :summary "Get phrase favorite" (let [user-id (-> request :identity :id)] (ok (get-favorite-by-phrase-id phrase-id user-id)))) (POST "/:phrase-id" [phrase-id :as request] :return s/Str :middleware [token-auth-mw cors-mw authenticated-mw] :summary "Add favorite" (do (insert-favorite! phrase-id (-> request :identity :id)) (ok "OK"))) (DELETE "/:phrase-id" [phrase-id :as request] :return s/Str :middleware [token-auth-mw cors-mw authenticated-mw] :summary "Remove favorite" (do (delete-favorite-by-phrase-id! phrase-id (-> request :identity :id)) (ok "OK")))))
#use "topfind";; #require "dkml-c-probe";; #show Dkml_c_probe.C_conf;;
#use "topfind";; #require "dkml-c-probe";; #show Dkml_c_probe.C_conf;;
Copyright ( C ) 2011 by < > %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING FROM , %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. -module(irc_parser_test). -author("Christian Kruse <>"). -vsn("0.1"). -include("irckerl.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). parse_prefix_test() -> ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {"gagarin.epd-me.net"}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<":gagarin.epd-me.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<"NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {"cjk101010", "ckruse", "localhost"}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<":cjk101010!ckruse@localhost NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {"cjk101010", "ckruse", ""}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<":cjk101010!ckruse NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {"cjk101010[]", "", ""}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<":cjk101010[] NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {error, _}, irc_parser:parse(<<":cjk101010__ NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertEqual( {ok, {"cjk101010"}}, irc_parser:parse_prefix(<<":cjk101010">>) ). parse_test() -> ?assertMatch( {error, _}, irc_parser:parse(<<":lala __">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {}, cmd = "JOIN", params = [["#lala","#lulu"]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<"JOIN #lala,#lulu">>) ). eof
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
Copyright ( C ) 2011 by < > in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is all copies or substantial portions of the Software . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING FROM , -module(irc_parser_test). -author("Christian Kruse <>"). -vsn("0.1"). -include("irckerl.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). parse_prefix_test() -> ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {"gagarin.epd-me.net"}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<":gagarin.epd-me.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<"NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {"cjk101010", "ckruse", "localhost"}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<":cjk101010!ckruse@localhost NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {"cjk101010", "ckruse", ""}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<":cjk101010!ckruse NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {"cjk101010[]", "", ""}, cmd = "NOTICE", params = [["AUTH"], ["*** Looking up your hostname..."]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<":cjk101010[] NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertMatch( {error, _}, irc_parser:parse(<<":cjk101010__ NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...">>) ), ?assertEqual( {ok, {"cjk101010"}}, irc_parser:parse_prefix(<<":cjk101010">>) ). parse_test() -> ?assertMatch( {error, _}, irc_parser:parse(<<":lala __">>) ), ?assertMatch( {ok, #irc_cmd{prefix = {}, cmd = "JOIN", params = [["#lala","#lulu"]]}}, irc_parser:parse(<<"JOIN #lala,#lulu">>) ). eof
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase # -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.MessagePack.Put Copyright : © Hideyuki Tanaka 2009 - 2015 , 2019 -- License : BSD3 -- -- MessagePack Serializer using "Data.Binary". -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.MessagePack.Put ( putNil, putBool, putFloat, putDouble, putInt, putWord, putInt64, putWord64, putStr, putBin, putArray, putArray', putMap, putExt, putExt' ) where import Compat.Prelude import Prelude hiding (putStr) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import Compat.Binary import Data.MessagePack.Integer import Data.MessagePack.Tags putNil :: Put putNil = putWord8 TAG_nil putBool :: Bool -> Put putBool False = putWord8 TAG_false putBool True = putWord8 TAG_true | Encodes an ' Int ' to MessagePack -- -- See also 'MPInteger' and its 'Binary' instance. putInt :: Int -> Put putInt = put . toMPInteger | @since putWord :: Word -> Put putWord = put . toMPInteger | @since putInt64 :: Int64 -> Put putInt64 = put . toMPInteger | @since putWord64 :: Word64 -> Put putWord64 = put . toMPInteger putFloat :: Float -> Put putFloat f = putWord8 TAG_float32 >> putFloat32be f putDouble :: Double -> Put putDouble d = putWord8 TAG_float64 >> putFloat64be d putStr :: T.Text -> Put putStr t = do let bs = T.encodeUtf8 t toSizeM ("putStr: data exceeds 2^32-1 byte limit of MessagePack") (S.length bs) >>= \case len | len < 32 -> putWord8 (TAG_fixstr .|. fromIntegral len) | len < 0x100 -> putWord8 TAG_str8 >> putWord8 (fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_str16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_str32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) putByteString bs putBin :: S.ByteString -> Put putBin bs = do toSizeM ("putBin: data exceeds 2^32-1 byte limit of MessagePack") (S.length bs) >>= \case len | len < 0x100 -> putWord8 TAG_bin8 >> putWord8 (fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_bin16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_bin32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) putByteString bs putArray :: (a -> Put) -> V.Vector a -> Put putArray p xs = do len <- toSizeM ("putArray: data exceeds 2^32-1 element limit of MessagePack") (V.length xs) putArray' len (V.mapM_ p xs) -- | @since putArray' :: Word32 -- ^ number of array elements -> Put -- ^ 'Put' action emitting array elements (__NOTE__: it's the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the declared array length matches exactly the data generated by the 'Put' action) -> Put putArray' len putter = do case () of _ | len < 16 -> putWord8 (TAG_fixarray .|. fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_array16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_array32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) putter putMap :: (a -> Put) -> (b -> Put) -> V.Vector (a, b) -> Put putMap p q xs = do toSizeM ("putMap: data exceeds 2^32-1 element limit of MessagePack") (V.length xs) >>= \case len | len < 16 -> putWord8 (TAG_fixmap .|. fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_map16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_map32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) V.mapM_ (\(a, b) -> p a >> q b) xs | _ _ NOTE _ _ : MessagePack is limited to maximum extended data payload size of \ ( 2^{32}-1 \ ) bytes . putExt :: Int8 -> S.ByteString -> Put putExt typ dat = do sz <- toSizeM "putExt: data exceeds 2^32-1 byte limit of MessagePack" (S.length dat) putExt' typ (sz, putByteString dat) -- | @since ^ type - id of extension data ( _ _ NOTE _ _ : The values @ [ -128 .. -2 ] @ are reserved for future use by the MessagePack specification ) . -> (Word32,Put) -- ^ @(size-of-data, data-'Put'-action)@ (__NOTE__: it's the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the declared size matches exactly the data generated by the 'Put' action) -> Put putExt' typ (sz,putdat) = do case sz of 1 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext1 2 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext2 4 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext4 8 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext8 16 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext16 len | len < 0x100 -> putWord8 TAG_ext8 >> putWord8 (fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_ext16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_ext32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) putInt8 typ putdat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- toSizeM :: String -> Int -> PutM Word32 toSizeM label len0 = maybe (error label) pure (intCastMaybe len0)
------------------------------------------------------------------ | Module : Data.MessagePack.Put License : BSD3 MessagePack Serializer using "Data.Binary". ------------------------------------------------------------------ See also 'MPInteger' and its 'Binary' instance. | @since ^ number of array elements ^ 'Put' action emitting array elements (__NOTE__: it's the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the declared array length matches exactly the data generated by the 'Put' action) | @since ^ @(size-of-data, data-'Put'-action)@ (__NOTE__: it's the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the declared size matches exactly the data generated by the 'Put' action) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# LANGUAGE LambdaCase # Copyright : © Hideyuki Tanaka 2009 - 2015 , 2019 module Data.MessagePack.Put ( putNil, putBool, putFloat, putDouble, putInt, putWord, putInt64, putWord64, putStr, putBin, putArray, putArray', putMap, putExt, putExt' ) where import Compat.Prelude import Prelude hiding (putStr) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import Compat.Binary import Data.MessagePack.Integer import Data.MessagePack.Tags putNil :: Put putNil = putWord8 TAG_nil putBool :: Bool -> Put putBool False = putWord8 TAG_false putBool True = putWord8 TAG_true | Encodes an ' Int ' to MessagePack putInt :: Int -> Put putInt = put . toMPInteger | @since putWord :: Word -> Put putWord = put . toMPInteger | @since putInt64 :: Int64 -> Put putInt64 = put . toMPInteger | @since putWord64 :: Word64 -> Put putWord64 = put . toMPInteger putFloat :: Float -> Put putFloat f = putWord8 TAG_float32 >> putFloat32be f putDouble :: Double -> Put putDouble d = putWord8 TAG_float64 >> putFloat64be d putStr :: T.Text -> Put putStr t = do let bs = T.encodeUtf8 t toSizeM ("putStr: data exceeds 2^32-1 byte limit of MessagePack") (S.length bs) >>= \case len | len < 32 -> putWord8 (TAG_fixstr .|. fromIntegral len) | len < 0x100 -> putWord8 TAG_str8 >> putWord8 (fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_str16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_str32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) putByteString bs putBin :: S.ByteString -> Put putBin bs = do toSizeM ("putBin: data exceeds 2^32-1 byte limit of MessagePack") (S.length bs) >>= \case len | len < 0x100 -> putWord8 TAG_bin8 >> putWord8 (fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_bin16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_bin32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) putByteString bs putArray :: (a -> Put) -> V.Vector a -> Put putArray p xs = do len <- toSizeM ("putArray: data exceeds 2^32-1 element limit of MessagePack") (V.length xs) putArray' len (V.mapM_ p xs) -> Put putArray' len putter = do case () of _ | len < 16 -> putWord8 (TAG_fixarray .|. fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_array16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_array32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) putter putMap :: (a -> Put) -> (b -> Put) -> V.Vector (a, b) -> Put putMap p q xs = do toSizeM ("putMap: data exceeds 2^32-1 element limit of MessagePack") (V.length xs) >>= \case len | len < 16 -> putWord8 (TAG_fixmap .|. fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_map16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_map32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) V.mapM_ (\(a, b) -> p a >> q b) xs | _ _ NOTE _ _ : MessagePack is limited to maximum extended data payload size of \ ( 2^{32}-1 \ ) bytes . putExt :: Int8 -> S.ByteString -> Put putExt typ dat = do sz <- toSizeM "putExt: data exceeds 2^32-1 byte limit of MessagePack" (S.length dat) putExt' typ (sz, putByteString dat) ^ type - id of extension data ( _ _ NOTE _ _ : The values @ [ -128 .. -2 ] @ are reserved for future use by the MessagePack specification ) . -> Put putExt' typ (sz,putdat) = do case sz of 1 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext1 2 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext2 4 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext4 8 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext8 16 -> putWord8 TAG_fixext16 len | len < 0x100 -> putWord8 TAG_ext8 >> putWord8 (fromIntegral len) | len < 0x10000 -> putWord8 TAG_ext16 >> putWord16be (fromIntegral len) | otherwise -> putWord8 TAG_ext32 >> putWord32be (fromIntegral len) putInt8 typ putdat toSizeM :: String -> Int -> PutM Word32 toSizeM label len0 = maybe (error label) pure (intCastMaybe len0)
module Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Persistable # DEPRECATED " import Database . Record . HDBC.PostgreSQL " # () where import Database.Relational.HDBC.PostgreSQL ()
module Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL.Persistable # DEPRECATED " import Database . Record . HDBC.PostgreSQL " # () where import Database.Relational.HDBC.PostgreSQL ()
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Faker.TvShow.BoJackHorseman where import Data.Text import Faker import Faker.Internal import Faker.Provider.BoJackHorseman character :: Fake Text character = Fake $ cachedRandomVec "boJackHorseman" "character" boJackHorsemanCharacterProvider quote :: Fake Text quote = Fake $ cachedRandomVec "boJackHorseman" "quote" boJackHorsemanQuoteProvider tongueTwister :: Fake Text tongueTwister = Fake $ cachedRandomVec "boJackHorseman" "quote" boJackHorsemanTongueTwisterProvider
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #
module Faker.TvShow.BoJackHorseman where import Data.Text import Faker import Faker.Internal import Faker.Provider.BoJackHorseman character :: Fake Text character = Fake $ cachedRandomVec "boJackHorseman" "character" boJackHorsemanCharacterProvider quote :: Fake Text quote = Fake $ cachedRandomVec "boJackHorseman" "quote" boJackHorsemanQuoteProvider tongueTwister :: Fake Text tongueTwister = Fake $ cachedRandomVec "boJackHorseman" "quote" boJackHorsemanTongueTwisterProvider
#lang racket (require redex) ; import surface language (require "../../../src/redex/core/wa-surface.rkt") ; import full language (require "../../../src/redex/core/wa-full.rkt") ; import optimizations (require "../../../src/redex/optimizations/wa-optimized.rkt") (displayln "Test for litmus-wa/test06:") (define p (term (evalg (seq (mdef "l" () (evalg (seq (evalg (mdef "f1" () 2)) (mcall f1)))) (mcall l)))) ) (test-equal (term (run-to-r ,p)) (term 2)) (test-results)
import surface language import full language import optimizations
#lang racket (require redex) (require "../../../src/redex/core/wa-surface.rkt") (require "../../../src/redex/core/wa-full.rkt") (require "../../../src/redex/optimizations/wa-optimized.rkt") (displayln "Test for litmus-wa/test06:") (define p (term (evalg (seq (mdef "l" () (evalg (seq (evalg (mdef "f1" () 2)) (mcall f1)))) (mcall l)))) ) (test-equal (term (run-to-r ,p)) (term 2)) (test-results)
* This file is part of compiler . * Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2015 . * * compiler is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Q Public License as published by * ( with a change to choice of law ) . * * compiler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the * Q Public License for more details . * * You should have received a copy of the Q Public License * along with this program . If not , see * < -1.0 > . * This file is part of OCaml-Java compiler. * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Xavier Clerc. * * OCaml-Java compiler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Q Public License as published by * Trolltech (with a change to choice of law). * * OCaml-Java compiler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Q Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Q Public License * along with this program. If not, see * <-1.0>. *) (** Check and compile a runtime parameter list. *) val compile : string list -> BaristaLibrary.Bytes.t (** Compile the passed runtime parameter list, raising an exception if any parameter is invalid. *)
* Check and compile a runtime parameter list. * Compile the passed runtime parameter list, raising an exception if any parameter is invalid.
* This file is part of compiler . * Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2015 . * * compiler is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Q Public License as published by * ( with a change to choice of law ) . * * compiler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the * Q Public License for more details . * * You should have received a copy of the Q Public License * along with this program . If not , see * < -1.0 > . * This file is part of OCaml-Java compiler. * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Xavier Clerc. * * OCaml-Java compiler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Q Public License as published by * Trolltech (with a change to choice of law). * * OCaml-Java compiler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Q Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Q Public License * along with this program. If not, see * <-1.0>. *) val compile : string list -> BaristaLibrary.Bytes.t
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Language.HM.TypeSpec where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.Set as S import Language.HM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t0 :: Sigma t0 = forAllT "a" (monoT $ (varT "a") `arrowT` (varT "a")) t1 :: Sigma t1 = forAllT "b" (monoT $ (varT "b") `arrowT` (varT "b")) t2 :: Sigma t2 = forAllT "b" (monoT $ (varT "b") `arrowT` (varT "a")) t3 :: Sigma t3 = monoT $ varT "a" t4 :: Sigma t4 = monoT $ varT "b" spec :: Spec spec = do describe "alpha equivalence" $ do context "are alpha equivalent" $ do it "same type" $ alphaEq t0 t0 `shouldBe` True it "alpha-equivalent type" $ alphaEq t0 t1 `shouldBe` True context "are not alpha equivalent" $ do it "free variable 1" $ alphaEq t0 t2 `shouldBe` False it "free variable 2" $ alphaEq t3 t4 `shouldBe` False describe "type variables" $ do it "t0" $ tyVars t0 `shouldBe` S.fromList [] it "t1" $ tyVars t1 `shouldBe` S.fromList [] it "t2" $ tyVars t2 `shouldBe` S.fromList ["a"] it "t3" $ tyVars t3 `shouldBe` S.fromList ["a"] it "t4" $ tyVars t4 `shouldBe` S.fromList ["b"] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module Language.HM.TypeSpec where import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.Set as S import Language.HM t0 :: Sigma t0 = forAllT "a" (monoT $ (varT "a") `arrowT` (varT "a")) t1 :: Sigma t1 = forAllT "b" (monoT $ (varT "b") `arrowT` (varT "b")) t2 :: Sigma t2 = forAllT "b" (monoT $ (varT "b") `arrowT` (varT "a")) t3 :: Sigma t3 = monoT $ varT "a" t4 :: Sigma t4 = monoT $ varT "b" spec :: Spec spec = do describe "alpha equivalence" $ do context "are alpha equivalent" $ do it "same type" $ alphaEq t0 t0 `shouldBe` True it "alpha-equivalent type" $ alphaEq t0 t1 `shouldBe` True context "are not alpha equivalent" $ do it "free variable 1" $ alphaEq t0 t2 `shouldBe` False it "free variable 2" $ alphaEq t3 t4 `shouldBe` False describe "type variables" $ do it "t0" $ tyVars t0 `shouldBe` S.fromList [] it "t1" $ tyVars t1 `shouldBe` S.fromList [] it "t2" $ tyVars t2 `shouldBe` S.fromList ["a"] it "t3" $ tyVars t3 `shouldBe` S.fromList ["a"] it "t4" $ tyVars t4 `shouldBe` S.fromList ["b"]
(runtime-error "Example deprecated!" '()) (define SHADER_NUM 1) / - The Scheme Programming Language ( Fourth Edition ) ; -faq-standards#implementations ;! (define *USE_GLBEGIN* 1) (import (owl ffi)) (import (lib windows)) (import (OpenGL version-2-1)) ; вспомогательный макрос для собрать в кучку все bor (define OR (lambda list (fold bor 0 list))) (define width 1280) (define height 720) (define window (CreateWindowEx # 32770 is for system classname for DIALOG (OR WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW WS_CLIPSIBLINGS WS_CLIPCHILDREN) 0 0 width height ; x y width height null ; no parent window null ; no menu null ; instance todo : override as ' ( INTEGER . 0 ) переключение режим - ; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR (define pfd (list->bytevector '(#x28 00 1 00 #x25 00 00 00 00 #x10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #x10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00))) (define hDC (GetDC window)) (define PixelFormat (ChoosePixelFormat hDC pfd)) (print "PixelFormat = " PixelFormat) (print "SetPixelFormat = " (SetPixelFormat hDC PixelFormat pfd)) (define hRC (wglCreateContext hDC)) (print "wglMakeCurrent = " (wglMakeCurrent hDC hRC)) (print "OpenGL version: " (glGetString GL_VERSION)) (print "OpenGL vendor: " (glGetString GL_VENDOR)) (print "OpenGL renderer: " (glGetString GL_RENDERER)) todo : тип для ( dlsym ) - всегда число , my temporary stubs for opengl ( у меня пока ж и т.д . ) ; real code (define void fft-void) void GLvoid typedef unsigned int GLenum - fix+ значит , что это целое число (define GLfloat fft-float) ; typedef float GLfloat (same as type-rational) typedef int GLint typedef int typedef unsigned int GLbitfield ; typedef double ; typedef unsigned int GLuint ; typedef unsigned ; (define GLubyte type-int+) ;typedef unsigned char GLubyte; (define GLubyte* type-string) (define GLclampf fft-float) проверка , что все запустилось . (define (msgbox) (if (= (MessageBox 0 "Please, press OK for test pass!" "load-library test" (bor MB_OKCANCEL MB_ICONASTERISK)) IDOK) (print "OK") (print "CANCEL"))) ; todo: вроде бы все строки и так заканчиваются на '\0' - проверить ;(define echo "echo server") ; в момент импорта сделать все нужные привязки export ( MessageBox ) и т.д . (define GLchar** type-vector) (define GLint* type-vptr) (define GLsizei* type-vptr) (define GLchar* type-string) (define void* type-vptr) ; opengl 1.2 (define glCreateShader (glGetProcAddress GLuint "glCreateShader" GLenum)) (define GL_VERTEX_SHADER #x8B31) (define GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER #x8B30) (define glShaderSource (glGetProcAddress void "glShaderSource" GLuint GLsizei GLchar** GLint*)) (define glCompileShader (glGetProcAddress void "glCompileShader" GLuint)) (define glCreateProgram (glGetProcAddress GLuint "glCreateProgram")) (define glAttachShader (glGetProcAddress void "glAttachShader" GLuint GLuint)) (define glDetachShader (glGetProcAddress void "glDetachShader" GLuint GLuint)) (define glLinkProgram (glGetProcAddress void "glLinkProgram" GLuint)) (define glUseProgram (glGetProcAddress void "glUseProgram" GLuint)) (define glGetShaderiv (glGetProcAddress void "glGetShaderiv" GLuint GLenum GLint*)) (define GL_COMPILE_STATUS #x8B81) (define GL_LINK_STATUS #x8B82) (define GL_VALIDATE_STATUS #x8B83) (define GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH #x8B84) (define glGetShaderInfoLog (glGetProcAddress void "glGetShaderInfoLog" GLuint GLsizei GLsizei* GLchar*)) (define glGetUniformLocation (glGetProcAddress GLint "glGetUniformLocation" GLuint GLchar*)) (define glUniform1i (glGetProcAddress void "glUniform1i" GLint GLint)) (define glUniform1f (glGetProcAddress void "glUniform1f" GLint GLfloat)) (define glUniform2f (glGetProcAddress void "glUniform2f" GLint GLfloat GLfloat)) (define glEnableVertexAttribArray (glGetProcAddress void "glEnableVertexAttribArray" GLuint)) (define glVertexAttribPointer (glGetProcAddress void "glVertexAttribPointer" GLuint GLint GLenum GLboolean GLsizei void*)) (define GL_FLOAT #x1406) (define glDrawArrays (glGetProcAddress void "glDrawArrays" GLenum GLint GLsizei)) (define (file->string path) (bytes->string (blob-iter (let ((vec (file->bytevector path))) (if vec vec (error "Unable to load: " path)))))) пример как а можно еще попробовать их ;(fasl-save (file->string "raw/geometry.fs") "raw/geometry.compiled.fs") ( fasl - load " raw / geometry.compiled.fs " " void main(void ) { gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ; } " ) (define po (glCreateProgram)) (print "po: " po) (define vs (glCreateShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER)) (print "vs: " vs) пример , как можно на строки : (glShaderSource vs 2 ["#version 120 // OpenGL 2.1\n" " void main() { // - vec4(1.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; // gl_ModelViewMatrix * }"] null) (glCompileShader vs) (define isCompiled "word") (glGetShaderiv vs GL_COMPILE_STATUS isCompiled) (if (= (ref isCompiled 0) 0) (begin (define maxLength "word") (glGetShaderiv vs GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH maxLength) (define maxLengthValue (+ (ref maxLength 0) (* (ref maxLength 1) 256))) (define errorLog (make-string maxLengthValue 0)) (glGetShaderInfoLog vs maxLengthValue maxLength errorLog) (print errorLog) (print "@") (halt 0))) (glAttachShader po vs) ;; полезные шейдеры: ;; #19171.3 - цифровое табло (define fs (glCreateShader GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) (glShaderSource fs 1 [(file->string (case SHADER_NUM (2 "raw/geometry.fs") (3 "raw/water.fs") (4 "raw/18850") (5 "raw/minecraft.fs") (6 "raw/moon.fs") (0 "raw/black.fs") (1 "raw/itsfullofstars.fs")))] null) (glCompileShader fs) (define isCompiled "word") (glGetShaderiv fs GL_COMPILE_STATUS isCompiled) (if (= (ref isCompiled 0) 0) (begin (define maxLength "word") (glGetShaderiv fs GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH maxLength) (define maxLengthValue (+ (ref maxLength 0) (* (ref maxLength 1) 256))) (define errorLog (make-string maxLengthValue 0)) (glGetShaderInfoLog fs maxLengthValue maxLength errorLog) (print errorLog) (print "@") (halt 0))) (glAttachShader po fs) (glLinkProgram po) (glDetachShader po fs) (glDetachShader po vs) (define time (glGetUniformLocation po "time")) (define resolution (glGetUniformLocation po "resolution")) ;(print "glGetUniformLocation: " (glGetUniformLocation po "color")) (ShowWindow window SW_SHOW) (SetForegroundWindow window) (SetFocus window) ; ResizeGLScene (glViewport 0 0 width height) (glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION) (glLoadIdentity) (glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW) (glLoadIdentity) (glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH) (glClearColor 0 0 1 1) ( define ( list->bytevector ' ( ( glVertex2i 2 0 ) 00 00 # x00 # x40 0 0 # x00 # x00 0 0 0 0 00 00 # x80 # x3F ( glVertex2i 1 2 ) 00 00 # x80 # x3F 0 0 # x00 # x40 0 0 0 0 00 00 # x80 # x3F ;; (glVertex2i 0 0) 00 00 # x00 # x00 0 0 # x00 # x00 0 0 0 0 00 00 # x80 # x3F ;))) ( define MSG ( make - bytevector 28 0 ) ) ; sizeof(MSG)=28 sizeof(MSG)=28 ;(call/cc (lambda (return) (let cycle () ;MSG (if (= 1 (PeekMessage MSG null 0 0 PM_REMOVE)) (begin (TranslateMessage MSG) (DispatchMessage MSG)) (begin ; DrawGLScene (glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) (glUseProgram po) (let* ((ss ms (clock))) раз в час будем сбрасывать период (if (> resolution 0) (glUniform2f resolution width height)) (glBegin GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) ( glVertex3i 0 0 0 ) ( glVertex3i 2 0 0 ) ; (glVertex3i 0 2 0) ( glVertex3i 2 2 0 ) (glVertex2f -1 -1) (glVertex2f +1 -1) (glVertex2f -1 +1) (glVertex2f +1 +1) (glEnd) ; (glEnableVertexAttribArray 0) ( glVertexAttribPointer 0 4 0 0 vertexPositions ) ( glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES 0 3 ) (glUseProgram 0) (SwapBuffers hDC))) (if (= (GetAsyncKeyState 27) 0) (cycle))) KillGLWindow ; (wglMakeCurrent 0 0) (wglDeleteContext hRC) (ReleaseDC window hDC) (DestroyWindow window)
-faq-standards#implementations ! вспомогательный макрос для собрать в кучку все bor x y width height no parent window no menu instance PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR real code typedef float GLfloat (same as type-rational) typedef unsigned char GLubyte; todo: вроде бы все строки и так заканчиваются на '\0' - проверить (define echo "echo server") в момент импорта сделать все нужные привязки opengl 1.2 (fasl-save (file->string "raw/geometry.fs") "raw/geometry.compiled.fs") // gl_ModelViewMatrix * полезные шейдеры: #19171.3 - цифровое табло (print "glGetUniformLocation: " (glGetUniformLocation po "color")) ResizeGLScene (glVertex2i 0 0) ))) sizeof(MSG)=28 (call/cc (lambda (return) MSG DrawGLScene (glVertex3i 0 2 0) (glEnableVertexAttribArray 0) (wglMakeCurrent 0 0)
(runtime-error "Example deprecated!" '()) (define SHADER_NUM 1) / - The Scheme Programming Language ( Fourth Edition ) (define *USE_GLBEGIN* 1) (import (owl ffi)) (import (lib windows)) (import (OpenGL version-2-1)) (define OR (lambda list (fold bor 0 list))) (define width 1280) (define height 720) (define window (CreateWindowEx # 32770 is for system classname for DIALOG (OR WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW WS_CLIPSIBLINGS WS_CLIPCHILDREN) todo : override as ' ( INTEGER . 0 ) переключение режим - (define pfd (list->bytevector '(#x28 00 1 00 #x25 00 00 00 00 #x10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #x10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00))) (define hDC (GetDC window)) (define PixelFormat (ChoosePixelFormat hDC pfd)) (print "PixelFormat = " PixelFormat) (print "SetPixelFormat = " (SetPixelFormat hDC PixelFormat pfd)) (define hRC (wglCreateContext hDC)) (print "wglMakeCurrent = " (wglMakeCurrent hDC hRC)) (print "OpenGL version: " (glGetString GL_VERSION)) (print "OpenGL vendor: " (glGetString GL_VENDOR)) (print "OpenGL renderer: " (glGetString GL_RENDERER)) todo : тип для ( dlsym ) - всегда число , my temporary stubs for opengl ( у меня пока ж и т.д . ) (define void fft-void) void GLvoid typedef unsigned int GLenum - fix+ значит , что это целое число typedef int GLint typedef int (define GLubyte* type-string) (define GLclampf fft-float) проверка , что все запустилось . (define (msgbox) (if (= (MessageBox 0 "Please, press OK for test pass!" "load-library test" (bor MB_OKCANCEL MB_ICONASTERISK)) IDOK) (print "OK") (print "CANCEL"))) export ( MessageBox ) и т.д . (define GLchar** type-vector) (define GLint* type-vptr) (define GLsizei* type-vptr) (define GLchar* type-string) (define void* type-vptr) (define glCreateShader (glGetProcAddress GLuint "glCreateShader" GLenum)) (define GL_VERTEX_SHADER #x8B31) (define GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER #x8B30) (define glShaderSource (glGetProcAddress void "glShaderSource" GLuint GLsizei GLchar** GLint*)) (define glCompileShader (glGetProcAddress void "glCompileShader" GLuint)) (define glCreateProgram (glGetProcAddress GLuint "glCreateProgram")) (define glAttachShader (glGetProcAddress void "glAttachShader" GLuint GLuint)) (define glDetachShader (glGetProcAddress void "glDetachShader" GLuint GLuint)) (define glLinkProgram (glGetProcAddress void "glLinkProgram" GLuint)) (define glUseProgram (glGetProcAddress void "glUseProgram" GLuint)) (define glGetShaderiv (glGetProcAddress void "glGetShaderiv" GLuint GLenum GLint*)) (define GL_COMPILE_STATUS #x8B81) (define GL_LINK_STATUS #x8B82) (define GL_VALIDATE_STATUS #x8B83) (define GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH #x8B84) (define glGetShaderInfoLog (glGetProcAddress void "glGetShaderInfoLog" GLuint GLsizei GLsizei* GLchar*)) (define glGetUniformLocation (glGetProcAddress GLint "glGetUniformLocation" GLuint GLchar*)) (define glUniform1i (glGetProcAddress void "glUniform1i" GLint GLint)) (define glUniform1f (glGetProcAddress void "glUniform1f" GLint GLfloat)) (define glUniform2f (glGetProcAddress void "glUniform2f" GLint GLfloat GLfloat)) (define glEnableVertexAttribArray (glGetProcAddress void "glEnableVertexAttribArray" GLuint)) (define glVertexAttribPointer (glGetProcAddress void "glVertexAttribPointer" GLuint GLint GLenum GLboolean GLsizei void*)) (define GL_FLOAT #x1406) (define glDrawArrays (glGetProcAddress void "glDrawArrays" GLenum GLint GLsizei)) (define (file->string path) (bytes->string (blob-iter (let ((vec (file->bytevector path))) (if vec vec (error "Unable to load: " path)))))) пример как а можно еще попробовать их ( fasl - load " raw / geometry.compiled.fs " " void main(void ) { gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ) ; } " ) (define po (glCreateProgram)) (print "po: " po) (define vs (glCreateShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER)) (print "vs: " vs) пример , как можно на строки : (glShaderSource vs 2 ["#version 120 // OpenGL 2.1\n" " void main() { }"] null) (glCompileShader vs) (define isCompiled "word") (glGetShaderiv vs GL_COMPILE_STATUS isCompiled) (if (= (ref isCompiled 0) 0) (begin (define maxLength "word") (glGetShaderiv vs GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH maxLength) (define maxLengthValue (+ (ref maxLength 0) (* (ref maxLength 1) 256))) (define errorLog (make-string maxLengthValue 0)) (glGetShaderInfoLog vs maxLengthValue maxLength errorLog) (print errorLog) (print "@") (halt 0))) (glAttachShader po vs) (define fs (glCreateShader GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)) (glShaderSource fs 1 [(file->string (case SHADER_NUM (2 "raw/geometry.fs") (3 "raw/water.fs") (4 "raw/18850") (5 "raw/minecraft.fs") (6 "raw/moon.fs") (0 "raw/black.fs") (1 "raw/itsfullofstars.fs")))] null) (glCompileShader fs) (define isCompiled "word") (glGetShaderiv fs GL_COMPILE_STATUS isCompiled) (if (= (ref isCompiled 0) 0) (begin (define maxLength "word") (glGetShaderiv fs GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH maxLength) (define maxLengthValue (+ (ref maxLength 0) (* (ref maxLength 1) 256))) (define errorLog (make-string maxLengthValue 0)) (glGetShaderInfoLog fs maxLengthValue maxLength errorLog) (print errorLog) (print "@") (halt 0))) (glAttachShader po fs) (glLinkProgram po) (glDetachShader po fs) (glDetachShader po vs) (define time (glGetUniformLocation po "time")) (define resolution (glGetUniformLocation po "resolution")) (ShowWindow window SW_SHOW) (SetForegroundWindow window) (SetFocus window) (glViewport 0 0 width height) (glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION) (glLoadIdentity) (glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW) (glLoadIdentity) (glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH) (glClearColor 0 0 1 1) ( define ( list->bytevector ' ( ( glVertex2i 2 0 ) 00 00 # x00 # x40 0 0 # x00 # x00 0 0 0 0 00 00 # x80 # x3F ( glVertex2i 1 2 ) 00 00 # x80 # x3F 0 0 # x00 # x40 0 0 0 0 00 00 # x80 # x3F 00 00 # x00 # x00 0 0 # x00 # x00 0 0 0 0 00 00 # x80 # x3F sizeof(MSG)=28 (if (= 1 (PeekMessage MSG null 0 0 PM_REMOVE)) (begin (TranslateMessage MSG) (DispatchMessage MSG)) (glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) (glUseProgram po) (let* ((ss ms (clock))) раз в час будем сбрасывать период (if (> resolution 0) (glUniform2f resolution width height)) (glBegin GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) ( glVertex3i 0 0 0 ) ( glVertex3i 2 0 0 ) ( glVertex3i 2 2 0 ) (glVertex2f -1 -1) (glVertex2f +1 -1) (glVertex2f -1 +1) (glVertex2f +1 +1) (glEnd) ( glVertexAttribPointer 0 4 0 0 vertexPositions ) ( glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES 0 3 ) (glUseProgram 0) (SwapBuffers hDC))) (if (= (GetAsyncKeyState 27) 0) (cycle))) KillGLWindow (wglDeleteContext hRC) (ReleaseDC window hDC) (DestroyWindow window)
module E = Eventlog module R = Rresult.R open R.Infix let load_file path = let open Rresult.R.Infix in Fpath.of_string path >>= Bos.OS.File.read >>= fun content -> Ok (Bigstringaf.of_string ~off:0 ~len:(String.length content) content) let parse path expected = load_file path >>= fun file -> let decoder = E.Parser.decoder () in let len = Bigstringaf.length file in E.Parser.src decoder file 0 len true; let rec aux count = match E.Parser.decode decoder with | `Await -> R.error_msg "unexpected await returned by decode" | `End -> Ok count | `Error msg -> Error msg | `Ok _ -> aux (succ count) in aux 0 >>= fun count -> if count != expected then R.error_msgf "%s: decoded event count %d doesn't match expected count: %d" path count expected else Ok () let parse_simple () = parse "assets/simple.eventlog" 137 let parse_be () = parse "assets/be.eventlog" 137 let parse_empty () = parse "assets/empty.eventlog" 0 let add_trace () = Ok () let tests = [ "parse_simple", parse_simple; "parse_empty", parse_empty; "parse_be", parse_be; ]
module E = Eventlog module R = Rresult.R open R.Infix let load_file path = let open Rresult.R.Infix in Fpath.of_string path >>= Bos.OS.File.read >>= fun content -> Ok (Bigstringaf.of_string ~off:0 ~len:(String.length content) content) let parse path expected = load_file path >>= fun file -> let decoder = E.Parser.decoder () in let len = Bigstringaf.length file in E.Parser.src decoder file 0 len true; let rec aux count = match E.Parser.decode decoder with | `Await -> R.error_msg "unexpected await returned by decode" | `End -> Ok count | `Error msg -> Error msg | `Ok _ -> aux (succ count) in aux 0 >>= fun count -> if count != expected then R.error_msgf "%s: decoded event count %d doesn't match expected count: %d" path count expected else Ok () let parse_simple () = parse "assets/simple.eventlog" 137 let parse_be () = parse "assets/be.eventlog" 137 let parse_empty () = parse "assets/empty.eventlog" 0 let add_trace () = Ok () let tests = [ "parse_simple", parse_simple; "parse_empty", parse_empty; "parse_be", parse_be; ]
# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE TypeOperators # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # | This is similar to the @recursive - types@ example , except that the @Tree@ type -- is monomorphic. This makes it slightly more complicated, because in the other example , we could define the @TargetOb@ instance for @Tree@ as -- -- @ -- type instance TargetOb (Tree a) = Tree (TargetOb a) -- @ -- while here we have to create another data type , , and use it to define -- @TargetOb Tree@. -- -- Note that the following won't work: -- -- @ -- Wo n't work because does not have CGeneric instance type instance TargetOb Tree = TargetOb ( CG.Rep Tree ( ) ) -- -- -- Won't work because this doesn't terminate (Tree is recursive) type instance TargetOb Tree = TargetOb ( Categorifier . Client . ) -- @ -- The generated C code is the same as the @recursive - types@ eaxmple . module F (fCategorified) where import qualified Categorifier.C.CExpr.Cat as C import Categorifier.C.CExpr.Cat.TargetOb (TargetOb) import Categorifier.C.CTypes.CGeneric (CGeneric) import qualified Categorifier.C.CTypes.CGeneric as CG import Categorifier.C.CTypes.GArrays (GArrays) import Categorifier.C.KTypes.C (C) import qualified Categorifier.Categorify as Categorify import qualified Categorifier.Client as Client import Data.Int (Int32, Int64) import GHC.Generics (Generic) data Input = Input { iInt32 :: C Int32, iInt64 :: C Int64 } deriving (Generic) Client.deriveHasRep ''Input instance CGeneric Input instance GArrays C Input type instance TargetOb Input = TargetOb (CG.Rep Input ()) data Output = Output { oInt64 :: C Int64, oBool :: Bool } deriving (Generic) Client.deriveHasRep ''Output instance CGeneric Output instance GArrays C Output type instance TargetOb Output = TargetOb (CG.Rep Output ()) data Tree = Empty | Branch (C Int32) Tree Tree deriving (Generic) Client.deriveHasRep ''Tree data TreeAux = EmptyAux | BranchAux (TargetOb Int32) TreeAux TreeAux deriving (Generic) Client.deriveHasRep ''TreeAux type instance TargetOb Tree = TreeAux f :: Input -> Output f = h . g g :: Input -> Tree g inp = Branch (iInt32 inp) (Branch (fromIntegral (iInt64 inp)) Empty Empty) Empty h :: Tree -> Output h = \case Empty -> Output {oInt64 = 0, oBool = False} Branch x l r -> Output { oInt64 = fromIntegral x + oInt64 (h l) + oInt64 (h r), oBool = True } fCategorified :: Input `C.Cat` Output fCategorified = Categorify.expression f
is monomorphic. This makes it slightly more complicated, because in the other @ type instance TargetOb (Tree a) = Tree (TargetOb a) @ @TargetOb Tree@. Note that the following won't work: @ Wo n't work because does not have CGeneric instance -- Won't work because this doesn't terminate (Tree is recursive) @
# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE TypeOperators # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # | This is similar to the @recursive - types@ example , except that the @Tree@ type example , we could define the @TargetOb@ instance for @Tree@ as while here we have to create another data type , , and use it to define type instance TargetOb Tree = TargetOb ( CG.Rep Tree ( ) ) type instance TargetOb Tree = TargetOb ( Categorifier . Client . ) The generated C code is the same as the @recursive - types@ eaxmple . module F (fCategorified) where import qualified Categorifier.C.CExpr.Cat as C import Categorifier.C.CExpr.Cat.TargetOb (TargetOb) import Categorifier.C.CTypes.CGeneric (CGeneric) import qualified Categorifier.C.CTypes.CGeneric as CG import Categorifier.C.CTypes.GArrays (GArrays) import Categorifier.C.KTypes.C (C) import qualified Categorifier.Categorify as Categorify import qualified Categorifier.Client as Client import Data.Int (Int32, Int64) import GHC.Generics (Generic) data Input = Input { iInt32 :: C Int32, iInt64 :: C Int64 } deriving (Generic) Client.deriveHasRep ''Input instance CGeneric Input instance GArrays C Input type instance TargetOb Input = TargetOb (CG.Rep Input ()) data Output = Output { oInt64 :: C Int64, oBool :: Bool } deriving (Generic) Client.deriveHasRep ''Output instance CGeneric Output instance GArrays C Output type instance TargetOb Output = TargetOb (CG.Rep Output ()) data Tree = Empty | Branch (C Int32) Tree Tree deriving (Generic) Client.deriveHasRep ''Tree data TreeAux = EmptyAux | BranchAux (TargetOb Int32) TreeAux TreeAux deriving (Generic) Client.deriveHasRep ''TreeAux type instance TargetOb Tree = TreeAux f :: Input -> Output f = h . g g :: Input -> Tree g inp = Branch (iInt32 inp) (Branch (fromIntegral (iInt64 inp)) Empty Empty) Empty h :: Tree -> Output h = \case Empty -> Output {oInt64 = 0, oBool = False} Branch x l r -> Output { oInt64 = fromIntegral x + oInt64 (h l) + oInt64 (h r), oBool = True } fCategorified :: Input `C.Cat` Output fCategorified = Categorify.expression f
; ; class-merge-basic.scm Unit test for merging of Connectors - merge two classes . ; Tests merging of two word classes , one into the other . This is ; a basic test of the simplest case. ; Created October 2021 (use-modules (opencog) (opencog matrix)) (use-modules (opencog nlp)) (use-modules (opencog learn)) (use-modules (opencog test-runner)) (use-modules (srfi srfi-64)) (opencog-test-runner) (load "connector-setup.scm") (load "class-data.scm") ; --------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This diagram explains what is being tested here: ; ( { ej } , abc ) + ( { rs } , abc ) - > ( { ej } , abc ) ( { ej } , ) + none - > ( { ej } , ) none + ( { rs } , dgh ) - > ( { ej } , ) ; In this diagram , ( e , abc ) is abbreviated notation for ( Section ( Word e ) ( ConnectorList ( Connector a ) ( Connector b ) ( Connector c ) ) ) ; and so on. { ej } is short for ( WordClassNode " e j " ) ( a set of two words ) ; What about the CrossSections ? We expect 12 to be created , 3 each for the 4 total Sections . For example , ( { ej } , abc ) explodes to [ a , < { ej } , vbc > ] and [ b , < { ej } , avc > ] and [ c , < { ej } , abv > ] ; where [] denotes the CrossSection, and <> denotes the Shape. The "v" ; is the variable node in the Shape (that the germ of the cross-section ; plugs into). ; ; These should stay consistent with the merged sections. i.e. these should reduce to 9=12 - 6 + 3 grand - total , with appropriate counts . All 9 of them will have { ej } as the point , none will have { rs } as ; the point. (define t-class-merge "simple two-cluster merge test") (test-begin t-class-merge) ; Open the database (setup-database) ; Load some data (setup-ej-sections) ; Define matrix API to the data (define pca (make-pseudo-cset-api)) (define gsc (add-covering-sections pca)) ; Verify that the data loaded correctly We expect 2 sections on " ej " and two on " rs " (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "e j")))) (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "r s")))) ; Get the total count on all Sections (define totcnt (fold + 0 (map cog-count (cog-get-atoms 'Section)))) Create CrossSections and verify that they got created (gsc 'explode-sections) (test-equal 12 (length (cog-get-atoms 'CrossSection))) ; Verify that direct-sum object is accessing shapes correctly i.e. the ' explode should have created some CrossSections (test-equal 1 (length (gsc 'right-stars (Word "g")))) (test-equal 1 (length (gsc 'right-stars (Word "h")))) Should not be any CrossSections on e , j ; should be same as before . (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "e j")))) (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "r s")))) (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (Word "a")))) (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (Word "b")))) We expect a total of 2 + 2=5 Sections (test-equal 4 (length (cog-get-atoms 'Section))) ; -------------------------- ; Merge two sections together. (merge gsc (WordClass "e j") (WordClass "r s") 0) We expect three sections on " e " , the abc , dgh and klm sections . (test-equal 3 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "e j")))) ; We expect no sections remaining on rs (test-equal 0 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "r s")))) Of the 4 original Sections , 2 are deleted , and 1 is created , leaving a grand total of 3 . The new one is ( ej , ) . The deleted ones are the two rs sections . (test-equal 3 (length (cog-get-atoms 'Section))) Of the 12 original CrossSections , 6 are deleted outright , three get their counts incremented , and three get created . (test-equal 9 (length (cog-get-atoms 'CrossSection))) ; -------------- Validate counts . ; For example: (define epsilon 1.0e-8) (test-approximate cnt-ej-klm (cog-count (car (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "e j")))) epsilon) ; To gain access to the counts, load them by name. (expected-ej-sections) (test-approximate (+ cnt-ej-abc cnt-rs-abc) (cog-count sec-ej-abc) epsilon) (test-approximate cnt-rs-dgh (cog-count sec-ej-dgh) epsilon) (test-approximate cnt-ej-klm (cog-count sec-ej-klm) epsilon) Validate counts on select CrossSections ... (test-approximate (+ cnt-ej-abc cnt-rs-abc) (cog-count xes-b-ej-avc) epsilon) (test-approximate cnt-ej-klm (cog-count xes-k-ej-vlm) epsilon) (test-approximate cnt-rs-dgh (cog-count xes-d-ej-vgh) epsilon) ; ----------------------- ; Verify detailed balance (test-assert (check-sections gsc epsilon)) (test-assert (check-crosses gsc epsilon)) (test-assert (check-shapes gsc epsilon)) ; Verify no change in totals (test-approximate totcnt (fold + 0 (map cog-count (cog-get-atoms 'Section))) epsilon) (test-end t-class-merge) ; --------------------------------------------------------------- (opencog-test-end)
class-merge-basic.scm a basic test of the simplest case. --------------------------------------------------------------- This diagram explains what is being tested here: and so on. where [] denotes the CrossSection, and <> denotes the Shape. The "v" is the variable node in the Shape (that the germ of the cross-section plugs into). These should stay consistent with the merged sections. i.e. these the point. Open the database Load some data Define matrix API to the data Verify that the data loaded correctly Get the total count on all Sections Verify that direct-sum object is accessing shapes correctly should be same as before . -------------------------- Merge two sections together. We expect no sections remaining on rs -------------- For example: To gain access to the counts, load them by name. ----------------------- Verify detailed balance Verify no change in totals ---------------------------------------------------------------
Unit test for merging of Connectors - merge two classes . Tests merging of two word classes , one into the other . This is Created October 2021 (use-modules (opencog) (opencog matrix)) (use-modules (opencog nlp)) (use-modules (opencog learn)) (use-modules (opencog test-runner)) (use-modules (srfi srfi-64)) (opencog-test-runner) (load "connector-setup.scm") (load "class-data.scm") ( { ej } , abc ) + ( { rs } , abc ) - > ( { ej } , abc ) ( { ej } , ) + none - > ( { ej } , ) none + ( { rs } , dgh ) - > ( { ej } , ) In this diagram , ( e , abc ) is abbreviated notation for ( Section ( Word e ) ( ConnectorList ( Connector a ) ( Connector b ) ( Connector c ) ) ) { ej } is short for ( WordClassNode " e j " ) ( a set of two words ) What about the CrossSections ? We expect 12 to be created , 3 each for the 4 total Sections . For example , ( { ej } , abc ) explodes to [ a , < { ej } , vbc > ] and [ b , < { ej } , avc > ] and [ c , < { ej } , abv > ] should reduce to 9=12 - 6 + 3 grand - total , with appropriate counts . All 9 of them will have { ej } as the point , none will have { rs } as (define t-class-merge "simple two-cluster merge test") (test-begin t-class-merge) (setup-database) (setup-ej-sections) (define pca (make-pseudo-cset-api)) (define gsc (add-covering-sections pca)) We expect 2 sections on " ej " and two on " rs " (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "e j")))) (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "r s")))) (define totcnt (fold + 0 (map cog-count (cog-get-atoms 'Section)))) Create CrossSections and verify that they got created (gsc 'explode-sections) (test-equal 12 (length (cog-get-atoms 'CrossSection))) i.e. the ' explode should have created some CrossSections (test-equal 1 (length (gsc 'right-stars (Word "g")))) (test-equal 1 (length (gsc 'right-stars (Word "h")))) (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "e j")))) (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "r s")))) (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (Word "a")))) (test-equal 2 (length (gsc 'right-stars (Word "b")))) We expect a total of 2 + 2=5 Sections (test-equal 4 (length (cog-get-atoms 'Section))) (merge gsc (WordClass "e j") (WordClass "r s") 0) We expect three sections on " e " , the abc , dgh and klm sections . (test-equal 3 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "e j")))) (test-equal 0 (length (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "r s")))) Of the 4 original Sections , 2 are deleted , and 1 is created , leaving a grand total of 3 . The new one is ( ej , ) . The deleted ones are the two rs sections . (test-equal 3 (length (cog-get-atoms 'Section))) Of the 12 original CrossSections , 6 are deleted outright , three get their counts incremented , and three get created . (test-equal 9 (length (cog-get-atoms 'CrossSection))) Validate counts . (define epsilon 1.0e-8) (test-approximate cnt-ej-klm (cog-count (car (gsc 'right-stars (WordClass "e j")))) epsilon) (expected-ej-sections) (test-approximate (+ cnt-ej-abc cnt-rs-abc) (cog-count sec-ej-abc) epsilon) (test-approximate cnt-rs-dgh (cog-count sec-ej-dgh) epsilon) (test-approximate cnt-ej-klm (cog-count sec-ej-klm) epsilon) Validate counts on select CrossSections ... (test-approximate (+ cnt-ej-abc cnt-rs-abc) (cog-count xes-b-ej-avc) epsilon) (test-approximate cnt-ej-klm (cog-count xes-k-ej-vlm) epsilon) (test-approximate cnt-rs-dgh (cog-count xes-d-ej-vgh) epsilon) (test-assert (check-sections gsc epsilon)) (test-assert (check-crosses gsc epsilon)) (test-assert (check-shapes gsc epsilon)) (test-approximate totcnt (fold + 0 (map cog-count (cog-get-atoms 'Section))) epsilon) (test-end t-class-merge) (opencog-test-end)
# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Graphics.GL.EXT.GPUShader4 Copyright : ( c ) 2019 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : < > -- Stability : stable -- Portability : portable -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.GL.EXT.GPUShader4 ( -- * Extension Support glGetEXTGPUShader4, gl_EXT_gpu_shader4, -- * Enums pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_EXT, pattern GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET_EXT, pattern GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_SHADOW_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4_EXT, pattern GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER_EXT, -- * Functions glBindFragDataLocationEXT, glGetFragDataLocationEXT, glGetUniformuivEXT, glUniform1uiEXT, glUniform1uivEXT, glUniform2uiEXT, glUniform2uivEXT, glUniform3uiEXT, glUniform3uivEXT, glUniform4uiEXT, glUniform4uivEXT ) where import Graphics.GL.ExtensionPredicates import Graphics.GL.Tokens import Graphics.GL.Functions
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Module : Graphics.GL.EXT.GPUShader4 License : BSD3 Stability : stable Portability : portable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Extension Support * Enums * Functions
# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms # Copyright : ( c ) 2019 Maintainer : < > module Graphics.GL.EXT.GPUShader4 ( glGetEXTGPUShader4, gl_EXT_gpu_shader4, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_EXT, pattern GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET_EXT, pattern GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_SHADOW_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3_EXT, pattern GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4_EXT, pattern GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER_EXT, glBindFragDataLocationEXT, glGetFragDataLocationEXT, glGetUniformuivEXT, glUniform1uiEXT, glUniform1uivEXT, glUniform2uiEXT, glUniform2uivEXT, glUniform3uiEXT, glUniform3uivEXT, glUniform4uiEXT, glUniform4uivEXT ) where import Graphics.GL.ExtensionPredicates import Graphics.GL.Tokens import Graphics.GL.Functions
(ns think.image.histogram (:require [think.image.pixel :refer :all] [think.image.quantize :as quantize] [mikera.image.core :as image] [clojure.core.matrix :as mat]) (:import [java.awt.image BufferedImage])) (defn sparse-histogram-from-pixels "Create a sparse histogram map of color->pixel-count from integer pixel data" [^ints pixels width height] (let [n-pixels (* width height)] [(persistent! (reduce (fn [retval idx] (let [px (get-masked-pixel (aget pixels idx)) px-count (inc (get retval px 0))] (assoc! retval px px-count))) (transient {}) (range (count pixels)))) n-pixels])) (defn sparse-histogram-64 "Create a sparse histogram of colors in an image" [^BufferedImage img] (let [width (.getWidth img) height (.getHeight img) ^ints pixels (quantize/quantize-range-pixels (image/get-pixels img) 3.0)] (sparse-histogram-from-pixels pixels width height))) (defn sparse-histogram-64-to-dense-histogram-64 "sparse-unnormalized to dense normalized" [sparse-histogram-retval] (let [[histo npix] sparse-histogram-retval] (map (fn [bin-color] (let [px-count (get histo bin-color 0)] [bin-color (/ px-count npix)])) quantize/BINS))) (defn dense-histogram-to-vector "Create a vector of the histogram of colors" [histo] (mat/array (map second histo)))
(ns think.image.histogram (:require [think.image.pixel :refer :all] [think.image.quantize :as quantize] [mikera.image.core :as image] [clojure.core.matrix :as mat]) (:import [java.awt.image BufferedImage])) (defn sparse-histogram-from-pixels "Create a sparse histogram map of color->pixel-count from integer pixel data" [^ints pixels width height] (let [n-pixels (* width height)] [(persistent! (reduce (fn [retval idx] (let [px (get-masked-pixel (aget pixels idx)) px-count (inc (get retval px 0))] (assoc! retval px px-count))) (transient {}) (range (count pixels)))) n-pixels])) (defn sparse-histogram-64 "Create a sparse histogram of colors in an image" [^BufferedImage img] (let [width (.getWidth img) height (.getHeight img) ^ints pixels (quantize/quantize-range-pixels (image/get-pixels img) 3.0)] (sparse-histogram-from-pixels pixels width height))) (defn sparse-histogram-64-to-dense-histogram-64 "sparse-unnormalized to dense normalized" [sparse-histogram-retval] (let [[histo npix] sparse-histogram-retval] (map (fn [bin-color] (let [px-count (get histo bin-color 0)] [bin-color (/ px-count npix)])) quantize/BINS))) (defn dense-histogram-to-vector "Create a vector of the histogram of colors" [histo] (mat/array (map second histo)))
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} CHANGE WITH CAUTION : This is a generated code file generated by -OpenAPI-Code-Generator/Haskell-OpenAPI-Client-Code-Generator . {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} | Contains the types generated from the schema SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData module StripeAPI.Types.SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData where import qualified Control.Monad.Fail import qualified Data.Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.Internal import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Data.ByteString.Internal import qualified Data.Foldable import qualified Data.Functor import qualified Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Scientific import qualified Data.Text import qualified Data.Text.Internal import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Data.Time.Calendar.Days import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.ZonedTime import qualified GHC.Base import qualified GHC.Classes import qualified GHC.Int import qualified GHC.Show import qualified GHC.Types import qualified StripeAPI.Common import StripeAPI.TypeAlias import qualified Prelude as GHC.Integer.Type import qualified Prelude as GHC.Maybe -- | Defines the object schema located at @components.schemas.source_mandate_notification_bacs_debit_data@ in the specification. data SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData = SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData { -- | last4: Last 4 digits of the account number associated with the debit. -- -- Constraints: -- * Maximum length of 5000 sourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitDataLast4 :: (GHC.Maybe.Maybe Data.Text.Internal.Text) } deriving ( GHC.Show.Show, GHC.Classes.Eq ) instance Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON.ToJSON SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData where toJSON obj = Data.Aeson.Types.Internal.object (Data.Foldable.concat (Data.Maybe.maybe GHC.Base.mempty (GHC.Base.pure GHC.Base.. ("last4" Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..=)) (sourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitDataLast4 obj) : GHC.Base.mempty)) toEncoding obj = Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal.pairs (GHC.Base.mconcat (Data.Foldable.concat (Data.Maybe.maybe GHC.Base.mempty (GHC.Base.pure GHC.Base.. ("last4" Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..=)) (sourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitDataLast4 obj) : GHC.Base.mempty))) instance Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.FromJSON SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData where parseJSON = Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.withObject "SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData" (\obj -> GHC.Base.pure SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..:! "last4")) -- | Create a new 'SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData' with all required fields. mkSourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData :: SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData mkSourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData = SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData {sourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitDataLast4 = GHC.Maybe.Nothing}
# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf # # LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # | Defines the object schema located at @components.schemas.source_mandate_notification_bacs_debit_data@ in the specification. | last4: Last 4 digits of the account number associated with the debit. Constraints: | Create a new 'SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData' with all required fields.
CHANGE WITH CAUTION : This is a generated code file generated by -OpenAPI-Code-Generator/Haskell-OpenAPI-Client-Code-Generator . | Contains the types generated from the schema SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData module StripeAPI.Types.SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData where import qualified Control.Monad.Fail import qualified Data.Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.Internal import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Data.ByteString.Internal import qualified Data.Foldable import qualified Data.Functor import qualified Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Scientific import qualified Data.Text import qualified Data.Text.Internal import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Data.Time.Calendar.Days import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.ZonedTime import qualified GHC.Base import qualified GHC.Classes import qualified GHC.Int import qualified GHC.Show import qualified GHC.Types import qualified StripeAPI.Common import StripeAPI.TypeAlias import qualified Prelude as GHC.Integer.Type import qualified Prelude as GHC.Maybe data SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData = SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData * Maximum length of 5000 sourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitDataLast4 :: (GHC.Maybe.Maybe Data.Text.Internal.Text) } deriving ( GHC.Show.Show, GHC.Classes.Eq ) instance Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON.ToJSON SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData where toJSON obj = Data.Aeson.Types.Internal.object (Data.Foldable.concat (Data.Maybe.maybe GHC.Base.mempty (GHC.Base.pure GHC.Base.. ("last4" Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..=)) (sourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitDataLast4 obj) : GHC.Base.mempty)) toEncoding obj = Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal.pairs (GHC.Base.mconcat (Data.Foldable.concat (Data.Maybe.maybe GHC.Base.mempty (GHC.Base.pure GHC.Base.. ("last4" Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON..=)) (sourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitDataLast4 obj) : GHC.Base.mempty))) instance Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.FromJSON SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData where parseJSON = Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.withObject "SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData" (\obj -> GHC.Base.pure SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..:! "last4")) mkSourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData :: SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData mkSourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData = SourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitData {sourceMandateNotificationBacsDebitDataLast4 = GHC.Maybe.Nothing}
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - orphans # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # module Oscoin.Test.Crypto.Blockchain.Block.Arbitrary where import Oscoin.Prelude import Oscoin.Crypto.Blockchain import Oscoin.Test.Crypto import Oscoin.Test.Crypto.Blockchain.Block.Generators import Oscoin.Test.Crypto.Hash.Arbitrary () import Oscoin.Test.Time () import Codec.Serialise (Serialise) import Test.QuickCheck instance Arbitrary s => Arbitrary (Sealed c s) where arbitrary = genSeal instance ( Serialise tx , Serialise s , Arbitrary tx , Arbitrary s , IsCrypto c ) => Arbitrary (Block c tx s) where arbitrary = genStandaloneBlock instance forall tx c. ( IsCrypto c , Arbitrary tx , Serialise tx ) => Arbitrary (BlockData c tx) where arbitrary = do h <- arbitrary txs <- arbitrary :: Gen [tx] pure $ mkBlockData h txs
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - orphans # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # module Oscoin.Test.Crypto.Blockchain.Block.Arbitrary where import Oscoin.Prelude import Oscoin.Crypto.Blockchain import Oscoin.Test.Crypto import Oscoin.Test.Crypto.Blockchain.Block.Generators import Oscoin.Test.Crypto.Hash.Arbitrary () import Oscoin.Test.Time () import Codec.Serialise (Serialise) import Test.QuickCheck instance Arbitrary s => Arbitrary (Sealed c s) where arbitrary = genSeal instance ( Serialise tx , Serialise s , Arbitrary tx , Arbitrary s , IsCrypto c ) => Arbitrary (Block c tx s) where arbitrary = genStandaloneBlock instance forall tx c. ( IsCrypto c , Arbitrary tx , Serialise tx ) => Arbitrary (BlockData c tx) where arbitrary = do h <- arbitrary txs <- arbitrary :: Gen [tx] pure $ mkBlockData h txs
(ns gateway.restrictions (:require [gateway.reason :refer [throw-reason]] [instaparse.transform :as ipt] [instaparse.core :as ip] #?(:cljs [cljs.reader :as reader]))) (def restrictions-parser (ip/parser " expr=and-or <and-or>=<ws*> (eq-neq | and | or) <eq-neq>=<ws*> (term | eq | neq | match) and=and-or <ws*> <'&&'> eq-neq or=and-or <ws*> <'||'> eq-neq eq=eq-neq <ws*> <'=='> term neq=eq-neq <ws*> <'!='> term match=eq-neq <ws*> <'?'> term <term>=<ws*> (ident | own-ident | number | str | lparen and-or rparen) <lparen> = <ws*'('ws*> <rparen> = <ws*')'ws*> ident=<'$'> word own-ident=<'#'> word str=<'\\''> #'[^\\']+' <'\\''> word=#'[a-zA-Z]+' number=#'[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+' ws=#'[\\s\\t]+' ")) (defn- invalid? [parsed-restriction] (when-not (nil? parsed-restriction) (when-let [failure (ip/get-failure parsed-restriction)] #?(:clj (with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint failure)) :cljs (str failure)) ))) (defn parse [restrictions] (when (seq restrictions) (let [parsed (ip/parse restrictions-parser restrictions)] (if-let [errors (invalid? parsed)] (throw (ex-info (str "Error parsing restrictions " errors) {:message errors})) parsed)))) (defn check? [parsed-restriction own-context context] (if (seq parsed-restriction) (ipt/transform {:and (fn [lhs rhs] (and lhs rhs)) :or (fn [lhs rhs] (or lhs rhs)) :eq = :neq not= :match (fn [lhs rhs] (if (and rhs lhs) (re-matches (re-pattern rhs) lhs))) :str identity :number #?(:clj clojure.edn/read-string :cljs reader/read-string) :expr identity :own-ident (fn [[_ idn]] (or (get own-context idn) (get own-context (keyword idn)))) :ident (fn [[_ idn]] (or (get context idn) (get context (keyword idn)))) } parsed-restriction) true))
(ns gateway.restrictions (:require [gateway.reason :refer [throw-reason]] [instaparse.transform :as ipt] [instaparse.core :as ip] #?(:cljs [cljs.reader :as reader]))) (def restrictions-parser (ip/parser " expr=and-or <and-or>=<ws*> (eq-neq | and | or) <eq-neq>=<ws*> (term | eq | neq | match) and=and-or <ws*> <'&&'> eq-neq or=and-or <ws*> <'||'> eq-neq eq=eq-neq <ws*> <'=='> term neq=eq-neq <ws*> <'!='> term match=eq-neq <ws*> <'?'> term <term>=<ws*> (ident | own-ident | number | str | lparen and-or rparen) <lparen> = <ws*'('ws*> <rparen> = <ws*')'ws*> ident=<'$'> word own-ident=<'#'> word str=<'\\''> #'[^\\']+' <'\\''> word=#'[a-zA-Z]+' number=#'[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+' ws=#'[\\s\\t]+' ")) (defn- invalid? [parsed-restriction] (when-not (nil? parsed-restriction) (when-let [failure (ip/get-failure parsed-restriction)] #?(:clj (with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint failure)) :cljs (str failure)) ))) (defn parse [restrictions] (when (seq restrictions) (let [parsed (ip/parse restrictions-parser restrictions)] (if-let [errors (invalid? parsed)] (throw (ex-info (str "Error parsing restrictions " errors) {:message errors})) parsed)))) (defn check? [parsed-restriction own-context context] (if (seq parsed-restriction) (ipt/transform {:and (fn [lhs rhs] (and lhs rhs)) :or (fn [lhs rhs] (or lhs rhs)) :eq = :neq not= :match (fn [lhs rhs] (if (and rhs lhs) (re-matches (re-pattern rhs) lhs))) :str identity :number #?(:clj clojure.edn/read-string :cljs reader/read-string) :expr identity :own-ident (fn [[_ idn]] (or (get own-context idn) (get own-context (keyword idn)))) :ident (fn [[_ idn]] (or (get context idn) (get context (keyword idn)))) } parsed-restriction) true))
;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;;; Copyright ( C ) 2000 - 2005 , Department of Computer Science , University of Tromso , Norway ;;;; ;;;; Filename: basic-macros.lisp ;;;; Description: Author : < > ;;;; Created at: Wed Nov 8 18:44:57 2000 ;;;; Distribution: See the accompanying file COPYING. ;;;; $ I d : basic - macros.lisp , v 1.70 2007/03/26 21:11:40 Exp $ ;;;; ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------ (provide :muerte/basic-macros) First of all we must define DEFMACRO .. (muerte::defmacro-compile-time muerte.cl:defmacro (name lambda-list &body macro-body) (`(muerte.cl:progn (muerte::defmacro-compile-time ,name ,lambda-list ,macro-body) ',name))) (muerte.cl:defmacro muerte.cl:in-package (name) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (in-package ,(movitz::movitzify-package-name name))))) (in-package muerte) (defmacro defmacro (name lambda-list &body macro-body) `(progn (defmacro-compile-time ,name ,lambda-list ,macro-body) #+ignore (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (let ((name (intern (symbol-name ',name)))) (when (eq (symbol-package name) (find-package 'muerte.common-lisp)) ;; (warn "setting ~S" name) (setf (movitz:movitz-env-get name 'macro-expansion) (list* 'lambda ',lambda-list ',macro-body))))) ',name)) (defmacro defun (function-name lambda-list &body body) "Define a function." ;;; (warn "defun ~S.." function-name) (multiple-value-bind (real-body declarations docstring) (movitz::parse-docstring-declarations-and-body body 'cl:declare) (let ((block-name (compute-function-block-name function-name))) `(progn (make-named-function ,function-name ,lambda-list ,declarations ,docstring (block ,block-name ,@real-body)) ',function-name)))) (defmacro defun-by-proto (function-name proto-name &rest parameters) `(define-prototyped-function ,function-name ,proto-name ,@parameters)) (defmacro define-compiler-macro (name lambda-list &body body) `(progn (muerte::define-compiler-macro-compile-time ,name ,lambda-list ,body) ',name)) (defmacro define-primitive-function (function-name lambda-list docstring &body body) (declare (ignore lambda-list)) (assert (stringp docstring) (docstring) "Mandatory docstring for define-primitive-function.") `(make-primitive-function ,function-name ,docstring ,(cons 'cl:progn body))) (defmacro defpackage (package-name &rest options) (let ((uses (union (if (not (assoc :use options)) (list 'muerte.cl) (cdr (assoc :use options))) (when (find-package package-name) (mapcar #'package-name (package-use-list package-name)))))) (setf uses (mapcar (lambda (use) (if (member use (cons :common-lisp (package-nicknames :common-lisp)) :test #'string=) :muerte.cl use)) uses)) (when (or (member :muerte.cl uses :test #'string=) (member :muerte.common-lisp uses :test #'string=)) (push '(:shadowing-import-from :common-lisp nil) options)) (let ((movitz-options (cons (cons :use uses) (remove :use options :key #'car)))) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (defpackage ,package-name ,@movitz-options))))) (defmacro cond (&rest clauses) (if (null clauses) nil (destructuring-bind (test-form &rest then-forms) (car clauses) (if (null then-forms) (let ((cond-test-var (gensym "cond-test-var-"))) `(let ((,cond-test-var ,test-form)) (if ,cond-test-var ,cond-test-var (cond ,@(rest clauses))))) `(if ,test-form (progn ,@then-forms) (cond ,@(rest clauses))))))) (define-compiler-macro cond (&body cond-body) (cons 'compiled-cond cond-body)) (define-compiler-macro if (test-form then-form &optional else-form &environment env) (when (and (movitz:movitz-constantp then-form env) (movitz:movitz-constantp else-form env)) (warn "if: ~S // ~S" then-form else-form)) (if else-form `(compiled-cond (,test-form ,then-form) (t ,else-form)) `(compiled-cond (,test-form ,then-form)))) (defmacro throw (tag result-form) (let ((tag-var (gensym "throw-tag-"))) `(let ((,tag-var ,tag)) (exact-throw (find-catch-tag ,tag-var) ,result-form (error 'throw-error :tag ,tag-var))))) (defmacro when (test-form &rest forms) `(cond (,test-form ,@forms))) (defmacro unless (test-form &rest forms) `(cond ((not ,test-form) ,@forms))) (defmacro declaim (&rest declaration-specifiers) `(muerte::declaim-compile-time ,@declaration-specifiers)) (defmacro defparameter (name initial-value &optional docstring &environment env) (declare (ignore docstring)) `(progn (declaim (special ,name)) ;; (muerte::compile-time-setq ,name ,initial-value) (setq ,name ,initial-value))) (define-compiler-macro defparameter (&whole form name initial-value &optional docstring &environment env) (declare (ignore docstring)) (if (not (movitz:movitz-constantp initial-value env)) form (let ((mname (translate-program name :cl :muerte.cl))) (setf (movitz::movitz-symbol-value (movitz:movitz-read mname)) (movitz:movitz-eval initial-value env)) `(declaim (special ,name))))) (defmacro defvar (name &optional (value nil valuep) documentation) (if (not valuep) `(declaim (special ,name)) `(defparameter ,name ,value ,documentation))) (defmacro define-compile-time-variable (name value) (let ((the-value (eval value))) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (define-symbol-macro ,name (getf (movitz::image-compile-time-variables movitz::*image*) ',name)) (setf ,name (or ,name ',the-value))) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :excute) (defvar ,name 'uninitialized-compile-time-variable))))) (defmacro let* (var-list &body declarations-and-body) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) (labels ((expand (rest-vars body) (if (null rest-vars) body `((let (,(car rest-vars)) (declare ,@declarations) ,@(expand (cdr rest-vars) body)))))) (if (endp var-list) `(let () ,@body) (car (expand var-list body)))))) (defmacro or (&rest forms) (cond ((null forms) nil) ((null (cdr forms)) (first forms)) (t (cons 'cond (maplist (lambda (x) (if (rest x) (list (car x)) (list t (car x)))) forms))))) (defmacro and (&rest forms) (cond ((null forms) t) ((null (cdr forms)) (first forms)) (t `(when ,(first forms) (and ,@(rest forms)))))) (define-compiler-macro and (&rest forms) (case (length forms) (0 t) (1 (first forms)) (2 `(compiled-cond (,(first forms) ,(second forms)))) (t `(compiled-cond ((and ,@(butlast forms)) ,@(last forms)))))) (defmacro psetq (&rest pairs) (assert (evenp (length pairs)) (pairs) "Uneven arguments to PSETQ: ~S." pairs) (case (length pairs) (0 nil) (2 `(setq ,(first pairs) ,(second pairs))) (t (multiple-value-bind (setq-specs let-specs) (loop for (var form) on pairs by #'cddr as temp-var = (gensym) collect (list temp-var form) into let-specs collect var into setq-specs collect temp-var into setq-specs finally (return (values setq-specs let-specs))) `(let ,(butlast let-specs) (setq ,@(last pairs 2) ,@(butlast setq-specs 2))))))) (defmacro return (&optional (result-form nil result-form-p)) (if result-form-p `(return-from nil ,result-form) `(return-from nil))) (define-compiler-macro do (var-specs (end-test-form &rest result-forms) &body declarations-and-body) (flet ((var-spec-let-spec (var-spec) (cond ((symbolp var-spec) var-spec) ((cddr var-spec) (subseq var-spec 0 2)) (t var-spec))) (var-spec-var (var-spec) (if (symbolp var-spec) var-spec (car var-spec))) (var-spec-step-form (var-spec) (and (listp var-spec) (= 3 (list-length var-spec)) (or (third var-spec) '(quote nil))))) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) (let* ((loop-tag (gensym "do-loop")) (start-tag (gensym "do-start"))) `(block nil (let ,(mapcar #'var-spec-let-spec var-specs) (declare ,@declarations (loop-tag ,loop-tag)) (tagbody ,(unless (and (movitz:movitz-constantp end-test-form) (not (movitz::movitz-eval end-test-form))) `(go ,start-tag)) ,loop-tag ,@body (psetq ,@(loop for var-spec in var-specs as step-form = (var-spec-step-form var-spec) when step-form append (list (var-spec-var var-spec) step-form))) ,start-tag (unless ,end-test-form (go ,loop-tag))) ,@result-forms)))))) (defmacro do* (var-specs (end-test-form &rest result-forms) &body declarations-and-body) (flet ((var-spec-let-spec (var-spec) (cond ((symbolp var-spec) var-spec) ((cddr var-spec) (subseq var-spec 0 2)) (t var-spec))) (var-spec-var (var-spec) (if (symbolp var-spec) var-spec (car var-spec))) (var-spec-step-form (var-spec) (and (listp var-spec) (= 3 (list-length var-spec)) (or (third var-spec) '(quote nil))))) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) (let* ((loop-tag (gensym "do*-loop")) (start-tag (gensym "do*-start"))) `(block nil (let* ,(mapcar #'var-spec-let-spec var-specs) (declare ,@declarations) (tagbody (go ,start-tag) ,loop-tag ,@body (setq ,@(loop for var-spec in var-specs as step-form = (var-spec-step-form var-spec) when step-form append (list (var-spec-var var-spec) step-form))) ,start-tag (unless ,end-test-form (go ,loop-tag))) ,@result-forms)))))) (define-compiler-macro do* (var-specs (end-test-form &rest result-forms) &body declarations-and-body) (flet ((var-spec-let-spec (var-spec) (if (symbolp var-spec) var-spec (subseq var-spec 0 2))) (var-spec-var (var-spec) (if (symbolp var-spec) var-spec (car var-spec))) (var-spec-step-form (var-spec) (and (listp var-spec) (= 3 (list-length var-spec)) (or (third var-spec) '(quote nil))))) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) (let* ((loop-tag (gensym "do*-loop")) (start-tag (gensym "do*-start"))) `(block nil (let* ,(mapcar #'var-spec-let-spec var-specs) (declare ,@declarations (loop-tag ,loop-tag)) (tagbody (go ,start-tag) ,loop-tag ,@body (setq ,@(loop for var-spec in var-specs as step-form = (var-spec-step-form var-spec) when step-form append (list (var-spec-var var-spec) step-form))) ,start-tag (unless ,end-test-form (go ,loop-tag))) ,@result-forms)))))) (defmacro case (keyform &rest clauses) (flet ((otherwise-clause-p (x) (member (car x) '(t otherwise)))) (let ((key-var (make-symbol "case-key-var"))) `(let ((,key-var ,keyform)) (cond ,@(loop for clause-head on clauses as clause = (first clause-head) as keys = (first clause) as forms = (rest clause) do ( warn " clause : ~S , op : ~S " clause ( otherwise - clause - p clause ) ) if (and (endp (rest clause-head)) (otherwise-clause-p clause)) collect (cons t forms) else if (otherwise-clause-p clause) do (error "Case's otherwise clause must be the last clause.") else if (atom keys) collect `((eql ,key-var ',keys) ,@forms) else collect `((or ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (c) `(eql ,key-var ',c)) keys)) ,@forms))))))) (define-compiler-macro case (keyform &rest clauses) (case (length clauses) (0 keyform) (1 (let ((clause (first clauses))) (case (car clause) ((nil) keyform) ((t otherwise) `(progn keyform ,@(cdr clause))) (t (if (atom (car clause)) `(when (eql ,keyform ',(car clause)) ,@(cdr clause)) `(compiled-case ,keyform ,@clauses)))))) (t `(compiled-case ,keyform ,@clauses)))) (defmacro ecase (keyform &rest clauses) ;; "Not quite implemented.." `(case ,keyform ,@clauses (t (error "~S fell through an ecase where the legal cases were ~S" ,keyform ',(mapcar #'first clauses))))) (define-compiler-macro asm-register (register-name) (if (member register-name '(:eax :ebx :ecx :untagged-fixnum-ecx :edx)) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns ,register-name) ()) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl ,register-name :eax)))) (defmacro movitz-accessor (object-form type slot-name) (warn "movitz-accesor deprecated.") `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register :side-effects nil) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,object-form) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-read-segment-prefix* :movl (:eax ,(bt:slot-offset (find-symbol (string type) :movitz) (find-symbol (string slot-name) :movitz))) (:result-register)))) (defmacro setf-movitz-accessor ((object-form type slot-name) value-form) (warn "setf-movitz-accesor deprecated.") `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax :side-effects t) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,value-form ,object-form) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :eax (:ebx ,(bt:slot-offset (find-symbol (string type) :movitz) (find-symbol (string slot-name) :movitz)))))) (defmacro movitz-accessor-u16 (object-form type slot-name) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,object-form) (:movzxw (:eax ,(bt:slot-offset (find-symbol (string type) :movitz) (find-symbol (string slot-name) :movitz))) :ecx) (:leal ((:ecx #.movitz::+movitz-fixnum-factor+) :edi ,(- (movitz::image-nil-word movitz::*image*))) :eax))) (defmacro set-movitz-accessor-u16 (object-form type slot-name value) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ecx) ,object-form ,value) (:shrl ,movitz::+movitz-fixnum-shift+ :ecx) (:movw :cx (:eax ,(bt:slot-offset (find-symbol (string type) :movitz) (find-symbol (string slot-name) :movitz)))) (:leal ((:ecx #.movitz::+movitz-fixnum-factor+) :edi ,(- (movitz::image-nil-word movitz::*image*))) :eax))) (define-compiler-macro movitz-type-word-size (type &environment env) (if (not (movitz:movitz-constantp type env)) (error "Non-constant movitz-type-word-size call.") (movitz::movitz-type-word-size (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval type env)) :movitz)))) (define-compiler-macro movitz-type-slot-offset (type slot &environment env) (if (not (and (movitz:movitz-constantp type env) (movitz:movitz-constantp slot env))) (error "Non-constant movitz-type-slot-offset call.") (bt:slot-offset (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval type env)) :movitz) (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval slot env)) :movitz)))) (define-compiler-macro movitz-type-location-offset (type slot &environment env) (if (not (and (movitz:movitz-constantp type env) (movitz:movitz-constantp slot env))) (error "Non-constant movitz-type-slot-offset call.") (truncate (+ -6 (bt:slot-offset (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval type env)) :movitz) (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval slot env)) :movitz))) 4))) (define-compiler-macro not (x) `(muerte::inlined-not ,x)) (define-compiler-macro null (x) `(muerte::inlined-not ,x)) (define-compiler-macro eq (&whole form &environment env x y) (cond ((movitz:movitz-constantp y env) (let ((y (movitz:movitz-eval y env))) (cond ((movitz:movitz-constantp x env) (warn "constant eq!: ~S" form) (eq y (movitz:movitz-eval x env))) ((eq y nil) `(muerte::inlined-not ,x)) ((eql y 0) `(with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects nil) (do-case ((:boolean-branch-on-true :boolean-branch-on-false) :boolean-zf=1) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,x) (:testl :eax :eax)) (do-case (t :boolean-cf=1) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,x) (:cmpl 1 :eax)))) ((typep y '(or symbol (unsigned-byte 29))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-zf=1 :side-effects nil) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,x) (:load-constant ,y :eax :op :cmpl))) (t `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-zf=1 :side-effects nil) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,x ,y) (:cmpl :eax :ebx)))))) ((movitz:movitz-constantp x env) `(eq ,y ',(movitz:movitz-eval x env))) (t `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-zf=1 :side-effects nil) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,x ,y) (:cmpl :eax :ebx))))) (define-compiler-macro eql (x y) `(let ((x ,x) (y ,y)) (eql%b x y))) (define-compiler-macro values (&rest sub-forms) `(inline-values ,@sub-forms)) (defmacro multiple-value-list (form) `(multiple-value-call #'list ,form)) (defmacro nth-value (n form) `(nth ,n (multiple-value-list ,form))) (define-compiler-macro nth-value (n form) `(compiled-nth-value ,n ,form)) (defmacro prog1 (first-form &rest rest-forms) This definition of PROG1 is not as inefficient as it looks . The combination of VALUES and M - V - PROG1 will lead to reasonable code . `(values (multiple-value-prog1 ,first-form ,@rest-forms))) (defmacro prog2 (first-form second-form &rest rest-forms) `(progn ,first-form (prog1 ,second-form ,@rest-forms))) (defmacro prog (variable-list &body declarations-and-body) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) `(block nil (let ,variable-list (declare ,@declarations) (tagbody ,@body))))) (defmacro prog* (variable-list &body declarations-and-body) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) `(block nil (let* ,variable-list (declare ,@declarations) (tagbody ,@body))))) (defmacro multiple-value-setq (vars form) (let ((tmp-vars (loop repeat (length vars) collect (gensym)))) `(multiple-value-bind ,tmp-vars ,form (setq ,@(loop for v in vars and tmp in tmp-vars collect v collect tmp))))) ( defmacro declaim ( & rest declarations ) ;;; (movitz::movitz-env-load-declarations declarations nil :declaim) ;;; (values)) (define-compiler-macro defconstant (name initial-value &optional documentation) (declare (ignore documentation)) (check-type name symbol) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (let* ((movitz-name (movitz::translate-program ',name :cl :muerte.cl)) (movitz-symbol (movitz::movitz-read movitz-name)) (movitz-value (movitz::translate-program (movitz::movitz-eval ',initial-value) :cl :muerte.cl))) (when (and (movitz:movitz-constantp ',name) (not (equalp (movitz::movitz-eval ',name) movitz-value))) (warn "Redefining constant variable ~S from ~S to ~S." ',name (movitz::movitz-eval ',name) movitz-value)) (proclaim `(special ,movitz-name)) (setf (movitz::movitz-symbol-value movitz-symbol) (movitz::movitz-read movitz-value) (symbol-value movitz-name) movitz-value))) (declaim (muerte::constant-variable ,name)))) (defmacro define-symbol-macro (symbol expansion) (check-type symbol symbol "a symbol-macro symbol") `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (movitz::movitz-env-add-binding nil (make-instance 'movitz::symbol-macro-binding :name ',symbol :expander (lambda (form env) (declare (ignore form env)) (movitz::translate-program ',expansion :cl :muerte.cl))))) ',symbol)) (defmacro check-type (place type &optional type-string) (if (not (stringp type-string)) `(let ((place-value ,place)) (unless (typep place-value ',type) (check-type-failed place-value ',type ',place))) `(let ((place-value ,place)) (unless (typep place-value ',type) (check-type-failed place-value ',type ',place ,type-string))))) (define-compiler-macro check-type (&whole form place type &optional type-string &environment env) (declare (ignore type-string)) (cond ((movitz:movitz-constantp place env) (assert (typep (movitz::eval-form place env) type)) nil) (t (if (member type '(standard-gf-instance function pointer atom integer fixnum positive-fixnum cons symbol character null list string vector simple-vector vector-u8 vector-u16)) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing :labels (check-type-failed retry-check-type)) retry-check-type (:compile-form (:result-mode (:boolean-branch-on-false . check-type-failed)) (typep ,place ',type)) (:jnever '(:sub-program (check-type-failed) (:compile-form (:result-mode :edx) (quote ,type)) (:compile-form (:result-mode :ignore) (setf ,place (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:int 60)))) (:jmp 'retry-check-type)))) form)))) (defmacro assert (test-form &optional places datum-form &rest argument-forms) (declare (ignore places)) (cond (datum-form `(progn (unless ,test-form (error ,datum-form ,@argument-forms) nil))) (t `(progn (unless ,test-form (error "The assertion ~A failed." ',test-form)) nil)))) (define-compiler-macro car (x) `(let ((cell ,x)) (with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects t) (do-case (t :register) (:cons-get :car (:lexical-binding cell) (:result-register)))))) (define-compiler-macro cdr (x) `(let ((cell ,x)) (with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects t) (do-case (t :register) (:cons-get :cdr (:lexical-binding cell) (:result-register)))))) (define-compiler-macro cadr (x) `(car (cdr ,x))) (define-compiler-macro cddr (x) `(cdr (cdr ,x))) (define-compiler-macro caddr (x) `(car (cdr (cdr ,x)))) (define-compiler-macro cadddr (x) `(car (cdr (cdr (cdr ,x))))) (define-compiler-macro cdar (x) `(cdr (car ,x))) (define-compiler-macro rest (x) `(cdr ,x)) (define-compiler-macro first (x) `(car ,x)) (define-compiler-macro second (x) `(cadr ,x)) (define-compiler-macro third (x) `(caddr ,x)) (define-compiler-macro fourth (x) `(cadddr ,x)) (define-compiler-macro (setf car) (value cell &environment env) (if (and (movitz:movitz-constantp value env) (eq nil (movitz::eval-form value env))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :edi) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,cell) (:leal (:eax -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 61))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :edi (:eax -1))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,value ,cell) (:leal (:ebx -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:movl :ebx :eax) (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:int 69))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :eax (:ebx -1))))) (define-compiler-macro (setf cdr) (value cell &environment env) (if (and (movitz:movitz-constantp value env) (eq nil (movitz::eval-form value env))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :edi) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,cell) (:leal (:eax -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 61))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :edi (:eax 3))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,value ,cell) (:leal (:ebx -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:movl :ebx :eax) (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:int 69))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :eax (:ebx 3))))) (define-compiler-macro rplaca (cons object) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,cons ,object) (:leal (:eax -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:int 69))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :ebx (:eax -1)))) (define-compiler-macro rplacd (cons object) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,cons ,object) (:leal (:eax -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:int 69))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :ebx (:eax 3)))) (define-compiler-macro endp (x) `(let ((cell ,x)) (with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects nil) (do-case (t :same) (:endp (:lexical-binding cell) (:returns-mode)))))) (define-compiler-macro cons (car cdr) `(compiled-cons ,car ,cdr)) (define-compiler-macro list (&whole form &rest elements &environment env) (case (length elements) (0 nil) (1 `(cons ,(car elements) nil)) (t form))) (defmacro with-unbound-protect (x &body error-continuation &environment env) (cond ((movitz:movitz-constantp x env) `(values ,x)) (movitz::*compiler-use-into-unbound-protocol* (let ((unbound-continue (gensym "unbound-continue-"))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:compile-form (:result-mode :register) ,x) (:cmpl -1 (:result-register)) (:jo '(:sub-program (unbound) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) (progn ,@error-continuation)) (:jmp ',unbound-continue))) ,unbound-continue))) (t (let ((var (gensym))) `(let ((,var ,x)) (if (not (eq ,var (load-global-constant new-unbound-value))) ,var (progn ,@error-continuation))))))) (define-compiler-macro current-run-time-context () `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset self)) (:result-register))))) #+ignore (define-compiler-macro apply (&whole form function &rest args) (if (and nil (consp function) (eq 'function (first function)) (symbolp (second function))) `(apply ',(second function) ,@args) ; we prefer 'foo over #'foo. form)) (define-compiler-macro funcall (&whole form function &rest arguments) (or (and (listp function) (eq 'muerte.cl:function (first function)) (let ((fname (second function))) (or (and (symbolp fname) `(,fname ,@arguments)) (and (listp fname) (eq 'muerte.cl:setf (first fname)) `(,(movitz::movitz-env-setf-operator-name (movitz::translate-program (second fname) :cl :muerte.cl)) ,@arguments))))) (case (length arguments) (0 `(funcall%0ops ,function)) (1 `(funcall%1ops ,function ,(first arguments))) (2 `(funcall%2ops ,function ,(first arguments) ,(second arguments))) (3 `(funcall%3ops ,function ,(first arguments) ,(second arguments) ,(third arguments))) (t form)))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%0ops (&whole form function) `(with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-form (:result-mode :edx) ,function) (:leal (:edx -7) :ecx) (:andb 7 :cl) (:jnz 'not-symbol) (:movl (:edx (:offset movitz-symbol function-value)) :esi) (:jmp 'funobj-ok) not-symbol (:cmpb 7 :cl) (:jne '(:sub-program (not-funobj) (:movb 1 :cl) (:int 69))) (:cmpb ,(movitz:tag :funobj) (:edx ,movitz:+other-type-offset+)) (:jne 'not-funobj) (:movl :edx :esi) funobj-ok (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector)))))) (define-compiler-macro compiler-error (&rest args) (apply 'error args)) (define-compiler-macro funcall%1ops (&whole form function argument) `(compiler-typecase ,function ((or nil null) (compiler-error "Can't compile funcall of NIL.")) (function (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:edx :eax) ,function ,argument) (:movl :edx :esi) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op)))))) (symbol (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:edx :eax) ,function ,argument) (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op)))))) ((or symbol function) (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:edx :eax) ,function ,argument) (:leal (:edx -5) :ecx) (:andl 5 :ecx) (:movl :edx :esi) (:jnz 'funobj-ok) ; not a symbol, so it must be a funobj. (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) funobj-ok (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op)))))) (t (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:edx :eax) ,function ,argument) (:leal (:edx -7) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz 'not-symbol) (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) (:jmp 'funobj-ok) not-symbol (:leal (:edx -6) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jne '(:sub-program (not-funobj) (:movb 1 :cl) (:int 69))) (:cmpb ,(movitz::tag :funobj) (:edx ,movitz:+other-type-offset+)) (:jne 'not-funobj) (:movl :edx :esi) funobj-ok (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op)))))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%2ops (function arg0 arg1) (let ((function-var (gensym))) `(let ((,function-var ,function)) (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,arg0 ,arg1) (:compile-form (:result-mode :edx) ,function-var) (:leal (:edx -7) :ecx) (:andb 7 :cl) (:jnz 'not-symbol) (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) (:jmp 'funobj-ok) not-symbol (:cmpb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program (not-funobj) (:movb 1 :cl) (:int 69))) (:cmpb ,(movitz::tag :funobj) (:edx ,movitz:+other-type-offset+)) (:jne 'not-funobj) (:movl :edx :esi) funobj-ok (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%2op)))))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%3ops (function arg0 arg1 arg2) (let ((function-var (gensym))) `(let ((,function-var ,function)) (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-arglist () ,arg0 ,arg1 ,arg2) (:compile-form (:result-mode :edx) ,function-var) (:leal (:edx -7) :ecx) (:andb 7 :cl) (:jnz 'not-symbol) (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) (:jmp 'funobj-ok) not-symbol (:cmpb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program (not-funobj) (:movb 1 :cl) (:int 69))) (:cmpb ,(movitz::tag :funobj) (:edx ,movitz:+other-type-offset+)) (:jne 'not-funobj) (:movl :edx :esi) funobj-ok (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%3op))) (:leal (:esp 4) :esp)))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%unsafe%1ops (function arg0) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :esi) ,arg0 ,function) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%unsafe%2ops (function arg0 arg1) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values) (:compile-form (:result-mode :push) ,function) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,arg0 ,arg1) (:popl :esi) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%2op))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%unsafe%3ops (function arg0 arg1 arg2) `(let ((fn ,function)) (with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values) (:compile-arglist () ,arg0 ,arg1 ,arg2) (:compile-form (:result-mode :esi) fn) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%3op))) (:leal (:esp 4) :esp)))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%unsafe (function &rest args) (case (length args) (0 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values) (:compile-form (:result-mode :esi) ,function) (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector))))) (1 `(funcall%unsafe%1ops ,function ,(first args))) (2 `(funcall%unsafe%2ops ,function ,(first args) ,(second args))) (3 `(funcall%unsafe%3ops ,function ,(first args) ,(second args) ,(third args))) (t `(funcall ,function ,@args)))) (defmacro with-funcallable ((name &optional (function-form name)) &body body) (let ((function (gensym "with-function-"))) `(let ((,function (ensure-funcallable ,function-form))) (macrolet ((,name (&rest args) `(funcall%unsafe ,',function ,@args))) ,@body)))) (defmacro lambda (&whole form) `(function ,form)) (defmacro backquote (form) (typecase form (list (if (eq 'backquote-comma (car form)) (cadr form) (cons 'append (loop for sub-form-head on form as sub-form = (and (consp sub-form-head) (car sub-form-head)) collecting (cond ((atom sub-form-head) (list 'quote sub-form-head)) ((atom sub-form) (list 'quote (list sub-form))) (t (case (car sub-form) (backquote-comma (list 'list (cadr sub-form))) (backquote-comma-at (cadr sub-form)) (t (list 'list (list 'backquote sub-form)))))))))) (array (error "Array backquote not implemented.")) (t (list 'quote form)))) (define-compiler-macro find-class (&whole form &environment env symbol &optional (errorp t) (environment nil envp)) (declare (ignore errorp environment)) (if (or envp (not (movitz:movitz-constantp symbol env))) form (let* ((type (movitz:movitz-eval symbol env)) (movitz-type (movitz-program type)) (cl-type (host-program type))) (cond ((eq t cl-type) `(load-global-constant the-class-t)) ((member movitz-type (movitz::image-classes-map movitz:*image*)) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:globally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset classes)) (:result-register))) (:movl ((:result-register) ,(movitz::class-object-offset movitz-type)) (:result-register)))) (t (warn "unknown find-class: ~S [~S] [~S]" cl-type (and (symbolp cl-type) (symbol-package cl-type)) (and (symbolp movitz-type) (symbol-package movitz-type))) form)) #+ignore (case cl-type ((t) `(load-global-constant the-class-t)) (fixnum '(load-global-constant the-class-fixnum)) (null `(load-global-constant the-class-null)) (symbol '(load-global-constant the-class-symbol)) (cons '(load-global-constant the-class-cons)) (t form))))) (define-compiler-macro class-of (object) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,object) (:movl :eax :ecx) (:andl #x7 :ecx) (:call (:edi (:ecx 4) ,(movitz::global-constant-offset 'fast-class-of))))) (defmacro std-instance-reader (slot instance-form) (let ((slot (intern (symbol-name slot) :movitz))) `(with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (:ecx) (:warn "std-instance-reader ~S for ecx!" ',slot) (:not-implemented)) (do-case (t :register) (:compile-form (:result-mode :register) ,instance-form) (:leal ((:result-register) ,(- (movitz::tag :other))) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 66))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-read-segment-prefix* :movl ((:result-register) ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-std-instance slot)) (:result-register)))))) (defmacro std-instance-writer (slot value instance-form) (let ((slot (intern (symbol-name slot) :movitz))) `(with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,value ,instance-form) (:leal (:ebx ,(- (movitz::tag :other))) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 66))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :eax (:ebx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-std-instance slot))))))) (define-compiler-macro std-instance-class (instance) `(std-instance-reader class ,instance)) (define-compiler-macro (setf std-instance-class) (value instance) `(std-instance-writer class ,value ,instance)) (define-compiler-macro std-instance-slots (instance) `(std-instance-reader slots ,instance)) (define-compiler-macro (setf std-instance-slots) (value instance) `(std-instance-writer slots ,value ,instance)) (define-compiler-macro standard-instance-access (instance location) `(svref (std-instance-slots ,instance) ,location)) (define-compiler-macro with-stack-check (&body body) `(let ((before (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :ecx) (:leal ((:ecx 2)) :eax)))) ,@body (let ((delta (- before (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :ecx) (:leal ((:ecx 2)) :eax))))) (warn "stack delta: ~D" delta)))) (defmacro with-symbol-mutex ((sym &key (recursive t)) &body body) "Not implemented." (declare (ignore sym recursive)) `(progn ,@body)) (defmacro with-inline-assembly ((&key returns (side-effects t) (type t) labels) &body program) `(with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects ,side-effects :type ,type) (do-case (t ,returns :labels ,labels) ,@program))) (defmacro numargs-case (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (error "numargs-case at illegal position.")) (defmacro movitz-backquote (expression) (un-backquote expression 0)) (define-compiler-macro spin-wait-pause () "Insert a pause instruction, which improves performance of busy-waiting loop on P4." '(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) (:pause))) (defmacro spin-wait-pause ()) (defmacro capture-reg8 (reg) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movzxb ,reg :eax) (:shll ,movitz::+movitz-fixnum-shift+ :eax))) (defmacro asm (&rest prg) "Insert a single assembly instruction that returns noting." `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) ,prg)) (defmacro asm1 (&rest prg) "Insert a single assembly instruction that returns a value in eax." `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) ,prg)) (defmacro load-global-constant (name &key thread-local) (if thread-local `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset ,name)) (:result-register)))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:globally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset ,name)) (:result-register)))))) (defmacro load-global-constant-u32 (name &key thread-local) (if thread-local `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :untagged-fixnum-ecx) (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset ,name)) :ecx))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :untagged-fixnum-ecx) (:globally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset ,name)) :ecx))))) (define-compiler-macro halt-cpu (&optional eax-form) (let ((infinite-loop-label (make-symbol "infinite-loop"))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) ,@(when eax-form `((:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,eax-form))) ,infinite-loop-label (:halt) (:jmp ',infinite-loop-label)))) (defmacro function-name-or-nil () (let ((function-name-not-found-label (gensym))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :edi :eax) Check if EDX is a symbol (:xorb ,(movitz::tag :symbol) :dl) (:testb 7 :dl) (:jnz ',function-name-not-found-label) (:xorb ,(movitz::tag :symbol) :dl) Check if symbol 's function - value is eq to our current funobj ( in ESI ) . (:cmpl :esi (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value))) (:jne ',function-name-not-found-label) (:movl :edx :eax) ,function-name-not-found-label))) (defmacro word-nibble (word-form nibble) (check-type nibble (integer 0 7)) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :untagged-fixnum-ecx) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,word-form) (:movl :eax :ecx) (:shrl ,(* 4 nibble) :ecx) (:andl #xf :ecx))) (define-compiler-macro boundp (symbol) `(with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :boolean-zf=0 :labels (boundp-done)) (:compile-form (:result-mode :ebx) ,symbol) (:leal (:ebx ,(- (movitz:tag :null))) :ecx) (:testb 5 :cl) (:jne '(:sub-program () (:int 66))) (:call-local-pf dynamic-variable-lookup) (:globally (:cmpl (:edi (:edi-offset new-unbound-value)) :eax))))) (defmacro define-global-variable (name init-form &optional docstring) "A global variable will be accessed by ignoring local bindings." `(progn (defparameter ,name ,init-form ,docstring) (define-symbol-macro ,name (%symbol-global-value ',name)))) (define-compiler-macro assembly-register (register) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl ,register :eax))) (defmacro with-allocation-assembly ((size-form &key object-register size-register fixed-size-p labels) &body code) (assert (eq object-register :eax)) (assert (or fixed-size-p (eq size-register :ecx))) (let ((size-var (gensym "malloc-size-"))) `(let ((,size-var ,size-form)) (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax :labels (retry-alloc retry-jumper ,@labels)) (:declare-label-set retry-jumper (retry-alloc)) ;; Set up atomically continuation. (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :dynamic-env)))) (:pushl 'retry-jumper) ;; ..this allows us to detect recursive atomicallies. (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) (:pushl :ebp) retry-alloc (:movl (:esp) :ebp) (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :eax) (:locally (:movl :esp (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) ;; Now inside atomically section. (:call-local-pf cons-pointer) ,@code ,@(when fixed-size-p `((:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :ecx))) (:call-local-pf cons-commit) (:locally (:movl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation)))) (:leal (:esp 16) :esp))))) (defmacro with-non-pointer-allocation-assembly ((size-form &key object-register size-register fixed-size-p labels) &body code) (assert (eq object-register :eax)) (assert (or fixed-size-p (eq size-register :ecx))) (let ((size-var (gensym "malloc-size-"))) `(let ((,size-var ,size-form)) (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax :labels (retry-alloc retry-jumper ,@labels)) (:declare-label-set retry-jumper (retry-alloc)) ;; Set up atomically continuation. (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :dynamic-env)))) (:pushl 'retry-jumper) ;; ..this allows us to detect recursive atomicallies. (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) (:pushl :ebp) retry-alloc (:movl (:esp) :ebp) (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :eax) (:locally (:movl :esp (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) ;; Now inside atomically section. (:call-local-pf cons-non-pointer) ,@code ,@(when fixed-size-p `((:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :ecx))) (:call-local-pf cons-commit-non-pointer) (:locally (:movl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation)))) (:leal (:esp 16) :esp))))) (defmacro with-non-header-allocation-assembly ((size-form &key object-register size-register fixed-size-p labels) &body code) (assert (eq object-register :eax)) (assert (or fixed-size-p (eq size-register :ecx))) (let ((size-var (gensym "malloc-size-"))) `(let ((,size-var ,size-form)) (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax :labels (retry-alloc retry-jumper ,@labels)) (:declare-label-set retry-jumper (retry-alloc)) ;; Set up atomically continuation. (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :dynamic-env)))) (:pushl 'retry-jumper) ;; ..this allows us to detect recursive atomicallies. (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) (:pushl :ebp) retry-alloc (:movl (:esp) :ebp) (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :eax) (:locally (:movl :esp (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) ;; Now inside atomically section. (:call-local-pf cons-non-header) ,@code ,@(when fixed-size-p `((:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :ecx))) (:call-local-pf cons-commit-non-header) (:locally (:movl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation)))) (:leal (:esp 16) :esp))))) (define-compiler-macro cli () `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) (:cli))) (define-compiler-macro sti () `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) (:sti))) (defmacro check-the (type form) (let ((x (gensym "check-the-"))) `(the ,type (let ((,x ,form)) (check-type ,x ,type) ,x)))) (require :muerte/setf)
------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: basic-macros.lisp Description: Created at: Wed Nov 8 18:44:57 2000 Distribution: See the accompanying file COPYING. ------------------------------------------------------------------ (warn "setting ~S" name) (warn "defun ~S.." function-name) (muerte::compile-time-setq ,name ,initial-value) "Not quite implemented.." (movitz::movitz-env-load-declarations declarations nil :declaim) (values)) we prefer 'foo over #'foo. not a symbol, so it must be a funobj. Set up atomically continuation. ..this allows us to detect recursive atomicallies. Now inside atomically section. Set up atomically continuation. ..this allows us to detect recursive atomicallies. Now inside atomically section. Set up atomically continuation. ..this allows us to detect recursive atomicallies. Now inside atomically section.
Copyright ( C ) 2000 - 2005 , Department of Computer Science , University of Tromso , Norway Author : < > $ I d : basic - macros.lisp , v 1.70 2007/03/26 21:11:40 Exp $ (provide :muerte/basic-macros) First of all we must define DEFMACRO .. (muerte::defmacro-compile-time muerte.cl:defmacro (name lambda-list &body macro-body) (`(muerte.cl:progn (muerte::defmacro-compile-time ,name ,lambda-list ,macro-body) ',name))) (muerte.cl:defmacro muerte.cl:in-package (name) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (in-package ,(movitz::movitzify-package-name name))))) (in-package muerte) (defmacro defmacro (name lambda-list &body macro-body) `(progn (defmacro-compile-time ,name ,lambda-list ,macro-body) #+ignore (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (let ((name (intern (symbol-name ',name)))) (when (eq (symbol-package name) (find-package 'muerte.common-lisp)) (setf (movitz:movitz-env-get name 'macro-expansion) (list* 'lambda ',lambda-list ',macro-body))))) ',name)) (defmacro defun (function-name lambda-list &body body) "Define a function." (multiple-value-bind (real-body declarations docstring) (movitz::parse-docstring-declarations-and-body body 'cl:declare) (let ((block-name (compute-function-block-name function-name))) `(progn (make-named-function ,function-name ,lambda-list ,declarations ,docstring (block ,block-name ,@real-body)) ',function-name)))) (defmacro defun-by-proto (function-name proto-name &rest parameters) `(define-prototyped-function ,function-name ,proto-name ,@parameters)) (defmacro define-compiler-macro (name lambda-list &body body) `(progn (muerte::define-compiler-macro-compile-time ,name ,lambda-list ,body) ',name)) (defmacro define-primitive-function (function-name lambda-list docstring &body body) (declare (ignore lambda-list)) (assert (stringp docstring) (docstring) "Mandatory docstring for define-primitive-function.") `(make-primitive-function ,function-name ,docstring ,(cons 'cl:progn body))) (defmacro defpackage (package-name &rest options) (let ((uses (union (if (not (assoc :use options)) (list 'muerte.cl) (cdr (assoc :use options))) (when (find-package package-name) (mapcar #'package-name (package-use-list package-name)))))) (setf uses (mapcar (lambda (use) (if (member use (cons :common-lisp (package-nicknames :common-lisp)) :test #'string=) :muerte.cl use)) uses)) (when (or (member :muerte.cl uses :test #'string=) (member :muerte.common-lisp uses :test #'string=)) (push '(:shadowing-import-from :common-lisp nil) options)) (let ((movitz-options (cons (cons :use uses) (remove :use options :key #'car)))) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (defpackage ,package-name ,@movitz-options))))) (defmacro cond (&rest clauses) (if (null clauses) nil (destructuring-bind (test-form &rest then-forms) (car clauses) (if (null then-forms) (let ((cond-test-var (gensym "cond-test-var-"))) `(let ((,cond-test-var ,test-form)) (if ,cond-test-var ,cond-test-var (cond ,@(rest clauses))))) `(if ,test-form (progn ,@then-forms) (cond ,@(rest clauses))))))) (define-compiler-macro cond (&body cond-body) (cons 'compiled-cond cond-body)) (define-compiler-macro if (test-form then-form &optional else-form &environment env) (when (and (movitz:movitz-constantp then-form env) (movitz:movitz-constantp else-form env)) (warn "if: ~S // ~S" then-form else-form)) (if else-form `(compiled-cond (,test-form ,then-form) (t ,else-form)) `(compiled-cond (,test-form ,then-form)))) (defmacro throw (tag result-form) (let ((tag-var (gensym "throw-tag-"))) `(let ((,tag-var ,tag)) (exact-throw (find-catch-tag ,tag-var) ,result-form (error 'throw-error :tag ,tag-var))))) (defmacro when (test-form &rest forms) `(cond (,test-form ,@forms))) (defmacro unless (test-form &rest forms) `(cond ((not ,test-form) ,@forms))) (defmacro declaim (&rest declaration-specifiers) `(muerte::declaim-compile-time ,@declaration-specifiers)) (defmacro defparameter (name initial-value &optional docstring &environment env) (declare (ignore docstring)) `(progn (declaim (special ,name)) (setq ,name ,initial-value))) (define-compiler-macro defparameter (&whole form name initial-value &optional docstring &environment env) (declare (ignore docstring)) (if (not (movitz:movitz-constantp initial-value env)) form (let ((mname (translate-program name :cl :muerte.cl))) (setf (movitz::movitz-symbol-value (movitz:movitz-read mname)) (movitz:movitz-eval initial-value env)) `(declaim (special ,name))))) (defmacro defvar (name &optional (value nil valuep) documentation) (if (not valuep) `(declaim (special ,name)) `(defparameter ,name ,value ,documentation))) (defmacro define-compile-time-variable (name value) (let ((the-value (eval value))) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (define-symbol-macro ,name (getf (movitz::image-compile-time-variables movitz::*image*) ',name)) (setf ,name (or ,name ',the-value))) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :excute) (defvar ,name 'uninitialized-compile-time-variable))))) (defmacro let* (var-list &body declarations-and-body) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) (labels ((expand (rest-vars body) (if (null rest-vars) body `((let (,(car rest-vars)) (declare ,@declarations) ,@(expand (cdr rest-vars) body)))))) (if (endp var-list) `(let () ,@body) (car (expand var-list body)))))) (defmacro or (&rest forms) (cond ((null forms) nil) ((null (cdr forms)) (first forms)) (t (cons 'cond (maplist (lambda (x) (if (rest x) (list (car x)) (list t (car x)))) forms))))) (defmacro and (&rest forms) (cond ((null forms) t) ((null (cdr forms)) (first forms)) (t `(when ,(first forms) (and ,@(rest forms)))))) (define-compiler-macro and (&rest forms) (case (length forms) (0 t) (1 (first forms)) (2 `(compiled-cond (,(first forms) ,(second forms)))) (t `(compiled-cond ((and ,@(butlast forms)) ,@(last forms)))))) (defmacro psetq (&rest pairs) (assert (evenp (length pairs)) (pairs) "Uneven arguments to PSETQ: ~S." pairs) (case (length pairs) (0 nil) (2 `(setq ,(first pairs) ,(second pairs))) (t (multiple-value-bind (setq-specs let-specs) (loop for (var form) on pairs by #'cddr as temp-var = (gensym) collect (list temp-var form) into let-specs collect var into setq-specs collect temp-var into setq-specs finally (return (values setq-specs let-specs))) `(let ,(butlast let-specs) (setq ,@(last pairs 2) ,@(butlast setq-specs 2))))))) (defmacro return (&optional (result-form nil result-form-p)) (if result-form-p `(return-from nil ,result-form) `(return-from nil))) (define-compiler-macro do (var-specs (end-test-form &rest result-forms) &body declarations-and-body) (flet ((var-spec-let-spec (var-spec) (cond ((symbolp var-spec) var-spec) ((cddr var-spec) (subseq var-spec 0 2)) (t var-spec))) (var-spec-var (var-spec) (if (symbolp var-spec) var-spec (car var-spec))) (var-spec-step-form (var-spec) (and (listp var-spec) (= 3 (list-length var-spec)) (or (third var-spec) '(quote nil))))) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) (let* ((loop-tag (gensym "do-loop")) (start-tag (gensym "do-start"))) `(block nil (let ,(mapcar #'var-spec-let-spec var-specs) (declare ,@declarations (loop-tag ,loop-tag)) (tagbody ,(unless (and (movitz:movitz-constantp end-test-form) (not (movitz::movitz-eval end-test-form))) `(go ,start-tag)) ,loop-tag ,@body (psetq ,@(loop for var-spec in var-specs as step-form = (var-spec-step-form var-spec) when step-form append (list (var-spec-var var-spec) step-form))) ,start-tag (unless ,end-test-form (go ,loop-tag))) ,@result-forms)))))) (defmacro do* (var-specs (end-test-form &rest result-forms) &body declarations-and-body) (flet ((var-spec-let-spec (var-spec) (cond ((symbolp var-spec) var-spec) ((cddr var-spec) (subseq var-spec 0 2)) (t var-spec))) (var-spec-var (var-spec) (if (symbolp var-spec) var-spec (car var-spec))) (var-spec-step-form (var-spec) (and (listp var-spec) (= 3 (list-length var-spec)) (or (third var-spec) '(quote nil))))) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) (let* ((loop-tag (gensym "do*-loop")) (start-tag (gensym "do*-start"))) `(block nil (let* ,(mapcar #'var-spec-let-spec var-specs) (declare ,@declarations) (tagbody (go ,start-tag) ,loop-tag ,@body (setq ,@(loop for var-spec in var-specs as step-form = (var-spec-step-form var-spec) when step-form append (list (var-spec-var var-spec) step-form))) ,start-tag (unless ,end-test-form (go ,loop-tag))) ,@result-forms)))))) (define-compiler-macro do* (var-specs (end-test-form &rest result-forms) &body declarations-and-body) (flet ((var-spec-let-spec (var-spec) (if (symbolp var-spec) var-spec (subseq var-spec 0 2))) (var-spec-var (var-spec) (if (symbolp var-spec) var-spec (car var-spec))) (var-spec-step-form (var-spec) (and (listp var-spec) (= 3 (list-length var-spec)) (or (third var-spec) '(quote nil))))) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) (let* ((loop-tag (gensym "do*-loop")) (start-tag (gensym "do*-start"))) `(block nil (let* ,(mapcar #'var-spec-let-spec var-specs) (declare ,@declarations (loop-tag ,loop-tag)) (tagbody (go ,start-tag) ,loop-tag ,@body (setq ,@(loop for var-spec in var-specs as step-form = (var-spec-step-form var-spec) when step-form append (list (var-spec-var var-spec) step-form))) ,start-tag (unless ,end-test-form (go ,loop-tag))) ,@result-forms)))))) (defmacro case (keyform &rest clauses) (flet ((otherwise-clause-p (x) (member (car x) '(t otherwise)))) (let ((key-var (make-symbol "case-key-var"))) `(let ((,key-var ,keyform)) (cond ,@(loop for clause-head on clauses as clause = (first clause-head) as keys = (first clause) as forms = (rest clause) do ( warn " clause : ~S , op : ~S " clause ( otherwise - clause - p clause ) ) if (and (endp (rest clause-head)) (otherwise-clause-p clause)) collect (cons t forms) else if (otherwise-clause-p clause) do (error "Case's otherwise clause must be the last clause.") else if (atom keys) collect `((eql ,key-var ',keys) ,@forms) else collect `((or ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (c) `(eql ,key-var ',c)) keys)) ,@forms))))))) (define-compiler-macro case (keyform &rest clauses) (case (length clauses) (0 keyform) (1 (let ((clause (first clauses))) (case (car clause) ((nil) keyform) ((t otherwise) `(progn keyform ,@(cdr clause))) (t (if (atom (car clause)) `(when (eql ,keyform ',(car clause)) ,@(cdr clause)) `(compiled-case ,keyform ,@clauses)))))) (t `(compiled-case ,keyform ,@clauses)))) (defmacro ecase (keyform &rest clauses) `(case ,keyform ,@clauses (t (error "~S fell through an ecase where the legal cases were ~S" ,keyform ',(mapcar #'first clauses))))) (define-compiler-macro asm-register (register-name) (if (member register-name '(:eax :ebx :ecx :untagged-fixnum-ecx :edx)) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns ,register-name) ()) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl ,register-name :eax)))) (defmacro movitz-accessor (object-form type slot-name) (warn "movitz-accesor deprecated.") `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register :side-effects nil) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,object-form) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-read-segment-prefix* :movl (:eax ,(bt:slot-offset (find-symbol (string type) :movitz) (find-symbol (string slot-name) :movitz))) (:result-register)))) (defmacro setf-movitz-accessor ((object-form type slot-name) value-form) (warn "setf-movitz-accesor deprecated.") `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax :side-effects t) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,value-form ,object-form) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :eax (:ebx ,(bt:slot-offset (find-symbol (string type) :movitz) (find-symbol (string slot-name) :movitz)))))) (defmacro movitz-accessor-u16 (object-form type slot-name) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,object-form) (:movzxw (:eax ,(bt:slot-offset (find-symbol (string type) :movitz) (find-symbol (string slot-name) :movitz))) :ecx) (:leal ((:ecx #.movitz::+movitz-fixnum-factor+) :edi ,(- (movitz::image-nil-word movitz::*image*))) :eax))) (defmacro set-movitz-accessor-u16 (object-form type slot-name value) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ecx) ,object-form ,value) (:shrl ,movitz::+movitz-fixnum-shift+ :ecx) (:movw :cx (:eax ,(bt:slot-offset (find-symbol (string type) :movitz) (find-symbol (string slot-name) :movitz)))) (:leal ((:ecx #.movitz::+movitz-fixnum-factor+) :edi ,(- (movitz::image-nil-word movitz::*image*))) :eax))) (define-compiler-macro movitz-type-word-size (type &environment env) (if (not (movitz:movitz-constantp type env)) (error "Non-constant movitz-type-word-size call.") (movitz::movitz-type-word-size (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval type env)) :movitz)))) (define-compiler-macro movitz-type-slot-offset (type slot &environment env) (if (not (and (movitz:movitz-constantp type env) (movitz:movitz-constantp slot env))) (error "Non-constant movitz-type-slot-offset call.") (bt:slot-offset (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval type env)) :movitz) (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval slot env)) :movitz)))) (define-compiler-macro movitz-type-location-offset (type slot &environment env) (if (not (and (movitz:movitz-constantp type env) (movitz:movitz-constantp slot env))) (error "Non-constant movitz-type-slot-offset call.") (truncate (+ -6 (bt:slot-offset (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval type env)) :movitz) (intern (symbol-name (movitz:movitz-eval slot env)) :movitz))) 4))) (define-compiler-macro not (x) `(muerte::inlined-not ,x)) (define-compiler-macro null (x) `(muerte::inlined-not ,x)) (define-compiler-macro eq (&whole form &environment env x y) (cond ((movitz:movitz-constantp y env) (let ((y (movitz:movitz-eval y env))) (cond ((movitz:movitz-constantp x env) (warn "constant eq!: ~S" form) (eq y (movitz:movitz-eval x env))) ((eq y nil) `(muerte::inlined-not ,x)) ((eql y 0) `(with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects nil) (do-case ((:boolean-branch-on-true :boolean-branch-on-false) :boolean-zf=1) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,x) (:testl :eax :eax)) (do-case (t :boolean-cf=1) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,x) (:cmpl 1 :eax)))) ((typep y '(or symbol (unsigned-byte 29))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-zf=1 :side-effects nil) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,x) (:load-constant ,y :eax :op :cmpl))) (t `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-zf=1 :side-effects nil) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,x ,y) (:cmpl :eax :ebx)))))) ((movitz:movitz-constantp x env) `(eq ,y ',(movitz:movitz-eval x env))) (t `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-zf=1 :side-effects nil) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,x ,y) (:cmpl :eax :ebx))))) (define-compiler-macro eql (x y) `(let ((x ,x) (y ,y)) (eql%b x y))) (define-compiler-macro values (&rest sub-forms) `(inline-values ,@sub-forms)) (defmacro multiple-value-list (form) `(multiple-value-call #'list ,form)) (defmacro nth-value (n form) `(nth ,n (multiple-value-list ,form))) (define-compiler-macro nth-value (n form) `(compiled-nth-value ,n ,form)) (defmacro prog1 (first-form &rest rest-forms) This definition of PROG1 is not as inefficient as it looks . The combination of VALUES and M - V - PROG1 will lead to reasonable code . `(values (multiple-value-prog1 ,first-form ,@rest-forms))) (defmacro prog2 (first-form second-form &rest rest-forms) `(progn ,first-form (prog1 ,second-form ,@rest-forms))) (defmacro prog (variable-list &body declarations-and-body) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) `(block nil (let ,variable-list (declare ,@declarations) (tagbody ,@body))))) (defmacro prog* (variable-list &body declarations-and-body) (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (movitz::parse-declarations-and-body declarations-and-body 'cl:declare) `(block nil (let* ,variable-list (declare ,@declarations) (tagbody ,@body))))) (defmacro multiple-value-setq (vars form) (let ((tmp-vars (loop repeat (length vars) collect (gensym)))) `(multiple-value-bind ,tmp-vars ,form (setq ,@(loop for v in vars and tmp in tmp-vars collect v collect tmp))))) ( defmacro declaim ( & rest declarations ) (define-compiler-macro defconstant (name initial-value &optional documentation) (declare (ignore documentation)) (check-type name symbol) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (let* ((movitz-name (movitz::translate-program ',name :cl :muerte.cl)) (movitz-symbol (movitz::movitz-read movitz-name)) (movitz-value (movitz::translate-program (movitz::movitz-eval ',initial-value) :cl :muerte.cl))) (when (and (movitz:movitz-constantp ',name) (not (equalp (movitz::movitz-eval ',name) movitz-value))) (warn "Redefining constant variable ~S from ~S to ~S." ',name (movitz::movitz-eval ',name) movitz-value)) (proclaim `(special ,movitz-name)) (setf (movitz::movitz-symbol-value movitz-symbol) (movitz::movitz-read movitz-value) (symbol-value movitz-name) movitz-value))) (declaim (muerte::constant-variable ,name)))) (defmacro define-symbol-macro (symbol expansion) (check-type symbol symbol "a symbol-macro symbol") `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (movitz::movitz-env-add-binding nil (make-instance 'movitz::symbol-macro-binding :name ',symbol :expander (lambda (form env) (declare (ignore form env)) (movitz::translate-program ',expansion :cl :muerte.cl))))) ',symbol)) (defmacro check-type (place type &optional type-string) (if (not (stringp type-string)) `(let ((place-value ,place)) (unless (typep place-value ',type) (check-type-failed place-value ',type ',place))) `(let ((place-value ,place)) (unless (typep place-value ',type) (check-type-failed place-value ',type ',place ,type-string))))) (define-compiler-macro check-type (&whole form place type &optional type-string &environment env) (declare (ignore type-string)) (cond ((movitz:movitz-constantp place env) (assert (typep (movitz::eval-form place env) type)) nil) (t (if (member type '(standard-gf-instance function pointer atom integer fixnum positive-fixnum cons symbol character null list string vector simple-vector vector-u8 vector-u16)) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing :labels (check-type-failed retry-check-type)) retry-check-type (:compile-form (:result-mode (:boolean-branch-on-false . check-type-failed)) (typep ,place ',type)) (:jnever '(:sub-program (check-type-failed) (:compile-form (:result-mode :edx) (quote ,type)) (:compile-form (:result-mode :ignore) (setf ,place (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:int 60)))) (:jmp 'retry-check-type)))) form)))) (defmacro assert (test-form &optional places datum-form &rest argument-forms) (declare (ignore places)) (cond (datum-form `(progn (unless ,test-form (error ,datum-form ,@argument-forms) nil))) (t `(progn (unless ,test-form (error "The assertion ~A failed." ',test-form)) nil)))) (define-compiler-macro car (x) `(let ((cell ,x)) (with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects t) (do-case (t :register) (:cons-get :car (:lexical-binding cell) (:result-register)))))) (define-compiler-macro cdr (x) `(let ((cell ,x)) (with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects t) (do-case (t :register) (:cons-get :cdr (:lexical-binding cell) (:result-register)))))) (define-compiler-macro cadr (x) `(car (cdr ,x))) (define-compiler-macro cddr (x) `(cdr (cdr ,x))) (define-compiler-macro caddr (x) `(car (cdr (cdr ,x)))) (define-compiler-macro cadddr (x) `(car (cdr (cdr (cdr ,x))))) (define-compiler-macro cdar (x) `(cdr (car ,x))) (define-compiler-macro rest (x) `(cdr ,x)) (define-compiler-macro first (x) `(car ,x)) (define-compiler-macro second (x) `(cadr ,x)) (define-compiler-macro third (x) `(caddr ,x)) (define-compiler-macro fourth (x) `(cadddr ,x)) (define-compiler-macro (setf car) (value cell &environment env) (if (and (movitz:movitz-constantp value env) (eq nil (movitz::eval-form value env))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :edi) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,cell) (:leal (:eax -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 61))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :edi (:eax -1))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,value ,cell) (:leal (:ebx -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:movl :ebx :eax) (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:int 69))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :eax (:ebx -1))))) (define-compiler-macro (setf cdr) (value cell &environment env) (if (and (movitz:movitz-constantp value env) (eq nil (movitz::eval-form value env))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :edi) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,cell) (:leal (:eax -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 61))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :edi (:eax 3))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,value ,cell) (:leal (:ebx -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:movl :ebx :eax) (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:int 69))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :eax (:ebx 3))))) (define-compiler-macro rplaca (cons object) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,cons ,object) (:leal (:eax -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:int 69))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :ebx (:eax -1)))) (define-compiler-macro rplacd (cons object) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,cons ,object) (:leal (:eax -1) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:int 69))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :ebx (:eax 3)))) (define-compiler-macro endp (x) `(let ((cell ,x)) (with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects nil) (do-case (t :same) (:endp (:lexical-binding cell) (:returns-mode)))))) (define-compiler-macro cons (car cdr) `(compiled-cons ,car ,cdr)) (define-compiler-macro list (&whole form &rest elements &environment env) (case (length elements) (0 nil) (1 `(cons ,(car elements) nil)) (t form))) (defmacro with-unbound-protect (x &body error-continuation &environment env) (cond ((movitz:movitz-constantp x env) `(values ,x)) (movitz::*compiler-use-into-unbound-protocol* (let ((unbound-continue (gensym "unbound-continue-"))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:compile-form (:result-mode :register) ,x) (:cmpl -1 (:result-register)) (:jo '(:sub-program (unbound) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) (progn ,@error-continuation)) (:jmp ',unbound-continue))) ,unbound-continue))) (t (let ((var (gensym))) `(let ((,var ,x)) (if (not (eq ,var (load-global-constant new-unbound-value))) ,var (progn ,@error-continuation))))))) (define-compiler-macro current-run-time-context () `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset self)) (:result-register))))) #+ignore (define-compiler-macro apply (&whole form function &rest args) (if (and nil (consp function) (eq 'function (first function)) (symbolp (second function))) form)) (define-compiler-macro funcall (&whole form function &rest arguments) (or (and (listp function) (eq 'muerte.cl:function (first function)) (let ((fname (second function))) (or (and (symbolp fname) `(,fname ,@arguments)) (and (listp fname) (eq 'muerte.cl:setf (first fname)) `(,(movitz::movitz-env-setf-operator-name (movitz::translate-program (second fname) :cl :muerte.cl)) ,@arguments))))) (case (length arguments) (0 `(funcall%0ops ,function)) (1 `(funcall%1ops ,function ,(first arguments))) (2 `(funcall%2ops ,function ,(first arguments) ,(second arguments))) (3 `(funcall%3ops ,function ,(first arguments) ,(second arguments) ,(third arguments))) (t form)))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%0ops (&whole form function) `(with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-form (:result-mode :edx) ,function) (:leal (:edx -7) :ecx) (:andb 7 :cl) (:jnz 'not-symbol) (:movl (:edx (:offset movitz-symbol function-value)) :esi) (:jmp 'funobj-ok) not-symbol (:cmpb 7 :cl) (:jne '(:sub-program (not-funobj) (:movb 1 :cl) (:int 69))) (:cmpb ,(movitz:tag :funobj) (:edx ,movitz:+other-type-offset+)) (:jne 'not-funobj) (:movl :edx :esi) funobj-ok (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector)))))) (define-compiler-macro compiler-error (&rest args) (apply 'error args)) (define-compiler-macro funcall%1ops (&whole form function argument) `(compiler-typecase ,function ((or nil null) (compiler-error "Can't compile funcall of NIL.")) (function (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:edx :eax) ,function ,argument) (:movl :edx :esi) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op)))))) (symbol (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:edx :eax) ,function ,argument) (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op)))))) ((or symbol function) (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:edx :eax) ,function ,argument) (:leal (:edx -5) :ecx) (:andl 5 :ecx) (:movl :edx :esi) (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) funobj-ok (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op)))))) (t (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:edx :eax) ,function ,argument) (:leal (:edx -7) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz 'not-symbol) (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) (:jmp 'funobj-ok) not-symbol (:leal (:edx -6) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jne '(:sub-program (not-funobj) (:movb 1 :cl) (:int 69))) (:cmpb ,(movitz::tag :funobj) (:edx ,movitz:+other-type-offset+)) (:jne 'not-funobj) (:movl :edx :esi) funobj-ok (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op)))))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%2ops (function arg0 arg1) (let ((function-var (gensym))) `(let ((,function-var ,function)) (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,arg0 ,arg1) (:compile-form (:result-mode :edx) ,function-var) (:leal (:edx -7) :ecx) (:andb 7 :cl) (:jnz 'not-symbol) (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) (:jmp 'funobj-ok) not-symbol (:cmpb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program (not-funobj) (:movb 1 :cl) (:int 69))) (:cmpb ,(movitz::tag :funobj) (:edx ,movitz:+other-type-offset+)) (:jne 'not-funobj) (:movl :edx :esi) funobj-ok (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%2op)))))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%3ops (function arg0 arg1 arg2) (let ((function-var (gensym))) `(let ((,function-var ,function)) (with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :multiple-values :labels (not-symbol not-funobj funobj-ok)) (:compile-arglist () ,arg0 ,arg1 ,arg2) (:compile-form (:result-mode :edx) ,function-var) (:leal (:edx -7) :ecx) (:andb 7 :cl) (:jnz 'not-symbol) (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value)) :esi) (:jmp 'funobj-ok) not-symbol (:cmpb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program (not-funobj) (:movb 1 :cl) (:int 69))) (:cmpb ,(movitz::tag :funobj) (:edx ,movitz:+other-type-offset+)) (:jne 'not-funobj) (:movl :edx :esi) funobj-ok (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%3op))) (:leal (:esp 4) :esp)))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%unsafe%1ops (function arg0) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :esi) ,arg0 ,function) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%1op))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%unsafe%2ops (function arg0 arg1) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values) (:compile-form (:result-mode :push) ,function) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,arg0 ,arg1) (:popl :esi) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%2op))))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%unsafe%3ops (function arg0 arg1 arg2) `(let ((fn ,function)) (with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values) (:compile-arglist () ,arg0 ,arg1 ,arg2) (:compile-form (:result-mode :esi) fn) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector%3op))) (:leal (:esp 4) :esp)))) (define-compiler-macro funcall%unsafe (function &rest args) (case (length args) (0 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values) (:compile-form (:result-mode :esi) ,function) (:xorl :ecx :ecx) (:call (:esi ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-funobj 'movitz::code-vector))))) (1 `(funcall%unsafe%1ops ,function ,(first args))) (2 `(funcall%unsafe%2ops ,function ,(first args) ,(second args))) (3 `(funcall%unsafe%3ops ,function ,(first args) ,(second args) ,(third args))) (t `(funcall ,function ,@args)))) (defmacro with-funcallable ((name &optional (function-form name)) &body body) (let ((function (gensym "with-function-"))) `(let ((,function (ensure-funcallable ,function-form))) (macrolet ((,name (&rest args) `(funcall%unsafe ,',function ,@args))) ,@body)))) (defmacro lambda (&whole form) `(function ,form)) (defmacro backquote (form) (typecase form (list (if (eq 'backquote-comma (car form)) (cadr form) (cons 'append (loop for sub-form-head on form as sub-form = (and (consp sub-form-head) (car sub-form-head)) collecting (cond ((atom sub-form-head) (list 'quote sub-form-head)) ((atom sub-form) (list 'quote (list sub-form))) (t (case (car sub-form) (backquote-comma (list 'list (cadr sub-form))) (backquote-comma-at (cadr sub-form)) (t (list 'list (list 'backquote sub-form)))))))))) (array (error "Array backquote not implemented.")) (t (list 'quote form)))) (define-compiler-macro find-class (&whole form &environment env symbol &optional (errorp t) (environment nil envp)) (declare (ignore errorp environment)) (if (or envp (not (movitz:movitz-constantp symbol env))) form (let* ((type (movitz:movitz-eval symbol env)) (movitz-type (movitz-program type)) (cl-type (host-program type))) (cond ((eq t cl-type) `(load-global-constant the-class-t)) ((member movitz-type (movitz::image-classes-map movitz:*image*)) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:globally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset classes)) (:result-register))) (:movl ((:result-register) ,(movitz::class-object-offset movitz-type)) (:result-register)))) (t (warn "unknown find-class: ~S [~S] [~S]" cl-type (and (symbolp cl-type) (symbol-package cl-type)) (and (symbolp movitz-type) (symbol-package movitz-type))) form)) #+ignore (case cl-type ((t) `(load-global-constant the-class-t)) (fixnum '(load-global-constant the-class-fixnum)) (null `(load-global-constant the-class-null)) (symbol '(load-global-constant the-class-symbol)) (cons '(load-global-constant the-class-cons)) (t form))))) (define-compiler-macro class-of (object) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,object) (:movl :eax :ecx) (:andl #x7 :ecx) (:call (:edi (:ecx 4) ,(movitz::global-constant-offset 'fast-class-of))))) (defmacro std-instance-reader (slot instance-form) (let ((slot (intern (symbol-name slot) :movitz))) `(with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (:ecx) (:warn "std-instance-reader ~S for ecx!" ',slot) (:not-implemented)) (do-case (t :register) (:compile-form (:result-mode :register) ,instance-form) (:leal ((:result-register) ,(- (movitz::tag :other))) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 66))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-read-segment-prefix* :movl ((:result-register) ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-std-instance slot)) (:result-register)))))) (defmacro std-instance-writer (slot value instance-form) (let ((slot (intern (symbol-name slot) :movitz))) `(with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :eax) (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) ,value ,instance-form) (:leal (:ebx ,(- (movitz::tag :other))) :ecx) (:testb 7 :cl) (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 66))) (#.movitz:*compiler-nonlocal-lispval-write-segment-prefix* :movl :eax (:ebx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-std-instance slot))))))) (define-compiler-macro std-instance-class (instance) `(std-instance-reader class ,instance)) (define-compiler-macro (setf std-instance-class) (value instance) `(std-instance-writer class ,value ,instance)) (define-compiler-macro std-instance-slots (instance) `(std-instance-reader slots ,instance)) (define-compiler-macro (setf std-instance-slots) (value instance) `(std-instance-writer slots ,value ,instance)) (define-compiler-macro standard-instance-access (instance location) `(svref (std-instance-slots ,instance) ,location)) (define-compiler-macro with-stack-check (&body body) `(let ((before (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :ecx) (:leal ((:ecx 2)) :eax)))) ,@body (let ((delta (- before (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :ecx) (:leal ((:ecx 2)) :eax))))) (warn "stack delta: ~D" delta)))) (defmacro with-symbol-mutex ((sym &key (recursive t)) &body body) "Not implemented." (declare (ignore sym recursive)) `(progn ,@body)) (defmacro with-inline-assembly ((&key returns (side-effects t) (type t) labels) &body program) `(with-inline-assembly-case (:side-effects ,side-effects :type ,type) (do-case (t ,returns :labels ,labels) ,@program))) (defmacro numargs-case (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (error "numargs-case at illegal position.")) (defmacro movitz-backquote (expression) (un-backquote expression 0)) (define-compiler-macro spin-wait-pause () "Insert a pause instruction, which improves performance of busy-waiting loop on P4." '(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) (:pause))) (defmacro spin-wait-pause ()) (defmacro capture-reg8 (reg) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movzxb ,reg :eax) (:shll ,movitz::+movitz-fixnum-shift+ :eax))) (defmacro asm (&rest prg) "Insert a single assembly instruction that returns noting." `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) ,prg)) (defmacro asm1 (&rest prg) "Insert a single assembly instruction that returns a value in eax." `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) ,prg)) (defmacro load-global-constant (name &key thread-local) (if thread-local `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset ,name)) (:result-register)))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :register) (:globally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset ,name)) (:result-register)))))) (defmacro load-global-constant-u32 (name &key thread-local) (if thread-local `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :untagged-fixnum-ecx) (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset ,name)) :ecx))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :untagged-fixnum-ecx) (:globally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset ,name)) :ecx))))) (define-compiler-macro halt-cpu (&optional eax-form) (let ((infinite-loop-label (make-symbol "infinite-loop"))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) ,@(when eax-form `((:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,eax-form))) ,infinite-loop-label (:halt) (:jmp ',infinite-loop-label)))) (defmacro function-name-or-nil () (let ((function-name-not-found-label (gensym))) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :edi :eax) Check if EDX is a symbol (:xorb ,(movitz::tag :symbol) :dl) (:testb 7 :dl) (:jnz ',function-name-not-found-label) (:xorb ,(movitz::tag :symbol) :dl) Check if symbol 's function - value is eq to our current funobj ( in ESI ) . (:cmpl :esi (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-symbol 'movitz::function-value))) (:jne ',function-name-not-found-label) (:movl :edx :eax) ,function-name-not-found-label))) (defmacro word-nibble (word-form nibble) (check-type nibble (integer 0 7)) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :untagged-fixnum-ecx) (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) ,word-form) (:movl :eax :ecx) (:shrl ,(* 4 nibble) :ecx) (:andl #xf :ecx))) (define-compiler-macro boundp (symbol) `(with-inline-assembly-case () (do-case (t :boolean-zf=0 :labels (boundp-done)) (:compile-form (:result-mode :ebx) ,symbol) (:leal (:ebx ,(- (movitz:tag :null))) :ecx) (:testb 5 :cl) (:jne '(:sub-program () (:int 66))) (:call-local-pf dynamic-variable-lookup) (:globally (:cmpl (:edi (:edi-offset new-unbound-value)) :eax))))) (defmacro define-global-variable (name init-form &optional docstring) "A global variable will be accessed by ignoring local bindings." `(progn (defparameter ,name ,init-form ,docstring) (define-symbol-macro ,name (%symbol-global-value ',name)))) (define-compiler-macro assembly-register (register) `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl ,register :eax))) (defmacro with-allocation-assembly ((size-form &key object-register size-register fixed-size-p labels) &body code) (assert (eq object-register :eax)) (assert (or fixed-size-p (eq size-register :ecx))) (let ((size-var (gensym "malloc-size-"))) `(let ((,size-var ,size-form)) (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax :labels (retry-alloc retry-jumper ,@labels)) (:declare-label-set retry-jumper (retry-alloc)) (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :dynamic-env)))) (:pushl 'retry-jumper) (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) (:pushl :ebp) retry-alloc (:movl (:esp) :ebp) (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :eax) (:locally (:movl :esp (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) (:call-local-pf cons-pointer) ,@code ,@(when fixed-size-p `((:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :ecx))) (:call-local-pf cons-commit) (:locally (:movl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation)))) (:leal (:esp 16) :esp))))) (defmacro with-non-pointer-allocation-assembly ((size-form &key object-register size-register fixed-size-p labels) &body code) (assert (eq object-register :eax)) (assert (or fixed-size-p (eq size-register :ecx))) (let ((size-var (gensym "malloc-size-"))) `(let ((,size-var ,size-form)) (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax :labels (retry-alloc retry-jumper ,@labels)) (:declare-label-set retry-jumper (retry-alloc)) (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :dynamic-env)))) (:pushl 'retry-jumper) (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) (:pushl :ebp) retry-alloc (:movl (:esp) :ebp) (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :eax) (:locally (:movl :esp (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) (:call-local-pf cons-non-pointer) ,@code ,@(when fixed-size-p `((:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :ecx))) (:call-local-pf cons-commit-non-pointer) (:locally (:movl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation)))) (:leal (:esp 16) :esp))))) (defmacro with-non-header-allocation-assembly ((size-form &key object-register size-register fixed-size-p labels) &body code) (assert (eq object-register :eax)) (assert (or fixed-size-p (eq size-register :ecx))) (let ((size-var (gensym "malloc-size-"))) `(let ((,size-var ,size-form)) (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax :labels (retry-alloc retry-jumper ,@labels)) (:declare-label-set retry-jumper (retry-alloc)) (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :dynamic-env)))) (:pushl 'retry-jumper) (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) (:pushl :ebp) retry-alloc (:movl (:esp) :ebp) (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :eax) (:locally (:movl :esp (:edi (:edi-offset :atomically-continuation)))) (:call-local-pf cons-non-header) ,@code ,@(when fixed-size-p `((:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ,size-var) :ecx))) (:call-local-pf cons-commit-non-header) (:locally (:movl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation)))) (:leal (:esp 16) :esp))))) (define-compiler-macro cli () `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) (:cli))) (define-compiler-macro sti () `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) (:sti))) (defmacro check-the (type form) (let ((x (gensym "check-the-"))) `(the ,type (let ((,x ,form)) (check-type ,x ,type) ,x)))) (require :muerte/setf)
(defpackage #:rgb (:use #:cl #:zpng)) (in-package #:rgb) (defun draw-rgb (file) (let ((png (make-instance 'pixel-streamed-png :color-type :truecolor-alpha :width 200 :height 200))) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (start-png png stream) (loop for a from 38 to 255 by 31 do (loop for b from 10 to 255 by 10 do (loop for g from 38 to 255 by 31 do (loop for r from 10 to 255 by 10 do (write-pixel (list r g b a) png))))) (finish-png png))))
(defpackage #:rgb (:use #:cl #:zpng)) (in-package #:rgb) (defun draw-rgb (file) (let ((png (make-instance 'pixel-streamed-png :color-type :truecolor-alpha :width 200 :height 200))) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (start-png png stream) (loop for a from 38 to 255 by 31 do (loop for b from 10 to 255 by 10 do (loop for g from 38 to 255 by 31 do (loop for r from 10 to 255 by 10 do (write-pixel (list r g b a) png))))) (finish-png png))))
-- | Module : Streamly . Data . Stream . Prelude Copyright : ( c ) 2022 Composewell Technologies -- License : BSD-3-Clause -- Maintainer : -- Stability : experimental Portability : GHC -- This module re - exports the " Streamly . Data . Stream " module from the -- "streamly-core" package and additionally provides concurrency, time and -- lifted exception operations as well in a single module. -- -- Also see the following modules for more pre-release operations: -- * " Streamly . Internal . Data . Stream . Concurrent " * " Streamly . Internal . Data . Stream . Time " * " Streamly . Internal . Data . Stream . Exception . Lifted " -- module Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude ( module Streamly.Data.Stream , module Streamly.Data.Stream.Concurrent , module Streamly.Data.Stream.Time , module Streamly.Data.Stream.Exception ) where import Streamly.Data.Stream import Streamly.Data.Stream.Concurrent import Streamly.Data.Stream.Exception import Streamly.Data.Stream.Time
| License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : Stability : experimental "streamly-core" package and additionally provides concurrency, time and lifted exception operations as well in a single module. Also see the following modules for more pre-release operations:
Module : Streamly . Data . Stream . Prelude Copyright : ( c ) 2022 Composewell Technologies Portability : GHC This module re - exports the " Streamly . Data . Stream " module from the * " Streamly . Internal . Data . Stream . Concurrent " * " Streamly . Internal . Data . Stream . Time " * " Streamly . Internal . Data . Stream . Exception . Lifted " module Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude ( module Streamly.Data.Stream , module Streamly.Data.Stream.Concurrent , module Streamly.Data.Stream.Time , module Streamly.Data.Stream.Exception ) where import Streamly.Data.Stream import Streamly.Data.Stream.Concurrent import Streamly.Data.Stream.Exception import Streamly.Data.Stream.Time
(ns euroclojure.enfocus-demo (:require-macros [euroclojure.utils :refer [code-snippet]]) (:require [reagent.core :as reagent] [enfocus.core :as ef] [euroclojure.enfocus-template :refer [mount]])) (defn slide [opts] (reagent/create-class {:component-did-mount (fn [component] (let [node (reagent/dom-node component)] (mount node))) :reagent-render (fn render-enfocus-slide [_] [:div.slide [:div#enfocus "replace-me"] (code-snippet "html" "resources/private/templates/enfocus.html") (code-snippet "clojure" "src/euroclojure/enfocus_template.cljs")])}))
(ns euroclojure.enfocus-demo (:require-macros [euroclojure.utils :refer [code-snippet]]) (:require [reagent.core :as reagent] [enfocus.core :as ef] [euroclojure.enfocus-template :refer [mount]])) (defn slide [opts] (reagent/create-class {:component-did-mount (fn [component] (let [node (reagent/dom-node component)] (mount node))) :reagent-render (fn render-enfocus-slide [_] [:div.slide [:div#enfocus "replace-me"] (code-snippet "html" "resources/private/templates/enfocus.html") (code-snippet "clojure" "src/euroclojure/enfocus_template.cljs")])}))
(ns tech.v3.tensor.dimensions.global-to-local-test (:require [tech.v3.tensor.dimensions :as dims] [tech.v3.tensor.dimensions.global-to-local :as gtol] [tech.v3.tensor.dimensions.gtol-insn :as gtol-insn] [tech.v3.tensor.dimensions.analytics :as dims-analytics] [tech.v3.datatype.functional :as dtype-fn] [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]] [clojure.pprint :as pp]) (:import [tech.v3.datatype Buffer])) (set! *unchecked-math* true) (defn compare-reader-impls [base-dims expected-reduced-shape correct-addrs] (let [reduced-dims (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality base-dims) default-reader (gtol/elem-idx->addr-fn reduced-dims) ast-reader (gtol/get-or-create-reader reduced-dims) reduced-dims-ast (gtol-insn/signature->ast (gtol/reduced-dims->signature reduced-dims))] (is (= expected-reduced-shape (->> reduced-dims (map (fn [[k v]] [k (vec v)])) (into {})))) (is (dtype-fn/equals correct-addrs default-reader)) (is (dtype-fn/equals correct-addrs ast-reader) (with-out-str (pp/pprint (:ast reduced-dims-ast)))))) (deftest strided-image-test (compare-reader-impls (dims/dimensions [2 4 4] [32 4 1]) {:shape [2 16] :strides [32 1] :offsets [0 0] :shape-ecounts [2 16] :shape-ecount-strides [16 1]} [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47])) (deftest strided-image-reverse-rgb-test (compare-reader-impls (dims/dimensions [2 4 [3 2 1 0]] [32 4 1]) {:shape [2 4 [3 2 1 0]] :strides [32 4 1] :offsets [0 0 0] :shape-ecounts [2 4 4] :shape-ecount-strides [16 4 1]} [3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 11 10 9 8 15 14 13 12 35 34 33 32 39 38 37 36 43 42 41 40 47 46 45 44])) (deftest strided-image-reverse-rgb--most-sig-dim-test (compare-reader-impls (dims/dimensions [[1 0] 4 4] [32 4 1]) {:shape [[1 0] 16] :strides [32 1] :offsets [0 0] :shape-ecounts [2 16] :shape-ecount-strides [16 1]} [32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15])) ;;TODO - check broadcasting on leading dimension (deftest leading-bcast-1 (compare-reader-impls (-> (dims/dimensions [2 4 4] [32 4 1]) (dims/broadcast [4 4 4])) {:shape [2 16] :strides [32 1] :offsets [0 0] :shape-ecounts [4 16] :shape-ecount-strides [16 1]} [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47])) (deftest leading-bcast-2 (compare-reader-impls (-> (dims/dimensions [2 4 4] [16 4 1]) (dims/broadcast [4 4 4])) {:shape [32] :strides [1] :offsets [0] :shape-ecounts [64] :shape-ecount-strides [1]} [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31])) (deftest offsets (compare-reader-impls (-> (dims/dimensions [2 4 4] [32 4 1]) (dims/rotate [0 0 1]) (dims/broadcast [4 4 4])) {:shape [2 4 4], :strides [32 4 1], :offsets [0 0 1], :shape-ecounts [4 4 4], :shape-ecount-strides [16 4 1]} [1 2 3 0 5 6 7 4 9 10 11 8 13 14 15 12 33 34 35 32 37 38 39 36 41 42 43 40 45 46 47 44 1 2 3 0 5 6 7 4 9 10 11 8 13 14 15 12 33 34 35 32 37 38 39 36 41 42 43 40 45 46 47 44])) (deftest offsets2 (compare-reader-impls (-> (dims/dimensions [(int 4) 4] [4 1]) (dims/rotate [1 1]) (dims/broadcast [4 4])) {:shape [4 4] :strides [4 1] :offsets [1 1] :shape-ecounts [4 4] :shape-ecount-strides [4 1]} [5 6 7 4 9 10 11 8 13 14 15 12 1 2 3 0])) (comment (do (println "Dimension indexing system reader timings") (let [base-dims (dims/dimensions [256 256 4] [8192 4 1]) reduced-dims (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality base-dims) ^Buffer default-reader (gtol/elem-idx->addr-fn reduced-dims) ^Buffer ast-reader (gtol/get-or-create-reader reduced-dims) n-elems (.lsize default-reader) read-all-fn (fn [^Buffer rdr] (dotimes [idx n-elems] (.readLong rdr idx)))] (println "Default Reader:") (crit/quick-bench (read-all-fn default-reader)) (println "AST Reader:") (crit/quick-bench (read-all-fn ast-reader)))) (do (println "Dimension indirect indexing system reader timings") (let [base-dims (dims/dimensions [256 256 [3 2 1 0]] [8192 4 1]) reduced-dims (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality base-dims) ^Buffer default-reader (gtol/elem-idx->addr-fn reduced-dims) ^Buffer ast-reader (gtol/get-or-create-reader reduced-dims) n-elems (.lsize default-reader) read-all-fn (fn [^Buffer rdr] (dotimes [idx n-elems] (.readLong rdr idx)))] (println "Default Reader:") (crit/quick-bench (read-all-fn default-reader)) (println "AST Reader:") (crit/quick-bench (read-all-fn ast-reader)))) )
TODO - check broadcasting on leading dimension
(ns tech.v3.tensor.dimensions.global-to-local-test (:require [tech.v3.tensor.dimensions :as dims] [tech.v3.tensor.dimensions.global-to-local :as gtol] [tech.v3.tensor.dimensions.gtol-insn :as gtol-insn] [tech.v3.tensor.dimensions.analytics :as dims-analytics] [tech.v3.datatype.functional :as dtype-fn] [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]] [clojure.pprint :as pp]) (:import [tech.v3.datatype Buffer])) (set! *unchecked-math* true) (defn compare-reader-impls [base-dims expected-reduced-shape correct-addrs] (let [reduced-dims (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality base-dims) default-reader (gtol/elem-idx->addr-fn reduced-dims) ast-reader (gtol/get-or-create-reader reduced-dims) reduced-dims-ast (gtol-insn/signature->ast (gtol/reduced-dims->signature reduced-dims))] (is (= expected-reduced-shape (->> reduced-dims (map (fn [[k v]] [k (vec v)])) (into {})))) (is (dtype-fn/equals correct-addrs default-reader)) (is (dtype-fn/equals correct-addrs ast-reader) (with-out-str (pp/pprint (:ast reduced-dims-ast)))))) (deftest strided-image-test (compare-reader-impls (dims/dimensions [2 4 4] [32 4 1]) {:shape [2 16] :strides [32 1] :offsets [0 0] :shape-ecounts [2 16] :shape-ecount-strides [16 1]} [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47])) (deftest strided-image-reverse-rgb-test (compare-reader-impls (dims/dimensions [2 4 [3 2 1 0]] [32 4 1]) {:shape [2 4 [3 2 1 0]] :strides [32 4 1] :offsets [0 0 0] :shape-ecounts [2 4 4] :shape-ecount-strides [16 4 1]} [3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 11 10 9 8 15 14 13 12 35 34 33 32 39 38 37 36 43 42 41 40 47 46 45 44])) (deftest strided-image-reverse-rgb--most-sig-dim-test (compare-reader-impls (dims/dimensions [[1 0] 4 4] [32 4 1]) {:shape [[1 0] 16] :strides [32 1] :offsets [0 0] :shape-ecounts [2 16] :shape-ecount-strides [16 1]} [32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15])) (deftest leading-bcast-1 (compare-reader-impls (-> (dims/dimensions [2 4 4] [32 4 1]) (dims/broadcast [4 4 4])) {:shape [2 16] :strides [32 1] :offsets [0 0] :shape-ecounts [4 16] :shape-ecount-strides [16 1]} [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47])) (deftest leading-bcast-2 (compare-reader-impls (-> (dims/dimensions [2 4 4] [16 4 1]) (dims/broadcast [4 4 4])) {:shape [32] :strides [1] :offsets [0] :shape-ecounts [64] :shape-ecount-strides [1]} [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31])) (deftest offsets (compare-reader-impls (-> (dims/dimensions [2 4 4] [32 4 1]) (dims/rotate [0 0 1]) (dims/broadcast [4 4 4])) {:shape [2 4 4], :strides [32 4 1], :offsets [0 0 1], :shape-ecounts [4 4 4], :shape-ecount-strides [16 4 1]} [1 2 3 0 5 6 7 4 9 10 11 8 13 14 15 12 33 34 35 32 37 38 39 36 41 42 43 40 45 46 47 44 1 2 3 0 5 6 7 4 9 10 11 8 13 14 15 12 33 34 35 32 37 38 39 36 41 42 43 40 45 46 47 44])) (deftest offsets2 (compare-reader-impls (-> (dims/dimensions [(int 4) 4] [4 1]) (dims/rotate [1 1]) (dims/broadcast [4 4])) {:shape [4 4] :strides [4 1] :offsets [1 1] :shape-ecounts [4 4] :shape-ecount-strides [4 1]} [5 6 7 4 9 10 11 8 13 14 15 12 1 2 3 0])) (comment (do (println "Dimension indexing system reader timings") (let [base-dims (dims/dimensions [256 256 4] [8192 4 1]) reduced-dims (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality base-dims) ^Buffer default-reader (gtol/elem-idx->addr-fn reduced-dims) ^Buffer ast-reader (gtol/get-or-create-reader reduced-dims) n-elems (.lsize default-reader) read-all-fn (fn [^Buffer rdr] (dotimes [idx n-elems] (.readLong rdr idx)))] (println "Default Reader:") (crit/quick-bench (read-all-fn default-reader)) (println "AST Reader:") (crit/quick-bench (read-all-fn ast-reader)))) (do (println "Dimension indirect indexing system reader timings") (let [base-dims (dims/dimensions [256 256 [3 2 1 0]] [8192 4 1]) reduced-dims (dims-analytics/reduce-dimensionality base-dims) ^Buffer default-reader (gtol/elem-idx->addr-fn reduced-dims) ^Buffer ast-reader (gtol/get-or-create-reader reduced-dims) n-elems (.lsize default-reader) read-all-fn (fn [^Buffer rdr] (dotimes [idx n-elems] (.readLong rdr idx)))] (println "Default Reader:") (crit/quick-bench (read-all-fn default-reader)) (println "AST Reader:") (crit/quick-bench (read-all-fn ast-reader)))) )
;; json-file (in-package #:cse) ;; tree/build-key ;; ;; ;; Description: ;; procedure for get value for key for tree pair ;; Params: ;; key [String] name of tree node ;; type [String] type of tree ;; reserved [List<String>] list of reserved words ;; Returns ;; name of treee node (defun tree<-get-key (key type reserved) (cond ((member key reserved :test (lambda (k v) (string= k v))) key) (t (if (string= type "routes") (concatenate 'string "/" key) key)))) ;; tree/value ;; ;; ;; Description: ;; procedure for get value for current iterations. ;; If type of value is List - add list procedure and return. If type of value is HashTable - run hash->>tree procedure with new current arguments ;; Else - return value. ;; Params: value [ HashTable|List|Any ] value for current key ;; Returns: (defun tree<-get-value (value type) (cond ((typep value 'hash-table) (hash->>tree (alexandria:hash-table-keys value) value type)) (t value))) ;; hash->>tree/iteration ;; ;; ;; Description: ;; procedure for get result iteration content convertations ;; Params: ;; key [String] name of property content [ HashTable < String|HashTable|List < String > > ] routes HashTable ;; type [String] type of tree ;; Returns: ;; current iteration pair (key and value) (defun hash->>tree/iteration (key content type) (let ((value (gethash key content)) (reserved (list *route-config-routes-field* *route-config-description-field* *route-config-on-request-field* *route-config-on-response-field* *route-config-methods-field* *route-config-handler-field* *route-config-answer-field* "title" "message" "description" "data"))) (cons (tree<-get-key key type reserved) (tree<-get-value value type)))) ;; hash->>tree ;; ;; ;; Description: procedure for create list of pairs from HashTable by keys ;; Params: ;; keys [List<String>] list of hash table keys content [ HashTable < String|HashTable|List < String > > ] routes HashTable ;; type [String] type of tree ;; Returns: ;; routes tree (defun hash->>tree (keys content type) (map 'list (lambda (key) (hash->>tree/iteration key content type)) keys)) ;; file->hash->tree ;; ;; ;; Description: ;; function for create routes tree from JSON file ;; Params: ;; filepath [String] full file path ;; type [String] type of tree ;; Returns: ;; routes file tree (defun file->hash->tree (filepath type) (let* ((content-as-string (uiop:read-file-string filepath)) (content-as-hash (jonathan:parse content-as-string :as :hash-table)) (keys (alexandria:hash-table-keys content-as-hash))) (hash->>tree keys content-as-hash type))) ;; file->>routes-tree ;; ;; ;; Description: ;; procedure for convert file content (.json-file) for route tree ;; Params: ;; filepath [String] full file path ;; Returns: ;; routes tree from JSON file (defun json-file->>routes-tree (filepath) (file->hash->tree filepath *routes-tree*)) file->>tree ;; ;; ;; Description: ;; procedure for convert file content (.json-file) for tree ;; Params: ;; filepath [String] full file path ;; Returns: ;; tree from JSON file (defun json-file->>tree (filepath) (file->hash->tree filepath *simple-tree*))
json-file tree/build-key Description: procedure for get value for key for tree pair Params: key [String] name of tree node type [String] type of tree reserved [List<String>] list of reserved words Returns name of treee node tree/value Description: procedure for get value for current iterations. If type of value is List - add list procedure and return. Else - return value. Params: Returns: hash->>tree/iteration Description: procedure for get result iteration content convertations Params: key [String] name of property type [String] type of tree Returns: current iteration pair (key and value) hash->>tree Description: Params: keys [List<String>] list of hash table keys type [String] type of tree Returns: routes tree file->hash->tree Description: function for create routes tree from JSON file Params: filepath [String] full file path type [String] type of tree Returns: routes file tree file->>routes-tree Description: procedure for convert file content (.json-file) for route tree Params: filepath [String] full file path Returns: routes tree from JSON file Description: procedure for convert file content (.json-file) for tree Params: filepath [String] full file path Returns: tree from JSON file
(in-package #:cse) (defun tree<-get-key (key type reserved) (cond ((member key reserved :test (lambda (k v) (string= k v))) key) (t (if (string= type "routes") (concatenate 'string "/" key) key)))) If type of value is HashTable - run hash->>tree procedure with new current arguments value [ HashTable|List|Any ] value for current key (defun tree<-get-value (value type) (cond ((typep value 'hash-table) (hash->>tree (alexandria:hash-table-keys value) value type)) (t value))) content [ HashTable < String|HashTable|List < String > > ] routes HashTable (defun hash->>tree/iteration (key content type) (let ((value (gethash key content)) (reserved (list *route-config-routes-field* *route-config-description-field* *route-config-on-request-field* *route-config-on-response-field* *route-config-methods-field* *route-config-handler-field* *route-config-answer-field* "title" "message" "description" "data"))) (cons (tree<-get-key key type reserved) (tree<-get-value value type)))) procedure for create list of pairs from HashTable by keys content [ HashTable < String|HashTable|List < String > > ] routes HashTable (defun hash->>tree (keys content type) (map 'list (lambda (key) (hash->>tree/iteration key content type)) keys)) (defun file->hash->tree (filepath type) (let* ((content-as-string (uiop:read-file-string filepath)) (content-as-hash (jonathan:parse content-as-string :as :hash-table)) (keys (alexandria:hash-table-keys content-as-hash))) (hash->>tree keys content-as-hash type))) (defun json-file->>routes-tree (filepath) (file->hash->tree filepath *routes-tree*)) file->>tree (defun json-file->>tree (filepath) (file->hash->tree filepath *simple-tree*))
module Data.Repa.Flow.Simple ( module Data.Repa.Flow.States , Source , Sink -- * Evaluation , drainS -- * Conversions , fromList , toList , takeList -- * Finalizers , finalize_i , finalize_o -- * Flow Operators -- ** Constructors , repeat_i , replicate_i , prepend_i -- ** Mapping , map_i, map_o -- ** Connecting , dup_oo, dup_io, dup_oi , connect_i -- ** Splitting , head_i , peek_i -- ** Grouping , groups_i -- ** Packing , pack_ii -- ** Folding , folds_ii -- ** Watching , watch_i , watch_o , trigger_o -- ** Ignorance , ignore_o , abandon_o -- * Flow IO -- ** Sourcing , fromFiles , sourceBytes , sourceRecords -- ** Sinking , toFiles , sinkBytes) where import Data.Repa.Flow.States import Data.Repa.Flow.Simple.Base import Data.Repa.Flow.Simple.List import Data.Repa.Flow.Simple.Operator import Data.Repa.Flow.Simple.IO import qualified Data.Repa.Flow.Generic.Eval as G #include "repa-flow.h" -- | Pull all available values from the source and push them to the sink. drainS :: Monad m => Source m a -> Sink m a -> m () drainS = G.drainS # INLINE drainS #
* Evaluation * Conversions * Finalizers * Flow Operators ** Constructors ** Mapping ** Connecting ** Splitting ** Grouping ** Packing ** Folding ** Watching ** Ignorance * Flow IO ** Sourcing ** Sinking | Pull all available values from the source and push them to the sink.
module Data.Repa.Flow.Simple ( module Data.Repa.Flow.States , Source , Sink , drainS , fromList , toList , takeList , finalize_i , finalize_o , repeat_i , replicate_i , prepend_i , map_i, map_o , dup_oo, dup_io, dup_oi , connect_i , head_i , peek_i , groups_i , pack_ii , folds_ii , watch_i , watch_o , trigger_o , ignore_o , abandon_o , fromFiles , sourceBytes , sourceRecords , toFiles , sinkBytes) where import Data.Repa.Flow.States import Data.Repa.Flow.Simple.Base import Data.Repa.Flow.Simple.List import Data.Repa.Flow.Simple.Operator import Data.Repa.Flow.Simple.IO import qualified Data.Repa.Flow.Generic.Eval as G #include "repa-flow.h" drainS :: Monad m => Source m a -> Sink m a -> m () drainS = G.drainS # INLINE drainS #
Copyright ( c ) , contributors . ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php) ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ;; the terms of this license. ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. (ns typed.clj.checker.experimental.infer-vars (:require [clojure.core.typed.util-vars :as vs] [typed.cljc.checker.type-rep :as r] [typed.cljc.checker.type-ctors :as c] [typed.clj.checker.parse-unparse :as prs] [clojure.core.typed.current-impl :as impl] [typed.cljc.runtime.env :as env])) (defn add-inferred-type "Add type t to the pool of inferred types of var vsym in namespace ns." [nsym vsym t] {:pre [(symbol? nsym) (symbol? vsym) (r/Type? t)] :post [(nil? %)]} (env/swap-checker! update-in [:inferred-unchecked-vars nsym vsym] (fnil conj []) (binding [vs/*verbose-types* true] (prs/unparse-type t))) nil) (defn inferred-var-in-ns [nsym vsym] {:pre [(symbol? nsym) (symbol? vsym)] :post [(r/Type? %)]} (if-some [ts (seq (get-in (env/deref-checker) [:inferred-unchecked-vars nsym vsym]))] (apply c/Un (map prs/parse-type ts)) r/-any)) (defn using-alias-in-ns [nsym vsym] {:pre [(symbol? nsym) (symbol? vsym) (namespace vsym)] :post [(symbol? %)]} (if-let [alias (some-> nsym find-ns (prs/alias-in-ns (symbol (namespace vsym))))] (symbol (str alias) (name vsym)) vsym)) (defn prepare-inferred-untyped-var-expression "Return an expression to eval in namespace nsym, which declares untyped var vsym as its inferred type." [nsym vsym] (let [t (inferred-var-in-ns nsym vsym)] (prs/with-unparse-ns nsym (list (using-alias-in-ns nsym 'clojure.core.typed/ann) (using-alias-in-ns nsym vsym) (prs/unparse-type t))))) (defn infer-unannotated-vars "Return a vector of syntax that can be spliced into the given namespace, that annotates the inferred untyped variables." [nsym] (mapv (fn [vsym] (prepare-inferred-untyped-var-expression nsym vsym)) (keys (get-in (env/deref-checker) [:inferred-unchecked-vars nsym]))))
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (-1.0.php) which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
Copyright ( c ) , contributors . (ns typed.clj.checker.experimental.infer-vars (:require [clojure.core.typed.util-vars :as vs] [typed.cljc.checker.type-rep :as r] [typed.cljc.checker.type-ctors :as c] [typed.clj.checker.parse-unparse :as prs] [clojure.core.typed.current-impl :as impl] [typed.cljc.runtime.env :as env])) (defn add-inferred-type "Add type t to the pool of inferred types of var vsym in namespace ns." [nsym vsym t] {:pre [(symbol? nsym) (symbol? vsym) (r/Type? t)] :post [(nil? %)]} (env/swap-checker! update-in [:inferred-unchecked-vars nsym vsym] (fnil conj []) (binding [vs/*verbose-types* true] (prs/unparse-type t))) nil) (defn inferred-var-in-ns [nsym vsym] {:pre [(symbol? nsym) (symbol? vsym)] :post [(r/Type? %)]} (if-some [ts (seq (get-in (env/deref-checker) [:inferred-unchecked-vars nsym vsym]))] (apply c/Un (map prs/parse-type ts)) r/-any)) (defn using-alias-in-ns [nsym vsym] {:pre [(symbol? nsym) (symbol? vsym) (namespace vsym)] :post [(symbol? %)]} (if-let [alias (some-> nsym find-ns (prs/alias-in-ns (symbol (namespace vsym))))] (symbol (str alias) (name vsym)) vsym)) (defn prepare-inferred-untyped-var-expression "Return an expression to eval in namespace nsym, which declares untyped var vsym as its inferred type." [nsym vsym] (let [t (inferred-var-in-ns nsym vsym)] (prs/with-unparse-ns nsym (list (using-alias-in-ns nsym 'clojure.core.typed/ann) (using-alias-in-ns nsym vsym) (prs/unparse-type t))))) (defn infer-unannotated-vars "Return a vector of syntax that can be spliced into the given namespace, that annotates the inferred untyped variables." [nsym] (mapv (fn [vsym] (prepare-inferred-untyped-var-expression nsym vsym)) (keys (get-in (env/deref-checker) [:inferred-unchecked-vars nsym]))))
# LANGUAGE Unsafe # -- | Copyright : ( c ) 2021 License : BSD-2 - Clause OR Apache-2.0 Maintainer : < > -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable -- Safe Haskell has a pretty egregious design flaw . -- -- If you use @-Winferred-safe-imports@, which is really -- your only way to get visibility into upstream safety, -- there is generally no way to escape the warnings it -- gives except to expect upstream packages to fix their code. -- -- The "fix" is to import a module that isn't @Safe@ so I can forcibly downgrade myself to @Trustworthy@. -- Ideally , I 'd just have @{- # LANGUAGE TrustworthyOrBetter # -}@ -- extension, but every time I've asked for it, I've been -- told this is against the spirit of the extension, which -- as far as I can tell exists solely to make my life hell. module Trustworthy () where
| Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable If you use @-Winferred-safe-imports@, which is really your only way to get visibility into upstream safety, there is generally no way to escape the warnings it gives except to expect upstream packages to fix their code. The "fix" is to import a module that isn't @Safe@ so # LANGUAGE TrustworthyOrBetter # extension, but every time I've asked for it, I've been told this is against the spirit of the extension, which as far as I can tell exists solely to make my life hell.
# LANGUAGE Unsafe # Copyright : ( c ) 2021 License : BSD-2 - Clause OR Apache-2.0 Maintainer : < > Safe Haskell has a pretty egregious design flaw . I can forcibly downgrade myself to @Trustworthy@. module Trustworthy () where
#lang resyntax/testing/refactoring-test require: resyntax/default-recommendations match-shortcuts header: ------------------------------ #lang racket/base (require racket/match) ------------------------------ test: "single-clause match expressions can be replaced with match-define expressions" ------------------------------ (define (foo x) (match x [(list a b c) (displayln "foo!") (+ a b c)])) ------------------------------ ------------------------------ (define (foo x) (match-define (list a b c) x) (displayln "foo!") (+ a b c)) ------------------------------
#lang resyntax/testing/refactoring-test require: resyntax/default-recommendations match-shortcuts header: ------------------------------ #lang racket/base (require racket/match) ------------------------------ test: "single-clause match expressions can be replaced with match-define expressions" ------------------------------ (define (foo x) (match x [(list a b c) (displayln "foo!") (+ a b c)])) ------------------------------ ------------------------------ (define (foo x) (match-define (list a b c) x) (displayln "foo!") (+ a b c)) ------------------------------
module Wizard.Api.Handler.User.Detail_Password_PUT where import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.UUID as U import Servant import Shared.Api.Handler.Common import Shared.Model.Context.TransactionState import Wizard.Api.Handler.Common import Wizard.Api.Resource.User.UserPasswordDTO import Wizard.Api.Resource.User.UserPasswordJM () import Wizard.Model.Context.BaseContext import Wizard.Service.User.UserService type Detail_Password_PUT = Header "Authorization" String :> Header "Host" String :> ReqBody '[SafeJSON] UserPasswordDTO :> "users" :> Capture "uUuid" String :> "password" :> QueryParam "hash" String :> Verb PUT 204 '[SafeJSON] (Headers '[Header "x-trace-uuid" String] NoContent) detail_password_PUT :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> UserPasswordDTO -> String -> Maybe String -> BaseContextM (Headers '[Header "x-trace-uuid" String] NoContent) detail_password_PUT mTokenHeader mServerUrl reqDto uUuid mHash = getMaybeAuthServiceExecutor mTokenHeader mServerUrl $ \runInAuthService -> runInAuthService Transactional $ addTraceUuidHeader =<< do ia <- isAdmin if ia then do changeUserPasswordByAdmin uUuid reqDto return NoContent else do let hash = fromMaybe (U.toString U.nil) mHash changeUserPasswordByHash uUuid hash reqDto return NoContent
module Wizard.Api.Handler.User.Detail_Password_PUT where import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.UUID as U import Servant import Shared.Api.Handler.Common import Shared.Model.Context.TransactionState import Wizard.Api.Handler.Common import Wizard.Api.Resource.User.UserPasswordDTO import Wizard.Api.Resource.User.UserPasswordJM () import Wizard.Model.Context.BaseContext import Wizard.Service.User.UserService type Detail_Password_PUT = Header "Authorization" String :> Header "Host" String :> ReqBody '[SafeJSON] UserPasswordDTO :> "users" :> Capture "uUuid" String :> "password" :> QueryParam "hash" String :> Verb PUT 204 '[SafeJSON] (Headers '[Header "x-trace-uuid" String] NoContent) detail_password_PUT :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> UserPasswordDTO -> String -> Maybe String -> BaseContextM (Headers '[Header "x-trace-uuid" String] NoContent) detail_password_PUT mTokenHeader mServerUrl reqDto uUuid mHash = getMaybeAuthServiceExecutor mTokenHeader mServerUrl $ \runInAuthService -> runInAuthService Transactional $ addTraceUuidHeader =<< do ia <- isAdmin if ia then do changeUserPasswordByAdmin uUuid reqDto return NoContent else do let hash = fromMaybe (U.toString U.nil) mHash changeUserPasswordByHash uUuid hash reqDto return NoContent
(ns clj-duckling.dims.money (:require [clj-duckling.util.engine :refer [export-value]])) (defmethod export-value :amount-of-money [{:keys [value unit] :as token} _] {:type "value" :value value :unit unit}) (defmethod export-value :budget [{:keys [value unit level] :as token} _] {:type "value" :value value :unit unit :level level})
(ns clj-duckling.dims.money (:require [clj-duckling.util.engine :refer [export-value]])) (defmethod export-value :amount-of-money [{:keys [value unit] :as token} _] {:type "value" :value value :unit unit}) (defmethod export-value :budget [{:keys [value unit level] :as token} _] {:type "value" :value value :unit unit :level level})
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # -- | Representation of the modules and packages in the daemon session. module Language.Haskell.Tools.Daemon.Representation where import Control.Reference import Data.Function (on) import Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe import DynFlags import GHC import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor | The modules of a library , executable , test or benchmark . A package contains one or more module collection . data ModuleCollection k = ModuleCollection { _mcId :: ModuleCollectionId , _mcLoadDone :: Bool , _mcRoot :: FilePath , _mcSourceDirs :: [FilePath] , _mcModuleFiles :: [(ModuleNameStr, FilePath)] , _mcModules :: (Map.Map k ModuleRecord) ^ Sets up the ghc environment for compiling the modules of this collection ^ Sets up the ghc environment for dependency analysis , _mcDependencies :: [ModuleCollectionId] } modCollToSfk :: ModuleCollection ModuleNameStr -> ModuleCollection SourceFileKey modCollToSfk ModuleCollection{..} = ModuleCollection{ _mcModules = Map.mapKeys (SourceFileKey "") _mcModules, ..} -- | The state of a module. data ModuleRecord = ModuleNotLoaded { _modRecCodeGen :: CodeGenPolicy , _recModuleExposed :: Bool } | ModuleParsed { _parsedRecModule :: UnnamedModule , _modRecMS :: ModSummary } | ModuleRenamed { _renamedRecModule :: UnnamedModule , _modRecMS :: ModSummary } | ModuleTypeChecked { _typedRecModule :: UnnamedModule , _modRecMS :: ModSummary , _modRecCodeGen :: CodeGenPolicy } isLoaded :: ModuleRecord -> Bool isLoaded ModuleTypeChecked{} = True isLoaded _ = False data CodeGenPolicy = NoCodeGen | InterpretedCode | GeneratedCode deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | An alias for module names type ModuleNameStr = String -- | This data structure identifies a module collection. data ModuleCollectionId = DirectoryMC FilePath | LibraryMC String | ExecutableMC String String | TestSuiteMC String String | BenchmarkMC String String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Eq (ModuleCollection k) where (==) = (==) `on` _mcId instance Show k => Show (ModuleCollection k) where show (ModuleCollection id loaded root srcDirs mapping mods _ _ deps) = "ModuleCollection (" ++ show id ++ ") " ++ show loaded ++ " " ++ root ++ " " ++ show srcDirs ++ " " ++ show mapping ++ " (" ++ show mods ++ ") " ++ show deps makeReferences ''ModuleCollection makeReferences ''ModuleRecord instance Show ModuleRecord where show (ModuleNotLoaded code exposed) = "ModuleNotLoaded " ++ show code ++ " " ++ show exposed show mr@(ModuleParsed {}) = "ModuleParsed (" ++ (GHC.moduleNameString $ GHC.moduleName $ GHC.ms_mod $ fromJust $ mr ^? modRecMS) ++ ")" show mr@(ModuleRenamed {}) = "ModuleRenamed (" ++ (GHC.moduleNameString $ GHC.moduleName $ GHC.ms_mod $ fromJust $ mr ^? modRecMS) ++ ")" show mr@(ModuleTypeChecked {}) = "ModuleTypeChecked (" ++ (GHC.moduleNameString $ GHC.moduleName $ GHC.ms_mod $ fromJust $ mr ^? modRecMS) ++ ")"
| Representation of the modules and packages in the daemon session. | The state of a module. | An alias for module names | This data structure identifies a module collection.
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # module Language.Haskell.Tools.Daemon.Representation where import Control.Reference import Data.Function (on) import Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe import DynFlags import GHC import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor | The modules of a library , executable , test or benchmark . A package contains one or more module collection . data ModuleCollection k = ModuleCollection { _mcId :: ModuleCollectionId , _mcLoadDone :: Bool , _mcRoot :: FilePath , _mcSourceDirs :: [FilePath] , _mcModuleFiles :: [(ModuleNameStr, FilePath)] , _mcModules :: (Map.Map k ModuleRecord) ^ Sets up the ghc environment for compiling the modules of this collection ^ Sets up the ghc environment for dependency analysis , _mcDependencies :: [ModuleCollectionId] } modCollToSfk :: ModuleCollection ModuleNameStr -> ModuleCollection SourceFileKey modCollToSfk ModuleCollection{..} = ModuleCollection{ _mcModules = Map.mapKeys (SourceFileKey "") _mcModules, ..} data ModuleRecord = ModuleNotLoaded { _modRecCodeGen :: CodeGenPolicy , _recModuleExposed :: Bool } | ModuleParsed { _parsedRecModule :: UnnamedModule , _modRecMS :: ModSummary } | ModuleRenamed { _renamedRecModule :: UnnamedModule , _modRecMS :: ModSummary } | ModuleTypeChecked { _typedRecModule :: UnnamedModule , _modRecMS :: ModSummary , _modRecCodeGen :: CodeGenPolicy } isLoaded :: ModuleRecord -> Bool isLoaded ModuleTypeChecked{} = True isLoaded _ = False data CodeGenPolicy = NoCodeGen | InterpretedCode | GeneratedCode deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) type ModuleNameStr = String data ModuleCollectionId = DirectoryMC FilePath | LibraryMC String | ExecutableMC String String | TestSuiteMC String String | BenchmarkMC String String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Eq (ModuleCollection k) where (==) = (==) `on` _mcId instance Show k => Show (ModuleCollection k) where show (ModuleCollection id loaded root srcDirs mapping mods _ _ deps) = "ModuleCollection (" ++ show id ++ ") " ++ show loaded ++ " " ++ root ++ " " ++ show srcDirs ++ " " ++ show mapping ++ " (" ++ show mods ++ ") " ++ show deps makeReferences ''ModuleCollection makeReferences ''ModuleRecord instance Show ModuleRecord where show (ModuleNotLoaded code exposed) = "ModuleNotLoaded " ++ show code ++ " " ++ show exposed show mr@(ModuleParsed {}) = "ModuleParsed (" ++ (GHC.moduleNameString $ GHC.moduleName $ GHC.ms_mod $ fromJust $ mr ^? modRecMS) ++ ")" show mr@(ModuleRenamed {}) = "ModuleRenamed (" ++ (GHC.moduleNameString $ GHC.moduleName $ GHC.ms_mod $ fromJust $ mr ^? modRecMS) ++ ")" show mr@(ModuleTypeChecked {}) = "ModuleTypeChecked (" ++ (GHC.moduleNameString $ GHC.moduleName $ GHC.ms_mod $ fromJust $ mr ^? modRecMS) ++ ")"
-module(websocket_handler). -behaviour(cowboy_websocket_handler). -export([init/3, websocket_init/3, websocket_handle/3, websocket_info/3, websocket_terminate/3]). init({tcp, http}, _Req, _Opts) -> {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}. websocket_init(_Any, Req, _Opts) -> cset_server:register(self()), Req2 = cowboy_req:compact(Req), {ok, Req2, undefined_state, hibernate}. websocket_handle({text, Msg}, Req, State) -> cset_server:incomingMessageFromClient(Msg, self()), {ok, Req, State}; websocket_handle(_Any, Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State}. websocket_info({outgoingMessage, Msg}, Req, State) -> {reply, {text, Msg}, Req, State, hibernate}; websocket_info(_Info, Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State, hibernate}. websocket_terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) -> cset_server:unregister(self()), ok.
-module(websocket_handler). -behaviour(cowboy_websocket_handler). -export([init/3, websocket_init/3, websocket_handle/3, websocket_info/3, websocket_terminate/3]). init({tcp, http}, _Req, _Opts) -> {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}. websocket_init(_Any, Req, _Opts) -> cset_server:register(self()), Req2 = cowboy_req:compact(Req), {ok, Req2, undefined_state, hibernate}. websocket_handle({text, Msg}, Req, State) -> cset_server:incomingMessageFromClient(Msg, self()), {ok, Req, State}; websocket_handle(_Any, Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State}. websocket_info({outgoingMessage, Msg}, Req, State) -> {reply, {text, Msg}, Req, State, hibernate}; websocket_info(_Info, Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State, hibernate}. websocket_terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) -> cset_server:unregister(self()), ok.
# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses , PolyKinds , TypeApplications , TypeOperators , UndecidableInstances # module Manifold.Proof.Checking where import Control.Effect import Data.Foldable (foldl') import Data.Semiring (Semiring(..), Unital(..), zero) import Data.Semilattice.Lower import Manifold.Constraint import Manifold.Context import Manifold.Declaration import Manifold.Module as Module import Manifold.Name import Manifold.Name.Annotated import Manifold.Pattern import Manifold.Proof import Manifold.Proof.Formation import Manifold.Purpose import Manifold.Substitution import Manifold.Term import Manifold.Term.Elim import Manifold.Term.Intro import Manifold.Type hiding (Var, Elim, Intro) import Manifold.Type.Intro import Manifold.Unification checkModule :: ( Carrier sig m , Effect sig , Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member (Reader (ModuleTable Name (Term Name))) sig , Member (State (ModuleTable (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) sig , Monoid usage , Unital usage ) => Module Name (Term Name) -> Proof usage m (Module (Annotated usage) (Term Name)) checkModule m = lookupEvaluated (moduleName m) >>= maybe (cacheModule m) pure cacheModule :: ( Carrier sig m , Effect sig , Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member (Reader (ModuleTable Name (Term Name))) sig , Member (State (ModuleTable (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) sig , Monoid usage , Unital usage ) => Module Name (Term Name) -> Proof usage m (Module (Annotated usage) (Term Name)) cacheModule (Module name imports decls) = do cacheEvaluated (Module name imports []) imports' <- traverse (\ name -> lookupUnevaluated name >>= maybe (unknownModule name) checkModule) imports decls' <- runFresh (runProof (runContext (runIsType (foldr (>-) (foldr combine (pure []) decls) (imports' >>= moduleExports))))) let m = Module name imports decls' m <$ cacheEvaluated m where combine decl rest = do decl' <- checkDeclaration decl foldr (>-) ((decl' :) <$> rest) (declarationSignatures decl') lookupUnevaluated :: (Member (Reader (ModuleTable Name (Term Name))) sig, Carrier sig m) => Name -> Proof usage m (Maybe (Module Name (Term Name))) lookupUnevaluated name = asks (Module.lookup name) lookupEvaluated :: (Member (State (ModuleTable (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) sig, Carrier sig m) => Name -> Proof usage m (Maybe (Module (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) lookupEvaluated name = gets (Module.lookup name) cacheEvaluated :: (Member (State (ModuleTable (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) sig, Carrier sig m) => Module (Annotated usage) (Term Name) -> Proof usage m () cacheEvaluated = modify . insert checkDeclaration :: ( Carrier sig m , Effect sig , Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member Fresh sig , Member (IsType usage) sig , Member (Reader (Context (Constraint (Annotated usage) (Type (Annotated usage))))) sig , Monoid usage , Unital usage ) => Declaration Name (Term Name) -> Proof usage m (Declaration (Annotated usage) (Term Name)) checkDeclaration (Binding (name ::: ty) term) = do ty' <- isType ty let annotated = Annotated name one ty'' <- annotated ::: ty' >- runSigma Intensional (runSubstitution (runUnify (runCheck (check term ty')))) pure (Binding (annotated ::: ty'') term) checkDeclaration (Datatype (name ::: ty) constructors) = do ty' <- isType ty let annotated = Annotated name zero constructors' <- annotated ::: ty' >- runSigma Extensional (traverse checkConstructor constructors) pure (Datatype (annotated ::: ty') constructors') where checkConstructor (name ::: ty) = (Annotated name zero :::) <$> isType ty runCheck :: ( Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member Fresh sig , Member (Reader usage) sig , Member (Reader (Context (Constraint (Annotated usage) (Type (Annotated usage))))) sig , Member (State (Substitution (Type (Annotated usage)))) sig , Member (Unify usage) sig , Monoid usage , Carrier sig m , Unital usage ) => Proof usage (CheckC usage (Proof usage m)) a -> Proof usage m a runCheck = runCheckC . interpret . runProof newtype CheckC usage m a = CheckC { runCheckC :: m a } instance ( Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member Fresh sig , Member (Reader usage) sig , Member (Reader (Context (Constraint (Annotated usage) (Type (Annotated usage))))) sig , Member (State (Substitution (Type (Annotated usage)))) sig , Member (Unify usage) sig , Monoid usage , Carrier sig m , Unital usage ) => Carrier (Check usage :+: sig) (CheckC usage (Proof usage m)) where gen = CheckC . gen alg = algC \/ (CheckC . alg . handlePure runCheckC) where algC (Check term expected k) = CheckC $ case (unTerm term, unType expected) of (Intro (Abs var body), IntroT (Annotated name pi ::: _S :-> _T)) | _S == typeT -> do runCheck (check term _T) >>= runCheckC . k | otherwise -> do sigma <- ask _T' <- Annotated var (sigma >< pi) ::: _S >- runCheck (check body _T) runCheckC (k (Annotated name pi ::: _S .-> _T')) (Elim (Case subject matches), _) -> do subject' <- runCheck (infer subject) foldl' (checkMatch subject') (pure expected) matches >>= runCheckC . k _ -> do actual <- runCheck (infer term) unify actual expected >>= runCheckC . k where checkMatch subject expected (pattern, body) = do expected' <- expected checkPattern pattern subject (runCheck (check body expected')) algC (Infer term k) = CheckC $ case unTerm term of Var name -> lookupType name >>= runCheckC . k Intro (Data name vs) -> do _C <- lookupType name checkFields _C vs >>= runCheckC . k where checkFields ty  [] = pure ty checkFields (Type (IntroT (_ ::: ty :-> ret))) (v : vs) = runCheck (check v ty) >> checkFields ret vs checkFields ty _ = do t1 <- freshName t2 <- freshName cannotUnify ty (Annotated t1 zero ::: ty .-> tvar t2) Elim (App f a) -> do n <- I <$> fresh t1 <- freshName t2 <- freshName _ <- runCheck (check f (Annotated n zero ::: tvar t1 .-> tvar t2)) _ <- runCheck (check a (tvar t1)) runCheckC (k (tvar t2)) _ -> noRuleToInferType term >>= runCheckC . k checkPattern :: ( Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member Fresh sig , Member (Reader usage) sig , Member (Reader (Context (Constraint (Annotated usage) (Type (Annotated usage))))) sig , Member (State (Substitution (Type (Annotated usage)))) sig , Member (Unify usage) sig , Carrier sig m , Monoid usage ) => Pattern Name -> Type (Annotated usage) -> Proof usage m (Type (Annotated usage)) -> Proof usage m (Type (Annotated usage)) checkPattern (Pattern Wildcard) _ = id checkPattern (Pattern (Variable name)) subject = (Annotated name zero ::: subject >-) checkPattern (Pattern (Constructor name patterns)) subject = \ action -> do conTy <- lookupType name checkPatterns conTy patterns action where checkPatterns ty [] = (unify ty subject >>) checkPatterns (Type (IntroT (_ ::: ty :-> ret))) (p : ps) = checkPattern p ty . checkPatterns ret ps checkPatterns ty _ = const (cannotUnify ty subject) runSubstitution :: (Carrier sig m, Effect sig) => Named var => Proof usage (StateC (Substitution (Type var)) (Proof usage m)) (Type var) -> Proof usage m (Type var) runSubstitution = fmap (uncurry apply) . runState lowerBound . runProof runSigma :: (Carrier sig m, Monoid usage, Unital usage) => Purpose -> Proof usage (ReaderC usage (Proof usage m)) a -> Proof usage m a runSigma Extensional = runReader zero . runProof runSigma Intensional = runReader one . runProof check :: (Member (Check usage) sig, Carrier sig m) => Term Name -> Type (Annotated usage) -> Proof usage m (Type (Annotated usage)) check term ty = send (Check term ty gen) infer :: (Member (Check usage) sig, Carrier sig m) => Term Name -> Proof usage m (Type (Annotated usage)) infer term = send (Infer term gen) data Check usage m k = Check (Term Name) (Type (Annotated usage)) (Type (Annotated usage) -> k) | Infer (Term Name) (Type (Annotated usage) -> k) deriving (Functor) instance HFunctor (Check usage) where hfmap _ (Check tm ty k) = Check tm ty k hfmap _ (Infer tm k) = Infer tm k instance Effect (Check usage) where handle state handler (Check term ty k) = Check term ty (handler . (<$ state) . k) handle state handler (Infer term k) = Infer term (handler . (<$ state) . k)
# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses , PolyKinds , TypeApplications , TypeOperators , UndecidableInstances # module Manifold.Proof.Checking where import Control.Effect import Data.Foldable (foldl') import Data.Semiring (Semiring(..), Unital(..), zero) import Data.Semilattice.Lower import Manifold.Constraint import Manifold.Context import Manifold.Declaration import Manifold.Module as Module import Manifold.Name import Manifold.Name.Annotated import Manifold.Pattern import Manifold.Proof import Manifold.Proof.Formation import Manifold.Purpose import Manifold.Substitution import Manifold.Term import Manifold.Term.Elim import Manifold.Term.Intro import Manifold.Type hiding (Var, Elim, Intro) import Manifold.Type.Intro import Manifold.Unification checkModule :: ( Carrier sig m , Effect sig , Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member (Reader (ModuleTable Name (Term Name))) sig , Member (State (ModuleTable (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) sig , Monoid usage , Unital usage ) => Module Name (Term Name) -> Proof usage m (Module (Annotated usage) (Term Name)) checkModule m = lookupEvaluated (moduleName m) >>= maybe (cacheModule m) pure cacheModule :: ( Carrier sig m , Effect sig , Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member (Reader (ModuleTable Name (Term Name))) sig , Member (State (ModuleTable (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) sig , Monoid usage , Unital usage ) => Module Name (Term Name) -> Proof usage m (Module (Annotated usage) (Term Name)) cacheModule (Module name imports decls) = do cacheEvaluated (Module name imports []) imports' <- traverse (\ name -> lookupUnevaluated name >>= maybe (unknownModule name) checkModule) imports decls' <- runFresh (runProof (runContext (runIsType (foldr (>-) (foldr combine (pure []) decls) (imports' >>= moduleExports))))) let m = Module name imports decls' m <$ cacheEvaluated m where combine decl rest = do decl' <- checkDeclaration decl foldr (>-) ((decl' :) <$> rest) (declarationSignatures decl') lookupUnevaluated :: (Member (Reader (ModuleTable Name (Term Name))) sig, Carrier sig m) => Name -> Proof usage m (Maybe (Module Name (Term Name))) lookupUnevaluated name = asks (Module.lookup name) lookupEvaluated :: (Member (State (ModuleTable (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) sig, Carrier sig m) => Name -> Proof usage m (Maybe (Module (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) lookupEvaluated name = gets (Module.lookup name) cacheEvaluated :: (Member (State (ModuleTable (Annotated usage) (Term Name))) sig, Carrier sig m) => Module (Annotated usage) (Term Name) -> Proof usage m () cacheEvaluated = modify . insert checkDeclaration :: ( Carrier sig m , Effect sig , Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member Fresh sig , Member (IsType usage) sig , Member (Reader (Context (Constraint (Annotated usage) (Type (Annotated usage))))) sig , Monoid usage , Unital usage ) => Declaration Name (Term Name) -> Proof usage m (Declaration (Annotated usage) (Term Name)) checkDeclaration (Binding (name ::: ty) term) = do ty' <- isType ty let annotated = Annotated name one ty'' <- annotated ::: ty' >- runSigma Intensional (runSubstitution (runUnify (runCheck (check term ty')))) pure (Binding (annotated ::: ty'') term) checkDeclaration (Datatype (name ::: ty) constructors) = do ty' <- isType ty let annotated = Annotated name zero constructors' <- annotated ::: ty' >- runSigma Extensional (traverse checkConstructor constructors) pure (Datatype (annotated ::: ty') constructors') where checkConstructor (name ::: ty) = (Annotated name zero :::) <$> isType ty runCheck :: ( Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member Fresh sig , Member (Reader usage) sig , Member (Reader (Context (Constraint (Annotated usage) (Type (Annotated usage))))) sig , Member (State (Substitution (Type (Annotated usage)))) sig , Member (Unify usage) sig , Monoid usage , Carrier sig m , Unital usage ) => Proof usage (CheckC usage (Proof usage m)) a -> Proof usage m a runCheck = runCheckC . interpret . runProof newtype CheckC usage m a = CheckC { runCheckC :: m a } instance ( Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member Fresh sig , Member (Reader usage) sig , Member (Reader (Context (Constraint (Annotated usage) (Type (Annotated usage))))) sig , Member (State (Substitution (Type (Annotated usage)))) sig , Member (Unify usage) sig , Monoid usage , Carrier sig m , Unital usage ) => Carrier (Check usage :+: sig) (CheckC usage (Proof usage m)) where gen = CheckC . gen alg = algC \/ (CheckC . alg . handlePure runCheckC) where algC (Check term expected k) = CheckC $ case (unTerm term, unType expected) of (Intro (Abs var body), IntroT (Annotated name pi ::: _S :-> _T)) | _S == typeT -> do runCheck (check term _T) >>= runCheckC . k | otherwise -> do sigma <- ask _T' <- Annotated var (sigma >< pi) ::: _S >- runCheck (check body _T) runCheckC (k (Annotated name pi ::: _S .-> _T')) (Elim (Case subject matches), _) -> do subject' <- runCheck (infer subject) foldl' (checkMatch subject') (pure expected) matches >>= runCheckC . k _ -> do actual <- runCheck (infer term) unify actual expected >>= runCheckC . k where checkMatch subject expected (pattern, body) = do expected' <- expected checkPattern pattern subject (runCheck (check body expected')) algC (Infer term k) = CheckC $ case unTerm term of Var name -> lookupType name >>= runCheckC . k Intro (Data name vs) -> do _C <- lookupType name checkFields _C vs >>= runCheckC . k where checkFields ty  [] = pure ty checkFields (Type (IntroT (_ ::: ty :-> ret))) (v : vs) = runCheck (check v ty) >> checkFields ret vs checkFields ty _ = do t1 <- freshName t2 <- freshName cannotUnify ty (Annotated t1 zero ::: ty .-> tvar t2) Elim (App f a) -> do n <- I <$> fresh t1 <- freshName t2 <- freshName _ <- runCheck (check f (Annotated n zero ::: tvar t1 .-> tvar t2)) _ <- runCheck (check a (tvar t1)) runCheckC (k (tvar t2)) _ -> noRuleToInferType term >>= runCheckC . k checkPattern :: ( Eq usage , Member (Error (ProofError (Annotated usage))) sig , Member Fresh sig , Member (Reader usage) sig , Member (Reader (Context (Constraint (Annotated usage) (Type (Annotated usage))))) sig , Member (State (Substitution (Type (Annotated usage)))) sig , Member (Unify usage) sig , Carrier sig m , Monoid usage ) => Pattern Name -> Type (Annotated usage) -> Proof usage m (Type (Annotated usage)) -> Proof usage m (Type (Annotated usage)) checkPattern (Pattern Wildcard) _ = id checkPattern (Pattern (Variable name)) subject = (Annotated name zero ::: subject >-) checkPattern (Pattern (Constructor name patterns)) subject = \ action -> do conTy <- lookupType name checkPatterns conTy patterns action where checkPatterns ty [] = (unify ty subject >>) checkPatterns (Type (IntroT (_ ::: ty :-> ret))) (p : ps) = checkPattern p ty . checkPatterns ret ps checkPatterns ty _ = const (cannotUnify ty subject) runSubstitution :: (Carrier sig m, Effect sig) => Named var => Proof usage (StateC (Substitution (Type var)) (Proof usage m)) (Type var) -> Proof usage m (Type var) runSubstitution = fmap (uncurry apply) . runState lowerBound . runProof runSigma :: (Carrier sig m, Monoid usage, Unital usage) => Purpose -> Proof usage (ReaderC usage (Proof usage m)) a -> Proof usage m a runSigma Extensional = runReader zero . runProof runSigma Intensional = runReader one . runProof check :: (Member (Check usage) sig, Carrier sig m) => Term Name -> Type (Annotated usage) -> Proof usage m (Type (Annotated usage)) check term ty = send (Check term ty gen) infer :: (Member (Check usage) sig, Carrier sig m) => Term Name -> Proof usage m (Type (Annotated usage)) infer term = send (Infer term gen) data Check usage m k = Check (Term Name) (Type (Annotated usage)) (Type (Annotated usage) -> k) | Infer (Term Name) (Type (Annotated usage) -> k) deriving (Functor) instance HFunctor (Check usage) where hfmap _ (Check tm ty k) = Check tm ty k hfmap _ (Infer tm k) = Infer tm k instance Effect (Check usage) where handle state handler (Check term ty k) = Check term ty (handler . (<$ state) . k) handle state handler (Infer term k) = Infer term (handler . (<$ state) . k)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} # LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes # module Language.OCaml.Parser.AttrId.Test ( testStrings, ) where import Data.String.Interpolate import qualified Language.OCaml.Parser.SingleAttrId.Test as SingleAttrId limit :: Int limit = 10 testStrings :: [String] testStrings = [] ++ SingleAttrId.testStrings ++ [ [i| #{sai}.#{ai} ] |] | sai <- SingleAttrId.testStrings, ai <- take limit testStrings ]
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #
# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes # module Language.OCaml.Parser.AttrId.Test ( testStrings, ) where import Data.String.Interpolate import qualified Language.OCaml.Parser.SingleAttrId.Test as SingleAttrId limit :: Int limit = 10 testStrings :: [String] testStrings = [] ++ SingleAttrId.testStrings ++ [ [i| #{sai}.#{ai} ] |] | sai <- SingleAttrId.testStrings, ai <- take limit testStrings ]
type t = A | B [@@mli] and s = C | D [@@mli abstract] module X = struct type t = X | Y [@@mli] and s let id x = x [@@mli] end module Y : sig type t type s end = struct type t = X | Y type s = A | B end let f x y = x + y [@@mli] and g a b = (a, b) [@@mli] and h a b = (a, b) [@@mli (h : int -> int -> int * int)] let (x, y, z) = (1, 2, 3) [@@mli (x : int), (y : int)]
type t = A | B [@@mli] and s = C | D [@@mli abstract] module X = struct type t = X | Y [@@mli] and s let id x = x [@@mli] end module Y : sig type t type s end = struct type t = X | Y type s = A | B end let f x y = x + y [@@mli] and g a b = (a, b) [@@mli] and h a b = (a, b) [@@mli (h : int -> int -> int * int)] let (x, y, z) = (1, 2, 3) [@@mli (x : int), (y : int)]
1 (define up (lambda (lst) (cond ((null? lst) '()) ((pair? (car lst)) (append (car lst) (up (cdr lst)))) (else (cons (car lst) (up (cdr lst))))))) > ( up ' ( ( 1 2 ) ( 3 4 ) ) ) ( 1 2 3 4 ) ;> (up '((x (y)) z)) ;(x (y) z) Let 's check that ( down ( up lst ) ) is not lst : ;> (down (up '((x (y)) z))) ;((x) ((y)) (z)) ;This is because we lose information when up-ing, since the non-list ;elements are left as-is, and then down does not know if they were ;lists or not. 2 ;This is a *-function (see Little Schemer) (define swapper (lambda (s1 s2 slist) (cond ((null? slist) '()) ((pair? (car slist)) (cons (swapper s1 s2 (car slist)) (swapper s1 s2 (cdr slist)))) ((eq? s1 (car slist)) (cons s2 (swapper s1 s2 (cdr slist)))) ((eq? s2 (car slist)) (cons s1 (swapper s1 s2 (cdr slist)))) (else (cons (car slist) (swapper s1 s2 (cdr slist))))))) ;> (swapper 'a 'd '(a b c d)) ;(d b c a) ;> (swapper 'a 'd '(a d () c d)) ;(d a () c a) ;> (swapper 'x 'y '((x) y (z (x)))) ;((y) x (z (y))) 3 (define count-occurrences (lambda (s slist) (cond ((null? slist) 0) ((pair? (car slist)) (+ (count-occurrences s (car slist)) (count-occurrences s (cdr slist)))) ((eqv? s (car slist)) (+ 1 (count-occurrences s (cdr slist)))) (else (count-occurrences s (cdr slist)))))) ;> (count-occurrences 'x '((f x) y (((x z) x)))) 3 ;> (count-occurrences 'x '((f x) y (((x z) () x)))) 3 ;> (count-occurrences 'w '((f x) y (((x z) z)))) 0 4 (define flatten (lambda (slist) (cond ((null? slist) '()) ((null? (car slist)) (flatten (cdr slist))) ((pair? (car slist)) (append (flatten (car slist)) (flatten (cdr slist)))) (else (cons (car slist) (flatten (cdr slist))))))) ;> (flatten '((a) () (b ()) () (c))) ;(a b c) ;> (flatten '(a b c)) ;(a b c) ;> (flatten '((a) () (b ()) () (c))) ;(a b c) ;> (flatten '((a b) c (((d)) e))) ;(a b c d e) ;> (flatten '(a b (() (c)))) ;(a b c) 5 (define merge (lambda (lon1 lon2) (cond ((null? lon1) lon2) ((null? lon2) lon1) ((<= (car lon1) (car lon2)) (cons (car lon1) (merge (cdr lon1) lon2))) (else (cons (car lon2) (merge lon1 (cdr lon2))))))) > ( merge ' ( 1 4 ) ' ( 1 2 8) ) ( 1 1 2 4 8) > ( merge ' ( 35 62 81 90 91 ) ' ( 3 83 85 90 ) ) ( 3 35 62 81 83 85 90 90 91 )
> (up '((x (y)) z)) (x (y) z) > (down (up '((x (y)) z))) ((x) ((y)) (z)) This is because we lose information when up-ing, since the non-list elements are left as-is, and then down does not know if they were lists or not. This is a *-function (see Little Schemer) > (swapper 'a 'd '(a b c d)) (d b c a) > (swapper 'a 'd '(a d () c d)) (d a () c a) > (swapper 'x 'y '((x) y (z (x)))) ((y) x (z (y))) > (count-occurrences 'x '((f x) y (((x z) x)))) > (count-occurrences 'x '((f x) y (((x z) () x)))) > (count-occurrences 'w '((f x) y (((x z) z)))) > (flatten '((a) () (b ()) () (c))) (a b c) > (flatten '(a b c)) (a b c) > (flatten '((a) () (b ()) () (c))) (a b c) > (flatten '((a b) c (((d)) e))) (a b c d e) > (flatten '(a b (() (c)))) (a b c)
1 (define up (lambda (lst) (cond ((null? lst) '()) ((pair? (car lst)) (append (car lst) (up (cdr lst)))) (else (cons (car lst) (up (cdr lst))))))) > ( up ' ( ( 1 2 ) ( 3 4 ) ) ) ( 1 2 3 4 ) Let 's check that ( down ( up lst ) ) is not lst : 2 (define swapper (lambda (s1 s2 slist) (cond ((null? slist) '()) ((pair? (car slist)) (cons (swapper s1 s2 (car slist)) (swapper s1 s2 (cdr slist)))) ((eq? s1 (car slist)) (cons s2 (swapper s1 s2 (cdr slist)))) ((eq? s2 (car slist)) (cons s1 (swapper s1 s2 (cdr slist)))) (else (cons (car slist) (swapper s1 s2 (cdr slist))))))) 3 (define count-occurrences (lambda (s slist) (cond ((null? slist) 0) ((pair? (car slist)) (+ (count-occurrences s (car slist)) (count-occurrences s (cdr slist)))) ((eqv? s (car slist)) (+ 1 (count-occurrences s (cdr slist)))) (else (count-occurrences s (cdr slist)))))) 3 3 0 4 (define flatten (lambda (slist) (cond ((null? slist) '()) ((null? (car slist)) (flatten (cdr slist))) ((pair? (car slist)) (append (flatten (car slist)) (flatten (cdr slist)))) (else (cons (car slist) (flatten (cdr slist))))))) 5 (define merge (lambda (lon1 lon2) (cond ((null? lon1) lon2) ((null? lon2) lon1) ((<= (car lon1) (car lon2)) (cons (car lon1) (merge (cdr lon1) lon2))) (else (cons (car lon2) (merge lon1 (cdr lon2))))))) > ( merge ' ( 1 4 ) ' ( 1 2 8) ) ( 1 1 2 4 8) > ( merge ' ( 35 62 81 90 91 ) ' ( 3 83 85 90 ) ) ( 3 35 62 81 83 85 90 90 91 )
import Data.Char import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Hero.Hero main :: IO () main = putStr =<< runDemo =<< B.getContents runDemo :: B.ByteString -> IO String runDemo asm = stateVM . snd <$> runWasm "main" [] (mkHeroVM "" syscall wasm []) where wasm = either error id $ parseWasm asm syscall ("system", "putStr") vm [I32_const ptr, I32_const len] = pure ([], putStateVM (stateVM vm ++ [chr $ getNumVM 1 (ptr + i) vm | i <- [0..len - 1]]) vm) syscall ("system", "putInt") vm [I32_const lo, I32_const hi] = pure ([], putStateVM (stateVM vm ++ show (fromIntegral lo + fromIntegral hi * 2^(32 :: Integer) :: Integer)) vm) syscall a _ b = error $ show ("BUG! bad syscall", a, b)
import Data.Char import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Hero.Hero main :: IO () main = putStr =<< runDemo =<< B.getContents runDemo :: B.ByteString -> IO String runDemo asm = stateVM . snd <$> runWasm "main" [] (mkHeroVM "" syscall wasm []) where wasm = either error id $ parseWasm asm syscall ("system", "putStr") vm [I32_const ptr, I32_const len] = pure ([], putStateVM (stateVM vm ++ [chr $ getNumVM 1 (ptr + i) vm | i <- [0..len - 1]]) vm) syscall ("system", "putInt") vm [I32_const lo, I32_const hi] = pure ([], putStateVM (stateVM vm ++ show (fromIntegral lo + fromIntegral hi * 2^(32 :: Integer) :: Integer)) vm) syscall a _ b = error $ show ("BUG! bad syscall", a, b)
module Smos.Server.Looper.BackupGarbageCollectorSpec where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.GenValidity.Persist () import Data.Int import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Time import Database.Persist.Sql import Smos.Server.DB import Smos.Server.Gen () import Smos.Server.Looper.BackupGarbageCollector import Test.Syd import Test.Syd.Validity spec :: Spec spec = do describe "decideBackupsToDelete" $ do it "only ever selects backups to delete, from the list" $ forAllValid $ \now -> forAllValid $ \backups -> let backupsToDelete = decideBackupsToDelete now defaultPeriods backups ids = S.fromList $ map fst backups in shouldSatisfyNamed backupsToDelete ("`S.isSubsetOf` " <> show ids) (`S.isSubsetOf` ids) it "works with this single interval where a backup falls outside the interval" $ let t y m d = UTCTime (fromGregorian y m d) 0 periods = [ (nominalDay * 3, 3) ] backups = [ (toSqlKey 1, t 2022 01 01), (toSqlKey 2, t 2022 01 02), < -- keeping this one < -- keeping this one < -- keeping this one ] expectedBackupsToDelete = S.fromList [ toSqlKey 1, toSqlKey 2 ] actualBackupsToDelete = decideBackupsToDelete (t 2022 01 05) periods backups in actualBackupsToDelete `shouldBe` expectedBackupsToDelete it "works with this single example" $ let t y m d = UTCTime (fromGregorian y m d) 0 periods = [ (nominalDay * 3, 2) ] backups = < -- keeping this one < -- keeping this one (toSqlKey 3, t 2022 01 03) ] expectedBackupsToDelete = S.fromList [ toSqlKey 1 ] actualBackupsToDelete = decideBackupsToDelete (t 2022 01 04) periods backups in actualBackupsToDelete `shouldBe` expectedBackupsToDelete it "works on this example" $ let t y m d = UTCTime (fromGregorian y m d) 0 periods = [ (nominalDay * 2, 1), (nominalDay * 7, 1), (nominalDay * 14, 1), (nominalDay * 30, 1) ] backups = [ (toSqlKey 1, t 2022 01 01), (toSqlKey 2, t 2022 01 02), < - keep this one (toSqlKey 4, t 2022 01 04), (toSqlKey 5, t 2022 01 05), (toSqlKey 6, t 2022 01 06), (toSqlKey 7, t 2022 01 07), (toSqlKey 8, t 2022 01 08), (toSqlKey 9, t 2022 01 09), (toSqlKey 10, t 2022 01 10), (toSqlKey 11, t 2022 01 11), (toSqlKey 12, t 2022 01 12), (toSqlKey 13, t 2022 01 13), (toSqlKey 14, t 2022 01 14), (toSqlKey 15, t 2022 01 15), (toSqlKey 16, t 2022 01 16), (toSqlKey 17, t 2022 01 17), (toSqlKey 18, t 2022 01 18), < - keep this one (toSqlKey 20, t 2022 01 20), (toSqlKey 21, t 2022 01 21), (toSqlKey 22, t 2022 01 22), (toSqlKey 23, t 2022 01 23), (toSqlKey 24, t 2022 01 24), (toSqlKey 25, t 2022 01 25), < - keep this one (toSqlKey 27, t 2022 01 27), (toSqlKey 28, t 2022 01 28), (toSqlKey 29, t 2022 01 29), (toSqlKey 30, t 2022 01 30), < -- keeping this one ] expectedBackupsToKeep = S.fromList [ toSqlKey 3, toSqlKey 19, toSqlKey 26, toSqlKey 31 ] actualBackupsToDelete = decideBackupsToDelete (t 2022 02 01) periods backups actualBackupsToKeep = S.fromList (map fst backups) `S.difference` actualBackupsToDelete in actualBackupsToKeep `shouldBe` expectedBackupsToKeep iterationSpec data S = S { sDateTime :: !UTCTime, sNextBackupId :: !BackupId, sBackups :: !(Set (BackupId, UTCTime)) } deriving (Show) beginState :: Day -> S beginState d = S { sDateTime = UTCTime d 0, sNextBackupId = toSqlKey 0, sBackups = S.empty } nextTime :: NominalDiffTime -> State S () nextTime diff = modify $ \s -> s {sDateTime = addUTCTime diff $ sDateTime s} nextBackupId :: State S BackupId nextBackupId = do next <- gets sNextBackupId modify $ \s -> s {sNextBackupId = toSqlKey $ succ $ fromSqlKey $ sNextBackupId s} pure next makeBackup :: State S () makeBackup = do dateTime <- gets sDateTime next <- nextBackupId modify $ \s -> s { sBackups = S.insert (next, dateTime) (sBackups s) } collectGarbage :: [(NominalDiffTime, Word)] -> State S () collectGarbage periods = modify $ \s -> s { sBackups = let backups = S.toList $ sBackups s backupsToKeep = decideBackupsToKeep (sDateTime s) periods backups in S.filter (\(bid, _) -> bid `S.member` backupsToKeep) (sBackups s) } iteration :: NominalDiffTime -> [(NominalDiffTime, Word)] -> State S () iteration diff periods = do nextTime diff makeBackup collectGarbage periods iterationSpec :: Spec iterationSpec = do it "works with iterations when keeping 3 backups in the last 3 days" $ do let endState = flip execState (beginState (fromGregorian 2022 01 30)) $ replicateM_ 9 $ iteration nominalDay [(nominalDay * 3, 3)] let b :: Int64 -> Int -> (BackupId, UTCTime) b i d = (toSqlKey i, UTCTime (fromGregorian 2022 02 d) 0) sBackups endState `shouldBe` S.fromList [ b 6 06, b 7 07, b 8 08 ] it "works with iterations when keeping a backup every other day and one per 4 days" $ do let endState = flip execState (beginState (fromGregorian 2022 01 30)) $ replicateM_ 12 $ iteration nominalDay [ (nominalDay * 2, 1), (nominalDay * 4, 1) ] let b :: Int64 -> Int -> (BackupId, UTCTime) b i d = (toSqlKey i, UTCTime (fromGregorian 2022 02 d) 0) sBackups endState `shouldBe` S.fromList [ b 8 08, b 10 10 ] it "works with the default period for a day" $ do let endState = flip execState (beginState (fromGregorian 2022 05 27)) $ replicateM_ 23 $ iteration 3600 -- Backup every hour defaultPeriods let b :: Int64 -> Int -> (BackupId, UTCTime) b i h = (toSqlKey i, UTCTime (fromGregorian 2022 05 27) (fromIntegral (h * 3600))) sBackups endState `shouldBe` S.fromList [ b 0 01, b 6 07, b 12 13, b 18 19, b 19 20, b 20 21, b 21 22, b 22 23 ] it "works with the default period for a year" $ do let endState = flip execState (beginState (fromGregorian 2022 01 01)) $ replicateM_ (365 * 24 - 1) $ iteration 3600 -- Backup every hour defaultPeriods let b :: Int64 -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (BackupId, UTCTime) b i m d h = (toSqlKey i, UTCTime (fromGregorian 2022 m d) (fromIntegral (h * 3600))) sBackups endState `shouldBe` S.fromList [ b 0000 01 01 01, b 0840 02 05 01, b 1680 03 12 01, b 2520 04 16 01, b 3360 05 21 01, b 4200 06 25 01, b 5040 07 30 01, b 5880 09 03 01, b 6720 10 08 01, b 7392 11 05 01, b 7560 11 12 01, b 7728 11 19 01, b 7896 11 26 01, b 8064 12 03 01, b 8232 12 10 01, b 8400 12 17 01, b 8568 12 24 01, b 8592 12 25 01, b 8616 12 26 01, b 8640 12 27 01, b 8664 12 28 01, b 8688 12 29 01, b 8712 12 30 01, b 8736 12 31 01, b 8742 12 31 07, b 8748 12 31 13, b 8754 12 31 19, b 8755 12 31 20, b 8756 12 31 21, b 8757 12 31 22, b 8758 12 31 23 ]
keeping this one keeping this one keeping this one keeping this one keeping this one keeping this one Backup every hour Backup every hour
module Smos.Server.Looper.BackupGarbageCollectorSpec where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.GenValidity.Persist () import Data.Int import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Time import Database.Persist.Sql import Smos.Server.DB import Smos.Server.Gen () import Smos.Server.Looper.BackupGarbageCollector import Test.Syd import Test.Syd.Validity spec :: Spec spec = do describe "decideBackupsToDelete" $ do it "only ever selects backups to delete, from the list" $ forAllValid $ \now -> forAllValid $ \backups -> let backupsToDelete = decideBackupsToDelete now defaultPeriods backups ids = S.fromList $ map fst backups in shouldSatisfyNamed backupsToDelete ("`S.isSubsetOf` " <> show ids) (`S.isSubsetOf` ids) it "works with this single interval where a backup falls outside the interval" $ let t y m d = UTCTime (fromGregorian y m d) 0 periods = [ (nominalDay * 3, 3) ] backups = [ (toSqlKey 1, t 2022 01 01), (toSqlKey 2, t 2022 01 02), ] expectedBackupsToDelete = S.fromList [ toSqlKey 1, toSqlKey 2 ] actualBackupsToDelete = decideBackupsToDelete (t 2022 01 05) periods backups in actualBackupsToDelete `shouldBe` expectedBackupsToDelete it "works with this single example" $ let t y m d = UTCTime (fromGregorian y m d) 0 periods = [ (nominalDay * 3, 2) ] backups = (toSqlKey 3, t 2022 01 03) ] expectedBackupsToDelete = S.fromList [ toSqlKey 1 ] actualBackupsToDelete = decideBackupsToDelete (t 2022 01 04) periods backups in actualBackupsToDelete `shouldBe` expectedBackupsToDelete it "works on this example" $ let t y m d = UTCTime (fromGregorian y m d) 0 periods = [ (nominalDay * 2, 1), (nominalDay * 7, 1), (nominalDay * 14, 1), (nominalDay * 30, 1) ] backups = [ (toSqlKey 1, t 2022 01 01), (toSqlKey 2, t 2022 01 02), < - keep this one (toSqlKey 4, t 2022 01 04), (toSqlKey 5, t 2022 01 05), (toSqlKey 6, t 2022 01 06), (toSqlKey 7, t 2022 01 07), (toSqlKey 8, t 2022 01 08), (toSqlKey 9, t 2022 01 09), (toSqlKey 10, t 2022 01 10), (toSqlKey 11, t 2022 01 11), (toSqlKey 12, t 2022 01 12), (toSqlKey 13, t 2022 01 13), (toSqlKey 14, t 2022 01 14), (toSqlKey 15, t 2022 01 15), (toSqlKey 16, t 2022 01 16), (toSqlKey 17, t 2022 01 17), (toSqlKey 18, t 2022 01 18), < - keep this one (toSqlKey 20, t 2022 01 20), (toSqlKey 21, t 2022 01 21), (toSqlKey 22, t 2022 01 22), (toSqlKey 23, t 2022 01 23), (toSqlKey 24, t 2022 01 24), (toSqlKey 25, t 2022 01 25), < - keep this one (toSqlKey 27, t 2022 01 27), (toSqlKey 28, t 2022 01 28), (toSqlKey 29, t 2022 01 29), (toSqlKey 30, t 2022 01 30), ] expectedBackupsToKeep = S.fromList [ toSqlKey 3, toSqlKey 19, toSqlKey 26, toSqlKey 31 ] actualBackupsToDelete = decideBackupsToDelete (t 2022 02 01) periods backups actualBackupsToKeep = S.fromList (map fst backups) `S.difference` actualBackupsToDelete in actualBackupsToKeep `shouldBe` expectedBackupsToKeep iterationSpec data S = S { sDateTime :: !UTCTime, sNextBackupId :: !BackupId, sBackups :: !(Set (BackupId, UTCTime)) } deriving (Show) beginState :: Day -> S beginState d = S { sDateTime = UTCTime d 0, sNextBackupId = toSqlKey 0, sBackups = S.empty } nextTime :: NominalDiffTime -> State S () nextTime diff = modify $ \s -> s {sDateTime = addUTCTime diff $ sDateTime s} nextBackupId :: State S BackupId nextBackupId = do next <- gets sNextBackupId modify $ \s -> s {sNextBackupId = toSqlKey $ succ $ fromSqlKey $ sNextBackupId s} pure next makeBackup :: State S () makeBackup = do dateTime <- gets sDateTime next <- nextBackupId modify $ \s -> s { sBackups = S.insert (next, dateTime) (sBackups s) } collectGarbage :: [(NominalDiffTime, Word)] -> State S () collectGarbage periods = modify $ \s -> s { sBackups = let backups = S.toList $ sBackups s backupsToKeep = decideBackupsToKeep (sDateTime s) periods backups in S.filter (\(bid, _) -> bid `S.member` backupsToKeep) (sBackups s) } iteration :: NominalDiffTime -> [(NominalDiffTime, Word)] -> State S () iteration diff periods = do nextTime diff makeBackup collectGarbage periods iterationSpec :: Spec iterationSpec = do it "works with iterations when keeping 3 backups in the last 3 days" $ do let endState = flip execState (beginState (fromGregorian 2022 01 30)) $ replicateM_ 9 $ iteration nominalDay [(nominalDay * 3, 3)] let b :: Int64 -> Int -> (BackupId, UTCTime) b i d = (toSqlKey i, UTCTime (fromGregorian 2022 02 d) 0) sBackups endState `shouldBe` S.fromList [ b 6 06, b 7 07, b 8 08 ] it "works with iterations when keeping a backup every other day and one per 4 days" $ do let endState = flip execState (beginState (fromGregorian 2022 01 30)) $ replicateM_ 12 $ iteration nominalDay [ (nominalDay * 2, 1), (nominalDay * 4, 1) ] let b :: Int64 -> Int -> (BackupId, UTCTime) b i d = (toSqlKey i, UTCTime (fromGregorian 2022 02 d) 0) sBackups endState `shouldBe` S.fromList [ b 8 08, b 10 10 ] it "works with the default period for a day" $ do let endState = flip execState (beginState (fromGregorian 2022 05 27)) $ replicateM_ 23 $ iteration defaultPeriods let b :: Int64 -> Int -> (BackupId, UTCTime) b i h = (toSqlKey i, UTCTime (fromGregorian 2022 05 27) (fromIntegral (h * 3600))) sBackups endState `shouldBe` S.fromList [ b 0 01, b 6 07, b 12 13, b 18 19, b 19 20, b 20 21, b 21 22, b 22 23 ] it "works with the default period for a year" $ do let endState = flip execState (beginState (fromGregorian 2022 01 01)) $ replicateM_ (365 * 24 - 1) $ iteration defaultPeriods let b :: Int64 -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (BackupId, UTCTime) b i m d h = (toSqlKey i, UTCTime (fromGregorian 2022 m d) (fromIntegral (h * 3600))) sBackups endState `shouldBe` S.fromList [ b 0000 01 01 01, b 0840 02 05 01, b 1680 03 12 01, b 2520 04 16 01, b 3360 05 21 01, b 4200 06 25 01, b 5040 07 30 01, b 5880 09 03 01, b 6720 10 08 01, b 7392 11 05 01, b 7560 11 12 01, b 7728 11 19 01, b 7896 11 26 01, b 8064 12 03 01, b 8232 12 10 01, b 8400 12 17 01, b 8568 12 24 01, b 8592 12 25 01, b 8616 12 26 01, b 8640 12 27 01, b 8664 12 28 01, b 8688 12 29 01, b 8712 12 30 01, b 8736 12 31 01, b 8742 12 31 07, b 8748 12 31 13, b 8754 12 31 19, b 8755 12 31 20, b 8756 12 31 21, b 8757 12 31 22, b 8758 12 31 23 ]
;; Mathy operations on the (generically defined) `units2.core.amount` type. ;; This implementation assumes: ;; 1 . that the values in ` amount ` , and any other numbers , are well - behaved under ` clojure.core/fns ` and ` Math / fns ` ;; 2. that the units in `amount` are `Multiplicative`. ;; 3. that the units in `amount` are all linear rescalings without any `offset`. ;; (There are a few offset checks scattered throughout, ;; so offsets *usually* work, but there are no overall guarantees.) ;; ;; As such, it should be fairly easy to reuse most of this code for other implementations if ;; the provided decorators aren't good enough. # # ;; 1 . The ops we define here are fine with ` require : refer : all ` , they reduce to their ` clojure.core/ ` and ` Math/ ` counterparts on non-`amount ? ` quantities . ;; 2. When standard functions would give surprising behaviour in combination with units, users might inadvertently write buggy code. We provide a version of the function that issues an Exception whenever it is used on units (to force the user to think about the behaviour they want). 3 . For many ops , we also provide a standardised augmented - arity version that uses divide - into - double on the first two args < pre><code > ; ; these two expressions are equivalent ;; (pow a b c) ;; (Math/pow (divide-into-double a b) c) ;; </code></pre> ;; 4. The spec'd functions below have been *generatively tested*. (ns units2.ops redefinitions imminent ! ` : exclude ` turns off some WARNINGS . (:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * / rem quot == > >= < <= zero? pos? neg? min max]) (:require [units2.core :refer :all] [clojure.spec.alpha :as spec] [clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]) ) ;; ## Specs (spec/def ::number-or-amount (spec/or :number number? :amount :units2.core/amount)) (spec/def ::compatible-amounts (spec/and (spec/* :units2.core/amount) (fn [amountlist] ;; it's really the conformed value here, but for amounts it's the same thing! (if (clojure.core/< (count amountlist) 2) true ; obvious if (every? #(compatible? (getUnit (first amountlist)) (getUnit %)) (rest amountlist)))))) (spec/def ::numbers-or-compatible-amounts (spec/or :all-numbers (spec/* number?) :all-amounts ::compatible-amounts)) (spec/def ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts (spec/and ::numbers-or-compatible-amounts #(not (empty? (spec/unform ::numbers-or-compatible-amounts %))))) (spec/def ::linear-units (spec/and ::compatible-amounts (fn [amountlist] ;; it's really the conformed value here, but for amounts it's the same thing! (if (clojure.core/< (count amountlist) 2) true ; obvious if (every? #(linear? (getConverter (getUnit (first amountlist)) (getUnit %))) (rest amountlist)))))) (spec/def ::nonzero-amount (spec/and :units2.core/amount #(not (clojure.core/zero? (getValue % (getUnit %)))))) (spec/def ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero (spec/and (spec/coll-of :units2.core/amount :count 2) ::linear-units #(spec/valid? ::nonzero-amount (second %)))) # # Arithmetic # # # Dispatch helper macros ( possible code smell ... use instead ? ) ;; dispatch for + and - (defmacro ^:private threecond [[a b] both one neither] `(cond (and (amount? ~a) (amount? ~b)) ~both (or (amount? ~a) (amount? ~b)) ~one true ~neither)) ;; dispatch for + and - with a check that the conversion is linear (defmacro ^:private lincond [[a b] lin nonlin one neither] `(threecond [~a ~b] (if (linear? (getConverter (getUnit ~a) (getUnit ~b))) ~lin ~nonlin) ~one ~neither)) ;; dispatch for * and / (defmacro ^:private fourcond [[a b] one two three four] `(cond (and (amount? ~a) (amount? ~b)) ~one (and (amount? ~a) (not (amount? ~b))) ~two (and (amount? ~b) (not (amount? ~a))) ~three (not (or (amount? ~a) (amount? ~b))) ~four)) # # # Abstract Algebra of Units in Arithmetic (defn decorate-adder [adder] (fn decorated-adder ([] (adder)) ; same return value as the original ([a] (if (amount? a) (->amount (adder (getValue a (getUnit a))) (getUnit a)) (adder a))) ([a b] (lincond [a b] (->amount (adder (getValue a (getUnit a)) (getValue b (getUnit a))) (getUnit a)) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Nonlinear conversion between `" (getUnit a) "' and `" (getUnit b)"'!"))) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "It's meaningless to apply" (str adder) " to numbers with and without units! (`" a "' and `" b "' provided)"))) (adder a b))) ([a b & rest] (reduce decorated-adder a (conj rest b))) ; speed of reduce vs recur? ) ) (defn decorate-productor [productor] (fn decorated-productor ([] (productor)) ; same return value as the original ([a] (if (amount? a) (->amount (productor (getValue a (getUnit a))) (getUnit a)) (productor a))) ([a b] (fourcond [a b] (->amount (productor (getValue a (getUnit a)) (getValue b (getUnit b))) (times (getUnit a) (getUnit b))) (->amount (productor (getValue a (getUnit a)) (double b)) (getUnit a)) (->amount (productor (getValue b (getUnit b)) (double a)) (getUnit b)) (productor a b))) ([a b & rest] (reduce decorated-productor a (conj rest b))) ; speed of reduce vs recur? ) ) (defn decorate-divider [divider] (fn decorated-divider zero arity explicitly an error , but let the original catch this . ([a] (if (amount? a) (->amount (divider (getValue a (getUnit a))) (inverse (getUnit a))) (divider a))) ([a b] (fourcond [a b] (->amount (divider (getValue a (getUnit a)) (getValue b (getUnit b))) (divide (getUnit a) (getUnit b))) (->amount (divider (getValue a (getUnit a)) (double b)) (getUnit a)) (->amount (divider (double a) (getValue b (getUnit b))) (inverse (getUnit b))) (divider a b))) ([a b & rest] (reduce decorated-divider a (conj rest b))) ; speed of reduce vs recur? ) ) # # # Concrete Arithmetic Ops ( with Specs and old docstrings ) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/+)))} + (decorate-adder clojure.core/+)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/-)))} - (decorate-adder clojure.core/-)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/*)))} * (decorate-productor clojure.core/*)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core//)))} / (decorate-divider clojure.core//)) (spec/fdef + :args ::numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret ::number-or-amount :fn #(if (every? number? (:args %)) (number? (:ret %)) (:units2.core/amount (:ret %))) ) (spec/fdef - :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret ::number-or-amount :fn #(if (every? number? (:args %)) (number? (:ret %)) (:units2.core/amount (:ret %))) ) (spec/fdef * :args (spec/* (spec/or :amount :units2.core/amount :number number?)) :ret (spec/or :amount :units2.core/amount :number number?) :fn #(if (every? number? (:args %)) (number? (:ret %)) (:units2.core/amount (:ret %))) ) (spec/fdef / :args (spec/and (spec/+ ::number-or-amount) also : do n't divide by zero ! ! ! this is an unsafe version of zero ? (if (empty? (rest x)) (not (unsafe-zero? (spec/unform ::number-or-amount (first x)))) (every? #(not (unsafe-zero? (spec/unform ::number-or-amount %))) (rest x)))))) :ret (spec/or :amount :units2.core/amount :number number?) :fn #(if (every? number? (:args %)) (number? (:ret %)) (:units2.core/amount (:ret %))) ) (spec/fdef divide-into-double :args ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero :ret double?) (defn divide-into-double "When all units involved are linear rescalings of one another, fractions with the same dimensions in the numerator and denominator have a *unique* unit-free value. This is basically syntactic sugar for `(getValue a (AsUnit b))` with some error checking." ^double [a b] (if (and (amount? a) (amount? b) (compatible? (getUnit a) (getUnit b)) (linear? (getConverter (getUnit a) (getUnit b)))) (getValue a (AsUnit b)) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "divide-into-double requires two amounts with linearly related units! (`" a "' and `" b "' provided)"))))) # # Modular Arithmetic (let [PSA "Modular arithmetic interacts nontrivially with offsets of units."] Modular arithmetic interacts nontrivially with rescalings of units . ;; Consider the following (incorrect) implementation: ;; <pre><code> ( let [ a ( ->amount 2.5 meter ) b ( ->amount 5 ( / meter 2 ) ) c ( ->amount 3 second ) ] ;; (list ;; (== a b) ; true ( rem a c ) ; 2.5 m / s ( rem b c ) ; 2 ( ;; (== (rem a c) ( rem b c ) ) ) ) ; FALSE ;; </code></pre> ;; To avoid this, we also need to say how big the number `one' is ;; in order that these *integer* operations be well-defined. (defn decorate-ratio [ratio] (fn ([a b] (if (or (amount? a) (amount? b)) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. PSA)) (ratio a b))) ([a b c] ;; a is the numerator of the ratio ;; b is the modulus of the congruence (the denominator of the ratio) ;; c is the quantity that defines the size of `one' in this congruence (let [U (AsUnit c)] (->amount (ratio (getValue a U) (getValue b U)) U))) ) ) (defn decorate-entier [entier] (fn ([a] (if (amount? a) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. PSA)) (entier a))) treat second amount as the ` unity ' quantity , e.g. ( round ... 10 ) rounds to the nearest 10 . (* (entier (divide-into-double a b)) b)) ) ) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/rem))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} rem (decorate-ratio clojure.core/rem)) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/quot))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} quot (decorate-ratio clojure.core/quot)) (def ^{:doc PSA} ceil (decorate-entier #(Math/ceil %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} floor (decorate-entier #(Math/floor %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} round (decorate-entier #(Math/round (double %)))) ; type hint (def ^{:doc PSA} abs (decorate-entier #(cond (int? %) (Math/abs (int %)) (double? %) (Math/abs (double %))))) ; funny type hint ) ; specs here can probably be a bit "tighter", but I'm happy with this. (spec/fdef rem :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret number?) (spec/fdef quot :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret number?) (spec/fdef ceil :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret double?) (spec/fdef floor :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret double?) (spec/fdef round :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret int?) (spec/fdef abs :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret (spec/and clojure.core/pos? (spec/or :int int? :double double?))) # # Comparisons ;; Defining `==` , `>=`, or `<` seems easy; but the desired behaviour for ;; comparisons of incompatible units could be either to return false or ;; throw an exception; we opt for the latter, since strictly speaking ` is 3 meters smaller than 5 seconds ? ' is a meaningless question and ;; shouldn't be given a boolean answer; consider for a moment the alternate ;; behaviour, which violates the excluded-middle-law: ;; <pre><code> ;; this is ugly! ( not ( < ( m 4 ) ( celcius 6 ) ) ; ; not ( > = ( m 4 ) ( celcius 6 ) ) ; ; ;; </code></pre> ;; ;; The behaviour for `==` could be different than other comparators, since e.g. 3 meters and 5 seconds are never the same amount ; but ;; consistently throwing exceptions seems like the safer route. (defn decorate-comparator [cmp] (fn decorated-comparator [& args] (cond (empty? args) (cmp) (every? #(not (amount? %)) args) (apply cmp args) (every? amount? args) (if (every? #(compatible? (getUnit (first args)) %) (map getUnit (rest args))) (apply cmp (map (from (getUnit (first args))) args)) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't compare quantities in incompatible units! (" args " provided)")))) :else (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't compare quantities with and without units! (" args " provided)"))) ) ) ) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/==)))} == (decorate-comparator clojure.core/==)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/< )))} < (decorate-comparator clojure.core/<)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/> )))} > (decorate-comparator clojure.core/>)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/<=)))} <= (decorate-comparator clojure.core/<=)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/>=)))} >= (decorate-comparator clojure.core/>=)) (spec/fdef == :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef < :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef > :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef <= :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef >= :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (let [PSA "Sign checks interact nontrivially with offsets of units.\n Please use explicit `==`,`>`,`<` checks against a zero-valued quantity."] ` zero ? ` , ` pos ? ` , and ` neg ? ` can return different answers depending on the input units ( to see why , consider the and Celius temperature scales ) (defn decorate-sign-predicate [pred] (fn [a] (if (amount? a) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. PSA)) (pred a)))) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/zero?))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} zero? (decorate-sign-predicate clojure.core/zero?)) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/pos?))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} pos? (decorate-sign-predicate clojure.core/pos?)) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/neg?))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} neg? (decorate-sign-predicate clojure.core/neg?)) ) (spec/fdef zero? :args number? :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef pos? :args number? :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef neg? :args number? :ret boolean?) (defn decorate-order-statistic [ord] (fn decorated-order-statistic [& nums] (cond (empty? nums) (ord) (every? #(not (amount? %)) nums) (apply ord nums) (every? amount? nums) (if (every? #(compatible? (getUnit (first nums)) (getUnit %)) (rest nums)) (let [U (getUnit (first nums))] (->amount (apply ord (map (from U) nums)) U)) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't order dimensionally incompatible quantities! (" nums " provided)")))) :else (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't order quantities with and without units! (" nums " provided)"))) ) ) ) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/min)))} min (decorate-order-statistic clojure.core/min)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/max)))} max (decorate-order-statistic clojure.core/max)) (spec/fdef max :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret ::number-or-amount) (spec/fdef min :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret ::number-or-amount) # # Powers and Exponentiation (spec/fdef expt :args (spec/and (spec/tuple :units2.core/amount integer?) (fn [[base exponent]] (if (<= 0 exponent) true (spec/valid? ::nonzero-amount base)))) :ret :units2.core/amount) (defn expt "`(expt b n) == b^n` where `n` is a rational number and `b` is an amount. Also includes functionality of a root function since `(root x N)` <=> `(expt x (/ N))` " [b n] (->amount (Math/pow (getValue b (getUnit b)) n) (power (getUnit b) n))) (let [PSA "Exponentiation interacts nontrivially with rescalings of units."] ;; The exponential functions below should only be defined on dimensionless quantities ( to see why , just imagine - expanding the ` exp ` or ` ln ` functions ) so we define them over ratios of amounts : / b ) , sqrt(a / b ) , etc . (defn decorate-expt [expt] (fn ([a] (if (amount? a) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. PSA)) (expt a))) ([a b] (if (every? amount? [a b]) (expt (divide-into-double a b)) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Arity-2 exponentiation requires two amounts! (" a " and " b " provided)"))) )))) (def ^{:doc PSA} exp (decorate-expt #(Math/exp %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} log (decorate-expt #(Math/log %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} log10 (decorate-expt #(Math/log10 %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} sqrt (decorate-expt #(Math/sqrt %))) ) ; specs separately (function ranges) (spec/fdef exp :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret (spec/and clojure.core/pos? double?)) (spec/fdef log :args (spec/or :one (spec/and clojure.core/pos? number?) :bin (spec/and ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero #(clojure.core/pos? (divide-into-double (first %) (second %))))) :ret double?) (spec/fdef log10 :args (spec/or :one (spec/and clojure.core/pos? number?) :bin (spec/and ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero #(clojure.core/pos? (divide-into-double (first %) (second %))))) :ret double?) (spec/fdef sqrt :args (spec/or :one (spec/and clojure.core/pos? number?) :bin (spec/and ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero #(clojure.core/pos? (divide-into-double (first %) (second %))))) :ret (spec/and clojure.core/pos? double?)) (spec/fdef pow :args (spec/or :bin (spec/tuple number? number?) :tri ;(spec/with-gen (spec/and (spec/tuple :units2.core/amount :units2.core/amount number?) (fn [[a b _]] (spec/valid? ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero [a b]))) ( fn [ ] ( gen / cat ( spec / gen : : two - linear - units - second - nonzero ) ; (gen/fmap list (gen/gen-for-pred number?))))) ) :ret double?) (defn pow "Also includes functionality of a root function since `(root x N)` <=> `(pow x (/ N))`" ([a b] (fourcond [a b] (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "`pow` can't deal with the provided arguments (" a " and " b " provided). Maybe you want to provide a third number without units?"))) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "`pow` can't deal with the provided arguments (" a " and " b " provided). Maybe you want to call the `expt` function instead?"))) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Can't use a dimensionful quantity as an exponent (" b " provided)."))) (Math/pow a b))) ([a b c] (if (and (amount? a) (amount? b) (compatible? (getUnit a) (getUnit b)) (not (amount? c))) (Math/pow (divide-into-double a b) c) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Arity-3 `pow` requires two compatible amounts and a number! (" a ", " b ", and " c " provided)")))))) # # EVERYTHING TOGETHER (defmacro ^:private defmacro-without-hygiene "Expands into a `defmacro` with a `(let [bindings] body)` that gets around Clojure's automatic namespacing in syntax-quote by building the `let` form explicitly. Macros can be dangerous. Have fun!!!!" [macroname docstring bindings] (let [body (gensym)] `(defmacro ~macroname ~docstring [& ~body] (clojure.core/conj ~body '~bindings 'clojure.core/let)))) 14/03/16 : Thanks to the ` Amsterdam Clojurians ` for noticing that ` conj ` should be ` clojure.core/conj ` in the above , ;; with the comment "If you're willing to do that, you should be prepared for users willing to define their own `conj`." (defmacro-without-hygiene with-unit-arithmetic "Locally rebind arithmetic operators like `+`, and `/` to unit-aware equivalents." [+ units2.ops/+ - units2.ops/- * units2.ops/* / units2.ops// quot units2.ops/quot rem units2.ops/rem ]) (defmacro-without-hygiene with-unit-comparisons "Locally rebind `==`, `>=`, `<`, `zero?`, `pos?`, `min`, ... to unit-aware equivalents." [== units2.ops/== > units2.ops/> < units2.ops/< >= units2.ops/>= <= units2.ops/<= zero? units2.ops/zero? pos? units2.ops/pos? neg? units2.ops/neg? min units2.ops/min max units2.ops/max ]) (defmacro-without-hygiene with-unit-expts "Locally bind exponentiation functions to unit-aware equivalents." [expt units2.ops/expt exp units2.ops/exp sqrt units2.ops/sqrt pow units2.ops/pow log units2.ops/log log10 units2.ops/log10 ]) (defmacro-without-hygiene with-unit-magnitudes ;; THIS IS A BAD NAME. FIND A BETTER NAME. "Locally bind magnitude functions to unit-aware equivalents." [abs units2.ops/abs floor units2.ops/floor ceil units2.ops/ceil round units2.ops/round ]) (defmacro with-unit- [labels & body] ; each of these expressions is used only once (let [keywords {:arithmetic '[units2.ops/with-unit-arithmetic] :expt '[units2.ops/with-unit-expts] :magn '[units2.ops/with-unit-magnitudes] :math '[units2.ops/with-unit-arithmetic units2.ops/with-unit-expts] :comp '[units2.ops/with-unit-comparisons] :all '[units2.ops/with-unit-arithmetic units2.ops/with-unit-expts units2.ops/with-unit-comparisons units2.ops/with-unit-magnitudes ] } ; figure out which set of environments to use given the keywords ; we assume all envs are commutative, i.e. the set need not be ordered. envs (remove nil? (set (flatten (map keywords labels))))] ; then right-fold the environment macros over the body, and give that as the form to evaluate (reduce #(list %2 %1) `(do ~@body) envs)))
Mathy operations on the (generically defined) `units2.core.amount` type. This implementation assumes: 2. that the units in `amount` are `Multiplicative`. 3. that the units in `amount` are all linear rescalings without any `offset`. (There are a few offset checks scattered throughout, so offsets *usually* work, but there are no overall guarantees.) As such, it should be fairly easy to reuse most of this code for other implementations if the provided decorators aren't good enough. 2. When standard functions would give surprising behaviour in combination with units, users might inadvertently write buggy code. We provide a version of the function that issues an Exception whenever it is used on units (to force the user to think about the behaviour they want). ; these two expressions are equivalent (pow a b c) (Math/pow (divide-into-double a b) c) </code></pre> 4. The spec'd functions below have been *generatively tested*. ## Specs it's really the conformed value here, but for amounts it's the same thing! obvious if it's really the conformed value here, but for amounts it's the same thing! obvious if dispatch for + and - dispatch for + and - with a check that the conversion is linear dispatch for * and / same return value as the original speed of reduce vs recur? same return value as the original speed of reduce vs recur? speed of reduce vs recur? Consider the following (incorrect) implementation: <pre><code> (list (== a b) ; true 2.5 m / s 2 ( (== (rem a c) FALSE </code></pre> To avoid this, we also need to say how big the number `one' is in order that these *integer* operations be well-defined. a is the numerator of the ratio b is the modulus of the congruence (the denominator of the ratio) c is the quantity that defines the size of `one' in this congruence type hint funny type hint specs here can probably be a bit "tighter", but I'm happy with this. Defining `==` , `>=`, or `<` seems easy; but the desired behaviour for comparisons of incompatible units could be either to return false or throw an exception; we opt for the latter, since strictly speaking shouldn't be given a boolean answer; consider for a moment the alternate behaviour, which violates the excluded-middle-law: <pre><code> ;; this is ugly! ; not ; </code></pre> The behaviour for `==` could be different than other comparators, but consistently throwing exceptions seems like the safer route. The exponential functions below should only be defined on dimensionless quantities specs separately (function ranges) (spec/with-gen (gen/fmap list (gen/gen-for-pred number?))))) with the comment "If you're willing to do that, you should be prepared for users willing to define their own `conj`." THIS IS A BAD NAME. FIND A BETTER NAME. each of these expressions is used only once figure out which set of environments to use given the keywords we assume all envs are commutative, i.e. the set need not be ordered. then right-fold the environment macros over the body, and give that as the form to evaluate
1 . that the values in ` amount ` , and any other numbers , are well - behaved under ` clojure.core/fns ` and ` Math / fns ` # # 1 . The ops we define here are fine with ` require : refer : all ` , they reduce to their ` clojure.core/ ` and ` Math/ ` counterparts on non-`amount ? ` quantities . 3 . For many ops , we also provide a standardised augmented - arity version that uses divide - into - double on the first two args (ns units2.ops redefinitions imminent ! ` : exclude ` turns off some WARNINGS . (:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * / rem quot == > >= < <= zero? pos? neg? min max]) (:require [units2.core :refer :all] [clojure.spec.alpha :as spec] [clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]) ) (spec/def ::number-or-amount (spec/or :number number? :amount :units2.core/amount)) (spec/def ::compatible-amounts (spec/and (spec/* :units2.core/amount) (if (clojure.core/< (count amountlist) 2) (every? #(compatible? (getUnit (first amountlist)) (getUnit %)) (rest amountlist)))))) (spec/def ::numbers-or-compatible-amounts (spec/or :all-numbers (spec/* number?) :all-amounts ::compatible-amounts)) (spec/def ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts (spec/and ::numbers-or-compatible-amounts #(not (empty? (spec/unform ::numbers-or-compatible-amounts %))))) (spec/def ::linear-units (spec/and ::compatible-amounts (if (clojure.core/< (count amountlist) 2) (every? #(linear? (getConverter (getUnit (first amountlist)) (getUnit %))) (rest amountlist)))))) (spec/def ::nonzero-amount (spec/and :units2.core/amount #(not (clojure.core/zero? (getValue % (getUnit %)))))) (spec/def ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero (spec/and (spec/coll-of :units2.core/amount :count 2) ::linear-units #(spec/valid? ::nonzero-amount (second %)))) # # Arithmetic # # # Dispatch helper macros ( possible code smell ... use instead ? ) (defmacro ^:private threecond [[a b] both one neither] `(cond (and (amount? ~a) (amount? ~b)) ~both (or (amount? ~a) (amount? ~b)) ~one true ~neither)) (defmacro ^:private lincond [[a b] lin nonlin one neither] `(threecond [~a ~b] (if (linear? (getConverter (getUnit ~a) (getUnit ~b))) ~lin ~nonlin) ~one ~neither)) (defmacro ^:private fourcond [[a b] one two three four] `(cond (and (amount? ~a) (amount? ~b)) ~one (and (amount? ~a) (not (amount? ~b))) ~two (and (amount? ~b) (not (amount? ~a))) ~three (not (or (amount? ~a) (amount? ~b))) ~four)) # # # Abstract Algebra of Units in Arithmetic (defn decorate-adder [adder] (fn decorated-adder ([a] (if (amount? a) (->amount (adder (getValue a (getUnit a))) (getUnit a)) (adder a))) ([a b] (lincond [a b] (->amount (adder (getValue a (getUnit a)) (getValue b (getUnit a))) (getUnit a)) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Nonlinear conversion between `" (getUnit a) "' and `" (getUnit b)"'!"))) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "It's meaningless to apply" (str adder) " to numbers with and without units! (`" a "' and `" b "' provided)"))) (adder a b))) ) ) (defn decorate-productor [productor] (fn decorated-productor ([a] (if (amount? a) (->amount (productor (getValue a (getUnit a))) (getUnit a)) (productor a))) ([a b] (fourcond [a b] (->amount (productor (getValue a (getUnit a)) (getValue b (getUnit b))) (times (getUnit a) (getUnit b))) (->amount (productor (getValue a (getUnit a)) (double b)) (getUnit a)) (->amount (productor (getValue b (getUnit b)) (double a)) (getUnit b)) (productor a b))) ) ) (defn decorate-divider [divider] (fn decorated-divider zero arity explicitly an error , but let the original catch this . ([a] (if (amount? a) (->amount (divider (getValue a (getUnit a))) (inverse (getUnit a))) (divider a))) ([a b] (fourcond [a b] (->amount (divider (getValue a (getUnit a)) (getValue b (getUnit b))) (divide (getUnit a) (getUnit b))) (->amount (divider (getValue a (getUnit a)) (double b)) (getUnit a)) (->amount (divider (double a) (getValue b (getUnit b))) (inverse (getUnit b))) (divider a b))) ) ) # # # Concrete Arithmetic Ops ( with Specs and old docstrings ) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/+)))} + (decorate-adder clojure.core/+)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/-)))} - (decorate-adder clojure.core/-)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/*)))} * (decorate-productor clojure.core/*)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core//)))} / (decorate-divider clojure.core//)) (spec/fdef + :args ::numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret ::number-or-amount :fn #(if (every? number? (:args %)) (number? (:ret %)) (:units2.core/amount (:ret %))) ) (spec/fdef - :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret ::number-or-amount :fn #(if (every? number? (:args %)) (number? (:ret %)) (:units2.core/amount (:ret %))) ) (spec/fdef * :args (spec/* (spec/or :amount :units2.core/amount :number number?)) :ret (spec/or :amount :units2.core/amount :number number?) :fn #(if (every? number? (:args %)) (number? (:ret %)) (:units2.core/amount (:ret %))) ) (spec/fdef / :args (spec/and (spec/+ ::number-or-amount) also : do n't divide by zero ! ! ! this is an unsafe version of zero ? (if (empty? (rest x)) (not (unsafe-zero? (spec/unform ::number-or-amount (first x)))) (every? #(not (unsafe-zero? (spec/unform ::number-or-amount %))) (rest x)))))) :ret (spec/or :amount :units2.core/amount :number number?) :fn #(if (every? number? (:args %)) (number? (:ret %)) (:units2.core/amount (:ret %))) ) (spec/fdef divide-into-double :args ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero :ret double?) (defn divide-into-double "When all units involved are linear rescalings of one another, fractions with the same dimensions in the numerator and denominator have a *unique* unit-free value. This is basically syntactic sugar for `(getValue a (AsUnit b))` with some error checking." ^double [a b] (if (and (amount? a) (amount? b) (compatible? (getUnit a) (getUnit b)) (linear? (getConverter (getUnit a) (getUnit b)))) (getValue a (AsUnit b)) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "divide-into-double requires two amounts with linearly related units! (`" a "' and `" b "' provided)"))))) # # Modular Arithmetic (let [PSA "Modular arithmetic interacts nontrivially with offsets of units."] Modular arithmetic interacts nontrivially with rescalings of units . ( let [ a ( ->amount 2.5 meter ) b ( ->amount 5 ( / meter 2 ) ) c ( ->amount 3 second ) ] (defn decorate-ratio [ratio] (fn ([a b] (if (or (amount? a) (amount? b)) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. PSA)) (ratio a b))) ([a b c] (let [U (AsUnit c)] (->amount (ratio (getValue a U) (getValue b U)) U))) ) ) (defn decorate-entier [entier] (fn ([a] (if (amount? a) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. PSA)) (entier a))) treat second amount as the ` unity ' quantity , e.g. ( round ... 10 ) rounds to the nearest 10 . (* (entier (divide-into-double a b)) b)) ) ) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/rem))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} rem (decorate-ratio clojure.core/rem)) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/quot))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} quot (decorate-ratio clojure.core/quot)) (def ^{:doc PSA} ceil (decorate-entier #(Math/ceil %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} floor (decorate-entier #(Math/floor %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} abs (decorate-entier #(cond (int? %) (Math/abs (int %)) ) (spec/fdef rem :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret number?) (spec/fdef quot :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret number?) (spec/fdef ceil :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret double?) (spec/fdef floor :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret double?) (spec/fdef round :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret int?) (spec/fdef abs :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret (spec/and clojure.core/pos? (spec/or :int int? :double double?))) # # Comparisons ` is 3 meters smaller than 5 seconds ? ' is a meaningless question and (defn decorate-comparator [cmp] (fn decorated-comparator [& args] (cond (empty? args) (cmp) (every? #(not (amount? %)) args) (apply cmp args) (every? amount? args) (if (every? #(compatible? (getUnit (first args)) %) (map getUnit (rest args))) (apply cmp (map (from (getUnit (first args))) args)) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't compare quantities in incompatible units! (" args " provided)")))) :else (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't compare quantities with and without units! (" args " provided)"))) ) ) ) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/==)))} == (decorate-comparator clojure.core/==)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/< )))} < (decorate-comparator clojure.core/<)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/> )))} > (decorate-comparator clojure.core/>)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/<=)))} <= (decorate-comparator clojure.core/<=)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/>=)))} >= (decorate-comparator clojure.core/>=)) (spec/fdef == :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef < :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef > :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef <= :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef >= :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret boolean?) (let [PSA "Sign checks interact nontrivially with offsets of units.\n Please use explicit `==`,`>`,`<` checks against a zero-valued quantity."] ` zero ? ` , ` pos ? ` , and ` neg ? ` can return different answers depending on the input units ( to see why , consider the and Celius temperature scales ) (defn decorate-sign-predicate [pred] (fn [a] (if (amount? a) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. PSA)) (pred a)))) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/zero?))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} zero? (decorate-sign-predicate clojure.core/zero?)) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/pos?))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} pos? (decorate-sign-predicate clojure.core/pos?)) (def ^{:doc (str "Official Clojure doc: " (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/neg?))) "\n Units2 added doc: " PSA)} neg? (decorate-sign-predicate clojure.core/neg?)) ) (spec/fdef zero? :args number? :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef pos? :args number? :ret boolean?) (spec/fdef neg? :args number? :ret boolean?) (defn decorate-order-statistic [ord] (fn decorated-order-statistic [& nums] (cond (empty? nums) (ord) (every? #(not (amount? %)) nums) (apply ord nums) (every? amount? nums) (if (every? #(compatible? (getUnit (first nums)) (getUnit %)) (rest nums)) (let [U (getUnit (first nums))] (->amount (apply ord (map (from U) nums)) U)) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't order dimensionally incompatible quantities! (" nums " provided)")))) :else (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (str "Can't order quantities with and without units! (" nums " provided)"))) ) ) ) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/min)))} min (decorate-order-statistic clojure.core/min)) (def ^{:doc (:doc (meta (var clojure.core/max)))} max (decorate-order-statistic clojure.core/max)) (spec/fdef max :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret ::number-or-amount) (spec/fdef min :args ::some-numbers-or-compatible-amounts :ret ::number-or-amount) # # Powers and Exponentiation (spec/fdef expt :args (spec/and (spec/tuple :units2.core/amount integer?) (fn [[base exponent]] (if (<= 0 exponent) true (spec/valid? ::nonzero-amount base)))) :ret :units2.core/amount) (defn expt "`(expt b n) == b^n` where `n` is a rational number and `b` is an amount. Also includes functionality of a root function since `(root x N)` <=> `(expt x (/ N))` " [b n] (->amount (Math/pow (getValue b (getUnit b)) n) (power (getUnit b) n))) (let [PSA "Exponentiation interacts nontrivially with rescalings of units."] ( to see why , just imagine - expanding the ` exp ` or ` ln ` functions ) so we define them over ratios of amounts : / b ) , sqrt(a / b ) , etc . (defn decorate-expt [expt] (fn ([a] (if (amount? a) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. PSA)) (expt a))) ([a b] (if (every? amount? [a b]) (expt (divide-into-double a b)) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Arity-2 exponentiation requires two amounts! (" a " and " b " provided)"))) )))) (def ^{:doc PSA} exp (decorate-expt #(Math/exp %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} log (decorate-expt #(Math/log %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} log10 (decorate-expt #(Math/log10 %))) (def ^{:doc PSA} sqrt (decorate-expt #(Math/sqrt %))) ) (spec/fdef exp :args (spec/or :one number? :bin ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero) :ret (spec/and clojure.core/pos? double?)) (spec/fdef log :args (spec/or :one (spec/and clojure.core/pos? number?) :bin (spec/and ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero #(clojure.core/pos? (divide-into-double (first %) (second %))))) :ret double?) (spec/fdef log10 :args (spec/or :one (spec/and clojure.core/pos? number?) :bin (spec/and ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero #(clojure.core/pos? (divide-into-double (first %) (second %))))) :ret double?) (spec/fdef sqrt :args (spec/or :one (spec/and clojure.core/pos? number?) :bin (spec/and ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero #(clojure.core/pos? (divide-into-double (first %) (second %))))) :ret (spec/and clojure.core/pos? double?)) (spec/fdef pow :args (spec/or :bin (spec/tuple number? number?) (spec/and (spec/tuple :units2.core/amount :units2.core/amount number?) (fn [[a b _]] (spec/valid? ::two-linear-units-second-nonzero [a b]))) ( fn [ ] ( gen / cat ( spec / gen : : two - linear - units - second - nonzero ) ) :ret double?) (defn pow "Also includes functionality of a root function since `(root x N)` <=> `(pow x (/ N))`" ([a b] (fourcond [a b] (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "`pow` can't deal with the provided arguments (" a " and " b " provided). Maybe you want to provide a third number without units?"))) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "`pow` can't deal with the provided arguments (" a " and " b " provided). Maybe you want to call the `expt` function instead?"))) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Can't use a dimensionful quantity as an exponent (" b " provided)."))) (Math/pow a b))) ([a b c] (if (and (amount? a) (amount? b) (compatible? (getUnit a) (getUnit b)) (not (amount? c))) (Math/pow (divide-into-double a b) c) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Arity-3 `pow` requires two compatible amounts and a number! (" a ", " b ", and " c " provided)")))))) # # EVERYTHING TOGETHER (defmacro ^:private defmacro-without-hygiene "Expands into a `defmacro` with a `(let [bindings] body)` that gets around Clojure's automatic namespacing in syntax-quote by building the `let` form explicitly. Macros can be dangerous. Have fun!!!!" [macroname docstring bindings] (let [body (gensym)] `(defmacro ~macroname ~docstring [& ~body] (clojure.core/conj ~body '~bindings 'clojure.core/let)))) 14/03/16 : Thanks to the ` Amsterdam Clojurians ` for noticing that ` conj ` should be ` clojure.core/conj ` in the above , (defmacro-without-hygiene with-unit-arithmetic "Locally rebind arithmetic operators like `+`, and `/` to unit-aware equivalents." [+ units2.ops/+ - units2.ops/- * units2.ops/* / units2.ops// quot units2.ops/quot rem units2.ops/rem ]) (defmacro-without-hygiene with-unit-comparisons "Locally rebind `==`, `>=`, `<`, `zero?`, `pos?`, `min`, ... to unit-aware equivalents." [== units2.ops/== > units2.ops/> < units2.ops/< >= units2.ops/>= <= units2.ops/<= zero? units2.ops/zero? pos? units2.ops/pos? neg? units2.ops/neg? min units2.ops/min max units2.ops/max ]) (defmacro-without-hygiene with-unit-expts "Locally bind exponentiation functions to unit-aware equivalents." [expt units2.ops/expt exp units2.ops/exp sqrt units2.ops/sqrt pow units2.ops/pow log units2.ops/log log10 units2.ops/log10 ]) "Locally bind magnitude functions to unit-aware equivalents." [abs units2.ops/abs floor units2.ops/floor ceil units2.ops/ceil round units2.ops/round ]) (defmacro with-unit- (let [keywords {:arithmetic '[units2.ops/with-unit-arithmetic] :expt '[units2.ops/with-unit-expts] :magn '[units2.ops/with-unit-magnitudes] :math '[units2.ops/with-unit-arithmetic units2.ops/with-unit-expts] :comp '[units2.ops/with-unit-comparisons] :all '[units2.ops/with-unit-arithmetic units2.ops/with-unit-expts units2.ops/with-unit-comparisons units2.ops/with-unit-magnitudes ] } envs (remove nil? (set (flatten (map keywords labels))))] (reduce #(list %2 %1) `(do ~@body) envs)))
[ % linear worker start, almost similar to loop with "spawn" option, but in this case workers wo n't share one state {pool, [{size, 60}, {worker_start, {linear, {1, rps}}}, {worker_type, dummy_worker}], [{print, {sprintf, "My number is: ~p", [{round_robin, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}]}}]} ].
linear worker start, almost similar to loop with "spawn" option,
but in this case workers wo n't share one state {pool, [{size, 60}, {worker_start, {linear, {1, rps}}}, {worker_type, dummy_worker}], [{print, {sprintf, "My number is: ~p", [{round_robin, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}]}}]} ].
(ns com.google.cloud.spanner.Options$QueryOption "Marker interface to mark options applicable to query operation." (:refer-clojure :only [require comment defn ->]) (:import [com.google.cloud.spanner Options$QueryOption]))
(ns com.google.cloud.spanner.Options$QueryOption "Marker interface to mark options applicable to query operation." (:refer-clojure :only [require comment defn ->]) (:import [com.google.cloud.spanner Options$QueryOption]))
open Js_of_ocaml module EventEmitter = Electron_plumbing.EventEmitter type 'a t = Js.js_string Js.t type js = Electron_plumbing.Event.t type listener_id = (unit -> unit) let on (source : #EventEmitter.emitter Js.t) (event : ('a -> 'b) t) (f : ('a -> 'b)) = let callback = Js.wrap_callback f in let () = source ## on event callback in fun () -> source ## off event callback let off f = f () let make_s : (string -> 'a t) = Js.string let make_lwt event source = let elt = ref Js.null in let task, await = Lwt.task () in let cancel () = Js.Opt.iter !elt off in let () = Lwt.on_cancel task cancel in let () = elt := Js.some ( on source event (fun ev -> let () = cancel () in Lwt.wakeup await ev ) ) in task let make event = fun ?use_capture source -> match use_capture with | _ -> make_lwt (make_s event) source let prevent_default event = event ## preventDefault ()
open Js_of_ocaml module EventEmitter = Electron_plumbing.EventEmitter type 'a t = Js.js_string Js.t type js = Electron_plumbing.Event.t type listener_id = (unit -> unit) let on (source : #EventEmitter.emitter Js.t) (event : ('a -> 'b) t) (f : ('a -> 'b)) = let callback = Js.wrap_callback f in let () = source ## on event callback in fun () -> source ## off event callback let off f = f () let make_s : (string -> 'a t) = Js.string let make_lwt event source = let elt = ref Js.null in let task, await = Lwt.task () in let cancel () = Js.Opt.iter !elt off in let () = Lwt.on_cancel task cancel in let () = elt := Js.some ( on source event (fun ev -> let () = cancel () in Lwt.wakeup await ev ) ) in task let make event = fun ?use_capture source -> match use_capture with | _ -> make_lwt (make_s event) source let prevent_default event = event ## preventDefault ()
(ns sci.impl.libsci (:require [cheshire.core :as cheshire] [sci.core :as sci]) (:gen-class :methods [^{:static true} [evalString [String] String]])) (defn -evalString [s] (sci/binding [sci/out *out*] ;; this enables println etc. (str (try (sci/eval-string s ;; this brings cheshire.core into sci {:namespaces {'cheshire.core {'generate-string cheshire/generate-string}}}) (catch Exception e {:error (str (type e)) :message (.getMessage e)})))))
this enables println etc. this brings cheshire.core into sci
(ns sci.impl.libsci (:require [cheshire.core :as cheshire] [sci.core :as sci]) (:gen-class :methods [^{:static true} [evalString [String] String]])) (defn -evalString [s] (str (try (sci/eval-string s {:namespaces {'cheshire.core {'generate-string cheshire/generate-string}}}) (catch Exception e {:error (str (type e)) :message (.getMessage e)})))))
#lang racket (require "./parser.rkt") (require rackunit) (check-equal? (parse "1") (a-program (const-exp 1))) (check-equal? (parse "x") (a-program (var-exp 'x))) (check-equal? (parse "-(5, y)") (a-program (diff-exp (const-exp 5) (var-exp 'y)))) (check-equal? (parse "zero?(z)") (a-program (zero?-exp (var-exp 'z)))) (check-equal? (parse "if zero?(2) then 0 else 1") (a-program (if-exp (zero?-exp (const-exp 2)) (const-exp 0) (const-exp 1)))) (check-equal? (parse "let n=10 in -(n, 1)") (a-program (let-exp 'n (const-exp 10) (diff-exp (var-exp 'n) (const-exp 1))))) (check-equal? (parse "proc (x) -(x, 1)") (a-program (proc-exp 'x (diff-exp (var-exp 'x) (const-exp 1))))) (check-equal? (parse "letrec f(x) = a in b") (a-program (letrec-exp 'f 'x (var-exp 'a) (var-exp 'b)))) (check-equal? (parse "(f x)") (a-program (call-exp (var-exp 'f) (var-exp 'x))))
#lang racket (require "./parser.rkt") (require rackunit) (check-equal? (parse "1") (a-program (const-exp 1))) (check-equal? (parse "x") (a-program (var-exp 'x))) (check-equal? (parse "-(5, y)") (a-program (diff-exp (const-exp 5) (var-exp 'y)))) (check-equal? (parse "zero?(z)") (a-program (zero?-exp (var-exp 'z)))) (check-equal? (parse "if zero?(2) then 0 else 1") (a-program (if-exp (zero?-exp (const-exp 2)) (const-exp 0) (const-exp 1)))) (check-equal? (parse "let n=10 in -(n, 1)") (a-program (let-exp 'n (const-exp 10) (diff-exp (var-exp 'n) (const-exp 1))))) (check-equal? (parse "proc (x) -(x, 1)") (a-program (proc-exp 'x (diff-exp (var-exp 'x) (const-exp 1))))) (check-equal? (parse "letrec f(x) = a in b") (a-program (letrec-exp 'f 'x (var-exp 'a) (var-exp 'b)))) (check-equal? (parse "(f x)") (a-program (call-exp (var-exp 'f) (var-exp 'x))))
open Core type nargs = [ `Exactly of int | `List | `At_most_one | `At_least_one ] type addr_type = [ `Lines | `Args | `Buffers | `Loaded_bufs | `Windows | `Tabs ] type range_type = | Range of [ `Defaults_to_current_line | `Defaults_to_whole_file | `Defaults_to_line_nr of int ] | Count of int type t = { name : string ; definition : string ; script_id : int ; bang : bool ; bar : bool ; register : bool ; nargs : nargs ; complete : string option ; complete_arg : string option ; range : range_type option ; addr : addr_type } val of_msgpack : Msgpack.t -> t Or_error.t
open Core type nargs = [ `Exactly of int | `List | `At_most_one | `At_least_one ] type addr_type = [ `Lines | `Args | `Buffers | `Loaded_bufs | `Windows | `Tabs ] type range_type = | Range of [ `Defaults_to_current_line | `Defaults_to_whole_file | `Defaults_to_line_nr of int ] | Count of int type t = { name : string ; definition : string ; script_id : int ; bang : bool ; bar : bool ; register : bool ; nargs : nargs ; complete : string option ; complete_arg : string option ; range : range_type option ; addr : addr_type } val of_msgpack : Msgpack.t -> t Or_error.t
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | module TD.Query.GetChatStatistics where import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as T import qualified Utils as U -- | -- Returns detailed statistics about a chat. Currently, this method can be used only for supergroups and channels. Can be used only if supergroupFullInfo.can_get_statistics == true @chat_id Chat identifier @is_dark Pass true if a dark theme is used by the application data GetChatStatistics = GetChatStatistics { -- | is_dark :: Maybe Bool, -- | chat_id :: Maybe Int } deriving (Eq) instance Show GetChatStatistics where show GetChatStatistics { is_dark = is_dark_, chat_id = chat_id_ } = "GetChatStatistics" ++ U.cc [ U.p "is_dark" is_dark_, U.p "chat_id" chat_id_ ] instance T.ToJSON GetChatStatistics where toJSON GetChatStatistics { is_dark = is_dark_, chat_id = chat_id_ } = A.object [ "@type" A..= T.String "getChatStatistics", "is_dark" A..= is_dark_, "chat_id" A..= chat_id_ ]
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # | | Returns detailed statistics about a chat. Currently, this method can be used only for supergroups and channels. Can be used only if supergroupFullInfo.can_get_statistics == true @chat_id Chat identifier @is_dark Pass true if a dark theme is used by the application | |
module TD.Query.GetChatStatistics where import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as T import qualified Utils as U data GetChatStatistics = GetChatStatistics is_dark :: Maybe Bool, chat_id :: Maybe Int } deriving (Eq) instance Show GetChatStatistics where show GetChatStatistics { is_dark = is_dark_, chat_id = chat_id_ } = "GetChatStatistics" ++ U.cc [ U.p "is_dark" is_dark_, U.p "chat_id" chat_id_ ] instance T.ToJSON GetChatStatistics where toJSON GetChatStatistics { is_dark = is_dark_, chat_id = chat_id_ } = A.object [ "@type" A..= T.String "getChatStatistics", "is_dark" A..= is_dark_, "chat_id" A..= chat_id_ ]
#lang racket (require racket/runtime-path "server.rkt" "env.rkt" "../solver.rkt" (prefix-in base/ "base-solver.rkt")) (provide (rename-out [make-cvc4 cvc4]) cvc4? cvc4-available?) (define-runtime-path cvc4-path (build-path ".." ".." ".." "bin" "cvc4")) (define cvc4-opts '("-L" "smt2" "-q" "-m" "-i" "--bv-print-consts-as-indexed-symbols" "--bv-div-zero-const")) (define (cvc4-available?) (not (false? (base/find-solver "cvc4" cvc4-path #f)))) (define (make-cvc4 [solver #f] #:options [options (hash)] #:logic [logic #f] #:path [path #f]) (define config (cond [(cvc4? solver) (base/solver-config solver)] [else (define real-cvc4-path (base/find-solver "cvc4" cvc4-path path)) (when (and (false? real-cvc4-path) (not (getenv "PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE"))) (error 'cvc4 "cvc4 binary is not available (expected to be at ~a); try passing the #:path argument to (cvc4)" (path->string (simplify-path cvc4-path)))) (base/config options real-cvc4-path logic)])) (cvc4 (server (base/config-path config) cvc4-opts (base/make-send-options config)) config '() '() '() (env) '())) (struct cvc4 base/solver () #:property prop:solver-constructor make-cvc4 #:methods gen:custom-write [(define (write-proc self port mode) (fprintf port "#<cvc4>"))] #:methods gen:solver [ (define (solver-features self) '(qf_bv qf_uf qf_lia qf_nia qf_lra qf_nra quantifiers int2bv)) (define (solver-options self) (base/solver-options self)) (define (solver-assert self bools) (base/solver-assert self bools)) (define (solver-minimize self nums) (base/solver-minimize self nums)) (define (solver-maximize self nums) (base/solver-maximize self nums)) (define (solver-clear self) (base/solver-clear self)) (define (solver-shutdown self) (base/solver-shutdown self)) (define (solver-push self) (base/solver-push self)) (define (solver-pop self [k 1]) (base/solver-pop self k)) (define (solver-check self) (base/solver-check self)) (define (solver-debug self) (base/solver-debug self))]) (define (set-default-options server) void)
#lang racket (require racket/runtime-path "server.rkt" "env.rkt" "../solver.rkt" (prefix-in base/ "base-solver.rkt")) (provide (rename-out [make-cvc4 cvc4]) cvc4? cvc4-available?) (define-runtime-path cvc4-path (build-path ".." ".." ".." "bin" "cvc4")) (define cvc4-opts '("-L" "smt2" "-q" "-m" "-i" "--bv-print-consts-as-indexed-symbols" "--bv-div-zero-const")) (define (cvc4-available?) (not (false? (base/find-solver "cvc4" cvc4-path #f)))) (define (make-cvc4 [solver #f] #:options [options (hash)] #:logic [logic #f] #:path [path #f]) (define config (cond [(cvc4? solver) (base/solver-config solver)] [else (define real-cvc4-path (base/find-solver "cvc4" cvc4-path path)) (when (and (false? real-cvc4-path) (not (getenv "PLT_PKG_BUILD_SERVICE"))) (error 'cvc4 "cvc4 binary is not available (expected to be at ~a); try passing the #:path argument to (cvc4)" (path->string (simplify-path cvc4-path)))) (base/config options real-cvc4-path logic)])) (cvc4 (server (base/config-path config) cvc4-opts (base/make-send-options config)) config '() '() '() (env) '())) (struct cvc4 base/solver () #:property prop:solver-constructor make-cvc4 #:methods gen:custom-write [(define (write-proc self port mode) (fprintf port "#<cvc4>"))] #:methods gen:solver [ (define (solver-features self) '(qf_bv qf_uf qf_lia qf_nia qf_lra qf_nra quantifiers int2bv)) (define (solver-options self) (base/solver-options self)) (define (solver-assert self bools) (base/solver-assert self bools)) (define (solver-minimize self nums) (base/solver-minimize self nums)) (define (solver-maximize self nums) (base/solver-maximize self nums)) (define (solver-clear self) (base/solver-clear self)) (define (solver-shutdown self) (base/solver-shutdown self)) (define (solver-push self) (base/solver-push self)) (define (solver-pop self [k 1]) (base/solver-pop self k)) (define (solver-check self) (base/solver-check self)) (define (solver-debug self) (base/solver-debug self))]) (define (set-default-options server) void)
(ns vimsical.backend.adapters.redis (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s] [com.stuartsierra.component :as cp] [taoensso.carmine :as car :refer [wcar]])) ;; ;; * Helpers ;; (defn flushall! [redis] (car/wcar redis (car/flushall))) ;; ;; * Component ;; (defrecord Redis [host port spec] cp/Lifecycle (start [this] (let [spec {:host host :port port}] (doto (assoc this :pool nil :spec spec) (wcar (car/ping))))) (stop [this] (-> this (dissoc :host :port :spec)))) (s/def ::host string?) (s/def ::port nat-int?) (s/def ::opts (s/keys :req-un [::host ::port])) (s/fdef ->redis :args (s/cat :opts ::opts) :ret #(and % (instance? Redis %))) (defn ->redis [opts] (map->Redis opts)) (s/def ::redis (fn [x] (and x (instance? Redis x))))
* Helpers * Component
(ns vimsical.backend.adapters.redis (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s] [com.stuartsierra.component :as cp] [taoensso.carmine :as car :refer [wcar]])) (defn flushall! [redis] (car/wcar redis (car/flushall))) (defrecord Redis [host port spec] cp/Lifecycle (start [this] (let [spec {:host host :port port}] (doto (assoc this :pool nil :spec spec) (wcar (car/ping))))) (stop [this] (-> this (dissoc :host :port :spec)))) (s/def ::host string?) (s/def ::port nat-int?) (s/def ::opts (s/keys :req-un [::host ::port])) (s/fdef ->redis :args (s/cat :opts ::opts) :ret #(and % (instance? Redis %))) (defn ->redis [opts] (map->Redis opts)) (s/def ::redis (fn [x] (and x (instance? Redis x))))
(******************************************************************************) (* *) (* The Alt-Ergo theorem prover *) Copyright ( C ) 2006 - 2013 (* *) (* *) (* *) CNRS - INRIA - Universite Paris Sud (* *) This file is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software (* License version 2.0 *) (* *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* *) Alt - Ergo : The SMT Solver For Software Verification Copyright ( C ) 2013 - 2018 (* *) This file is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software (* License version 2.0 *) (* *) (******************************************************************************) type t exception NotConsistent of Explanation.t exception No_finite_bound val undefined : Ty.t -> t val is_undefined : t -> bool val point : Numbers.Q.t -> Ty.t -> Explanation.t -> t val doesnt_contain_0 : t -> Th_util.answer val is_positive : t -> Th_util.answer val is_strict_smaller : t -> t -> bool val new_borne_sup : Explanation.t -> Numbers.Q.t -> is_le : bool -> t -> t val new_borne_inf : Explanation.t -> Numbers.Q.t -> is_le : bool -> t -> t val only_borne_sup : t -> t (** Keep only the upper bound of the interval, setting the lower bound to minus infty. *) val only_borne_inf : t -> t (** Keep only the lower bound of the interval, setting the upper bound to plus infty. *) val is_point : t -> (Numbers.Q.t * Explanation.t) option val intersect : t -> t -> t val exclude : t -> t -> t val mult : t -> t -> t val power : int -> t -> t val sqrt : t -> t val root : int -> t -> t val add : t -> t -> t val scale : Numbers.Q.t -> t -> t val affine_scale : const:Numbers.Q.t -> coef:Numbers.Q.t -> t -> t * Perform an affine transformation on the given bounds . Suposing input bounds ( b1 , b2 ) , this will return ( const + coef * b1 , const + coef * b2 ) . This function is useful to avoid the incorrect roundings that can take place when scaling down an integer range . Suposing input bounds (b1, b2), this will return (const + coef * b1, const + coef * b2). This function is useful to avoid the incorrect roundings that can take place when scaling down an integer range. *) val sub : t -> t -> t val merge : t -> t -> t val abs : t -> t val pretty_print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val finite_size : t -> Numbers.Q.t option val borne_inf : t -> Numbers.Q.t * Explanation.t * bool * bool is true when bound is large . Raise : No_finite_bound if no finite lower bound finite lower bound *) val borne_sup : t -> Numbers.Q.t * Explanation.t * bool * bool is true when bound is large . Raise : No_finite_bound if no finite upper bound finite upper bound*) val div : t -> t -> t val coerce : Ty.t -> t -> t * Coerce an interval to the given type . The main use of that function is to round a rational interval to an integer interval . This is particularly useful to avoid roudning too many times when manipulating intervals that at the end represent an integer interval , but whose intermediate state do not need to represent integer intervals ( e.g. computing the interval for an integer polynome from the intervals of the monomes ) . to round a rational interval to an integer interval. This is particularly useful to avoid roudning too many times when manipulating intervals that at the end represent an integer interval, but whose intermediate state do not need to represent integer intervals (e.g. computing the interval for an integer polynome from the intervals of the monomes). *) val mk_closed : Numbers.Q.t -> Numbers.Q.t -> bool -> bool -> Explanation.t -> Explanation.t -> Ty.t -> t (** takes as argument in this order: - a lower bound - an upper bound - a bool that says if the lower bound it is large (true) or strict - a bool that says if the upper bound it is large (true) or strict - an explanation of the lower bound - an explanation of the upper bound - a type Ty.t (Tint or Treal *) type bnd = (Numbers.Q.t * Numbers.Q.t) option * Explanation.t - None < - > Infinity - the first number is the real bound - the second number if +1 ( resp . -1 ) for strict lower ( resp . upper ) bound , and 0 for large bounds - the first number is the real bound - the second number if +1 (resp. -1) for strict lower (resp. upper) bound, and 0 for large bounds *) val bounds_of : t -> (bnd * bnd) list val contains : t -> Numbers.Q.t -> bool val add_explanation : t -> Explanation.t -> t val equal : t -> t -> bool type interval_matching = ((Numbers.Q.t * bool) option * (Numbers.Q.t * bool) option * Ty.t) Var.Map.t (** matchs the given lower and upper bounds against the given interval, and update the given accumulator with the constraints. Returns None if the matching problem is inconsistent *) val match_interval: Symbols.bound -> Symbols.bound -> t -> interval_matching -> interval_matching option
**************************************************************************** The Alt-Ergo theorem prover License version 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ License version 2.0 **************************************************************************** * Keep only the upper bound of the interval, setting the lower bound to minus infty. * Keep only the lower bound of the interval, setting the upper bound to plus infty. * takes as argument in this order: - a lower bound - an upper bound - a bool that says if the lower bound it is large (true) or strict - a bool that says if the upper bound it is large (true) or strict - an explanation of the lower bound - an explanation of the upper bound - a type Ty.t (Tint or Treal * matchs the given lower and upper bounds against the given interval, and update the given accumulator with the constraints. Returns None if the matching problem is inconsistent
Copyright ( C ) 2006 - 2013 CNRS - INRIA - Universite Paris Sud This file is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software Alt - Ergo : The SMT Solver For Software Verification Copyright ( C ) 2013 - 2018 This file is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software type t exception NotConsistent of Explanation.t exception No_finite_bound val undefined : Ty.t -> t val is_undefined : t -> bool val point : Numbers.Q.t -> Ty.t -> Explanation.t -> t val doesnt_contain_0 : t -> Th_util.answer val is_positive : t -> Th_util.answer val is_strict_smaller : t -> t -> bool val new_borne_sup : Explanation.t -> Numbers.Q.t -> is_le : bool -> t -> t val new_borne_inf : Explanation.t -> Numbers.Q.t -> is_le : bool -> t -> t val only_borne_sup : t -> t val only_borne_inf : t -> t val is_point : t -> (Numbers.Q.t * Explanation.t) option val intersect : t -> t -> t val exclude : t -> t -> t val mult : t -> t -> t val power : int -> t -> t val sqrt : t -> t val root : int -> t -> t val add : t -> t -> t val scale : Numbers.Q.t -> t -> t val affine_scale : const:Numbers.Q.t -> coef:Numbers.Q.t -> t -> t * Perform an affine transformation on the given bounds . Suposing input bounds ( b1 , b2 ) , this will return ( const + coef * b1 , const + coef * b2 ) . This function is useful to avoid the incorrect roundings that can take place when scaling down an integer range . Suposing input bounds (b1, b2), this will return (const + coef * b1, const + coef * b2). This function is useful to avoid the incorrect roundings that can take place when scaling down an integer range. *) val sub : t -> t -> t val merge : t -> t -> t val abs : t -> t val pretty_print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val finite_size : t -> Numbers.Q.t option val borne_inf : t -> Numbers.Q.t * Explanation.t * bool * bool is true when bound is large . Raise : No_finite_bound if no finite lower bound finite lower bound *) val borne_sup : t -> Numbers.Q.t * Explanation.t * bool * bool is true when bound is large . Raise : No_finite_bound if no finite upper bound finite upper bound*) val div : t -> t -> t val coerce : Ty.t -> t -> t * Coerce an interval to the given type . The main use of that function is to round a rational interval to an integer interval . This is particularly useful to avoid roudning too many times when manipulating intervals that at the end represent an integer interval , but whose intermediate state do not need to represent integer intervals ( e.g. computing the interval for an integer polynome from the intervals of the monomes ) . to round a rational interval to an integer interval. This is particularly useful to avoid roudning too many times when manipulating intervals that at the end represent an integer interval, but whose intermediate state do not need to represent integer intervals (e.g. computing the interval for an integer polynome from the intervals of the monomes). *) val mk_closed : Numbers.Q.t -> Numbers.Q.t -> bool -> bool -> Explanation.t -> Explanation.t -> Ty.t -> t type bnd = (Numbers.Q.t * Numbers.Q.t) option * Explanation.t - None < - > Infinity - the first number is the real bound - the second number if +1 ( resp . -1 ) for strict lower ( resp . upper ) bound , and 0 for large bounds - the first number is the real bound - the second number if +1 (resp. -1) for strict lower (resp. upper) bound, and 0 for large bounds *) val bounds_of : t -> (bnd * bnd) list val contains : t -> Numbers.Q.t -> bool val add_explanation : t -> Explanation.t -> t val equal : t -> t -> bool type interval_matching = ((Numbers.Q.t * bool) option * (Numbers.Q.t * bool) option * Ty.t) Var.Map.t val match_interval: Symbols.bound -> Symbols.bound -> t -> interval_matching -> interval_matching option
< 1 > (m1 [this]) (m2 [this]) (m3 [this])) < 2 > {:m1 (fn [this] (str "AFace::m1")) :m2 (fn [this] (str "AFace::m2"))}) (defrecord MyFace []) ; <3> (extend MyFace IFace < 4 > < 5 > ;; "MyFace::m1" < 6 > ;; "AFace::m2" < 7 > No implementation of method : : m3 of protocol : # ' user / IFace
<3> "MyFace::m1" "AFace::m2"
< 1 > (m1 [this]) (m2 [this]) (m3 [this])) < 2 > {:m1 (fn [this] (str "AFace::m1")) :m2 (fn [this] (str "AFace::m2"))}) (extend MyFace IFace < 4 > < 5 > < 6 > < 7 > No implementation of method : : m3 of protocol : # ' user / IFace
%%------------------------------------------------------------------- @author ChicagoBoss Team and contributors , see file in root directory %% @end This file is part of ChicagoBoss project . See file in root directory %% for license information, see LICENSE file in root directory %% @end %% @doc %%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(boss_template_adapter_jade). -compile(export_all). file_extensions() -> ["jade"]. translatable_strings(_Module) -> []. source(_Module) -> "". dependencies(_Module) -> []. render(Module, Variables, Options) -> Module:render(Variables, Options). compile_file(ViewPath, Module, Options) -> OutDir = proplists:get_value(out_dir, Options), ok = jaderl:compile(ViewPath, Module, [{out_dir, OutDir}]), {ok, Module}.
------------------------------------------------------------------- @end for license information, see LICENSE file in root directory @end @doc -------------------------------------------------------------------
@author ChicagoBoss Team and contributors , see file in root directory This file is part of ChicagoBoss project . See file in root directory -module(boss_template_adapter_jade). -compile(export_all). file_extensions() -> ["jade"]. translatable_strings(_Module) -> []. source(_Module) -> "". dependencies(_Module) -> []. render(Module, Variables, Options) -> Module:render(Variables, Options). compile_file(ViewPath, Module, Options) -> OutDir = proplists:get_value(out_dir, Options), ok = jaderl:compile(ViewPath, Module, [{out_dir, OutDir}]), {ok, Module}.
(ns gateway.domains.global.util (:require [gateway.basic-auth.core :as basic] [gateway.auth.core :as auth] [gateway.domains.global.core :as global] [clojure.core.async :as a])) (defn ->auth [] {:default :basic :available {:basic (basic/authenticator {})}}) (defn stop-auth [auths] (doseq [a (vals (:available auths))] (auth/stop a))) (defn handle-hello [state source request env] (let [auth (->auth)] (try (let [ch (a/chan 100)] (try (let [[state _] (-> state (global/handle-hello source request auth ch env)) [auth-msg _] (a/alts!! [ch (a/timeout 1000)])] (-> state (global/handle-request source (:body auth-msg) nil nil env))) (finally (a/close! ch)))) (finally (stop-auth auth)))))
(ns gateway.domains.global.util (:require [gateway.basic-auth.core :as basic] [gateway.auth.core :as auth] [gateway.domains.global.core :as global] [clojure.core.async :as a])) (defn ->auth [] {:default :basic :available {:basic (basic/authenticator {})}}) (defn stop-auth [auths] (doseq [a (vals (:available auths))] (auth/stop a))) (defn handle-hello [state source request env] (let [auth (->auth)] (try (let [ch (a/chan 100)] (try (let [[state _] (-> state (global/handle-hello source request auth ch env)) [auth-msg _] (a/alts!! [ch (a/timeout 1000)])] (-> state (global/handle-request source (:body auth-msg) nil nil env))) (finally (a/close! ch)))) (finally (stop-auth auth)))))
Copyright 2001 , 2002 b8_bavard , b8_fee_carabine , This file is part of mldonkey . mldonkey is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mldonkey ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This file is part of mldonkey. mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) module type Doc = sig type t val num : t -> int val filtered : t -> bool val filter : t -> bool -> unit end module type Make = functor (Doc: Doc) -> sig type index val create : unit -> index val add : index -> string -> Doc.t -> int -> unit val clear : index -> unit val filter_words : index -> string list -> unit val clear_filter : index -> unit val filtered : Doc.t -> bool type doc = Doc.t type node val or_get_fields : Doc.t Intmap.t ref -> node -> int -> Doc.t Intmap.t val find : index -> string -> node val and_get_fields : node -> int -> Doc.t Intmap.t -> Doc.t Intmap.t val size : node -> int val stats : index -> int end type 'a query = And of 'a query * 'a query | Or of 'a query * 'a query | AndNot of 'a query * 'a query | HasWord of string | HasField of int * string | Predicate of ('a -> bool) module type Index = sig type index type node type doc val or_get_fields : doc Intmap.t ref -> node -> int -> doc Intmap.t val find : index -> string -> node val and_get_fields : node -> int -> doc Intmap.t -> doc Intmap.t val size : node -> int val stats : index -> int end module QueryMake ( Index : Index) : sig val query : Index.index -> Index.doc query -> Index.doc array val query_map : Index.index -> Index.doc query -> Index.doc Intmap.t end module FullMake (Doc : Doc) (Make : Make) : sig type index val create : unit -> index val add : index -> string -> Doc.t -> int -> unit val clear : index -> unit val filter_words : index -> string list -> unit val clear_filter : index -> unit val filtered : Doc.t -> bool val query_map : index -> Doc.t query -> Doc.t Intmap.t val query : index -> Doc.t query -> Doc.t array val stats : index -> int end
Copyright 2001 , 2002 b8_bavard , b8_fee_carabine , This file is part of mldonkey . mldonkey is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mldonkey ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This file is part of mldonkey. mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) module type Doc = sig type t val num : t -> int val filtered : t -> bool val filter : t -> bool -> unit end module type Make = functor (Doc: Doc) -> sig type index val create : unit -> index val add : index -> string -> Doc.t -> int -> unit val clear : index -> unit val filter_words : index -> string list -> unit val clear_filter : index -> unit val filtered : Doc.t -> bool type doc = Doc.t type node val or_get_fields : Doc.t Intmap.t ref -> node -> int -> Doc.t Intmap.t val find : index -> string -> node val and_get_fields : node -> int -> Doc.t Intmap.t -> Doc.t Intmap.t val size : node -> int val stats : index -> int end type 'a query = And of 'a query * 'a query | Or of 'a query * 'a query | AndNot of 'a query * 'a query | HasWord of string | HasField of int * string | Predicate of ('a -> bool) module type Index = sig type index type node type doc val or_get_fields : doc Intmap.t ref -> node -> int -> doc Intmap.t val find : index -> string -> node val and_get_fields : node -> int -> doc Intmap.t -> doc Intmap.t val size : node -> int val stats : index -> int end module QueryMake ( Index : Index) : sig val query : Index.index -> Index.doc query -> Index.doc array val query_map : Index.index -> Index.doc query -> Index.doc Intmap.t end module FullMake (Doc : Doc) (Make : Make) : sig type index val create : unit -> index val add : index -> string -> Doc.t -> int -> unit val clear : index -> unit val filter_words : index -> string list -> unit val clear_filter : index -> unit val filtered : Doc.t -> bool val query_map : index -> Doc.t query -> Doc.t Intmap.t val query : index -> Doc.t query -> Doc.t array val stats : index -> int end
import Runner main :: IO () main = runWork isSquare -- With and without optimization , adding annotation isSquare : : ( a , a , a ) = > a - > Bool -- made no impact on performance -- With and without optimization, adding annotation isSquare :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) => a -> Bool -- made no impact on performance -} isSquare n = n == c * c where c = head $ dropWhile (\m -> m * m < n) [0..] # SCC isSquare #
With and without optimization , adding annotation made no impact on performance With and without optimization, adding annotation made no impact on performance
import Runner main :: IO () main = runWork isSquare isSquare : : ( a , a , a ) = > a - > Bool isSquare :: (Num a, Enum a, Ord a) => a -> Bool -} isSquare n = n == c * c where c = head $ dropWhile (\m -> m * m < n) [0..] # SCC isSquare #
module Main where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Character (selectPlayer, serializePlayerForTerminal) main = do mPlayer <- selectPlayer "Prompt" putStrLn $ serializePlayerForTerminal $ fromJust mPlayer
module Main where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Character (selectPlayer, serializePlayerForTerminal) main = do mPlayer <- selectPlayer "Prompt" putStrLn $ serializePlayerForTerminal $ fromJust mPlayer
# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses , FunctionalDependencies , FlexibleInstances # {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-} import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.Array import Data.Int import Data.Ratio import Data.Bits import Data.Function import Data.Ord import Control . Monad . State import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Graph parseInput = do n <- readInt k <- fromIntegral <$> readInteger a <- map fromIntegral <$> replicateM n readInt return (n, k, a) where readInt = state $ fromJust . BS.readInt . BS.dropWhile isSpace readInteger = state $ fromJust . BS.readInteger . BS.dropWhile isSpace readString = state $ BS.span (not . isSpace) . BS.dropWhile isSpace readLine = state $ BS.span (not . isEoln) . BS.dropWhile isEoln isEoln ch = ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' main = do (n, k, a) <- evalState parseInput <$> BS.getContents let s = sum a when (k > s) $ putStrLn "-1" when (k < s) $ putStrLn $ unwords . map show $ solve n k a solve :: Int -> Int64 -> [Int64] -> [Int] solve n k a = go pairs 0 k where intMap = foldl (\map v -> IntMap.insertWith (+) (fromIntegral v) 1 map) IntMap.empty a :: IntMap Int64 ass = IntMap.assocs intMap pairs = scanr (\(k, v) (_,v') -> (fromIntegral k, v+v')) (maxBound,0) ass :: [(Int64, Int64)] go :: [(Int64,Int64)] -> Int64 -> Int64 -> [Int] go [] _ _ = [] go ((k, v):xs) k' num | num >= tot = go xs k (num - tot) | otherwise = map fst $ hi ++ lo' where tot = (k - k') * v a' = filter (\(id, num) -> num >= k) $ zip [1..] a (height, width) = num `divMod` fromIntegral (length a') (lo, hi) = splitAt (fromIntegral width) a' lo' = if height + 1 == k - k' then filter (\(id, num) -> num > k) lo else lo { { { Start of a minimal State Monad class (Monad m) => MonadState s m | m -> s where get :: m s put :: s -> m () modify :: (MonadState s m) => (s -> s) -> m () modify f = do s <- get put (f s) gets :: (MonadState s m) => (s -> a) -> m a gets f = do s <- get return (f s) newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) } instance Functor (State s) where fmap f m = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState m s in (f a, s') instance Applicative (State s) where pure = return (<*>) = ap instance Monad (State s) where return a = State $ \s -> (a, s) m >>= k = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState m s in runState (k a) s' instance MonadState s (State s) where get = State $ \s -> (s, s) put s = State $ \_ -> ((), s) evalState :: State s a -> s -> a evalState m s = fst (runState m s) execState :: State s a -> s -> s execState m s = snd (runState m s) mapState :: ((a, s) -> (b, s)) -> State s a -> State s b mapState f m = State $ f . runState m withState :: (s -> s) -> State s a -> State s a withState f m = State $ runState m . f state = State } } } end of a minimal State Monad
# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses , FunctionalDependencies , FlexibleInstances # import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.Array import Data.Int import Data.Ratio import Data.Bits import Data.Function import Data.Ord import Control . Monad . State import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Graph parseInput = do n <- readInt k <- fromIntegral <$> readInteger a <- map fromIntegral <$> replicateM n readInt return (n, k, a) where readInt = state $ fromJust . BS.readInt . BS.dropWhile isSpace readInteger = state $ fromJust . BS.readInteger . BS.dropWhile isSpace readString = state $ BS.span (not . isSpace) . BS.dropWhile isSpace readLine = state $ BS.span (not . isEoln) . BS.dropWhile isEoln isEoln ch = ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' main = do (n, k, a) <- evalState parseInput <$> BS.getContents let s = sum a when (k > s) $ putStrLn "-1" when (k < s) $ putStrLn $ unwords . map show $ solve n k a solve :: Int -> Int64 -> [Int64] -> [Int] solve n k a = go pairs 0 k where intMap = foldl (\map v -> IntMap.insertWith (+) (fromIntegral v) 1 map) IntMap.empty a :: IntMap Int64 ass = IntMap.assocs intMap pairs = scanr (\(k, v) (_,v') -> (fromIntegral k, v+v')) (maxBound,0) ass :: [(Int64, Int64)] go :: [(Int64,Int64)] -> Int64 -> Int64 -> [Int] go [] _ _ = [] go ((k, v):xs) k' num | num >= tot = go xs k (num - tot) | otherwise = map fst $ hi ++ lo' where tot = (k - k') * v a' = filter (\(id, num) -> num >= k) $ zip [1..] a (height, width) = num `divMod` fromIntegral (length a') (lo, hi) = splitAt (fromIntegral width) a' lo' = if height + 1 == k - k' then filter (\(id, num) -> num > k) lo else lo { { { Start of a minimal State Monad class (Monad m) => MonadState s m | m -> s where get :: m s put :: s -> m () modify :: (MonadState s m) => (s -> s) -> m () modify f = do s <- get put (f s) gets :: (MonadState s m) => (s -> a) -> m a gets f = do s <- get return (f s) newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) } instance Functor (State s) where fmap f m = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState m s in (f a, s') instance Applicative (State s) where pure = return (<*>) = ap instance Monad (State s) where return a = State $ \s -> (a, s) m >>= k = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState m s in runState (k a) s' instance MonadState s (State s) where get = State $ \s -> (s, s) put s = State $ \_ -> ((), s) evalState :: State s a -> s -> a evalState m s = fst (runState m s) execState :: State s a -> s -> s execState m s = snd (runState m s) mapState :: ((a, s) -> (b, s)) -> State s a -> State s b mapState f m = State $ f . runState m withState :: (s -> s) -> State s a -> State s a withState f m = State $ runState m . f state = State } } } end of a minimal State Monad
;; # Workshop # # 👋 XTDB Workshop - Re : Clojure 2021 Prepared by , @refset # # 🛠 ️ Powered by Notespace ™ ;; This experience was built with ... " a notebook experience in your Clojure namespace " ;; ;; Inspired after watching a recent walkthrough by @daslu_ -ws # # 🧑 ‍ 💻 To follow along ;; * clone -workshop-reclojure-22 ;; * fire-up your REPL using `clojure -M:notespace` * connect to the REPL from your preferred editor ;; # # 🥱 Alternatively ;; * sit back & watch :) :_ ;; # Setup ;; ## Dependencies (ns workshop.workshop (:require [xtdb.api :as xt] [scicloj.notespace.v4.api :as notespace] [scicloj.kindly.kind :as kind] [workshop.tt-vt :as tt-vt] [workshop.xt-universal-relation :as xr])) ;; # # Run Notespace To start ( or restart ) Notespace , eval the following ` restart ! ` call (comment (notespace/restart!)) ;; You should see the following message printed in the REPL: ;; ``` ;; Server starting... Ready at port 1903 ;; ``` ;; ;; You can then open :1903 in your browser, and eval the entire `workshop.clj` buffer using your editor :_ ;; # Usage With the ` workshop.clj ` buffer evaluated , the Notespace browser view is populated with unevaluated forms . ;; Notespace listens to file - save events and to code evaluations in your editor / REPL environment . You can evaluate each form , one by one , to see the result displayed and persisted in the browser view ( alongside your regular editor experience ) . ;; * A file save or an evaluation of a whole file will result in updating the viewed code. ;; * An evaluation of a region will result in updating the last evaluation value, as well as the values of the evaluated forms, if they can be recognized in the code unambiguously. # # Notespace usage tips ;; * eval the whole buffer after calling `(notespace/restart!)` ;; * save the `workshop.clj` file to refresh the view of the ns before eval'ing (notespace watches for saves) ;; * if things get confusing, just call `(notespace/restart!)` again _and_ refresh the browser * sometimes , Notespace does not know how to recognize the evaluated forms unambiguously in your editor 's buffer . For example , maybe it appears more than once , maybe the file has n't been saved since some recent changes , and maybe the evaluated region is not a set of top - level forms * ( possible Notespace bug - unconfirmed ! ) when forms are repeated exactly , I 've noticed the eval result gets shown next to the first instance , so just modify the latter forms slightly as a workaround ;; # # Rendering Hiccup ;; Simply add a `^kind/hiccup` metadata tag before the relevant form, e.g. ^kind/hiccup [:div {:style {:margin "1em"}} [:svg [:rect {:width 30 :height 30 :fill "blue"}]]] Notespace also exposes various other built - in rendering capabilities and extension points , e.g. ^kind/hiccup [:p/sparklinespot {:data (->> #(- (rand) 0.5) (repeatedly 99) (reductions +)) :svgHeight 50}] :_ ;; # Start XT ;; `xtdb.api/start-node` always takes an options map ;; ;; `{}` = the default in-memory configuration (def n (xt/start-node {})) (type n) ;; Is the node alive? (xt/status n) A node implements the ` Closeable ` interface , should you ever need ` .close ` it (comment (.close n)) ;; ;; ## FYI ;; * in-process embedded node (although an HTTP server + clj client module is available too) ;; * in-memory by default (i.e. nothing is persisted) ;; * implementation is multi-threaded and uses off-heap memory & caching (i.e. not as lightweight as DataScript) * implicitly a " standalone " node , since its locally provisioned tx - log and doc - store can not be accessed by other nodes to create a cluster topology :_ ;; # Basics ;; Let's find _everything_ in the database using a basic Datalog query. This requires first creating a ` db ` snapshot which allows for repeatable reads . ;; ;; A Datalog query is like a set of simultaneous equations - it pattern matches over the logical variables (Clojure symbols), using the data in the database expressed as Entity-Attribute-Value triples, to produce a set of result tuples that satisfy those logic variables ;; ;; In this case the query finds all entities (`e`) where each entity has _some_ `:xt/id` value (`_` is a wildcard): (xt/q (xt/db n) '{:find [e] :where [[e :xt/id _]]}) ;; (hopefully the result is an empty set, if not you may want to start a new node!) ;; ;; Let's add some data by submit a transaction containing a `put` operation: (xt/submit-tx n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 123}]]) Here , the map ` { : xt / id " foo " : my - number 123 } ` is a " document " , which represents a version of an entity . The only constraints are that all documents must specify an ` : xt / id ` and that all fields ( Clojure keys ) must be Clojure keywords . ;; Note that document field values with either sets or vectors are interpreted as composite values and are automatically decomposed into multiple EAVs ( i.e. all document attributes are potentially " cardinality many " ) . Other complex values types like maps are stored as opaque value " hashes " so deeply nested values inside documents wo n't be available for efficient lookups or joins . ;; XT is asynchronous by nature , so although we have called ` submit - tx ` we do n't yet whether the transaction has been processed ( or committed , if a ` match ` operation was used ) . To be sure that this transaction has been processed that the data is ready to be queried , we can use the returned transaction receipt to block the thread and wait until the data has been processed : (->> [[::xt/put {:xt/id "bar" :my-number 123}]] (xt/submit-tx n) (xt/await-tx n)) ;; Now let's a take a look at the list of entities again: workaround for Notespace eval of identical forms (xt/q (xt/db n) '{:find [e] :where [[e :xt/id _]]})) ;; Note that the set result tuples corresponds to the `:find` vector definition. ;; We can use the `pull` pattern feature to retrieve the full documents again: (xt/q (xt/db n) '{:find [(pull e [*])] :where [[e :xt/id _]]}) ` pull ` can be used for deeply nested selections and joins , and follows the " EQL " specification documented at -query-language.org/ ;; We can also use the `entity` API to retrieve an individual document: (xt/entity (xt/db n) "foo") :_ ;; # Joins To join across documents , all XT requires is that the values and IDs correlate . This is achieved dynamically since XT does not ask the user to define a schema , therefore binary hash comparisons are used to perform joins at runtime across all value types ( and XT supports arbitrary value types , thanks to ) . (xt/q (xt/db n) '{:find [e] :where [["foo" :my-number mynum] [e :my-number mynum]]}) Here we have used a literal value ` " foo " ` in the entity position of the first " triple clause " . ;; More importantly , we also introduced a new logic variable , which acts as an implicit join between the first clause and the second clause . This allowed XT to join across the number ` 123 ` . ;; ;; Note that both entities are returned. ;; ;; ## How is this possible? XT stores graph - friendly indexes , such that a pair of ` E+A->V ` and ` A+V->E ` indexes are combined to make arbitrary navigation symmetrical and efficient . ;; As a crude approximation , there is a _ sorted _ Key - Value ( KV ) index for ` ` that looks like : [["bar" :my-number 123] ["foo" :my-number 123]] And another sorted KV index for ` A+V->E ` that looks like : [[:my-number 123 "bar"] [:my-number 123 "foo"]] ;; ;; ## FYI * note that XT does not store an index that allows for wildcard attribute lookups , therefore the attribute position in triple clauses only accepts concrete values ( Clojure keywords ) :_ ;; # Temporality ;; ## Each entity has a timeline of document versions ;; By default we always write a document "now", so we don't have to concern ourselves with time _until we absolutely have to_. ;; First , let 's make it slightly more convenient to submit transactions : (defn submit! [n tx] (let [txr (xt/submit-tx n tx)] (xt/sync n) txr)) Note that ` sync ` will ensure all currently submitted transactions are processed ( imagine multiple nodes submitting transactions to the tx - log concurrently ) ;; ;; Let's update our `"foo"` document: (submit! n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 123 :my-color "red"}]]) ;; Note that we always transact in terms of whole documents. This has both some benefits and a some downsides, but is generally simpler than attempting to merge updates in a bitemporal environment without a user-supplied schema :) ;; We can now take a look at the `entity-history` of `"foo"`: (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc) ;; Let's try "backfilling" the history of `"foo"` by adding a `start-valid-time` parameter: (submit! n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 123 :my-color "red"} #inst "2021-12-01"]]) ;; Take a look at the `entity-history` again and note the new entry in the timeline using the valid-time ordering. ( Notespace workaround , again 🙈 ) (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true})) ;; To correct history, simply submit a document at the same valid-time: (submit! n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 123 :my-color "blue"} #inst "2021-12-01"]]) ;; Again: (do 2 (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true})) For auditing , and for global ` db ` consistency ( i.e. repeated querying against a database snapshot ) , XT also maintains efficient access to the previous entity versions from the perspective of transaction - time . To see this in the ` entity - history ` , simply provide an extra option to the call : (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true :with-corrections? true}) ;; Note that corrections are returned using a sub-ordering by transaction-time ;; ;; We can also `put` documents into the future: (submit! n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 42 :my-color "orange"} #inst "2021-12-05"]]) ;; Again: (do 3 (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true})) ;; Hmm, where is our new version? Try again without limiting our view of "history" (which includes the future!) to "now" (xt/entity-history (xt/db n #inst "2030-01-01") "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true}) :_ # Tt - Vt Since we have two time dimensions for each entity , we can meaningfully visualize the entity versions in a 2D diagram . ;; In response to diagrams seen in academic literature , requests from XT users , and other bitemporal data resources like -bitemporal-intervals/ - a work - in - progress ` tt - vt/->tt - vt ` function has been created to generate Tt - Vt diagrams as SVG ^kind/hiccup [:div {:style {:margin "20px"}} (->> (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true :with-corrections? true}) (tt-vt/entity-history->tt-vt 100 100 :my-color))] :_ ;; # Universal Relation How might an XT database look through the lens of a traditional RDBMS ? ;; See the REPL for this one (xr/node->prn-table n) ;; Note that `:xt/nil` is simply padding for the table, representing the absence of data (since `nil` is a valid value). :_ ;; # Storage ;; ... :_ ;; # Graphs Let 's pull some data and forms from Learn XTDB Datalog Today -xtdb-datalog-today/learn-xtdb-datalog-today :_ ;; # Transactions ;; ## Match Op ;; ... ;; ## Evict Op ;; ... ;; ## TxFns Ops ;; ... ;; ## `with-tx` ;; ... :_ ;; # See Also ;; ## Lots of documentation @ xtdb.com ;; ## Tutorials ;; API overview -tutorial ;; Learn XTDB Datalog Today -xtdb-datalog-today/learn-xtdb-datalog-today ;; ;; HTTP + JSON -over-http/ # # Lucene ;; -text-search/ # # HTTP + JSON ( OpenAPI ) ;; / # # Java API ;; / ;; ## Advanced Configurations # # Monitoring & Operations ;; / ;; / :_ ;; # Wrap-up # # 🎉 Congratulations 🎉 ;; If you spot any errors or would like to make a suggestion, issues and PRs are welcome! # # 🙏 Have a nice day 🙏 nil
# Workshop This experience was built with Inspired after watching a recent walkthrough by @daslu_ -ws * clone -workshop-reclojure-22 * fire-up your REPL using `clojure -M:notespace` * sit back & watch :) # Setup ## Dependencies You should see the following message printed in the REPL: ``` Server starting... ``` You can then open :1903 in your browser, and eval the entire `workshop.clj` buffer using your editor # Usage * A file save or an evaluation of a whole file will result in updating the viewed code. * An evaluation of a region will result in updating the last evaluation value, as well as the values of the evaluated forms, if they can be recognized in the code unambiguously. * eval the whole buffer after calling `(notespace/restart!)` * save the `workshop.clj` file to refresh the view of the ns before eval'ing (notespace watches for saves) * if things get confusing, just call `(notespace/restart!)` again _and_ refresh the browser Simply add a `^kind/hiccup` metadata tag before the relevant form, e.g. # Start XT `xtdb.api/start-node` always takes an options map `{}` = the default in-memory configuration Is the node alive? ## FYI * in-process embedded node (although an HTTP server + clj client module is available too) * in-memory by default (i.e. nothing is persisted) * implementation is multi-threaded and uses off-heap memory & caching (i.e. not as lightweight as DataScript) # Basics Let's find _everything_ in the database using a basic Datalog query. A Datalog query is like a set of simultaneous equations - it pattern matches over the logical variables (Clojure symbols), using the data in the database expressed as Entity-Attribute-Value triples, to produce a set of result tuples that satisfy those logic variables In this case the query finds all entities (`e`) where each entity has _some_ `:xt/id` value (`_` is a wildcard): (hopefully the result is an empty set, if not you may want to start a new node!) Let's add some data by submit a transaction containing a `put` operation: Now let's a take a look at the list of entities again: Note that the set result tuples corresponds to the `:find` vector definition. We can use the `pull` pattern feature to retrieve the full documents again: We can also use the `entity` API to retrieve an individual document: # Joins Note that both entities are returned. ## How is this possible? ## FYI # Temporality ## Each entity has a timeline of document versions By default we always write a document "now", so we don't have to concern ourselves with time _until we absolutely have to_. Let's update our `"foo"` document: Note that we always transact in terms of whole documents. This has both some benefits and a some downsides, but is generally simpler than attempting to merge updates in a bitemporal environment without a user-supplied schema :) We can now take a look at the `entity-history` of `"foo"`: Let's try "backfilling" the history of `"foo"` by adding a `start-valid-time` parameter: Take a look at the `entity-history` again and note the new entry in the timeline using the valid-time ordering. To correct history, simply submit a document at the same valid-time: Again: Note that corrections are returned using a sub-ordering by transaction-time We can also `put` documents into the future: Again: Hmm, where is our new version? Try again without limiting our view of "history" (which includes the future!) to "now" # Universal Relation Note that `:xt/nil` is simply padding for the table, representing the absence of data (since `nil` is a valid value). # Storage ... # Graphs # Transactions ## Match Op ... ## Evict Op ... ## TxFns Ops ... ## `with-tx` ... # See Also ## Lots of documentation @ xtdb.com ## Tutorials API overview -tutorial HTTP + JSON -over-http/ -text-search/ / / ## Advanced Configurations / / # Wrap-up If you spot any errors or would like to make a suggestion, issues and PRs are welcome!
# # 👋 XTDB Workshop - Re : Clojure 2021 Prepared by , @refset # # 🛠 ️ Powered by Notespace ™ ... " a notebook experience in your Clojure namespace " # # 🧑 ‍ 💻 To follow along * connect to the REPL from your preferred editor # # 🥱 Alternatively :_ (ns workshop.workshop (:require [xtdb.api :as xt] [scicloj.notespace.v4.api :as notespace] [scicloj.kindly.kind :as kind] [workshop.tt-vt :as tt-vt] [workshop.xt-universal-relation :as xr])) # # Run Notespace To start ( or restart ) Notespace , eval the following ` restart ! ` call (comment (notespace/restart!)) Ready at port 1903 :_ With the ` workshop.clj ` buffer evaluated , the Notespace browser view is populated with unevaluated forms . Notespace listens to file - save events and to code evaluations in your editor / REPL environment . You can evaluate each form , one by one , to see the result displayed and persisted in the browser view ( alongside your regular editor experience ) . # # Notespace usage tips * sometimes , Notespace does not know how to recognize the evaluated forms unambiguously in your editor 's buffer . For example , maybe it appears more than once , maybe the file has n't been saved since some recent changes , and maybe the evaluated region is not a set of top - level forms * ( possible Notespace bug - unconfirmed ! ) when forms are repeated exactly , I 've noticed the eval result gets shown next to the first instance , so just modify the latter forms slightly as a workaround # # Rendering Hiccup ^kind/hiccup [:div {:style {:margin "1em"}} [:svg [:rect {:width 30 :height 30 :fill "blue"}]]] Notespace also exposes various other built - in rendering capabilities and extension points , e.g. ^kind/hiccup [:p/sparklinespot {:data (->> #(- (rand) 0.5) (repeatedly 99) (reductions +)) :svgHeight 50}] :_ (def n (xt/start-node {})) (type n) (xt/status n) A node implements the ` Closeable ` interface , should you ever need ` .close ` it (comment (.close n)) * implicitly a " standalone " node , since its locally provisioned tx - log and doc - store can not be accessed by other nodes to create a cluster topology :_ This requires first creating a ` db ` snapshot which allows for repeatable reads . (xt/q (xt/db n) '{:find [e] :where [[e :xt/id _]]}) (xt/submit-tx n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 123}]]) Here , the map ` { : xt / id " foo " : my - number 123 } ` is a " document " , which represents a version of an entity . The only constraints are that all documents must specify an ` : xt / id ` and that all fields ( Clojure keys ) must be Clojure keywords . Note that document field values with either sets or vectors are interpreted as composite values and are automatically decomposed into multiple EAVs ( i.e. all document attributes are potentially " cardinality many " ) . Other complex values types like maps are stored as opaque value " hashes " so deeply nested values inside documents wo n't be available for efficient lookups or joins . XT is asynchronous by nature , so although we have called ` submit - tx ` we do n't yet whether the transaction has been processed ( or committed , if a ` match ` operation was used ) . To be sure that this transaction has been processed that the data is ready to be queried , we can use the returned transaction receipt to block the thread and wait until the data has been processed : (->> [[::xt/put {:xt/id "bar" :my-number 123}]] (xt/submit-tx n) (xt/await-tx n)) workaround for Notespace eval of identical forms (xt/q (xt/db n) '{:find [e] :where [[e :xt/id _]]})) (xt/q (xt/db n) '{:find [(pull e [*])] :where [[e :xt/id _]]}) ` pull ` can be used for deeply nested selections and joins , and follows the " EQL " specification documented at -query-language.org/ (xt/entity (xt/db n) "foo") :_ To join across documents , all XT requires is that the values and IDs correlate . This is achieved dynamically since XT does not ask the user to define a schema , therefore binary hash comparisons are used to perform joins at runtime across all value types ( and XT supports arbitrary value types , thanks to ) . (xt/q (xt/db n) '{:find [e] :where [["foo" :my-number mynum] [e :my-number mynum]]}) Here we have used a literal value ` " foo " ` in the entity position of the first " triple clause " . More importantly , we also introduced a new logic variable , which acts as an implicit join between the first clause and the second clause . This allowed XT to join across the number ` 123 ` . XT stores graph - friendly indexes , such that a pair of ` E+A->V ` and ` A+V->E ` indexes are combined to make arbitrary navigation symmetrical and efficient . As a crude approximation , there is a _ sorted _ Key - Value ( KV ) index for ` ` that looks like : [["bar" :my-number 123] ["foo" :my-number 123]] And another sorted KV index for ` A+V->E ` that looks like : [[:my-number 123 "bar"] [:my-number 123 "foo"]] * note that XT does not store an index that allows for wildcard attribute lookups , therefore the attribute position in triple clauses only accepts concrete values ( Clojure keywords ) :_ First , let 's make it slightly more convenient to submit transactions : (defn submit! [n tx] (let [txr (xt/submit-tx n tx)] (xt/sync n) txr)) Note that ` sync ` will ensure all currently submitted transactions are processed ( imagine multiple nodes submitting transactions to the tx - log concurrently ) (submit! n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 123 :my-color "red"}]]) (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc) (submit! n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 123 :my-color "red"} #inst "2021-12-01"]]) ( Notespace workaround , again 🙈 ) (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true})) (submit! n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 123 :my-color "blue"} #inst "2021-12-01"]]) (do 2 (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true})) For auditing , and for global ` db ` consistency ( i.e. repeated querying against a database snapshot ) , XT also maintains efficient access to the previous entity versions from the perspective of transaction - time . To see this in the ` entity - history ` , simply provide an extra option to the call : (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true :with-corrections? true}) (submit! n [[::xt/put {:xt/id "foo" :my-number 42 :my-color "orange"} #inst "2021-12-05"]]) (do 3 (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true})) (xt/entity-history (xt/db n #inst "2030-01-01") "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true}) :_ # Tt - Vt Since we have two time dimensions for each entity , we can meaningfully visualize the entity versions in a 2D diagram . In response to diagrams seen in academic literature , requests from XT users , and other bitemporal data resources like -bitemporal-intervals/ - a work - in - progress ` tt - vt/->tt - vt ` function has been created to generate Tt - Vt diagrams as SVG ^kind/hiccup [:div {:style {:margin "20px"}} (->> (xt/entity-history (xt/db n) "foo" :asc {:with-docs? true :with-corrections? true}) (tt-vt/entity-history->tt-vt 100 100 :my-color))] :_ How might an XT database look through the lens of a traditional RDBMS ? See the REPL for this one (xr/node->prn-table n) :_ :_ Let 's pull some data and forms from Learn XTDB Datalog Today -xtdb-datalog-today/learn-xtdb-datalog-today :_ :_ Learn XTDB Datalog Today -xtdb-datalog-today/learn-xtdb-datalog-today # # Lucene # # HTTP + JSON ( OpenAPI ) # # Java API # # Monitoring & Operations :_ # # 🎉 Congratulations 🎉 # # 🙏 Have a nice day 🙏 nil
-- miElements ; basic ; model=0=Modal let inp = pinkNoiseId 'α' ar * 0.3 gat = lfPulse kr 2 0 0.5 in X.miElements ar {-blow_in-} inp 0 gat 45 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 {-model-} 0 0 miElements ; ringing ; useId ' blow ' input and contour set to 0.5 let inp = pinkNoiseId 'α' ar * 0.3 in X.miElements ar inp 0 1 48 0.5 {-contour-} 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 0 0 -- miElements ; ringing ; use theId 'strike' input (which bypasses the exciter section) let inp = pinkNoiseId 'α' ar * 0.3 strike_in -- miElements ; bow let pit = iRandId 'α' 32 44 bow_timb = lfNoise1Id 'β' kr 0.3 * 0.5 + 0.5 in X.miElements ar 0 0 1 pit 0.5 0.5 1 0 0 0.5 0.5 bow_timb 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 0 0 * 0.25 -- miElements ; blow let mod1 = lfNoise1Id 'α' kr 0.4 * 0.5 + 0.5 mod2 = lfNoise1Id 'β' kr 0.2 * 0.5 + 0.5 pit = lfNoise0Id 'γ' kr 0.1 `in_range` (32,44) in X.miElements ar 0 0 1 pit 0.5 0.5 0 0.6 0 mod1 0.5 0.5 mod2 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 0 0 * 0.2 -- miElements ; blow ; contour let gat = lfPulse kr 1 0.01 0.5 pit = sinOsc kr 5 0 * 0.1 + 53 cont = sinOsc kr 0.8 0 `in_range` (0,1) flow = lfNoise1Id 'α' kr 0.1 `in_range` (0,1) in X.miElements ar 0 0 gat pit 0.5 cont 0 0.5 0 flow 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.25 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.3 0 0 * 0.25 -- miElements ; model=0=MODAL ; event control let f (_,g,x,y,z,o,rx,ry,_,_,_) = let tr = trig1 g controlDur pit = x * 24 + 56 stre = ry * 0.5 + 0.25 cont = y flo = o geo = 0.15 + (latch y tr * 0.35) bri = 0.5 - y * 0.35 dmp = 1 - x * 0.25 pos = o * 0.5 spc = 0.5 - y * 0.5 md = 0 in X.miElements ar 0 0 g pit stre cont 0 z 0 flo 0.5 0.5 (0.25 + rx * 0.5) 0.5 geo bri dmp pos spc md 0 * 0.25 in mix (voicer 6 f) * control kr "gain" 1 -- miElements ; metal, bells let tr = dustId 'α' ar 2.5 inp = decay tr 0.01 g = X.tBrownRandId 'β' 0.5 0.9 0.2 0 (coinGateId 'γ' 0.05 tr) space = range 0.5 1 (lfNoise1Id 'δ' kr 0.1) in X.miElements ar 0 inp 0 40 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 g 0.4 0.9 0.2 space 0 0 * 0.35 -- miElements ; metal, bells ; event control let f (_,g,x,y,z,o,_,_,_,_,_) = let tr = trig1 (k2a g) sampleDur inp = decay (tr * z * 4) 0.01 pit = latch x g * 12 + 36 geo = latch y g * 0.4 + 0.5 spc = o * 0.5 + 0.5 in X.miElements ar 0 inp 0 pit 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 geo 0.4 0.9 0.2 spc 0 0 in mix (voicer 6 f) * control kr "gain" 1 -- miElements ; strike input ; playing chords ; model=2=Strings let inp = decay (dustId 'α' ar 1) 0.01 g = lfNoise1Id 'β' kr 0.1 * 0.5 + 0.5 in X.miElements ar 0 inp 0 {-pit-} 53 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 {-geom-} g {-bright-} 0.5 {-damp-} 0.9 0.2 0.3 {-model-} 2 0 -- miElements ; metal, bells ; event control let f (_,g,x,y,z,o,rx,_,_,_,_) = let tr = trig1 (k2a g) sampleDur inp = decay tr 0.01 pit = x * 12 + 48 geo = latch o g -- lfNoise1Id 'β' kr 0.1 * 0.5 + 0.5 bri = latch y g dam = latch (0.9 - z) g md = 2 in X.miElements ar 0 inp 0 pit 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 geo bri dam 0.2 0.3 md 0 in mix (voicer 6 f) * control kr "gain" 1 -- miElements ; mallets, strength let gat = coinGateId 'α' 0.4 (impulse kr 6 0) stren = tRandId 'β' 0 1 gat strike_timbre = lfNoise1Id 'γ' kr 0.3 * 0.5 + 0.5 in X.miElements ar 0 0 gat {-pit-} 40 stren 0.2 0 0 {-strike_level-} 0.5 0.5 {-mallet-} 0.7 0.5 0.5 strike_timbre 0.25 {-bright-} 0.3 {-damp-} 0.85 0.2 {-space-} 0.6 0 0 * 0.5 -- miElements ; mallets ; particles (mallet type=1 --> use internal model of bouncing particles) let strike_timbre = lfNoise1Id 'α' kr 0.3 * 0.5 + 0.5 g = range 0.4 0.7 (lfNoise2Id 'β' kr 0.1) maltype = 1 in X.miElements ar 0 0 {-gate-} 1 {-pit-} 40 0.5 {-contour-} 0.5 0 0 {-strike_level-} 0.5 0.5 {-mallet-} maltype 0.5 0.5 strike_timbre {-geom-} g 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 0 0 miElements ; easteregg : 2x2 - op FM synth let n = lfNoise1Id 'α' kr 0.3 * 0.5 + 0.5 (r1,r2,r3) = (0.25,0.25,0.51) easteregg
miElements ; basic ; model=0=Modal blow_in model contour miElements ; ringing ; use theId 'strike' input (which bypasses the exciter section) miElements ; bow miElements ; blow miElements ; blow ; contour miElements ; model=0=MODAL ; event control miElements ; metal, bells miElements ; metal, bells ; event control miElements ; strike input ; playing chords ; model=2=Strings pit geom bright damp model miElements ; metal, bells ; event control lfNoise1Id 'β' kr 0.1 * 0.5 + 0.5 miElements ; mallets, strength pit strike_level mallet bright damp space miElements ; mallets ; particles (mallet type=1 --> use internal model of bouncing particles) gate pit contour strike_level mallet geom
let inp = pinkNoiseId 'α' ar * 0.3 gat = lfPulse kr 2 0 0.5 miElements ; ringing ; useId ' blow ' input and contour set to 0.5 let inp = pinkNoiseId 'α' ar * 0.3 let inp = pinkNoiseId 'α' ar * 0.3 strike_in let pit = iRandId 'α' 32 44 bow_timb = lfNoise1Id 'β' kr 0.3 * 0.5 + 0.5 in X.miElements ar 0 0 1 pit 0.5 0.5 1 0 0 0.5 0.5 bow_timb 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 0 0 * 0.25 let mod1 = lfNoise1Id 'α' kr 0.4 * 0.5 + 0.5 mod2 = lfNoise1Id 'β' kr 0.2 * 0.5 + 0.5 pit = lfNoise0Id 'γ' kr 0.1 `in_range` (32,44) in X.miElements ar 0 0 1 pit 0.5 0.5 0 0.6 0 mod1 0.5 0.5 mod2 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 0 0 * 0.2 let gat = lfPulse kr 1 0.01 0.5 pit = sinOsc kr 5 0 * 0.1 + 53 cont = sinOsc kr 0.8 0 `in_range` (0,1) flow = lfNoise1Id 'α' kr 0.1 `in_range` (0,1) in X.miElements ar 0 0 gat pit 0.5 cont 0 0.5 0 flow 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.25 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.3 0 0 * 0.25 let f (_,g,x,y,z,o,rx,ry,_,_,_) = let tr = trig1 g controlDur pit = x * 24 + 56 stre = ry * 0.5 + 0.25 cont = y flo = o geo = 0.15 + (latch y tr * 0.35) bri = 0.5 - y * 0.35 dmp = 1 - x * 0.25 pos = o * 0.5 spc = 0.5 - y * 0.5 md = 0 in X.miElements ar 0 0 g pit stre cont 0 z 0 flo 0.5 0.5 (0.25 + rx * 0.5) 0.5 geo bri dmp pos spc md 0 * 0.25 in mix (voicer 6 f) * control kr "gain" 1 let tr = dustId 'α' ar 2.5 inp = decay tr 0.01 g = X.tBrownRandId 'β' 0.5 0.9 0.2 0 (coinGateId 'γ' 0.05 tr) space = range 0.5 1 (lfNoise1Id 'δ' kr 0.1) in X.miElements ar 0 inp 0 40 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 g 0.4 0.9 0.2 space 0 0 * 0.35 let f (_,g,x,y,z,o,_,_,_,_,_) = let tr = trig1 (k2a g) sampleDur inp = decay (tr * z * 4) 0.01 pit = latch x g * 12 + 36 geo = latch y g * 0.4 + 0.5 spc = o * 0.5 + 0.5 in X.miElements ar 0 inp 0 pit 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 geo 0.4 0.9 0.2 spc 0 0 in mix (voicer 6 f) * control kr "gain" 1 let inp = decay (dustId 'α' ar 1) 0.01 g = lfNoise1Id 'β' kr 0.1 * 0.5 + 0.5 let f (_,g,x,y,z,o,rx,_,_,_,_) = let tr = trig1 (k2a g) sampleDur inp = decay tr 0.01 pit = x * 12 + 48 bri = latch y g dam = latch (0.9 - z) g md = 2 in X.miElements ar 0 inp 0 pit 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 geo bri dam 0.2 0.3 md 0 in mix (voicer 6 f) * control kr "gain" 1 let gat = coinGateId 'α' 0.4 (impulse kr 6 0) stren = tRandId 'β' 0 1 gat strike_timbre = lfNoise1Id 'γ' kr 0.3 * 0.5 + 0.5 let strike_timbre = lfNoise1Id 'α' kr 0.3 * 0.5 + 0.5 g = range 0.4 0.7 (lfNoise2Id 'β' kr 0.1) maltype = 1 miElements ; easteregg : 2x2 - op FM synth let n = lfNoise1Id 'α' kr 0.3 * 0.5 + 0.5 (r1,r2,r3) = (0.25,0.25,0.51) easteregg
(ns org-crud.agenda) (defn print-agenda [& args] (println "agenda" args))
(ns org-crud.agenda) (defn print-agenda [& args] (println "agenda" args))
-- | Use: -- -- > stack eval KiExperiment.test module Scratch.KiExperiment where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import qualified Ki.Lite as Ki import Relude test :: IO () test = do forkKiPrint forkForkIOPrint forever (threadDelay maxBound) forkKiPrint :: IO () forkKiPrint = do Ki.scoped $ \scope -> do _ <- Ki.fork scope (printForever "Ki says hello") threadDelay 1_000_000 putTextLn "Ki exit ---------------------------" forkForkIOPrint :: IO () forkForkIOPrint = do _ <- forkIO (printForever "forkIO says hello") threadDelay 1_000_000 putTextLn "forkIO exit -----------------------" printForever :: Text -> IO () printForever t = forever $ do putTextLn t threadDelay 500_000
| Use: > stack eval KiExperiment.test
module Scratch.KiExperiment where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import qualified Ki.Lite as Ki import Relude test :: IO () test = do forkKiPrint forkForkIOPrint forever (threadDelay maxBound) forkKiPrint :: IO () forkKiPrint = do Ki.scoped $ \scope -> do _ <- Ki.fork scope (printForever "Ki says hello") threadDelay 1_000_000 putTextLn "Ki exit ---------------------------" forkForkIOPrint :: IO () forkForkIOPrint = do _ <- forkIO (printForever "forkIO says hello") threadDelay 1_000_000 putTextLn "forkIO exit -----------------------" printForever :: Text -> IO () printForever t = forever $ do putTextLn t threadDelay 500_000
-module(sha512). -export([start/0, stop/0, init/1]). -export([hexdigest/1]). start() -> case erl_ddll:load_driver(".", "sha512_drv") of ok -> ok; {error, already_loaded} -> ok; _ -> exit({error, could_not_load_driver}) end, spawn(?MODULE, init, ["sha512_drv"]). init(SharedLib) -> register(sha512, self()), Port = open_port({spawn, SharedLib}, []), loop(Port). stop() -> sha512 ! stop. hexdigest(Text) -> sha512 ! {call, self(), Text}, receive {sha512, Result} -> hex_to_string(Result) end. loop(Port) -> receive {call, Caller, gaylord} -> io:format("GYALORRD"), loop(Port); {call, Caller, Msg} -> Port ! {self(), {command, encode(Msg)}}, receive {Port, {data, Data}} -> Caller ! {sha512, decode(Data)} end, loop(Port); stop -> Port ! {self(), close}, receive {Port, closed} -> exit(normal) end; {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> io:format("~p ~n", [Reason]), exit(port_terminated) end. encode({foo, X}) -> [1, X]; encode({bar, Y}) -> [2, Y]; encode(Str) -> Str. decode([Int]) -> Int; decode(Str) -> Str. hex_to_string(List) -> hex_to_string(List, []). hex_to_string([Head | Tail], Acc) -> Char = io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [Head]), hex_to_string(Tail, lists:append(Acc, Char)); hex_to_string([], Acc) -> lists:flatten(Acc).
-module(sha512). -export([start/0, stop/0, init/1]). -export([hexdigest/1]). start() -> case erl_ddll:load_driver(".", "sha512_drv") of ok -> ok; {error, already_loaded} -> ok; _ -> exit({error, could_not_load_driver}) end, spawn(?MODULE, init, ["sha512_drv"]). init(SharedLib) -> register(sha512, self()), Port = open_port({spawn, SharedLib}, []), loop(Port). stop() -> sha512 ! stop. hexdigest(Text) -> sha512 ! {call, self(), Text}, receive {sha512, Result} -> hex_to_string(Result) end. loop(Port) -> receive {call, Caller, gaylord} -> io:format("GYALORRD"), loop(Port); {call, Caller, Msg} -> Port ! {self(), {command, encode(Msg)}}, receive {Port, {data, Data}} -> Caller ! {sha512, decode(Data)} end, loop(Port); stop -> Port ! {self(), close}, receive {Port, closed} -> exit(normal) end; {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> io:format("~p ~n", [Reason]), exit(port_terminated) end. encode({foo, X}) -> [1, X]; encode({bar, Y}) -> [2, Y]; encode(Str) -> Str. decode([Int]) -> Int; decode(Str) -> Str. hex_to_string(List) -> hex_to_string(List, []). hex_to_string([Head | Tail], Acc) -> Char = io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [Head]), hex_to_string(Tail, lists:append(Acc, Char)); hex_to_string([], Acc) -> lists:flatten(Acc).
-*- Mode : LISP ; Syntax : COMMON - LISP ; Package : CH11 - FIRST ; Base : 10 -*- ;;; Code from Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming Copyright ( c ) 1991 prolog1.lisp : First version of Prolog implementation (in-package #:ch11-first) ;; Clauses are represented as (head . body) cons cells (defun clause-head (clause) (first clause)) (defun clause-body (clause) (rest clause)) ;; Clauses are stored on the predicate's plist (defun get-clauses (pred) (get pred 'clauses)) (defun predicate (relation) (first relation)) (defvar *db-predicates* nil "A list of all predicates stored in the database.") (defmacro <- (&rest clause) "Add a clause to the data base." `(add-clause ',clause)) (defun add-clause (clause) "Add a clause to the data base, indexed by head's predicate." ;; The predicate must be a non-variable symbol. (let ((pred (predicate (clause-head clause)))) (assert (and (symbolp pred) (not (variable-p pred)))) (pushnew pred *db-predicates*) (setf (get pred 'clauses) (nconc (get-clauses pred) (list clause))) pred)) (defun clear-db () "Remove all clauses (for all predicates) from the data base." (mapc #'clear-predicate *db-predicates*)) (defun clear-predicate (predicate) "Remove the clauses for a single predicate." (setf (get predicate 'clauses) nil)) To prove a goal , first find all the candidate clauses for that goal . For each candidate , ;; check if the goal unifies with the head of the clause. If it does, try to prove all the ;; goals in the body of the clause. For facts, there will be no goals in the body, so ;; success will be immediate. For rules, the goals in the body need to be proved one at a ;; time, making sure that bindings from the previous step are maintained. (defun prove (goal bindings) "Return a list of possible solutions to goal." (mapcan #'(lambda (clause) (let ((new-clause (rename-variables clause))) (prove-all (clause-body new-clause) (unify goal (clause-head new-clause) bindings)))) (get-clauses (predicate goal)))) (defun prove-all (goals bindings) "Return a list of solutions to the conjunction of goals." (cond ((eq bindings fail) fail) ((null goals) (list bindings)) (t (mapcan #'(lambda (goal1-solution) (prove-all (rest goals) goal1-solution)) (prove (first goals) bindings))))) ;; Just as arguments to a function can have different values in different recursive calls ;; to the function, so the variables in a clause are allowed to take on different values in ;; different recursive uses. (defun rename-variables (x) "Replace all variables in X with new ones." (sublis (mapcar #'(lambda (var) (cons var (gensym (string var)))) (variables-in x)) x)) (defun variables-in (exp) "Return a list of all the variables in EXP." (unique-find-anywhere-if #'variable-p exp)) (defun unique-find-anywhere-if (predicate tree &optional found-so-far) "Return a list of leaves of tree satisfying PREDICATE, with duplicates removed." (if (atom tree) (if (funcall predicate tree) (adjoin tree found-so-far) found-so-far) (unique-find-anywhere-if predicate (first tree) (unique-find-anywhere-if predicate (rest tree) found-so-far)))) (defun find-anywhere-if (predicate tree) "Does PREDICATE apply to any atom in the TREE?" (if (atom tree) (funcall predicate tree) (or (find-anywhere-if predicate (first tree)) (find-anywhere-if predicate (rest tree))))) (defmacro ?- (&rest goals) `(top-level-prove ',goals)) (defun top-level-prove (goals) "Prove the goals, and print variables readably." (show-prolog-solutions (variables-in goals) (prove-all goals no-bindings))) (defun show-prolog-solutions (vars solutions) "Print the variables in each of the solutions." (if (null solutions) (format t "~&No.") (mapc #'(lambda (solution) (show-prolog-vars vars solution)) solutions)) (values)) (defun show-prolog-vars (vars bindings) "Print each variable with its binding." (if (null vars) (format t "~&Yes") (dolist (var vars) (format t "~&~a = ~a" var (subst-bindings bindings var)))) (princ ";"))
Syntax : COMMON - LISP ; Package : CH11 - FIRST ; Base : 10 -*- Code from Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming Clauses are represented as (head . body) cons cells Clauses are stored on the predicate's plist The predicate must be a non-variable symbol. check if the goal unifies with the head of the clause. If it does, try to prove all the goals in the body of the clause. For facts, there will be no goals in the body, so success will be immediate. For rules, the goals in the body need to be proved one at a time, making sure that bindings from the previous step are maintained. Just as arguments to a function can have different values in different recursive calls to the function, so the variables in a clause are allowed to take on different values in different recursive uses.
Copyright ( c ) 1991 prolog1.lisp : First version of Prolog implementation (in-package #:ch11-first) (defun clause-head (clause) (first clause)) (defun clause-body (clause) (rest clause)) (defun get-clauses (pred) (get pred 'clauses)) (defun predicate (relation) (first relation)) (defvar *db-predicates* nil "A list of all predicates stored in the database.") (defmacro <- (&rest clause) "Add a clause to the data base." `(add-clause ',clause)) (defun add-clause (clause) "Add a clause to the data base, indexed by head's predicate." (let ((pred (predicate (clause-head clause)))) (assert (and (symbolp pred) (not (variable-p pred)))) (pushnew pred *db-predicates*) (setf (get pred 'clauses) (nconc (get-clauses pred) (list clause))) pred)) (defun clear-db () "Remove all clauses (for all predicates) from the data base." (mapc #'clear-predicate *db-predicates*)) (defun clear-predicate (predicate) "Remove the clauses for a single predicate." (setf (get predicate 'clauses) nil)) To prove a goal , first find all the candidate clauses for that goal . For each candidate , (defun prove (goal bindings) "Return a list of possible solutions to goal." (mapcan #'(lambda (clause) (let ((new-clause (rename-variables clause))) (prove-all (clause-body new-clause) (unify goal (clause-head new-clause) bindings)))) (get-clauses (predicate goal)))) (defun prove-all (goals bindings) "Return a list of solutions to the conjunction of goals." (cond ((eq bindings fail) fail) ((null goals) (list bindings)) (t (mapcan #'(lambda (goal1-solution) (prove-all (rest goals) goal1-solution)) (prove (first goals) bindings))))) (defun rename-variables (x) "Replace all variables in X with new ones." (sublis (mapcar #'(lambda (var) (cons var (gensym (string var)))) (variables-in x)) x)) (defun variables-in (exp) "Return a list of all the variables in EXP." (unique-find-anywhere-if #'variable-p exp)) (defun unique-find-anywhere-if (predicate tree &optional found-so-far) "Return a list of leaves of tree satisfying PREDICATE, with duplicates removed." (if (atom tree) (if (funcall predicate tree) (adjoin tree found-so-far) found-so-far) (unique-find-anywhere-if predicate (first tree) (unique-find-anywhere-if predicate (rest tree) found-so-far)))) (defun find-anywhere-if (predicate tree) "Does PREDICATE apply to any atom in the TREE?" (if (atom tree) (funcall predicate tree) (or (find-anywhere-if predicate (first tree)) (find-anywhere-if predicate (rest tree))))) (defmacro ?- (&rest goals) `(top-level-prove ',goals)) (defun top-level-prove (goals) "Prove the goals, and print variables readably." (show-prolog-solutions (variables-in goals) (prove-all goals no-bindings))) (defun show-prolog-solutions (vars solutions) "Print the variables in each of the solutions." (if (null solutions) (format t "~&No.") (mapc #'(lambda (solution) (show-prolog-vars vars solution)) solutions)) (values)) (defun show-prolog-vars (vars bindings) "Print each variable with its binding." (if (null vars) (format t "~&Yes") (dolist (var vars) (format t "~&~a = ~a" var (subst-bindings bindings var)))) (princ ";"))
#lang racket (require "untyped.rkt") (define-syntax-rule (test a b) (unless (equal? a b) (error 'test "failed: ~.s" 'b))) (test x '(a 2 "c" '(d))) (test "ok" ((v-f i) "ok")) (test add1 (v-f (v add1))) (test #t (v? i)) (test "a" (f "a")) (test 0 (f 0)) (test #t (ordinal? (ordinal "x"))) (test '(6 6) (apply-identity (lambda (x) 6) 5)) (test (void) (set-box! (box-number 5) 7)) (test (void) (set-box! (box-number 5) "apple")) (test (list) (unbox boxed-null)) (test 7 (prm)) (test 18 (parameterize ([prm 18]) (get-prm))) (test "5" ((get-prm-getter sprm))) (test "dog?" (add-char "dog" #\?)) (test 65 (extract-first #"ABC"))
#lang racket (require "untyped.rkt") (define-syntax-rule (test a b) (unless (equal? a b) (error 'test "failed: ~.s" 'b))) (test x '(a 2 "c" '(d))) (test "ok" ((v-f i) "ok")) (test add1 (v-f (v add1))) (test #t (v? i)) (test "a" (f "a")) (test 0 (f 0)) (test #t (ordinal? (ordinal "x"))) (test '(6 6) (apply-identity (lambda (x) 6) 5)) (test (void) (set-box! (box-number 5) 7)) (test (void) (set-box! (box-number 5) "apple")) (test (list) (unbox boxed-null)) (test 7 (prm)) (test 18 (parameterize ([prm 18]) (get-prm))) (test "5" ((get-prm-getter sprm))) (test "dog?" (add-char "dog" #\?)) (test 65 (extract-first #"ABC"))
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Lex where import Control.Arrow import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Char import Types symbols :: String symbols = " *();," lex :: Text -> [Token] lex = go NameMode where tokenize ' ' = [] tokenize '*' = [Star] tokenize '(' = [LParen] tokenize ')' = [RParen] tokenize ';' = [Semi] tokenize ',' = [Comma] tokenize _ = [] go TokenMode xs = do case T.uncons xs of Nothing -> [] Just (c,cs) | isAlpha c -> go NameMode (T.cons c cs) | otherwise -> tokenize c ++ go TokenMode cs go NameMode xs = do let (match, rest) = partition xs if match == "const" then [] ++ go TokenMode rest else Id match : go TokenMode rest partition :: Text -> (Text,Text) partition = T.takeWhile (`notElem` symbols) &&& T.dropWhile (`notElem` symbols)
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #
module Lex where import Control.Arrow import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Char import Types symbols :: String symbols = " *();," lex :: Text -> [Token] lex = go NameMode where tokenize ' ' = [] tokenize '*' = [Star] tokenize '(' = [LParen] tokenize ')' = [RParen] tokenize ';' = [Semi] tokenize ',' = [Comma] tokenize _ = [] go TokenMode xs = do case T.uncons xs of Nothing -> [] Just (c,cs) | isAlpha c -> go NameMode (T.cons c cs) | otherwise -> tokenize c ++ go TokenMode cs go NameMode xs = do let (match, rest) = partition xs if match == "const" then [] ++ go TokenMode rest else Id match : go TokenMode rest partition :: Text -> (Text,Text) partition = T.takeWhile (`notElem` symbols) &&& T.dropWhile (`notElem` symbols)
(**************************************************************************) This file is part of BINSEC . (* *) Copyright ( C ) 2019 - 2022 CEA ( Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies (* alternatives) *) (* *) (* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *) Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.1 . (* *) (* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *) (* *) See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) . (* *) (**************************************************************************) open OUnit2 let test_size_of _ = let b = Bitvector.of_int32 (Int32.of_int 5) in assert_equal 32 (Bitvector.size_of b) let qcheck = [ QCheck.Test.make ~count:1000 ~name:"test_sgt" QCheck.(pair int32 int32) (fun (i1, i2) -> let b1, b2 = Bitvector.of_int32 i1, Bitvector.of_int32 i2 in (Bitvector.sgt b1 b2) = (i1 > i2)); ] let suite = let ounit_suite = [ "test_sizeof">:: test_size_of; ] in let qcheck_suite = List.map QCheck_ounit.to_ounit2_test qcheck in "suite">:::(List.append ounit_suite qcheck_suite) let () = run_test_tt_main suite
************************************************************************ alternatives) you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ************************************************************************
This file is part of BINSEC . Copyright ( C ) 2019 - 2022 CEA ( Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.1 . See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) . open OUnit2 let test_size_of _ = let b = Bitvector.of_int32 (Int32.of_int 5) in assert_equal 32 (Bitvector.size_of b) let qcheck = [ QCheck.Test.make ~count:1000 ~name:"test_sgt" QCheck.(pair int32 int32) (fun (i1, i2) -> let b1, b2 = Bitvector.of_int32 i1, Bitvector.of_int32 i2 in (Bitvector.sgt b1 b2) = (i1 > i2)); ] let suite = let ounit_suite = [ "test_sizeof">:: test_size_of; ] in let qcheck_suite = List.map QCheck_ounit.to_ounit2_test qcheck in "suite">:::(List.append ounit_suite qcheck_suite) let () = run_test_tt_main suite
(ns org.gridgain.plus.ddl.my-create-table-0 (:require [org.gridgain.plus.dml.select-lexical :as my-lexical] [org.gridgain.plus.dml.my-select-plus :as my-select] [org.gridgain.plus.init.plus-init-sql :as plus-init-sql] [clojure.core.reducers :as r] [clojure.string :as str]) (:import (org.apache.ignite Ignite IgniteCache) (com.google.common.base Strings) (org.tools MyConvertUtil) (cn.plus.model MyNoSqlCache MyCacheEx MyKeyValue MyLogCache SqlType) (cn.plus.model.ddl MySchemaTable MyDataSet MyDeleteViews MyInsertViews MySelectViews MyTable MyTableIndex MyTableIndexItem MyTableItem MyTableItemPK) (org.gridgain.ddl MyCreateTableUtil) (java.util ArrayList Date Iterator) (java.sql Timestamp) (java.math BigDecimal) ) (:gen-class ; 生成 class 的类名 :name org.gridgain.plus.dml.MyCreateTable_0 是否生成 class 的 main 方法 :main false 生成 java 静态的方法 ;:methods [^:static [plus_create_table [org.apache.ignite.Ignite Long String String Long String String] void]] )) (defn get-create-table-items ([lst] (get-create-table-items lst [] [] [] [] [])) ([[f & r] create_table schema_name table_name items_line template] (if (some? f) (cond (empty? create_table) (recur r (conj create_table "create") schema_name table_name items_line template) (and (not (empty? create_table)) (empty? schema_name)) (cond (and (= (count create_table) 1) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? f "table")) (recur r (conj create_table "table") schema_name table_name items_line template) (and (= (count create_table) 2) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? (second create_table) "table")) (if (my-lexical/is-eq? f "if") (recur r (conj create_table "if") schema_name table_name items_line template) (recur r create_table (conj schema_name f) table_name items_line template)) (and (= (count create_table) 3) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 1) "table") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 2) "if") (my-lexical/is-eq? f "not")) (recur r (conj create_table "not") schema_name table_name items_line template) (and (= (count create_table) 4) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 1) "table") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 2) "if") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 3) "not") (my-lexical/is-eq? f "exists")) (recur r (conj create_table "exists") schema_name table_name items_line template) (and (= (count create_table) 5) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 1) "table") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 2) "if") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 3) "not") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 4) "exists")) (recur r create_table (conj schema_name f) table_name items_line template) :else (throw (Exception. "Create Table 语句错误!")) ) (and (not (empty? create_table)) (not (empty? schema_name)) (empty? table_name)) (cond (and (not (= (first schema_name) "")) (= f ".")) (recur (rest (rest r)) create_table schema_name (conj table_name (first r)) (conj items_line (second r)) template) (and (not (= (first schema_name) "")) (= f "(")) (recur r create_table [""] [(first schema_name)] (conj items_line f) template) :else (throw (Exception. "Create Table 语句错误!")) ) (and (not (empty? create_table)) (not (empty? schema_name)) (not (empty? table_name)) (not (empty? items_line)) (empty? template)) (if (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "with") (= (count r) 1)) (recur [] create_table schema_name table_name items_line [(first r)]) (recur r create_table schema_name table_name (conj items_line f) template)) :else (throw (Exception. "Create Table 语句错误!")) ) {:create_table (str/join " " create_table) :schema_name (first schema_name) :table_name (first table_name) :items_line items_line :template (first template)}))) (defn get_tmp_item [^String item_line] (if-let [items (my-lexical/to-back item_line)] (if (and (= (count items) 3) (= (nth items 1) "=")) {:my_left (nth items 0) :my_right (nth items 2)} (throw (Exception. (format "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!位置:%s" item_line)))) (throw (Exception. (format "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!位置:%s" item_line))))) (defn get_tmp_items ([ignite lst_line] (get_tmp_items ignite lst_line [] (StringBuilder.))) ([ignite [f & r] lst sb] (if (some? f) (if (< (count lst) 2) (let [{my_left :my_left my_right :my_right} (get_tmp_item f)] (cond (.containsKey (.getTemplateConfiguration (.configuration ignite)) my_right) (recur ignite r (conj lst f) (doto sb (.append (format "%s," (.getTemplateValue (.get (.getTemplateConfiguration (.configuration ignite)) my_right)))))) (my-lexical/is-eq? my_left "AFFINITY_KEY") (recur ignite r (conj lst f) (doto sb (.append (format "AFFINITY_KEY=%s," my_right)))) :else (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!只能是 TEMPLATE=XXX,AFFINITY_KEY=YYY 这种形式")) )) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!只能是 TEMPLATE=XXX,AFFINITY_KEY=YYY 这种形式"))) (.toString sb)))) (defn get_tmp_line [^Ignite ignite ^String template_line] (if (re-find #"\"$" template_line) (if-let [line (str/replace template_line #"\"$" "")] (if-let [lst_line (str/split line #"\s*,\s*")] (get_tmp_items ignite lst_line) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!")))) 事务执行 DDL 创建一个recode 记录 ( sql un_sql ) ; 形成这样的列表,当执行中有 false 就执行 un_sql, ; 来回滚事务 ( defrecord ddl [ ^String sql ^String un_sql ^Boolean is_success ] ) (defn sql_lst ([lst] (sql_lst lst [])) ([[f & r] rs] (if (some? f) (if (nil? r) (recur r (concat rs [f])) (recur r (concat rs [f " "]))) rs))) (defn get_sql [^String sql] (str/join (sql_lst (my-lexical/to-back sql)))) ; 获取 items 和 template (defn get_items_tp [^String line_rs] (if-let [items (str/split line_rs #"(?i)\s\)\sWITH\s\"")] (if (= (count items) 2) {:items_line (get items 0) :template (get items 1)}) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!没有 with 关键词!")))) (defn get_items ([lst] (get_items lst [] [] [])) ([[f & r] lst_stack item_stack lst] (if (some? f) (cond (= f "(") (recur r (conj lst_stack f) (conj item_stack f) lst) (= f ")") (recur r (pop lst_stack) (conj item_stack f) lst) (and (= f ",") (= (count lst_stack) 0) (> (count item_stack) 0)) (recur r lst_stack [] (conj lst item_stack)) :else (recur r lst_stack (conj item_stack f) lst) ) (if (> (count item_stack) 0) (conj lst item_stack) lst)))) (defn get_item_obj ([lst] (get_item_obj lst [] [] [] [])) ([[f & r] pk_stack type_stack lst_type lst] (if (some? f) (cond (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "comment") (= (first r) "(") (= (second (rest r)) ")")) (recur (rest (rest (rest r))) pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:comment (second r)})) (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "PRIMARY") (my-lexical/is-eq? (first r) "KEY")) (if (> (count (rest r)) 0) (recur (rest (rest r)) (conj pk_stack (second r)) type_stack lst_type lst) (recur nil nil type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:pk [(first lst)]}))) (and (> (count pk_stack) 0) (= f ")")) (recur r [] type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:pk (filter #(not= % ",") (rest pk_stack))})) (and (> (count pk_stack) 0) (not= f ")")) (recur r (conj pk_stack f) type_stack lst_type lst) (and (> (count type_stack) 0) (= f "(")) (recur r pk_stack (conj type_stack f) (conj lst_type f) lst) (and (> (count type_stack) 0) (not= f ")")) (recur r pk_stack type_stack (conj lst_type f) lst) (and (> (count type_stack) 0) (= f ")")) (if (= (count type_stack) 1) (recur r pk_stack [] [] (conj (pop lst) (assoc (peek lst) :vs lst_type)))) (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "NOT") (my-lexical/is-eq? (first r) "NULL") (= (count pk_stack) 0)) (recur (rest r) pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:not_null true})) (my-lexical/is-eq? f "auto") (recur r pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:auto true})) (some? (re-find #"^(?i)float$|^(?i)double$|^(?i)long$|^(?i)integer$|^(?i)int$|^(?i)SMALLINT$|^(?i)TINYINT$|^(?i)varchar$|^(?i)varchar\(\d+\)$|^(?i)char$|^(?i)char\(\d+\)$|^(?i)BOOLEAN$|^(?i)BIGINT$|^(?i)BINARY$|^(?i)TIMESTAMP$|^(?i)Date$|^(?i)DATETIME$|^(?i)TIME$|^(?i)DECIMAL$|^(?i)REAL$|^(?i)VARBINARY$" f)) (if (= (first r) "(") (recur (rest r) pk_stack (conj type_stack (first r)) lst_type (conj lst {:type (my-lexical/convert_to_type f)})) (recur r pk_stack [] lst_type (conj lst {:type (my-lexical/convert_to_type f)}))) (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "DEFAULT") (some? (first r))) (recur (rest r) pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:default (first r)})) :else (recur r pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst f))) lst))) (defn items_obj [my_items] (loop [[f & r] my_items lst_items []] (if (some? f) (recur r (conj lst_items (get_item_obj f))) lst_items))) (defn to_item ([lst] (to_item lst (MyTableItem.) (StringBuilder.) #{})) ([[f & r] ^MyTableItem m ^StringBuilder code_line pk_set] (if (some? f) (cond (and (instance? String f) (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name m)) true)) (let [column_name (str/lower-case f)] (.setColumn_name m column_name) (.append code_line column_name) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (instance? String f) (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name m)) false)) (throw (Exception. (format "语句错误,位置在:%s" f))) (and (map? f) (contains? f :pk) (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name m)) false)) (if (= (count pk_set) 0) (do (.setPkid m true) (recur r m code_line (conj pk_set (.getColumn_name m)))) (throw (Exception. "组合主键设置错误!"))) (and (map? f) (contains? f :pk) (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name m)) true)) (recur r m code_line (concat pk_set (-> f :pk))) (and (map? f) (contains? f :type)) (let [f-type (my-lexical/to-smart-sql-type (-> f :type))] (.setColumn_type m f-type) (.append code_line " ") (.append code_line f-type) (if (contains? f :vs) (cond (= (count (-> f :vs)) 1) (let [len (nth (-> f :vs) 0)] (.setColumn_len m (MyConvertUtil/ConvertToInt len)) (.append code_line "(") (.append code_line len) (.append code_line ")")) (= (count (-> f :vs)) 3) (let [len (nth (-> f :vs) 0) scale (nth (-> f :vs) 2)] (.setColumn_len m (MyConvertUtil/ConvertToInt len)) (.setScale m (MyConvertUtil/ConvertToInt scale)) (.append code_line "(") (.append code_line len) (.append code_line ",") (.append code_line scale) (.append code_line ")")) )) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (map? f) (contains? f :not_null)) (do (.setNot_null m (-> f :not_null)) (.append code_line " not null") (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (map? f) (contains? f :default)) (do (.setDefault_value m (-> f :default)) (.append code_line (.concat " DEFAULT " (-> f :default))) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (map? f) (contains? f :comment)) (do (.setComment m (my-lexical/get_str_value (-> f :comment))) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (map? f) (contains? f :auto)) (do (.setAuto_increment m (-> f :auto)) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) ) (if (and (true? (.getAuto_increment m)) (not (some? (re-find #"^(?i)integer$|^(?i)int$|^(?i)SMALLINT$|^(?i)BIGINT$|^(?i)long$" (.getColumn_type m))))) (throw (Exception. "自增长必须是 int 或者是 long 类型的!")) {:table_item m :code code_line :pk pk_set})))) (defn set_pk ([lst_table_item column_name] (set_pk lst_table_item column_name [])) ([[f & r] ^String column_name ^ArrayList lst] (if (some? f) (if (my-lexical/is-eq? (.getColumn_name f) column_name) (recur r column_name (conj lst (doto f (.setPkid true)))) (recur r column_name (conj lst f))) lst))) (defn set_pk_set [^ArrayList lst_table_item [f & r]] (if (some? f) (recur (set_pk lst_table_item f) r) lst_table_item)) (defn item_obj [[f & r] item_name] (if (and (some? f) (my-lexical/is-eq? (.getColumn_name f) item_name)) f (recur r item_name))) (defn new_pk [[f & r] lst_table_item ^StringBuilder sb] (if (some? f) (if-let [m (item_obj lst_table_item f)] (do ;(.append sb (.concat (.getColumn_name m) "_pk")) (.append sb (.concat " " (.getColumn_type m))) (cond (and (not (nil? (.getColumn_len m))) (not (nil? (.getScale m))) (> (.getColumn_len m) 0) (> (.getScale m) 0)) (.append sb (str/join ["(" (.getColumn_len m) "," (.getScale m) ")"])) (and (not (nil? (.getColumn_len m))) (> (.getColumn_len m) 0) ) (.append sb (str/join ["(" (.getColumn_len m) ")"])) ) (if (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getDefault_value m)) false) (.append sb (.concat " default " (.getDefault_value m)))) (.append sb ",") (recur r lst_table_item sb)) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中主键错误!"))) (.toString sb))) (defn pk_line ([pk_sets] (pk_line pk_sets (StringBuilder.))) ([[f & r] ^StringBuilder sb] (if (some? f) (if (= (count r) 0) (recur r (doto sb (.append (str/lower-case f)))) (recur r (doto sb (.append (.concat (str/lower-case f) ","))))) (.toString sb)))) (defn get_pk_name_vs [pk_items] (loop [[f & r] pk_items name (StringBuilder.) value (StringBuilder.)] (if (some? f) (if (= (count r) 0) (recur r (doto name (.append (str/lower-case f))) (doto value (.append (str/lower-case f)))) (recur r (doto name (.append (.concat (str/lower-case f) "_"))) (doto value (.append (.concat (str/lower-case f) ","))))) {:name (.toString name) :value (.toString value)}))) (defn get_pk_index_no_ds ([pk_sets ^String table_name] (if-let [lst_rs (get_pk_index_no_ds pk_sets table_name [])] (if-let [{name :name value :value} (get_pk_name_vs pk_sets)] (conj lst_rs {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_idx ON %s (%s)" table_name name table_name (str/lower-case value)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_idx" table_name name) :is_success nil}) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ([[f & r] ^String table_name lst] (if (some? f) (recur r table_name (conj lst {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_idx ON %s (%s)" table_name f table_name (str/lower-case f)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_idx" table_name f) :is_success nil})) lst))) (defn get_pk_index_ds ([pk_sets ^String schema_name ^String table_name ^String schema_name] (if-let [lst_rs (get_pk_index_ds pk_sets schema_name table_name [] schema_name)] (if-let [{name :name value :value} (get_pk_name_vs pk_sets)] (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) (conj lst_rs {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx ON %s.%s (%s)" schema_name table_name name schema_name table_name (str/lower-case value)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx" schema_name table_name name) :is_success nil}) (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) (conj lst_rs {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx ON %s.%s (%s)" schema_name table_name name schema_name table_name (str/lower-case value)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx" schema_name table_name name) :is_success nil}) :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) ) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ([[f & r] ^String schema_name ^String table_name lst ^String schema_name] (if (some? f) (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) (recur r schema_name table_name (conj lst {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx ON %s.%s (%s)" schema_name table_name f schema_name table_name (str/lower-case f)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx" schema_name table_name f) :is_success nil}) schema_name) (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) (recur r schema_name table_name (conj lst {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx ON %s.%s (%s)" schema_name table_name f schema_name table_name (str/lower-case f)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx" schema_name table_name f) :is_success nil}) schema_name) :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) ) lst))) (defn get_pk_index [pk_sets ^String schema_name ^String table_name ^String schema_name] ;(get_pk_index_ds pk_sets schema_name table_name schema_name) nil) (defn table_items ([lst_table_item] (table_items lst_table_item [])) ([[f & r] lst] (if (some? f) (if (not (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name f))) (recur r (conj lst f)) (recur r lst)) lst))) (defn get_obj_ds ([items ^String schema_name ^String table_name ^String schema_name] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb pk_sets :pk_sets} (get_obj_ds items (ArrayList.) (StringBuilder.) #{} schema_name)] (cond (= (count pk_sets) 1) {:lst_table_item (set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets) :code_sb (format "%s PRIMARY KEY (%s)" (.toString code_sb) (nth pk_sets 0))} (> (count pk_sets) 1) (if-let [pk_set (set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets)] {:lst_table_item pk_set :code_sb (format "%s PRIMARY KEY (%s)" (.toString code_sb) (pk_line pk_sets)) :indexs (get_pk_index pk_sets schema_name table_name schema_name)} (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!"))) :else (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!")) ) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ([[f & r] ^ArrayList lst ^StringBuilder sb pk_sets schema_name] (if (some? f) (if-let [{table_item :table_item code_line :code pk :pk} (to_item f)] (do (.add lst table_item) (if (not (nil? (last (.trim (.toString code_line))))) (.append sb (.concat (.trim (.toString code_line)) ","))) (recur r lst sb (concat pk_sets pk) schema_name)) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) {:lst_table_item (table_items lst) :code_sb sb :pk_sets pk_sets}))) ( ( [ items ^String table_name ] ( if - let [ { lst_table_item : lst_table_item code_sb : code_sb pk_sets : pk_sets } ( get_obj_no_ds items ( ArrayList . ) ( StringBuilder . ) # { } ) ] ( cond (= ( count pk_sets ) 1 ) { : lst_table_item ( set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets ) : code_sb ( format " % s PRIMARY KEY ( % s ) " ( .toString code_sb ) ( nth pk_sets 0 ) ) } ( > ( count pk_sets ) 1 ) ( if - let [ pk_set ( set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets ) ] { : lst_table_item pk_set : code_sb ( format " % s % s PRIMARY KEY ( % s ) " ( .toString code_sb ) ( new_pk pk_sets pk_set ( StringBuilder . ) ) ( pk_line pk_sets ) ) ; :indexs (get_pk_index pk_sets table_name nil)} ; (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!"))) ; :else ; (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!")) ; ) ; (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ; ([[f & r] ^ArrayList lst ^StringBuilder sb pk_sets] ; (if (some? f) ; (if-let [{table_item :table_item code_line :code pk :pk} (to_item f)] ; (do (.add lst table_item) ; (if (not (nil? (last (.trim (.toString code_line))))) ; (.append sb (.concat (.trim (.toString code_line)) ","))) ; (recur r lst sb (concat pk_sets pk))) ; (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) ; {:lst_table_item (table_items lst) :code_sb sb :pk_sets pk_sets}))) (defn get_obj [items ^String schema_name ^String table_name ^String schema_name] (get_obj_ds items (str/lower-case schema_name) (str/lower-case table_name) (str/lower-case schema_name))) items : " ( CategoryID INTEGER NOT NULL auto comment ( ' 产品类型ID ' ) , CategoryName VARCHAR ( 15 ) NOT NULL comment ( ' 产品类型名 ' ) , Description VARCHAR comment ( ' 类型说明 ' ) , Picture VARCHAR comment ( ' 产品样本 ' ) , PRIMARY KEY ( CategoryID ) " items : " ( i d int PRIMARY KEY , city_id int , name , age int , company varchar " (defn get_items_obj [items] (when-let [my_items (items_obj (get_items (rest (my-lexical/to-back items))))] my_items)) (defn get_items_obj_lst [items-lst] (when-let [my_items (items_obj (get_items (drop-last 1 (rest items-lst))))] my_items)) (defn get_template [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String schema_name ^String schema_name ^String template] (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) (format "%scache_name=f_%s_%s\"" (get_tmp_line ignite template) (str/lower-case schema_name) (str/lower-case table_name)) (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) (format "%scache_name=f_%s_%s\"" (get_tmp_line ignite template) (str/lower-case schema_name) (str/lower-case table_name)) :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) ) ) (defn get_table_line_obj [^Ignite ignite ^String sql_line ^String schema_name] (letfn [(is-no-exists [lst] (let [items (take 4 lst)] (if (and (my-lexical/is-eq? (first items) "CREATE") (my-lexical/is-eq? (second items) "TABLE") (= (last items) "(") (my-lexical/is-eq? (first (take-last 2 lst)) "with")) (if (nil? (last lst)) (throw (Exception. "创建表必须有 template 的设置!")) (assoc (my-lexical/get-schema (nth items 2)) :create_table "CREATE TABLE" :items_line (drop-last 2 (drop 3 lst)) :template (last lst))) ))) (is-exists [lst] (let [items (take 7 lst)] (if (and (my-lexical/is-eq? (first items) "CREATE") (my-lexical/is-eq? (second items) "TABLE") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth items 2) "IF") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth items 3) "NOT") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth items 4) "EXISTS") (= (last items) "(") (my-lexical/is-eq? (first (take-last 2 lst)) "with")) (assoc (my-lexical/get-schema (nth items 5)) :create_table "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS" :items_line (drop-last 2 (drop 6 lst)) :template (last lst))))) (get-segment [lst] (if-let [m (is-no-exists lst)] m (if-let [vs (is-exists lst)] vs))) (get-table-name [schema_name table_name] (if (Strings/isNullOrEmpty schema_name) table_name (str schema_name "." table_name)))] (let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name create_table :create_table items_line :items_line template :template} (get-segment (my-lexical/to-back sql_line)) schema_table (get-table-name schema_name table_name)] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs} (get_obj (get_items_obj_lst items_line) schema_name table_name schema_name)] {:create_table create_table :schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item :code_sb (.toString code_sb) :indexs indexs :template (get_template ignite table_name schema_name schema_name (str/join (rest template))) } (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) )) ) ( defn get_table_line_obj_lst [ ^Ignite ignite lst ^String schema_name ] ( [ ( is - no - exists [ lst ] ( let [ items ( take 4 lst ) ] ( if ( and ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( first items ) " CREATE " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( second items ) " TABLE " ) (= ( last items ) " ( " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( first ( take - last 2 lst ) ) " with " ) ) ; (if (nil? (last lst)) ( throw ( Exception . " 创建表必须有 template 的设置 ! " ) ) ( assoc ( my - lexical / get - schema ( nth items 2 ) ) : create_table " CREATE TABLE " : items_line ( drop - last 2 ( drop 3 lst ) ) : template ( last lst ) ) ) ; ))) ; (is-exists [lst] ( let [ items ( take 7 lst ) ] ( if ( and ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( first items ) " CREATE " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( second items ) " TABLE " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( nth items 2 ) " IF " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( nth items 3 ) " NOT " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( nth items 4 ) " EXISTS " ) (= ( last items ) " ( " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( first ( take - last 2 lst ) ) " with " ) ) ( assoc ( my - lexical / get - schema ( nth items 5 ) ) : create_table " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " : items_line ( drop - last 2 ( drop 6 lst ) ) : template ( last lst ) ) ) ) ) ; (get-segment [lst] ( if - let [ m ( is - no - exists lst ) ] ; m ( if - let [ vs ( is - exists lst ) ] ; vs))) ; (get-table-name [schema_name table_name] ; (if (Strings/isNullOrEmpty schema_name) ; table_name ( str schema_name " . " table_name ) ) ) ] ; (let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name create_table :create_table items_line :items_line template :template} (get-segment lst) schema_table (get-table-name schema_name table_name)] ( if - let [ { lst_table_item : lst_table_item code_sb : ( get_obj ( get_items_obj_lst items_line ) schema_name table_name schema_name ) ] ; {:create_table create_table ; :schema_name schema_name ; :table_name table_name : lst_table_item ; :code_sb (.toString code_sb) : : template ( get_template ignite table_name schema_name schema_name ( str / join ( rest template ) ) ) ; } ; (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) ; )) ; ) (defn get_table_line_obj_lst [^Ignite ignite lst ^String schema_name] (let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name create_table :create_table items_line :items_line template :template} (get-create-table-items lst)] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs} (get_obj (get_items_obj_lst items_line) schema_name table_name schema_name)] {:create_table create_table :schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item :code_sb (.toString code_sb) :indexs indexs :template (get_template ignite table_name schema_name schema_name (str/join (rest template))) } (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) ) ) ; json 转换为 ddl 序列 (defn to_ddl_lst [^Ignite ignite ^String sql_line ^String schema_name] (if-let [{schema_name :schema_name create_table :create_table table_name :table_name lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs template :template} (get_table_line_obj ignite sql_line schema_name)] (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) {:schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item :lst_ddl (concat (conj [] {:sql (format "%s %s.%s (%s) WITH \"%s" create_table schema_name table_name code_sb template) :un_sql (format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s" schema_name table_name) :is_success nil}) indexs)} (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) {:schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item :lst_ddl (concat (conj [] {:sql (format "%s %s.%s (%s) WITH \"%s" create_table schema_name table_name code_sb template) :un_sql (format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s" schema_name table_name) :is_success nil}) indexs)} :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) ) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) (defn get_pk_data [lst] (loop [[f & r] lst dic-pk [] dic-data []] (if (some? f) (cond (true? (.getPkid f)) (recur r (conj dic-pk {:column_name (.getColumn_name f), :column_type (.getColumn_type f), :pkid true, :auto_increment (.getAuto_increment f)}) dic-data) (false? (.getPkid f)) (recur r dic-pk (conj dic-data {:column_name (.getColumn_name f), :column_type (.getColumn_type f), :pkid false, :auto_increment (.getAuto_increment f)})) ) {:pk dic-pk :data dic-data}))) (defn to_ddl_lsts [^Ignite ignite lst ^String schema_name] (if-let [{schema_name-0 :schema_name create_table :create_table table_name-0 :table_name lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs template :template} (get_table_line_obj_lst ignite lst schema_name)] (let [schema_name (str/lower-case schema_name-0) table_name (str/lower-case table_name-0)] (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) {:schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :pk-data (get_pk_data lst_table_item) :lst_table_item lst_table_item :lst_ddl (concat (conj [] {:sql (format "%s %s.%s (%s) WITH \"%s" create_table schema_name table_name code_sb template) :un_sql (format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s" schema_name table_name) :is_success nil}) indexs)} (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) {:schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :pk-data (get_pk_data lst_table_item) :lst_table_item lst_table_item :lst_ddl (concat (conj [] {:sql (format "%s %s.%s (%s) WITH \"%s" create_table schema_name table_name code_sb template) :un_sql (format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s" schema_name table_name) :is_success nil}) indexs)} :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) )) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ; 生成 my_meta_tables (defn get_table_obj [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String descrip ^String code ^Long data_set_id] (if-let [id (.incrementAndGet (.atomicSequence ignite "my_meta_tables" 0 true))] (MyTable. id table_name descrip code data_set_id) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!")))) (defn get_table_obj_lst [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String descrip lst ^Long data_set_id] (if-let [id (.incrementAndGet (.atomicSequence ignite "my_meta_tables" 0 true))] (MyTable. id table_name descrip "" data_set_id) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!")))) 生成 (defn get_table_items_obj ([^Ignite ignite lst_table_item table_id] (get_table_items_obj ignite lst_table_item table_id [])) ([^Ignite ignite [f & r] table_id lst] (if (some? f) (if-let [id (.incrementAndGet (.atomicSequence ignite "table_item" 0 true))] (recur ignite r table_id (conj lst {:table "table_item" :key (MyTableItemPK. id table_id) :value (doto f (.setId id) (.setTable_id table_id))})) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!"))) lst))) ; 生成 MyCacheEx (defn get_my_table [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String descrip ^String code lst_table_item ^Long data_set_id] (if-let [table (get_table_obj ignite table_name descrip code data_set_id)] (if-let [lst_items (get_table_items_obj ignite lst_table_item (.getId table))] (cons {:table "my_meta_tables" :key (.getId table) :value table} lst_items) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!"))) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!")))) (defn get_my_table_lst [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String descrip lst lst_table_item ^Long data_set_id] (if-let [table (get_table_obj_lst ignite table_name descrip lst data_set_id)] (if-let [lst_items (get_table_items_obj ignite lst_table_item (.getId table))] (cons {:table "my_meta_tables" :key (.getId table) :value table} lst_items) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!"))) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!")))) (defn to_mycachex ([^Ignite ignite lst_dml_table] (to_mycachex ignite lst_dml_table (ArrayList.))) ([^Ignite ignite [f & r] lst] (if (some? f) (if-not (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getMyLogCls (.configuration ignite))) (recur ignite r (doto lst (.add (MyCacheEx. (.cache ignite (-> f :table)) (-> f :key) (-> f :value) (SqlType/INSERT) (MyLogCache. (-> f :table) "MY_META" (-> f :table) (-> f :key) (-> f :value) (SqlType/INSERT)))))) (recur ignite r (doto lst (.add (MyCacheEx. (.cache ignite (-> f :table)) (-> f :key) (-> f :value) (SqlType/INSERT) nil))))) lst))) ; 先执行 lst_ddl 全部成功后,在执行 lst_dml_table ; 如果 lst_dml_table 执行失败,上面的也要回滚 ; lst_ddl: [ddl] lst_dml_table : [ { : table " 表名 " : key PK_ID : value 值 } ] 转成 ArrayList 用 来执行 (defn run_ddl_dml [^Ignite ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table no-sql-cache code] (MyCreateTableUtil/run_ddl_dml ignite (my-lexical/to_arryList lst_ddl) lst_dml_table no-sql-cache code)) ; group_id序列: group_id schema_name group_type dataset_id (defn my_create_table_lst [^Ignite ignite group_id ^String descrip lst] (if (= (first group_id) 0) (if-let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name pk-data :pk-data lst_table_item :lst_table_item lst_ddl :lst_ddl} (to_ddl_lsts ignite lst (str/lower-case (second group_id)))] (if-not (and (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta") (contains? plus-init-sql/my-grid-tables-set table_name)) (if-let [lst_dml_table (to_mycachex ignite (get_my_table_lst ignite table_name descrip lst lst_table_item 0))] (if (true? (.isMultiUserGroup (.configuration ignite))) (run_ddl_dml ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table (MyNoSqlCache. "table_ast" schema_name table_name (MySchemaTable. schema_name table_name) pk-data (SqlType/INSERT)) (str/join " " lst))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (throw (Exception. "MY_META 数据集不能创建新的表!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (if (contains? #{"ALL" "DDL"} (str/upper-case (nth group_id 2))) (if-let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name pk-data :pk-data lst_table_item :lst_table_item lst_ddl :lst_ddl} (to_ddl_lsts ignite lst (str/lower-case (second group_id)))] (if-not (and (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta") (contains? plus-init-sql/my-grid-tables-set table_name)) (if (and (not (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name (second group_id))) (if-let [lst_dml_table (to_mycachex ignite (get_my_table_lst ignite table_name descrip lst lst_table_item (last group_id)))] (if (true? (.isMultiUserGroup (.configuration ignite))) (run_ddl_dml ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table (MyNoSqlCache. "table_ast" schema_name table_name (MySchemaTable. schema_name table_name) pk-data (SqlType/INSERT)) (str/join " " lst))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")) )) (throw (Exception. "MY_META 数据集不能创建新的表!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (throw (Exception. "该用户组没有创建表的权限!"))))) (defn my_get_obj_ds ([items] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb pk_sets :pk_sets} (my_get_obj_ds items (ArrayList.) (StringBuilder.) #{})] (cond (= (count pk_sets) 1) {:lst_table_item (set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets) :code_sb (format "%s PRIMARY KEY (%s)" (.toString code_sb) (nth pk_sets 0))} (> (count pk_sets) 1) (if-let [pk_set (set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets)] {:lst_table_item pk_set :code_sb (format "%s PRIMARY KEY (%s)" (.toString code_sb) (pk_line pk_sets))} (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!"))) :else (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!")) ) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ([[f & r] ^ArrayList lst ^StringBuilder sb pk_sets] (if (some? f) (if-let [{table_item :table_item code_line :code pk :pk} (to_item f)] (do (.add lst table_item) (if (not (nil? (last (.trim (.toString code_line))))) (.append sb (.concat (.trim (.toString code_line)) ","))) (recur r lst sb (concat pk_sets pk))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) {:lst_table_item (table_items lst) :code_sb sb :pk_sets pk_sets}))) ( defn my_create_table_lst [ ^Ignite ignite group_id ^String descrip lst ] ( if (= ( first group_id ) 0 ) ( if - let [ { schema_name : schema_name table_name : table_name pk - data : pk - data lst_table_item : lst_table_item lst_ddl : lst_ddl } ( to_ddl_lsts ignite lst ( str / lower - case ( second group_id ) ) ) ] ; (if-not (and (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta") (contains? plus-init-sql/my-grid-tables-set table_name)) ( if - let [ ( to_mycachex ignite ( get_my_table_lst ignite table_name descrip lst lst_table_item 0 ) ) ] ; (if (true? (.isMultiUserGroup (.configuration ignite))) ( run_ddl_dml ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table ( MyNoSqlCache . " table_ast " schema_name table_name ( MySchemaTable . schema_name table_name ) pk - data ( SqlType / INSERT ) ) ( str / join " " lst ) ) ) ; (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) ( throw ( Exception . " MY_META 数据集不能创建新的表 ! " ) ) ) ; (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) ( if ( contains ? # { " ALL " " DDL " } ( str / upper - case ( nth group_id 2 ) ) ) ( if - let [ { schema_name : schema_name table_name : table_name pk - data : pk - data lst_table_item : lst_table_item lst_ddl : lst_ddl } ( to_ddl_lsts ignite lst ( str / lower - case ( second group_id ) ) ) ] ; (if-not (and (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta") (contains? plus-init-sql/my-grid-tables-set table_name)) ( if ( and ( not ( my - lexical / is - eq ? schema_name " my_meta " ) ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? schema_name ( second group_id ) ) ) ( if - let [ ( to_mycachex ignite ( get_my_table_lst ignite table_name descrip lst lst_table_item ( last group_id ) ) ) ] ; (if (true? (.isMultiUserGroup (.configuration ignite))) ( run_ddl_dml ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table ( MyNoSqlCache . " table_ast " schema_name table_name ( MySchemaTable . schema_name table_name ) pk - data ( SqlType / INSERT ) ) ( str / join " " lst ) ) ) ; (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")) ; )) ( throw ( Exception . " MY_META 数据集不能创建新的表 ! " ) ) ) ; (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) ( throw ( Exception . " 该用户组没有创建表的权限 ! " ) ) ) ) ) ; group_id 列表: group_id schema_name group_type dataset_id (defn create-table [^Ignite ignite group_id ^String descrip sql-line] (my_create_table_lst ignite group_id descrip (my-lexical/to-back sql-line))) ; 用户 meta table 获取 ast (defn get-meta-pk-data [^String sql] (letfn [(meta_table_line_obj_lst [lst ^String schema_name] (let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name create_table :create_table items_line :items_line template :template} (get-create-table-items lst)] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs} (get_obj (get_items_obj_lst items_line) schema_name table_name schema_name)] {:create_table create_table :schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item } (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) ) )] (let [{table_name :table_name lst_table_item :lst_table_item} (meta_table_line_obj_lst (my-lexical/to-back sql) "MY_META")] {:schema_name "MY_META" :table_name table_name :value (get_pk_data lst_table_item)}))) java 中调用 ( defn -plus_create_table [ ^Ignite ignite ^Long group_id ^String schema_name group_type ^Long dataset_id ^String descrip ^String code ] ; (my_create_table ignite group_id schema_name group_type dataset_id descrip code))
生成 class 的类名 :methods [^:static [plus_create_table [org.apache.ignite.Ignite Long String String Long String String] void]] 形成这样的列表,当执行中有 false 就执行 un_sql, 来回滚事务 获取 items 和 template (.append sb (.concat (.getColumn_name m) "_pk")) (get_pk_index_ds pk_sets schema_name table_name schema_name) :indexs (get_pk_index pk_sets table_name nil)} (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!"))) :else (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!")) ) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ([[f & r] ^ArrayList lst ^StringBuilder sb pk_sets] (if (some? f) (if-let [{table_item :table_item code_line :code pk :pk} (to_item f)] (do (.add lst table_item) (if (not (nil? (last (.trim (.toString code_line))))) (.append sb (.concat (.trim (.toString code_line)) ","))) (recur r lst sb (concat pk_sets pk))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) {:lst_table_item (table_items lst) :code_sb sb :pk_sets pk_sets}))) (if (nil? (last lst)) ))) (is-exists [lst] (get-segment [lst] m vs))) (get-table-name [schema_name table_name] (if (Strings/isNullOrEmpty schema_name) table_name (let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name create_table :create_table items_line :items_line template :template} (get-segment lst) schema_table (get-table-name schema_name table_name)] {:create_table create_table :schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :code_sb (.toString code_sb) } (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) )) ) json 转换为 ddl 序列 生成 my_meta_tables 生成 MyCacheEx 先执行 lst_ddl 全部成功后,在执行 lst_dml_table 如果 lst_dml_table 执行失败,上面的也要回滚 lst_ddl: [ddl] group_id序列: group_id schema_name group_type dataset_id (if-not (and (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta") (contains? plus-init-sql/my-grid-tables-set table_name)) (if (true? (.isMultiUserGroup (.configuration ignite))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (if-not (and (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta") (contains? plus-init-sql/my-grid-tables-set table_name)) (if (true? (.isMultiUserGroup (.configuration ignite))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")) )) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) group_id 列表: group_id schema_name group_type dataset_id 用户 meta table 获取 ast (my_create_table ignite group_id schema_name group_type dataset_id descrip code))
(ns org.gridgain.plus.ddl.my-create-table-0 (:require [org.gridgain.plus.dml.select-lexical :as my-lexical] [org.gridgain.plus.dml.my-select-plus :as my-select] [org.gridgain.plus.init.plus-init-sql :as plus-init-sql] [clojure.core.reducers :as r] [clojure.string :as str]) (:import (org.apache.ignite Ignite IgniteCache) (com.google.common.base Strings) (org.tools MyConvertUtil) (cn.plus.model MyNoSqlCache MyCacheEx MyKeyValue MyLogCache SqlType) (cn.plus.model.ddl MySchemaTable MyDataSet MyDeleteViews MyInsertViews MySelectViews MyTable MyTableIndex MyTableIndexItem MyTableItem MyTableItemPK) (org.gridgain.ddl MyCreateTableUtil) (java.util ArrayList Date Iterator) (java.sql Timestamp) (java.math BigDecimal) ) (:gen-class :name org.gridgain.plus.dml.MyCreateTable_0 是否生成 class 的 main 方法 :main false 生成 java 静态的方法 )) (defn get-create-table-items ([lst] (get-create-table-items lst [] [] [] [] [])) ([[f & r] create_table schema_name table_name items_line template] (if (some? f) (cond (empty? create_table) (recur r (conj create_table "create") schema_name table_name items_line template) (and (not (empty? create_table)) (empty? schema_name)) (cond (and (= (count create_table) 1) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? f "table")) (recur r (conj create_table "table") schema_name table_name items_line template) (and (= (count create_table) 2) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? (second create_table) "table")) (if (my-lexical/is-eq? f "if") (recur r (conj create_table "if") schema_name table_name items_line template) (recur r create_table (conj schema_name f) table_name items_line template)) (and (= (count create_table) 3) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 1) "table") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 2) "if") (my-lexical/is-eq? f "not")) (recur r (conj create_table "not") schema_name table_name items_line template) (and (= (count create_table) 4) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 1) "table") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 2) "if") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 3) "not") (my-lexical/is-eq? f "exists")) (recur r (conj create_table "exists") schema_name table_name items_line template) (and (= (count create_table) 5) (my-lexical/is-eq? (first create_table) "create") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 1) "table") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 2) "if") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 3) "not") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth create_table 4) "exists")) (recur r create_table (conj schema_name f) table_name items_line template) :else (throw (Exception. "Create Table 语句错误!")) ) (and (not (empty? create_table)) (not (empty? schema_name)) (empty? table_name)) (cond (and (not (= (first schema_name) "")) (= f ".")) (recur (rest (rest r)) create_table schema_name (conj table_name (first r)) (conj items_line (second r)) template) (and (not (= (first schema_name) "")) (= f "(")) (recur r create_table [""] [(first schema_name)] (conj items_line f) template) :else (throw (Exception. "Create Table 语句错误!")) ) (and (not (empty? create_table)) (not (empty? schema_name)) (not (empty? table_name)) (not (empty? items_line)) (empty? template)) (if (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "with") (= (count r) 1)) (recur [] create_table schema_name table_name items_line [(first r)]) (recur r create_table schema_name table_name (conj items_line f) template)) :else (throw (Exception. "Create Table 语句错误!")) ) {:create_table (str/join " " create_table) :schema_name (first schema_name) :table_name (first table_name) :items_line items_line :template (first template)}))) (defn get_tmp_item [^String item_line] (if-let [items (my-lexical/to-back item_line)] (if (and (= (count items) 3) (= (nth items 1) "=")) {:my_left (nth items 0) :my_right (nth items 2)} (throw (Exception. (format "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!位置:%s" item_line)))) (throw (Exception. (format "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!位置:%s" item_line))))) (defn get_tmp_items ([ignite lst_line] (get_tmp_items ignite lst_line [] (StringBuilder.))) ([ignite [f & r] lst sb] (if (some? f) (if (< (count lst) 2) (let [{my_left :my_left my_right :my_right} (get_tmp_item f)] (cond (.containsKey (.getTemplateConfiguration (.configuration ignite)) my_right) (recur ignite r (conj lst f) (doto sb (.append (format "%s," (.getTemplateValue (.get (.getTemplateConfiguration (.configuration ignite)) my_right)))))) (my-lexical/is-eq? my_left "AFFINITY_KEY") (recur ignite r (conj lst f) (doto sb (.append (format "AFFINITY_KEY=%s," my_right)))) :else (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!只能是 TEMPLATE=XXX,AFFINITY_KEY=YYY 这种形式")) )) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!只能是 TEMPLATE=XXX,AFFINITY_KEY=YYY 这种形式"))) (.toString sb)))) (defn get_tmp_line [^Ignite ignite ^String template_line] (if (re-find #"\"$" template_line) (if-let [line (str/replace template_line #"\"$" "")] (if-let [lst_line (str/split line #"\s*,\s*")] (get_tmp_items ignite lst_line) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中 WITH 语句出错!")))) 事务执行 DDL 创建一个recode 记录 ( sql un_sql ) ( defrecord ddl [ ^String sql ^String un_sql ^Boolean is_success ] ) (defn sql_lst ([lst] (sql_lst lst [])) ([[f & r] rs] (if (some? f) (if (nil? r) (recur r (concat rs [f])) (recur r (concat rs [f " "]))) rs))) (defn get_sql [^String sql] (str/join (sql_lst (my-lexical/to-back sql)))) (defn get_items_tp [^String line_rs] (if-let [items (str/split line_rs #"(?i)\s\)\sWITH\s\"")] (if (= (count items) 2) {:items_line (get items 0) :template (get items 1)}) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!没有 with 关键词!")))) (defn get_items ([lst] (get_items lst [] [] [])) ([[f & r] lst_stack item_stack lst] (if (some? f) (cond (= f "(") (recur r (conj lst_stack f) (conj item_stack f) lst) (= f ")") (recur r (pop lst_stack) (conj item_stack f) lst) (and (= f ",") (= (count lst_stack) 0) (> (count item_stack) 0)) (recur r lst_stack [] (conj lst item_stack)) :else (recur r lst_stack (conj item_stack f) lst) ) (if (> (count item_stack) 0) (conj lst item_stack) lst)))) (defn get_item_obj ([lst] (get_item_obj lst [] [] [] [])) ([[f & r] pk_stack type_stack lst_type lst] (if (some? f) (cond (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "comment") (= (first r) "(") (= (second (rest r)) ")")) (recur (rest (rest (rest r))) pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:comment (second r)})) (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "PRIMARY") (my-lexical/is-eq? (first r) "KEY")) (if (> (count (rest r)) 0) (recur (rest (rest r)) (conj pk_stack (second r)) type_stack lst_type lst) (recur nil nil type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:pk [(first lst)]}))) (and (> (count pk_stack) 0) (= f ")")) (recur r [] type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:pk (filter #(not= % ",") (rest pk_stack))})) (and (> (count pk_stack) 0) (not= f ")")) (recur r (conj pk_stack f) type_stack lst_type lst) (and (> (count type_stack) 0) (= f "(")) (recur r pk_stack (conj type_stack f) (conj lst_type f) lst) (and (> (count type_stack) 0) (not= f ")")) (recur r pk_stack type_stack (conj lst_type f) lst) (and (> (count type_stack) 0) (= f ")")) (if (= (count type_stack) 1) (recur r pk_stack [] [] (conj (pop lst) (assoc (peek lst) :vs lst_type)))) (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "NOT") (my-lexical/is-eq? (first r) "NULL") (= (count pk_stack) 0)) (recur (rest r) pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:not_null true})) (my-lexical/is-eq? f "auto") (recur r pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:auto true})) (some? (re-find #"^(?i)float$|^(?i)double$|^(?i)long$|^(?i)integer$|^(?i)int$|^(?i)SMALLINT$|^(?i)TINYINT$|^(?i)varchar$|^(?i)varchar\(\d+\)$|^(?i)char$|^(?i)char\(\d+\)$|^(?i)BOOLEAN$|^(?i)BIGINT$|^(?i)BINARY$|^(?i)TIMESTAMP$|^(?i)Date$|^(?i)DATETIME$|^(?i)TIME$|^(?i)DECIMAL$|^(?i)REAL$|^(?i)VARBINARY$" f)) (if (= (first r) "(") (recur (rest r) pk_stack (conj type_stack (first r)) lst_type (conj lst {:type (my-lexical/convert_to_type f)})) (recur r pk_stack [] lst_type (conj lst {:type (my-lexical/convert_to_type f)}))) (and (my-lexical/is-eq? f "DEFAULT") (some? (first r))) (recur (rest r) pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst {:default (first r)})) :else (recur r pk_stack type_stack lst_type (conj lst f))) lst))) (defn items_obj [my_items] (loop [[f & r] my_items lst_items []] (if (some? f) (recur r (conj lst_items (get_item_obj f))) lst_items))) (defn to_item ([lst] (to_item lst (MyTableItem.) (StringBuilder.) #{})) ([[f & r] ^MyTableItem m ^StringBuilder code_line pk_set] (if (some? f) (cond (and (instance? String f) (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name m)) true)) (let [column_name (str/lower-case f)] (.setColumn_name m column_name) (.append code_line column_name) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (instance? String f) (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name m)) false)) (throw (Exception. (format "语句错误,位置在:%s" f))) (and (map? f) (contains? f :pk) (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name m)) false)) (if (= (count pk_set) 0) (do (.setPkid m true) (recur r m code_line (conj pk_set (.getColumn_name m)))) (throw (Exception. "组合主键设置错误!"))) (and (map? f) (contains? f :pk) (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name m)) true)) (recur r m code_line (concat pk_set (-> f :pk))) (and (map? f) (contains? f :type)) (let [f-type (my-lexical/to-smart-sql-type (-> f :type))] (.setColumn_type m f-type) (.append code_line " ") (.append code_line f-type) (if (contains? f :vs) (cond (= (count (-> f :vs)) 1) (let [len (nth (-> f :vs) 0)] (.setColumn_len m (MyConvertUtil/ConvertToInt len)) (.append code_line "(") (.append code_line len) (.append code_line ")")) (= (count (-> f :vs)) 3) (let [len (nth (-> f :vs) 0) scale (nth (-> f :vs) 2)] (.setColumn_len m (MyConvertUtil/ConvertToInt len)) (.setScale m (MyConvertUtil/ConvertToInt scale)) (.append code_line "(") (.append code_line len) (.append code_line ",") (.append code_line scale) (.append code_line ")")) )) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (map? f) (contains? f :not_null)) (do (.setNot_null m (-> f :not_null)) (.append code_line " not null") (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (map? f) (contains? f :default)) (do (.setDefault_value m (-> f :default)) (.append code_line (.concat " DEFAULT " (-> f :default))) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (map? f) (contains? f :comment)) (do (.setComment m (my-lexical/get_str_value (-> f :comment))) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) (and (map? f) (contains? f :auto)) (do (.setAuto_increment m (-> f :auto)) (recur r m code_line pk_set)) ) (if (and (true? (.getAuto_increment m)) (not (some? (re-find #"^(?i)integer$|^(?i)int$|^(?i)SMALLINT$|^(?i)BIGINT$|^(?i)long$" (.getColumn_type m))))) (throw (Exception. "自增长必须是 int 或者是 long 类型的!")) {:table_item m :code code_line :pk pk_set})))) (defn set_pk ([lst_table_item column_name] (set_pk lst_table_item column_name [])) ([[f & r] ^String column_name ^ArrayList lst] (if (some? f) (if (my-lexical/is-eq? (.getColumn_name f) column_name) (recur r column_name (conj lst (doto f (.setPkid true)))) (recur r column_name (conj lst f))) lst))) (defn set_pk_set [^ArrayList lst_table_item [f & r]] (if (some? f) (recur (set_pk lst_table_item f) r) lst_table_item)) (defn item_obj [[f & r] item_name] (if (and (some? f) (my-lexical/is-eq? (.getColumn_name f) item_name)) f (recur r item_name))) (defn new_pk [[f & r] lst_table_item ^StringBuilder sb] (if (some? f) (if-let [m (item_obj lst_table_item f)] (do (.append sb (.concat " " (.getColumn_type m))) (cond (and (not (nil? (.getColumn_len m))) (not (nil? (.getScale m))) (> (.getColumn_len m) 0) (> (.getScale m) 0)) (.append sb (str/join ["(" (.getColumn_len m) "," (.getScale m) ")"])) (and (not (nil? (.getColumn_len m))) (> (.getColumn_len m) 0) ) (.append sb (str/join ["(" (.getColumn_len m) ")"])) ) (if (= (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getDefault_value m)) false) (.append sb (.concat " default " (.getDefault_value m)))) (.append sb ",") (recur r lst_table_item sb)) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句中主键错误!"))) (.toString sb))) (defn pk_line ([pk_sets] (pk_line pk_sets (StringBuilder.))) ([[f & r] ^StringBuilder sb] (if (some? f) (if (= (count r) 0) (recur r (doto sb (.append (str/lower-case f)))) (recur r (doto sb (.append (.concat (str/lower-case f) ","))))) (.toString sb)))) (defn get_pk_name_vs [pk_items] (loop [[f & r] pk_items name (StringBuilder.) value (StringBuilder.)] (if (some? f) (if (= (count r) 0) (recur r (doto name (.append (str/lower-case f))) (doto value (.append (str/lower-case f)))) (recur r (doto name (.append (.concat (str/lower-case f) "_"))) (doto value (.append (.concat (str/lower-case f) ","))))) {:name (.toString name) :value (.toString value)}))) (defn get_pk_index_no_ds ([pk_sets ^String table_name] (if-let [lst_rs (get_pk_index_no_ds pk_sets table_name [])] (if-let [{name :name value :value} (get_pk_name_vs pk_sets)] (conj lst_rs {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_idx ON %s (%s)" table_name name table_name (str/lower-case value)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_idx" table_name name) :is_success nil}) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ([[f & r] ^String table_name lst] (if (some? f) (recur r table_name (conj lst {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_idx ON %s (%s)" table_name f table_name (str/lower-case f)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_idx" table_name f) :is_success nil})) lst))) (defn get_pk_index_ds ([pk_sets ^String schema_name ^String table_name ^String schema_name] (if-let [lst_rs (get_pk_index_ds pk_sets schema_name table_name [] schema_name)] (if-let [{name :name value :value} (get_pk_name_vs pk_sets)] (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) (conj lst_rs {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx ON %s.%s (%s)" schema_name table_name name schema_name table_name (str/lower-case value)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx" schema_name table_name name) :is_success nil}) (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) (conj lst_rs {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx ON %s.%s (%s)" schema_name table_name name schema_name table_name (str/lower-case value)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx" schema_name table_name name) :is_success nil}) :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) ) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ([[f & r] ^String schema_name ^String table_name lst ^String schema_name] (if (some? f) (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) (recur r schema_name table_name (conj lst {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx ON %s.%s (%s)" schema_name table_name f schema_name table_name (str/lower-case f)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx" schema_name table_name f) :is_success nil}) schema_name) (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) (recur r schema_name table_name (conj lst {:sql (format "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx ON %s.%s (%s)" schema_name table_name f schema_name table_name (str/lower-case f)) :un_sql (format "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s_%s_%s_idx" schema_name table_name f) :is_success nil}) schema_name) :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) ) lst))) (defn get_pk_index [pk_sets ^String schema_name ^String table_name ^String schema_name] nil) (defn table_items ([lst_table_item] (table_items lst_table_item [])) ([[f & r] lst] (if (some? f) (if (not (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getColumn_name f))) (recur r (conj lst f)) (recur r lst)) lst))) (defn get_obj_ds ([items ^String schema_name ^String table_name ^String schema_name] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb pk_sets :pk_sets} (get_obj_ds items (ArrayList.) (StringBuilder.) #{} schema_name)] (cond (= (count pk_sets) 1) {:lst_table_item (set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets) :code_sb (format "%s PRIMARY KEY (%s)" (.toString code_sb) (nth pk_sets 0))} (> (count pk_sets) 1) (if-let [pk_set (set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets)] {:lst_table_item pk_set :code_sb (format "%s PRIMARY KEY (%s)" (.toString code_sb) (pk_line pk_sets)) :indexs (get_pk_index pk_sets schema_name table_name schema_name)} (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!"))) :else (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!")) ) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ([[f & r] ^ArrayList lst ^StringBuilder sb pk_sets schema_name] (if (some? f) (if-let [{table_item :table_item code_line :code pk :pk} (to_item f)] (do (.add lst table_item) (if (not (nil? (last (.trim (.toString code_line))))) (.append sb (.concat (.trim (.toString code_line)) ","))) (recur r lst sb (concat pk_sets pk) schema_name)) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) {:lst_table_item (table_items lst) :code_sb sb :pk_sets pk_sets}))) ( ( [ items ^String table_name ] ( if - let [ { lst_table_item : lst_table_item code_sb : code_sb pk_sets : pk_sets } ( get_obj_no_ds items ( ArrayList . ) ( StringBuilder . ) # { } ) ] ( cond (= ( count pk_sets ) 1 ) { : lst_table_item ( set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets ) : code_sb ( format " % s PRIMARY KEY ( % s ) " ( .toString code_sb ) ( nth pk_sets 0 ) ) } ( > ( count pk_sets ) 1 ) ( if - let [ pk_set ( set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets ) ] { : lst_table_item pk_set : code_sb ( format " % s % s PRIMARY KEY ( % s ) " ( .toString code_sb ) ( new_pk pk_sets pk_set ( StringBuilder . ) ) ( pk_line pk_sets ) ) (defn get_obj [items ^String schema_name ^String table_name ^String schema_name] (get_obj_ds items (str/lower-case schema_name) (str/lower-case table_name) (str/lower-case schema_name))) items : " ( CategoryID INTEGER NOT NULL auto comment ( ' 产品类型ID ' ) , CategoryName VARCHAR ( 15 ) NOT NULL comment ( ' 产品类型名 ' ) , Description VARCHAR comment ( ' 类型说明 ' ) , Picture VARCHAR comment ( ' 产品样本 ' ) , PRIMARY KEY ( CategoryID ) " items : " ( i d int PRIMARY KEY , city_id int , name , age int , company varchar " (defn get_items_obj [items] (when-let [my_items (items_obj (get_items (rest (my-lexical/to-back items))))] my_items)) (defn get_items_obj_lst [items-lst] (when-let [my_items (items_obj (get_items (drop-last 1 (rest items-lst))))] my_items)) (defn get_template [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String schema_name ^String schema_name ^String template] (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) (format "%scache_name=f_%s_%s\"" (get_tmp_line ignite template) (str/lower-case schema_name) (str/lower-case table_name)) (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) (format "%scache_name=f_%s_%s\"" (get_tmp_line ignite template) (str/lower-case schema_name) (str/lower-case table_name)) :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) ) ) (defn get_table_line_obj [^Ignite ignite ^String sql_line ^String schema_name] (letfn [(is-no-exists [lst] (let [items (take 4 lst)] (if (and (my-lexical/is-eq? (first items) "CREATE") (my-lexical/is-eq? (second items) "TABLE") (= (last items) "(") (my-lexical/is-eq? (first (take-last 2 lst)) "with")) (if (nil? (last lst)) (throw (Exception. "创建表必须有 template 的设置!")) (assoc (my-lexical/get-schema (nth items 2)) :create_table "CREATE TABLE" :items_line (drop-last 2 (drop 3 lst)) :template (last lst))) ))) (is-exists [lst] (let [items (take 7 lst)] (if (and (my-lexical/is-eq? (first items) "CREATE") (my-lexical/is-eq? (second items) "TABLE") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth items 2) "IF") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth items 3) "NOT") (my-lexical/is-eq? (nth items 4) "EXISTS") (= (last items) "(") (my-lexical/is-eq? (first (take-last 2 lst)) "with")) (assoc (my-lexical/get-schema (nth items 5)) :create_table "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS" :items_line (drop-last 2 (drop 6 lst)) :template (last lst))))) (get-segment [lst] (if-let [m (is-no-exists lst)] m (if-let [vs (is-exists lst)] vs))) (get-table-name [schema_name table_name] (if (Strings/isNullOrEmpty schema_name) table_name (str schema_name "." table_name)))] (let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name create_table :create_table items_line :items_line template :template} (get-segment (my-lexical/to-back sql_line)) schema_table (get-table-name schema_name table_name)] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs} (get_obj (get_items_obj_lst items_line) schema_name table_name schema_name)] {:create_table create_table :schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item :code_sb (.toString code_sb) :indexs indexs :template (get_template ignite table_name schema_name schema_name (str/join (rest template))) } (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) )) ) ( defn get_table_line_obj_lst [ ^Ignite ignite lst ^String schema_name ] ( [ ( is - no - exists [ lst ] ( let [ items ( take 4 lst ) ] ( if ( and ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( first items ) " CREATE " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( second items ) " TABLE " ) (= ( last items ) " ( " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( first ( take - last 2 lst ) ) " with " ) ) ( throw ( Exception . " 创建表必须有 template 的设置 ! " ) ) ( assoc ( my - lexical / get - schema ( nth items 2 ) ) : create_table " CREATE TABLE " : items_line ( drop - last 2 ( drop 3 lst ) ) : template ( last lst ) ) ) ( let [ items ( take 7 lst ) ] ( if ( and ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( first items ) " CREATE " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( second items ) " TABLE " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( nth items 2 ) " IF " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( nth items 3 ) " NOT " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( nth items 4 ) " EXISTS " ) (= ( last items ) " ( " ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? ( first ( take - last 2 lst ) ) " with " ) ) ( assoc ( my - lexical / get - schema ( nth items 5 ) ) : create_table " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " : items_line ( drop - last 2 ( drop 6 lst ) ) : template ( last lst ) ) ) ) ) ( if - let [ m ( is - no - exists lst ) ] ( if - let [ vs ( is - exists lst ) ] ( str schema_name " . " table_name ) ) ) ] ( if - let [ { lst_table_item : lst_table_item code_sb : ( get_obj ( get_items_obj_lst items_line ) schema_name table_name schema_name ) ] : lst_table_item : : template ( get_template ignite table_name schema_name schema_name ( str / join ( rest template ) ) ) (defn get_table_line_obj_lst [^Ignite ignite lst ^String schema_name] (let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name create_table :create_table items_line :items_line template :template} (get-create-table-items lst)] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs} (get_obj (get_items_obj_lst items_line) schema_name table_name schema_name)] {:create_table create_table :schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item :code_sb (.toString code_sb) :indexs indexs :template (get_template ignite table_name schema_name schema_name (str/join (rest template))) } (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) ) ) (defn to_ddl_lst [^Ignite ignite ^String sql_line ^String schema_name] (if-let [{schema_name :schema_name create_table :create_table table_name :table_name lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs template :template} (get_table_line_obj ignite sql_line schema_name)] (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) {:schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item :lst_ddl (concat (conj [] {:sql (format "%s %s.%s (%s) WITH \"%s" create_table schema_name table_name code_sb template) :un_sql (format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s" schema_name table_name) :is_success nil}) indexs)} (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) {:schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item :lst_ddl (concat (conj [] {:sql (format "%s %s.%s (%s) WITH \"%s" create_table schema_name table_name code_sb template) :un_sql (format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s" schema_name table_name) :is_success nil}) indexs)} :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) ) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) (defn get_pk_data [lst] (loop [[f & r] lst dic-pk [] dic-data []] (if (some? f) (cond (true? (.getPkid f)) (recur r (conj dic-pk {:column_name (.getColumn_name f), :column_type (.getColumn_type f), :pkid true, :auto_increment (.getAuto_increment f)}) dic-data) (false? (.getPkid f)) (recur r dic-pk (conj dic-data {:column_name (.getColumn_name f), :column_type (.getColumn_type f), :pkid false, :auto_increment (.getAuto_increment f)})) ) {:pk dic-pk :data dic-data}))) (defn to_ddl_lsts [^Ignite ignite lst ^String schema_name] (if-let [{schema_name-0 :schema_name create_table :create_table table_name-0 :table_name lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs template :template} (get_table_line_obj_lst ignite lst schema_name)] (let [schema_name (str/lower-case schema_name-0) table_name (str/lower-case table_name-0)] (cond (and (= schema_name "") (not (= schema_name ""))) {:schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :pk-data (get_pk_data lst_table_item) :lst_table_item lst_table_item :lst_ddl (concat (conj [] {:sql (format "%s %s.%s (%s) WITH \"%s" create_table schema_name table_name code_sb template) :un_sql (format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s" schema_name table_name) :is_success nil}) indexs)} (or (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "MY_META")) (and (not (= schema_name "")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name schema_name))) {:schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :pk-data (get_pk_data lst_table_item) :lst_table_item lst_table_item :lst_ddl (concat (conj [] {:sql (format "%s %s.%s (%s) WITH \"%s" create_table schema_name table_name code_sb template) :un_sql (format "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s.%s" schema_name table_name) :is_success nil}) indexs)} :else (throw (Exception. "没有创建表语句的权限!")) )) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) (defn get_table_obj [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String descrip ^String code ^Long data_set_id] (if-let [id (.incrementAndGet (.atomicSequence ignite "my_meta_tables" 0 true))] (MyTable. id table_name descrip code data_set_id) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!")))) (defn get_table_obj_lst [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String descrip lst ^Long data_set_id] (if-let [id (.incrementAndGet (.atomicSequence ignite "my_meta_tables" 0 true))] (MyTable. id table_name descrip "" data_set_id) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!")))) 生成 (defn get_table_items_obj ([^Ignite ignite lst_table_item table_id] (get_table_items_obj ignite lst_table_item table_id [])) ([^Ignite ignite [f & r] table_id lst] (if (some? f) (if-let [id (.incrementAndGet (.atomicSequence ignite "table_item" 0 true))] (recur ignite r table_id (conj lst {:table "table_item" :key (MyTableItemPK. id table_id) :value (doto f (.setId id) (.setTable_id table_id))})) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!"))) lst))) (defn get_my_table [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String descrip ^String code lst_table_item ^Long data_set_id] (if-let [table (get_table_obj ignite table_name descrip code data_set_id)] (if-let [lst_items (get_table_items_obj ignite lst_table_item (.getId table))] (cons {:table "my_meta_tables" :key (.getId table) :value table} lst_items) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!"))) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!")))) (defn get_my_table_lst [^Ignite ignite ^String table_name ^String descrip lst lst_table_item ^Long data_set_id] (if-let [table (get_table_obj_lst ignite table_name descrip lst data_set_id)] (if-let [lst_items (get_table_items_obj ignite lst_table_item (.getId table))] (cons {:table "my_meta_tables" :key (.getId table) :value table} lst_items) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!"))) (throw (Exception. "数据库异常!")))) (defn to_mycachex ([^Ignite ignite lst_dml_table] (to_mycachex ignite lst_dml_table (ArrayList.))) ([^Ignite ignite [f & r] lst] (if (some? f) (if-not (Strings/isNullOrEmpty (.getMyLogCls (.configuration ignite))) (recur ignite r (doto lst (.add (MyCacheEx. (.cache ignite (-> f :table)) (-> f :key) (-> f :value) (SqlType/INSERT) (MyLogCache. (-> f :table) "MY_META" (-> f :table) (-> f :key) (-> f :value) (SqlType/INSERT)))))) (recur ignite r (doto lst (.add (MyCacheEx. (.cache ignite (-> f :table)) (-> f :key) (-> f :value) (SqlType/INSERT) nil))))) lst))) lst_dml_table : [ { : table " 表名 " : key PK_ID : value 值 } ] 转成 ArrayList 用 来执行 (defn run_ddl_dml [^Ignite ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table no-sql-cache code] (MyCreateTableUtil/run_ddl_dml ignite (my-lexical/to_arryList lst_ddl) lst_dml_table no-sql-cache code)) (defn my_create_table_lst [^Ignite ignite group_id ^String descrip lst] (if (= (first group_id) 0) (if-let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name pk-data :pk-data lst_table_item :lst_table_item lst_ddl :lst_ddl} (to_ddl_lsts ignite lst (str/lower-case (second group_id)))] (if-not (and (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta") (contains? plus-init-sql/my-grid-tables-set table_name)) (if-let [lst_dml_table (to_mycachex ignite (get_my_table_lst ignite table_name descrip lst lst_table_item 0))] (if (true? (.isMultiUserGroup (.configuration ignite))) (run_ddl_dml ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table (MyNoSqlCache. "table_ast" schema_name table_name (MySchemaTable. schema_name table_name) pk-data (SqlType/INSERT)) (str/join " " lst))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (throw (Exception. "MY_META 数据集不能创建新的表!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (if (contains? #{"ALL" "DDL"} (str/upper-case (nth group_id 2))) (if-let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name pk-data :pk-data lst_table_item :lst_table_item lst_ddl :lst_ddl} (to_ddl_lsts ignite lst (str/lower-case (second group_id)))] (if-not (and (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta") (contains? plus-init-sql/my-grid-tables-set table_name)) (if (and (not (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name "my_meta")) (my-lexical/is-eq? schema_name (second group_id))) (if-let [lst_dml_table (to_mycachex ignite (get_my_table_lst ignite table_name descrip lst lst_table_item (last group_id)))] (if (true? (.isMultiUserGroup (.configuration ignite))) (run_ddl_dml ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table (MyNoSqlCache. "table_ast" schema_name table_name (MySchemaTable. schema_name table_name) pk-data (SqlType/INSERT)) (str/join " " lst))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")) )) (throw (Exception. "MY_META 数据集不能创建新的表!"))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) (throw (Exception. "该用户组没有创建表的权限!"))))) (defn my_get_obj_ds ([items] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb pk_sets :pk_sets} (my_get_obj_ds items (ArrayList.) (StringBuilder.) #{})] (cond (= (count pk_sets) 1) {:lst_table_item (set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets) :code_sb (format "%s PRIMARY KEY (%s)" (.toString code_sb) (nth pk_sets 0))} (> (count pk_sets) 1) (if-let [pk_set (set_pk_set lst_table_item pk_sets)] {:lst_table_item pk_set :code_sb (format "%s PRIMARY KEY (%s)" (.toString code_sb) (pk_line pk_sets))} (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!"))) :else (throw (Exception. "主键设置错误!")) ) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!")))) ([[f & r] ^ArrayList lst ^StringBuilder sb pk_sets] (if (some? f) (if-let [{table_item :table_item code_line :code pk :pk} (to_item f)] (do (.add lst table_item) (if (not (nil? (last (.trim (.toString code_line))))) (.append sb (.concat (.trim (.toString code_line)) ","))) (recur r lst sb (concat pk_sets pk))) (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) {:lst_table_item (table_items lst) :code_sb sb :pk_sets pk_sets}))) ( defn my_create_table_lst [ ^Ignite ignite group_id ^String descrip lst ] ( if (= ( first group_id ) 0 ) ( if - let [ { schema_name : schema_name table_name : table_name pk - data : pk - data lst_table_item : lst_table_item lst_ddl : lst_ddl } ( to_ddl_lsts ignite lst ( str / lower - case ( second group_id ) ) ) ] ( if - let [ ( to_mycachex ignite ( get_my_table_lst ignite table_name descrip lst lst_table_item 0 ) ) ] ( run_ddl_dml ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table ( MyNoSqlCache . " table_ast " schema_name table_name ( MySchemaTable . schema_name table_name ) pk - data ( SqlType / INSERT ) ) ( str / join " " lst ) ) ) ( throw ( Exception . " MY_META 数据集不能创建新的表 ! " ) ) ) ( if ( contains ? # { " ALL " " DDL " } ( str / upper - case ( nth group_id 2 ) ) ) ( if - let [ { schema_name : schema_name table_name : table_name pk - data : pk - data lst_table_item : lst_table_item lst_ddl : lst_ddl } ( to_ddl_lsts ignite lst ( str / lower - case ( second group_id ) ) ) ] ( if ( and ( not ( my - lexical / is - eq ? schema_name " my_meta " ) ) ( my - lexical / is - eq ? schema_name ( second group_id ) ) ) ( if - let [ ( to_mycachex ignite ( get_my_table_lst ignite table_name descrip lst lst_table_item ( last group_id ) ) ) ] ( run_ddl_dml ignite lst_ddl lst_dml_table ( MyNoSqlCache . " table_ast " schema_name table_name ( MySchemaTable . schema_name table_name ) pk - data ( SqlType / INSERT ) ) ( str / join " " lst ) ) ) ( throw ( Exception . " MY_META 数据集不能创建新的表 ! " ) ) ) ( throw ( Exception . " 该用户组没有创建表的权限 ! " ) ) ) ) ) (defn create-table [^Ignite ignite group_id ^String descrip sql-line] (my_create_table_lst ignite group_id descrip (my-lexical/to-back sql-line))) (defn get-meta-pk-data [^String sql] (letfn [(meta_table_line_obj_lst [lst ^String schema_name] (let [{schema_name :schema_name table_name :table_name create_table :create_table items_line :items_line template :template} (get-create-table-items lst)] (if-let [{lst_table_item :lst_table_item code_sb :code_sb indexs :indexs} (get_obj (get_items_obj_lst items_line) schema_name table_name schema_name)] {:create_table create_table :schema_name schema_name :table_name table_name :lst_table_item lst_table_item } (throw (Exception. "创建表的语句错误!"))) ) )] (let [{table_name :table_name lst_table_item :lst_table_item} (meta_table_line_obj_lst (my-lexical/to-back sql) "MY_META")] {:schema_name "MY_META" :table_name table_name :value (get_pk_data lst_table_item)}))) java 中调用 ( defn -plus_create_table [ ^Ignite ignite ^Long group_id ^String schema_name group_type ^Long dataset_id ^String descrip ^String code ]
%%% Copyright 2011 , Boundary %%% Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; %%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %%% You may obtain a copy of the License at %%% %%% -2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , %%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %%% limitations under the License. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File: folsom_erlang_checks.erl @author < > %%% @doc %%% @end %%%------------------------------------------------------------------ -module(folsom_erlang_checks). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -export([ create_metrics/0, populate_metrics/0, tag_metrics/0, check_metrics/0, check_group_metrics/0, delete_metrics/0, vm_metrics/0, counter_metric/2, cpu_topology/0, c_compiler_used/0, create_delete_metrics/0, check_ets_leak/0 ]). -define(DATA, [0, 1, 5, 10, 100, 200, 500, 750, 1000, 2000, 5000]). -define(HUGEDATA, lists:seq(1,10000)). -define(DATA1, [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]). -define(DATA2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]). -include("folsom.hrl"). create_metrics() -> ok = folsom_metrics:new_counter(counter), ok = folsom_metrics:new_counter(counter2), ok = folsom_metrics:new_gauge(<<"gauge">>), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(<<"uniform">>, uniform, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(<<"hugedata">>, uniform, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(exdec, exdec), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(none, none, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(nonea, none, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(noneb, none, 10), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(nonec, none, 5), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(slide_sorted_a, slide_sorted, 10), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(timed, none, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(timed2, none, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_history(<<"history">>), ok = folsom_metrics:new_meter(meter), ok = folsom_metrics:new_meter_reader(meter_reader), ok = folsom_metrics:new_duration(duration), ok = folsom_metrics:new_spiral(spiral), ok = folsom_metrics:new_spiral(spiral_no_exceptions, no_exceptions), ?debugFmt("ensuring meter tick is registered with gen_server~n", []), ok = ensure_meter_tick_exists(2), ?debugFmt("ensuring multiple timer registrations dont cause issues", []), ok = folsom_meter_timer_server:register(meter, folsom_metrics_meter), ok = folsom_meter_timer_server:register(meter, folsom_metrics_meter), ok = folsom_meter_timer_server:register(meter, folsom_metrics_meter), ?debugFmt("~p", [folsom_meter_timer_server:dump()]), {state, List} = folsom_meter_timer_server:dump(), 2 = length(List), check two servers got started for the spiral metrics 2 = length(supervisor:which_children(folsom_sample_slide_sup)), 19 = length(folsom_metrics:get_metrics()), ?debugFmt("~n~nmetrics: ~p~n", [folsom_metrics:get_metrics()]). tag_metrics() -> Group = "mygroup", ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(counter, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(counter2, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(<<"gauge">>, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(meter, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(spiral, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(spiral_no_exceptions, Group), ?debugFmt("~n~ntagged metrics: ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p and ~p in group ~p~n", [counter,counter2,<<"gauge">>,meter,spiral,spiral_no_exceptions,Group]). populate_metrics() -> ok = folsom_metrics:notify({counter, {inc, 1}}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({counter, {dec, 1}}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({counter2, {inc, 10}}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({counter2, {dec, 7}}), meck:new(folsom_ets), meck:expect(folsom_ets, notify, fun(_Event) -> meck:exception(error, something_wrong_with_ets) end), {'EXIT', {something_wrong_with_ets, _}} = folsom_metrics:safely_notify({unknown_counter, {inc, 1}}), meck:unload(folsom_ets), ok = folsom_metrics:safely_histogram_timed_update(unknown_histogram, fun() -> ok end), ok = folsom_metrics:safely_histogram_timed_update(unknown_histogram, fun(ok) -> ok end, [ok]), 3.141592653589793 = folsom_metrics:safely_histogram_timed_update(unknown_histogram, math, pi, []), UnknownHistogramBegin = folsom_metrics:histogram_timed_begin(unknown_histogram), {error, unknown_histogram, nonexistent_metric} = folsom_metrics:safely_histogram_timed_notify(UnknownHistogramBegin), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({<<"gauge">>, 2}), [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({<<"uniform">>, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({<<"hugedata">>, Value}) || Value <- ?HUGEDATA], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({exdec, Value}) || Value <- lists:seq(1, 50000)], Force a priority change in folson_sample_exdec : priority/1 receive after 1000 -> ok end, [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({exdec, Value}) || Value <- lists:seq(50000, 100000)], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({none, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({nonea, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA1], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({noneb, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA2], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({nonec, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA2], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({slide_sorted_a, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA2], ok = folsom_metrics:notify(tagged_metric, 1, meter, [a, b]), ok = folsom_metrics:notify(tagged_metric, 1, meter, [c]), {error, _, unsupported_metric_type} = folsom_metrics:notify(tagged_unknown_metric, 1, unknown_metric, [tag]), 3.141592653589793 = folsom_metrics:histogram_timed_update(timed, math, pi, []), Begin = folsom_metrics:histogram_timed_begin(timed2), folsom_metrics:histogram_timed_notify(Begin), PopulateDuration = fun() -> ok = folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(duration, timer_start, duration), timer:sleep(10), ok = folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(duration, timer_end, duration) end, [PopulateDuration() || _ <- lists:seq(1, 10)], ok = folsom_metrics:notify({<<"history">>, "string"}), {error, _, nonexistent_metric} = folsom_metrics:notify({historya, "5"}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify(historya, <<"binary">>, history), ?debugFmt("testing meter ...", []), % simulate an interval tick folsom_metrics_meter:tick(meter), [ok,ok,ok,ok,ok] = [ folsom_metrics:notify({meter, Item}) || Item <- [100, 100, 100, 100, 100]], % simulate an interval tick folsom_metrics_meter:tick(meter), ?debugFmt("testing meter reader ...", []), % simulate an interval tick folsom_metrics_meter_reader:tick(meter_reader), [ok,ok,ok,ok,ok] = [ folsom_metrics:notify({meter_reader, Item}) || Item <- [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]], % simulate an interval tick folsom_metrics_meter_reader:tick(meter_reader), folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(spiral, 100, spiral), folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(spiral_no_exceptions, 200, spiral). check_metrics() -> 0 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter), 3 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter2), ok = folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(counter2, clear, counter), 0 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter2), 2 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(<<"gauge">>), true = sets:is_subset(sets:from_list([a,b,c]), folsom_metrics:get_tags(tagged_metric)), [11,12,13,14,15,6,7,8,9,10] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(noneb), [11,12,13,14,15] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(nonec), [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(slide_sorted_a), Histogram1 = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(<<"uniform">>), histogram_checks(Histogram1), MetricsSubset = [min, max], ok = set_enabled_metrics(MetricsSubset), Histogram2 = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(<<"uniform">>), subset_checks(Histogram2, MetricsSubset), ok = set_enabled_metrics(?DEFAULT_METRICS), HugeHistogram = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(<<"hugedata">>), huge_histogram_checks(HugeHistogram), just check exdec for non - zero values Exdec = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(exdec), ?debugFmt("checking exdec sample~n~p~n", [Exdec]), ok = case proplists:get_value(median, Exdec) of Median when Median > 0 -> ok; _ -> error end, Histogram3 = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(none), histogram_checks(Histogram3), CoValues = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(none, nonea), histogram_co_checks(CoValues), List = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(timed), ?debugFmt("timed update value: ~p", [List]), List2 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(timed2), ?debugFmt("timed update value begin/end: ~p", [List2]), 1 = length(folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(<<"history">>)), 1 = length(folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(historya)), ?debugFmt("checking meter~n", []), Meter = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(meter), ?debugFmt("~p", [Meter]), ok = case proplists:get_value(one, Meter) of Value when Value > 1 -> ok; _ -> error end, ok = case proplists:get_value(day, Meter) of Value1 when Value1 > 0.005 -> ok; _ -> error end, ?debugFmt("checking meter reader~n", []), MeterReader = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(meter_reader), ?debugFmt("~p~n", [MeterReader]), ok = case proplists:get_value(one, MeterReader) of Value2 when Value2 > 1 -> ok; _ -> error end, %% check duration Dur = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(duration), duration_check(Dur), ok = set_enabled_metrics(MetricsSubset), Dur2 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(duration), subset_checks(Dur2, MetricsSubset), ok = set_enabled_metrics(?DEFAULT_METRICS), %% check spiral [{count, 100}, {one, 100}] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(spiral), [{count, 200}, {one, 200}] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(spiral_no_exceptions). check_group_metrics() -> Group = "mygroup", Metrics = folsom_metrics:get_metrics_value(Group), 6 = length(Metrics), {counter, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter,1,Metrics), {counter2, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter2,1,Metrics), {<<"gauge">>, 2} = lists:keyfind(<<"gauge">>,1,Metrics), {meter, Meter} = lists:keyfind(meter,1,Metrics), ok = case proplists:get_value(one, Meter) of Value when Value > 1 -> ok; _ -> error end, ok = case proplists:get_value(day, Meter) of Value1 when Value1 > 0.005 -> ok; _ -> error end, {spiral, [{count, 100}, {one, 100}]} = lists:keyfind(spiral,1,Metrics), {spiral_no_exceptions, [{count, 200}, {one, 200}]} = lists:keyfind(spiral_no_exceptions,1,Metrics), Counters = folsom_metrics:get_metrics_value(Group,counter), {counter, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter,1,Counters), {counter2, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter2,1,Counters), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(counter2, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(<<"gauge">>, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(meter, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(spiral, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(spiral_no_exceptions, Group), ?debugFmt("~n~nuntagged metrics: ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p and ~p in group ~p~n", [counter2,<<"gauge">>,meter,spiral,spiral_no_exceptions,Group]), RemainingMetrics = folsom_metrics:get_metrics_value(Group), 1 = length(RemainingMetrics), {counter, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter,1,Metrics). delete_metrics() -> 22 = length(ets:tab2list(?FOLSOM_TABLE)), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(counter), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(counter2), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(<<"gauge">>), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(<<"hugedata">>), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(<<"uniform">>), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(exdec), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(none), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(<<"history">>), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(historya), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(nonea), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(noneb), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(nonec), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(tagged_metric), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(slide_sorted_a), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(timed), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(timed2), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(testcounter), ok = ensure_meter_tick_exists(2), 1 = length(ets:tab2list(?METER_TABLE)), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(meter), 0 = length(ets:tab2list(?METER_TABLE)), 1 = length(ets:tab2list(?METER_READER_TABLE)), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(meter_reader), 0 = length(ets:tab2list(?METER_READER_TABLE)), ok = ensure_meter_tick_exists(0), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(duration), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(spiral), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(spiral_no_exceptions), 0 = length(ets:tab2list(?FOLSOM_TABLE)). vm_metrics() -> List1 = folsom_vm_metrics:get_memory(), true = lists:keymember(total, 1, List1), List2 = folsom_vm_metrics:get_statistics(), true = lists:keymember(context_switches, 1, List2), List3 = folsom_vm_metrics:get_system_info(), true = lists:keymember(allocated_areas, 1, List3), true = lists:keymember(port_count, 1, List3), [{_, [{backtrace, _}| _]} | _] = folsom_vm_metrics:get_process_info(), [{_, [{name, _}| _]} | _] = folsom_vm_metrics:get_port_info(). counter_metric(Count, Counter) -> ok = folsom_metrics:new_counter(Counter), ?debugFmt("running ~p counter inc/dec rounds~n", [Count]), for(Count, Counter), Result = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(Counter), ?debugFmt("counter result: ~p~n", [Result]), 0 = Result. ensure_meter_tick_exists(MeterCnt) -> {state, State} = folsom_meter_timer_server:dump(), MeterCnt = length(State), ok. %% internal function histogram_checks(List) -> ?debugFmt("checking histogram statistics", []), ?debugFmt("~p~n", [List]), 0 = proplists:get_value(min, List), 5000 = proplists:get_value(max, List), 869.6363636363636 = proplists:get_value(arithmetic_mean, List), GeoMean = proplists:get_value(geometric_mean, List), ok = case GeoMean - 100.17443147308997 of GeoDiff when GeoDiff < 0.00000001 -> ok; _ -> error end, Value = proplists:get_value(harmonic_mean, List), %?debugFmt("~p~n", [Value]), ok = case Value - 8.333122900936845 of Diff when Diff < 0.00000001 -> ok; _ -> error end, 200 = proplists:get_value(median, List), 2254368.454545454 = proplists:get_value(variance, List), 1501.4554454080394 = proplists:get_value(standard_deviation, List), 1.8399452806806476 = proplists:get_value(skewness, List), 2.2856772911293204 = proplists:get_value(kurtosis, List), List1 = proplists:get_value(percentile, List), percentile_check(List1), List2 = proplists:get_value(histogram, List), histogram_check(List2). huge_histogram_checks(List) -> Skew = erlang:abs(proplists:get_value(skewness, List)), A = skewness_is_too_high_for_sample_of_this_size, B = this_event_is_very_unprobable, C = please_rerun_this_test__if_it_fails_again_your_code_is_bugged, {A, B, C, true} = {A, B, C, Skew < 0.2}. histogram_co_checks(List) -> ?debugFmt("checking histogram covariance and etc statistics", []), ?debugFmt("~p~n", [List]), [ {covariance,17209.545454545456}, {tau,1.0}, {rho,0.760297020598996}, {r,1.0} ] = List. percentile_check(List) -> 750 = proplists:get_value(75, List), 2000 = proplists:get_value(95, List), 5000 = proplists:get_value(99, List), 5000 = proplists:get_value(999, List). histogram_check(List) -> [{2400,10},{5000,1},{8000,0}] = List. counter_inc_dec(Counter) -> ok = folsom_metrics:notify({Counter, {inc, 1}}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({Counter, {dec, 1}}). for(N, Counter) -> for(N, 0, Counter). for(N, Count, _Counter) when N == Count -> ok; for(N, LoopCount, Counter) -> counter_inc_dec(Counter), for(N, LoopCount + 1, Counter). cpu_topology() -> ?debugMsg("Testing various CPU topologies ...~n"), P = "test/cpu_topo_data", Path = case filelib:is_regular(P) of true -> P; false -> filename:join("..", P) end, {ok, [Data]} = file:consult(Path), [run_convert_and_jsonify(Item) || Item <- Data]. run_convert_and_jsonify(Item) -> ?debugFmt("Converting ... ~n~p~n", [Item]), Result = folsom_vm_metrics:convert_system_info(cpu_topology, Item), %?debugFmt("~p~n", [mochijson2:encode(Result)]). mochijson2:encode(Result). c_compiler_used() -> Test = [{gnuc, {4,4,5}}, {gnuc, {4,4}}, {msc, 1600}], Expected = [[{compiler, gnuc}, {version, <<"4.4.5">>}], [{compiler, gnuc}, {version, <<"4.4">>}], [{compiler, msc}, {version, <<"1600">>}]], ?assertEqual(Expected, [folsom_vm_metrics:convert_system_info(c_compiler_used, {Compiler, Version}) || {Compiler, Version} <- Test]). duration_check(Duration) -> [?assert(lists:keymember(Key, 1, Duration)) || Key <- [count, last, min, max, arithmetic_mean, geometric_mean, harmonic_mean, median, variance, standard_deviation, skewness, kurtosis, percentile, histogram]], ?assertEqual(10, proplists:get_value(count, Duration)), Last = proplists:get_value(last, Duration), ?assert(Last > 10000). create_delete_metrics() -> ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:new_counter(counter)), ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(counter, {inc, 1}, counter)), ?assertMatch(1, folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter)), ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:delete_metric(counter)), ?assertError(badarg, folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(counter, {inc, 1}, counter)), ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:new_counter(counter)), ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(counter, {inc, 1}, counter)), ?assertMatch(1, folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter)). set_enabled_metrics(Enabled) -> application:set_env(folsom, enabled_metrics, Enabled). subset_checks(List, Enabled) -> ?debugFmt("checking subset statistics", []), ?debugFmt("~p, ~p~n", [List, Enabled]), Disabled = ?DEFAULT_METRICS -- Enabled, true = lists:all(fun(K) -> proplists:get_value(K, List) == undefined end, Disabled), true = lists:all(fun(K) -> proplists:get_value(K, List) /= undefined end, Enabled). check_ets_leak() -> L = ["gauge", "meter", "spiral"], [begin Name = list_to_atom(X ++ "_ets_leak"), Table = list_to_atom("folsom_" ++ X ++ "s"), Metric = list_to_atom(X), [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:notify(Name, 1, Metric) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(Table, Name))) end || X <- L], [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:notify(counter_ets_leak, {inc, 1}, counter) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(folsom_counters, {counter_ets_leak, 0}))), [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:notify(history_ets_leak, <<"hist">>, history) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(folsom_histories, history_ets_leak))), [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:new_meter_reader(meter_reader_ets_leak) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(folsom_meter_readers, meter_reader_ets_leak))), [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:new_duration(duration_ets_leak) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(folsom_durations, duration_ets_leak))).
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ------------------------------------------------------------------- File: folsom_erlang_checks.erl @doc @end ------------------------------------------------------------------ simulate an interval tick simulate an interval tick simulate an interval tick simulate an interval tick check duration check spiral internal function ?debugFmt("~p~n", [Value]), ?debugFmt("~p~n", [mochijson2:encode(Result)]).
Copyright 2011 , Boundary Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , @author < > -module(folsom_erlang_checks). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -export([ create_metrics/0, populate_metrics/0, tag_metrics/0, check_metrics/0, check_group_metrics/0, delete_metrics/0, vm_metrics/0, counter_metric/2, cpu_topology/0, c_compiler_used/0, create_delete_metrics/0, check_ets_leak/0 ]). -define(DATA, [0, 1, 5, 10, 100, 200, 500, 750, 1000, 2000, 5000]). -define(HUGEDATA, lists:seq(1,10000)). -define(DATA1, [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]). -define(DATA2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]). -include("folsom.hrl"). create_metrics() -> ok = folsom_metrics:new_counter(counter), ok = folsom_metrics:new_counter(counter2), ok = folsom_metrics:new_gauge(<<"gauge">>), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(<<"uniform">>, uniform, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(<<"hugedata">>, uniform, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(exdec, exdec), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(none, none, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(nonea, none, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(noneb, none, 10), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(nonec, none, 5), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(slide_sorted_a, slide_sorted, 10), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(timed, none, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(timed2, none, 5000), ok = folsom_metrics:new_history(<<"history">>), ok = folsom_metrics:new_meter(meter), ok = folsom_metrics:new_meter_reader(meter_reader), ok = folsom_metrics:new_duration(duration), ok = folsom_metrics:new_spiral(spiral), ok = folsom_metrics:new_spiral(spiral_no_exceptions, no_exceptions), ?debugFmt("ensuring meter tick is registered with gen_server~n", []), ok = ensure_meter_tick_exists(2), ?debugFmt("ensuring multiple timer registrations dont cause issues", []), ok = folsom_meter_timer_server:register(meter, folsom_metrics_meter), ok = folsom_meter_timer_server:register(meter, folsom_metrics_meter), ok = folsom_meter_timer_server:register(meter, folsom_metrics_meter), ?debugFmt("~p", [folsom_meter_timer_server:dump()]), {state, List} = folsom_meter_timer_server:dump(), 2 = length(List), check two servers got started for the spiral metrics 2 = length(supervisor:which_children(folsom_sample_slide_sup)), 19 = length(folsom_metrics:get_metrics()), ?debugFmt("~n~nmetrics: ~p~n", [folsom_metrics:get_metrics()]). tag_metrics() -> Group = "mygroup", ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(counter, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(counter2, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(<<"gauge">>, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(meter, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(spiral, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:tag_metric(spiral_no_exceptions, Group), ?debugFmt("~n~ntagged metrics: ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p and ~p in group ~p~n", [counter,counter2,<<"gauge">>,meter,spiral,spiral_no_exceptions,Group]). populate_metrics() -> ok = folsom_metrics:notify({counter, {inc, 1}}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({counter, {dec, 1}}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({counter2, {inc, 10}}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({counter2, {dec, 7}}), meck:new(folsom_ets), meck:expect(folsom_ets, notify, fun(_Event) -> meck:exception(error, something_wrong_with_ets) end), {'EXIT', {something_wrong_with_ets, _}} = folsom_metrics:safely_notify({unknown_counter, {inc, 1}}), meck:unload(folsom_ets), ok = folsom_metrics:safely_histogram_timed_update(unknown_histogram, fun() -> ok end), ok = folsom_metrics:safely_histogram_timed_update(unknown_histogram, fun(ok) -> ok end, [ok]), 3.141592653589793 = folsom_metrics:safely_histogram_timed_update(unknown_histogram, math, pi, []), UnknownHistogramBegin = folsom_metrics:histogram_timed_begin(unknown_histogram), {error, unknown_histogram, nonexistent_metric} = folsom_metrics:safely_histogram_timed_notify(UnknownHistogramBegin), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({<<"gauge">>, 2}), [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({<<"uniform">>, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({<<"hugedata">>, Value}) || Value <- ?HUGEDATA], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({exdec, Value}) || Value <- lists:seq(1, 50000)], Force a priority change in folson_sample_exdec : priority/1 receive after 1000 -> ok end, [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({exdec, Value}) || Value <- lists:seq(50000, 100000)], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({none, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({nonea, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA1], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({noneb, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA2], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({nonec, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA2], [ok = folsom_metrics:notify({slide_sorted_a, Value}) || Value <- ?DATA2], ok = folsom_metrics:notify(tagged_metric, 1, meter, [a, b]), ok = folsom_metrics:notify(tagged_metric, 1, meter, [c]), {error, _, unsupported_metric_type} = folsom_metrics:notify(tagged_unknown_metric, 1, unknown_metric, [tag]), 3.141592653589793 = folsom_metrics:histogram_timed_update(timed, math, pi, []), Begin = folsom_metrics:histogram_timed_begin(timed2), folsom_metrics:histogram_timed_notify(Begin), PopulateDuration = fun() -> ok = folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(duration, timer_start, duration), timer:sleep(10), ok = folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(duration, timer_end, duration) end, [PopulateDuration() || _ <- lists:seq(1, 10)], ok = folsom_metrics:notify({<<"history">>, "string"}), {error, _, nonexistent_metric} = folsom_metrics:notify({historya, "5"}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify(historya, <<"binary">>, history), ?debugFmt("testing meter ...", []), folsom_metrics_meter:tick(meter), [ok,ok,ok,ok,ok] = [ folsom_metrics:notify({meter, Item}) || Item <- [100, 100, 100, 100, 100]], folsom_metrics_meter:tick(meter), ?debugFmt("testing meter reader ...", []), folsom_metrics_meter_reader:tick(meter_reader), [ok,ok,ok,ok,ok] = [ folsom_metrics:notify({meter_reader, Item}) || Item <- [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]], folsom_metrics_meter_reader:tick(meter_reader), folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(spiral, 100, spiral), folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(spiral_no_exceptions, 200, spiral). check_metrics() -> 0 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter), 3 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter2), ok = folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(counter2, clear, counter), 0 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter2), 2 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(<<"gauge">>), true = sets:is_subset(sets:from_list([a,b,c]), folsom_metrics:get_tags(tagged_metric)), [11,12,13,14,15,6,7,8,9,10] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(noneb), [11,12,13,14,15] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(nonec), [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(slide_sorted_a), Histogram1 = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(<<"uniform">>), histogram_checks(Histogram1), MetricsSubset = [min, max], ok = set_enabled_metrics(MetricsSubset), Histogram2 = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(<<"uniform">>), subset_checks(Histogram2, MetricsSubset), ok = set_enabled_metrics(?DEFAULT_METRICS), HugeHistogram = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(<<"hugedata">>), huge_histogram_checks(HugeHistogram), just check exdec for non - zero values Exdec = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(exdec), ?debugFmt("checking exdec sample~n~p~n", [Exdec]), ok = case proplists:get_value(median, Exdec) of Median when Median > 0 -> ok; _ -> error end, Histogram3 = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(none), histogram_checks(Histogram3), CoValues = folsom_metrics:get_histogram_statistics(none, nonea), histogram_co_checks(CoValues), List = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(timed), ?debugFmt("timed update value: ~p", [List]), List2 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(timed2), ?debugFmt("timed update value begin/end: ~p", [List2]), 1 = length(folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(<<"history">>)), 1 = length(folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(historya)), ?debugFmt("checking meter~n", []), Meter = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(meter), ?debugFmt("~p", [Meter]), ok = case proplists:get_value(one, Meter) of Value when Value > 1 -> ok; _ -> error end, ok = case proplists:get_value(day, Meter) of Value1 when Value1 > 0.005 -> ok; _ -> error end, ?debugFmt("checking meter reader~n", []), MeterReader = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(meter_reader), ?debugFmt("~p~n", [MeterReader]), ok = case proplists:get_value(one, MeterReader) of Value2 when Value2 > 1 -> ok; _ -> error end, Dur = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(duration), duration_check(Dur), ok = set_enabled_metrics(MetricsSubset), Dur2 = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(duration), subset_checks(Dur2, MetricsSubset), ok = set_enabled_metrics(?DEFAULT_METRICS), [{count, 100}, {one, 100}] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(spiral), [{count, 200}, {one, 200}] = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(spiral_no_exceptions). check_group_metrics() -> Group = "mygroup", Metrics = folsom_metrics:get_metrics_value(Group), 6 = length(Metrics), {counter, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter,1,Metrics), {counter2, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter2,1,Metrics), {<<"gauge">>, 2} = lists:keyfind(<<"gauge">>,1,Metrics), {meter, Meter} = lists:keyfind(meter,1,Metrics), ok = case proplists:get_value(one, Meter) of Value when Value > 1 -> ok; _ -> error end, ok = case proplists:get_value(day, Meter) of Value1 when Value1 > 0.005 -> ok; _ -> error end, {spiral, [{count, 100}, {one, 100}]} = lists:keyfind(spiral,1,Metrics), {spiral_no_exceptions, [{count, 200}, {one, 200}]} = lists:keyfind(spiral_no_exceptions,1,Metrics), Counters = folsom_metrics:get_metrics_value(Group,counter), {counter, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter,1,Counters), {counter2, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter2,1,Counters), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(counter2, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(<<"gauge">>, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(meter, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(spiral, Group), ok = folsom_metrics:untag_metric(spiral_no_exceptions, Group), ?debugFmt("~n~nuntagged metrics: ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p and ~p in group ~p~n", [counter2,<<"gauge">>,meter,spiral,spiral_no_exceptions,Group]), RemainingMetrics = folsom_metrics:get_metrics_value(Group), 1 = length(RemainingMetrics), {counter, 0} = lists:keyfind(counter,1,Metrics). delete_metrics() -> 22 = length(ets:tab2list(?FOLSOM_TABLE)), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(counter), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(counter2), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(<<"gauge">>), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(<<"hugedata">>), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(<<"uniform">>), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(exdec), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(none), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(<<"history">>), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(historya), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(nonea), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(noneb), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(nonec), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(tagged_metric), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(slide_sorted_a), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(timed), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(timed2), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(testcounter), ok = ensure_meter_tick_exists(2), 1 = length(ets:tab2list(?METER_TABLE)), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(meter), 0 = length(ets:tab2list(?METER_TABLE)), 1 = length(ets:tab2list(?METER_READER_TABLE)), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(meter_reader), 0 = length(ets:tab2list(?METER_READER_TABLE)), ok = ensure_meter_tick_exists(0), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(duration), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(spiral), ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(spiral_no_exceptions), 0 = length(ets:tab2list(?FOLSOM_TABLE)). vm_metrics() -> List1 = folsom_vm_metrics:get_memory(), true = lists:keymember(total, 1, List1), List2 = folsom_vm_metrics:get_statistics(), true = lists:keymember(context_switches, 1, List2), List3 = folsom_vm_metrics:get_system_info(), true = lists:keymember(allocated_areas, 1, List3), true = lists:keymember(port_count, 1, List3), [{_, [{backtrace, _}| _]} | _] = folsom_vm_metrics:get_process_info(), [{_, [{name, _}| _]} | _] = folsom_vm_metrics:get_port_info(). counter_metric(Count, Counter) -> ok = folsom_metrics:new_counter(Counter), ?debugFmt("running ~p counter inc/dec rounds~n", [Count]), for(Count, Counter), Result = folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(Counter), ?debugFmt("counter result: ~p~n", [Result]), 0 = Result. ensure_meter_tick_exists(MeterCnt) -> {state, State} = folsom_meter_timer_server:dump(), MeterCnt = length(State), ok. histogram_checks(List) -> ?debugFmt("checking histogram statistics", []), ?debugFmt("~p~n", [List]), 0 = proplists:get_value(min, List), 5000 = proplists:get_value(max, List), 869.6363636363636 = proplists:get_value(arithmetic_mean, List), GeoMean = proplists:get_value(geometric_mean, List), ok = case GeoMean - 100.17443147308997 of GeoDiff when GeoDiff < 0.00000001 -> ok; _ -> error end, Value = proplists:get_value(harmonic_mean, List), ok = case Value - 8.333122900936845 of Diff when Diff < 0.00000001 -> ok; _ -> error end, 200 = proplists:get_value(median, List), 2254368.454545454 = proplists:get_value(variance, List), 1501.4554454080394 = proplists:get_value(standard_deviation, List), 1.8399452806806476 = proplists:get_value(skewness, List), 2.2856772911293204 = proplists:get_value(kurtosis, List), List1 = proplists:get_value(percentile, List), percentile_check(List1), List2 = proplists:get_value(histogram, List), histogram_check(List2). huge_histogram_checks(List) -> Skew = erlang:abs(proplists:get_value(skewness, List)), A = skewness_is_too_high_for_sample_of_this_size, B = this_event_is_very_unprobable, C = please_rerun_this_test__if_it_fails_again_your_code_is_bugged, {A, B, C, true} = {A, B, C, Skew < 0.2}. histogram_co_checks(List) -> ?debugFmt("checking histogram covariance and etc statistics", []), ?debugFmt("~p~n", [List]), [ {covariance,17209.545454545456}, {tau,1.0}, {rho,0.760297020598996}, {r,1.0} ] = List. percentile_check(List) -> 750 = proplists:get_value(75, List), 2000 = proplists:get_value(95, List), 5000 = proplists:get_value(99, List), 5000 = proplists:get_value(999, List). histogram_check(List) -> [{2400,10},{5000,1},{8000,0}] = List. counter_inc_dec(Counter) -> ok = folsom_metrics:notify({Counter, {inc, 1}}), ok = folsom_metrics:notify({Counter, {dec, 1}}). for(N, Counter) -> for(N, 0, Counter). for(N, Count, _Counter) when N == Count -> ok; for(N, LoopCount, Counter) -> counter_inc_dec(Counter), for(N, LoopCount + 1, Counter). cpu_topology() -> ?debugMsg("Testing various CPU topologies ...~n"), P = "test/cpu_topo_data", Path = case filelib:is_regular(P) of true -> P; false -> filename:join("..", P) end, {ok, [Data]} = file:consult(Path), [run_convert_and_jsonify(Item) || Item <- Data]. run_convert_and_jsonify(Item) -> ?debugFmt("Converting ... ~n~p~n", [Item]), Result = folsom_vm_metrics:convert_system_info(cpu_topology, Item), mochijson2:encode(Result). c_compiler_used() -> Test = [{gnuc, {4,4,5}}, {gnuc, {4,4}}, {msc, 1600}], Expected = [[{compiler, gnuc}, {version, <<"4.4.5">>}], [{compiler, gnuc}, {version, <<"4.4">>}], [{compiler, msc}, {version, <<"1600">>}]], ?assertEqual(Expected, [folsom_vm_metrics:convert_system_info(c_compiler_used, {Compiler, Version}) || {Compiler, Version} <- Test]). duration_check(Duration) -> [?assert(lists:keymember(Key, 1, Duration)) || Key <- [count, last, min, max, arithmetic_mean, geometric_mean, harmonic_mean, median, variance, standard_deviation, skewness, kurtosis, percentile, histogram]], ?assertEqual(10, proplists:get_value(count, Duration)), Last = proplists:get_value(last, Duration), ?assert(Last > 10000). create_delete_metrics() -> ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:new_counter(counter)), ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(counter, {inc, 1}, counter)), ?assertMatch(1, folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter)), ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:delete_metric(counter)), ?assertError(badarg, folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(counter, {inc, 1}, counter)), ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:new_counter(counter)), ?assertMatch(ok, folsom_metrics:notify_existing_metric(counter, {inc, 1}, counter)), ?assertMatch(1, folsom_metrics:get_metric_value(counter)). set_enabled_metrics(Enabled) -> application:set_env(folsom, enabled_metrics, Enabled). subset_checks(List, Enabled) -> ?debugFmt("checking subset statistics", []), ?debugFmt("~p, ~p~n", [List, Enabled]), Disabled = ?DEFAULT_METRICS -- Enabled, true = lists:all(fun(K) -> proplists:get_value(K, List) == undefined end, Disabled), true = lists:all(fun(K) -> proplists:get_value(K, List) /= undefined end, Enabled). check_ets_leak() -> L = ["gauge", "meter", "spiral"], [begin Name = list_to_atom(X ++ "_ets_leak"), Table = list_to_atom("folsom_" ++ X ++ "s"), Metric = list_to_atom(X), [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:notify(Name, 1, Metric) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(Table, Name))) end || X <- L], [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:notify(counter_ets_leak, {inc, 1}, counter) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(folsom_counters, {counter_ets_leak, 0}))), [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:notify(history_ets_leak, <<"hist">>, history) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(folsom_histories, history_ets_leak))), [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:new_meter_reader(meter_reader_ets_leak) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(folsom_meter_readers, meter_reader_ets_leak))), [spawn( fun() -> folsom_metrics:new_duration(duration_ets_leak) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)], receive after 100 -> ok end, ?assertEqual(1, length(ets:lookup(folsom_durations, duration_ets_leak))).
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE TypeOperators # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE PolyKinds # -- | Type-level Error module Haskus.Utils.Types.Error ( TypeError , ErrorMessage (..) , Assert ) where import GHC.TypeLits -- | Like: If cond t (TypeError msg) -- The difference is that the TypeError does n't appear in the RHS of the type which leads to better error messages ( see GHC # 14771 ) . -- -- For instance: -- type family F n where -- F n = If (n <=? 8) Int8 (TypeError (Text "ERROR")) -- -- type family G n where -- G n = Assert (n <=? 8) Int8 (Text "ERROR") -- If GHC can not solve ` F n ~ Word ` , it shows : ERROR If GHC can not solve ` G n ~ Word ` , it shows : ca n't match ` Assert ... ` with ` Word ` -- type family Assert (prop :: Bool) (val :: k) (msg :: ErrorMessage) :: k where Assert 'True val msg = val Assert 'False val msg = TypeError msg
| Type-level Error | Like: If cond t (TypeError msg) For instance: type family F n where F n = If (n <=? 8) Int8 (TypeError (Text "ERROR")) type family G n where G n = Assert (n <=? 8) Int8 (Text "ERROR")
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE TypeOperators # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE PolyKinds # module Haskus.Utils.Types.Error ( TypeError , ErrorMessage (..) , Assert ) where import GHC.TypeLits The difference is that the TypeError does n't appear in the RHS of the type which leads to better error messages ( see GHC # 14771 ) . If GHC can not solve ` F n ~ Word ` , it shows : ERROR If GHC can not solve ` G n ~ Word ` , it shows : ca n't match ` Assert ... ` with ` Word ` type family Assert (prop :: Bool) (val :: k) (msg :: ErrorMessage) :: k where Assert 'True val msg = val Assert 'False val msg = TypeError msg
(ns salava.page.settings-test (:require [midje.sweet :refer :all] [salava.core.migrator :as migrator] [salava.test-utils :refer [test-api-request login! logout! test-user-credentials]] [salava.core.helper :refer [dump]])) (def test-user 1) (def page-id 1) (def page-owned-by-another-user 3) (facts "about editing page settings" (fact "user must be logged in to view page settings" (:status (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-id))) => 401) (apply login! (test-user-credentials test-user)) (fact "user cannot access the settings of the page owned by another user" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-owned-by-another-user))] status => 500 body => "{\"errors\":\"(not (map? nil))\"}")) (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-id))] (fact "page settings can be fetched for editing" status => 200) (fact "page has valid attributes" (keys body) => (just [:description :tags :first_name :password :name :visible_before :visible_after :theme :ctime :id :padding :last_name :user_id :border :visibility :mtime] :in-any-order))) (logout!)) (facts "about saving page settings" (fact "user must be logged in to save page settings" (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) => 401) (apply login! (test-user-credentials test-user)) (fact "user must be owner of the page" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-owned-by-another-user) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})] status => 200 (:status body) => "error")) (fact "visibility, password and tags are required" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"tags\":\"missing-required-key\",\"visibility\":\"missing-required-key\",\"password\":\"missing-required-key\"}}")) (fact "visibility must be valid" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "not-valid"})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"visibility\":\"(not (#{\\\"internal\\\" \\\"private\\\" \\\"password\\\" \\\"public\\\"} \\\"not-valid\\\"))\"}}") (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) => 200) (fact "tags must be a collection of strings" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags "not-valid" :visibility "private"})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"tags\":\"(not (sequential? \\\"not-valid\\\"))\"}}") (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [0 1] :visibility "private"})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"tags\":[\"(not (instance? java.lang.String 0))\",\"(not (instance? java.lang.String 1))\"]}}") (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) => 200 (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "secret" :tags ["tag" "another tag"] :visibility "password"})) => 200) (fact "password must be valid" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password 0 :tags [] :visibility "password"})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"password\":\"(not (instance? java.lang.String 0))\"}}") (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) => 200 (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "secret" :tags [] :visibility "password"})) => 200 (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "not-saved" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) (let [{:keys [body]} (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-id))] (:password body) => "") (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "password"})) (let [{:keys [body]} (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-id))] (:visibility body) => "private")) (logout!)) (migrator/reset-seeds (migrator/test-config))
(ns salava.page.settings-test (:require [midje.sweet :refer :all] [salava.core.migrator :as migrator] [salava.test-utils :refer [test-api-request login! logout! test-user-credentials]] [salava.core.helper :refer [dump]])) (def test-user 1) (def page-id 1) (def page-owned-by-another-user 3) (facts "about editing page settings" (fact "user must be logged in to view page settings" (:status (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-id))) => 401) (apply login! (test-user-credentials test-user)) (fact "user cannot access the settings of the page owned by another user" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-owned-by-another-user))] status => 500 body => "{\"errors\":\"(not (map? nil))\"}")) (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-id))] (fact "page settings can be fetched for editing" status => 200) (fact "page has valid attributes" (keys body) => (just [:description :tags :first_name :password :name :visible_before :visible_after :theme :ctime :id :padding :last_name :user_id :border :visibility :mtime] :in-any-order))) (logout!)) (facts "about saving page settings" (fact "user must be logged in to save page settings" (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) => 401) (apply login! (test-user-credentials test-user)) (fact "user must be owner of the page" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-owned-by-another-user) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})] status => 200 (:status body) => "error")) (fact "visibility, password and tags are required" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"tags\":\"missing-required-key\",\"visibility\":\"missing-required-key\",\"password\":\"missing-required-key\"}}")) (fact "visibility must be valid" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "not-valid"})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"visibility\":\"(not (#{\\\"internal\\\" \\\"private\\\" \\\"password\\\" \\\"public\\\"} \\\"not-valid\\\"))\"}}") (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) => 200) (fact "tags must be a collection of strings" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags "not-valid" :visibility "private"})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"tags\":\"(not (sequential? \\\"not-valid\\\"))\"}}") (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [0 1] :visibility "private"})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"tags\":[\"(not (instance? java.lang.String 0))\",\"(not (instance? java.lang.String 1))\"]}}") (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) => 200 (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "secret" :tags ["tag" "another tag"] :visibility "password"})) => 200) (fact "password must be valid" (let [{:keys [status body]} (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password 0 :tags [] :visibility "password"})] status => 400 body => "{\"errors\":{\"password\":\"(not (instance? java.lang.String 0))\"}}") (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) => 200 (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "secret" :tags [] :visibility "password"})) => 200 (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "not-saved" :tags [] :visibility "private"})) (let [{:keys [body]} (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-id))] (:password body) => "") (:status (test-api-request :post (str "/page/save_settings/" page-id) {:password "" :tags [] :visibility "password"})) (let [{:keys [body]} (test-api-request :get (str "/page/settings/" page-id))] (:visibility body) => "private")) (logout!)) (migrator/reset-seeds (migrator/test-config))
module Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Layout (Layout (..), LayoutI) where import Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Shape -- | A layout provides a total order on the elements of an index space. -- -- We can talk about the n-th element of an array, independent of its -- shape and dimensionality. -- class Shape (Index l) => Layout l where -- | Short name for a layout which does not include details of -- the exact extent. data Name l -- | Type used to index into this array layout. type Index l -- | O(1). Proxy for the layout name. name :: Name l -- | O(1). Create a default layout of the given extent. create :: Name l -> Index l -> l -- | O(1). Yield the extent of the layout. extent :: l -> Index l -- | O(1). Convert a polymorphic index to a linear one. toIndex :: l -> Index l -> Int -- | O(1). Convert a linear index to a polymorphic one. fromIndex :: l -> Int -> Index l type LayoutI l = (Layout l, Index l ~ Int)
| A layout provides a total order on the elements of an index space. We can talk about the n-th element of an array, independent of its shape and dimensionality. | Short name for a layout which does not include details of the exact extent. | Type used to index into this array layout. | O(1). Proxy for the layout name. | O(1). Create a default layout of the given extent. | O(1). Yield the extent of the layout. | O(1). Convert a polymorphic index to a linear one. | O(1). Convert a linear index to a polymorphic one.
module Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Layout (Layout (..), LayoutI) where import Data.Repa.Array.Internals.Shape class Shape (Index l) => Layout l where data Name l type Index l name :: Name l create :: Name l -> Index l -> l extent :: l -> Index l toIndex :: l -> Index l -> Int fromIndex :: l -> Int -> Index l type LayoutI l = (Layout l, Index l ~ Int)
(ns portkey.aws.cloudfront.-2016-09-29 (:require [portkey.aws])) (def endpoints '{"ap-northeast-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "eu-west-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "us-east-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ap-southeast-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "sa-east-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ap-southeast-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ap-northeast-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "eu-west-3" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ca-central-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "eu-central-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "eu-west-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "us-west-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "us-east-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "us-west-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ap-south-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "aws-global" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}}) (comment TODO support "rest-xml")
(ns portkey.aws.cloudfront.-2016-09-29 (:require [portkey.aws])) (def endpoints '{"ap-northeast-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "eu-west-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "us-east-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ap-southeast-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "sa-east-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ap-southeast-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ap-northeast-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "eu-west-3" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ca-central-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "eu-central-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "eu-west-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "us-west-2" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "us-east-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "us-west-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "ap-south-1" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}, "aws-global" {:credential-scope {:service "cloudfront", :region "us-east-1"}, :ssl-common-name "cloudfront.amazonaws.com", :endpoint "", :signature-version :v4}}) (comment TODO support "rest-xml")
(ns flambo.accumulator (:import [org.apache.spark Accumulator] [scala.Option]) (:refer-clojure :exclude [name])) (defn accumulator ([sc value] (.accumulator sc value)) ([sc value name] (.accumulator sc value name))) (defn value [^Accumulator accumulator-var] (.value accumulator-var)) (defn add [^Accumulator accumulator-var value] (.add accumulator-var (int value))) (defn name [^Accumulator accumulator-var] (let [name-var (.name accumulator-var)] (if (= scala.Some (class name-var)) (.x name-var))))
(ns flambo.accumulator (:import [org.apache.spark Accumulator] [scala.Option]) (:refer-clojure :exclude [name])) (defn accumulator ([sc value] (.accumulator sc value)) ([sc value name] (.accumulator sc value name))) (defn value [^Accumulator accumulator-var] (.value accumulator-var)) (defn add [^Accumulator accumulator-var value] (.add accumulator-var (int value))) (defn name [^Accumulator accumulator-var] (let [name-var (.name accumulator-var)] (if (= scala.Some (class name-var)) (.x name-var))))
#lang racket (require racket/cmdline) (define wahcade-lst (command-line #:program "rom-link2" #:args (wahcade-lst) wahcade-lst)) (define (linkum name rom) (define rom-pth (build-path (current-directory) "Roms" (string-append rom ".nes"))) (define link-pth (build-path (current-directory) "Romsl" (string-append name ".nes"))) (unless (file-exists? rom-pth) (printf "~v\n" (list wahcade-lst name rom rom-pth)) (exit 1)) (make-file-or-directory-link rom-pth link-pth)) (let loop ([ls (file->lines wahcade-lst)]) (unless (empty? ls) (define-values (fi nls) (split-at ls 13)) (match fi [(list (? string? rom) (? string? name) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "") (linkum name rom)] [_ (error 'rom-link2 "~S" fi)]) (loop nls)))
#lang racket (require racket/cmdline) (define wahcade-lst (command-line #:program "rom-link2" #:args (wahcade-lst) wahcade-lst)) (define (linkum name rom) (define rom-pth (build-path (current-directory) "Roms" (string-append rom ".nes"))) (define link-pth (build-path (current-directory) "Romsl" (string-append name ".nes"))) (unless (file-exists? rom-pth) (printf "~v\n" (list wahcade-lst name rom rom-pth)) (exit 1)) (make-file-or-directory-link rom-pth link-pth)) (let loop ([ls (file->lines wahcade-lst)]) (unless (empty? ls) (define-values (fi nls) (split-at ls 13)) (match fi [(list (? string? rom) (? string? name) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "") (linkum name rom)] [_ (error 'rom-link2 "~S" fi)]) (loop nls)))
# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} module Df1.Types ( Log(Log, log_time, log_level, log_path, log_message) , Level(Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert, Emergency) , Path(Attr, Push), ToPath(path) , Segment, unSegment, ToSegment(segment) , Key, unKey, ToKey(key) , Value, unValue, ToValue(value) , Message, unMessage, ToMessage(message) ) where import Control.Exception (SomeException) import Data.Coerce (coerce) import qualified Data.Fixed as Fixed import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>))) import Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64) import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Data.String (IsString(fromString)) import qualified Data.Time as Time import qualified Data.Time.Clock.System as Time import qualified Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 as Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Log = Log { log_time :: !Time.SystemTime ^ First known timestamp when the log was generated . -- We use ' Time . SystemTime ' rather than ' Time . UTCTime ' because it is -- cheaper to obtain and to render. You can use -- 'Data.Time.Clock.System.systemToUTCTime' to convert it if necessary. , log_level :: !Level -- ^ Importance level of the logged message. , log_path :: !(Seq.Seq Path) -- ^ 'Path' where the logged message was created from. -- -- The leftmost 'Path' is the closest to the root. The rightmost 'Path' is the one closest to where the log was generated . -- -- An 'Seq.empty' 'Seq.Seq' is acceptable, conveying the idea of the “root -- path”. , log_message :: !Message -- ^ Human-readable message itself. } deriving (Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A message text. -- If you have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled , you can build a -- 'Message' using a string literal: -- -- @ -- \"foo\" :: 'Message' -- @ -- -- Otherwise, you can use 'fromString' or 'message'. -- Notice that @\"\ " : : ' Message'@ is acceptable , and will be correctly rendered -- and parsed back. newtype Message = Message TL.Text deriving (Eq, Show) unMessage :: Message -> TL.Text unMessage = coerce # INLINE unMessage # instance IsString Message where fromString = message {-# INLINE fromString #-} instance Semigroup Message where (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text) {-# INLINE (<>) #-} instance Monoid Message where mempty = Message mempty # INLINE mempty # -- | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Message'. -- You are encouraged to create custom ' ToMessage ' instances for your types -- making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that -- they don't accidentally end up in logs. -- -- Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically -- escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. class ToMessage a where message :: a -> Message -- | Identity. instance ToMessage Message where message = id # INLINE message # -- | -- @ x : : ' TL.Text ' = = ' unMessage ' ( ' message ' x ) -- @ instance ToMessage TL.Text where message = Message # INLINE message # -- | -- @ -- x :: 'T.Text' == 'TL.toStrict' ('unMessage' ('message' x)) -- @ instance ToMessage T.Text where message = Message . TL.fromStrict # INLINE message # -- | -- @ x : : ' String ' = = ' TL.unpack ' ( ' unMessage ' ( ' message ' x ) ) -- @ instance ToMessage String where message = Message . TL.pack # INLINE message # instance ToMessage SomeException where message = message . show # INLINE message # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Importance of the logged message. -- -- These levels, listed in increasing order of importance, correspond to the -- levels used by [syslog(3)](). data Level = Debug -- ^ Message intended to be useful only when deliberately debugging a program. | Info -- ^ Informational message. | Notice -- ^ A condition that is not an error, but should possibly be handled -- specially. | Warning -- ^ A warning condition, such as an exception being gracefully handled or -- some missing configuration setting being assigned a default value. | Error -- ^ Error condition, such as an unhandled exception. | Critical -- ^ Critical condition that could result in system failure, such as a disk -- running out of space. | Alert -- ^ A condition that should be corrected immediately, such as a corrupted -- database. | Emergency -- ^ System is unusable. deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum) -- | Order of importance. For example, 'Emergency' is more important than -- 'Debug': -- -- @ -- 'Emergency' > 'Debug' == 'True' -- @ deriving instance Ord Level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A path segment. -- If you have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled , you can build a -- 'Segment' using a string literal: -- -- @ -- \"foo\" :: 'Segment' -- @ -- -- Otherwise, you can use 'fromString' or 'segment'. -- -- Notice that @\"\" :: 'Segment'@ is acceptable, and will be correctly rendered -- and parsed back. newtype Segment = Segment TL.Text deriving (Eq, Show) unSegment :: Segment -> TL.Text unSegment = coerce # INLINE unSegment # instance IsString Segment where fromString = segment {-# INLINE fromString #-} instance Semigroup Segment where (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text) {-# INLINE (<>) #-} instance Monoid Segment where mempty = Segment mempty # INLINE mempty # -- | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Segment'. -- You are encouraged to create custom ' ' instances for your types -- making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that -- they don't accidentally end up in logs. -- -- Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically -- escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. class ToSegment a where segment :: a -> Segment -- | Identity. instance ToSegment Segment where segment = id # INLINE segment # -- | -- @ x : : ' TL.Text ' = = ' unSegment ' ( ' segment ' x ) -- @ instance ToSegment TL.Text where segment = Segment # INLINE segment # -- | -- @ -- x :: 'T.Text' == 'TL.toStrict' ('unSegment' ('segment' x)) -- @ instance ToSegment T.Text where segment = Segment . TL.fromStrict # INLINE segment # -- | -- @ x : : ' String ' = = ' TL.unpack ' ( ' unSegment ' ( ' segment ' x ) ) -- @ instance ToSegment String where segment = Segment . TL.pack # INLINE segment # instance ToSegment Char where segment = Segment . TL.singleton # INLINE segment # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An attribute key (see 'Attr'). -- If you have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled , you can build a -- 'Key' using a string literal: -- -- @ -- \"foo\" :: 'Key' -- @ -- -- Otherwise, you can use 'fromString' or 'key'. -- Notice that @\"\ " : : ' Key'@ is acceptable , and will be correctly rendered and -- parsed back. newtype Key = Key TL.Text deriving (Eq, Show) unKey :: Key -> TL.Text unKey = coerce # INLINE unKey # instance IsString Key where fromString = key {-# INLINE fromString #-} instance Semigroup Key where (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text) {-# INLINE (<>) #-} instance Monoid Key where mempty = Key mempty # INLINE mempty # -- | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Key'. -- You are encouraged to create custom ' ToKey ' instances for your types -- making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that -- they don't accidentally end up in logs. -- -- Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically -- escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. class ToKey a where key :: a -> Key -- | Identity. instance ToKey Key where key = id # INLINE key # -- | -- @ x : : ' TL.Text ' = = ' unKey ' ( ' key ' x ) -- @ instance ToKey TL.Text where key = Key # INLINE key # -- | -- @ x : : ' T.Text ' = = ' TL.toStrict ' ( ' unKey ' ( ' key ' x ) ) -- @ instance ToKey T.Text where key = Key . TL.fromStrict # INLINE key # -- | -- @ x : : ' String ' = = ' TL.unpack ' ( ' unKey ' ( ' key ' x ) ) -- @ instance ToKey String where key = Key . TL.pack # INLINE key # instance ToKey Char where key = Key . TL.singleton # INLINE key # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An attribute value (see 'Attr'). -- If you have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled , you can build a -- 'Value' using a string literal: -- -- @ -- \"foo\" :: 'Value' -- @ -- -- Otherwise, you can use 'fromString' or 'value'. -- Notice that @\"\ " : : ' Value'@ is acceptable , and will be correctly rendered -- and parsed back. newtype Value = Value TL.Text deriving (Eq, Show) unValue :: Value -> TL.Text unValue = coerce # INLINE unValue # instance IsString Value where fromString = value {-# INLINE fromString #-} instance Semigroup Value where (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text) {-# INLINE (<>) #-} instance Monoid Value where mempty = Value mempty # INLINE mempty # -- | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Value'. -- You are encouraged to create custom ' ToValue ' instances for your types -- making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that -- they don't accidentally end up in logs. -- -- Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically -- escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. class ToValue a where value :: a -> Value -- | Identity. instance ToValue Value where value = id # INLINE value # -- | -- @ x : : ' TL.Text ' = = ' unValue ' ( ' value ' x ) -- @ instance ToValue TL.Text where value = Value # INLINE value # -- | -- @ -- x :: 'T.Text' == 'TL.toStrict' ('unValue' ('value' x)) -- @ instance ToValue T.Text where value = Value . TL.fromStrict # INLINE value # -- | -- @ x : : ' String ' = = ' TL.unpack ' ( ' unValue ' ( ' value ' x ) ) -- @ instance ToValue String where value = Value . TL.pack # INLINE value # instance ToValue SomeException where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Bool where value = \b -> if b then "true" else "false" # INLINE value # instance ToValue Char where value = Value . TL.singleton # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int8 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int16 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int32 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int64 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word8 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word16 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word32 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word64 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Integer where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Natural where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Float where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Double where value = value . show # INLINE value # | Chops trailing zeros . instance Fixed.HasResolution a => ToValue (Fixed.Fixed a) where value = value . Fixed.showFixed True # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.CalendarDiffDays where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.CalendarDiffTime where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.Day where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.TimeZone where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.TimeOfDay where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.LocalTime where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.ZonedTime where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # -- | @123456s@ instance ToValue Time.NominalDiffTime where value = value . show # INLINE value # -- | @123456s@ instance ToValue Time.DiffTime where value = value . show # INLINE value # | Lowercase @monday@ , @tuesday@ , etc . instance ToValue Time.DayOfWeek where value = \x -> case x of Time.Monday -> "monday" Time.Tuesday -> "tuesday" Time.Wednesday -> "wednesday" Time.Thursday -> "thursday" Time.Friday -> "friday" Time.Saturday -> "saturday" Time.Sunday -> "sunday" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'Path' represents the hierarchical structure of logged messages. -- -- For example, consider a /df1/ log line as like the following: -- -- @ 1999 - 12 - 20T07:11:39.230553031Z \/foo x = a y = b \/bar \/qux z = c z = d WARNING Something -- @ -- -- For that line, the 'log_path' attribute of the 'Log' datatype will contain -- the following: -- -- @ -- [ 'Push' ('segment' \"foo\") , ' Attr ' ( ' key ' \"x\ " ) ( ' value ' \"a\ " ) -- , 'Attr' ('key' \"y\") ('value' \"b\") , ' Push ' ( ' segment ' \"bar\ " ) -- , 'Push' ('segment' \"qux\") -- , 'Attr' ('key' \"z\") ('value' \"c\") -- , 'Attr' ('key' \"z\") ('value' \"d\") -- ] :: 'Seq.Seq' 'Path' -- @ -- -- Please notice that @[] :: 'Seq.Seq' 'Path'@ is a valid path insofar as /df1/ -- is concerned, and that 'Attr' and 'Push' can be juxtapositioned in any order. data Path = Push !Segment | Attr !Key !Value deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Seq'uence of 'Path's. -- You are encouraged to create custom ' ToPath ' instances for your types -- making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that -- they don't accidentally end up in logs. -- -- Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically -- escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. class ToPath a where -- | The leftmost 'Path' is the closest to the root. The rightmost 'Path' is the one closest to where the log was generated . -- -- See the documentation for 'Path'. path :: a -> Seq.Seq Path -- | Identity. instance ToPath (Seq.Seq Path) where path = id # INLINE path # -- | -- @ -- 'path' = 'Seq.fromList' . 'toList' -- @ instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Foldable f => ToPath (f Path) where path = Seq.fromList . toList # INLINE path #
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # # LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cheaper to obtain and to render. You can use 'Data.Time.Clock.System.systemToUTCTime' to convert it if necessary. ^ Importance level of the logged message. ^ 'Path' where the logged message was created from. The leftmost 'Path' is the closest to the root. The rightmost 'Path' is An 'Seq.empty' 'Seq.Seq' is acceptable, conveying the idea of the “root path”. ^ Human-readable message itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | A message text. 'Message' using a string literal: @ \"foo\" :: 'Message' @ Otherwise, you can use 'fromString' or 'message'. and parsed back. # INLINE fromString # # INLINE (<>) # | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Message'. making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that they don't accidentally end up in logs. Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. | Identity. | @ @ | @ x :: 'T.Text' == 'TL.toStrict' ('unMessage' ('message' x)) @ | @ @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Importance of the logged message. These levels, listed in increasing order of importance, correspond to the levels used by [syslog(3)](). ^ Message intended to be useful only when deliberately debugging a program. ^ Informational message. ^ A condition that is not an error, but should possibly be handled specially. ^ A warning condition, such as an exception being gracefully handled or some missing configuration setting being assigned a default value. ^ Error condition, such as an unhandled exception. ^ Critical condition that could result in system failure, such as a disk running out of space. ^ A condition that should be corrected immediately, such as a corrupted database. ^ System is unusable. | Order of importance. For example, 'Emergency' is more important than 'Debug': @ 'Emergency' > 'Debug' == 'True' @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | A path segment. 'Segment' using a string literal: @ \"foo\" :: 'Segment' @ Otherwise, you can use 'fromString' or 'segment'. Notice that @\"\" :: 'Segment'@ is acceptable, and will be correctly rendered and parsed back. # INLINE fromString # # INLINE (<>) # | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Segment'. making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that they don't accidentally end up in logs. Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. | Identity. | @ @ | @ x :: 'T.Text' == 'TL.toStrict' ('unSegment' ('segment' x)) @ | @ @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | An attribute key (see 'Attr'). 'Key' using a string literal: @ \"foo\" :: 'Key' @ Otherwise, you can use 'fromString' or 'key'. parsed back. # INLINE fromString # # INLINE (<>) # | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Key'. making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that they don't accidentally end up in logs. Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. | Identity. | @ @ | @ @ | @ @ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | An attribute value (see 'Attr'). 'Value' using a string literal: @ \"foo\" :: 'Value' @ Otherwise, you can use 'fromString' or 'value'. and parsed back. # INLINE fromString # # INLINE (<>) # | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Value'. making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that they don't accidentally end up in logs. Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. | Identity. | @ @ | @ x :: 'T.Text' == 'TL.toStrict' ('unValue' ('value' x)) @ | @ @ | @123456s@ | @123456s@ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 'Path' represents the hierarchical structure of logged messages. For example, consider a /df1/ log line as like the following: @ @ For that line, the 'log_path' attribute of the 'Log' datatype will contain the following: @ [ 'Push' ('segment' \"foo\") , 'Attr' ('key' \"y\") ('value' \"b\") , 'Push' ('segment' \"qux\") , 'Attr' ('key' \"z\") ('value' \"c\") , 'Attr' ('key' \"z\") ('value' \"d\") ] :: 'Seq.Seq' 'Path' @ Please notice that @[] :: 'Seq.Seq' 'Path'@ is a valid path insofar as /df1/ is concerned, and that 'Attr' and 'Push' can be juxtapositioned in any order. | Convert an arbitrary type to a 'Seq'uence of 'Path's. making sure you avoid rendering sensitive details such as passwords, so that they don't accidentally end up in logs. Any characters that need to be escaped for rendering will be automatically escaped at rendering time. You don't need to escape them here. | The leftmost 'Path' is the closest to the root. The rightmost 'Path' is See the documentation for 'Path'. | Identity. | @ 'path' = 'Seq.fromList' . 'toList' @ # OVERLAPPABLE #
# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # module Df1.Types ( Log(Log, log_time, log_level, log_path, log_message) , Level(Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert, Emergency) , Path(Attr, Push), ToPath(path) , Segment, unSegment, ToSegment(segment) , Key, unKey, ToKey(key) , Value, unValue, ToValue(value) , Message, unMessage, ToMessage(message) ) where import Control.Exception (SomeException) import Data.Coerce (coerce) import qualified Data.Fixed as Fixed import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>))) import Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64) import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Data.String (IsString(fromString)) import qualified Data.Time as Time import qualified Data.Time.Clock.System as Time import qualified Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 as Time data Log = Log { log_time :: !Time.SystemTime ^ First known timestamp when the log was generated . We use ' Time . SystemTime ' rather than ' Time . UTCTime ' because it is , log_level :: !Level , log_path :: !(Seq.Seq Path) the one closest to where the log was generated . , log_message :: !Message } deriving (Eq, Show) If you have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled , you can build a Notice that @\"\ " : : ' Message'@ is acceptable , and will be correctly rendered newtype Message = Message TL.Text deriving (Eq, Show) unMessage :: Message -> TL.Text unMessage = coerce # INLINE unMessage # instance IsString Message where fromString = message instance Semigroup Message where (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text) instance Monoid Message where mempty = Message mempty # INLINE mempty # You are encouraged to create custom ' ToMessage ' instances for your types class ToMessage a where message :: a -> Message instance ToMessage Message where message = id # INLINE message # x : : ' TL.Text ' = = ' unMessage ' ( ' message ' x ) instance ToMessage TL.Text where message = Message # INLINE message # instance ToMessage T.Text where message = Message . TL.fromStrict # INLINE message # x : : ' String ' = = ' TL.unpack ' ( ' unMessage ' ( ' message ' x ) ) instance ToMessage String where message = Message . TL.pack # INLINE message # instance ToMessage SomeException where message = message . show # INLINE message # data Level = Debug | Info | Notice | Warning | Error | Critical | Alert | Emergency deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum) deriving instance Ord Level If you have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled , you can build a newtype Segment = Segment TL.Text deriving (Eq, Show) unSegment :: Segment -> TL.Text unSegment = coerce # INLINE unSegment # instance IsString Segment where fromString = segment instance Semigroup Segment where (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text) instance Monoid Segment where mempty = Segment mempty # INLINE mempty # You are encouraged to create custom ' ' instances for your types class ToSegment a where segment :: a -> Segment instance ToSegment Segment where segment = id # INLINE segment # x : : ' TL.Text ' = = ' unSegment ' ( ' segment ' x ) instance ToSegment TL.Text where segment = Segment # INLINE segment # instance ToSegment T.Text where segment = Segment . TL.fromStrict # INLINE segment # x : : ' String ' = = ' TL.unpack ' ( ' unSegment ' ( ' segment ' x ) ) instance ToSegment String where segment = Segment . TL.pack # INLINE segment # instance ToSegment Char where segment = Segment . TL.singleton # INLINE segment # If you have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled , you can build a Notice that @\"\ " : : ' Key'@ is acceptable , and will be correctly rendered and newtype Key = Key TL.Text deriving (Eq, Show) unKey :: Key -> TL.Text unKey = coerce # INLINE unKey # instance IsString Key where fromString = key instance Semigroup Key where (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text) instance Monoid Key where mempty = Key mempty # INLINE mempty # You are encouraged to create custom ' ToKey ' instances for your types class ToKey a where key :: a -> Key instance ToKey Key where key = id # INLINE key # x : : ' TL.Text ' = = ' unKey ' ( ' key ' x ) instance ToKey TL.Text where key = Key # INLINE key # x : : ' T.Text ' = = ' TL.toStrict ' ( ' unKey ' ( ' key ' x ) ) instance ToKey T.Text where key = Key . TL.fromStrict # INLINE key # x : : ' String ' = = ' TL.unpack ' ( ' unKey ' ( ' key ' x ) ) instance ToKey String where key = Key . TL.pack # INLINE key # instance ToKey Char where key = Key . TL.singleton # INLINE key # If you have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled , you can build a Notice that @\"\ " : : ' Value'@ is acceptable , and will be correctly rendered newtype Value = Value TL.Text deriving (Eq, Show) unValue :: Value -> TL.Text unValue = coerce # INLINE unValue # instance IsString Value where fromString = value instance Semigroup Value where (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text) instance Monoid Value where mempty = Value mempty # INLINE mempty # You are encouraged to create custom ' ToValue ' instances for your types class ToValue a where value :: a -> Value instance ToValue Value where value = id # INLINE value # x : : ' TL.Text ' = = ' unValue ' ( ' value ' x ) instance ToValue TL.Text where value = Value # INLINE value # instance ToValue T.Text where value = Value . TL.fromStrict # INLINE value # x : : ' String ' = = ' TL.unpack ' ( ' unValue ' ( ' value ' x ) ) instance ToValue String where value = Value . TL.pack # INLINE value # instance ToValue SomeException where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Bool where value = \b -> if b then "true" else "false" # INLINE value # instance ToValue Char where value = Value . TL.singleton # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int8 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int16 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int32 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Int64 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word8 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word16 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word32 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Word64 where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Integer where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Natural where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Float where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Double where value = value . show # INLINE value # | Chops trailing zeros . instance Fixed.HasResolution a => ToValue (Fixed.Fixed a) where value = value . Fixed.showFixed True # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.CalendarDiffDays where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.CalendarDiffTime where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.Day where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.TimeZone where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.TimeOfDay where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.LocalTime where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # | See ' Time . ' . instance ToValue Time.ZonedTime where value = value . Time.iso8601Show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Time.NominalDiffTime where value = value . show # INLINE value # instance ToValue Time.DiffTime where value = value . show # INLINE value # | Lowercase @monday@ , @tuesday@ , etc . instance ToValue Time.DayOfWeek where value = \x -> case x of Time.Monday -> "monday" Time.Tuesday -> "tuesday" Time.Wednesday -> "wednesday" Time.Thursday -> "thursday" Time.Friday -> "friday" Time.Saturday -> "saturday" Time.Sunday -> "sunday" 1999 - 12 - 20T07:11:39.230553031Z \/foo x = a y = b \/bar \/qux z = c z = d WARNING Something , ' Attr ' ( ' key ' \"x\ " ) ( ' value ' \"a\ " ) , ' Push ' ( ' segment ' \"bar\ " ) data Path = Push !Segment | Attr !Key !Value deriving (Eq, Show) You are encouraged to create custom ' ToPath ' instances for your types class ToPath a where the one closest to where the log was generated . path :: a -> Seq.Seq Path instance ToPath (Seq.Seq Path) where path = id # INLINE path # path = Seq.fromList . toList # INLINE path #
This file is free software , part of Logtk . See file " license " for more details . (** {1 Positions in terms, clauses...} *) (** A position is a path in a tree *) type t = | Stop | Type of t (** Switch to type *) | Left of t (** Left term in curried application *) | Right of t (** Right term in curried application, and subterm of binder *) | Head of t (** Head of uncurried term *) | Arg of int * t (** argument term in uncurried term, or in multiset *) | Body of t (** Body of binder *) type position = t let stop = Stop let type_ pos = Type pos let left pos = Left pos let right pos = Right pos let head pos = Head pos let arg i pos = Arg (i, pos) let body pos = Body pos let compare = CCShims_.Stdlib.compare let equal p1 p2 = compare p1 p2 = 0 let hash p = Hashtbl.hash p let rec size = function | Stop -> 0 | Type p | Left p | Right p | Head p | Arg(_,p) | Body p -> 1 + size p let rev pos = let rec aux acc pos = match pos with | Stop -> acc | Type pos' -> aux (Type acc) pos' | Left pos' -> aux (Left acc) pos' | Right pos' -> aux (Right acc) pos' | Head pos' -> aux (Head acc) pos' | Arg (i, pos') -> aux (Arg (i,acc)) pos' | Body pos' -> aux (Body acc) pos' in aux Stop pos let opp = function | Left p -> Right p | Right p -> Left p | pos -> pos (* Recursive append *) let rec append p1 p2 = match p1 with | Stop -> p2 | Type p1' -> Type (append p1' p2) | Left p1' -> Left (append p1' p2) | Right p1' -> Right (append p1' p2) | Head p1' -> Head (append p1' p2) | Arg(i, p1') -> Arg (i,append p1' p2) | Body p1' -> Body (append p1' p2) let rec pp out pos = match pos with | Stop -> CCFormat.string out "ε" | Type p' -> CCFormat.string out "τ."; pp out p' | Left p' -> CCFormat.string out "←."; pp out p' | Right p' -> CCFormat.string out "→."; pp out p' | Head p' -> CCFormat.string out "@."; pp out p' | Arg (i,p') -> Format.fprintf out "%d." i; pp out p' | Body p' -> Format.fprintf out "β."; pp out p' let to_string = CCFormat.to_string pp let rec is_prefix p1 p2 : bool = match p1, p2 with | Stop, _ -> true | Left l1, Left l2 | Right l1, Right l2 | Head l1, Head l2 | Body l1, Body l2 | Type l1, Type l2 -> is_prefix l1 l2 | Arg (i1,l1), Arg (i2,l2) -> i1=i2 && is_prefix l1 l2 | Left _, _ | Right _, _ | Head _, _ | Body _, _ | Arg _, _ | Type _, _ -> false let is_strict_prefix p1 p2 = not (equal p1 p2) && is_prefix p1 p2 let rec until_first_fun = function | Stop -> Stop | Type p -> Type (until_first_fun p) | Left p -> Left (until_first_fun p) | Right p -> Right (until_first_fun p) | Head p -> Head (until_first_fun p) | Arg(i, p) -> Arg (i, until_first_fun p) | Body _ -> Stop let rec num_of_funs = function | Stop -> 0 | Type p' | Left p' | Right p' | Head p' | Arg (_,p') -> num_of_funs p' | Body p' -> 1 + num_of_funs p' module Map = struct include CCMap.Make(struct type t = position let compare = compare end) let prune_subsumed (m:_ t): _ t = filter (fun k _ -> not (exists (fun k' _ -> is_strict_prefix k' k) m)) m end * { 2 Position builder } We use an adaptation of difference lists for this tasks We use an adaptation of difference lists for this tasks *) module Build = struct type t = | E (** Empty (identity function) *) | P of position * t (** Pre-pend given position, then apply previous builder *) | N of (position -> position) * t (** Apply function to position, then apply linked builder *) let empty = E let of_pos p = P (p, E) (* how to apply a difference list to a tail list *) let rec apply_rec tail b = match b with | E -> tail | P (pos0,b') -> apply_rec (append pos0 tail) b' | N (f, b') -> apply_rec (f tail) b' let apply_flip b pos = apply_rec pos b let to_pos b = apply_rec stop b let suffix b pos = given a suffix , first append pos to it , then apply b N ((fun pos0 -> append pos pos0), b) let prefix pos b = tricky : this does n't follow the recursive structure . Hence we need to first apply b totally , then pre - prend pos need to first apply b totally, then pre-prend pos *) N ((fun pos1 -> append pos (apply_rec pos1 b)), E) let append p1 p2 = N(apply_flip p2, p1) let left b = N (left, b) let right b = N (right, b) let type_ b = N (type_, b) let head b = N(head, b) let arg i b = N(arg i, b) let body b = N(body, b) let pp out t = pp out (to_pos t) let to_string t = to_string (to_pos t) end (** {2 Pairing of value with Pos} *) module With = struct type 'a t = 'a * position let get = fst let pos = snd let make x p : _ t = x, p let of_pair p = p let map_pos f (x,pos) = x, f pos let map f (x,pos) = f x, pos module Infix = struct let (>|=) x f = map f x end include Infix let equal f t1 t2 = f (get t1) (get t2) && equal (pos t1) (pos t2) let compare f t1 t2 = let c = f (get t1) (get t2) in if c=0 then compare (pos t1) (pos t2) else c let hash f t = Hash.combine3 41 (f (get t)) (hash (pos t)) let pp f out t = CCFormat.fprintf out "(@[:pos %a :in %a@])" pp (pos t) f (get t) end
* {1 Positions in terms, clauses...} * A position is a path in a tree * Switch to type * Left term in curried application * Right term in curried application, and subterm of binder * Head of uncurried term * argument term in uncurried term, or in multiset * Body of binder Recursive append * Empty (identity function) * Pre-pend given position, then apply previous builder * Apply function to position, then apply linked builder how to apply a difference list to a tail list * {2 Pairing of value with Pos}
This file is free software , part of Logtk . See file " license " for more details . type t = | Stop type position = t let stop = Stop let type_ pos = Type pos let left pos = Left pos let right pos = Right pos let head pos = Head pos let arg i pos = Arg (i, pos) let body pos = Body pos let compare = CCShims_.Stdlib.compare let equal p1 p2 = compare p1 p2 = 0 let hash p = Hashtbl.hash p let rec size = function | Stop -> 0 | Type p | Left p | Right p | Head p | Arg(_,p) | Body p -> 1 + size p let rev pos = let rec aux acc pos = match pos with | Stop -> acc | Type pos' -> aux (Type acc) pos' | Left pos' -> aux (Left acc) pos' | Right pos' -> aux (Right acc) pos' | Head pos' -> aux (Head acc) pos' | Arg (i, pos') -> aux (Arg (i,acc)) pos' | Body pos' -> aux (Body acc) pos' in aux Stop pos let opp = function | Left p -> Right p | Right p -> Left p | pos -> pos let rec append p1 p2 = match p1 with | Stop -> p2 | Type p1' -> Type (append p1' p2) | Left p1' -> Left (append p1' p2) | Right p1' -> Right (append p1' p2) | Head p1' -> Head (append p1' p2) | Arg(i, p1') -> Arg (i,append p1' p2) | Body p1' -> Body (append p1' p2) let rec pp out pos = match pos with | Stop -> CCFormat.string out "ε" | Type p' -> CCFormat.string out "τ."; pp out p' | Left p' -> CCFormat.string out "←."; pp out p' | Right p' -> CCFormat.string out "→."; pp out p' | Head p' -> CCFormat.string out "@."; pp out p' | Arg (i,p') -> Format.fprintf out "%d." i; pp out p' | Body p' -> Format.fprintf out "β."; pp out p' let to_string = CCFormat.to_string pp let rec is_prefix p1 p2 : bool = match p1, p2 with | Stop, _ -> true | Left l1, Left l2 | Right l1, Right l2 | Head l1, Head l2 | Body l1, Body l2 | Type l1, Type l2 -> is_prefix l1 l2 | Arg (i1,l1), Arg (i2,l2) -> i1=i2 && is_prefix l1 l2 | Left _, _ | Right _, _ | Head _, _ | Body _, _ | Arg _, _ | Type _, _ -> false let is_strict_prefix p1 p2 = not (equal p1 p2) && is_prefix p1 p2 let rec until_first_fun = function | Stop -> Stop | Type p -> Type (until_first_fun p) | Left p -> Left (until_first_fun p) | Right p -> Right (until_first_fun p) | Head p -> Head (until_first_fun p) | Arg(i, p) -> Arg (i, until_first_fun p) | Body _ -> Stop let rec num_of_funs = function | Stop -> 0 | Type p' | Left p' | Right p' | Head p' | Arg (_,p') -> num_of_funs p' | Body p' -> 1 + num_of_funs p' module Map = struct include CCMap.Make(struct type t = position let compare = compare end) let prune_subsumed (m:_ t): _ t = filter (fun k _ -> not (exists (fun k' _ -> is_strict_prefix k' k) m)) m end * { 2 Position builder } We use an adaptation of difference lists for this tasks We use an adaptation of difference lists for this tasks *) module Build = struct type t = | N of (position -> position) * t let empty = E let of_pos p = P (p, E) let rec apply_rec tail b = match b with | E -> tail | P (pos0,b') -> apply_rec (append pos0 tail) b' | N (f, b') -> apply_rec (f tail) b' let apply_flip b pos = apply_rec pos b let to_pos b = apply_rec stop b let suffix b pos = given a suffix , first append pos to it , then apply b N ((fun pos0 -> append pos pos0), b) let prefix pos b = tricky : this does n't follow the recursive structure . Hence we need to first apply b totally , then pre - prend pos need to first apply b totally, then pre-prend pos *) N ((fun pos1 -> append pos (apply_rec pos1 b)), E) let append p1 p2 = N(apply_flip p2, p1) let left b = N (left, b) let right b = N (right, b) let type_ b = N (type_, b) let head b = N(head, b) let arg i b = N(arg i, b) let body b = N(body, b) let pp out t = pp out (to_pos t) let to_string t = to_string (to_pos t) end module With = struct type 'a t = 'a * position let get = fst let pos = snd let make x p : _ t = x, p let of_pair p = p let map_pos f (x,pos) = x, f pos let map f (x,pos) = f x, pos module Infix = struct let (>|=) x f = map f x end include Infix let equal f t1 t2 = f (get t1) (get t2) && equal (pos t1) (pos t2) let compare f t1 t2 = let c = f (get t1) (get t2) in if c=0 then compare (pos t1) (pos t2) else c let hash f t = Hash.combine3 41 (f (get t)) (hash (pos t)) let pp f out t = CCFormat.fprintf out "(@[:pos %a :in %a@])" pp (pos t) f (get t) end
import Data.List type Edge = (String, STree) data STree = Node [Edge] | Leaf deriving (Show) type EdgeFunction = [String] -> (Int, [String]) construct :: String -> STree construct = suf . suffixes where suf [[]] = Leaf suf ss = Node [([a], suf n) | a <- ['\0'..'\255'], n@(sa:_) <- [ss `clusterBy` a]] clusterBy ss a = [cs | c:cs <- ss, c == a] construct2 :: EdgeFunction -> [Char] -> String -> STree construct2 edge alphabet = suf . suffixes where suf [[]] = Leaf suf ss = Node [(take (cpl+1) (a:sa), suf ssr) | a <- alphabet, n@(sa:_) <- [ss `clusterBy` a], (cpl,ssr) <- [edge n]] clusterBy ss a = [cs | c:cs <- ss, c == a] simple :: EdgeFunction simple n = (0, n) cst :: EdgeFunction cst [s] = (length s, [[]]) cst awss@((a:w):ss) | null [c | c:_ <- ss, a /= c] = (cpl + 1, rss) | otherwise = (0, awss) where (cpl, rss) = cst (w:[u | _:u <- ss]) {-- snippet suffixes --} suffixes :: [a] -> [[a]] suffixes xs@(_:xs') = xs : suffixes xs' suffixes _ = [] {-- /snippet suffixes --} {-- snippet noAsPattern --} noAsPattern :: [a] -> [[a]] noAsPattern (x:xs) = (x:xs) : noAsPattern xs noAsPattern _ = [] {-- /snippet noAsPattern --} {-- snippet suffixes2 --} suffixes2 xs = init (tails xs) {-- /snippet suffixes2 --} {-- snippet compose --} compose :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c compose f g x = f (g x) {-- /snippet compose --} - snippet suffixes3 - suffixes3 xs = compose init tails xs - /snippet suffixes3 - - snippet suffixes4 - suffixes4 = compose init tails {-- /snippet suffixes4 --} - snippet suffixes5 - suffixes5 = init . tails - /snippet suffixes5 -
- snippet suffixes - - /snippet suffixes - - snippet noAsPattern - - /snippet noAsPattern - - snippet suffixes2 - - /snippet suffixes2 - - snippet compose - - /snippet compose - - /snippet suffixes4 -
import Data.List type Edge = (String, STree) data STree = Node [Edge] | Leaf deriving (Show) type EdgeFunction = [String] -> (Int, [String]) construct :: String -> STree construct = suf . suffixes where suf [[]] = Leaf suf ss = Node [([a], suf n) | a <- ['\0'..'\255'], n@(sa:_) <- [ss `clusterBy` a]] clusterBy ss a = [cs | c:cs <- ss, c == a] construct2 :: EdgeFunction -> [Char] -> String -> STree construct2 edge alphabet = suf . suffixes where suf [[]] = Leaf suf ss = Node [(take (cpl+1) (a:sa), suf ssr) | a <- alphabet, n@(sa:_) <- [ss `clusterBy` a], (cpl,ssr) <- [edge n]] clusterBy ss a = [cs | c:cs <- ss, c == a] simple :: EdgeFunction simple n = (0, n) cst :: EdgeFunction cst [s] = (length s, [[]]) cst awss@((a:w):ss) | null [c | c:_ <- ss, a /= c] = (cpl + 1, rss) | otherwise = (0, awss) where (cpl, rss) = cst (w:[u | _:u <- ss]) suffixes :: [a] -> [[a]] suffixes xs@(_:xs') = xs : suffixes xs' suffixes _ = [] noAsPattern :: [a] -> [[a]] noAsPattern (x:xs) = (x:xs) : noAsPattern xs noAsPattern _ = [] suffixes2 xs = init (tails xs) compose :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c compose f g x = f (g x) - snippet suffixes3 - suffixes3 xs = compose init tails xs - /snippet suffixes3 - - snippet suffixes4 - suffixes4 = compose init tails - snippet suffixes5 - suffixes5 = init . tails - /snippet suffixes5 -
-module(ezic). -include("include/ezic.hrl"). -export([ localtime/1 , utc_to_local/2 , local_to_utc/2 , has_dst_utc/2 , has_dst_local/2 ]). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PUBLIC API %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% returns local time in given timezone localtime(TzName) -> utc_to_local(erlang:universaltime(), TzName). returns time in given timezone for corresponding utc time utc_to_local(UTCDatetime, TzName) -> NormalDatetime= ezic_date:normalize(UTCDatetime, u), utc_to_local_handleFlatzone(UTCDatetime, ezic_db:flatzone(NormalDatetime, TzName)). %% returns utc time for corresponding time in given timezone utc local_to_utc(LocalDatetime, TzName) -> NormalDatetime= ezic_date:normalize(LocalDatetime, w), local_to_utc_handleFlatzone(LocalDatetime, ezic_db:flatzone(NormalDatetime, TzName)). has_dst_utc(Datetime, TzName) -> has_dst(Datetime, TzName, u). has_dst_local(Datetime, TzName) -> has_dst(Datetime, TzName, w). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PRIVATE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% utc_to_local_handleFlatzone(_, X={error,_}) -> X; utc_to_local_handleFlatzone(UTCDatetime, #flatzone{offset=Offset, dstoffset=DSTOffset}) -> ezic_date:add_offset( ezic_date:add_offset( UTCDatetime , Offset) , DSTOffset). local_to_utc_handleFlatzone(_, X={error, _}) -> X; local_to_utc_handleFlatzone(LocalDatetime, #flatzone{offset=Offset, dstoffset=DSTOffset}) -> ezic_date:add_offset( ezic_date:add_offset( LocalDatetime , Offset, {0,0,0}) , DSTOffset, {0,0,0}). has_dst(Datetime, TzName, Flag) -> NormalDatetime = ezic_date:normalize(Datetime, Flag), case ezic_db:flatzone(NormalDatetime, TzName) of #flatzone{dstoffset={0,0,0}} -> false; #flatzone{dstoffset={_,_,_}} -> true end.
PUBLIC API returns local time in given timezone returns utc time for corresponding time in given timezone utc PRIVATE
-module(ezic). -include("include/ezic.hrl"). -export([ localtime/1 , utc_to_local/2 , local_to_utc/2 , has_dst_utc/2 , has_dst_local/2 ]). localtime(TzName) -> utc_to_local(erlang:universaltime(), TzName). returns time in given timezone for corresponding utc time utc_to_local(UTCDatetime, TzName) -> NormalDatetime= ezic_date:normalize(UTCDatetime, u), utc_to_local_handleFlatzone(UTCDatetime, ezic_db:flatzone(NormalDatetime, TzName)). local_to_utc(LocalDatetime, TzName) -> NormalDatetime= ezic_date:normalize(LocalDatetime, w), local_to_utc_handleFlatzone(LocalDatetime, ezic_db:flatzone(NormalDatetime, TzName)). has_dst_utc(Datetime, TzName) -> has_dst(Datetime, TzName, u). has_dst_local(Datetime, TzName) -> has_dst(Datetime, TzName, w). utc_to_local_handleFlatzone(_, X={error,_}) -> X; utc_to_local_handleFlatzone(UTCDatetime, #flatzone{offset=Offset, dstoffset=DSTOffset}) -> ezic_date:add_offset( ezic_date:add_offset( UTCDatetime , Offset) , DSTOffset). local_to_utc_handleFlatzone(_, X={error, _}) -> X; local_to_utc_handleFlatzone(LocalDatetime, #flatzone{offset=Offset, dstoffset=DSTOffset}) -> ezic_date:add_offset( ezic_date:add_offset( LocalDatetime , Offset, {0,0,0}) , DSTOffset, {0,0,0}). has_dst(Datetime, TzName, Flag) -> NormalDatetime = ezic_date:normalize(Datetime, Flag), case ezic_db:flatzone(NormalDatetime, TzName) of #flatzone{dstoffset={0,0,0}} -> false; #flatzone{dstoffset={_,_,_}} -> true end.
let rec mapi_helper (hf: int -> int -> int) hi hn (ha: int array) (hb: int array) = if (hi < hn) then let _ = Array.set hb hi (hf hi (Array.get ha hi)) in mapi_helper hf (hi + 1) hn ha hb else hb let rec mapi (mf: int -> int -> int) (ma: int array) = let mn = Array.length ma in let mb = Array.make mn 0 in mapi_helper mf 0 mn ma mb let add_idx sidx si = sidx + si let main_p (n:int) = if n > 0 then let a = Array.make n 0 in assert(Array.length (mapi add_idx a) = Array.length a) else () let main (w:unit) = let _ = main_p 5 in let _ = main_p 19 in () let _ = main ()
let rec mapi_helper (hf: int -> int -> int) hi hn (ha: int array) (hb: int array) = if (hi < hn) then let _ = Array.set hb hi (hf hi (Array.get ha hi)) in mapi_helper hf (hi + 1) hn ha hb else hb let rec mapi (mf: int -> int -> int) (ma: int array) = let mn = Array.length ma in let mb = Array.make mn 0 in mapi_helper mf 0 mn ma mb let add_idx sidx si = sidx + si let main_p (n:int) = if n > 0 then let a = Array.make n 0 in assert(Array.length (mapi add_idx a) = Array.length a) else () let main (w:unit) = let _ = main_p 5 in let _ = main_p 19 in () let _ = main ()
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- ( C ) 2010 - 2012 , VoIP INC %%% @doc %%% Various utilities - a veritable cornicopia %%% @end %%% @contributors %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(wh_binary). -export([to_lower/1]). -export([to_upper/1]). -export([ucfirst/1]). -export([lcfirst/1]). -export([strip/1 ,strip/2 ]). -export([strip_left/2]). -export([strip_right/2]). -export([md5/1]). -export([pad/3]). -export([join/1 ,join/2 ]). -export([hex/1]). -export([rand_hex/1]). -include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl"). -ifdef(TEST). -include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -endif. -include("wh_types.hrl"). -spec pad(binary(), non_neg_integer(), binary()) -> binary(). pad(Bin, Size, Value) when size(Bin) < Size -> pad(<<Bin/binary, Value/binary>>, Size, Value); pad(Bin, _, _) -> Bin. -spec join([text() | atom(),...]) -> binary(). join(Bins) -> join(Bins, <<", ">>, []). join(Bins, Sep) -> join(Bins, Sep, []). -spec join([text() | atom(),...], binary()) -> binary(). join([], _, Acc) -> iolist_wh_types:to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)); join([Bin], _, Acc) -> iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse([wh_types:to_binary(Bin) | Acc])); join([Bin|Bins], Sep, Acc) -> join(Bins, Sep, [Sep, wh_types:to_binary(Bin) |Acc]). -spec to_lower(term()) -> api_binary(). to_lower('undefined') -> 'undefined'; to_lower(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> << <<(wh_util:to_lower_char(B))>> || <<B>> <= Bin>>; to_lower(Else) -> to_lower(wh_types:to_binary(Else)). -spec ucfirst(ne_binary()) -> ne_binary(). ucfirst(<<F:8, Bin/binary>>) -> <<(wh_util:to_upper_char(F)):8, Bin/binary>>. -spec lcfirst(ne_binary()) -> ne_binary(). lcfirst(<<F:8, Bin/binary>>) -> <<(wh_util:to_lower_char(F)):8, Bin/binary>>. -spec to_upper(term()) -> api_binary(). to_upper('undefined') -> 'undefined'; to_upper(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> << <<(wh_util:to_upper_char(B))>> || <<B>> <= Bin>>; to_upper(Else) -> to_upper(wh_types:to_binary(Else)). -spec strip(binary()) -> binary(). -spec strip(binary(), 'both' | 'left' | 'right') -> binary(). -spec strip_left(binary(), char()) -> binary(). -spec strip_right(binary(), char()) -> binary(). strip(B) -> strip(B, 'both'). strip(B, 'left') -> strip_left(B, $\s); strip(B, 'right') -> strip_right(B, $\s); strip(B, 'both') -> strip_right(strip_left(B, $\s), $\s); strip(B, C) when is_integer(C) -> strip_right(strip_left(B, C), C). strip_left(<<C, B/binary>>, C) -> strip_left(B, C); strip_left(B, _) -> B. strip_right(C, C) -> <<>>; strip_right(<<C, B/binary>>, C) -> case strip_right(B, C) of <<>> -> <<>>; T -> <<C, T/binary>> end; strip_right(<<A, B/binary>>, C) -> <<A, (strip_right(B, C))/binary>>; strip_right(<<>>, _) -> <<>>. -spec md5(text()) -> ne_binary(). md5(Text) -> hex(erlang:md5(wh_types:to_binary(Text))). -spec hex(binary() | string()) -> binary(). hex(S) -> Bin = wh_types:to_binary(S), << <<(binary_to_hex_char(B div 16)), (binary_to_hex_char(B rem 16))>> || <<B>> <= Bin>>. -spec rand_hex(pos_integer()) -> ne_binary(). rand_hex(Size) when is_integer(Size) andalso Size > 0 -> hex(crypto:rand_bytes(Size)). binary_to_hex_char(N) when N < 10 -> $0 + N; binary_to_hex_char(N) when N < 16 -> $a - 10 + N. -ifdef(TEST). %% PROPER TESTING proper_test_() -> {"Runs the module's PropEr tests during eunit testing", {timeout, 15000, [ ?_assertEqual([], proper:module(?MODULE, [{max_shrinks, 0}])) ]}}. pad_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"1234500000">>, pad(<<"12345">>, 10, <<"0">>)). join_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, join([<<"foo">>], <<", ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo, bar">>, join([<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>], <<", ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo, bar, baz">>, join([<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"baz">>], <<", ">>)). ucfirst_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"Foo">>, ucfirst(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"Foo">>, ucfirst(<<"Foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"FOO">>, ucfirst(<<"FOO">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"1oo">>, ucfirst(<<"1oo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"100">>, ucfirst(<<"100">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"1FF">>, ucfirst(<<"1FF">>)). lcfirst_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, lcfirst(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, lcfirst(<<"Foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"fOO">>, lcfirst(<<"FOO">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"1oo">>, lcfirst(<<"1oo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"100">>, lcfirst(<<"100">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"1FF">>, lcfirst(<<"1FF">>)). to_lower_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, to_lower(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, to_lower(<<"Foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, to_lower(<<"FoO">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"f00">>, to_lower(<<"f00">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"f00">>, to_lower(<<"F00">>)). to_upper_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"FOO">>, to_upper(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"FOO">>, to_upper(<<"Foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"FOO">>, to_upper(<<"FoO">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"F00">>, to_upper(<<"f00">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"F00">>, to_upper(<<"F00">>)). strip_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<"foo ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<" foo ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<" foo ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<" foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip_left(<<"foo">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip_left(<<" foo">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo ">>, strip_left(<<" foo ">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo ">>, strip_left(<<"foo ">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip_right(<<"foo">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<" foo">>, strip_right(<<" foo">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<" foo">>, strip_right(<<" foo ">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip_right(<<"foo ">>, $\s)). strip_test() -> ?assertEqual(strip(<<"...Hello.....">>, $.), <<"Hello">>). -endif.
------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc Various utilities - a veritable cornicopia @end @contributors ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPER TESTING
( C ) 2010 - 2012 , VoIP INC -module(wh_binary). -export([to_lower/1]). -export([to_upper/1]). -export([ucfirst/1]). -export([lcfirst/1]). -export([strip/1 ,strip/2 ]). -export([strip_left/2]). -export([strip_right/2]). -export([md5/1]). -export([pad/3]). -export([join/1 ,join/2 ]). -export([hex/1]). -export([rand_hex/1]). -include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl"). -ifdef(TEST). -include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -endif. -include("wh_types.hrl"). -spec pad(binary(), non_neg_integer(), binary()) -> binary(). pad(Bin, Size, Value) when size(Bin) < Size -> pad(<<Bin/binary, Value/binary>>, Size, Value); pad(Bin, _, _) -> Bin. -spec join([text() | atom(),...]) -> binary(). join(Bins) -> join(Bins, <<", ">>, []). join(Bins, Sep) -> join(Bins, Sep, []). -spec join([text() | atom(),...], binary()) -> binary(). join([], _, Acc) -> iolist_wh_types:to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)); join([Bin], _, Acc) -> iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse([wh_types:to_binary(Bin) | Acc])); join([Bin|Bins], Sep, Acc) -> join(Bins, Sep, [Sep, wh_types:to_binary(Bin) |Acc]). -spec to_lower(term()) -> api_binary(). to_lower('undefined') -> 'undefined'; to_lower(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> << <<(wh_util:to_lower_char(B))>> || <<B>> <= Bin>>; to_lower(Else) -> to_lower(wh_types:to_binary(Else)). -spec ucfirst(ne_binary()) -> ne_binary(). ucfirst(<<F:8, Bin/binary>>) -> <<(wh_util:to_upper_char(F)):8, Bin/binary>>. -spec lcfirst(ne_binary()) -> ne_binary(). lcfirst(<<F:8, Bin/binary>>) -> <<(wh_util:to_lower_char(F)):8, Bin/binary>>. -spec to_upper(term()) -> api_binary(). to_upper('undefined') -> 'undefined'; to_upper(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> << <<(wh_util:to_upper_char(B))>> || <<B>> <= Bin>>; to_upper(Else) -> to_upper(wh_types:to_binary(Else)). -spec strip(binary()) -> binary(). -spec strip(binary(), 'both' | 'left' | 'right') -> binary(). -spec strip_left(binary(), char()) -> binary(). -spec strip_right(binary(), char()) -> binary(). strip(B) -> strip(B, 'both'). strip(B, 'left') -> strip_left(B, $\s); strip(B, 'right') -> strip_right(B, $\s); strip(B, 'both') -> strip_right(strip_left(B, $\s), $\s); strip(B, C) when is_integer(C) -> strip_right(strip_left(B, C), C). strip_left(<<C, B/binary>>, C) -> strip_left(B, C); strip_left(B, _) -> B. strip_right(C, C) -> <<>>; strip_right(<<C, B/binary>>, C) -> case strip_right(B, C) of <<>> -> <<>>; T -> <<C, T/binary>> end; strip_right(<<A, B/binary>>, C) -> <<A, (strip_right(B, C))/binary>>; strip_right(<<>>, _) -> <<>>. -spec md5(text()) -> ne_binary(). md5(Text) -> hex(erlang:md5(wh_types:to_binary(Text))). -spec hex(binary() | string()) -> binary(). hex(S) -> Bin = wh_types:to_binary(S), << <<(binary_to_hex_char(B div 16)), (binary_to_hex_char(B rem 16))>> || <<B>> <= Bin>>. -spec rand_hex(pos_integer()) -> ne_binary(). rand_hex(Size) when is_integer(Size) andalso Size > 0 -> hex(crypto:rand_bytes(Size)). binary_to_hex_char(N) when N < 10 -> $0 + N; binary_to_hex_char(N) when N < 16 -> $a - 10 + N. -ifdef(TEST). proper_test_() -> {"Runs the module's PropEr tests during eunit testing", {timeout, 15000, [ ?_assertEqual([], proper:module(?MODULE, [{max_shrinks, 0}])) ]}}. pad_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"1234500000">>, pad(<<"12345">>, 10, <<"0">>)). join_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, join([<<"foo">>], <<", ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo, bar">>, join([<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>], <<", ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo, bar, baz">>, join([<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"baz">>], <<", ">>)). ucfirst_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"Foo">>, ucfirst(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"Foo">>, ucfirst(<<"Foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"FOO">>, ucfirst(<<"FOO">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"1oo">>, ucfirst(<<"1oo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"100">>, ucfirst(<<"100">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"1FF">>, ucfirst(<<"1FF">>)). lcfirst_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, lcfirst(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, lcfirst(<<"Foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"fOO">>, lcfirst(<<"FOO">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"1oo">>, lcfirst(<<"1oo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"100">>, lcfirst(<<"100">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"1FF">>, lcfirst(<<"1FF">>)). to_lower_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, to_lower(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, to_lower(<<"Foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, to_lower(<<"FoO">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"f00">>, to_lower(<<"f00">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"f00">>, to_lower(<<"F00">>)). to_upper_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"FOO">>, to_upper(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"FOO">>, to_upper(<<"Foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"FOO">>, to_upper(<<"FoO">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"F00">>, to_upper(<<"f00">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"F00">>, to_upper(<<"F00">>)). strip_binary_test() -> ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<"foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<"foo ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<" foo ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<" foo ">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip(<<" foo">>)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip_left(<<"foo">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip_left(<<" foo">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo ">>, strip_left(<<" foo ">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo ">>, strip_left(<<"foo ">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip_right(<<"foo">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<" foo">>, strip_right(<<" foo">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<" foo">>, strip_right(<<" foo ">>, $\s)), ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, strip_right(<<"foo ">>, $\s)). strip_test() -> ?assertEqual(strip(<<"...Hello.....">>, $.), <<"Hello">>). -endif.
;;; Compiled by f2cl version: ( " f2cl1.l , v 2edcbd958861 2012/05/30 03:34:52 toy $ " " f2cl2.l , v 96616d88fb7e 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy $ " " f2cl3.l , v 96616d88fb7e 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy $ " " f2cl4.l , v 96616d88fb7e 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy $ " " f2cl5.l , v 3fe93de3be82 2012/05/06 02:17:14 toy $ " " f2cl6.l , v 1d5cbacbb977 2008/08/24 00:56:27 rtoy $ " " macros.l , v 3fe93de3be82 2012/05/06 02:17:14 toy $ " ) ;;; Using Lisp CMU Common Lisp 20d (20D Unicode) ;;; ;;; Options: ((:prune-labels nil) (:auto-save t) (:relaxed-array-decls t) ;;; (:coerce-assigns :as-needed) (:array-type ':array) ;;; (:array-slicing t) (:declare-common nil) ;;; (:float-format double-float)) (in-package :lapack) (let* ((one 1.0) (zero 0.0)) (declare (type (double-float 1.0 1.0) one) (type (double-float 0.0 0.0) zero) (ignorable one zero)) (defun dlasd1 (nl nr sqre d alpha beta u ldu vt ldvt idxq iwork work info) (declare (type (array f2cl-lib:integer4 (*)) iwork idxq) (type (double-float) beta alpha) (type (array double-float (*)) work vt u d) (type (f2cl-lib:integer4) info ldvt ldu sqre nr nl)) (f2cl-lib:with-multi-array-data ((d double-float d-%data% d-%offset%) (u double-float u-%data% u-%offset%) (vt double-float vt-%data% vt-%offset%) (work double-float work-%data% work-%offset%) (idxq f2cl-lib:integer4 idxq-%data% idxq-%offset%) (iwork f2cl-lib:integer4 iwork-%data% iwork-%offset%)) (prog ((orgnrm 0.0) (coltyp 0) (i 0) (idx 0) (idxc 0) (idxp 0) (iq 0) (isigma 0) (iu2 0) (ivt2 0) (iz 0) (k 0) (ldq 0) (ldu2 0) (ldvt2 0) (m 0) (n 0) (n1 0) (n2 0)) (declare (type (double-float) orgnrm) (type (f2cl-lib:integer4) coltyp i idx idxc idxp iq isigma iu2 ivt2 iz k ldq ldu2 ldvt2 m n n1 n2)) (setf info 0) (cond ((< nl 1) (setf info -1)) ((< nr 1) (setf info -2)) ((or (< sqre 0) (> sqre 1)) (setf info -3))) (cond ((/= info 0) (xerbla "DLASD1" (f2cl-lib:int-sub info)) (go end_label))) (setf n (f2cl-lib:int-add nl nr 1)) (setf m (f2cl-lib:int-add n sqre)) (setf ldu2 n) (setf ldvt2 m) (setf iz 1) (setf isigma (f2cl-lib:int-add iz m)) (setf iu2 (f2cl-lib:int-add isigma n)) (setf ivt2 (f2cl-lib:int-add iu2 (f2cl-lib:int-mul ldu2 n))) (setf iq (f2cl-lib:int-add ivt2 (f2cl-lib:int-mul ldvt2 m))) (setf idx 1) (setf idxc (f2cl-lib:int-add idx n)) (setf coltyp (f2cl-lib:int-add idxc n)) (setf idxp (f2cl-lib:int-add coltyp n)) (setf orgnrm (max (abs alpha) (abs beta))) (setf (f2cl-lib:fref d-%data% ((f2cl-lib:int-add nl 1)) ((1 *)) d-%offset%) zero) (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1)) ((> i n) nil) (tagbody (cond ((> (abs (f2cl-lib:fref d (i) ((1 *)))) orgnrm) (setf orgnrm (abs (f2cl-lib:fref d-%data% (i) ((1 *)) d-%offset%))))) label10)) (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9) (dlascl "G" 0 0 orgnrm one n 1 d n info) (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8)) (setf info var-9)) (setf alpha (/ alpha orgnrm)) (setf beta (/ beta orgnrm)) (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12 var-13 var-14 var-15 var-16 var-17 var-18 var-19 var-20 var-21 var-22) (dlasd2 nl nr sqre k d (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iz) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) alpha beta u ldu vt ldvt (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (isigma) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iu2) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldu2 (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (ivt2) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldvt2 (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (idxp) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (idx) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (idxc) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) idxq (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (coltyp) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) info) (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12 var-13 var-14 var-15 var-16 var-17 var-18 var-19 var-20 var-21)) (setf k var-3) (setf info var-22)) (setf ldq k) (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12 var-13 var-14 var-15 var-16 var-17 var-18 var-19) (dlasd3 nl nr sqre k d (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iq) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldq (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (isigma) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) u ldu (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iu2) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldu2 vt ldvt (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (ivt2) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldvt2 (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (idxc) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (coltyp) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iz) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) info) (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12 var-13 var-14 var-15 var-16 var-17 var-18)) (setf info var-19)) (cond ((/= info 0) (go end_label))) (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9) (dlascl "G" 0 0 one orgnrm n 1 d n info) (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8)) (setf info var-9)) (setf n1 k) (setf n2 (f2cl-lib:int-sub n k)) (dlamrg n1 n2 d 1 -1 idxq) (go end_label) end_label (return (values nil nil nil nil alpha beta nil nil nil nil nil nil nil info)))))) (in-package #-gcl #:cl-user #+gcl "CL-USER") #+#.(cl:if (cl:find-package '#:f2cl) '(and) '(or)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (setf (gethash 'fortran-to-lisp::dlasd1 fortran-to-lisp::*f2cl-function-info*) (fortran-to-lisp::make-f2cl-finfo :arg-types '((fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (array double-float (*)) (double-float) (double-float) (array double-float (*)) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (array double-float (*)) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (array fortran-to-lisp::integer4 (*)) (array fortran-to-lisp::integer4 (*)) (array double-float (*)) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4)) :return-values '(nil nil nil nil fortran-to-lisp::alpha fortran-to-lisp::beta nil nil nil nil nil nil nil fortran-to-lisp::info) :calls '(fortran-to-lisp::dlamrg fortran-to-lisp::dlasd3 fortran-to-lisp::dlasd2 fortran-to-lisp::dlascl fortran-to-lisp::xerbla))))
Compiled by f2cl version: Using Lisp CMU Common Lisp 20d (20D Unicode) Options: ((:prune-labels nil) (:auto-save t) (:relaxed-array-decls t) (:coerce-assigns :as-needed) (:array-type ':array) (:array-slicing t) (:declare-common nil) (:float-format double-float))
( " f2cl1.l , v 2edcbd958861 2012/05/30 03:34:52 toy $ " " f2cl2.l , v 96616d88fb7e 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy $ " " f2cl3.l , v 96616d88fb7e 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy $ " " f2cl4.l , v 96616d88fb7e 2008/02/22 22:19:34 rtoy $ " " f2cl5.l , v 3fe93de3be82 2012/05/06 02:17:14 toy $ " " f2cl6.l , v 1d5cbacbb977 2008/08/24 00:56:27 rtoy $ " " macros.l , v 3fe93de3be82 2012/05/06 02:17:14 toy $ " ) (in-package :lapack) (let* ((one 1.0) (zero 0.0)) (declare (type (double-float 1.0 1.0) one) (type (double-float 0.0 0.0) zero) (ignorable one zero)) (defun dlasd1 (nl nr sqre d alpha beta u ldu vt ldvt idxq iwork work info) (declare (type (array f2cl-lib:integer4 (*)) iwork idxq) (type (double-float) beta alpha) (type (array double-float (*)) work vt u d) (type (f2cl-lib:integer4) info ldvt ldu sqre nr nl)) (f2cl-lib:with-multi-array-data ((d double-float d-%data% d-%offset%) (u double-float u-%data% u-%offset%) (vt double-float vt-%data% vt-%offset%) (work double-float work-%data% work-%offset%) (idxq f2cl-lib:integer4 idxq-%data% idxq-%offset%) (iwork f2cl-lib:integer4 iwork-%data% iwork-%offset%)) (prog ((orgnrm 0.0) (coltyp 0) (i 0) (idx 0) (idxc 0) (idxp 0) (iq 0) (isigma 0) (iu2 0) (ivt2 0) (iz 0) (k 0) (ldq 0) (ldu2 0) (ldvt2 0) (m 0) (n 0) (n1 0) (n2 0)) (declare (type (double-float) orgnrm) (type (f2cl-lib:integer4) coltyp i idx idxc idxp iq isigma iu2 ivt2 iz k ldq ldu2 ldvt2 m n n1 n2)) (setf info 0) (cond ((< nl 1) (setf info -1)) ((< nr 1) (setf info -2)) ((or (< sqre 0) (> sqre 1)) (setf info -3))) (cond ((/= info 0) (xerbla "DLASD1" (f2cl-lib:int-sub info)) (go end_label))) (setf n (f2cl-lib:int-add nl nr 1)) (setf m (f2cl-lib:int-add n sqre)) (setf ldu2 n) (setf ldvt2 m) (setf iz 1) (setf isigma (f2cl-lib:int-add iz m)) (setf iu2 (f2cl-lib:int-add isigma n)) (setf ivt2 (f2cl-lib:int-add iu2 (f2cl-lib:int-mul ldu2 n))) (setf iq (f2cl-lib:int-add ivt2 (f2cl-lib:int-mul ldvt2 m))) (setf idx 1) (setf idxc (f2cl-lib:int-add idx n)) (setf coltyp (f2cl-lib:int-add idxc n)) (setf idxp (f2cl-lib:int-add coltyp n)) (setf orgnrm (max (abs alpha) (abs beta))) (setf (f2cl-lib:fref d-%data% ((f2cl-lib:int-add nl 1)) ((1 *)) d-%offset%) zero) (f2cl-lib:fdo (i 1 (f2cl-lib:int-add i 1)) ((> i n) nil) (tagbody (cond ((> (abs (f2cl-lib:fref d (i) ((1 *)))) orgnrm) (setf orgnrm (abs (f2cl-lib:fref d-%data% (i) ((1 *)) d-%offset%))))) label10)) (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9) (dlascl "G" 0 0 orgnrm one n 1 d n info) (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8)) (setf info var-9)) (setf alpha (/ alpha orgnrm)) (setf beta (/ beta orgnrm)) (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12 var-13 var-14 var-15 var-16 var-17 var-18 var-19 var-20 var-21 var-22) (dlasd2 nl nr sqre k d (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iz) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) alpha beta u ldu vt ldvt (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (isigma) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iu2) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldu2 (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (ivt2) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldvt2 (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (idxp) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (idx) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (idxc) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) idxq (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (coltyp) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) info) (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12 var-13 var-14 var-15 var-16 var-17 var-18 var-19 var-20 var-21)) (setf k var-3) (setf info var-22)) (setf ldq k) (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12 var-13 var-14 var-15 var-16 var-17 var-18 var-19) (dlasd3 nl nr sqre k d (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iq) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldq (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (isigma) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) u ldu (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iu2) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldu2 vt ldvt (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (ivt2) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) ldvt2 (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (idxc) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice iwork-%data% f2cl-lib:integer4 (coltyp) ((1 *)) iwork-%offset%) (f2cl-lib:array-slice work-%data% double-float (iz) ((1 *)) work-%offset%) info) (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9 var-10 var-11 var-12 var-13 var-14 var-15 var-16 var-17 var-18)) (setf info var-19)) (cond ((/= info 0) (go end_label))) (multiple-value-bind (var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8 var-9) (dlascl "G" 0 0 one orgnrm n 1 d n info) (declare (ignore var-0 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 var-6 var-7 var-8)) (setf info var-9)) (setf n1 k) (setf n2 (f2cl-lib:int-sub n k)) (dlamrg n1 n2 d 1 -1 idxq) (go end_label) end_label (return (values nil nil nil nil alpha beta nil nil nil nil nil nil nil info)))))) (in-package #-gcl #:cl-user #+gcl "CL-USER") #+#.(cl:if (cl:find-package '#:f2cl) '(and) '(or)) (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute) (setf (gethash 'fortran-to-lisp::dlasd1 fortran-to-lisp::*f2cl-function-info*) (fortran-to-lisp::make-f2cl-finfo :arg-types '((fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (array double-float (*)) (double-float) (double-float) (array double-float (*)) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (array double-float (*)) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4) (array fortran-to-lisp::integer4 (*)) (array fortran-to-lisp::integer4 (*)) (array double-float (*)) (fortran-to-lisp::integer4)) :return-values '(nil nil nil nil fortran-to-lisp::alpha fortran-to-lisp::beta nil nil nil nil nil nil nil fortran-to-lisp::info) :calls '(fortran-to-lisp::dlamrg fortran-to-lisp::dlasd3 fortran-to-lisp::dlasd2 fortran-to-lisp::dlascl fortran-to-lisp::xerbla))))
(defpackage :clcm/nodes/ordered-list (:use :cl :clcm/line :clcm/node :clcm/nodes/list) (:import-from :cl-ppcre :scan-to-strings) (:export :ordered-list-node :is-tight :start :is-ordered-list-line :attach-ordered-list!?)) (in-package :clcm/nodes/ordered-list) (defclass ordered-list-node (list-node) ((start :accessor start :initarg :start))) ;; block quote (defun is-ordered-list-line (line offset) (multiple-value-bind (indent content) (get-indented-depth-and-line line offset) (if (> indent 3) (return-from is-ordered-list-line nil)) (multiple-value-bind (result marker) (scan-to-strings "^(\\d{1,9}(:?\\.|\\)))(?:\\s|\\t|$)" content :start indent) (if result (aref marker 0))))) (defun attach-ordered-list!? (node line offset) (let ((marker (is-ordered-list-line line offset))) (when marker (let ((child (make-instance 'ordered-list-node :start (parse-integer (subseq marker 0 (1- (length marker))))))) (add-child node child) (add!? child line offset) child))))
block quote
(defpackage :clcm/nodes/ordered-list (:use :cl :clcm/line :clcm/node :clcm/nodes/list) (:import-from :cl-ppcre :scan-to-strings) (:export :ordered-list-node :is-tight :start :is-ordered-list-line :attach-ordered-list!?)) (in-package :clcm/nodes/ordered-list) (defclass ordered-list-node (list-node) ((start :accessor start :initarg :start))) (defun is-ordered-list-line (line offset) (multiple-value-bind (indent content) (get-indented-depth-and-line line offset) (if (> indent 3) (return-from is-ordered-list-line nil)) (multiple-value-bind (result marker) (scan-to-strings "^(\\d{1,9}(:?\\.|\\)))(?:\\s|\\t|$)" content :start indent) (if result (aref marker 0))))) (defun attach-ordered-list!? (node line offset) (let ((marker (is-ordered-list-line line offset))) (when marker (let ((child (make-instance 'ordered-list-node :start (parse-integer (subseq marker 0 (1- (length marker))))))) (add-child node child) (add!? child line offset) child))))