[ [ 49, 2 ], [ 12, 7 ], [ 22, 15 ], [ 18, 52 ] ]
[ 5433.4248046875, 6953.7902890625 ]
[ [ 7, 12 ], [ 15, 22 ], [ 49, 2 ], [ 52, 18 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4056.124994140625, 3937.815423828125, 4710.256109375, 5039.8547421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "| DES MOINES (#—The Iowa 8u-\n:preme Court denied Friday the\n\\Dea Me of Floren Di Paglia, young\nDes Moines businessman, for a re-\n: hearing of the case in which he\n[was sentenced for attempting to\n‘bribe an athlete.\n\n| He was sentenced in Polk Coun-\nity District Court to 10 years in\nj the Anamosa Reformatory. He was\naccused of attempting to bribe Ben\n(Bumbry, a Drake University bas-\ni ketball player, to shave pointe in\n-a game with Iowa State.\n\n| In its original ruling, the Su-\npreme Court sent the case back\nto the District Court with inatruc-\ntions to set a fine up to $10,000,\nlor make any imprisonment a term\nfof up to 10 yeara in the county\njjail, or both.\n\nA. Chariton law firm of which\n‘state Sen. William Stuart ia a\n| member, intervened on Di Pag-\n‘lia's side. It contended, as Di Pag-\n‘lia did, that the sentence was too\n| severe.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 750.4866943359375, 5631.94775390625, 2053.25927734375, 5856.4580078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Sunken Ship Carried Cargo\nOf Rare Metal, Paper Says\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4061.10180078125, 1572.1706484375, 4711.35425390625, 3734.4582578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "after the meeting. The venison is\nbeing donated by Bob Hatch.\nTo Show Fim\nIn addition to discussing plans\nfor the coming season, a film will\n‘be shown and the annual election\nof officers held.\n\nPresent ‘officers are Al Gute,\nCarroll, president; Bob Eaton,\nGlidden, vice-president; and Gien\nWohlenberg, Carroll, . secretary-\ntreasurer.\n\nThe league, formed to sponsor\nand promote facilities for hetter\nhunting and fishing in the county,\nalso co-sponsored a boys camp for\nboys at Blackhawk Lake thia year.\n\nTwenty-five Carroll county boys\nattended the camp which was su-\npervised by trained conservation\nofficers.\n\nThe camp also was attended by\n25 drom Sac county and featured\ninstruction on hunting and fishing,\nconservation measures and other\ninformation for outdoorsmen.\n\nAccomplishments Toid\n\nIn. reviewing the last year's\nwork, President Gute said that the\nleague's annual sportsmen's party\nwas attended by almost 2,000 per-\nsons.\n\nThe funds from the party are\nused for financing the league's op-\nerations for the year.\n\nA total, of 270 pheasants. were\n‘raised on the Harold Frease farm\nand released over the county this\nyear. a\n| Cover has been an increasing\nproblem in keeping pheasants and\n‘the league supervised the planting\nof 12,000 multiflora rose bushes and\n/1,000 Russian olive trees.\n| Swan Lake was stocked with\n15,000 bullheads during the last\nyear, with local officers aasisting\njstate fishery employes in releasing\nithe fish.\n| A&A sportsman’'s booth was erect:\n_ed at the home and auto show last\n‘spring to promote interest in hunt-\n‘ing and fishing.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 807.8480224609375, 1071.46826171875, 2693.462646484375, 2276.486572265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "ones 6\n\n \n\n \n\nA\nr\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3414.45654296875, 5628.36962890625, 4691.63671875, 5864.568359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\nTV and Late Movies Worth\nMore Than Mate, Says Wife\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 757.6004580078124, 3493.897943359375, 1404.7902890625, 4997.799078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "| CHICAGO iB—A little Iowa rail-\nroad station that isn’t there, and\nhasn't been for 22 years, may coat\n44.railroada more-than $173,000. for\nkeeping it on the map.\n\n| Suing the railroads in a lengthy\nsquabble are some of the nation's\nlargest meat packers led presently\nby Armour & Co,\n\n| And they are not arguing that\nHurst Mill Spur, Iowa, which is\nlisted on railroad tariffa as located\non the Milwaukee Railroad 14\n‘miles north of Sabula on the Mis-\n‘giasippi River, really exists. .\n| The meat firms just want a\nfreight bill refund because the car-\nriers between 1948 and 1949 said\n“no facilities for handiing freight,\"'\nat Hurst Mill Spur on their in-\ncreased tariff list. instead of say-\ning it was clean off the map.\n\nThe spur track which had been\nbuilt im 1919 went defunct, waa\npartially taken up in 1927 and the\nbalance of the track was removed\nim 1933.\n\nGone Since 1938\n\nThe Interstate Commerce Com-\nmission, which has. been a mem-\nber of the feud since it began in\n1950, has said: “For all practical\npurposes, Hurst Milt Spur has been\nnon-existent since 1933.”\n\n“Even though everybody . knew\nthis, Hurst Mill Spur continued\n\nRail Station. .... See Page 8\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2079.02783203125, 5874.84033203125, 2721.190185546875, 6007.5625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Clear Lake Boy\nRuns Into Truck, Dies\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 745.37035546875, 5880.63500390625, 1396.1002255859376, 6942.96167578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "| LONDON (®—The News Chronr-\n{icle said Friday that the freighter\nFiying. Enterprise, whose 1961 sink-\ning added a new chapter to sagas\nof the sea; carried a secret cargo\nof rare metal vital to U. 8. atomic\npower research.\n\n“In six small steel boxes,” the\n(atory reported, ‘‘she was carrying\nalmost all the world supply of pure\nzirconium—a_ silvery, steel-strong\nmiracle metal for making atomic\npower plants.”\n\nThe account said the boxes of the\nmetal were recovered by the Ital-\njan crew which salvaged much of\nthe cargo in 1953 from the sunken\nwreck off Falmouth harbor. .\n| “Now that the United States and\nother countries are making large\nquantities of the ‘metal, an Ameri-\ncan atomic scientist has been al-\nlowed to let British colleagues\nknow the story,\" the paper said.\n\nIt did not identify the U. 8. aci-\nentist.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4724.4873046875, 5279.41748046875, 5315.9140625, 5410.2353515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Sgt. Swearingen\nReturns From Korea\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2072.64476953125, 6535.849359375, 2723.430181640625, 6942.87964453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "DELTA (®#—John Sampson. 83,\ndied in a Sigourney hospital Thurs-\nday night of burns suffered when\nfire deatroyed his home. Cause of\nthe fire waa not determined. Samp-\ngon was reported to have been\nworking on a coal stove. Flames\nbroke Thursday just as his 80-\nyear-old wife returned home from\na shopping trip. .\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2071.14111328125, 5198.96484375, 2720.454345703125, 5337.7109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Reds Give Nylons\n‘to Rep. James Dolliver\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1413.376953125, 3798.67236328125, 2039.8677978515625, 4113.8583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Quiz Seven\nIn Slaying of\nChicago Boys\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1403.474115234375, 5876.00023828125, 2062.11206640625, 6953.7902890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "The News Chronicle gave this ac-\ncount:\n\n“tt was found in 1951 not only\nthat zirconium could withstand\nvery high temperature and did not\ncorrode, but also it did not absorb\n Heutrons.\n\n. “These are atomic particles\nwhich keep the chain reaction go-\n| ing in atomic piles.\n\n“There waa no zirconium ore in\nthe United States, sc the Flying En-\nterprise went to Brazil to pick up\na ‘consignment of ore and take it\nto Germany—the. only country with\nthe chemical engineering plant to\nreduce the ore to pure metal.\n\n. It waa on the. return Journey\nthat the ship foundered.\"\n\n. The story said the secret. of the\nsix steel boxes was ao well kept\nthat even Capt. .Kurt Carlsen, who\n‘stuck heroically with his ship until\nit was sinking. under him, did not\nknow their cantents.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2071.650140625, 5346.958734375, 2729.31909765625, 5847.9504453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "| VIENNA, Austria (P—-Rep. James\n‘I. Dolliver (R-Iowa} .will have a\npair of Russian nylon stockings to\ndisplay when he returns to the\nStates. Dolliver and other mem-\nbers of a touring subcommittee of\nithe House Interstate Foreign Com-\nmerce Committee, received nylons\nas souvenirs after visiting a tex-\ntile factory in Kiev The group will\n‘visit Salzburg, Munich, Paris and\n‘London before returning home.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4720.95141015625, 1655.4363955078124, 5375.19312109375, 4369.59644140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "| UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. 2 —~\nRussia demanded Friday a full de-\npate on disarmament in the U. N.\n\nassembly political committee with-\nout waiting for disarmament deci-\nsions by the Big Four foreign min:\n‘isters.\n\n| Arkady A. Sobolev, permanent\nSoviet delegate to the U. N., made.\njthe demand in the 12-nation U. N,\nDisarmament Commission.\n\n| He accused the commission of\nattempting to delay a report on\n}disarmament debates of its big-\nnation subcommittee. Further de-\nlays would be harmful, he said, *\n\n| “It has been alleged that dis-\n‘cussion of disarmament here\n‘would interfere with or prevent\n| diacuasion by the Big Four minis-\nters, ” Sobolev said. ‘‘But disarma-\n‘ment was a major topic of all: the\ngeneral policy statements in the\nassembly. Every member of the\n‘United Nations has the right to\n‘debate this subject.\"\n: Big,4 Meet Oct. 27\n\nThe Big Four foreign ministers:\nmeet at Geneva Oct. 27. .\n\nThe Disarmament Commission\nsubcommittee —- composed of the\nUnited States, Britain, France, the\nSoviet Union and Canada—re-\ncessed sessions here Oct. 7.\n\nThey were deadiocked over dis-\narmament plans, especially on uy,\n§. insistence that President Bi.\nsenhower' s “open sky” plan be\nadopted as a prelude to disarma-\n| ment.\n\nUnder that plan, the United\nStates and the Soviet Union would\nexchange aerial reconnaissance\nand defense blue prints to pre-\n| vant surprise attack.\n\n| Sobolev- told the commission—\ncomposed of the 11 Security Coun-\n‘cil members and Canada—that\neverybody agrees on the necessity\nof measures to avert surprise at-\ntack.\n\n| That, together with closeness of\nfagreement on the necessity of re-\nducting armed forces, and the ne-\ncessity of continuing inspection\n‘make it desirable to open the. dis-\narmament debate here, Sobolev\nsaid. He said there was now a. def-\ninite possibility of reaching 2 agree-\nment. 1\n\n \n\nBiames U. s.\n\nHe blamed the United States for\nDisarmament... . See Page 9\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3394.79125390625, 5889.9245546875, 4040.075201171875, 6939.80054296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "| CHICAGO (®—A young wife told\na judge Thursday that her televi-\n‘sion and late hour movies were\nworth more to her than her’ hus-\nband.\n\nThe question had been asked\nMrs. Darlene Carlson, 22, mother\nof two babies, by Superior Judge\nGeorge M. Fisher.\n\nHer answer was quiet but firm\n‘'no,”’\n\nJudge Fisher shook hia head sad-\nly. Then he entered an order that\nher husband, Richard, 27, a paint-\ner and decorator, must pay. $25\nweekly for temporary support of\nhis family.\n\nMrs. Carlson was in court seek-\ning a temporary support order for\nherself and children, Stephen, 2,\nand Mark, 6 months, during pend-\nency of her divorce suit. The suit\ncharged her husband with cruelty.\n\nMrs. Carlaon’s attorney. said\nCarison struck her several times\n\na ee ee eee\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 87.98001861572266, 4241.19091796875, 735.1380004882812, 4452.18603515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "$400 Taken\ninVail Breakin\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 94.64634118652344, 1662.7962587890624, 751.3549252929688, 4201.05151953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Vertus Volisted of Manning has\nbeen nominated for reelection as\npresident.-of the. Carroll ..County\nFarm Bureau and Robert Haibur\nof Carroll. for reelection as vice\npresident in accordance with new\nby-lawa which provide that . offi-\ncers be named, for two-year terms.\n\nMr. Vollsted and Mr. Halbur\nboth are concluding their first\nyear in office. :\n\nNew Candidates\n\nNew candidates announced Fri-\nday by the nominating. committee\nare Victor Jons, Carroll, and\nJames Conner, Glidden, for secre-\ntary; and Walter Staiert, Carroll,\nand Lawrence Frischmeyer, Car-\nron, for treasurer.\n\nThe ihcumbent secretary is Earl\nKennebeck of Carroll. and _ the\ntreasurer. Ralph Bock, of Glidden,\nboth of whom are concluding their\nsecond year in office.\n\nElection will take place at ‘the\nannual membership meeting Tues-\nday night, October 2%, at St. Jo\nseph Hall.\n\n“Members of the nominating com:\nmittee. are Don Pratt of Glidden,\nchairman: Walter Heires, Carroll;\n“Elmer Behneman, Arcadia; and\nHarold Eich, Carrol.\n\nsoe New Directors\n\n‘New members of the board of\ndirectors, who have been elected in\ntownship meetings to serve for\ntwo-year terms: are:\n\nEden township, Leonard Ries-\n\nberg: Jasper, Roger Snyder; New-\nton, Alvin Hoffman; Pleasant Val-\nley, Robert Broich; Roselle, Nor-\nbert. Rupiper; Union, John Schu-\nmacher Jr.: and Wheatland, Wil-\nbert Lussmas.\n.-Holdover directors’ who will\nserve for one more year are: Ar-\ncadia township, Maurice Glass;\nEwoldt, Kenneth Keat; Glidden,\nLeslie Fielder;::Grant, . Leonard\nFrischmeyer; Krnieat, Floyd\nSchiorholtz: Maple River, Car}\nHeires; Richland, George Bow-\nman: Sheridan. Lowell Schieis-\nman: Washington. LeRoy Koch.\n\nThe resolutions committee, under\nthe chairmanship of Robert Hal-\nbur, met at the Farm Bureau\nbuilding Wednesday night and has\ndrafted resolutiona for the annual\nmeeting based on ‘‘opinionaires’’\ncirculated among Farm Bureau\nmembera.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1411.4710634765624, 2874.220208984375, 2066.98706640625, 3761.664556640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "{ The meeting, which will open at\n2 o'clock, will be preceded by a\ncoffee hour, beginning at 1 o'clock\n\nCounties to be represented are\n| Carroil, Boone, Calhoun, Greene,\n' Crawford, Webster and Hamilton.\n\nState officers and state chairmen\nwill. be preaent to explain the child\nwelfare, education and rehabilita-\ntion programs of the Auxiliary.\n\nMrs. Aden Owen of Coon Rapids,\n| eighth district president, will | at-\n} tend. .\n\n| The meeting will be opened by\nthe Carroll unit, with Mrs. Glenn\nN. Weeks presiding.\n\n| The rally is for all Auxiliary\n‘members, but particularly . far\nchild wélfare, education and reha-\nbilitation chairmen.\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2739.927978515625, 5517.59619140625, 3313.13232421875, 5649.72021484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Men Dies as Cor\nCrashes Into Store\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 4059.002197265625, 3751.51611328125, 4698.02001953125, 3922.148193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Deny Rehearing\nAsked by DiPaglia\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2746.16771875, 4755.92211328125, 3387.79077734375, 5483.3352109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "LOS ANGELES (®.— A rocket\nplane capable of carrying a pilot\nto a height of 100 miles—that’s\nthe project reportedly assigned to\nNorth American Aviation Corp.\n\nThe Los Angeles Times said Fri-\nday that North American will have\ntwo years to complete the job,\nwith backing of the Air Force,\nNavy and the National Advisory\nCommittee for Aeronautics.\n\nThe goal is almost six times the\naltitude record of 90,000 feet (about\n17 miles) set last year by Maj.\nArthur Murray in e Bell X1A rock-\net research craft. An unmanned\nsingle-stage rocket haa soared 154\nmiles high.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4044.031, 5889.80053125, 4715.4856015625, 6931.88159765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "‘and had moved from their home |\n| Oct. ‘5.\n\nCarlson's attorney admitted the,\n; charges but said Carlson punched\n‘her only after arguments over\nMrs. Carlson's insistence of watch- |\njing TV movies as late ag 2-a.m. |\n|He aaid the TV volume kept Carl-\nison from getting enougly sleep as.\nihe had to arise at 6 a.m.\n\nCarlson was willing to return |\nhome, his attorney said, if Mrs. |\n{Carlson would keep down the TV\n| volume and maybe turn off the\n‘get at midnight. . |\n| “lt LT were you, I think I would\n| do more than that,” Fisher told.\n‘Mrs. Carlson. ‘I would give up|\nmy TV set entirely—get rid of it:\nbe the sake of my husband.\n| Her answer of ‘‘no’’ came after\nthe judge asked: ‘Isn't a husband |\n| worth more to you than your TV\niand your late movies?”\n\n|\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 43.57324981689453, 681.304931640625, 5344.74755859375, 985.5316772460938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Russia Demands Full U. N. Disarmament Debate\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3403.135009765625, 1886.4144287109375, 4051.176025390625, 2207.231689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Union Studies\nNew Offer By\nMaytaa Firm\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 4719.23461328125, 4582.68676171875, 5371.56714453125, 5260.78394140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "| DES MOINES (®—Virgil A. Cun-\n\n| ningham, 51,\n\nwas, fatally scalded\n\n‘Thursday by live steam and hot\n\n‘water at the\n\nIowa Power and\n\n‘Light Co. power station near Des\n\n| Moines.\n\n| Cunningham\nwere cleaning\n‘trench. Cunnin\ngo down into\n\nand three other men\npipes in a concrete\ngham volunteered to\nthe trench under a\n\n‘cement brace to take off a clogged\nnozzle. Suddenly the steam and\nhot water came out, The other\n-workmen pulled Cunningham out\nand he was taken to a hospital,\n‘where he died four hours later.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 758.860107421875, 2554.39111328125, 2077.96533203125, 2841.898193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Legion Auxiliary Area\nRally Here November 8\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2737.812005859375, 5670.34594140625, 3377.047369140625, 6282.70386328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "WATERLOO? iB — W. E. Jacobs\n77, Gladbrook, died at a hospital\nhere early Friday of injuries auf.\nfered Thursday when his. car\ncrashed into the front of a Dike\ndrugstore,\n\nAuthorities said, Jacobs, waiting\nin his parked car for his wife\nwho was in the drug store, appar-\nently suffered either a diabetic ar\nheart seizure and put the car in\nmotion accidentally. .\n\nThe Gray and Wood drugstore\nfront was damaged extensively but\nno one else was injured.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 757.2604370117188, 5019.69580078125, 1395.62548828125, 5187.55224609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Ousted Church\nLeaders Returnina\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2734.729974609375, 6447.92894921875, 3385.191412109375, 6953.306890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "CHARLES CITY (AB — Charles\nSchuchnecht, 22, Greene, died in\na Charles City hospital Friday,\nthe second victim of an auto up-\nset Tuesday on Highway 218 north\nof here.\n\nSchuchnecht was critically im-\njured in the accident which\nclaimed the life of Derothy Dem-\nrow, 21, Wednesday night. Three\nother young persona in the car\nwere iess seriously burt.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2080.780517578125, 6384.6923828125, 2718.96240234375, 6516.33935546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Delta Man, 83, Dies\nOf Burns in Home Fire\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1411.435541015625, 4135.12133203125, 2063.876470703125, 5621.35230078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "| (EARLY STORY: Page 10.)\n\n| CHICAGO WF — Seven persons,\none of them a California girl,\nwere questioned Friday as police\nsought to learn who beat and\n(strangled three boys and dumped\ntheir nude bodies in a forest pre-\nserve.\n\n| 4 Seized at Mortuaries\n\n| Four men were seized Thursday\nnight when they visited undertak-\ning rooma where bodies of two\nvictims, John Schueasier, 13, and\nhis brother, Anton, 11, lay on view\nin their coffina.\n\nFuneral services for the third\nslain boy, Robert ‘Peterzon, 14,\nwere held Thursday.\n\nDespite intensive police work,\nthe mystery of how and why the\nboys met death, apparently late\nSunday night, remained unan-\n| swered.\n\nThere was a new eyewitness\nstory, by Mrs. Margaret Crim-\nmings, 48, a waitress, who told po-\nlice’ she. saw three younggters who\nlooked like the victims,: accept a\nride from a. motorist at 10:30 p.m.\n‘Sunday ata northwest, side inter-\n‘section.\n\nFour of those in custody for ques-\ntioning were among some 5,000 per-\nsons. who’ visited the ‘Schuessier\n‘boys’ wake.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 4059.01806640625, 5070.0146484375, 4703.60498046875, 5201.68896484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Mason Cityan Killed\nBy Sliding Steel Rods\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 758.0464477539062, 3153.770751953125, 1387.117431640625, 3466.01220703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Packers Sue\nRailroads on\nGhost Station\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 4715.52074609375, 5419.52758203125, 5366.35718359375, 6046.8742734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Sgt. Duane A. Swearingen . ar\nrived home Thursday from the Far\n'East after 18 months’ service with\nthe &th Army in Korea. Sgt. Swear-\ningen flew from Seattle to Omaha,\nwhere he was met by his par-\nents, Mr. and Mrs. John Swearing-\nen, 412 South Walnut Street.\n\nSgt. Swearingen will be home\nabout a month. After his dis-\ncharge, which he expects to. re-\nceive soon, he will resume work\nas an industrial plumber at the\nFisher Governor plant in Marshall-\ntown. —-\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2737.7001953125, 6308.54150390625, 3370.612060546875, 6437.3310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Automobile Upset\nClaims Second Victim\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2072.898431640625, 2871.31762109375, 2736.1643125, 5177.02319921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Three-year keys were presented\n;by Leo Fitzpatrick, chairman of\n(the Blackhawk District Committee,\nBoy Scouts of America, to three\nden mothers and two pack lead-\ners at a combination meeting and\nHalloween party of Cub Scout Pack\n106, sponsored by Odd Fellows\nLodge No. 279, in 1.0.0.F. Hall\nThursday night. One hundred and\ntwenty-five persons attended. in-\n| cluding 42 Cub Scouts and their\n\"parents.\n\n' Winners of three-year keys were\n| Mrs. Harry Jensen, Mrs. Fred Pie-\ntig. and Mrs. Ray Vanderheiden,\n‘den mothers: Magnus Miller, pack\nimaster; and Bill Kennelley, as-\n{ sistant pack master. Mrs. - -Neil\n| Parks also was eligible for a key\n‘on the basis of three years of Cub\n: Scout work but was not present at\n.the meeting.\n\nH\ni\n\nStart Sixth Year\n\nMrs. Jensen. Mr. Miller. Mr.\n'Kennelley and Herschel Heath\n_ have completed five years of work\n; with Cub Scout Pack 106 and are\ninow atarting their sixth vear.\n\n| Mr..Fiwpatrick aiso presented\n'den-mother pins ta the following\nwomen who are serving, as. den\ni}mothera in the Odd Fellows pack\nat the present time: Mrs. Ber-\nInard Kidwell, Mrs. Harry Jensen,\nMrs. Henry Hoff. Mrs. A. P. W.\n_ SADE Mrs. Karl Rogosch, and\n‘Mrs. Paul Smith. Mrs. Melvin\n| Ohde, a den mother last year, also\n‘received a pin.\n\nGold arrows and silver arrows\nwere awarded to Cub Scouts Jim\nKidwell, Marvin Miller and Gary\nMcMinimee; bob-cat pins to Bruce\nDunn, Todd Keith, Jimmy Nockels,\n: Kimball Smith, Michael Black, Jay\n‘Thomas, Mike Heidel, Bobby Sea-\n‘ton, Dennis Rogosch, Guy Page,\njand Brent Andrews.\n\n' Cub Scouts present at the meet-\n‘ing were attired in Halloween cos-\n\ntumes. Jimmy Nockels won first\n| prize for the best costume. Other\n‘prize winners in the costume con-\n‘test were Mike Heidel, Mary Kid-\n: Oub Scouts ..... See Page 9\n\n \n\n(\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 4723.84765625, 1050.319580078125, 5362.36181640625, 1478.0684814453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Without Delay\n\nFor Decisions\nby Big 4 Chiefs\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 2733.3447265625, 4488.63623046875, 3379.875732421875, 4739.0791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Rocket to Carry\n‘Pilot 100 Miles\n[High to Be Built\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2063.475580078125, 6021.5983828125, 2726.850591796875, 6355.73316015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "' CLEAR LAKE (®—Kevin Win-\njters, young son of Mr. and Mrs.\n‘Kenneth Winters, wag killed in a\n| traffic accident Thursday while re-\n‘turning from kindergarten. Inves-\nItigators said the child ran into a\n‘truck at the intersection of High-\niways 106 and 107.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4717.51123046875, 4395.40380859375, 5370.580078125, 4564.79345703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "‘Workman Burned\nFatally by Steam\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2078.888671875, 2535.500244140625, 2707.163818359375, 2848.94970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Cub Scouts\nAnd Leaders\nGiven Honors\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 750.0103701171874, 5206.47777734375, 1397.4393369140626, 5601.89478125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "| NEW YORK (B—Two Argentine\nCatholic Church officiale, deported\nby the regime of former President\npci Peron last June 15, left: by\n| Plane for home Friday.\n\nThey are the Most Rev. Manuel\nTato, auxiliary bishop of Buenos\nAires, and the Rt, Rev. Ramon No-\nvoa, pro-vicar of the Buenos Aires\nareohhiahanrmne\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 107.84513854980469, 4920.107421875, 561.5333251953125, 5095.93798828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Weather\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 4049.620111328125, 5214.39183984375, 4702.72437109375, 5587.47241796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "| MASON CITY « — Claude H.\n\ni Meacham, 66, Mason City, was\nkilled. Thursday when ~ load of\nj steel rods he was tieing down on\nia truck box slipped sideways,\n{striking him on the head. The acci-\nident happened at the Jacob E.\nDecker & Sons packing pliant\nwhere he was employed.\n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 89.88376794433594, 4499.505609375, 749.2770444335938, 4881.45581640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "VAIL —- Approximately $400 was\ntaken from the Vail Hardware\nCompany atore in-a break-in dur-\ning the night, John Koch Jr., own\ner, reported Friday. ;\n\nEntry was gained through a rear\nwindow, .A safe containing the\nmoney was opened after the door\nwaa broken. —\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 3396.452630859375, 2204.337640625, 4053.164556640625, 5145.65894140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "NEWTON (M—The strike situa-\ntion at the Maytag Co. remained\nunsettled Friday, while officials of\nCIO United Auto Workers Local\n1997 pondered terms of a new pro-\n| posal by the company.\n\nThe union offered Thursday aft-\nernoon to drop its requests for a\nguaranteed annual wage and union\nshop and to accept a 14 cent hourly\nincrease for all employes if the\ncompany would agree to a one\nyear contract. .\n\ni Rejected By Maytag\n\n| The union offer was turned down\n\nling Fred Maytag, president of the\ncompany, who said in a statement\nthat management wants a three-\nyear contract to prevent possibility\nof another strike next year. Under\nthe union proposal negotiations\n\n‘over wages, including the. guaran-\nteed annual wage, could be re-\n\n; opened in 1956.\n\n| Maytag said the company was\n‘willing to make five modifications\n| of its previous ‘‘final’’ offer, grant-\ning fringe benefits along lines re-\nquested by the union, if members\nof Local 997 are permitted to vote\non it by Nov. 1 and provided they\naccept it.\n\n3\n\ni o\"The only immediate answer from\nithe union was a statement saying\n‘that ‘further concessions have\nibeen wrung from the Maytag Co.\nfor all Maytag employes as a re-\nleult of the solidarity of the em-\n‘ployes of the union.”\nj - Sist Day of Strike\n: The strike now is 51 days old.\n{A federal mediator Robert. E. Hall\nsaid, ‘‘We have adjourned on call\nof either party or this depart-\n| ment.””\n\nThe Maytag statement said:\n“Thia proposal, offered after sev-\n‘en weeks of strike, during which\nunion. members have never had an\n‘opportunity to vote on the com-\nipany’s offer, modifies some de-\nmands, adds some completely new\nones and drops some.\n\n“While we are glad the union\n‘has dropped its demands for GAW\n|(guaranteed annual wage) and\n(union shop we are sorry they have\nane fit to add new demands, in-\n[cluding a 10-month contract term,\n,an entirely new wage proposal\nwhich ignores existing inequities,\nand others which would seriously\nhamper the company in the opera-\n‘tion of its business.\n\ni\n\n \n\n \n\n; “Our proposal contempiates a\n‘three-year agreement and provides\njfor automatic wage increases and\n\ncost of living adjustments.’’\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 2739.19580078125, 1048.901123046875, 3389.298583984375, 1477.45068359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Brownell Plan\nto Fight Crime\nOkayed by Ike\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 3411.92894921875, 1555.5847109375, 4065.009771484375, 1846.85571875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "The annual meeting of the Car-\nroll County Wildlife Conservation\nleague will be held at the new\nshelterhouse in Graham Park.\nThursday, October 27, at 8 p.m.\n\n% “wanieon lunch. will he swerved |\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 4759.8193359375, 6086.84619140625, 5310.134765625, 6938.85107421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Times Herald\nCarrier\nSalesmen\nMake Their\nWeekly\nCollections on\nFriday and\nSaturday\n\net ares\nerrec: E\nAppreciated au\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 3413.311767578125, 1047.58251953125, 4721.58837890625, 1339.33740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Wildlife League's Annual\nMeeting at Park Oct. 27\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 753.2565859375, 2871.470453125, 1408.57691015625, 3115.4367734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "American Legion Auxiliary\n\nimembers from seven counties are\n_ expected te attend a fall rally\niTueaday, Nov, & at the Brown\nDerby restaurant here.\n" }, "53": null, "54": { "bbox": [ 3401.971673828125, 5204.90746484375, 4039.852544921875, 5577.2902890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "| ROUEN Eee\n| Jerome J. Subbert, son of Mr\n‘and Mra. Ervin Subbert of Glidden\n‘has been promoted from private\nfirst clase to SP-3. He is ‘stationec\n‘at Arlington, Va., where he is ad\ndressed; SP-3 Jerome J. Subbert.\nU.S. 55479962, Btry B. -14,AAA Bn.\nFort Meyer, South Post, Arlington,\nVe\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 110.84058380126953, 1067.9351806640625, 750.8533935546875, 1580.794677734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Farm Bureau\nNames Vollsted\nFor Reelection\n\nCandidates for Annual\nZlactian at Meeting Oct.\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 2757.822015625, 1666.58324609375, 3375.693365234375, 4538.58472265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "DENVER (® — President Et-\ngsenhower approved Friday a\nmajor program. designed to\nstimulate an overall attack on\ncrime in this country in a 25:\nminute conference with Atty.\nGen. Brownell.\n\nThe judicial program for the\nfiscal year 1936. which Brow-\n-nell said the President ap-\nproved, would call for:\n\n1. Legislation making it a\n“criminal offense” to invade\nthe privacy of a jury: while it\nis deliberating a case. This\ngrew out of developments dur-\ning = recent trial in Wichita,\nKan.\n\n2. Construction of a nine\nmillion dollar “maximum cus-\ntody” prieon in the midwest\nto house criminals of the type\nnow sent te Alcatraz, Leaven-\nworth and Atlanta; and of a\n144 million dollar institution\nwest of the Mississippi River\nfor the treatment and imprison-\nment of youthful offenders\nsimilar to those trom the east\nnow housed at Ashland, Ky.\n\n8. Appointment of public de-\nfenders in every federal dis-\ntrict, either on a full-salaried\nor @ part-time basis to give\nfederal defendants assurance of\nproper legal defense.\n\n4. Legislation creating about\n20 additional judgeships to\nhelp cut down the backiog of\npending criminal and civil\ncases in the federal courts.\n\n \n\nDENVER (# — President Eiser\nhower, ‘“‘refreshed and cheerful\nafier a good night's sleep, move\nback into atill another governmer\nbusiness field Friday with Att\nGen. Brownell in town for a ho\n\npital conference. on\nA 7:30 a.m. hospital bulletin re\nported :\n\n“The President had a goo\nnight's sleep of eight hours. an\nawoke feeling refreshed and chee:\nful. His condition continues t\nprogress satisfactorily withou\ncomplications.”\n\nThe bulletin was issued haif a\nhour later than usual becaus\nWhite House Press. Secretar\nJamea C. Hagerty, who gives ou\nthe medical reports each day, wa\nengaged on other business and wa\nunable to check with the hospita\nat the usual time.\n\nStep by slow step since his Sept\n4 heart attack, the President ha\nheen resuming active direction o\n\nEisenhower ..... See Page 8\n\nm #66 .g4&,. gf...\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 3406.58544921875, 1349.955322265625, 4695.53955078125, 1520.374755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "Venison Lunch in Shelterhouse; Of.\n: ficers Will Be Elected\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 2752.459716796875, 1490.8211669921875, 3389.225830078125, 1656.86767578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "President, Making Good\nRecovery, Moves Back\ninto a New Field\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 4730.9853515625, 1483.0072021484375, 5369.826171875, 1647.380126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "Move Seen As Effort te\nGet Arguing Points for\nSession Oct. 27\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 72.54085717773438, 6728.98754296875, 756.9099790039063, 6942.97241796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "Weather A Year Ago— |\n\nThere was fog during ‘the night\nbut skies were clear a year ago\ntoday. Temperatures rose trom: 41\nto 68. fe\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 89.22774682617188, 5145.30297265625, 743.8797055664063, 5363.5656796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "CARROLL FORECAST\n\nClear and a little cooler Friday\nnight with scattered frost, low 32-\n36. Partly - cloudy. and = turning\nwarmer Saturday, high 62-67.\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 81.70491204833985, 5358.81371484375, 738.5985166015626, 5911.6008359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "1OWA FORECAST\n\nFroat warning Friday night. Cool-\ner southeAst Friday night. Warm:\ner extreme northwest Friday night\nand over mate Saturday. Low Fri.\nday night 27-32 with heavy. frost\nnortheast and extreme east, 32-38\nwith scattered frost elsewhere.\nHigh Saturday mostly in the 60s.\nFurther outlook: Fair to partly\ncloudy ‘with no important temper.\nature change Sunday. .\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 87.11853967285157, 5926.5515078125, 740.2024594726563, 6424.3039609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "FUE DAT GUANA\nIOWA: Temperatures will aver-\nage 4 to 7 degrees above normal\nfor the next five days. Normal\nhighs are 55 in the north to 60\nin the south. Normal lowa are 34\nnorth to 38 south. It will be warm-\ner Saturday, cooler Sunday and\nwarmer again Tuesday or Wednes-\nday. Precipitation will average .10\nof an inch or less, occurring as\nshowers Monday or Tuesday.\n\n \n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 195.8834686279297, 4474.70654296875, 660.9728393554688, 4507.3388671875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": "(Biman UWeoald News Sorcion:\n" }, "65": null, "66": { "bbox": [ 3415.272216796875, 5182.25, 3647.0517578125, 5219.62255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "PROMOTER\n" }, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 22 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 3, 27 ], [ 4, 27 ] ]
[ 2808.419921875, 3422.544677734375 ]
[ [ 0, 22 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 4, 27 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 751.4286499023438, 1519.6595458984375, 1091.802001953125, 2597.70458984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Salem Methodist church. Sunday\nschool, 9:45. George Harness,. su-\nperintendent,\n\nBlue Ball Congregational. Sun-\nday school, 10, John Small, super-\nintendent. Morning service, 11.\nRev. Harold Curdy, pastor.\n\nSt. Paul Lutheran (Washington\nTwp.). Joint Christmas program\nthis evening (Sat.) with Shiloh of\nWalton at 11 o'clock. Morning\nservice, 9:30. Keith Kinney, pas-\ntor, Sunday school, 10:30. Esther\nHizer, superintendent,\n\nShiioh Lutheran (Walton). 5Sun-\nday. school, 9:45. Lowell Bruner,\nsuperintendent. Morring service,\n1, Keith Kinney, pastor.\n\nWalton Methodist church. Sun-\nday school. 9:30. William Berry-\nman, superintendent, Morning\nservice, 10:30, Rev. Vern Chap-\nman, pastor,\n\nWalton Christlan church. Morn-\nIng service and Communion, 8:30.\nDee Shaffer, pastor. Sunday sehool,\n9:30. Clifford Rush, superintendent.\n\nOtterbein FE, U. B, Sunday school\n9:30. Wilmer Burrows, superintend-\nent.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Paul Sperry are\nspending Christmas with Mr. and\nMrs. Gene Sorde'et and family of\nSan Angelo, Texas,\n\nMr. and Mrs. J, T. Saylers and\nfamily are spending the holldays\njn Florida visiting Mrs.. Thelma\nBishop,\n\nMr. and Mrs, Earl Purcell are\nSpending Christmas with their\ndaughter, Leona and family in Vir-\nginla.\n\nAt a recent meeting of the Wal-\ntan Masonic Lodge the following of-\nfieers were elected: Worshipful\nMaster, Earl Purcell; Senior Ward-\nen, William Blaeckaby: Junior\nwarden, Conn Frey; Senior deacon,\nJohn Jump: Junior deacon, Ora\nCrec; treasurer, Horace Beckley;\nsecretary, Manfred Wolf; trustee\nfor 3 years, Lowell Wilson. The of-\nfiters will be installed at the next\n\nregular meeting on January 2\nTh. we 2 fe. ke me.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 51.44261169433594, 2114.0947265625, 403.87451171875, 3422.544677734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Member: of the Junior class en-\nJoyed a party Saturday evening at\nihe home of Miss Bonnie Fisher.\nSinging, playing games and refresh-\nments were enjoyed by the guests,\nA surprise fenture of the evening\nwas a hidden recorder In the en-\ntertalning rooms, The recording\nwas then played back to the guests.\n\nThe music: department of the\nschool presented a Christmas pro-\nram consisting of numbers by all\nvocal students of the school, inchid-\ning an operetta entitled “She\nDidn't Believe.\" The auditorium\nwas filled for the occasion.\n\nThe program was directed by\nMiss Myra’ Mow. Gift boxes made\nby each class from seven up were\njudged with the senior class placing\nfirst and the others as follows,\nsophomore, seventh, eighth, fresh-\nmen and juniors.\n\nMr, and Mrs, Hugh Skinner, Sr.\nentertained a1 a family Christmas\ndinner at thelr home Sunday. Those\npresent were Mrs, Delpha Carson,\nMiss Edna Carson, Mr. and Mrs.\nChester Easter, Mr. and Mrs. Low-\nell Hoebne, Ruth Ann, Beth and\nJohn of Fulton; Mr. and Mrs. Clif-\nton Skinner and Jim: Mr. and\nMrs. Chares Skinnet, Becky and\nMike, Mexico; Mr, and Mrs, Hugh\nSkinner, Jr., und Debra Lynetiea of\nLogansport. Mr. and Mrs. Paul\nHoehne, Fulton were evening\nguests,\n\nMr, and Mra. Hugh Skinner, Sr.,\nMr. and Mrs, Clifton Skinner at-\ntonded the fimeral services for\nMrs. Hattie Mitten at Wabash,\nMonday, Aiso attending were Mr.\nand Mrs. Paul Hoehne, Mrs, Forest\nZartman. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy\nHoehne and Bobby all of Fulton.\n\nFarm Bureau members met\nWednesday evening in Memorial\nHall. Jingle Bells was sung. and\nChristmas devotions given by Mar-\njorie Kime. Ira Connor was in\ncharge of the meeting. Mrs. Ruby\nNead expressed appreciation for.\nihe co-operation of members during\nthe year. The group voted $5 to the\nTB Association and also voted that\nreiveshments should be continue\nnext year as in the past year.\n\nThere were 82 patd members who\nreported. A Farm Bureau quiz, con-\nducted by Mrs.. Pearl Kime, $ and\nE ‘eader, was answered by those\npresent.\n\nOn the January committee are:\nMrs, Rosa Johnson, Mrs, Beatrice\nConrad, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Con-\nrad, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arthur,\nMr. and Mrs. Orel Swank.\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 61.90886688232422, 359.6712646484375, 410.0373229980469, 1311.5552978515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "she Mecember meeting of the\nAdame Township Farm Bureau\nwas held In the Community hulltd-\njng_ in Twelve Mile.\n\nThe meeting opened with the\nsinging of Christmas earols led by\nMrs. Pearl} Kime. Marjorie Kime\noffered devotions and prayer.\n\nIn the absence of the chairman\nthe yicethairman, Ira Conner,\nwas in charge of the meeting.\nMinutes of the last meeting were\nread and approved.\n\nIn behalf of ber husband, Mrs.\nLeroy Nead thanked the Farm Bu-\nreau for their cooperation and\nhelp the past year.\n\nJt was voted to buy a $5.0)\nhealth bond, and also voted to\ncontinue serving refreshments\nduring the coming year ax dune ino\nthe past.\n\n8 & E leader, Mrs.. Kime,\nStated that as of December Tih\nthere were 82 members signed up\nfur 1956. She also stated thal the\nCockshutt Plow Company had\npresented a tractor to President\nEtsenhower in the name of Indi-\nana, Ohio and Pennsylvania Farm\nBureaus.\n\nMrs. Kime accepted the § & E\nleadership for the coming year\nbut asked that an assistant be\nnamed to assist her, She thanked\ndhe group for their past coopera-\nHon.\n\nNamed to the commitlee for\nDecember were Mrs, Husa John-\n» Mr, and Mrs, Orel Swank,\n$s. Beatrice Conrad, Mr, and\nMrs. Justin Conrad, Mr. and Mrs.\nCeell Arthur,\n\nA true or false quiz on Farm\nBureau was held by Mrs. Kime\namt refreshments in keeping with\nthe holiday season were served\nby the committee in charve.\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1440.537353515625, 247.66140747070312, 1778.1497802734375, 1561.73046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "ROCHESTER~Paul Henriot, 30,\n'R. R. 1, Rechester, and his Ger-\n|™man bride of a few months ¢€s-\n‘caped serious injury Wednesday\nnight when the car that Mrs. Hen-\n|riott was driving was in 2 collision\n|with a semi-trai‘er-tractor at the\nintersection of U. S. 30 and-31 in\nPiymouth,\n\nHenriott was the Park-\nview hospital in Plymouth for mi-\nnor cuts and bruises and released.\nHis wife received minor bruises.\n\nInvestigators said the truck driv-\nen by W. Eugene Cook, R. R. 7,\n‘Columbia City, was hit broadside\nby the Henrlott vehic’e. The auto\n/Was a total loss. The truck dam-\nage was estimated at $150.\n\nPlymauth pelice issued an arrest\nnotice to Mrs. Henrie‘t on a charge\nof disregarding an automatic traf.\nfie signal.\n\nBrief funeral services were held\nat 2 p. m. Friday at the Foster\n‘uneral home for the infant daugh-\nter of Hurndon and Fernetta Bal-\nTey Rudd, R. R. 2, Rochester. The\nchild died at birth in the Woad-\nlawn bospital Thursday.\n\nOther survivors are the grand-\nparents, Mr. and Mrs, Noah Rudd,\nMr. and Mrs. John Bailey, all of\nKentucky; three sisters, Norefta,\nKaren Lynn and Kathy Ann, and\ntwo brothers,. Bobby Ray and\nJackte, alt at home. Burial was\nmade in the Athens cemetery.\n\nThe 32 patients of the Rochester\nNursing Heme, most of them bed-\nridden, are being remembered dur-\ning the Holidays.\n\nMonday a worship service was\nconducted for the patients by the\nRev. F. I Wilmert of the Trintty\nEUB church, Thursday June Bn-\nyeart of Rochester entertained\nthem with an accordion solo and\n‘Saturday there will be: Christmas\nmusic by the Young’ People’s class\nof the Seventh Day Adventist\nchurch as well as a distribution of\ncookies-and candy,\n| Christmas Day, the patients are\nto be served a turkey dfoner with\nall the trimmings, tray favors be-\ning donated by the Gideon Auxil-\nlary. Following, individual Christ-\nmas packages will be distributed\nfrom the 31 Club of this city and\nChristmas cersages will be pro-\nvided: by Girl Scout Troop 8 of\nColumbia School.\n\nHAND\n\nMrs, Amanda Hand, 82, longtime\n\nresident of Akron, died at 2:30 p.m.\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1780.2635498046875, 247.2592010498047, 2119.510498046875, 1558.34228515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Thursday at the home of her\ndaughter in Knoxville, la., after a\nyear's ilness,\n\nBorn July 11, 1873, in Laketon,\nMrs. Hand had resided in Akron\nsince 1912. She moved there from\nGriffith. Her. parents were Abijah\nand Mary Hicks and she was mar-\nried in 1892 at Wabash to Noah\nHand, who: died in 1953. She was a\nmember of the Akron Church of\nGod.\n\nSurviving are one daughter, Mrs.\nNellie Gholson, Knoxville, Ia; a\nson, Lamoine Hand, Akron; 18\ngrandchildren and 24 grea*-srand-\nchildren. Five children pteceded\nher in death.\n\nFuneral services will be held at\n1:30 p, m, (CST) Monday at the\nAkron Church of God with the Rey.\nHarold Conrad officiating. Burial\nwill be In the IOQF cemetery in\nAkron. The body will be taken to\nthe church at 12:30 p. m, Monday\nto He in state, Friends may ca’} at\nthe Sheetz funeral home in Akron\nafter 4 p, m. today.\n\nAdmissions to the Woodlawn hos\npital: Willam Swango, Rochester:\nBud Johnson, Rachester. Dismis-\nsais: Mrs, Ivan Reck and son,\n| Bourbon; Ralph Sho: naker, Roch-\nester. Mr. and Mrs. Gera’d Beat-\n‘tie, Rochester, are the parents of\nia daughter. Mr. and Mrs, James\n! Howers, Rochester, are the parents\njof a son. Mr. and Mrs. Marion\n/Cormécan, .Tippecanae, are the\nparents of a daughter.\n\nJames D. Bonine-of Indianapolis\nis spending the holidays with his\nparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bo\nnine, and sister, Harriett Ellen.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Franeis Zegafuse\nwill celebrate their golden wedding\nanniversary at their heme on 1205\nElm street, with a dinner for the\nimmediate family and open house\nwill be he'd at the First Baotist\nchureh from 2 to 5 p. m. Ail rel-\natives and friends are invited. The\ncounle were married on Dec. 28,\n1905 near Roann. They are the par-\njents of three children, Donald, In-\ndianapolis: Esther Whitten, Ft.\nWayne; Lois Showley, Kewanna.\nOne daughter, deceased. Also nine\ngramichildren, Loren and Donald\nZegafuse, Doyle and Gerald Whit-\nten, and Jon Ann, Carolyn, Patri-\ncla and James Alan Show'ey,\n\nFire Chief. Bud Johnson was tak-\nen to the Woodlawn hospital Thurs-\nday night for observation and\n\nbebe nt Ak ermine ihideede cuiose\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 757.1262817382812, 1089.415283203125, 1094.39306640625, 1441.90625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "PERU — Several churches in\nPeru will hold midnight services\nChristmas Eve, They include St.\nCharles Catholic, Trinity, Episco\npal, First Metnodist and the First\nPreshyterlan,\n\nSpectal menug are also being\nplanned for both hospitals in the\ncity as well as the jail and the\ncounty home.\n\nPersonnel of the Air Force Base\nwilt also be served aboul 800\nPounds of turkey as. well as’ 500\npounds of baked Virginia ham.\n\nBusiness will be suspended in\nall public offices, businesses and\nindustry Sunday and Monday in ob\nservance of Christmas,\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2125.43505859375, 950.1978149414062, 2454.2412109375, 1028.50244140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Couldn't Make Out\nOwn Name fin latte\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2121.33984375, 435.88372802734375, 2459.437744140625, 944.68115234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "PERU_In city court Friday aft-\nernoon, Judge Gration Wickersham\nflned Daniel Jackson, 19 of Macy\na total of $139.50 on charges of\nreckless driving while his license\nwas suspended. The court also rec-\nommended that his operator's |\n\n \n\ncense be suspended for an addi-\nUonal two years.\n\nVirgil MeCord, 45, of Muskegon\nMich., was fined $114.75 for drunk-\njen driving and his Heense was sus-\n\n \n\nPeru, was fined ‘S15. 15 tor having\nla ‘eaky load.\nWilf2m Thomas of Tell City\nveaded not gvilty to folowing an.\nather vehic’e too closely. His case\nwas continued,\n\nTim Conner, 55, of Attica, was\nfined $25 and costs and given a\nS% day sentence at the Indiana\nState Farm on.a charge of petit\nlarceny, Conner was arrested\nThursday for shoplifting,\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1098.2728271484375, 1610.1796875, 1439.68017578125, 2235.79833984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "ELKHART, Ind. W—A $250,000\nfire swept through the three-story\nCharles. S, Darke Co. Department\nstore in downtown Elkhart early\nFriday and three firemen suffered\nminor injuries befote {t was con-\ntrolled.\n\nOrlgin of the fire was not\nlearned. It was discovered by a\nnight watchman, Floyd E. Swine-\nbart, 66, who was Sleeping on the\npremises when a noise anwakened\nhim and he found the store filling\nwith smoke,\n\nSwinehart gave the alarm to 4\npassing. motorist after he and his\nwhite fled from the building. His\nwife, Nellie, had her hair singed\nwhen she went back-to their room\nto get her busband's shoes.\n\nFiremen controtled the blaze and\nprevented is spread in a four-\nhour fight. Those suffering minor\ninjuries were Donald E. Abel, wha\nfell from a ladder; Howard Reas-\noner, overcome by smoke, and\nDonald Aydelotte, struck on the\nhead by a hose nozzle,\n\nFire Chief Miles Houghton esti-\n\nmated the loss at a quarter of a\nmillion dollars_ -\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 57.37399673461914, 1527.957763671875, 402.27777099609375, 2037.4578857421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "WINAMAC—James Puppas, 25,\nef South Bend, was charged with\ngrand larceny yesterday after he\nadmitted stealing some checks\nfrom a Freneesville IGA store last\nweek.\n\nSheriff Ralph Galbreath said\nPappas, who delivered goods to Lhe\nStore, admitted taking the checks,\nwhich had been cashed by the store\ndor customers, and cashing two of\nthem at a Monon bank.\n\nOne of the checks was for $64\naml tie other for a lesser amount,\nthe sheriff said. Just how many\nehecks were taken from the store\nbad not yet been determined.\n\nPappas waa arrested yesterday\nus he was delivering goods to the\nStore afler bank officials jdentified\nhim as the man who had cashed\nthe checks.\n\nHe was taken to the Cass coun-\nty jall, and was slated to be ar-\n\nrelgned io Pulaski circuit court\nJan. 2\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 409.30438232421875, 1131.8336181640625, 747.2478637695312, 1707.2049560546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "PERU—Final rites for Wil!lam\nN. Begley, 79, wil! be at the Leon\n5. Allen funeral home in Sunker\nHil at_2 p.m, Sunday. The Rev-\neren] Merle Sparger will officiate\nand burial will be in Springdale\ncemetery, west of Bunker Hill,\nFriends may call at the funeral\nhome after one o'clock this after.\nnoon,\n\nHis death at 1 a, m. Friday oc-\ncurred ut the home of his son,\nClaud Begley, near Bunker Hill,\nafter a six weeks’ Hiness.\n\nHis first marriage in Arkansas\nwas to Lucretia Richards whe died\nJuly 5. 1918, Later he married Lil.\nlie Walton who died in 1939.\n\nSurvivors are two sons: Willtam\nB., of California; Claud H., Bunk-\ner Till; two brothers and three sis-\nter: Esau, Arkansas; Thomas,\nCalifornia; Mra, James Ford, Cal-\nifernia; Mrs. 8. W. Hamby and\nMrs. Maud Hastings, Oklahoma.\nFour children, one brother and two\nsisters are deceased,\n\nHe was a member of the Baptist\nchurch in New Mexico.\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2123.3466796875, 305.15545654296875, 2422.7236328125, 427.00787353515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Three Melorists Fired\n'n Miami Court Friday:\nShanlifter Sentenced\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2463.654052734375, 176.83917236328125, 2806.8916015625, 265.358154296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Miami Board Rejects\nLiquer Apolication\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1097.5380859375, 1473.8726806640625, 1388.6951904296875, 1597.036376953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Three Elkhart Firemen\nSlightly Hurt Fighting\n$250,000 Store Blaze\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 756.0072631835938, 997.3992919921875, 1094.7568359375, 1083.9761962890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Christmas Programs For\nPeru Are Announced\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 407.0975036621094, 1847.782958984375, 747.6227416992188, 2205.987548828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "WASHTNGTON (—The Veterans\nAdministration Friday restored\n$329 monthly compensation pay-\nments to James Kutcher of. New-\nark, N. J., a legless World War 11\nveteran, The VA had suspended\nthe payments Nov, 30 pending an\ninvertigation of Kutcher’s loyalty.\n\nThe VA said its chtef ‘benefit of-\nficer had ordered the payments re-\ninstaled ont, of “a sense o7 fair\nplay and to prevent hardship\" af-\nfier Kutcher’s lawyers protested\nthe suspension.\n\nStill ahead, however, is a formal\ndetermination of whether Kutcher\nhas forfeited his right to the bene-\nfits,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 410.3441162109375, 993.5413208007812, 723.07861328125, 1120.0926513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "‘William N. Begley, 79,\nDies At Bunker Hill;\nFinal Services Sunday\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1446.561767578125, 1581.1927490234375, 2777.741455078125, 3388.32080078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\nthat lets your man\nchoose his own\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nSmart Santas have found the perfect solution\n\nto the problem of a gift for that epecial man—\n\na gift certificate. Here’s the way to get him the\nnew clothing he needs—and still allow him to\n\n‘choose his own gift. Gift certificates are available\n\n \n\nin any denomination.\n\n \n \n\nvu\nperen .\n\nDREENSFELDER\n\nCL ROTH L2 Fr,\n\n++. WHERE HE BUYS FOR HIMSELF\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 411.236328125, 2221.558349609375, 743.6503295898438, 2302.845458984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Linderman Rites To Be\nHeld Al Pern Monday\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 429.89154052734375, 2628.825927734375, 1081.4710693359375, 3392.452880859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "May this season bring\nyou and all your Joved\n\nbo ones, much Happiness!\n\n \n\nYEAZEL’S\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2125.29638671875, 1036.05029296875, 2465.080078125, 1237.374267578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "CONNERSVILLE, Ind. (P—Ru-\nral Mailman E. C. Hopkins\ncouldn't make out one scrawled\naddress on a Christmas card In\nhis pack so put it into his ‘‘nixey\nbox\" awaiting a second look. On\nhis return from bis route the entire\npostoffice staff gathered to tell him\nthey'd figured out the hame of the\naddressee. It was E. C. Hankins.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 404.9579772949219, 2306.648193359375, 741.9820556640625, 2554.604248046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "PERU—Final rites for J. A. Lin\nderman will be at 2 p.m. Mon.\naay at the Eikenberry funera!\nhome. The Reverend A. H. Gall\nmeler will officiate and burlal wil\nIbe in Lutheran cemetery.\n' His death occurred Friday in\n‘Sheboygan, Wis. Survivors are his\n| wife, the former Camilla Lindner,\n‘whom he married here in 1924, 4\nsister, Daisy Elliott, of Elmira,\nNew York, also survives.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1099.209716796875, 998.6181030273438, 1436.2689208984375, 1456.4508056640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Methodist church held a Christmas\ndinner at the home of Mrs. James\nKay. Co-hoslesses were Mrs, Ar-\nthur Sprinkle and Mrs. Gifford\nDavis.\n\nFo'lowing the dinner Mrs. Maude\nWilson conducted the business\nmecting. Five dollars was donated\nto the W, L. §, Neighbor’s Club.\n\nThe lesson was given by Mrs.\nMaggie Cree and Mrs. Fern Hen-\nry. A poem, “Life's Road,\" was\nread by Berneice Davis. Sunshine\nboxes were filled for Mary Robin-\nson and Roscoe Sprinkle.\n\nMrs. Wilson won the contest\nprize. Gifts were exchanged by the\nll members and two guests Mrs.\nElla Crockelt and Mrs. Ruby Rife.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Joe Pyle and Jack\nare spending Christmas with rela-\ntives in Champaign, Illinois.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 407.0343017578125, 1719.3663330078125, 691.5283203125, 1841.987548828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "legless Veteran Gets\nRenefits Restored\nAt Least Temnorarily\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 429.1502990722656, 157.43931579589844, 1424.82958984375, 893.170166015625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2463.277587890625, 275.2032775878906, 2804.157958984375, 620.5745239257812 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "PERU—Appiication for g beer\nand wine permit for a new co'ored\nrestaurant at 602 W. Second. St.,\nwas turned down by the Mian\nCounty Alcoholic Beverage Board.\n\nMembers of the Board declared\nthat denial was mandatary since\nan engineer's drawing of the area\nshowed thut 96.1 per cent was ras-\nidential and 3.9 per cent was com-\nmercial.\n\nThe Board members also said\nthey wou'd deny an appication for\na new beer and wine permit re-\nquested by Lawvence 2\nHudsen for the formes\nrestaurant at 98 E. WN’\n\n \n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1099.532958984375, 2282.240966796875, 1437.8768310546875, 2451.482421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "GARY, Ind. &t—The body of Vir-\ngi L. Gambil, 40, a stock foreman\nat the Gary works of U.S. Stee!\nCorp., was found Thursday under\na load of ore in a bin, Plant offi-\neials said he apparently had fallen\naslpeep in the bin and the ore had\nbeen dumped over him.\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2117.783935546875, 168.54397583007812, 2464.14697265625, 292.89404296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "taken Friday and-he ls expected to\nbe released today.\n\nMrs, Ivan Rock and haby were\njtaken to their home in the Foster\n\nfambulance’ from the Woodlawn\n‘ hospital.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2475.905517578125, 810.5614624023438, 2792.727783203125, 1554.7899169921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n\n~ ROMEO\n\nSHOE SHOP\n\n300 Fifth Street\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 107.20909118652344, 2057.837158203125, 351.87713623046875, 2107.886474609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Twelve Mile\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1105.6612548828125, 2461.278564453125, 1416.5244140625, 3407.856201171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n\nCALVARY PRESBYTERIAN\nCHURCH\n\nSevemih und Spencer Streats\n\nHarold J. King, Minister\n\nInvites You To Its\nChristeras Services\n\nChristmas Eve\nCandlelight Service\n\nA different hour of beauty, and\nimaginatian in the finest\nProtestant Tradition.\n\n‘ 10:30 p. m.\n\nEveryone Welcome\nkeke\nChristmas Sunday\nFamily Worship\n\nSPEC(AL MUSIC\nBopti:m of Infants\nSERMON;\n“The Wider OF The Whe Men”\n10:45 9. m,\nGed Bless You\nEveryonel\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 73.6249771118164, 143.01632690429688, 410.97412109375, 341.40594482421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Adams Bureau Has\nDecember Meeting\n\nMrs. Kime Takes S And E\ndership\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2137.841064453125, 1263.8797607421875, 2455.059326171875, 1545.59716796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Christian Science\n\nReading Room\n\n302 Barnes Office\nBuilding\n\nHours: 11:30 to 4 Daily Except\nSunday, Wednesday, Holidays\n\nTel. 4384\n\nPublic Welcome\n" }, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 838.9208984375, 1456.6279296875, 1003.5725708007812, 1507.64599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Walton\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 63.49282455444336, 1328.4404296875, 384.0021057128906, 1465.3077392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Held for Theft\nOf Some Checks\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1180.15673828125, 2252.236328125, 1353.899658203125, 2275.130126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "BODY IN NRE\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1444.5186767578125, 157.25698852539062, 2112.698486328125, 216.4237060546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "ROCHESTER wc, Bo EE ous\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 2465.297119140625, 653.0926513671875, 2808.419921875, 761.6297607421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": " \n\nNEW YORK Ut—From 1,220 to\n1,360 children probably were s-ved\nfrom infantile paralysis b- the\nalk vaecine procram in 7835, a\ntudy Indicated yest\n\n \n\n \n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 412.70709228515625, 2560.135498046875, 744.041748046875, 2599.387451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Read the Classified Ads.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 63.018272399902344, 1463.6551513671875, 399.4211730957031, 1521.116943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "South Bend Man: In Jail\nHere For Pulaski Ca.\n" }, "41": null, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 2562.72265625, 635.0211181640625, 2711.328125, 651.6415405273438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Yonn eaves\n" }, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 29 ], [ 7, 9 ] ]
[ 5596.230328125001, 7380.7880859375 ]
[ [ 2, 29 ], [ 7, 9 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1608.7002138671876, 1975.412494140625, 2294.979107421875, 3914.3621640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (P—If William F.\nLydon's story checks out, the\nArmy has a 59-year-old private on\nits harmds.\n\nLydon, a slight, bespectacled\nelevator operator, turned up at 1st\nArmy headquarters on Governors\nIsland Monday. He told an MP on\nduty there:\n\n“I want to give myself up. I've\nbeen AWOL from the Army since\n1928, and nov my _ conscience\nbothers me so much I’ve got to\ngo in and face it.’\n\nSurprised Army authorities as-\n\nsigned Lydon to a “‘casual detach-\nment” and restricted him to the\nisland while they checked his case\nThis might take some time, a\n;Spokesman said, since records\n‘dating back that far are probably\nburied somewhere in archives at\nKansas City\n\nLydon told Army officials he\n\nenlisted at Boston in 1928 and was\ntasstoned te Pt: Scott; RE White or\n|pass one day with other soldiers.\njhe said, he drank too much and\njaverstayed his leave by two days\n\nAshamed and afraid to face\nArmy discipline, he decided to stay\naway\n\n“I went back to Boston, bought\ncivvies and did railroad and con-\nstruction work,” he recalled ‘‘The\nArmy didn’t trace me A couple of\nyears later I came to New York.\nmet my wife and settled here“\n\nThe Army spokesman said the\nstatute of lmitations on a peace-\ntime desertion will probably spare\nLydon any punishment ‘We'll\nhave to give him a_ discharge,\nthat’s all.” he added.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2977.39271875, 2731.47230859375, 3626.6492734374997, 5105.1395078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "GREENWOOD, Miss A ~— A\n| Brand jury expected to complete\n‘its investigation and report today\nin the case of Emmett Tiil, a 14-\nyear-old Chicago Negro, and the\nbody that may be his.\n\nWitnesses called to appear were\nDr L. B Otken, a white physician\nWHO examined” the “ body” pulled\nfrom the Tallahatchie River, and\nChester A. Miller, a Negro morti-\ncian at the Century Burial Assn.,\nwhich hand'ed the body\n\nTill’s relatives claimea the body\nwas that of the youth, who was\nabducted by two white men after\nhe whistled at a white woman The\nabduction occurred Aug 28 and\nthe body was found three days\n\nater\nDist Atty Gerald Chatham said\n\nDr. Otken told him he doubted a\n. body could detemorate as much in\nthree days as the body pulled from\nthe river\n\nSheriff H. C. Strider, who ap-\npeared before the grand jury in\nSumner Monday, said the body\n|appeared to be that of an older\nperson\n\nChatham and Strider are offi-\ncials of Tallahatchie County, where\nthe body was found.\n\nTwo men charged with kidnap-\ning Till are held in Leflore County\n‘Jail here with a precautionary\nguard of National Guardsmen and\ndeputies patrolling the grounds\nThe cordon was established after\nboth Strider and Leflore County\nSheriff George Smith received\nthreats against the two\n\nHeld are Roy Bryant, 24-year-old\nstorekeeper whose wife was in-\nvolved in the whistling incident,\n‘and hrs half-brother, J. W. Milam,\n; 36. of Glendora The whistling took\nI place in Bryant’s store in the near-\nby Money commuaity.\n\nl Bryant and Milam, who have\nsaid they freed the youth, have\nhad no statement since the body\n, Was found\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 257.5414614257812, 923.3674501953125, 938.16929296875, 3519.3379941406247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "By WILLIAM BRADY, M.D.\n\nMind, now, credulous ones, I do\nmot say that chronic arthritis may\nnot happen now and then, although\nno medical authority, so far as\nI am aware, sustains by sound\n.. pathology.a-diagnosis. of “chronic.\n\narthritis’ as a specific ailment.\n\n¥ do say, and I think I cai sus-.\ntain this statement with sound\npathology, that in most cases pur\nporting to be “chronic arthritis,”\nthere is not now and there has.\nnot been any indication of inflam-\nmation of the joint tissues (except\nfrom accidental cause}, and there-\nfore the joint disability {s not\n“arthritis” at all. In at least nine)\ncases out of ten, joint disability\nof more than a year in duration is\nactually what I call rheumatiz.\nrheumatiz, if you please, not rheu-\nmatism\n\nI’m sorry about the word, but\nT’ve learned by experience how dif-\nficult it is ta persuade people to\nuse a new word or to correct |\nwrong use of an old one Probably,\nninety-nine out of a hundred vend.\ners do not use the words cri and\nvite and have no idea what the\nwords mean. And it took many\nyears to persuade newspaper peo-\nple to quit calling amnesia ‘‘apha-\nsia.”\n\nNevertheless, I hope every read-\ner with joint disability of long du-\nration will send me a stamped.\nself-addressed envelope and ask\nfor the pamphlet Calcium and!\nRheumatiz. Please do so, even if}\nyou have been through the best |\nadvertised clinic or are being\ntreated for ‘“‘arthritis’’ by the most\npretentious trick specialist in town. |\n\nThe common kind of joint dis-\nability I call rheumatiz develops\n{nsidiously It creeps up on you.\nExcept with accident or strain\nthere is nothing inflammatory\nabout the joint trouble, just a\ngradual development of soreness.\nlameness, pain, and _ disability\nthrough a period of months or\nyears. In-short, the trouble is\nphysical degeneration of joint tis-\nsues,\n\nFor that matter ae ai «student\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1620.2021669921876, 4145.0968203125, 2300.85191015625, 5296.005230468751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "MIAMI. Fla Ww — Hurricane\nFlora, a well-behaved lady, was\nmaking a sweeping curve today\nthat wil} keep it in the open Atlan-\nfic and away from the American\nmainland\n\n“This storm is not a threat to\nany part of the United States\ncoast \"' the Miami Weather Bureau\nreported\n\n“Flora should get into an upper\nair current flowing from the\nsouth.” forecaster Cecil Gentry\nsaid ‘‘This should head it further\nnorth while it {is still well away\nfrom the coast\"\n\nIt was roughly a thousand mil-s\nfrom the nearest mainland point,\ncket, and about 560 miles\nsoutheast of Bermuda.\n\nPacking 100-mile winds. it\nslipped off its northwestern path\nMonday night and began the..turn\nto north. If the curve continues ft\nshould pass Bermuda to the east.\nweathermen said\n\n \n \n \n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3635.0245546875, 901.459857421875, 4289.59409765625, 3588.3421445312497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "BUCYRUS, Ohio u—There were\nno serious injuries to be found to-\nday after a freight train and pas.\nsenger train of the Pennsylvania\nline crashed near here Monday\nmorning.\n\nThat was the report after res.\ncuers and doctors checked over\nthe cuts, bruises and two minor\nfractures produced in the crackup\nof the 19-car Manhattan Limited\nfour miles west of this north cen-\ntral community.\n\nThe Pennsylvania Railroad train.\nmoving at a 70 m p.h. elip, plowed\ninto a derailed freight train about\nsix miles west of here, throwing\npassenger and mail cars into a\ncrazy jumble in an adjoining oat\nfield.\n\nAn extra train erew aboard\nStarted through the derailed cars,\nhelping passengers thrown from\nberths or seats,\n\nA fleet of school buses, taxis\nand ambulances was formed to\nevacuate the 200 passengers from\nthe wreck.\n\nTwenty-six persons went to City\nHospital here for treatment. The\nfive most seriously hurt were held\novernight for observation, but hos-\npital authorities said they proba-\nbly will be released today. :\n\nCause of the accident was not\nknown. One theory suggested that\none or more cars of the freight\nderailed as the two trains passed\n\nMail and baggage cars on the\nlimited were the most senously\ndamaged. None of the passenger\ncars overturned.\n\nThe passenger train’s engineer,\nJ D. Kelly, 60, of Fort Wayne,\nInd., and fireman G. H. Harms of\nBucyrus both suffered bruises an\nanrasions in the accident and re.\nturned to their homes after treat.\nment.\n\n. » Heyvis..gaid—he—saw something |\non the track ahead just before the\ncrash, and yelled a warning to\nKelly before running back to the:\nengine room. |\n_ Fire broke out in the fumbied,\ncars about eight hours after the!\nwreck, hampering repair work, un- '\ntil it was extinguished. |\n\nThe passenger train was travel-\ning from New York to Chicnen |\n\n} f\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1017.5467529296875, 6242.37353515625, 2258.759033203125, 7282.3505859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "| 1,500,000\n\n| More than a million and a half\n| folks like you get cash they need\n| at HFC every year.\n\nHERE’S WHY: $20 to $500 without endorsers « Sensible\ni ferms « Up to 24 months to repay « Loans for any good reason\n| Fast, friendly, one-day service «Backedby 77 yeors' experience\n\nNeed money? Bills to pay? Call HFC today! ——-\n\nr OUSEHOLD FINANCE\n\n. 1605 ritth avande\nSohrbeck Bldg, “1 2nd Floor Dial 4-2464\n\naS aasha franme\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2306.257220703125, 4547.0685, 2970.6710019531247, 5399.987652343751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "County Juage Lawrence’ L\nPhares this morning approved an-\nnexation petitions, signed by 31\nfesidents, for an area in the gen-\neral area of 47th St . between 26th\nand 28th Aves, to become part of\n\n| the Moline incorporated area.\n| The area is known as the east\n| half of the Clarence W Weaver\nae addition and all of the Car\nence W Weaver Ist addition.\nPetitions asking annexation to\n- the city were filed in County Court\ni Aug. 8. At that time, the public\nhearing was set for 10 this morn-\ning There were no objections\ni The annexation becomes effec-\ntrve 30 days after approval now\ny the City CH:\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4283.11293359375, 2771.48988671875, 4934.744976562501, 4051.1495175781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "| CINCE~**TI w—More than 500!\n“employes of the Hamulton Tailomng\nCo. are lending $100,000 to their\n, employer. |\nMembers of the CIO Amalga-\nmated Clothing Workers voted the\nfunds after the company became\n| short of cash after recent acquisi-\ntions, a company official said.\n| The money was turned over to\nthe tailoring coneern by Jack\n/Krol, chairman of the Cincinnati\n,Amalgamated Clothing Workers\n| Board, who is better known na-\n‘tionally as director of the CIO\n| Political Action Committee.\n\nStarting Wednesday, employes\nwill have 10 per cent of their pay\nchecks deducted as their share of\nthe loan. The company will pay\n\n' approximately $10,0% a month to\nthe union until the debt is erased.\nThe employes will receive deben-\nture bonds, paymng 3%, per cent\ninterest, to cover thelr payroll\n‘deduction loans.\n\n' Accompany official said the union\nafforded a more attractive proposi-\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4295.2255859375, 2535.025390625, 5545.712890625, 2763.135009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "500 Workers Lend $100,000\nTo Employer Short of Cash\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4931.57094140625, 2796.903705078125, 5596.230328125001, 3191.0372128906247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "tion than could have been obtained\nfrom a bank.\n\nHamulton Tailoring. does. a seven-\nmillion-dollar yearly business and\nclaims to be the largest madeto\nclaims to be the largest made-to-\nmeature clothing organization in\nthe world.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2985.89404296875, 2267.13037109375, 3605.84423828125, 2693.580078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Grand Jury\nTo Complete\nDeath Probe\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2302.16796875, 445.05206298828125, 2917.64794921875, 858.1493530273438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Reveal Big |\nScholarship\n\nProsoram\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1630.6465029296876, 5485.7061953125, 2303.562115234375, 6195.375835937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "SPRINGFIELD Tl] w — Detec-\ntive Sgt Byron Nolting stopped on\nhis way to work Monday to talk\nwith 5-year-old Terry Weller.\n\nTerry insisted that Nolting see\nhts ‘‘collection \"’ The boy produced\nan accumulation of parking tickets\ntaken from the windshields of cars\nat a municipal parking lot* Motor-\nists using the lot have been com\nplaining that a delinqueat notice in\n\n“knowtredpe\n\n \n\nof a parking violation.\n\n| Terry's mother assured police\nthat her son's collection would be\nstopped. .\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2302.703021484375, 904.9659609375, 2976.6106992187497, 4224.61558203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO ~The largest inde-\npendent college scholarship pro-\ngram in the history of American\neducation was armounced today.\n\nThe program, backed with initial\nfunds of 201% million dollars is de-\n\ned to locate young men and\nwomen of high aptitude and en-\nlable them to go to college regard-\n‘less of their financial means.\n| The prograny will be handled by:\n‘a corporation which will make an\n‘annual nationwide search for tal-\nent at the high school level. The\nfinancial support of business and\nindustry will be encouraged.\n\nSelection of winners will involve\na nationwide scholarship competi-\ntion in which all of the approxi-\nmately 25,000 secondary schools in\nthe United States, public and pri-\n‘vate, will participate on an equal\nbasis.\n| Plans for the program were an-\nnounced by John M. Stalnaker,\npresident, and Laird Bell, chair-\nman of the new National Merit\nScholarship Corp,\n\nBetween one-third and one-half\nof alt the funds invested in the\nprogram will go directly to col-\nleges and universities selected by\nthe award winners on the basis of\nfree choice.\n\nRe gene said the corporation's\ntial working funds came through\ngrants by the Ford Foundation and\nthe Carnegie Corp. of New York.\nStalnaker said each scholarship\ngranted .will carry an annual sup-\nplemental ‘cost of education”\n‘grant to the colleges and univer-\nsities selected by the scholarship\nwinners—the supplement roughly\nequalling the cost of tuition\n\nA spokesman said the program\nhas been endorsed by Albert Wil-\nlis, executive secretary of the I-\ninois High School Assn- and chalr-\nman of the contest and activities\ncommittee of the National Assn_\nof Secondary School Principals _\n\nStalnaker said that within the\nnext two weeks and every fall’\nfrom now on, the nation’s sec-.\ndary schools will be invited to\nName nromising candidates for\nscholarships.\n\nThe awards will give winning\nstudents the right to select any\naccredited college or university\nThey will vary from a token mini-\nmum of $100 a year if the stu-\ndent does not need financial as-\n‘sistance, to full tuition and hving\n' costs for four years.\n\nThe first scholarships are\nplanned before May 1, 1956 and the\nwinners will enter colleges of their\nchoice in September 1956\n| Statnaker predicted at least 200\nfour-year scholarships would be\ngrabbed the first year.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3643.64306640625, 452.4930725097656, 4224.017578125, 870.5701293945312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "No Serious |\nInjuries in\n\nTrain Crash\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2975.211669921875, 5129.62744140625, 3556.725830078125, 5297.54150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "iMeteorite Is\n‘Seen in Chicago\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 277.5780334472656, 443.34051513671875, 1595.3712158203125, 885.3922119140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Personal Health Service - - -\n\nSound Pathology,\n‘Chronic Arthritis\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2305.7451171875, 4260.7568359375, 2953.71484375, 4527.61572265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Approve Petitions\nFor Annexation\n\nOf Weaver Addn.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3011.0146484375, 484.0696716308594, 3611.160888671875, 1568.271484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1615.39794921875, 3945.148193359375, 2283.11279296875, 4123.796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "‘Flora’ Behaves\n\nLike Lady Should\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3632.072998046875, 3618.079345703125, 4162.08349609375, 3877.711181640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "‘Old Method of\n‘Picking Jobs\nJust as Good\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 187.5288543701172, 5155.3994140625, 955.8621826171875, 7380.7880859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\n$*) 90\n\nPlus Tox\n\nFor husband ond wife\nusing Greyhound's\nFomily Plont (teove\n\nMondoys, Tuesdays, Sy .\nWednesdoys)\njoy Air-Conditioned\n\ncok\ncomfort aboard Greyhound’s\nnew SCENICRUISER OF HIGHWAY\nTRAVELER!\nGREYHOUND TERMINAL\n1814 Sth Avenues, Ph. Moline 4- 6214\nhe, £. EWAN, Mgr.\n\n \n \n\ner i Bs by 4 £0\nhee a ae Bula\n\nTt AS\n\n\"GREYHOUND:\n\nViek. ove Ke\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3625.484515625, 3916.652728515625, 4275.9813046875, 4857.58628515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "| SAN FRANCISCO u—Psycholo-\n\n| gists’ methods of picking jobs for\n\n{men in business are no better than\n_the old-fashioned way used by the\n\"boss fn choosing workers. a lead.\ner of the profession asserted Mon-\n| day night.\n\nThe batteries of tests used by\n| the psychologists, mainly stace\n, World War II, have not done well\nin fitting men into jobs, said Dr\n, Lee J. Cronbach of the Univer-\n| mity of Illinois. He said that's large-\njty because they cannot predict the\nbehavior of a worker tn his ass:gn-\nment without knowing what the job\n,will demand of him\n\nDr Cronbach addressed the\nAmerican Psychological Assn He\n‘is its president-elect.\n\nRlacdp Tarweniu kas 1079 emmilae nf\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2997.430908203125, 5793.73486328125, 3613.230224609375, 7301.60546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe Newly Decorated\n‘ and Air-Conditioned\n\nLeClaire Hotel\nCOFFEE\nSHOP\n\n- Noon-Day Luncheon |\n\nTomorrow - Wednesday\n‘Enjoy\nKOETTBULLAR\n(Swedish Meat Balls )\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1620.361083984375, 5329.751953125, 2181.039794921875, 5470.22119140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "[-CottecttonF c oo\n‘Be Stopped, NOW\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1616.3140869140625, 1521.8648681640625, 2247.145751953125, 1942.669921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Man Claims\nHe’s AWOL\nSinee 1928\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2981.355853515625, 5317.78969140625, 3624.2925839843747, 5715.196148437501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "4 -\nben = ie:\n1 sembed as having a green tail\n| streaked across Chicago's sky at\n9 15 o'clock Monaay night.\nObservers at Midway airport\nsaid it came out of the northeast,\ntook a westerly heading and made\na 30 degree arc as it disappeared.\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 975.3815307617188, 5474.79345703125, 1613.7257080078125, 6171.796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "ee ee ee ee ee\n\nSERVISOFT\nSOFT WATER SERVICE\non a low-cost\n\nPg C2\n, TWESOPRIN-THE WATER FOR-TOUT® >\n- 7 oy.\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3650.74951171875, 4956.4228515625, 4874.158203125, 7319.47900390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n\n° :\na\nAMPA ets PICRIFVIAARIM EVSDY mite AT &£ ON Wahke TY\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 943.0219912109375, 941.3775209960937, 1618.0096250000001, 3509.2447324218747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "}of, though by no means an au-\nthority on pathology, I question |\n‘the validity of the concept of,\nchronic inflammation in any cir-\ncumstance. In every such instance,\nthe actual condition, I believe, is\n‘not inflammation at all, but degen-\neration. If I'm wrong about this,\nT'll be grateful to physician or\npathologist who can or will set\nme right — and needless to say,’\nI'll never reveal the identity of\nsuch mentor without his or her\nwritten consent.\n\nDegeneration is thus defined in\nStedman's Medical Dictionary:\n\nA retrogressive pathological\nchange in cells or tissues in con-\nsequence of which the function-\ning power is lost and the living\nsubstance becames converted\ninto an inert mass.\n\n(Dr. Stedman meant to say the\nfunctioning power is impaired, |\nFm sure.)\n\nAs I indicate in the pamphlet,\nthe cause of the joint degenera-\ntion which IT call rheumatiz {fs nu-\ntritional deficiency through the\nyears from early childhood up to\nand including bedtime snack to-\nnight. That is to say, insufficient\ndaily intake of calcium, sunshine\nvitamin D, vitamin B complex and\niodine.\n\nQUESTIONS & ANSWERS\nPraise from Pastor’s Sister\n\nI have many of your pam-\nphiets which have helped me to\nkeep fit and enjoy good health and\nhappiness. I, too, say God bless\nyou, Doctor, for vour stand and\n‘Temperance and W C T.U work |\nDr. ... ., of the . . . Church\nhere, is my brother... (Mrs ..)\n\nANSWER — Thank you. Ma'am\nbut you had better be careful If\nthe religious leaders ef the com-;\nmunity were to find out about!\nthis, your brother might be out ”\nhis ear\n\n(John F. Dille Co., National]\nNewspaper - Syndicate.)\n\n(Write to Dr Brady in care of\nthis newspaper. Address: “Dr\nWilliam Brady. The Moline Dis\n\nnatrh Malina Ti) °*}\n\n‘\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4319.17822265625, 4085.503662109375, 4886.53173828125, 4874.9150390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "PAUL C.\nJOHNSON\n\nx REAL ESTATE\nINSURANCE\n\nPhone 4-7463\n419 Sixteenth St.\n\nMoline\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2317.583251953125, 5452.1640625, 2832.627197265625, 5537.85595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Williston Dies\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 4939.40771484375, 5341.99462890625, 5590.6328125, 7332.40087890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Fryer ene\n\n= ->\nCLIP THIS COUPON 7\n\ni HILLS BROS. |\ni FOLGERS ;\n\nr\na\nH a\n\ni YOUR CHoIcE }\n\n9.8485)\n\ni WITH THIS COUPON\n;. Wednesday, Sept. 7th ;\na a @a*\nH ’ CLIP THIS COUPON '\n' DROMEDARY |!\n$=. White — Yellow\nChocolate\n\n| CAKE MIX :\n\n2.-39°\n\nTH THIS'COUPON =f\n‘ Wednesday, Sept. 7th {\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2322.775146484375, 6643.61328125, 2963.342041015625, 7321.6708984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n\nRaw\nion SS Sores. it er\n\n \n\nEee\n\nNB ce ae\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 283.1343078613281, 3541.639404296875, 1569.4652099609375, 5022.45458984375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Raw.\n\n \n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1639.473388671875, 451.990966796875, 2273.36572265625, 1429.4920654296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 4315.2734375, 474.6750183105469, 5549.09228515625, 561.3173217773438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Ads Like Windows on Busy Streets\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 4331.646625, 591.9027895507812, 5566.997417968751, 2496.0018125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "ver go Wwindow-shoppings\n* Maybe you think you're not a window-shopper. Just the\nsame, you probably stop and look at a window now and then\neven when you are in a hurry. °\n\nIn reading through a newspaper, ads are just like show\nwindows on a busy street. The first job is to attract your\nattention. The second is to interest you. The third is to con-\nvince you..about the values and services displayed.\n\nThere jw absolutely no way to know what sort of ads you\nprefer unless you tell us. We could send everyone around to\nyour fiolse to Interview you. You'd probably take the time\nand be polite and answer their questions. It is much more\nConverfent for you if you will fill out your Opinion Form\neach evening as you read the paper and send it in at the end\n\n“of the week. Tre\n\n$1050 in cash awards to readers whose opinions are nearest\nto what the most readers decide are best. $50 ,each stweek,\nplus the Jackpot if you have a perfect score. Enter each\nweek. Clip ballot fn Dispatch each Monday.\n\nThe following “Ad Survey” tirms havo ads in this Issue. Read\neach one carefully and decide which, in each category, you think\nis best. See new List {n this space each day.\n\nLARGE ADS (Select 1) SMALL ADS (Select 1)\nBide & Kuhl Anderson Orthepedie Service\n~- Ray Anderson, Radio & TV\n\ntllinots Posieal Elmer's Wallpoper & Paints\nlowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co. Goethal's Clothing & Shoes\n{laundry Equip.) Holst Kakert\n\n(Fine Upholstering)\nMEDIUM ADS (Select 1) Holst Kokert\n\nBaker's Dairy (Furniture Cleaning)\n\nEsterdahi's Mortuary Holst ee wn Carpet)\n\nlowariflinois Gas & Electric Co. LeClaire Hotel\n\nMoline Institute of Commerce Merdian’s Home Fashionette\nMoline Paint Manufacturing Co. The Plantation\n\nNovak's -Pre-Cast Concrete Co.\nOakleaf - Tarbox ae Floor Coverings\nParadise Theater Select Cleaners\n\nSherwin - Williams Twenty - Third Avenue TY\n\nlf NO perfect score has been received\nJACKPOT THIS WEEK WILL BE $200.00\n" }, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 3636.181537109375, 4814.53578515625, 4277.02964453125, 4917.415386718751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "New Jersey has 1,972 miles of\nrailroad.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 338.7841491699219, 904.4852905273438, 906.1223754882812, 948.50390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Pe WITT TAM RRANDY WMD,\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 4940.5146484375, 3298.857177734375, 5591.966796875, 5551.18603515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO\nBUTCHERS\n\n1519-6th Ave., Moline\n\nWHY PAY MORE?\nCHECK OUR\nLOW PRICES\nCLIP THESE\n\nCOUPONS\nWednesday, Sept. 7th\n\nae\n\nCUP THIS COUPON ss!\n| WHEATLAND |\n\nBUTTER\nFinest 55:.\n\ni WITH THIS COUPON |\na Wednesday, Sept. 7th !\nr ms\n; CLIP THIS COUPON '\n' OSCAR MAYER F\n: SLICED ’\n\n: BACON :\n:\n\n§ Pound c\n§ Sealed 5 ‘\n* Package Ib. a\n\n1 WITH THIS COUPON §\n\na epi.\nim vr ao!\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2310.987548828125, 5756.1767578125, 2967.28125, 6618.076171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "terms beginning in 1920 and fou\n‘terms beginning in 1940—died Mon\nday He was T2.\n\n| = =MOLINF DAILY OISPATCH\nEstablished (sl\n\nPublished every afternuun except Sun\nday oy the Muline Uispatch Pubilshing\nCu 17% bitty Avenue Adlne, O1 En\ntered as secuno ciass matter at the Aluline\noustuffice under the act ul March 8% 1873\n| Mali rates: Olnets and lows $10.00 one\nyear $6.00 six months: $3 3 three munths\n50 une munth All other states $18.2\nme vear: $3.10 six munths: $4155 three\nmunths; $1 7 une munth\n\nAD mafl subscriptions must be pald t\nadvance\n\n \n\n \n\nNotice Sobscribers\nyuo du oot cecelve your cupy uf the\nVispaich al whe reguial Ouur please phune\nthe Multne ut East Mulne office beture\n6.15 p.m and e ecupy will be delivered t&\nvou by Special ¢gelivery oc messenger.\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 2313.102435546875, 5563.9503359375, 2979.8689999999997, 5895.672222656251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO u—George A Willis-\nton, a Chicago Republican who\nserved 14 years in the INinois\nHouse of Representatives—three\nterms beginning in 1920 and four\nterms beginning in 1940—died Mon-\nday He was T2.\n" }, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 3, 7 ] ]
[ 10711.15625, 14242.459859375 ]
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 5612.0166015625, 4368.830078125, 9370.5439453125, 4687.92529296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Hodges Sees No Budget Cut\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 8112.57871484375, 4756.3809609375, 9381.850484375, 6466.07265234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "asking the same concessions, but\nfailed to get what they wanted.\n\nWhen the average person thinks\nof State employed law enforce-\nment officers he is apt to think on-\nly of the patrol and SBI, forgetting\nthat many guards and night watch-\nmen on the State payroll have pow-\ner of arrest. Blanket bills design-\ned to protect a good sheriff, often\nrun into trouble because they must\nbe written to apply to “‘law en-\nforcement officers'’’—and that in-\ncludes some pretty sorry consta-\nbles and policemen.\n\nHowever worthy the motive that\ninspired the bill or the immediate\nneed it is designed to fill, there is.\nalways some astute commit tae\nmember to point out the danger.\nof setting a precedent.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 8122.48740625, 6666.5313515625, 9379.6502890625, 7708.04433203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "A generation of nuclear giants\ncan be one of moral infants, says,\nDr. Roy McClain in his Baptist\nHour radio message “Epnitaphs”’,\non station WTSB Saturday morp-\ning at 9:00 o'clock. _\n\nDr. MeClain uses epitaphs of\npeople who have missed the mark\nin life because they were too busy\nmaking a living. He thus emphasiz-\nes the urgency of developing the\nspiritual side of ‘life along with\nthe material.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5571.4610390625, 4915.7852578125, 6839.469625, 7539.4881796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "- LONG RANGE — Governor\nHodges made it clear to report-\n\ners at his Jatest news conference\nthat he is more concerned about\nthe long range tax and appropri-\nation policies than about immedi-\nate effects of any particular bill.\nHe expressed the hope that the\nGeneral Assembly will hold spend-\ning down to a minimum, but that\nany cuts will not be deep enough\nto endanger essential phases of\nthe State’s educational and deve-\nlopment programs. He does not\nthink there can be very much cut\noff the budget recommended $425\nmillion for general fund purposes\nduring the next biennium, but he\nhas no quarrel with minor adjust-\nments and transfers of some i-\ntems, so long as the items con-\ntribute to the objectives of con-\ntinued growth.\n\nHe called for thoneueh study\nleading to simplification and mod-\nernization of the State tax struc-\nture. ‘‘Nobody can be proud of the\nexisting situation,’’ he said. ‘North\nCarolina has acquired an unhdescer-\nved ‘bad reputation’ because it has\ndone a poor job of publicizing the\nimpact of combined State and lo-.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4291.2715859375, 828.0012612304688, 5566.7967734375, 7805.729390625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Seg TID\n\n. NOTICE. OF, ELECTSON TO\nENLARGE THE BOUNDARIES OF\n\nLUMBERTON CITY SCHOOL\n\nADMINISTRATIVE UNIT TO BE\n\nCOTERMINOUS WITH\n\nBOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF\n| LUMBERTON\n\nNotice fs hereby given that an elec\nHon will be held on the First Tues-\nday after the I*irst Monday in May,\n19545. for the purpose of detarmining\nWhether the boundarles of the School\nDistrict known as the Lamberton\nCity School Administrative Unit shall\nhe enlarged so as to make the Luin-\nberton City Sehool Administrative\nUnit distriet eotermtnous with the\ncorporate limits of the City of Lum-\nberton, as sald corporate Ifmits bhe-\ncame effective at twelve o'clock mid-\nhight, December 15, 1941, by ordinance\nof the City of “Lumberton, N.C.\nQualified voters residini: in the fol\nlowing deserihed area shall be eligible\nto vote:\n\n2 ‘That area enelnsea within the pre-\n, sent corporate Hinits of the City of\n; Lumberton, N. C. (as said-limits were\n, extended by ordinance of the City of\n\" Lamberton effective twelve. o'clock\nMidnight, December 15, 2944) which\nis outside the praesent boundarles of\nthe School District known as the\nLumberton City School Adminiatra-\nlive Unit, which present boundaries\nof snid School District are as follows:\n\nBeginning at a atake, snid stake\nbeing North S85 degrees and 45 minutes\nWest about 576 feet from the inter-\nsection of Carthage Rond and 19th\nStreet and runs thence to with and\nbeyond the center of 19th Street\nSouth 835 degrees and 45 minutes Kast\nabout 7240 fect to a stake, said stake\nbeing about 320 feet southeast of the\neconter of the Elizabethtown Road,\nthence South 4 degrees and 15 min-\nutes West ahout’ 5620 feet, to and\nWith the east line of Rozier Street,\nto a stake, thenea South 58 derrees\nand 15 minutes West crossing the\nSAL RR and Chippewa St. about\n2600 feet to a stake, thence to, with\nund beyond the center of Noir Street\ncrossing the Fairmont Road between\nKinlaw and Campbell Streets about\nNorth 64 degrees and 04 minutes West\nabout 5575 feet to a stake, thence\nNorth 4 degrees and 13 minutes East\ncrossing the SAL RR and WU. S. high-\nways No. T4 and 301 near the Roube-\nson Mfg. Co. about 6150 feet to the\nbeginning.\n\nQualified voters residing within the.\nabove describe area within the pre-\nstent corporate limits of the City of:\n_Lumberton, but outside the present\nboundaries of the School District\nknown as the Lumberton City School\nAdministrative Unit are hereby noti-\nfied that said clection shall be on the\nquestion of enlarging the boundaries\nof said School District to be conter-\nminous with the present corporate\nlimits of the City of Lumberton, as\nsaid corporate limits became effective\ntwelve oclock midnight, December\n1h, 1954; and that if a mafority of\nthose residing in the above described\narea Who shall vote thereon = shall\nvote in favor of such enlargement,\nSuld district shall thereupon become\ncoterminous with the presengs = cor-\nporate limits of the City of Lumber-\nton, N. C.\n\nSaid qualified voters residing in\nsald area are further notified that:\nsaid election shall be upon the ques-\ntion as to whether an annual tax of\nJoc-on the $100.00 valuation of pro-\nperfy, such as js now levied by the\nCity of Lumberton to supplement the\nSchool funds of the ,.Lumberton City\nSchool Administrative Unit, shall be\nJevied In aid area for the purpose\nof supplementing the funds for the\nnine monti.s schvol term for said dis-\ntrict A vote in favor of the enlarge-\nment Of said district shal] be deem-\ned and held to be a vote in favor of\nthe levy of said tax.\n\nSaid election which is called for\nMay 3 1955, will be held in the Court\nAlouse. Polls will be oper at 6:30\no'cloc] A. ML. and will closesat 6:20\novock P. M. The following will be\nJudges of lection Miss Kythel Pitt-\nman, Mrs Jimmy Willams and Mrs,\nJ. M. Parsons,\n\nkhuth S. Atkinson\n: City Clerk\nAL-99. Awl” \"Luo\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 417.2173767089844, 11421.8173828125, 1591.8875732421875, 13866.7294921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "{\n\n \n\n| AUTO\n: FINANCING |\n| REFINANCING |\n\nNEW CARS 5%\nInstallment Loan Dept.\n\nScottish \"Bank\n\nMember FDIO\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 8198.4677734375, 10227.87109375, 10512.849609375, 13894.3125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "an mata\n\nREDUCE\n\nnis\n\nere OF\n\nAuto! r uy me\n\na\n\n \n\nREGA\ntly fir\n\nhow your\nance ed W we can\n\nel oo AN\n\ncar \\\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 6835.5381875, 4716.954203125, 8119.56581640625, 13991.823140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "cal tax burden in comparison with\nother States,\"’ he continued. When\nthe whole picture is presented\nNorth Carolina compares very fa-\nvorably.\n\nComponent parts of the overall.\npicture which have not been ad-\nequately portrayed include State\nsupport of schools and highways\n— burdens which fall heavily up-\non local units most places. Anoth-\ner important item is that North\nCarolina has already provided ma-\n\nny of the permanent facilities\nwhich other States must yet pay\nfor, justifying the: conclusion that\nour tax schedules are less likely\nto be upped in the near future.\nAfter all the kind things are\nsaid, and all the best features\nof the combined State-local tax\nburden ‘explained, the fact re-\nmains that in many respects our\ntax structure is ‘‘out-dated and’\nconfused.”\n\nMODERNIZATION — The Gov-\nernor is pleased with the attitude\nof the Legislature on this point-\nSeveral bills are pending, which\nmay be consolidated into one, pro-\nviding for a permanent tax stu-\ndy commission to work with the\nDepariments of Tax Research and.\nRevenue in much the same way\nthe Advisory Budget Commission.\nworks with the Budget Bureau. |\n\nBills are in preparation to re-\n‘write the entire sales tax article\nto eliminate confusion, and to in-\ncorporate in the statutes many of\nihe processes and provisions which\nhave been handled by administra-\ntive rulings. Also in the legisla-\ntive mill are proposals to’ revise\nprocedure in the Revenue Depart-\nment, provide larger auditing and\ninspection staffs, to facilitate col-\nlection of legally owed taxes. En-\nactment of the essential features\nof these bills is practically cer-\ntain. They will afford substantial\nimprovement over current prac -\ntices.\n\nThe Governor's idea, shared b¥\nmuny Jeyislalurs and tax olficials,\nis that these measures will allevi-\nate pain and reduce temperature,\nbut will not touch the causes of\nthe sickness. No material, change\nhas been made in the busie tax\nstructure since 1933, Several leg-\nislators have suggested that the\npresent proposals are comparable\nto treating sufferness from tuher-\neulosis and typhoid fever only with\nremedies used twenty years ago.\n\nTyphoid is very rare in North |\nCarolina now. and tuberculosis is\nfast on the way out as a health\nmenance, because emphasis was |\ndiveried from temporary reliet LO 0\nelimination of the causes That.\nis what needs to be done with the\ntax structure, say the tax doctors.\nThey further agree that it cannot:\nbe.done in one sear or two or\ndone once and forgotten; but there\nmust be continuing study to. keep\nabreast, if not ahead, of changing |\nPconumic conditions and practices !\nin olher States,\n\nPRECEDENT — Precedent is,\not as Important or controling for\nhe legislative branch of govern-\nnent as for the judiciary Recent,\nJecisions of the North Carolina and ,\n‘nited States Supreme Courts\n‘aise the question whether judicial ,\nywecedent is as controlling as it\nised to be. Legislators do have to.\nvatch close:. the potenual “Pier,\nedent’ effect af cettain btlls,\nidnuttedly good for the immediate |\nmurpase but having iImplicauons\nvhich might late: rise to plague |\nhem in tess desirable but some: |\nvhat comparable siluauons. |\n\nTake, fo: esample the bill to,\nHow highway patrolmen to col-.\necl ash pay for vacation tme\nvhich they could not take because\nof calls to duty. Looks good on its\nace, untuul someune remember ed\nhal many olhe: State employees\nsannut take vacations and work\nnany avertuume hours without en\nta pay There are provistons now\nor highway pawolmen Injured in\nine of duty, and for the State to\nyay cost of moving when ther lo-\n‘ation assignments are changed.\n\\gents of the State Bureau of In:\n‘esugalion pleaded precedent in,\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 9417.4122109375, 855.3386025390625, 10710.0643515625, 2548.9432578124997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": ". SENDAI, JADAN -- Sergeant\nFirst Class Saluatoke A. Gentilue\nomo, whose “wife, Vonetle, lied\non Route 5, Lumberton, N. C..\nrecently compiected in the 1X\n\nCorps small bore rifle team chant\npionships at Sendal, Japan\n\nSergeant Gentiluomo fired wifll\nthe 92nd Armored Field Artitlery\nBattalion fcam, one of six which\ncompeted in the event.\n\nThe sergeant, a personnel sere\ngeant, entered the Army in 1944\nand received basic training at\nCamp Walters, Tex. He arris ed in\nthe Far East in December 1954.\n\nlis mother, Mrs. Rosa Gentil\nomo, lives at 1218 Avenue G, (sal-\n-yvesion, Tex. He is a 1944 grads\nuate of Kirwin High School,\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1719.09423828125, 12690.3134765625, 2853.3984375, 13851.703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "SE ES meat ed en I Riyals eat A TE Bc, atch RL cs\n\nAPPLIANCE\nSERVICE\nANY KINDO\nANY MAKF—\nANY MODEL—\n\nLUMBERTON\nAPPLIANCE CO.\n\nMAX BRYAN. Owner\nPHONE 3778\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 382.82169580078124, 9220.51865625, 1663.76112890625, 11364.7127890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "~~ - >\n\nFor Rent or sare — o ré%M house on\nIst Street. Hut water Heater, ver\nnetian blinds and tile bath Hecent-\nly remodeled throughout. Immediate\npo-session Cul} §gsh\n\nAnijiques, cutglass, china, lamps, mar-\nble tup tables. desk. chalre, 4a\nbrac. clocks, comivede and furs |\nturo Parakeets, cages, feed and\ntoys Rowland Anigue Shop, 4 miles\nenst of Rowland 1-4 ioile off Fatr-\nmont Road. Phone 3933.\n\nOr will consider trade for othe: de. |\nsirable property, 3 bedruom owner\noccupied dwelling. Desirable ' «a!\n\nthen in furmbert no Ir Stason\nable Wrte-Beaxa 7) Lumber on, |\nN. C, '\nWe buy and sell goog €-ea Furniture.\nWhithey Furniture ;any, 1231\n\nW 3rd Street, Phone 630 J.umber\nton\n\nBet .. An, mes ‘or ot BP.\n(“loyd Martetta, N. C. ;\n- ©\n\nSeyeral good used washers, refriger-\nators. gus ranges, and elecirie\nranges at a price you can afford\nto pay. dohnsun-Cotton Co, First\nat (‘hestnut, Jaumb-rton.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 8344.4775390625, 6516.10498046875, 9143.796875, 6642.162109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Baptist Hour\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 478.7798767089844, 683.5489501953125, 4247.86181640625, 987.6506958007812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "‘Robesonian Classified Ads\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3006.343607421875, 3103.771341796875, 4291.26698828125, 5461.76503515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "MVvViiVe VWF BENVIvVeaE Wer\n| PROCESS BY PUP! ICATION\nJanio RR, lflerring\n, vB.\n\nL. R. Herring, alias\nRome llerring *‘\n\nTU L. RR. UWRRRING, ALIAS ROME\n\n| WERRING:\ni Take notice that a proceeding seek-\n‘Ing relief against you has been filed\nin the above entitled action before\nthe Superior Court of Rvbeson Coun-\ntv, North Carolina,\n\nThe nature of the relief: being\nsought js as follows: The plaintiff\ngeeky to obtain ai divoree absolute)\nupon the grounds of two years se-\nparation, and prays for un order a-\nwarding lo the plaintiff the custody\nof the minor children of the marriage\nof the plaintiff and defendant, for\n(alimony pendente Nte and counsel\n| fees, and for an order requiring the\n-defendunt, L. R. Herring, alias Rome\nllerring to provide for the tuition\nand maintenance of said minor chil-\ndren, and a decree declaring a Hen\nupon the property of tha defendant\nto secure the amounts so ordered.\n\nYou are required to make defense\nto such pleadings not later than\nMay 18th, 1935, and upon your fail-\nure to do so the party seeking ser-\nvice against you will apply to the\ncourt for the relief sought.\n\nThis the 28th day of March, 1955.\n\nTheresa Patterson, <Ass’t\nClerk Superior Court\nA{-99.A.5 17-19-27\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 6948.56982421875, 2522.232421875, 9246.0361328125, 4278.5224609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\nay GP - Lats fy n °\nY t — bg\n? tb . ie Jex er\nmet fot child's ; La 3 ploy oreo\neS bed room bed room, | wood bea\nie eo 13 0210-0\nt\n4 ~ te oe me\na t) bd - e,\nCy Le < or. . tebla,\nerie al bedroom, | ib\n“GOLH t+ wouee\n; | twe cet\ncovered, % r\nporch. Thy room ¢ gorage\n12-4110 0° G\n\n \n\ndein Of cmeste: 7 “}\n Battg cl\n\n| is et] os\n\n4 ‘ %. Ik id © re ————s rt,\n\n° ° ' ; o ° v ‘\nPT Ry ize\" (he wl OE _\ni ' , AK . aN : p ;\n{ TT gee! foyer * “ |\n\n-_——_ om & =\n\n\\ ’ z\n| | , r\n; i dining\nom 1 ‘ livin room {\ntere 9 . }\n¢ sel room 92 .44014-0° | \\\ntrestece ‘ ,\nrep ) '\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4257.4278359375, 8049.08750390625, 5544.4081015625, 10333.6190390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "oo Be ee BOE\n\nTh. Undersigned having been duly\nappormnted as Managers for the Pri-\nmary to be held 1n and for the Town\nuf Pembroke, and the Municipal.\nlection to be held on the First Mon-\n'day of May It being the 2nd of May\n1955, in a. ordance with the resolu-\ntions and orders adopted by the\nTown Board of the Town of Pem-'!\nbroke, do hereby natify the qualified —\nvoters of the Town of Pembroke, :\nthat the primary which {s called for -\nTuesday, April 19, 1955, will be heid\nat the folluwing place\n\nPembroke ‘Tuwn Hall\nPols will be opened at 6.30 O'cluck\nA. M. and will close at 6:30 P, M.\nThe following officers will be voted\non |\nFor Masvur t |\nFor Comma:stonet- 2\nNet c@ is given that Candidates for |\nthe office abose mentioned shall file\nnotiee of their candidacy in writing\nwith the Town Clerk bs 6:00 Oclock\nIP. NM. on Wednesday, April 18, 1955\nHoweve: it shal) not be necessary\nfor the candidate to give such writ.\nten notice, but it shall be sufficient\nthat some other perion given such\nnotHication tu the Clerk.\nM. N. Fo'ger Reci-trar\nW.oL. Ja ele, Manager\n( ¢) Carter, Manupges\nAn -12.,\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5715.5, 4746.14501953125, 6671.953125, 4892.48876953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "By LYNN NISBET\n\nRohnaennian C'nrracnnandant\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1814.2720947265625, 1205.5513916015625, 2936.725830078125, 2702.9921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "In Case You Wiss\nYOUR\nSORECONTAN\nCall 4322\nsefore 6 P.M.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 4745.99267578125, 683.9265747070312, 5125.99169921875, 813.0835571289062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Notice\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5529.30332421875, 7783.0274453125, 6793.65321875, 13844.781148437502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Having qualified as Administratrh\nof the Estate of Roten Locklear, de-\nzeased, late of Robeson County, North\nCarolina, this is to notify all persons\nhaving claims against the estate of\nsaid deceased to exhibit them to the\nundersigned at Shannon, North Caro-\nlina, on or before the Ist day of\n\n| April, 1956 or this notice will be\npleaded in bar of thelr recovery.\n\nThis Mareh 30th, 1955,\n\nFODIE LOCKLEAR\nAdministratrix of\nRoten Locklear Kstate\n‘W. Osborne Lee\n. Attorney for Administratrix\n* Aw1-§-12-19-20-AE-3-e\nNOTICE OF SERVICE BY PROCESS\nBY PUBLICATION\n, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA\nROBESON COUNTY\nl IN THE SUPERIOR COURT\nJOUNNII SHAW\n3\nl uey UPLTTLEY SIFAW\n| To Lucy Uttley Shaw:\n\nTake notice that .\n\nA pleading seeking rellef aguwiast\nyou has ben filed in the above en.\ntitled action.\n\n| The nature of the reef being\nsought is as follows: Absolute divorce\nupon the grounds of two (2) years\nseparation.\n| You are required to make defense\nto such pleading not Jater than 26\nMay, 195°, and upen your failure to\ndo so the party seeking service\nugainet sou wifl app! to the cvurt\nfor the rehef sought. ;\n\nThis the 2oth das of April, 195.\n\nDiste I Adams Asst\nClerk of Superjor Court\nlr M. Brive\nJohn Wehart Camphe:\nALL ANneYs\nAvG-12-19-26-0\n\n \n\nEXECUTRIX’ NOTICE\nILAVING duly quatified before the\nClerk of the superwr Court of Robe\nwu Vount, North Curolina, as Mxec ue\ntrix of the Jestate of Neil FF. Rozter,\ndeceased, Jate of Robeson County,\nNorth Curolina, this is to certify al\npersons having claims against the\nEstate of the said deceased to exhibit\nthem lo the yndersigned on or before\nIie Toth day of Mareh, 1956, or this\nNote e WHE be pleaded in bar of thet:\nrecever) All persons indebted to sald\nMstate wilt please make Immediate\nPasimment to the undersigned.\nTrt tue 14th Gay of Maru. ou |\nWuiina Jd Rogier, xeculrix\nif the Estate of Neill F.\nRozier, Jeceased. |\nJesiiet J lluntley. Attorney\nM-16-22-29-A -5-12-19-¢\n\nSuisdad CAKuhLINA\nNRUlsi stay Cat NES\nTHR ROP RINOR COURT\nNOTICE\nD. HARDIN\n\nee\nANDER Y Deb acu. cee FEN\nTne ¢ fendant abuses amoed Will\nhe Nope Shut a@now oo. enti ted as\nWONG hus lee. cere. ened Im tice Sa\ncto oop aaoart of Reuben Cetret, satd.\nyn be ng fe absolute divun: and\nsiud dele nda? wilt furthers take |\n@ th. be 4+ trey uned tly appeal\n' @ Offae Of Une Clerk of Supenior |\noct of Mubesun County ond beeteete\n2sth daw. of Apr Jy. at the,\nurtheuse in Lumberton, Necth Car!\n4. @nd gnewe: or denour oti the,\naNpl o ' du said action wituin twenty |\ndov3 abort maid date oon the plaunuff\nRpph, toa tue tosst foy relief dee.\nmaoohd in sald complaint.\nThis the 6th day of April, 1965.\n(signed) Theressa Patterson\nAsst) @lerk of Sup ! Court\nJI MW. Boirmngis«\nAvtorney\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 9403.0684609375, 2558.09433984375, 10699.237203125, 3052.8448691406247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "About 35 per cent of all breast\ncancers are cured: The American\nCancer Society says that 70 per\ncant could be cured with early,\ndiagnosis and prompt treatm ent.\nSunnort the ACS Crusade. '\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5679.2071328125, 2490.41855859375, 6905.80019140625, 4313.01503515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "FAT 64S WaT SewIiwiv &\n\nA BIG CHIMNEY, flanked by\na cathedral style window on\none side, rising to the rafters\nof a high-ceiling living room,\nand by stone wall plant boxes\non the other side, distin-\n.guishes this house. Indoor-\noutdoor living is exploited in\nthe plan with a series of\npatios and porches. Sliding :\nglass panels merge several\nrooms with the outdoors. A\nfamfly room for television,\nhobbies and other recreation\nadjoins the kitchen. This ts\nPlan 9447AP by Rudolph A.\nMatern, architect, 90-04 161st\nSi, Jamaica 2, N.Y. The\nhouse covers 1,884 square feet\nexcluding porches and two-car\nparage.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2975.622416015625, 5303.7012734375, 4286.69667578125, 14242.459859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "theresa Iratterson, Asst\nClerk Superior Court\nM-29-A-5.12-19-¢\n\nNORTH CAROLINA,\nRobeson County.\nNOTICE\nThe undersigned. having qualified\nas Jsxecutrix of the estate of J, E.'\nClifton Sr., deceased, late of Robeson\nCounty, this is to notify all persons\nhaving claims against said estate to\npresent them {to the undersigned on\nor before the 9th day of April, 1956,\nor this notice will be pleaded in bar\nof thelr recovery. .\nAll persons indebted to said estate\nwill please make immediate payment\n‘io the undersigned.\nThis the 9th day of April, 1955.\nMrs. Mary Coit €(hason\n2230 It Bragg Road\nFayetteville, N. C.\nA-12-19-2\") M-7-10-l7.c *\n\n' NOTICE OF SALE\n\nUnder and by virtue of authority\ncontained in that certain deed of\n_tr ust from Docla S. McWKeel and hus-\nband, Cc. B. Mekeel, to Rewland ¢.\nrit, Trustee, dated 11 November\n1949, recorded in Robeson County Re-\ngistry in Hook 160 at page 76. and\nby virtue of authority contained in\nthat certain ded of trust from J. il:\n‘Inman as general guardian of Ann|\nJo Stephens and Wiliam I. Stephens,\nminors, to Rowland CC. Britt, Trustee,\ndated 17 Octoher 1951 and recorded\nin Robeson County Registry in Book !\n159, at page 388, default having been!\nmade in the payment of the indebted-\nness secured by said deeds of trust\nand demand having been made on,\nsaid Trustee to exercise the powers\nof sale contained in said deeds of\ntrust, said Trustee will on 2 May 1956\nat 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse\ndoor of Robeson County in the City\nof Lumberton, N. C. offer for sale\nand sell to the highest bidder for\neash the folowing described lands Jo.\neated in) Orrum Township, Roebeson\n(county, North Carolina: |\nThose certain lands known as thef\n“Tlector Stephens Jands”’ containing |.\n119% acres nivre or Jess, located ad- |.\njacent 10 | S. Highway No. 74 ap- |!\nproximatels two ond one-half miles |,\neast of Orrum, adjoining lands now\nor formerly belouging to Frank\nStephens, Butters Lumber Company,\nFlector Stephens and others and des-\neribed 3%. courses and distances ns\nfallows. KBMGINNING at a stake jn\nHector Stephens Hne and runs thence\nWast 22 echains to a. stake, thence\nNorth 23 degres 20 minutes East 22 67\nvwhains to a stake thence North 4d\nQceerees Mast $77 chains to a stake;\nthenes North 42 degrees 30 minutes ;\nIeast 72] chains to a stake in the\nedge of US. Highway No. 74; thence\nNorth 24 degrees Weat 6.65 chains to\n\na qiake; thence North 35 degrees 30 }\nminutes West 3.34 chaing to a stake; }\n\nthence North 59 degrees West 2.60\nchains to a stake In the edge of U.S\nHille’ way No. 94; thence Svuuth $°\ncepress We: 4525 chaing to a stake,\nthenee Sua 49 Gegrees 30 minutes\nrite 27 «chains to aio stake thence\n-outh 27 degrees 30 minutes West\n2305 chane te the beginning. .\n\nbacepting, however, from the abuve\ndect.bed tract of land that certar: '\n\ntia. heretofore gonyesed to de i\nMe Kae Beene aiowt., of record ap |\npear con aming % acre,\n\nSee deed to Duct: St'phen- s:e- |\ncetded In Roveson County Regi-try ¢\n't Book 3-t at page 643. ‘\n\nA ten percent (10°) deposit wil be +\nrequired of the successful bidder at 1}\nsaid sale as proof of good faith.\n\nThis 29 Maréh 1955. 7 4\nRowland C Britt, Trustee t\nmo J. Britt\n\nDuvid M Sritt\nAtvunes fer Trustee,\n‘A Ivo 1 2uee !\n, d\nNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION\n\nwr 4B quaufied as Admiuwieira 1x\nWfothe estate of Charlies R. Tajy.or\nate of Robeson County thi6 is to ro.\nfy all persons having claims against. a\n“aid estate to file the same with the\nundersigned on or before the 16th day\nof March, 1956, or this notice will be\nhated in ta: of recevery.\n\nAll pe cn: Ytted 'u said esta\nyf gets Mahe ims ediate pay\n- + te fetid stp ned\n\nThis Meo owoiiae it\n\nIZA BBTH 1 TAYLOR\n\nAda. “atsgn\n\n& Jvtnoun\n4 fur Adu rat\nI. Ae 124\n\nEXECUTRIX’S NOTICE\n\nHaving a fred, tA al ‘\nft tate ef OF ED Cran itngam,\nae oe! 1 t Out. Brant\nQuil. all yur os\n\nlig sw ee OO EMD tale\nlecca-ed to gxuibit tiem jo * at\n\nlersigned at Fatront No ce on\nwefrue the Zith day uf Ma\n1. Lutue wil be Phaded in bar at\nbody recovers AH pro ous tide’ * git\naid catate will Please mvke imined! ;\ne puyincat\nLuls 14 March, 1955\nMa:.e Maullsbs Grantham\nJoc atefis of em gre ‘han\nTiayd & fous. Attomeygy\nJ lv 22 29-A5B 12-19-¢ ia\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 795.2161254882812, 9083.7109375, 1272.2015380859375, 9208.3505859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "For Sale\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 6023.4638671875, 7549.80712890625, 6377.01806640625, 7653.30908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Nlorice\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 8409.0498046875, 7751.2216796875, 10353.765625, 7956.31591796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\nEvening Television Programs\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 9746.322265625, 676.9318237304688, 10385.4873046875, 818.022705078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Wins Title\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1660.754251953125, 10219.0704140625, 2945.3341269531247, 11067.98134375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "| INC OME TAX § Sit RVICE, Individuals,\nfarmers and other business forms\nprepared ied J Giover, Jr, 2£°S\nRowland Buiiding, Lumberton. N\nC ODlal 2786 or 0633. |\n\nbBo nS wa ed Wheay can be,\noperated b. twe peuple that can be!\nbe wnt fu Sloe te FPsoe down with\n“'N»e on -tlan VUut of town pur-\naser Q).ch dea. © business gult-\nwbie Jdotu . Mo Furnes. Realtor,\nDial “**\" 20s Rowland Buliding. |\n\n \n" }, "28": null, "29": { "bbox": [ 1680.851419921875, 11903.5704140625, 2937.0008749999997, 12623.1893515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "MK «ARMER — Don't bury your\ndead stuck! Call us collect We will\npik up free of charge ff called tme-\nIn: Titel, Pt. ne 048 N. C. Jiide\neo, vy, io. odeett mo oN ¢\n\nUrl .. Woodwork, Kitchen cabineta\nusa ho d furnet ure corn! es, dourg,\nRoree. ug, et. }uward’s Custom\nWoadwer'l ng sompuny. 104 Grace |\nSteet prone °'.? bree estumates. |\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4457.86181640625, 7872.9443359375, 5358.5703125, 8051.00390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Town of Pembroke\n\nNotice Of Primary and\nClant¢ian\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 432.1908264160156, 1192.43359375, 1699.2679443359375, 9214.43359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "——E——— COO eee er lUel ao aeons” oe &s¢ 8&8 4 S284. 7\n\na\nMINIMUM CHARGE FOR 20 WORDS\nOR LESS. EACH ADDITIONAL\nWORD 2 CENTS.\n\n(acer he re ares ens cient iennesp ten\nPT UmMBOrtion coca acce ween enenee -80\n2 Insertions ..cccc ccc ncncnncacee 1:00\nS Insertions . 2.2.0 ccccnnnnnanctane 200\nOne Month .. cece sncccuuccee. 7:00\n\n \n\nMemorial items, poems of tImited ap\npeal, resolutions of tespect, and\nsimilar items will be charged for on\na space-rate basis,\n\n \n\n \n\nfor Kent\n\nNice completely refinished 3 room\napartment, house no. 77, neat Den-\nnis Mills, North “Lumberton. Phone\n2237 or 3082.\n\neetmmes sheeecediinetey hyn ~~ ae ners es ee ee\n\nNicely furnished 2 room upartinent.\nPrivate bath and entrance, 906 Pina\nStreet. Phone 1641.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\na ee ~\n\nFour réom unfurnished house, 404\n. Sth Street. lectric water henter.\nWired for electric stove. Very clean.\nPhone 6168 Mrs, Ih, M. Britt.\n\nSe gene menyerenyraiaRa ne ememananntanY was — tee &\n\nApartment, completely furnished, 4\nrooms with bath and hall. Two bed-\nrooms, Ilving rooni, kitchnette.\nComplote with cleetric stove and re-\nfrigerator. Lots of cabinet space and\nclosets. Hardwood floors and vene-\ntian blinds throughout. Near busi-\nness district. Phone 4936 after five\no'clock.\n\n \n\n \n\nModern 4 room apartment Two bed -\nroonisa furnished or unfurnished. 208\nBE. 14th Street, Phone 6093.\n\n \n\nModern ¢ roum apartment downstairs.\nUnfurnished. Well located. Close tm.\nAlso 3 room Apt. Reasonable rent\nCall 4151 or 6652.\n\n \n\n \n\nFour room unfurnished apartment.\nAliso three rvom furnished apart-\nment. Just painted. In excellent\ncondition, Call 4778 or 4269.\n\n \n\nLarge 4 room front apartment. Front\nand back entrance. Hot and cold\nwater. On jth Street. Available a.\nround March 12, Phone 3722.\n\n \n\nUnfurnished apartment. Lasting room,\nbedrooin, kitchen, dinette, bath.\nHardwood floors, venetian blinds\nand electric hot water heater. 613\nE. 6th Street. $35 per month. WwW. H.\nKinlaw, phone 6379.\n\nFurnished apartments for rent, pri-\nvate baths, gas heat. and cooking.\nAlso unfurnished apartment, 809\nand 811 E. 5th Street. Dial 4271 oc\nsee Mrs. C, D. Brothers, 803 EK. 5th\n8t.\n\n \n\n——\n\nModern furnished downstairs 4 room\nduplex apartment, 2 bedrooms. Call\nBilly Bridgers at 3931.\n\nGarage officlency ‘apartment. Suit-\nable for couple or gentleman, Fur-.\nnished including electric stove, re-\nfrigerator, and hot water heater.\nMrs. R. B. Maultsby, 310 E. 18th\nSt.\n\nFurnished apartment. Heat & hot wa-\nter. Call 4062, ied W. Sth St.\n\n—— vee tah\n\nTwo wheel trailers, “Power Lawn Mo-\nwers, lawn spikes, (Aerator) lawn\nfertilizer. distributor, wheel barrows,\npost hole diggers, pertable baby\nbeds, electric [floor polishers, ex-\ntension and step ladders, Rolling\nchairs, asortment of other tools at\nreasonable rates. Fuller Hardware,\nDial 6014. “We <Appreclate Your\nBusiness,\"’\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nOne apartment, corner 15th & MeMUl.\nlan, one apartment, 508 Jc. Sth\nStreet. See or call R. A Hedgpeth,\nphona 4285 ;\n\nep we aie ee -\n\nHouse on Chur ch stret ‘in. east Lum-\nberton. IFrashly pnatnted. See-or call\nJames Cooper, phone 6059,\n\n—_ —_ _\n\nIn a few days 1 will have an apart-\nment for rent Which will be an ex-\ncellent place for couple or = small\nfamily without children. J. P. Ceop-\ner. phone 6053\n\nUnfurnished duplex with bath and\nprivate entrance In front and back.\nNiece yard. 514 IE. Sth Street Phone\n3658.\n\nSix room ‘house on the Elizabeth road.\nBig yard, drive all around house,\nGood place to live $16 per monta.\nDock Kinlaw, phone 6742, night\n631}\n\nFoyr room unfurnished apartment in\nFairmont. Wired fur electrh or gas\nrange Private entrance. Miss Luts\nllayes, phone 2771, Falrmont.\n\n— eee\n\nFor Sale\n\n~ = aes Se eae aoe\n\n \n\n \n" }, "32": null, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 9032.609375, 9060.7880859375, 9706.1962890625, 9115.8359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "WwaTV.2%. Charintta\n" }, "35": null, "36": { "bbox": [ 2110.821044921875, 11764.99609375, 2475.0107421875, 11875.8642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Notice\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2117.447021484375, 8960.8515625, 2520.364990234375, 9069.115234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Wanted\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1691.1598916015625, 9305.3204140625, 2952.5235800781247, 10018.100484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Would like tu buy any amount of\nTin Roefing, any longth. What\nNave Sou’ Lyn TB. fNluggims. Star\nShoe shop, pene 4295 or 7148.\n\nTAX RETURNS PREPARED-—-S5 years\nexpericnce handling all forma Ed.\nH. Collins. Phone 4285 or 6330 Day\nor night located directly acrcas\nfrom Caroli:.a Restaurant, Chestnut\nStreet, Lumberton.\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1736.8800048828125, 3162.70263671875, 2976.44775390625, 7978.861328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "PPOCCS—UTTOP NO, ask (OP f.00,\npostpaid, Ask for Free Copy New\nSpring Price List In color, offering\nmany other bargains, Salespeople\nWanted for Virginia's Largest as-\nfortment Fruit Trees, Nut Trees,\nBerry Plants, Grape Vines, and\nLandscapo Plant Material, WAY-\nNESBORO NURSERIES, Waynes.\nbore, Virginla.\n\nnee RIE te Se = + apt tgetntnttnpaide®\n\n12 nice white face beef yearlings will\nbe sold at auction, Wednesday at\nLumberton Stock Yard. The flavor\nof beef has to yo through the cow's\nmouth. These aro nice fat 360 to bug\nIb. yearlings. They have had abund-\nant grain and dry feed. which pro-\nduces sweet, tender beef—fine for\nfreezers. J. A. Floyd, phone 6441,\nFairmont, N. C.\n\n \n\nLouislana coppor-skin Puerto Rica\nsweot potato plants, ready for pull-\ning in 3 weeks. Booking orders\nnow. C. WW. Bullock, 4 miles east\nof Rowland, 1.4 milo off Fairmont\nRoad. Phone 3633.\n\nte re —— =\n\n \n\nQuail and pheasant eggs. 25c each.\nSee Jack Pate. Lumberton, N. C.\n\n \n\n \n\nSevernl good used washers, refriger-\nnHtors, gas ranges, and electric\nranges at a price you can afford to\npay. Johnson-Cotton Co., First at\nChestnut, Lumberton,\n\nReal Estate For Sale\n\nDuplex apartment, 2 pedrooms. 16th\n& Cedar Street. $50 per month. Cail\n4222.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n@\n\n \n\nFarm and residential luans. For quick\nand efficient service call or write\nJ C Noble, Realtor, G. Badger\nMeLeod Building, phones 7174, night\n6459, Lumberton, N. C.\n\n \n\nas a\n\n \n\n \n\nLots on Fairmont Road. See Sam C.\nFloyd, or Phone 6401, Fairmont, N.\nCc\n\n \n\neee - -\n\nBroad Ridge Community. 18 acres\nwoods Jand. Call B W. Gentry, 4379,\nLumberton\n\n_ Lost And Found\n\nLOST. Blond Cocker Spantel with\nelrley topnot, Lost in vicinity of\nhospital. If found call 6951, cienerous\nnewmrd, Airs. George Silverton.\n\n \n\nLOST Blond female Cocker:+ Spaniel |\npuppy. tem munths old. Named\n*\"Coukfe\", wears tag dated Decem-\nber gs, 1954 Disappeared Taster\nSunday morning. Finder please re-\nturn to June Leggett, 502 E. 10th\nStrect or call 4172, Lumberton. Re-\nward offered.\n\n'lelp Wanted\n\nLadies to »cll cosmetics Jn all towns |\nIn Robeson and surrounding coun-\n\na: ces SOs 6: «.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1925.5667724609375, 11078.916015625, 2684.83203125, 11186.2705078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Nliseellaneous\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 9466.234375, 3145.019775390625, 10580.18359375, 3308.848388671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "WTSR Procram\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 4216.77891015625, 10392.08896875, 5503.41151953125, 11578.3905234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "NORTH CAN oo NA,\nROBESON COUNTY,\n\n' The wadersigned qualified\n&s AGmuucthator of the estate wl\nIshan. Al. inlaw, deceased, Jate of\nRebesxan Coenty ti! ots tf. meufy all\npersons hasing ‘als again-' baitd\nCeaty to presenge the ty th nite}\n“gned oon ar hefure the ooo. way\nof March, 35.8, or this notice wil]\nbe pleaded in bar of thelr recover)\n\nAll peitsens fudebted tu said estate\n\n(Wait please mnake imuineaiute payment\n\n'4o the undersigned.\n\nTh tue sth dev of March, 1956.\nClare’ «© !' iintaw\n\n| Ad: “' 4tOr\n\npb Mo Pins\nM-2oot SN loft\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1708.5510048828125, 7814.8477578125, 2966.3609824218747, 8989.59853125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Ladies to sell cosmetics {n all towns\nIn Robeson and surrounding coun-\nties. Hisher commissions — patrd.\nWrite to Manager, Box 161 % The\nRobesonian, Luimnberton, N. C.\n\n—_— eee ef - —_ ——\n\nMien wanted to sell Life Insurance\nin Robeson. Cumberlhind and Bta-.\nflen counties. Highest commissions\npaid. This is commissions only, if\nsalnry wanted, please do not ane\nswoer this ad. Write to Box 160 %\nThe Roebesonian, Lumberton, N. C\n\nLads for themlee cusnier. Must be 18\nyears of age and high sehoo] gradu-\nMe Susaday work required. Apply\nMauager, Miversida Theatre.\n\n—\n\n \n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 1681.542337890625, 11197.4102578125, 2943.7498984374997, 11745.139546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "BRING your cattle ana nogs to che |\nLumberton Auction Company's sale\neach Wednesday. |\n\nUSI.12 FURNITURE — We buy. sell\nand trade Cash or to:rms. Spivey s\nSalvage and Trading Center, Fatr-\nmont Road, Lumberton.\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 2136.35546875, 2841.829345703125, 2620.175537109375, 2965.89990234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "Kor Sale\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 5674.0380859375, 894.2059326171875, 9283.20703125, 2953.097900390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "(AD\no'@#\n\n \n\nAP Newsfeatures\nA BIG CHIMNEY, flanked by\n\na cathedral style window on\none side, rising to the rafters ALF “dE bed room\nof a high-ceiling living room, ey BR\nand by stone wall plant boxes\n\nploy ored\n\n \n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 3011.52109765625, 1232.4313759765625, 4294.90468359375, 1528.9824423828127 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe Dukes Flowers, 893 Caldwell\nStreet, cut flowers, potted plants,\nmomorial designs, arrangements for\nnll ocensions, Call 4625.\n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 3487.527099609375, 1086.6383056640625, 3846.872314453125, 1211.7952880859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Notice\n" }, "50": null, "51": { "bbox": [ 1750.839212890625, 3018.045755859375, 3011.3250937499997, 3769.1456503906247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "PINK FLOWERING DOGWOOD. Po-.\npular lawn tree. Two 2 to 3 ft. Size\nTrees—Offer No, 4-P—for $7.35,\npostpaid, Ask for Free Copy New\nSpring Price List In color, offering |\nmany other bargains, Salespeople —\nwanted for Virginia's Largest ase\nfortment Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, |\nBerry Plants, Grape Vines, and.\nLandscape Plant Material. WAY-)\nNESBORO NURSERIES, Waynes.\nbore, Virginla.\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 9178.1767578125, 7950.7822265625, 9597.77734375, 8038.2978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "TUESDAY\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 3027.939310546875, 1953.8574013671875, 4279.346578125, 2417.803365234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "ete eet __ teem iio — —\n\nLet us contract to cut your grass each\nweek this spring and summer or we\nwill cut your grass by the hour at\nyour convenience. We have Rotary\npower mowors for rent. Cal] 6014 for\ndetalls and estimates. Fuller Elatrd-\nware, A Good Place Tio Trade.\n" }, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 5, 10 ] ]
[ 6345.96728515625, 7717.59228515625 ]
[ [ 5, 10 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1033.1052919921874, 361.5824343261719, 1786.3267148437499, 1735.1858457031249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "RARITAN,. N.J. PA‘ “declared\npeace settled - ‘today over: this em-\n‘battled “community w nore traffic\ntickets have been the ammunition\nis S wat Peryren aaglioe and motor-\nis Ss o < .\n\nAS statement issued jointly: “yes-\nterday. by the mayor ‘and: the police\nchieg :said,’«“‘There will be a firm\nendeavor on. the part. of all con-\ncerned to give the citizens. of. Rari-\ntai and,.the public generally the\nprotection of a courteous, efficient\npolice department. ee\n\n2 The: statement - didn't mention\n|the barrage ‘of tickets the police\njhanded out atter their. nay reise\nreferendum. was defeated in the\n‘Nov. 8 election. but the cops re-\n| ported fewer violations ‘of: traffic\ni ordinances in recent days. .\n\nMayor Anthony Santora, who\nwith the Council had taken the\npart of the public, said with Police\nChief Lorenzo Rossi that all dif-\nferences between the two parties\nhad been ‘‘satisfactorily adjusted.”\n\nMost of the tickets had been for\nparking on .the streets at nigttt\n‘without lights, a violation which\nhad been virtually ignoréd until\nthe ‘votes were counted on! the pay\nraise question.\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 279.47815576171877, 455.059271484375, 1026.9113706054686, 1959.5241025390624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "FPAYETTEVILE, Ark, (+ oA\n54-year-old. man was éhot. in: the\nback “and seriously wounded yes-\nterday in front of a crowd of peo-\neple who had assembleq: for. morn-\n@ie services at the First Baptist\n\nurch here. * eet\n\nThe ‘victim, *Chester Goss, was\nparalyzed from the waist down\nwhen he was taken to Veterans\nHospital,.but physicians said later\nafter surgety. that the. paralysis\nhad disappeared and that he would\nrecover, The doctors said that they\nwould perform another operation\nto remove the bullet, which is be-\nNeved lodged in Goss’ abdomen.\n~ Charles Friddle, 66 was arrest-\n\nbe a+ his home and charged with\nssault with intent to kill, Polioe\nSaid that Goss had identified-Frid-\ndle as the man he had seen a\nfew minutes before the shooting in\n& offee shop and who was walking\nbehind him when -he was shot.\n\nGoss ‘said. that he knew Friddle\nonly by sight. me!)\n\nGoss said that he could think of\nho motive for the shooting.\n\nSheriff Bruce Crider said that\nFriddle made no statement. Cri-\nder said that he found a 22 caliber\n\npiarget pstol under Friddle’s bed.\n\nGoss, a.bachelor. wag -walking\nhome from his job as night dis\npatcher for a cab company when\nthe shooting occurred.‘\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 269.46221923828125, 164.028076171875, 826.8103637695312, 418.21514892578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\nMan Shot In\nChurch:-Crowd\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1037.361572265625, 1762.7198486328125, 1702.710205078125, 1922.6380615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Top Aide Of Ike\nTells Of School Plan\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1021.9511108398438, 172.7053680419922, 1658.6441650390625, 331.2412109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Pedce’ ‘Settled Over\n| Traffic. War In East’\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 266.47193017578127, 2232.57074609375, 1050.5065244140624, 2541.0750058593753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (?i—About 20 per\nent fewer youngsters are getting |\nsecond shots than. received the\nfirst in-.the Salk vaccine drive\nagainst infantile paralysis.\n\nThis was indicated in an Asso-\nciated. Press survey, which found\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 354.8984069824219, 4814.552734375, 1053.01708984375, 6181.72705078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Complete Line Of\nBathroom\nFIXTURES\n\n‘PIPE— CONNECTIONS\nAND FITTINGS\n\nSNOW\n\nHardware Co. Ince.\n121 ADAMS— PH. 6-2234\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 340.87432861328125, 2981.70947265625, 1023.9668579101562, 3630.716796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "SKILLED REGISTERED\nPHARMACIST\nOn Duty At All Times To\nAssure Prompt Service\nWe Give S & H Green\nStamps On All Cash\nPurchases\n\nFriendly Service Store\n\nGILLELAND DRUG\n\nWashington and Adams\nPhone 6-3576\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 366.6083984375, 3733.252197265625, 1023.3261108398438, 4734.67041015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\n| Caer arn i\n\npre = .\n“Every prescription - filled by\nus is carefully compounded\nof the finest quality drugs\nin exacting hands. Call on u:\nnext time. We deliver.\n\ncattlbamemmememnamrnenetnce Wit\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 323.7655334472656, 2594.69091796875, 1030.3067626953125, 2892.423828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Byron T. Johnson Agency\nMutual Insurance\nFire - Auto - Casualty\n123F Washington, SW\nPh. TE-6-2658 | Copeland Bldg\nCamden, Ark.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1048.2085634765624, 2482.32660546875, 1804.5826962890624, 3714.389703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "at least 3,627,036 children nation-\nee have received a second vac-\ncination so far. The first-round to-\nital shown by the survey was 1,-\n754,354.\n\nThese figures came from state\n\nreports. but actually the second-\nround total is higher because come\nstates had no statistics yet avail-\nable while others had only incom-\n;Plete or estimated figures.\n| Surgeon General Leonard A.\n‘Scheele tolg TV interviewers yes-\n| berday that ‘chances of not cet.\n‘ing paralytic polio are improved\n‘by August 75 per cent’ through\n{ vaccination.\nThe national immunization pro-\n' gram was launched Jast spring with\nithe idea of giving a series of three\n‘shots to children in the critical\nage group. The National Founda:\ntion for Infantile Paralysis provid.\nre most of the vaccinations, z'v-\nme them to first and second- grad.\ners,\n\nPlans for the third round are\n| undecided while experts study\nhow much immunity has alreaas\n| been built up.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1712.099609375, 141.9045867919922, 6345.96728515625, 7717.59228515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n\nWN ON\n, . carey : o Mer vA ! : Le ge\noR od t Tee pM 28.\n\n \n\nhen they whisper to Santa, you can |\nasked for, We’ve everything to capture a small\n\none’s heart at Christmas in our Children’s Department,\n\nj\n—\naan\ni\nJeweled Jeans ,\n{\ni\n|\n! |\ni ‘\nHl\n|\nhing\n142,\n\nRCA\nnew\nnore\nn on\nnore,\nTV\nance\n\nKate Greenaway\n\nALL THESE AND MANY MORE\nGIFT IDFAS IN OUR COMPLETE\n\nChildren's Department— Balcony Floor\n\nNCES\n\ni **\nle\nfe\n\ny!\n\n\\ i\n\n \n\n| Chips and ‘Twigs\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 281.3544006347656, 1974.58740234375, 971.3923950195312, 2216.17626953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Fewer Youngsters\nGet Salk. Shots :\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1084.5726318359375, 3725.2978515625, 1854.4351806640625, 7698.0439453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Family-Size TV |\nAT ANEW |\nLOW PRICE!\n\nee\n\n* 53 ons \" 5\n| REA Victor Woyland-24. Motching\nstand, optional, otra, Model 2476142,\n\n‘RCA VICTOR\n\nTV\nony . 209”\n\nGive your family the new RCA\n\nVictor Wayland 21--at this new\n\nlow price! TV shows are far more\n\nenjoyable when you see them on\ngiant-screen TV. What's more,\n\nRCA Victor's Big Change in TV\n\nfives you new styling, performance\n\nand value...\n\nWITH THESE MAJOR ADVANCES\nThe new “Un-Mechanical Look.\"\nNew Bajenced Fidelity Sound.\nNow 4-¥lus\"' Picture Quality.\nNow “High-Side\" Tuning.\n\nCall in—Come in=tadoy!\nEASY TERMS\n\nFrom. 159”\n\nWe Give S & H ( Gypen\nStamps\n\nBENSBERG’S\nMUSIC STORE\n125‘ Jeffergen- Stroat .S. W.\nPhone 46-3002.\nCamden, Arkansas\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1047.9124208984374, 1938.9491640625, 1797.7228330078124, 2446.79741796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "- WASHINGTON 4 — A top aide\n“SAYS Secretary of Welfare Foi-\n‘gsom’s promise that the’ Eisenhow-\ner administration will seek ‘‘broad-\nened and improved’ aid to schools\napplies only to building funds.\n\nDr. Herold C. Hunt, undersecre-\ntary ‘of welfare, said vesterday in\na radio interview that aid meas--\nlures now being considered involve\nschool construction rather than op-\nerating expenses.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 376.455810546875, 6285.16552734375, 1066.598876953125, 7690.861328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "LOW’\n\n_ YEARLY RENTAL\ny Meats at Wholesale\n\n~ .To Our Locker\n\nAnd Home Freezer\n. USERS |\nAuthorized Dealers For\n\nDEEP FREEZE\n\n+-~-HOME FREEZERS\n\nCAMDEN\nCURING PLANT\n\nTel, 6-300 1028 Washington 5.\n\n \n" }, "16": null, "17": { "bbox": [ 3655.549072265625, 1942.9654541015625, 5136.90087890625, 2440.8564453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "\\\n\n#\n\nhen they whisper to Santa, you can\n\nasked for, We’ve everything to capture a small\n\none’s heart at Christmas in our Children’s Department,\n" }, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 4, 6 ], [ 5, 21 ], [ 5, 22 ], [ 21, 22 ] ]
[ 3231, 4746.03564453125 ]
[ [ 6, 4 ], [ 21, 5 ], [ 22, 21 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 817.8515805664063, 2160.1547421875, 1215.6925478515625, 2411.7104921874998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "A film, “Air Power on Parade,”\niwill be shown at Elyria Kiwanis\nCluh’s weekly meeting Thursday\n\nThe movie shows part of the\n| Bendix Trophy Race of the na.\ntiona! air races and also cover:\n;some of the latest military planes.\nIThe program was arranged bj\nChairman Dexter Kimball.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1215.7027158203125, 1477.0196103515625, 1617.3238955078125, 2404.0298281249998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\n| Ely Village residents whose com-\njplaints resulted in a Public Utui-\nhes Commission probe of Elyria\nTelephone Co. service, will “be\nrepresented’ at the PUC public\n‘heanrgs here June 28-30.\n\nBut a spokesman for the group\nsaid last night he thinks their\ncomplaints will be only a lew of\n|many. “It's a city-wide affair\n‘now’, Joseph F. Molony, Jr, ex-\n‘plained, ° ‘When we went into it we\nwere just concerned with getting\nphones out here’.\n\nMoiony said he expects other\ngroups and individuals wall have\nas much to say as the Ely Village\ngroup. “But we will be represented\nthere throughout the hearings, and\nwill be ready to answer questions,”\nhe declared.\n\nPetitions by Ely Villagers\ntouched off a two-month check-up\nby PUC engineers, culminating in\na report urging that the company\ntake immediate steps to improve\n,uspects of its service\n\nPurpose of the PUC open hear-\nings will be to obtain facts on tele-\n‘phone operations and service here.\n|Members nf the commission staff\nand telephone company officials\nflare expected to testify in addition\nto the general public.\n\ni\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1228.34814453125, 1220.24462890625, 1602.9376220703125, 1459.6435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Group Plans\nTo Testify\nOn Phone Co.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1216.0179443359375, 43.4539794921875, 1580.596923828125, 942.196533203125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1607.591021484375, 615.4036435546875, 1996.599408203125, 1144.455853515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "She came to Elyma m ly wher\nfirst classes were held at St. Mar\nSchool even before the Gulf Roac\nbuilding was completed.\n\nA Clevelander by birth, Siste:\nMary Raiph ws a graduate of th\nUmversity of Notre Dame, Sout?\nBend. Since that time she ha\ntaken graduate work in admunis\ntration at Westem Reserve Un\nversity, St, Louis University, Cath\nolic University of America 4\nWashington, D.C., and Loyola Uni\nversity of Chicago.\n\nShe will be in Elyria for al\ncommencement events, and for ;\nfew days thereafter to complet\nrecords. Her new appointment wi\nbegin June 15.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 802.7852353515625, 313.95897192382813, 1202.852826171875, 1978.4878359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "suffered severe bumps on the fore\nbead and ieft eve and a possible\nfractured wrist, is reported as\n“fair”.\n\nThe accident occurred when Pat-\ntrick Shannon, 6&4, of Cleveland,\ntraveling south on Rt. 252, stopped\n‘for the intersection and then pulled\nout in front of a car driven by Paui\nGadish, 27, Toledo, according to\n‘the Ohio State Highway Patrol.\n| Gadish is reported to have suf-\nfered shock, his wife Etheldra, 24,\n‘received a bump on her forehead\nyand an injury to her right ankle.\n_ Shannon received lacerations of\njthe right eyebrow, forehead and\n‘scalp and Miss Mary Feran, 3,\n‘Lakewood, was knocked uncon:\nscious by the impact. Miss Feran\n‘and the three more seriously in-\n.jured women were passengers in\nthe Shannon car.\n\nThe state patrol reported that nc\narrest has been made.\n1 In two other accidents reported\njto the state patrol over the holiday\nweek-end, drivers were arrestec\n'for failure to yield the mght o!\n, WEY.\n* In one of these, Edmund Meyer\n“18, Middle Ridge Rd., Amherst\nIwas treated at Amherst Hospita\njfor lacerations on the forehead anc\nabrasions of the right knee, wher\nbis car was hit by an auto driver\nby Rudy Rakovan, 30, 1022 Wes\n118th St, Lerain\n\nDriver Is Arrested\n\nThe patrol reported that Rakova:\n‘drove out of Dewey Rd., Sunday\nnight, into the path of the Meye\n‘car. Rakovan was arrested. Dam\nage to the cars was moderate.\n\nThe other driver to be charge\n‘by the state patrol was Lonni\n| Woods, 32, of 5036 Liberty St.. Vir\nlcent, who is reported to hav\n{driven across Broadway from th\n_A. and P. parking lot to the lo\n\"helonging to a supermarket acros\nthe hughway, hithng a car drive\n“py Joseph Klosek, 28, R. D.\nElyria. Tuere were no injuries ‘an\nonly minor damage was done t\njthe cars.\n| Jn another accident reported b\nthe patrol, cars driven by Wilhat\n|Malicki, 64, West Bagley Rd\n| Olmsted Falls, and Paul Ripko, 1%\nIGarheld Heights, were slghtl\n, damaged at Rt. 10 and Cook Re\n'Vesterday afternoon.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1592.388384765625, 308.53004736328126, 2389.9924746093748, 611.7532778320312 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Sister Mary Ralph, $.N.D., principal of Elyria Distric!\nCatholic High School, will leave the school at the conclusior\nlof this term to become president of Notre Dame College (fo:\nwomen) at South Euclid.\n\n“a deeply understanding person in her approach te\nyouth, Sister Mary Ralph has been a guide and inspiratior\nto the students at the school since its organization,’ the\nschool's director, Dr. Joseph B. Lehane, commented today\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 0, 28.428802490234375, 1197.6121826171875, 300.4403381347656 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "7 In Autos Are Injured |\n2 Suffer Possible Spine Fractures\n\nIn 2-Car Crash At Columbia Hills\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 42.8418083190918, 600.8428955078125, 790.2034912109375, 2366.9130859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "WEVNLUVAI\n\nMORNING\nSPECIAL\n\n \n\nLast Call\n\nROSE BUSHES\n\nRegular 69c\n\n| 5 for he\n\nWhile They Last\n\nOe\n\n321 Broad St.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1621.6634091796875, 1815.319537109375, 2007.8739443359375, 2089.4270449218748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "| HOUSTON, Tex. (UP)—Sign o\nthe passing tumes.\n\nEntertainers and war dancer\nfor Oklahoma's American India\nExposition, to be held Aug. 1\nthrough Aug. 20, will have to b\njimported from other states for th\nfirst time in the history of th\npageant, Director Robert Goomk\nannounced Monday.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1621.3741025390625, 1380.0262021484375, 2002.6830263671875, 1718.31644921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Prices of haircuts and shaves\nin Elyda go up 25 cents sach\ntomorrow, tn line with general\nprice increases clsewhore\nthroughout the area.\n\nAccording to the Barbers\nunion new price plan regular\nhaircuts will cost $1.50, “butch’’\nhaircuts $1.75, and shaves $1.25.\nThe barbers unlon toted for the\nchange, effective June 1, at a\nmeeting earlier this month.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1592.458251953125, 20.212186813354492, 2365.247314453125, 299.6136779785156 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "(Will Head College _\nElyria Catholic High\n\nPrincipal Reassigned\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2037.1715087890625, 650.987548828125, 3179.75390625, 2365.7509765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "THE BIG FOUR\nMOTHS - HUMIDITY\nHEAT - THIEVES\n\nGET PROTECTION FROM ALL FOUR\nFOR YOUR FURS AND WINTER WOOLENS\nIN OUR REFRIGERATED VAULT\n\nTHE ONLY ONE OF ITS\nKIND IN ELYRIA!\n\nJUST 2% OF YOUR OWN VALUATION\n\nJACK KNIGHT\n\nTHE DRY CLEANER\nPhone 2453\n\n602 Lake Avenue |= 104 Cleveland Street = 1306 West Avenue\n\nCorner East River and Fourth Street\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 40.32715606689453, 2469.009765625, 3231, 4746.03564453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "YOUR HOUSE ‘OF FASHION BUYERS SHOPPED THE STYLE CENTERS OF THE COUNTRY TO\nASSEMBLE THESE UNUSUAL AND OUTSTANDING ASSORTMENTS OF SUMMER COTTONS\n\nSELECT FROM FABULOUS ARRAYS OF THE NEW\n\n©. COTTON DRESSES\n\n. $Q9 $10”? 312°? $14°° 317”\n\nJUNIORS 7to17 ~— MISSES 8 to 20\nHALF SIZES 142 to 244\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\nA\n\nIN ALMOST ENDLESS PROCESSION COME\nTHESE NEW HOUSE OF FASHION SUMMER\n\n| a A COTTONS ... GATHERED FROM THE LEADING\nFREE! /\nA NEW DRESS a FASHION CENTERS OF THE NATION.\nyour House of Fashion | if Tad\nott Dress evar a 5\nfoes in washing. (3 Wi) A A 39 NATIONALLY FAMOUS BRANDS\ndi le\n\nYOUR BIG PROBLEM\n\n \n\na WILL BE HOW MANY\nNi : 4\n\\ 3\nSHOP MONDAY i\nPRI\n“mn | BERSON’S SECOND FLOOR\n\n9 337 Broad St.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 825.7886352539062, 1996.2891845703125, 1136.530029296875, 2157.12109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Kiwanis Club\nProgram Set\nFor Thursday\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1616.838623046875, 1173.1649169921875, 1996.002685546875, 1375.681884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Elyria Barbers’\nPrice Increases\nSlated Tomorrow\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2397.56005859375, 74.6088638305664, 3174.10693359375, 594.3988647460938 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "MR. INSURANCE SAYS\n\nTHIS HAPPENED:\nDog Causes Anto Accident\nProtect Owner of dog beid Hable.\n| We recently paid $180 when a dog\n| What’ rap into the path of a car, cal\nan accident. The claim was pai\n| under a Coroprehensive Pe\nYou Liability Policy which costs only\n$10 a year.\n\n| |] Have | STANDEN & GEITGEY\n\n{INSURANCE COUNSELLOES\n425 EST Bldg. Phome 2483\n\n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1631.4783505859375, 2194.091998046875, 2010.229779296875, 2389.6518984374998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Here in a pleasant way to overcome\nloose plate discomfort FASTEETH\nan improved powder, sprinkled on\nupper and Inwer plates holda them\nfirmer so that they fee] more com-\nfortable, No gummy, gooey, pasty\ntaste or feeling. It's alkaline (oon-\nacid). Dora not sour. Checkr “plate\nOdor\" (denture breath), Get FAS-\nTRETH today at any drug counter\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1627.111083984375, 1748.525634765625, 1990.980712890625, 1811.4744873046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Imports Needed\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 1633.6875, 2100.575439453125, 2007.23876953125, 2189.63037109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "MoreComfort Wearing\n\nFAISE TEETH\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 383.86806005859376, 316.6409177246094, 802.6125307617187, 508.1250734863281 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "we; Mrs. Katherine Byrnes, 70,\nin|Cleveland and Mra. Mary Feran,\n«-|65, Lakewood, were reported by\nes|Berea Hospital attendants to be in\nre|‘‘poor’’ condition, with possible\nra|spine fractures, while Mrs. Eliza-\n\npeth Shannon, 62, Cleveland, who\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 7.414843505859375, 318.5771970214844, 405.6481447753906, 508.6404543457031 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "_ A ellision of two sarx at the\n\nto three women. Four others were\ntreated for minor injuries at Berea\nHospital and released.\n" }, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ 2074.798828125, 3151.3864140625 ]
[ [ 0, 3 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 4, 18 ], [ 5, 1 ], [ 7, 14 ], [ 8, 19 ], [ 17, 11 ], [ 37, 32 ], [ 38, 37 ], [ 39, 42 ], [ 49, 39 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1002.3083491210938, 135.83027600097657, 1263.91229296875, 419.41262866210934 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\n‘He was a very pleasant person.\nWe talked about the weather and\ncarried on an every-day conversa-\ntiga.”\n\nBut Pierce did recall, fn Yisht of\nthe events that followed, that San-\nIdoval apseared nervous and can:\n'etuntly peered from the reas ‘win:\ndow waiching approaching cars.\nAnt all the while, in his pocket,\n“Sandoval carried a snub-nosed .3:\n‘ealiber pistol. On the front and\njrear of the car were expired 193\njlicense plates. The pistol never\niwas used. The plates ended i\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 740.3647456054688, 137.38522290039063, 997.9973759765626, 422.8849797363281 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "the “friendly young man\" who ¢s-\ncaped from the Los Lunas prisvt\nfarm Feb. 6 back to a threatening,\ndangerous convict.\n\nThe climax began in an innoe\nuous fashion whea Paul Pierce, 4\n‘Portales radio announcer, picked\n‘up Sandoval whom he descriles\nas a “friendly young man’ on th\noutskirts of Portales Manday\n‘Pierce sald he thought he recog\nnized the young fellow standing a1\nihe highway.\n\n“} must have seen him somefim\nlin Clovis.” the Portales map sai\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1029.438537109375, 1880.7763056640624, 1292.3246464843749, 2686.401306640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "An arsonist nearly completed the\n\nJob of destroying the Gonzales Ele-\n‘mentary School early this morning\nhut Frank Halener, Santa Fe bar\nowner, spotted the arange-like hue\nof ames in the s fo windows in\ntime for firemen lo\\save the build-\ning.\n| Damage to the school was esti\n‘mated at $5,000 or mure by Fire\nChief kilis Bauer.\n| Bauer said smoke damage will\n‘prompl the re-painting of neart\n‘the entire building. At first, esi\nmates of Lie damnges was set at\nbetween $500 and $500 dollars, Af\nHer inspection of the premises this\n‘afterngn, damage was found to be\nfare more extensive although the\nfire itself was confined to ont\niraom.\n| Rauer said ihe blaze was ape\n| parently sel hy juveniles — the\nsame juveniles’ (hat prompted\n| fire fighlers and volunteer fire-\n\"men to rush lo West Alameda\nand extinguish a burning rod\ngrader, fired ly a road fare\nabpnt 11:30 last nighl.\n\nFiremen found a flare under onc\nof the teacher's desks in the schoo\nroom alsa, The school is Jncated or\nWest. Alameda behind the Veteran:\nHousing area,\n\nHatcher spotled the fire on hi\n|way home about 2:30 p.m. Chic\n|Bauor said hoth the scion! hous\nblaze and Lhe road grader fire car\nfier were the work of ihe sam\n\n| person. The Mares used ta start th\n\nfires were taken from a road con\n(Castinard om Tare Test\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1265.5905146484374, 130.83229016113282, 1528.7288212890624, 415.5898137207031 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "disaster for Sandoval.\n\nJn Clovis, meanwhile, Sherif\nDan Webster and State Policeman\nnate Hawkins were Tiding\naround carrying out routine police\n‘work. Suddenty they nated Pierce's\nlear, the expired plates sticking out\nHke a sore thumb.\n\n‘As Webster pulled up on Pierce’\ncar, his lights brightened the in\nterior of ihe Portales vehicle.\nWebster spotted Sandoval, whom\nhe had known “a long tie.”\n\n1 On went the siren. The police\n‘ear crowded Pierce's vehicle be\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1534.7011103515624, 128.84773205566407, 1792.8333134765624, 410.7651066894531 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "hind @ car slopped at a Lralfic\nlight. Two olficers ran to each\nside of Pierce's car. Onc of the:\nPierce related, “very calmly said,\n“Get out Gilbert.\n\nSandoval satd nothing and main:\ntained his silence, Pierce said, un-\ntil he was laken to the police\nstation, The convict grasped his\nds in a nervous gesture but\nfierce said he did not believe\nSandoval was attempting to dra\nbis gun.\n\nHe told Webster of his successful\npians to escape from the state\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 479.07900952148435, 140.80667065429688, 737.7683720703125, 424.8539738769531 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS\nStrange quirks of circumstance\nthat began in Portales and ended\nin Clovis spelled a return to prison\nfor escaped convict Gilbert San-\ndoval,\n| A hitched ride in Portales as a\netrlendly. young man”, . . a set\nof expired license plates. tar\nstopped al a traffic light... a\n‘police officer with a guod mem:\nory.\n\"ai “these combined to send San\ndoval again to the state penitén:\ntiarv in Santa Fo and to transform\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1811.6016845703125, 794.0029907226562, 2055.865234375, 965.2098388671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Tactical Use\nGets Approval\nOf President\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 525.7668452148438, 2809.628478515625, 890.2236943359376, 3143.077087890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Warden Ed Swope Is haying na sue-\ncess so far in attempts io take advan-\ntage of a new law permitting the peni-\ntentiary to “farm oul” ils women pris:\noners in prisons in other states.\n\nSwope said he has contacted penat\nautharities in California, Texas, Arizona\nand Colorado hut that “none of them at\nihe present time has any room that they\ncan permit us to use.”\n\nAt present seven women convicts\nare housed al the state peniientiary.\nThey must be kept separated from male\nconvicts and because of the small num-\nher no comprehensive rehabilitation\nprogram is possible. .\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1298.886291015625, 2041.6506953125, 1555.8344121093749, 2628.21502734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "A Sanla Fe woman has beer\nseparated from her husband and\nseven children for three years hy\nofficial redlape and tack wf funds.\n\nShe Is Mrs. Meatrien Serrano\nof $01 Rosario Bird. a native of\nEl Vado whu had to retara ta\nNew Mesieo for her health three\n\nyears ago after having lived for\nton years In her hasband’s town\nat Zacalecas, in Mexive. The\nfamily was destitute when she\nreturned, ant so she made the\ntrip home alune, wilh her eld-\nest daughler, Magilalena. 19.\n‘The two af them huped to find\nwork anil ralse the money for\nthe rest ef the family to return.\nBut wages were barely cneugt\nto sustain the mother and daugh\nter, and their hupes for a farnil\nreunien have disimed as the\niyears have gone by.\n\nGetting the family loxether pos\nes an official problem as well a\na money problem, Four of ty\nSerrano children were born i\nthis country, while Mrs, Serrant\nand her hushand were in Sal\nfnke City. Then they moved\nMexico during the war and fou\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 241.82418774414063, 1801.078185546875, 500.8459477539062, 2327.591736328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "The Eleanor Gaskill Shop, at 127\nSena Plaza, will reopen Thursday\nafler bein closed temporarily” for\n‘remodeling and redecorating. The\nentire shop has heen repainted and\ncarpeting in keeping wilh the de-\ncor is being instalied. -\n\nWhen completed the shop wil\nhave handerafted sconce lights de-\nsignod and made by Bruce Coop.\ner, Sanla Fe crailsman, and a\nspecially designed fire screen for\nthe typical Santa Fe fireplace\nmade by Southwestern Master\nCraltsmen,\n\nMcs. Ray Andrews and Mrs,\nErnest Payne, who operate the\nshop, ssid loday, they have\nplanned the remodelling of the es\ntablishment to maintain the Sante\nFe almosphere exemplified in Un\nhistoric Sena Plaza.\n\nFor years the shop has carrict\na line of high quality women’s\nwear representative of the fore\nmost American designers. Thi\npolicy ‘will be scrupulously main\ntating —\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 248.20382641601563, 2410.4495234375, 505.0806584472656, 2698.1422734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "A meeling of the reeently or-\nganized Retail Merchants Assn. of\nSanla Fe will he held in the Santa\nFe Room at La Fonda at eight\no'clock Thursday evening. Tot L.\nMoore, chairman of the organiz:\n‘tion, said today thal all merchants\nlof Lhe city, regardless if they are\nmembers or not, are invited to\nattend the meeting.\n\n‘The initial promotion of the mer:\nchants will be under discussion al\nthe meeting which will also hear\nprogress reporl on the associa\n‘un activities since ils inceplion.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 753.3245234375, 982.4029536132813, 1019.8116459960938, 1450.422791015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Matusow asserted he would ap-;\npeal Judge Thomason’s decision if\nhe Is judged guilly of contempt;\nThomason, in ciling Matusow Cor,\ncontempt, said the former Santa;\nFe and New York man had delib.\nevately and maliciuisly schemed|\nto obstruct justice.\n\n“It I'm finally sentenced to\njail,\" Matusow declared, “PIL gu’\n“proudly because 1 koow IL go tu\n| jail for telling the trul |\n\nMalusow declined to reveal the\nnature of his defense as reporlers\nfand cameramen swarmed about\nlhim at the &1 Paso airport last\n‘night. Me also would not fucther\nidentify 2 government informer\nwhom he said is ready to recant,\n“depending on what happens to\nme.”\n\n“T'm not going to pul rat. per-\non on a spot,” he said, “But I'm\n\nnot the only’ person who knows\npee hie top Yee\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1303.4296875, 1912.7906494140625, 1809.0147705078125, 2030.57568359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Red Tape, Money Split\nMother From Children\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 248.72506665039063, 2775.716857421875, 509.1709904785156, 3151.3864140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "John Russel, principal of Carlos\nGilbert School, has heen appointed\nas one‘of a panel of 13 naliofially-\nknown educators to serve as con-\naultanls with the National School\nPubjic Relations Association.\n\nNis appointment, which came\n{rom the Nalional Elementary\nSchnol Principals Association, was\nannounced taday by the city\nchools elementary educatinn of.\nfier,\n\nRussel left Tuesday ta atlend\nthe convention of the National De-\npartment of Elementary Princi-\npals at Chicago, Ill. He will serve\nas group leader at the conyention\nin the discussion an “Defining the\n‘Mature and extent of schools’ re:\n‘snonsibility,”'\n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 918.83184765625, 2806.567443359375, 1285.542908203125, 3140.9782109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Alt inur states contacted hy Swape\nhave women's prison facilities, either\nseparate institutions or, in Culorada, a\nwalled-off section of the men’s prison.\nThey normally make a practice of ac-\ncepting prisoners Crom other stales on\na Tec basis when room is available,\n\n“IC Is definitely aur idea to get the\nwomen committed lo other states when-\never we can do so,” Swone said. Ie said\nhoth he and Gov. John Simms feel the\nstate would save money ii addition to\nproviding better rehabilitation for (he\nwunien.\n\n“We haven't glyon up yet,” he said.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 761.3641352539063, 1638.199279296875, 1022.9392705078126, 2678.6930546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "ft\n\nSlale Welfare Direclor Murray\nHinlz said today, the prospect of\nculting welfare payments is under\n|consideralion.\n\nHint and bis slalf met today\n‘and Lhe new direclor, resuming\nithe post after a four-year absence,\nisaid one of the meeling’s purposes\nIwas to prepare some date on pos:\nsible culs for the information of the\nBoard of Public Welfare, meeting\nFriday.\n\n‘The director also indicaled thal\nsubstantial personnel reductions\njmight be in the making. “'Therc\n|are going to have to be same ad\niministrative reductions all along\nthe line,” he said in an interview\n|E have been surprised on return\ning here by what strikes me as\nlol of non-essential things.”\n\nAs an example, Hinlz said he\nhas put up for sale the Welfars\nDeparlment’s airplane, acquires\nJast year for something like $19,000\ninsurance alone an the’ plane run:\n$1,200 a year, he said. and depart\nment finanve officers figure il cost\n| 525, an hour te operate.\n\nFormer Director Richard Strah\nlem, on leaving office the end o\nithe year, recommended a cut it\nwelfare paymenis.\n| The department is in such shap\nfinancially right now, Hinlz suid\n\nthat if il were a private busines\nJit probably would be classed a\n| bankrupt.\n| Wo had $262,000 in the bank a\n\nour operating balance this morn\ning—tor a _agency that spend\n>, $2,600,000 a month.”\n\n+ When $0,000 was needed yester\nL:day to help meel the semi-manthtl\nli payroll it was necessary to borros\n‘ lemporarily {rom federat funds ur\n\ntif money approved by the Legist:\nture becomes available. This i\nexpected shortly. Hintz noled the\nsometimes in the pasl this proces\nhas heen reversed and slate fund\nhave been used for federat pu\nposes when the federal appropri\ntions have been late in comin\nae.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 768.954345703125, 1465.77978515625, 1001.8201293945312, 1635.79736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Welfare Pay\nCut Looms;\nStudv Starts\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 493.6754145507812, 998.3668208007813, 754.340515625, 2094.809265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "witness Harvey Matusow\nwas sentenced to ihree years in a\nfederal ,prison for criminal con-\ntempt of court and jailed in lieu\nof $10,000 bond.\n\nU.S. Dist. Judge R. E, Thoma-\nson passed sentener of the 28-year-\nold New Yorker, a former Cum-\nimtinist, former IBC informer and\nself identified liar in various Com-\nrounisl trials and hearings.\n\nThomason had held Matusow in\ncontempt last Salurday afler turn-\n‘ing down a plea for a new trial\nfor Clinton Jenuks, official uf the\nInlernational Union of Mine, Mill\nand Smelter Workers.\n\nJencks had been convicted and\ngiven a five year prison Lerm or\na charge of [alsifying a non\nCommunist under “Lhe\n|\"Taftdlartley Acl. Matusow’s tesli\nmony was a factor in the convic\nion, which is being appealed.\n\nJudge Thomason held that Mat\nJusow was in contempt for atlempt\nLing to ubstruct justice by seekiny\nito put Jencks’ conviction aside.\n\nMatusow. was unable: to maki\nhail and was locked in’ the count\njail, We said he might be able t\nmake bail in three or four days\n\nBefore he was sentenced, Judg\nThomason asked if he had any\nthing to say. He said:\n\n“was motivated to get justic\nHfor one I wrongly accused. [ ar\nready to accept the decision. J mus\ntive with myself, My conseienc\nis clear. :\n\n“1 na longer am a false witness.\n\nWhen Judge Thomason held Ma\n'Jusow in conternpt last Saturday\nj|he told him:\n| You deliberately and mali\n‘liously and designedly schemed |\nobstruct justice and cause the f\nling of an affidavil that obtaine\nthis hearing on a motion for a ne\ntrial (for Jencks). You altempte\nto obsiruct justien tu put aside t\nconyiction of Clinton Jencks |\nfurther your own personal ends.”\n\nEarlier, Matusow said he woul\nconsider himself a “politfeal pri\noner’® if he were sentenced to jai\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1791.4330439453124, 120.76869915771485, 2055.629333984375, 399.4481206054687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "priton a year ago, the sheriff said.\nWebster said be “told us when\n\nwe took kim to Santa Fe last year\n\nthat he planned to become a\niteusty, get transferred to the prison\nfarm and escape. And that’s just\nwhat he did.”\n\nWebster said Sandoval last year\n Uireatened ta retura and “'get\" twa\ntlticers. The officers, Deputy Sher-\niff Val Baumazart and City Police-\nman Russell Miller, first arrested\n\nSandoval for a Clovis burglary\n| which resulted in bis prisan sem\nbem:\n\n \n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1558.9059443359374, 2037.9213251953124, 1815.1514287109374, 2655.312927734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "other children were born there,\nthus being Mexican nallonals. In\n‘order tn get them back, they\nwould have lo pay $25 each for a\nU.S. Immigrant Visa, for a to-\ntal of $195, including the visa for\nthe father.\n\nMrs, Serrana said her fea\nbrothers. El and Filidelfia\nMirra, are willing to go down in\nthelr ears to central Mexico lo\nbring back the father antl sev+\nen children. The American con-\nsul at San Luis Polus} has ine\ndicated there will be uo trous\nhle gelling the visas, once Ihe\nmancy has been raised.\n\nNow working at the Catholic\nMaternity Center, Mrs. Serran¢\nappealed lo The New Mexican fo\nhelp in raising the money, ant\nthe newspaper staff hits already\npassed the hat to get the \"Serra\nno Fund” rolling. The goa\nlo pny for the visas and lor tis\ngasoline it will take ta get the\nSerrano family back together.\n\n“Tt means s0 ntuch lo me.” Mrs\nSerrann said. \"M\nis four yes off row and\nhaven't seen him since he was ;\n\nbaby who couldn't even walk yet\nFee Ss SP ye ae Oe him”\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 48.286685943603516, 1342.956787109375, 457.1122741699219, 1457.0419921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "rport Fix-up Plan\nscussed By Council\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1307.359435546875, 2709.818908203125, 1559.6271367187499, 3134.678650390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Officlals af the to Sanla Fe\nhanks and the Espangta State\nhank plan to meet Wernestlay\nto discuss whether fo take ad-\nvantage at a new state law per-\nmitling to close Salurdays.\n\n1. C. Wright, president of the\nSanta Fe National ftank, pointed\noul that the new law has only\nrecently bret signed. by Gov\nJohn Siminy and will not go inte\neffect for almost 9 days.\n\nWright and A. ¥. Wassan,\npresident of the First Nalional\nBank of Santa Fe, hoth aid\nWhat Their firms will probably\ndeelde Joinity whether oF not to\nstay open Saturday mornings, 0%\nthey have In the past.\n\nKoln indirated that na dect\nsion is expected In the immed:\nce Stee\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 488.7015686035156, 621.8414306640625, 2074.798828125, 807.4174194335938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Ike Confirms A-Plan\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 489.9723205566406, 836.7299194335938, 1006.2784423828125, 974.3098754882812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Matusow Gets Three\nYears For Contempt\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1035.777099609375, 1696.5477294921875, 1269.9739990234375, 1872.10595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Police, Fire\nChiefs Seek\nKid Arsonist\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 249.40542602539062, 2334.870849609375, 501.7088623046875, 2406.28173828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "“Merchants Group\nMeets Manana\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 255.14772033691406, 2700.0068359375, 475.5614929199219, 2768.614013671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Russel Named.\nAs Consultant\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1570.5947265625, 2671.594482421875, 1780.14013671875, 2775.923828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "The Weather\n‘Much Colder’\nIso't So Mach\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 244.60557556152344, 1722.156005859375, 492.8370361328125, 1794.2545166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Gaskill Shop\nReopens Manane\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 510.7169494628906, 2105.73681640625, 757.0636596679688, 2177.4619140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "City Occupation\nTy Returns Due\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 508.0583186035156, 2183.918029296875, 765.4371953125, 2548.653748046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Returus to the city on the munt-\ncipal occupation tax bécame due\nyesterday with paymenl of the lax\ndue April 15. Marion Sebastian,\ncity clerk-treasurer, said there is\na one per cent a month penulty on\noccupation Laxes nol paid by the\ndue dale.\n\nSchaslian noted that the sewer\nmaintenance tax must he paid by\nApril 1 iv avoid the addilion of a\nore per cent a month penalty. The\n‘period during which this tax could\nhave been puid ta take advantage\nof a discount expired March 1.\n\n‘The period in whieh the currenl\ngavhage collection tax can be paid\nwith the advantage of a 10 per\nrent discount will expire March\na\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1839.256591796875, 2671.912841796875, 2067.464111328125, 3112.373291015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "SA TIMELY\nMINDER\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 238.5912928466797, 1584.1487421875, 493.4647221679687, 1716.3970341796874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "| ental’ Air Lines, E, $. Walker,\n} state land commissioner, Hugh\n| Gri seerelary-manager of the\nChamber of Catnmerce and Jesse\nKornegay, chairman of the Santa\nFe County Board of Commis-\n\n \n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1305.5478515625, 2638.26708984375, 1554.6689453125, 2710.36474609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Bankers To Meet\nOn Closing Law\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1045.7607421875, 828.0791625976562, 1793.8948974609375, 1658.56982421875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1803.9650263671874, 975.7359614257813, 2073.796326171875, 2659.69256640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "|. WASIIINGTON (?—Presl-\ndenl Eisenhower said today\nihe sees no reason why atomic\n‘weapons shonkd not be used\nin any conflict where they\ncan be directed against stricl-\ntly military targets. h this\nwes conference statement,\neuhower backed up Seere-\ntary of State Dulles wha said\nslerday he = thouvht tactical\nAlomie weapons would he employ\ned in any major military action\nsels the United States.\n\nTaw, only President Fisen-\n\nino er can make a decision on use\nof atomic weapons.\n| The significance of Dulles’ state-\n“iment and of lhe President's com-\nment appeared to be that any fu\nture war, hig or little, in which\nthe United States engages will be\ntap atomic war to some exlent.\n| Fisenhower, natly in a chocolate\nbrown double-breasted suit. also\ndealt with these other topics.\n{ STOCK MARKET — The Presi-\ndent said he is just as concerned\njabout a decline in stock markel\n|prlees as he is about 2 price de-\ncline affecting any segment of the\necanomy.\n\nHe has no opinion whalsoever, he\nfsaid, as to whether the Senate\nBanking Conuniltee’s current stu-\ndy of the market may have con-\nluibuted ta a price decline.\n\nBut, Eisenhower added, we are\njitying for an expanding ceanamy\nand an important fartar in ach!\ning iL necessarily is confidence.\n\nAs Secretary of the Treasury\nmphrey did yesterday in t\nny befure the commuttee, Eisen-\nr said any group dealing with\nrket operalions should proceed\n\n[with great caution lest a great\nideal of damage result.\n~“! The President said, hwaever, he\nknows of uo particular phase af\n_ the committee study which has not\nbeen conducted with cantian.\n\nEisenhower went on to say he\nalso is concerned about any drop in\nHarm prices or in prives affecting\nany part of the economy,\n\nPOLUTICS—The President said\n\nhe agrees with Vice President\nNixon that the Republican Party\n5. heeds Steengthenin But Eisen.\nVhower ducked a fresh attempt ta\nT find out whether he will rua again\nnext year.\n1 He dil say he believes the Re-\n* publiran Party can win the Presi\ndency next year with any candi\ndate worthy of the nerinanen i\ntie party develops programs: fer\nthe benefit of all the pecple.\n\nThe discussion was twurhed of\n‘sien a reporter quoted Nixen a3\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\na\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n_stier this week that the Republic. fF\nIC Party is sot strong envugh to wn\n10 in WS6 without Eisenhower as 3\noT candidate for reelection,\n\nWo The newsman uted Uhat the\nIY President two week's ago hid sug\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n™ costed a year's Aloriny ar\n0. questions as to whether he wil\nNe, Seek reelection\n\nThe President lavzhed and saic\nhe thought his suggestion for:\nmoraterium would be observed un\n{il he heard the part of the\nTon deating with bis own pobts\nfoture, Then, asthout any\n\nwhatever as to those plans, 5\nSa aC pap ieee essai\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 13.595999717712402, 58.13865661621094, 472.45892333984375, 1098.7950439453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 41.22138165283203, 1568.3710322265624, 237.2029423828125, 3143.273376953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nnix, The cust“ of such a\nwould be borne:-by the\nCAA on a basis of 55.45\njk paid by CAA and 44.\nit by the cily.\n\n14.000 figure cover’\na parking apron, rin:\nling, administration and\nbuilding facilities, a con-\ner and ongineering and\ni charges, City Engineer\n?. Davalos pointed out thal\nunt would be required for\nele rerenstruction of the\n\n \n\n \n\n0s sald Ihat some of ihe\nwid be deferrel bul said\nction of Iwo runways,\nfing apron and the run-\nfiling were immediately\ny. These items cauld be\nww $222,230 of whieh the\nid contribute $95,750 and\nwould provide the re-\n\ning to sludies: made at the\nthe two majar runways\ncapable of handling the\nlanes now in use. U. &\nigineors have run experi\ner severat years on fail\nibgrade and surfaces o1\naye. Bight years ago th\ncarrying capacity of th\nwas established at 16,00\night pounds and operation:\nited ab 25,000 pounds. Air\nW using Lhe runways ex\nle loading capacilies ac\n0 engineers,\n\nlin: of an above grount\nMUsyslem is advocated be\nWaler seepage and conse\nlure of the present under\nstem and low visibltil;\n¥ Brass and weeds ant\n\n \n\nnal apron space is neede\nfs and unloading commer\nes and for parking\n\n2 conlral tower is held\nConstruction is not of\nortanee as the other\nhe meeting was old by\nNCAA would not con-\n\nhich amounts ta a reques\njal assistance, coverin\nimprovements to the ais\n\nat the city ‘has no avai\nB fcr airport. constructic\nld be necessary to isst\nthe required amount.\nfor bones must be pr\nVolers for approval at\nily election which wi\nunt} April next yea\nthe city is consideric\nlication for funds, tro\nPicipation of a bend i\nal next year,\n\nat yesterday's meeting\nPor Haul Huss, Cl;\n4 George Berntsen\n\nmez, Leo Murphy, Wil\nam and. Waller Kegel\nrivalos, city engl\nHobdy, Continental\nbhins, air por!\n\nJack\n\n \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 46.312518585205076, 1463.826232421875, 494.3378605957031, 1573.6668095703124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "overall airport rehabilitation program for the Santa\nwicipal airport, estimated to- cost $514,326, was pre-\nfor discussion yesterday at a meeting of the City\nil and HL. T. Bean, district airport engineer for the\ntaronautics Administration, whose headquarlers ate\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1565.960509765625, 2802.6917109375, 1689.4260869140624, 3019.762390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "calder’” has\nbeen modified to\njust plain “cold\ner,” meaning a\ndip to 26 tonghl\nand a high of\nonly M1 lomor:\nrow. compared\nwith the 62:31\nextremes of the\npast 24 hours.\nSkies will re\n\n \n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 493.1600646972656, 22.223207473754883, 1892.201171875, 125.46515655517578 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Circumstances Trap Eseaped Convict\n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 1558.4479365234374, 3020.631896484375, 1824.0210576171874, 3130.528259765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "ee\n\nmain partly\n‘eloudy and moderate winds are\nexpected through the remainder\nof the day, amd tomorrow will be\nmostly cloudy, Neontime lemper-\nJature today was 55. —\n\n \n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1693.697998046875, 2808.240966796875, 1817.87890625, 3000.6259765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 509.9145812988281, 2704.332763671875, 1262.0777587890625, 2800.5185546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "No Takers So Far\n\n'No One Wants NM Gal Prisoners\n" }, "45": null, "46": null, "47": { "bbox": [ 517.05517578125, 2558.203857421875, 710.2350463867188, 2591.572265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Trattic Toll\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 515.15997265625, 2592.81231640625, 756.4529423828126, 2679.920349609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "By THE ASSOCIATED PRES:\nToday's 1935 traffic toll:\n\n \n\nLast year's an March 16:\nBQ\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 1564.584044921875, 2777.944396484375, 1824.4528203124999, 2804.71698046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Yesterday's prediction of “much\n" }, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 9 ], [ 0, 3 ], [ 9, 3 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 4, 13 ], [ 7, 15 ], [ 16, 17 ], [ 16, 31 ], [ 17, 31 ] ]
[ 7173.113277343749, 9510.0087890625 ]
[ [ 0, 9 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 7, 15 ], [ 9, 3 ], [ 13, 4 ], [ 17, 31 ], [ 31, 16 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2811.8286171875, 4021.168216796875, 3675.2119101562503, 6288.025875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON —(NEA— Sen\nGeorge W. Malone ‘R.-Nev.) went\nout to his home state a while back.\nto hold hearings on a project. As one\n\nof the witnesses was making a\nlong-winded speech Malone\nfrowned and asked, ‘Why haven't\nyou presented these views in a\nletter to your congressman or\nsenator? ,\n\nCame the answer, “I did, I wrote\nyou.”’\n\nHostesses Mesta and Cafritz bet-\nter get back to town fast. Other\ngals are stealing their stuff.\n\nMrs. Harry Davidow, wife of a\nlocal department store executive,\nrecently hired a yacht and staged\na luxury cruise down the Potomac\nRiver to Mt. Vernon. It was for\nladies only. Enough champagne\nwas served to have floated the\nboat to Mt. Vernon sans the\nPotomac.\n\nMrs. Gladys Jeselsohn. socialite\nand interior decorator, gives par\nties at which all the food and\ndrink match the color motif of her\nswank Georgetown house. Pink\nchampagne to match the wallpa-\nper. Chartreuse aspic to match the\ndrapes. Pears dyed lavender\nmatch the hostess’ dress, yet\n\nMrs. Robert Whitney Imbrie.\nwealthy widow of a former diplo-\nmat, wowed new Turkish Ambassa-\ndor Haydar Gork and his wife with\na lavish surprise lunch featuring\nJoseph's Special, a Near East-type\nconcoction made of fruits imported\nfrom all over the world.\n\nAfter his recent heart attack Sen\nLyndon Johnson (D-Tex) was\ntold he'd have to stop smoking\n\n“Gosh. doc.” he replied plain-\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2839.422123046875, 6677.70312890625, 3696.2578085937503, 9491.4916953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "| The first letter reminds me of a\nstory, probably not true, about the\nman who sufered seriously from\nheadaches. He was given many\ntests without finding the cause.\nThen one day he went to his\nhaberdasher to order shirts and\nthe clerk asked him what size He\nreplied ‘‘14'2\"'; the clerk took one\nlaok at him and said, ‘you need\nsize 15.\" The gentleman then re-\nplied that he always wore 14, Ww\nwhich the clerk said ‘‘alright I'll\nget them for you but if you wear\nthem they will give you head-\naches.’’\n\nQ—I recently suffered the mis-\nfortune of having carotid sinus\nsyndrome. Like many men I failed\nto check my neck size and gave\nlittle thought to the snugness of\ndizziness, and finally a complete\ncoletaoinshrdlucmiwy cm sh cma\nap e occurred in a matter of\n\nmoments. The resulting after-\neffects were certainly unpleasant\nand remained for several months\nDo you agree that tight collars\nare at fault? GH.\n\nA—This is an interesting obser-\nvation and, although some peopie\nhave carotid sinus syndrome with-\nout wearing too tight collars, one\nwould think that this might make\nthe matter worse and is a point\nwhich should be remembered by\nthose with this comparatively rare\ncondition.\n\nQ—Will you please settle a\nfriendly argument with my neigh-\nbors? They say that a sure way of\ntesting for mumps is to try to eat\npickles. I say that is a lot of bunk\nand our children asked for and ate\npickles when they had mumps and\nso did I. Mrs. L.C\n\nA—Probably most people, at\nleast during the acute stage of\nmumps, would find pickles, straw-\nberries, and some other similar\nfoods, painful or at least uncom-\nfortable. There are certainly\nexceptions to this general rule as\nseems w have been the case ip\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 268.5920144042969, 4331.58740625, 1458.1341513671875, 6837.984859374999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "In a straightforward letter to vari-\nows Chamber of Commerce members,\nMembership Committee Chairman Max\nLogan this week pointed out that more\nthan 150 eligible firms and business peo-\nple don’t belong to the Chamber of Com-\nmerce.\n\nThe figure is rather striking for it\nis difficult to believe that 150 firms real-\nly believe they don't need the Chamber\njust as much as the Chamber needs\nthem. The Chamber has meshed itself so\nsmoothly with the machinery of keeping\nthis town going that too often it’s hardly\nnoticed.\n\nBut through its paid personne] and\nvolunteer committees, the chamber is\na vital force in this community. It de-\nserves all the support the city can give\nit.\n\nLogan also pointed out that negotia-\ntions are under way with another in-\ndustrial prospect. This only emphasizes\nthe hand the Chamber is taking in guid-\ning industrial progress. Its Elm Street\nindustrial site, with the industries now\nlocated there, is evidence that Chamber\nactivities do pay.\n\nIf you're in business in Blytheville,\nyou're not fulfilling your civie obliga-\ntions unless you hold a Chamber mem-\nbership. It's an investment in your fu-\nture here.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4540.2192421875, 4001.402591796875, 5406.126949218749, 6292.78124609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "“Recently I played golf with the\nPresident One member of the\n‘foursome got a hole-in-one and the\n\nthought immediately went through\nmy mind: Eisenhower brings good\nluck to everyone, even his golf par\nPartners. No wonder so many peo-\nple want him to run for re-elec-\ntion.”’\n\nWhen a Democratic congressman\nwho plays golf with Frelinghuysen\nread this message, he said -\n| “I wonder what political thoughts\n\nwent through Pete's head when it\ntook him five strokes to get out of\n& sand trap that same round?’’\n\nThe town's streetcar and bus\nstrike goes on and on and on\n\nSen. George H. Bender (R.-Ohio)\nsays :\n| “I would love to ride home in a\n| streetcar some night instead of\n| having to walk. Of course waiking\nis good exercise and I need it\n' sometimes. But I like to walk when\n| I want to walk and not have Louis\n_ Wolfson tell me when to walk.”\n\nNote: Financier Wolfson is chair-\nman of the board of the struck\n| transit company.\n\nGood-looking government secre-\n\n| taries have all been showing up\n|early for work since the strike\n| started. Cars darting across lanes\n'to pick up the pretty hitchhiking\n'G-dolls have become a serious\n| traffic hazard. In fact, the strike-\n| forced hitchhiking and car pool\n| have been the greatest social ca.\ntalyst here since Andrew Jacksor\ncame to town.\n\nWhite House inmates privaéels\nlove the strike. No clanging o\n| Pennsylvania Ave. streetcars &\n| keep them awake.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1545.214359375, 370.34036645507814, 2743.4819296875003, 2877.4770468750003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "dustry has seen numerous enterprisers\nreach out to embrace clearly related acti-\nvities, extending back either to raw mat-\nerial output or forward to the making\nof finished goods. For example, a steel\ncompany long Ago set up a prefabricated\nhousing division, hoping to promote the\nwide sale of factory-made steel] houses.\n\nBut the current trend is different. It\nhas made of many corporations a broad\npatchwork of activities whose only tie is\nthe fact that they are all designed to\nmake money.\n\nSome economists think that in place\nof general depression covering most\nprincipal industries, we shall now and\nthen suffer a series of individual depres-\nsions in particular industries. Recent\nU.S. economic history suggests some\nsolid substance for this view.\n\nConsequently, the effort of com-\npanies to diversify can be judged partly\nas an attempt to offset such individual\ndepressions.\n\nThe benefits of this policy to all seg-\nments of the economy, and especially to\nthe working force, seem clear. Steady\nactivity means stable employment.\n\nThe diversification trend is a healthy\nfactor in America’s industria] growth.\nIt is a move for order and balance and\ncontinuity.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1559.8233681640625, 5950.22656640625, 2796.4135703125003, 8172.543453124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Both between and in themselves, the four\nseasons range the width and depth of a man's\nemotions.\n\nTaken singly: Winter brings the dullness and\ndepression of days that wake and sleep in rain.\nAutumn can fuse into a hickory leaf the loving\nsense of sweetness and sadness combined And\nspring — well, it can make you want to run and\nwant to stay and keep you dizzy in the in-\ndecision.\n\nSummer, too, has many charms—rainbows in\nskies and flower beds, fish breaking water, the\nsounds of night and singing in a somewhere\nfield. Everyone must have a favorite part of\nsummer. Ours is the thunderhead.\n\nFor no good reason we could give, but just\nbecause this pile of clouds seems like all of sum-\nmer, a fickle, trifling, foolish thing.\n\nWhen heat bears down, the thunderhead is a\nfat clown who sets against the sky and promises\nrain. It thunders and it rumbles. It may shade the\nthe sun and send a cool breeze dusting down a\nstreet, turning up the white sides of fig leaves. In\na rally teasing mood, it spatters rain drops in the\ndust so one can ever smell the promise. and then\nperhaps it does rain, but most times the sun comes\nthrough, the breeze dies, the leaves go limp again,\nand the thunderhead falls apart and we are left\nstraining for another raindrop, another sound of\npromise.\n\nOne must admit most thunderheads are frauds.\nStill we like them because there is something to\nbe said for the promise and the watching and the\nlistening.—Charlotte (N.C.) News.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1553.1121865234375, 3117.1489296875, 2751.2324179687503, 5511.5678671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Figures for 1955 up to now indicate\nthat the independent automobile makers\nare taking a slightly bigger slice of the\ncar market this year than they did in\n1954.\n\nThat they have managed this is a\ntribute to their staying powers under the\nmost taxing conditions of competition\nfrom the Big Three.\n\nIn at least one case, that of the Pack-\nard Company, the management has met\nthe stiff challenge with an exhibition of\nnerve and risk-taking spirit of the sort\nAmerican businessmen are most admired\nfor.\n\nIts president, James Nance, took a\nhuge financial gamble when he commit-\nted the firm to a ride suspension system\nthat is revolutionary for U.S. passenger\nvehicles. It is called “torsion bar” sus-\npension, and does away with the springs\nthat have been standard underpinning\nAmerican cars for decades.\n\nThe company could have been for-\ngiven for playing a cautious game at this\nstage. It chose instead to innovate to\nstrike out with characteristic American\nboldness into fresh fields.\n\nIt is abundantly evident that the\nsources of this country’s industrial\ngreatness are still full-flowing.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5405.42578515625, 1072.2691689453125, 6268.359859374999, 3748.8220175781253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "HOLLYWOOD — (NEA)— Guys\nand Dolls: Robert Wagner is play-\ning the role of a psychopathic killer\nin “A Kiss Before Dying’’ against\nthe advice of some top Hollywood\nexperts in the what's right and\nwhat's wrong department.\n\nIt’s an about-face that will jolt\nthe young star's fans, but Wagner,\nshrvgging off the warnings that he\n\nis gambling with his career,\ntold me:\n\n“Listen, it’s risky to do any pic-\nture. But I think it’s good when\npeople can walk out of a theater\nhating you for a change. They'll\nwant to see you again. This isn't a\npermanent switch for me. I'll go\nback to the romantics.\n\n“People have a tendency to\nthink of any young actor as a\nperformer who can only hold the\nteen-aged audience. This kind of\nswitch hangs maturity on a young\nactor. At least I hope it will in\nmy case. Nothing could talk me\nout of this part. I've been after it\nfor two and a half years.”’\n\nJames Craig is back in the cellu-\nloid arena after a long absence\nand admitting that he made a\nserious mistake in trying to be a\nbusinessman and an actor at the\nsame time.\n\nCraig invested his movie salary\nin all kinds of outside interests\nand won himself the reputation of\nbeing one of the shrewdest lads\nwith a buck in flicker alley.\n\n‘But my trouble was that I'm a\ndo-it-yourself guy,’’ he confessed\non the set of ‘News Is Made At\nNight.” “That's my temperament\nI can’t let anybody else do any-\nthing else for me. I was getting\nup at 4 am. to run a ranch and\nrushing off to the studio two hours\nlater. I was being an actor and\ntrying to run a bar, a restaurant\nand train thoroughbreds all at the\nsame time. It was a mistake. A\nmovie career is enough in itself.”\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2813.045166015625, 3381.712646484375, 5210.3828125, 3974.283203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Peter Edson’s Washington Column—\n\nSen. Malone Goofed at Hearing;\nJive Talk Is Greek to Linguist\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3676.909916015625, 3986.72021875, 4534.4155234375, 6302.027828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "tively, “take away my seniority if\nyou must but please let me have\nmy cigarets.”’\n\nIt's against the rules to light up\non the Senate floor and Johnson\nWas continually ducking out for a\npuff\n\nHearing of the no-smoking edict,\nSen Clinton Anderson (D.-N.M.)\nSuggested that Johnson try the\nsnuff which is traditionally sup-\nPlied all senators on the floor.\n| A State Department Foreign\n| Service officer, recently returned\n| to Washington from several years\noverseas, visited the home of old\n‘friends. Although a master of sev-\neral languages, he was completely\ndumbfounded by the lingo he heard\nthe sub-deb daughters of his\nfiends use. Here are a few of the\nmost-used womis he was able to\njot down and get translated.\n Rock—A legitimate big time\noperator.\n\nHard—Phony big-shot.\n\nCakey—The icky, long haired,\n\n_duck-cut type.\nCakey-Hard—A complete square.\nbeyond saving.\nFrapjous—Sensational, fabulous\nseen.\n\nIdjit—Too smart to be true.\n\nWhen asked if the embassy ever\nserved kimchi, a native Korear\ndish made from spoiled cabbage\nDr. Yang replied:\n\n“We do, but we don't .all it that\nYour American boys couldn't stand\nthe taste and gave it a bad repute.\ntion during the fighting.’\n\nRep. Peter Frelinghuysen, Jr.\n‘R.-NJ.) sent the following mes-\nsage to his constituents:\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 213.5054168701172, 4059.807373046875, 1211.913818359375, 4304.64013671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Economic Progress,\nChamber Inseperable\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 6290.49609765625, 4248.50391015625, 7161.338374999999, 6150.976558593749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "- Supportres of Gov. Carl Bailey,\nwho will speak tonight in\nof his candidacy for a third term,\nsaid today the plans had been com-\npleted for the event. Fireworks and\nother preliminary events are\nscheduled for early in the\nand the speech will start sbout\no'clock\n\nIn order to make up for the large\nnumber of seniors who left the\nband in the spring, Charles Moore\nhead, band director, is starting re\nhearsals a month before school\nopens this Fall. If enough new stu-\ndents and former band members\ncan be enrolled for concentrated\n‘work this summer, it is believed\nthey will be prepared to go to the\nopening football game in Memphis\n| Sept. 20.\n| Mr. and Mrs Farnsworth Black\nand daughter Betty have returned\nfrom a month spent in Hardy,\nArk. They were accompanied home\nby Mr. Black's sister, Mrs. Kari\n‘Kroger. and family of Oklahoma\n'City who will visit here for a few\n| days\n\nDr W 8 Crawtord of Marianna\nspent yesterday here with his\nbrother, Ivy Crawford, and family.\n| Miss Louise Brownlee, Misa Mary\n|Ann Nabers and Miss Margaret\n| Jane Acton went to Jonesboro yee-\n| terday to attend the Alpha Sigma\n| convention. They will be there over\nthe weekend.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3706.35547265625, 6677.1391640625, 4562.46288671875, 8875.17821875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "your children and yourself.\n\nQ—To settle an argument, is it\npossible for anyone to contract any\nof the following diseases through a\nblood transfusion: leukemia, spyhi-\nlis, or diabetes? Mrs. E.L\n\nA~—This seems to be a day of\nargument! It is not possible to\ncontract leukemia or diabetes\nthrough a blood transfusion, but it\nnsmit syphilis in\nthis manner.\n\nQ—Will you please explain the\nfunctions of the spleen. Mrs. M.A.\n\nA—Apparentiy, this is a day also\nfor stories. When I was in medica!\nschool one of the teachers one day\nasked another student (who seemed\nto be lapsing into refreshing sleep\nthe same question. The student\neame through with something of\na start and replied that he knew\nall right but had just forgotten.\nThe professor then remarked how\nunfortunate his forgetfulness was\nsince the stucient was the only one\nin the world who knew the func-\ntions of the spleen and had just\nthat minute lost this precious bit\nof information.\n\nThe functions of the spleen, as\nthis story illustrates, are not well\nunderstood. The spleen has some-\ntumes been called the graveyard of\nthe red blood cells—that is the\nplace where the red blood cells\nare destroyed when they become\nspleen really are, this organ can\nthe of functions the tever Wha\nbe and sometimes is remomed and\nthe body seems to carry on its\nfunctions quite well without it.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 293.7606240234375, 7087.51660546875, 1483.6300009765625, 9420.9096640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Economists have been saying for\nsome years now that various government\nprops under the economy reduce greatly\nthe prospect of major depression.\n\nThere is another trend at work in\nindustry itself which may play as big a\nrole in stablilizing economic activity.\nMany corporations have undertaken pro-\ngrams of diversification, often fanning\nout into widely separated fields.\n\nRecently, for instance, a well-estab-\nlished tire manufacturer purchased a\nmajor picture firm. Obviously there is no\nlogical connection between tires and\nmovies.\n\nYou would not imaging an automobile\nmaker would care to encourage rival\nforme of transportation. But General\nMotors is experimenting with a new type\nof train.\n\nExamples in industry are legion.\nWhat lies behind this growing develop-\nment?\n\nIt means that important American\ncompanies are trying to copper their\nbets. They are trying to assure them-\nselves a steady flow of earnings through\nall seasons, through all the ups and\ndowns that may plague the market for\nparticular products.\n\nVer tee or thran dates I! Gin.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2891.91162109375, 581.4526977539062, 5342.61669921875, 3303.34716796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\nWEA Service, tne.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 6270.35156640625, 1061.3626748046875, 7153.738277343749, 3932.0231894531253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "About rumors that he lost inter-\nest in emoting, Craig grinned:\n\n“I never lost interest. I was just\ntired of doing the same kind of\nroles. I've sold my restaurant and\nmy bar and a lot of my horses.\nNow it’s just movies for me.’\n_ Jane Wyman, who was batting\nin the Dinah Shore league as a\nsinger a few seasons back, has\ngiven up the chirping and the\nrecord-waxing that goes with it.\n\nBusy with her own Lewman\nProd., which will turn out ‘Jane\nWyman's Fireside Theater’ for TV\nscreens this fall, Jane told me on\nithe set of ‘‘Miracle In The Rain\":\n\n“The only reason I made rec\n|ords was that I did two pictures\nwith Bing Crosby. The first tune\n| we sang was an Academy award\n| winner. I'm still getting royalties\nfrom our recording of ‘In the Cool,\n| Cool, Cool of The Evening.’ But it\nwas really a fluke thing. ...\n“To be a singer competing with\n| the wonderful kids who are coming\n| up, you have to work at it 24 hours\n,a day. I don't have that kind ot\n| time. So no more singing.’’\n|. The Actress Ida Lupino played\nin a recent TV film, Four Star's\n“The Award,”’ wasn't just fictional!\n| Ida herself is making the con-\n| fession.\n| “How we got away with f I'R\nnever know,’ she grinned. “But\nitm not saving who the actress\n| really is. Let people guess.”\n| In case you missed the show,\nithe heroine was a movie queen\nwho won an Oscar and then rushed\n| to Broadway to do a play and was\nblasted by the footlight critica.\n\nHollywood will see Farley Grang-\n| on the stage in “The Rain-\n| maker” at the Huntington Martford\n(theater after he completes his\n‘summer stock tour im the play. But\nhe’s not worried, like most film\n| stars, about movietown barbs and\nbrickbats\n\n“actors shouldn't let themselves\nbe dominated by a fear of failure\nor rejection,” he says.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5420.5493203125, 3793.794681640625, 6281.086910156249, 5591.55370703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "North had a problem. Game in\ndiamonds seemed rather unlikely.\nSouth had been unable to respond\nin spades, but this meant only\nthat South didn't have four or more\nspades. It was still possible that\nSouth had three spades, in which\ncase game might still be made at\nthat suit. Hence North made the\nrisky game attempt of three\nspades.\n\nThis bid gave South a problem.\nSouth was aware that North might\nhave a weak five-card or six-card\nsuit. It was possible, however, that\nNorth had a very strong spade\nsuit and had been intending to re-\nbid in spades no matter how South\nresponded to the takeout double.\nAfter some thought South came to\nthe wrong answer, and passed.\n\nWest should have passed with\ngreat satisfaction. He had known\nfrom the beginning that the hand\n“belonged’’ to the opponents, and\nhere they were stumbling into a\nsilly unmakable contract! West's\ndouble gave South a chance to\nescape, whereupon West doubled\nagain from sheer annoyance\n\nSouth made his contract easily,\nand actually made an overtrick\nfor a very handsome score. West\nwould have made a profit of about\n200 points if he had passed at\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4569.05469140625, 6920.73437890625, 5410.954585937499, 7254.696773437499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "- Don’t be staggered by East's\nopening bid. Some experts use\n\n“‘weak\"’ two-bids, to show a strong\nsuit in a hand that is not quite\n\nworth an opening bid.\n\n- South naturally passed, anc\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3719.63867578125, 8946.0376015625, 4568.69775, 9459.617671875001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "GRASS may enter its customary\ndormant season before long and\nbring a sigh of relief to the fel-\nlow who has been pushing the\nlawnmower, until he looks at the\nweeds which seem healtheir than\never.—Mattoon (Ill) Journal-Gaz-\nese\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5468.61474609375, 6933.4990234375, 7134.0361328125, 9510.0087890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Food for thought\n\n \n\nACROSS DOWN\n1 Hot —— 1 Edible\n4A gravy —< flatfishes\n8 Part ofa 2 Funeral notice\nfishhook 3 Usually\n12 Honest-——~— 4 Tied\nLincoln 5 Monster\n13 Leer 6 Visigoth king\n14 Wings 7 Number\n15 Food 8 Spheres 25 Track part .41 Recliners\ncontainer 9 Century plant 26Caravansary 42 Pack away\n16 Branch of 10 Tatters 27 Abdication 43 Sea\nastronomy 11 Turkish 28 Scent 44 Gait\n18 More severe governors 29 Ripped 4@ French\n20 Consecrate 17 Fairy king $1 Ironand tin, summers\n21 Measure of 19 Mechanical forinstance 47 Open\nland man 33 Cripples 48 Pieced out\n22 Roman date 23 Fruits 38 Layers 50 Part of the\n24 Nomad 24 Inquires 40 Receded mouth\n26 Cicatrix\n27 Speck\n\n30 Biblical\ndancing girl\n\n32 Ohio city\n\n34 Proper order\n\n35 Charm\n\n36 Furtive\n\n37 Russian news\nagency\n\na &\nfee at table PEP are\n— TTT Fer ee\n45 Putoul TA\n\nonce more\n49 Interpret\n51 Writing fluid\n52 Formerly\n53 Passage in ther\n\n \n \n\n55 Misplaced\nplant\n\n56 Go by\n\n57 Bow\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 246.20066833496094, 6916.78271484375, 1261.61181640625, 7054.1279296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Dependable Diversity\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1530.4163818359375, 2942.661376953125, 2633.567626953125, 3082.31689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Pioneer Spirit Flourishes\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 6302.54053125, 6192.19336328125, 7173.113277343749, 6827.335445312499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "HORACE GREFLFY said “Go\nWest.”\n\nTom Pearsall sava “Go East.”\n\nThe Southern Railway says “Loos\nSouth.”\n\nNew Englanders assert, “It's bet-\nter tO May North.”\n\nWith all this conflicting advice,\nits hard to know which way to ge\nbut until we get over being pumg-\nled we might as well stay pui—\nSheiby «(N. C.) Star.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 6032.720703125, 441.6854553222656, 7013.80810546875, 1000.1741943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Erskine Johnson\n\nIN\nHOLLYWOOD\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4574.02099609375, 6337.7470703125, 5316.44287109375, 6585.423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "@ JACOBY\nON BRIDGE\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1547.0693359375, 5818.5, 2791.56298828125, 5929.9609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Thoughts on Thunderheads\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1591.0238037109375, 8277.595703125, 2243.43359375, 8402.8349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "90 THEY SAY\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 249.2253762207031, 1921.3397255859375, 1449.6729697265625, 2450.902828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "I came forth from the Father, and am come\ninto the world, and I leave the world, and go to\nthe Father.—John 16:78.\n\nx % a\n\nIn this awfully stupendous manner, at which\nReason stands aghast, and Faith herself is half\nconfounded, was the grace of God to man at\nlength manifested —Richard Hurd.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 6398.21484375, 4027.602783203125, 7061.2685546875, 4191.92919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "1S Yeers Age\nim Blytheville—\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5537.72802734375, 474.3866271972656, 5953.37451171875, 1017.9862060546875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 228.77467346191406, 1726.2984619140625, 801.3499145507812, 1845.4036865234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Meditatioris\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4578.28516015625, 8679.2876015625, 5433.102535156249, 9499.573726562501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "West quite properly passed also.\nHe knew that his own hand\nwasn't worth an opening bid and\nthat his partner's hand wasn’t\nworth a normal epening bid. This\ncombination seldom adds up to a\ngame, so there was nothing to be\ngained from bidding.\n_ North naturally had to take\nsome action with his very power-\nful hand. He doubled for a take-\nout, and South made the normal\nresponse of three diamonds.\nWest accepted the ‘push’ by\n| going to three hearts, and now\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1556.8416748046875, 5628.8369140625, 2488.477783203125, 5755.1142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n\nVIEWS OF OTHERS\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1614.053470703125, 8463.92334375, 2803.8320273437503, 9470.037593750001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "I want to tell you (U.S. Army Maj. William\nFife) we don't want war. But if we have to fight,\nlet's be on the same side Russia’s Nikita Khrusch-\nchev at U.S. Embassy party in Moscow.\n\n7 + +\n\nIf we press forward with a vigorous defense\nof the principles for which this country and\nthe free world stand, we have no need to fear\nthat we are in a losing race against the totali-\ntarian way of life-—Allen Dulles, CIA direetor.\n\n- * *\n\nThe juvenile delinquent must be exposed in\nthe proper light and exposed as such Rabbi\nChaim U. Lipschitz, director of the Rabbinical\nAluance of America.\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 242.50285729980467, 2759.226810546875, 1472.3588828125, 3991.4606894531253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "It's usually the boxer who looks dull in his\n\n@aining who gets polished in the ring\n% % *\n\nAn Indiana couple were divorced after @\nyears of married life. At least they gave it a\ntry.\n\n* »* *\n\n{t would be interesting to know what wife has\n\nthe best collection of borrowed things.\n* * ¥\n\nSome girls realize right after marriage what\n\nwonderful men they used to go around with.\n% * *\n\nBeing short of cash makes it hard to convince\nsome people of your wisdom.\n\n” > 7\n\nMW you want to wind up just drifting, con-\ntinually drift im late to work.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3661.830078125, 373.64794921875, 4367.74609375, 507.1278076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "“One, Please’\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 4617.97509765625, 7296.18603515625, 5386.04052734375, 8652.513671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "NORTH 3\n\n@A6532\n\nv2\n\n@AK9\n\n@#KQié¢4\nWEST EAST (D)\n@KQ1094 #87\n¥Q4 VAKI1093\n@842 @73\n4A73 #862\n\nsOUTH\n\n4J\n\n78765\n\n@QJ1065\n\n#1095\n\nNorth-South vul.\nSouth West North\nPass Pass Double\n3¢ 39 34\nPass Double Pass\n4¢ Double Pass\n\nOpening lead—¥Y Q\n\n \n\n \n" }, "37": null, "38": { "bbox": [ 4569.3486328125, 6616.30419921875, 5150.64111328125, 6779.44287109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Double Aims Foe\nAt Right Suit\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 4658.6748046875, 6799.70068359375, 5313.29736328125, 6903.2822265625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "By OSWALD JACORY\nWritten for NEA Service\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 3742.084228515625, 6424.263671875, 4498.67724609375, 6569.51708984375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Written for NEA Service\nBy EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D\n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 2894.222900390625, 6422.5908203125, 3664.372802734375, 6569.78369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "he Doctor Says -\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 231.43203735351562, 2576.9892578125, 515.0348510742188, 2694.189208984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Barbs\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 5444.76171875, 5661.71630859375, 6271.052734375, 6815.11767578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "WrLHRD Jemseae\n\nQ-—With neither side vulner-\nable, the bidding has been\nNorth Fast Seuth West\nl Heart 2 Clubs ?\n\nYou, South, hold\n4753 PROS2 @ABSG HOSS\n\nWhat do you do?\n\nA—Pass. The distribution is\nworthless, and your hand pre-\nvides only two high cards. If\nNorth needs nothing cise, he will\nspeak again without hearing from\nyou.\n\nTODAY'S QUESTION\n\nThe bidding is the same as in\nthe question just answered. You,\nSouth, hold\n4753 WKOSt @¢AQée &I83\n\nWhat do you do?’\n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 5441.69336328125, 5745.7944375, 6279.172359374999, 6803.088374999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Q—With neither side vulner-\nable, the bidding has been\nNorth East Seuth West\nl Heart 2Clubs ?\n\nYou, South, hold:\n\n4753 PRSS52 @ASE HOSS\n\nWhat do you do?\n\nA—Pass, The distribution is\nworthless, and your hand pre-\nvides only two high cards. If\nNorth needs nothing cise, he will\nspeak again without hearing from\nyou.\n\nTODAY'S QUESTION\nThe bidding is the same as in\nthe question just answered. You,\nSouth, hold:\n4753 WKOSt @€AQée IEE\nWhat do you do’?\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 14 ], [ 0, 31 ], [ 14, 31 ], [ 8, 17 ], [ 8, 2 ], [ 17, 2 ], [ 32, 19 ] ]
[ 3495.515380859375, 4658.2861328125 ]
[ [ 0, 14 ], [ 2, 8 ], [ 14, 31 ], [ 17, 2 ], [ 19, 32 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1392.824740234375, 347.5648525390625, 1797.714322265625, 1572.6663486328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK -? — If the Lore\nwhuspered un your secret heart that\nyou had but one month to hve and\n\nHeit you pick that month, which\nwould :ou choose” I'd say October\n| The birds love ix. the beasts love\ni. aed man bimself then stands\nupon the sumamt of the year.\n\nOctober is ali tne other seasons\nwrapped bye a 3iday grab-b3g\npacnage. ted with a rainbow rib.\nben It is the period when Mother\nNature, the great dramatuast.\nbrings her travel.og road shew te\n\na chmax,\n| This 1s the math that. Lhe a\ncider press. suueetes yul the best\nA ites of all tre other months —\nfe of Sarmg. the suliry\nnumer, the afterglow of\nAutuma, the premoniuors cinll of\nWaster. Exercything thot walks ihe\nearth feels an amper thrill, 2 tre-\nmeencuus dubs that\nsings an the pu\n\nNow us the glory of ¢\n\nmanent, and i ih gs\nréati of the Bilis each patch of\nimeceds elecis Ns own [ree beauty\n‘Queen. Sou hhe ike dogwood? We\nMount quarrel, Li take the maple.\nsxellow torch!\nThe birés looked on disdainiull\nwhiue foolnh man clogged e.em\nsteaming road with his July vaca-\ntens.\n\nThey knuw the right ne ta\naevel. They hate huag a “to let\nsign on their nests ard cloud the\nserene skies wih a bien wings\nbeating so aré. The worm they\nmussed noses ceeper into the turf,\nmuttering. “safe at last.”\n\n4nis as uf evervone suddenly had\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 158.52957421875, 343.55432397460936, 571.9475986328125, 1764.6153232421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "There seems good reason to be-\nReve that old Abd FI Krim, “the\nlion of the Atlas,” is the man\nbehind the new Arab uprising 10\nFrench Morocco.\n\nEf so, the French government\nmay face a grim situation fer a\nlong time.\n\nFor Ei Krim has dedicated his\nlife for more than 30 years to\nwinning total independence not\nonly for his native Morocco but\nfor all of French North Africa.\n\nHe has not been in Morocco\nsince 1996. Bui his name is still\nene to conjure with.\n\nStatements are now being issued\nin Cairo saying that independence\nfor all of French North Afmeca is\nthe aim of the Moroccan rebels.\n\nThe Statements are sponsored by\nrth African Liberation Com-\nheadquarters\n\n \n\nIt is in Cairo that eated El Krim\nis living as the guest of the Egyp-\ntian government. Freach author:\nlies are becoming convinced that\nhe is directing the center.\n\nA spokesman for the center said\non Tuesday that the rebels 1a\nMerocco and Algeria, adjoining\nor. the east. are now i\na unified, organized\narmy.”\n\nHe said that the present uprisirg\nis commanded by en underground\ngeneral staff.\n\nDispatches from Morocco have\nemphasized that the rebels who\nare fighung in El Krim’s old terri-\ntery, near the border of Ssanish\nMoroece, are smarth rt\nwell armed and expertly orgaa-\nized.\n\nThere has been fighung in\nFrench North Africa ‘or seme,\nwears. But the present i\nMorocco ts the first organ\nin that protectorate since El Kri\nled his warriors against Spain and\nthen France in the 1920s. f\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2636.758578125, 86.35512048339844, 3051.041958984375, 513.2827731933594 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "jon workers at the Kenosha plant\nvoted Tuesday mght in favor of\nthe plan.\n\n‘That gave the national agree-\nMent the approval of the majority\nof American Motors’ emploves.\n\nUnion spokesmen at Kenosha\nsaid they believed the approval by\nthe majority would mean the na-\n,tional agreement would be apphed\n‘at all plants. regardless of the Mil\niwaukee plant workers’ .ote.\n\nHowever a spohesman for the\n‘management of the Milwaukee\n‘plant sard Wednesday, “As far as\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2653.181396484375, 559.8825073242188, 3445.695556640625, 1556.7318115234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "LENNON'S\n\nSUPER MARKET\n174 Main Street—Stanley 169\nUse Our Convenient Parking Lot at Rear of Store\n\nWIS. NO. 1 POTATOES\n\n10-Ib\nbag\n\nBABY PORK LOIN ENDS LOIN ENDS\n\nA5<*\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 168.4196014404297, 2557.2880859375, 943.6801147460938, 3562.5615234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\nBOETTNER’S\n\nFOOD MARKET\n\n: Grant at Elmwood—Ph. St. 1140\n\n \n\nFlame\n\nTokay Grapes\n; 10\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n100% Pure\n\ni Chopped Beef\n\" 39c\n\n \n\n \n\nPascol\n\nCelery\nsom I5€\n\na ~ hia Top\n\nCHES\nHee\n2 29\nINSTANT MAXWELL\nHOUSE COFFEE\n\n“a 91.53\n\nHy Grade\n\nCanned Hams\n\ncon $1.59\n\n \n\n|\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 160.5649871826172, 84.9281234741211, 552.984619140625, 300.8416442871094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Abd El Krim\nSeen Behind\nArab Uprising\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 554.8793666992187, 1624.2987392578125, 968.4007846679688, 2512.2052890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "1 6SAN ANGELO, Tex. 2A Me\nP disom. Wis., airman and his wfc\nI have set out ta prove che academ-\ni mention what baste dieta\nappetite needs can be\n{factory ated on the a\nive sum of 3350 a week.\n\ni Burésck Myre. a ofoot inch\nilad stauoned at Foodfellor Air\n.Force Base, seid he will miss the\nPOST the halfi-jar of peanut butter\nthe has been eating before bed-.\n[ume each night\n\n| Mrs. Myre. a d-foot ad-iaker in\nthe San Angelo Standaré-Times of-!\nfice. thinks her biggest job yall\n‘be io keep her airman from\n|- snacking” at the base.\n| The couple began the test!\nWednesday. The $856 figure was\njestabished by nutriuonists at Utah\n\nExperiment Station who claim it’s!\npossible\n: The re breakfast Wednesday\nOrange futce, cereal, miutk and cof\nfee.\n\nLunch- Bacon aad tomato send- :\nwich. raspberry gelaiin with ba.\nnanas and iced tea.\n\nSupper. Pot roast. mashed po-\n‘eatoes. corn and hme gelatin with)\nlcarrots. ;\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1398.2823486328125, 91.8912124633789, 1785.941650390625, 304.51898193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "October Best\nOf All Months,\nBoyle Asserts\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3051.52664453125, 188.88865930175783, 3471.4474765625, 507.96511572265626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "[the Milwaukee body plant is con-\ncerned, neither the (national) eco-\n‘nomic agreement nor the iocal\nagreement is concluded, so those\ncontracts are not in effect here.**\n\n| Company and union represenia-\n‘tives are expected to meet here\nFriday to discuss the situation,\naccording te a statement issued\nWednesday by the company head-\nquarters at Detroit.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2230.740478515625, 91.93590545654297, 2587.24853515625, 265.44793701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Milwaukee Not\nIn AMC Accord\nTill OK Is Voted\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 572.0529174804688, 1438.6026611328125, 924.32177734375, 1618.127197265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Airman, Wife To\nTry to Live On\n$8.55 per Week\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 154.23231506347656, 3612.836181640625, 925.241943359375, 4627.04638671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "PELZ LIBERTY\n\nTOS Ockland Avenue—Blackhawk 6471\nFree Delivery!\n\nfe Cut Aged\nU.S.D.A. Choice Steer Beef\n\nROUND STEAK = 59:\n\nPORK SAUSAGE ROLLS ....3 Ibs $1.00\nUS.D.A. Choice\n\nSHORT RIBS OF BEEF 5 tbs $1.06\nOPEN SUNDAYS\n\nBA. M. to 12 Noon-——4 P. M. to 6 P.M.\n\nPen Ready\n\nSTEWING CHICKENS\n\nFirst Cut\n\nPORK CHOPS, ROAST or LOIN RIBS [b 3%\n\nWe Are Sorry We poe es fat hese. tems Rist Wed\nWe is Week.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 164.3835906982422, 1887.0889892578125, 548.771240234375, 2484.2646484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\nz “pasteunizen - oe\n\nCREA iM CHEESE.\n\n \n\nIn the Re-usable\nPlastic Container\n@ Ask Your Grocer @\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 960.2847290039062, 3827.371826171875, 1344.6336669921875, 4628.35205078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "| QUANTITY |\nDISCOUNTS\n\nOffer Surest Savings on Your\nFood Bills.\n\nBuy in Doren Lots.\nTop Quality. :\nFRESH FROZEN FRUITS ,\nVEGETABLES.\nSUICES\nSEA FOODS\n| BAKERY GOODS\n\nPOULTRY\nICE CREAM\nTY DINNERS\nChoice Beef, Pork, Lemb ond\nVeal\n\nIt’s Easy to Seve Without Shop-\nping When You Select Top Qual-\nity From Our Discount Price List.\n\nColf Stantey 177 and Get on\nOur Moiling List.\n\nKUEBLER’S\nAMANA FOOD PLAN\n\nMain ot Parkway\n\nCenme Nal mcus\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1800.3043544921875, 87.7683208618164, 2219.18722265625, 1131.7959873046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "been given magic cclor glasses.\nThe stars bend nearer. And that\nbig blob of moon — a child feels\nlit is so close he could reach up\n{with a knife and spread it on his\n|bread ke butter.\n| The stag stamps en the hilltop\n,and lifts an amorous bugle to the\nnight. The throb in e.ery wood-\n‘land heart has an echo w the city.\nOctober hnows ro boundaries.\nListen — can’t you hear and feel\nxis musi¢ m your \\eus, the tre\nmendous symphony of Lying?\nThe squirrel, bright-ered and\nbushy-taded, @ecomes an annual\nmiser, furtively depositing acorns\nina Indéen safe depusit box that\nuill be empty by March. The bear\nimvesis his eacess profits in far\nplanning to live off this stored cap-\nal unm he emerges frum his bi-\nberaation seat Spring, cross and\nbankrupt.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nat mehr now has be-\n@ \\wihn, plasing a love song\nfor the young. a last tune of youth\n“for the old. Do vou stay awake to\nhear +t? You'd better! He only\naus a Hitle while, this wandering\nhdéler in the dark, then takes his\nballads and beats it.\n\nOctober wears 2 crown and\nmakes e.ery man a gz. ie bears\nthe harsest superiority of the\nruunded apple over the petaled\nflower, the advantage iruvion ard\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1820.393310546875, 1163.852783203125, 2191.447509765625, 1552.0897216796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "CHOICE DRESSED\n\nTURKEYS\n\nFresh Dressed —— Pen Raised\nFELL YOUR FREEZER NOW!\n\nQuality will never be better —\nPrices will never be fawer. Spe-\nsict prices for freezers.\n\nWOLFF'S\n\nPOULTRY FARM\nBik. 9542 —- Free Delivery\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2220.3779296875, 977.0046997070312, 2626.9619140625, 1549.9896240234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "The following item in our ad\nappearing in fast night's\nNorthwestern) should have\nread\n\nHEAD\nLETTUCE\n2 wx. 29:\nFRIEDRICH'’S\n\nSUPER MARKET\n\n1505 Oregon Street\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2217.391390625, 274.7070949707031, 2631.526822265625, 701.9147006835938 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "all\n\n| MILWAUKEE i — A company\nspokesman says the national eco-\nnomic agreement reached by\nAmerican Motors Corporation and\nthe ClO United Auto Workers\nunion does not apply ro the firm's\nMuwaukee piant unless the workers\nbere agree to it.\n\nMembers of Local 75 of the\nCAW-CLO voted Sunday w reject\nthe national agreement as well as\nthe local plant agreement.\n\n- Workers at AMC's Evo Michi-\ngan plants previously bad ap-\nproved the national plar, and un-\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 577.8544921875, 121.157470703125, 1384.4527587890625, 957.0969848632812 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "DAE UE DAN MP MR Ae eI\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nmane CNIEHS ARE\nom Mek MoM, ALY\n>\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nNVOLUTE,\n” SCRAPS\n\nINVOLUTE\nBrinn\n\n \n\nSPE BLACA SEK WHE\nWIRE. GR CARBSSARD fo\nMAKE ARE ARCAED hoons\not GER LLOAKS.\n\n \n\nob\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 576.387728515625, 1005.3772915039062, 974.1116611328125, 1422.87960546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "1. What English leerary mac\nwas also noted as 2 Comversaiten:\nalist and cornpiler uf a Gicuunars °\n\n2. Whatus the second Larges\nsiaie in ine L\n\n3. Can sunt datingush betaven\nieaae Wants und Isase Walon?\n\n4 Who pa.cred The Infum Sam-\nuel?\n\n5 Who the present Unned\nStates amoazsucder iv Great Br:t-\nain?\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nHappy Birthday\n\n \n" }, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 1490.48828125, 316.2577819824219, 1704.625732421875, 342.42071533203125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Ry HAL ROYLE\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 252.12644958496094, 313.2555847167969, 504.2574462890625, 338.72503662109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Be TITTEH PRrSe\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1445.65625, 1656.9071044921875, 3427.36474609375, 3169.446044921875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "ENR RitTCHESD\n\nFLOUR:\n\nBEEREEER\n\nWS aw he eweees\not\n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2516.975130859375, 3428.116732421875, 3350.4045078125, 4011.84444921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "The answer is im the amount and the quality of the protein\nin King Midas. To get high-protein values. we mill King\nMidas from costly premium-priced wheats which contain a\nhigh proportion of protein—the kind of protein that gives\nsuperior results in bread baking. So. vou see, the quality we\nmill into King Midas pays off in extra baking strength i\nyour kitchen.\n\nTHIS IS IMPORTANT, TOO! King Midas dough is less sensitive\nthan dough made with low-protein flour. For this reason it\ncan tolerate some error in judgment. timing and temperature.\nExira protein also helps to hold freshness. That’s why vou\noften hear women say that their bread stays fresh jonger\nwhen they bake with King Midas.\n\nNex? time you go shopping ask for King Midas. # goes farther, so ®\ncosts you less in the long run than lower-priced, fower-protein flours.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 148.31852990722658, 1790.3768642578125, 550.8502475585938, 1859.909390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Of 83 Michigan counties, orb\ntwo have zo lakes.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1382.776123046875, 1745.951904296875, 3495.515380859375, 4656.87744140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "You get\n\nEXTRA LOAVES\n\nfrom every sack of\n\nER RSC HES\n\nFLOUR\n\nBEEREEER\n\nae’\n\n \n\nThe proof is in the recipe. Because King Midas has extraordi- proportions, you get more loaves per bag than if you use\nnary baking strength. the recipe ave recommend to obtain best other flours and the 12-cup recipes they recommend.\n\nresults calls for only 10 cups of King Midas to make four\n\n1-lb. loaves. Recipes recommended by most other leading Why Does King Midas Go Farther Then\nflours call for at least 12 cups of their four to make four Low-Protein Flour?\n\nloaves. So. when you use King Midas in the recommended The answer is in the amount and the quality of the protem\n\n_——s in King Midas. To get high-protein values. we mill King\n\nan aww ” BREAD N eee | Midas from costly premium-priced wheats which contain a\ni “GOLDEN youck aay boo _ i high proportion of protein—the kind of protein that gives\nMakes 4 ee o sue, a warm place F607 f° or2 | Superior results in bread baking. So. you see, the quality we\ni sages evanlar yeast oF Lat rise - ianl doubied in 1 mill into King Midas pays off in extra baking strength in\nages SF a a\ni genenes 4 ae cornpressed Fens ” deo down and divide mito 4 i your kitchen.\nlukewarm Sah’ hose E < < . ores\nj ; rn me alded Pond POTHODE, portion into on I THIS IS IMPORTANT, TOO! King Midas dough is less sensitive\nEo Combine cup shoreento ee ball Let rest about 7 1 than dough made with low-protein flour. For this reason it\n3, cup SM _ Zo 2 2 ss -\n1 5 1easpoons a cool te luke aie joaves aad place 72 well: can tolerate some error in judgment. timing and temperature.\nPo see to aweclve # shape to 4 Ne Cer ne 1 Exira protein also helps to hold freshness. That's why vou\nATE ee inture oat ey and put on in size 1 often hear women say ihat their bread stavs fresh jonger\nof mae a in * - - q\n1 ail 8 capa sifted KING MI terse . vault loaves double 1 when they bake with King Midas.\n1 Blend in Shed Flour ~ about 1 hour-\nEan! ®\n\n4007\n. \" jy het oven \\ . - \" .\ni aod... of welt fereith. about § an moderatel yo Saute. 1 Nex? time you go shopping ask for King Midas. # goes farther, so ®\n\n— noes\n‘ aug Boks F) for 45 00 eur Biithe } costs you jess in the long run than lower-priced, fower-protein flours.\nbe «) . a ot\n3 owt: cover . owing this i\nFiace.--- ke with King Midos four, Foler tod-—end more |\n1 ANTEE TO YOU—Boke nat # gives YoU GenOOMS Ty ecipe——we'l l\ni OUR GU ehh _ you don’t oeresent flour and ifs recomune! 4\nFouch™ recipe et with your Midas.\nit thon you 9 4 € King\nTooves Of Td the purchase Pree © your aa eee @ HIGH\n1 glodly -—_——oeoo ——\nLe ee or I Scare ae EY oS. ae er aoe PROTE I N\n\ng :\n: @& = QPEQIAL __ at THE sets You want oF :\nag Royal Windsor Hlaintess\n\ni ¢ \\ : vs OFFER! f see FLATWARE\n\naye = It’s lovely and itll stay lovely through years of evervday Q> @\n\na = use. Perfectly balanced—designed to match any table\n\n* \\ ¥ 5 setting—solid metal-—never rusts or stains—each 4-piece\n4 ’ yy\n\n4 , 4 place settmg valued at $2.50. .\n\nx ‘ 4 i arial the sets you want By takioe advantage of offer x Milled From\n\n€ Packed in every sack of King Midas. : y\n\n¥ ty 3 % Complete information in bag insert, Buy King Midas i Costlier Premum Wheats\n\n~~” today and start your set.\n\n \n\nKing Midas Flour Will Be Featured Exclusively ot the\nBaily Northwestern Cooking School, Oct. 18, 19. 20. 27\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2483.335693359375, 4032.787841796875, 3423.213134765625, 4658.2861328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "HIGH\nPROTEIN\n\nPx 2\n\nMilled From\nCostlier Premium Wheots\n\nKing Midas Flour Will Be Featured Exclusively ot the\nBaily Northwestern Cooking Schocl, Oct. 18, 19. 20. 21\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 970.942416015625, 1572.6173427734375, 1386.2591220703125, 2966.542935546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "known. Orig —— Remin-\nscers, present participie of Remi-\nnet, la recollect.\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nFulks of Fame — Guess the Name\n\nt—He's an Army officer, born in\nCinuuinait in 1898, was a studenr\nof ine Lonersiiy of Crncinnar,\nthe US. Miltary acauemy and did!\ngraduate work et the Ken elaer'\nPolstechnic institure He was then\ngraduaied from the engineering\nschool of the U.S. Army. He was\ncomnussioned secend lieutenant of\nthe engineer corps of e US.\nArmy, and has been advanced\nthrough the grades to major gen-\neral. He hes bees assisiant engi-\nmeer of maintenance of the Pana-\nma canal during 1942 - <5. and\nexecuitve of the office of engineers\nin Washington in 1915 - 1948: then\ndistrict engineer of ihe New Or-\nleans district corps of engineers.\nHe i now deputy chef si US.\nArmy engineers. Can yeu tell his\nname?\n\n2 — As a youngster this polsti-\ncal figure seld newspapers in Chi-\ncage where he was born in 15902\nAfter graduation izem high school\nhe worked in the Chicago siock-t\nvards m the daytime and attended\n‘S$ at a uaAnersity at aight.\nHe obtained both his college and\nlaw school education in the same\numversiiv, and was admitted to\nthe bar in 1953. He was a member\nof the Himois house of represen-\ntatives from 1936 io 1938. then was\nelected to the state senate. He was\nappointed deputy comptroller of\nCook county until 1945, when the\nGov. Adlai Stevenson appointed\nhim director of the Iinois depart-\nmeni of finance. He was elected\nmayor of Chicage in April. 1955,\nfor a four - year term. Whai is\nhis name?\n\n(Names at bottom of céhumn)\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 978.73709375, 1148.175326171875, 1396.157193359375, 1372.051724609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\n \n\nAT Brysae, cs\n\n \n\ntee bene: is imrough ry\nlemtant interests A\noriginal persu!\n‘child bern today, one > alse Possess: '\ning ound jJudgmem, aad arusuc\nand musial talents. '\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1043.4796142578125, 1389.4859619140625, 1323.0242919921875, 1411.642822265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Wanrceh Yane Danenace\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2216.15359765625, 708.1330288085937, 2632.3215, 883.3590366210938 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "achterement have over pale prom-\nines. April is the Sedeling pahii-\neran of the year, sayieg. “suek\nwih me and we'll go places. Octo-\nber is the mature statesman hold-\nng eut the golden reward.\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 978.6805141601562, 945.0882290039062, 1389.6310703125, 1098.936978515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "SNe Skee wT\n,Mena Jeriza, furmer opera sing-\ns Mooty Soark fer-\nqueen, and Jack Shar-\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 632.870849609375, 950.25732421875, 924.2350463867188, 996.9722900390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "TODAY'S GRAB BAG\n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 3086.671875, 91.78546905517578, 3449.322998046875, 168.9451904296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Oshkosh Northwestern 22\nThurs., Oct. 6 1955\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1152.64794921875, 92.85533905029297, 1382.7484130859375, 142.50364685058594 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "By R. J. SCOTT\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1104.5291748046875, 1119.0902099609375, 1262.9537353515625, 1139.886962890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Woeer Future\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 949.2623012695312, 3353.1247890625, 1365.348599609375, 3644.0197421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "How'd You Make Quit\n\n‘ i Dr. Samuel Johnson.\n\n2. Cahfornia.\n| 3. Isaac Waits was a writer of\nhymns, Isaac Walton 1s called the\n\n“Father of Angling.”\nSiw Joshua Reyznoids.\n| 5 Winthrop W_ Aidrich.\n\n“ABIEd \"f preyony aoieiy — =\n“ARCH “5D Sepseqg “aeg “rey — 1\n\n \n\n \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1450.102572265625, 3204.6247890625, 2399.9416171875, 3474.103482421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "The proof is in the recipe. Because King Midas has extraordi-\nnary baking strength. the recipe ave recommend to obtain best\nresults calls for only 10 cups of King Midas to make four\n1-lb. loaves. Recipes recommended by mosi other leading\nflours call for at least 12 cups of their four to make four\nloaves. So. when you use King Midas in the recommended\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 974.3204677734375, 1425.3717373046875, 1388.178189453125, 1672.65597265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": " \n\nof\noi. pertaimay . Gf marked by\n[ESARIDSERCE given to or indulg-\nimy mm reminiscences. that reminds\none. as of\nknown. Or:\nscers, present participle of Rem-\nnet, la recollect.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1048.5303955078125, 3112.744384765625, 1275.998779296875, 3132.083740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Fe ee a ee eee\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 945.52371484375, 3654.493685546875, 1361.6551181640625, 3796.558560546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Nearly every member of the\nChalkmas ube of southeastern\nEast Pakistar smokes tobacco.\nThe native leaf is used by children\nxonung as four .ears_\n\n \n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 958.1437709960937, 2983.19949609375, 1372.95968359375, 3095.194546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "yl it's Been said\n; Wit should be used as 2 shield\nfor defense rather than as a sword\n‘ta wound others. — Fuller.\n" }, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 8, 1 ], [ 11, 20 ], [ 11, 31 ], [ 20, 31 ] ]
[ 5021.87841796875, 6378.12109375 ]
[ [ 8, 1 ], [ 11, 31 ], [ 20, 11 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2529.442619140625, 2199.723380859375, 3159.844490234375, 3902.2170488281254 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Its a mistake for any woman—\n\nTo make her husband look fool-\nish just to build herself up as the\ncalm practical always right mem-\nber of the family\n\nTo do so much talking about the\nSuperloritv of her children’ that\nothers start looking for their flaws\nand shortcomings, and are delight-\ned when they find some\n\nTo low-rate her in laws when she\nis talking to even her closest\nfriends After all if her husband\nhas such an awful family, people\nwill wonder how he can be much\nbetter\n\nTo answer questions directed to\nher husband or jump in to correct\nhim when he 1s doing the talking\n\nTo talk poor mouth no matter\nhow much she is having to econo-\nmize\n\nTo repeat to her husband the\nthings her women friends tell her\nin confidence That 1s not only un\nfair to the women she has\nised not to tell a soul but it will\ngive her husband the idea she\ncant keep a secret and he may he\nhesitant about trusting her with\nanv of his own\n\nTo be sure that she is right\nwhenever her husband 1s reluctant\nto go along with one of hei ideas\nIt may be true in soap operas that\nthe wife always knows best and\nPapa must alwavs be brought\naround to Mamas way of thinking\nBut it isnt always rtue in real\nlife\n\nTo encourage her children not\nto tell their father anvthing that\nwill upset him For that 1s the\nsurest way in the world to turn\nthe tather of the family into an\noutsider\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1890.647453125, 1762.4476240234376, 2523.37744921875, 3611.1093828125004 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "trve securities, and do you hold\nthat the countrv would have been\nbetter off if John D Rockefeller,\nCommodore Vanderbilt Alexander\nBell Henry Ford Buffalo Bull,\nJohn Fremont Samuel Morse\nGeorge Washington Robert Ful-\nton, Nathan Hale Ben Franklin\nDaniel Boone Israel Putnam and\nKit Carson had said “This 15 all\ntoo rishv I want guarantees ”\n\nPS—Nobodv claims there may\nnot be some need for bétter protec-\ntion of investors or that it 1s well\nto guaid against another 1929 but\nyou will neve: create a condition\nwhere a man with faith enough in\nAmerican fndustrv to back it up\nwith his own monev will get\n\nchickenish because there 38 no\n‘sure thing ’\n\nA housewife Who didnt get off\nthe partv wire when a fire warden\nswanted to get through an alarm is\nbeing held for trial . Ya mean\nany Woman 1s expected to cut\nsho't the gossip about Mrs Whoo-\n7iss and the male boarder short of\nearthquake or flood' ' ' A new\nplay being tried out on the road\nconcetns two wives who mutder\nthe husbands in three acts and it-\nis Called a comedy! A race\nhorse 18 @ piize on a TV program\nif you can suggest the best name\nfor it How about Man O Jack-\npot Sir Video o: Native Answer?\n\nWe think Senator Karl Mundt\ncalled the turn on the reopened\n\nPeress inquiry when he said The\nsituation will be so confused by\nbureaucratic red tape and = buck-\npassing that we will never put our\nfinger on an individual at fault\n\nIT am not even sure there 19\na villain other than the failure of\nthe Defense Department to come\nclean in the first place’... 400\nwho Mr: Stevens’\n\n(Released Bv the Associated Newspapers)\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1882.805908203125, 3637.452880859375, 2504.359619140625, 3779.102783203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "DISTRIBUTOR ARRESTED\nIN SALE OF MAGAZINES’\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 49.70008087158203, 3279.176513671875, 1228.2633056640625, 4493.318359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "opp. ren 3, | OUTLET | ty cse0\nSTRICTLY FRESH KILLED CHICKENS\n\n_ GRADE \"A\" QUALITY\nBROILERS, FRYERS, FOWL > Sq » 29\nSHOULDERS 29°59, C\n\nCHICKENS, FRY OR BROIL ....... tb | 7 59°\nLEGS AND BREASTS (comb.) ......\n\nLARGE ROASTING CHICKENS ----- ic\nLEGS OF LAMB—Genuine $ Spine 49¢\nSKINLESS FRANKS ----.----\n\nSLICED BACON—Sugar-Cured ... 1b ” 25¢\n\nE Wm mm e@ Large Grade ‘A’ Crax doz. 49¢\nGGS Large Grade ‘A’ . .doz. 59¢\nOPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY 'TIL 9 P.M.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2546.856201171875, 4381.70068359375, 2844.02392578125, 4833.67041015625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1884.9251630859376, 3816.4814375, 2517.139900390625, 4656.94580859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "NEW HAVEN March 17—(AP)\nA New ork magazine distributor\nhas been atrested here on a charge\n| of selling obscene literature and\npictures\n| Police said Milton Levine 49 of\nMt Vernon N ~~ was arrested\n|xesterda, as the result of the\nState Legislatures investigation of\ncomic books and = girhe maga-\nzines Levine 1% the owner and oper-\nator of INS Magazine Distributors\nInc of Mt Vernon police said\n\nPolice Lt Edward Cooke New\nHaven pohce censor said Levine\nspecitically is charged with selling\nand distributing two magazines\nshowing women 1 suggestive poses\nand in vatious stages of undress”\n\nThese two magazines were being\nsold openly on New Haven news-\nstands but the news dealers were\nnot arrested.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 32.37924575805664, 4562.38818359375, 1885.9659423828125, 6377.73876953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\nAir Conditioner\n\n34 Ton Room We invite you\n\nony 189° | to compare!\n\nOUR SELECTION ........... BEST IN CONNECTICUT\n\nOUR PRICES LOWEST IN BRIDGEPORT\n@ee ©6004 @ 68H O8 6G BEST POSSIBLE\n\nOUR SERVICES ............ FREE 90 DAY SERVICE\n\nOUR TRADES Up To $100 For Your Old TV\nWE ARE TELEVISION SPECIALISTS\n\nUP TO S100 “cto'risnsion\nCBS-Columbia\nTELEVISION.\n\n__ BLOND — OAK -—- FRUITWOOD — — MAPLE — MAt —_— MAHOGANY _~ .\n“pc BARNEY'S TV...\nEVERY NITE N EVERY NITE\n\nCONNECTICUT'S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE TV DEALER\n\n2281 EAST MAIN ST. BEARDSLEY PARK ED 6.1500 ED ¢ 6-0266\n\nJATON Alek CONDITIONER .~ Onlv €10 Q& Down: 62.50 Per Week\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": null, "8": { "bbox": [ 1254.1512373046876, 1813.5189130859376, 1879.9012529296874, 4544.1840898437495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "SNe ee PPR\n\n1--In starting and conducting\nyour probe into the stock market,\naren't you gambling on whether it\nwill increase your batting average\nor lower it?\n\n2—Isnt every voter taking a\nchance whenever he casts a vote\nfor any US Senator and do you\nfavor some rules giving a voter\nmore data so he will be protected\nagainst mistakes”\n\n3—Wasnt any stock market in-\nvestor who ‘bought’ your promise\nof a “friendly” investigation going\nout on a limb and taking the big-\ngest gamble of the day?\n\n4—Will vou name a few activities\nin human life that do not embrace\ngambling and do you deny that a\nman takes a chance cverv time he\n‘opens a hot dog stand starts his\nown pickle works or tries to pay\nthe rent bv writing box-top. slo-\ngans?\n\n5—America 1s full of men who\nstarted life on a shoestring and\nfound wealth and fame Do vou fa\nVor an inquirv into sShoestiings\nwith a view to passing Jaws re-\nquiring a more detailed analysis\nof shoestrings a committee regu-\nlation of holes and a rule requiring\nthat ever, man starting life on a\nshoestring carry six sets of spares”\n\n6—Weren’t the Americans\nwho broke the trails in the cov\nered wagons taking a whale of\na chance and would it have\nbeen better 1s they had played\nit safe and never have set out\nwithout Federal guarantees and\nspecific data on all Indians, wild\nanimats badlands etc ?\n7—Do you know of anybody\nwho was gambling more agatnst\nheavy odds than the Founding\nFathers who landed on Ply\nmouth Rock and, if you had\nbeen around would you have\ndemanded a floating supply of\nPlymouth Rocks?\n8—When Paul Revere set\nforth for Lexington wasnt he\ntaking a terrific gamble?\nShould he have awaited a com\nplete statistical analysis of all\nBritish posts and should he\nhave kept out of the situatton\nwith a statement “One horse\nts too big a risk As a prudent\nman | would not get into this\nwithout four pedigreed horses,\nall owned by me outright’?\n9—Wasnt Stanley taking a hig\nchance in his hunt for Dr Lising-\nstone and do vou think his fam-\nous greeting might bette: have\nbeen ‘Dr Livingstone I presume\nbut to presume is not enough and\nIT must ask for full data and a case\nhistory’ ?\n10—Were not AT&T the Stand-\nard Otls General Electric Geneial\nMotors and duPont once specula-\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 30.259653091430664, 2336.4931640625, 1207.2845458984375, 3235.450927734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Your Child Hard To Fit?\nWe Don't Think So!\nWe Specialize in Fitting\n\nHusky Boys and Chubby Girls\nWHY NOT FIND THIS OUT FOR YOURSELF!\n\n \n\nGIRLS’ . ' BOYS\nChubby Sizes ARTHUR 4 Husky and\n812 to 1414 vets , Stout\nand Preteens YY ee tle (pee! Sizes\n101g to 141% the up to 20\nOse\n\n65 CANNON ST. —- 25 P, 0. ARCADE\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 26.195919036865234, 1530.8843994140625, 1218.685791015625, 2269.438720703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Oil Surners 7 24-Hour\nInstalled LO < Burner Service\n\na\n\nRANGE OIL\nHOME cue orig. NOUSTRY\n\nPHONE: EDison 6-3541\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2855.77782421875, 4390.88378125, 3161.779548828125, 4823.8056718749995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "lous Acousticon\n3d-transis-\ntor hearing aid\nithat retails for\n‘only $9950\n\n‘There is no de-\n-pesit required —\nino obligation -\nPhone me,\n‘Stephen HH\n‘Ogilvy, at LO\nE761 aor VU ecte\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 690.3861694335938, 196.85897827148438, 2447.136962890625, 1470.129150390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": ", , BAND How Do THEY DESCRIBE\nWhyizzit DEPT “NEASTERY BB ITN We EATERIES oUF wees?\n\n \n\n1968, KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, Ine.\nSc WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED ~\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2531.066162109375, 4175.90234375, 3143.0234375, 4279.95556640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Hard of Hearing?\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4.486049468994141, 155.80628186035156, 617.2772294921874, 627.1034624023438 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "‘HARTFORD, March 17—(AP)\nThe Legislature’s Cities and Bor-\noughs committee wag asked yester-\nday to authorize highway construc-\ntion bonds for 130 million aoullars to\nbuild interior roads Wilham Dow-\ner, executive vice president of the\nHartford Chamber of Commerce\npresented a resclution drafted by\nthe Connecticut Highway Users\nConference calling for such a bond\nissue to relieve current highway\ncongestion\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 25.111406326293945, 659.3140869140625, 603.8562622070312, 1480.936767578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\n. a\n\n‘Floor wax tests prove that\nBeacon Wax’s’ longer-gleaming\nmakes it the biggest bargain!”\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1925.3671875, 5012.83837890625, 3137.813720703125, 6366.1767578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "PLAZA. BEEF\n\nSHOULDERS .. =%: 29:\nVEAL CHOPS Ib.\n\ne@eoee?\n@eeee#e\neoeeoeeoeeoeeoenveee? © @ @\ne@eeoeseses\n@aeeo eee oeene esd\n@e0ee¢eeee8@eeeess\n\nARMOUR STAR OR WILSON CERTIFIED 69¢\n\nCANNED HAMS\n\nSLAB BACON lb 35¢\nTENDERLOINS\n\nFRESH: HAMS ib 49¢\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3177.872802734375, 1618.430908203125, 5021.87841796875, 6378.12109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "~~cmuanmmmmammmms FREE PARKING WHILE YOU SHO YOU SHOP\n\nCENTRAL 2\nAIR\nOPEN EVERY NIGHT\n\nUNTIL 7 P.M.\nSUPER-MARKET ca\n1545 MAIN STREET, (COR. CATHERINE) —TELEPHONE EDison 5-4298\n COFF FE SCOT und Black\n\n1 oz.\ntin A C\nLy\nBONITA were\nREG, SIZE CAN C\nga pt serie ppg eee eg\nCARNATION — EVAPORATED DEL MONTE ee\n\nMILK 2.:°2.5¢/JUICE = 25<\n\nBEACON DEL MONTE SLICED Max use Instant\n\nWAX PEACHES COFFEE\n& 7Qe) Be 29) Fe $739\nA\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n\nRIVER RICE ..2 3°. 29° |COFFEE te vc. co. 91\ncor PEAS ..2 con 27° | Salada Tea Bags64 2 59°\nTUNA Stictenoethesee.|, 39° | SURF ............. se 25°\n\nKRASDALE — Beas 2 oc, 29° | DUZ................ Bo ar\nSIRLOIN OR CUT FROM\nSHORT STEER BEEF\neS amar\nOVEN READY Toe\nEVISCERATED 1 U R K EY S “AVERAGE Ih 5 g<\n(ea\nSLICED BACON... 49°|PORK BUTTS... 45\nOrange duice <= 15°|vetveeta 2°, 85°\nLAND 0’ LAKES crctist\nPEAS...2 sx: 33°/fitteR 69\né STRICTLY FRESH CONN. GRADE “A7\nSPINACH 2 3° 33°| EGGS “85 son. 59\nSNOW C GREAMO — Quanennd Wik Fe Coote\ncop FILETS .33°|QLEO 1.25:\nMUSHROOMS | “si 39.\nNEW LARGE FANCY see pleas LE. NO. 3\nCABBAGE | “Sipioe’- | GRAPEFRUIT ONIONS\n1b os 4 LBS. 24 4 FOR 19° a Les. 19°\nns\n“ee” TOMATOES 2:29:\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2524.426994140625, 3989.03856640625, 3153.484138671875, 4159.04248828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "LONG BEACH Cabhf, March 17\n—(UP) Police booked I W Harper\nyesterdat He was charged with be-\nmg drunk\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1891.4678876953126, 4714.6367109375, 2515.862556640625, 4967.9370195312495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "OAK RIDGE Tenn, ‘March 17—-\n(UP) James T Dillard ‘asked a\nstranger to help h.m open a bottle\nand was immediatelv arrested for\npossessing legal whiskey The\nstranger was Plamclothesman Pat\nTurier, °\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2525.200431640625, 4283.7968671875, 3171.6582109375, 4370.7211992187495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "If you are hard of hearing I would |\nIrkhe you to have a 5-day free trial |\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2575.526123046875, 930.103515625, 4992.10400390625, 1622.048095703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2657.226318359375, 2128.131103515625, 3044.57080078125, 2175.555419921875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "By RUTH MILLETT\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 644.41015625, 95.1208267211914, 1234.6942138671875, 147.92037963867188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2583.7275390625, 201.15330505371094, 4964.181640625, 849.9912719726562 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nMY SAKES WHAT KIND BIRD\nWAS THAT? ILL GIT TO THE\nare Ae CES AGETTER\n\n \n \n\nry\nME -* WHICH WAY\n70 NE COBRAS?\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1339.4862060546875, 1748.83251953125, 1819.926513671875, 1824.583740234375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "A QUIZ FOR SENATOR\nFULRRIGQHT\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1273.1031494140625, 1531.787353515625, 2436.6416015625, 1701.7059326171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "The Once Over Oo\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 69.59392547607422, 95.65096282958984, 561.82763671875, 147.78652954101562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "ROAD BONDS PROPOSED\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2571.75927734375, 105.84333038330078, 2708.070068359375, 155.28424072265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "POGO\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2015.23583984375, 1670.2464599609375, 2497.4599609375, 1732.936279296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "—~By H. I. PHILLIPS\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2635.342529296875, 3953.40478515625, 3052.34228515625, 3990.638916015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "WHAT’C tau A NWNAME ?\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2515.944328125, 4822.97020703125, 3156.45069140625, 4975.7788164062495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "port CA 7-5695 for free examin-\nation in vour home, or stop in at\nour office 43 Elm St (corner Hotel\nBarnum \\reade) —Adv.\n" }, "32": null, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 2087.73291015625, 102.7945785522461, 2488.060302734375, 149.93540954589844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "—By JIMMY MATLO\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2021.1654052734375, 4677.5107421875, 2370.66943359375, 4713.16943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "All 4 MISTAKE\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 4645.2158203125, 96.59759521484375, 5016.8232421875, 152.2745819091797 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "—By WALT KELLY\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 4601.845703125, 864.5435791015625, 4991.24951171875, 904.0633544921875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "2 8y HAROLD GRAY\n" }, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 13 ], [ 11, 12 ], [ 37, 23 ] ]
[ 5040.1728515625, 6656.157453125 ]
[ [ 11, 12 ], [ 13, 1 ], [ 37, 23 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 802.0983452148438, 4946.0153984375, 1501.6009345703126, 5276.38938671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Six machines for china coating the\ninside of hot drink cups will be placed\nin operation here by Lily-Tulip Cup\ncorporation, it was announced today\nby Robert Farnsworth, local manager.\n\nElectrical work will be started next\nweek following which the machines\nwill be installed. It is hoped to have\nthem in operation about November 1.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3622.299578125, 5492.64772265625, 4317.44798046875, 6586.62815625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "cluding Jersey and Calhoun counties,\n\nGeese may be hunted thruout the\n70 days of the season in all counties\nformerly in the central zone (except\nJersey and Calhoun) but now included\nin the enlarged northern zone, and\nalso thruout the old northern zone.\n\nGoose hunting hours in giannis\ncounty will be from 7 a. m. to 3 p\nIn all other counties, the shooting\nhours will be the same as for ducks.\n\nShooting Hours\n\nA change in shooting hours makes\nthe closing time one-half hour before\nsunset. Hunting may begin each\nmorning one-half hour before sun-\nrise.\n\nDaily bag limit for ducks will be\nfour, which may include not more\nthan one wood duck, and possession\nlimit will be eight.\n\nDaily limit on geese will be five, to\ninclude not more than two Canada or\nwhitefront geese, or two of these in\nSOmbINBHDN, Possession limit will be\n\nve,\n\nPalmer also announced there will be\nan open season of 15 days on jack-\nsnipe in Hlinois, from October 25 tc\nNovember 8, inclusive. Bag and pos-\nsession limits will be eight birds.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2188.512712890625, 3230.680193359375, 2886.5754218750003, 4988.880109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "The newest wrinkle around Galva\nis suggestive of left-handed monkey\nwrenches, except in this case the\ngadget is the genuine thing.\n\nFirst National Bank in Galva is un-\nveiling the new service today—left-\nhanded check book's, no less. The in-\nnovation is expected to attract a lot\nof curious customers — right-handed\nones, as well as those in the south\npaw category, who are grateful for the\nconsideration.\n\n“The only thing we have done. is\nmove the stub from the left end of\nthe check to the right end,” explains\nCharles A. Whitney, the vice presi-\ndent.\n\n“Did you ever watch a left-handed\nperson write a check?” asks the\n“veep,” who is an observing individ-\nval. “He holds the check by the mid-\ndle and writes crab-wise over and\naround the right hand. And if he\nhas filled in the stub first, as is pro-\nper, he is apt to smear the wet ink\non the stub.\n\n“Now all this can be avoided. The\nstub can be completed first and with\nthe book held at the right end with\nthe right hand, the check can be\ncompleted with the left hand and\nwithout smearing the stub.”\n\nMr. Whitney disclaims any original-\nity for the idea, saying that a New\nYork bank has been using this type\nof check book several yeaars. He says\nhe knows of no other bank in this\nsection of the state now issuing them\nbut predicts their use awill increase\n\n“after all,” Mr. Whitney comment-\n.ed, “more than 7 per cent of the\npopulation is left-handed.”\n\nThe vice president said that none\nof the present bank personnel is left-\nhanded, but admits that he is ¢&\nsouth paw in counting money anc\n{dealing cards, hastening to add tha’\nhis only card game is solitaire.\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 780.4378837890625, 2201.051775390625, 1470.0357490234376, 3856.341779296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Business was at a low ebb Tues-\nday night when the city council\nheld the regular twice-a-month\nmeeting, the main item being the\nwater-sewer connection for the\nRaymond W. Erickson property,\ndescribed in another story.\n\nCity Clerk Milo J. Goodale read a\nletter from the state department of\nrevenue, acknowledging receipt of a\ncopy of Galva’s %4-cent sales tax ord-\ninance, which became effective last\nSaturday. A booklet containing sales\ntax regulations also was_ enclosed.\n| Alderman W. A. Samuelson read a\nreport showing parking meter receipts\nin September were $759.27, while pen-\nalties for meter violations totaled $70\nand fines for city police cases amount-\ned to $36 last month.\n\nDrainage Project\n\nAlderman Joe Talbot reported com-\npletion of a project to correct a drain-\nage problem along Northwest Fifth\navenue in Galva Heights. The total\ncost was $361.72.\n\nAlderman Joe Lord said he has re-\nceived many compliments on the new\npower mower and leaf mulcher re-\ncently purchased for use in the city\nparks and said he hopes to buy a new\nmower for use in the cemetery. Mr\nLord also reported that the prive'\nhedge around the cemetery has beer\ntrimmed. Acting Mayor F.“D. Sperry\ncommented on the neat appearance of\nthe cemetery.\n\nCity Clerk Goodale read a notice\nabout the 42nd annual convention 0!\nthe Illinois Municipal League it\nSpringfield November 13-15. There\nwas no indication as to the numbe!\nof city officials planning to attend.\n\nFach alderman found on his desk :\nmanila folder containing reports anc\nliterature concerning the departmen\nwhich he heads.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 103.68089526367187, 4840.8122734375, 797.4302192382813, 6254.02219921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "| A special election to vote on a $690,-\n{000 school building program will be\n(held Saturday in the AlWood unit\nidistrict, where it is proposed to erect\nja new high school in Woodhull.\ni Three precincts and polling places\nhave been set up for the election, as\nt follows:\n} Precinct 1—All areas of the district\njin Andover, Weller and Clover town-\nships of Henry county and in On-\nitario township of Knox county; poll-\nHing place: Town hall in Woodhull.\nPrecinct 2—Areas of district in Ox-\nford township of Henry county, Rio\ntownship of Knox county and North\nenderson township of Mercer coun-\n“ty; polling place: Town hall in Alpha.\n; Precinct 3—Area of district in Lynn\nsaownship of Henry county; polling\nJace: Legion hail in Ophiem.\nPolls will be open from noon until\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\navy p. m.\n\nq Interest Not Over 3%%\n\nThe proposed $690,000 bond issue\nould bear interest not exceeding 314\ner cent.\n\nFirst payment of $25,000 would be-\nome due December 1, 1956, follower\n“by payments of $35,000 annually De-\nsicember 1, 1957, thru 1967, and $40,001\nannually December 1, 1968, thru 1974\n41 It is proposed to use the new build\nHing for all four years of high school\n# while at present the junior high schoo\n(seventh, eighth and ninth grades) i\nlocated in Alpha. ‘The lower grade\nwould be divided between Alpha ani\nWoodhull.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2906.6403984375, 4820.22682421875, 3600.8408027343753, 5258.79270703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Galva Men's chorus needs several\nmore members, especially first tenors,\naccording to Rev. D. V. Charlson, who\nis serving as director of the group. Un-\nless additional members are received it\nwill be necessary to disband the chor-\nus, it was explained this week.\n\nRev. Charison has called another\nréhearsal next Monday night at 1.30\no'clock in the city hall. Attendance at\nthat rehearsal will determine whether\nthe chorus is to continue.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1467.196044921875, 525.7179565429688, 2116.914306640625, 982.687744140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Soybeans Grade\nGood Here; Corn\nMoisture High\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 792.23658984375, 758.0835747070313, 1430.3985419921876, 1804.6408515624998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Plastic bags used in packaging\ncream, which were inaugurated by\nGalva Creamery company several\nmonths ago, are being demonstrat-\ned today by the Galva firm at the\n47th annual convention of the\nAmerican Butter Institute in the\nLaSalle hotel, Chicago.\n\n“This new development has re-\nceived much attention from the\ncreamery industry,” it was pointed\nout in the bulletin issued by the\ninstitute, which has headquarters\nin Chicago. Creameries from all\nparts of the nation have represen-\ntatives at the two-day convention.\n\nRepresenting Galva Creamery\nat the convention are C. F. Peter-\nson, C. G. Peterson, Bert Garrison\nand Walter T. Hedstrom.\n\nMr. Peterson said this week that\nthe plastic bags are proving high-\nly popular with farmers thruout\nthe area served by Galva Cream-\nery and inquiries regarding their\nuse are received from all parts of\nthe country. A letter was received\nthe first of the week from a Phila-\ndelphia advertising agency.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2178.276384765625, 2190.8493828125, 2875.3366523437503, 3117.6122871093753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Maybe the squirrels are preoccu-\npied with storing nuts for the winter,\nbut at any rate they are careless\nabout cars ... during the past week\ncars struck two of the little animals\nwithin the space of two blocks . ...\n\nWoodhull is the latest town in this\narea to lay the groundwork for a\ncentennial celebration (the year is\n1957) . . . Kermit Broline wrote in\nthe Dispatch: “We don’t know what\nwill be planned for the event, but\nthose we have talked to are of the\nopinion that it should be a real old-\nfashioned homecoming, rather than a\nhigh-priced extravaganza .. . There\nis hardly any doubt, however, but\nwhat a pageant may be pro-\nduced...”\n\nWith a new electric eye in service,\nthe southside street lights are turn-\ned on with surprising promptness...\neven last Thursday’s storm clouds\nwere enough to keep the lights on\nmost of the morning, but not enough\nto illuminate the north side...\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3597.422380859375, 723.0677666015625, 4237.31321484375, 1559.152326171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Galva Chamber of Commerce\nwill resume the series of fall and\nwinter meetings this Thursday\nnight in LeClaire hotel, preceded\nby dinner at 7 o'clock.\n\nCards have been mailed to.mem-\nbers asking that reservations be\nmade for the dinner, but those un-\nable to attend the dinner are ask-\ned to go to the hotel later for the\nbusiness session, in charge of\nCharles A. Whitney, president.\n\nBecause no meetings of the civic\norganization have been held dur-\ning the summer several important\nmatters will be presented for dis-\ncussion. Plans for the pre-Christ-\nmas events will be among the items\non the agenda.\n\nNo speaker or program features\nare planned tonight, with the en-\ntire meeting devoted to business\ndiscussions.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4319.66920703125, 5127.97340625, 5016.825421875, 6155.8498359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Next Tuesday, October 11, will be\nthe 87th birthday of W. O. Houghton,\nveteran Galva business man, who has\nbeen president of the E. W. Houghton\nLumber company since 1912 and who\not began work for fhe company in\n\n7.\n\nMr. Houghton spends part of each\nday at his office in the lumber com-\npany headquarters here and expects\nto be there as usual next Tuesday. No\n\nSpecial observance of the event is\nplanned.\n\nHis son-in-law and daughter, Mr.\nand Mrs. Hays J. Arter, of Kewanee,\nare now on the west coast where they\nwill meet their son and daughter-in-\nlaw, Lt. (jg) and Mrs. Warren Arter\nand two children, who are scheduled\nto land October 14. They are return-\ning from the Philippines, where Lt.\nArter has been stationed for some\ntime.\n\nMr. Houghton has continued to re-\nside in his home at 505 Northwest\nSecond street since the death of Mrs.\nHoughton. Mrs, Avis K. Garrison, of\nSheffield, a practical nurse, has been\nin the home during the past year.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 826.1751274414063, 5524.9157890625, 1512.0320869140626, 6629.8869453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Woman's Club of Galva will be-\ngin its 39th year Tuesday after-\nnoon, October 11, under the guid-\nance of the president, Mrs. Stan-\nley Morgan, with a guest day and\nprogram at Lions club hall. Mrs.\nJ. Keith Sloan will be chairman\nand Suzanne Massingill will pre-\nsent vocal selections.\n\nMembers will hear a talk, “Pitfalls\nof Antique Collecting,” by Charlyss\nY. Hinds, of Little York, owner of York\nHouse Antiques.\n\nHostesses will be Mrs. Glenn Morse,\nMrs. Guy Mugrage, Mrs. W. W. Beam-\ner, Mrs. Joseph T. Brown, Mrs. John\nBuckner, Miss Abigail Smith, Miss\nAddie Smith, Miss Bertha Smith, Mrs.\nVictor Doleslayer, Mrs. H. M. Robert-\nson and Mrs. John B. Thompson.\n\nExecutive board met Monday night\nat the home of Mrs. Morgan when de-\npartment chairmen and officers pre-\nsented outlines of the year’s work, and\nplans were made for a get-acquainted\nhour for new members to be held next\nMonday night at 8 o'clock at Legion\nhall with board members as hostesses\nMrs. Morgan was assisted by Mrs. F\n\nW. Lupfer.\nNext board meeting will be Novem-\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1516.9327568359374, 5505.49830859375, 2211.555890625, 6559.55149609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "ber 7 in Galesburg at the Woman's\nclub home with a noon luncheon fol-\nlowed by a business meeting.\n\nTo Talk On Architecture\n\nTheme for the year is “Brotherly\nKindness.”\n\nPhillip Welch, of Kewanee, will talk\non “Creative Architecture,” at the No-\nvember 8 meeting when Mrs. W. L.\nHammers will be chairman, and Car-\nolyn Krans will play piano selections.\nSocial committee members will be Mrs.\nLeonard Peterson, Mrs. Milford Pet-\nerson, Mrs. F. F. McCutchen, Mrs. J.\nL, Carper, Mrs. Fred Bonati, Mrs. Fred\nLord, Mrs. Peyton Dexter, Mrs, Charles\nEngstrand, Mrs. Arlie Krause, Mrs. E.\nB. Thuline and Mrs. A. S. Young.\n\nJoint meeting with the L. M. I. club\nwill be held Tuesday evening, Decem-\nber 13, in Lions club hall when speak-\ner will be a representative of The\nSamuels company, of Rock Island,\nwhose topic will be “5,000 Years of\nGems and Jewelry.” Co-chairmen\nwill be Mrs. Arthur Apfel and Mrs.\nGeorge Crozier.\n\nHostesses will include Mrs. Car!\n\n| Anderson, Mrs. John Crossan, Mrs\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2928.328142578125, 5497.48073046875, 3613.5673652343753, 6602.8498359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Hunting licenses were printed\nbefore amendments were adopted\nby the Illinois state legislature\nwith the result that the dates on\nthe back of the 1955 licenses are\nin error, it is explained by Glen\nD. Palmer, state director of con-\nservation. .\nFor this reason Mr. Palmer has\n\nissued a statement urging hunters to\nobtain copies of the new game code\ndigest, which have been sent to city\nclerks and county clerks. Copies are\navailable at the city hall here.\n\nLegal dates for hunting include the\nfollowing: Pheasants, November 11-\n30: quail, November 19-December 19;\nrabbits, November 26-January 20;\nraccoon, skunk, weasel and opossum,\nNovember 1-January 15.\n\nDuck Hunting Season\n\nThe 1955 Illinois duck hunting sea-\nson will open Saturday, October 15\nand close December 23, thus affording\nsportsmen 15 additional days as com-\npared to last year.\n\nIn making this announcement, Mr\nPalmer reminds hunters that Illinoi:\nhas established hunting dates of No-\nvember 5 thru December 15 for geesé\nin the southern zone of Illinois, in-\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1509.8150810546874, 4523.3454765625, 2190.83567578125, 5271.6164375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Police cases during the week-end\nhave been reported as follows by Chief\nof Police C. A. Wheelhouse:\n\nJim Lindberg and Ray Marlow each\nwas assessed a fine of $10 and costs\nfor excessive speed on North Center\navenue.\n\nDon R. Dickason, of Kewanee, was\nfined $10 and costs for speeding on\nSoutheast Second street.\n\nLuther McMillen, of Galesburg, paid\na fine of $5 and costs on charges of\nignoring a stop sign.\n\nOne Galvan and four Kewaneeans\nwere fined $10 and costs each on\ncharges of drinking on a public high-\nway. The group included Darold\nStreicher, of Galva, and Loren Murphy,\nJohn Ensley, Tom Kelly and Frank\nGustaitis, of Kewanee.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3604.21217578125, 4444.54616015625, 4293.4787421875, 5248.10471875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "To facilitate the loading and un-\nloading of school buses, an area along\nthe north side of Morgan Road in\nfront of the high school has been\ndesignated for bus use only from early\nmorning until late afternoon on\nschool days.\n\nSpecial signs were ordered by the\nschool for posting the area which ex-\ntends from'a point directly south of\nthe school flag pole westward to the\ncorner. City officials and police of-\nficers have approved installation of the\nsigns.\n\nSupt. H. M. Robertson explained the\nnew plan at a brief meeting of bus\ndrivers Tuesday morning. In the aft-\nernoon buses of Ernest Barlow Jr.\nOrlie Chilberg, Maurice Hamerstrand\nand Allen Crosby will load at that\npoint. Buses may unload there when\nconvenient, Mr. Robertson said.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 797.8513359375, 4135.87526171875, 1485.80003125, 4742.16770703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Preliminary work was started Tues-\nday on the project for installing a\nnew four-inch gas main between Ke-\nwanee and Galva, with the work\nhandled by the Murphy Construction\ncompany, of Dwight.\n\nFirst work was done at a point about\ntwo miles southwest of Kewanee and\nthe project is scheduled to be com-\npleted in two or three weeks, depend-\ning on weather conditions.\n\nThe new main will greatly improve\nGalva’s natural gas supply and will\nmake possible the use of three times\n‘more gas than is now used ‘here on\npeak days, it is explained by Ray Funk,\n\narea manager.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 49.12154006958008, 558.9971923828125, 725.1478271484375, 1005.570068359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Council Acts On\nCity Limits Line\nFor Water, Sewer\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2211.6345390625, 5082.67897265625, 2911.6638007812503, 6265.54661328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Galva Heights addition, where more\nnew homes have been built since\nWorld War II than in any other sec-\ntion of town, is running short on\nbuilding sites . . . the latest house to\nbe started in the Heights area is\nactually outside the city limits ...\nit’s the residence of Mr. and Mrs.\nRaymond Erickson, west of the Mrs.\nE, L. Yocum property...\n\nSince the war no less than 20\nhouses have been built in that part\nof town, altho technically three of\nthese—the H. R. Bogner, Leo Wind-\nish and Ralph Blust properties — are\nnot in the addition laid out as the\nHeights 44 years ago... the Heights\nbegins at a point 200 feet north of\nNorthwest Fifth street ...\n\nAlong the west street of the Heights\n(Fifth avenue) and the connecting\nEBighth street, residences of the fol-\nlowing have been built since the\nwar: Floyd Johnson, Findlay Jones,\nMerrill Griffin, Merle Warner, Clair\nBrown, Robert Baldwin, H. J. Girkin,\nR. K. Anderson, Clyde Lind, William\nBriegel, Robert Overbaugh, George\nPahlow and LeRoy Nelson.\n\nNew houses on the east street\n(Fourth avenue) are those of Emily\nKneen, K. W. Johrison, Dr. E. M\nEckberg and F. L. Krans.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2160.52858203125, 1032.7833427734374, 2865.7177558593753, 2076.88596875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "No movie in many years attract-\ned more acclaim than “A Man Called\nPeter” at Galva theatre the first of\nthe week ... the movie attracted large\ncrowds all three nights, altho no rec-\nords were broken . .\n\nLunch hours were strangely calm\nWednesday after a week of that\n“midday madness” that marks every\nworld series...\n\nThe Burlington isn’t running out of\nsteam, judging by the number of pre-\ndiesel locomotives roaring thru Galva\n(in recent days...\n\nGalva’s 6-0 victory over Walnut\nFriday started local football fans rem-\niniscing about the last time the Wild-\ncats had stopped the Blue Raiders—\nback in 1947 when Galva came thru\nwith a 13-6 win... but last year the\nRaiders got by Galva by only one\npoint—14-13 , . . Coach Ralph Bar-\nclay was released from the hospital\nFriday in time to watch the game\nand remarked that the boys had never\nlooked better . . . Bob Grove took\nover the varsity coaching, job during\n\n‘Ralph’s absence and was in command\n| Priday night...\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 793.2921142578125, 3868.48193359375, 1394.4669189453125, 4111.7705078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n\nWork Started On\nNew 4-Inch Gas\nLine For Galva\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3583.44140625, 1604.0186767578125, 4175.96484375, 1929.323974609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Autumn Rains\nFreshen Area\n\nIn Past Week\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 799.62646484375, 4764.306640625, 1476.2652587890625, 4927.74755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Lily-Tulip To Install\n6 Coating Machines\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3597.034197265625, 3219.373796875, 4283.48704296875, 4153.360578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "september Summary\n\nRainfall during September amounted\nto 1.91 inches, compared with 1.56 a\nyear ago, but less than the 2.79 total\nrecorded here in August.\n\nMonthly summary of Observer A.\nE. Johnson, issued the first of the\nweek, shows that rain was recorded on\nseven days last month, with a trace on\none other days Heaviest rainfalls in\na 24-hour period were .62 of an inch\nSeptember 27 and .60 September 29.\n\nTemperatures ranged from a high\nof 96 degrees September 9 to a low\nof 43 September 11 and 12, the peak\nreading being the same as the one a\nyear ago, while the low Jast Septem-\nber was 36.\n\nThere were five days with readings\nin the 90’s, 12 in the 80’s and nine in\nthe 70’s. At the other end of the ther-\nmometer there were eight days with\nreadings in the 40’s.\n\nPeak reading on the first day of\nthe month was 78, while the high was\n66 on the last day.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2181.14208984375, 2102.773193359375, 2692.4951171875, 2177.525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Writing At Random\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2234.0075859375, 6371.90651171875, 2927.3144355468753, 6611.7892890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Second degree was conferred on one\ncandidate Monday night at the week-\nly meeting of Galva Odd Fellows lodge\nand the third degree will be conferred\nnext Monday night. Twenty-eight\nmembers were present Monday night.\n" }, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 96.80463409423828, 4571.36865234375, 746.9010009765625, 4814.96630859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "To Vote Saturday\n|On AlWood Schoo!\niBonds Of $690,000\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4282.2509765625, 502.93109130859375, 4884.37890625, 942.4634399414062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Hickory Grove\nCamp Meeting —\nReunion Sunday\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3604.8681640625, 4173.29150390625, 4196.11181640625, 4425.62939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Mark School Bus °\nLoading Section\nOn Morgan Road\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 795.3197631835938, 538.10986328125, 1375.465576171875, 745.3590698242188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "GALVA CREAMERY\nEXHIBITS CREAM\nRAGS AT CHICAGO\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1469.033953125, 1063.8282646484374, 2166.774396484375, 4375.227765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "a IMAM aaron: UU ceéarer te Yanitermt BRN aS\n\nquality, w'th an average moisture\n\ncontent of between 10 and 12 per\n\ncent, according to local elevator\nmen,\n\nMoisture content of most of the\n1955 corn crop is stili too high for\ncribbing of the new corn\n\nShelling of old corn has been done\non many farnis in this vicinity during\nthe past several days and elevators\nhave been busy receiving the corn.\n\nAll of the corn crop is now out of\nfrost danger, according to the state\ncrop bulletin, which says that about\n60 per cent of the soybean crop has\nbeen harvested.\n\nRains during the past weex have\nhad a beneficial effect on pastures\nthat needed reviving after the sum-\nmer drought.\n\nIssue Crop Bulletin\n\nThe weekly crop bulletin issued\nTuesday at Springfield includes the\nfollowing data:\n\nFor the entire state, about three-\nfifths of beans have been combined,\nwhich is about average for this date,\nbut less than a year ago when over\n70 per cent of the harvest was com-\npleted.\n\nCorn pick'ng, which is underway\nin all areas cf the state, has hecnu\nlimited mostly to the opening of fields\nin the northern part, while corn ia\nvarious parts of southern Illinois is\nbeing cribbed. Statewide, a little rncre\nthan 10 per cent of corn has been\nhusked—the same amount as last\nyear—but slightly more than the av-\nerage of 8 per cent.\n\nWhile dampness hampered the fall\nharvest, farmers made headway in\nseeding winter grains. However, the\nsowing of winter wheat, now 20 per\ncent compleic, lags considerably be-\nlow last year and ta2 average of 50\nand 45 per cent, respectively.\n\nPastures and fall seeded legumes are\nresponding nicely to the showers.\n\nThe soil moisture situation ‘con-\ntinues to improve after reaching the\nyear’s lowest point four weeks ago\nAs of last Friday 45 percent of th\n| correspondents indicated a shortage\n-}of soil moisture, 52 per cent indicated\n‘}ample and 3 per cent surplus. Las!\nyear 64 per cen$ reported a shortage\n'|35 per cent ample and one per cent\nja surplus.\n\nWeather Summary\n\n.| The Springfield bureau has issuec\nthe following bulletin on weathel\n\n.| conditions:\n\n.| Moderate amounts of rain fell ove!\n-)Ilinois during the first half of las’\nf| week and temperatures again averagec\nabove normal but not as much as the\n>| previous week. Cool weather prevail.\nfled over the week-end but it was no\n1; of long duration and comparativel;\n>| mild temperatures were general dur:\nr| ing the greater portion of the period\nDepartures from normals were tw\n1! to six degrees above. Weekly maxim:\nil were mostly in the upper 70's whil\n{| minima were mostly in the middl\n40's. Coldest of reporting station\nwas 39 degrees at Moline Saturda:\nmorning. The occurence of tempera\ntures in the 30's indicates the ad\nvanced state of the season and fore\nshadows termination of the grow\ning season.\nRainfall was ‘distributed well ove\nmost of the state with nearly all sec\n-| tions receiving above normal amount:\n4 | Most stations received weekly total\n.|in excess of one inch. A number ha\n«| totals in excess of two inches and\nn|few had totals in excess of thre\ninches. One station, Effingham, re\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3602.06884765625, 495.1845703125, 4118.22216796875, 709.3641357421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "C-C MEETING IS\nSLATED TONIGHT,\nleCLAIRE HOTEL\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2872.67138671875, 510.6618347167969, 3523.010498046875, 970.703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Galva, Wyoming\nTo Tangle Friday,\nBlackhawk Lead\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 776.8067016601562, 1847.0235595703125, 1340.622314453125, 2167.1005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Business At\nLow Ebb For\nCity Council\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4312.28125, 4837.53857421875, 4891.86767578125, 5099.84521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "W. O. Houghton\nTo Observe 87th\nBirthday Tuesday\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2909.856689453125, 5273.3466796875, 4209.6142578125, 5471.88232421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "New Game Code Digest Now Ready...\n\nAdopt New Dates For Hunters\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3576.069353515625, 1964.8298515625, 4270.33909375, 2873.81126171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "The Galva area has received a\nsizeable, amount of rain during\nthe past 10 days, with the total\nstanding at 1.70 inches yesterday\nmorning. There were alternate\nperiods of clear skies during the\nweek-end.\n\nRain last Tuesday amounted to .62,\nwhile the Thursday morning showers\ntotaled .60. Showers which began\nfalling Tuesday afternoon this week\nwere measured at .12 of an inch by\n6 o’clock that evening, with an addi-\ntional 36 of an inch falling during\nthe night.\n\nThe past week’s rainfall ~pompares\nwith 2.43 inches during the first week\nof October a year ago.\n\nTemperatures have been moderate\nduring the past week, with 80 last\nThursday as the high and 43 Satur-\nday as the low.\n\nObserver A. E. Johnson has listed\nthe following maximum and minimum\nreadings for the past week:\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 2208.925048828125, 4999.20458984375, 2807.029541015625, 5068.12451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Heiahts Building Boom\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2916.46337890625, 4628.97314453125, 3515.9658203125, 4802.521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Need More Galva\nChorus Members\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 4334.59987109375, 6259.225359375, 5032.09837109375, 6582.95579296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Regular monthly meeting of Hag-\nberg-Hamlin post of the American\nLegion will be held this Thursday\nnight at 8 o'clock in Legion hail, with\nCommander Lawrence Ericson in\ncharge.\n\nThe membership drive has reached\nthe 250 mark, it was reported the\nfirst of the week.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4269.3200859375, 959.3291801757813, 4979.669171875, 4787.7306953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Hickory Grove camp meetings\nnorthwest of Galva will be recall-\ned Sunday afternoon at a reunion\nin Galva to be attended by many\nof the Swedish Methodist fami-\nlies who came here regularly for\nthe 10 days of devotional services\nand fellowship.\n\nBecause of the remodeling work at\nGrace Methodist church, the reunion\nSunday will be held in First Meth-\nodist church, beginning with a social\nhour at 3 o’clock. Lunch will be serv-\ned later in the afternoon, during which\nan informal program of musical num-\nbers and short talks will be presented.\n\nThis will be the third reunion of\nthe camp meeting families, the first\nhaving been held in Galesburg two\nyears ago and the second in Bethel\nMethodist church, Moline, last October.\nPlans for the Galva gathering were\nmade last fall.\n\nExpect Large Crowd\n\nThe reunion Sunday is expected to\nattract many families from the towns\nthat each year sent large delegations\nto the camp meetings, including Mo-.\nline, Galesburg, Batavia and Bishop\nHill, as well as a few others. Sev-\neral former Galva residents also are\nexpected to attend the event.\n\nClarence Swanson is general chair-\nman of arrangements for the reunion\nand will be ‘assisted by many of the\nfamilies of Grace Methodist church.\nA small charge will be made for the\nlunch to eliminate the necessity of\n\n| having it pot luck.\n\n| The reunion is being held in Galva\nabout a quarter of a century after the\n\n‘| last camp meeting was held in Hickory\n\nGrove a short distance northwest of\n| Galva. The summer of 1931 marked.\n‘| the close of camp meetings after 48\n\nyears and the land and buildings were\n| sold two years later.\n\n; Tabernacle On Grounds\n| The camp meeting grounds had a\n\nnumber of frame buildings, including a\n|| large tabernacle and several cottages,\n|the latter supplemented by family\ntents and a larger boarding tent. The\ntabernacle, erected in 1905 by Hillburg\n& Son at a cost of about $700, had\ndimensions of 42x36 feet and seated\nabout 350.\n\nCamp meetings first were held in\nthe wooded area near Galva in 1883\nafter services had been conducted near\nOphiem 10 years.\n\nIn the early 1880’s several prominent\nSwedish Methodist church men of\nGalva and Bishop Hill started the\nmovement to establish a permanent\nplace for holding the annual devotional\nservices. The committee to study sites\nincluded Andrew Imberg and Olof\n.| Munson, of Galva, and Olof Stoneberg\n-|and Jacob Jacobson, of Bishop Hill.\n: Bought Land For $350\n\n| Early in 1883 10 acres of wooded land\n\nnorthwest of Galva were purchased\n\nfrom Margaret Ericson for $350 and\n\nthe deed was issued to the following\n11 trustees of the Western Illinois Camp\n’| Meeting association: John Hoogner, C.\nk| F. Peterson, John Samuelson, C. I.\na! Hoflund, Olof Stoneberg, Andrew Im-\n-| berg, W. K. Eklund, Alfred Anderson\n\nand John Wigren. The latter three\ns| were ministers,\n\na] The first camp meeting on the new\n-| site was held August 14-20, 1883, and\nnh} was described as follows in The News:\n\n“A number of tents had been pitch-\n\nf|ed and the main services were held\n\nsj under the trees fronting the speak-\ner’s stand attached to the ministers\nhouse, while a ‘pilgrim tent’ served fol\nminor meetings.”\n\nA 1909 report showed that 12 cot-\ntages and tents were occupied during\nthe camp meeting that year, as fol:\nlows: Galva, one cottage and three\ntents; Bishop Hill, one tent; Wataga\none tent; Moline, Galesburg, Andovel\nand Victoria, one cottage each, anc\n\n. | Kewanee, one tent and one cottage.\n\ng Change Name In 1895\nn Originally known as the Wester\nn/| Illinois Camp Meeting association, thi\ny {mame was changed to the Galesburs\nn| District Camp Meeting association o\nthe Central Swedish conference whet\ne| incorporation papers were issued it\n-.| 1895. Churches participating in th\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2301.530029296875, 6283.61865234375, 2860.127685546875, 6343.353515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": " \n\nCONDUCT DEGREE WORK\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2877.92506640625, 1367.567888671875, 3554.3242011718753, 4569.22825390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Lead spot in Blackhawk confer-\nence standings will be at stake to-\nmorrow night when Galva’s Wild-\ncats and Wyoming's Indians, each\nholding a two-win, no-loss record,\nwill tangle on the Wyoming field.\nGame time is 7.30 o'clock.\n\nThe Wildcats kept their conference\nrecord intact last Friday night by\nblanking the Walnut Blue Raiders, 6-0\non the Bureau county gridiron.\n\nWyoming rolled to a 32-0 victory ovet\n\n‘the Elmwood Trojans the same night\n\nwhile Wethersfield’s Flying Geese post:\ned their second conference win b;\nwalloping Princeville, 22-7.\n\nIn the other conference action las\nweek-end Bradford turned Toulor\nback, 21-6.\n\nNo Opponents’ Scores\n\nWhile the Wildcats have a smalle:\npoint total than the other teams it\nthe three-way tie for first, the Galv:\nteam is the only one of the eight t\nhold their opponents scoreless in th\nfirst two games.\n\nWethersfield looks like a sure bet t\nstay in a two-way tie for the lead afte\nthis week’s action. The Geese pla:\nthis Thursday night at Elmwood.\n\nIn addition to the Galva-Wyomin\ntilt, the Friday night conference sched\nule has Princeville at Bradford an\nWalnut at Toulon.\n\nAlIWood will stage a homecomin\ngame on the Alpha field tomorro'\nnight, facing Sherrard in a Cornbel\nconference match.\n\nRova will be in action at Abingdo!\nin a Little Six game.\n\nGalva 6, Walnut 0\n\nGalva’s lone score over the Raider\nFriday night came in the second quar\nter on a pass from Garth Youngber\nto Bob Bergstrom, good for 35 yard\nThe attempt to kick the extra poir\nwas off.\n\nFans described the game as one, ¢\nthe best they had seen in a long tim\nand it marked the first time since 194\nthat Galva has downed a Walnut foo!\nball team.\n\nThe Wildcats had a 181 to 87 advar\n\n| tage on yardage, picking up 131 yarc\n\nby rushing compared with 61 for Wa\nnut and holding a 50-26 advantage |\nthe aerial attack. Hach team cor\npleted three passes, Galva trying eig!\nand Walnut attempting seven.\nGalva held a 9-3 edge on fir\n\n_| downs,\n\nSs\n\nMuch of the action took place insic\nthe Walnut 20-yard line and at o!\ntime Galva got to the 3-yard strip\nbut the Walnut defense held them fro\nscoring.\n\nTouchdown Nullified\n\nWhat appeared to be a Waln\ntouchdown in the first quarter w:\nnullified by the officials’ ruling th\nthe ball was dead when a Walnut pla\ner nabbed it after a fumble and race\n26 yards to the end zone.\n\nGalva’s backfield included Youn\nberg, Nelson, Hopkins and B. Ande\nson, as well as Raley, Shields and C\nziahr,\n\nSeeing action in the line were: Ber\nstrom, Schneider and D. Johnson, end\nClayton, Donaldson and Cardi\ntackles; DeWolfe, Pahlow, Kenn\nCarlson and Warner, guards, and Du\nbar and Bell, centers.\n\nFor Walnut the backfield include\nO'Bryan, Edson, Fisher, Gustafson a\nR. Anderson, and the line include\nFordham and Etheridge, ends; Wate\nhouse, Bolz and Fenn, tackles; R. Bu\n\n \n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2193.2001953125, 3146.368408203125, 2740.987060546875, 3224.07421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Left-Handed Checks\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 180.3996124267578, 6291.2138671875, 766.1610717773438, 6350.4560546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "LICENSE INSPECTOR QUITS\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 806.931396484375, 5294.27685546875, 2180.311279296875, 5494.150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Organization To Begin 39th Year...\n\nWoman's Club To Meet Tuesday\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 54.48591464233398, 1036.66432421875, 760.9722114257813, 4543.61301953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Connections to city water and\nsewer facilities for a residence\nproperty just outside the city\nlimits, to be erected by Mr. and\nMrs. Raymond W. Erickson at the\nnorth edge of Galva Heights, were\n\n: provided by action of the city\n\n: council Tuesday night.\n\n| Preliminary work on the house, im-\n\nmediately west of the Mrs. E. L. Yo-\n\ni cum residence and north of the Mr.\n\n7 and Mrs. Theodore E. Ericson house,\n\n| was started during the past week.\n\n4 The council approved a contract or-\n\n} dinance enumerating the costs of con-\n\n’ mections to be assumed by the Erick-\n\nsons and listing numerous obher pro-\n\nf visions. It will be effective after be-\n\ning signed by Mr. and Mrs. Erickson.\n\ns The contract ordinance was prepar-\n\ned by City Attorney W. J. Curtis, who\n\n4 read it Tuesday night before the coun-\n\n= cil acted on it.\n\n: Costs Of Connections\n\nf It provides for a $50 fee for con-\n\nE necting to the city sewer and specifies\n\nthat the costs of making connections\n\n* to the water and sewer lines be paid\n\nby the Ericksons, with the work to be\ndone under city supervision. The reg-\nular city fees for use of water will pre-\nvail.\n\nOne section of the contract says that\n= the city will not be liable for fire pro-\n} tection.\n\n: Several city officials said they feel\n\n# a better arrangement would be to have\n\n: the property annexed to the city. At-\n\n= torney Cuntis said annexation of single\n\n4 pieces of property is not recommended\n\n3 by municipal authorities, explaining\n\nq that if several such properties were to\n\nbe annexed the city would be responsi-\n\nA ble for building streets and making\n$ other public improvements.\n¥ Annex Larger Area\nThe city attorney said that before\n44 annexation is considered by the city\n4 several lots should be laid out as arn\n# addition, with the property owners ir\n% the addition paying for the streets\na and other improvements.\nS Other Galva officials contend tha’\nWi the Erickson property could be an:\nnexed without the necessity of stree'\nconstruction or other work since i\nborders the paved street at the nortt\nedge of the Heights. They also poin\nout that the property then would be\nsubject to city taxes and the cit;\nwould receive more tax revenue.\n\n: After hearing the legal opinion o1\n\n24 the question the council voted t\n\nadopt the contract ordinance by a 5-\n\n. vote, with Acting Mayor F. D. Sperr:\n\ni casting the negative vote. (Mr. Sperr;\n\ns'avotes in his capacity as alderman, al\n\ntho a regularly elected mayor vote\n\n3; only in case of a tie)\n\n: Termination Clause\n\nOne clause in the contract ordinanc\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n, to terminate the contract after fiv\n\nyears or sooner in case the propert\nowners fail to abide by all agreement\n= Of the document.\n\n#2 Attorney Curtis said that the coun\ncil has approved connections for tw\nother properties outside the cit\njimits. One agreement .was adopte\nduring the 1930’s for making wate\nand sewer connections to the Bom\nleny tavern at the west edge of towr\nwhere the property owner paid fc\nwithe connections. The other was th\nwater connection laid to the hem\nplant east of town, now housing th\n3 Ownahome trailer plant. The latte\nEia|was done as a wartime measure, M:\nmeiCurtis said.\n\n1 The fact that several pieces of far\ngland were disconnected from the cit\naidimits during the 1930’s also has bee\nfae cited during the discussions.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 4340.03369140625, 6182.71484375, 4750.71533203125, 6246.12939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Leaion To Meet\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 128.92534106445314, 6376.8806328125, 821.5201850585938, 6656.157453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "J. Herbert Schamp Jr., of Cam-\nbridge, who has served as driver’s li-\n'cense inspector for this area during\nthe past two: years, has resigned, ef-\nfective October 31. He will begin\nlwork November 1 for a Galesburg\nfirm manufacturing industrial paints.\n" }, "50": null, "51": { "bbox": [ 2305.363525390625, 610.9103393554688, 2723.15087890625, 837.5460205078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "GALVA\nGLIMPSES\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 1509.5955810546875, 4446.05615234375, 2042.5135498046875, 4510.35400390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "Report Police Cases\n" }, "53": null, "54": { "bbox": [ 2176.093017578125, 962.3397216796875, 2611.107421875, 1023.9035034179688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "Thursday Review\n" }, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 11, 14 ] ]
[ 5028.12548828125, 6739.9496210937505 ]
[ [ 11, 14 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1737.688318359375, 959.162927734375, 2391.67911328125, 2682.163 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Director of Adult Haucation Vile\n\nSheeley has anonunced that John\n\\Iseman, associated with Bache & Co,\nwill teach ene phase of a ten-wee\ncourse on “Investments” at Guilder-\nland Central High school.\n\nMr. Iseman, a graduate of Rutgers\nUniversity (Honor School) majored\nin Economics while at the university.\nHe also graduated from courses in\nithe Work of the Stock Exchange and\nInvestment Analysis given by the\nNew York Institute of Finance. <A\nlicensed representative of the N. Y.\nStock Exchange, with long experi-\n‘ence in the investment and securities\n‘business, Mr. Iseman joined Bache.\n& Co.'s Albany office in September\n1945, after serving in World War II.\n\nMr. Iseman will lecture, use films\n‘and devote much time to question\nand answer forums for his portion of\nthe course.\n\nIn this phase, Mr Iseman will dis-\ncuss the security exchanges, their\nbirth and history, over-the-counter\nmarkets, commodity markets, me-\nchanics, functions and operation of |\nthe exchanges. Recent legislation\ndealing with exchanges and how they\naffect operations.\n\nIn a later session, Mr. Iseman will\nHiscuss the nature, purpose and func-\ntions of securities in our economy,\n‘ouching on such topics as definition\nof a security, the reason for existence\nof securities, types of securities, me-\nhods of financing and selling securi-\nies to the public, and sound invest-\nnent principles in purchasing secur-\nties.\n\nOther sessions of this course will |\neature films and experts in their\nwn right in the fields of banking,\nnsurance, and real estate and homes.\nRegistration for this course and\nther courses of interest can be made\nrom 4 until 10 p. m., on Wednesday,\nept. 21, at the Guilderland Cen-\nral High school.\n\n \n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2390.258630859375, 948.9239140625, 3009.75235546875, 2433.356115234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The office: of-the Board of Edu-\ncation of the \\Gitiderland Central\nSchool | district-hg, ghnounced that\nthe contract hasbeen’ awarded for\nsite grading; draitiage, fertilizing and\nseeding’ for ‘théathietic field and\nplay field areas ‘the high school in\nGuilderland Cents,\n\nGlobe’ Consitrijétion company of\nAmsterdam wa Po epsstul bid-\nder, : The: Boaij-o¢ Education, at’ a\nspecial meeting\nthe bids of eigh\nConstruction . co\ncessful low bidd\n659... eo\n\nThe contract Gi} the construc-\ntion of a one-fo noe cinder track\nhaving a 220-yatd. straightaway, and\nfurnished with ‘toncrete curbing. Lo-\ncated within the'eireumference of the\ntrack will be thé football field for\nthe district. ‘The remainder of the\ncontract calls forthe preparation of\na number of play:areas and the seed-\ning and fertilizing. of the site.\n\nThis is the -gécond. ohhse of the\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\ncontractors. Globe\npany was the suc-\n“at a price of $40,-\n\nconstruction work that has been un-\ndertaken by the’ school district for its\nnew plant expansion program. The\nboard announced! that Perkins &\nWill, its architects, have nearly com-\npleted - working-‘jlans for the new\nelementary school in Guilderland _vil-\nlage, and for the addition to the Guil-\n‘derland Central: igh school: -- It is\nplanned ‘that ‘bids. will be opened!\nwithin- five weeks. and it is antici-\npated that construction will move\nforward quickly. éhough to insure use\nof the new elenientary school and\nadded rooms to‘the high school by\nSeptember 195 .\n\n \n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1734.27734375, 4274.51318359375, 2324.849609375, 4359.7626953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Blessing Family Reunion\n" }, "3": null, "4": { "bbox": [ 1702.4713994140625, 4384.31502734375, 2373.60782421875, 5922.6727656250005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "The thirtieth reunion of the de-.\nscendants of the late Frederick Bless-\ning was held on Sunday, Sept. 4, at\n‘Terek’s Grove on Mariaville Rd.\nThere were 76 present. At the busi-\nness meeting the following officers\nwere elected: Charles Gaige, Duanes~\nburgh, president: Lloyd Gray, Dunns-\nville, vice-president; Miss Margaret\nClute, Sharp’s Corners, secretary. °\n\nThose present were: Mr. and Mrs.\nLloyd Sharp, Miss Margaret Clute,.\nFrank Blessing, Mr. and-Mrs. Lioyd:\nGray, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Gray,\nGary Gray, Mr .and Mrs. Car] Gif-\nford, Glenn Gifford, Mr. and Mrs.\n| Earl Gray, Thurston Armstrong, Mrs:\nFlorence Gaige, Mr. and Mrs, Charles\niGaige, Fern, Lana and Wilma Gaige,\nMr. and Mrs. Herman Grav, Lois\nGray, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Gray,.\nTuinda and Carol Gray, Mrs.’ Charles\nBlessing, Mr. and Mrs. Frank War-\njner, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sitterly, Mrs.\nGeorge Blessing. Mr. and Mrs. Mil-\nlard Blessing, Wayne Blessing, Mrs.\nRaymond, Gemlick.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Melvin Hasbrouck,\n| Neil and Paul Hasbrouck, Mr. and\n‘\\Mrs. Harlen Gifford, Warren, Ralph\njjand Robert Gifford, Mr. and Mrs.\n{;George Gifford, Diane Gifford, Mr.\nand Mrs. Durrell Gifford, Mr. and\nMrs.. Clifford Vedder, Mr. and Mrs:\nOrlo Alexson, Charles and - David\n}| Alexson, Miss Martha Blessing, ‘Mr.\n| and Mts. Jacob Blessing. Mr.,' and\n}} Mrs. Levey Gifford, Mrs. Ruth Wor:\nyy mrer, ‘ourlay arid Daniel ‘Wormer,\n\\/ Mrs. Winfred Gifford. Thomas Gif-\n) ford, Miss Lois Gifford, Mr.’ and\n\n‘Mrs. Chester Calkins, Mr. and Mrs.\n§|Eearl Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Ear\nt( Priest, Lynn Priest. .\n\n \n \n \n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2488.7041015625, 2457.91943359375, 2884.625, 2542.2607421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Knox Cave Notes\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2377.3291875, 2557.944666015625, 3004.29923046875, 3008.171056640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Knox Cave reports closing date for\nboth caverns and’ yink will be Oct.\n9. All fund raisitig roller skate par-\nties should be fooked in September.\nIf you want a party after Oct. 9 lease\nthe rink for yoi\nor dance,\n18 and 25 an\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1032.3913212890625, 3892.40096484375, 1682.615392578125, 4334.0033320312505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Look behind most any baby buggy\non any Main street for proof. The\nStatistigal fact ‘is ~that one new\nmother in four is. undér 20, and will\ne.the parent of teen-agers in her\nthirties, and most likely a grand-\nMother in her forties. With people\n\\living longer ‘all the time, the pros-\npect is that a lot of young parents\nteday are a cinch to become great-\n‘grandparents someday. — “Changing\nTimes,” 8\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1695.3837529296875, 2803.520349609375, 2372.775548828125, 4263.9999140625005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Miss Marcia Yvonne Washburn,\ndaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin\nWashburn of Lynnwood, Schenectady,\nR. D., was married Saturday after-\nnoon, Sept. 3, in St. Andrew's Epis-\nécopal church, Albany, to James Allen.\nCobb, son of Marion Cobb of Fre-\ndonia. The Very Rev.- William\nBowker of Buffalo, uncle of the bride,\nand Rev. Ralph Carmichael, rector\nof St. Andrew's, performed the cere-\n‘mony.\n\nThe: bride, given in marriage by\nher father, wore a waltz-length\n‘gown of white crystalette and finger-\ntip veil. She carried a colonial bou-\nquet of white roses and feathered:\ncarnations,\n\nMiss Joan Bradley- of: Fredonia,\nmaid of honor, wore a.gown of coral.\ncaveats and ..carried a . colonia\n\n \n\n7OS aii:\nwater,\\: bridesmaids, .,.wene attired\npale green crystalétte: ‘and ‘also_ care\nried colonial bouquets. Miss Janet)\nBowker of ‘Buffalo, cousin, of the’\nbride, was flower girl. She wore je\nwhite gown over coral.\n\nThomas Cobb of Fredonia, brother\nof the groom, was best man. Ushers\nwere Thomas Freling and Jack\nEvarts, both of Fredonia.\n\n- After a reception at the home: of\nthe bride, the couple left for a trip\nin the Adirondacks. They will live:\nat 19 Forest Pl., Fredonia, where Mrs:\nCobb is employed. Mrs. Cobb will\nresumer her studies at Fredonia:\nState Teachers College. Jf\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1754.7232666015625, 761.9982299804688, 2369.944580078125, 916.1077270507812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Investment Adult Course\nAt Guilderland Centra\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3122.12451171875, 760.3265991210938, 3575.786376953125, 835.46630859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Altamont:Kiwanis\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 375.04534350585936, 3553.009607421875, 1023.130529296875, 4325.3348750000005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\nrda\n\n: A a. m. to 8:30 p. m. Brother-\nhood Retreat at Camp Pinnacle. Call\nJames Trosino for last-minute reser-\nvations. .\n Guinday: rr\n\n19: 45 a. m- Sunday diiuvads school.\n\n“41 a.m. The service; nursery.\n\n% p. m. Luther Leagues.\nMeénday:*. 4s, :\n\n8 p.m. Church ‘school’ teachers\nand workers conference sponsored by\nthe ULCA, at the Messiah Lutheran\nchurch, Schenectady. :\nTuesday: . . a\n\np. m.° ‘Workers irene for\n\nSt. John's teachers and officers. El-\nections, and presentation of children’s\nstewardship education by Winifred\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 401.94780932617186, 1818.9875126953125, 1719.7991083984375, 3405.247228515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "i Statistically, the great American hunter can ‘be proud of his record for\nstlonting game — instead of his fellow-hunters, innocent bystanders and do-\n\nestic farm anirnals. Out of the total of 90,000 fatal accidents last year.\n1,050 were caused by firearms. And while only one-third of these occurred\nwhile hunting, we should properly consider the alarming number of home\ntragedies due to hunting arms as hunting accidents. Further, since most\nhunters pride themselves on their guns and their understanding of how to\nuse and care for them — as well as the lore of woods and fields — it\nSHOULD be possible to eliminate such accidents entirely. |\n\nBut, we know there WILL be mishaps and bloodshed and the best we\ncan do is to improve a little on last year’s record. Thus, it is fitting that\nagain the season is ushered in by “Emergencies Don't Wait” Week — when\nour friends the druggists go all-out to remind us it’s time to overhaul and\nrestock both the first-aid kit and the home medicine cabinet: » We should\nnéed only a reminder that when an accident happens — in the field, the\nshop, the kitchen or the barn — there's no time to go shopping for emergen-\ncy equipment.\n\nWe should remember too that hurting accidents most frequently involve\nnovices at the sport. Thus, the youngsters who will get their first experi-\nence at game-shooting this year — as well as inex erienced oldsters —\nshould be instructed, and drilled and GRILLED on the handling of arms.\n\n* Here are the simplest and most comprehensive safety rules we know\nof — which you may want to use as a teaching guide:\n\ni 1. Make sure guns stored away at home are unloaded.\n2 2: Guns should be locked away from children.\n3. Keep firearms in good working order.\n\n4. A gun pulled carelessly out of a car may shoot someone, the first\nmorning of the hunting season, or the last.\n\n5. Don’t drag, your gun through wire fences.\n\n6. Following another hunter under tree limbs and through underbrush\nis dangerous when carrying loaded guns. ‘\n\n7. Never use your gun-to punch or club game out of the brush.\n8. Don’t carry a cocked gun. :\n\n; 9. Carry the gun with its muzzle pointed to the ground. Never point |<\nit at anyone. Don’t let the muzzle clog with snow or mud.\n\n* 10. Don’t shoot moving objects until you know what they are. Be\ncertain no one is in the way. . i\n\n. To which we ‘might add just a few ‘more: Don’t set the woods afi\nDon't sit on a skinning-knife. Don't forget about snakes. ~ Don’t Tet emer:\ngencies catch you unprepared.: «eee ~ | ‘\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3012.286951171875, 865.1667119140625, 3683.03848828125, 1976.7214716796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "4 . 7 ee a » |\nOur program committee has a\nspeaker in mind for our next meet-\ning Sept. 19 whose message should\n_be interesting to all members.. The\ncommittee is exerting every effort to\n\njobtain the man for us.\n\nAt the meeting of Sept. 12, our hos-.\n| vitality committee welcomed the fol-\ntlowing visitors: Loran Appleby, Pe-\n| ter Calvert, Charles Frink, Jack Mc-\nFarland,. Phil Harmon, Dan Langen-.\nwalter and Roy McNiven. ‘\n\nPresident Ralph Westervelt called\nthe members’ attention to the forth-\ncoming Capital Division dinner’ on,\nOct. 26 at Troy, which will mark\nthe official visit of Governor, Larry\nHall. The Troy club will be hosts.\n\nSpeaker of the evening, introduced\n‘by our program chairman, Frank\n| Williams, was William H. Marshall\nof the Delaware & Hudson railroad.\nMr. Marshall, whose message appears.\nfin another column, also répresents\nthe Railroad Community committee.\n|He touched briefly on the transporta-\nHon problem of Altamont, and spoke\n‘generally on the financial problems\nof railways. Our thanks to Mr.\nMarshall for his interesting talk were\nconveyed by Vice-president Frank\nWilliams.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1029.816248046875, 3454.848962890625, 1664.17618359375, 3750.12442578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n\nKaasa, children’s secretary. Mrs\nHXaasa will attend the N. Y. and N. E\nstewardship conference this\n; eeaayie ear? fe\n\n” ue D m. Bible Fellowship hour.\n| Thursday:\n\n6:2 n m Mnrmmlee alrch\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1789.837158203125, 2695.72216796875, 2276.9560546875, 2779.8828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Cobb -- Washburn\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1064.2025146484375, 3779.857421875, 1639.20556640625, 3871.707763671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "The New Moarls Younger\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3722.773681640625, 887.1478881835938, 4985.77294921875, 1940.3455810546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\nINT LAINE\nTHE WORLD'S FIRST Ny. LON EYEGLASS\nFRAME! .\n—Indestynetible\n—Unbelievably Light in Weight\n_ —Brillient Colors and Trims\n—Self-adjusting ~\n—Does Away with Nose Irritations Due to |\nHeavy Frames .\n~2--SOLD IN ALBANY BY—\n\nJOSEPH E. CAMPBELL.\n\nOptician\n110 STATE STREET ALBANY, N. Y.\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1711.98983203125, 6038.4922734375, 2381.043859375, 6739.9496210937505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "The second annual Foreign Student\n| dance, ponedided to be held ‘at the\nGuilderland Central High school to-\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nnight, has been postponed to Friday\nnight, Sept. 23.\n\nThe postponement was made so\nthat Robert Washburn and Helen.\nKeller, G.:C. H. S. students who have ;\nheen spending the summer in Hol-’\n\n‘land and Germany, réspéctively, may,\nbe .able to attend the event. They’\nare expected home this week end.\n\n' The other honor guest at the dance\nwill be Daniel Mical of Asriieies,\nFrance (nea Paris); Dari: is the\nFrench student who will attend G. C.\nH. 8. during this school year, J\nThis affair will he a round dancé,\nponsoreAl jointly by the Student\nound and. the National Honor ‘so--\nTet. ®\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2423.058837890625, 3071.388427734375, 5028.12548828125, 6673.146484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "ike Uncle Louie used to say.. °\nnele Louie’ s favorite expressions years age was:\n. und too late schma:\n\na Ben a eape got. off to a slow start when they were little (not having\neto read, or a Little Einstein Atomic Energy Set to play With like the -\ndidn’ t ‘take them. long. to catch: on how. to be. successful ’ Brocers,\n\nae\n\nBELT TH a . Keep ihe ‘nose to the grindstone’.\n; and see that evé y customer i is 100 percent satisfied!\n\n«abe\n\nYup ‘12 0 Bottles O77.\n\nVegetable Soup 2 25%¢\n: Syrup 1 te 3% 1 iL\n\nit Sections 2 29c|-\n\nMy Bu. 1.59 |\n3 Lbs. 25¢\n15 Ub, Peck Bag 39\n\n1. 2 Pls. 350 |\n“Lb, Pig 39...\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 405.79412841796875, 3453.4208984375, 1017.8148193359375, 3544.518798828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "‘St John’s-Lutheran Church\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1732.8529052734375, 5934.5849609375, 2351.566650390625, 6007.49755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "FOREIGN STUDENT DANCE\nPOSTPONED TO SEPT 95\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3202.64794921875, 2116.511474609375, 4830.50146484375, 2996.716552734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "we\n\nThe most distinctive!\n\nhand. sculptured candies\n\nfrom California , .» fas.\n\ncinating centerpieces (for |\n\nrent)... unusual gifts\n\nwith year ‘round appeal\n\n« « . Rusteraft cards of .\n\nchoracter.,.'\n\n \n\n \n\n‘Albany's newest and, most ‘unique ‘\nGitt Shop\n\nThe Studio Shoppe 7\n\n- You will see everything\n\n232 West Lawrence Street\nGust off Maden rene)\n\nNOW: OPEN\n\nStore Hours: 9:30-6 , Phone 8.8665\nOpen Wed. and Fri, ‘Eves,\n\nCome in and browse around on\nopening days. ~\n\n \n\nyou ever thought of and\nlots you never dreamed\n\n#f in a complete collec-\nNien of fine gifts, won-\n\nderful party accessories\n\n‘and beautiful greeting\n\ncards for every occo-\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 437.93609619140625, 4423.33642578125, 1691.628662109375, 6720.326171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\noe... &\nrr ° i\n\n \n\nIN\n\nYOUR TOWN ORGANIZATION, THE REGULAR RE-\n\n. PUBLICAN ORGANIZATION — wishes to state at this |\nb : time that it is guided by. the wishes of the’ people, and will |\n; Support in full strength the people's choice for Town\n; Superintendent of Highways although he was designated .\non an indepeniient ticket.\n\n7 a +\n\nIti is the earnest — of this committee to advance and\nstrengthen, Republicanism in our Town at all.times,\n\n \n\nIthough there may he differences of opinion on Primary\n\nwe. pledge unity and co-operation for our principles —\ni it each year. . :\n\n \n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3023.280115234375, 1990.81795703125, 3684.085119140625, 2073.63565625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Subscribe to the Altamont Enter-\norise ~ $2.50 per vear.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 608.182861328125, 1738.016357421875, 1545.9822998046875, 1794.9403076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "PFADINESS 18 THE BEST PREVENTION\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3649.11474609375, 1982.3197021484375, 5010.77783203125, 2066.660888671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "| TRY AN “ADIN THE ENTERPRISE -- IT WILL PAY YOU\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3677.54296875, 1986.2957763671875, 5002.94287109375, 2071.899169921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "" }, "28": null, "29": { "bbox": [ 424.4327697753906, 4342.4521484375, 1017.5907592773438, 4391.6455078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "‘POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT\n" }, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 27, 4 ], [ 27, 6 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 16, 57 ], [ 16, 10 ], [ 57, 10 ], [ 28, 13 ], [ 28, 30 ], [ 28, 23 ], [ 13, 30 ], [ 13, 23 ], [ 30, 23 ], [ 26, 47 ], [ 40, 41 ], [ 40, 31 ], [ 41, 31 ], [ 44, 45 ] ]
[ 2366.46142578125, 3277.1585312499997 ]
[ [ 4, 6 ], [ 10, 57 ], [ 23, 30 ], [ 27, 4 ], [ 28, 13 ], [ 30, 28 ], [ 31, 41 ], [ 40, 31 ], [ 44, 45 ], [ 47, 26 ], [ 57, 16 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1204.62060546875, 507.6033020019531, 2038.2491455078125, 1496.38134765625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 38.82394790649414, 242.96170043945312, 881.3707885742188, 1002.6780395507812 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2055.508705078125, 1830.505775390625, 2353.80745703125, 2760.362388671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "GENERAL GRANT GROVE,\nKings Canyon Natlotial Park—\nCongressman B, F, Sisk of the\n12th, Fresno, district toured this\nfire blackened and stitl smoking\narea today and declared he will\nclo everything In his power to\nget money appropriated, “so\nthings like this can be stopped\nbefore they happen.”\n\nSisk declared thal congress\nhas heen téo “pennywise and\npound foolish. In: dealing with\nproblems Ilke this and this fire\nis a_direct result.\n\n“The solution les in haying\nmore lo slart with and then to\nhave {t handy when these things.\nRet underway. If snore money\n\\s needed to lake care of the\nsituation as ft now stands, be-\nMleve me I am going to go to\nbat and get it.”\n\nSisk said never in his life has\nhe seen such a wonderful job\ndone in the lace of such diffi\ncull circumstances, Ife was re-\nferring la the fight now in its\nsixth day lo stop one of the\nSierra's worst forest fires which\nMonday was within about half\nja mile of this park. He praised\nthe cooperation which has been\ndisplayed by all agencies and in\ndividuals in meeting a common\nthreat in the fire.\n\n‘The national parks are under\nthe jurisdiction of the interior\ndepartment. Interior depart.\n[ment Iegislation is acted on by\nthe house interior and insular af-\nfairs cammitlee, of which Sisk\nis a member,\n\n‘The national forests are un-\n‘|der the jurisdiction of the de-\npartment of agricullure. whose\negislation Is considered by the\nlhouse agriculture committer, of\nIWwhieh Congressman Harlan\n{Hagen of the 1th, Kings, Kern\nNand ‘Tulare Countles, district is\n1s paarnber,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1479.5919189453125, 2426.585693359375, 2040.22705078125, 2528.822509765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Fire Damages Fresno. Home\nSleepina Bov. I?. Is Saved\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 310.274330078125, 2303.11051171875, 598.7943955078125, 3265.4622421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "‘There was an increase in oper-\nating revenues of $337,451 Jast\nyear, primarily because of a\ngeneral tate boost of approxi.\nmately 30 per cent which went\ninto effect November 1, 195:\n\n‘The water department paid\n$30,000 to the city in lieu of\ntaxes during the past fiscal\nyear, This campares with a\nIpayment of $29,590 the year\nbefore.\n\nThe figures are from a. re-\nport filed with Finance Commis-\nsioner James P. Owens,\n| Yalue Is Increased\n\nThe depreciated value of the\nutility plant is fixed at $4.743,-\n128, an increase of S585,211. A\ntotal of $3,383,436 of the depre.\nciated value assigned to dis-\nribution mains and $213,313 to\nwells and pumping equipment.\n\n‘The value of work in progress\nis placed at $385,182, making\nthe total worth of $5,129.411, an\nincrease of $829,434 from the\nyear before,\n\nThere are slill $911,000 in\nbonds outstanding from the\n$2,162,000 issue floated in 1931\nto purchase Lhe water depart.\nment from a private utility.\nLast year a total of $82,000 was\npaid off and $68,000 wil! be\npaid this fiseal year. The bonds\nwill be paid off in 1970. ‘Tne\ninterest on the bonded debt last\nyear was $42,340, It was $48,420\nthe year before.\n\nMay Call Bonds\n\n-The finance department 1s\nstudying whether it will be pos\nsible and desirable to call some\nlof the bonds before their expi.\nration date and save interest\ncharges.\n\n‘The operating expenses of the\ndepartment last year totaled\n$407,450, an increase of $35,\n\nBeeause of last) Novembe\nTate increase the returns from\nflat rate domestic sales jumper\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 13.71396630859375, 1532.620521484375, 306.2724228515625, 2186.226158203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "A OS year bid Fresno cafe\nawner, Ramon Galvan of 1959\nG Street, was a fig\norchard northwest of Fresno\nlate yesterday as he was aboul\nto close thr sale of 30. pounds\nof marijuana, worth Atul $25,\n000 af retail value, to an under:\ncover agent of the federa!\nbureau of narcotics.\n\nLucal officers reported \\ the\nmarijuana izure, was the\nJarfest ever made in Fresno\nCounty, They said there was\nenough dope in the 10 tightly\npacked packages la make 20,000\nto 25,000 marijuana cigarets,\n\nBig Supplier\n\nOfficers who had Been work.\ning ari (he case for two months\nalia said Galvan is the largest\nwholesaler of marljiana to op.\nerate in Fresno, They consider\nKim ane of the biggest suppliers\nin ihe San Joaquin Valley,\n\nGalvan was apprehended as\nthe federal agent handed him\nalmost $4,000 in cash for the\ncardboard carton containing the\ncellophane wrapped packages\nwhich were Jying on the ground\nbetween them,\n\nAs the cash was being handed\nover, Amil Demés, a -nareottic\ninspeclor with the Fresno Coun.\n\nistrict altotney's . office,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 599.356361328125, 2316.276283203125, 889.5238266601563, 3264.6985703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "from $7t2,878 in fiscal 1954 to\n$928,297 In fiseal ‘35.\n\n* The metered commercial sales\nclimbed from $267,470 A\n$377,303,\n| Operating Revenue Rises\n\n‘The total operating revenue\nlast year was $1,346,709 against\n$1,009,258 the previous year.\n\nIn addition, under the policy\nof making each real estate sub-\ndivision pay for Hs own water\nIservice, $453,141 was paid ta the\n{aepartment in charges for water\njmain installations, water tap\nconnections and fire hydrant in-\nstallations, That figure reflects\nan increase of $397,364 from last\nyear,\n\nFrom 1931 until 1917 the city\ncommission diverted more than\n$1,500,000 in water depariment\nprofits directly for tax reduc.\ntion and for expenses syhich\notherwise would have been paid\nfor by taxes,\n\nIn 1947, however, the. city\ncommission decided to use ail\nnet profits for the expanstan\nland replacement of the system.\n\nModernize System\n\nChief Engineer and General\njManager George M. Bowman.\nwith the backing of Public\nWorks Commissioner A, Segel,\nhis superior, last. year won a\nrate increase from the ¢ity com:\nmission to modernize, the sys\ntem and to keep pace with the\ncity’s expansion.\n\nBowman presented figures\nshowing that even with the\njadded revenues, a 10 year pra\nigsam would be necessary te\nrecover from ithe years when\nthe physical needs of the water\n\nJutility were neglecied because\nthe profits were used for tax\nreduction,\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 312.77294921875, 2098.2978515625, 882.0121459960938, 2228.58203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Fresno Water Unit\nNets $580,770 Profit\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1189.8118896484375, 254.7546844482422, 2347.12939453125, 486.7282409667969 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Sierra Fire Lines Hold;\nNew Flareup Is Feared\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2064.433349609375, 1642.7618408203125, 2344.975830078125, 1824.9298095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Sisk Tours Fire\nArea;.Calls For\nConaress Action\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1478.8135146484376, 2546.825111328125, 1767.7533798828126, 3269.759849609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Reishee nhs asec scr dh sf all\nits contents at 2525 Madison A\n\nJohnson's 12 year old son,\nKeith, was rescued and another\nson, Boyd, 14, hurned his feet\n‘on hot coals,\n\nThe fire was discovered hy\nMrs. Johnson at 2:49 AM wher\nhe was awakened by the per\nsistent barking of a neighbor's\ndog,\n\nShe said she yelled ta het\nchildren and that Laurann, 8,\nland Gregory, 5, awakened im\nmediately and ran out with her\nwhile the flames were starting\nto burn the living ream.\n\nAttracted By Flames.\n\nWilliam Moffett of 218 How\nlard Avenue, who was attraciec\nby tha flames, roused Keith, 12\nlatter Mrs. Johnson told his\nthe hoy was still in the house\nMoffett sald Keith ran toware\nthe living rdéom, where the\nflames were the worst, and ha¢\nto be steered out of the house\nHe was not hurt.\n\nHis brother, Boyd, 14, whe\nhas a bed in the garage of th\nhome, burned his feet late\nwhile altempting te get hi\nshoes from the kilchen.\n\nJohnson is working in the Lo:\nAngeles area.\n\nInspector Arthur Cone af th\nfire prevention bureau said the\nfire apparently slarted trom\nelectrical wiring in the attic o\nthe one stery, five room home.\n\nHe said a short circuit mus\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": null, "12": { "bbox": [ 890.8748549804687, 2078.986732421875, 1183.2188339843751, 3266.586021484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "SAN FRAWSCISCO—UP—The\n3,500 residents of Yreka, Hum-\nboldt County, were alerted ‘to:\nday to prepare far evacuation\nas a major forest fre in the\nKlamath National Forest west\nof the town burned to within\nsix miles at one point,\n\nThe fire could he seen from\nlsome points in Yreka and ashes\njand heayy smoke setlled over\nthe little community as a con-\nsiant Watch was maintained by\nthe volunteer Bre cdepariment\nland the local company of the\njnational puard,\n\n‘The fire, one of 22 aguas in\nihe forest, has blackened be:\niwern 20,000 to 30,000 acres,\n\nPreparations were made to\nstart a backfire on Greenhorn\nSummit, soulhwest ef Yreka.\n‘The line will go down Cherry\nCreek and connect with Indian\nCreek, From the end of the\nbackfire, buliozers will huild a\nfire Ine to a point west of\nHawkinsville, iwo miles north\nof Yreka. The backfire is sched-\nuled ta be set after the line is\ncampleted, Many of the rest-\ndents of Hawkinsville already\nhave been evacuated,\n\nAlthough more thati 22 blazes\nare burning in the forest, there\nmow ate only one and one hall\nmiles of fireline in control, A\ntotal of 100,000 acres have heen\nScarred by the fires with an es:\ntimated Joss of $3,500,000 worth\nlat timber, Ail reads into the\njarca are closed. The National\n[Guard established roadblocks al\nseveral points,\n\nIn Southern California, a 15,\nO0U acre fire in Santa Barbara\ncounty stopped traffic on US\nHighway 101 by turning efghi\nmiles of the highway into 2\nflaming corridor. ‘The fire tem:\npararily halted Southern Pacitic\ntrains.\n\nMore than 34 familles were\nevacuated from farms and\nranches in the Del Refugio Can\n|yon areaswhere the blaze start\ned, and several ranch’ structures\nwere reported burned,\n\n.,The county hardest hit bs\nfire was Humboldt, with four o}\nthe state's major blazes still un\n{controlled there, The largest i:\na 14.000 acre timber fire; the\njolfiers totale 7,000 acres.\n\nOther major fires were turn\nJing in Mendocino, Santa Clare\nand San Benilo Counties.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 594.9127578125, 1653.9805068359376, 884.9207993164063, 2088.487876953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\n{commission and was \"based or\npolilical considerations,\n| lis lawyer, John P. Witsil\n|said Hoppe, ‘a Republican ap\n|pointed veteran of 24 years it\nJthe service, was fired solely a:\n\"a matter of polltical expedi\nency” because he refused\ntone down “a critical adverse\nreports on a new polifical ap\npointee.”\n\nWitsil, in a_ telephone inter\nview from Jefferson City, Mo.\nwhere he is vacationing, refuses\ni) name the “political appointee’\n{but said Hoppe will name him\n“when he takes the stand\" in\n‘the law suit. The attorney said\nj he appointee now holds a high\nipost in the internal ‘revenue\n|service,\n\nAndrews and other officials\ndectined to comment on Happe's\n\n| Continued On Pace 2-4. Cal.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 890.9580688476562, 1886.505126953125, 1178.3914794921875, 2067.767578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Residents Get Set\nTo Leave Yreka\n‘As Flames Near\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 894.0147705078125, 246.20582580566406, 1172.033935546875, 462.1918029785156 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Fresno UGP\nGoal Is Set\nAt $414 350\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1773.7190322265626, 2584.808509765625, 2058.94759375, 2759.3416367187497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "have occurred somewhere In (he\nelectrical. sysiem because he\nfound wires In the basement\nflaming, Ihough they had nat\nyet set the jjoists on fire there.\n\nThe house is owned by Nudt\n\nJotinsan of 161 Yosemite Ave\nnue, Elmer Johnson's father.\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 19.464065551757812, 1120.6856689453125, 879.3880004882812, 1310.5472412109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "rresnan Is Seized In\nBig Marijuana Haul\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 888.3506850585937, 474.53318017578124, 1183.2649765625001, 1878.0367050781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "the United Givers Plan board\nof trusiees laday approved a\ngoal of $414,350 for its 1955 fund\ndrive, an increase of less than 1\nper cent over the 1954 goal of\n$410,805,\n\n\"Fhe gonl,- announced at a\nluncheon meeting In the Cali-\nfornian Hotel, includes the oper-\nating expenses for the 19 UGP\nmember agencies, the United\nService Organization and affili-\nated ‘serviecs and the UGP's\nshate of opefating costs for the\nnewly organized Fresno County\nCommun\n\n“The 19 goal is the result\nof more than 270 hours of pains.\ntaking work on the part of the\nbudget committee,” said Claud\nGalmarino, the drive chairman,\n\n\"Every required item was\ncarefully scrutinized. Many de.\nsirable expansions of service\nve eliminaled to hold opera:\ntional expenses as low as pos-\nsible, and even though the total\ngoal is less then 1 per cent\ngreater than last year, it was\npossible to allow: for carefully\nevaluated service expansions in\nFresno's local agencies.\n\nGoal Is Bxeeeded +\n\n“The success pf last’ year's\ndrive, in which the goal was\nexceeded, demonstrated the de-\nslre of the givers of Fresno to\nsupporl generously the agencies\nwhich service the Ineal ‘needs of\nthe community.”\n\nThe allocations to the 21 or-\nganizations Incluced in the drive\nare B Strret Community Center\n$13,616; Bays Club of Fresno,\n$12,761; Catholic Youth Organ.\nizalion, $11,185; Catholic Wel-\nfare Bureau, S2b,12\n\nChild Guidance Clinic, 89,180;\nCommunity Family Service Cen-\n\nFresne Area Gi\n, $28, L798;\nno Relief Sociely, $1.\nStale College Y, $4,000; Tnlerna-\ntiana] Institute, $19,893.50.\nMore Allocations Listed\n\nJewish Benevolent Society,\n$2,300: North Avenue Commu.\nnily Center. $2395; Salvation\nArmy, 831526; San Joaquin Val-\nley Childrens Health Associa-\ntion, $11,393; Sequoia Boy Scout\nCauncil, 543,688.\n\n‘Teon X Change, $2,494; Vol-\nwears ofA America, $13,009\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nes\nnm Association, $36,845;\n\nresne {County Community\nCouneil, §3,740.\n\nUSO and affiliated services,\n$5,000; UGP anministration,\n$25,452; UGP reserve for _uncol\nlectibles, $20,000, and UGP cam-\npaign, $27,125.\n\nThe board of trustees also ap-\nproved the appvinlment of W.\n‘TY. O'Rear as second vice presi-\ndent to fill the unexpired term\nof Assemblyman Wallace Hen-\ndtiein suhn Mamorad\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1188.8046875, 2431.3798828125, 1442.0380859375, 2616.013671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Grange Draws\nFair Salute As\nFiahtina Force\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 314.716064453125, 1330.806884765625, 882.9056396484375, 1520.305419921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "ExRevenue Official’s Suit\nFor $26,823 In Back Pay\n\nIndicates Treasury Scandal\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 13.941452980041504, 1325.197021484375, 296.053955078125, 1506.6370849609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Officers Trap\nCafe Man, Grab\n$75,000 In Done\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2065.65348046875, 1155.144935546875, 2339.04183203125, 1513.6547470703126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Mare first ald supplies, as\nwell as two nurses and an-\nother first aid worker were\nrushed to the Sequola Na-\ntional Forest five today by\nihe Fresno Counly Chapter\nof the American Red Cross,\n\nRed Cross officials said\nfirst aid workers at the\nscene of the fire treated a\ntotat of 313 minor injuri S\novernight.\n\nThe meses, Gisue Mah\nand Marilyn Welss, and the\nfivst aid worker, Lasvrence\nPhillips of Sanger, were\ndriven to Ue fire scene by\nMrs. Kermit Smith, who\nworked at the first ald sta\ntlon yestecday.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 307.61264794921874, 1525.2790908203126, 891.8730087890625, 1630.5508652343751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON—AP---Edward 15. Hoppe, a former in-\nternal revenue servize official, is suing the government for\n$26,823 in back pay, charging he was fired in 1954 for refus-\ning to “whitewash” an unfavorable characler report on a key\nfigure in the tax collection service,\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2054.74951171875, 513.7012329101562, 2345.011474609375, 700.580810546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Weather Plays\nRolelnProtection\nOf Grant Grove\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 1187.043373046875, 2900.346107421875, 1478.2738876953126, 3268.930259765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "sader for the family farm and\nHts role as a fighting force for\nprogressive agriculture — drew\nthe salute today of the Califor-\nnia State Fair and Exposition.\nThey came thousands strong,\nthe Grangers, to accept the 1953\nexposition’s salute, and in tuen\npencilled the beginning of a new\nprogressive page in California\nagricultural dynamics.\n\n‘Today was Grange Day at the\nfair, now in its seventh day.\nAnd drawing a salute. too, were\nthe state's dairy Industries, the\n6th Army and the Red Cross.\nAll had seats in hnnor ‘row.\n\nAt noon, George Sehlmeyer,\nthe master of the Grange, ad-\n\nContinued On Page 3-A, Col. 6\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 317.3503798828125, 2234.486244140625, 889.7566147460938, 2304.1985703124997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "* Fresno's municipally owned water department made a net\nprofit of $580,770 in the fiscal year énding June 30th, mare\nthan twice the previous year's profit of $269,737.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 306.5492629394531, 1919.1064833984376, 593.85628515625, 2088.47542578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "missal he header (he service's\ninspeclion unit, set up to guard\nagainst corruption within the\nservice.\n\n‘Hoppe said in his petition his\ndismissal by Commissioner\nColeman Andrews was approved\nby Secretary of the ‘Treasury\nHumphrey and the civil service\n\n \n" }, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 304.7986525878906, 1631.5168837890626, 595.5067978515625, 1755.9644394531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "“ ‘The suit has been filed ia tie\n|United States Court of Claims\n|by Hoppe, now a Dallas lawyer\n\nHoppe formerly was assistan!\ncommissioner of inleraal rev\nJenue. At the time of his dis\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2057.12516015625, 913.0820693359375, 2351.7669296875, 1104.6806259765624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n\nof the blaze which lay dormant\nmost of yeslerday and thus\ngave the park headquarters a\nbrief respite from the danger\nfaced Manday,\n\nWeather conditions this morn-\ning are considered more advan-\ntagcous from the fire tlehters’\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 10.66896241760254, 2234.61490625, 309.02050024414064, 2343.2173691406247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "RNANTOUL, Ill. —AP—A fire\ndestrayed a Javge shop building\non Chanule Air Force Bate\nearly today, causing damage\nestimated ar $500,0000, No one\n\nwume nee)\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2069.715248046875, 2815.482826171875, 2339.49886328125, 3146.526451171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "FORECAST — Fair\nthraugh tomorrow. Some-\nwhat cooler today; maxi-\nTourn temperatures today\n92 to 98 degrees; lows to-\nnight 50 to 63; not much\nchange In temperature ip+\nmorrow, Northwesterly\nwinds reaching 15 miles an\nhour this afternoon and\nevening. ,\n\nFRESNO FACTS\n\nYesterday's high—9s5,\n\n \n\non Page 16-3,\n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 2059.5279921875, 3193.25601953125, 2354.586265625, 3277.1585312499997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "- of\n“Where dit you find that cor-\ngeous blond f saw you with last\nnight?\" VE just opened my bill-\nfold .,. and there she was,”\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2068.4443359375, 2774.092041015625, 2255.02685546875, 2816.166259765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Weather\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2060.7783203125, 1112.61962890625, 2342.0244140625, 1150.69384765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Red Cross Rushes Aid\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1781.1234130859375, 3031.777587890625, 2053.755859375, 3137.114501953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 2055.077796875, 739.0730361328125, 2351.19222265625, 851.35335546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nGENERAL GRANT GROVE,\nKings Canyon’ National Park—\nAr uneasy calm lies over the\nfire scene today and fire fight.\nets avait an oxpected ilareup\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 2059.983802734375, 1523.6936416015626, 2359.123375, 1623.3412705078126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Mewpolnt, and these, together\npith an almost continuous rain\nof men and equipment around\nthis area of priceless Slerca red.\n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 16.881471633911133, 2205.87744140625, 268.01104736328125, 2231.48828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Btow Bae: Bist litt\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 315.36792749023436, 1801.509193359375, 583.8608017578125, 1909.2002792968751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON — UP —\nSecretary of Treasury\nGeorge M. Humphrey saie\ntoday Edgar FE, Hoppe was\ndismissed two yours ago be-\ncause of incompelenes.\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 1773.6938857421876, 2827.95133203125, 2060.042076171875, 3029.7703476562497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "=e\n\nA wWeman ean make a greal\nchange in a man, says a Judre.\nOfien by requiring an awful\nlot of change.\n\nHome, grown cucumber time\nis here and with the litile ones\nmom's in a siveet pickle,\n\nIn these summer bargain\ndays about the only thing a\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 1768.2236708984376, 3138.559486328125, 2063.825279296875, 3273.9453964843747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": " \n\nthushand can't get on me is\n‘nis meals,\n\n \n\n’ ‘To rash a pleture magazine\na man must have about six\nfigures and a woman only one\n\n'good one,\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 72.79212951660156, 1511.7607421875, 248.04031372070312, 1526.99853515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Boe Kdanleten khden-hne\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 1182.794837890625, 2637.031654296875, 1484.2192001953126, 2714.0176621093747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n| SURE nemapaisee etal vecier |\nSACRAMENTO. The Califar-(\nnia Slate Gran ge—its 45,000,\n\nbers, its history as a cru-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 2104.797119140625, 3166.45556640625, 2309.619140625, 3191.89013671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Teen's Chaekls\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 2066.17578125, 858.3272705078125, 2341.267822265625, 910.1190795898438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Additional forest fire\nphotos on Pages 1¢-A, 9-8.\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1195.0400771484376, 2753.65543359375, 1466.7289658203126, 2884.3516464843747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Fresno County raisins\nwere judged the best in\ntheir division of the agricul-\ntare] products judging at\nthe Callfornla State Fair,\nKings County was second\nand Mereed County, third.\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 1195.53515625, 2724.2470703125, 1452.291259765625, 2753.174072265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "=resno's Raisins Rect\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 19.08147805786133, 2671.257484375, 304.734703125, 3264.261314453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "an 0S Bee Jeeey ff\nAmusemeuts, Theaters .. 6B\nBoyle's Column\nCenning Calendar ,\nCartoon -+,-.,-\nCity News In Brie:\nClassified Advertising\n\n+19-B To 23-8\n1A Ta 1A\nBB, 9B\n- 8B\n124-3\n\n \n \n\n \n\nClubs New:\nComics «+\nCrossword Puzzle ~\nEditoriais .\nFinancial N 18-B\nGlorifylng Yourselt. 1 IBA\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\nHealth -.---+-+) ver ILA\nIfousehold Arts -...++-+ 12-A\nKatherine Kitchen -..., I-A\n\n \n\nLetters From The People. Finn\nMary Hampton ..\nMy Word For It......+ ees\nNews Behind Tne New\nObitraries\nPatterns «+.\nPolities Ry Phillips\nRadio .sercsaceeoue\nSan + Joaquin Valley News\n\nAB, 5B\n«A1-A Ta IZA\nALB To 15-8\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nsoca om\nTelevision\nVital Statistics .\nWeather .....\nYour Baby And Mine\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 316.4605407714844, 1768.9921875, 561.5101928710938, 1798.65625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "Cites Incompetence\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 1192.577880859375, 1648.24951171875, 2046.9876708984375, 2362.89990234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n\nhy\nXi:\n\n\\ ABBOTT CR.\n\n“CONVERSE 84\n\nAt a\n\nCHERRY\n\nSAKES\nPa x\n‘A\n@\n%, 3\nSbonenursr\n\n‘Gu,\n\nMIRAMONTE\n\nuly\n\n \n\nSiN\n\n \n\nNDIAN .\nBasit ve\ns\nage:\n\nSe\n\nser\n\n \n \n\nHORSESHOE\nBEND\n\noo”\nRANGER STATION. Ee\n\nHUME LAKE\n\n \n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 11.793991981506348, 2391.734779296875, 307.4238815917969, 2646.8335800781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nAMPIUCAN LAGE\nDetrot ...-2...000 110\nBoston ert Ly\n\nRunning. Fostack 2. Christante §, and\n\n \n\n \n\nMouse; SeSivan ana Waite,\nnH\n\nKanes Ciy .,.000 600 R12\n\nRey York 2.01109 010 OO1—2 6\nPostocarseta \"and - Astrotn,\n\nFord and Besa\nChitaga fs Washington, nigh,\nCleveland ia Baltimore, went,\n\nATIONAT, LEAGUE\n\nPuttavereh ...-.000, 900\nChicago” «227. p00\" DOA\nfrinad “hed \"Shepard; Minner and\nCeaper.\nRenedyn In Mitwauker, nlgh:\nRew York In SL Louls, night,\nBhiisatiokic (ah Coneinnnii. hiehk\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 2110.82568359375, 705.9470825195312, 2285.977783203125, 739.4257202148438 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "By Karl Kidder\n\n‘Pte. Men: cit welt\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 1773.2373427734376, 2533.026283203125, 2055.20784765625, 2575.6172714843747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "to the Eimer Johnson home anc\nenue early this mornin:\n\n \n" }, "58": null, "59": { "bbox": [ 1247.789794921875, 2623.6630859375, 1405.1649169921875, 2637.867431640625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "Ris Than Miatincreanc\n" }, "60": null, "61": { "bbox": [ 20.322858810424805, 2355.00634765625, 231.34173583984375, 2387.24951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "BASERALL\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 1807.141845703125, 2778.415283203125, 2030.0592041015625, 2813.721435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "*RARKS «4\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 1836.3350830078125, 2811.89794921875, 1996.224853515625, 2835.134765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "By Hal Cochran\n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 1187.995849609375, 1652.1087646484375, 2048.7744140625, 2354.5087890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nYue\n\nMIRAMONTE\n\n \n\n‘ £4;\n\nCEN S\n\\ ABBOTT CR.\n\nuly\n\nvy Basin\n\n \n \n\nNDIAN\nBasil ve\nr es ey\nMAZE:\n\nYoana\n\n \n \n\nNGER STATION\n\n \n\niy\nSeg NG WILSONTA\n\nHORSESHOE\nBEND\n\noo”\nRANGER STATION. the\n\nHUME LAKE\n\n* GENERAL GRANT TREE\n" }, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 9 ], [ 0, 3 ], [ 9, 3 ], [ 2, 12 ], [ 25, 10 ], [ 25, 26 ], [ 10, 26 ], [ 22, 15 ] ]
[ 5684.668425781249, 7106.020964843749 ]
[ [ 2, 12 ], [ 3, 0 ], [ 9, 3 ], [ 22, 15 ], [ 25, 10 ], [ 26, 25 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2845.185333984375, 3096.99856640625, 3536.0068046875003, 4764.34371875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "of what has been Happening in the\nJast ten years According to Molo-\ntov, only the Western countries have\nbeen committing aggressions and\nthreatening atiack\n\n‘he British foreign secretary,\n\n-Harold—MacMillan—used—the device\nof a speech at the Commonwealth\nclub: to pet—ofthis—chest -a—let--ef\nthings he wanted to say about what\nis going on in the world For one\nj thing, he wished to pay his ‘respects\nto those in both America and Britain\nwho talk logsety about “nationalism”\nand “colonialism.” he said ‘,\n\n“NATIONALISM, LIKE ALCQ-\nHOL, should be taken in modera-\ntion—as a stimulant, not asa drug\nAnyway, nationalism in Asia has\noften. been the stooge and stalking\nhorse of Comminiism These yoyuns\ncountries need patriotism—but they\nneed also to be protected from the\n\n_ blandishnients of Communism mas-\nquerading : idealism \"\n\nThe * MacMillan went on to\ntell spe real story of what's ‘hap-\npening in Malaya— —za British colony\nHe declared that it is a part of the\nworkd ' “where subver. sion is being\npromoted-byopen violence—amount-\n\nBick Rhee \" He explained that the\n\n \n\ncently turned their attention to the\ncities, to subverting political parties\ntrade unions, and—most serious of\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 55.62835693359375, 4798.6025390625, 1462.6314697265625, 4973.1484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Toby Mugs ‘Kirst Produc red in ES ngland:\nWere Cariealiires of Old Toby Philpot\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 35.61486508178711, 3819.555939453125, 750.4076225585937, 4784.11080859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "LYNN Maine is the mognet at-_\n{racting legal shoe. nd leather,\nfirnys, based on build. plans and\nconstiiction under way,\n\nThe Hartland Fanning campany\nof Peabody, owne | by Klax Kirstein\nof Swampscott 1. erectiig a tannery\nat Waterville Me “\n\nThe tonnery will be the second\nlargest in that Stute\n\nThe A C Lawrence Leather con-\npany of Peabody is constructing a\nplant at South Paris, Me, which\nwill be-the largest in Maine, accord=\ning to an estiniite Oo :\n\nTheodore Poland, wha— operates\n_the Breed Sandal Company of Lynn,\n\nis building a shov factory inti\nford Me ee\n\nThe Runiferd factory wilk eniploy\nseme 500 peapir .\n\nTn addition to Breed Sandal, Mr\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2144.740021484375, 3067.1142890625, 2848.7592460937503, 4766.39205859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "There are “still among the dcle- /\n‘gates some who refuse to have their\n\nardor dampened and who profess\n\nto sec in the Molotev seview of\nworld affairs a cenféssion of weak-\nness and a vindicatien of the policy\n\nof military strength-as a deterrent.\n\n—But thay otters—arevhisthine—to-\nkeep up their optimism. For Wie\nplain meaning: of the Molotov ad:\n\n-clress, is that he wants peace—but.\n_without any price at all to the Com-\n\nmutnists. oo ~ 8\n\nTHE MOLOTOV ADDRESS was.\nA bombshell. It. aroused adverse”\ncomments in rebuttal from the Cu-\nban, Philippine.and French spokes-\nmen But everybody realized that,\nwith the speech schediled: for Fri-\nday by the U.S Secretary Of State,\n\n-Joh ‘Foster; Dulles, there could be\nonly an implicit ‘rather than an exr-\nplicit reply because the rules of this\n_U WN Session do not permit direct\nattacks by one country on another:\n\n-\"The insults have to be carefully,\nphrased so as ‘to appear to be “gen-\neral rather than specific.\n\nWhat the American delegation\nmisht have done was_to. schedule a\nspeech at. the Commonwealth ‘club\nhere—outsidé ‘the U, N. mecting—\nchallenging the “Soviet government\n{fo Irt some American spokesman\nhave time on the television and ra=\ndio networks _ throjighout Soviet\n\"Russia, so that the people there\ncould get. the other side’of the story\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4260.6630859375, 4990.6904296875, 4844.21923828125, 5322.01220703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Information\nZ _ Pp. :\n\nSought by\n\nEx-Resident\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 21.93284034729004, 3560.26171875, 1449.392578125, 3783.845947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Ly nn Area a Shoe and Leather -\nFiemse Movine to Maine \"Fowns\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3517.0859375, 66.98982238769531, 4139.62451171875, 405.0088195800781 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Insure Safety.\nBy Removing\n\nFire Hazards\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2127.25927734375, 2423.44580078125, 3267.5576171875, 2756.590087890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "David Lawrence\nBritish Prime Minister\nMakes Forthright Remarks\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4979.2178046875, 5030.64700390625, 5684.668425781249, 7055.857878906249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "~~\nDP Geld « . ‘\n\"_Bylield VWethodist Church __ The\nraorning worshapervice wilh be cory\ncucted at 930 Cmest speaker\nSundav wilk be the Rev HAN\nTidal .\nGhristian Brethren -- The mornir\ntnship service will be condur ted\n—i' 30 Classes of the Sunday school\n‘veh be held at 12.15 noon The\n“Fvening gospel meeting at Tgind the\n* Mid-week Praver mect'ng Negi Bible\nstudy Wednesday evening at 7 30\nAlL meetings to be held in the\nCospel haél * |\n_* Ryfield Parish ( hurch (Cry-\neregational? The Res A.thur W\nShaw Jr Jpuster Th mMOrning\n_warsiag cervice wilkoor rer} retad\na Fi~a-c lock\nSalisbury .\nSalisbury Parish Chireh’ /-Metha-\ndist) ~The Rev Charies ‘Fllwnod,\npastar Mrs Charles LeSage or-\nganist Miss Ruth Thomas choir\nehrectar Worship service 10a om\nSermon theme ‘Your Other Yoca-\n“tion * .\nWest Newburv\nAll Saunts Fp copal ctureh th\nRy Ere SK Thurlow reein\nHolt Commuter 8 a om Mornin\nprayer and sermoh 19 300 © here\ncnool ll aim\nFarst) Congrezational church\nGeest oo pastar Moris warship\nservice 30 300 a om Church school,\nil 45,\nfecond Comzéegatonal Gnurch —\nThe Re. Toudley Wietand pastor\nVarna wWaorstiup serooce 19 45\n— Anns Cathol’ that The\nPes PMemas Mi Lape pastor\n\nMasses at B30 ana 6G AG a ote\n: e\n\n| nr\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2143.09378125, 2768.235626953125, 3531.2533867187503, 3067.9015800781253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "__ SAN FRANCISCO — Did Molotov: torpedo: the confer-\nence “at-the summit”? Is there any real possibility of agree-\nment now? For the Soviet foreign minister has announced\n_an unalterable, rigid line of policy which offers no concession\n—in fact, admits no wrong m the-Communist imperialism\n_§snd-areression of the last 10 years.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 757.251740234375, 5056.33450390625, 1457.0227958984374, 6509.967742187499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Prreey OSDEUED TON dd SED AED Aeadecd\n\nfigure having—a_wide hat holding\na cup and a jur, sitting with his\nfeet crossed\n\nThere were several other versions\nmade, “however some in thr form’\nof caricatures of prominent persons.\nother potterigs located , .in New\nJersey and in Philadelphia » also\nmanufactured tobies in large num-\nbers In 1876, in fhe Columbian\nPotteriés: in Philadelphia, a Napo-\n‘Jeon tovpy was made which has many\ntifges been erronedusly puschased\nfor an old, Staffordshire toby. Bear-\ning ho marks. it is often difficult\nto identify stich products Portraits\naf Pope Lea XIII have been used\nfor making tobies and these were\nat one time very much in demand\nOther well known personkges have\nappeared in the form7oé old, Tobieg.\n\nIt is interesting to know\" that the\nLendx China company of New Jer-\nsey. produced 'parcelain tohjes in\n1896 and they were made in many\nsizes ‘These’ are well worth collect-\nire tadav Tobies are still being\nmanufactured today but as—-they\nare all Inarked their identits. may\nbe studied with Jittle con Isai\n“The Ersex' Institute has but one\n\nchinaware pieces in the museum.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4992.4755859375, 4840.3095703125, 5659.49169921875, 5027.322265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Church’: Services\nIn -the ‘Towns.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 749.9555366210938, 3805.577423828125, 1456.0881035156249, 4740.10494921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Poland 9wns the Sudbis-v Show com-.\npeyy of Boston and the Linden Shoe\nCompary which previously was 1o-\ncated in Lynn, and which has also\nmoved from heres :\n\n‘A new shoe factory is being erected\nnut Brideton, Me, and, according to\nrimar, it will be eecupied by a shoe\nmaniufecturer operating “in the\nGrenter Lynn urea. '\n\nIn another development in the\nlocal shoe industry, the iplant, ma-\nchinery und equipment of the Lynn\nMocen in company. has been sold\nto A W > Berkovich, who is moving\nthe machinery and equipment .to,\nPprtland, Me.and Who will operate\n\n-acshoefeeteme there ——\n- The Lynn Moccasin ‘company’s an-\nnouncenient of liquidation was made\na month ago. The concern was lo-\n\nee ee a a ee ee en © 2. nee Zl\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4220.98046875, 42.391265869140625, 5624.6669921875, 284.31884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Weekly Schedule of Church\nActivities and Services\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 66.85539318847657, 565.853546875, 1318.6880791015624, 3518.1340019531253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "There has been some talk that the size ol_pnhe.. .\ngymnasium proposed for the new elementary\nschool in the North End is inadequate. The pro-\nposal was to make it 60 feet by 40 feet but some\nmembers of the school committee~felt- that was\ntoo small and recommended’ an increase, ~ -\n\nA. great many Newbury post persons are\nfamiliar with the gymnasium in the YMCA. For\nthose who don’t know the size of the Y gym, let\nus say that its dimensions are 55 1-2 feet by 35:\nfeet, wall to wall.\n\n+ + + .\n\nThe gym proposed for the new school there- -\nfore, would be hardly—bigger- thin—the Y’s-—in-\nadequate bandbox ¢¥m.-The placing | ‘of seats in it-\nfor spectators would further cut down the »——\nrecreational space.\n\nA space of 60 feet-by 40 feet might be ade-\nquate for a comparatively small number of gram-\nmar school pupils _ for some physical education\nactivities. However, the modern tendency is for .\nschool gymnasiums to be -used “as —commtnity ..°\ngymnasiums, a worthwhile tr end which has been\n\nfollowed to some extent in Newburyport.\n\n_ + + + eee\n\n— A regulation volleyball court is 60 feet by\n30 feet, which is the same length, but {0 feet\nnarrower than proposed forthe school gym. In 2\nregulation vollevball the server “stands outside\nthe dimensions of the court, so that a space\n“longer than 60 feet is required. We aren't cer- :\ntain what are the required dimensions for gram-\nmar school basketball, but here is something\nthat should be borne in mind. At the Newbury-\nport High gym, the width is sufficient so that\ntwo baskebtball games can be played side by\nside. That wouldn’t be possible in a*60xd0 gym.\nbecause it would make the length of each cougt—\n40 feet, wall to wall, with no: room to drive in”\nunder the basket. And the ‘Newburyport High\ngym should have been built 10 feet- wider. On\none side there are -folding. stands , but; on the.\nother there is no seating capacity at all except\nfor a bench that runs against the wall.\n\n+ + +\n\nWe should not makf the mistake of building\n{on small as swag done if the case of the Newbury-\nport High gy mand, before that, with the gym at\nthe Y MC A,-1 he new schowts going to last a long\ntime so let's nof have this important facility\n\ninit inadeqnate from the star t—Phe—physical’\n~ education program is on the improve here atlaét.\nelt charledn't he holbloed.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4942.9414375, 346.77105786132813, 5651.584929687499, 4819.607390624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Evening Vesper Services at’ 5.\nSt. Paul's Sunday--Early Sunday\nservices (Matin) at 9 am Divin\nLiturgy of St John Chrysostom a\n10 am. Holy Communion at th\nclose of the Div. Liturgy, at 11 a\nBible Readings.. Gospel Matthew\n6.22-23 Epistles EKomans 51-10\nSunday Afternoon the pastor's\nvacation begins The church serve=\nices will be omitted during his .ab-\nsence, On Sundays- duly 3 and 10\n‘there will be no Church services.\nThe chur¢h will openfor-medita-\n(ion from 9-11 am_on.those Sun-\ncays The pastor will be back on\nSaturday. July 16 and }> will as-\nsume his “ehureh services o2 Sun-\nday, July 17th If the serveces of\na prick is needed during — this\npeniod the Chuich Committee must\nbe notified in order to arrange for\nneighbor priest to substitute\n\nPresbyterian\n\nOld South Presbyterian Church—\nRev John C Macleod, minister\nMrs Ruth B Jaques, organist,\nRafthond Bingham, director of mu-\nsie 1045 Publie Worship witn\npir.ching -by tha minister Tues\ndav 730 Work meeting of the Mis\nslonary Society Wednesday. Straw\nberry) Festival conducted by th\nWomen's Missionary Society Musi\n“for the morming worseip servic\nPrelude Intermezzo, J R Rodgers.\nMe'ody wm A flit, J A West An-\nthem . Gloria, Hayden Offertary,\nSoprano and Alto Duet Jesus the\nVery thought of Thre Schnecker.\nPosiluce March in C Puutkes\n\nR-\n\nEpiscopal -\n\nSaint Prur's Fpiscopal ( hureh—\nJRev , Arthur €C Peabody. Rector.\nChif.on Lunt. “organrt and choir-\nmaster Holy Comnyunen 8 a om,\nmomnine prayer and sermon, a re-\nview of Fulton Oursier s book | The\nCyrrate t Faith Fxurae Known the\ntiory of the Acts of The Apo-.tles,\n1045 a m= -\n\nMethodist\n\nPeople’s Methodist € hureh —~\nMinister, Reve Charin M_~ Prost -\nwoed Jr Organist Mrs George\nQuimby 21 Morninve wer-hip with\n“hue t speaker Mr David Newhall,\n“The Price Wea Pay Mis Arine\nPaton aolowst will sire Net Under\nstead lo bv -Albert) Ho Houghto\nMY F meeting af 6#p mm Bibl\nhy ort T p.m\n\nThiowiethh othe seek Wednesday\n7 oe ip-Boyv Scout of America wet.\nMio Fried Schreripf Scour Master\nCongregational\n\nBelievile Congregational € hurch—\nDerrold Ge Maecollan minister,\nCharles To MeCarthy vonth direc-\ntor “Mas Barl Havner organist,\nMrs) Walter Lowell, choir director\nFandav’ June 26 330 am divine\nwarshyt Anthems ‘We Praise Ona\n‘ad Sibelius * Priver’ | Ganian\nFeception af members Sermon by\ntie muthister\n\n) The First Church, Newbury ~—\n- Rev John H McLean DD inter\n| opriuster Miss Laura E “Humphrevs\nocuaist “ME Wilfred Zink chou\n“rretor Worship service Sirday\nP 70 83 sermon subject Hows Yau\nErto? Organ prelude Ave Maris\n\n‘Arcam: Lisat offertory, ‘Con\npaumior’ Reekel Organ prelud\n*Feyaltate Reekol Anthems ‘Cr\n\nI. A Spigit Schohn and\n\nme To a Hert Ambrose\n\n“(€entral Congregational chureh—\n\n“The Rev Walter B’ Lounsbury\nC\npastor Morning , warship 10 45\nSerman subiect Between the Monk\nand the Miser The serior ane\n‘ fteen-ase hors will sing ‘Sine\n- Nomine”’ by Wihams and Tt Watt.\ned-for the Lerd by Mendelssohn\n“The prelude will be Sav our Tak\n—- Shepherd Lead Us bv Phamypsar\n“and the postlude will be Fanfare’\nby Lorenz Mrs Rudolph Currier 2\nchor cirector with Mr. W_ Rob\nert Pickle organist\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1485.4473876953125, 2468.477294921875, 2063.06640625, 2749.34423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "the .\n\nPRATTLER\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1385.8350830078125, 117.7313461303711, 3464.240234375, 2366.834716796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\na ea Sa\n7\n\noi Sha\nws Bir\n\nraedcl M a, a _——— ; wa “- sh cae goth A pea eet\nSL Sinan a et MONE Sr cate Mn\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2170.141845703125, 4903.7861328125, 3534.13037109375, 7068.466796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n- 4 m\n\n \n\nACROSS DOWN 210 Andi\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n+——_Nipperitke-——I-Faliew—____ ence\norgan 2 Circle nf - 22, Con-\n“6 Retail . light 7 * sumed\nsalesman 3 Goddess: 23 Pierce\n11 Womenk . of discord _ with:\nquarters (Gr a\n. nan > » 4A manorial dagger\n—\" Oriental “court * ~ 25 Empy\n\"palace 5 Forret- 26 Bod# StEIAITIS| AME\n12 The fulness of “ eps Es\n‘ Netherlands 6 Bureau water Veqishsa ya epee?\n13° Foreign 7 Slatk 27 “Brown 35.-Metal\n-14 Expatriate 8 Shield “jn the sun 36. Any\n15 Placards 9 Measuring + 29 Hateful 7 several\n17 Japanese stick 3,1 God of —\" plums.\ncoin. - 10 Sharp. thesky ~ 38 Not empty\n18 Bristle-: 16 Property ABabyl } 39 Girl's nama\nInke-part ————-E) 33 Residue of 40 Begone!\n20\"Banquets +19 Eager burned 41 Short for\n24 Strong - 20 Friar's __ papersy — . Theresa: — --\nblastof .” title 34 Table utensil 43 Hint\nwind ,\nr elang), PTT AL\nisan ~- Lf Ye |\" | Pt\n29. Biblical’ ‘\nsme FT\n30 Scope 13. ;\n31 Islands aeeeeZeee |\nincluding 1° 7\nihe Pete\nCyclades Y W\n32 Goins CCC Gmae waz YO}\n(Rum ) at [22 [23 a\" 2© 127\n3M A fruit PLE ee\n3f Not subjec 78 7 PAS\nwT eraine f | | LT ae\nin Sunlight %\ncio CL\n. hike 7 Wy 32 [535\nagent THU. | |_|. GAG\n. 44. Unit.o A\nwig vl aie\n45 Rascal rs\nif rent PCE ye\nbones a\nmt FECL Ye\n\n47 Leg joints\n\n48 Flat pieces\n\n\"of chair\nbacks\n\nPTT iit\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1442.3956611328124, 2796.29837109375, 2143.680388671875, 7103.49215625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "a\nOut of Season . , .\n\nA friend tells us he wishes they’ d\nmake wu summer weight Davy\nCrockett shat.for small fry. His\nyoungster, ne, says, insists on wear\ning the heavy fur headgear to bed.\nO K. in winter maybe, but not-\nthese warm Junq nights, -ajthough\nthe tof ‘frontiersman- doesn't seem\nto mind.\n\nNo More Ernie Pyle. Centre\n\nA Tokyo landmark Jong Kayo by”\nAmer: ican GI's\n\nIn the past live years the Ernie\nPyle servicemen's centre operated\nIts facilities were used an estimated\n\n12,000,000 times by Americans. Now\nthe centre, located in a/;tieatre, is\nagain the homevf flie Takarazuka\nGirls Opera. 7m\n‘Train Travel Terrific! .\n\n.* Newburyport residents, daily com-\nmuters into Boston and train riders\nin general will bé happy to know\nmore Budd Highliner trains sre\nscheduled to replace the— present.\ntrains. - 6 ae\n\nThese air-conditioned cars make\nall the difference between travel-\nIhe in comfort and dreading ‘“‘tak-\ning the train”\n\nRepair Vessel to Visit\nThe USS Vulcan, naval repair\nship with a complement Of about\n500 officers and enlisted personnel,\nwill drop anchor at Mar blehead for\n' an official visik between July 21-\n“25 awe recall “that at Jeast one\n5 rier, served _o he Vul-\ncan in World War It. Dr Daniel\nLyons Leary was aboard the Vul-\ncan. “oe\n\n_ Be More Careful\nA member of the police force\n- tells u&S-there’is an unusually large\nnumber of persons who Jeave doors\nand windows unlocked when_leaving\n_ their_homes and_ places of business\nim NewburyporsHe adds tal the\nnumber of brea @& and petty\ncases would be greatly reduced if\n~ persons were more carriul—about\nsecuring their property.\n; Something Big Coming\nThe forthcoming Ould” Newbury\nSportsmen’s Exposition next month\nbids fair ‘tq be the biggest” thing of\n{ts kind ever put “On in THIS area.\n- We-got a look at the program and\n| the variety of éntertainment to be\npresented plus the Jarge number of\nexhibitors made it logk like .an\n| event: well worth visiting. The ex-\nposition will” beat the Newbury\n, Green, July 28-31.\n> ‘Hox Office Success\n. Nothing like publicity- cither good\nor bad- to help promote a caming\n' motion picture Mhonda Fleming’:\ncirrent squabble with her American\n, -direetor concerning her being\n. filmed in Italy in “Seanty\" CcOos-\ntumes, and its trans-atlantie effect\non the movie-going public. should\nbe enouplicin itself to make the\nmovie in. question- “The Courtesan\nof—Bahylon\",a howling. success, - at\nleast for the producing company.\nFront Lynnsto—Prerto—-Kies——#§_—_\\\n> A huge generator stalor des-\n- tine or” instava\nJuan steam plant - of. the Puerta\n- Rico Water Resources Authority is\n, on its’ way by freighter It is the\nlargest ever built at the Lynn River\nWorks of General Electric anc\nweighs*-t00—tons.\nSo huge the stator that 22,000,-\n000 pounds of sugar played a par’\nir’ Joading it aboard the SS Caro-\nlyn, a liberty ship, at Brooklyn\nThe sugar’ cargo was used to lowet\nthe freighter 20 fect in the wate’\nsd the deck was even with the\npier. . . “> .\n\n \n\n,\n\n \n \n\n,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3518.085236328125, 415.72885205078126, 4223.0849296875, 3758.5534355468753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "e This is the seasén when every home\n_cwner should make’ a,special sur-\n, vey of-his home, then should act\n‘immediately’ to correct all potential\nfire hazards, The aide of: every\nniember of the family should be\nenlisted for this important job, sug-\ngests the Construction Research\nBureau, national cleqring house for\nLuilding information.\n\nGet rid.of acumulated rubbish,\nsuch-~gs-@lidaj papers, magazines’ and\n_anything combustidle- that you\nrayen't going to use. Clean these fire\nhazards froni closcts, attic, base-\nment and garage. -\n\nCheck all heating equipment.\nHave it cleaned and juny necessary\nrepair work done now. -\n\n*“Cleani soot, out of chimneys and\nsmoke pipes. and have_ chimneys\nYepaired and pipes. replaced if\nnecessary. - Dirty: .and defective\n\nchimneys are a leading -cause of\nhome fires :\n‘ AFTER ALL PAINTING JOBS,\nciean up thoroughly. ‘ Destroy paint\nond oil rags, or store ‘In. a tightly\nclosed metal tontainer- Paint, and\n_ai_soaked rags sométimes heat Up\nfrom chemical action and burst\ninto flames Never leave them In\ngarage or basement. ‘\n\nThe most critical area in, the\nheyse *is the basement, because a\nfire started there can spread quickly\nthrough unproteeted opening and\n\n. Mushroom through the entire home\nTo minimize this.danger home own-\ncrs, are advised to install a heavy\nffush type door at the head of the\ncellar stairs, fitted tightly and. Kept\n« closed\n\nSelection _of fire-resistant floor-\n“ings. such as Kentile asphalt tile\n\n' for instaHation in playroom, kitchen\nand’ other rooms in-the home wil\nnaphtha, from the hause Always\nhigh asbestos component of this tile\nwil, help hold fires in check “unti\nthe flremen can arrive\n\nRemove all flammable liquids\nsuch as. benzine, gasoline and\n\nnaptiny from the louse Abvays\nstore Kerosene outdoors\n- Check electric circuits aid keey\nwiring in good = repair Use 15\n| empere fuses in regular houscholc\n| eheuits and don’t make emergency\n| repairs to fuses, They protect you!\nhousehold appliances, your house\nand your farnily from damage “anc\n, possible fire when wires are over:\nloaded or a short .circuit occiws\n\n.KEEP MATCHES-IN SAFE ¢on-\ntainers and away from young chil\n\n\"dren Place plenty of decp_ash tray:\n< bout your-home for smokes Don‘\nsmoke ‘in bed’ or permit any membet\nof the household to do so: Smoking\nond matches are the leading caus\nL of home fires, aecording . to” th\nfF—Mational -Fire Protection Associ\np etion\n\n3\" 7\n* all—to forming Communist cells it\n1 schools\" 7\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4259.2373359375, 5323.763703125, 4975.744597656249, 7088.258269531249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "‘To the Editor of the Daily News\nBefore rhe state of Massachusetts\ntook over the property wt133 Storek\navenue 7T did authorize ind pay a\nmemberof the water bate b tir stap-\nthe flew Gf city waterunto. the\n(property -_ = _.\nAt tha? time T had an acevin +be\nBole = oa well-fed Nady of spring\nater down back thit flaw ofewas\nter has been diverted T did nat\nAuthorize i My teams and health\nhar me duce the one essary Jeg\nWark? Surely someane satrongst my\nfriencK Tan give me the - answer\nWho autherized it? IT “sould ap-\npreciate and thark them were.they\nto domo sm « a . ‘\n¥ 7 (Signed)\nHUGH A MCI LAUSCFFTT, IN\n49 Andover strect, Lowell,\n\nme « -\n\n \n\n.\n\nwhole problem of international re-\nJatiens tladas, Ene Batimh ery ont\nin Malay... bul toe, cre evidently\npedienes in auer pers of “the\n\"world America alone cornmes the\ntorch of japahsrm and maraity fF\nis tom bale Briyp go mueteriah moped\nts concern for ‘rode through Hea:\nKone anckhhet. Briady «dons tree\neauserd the Bria 6a both riers\n\npartie op Pat, te beta ty. oes\nthar? 4 root. \"ed oper ese ma yd\n° .\nmtKe ror pe ec o4 ’ an\nCOM pOldia le f as f 4\na\n\nMathai. cr’\n€\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4227.2334296875, 452.8017890625, 4945.069792968749, 4902.880339843749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "céption—The Rev. Andrew J. Cor-\nbett, Ph. D, pastor; the Rev. John\nR. Crispo and the Rev. Lawrence\nF. Keefe, -assistants Masses 6°15,\n7:30, 9, 10:15, and 11:30 a m Nisht\nprayers, 7. St. Janes Chapel, Plum\nIsland, 7, 9, and 11°30.\n\n,\nSt. Louis de Gonzague Church —\n7-8.30 (Children’s: mags), 10 and\n11.30 a. m\n\nPentocostal wen -\n*Plummer Avenue Pentocostal As-\nsembly--Sunday, Services: Sunday\nschool 2:00 }.” m. Worship services:\n3°00 p m.; 7 00 p m Mid-week serv-\nice: Wednesday 7:30 p m Junior\n-3ible club Fr iday 345 p. in Praise\nand Tarrying Service. Friday 7:30\np m. The sick prayed for at all,\nservices. Pastor: Rey. Elva P Va--\nlerius, 20 -Daltonzstrect, “Newbury-\nport. - -\n\nSalvation Army\nThe _ Salvati\n\n \n \n \n\nArfas—Captain\nFlora “L.. Snow “avd Japtaln Edith\nI. Bassett officers i charge Sunday\n10 00 Sunday School, Classes ter all\nages, 11 15 Morning -worship Cap-\ntain Snow will speak 5 30 Young\n\n- Jeonles meeting, Captain Bassett in\ncharge 6°30 Street meeting \"Market\nsquere. Youth band at: -rding, ted\noy Bandmuastcr Archie M Janvrin,\nconcucted by Cant Snow 7 90 Sal-\nvation meetmeg, Capt an Sutw will\nie the speaker ~All welcome.\n\nUnitarian\nThe First Religious Society (Uni-\n> tarian) in Newburyport, covering\nUnitarian -<and Universalist parishes\nvf Amesbury,.Salisbury, West New-\nbury, Newbury and Rowley Sun-\nday setvice of worship, 1045\nChurch school, 10.30 Parish office\nopen daily ‘except Saturdays) 9 to\n12, Rev Heinz Reltig, STM, minis-\nter, Rev Laurence Hayward, Emeri-\ntus- Edith True Mayshall, organist;\nMaré Robert W Pearson, director\njuhior cHoir; Mrs David C Knight,\nchairman flower conimittee Chair-\nman Parish committee, Mr. Charles\nD Beker Jr, John Lowell Chapter,\nLaymens Deaerc, dinner meet\nfirst Wedpesday each month, Ev-\nprett P Leavitt, presdeéyt Womens\nalliance, first and third Tuesday\neach month Mrs~ Robert NI Driver.\npresident Sermen Scenunar tch-\neussion® of the niuniivters sermons\nfollowing servicer of Worshy in pare\nish diamine hall the Iast Sunday in\neach month Crearses I. Hovle, els aire\nman, coffee torial fellawing seyoice\nof worsiInp ino oparn dh @ining hall\nfirst Sunday each reonth Mr Ed-\nwin Ro Hathewty, SLE EALED\n. Christian Science\nFirst Church of Christ, Seientist\n—Church edifice, 286 Hist street\nSundcy .mornming scrviec 1a 30° Sun-\nday scbool7 ht 130 Wednesday\nevening meetings at Tg ingducng\ntestimonials of: Christiin Science\nhealing, A reading room and free\n~ Jending library for the use vr Tras\npubhe, where the Bible and t whoer-\nwed Christian Srisnee rte afure\nmaw be abtamed idee ted at <8 Trin\nstreet? This room is open workdays\nfrom 11 30 to. 4 30 except Wednes-\ndays” - : €\n\n- 4\n\ny Baptist\n; The Baptist Church Rev Nelsa\nf oF Elhatt pastoy, Walte. Lo Stuart\ncarector—of ¢hierch musies Mrs OG\n. Gerla Ordvie “-drector of- th\nchurch school. Mies Sybil Know\nland oo churdlt arecnist Sfunnie\nyo services of the church Sunday\n1 930 am the church schont Cope\nlos) summer. 1950 aia the moPn\nine worship Wednesdiv 7 30 p.m\n» tha Midiwoek Bath on) Pellowshy,\nFieur Pastars sermon Phe Eitee\ntive “Chrurch? “\n\nGreek Orthodox\n\nsUellenic Eastern € rlbadoy C bhurcl\nof Annunciation Ceener Ebarry vty\nPape oS ‘Pha few Sovereign C¢\n\na\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2242.465576171875, 4792.78857421875, 3473.64404296875, 4910.89599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Crossword Puzzle Today\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 5.8852128982543945, 229.38229370117188, 1392.454833984375, 527.9425048828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "An Kditoriat: -\nLet’s Not Build Too Small -~\nGym Should be Adequate One\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 43.52214123535156, 5122.7744453125, 757.1754448242187, 6686.304167968749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "known ac ‘Poby Mugs’ were firs!\nmade in Engiart sometime during\nthe 18th century Meany English\nYPettenies made ‘them, the rirst\nknows Tebs h. ting been made, by\nJohn A-tbur's oefere 1743 From\nthat time on they were produced\nby such well Knawn potters as\nWhield in Wand Walson, Cr'pelande\nIavenpart and later by Peulton\n\nBright colored plazes, venerally\ndecorate’ the FnelisH tobie-—such\nealers as) bright blues, yellows,\ngreens ft ne rare reds and blacks\nbeing met out tindine. Whieldon\nmade bio portend r tobies i mot-\ntled effect. dike much of hi other\nwares and these are quite rare and\nhard to find To\n\nTohies range im size from one\nweh ta TR oapchés yn heicht- and\nthese of Prel hteriein are ‘seared.\nand costly Thess made in this\neeuptrs hawever ore more ready\natailable and net quite as expen-\nsive Geme of the earhe to American\nfobies were made th Reckingham of\nStene&ware wejlglaved and of in-\nteresting decor itione Tyman, Fen-_\nfen vo —teetAi—oaf —Penmiyetop\n\nmade oeme tine tebie. Poon Pid9 tp:\n\n- NEWBURYPORT DAILY NEWS Js\nNewspa!\nNews Bullding, 21 Inm St\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 64.75109936523438, 4981.20315625, 1478.0625908203124, 5086.726042968749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "RBv-AMELIA—&_ MAG SW 6 about 1859. This pottery made a‘\nFsseox Tastitute aeeqiled suff teobs a smat: seated\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 40.0106513671875, 6554.53128125, 1464.7904960937499, 7106.020964843749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "- NEWBURYPORT DAILY NEWS Js putitshed by the Essax County\nNewspapers, Ine\nNews Bullding, 21 Inne Street, Newburveorl, Mass. *\nPHILIP S WELD, Publisher a a\n“WILLIAM L. PLANTE, Jr. Editor\nEntered at the Pastofflce at Newburyport as Epeong- class matter, under\nAct of March 3, 187\n‘ SUBSCRIPTION SAEs\n1 year ~$15 00 6 months $7.50 !\n3 months $3 75 1 month $1.50\nOne cent extra ner copy in Newburyport postal district. Back numbers\n7c per copy.\nMember the Audit Bureawwof Clreulatlons\nTelephone 280, 281, 875\nNews circulation far the Month of May averaged 6505\n" }, "28": null, "29": { "bbox": [ 4235.49853515625, 340.5333557128906, 4636.00830078125, 395.3472595214844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Roman Catholic\n" }, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 13 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 9 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 2, 23 ], [ 3, 9 ], [ 3, 10 ], [ 3, 23 ], [ 9, 10 ], [ 9, 23 ], [ 10, 23 ], [ 16, 5 ], [ 16, 21 ], [ 16, 22 ], [ 5, 21 ], [ 5, 22 ], [ 21, 22 ], [ 8, 11 ], [ 8, 27 ], [ 8, 28 ], [ 8, 31 ], [ 11, 27 ], [ 11, 28 ], [ 11, 31 ], [ 27, 28 ], [ 27, 31 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 32, 26 ], [ 32, 29 ], [ 32, 15 ], [ 26, 29 ], [ 26, 15 ], [ 29, 15 ] ]
[ 3740.6142753906247, 5266.48951953125 ]
[ [ 1, 13 ], [ 3, 2 ], [ 8, 31 ], [ 9, 3 ], [ 10, 23 ], [ 15, 26 ], [ 16, 5 ], [ 21, 16 ], [ 22, 21 ], [ 23, 9 ], [ 26, 29 ], [ 27, 28 ], [ 28, 11 ], [ 29, 32 ], [ 31, 27 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 72.37221295166016, 2890.853498046875, 745.6916069335937, 4013.78590625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "We've known a dozen or so young people\nwho wen to Berea College in Kentucky. And\neach one of them, we must say, seemed\nto acquire something in the way of character\nthat stuck with him.\n\nWe make this observation on the occa-\nsion of Berea College’s 100th anniversary\ncelebration, which began last week, One of\nthe most unique educational institutions in\nthe country, Berea has become world re-\nnown. ,\n\nThe institution was founded in 1855 as\na one-room school house by a small group\nof abolitionists who held that free men and\neducation were indispensable, One hundred\nyears later, Berea has become the head-\nspring of higher education for needy moun-\ntain folk in an cight-state area.\n\nAt Berea College every student is re-\nquired to work at least ten hours a week;\nmany of them work their way entirely.\n\nDr. Francis S. Hutchins, the college\npresident, explains the institution's educa-\ntional philosophy in this manner:\n\n“What we call the ‘Berea ideat means\nthat labor shared by ajl strengthens the\ntenets of political democracy and Christian\nethics, Too often peopje think our purpose\nis to education cheaply, when rather it is\nto release the potentialities of young peo-\nple for the good of the country.”\n\nThose who have known Berea College\ngraduates will agree, we believe, that this\npurpose, in large measure, has been\nachieved,\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2781.8049140625, 3474.438947265625, 3253.5825371093747, 5252.49537890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "T have long desired, truly, to\nbe a newspaper man, and since\nIT read your \"Yesterday and ‘To-\nday” column of June 27, 1 am\nconvinced more thoroughly than\nevor that [I wonld fit inte the\ngrove. Mr. Donnelly’s article about:\nschool teachers makes it quite ob-\nvious {hat a newspaper man\ndoesn’t have to know anything\nabout a subject to be able to fill\nup space for which I suppose he\nwould be well paid. If he would\nspend a three-cent postage stamp\non a letler to his brother, I'm\nquite sure he would learn some-\nthing about the teaching protes-\nsion,\n\nYes, school teachers have it\neasy. If they have not already\nspent twenty-one years in swelter-\ning classrooms, and all the\nmoney they can borrow from\nbanks and friends to prepare for\nteaching, most of them are this\nsummer spending that so-called\nvacation renewing or improving\ncertificates. Those teachers not\nin schoo! fall into two classes,\n\nThe first group, if having not\nbeen able to land a job, have\nborrowed money from their teach-\ner-retirement fund and are just’\nfanning breezes with columns from\nthe Chamber of Commerce,\n\nThe second group, and larger,\nare working in ditches, on gas\nfine, painting, or whatever can be\ndone to keep wolves from the\nback doors. They cannot get a\nwell-paid job during summer, for\nwhat firm wants to train a teach-\ner to do a certain work to lose\nhim In September. But hats off\nto hundreds of teachers who have\nstuck to their posts in trying\nhours and have manifested their\nloyalty to the thousands of chil-\ndren who necd them. They have\nnot done as a certain preacher I\nknow of, who, when the collec-\ntion plates ceased to yield bounti-\nful fruits, laid down the: Gospel\nin his full-time crusade for souls\nand turned to the newspaper field.\nBut anyone could understand\nway this would be more alluring.\nIt takes preparatlon to prepare a\ndiscaurse lo be delivered in the\n\npulpit to a group of learned. chal:\nlenging Bible friends, But obvious.\nly in the newspaper arena one\nean roll up his sieeves, uncover\nhis typewriter and begin writing\nabout anything from bare legs tc\nBordeaux Mixture without having\nthe least knowledge of his subject\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2300.4357734375, 3747.736798828125, 2771.8335136718747, 5261.7771171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "But not all that Amon Carter did\ngot into the newspapers. When he\norganized the Friendship Train,\nhe quietly gave I4 earloads of\nflour — which is a lot. I remem-\nber delivering it to Premier Alcide\nde Gasperi of Italy in Rome in\nperson. Ironically, Internal Reve-\nnue tried to tax him for it on the\nground that this was a gift to satis-\nfy his ego. It was just the opposite\nand Internal Revenue eventually\npacked down.\n\nMethodist Crusader\n\nSilliman Evans was proud of\nthe fact that his father, a Metho-\ndist minister, was once run oul of\n| a Texas town because he crusad-\n\ned for the clean-up of a red-light\n\ndistrict. Silliman was also a cru-\nsader. He Jed the crusade against\nthe poll tax and abolished it in Ten-\nnessec. He picked a young Davy\n\nCrockett type of Congress-\n\nman and beat crusty, crochety\n\nKenneth McKellar. Later he al-\n\nmost nominated’Kefauver for the\n\nPresident,\n\nHe battled boss Crump of Mem-\nphis and when Crump wrote ‘him\nscurrilous, libelous letters, Evans\npublished the letters in paid ads,\nwiring other newspapers that he\nabsolved them from libel.\n\nWhen one of the biggest depart-\nment - store advertisers in Nash-\nville told Evans to take my column\nout of the paper and run Pegler\nmore often, Sijliman replied:\n\n“I've been thinking for some\ntlme that 1 ought to ralse your\nlineage rate. I'll do it tomorrow.”\n\nAnd he did,\n\nWhen he came to WashIngton,\nSilfman Evans would hire a car\nand chauffeur and take the Ke-\nfauver children ont to the zoo.\nSometimes he went himself, Some-\ntimes when he was loo busy he sent\nthe chaulfeur. And when word that\nthe sometimes kindly crusading\nnewsman had dled, the Kefauver\nchildren cried and cried. ‘We\nwon't see Uncle Silliman anynvore,\nthey sald, “he'll never take us te\nthe zoo anymore.”\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1825.9891181640626, 3754.125958984375, 2288.49830859375, 5266.48951953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "dependence anymiore.\n\nThe jsolationists may scoff at\nthis, but unfortunately it’s true.\nThe United States has to be inter-\ndependent with the rest of the\nworld. And the richer we are the\nmore interdependent we are.\n\nSo maybe an Inspiring decla-\nration of interdependence couched\nin the ringing style used by\nThomas Jefferson when he spent\n18 days in Philadelphia writing the\nstirring words of July 4, 1776,\nmight help to inspire us, and unite\nthe world as it creeps atong the\ndifficult road to peace.\n\nMaybe someday the world will\nrealize that lonely Robert Rosa-\ninond, who held a press conference\nin a blase, busy city to promote\npeace, had the germ of a real\nidea after all.\n\nPioncering Publishers\n\nA good many years ago when\nnewspaper editors could still set\nup a hand press and a newspaper\non a shoestring in frontier Ameri-\nca, Amon Carter of the Fort Worth\nStar Telegram gave an assignment\nto Silliman Evans to go out and\nwrite six columns a week.\n\nEvans worked for and with Cart-\ner for a long time, eventually took\nover a paper of his own, the Nash-\nville Tennessean, Together they or-\nganized American Airlines, which\nbecame the greatest in the world,\nwith more passenger traffic than\nthe Pennsylvania Railroad.\n\nSometimes they differed politl-\ncally, but always they admired and\nrespected cach other.\n\nThe other day in Fort Worth,\nAmon Carter died. Silliman Evans\nwent to his funeral. There Evans\nsuffered a heart attack and went\nto join his old friend and boss.\n\nThus passed on a pair unique In\nAmerican journalism. Amon Cart\ner was best-known for giving five:\ngallon hats to distinguished vis1.\ntors. Ile was “Mr. Ft, Worth.” He\nbuilt up that cily, gave it the fines\nairport in the U. S., made the rival\nry between Dallas and Fort Wort!\na very personal matter,\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 38.38514096069336, 1035.7449775390626, 716.1145195312499, 2774.996111328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "On this Independence Day there is con-\nsiderable two-way peeking through cracks\nin the Iron Curtain.\n\nThe West is looking for signs of vic-\ntory in the cold war.\n\nRussia is seeking an opening by which\nAllied calmness and courage can be dis-\nplaced by compromises and complacency,\n\nPhysical signs point out numerous ad-\nvantages gained by the West since Red\naggression was stopped on the battlefields\nof Korea. On the occasion of the tenth an-\nniversary of the United Nations, a once-\nbelligerent Russia was talking aboul peace\nand disarmament,\n\nCommunistic double-talk? In 1931 one\nof the ranking Communist plotters predict-\ned thal if ferce failed the Reds would get\nthe Free World so entangled in peace\nplanning it would become like ducks on the\npond for Red huntsmen,\n\nIn matching propaganda and_ force\nagainst American wealth and know-how, the\nCommunists have dropped into second place.\n\nIndependence Day is a reminder that\nwe have not only a great heritage from\n\n“the past, but we have likewise bequesthed\n\ngreat responsibilities from our forebears.\nThe great resources of the New World are\nbeing used to generate new levels of pros-\nperity and progress for all mankind.\n\nThe technological progress we have\nmade is serving the world over. Our en\ngineers and our scientists have made dis:\ncoveries, developed machinery and equip\nment which has been placed in the ser\nvice of all mankind.\n\nOur medical authorities have share¢\ngreat discoveries and we Nave sent doctor:\nand nurses and public health experts int\nthe Free World to aid in the improvemen\nof health. ‘\n\nOur administrative experts have like\nwise helped as advisers lo government:\nthrough the International Labor Organiza\ntion and directly to other nations.\n\nFreedom from want and suffering is :\nform of freedom that will keep many na\nfions from being pulled behind the tror\nCurtain.\n\nOn this Independence Day the Unitec\nStates can well be proud of the contribu\ntions it has made to a troubled world\nCc. J.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3243.449689453125, 2191.528302734375, 3713.9475273437497, 3256.67897265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "This “glorious Fourth” program\nwill be held at Foro Italico, the\nhandsome stadium which is just\npart of the Athletic setup for, the\n1960 Olympic games.\n\n“Can I have firecrackers?\"\nSlugger wanted to know,\n\nBut certainly! They’re enormous\nhere —- and after all the real ex-\nplosions they've had here with their\nwars, you wouldn't think they’d\nstill get excited about them — but\nthey da.\n\nin Paris, I-was sitting in the\nTour D’Argent restaurant one July\n4 when a hunk of fireworks from\ntheir ceiebraters flew up, hit an\nawning and almost set the place\nafire.\n| = The traffic problem will be worse\n\nall over Europe today because of\n\nthe festive Americans. . .and that's\npretty bad. . .especially since the\npopwarity of the motor scooters,\nthe Vespas, which guys take their\ngals bouncing all over Europe on.\n\nStrangely, the American fliers\nstationed in Europe are great users\nof these. They like t whoosh\naround town on them at great\nspeed when not flying.\n\nThey tell an old American story\nabout them. It concerns a man who\ngot one and took his mother out\nspeeding.\n\nAt the first stop -he said, ‘Well,\nmother, how do you like it?”\n\nMother didn't answer. She wasn’t\nthere. She’ll be out of the hospital\nin a few days.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3266.88157421875, 3807.630353515625, 3740.6142753906247, 5259.0114921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "I have been reading the Post-\nHerald for 27 years and I have\nSeen so many deaths and acci-\ndents caused by people drinking\nstrong drinks. I used to be a strong\ndrinker, but thanks be to the Lord\nI quit a!l of it. I feel better and do\nbetler and know how to love\neverybody.\n\nI am asking alk who drink not\nto drive any car or go swimming\nor boating or do anything to en-\ndanger your fife this July dth.\nwant you to lve, not only in the\nworld but also in the Holy City.\n\nNow I am going to tell you what\nT found in drinking. T did not pray\nto God to take it away, because I\ncould do that myself, Here is what\n\nis to be found in a barrel of whis-\nkey, and you who drink will say\nFoam right:\n\nA barrel of headaches, of heart-\naches, of woes,\n\nA barrel of curses, a barrel of\nblows;\n\nA barrel of sorrows for a loving,\nweary wife,\n\nA barrel of care, a barrel of\nstrite,\n\nA barrel of never-ending regret,\n\nA barrel of cares, a barrel of\ndebt;\n\nA barrel of hunger, of polson, of\npain,\n\nA barrel of hopes all blasted\nand vain;\n\nA barrel of poverty, ruin, and\nblight,\n\nA barrel of tears that run in the\nnight, .\n\nA barrel of crimes, a barrel of\ngraves,\n\nA barrel of orphans’ most piti-\n(ul moans;\n\nA barrel of serpants that hiss as\nthey pass that low from Vquor in\nthe bead of the glass. { know this\nbecause 1 have been in most of\nthese, 7\n\nRohert L. Scott,\nEast Beckley\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 95.97289807128907, 4126.8849921875, 763.8067192382812, 5114.1648125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "In observation of its 100th birthday,\nBerea College is staging an outdoor drama,\nPaul Green’s ‘Wilderness Road,’ written\nespecially for the occasion. This play, simi-\nlar to the epie drama that has been proposed\nin Beckley, will be presented every night,\nexcept Sunday, through Sept. 5,\n\nAn estimated 75,000 visitors are expect-\ned to sce the play this summer.\n\nHow was this venture financed? We\nquote from a new story in The New York\nTimes:\n\n“Preparations for the centennial got\nunderway aboul a year ago, with Berea's\n3,500 townspeople spending some $100,000 of\ntheir own money to spruce up the commu-\nnity with business additions, new store-\nfronts, and sidewalks and street repair.”\n\nIt is estimated that it will require some-\nthing like $150,000 to finance an outdoor\ndrama in Beckley. Yet, with’ this state’s\ncentennial celebration only a few years\naway, some West Virginia city is certainly\ngoing to present the state’s story in dramatic\nform. If a town the size of Berea can\nspend $400,000 to prepare for the Berea\nCollege centennial, Beckley and Raleigh\nCounty ought to be able to raise the $150,-\n000 necessary to put on this epic drama\nDr. Kermit Hunter is so eager to stage\nhere.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1328.811505859375, 2062.305646484375, 1789.2210869140627, 2729.6130546874997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Hore in the hills of home in Ra-\nleigh County the annual family\nreunion and get-together is a great\nInsitution. Time loday will permit\nme to touch on only one, the one I\nreligiously attend on every Fourth\nof July. That one is the R&fe Reun-\njan. With me.goes The Chief wha\nlooks askance at me when “she\nthinks Ive eaten enough. This\nyearly assembly is one of the high-\nlights of the year for ine, Being,\nallegedly, one of the lineal descend-\nants of Adain Riffe, and Eve Riffe,\nhis wife, EF go early and stay late.\nMeetings of the deseendants af\nOliver P. Riffe mect somewhere on\nthe [ands which he bequeathed to\nhis children. Generally, anymore,\nwe meet in the bottom of the hol-\nlow of the acres owned by Willard\nP. Riffe who lives at Crab Or-\nchard on the Gten’ White highway,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1352.03782421875, 4396.7258125, 1815.9315361328127, 5257.72584765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "SO RTM craha RODECEL MoOsSaAMORa\nwent back to Philadelphia a\nerushed and disappointed young\nman.\n\nActually he had the greatest\nstory in the world to tell — peace.\nBut the stary of peace never seems\nto arouse any excitement in times\nof peace, It’s only a big story in\ntime of war or the threat of war.\n\nSo in blase, busy Washington,\nRobert Rosamond got nowhere.\n\nHowever, 1 would like to report\nhis idea, because T think it has\nmerit, especially on his day when\nhere at home we celebrate our\nindependence, and when abroad\nthe cold war clauds seem to be\nbreaking up a bit and when we need\nfo encourage the break-up further.\n\nMr. Rosamond proposes that\nsince the United States was founded\nby a Declaration of Independence,\nwe now go one step further and\nadopt a “declaration of interde\npendence,” a statement recogniz-\ning the fact that we have grown\nwhile the world has shrunk and\nin these days of intercontinental\nmissiles which may be shooting\nfrom Mascow to New York in two\nhours, there just isn’t any In.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1353.367658203125, 3754.33469921875, 1810.7259697265627, 4074.4770683593747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, — A young fel-,\nlow frem Philadelphia came to\nWashington the other day and\nheld a press canference, His name\nis Robert Rosamond and it was\neasy to see that he wasn't used\nto holding press conferences. He\nhad no sensational news to give\nout, no exciting story to tell, and\nhe wasn't well-known enough or\nimportant enough to command an\naudience,\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2279.42063671875, 2017.8895087890626, 2749.0908378906247, 3536.07252734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "One of the Riffe sons is Dr. Way-\nman Riffe, a dentist, from North\nFork, W. Va. Ile has importuned\nme for many years to get him a\ncopy of Montgomery’s Leading\nFacts of American Elistory. Do you\nmind that old red-back history\nbook we used to study in the days\nof the little red school house?\nThose old books have gone out of\neirculation and E haven't laid cyes\nou one since old Heck was a pup.\n-If you have a copy of this history\nthat you would part with, you let\nme know and FU get it for the for-\nmer Raleigh Counly farm boy who\nwent down Northfork way and\nstarted in to making a living look-\ning down in the mouth! In the\nmouth of others, I mean.\n\nIf the women in the Riffe sine\nhave any one outstanding talent it\nus that of cooking. Leading the list\nof these is Mrs. Lucy Riffe Egnor,\nwife of the late and lamented Rob-\nert C. (“Bob\"’) Egnor. All the\nothers of the family have done well\nas cooks but “Sister Lucy,” as her\nbrothers and sisters call her, ex-\ncellest them all. How that woman\ncan cook!\n\n \n\nWith the exception of one of the\ngirls of Oliver Riffe all the other\nmembers of the family have a\ngood sized family. Largest of the\nfamilies is that of Walton Riffe. He\nand his wife, the former Alma\nMeadows, have eighteen children,\nonly one of whom is dead. Last\nwinter, at one time, five of those\nchildren were in college. They arc\na great family. Finese rifle and\npistol shot in this gun-loving family\nof Riffe men is Duffy Riffe. Wort\nWar I veteran that he is, Duffy has\nan eagle eye when il comes te\npulling a trigger. He can show a!\ncomers and goers a thing or twe\non the subject of marksmanship\nRiffes are all Baptists and regular\nchurch goers. Leaders they are jy\nCrab Orchard Baptist Church o\nwhich their parents were charte1\nmembers. Long live the Riffes\nMay their tribe increase!\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2754.61083984375, 1922.663818359375, 3686.292724609375, 2179.962646484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "It Happened Last Night—\n\nFourth Still Celebrated\nWith Fireworks In Europe\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3268.855939453125, 3464.97190625, 3731.5600761718747, 3729.4262871093747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Yes, Mr. Editor, T want yau ta\nconsider this an application for a\njob in the newspaper field I would\nlike for my first article lo be\ntitled STOMATITIS MEDICAMEN-\nTOSA, for 1 know nothing, ab-\nsolutely nothing, about Stomatitis\nMedicamentosa.\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 118.33557891845703, 893.8346557617188, 615.8815307617188, 1032.380615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "America’s Contributions\n\nT, A Troubled World\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2733.829572265625, 403.754865234375, 3196.8757499999997, 695.4427666015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, July 4—Demo-\ncrats on Capitol Hill have ap-\nparently appropriated the Repub-\nUeans’ 1952 campaign cry. “We\nlike Jke.\"’ According to a sur-\nvey by the Congressional Quarter-\nly, they are running almost neck-\nand neck with the Republicans in\nsupport of Administration policies,\nand doing even better In the for-\neign field than the GOP.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2766.83469921875, 2653.458234375, 3232.0600761718747, 3254.3903984374997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "WE GON ECL WOH CACHED MAC\nthe Florenlines get dressed up in\nmedieval costumes and ride out on\nhorses to play a kind of football on\nSt. John’s Day, . .But if we're in\nLondon and hear that Daany\nKaye's to make an appearance at\nthe U. S. Embassy garden party.\n\n“Wate our smoke,” as they used\ntao say in Pittsburgh before the\nsmoke clearance program.\n\nOver in Rome today the great\nHarlem Globe Trotters basketball\nteam is putting on a ball-handling\nexhibition,\n\nThe Men's Glee Club from the\nUniversity of Michigan is giving a\nconcert.\n\nAnd what in the name of Joe\nDi Maggio! There’s a basebatl\ngame between the U. S. Navy team\nand the Italian Baseball Federa-\ntion.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 118.82650756835938, 4049.547607421875, 725.2080078125, 4115.72119140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "How Other Towns Do Things\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 749.025390625, 190.0916290283203, 1206.944091796875, 455.06719970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "From Day To Day\n\nThose Who Rest\n\nIn Irish Corner\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2776.959228515625, 2336.604248046875, 2980.382080078125, 2636.118408203125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2737.6435546875, 213.25210571289062, 3664.56884765625, 388.72857666015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Democratic Congressmen\n\nTake ‘We-Like-Ike’ Stand\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2987.93040234375, 2334.613751953125, 3226.6145195312497, 2662.0835136718747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "mBveryaday\nseems to be a\nholiday some-\nwhere jin Europe\n— but the Fourth\nof July is the\nbig one us damn\nYankees — loudly\ncelebrate on our\nown today = all\nover this contin-\nent,\nRah asestend seleaw\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2761.816388671875, 2208.30344921875, 3228.6113457031247, 2325.9072441406247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Bey SAE EES RAR\nGENOA — What better place\ncould I write a July 4 column from\nthan Genoa, {rom where Colum-\nbus sailed?\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1568.3492255859376, 4086.637921875, 1808.4272636718752, 4405.49733203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "SOR Rane RAT:\nthat he felt very\ndeeply about\nhis story, but he\ndida’t know how\nto tell it, and\nbeing quite\nyoung and rela-\nlively — insignifi-\ncant, he laid an\negg in the news-\npapers,\n\ntoes Brora’\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1349.1256103515625, 2742.2490234375, 1550.7301025390625, 3040.1435546875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2758.144287109375, 707.3038330078125, 2950.3623046875, 989.9663696289062 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2958.256330078125, 696.386701171875, 3198.4304374999997, 1024.8946098632812 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "In fact, the\nopposition’s par-\ntialily toward\nthe President\nhas increased in-\nstead of dimin-\nishing, even\nthough the Par-\nties must square\nof in a national\nelection next\nyear. At last\n\nthen | Tawennentea\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1341.145978515625, 3061.7619453125, 1803.7458671875002, 3539.9113945312497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "when the day is done and the\nparly’s over the proverbial good\ntime has been had by all. One who\nalways shows up is Judge Winton\nA. Riffe with his fund of local lore\nand good stories. A great racan-\nteur is this distinguished Beckley\njurist, They all like him. Some-\nlimes another celebrated Beckley\nattorney comes with Judge Riffe.\nHe is John Quincy Hutchinson; a\ncolorful character and a_ brother\nbetaved. He gels In on the Riffe\nReunion on a technicality, like 1\ndo, both being cousins of the Riffe\nclan by virtue of being descend-\nants of Adam, the first man, and\nEye, the mother of all living.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1805.2154365234376, 2019.215314453125, 2268.839861328125, 3533.2614921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Being a lawyer, my cherished old\nfriend is adept no end at picking\nout technicalities.\n\nThis Riffe family is an old line\noutfit. They are descendants of\nPeter Riffe, a Colonial soldicr, who\nfought in the Battle of King’s\nMountain on 7 October 1780, In-\ncidentally, the Battle of King's\nMountain has been designated by\nTho War College as the turning\npoint of the American Revolution,\nand was the only battle in recorded\nhistory where all the foes were\nkilted, wounded, or captured! So,\nald-history lover that I am, my\nemotions always run high when I\nmeet and eat with a large and\nnumerous family of which every\nman‘can become a member of the\nSons of the American Revolution\nand where every woman and girl\nis in line to become one of the\nDaughters of the Revolution, — a\nreal D.A:R.! By nationality the\n| Riffes are of Germanic original,\ntheir original progenitor having\ncome from the gray limestone hills\nof the Fatherland,\n\n \n\nSomething like a year or so ago,\nMiss Rosanna Riffe, daughter of\nWalton Rifle, set about doing re-\nsearch on the Riffe family and\ntheir kin. Result of her efforts was\nthat she had written quite na little\nvohime on her findings. One of\nthese days ere long it is planned to\nhave the family history printed\nunder the title of The Genera-\nlions of Oliver and Ruhama Rife\nof Raleigh County, West Virginia.\nBy the way, this brilliant young\nwoman graduated from Marshall\nCollege on 30 May 1955, and is my\nSceretary, Come September she\nassumes a teaching position at Ar-\nlington, Va.. in one of the finest\nschools of the East. In the course\nof her family research she came\nup with the Interesting fact that\nthere has never been a_ single\ncase of divorce in any of the Riffe\nfamily. Unusnal that is in this das\nof change and transition,\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2745.018048828125, 1011.176984375, 3208.5901054687497, 1889.19655078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "year’s Congress, the Democrats\nsupported ike only 39 per cent\nof the time, whereas the figure\nhas jumped to 57 per cent today.\nTotals for the Republicans are 7A\nand 64 per cent, showing a 10\nper cent falling of on his side\nof the aisle.\n\nFor some reason, Senate and\nHouse Republicans have changed\npositions with regard to Ike, Last\nyear, the Senate stood behind him\nonty 68 per cent, as against 74\nper cent today. Last year, the\nHouse backed him 77 per cent of\nthe time, but the figure has fallen\nfo 6! per ceft at the present ses-\nsion.\n\n2\n\n \n\nREPUBLICANS BOW FOR REA-\nSONS — But there is a catch—\na flaw—in the Republicans’ fol-\nlowing of the line laid down by\ntheir first President in 20 years.\nMany bowed to the leaders' lash\nand went along because of pa-\nfronage considerations, They did\nnot want to endanger jobs for\ntheir constituents by antaganizing\nPresident Eisenhower or Sherman\nAdains, patronage dispenser.\nMoreover, they realize that they\nmay have to live with and run\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 241.6988067626953, 2820.108642578125, 556.522216796875, 2882.5703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Berea College\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1553.0572333984376, 2742.275373046875, 1795.9627861328127, 3072.2995781249997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "AL the ipimed-\njate members of\nthe Riff_e family\nare there, — to-\ngelher with some\nof their present\nand prospective\nin-laws. Other\nrelatives from\nboth near and\nfar put in their\nappearance — and\n\nen Se sa |,\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3207.422833984375, 393.25513989257814, 3688.9436210937497, 1886.5868095703127 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "with Ike in next year’s “ cam-\npaign. ¢ ,\n\nThe Democrats’ support, on the\nother hand, was a free-will offer-\ning. In the foreign field, where\n{hey voted for the Administration\n69 per cent of the time, as\nagainst the Republicans’ 52 per\ncent, the opposition justifies itself\non the ground that ke is simply\npursuing Roosevelt-Truman pol-\nicies. They could not oppose with-\nout seeming to Yepudiate the\nParty’s two decades of national\nleadership:\n\nDEMOCRATS LACK ISSUE —\nThus, with the session scheduled\nto wind up within a month or six\n“weeks, the Democrats have ham-\nmered out no clear-cut, national\nor-emotional issue against their\nopponents, and it is toa late to\ndevelop one now, And next ses-\nsion, as is traditional with an Ad-\nministration secking retention of\npower, Eisenhower will probably\nnot submit any controversial prob-\nlems to the legislative branch.\n\nOne by one, the once touted is-\nsues have proyed to be frail po-\nlitical reeds. Tne TVA faction\nthought’ to resurrect the public\nversus private power issue over\nthe Dixon-Yates contract, but it\nstirred no general excitement or\ninterest. It has not driven Eisen-\nhower or Secretary Douglas Mc-\nKay from their “partnership”\nphilosophy, -and their determina-\ntion to keep expansion of a Fed-\neral utility empire within reason-\nable bounds.\n\n \n\nFARM SUPPORTS — House\nDemocrats pushed through a mea-\nsure for rigid 90 per cent farm\nsupports in an attempt to reneal\nthe flexible program obtained by\nthe Adinisistration last year- But\nmounting surpluses led wheat\nRZrowers to vote for controls only\na week ago, and there is no sign\n\n; that the Benson policy will be dis-\ncarded ‘by the, Senate.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1626.9053955078125, 149.90655517578125, 2373.4521484375, 211.80014038085938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 118.48492962646485, 5137.81028515625, 769.1763481445312, 5250.3747734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Too many people, we suspect, spend so\ time watching their health that they\nnever get a chance to take advantage of it.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3319.761474609375, 3744.15087890625, 3685.0087890625, 3793.98095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "ERnile OF Drink\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1369.0975341796875, 4088.497802734375, 1558.6767578125, 4374.97119140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1366.88916015625, 3651.44921875, 2704.43896484375, 3739.919189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Lonely Philadelphian Offers Peace Plan\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 840.9943237304688, 466.8763427734375, 1158.9798583984375, 500.96728515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Ry Ringene L. Scott\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 740.5616279296875, 494.5720954589844, 1315.126482421875, 5230.03737109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": ", oe ee =\n\nThat Irish settlement around the rim of\nhe mountain overlooking New River\nabove Sandstone has, for many years,\nbeen called ‘Irish Corner.” These hon-\nored sons from the ‘Auld Sod’’ gave the\nmountain its name, too—Irish Mountain.\nThey were good Catholics all, deeply\nspiritual and God-fearing, and they built\nfirst a little log church which they called\nthe «Irish Mountain Catholle Church.\nYears ago it was replaced by a tiny white\nframe church, which still stands, like a\nsentinel of God, on an eminence overlook-\ning New River,\n\nBehind the little church lie the dead, in\na cemetery (hat has no unmarked graves,\nsave a few who have been lately buried\nthere and the headstones are yet to be\nerected, There is a giant white oak in the\nchurchyard. Forest Jands are all around,\nand not a house is to he seen.\n\n—_—J\n\nWe wandered through that lonely burial\nground the other day and thought of the\nambitions that had been brought to bay;\nof the hungers for Old Ireland that had\ngone out with the last breath of life; of\nthe hardships, and the fove, and the toil,\nand the (errible battles these good people\nhad waged with adversities and \"Old\nSatan” there along the rim of the moun-\ntain where they found and fashioned their\nown little corner of County Clare and\nCounty Kerry.\n\nOn many of the old tombstones the de-\nparted is admonished to “rest in peace,”\nAnd one or two of them had left a word\nof warning of their own for waylaring\nmen like ye editor who chanced to pass\nthat way.\n\nOn the gravestone of Wiliam Dillon, a\nnative of County Kerry, Ireland, who en-\ntered this world in (815 and mace his de-\nparture in 1889, we find this message:\n\n“Remember, kind friend, as you pass by,\nAs you are now, so once was 1,\n\nAs I am now, so must you be—\n\nPrepare for death and follow me.”\n\n——-—\n\nWe had heavd this epitaph before, but\nnever had we seen It engraved upon a\ntombstone marking a grave. . .The sequel\nto that, of course, is the profane rejoinder\na wag is supposed to have written on an-\nother grave marker bearing the same\nmessage, Wrote he:\n\n\"To follow you I’m not content,\n\nUntit I know which way you went.”\n\nThese Irish immigrants came to this\ncountry afler the Civil War. The big con-\nstruction project underway between While\nSulphur Springs and Huntington with the\nbuilding of the Chesapeake and Ohio's\nmain line, fron, 1869 to 1872, lured them\ninto the New River Valley. They saved\ntheir money, and when the railroad was\nconipleted, a small band of them pur-\nchased cheap land on the mountain above\nNew River and carved farms out of the\nwilderness, Because they were thrifty,\nindustrious, honorable, and God-fearing,\nthey prospered, as people of this character\nhave prespered everywhere.\n\nTheir names are dying out, but the old\nfamilies are remembered—The Nees, tie\nMecCarthys, the Sullivans, the O’Learys,\nthe Dillons, the Quinlans, the Hurleys,\nand many others.\n\n0\n\nThey were these kind of people:\n\nYears ago when Robert Scott, the prand-\nfather of Mrs. Eula Bragg and Mrs.\nBrooks Covey of Beckley, Mrs. Madge\nTissue of Mt. Hope, and Mrs, Ida Carper\nof Aviesia, N. M., was justiee of the peace\nat Craw, a trial was being held in whieh\nthe Irish setWers in the corner of Rich-\nmond District had an interest. A band of\nthem, led by old Thomas McCarthy, rade\nacross Glade Creck on a cold winter day,\nand upon approaching the seat of justice,\nMr. McCarthy's horse slipped on the ice\nand fell, breaking Mr. MeCarthy's leg.\n-Robert Scott set the bones. Mrs. McCarthy\nwas sent for, and for the next nine weeks\nshe minfstered unto her husband in the\nScott household, «\n\nUpon leaving, Mr. McCarthy asked what\nthey owed, Their host said, ‘“Nothing~\nnoting at all.’ Robert Scott’s son, the\nlate Douglas Scolt, used to say that the\nMcCarthy's must have repaid his father\n$500 for that act of kindness, for when\nthey threshed, they brought wheat; when\nthey buichered, they brought hams, halt\na beef, or a muitten. They were that kind\n\n| | of people—generous lo a faut.\nce |\nSone of those still living will remember\nThomas McCarthy's son, Owen, He was\na striking figure, over six feet tall, erect,\n’ and with noble bearing. Nobody woul\n; | have taken him for a man of the soil. He\n1 | used to be summoned quite often for jury\nservice in Beckley.\n\nOne day, when Owen MeCarthy wa:\non the jury, Judge W. A. Riffe called at\nacquaintance’s altention to the fine figure\nReplied the other fellow, “Yos, he looks ;\ngood «eal like a major general of th\n\n* | Confederate Army.\"\n\n \n\n: Qwen MeCarthy lies buried in the Iris}\n+ | Corner. He was born m 1855 and died i\nm 1926.\n\nMarten Nee was the patriarch of thi\n+ | Trish settlement. It was noted on hi\ntombstone that he was bern in Count:\n- | Clare, Ireland, and died in Raleigh Cour\nty, W. Va., in 1908 at the age of 82. . The\ne | gaid of him:\nk “An honest man, a kind husband an\nfather, a devoted friend, a patriotic cit\nLo} zen.””\n$s And right next to him-is the marke\nyf | which informs the living that “Here lic\n- | Mary, the wife of Marten Nec, a native ¢\n2- | County Clare, Ireland, who died in 1881.\"\n” —0—\n1 Maurice Sullivan, the marker says, we\nyr | “an honest man with courage true.”\ndied in 1887, . Jerry Dillon died in 1893. ,\n\n. John Quinlan, who was buried in Iris\nly Corner in 1876, “lived in love with a\noO mankind and left an honored named b\nnm hind.” Mr. Quinlan, we believe, was tt\nfirst man buried in that little cemeter\nmn where all is so quiet in this hectic atom\n: age that the admonition, “Rest in Peace\n. to be seen on many of the markers, seen\n\nquile appropriate.\n\n3c God rest these high-minded people wh\nin their hours of yearning for their nati\nland, carved a little corner of the “Au\n\n50 | Sod’? out of the rugged meuntainla\n\n: that’s known as the “Irish Corner’\nah Malaiat Mraecter\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1331.1968994140625, 1840.8519287109375, 2686.920166015625, 2007.8817138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "SES HOE CTY: ER REEE ney\n\nReunion OF Riffe Family\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1382.1749267578125, 2023.0880126953125, 1737.776123046875, 2050.638427734375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Ry CHIREEY DONNELLY\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1364.659423828125, 242.5057373046875, 2681.73388671875, 1744.512939453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "—\n\neae FATS\nRa 2ve FUTUR\n\nay\n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2772.072998046875, 3300.19189453125, 3679.1279296875, 3456.51611328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Voice Of The People—\n\nThe Hard Lot Of Teachers\n\n \n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2865.184326171875, 2190.428955078125, 3118.593505859375, 2212.6455078125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Th FART Wifpena\n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 2719.90283203125, 132.70828247070312, 2999.558837890625, 188.32884216308594 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Ray Tucker\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3101.865146484375, 3641.99185546875, 3534.6736718750003, 4945.96908203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "they might settle for (wo.\n\nNo doubt {ff you asked Interlor\nSecretary “Generous Doug’ Me-\nKay whether he favored a Federal\nSubsidy for education, he’s shudder.\nNo one in the Eisenhower Admin-\nistration is more devoted to turn-\ning responsibitity for such things\n“hack to the people.’\n\nYet, McKay is carrying on a\nsite federal-ajd-lo-education — pro-\ngran: right In his interfor depart-\nment. He's doing it as a special\nfavor Lo a coupte of Senators from\nUtah.\n\nLatest beneficiary of Doug's fam-\ned generosily is Dantel E. Nelsen\nof Uintah, Utah, who appeared\nthrough Senators Watkins and Ben-\nnett for a government Jnb while al\nGeorge Washington University Law\nSchool here. For over a year now,\nNelson has heen drawing a hand-\nsome government pay check while\nhe's sat In Room 6325 at the\nInterior Bullding grinding out hls\njaw-school homework.\n\nThe most amazing aspect of this\nwhole affair ig that when Nelson\nwas “hired in November, 1953,\nhis job was law clerk, a responsi-\nbility for which he was completely\nunqualified since he had been In\nJaw school for only a wnonth. When\nobjection began rumbling in Inter-\nior corridors, Nelson was quickly\nmade a clerk-typist (After boning\nup to pass the typing test) at a\nsalary of $3,500 annually.\n\nWhen not busy with his studics\nNelson dreams up designs for nue\nlear reactors which he pushes or\nthe Atomic Energy Commisslon\nAlter the AEC ignored him, Nel\nson gol someone in Senator Wat\nkins office to try to perk up the\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2612.14078125, 2018.0259130859374, 3051.5454980468753, 3466.031826171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "passed the word: “Science has\nreached a point where it is real-\nistic for us to speak of..creating an\nartificial satellite of the earth.\"\nNesmeyanov's words have been\nechoed by numerous confident pre-\ndicttons by other Soviet scientists.\n\nThe Intelligence experts have\nlearned from sad experience, not-\nale with both the atomic and the\nhydrogen bombs, that this sort of\nSoviet chest-chumping much be tak-\nen very serlousty indeed. ‘The\nprospect of permitting the Soviets\nlo get the first artificial satellite\ninto space seemed more intolerable\nthe more the problem was consld-\nered.\n\n‘Yhe Russians would galn enor-\nmuus prestige in the scientific\nworld, as well ag registering a\nhuge propaganda victory, If they\nwere the first to break the bonds\nof gravity. But that 1s by no means\nall. Even assuming that the first\nSoviet satelllite misste lacked a\npractical military application, it\nwould represent a great first step\ninto the unknowable future,\n\nDr. Walter Dornberger, creator\naf the German Y-2, which is the\nancestor of all missiles, has said\nthat the first nation to take this\nstep will “lead tnankind into the\nfuture.\" This may he an exaggera-\ntion, But the lime may and almost\ncertainly will come when future\nversions of a satelite will have\nSreat military value for recon-\nnalsance, for missile guidance, and\nfor other purposes yet unguessed\n\nat.\n\n; Thus the decision to make a ser-\nfous effort to get the first crude\n- satellite into space is not the hair-\nbrained fantasy it may seem at\n; first bhish. It is plain common\n. sense, in these days when out tech-\nnological lead over the Soviets re-\n\npresents all the security we have\nTage\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2655.9913671875, 3638.136142578125, 3093.1863671875003, 4946.51546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "arthoity to subsidize struggling\n-i¢s necessary to the econe-\ncase of war. The subsidies\nWor. recessarily be outright haad-\nouts, They may he [a the form of\nxavernment loans, stockpile pur-\nchases, and the like.\n\nWhat it all adds up to, how-\never, is a means of satisfying the\nInternationalists with the recipra-\ncal trade program and appeasing\nthe protectionists with gov-\nernment ald to hardship industries.\n\nThe idca has been pushed be-\nhind the scenes by Secretary of\nCommerce Weeks, who has been\ntrying to carry water on both\nshoulders — namely, to play along\nwith doth the protectionlsts and\nthe White House at the same time.\n\nOtherwise, the protectiontst bloc\nin the Senate will force Pres{dent\nFisenhower to back down on his\nIrade program despite the victory\njanded him hy Speaker Sam Ray-\nburn, As it now stands, the majori-\nty on the Senate Finance Commit-\ni@e is lined up against the Presl-\ndent's program, Senator Millikin\nof Colorado, Republican, js ring-\nveader, but has four other Repub-\nHeans with him — Fd Martin of\nPennsylvania, George Malone of\nNevada, Frank Carison of Kansas,\nand Ralph Flanders of Vermont;\nplus three Democrats, Chairman\nMarcy Byrd of Virginia, Bob Kerr\ncf Oklahoma, and Allen Frear of\nDelaware,\n\nThis has caused the President\nto retreat.\n\nNo final settlement has been\nreached, bul one compromise Ix to\nlimit the reciprocal trade exten-\nsion lo one year instead of three.\nWhile House aides have indicated\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 721.6709326171875, 2934.83365234375, 1289.2978173828126, 4149.31478515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "for flexible supporis varying from 75 to\n90 per cent of parity. The House com-\nmittee bill would have continued $0 per\ncent supports. But the farmn bioe split to\naccept an administration-proposed sliding-\nscale system, with an 821, per cent ctf\nParity floor. The vote was 228 to 170 in\nfavor, with 182 Repubticans for and 23\nRepublicans against; and with 45 Demo-\ncrais voting for flexible supports and 147\nDemoerrats against.\n\nPresident Eisenhower hailed the House\naction as not “a compromise,” but a “great\nsweeping victory.” Even though the flex-\nible program was authorized for only one\nyear, the President declared, “We have got\na long-term principle established in a\npositive way.”\n\nThe Senate accepted the 82!5-90 per\ncent formula by a vote of 49 to 44. The\ndivision on flexik!e supports was: Repub-\nlicans, 39 for, 8 against: Democrats, {0\nfor, 35 against. Sen. Wayne Morse (D..\nOre.), then an Independent, voted against\nflexible supports.\n\n* a e 2 * .\n\nThe House had been warned in 1954\nthat if it failed to accept the flexible price\nsupport formuls, the President wou!d vetu\nthe bilk ‘The Piesident this year again\ncould threaten ta veto any mandatory gv\nfer cent support ineasure. A veto would\nf into effect the 75 to 90 per cent\nsliding scale system of supports originally\nauthorized be the Republican 20th Con-\ngress in 3938,\n\nThe pa ratio—peices paid by farm-\ners in relation to prices received by thea\n-~it the beginning af 1985 stood at 86.\n‘Llis figure was three points lower than\nlhe ratio for August 1954. hen Conyress\nOnaity adopted the farm Tt also was\nuted by Democrats as the low\naince Mareh 1941. The parity\nFeb. I5—lates! figure available. -was ur.\none point from January.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2205.75845703125, 3634.130283203125, 2647.7898828125003, 4945.7625390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "fo the bases, the Navy hasn't even\nlined up all the land rights. The\nengineers are also quibbling ove.\n“hat size pipe to use and whett.-\ner to contract for American or\nEuropean pipe. Recult ts that the\nmpeline contracts also haven't\nbeen let.\n\nMeanwhile, the public is getting\nnublicity instead of air bases In\nSpain.\n\nNote — While the Navy has bee:\ndawdling in Spain, the Army en-\n-incers have compieted anothe.\nmuge, multimilion-lollar air bas:\nat Boulhaut, Frenzh Morocco, dui-\ning the same pericd.\n\nBrannan Plan For Business\n\nBiggest backstage news In the\nSenate reciprocal trade fight is a\ncompromise that would offer 2 sort\nof Brannan plan to businessmen.\nWhat the Administration will pro-\npose is a gimmlck to keep grad:\nbarriers low and make up the dif-\nference to hardship industries in\nike form of government subsidies\n\nIn other words, latiffs wilh be\nkept reasonable and imported goods\nwill be allowed on the market at\nprices that compete with domestic\nxoouds. Then the difference between\nthe market price and a reasonable\nprofit for the domestic producers\nwill be made up by Uncle Sam.\nThis is exactly what Secretary of\nAgricullure Charley Brannan pro-\nposed during Truman's day and\nwhich was branded ‘socialistic’\nhy General Ike during the 1952\n\nTie proposal wan't be worded se\nDlundy as the Brannan plan, of\ncourse. It will be dressed up in\na carefully wrapped package Jahel-\ned “necessary tor national de-\nfense.\"\" It will call for presidential\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 135.5835302734375, 2961.97671875, 712.9006616210938, 4132.919765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "A major fight over farm price supports\nappears to be in the making again on\nCapitol Hill. A bill approved by the House\nAgriculture Committee on Mar. 8 would\nalmost completely reverse the administra-\ntion's flexible price-supports victory of\n1954.\n\nThe bill provides for mandatory 90\nper cent of parily supports on the six\nso-called “basic crops, an increase’ in\ndairy price ,supports frum 75 to 80 per\ncent of parity, a national referendum by\nwheat growers on a two-price system\nfor their crops. All were opposed by the\nadministration in 1954.\n\nThe vole of the Heuse committer was\n23 to 12. Chairman Harold D. Cooley (D.,\nN.C.) predicts House passage of the mea-\nfure. This despite the urging of Secretary\nof Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson (Feb. 173\nthat Congress not “rock the boat’ but\ngive the new flexible support system “a\nchance to operate.”\n\nIf the measure should go through the\nHouse with a whoop-and-a-holler, the\nadministration would marshal) jis strong-\nest forces in the Senate, where Democrat\nin 1854 were divided as to rigid vs. flex-\nible price supporls. The administration\nin 1954 received strong backing for flex-\nible supports from Sen. Clinton PL Ander-\nson (D., N. M.), a former Secretary of\nAagvicullure. But Sen. Alien J. Ellender\n\n(BD. La.), now Chairman of the Senate\nAgriculture Committee. in 1954 vated\nagainst flexibte supports.\n\nAs regards politics, some Democrats\nmay prefer to make a record for rig:a\n90 per cent supports this year, withot\nbeing greatly distresced by a possible d\nfeat. Sentiment for rigid supports woul\npresumably be stronger in the campaigs\nyear, 1956.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\no 8 @ 8 8\n\nPresidant Ex:enhower in 1954 kad ackerl\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1734.4822119140624, 2023.4472998046874, 2174.05453125, 3475.23958984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "About two years from now—pro-\nvided all goes according to plan—\nthe United States should be ready\nto launch into space the world's\nfirst artificial earth satellite.\n\nThe satellite whieh is now being\nplanned will be very different\nfrom the elaborate spaee ships us-\nually envisioned. [t is likely to be\nhardly Jarger than soft bail, and\nit will probably weigh under a\nhundred pounds. This small object\nwill be hurted into space by means\nof a two-or three-staged rocket,\nreaching an “escape velccily” of\njust under eight miles a second\nin its final stage.\n\nThereafter, the tiny satelite will\ncircle the earth, at an altitude of\n2350 mites or more, like a ball at\nthe end of a string, completing\neach cirete in less than two hours.\nAfter some weeks, it will probably\ndrift caithward as a result of\nslight atmospheric drag. and even-\ntally it will disintegraie when it\nhits the deaser atmosphere below.\n\nTelemectering and other cevices\nwhich can be buift into such a\ntiny man-made moon can tel!\ntechnicians on the earth below\nmich about the great unknown ol\nspace. Thus it will have very grea’\nscientific value. But, it should be\nunderstood, it will have no military\nappliculion at all-—-it could not bs\nused to kill anybody, or even k\nspy on anybody.\n\nWiis for precisely this reasor\nthat no serious effort to get a set\nellite into space has heretofort\nbeen made, even though seven o\neight years ago the technicians o\nthe Air Force's Rand Project rule\nthat a satellite was tachnically fea\nsible. Opponents of the satelite pro\nject have hitherto argued success\nfully that first priority much &\ngiven to weapons with real anili\ntary value--above al} to the deci\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1271.8052099609374, 688.5248754882813, 1710.0777246093749, 2372.343837890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\nHy CHARSES M. MCC\nUnited Press Staff Correspondent\nTke week's guod and bad news\non the International batauce sheet:\nTHE GoOD\n!, Secretary of State John Foster\nDulles gave the Chinese Conime-\nnists a grim warning of what they\nay expect if they attack Formosa\nand possibly if they attack the\noutpost islands of Quemoy and\nMatsu. “The United States.\" Dul-\nles warned, '..-nas sea and air\nforces now equipped with new\nand powerful weapons of precision,\nwhich can utterly destroy military\ntargels witheut endancering unre\njated ¢ n centers.”\n2. The Communists suttered a\ndef. in legislative\nin the state of Andlira\nin India. The Reds had succerdad\nin unseating the Andhra govern-\nInent cn a confilence yote and\nhaped to fake over. Instead they\nty all the seats they had\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nThe Kremlin ts talking tough\njn its propaganda, but it is evi-\ndent that the internal situation\nthroughout the Soviet is bad. thin-\nvarian Prensier [mire Naty was ae-\ncused by the Hungarian Communist\nParty of “duping the working class-\nes.’ He probably vill be ousted.\nTHE BAD\n\n1, Well-infurrned American souc-\nces in Tcekyo were reported fear-\nful that a general war in Asia may\nLe only weeks away. Dispatches\nfrom Washington, London and Tai-\npei said that Chinese Reds have\nmoved long range artillery and a\nfull aly division of new jet fighters\nto pasiticns near the offshore is-\nands.\n\n2, A new dispule over the tiny\n\n“Saar coal region threatened to de-\njay final ratification by both West\nGermany and France of the\ntrealies which provide for German\n\n- armament,\n\n3. Some powerful leaders of\nthree politieal-religious sects are\ntrying to overthrow the American-\nsupported government of Premier\nNgo Dinh Diem in South Viet Nam.\n‘They fear Diem’s political reforms\nmay fake some of their ancient\nprivileges.\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3542.879306640625, 3639.225498046875, 3981.6377832031253, 4946.80990234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Commission's interest. When a re\nprescntative of this column stroll-\ned in to room 6325 the other day,\nNelson was convinced the AEC\nfinally had come to its senses and\nwas sending a scientist to sce\nhim.\n\nThe man who saw to it that Nel-\nson yot a desk and pay check at\ninterior is Bliner Bennett, former\naxsistant to Senator Millikin of Col-\norado and Doug McKay\"s chief con-\nlact with Congress. ,\n\nNelson wold he delighted to\nwork Sf asked. bul, since a special\njob was created for him, he has\nvirtually nothing to do. Occasionally\nhe gets some typing or copying\nassignments bul otherwise he's left\nalone.\n\nA 1952 delegate from Salt Lake\nCity to the Utah GOP Convention,\nNelson confides that he gives Sn-\nvaluable advice on matters relat-\nIng to the Southwest, Asked wheth-\ner his advice is on party polltics,\nthe 29 - year - old Nelson\nsmiles and answers: “That £\nwouldn't want to say.”\n\nThe FBI has tIghtened security\ninside its fingerprint sectlon. This\nwas ordered after an undercover\nG-man, carrying phony {dentitica-\ntlon, slipped past accurily guards.\nKe was helping himself to secret\nFBI records before finally challeng-\ned on the alxth floor. As a te-\nsult, all packayes going In and out\nof the FBI are now Inspected. . .\nWhen two Oklahoma boys, Jesx\nLarson and Peyton Ford, formed\na Washington law firm, they go?\na special Ictler from Harry Tru:\nman, Both used ta work for him\n\n« + .Educational TY stations in\nthe USA now number eleven.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3065.031162109375, 601.5715673828125, 3503.9373437500003, 2134.943935546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "And It seems thal the old boy de-\nplored the time and custom nearly\nas much as he did the villain of\nhis day. .\n\nBut times and customs do\nchange, Mr. Cleero, so you need\nnot have been so bitter after ali.\nTake the case of our friend Capt.\nArthur W. Schnarr, who is cur-\nrently a patient al Base Hospital\n(Ward 4), Greenville Aly Force\nBase.\n\nA few weeks ago Ari had a palo,\nand to such an extent that he re-\nported at Sick Hay. The docters\nthumped bin here and there and\naorced that surgery was indicated,\nand immedialely, For all we know\nthey may have even marked an\n\"x\" on the captain’s anatomy,\n\n_with one of those pencils, like\nthey put the ‘’P\" for lourniquet\non a feller's forehead with when\nthe bullets are flylng thick and\nfast. *.\n\nWhen we were soldlering for our\nuncle, back [In \"18, that X mark\nweuld have been it too, with [n-\ncislon follosing decision same as\nthe next second does the one be-\nfore. We remember the pllis, big\nas the thumb on a hiich hiker,\nwhich we swallowed unquestion-\ningly when the Navy-nurse told\nvs to. Also the glass of Epsom\nSalts which loomed bigger than\nGreenland’s icy mountain in that\nnurse's hand. We may have gag-\nged a bit but we quaffed It, never-\ntheless, to its last bitter dregs.\n\nAnd that’s what we mean by\nchanging times and customs.\nCap'n Schnarr stalled those base\ndoctcrs off fer nearly three weeks\nbefore letting them give him the\nbusiness. And do you knaw how\nhe did it? By simply felling them\nthat he would be needed back-\nSlage, buitding and painting flats\nand props for “Kind Lady,” the\nGreenville Little Theater's second\nplay of the current season, and\nthat his operation would have to\nwait,\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2172.988193359375, 2031.5815771484374, 2607.9737207031253, 3474.377041015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "sive weapon, the Inter-continental\nballistic missile, or I. B, AM.\n\nThere are two main reasons\nwhy it has now nevertheless been\ndecided to make a serlous effort to\nachieve a satellite. Ia the first\nplace as the missile art has matur-\ned, it has become clear that a\nsatellite is a way-station on the\nroad to the 1.B.M., and can be\nachieved without any great diver-\nsion of funis or manpower from\nthe decisive weapon.\n\nOne might suppose that the p-o-\nblem of crating a 5,000-mile-range\nballistle missille would be far eas-\nier than the probiem of creating\nan artificial heavenly body. Ac-\ntually, the satelite — or such a\ncrude, preliminary satellite as that\ndescribed above—is much easier.\n\nThe two worst headaches for the\ninter-ocntinental missile designer—\nhow to guide the missile accurate.\nly to its target half a world away,\nand how to prevent its disintegrat-\ning like a comet when it re-enters\nthe almosphere—do not exist for\nthe designer of a satellite. The\nproblem of design is also yery\nmuch simplifie d because a smal\nsatellite like that deserlbed above\nweighs far Jess than the bulky hy\ndrogen warhead of an inter-contin\nental missile.\n\n* ‘The total cost of getting such :\n> small object into space has recent\nly been estimated as law as $2\n1 million— peanuts In the Pentagon-\n* as against previous estimates o\n> $1 billion or more. And intelli\nf gence analyses of Soviet progres\nf m missiles have made a $20 mil\ni lion investment‘ in a satellite prc\n- ject seem urgently desirable.\n- In recent months the Soviet pres\n- has keen filled with boasts abau\ne future Soviet tribumphs in space\n- Prof. Nesmeyonoy, President of thi\n- august Soviet Academy of Sciences\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3531.7355078125, 2380.5275, 3971.2898828125003, 3175.6267968750003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "been discovered In an office ex-\namination [f the patient would have\ncome in for a check-up instead\nof assuming that the few drops\nof blood in his stool every morh-\ning were from. a hemorrheld.\n4Q) “What is a diuretic?\"\nSs. H.\n(A) Its a medicine which pro-\nnyxtes the secretion of urine. Most\ndiuretics act by direct stimulation\nof the kidneys. Diuretics Include\na variety of compounds such as\ncaffeine, mercurial salts, acidifying\nsalls, and ammonia compounds.\n\nDiureties are very valuable In the\ntreaiment of heart failure and ede-\nma (dropsy). In these conditions,\nfluid accumulates In the body tls-\nsues and adds additional work and\nstrain on the heart. Diuretics stim-\nulate the kidneys to secrete this\nunneeded fluid and so relieve the\noversorked heart.\n\nHave a pressing health problem?\nDr. Dean will try to help you in\nhis daily column.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1763.5244482421874, 3985.63736328125, 2199.122158203125, 4941.1726953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Ob yards and COCKS, IN Chak ee vO.\nibe pragram, hasn't so mnch as\nstarted work on a singie solitary\nairstrip\n\n \n\nriractars have been hold.\n3 «f intent for over #\njing for their final con-\nThey are stii] impatiently\nwhile the Navy brass auib-\nhles ever how the bocks are to be\nkept.\n\nThe Navy hag set up a new\ngroup of middlemen to handie the\nfinances. The effect, contractors\ncomplain, will te to put the book-\nkeepers in charge of construction.\n\nM1 the propesed Torrejon Base,\nthe Navy Js still haggling with the\nspanish Government over the use\nof a gravel deposit. This has de-\nlased the ceutractors, who are\nstanding by with their equipment\nand running up expenses. End re-\nsult is bound to be a claim age'nst\nthe taxpayers for the extra cost\nof waiting.\n\nAnothcr proposed bomber base\nat El Coperro, near Seville, has\nbeen held uys while the authociiies\nichated changing Its lacatlon. They\nhave finally decided to build it\nat San Pable.\n\nAs for the cross-country pipe:\niine that is supposed to dellver oll\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3078.716708984375, 2436.83365234375, 3518.5557519531253, 3484.73421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "By C. A. Dean, M. D.\n\nMEDITORIAL: Rectal bleeding\nor bleeding associated wiih bowel\nmovements may be the only indica-\n{ion of many abnormal conditions\nYet many people will ignore thls\ntype of bleeding, either through\nignorance of its significance or be-\ncause of false modesty.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRectal bleeding may manifest {t-\nself thrangh frank red bfoad in the\nstool, or blood streaked bowel\nmovements or smears of bload on\nthe toilel tissue. While it is often\nthe result of a simple hemorrhoid,\nit may result from such conditions\nas ulcers of the lower bowel or\nrectum, Infection such as an ab-\nscess, simple tumors, and cancer\nof the rectum or bowel.\n\nit may be the only sign of\nearly cancer. This is one reason\nwhy rectal bleedfng should not be\nshrugged off. This type of hleed-\ning may never amount to a hem-\norrhage, but it aften results In se-\nvere anemla because of the loss\nof blood over a long period of\ntime.\n\nUsually a simple offlce examina-\ntion Is all that is required to de-\ntermine the cause of rectal blced-\ning. Sometimes if is necessary to\nuse instruments to determine the\ncause. It ‘fs amazing how many\ncancers of the rectum could have\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1285.2082861328124, 2540.2276953125, 1728.1105615234374, 4939.9422265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "HOLLYWOOD (UP) — Twenty\nsears ago a round-faced child with\npigtails reigned as one of the top-\ntnoney making stars in pictures.\nToday a grown-up Jase Withers is\nsailing back into movies for her\nfirst role in eight years.\n\nThe one-lme bvisierous tomboy,\nhow a gracious mother of three,\ndecided to return to shaw business\nfolloning her divorce from wealthy\nTexan Bill Moss.\n\nIn the 47 movies she made as a\nchild star only one, “North Star,”\nwas an \"A' film. Yet the forme:\nqueen of \"B'’ comedy pictures\nhosed aut Shelley Winters and\nother stars—without even trying—\nfor the prize role of the year, co.\nstarring with Elizabeth Taylor and\nReck Hudson in ‘'Glant.”\n\nWhole New Life\n“E wanted fo do sonicthing t\nKeep accupied,” she explained\n“My doctor suggested I return ¢\nwork. He said it would give me «\nwhole new Jife again.”\n\n \n \n\nJane had only one conditirn, ste\nadded, that the script not trea:\nTexans as karshly as the Edne\nFerber best-setting book about the\nnation’s Jargest state.\n\n“After anu, I Jived in Texas eight\nyears and I wouldn't want to offers\nthe wendcrful people 1 knew,\" she\nsmiled,\n\nJane's first starring role as ¢\nwas \"Ginger.\" After he\naces in the Fog,\"’ she qui\naicting 700 mar Moss. and a}\n“because I wasn't satisfied wit.\nmy roles.\"\n\nThe warm, friendly actress be\ncame ak Aife in Midland, Tes\nand on the Mo-3 ranch in Ne\nMexico, After the marriage fale\nshe returned fo Hallywood, b:\nfive nearly five months in a hosp\ntal. She was crippied from ar\nlis. But “if T hadn't been K\nwouldnt have gotten the role i\n1 Giant.\n\n“I became friends with a hos;\ntal techaician who studied cinem\nat UCLA.’ she explained. ‘Atte\nT left the hospital he lock me toh\nfraternity banquet “here Geort\nSlavens. director of ‘Giant. wi\nthe speaker. T had never met hi;\nhefore. The next morning he caite\nme and asked me to tuke t\nrole.”*\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAlso Hopeful Wriler\n\nJane. a hopeful writer, also hi\nbeen working on two bsoks, of\nan aulsbiocriphy entitied, “I gre\nup in Hotisword ™\n\n“Tin writing this because wh\ni was lille, peaple said, “Yar: pe\nvitle thing, vou bave ta work a\nslive and cant yooith oath\nkids.’ ['m very grateful fer bei\nan actress. IUs been a wondert\niife,\"’ she said.\n\nThe other book is ‘ta sort\n“Egg and J\" about her life\nS 6 Texas and New Mexico.\n\nShe also plans to star In a 7\ncomedy series,\n\n\" Befote “Giant” begins shoot!\nin Texas in May — cofncidenta\n4 near her former liane — Jane\nbusy moving into a 33-raam hou:\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3535.574130859375, 3243.189853515625, 3968.8223535156253, 3486.4305078125003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Q—The Senate on Feb: 25 ap-\nproved taxstreaties with Belgium\nand Japan. What are these trea-\nHes designed to do?\n\nA--The treaties provide for\navoidance of double taxation and\nprevention of fiscal evasion with\nTespect to taxes,\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 123.01845153808594, 686.5820043945313, 681.7658349609376, 1095.35091796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "ONGRESSIONAL military ex-\n\nperts have informed the House\nthat i¢ cost from $3,200 to $275,000 to\ntrain a single serviceman. And, once\ntrained, the serviceman has been\ntending to turn in his uniform and re-\nturn to civilian life.\n\nThe Armed Services Commitice\ntermed this “incredibly wasteful,”\nand immediately set about to help\ncorrect the situation. The result: re-\ncommendation for a $745,845,015 ap-\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 115.94181427001953, 1738.0327490234374, 686.5400659179688, 2739.0027734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "he Republicans will win in 1956\n\nif Eisenhower runs again, but\ncan’t if he doesn’t, averred Sen, Barry\nM,. Goldwater (R-Ariz.), chairman of\nthe G. O. P. Senatorial campaign\ncommittee, over the air on Feb. 27.\nBut the President, asked at his Mar.\n2 press conference about the Gold-\nwater dictum, said it would be a\n“calamity,” a “sad fate” for civiliza-\nlion, “if there was such a thing as\nan indispensable man.”\n\ntn 1944 Gov. Thomas FE. Dewey\nof New. York, fighting to keep Frank-\nlin D. Roosevelt from a fourth presi-\ndential term, declared: “If any man\nis indispensable, then none of us are\nfree.” But the voters gave F. D. R.\n432 electoral votes to 99 for Dewey,\nand in 1951 the 22nd Amendment,\nbanning third terms for future Pre-\nsidents, was ratified.\n\nIn the hazardous first years of the\nRepublic, George Washington was\nprobably indispensable to it. After\nserving for eight difficult years as\nhead of its Army, he was called from\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 120.91703399658203, 1184.7034033203124, 680.4814111328126, 1657.3301660156249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "HE GAWDY, tawdre and nau-\n\nseating aspects of the Mickey\nJelke vice trial are on the way back\nas the retrial has begun in New York.\n\nThe reason this case will come\nhack to the public scene is that Judge\nFrancis Valente felt, when Jeike was\ntried the first time, that he could dic-\ntale what the public could hear of\npublic trial. He barred the press from\nihe courtroom,\n\nNow we sympathize with Judge\nValente’s motives in that testimony\nrevealed the most sordid sort of facts.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3510.90005859375, 343.1721533203125, 3957.5103417968753, 2140.81625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "That Art got by wlth sald defer-\nment woukt indicate some sort of\nsympathetle weakness for amateur\n{heatricals ainong the staff at Base\nHospital. Maybe Col. Chalrsell, his\ngroup commander, backed him up\ntoo with a word to the medicos,\nFor Bill has teen a thesplan In\nlis day.\n\nUndoubtedly Miss Matsy (Wynn\nWehards Taylor) gets the Oscar\nfor the way she lived the (Ue.\nrole of “Kind Lady’, Hut orchids\nmust go fo those folks at the base\nwho spared us the services of Art\nSchnarr until the play waa his-\nlory. After all, the army fights\non ifs stemach, the air for¢e an\nhigh ectane, and (he actor on his\nsuport behind the scenes.\n\nBy way yt showing its apprecia-\ntion for such cooperation from the\nBase Hospital staff, perhaps the\nLite Thealer casting-board might\nfind parts for the Alexander Twins\nand David Wilson’s kkis In the\nnext production. :\n\nMeanwhile good inck, and get\nwell, Captain Arthur Schnarr!\n\n \n\nServiceman Tominy Barrett\nwrites from Japan that hls Christ-\nmas cards and letters have finally\ncaught up with hin, It had to do\nsome tall catching loo, because we\nwrote lo Tommy at Camp Devens,\nMassachussetts, and he's a “fur-\npicee\" from there by naw,\n\nTommy has learned that Navy-\nman Morris Gibbs 13 stationed not\nfar from him, and that Edward\nKemp $s out there too. We hope\nthese boys can get togelher soon\nand swap news from home. Gibbs\nwas in Oklahoma when we wrote\nhis Chrisimas letter, but since\nthen he went to Guam and, just\nag we were getling ready to wrile\nLes Lester (Storekeeper Ist Class\nU.S. Navy) to look him up on\nGuam, we got word fram Peggy\nBarrett that ber brother Tommy\nwas on the Jookout for Morris\nGibbs In Japan.\n\nOh well, we owe Les a Ietler, so\nmaybe we'll write him anyhow.\nHis sister “Gena” (for Eugenia)\nis married to Clyde Parker Wilson,\nWiio wlll soon go to Officers Can-\ndidate Schoal, and who was Mayor\nat Greenville High Schoo! about\nten years ago,\n\n—BC\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1971.3945654296874, 3644.47427734375, 2190.20541015625, 3976.5586816406253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "— Despite all we\npublicity over\nSpanish bases, ac-\ntual construction\nff the bases has\nbeen hopetessly\n:aarled in ree!\ntape for more\nthan one year.\nThe pliin unpub\nlished fact is thal\nthe navy’s bureau\n\n \n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 120.28056335449219, 2757.818603515625, 1081.11865234375, 2912.352783203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Editorial Research\n\nFight On Price Supports\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1316.6739501953125, 2406.488525390625, 1648.12890625, 2480.128173828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Hollywood\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 143.27081665039063, 4387.4884375, 1316.8579980468749, 4935.4363671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "ine vend Vemocral-ilmes\n\nPublished every afternoon (except Saturday) and Sunday by: ‘fhe Delta Democrat\nPublishing Co., Inc., 201 Main St.. Greenville, Miss.\n\nSubscription Rates\n\nDelivery by carrier 30¢ per week. Mai) subscriptions payavle In advance to subscrib-\ners living in Washington and adjoining counties, not served by dealers and carrizrs.\n$12.00 per year: 6 months $6.00 :\nBy mail all uther areas within United States: One year $15.00; 6 months $7:50; one\nmontis $1.25. $\n\nNotice To Public\n\nThe Delta Democret-Times docs not imtentionaly misinterpret any Individuai thing\nCorrection will be cheerfully made of any erroncous statement called to our alten-\ntien.\n\nThe United Press is exclusively entitled to fae use for republication of all the news\ndispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of\nrepublication herein are also reserved.\n\n@ntered as Second Class matter at the Post Office at Greenville, Miss., under Act\nMarch 3, 1879.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1757.8447265625, 136.73342895507812, 3020.46875, 1706.3265380859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\nhes\n\n4S ri 7\n\nSey 3 ;\n\nLE\" <PKO-S an , Yy\n\n[ff Fo oy yy\n7 tex (d) YAW EAY jy ,\n\n \n \n\n-\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3170.017822265625, 2240.87890625, 3893.1083984375, 2332.458984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "For Better Health -\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1850.505859375, 3504.740478515625, 3822.052734375, 3608.097900390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "¥ Pearson's\n\ny-ceRound One Year's Delay On U. S. Bases In Spain\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 121.62425231933594, 584.7186889648438, 780.716796875, 667.5826416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "‘Incrediblly Wasteful’\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3585.1953125, 3196.370849609375, 3916.093505859375, 3233.1728515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "CONGRESSIONAL OUsZ\n" }, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 128.45956420898438, 1094.6953125, 589.8276977539062, 1158.9373779296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Telke -Revisited\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1524.95458984375, 253.0882110595703, 1673.7403564453125, 443.06396484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Both\nSides\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3082.193115234375, 381.33258056640625, 3262.521484375, 586.5018920898438 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 3265.991611328125, 368.33777221679685, 3498.2295800781253, 607.48763671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "ed Cicero, soine\ntwenty - odd cen-\n.turles back, as he\nwas getting him-\nself set to level\noff yet again al\nthecxpense of\npoor Cataline,\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 708.3293188476563, 674.5823095703125, 1258.866787109375, 1091.036220703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "propriation extra to the Armed For-\nces.\n\nNow this may sound backwards\n--spend money io save money. But\nany businessman will tell you that\nthe more you invest, the more valu-\nable is your business. The big: ap-\npropriafion goes into puy raises for\nthe men in the Armed Forces to lure\nthem into staying in uniform at least\nlong enough for the government to\ngel its money’s worth,\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3155.995361328125, 199.0080108642578, 3855.755126953125, 317.2390441894531 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Mostly Old Stuff\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1895.5894775390625, 1870.14697265625, 2851.92431640625, 1959.4669189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "And Now The Satellite\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1772.0693359375, 3672.187744140625, 1960.370361328125, 3971.02001953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 2121.835693359375, 1975.371826171875, 2664.01220703125, 2016.1370849609375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 124.01895141601562, 1665.3707275390625, 700.431396484375, 1733.1064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Indispensable Man:\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 700.5169409179688, 1186.1915625, 1254.0934716796876, 1665.7946435546874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "But his action defeated its purpose.\nJeike, as any man, deserves a public\ntrial when he is accused of a crime.\nThe cause of justice cannot be served\non either side for decisions to be\nmade behind closed doors.\n\nSo, thanks to the squeamishness of\nJudge Valente, the public will hear\nin perhaps more sensational detaii\nthan ever, the facts in the notorious\nJelke case. We can only pray that the\npublic takes no more notice of it\nthan the trial deserves, which is very\nlittle indeed.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 699.0715063476563, 1750.7297705078124, 1263.5260888671876, 2732.382900390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "retirement three times—to preside\nover the Constitutional Convention,\nto serve as chief executive, and at\n66, when in poor health, to head the\narmy again as war with France was\nthreatened.\n\nOthers of the Founding Fathers\nserved lengthy lerms of public office.\nFor instance, George Clinton had sev-\nen three-year terms as governor of\nNew York, and despite such evident\ntondness for office, was then chosen\ntwice as Vice President of the United\nStates,\n\nIn a much later day James Wilson\nof lowa served as Secretary of Agri-\nculture in three successive Republi-\ncan administrations, for 16 years in\nall, and Albert C, Ritchie, Democrat,\nas governor of Maryland for 15 suc-\ncessive years (he was defeated for a\n\nfifth term). Now the 22nd Amend-\nment, by authorizing a second succes-\nsive term, suggests that a President\n\ndoesn’t deem himself indispensable in\nseeking one.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 262.4698181152344, 2929.965087890625, 562.3839111328125, 2957.4599609375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Re RICUWARM Fpowse:\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 162.86644348144532, 4203.353671875, 1245.8260156249999, 4330.4480859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "(SME O DOLE Vt,\nThere is no peace, saith my God, lo the wicked. Tsainh 57:21\n\nIf ye love me, keep my coramandments. Jobn 14:15\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 3081.30126953125, 2383.5302734375, 3333.394287109375, 2440.657958984375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Rectal Bleeding\nDemands Attenting\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 1303.200927734375, 152.4324493408203, 1512.2847900390625, 558.45263671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": " \n\nCharlou 4\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1368.6910400390625, 2487.333984375, 1632.1876220703125, 2518.416015625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "By ALINE MOSRY\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 136.85548767089844, 397.32739624023435, 1260.4136621093749, 518.8191186523437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Were it left for me to decide whether we should bave a government }\nwithout newspapers or newspapers withoul a government, 1 should not ¢\nhesitate a moment to prefer the latter, — Thomas Jefferson. ;\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1306.4183349609375, 608.3760375976562, 1668.7078857421875, 677.317626953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Of The Curtain\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 1758.452880859375, 3499.470458984375, 2078.184814453125, 3594.003662109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Drew Pcarson's\nMerry-Go-Round\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1741.8912353515625, 1779.5203857421875, 2022.008056640625, 1833.005615234375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "PAatter of Fact\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 1761.921630859375, 3499.97021484375, 2073.70654296875, 3589.97998046875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Drew Pcarson’s\nMerry-Go-Round\n" }, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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BAKER said John recorded\nthe highest possible score of 190 in\na series of IQ tests in which aver-\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2083.201171875, 2484.182373046875, 3267.457763671875, 4479.27978515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\nVIDEO — SERVICE\nAgain Combine To Offer The Public\n\nTHE BEST DEAL\nIN TELEVISION TODAY\n\n$100 Trade-In For Your Old TV\n\n* Aluminized Picture Tube\n* Glare-Free Tilted Safety Glass\nRemovable Glass for Quick Cleaning\n* Modern Cabinet Styling\nEtable Syne Circuits\n* Four Video I-F Stages\nSuperior Performance In Any Location\nLarge 21” Sereen .\n\nOne Year Guarantee On Picture Tube\n\n \n\n90 Day Free Service Contract |\n\n‘Regular List Price... . . «$299. 95\nSpecial TradeIn. . . . «© «© « © 100.000\nBALANCE. . . . . . 2. . $199.95\n\nNO DOWN PAYMENT Fine is ating, Fe tha, te\nTERMS TO MEET YOUR BUDGET Shombug- Curlin’,\n\nIf you don’t have a trade-in—the regular list price includes a complete aerial\ninstallation FREE. This offer only good for a short ‘time,\n\nVIDEO - SERVICE\n\nEXCLUSIVE MASSILLON DEALER.\n613 WALLACE AVE., SE..\n\nDON WHITMAN TE 2-6590 - ~ : LES MASON\nSupport Little League and Pony League Baseball\n\nMamber Maasillon and Weaetarn Starl Causes PU:\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2492.818115234375, 1505.0740966796875, 3268.753662109375, 2414.821044921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "COOLED BY MODERN REFRIGERATION\n\nbw WESLIN Theatre\n\nMASSILLON. OHIO\nNOW! THRU SATURDAY |\n\nDa el\nFLAMING A FOREST OF FURY!\n.- EXCITEMENT! ne preter .\n\n \n\nTawetee\n“KARIN BOOTH HAYDEN- RALSTON. BRIAN\n\n2 COLUMBIA PrcTURE AOOLERE WEHIOE + BBAST CARNICEI\n\n \n\nital Around “1500” Reasons\nTonite! 8:30 “300” For Sure —\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2080.659681640625, 373.7383864746094, 2481.05003515625, 1126.5735947265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "CLEVELAND (AP) — The par-\nents of 12-year-old John Francis\nSchivell have a problem. Psycholo-\ngists told them their son’s level\nof intelligence is so high it can't\nbe measured by standardized tests\nand most publie schools are in-\nadequate for his intellectual gifts.\n\nA strapping 150-pounder who\nstands 5 feet 6, John is wrapped\nup in physiey and mathematics and\nsays he wants to become a “re-\nsearch scientist.”\n\nee OF\n\nHE IS A freckle-faced bespecta-\ncled eighth-grader at suburban\nMaple Heights high school, where\nhe gets straight A’s,\n\nTwo years ago, during routine\ntesting by Kent State -university\npsychologists, testers said John\n“broke through the ton of the\nStanford-Binet intelligence test.”\n\nIn tests by the department of\npsychology of Western Reserve\nuniversity, John attained a perfect\nscore in such areas as language de-\nvelopment memory, ability to com-\npare and contrast ideas and con-\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2104.145751953125, 171.51609802246094, 2816.836669921875, 347.161865234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "IQ Of Lad Too High\nFor Tests To Measure\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 60.72960662841797, 3034.281982421875, 1238.8253173828125, 4490.10498046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n; in this... Bing’s 20th\nAnniversary of Song\n\nBing Crosby\n\n' sings about his\nsummertime\n\nSTRAWBERRY\nICE CREAM\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSummertime .. . time\nfor pickin’ strawberries . .\n’ time for eatin’ Bing’s\n\nfresh summertime\nStrawberry Ice, Cream!\n\nSmooth as a\nsong by Bing\n\n \n\n \n \n\n’ Wherever Quality\nIce Cream Is Sold!\n\nACME DAIRY\n\n-' 894 11th NE,\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1682.34644921875, 374.3020766601563, 2078.1384140625, 1666.3875595703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "aN ea SAR Lake pO EL Le TLR ee\nsee the faces that go with three of\nthe prettiest pairs of legs in tele-\nvision—those of the dancing cigar-\net packs,\n\nTheir sponsor, Old Gold, tries to\nprotect their identities as closely\nas if they were state secrets on the\ntheory that the mystery creates\nadded interest among viewers, But\nhe has furnished some facts:\n\nMiss Regular Pack has been a\nmember of the act the longest,\nmaking her debut in 1948. Second\nwas Miss King Size, who made her\ndebut in April 1953. The newest\nmember is Miss Filter King, who\njoined last September,\n\n* ek *\n\nMISS REGULAR PACK is a pro-\nfessional who comes from a long\nline of dancers, and she also is\nchoreographer for the act, Her\ncomment, relayed through the se-\ncrecy veil, is: |\n\n“At first I didn’t like it. What\nentertainer would? But now 1}\nwouldn’t have it otherwise. Today\nI dance before millions of people\na_week, Hoofing it before tele-\nvision I couldn't dance to that\nmany people in a lifetime, And\nwhen you like dancing, you like\nto dance for lols of people.”\n\nMiss King Size likes the anonym-\nity. She had decided to retire\nfrom show business after her re-\ncent marriage, but her present as-\nsignment cnables her to continuc\nwith no publicity that might in-\nterfere with the privacy of an or-\ndinary housewife.\n\nMiss Filter King, a pretty 20-\nyear-old who has appeared on\nstage, screen and TV, finds the\nsecurity regulations something al\na problem ‘because she is single.\n\n“The sponsor won't permit me\nto explain even to my boy friend,”\nshe declares, “and he wants to\n\nknow why I can’t date him Satur-\nday night.\"\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1732.9879150390625, 172.31800842285156, 2029.1385498046875, 311.26361083984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Radio, TV\nHighlights\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2881.1906875, 167.933607421875, 3290.268296875, 385.07740942382816 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "age children register in a range\nfrom 85 to 114.\n\nJohn’s father, a layout inspector\nin a factory, applied for a schelar-\nship for the boy at a private acad-\nemy, but. says he eannot afford\nthe $890 yearly cost for the boy's\nroom, board and books,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1280.893798828125, 2766.147216796875, 2045.3426513671875, 4497.8896484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "TODAY « “THE LITTLE FRIEND OF ST. FRANCIS”\nONLY ¢« and “WHEN IN ROME”\n\n \n\nKIDS! SATURDAY — 11:15 A. M.\n“COMIC BOOK EXCHANGE\n3 HOUR FUN SHOW”\n\nFREE — 12 — ONE HALF GALLON — 12\nACME DAIRY’S “BING CROSBY ICE CREAM”\n\nFRIDAY NCOL N & SAT.\n\n \n\n \n\n| Ja CAGNEY\n\nThe Matchless\nGrandeur Of\nThe West\nIn\nGlorious\n\n \n\naramonn rena eter TRCHNICOLOR\n\n“JOHN DEREK |\n\nVIVECA LINDFORS = JEAN HERSHOLT\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 876.4652099609375, 2201.09228515625, 1253.7093505859375, 3007.691162109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "SPECIAL!\n\nThurs. Fri. and Sat. Only\n\nFISH\nDINNER\n\nBoneless Pike\n\nGerman Style\nPotatoes or French\nFries’\n\nCole Slaw\n\nApple Sauce\n\n65¢\n\nAVONDALE\n“RESTAURANT\n\n3350 Lincoln Way, E.\nTE 2-278)\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2897.7138671875, 411.8004455566406, 3267.4482421875, 805.51513671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\nNORGE\n\nAmerica’s Top Rated\n\nAPPLIANCES\n\nSee Them\nDemonstrated\n\nTV Mart»\n\n614 Tremont SW. - TE 2-7471\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 486.468505859375, 2420.48779296875, 850.72900390625, 2999.80810546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "OYSTER\nBAR\n\nPr eens For Your\nEnter ent\n\nFriday & Saturday\nSto LA. M.\n\nCOUNT JENKINS\nAND HIS\n\n“JUMPING FIVE”\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 99.64122772216797, 2137.61767578125, 432.9941711425781, 2245.219482421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Movies In\nLeeal Theaters\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2091.98681640625, 1811.9398193359375, 2465.01611328125, 2406.92138671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "STRASBURG'S wcT.\nLp Aue is\nTHEATRE\n\nTHE BLACK\nKNIGHT\n\nALLAN LADD and\nPATRICIA MEDINA\n\nComedy and\nTwo Cartoons\n— COMING FRIDAY —\n\nFire Over Africa\nHell’s Outpost\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2092.95166015625, 1160.00341796875, 2462.3876953125, 1760.117431640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "DANK GRILL\nNITE CLUB\nPresents for Your\n\nEntertainment\nFriday and Saturday\nTHE\nWESTERN\nSPOTLIGHTERS\n\nDANCING —\nFrom 9:30 to” 1:30\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1289.226806640625, 1818.1531982421875, 2049.9345703125, 2714.921142578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Gtark Drive In\n\nCANTON-MASSILLON RD. Phone TE 2- zoe\n\nGEORGE MONTGOMERY\nELLEN DREW - NOAH BEERY, 4.\n\nLabert\n\nTAYLOR - PARKER }\nCaves THOMPSON\n\nReese KASTNAR » Teco: &\n(A ATR GC LWT\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 59.385397277832034, 2281.103529296875, 465.6308151855469, 3023.512681640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "ee\n\nWESLIN — “Seminole Uprising”\nat 4:16, 7:15 and 10:24 p. m. and\n“Timberjack” at 5:41 and 8:51 p. m.\n\nSTARK DRIVE IN — “Davy\nCrockett” with George Montgomery\nat 9 p.m, and 12:10 a. m and “Val-\nley of the Kings” with Robert Tay-\nlor and Eleanor Parker at 10:30\nPp. m.\n\nLINCOLN — “Little Friend of\nSt. Francis” at 4:20, 7:10 and 10\np.m. and “When in Rome” at 5:45\n\nand 8:33 p. m.\nFRIDAY\n\nWESLIN — “Seminole Uprising”\n\nat 1:30, 4:29, 7:28 and 10:27 p, m.\nand “Timberjack” at 2:55, 5:54 and\n:8:53 p.m.\n, STARK DRIVE IN —. “Davy\nCrockett” at 9:05 p. m. and 1:39\na. m., “Valley of the Kings” at\n10:30 p, m. and. “Ejxed Bayonets”\nPat midnight,\n\nLINCOLN —- “Stranger’s Hand”\nat 1:40, 5 and 8:25 p, m. and “Run\n\nfor Cover” with James Cagney at\n3:10. 6:30 and 9:50 p. m.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2504.335205078125, 833.369384765625, 3272.40283203125, 1460.168701171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nrae’ NOW Fant\noot\" ® OPEN oy\n\nMEYERS LAKE (0750:\ni : Modern Amusement\n\n \n\nEvery\nNight\nAll Day\nSaturdays\nand\nSundays\n\nDANCING\nSAT. & SUN,\n\n \n\nMiMIATURE\nGOLF\n\n \n\ngies\n“evrex\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1757.794189453125, 325.5591125488281, 2013.02978515625, 352.4526672363281 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Ry WAYNE OLIVER\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1682.0344375, 1663.42848046875, 2075.08128515625, 1776.7908798828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "The Hippodrome, opened by P,\nT. Barnum in 1873 in New Yor.\nCity, was supplanted by the old\nMadison Square Garden in 1890.\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 889.4570922851562, 201.90850830078125, 1670.4669189453125, 1811.7738037109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Leievision. - onignt .\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nChannel 3 Channel 5 Channel 8 .\nWNBK WEWS WXEL\nPp. M, (Programs Listed ta Eastern Daylight Time)\n6:00 Laurel & Hardy Little Rascals Adventure Theater\n6:30 Sports-Weather News Highlights Big Playback\n&45 Tom Field Weather Eye News Parade\n7:00 Soldiers Worth Knowing Mark Sabre\n7:18 Soldiers Sparismen Mark Sabre\n7:30 Dinah Shore Eddie Cantor - Douglas Edwards\n1:45 News Caravan Eddie Cantor Jane Froman\n8:00 Bet Your Life Lone Ranger Ray Milland\n8:30 Justice T-Men_In_ Action Clitnax\n9:00 Dragnet Star Tonight Climax\n9:30 Ford Theater Pond’s Theater Four Star Playhouse\n10:00 Video Theater Pond’s Theater Public Defender\n10:30 Video Theater Guy Lombardo Studio 87\n11:00 News-Weather-Sports Thursday Theater News-Sports Final\n11:18 Theater 16 Thursday Theater Weather-Theater\n11:90 Tonight Thursday Theater Nite Owl Theater\nT | isl F id\nChannel 8 Channel 5 Channe! 8\nWNBE WEWS WXEL\nA. M. (Programs ‘Listed tu’ Eastern Daylight Time)\n9:00 Early Bird Theater Telecourse Romper Room\n$:30 Early Bird Theater Film Romper Room\n10:00 Ding Dong Schoo! Paige Palmer Gary Moore\n10:15 Ding Dong School About Haby Gary Moore\n10:30 Way of The World Kiddie Land Gary Moore\n10:46 Shetlah Graham Kiddie Land Gary Moore\n11:00 Home Dione Lucas Gary Moore\n11:30 Home Film Shorts Strike 1t Rich\nNoon T. E, Ford Studio A Valiant Lady\n(2:15 T. EB. Ford Studio A Love of Lite\n12:30 Feather Your Nest Studio A The Search\n12:45 Feather Your Nest Studio A Guiding Light\n1,00 Playhouse Fem Features sinner Flame\n1:15 Playhouse © Fem Features Road of Life\n1:30 Playhouse Fem Features Welcome Traveler\n2:00 Playhouse Fem Features Alice Weston\n2:30 Maggi Byrne Fem Features Art Linkletter\n3:00 Ted Mack Fem Features Big Payoif\n3:30 Greatest Gift Fem Features Bob Crosby\n3:45 Miss Marlowe Fem Features Ecb Crosby\n4:00 Hawkins Falls Fem Features Brighter Day\n4:15 First Love Fem Features Secret Storm\n4:30 Mr, Sweeney Uncle Jake On Your Account\n345 Modern Romance Uncle Jake On Yo. r Account\nPinky Lee Texas Jim . Play Lady\n5:15 Pinky Lee Texas Jim Barker Bil)\n0 Howdy Doody Texas Jim Adventure ‘Theater\ntip kop Comics Little Haseals Adventure (heater\n5 Tip Top Comica Little Rascals Adventure Theater ~\nSports-Weather News Highlights Looney Tunes\nTom Field Weather Eye News Parade\nBadge 714 Green Thumbs Life With Father\nBadge 714 Ames Brothers Life With Father\nCoke Time Rin Tin Tin Douglas Edwards\nNews Caravan Rin Tin Tin Perry Como.\nRed Buttons Ozne & Harriet Mama\nLife of Riley Ray Bolger Topper\nBig Story Dollar A Second rlayheuse of Stars\nDear Phoebe The Vise Our Miss Brooks\nSports Cavalcade Lifetime Chance ‘Yhe Lineup\nSports Cavalcade 1-Am The Law { Led 3 Lives\nRed Barber: Ll Am The Law 1 Led 3 Lives\n00 News-Weather-Sports Bass ‘theater . wWews-Sports,\n15 Call The Play Bass Theater Weather-Theater\n\n30 Steve Allen . Bass Theater Nite Ow! Theater\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1279.3525390625, 2755.861083984375, 1408.2427978515625, 2812.8349609375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "TODAY «\nONLY e«\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 875.4959853515625, 1830.4563125, 1270.961900390625, 2164.66429296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "The annual eighth grade class\ndance of Genoa school will be held\nFriday evening in the schoo] au-\nditorium, Students of the seventh\nand eighth grades of the school\n‘are eligible to attend. Refresh-\nments will be served. A group of\nparents of the pupils will act as\nchaperones,\n\nExperts predict that America\nwill have 81 million motor vehicles\nin 10. mnre veare\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 66.74136352539062, 203.54014587402344, 872.938232421875, 2246.289794921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Mado Lonigne\n\n \n\n \n\nNational American Mutual Columbla\nWTAM* (1100) WHBC* (1480) WHK* (1420) WEBN* (576)\neae hrc Sk iA Sci Rn Nn\n(Programa bisted In Eastern Daylight Timer\norts<Mayer News News-Music News\n15 News-Mayer Sports Bruce Charies Sports\n6:30 Mayer & Co, Bing Crosby Sruce Charles 14 At The Grand\nG:45 Three Star Extra Dinah Shere Bruce Chartes Lowell Thomas\n7:00 Mayer 8 \"Co. Fulten” Lewis Fulton Lewls Jr. Tennessee Ernlo\n315 Mayer & Co Bill Stern Musie-News Tennessee Ernie\nOo News Saga Gabrie) Heattas Tennessee Ernie\n7:45 One Man's family Saza Smash Hit Murrow\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n‘Ob Hov Rogere Just Easy Detective The Whistler\n3 30 Herbert Hoover gust Easy Crime Fighters Disc Derby\nUl N-Barry Craig Serenade Room Rudy Ringwall Rosemary Clooney\n15 Barry Craig Serenade Room Rudy Ringwail Bing Crosby\n30 The Losers Ralph Flanagan State Of Nation Amos & Andy\n20:00 Fibber McGee John Vandercook Tom Brown 370 Shaw\n10:15 Gildersleeve Pop Concerts Tom Brown 570 Show\n10:30 Musie Box Pon Concerts Tom Brown 570_Show\n1i-bd: N-W-Manning News Tom Brown News\n14:15 Music Box Sports Whir) Tom Browa Sports-Musie\n11:30 Musie Box Disc Den * Tom Brown Songa ‘Til Midnite\n\n \n\n: Radio Friday\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n: Natidnal American , Mutual Columbia\n- WEAM* (1100) WHBC* (1480) WHK* (1420) WEBN* (570)\n| KDKA (1020) WAKR- (1590) WADC (1350)\n\nListings aro for stations shown with an asterisk (*)\nA, Mm. (Programs Listed In Eastern Daylight Time)\n7:00 N-Andrews News-Sports .. News-Music | N-W-Almanac\n7:15 Johnnie Andrews Three Tees Bill Gordon~ . Altar Service\n7:30 Johnnie Andrews W-Three Tees Bill Gordon Farm News-Sports\n7:45 N-Andrews Three ‘Tees Bill Gordon -_ News\n8:00 Johnnie Andrews News-Sports N-Bill Gordon World News\n\n. 8:15 Johnnie Andrews Top of Morning Bill Gordon Morning Show\n8:30_N-Andrews Top of Morning Bill Gordon N-Morning Show\n9:00 Easy Does It Breakfast Club N-Bil) Gordon Morning Mai}\n\n\" 9:30 Easy Does It Breakfast Club Bill Gordon Morning Meil-N\n9:45 Kitchen Club Breakfast Club Bill Gordan Kitchen Club\n10:00 N-Dr. Peale A M Matinee Morning Moods Arthur Godfrey\n10:15 Joyce Jordan - Matinee-Streets = Morning Moods Arthur Godfrey\n10:30 Doctor's Wife Whispering StreetsNews Arthur Godfrey\nigo Break The Bank | When A Gal Wetis Eleanor Hanson Arthur Godfrey\n11:00 Strike It Rigb Easy Listening Tom Moore Arthur Godfrey\n11,30 Phrase Pays Feminine Fancy Queen for a Day Your Mind\n11:45 Second Chance Feminine Fancy Queen for a Day Second Husband\nNoon W-News Keyboard Capers N-Basebaill Wendy Warren\n\n* Uas15 Mildred-Gloria Keyboard Capers News-Eat Rosemary\n_ 12:30 Mildred-Gloria N-Farm Quotes Tom Fletcher News\n| 12:45 Mildred-Gloria Carol's Notebook Tom Fletcher Just For You\n‘1:00 BIN Mayer Paul, Harvey Cedric Foster Road of Lite\n\n1:15 Bil] Mayer Ted Malone Dick O’Heren Ma Parking\n\n. 1:30 Bil] Mayer Record Room + Dick O'Heren Dr, Malone\n\np 185 Bill Mayer Record Roam Dick O'Heren Guiding Light\n2:00 N-Bill Mayer Music In Air Pickup Second Mra Burtor\n2:15 Bill Mayer Music In Air Pickup Perry Mason\n2:30 Bill Mayer Music In Air Man Qf Music Nora Drake\n2:45 Bill Mayer Music in Air Man Of Music Brighter Day\n\n10 N-Bill Mayer Mom’s Matinee Man of Music Hilltop House\n3:15 Pays To Wed Mom's Matinee Man of Music House Party\n3:30 Pepper Young . Mom's Matinee Man of Music House Party\n3.45 Happiness Mom's Matinee Man of Music 30-Year Hits\n4:00 Backstage Wife N-Yomeward Bau’ Bill Gordon Helen Trent\n4:15 Stella Dallas Homeward Bound Bill Gordon Our Gai Sundas\n4:30 Widder Brown Homeward Bound Bil} Gordon Melody Time\n4:45 Woman In House Homeward Bound Sil Gordon Melody Time\n5:00 Plain Bill Homeward Bound Bruce Charies News-Melodies\n\n5 Lorenza Jones Homeward Bound Bruce Chsrles Melodies\n§:30 W-N-Mayer & Co, Stars-Sports Kenny Coleman Melodies\nS45 Mayer & Co, W-Lombardo Musie-Sports Melodies 5\nw:00 Sports & Mayer News News-Music wewe\n6:15 News & Mayer Sports Bruce Charies Sports\n6:30 Mayer & Co. Bing Crosby Bruce Charles Percy Faith\n6:45 3-Star_ Extra Dinah Shore Bruce Chartes swell Thomas,\n7:00 Maver & Co, Fulton Lewis Fulton Lewis Jr ‘ennessee Ernie\nG18 Mayer & Co. Bil) Stern Music-News. Tennessee Ernie\n7:30 World News Lone Ranger Gabriet Heatter Tennessee Ernie\n7:45 One Man's Family Lone Ranger Party Line Murrow\nu00 Dinan Shore Just Easy Counterspy Godfrey Digest\nB15 Frank Singira Just Easy Counterspy ° Godfrey Digest\n4:30 Dave Garroway — Just Basy fake & Number Disk Derby\n9:00 Dave Garroway Just Easy Rudy Ringwall Perry Como\n9:15 Dave Garroway Indians-Tigers Rudy Ringwall Bing Crosby:\n\n0 Dave Garroway —Indians-Tigers Industry * Amos & Andy\n\n1:00 Boxing Bouts Indians-Tigers ‘Lom | Brown 570 Show\n10:30 Music Box Indjans-Tigers Tom Brown 570 Show\n\n11:00 N-W-Maaning indians-Tigers | Tom Brown News\n11:15 Music Box Sports Wir: Tom Brown *Sporte-Muste\n11:50 Music Box Bise Den Tom Brown Tunes ‘Til Midnite\n\n \n\nMovies In TV Movies\nLocal Theaters _ TODAY\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 956.7343139648438, 1797.8741455078125, 1194.4410400390625, 1828.30517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "ANNUAL DANCE\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 466.9654067382813, 2216.647474609375, 868.9973618164063, 2371.4860703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": ": TODAY\n11 p. m. (WEWS) “For You\nAlone” with Lesley Brooke.\n11:26 p. m. (WXEL) “Stormy\nWaters” with Jean Gavin and Mich-\nele Morgan.\n" }, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 11 ], [ 36, 13 ], [ 36, 22 ], [ 13, 22 ], [ 37, 39 ] ]
[ 5373.87529296875, 6892.47392578125 ]
[ [ 11, 3 ], [ 22, 13 ], [ 36, 22 ], [ 39, 37 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1448.10009765625, 5422.42578125, 3350.473876953125, 5703.19091796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "‘Atom Conference Told World Ha:\nILarae Nuclear Fuel Resources\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 4076.051708984375, 5680.76044921875, 4717.75908203125, 6359.49052734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "A tractor was totally demolished\nty fire on the Pennsylvania Turn-\npike early Wednesday morning\nafter it was forced off the road by\nanother vehicle, state police report-\ned. Police said the tractor and semi-\ntrgiler, driven by Walter C. Lang,\n| Flemington, N. J.. careened into a\n‘bank to the right after a car pass-\ned it on the right and swerved in\nfront of it, hitting the tractor and\ncausing Lang to lose control.\nAfter the impact the tractor\ncaught fire and was destroyed. The\ntrailer was undamaged and the\ngriver unhurt in the 3 a.m. mishap\n2g miles west of Bedford. Damage\n{ was $3500. *\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 134.53472900390625, 980.1608276367188, 2647.408447265625, 2663.316162109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "4\n\nmed\n\naust asty\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1433.688916015625, 3349.227978515625, 2071.518603515625, 5414.391406250001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "cern: a-Mhe governors “today. Ac\nat: and a Republican spoke:\nssion ‘of Congress:\nay. legislation it\n‘ough: the regular,\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n: uéstions likely\nater iri riportarice inva\nsened « . tensions, . Bit\n\nhe\n\n \n\nine sconomic. ‘power\nSt ; continue. to\" ‘be\n\nThe British” nvoy . voiced a. be-\n|tiet and: hope:-that out .of the’ Big\nFour meeting. at ‘Geneva. will come\nmore American - “self-confidence | to\n| replace “q. distrust of the process. ‘of\n‘international --negotiation: as being\nsomething which. implies. weakness\nand is na def alped to appease:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n“PRighway: ‘Problem ‘Discussed ©\n-As the. first '-official business: of\n‘their 47th. conference, the chief :ex-\necutives’ of’ the: states went into <\n“squaré-table” : discussion - of. the\n‘huge .and growing - highway ‘prob:\n‘lem. . “yoga\nLike ‘Congress, ‘they ‘settled £61\nthe time being. one method o\n‘financing. Some: called for. a: com\npromise,. some. repeated the tradi\ntional demand_ of the | states for the\nfederal. government to give uj\ngasoline. taxes.and ‘let them, hav\nthis - source *-of ‘revenue “for roat\nconstruction. OM\nSome’ sort of..definite stand prob\n‘Lably ‘will: come:-out of the confer\n‘fence in“the ?form’of a ‘resolution\n‘Friday, via: a Resolutions Commit\n>) tee of which Gov.: ‘Robert B. May\n>| ner of. Ne * Jersey was name\n{| chairman: ; :\nIn a- Thessage to the governor:\n-|__~Continued ‘on Page 2\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3374.95751953125, 2506.823486328125, 4449.2841796875, 2763.82763671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "‘Connie’ Meanders\nAround In Atlantic\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2077.544140625, 3350.511181640625, 2720.5579101562503, 5409.356738281251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "disclosure of\nbusiness - statis-\nmade | a. ‘crime\n\n3 reply - -to: Cellar\nelivered. Weeks’\n\n \n\nas\" part “of -the cabsomimittee's -in-\n| -vestigation ‘into ./the activities .. of\n“woc. men—businéssmen who serve\nthe: ‘Bovernment ‘without’ compensa-\n. tion-in an. advisory capacity while\n‘drawing - their -regular pay. from\n| their own firms. WOC is. short for\n| without compensation.\n\nCellar says one aim ‘of his inves-\ntigation is to ‘determine whether\nmembers of the Business Advisory\nCouncil unduly influence govern:\n‘ment policy:\n\n| ‘The council is made up of about!\n-185 business. executives, advising\nWeeks on economic and other bus:\n\n| iness matters.\n\n| Cellar said he.would consult witt\n\n‘| other members of his committee\n\n| for a-deeision on-whether to pro\n\n1} ceed against: Weeks and White or\n\n_| grounds ‘they -were. showing .con\n\n| tempt of Congress. - ;\n\n|. _ Going On For ‘Years\n\n‘Congresonal committee efforts -t\n\n-| see executive department | files hav\n\n-| been going on. for many. -years, bu\n:|the general reaction has been a re\n.| fusal: on’ the -part of . the depart\n> ments, where ‘anything is involvet\n1.| that the departments regard as con\nfidential.\n\nWeéks contends the BAC is ai\n—Continued on Page 2\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 764.1388549804688, 2958.901123046875, 1960.9541015625, 3322.677978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Speaks to Governors _—_.\nBritish Envoy Praises\nIke for Geneva Role\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4070.9921875, 5501.751953125, 4683.1396484375, 5664.5146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Tractor Demolished By\nFire After Pike Crash\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3426.477490234375, 5775.49140625, 4070.0325195312503, 6830.721484375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Greensburg, Pa. Aug. 10 (?)—\n‘Counsel for John Wesley Wable, 25,\ncondemned to die in the electric\nchair Sept. 26° for a “phantom”\nslaying on the Pennsylvania Turn-\npike, said today he, has asked the\n‘state Pardon Board to commute\n/Wable’s sentence to life imprison-\nnent.\n\nAlvin C. Seales, chief attorney for\nthe former Ohiopyle, Pa., resident,\nsaid the Pardon Board will near\nthe case at its Sept. 14 session in\nHarrisburg.\n\nA Westmoreland County jury\nconvicted Wable of first-degree\nmurder in March, 1954, in the pistol\nslaying of Harry F. Pitts of Bowling\nGreen, Va., as Pitts slept in the vab\nof his truck parked along the turn-\npike July 28, 1953. :\n\nWable also was charged but never\ntried in the fatal shooting of an-\nother trucker and the wounding o!\na third. _\n\nThe state Supreme Court has re-\njected an appeal by Wable of hi:\ndeath. sentence. He is confined t\n| Westmoreland County. jail here.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3421.330078125, 5589.93310546875, 4041.93359375, 5750.8876953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Wable Counsel Asks\nFor Change in Sentence\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 811.8016357421875, 5416.11865234375, 1434.6356201171875, 5573.42333984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Famed Plane Carries -\n‘Homeward China Fliers\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 782.6765258789062, 3343.94892578125, 1421.9965087890623, 4154.16435546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\n«school * ‘problem ne\ner “the: special con:\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2682.711181640625, 954.3930053710938, 5272.20068359375, 1407.484130859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\nCrowds Swarm to Fair as\nHurricane Fails To Arrive\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2770.453076171875, 5708.6251953125, 3413.3289062500003, 6843.427050781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "J. Bhabha of India that engineers\nWill be able to bring this unlimited\nnew source of energy under control\nfor other purposes beside destruc-\ntion.\nPredicts Method\n\nBhabha, president of the confer-\nence, predicted Monday that a4\n‘method would be found within 20\nyears to liberate “fusion energy in\na controlled manner.”\n\nThomson made this statement at\na news conference in response to\nquestions. Cockroft tol dthe sare\ngathering that Britain is doing re-\nsearch on the subject. but he did\nnot say whether he believed any\nresults would be achieved or when.\n\nThe United States still has not\nstated whether it is working on. the\nproblem, but Lewis L. Strauss\nchairman .of the Atomic Energs\nCommission, has called a news con.\nference for tomorrow at which he\nsaid he would like to make a com.\nment on the subject.\n\nRussia announced July 1. that i\nwas doing research on the questiot\n‘of: harnessing ‘H-bomb type energy\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2703.435498046875, 1879.2273681640625, 3347.0410644531253, 4151.41533203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Washington, Aug. 10 {4)—Secre-\ntary of State Dulles told embattled\nSouth Korea today the way to na-_\ntional unification lies in patience—\nnot violence inviting nuclear war\nwhich might leave only insects to\ninherit the country.\n\nDulles’ comments, based on riot-\ning in South Korea against the\nhaif-Communist - truce inspection\nteam, came during a- half-hour\n| news conference devoted almost en-\ntirely to Far. East questions.\n\nNewsmen took notes’ as Dulles—\nwho only a few months ago talked\nof “massive retaliation” and of\n“weapons of precision”’—sought to\nthrow oil on a variety of troubled\nwaters,\n\nTo the Republic of Korea he\ncounseled patience and nonvio-\nJence. As an example, he held up\nUnited States restraint for the past\nyear in eventually successful ef-\nforts to free 15 American airmen\nfrom Red China prisons.\n\nApplauds Agreement\n\nTo France, Dulles seemed to be\nsuggesting a way out of bitter na\ntionalist uprisings: in North Afric\nwhen he applauded an agreemen\nnegotiated’ between France anc\nTunisia, As if-recommending it a!\na solution: to violence in Morocco\nhe said the French-Tunisian accor¢\nshowed “determination, realism anc\ngood will.”\n\nOf South Viet Nam's reluctance\nto meet with Communists from th\nNorth to arrange elections unifyin,\nthat Indochina country, Dulles sai\nhe was -sure. Premier Ngo Dini\nDiem::is agreeable to free elec\n| tions. He -indicated ..a- ‘way woul\n| be. found to. “comply with. the Inde\n‘ehina..truce :provision for unifyin\n> elections,» although he defende\n+Diem’s right .to : object since :hi\ngovernment did. not sign the truct\n-- Holds:to Security.\n\"Of ‘the U:S.-Red: China talks: ‘g\n\nGeneva; Dulles: held pretty | clos\ the. policy of secrecy: which’--h\n‘has imposed. However; he. did\" sa\nhe ‘saw--no Red Chinese* ‘attempt ‘1\nbroaden: the: scape. of the. ‘niéetin\n‘beyond: the limits .laid™ down Jul\n| 30in- a “speech at- Peiping’ by. Re\n' China’s Premiér. Chou, En-lai,\n\nQn: all four of “these “ topies-\n“Korea:' North Africa,. Indochir\n-and the’ Geneva talks-Dulles tod\npa “ gonciliatory tack.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2746.837109375, 4434.8859375, 3391.3555175781253, 5396.66044921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "- Seoul, Thursday, . Aug..11. (®—\nGen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer -is ex-\npected to meet President Syngman\nRhee today, presumably on. the\ncrisis rising from South ‘Korean\n‘demands that Red truce teams\nleave by Saturday.\n. The Far East commander is ex-\npected to underscore the words of\nSecretary of State Dulles. Dulles\nappealed to South Korea at a Wash-\n‘ington news conference to avoid\nviolence. He said the United States\n-will meet. its obligation. under the\narmistice to protect the teams.\n‘Rhee himself urged hs country~\nmen to use no violence. But. 300\n-demonstrators at the nearby port\n‘of Inchon ignored him. They were\nturned back by U. S. soldiers with\ntear gas and fire hoses when they\ntried to storm the truce teams com-\npound on Wolmi Island.\n| OA series of such demonstrations\nsince last Saturday has injured 22\nUS. soldiers, none seriously, and\n——Continued on Page 2\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3381.365185546875, 3387.710888671875, 4022.7148925781253, 5557.955859375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nBoston, “Aug. 10 (4)—Sixty, wore\nmen ‘ele day to remain.aboard:\n\n \n \n\n \n\n“Texas Tower”,-radar station. 100\n\nmiles at .sealoft Cape Cod despite.a\n\npNavy ‘warning that the approach of\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nhurricane Connie might make. it\nimpossible to take them ‘off later...\n\n_ Forty three others were evacu-\n\n‘ated; by - the.-Coast-- Guard, cutter\n-McCulloch ‘and - are. . expected. to\nreach Castle Island ‘in Boston. Har-\n\nbor early tomorrow.:. .°\n.H. C. Duncan, project engineer\nfor. the contractors. setting the 10\nmillion ‘dollar structure’ in’ place,\n\n \n\n-gaid the men.made the choice them-\n\n. t\n\nselves.\n\n“We: ‘don’t’ think there is any\n\n- danger,” Duncan said, “or we would\n\nevacuate all’ the .men-—those 60\nlives are as valuable as the 43 men\nwho were .evacuated.” - 7\n-’ Green Seas Dangerous\n\n“The only danger,”. he added,\n“would be if green seas should hit\nit. It doesn’t look’ as if that ‘would\nr happen.” -.\n-- The Coast Guard explained that\ngreen seas are those which pour\nover an object in’ a solid mass\n\n| rather than spraying it.\n\nDuncan said the men who stayec\naboard may expect spray to dast\nover the tower as hurricane-createc\ngales sweep the sea. :\n\nNavy weather advisories forecas\nseas of 35 to 40 feet for the are:\n\n“| tomorrow.\n\nDuncan said all three supportin:\n“Jegs” on which the big structur\nwill stand are in place, driven 5\nfeet into the ocean bed. In addi\ntion, temporary legs, which hel\nthe tower while main supports wer\ninstalled, still stand, imbedded 1\nfeet in the ocean floor.\n\nBeyond: Reach\n\nThe ‘bottom of the huge platfort\nis 63 feet above the water—som\ndistance beyond the reach of high\nest tides ever reported in the are:\n\nThe workmen who left the towe\nwere carried off in a large bucke\n(owered by a crane mounted o\nthe platform) to the deck of th\nCoast Guard cutter.\n\nThose who elected to stay wel\nfully aware that such an operatic\nwoul dbe out of the question in 3\nfemnt conc Munean said.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 798.2895629882812, 4440.6046875, 1440.3220703124998, 5396.81962890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\n-Pfc. James L. Watkins, Cessna\n‘soldier injured. in a “truck crash in\n‘Korea Saturday, suffered..a broken\n‘pelvis. and | ‘second. degree burns.\n\nActing at the request’ of Ralph\n“Watkins: of the -Five. Gables, father\nof. the. injured * ‘GI, ‘the American\nRed Cross: “investigated the- accident.\n‘Its report to: the. Watkins - family\nWednesday stated that’ young WAt-\n‘kins’ injuries were not serious and\n‘that he is felling well. It added that\ntas letter. was written to. the family\nAugust. 9..\n\n- The Watkins family was” disturb-\ned at not receiving -any direct in-\nformation’ from the Army. The first\nnews they received was over a jocal\nnews broadcast. of\n\nPfc. Watkins was injured. when an\nEighth Army trick:-crashed near\n‘Kimpo Airbase, northwest of Seoul.\nTen soldiers ‘were killed and three\n‘Others were seriously injured, The\nCessna man was among a number. o!\nlesser injured GIs. : -\n\n \n \n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 4647.97119140625, 1424.748779296875, 5239.99462890625, 1807.3570556640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "New Records:\nSet: Many Big\nEvents Today:\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 824.8684692382812, 6270.96923828125, 1424.3924560546875, 6400.3232421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "‘Death Toll Climbs In —\nAndover, O., Explosion\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2695.77294921875, 1475.4849853515625, 3255.872314453125, 1856.744140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Dulles Talks\nPatience to\nSouth Korea\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 813.9534423828125, 5588.12568359375, 1453.8435546874998, 6244.47490234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "“Honolulu, Adg. 10 (4) — Gen.\nDouglas MacArthur’s - famed old\nplane, the Bataan, arrived at Hick-\n_am Air Force Base today with five\nof 11 U.S. airmen homeward bound\nafter 214 years in Chinese Red\nprisons. . oc\nThe plane touched down at 2:42\n\npm. (7:42. pm. EST) after a\nflight from Tokyo.\n\n--A second plane carrying the oth-\n‘er six. airmen. was due about a\nhalf hour later. : ,\n\n“. The two big four-engined Ch\nhad stopped earlier at Midway Is-\nland for refueling. ‘\n\nThe 11 airmen will remain one\nday in Hawaii. ;\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2118.749462890625, 5729.9083984375, 2762.7754394531253, 6846.381152343751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "economically.\n\n“Uranium production already de-\nveloped is sufficient for a major\n‘nuclear power program of world-\nwide extent. Additional production\nean be obtained when needed.”\n\nA British scientist predicted that\nby the. year 2000 it may be possible\nto tap the equivalent of a million\ntons of coal from a single ton of\nuranium. :\n\nThe scientist, Sir John Cockroft,\nseid this may be achieved through\nfull development of “breeding” of\natomic fuel. :\n\nBritain Experimenting\n\nA “breeder” reaction is one in\nwhich at least as much fissionable\nmaterial is created as is consumed\n\nin keeping the reactor going. Brit-\nain now is .experimenting with\nsuch a reactor, known .as_ the\nZephyr. .\n| -A belief that the fusion type of\nenergy used in the hydrogen bomb\nwill be harnessed for peaceful uses\nwithin a generation was expressed\n| by another . British . scientist, Sit\n| George Thomson. .\nJ: Thomson agreed with: Dr: Hom\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 113.7852294921875, 3368.611279296875, 777.9127075195312, 5013.425097656251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nhat! ‘the ‘Deniocratic - caucuses . Bt\n\n' either’ House, would: . “accept: the\nsales tax.\" 70°. :\n\n}. Leader: Jsaid The © Republican:\n\n’ must advance .new_areas . ‘and. nev\n\n’ types. of taxation: which. they * “are\n\n——Continued an Page 2) :\n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2073.59228515625, 2943.500732421875, 2658.7275390625, 3333.091064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Weeks Blocks\nDigging into\nCouncil Files.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 4710.873046875, 4966.970703125, 5320.59912109375, 5309.6318359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Polio Epidemic.\nIn New England.\nContinues Spread\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 832.1410034179687, 6419.65107421875, 1467.5812255859373, 6869.1267578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Ashtabula, Ohio, Aug, 10 (#)—\nGrimy-faced firemen were. hauling\nmore bodies from the wreckage of\nsix buildings torn by an explosion\nand fire tonight at nearby Andover,\nand there were reports the desth\n“toll. might reach 18 persons.\n=. At a state highway patrol station\n_in Warren, Ohio, Patrolman Leroy\nPeach said he had a Fadio report\n‘from the scene that there were at\nJeast 12 dead an di5 injured; |\n\n \n \n \n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 4654.64912109375, 1808.20185546875, 5317.54716796875, 4905.07939453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nHurricane. Connie, floundertag\naround at sea off the Carolina coagt,\nfailed to scare Bedford Fairgodes\nyesterday. For the third day -in:\nrow, huge crowds jammed the fair:\ngrounds to take in what has wi\nbeen hailed as the best fair“in\nhistory of Bedford County.:~.-\n\nFair Association officials said\nnight that attendance : Wed :\nwas more than 30 percent ahead\nthe same day last year. The hea\nattendance figures continti\nfollow a pattern set. Monday.-w:\nthe gate receipts were aundet\nactly double what they were:a:\nago. It was the same thing Tuesds\nas record-breaking crowds inronged\nthreugh the fairgrounds - for:\nbiggest children’s day ever hel\n\nHigh: praise for the dairy. show\nthe fair came yesterday from “Bed:\nford County’ Agent John H: ‘Bok\nbert.. Mr.- Holbert said~.thiat\nquantity and quality of the at\nthis year is by far the highest:\nhas ever seen locally: “Bedford\nis rapidly -getting to be one\nforemost dairy shows in.~all\nPennsylvania,” Mr. Holbert a\n\nBand Day a Success ‘\n\n-The fair’s first Band Day. wag.\nbig feature that attracted tho\nof spectators.and the colorful\nhibition grounds were made |\ncolorful by the bright janiforms\n| youngsters ‘from five ; local hig\n-s¢hoo] bands and. ‘by members i\nUS Army: Field: Band. (Fc x:\nplete. report of. Band: Day,\nseven. Pictures of the various.\nwil be: found: thrquenient this:\n\noD\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nthe: ‘music sounded :just: fine, 2:2\nIt:became apparent at about-noo\n“yesterday: ‘that: the... big “hur!\nmeandering. -arouid . aimlessly ¥\n“the. Carolinas: wasn\" goi aac\n\nany adverse: ‘affect on the “\nvat’ at the: ‘fair—not ‘for: the:\nanyway: Leaden: “skies:\nmorning: cleared: -up-“and\n‘purst: through. “just ‘as ‘the :sn\n‘Everett-Southern: ‘High School\n‘paraded’ through the: midway\nway to:the-race. track :to -joi\nfour:other ‘school - ‘bands, in.-th\nBEeaaive musical spectacle.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n-.. Concern. Lessens :\nIt was impossible to tell. late.\nnight just ‘what course the season’\nfirst. hurricane was going. ‘to. settle\non. But its delay in making ¥\n‘mind led both fairgoers ° “and: th\nfair's management to conclude °t\n‘if it finally does strike Pennsyi\n‘wania, it will be- too late to. hats\n| the fair. So-the big: exhibition: :\n4on, with bright skies-and b\nas usual. And the storm, “which:\nearlier caused great . ‘concern, bi\ncame. just’ a mater of” t passing:\nterest.”\nMany. attractions. are. on the die\nat the big show today. This mornin\nat-10 o'clock, ‘horseshoe pitches\nfrom all parts.of Bedford Count\nwill gather for the annual hors\n\nen ate et me Dagon 9\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3376.927490234375, 2971.246337890625, 3980.55419921875, 3362.979736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Workmen Wil\nStay Aboard\nTexas Tower\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 106.8304672241211, 2967.527587890625, 689.4609375, 3348.440673828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Gov. Leader\nRejects Sales\nTax: Proposal\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4724.56904296875, 5323.29658203125, 5373.87529296875, 6836.536425781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Boston, Aug. 10 -(#)--New. Eng-=\nland’s polio dtitbreak continued. to-\nspread today as the six-state (ee\nmounted to. 1,323 eases.. Only 39\nwere listed in the area on this d\na year ago. rrr oeTe\n\nMassachusetts, where 112 ’ new\neases were reported. today: 9s:\nagainst 88 yesterday, accounts for:\n1,038 of the New England ‘cases,\nand hard-hit Boston has had. 370..\nalmost one-third of the state’s 1966.\ntotal. ; Se ot\n\nThirty-one Salk vaccine-inoeu\nlated. youngsters have been strithe.\nen in New. England this year.\n\nHowever, no Salk involvemest\nhas-been reported among “Ne\nEngland's 44 polio fatalities. <.9%:\n_ The latest death was that. o&-%\n10-year-old New York City boy Whe\nwas. stricken at a’ Lenox camp.\nthe Berkshire Hills of west@ra\nMassachusetts. -.. : =\n\n‘Five cases were reported yestet>\nday among 114 boys at a Middie\nboro, Mass. summer camp. Some\nNew England camps have f\nvisitors. .\n\nRadiating Outward «2\n\nMassachusetts state health. of\ncials said today the disease is “re\ndiating outward” from Boston: - Dr\nRoy F. Feemster, director of. ta\nMassachusetts Health Departuell\ndivision. of. communicable diseases\nsaid polio is “taking hold” in oom\nmunities, adjacent. to’ Boston, af\nhas spread more. than. 50 miles:\nCob ,\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 157.5557373046875, 5407.50556640625, 810.66484375, 6613.071582031251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "“pittsburgh, Aug. 10 (@)—A month-,\n\nold: strike of motor freight drivers.\nin: Allegheny County was settled:\nioday. ;\n“APL. Ginerai Teamsters ‘Local ‘349\nreached - the settlement . with the\nWestern - .Pennsylvania Motor. Car-\nriefs Assn., representing‘ some 100°\nmotor freight firms.\n\n, Approximately - “1,400. of ‘the an-\nion’s. 1,900 striking: members over-\nwhelmingly ‘approved. the -agree-\nment at a mass meeting.\n\n<The’ two-year pact. .provides for a\n10-cent | ‘hourly pay. ‘increase retro-\nactive to’ June] and-dn additional\neight | cents an’ bour Hext June. 1.\nOld rates were. about $2.10 an hour.\n\n“A. pension plan “and improved\nhealth; : welfare: and life’ insurance\nbenefits also are contained . in. the\naad pact. : .\nsa. .Gontract: Expired\n\n“he. Old contract. expired June 1\nbut drivers -remained. on. .the . job\nuntil: July| 10 when they ‘went: on\netrike::\n\nCA troublesome. issue. involving as-\nsighment of helpers: was resolved\nunder an agreement providing for\njoint .control ‘through.- Thomas L.\nFagan, ‘Local ..249 president, and\nHarry, Werksman, - resident of the\nnw fantiniued on Page ? :\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2732.088623046875, 4178.35791015625, 3366.60107421875, 4407.22021484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "US, Rhee Discuss\nNew Korean Crisis\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 157.42965698242188, 5057.857421875, 784.841064453125, 5386.544921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Teamsters Approve\nSettlement Ending\nPittsburgh: Strike:\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 794.095458984375, 4181.20458984375, 1314.0335693359375, 4402.09423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Cessna Gl ‘Has\nBroken Pelvis.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4084.505322265625, 6467.72431640625, 4725.13603515625, 6818.4587890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "San Francisco; Aug. 10 (4)—The\ntransport Gen, Edwin D. Patrick ar-\nrived from Yokohama today with\n1,773 military passengers. .\n\nThe list included 858 Air Force,\n$24 Army, 83 Navy and 8 Marines.\n\nThe Gen. D. E. Aultman, also irom\nYokohama, will arrive Saturday\nwith. 1,319 military men. - a\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1465.4217041015625, 5723.43232421875, 2115.09794921875, 6865.643847656251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "- Geneva,. Aug... 10 (#)~A leading’\n‘United. States authority told the 72-.\nnation atoms-for-peace conference\ntoday “the nuclear power era will\nhave abundant :fuel resources.”\n\nJesse C. Johnson, director of the\ndivision of raw ‘materials for the\nU. S. Atomic Energy Commission,\nsaid the world’s resources ‘in nu-\nclear - fuels . exceeded those of all\nother types. ~ .\n\n“There are adequate resources of\nuranium and thorium for a long-\nrange expanding world: ‘power pro-\ngram,” he said. .\n\nOn the: basis .of. present geologi-\ncal evidence, : Johnson. added, pro-\nducing nations. of ‘the West alone\nare estimate to have between one\nand two million tons of uranium\nthat can be produced at a moderate\ncost. There are.severa) million tons\nmore available _ ata higher pro-\nduction cost, he. said.\n\nNot A Rare Metal\n\n“Uranium cati no longer. be con-\nsidered a rare. metal.” Jotimnson\nsaid. “There are. extensive deposit:\nthroughout. the world and there are\n\nfor‘extra the uraniun\n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 4024.26240234375, 2809.3625, 4673.371875, 5482.794726562501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "At 8 p.m. the big tropical storm,\nwhich posed a threat to the whole\neastern seaboard, was centered\nsome 190 miles southeast of Myrtle\nBeach, S. C. She was moving about\n6 miles an hour toward Myrtle\nBeach, where last year’s big hurri-\ncane Hazel] struck land.\n| But the Weather Bureau. said.\nConnie likely will veer .to thé. north-\n‘ward during the night and. pick up\nspeed. as a low pressure ‘troligh. of\nair approaches from thé: Great.\nLakes region. . dan “agen\n| Meanwhile, for the next\nhours the-storm probably\ntinuz::the same. ploddin;\nward:the coast., TS :\nPattie” shange” in” the-’Cali\ncoastal weather is. expécted during\nthat time. But with the faster move-\nment and the hurricane’s ‘approach,\nincreasing gales and high ides are\nexpected along. the. Middle -Atlantic\ncoast, Beginning late tonight or to-\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nreorrow, morning. - |.\n\nrt 88. Mile. Winds.)\n\nThe wind is expected to reach\nhurricane. .force—75 . miles. an hour\nor -higher —-. from Myrtle Beach\nnorthward to’ the. Virginia Capes.\n‘The -Weather Bureau’ cautioned\nall coastal interests north of Jack-\nsonville, Fla., to remain alert. .. < -\n\" Most of. the eastern seaboard,\nmindful of the three big hurricanes\nwhich killed more than 250 per-\nsons last year, watcned Connie\nclosely.\n\nThe hurricane loafed along the\nsame path as Hazel, which ripped\nfrom South Carolina to Canada\nultimately © taking 177 lives. Va\ncationers and permanent resident:\nby the hundreds fled the Caroling\nbeaches. They had plenty of warn\ning. Connie had been off-shore ant\nwell pinpointed by radar and hur\nricane hunter planes since earl;\nTuesday.\n\n. Waves Pound F ,\n\nWaves up to 15 feet high pounde\nand battered. the beaches. Tide\nwere running: two to four fee\nhigher than normal.\n\nConnie’s hurricane-force wind\nextended outward 50 to 100 mile\nas: she stood almost stationary of\nthe coast. Gales whipped out 30\nmiles to the northeast and 150 mile\ntoe the southwest. “\n_Winds were. fairly moderat\nalong ‘the: beaches this afternoo:\nMyrtle Beach reported 12 miles a\nhour, Charleston 22 to 40, Wright:\nville Beach and Carolina Beach 2\nCape Hatteras 22 to 30.\n\nForward movement of the hurr\ncene was temporarily stalled |\na high pressure area which w\nexpected to move out tonight.\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 3370.142041015625, 2782.84443359375, 4018.3665039062503, 2947.3196289062503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Hatteras, N. C., Aug. 10 (#}—Hur-\nricane Connie, 125-mile ~ winds\nswirling at her center, drifted slow~\niy toward the Carolina coast to-\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 4089.849365234375, 6385.55419921875, 4583.75537109375, 6458.33837890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Troop Ship Arrives\n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 3352.878857421875, 1667.612255859375, 4642.834277343751, 2469.942919921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Horseshoe Pitching Contest 10:00 a.m. .\nCavalcade of all prizewinning livestock in front of the\ngrandstand at | o'clock. |\n\nFine harness races—16 Pace, 25 Pace and 19 Trot, starting\nat 1:30 p.m.\n\nFarm Plug Race—open.\n\nGrandstand Follies and vaudeville acts at 8:30 p.m. .\n\nFRIDAY, AUGUST 12\n\nBlair-County and Children’s Day. All children admitted free.\n\nDrawing of special prizes, pony, bicycles, etc., after after-\n\nnoon program.\n\n4-H Tractor Driving Contest starting at 10:00 a.m., winner\nto compete at Penn State University with others of the South\nCentral, Pennsylvania Division.\n\nSale of Baby Beef at the Auction Barn at 10:30 a.m.\n\nPony Race, 12.2 to 14.2.\n\nStage acts and ‘Stairway: to the Stars’ Revue Friday night.\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 208.43710327148438, 6653.14599609375, 782.7734985351562, 6741.47509765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "‘THE WEATHER\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 3500.0908203125, 1458.953857421875, 4471.62158203125, 1591.7427978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "FAIR CALENDAR\n" }, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 6, 7 ], [ 6, 38 ], [ 7, 38 ] ]
[ 5358.13232421875, 7286.4543359375 ]
[ [ 6, 7 ], [ 7, 38 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 816.0954077148438, 1205.6960546875, 1564.2354638671875, 3210.823232421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "The foundation for the JUx3¢\nfoot building to quarter Co A\n773rd Tank Battalion, Louisiana\nNational Guard, was poured by\nthe men of the company the past\nweek-end\n\nConstruction of the walls be-\ngins this week-end Blocks were\nbought through a local dealer at\ncost and transported to the build\ning site at the West Louisiana\nForestry Festival grounds at no\ncost to Company A\n\nSaturday 1s scheduled as “tree\ncutting’ day The men plan to\ncut the trees donated by Connell\nWilson, Jeseph P. Fisher and E.\nE Maddox (Mr. Fog)\n\nMore are needed, so call Co A\nat 6097 and stand by to mark the\ntrees if vou have some to can-\ntribute to the building\n\nThree of the fifteen squares of\nV-crimp roofing required have\nbeen donated by an anonymous\ngiver Want to help out on the\nother twelve? }\n\nThe men of Company A are\ngiving their time and labor to\nconstruct a building that wall]\nbelong to Vernon Parish Thev\nneed help Take advantage of the.\nopportunity to help a boy become\na good man\n\nBuy a block, buy some roofing. |\nbuy some hardware, buy cement\nGive a tree Be a part of your\ncommunity\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3818.025400390625, 1245.1851904296875, 4554.99779296875, 3643.114248046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Armed Forces éMasons from\nlodges around: the twork will be\nguests of honor at’ ial meet-\ning of Leesville Lodg No. 240,\nF.&A.M. Sunday iéfterjoon at 2\no’clock when the Master Mason's\ndegree will he conferfed by a\npicked degree tedm of Vernon\nParish masons, it was announced\nTuesday night by Jack Simms,\nmaster of the, locgl lodge.\n\n“We are lédkink for’ the big-\ngest crowd of thé yeat at Sun-\nday’s meeting and I especially\nurge all members of ‘Leesville\nLodge to turn, out and greet the\nvisitors”, the Ipcal; ‘het as\nhe pointed out that exdminations\nof visiting masons i begin\npromptly at 2 o’glock with the\ndegree ‘work to Start immediate-\nly thereafter. 4\n\nAt thdé-regular lodge communi-\nsation Tuesday night, Leesville\nmasons voted: unanimously to\ncontribute the sum of $25 per\nmonth to the sypport of the Lees-\nville Service Club, a group or-\nganized to proyide rest and rec-\nreational f&eilities for service\nmen during the coming maneu-\nvers.\n\nIt was also announced at the\nmeeting that thé drive for funds\nfor the Masonic hospital visita-\ntion program is progregsing nice-\nly, and Chaimgnan C. W. Wilson\npromised a f rt at the\nnext meeting a\n\nere will be r ents at.\nSunday’s special metdikg and ail\nmasons are cordidlly nvligg to\nbe present. The lodge: ts ~ixy\nthe Odd Fellows Hall,' corner of\nTexas and Fourth in downtown\nLeesville.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2304.077646484375, 5449.3415625, 3039.2863671874998, 7272.01830078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Looks ax though the annual\nbanquet will be a celebration of\nthe opening of Fort Polk\nGovernor Robert F Kennon who\nhas worked so hard toward mak-\ning the camp tnto a fort, will be\nspeaker and guest of honor\nThere are a number of other dis-\ntinguished guests who have help-\ned us attayn our goul who have\naccepted invitations to be pres-\nent\n\nThe Louiwiana Forestrs, Com-\nmiss‘on and Camp Pe'k will have\ndisplays and Lutcher & Moore\nLumber Companys of Orange will\nsupply growing pine seedlings as\nfavors Make vours grow and\nvou wil. have a permanent sou-\nvenir of the activation of Fort\nPolk Several musica! numbers\nunder the direction of Miss Ka-\ Ferguson and Mr War-\nner Sebren have been included\nin the program\n\nThe decoration committee 1s\nusing native pine and pyrocantha\nin novel arrangements, and Mrs\nCraft's food needs no introduc-\ntion ;\n\nSo we have a wonderful reason\nfor a party, a good speaker, a\nhost of friends who have helped\n\n(continued on page five)\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 40.011499633789064, 3140.594736328125, 793.5832421875, 4751.851796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "The Leesville Service Club,\norganized from representatives\nfrom the civic, veterans, fratern-\nal and religious organizations of\nLeesville, will open Friday even-\ning in the Veterans of Foreign\nWars Hall on Harriet Street. The\nclub, operated in cooperation\nwth the United Service Organ-\nizations, for military personnel\nit the Leesville area durmng Ex-\nercise Sage Brush, will be open\nafternoons and evenings\n\nMr and Mrs A lL. Kodritsch\nuw il be tn the club at all times\nthat it 1s open, and will operate\na snack bar The organizations of\nLeesville have contracted to\nraise a budget of $500 to operate\nthe club for the two months of\nthe maneuvers This will pay the\nsalary of Mr and Mrs Kodritsch,\nsich incidentals as janitor ser-\n\\.ce, necessary equipment, utili-\ntres ete,\n\nWinford H Morris was elected\nchairman of the Leesville Ser-\nvice Club, Jack L Simms, vice-\npresident, Mrs C E Lawrence,\nsecretary\n\ntcontinued on page five)\n\ntn) ____\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 801.2191870117188, 3621.1355078125, 1546.5684716796875, 5479.4680078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "As a means of encouraging\nscholastics at Leesville High\nschool the LHS Student Council\nof the 1954-55 school year voted\nto institute a honor roll for Lees-\nville High This honor roll sys-\ntem helps to promote the better-\n/™Mment of the school by recogniz-\ning those who have accomplish-\ned outstanding achievements in\ntheir school work; by encourag-\ning those who have not reached\ntheir full capacities in their stu-\ndies, and by setting a standard\ngoal for students to reach and a\nreward for their success\n\nThe “A” honor roll consists of\nstudents who make strarght A's\nif they are taking only four sub-\nJects other than physical educa-\ntion, or four A’s and one B, uf\nthey are taking five subject\nother than physical education\n\nThose on the A honor roll of\n-the first six weeks are Jeanie\nBeltz, Brenda Bybee, Carolyn\nCavanaugh, Frances Fisher. Kay\nGormley, Carolyn Sue _ Leach,\nJerry Liliedahl, Bestvy May. Mic-\nkey Smith, Tresa Taylor, Jerry\nConerly, Bessie Graham. Georgia\nNell Harmon, Gloria Jones, Gene\nLaCaze, Shela Reich, Catherine\nRichardson, Rosalie Bookter\n\n(continued on page four\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4552.3093359375, 4354.11939453125, 5311.3156640625, 6902.55150390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "With units continuing to ar-\nrive in the Camp Polk area for\nthe joint Army-Air Force man-\neuver Sage Brush, the troop\nstrength swelled from 6000 two\nweeks ago to over 10,000 to date.\nThe bulk of the units now at\nCamp Polk and out in the man-\neuver area are units of the Ar-\nmy Maneuver Support Command\n(AMSCOM) and come under the\ncOmmand of Col. Merle L Fish-\ner, commander of AMSCOM as\nwell as commander of Camp\nPolk\n\nWith 110,000 Army troops to\ntake part in the maneuver, the\nnumber on hand at the present\ntime represents about one tenth\nof the total announced Army\nstrength to participate in the\nmaneuver.\n\nThe Army Maneuver Support\nCommand has the mission of ser-\nvice, service to the participating\nArmy units, aggressor and\nfriendly troops alike It is the\nagency that wall provide overall\nlogistical and administrative sup-\nport before, during, and after the\nmaneuver\n\nt's big job now 1s stocking up\non supplies. operating depots and\nsupply points, and coordinating\nmovement of troop units into the\nmaneuver area In addition its\nsignal units arg engaged in the\nlaxing of hundreds of miles of\nwire lines to support the umptire\nwire net system for control of the\nmaneuver.\n\nDuring the maneuver the dis-\ntribution of supplies and equlip-\nment by AMSCOM units to\nfriendly and aggressor units in\nthe exercise will be by truck and\nrail from AMSCOM depots stra-\n\n(continued on page four)\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1559.026376953125, 3413.331552734375, 2299.38841796875, 5048.3117578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "My name is not important at\nthis moment. I am just one of\n219 patients in the Camp Polk\nHospital. Before my accident, I\nwas one of the boys in the team\nof 140,000 troops preparing for\nthe giant Exercise Sagebrush.\nBefore I knew what had happen-\ned, I found myself in the hospit-\nal with a broken arm and sev-\neral fractured mbs.\n\nEach day more casualties are\ncoming in The doctors, nurses,\nand hospital attendants have\ntheir hands full They are doing\nall in their power to help us, but\nthere 1s a limit to what they can\ndo. The first few days in the hos-\npital were most trying After all,\nI had to adjust myself to my\npainful condition and new sur-\nroundings Now, the time is get-\nting lke this cast-—-heavy and\ntiresome.\n\nMy ward is filled with boys\nlike myself Each one wishes that\nhe could be somewhere else and\ndoing something in a_ construc-\ntive way The doctors and nurses\nare our new bosses They speak\nwith the authority of our com-\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2311.458994140625, 3416.518564453125, 3053.3078515624998, 5034.29955078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "manding officers. They do not\nsay—“Do this!” or “Go there!”\nThey quietly say, “Stay where\nyou are!”\n\nCould someone take a little\ntume and write a letter for me’\nCould someone run a little er-\nrand and purchase a few things\nfor me”? These little things would\nmake my day brighter and hap-\npier The boy next to me has his\neyes bandaged because of an ex-\nplosion. One boy has both hands\nand arms burned Some boys in\nmy ward have legs and feet frac-\ntured, others are recuperating\nfrom surgery Every boy in the\nhospital has suffering and a\nproblem The doctors and ole\nmother nature will cure the suf-\nfering, but the problem can be\nsolved only by a person who will\ngive a few hours of his time\n\nThe problem herein the hos-\npital ts really anyeasy and pleas-\nant one Reading’ a letter from\nhome Writing a letter to mother\nor sweetheart Making conversa-\ntion with someone different,\nBringing and arranging flowers\nin the ward to give it a more\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 38.372808685302736, 5166.7253515625, 791.0751245117187, 7286.4543359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "H.ghly secret preparatio are\nt} +z made in Leesville homes\n{: week as parents help their\n( iren concoct all sorts of\nweetd costumes for the annual\nPaent Teacher association Hal-\n» seen carnival\n\nTeachers report that anticipa-\n* + for the night of family fun\nrs recounting to fever pitch in the\n\n© schools The carnival will\n} held Saturday might at the\nf ocrounds beginning at 6 pm\n\nhme.ding with the carnival 1s\n' frst PTA art contest Todav\n\\ the final date for children to\n«or their ptetures for judging\n\n‘ne contest Awards for win-\n! ‘entries will be made at the\n“y m~ve'en carnival just prior to\n: ntume parade according to\n“ Oukles Lee, art chairman\n\nTwo oman benefits are rea\n: from our annual carnival,”\nan Ravmond Palmer, PTA\nj ient explained “Our chil-\neee erjov an evening of whole-\n\nfun and the PTA makes\nrarey ta carry on our many\nveothwhile activities”\n\n‘T urge all parents to make\nP wis to attend the carnival with\ntue © children Saturday night\ntne this event is our main\nsource of PTA revenue each\nyear’ Mrs Palmer said\n\nGeneral cq-chairmen for the\ncarnival are Mrs. Ralph Liliehahl\n\nand Mrs. Coy Beliz.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1552.8980810546875, 5481.41822265625, 2291.918447265625, 6400.3918359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "To the clothes conscious femme\nfatales of Leesville and the sur-\nrounding communities, take heed\nof this announcement of great\nfashon .mpartance' Saturday\nNovember 3th at | pm, the V\nFW Aux ats wit stage “Fall\nFashiar Revue’ featuring the\nlatest creations for the stvle con-\nscious ladv'\n\nThe Leesvilie) Country Club\nhas been chosen for the stage of\nthis Fash.on patorama which\nwil proceed a Dessert bridge and\nCanasta game Tiackets may be\nobta.ned by aby mem\nber of the VEW Auxiliary\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4563.687265625, 1254.08130859375, 5319.7238671875, 3019.41283203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "| A suit was filed in the office\noffice of clerk of vourtack Had-\nnot, Wednesday mormiing,. by the\nstate of Louisiana. to, expripriate\nfor army maneliver:. purposes,\napproximately 53,765 acres of\nland belonging to W. T. Burton\nof Sulphur, La. The land is sit-\nuated in the parishes of Vernon,\nRapides, Beauregard and Allen.\n\nThe land is situated in the 7,-\n000,000 acre area in western Lou-.\nisiana, on which the army has\nasked for maneuver rights to\nconduct Exercise Sagebrush.\n\nUp until now, all of the large\nland owners have signed man-\neuver agreements with the army\nwith the exception of Burton.\n\nThe proceedings were signed\nby Governor Robert F. Kennon,\nAttorney General Fred S. Le-\nBlanc, Assistant Attorney Gener-\nal Carroll Buck and Adjutant\nGeneral Raymond H. Fleming.\n\nThe law provides that such\neases cannot be tried for at least\n20 days after service has been\nmade against the defendant, W.\nT. Burton.\n\nDistrict Judge W. W. Thomp-\nson, set November 23, as the date\nof the trial to be held in Lees-\nville.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 57.11291717529297, 1210.24390625, 807.4992578125, 2691.777822265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Vernon parish has been plac-\nec on the schedule of the Louisi-\nana Library Commission for a\nDemonstration Library in Sep-\ntember 1956, Miss Sallie Farrell,\nfi. ld representatives of the com-\nnm osston, paused in Leesville long\n«> ough to tell a few interested\n« * 7ens on Tuesday\n\nMiss Farrell will return on\nNovember 14 to meet with the\nPolice Jury to work out the de-\nta:ls The Police Jury will have\nte provide overhead expenses for\nthe demonstration year by ap-\npropriating the necessary funds.\nHowever, so many people in the\npau'sh have worked so hard to\nket the library for such a long\ntems that no difficulty is anti-\nce nated in securing funds\n\nA main librarv will be set up\n\n[.esville with service to all\nports out mm the parish by book\ntaootie Books and magazines\nwo. be as easily available in the\nmest remote part of the parish\nas ‘hes are right in Leesville\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3805.575205078125, 4086.974619140625, 4539.636953125, 5440.75267578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Rose Marie Fertitta, Leesville,\nwas among the Northwestern\nState College royalty who reign-\ned over the NSC portion of the\nState Fair festivities in Shreve-\nport last weekend.\n\nChosen on the basis of service\nto the school, the Leesville coed\nwas nominated by one of the stu-\ndent organizations on the cam-\npus to serve on’ the gourt. The\nStudent Ceunct] then selected\nher to represent the College as\na maid at the fair.\n\nA senior business education\nmajor at NSC, Miss Fertitta is a\nmember of the 'Purple Jackets,\noldest honor and service organi-\nzation on the campus, 1s presi-\ndent of Tri Sigma social sorority.\nsocial chairman of the Associat-\ned Women Students organization,\nand recently represented Vernon\nParish as a maid’ to the Cenla\n\nFair in Alexandria.\n— frA\\\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3809.02685546875, 857.8827514648438, 4395.73046875, 1224.3193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Armed -Forcés\nMasons To-Be\nGuests Here\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1545.148935546875, 6559.2683203125, 2287.447744140625, 7256.32005859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Loca: Board No 69 will! for-\nward one man for ‘nduction and\ntwo for pre induct on examina\ntion the month of Novem\n_ ber 't has been revealed\n\nTo be inducted November 2 15\nRobert Emmett Cavanaugh. Jr.\nChicago Ill\n\nOn November Ist James Vo-\ntion Brister, Leesville and Earn-\nest Loyd Johnson Pitkin, will be\niforwarded for pre-induction ex-\n; aminauon.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 802.5806372070313, 6522.380625, 1544.2029931640625, 7284.22923828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "IT wish to solict vour vote and\nsupport in electing me vour\nmember of the polwe jurs\n\nIT have now served more than\ntwo sears as member of the po-\nlice jury having been appointed\nat the death of mys father the\nlate H B Marcus\n\nI want to continue the gcod\nwork started by my father, anc\ncontinue to work for the best in-\nterest of Ward Two and Vernon\nparish F M Marcus\npd nol edv :\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 788.1243383789063, 5752.05640625, 1547.1465966796875, 6238.8351953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "he MYF of the Fat Merha-\n@st church well colbert f+ the\nChoudrerns Over eg tear fe fro\non Monday night, October 31st\nHalloween night Tos wa war\nthy cause and aif vou w sh to car\ntribute, please leave vour poren\nogeht oon between 6 39) and 7 30\nin the evening Stevie Stevens\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 42.85779571533203, 4785.79833984375, 705.233642578125, 5161.109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Anticipation For\nPTA Hallowe'en\n\nCarnival Mounts\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3809.00244140625, 3708.728759765625, 4492.75830078125, 4063.69091796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Local Girl Among\nRoyalty Reiging\nOver State Fair .\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 819.5031127929688, 832.4227905273438, 1489.0562744140625, 1204.7608642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Pour Foundation\nfor New National\nGuard Quarters\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3803.97681640625, 5735.06568359375, 4537.88158203125, 6802.6535546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "The film Martiy Luther will\nbe shown at the Vernon Theatre\nSaturday November § at 1000\naclock am The f'lm is sponsor\ned bx the Methodist Youth Fel-\nlowsh'p of the First) Methodist\nchurch of Leesville. The f.lm ois\na production of Lau:s De Rocne\nmont and has been called the\nmost dramatic film of Protestunt-\nism It is a thorqughly authentic\nand 1s beautifully done It was\nproduced by the Lutheran\nChurch Productions. Inc, and\nhas had a phenomenal success\nthroughout. Ameriga. It is the\nkind of RAYA’tAdt‘everyone should\nsee\n\nThere will be a small admis-\nsion charge.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4572.51220703125, 872.582275390625, 5277.9912109375, 1235.0443115234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Land Suit Filed\nAgainst Burton:\nTrial November 73\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1558.150146484375, 5095.890625, 2273.3759765625, 5466.572265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Fall Fashion Revue\nHighhghts V.F.W.\n\nAuxiliarv Benefits\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3053.29833984375, 5099.78466796875, 3719.057861328125, 5463.27978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Wells Trial To Be\nCalled Nov. 7th\nin District Court\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3800.9716796875, 5474.5830078125, 4524.96826171875, 5719.5751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Martin Luther Film\nTo Be Shown Here\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 4558.36962890625, 4089.316650390625, 5220.81591796875, 4343.740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "NS EST\n\nOver 10 000 Men\nStationed at Polk\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3059.51099609375, 3807.601328125, 3797.3080957031248, 5034.2355859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Would you like to join the\nranks of the Gray Ladies? If you\ncould just give a fw hours of\nyour week to helping and assist-\ning the patients im the Camp\nPolk Hospital, you can be well en\nygur way in becoming a Gray\nLady\n\n‘KE you are interested (we know\nyou are), and you wish to be of\nsome service to our soldiers (we\nknow you do), -Please call the\nAmericar Red Cross office in\nLeesville.\n\nHere are’ two ladies and their\nLeesville phone numbers, who\nwill give you all the necessary\ninformation you need. Mrs Lou-\nise McAllister, Executive Secre-\ntary (2383), and Miss Inez Bhael,\nHospital Field Director, (2041)\nwill be happy to answer your\nquestions.\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3051.757578125, 5480.964609375, 3786.9528710937498, 7163.0988671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Jerry Don Wells. on a charge\nof murder, plead not guiltv when\nartaigned in district court, last\nFriday Huis case was set for trial]\nMonday November 7, at which\ntime a venire of 30 petit jurors\nhave been summoned for jury\nduty\n\nRaymond Martinez, charged\nwith theft plead not guilty when\narraigned His case was set for\ntrial November 7\n\nPat Onderdonk charged with\nthe theft of a motor vehicle own-\ned- by Irvin Cohen of Leesville,\nplead guilt. when arraigned He\nwak sentenced to serve five years\nin the state peniteutiary\n\nB Shankers, charged with un-\nauthorized use of movables, an\nautomobile, was sentenced to six\nmonths in the parish jail and\nfined $100 and court costs\n\nFive other cases were called\nduring Friday's court session\nAll were for traffic violations,\nthree of which were for “driving\n| while intoxicated \"\n! (o)-\n\n| Louisiana has one of the great-\n\n \n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 56.474918365478516, 833.1589965820312, 654.458251953125, 1187.7308349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Demonstration\nLibrary Set for\nVernon in 1956\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 55.910648345947266, 2751.9189453125, 729.6672973632812, 3119.24365234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Service Club To\nOpen Here Friday\nat V. F. W. Hall\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4570.41626953125, 3342.32837890625, 5325.01, 4063.0419824218748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "United States. Senators, All\nJ., Ellender and. Woeiell .B B. Lobe:\nit a telegram to The Leader,\nWednesday noon, said that the\nDepartment of Army had an-\nnounced that Camp Polk would\nbe activated as a permanent es-\ntablishment, effective Noveniber\n1, and at that time be redesignat-\ned as Fort Polk.\n\nAlso, that Exercise Sagebrush\nwill be held as scheduled in the\nmaneuver area that has been ac-\nquired.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 794.7299194335938, 6264.384765625, 1359.5220947265625, 6506.78125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "To The People\nOf Ward Two\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 802.6600952148438, 5488.29541015625, 1539.419189453125, 5731.3349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Childrens’ Overseas\nRelief Fund Drive\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 4567.19091796875, 3076.616455078125, 5265.51318359375, 3325.20849609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Camp Polk To Be.\n\nMade Permanent °\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1543.5062255859375, 6422.12451171875, 2216.341064453125, 6552.43994140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Nov. Draft Quota\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 888.635498046875, 3295.438232421875, 1462.78564453125, 3554.287353515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Leesville High\n‘Honor Roll\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1812.683349609375, 3159.51904296875, 3561.23828125, 3361.80029296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "will YOU help ME?\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 4547.577890625, 7052.599375, 5303.5803125, 7268.12767578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "The Wesleyan Service Guild\nwill hold a rummage sale at or\nnear the bandstand on Saturday,\nNovember 5th.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3060.570078125, 3409.5456640625, 3809.4157617187498, 3693.6183984374998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "‘cheerful atmosphere. Running a\n\nfyw needful and hetpful errands.\n\nWhere are the Gray Ladies?\nAre there any in Leesville? O\nLady in Gray! Will you ‘help me?\n" }, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 2339.2060546875, 5132.16796875, 3004.485107421875, 5396.81689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Chamber of\n\nCommerce Notes\n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 1643.508056640625, 1008.6411743164062, 3747.820068359375, 3112.71923828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 4568.87939453125, 6930.28564453125, 5155.25, 7042.853515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Rummage Sale\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 3809.889404296875, 6843.5078125, 4482.203125, 6951.67919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "To Ward 3 NV oters\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 3801.91919921875, 6966.55005859375, 4542.80638671875, 7236.92259765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "| Tam a candidate for constable\nof Ward Three. Your vote and\nsupport will be reciated.\nJesge W James\n| pd. pol. adv.\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 3159.945068359375, 3742.980712890625, 3737.718994140625, 3805.430908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "LADIES—ATTENTION !\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 3039.831552734375, 7090.61939453125, 3783.6149804687498, 7270.76341796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "| Louisiana has one of the great-\nest natural gas fields in the Un-\n| nited States.\n" }, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 17 ], [ 0, 11 ], [ 0, 4 ], [ 17, 11 ], [ 17, 4 ], [ 11, 4 ], [ 1, 25 ], [ 2, 28 ], [ 2, 23 ], [ 28, 23 ], [ 3, 13 ], [ 5, 21 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 8, 6 ], [ 9, 6 ], [ 16, 19 ] ]
[ 3195.728515625, 3832.92347265625 ]
[ [ 0, 4 ], [ 1, 25 ], [ 4, 17 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 9, 6 ], [ 13, 3 ], [ 16, 19 ], [ 17, 11 ], [ 21, 5 ], [ 23, 2 ], [ 28, 23 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1623.4428603515626, 612.5712172851562, 2011.0322373046874, 1717.0185654296874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay. A —\nThe Argentine government's*black-\nout on cable and telephone’ com-\nmunications passed the 14 - hour\nmark today,, Save for broadcasts\nof the: slate radic, the nation torn\nyesterday by’ revolt was’ isolated\nTrom the outside world. Fleeing\nArgentine navy and air. officers\n‘took refuge in neighboring\nUruguay. -\n\n‘. Commercial -connections « were\ncut late yesterday. after -President\nJuan D. Peron proclaimed: the\nbloody attempt by navy. rebels: to\nunseat his regime had been put\ndown. The last cable dispatch from\nBuenos Aires to the Associated\nPress came at 6:18 p.m, Air an\nsea traffic halted. wad\n\n| The Argentine .vadio. stations,\nhowever, were hooked up, - 10\nBuenos Aires and broadcast\n}steadily throughout the night, They\nusually go off the air at midnight.\nBetween musical numbers ‘came\nsuch announcements a5: 5 |\n\n1. The government has. taken\nsevere measures, undefined,\nagainst Communists who \"took\nadvantage of the fight between\nthe rebels and the Joyal forces yes-\nterday in order to perpetrate\nwrongful acts in ‘many parts of\nthe capital.” ‘\n\n2, “Any groups of persons’ found\n\nin the streets In a suspicious at-\ntitude will be tried by military\nauthorities on, the spot.” .\n_ 3: Rear Adm. Luis J. Corner was\n‘sworn in as the minister.\nby Peron to succeed Rear’ Adm.\nAnibal ‘Olivieri, reported: to have\ndisappeared after the rebellion\nstarted, .\n\n4, Everything is normal in Ar-\ngentina. ‘The General Confedera-\ntion’ of Workers (CGT), which has\nsupported ‘Peron since the start of\nhis rise'to power in 1944, opened\na 24-hour mourning strike. at mid-\nnight. ge\n\nBlaming the navy for the revolt,\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 39.83974908447266, 2120.6131484375, 434.7961838378906, 3291.341685546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "mear AGM. FariClpM sh. TUE!\nnewly-named chief of naval opera-\ntion, hauled down his flag today\non his last sea command, the 200\nships of the Atlantic Flect Destroy-\ner Force.\n\nIn a ceremony aboard the flag-\nship USS Yosemite at Melville this\nmorning, Admiral Burke was re-\nlieved by Rear Adm. John C, Dan-\njel, former assistant chief of naval\npersonnel.\n\n“Ym relinguishing the finest\ncommand in the finest Navy in the\nworld,’ Admiral Burke said. ““De-\nstroyers are the hcart and core of\nseapower.”\n\nBurke expressed his epprecia-\ntion. of the cooperation given hii,\nhere by shore suppert units and\nby the officers and men of his com-\nmand and staff.\n\nThe new DesLant leader, Ad-\nmtiral Daniel, promised that the\ngood work started by Admiral\nBurke will be continued, ‘not per-\nhaps at 31 knots, but at good speed\nnevertheless.” (Burke's dashing\ntactics in the Pacific in Worid War\nIf won him the “31-knot’ nick-\nname}\n\nPraising the career of Admiral\nBurke, the new DesLant com-\nmander said that all good destroy-\nermen had watehed with interest\nthe renaissance occurring in the\nDestrover Force.\n\nThe ceremony toak place on the\ntop deck of the Yosemite. Admiral\nBurke made his farewell remarks,\nread his orders and ordered Capt.\nFrank P. Mitchell, flag captain\nand Yosemite skipper, to haul\ndown the admiral's flag, which\nBurke took with him.\n\nAdmiral Daniel then read_ his\nown orders, had his flag raised and\nspoke to the assembled officers\nand men. The ceremony was broad-\ncast throughout the Yosemite.\n\nAfter refreshments for the as-\nsembled dignitaries, = Admiral}\nBurke was piped off the ship while\nthe DesLant band played.\n\nThe cight “sideboys’’ lining the\ndeck as Admiral Burke left in-\nanliactant’ there renr admirni«c and five\n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 834.7433364257812, 1447.3351943359376, 1222.55775, 2738.24964453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "The delegates include 22 legisla-\ntors, 15 Republicans and seven\nDemocrats, the wife of one Demo-\neratic senator—Mrs. William M.\nDavies, Jr.,-of Lincoln—all of the\ngenera] state officers except Sec.\nof State Armand H, Cote who is\nSlated to serve as permanent sec-\nretary of the convention, and one\nmember of the Congressional del-\negation—Senator Green, All of the\nother delegates—some of them are\ncity and town officials—are affili-\nated with one ,or the other of the\npolitica] parties, some of them\nholding party office.\n\nDemocratdle and Republican Jead-\npers slated to take prominent rcles\nin the convention were scheduled\nto meet late today with Gov. Den-\nnis J, Roberts, who is also a dele-\ngate and’ probably will preside, to\ndraw up tentative.amendments for\n‘submission to the conventions and\nto complete an agenda, Committees\nwill be named on credentials, rules,\nresolutions and enc each to handle\nthe three proposed amendments.\nAll of the conferees were hoping\nthat the convention's work would\nbe completed in a single day.\n\nThere was every expectation\nthat the convention would come up\nwith proposed amendments on all\nthree propositions but there re-\nmained to be ironed out the speci-\nfic provisions,\n\nIn advance of Monday's meet-\ning, leaders of both parties, —in-\ncluding those slated to confer this\nafternoon, appeared tobe in\nagreement that the pay — raise\namendment should provide for an\nannual salary of $1,500 a year for\nlegislators instead of the present\n$5 a day for not more than 60 days\nin any year, this to constitute all\nthe. compensation to whieh legislu-\ntors-shall-be entitled na matter how\nmany days they serve. Travel ex-\npenses would be additionalon 2&\nmileage basis.\n\nStill to be determined, however,\nwas whether the pay raise, if ap-\nproved by the people, should be-\ncome effective immediately, which\nwould mean an automatic ralse\nfrom $300 to $1500 a year for Gen-\neral Assembly incumbents who will\nhold their second annual session be-\ January. Some feel that\n\n(Continued on Page 6)\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1231.9755751953126, 462.8188674316406, 1621.4831650390624, 1723.8862412109377 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "casualties in the 55 continental\ncities. :\n\nHowever, .Civil Defense officials\nealeulated that only a “‘surprising-\nly low” 6 per cent of the country’s\nmanufacturing capacity was theo-\nretically blasted out of existence.\n- Another 10 per cent of the wer-\nsupporting industrial plant suf\nfered “heavy to light’ damage. .\n\nOfficials were elated at the\nrelatively light cost of the exercise\nin terms of industrial potential,\nbut ascribed it to the fact that\nthe supposed attacks were aimed\nat the centers of civilian popula-\ntion.\n\nBut the command of Operation\nAlert. pointed out that the vital\nsteel - fabricating and machinery\nindustries were “hard hit,’? with\ndamage in some segments ¢x-\nceeding 40 per cent. +\n\n“Disruption 1o production sched-\nules would have been far more\nserious than indicated by capacity\nlosses,” a statement added, ‘‘due\nto loss of essential supplicrs and\nmterreplion of - electrical power,\ntransportation: and other services.”\n\nMeantime President Eisenhower\nand 15,000 evacusted government\nworkers, operating In 31 posts\naway from Washington, poured out\ndummy decrees designed to pump\nmoncy, manpower, food and medi-\ncine into the-supposedly wounded\ncivilian economy.\n\nBy now—with the exercise at &\npoint representing the, 20th to 30th\ndays of the real thing -- the\neconomy Was operaling und\nEisenhower proclamation of *\ntial Jaw” and a tightening web of\nsimulated federal controls.\n\nThe groundwork for a war-style\nsystem of allocating steel, alumi-\nnum. and copper was being laid\nby a “mobilization. production com-\nmittee” representing 10 .agencies.\nThis group has been working un-\njnterruptedly in a rustic command\npoint since first reports began\nflowing in Wednesday afternoon.\n\nIt haped to have ‘ready, for'a\nmecting of Eisenhower and the\ncabinet in a secret underground\nPentagon today, a breakdown of\nMilitary and essential civilian de-\nmands. balanced off against anti-\ncipated production from the sup-\nposedly crippled metals industries.\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2013.2546279296876, 616.6928603515624, 2402.491587890625, 1707.2885849609374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Peron ‘said the Naval Ministry—\n‘where’ the revolutionary com-\nmand ‘was lecated’—had given up\nand that the chief ‘‘culprits’’ were\nunder detention. Peron's success\napparently was due to army relus-\nal to go along with the revolt.\n“Not one corporal, not one soldier,\nhas failed in his duty,’ he de-\nclared.\n\nHe said the ‘‘situation is entire-\nly under control,;’’ although “there\nare still some small points to oc-\neupy, disarm and’ submit to jus-\ntice.” .\n\nMonitors in Montevideo picked\nup ‘an Argentine police broadcast\nindicating that the rebels still held\nRosario, Argentina’s second big-\ngest city. ¥\n\nThe .government Broadcast no\nfigures on the numbers of dead or\nwounded in the two aerial bomb-\nings of the presidential] palace and\nthe pitched battle which raged for\na time in the afternoon through\nthe central Plaza de Mayo in front\nof. the palace. The- tol] was be-\nlieved high, among civilians as\nwell as the military. .\n\n- One of the air ralds-caught hun-\ndreds of workers who had gathered\n|i the Plaza to demonstrate their\nrsupport:of Peron in his fight with\nthe Roman Catholic Church. The\ngovernment -‘ sponsored General\nConfederation, of Labor (CGT)\ncalled a-24-hour mourning strike\nto-honor the ‘“‘memory of -the de-\nfenders of Peron’s doctrine.\"\n\n.. Montevideo radio broadcast an\nunattributed report Jast night that\ntwo ‘Buenos Aires churches and\nthe ‘Catholic archbishop's palace\nadjoining Metropolitan Cathedral\nwere ablaze, The palace and cathe-\ndra] also front on Plaza de Mayo.\n\nUruguay's Interior Minister\n\nFrancisco Camarra said 36 planes\n‘carrying 90 officers and men from\nArgentina's naval and air arms\nJanded here yesterday and last\nnight, The first known civilian ret-\nugee, Congressman Migue] Angel\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1614.286, 1870.0740859375, 2002.7563583984374, 2861.3634140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "lated at, federal’ laboratories. Ir\nthese: stuilles, ‘estimated’ to‘ take\none, yéar to 18 ‘months, tide: ‘and\nwind’ conditions will “be -simulated\nto determine the effect of struct\nures in’ varions locations under al\ntypes ‘of conditions. Special -em-\nphasis ‘will be given. to the ‘effects\non navigation, pollution,’ fisheries\nand recreation. we\n\nFoundation. investigations. will\nbe conducted in the same . two\nareas. Drilling ‘and sampling to\ndetermine “foundation characteris-\ntics and the best. locations. for\nstructures will be.concéntrated, in\nsections where’ engineers feel _pro-\ntective works are:practical. “Deep\nwater drilling .will be required’ in\nNarragansett Bay where engineers\nexpect to spend about 30 months in\nintensive study. .\n\nFogarty told the House. that no\narea will be left untouched. In’ the\nproposed tidal damage. surveys\nalone, it is expected eight or more\nteams will be in the field. “Aerial\nsurveys are planned to a great ex-\ntent, and engineers figure it may\ntake a year to’ prepare some 600\ndrawings showing” the -extent’ of\nHooding in all coastal communities.\n\nA Separate crew of engineers will\n‘be assigned. to design work on\nstructures, such! as dikes, walls,\nbulkheads and breakwaters:\n\nAlter preliminary meetings at\nthe federal level. next. month, Field\nsurvey teams will be set up to-ar-\nrange meetings with.state and lecal\nOfficials.: Eventually, public. hear-\nings are planned in each of the\nstates at convenient.peoints. -\n\nFogarty reported that a ‘number\nof special studies are planned .in-\ncluding a check of damage and\nrarrensntional Boating.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 818.50133203125, 2926.872181640625, 1206.8913681640624, 3832.653453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "- Newport police have been work-\ning for two days planning traffic\ncontrol for the circus, After un-\nloading, the wagons will go along\nCorridon Highway. by Cardines\nfield, up West Marlborough and\nMarlborough Streets to Broadway,\nout to the One Mile Corner and\ndown Admiral Kalbfus Road to\nConnell Highway.\n\nTractors and other hauling ve-\nhicles returning to ‘the railroad to\npick up more wagons will come\nback in town along Farewell and\nThames Streets.\n\nLt. Arthur 5. Maloney, in charge\nof traffic, today dautioned that\nthese rules in ‘force: _ .\n\nFrom midnight tonight until 10\n\na, m, tomorrow, there will be no\narking on“ Marlborough © Street,\nWest Marlborough Street or Corvi-\ndon Highway, along the unloading\nroute. The Bridge, Elm and Poplar\nStreet crossings will be barricad-\ned to over-the-tracks traffic, from\nThird Street to Cross Street.\n\nAt the circus lot all day tomor-\nrow, there will be no parking on the\neast side of Connell Highway [rom\nthe Admiral Kalbfus Road rotary\nto Maple Avenue, and no parking\non Girard Avenue on the West side\nfrom Admiral Kalbfus Road to\nMaple Avenue,\n\nTraffic on. Girard Avenue will be\none-way north from Admiral Kalb-\nfus Road al! day.\n\nThere will be parking for circus\npatrons right: on the lot, Lieutenant\nMaloney said.\n\nThe big ‘top itself, a new air-\nventilated tent, will go up between\nTa.m,and9a.m., according to\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2794.3104140625, 2086.768177734375, 3189.444712890625, 2950.150279296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "BOSTON (R—A few small truck-\ning firms in Massachusetts, Rhode\nIsland. and Connecticut were re-\nported operating today but some\n500 other companies employing\nnearly 15,000° drivers still were\nidied bya work stoppage.\n\nThere was little heavy trucking\nin the three states except for the\nmovement of food, gasoline, medi-\ncine and other necessities. Twenty\nseven Maine truckers agreed io\nhalt operations to the southern New\n‘England states.\n\n(Monday will probably tell\nwhether Newport trucks will com\ntinue on the road or will suspend\ndeliveries. Local carriers were\noperating today and drivers re\nported all quiet along the road.\n\nJames L. Maher, of. the local\nMCM Company, said today that his\ntrucks ‘carrying mostly drugs and\nother imperishables, have not been\nchallenged anywhere along the\nroad. However, unlessthe strike is\nsettled by Monday, he believes that\nstriking drivers might start harass-\ning working drivers, and a com-\nplete shutdown would follow.)\n\nAs labor commissioners of the\nthree states stood by io serve as\nmediators, there was no indication\nof an early agreement between the\nAFL teamsters’ union and the\nmanagement group—the Tri-State\nMotor Carriers’ Counc]\n\nConnecticut Gov. Abraham A.\nRibicoff said te may meet with\ngovernors of Rhode Island and\nMassachusetis to seck a-way of\nending the work stoppage.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1210.1125380859376, 2922.176380859375, 1602.1047470703124, 3828.0743515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "i\n\nplans. Meanwhile, chugging tide\ntors will be lining up the “menag-\nerie cages, spotting other wagons\nin their pre-determined locations\n\nland hauling truckloads of poles\n\nabout the lot.\n\nBy 1 p. m. tne “doors” will be\nopen for the 2:15 p. m, matinee.\nThe evening show’starts ' at: 8:15,\nwith entranceways opening at.. 7\np.m. Advance ticket sale con-\ntinues at Mike's Barber Shop, io\nBroadway. .\n\n:After the Newport-showing — to-\nmorrow, the cireus: will load’.up\nagain and make a long ‘Sunday\njump” to Concord, -N.H., where it\nwill exhibit on Monday. -\n\n‘Among countless attractions of-\nfered this year by John Ringling\n‘North (who composes.ithe music for\nthe big spectacle-pageants, by the\nway) arc Mrs. Gargantua the\nGreat and two younger gorillas,\nGargantua I. and’. Mademoiselle\nToto; 51 -clephanis,-including 30\nbabies, and.a colony of giraffes.\n\nThe adult elephants will wheel\ntheir screeching offspring in gigan-\ntic baby carriages during the spec-\ntacle “Mama’s in the Park,” one\nof ihe four major hippodrome pa-\ngeants.\n\nTrevor Bale’s performing tigers,\nEmmett Kelly's clown antics, tra-\npeze stunts by Pinito del Oro and\nhigh wire thrills by Josephine Bero-\nsini-are among the features.\n\nThe traditional cireus music will\nbe rendered by the Ringling Band,\nconducted by Merle Evans. |\n\nThe circus is playing here under.\nauspices of the .North End Club\nand Capt. Kenneth Gilbert Post,\nMiddletown VFEW. e * .\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 426.5263869628906, 2926.019154296875, 816.4388535156249, 3831.998912109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Newport's pre-dawn silence will\nbe broken tomorrow by the snort\nof elephants and the squeals of\nsmall boys pleading “Daddy!\n“Wake up, the circus is here!\"\nThe big show itself, Ringling\nBrothers & Barnum & Bailey, will\narrive here for afternoon and\nevening performances at the\nConnell Highway lot, its first\nexhibition’ in Newport since 1952.\nThe three long railway trains,\ntolalling ‘~ 80 double-length _ steel\ncars, wil. unload at the Bridge\nStreet crossing of the New Haven\nRailroad, The first train is ex-\npected in from Providence about 4\na.m. according to officials, but it\nmay be sometime after 5 a.m.\nbefore the unloading actually\ncommences. . :\n\nOther trains, the Jast one bear-\ning the performers ~ in Pullman\ncars, will be arriving up te about\na.m.\n\nAlthough wagons will be un-\nloaded right at Bridge Street, the\nelephants will walk off near the\nend of the tracks, toward — the\nington Street terminus of the\nrailroad. They will be sulded up\nLong Wharf to Washington Square\nand out Broadway. The tentative\ntime for the “elephant walk” is 9\na.\n\n \n\n \n\n. mM.\nAli the unloading will be com-\npleted and the rail yards will be\ncleared by 10 a. m. at the latest.\n\nToday, the circus’ ‘24-hour\nmen’ were completing thei ad-\nvance work at the lot, staking out\nlocations for the big top and other\ntents of the canvas world. The first\ntent up tomorrow will undoubtedly\nbe the cookhouse, ’\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2008.1916396484376, 1931.5799453125, 2398.5138046875, 2951.596080078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": ", NEW YORK u—By.a voice vote,\n5,140.\" National Maritime Union\nmenibers today shouted their ap-\nproval of a new contract agree-\nmont; clearing the way. for the end\nof. a coaStwide work stoppage.\n\nUnion. officials told the men they\nhwere ‘now free to end their strike,\nto sign on ships and resume\nworking on them—but not to. leave\nthe: port until two smaller unions\nhad new contracts, :\n\nThe two other unions, represent-\ning engineers, radiomen and some\nothers, traditionally. follow the lead\nof:the big NMU. Their négotiations\nstill-were going.on with shippers.\n\nWalkout of ihe seamen yasterday\ntangled norma] sea transportation\nschedules.\n\nTerms of the new contract were\noutlined to the workers at a\nmeeting: in the union's chiring hall.\n\n.NMU port agent John Kadash\nsaid that. eligibility requirements\nfor unemployment benefits and the\namount of payments are still to\nbe worked out by a joint unijon-\n‘company committee. a\n\nThe plan js similar, in purpose\nat least, to the recent modified\nguaranteed wage systems set up\nfor workers in the automobile in-\ndustry under new union contracts.\n\nIg the joint’ union - owner com~-\nmittee .fails to -agree on exact\nmetheds by -next March 15, the\nmatter will be turned over to two\nmen, representing union and man-\nagement.: * s\n\nIg they can’t evolve a plan ac-\nceptable to both sides within 90\ndays more, an arbitrator will take\nover.\n\nA “memorandum of understand-\ning” provided that a board of\ntrustees endeavor to reach agree-\nment by next March 15 on the\namount of payments and on\nramlstoanc governing eligihility..\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2800.302845703125, 598.864125, 3192.070201171875, 1129.7121689453124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "The revolt erupted 2 few hours.\nafter the Vatican excommunicated\nof his expulsion from the country\nof Bishop Manuel Tato, one of\nPeron's chief adversaries in the\nPresident's running fight with the\nchurch.\n\nAfter two waves of bombers and\nfighter planes had attacked Casada\nRosada, the pink _ government\nhouse in the heart of Buenos Aires,\nPeron clamped on a state of siege\nand called on Congress to declare\nmartial Jaw. The latter step re-\nmoves a few more civil liberties,\nmany of which were already can-\nceled by the state of internal war\n| Peron @eclared during another re-+\nvolt in 1951 and never revoked.\n\nIn his seven-minute speech Pers\non said, “We will never forgive\nthe infamy of our cnemies.’? The\nnavy,. he said, must bear the\n“stigma for all time’ for having\nbetrayed ‘faith and country.”\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1620.9378662109375, 300.3095397949219, 3155.616455078125, 598.2426147460938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Naval Officers In Full Flight\nAs Peron Quashes Revolt\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 843.1191298828124, 472.5124709472656, 1229.3046982421874, 1266.5283310546874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "| EMERGENCY PRESS HEAD-\nQUARTERS, Operation Alert W—\n‘This theoretically bomb-blasted\n‘nation found. its farm and indusiry\npotential sufficiently intact today\nto avert collapse and support a\nwar effort despite mack casuallies\nnumbering 14% million.\n\nThat was ihe assessment of gov-\nernment officials at the start of\nthis third and final day of “Opera-\ntion Alert 1955,’’ designed to test\nthe nation’s civil defense prepared-\nness and ils ability to shake off\nthe devastation supposedly\nwreaked in Wednesday's sham nu-\nclear assault.\n\nThe Federal Civil Defense Ad-\nministration (FCDA) reported that\n434 million persons were, ‘'saved’’\nfrom death or injury by simulated\nevacuations in 24 of the 61 cities\nsubject to the make-believe attack.\n\nBut 24 millions were calculated\nto be homeless refugees. These\npersons, FCDA. Administrator Val\nC, Peterson said, would he ‘the\nmost pressing problem\" of the\nhome front if the synthetic war\nwere real,\n\nThe casualty count, sLill incom-\nplete and coming in slowly, sup-\nposed 8,200,000 were dead and 6,-\n550,000 injured in the continental\nUnited States, not counting the toll:\nin tervitorial cilics.\n\nSome six milllon workers were\npreewned tao be among those\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 40.24701690673828, 1961.3184814453125, 822.1975708007812, 2096.7421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Adin. Burke Departs For CNO Duties\nAs Adm. Daniel Takes DesLant Post\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1605.8420302734376, 3091.61558984375, 1994.1079208984374, 3831.47620703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK wh — The Western\nBig Three preparing fot high level\ntalks: with Russia in. a ‘hope’ that\nSoviet. peace moves may. be. sin\ncere, turned. to Germany's prob:\nlems today. :\n\nThe three foreign ministers were\nto take up-their new ally-and.World\nWar IZ opponent. after. a’ morning\nsession on procedures for the Big\nFour ‘talks - which begin “Monday\nin.-San Francisco and culminate\nin the summit meeting at Geneva\nduly 18:\n\nWest. German ‘Chancellor, Kon-\nrad Adenauer came to New: York\nto join U. §&. Secretary of State\nDulles, .British Foreign. Secretary\nHarold. Macmillan, and _ French\nForeign Minister Antoine Pinay at\nlunch,\n| The conferees were mum before:\njhand on whether the. group would\napprove the date ‘Adenauer will go\n‘to Moscow on a Soviet invitation.\n\nAdenauer has made it clear that\nthe date must. follow the Geneya\nconference.\n\nPresident Eisenhower is ‘to ineet\nat that high level conference on\nworld tensions. with British Prime\nMinister. Eden French Premier\nEdgar Faure -and’ Soviet Premier\nNikolai Bulganin, West Germany\nwill have a'-team of ‘observers\nthere. -\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2401.5604140625, 1314.0297744140626, 2794.759166015625, 2950.90003515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "NATICAN CITY ut—Pope Pius\nXII today reaffirmed his good wi H\nfor the Roman Catholic clergy an\npeople of Argentina. .\n\nThe 79-year - old head of the\nchurch expressed his sentiments\nin a lengthy, quickly called private\naudience with the two Catholic\nprelates expelled by Argentine\nauthorities. *\n\nThe prelates, ‘the. auxiliary\nhishop of Buenos. Aires, Msgr.\nManuel Tato, and his assistant,\nMsgr. Ramon Pablo Novoa, were\ncloseted with the pontiff in his\nVatican apartment for an hour and\n25 minutes, |\n\nThe Pope has been described as\ndeeply grieved over events in Ar-\ngentina,\n\nAll protocol was brushed aside\nfor the audience. The two prclates,\nwhose expulsion caused the Roman\nCatholic Church to excommunicate\nArgentine ‘government _ leaders,\nwore the same clothes in which\nthey arrived in Rome early. today.\n\nThe ‘Vatican’s:L'Osservatore\nRomano said. the. Pope received\nthem ‘with most effusive i\nability.” a - 3\n\n“His Holiness vividly interested\nhimself .in their dolorous triais,”\nit added. .\n\nReaffirms Good’ WHE\n\nThe Vatican newspaper.said that\nthe pontiff “in rnost_ comforting\nterms, then reaffirmed his partic-\nular good will for the prelates,\nfor the entire Argentine episcopate\nclergy and faithful of that Catholic\nnation so singularly dear. to him\nfor so many reasons.'\"\n\nL’Osservatore said the audience\nended with ‘“‘most ample benedic-\ntions,” by the Pope ‘and expres-\nsions of “most filial devotion by\nthe two prelates.”\n\nThe exiled Argentine churchmen\nwere accompanied to the Vatican\nby the Rev, Ludovico Mendoza of |\nthe Saciety of Jesus -- Jesuits—\nrector of the Pontificia) Latin-\nAmeriean College in Rome, where\nthey are staying.\n\nThe Vatican radio described the\nexpulsion of the two prelates as\n“brutal? and, said subsequent\nevents in Argentina “had pro-\nfoundly upset Catholics -in the\nwhole world and-friends of liberty\nand human dignity.” .\n\nPeron, said the Vatican radio,\n“did nothing but follow the in-\niquitous path of persecutors of all\ntimes. But, perhaps, he has _‘sur-\npassed them all in speed. Since\nJast November until today, he has\nburned up the road.”\n\nThe Vatican radio said yester-\nday's bloodshed in Argentina\n“could have and should have been\nprevented.”\n\nThe two prelates still wore the\nelothes in which they arrived in\n;Rome. Ali Vatican protocol was\nbrushed aside for their .andience.\n\nThe audience Jasted an hour and\n\n°25 minutes. Then the tro prelates\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2404.713978515625, 616.283314453125, 2792.802623046875, 1138.146373046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\n2avala Orliz, crossed tne Oroad\nPlata River to Colonia, Uruguay.\nHe is a member of the oppesition\nRadical party.\n\nCamarra said all refugees were\nordered interned and their weap-\nons seized.\n\nMore of the rebellious navy was\nreported fleeing to Uruguay aboard\none of Argentina's three training\ncruisers, the 6,800-ton ‘25th of\nMay” and the 6,100-ton coast de-\nfense ship Pueyrredon,\n\nThe Argentine navy also includes\n\n12 battleships, 2 cruisers, 15 de-\nstroyers, 9 frigates and 3 sub\nmarines, :\n\nThe military refugees said they\nhad to abandon the revolt because\nPeron’s men had captured their\nnaval base at Punta Indio, deny-\njng them their source of fuel and\nbombs, Some of the officers said\narmy units in outlying provinces\nhad been slated to join im ‘their\nrevolt but apparently did not.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1229.0233154296875, 1728.462158203125, 1939.963623046875, 1861.0181884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "House Approves $1,000,000 F und\nFor N. E. Storm Damage Survey\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2798.67613671875, 1312.5838515625, 3187.48108984375, 1866.6396591796874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "were received by the Vaticans\nprosecretary of state for extra-\nordinary affairs, Msgr. Domenico\nTerdini.\n\nElsewhere in the Vatican today,\nMass was celebrated jor Argen-\ntina's Catholics, Giuseppe Cardi-\nnal Siri, archbishop of Genoa,\nasked during the service that the\nmore than 62 million meribers of\nCatholic action groups over the\nworld pray that “the light of lib-\nerty will return for the persecuted\nin Argentina.\"\"\n\nCardinal Siri, ecclesiastical head\nof Italian Catholic action, de-\nseribed Peron’s treatment of the\nCatholics as ‘ta new thorn in the\ncrown of thorns for which the Sa-\ncted Heart of Jesus bleeds.” To-\nday is the Catholic feast day of\nthe Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.\n\nThe sardinal said that current\nevents in Argentina—‘“‘that mourn-\nful Seath American nation’’—are\na siga of “how alive. Christ is in\nthe nearts of the masses.”\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2011.9200439453125, 2972.625244140625, 3175.009521484375, 3683.280517578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1223.8322646484376, 1910.379994140625, 1611.2046005859374, 2731.7891953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "“WASHINGTON ~The House yes-\nterday approved a. $1,000,000. “start.\ner\". fund. for the New, England, hur-\nricane damage survey and Rep.\nFogarty: (D-R. 1.) disclosed that\nArmy engineers are prepared next\nmonth to begin extensive: studies\nin the upper and lower Narragan-\nrsett Bay areas.\n\nFogarty, who was instrumental\nin gelting the appropriation’ voted,\nmade. public the tentative plan\n@rawn by engineers for conducting\nfield surveys, mod@¢l studies and\nmajor foundation: investigations of\nthe entire coast. The Senate still\nmust act on the money bill.\n\n|’ While the Corps of . Engineers\nfeels it could complete the entire\nstudy in one operation, Fogarty\nsaid, it is considered advisable to\n/proceed on a priority basis giving\nfirst attention to ‘the most urgent\ncases.” After Narragansett Bay,\nthird priarity was given the Con\nnecticut River to Pawcatuck Riv-\ner, Conn.; fourth, Pawcatuck Riv-\ner to Narragansett Pier, R. 1:\nfilth, South Dartmouth to West\nYslacd, Mass. A number ten pri-\nority was given to the coastal area\nof Newport tao South Dactmouth,\nMass, .\n\nAmong other things, model stud-\nies are planned of Narragansett\nBay and New Bedford harbor.\nLocal topographical and “hydro-\neranhical conditions will be simu-\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2406.215576171875, 1150.68115234375, 3181.258056640625, 1302.9783935546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "2 Ousted Argentina Prelates\nCive Pope First-Hand Account\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 441.2914626464844, 1456.9243056640626, 835.0125839843749, 1945.8669541015624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "from Warwick and our Irom West.\nerly to bring its membership up to\nthe full quota of 200 state-wide,\n\nAlthough technically a pcuple's\n}convention, delegates having heen\nnominated without party labels,\nnone but the _ party-sponsored\ncandidates qualified and there\nactually was no election of dele-\ngates. Prestimbly, too, the Weoon-,\nsocket, Warvick and Westerly va-\neancies will be filled by candi-\ndates recommended by Demo-\ncratic and Republican party lead-:\ners in equal numbers, thereby!\nmaintaining the cven total of 100\ndelegates from each parly.\nThe people will, however, de-;\ntermine the fate of whatever |\namendments are proposed by the\nconvention delegates since they\nwill go to the voters in a special\nelection next month for approval\nor yvejection. .\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 846.4782104492188, 308.8925476074219, 1594.6734619140625, 458.9764709472656 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "‘Operation Alert’ Failed\nTo Cripple War. Potential\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 438.28703759765625, 2111.9041640625, 828.6258652343749, 2737.06898046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "captains. They were Rear Adm.\nWilliam G. Cooper, commanding\nDestroyer Flotilla Six; Rear Adm.\nDonald C, Varian of DesFlot Two;\nRear Adm. J. J. Clark, command-\ning a carrier division at Quonset;\nCaptain Mitchell; Capt. Cecil T.\nCaufield, DesLant chief of staff;\n‘Capt. Raymond Thompson, assist-\n‘ant chief of staff;. and Captains\nRaymond Zanzot and B. J. Semmes\nof the staff.\n\nOther leaders present for the\nceremony were Viee Adm. Lynde\nD. McCormick, Naval War College\npresident, and Rear Adm. Thomas\nIf. Robbins Jr., chiel of staff; Rear\nAdm, Joseph H, Wellings, Naval\nBase commander; various destroy-\ner division and squadron command-\ners and commanding officers of\nships.\n\nAdmiral Burke stepped from the\nMelville dock into .his barge, and\nserving as coxswain, ordered it to\nproceed to Quonset. There’ he\nboarded a plane for Washington.\nAdmiral and Mrs, Burke will live\nin the Westchester Apartments on\nCathedral Aventie in the capital.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1606.573486328125, 2888.484130859375, 1960.140625, 3081.96630859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "West’s Big 3\nStudy Problems\nOf W. Germany\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 32.51654122924805, 3419.697865234375, 423.3331101074219, 3832.92347265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Ameia Mae Kunze. 3. of 21 Pond\nAxe. choked to death late this morn-\ning while eating a peanut-butter\nsandwich at her home. Her parents\nare John A. Kunze, USN, and Mrs.\nMary Ku\n\nThe fire department reseue truck\nwas called at 11:22 a. m., but were\nunable to revive the child. She was\npronounced dead by Dr. Philip C.\nMcAllister, a Newport County\nmedical examiner, who guve a find-\ning of accidental asphyxiation.\n\nPolice said the child had been\nunder a doctor's care for a throat\ncondition recently.\n\nPermission was given to remove\nthe body to the O'Neill Funeral\nHome.\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 46.892407165527345, 1484.4196669921876, 430.97712255859375, 1951.752330078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "PROVIDENCE—The fourth con:\nstituiional convention in Rhode\nIsland since that document was\nadopted in 1842 meets Monday ir\nthe Veterans Memoria! Auditorium\nto draft amendments to raise the\npay of legislators, give Supreme\nand Superior court tenure during\ngow] behavior and pave ‘the wa)\nfor cities and towns to condemr\nblighted and substandard property\nfor redevelopment.\n\nThe convention Is scheduled tc\nconvene at 10 a.m. and one of its\nfirst dulics will be to fill at least\n26 vacanices—the full complements\nof delegates from Woonsocket, War:\nwick and Westerly where no candi-\ndates were named during the period\nfor doing so. As a consequence, the\nconvention itself will designate 16\ndelegates. from Woonsocket, six\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 40.83603286743164, 1288.5975341796875, 1230.6422119140625, 1442.9669189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Pay Hike, Judge Tenure, Blighted Area Action\nUp For Study At Constitutional Convention\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2009.4600830078125, 1723.5902099609375, 2371.05322265625, 1916.184326171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Maritime Union\nApproves Pact,\nStrike Nears End\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2795.878173828125, 1881.1171875, 3132.68896484375, 2071.008544921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Small Trackers\nStill Operating\n‘In South N. E.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 446.6454772949219, 2753.70947265625, 1560.7606201171875, 2911.725341796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Get Good Night’s Sleep, Dad—Circus\nArrives In Town In Wee Early Hours\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 36.781394958496094, 3309.34814453125, 391.865478515625, 3408.892822265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Girl, 3, Chokes To Death\nWhile Eating Sandwich\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 62.98174285888672, 325.2521667480469, 829.41796875, 1130.6038818359375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": { "bbox": [ 97.09627532958984, 1448.23046875, 395.2779541015625, 1472.1778564453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "“SPECIAL TO THE NEV'S.\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1267.2200927734375, 1873.677978515625, 1567.00390625, 1902.8385009765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "SPECIAL TO'THE NEWS\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 5 ], [ 32, 34 ], [ 32, 4 ], [ 34, 4 ], [ 18, 12 ], [ 19, 29 ], [ 28, 45 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 45, 31 ], [ 35, 39 ], [ 35, 40 ], [ 35, 43 ], [ 35, 50 ], [ 39, 40 ], [ 39, 43 ], [ 39, 50 ], [ 40, 43 ], [ 40, 50 ], [ 43, 50 ] ]
[ 6215.0156718749995, 8837.1533671875 ]
[ [ 5, 1 ], [ 12, 18 ], [ 19, 29 ], [ 28, 45 ], [ 31, 28 ], [ 32, 34 ], [ 34, 4 ], [ 39, 43 ], [ 40, 39 ], [ 43, 35 ], [ 50, 40 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2460.206787109375, 3249.221435546875, 3058.336181640625, 3394.326171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Last Rifes Are Scheduled\n\nTadav Far lameca Infant\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3194.543654296875, 869.1124409179688, 3949.98393359375, 3619.489548828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "per acre was boosted to a rec-\nord of better than 400 pounds.\n\nThough farmers are using more\nfertilizer every year, a further\nexpansion of production is pre-\ndicted for 1956 and adequate\nsupplies already are on hand to\nmeet immediate needs.\n\nFertilizer prices have been go-\ning up, but the increase on a\npercentage basis is much smaller\nthan the rise in prices of other\ngoods and service farmers have\nto buy.\n\nThe agriculture department's\nCommodity Stabilization Service\nsays in the national fertilizer out-\nlook for 1955-56 that lower prices\nare in sight, especially in the\ncase of nitrogen.\n\nNitrogen, Potash Increase\n\nAccording to the same report,\nestimated supplies of the three\nprincipal plan nutrients in the\ncurrent crop year are about 24\nper cent greater than in the pre-\nvious 12 months.\n\nMost of the increase js in nitro-\ngen and potash, with the supply\nof phosphorous remaining about\nthe same as last year.\n\nThe fertilizer incustry says,\nwith considerable justification,\nthat the mere price of fertilizer\ndoesn’t tell the whole story about\nthe bargain the farmer is get-\niting.\n\nIndustry leaders point out that\nthere has heen constant improve-\nment, especially in recent years,\nin the quality of their product\n‘and that these improvements\nhave not been fully reflected in\nretail] price increases.\n\nAt any rate, farmers in most\nparts of the country are using\nmore and more highly concen-\ntrated fertilizers. This is particu-\nlarly true in the case of concen-\ntrated super-phosphate.\n\nIn Iowa for example, only about\n‘10 per cent of the phosphorous\nisold as super-phosphate was in\nconcentrated form in the first six\nmonths of 1954.\n\nBut in the same period this\nlyear 60 per cent of the phosphor-\n{ous sold in the state was in con-\ncentrated form.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3948.66059765625, 2038.3950947265625, 4698.2803203125, 3619.69877734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Funeral services for Hubert T.\nWilkins, 67, manager of the Alamo\nCourts in Lubbock who died Sat-\nurday following a heart attack, are\nscheduled for 2 p.m. today in the\nFirst Methodist Church, with the\nRev. Chess Lovern, pastor, officia-\nting, assisted by the Rev. Bob\nHarris of Marlowe, Okla.\n\nBurial will be in Tech Memorial\nPark, Rix Funeral Home in charge.\n\nBorn in Ryan, Okla., Wilkins\nmoved to Texas in 1912, where he\nwas married to Bertha Davis. The\ncouple later settled in Alanreed,\nTex., where they lived until mowv-\ning to Lubbock in 1929.\n\nWilkins had been manager of the\nAlamo Courts since 1948. He was a\nimember of the First Methodist\nChurch and a member of the Lub-\nbock Assn.\n\nSurvivors include his wife, a\ndaughter, Mrs. A. L. Harris, Ros-\nwell, a son, H. J. Wilkins Jr.,\nAmarillo, a sister, Mrs, C. C. Me-\nCracken and a brother, L. F. Wil-\n‘kins, both of Los Angeles, and four\n‘grandchildren.\n| Pallbearers will be Leete Jack.\njson, Raymond Marshall, Jack\nMcGinnis, Jasper Elmo, Homer\niBall, Chester Harris, Glen Harris\nand Ben Smith.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1705.5157001953125, 5256.91841015625, 2442.281296875, 6053.5137187499995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "POST, Dec. 25 (Special)—Fu-\nneral services for W. J. Satter-\nwhite, 75. retired foreman of the\ni1U Lazy S Ranch near here who\n‘died Saturday, have been set for\n‘3 p.m. Monday at the Church of\n‘Christ here.\n\n' Otis Proffitt. Post. and Troy\n-Pentecost, Lawn. will be officiat-\n‘ing ministers. Burial will be in\nTerrace Cemetery under direc-\ntion of Hudman Funeral Home.\nOA native of Alabama, Satter.\n| White has lived in Texas since he\n:was & vears ald. He came to the\n‘U Lazy S in 1915, His death was\n‘at 6:40 p.m. in his home.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 201.1456593017578, 6328.4794453125, 962.59965625, 8837.1533671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ZOcates and corrects the CAUSE\nof disease.\n\nSome folks have the idea that\ntime will take care of everything. |\nTime will help us to forget or as-.\nsuage our sorrows and grief. and\nwill hasten recovery in conjunc-.\ntion with the proper methods of\ntreatment. which will aid the\nnatural forces of the body. . hut\nto let sickness saunter along\nwithout attention. chinking that\ntime will take care of it, is but\na gamble with vour life.\n\nChircpractic is a healtk serv-\nice filling a need heretofore not\nfilied by any other heaiing pro-\nfession. The State legislators as\nguardians of the welfare of its\ncitizens recognized this fact and\nset up laws governing its prac-\ntice. By this action, the legisla-\nture indorsed the us of Chiroprac-\ntic services for the protection of\nyour healin. In these busy davs,\nwe cannot afford to lose hours\nthrough illness.\n\nThis New Year be resolved to\nprotect your health by an all-\naround health program which\nshould include periodic examina-\ntions by your doctors of Dentis-\ntry, Optometry, Medicine, and\nChiropractic.\n\nThis man. age 51, consulted us\nat the Day Chiropractic Clinic\nthe first week in 1955 suffering\nwith severe headaches, extreme\nhurting in right side of neck no\nright shoulder and arm and pre-\ndisposition to lower back, hip ana\nleg rheumatism. Our Chiroprac-\ntic examination located and re-\nvealed the cause of his nerve\npressure and this year has re-\nstored this man to health free\nfrom pain and suffering.\n\nAs long as folks are active\nthey need the services of a Chi-\nropractor—if {ll health has re-\ntarded activity, Chiropractic is\n\nimperative {\n\nThis Chiropractic article is\nbrought to you each Monday.\nthrougn the courtesy of the Day:\nChiropractic Clinic, 34th & Ave.\nV, Lubbock, Texas. Ady.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2451.882521484375, 881.8955219726563, 3192.99272265625, 1951.7921611328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 MS —\nOfficials are predicting that farm-\ners will be able to get all the\nfertilizer they could possibly want\nor need in 1956.\n\nIn general, the expectation 4s\nthat fertilize> use next year will\nbe limited only by the amount\nof money the individua’ producer\nhas to spend.\n\nWhat with acreage cutbacks in\na number of major crops, it could\nbe that a great many farmers\nwill be dumping on record\namounts of fertilizer in an at-\ntempt to offset, by increased\nyields, the losses they have to\ntake in planting smaller acre-\nages.\n\nHappened In 1955\n\nThis is precisely what happen-\ned in 1955, especially in the cot-\nton belt, where the average yield\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2443.302931640625, 2241.0458515625, 3192.073044921875, 3223.55278125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "RALLS, Dec. 2 (special) ~—Al-\nbert Lee Winfrey, 73, Ralls, died\nat Kerrville hospital about 4 a.m.\ntoday after being ill for several\n‘months.\n\nServices are tentatively schedul-\ned Wednesday afternoon at the\nFirst Baptist Church in Ralls with\nthe Rev. Tommy Allen officiating.\nOther arrangements are pending\nat Carter Funeral Home in Ralls.\n\nWinfrey had lived in Ralls for\nseveral years. He was retired but\nhad formerly been in the insurance\nbusiness.\n\nSurvivors include his wife: two\ndaughters, Mrs. Maurine Niccoly,\nColorado Springs, Colo., and Mrs.\nIrving Fields, San Angelo; a step-\nson, F. F. Thackston, Los Angeles;\njand six grandchildren.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2453.634765625, 4476.94873046875, 3183.313232421875, 4628.32373046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "'Vet With Bad Conduct Discharg\n‘Desires Russian Citizenchio\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2453.273634765625, 5255.816359375, 3202.444626953125, 6422.4497539062495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "| Funeral services for the E, A.\nStarr family of Levelland, vic-\ntims of a fiery train-car wreck\nFriday near Abilene, have been\ntentatively set at 1:30 p.m. today\niin the Jacksboro Church of\nChrist.\n\nBurial will probably he tn\nFort Worth, funeral home offi-\ncials said.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Starr and their\nthree children, Roberta, 8, Ever-\nett Lynn, 7, and Cloe Ann, 4, were\n\\killed in the accident.\n| Friends in Levelland said the\nStarr family left there Thursday\nafternoon to spend Christmas\n'Day with Mrs. Starr's parents,\nMr. and Mrs. W. C. Koone of\n|Jacksboro, and to visit other rela-\n‘tives,\n| Starr, a former resident of\n‘Lubbock, haa lived in Levelland\nithe past 10 vears. |\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3212.227736328125, 5478.81782421875, 3948.4971171875, 6431.5835429687495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "BROWNFIELD. Dec. 25 (Spe-\ncial) — Funeral services for\nMrs. Henry Caperton, 33, who\nGied at 5 a.m. today following\na long illness, will be held at 4\np.m. Monday in the Foursquare\nGospel Church, the Rev. R. J.\nWalls, pastor, officiating.\n\nMrs, Capeérton died in Treada-\nway-Daniel Hospital. She had\nteen a resident of Brownfield\nsince 1948.\n\nBuria) will be in Terry Coun-\nty Memoria! Cemetery, the\nPrownfield Funeral Home in\ncharge.\n\nSurvivors include her husband\nand three stepchildren, Helen,\nJohn Henry and Nancy, all of\nBrownfield.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 201.3018798828125, 5093.86181640625, 901.1144409179688, 5355.5244140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Resolve To Put\nHealth First In ‘56\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2442.258009765625, 4634.757765625, 3199.73100390625, 5077.3203593749995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "| ST. LOUIS w — Howard B.\n[SPeEES Jr.. an Army veteran with\n|a bad conduct discharge, said Sat-\nvurday he has applied for Russian\njcitizenship because he considers\n‘Russians serious-minded.\n| Spears, a Negro now employed\nion weekends as a restaurant bus-\n| boy, said he was not a Communist.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4698.535109375, 898.6204365234375, 5442.1807109374995, 2423.90190234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON —UP—Inhe\nweather bureau has consigned the\nevil sisterhood of Alice, Brenda,\nConnie, Diane-et al to history and\nexpects to come up next week\nwith a brand: new list of girls’\njnames for the still-to-be-spawned\nhurricanes of 1956.\n\nOne reason for bringing out. a\nnew list, a spokesman suggested\nFriday, is tpat “some people fee!\nonce is enough” to have ‘their\nnames linked with one of nature’s\nmost vicious destroyers.\n\nThen there is what you might\ncall a bookkeeping reason. In-\nfamous hurricanes like 1955’s Con-\nnie and Diane become a part of\nthe permanent literature of weath-\ner science, and it would be «con-\nfusing if the same names were\nused year after year.\n\nSensitive Matter\n\nWhat the new names will be\ncan't be divulged until they're an-\nnounced officially. The list is what\npeople in government call a ‘‘sen-\nSitive’’ matter.\n\nEvery time a new list comes out,\nthe weather bureau gets a new\n| crop of complaints. Some com-\n:plainants feel the bureau, by tag-\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3962.34326171875, 508.4614562988281, 4676.09716796875, 1657.7584228515625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2454.687208984375, 3422.463576171875, 3190.18998828125, 4451.6182109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "| LAMESA, Dec. 25 (Special) —\n‘Kenneth Earl Hamilton, nine\n‘months, son of Norman Hamiltor\nwho was killed in a three-car col.\n‘lision here Dec. 9, died at 6:30 a.m\ntoday at Lamesa Gencral hospital\n| Funeral services will be at 2:3¢\n; p.m. Monday at Bryan Street Bap\ntist Church with the Rev. E. L.\njJones, pastor. officiating. Buria\nwill be in Lamesa Memorial Park\nunder direction of Higginbotham\nFuneral Home. .\n\nSurvivors include his mother.\nMrs. Bertha Hamilton: a brother,\nMichael Dwayne, 2: and his grand.\nparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. South-\nern and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hamil.\nton of Lamesa.\n\nPallbearers will be Jack and\nMarvin Kidd. Richard Patterson\nand Bill Scott.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2445.663818359375, 1963.2364501953125, 3170.5234375, 2213.807861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Albert Lee Winfrey\nDies: Rites Pendina\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 565.7799072265625, 5738.25390625, 946.3604736328125, 6292.8603515625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1706.8350830078125, 4990.8046875, 2364.706787109375, 5237.71142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Satterwhite Rites\nAre Slated Today\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 5452.92231640625, 841.6991108398438, 6215.0156718749995, 2042.9169169921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "|ging hurricanes with girlish\n‘names, is manifesting a flippant\natin toward something\nnot funny. -\n\nOthers just don’t }j to see their\nname, or their e’s or sweet-\n[heart's or daughter’s name, con-\ninected with disaster, ‘actual or po-\ntential. é\n\n—s« Started During War\n\nBut the practice of naming hur-\nricanes after girls seems to be\njhere to stay. It got started in the\n‘Pacific during World War I. -\n\nShort names, easy to pronounte\n\nand identify, were ‘picked because\n‘other designations were more sus-\nceptible to garbling in radio re\nports.\nGirls names were picked be-\n‘cause—well, because men fighting\na war far from home were just\nmore likely to hear a girl’s name\nabove the static better pilst} they\n‘would a boy’s.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3210.66255078125, 4074.45649609375, 3959.943650390625, 5195.9912578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK, Dec. co (—In the\nmidst of holiday celebration, good-\nwill toward men sometimes got\ntrampled in the rush,\n\nA Pinellas Park, Fla., landlord\nlast week evicted a family with\nsix small children from a four-\nroom house for non-payment of\nrent. The landlord was a minister.\n\nIn Belfast the chief of police of\nNorthern Ireland received some\nmince pies in the mail, gaily\nwrapped in Christmas paper and\ntied with a red ribbon. The Santa\nClaus label said ‘‘Happy Christ-\nmas.” A cautious man, he sent\nthem to the police analyst. They\nwere heavily laced with cyanide.\n\nTree, Santa Stolen\n\nA decorated Christmas tree was\nset up in a Bridgeport, Conn. hos-\npital for its 250 inmates, mostly\naged indigents. Then somebody\nstole it.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1709.754103515625, 6140.013625, 2447.267869140625, 6424.4893046874995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "ILMINSTER, England, Dec. 2\nup—-Lt. Gen. Sir Ronald Charles,\n‘who came out of retirement to\nhead Britain's Roval Army Engi-\nneers during World War II, died on\n‘Christmas Eve. He was 80.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 982.1375732421875, 2913.782958984375, 2429.783203125, 3407.393310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "LEAD HAS CHANGED FOUR TIMES\nGOP Voters Favor Warren Over\nNixon Should Ike Refuse Post\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3203.608154296875, 5214.98974609375, 3923.314453125, 5462.0947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Caperton Rites\n‘Set At Brownfield\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3965.495849609375, 1768.0704345703125, 4658.943359375, 2023.6434326171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Hubert T. Wilkins\nServices Set Today\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 990.6549682617188, 1202.626953125, 2425.6611328125, 2488.6640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 206.37722778320312, 484.35601806640625, 2203.66650390625, 795.9353637695312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "100 LOAVES OF BREAD TO BE BURIED CENTURY\n\nNavy Plans Food Storaae Test In Antarctic\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3193.829833984375, 3640.044189453125, 4678.55322265625, 4006.945556640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Cyanide In Mince Pies, For Example\n| Christmas Ill Will Toward\nMen Noted Alona With Good\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2443.306640625, 476.38592529296875, 3901.3017578125, 852.23046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Increased Use Seen With Acrea e Cuts\nAmerican Farmers Promised Virtually\nlInlimited Fertilizer Supply For 1956\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 967.1479633789063, 814.1746967773438, 1710.0966044921875, 1152.054978515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "found a meal he had left on the\ntable of his cabin four years be-\nfore was still perfectly fresh. The\n‘cabin meanwhile had become\ncovered with 15 feet of snow and\nice.\n\nByrd also found that food he\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3971.26411328125, 4037.97602734375, 4714.377, 5439.173875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "oh See, yee S =Bapler |\nmache Santa, on display at a\nchurch Christmas tree sale, was\nstolen by two young men.\n\nSanta Claus workers at the\nNew York headquarters of the\nVolunteers of America were as-\nsaulted by six masked bandits\nwho tried to get into a safe. No-\nbody knew the combination, though\nand the $3,000 rernained safe.\n\nOn the credit side: After a\nbandit robbed an Erlanger, Ky.\nhardware store he handed back a\nnumber of checks because the own-\ner said the robber wouldn’t be\nable to cash them.\n\nGoose Wins Freedom\n\nIn Genoa, Italy, a white goose\ndid a noble act and got a lifetime\nreprieve from the dinner table.\nLeft in the house along with the\nfamily’s 2-year-old daughter, it\nbroke the window pane and let in\nfresh air when the house filled\nwith leaking gas. Both daughter\nand goose survived and the fam-\nily’s sentiment was: ‘‘We'll never\neat goose again, and this goose\nwill live with us forever.”\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2458.8564453125, 5095.46484375, 3178.90087890625, 5246.99609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Funeral Services Tentatively\nSet Today For Levelland Famil\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 192.8056934814453, 890.8984516601563, 960.1209575195312, 5082.77201953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, Dec. 25 NS—The\nNavy is about to store 100 loaves\nof bread in nature’s largest food\nfreezer—the snow and ice near\nthe South Poll.\n\nThe ider ts to determine how\nlong bread and other staples\nmight be kept in the Antarctic.\nThe Navy plans to take 100 years\nto find out\n\nOfficials said the experiment\nwill be launched by the Antarctic\nexpedition led by Read Adm.\nRichard E. Byrd which is cur-\nrently estublishing a ‘‘beachhead”\nfor an overland penetration to\nthe South Pole.\n\n100 Loaves To Be Required\n\nOne hundred loaves of bread\nare to be buried in the snow and\nice. They will be dug up and\ntested at a rate of one a year for\nthe next century.\n\nThe experiment will test a the-\nory long held by Byrd that the\nhuge Antarctic continent, larger\nthan the U. S. and Europe com-\nbined, could he used to store in-\ndefintely great quantities of food\nto meet the world’s expanding\npopulation\n\nThe project also indicates\nByrd's confidence that the pre-\nsent ‘‘operation deep-freeze.\"\" to\ninclude building one base at the\nSouth Pole itself. means that\nfrom now on at lesat a few Amer-\nicans will be in the Antarctic\nevery year.\n\nMany Dbifficulties\n\nA spokesman for the Agriculture\nDepartmen emphasized that\nmany practical difficulties invol-\nving transportation and refrigera-\ntion en route must he overcome\nbefore storage in the Antarctic\nis possible.\n\nThe spokesman said, however,\nthat the department considers the\nidea “intriguing” from the stand-\npoint of extremelv long-term stor-\nage. He pointed out that the\nworld’s population is expected to\ndouble in the next 30 vears, and\nthat there is no theoretical limit\nto the feod needs of the future.\n\nThe Navv’s experiment is bas-\ned on discoveries that bread. even\nin ordinarv commercial storage,\nean be kert in perfect condition\nfor Jong periods of time ~— six\nmonths to a vear.\n\nIn the deep-frozen and virtually\nbacteria-free Antarctic. it is be\nlieved, bread mav keep as long\nas the meat of the long-extinct\nmastodon.\n\nSpecimens of the latter have\nbeen found edible when dug from\nArctic ice many centuries after\nthe animal’s death.\n\nAlmost Free of Bacteria\n\nThe Navy said that eternal ice\nof the Antarctic has been found\nalmost entirely free of bacteria—\nthe microbes that are chiefly re-\nSponsible for spoilage.\n\nOne test. eenducted by a pre-\nvious Byrd expedition, showed an\naverape of only one bacteria per\npint sof melted Antarctic ice, com-\npared to billions and trillions of\nthem normally found in the ice\nand water of warmer climates.\nEven the few bacteria that were\nfound in the Antarctic were large-\nly inactive.\n\nByrd first conceived the idea\nfor food storage in 1947 when he\nreturned to Little America and\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 213.55786022949218, 5451.441359375, 948.6592265625, 5718.1802226562495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Now that the rush and bustle\nof the holidavs is over. let us take\ninventorv and count the ravages\nof the resultant tension. Perhaps\nyou need only some extra rest to\nrectare wniir cenoral connd health.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1749.4564208984375, 6516.46484375, 6193.9765625, 8765.42578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n\n, ewide Cf, te e°\njar's St “Chr; t\now eetbr° Ist Nas ce? *e\n\n \n\n(Xs, idling Mocks of Fall ond Wiikey\nDRESSES, COATS C3 SUITS reduced\n\nOur entire collection of Fall and Winter Styles now on Sale\nat drastic reductions...famous label merchandise, fine fabrics 1\nand smart styles—everything goes—nothing reserved...come A | 12\n\nin tomorrow—come in early for best selection.\n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 209.23188671875, 5696.35005078125, 539.789353515625, 6340.8081523437495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "restore vour €\nIf the holiday\n\nhas ag-\ngravated an\nalready chron-\nic condition of\ni) health tre-\ngardless of its\nname! NOW is\nthe time to\nhave the\nCAUSE of that\ncondition cor-\nrected .Chi-\nropra c t i c\n\n. eee ee\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1707.535841796875, 4315.6845234375, 2445.93315234375, 4947.3384257812495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Since the latest report of the\nPresident's physicians on the state\nof his health. GOP hopes that Mr.\nFisenhower will run again have\nsoared.\n\nInstitute surveys have consist-\nently shown Mr. Eisenhower to be\nthe unquestioned favorite of GOP\nvoters in 1956. The latest check be-\nfare his illness found an over-\nwhelming & per cent majority\nnaming him their Number One\nchojce.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 947.8634174804688, 8443.5839375, 1705.535447265625, 8831.183640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "| MIAMI BEACH, Dee. 25—UP—\n\n| Eight-vear old Ricky Salomon was\nriven a ticket hv a policemen for\n{failing to yield the right of way\n\nto a motor vehicle.”\n\n; The youngster was only slichtly\n\nhurt after walking into the side of\n\nan automobile.\n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3968.49951171875, 5466.40869140625, 4591.31201171875, 5607.0908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Rites Are Scheduled Here\nTadav Far Michael Danial\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 5443.50337109375, 2120.736037109375, 6211.5806132812495, 2416.689744140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "ASMRA, Eritrea, Dec. 5\nPresident Tito of Yugoslavia sailed\n'from Massawa Harbor Saturday\nHor Egypt, ending a two-week visit\nito Ethiopia as guest of Emperor\nHaile Selassie. ;\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 956.3850239257813, 7973.0380390625, 1707.9100810546875, 8271.7598125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "| Pit NO, SE\n\nWarren continues to run ahead\namong Indenendent voters as their\nfavorite GOP nominee if Mr. Eisen.\nhower does not run.\n\nThe following table shows the\nvote of Independents, including the\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 962.5698383789063, 6739.8544453125, 1714.4647685546875, 7344.9028789062495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "MERE oe\nSince his April statement an-\nnouncing his withdrawal, Chief\nJustice Warren has given no in-\ndication that he has changed his\nmind, and his friends insist that\nhe will not run under any cir-\n‘cumstances.\n| When Warren supporters in to-\n|day’s survev were asked to name\ntheir second choice. more named\n|Vice-President Nixon than any\nother candidate, as follows:\n\nre. ree owes Sax 2 Ese wee eee\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3956.078322265625, 5615.046828125, 4684.41557421875, 6421.6162578124995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "ee\nFuneral services for Michae\nDaniel, 2, son of Mr. and Mrs\nGarvin Daniel, 3507 22nd St., wh\ndied at his home at 1:15 p.m\nSunday, will be held at 3:30 p.m\ntoday in the Trinity Baptis\nChurch. The boy had been ill fo:\nseveral) months.\n\nThe Rev. Melvin Reathel, pas\ntor, will officiate. Burial will be\n‘in Tech Memorial Park, Sand\ners Funeral Home in charge.\n\nSurvivors are his parents anc\n‘a sister, Meddie Ann, of Lubbock\n\nMissouri has 6,739 miles of rail\n‘road.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 975.0930786132812, 8290.771484375, 1671.002197265625, 8429.740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "8-Vear-Old Jaywalker Ticketed\nFor Mal Vialding Dinht.0/.Wavw\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1716.65180859375, 3415.065138671875, 2451.26713671875, 3595.1338359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "vote for Warren and after allocat-\ning the second choices of his sup-\nporters:\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 4719.009765625, 401.10888671875, 6209.79541015625, 833.4940795898438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Labbock, (Tex), Mern. Avatenche, Mon.. Bee. 26,1955 See. | Pome 8\nWeathst Bureau Brac Braces For Complaints — ae\n\nBrand ‘New Name List Baths\noe For 1956 Hurricanes\n\n \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 1713.0595234375, 805.1805561523438, 2446.004685546875, 1137.9603740234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "had left in 1930. covered with\nonly a few inches of ice, was in\nperfect cordition and that stores\ncached by the British expedition\nheaded by Ernest Shackleton 30\nyears vefore showed no spoilage\nof anv kind.\n" }, "46": null, "47": { "bbox": [ 4725.62646484375, 2504.372314453125, 6200.7060546875, 6791.7724609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": " \n \n\neg OOF Mmew\n\nRegularly 250\nOnce a year... and only once... can you buy Manya’s |\nfamed beauty brassieres at 2 sale price .. . the identical\nquality that makes them such exceptional values the year\nround at 2.50. . . featuring, as always, the finest silky Pima\ncotton broadcloth, stitched in the exclusive Manya in-round-\nand-out design. You're lovelier, more comfortable, all-ways\n\nin’a Marya . . . now sale priced to make you happier still!\n\nFOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY\n\n \n\nBROADWAY AT AVENUE J LUBBOCK\n\n \n\n \n" }, "48": null, "49": null, "50": { "bbox": [ 955.2334125976563, 3464.2860859375, 1702.05717578125, 6125.06401171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "ay SPRsSUPROS ERs RPC ELSES Rg OTEK ES\n\nAmerican Institute of Public Oninion\n\nPRINCETON, N. J... Dec. 25—\nDespite his decision te withdraw\n‘from political life. Chief Justice\nEarl Warren has once more pulled\nout in front of Vice-President Rich-\nard Nixon as the top ‘36 choice\nof voters classifving themselves as\nRepublicans if President Ejisen-\nhower does not run.\n\nIn the latest monthly pre-con-\nvention check of candidate popu-\nlarity by the institute. Warren is\nnamed hy 27 per cent of Republi-\n‘cans across the country as the man\n‘they want to head their ticket if\nMr. Eisenhower is not available.\n\nNixon runs second with 24 per\n‘cent.\n\nThis is the firs’ time since an\nApril survey that Warren has top-\nped the GOP hist. As speculation\nmounted that the President would\ndecline a second term. the insti-\n‘tute at that time found Warren\nthe top favorite of 25 per cent of\n|GOP voters, compared to 19 per\ncent for Nixon.\n\nNixon Led\n\nAfter leading in the April survey.\nthe Chief Justice has been running\na strong second to Nixon. One\nmonth ago. Nixon polled 34 per\ncent to Warren's 25 per cent.\n| Shertly after Mr. Eisenhower's\nillness. the name of Milton Fisen-\nchower, a vounger brother, began\njto crop un in the news as a pos-\nIsible GOP candidate if the Presi-\n‘dent drops out of the race and\n“Qe for Milt’? buttons have ap\npearcd in several Fast Coast cities.\n\nTodax's survey. for the first time.\nincluded the name of Milton Fisen-\nihower in the list presented to Re-\npublican voters, who were asked\n‘this question:\n\n“Here is a list of men who have\njbeen mentioned as possible presi-\n'dential candidates in 1956 for the\n‘Republican party. If President\n| Eisenhower is NOT a candidate,\njwhich one of these men would vou\n‘like to see nominated as the Re-\n\n‘publican candidate far President?”\n! DWE wyT Tat WYP\n" }, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 1783.7203369140625, 6086.2919921875, 2366.650634765625, 6133.9150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "RRITISH GENERAL DIES\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 285.9724426269531, 828.164306640625, 904.7958984375, 874.3265991210938 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "Re TARR EITYT CARWOOR\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 285.35845947265625, 5380.1640625, 886.3367919921875, 5440.19287109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "DR. JOHN H. DAY, D. C.\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 3362.752685546875, 4012.16015625, 3787.78466796875, 4050.5048828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Re FOV MITT ER\n" }, "56": null, "57": null, "58": { "bbox": [ 989.23291015625, 3433.89794921875, 1678.2294921875, 3504.098388671875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "By GEORGF, GALLUP. Director\n\nmem... 2.2 2) lp pte we) Ok UR attin S£irmiminc\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 5582.61279296875, 2072.47119140625, 6059.3095703125, 2118.8720703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "SATIFaR FOR KROCVPT\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 4811.7333984375, 5454.16748046875, 6089.47265625, 6346.583984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": " \n\nBROADWAY AT AVENUE J LUBBOCK\n" }, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 5 ], [ 42, 11 ], [ 42, 12 ], [ 11, 12 ], [ 36, 37 ] ]
[ 3519.29736328125, 4646.825343750001 ]
[ [ 2, 5 ], [ 11, 12 ], [ 36, 37 ], [ 42, 11 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1448.5746806640625, 2129.582859375, 1859.95376171875, 3072.0355488281252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\n; Raymond O'Neal. czretaker of\n{a house and grove on Immokalee\nsf in crilieal condition at\n! hospital Saturday as a re-\nsult of fh received in a house\nfire Friday.\n\nO'Neal was rushed tm the hos\niby L. H. Kineaid. a seighbor,\nafter his clothes were completel\nburned off by an explosion and\n:fire in the one-story frame dwell\nling on Immokalee Rd. about a\nhalf mile west of King’s Highway.\n| He told Kincaid that he was in\nbed. ul from inhaling insecticd:\nwhile spraying a grove and awek\ned from sleep io find one wai!\n2 sheet of flames.\n| ak women. identified as Bernice\nBaker, received cuts about the face\nand burned hands as a. resuli of\n‘heiping O'Neal to escape irom the\nburning house. She was ireated\nand released at the haspiial.\n\nThe house is li\nto Dr. L. L. Whiddon. It was a\ntotal ioss.\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nFiremen. directed at the scene\n\nbr Fire Chief R. M. Register,\nKept the fire from spreading io\nnearby buildings burt the inside af\nhe house was a mass of flame\nshen firemen arrived and there\nwas no chance to save it.\n(Pictures on Pages 18 and 20)\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2274.8650859375, 3329.686619140625, 2687.4989277343752, 3836.1839863281252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\nA Forti Pierce man was\nj burned as a result of a gu\n[sion in a house trailer at ie\n,5 4th Si. about 9 p.m. Friday.\n: Firemen reporied that Jimmr\njSiewart, trailer occupant. rece\nihe burns »hen he returned to the\nfirailer at about 9 p.m. and struck\nthe door of the trate\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\ngas. from a le\nStewart ws\nfund was noi hospitalized.\n\nAbgui $223 damage was caused\ni the trailer and contents by ie\nexplosion\n| Jrucks 2 and 6\neali and were 2\nevene ox. Cant. EL\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1038.4920390625, 4064.374607421875, 1826.4040791015625, 4637.286769531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Primary projects totaling an es ed 31.280.000\nfor St. Lucie county have been set ap in the State Road\nDepartment's tentative 1955 budeec.\n\nSi. Lucie county primary projects listed in the SRD\nbuget adopted Friday by the State Road Board were:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n1) The four-ianing of U. S. 1 from Scott's Curve to\nthe Martin County line. $640.000.\n2) Construction of A1A along the ocean from Sea-\n\nway Drive southward 3.5 miles, £140,000.\n\n3) Construction of Citrus Ave. overpass. $599.000.\n\nHarry Kicliter. speaking for the county eommis-\nsioners, said “the county should be exuremely gratified\nat the treatment it received.”\n\nThe tentative SRD budget includes the three top\nprojects on the county's primary requests. including\ntwo which are of vital interest to the city,\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1029.0854228515625, 2372.716892578125, 1442.157375, 3355.2084003906252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "LAKELAND. Jan. 29\nFederal-State Frost V\n“ice forecast for Peninsular Fiorida\nmight and Sunday morning: Fair\nra colder. Light northerly winds\ni cal Tempera-\ntures on high ground will be about\narmer then tempera-\nground locations. Low-\nest temp for the lov\nground iocat: oceurring about\n‘sunrise Sundar morning.\n| Gainesville Disirict: 2428 with\n‘pockets 20-23. frost.\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nici: 26-30\n\n \n \n \n\naud Brooksville Dis\n27-31 with pockeis 25, frost.\nRidge and Bariow Disiricis\n33 wih pockeis 29. frost.\nWest Coas: District: 29-33 with\npockets 26 and irost Elfers to Sara-\nsdia and 33-37 with scattered frost\n\n \n\n \n\n28-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nfrom south of Sarasota to Iona\n\nIndian River Dis\nScattered fires,\n\nei: 29-34 v\n\n \n\n \n\nEvergiades trict: 36-42 near\nthe lake. 33-38 awav from the lake\n\n \n\nand the Immokalee area. seatiered\n\n \n\nCoast: 3642 and\npatches of light frosi in the interior,\nabout 40 aear the coast.\n\nSunday: Fair and rather cold.\ncok: Some indications of iro\nin most of the farming areas Mon-\nday morning.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1856.7253154296875, 3595.13315234375, 2268.48403515625, 3838.6249042968752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "| WASHINGTON, Jan. 2 FF —\n| President Eisenhower used 15 pens\nin signing ihe Formosa securits\n‘resolution today and gave 12 of\nhem to witnesses.\n\n: Instead of just his signature, re-\nured on MOSi\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1878.8852275390625, 4072.081638671875, 2654.75942578125, 4640.185207031251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nThe No. I\noverpass which\ntrafiic congestion.\n\nThe four-laning of U.S. 1 southward wes earried\naS 2 coniinuing project to compicie the w ready\nstarted. The county already has started acquiring right\nof way for that project.\n\n \n\nThe re-working and extension of AIA wa: lHsted\naS an “emergency” measure to repair the present beach\nroad and to extend the ocean drive to county-owned\nproperty ear-marked for 4 Negro park.\n\nThe city commission has passed resolutions gnaran-\nteeing that it will provide necessary right of wav for\nthe portion of ATA within the city Hmits and for the\noverpass.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 205.84686279296875, 667.4911499023438, 614.3019409179688, 903.9501953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "U. S., Britain\nAnd New Zealan¢\nin Consultations\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1018.8367045898437, 3477.21420703125, 1431.961330078125, 3829.8080097656252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "vA BEACH. Jan. 2\nopard which es-\ncircus cage at\n| nearby Oak Hill vesterday wag sti\nlon the loose tod\n\n| Circus owner Wiliam Morris\niSaid ihe animal so far hed eluded\n{@ posse of searchers\npassed up drugged meat dist\ned in the area where he is be-\neved ing. Tracks were found\nea teday but nobody sighted the\nleopard,\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1440.9093974609375, 3281.2771953125, 1853.81704296875, 3839.1969257812502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "BERLIN. Jan. 29 2—The Soviet\n‘Union claimed ioday iis tep au -\nclear scientisis have develened an\natomic-powered automobile, de-\nsigned io operaie jor weeks o 1 a\nW Grams of urasin\n} Details were dis\n1Soviei gnvermmen\npropaganda\n_ Europeaa\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\nbuted br the\n\nDress and\nachinery to East\nThe Laus:izer\nGermany pub-\nished an article today saying the\n“succes: perimenis” were\neonduced br Pref. V_ PL Romaedn..\ntalin Prize winner and. nuclear\n\n \n\n \n\n;Rundsehau in E.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\ngave this account:\n' The atom eute is a normali:\n‘eonstrucied vehicle with the ex-\neephon of the engine. which is de-\nscribed zs “the atomic oven.”\n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2278.89340625, 2116.33090625, 2689.2000996093752, 3149.4808613281252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nAbout 3.650 dumage v\nin an accident and fire ainvolv-\nfing a parked track und a iractor\njirailer unit zbout 5:30 a.m. Sat\njurday, a half mile south of the\n|Farmer’s Market, on U, S. 1,\n| Invesugaung Highway Patrol.\nman Bob Gray reported the trac-\nlortrailer was proceeding north\nwhen a shock absorber apparently\nbroke, freezng the front wheels\nand turning the tracior-trailer over\nonio the top of a truck parked\niby the side of the road where\nj2 bew secuun of Iughway is being\ngraded.\n\n} Driver Willkain “Jumor” Mon\nroe, 31. of West End, X. C. was\nreporiediy uninjured and ihe un-\ninecupted J'= ton iruck, crushed\ni beneath the semi reportedly is\nowned by O. L. Golden. Fart\nHieree, construction werker on the\n‘road job,\n\n' The wreckage cauubt fire, ap-\n{ parently by sparks from the bat-\njtery of the it; ion iruck setting\nispilled dezsel fuel from the trae-\njior unit ablaze.\n\n: The Fort Pierce Fire Depari-\n[ment was called to extinguish the\n‘blaze and engmes 4 25 direct-\n\ns caused\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nPed Li. Tom Goodin answercd\nfthe call.\nTrooper Gray gave a demage\n\n \n\n \n\nfestimate of 33.00 to the tractor-\nrounit. Sco te the carse of\n\n \n\nton truc:\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2284.24951171875, 3170.2548828125, 2634.92529296875, 3321.5361328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Man Burned in\nGas Explosion\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 619.5253642578125, 982.1990092773437, 1037.0735126953125, 2662.92690625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n: “mew areas of tesearch\nopeced by last springs Operation\nCa is am the 5 \"es\n\nIt said also new iesis te start in\nthe Nevas\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nobtain\ni to\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\neoiree world”\nnu Getulls in the re-\nas dechoed ta elab-\n\n \n\nion\nare.\nbave ta dy wth (i) fu\nhydrogen ber\n‘27\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nBemic\n\n \n\nAnother\nOF\n\nbe no need. to\npowerful bomb 7\nnilarly\nrewdo\nulirapowerful coba\nn theory couid wipe\nall life on earih—mishi be under\n\nmore\nexisting\nve been\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nenart, covering the |.\nhalf of 1854, said in part:\n~QOperation Castle. ecnducted in\nthe spring of at the Pa\nground wes the most ex-\nensive series vet conducted there.\n“The evaluation of\nis reporting\ne pre-Casile\nnificant prog:\nsign. development and proof test of\nweapons.”\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\nAs 2 result ike weapons program '\nwas “directed toward new areas.\nof research opened up br\nCastle mformation thai hold pra\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nne stockpiling\npo\" eniial\n\"Gt added. ,\nthese other\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1037.768162109375, 987.4880107421875, 1460.7071796875, 2089.190578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "‘ progress hivhiiehts of the as\n‘stomie energy prog\n_said bas cost $13,200:\nits beginning\n1. “Added\nlime uses of atu:\nM2 of mew authority sep\nthe Cole-Hickenlouper Act of 1954\n2. Gresier np\nvate industry atumio deyeiop\n‘ment, especialy in eaperiments!\nproduction of atumic power for\nerenal use The rep\nbas “evolved\nsearch = and\niL believe\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n“\n\nfrom\nualear Dut\nait coms\nenergy.”\n\n3. Continued stress on\ninto the uses of ra\njerlals io ireat cancer and o?\ndiseases. The réport said the Ar\nsenne Research Hospital in 1\ns found ix practical to\ncer of the pancreas wit fro-\njudine encased in plas Ding.\nit says stfempts are being made!\n\n‘fonne to impla:\n\neS containing a.\nactive substance, ces\nchest.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nInais |\n\nreat can-|\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\nfd large stock-\ni Many poinis. Private drill\nwas Said to be going on at\nthe rate of government dri\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1858.355564453125, 2570.805759765625, 2277.4981953125, 3494.5213886718752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "> BY PRE AOSVUIATEU PRESS\n; Florida farmers as far south as\nthe Everglades were advised to\nrPretect iender crops as another\njcoid spell plagued the state.\n{ Warren 0, Johnson. meteorolo-\n‘gist of the Federal-State Frost\nWarning Service at Lakeland, said\niciirus grove owners on the north-\nlern edge of the big citrus belt\nshouid protect their trees last night\ntand today,\n: Johnson 2iso said operaters of\n‘ierneries and ornamental nurseries\ntin Central Florida should take pre-\nleaution and citrus mea should be\n‘ready io heat groves in low spots\ncentral part of the state,\n| Seaitered frost was foreeast for\nithe Everglades where Johnson pre-\n|dicied lows of S642 near La\njOkeechobee and 33-38 away from\nihe Ieke.\n| Johnson also said there are ind:-\n}eadions there will be frost in most\nlof the farming areas tomorrow\ni morning.\n| The latest chili moved into Flor-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nda vesierday. A cold mass which\nhad been centered in Louisiana\nand Texas for many hours was the\n\n \n\n‘comeyor of the newest sieze\n\n_ The air became drs and cold.\nEAE er im much of South Fionda\nthe had been overcasi.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2285.98583984375, 1863.241455078125, 2601.727783203125, 2105.41650390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "U. 8. 1 Crash\nSets Truck on\nFire Saturday\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 612.2739604492187, 2829.60580859375, 1022.70180859375, 3596.2389179687502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\nEdley Lee Brov ig. 86. died of\na heart attack in Fert Pierce Fri-\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nsurvived by\nFort Pierce. George of\nFrancis of Ocala. Wood-\nter and James of\nthree daug\nMarty Besi. Roval\n\nMrs. Carrie\nuntiggion, W. Va\nDixie Browning of Jupiter Isla\nandchildren and 35 great\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nHe was a\n\nmemibet of the Church\nof God. Fort\n\nbe heig ai\nthe\n\n \n\n@. pastor of ih\nFor, Pierce. of 2\nwii ioliov in All Sainis\nCemetery. Jen. Beach.\n\nFriends may call at the Chapel\nfrom 2 p.m. Tuesday.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 602.375095703125, 3723.536716796875, 1016.8307758789063, 4330.007960937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\n \n\neinio. Jan. 2\nduel be\n\ngar Fa\n\n \n\n \n\nselecting espons and a neutral\n‘ ground.\n\nA communique issued after the\nseconds’ two meetings said letter.\nfrom Premier Pierre Mendes-\nFrance and former M er Mar-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\ncei Roclore had an\nshed in weekir\n\n \n\nsex LExpress could not ir\nany war be construed as a eriti-\ncism of Faure.\n\nFaure, 2 former Premier. xes-\nterday challenged Express editor\nJean-Tacques Servan-Schreiber, 31.\n: Faure deemed to be an\n2 the article.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1467.6947021484375, 705.6363525390625, 2682.003662109375, 1745.859619140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2691.347263671875, 1627.9550517578125, 3105.2264667968752, 2560.15005078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\nALGUSTA, . Jan, 22 ons\ntired President Eisenhower few\n‘here today for a weekend rest and\nigolims respie from the Far East-\nfern crisis and other Whrie House\n| responsibilities.\n\n{ The President arrived in his\npiane, Columbine HI, a couple of\nT affer signings an eytraordin-\n\nt resolution of Congress em-\npowering him ty ard: er armed ac-\ntion af necessary in defense of\nFormosa.\n\nEisenhowers press secretary.\nJames Hagerty, w asked after\nthe Presidents arrival if, as Pen-\ntagon sources reported. a series of\njorders to the US. Tth Fleet would\nfollow quickly the sizning of te\nalmost unanimously adopted res-\nolution, “No comment,” Hagerty\n‘replied.\n\nEtsenhower was greeted on ar-\ntrivel by a yroup including Brig.\n| Gen. Francis E_ Howard, com-\njmunding general of nearby Camp\n1 Gord and Elbert Peabody, Aw-\nigusta bankers and trezsurer ol\ni Augusta National Golf Club.\n| He drove straight to his cottage\n,on the gelf course with Clifford\ni Roberts, New York public reiations\nfexecutive and a long time friend.\nwho accompanied him on the flight\nfrom Washingion along with a\nsmall White Horse staff.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2700.993408203125, 2579.990234375, 3068.079833984375, 2811.92041015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Feeling U. 5. Is\nCloser To War\nThan Since 1950\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1038.0909423828125, 2125.29345703125, 1392.324462890625, 2364.386474609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "rair and Colder\nPredicted for\nFierida Sunday\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1870.4598388671875, 2357.297607421875, 2247.416259765625, 2549.838623046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Farmers Are\nAdvised to\nProtect Crops\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2689.41684375, 2832.87533984375, 3103.1744648437502, 4638.075343750001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n\n| AAIPER, Formosa\nfa strong feelng here ihat the\n| United States is closer to war to-\niday than at any time ce ih\nChinese Reds stormed across the\n{Yalu River into Korea in 1959,\n\nThe next few days will tell the\nstory. The decision is squarely up\nfo the same Chinese Commu\nnisis. But this time American com-\n{manders are determined -\nshall be no “Yalu River sai\nary.”\n\nThat feeling is expressed\nthroughout this tense but v\nanicked capital of Chiang\nck’s Chinese Nationalists.\nthe Reds want war, there is\n{a z00d chance they can have it\nhere. However, the Unti'd § ates\niis banking on the theory ihe\n!Heas do not want war—at least\nlnew.\n\n; Here is the reasoning on For-\ntmgssa~\n\ni The United States and the Na-\njonalists will in a matter of a few\n2S suon as formalities are\nay—bezin the evacua-\ns ard civilians from\niall Tachen Islands. Nation-\nsi-hcld eucposis 20 miles nortt\n,of here. and onl; a few miles from\nihe Red China mainland.\n\n& operation\nred br plenes\nmn Fleet.\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\nAmerican cover plan\n\nThe Communist air\nth Re 2\nthe Tachens area, which is\n\n \n\n \n \n\nDebly be\nhetore Am\nare Stering\nbases on the h\nnese mainiand,\n\nAthericaa commander:\nmimed there will he no “Yalu River:\nsanctuary” berend which Amer:\ncan planes cannot co. accor\nhichly placed sourees,\n\nThe explosive sytuauen will come\nio a do vhen the evacuation of\nthe Tachens actually begins—pos-\nsibly next week,\n\nif the erisis passes—and the Reds\ndo not altack American planes and\nships—the thinking in most high!\nquarters is that the troubled For-°\nmosa situate will simmer down,\nat Jeast for s few months. L\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1456.4169921875, 1877.672607421875, 1857.265869140625, 2114.01953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "House Burns fo\nGround: Occupan\nBadly iniured\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1446.4217529296875, 3104.608642578125, 1830.8204345703125, 3261.939697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Afomic-Powered\nAulomebile Now\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2694.38525390625, 698.0723266601562, 3501.14208984375, 925.9490356445312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Given Special Authority\nFor Defense Of Formosa\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2691.635986328125, 1440.795166015625, 3054.275146484375, 1605.437744140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "tke To Rest\nAt Augusta\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 630.5250244140625, 691.64013671875, 1424.6724853515625, 852.2703247070312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "NEW ATOMIC WEAPONS\nARE PREDICTED BY AEC\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 610.5042114257812, 2686.9296875, 1017.7137451171875, 2821.796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Death Takes\nE. L. Brownmo\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 611.813232421875, 3623.131591796875, 986.09130859375, 3711.31689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Duel Between Official\nAnd Editor Called Of\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1887.3071025390625, 1963.56967578125, 2261.239650390625, 2334.88930859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "The Junior Woman’s Club\nwill March on Polio Monday\nfrem 7 to 8 p.m.\n\nResidents have been asked\nta leave their porch lights on\nand restrain their dogs during\nthat hour.\n\nMrs. Roy Anderson is chair-\nman of the March and Mrs.\nLloyd Hicks, co-chairman.\n\nThe March will be the final\nevent in the drive to raise\nmuch needed funds te fight\nthe crippling disease.\n" }, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 3099.75717578125, 4320.77475390625, 3503.5633808593752, 4646.825343750001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "io partly\n\n \n \n \n\nClear\n\nwth portion\n. continued rather cold, low\nabout 24 extreme nerth,\nand 40-50 extreme south, scat.ered\nfrost as far south as the Ever-\nglades.\nMonday South Bridge Tides\nHgh 331 a.m.. 3:38 pm\nLow 934 a.m.: 10:06) p.m.\nBreakwater tides 2 hours earlier.\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1866.444091796875, 3510.48583984375, 2264.857666015625, 3589.818115234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "President Used 15 Pens\n\nIn Siening Recoalstinn\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 178.09793505859375, 3853.89877734375, 598.970607421875, 4044.4400898437502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": " \n\nSARASOTA, Jan, 29 2—Frederie\njams Gill, i, an i or and\n-mical engineer with Genetrai\nc Co, for many years. die\nhere | might. Funeral services\nand burial vil be in Cleveland\nWaneayr\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1023.943115234375, 3384.732666015625, 1437.817626953125, 3471.078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "| | Leopard Is On The Loose\n\n| Near New Smvrna Beach\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2697.62045703125, 942.9546245117187, 3100.6878925781252, 1396.9387470703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": ": WASHINGTON, Jan, 29\n\n \n\nsenhawer Wday a\n\n \n\n \n\nspower to firhi Red €\nemosa. He called th\n\n \n \n\nENOTES\nem! the present\narea, butowe also eb att Gur\ndeterminguien bo de an ures\nvital to the seeurtiy of the Up\nfen amd the free worhi\n\nsemhower, Secretary af State\nDalles and the Joint Chiefs of Stuf\nbad already worked out orders for\n\n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3099.5369609375, 1041.8207744140625, 3518.4984394531252, 4257.95962109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\nawhority\nby Con-\n\n \n\nsmevern he!\n\n \n\nTess,\nin\n\nMay &\n\n \n \n\nmants said the first problem\nFlee: with\nmir oecaver fur evacuatiun of the\ndivision oof Chimese Nato:\nirouds fram the Tachen Ist\nand Gar\nprocerd\nThe President read a statement\niakter affix S signature at 8:42\nie mite a conuresstonal res-\nolution for the defense of Formosa.\nHe stressed bath the war\nthe peacefal aspects of the\nedenied action, which began Mon-\nday when he sshed Congress to\nendorse his Formosa pobey and\nestabisk bevand question his power\n, Ia carey BR oonst.\n- The Howse first approved the\n{,Jomt resulution Tuesday by a vote\nvf 4903. Then Fru ht, after\noa biter argument over the extent\n:of the Presidents pawers and\nwhether he could order a “preren-\n[tive war’ 2 Communist\n.y China, the Senate adepied the reso-\n hutien 85-3,\n| Under it Exsentower now has\nelear authority through his own\njeoens‘ituional powers and from\n;Consress to use American armed\n- forces to defend Formosa against\ntany attack on the island itself or\nOn any island off the Red China\n|. shore. He alsu has authority to use\nerican forces agaimsl any con-\n;centralion of troops assembled on\nithe Communist mainland for the\nI presumed purpose of invading For-\n- TMISD.\n; The evacuation of the Tachen\nIslands 200 miles north of Formosa\nyi will involve grave risks of some\nAmerican losses, administration of-\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nfjficals believe. and so will the re-\n| deployment of Chiang Kai-sheks\n2iforces to Formosa or to such key\nij offshore positions as the Quemoys\n\nnd Matsus. It was understood\nhere that American pilots\ntithe right of “hot pursuit\n.inese jets attack and then run back\nover the China mainland, a right\ndenied the Americans during the\nKorean War.\n\nThe Eisenhower administration\napparently felt no sense of emer-\ngeney as a result of the signing\nlof the resolution and the im-\n\nminence of 7ih Fleet operations\n\nunder it.\n\nAt 9:15 a.m, the President took\n\noff for a golfing weekend in Au-\n‘gusta, Ga.. and Secretary of Siate\nDulles jeff for a weeks fishing\n|and rest in the Bahamas,\n\nAt the brief and informal signing\nieeremony in the White House con-\ntference room, Eisenhower thanked\niconcressional leaders grouped\nsabout him for “their great patri-\nfotic service in getting the For-\npmosa resolution passed hy an “‘al-\nfmest unanimous vote.”\n\n‘ “By their vote. the American\n.people through their elected repre-\njsentatives have made it clear to\nthe world, he said, “that we are\njuniied here al home im our de-\n{termination to help a brave ally\npand resist Communist armed\n\njaggression.”\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nis bel:\nve the\npeace in the Formosa area.\n\nJi was ai this point that he spoke\nof support for “a United Nations\n\n \n\n \n\nearlier drafi of the Presi-\n\ndenis statemem had re\na U. efiort io ohisim a crase-\n‘fire. The change in lansguace may\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\ners par to s that ow the\nUnited States is interested in is\npeace. and noi\nealuy of a cease\nThe Chinese ©\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nbesan\never\nthe Peipme jay as “abso\n\nputely\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\njauniuy into\n< 8:49 a\n1D-Gay of Uy\nas Commit.\n\n \n\n \n\nand How\n\nMaerun\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\npuilican\n\n \n\nf@ peace in the area. accom:\njeg the stood\nse behind him as he signed.\n\n \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 161.4215545654297, 472.7165832519531, 3494.036865234375, 664.95751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Ike Gets Push-Button Power To Fiqht\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 192.9669688720703, 926.5543559570312, 622.6963764648438, 3845.41274609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "LNSPED SATIONS, A. OY. Jan\n2 “$—The Umed iStates. Britain\nand New Zealand continued coa-\nsuhations here today in advance\nof a U, N. Security Council meet-\ning Monday aimed ai halting fight\ning for Ck e nds thal some\nfeared could spread into 2\nconmhies.\n\nDesote a sew Chinese Comma-\nnis. broadcast\nsitike ot\nheuvy bhus\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nMiCrieres W\n\ntw camure\n\n \n\nRed China's can.\nFormusa.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\nStep oy ta\nWw state tis ease at The Council\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nStr Leslie Munro, New Zealand\ni ador and CouncH presid:\n\n \n \n\n \n \n\nhe wo\nfor Councll adopuon of the i\ntion the first thing Monday morn-\n\n \n\nunro ¢.\ncuss the\nthe area\ncoast of\nTE @ ce\nthe islan\n\nto and inchs\nother peasceiu!\narea would follow.\n\nThe Unied States and\nhave made it clear they\nthe peace move. The\nHOt oppose ih\ninvitation for Red Ct represen-\ntalives io come under a’\ncharter rule pro for bowb\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nmo any dispuie api to disturb the\npeace.\nPre.\n\n \n\npower to use\nand naval!\nway deemed neces-;\nan invasion of For-\n\nAmerican\nforces &\n\n \n\n \n\nL. 8. readi-\nage\nthrea.ening the Un\nStates and world secyprs\nming was considered pre-\nie LL S. proieeti ak\nChinese\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nregarded on Formosa as a\nwhether the United States is\ncloser 10 war nov than at any time\nsince Red China entered the Korea‘\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nspr\nthe mee\nPeru's\nsucceed:\nei nresi\nagreed on cor\nCou\n\nA British delegation source said\n“we are somg ahead Monday as\narranged ng ihe British «\ncharse d affaires reported :\npressing Prem Chou En-iai to\naccept an invitation wo send a rep-:\nresentative here for the talks. i\n\nWith Britis\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\npressure there\nSoviet Foreign |\nMoiotey io help\n\nwhat he called any reali efforis for -\nthe Coune:] had seme con-*\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nis UG\n\ndis 8\nnmedate\n\na dead end:\nthe Council\nremained io be determined after it |\nSs learned «he.her the Ch\nConimunis ould send repr\natives and what the debates here\nbring forth.\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\ni oa cease-fire order\n\nthe power of severe\nsanctions the Cox\nio impose. the &\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1879.0467529296875, 1883.193359375, 2260.786865234375, 1960.441162109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Junior Women March o\nPolio Monday Night\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 206.74102783203125, 4077.312744140625, 582.187744140625, 4516.77294921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 628.7777446289062, 861.71225390625, 1450.5561787109375, 972.8411518554688 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "| WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 (AP)—The Atomic E\nComm j\nyelopments in the field of atamie weapo!\n\n \n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 3196.36962890625, 4275.63623046875, 3402.205078125, 4314.01220703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "WEATHER\n" }, "44": null, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 1016.5867919921875, 3864.084716796875, 2603.70849609375, 4053.8359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "enrative SKU buaget\n\n$1,280,000 In Road Projects For St. Lucie County\n\n \n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 613.837498046875, 4394.06528125, 991.4652973632813, 4504.320460937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "St. Lucie County Accident\nfol since Jan. J, as compiled\nby t h e Florida Highway\nPatrol!\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1895.3363037109375, 2557.705078125, 2253.027587890625, 2579.5927734375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Roe THE atenriaTonm poece\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 662.2457885742188, 4354.39501953125, 968.0430297851562, 4393.10791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "ACCIDENT TOLL\n" }, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 6 ], [ 52, 13 ], [ 17, 24 ], [ 17, 29 ], [ 17, 41 ], [ 17, 45 ], [ 24, 29 ], [ 24, 41 ], [ 24, 45 ], [ 29, 41 ], [ 29, 45 ], [ 41, 45 ] ]
[ 8036.3486328125, 11024.6036796875 ]
[ [ 1, 6 ], [ 13, 52 ], [ 17, 24 ], [ 24, 41 ], [ 29, 17 ], [ 41, 45 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 5966.19221875, 691.5700263671876, 6965.2750664062505, 4575.3395195312505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "A two-month evangelism\nseries at the First Baptist\nchurch of Eureka, Del Norte\nand E streets, will begin Sun-\n‘day...\n| Three main topics will be in-\ncluded: evangelism across the\n‘oceans. India, January 9, 16, 23;\nevangelism in the United States,\nJanuary 30, February 6, 13; and\n‘evangelism in our own church.\nFebruary 16-27, inclusive every\nnight.\n\nEach Sunday night for the\ntwo months, there will be study\ngroups for adults and young\npeople, and a special group fo:\nchildren through the sixth\ngrade at 6:30 p.m. There wi\nbe special leaders for these\ngroups.\n\nAt the Sunday evening ser\nvices at 7:30 p.m. there will be\nfilms, missionaries, and plays\nThe Rev. and Mrs. Richarc\n|Sweesey will present a week 0!\n‘evangelistic meetings.\n\n“Empty Hands,” a one-ac'\n‘play by Helen M. Clark, will be\n‘presented as a play-reading Sun\n‘day at 7:30 p.m. The setting o:\nthe play is in present-day India\nGarland Bannon and Matt Ker!\nwill portray American mission\naries. Mrs. Olive Kruger wil\nplay the part of a Hindu womar\nwho is torn between faith ir\nGod and faith in Hindu charm:\nwhen her child is ill. Nick Kru\nger plays the part of a Brahmir\nsearching after the true God\nwho is helped by a young Amer\nican. The American is playec\n_by James Evenson. Michael Mor\nony appears as a Hindu servant\nand Glen Fieldstad has the rol\n‘of Jogie, a small Hindu addicte«\nto stealing sugar.\n\nThe public is invited to attenc\n\\this service which is the firs\nin a series of Sunday evening:\nto be devoted to special empha\n‘sis on world evangelism.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 48.57690045166016, 645.0564155273438, 1046.720134765625, 3832.847087890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Honolulu “?—A man who is\nstumping for a calendar plan of\nhis own said today the world is\nin danger of getting a new type\nof calendar which would elimi-\nnate New Year's Day and have\nfour Fridays the thirteenth. |\n\nWilliard E. Edwards, a Hawaii\nengineer who has been working\nfor adoption of his perpetual\ncalendar for the past 14 years,\nsaid United Nations action on a\nreformed and improved calen-\ndar might be launched early in\n1955.\n\n“And,” Edwards said, “there's\na million dollar outfit known as\nthe World Calendar Association\nwhich is doing its best to keep\nits so-called world calendar con-\nstantly in the public and official\neye to the exclusion of all other\nplans. All I want is equal consid:\neration and comparison for my\nperpetual calendar, and I have\nwritten to Dr. Dag Hammar\nskjold, secretary-general of the\nU.N., asking for assurance that\nI will get fair treatment.”\n\nBoth Edward's calendar anc\nthat of his rival want to replace\nthe present Gregorian system\nof keeping track of the days.\nmonths and years, a system\nwhich some say has become un.\nwieldy and impractical for mod\nern living. Both new proposal:\nare for an international fixec\ncivil calendar of 12 months anc\nequal quarters of 91 days each\n\nFaults Eliminated\n\nThe differences, according tc\n\nEdwards, are in the extent tc\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3069.608478515625, 6971.6931953125, 4033.9943046875, 8687.0900078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "The executive board of the\nMcKinleyville Parent Teachers\nassociation met Tuesday after-\nnoon to discuss the “Health Is\na Habit” program, which will\nbe the theme for the next meet-\ning, Tuesday, January 11, at 8\np.m. in the school multi-purpose\nroom.\n\nThe program will include an\nexplanation on the forthcoming\nschool bond election by Grant\nFerguson, superintendent of the\nschool; an outline of the school\nhealth program for the year by\nMrs. Irene_ Spidell, school\nnurse; and a health skit by the\nsixth grade class.\n\nThe PTA blood drawing will\nbe held Wednesday at the\nschool from 3 to 6 p.m. Every:\none was urged to donate blooc\nat this drawing.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 6981.9021796875, 876.4112739257813, 7973.8702812500005, 3286.1329765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Lydia Tighe -has filed suit\nagainst Robert H. Wilks and\nJuanita L. Wilks for rent claim-\ned due on the Big Four in\nTrinidad. Irwin T. Quinn and\nMelvin S. Johnson are attorneys\nfor the plaintiff.\n\nAudrey E. Miguel has filed\nsuit for divorce from Walter E.\nMiguel. Falk & Falk are the\nattorneys.\n| Public administrator W. L,\nWallace has filed a petition for\nletters of administration in the\nesate of Grace Hatcher. Mitchell\nand Henderson are the attor-\nneys.\n| In the estate of Carl Wilker-\n‘son, Public Administrator W, L.\nWallace petitioned for letters of\nadministration under section\n1143 of the probate code. Mitch-\n‘ell and Henderson are the at\ntorneys.\n| Orman A. Edeline filed suit\nagainst all persons unknown to\nquiet title. Mitchell and Hen-\n'derson are his attorneys.\n| Mildred R. Davis filed suit\nagainst E. B. Story on a com-\nplaint for money due on a\n‘promissory note. Michael Mec-\nHugh is her attorney.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2089.9178046875, 6938.68391796875, 3061.58268359375, 8386.303875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "A seven-man committee head-\ned by Sero Maffia has been ap-\npointed by Clifford S$. Dumm,\npresident of the Eureka Cham-\nber of Commerce, to work with\nthe city council on a study and\nanalysis of what to do with the\nearthquake-damaged city hall.\n\nThe committee will aid in a\nsurvey on the cost of repairing\nthe structure compared to raz-\ning the building and construct-\ning a new one, separately or in\nconjunction with a county\ncourt house\n\nBesides Maffia, members of\nthe committee are Maynard Ar-\nnot, Carl Gustafson, Don Lar-\nsen, Arch O Leforse, Henry\nTerheyden and Dan F Villa.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4075.697998046875, 8761.3251953125, 4925.82861328125, 9103.9189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "HSC Students To\nFlect Delegates\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1044.5297431640624, 686.7340888671876, 2036.787029296875, 3192.481609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "which each proposal goes to-\nward eliminating the alleged\nfaults of the present system. |\nEdwards says his calendar will\ndo everything that the world\ncalendar would do and still keep\nNew Year’s Day as well as elim-\n‘inate all “Black Fridays.”\n- Under his perpetual calendar,\n‘Edwards said, Sunday always\nwould be a day of rest. For in-\nstance, the first and the 15th of\n‘the month would always fall on\na week day making it easy to\nmeet those traditional payroll\nand payment dates without cal-\n‘endar juggling.\n\n_ On the world calendar the\nfirst and 15th would fall on\nSunday four times a year, and\n_ New Year’s would be eliminated\njin favor of a Year-end Day\nwhich would come between a\n, Saturday and a Sunday. Ed.\nwards’ New Year Day would\nalso be a day apart from the\ndates on the calendar, but it\nwould come between a Sunday\n| and. Monday and actually would\n, be the first day of the year.\n\n| Another feature of Edwards\n|plan is that his calendar breaks\nwith tradition and makes Mon.\n| day the first day of the week.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4057.56477734375, 9131.96565625, 5041.06217578125, 10352.926921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "In a student body election\nFriday, four representatives at\nlarge for the Humboldt State\ncollege student council will be\nselected.\n\nRepresentatives-at-large are\nelected near the end of each fall\nsemester and serve for one\nyear. They are among the 12\nmembers of the student coun.\ncil. Two men-and two womer\nstudents will be named.\n\nIncumbent representatives are\nJoyce Jacobs of Ukiah, Kay Kil\nlinger of Arcata, Paul Jensen 0!\nSacramento and John Dufou\n“of Los Angeles.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1084.107501953125, 3645.045490234375, 2055.3284111328126, 4215.81705859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "City Clerk Ruby Shanahan\nhas announced all mail destined\nfor city offices should continue\nto be mailed to the city hall.\nThe city government will make\nits own distribution to munic-\nipal offices scattered over the\ncity.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5034.2810859375, 6913.243, 6005.9449882812505, 7998.9747734375005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "- Booked at the Humboldt\ncounty jail, one person’ was\ncharged with failure to provide\nand two others with drunken\n‘driving\n\n_ Roy Everett Maack, 36, of 325\n‘Tenth street, Arcata, was ar.\nrested by sheriff's officers anc\ncharged with failure to provide\nMillard Terrill, 30, of Mc\nCann and Ralph T. Murphy, 24\nof Carlotta, were booked by of.\nficers of the California highway\npatrol on charges of driving\nwhile intoxicated\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4043.982990234375, 6932.5799140625, 5030.34342578125, 8711.6241875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Preceding the regular Blue\nLake firemen’s meeting the Boy\nScout committee of Troop 24\n\n‘met at the fire hall Tuesday\nevening. Pete Brundin, presi-\ndent, presided.\n\nOther members present were\nsecretary, Clyde Patenaude;\ntreasurer, Martin Jackson; Bob\nAcorn, Wayn Carey, Carl Hamp-\nton, Fred Johnson and _ two\njnewly appointed members, Fred\n‘Neilsen and Fred Schuler;\nPhoonani rc Jerry Nickel.\n\n| Carl Hampton was named on\nthe advisory committee, Fred\nNeilsen on finances and rec-\ncords, and Fred Johnson for\ntransportation and camping.\nPlans are being made by the\nscoutmaster and his assistant\nfor the troop to build some to-\n‘boggans ard also to look into\n‘the reforestation program.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5032.89192578125, 8407.9080390625, 6029.3776054687505, 9827.7892265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Lodged at the Eureka city\njail during the past 24 hours one\nperson was charged with drunk-\nen- driving and three others\n\\with disturbing the peace .\n\n| Mauri Unto Typpo, 28, of\n2150 A street, Eureka, was\nbooked Friday afternoon on a\ncharge of driving while intoxi-\ncated.\n\n| Reportedly fighting, Mildred\nA. Donahue, 29, of 179 I street.\n‘and Arliss Roberts, 22, of 218\nThird street, both of Eureka,\nwere charged with disturbing\nthe peace.\n\n: Charged with the same of-\n> fense, John Dean Parker, 27, of\n- 615 L street, Eureka, was book-\ned shastic haface midniaght\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5055.21875, 8049.5283203125, 5851.37548828125, 8384.984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Four Booked At\nFureka City Jail\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 6011.0701484375, 5120.5935859375, 7003.8898125000005, 7229.1295585937505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "The Northwestern Pacific\nRailroad has announced it\nmoved 51,914 carloads of forest\nproducts from its line north of\nWillits during 1954, an increase\nof 1382 over 1953.\n\n| Harold J. Mahan, assistant\ndistrict freight and passenger\nagent for the railroad here,\nmade the announcement. The\ntotal roughly is equivalent to a\nfreight train 491 miles long.\n\n| The carloadings consisted\n‘principally of lumber, plywood,\n‘box material and other products\nof the forest.\n\n_ Despite lengthy lumber and\nrailroad strikes in 1954, the\n|'NWP hauled 1,382 more cars of\nforest products in 1954 than in\ni953—a year which should have\nboosted rail shipments due to\nthe truck park-down. The total\n‘for 1953 was 50,532.\n\n| Average daily carloads of tim-\nber and timber products ship-\nped out of this area via rail dur-\ning 1954 ran_ slightly more\nthan 142 cars per day, counting\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 48.74472427368164, 205.6343231201172, 1901.4146728515625, 649.8428344726562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Honolulu Encineer Enters Baiile\nOn Revision Of Present Calendar\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 6004.12109375, 147.03587341308594, 6923.18603515625, 673.3880615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Evangelism Series\nTo Be Hela At\nBaptist Church\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5037.974609375, 6564.8017578125, 5855.4052734375, 6904.75927734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Three Lodged In\nHumboldt Jail\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2068.422443359375, 3727.52864453125, 3050.24479296875, 6541.7335625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "house with encore after encore\n\nin every place he has played\n\nduring the current tour. ‘“Fa-\n\ntha” has surrounded himself\n\nwith a solid organization of\n\nNegro Bandmen and their ren-\n\ndition of such hits as ‘““Muskrat\n\nRamble’ and ‘Don't Hear\n\nSweet Music Anymore” is said\n\nto be the best in the country.\nThe two and onehalf hour\n\nshow is a fast moving program\n\nwith everything from vocalists\n\nand comedy dancers to jugglers\n\nand mind-readers.\n\n| The complete program in-\n\ncludes the following:\n\nEarl (Fatha Hines and his ten-\n\npiece band.\n\n_ Cissi Rose, collegiate song-\n\nstress from University of Illi-\n\n‘ois.\n\n| Tony Ponce, opera and con-\n\n‘cert stage singer.\n\n| Tony Lavelli, All-American\n\naccordionist.\n\n- Jaeques Cordon, unicyclist\n\njuggler. ‘\n\n| Coates and Dolores, trampo-\n\nline artists.\n\n| Tong Brothers, Chinese hand\n\nbalancers.\n\n| King and Zerita, mind read-\n\ners.\n\n_ Hadd Brooks, sepia song-\n\nstress.\n\n_ Mason and Anderson, Negro\n\n‘comedy dancers.\n\n| The Romanos, Italian comedy\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 6018.60595703125, 4661.068359375, 6780.62353515625, 5100.0146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "NWP Freight\nOver 1953\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3078.045734375, 9136.4920234375, 4058.127361328125, 11024.6036796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Howard Frakes, Arcata post-\nmaster, reports that postal, re-\nceipts climbed to 5.1 per cent\nabove those of 1953 during the\npast year, with a net of $116,-\n184 as compared to the $110,511\nrecorded in 1953.\n| “If the present trend con-\ntinues it will be necessary to\nestablish a new post office,\nFrakes predicted. Postal re-\nceipts and the number of can-\ncellations for December of 1954\nreached an all time high.\n\n_ A ten per cent increase was\nshown during December of\n(1954 over the same month in\n(1953.\n\n_ “If we had not been able tc\n‘use the temporary post office\n‘facilities at the corner of 10tt\n‘and G streets this year, I don’\n| see how we could have made it,”\n- Frakes said. The property wa:\n. loaned to the post office by th\n|Bank of America.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3094.997802734375, 8772.6748046875, 3883.967529296875, 9117.373046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Postal Receipts\nClimb In Arcata\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2080.337158203125, 6587.6103515625, 2849.561279296875, 6926.4228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Group To Aid|n\nCity Hall Probe\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2099.724201171875, 8745.541828125, 3082.1212578125, 10457.7638359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "The annual no-host luncheon\nof the board of directors of the,\nAssociated Charities will be\nheld in the Eureka Inn on Mon-\nday, January 10, at 12 o clock.\nThe event will honor Miss Elise\nTomlinson, who has served as\npresident of the organization\nfor the past 40 years, and also\nwill honor Mrs. George Murray\nand Mrs. John White, who have\nbeen vice president and secre-\ntary-treasurer, respectively, for\nalmost that long. |\n\nAnnual reports will be given.\nMrs. Frank Barnum, chairman\nof the Christmas committee,\nwill tell of the packing and dis-\ntribution of 65 baskets of food\nat the holiday time. All mem-\nbers are invited to attend the\nAssociated Charities board din-\nner, committee members said.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 115.76470184326172, 4943.24462890625, 1057.04150390625, 6662.76220703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Mino:\n\nLAST DAY?!\n\n \n\nPlus 5 DISNEY ( ARTOONS!\n\ndoh onli data Mal\n\n \n\n: plus Geo. Montgomery As\n“THE PATHFINDER”\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3061.49690625, 5114.61067578125, 4031.607341796875, 6535.0026054687505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Every performer on the bill\nis an accomplished artist, either\nalready a star or perched on\nthe brink of stardom. The label\n“great” has been applied to sev-\neral by critics who predict fu-\ntures for them in the realm of\nmusic.\n\nIn Paris, France, Saperstein\ndiscovered in Tony Ponce a\nrobust tenor voice that bids fair\nto go far on the operatic and\nconcert stage following this\ntour with the Globetrotters\nVarieties.\n\nFor change of pace the Sap-\nerstein revue presents a cut,\ncollegiate singing stylist in Cis-\nsie Rose, a find from the Uni-\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 4049.438720703125, 6571.1171875, 4953.7978515625, 6919.63671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Blue Lake Scout\nCommittee Meets\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 7003.8974609375, 3340.03466796875, 7849.0615234375, 3693.867431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Two Area Youths\nFnlist In Army\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 4087.91096875, 10483.6189765625, 5054.423015625, 11013.622234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "No damage was reported by\nEureka firemen who raced to\nthe residence of St. Clair Adams\n309 Harris street, at 10:40 this\nmorning. The blaze was blamed\non grease in an oven and was\n‘out when fire fighters arrived\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3069.87060546875, 6570.62939453125, 3980.190673828125, 6933.14501953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "McKinleyville PTA\nBoard In Meeting\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2032.8925361328124, 691.7283515625, 3043.708904296875, 2507.079021484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Abe Saperstein, fabulous\nowner of the Harlem Globetrot-\nters basketball team, has hit\nthe jackpot again in the enter-\ntainment world, this time with\na stage-show spectacle known as\nthe “Harlem Globetrotters Va-\nrieties of 1955.”\n\nThe huge stage show, which\nfeatures Earl (Fatha) Hines and\n| his ten piece Negro Band, plus\nten variety acts (mixed white\nand Negro entertainers) will be\npresented in Eureka’s Munici-.\npal auditorium on Monday\nnight, January 17, at 8 o clock,\nunder sponsorship of Eureka\nLions club. There will only be\none performance and half the\n‘seats in the house will be re-\nserved. The other half will be\n\n/general admission.\n\nHines, the daddy of the music\n‘world, has brought down the\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 7042.7470703125, 6010.40771484375, 7977.7119140625, 7784.77880859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Sunday !\n> Ford.\n\\ Ys Theatre.\n~~ Presents forthe\nFIRST TIME ON TV\nMAGIC FORMULA\n\nSTARRING\n\n \n\n \n\nCLAUDETTE\nCOLBERT\n\nKIEM-TV® 9:\nCHANNEL 3\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1084.7904052734375, 3275.88134765625, 1901.42626953125, 3629.523681640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "City Hall Mailing\nAddress Same\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 123.60932159423828, 6795.853515625, 1062.92919921875, 10974.390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n\n\"NOW peenars\n\n—. a.\n\n \n\n' ¢reorTuNay\nNOW SHOWING\n\nMEDEA ES GOR regs ROO SF Spek\nParamount Presents\n\nWARPATH\n\nColor by TECHNICOLOR\n\nPOLO BAB RP ces S. 50 Saw Reg Re. Sieaw Be\nPLUS\n\nPARAMOUNT PRESENTS\n\n‘SMITH\n\nCoLor er 5 PECHNICOLOR\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 184.0629425048828, 3880.95458984375, 1039.961669921875, 4843.63818359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "THE HART\nTHEATRE\n\nFERNDALE\n\"Ie Eee aT\n\nClaudette Colbert\n\nFred MacMurray\n—PLUS—\n\n“PA & MA KETTLES”\nSUN.-MON.-TUES.\n\nBox office opens at 7 p.m.\n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 6091.373046875, 8345.912109375, 6979.09716796875, 9805.78125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "RET \\\n\nOPEN 4\n_ SUNDAY\n\n \n\nHUNT'S\nPHARMACY\n\nB15 fF Si.\nHI 2-1781\nee et a\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 6985.01253125, 3712.817462890625, 7991.1569023437505, 5281.95182421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "The United States Army re-\ncruiting office here announced\n‘that two men enlisted this week\n‘from this area in the United\n‘States Army.\n| They are Richard E. E. Do-\n‘Moe, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs,\nChester D. DoMoe of 2615 Al-\nbee street, Eureka, and DeHie\n‘DeMonte Wiens, son of Mr. and\n‘Mrs. Harry Lloyd Wiens, Rt. 1,\nBox 862 D, Crescent City.\n\nDoMoe after completing eight\nweeks of basic training at Fort\n‘Ord, California will be trans-\nferred to ordinance school.\nWeins will be transferred to\n‘Monmouth, New Jersey where\nhe. will attend radar repair\nschool under the Army selec-\n‘tive school program for high\nlenhnoal cradiatas.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 5117.61181640625, 9962.8486328125, 6968.38037109375, 10939.4736328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "- SAVE 4) 7 6 ON YOUR\n_ FIRE INSURANCE ©\n\nGALE M GORSUCH\n\n| _ INSURANCE AGENCY\nS11.- 6th: Street | HI 3-0117\n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 7026.40625, 393.583251953125, 7906.54638671875, 774.68603515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "In The Humboldt\nSuperior Courts\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 7026.333984375, 7811.89501953125, 8036.3486328125, 11011.3896484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\ngee MAC:\n\nA $100 moving bill is easy\nwhen you move with a MAC*\n$100 budget-loan! First pay-\nment not due for 6 weeks,\nthen 24 months to repay at\n$5.61 a month... Loans on\ns@ary, car or furniture (paid\nfor or not). MAC is personal-\n\nized, confidential.\n\n \n \n \n\nMERCANTILE\nACCEPTANCE CO.\n\nAcross from the Post Office\n\nROSS LOWRY,\n\nBranch Mer.\n511H HI 3-1608\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2078.27669140625, 2596.70051953125, 3002.81412890625, 3644.6742363281246 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Reserved seats for the\nGlobetrotters Variety show\nwill be on sale starting. Mon-\n| day afternoon at the Eureka\nMunicipal auditorium box of-\nfice from 2 to 5 o'clock.\nphone 2-8593 for reserva-\ntions.\n\nPrices for the show will be\nas follows: Reserved seats\n| $2.75 and $2.20. General ad-\nmission $1.65 and children 12\nand under in general admis-\nsion sections, $1.00.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2091.719970703125, 8468.3291015625, 3011.573974609375, 8736.66796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Charities Board\nLuncheon Monday\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4048.548419921875, 4934.151203125, 5022.12272265625, 6523.3649101562505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "versity of [linois.\n\nKing & eZrita, world-traveled\nmentalists supreme, could head-\nline any theatrical show in the\nworld, so remarkable and un-\ncanny is their audience-partici-\npation mind-reading presenta-\ntion.\n\nAll of the other acts have won\ninternational acclaim on travels\nwith the Globetrotters of bas-\nketball and it is safe to classify\neach among the greatest in its\nrespective fold. The Tong Broth-\ners, three hand _ balancers\nsupreme from Hong Kong,\nChina, are repeated show stop-\npers. So, too, are the three\nRomanos, comedy acrobats ex-\ntraordinary from Genoa, Italy.\nJacques Cordon, of Brussels,\nBelgium, stands alone in his in.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 6062.54443359375, 7282.7587890625, 6967.96484375, 8245.76171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "HOW CHRISTIAN\nSCIENCE HEALS\n\n*A PROOF\nTHAT\nPRAYER\nHEALS”\n\nKIEM 9:15 P.M.\n1480 Ke. Jan. 9\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 3099.395751953125, 620.2223510742188, 5945.62939453125, 4857.623046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2109.2068671875, 10503.414875, 3078.171794921875, 11017.965984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "@ @ Fuchsia Society — The Am.\nerican Fuchsia society will meet\nTuesday, January 11, at 7:45 p.\n-m. at the Eureka Woman's club\n(1531 J street. The book, “Fu\nchsia Survey” will be reviewed\n\\Refreshments will be served.\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 5030.43489453125, 4890.28841015625, 5998.6246757812505, 6497.9156914062505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "tricate juggling feats aboard a\ntricky unicycle on a small table.\n- From New Orleans come Ma:\nson & Anderson, sepia dancing\nyouths who have captivated au:\ndiences all over Europe and\nSouth America traveling with\nthe Trotters. Rounding out the\nthrilling program are Coates\nand Dolores, whose trampoline\nstunts like those acts of the\nRomanos, Tongs and others\nhave been highlights of the\nleading network televisior\nshows.\n\nNewspaper critics assert Sap\n‘erstein has a musical revue\ndestined for the same _higt\nniche in the theatrical worlc\n‘that his world-famed basketbal\nteam occupies in the field 01\n‘sports.\n\n}\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 2030.2327880859375, 158.9715118408203, 5342.91845703125, 637.6627197265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "“Abe Sanersiein Of Harlem Glchatrotiers Comes Out Will\nBig - Time Variely Show; Slaied For Eureka January |/\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 4325.66015625, 10403.107421875, 4796.20751953125, 10476.287109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "MINOR FIRE\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1194.45263671875, 9720.60546875, 1926.9830322265625, 9823.4111328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "KIEM - TV- Chan.\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 1102.789630859375, 4467.40315625, 2018.70866015625, 9743.224773437501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "NIC ARC\n\n1480KCS 9%96.3MCS\n\nSaturday, Jan. 8 1955\nP M ;\n6:15—lLocal News.\n6:25—-Paul Bunyan Reports.\n6:30-—-Sports Eve View.\n6:45—Hi Roads to Melody.\n7:00—Top Secret Files.\n7:30—Redwood Wrangle Time.\n8:00—South Fork at Eureka.\n9:00—Halftime News. :\n10:05—-Weather Forecast.\n10:10-—Opportunity Calling.\n10:15—-Chicago Theatre of the Air.\n11:30—Midnite Silhouettes.\n12:00—-Devotional Sign Off.\n\nSunday, Jan. 9, 1955\nA. M.\n6:25—Devotionai Sign On\n6:30—Sacred Heart.\n6:45—Sunday Sing Time.\n6:50— Weather Forecast.\n6:55—According to Record.\n7:00—Good Fellowship.\n7:230—Concert Miniature.\n8:00—Heralds of Truth.\n8°30—Nazarene Church.\n9:00—-Channels of Truth.\n9$:15—Shopping Guide.\n9:30—Voice of Prophecy\n10:00—News\n10:15—Pop Tune Time\n10:30—Western Serenade\n11:00—Roy Acuff\n‘11:15—Concert Masters\n11:45—Record Pets of the Week.\n12:00—Halls of Memories\n12:15—Weather Forecast\n12:20—Calling All Drivers.\n12:25—Telelog\n12:30—Brizard's News\n12:45—Sunday Serenade\n1:00—Keyboard Serenade\n1:15—Hi Way Headlines.\n1:30—Nick Carter.\n2:00—Rin Tin Tin.\n2:30—True Detective.\n3:00—Public Prosecutor.\n3:30—Bob Considine.\n3:45—Harryv Wismer.\n4:00-—-FEchoes of the Gay ‘90's.\n4:10—Radio “Center Music Hall.\n5:00—Dennis Dav Show.\n6:00—This Is HSC\n6:05—Faculty Forum\n6:10-- Weather\n6:15—Local News.\n6:25--Sunday Spot of Sports.\n6§:30—Sunday Concert\n7:00-—-Svmphony of Stars.\n7:30—John Steele, Adventurer\n8:00—Hawaii Calls.\n8:30—Harbor Personalities.\n8:45—Americans Speak Up\n9:00—Alka Seltzer News.\n9:15—Christian Science.\n9:230—Old Fashioned Revival Hour.\n10:30—Hymn History\n10:30—Hour of St. Francis (FM only!\n10:45—Night Flight.\n11:00— Weather Forecast.\n11:05—Devotional Sign Off.\n\n_ Monday, Jan. 18, 1954\nA. M.\n§:55—-Devotional Sign On.\n6:00—Yawn Patrol.\n6:25—News.\n6:30—Yawn Patrol\n6:45—Five Minutes With Open Bible\n6:50—Weather Forecast.\n6:55—Regional News\n7:00—Hemingway News\n7:15—-Breakfast Gang\n7:45—Local News.\n8:00-——-Musical Send Off.\n8:30--Bob Greene News\n8:35—Musical Sendoff.\n$:00—Ceci! Brown\n9:15—Sing Aalong.\n9:45-——-Marv Lou\n10:00- News\n10:15- Tello Test\n10:30—Musie Coast to Coast.\n11:00—-Florida Calling\n11:25—News Briefs.\n11:30--Queen for a Vay\n12:00—Hi Noon Hi Tinks. »\nP M.\n12:15— Weather Forecast.\n12:20—Chevrolet Salute.\n12:30—Brizards News.\n12:45-——-Farm Advisor.\n12:55—Time Out.\n1:00—1480 Frolic.\n1:25—Pacific Coast Headlines.\n1:30—Feminine Fancies.\n2:00—Trader Horn\n2:25— World News.\n3:00—Who's New in Pink and Blue\n3:05—Recipe Time.\n3:30—Buxton News.\n3:35—Telelog\n3:40—Conrad. Coffee Connisseur.\n3:45—Tello Test\n4:00—-Fulton Lewis, Jr.\n4:15—Hemingeway News\n4:30—Here s The Answer.\n4:45—Sam Haves.\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1139.90364453125, 9823.8572578125, 1907.050701171875, 10983.5646171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Saturday, Jan. &, 19545\n5:00—Faith for Today\n5:45—Weather and News.\n6:00—Saturday Matine.\n7:00——That’s My Boy\n7:30—Harry Owens.\n&:00-—Break the Bank\n&:30—So This Is Hollywood.\n9:00—Two For fhe Money.\n9:30—Big Picture.\n10:00—Henry Fonda Presents.\n10:30—Weather-News\n19:45—Sign-Off\n\nSunday. Jan. 9, 1955\n\n4:00—Sunday Matinee.\n5:00—This Is The Life.\n5:30—News and Weather\n6:36—Big Picture.\n7:00—Private Secretary.\n7:30—Dollar A Second.\n&:00—Ray Milland Show.\n&:30—-City Detective.\n9:00—-Ford Theatre.\n4:30——People Are Funny.\n10:00—-News and Weather,\n10:13—Sigcn Off.\n" }, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 7012.80403515625, 5382.2029609375, 8000.1554375000005, 5943.4518242187505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "every day of the year.\n\n- Monthly totals ran as follows:\nJanuary, 3,314; February, 3,823;\nMarch, 4,490; April, 4,087; May,\n4,826; June, 5,059; July, 4,950;\nAugust, 5,647; September 5,147;\nOctober, 5,058; November, l,-\n998: December. 3.515.\n" }, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 7 ], [ 0, 8 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 1, 8 ], [ 7, 8 ], [ 9, 4 ], [ 9, 14 ], [ 4, 14 ] ]
[ 2555.8846484375, 3466.557861328125 ]
[ [ 0, 7 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 4, 9 ], [ 8, 1 ], [ 14, 4 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1937.1245068359376, 181.05147827148437, 2245.806279296875, 679.380986328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "ehnitientowned” mabber\nsupport” the” -Prepldénit 9\njiendallon “on” postal. ja,\" to' tips\nfolie. vale. on ihe poslal pay Mill,\nto- support the’ Presidénl’s high\nway’ plan, to laipport: the Preal:\ndents pyblie “hovsiig” request, “16\nPravont-itnbalkcing of thé dofarise\nestablishimont, 10 uphold the Pres-\n{dent's . proposal for ‘ réetbrndng. to\npriyale enterprise of gertatn coms\nmerolnltype suarprisea dy Wie De:\nInse Dpartinent, ta carry out Me\nProsident’s request for funda for\nan atonite penea ship, to support\n(he Presidont’s request for home\nrule legislation for the Djsiriet of\nColumbla, nud Ingislation ta pen\npil poraons of expertance and abil-\nfy to serve ‘gavernment withaut\ncompensation,\n\nThe Repabifcan sdyiinistratton\nhan placed In cporation many’ of\nake tthprovaménis ‘auggitsted ‘by\nthe Honver Camuasion during tle\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1620.2792919921876, 178.78177917480468, 1930.2766162109376, 1068.0022021484374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\ngood “wis. oniulais “health bt\nfederal ald to public achosl con\nsttuction;. a - group of water -¥e\nsonge projects Including the upper\nColorado; Taft-Hurtley Act amend:\nments; Refgea Relief “Ack amen:\nments; Hatallan’ slaighood; com,\nprchgnalye program. of ata to low.\nincome farmers; and, cuatoma sim\nplitication, : s ope\n\nRemoornty Emburrase Prealdent\n\nDemagrats in Congress: adie ‘ir\nMany . cases to. aiiberrasa | th:\nPresident and soupht to away’ [ath\nNe ‘opinion’ againgt him as part o\ntheir atrategy for tha 1906 pallilca\nCumpalgn, Among Lhese Instance:\nwere tha il-conaidered attempt\njforee a $% Income tax rediction\nVie sold Daniacratic vote [nth\nSenale (wlth the single exceplinr\njot. Thurmond of $C.) againet. tn\nelomie peace ship, the. passage o\nA postal pay bill which conrpellas\na presidentint, vato, andthe use'o\nnevestigating cominittass to try tt\n[ereaia Bolllical {asues.\n\nRepublicans, for the moat ‘part\nfu contiast to many of the Bema\neras, Slrongly supported tia Prvs\nident’s program, and made a rec\n{cr outstanding for its insistones\njon legiainlive polictes recommend\nred by ¢Preaidont Elsonhower te\n-ferve he heat inlerests of bhi\nination.\n\nGOP Support More Balld\n\n; For oxample, Republicans sup\nrere’ nicasires requested or, sup\nKarted by tae. Presidnt and th\nadministration far ‘more slrong}s\nthen did Democrals in the follow\ntig instances: To eitiinle tha ir\nfosponslblo $20 incama tax redite\ntlon, In uphold tho gale. of gov\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1307.2440185546875, 174.09445190429688, 1594.34375, 352.7498474121094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Knowland Thinks.\nCongress Could:\nHave Done Better\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 82.79686737060547, 1727.6019287109375, 661.6058349609375, 3466.557861328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "\\\n| Open a: Convenient\nCHARGE ACCOUNT\n\n4 Lots ~ gw\nsate tony \\\n\n‘eas\\\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 52.581187133789065, 548.4435375976562, 371.0287829589844, 1252.6687060546874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\n‘AMIE Domi Silaasth toc teoe, Dari. MRS SIP ts inl\nfrig ing Rarrow : partlsmAship’ ‘from\nthe life ‘and death {ssues ot national\nsecurity“and. éxploring the tadts th\nthe light ‘of: patriotic reason, - The\nresnit-was unity hy agreement—\nnol unity by coereion.\n\nThe Democratle Record\n\n. tie 'récord ‘of Democratic lead:\nstship ‘speaks for itselt.\n\nThe Formosa resolution drawing\nthe line’ against Communist: Chi\nnese ‘imperialism — passed . with\nonly-three dasenting votes (In the\nSenate). ‘\n\n‘The Patla: accords ‘placing the\nkeysone in the free world's West.\nem bulwark against: Communisz\n‘approved in a-matler. of. hours\n\nThe ‘Austrian treaty welting the\nStagé tor the Big Foyr conference\nal, the suTpinit — ‘ratifled quickly\nand with oaly minor dissent.\n\nThe McCarthy resolution sesking\nto He the, President's - hands al\nGeneva’ +\" tiemly refected + with\nonly: four approving 'yotes.\n\nOn ‘this basis,. the President, {r\nsharp:contraat lo hia predecessors,\nwas able td go to Geneva secure\nIn the’ knowledge thet partisar\nknives would noi be hurled into he\npack as he sought to represent\nAmerica, For this ‘achievement\natone, tnis Congress deserves &\n“special place in history.\n\nHammered Gut Solid Program\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2240.050654296875, 500.2724865722656, 2555.8846484375, 682.4887744140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Charleé Hess, a research fellow\nJin. the Comelt floricullure, deport\n|rient, sald the leaf is a’ place of\n| plastic with lwo. small carbon rods\n\nAttached,\n/ Placed among the plants ‘and\nJhanked to an alwetric elrauit, it au.\n|tamatically’ turns a “mist water-\nIng syafom an afd off,\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 58.74291229248047, 158.29547119140625, 680.2623901367188, 307.6156921386719 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Congress Marked by Unity,\nAchievement Says Johnson\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2245.8048046875, 182.76255310058593, 2553.60876953125, 431.64810668945313 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\n83rd ‘Congress, the ern e¥atic\nSontgoliod “sith “Congiens “hag” not\ner\n\n \n\nclad a single Hoayer ‘proposal,\n‘the Reguibbiieiin ’ ‘adiniiistraiton\nhala “brotight: peace and. prowperliy:\nThe outstanding inet ot wor and a\nWale yeats of Ropiupiean’ adminis:\ntration la the chauged atmosphere\n(he administration: helped to bring\n\nabout'in the warld’ and. in donies:\n{le affairs,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1309.4454296875, 420.50728881835937, 1621.6988574218751, 1061.8049365234374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "MESO POP Anled Preiss,\n\nTauliys.tnta account the -whote of\nthe” Etsgubowar | legistaltya pro-\ngram \"for thia ‘sesston, the pur\ntorthance of Congress was: matlay:\nBtely satisfactory in view ‘of - tie\nclose division. that prevailed : bo-\ntween the two major partied fi\noth the Senate: and House: of- Rep-\nlesontallyns.: Ue -Rapiublcans-: had\ control of dic Congress ‘andl\nits committens, ‘niuch “nore of, the\nPresidenUs domeastio program\nwould. hava been enacted and\nmiora of ft in decoudance with his\nrecommendations.\n\nTt conlrast io practices Inthe\nPpreyous ‘Democrate New Derl ad-\ntministrations, Prealdent Eisenhow\ner followed the spirit of xenuins\nbiparlisanshlip in Corel gn policy\nwith excellent results. fu the pro\nhuotion of parce eal safeguarding\nof the-nalion's security,\n\nThe cooperation that did vox\nshould not obscure the tact that\nYue Demorrvatic - controlled: Con\ngress falled ln enact many impor-\nfant domnesUa measures Teen:\nmende) by the President, Major\nInendations nat cansidored ar re-\nJected. inchuded:. Highway LIM)\natomic pon Nip fav international\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 370.5600842285156, 555.6044262695312, 688.2915698242188, 1720.5554248046874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": ": But Une tirat seasion of the Dem-\n\nocralig 84th Congress ‘did not con-\njfiné itself“ lo: one “achtevernent\njalone, “It: Hamimerea’ out a solid\nProgram ta prométe. tha prosper-\nity of the United Slates and latd\nthe basis for further accomplish\niments “in the next session,\n\nLooking at the ploture statlatic-\n{ally, sthe record ig. impressive.\njThis session passed’ more bills in\n\nless time than any other In recent\n\n{memary.. The. credit for this\nsmooth funclioning: should go. to\nthe able! and éxperlenced commit-\ntee chaitmen =~ mon like Senators,\nClements of -Kentucky, Gravge at\nGeorgia, Fulbright of Arkansag,\n#iayden :of Arizona; Hill of Ala-\n\nbama, Magnuson of Washington,\nLand: othars,-\n\nThroigh. thelr experienced and\nJadle leadership, the Bilis that were\npasaed were nol only‘numeraus but\nJot high: quality, Thege Inctude:\n\nAlong range trade progam\n\nj geared: realistically to the needs\nof our imes-and preening to pro-\nmote the prosperity of the United\n)States,\n\n|, A reserve bill placing America’s\nmilitary’ manpower in a moreef-\ntaclive posture than has existed\npreviously.\n\nA housing bil that seeks to meet\nthe needs of a rapidly expanding\nAmerica.\n\nRaised Minimum Wage\n\nA minimum wage bill raising lhe\nfloor on wages to a. level that ts\n\njin necord with modern reailties.\n\nFarm legislation ta rediice. the\n\ninterest rales on, farm loang and\ncushion the shock of natural die\nasters an agricullure, >\n\n| Anti - trust legislation inees®\n\nIng the penalities for the first time\n\nin H years,\n\nTax legislation closing a loop:\nhole that would: have. coat the\nTreasury atleast one’ Dilllen\ndollars.\n\nPay legislation piacing federal\nemployees in.a better posllion to\nmeet-the high cost of iHying.\n\nScores, of other measures were\npassed to protect the nation’s com-\nmodity exchanges from specula-\ntion; ta ‘cantrol water pollution; to\naid small business and to atep up\nmedical research,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 713.61767578125, 218.6752166748047, 1287.09130859375, 958.9868774414062 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 722.0081787109375, 160.81973266601562, 1269.0478515625, 199.71337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "ON: WAY TO HIS ARMY TRIAL\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1947.9581298828125, 703.8779907226562, 2531.478271484375, 1057.0299072265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "AIRPLANE RESERVATIONS\n@ Title Transfers. @ License Plates\n@ Operator Licenses @ Learner Permits\n\nmn cil\n\nWE CLOSE AT NOON SATURDAYS\n—\nWEIRTON\n\nAUTO Gps\n\n3401 Main St. Phone 37\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 73.84071350097656, 1272.6558837890625, 364.46759033203125, 1715.1114501953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "_ Phone 2437\nfor\nRental of\nWallpaper\n' Steamers\n\noR ;\nFloor Sanders\nand Edgers .\nASPIOTE PAINT\n\nSTORE = >\n\n3218 Main St. —— Weirton\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 52.22879302978516, 362.211298828125, 690.0067797851563, 548.3862963867188 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\nWa os SL eN For United Press yo\n\nThe Siret asesioh of; the Hin Congress ‘can: be aumm\nia two. worda —uaity, and achieyertent.:.° ~ :\n» Under : Demo leadership; a: policy was forged which\nallowed the United” States to uapoak with a:atrong and single\nvoice in‘ worl coundiia, ‘For the Mrst time in aay yeers, the\nVoices’ of. discord .—which ought. to divide “America: in’ the\n\nface :of world. Communi creduced toa’ minimum: -.\n= RIG writ: nin of'R” RRBs ORG ea Mn an\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2248.364501953125, 456.7637939453125, 2509.633056640625, 496.9028015136719 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Flectronic Watering\n" }, "16": null, "17": { "bbox": [ 782.243896484375, 1149.4429931640625, 2472.596435546875, 3321.18408203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\ncs\n\n \n\nNow.. Aif-a) Furniture\nYou Save $150 on this Huge |\n12 cu. ‘. Automatic-Defrost-\n\n‘LEONARD.\n\n‘A Combination Refrigerator\nfam} = and Home Freezer, Allin One |\n\nJ ; ONE ‘DOOR for Refrigerater Section\na - ONE DOGR ter Heme Freezer Section\n\n“F Huge in size... manimoth in value! You'll\n\nlove the convenience of the separate doors!\nYou'll appreciate the extra capacity of the\n70-pound frozen food compartment! Eco-\n\n, nomical, too, because of Kelyinator “Palar-\nsphere\" sealed unit! Best of all, L&A- Fur-.\nniture brings it to you at & big $150 saving.\n\nRegularly 529.95\nYou Save 150.00\n\n__|° (379%\n\na ; ‘ ° =i\n‘Low Down Poyments—L & d’s.osy Terms—Free Delivery\n\n“Out of the Way — Less to Pay”\n\n \n \n\n‘\nee\n0 | ,\n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 1322.650146484375, 366.93768310546875, 1611.5557861328125, 412.04791259765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "By WILLIAM. 8, KNOWLAND\nSonale Repub}ean Leider\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 180.48495483398438, 321.6088562011719, 529.2068481445312, 367.29052734375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "vi By LYNDON Ra JORNSON\nBenade Democmtic\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1036.2281494140625, 3278.53369140625, 2175.96044921875, 3434.292724609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "142. FIFTH STREET\n\nSTEUBENVILLE\n\n \n" }, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 217.34266662597656, 638.4450073242188, 2546.7607421875, 2810.203125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2603.714572265625, 863.1059296875, 3433.72073046875, 3807.547390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "DES MOINES # — The Iowa\nFarm Bureau has ‘‘double-\ncrossed’’ schoo] interests in the\nState, Rep. Earl Miller (R-Cedar\nFalls), chairman of the House\nSchools Committee, said Friday.\n\nMiller said the big farm organ:\n\nation apparentiy is supporting\nonly one of three school bills whose\npas he has heen seeking as\na “package proposition’.\n| Referring to the Farm Bureau,\niMiller said in an interview:\n- 'They have misled ws all along.\nWe have been the victims of a\n| double-cross,” |\nThe three bills which Miller\niwants the Legislature to pass’\njointly are: |\n| 4, To increase agricultural land\n‘tax credit from five million to 10\"\nmillion dollars a year, This credit\nis help the state gives farmers in\npaying their local school district\ntaxes.\n\n2. To provide that under certain\ncircumstances a school district\nmay be compelled to go into a\nlarger reorganized district, even\nthough the local district opposes\nthe change.\n\n3. To provide state equalization\naid to districts with 500 or more\npupils, a 12-year school and a levy\nof at least 17 mills which fails\nto yield $200 a year per pupil.\n\nMiller asserted the Farm Bureau\nhad given the impression it would\nsupport all three bills bur (nat it\nnow appears it will support only\nthe land tax credit measure,\n“That would be very damaging\nto the schools program,’ (‘filler\nsaid. “That would be most unfair\nto the people who pay taxes to the\n‘state government.’\n\nHarry Storey, lobbyist for the\nFarm Bureau, said the organia-\nition has not taken a position on\nthe ‘equalization’ bill, He indi.\ncated the Farm Bureau does not\n‘favor the school reorganization\nbill as now written.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3460.0380859375, 506.0252685546875, 4223.69189453125, 1754.0888671875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5116.837890625, 502.98455810546875, 5890.48388671875, 1728.91162109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5100.64596875, 2831.53415234375, 5927.9585234375, 5106.363796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "| LANCASTER, Wis.—Frank Zell-\ner, 69, retired farmer and sales-\n‘man and a candidate for second\nward alderman in Lancaster's city\n‘election Tuesday, dropped dead\nSaturday afternoon in downtown\nLancaster.\n\n= Mr. Zeller suffered a heart at.\ntack while crossing the street at\nthe corner by the sheriff's resi-\ndence. As he fell he was almost\ncaught by Sheriff Robert Seemey-\n‘er who was crossing the street at\nthe same time.\n\nThe sheriff and deputies admin-\n‘istered artificial respiration, but\nMr. Zeller was dead when a doc-\n|tor arrived,\n\n, As a crowd gathered, the sher-\n\\Mf said, a truck driven by an East\n|Dubuque man barrelled down the\n| street at high speed, turning the\ncorner almost into the throng.\n\n| He failed to stop for Undersher.\n\\iff Harold Adams’ signal, and\n‘even went around the block and\n‘through the crowd again before\njhe was halted after a chase, the\nSheriff said. The driver is in the\nGrant County jail awaiting ar.\n raignment.\n\n|. Mr. Zeller’s body was taken te\n| the Harris and Wepking Funeral\nHome, where arrangements are\n-ineomplete. He was born July 6.\n| 1885, in Harrison Township, a sor\nof Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zeller.\n\n; Surviving are his wife, the form\ner Mildred Brvhan: a son. Leon\n- ard of Lancaster, and one brother\nHarry of Platteville.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4276.8388671875, 3877.919921875, 5056.01416015625, 4236.43798828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Navy Tightens Up\nOn News About\nAtom Submarine\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2640.868380859375, 6946.42380078125, 3474.857693359375, 8662.4350859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "CLEVELAND ®—The CIO Unit.\ned Automomle Workers Union Fri-\nday urged labor and farm groups\nto mobilize in advance of the 1956\npolitical conventions, “in an all-\nout effort to fight for liberal prin-\nciples in the platforms of the po-\nlitieal parties,”\n\nAt the conclusion of the union's\nconvention, the 3,000 delegates ap.\nproved a resolution calling for a\nnational conference of labor, farm\nand other “liberal” forces next\nspring.\n\nIn one of its last acts, the con-\nvention shouted endorsement of a\nprogram calling for federal aid to\nSchool and hospital construction, a\nfederal public housing program,\nheavier taxes on excess profits\nand surplus savings, appropriations\nfor public power, increased unem-\nployment benefits, a $1.25 minimum\nwage, greater social security cov-\nerage, and federa! industrial health\nand safety codes.\n\n_ A foreign policy resolution hailed\n‘the administration’s pledge to sup-\n\n,port Formosa and the Pescadore\n| slands from Red Chinese inva-\nsion,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 134.83568127441407, 3610.937228515625, 962.1473662109374, 5732.26076953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "DAVENPORT W—Louis (Rusty)\nMyers, Davenport, charged with\nthe fatal shooting March | of Mrs\nDelores Lund, pleaded innocent of\nfirst degree murder at a hearing\nSaturday. His atiorney then asked\nfor a change of venue from Scott\nCounty\n\nDistrict Judge Glenn D. Kelly\ngave Myers’ counsel, Moss Meers.\nman, Moline, [li,, until Thursday\nto file a motion for change of ven\nwe. Judge Kelly alse tentatively\nset Thursday for hearing the mo\ntion.\n\nMyers’ plea of innocent came\nafter a defense mol'on to quash\nthe indictment of Myers was over\nruled.\n\nMeersman had argued that there\nhad been illegal or unauthorized\nrelease of grand jury testimony\nprior to or following filing ef the\nindictment March 15.\n\nJudge Kelly, to whom the grand\njury report was made, ruled that\nthe presentation of the indictment\nhad been proper and what may\nhave occurred later had no bear-\ning on its presentation,\n\nA request by Meersman to ex.\namine exhibits in the case was\ngranted by the court, with the\nStipulation that the county atterney\nand the clerk of court be presen\nat such time.\n\nMyers is held in the Scott Coun\nty jail without bond,\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1804.4595673828126, 5604.48239453125, 2630.322048828125, 7171.9565703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (®— Western centers\n‘of learning play a vital role in\n‘combatting the spread of Commu-\nnism, Itahan Premier Mario Scel-\nba said Saturday.\n\nThe premier received a docto-\nate of laws from Fordham Unt\nversity,\n\nIn an address he cited the task\nconfronting such institutions in the\nbattle against Communism, say-\ning:\n| “In a world where the eventual\n‘outcome of the struggle between\nthe two Nstems depends unon the\nstrength of our principles and upon\nthe faith we place in them, the\n|Western centers of learning now\nplay a part and assume an import.\nj ance which cannot be overestimat\ned”\n| In an earher address, Scelba\n‘quoted Halian Communists as say.\n‘ing ltahans are “servants of\n‘America.’ He added:\n\n“Here's the answer: Everyone\nWants to come to the United States\nnobody wants to go to Russia,’\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2614.5419921875, 365.61517333984375, 3376.916259765625, 835.6643676757812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Miller Charges\nFarm Bureau\n‘Double-cross’\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 5126.2602265625, 5557.4028046875, 5948.8452421875, 7225.03908984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "BUFFALO, lowa *# — Three\nteachers whose contracts were not\nrenewed earlier this week were\nrehired Friday afternoon after the\n‘18 public school teachers held a\n‘closed meeting with the scnool\nboard.\n\n_ Edwin Rauch, president, said the\nboard extended one-year contracts\nto Andrew A. Anderson, 31, high\nschool principal; Miss Lavetta\n‘Countryman, 21, first and second\n‘grade teacher; and Irvin Bery-\nhill, seventh gade teacher.\n\n_ The action came after about 30\nhigh school students walkea out\nof class Thursday in protest over\nthe board's failure to rehire An.\n‘derson.\n\nBoard members and teachers re-\nfused to comment on Friday's ac-\ntion. Earlier the board members\ndeclined to say why the three\nteachers were not being retained.\n\nThe students said they demon-\n‘Stated only for Anderson, who\nthey described as the “best teach-\ner we ever had”. Anderon also\nteaches manual training and imath-\n-ematics.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4288.54880078125, 4252.91012890625, 5108.28323046875, 5872.95803515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "GROTON, Conn. (®—The Navy\ntightened up Saturday on news\nabout movements of the atomic\nsubmarine Nautilus.\n\nIt did so, it explained, because\nof the new Defense Department\ndirective requiring review and\nclearance three days in advance\nof release of information involvy-\n‘ing security or affairs of national\nimportance.\n\n_ Heretofore, since the Nautilus\n‘made her maiden voyage on Jan,\n‘17, the Navy has issued informa-\ntion about her various trial runs.\n\n_ However, Lt. Cmdr. John C. Par-\nry, public information officer on\n‘the staff of the Atlantic Subma:.\nrine Force commander, told news.\nmen he can release no more in.\nformation because plans for the\n‘Nautilus’ trials usually are nol\nmade as much as three days in\nadvance.\n\n_ That was Parry's report wher\nnewsmen, noting that the Nautilus\nwas absent Saturday from het\nberth, inquired as to her where\nabouts.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2626.24753125, 4597.60641796875, 3453.447537109375, 6450.00100390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "hheutenant on active duty with the\n_— Aw National Guard while at-\ntending Drake. Janice is a fresh.\nman at Texas State College for\nWomen,\n| Alpha lote Founder\n\nMrs. Fenton is founder and\npresident of Alpha lota, interna-\ntional honorary business sorority,\n‘A graduate of SUI, she has served\nAIB as secretary for many years.\nPhotography, travef and dogs are\nher hobbies,\n\nShe credits her wide ringe of\nactivities to “the enthusiasm and\ncooperation of my family whose\nneeds and inleresis have always\n‘taken precedence.”\n\n, Last July Mrs. Fenton completed\na term as president of the Ameri-\ncan Federation of Soroptimist\n‘Clubs. She also is a past vice-\npresident of the National Federa-\n‘tion ef Press Women. She served\nHast year on the Women's Advi.\n‘sory Committee for the White\nHouse Conference on Highway\nSafely.\n| She also has been a membet\nor officer of numerous other\ngroups and has directed a gumber\nof public service projects, She i:\n55 years of age.\n\n \n\n4\n7\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 156.63219006347657, 6117.1313203125, 989.9997832031249, 7213.78713671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "ine mem of 345 in currency:\nfrom the Windsor Grocery, 2401\nWindsor Ave., was reported to po-\nlice Saturday by the owner, John\nM. Baumhover |\n\nThe money was taken sometime\nbetween Friday night, March 25,\nand Sunday night, March 27. One\nroll ef half dollars and a roll of\nquarters were taken from a tin\nbox and $15 in currency from a\nfiling case. About $12 in the tin\nbox and $600 in the cash regis-\nter were not touched, Baumhover\nstated.\n\nNo signs of forced entrance were\napparent. He thought the money\nmight have been taken while he\nand his wife were away from the\nstore a short time\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4304.4985078125, 6284.5981171875, 5127.35451953125, 7775.22756640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "| VIENNA, Austria (“®—Four Hun-\ngarian refugees who fled across\nthe Austrian border have been re-\nturned to Hungary after being\nturned in by an Austrian Commu-\nnist, police reported Saturday.\nTwo of the refugees were injured\nwhen a mune exploded as they\nwere making their escape Thurs-\nday night.\n\nCommunist border guards\n\nopened fire, but the group man.-\naged to reach the border village\nof Nickelsdorf in the Soviet Zone\n‘of Austria.\nThe refugees made their way to\n‘a private house and preparations\n‘were begun to transport them to\n‘the American zone. But Austrian\npolice, under strict orders from\nthe Russians to report all escapes,\nwere informed by a Communist\n‘living in the village.\n\nThe Russians immediately had\nthe refugees picked up and turned\nthem over to Hungarian author-\nitjec\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3442.685791015625, 2386.5380859375, 4211.41162109375, 2864.990478515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Red-led Union,\nLords of Press\nIn Strike Seige\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5113.7294921875, 5152.53271484375, 5864.2998046875, 5532.482421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Three Buffalo\nTeachers Rehired\nFollowing Protest\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2635.5908203125, 6473.43212890625, 3445.999755859375, 6917.55419921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Farm, Labor\nForces Urged tc\nFight in ‘56\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2647.3227265625, 9122.0004609375, 3472.980251953125, 10113.578640624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "sl. LOUIS W—Funerai services\n‘were held Saturday for Joseph Pu-\nlitzer, editor and publisher of the\n/Post-Dispatch, at Christ Church\n‘Cathedral, just a little more than\nia block from the newspaper build.\ning.\n| Pulitzer, who directed the news-\n‘paper for 43 years, died unexpect-\nedly Wednesday night at the age\nof 70. He had spent his usual busy\n‘day at his office.\n| The services were conducted by\nj the Rev. Early W. Poindexter, can-\n‘on of the cathedral. In accord.\n-ance with Episcopal practice,\n‘there was no eulogy,\nj Burial was private,\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1814.2972138671876, 7982.311984375, 2640.301541015625, 9708.414578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "attorney was Kermit Kruse, The\nappointment by Countryman this\nweek of Kruse as special assistant\nattorney general in charge of liq-\nuor law enforcement in Clinton\nCounty touched off all the fire-\nworks\n\n| Kair said Kruse, while county\n‘attorney, “could have shown a lot\nmore backbone than he did.’ Kair\nsaid police gave Kruse regular re-\nports on the liquor situation but\nthat as county attorney he “or-\ndered only one raid, at a DAV\nClub in Clinton, after | suggested\na,”\n\nKair said he would not have\nmade his statement on the situa-\ntion except that he received word\nof letters reportedly written by\ntwo policemen to Countryman.\n\nAt his home in Nevada, lowa.\n‘Saturday, Countryman said neither\nhe nor his office had made any\nrelease or disclosure concerning\n‘any letters from Clinton along the\n\\line Kair mentioned. Countryman\nsaid he had “‘no comment” on any\nsuch letters. He declined to say\nwhether such letters had been re\n‘ceived.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1792.8074951171875, 5207.9423828125, 2556.77490234375, 5577.50927734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Scelba Stresses\nRole of Colleges\nAgainst Commies\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5923.8349609375, 354.1169738769531, 6715.7255859375, 814.357177734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Cite Davenport\nFor Expansion\nOf Industries\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 137.79884338378906, 3118.20166015625, 869.7138061523438, 3588.684814453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Myers Pleads\nNot Guilty of\nLund Murder\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3507.255615234375, 7975.07421875, 5079.1171875, 9680.626953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 932.2657470703125, 3106.6650390625, 2572.04150390625, 3496.4228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "About $20-million a Yea\nMore in Taxes Needed\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5962.99951171875, 8097.376953125, 6705.65771484375, 8472.9033203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "DM Judge Gives\nMan 2-year Term\nOn Dope Charge\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5959.3578828125, 8506.671359375, 6784.76369921875, 9650.212429687499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "DES MOINES # — Robert L\n‘Purdy, 25, formerly of Fairmont,\nW. Va, has been sentenced to two\nconsecutive two-vear terms in a\nfederal institution for illegal pur\nchase of morphine.\n\nFederal Judge William F. Riley\nsaid he would recommend that\nPurdy be confined to an institution\nwhere he could be treated for drug\naddiction, Purdy had pleaded guii\nty\n\nPurdy and Richard Mayfair. 29\nPittsburgh, were arrested here last\n‘Oct. 22 whem they were found in\n/possession of a quantity of mari\n‘juana weed.\n\n_ Mayfair is serving a five yeat\nsentence in the state penitentiary\n\n(On a Marijuana possession charge.\n| aoa are eR ee ae\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5104.60986328125, 2324.69140625, 5834.25732421875, 2793.39306640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Candidate for\nCouncil Dies\nAt Lancaster\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 148.0845184326172, 5753.283203125, 929.5988159179688, 6089.34375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Report Theft of\nMoney From Shop\nOn Windsor Ave.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4267.685546875, 357.3415222167969, 5066.9482421875, 824.8045654296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Attorneys File\nLengthy Appea\nFor Sheppard\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4305.71923828125, 5924.09716796875, 5084.1513671875, 6267.04052734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Four Hungarian\nRefugees Returnec\nFollowing Escape\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1786.2718232421876, 4035.85544140625, 2611.63576953125, 5155.3589140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "| many weeks. It is expected it\n‘would produce about 10 million dol-\nlars a year.\n\nFollowing the beer-cigarette tax\nbill on the House calendar is an\n‘omnibus income tax bill, It would\nrequire a $3 filing fee of all per-\nisons who make income tax re\nturns, increase the number of per-\nsons required to file, and reduce\nexemptions. Estimates are that i\nwould yield about 5 million dollars\n‘a year,\n| This is the situation as the Leg.\n‘islature goes into its last three\n‘weeks of the session. The appro\n‘priations bills, which mill be given\npriority, are expected to start\nmoving through the House ‘Tues.\nday.\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2646.103515625, 8701.7373046875, 3425.2490234375, 9077.9990234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Funeral Services\nHeld Saturday for\nJoseph Pulitzer\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2618.419189453125, 3844.755126953125, 3422.034423828125, 4330.267578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Pick Former\nDubuquer lowe\nMother-of-Year\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1813.9974365234375, 7212.6845703125, 2564.57177734375, 7710.86376953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "GOP Blamed\nFor ‘Black Eye’\nOf Clintonites\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 5139.9633515625, 8033.4457734375, 5958.1391875, 10127.6264921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "in the Chinese category except for\nvery general figures\n\nOf the original 5,000, 350 have\nleft. including many who were\ntechnically trained. But with the\nbeginning of the Korean war in\n1950 the government screened the\ntechnically trained students to be\nsure that their departure would not\nbe contrary to American security.\n\n124 Denied Permission\n\nA State Department check\nshowed that 124 had been denied\npermission to leave the country\nsince 1950. The check showed fur-\nther that half that number no long-\ner desire to leave\n- Last summer and fall 27 were\ncleared to depart. The remaining\n35 have had their cases under con-\nsideration since last fall. The 76\ncleared today include those 35 plus\nothers who decided in the mean-\ntime they would prefer to leave.\n\nThe final decision, after consul-\ntation among the state, justice and\ndefense departments, apparently\nwas made primarily by Secretary\nDulles. Authorities said President\nEisenhower had been informed.\n- Sen. Knowland of California, the\nGOP floor leader, told reporters he\n‘intends to confer tomorrow or Mon\n‘day in New York with Ambassa-\ndor Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.. on\nUnited Nations efforts to gain re-\nlease of the American fliers.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 3481.185791015625, 365.9847106933594, 4216.4599609375, 480.2159118652344 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "25 Years in Court\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 688.3138427734375, 471.4565734863281, 2077.327880859375, 596.0087280273438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "lowa U’ s Most Eligible Bachelor\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3662.264892578125, 7830.51953125, 4950.8427734375, 7943.0693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Prepare for Mass Inoculation\n" }, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 5130.1220703125, 7269.68603515625, 5914.36328125, 7767.7763671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "China Students\nGet Permission\nTo Leave U. S.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 378.4167785644531, 7230.75634765625, 787.5848388671875, 7342.5078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Weather\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 5963.30758984375, 9730.811984375, 6796.60842578125, 10113.855007812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "OLLUMWA \\®— Thomas Newell,\n'77, of Agency, father of Don New.\nell, director of athletics in Ottum.\n\\wa high school, died Friday at his\n‘son's home here. Services will he\nSunday afternoon at the Agency\niMethodist Church. .\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1834.81784375, 9811.6352265625, 2640.845486328125, 10110.901882812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "SIOUX CITY a John Beatty\n16, Sioux City, drowned Friday\nnight while checking some fishing\njines on the South Dakota side o!\nthe Big Sioux River.\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 5120.72119140625, 361.44354248046875, 5877.6455078125, 476.24267578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Honorary Colone\n" }, "45": null, "46": null, "47": { "bbox": [ 4261.97409375, 859.873263671875, 5098.313015625, 3762.1011015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "| CLEVELAND (UP) —At‘orneys\nasked the Court of Appeals to set\naside the conviction of Dr. Samuel\nH. Sheppard Saturday because of\ninsufficient evidence, errors in\ncourt procedure and information\nshowing that someone else —possi-\nbly a sex deviate -- committed\nthe bludgeon-slaying. |\n| 365-Page Brief\n\n| The appeal was in the form of a\n|365-page brief. It was filed by the\nattorneys who rep resendetShep-\nattorneys who represented Shep-\nbard at the lengthy trial that\n‘ended Dec, 22 in his conviction of\nsecond-degree murder of his wife,\nMarilyn\n\nThe brief cited three alleged\nlerrors en which to base a plea for\n;mistrial: Misconduct of the prose-\njcuting attorneys, improper hand-\n‘ling of the jury during its delibera-\njtions and creation of a hostile at-\nmosphere by newspapers.\n\nThe summation in the brief con-\ntained evidence that someone else\ncommitted the crime. Some of that\nmaterial evidently was based en\niwork by Dr. Paul Kirk, University\n‘of California criminologist hired by\n‘the Sheppard family to investigate\nithe case after his conviction.\n\nClaim Slayer Left-Handed\n\nThe brief said the slayer was\n‘left-handed, “because Mrs, Shep-\njpard turned her face to the right\njand held her right hand in front\n‘of her face to ward off blows from\nthe murder weapon’ Sheppard is\nright-handed, the brief pointed out.\n| A theory that the murder re-\nsulted frem sexual assault was\nexplored at length. The brief said\nthe position of Mrs. Sheppard's\n‘legs gave such indication, and\n, asked “Whoever heard of a mur-\nder of a wife resulting from a sex\n‘attack by the husband?”\n| The defense will have another\n‘week to file answers to the state’s\n‘irebutial, due May 14. Oral| hear-\nings hefore the Court of Appeals\n\n \n\n \n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 962.9160493164062, 3582.27048046875, 2618.1069609375, 4019.30862109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "| DES MOINES (AP) A preview of the aftitude of your\nLegislature toward spending indicates a need for at least 20\n‘million dollars a year in additional tax revenue, Where to\nget it remains to be decided.\n\nThis is completely aside from whatever increase the law-\n‘makers may vote in the gasoline tax. The House decided\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 6021.51171875, 9659.8681640625, 6745.04345703125, 9715.67578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Athletic Director's Father Diec\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 3437.84567578125, 2904.1098359375, 4283.037625, 7511.2641875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "| LONDON (AP)— Britain's big-|\n,Best newspaper strike took on the’\naspecie today of becom a\nlong siege between Fleet et\npress lords and Commun: ied)\n‘electricians.\n\nA Royal Commission was seid!\nby the government to investigate\nthe strike now going into its ninth\nday—but it only has powers to\nmake recommendations. /\n\nAlready the strike has cut deeply.\ninto the nation’s economic life at\nthe height of the busy Faster shop-\nping season and has left millions of\n‘voters in a news blackout with a\ngeneral election likely.\n\nOnly 700 Employes\n\nThe dispute hinged on the wage\ndemands of only 700 employes—the\nbulk of them members of the elec-\ntrical trade union headed by Com-\nmunist Walter Stevens Striking\nwith them are a handful of main-\ntenance men.\n\nMore than 50.000 other emploves\n|~- editorial down to newspaper ven-\ndors on the street—have been left\n) idle by the walkout that shut down\n\n13 national dailies and 11 Sunday\n\nmewspapers with a circulation\n\ntotaling upwards of 50 million.\nThe World Press News, Britain’s\nnewspaper trade weekly, said it\n\nseemed unlikely that the strike\n\nwould come to an end until after\n| Easter traditionally is a sell-out\nThere are also dangers, the weekly\nsaid, of the strike spreading to\n| provincial papers and to the maga.\nzines.\nRed Paper Hit\n\nOne of the papers hard hit by the\nstrike is the Communist Daily\nWorker, already deeply in the red\nand always appealing for funds,\n\nThe newspaper blackout is put.\nting a financial squeeze on stores.\ntheaters, sports and the bookmak\n_ ers. Easter is a peak season for al\n\n, four businesses. Thev depenc\n‘ heavily on newspaper publicity anc\n~ advertising fo pull in the custom\n, ers. The big stores along famou:\n— Regent, Bond and Oxford street:\n, are crammed with Easter finery\n, but there are few means of ad\nvertising it.\n\nThis country has no commercia\n\n, fadio or TV. Billboards, bus ane\ne| \"| subway placards, and advertisin;\n. Space in periodicals are alread:\n\nbooked up. Store officials sai\nlosses, especially on novelties an\n\n‘items bought in quantities as ad\n\nveruising leaders, may be heavy.\nSellout Time\n\nRaster traditionally is a seil-ou\n\n) time for London's theaters, wher\n\nthere are 39 plays and musical:\n\n‘running. New plays and film:\n\njopening without the publicity o\n\n| newspaper reviews are playing t\nt- slim houses. Advance booking\n» have plummeted.\n\ns, It also has been a grim time fo\nsports fans. Some of the bigges\nl- events of the year, such as th\n1 Grand National, the Oxford-Cam\n» bridge boat race, and the bi\n\nEngland - Scotland soccer mate!\n'$ passed without the usual reams o\n) press comment.\n\n|\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 5914.1488984375, 807.220919921875, 6765.67385546875, 8265.880398437499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "DAVENPORT #—A government\nspecialist said Saturday that the\nDavenport area is an outstanding\nexample of the Midwest's potential\nin the competition for industria!\n| growth.\n| Gustav E. Larson, an area de\n‘velopment expert in the U.S. De-\n‘partment of Commerce, predicted\nthat “the Midwest should, as it\nhas in the past, continue to do\ney well’’ in the e.niest for in-\nidustrial expansion.\n\nLarsen addressed the Iowa Coun-\ncil on Economic Education at a\nmeeting held at St. Ambrose Col-\nlege.\n\n“The vast growth in income and\nmarkets forseen by our economists\n\nmeans that there musi and will\n\ncontinue to be substantia! further\n\ngrowth and expansion of industry\n\nto meet these markets,’ he Said.\nLeads on Most Counts\n\nLarson asserted the Midwest\n“leads en most counts in the abso-\nlute growth and development of\n‘new markets in recent years.”\n| He said “the actual number of\ncustomers and the actual amount\nof added income have been great-\ner’ in recent years in the Mid-\npal “than in our rapidly growing\n‘West and Southwest areas.\n\n_ “Market access,” he said, “is\na prime factor in determining the\nJocation of many industries and\n| the Midwest encompasses the rich-\nest consumer, industrial, and farm\n| markets of the world.”\n| Larsen said that by the Midwest\n\nhe meant lowa, Iiinois, Nebraska,\n\nMinnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri,\n\nthe Dakotas, Kansas, Ohio, Michi-\n! gan and Indiana.\n\nHe said Davenport and the Quad\n/ Cities “have at their doorstep\n‘nearly two fifths of the nation’s\nt industrial market; nearly a third\n\nof the U.S. consumer market.”\n\n: industries Mentioned\n' As industries for further growth\n* he mentioned aluminum and other\nmeta! preduct fabricators, the re-\n~ frigeration and air-conditioning in-\nt dustry, superphosphate fertilizer\nP mixing plants, firms to make anti-\nP biotics to combat animal diseases\nand plant blights, and small firms\n-to produce agricultura] chemicais\n1 of many kinds.\n1 In the field of aluminum fabri-\n® cation, he mentioned the growing\n@ farm market for supplementary\nP irrigation systems.\n\nLarson said aggressive indus-\n\ntrial development pregrams often\n> are launched in order to secure\n| greater diversity and to increase\ne'income in the area. He also said\n. new industries can contribute to\nnN easing the tax load.\n\nWhether an area such as the\n| Quad Cities should undertake an\n- aggressive program of this type,\n*, he said, depends on “whether there\n\nis need to increase the number\n\n‘and variety of job opportunities,\n\n| and whether or net there is a need\n\n{to strengthen the economic base\n\niwhich supports the area.”\n\nProcedure Suggested\n\n_ The speaker, in his prepared re-\n\nmarks, suggested this procedure:\n1. A community should firs!\nidentify its basic economic prob-\nlems and then decide whether an\nyindustrial development program is\nneeded, how much time and money\nshould go into it, and in what di-\nyy rection the development should go.\n\n| 2. It should be recognized that\n» aa elfective industrial development\n. program must include community\nh improvement efforts because when\n, areas compete favorably on basic\nq Considerations such items as\n~ schools, housing, recreational fa-\ncilities and community and labor\n0 attitudes may be the deciding fac-\n\n: ter.\n\n“ 3. An area such as the Quad\n\"Cities should recognize the oppor-\ntunities for expanding existing in-\ndustry as one of the great possi.\nbilities for growth.\ni Certificates of Necessity\n* Larson said 135 Certificates of\n€ Necessity for industrial defense fa-\n1. cilities expansion totaling $328,\nN- 546,000 had been issued for lowa\n10 from Jan. 1, 1950-Dec. 31, 1954\nh-| Of these 92 certificates, 92 total.\nling $57,202,000 were for metropol.\nl- itan areas in Iowa. He listed these\nas follows:\n\nDavenport, 27 for $41,763,000;\nCedar Rapids, 12 for $5,015,000,\nCouncil Bluffs, 1 for $90,000; Des\n|Moines, 40 for $7,927,000; Sioux\n‘City, 2 for $537,000; Waterloo, ¢\nfor $642,000; Dubuque, 4 for $1,228,\n000.\n\n_ Although Larson did not specify\nit, it is believed likely that the\n| $271,344,000 in Certificales of Ne\n\n- cessity for non-metropolitan areas\n\nis so large because it probably in\n\ncludes the certificate for a 250 mi.\n\nlion dollar steel plant at Camanche\nnear Clinton,\n\nYt a tee atte ee\n\nDM Judge Gives\n\n \n\n \n\ni\ni\n\nee -\n\n‘€\nw\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 1443.734619140625, 3524.3173828125, 2104.939208984375, 3584.377197265625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "By DWIGHT McCORMACK\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 2644.126220703125, 4391.40576171875, 3289.0615234375, 4470.30615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "MOTHER-OF-YEAR—\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 962.3296235351562, 3888.28219921875, 1788.8784453125, 10294.8647734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "THIS 18 completley aside ir\n‘makers may vote in the gas\n‘this week to boost that levy\nto six cents a gallon for the\nnext two years. That revenue\ngoes for highway use only.\n\nThe outlook on spending and the\nconsequent necessity of raising\n‘some taxes is based on the first\nthree of the big appropriations\nbills to be introduced,\n\nHalt Deficit Spending\n\nAlso a pat of the preview is\nthe fact that most legislators want\n‘to halt the deficit spending which\nhas been going on in this bien\nnium,\n| The appropriations measures\nwere sponsored by the House Ap-\n‘propriations Committee. They rep-\nresent the egmposite thinking,\njstudy and ia ing of joint House\njand Senate special subcommittees,\nand of the House appropriations\n“committee itself,\n| There are 51 members of the\nappropriations committee. It would\ntake only four more votes to pas:\nthe measures as they are. Usually\n‘the House and Senate follow quite\nclosely the recommendations of the\n‘committee.\n\nThe three bills cover appropria\ntions for the State Board of Socia\nWelfare. the State Board of Con\ntrol, and for the agricultural lanc\n‘tax credit fund,\n$2 Million More\n\n- The committee proposed to give\n\nthe Board of Control $2,282,520 ;\n\nyear more than it is getting now\n: to operate the 14 institutions unde)\nits jurisdiction.\n\nThe appropriation for the Boar\n(of Social Welfare calls for a re\n; duction of $785,000 annually in th\n; amount made available for suc!\n, programs as old age assistance\n' aid to dependent children and av\nto the blind\n_ The agricultural land tax cred)\nwould boost that fund from 5 t\n(10's million dollars annually.\n\nThat makes a net increase ove\n, present expenditures of $6,997,500\nor, in round numbers, 7 millio\ndollars a year.\nif the Legislature brings |\n\n‘enough to halt the deficit spend\n\n‘ing that would mean an additiona\n\n7 to 9 million dollars a vear. |\n\n‘would be 7 million dollars annuall\n, if capital improvements are dis\n«regarded and about 9 million i\n\nthese are considered,\n\nStrong Demands\nThere have been strong demand\n\n_ upon the lawmakers for additiona\n\n‘ funds for buildings, at both Boar\n7 of Control and State Board of Ed\n-ucation institutions, particular!)\n| the latter.\n\n\"| Even if the Legislature appro\ni priates this year at the relativel\nlow rate it did in 1953 for nev\n\n‘buildings, that would make i nec\n» essary fo pick up an additiona\n\n‘16 million dollars a vear in stat\n. revenue to have a balanced budg\net.\n\n, But that figure doesn’t take int\n\n‘account at all the appropriation\n» yet to come—for operating Boar\n_of Education institutions, state de\n»'partments, and state aid t\n\nschools, to mention only the bigge\nj ones.\n\nWhere to get the additional 2\nmillion a year plus?\ni The Senate has passed a bi\nq@ (0 increase the sales and use taxe\nfrom 2 to 3 per cent, but exemp\n“ certain staple foods. Under pres\ni ent law, that would produce abou\n\n_ 17 millon dollars a vear move i\ni _ Operating revenue than the state |\n\n. taking in now.\n\nNo Inclination\nit, | But the House has shown no ir\npod ‘clinatjon to proceed with the mea:\nariure,\n\n| The Senate also has passed\n| bill to apply the sales tax to bee\n‘yiand cigarettes. That measure —\n\n‘next up on the House ecalenda:\nsalt would yield about $3,000,000\nnis Year in additional revenue.\n= The House has a bill to exter\nvre the sales tax to about 50 service\nise but even the House has kept th\n\nYimeasure in a pending status fc\n\n-\n\n4\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 1920.2940673828125, 9762.552734375, 2552.578857421875, 9815.34375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "Sioux Citv Youth Drowns\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 167.00458081054688, 7375.0160859375, 984.3166777343749, 8254.207546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "U. S. Weather Bureau\n\nDubuque and vicinity: Continued\nmild through Sunday, Increasitie\noloudiness Sunday afternoon with\nshowers developing by Sunday even.\ning. Showers and turning cooler Sun.\n@ay tight. High Sunday near 70,\n\nOutlook\n\nShowers and cooler Monday,\n\nfowa: Increasicge ‘loudiness Sunday\nWith scattered showers «ot thunder\nGiorms beginning in the west portion\nearly Sonday, spreading io the. east\nportion Sundar evening. Mostiy\n@oudy, windy * and celder with oe-\noa*ional showers Sunday night. High\nSunday in the fle,\n\nMiingis: Sunday partis cloudy aud\nContinued niiid. iiigkh 64 ta 72,\n\nWisconsin: Sanday partivy doiudy,\neooler near Lake Minkigan, Jlign tero-\neratures Sunday ranging from near\n0 in the @Xiretie portieast to near\n\nWS me i ee | lee\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 5136.4794921875, 7822.92138671875, 5943.42578125, 7975.08056640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "STUDENTS—\n\nContinued from Page One\n" }, "59": null, "60": null, "61": { "bbox": [ 1835.8416748046875, 7771.15185546875, 2253.813232421875, 7850.43701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "BLACK EYE’-\n" }, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 28 ], [ 0, 15 ], [ 1, 28 ], [ 1, 15 ], [ 28, 15 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 8, 2 ], [ 9, 2 ], [ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 22 ], [ 25, 7 ], [ 26, 22 ], [ 26, 7 ], [ 22, 7 ] ]
[ 4378.17515234375, 6433.451171875 ]
[ [ 0, 15 ], [ 2, 8 ], [ 7, 25 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 15, 28 ], [ 22, 26 ], [ 25, 22 ], [ 28, 1 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 373.09910913085935, 1459.4836611328126, 944.0425229492188, 3398.9344296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Those farmers who attended\nthe field day at the Sherman\n\nbranch experiment station at\nMoro on June 27, report that\nmuch information of value was\npresented to them throtigh the\nday, Several that we talked to\nwere surprised that the Sherman\nbranch experiment station had\nbeen established back In 1919 and\nhad been working on agriculture\nproblems pertinent to the lower\nrainfall portion af the Columbia\nBasin In Oregon. Tf serves Ap.\nproximately 144 million acres\nwhere rainfal) varies from 7 to 13\ninches anid elevations are from\n100 to 4000 feet above sea level,\nThe average rainfall for the crap\nyear al the station is 11.59 for 44\nyears, The elevation is 1835 fect\nand the soll is a very fine sandy\nloam of the Walla Walla series,\n_ Work that the station has set\nup as principal projects have,\nbeen the tesiing and developing\nof new vereal varieties, methods\nof handling summer fallow, seed:\ning practices and erop rotations,\nThe use of fertilizers, chemical\nweed control, soil building prac-\n(lees for soll and water conserva-\ntlon have been recent main pro-\njects.\n\nFertiliver experiments carried\non at the statlon cempare rate,\nand source of nitrogen fertiliers,\nNitragen is derived from ammon-\nJum nitrate and anhydrious am-\nmonla. Nitrogen applications\nhave been compared on winter\nwheat after fallow and on annual\ncropping with spring wheat. Like\na Jot of land in Morrow county\nwhieh compares to the station, no\ngreat results have been obtained\nby the wae of nitrogen fertilizer.\nThe maximum yleld has been\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2089.800189453125, 2348.39027734375, 2656.5455136718747, 3535.1512265624997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "custom work done, Many have\nreported that it is much simpler\nfor them to call the county weed\nsprayer to spray thelr small pat-\nches than fo hem to rig up to\nspray themselves. Excellent re-\nsults have been reported fram\nsuch a program.\n\nBill Weatherford, who ranches\nin the Buttercreek area withTn\nroatweed infesied jirea reports\nexcellent ¢ontrol from chrysilina\nbeetles which were put in his\ngoatweed patches 2 year ago and\nagain last year. Mr. Weatherford\nwas the first farmer to use these\nbeetles. He recelyed 1 colony\nfrom Wallowa county in 1953, In\n19M 9 colonies were distributed\nin the heavily infested area near\nButtercreek, The beetles seem to\nbe increasing steadily and have\nat the Weatherford farm control-\nJed large areas within the pat-\nches of goatweed, With the goat-\nweed spreading rapidlf in our\nrange country other ranchers\nmay find chrysilina beetles an\neasy answer to control this weed,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2656.030169921875, 2828.26625390625, 3223.2579160156247, 3690.1273007812497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Many letters have been recei-\nved tecently by Gov. Paul L.\nPatterson requesting executive\nclemency for 19-year-old Donald\nDwaine Imlah, under death sent-\nence for the slaying of a Hood\nRiver farmer on July 8. 1953.\n\nThe execution is slated in the\nlethal gas chamber in the state\npenitentiary, Salem, August 18.\n\nVictim of the slaying was Bruce\nHouck, 30, who had Imlah pa-\nroled from MacLaren School for\nBoys and had taken him into his\nhome. The slaying occurred,\npolice said, when Houck refused\nto lend Imlah money to purchase\nan automobile.\n\nImlah has heen in close secur-\nity most of the time since he ar-\nrived at the penitentiary. He\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3265.81103515625, 664.3917846679688, 4338.36083984375, 3699.164306640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nFULL SIZE SUPER PERFORMANCE\n17-IN, TV — from new 600\" chassis with latest\n\nTHE EVANSTON electronic odvances,\n\nTIS14R Now! Truly | PORTABLE!\n\nportable room-to- | Weighs only 45 Ibs! Just 13% in.\nroom ae eee high; 20% in, wide; 16'% in. deep!\nCarrying Handles.\n\nNew’ short picture | SENSATIONAL JET TUNING!\n\ntube means no\"bub- | CONVENIENT MAIN CONTROLS\nble’ on back of set.\n\nNew Trend styling in | “PULLOUT” ANTENNA—no unsightly\nMarcon finish. indoor antenna on top of set.\n\nOnly “HIDEAWAY” POWER CORD—\nTucks out of sight when not in use\n\n$ | 5 9” or when you're moving set.\n\nTERMS |\n\nOur Display of Beautiful\n\nZenith Consoles\n\nFrom $269.95 To $369.95\n\nWhen You Own A Zonith You Know— and Everybody\nElse Knows—You Own The Finest.\n\nCase Furniture Co.\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 408.0184631347656, 1200.800537109375, 1302.0240478515625, 1394.9595947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "From The\n\nCounty Agent’s Office\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 384.4393005371094, 3433.08447265625, 1479.94873046875, 4846.9541015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nSavings\ngrow,\n\nSAVINGS & .\nDEPOSITS Save regularly... puta\n\npart of each pay check in\nN OW ! your First National Bank\n, SAVE gS ACCOUAL These\nSavings Deposits made savings, plus First\non or before July 11th eee\nNational interest pay-\nearn interest from\n\nJuly Ist ments, will make your\n\naccount man-size!\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2283.3662109375, 504.35296630859375, 3075.326171875, 584.7709350585938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "How To Plan Your Vacation\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2167.162005859375, 617.1999086914062, 3213.3604550781247, 760.1650205078124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "The best place to start your vacation is in your own living room\n—with a carefully drawn up list of things to do before you go,\nCareful planning means a trouble-free vacation and peace of mind.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3241.367083984375, 460.059466796875, 3807.6402402343747, 650.0950742187499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "spends much of his time listening\nto radio, writing letters and read-\n\ning.\nHI COURT REVERSES DECISION\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3812.792865234375, 448.1687807617187, 4378.17515234375, 642.3242612304687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "A verdict of $5,029 recovered by\nMabel Campbell against the city\n\nof Portland for persona] injuries\nContinued on page 7\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2685.65576171875, 1093.7813720703125, 3202.11572265625, 2271.18212890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "another invitation to burglary\n\n \n\n8 Shut off appliances. Take\nperishables out of the icebox\nApy heating unit or motor-driven\nappliance Js a fire hazard, while\nyou're away.\n\n9, Pets, Be sure to arrange for\nsomeone to take care of your pels\nwhile you're on vacation. If you\ncan't find an obliging friend, ken-\nnels o¢ pet stores will keep them.\n\nA happy vacation—and plan it\nbefore you leave!\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 472.22088623046875, 4964.89404296875, 1993.883056640625, 6384.22412109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "STAR THEATER, Heppner\n\n<<< 66 eee ee 422 8 68 6 eee ee ee ee ee Se ee eee eS Seer Se ees eee\n\nAdmission Prices: Adults 70c, Students 50c, Children 20¢ including Federal Excise\nTox.\n\nSUNDAY SHOWS CONTINUOUS FORM FOUR (4) P.M, Other evenings start at 7:30\nBoxoffice open until 9 P.M, Telephone 6-9278.\n\n<<< se eee ee ee ee ee ee SSS ee eee ee ee ee eee eee eee\n\n \n\n———<—<———- se =\n\n \n\n \n\neee eee eee eee ee =\n\n \n\nThursday-Friday-Saturday, July 7-8-9\n\nWHITE FEATHER\n\nRobert Wagner, Debra Paget, John Lund, Jeffrey Hunter, Eduard Franz, Haugh O’-\nBrian A true saga of the old West in CinemaScope and Color magnificent\nwestern scenery\n\n \n\nSunday-Monday, July 10-11\n\nA MAN CALLED PETER\n\nRichard Todd, Jean Peters, Marjorie Rambeau. CinemaScope and Color, Cativerine\nMatshall's biography of her husband, the dynamic clergyman whose fresh and\nforceful approach to his calling won him wide fame, Your heart will sing with the\njoy of this fing film ... here is a story deep in the roots. of America,\n\nSunday shows at 4 p. m., 6:25, 8:50\n\n \n\nTuesday-Wednesday, July 12-19\n\nGANGBUSTERS\n\nFast-paced melodrama based on the radio and television program, The story de-\ntalls some of the life of John Omar Pinson, Public Enemy well-known to residents\nof Oregon\n\n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2162.51025390625, 3684.043212890625, 4276.5185546875, 6433.451171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\nCOMBINE YOUR NEW\nCHEVROLET PURCHASE WITH\nYOUR VACATION PLANS!\n\nOrder o new Chevrolet through wus,\nthen pick ft up at the plant in Flint,\nMichigan, see Chevrolels byill, if you\nlike, and drive yours home. Chances\nore, you'll sove a substantial shore of\nyour vocation travel costs!\n\n \n \n\n‘al\n= C:\nlay Sw?\nP that P\n\n; Ane\nwi Pup\n\nChevrolets Super Turbo-Fire V8 \"with 180 hp.\n\nYou can spot this one by the twin tailpipes. No mat- —_ dustry, the most power per pound, and the only 12-volt,\n\nter what you drive, you're going to see twin-exhaust electrical system in its field—all this plus a four-\n\nChevrolets pulling away—in traffic, on the toughest barrel carburetor and free-breathing twin exhausts.t\n\nhills, on the long straightaways. Want to sample this silk-lined cyclone? Just give\n..» Unless you have a “Super Turbo-Fire V8\"* of us a call, any day this week, and ‘we'll be proud to\n\nyour own, And then you'll know what it’s like to pilot show you just how hot a V8 can be.\n\nthe car that sets the pace for everything else—and “Optional at extra cost,\n\ndoesn't pause to read the price tags! tStation wagon models have single exhaust pipes,\nWhat makes the Super scat? Chevrolet's superb oy’\nvalve-in-head V8, with the shortest stroke in the in. ;\n\n \n\n \n\nEE ES eres os\n\nFulleton Chevrolet Company\n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": null, "14": { "bbox": [ 2685.274169921875, 2349.971435546875, 3191.903076171875, 2738.427734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "weet “eX\n, pe Capital ~\n\nJarad\n‘ae\n\nMur ray Wade\n\n:\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 950.0606875, 1468.3674501953126, 1512.4975400390626, 3256.4539609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "produced by the twenty pound\nrate in two years and by the\n\nhigher applications of forty and\nsixty pounds in one year, It ap-\npears that the forty pound rate\nproduces the most ecoriomical re-\nturn. The difference in yield be-\ntween the source of nitrogen is\nnot enough to be considered siy-\n‘fhifieant. There has been about a\nfive bushel increase over a per-\ntod of five years between the\nforty pound application and the\ncheek plot. When annual crop:\nping, the results are considerable\ndifferent. I] appears that forty-\nfive pounts of nitrogen was suf-\nficlent to produce the maximum\nyield, Approximately a seven\nand all bushel increase was ob-\ntained in nitrogen applied to an-\nnual cropping over regular sum-\nmer fallow plots.\n\n \n\nWheat growers favored market.\ning quotas by national average of\nalmost 34% to 1 In last weeks\nreferendum. North Dakota with\n1/5 of the total votes cast voted\n20 tu 1 in favor of quotas, Oregon\nwas slightly below the national\naverage al 3 to 1 in favor, Only 4\nof the smaller wheat states voted\nagains! quotas while 9 more ap»\nproved by less than 2 to 1 ma-\njority tyecessary on a national\nlevel only about 1/3 of the eligi-\nble farmers across the country\nbothered tu vote.\n\nSince the referendum an an-\nnouncement of a proposed dis.\ncoun! plan for low quality varle-\ntles has been announced by the\nsecretary of agriculture, He fs\ntrying to work our an aceentahle\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2173.997802734375, 776.4823608398438, 2642.6142578125, 1030.5689697265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": null, "18": { "bbox": [ 1512.46254296875, 1932.239642578125, 2088.338482421875, 2214.36851171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "George Thomson and family,\nWalter LaDusire and wife, J. 0,\nTurner ant family, Marry Turner\nland family were among Heppner\npeople going over to Hidaway\nSpring on Saturday to spend the\nweekend, j\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1509.1333193359376, 2250.40687890625, 2087.638775390625, 2456.5650449218747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Sheriff MeDuffee, accompanied\nhy William Haylor, departed on\nMonday for Hot Lake, where Miss\nLucille MeDuffee has been for\nsome time receiving treatment.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2082.253314453125, 3568.878314453125, 2655.1402402343747, 3687.5926328124997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Mr, and Mrs. Jack Marshall\nwere called to Ontario Sunday by\nthe death of Mrs. Marshall's aunt.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2188.643798828125, 1351.4278564453125, 2643.228515625, 1686.2972412109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2149.830462890625, 1712.353900390625, 2661.4222226562497, 2278.6512265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "‘3, Check all your windows, Are\nthey shut and locked, even on\nfloors above the ground? Lots of\nburglars are second-story men.\n\n4 Plan your packing. Travel\nlight. Take only what you will\nreally need and no more, And\ndon't forgei your camera, film,\nsuntan oj], an extra pair of\nglasses, your portable radio.\n\n6. Plan your route. Don't wait\nuntil you are lost on the high-\nways. Pick up a route map and\nmark your route with crayon.\n\n6. Money. Avoid big wads of\n@ash. Carry most of your funds\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1520.3654970703126, 1590.483294921875, 2088.124126953125, 1901.0160947265626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "O. M. Whittington, who runs\nthe two moving picture theaters\nin Bend, accornpanied by | Mrs,\nWhittington and thelr daughter,\nMiss Eva Whittington, were\nfruests over the 4th at the home\n\nof Mr, and Mrs, N, A. Clark on\nWiek? Mile\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1511.082416015625, 2478.7667421875, 2082.829693359375, 2646.9913144531247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Ethel MeKinley of Port-\nland was a juest the past week\nat the home of Mr, and Mrs, Guy\nRover on Hinton ereek.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2145.206439453125, 1047.5732607421876, 2670.0406308593747, 1348.8482480468751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "1. Stop all deliverles—milk,\nnewspapers, etc. A cluster of\nmilk bottles on your front porch\nig dangerous, You might just as\nwell put up a sign, “This house\nis ripe for burglary!”\n\n2. Ask the police to keep spe-\ncla] watch on your home.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2691.48646875, 790.4153017578125, 3197.2151914062497, 1144.5221982421874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "in American Express Travelers\nCheques, You can spend them\nanywhere and, if they're lost or\nstolen, you will get your money\nback. Personal checks are often\nhard to cash,\n\n7, Mail. Tell the post office to\nhold your mail or deliver it to a\nfriend's house. A full mailbox is\nanother invitation to burglary\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1512.1706728515626, 1425.5334658203126, 2088.781109375, 1561.3400693359376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "from Vancouver, Washington, ex-\npecting to remain for the sum-\n| mer.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1503.2583193359376, 2731.208392578125, 2082.550640625, 4863.52280859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "sed that discounts would be an\nnounced before planting time this\nfall. Other proposals include (1)\na broadenjng of the non-commer-\ncial areas Where supports are set\nat 75% of the regular support\nrate, (2) exempting growers from\nmarketing quota penalties if all\nwheat is used for feed or seed on\nthe farm where grown, (3) special\ndurum wheat acreage provisions\nto Invrease production and (4)\nprograms to incourage farmers to\nmake needed adjustments in\ntheir land use pattern,\n\nRecently released [rom Oregon\nState College extension service {8\na new parden pest control guide.\nThis guide when followed by\nback-yard vegetable growers,\nean take much if guess work out\nof inseet pest control by following\nthe spraying and dusting pro-\ngrams outlined in it, The bulle-\ntin which is entitled “vegetable\ngarden, insect pests’ is available\nfrom this office: They give the\nlatest recommendations for ¢on-\ntrailing all major garden pests,\nEight pages of the bulletin are\ndevoted to pictures of pests, classi,\nfied according to crops they at-\ntack along with brief explana-\ntions of the damage they do and\nthe recomended control.\n\n \n\nDuring the past week several\nfarmers have called at the office\nfor recommendations for control\nof perenial noxious weeds and\nhave signed up for the cast-shar-\ning program in the ACP hand,\nbookF-2-a, The cost-sharing pro-\nfram assists the farmer with 50%\nof the cost in controling these\nweeds.\n\nA number of farmers from all\nparts of the county have been\navailing themselves to the use of\nthe county weed sprayer for cus.\ntom spraying of thelr weeds, The\ncounty weed sprayer is set up to\n\nbeaten mans nmf-atl fasiatoe cwranhine\n" }, "29": null, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 2670.129150390625, 2767.180908203125, 3093.6337890625, 2811.59423828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "CLEMENCY REOUESTED\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1519.7506103515625, 1295.0616455078125, 2090.5390625, 1399.1663818359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "‘From Files of the Gazette Times\nJuly 9/1925\n" }, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 5 ], [ 1, 15 ], [ 10, 3 ] ]
[ 4903.7470703125, 6114.30859375 ]
[ [ 1, 15 ], [ 3, 10 ], [ 5, 0 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 722.310447265625, 470.31529956054686, 1310.4964375, 928.8769916992187 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "the stolid durability of“London, the\npride of Paris—they are all here.\n\nNever the same, shrugging off\nher 300-year history, it is the one\nmighty metropolis on earth that\nstill bases its appeal on the\nglamour of youth and doesn’t ask\nto be admired or respected merely\nbecause it’s old.\n\nIt is a city of endless growth\nand fresh glamour and never in-\nvites strangers to come here to\n| feel strange and be sad.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1320.4297099609375, 399.3066936035156, 1908.8444599609375, 1278.757912109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "LAKE BUTLER, Fla. —Hard,\ndangerous George A. Heroux Jr.,\n\n25, has been sentenced to spend\nthe rest of his life in Florida State\nPrison, where he killed the assist-\nant superintendent in an attempted\nbreak. -\n\nA 12-man jury convicted him of\nfirst-degree murder Tuesday but\nrecommended mercy. The state\nhad sought his death for the killing\nof J. C. Godwin, 56, last April.\n\nThree witnesses, including one\nof two guards wounded by Heroux\nin the shooting, testified that Her-\noux ran down Godwin and: kilied\nhim. :\n\nHeroux, under 50 years sentence\nfor two Kansas bank robberies and\nfor kidnaping two Miami police-\nmen, had been placed in solitary\nconfinement by Godwin two weeks\nearlier.\n\nHeroux’s gun, a .25-caliber pis-\ntol, had been smuggled in to him\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1323.2523193359375, 86.4522705078125, 1771.8856201171875, 372.0663757324219 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Prison Killer\nTo Spend Life\nBehind Walls\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2515.68715625, 137.21504931640624, 3097.393166015625, 398.98719067382814 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "| MIAMI, Fla. uw — Federal a-\ngents have discovered a use for a\nfive-gallon jug of ‘real moonshine\n\n‘whisky strong enough to blow your\nhead off” that was confiscated long\n‘ago in some forgotten raid. De-\nputy. marshall Guy Hixon said his\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2537.961669921875, 427.010009765625, 3671.53125, 1258.2220458984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ry,\nFASTER\n\n \n\nEASIER\n\n \n \n \n \n\nGiant: -size tub : bigs bonetengitad agitator,\n» one-piece, self-a sting safety wringer\n-all make it possible for you to handle\n\nThas€ BIG family washings... faster and\n\neasier than you ever thought possible. _\n\na\n\n‘see 1T TODAY a AT e\nRATGLIFE ELECTRIC CQ.\n\n99 East Main\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 118.15655474853516, 517.1699443359375, 719.5436787109376, 2524.066994140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (#—The summer\n_ city of the world says hello and\nwelcome.\n\nNew York City is officially at\n_hand to the visitor.\n\n‘I don’t intend, to _to tell you about\nthe official program of entertain-\n. ment that has been arranged for\n\nyou. If you want that program,\n‘just write a letter asking for it\n“and address it: ‘“‘To the Mayor,\nNew ‘York City.”\n\nHe'll attend to it, or we'll get a\nnew mayor who will. He’ll tell\nyou all the 1,001 special attrac-\n‘tions that make this particular\n\n_ summer the greatest in New York\nCity's history.\n. Lot Of Trouble\nThey've gone to a lot of trouble\nto prove that this is a wonderful\n- place to visit—after all, you don't\nhave to live here—but if you -have\na sense of adventure you can\nthrow away the program.\n\nYou never need a program to\nenjoy New York. I live here and\n- aoe this—and, if you believe\n\nyou can take my word for it.\n\nCertainly New York gets hot on\nsome days. It has a heat that can\n\n‘ build up restlessness and dis-\n- comfort, but usually within five\n\n“days at most that heat will blow\naway. :\n\nIt's a changeable town in al-\nmost every way. But no one man\never owned it or bought it. And if\n\n“you bring a feeling to it that\n- matches its size it will also en-\n‘large you. ”\n\n” American City\n\nThey say it isn’t America, but\n\"it is the most American city in\n. the United States. The’ Statue of\n. Liberty isn't in another port. It\n~ lifts its torch here.\n\nNew York City is fun, adventure\nand opportunity. It is also sky-\nscrapers, culture and cruelty. But\nit is neither more cultured nor\ncrucl, than what you're looking for.\nIt is you magnified, many many\ntimes.\n\nWhatever you seek and don't\nfind ,at home is probably here, or\nmay be — and many things you\naren't even looking for at all.\n\nThe higher Rome, the aspiration\n- that made Athens a symbol, the\n\nwom ael BikAiiwclavc ettbtesasae’ 24te “Bika\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 728.967041015625, 953.565673828125, 1256.50390625, 1081.3133544921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "West Virginian Dies\nIn Covington Crash\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 128.26434326171875, 166.0398712158203, 1309.8509521484375, 450.722900390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Fun, Adventure Await\nVisitors To New York\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 725.108298828125, 1103.5420146484375, 1308.928322265625, 1934.6425556640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "| COVINGTON“#—A West Virgin-\n‘fa man was killed and seven oth-\n-er persons injured when a car\nwent out of control on U:S. 60,\n‘about 14 miles west of here yester-\nday. and crashed into a tree.\n\n___ The victim was identified as B.\n'H. Washington, 37. Negro, from\n‘Beckwith, W. Va. He died shortly\nafter admission to Alleghany Me-\nmorial Hospital here.\n\nSeven other persons; all occu-\npants of the same car, were\ntreated at the hospital for minor\ninjuries. The group consisted | of\nfour adults and three children, all\nNegroes from Beckwith.\n\nThe driver of the car was iden-\ntified as Nellie Bell Lane, who\nstate police said told.them she\n|dozed at the wheel and was\nawakened after the car had gaffe\nout of control.\n\n \n\nNe&arly 8 out of 10 motor vehicles\nin the world are American owned.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 149.4164276123047, 2563.45654296875, 1291.869384765625, 6078.56298828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nLadies! Just In\nTime For Your\n4th of July Holiday 4\nBig New Shipment =<\n\nDRESSES\n\nThey Are Reg. $6.95 Values\n\nonly ‘47 iE\n\n27¢ Down - 50¢ Weekly\n\nIncluded in this huge shipment are\ndainty sheers, broadcloths, polished cot-\ntons and many other wanted materials.\nLoveliest of styles. Sizes 9 to 22%%.,\nOthers priced from $7.95. Remember!\nYou can charge them!\n\nSKIRTS trom ‘2, 95\n\nCasual and dressy styles in tailored and flaring\nstyles — Cottons — Rayons — Silks. You will\n4 want several at this low price. .\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\na\n\n“Wonderful\n\n_ Assortment Men’ s\n\nSLACKS —\nviet 5 QS\n\nReal beauties..Gabargines,\nSummer rayons. Mixtures\nand solids. Sizes 28 to 42. _\nRemember, you can use.\nyour .charge account,\n\nSport Shirts\n\nRb cic adlng trom 12. 45\n\nOpen Your Account Today!\n\nmYs CLOTHING 0,\n\n. . 53: Main Street .\nae ie “Where Your: Credit Is Always Good”. r\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3109.703025390625, 79.31233172607422, 3710.93051953125, 387.27930493164064 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "office uses it for cleaning thefin-\n| gerprint board. “You ought to, see\nhow it eats that old ink off. Best:\n\ncleaning fluid we ever had around\nthis office.”\n\n \n\n| The ostrich’ makes a noise which\nenind much Hke the roar pf .a lion.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1939.1046142578125, 715.8656616210938, 2487.635498046875, 1255.2164306640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "KIRKMAN MFG, CO.\n\n507 West Commerce\nRepairing and\nRefinishing Furniture\nQuick Service\n\nWe also rebottom cane, fibre\nrush, and split bottom = chairs\nReasonable Prices\n\nPhone 2-5121\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1305.939453125, 1260.454833984375, 4903.7470703125, 6114.30859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "le ttt Fee, PE Be\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nTREET . . Armour's 12 euace can SO’\n\nVanilla Wafers Nabisco 12 ovnce box 33\n\n \n\nFROZE FOODS\n\n \n\nSealtest 3 pints ’\n\nBleck Pepper Old Maasion 4 62, hox 33° | SHERBET wees '88e\nAutocrat 12 Gallon 7.\nPEAS ted Cross 303 size @, for 29\n\nIGE Sea wine eee 69c §\n| TIDE “Nothing Else Washes So Clean” large hox 39°\n\nORANGE JUICE 2 for 3ic\nStrawberry Preserves\n\nDulany 16 oz. ‘pkg. :\nSTRAWBERRIES ____ 49c §\n. Domino Dixie Belle Monarch\n\nSUGAR | COOKIES | Apple Sauce\nBD pounas BI - 2pound 49: ae 7\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nTROLLED RIB\n\nWE WiLL B BE\nGLOSED MONDAY |\nJULY 4th |\n, hast Shoice Grade ~------ I\nv GROUND BEEF: =... 3 pounds 89 . .\n| Logse -—— Skinless oF . _ .\n\n| RANKS ne mee beeen ates\n\nee ee\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nRegular or Drip\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n7 | ‘Tall\nCarnation —_ cans :\nSilver Cow 3 for\n\n \n\n \n\n“Golden | ‘Ripe —_\n\n \n\nBAMANAS _....____- 2 pounds 28¢\n- California \"\nLEMONS ._..._...:... dozen 20¢\n\n \n\nWestern Grown -\n\n} SeTALoures —— lage size 28 | :\n\n \n\n‘Tender Crisp.\n\n \n\ncE | 5 Number 1— - White\n\nPOTATOES -.\n\ncor ee we\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1910.370505859375, 357.85958056640624, 2507.9778828125, 669.8576435546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "DEFROIT (® — Police are look-\n{ing for a distinguished appearing\n‘man with brown hair greying at\n; the temples. A bald man ordered\n:a toupe from a wig shop. He tried\n[it on to make sure it was a good\nfit; then walked out without pay-\n‘ing the $155 bill. That’s the fellow\nlthey’re looking for.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 751.6406860351562, 1966.7923583984375, 1292.467041015625, 2528.128173828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\nCONSTRUCTION WORK\nNo Job Too Big or Too Small\n\nBRICK WORK\nBUILDING CONSTRUCTION\nPLUMBING\n\nWe Can Build Anything You\nNeed, Also Remodeling and\n\nRepair. Reasonable Cost. Free\nEstimates Gladly Furnished —\n\n.Call or Write\nR. F. SURRATT & SONS,\nCONSTRUCTION\n111 Commerce St., Ph. 4-1871\nAustinville Ph. Myrtle 9-5848\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1917.614158203125, 87.96826129150391, 2491.733498046875, 278.87805981445314 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "by his former wife Ruth and he\nhusband Raymond Staffa. They ar\nawaiting sentence upon their plea\nof guilty te aiding and abettin;\nan attempted escape.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3779.827880859375, 116.40573120117188, 4821.91162109375, 1258.483642578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nrs a Ae SNAP”\n\n \n \n \n\n| WITH\n\n: PEN Nu bi\n\nECTIN\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2508.790283203125, 90.12338256835938, 2958.53759765625, 131.6577911376953 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "\\MOONCHING CEPANTD\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 264.0184020996094, 474.88726806640625, 583.3121948242188, 510.30560302734375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Ry HAT. ROVIE\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1926.639404296875, 302.726806640625, 2438.912353515625, 344.2522277832031 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "THEY'RE AFTER HIS HAIR\n" }, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 4, 5 ], [ 17, 10 ], [ 12, 20 ] ]
[ 3601.596052734375, 4732.11533984375 ]
[ [ 4, 5 ], [ 12, 20 ], [ 17, 10 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 88.7492612915039, 3507.101701171875, 787.4427934570313, 4724.8980546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Nine delegates from the Princeton\nInternational Relations Club will at-\ntend the third in a series of the Mid-\ndje Atlantic Colleges’ model UN ses-\nsions, to be held at the University of\nPennsylvania this weekend.\n\nHighlight of the conference will be\na plenary session discussion of the re-\nlation of regional defense agreemen-s,\nsuch as SEATO, to the aims of the\nUnited Nations.\n\nIn addition, four subcommittees\nwill consider such controversial prob-\nlems as world disarmament, the ad-\nmission of Communist China, aid to\nunderdeveloped areas, and the abo-\nlition of the veto power.\n\nHeading the Princeton delegation,\nwhich will represent France at the\nsessions, will be IRC President Rob-\nert L. Howe ’56.\n\nAlso attending will be Frank G.\nDawson, John M. Dewey, James F.\nHazen, and William T, Shinn—all\n’57—and freshmen James W. Beck-\nman, Thomas R. Poole, Donald G.\nRoss, and Duncan W. Van Dusen. _\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2198.904923828125, 2280.604142578125, 2890.463484375, 3502.3511796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "- Bernard Kilgore, President of the\n| Wall Street Journal and a resident uf\nPrinceton, has been elected to the\nDaily Princetonian’s Board of Trus-\ntees, Board Chairman Edmund S. De-\nLong ’22 announced yesterday.\n\nJames Kerney ’33 will fill the posi-\ntion of vice-president, vacant since\nDeLong succeeded Julius O. Adler\n14 as president last weekend. Kerney\nhas been the editor of the Trenton\nTimes corporation since 1933.\n\nKilgore, who became head of. the\nWall Street Journal in 1945, is also\npresident of Barron’s’ Publishing\nCompany. He becomes the eighth\nmember of the Board of Trustees. |\n\nA newspaperman since graduating\nfrom DePauw University in 1929, Kil-\ngore joined the Journal as Copy Edi-\ntor in that year. He became managing\neditor in 1941 and vice-president in\n1948.\n\nHe is a member of the Blue Key,\nPhi Beta Kappa, Phi Gamma Declta,\nSigma Delta Chi and Delta Sigma\nRho Societies.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 806.4010620117188, 3456.070068359375, 2167.831787109375, 4538.52392578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 810.8152631835937, 1507.52333203125, 1482.312849609375, 2886.7476640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Princeton will see its second prom\nqueen crowned at this year’s Fresh-\nman Promenade on April 23.\n\nFollowing the precedent set by\nFebruary’s Junior Prom, the class\nof ’58 will honor “the most beauti-\nful” girl at the Dillon Gym dance\nas- the first queen in Freshman\nProm history.\n\nPublicity Chairman Joseph Day\n58 announced yesterday that fresh-\nmen are to submit pictures of their\ndates along with the girl’s name,\nschool and measurements to Joseph\nD. Roxe, 434 Pyne Hall, for consid-\neration.\n\nThe Prom Committee will select\nthe winner to be crowned at the\nDance. F\n\n“The Class Is Going to .. .”\n\nWith “Inferno” as the prom’s\ndecoration theme, Decorations co-\nChairman Philip B. Bowman ’58\nadded the connotation that “the\nfreshman class is going to tread\nthe depths on prom weekend!”\n\nDillon Gymnasium, walled in by\nbackdrops of leaping flames, will be\nflooded with lighting effects similar\nto those of the Junior Prom.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2193.470841796875, 3739.12977734375, 2881.28575, 4728.71690234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Bennet B. Harvey ’56 of Chicago,\nIllinois, has been elected president of\nKey and Seal Club to succeed Z. Tay-\nlor Vinson ’55.\n\nOther officers picked were Franklin\nWhitehouse ’56 of Bronxville, N. Y.,\nsecretary, and A. Corwin Frost ’56,\nalso a resident of Bronxville, treas-\nurer. Whitehouse is also vice presi-\ndent of the club, his term expiring\nnext fall.\n\nHarvey, a graduate of the Chicago\nLatin School, played basketball and\nwas active in his school’s publications\nand student governiment.\n\nThe outgoing secretary is Stanton\nR. Nolan ’55 and the former treas-\nurer is James Pars Jr. 5.\n\nBoth Harvey and Frost are mem-\nbers of the senior business board of\nthe Tiger, Harvey serving as busi-\nness manager.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2886.901505859375, 3734.684220703125, 3593.682478515625, 4732.11533984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Lewis M. Mithun ’56 of Wayzata,\nMinnesota, is the president-elect of\nCloister Inn, outgoing President Jay\nQ. Young ’55 announced yesterday.\n\nReplacing James R. Carter Jr. ’55\nin the vice-presidential post is Arthur\nC. Eschenlauer ’56 of ‘Cranford, New\nJersey.\n\nAlso elected were Thomas E. C.\nMees ’56, a resident of Rochester, New\nYork, who succeeds H. Bruce Muel-\nler ’55 as club treasurer, and Denis\nP. Donegan ’56, who lives in Farm-\ningdale, New York, taking over from\nFrank T. Black ’55 as secretary.\n\nMithun is a graduate of Blake and\nwas co-chairman of this year’s club\nBicker committee with Eschenlauer,\nan alumnus of Cranford High School.\n\nMees graduated from Allerdale\nHigh, and Donegan is: an Andover\ngraduate,\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2219.154052734375, 3553.564697265625, 3540.1396484375, 3720.273193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Harvey Elected Key and Seal President;\nMithun Triumphs in Cloister Balloting\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2196.14453125, 536.1543579101562, 3591.492919921875, 837.8286743164062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Baker Hits Prineeton’s\n\n“‘Well-Rounded’ Ideal\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1499.103166015625, 882.8094038085937, 2192.51475390625, 3278.08604296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Harl MacDonald, manager of the\nPhiladelphia Orchestra Association,\ndied of an acute coronary occlusion\nat McCarter Theater yesterday after-\nnoon. He was 55 years old.\n\nMacDonald, an __ internationally-\nknown composer as well, collapsed\nand died while filming a piano com-\nmercial. He was making the last\nsequence of the film with two Prince-\nton Film Center officials when he suf-\nfered the attack.\n\nAccording to Lt. Frank Bird of\nthe Borough Police, MacDonald saw\na “bad accident on the New Jersey\nTurnpike which visibly upset him”\non his way to Princeton. He was\nnervous and his hands were shaking\nwhen he arrived a half an hour late\nat the theater.\n\n.The composer was finishing the\nlast few chords on the piano before\ndelivering a message for the Lester\nPiano Company directly to the cam-\neras. When he did so, he pitched\n\nforward and fell to the floor.\n\nRushed to Princeton Hospital, Mac-\nDonald was pronounced dead on ar-\nrival by Dr. Leonard M. Berry, dep-\nuty county physician, at 4:40 p. m.\n\nA native of Boulder, Colorado,\nMacDonald first came to Philadelphia\nin 1924 to teach at the Philadelphia\nMusical Academy. In 1926 he be-\ncame a lecturer at the University of\nPennsylvania.\n\nHe remained there as a professor\nof music and eventually became head\nof the department. In 1939 he as-\nsumed his present position with the\norchestra.\n\nFamed as a child prodigy, he\nlearned to play the piano at the\nage of four and composed his first\nscore at seven.\n\nHe served in the armed forces in\nWorld War I, then studied music at\nRedlands (Calif.) University and later |\nat the University of Leipzig and in\nBerlin, where he was tutored on\nvately.\n\nDuring his lifetime he composed\n\n(Continued on page five)\n" }, "9": null, "10": { "bbox": [ 97.37249890136718, 1220.537248046875, 791.0333696289063, 3241.7984453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "own facilities and when approached by\nthe government with a problem, deal\nwith it as an individual case.\n\nHead of Princeton’s cosmic ray re-\nsearch project, Dr. Reynolds agreed\nwith Dr. Henry DeWolf Smyth ’28, a\nformer member of the Atomic Energy\nCommission, and Dr. Milton G. White,\nhead of nuclear physical research\nhere, that U. S. scientists must\nanswer the country’s summons in\ntime of national crisis.\n\nDr. Reynolds pointed out that at\npresent America is neither in an ob-\nvious emergency nor clearly out of\ndanger. “We must devise some long-\nrange policy, adapted to the present\ntime, which both answers the needs\nof the nation and enables scientists\nto carry on valuable basic research,”\nhe said.\n\nCooperation Necessary\n\nConcurring with Dr. White and\nDr. Henry DeWolf Smyth 718 that\ntoo much government research is\nclassified now, Dr. Reynolds stated,\nhowever, that “I can sympathize with\nthe situation causing it. A closer\ncooperation between scientists and\ngovernment men on these decisions\nwould improve the situation.\n\n“If there is an evil in undertaking\nsecret work at»a university as Dean\nBundy suggests [McGregor Bundy of\nHarvard], this in itself should 1ot\nstop us from undertaking research\nthat we consider necessary to the\nnation,” he remarked.\n\n“We should not fight it negatively\nby running away from the problem,\nbut, positively, by undertaking the\nresearch and fighting the evil, if it\nexists, from within,” he declared.\n\nCommenting on the “security risk”\n\n(Continued on page five)\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 114.65226745605469, 3286.472412109375, 773.6195068359375, 3492.75830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "IRC to Attend\n\nPenn Conclave\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2216.462052734375, 859.9629682617187, 3601.596052734375, 1092.5126787109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "The ideal Princeton well-rounded man may resemble a ‘smooth billiard\nball” more than he does an “interesting individual,’ Carlos Baker, chairman\nof the English Department, told an undergraduate gathering at Madison Hall\nlast night.\n\nUsing the “billiard ball’ symbol and a sprinkling of anecdotes to help\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2213.48046875, 1135.7884521484375, 2872.52490234375, 1990.76220703125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 127.93504333496094, 552.9617919921875, 1448.1513671875, 928.614990234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Agrees With Smyth, White .\nPhysics’ Reynolds Calls\nSecret Research Urgent\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1516.9423828125, 543.9412231445312, 2168.36669921875, 862.83740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Musician Dies;\nSuffers Stroke\nWorking Here\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 819.1954956054688, 1267.780517578125, 1477.19921875, 1486.88720703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Frosh to Pick\n\nQueen at Prom\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 126.49945202636718, 999.716447265625, 1489.9194169921875, 1223.574080078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "“The amount of secret government research at Princeton should be di-\nrectly geared to the world situation,” Associate Professor George T. Reynolds\nof the Physics Department declared in an interview with the Princetonian\nyesterday.\n\nHowever. he emphasized that we should consider the limitations of our\n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 2209.399658203125, 2073.5341796875, 2880.2001953125, 2269.06640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Kilgore Elected\n\n‘Prince’ Trustee\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2894.78212109375, 1020.6245283203125, 3596.483015625, 3524.80674609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "und a sprinkling of anecdotes to help\ncarry across his ideas, Baker warned\nPrincetonians against the danger of\n“selling your souls for social pres-\ntige.”\n\nThe professor, a noted authority on\nmodern literature, stated that “there\nis a specter haunting modern Amer-\nica—that is, social pressure to\nknuckle under and adopt society’s\nway of thinking.”\n\n“The billiard ball,” said Baker, “is\nthe person who calmly makes society’s\nideas and norms his own, so he can\nbe more of an outward success.”\n\nThe professor urged his audience\n“not to adopt a popular creed unless\nyou have decided in your heart that\nit is true.”\n\n“Maybe we will have to become\nrebels,” Baker declared, “but we can\nescape ‘billiard ballism’ only by re-\nmaining free agents to make our own\nchoices after our own considera-\ntion.”\n\n“Once you have made up your own\nmind, you must have the courage to\nlet the majority go its own way,”\nhe added.\n\nNo New Problem\nBaker pointed out that the prob-\nlem of conformity to accepted stan-\ndards was not a new one, and “had\ntroubled writers ever since the time\nof Christ.”\n\n“We do have a proud tradition of\nindividualism in America,” Baker\nstated, “but the threat to it today is\nemphatic.’”’ He saw the pressure of\nmodern business advertising as a\nchief example of “social directives\nwhich tend to discourage individual\nchoice.”\n\nThe professor concluded with his\n‘restatement of the Princeton ideal.\n“Instead of aiming towards well-\nroundedness, why don’t we get some\nundergraduates with a few sharp\nangles sticking out here and there,”\nhe said.\n\nBaker’s speech was part of a series\nof Commons talks sponsored through-\nout the year by the Undergraduate\nCouncil’s speech committee.\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 822.391984375, 2984.3158125, 1469.0562578125, 3252.83653125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "The Daily Princetonian will pub-\nlish a four-page issue Friday\nmorning, April 1. Following this,\npublication will be suspended for\nthe Spring Recess and will be re-\nsumed Tuesday morning, April 12.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1061.979736328125, 3317.864013671875, 1919.0054931640625, 3437.152099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Sure Signs of Spring\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 908.6814575195312, 2927.6650390625, 1383.9398193359375, 2973.896728515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "‘Prince’ Publications\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 522.15771484375, 948.2943725585938, 1065.9752197265625, 993.9392700195312 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "By EBERHARD FABER ’57\n" }, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 8, 1 ], [ 8, 22 ], [ 1, 22 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 5, 7 ], [ 6, 7 ], [ 16, 9 ] ]
[ 2648.0188007812503, 3542.600830078125 ]
[ [ 1, 22 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 5, 7 ], [ 6, 4 ], [ 8, 1 ], [ 9, 16 ] ]
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We hope they. will come\nfo our. homé here. ° but” nothlite\ndefinite has béen. decided.\"\n\nDr. Witllam Bradshaw sald all\njlhe time his brother, and sislee-in\nlaw had been fn Comimnunist hands,\njlte had. received na direct word\nfrom thei.\" —_\n\nHo said the Reds wontd nat par\nmit lhe captives to write to any\nYelalives bearlng the. name: Brarl\nhaw, However, letters 19 relallve:\njwith , different surnames’ ‘were al\njlowed to be mailed, he sald.\n\n5 kidnaped from hi\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 391.0247802734375, 103.85366821289062, 1663.4351806640625, 765.4822998046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 55.55833435058594, 74.60296630859375, 355.1168212890625, 263.4822998046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "AppealtoFree\nWoman Backed B;\nJudicial Opinion\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 384.54095263671877, 862.9967631835938, 703.8286152343751, 1338.8216572265626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "was apart of the milllary com.\nmunity there, she was aflll not in\nany way connected with the mili-\ntary,\" he said,\n\nLt. Col. Janies Booth, of the Ar-\nmy's “jlidge advocate. general's: ot-\nfice, sald that Mrs, Smith felt un-\nderthe army's jurisdiction because\nshe was a part of the military es-\nloblishment overseas, He said at\nthe time, hostilities were underway\nin’Korea and that’ Japan waa con-\nsidered part‘of the combat zone\n\n‘Even if the power. fo prosecute\ncivilians was limited to’ time cf\nwar, then the Army had’a tight to\ndo sa in this case because of. thé\nKorean War,” he sais, \"The Cor\ngrees cottainly recognized the Ko\nrean conflict as a war by all its\nacts,” he added...\n\nColone) Booth. alsa explained that\n‘when a2 hertan voluntary leavec the\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 702.2896098632813, 872.4212626953125, 1030.2586689453126, 1352.406740234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "country to ga abroad he leaves a\ncertain amoint of hie rights, be-\nhind.\n\nTn reply ‘argument’ “by ‘tne\ndeférise that the coirt martial wag\nimproperly -corvenéd, Colonel\nBooth said :if there had) been’ any-\nBiing to it the defénde would have\nraised the argument, af: thé Hime\nthe case was heing reviewed by the\nmnititary Board of Review,\n\n‘The defense had claimed {hat the\neourt martial was invalid because\na brigadier general ordered a ma-\njor genéral to sit’oh the court. Ti\n\n, claimed that a junior officer had no\nfright ta issué an order lo a senior\nofficer.\n\nColonel Booth argued that it waa\nnot really an order bul an admin:\nistrative appointment to serve on.a\ncourt: martial. He said. the funtor\n\nofficer was antually relaying an or-\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 51.10328479003906, 280.38430590820315, 380.85986523437504, 1337.7441425781249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "LQHARLESTON (UP) — Deteiise\nCounsel: Frederick B. Weiner aid\ntoday! that AN appeal to trea Mrs,\nDarolhy Kreger Smith front a lIlte\nsentence: for the slaying of her At-\nMy colonel husband, Is backea up\nby. 86 years of judiclal. opinion that\ncivilian cannot he tried by a mil:\nitary “Court.” os\n\n‘Welter made the statement in\n‘U.S, Djatrlet Court betare Federal\nJudge Bey Moore, .\n\nHe’ argued that “the federal con-\natitullon never’ intended that de-\nPendent women be tried by mili.\ntary courls,” ‘and jhat the Army\nsou martial thal senlenced Mra,\nSmith to lite iniprisonment violated\nher constitutional rights,\n\nAltorneys for the Army. argued\nthat the ‘military court.was within\nita rights in meting out-.the sen-\nvdenice and {hat {t had to have auch\npower to maintain discipline over\ncivilians traveling with the armed\nforces’ abroad,\n\nTudge Moore took the appeal un-\nder advisement and gave the de-\nfense one week in which to submit\nadditional | briefs, The ‘prosecution\nWas granted a week after that-fo\nreply.\n\n‘The appeal Was made by Mis,\nSmith's: father, Gen. Walter Krue-\nger, Who Was conirnander of the\n‘U. &. Sixth Army during World War\nIt, Mrs. Smith {s presently” con-\nfined lo the federal women’s prison\nat Alderson; W. ¥a., for. the fatal\nstabbing of her husband in Japan\nthree years ago.\n\nWeiner, an attorney trom Wash-\nIngtén, D. C., polnted oil that the\narmy had no right te try civillans\nin time of peace. Hé safd.. Mrs.\nSmith committed her offense in Ja-\npan after both the ‘peace treaty\nand mutual security pacl had bern\nsigned with the United States.\n\n“Although Mrs. Smilh aceom-\npanied her husband to Japan and\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1031.7249736328124, 876.5894755859375, 1355.4951191406249, 1055.6304951171876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "der by @ four-slar general to the\nbrigadier,\n\nCif this issue had any. particular\nvalldity It would-have been raised\nby the -defense before the Board\nof Review,” he said. “This isn't\nsome loophole Lhe defense has been\nsaving,’?\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1675.7642802734374, 303.93139453125, 2001.3422871093749, 967.563966796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "PITTSBURGH (UP) — fr Wil\nVahl A. Bradshdw, of Pittsburgh\nWas reassured today that his broth.\nar and sister in-law, just freed at.\ner nearly: five yéars behind the\nBambgo Curtain, were going 10 be\n“all right!\n\nAe telephone call’ from Hong\nNong Tuesday by Dr: Hamer V\nBradshaw to his brother heré was\nthe first direct communication be-\ntiveen them since 1930.\n\nDr, aud Mrs; Homer Bracshaw,\nwho spent most’ 6f their ‘time\nSince 1951 in Red prison; walked\nacross (he-border from Con\\mu\nniat China'to Hong Kang Tuesday.\nWeak: and - il] after nearly . Jive\nyeata in. Comniunist prisons, ths\nBradshaws left‘ for. a ULS,. Ali\n\nForce hogpltal: in -the Philippines\ntoday under the care of two doe:\ntors and’ a mirse,\n\nThanks. to everybedy,\" Braid.\nshaw said as’ ho. boerded the\nplane. Merry Ghueimas lo ‘you\nallt?\n\n“Wé are golng-ta be a aftghi,\"\nthe newly-freed Bradshaw told hs\nbrother: hero by telephone. Te\nconnection was bad, and a Chinese\n“voice in the background kept say-\ning “Hella, hetle,”\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1356.913083984375, 901.096189453125, 1680.0582294921874, 1041.9964619140626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "STAMFORD, Conn, — (UP). —\nJames A. Martin of Grenwieh and\n|Malfa ‘Pimer o€ Daytona Beach,\njFla., went into’ a’ drugstore and\ncame out a few minutes later. as\nman and wife. The marrlage cere:\nmony was performed by ‘the man-\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1674.5601806640625, 107.2296142578125, 1952.6929931640625, 289.1953430175781 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Brother Talks\nTo Relative. First\nTime Since 1950\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1033.2044677734375, 1082.148193359375, 1322.4271240234375, 1177.2769775390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Troop 51 Enjoys\nSpaghetti Supper\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 76.50165557861328, 1372.2423095703125, 1350.232666015625, 3498.529296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\na ssueia’ Spin tubs! Uses bess watert\n\n: Only the Maytag Aulomatic Washer wares than any other agitator-type\ni.” has two spinning tubs, one inside automatic for full loads. In tact,\nthe ather, that wever fet dirty water tests prove, up 1a 489% leas yater!\n . strain back through the clothes. No And fresh waler for every load\ndizt streaks ,,.no helécléan clothes means clean\n\nThe Ni tag Au js i es WASHERS , DRYERS\n. ylag Automatic vars tess clothes,\nttom $229, 95 fram $21 a5,\n\nor any of these fine Mayra 6S! 6.\n\nFimaw.\n\nae ae\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n; ars 7 : — =\niy = — IR\nip 1 ip \\\nAparien! 's best-loved conven. Square porcelali: -on-steel tub Now you can haya genuine May. : Maytag Troner lrons everything\nnal washer. Gyrafoamn action; gives added clothes capacity , tag for scarcely Bore Ahan yaw’ ».. shirts, blo eet. ruffles, chil.\nWie Gon le welled alu: spesds tp washing pay tor thé low dran’s clothe\nme. priced washer? quickly, easily.\nConventional Type Washers from $129.95\n\n \n\n‘MODERN |\n\n| Home Appliances\n\nATE, Ramin Chenad ‘Dhan GAN Cepia\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2020.9219970703125, 587.6370849609375, 2623.434814453125, 1036.4686279296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\nTO TIDE YOU\n\nNeed $75 1m:\n\nCosts You Only $1.22 for 2 Weeks\n\n> This it the total cost to you fife Insured -at no’ extra cost for\nNe extrai, no special chayges,. “tha unpaid balance on your loan.\nOther amaunts up to-$300 are J-Visit. Loans Phone ws row\n4a proportion, Loa and tell us how ovich you need.\nThén come in by éppointmant w\nsign and get the cast.\n\n$400 on Slgnoturs, Furniture or Car.”\n\nfa Beneficial FINANCE CO.\n\n(Basal timanct co}\n\nGround Floor, 3145 MAIN STREET, WEIRTON\nWext to Esse Service Station + A. P. Doman, VES MANager\nPhone: Welrton 269 » PAYCHECKS CASHED\n\nLeans made te cesidanty af wi] perreusding tome\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1364.283935546875, 1078.04248046875, 2626.664306640625, 3542.600830078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\nFomout oe Ei\n\neT\nan Reg. $455) HO statndens knife\n\n \n \n\n \n\n94 Piece GE) Gi SET 398\nSTAINLESS STEEL WARE a\n\n \n\noF latent Gr a\n“mines « nl ‘ :\nwith THICK COPPER BOTTRMS |\n|\nfoment ba, Rica “stoinless veel sat,\nRag 4.501\ni\nj\n{\n: 4\n_ CHECK these FEATURES!. |\nStee blMeeat\n« Waterless—tess shrinkage,\n\n- ——— crear ran\nLAST MINUTE GIFT IDEAS AT KAUFMAN’S |: ols tover—soves tnt) |\nSHOP TONIGHT ‘TIL 9:00P.M. rt ic\n\nstays beautiful forever!\n\n \n\n66 PIECE COLORED towi'itt\nwith 2 FITTED SHEETS plus 4 COLORED aI\"x 108\" JUMBO SHEETS! “J\n\n \n \n \n \n\nte ee : Se\nSSS Ze\n\n= Ney Sta gestion es, ~ we\n. Nz RT > Ze Colors\n\nA\n\nre : ig thes incees Hee ge 9 2 J\nPeifeests er EE A A ZEEP v ihimoia Yellow\npod 4 eal Bick Whisper\n\n+ et\n\n \n\n« Seo’ Green j\n\n: Se . .\n\nx 4 Jumbo Colored Sheets, 812300\". we 2 Full Size Fitted Sheets x & Pillowcwses, 42436\", {\n2 white, 4 colored & 6 Lurge Hath Towels x 12 Hand Tewels x 12 Wash Cloths & 6 Dish\n\nTowels x 12 Dish Cloths & & Pat Holders 1\n\nK aufman F urniture Co.\n\n3047 MAIN STREET | PHONE 544 |\n" }, "15": null, "16": { "bbox": [ 1677.7396220703124, 975.780759765625, 2001.0220966796874, 1041.1466083984376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "‘ager of the tobacco counter, Eet-\n(man Tresser, who also is a justice\nLe tha anon:\n" }, "17": null, "18": { "bbox": [ 2324.225828125, 301.0494365234375, 2646.1896992187503, 474.84250073242185 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\nFORT, MADISON, Tar (UP). Pd\nA candidate {a0 the: football “ian\nlat the fowa Slate: Prigah offered Ai\ncrperienee”’ on” hits application :\nT just cama back ‘from’ hetiig on\n' escape, ‘Fhe law csased me:,tor\nfive years before Chey caught nie\n(Should bo a great: open flek run.\n(at\n\n \n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 2321.852537109375, 196.99992175292968, 2647.9746113281253, 288.2342548828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "CHESTER ,-- ‘The-anhiial ‘c\nyeu! =. dish. dinner of. the ft\nHhegion “Abnlliaty’ will be held! at\n\n0: p.i inthe. Legion, Home,’\n\n \n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1433.31689453125, 875.0405883789062, 1611.9517822265625, 897.4578247070312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Druvsiora Service\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2316.837888671875, 483.9569987792969, 2648.0188007812503, 569.2457294921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n \n\na, Crinese Misslon Hospilal and he'd\nprisoner for more than’ faur yedrs\n‘[betave the Communists, charged\ns him with “spying,”\n\n \n" }, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 3 ], [ 0, 9 ], [ 0, 12 ], [ 0, 18 ], [ 0, 53 ], [ 0, 30 ], [ 3, 9 ], [ 3, 12 ], [ 3, 18 ], [ 3, 53 ], [ 3, 30 ], [ 9, 12 ], [ 9, 18 ], [ 9, 53 ], [ 9, 30 ], [ 12, 18 ], [ 12, 53 ], [ 12, 30 ], [ 18, 53 ], [ 18, 30 ], [ 53, 30 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 4, 13 ], [ 4, 14 ], [ 4, 22 ], [ 4, 25 ], [ 4, 28 ], [ 7, 13 ], [ 7, 14 ], [ 7, 22 ], [ 7, 25 ], [ 7, 28 ], [ 13, 14 ], [ 13, 22 ], [ 13, 25 ], [ 13, 28 ], [ 14, 22 ], [ 14, 25 ], [ 14, 28 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 22, 28 ], [ 25, 28 ], [ 8, 19 ], [ 8, 11 ], [ 8, 21 ], [ 19, 11 ], [ 19, 21 ], [ 11, 21 ], [ 10, 26 ], [ 20, 15 ], [ 24, 35 ] ]
[ 2489.86409765625, 3467.628013671875 ]
[ [ 0, 53 ], [ 3, 9 ], [ 4, 13 ], [ 7, 4 ], [ 8, 19 ], [ 10, 26 ], [ 11, 8 ], [ 12, 30 ], [ 14, 7 ], [ 18, 0 ], [ 20, 15 ], [ 21, 11 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 25, 14 ], [ 28, 22 ], [ 30, 18 ], [ 35, 24 ], [ 53, 3 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1855.3678359375, 1164.1396865234376, 2165.795982421875, 1995.3120957031251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "The crisis had been going on\never since Stalin £\nization on the pr:\nearly Thirties, starving some 3,-\n000,000 people in order ta achieve\nit. Stalin did so, not simply out of\nwanton cruelly, but because he re-\ncognized that collectivization of\nthe land was essential in order to\nsweat the peasants for the capital\nfor industrial expansion and for\nfunds for the war machine.\n\nThe present Soviet rulers can-\nnot possibly abandon coliective\nagriculiure unless they are pre-'\npared {o abandon communism,\nwhich {key are not. Bul the eol+\nlective system is by ils very ne-\nlure inefficient,\n\nEssentlally, the collective farm-\ning system {is an atlempt to ape\nply the Soviet method of Industr\nal production 10 agricultural pro-\nduction. The Russian peasant has\n“norms” {o fulfill, just like a\nRussian factory worker As in the\ncase of the worker, the peasant\nincome depends of how well he\nfulfills his norms.\n\nBul a sick calf is not like a\npiece of mackinery, You cannot\nuse a mechanical approach to\n\nbiology because biology is not\nmechanical. One result of trying\nto do so is the collective farms are\ncursed wilh bookkeepers, bosses,\noverseers and all the trappings of\nlureaucracy.\n\nOverall, it requires six or sev-\nen Soviel workers on the land to\nproduce what one American ag-\nticultural worker produces.\n\nAdd the short Russian grawing\nseason, Jess the continuing vo-\nracious demand for funds from\nSaviet indusiry and the Soviet\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2167.12613671875, 2156.38492578125, 2481.55159765625, 3074.890220703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "On the recent issue of the city\n| ¥s. the dogs, { ain gelling tired\nof hearing about what dogs think.\nThey dan’t! They are animals and\nwhatever they are trained to do\nthey will accept. Meaning that\nsvoner or laler they will aceept\nthe chain and know nothing else.\nIt's silly of these sentimentalists\nto put words info their inactive\nminds.\n\nHaving traveled trom Atlantic\nto Pacific and Canada io New\nOrleans, and at present owning a\ncar less than a year old and\nalready having 17,000 miles of\npleasure driving nn its odometer,\nmay J say that Cedar Rapids is\none of the warsf cities to drive in.\n\nOne of the biggest improve-\nments could be ihe right turn\npermitted after first stopping for\nthe red light, Also the traffic in\nJront of May's drug could cer-\ndainly be kept moving, and also\nthat on First avenue E. with a\nfaster speed limil.\n\nWhat has happened 1o good\nUstening music on radio? It is\nhard to find an evening of good\nclassical music after 10 p.m.\nWSUI supplies same, but not tate\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLast but far fram least, why\ndid The Gazelle pick up an un-\nknown like “Cotion Woods” and\noverlonak areal comic like\n“POGO”. 1 wish same of you\nreaders would join me in urging\nThe Gazette to macernize the\npaper and add this modern little\n‘Shakespeare’.\n\nDo we have to subscribe to an\noutside paper in order to read\nirony, wil, salire, and a pile of\npuns?\n\n \n\nCharlie Ruggles\n107 Second sireet NE\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2019.6143798828125, 368.86578369140625, 2159.31298828125, 607.7903442382812 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2172.186927734375, 240.00782006835936, 2486.2083359375, 997.4082260742188 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "In statistical terms, the crisis is\neasy to describe. The Soviet pop-\nulation is growing at a rate of\nabout 1.5 percent a year, and farm\nproduction Js Increasing at a rate\nof only aboul 1 percent. In the\njong run this could be a formula\nfor muss starvalion, Moreover, the\nvate of increase in farm praduc-\ntion has only been maintained\nby all sorts of temporary expe-\ndients.\n\nFor cxumple, grain and polato\nerops have long been emphasized\nat the expense of Uvestock, since\ngrain supplics far more calories\nper acre thun meat. But this\nprocess has now reached the\npoint of no return, with the live-\nStock population of Russia lower\nthan betore the revolution,\n\nAgain, the system of crop re-\ntatlon was recently. denounced\n'by Nikita Krushebev, and in\n|many areas the soil is currently\n\nbeing mined to increase imme-\ndiate production at the expense\nof future fertility,\n\nAnother temporar:\n\nhas been the training of come\n30,000 hard-core young Commu\nnists 10 take over the manage~\nment of the collective farms,\n‘This, sp far, has led only to bi\nterness and confusion. -At\nsame time, the much publie!\nattempt {o exploit some vast\nacreages of marginal land has\nbeen undertaken, an atlempt\nwhich, depending on the weath-\n}er, could quite easily fail dis-\n\nane.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1226.5928115234376, 1614.108802734375, 1534.7891464843751, 2628.913169921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "NATO's military flber bears no\nresemblance today to the fragile\npaper defenses which prevailed in\nWest Europe when Gen. : Eisen-\nhower came here In 1951 to take\n\ncammand at iis birth and to\nbreathe into it his own galvanic\nbelief that what Is needed is at-\ntainable,\n\nThen there were 15 feeble divi-\nslons which could offer no more\nthan a taken resistance to the\nmobilized power of the Red army\nand which provided no incentive\nto the Kremlin to negotiale the\nissues of the cold war,\n\nToday NATO has 90 to 100\ntrained, equipped divisions, all of\nwhich ean be ready for action on\na possible D-day plus 30,\n\nhen NATO hadi a spare 17 air-\ntields capable of handling jel air-\ncraft\n\nToday NATO has 160 airlields\nequipped ta accammodate jet\nerafl, stretched along a 4,000-mile\nfront from the norihern cape of\nNorway to the eastern frontier of\nTurkey, adjoining the Soviet\nUnion, The majority of them are\nin France and Germany.\n\nToday NATO has approximate-\nly 4,000 miles af pipeline to sup-\nply its forces; 12,000 miles of\nJand-line communications, . 7,500\nmiles of radio relay circuits, 1.200\nmiles of submarine cable—added\nto Europe's existing eommunica-\ntion facilities and all contributing\nto a modern air-warning system,\n\nFour years ago it took Gen,\nGruenther 12 hours to get Oslo on\nthe telephone from Paris and pavt\nof the lines went through the\nSoviet zone of Germany. Today\nthe call goes through in three\nminutes—with no assistance fram\nthe Soviets\n\nThe Russians could believe\nPresident, Eisenhower when he\nsaid at Geneva thal NATO was\npurely an instrument of defense\nbecause {hey know their own\nmilitary power makes it so: 175\nready divisions in the Red army:\n80 satellite divisions: a three-vear\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 481.10153955078124, 795.643470703125, 901.3733139648438, 2160.9602890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "NOME HEFORLS indicate a possibility that,\n\nsince the talks between representatives\nof the United States and Hed China have\nbogged down on the matter of repatriation\nof civilians, the issuc of freer trade may be\nbrought up. Discussions on that topie would\nbe equally futile and more dangerous to free\npeoples.\n\nWhat the Red Chinese do not seem to\nunderstand is that their past actions have not\nonly given status for bargaining but\nalso have destroyed the chances for gaining\nthe kind of irust one nation must have for\nanother if any Hind of agreement is to be\nnegotiated.\n\nThe only mora] act Peiping has instituted\nsince it has been the seal of a Communist\ngovernment was the recent release of our [1\nairmen, Measure this beside the immoral acts\ncommilted—atroclties in Korea, seizure of\nTihet, potitical imprisonment of civilians and\nenslavement of millions—and the airmen's\nrelease is x very smal) gesture toward peace-\nful sctlement of Asian prablems.\n\nIn the matter of trade, the United States\nhas imposed a sirlet embargo against Red\nChina since May 18, 1951, when the U.N,\nmera! Assembly adopted a resolution rec-\nommending such an embargo on strategic\nshipments,\n\nSimjlar -restrictions are imposed by the\n65 couhitries receiving U.S, mutual securlly\naid and others which staunchly supported\nthe U.N. resolution branding Red China as\nan aggressor in Korea,\n\nThat resolution, as David Lawrence point~\ned out Momday, Is still binding on U.N, mem-\nbers for Red Chinese forces are still being\nmaintained in North Korea in defiance of It,\n\nAdd to this the fact that Pelping has pro»\ncluimed its intent to attack the off-shere is-\nlands and Formosa, has supplied Communist\nguerrilla forces in Indo-China in defiance of\nthe Indo-China armistice terms and has made\nihrealening moves {oward Burma, Camboria\nand other soulheast Asian vations.\n\nIn such circumstances, strategie trade\nwith Red China would be not unlike hand-\ning a power-crazed lunatic a bigger and\nsharper knife, Jf anything, the logica) course\nfov free nations wauid be to tighten rather\nihan luosen trade policies in regard to Cora-\nmunist Chinu, .\n\nTalks ‘concerning trade could prove em-\nbarrassing to the United States. They would\ngive Red delegates a chanee {o pull another\nsueh ridiculous and degrading maneuver as\nthat of claiming all Chinese nationais in the\nUnited States are subject to repatriation. it\nwould be better for the meeting to dishand\nthan to allow that to happen,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1852.0918349609376, 2339.943763671875, 2159.9515, 3067.68148046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "_ It is very interesting to see that\n\nthere were no remarks regarding\nthe new city budget in your\ncolumn.\n\nIt seems that every taxpayer\nshould compiiment our finance\ncommissioner for the stand he\ntook on a department budget. IL\nig very true that we must be\nprepared for emergencies, but\nwhy not set up a_ general\nemergency fund ta take care of\nall departments.\n\nTt is quile evident that our\nfair city will never be brought\nup io date irom the standpoint\nof wages or hours for our city\nemployes. There is a court room\nat the police station which could\nbe used Saturday forenoon, and\nas for ihe assessor's office, what\nemergency business do they have\nafter July 1?\n\nIt would be interesting to lea\nthe number of extra hours -our\nfield assessors work without\ncompensation and without as\nmuch ag a compliment from our\ncity cauncil,\n\nJt seems lo be a policy to by-\npass, facts to accomplish a job,\nbut I firmly believe that the citl~\nzens of Cedar Rapids are very\ntax conscious.\n\nThank vou for the privilege of\nexpressing my opinion and T\nthink your column is rendering a\nreal service.\n\nJames L. Kolasick,\nSORE Pinat&e TRAE casa\n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1225.822181640625, 1349.6553115234376, 1536.3857041015626, 1567.3695908203126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Treaty headquarters either among\nthe NATO ministers, who were\nnever more united in the convic-\ntion that sustaining NATO is the\nWest’s only chance of getting any-\nthing approaching an acceptable\n| peace. ot among the NATO mili-\n{tary leaders under the command\nlof Gen, Alfred M. Gruenther,\n‘whom President Eisenhower has\n| kept in his post at the unanimous\n| request af the NATO countries.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 46.28142541503906, 2755.31021875, 463.1352158203125, 3463.96566015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\nMan take a cnaner on a\ndifferent one. A criminal can't afford to mess\naround wilh toa many techniques, as the ocds\nare heavy that sconer or later he will at-\ntempt one for which he has very little native\naptitude and will wind up in jail.\n\nSo he adopts a modus operandi thal scems\nto work for him. After a while it gels ta be\nsort of a trade mark and the police can make\na pretty good guess as to who done it by\nconsulting the M.C. file.\n\nIs a matter of correlating known evi-\ndence with known history to tree an unknown\nculprit—a process of statistical triangulation\nthat can even be dene with machines.\n\n—o-\n\nWell, a man down in Tallahassee has run\nwhat amounts to an MLO. check on the polio\nvirus, His name is Landers and he is no\npolio experi; he’s a weather expert.\n\nHe finds an apparent relationship between\nthe ineidence of polin and relative humidi\ntemperature range and minimum = atmos-\npheric pressure. The polio bug seems to get\nin its best licks when certain combinations\nof meteorological phenomena ak what Mr.\n\nat\" 4\n\ndeesel <\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLanders de.\ncomfort, possibi,\nio disease.”\n\nThis reminds me of a doctor J heard of\nweveral years ago wh» claimed to have tracked\npolio down to lone cows that had been re-\nduced to cating jimson-weed in dried-up pas-\ntures.\n\nof low physical resistance\n\n \n\n-—o-\n\nThese observers may not have anything\nthe medical men would view as significant,\nbut they are on the right track.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2171.054603515625, 1055.3301162109376, 2485.307701171875, 1695.1343613281251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "| Finally, in order to provide in-\n}centives, the Soviet rulers have\ndone what they least wished to\ndo—they have given the farm\nwotkers a bigger share of the\nnational income. This ln turn has\nbecn the majur factor in the\ncurrent Sovict inflation, thus re-\nducing the available margin of\nfunds to pay for industrial ex-\npansion and the war machine.\n\n“Inflation,” significantly, is the\none word no Soviel censor will\nPass. But the inflation is there,\nvisible 1o the naked eye, in the\nendless lines of people waiting\nto buy shoddy, over-priced goods.\n\nTo all this add the demands\nmade on the Soviet cconomy by\nthe satellites and it is easy to see\nwhy the Russlan rulers naw want.\na breathing spell, Bul the Sovict\nsystem is nowhere near to being\n“on the point of collapse.”\n\nBy one expedient or another,\nithe system will’be made to keep\non working, even if it again be-\ncomes necessary to adgpl mass\nstarvation as Soviet national\npolicy.\n\nNothing could be more dan-\n)gerous than to base American\n‘national policy on the assump-\ntion that the Soviet system is\nsuddenly going to com® apart at\nthe seains.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1538.4016494140626, 2154.652015625, 1842.8745957031251, 3466.607994140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "I was grected this bright, hot\nand sunshiny morning’ by a\ncheerful friend who in the course\n\nof our conversation said, “Why\n\ndon’t: you come ever {to our\n\nchurch when it is convenient to\n\nda so, for we have a young and\npable preacher who will not be\nhere very Jong?\"\n\nT was somewhat non-plussed\nfor it has been my eustam fer a\njong period of years fo always\ngo to my own chureh when ‘il\nhas services even if 1 do not feel\nis too hat for com-\ne distasteful,\n\nNevertheless ii is a source of\ninspiration and an uplift to go to\nehucch in spite of everything and\nfo out into the world and relax\na little. afler tne spirit has cone\nits wark.\n\nBul every church man or\nwoman does not follow that prac-\ntice, There is un clement of loy-\nally involved in such a practice\nand an indication of special devo-\ntion, Independent of that kind of\nmembership when your local\nchurch is in session, often a\nMethodist is tound strayed away\nfram his domain and found in an\nEpiscopal environment, a Luth-\neran in a Baptist building, a\nBaptist in a Presbyterian taber-\nnacle, a Caihotic in a Mennonite\nhouse of worship, a Presbyterian\nin a Methodist church,\n\nA Mormon building has been\nknown to claim the curiosity of\nthe traveling public and so with\nthe hundreds of denominations\nthal recognize the power of God\nin the great fieid of religion and\nthe affairs of the world.\n\nThe Congregational church was\na pioneer in the sphere of sacred\nthings in America and the nim-\neraus denominations that have\nfoNowed have given strength to\nthe belief that “varieiy is the\nspice of life” in religion and other\nthings.\n\nThe jate John W. Lamar, who\nwas a fine church man, once told\nme in a timely suggestion and in\na tense situatlon that “the\npreacher doesn't own the\nchurch.” He knew that people did\nnot. as a rule. go to chureh to\nplease the minister, to shake\nhands, to please the nelghbors, to\nprotect their financial interests,\nto advance seifish Interests, but\nto enhance the church's power\namong men, ta honestly repea\nand accept \"the Apastle's creed,\nand be, an that day, where men\nand women deiong.\n\nAl in all, if ean be safely\nalated. that in any condition. in\nany time, in any strife of con-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 48.71355432128906, 2486.94449609375, 313.50170141601564, 2765.30648046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "can narrow down the [i\nof likely suspects in a jiffy.\nAll they have to do is con-\nsult ihe records and see\nwhat burglars they have\ncome across in the past who\nopened safes with left-\nhanded monkeywrenches\nafter crawling through\nback-door keyholes.\n\nThe theory is that a\ncrook who has found a cer-\ntain method successfu] ance\nis likely to use the same\nmethod repeaterily rather\nwih 4hEA cian on\n\n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1860.822181640625, 143.87592309570311, 2166.128501953125, 366.5129013671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "MOSCOW - There are two\nvery simple facts, taken together,\nthat provide the main clue to the\nmuch discussed internal problem’\nof the whole Soviet system, The\nfirst is the fact that Mascow is\non about the same latitude as\nLabrador, Hudson Bay ar Sitka,\nAlaska.\n\nIn other words, the Russian\n\nland mass is very far north, This\nblk dig ankenks og angamanes\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1541.77164453125, 1351.0298232421876, 1849.5534287109376, 1988.6220322265626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "universal military service with at\nleast 300 reserve divisions today.\n\nNATO'S strength is only in part\nHmilitary. The polilical unity of\nhe North Atlantic Treaty Organ-\nzation is far greater than its\n\nmost optimistic suppariers be~\nlieved possible. Hs 15 member\nI nations have grown to like wark-\ning together, have jearned how\nito work together,\n| For this much credit belongs\nte a wise and experienced Brit-\nish soldier-stutesman, Lord Is-\nmay, who was Churchill’s chief\nof staff during the war and who\nis NATO's dedicated secretary-\ngeneral.\n\nWhen the Big Three allied for-\neign secretaries met with the\n| NATO Council here on the eve of\n\nthe Geneva conference, they saw\nNATO's values and purpose. Les-\n‘ter Pearson, Canada’s able minis«\nter for external affairs, spoke for\nall when he sald at the! end vf the\npre-Geneva bricfing: “NATO ts\nnot negotiable.”\n\nThere is ne doubt in the minds\n\nof those who are closest to what\n\nis happening in Burope that if we\nkeep NATO strong the prospects\nof negotiating successfully with\nMoscow will be better and and\nthat if we weaken NATO the\nprospects will be nil.\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 905.4603041992187, 2092.07926171875, 1218.9676132812501, 2627.07796484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "; As a result of the warmer at-\n\nmosphere in the cold war, which\nwas venerated at the summit con-\nference in Geneva, (here is a new\nJayer of wishful thinking in Eu-\nrope, as there no doubt is in the\nUnited States—a premature feel-\ning that the greatest danger has\npassed.\n\nThe iruth is that the greatest\ndanger is not passed—the danger\nthat the West will wenken ‘its\ncommon defenses in the hearl of\nEurope during the period of long\nnegotiations when continued\nslrength ¢an alone make these\nnegoliations prarluctive.\n\nThis, 1 am convinced, is exacl-\nly what the Russians hoped would\nhe their principal accomplishment.\nat Geneva—thal they would be\nable to buy relaxation through the\nappearance of negotiations, that\nthe appearance ol” negotiation\nwithuut the seltlement of any~\nthing would bring about the slow\ndecay of NATO where previous\ntactics had the opposite effect.\n\nForlimately there is no such\nmonn here al the North Allantic\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 487.8568801269531, 384.5588759765625, 903.781578125, 721.6762314453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "observer,”.His job, according to 4 recent news\nrelease, is to go around ihe plant sniffing\nout offensive odors and tracing them to their\nsource so they may be elimlnated—in order\nthat neighboring residential areas and yatch-\ning waters may continue ta enjoy the fresh\nChannel air unpolluted by industrial smeils.\n\nPerhaps our problem is more confined,\nmore amiably remedied or less objectionable.\nOr perhaps we have become more used to it\nthan ihe sensitive British.\n\n. Even so, there are days itt the business\ndistrict when Cedar Rapids’ reputation might\nwell benefit from the services of a profes-\nsional “nose” like that.\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 49.52295297241211, 439.2797316894531, 476.2419968261719, 1976.1243515625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "AS MANY thoughiful citizens have said\n\nrepeatedly and former Prestdeni Hoover\nrecently said again with emphasis, many of\nouf, present-day burdens “stem in no small\n. degree; trom the fact ihal government has\nbecome so big.\"Bigness in itself is not neces-\nsarily“bad but unquestionably it imposes @\nheavy “strain on the competence and re-\nsourcefulness of management. And in gov~\nernment it is not regarded as politic to pay\nsalaries that will attract and hold the kind\nof management that can meet thal strain:\n\n‘The result is that, whereas in private ‘en-\nterprise we usually benefit from the advan-\ndages peculiar to large-scale operailons, in\ngovernment we mot only don’t get many. of\nthose benefits but we also suffer from aggra-\nvalion of the disadvantages of large-scale\noperations. Investigators of big government\nenterprises are repeatedly finding examples\nof appalling waste and bungled management\nof a kind that would bankrupt any compar-\nable private enterprise in short order.\n\nThis is one reason the Eisenhower admin-\nistration makes sense in its determination to\nget the government out of as many business\nundertakings as passible which could be har\ndled just as well, and probably better, by pri-\nvate enterprisers, Even if the government\ncould perform these business services at the\nsame cost as private enterprise could—whleh\nhas not been demonstrated in mast instances\nit ig wise to get out of ihem berause ihey\ndivert the attention and energy of adininis-\nirators from other operations which logically\nshould and can be handled best by goveru-\nment, .\n\nBut ive a jot easier for the government\nto invade the natural sphere of private busi-\nness than to withdraw once it’s in, Efforis of\nthe Eisenhower administration to push the\nwithdrawal have had some notable successes,\njut achieving others has been like pulling\nteeth...The mpre enterprises the government\nhas, ihe more choice plums congressmen can\nwangle for their districts and the more jobs\nthere are to dele out to deserving party\nhacks, So-called “practical” politiclens and\nunabashed demagogues are not about to give\nthose up without a struggle.\n\nThus the defense departmeni, which has\nmade plans to get oui of a dozen businesses\nil thinks privale enterprise could handle as\nwell onsbetler—rope muiing and coifet roast~\ning, for example—now finds itself suagged\nby a rider tacked on the recently passed ap-\npropriations bil] which forbids It 1o drop\nany of the military's business activities with-\nout the approval of the sensie end house\nappropriations committees. Thal any such\nridiculous rider could clear congress is pretty\ngood evidence thai the required committee\nokays wotld come hard,\n\nThe inference to be druwn from this is\nfaitly clear: If the federal government Is ever\nto be cut down (a something like reasonable\nsize, some way muet be found to leave the\ncutting ta the President, with as little “help”\nas possible from congress,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1072.72265625, 1537.7703857421875, 1213.695556640625, 1759.646240234375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1860.649330078125, 623.6800307617187, 2169.592369140625, 1113.4009628906251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "mensity Of the Prenans Sto\nRussian land area, it would still\nbe difficult 4o grow enough food\nfor the Soviet population.\n\nThe second fuct is ‘that the\nwhole Soviel system is squarely\nbased on ruthless exploitation of\nthe peasantry. in order to pro-\nvide the capital for industrial ex-\npansion. The way it is done is\nessentially very simple.\n\nThe state nays lhe collective\nfarms artificially low prices for\nwhat they produce. The state\nthen sells the farm praduce for\nas much as 10 tines what it paid.\nThis enormous profit margin\nprovides the butk of the capital\nfor new planis and equipment\nfor Soviet inuustry, plus the\nfunds for the huge Soviet war\nmachine.\n\nPut these two facts together\nand you see why:the Soviet ag-\nricuitural crisis, about which the\nworld hes heard so much, is no\nnew thing, but something inher-\n\npy SE ek ay\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 483.58554833984374, 2306.882728515625, 896.1549912109375, 2574.563560546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "The polio bug undoubtedly has ils pe-\nculiay modus operandi—a favorite way of\nactting into victims’ vitals at times when\nthe prevailing conditions just suit it. Saking\nthe bug into camp is probably just a matter\nof making a thorough M.O. check,\n\nTn a day of clectranig computers and tan-\ntastic business machines it snauld he a cineh\nta da a thorough jeb of that in a very short\ntime. It’s a tragedy that we go on letting\nlittle groups of isolated laboratory research-\ners work themselves to the bone irving ta\ndo the job piecemeal, the hard way.\n\n‘Copyrinht, 1956, King Features Gynelleate, Ine}\n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 57.30323022460937, 2042.87516015625, 471.1115341796875, 2166.059166015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "T SEEMS that Cedar Rapids is not al all\nthe only community with odor problems.\n‘The situation apparenily has got so bad\n\nin Southarnpton. England, that one factory\nhas employed a man with the lille of “smell!\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 51.04724877929687, 2308.01334375, 467.3214645996094, 2488.6304550781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "§ ALL FOLLOWERS of Sergeant Friday\n\nknow, well-organized police departments\nhelp themselves along in apprehending clu-\nsive criminals by the use of an MO. file—\nmodus operandi-—manner of operetion.\n\nHf they find that a sufe has been opened\nwith a Jeft- handed monkeywrench in the\nhands of a man who entered the building\nthreugh the hole of the back door, they\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 913.4480361328125, 1525.3838271484376, 1066.1108017578124, 1782.2311630859376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "cause af its\nmilitary weak-\npness, the pres-\nent appearance\nof relaxed ten-\ntions: brings\nnew tem pla-\nticn to deprive\ntt prematurely\nof some of its\nmeet and mus-\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 924.8330688476562, 2726.208984375, 1515.52001953125, 3435.479736328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2168.8131484375, 3193.315833984375, 2464.964927734375, 3467.628013671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "The Democrats have got to\ndiscover another scandal be-\ntween Gow anti eieviion day,\nHamburgs become old hats too.\n\nDixon-Yates goes behind the\ntowel rack, What we could use\nnow is a credit mobilier, al B\nTweed or even & Teay\ninvestigation.\n\nBy Nov ember, “1956, Dixean\nwon't remember who Yates\nwas,\n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 910.1138686523437, 1782.639564453125, 1220.7456894531251, 2040.2809677734376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "See ah Se ae\nsist ihis temptation and keep\nNATO strong and vital, we will\nhave some chance of turning thls\nappearance af conciliation into\nreality,\n\nThis ix why NATO's greatest\ntest jies ahead.\n\nThis is why the besl praspect\nfor successful negotiation with the\nSoviets depends on our sustained\nsupport of NATO budgetarily and\npolilleally, until world tensions\nare relaxed in fact, not just\n\nwords.\n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1859.6418837890626, 2112.892982421875, 2164.6985703125, 2282.8523789062497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "flicting interests. the church, per-\nhaps often unconsciously, is an\nguard, and giving open or silent\nand effective notice to all mea\nthat the world cannot serve its\nmanifest destiny without the\nchurch. 7\n\nWilllam G. Kerr\n\nGrundy Center\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2175.5065078125, 1747.77750390625, 2473.091392578125, 1994.0055771484376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Cati Sundburg, belng shown\naround a movie lot in Holly~\nwood. was presented to the tay\nstars but did not seem im-\npressed. In desperation, ihe\nguide led the famous poet to the\ndressing room of a beautiful\nshowglrl, remarking, “Just\nihink, Mr. Sandburg, this girl is\nsix-foot, two.\"t\n\nSandburg replied: “Lincoln\nwus six-foot, three and one«\nhalf”\n\n \n\nee ae ee ey es\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 915.7310561523437, 1348.8091201171876, 1220.8001328125001, 1524.6581650390626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "PARIS—NATO, without which\nthe Geneva Big Four meeting\ncould never have ecorne about,\nfaces the most riskful and yalu-\nable period of its existence.\n\nIt faces a riskful periud be-\ncause now that NATG has avert-\ned ihe greatest dangers that Eu-\nrope wilt be overeruy be-\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1858.8475341796875, 1124.398681640625, 2147.620849609375, 1159.312744140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Stalin Needed Capital\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1864.1846083984376, 360.17200463867186, 2011.9681015625001, 631.3573227539063 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "ee a\nshort growing\nseason exce pt\nin the most\nsoutherly paris\nof Russia, and\nno real grow-\ning season at\nall in the north,\nThis is why,\neven with the\nbest agrivuitur~\nal system in\nthe world, and\ndespite the im-\n\nsetae Protas hl\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2172.14794921875, 1008.982666015625, 2448.1533203125, 1047.781005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Boosted Farm Income\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 957.213134765625, 112.62260437011719, 1838.47265625, 1197.9503173828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 314.4367370605469, 2492.84423828125, 464.95013427734375, 2733.743896484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 55.799434661865234, 387.50482177734375, 378.6474914550781, 430.2220764160156 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Shrinking Isn't Easy\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1856.3249892578126, 3195.52066796875, 2151.11116796875, 3463.591392578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Democrats still giving their\nquaris of political plasma to\nkeep Dixon-Yates alive,\n\n—o-\n@ tational emer-\nisis every time a light\nhulb conks out in the Tennes-\nsee valley.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nEven with Alabama Spark-\nman teeing off on Sherman\nAdams the issue is ealder than\na weli-digger’s lunch.\n\n \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1846.71337890625, 3095.208251953125, 2395.865478515625, 3188.266845703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "By “BUGS” BAER\n\nNo Volts from Dixon-Yates\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 487.82855224609375, 735.6748046875, 780.8781127929688, 783.8947143554688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "No Lack ‘of Gall\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1855.489990234375, 40.86320114135742, 2486.456298828125, 130.0576934814453 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "| By STEWART ALSOP |\nCommunism Doesn't Fit Farms\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 950.3600463867188, 47.311561584472656, 1839.2545166015625, 95.14270782470703 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": ".. And It Used To Be Such a Quiet Neighborhood?”\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1235.920654296875, 1577.9486083984375, 1492.7872314453125, 1610.4332275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "An Assuring Growth\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1861.514404296875, 2296.153076171875, 2093.41162109375, 2331.30078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Watching Finances\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 54.732723236083984, 1993.863525390625, 320.9004211425781, 2038.9532470703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Official Sniffer\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 913.6771240234375, 2046.537109375, 1134.8857421875, 2081.180908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Wishful Thinking\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2175.03466796875, 1713.7872314453125, 2360.42919921875, 1740.8564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Abe Was Taller\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 485.33579248046874, 2734.23648828125, 886.5372543945313, 3035.0686875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "tract with the Am\nbulance service calling fer payment of\n$6,500 a vear ta the company for furnish-\ning the serviee, This was an increase of\n$2,500 over past years.\n\nPopulation of the city park zoo was\nincreased by three owls. the gift of Ken~\nneth L. Adams of Elberton, wha described\nthe birds as being !2 to 14 inches high, a\nmottled brown color with faces that re-\nsembled {he face of a monkey.\n\nChief Clerk A. T. Pleune sald the Linn\ncounty ration board had received no in-\nstructlons for issuing coupons entitling in-\ndividuals to more thax five pounely of sugar\n\neach for canning purpase:\nRa\n\n \n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1574.8092041015625, 2018.169921875, 2334.7177734375, 2090.47607421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Recen\n\nThe People's Forum *%\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 583.7128295898438, 2610.061279296875, 786.8209838867188, 2669.783447265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "This Day\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 2173.43115234375, 2119.85205078125, 2390.67041015625, 2152.682861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Doas Don't Think\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 1542.718994140625, 2115.27099609375, 1798.8092041015625, 2149.24072265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Power of the Church\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 905.069580078125, 1247.2659912109375, 1840.4622802734375, 1339.423583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "{By ROSCOE DRUMMOND\n\nIRelaxed Tension Creates Challenae for NATO\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2171.5859375, 204.4573516845703, 2425.564453125, 236.63694763183594 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "‘Starvation Formula\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 480.42200463867186, 3323.215248046875, 882.6019516601563, 3458.3172226562497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "+ Huss church, was attending “the Culver\nMilitary Academy wooderaft school as a\ntepresentalive of the Linn County Seaut.\nCouncil.\n\nMiss Maude Krebs, ceputy city clerk,\nreturned from a month's trip to the Pacifie\nCoa\n\n \n\n \n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 2171.615150390625, 136.26459497070311, 2489.86409765625, 196.57540136718748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "war machine, and it is easy ta\nsee why the Soviet agricultural\nerlsis is permanent,\n" }, "54": null, "55": null, "56": { "bbox": [ 383.884521484375, 2274.593994140625, 570.7830200195312, 2302.073974609375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "-By Harty Boyd\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 1331.2279052734375, 2674.67236328125, 1502.13720703125, 2710.80517578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "By George Clark\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 491.3340759277344, 3277.3125, 677.2955322265625, 3309.236083984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "30 Years Ago\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 958.3710327148438, 2661.53173828125, 1201.52392578125, 2705.77978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "The Neiahbors\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 108.55110168457031, 2197.792236328125, 578.66259765625, 2270.22412109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "My America ©\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 603.9159545898438, 2200.420654296875, 880.8468627929688, 2274.818359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "Why Don't They Sick\nMachines on Disease?\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 493.3088073730469, 3037.269775390625, 676.2012939453125, 3074.71337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "20 Years Age\n" }, "63": null, "64": null, "65": { "bbox": [ 484.32691186523436, 3081.500892578125, 885.5454331054688, 3270.3025742187497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 65, "ocr_text": "AES, SERS Pere e sie eee ee\nihai the vacant lot south of Washington\nhigh school, long wilized by students as a\nbaseball diamond, would be used as free\nparking place for ixutomohiles,\n\nLinn county's application for PWA\nfunds to apply on county road resurfacing\nprojects was approved and an allotment\nof $13,500 granted. The totri estimated cost\nof the proiceis was $30,170,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 9, 15 ], [ 9, 16 ], [ 9, 18 ], [ 9, 19 ], [ 15, 16 ], [ 15, 18 ], [ 15, 19 ], [ 16, 18 ], [ 16, 19 ], [ 18, 19 ], [ 10, 20 ] ]
[ 5450.76220703125, 7436.8994140625 ]
[ [ 15, 9 ], [ 16, 19 ], [ 18, 15 ], [ 19, 18 ], [ 20, 10 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2789.6920859375, 374.3693625488281, 3442.70391015625, 2383.5891640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "About one half of Wauke-\nsha county’s nearly 90,000 re-\nsidents live in areas not serv-\ned by tax-supported libraries,\na committee of the county ap-\npraisal of services for child-\nren and youth reported today.\n\nThe committee is one of\nseveral groups joining in a re-\nport to a major steering com-\nmittee on children’s services.\nLibrary information was com-\npiled in a report of factual\nmaterial prepared by Miss\nIone Nelson of the Wisconsin\nFree Library commission.\n\nThe cities of Oconomowoc\nand Waukesha have adequate\nservices, the report shows,\nbut newly settled areas such\nas Butler, New Berlin and\nBrookfield, have voiced a de-\nmand for services which are\nnot now available.\n\nMeans to meet the demand\nwere named as a county lib-\nrary system, a federated lib-\nrary system, bookmobile ser-\nvice or extension of the coun-\nty children’s library.\n\nOutside of Waukesha and\nOconomowoc, areas cannot\nafford to provide complete lib-\nrary service, the report also\nshowed. Extra services refer-\nred to include audio - visual\nmaterial for all age groups,\nreference information, educa-\n|tional material for all ages\nyand special materials for\nchildren and young people.\nHoward Chase of Hart.\n‘lland is chairman of the lib.\n{trary committee.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 168.36084814453125, 3092.870796875, 824.76836328125, 4093.388236328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "OKLAHOMA CITY ( —\nTt's bad when a giraffe has\nlaryngitis but it’s worse when\njts arthritis.\n\nThat’s what is ailing a lady\ngiraffe in the Lincoln Park\nZoo and it has Director Julian\n‘Frazier up in the air. The\n‘victim, who hasn't a name, is\njn serious condition. Frazier\nsays he is going to have tc\nrig up some sort of sling to-\nday to hoist the ailing giraffe\n\ she won’t have to bear any\n“weight on her forelegs.\n\nThe extreme lameness of\nthe giraffe’s front legs has\nJed to even greater complica-\ntions. She tried to get up or\nher feet the other day anc\nfell, fracturing the kneecay\non her right leg.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 164.97251196289062, 418.9926535644531, 823.9204018554688, 2879.809623046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": ", WASHINGTON Mil — ine\nnavy expects to have the first\nof two guided-missile-firing\ncruisers ready for antiaircraft\nduty with the fleet next July,\nthe second late this year.\n\nCompletion of the project to\nconvert the heavy cruisers\nBoston and Canberra presum-\n‘ably will make the American\nfleet the first of any world\njpower to possess operationally\nuseful guided missile ships.\n\nBritain announced last week\nit intends to begin building* a\nfleet of such warships but it\nmay be some time before they\nare ready for use.\n> In 1946, the U.S. navy an-\nnounced that the uncompleted\n‘hulls of the 45.000-ton battle-\nship Kentucky and the 27,000-\nton battle cruiser Hawaii\nwould be built into guided mis-\nsile ships. Conversion work\nwas started, then halted with-\nin a year. One reason, actual-\nly the primary cause, was that\nthe navy discovered the devel-\npment of practical guided\nmissiles was too far in the fu-\nture to allow design of ships\nfor their use. It was not until\n1952 that the navy again took\n-up the project actively, send-\ning the Boston and Canberra\nto the New York Shipbuilding\ncorp. yards at Camden, N.J.,\nfor extensive remodeling into\nrebot weapon ships.\n\nA navy spokesman said. in\nanswer to a question today,\nthat the Boston is expected to\nbe ready in July and the Can-\npene probably about Decem-\n\ner.\n\nThe two cruisers. at least in-\ntially, will be used entirely\nfor antiaircraft protection of\nnavy task forces, using the\nTerrier guided missile wea-\npon. The Terrier, in mass pro-\nduction for more than a year,\nis fired from launching racks.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1538.491943359375, 3939.94580078125, 3430.25146484375, 7392.87451171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n\n[ea | Wie a\n\nFARMERS\n\nEXPERT REPAIRS ON alt MARIS OF\n\nMACHINERY\nFirevtons Tires\n\nTruck and Passenger Tires\n\nTractor Implement Tires\nPRICED TO FIT YOUR BUDGET!\n\n \n \n\n— FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY —\n\nGENESEE DEPOT GARAGE\n\nART KOHLHASS, New Owner ‘ Phone Genesee 1141\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2137.796822265625, 1728.8574912109375, 2783.688041015625, 2473.008841796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "* SANTA MONICA, Calif —\nIt’s another boy for film act-\nress Elizabeth Taylor.\n\nThe dark-haired actress cel.\nebrated her 23rd birthday yes-\nterday by giving birth by\nCaesarean section to a 5.\npound boy. Both mother anc\nson, named Christopher Ed\nward, were reported ‘‘doing\nfine.”\n\nMiss Taylor was married tc\nBritish actor Michael Wilding\nFeb. 21, 1952 in England\nTheir first son, Michael, wa:\nborn Jan. 6, 1953.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 853.13720703125, 989.251708984375, 1150.1041259765625, 1485.8416748046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2140.606201171875, 1554.0692138671875, 2626.15576171875, 1712.86474609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Elizabeth Taylor\nHas-Second Boy\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2170.224365234375, 2541.283447265625, 3439.625, 3842.462646484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Remove Usly Fat Today!\n\nTAKE INCHES OFF HIPS AND WAISTLINE WITH\n\nHUNGER\n\n.TABLETS\n\nNewest of formulas recently brought to light by medical\nscience is HUNGER TABLETS, a preparation to take fat\noff hips and waistline.\n\nFor many who have tried “reducing treatments” and who\nhave lost faith in them because of exaggerated claims and\nineffectual results. HUNGER TABLETS bring new hope.\nSimply take 2 tablets before each meal and see if your\nclothes don’t fit and look more attractive, especially around\nfat spots such as hips, waist, abdomen, ete. No strict diet\nis required. Insist on HUNGER TABLETS at your druggist.\nA 16 day supply for less than 19c per day. Guaranteed.\n\nCLARKE’S\n\nWALGREEN DRUG\n\nQn tho 5 Painte w~ Waukesha — Phone 7765\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 839.4267578125, 31.75465965270996, 2771.670166015625, 350.0972595214844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Understanding of \"Sound Dollar”\nImportant to United States’ Future\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2134.327828125, 360.730416015625, 2789.11797265625, 1522.220755859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "group — the man who is buy-\ning an insurance policy or\nlooking forward to living on\nhis pension — is the one that\nis hurt. We simply cannot\nhave this kind of thing in re-\nsponsible government.”\n\nThe president advocated tax\nrevision that is ‘‘thoroughly\nworked out’? so as to achieve\nstability in living costs and\nthe proper distribution of tax-\nes. This was started, he said,\nwith the tax changes last\nyear, and it has resulted in an\nupswing in business and a\nreturn of confidence.\n\nThis is the main difference\nbetween the policies of the\nRepublican and the Democra-\ntie party, and should interest\nthose who sometimes say they\ncan perceive no difference be-\ntween the two major political\nparties in America today.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4088.136421875, 26.658173278808594, 4744.640921875, 374.26256494140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "tol practice that he could do\nbetter with a sling shot.\n\nIn one demoistration, he\nzipped expended .45 calibre\nslugs into the target with his\nsling for a marksman quali-\nfying score.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 170.8954620361328, 54.08171463012695, 800.4367065429688, 374.61456298828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Navy Ships to\nLaunch Missiles\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 172.84376525878906, 2918.862548828125, 650.1561279296875, 3074.64453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Giraffe Laid-Up\nWith Arthritis\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4746.42890234375, 93.91967077636718, 5385.5110390625005, 368.64217309570313 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "BALTIMORE (? — Thieves\nbroke into an auto dealer’s\nshowroom yesterday and took\n$5 from the cash register.\nThey also drove off with a\nnew car, valued at $3,200.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 227.4836883544922, 4180.54150390625, 1470.56982421875, 7436.8994140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "FEARLFINGER JYARKET\n\n \n\n261 W. Main St. Phone 5743\n\nBoneless Sirloin Good Size\nCUBED | PLUMP\n\nSTEAK HENS\n\n49; | 25%\n\"GROUND BEEF 3» 89.\nBULK SAUSAGE 3» 1.00\n\nol LENTEN SPECIALS |\n\nA TPT PT aU aera CCU TON GHIA ROSELL UC HT\n“AN EXTRA SPECIAL BUY __Stock Your Freezer\n\n‘BREADED\n‘$ Hy R | M P 2, =\n\nMey tala Te 2 te LAUR te Wi\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nRound\n\nJUMBO PERCH ........». 19¢\nNORTHERN PIKE .......29¢\nWALLEYED PIKE........». 4l¢\nSMOKED FISH. .... 3 m1.00\n\nALSO ...A Fine Selection of\n\nLake Trout, Lake Pike, Cod Fillets, Haddock\nFillets, Catfish Fillets, Scallops, Fishsticks,\nOysters, Shrimp, etc.\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1474.525337890625, 367.7414328613281, 2128.899466796875, 3912.43584375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "was getting in 1953 half of the\nworth of the dollars, of the\nworth of the pension plan he\nhad bought.\n\n“Now, when we talk of de-\ncreasing revenues at a time\nwhen the government, in spite\nof every saving we have been\nable 1o make, is still spend-\ning somewhat more than it\ntakes in, we are reaching\nsome kind of heights in fiscal\nirresponsibility, and because\nthis does have on the surface\na popular or appealing ap-\npearance, these people appar-\nently hope it may be passed...\n\n“Now. we inherited in 1953\na budget that contemplated a\n9.9 billion deficit in federal\nfinancing. By hard work —\n‘and I assure you it is hard\nwork when you realize that\nevery bureau of government\nfeels it should have more\nmoney — we have reduced\nthat to an expected deficit in\n1956 of something less than\ntwo and a half billion, or in\nthat neighborhood, as estima-\nted.\n\n“Now, (if we increase the\ndeficits) we are going back to\ndeficit spending, the most in-\nsidious thing that can happen\nto a free economy, and par-\nticularly in its bad effects up-\non low income groups. I\nshould like to call your atten-\ntion to a statement by econo-\nmists of the American Feder-\nation of Labor, which said the\nyear 1954 was the finest over.\nall salary year of their his-\ntory. In spite of the fact that\ntheir salary increases were\nonly five to nine cents — in\ngeneral insignificant or small\nas compared to salary increa-\nses of the past — their pur.\nchasing power, due to the sta-.\nbility of the dollar, their over.\ntall position in the salary ‘an-\ngle, was the best of their his-\n| tory.\n\n“In the last two years, the\n|cost of living has varied les:\n‘|than one-half of one per cent\n{From 1939 to 1953, the dolla\n|went from 100 cents to %&\n‘cents. It is that kind of thing\n‘|that must be stopped if we\n‘}are to preserve the principle:\n[fon which this country was es\n‘ttablished. It is based on ¢\n\nfree economy which in turn 1:\n-jbased on a stable dollar\n;| which in turn is more impor\n-ltant to all low income ant\n;|fixed income groups than it i:\n-| to rich people.\n\n-| ‘Rich people can buy equi\n2ities (stocks), can afford %\ns|invest in equities, and as thi\nyidollar goes down, cheapens\nlithe amount of dollars tha\n,{they have invested goes wu\n1/and up. But the fixed incom\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 840.6138999023437, 418.8998801269531, 1473.9979775390625, 963.6039956054688 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Oe ye\n\nWASHINGTON — How\nmany people know what is\nmeant by the expression a\nstable dollar’? Yet whether\nAmerica is to have a sound\ndollar depends upon the num-\nber of voters throughout\nAmerica who understand the\nmeaning of that term.\n\nHence, when the president\nof the United States explains\n4+) 6©in the simplest language,\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2796.02734375, 25.96647071838379, 3421.773681640625, 349.3768310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Library Service\nIn County Noted\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 817.7058188476562, 1560.8626181640625, 1466.359916015625, 4086.811576171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Ue 2 iit we ©\ntance of the dollar as a unit\nof purchasing power has been\nneglected. Only when the dol.\nlar begins to buy less and\nless does the public awaken\nto the dangers and begin tc\nask questions as to why the\ncatastrophe has happened.\n\nMr. Eisenhower explained\nhis concept of the dollar wher\nhe was asked at his press con:\nference what he thought of the\nproposal of the majority of the\nDemocrats in the house 0:\nrepresentatives to give every.\nbody a $20 tax cut. The presi\ndent did not say that tax cut:\ncouldn't be granted while the\nbudget was unbalanced. In\ndeed the correction of in\nequitable tax rates last yea\nled actually to an expansior\n\njof business and an increase ir\nthe total tax receipts. He dic\nsay. however, that a tax cu\n\nlwhich ignored sound princi\n\niples of taxation and resultec\n\nlin inflation was dangerous tc\nthe economy.\n\n“Any proposal to reduce\ntaxes,’ explained the presi\ndent, “is, of course, popular\nand at first glance this is %\n\nkind of proposal that shoul\nmake an appeal to low incom:\n}brackets. Let’s take a littl\ncloser look at this proposa\nland start off with this obser\n-| vation:\n.| ‘Whenever you have infla\n,jtion, the immediate effect i\n-|to hurt the people of fixed ir\n-+comes —~ white-collar worker\ny}and others who for the mc\n.|ment, at least, are on relative\n{ly fixed incomes. But, in th\n‘long run, the person who i\nhurt most is the person wh\n‘llays aside savings in the forn\ns{of pensions, insurance plans\n-_land savings bonds for use i\n1jhis older age.\ni; “For example, anybody wh\n>|paid up all of his share of\npension by as early as 192\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1157.1276328125, 954.7017294921875, 1471.7926552734375, 1566.6322548828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "his words are\nworth printing\nin exactly the\nform in which\nhe uttered\nthem. Para-\nphrases of\ncondensed dis-\npatches do not\nalways convey\nthe full mean-\ning. And basic\neducation on\n\ndam t r”AMNMANA YD.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3448.0670859375, 188.30417700195312, 4087.805716796875, 381.534232421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "SAN DIEGO, Calif. () — It\nis ne idle boast when Marine\nMaster Sgt. Frank O. Free-\nman tells recruits here at pis-\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3443.58056640625, 19.31977653503418, 3982.064453125, 173.8330841064453 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Brags About Ability\nTo Use Slingshot\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3445.986572265625, 1351.8814697265625, 5450.76220703125, 7354.35498046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "PORK 39; FRESH 55:\nLOINS...@ 4-T SHRIMP. Ib.\nTender 100% Fresh, Pure\n\nCLUB $4 | GROUND 4 | 1\n\nSTEAK... BEEF...\n\n \n\n \n\n| ha j re Come Large 48-Size — Head\n\nevery year, to pay tribute to our founders\n) Lettuce\n\nand thank our customers, we feature\n19:\nEACH\n\nFOUNDER 'S WEEE VALUES\nNew Potatoes 22. 10-63:\n\nRipe Avocados ‘3° 2. 10¢ Large Prunes srentnte \"gor 51C\nPascal Celery “7S” 2. 19¢ Pitted Dales citvemie Fue 2C\nLarge Tomatoes av. «29¢ Seedless Raisins ,-... 2 Pure 33\n| Florida Oranges ‘x .25e Virginia Peanuts irs can. 49¢\n\nGround Beef rz” »39c\n\nChickens Sts, 43c —All-Good Bacon ‘suiacc\" rue. 43e\nMeaty Spareribs 52. 1.39%¢ Smoked Butts “tres” us. 63¢\nBeef Short Ribs is, uw. 330 Chicken Legs tee =v». 75 ¢\n\nOcean Perch z2ez= +29\n\nFish Sticks u°N'ne Pi 35¢ Frozen Shrimp “sie” 1. 49\nSmoked Fish “se .33¢ Fresh Oysters “shracut* ca. 73¢\n\nGolden Corn ==. 2:2 29c\n\nPink Salmon <r\" “cor 51e = Pineapple Juice o%: “cr 29¢\nTuna Flakes \"vs\" 262:39%¢ — Pic’t Ripe Peaches £*: “c.. 27¢\nElbow Macaroni A\" “s33c Grape Juice 4%, “au 27€\nMaine Sardines” 3, 4°62: 29c == Fruit Cocktail §= ‘Sts “cur 35¢e\n| Golden Gorn “*2.00°\"° “Gar 10¢ White House ‘Wii \"er 35¢\nBread Crumbs cx, ‘cor 17¢ = Sultana Rice 9 tt? 270\nHot Cross | *\"2,2\"\" i 529¢ Longhorn Cheese » ,, 45¢\n\nStrawberry frees Gis on = 29¢ Collage Cheese ‘ir Gz 39¢\n\nTuna Pies #2 499\n\nJuice cicpetuircrtienace can TOC French Fries *72,4°* 2 px 25¢\nStrawberries '¢o'=\" oe . 23¢ Chicken Pies ‘“o:\" 2 Pie DIC\n\nGreen Giant ‘= 2: 39c\nHeinz Ketchup BZ A9c\n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 4749.384765625, 16.495187759399414, 5140.18701171875, 85.29834747314453 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Cash and Car\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 884.2915649414062, 375.67041015625, 1430.0386962890625, 424.0101623535156 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Ry DAVID LAWRENCE\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3458.75439453125, 425.0770568847656, 5384.64404296875, 2261.55615234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "TUESDAY &\n\nWEDNESDAY B veh ler's\n\n§ P EC | A L S 290 W., MAIN ST. PHONE 6543\n\n \n \n \n\nFresh\n\nLAKE 9 2? 5:\nSMELT& —\n\nLenten Delicacy\nFRESH 5 5;\nSHRIMP... a>.\nender 100% Fresh, Pure |\n\nCLUB 3. $f GROUND 4 _ 1\n\nPSTEAK.. BEEF...\n\nMeaty, Lean\n\nSPARE 29:\nRIBS.... Ib.\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2804.94921875, 2391.116943359375, 3453.3994140625, 2470.82177734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n\n| Read the classified ads\n" }, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 10, 11 ], [ 18, 21 ], [ 18, 66 ], [ 21, 66 ] ]
[ 5377.0478515625, 7362.747359375 ]
[ [ 11, 10 ], [ 18, 21 ], [ 66, 18 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1435.7350625, 3342.69648828125, 2078.67362890625, 5395.91093359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "PARIS, Jan. 1 (R—-U. N. Secre-\ntary General Dag Hammarskjolc\nleft Europe today for Red China\n| briefed on what the British anc\n‘French think canbe done to kee]\npeace in Asia.\n\nHis'main job is to seek the free\ndom. of 11 U. S. airmén, held a:\nspies in China, and other impris\noned U. N. personnel. He took :\nNew Year’s wish for success frorr\nFrench Premier Pierre Mendes\nFrance, with whom he conferre¢\nfor an hour at Orly Airfield.\n\nThen he set off for Beirut, Kar.\nachi and New Delhi, where he is\nto have a talk with India's Prime\nMinister Nehru before meeting\nwith Premier Chou En-lai in Peip.\ning.\n\nCalled Unfortunate.\n\nNehru, returning to India today\nfrom a conference of Asian pre.\nmiers in Indonesia, described as\n‘unfortunate’ the decision of the\nUnited Nations to send Hammarsk.\njold to Peiping. to seek release o'!\nthe American airmen.\n\nNehru told reporters in Calcutta\njhe could not express an opinior\non the merits of the case but saic\nthe U. N. decision was reachec\nin a one-sided manner without go-\ning into the question fully.\n\nAccompanying him as advisors\nare Ahmed Bokhari of Pakistar\nand Humphrey Waldock, an Ox\nford professor of international law\n\nThe first meeting between Ham.\njmarskjold and Chou is due abou\ni Wednesday. ‘\n\nIn view of his top level talk:\njalong the way, it is believed the\ntwo men will have a general] tall\nyabout problems in Asia. This wil\njbe an unusual opportunity, sine¢\nRed China is not represented ir\njthe United Nations. The Commu\njnists want the seat held by the\n'|Chinese Nationalists.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2732.4430703125, 2462.301712890625, 3381.833541015625, 4909.817671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "| WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 (H—Rus-\nIsia has promised to free two Amer-\nicans long held prisoner within the\nSoviet Union, the State Department\nsaid tonight.\n\nThe department said Russia\nmade the pledge in a note deliv-\nered Friday to the American Em-\nbassy in Moscow.\n\nAt the. same time, however, Rus-\nsia has demanded some 11 Soviet\nchildren now in West Germany be\nturned over to Soviet authorities.\n\nThe two Americans who are to\nbe freed are William T. Marchuk,\n38, Brackenridge, Pa.. and John\nH. Noble, 31, of Detroit.\n\nMarchuk a Soldier.\n\nMarchuk is an American soldier\nwho was picked up by the Russians\nin Dresden in February, 1949 along\nwith William A. Verdine, 28, ol\nStarks, La,\n\nNoble has been a Soviet prisoner\npues 1945, after going as a_ bo\nito Germany in 1938.\n\n| In their latest, note, the Soviet:\n‘maintained ‘they had no informa\n|tion on Verdine’s present where\n‘abouts.\n\n|| The Soviets promised, said :\nState Department official, to tur\njover Marchuk and Noble to Amer\nican authorities in West Berlin bu\njdid not specify a time.\n\n| The fact that they had not ye\nbeen turned over has caused som\n{American officials to believe Rus\njsia may want the Soviet childres\nbefore freeing the Americans.\n\nThe Soviet children are offsprin;\nof Russians who were in German:\nduring World War II. '\n\nThe United States had demand\ned the freedom of all three Ameri\ncans in eight previous official in\nquiries but until Friday had re\n\njceived no information about thei\nwhereabouts.\n\nState Department Press Office\nJameson Parker, who disclosed th\ngist of the Soviet note in answe\n{to an inquiry, did not make th\ntext public.\n\nHe said the note contained tw\nsections, One dealt with the tw\nAmericans whom: Russia promise:\nto free. A second section raise\nthe question of return of the So\nviet children,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4674.84053125, 1667.616166015625, 5338.1399375, 3053.64530859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "| ALDANY, IN. ©... Jan, tL -AVE>\nrell Harriman iook office today as\nNew York's 48th governor and“in.\nihis inaugural address pledged ‘‘w:\nbold, adventurous administration’\ndevoted to the economic and social\niwelfare of all the péople of the\nstate,\n\nHarriman succeeded Thomas. on\nDewey and thus became the state's\nifirst Democratic governor in ..12\niyears,\n\nDewey, who retired to private\nHaw practice yesterday after 12\njyears as New York’s chief execu\nitive and undisputed leader of -the\n(Republican party in the. state, sat\nrelaxed on the platform as his\njsober-faced successor told an-ove\niflow crowd in the Assembly\nchamber:\n| “During these critical -d\niwhen. the “tate of civilization’ ‘hangs\ntin. precarious balance, when the\nination itself must continue to mo-\nbilize its resources to meet the\nfein of aggression’ and: disaster,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nwe in. New York must share. in the\ncommon burden.\n| “It is my conviction that © “a\nIstrong, confident, united’ America\ncan unite the free world to. achi\nour objective of peace. That: ‘objec-\n‘itive must ‘be our ‘Primary: con-\n| cern.”\n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2107.60107421875, 6017.0771484375, 3392.236572265625, 6249.5361328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Democrats Hope to Knock Out\nFlexible Farm Price Supports\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3406.73828125, 5631.3291015625, 4030.031494140625, 5765.48095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "FIRE CAUSES $200,000\nDAMAGE IN SPICE PLAN?\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1449.209671875, 5555.608109375, 2097.128462890625, 7125.66093359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "TOKYO, Sunday, Jan. 2 ww —\nPeiping threw out fresh hints yes-\nterday that U. N. Secretary-Gen-\neral Dag Hammarskjold, now on\nhis way by plane for talks in Red\nChina, will be rebuffed in his mis-\nsion to free 13 captured Americans\nsent to jail as spies.”\n\nHammarskjold arrived in Paris\nSaturday, then flew on to New\nDelhi on his way to Peiping where\nhe will try to persuade Premier\nChou En-lai that the Americans\nare U. N. personnel who should\nbe released as prisoners of war\nunder the Korean armistice,\n\nYesterday Peiping radio trotted\nout what it purported to be evi\ndence that the American given the\nmost severe sentence-—life impris-\nonment—actually was in charge of\n& spy-training mission in Japan, .\n\nThe broadeast said that deposi:\ntions of two seized Chinese Nation-\nalists “agents proved that John\nThomas Downey, 24, of New Brit-\nain, Conn., not only. trained them\nbut flew over Manchuria and per-\nsonally airedropped them such sup-\nplies as tommy. guns and a radio.\ndt is the U, S. contention that\nDowney, cousin of. singer Morton\nDowney, was an Army civilian em-\nploye, who hopped’a plane ride for\nTokyo hut was captured when the\nplane was. shot down over North\nKorea, Nov, 29, 1952. The Reds\nclain: the plane was shot down over\niManchuria: Ea on Pe\n\n \n \n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 793.0527954101562, 717.9744873046875, 2064.189453125, 955.965087890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Record New Year’s Death\nToll on Roads Predicted\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4701.60615625, 3624.94355859375, 5363.67655859375, 6014.3616171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "‘ JEFFERSON CITY, °Mo.;\nt ‘(iReports .of new trouble” i\nMissouri's - ‘riot-torn penal systen\n\n \n\n \n\nter—Algoa Intermediate Reforma:\ntory for Men near ‘here. ‘\n\nPrison officials ‘ confirmed Ye-\nports that. trouble:broke out. eat\nAlgoa Thursday night, just two\ndays before a special penal survey\ncommission gave the reformatory\na qualified pat on the back. “>=\n\nHere is what happened, eons\ning to penitentiary Warden Ralpt\nEidson and Reformatory Stperin-\ntendent Joseph W. Appleman:\n\nThursday night about 6:30 a <\nturbance ‘broke out in a Negro\nmen's dormitory housing about;56\nmen. The prisoners started -shout-\ning and throwing their furniture’\naround, Cots were. overturned and\nfootlockers were scattered about\nthe room. No one was hurt in’!\npiehas and the men did not\neced in getting. out of the front doar\nlof their cottage type building.\n| Calls for Help.\n\nBut before the disturbance ¥y\nquelled Appleman called for help\nfrom the Missouri State Highway\nPatrol and several troopers went:\nto the reformatory to show thi\nguns. :\n\nThe prisoners quieted down ° int.\nmediately and Eidson said. there\nwas little damage, The disturbance:\ndid not spread to other buildings\nat the institution where’ men from\n17 to 25 are kept under minimum\nsecurity conditions. The buildings\nfare locked at night, but the insti-\ntution is not fenced. — A\n| Algoa reformatory is located.\nnear Osage City downstream’-on:\nthe Missouri River about. eight\nmiles from the prison,\n\nFurther unrest developed at AI\ngoa, and early today the highway\npatrol reported two inmates\nslipped away from the reformatory\nand stole a car in Jefferson City\nThey were apprehended. a -fe\nhours later at Union, Mo. The pa\njtrol_ identified them as Frederic\nWilliam Wolf, 18, and Paul. Ed.\nward Belleville, 19, both of St,\n‘Louis. They were held at the jai}.\njin Union for reformatory officials,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2745.2028359375, 5106.158890625, 3391.976119140625, 6002.083296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "KANSAS CITY, Kan. (Pi--A man\nand a woman lay injured for twe\nhours before help arrived early\ntoday after their car had plunged\n80 feet into an abandoned rock\nquarry.\n\nInjured were Mrs. Neva De-\nmuynck, 26, the driver, and her\npassenger, Victor Whitfield, 46.\nboth of Kansas City, Kan. Mrs.\nDemuynck was reported in fair\ncondition at a hospital. Whitfield\nwas reported Jess seriously in-\njured.\n\nWhitfield said the car skidded\non a patch of ice, sheared off a\nitelephone pole and plunged inta\nthe pit. He said the two remained\njat the scene, trying to keep warm.\n\nAn unidentified motorist found\nithe two when he stopped to inves.\ntigate the damaged telephone pole.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3407.12959375, 5799.2536171875, 4041.069380859375, 6558.11601171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO, Jan, 1 (B—Fire raced\nthrough a six-story spice company\nplant near Chicago's Loop today\ncausing damage estimated at $200,\n\nThe blaze in the Kearns and\nSmith Spice Co. at Til S. Wells\nSt., filled the downtown area with\nthe odor of burning spices.\n\nNo one was in the building when\nthe blaze broke out. The only per-\nson injured was Lt. Charles Somer-\nville. 47, of Engine 1, who was cut\nby flying glass as the building's\nthird and fourth floors collapsed\n\nChief Fire Marshal John J. Ha\nberkorn, who estimated the dam.\nage, sald he would ask an inves:\ntigation into the origin of the fire\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2749.01875390625, 6278.94551171875, 3397.875533203125, 7359.13944921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "‘to do something to reverse the\npresent downward trend in agri-\nculture income and are opposed tu\nlettng the lower flexible price sup-\nports go into effect this year,”\nHumphrey said in a statement.\n\nPreviously, Rep. Rayburn (D-\nTex), who will regain his post as\nHouse speaker, had publicly list-\ned revision of farm price supports\nas a must item for Democrats in\nthe House.\n\nBoth Rayburn and Humphrey\ncalled for a return to the manda:\ntory 90 per cent of parity govern:\nment supports which have oper:\nated since World War II.\n\nDemocrats will face an uphill\nbattle in their farm drive. It is\na safe assumption that President\nEisenhower would veto any dras-\ntie revision of the administration\nprogram. Thus a. two-thirds ma:\nJority vote in both the House and\nSenate would be required to over-\nturn the flexible support. act.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2105.022904296875, 6283.0231484375, 2750.961958984375, 7351.85819921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. Hh — A\nDemocratic drive to scrap the Ei-\nsenhower administration's flexible\nfarm price support. program will\nget under way at the new session\nof Congress openin:; Wednesday.\n\nWith legislators preparing to\nhead here from all parts of the\ncountry, Sen. Humphrey (D-Minn)\noutlined today an. effort to junk\nthe’ price support ‘act pushed\nthrough. Congress. last. sesSion. It\npermits lower supports in times\nof big surpluses-to encourage con-\nsumption, ..and’ higher supports\nwhen stocks are. smaller.\n\nHumphrey, - a “member of the\nSenate “Agriculture Committee,\nsald Democratic Victories that\ngave the party control of Senate\nand the House are a*mandate ‘‘for\nimprovements: in our farm pro-\ngram,”\n\n“Parmersin the Midwest ‘made\nit clear in. the November election\nthat they want the new Cangress\n\n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4697.4840859375, 6204.0133828125, 5368.91483984375, 7362.747359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "| PRESTWICK, Scotland, Jan. ak\n\n(-—-The muddy site of a wrecked.\n\nairliner gave up more diamonds\nis\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\ntoday in the treasure hunt f\ning gems valued at more thay\nmillion dollars. Thus far 93.\nibeen reported found, Thei\n‘has not been given, (°\n\n \n\nall--went down w ith ‘the. BOA:\ner that erashed Christmas’ E\na Prestwick Airport.\n\nlof 28. lives. 2\n\n: Whether’ any.\nmalled in several\n\nother planes hash\n\nitermined,\n\nThe main. are\nout “airli\n\njto a ba\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4714.31884765625, 6035.3525390625, 5357.68310546875, 6172.451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "SITE OF PLANE WRECK\nYIELDS MORE DIAMONEE\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2722.43183984375, 1068.6111611328124, 3366.877974609375, 1919.0017539062499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 iP—Pres-\nant Eisenhower plans to follow\nup his State of the Union address\nto Congress next Thursday with\na series of other messages. The\ntentative White. House timetable:\n\nJan. 10—Message asking an ex-\npanded foreign trade program with\nextension of the Reciprocal Trade\nAgreements Act.\n\nJan. 1i—Message asking an in-\ncrease in postal and classified\ncivil service pay, along with higher\npostal rates.\n\nJan, 13—Message asking select-\nive increases in military pay.\n\nJan. 17—Budget message.\n\nJan. 20—Economic message.\n\nOther special messages are\nplanned later in connection with\nindividual legislative proposals.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3398.561966796875, 6731.29805078125, 4054.19316015625, 7348.35526953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 1 (B—Un-\nder clear skies and pleasant tem:\nperatures in the 40s Philadelphia's\nfamed Mummers pranced. and. ca-\nvorted up Broad street in their\nannual New Year's Day parade.\n\nAn estimated 12,000 members of\nstring bands, comic divisions and\nfancy eostume units made up the\n1544 hour parade—the Quaker City's\ntraditional welcome to the New\nYear.\n| Hundreds of thousands of all ages\nistood along the four-mile line of\nmarch,\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 789.9170532226562, 2771.48828125, 1420.5238037109375, 3070.81005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "TWO-GIRLS SHOT\n~— AOCIDENTALLY\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2744.44189453125, 4930.3994140625, 3391.88427734375, 5072.61767578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "TWO INJURED MOTORISTS\n| WAIT 2 HOURS FOR HELP\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 788.311234375, 1337.719681640625, 1431.2268515625, 2742.072798828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Traffic fatalities occurred. at\nsuch a rapid rate Saturday that\nthe National Safety Council fore-\nsaw a record in New Year's week-\nend highway slaughter.\n\nAt midnight (EST) 177 traffic\ndeaths had been counted in a na-\ntionwide survey by The Associated\nPress, The survey began at 6 p.m.\n(local time) Friday and will in-\nclude all violent deaths up to mid-\nnight Sunday. .\n\nDeaths from all accidents, in-\ncluding 16 in fires and 24 from\nmiscellaneous causes, totaled 217.\n\n392 Killed Christmas.\n\nThe traffic deaths were almost\n\nkeeping up with the pace set in\nthe corresponding two-day period\nChristmas, when 392 highway fa-\ntalities and a total of 515 violent\ndeaths established all-time records\nfor such a brief holiday period.\n. Ned H. Dearborn, president of\nthe National Safety Council, was\nhighly alarmed as the traffic fa-\ntalities mounted.\n\n“If the toll continues at the pres;\nent rate,\" he said, “it will set a\nnew high for any two-day New\nYear's period.\n\nThe only other two-day New\n[Year's holiday period since World\nWar IT was 1948-49, when there\nwere 207 traffic deaths.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4053.348099609375, 6023.70771875, 4694.33525, 6638.4573203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "| New Year's day was greeted\nyesterday with milder weather as\ntemperatures rose to a high mark\nof 54 degrees at 1 p, m. The low\nwas 44 at 8 a.m. A high of 54 was\nrecorded at the CAA communica.\ntions office at Joplin municipa.\nairport. The airport low was 42.\n| Fair skies, with little. change ir\ntemperature, are forecast fortto\nday. The h'gh is expected to ‘bk\nnear 60. A\n\nA year ago today the mereury\nranged between a high of 54 anc\nla low of 38,\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 784.5454873046875, 3315.010453125, 1441.1471396484376, 6937.173140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "An accidental shooting that in-\njured two young girls and sev-\neral automobile accidents that\nresulted in personal injuries\nwere reported in Joplin and the\ndistrict on New Year’s”éve and\nNew Year's day, but no fatal ac-\ncidents were reported for the pe-\nriod,\n\nPolice said the New Year's eve\ncelebration was noisy, but few\narrests were made. The merry-\nmaking continued into the early\nhours yesterday morning,\n\nThe accidental shooting took\nplace yesterday afternoon at the\nhome of Mrs, Minnie Gilmore,\nwho lives seven miles north of\nNeosho on highway 71. The girls\nwere Shirley Jean Ivie; 15, and\nLeona Gilmore, 13; both of Neo-\nsho route 3. According to investi-\ngating officers, the girls were\nstruck by the same bullet that\ncame from a gun held by Tommy\nGohu, 138, Neosho route 3, The\ngun accidentally discharged,\nsending the bullet through the\nflesh of the upper left leg of the\nGilmore girl and then lodged in\nthe upper right leg of the Ivie\ngirl, Both girls were dismissed\nafter receiving emergency treat-\nment at Sale Memorial hospital\nat Neosho.\n\nThree Hurt in Crash.\n\nIn automobile accidents, three\npersons were injured in a two-\ncar collision at 8:45 o'clock yes-\nterday morning on highway 166\nwest of Mount Vernon. Treated\nat a Springfield hospital were\nRobert Liggett, 19 years old,\n2127 Kentucky avenue, a student\nat Missouri university, Joe Pra-\nter, 49, Walnut Grove, and Mrs.\nZella Prater, 49, Beaumont, Tex.\nLiggett suffered slight knee and\nInose injuries, Mrs. Prater suf:\nfered bruises and shock and\n|Prater suffered a broken left\nileg, Officers said cars driven by\n\\Liggett and Prater collided al-\n}most head-on when the Liggett\n‘vehicle crossed the center line.\n| Mrs,. Mary Parker of War-\nrensburg suffered.a broken hand\n‘|when the car her.husband, Ralph\n(Parker, Jr., was driving, ‘crashed\ninto a ditch on alternate highway\n71, a mile: north of. Fidelity cor-\nner at 1:15 o’clock yesterday aft-\n‘lernoon, Parker was not injured,\nbut the car was-badly damaged.\n11 At 2:50 o'clock yesterday\n'|morning, Miss Nadine Morehead\n118, Scammon,’ Kan,, sufferec\niIhead injuries in a two-car accl\nident on highway 66, just nortt\nof Miami, Oklahoma officer:\n‘|said she was riding in a car driv\nlen by Henry Stewart, 24, Cher.\nNakee, Kan, The Stewart cai\nstruck the rear of a car driver\nby Merle:,Hilton, 22, of Wichita,\nwhile both: cars were traveling\nsouth. Miss Morehead was taker\nto. Miami. Baptist hospital,\n\n‘In. Joplin; as Tteyear-ald boy\nEarl Adamson, .104- McCoy ave\nnue, suffered minor injuries al\n11:30. o'clock. New .Year’s eve\nwhen the car in which he was\nriding. overturned. north of Bel\nCenter... He: remained “in St\nJohn's hospital ‘until yesterda}\nmerning for observation,\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1432.811234375, 1312.582962890625, 2077.9202109375, 2746.2415 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "clated Press.\n_ The record for a three-day New\nYear’s period is 317, set in 1953-54.\n\nDearborn attributed the huge toll\nthis weekend partly to rain, fog\nand drizzle which covered much\nof the eastern section of the nation.\n\n“Apparently the motorists are\npaying no attention to these bad\ndriving conditions,’’ he said.\n\nThe council had estimated that\n240 traffic deaths would occur this\nweekend. |\n\n“This is an incredible and dis-\ngraceful price to pay for a holi-\nday that hopefully welcomes a new\nyear in which the whole emphasis\nis on peace and security,” contin-\nued Dearborn. ‘‘Let’s have peace\nand security on our highways,\ntoo.”\n\nOne of the nontraffic deaths was\nthat. of a 6-year-old Maine boy\nwho was killed New Year’s Eve\nin a sledding party mishap. He\nwas sliding in an area his father\nhad built to keep children off the\nhighways.\n\nThe survey of violent deaths cov-\ners the period from 6 p. m. Friday\njto midnight Sunday. A total of 515\nviolent deaths were reported dur-\ning a corresponding period of the\nChristmas holiday.\n\nAn Associated Press survey of a\n\nnn ce te ese ne ements\ntContinuad an Pare £4 £=xfYatimn FY\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4698.8828125, 3080.46630859375, 5341.45361328125, 3363.610595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "TROUBLE BREAKS\nOUT AT ALGOA\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1441.8121337890625, 5410.2119140625, 1992.395751953125, 5538.88916015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Reds Hint Rebuff\nAwaits U.N. Chief\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1441.6768798828125, 2774.1640625, 2079.6591796875, 3080.875244140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "U.N. CHIEF LEAVES\nEUROPE FOR CHINA\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2741.07373046875, 1937.9322509765625, 3368.53173828125, 2225.2978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "RUSSIA PROMISES\nTO RELEASE TWO\n" }, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 3401.6064453125, 6567.72509765625, 4033.55810546875, 6708.73974609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "PHILADELPHIA MUMMERS\n| HOLD NEW YEAR’S PARAD!\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3371.88984765625, 2006.669876953125, 4020.262251953125, 5616.74980078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "AUGUSTA, Ga., Jan. 1 —\nPresident Eisenhower issued ar\nexecutive order today cutting of\nfor new recruits a substantial\namount of veterans’ benefits\ngranted after the outbreak of hos.\ntilities in Korea.\n\nThe benefits withdrawn affect\nhospitalization and non-service con\nnected pensions, educational allow.\n\n‘ances, GI loan assistance for the\n|purchase of homes, farms and bu\n{sinesses, and housing assistance.\n\n| Men and women now in uniforr\n‘will be affected to some degree by\n'the order. But James C. Hagerty\n'| White House press secretary, saic\nit would apply principally to those\n‘iwho enter the armed forces afte\n‘Jan. 31, 1955.\n\nSavings Not Estimated,\n\n“The action today does not fer\n\n‘iminate the state of national emer\n‘igency proclaimed by the Presiden\n(Truman) in 1950 in connectior\n[with the Korean conflict,” — th\n1 White House stated.\n\nHagerty estimated that unde\nthe educational and training bene\nfit program alone the governmen\nhas had a maximum liability o\n\nf about 45 million dollars a month\n\nt He said he was unable to estimat\nwhat the total savings would b\n-junder the curtailment program.\n\ny In addition to cutting off certai\nbenefits for new recruits, the 0.\n\n5 (der also terminates us ofe Jan. :\n“ithe tax exemption on pay of mil\n\n- “itary personnel in the Korean. con\n\"tbat zone.\n\n“The proclamation and the: e:\necutive: order terminute accrual\n{further wartime benefits rights b\n\ni‘ reason of military service afte\nthat date (Jan. 31),\" the Whi\n{House statement said.\n\n“Persons who acau:red eligibi\n.jity for these benefits on the bas\nof service before Feb. 1, 1955, wi\nbe able to use it subject to liber:\ntime limitations specified in’ -th\nlaws.”\n\nIn Keeping With Practice.\n\n.{ The White House explained. th\nj.|action “is in keeping with the~lon\n(established practice whereby th\n,.|Congress has limited entitlemer\n{to wartime veterans’ benefits 1\n\nperiods of military service assc\n,iciated with hostilities’ The state\nment added:\n\nSe\n\niv\n\no\n\ne ‘ r\n\n| ‘It... . does not impair the sc\n\n2 called peacetime veterans’ bene\nfits . . . persons serving in th\n\n- armed forces will continue to re\n\n0 ceive entitlement to substantie\npeacetime veterans’ benefits pre\nvided by the Veterans Administre\ntion, the Department of Defo~s\nand other agencies.\n\nThese include hospital and mec\nical care, dizability and death cor\npensation, the $10,000 indemnits\n\np insurance, disability, or other re\ntirer- ent pay, and the six month:\nC gratuits\nOne of the most important law\naffected by the proclamation, Ha:\n“ierty said, authorizes medical, ho:\ni pital and domiciliary care, plt\nlburial benefits, for veterans wh\nserved in the armed forces on ¢\n| “| before Jan. 27, 1950, on the sam\nibasis as World War II veteran:\nAnother important law affecte\nis the Korean GI Bill, with i\neducation and training allowance\n“and home loan guarantees.\n\nn\n\n:\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4035.271728515625, 736.0306396484375, 5328.94970703125, 1247.97607421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "MISSOURI PRISON\nSYSTEM CONDEMNED:\nBY SURVEY GROUF\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2078.401322265625, 1984.3350380859374, 2731.1819296875, 5998.17509375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 (#—The\n84th Congress convenes next Wed-\nnesday, with the Democrats back\nin control, and with hearty talk\nof bipartisanship mingling already\nwith pre-1956 political skirmishing.\n\nHow will the program of Repub-\nlican President Eisenhower fare\nwith the Democrats; with mem-\nbers of the President’s own party\nAnd what willbe the effect on the\ncourse of world affairs, and on the\nlives and fortunes of Americans?\n\nCongress and the administration\nwill supply the answers in a ses-\nsion likely to be dominated by\nforeign affairs and left-over issues\nfrom the GOP-run 83rd Congress.\nSome new issues are brewing, how-\never, and there are some new men\n—1l4. in the Senate, 56 in the House\n—to help cope with them.\n\nLast Split in 1947.\n\nThis wlil be the first time since\n1947, when Democratic President\nHarry S. Truman faced a Repub-\nlean Congress, that political con-\ntrol has been split between the\n|White House and Capitol Hill.\n\nOn both sides, there are fore-\ncasts of better cooperation than\nprevailed between Truman and the\nlawmakers he later was to assail\nlas the ‘'do-nothing, good-for-noth-\njing 80th Congress.”\n\nThe Democrats pledge a bi.\npartisan approach to national se.\ncurity and related problems. Fis\n)j enhower -says-he is convinced: they\n\nmean it, and has, told his. Cabine'\n_jto keep Democratic leaders postec\non their plans. But already the\n.|\\Democrats are looking coldly anc\njquestioningly at the administra-\n|tion’s plan to cut the manpowet\n{strength of the armed forces.\n| On domestic issues the Demo.\n\ncrats are reserving the right tc\njobject—and to make political hay,\njif they can, for the 1956 presi.\n{dential election. Yet on some of\n|these issues—housing, for example\n'|—they seem more likely than some\n\nRepublicans to follow the general\n\nline of the administration.\n, Differ. on Foreign Policy,\n| As for the Republicans, they\njhave frank differences on foreign\n|policy. Many: back the President.\n|Others—notably Sen. Knowland of\nCalifornia, who: becomes the Sen.\njate minority leader, and Sen. Me.\n\nCarthy of Wisconsin—differ with\n{him on Far Eastern and certain\njothet matters.\n| It's taken for granted Eisenhow-\njer will get more backing from\n\nDemocrats than from his own\n|party on the first major proposal\n| he plans to make, That’s a three.\n|year extension, denied him at the\n\nlast session, of the Reciprocal\n‘|Trade Agreements Act, with pow.\njer to cut tariffs an additional 15\n\nper cent during that period.\n\nOn the whole, Eisenhower finds\n{himself somewhat in the positior\n|of a ball-carrying quarterback whe\njjean’t be quite sure which of the\n,jother men on the field are going tc\ntackle him or run interference.\n| Adding io the uncertainty is the\n{close party division. The Senate\n‘|will number 48 Democrats, plu:\nthe promised support of Oregon’:\nindependent Sen. Wayne Morse\nand 47 Republicans. In the House\nthe Democrats’ edge is 231 to 203\nwith one vacancy to be filled in +\nnormally Democratic Florida dis\nrict,\n\n \n\n \n\n1956 Race Inyolved,\n\nj|, The final. sorting out on major\njissues may’ well have a bearing\n\n.jon whether the President decide:\nto seek a second term. It may\nhave much to do, too, with th\n\n»(Democrats’ choice of their ow\n\n* (Continued on Page 4A, Column 6)\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4025.37178125, 2074.03535546875, 4678.134078125, 5857.83085546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "JEFFERSON CITY, Jan. 1\nA special penal survey committee\ncondemned Missouri’s riot scarred\nprison system today and laid on\nthe line a drastic, long range treat-\nment program to cure its festering\njsores,\n| The committee, headed by ‘re-\ntired Maj. Gen. Ralph E. Truman\nof Springfield, cousin of the for-\nmer President, made an exhaus-\ntive study of the state penitentiary\n| Where a disastrous riot flared Sept.\n422. Four- convicts were killed, mil\nlions of dollars worth of the prison\nplant destroyed by fire and 40\njother prisoners hurt.\n| More disturbances er upted a\n;month Jater both at the main peni-\nlentiary and the nearby women’s\niprison. ;\ni A 92-Page Report.\n\nThe coimmittee said that doesn’t\njhave to happen if Missouri will\n| spend the millions necessary to\njget away from the old “lock ‘em\njup and forget ‘em\" philosophy. It\nsuggested, in a 25,000-word, 92\n[page report to Gov, Phil:M. Don\nnelly, how the state could modern\nize its whole penal system. It dic\n\n.jnot estimate the cost.\n,| The governor had no immediat\n“treaction on the detailed report. H\nsaid he will make his comment\n{to the 1955 legislature when h\nlays the prison reform problem i\nits lap next week.\n\nThe Truman committee blistere\n“iprison administrdtors in places.”\n{did not mention the governor -b\nf name. but it criticized some.of hi\ny policies —- especially his appoin\n“ ment of former police officer\nejfrom the highway patrol to to\n\npositions in the state Departmer\n\n_|of Corrections and the Board\n=| Probation and Parole,\n\n; But the clinical diagnosis © ¢\n\n{the penal problem was subordina\nled to a long Ust of. positiv\n\nrecommendations, Some, the cor\n\nmittee said, could. be undertake\no|immediately,\n7 Some Changes Made. |\n>| Even before the final. report wa\nt|released, Truman told newsme\npimany. of the specific cleanup rec\n./ommendations had been put int\npractice, including a complet\noverhauling of the penitentiar\n_ifood situation. That was one of th\nSore spots among the convicts\nSome said it was what touche\noff the tragic riot and the late\n}}mess hall disturbances.\n.| The committee used words lik\n\"deplorable,\" “inexcusable,\nnj filthy,”” “disgraceful,” and ‘tir\ndefensible’’ as it catalogued th\n-(sources of unrest at the over\n-{erowded prison,\nIt said the laws were full of for\n./ward looking phrases but the stat\n‘has neglected to put any re\nhabilitation program into effec\nsifor its wards,\n\n| The committee blamed no one\nsf said the state has fallen behin\n\n“due in part to change ins ac\n3|ministrations, jack of competer\n\nmltendershig, absence of adequat\ne|programming: and incontinuity,an\n.jfinally, inadequate appropriz\nj tions.\"’ ,\ns| The committee said it wasn\nsigoing to get into any controvers\nabout whether the governor or th\nlegislature was to blame—as vat\nously charged—for‘the lack of ag\n\n'propriations.\n\n7 “Regardless of who is right a\niwrong in any existing controversy\ndj “(Continued on Page 44, Column a)\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2732.004638671875, 2257.10009765625, 3378.138427734375, 2406.0869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "NOTE .ON AMERICANS DE.\nMANDS RETURN OF 11\nSOVIET CHILDREN.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 801.897171875, 6986.0387734375, 1447.7093955078126, 7314.887984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "OAKLAND, Calif., Jan, 1. (PAS\na proper salute to the New Year,\nDavid C. Carthon, 46, stepped into\nhis back yard at midnight, pointed\na .45 automatic pistol at the ground\nand pressed the trigger,:The: bullet\niWent, thr through, his his right foot,\n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 4682.48779296875, 1297.5096435546875, 5316.919921875, 1468.0853271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "HARRIMAN TAKES\nOATH AS GOVERNOR\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 119.91803826904297, 1962.0066689453124, 778.7983237304687, 6360.16581640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Be AIG FAUNAS SRE NA AAR OPENER\nconstruction .was set last year in\nJoplin with a tota) of 284 homes\nstarted or completed. Estimated\ncosts of the new homes was $2,119,-\n520. The record set in 1954 was\n50 homes higher than the old\nrecord of 234 in 1951.\n\nOther construction activity in\nJoplin also moved at a_ record\npace with 646 building permits\nissued at the city byilding in-\nspector’s office for work estimated\nto cost $3,942,273, almost a million\ndollars higher than the 1952 record\nof $3,000,000.\n\n30 Pet. More Than in 1953.\n\n/The 1954 construction activity in\nJoplin was more than 30 per cent\nahead of 1953 figures when all\nbuilding costs were estimated at\n$2,475,114, including $600,000 for\nschool additions.\n\nPermits were issued for 16¢\nhomes in the city in 1953, and the\nbuilders estimated the costs at\n$1,086,950, less than half the\namount spent in 1954.\n\nBuilders said the new record fot\nhome construction came with the\nbuilding of more quality homes.\nrather than on higher costs.\n\nFollowing behind new home con:\nstruction in dollar value in the city\nwas new business and commercia\nbuilding. In that classification, 3:\npermits were issued for work esti-\nmated to cost $910,253.\n\nOf the total construction work\napproximately $500,000 was fo\nschool work started last year, in.\neluding the $276,998 addition te\nSouth: Junior high school and the\nnew $216,000 McKinley grade\nschool,\n\nLargest single commercial proj.\nect was the $112,000 storage build.\ning at Vickers, Inc., but severa!\nother high cost business buildings\nwere built or started during the\nyear, -\nBig Utility Projects.\n\nUtility firms also started large\nprojects last year with Empire\nDistrict Electric Company starting\nwork on a new sub-station at\nTwenty-Sixth street and Pearl ave.\nnue at a cost of $225,000 and the\nJoplin Water Works starting erec-\ntion of a new water storage tank\nthat is estimated to cost $72,000.\n\nThe new homes built last yean\nwere scattered in all sections of\nthe city, but building was heavies'\nin the east and southeast sections\n\nBuilders and real estate dealers\nexpect the current building boom\nto continue this year, and many\nsaid if the planned electronics\nplant is built here this year, an\nother record may be set in al\nconstruction work,\n\nThe totals on new homes, new\ncommercial property and other\nconstruction work recorded at the\ncity building inspector’s office Ac\nnot include building activity out\nside the city limits where many\nnew homes were built and in\ndustrial expenditures for expansior\nwere high.\n\nNew Bank Building.\n\nInside the city, new busines:\nprojects started or completed in\nclude the new Citizens bank at gu\nestimated cost of $61,000; the new\nSouthwest Missouri Liquor Com\npany office and warehouse, whic!\nwas completed last’ month at .\ncost of approximately $46,600; th\nplant expansion of the Communit\nDairy Products Company at a cos\nof about $5,400; the new true!\nterminal and office of the M & ¢\nTransportation Company that cos\napproximately $100,000, and th\nnew Mays Drug Company stor\nremodeling project that will cos\nabout $25,000.\n\nIn addition to the new building\nJoplin residents enlarged. an\nrepaired many older homes; J\ntotal of 213 permits were issue\nfor that type of work which wa\nestimated to cost $177,405.\n\nForty-eight permits‘ were is\nsued for permits for additions t\nnonresidential buildings in-Jopli:\n\nCLE ae ee\n\nee a ee eee\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1438.684814453125, 3111.493408203125, 2085.903076171875, 3275.579345703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "!\nTAKES OFF FOR INDIA AFT-\nER HOUR'S TALK WITH\n\nMENDES-FRANCE.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 786.56982421875, 3097.88916015625, 1436.331298828125, 3266.808837890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "WOUNDED BY SAME BULLET\n— HOLIDAY FREE OF\nFATAL ACCIDENTS,\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 4082.640625, 5897.5390625, 4664.79150390625, 5983.42919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "HOURLY TEMPERATURES\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2724.32177734375, 721.1309814453125, 3357.68505859375, 897.21875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "FIVE IKE MESSAGES\n~ TO GO TO CONGRESS\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2081.380615234375, 719.725830078125, 2702.33642578125, 1144.7308349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "CONGRESS GETS\nREADY 10 RESUME\n‘WORK WEDNESDAN\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4029.005615234375, 1293.031982421875, 4666.44189453125, 1531.515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Truman Committee Assails\nAdministrators and Criti-\ncizes Some. of Donnel-\nly’s Policies.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 121.73339080810547, 719.8213500976562, 778.38818359375, 1136.9693603515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "POSTWAR RECORD\nON HOME BUILDING\nSET HERE IN {954\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2074.31689453125, 1478.1434326171875, 2715.49755859375, 1607.2822265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "|FOREIGN AFFAIRS:\nTO OCCUPY ATTENTION\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2717.612548828125, 919.7515258789062, 3348.88232421875, 1046.538330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "They Will Deal With Foreign Trade\nBudget Economy, Postal and\ni Military Pay.:\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 4705.95556640625, 3406.3720703125, 5357.3349609375, 3576.60009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": " \n\nPRISONERS SHOUT.\nTHOW FURNITURE—THOO =\n_ERS.QUELL DISORDERS. #\n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 4066.4547890625, 7099.5758828125, 4699.14140234375, 7344.7649375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Airport Weather Data.\n\nWeather observations at Joplin munie,\npal airport at 0:90 o’olock ‘last night:\n\nTemperature, 44 dagrees.\n\nWind. direction, southwest,\n\nWind velocity, 7 miless - . 8\n\nVisibility. 12° miles. Bog he eee Se\natnarometric pressure, 28.890; rising ther\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 2079.85009765625, 1188.85205078125, 2717.274658203125, 1423.151123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Democrats Will Be in Control\nand How Ike's Program\nWill Fare Remains\nUncertain.\n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 143.01234436035156, 1182.2115478515625, 779.233154296875, 1417.9827880859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Construction of 284 Dwellings\nStarted or Completed at\nEstimated Cost of\n$2,119,520.\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1446.9221962890624, 7154.1383828125, 2109.009078125, 7351.06132421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Have your dry cleaning done the|\n\n\"Keystone Way,\" the ‘safe /way,”\n\nDIAL MA.4-4300, 410 Virginia —\nAdve\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2080.68408203125, 1653.772216796875, 2722.027099609375, 1881.1844482421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Left-Over Issues and a Few\nNew Ones Brewing—Presi-\ndent’s State: of Union\nMessage Thursday.\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 4679.54150390625, 1493.8656005859375, 5318.6015625, 1633.01416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "Pledges Administration Devoted tc\n\nEconomie and Social Wel-\nfare of People, -\n\n \n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 137.26109313964844, 1474.6357421875, 787.0940551757812, 1598.1090087890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "BUSINESS PROJECTS\nALSO AT NEW HIGH\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 3371.892822265625, 1197.899169921875, 4009.159423828125, 1427.33740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "Some in Uniform Will Be Af-\nfected, but It Applies\nPrincipally to New\n\n* - Recruits.\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 138.25608825683594, 1637.837646484375, 776.34716796875, 1877.9669189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "$3,942,273 Spent in This Field\n—Current Boom Expect-\ned to Continue This\n~ Year.\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 3370.09765625, 724.4390258789062, 3998.8642578125, 1149.382080078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "IKE ISSUES ORDER\nCURTAILING VETS’\nBENEFIT PROGRAM\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 3451.0283203125, 1932.6409912109375, 3942.134765625, 1983.88330078125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "By WILMOT HERCHER.\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 4175.57470703125, 2035.1680908203125, 4534.1318359375, 2073.8798828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "Rv LARRY WATT.\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 4027.92724609375, 1753.6259765625, 4671.0615234375, 1977.242431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "Long List of Recommenda-\ntions Made for Improve-\nment—Cost Is Not ‘\nstimated.\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 3380.15673828125, 1486.072265625, 4003.140625, 1609.3360595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "ACTION DOES NOT END\nNATIONAL. EMERGENCY\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 2222.464111328125, 1933.7215576171875, 2586.291748046875, 1979.950439453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "Bvy PD) CREAGH\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 869.9852294921875, 6939.25634765625, 1363.947509765625, 6983.95654296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "Shoats Self Throuch Foot.\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 3379.614990234375, 1659.2471923828125, 4012.21484375, 1880.9832763671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "Tax Exemption of Military\nPersonnel in Korean Com-\n) bat Zone Also Is\n\n| Terminated.\n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 4028.84765625, 1574.373046875, 4655.9765625, 1700.9554443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": "POINTS TO SOURCES\n| OF INMATE UNRES1\n" }, "65": null, "66": { "bbox": [ 793.8631752929688, 993.4875649414063, 2085.2385703125, 1262.3026572265626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "Fatalities Climb to 177 and Are Almost Keeping Up with)\nPace Set in Corresponding Two-Day Period Christmas\n-—Rain, Fog and Drizzle in East Blamed for Huge Toll—|\n40 Die from Other Causes.\n" }, "67": { "bbox": [ 1236.73486328125, 1302.5667724609375, 1621.2950439453125, 1339.7423095703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "a\n\nRy the Assoelatead Prece.\n" }, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 9 ], [ 2, 7 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 8, 32 ], [ 8, 45 ], [ 32, 45 ], [ 25, 15 ], [ 16, 47 ], [ 19, 61 ] ]
[ 6715.24784765625, 9726.7724609375 ]
[ [ 1, 9 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 6, 3 ], [ 7, 2 ], [ 15, 25 ], [ 16, 47 ], [ 32, 45 ], [ 45, 8 ], [ 61, 19 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 96.82663049316406, 919.1629799804688, 1553.7074423828124, 2984.26542578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "@ THE FORMAL dedication of the Veterans Me-\nmorial Recreation Park in Towanda will take place\n\nis Saturday evening beginning at 7:30. It will mark\nthe near completion of a project started in this com-\ntunity by the Towanda Lions Club, four vears ago,\nfor a fitting memorial to the World War II veterans.\nIt is a particularly significant occasion because it is\na realization come true as the result of the all-out\nfarticipation by almost everyone in this area to\nHuild a lasting memorial to those who made the su-\npreme sacrifice.\n\nWE FEEL sure that the thousands who attend\nthis ceremony will carry with them the very theme\ndf this dedication “That we may have lasting Peace.”\nMany will recall the slogan used in 1951 when the\nproject was set in motion—‘Give In Their Honor”.\nThis is exactly what has taken place and were it not\nfor the sincere approach to this objective we doubt\nthat even a flagpole would have been erected. The\narea witnessed one of the finest demonstrations of\ncommunity spirit and community desire to erect a\nmemorial which will long remind all of us of those\nWho used to walk our streets—but who, through\ntheir fichting spirit for the preservation of freedom\nin this land, were taken from this area.\n~ « WE FEEL sure that you will want to be among\nthe thousands who will join in one group Saturday\nevening to pay a sincere and lasting tribute to the\nVeterans of World War II.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2431.768998046875, 5016.38887109375, 3269.863326171875, 7478.19999609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON The top women\nleaders in Republiean and Nation-\nal committees have bought them-\nselves new hats, That signal ac-\ntion!\n\nBertha Adkins, director of the\nGOP Women's Division, was quite\nfrank about it. A few days after\nPresident Eisenhower's heart at-\ntack she publicly confessed to a\nmeeting of Republican women vol-\nunteers that when she first heard\nthe newscast she was so discour-\naged she considered packing up\nand going home to Salisbury, Md.\n\nBut on second thought she\nsaid she realized that giving up\nwas not what Eisenhower would\nwant done.\n\n“I don't know what men do to\npep up their morale. But I.went\nout and got a new hat. I've got it\non, and I'm calling it my 1956 cam-\npaign hat, she says.\n\nOver in the Democratic camp,\nMrs. Katie Louchheim, head of\nwomen’s activities, went to a\nNew York milliner and ordered\nthree hats— one of them green —\nto give her campaigning courage\na boost,\n\nEven without the stimulus of\nnew hats, women in each party\nknow that there is accelerated\naction ahead. Although experi-\nenced in politics, this is the\nfirst time Bertha and Katie will\nlead women in a_ presidential\ncampaign.\n\nBut Bertha has an edge in\nexperience because in the 1952\ncampaigns she was executive\ndirector of the GOP women’s\ndivision, She got the top job when,\nin January 1953, she was named\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2412.51094140625, 3761.58808984375, 3249.42362890625, 4258.62089453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Russia can await the end of aged\nChancellor Konrad Adenauer’s\nstrong pro-Western leadership in\nGermany,\n\nThis new conference, therefore,\ndoesn't seem likely to give much\nof a shot in the arm to the so\ncalled Geneva spirit, which already\nhas been taking a beating anyway.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5004.24629296875, 798.3133095703125, 5847.141890625, 3300.027876953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "ing with ahpone else. At the s@me\ntime, they will be making deals as\nto what they might do, should he\ndecide not to run in 1956. No pro-\nfessional dares be caught without\nsome affiliation.\n\nAs it stands now, the woods are\nfull of candidates for President\nand Vice Presdent. Some are ab-\nsurd; they “could not make the\ngrade under any circumstances.\nMany are favorite sons who will\nreceive a complimentary vote on\nthe first ballot. Some are being\ndragged out by special interests to\ndetract attention or votes from a\npopular candidate. As a practical\nproposition, only three or four\nhave any chance of being taken\nseriously.\n\nNo Republican can surely be a\ncandidate for the presidency as\nlong as there is any chance at all\nof President Eisenhower running\nfor another texm.\n\nThe Democrats are having\ntheir troubles too. The opposition\nto Adlai Stevenson is growing.\nThe professionals intend to cut his\nthroat. The independents mean\nnothing in any preconvention ma-\nneuvers because what counts are\ndelegates and they are all profes-\nsionals. The professionals do not\nwant an ADA _ administration\ncamouflaged as a Democratic ad-\nministration.\n\nThe chief opponents of Adiai Ste-\nvenson are Averell Harriman\nand Estes Kefauver. The silent\ncandidate is Governor Frank\nLausche of Qhio. Each has a good\nchance, in fact, a better chance\ntnan Stevenson, because the pro-\nfessional Democrats do not want\nStevenson. The movement for\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5854.10469140625, 4715.0211953125, 6698.8791953125, 7115.9905234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "HERRICKVILLE -— Roy Hitch-\ncock has sold his farm at Stony\nPoint to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis\nof New York City.\n\nMr. and Mrs. James Welliver\nhave purchased the Flora Schoon-\nover place and moved there from\nWyalusing last Tuesday.\n\nThe dance held last Friday for\nthe benefit of the firemen was well\nattended.\n\nMr. and Mrs. C. W. Lent enter-\ntained over the week end the\nlatter's sister and husband, Mr.\nand Mrs. Donald Talbott of Stony\nPoint, N. Y., and Miss Elsie Lent.\n\nMisses Mary and Helen Lydon\nof Wilkes-Barre spent the week\nend with Mr. and Mrs. O. H.\nMarsh.\n\nMrs. T. D. Reinhart, who has\nbeen a patient at the Genesee Hos-\npital at Rochester, has returned\nto the home of her sister, Mrs.\nWilbert Lymons. Mr. and Mrs.\nStanley Patten of Towanda visit-\ned her mother, Mrs. Reinhart, ov-\ner the week end.\n\nMrs. H. H. Parrish visited a\nfew days with Mr. and Mrs. Char-\nles Ejiklor at Athens.\n\nMr. and Mrs. John Whipple vis-\nited his mother, Mrs, Luna Whip-\nple, and other relatives at Lacey-\nville one day recently.\n\nMr. and Mrs. C. L. Lent spent\nthe week end with their daughter,\nMr. and Mrs. Ivan Allis, and Mrs.\nLent's brother, Allen Smiley, and\nwife of Elmjra.\n\nMr. and Mrs. O. H. Marsh, Mr.\nand Mrs. Charles Hillis and T. D.\nReinhart attended the Shriner ban-\nquet held at LeRaysville Monday\nevening.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 5851.31269921875, 811.588578125, 6715.24784765625, 3283.865279296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Lausche is voluntary and repre-\nsents a strong desire for a more\nconservative candidate. Harri-\nman's hopes are not even slightiy\naffected by the dissent of Senator\nHerbert Lehman who, while re-\nspected in the Senate, does not cut\nmuch political ice. He is regarded\nas emotionally unstable in his at- (\ntitudes toward other men, prob-\nably because nearly everybody is\nso much his junior that he remem-\nbers them when they were boys.\n\nBesides, Lehman knows that the\nprofessionals in his party want\nhim to retire to make room for\nMayor Robert F. Wagner of New\nYork who would like to have his\nlate father’s seat in the United\nStates Senate. Lehman will not\nquit even if he lives to be 120 years\nold and therefore the profession. |\nals regard him as an obstacle. It\nwould make them happy if he were\nput into the cabinet or sent out as\nan ambassador, anything to re-\nmove him as a political bottle-\nneck in New York State.\n\nSo politics is still exciting and\nthe voter still develops passions,\nparticularly over his heroes.\nThose of us who are not given to\nhero worship can refrain from vot-\ning or even registering in a year\nwhen there is no one to vote for.\nFor instance, in my town the 1955\nelection is not worth bothering\nabout, so I did not register. If\nthere were a system of perma-\nnent» registration, it might have\nbeen attractive to go to the polls,\nif it did not rain that day. As to\nhow to vote—-who can say?\n(Copyright, 1955, King Features\nSyndicate, Inc.)\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 4150.8668984375, 867.1215981445313, 5003.6370078125, 3279.582076171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Duane Kellogg of Stratford, Con-\nnecticut, has come up with an idea\nwhich he calls ‘‘negative voting.’\nAs I understand his concept, the\ncitizens could vote against a can-\ndidate without voting for anyone.\nMaybe, it is more intricate than\nthat, but I have not given it too\nmuch thought because my own\nconcept is different,\n\nI regard voting as a privilege,\nnot an obligation. When I have no\none to vote for, I do not vote. I\nbelieve in political parties and in\nthe functioning of the two porty\nsystem in this country. It has not\nbeen my experience over 50 years\nof observation that the nonparty\npolitician, the so-called independ-\nent, is worth very much, under\nour system, when he, by some\naccident, is electéd to public office.\nThe most recent manifestation of\nthis nonpartisan, bipartisan, any\nor no party personality are the\nmembers of the ADA who seem to\nme to be mostly opportunists.\n\nIn the present campaign we see\nsome extremely interesting char-\nacteristics of our system:\n\nAs long as President Eisenhower\nis sick, most professional Republi-\ncans favor Richard Nixon as his\nsuccessor. This is inevitable be-\ncause Nixon could, at any mo-\nmest, become President by con-\nstitutional processes, Should Presi-\ndent Eisenhower return to the\nWhite House and make no declar-\nation as to the future, the Republi-\ncans will become confused as to\nwhat they should do. They will all\nswitch to Eisenhower on the as-\nsumption that if he runs again,\nthey had better not be caught flirt-\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1575.1294716796874, 3835.319046875, 2419.13603125, 7478.40898046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Associated Press News Analyst.\n\nTHE Big Four foreign ministers\nare raising the curtain today on a\nnew act in a drama of unreality.\n\nPious expressions of hope were\nbeing made against a background\nof uncompromising political posi-\ntions. The Geneva spirit was a\npale competitor for flaming antag-\nonisms, actively promoted by Rus-\nsia, in the Middie East.\n\nIn fact, the Middle East, which\nwas not on the conference agenda,\nbegan to loom as a more imme-\ndiate source of East-West friction\nthan the question of Germany, the\npariey’s major ptopic.\n\nIn the matter of Germany, the\nconflicting positions already were\nclear. Russia will not agree to a\nunified Germany which can be a\nmember of the North Atlantic\nTreaty Organization. The Allies\nwill notagree to let West Germany\nout, or to submerge NATO in an\nall - Europe security system.\nThere was no prospect of breaking\nthe stalemate, despite the hopeful\nstatements of all concerned.\n\nThe Western ministers go to to-\nday's meeting convinced _ that,\nwhile Russia undoubtedly wants to\navoid war, peace is not her ob-\njective. The objective, they be-\nlieve, is a studied effort to weaken\nthe Western front.\n\nRussian tactics may be to make\nfurther ‘‘friendly’’ advances, per-\nhaps through relaxation of bar-\nriers to cultural and economic re-\nlations. The Allies are willing to\nwork in that field in the hope that\nincreased contracts in any field\nwill eventuajly help create an\natmosphere in which other settle-\nments can become possible.\n\nThey think Russia must recog-\nnize eventually that a nation such\nas Germany will not continue di-\nvided indefinitely. ,\n\nThere are other reasons for hold-\ning the meeting despite its appar-\nent futility on major questions,\n\nThe Allies want to keep probing\nfor poinis at which Russia might\nmake concessions.\n\nThey want neutral peoples, and\nthe neutralists among Allied peo-\nples, to see them doing it.\n\nThey want to obtain as much\ninformation as possible about Rus-\nsian policies and Russian attitudes,\nfor guidance in adopting their own,\n\nThey will make offers on reuni-\nfication and security. But they\nrealize they can’t pay the prices\nRussia asks, especially in view of\nthe fact that by playing for time\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5854.93428125, 3791.50312890625, 6703.07304296875, 4432.51347265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "from a syndicate of Detroit gam-\nblers. Mr. Gambler is an extreme-\nly worried chap.\n\nEileen Barton's engagement at\nthe Holiday House in Pittsburgh\nwasn't all work and no playmate.\nA crooner named Andre Phillippe\nflew in ‘way ahead of his own\nopening date there te dance at-\ntendance on her.\n\n(Copyright, 1955, King Features\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3262.826126953125, 3415.5661171875, 4103.4436484375, 4315.86991796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "assistant to the Republican Nation-\nal Committee chairman.\n\nKatie, who has been a volun-\nteer worker at the Democratic\nNational Committee off and on\nsince 1934, was put in charge of\nwomen's activities in September,\n1953. She worked hard for women\n\ncongressional candidates in the\n1954 election and saw the number\nof women lawmakers in the house\nincrease from 5 democrats in\nthe previous session to 9 in the\npresent Congress.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 95.45771875, 3226.629837890625, 1546.4900351562499, 7409.48222265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "@ PARITY PRICES are theoretical prices comput-\nef according to a legal formulaa which is supposed\nto indicate the prices farm products should bring to\nbe in a “fair exchange relationship” with the things\nfarmers buy.\n\n. Under the old parity formula, parity prices were\ncOmputed by taking the average price of a com-\nmodity in a base period, which usually was 1910-14,\nand multiplying it by the current index of prices\nfarmers pay, interest and taxes.\n\n* For example, the price of beef cattle was $5.42\nper hundredweight in 1910-14; the January 1955 in-\ndéx of prices farmers pay, interest, and taxes was\n284, so the old parity price for beef cattle was $5.42\na 2.84 or $15.40 per hundredweight in January\n1955.\n\n: Under the modernized parity formula, parity\nprices of individual commodities are adjusted each\nybar to reflect the relationships that existed among\nthé market prices of the various farm commodities\nin the most recent ten years.\n\n3; The steps in computing a madernized parity\nprice for a commodity are as follows: (1) Find the\naverage price of the commodity for the most recent\nten years, (2) Divide this ten-year average price by\nthd index of all farm prices (1910-14-100) for the\nsathe period to obtain an “adjusted base price,” and\n(3 Multiply the “adjusted base price” by the cur-\nrfnt index of prices farmers pay, interest, taxes, and\nfarm wage rates to obtain the modernized parity\nPrice.\n\n« For example, the average price of beef cattle in\nthe ten years, 1945-54, was $19.70 per hundredweight.\nDuring this same ten-year period, all farm prices\naveraged 261 per cent of their 1910-14 average. This\n_ that the adjusted base price for the computa-\n\nof parity prices for beef cattle in 1955 is $19.70\ndivided by 2.61 or $7.55. The index of prices farm-\nefs pay, interest, taxes, and wages paid hired labor\nwas 283 (1910-14-100) in January 1955, so the mod-\nernized parity price for beef cattle was $21.40 per\n\nHundredweight.\n\n* The modernized parity formula became: effec-\ntive.on January 1, 1950, for all commodities except\nWheat, peanuts, cotton and corn, subject to the pro-\n\nn that no parity price may be reduced more\n.than five per cent in any one year by reason of the\napplication of the new formula. Parity prices com-\nputed under this provision are called “transitional\n\nParity prices”. Wheat, peanuts, cotton, and corn\nHave continued to use the old parity formula under\n@ dual parity provision of law which provides that\nparity for the basic commodities shall be the higher\nof the prices computed under the old and moderniz-\ned formulas until December 31, 1955. The moderniz-\neff formula is scheduled to become effective for the\nfour basic commidities now excluded on January 1,\n1956 with a transitional provision limiting reductions\nte 5 per cent per year.—from the AFBF Reference\n\nRook, 1955.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1938.8590087890625, 3406.739990234375, 2889.301513671875, 3734.13623046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "INTERPRETING\nTHE NEWS\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1701.2764892578125, 7885.90283203125, 2979.447265625, 8199.158203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "You'll Need Vitamins\nIf You're On a Diet\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5035.34130859375, 7564.31494140625, 5799.59619140625, 8268.0888671875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4219.99433984375, 9160.362015625, 5010.7327109375, 9620.2991171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "SEMESTDR — (see-MES-ter)\nnoun; originally a period of six\nmonths, hence, either of the two\nperiods of instruction, commonly\n18 weeks in length, into which the\nacademic year is usually divided,\nOrigin: Greek from Latin—Se-\nmestris, half-yearly, from 8ez,\nsix, plus mensis, month,\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1621.4313515625, 8266.8122109375, 2420.194625, 9592.692671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "YOU'VE got to do more in a re-\nducing diet than merely count\nthe calories. You've got te make\nthe calories count as well.\n\nSince you are eating less food,\neach calorie must be loaded with\nvitamins, minerals and proteins.\nIt’s a good idea to apply this rule\nto all of your eating, whether\nyou are dieting or not.\n\nCalcium Important\n\nMilk has a fairly high caloric\ncontent, but it is also the best\nknown source of calcium. And\ncalcium is one of the most im-\nportant of all minerals to your\nbody.\n\nIt’s essential for building strong,\nstraight bones and sound teeth.\nIt’s also important for proper\nfunctioning of your heart and\nnervous system. Therefore, you\ncan readily see that milk is im-\nportant to you no matter what\nyour age.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3275.217728515625, 7561.87422265625, 4119.55448828125, 8086.66874609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "The angel of the Lord found her\nby a fountain of water in the wild-\nerness.—Gen. 16:7.\n\nAn angel is a messenger from\nGod, We can be His messengers.\nHagar is passed into history but\nthere are still men and women\nabandoned in the wilderness of sin\nand sorrow and poverty.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3349.891845703125, 8529.6591796875, 4102.1982421875, 9626.791015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\n“ EENIE - MEENIE -MEINEE - MO !”\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 102.531982421875, 3054.468994140625, 806.3817138671875, 3191.098388671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "What Is Parity?\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3265.348587890625, 4927.5758828125, 4099.98319921875, 7270.747359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "FRIDAY FARE\n\nThese individual casseroles look\n\nand taste delicious.\nTuna and Asparagus, Casserole\nStyle\nSalad Crisp Toast\nPlum Cobbler\nBeverage\nTUNA AND ASPARAGUS,\nCASSEROLE STYLE\n\nIngredients: 1 can (14 1-2 ounces)\n\ngreen asparagus, 4 tablespoons but-\nter or margarine, 4 tablespoons\nflour, milk, salt, pepper, 1-3 cup\ngrated Parmesan cheese, 2 cans\n(7 ounces each) tuna, 4 table-\nspoons grated Parmesan cheese,\npaprika.\nMethod: Drain liquid from aspara-\ngus into a measure; add enough\nmilk to make 2 cups. Melt butter\nin 1 or 1-2 quart saucepan over\nlow heat; stir in flour. Add milk\nall at once; cook and stir con-\nstantly until bubbly and _ thick-\nened; allow to bubble a few more\nminutes; add salt and pepper te\ntaste. Stir in 1-3 cup Parmesan.\nCool, then refrigerate, At serving\ntime, arrange asparagus in 4\nindividual casseroles, each hold-\ning at least 1 cup. Drain tuna;\nbreak up; arrange tuna over as-\nparagus; spoon sauce over; sprin-\nkle with the 14 cup Parmesan;\ndust with paprika. Bake in hot\n(425 degrees) oven until hot and\nbubbly—- 10 minutes or longer.\nMakes 4 hearty servings.\n\nNote: Individual heat-resistant\ngiass pie dishes (about 6 inches\nacross and 1 inch deep) are fine\nto use for this recipe.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1963.4898681640625, 499.0815124511719, 3677.4130859375, 617.200439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "A POWER ABOLIT TO BE RELEASED ?\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5036.033890625, 8298.43428125, 5838.36601171875, 9615.196578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "1~-He is a college professor, an\nauthor and television moderator.\nHe was born in Franklin, O., in\n1904, and is professor of English\nat Northwestern university,\nEvanston, Ill. He is the author of\na number of books, among them\nThe Psychiatry of Robert Burton\n(with @ collaborator), Natural\nHistory of Nonsense, is editor of\nFifty Hssays, Essays by Samuel\nJohnson, Boswells’ Life of John-\nson, and is @ contributor to many\nmagazines. He is also the modera-\ntor of the TV panel show, Down\nYou Go. Whatis his name?\n 2—This band leader was born\non a farm near Strasburg, N. D.,\nand began playing the accordion\nwhen he was & youngster. He left\nthe farm to join @ traveling tent\nshow, but soon quit to form his\nown band with which he landed a\njob on @& Yanktown, 8. D., radio\nstation. He eventually became\nthat station’s music director. His\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1697.19140625, 667.1429443359375, 4013.144775390625, 3224.468994140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4199.0309609375, 7546.56660546875, 5000.227828125, 8232.01103125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "1. What famous family lived at\nSulgrave manor?\n\n2. With what dramatic er his-\ntoric event do you associate the\nTarptian rock?\n\n3. What is the anglicized\nFrench word for disappointment;\nannoyance?\n\n4. To what country or locality\ndoes the word Peloponnesian an-\nply?\n5. What bird do you associate\nwith a pocket full of rye?\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4188.12353515625, 7267.75341796875, 5621.22900390625, 7467.11572265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "TODAY'S GRAB BAG\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2423.423783203125, 8265.3131875, 3234.963423828125, 9627.9534140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "| Eggs also are usually consid.\n,ered “fattening.” Actually, they\nare just the opposite in a reduc-\n| ing diet. To get from other foods\n| the necessary elements they give\n| you would require the eating of a\n_tremendous number of calories.\n| Liver, too, gives you exception-\n| ally good value for the number\nof calories it contains.\n\n| Yet it is difficult to pack enough\n| vitamins and minerals into the\n,reduced number of calories any\n|reducing diet contains.\n\nI suggest you ask your doctor to\n/recommend a supplementary ra-\n| tion of vitamins and minerals.\n| QUESTION AND ANSWER\n\nB. J.: My son recently cut him-\n/self. He now has an extremely\n\nlarge scar, that the doctor calls a\n| keloid. What can help this?\n\nAnswer: Usually a keloid can be\n‘helped by local radium or X-ray\n| treatments.\nures Syndicate, Ine,\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 6080.1669921875, 7291.826171875, 6639.31396484375, 7431.4150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "By ULIAN CAMrorn\nCentral Press Writer\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 83.77649688720703, 434.6757507324219, 1540.4429931640625, 895.98193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "“In Our Opinion\nTHE DEDICATION\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4213.776078125, 8839.1569375, 5009.8694296875, 9049.00321875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Right intention is to the actions\nof a man what the soul is to the\nbody, or the root to tht tree.—\nJeremy Taylor.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4200.26387109375, 8319.295609375, 5006.8987265625, 8713.446578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "1858—Theodore Roosevelt, 26th\nPresident of the United States\nborn. 1938—Alma Gluck, opers\nand concert singer, died. 1940—\nNow York’s World Fair closed\nafter 45 million paid admissions\nin two years.\n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 1896.49658203125, 7625.75390625, 3019.706298828125, 7767.56884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "RUNDESSEN on Health\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 4145.44209375, 3790.366166015625, 4998.22148046875, 7085.92362890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "MISS MIDNIGHT’S NOTEBOOK:\nDean Martin and his estranged\nwife “talked things over quietly”\nduring their Palm Springs ren-\ndezvous and ironed out many of\nthe differences that led to the sep-\naration. Friends say Dean is op-\ntimistic that she'll rejoin him in\nLos Angeles. . . . The name of\nMarilyn Monroe's current Very Se-\ncret Romance would flabbergast\nmillions. Like her last Very Secret\nRomance, a tycoon. And much’ old-\n\ner than she . . . The Toots Shors\nare lullabying their fourth child—\na baby girl . . . Jack Webb and\n\nJames (‘‘Medic'’) Moser, who de-\nveloped ‘‘Dragnet’’ into a zillion-\ndollar property, then battled, have\nburied the hatchet and» are pals\nagain . . . Tallulah Bankhead is\npatting herself on the back for\nher brilliant judgment in turning\ndown the feminine role in the last\nMilton Berle show because she\ndidn't like the script. It was pan-\nned mercilessly by the critics.\n\nBARBARA HUTTON has cabled\nher teenage son, Lance Reventlow,\nbeseeching him to give up sports\ncar racing. Only half an hour be-\nfore the crash in which James\nDean was killed, Lance was hook-\ned up with him in a challenge\nrace on the road. And even after\nthe tragedy, Lance went on to\nwin second place in the race Dean\nwas heading for.\n\nHAROLD ARLEN, who seldom\nappears in public without a\nbeauty as famous as Marlene Die-\ntrich or Gloria Vanderbilt, caused\nconsiderable craning and ogling at\nArt Ford's new Club Valentine\nwhen he appeared with a tall,\nexotically garbed brunette beauty\nwhose short-cut hair made her look\nlike a French or Italian movie\nqueen. But the most curious of the\ndate-watchers learned only that\nher name was ‘‘Miss Lynch’’.. . .\nGuy Vincent and Betsy Von Furs-\ntenberg are battling again, with\ntheir set making wagers on how\nlong it will take them to reach\nthe lawyers'-office stage.\n\nTHE BATTLE OF THE CEN-\nTURY is going on very quietly in\n\n@Obh.ehwwt A Tisws easléln «2% taeaed Shave\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 6011.2998046875, 4533.1123046875, 6539.1591796875, 4662.50732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Herrickville\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1643.5230712890625, 8205.16015625, 2272.58203125, 8257.423828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "By HERMAN WN. BUNDESEN MD.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 5430.75146484375, 491.6665344238281, 6680.658203125, 689.9364624023438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "By George E. Sokolsky\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 4414.19775390625, 8764.64453125, 4799.1240234375, 8821.6328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "7’ BEEN CAID\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 5845.21894921875, 7445.112015625, 6647.786421875, 7988.1975546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "band began to get engagements\nin theaters, hotels and ballrooms\nthrovghout the midwest and east,\nand developed the “Champagne”\nstyle of music. His band can be\nheard over television Saturday\nevenings, and was recently hon-\nored by being called the best\ndance band in the country. Who\n\nie ann a hh those of aot\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 4218.94482421875, 3475.612548828125, 6160.35546875, 3660.6572265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "THE VOICE OF BROADWAY =» vorom\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 4292.70947265625, 9092.189453125, 4914.4306640625, 9160.5908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 5862.83223046875, 8573.64521875, 6653.2961875, 8893.21025 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Owen D. Young, financier; John\nBoles, actor - singer; Teresa\nWright, actress; Jack Careon,\nactor, and Ralph Kiner and Del\nRice of baseball fame are on our\nbirthday list today.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1740.2811279296875, 3761.4248046875, 2259.759765625, 3814.64453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Ry J. M. RORERTS\n" }, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 5853.4997109375, 8115.39766015625, 6664.2561484375, 8455.4573203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Average good fortune is in@-\ncated for you in the months\nahead. and a gift or legacy seems\npossible, Today's child may be of\n= very kind, affectionate and\nloyal nature.\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 5869.80683984375, 8992.3688515625, 6670.99687109375, 9602.8518515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "1. The “Washington family,\nGeorge Washington's antecedents,\nin England.\n\n2. The rock from which: crim-\ninals were thrown in ancient\nRome.\n\n3, Chagrin.\n\n4. The lower Greek peninoula.\n\n5. The blackbird — “four-and-\ntwenty blackbirds baked in a pie.”\n\n: \"I?\n(SOUAT]-~ ‘etvAg wesaeg “4Ad—-1\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 5001.84834375, 3825.795365234375, 5845.66483984375, 7124.3967734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "name producers struggling\nfor the honor of putting on Helen\nHayes’ next play. Usually\n\nHelen makes up hér mind on this\npoint as soon as she’s decided on\nthe vehicle, but this time she's\ncaused a mad scramble, replete\nwith back-stabbings, by indicating\nit's a wide open race.\n\nAva Gardner never bought That\nHouse in Spain after all. She's\nstill living at the Madrid-Hilton.\nHer intimates figure she'll remain\nthe legally necessary 18 months\non foreign soil, to save herself\nmany thousands of dollars in\nincome taxes. Then back to Holly-\nwood . . . Despite the various de-\nnials, chums wouldn't be a bit\nsurprised if Lisa Ferraday and\nBroaderick Crawford make it\na Mexican wedding soon after he’s\nlegally free.\n\nTHE “PAYOLA\" system along\nTin Pan Alley hasn't abated, even\nin the face of editorials in the\ntrade publications and scoldings\nby some of the disc jockeys. One\nimportant record firm has all\nits disc artists listed according to\nprice, with the payoffs (for get-\nting them to snig a tune ranging\nfrom a few hundred dollars for\nthe minor performers to several\nthousand for top stars. One click-\ning quartette is down at $4,000 per\nsong.\n\nJOHNNIE RAY’'S London stay\nwas marred when a teenager tried\nto snatch his hearing aid. He was\nin pain for days afterwards .. .\nDiana Barrymore has _ shelved\nplans for her autobiography .. .\nKipp Hamilton, 20th Century-Fox's\nnewest glamorpuss, has a ter-\nrible problem for a movie star.\nShe's allergic to mink.\n\nPicasso’s health is so poog he\nhas stopped furnishing his new vil-\nla in Cannes so he can rest. Hasn't\neven moved a bed in yet. He\nsleeps on a mattress on the floor.\n\n \n\nSEVERAL BIG world series bets\nalong Broadway haven't been paid\noff yet. One—for $40,000-—-was half\npaid by a well-known gambler. He\nhas seven days to get up the rest\nor else, and the ‘‘or else’ comes\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 6041.60595703125, 8512.25, 6456.9990234375, 8563.2734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "MAPPY BIRTHDAY\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 3276.416458984375, 8107.326859375, 4133.6780234375, 8344.5686484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "An average of 19 million bank\nchecks are written daily in the\nUnited States, with an average\nface value of $200 per check,\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 3507.894287109375, 8436.9482421875, 3923.8359375, 8522.0712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "RIICKLEY\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 2495.3935546875, 4338.2822265625, 3212.241455078125, 4989.82080078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 4359.3056640625, 8269.5185546875, 4855.2578125, 8319.9775390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "TY MAPBENED TOOAY\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 4331.26513671875, 7497.283203125, 4842.17919921875, 7548.9892578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "THE ANSWER, QUICK!\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 3321.982421875, 4389.8876953125, 4050.826904296875, 4842.61083984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "banking\n: Fun x\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 5958.08544921875, 8939.9482421875, 6550.966796875, 8995.4716796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "MOW'D YOU MAKE OUT?\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 6075.86279296875, 8067.341796875, 6416.49072265625, 8120.201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "your PUTURE\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 4376.22021484375, 805.5816040039062, 4898.2275390625, 865.8986206054688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "QROATIVE VoTIVG\n" }, "56": null, "57": { "bbox": [ 3334.157958984375, 4382.8037109375, 4069.277099609375, 4853.74658203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "Cooking sy\nIs Fun x$\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 123.68792724609375, 7573.06103515625, 1530.618408203125, 9726.7724609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "THE DAILY REVIEW\n\nIn Its Seventy-Sixth Year\n\nPublished By\nTHE TOWANDA PRINTING COMPANY\nCo-Publishers — David M. Turner, Thomas J. Finn, Sr.\n\n‘DAVID M. TURNER +reeseeeeveesess Editor and President\n‘THOMAS J. FINN. SR. teeeeeseesss Business Manager and\n\n. Vice-President\nWBNNIE M. BAKER ......c0cess Secretary and Treasurer\nSTALEY N. CLARKE PPC OC Oeste eneses Mana ing Editor\nSEY MONI i. sihesscecssihcc. iry Editor\nHENRY T ROCKWELL\n\nseeeeeseses, Advertising Manager\n\neaten eeneeneneemeneneen tts 2022, Savertising Manage\n| 2” ee SS Oct. 27, 1955\neer eeeeeereneeneninnatenemenseeesennensitessenceneemensemnumnsasnan\n\n \n\na\n\n| TERMS\n‘To Mai! Subscribers in Bradford County :\n» MONTH....... $1.00 — THREE MONTHS....... $2.75\n\nSIX MONTHS.......$5.00 — ONE YFAR...... $10.00\n3. 4, 5 Zones, Year $1140 — § 7 8 Zones, Year $13.8¢\nDelivered by Carrier in Towanda ....... seeeee 350 @ Week\n* Single Copies Five Cents\nEntered at the Post Office in Towauda, Pa.. as Second\nve Class Matter.\n\n» The Daily Review assumes no financial responsibility\nfor errors which may appear in advertisements published\n\nits columns, but in case the paper is at fault it will re-\nthi that part of the advertisement in which the typo\n€raphical mistake occurred.\n\n~ The business office of The coolly Review wil} be open\nduring the following hours: Week days from 8 a. m. until\n\np.m. except Saturdays when the Office wil) close at 12\n@'clock noon and remain closed all day Sunday\n\n.\n\n. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRiESs\nember Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ Assuciation\nMember American Newspaper Publishere’ Axsoriatian\n" }, "59": null, "60": { "bbox": [ 5005.67822265625, 7471.4306640625, 5801.86376953125, 7539.6220703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "FOLKS OF FAME—GUESS THE NAME\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 3272.090287109375, 4978.03584375, 4121.790328125, 5379.91581640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "PRAMAY FARE\nThese individual casseroles look\nand taste delicious.\nTuna and Asparagus, Casserole\nStyle\nSalad Crisp Toast\nPlum Cobbler\n\nReveragre\n" }, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 6, 8 ], [ 6, 16 ], [ 8, 16 ], [ 13, 7 ] ]
[ 6696.1865234375, 9679.463984375001 ]
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3448.841064453125, 2500.993408203125, 5774.0380859375, 4397.3740234375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1800.2132568359375, 2532.88525390625, 2534.4677734375, 3668.67138671875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5816.923828125, 2343.273193359375, 6592.779296875, 3043.50341796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "19 Others\nFigure i in\nMishaps -\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1785.0366259765624, 5080.50232421875, 2591.112421875, 7513.7383984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "‘Testifying before a fact-finding\ncommission appointed by the Bucks\npure court, Sellersville Borough\nSecretary Charles R. Witmer told\nthe commission that the proposed\nannexation of two tracts of land te\n\nSellersville borough will be a great\n\nadvantage.\n\n‘The hearing will be eoatinusd at 2\nlater date it was announced at the\nclose of Friday's testimony.\n\nThe dispute centers around twe\ntracts proposed to be anexed from\nan adjoining township, including 2¢\n\nacres. On one tract is located the\n\n‘offices and factory of the Schul.\n\n/merich Electronics, Inc.\n\n| The proposed annexation would\n\nalso take a proposed development of\n\n34 new houses. The second tract is\n\nvacant and is 34,000 square feet ir\n\narea,\n\n| The advantages of annexatior\nwere outlined by the secretary. He\npointed out that as borough resi\n_dents, water, sewer and recreation\nal facilities would be available, as\n_well as zoning and police and tire\n\n| protection.\n\n| Under cross-examination Witme\ndisclosed that Sellersville has al\nready agreed to provide the develop\n| ment with sewerage and water\n“dines, regardless of the outcome o\nthe hearings. Witmer said counci\nset aside $12,000 for utilities for the\n_ development being built by Josepl\nBarness, of Warrington.\n| Howard L. Conover, of Quaker\ntown, executive vice president o\n\nSchulmerich, said the compan:\n\nwould get better police protectio\nfrom the borough, if annexed.\n\nHe said he felt the company ha\n(Miease turn to Page 3, Col. 4)\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5029.262578125, 5264.075078125, 5844.11828125, 7080.38634765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "One of the closest election fights\non record in Bucks county recent\nly, may or may not have been\ndecided. :\nOn the basis of a recount held\nin the courthouse Friday before\nPresident Judge Edward G. Bies-\n\niter, J. Russell Newbold, incumbent\n| Middletown township supervisor,\nappeared to have clinched by two\nvotes the Republican nomination\nin his bid for re-election at the\nNovember election.\n\n| Newbold requested the recount\n/of primary ballots after official re-\n|turns showed he had lost the no-\n| mination to Sven Nelson, a former\n| township supervisor by a one-vote\nmargin.\n\nThe primary returns gave Niel.\n| Sen 402 votes and Newbold and _ 39:\n| After the recount the vote total\nishowed 394 for Newbold and 392\n|for Nielson.\n\nJudge Biester said that the re.\n|count result, showing Newbold the\n| winner should stand unless chal\n| lenged by the attorneys.\n\nNeilson said he is talking ove\nthe possibility of an appeal with hi\n\nlawyer.\n\n“I don’t concede that I lost,”’ h\n' Said,\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 5826.9686328125, 3075.02576171875, 6653.06408203125, 5348.98791015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "A Perkasie woman was\nkilled and 19 persons figured\nin automobile accidents cauge\ned by fog, wet highways and\nhazardous driving conditions\nin Central Bucks county over\nthe weekend. :\n\nA Perkasie woman, Mrs. Eva\nKerber, 63, 209 E. 6th st., was killed\nlast evening in an automobile crash\nnear Lansdale. .\n\nTossed From Car\n\nMrs. Kerber was killed when she\nwas tossed out of the automobile\nher husband was driving by the\nforce of a collision at Allentown\nand Derstine rds., Lansdale. She\ndied at 7:10 last night shortly after\nbeing admitted to the Grand View\nHospital, Sellersville.\n\nHer husband, Charles 65, and the\nother driver, George Marquette,\n35, of Reese st., near ee\n\n-Phila., escaped with minor in\nThey also were treated at the Grand\nView Hospital.\n\nStruck b\n\nAngeo Corduba tue 34, Nesh-\naminy, sustained a fractured right\nleg about 7:45 Saturday evening\nwhen he was struck by a car driv\n_en by Elmer Rogar, 44, pear\nroad, Warrington. Rogar was\ning north on Route 611 and ti\npedestrian-car crash occurred~-et\nStreet road and Route 611.\n\nwas taken to Abington r\nHospital by a Horsham\nTpr. John J. Wood iavestigntell\n\nMrs. Elmer D. Brunner, Gléi-\nside, received a fracture of the\n\ni left leg about 11:10 Sunday m@g-\n(Please turn to Page 3, Col. 1)\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2634.219365234375, 8379.118046875, 3438.35998046875, 9664.358515625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "slayer in the holdup on Dec, 22,\n1947, Harold Foster, 30, have them-\nselves escaped the chair with each\nreprieve granted Darcy. Foster al-\nso was scheduled to die the week\nof June 27.\n\nDarcy's latest appeal was heard\nby the Circuit Court sitting en-\nbanc on April 4, just two weeks\nbefore he was scheduled to be elec-\ntrocuted. The appeal resulted in\nhis 23d reprieve from the chair.\n\nThe hearing was highlighted by\na scathing attack by Deputy At-\ntorney General Frank P. Lawley,\nJr., on the convicted man’s present\nand previous legal advisors who, he\nsaid, had been acting “upon the\ntheory that a shotgun fired into a\nrain barrel must hit something.”\n\nLawley charged the lawyers\ndirectly attacked the press, the\na. trial defense counsel, the\n\nTurn Te Pege 3, Col. §)\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4267.85828125, 8452.516484375, 5074.739375, 9679.463984375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "The first recorded ordination of\na minister took place yesterday in\n212-year-old Tohickon Church at\nWeisel.\n\nHenry FE. Johnson, who has been\nsupply pastor at the church, was\nordained in a service yesterday\nafternoon at 3 p.m.\n\nAs far as can be learned from\npast records of the church, the St.\nPeter's Evangelical and Reformed\ncongregation has never seen one of\ntheir ministers ordained in their\nown church,\n\nThe Rev. Johnson was called to\nthe pastorate of the church during\na special congregational meeting\nat the church Sunday, May 29. He\nis a native of Minnesota “and has\nbeen a student minister at the\nchurch for seven months, he\nreplaced Dr. Charles E. an.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1824.028935546875, 8373.0184375, 2621.9864453125, 9650.522578125001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "George M. Leader set a new date\nfor carrying out the death = sen-\ntence. Thus the earliest the Gov-\nernor could act would be June 27.\n\nIn the meantime, another factor\nemerges which might provide still\none more whirl to the merry-go-\nround of appeal.\n\nOne of his three partners in the\ncrime, Harry Zeitz, 25, scheduled\nto die for his part in the slaying\nduring the week of June 27, has an\nappeal coming up next week before\nthe State Pardon Board.\n\nFavorable action or even delay\nin the Zeitz case is almost certain\nto supply new ammunition for Dar-\ncey's lawyers who now, after sev-\nen years of legal maneuvering, ap-\npear to have exhausted every aven-\nue of escape.\n\nThis would only be a turnabout,\nsince Zeitz and the third convicted\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2577.043095703125, 3056.76453125, 3396.50890625, 5579.13732421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "State Police have not yet\nfound 60-year-old Milton I.\nElkernkotter, George School\nworker who is accused of\nfiring six shots at a fellow\nemploye Saturday night ac-\ncording to Paul Blanshard,\nschool public relations direc-\ntor.\n| The suspect, Elkernkotter, who\nlives at the school and maintains\na residence at Kater street near\nBroad in Philadelphia, disappeared\nfollowing the incident Saturday\nnight.\n| James Barnes, 28, who was ob-\nject of Elkenkotter’s attack, was\ninjured as he dived through a se-\ncond story window to avoid the\n‘shots.\n\nThe injured man, could give no\nreason for the alleged attack, say-\n_ing he knew lkernkotter less than\n‘a month, Barnes told police that\n/Elkernkotter came to the employ-\nles’ quarters late Saturday night,\npounded on the door to Barnes’\n| room and shouted, ‘Open up or\n| I'll shoot.”\n\nElkernkotter opened the door,\n| fired one shot from a pistol but\nceased fire temporarily when an\n| unidentified man slammed the door\n\n‘jin his face. A few seconds later\nElkernkotter fired five shots\nthrough the door. ;\n\nGeorge School authorities said\n\nno students were in the vicinity at\nz the time as school had closed for\n; the scholastic year.\né Barnes was hurt when he leaped\nlout of the window of his second\n1 floor room and plunged 15 feet tc\nija driveway. He was taken to the\nD Lower Bucks County Hospital with\nt, multiple bruises.\n\n| None of the bullets hit Barnes.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 5058.2822265625, 7128.1455078125, 5668.4296875, 7291.21044921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Postmasters\nTo Meet June 21\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2611.78845703125, 6082.53162109375, 3405.83166015625, 7921.98205078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "The Doylestown High School\nClass of 1930 met for a 25th year\nreunion supper Saturday evening\nat the Water Wheel Inn.\n\nOf the 76 persons present 37 were\nmembers of the class.\n\n- Thomas L. Beane, president,\nMrs. Denald B, Smith, secretary,\n‘Russell L. Nash, treasurer, Mrs.\n‘Edward Happ, Donald B, Smith,\nand John H. Elfman formed the\ncommittee that sponsored the re-\nunion,\n| President Beane presided, wel-\ncomed the members and guests\nand commented on the several who\n‘could not attend. Two of the 67\ngraduating members have diec\nduring the last 25 years.\n| John H. Elfman, acting as Mas.\nter of Ceremonies, presented spe\ncial gifts to Mrs. Ruth Kelly Cof.\nfey, of Anchorage, Alaska, whe\ntravelled the farthest to attend; te\nMrs. Louisa Bessler Jones, Jami\n‘son, for being the first to marry\nand for having the oldest child\nto Dr. Blaine R. Garner, Newtown\nfor having brought most babies in\nto the world and having the mos\nbabies named after him; to Ed\nward Y. Good, Pottstown, for be\ning the only member to be liste:\ni (Mease turn to Page 3, Col. 3)\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3642.764404296875, 2335.14306640625, 5590.1669921875, 2489.78857421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Still ‘Serving’ on the Hometront\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5093.01111328125, 8457.32703125, 5895.7989453125, 9669.935664062501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "who became ill. The former pastor,\nthe Rev. N. E. Schullenberger, re-\nsigned some months before.\n\nRev, Johnson, a graduate of\nMuhlenberg College, was graduated\nfrom Reformed Episcopal Seminary\nin Philadelphia, where he received\na B. D. degree. He was licensed to\npreach in a special meeting of the\nPhiladelphia Synod on June 7 at\nUrsinus College.\n\nNeighboring pastors and\ngations were present for the\ntorie ceremony, which was follew-\ned by a reception for the pastor\nin the dining area downstairs.\n\nA new parsonage is being built\nfor the new pastor, and a ground\nbreaking ceremony was held in the\nearly evening. Angeny Brothers, of\nDanboro, have received the con-\ntract for the building, to he located\non ground near the church.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 979.7345629882813, 6076.4090625, 1779.7038525390626, 7918.62267578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Reports from Harrisburg __in-\ndicate that Gov. George M. Lead-\ner is remaining mum as to whether\nor not he is willing to reinstate\nAlex Miller, (R.) Easton, as chair-\nman of the Delaware River Joint\nToll Bridge Commission.\n\nA month ago Leader dismissed\nMiller, and R. Chapman Carver,\nRepublican Bucks county political\nleader, as members of the com-\nmission. On the same day he nom-\ninated Gus Verona, of Pen Argyl,\nand John P. Fullam, of Bucks\ncounty, as replacements.\n\nThe nominations have been gath-\n\nering dust in the Senate Comm)|t-\n‘tee on Executive Nominations\n|since then. Sen. Edward B. Wat-\nison ‘R.-Bucks) is the committee\nchairman.\n| Several days ago Sen Joseph J.\n|Yosko (D.-Northampton) issued a\n‘Statement in which he said Miller\n| was “reportedly\"’ still acting as\ncommittee chairman.\n: Sen, Joseph M. Barr, Democra\n|tie State chairman said over the\n| weekend that much pressure is be\n| ing exerted in pehald of Miller's\n|\n\n \n\nreinstatement.\n\nBarr admits that Sen. Watsor\nhas been to the governor's of\n‘fice a few times, visits reportedly\n| (Please Turn to Page 3, Col. 2)\n\nSinbinieiaticaiiahibieaiininatisiesiiuhamslitiaiiama\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2603.11181640625, 5598.4619140625, 3358.556640625, 6049.7119140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Doylestown\nClass of ’30\nHas Reunion\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1003.0537158203125, 8376.22546875, 1809.9001416015626, 9651.377070312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "David Darey, Harold Foster and\nHarry Zeitz have evaded execution\nfor seven years,\n\nOn Wednesday it will be exactly\nseven years that a Bucks County\nJury convicted Darcy of murder\nand recommended the death penal-\nty.\n\nSeven years and 23 reprieves af-\nter his sentence to death in the\nFeasterville Inn holdup - slaying\nfinds him still without a date set\nfor his execution.\n\nAlthough the U.S. Court of * Ap-\npeals for the 3d Circuit last week\neelected the latest of Darcy's pleas\nfor a writ of habeas corpus, the\nlaw allows 15 days for the filing\nof a petition ‘or a rehearing.\n\nIf no such i is filed, or if\nit is denied, the court vacates the\nlatest stay of execution, which in\nthis case was granted on April 5.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3448.97595703125, 7989.85046875, 4257.051875, 9670.6407421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Alfred Hubner will serve as\n\npresident of the Alfred Wick Post\n| Auxiliary of the VFW, Chalfont, and\n‘Mrs. Walter Fell will be next year’s\nvice president.\n| Mrs. Harold Moyer, of the VFW\nEighth District, assisted by Mrs.\nDorothy Barringer, Bucks County\nCouncil president, installed the new\nofficers among whom were, in ad-\ndition to president and vice presi-\ndent, Junior vice president, Mrs.\nNorman Baker; treasurer, Mrs.\nRussell Wiley; secretary, Mrs.\nHarry McConnell; chaplain, Mrs.\nEd Raylman, and guard, Mrs.\nGeorge Holt.\n\nThe auxiliary and Post members\nentertained 185 veterans who are\npatients at Valley Porge VA Hospi-\ntal when various card games were\nplayed and refreshments served,\n\nThirteen hand-made woolen patch-\nwork lap robes will be presented to\nthe hospital for use of wheel chair\npatients.\n\nA check for $500 was presented\nto the Post by the auxiliary to be\nused for further equipping the new\nkitchen at the Post Home to facilit-\nate handling of banquets and wed-\nding receptions.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 161.65086364746094, 6126.0517578125, 954.719970703125, 6577.75732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Dublin Lions\nMark 10th\nYear Tonight\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3445.58984375, 7653.8447265625, 4183.85400390625, 7956.53125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Hubner\nAux. Head\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1781.8843994140625, 4495.9228515625, 2565.162109375, 5052.94482421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Sellersville\nMay Annex\n20 Acres\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 958.85546875, 2326.532470703125, 1670.107666015625, 3013.036376953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Aid Fails\nToSave\nCo. Barn\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4273.17724609375, 7958.94970703125, 5855.3701171875, 8421.3994140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "212-Yr. Old Church\nSiteoflstOrdination\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 152.37294494628907, 6609.17517578125, 976.387568359375, 8526.061640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Dublin Lions Club will hold its\n10th anniversary charter meeting\nat a dinner at 7:15 tonight at For-\nrest Lodge, VFW Home, Sellers-\nville, with the ladies as guests,\n\nRobert Brugger, past president\nof the Plumstead Lions Club, will\nserve as toastmaster, Among dig-\nnitaries present will be Albert Zie-\ngenfuss, Deputy District Governor\nof District 14A, Sellersville; Wil-\nliam Wolfinger, Zone Chairman of\nRegion 6, Chalfont; and John Soh-\nday, Past Governor of the district,\nPerkasie.\n\nLions Clubs invited to celebrate\nwith Dublin include the Perkasie,\nHilltown and Plumstead Lions\nClubs. Charter member chevrons\nwill be presented to the 1! charter\nmembers, and also 10-year perfect\nattendance pins.\n\nRob Brugger will introduce the\nvisiting Lions and will be followed\nby a presentation of the awards.\n“Dopey” Duncan, of Radio Station\nWKAP, Allentown, will entertain\nthe group, and group singing will\nbe led by Willard Meyers. Norman\nGahman, chaplain, will give the\ninvocation, Dinner’ music will be\nprovided by Mrs. Joan Wismer,\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 912.80029296875, 1776.231689453125, 6601.4521484375, 2261.828369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "PERKASIE WOMAN KILLED IN CRASH\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 2572.98828125, 2326.89697265625, 3294.84521484375, 3021.27734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Shooting\nSuspect\nEscapes\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5061.1209765625, 7310.06384765625, 5874.29455078125, 7945.4395703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Bucks and Montgomery county\npostmasters will meet for a special\njoint dinner meeting at Casa Conti\nRestaurant at Glenside on Tues-\nday, June 21, with the regional\noperations manager, D, A. Myers,\nas speaker.\n\nThe dinner will be at 7:15 p.m..\nwith reservations in charge of\nCatherine E. Ottolini, Fairless Hills.\nMembers and guests must have\nlreservations in by June 15,\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4282.53466796875, 5930.0830078125, 4997.86865234375, 7000.41015625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3416.295654296875, 4750.921875, 5769.26123046875, 5238.5166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n\nRecount Puts Newbold Ahead\nOf Nielsen in Close 2-Vote Tab\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1002.7061767578125, 7940.29931640625, 3410.0625, 8351.3017578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "'7 Years and 23 Reprieves..\n\nDarcy, Foster, Zeitz kal Chai\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 210.04063415527344, 744.3997192382812, 820.5281372070312, 1263.87109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Just\nBetween\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 151.00331115722656, 5461.6982421875, 1744.0438232421875, 6058.81201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "WatsonSeen‘Sitting on’\nGov. Leader’s Choices\nFor Many State Posts\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 961.9075366210938, 3069.7479296875, 1766.0070751953126, 5425.6036328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "A fire of undetermined ori-\ngin at 3:45 this morning\ndestroyed a barn on the pro-\nperty of George Brower, Bed-\nminster township, located be-\ntween Ridge and Ottsville\nroads,\n\nThe barn and all its contents,\nincluding machinery and four fons\nof straw and one of hay, was\nburned to the ground as the 35\nfiremen from Dublin Fire Com-\npany came to the rescue and man-\naged to save a chicken shelter.\nPerkasie Fire Company came, but\n‘Dublin already had the fire under\ncontrol.\n\nHeard Dog Bark\n\nThe owner said that he heard\n‘the dag barking but paid no at-\n‘tention until he saw the light of\n‘the fire, and got up to find the\nbarn afire.,\n\nChief Lloyd Crouthamel, of Dub-\nlin, estimated the amount of dam-\n| age, and said this morning that\ninvestigation as to the cause is\nstill underway. State Police are in-\n| Vestigating possibility of arson and\n| Since the hottest point of the fire\n/was at the installation meter of\nthe electric line, possibility of elec\n\n| trical storms affecting the area al-\nso are under investigation.\n\n| The firemen worked for two and\n‘a quarter hours to put out the\n\n‘fire.\n\n \n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 5909.79150390625, 5390.2939453125, 6595.896484375, 5563.35888671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Here ’n’ There\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1857.7958984375, 2345.5400390625, 2453.630615234375, 2497.577880859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "At School\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 5857.235234375, 5629.5330859375, 6683.9551953125, 7540.7735546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "14th as part of their regular June\nmeeting, which will be known as\n“Kaiser Night.” Joseph P. Flynn,\nKMP’s labor relations manager,\nwill be featured speaker at the\n‘dinner following the tour, to be\n‘held at the Edgely Fire House.\n\nJudy Cole, eeu daughter\n(of Mrs. Florence C o 1 e, 63 W.\nAshland st., Doylestown, is a pat-\njient at Temple University Hospital,\n‘Philadelphia.\n\ne*e?°e\n| The Mite Society of St. James\n‘Lutheran Church, Chalfont, will\n| meet tomorrow evening at the par-\n\\ish house, A covered dish supper\niat 7 p.m. will precede the regular\n| meeting.\nees\n| Arnold Marsh, Main street New-\n|portville, a freshman at Miami\nCollege Oxford, Ohio w a s r@\ncently pledged to the Delta Chi\nFraternity.\nees\n| Miss Jane Gilbert, Forest\n' Grove, left Friday night for Scroon\n| Lake, New York, where she will\n| work for the summer at Jack Wyrt-\n\"| (Please Turn To Page 3, Col. 8)\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 4270.31689453125, 5725.529296875, 4990.302734375, 5892.1533203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Wins Ph.D.\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 3380.380126953125, 5285.31591796875, 4991.63720703125, 5672.81884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "In Brief:\n\nU. S., World News\n\n \n\n \n" }, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 112.36026489257813, 1562.0031787109374, 929.9675244140625, 5442.12658203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "He stood alone in the field.\nThe rain had beaten t h e\nwrinkles out of his shirt. His\nhair was straight and black\nand appeared to be painted\non his head,\n\nHe stood ankle deep in the mud.\nHis hands were buried in_ the\npockets of overalls that once were\nblue. He didn’t do anything for the\nseveral minutes we watched him.\nHe just stood, staring off across\nthe rain-swept fields.\n\n* ¢ 8\n\nHe was presumably a farmer\nand owner of the rolling\nPonnsylvania farmland that stretch.\ned into the distance as far as the\nrain would allow visibility.\n\nWe saw him from the warr\nconfines of our car park\ned on the shoulder of the road.\n\nThe distaff side of our family\npointed him out as we rounded ¢\nbend in the road and a distant flast\nof lightning cut through the rair\nand mist.\n\nAt first he appeared to be ;\nrather unique and forlorn scare\ncrow, but when we pulled to th\nside of the road and rolled dowr\nthe window as far as the rain woul\nallow, it became apparent it wai\na man,\n\n* * *\n\nWe watched him for what migh\nhave been a half-minute or a half\nhour,\n\nHe didn’t do anything, he jus\nstood there in the rain, as thougl\nwaiting.\n\nThen, from off in the directio\nof the house that stood on th\nedge of the field, there came th\nblinking flashes of light that a cat\nried flashlight makes.\n\ns « @\n\nWhen the farmer saw the light\nhe turned and stood looking ol\ntoward the house where a woma\nand a boy stumbled their way :\ncross the fields toward him.\n\nWhen they came closer, we coul\nsee that neither the woman no\nthe boy had raincoats and soot\nlike the farmer, they were we\nto the skin.\n\nWhen they reached the farme'\nthe woman put an arm around hi\nwaist, and the boy stood holdin\nthe man’s hand.\n\nThey didn't do anything, the\njust stood looking at the rain.\n\neee\n\nThen the woman seid somethin\nand the farmer threw back his hea\nand laughed and the three of the\nturned and walked back toward th\nhouse. Their hands were out, palm\n\nup.\n\nWe started the car, pulled bac\non to the road and into a driving ra\nwhich suddenly didn't seem so u!\nfriendly any more.—GRT.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 3417.966923828125, 5676.84314453125, 4222.05919921875, 7628.6505078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "DETROIT (INS) - General Mo\ntors and the CIO United Auto Work-\ners agreed early today on a new\nthree-year contract which includes\nguaranteed wage provisions match-\ning those granted Ford employes.\n\nThe agreement was announced\nat 4:15 a.m. (EDT), three hours\nand 15 minutes after the midnight\nstrike deadline and after thousands\nof GM workers had walked off\ntheir jobs across the nation to en-\nforce guaranteed annual wage de-\nmands,\n\n* ¢ @\n\nLE MANS, France (INS)- The\n\nnumber of persons killed in the\nflaming crash of a speeding\n\nsports car at the Le Mans Grand\n\nPrix road race rose teday to 79\n\nand is expected to go still higher.\n\nThe death toll mounted from\n\nSunday's official 77 figure when\n_ two persons succumbed from cy-\n| teal injuries suffered in Satur-\n\nday's accident, the most disas-\n\ntrous in racing car history.\n| 7 ¢e\n| BUENOS AIRES (INS) - The\n‘Argentine parliament meets in\n‘special session today to take steps\nto end mounting unrest over the\nprojected separation of church and\nstate in this predonimantly Ro.\n;man Catholic country,\n| President Juan Peron reportedly\ni (Piease turn to Page 3, Col. 4)\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 5915.44384765625, 7582.75732421875, 6696.1865234375, 9634.6591796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 112.47957611083984, 332.8525695800781, 6595.73974609375, 674.0037841796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "George, Helen Papashvily Speak in ‘Voices for Peace’ Tomorrow.\n\n \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 6027.7802734375, 5573.15283203125, 6478.64208984375, 5631.3857421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "In Bucks County\n" }, "46": null, "47": { "bbox": [ 204.2066650390625, 1281.3828125, 842.5181884765625, 1530.7138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "He Stood In\nThe Rain Looking\nAcross the Fields\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 4267.18201171875, 7058.43396484375, 5032.301875, 7936.272578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "VEEN SUN HR, DLUALAMAN\nClinton R. Blackman, of 94\nSwamp rd., near Doylestown, as-\nsociate professor of agronomy\nand head of the agronomy de-\npartment at National Agricultur-\nal College, has received the de-\ngree of Doctor of Philosophy\nfrom Rutgers University. A\nveteran of World War Il, Black-\nman taught at the University of\nMassachusetts, where he receiv-\ned his MS in agronomy. He re-\nceived his BS degree from Clem-\nson College in 1941. Blackman\nlives with his wife and four child-\nren at the Swamp road address.\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 1873.391357421875, 7547.31103515625, 2557.84619140625, 7856.1884765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Today\n\nJune 13, 1633 — Maryland\ncharter issued to Lord Baltl-\nmore.\n" }, "50": null, "51": { "bbox": [ 1867.7648974609374, 7644.07361328125, 2553.250361328125, 7843.86828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "June 13, 1633 — Maryland\ncharter issued to Lord Baltl-\nmore,\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 174.1741229248047, 8805.0330859375, 988.8630322265625, 8978.060664062501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "PFOUND--Large black young male\ndog. Similar to apringer spaniel.\nVieiniiy of Danboro, Plumetead-\nwile 474\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 304.1476745605469, 9174.986328125, 884.8802490234375, 9243.7421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "Teday’s index\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 427.7515563964844, 8536.0771484375, 815.3326416015625, 8600.759765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "Lest & Found\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 2015.051513671875, 7550.46240234375, 2387.076904296875, 7651.4638671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Today\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 162.61066162109375, 8620.4920703125, 984.6464184570312, 8785.993281250001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": " \n\nLost - ~ Perakeat (Peet) “pine, lost\nSaturday in Tinieum, Reward $25.\nUblerstown 260-R-11,\n" }, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 4, 38 ], [ 12, 15 ], [ 16, 20 ], [ 24, 45 ], [ 24, 46 ], [ 45, 46 ] ]
[ 5058.3718125, 6984.6452500000005 ]
[ [ 12, 15 ], [ 20, 16 ], [ 24, 46 ], [ 38, 4 ], [ 45, 24 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 671.73902734375, 2511.22437890625, 1274.366685546875, 3852.72972265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "| PARIS uw — Antoine Pinay, a\nconservative who once said he\nwould “never go back into that\nbear cage.’ sought support today\nfor his second term as French\npremier\n\nThe 63-year-old owner of a\nsmall-town tannery agreed last\nnight to try to farm Frances 2ist\npostwar government, succeeding\nthe cabinet of Pierre Mendes-\nFrance Pinay told newsmen he\nmapetd 50, baw hae, Kiet: ot pros pet\ntive ministers ready by Th y.\n\nOne of the longer - lived of\nFrance's numerous postwar pre\nmiers, Pinay headed the govern-\nment for 943 months in 192. He\nwon considerable personal popular\nity with his conservative ‘save the\nfranc’ fiscal policy, which check-\ned msing prices though it did not\nsolve France's basic economic\nills. Facing three confidence votes\nand considered certain to lose all\nof them, he resigned Dec. 23. 192,\nand vowed never again.\n\nHis party and the MRP were the\nbackbone of the last premter's op-\nposition. When the Communists, a\nbloc of Mendes-France's own radi-\ncal Socialists, and some of the\nGaullists joined them in voting\nagainst the Premiers North Afri-\ncan policy Saturday morning, the\ncabinet fell after 73 months in of-\ntice.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2536.809095703125, 4556.251234375, 3164.031724609375, 6283.5163437500005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "| NEW YORK U—A young wom.\nan graduate college student was\nfound choked and stabbed to death\nyesterday in a dingy, sixth-floor\nManhattan tenement.\n\n“One of the most brutal mur-\nders I've ever seen,\" said Police\nCapt William Schnabel after in-\nspect the death scene\n\nThe ly of Anne Yarrow, 23,\nwas discovered yesterday by a\nfriend who had gone home to\nSouth Carolina for 10 days and al-\nlowed Miss Yarrow to use the\napartment in her absence.\n\nHerta Payson returned to her\n'sixth-floor frugal lodgings to find\n‘the front door almost ripped from\nits hinges and the latch smashed\nHer frends mutilated body was\nsprawled on a mattress on the\nfloor clad only in a sweater anu\nstabbed at least 46 times\n\nNo weapon was found. Dr Mul-\nton Helpern, chief medical exam\n\n}vorced and her mother, now mar-\nned to ship captain Alex Kaelep\nhives in Astoma, Queens The slain\n\nri was a 1953 honor graduate of\n\nullford College near Greensboro\nN ¢_ and had hived with her\nmother and stepfather unti) she\nrecently took an apartment with\ntwo other gigis in Brooklyn\n\nThe mother weeping bitteris\nsobbed yesterday ‘My daughter\nshe was an ideahst [ dont know\nwhy they are always the ones who\nget killed *\n\nMiss Yarrow had heen a grad-\nduate student at the Washington\nSquare College of New York Uni-\nversity\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1920.83668359375, 5089.15016015625, 2530.967271484375, 6361.7931992187505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "CAIRO, Egypt UP—Egypt to-\nday had lost her fight to unite\nthe Arab world behind a neu-\ntralist policv and block Western\nmiltary aid in Middle Eastern\ndefense\n\nLeaders of the eight Agab\nleague states last night ended\ntheir heated 16-day defense con-\nference—summoned by Egypt\nto block the projected Iraq-Tur-\nkey alliance—without even agree-\ning on a fina] communique\n\nThere were indications other\nArab states in addition to Iraq\nwere tnclined eventually to join\nwith Turkey and {indirectly with\nthe Western powers because of\ntheir growing fear of posmih'e\nSoviet aggression\n\nFven some Fgyptian officals\nadmitted privately the meeting\nhad been a sharp defeat for\nExypt and a blow at her Jeader-\nship of the Jeague\n\nIt was a sictory for Traqs\ntough Httle anti-Communist pre\nmier Nuri Said whose Chamber\nof Deputies gave him a unan-\nmoue vote of confiedence in\nBaghdad last night after he said\nemphatically he would complete\ntht defense treaty with Turkey\nin spite of Egypt |\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 677.8050063476562, 4256.48902734375, 1279.513658203125, 5625.5031601562505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON vP—Sen Me-\nClellan \\D-Ark ) says he has\nasked and received the resigna-\ntion of investigator Charles\n‘Tracy, but knows nothing of a\nreport that Tracy had informa-\ntion linking a Democratic sena-\ntor with a campaign contmba-\ntion from a Communist\n\nSen McCarthy (R-Wis) said\nin Milwaukee that a Democratic\nsenator whom he_ refused to\n‘name had knowingly received\n$300 from a Communist party\nofficial on the West Coast He\nsaid Tracy had ‘stumbled onto\n‘the information and was being\nfired as a result\n\nBut McClellan who succeeded\nMcCarthy as chairman of the\nSenate Investigations Subeom-\nmittee for which Tracy works\nsaid \"I never heard of it before °\n| McClellan said he had ad.ised\n/gix subcommittee staff members\n| who had worked under McCarthy\nthat ‘they would not be recom.\n-taended for confirmation’ in their\nold jobs because ‘I didnt want\nto retain them penod\n\n‘Four of them have tendered\ntheir resignations including\nTracy.” McClellan said “I dont\nknow what information Tracy\n.may have given Sen “McCarthy\nIt certainly wasnt made known\n\nnm mre\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1285.4173720703125, 3861.073744140625, 1900.0905625, 5336.5641953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "310,00 ~Uressed in a scanty Wa-\npeze costume of pink and spanglies\nplus her brilliant diamonds, the\nskating star treated 200 guests to\na filet mignon dinner and all the\nFrench champagne they could\ndnnk .\n\nThe filmsters had the time of\ntheir lives. James Mason came as\na genteel clown with a nose that\nfiashed a red light Mrs Mason\n|was & bearded lady. as were\n| Benay Venuta and Lita Baron\n(Mrs Rory Calhoun)\n\nEsther Wilhams won a magnum\nof champagne for the best cos-\ntume, she was a Persian mind\nreader with a goldfish bowl as a\ncrystal ball Mrs. Reginald Gar-\ndiner armved as “Manlyn the sexy\nseal ' flippers and ali Zsa Zsa\nGabor seemed well cast as Vam\npira the TV menace Peggy Lee\n'was a realistic tatooed lady in a\nskin tight jersey\n\nAt least two celebrities were in\n‘character Jon Hall was outfitted\njas Ramar of the jungle and Lib\nerace admitted he came as Liber-\nace, ruffled shirt. sequined tie and\nall\n\nNo expense was spared for the\ncircus motif Miss Henie supplied\na live hippo. calliope. cotton\ncandy, side show posters, chowns\nand acrobats Said one veteran\n\nparty goer\n“It's just like the old days”\nAsked the reason for her party\nMiss Heme said ‘‘No reason, I\njust felt like having a party\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2526.4514296875, 2441.134046875, 3164.59886328125, 4225.30980078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON UP — The\nEisenhower administration, in\nclose consultation with Britain\nand New Zealand, weighed pos-\nsible new moves today to ease\nthe tense Formosa situation.\n\nPresidnet Eisenhower and Sec-\nretary of State Dulles had a'\nlong conference at the White\nHouse. Afterward, Dulles went\nto the State Department for\nmeetings with Sir Leslie Knox\nMunro, New Zealand's ambassa-\ndor and chief United Nations\ndelegate, and Sir Roger Makins,\nthe British ambassador.\n\nThere was no official hint as\nto what ht be under con-\nsideration. rts from Lon-\ndon, however, said the possibility\nof some kind of unwritten cease-\nfire agreement was being ex-\nplored in diplomatic talks.\n‘Peace Mission’\n\nThe New York Times said the\nUnited States would urge the\nUnited Nations to send a “peace\nobeervation” misaion te Formcea\nand the Pescadores to report any\naggressive act action in that area\n\nAt the White House, newamen\nasked Murray Snyder, assistant\n\nprese secretary, whether Presi-\n\nfen’ Eisenhower was being kept\nadvised regarding progress in\nevacuation of the Chinese Na-\ntionalist Tachen Islands under\nof the U.S 7th Fleet\n\n“The President ia always kept\nwell advised as to progresa on\nthese things,” Snyder replied.\nSnyder dtclined to Beoiae any\ndetail about the Eisenhower-Dul-\nles conference\n\nAsked whether that conference\ndealt with the evacuation, Snyder\n\nsaid ‘Your guess ig as good as\ntune ”*\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 4424.884765625, 5512.201171875, 5027.96923828125, 5684.50439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Police Seek\nApalachin Woman\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2539.3115234375, 4265.224609375, 3038.0615234375, 4547.45947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "College Girl\nFound Slain\n" }, "8": null, "9": { "bbox": [ 49.384908996582034, 4331.34937890625, 668.0635239257812, 5623.0002304687505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "The Rex Edward J Waters,\nabout 45 a catholic pmest at-\ntached to the Rochester diocese,\nand a former resident of Owego,\nis reported in serious condition\nfn a Miami Fila_ hospital\n\nFather Waters reportedly was\natruck bs a car last week while\nreturning home from Mass in a\nMiami church He was taken to\nSt Francis Hospital where he\nis under treatment for a head\n{injury and injumes to his back\nand both legs\n\nRelatives in Owego said they\nlearned Father Waters was\nknocked down and min over bys\na car which had min a red light\nat a street intersection in the\nFlorida city\n\nA natne of Owego Father\nWaters had attended (Ovego\nschool, and St Rernards Sem-\ninary tn Rochester For the last\nseveral months he had been\nferving as administrator at St\nAlovenis Church in| Auburn fol-\nlowing retirement of the pmest\nat that church\n\nHe was in Florida on a vaca-\nthon at the time of the accident\nlast week\n\nFather Waters’ brother-in-law\nand sister Mr and Mrs Donald\nDotv of Owego expect to leave\n\nhee Onlane tanicht far Miem;\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1291.9906005859375, 5380.23486328125, 1788.83935546875, 5632.54296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Endwell Man’s\nKin Injured\nIn House Blast\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1292.962171875, 5653.58375390625, 1908.289048828125, 6590.5764023437505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Lawrence J © Day of 2730\nRobins St, Endwell, left for Al-\nhany early today, following word\nof an explosion which had hosm-\ntalized his sisters entire family\n\nThe = sister Mra Margaret\nArmstrong 3) and her husband,\nThomas, 37, are reported in cmn-\ntical condition in Albany General\nHospital The couples four chil-\ndren also were injurtd but not\ncmticaily, relatives here learned\n\nAll suffered burns and cuts\nand bruises, when their two-sto -y\nframe home was rocked by an\nexplosion yesterday the explo-\nsion apparently resulting ~ from\ngas\n\nRescuers said the explosion\nswas feit two miles away and\n}that the onl, trace left of the\nnouse was the ceilar exeavation\nwhere the injured were lying\nUNCONSCIOUS\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1284.7287734375, 2285.22535546875, 1897.695787109375, 3282.697251953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "VIENNA, Austria W—U.S, and\nSoviet authorities swapped spy\ncharges and countercharges over\nthe weekend as a result of a beer-\ntossing episode involving two\n\nofficial.\n\nThe Russians accused the Amer-\nicans of luring Soviet Consul B.J.\nNalivaiko to a cafe and trying to\nbribe him to go over to the U S.\nside. The Soviets said their consul\nbecame ‘‘enraged’’ and ‘decisively\nrejected the attempt\"\n\nThe U.S. Embassy tagged Nali-\nvaiko. an agent provocateur and\nhinted the Russians staged the in-\ncident in order to tighten police\ncontrol in Vienna\n\nThe get-together occurred Satur.\nday at a cafe in Vienna's inter.\nnational sector. Nalivaiko joined\nthe Americans—Robert Gray, for\nmerly of Falls Church, Va. and\na Col. Francis Manning (no home\n‘address listed) for a beer\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 678.6144409179688, 2056.815673828125, 1169.1990966796875, 2477.3134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Conservative\nPinay Takes\nParis Reins\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 51.84214401245117, 352.9209289550781, 603.0513305664062, 767.1691284179688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Vestal Among\nArea Schools\nClosed Down\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1907.032484375, 2280.15553125, 2512.4001328125, 3283.586900390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Austrian police said that after\nthe three had chatted awhile, the\nRussian suddenly jumped up shout-\ning and dashed his ber in th\nface of one of the Amerigans. Uni-\n\nappeared\n\nover to U.S.\n\nThe U.S. Embassy gave this ex-\nplanation:\n\nGray, a former U.S. Army ci\nvillan employe bere had been gath-\nering material for a book, had\nknown Nalivaiko socially and tele-\n\nKhim. The Russian indicated\nwas in serious difficulties with\n\nwith Gray and Manning for about\n20 minutes. asking whether his\nfamily could get asylum.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 695.385267578125, 5912.08277734375, 1275.0411240234375, 6984.1076523437505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Mra. Francis (Jean Rafferty\n“of Vestal agog with excitement\nand aglow with anticipation as\nshe awaits that trip to the\nbowling tournament in Pough-\nkeepsie on Feb 19 which is by\nway of being an award for her\nskill as a kegler in her local\nleague\n\nMrs. Fred (Food Shop) Lom-\nbardi enjoving the fun of nas-\ning fnends and retatives greet\nhere with birthday gond w shes\nand salutations today\n\nJim Westfall planning on\nabsenting hymseif from these\nparts for a few weeks by tnp-\nping off to sunny (7) Califor-\nma for a vacation At any\nrate, he can't do much worse\non weather\n\nDr Michdel Riezuto recover-\ning nicely from the effects af\na recent birthday an occasion\nwhich gave his daughters great\ncause for. colebratews---—- . *\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3176.05712890625, 4882.96240234375, 4300.0244140625, 5109.07421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Sabres Tops, Say Pilots\nWho Downed Soviet Jets\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 42.19401168823242, 4038.589599609375, 620.841796875, 4316.4091796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Auto Injures\nCatholic Priest\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3210.115478515625, 1563.6917724609375, 3759.123779296875, 2743.376220703125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n\n56h\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 75.54302819824218, 5896.53199609375, 668.5875717773437, 6984.2375351562505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Dr Mark Welch reaching\nthe dav he shifts from one\nyear to another on his personal\ncalendar Many happy re-\nturns greetings are in order\ntoday, and will be up to mid-\nnight tomght Here gs ours\n\nKenny Whittemore, whose\nPop doles out the stamps at\nFknd P () being a rea! good\nsolcher as a patient at Wilson\nwhere ne vs confined tor a few\ndays but he sure misses his\nPais at lTenme Snapp School\n@ d hones to be back soon\n\nMichael Belo |isted among\nthose who are receiving birth-\nday congrats and best wishes\ntoday Mhrotd\n\nPat Bulman makin ga deter-\nmuned search for his pet cat, a\nseven-toed tiger who got wan-\nderiust in her veins and repart-\ned her nice comfy home with-\nout jeavin ga forwarding ad-\ndress . Her return is worth\n5. bucks toe the finder.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3206.953857421875, 2766.234619140625, 4405.2568359375, 4195.10302734375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2535.231458984375, 6383.71266015625, 3159.56077734375, 6981.7668320312505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "HOLLYWOOD -«®—Bob Crosby,\nbrother of Bing 1« in St Vincent s\nHospital today sernously ill with\nlobar pneumona\n| ‘The television star Was stricken\nSaturday and his temperature\nsoared to 104 degrees a CHS\n‘spokesman said Crosby's temper-\nature was back to about norma!\n‘vesterday but he will remain in\nthe hospital for another week or\n10 days\n\nSinger Jack Smith wil replace\nCrosby during hia ilineas on the\nweekday .“Bob. Crosby Show\" on\nfire, ect “— saee\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 678.4359741210938, 3895.5732421875, 1173.83740234375, 4231.4638671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Aid by Red\nTo Senator\n\nClaim Hit\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3785.07398828125, 2377.553236328125, 4409.2536484375, 2732.057359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "torpedo ooatis cruis¢eq if MuUce\naway.\n\n_ A patrol party of U.S, Marines\nwent asbore.\n\nThe evacuation was well under-\nway tonight. Reports from the\nAmerican ships were hours behind\nthose reaching this Nationalist\ncapital, but they indicated there\nwas no Communist interference.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1912.637939453125, 3898.366455078125, 2433.5966796875, 4145.23486328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Winter Returns.\nAfter Springy\nRain Yesterday\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 4427.86793359375, 5705.94215234375, 5055.8713242187505, 6199.4909531250005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Area police agencies are still\nseeking a 24-year-old Apalachin\n‘woman Ppeperted missing from\n‘her home aince last week\n\nShe is Mrs Patrtoa Coleman,\nwife of Richard Coleman and an\nemplove of a food market\n\nShe ts described as five feet\nfour {Inches tall and weighing\nabout 115 pounds She has blond\nhair and blue eves and when\nlast reported seen was weameg\na heht blue coat an a kerchief\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1914.656982421875, 4733.7802734375, 2490.4296875, 5069.7685546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Egypt Loses\nArab Nations\nUnity Fight\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 84.30464172363281, 5671.15478515625, 1199.2303466796875, 5834.62353515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Main Stem Flashes\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1921.1754287109375, 4163.40016015625, 2512.186509765625, 4692.7751328125005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Ry The Bulletin Weatherman\n\nYesterday, no matter where\nwe stood in town, we met\nunder a water fall. Kind of\na springy dsy, in mere ways\nthan one,\n\nBut today it's back te win-\nter, with q@ouds aad newch\ncolder (low of 16 te 15) to-\nnight and more clousiness and\nrather cold tomorrow. with a\ngood chance for snow at night.\n\nThis, podaah, ie what you\ncall a sidewinter.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3783.40673828125, 1566.20849609375, 5039.5361328125, 2056.15625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Reds Keep Distance.\nAs Evacuation Starts\nOf 30,000 Defenders\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 40.65630181884766, 802.28785546875, 663.0555893554687, 4016.353013671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "_ Freezing temperatures to-\nnight are expected to ice up\narea roads, particularly\nthose in higher elevations,\nfollowing the fall of 1.34\ninches of rain yesterday.\n\nThat total was more than\nhalf that of the average\nFebruary, 2.24 inches.\n\nVestal Central School's\n3,400 pupils had the day off to-\nday after officials decided that\nthis wasn't a fit morning out for\nschool buses.\n\nSchools were closed also ir\nNewark Valley, Deposit. Wind.\ngor, Chenango Forks, Hancock\nand H. i.\nRain Fo te\n\nThe United ates Weather\nBureau at Broome County airport\nindicated that this area was for-\ntunate in that remarkable high\ntemperatures turned the precipt-\ntation into rain\n\nHad Sunday been colder the\nsection could have been bogged\ndown in a fall of ten inches of\nanow this morning.\n\nThe heavy rainfall) made little\ntmpression on streams and the\nSusquehanna River because it\nwas soaked-up by the ground\ncover of two to four inches of\nsnow\n\nMany a homeowner fought the\nbattle of the wet or flooded cel-\nlar yesterday because the water\nponded close to foundations.\n\nUrge Caution\n\nTraffic authorities issued cau-\ntion warnings to drivers tonight\nbecause they expect icy going on\nroads 1n higher elevations\n\nState village and town high-\nway crews sanded highways and\nstreets early Sunday\n\nTemperaturts began to fall be-\njow freezing early today to start\nfreezing the me!t-off of yester-\nday\n\nThe rapid warm-up of the tem-\nperatures -- they shot into the\nhigh 30s within 48 hours after\nflirting with zero and sub-zero\nJevels—amazed the weather bu-\nreau\n\nAnd there is more snow in\nthe forecast- for Tuesday night\nIt's to be partly cloudy and\nmuch colder tonight with a low\nof 19 to 15 degrees Tuesday\nwill see increasing cloudiness\ncold and snow in all likelihood\nby night The mercury is ex-\npected to go no higher than 23\nto 28 tomorrow\n\nHeavy Rain\n\nThe 134 inches yesterday\nwas the moss since November\n21 when a total of 191 Inches\nwas registered A total of 95\ninches fell December 14\n\nWhile it was all ram in the\nvalley yesterday if owas a\nvaried number of combinations\nof snow and rain and sleet in\nthe hills where the temperature\nmoved up and down about the\n$3 degree mark several times\nthroughout the day\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1282.30859375, 2045.572265625, 2332.1630859375, 2266.563720703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "U.S., Soviet Cry ‘Spy’\nAfter Gl-lvan Beer Bout\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 4441.99683984375, 6423.9416640625, 5027.8190781250005, 6969.0256210937505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "In answer to many re.\nquests The Daily Bulletin\nis making av ros\nductions of the aerlal\nphoto which appeared on\nthe front of the’ annual\nProgress edition.\n\nAnyone wishing to eb-\ntain one of the reproduc-\nthons-may do so fy coming.\ntq The Bellotin’s business\n\neee ee ee, =\n\nBe TI atest 8 pare\n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 1934.9954970703125, 6555.7561171875, 2510.995591796875, 6972.9435898437505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Capt Cariton E. Hubbell,\nJohnson City police captsin, is\nunder observation in Wilson\nMemorial Hospital thin after-\nnoon, following a possible heart\nattack suffered this morning\nwhile on desk duty at head-\nquarters. He was takta to the\nhospital im the police ambul-\nance, and is reported “more\nee ee we ek | re\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 3171.022962890625, 5138.05641015625, 4423.660875, 5897.7219101562505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "TOKYO UP — Two American jet fighter pilots who shot down\n‘@ pair of cannon-firing Russian-built MIG15s over the Yellow Sea\n\nreaffirmed today what the world knew for a long time — that\nSabrejets are far superior\n\n“The MiGs will never compare with F86 Sabrejet” said Lt\nCharles E. Salmon 25 of 13 Cole St. Port Jervis, NY\nCapt George F Willams Jr. 31, of Austin. Tex agreed.\n\nRoth pilots told a press conference of a dramatic five-minute\nbattle with eight MIGs who jumped their patrol of 12 Sabrejets\nand an RB45 reconnaissance plane Saturday\n\nThe fight erupted 10 miles off the North Korean coast and 40\n eeniles southwest of Pyongyang, capital of Communist North\nKorea.\n\nBoth said there was absolutely no damage to any of the\nAmerican planes and they saw no markings of the attacking Red\nPlanes to identify, them ag Chinese Commumst, North Korean\nae Poirrermian\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 708.3422241210938, 861.0560302734375, 5045.6318359375, 1517.0045166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "U.S. Warships Ring Tachens\nAs Chiang Troops Withdraw\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1284.76734765625, 3690.143080078125, 2501.78245703125, 3869.75901953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "SPU SPUR SSE Ew\n| HOLLYWOOD (#1 — The film town’s cafe society today voted\n|Sonja Henie the hostess with the mostems after her circus part)\nthat dazzled the sunset strip.\n\nMiss Henie commandeered Ciros Saturday night for an estimatec\n\nerr At Tr ew lm ee\n\n \n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 28.251541137695312, 80.93620300292969, 5057.8486328125, 323.05450439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Sharp Temperature Drop to Make Roads Icy Tonight\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 3165.2580703125, 6154.30738671875, 4424.99827734375, 6976.9089218750005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "WITH A Uo S DESTROYER on Formosa Strait Patrol oP\nAs huge aircraft carryers crulsere and destrover divisions mass\nand wubeel ip Formosan waters a lone destrover plows the seas\noff the Ped (hb na mainland\n\n \n\nIn the waters of troubled Formosa Strait the destrover\nhandles on a larger ecate the same job of tin, twaman Interies\nposts far abead of the front lines in Karea [It too stands guard\nVagairst a surprise attack hy the Communists\n! There is never x moment when the etactronic devices are nof |\noperating There te never a moment when men with binoculars\n[are not vearching the skies and seas\n\nThis ship the instruments the men are part of the Formosa\nStrait patrol a handful of speedy rough riding destrovers on\nthe longest loeneliest) most monotonous and perhaps most im-\nportant duty in Formosan waters ~\n\n- Fhe Jeb isg-early detection Qecip warting, of any ed fect\nmassing that might protend a (Communist invasion aétempt or\nPlanes that, sight be carrying bombe towar\n\n \n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1276.2637939453125, 3323.48681640625, 2477.73046875, 3648.96533203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "‘Hostess With the Mostess’\n\nFilmland Forms Zoo Parade\nFor Sonja’s $15,000 Shindig\n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 4503.30224609375, 6228.271484375, 4959.47314453125, 6401.21630859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Aerial Photo\nReady\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1935.638427734375, 6400.8271484375, 2405.107666015625, 6510.0908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Late News\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 1289.12672265625, 6705.53590234375, 1908.710435546875, 6984.6452500000005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Robert Kurey 13 of 51 Thorpe\nSt was admitted to Wilson\nMemorial Hospital late yeste-day\nafternoon fos treatment of a\nfight leg fracture The youth\nwas hurt in a fall while roller\n\nee Ce\n\n \n \n \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 3794.582044921875, 2142.099134765625, 5058.3718125, 2381.068833984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "TAPEI, Formosa (P)—A formidable U. S. Navy task\nforce stood protectively around the Communist-threatened\n\nTachens today covering the evacuation of some 30,000\nChinese Nationalist troops and civilians—while two Red\n\nss en ..r..]\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 4423.47242578125, 2430.69508203125, 5055.2526718750005, 5475.6423203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "aw GOuGs Giunmea Ue UK\nshore.\n\n| There was no sign of activity on\nCommunist-held Yikianghan, eight\nmiles to the north of Upper Ta-\n\nnot expected to arrive in ung\nHarbor, Formosa, before late Mon-\nday, U.S. time\n\nA group of 180 technical air con-\ntrol men of the Nationalist\nair force and a detachment of in-\nfan arrived in Keelung from\nthe Tachens Monday They had\nboarded their landing ship before\nthe*decision te evacuate had been\n\nCommunist artillery pointed\nnewly. ure vi shan, only\nnewly-ca ’\n\neight Gi away, watt Wenceat ct\nRussian - built MIG15 jets were\n\npoised on mainiand bases but\nthere was no report of interfer-\n\nence\n\nThe U.S. Navy's first communi-\nque on the Tachens, timed at\n(11 40 pm. Sunday, EST) said\nthere were “no enemy contacts\n‘during the current phase of the\noperation . Up to now every:\n‘thing Is according to schedule \"\n\nNationalist press reports said\n‘the evacuation of the Yu Shan Is\nlands. 35 miles northeast of the\nTachens and Pishan 32 miles\nlsouthwest of the Tachens, also\n, had started.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 1293.5499267578125, 6630.1923828125, 1792.30224609375, 6699.5390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Robert Kurey Hurt\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 699.7315673828125, 1597.690185546875, 3163.83544921875, 1978.7515869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "U.S., Britain Map Strategy _\nTo Ease Tension in Far East\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 3179.670654296875, 5918.89404296875, 3962.017578125, 6074.8583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Destroyer Keeps Lonely Vigil\nTo Warn of Attack by Reds\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 2537.38427734375, 6318.0498046875, 2948.395751953125, 6383.8251953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Bob Crosby {II\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 1725.36669921875, 3666.55029296875, 2082.882080078125, 3700.40673828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Re ROR THOMA\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 828.1243286132812, 5844.7587890625, 1266.001708984375, 5891.591796875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "—By Barney French-\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 3912.57373046875, 2081.207275390625, 4924.9052734375, 2142.625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "By SPENCER MOOSE and FRED HAMPSON\n" }, "54": null, "55": { "bbox": [ 3520.5390625, 6091.6669921875, 4049.3349609375, 6142.916015625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "By FORREST ENV ARDS\n" }, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 10, 24 ], [ 22, 25 ] ]
[ 6287.91162109375, 7823.005585937501 ]
[ [ 24, 10 ], [ 25, 22 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 196.70834350585938, 613.1151123046875, 2317.765380859375, 1872.2589111328125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1665.148955078125, 5822.14431640625, 2416.6957714843747, 7123.283906250001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "OTTAWA (#i—President Eisen-\nhower and Prime Minister St.\nLaurent of Canada may officiate\nat joint groundbreaking ceremo-\nnies for the St. Lawrence sea-\nway in the next few months.\n| Informants said yesterday that\n‘discussions were going on but that\nnothing had been decided. The\nceremonies would take place on\nboth sides of the border, possibly\nat or near Cornwall, Ont., and\nMassena, N.Y.\n| The President is reported to be\nplanning to visit Massena either\nin the late Spring or early Sum-\nmer, a Washington dispatch said.\n\nThe seaway authority reported,\nmeanwhile, that preliminary work\nhad started on Canada’s seaway\ncanal at Iroquois, Ont. An advance\nparty is clearing land in prepara-\n.tion for building the $6,470,000\neanal that will carry shipping be-\ntween the river and the upper\nend of a 40-mile pool created by\ndamming downstream.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 118.66644165039062, 2530.059599609375, 881.8934643554687, 4790.17892578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "DETROIT (#—Spurgeon Cooley’\nwill tick like a clock for the rest\nof his life. But that life probably\nwould not have been long if it\nweren’t for a medical device that\ncauses the tick.\n\nA transparent plastic valve was\ninstalled in Cooley’s chest yester-\nday to correct a leaking heart\nvalve,\n\nA plastic ball bounces in the\nvalve as regular as the heartbeat,\ncausing the ticking noise.\n\nCooley, 53-year-old bartender,\nwas reported doing well today fol-\nlowing the five-hour operation\nHundreds of doctors attending the\nMichigan Medical Society's clini-\neal institute witnessed the sur-\ngery by closed-circuit television\nfrom receiveing hospital to a hotel.\n\nThe operation was performed by\na team headed by Dr. Prescott\nJordan Jr., of the hospital staff\nand the Wayne University faculty.\n\nPrior to the operation, the\npumping action of Cooley's heart\nwas ineffective because the aortic\nvalve through which red _ blood\nleaves the heart failed to close at\nthe end of each beat.\n\nAbout 30 per cent of the blood\nwas leaking back. into the. heart\nchamber. Surgeons said that in\nsuch cases life gipectaney.. is less\nthan-.a year.\" =\n\nThe plastic ball permits the nor-\nmal flow of blood but automatical-\nly seals the cylinder against any\nreturn of blood to the heart.\n\nJohn Jenkins, 49, who had the\nsame operation performed on him\nlast June, took part in the pro-\ngram. He said he keeps his mouth\nshut most of the time so other\npeople won't hear the ticking\nnoise. But he said he hears it al]\nthe time.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3187.31814453125, 3150.615751953125, 3941.8500683593747, 5644.64279296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (®—Sen. Gold-\nwater (R-Ariz) said today Demo-\ncrats evidently intend to pitch\ntheir 1956 Presidential campaign\nprimarily on economic issues.\n\nYes, said Sen. Kilgore (D-W\nVa), they certainly do. And he\nadded he doesn’t believe the Re-\npublicans will be happy with the\noutcome.\n\nThe two senators commented in\nseparate interviews after a back-\nstage squabble among members of\n\n| the Senate~-House Economic Com-\n\nmittee over a report on the na-\ntion’s economic health.\n\nMembers reached agreement on\nthe report only after outnumbered\nRepublicans had won elimination\nef some criticism of President\nEisenhower’s policies and some\npessimistic forecasts contained in\nan original drafted by Chairman\n‘Douglas (D-TI1l).\n\nGoldwater, a member of the\ncommittee who also heads the Re-\n\n‘publican Senatorial Campaign\n\nCommittee, said he couldn’t com-\nment on the report in advance of\nits official issuance sometime this\nweekend,\n\nBut the Arizona Senator said it\nseems plain to him that Demo-\ncrats intend to pose next year as\nchampions of the “little fellow”\nwhile attacking Eisenhower poli-\ncies as favoring “big business,”\n\nThe economic committee agreed\nOn a report saying there was an\n“economic recession” last year—\nas the Democrats contended—-and\nthat “it is not enough just to\nmaintain present levels of em-\nployment and_ production.”\n\nDeleted from it were assertions\nin Douglas’ proposed draft that\nEisenhower’s economic report. tc\nCongress “succumbs to the temp-\ntation to view the situation as\nwholly bright and in amazingly\nassured terms,” and that “there\nhas been an improvement but we\nare not out of the woods.”\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3198.182373046875, 608.1820678710938, 3884.89404296875, 1927.1917724609375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3185.909912109375, 2681.72412109375, 3681.113525390625, 3060.275146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Democrats to\nUse Economic\nIssues in 56\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 4715.09814453125, 4364.70947265625, 5190.12353515625, 4526.4931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Pope Acclaimed\nOn Anniversary\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 881.1519458007813, 2978.5373828125, 1639.5147412109375, 5117.74875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "} LAS VEGAS, Nev. (®—The fifth\n\natomic blast in the 1955 test se-\nVers went off shortly before dawn\n; today, sending its blinding flash\ntskyward and its mighty pressure\nwave rolling over the Nevada des-\nert.\n\nThe shot was less than major\nsize. The blast, from a 300-foot\ntower at Yucca Flat was visible\nas a brilliant, short white flash in\nLas Vegas about 75 miles away.\nThe whiteness quickly tapered off\ninto red. In Los Angeles, some\n250 miles distant, the: flash was\nlike a faint flicker of white.\n\nOver the test site a white cloud\nwent up from the blast.\n\nThe blast was seen in Salt Lake\nCity, 300 miles away, where L.\nRanney, CAA weather forecaster\ndescribed it as “weak and fleet-\ning, somewhat like a_ lightning\nflash.”\n\nBefore. today’s. Atomie- Energy\nCommission test it had been an-\njnounced that the Army Chemical\n;Corps would test the power of a\nsmoke screen during the blast to\neut down thermal radiation on a\nportion of the test site. Army of-\nficials have announced that smoke\nscreens can be used to protect vi-\n{no areas from heat radiation but\n\n \n\nnot from the blast or pressure\n\n, wave and gamma radiation. The\ngamma rays are penetrating ones\n\nithat can cause internal illness.\n\nj That today’s test was in_ the\n“baby” eategory was indicated by\nthe fact that observers here dic\nnot feel the shock wave. During\nlarger detonations the pressure\nwave is felt in Las Vegas about 7\nminutes after the blast.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1655.7208544921875, 2653.068876953125, 2403.6567089843747, 5385.46115234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON — Shipment of\n500,000 ce. of blood derivative\ngamma globulin to state and ter-\n‘ritorial public health officers was\n‘announced today by the director\nof the American Red Cross Blood\nProgram.\n\nDr. David N. W. Grant, program\ndirector, said the shipments mark\nthe resumption of Red Cross dis-\ntribution of GG for use in com-\nbating measles, hepatitis, and in-\nfantile paralysis. Approximately\n1,000,000 ec. is expected to be\navailable this year, he added.\n\nThe Red Cross first began GG\ndistribution in 1944 as a measles\nimmunizer. For the past two\nyears, however, the entire Red\nCross GG supply was contributed\nto a national pool under control\nof the Office of Defense Mobiliza-\ntion and ODM was responsible for\ndistribution.\n\nOn January 1, ODM relinquish-\ned the control and returned to the\nAmerican Red Cross the balance\nremaining of its contribution to\nthe pool.\n\nDr. Grant emphasized that the\nAmerican Red Cross allocation\nplan will contifiue to utilize fa-\n‘cilities of state and_ territorial\nhealth officers who will determine\nmethods of distribution and. use\nin their areas.\n| In keeping with ARC policy\n{he said, no charge will be made\n‘for Red Cross GG to persons re-\nceiving it.\n\nA plan of allocation based or\nthe quantity of blood collected\n| within each state and the number\n‘of measles cases reported there\nlover a five-year period, is needec\n‘because Red Cross GG supply “is\ni sufficient to meet the need:\n‘of the country,” Dr. Grant said.\nAll GG distributed under this\n\nplan will be obtained from dona-\ny;tions through the American Rec\niCross civilian Blood Program\n| About one-fifth of the anticipatec\n‘supply will be retained for in-\nvestigation, development of new\n;uses, and special cases involving\nuse of large quantities.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4706.85791015625, 476.3880920410156, 6243.4541015625, 1011.0993041992188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Nehru Safe After\nAssassination Try\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 903.1233203125, 6484.49392578125, 1656.631318359375, 7801.972382812501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "whether Keating should be cited\nfor contempt for refusing to tell\na grand jury where he got his in-\n‘formation about a police raid on\nthe wiretap center.\n\neating, counsel for the New\nYork Anti-crime Committee, a\npchene citizens’ organization, had\n| been ordered to say why he should\nnot be ruled in contempt yester-\nday. His lawyer asked for a two-\n| week delay to prepare the case,\n‘but the judge declined to extend\nthe hearing beyond next Tuesday.\n\nThe contempt action against\n| Keating had been filed by Hogan.\nHe claimed Keating’s account of\nthe raid varied greatly from that\n‘of all others involved in the case\n‘and said Keating should be made\nto tell where he got his informa-\ntion.\n\nThe wiretap raid first was pub-\nlicized by Keating five days after\n‘it occurred. He said police had\n‘hushed up the case and said there\nhad been talk of pay-offs up to\n$5,000,\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 126.92948913574219, 4821.4677734375, 641.8333740234375, 4988.82421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Texas Duststorm\nDirties Baltimore\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 895.8020922851563, 5292.75369140625, 1655.197236328125, 6239.015839843751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (#—Sen. Me-\n, Clellan (D-Ark) said today he in-\n‘tends to “lay out in the open the\nwhole story” of Maj. Irving Per-\ness. :\nPeress is the former Army den-\ntist who got a promotion and hon-\norable discharge after refusing to\n‘tell whether he was a Communist.\nl He invoked the protection of: the\nl Fifth Amendment against self in-\ncrimination when he was ques-\n: tioned by the Senate investigations\n{subcommittee under Sen, McCar-\n‘thy (R-Wis).\n\nMcClellan, who succeeded Mc-\nCarthy as chairman of the sub-\ncommittee, will preside at a new\ncritical study of the case sched-\nuled to start Tuesday.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2426.32498046875, 5235.43630859375, 3176.6779492187497, 7429.542695312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (#—The Atomic\nEnergy Commission says that a\nsmall quantity of urgently needed\nmaterial has been removed from\nthe strikebound American Loco-\nmotive Co. plant at Dunkirk, N. Y.\n\nThe AEC, disclosing the action\nin response to inquiries last night,\ndid not identify the material fur-\nther but said it would be finished\nelsewhere.\n\nAn unidentified company official\nat Dunkirk called the material re-\nmoved a “security plate order.”\nThe official said the AEC had “in-\ndicated other .removals might be\n; ordered if the strike continued\nmuch longer.”\n\nAbout 3,500 CIO steelworkers\nstruck ALCO plants at Schenecta-\ndy, Auburn and Dunkirk March |}\nin a contract dispute over wages.\npensions and insurance plans.\n\nThe Dunkirk plant produce:\npiping and heat exchangers.\n\nIn Schenectady, State Mediator\nWilliam A. Hazell said yesterday\nthat he was keeping in close touch\nwith both sides but that no new\nmeeting of company and union\nwith the negotiators had been\nplanned. Hazell and Federal Me-\ndiator John A. Rooney held a six-\nhour conference with company\nand union officials there last Wed-\nnesday.\n\nThe steelworkers seek a pay\nboost of five cents an hour anc\npension and insurance benefits\nthey say would cost the companys\nanother seven cents hourly. The\ncompany says the pension and in-\nsurance package would cost 1]\ncents.\n\nALCO has offered a pension anc\ninsurance plan it says is worth 1]\ncents hourly.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3952.226806640625, 4506.9931640625, 4583.65625, 4896.07763671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Rising Streams\nFlood Sherburne’s\nMain Street\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4692.39626953125, 1543.9112841796875, 5455.142792968751, 4336.6462109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Storms which struck devastating\nblows in wide areas of the coun-\ntry yesterday, causing millions of\ndollars damage to property and\ncrops, abated today. The stormy\nweather was blamed for at least\neight deaths and injured a score\nof persons.\n\nThe Winter season’s most severe\n‘dust storms in the southern and\ncentral Great Plains appeared to\nhave caused the heaviest mone-\n;tary damage. In Colorado alone,\nj the loss of half of the state’s three\n; million acres of Winter wheat was\nestimated at 50 million dollars.\n| The strong winds also whipped\ndry topsoil in five other states but\nno estimate of damage to crops\nwas made.\n| The dust area early today ex-\ntended across Kansas into south-\nern Missouri and northern Ar-\nkansas but the Weather Bureau\nreported there was no blowing\ndust.\n\nThe tornadoes, wind storms and\nthundershowers which struck\nacross Midwest and Eastern areas\nyesterday caused extensive prop-\nerty damage,\n\nCommunities in east central In-\ndiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania suf-\nfered heaviest property losses\nWinds were clocked at 92 m.p.h.\nlin much of the area.\n\nThe property damage in Penn-\n|sylvania was estimated at more\n|than a million dollars. It was ex-\npected to total more than a mil-\nlion dollars in Ohio and nearly «\nmillion dollars in Indiana,\n| Although heavy rains pelted the\n\nOhio River alley basin, the U. S.\nWeather Bureau at Pittsburgh\n{saw no new threats of flood from\nthe big Ohio River. The river, or\n{its worst rampage in seven years\n‘|}appeared to have moderated. I\n‘| was expected to crest today from\n‘| two to eight feet above flood stage\nat several points downstream fror\n‘| Louisville, Ky.\n| However, a major cleanup jot\n' was underway at cities upstrean\n''to Pittsburgh, where floodwater:\nhave caused damage estimated a\n‘113 million dollars. Thousands have\n‘been made homeless.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3958.999296875, 4921.9104296875, 4713.95724609375, 7412.035859375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "ALBANY (#—Swollen streams\nand rivers flowed over their banks\ntoday, closing scores of country\nroads and blocking several state\nhighways in northern and central\n|New York.\n\nMelting snow and the runoff\nfrom recent rains brought the\nTioughnioga River to flood stage\njnear Cortland, The river edged\ntoward railroad tracks and homes\nin Homer. Route 11 was awash\njust north of Cortland.\n\nIn northern New York, the Ma-\nlone-Montreal highway was un-\nder water at Trout River bridge\nbecause of an ice jam.\n\nOther highways closed by high\nwater were Route 9N_ between\nKeene and Upper Jay, Essex\nCounty; Route 26 north of There-\nsa, Jefferson County; Route 174\nbetween Marcellus and Camillus,\nOnondaga County; and Route 12B\nbetween Sherburne and Earlville,\nChenango County.\n\nWater flowed over Route 12, the\nmain street, in Sherburne.\n\nSmall streams overflowed many\nsecondary roads in central New\nYork. In northern New York,\nstate troopers said water covered\nrough ice on most secondary\nroads.\n\nThe Black River spilled over at\nLyons Falls and Carthage.\n\nThe U, S. Army Engineers last\nnight closed the floodgates of the\nWhitney Point Dam to prevent\nthe Tioughnioga from creating\nflood conditions downstream on\nthe Chenango and Susquehanna\nrivers, The Tioughnioga flows into\nthe Chenango and the Chenango\njoins the Susquehanna at Bing-\nhamton.\n\nThe two rivers were expected\nto crest several feet below the\nflood stage at Binghamton today.\nAt Conklin, east of Binghamton.\nthe Susquehanna was expected to\ncrest at just about the flood level\nof 11 to 11% feet.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3193.9755859375, 5664.78857421875, 3647.060546875, 5832.26171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Three Children\n\nDrown in Lake\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1647.58837890625, 2233.33935546875, 2307.447265625, 2625.3583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Red Cross Resumes\nDistribution of\n\n‘Gamma Globulin\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2423.975341796875, 4811.5302734375, 3063.78271484375, 5201.17431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Critical AEC\nMaterial Taken\nFrom Struck Plant\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1677.8880615234375, 5416.28173828125, 2237.627685546875, 5807.646484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Ike, St. Laurent\nTo Officiate at\nSeaway Work\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 890.0400390625, 2589.42822265625, 1421.8275146484375, 2960.1435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Smaller Atomic\nBlast Shot off\nThis Morning\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5500.7170703125, 6598.8616015625, 6268.391816406251, 7787.321015625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "fed, would seek to learn whether:\n\n“1. Existing state laws regard-\ning fireproofing of nursing, con-\nvalescent and boarding homes are\nadequate.\n\n“2, Existing state laws are be-\ning enforced.\n\n“3. The Social Welfare Depart-\niment can properly inspect 643\n|nursing upstate with only six in-\n| spectors.\n\n“4, New York City is enforcing\nfire regulations in these homes.\n\n“5. Local welfare commission-\ners are certifying ‘firetrap’ board-\n| ing homes as safe.”\n| Mrs. Adelaide Strait, about 50,\n‘operator of the Edmeston nursing\n\nhome; her son, Adelbert, 7; and\nShora Denison, 84, a patient, died\niin the fire last Saturday. After an\ninquest yesterday, Coroner Joseph\n‘Phelps of Otsego County declared\nthe deaths accidental,\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4721.7346484375, 4535.9123828125, 5476.478242187501, 5881.780488281251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "VATICAN CITY (#—Pope Pius\nXII, robed in his gold-star-studded\ncape and wearing his triregnum,\nwas acclaimed today, at an anni-\nversary commemoration of his\ncoronation,\n\nIt was the first time in three\nanniversaries of the event, March\n12, 1939, that the pontiff was well\nenough to attend the ceremony.\n\nIt was also the first time since\nhe fell gravely ill last December\nthat the head of the Roman Cath-\nolic Church wore the heavy, bee-\nhive-shaped triregnum, emblem of\nhis high office.\n\nMore than 5,000 pilgrims, tour-\nists and Romans, packed the\n“ducal” and “royal” antecham-\nbers to the Vatican’s famous Sis-\ntine Chapel. They cheered the 79-\nyear-old Pontiff as he was brought\nfrom the Chamber of the Vest-\nments to the Sistine.\n\nThe Pontiff leaned down from\nhis portable throne and repeatedly\nblessed the throng.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 134.7825457763672, 6492.53396484375, 903.3191845703125, 7823.005585937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (#)—Contrary to the\nadvice of a judge, unofficial crime\nfighter William J. Keating stepped\nin front of television cameras yes-\nterday and talked with reporters\nabout his contempt case.\n\nKeating, whose hearing for con-\ntempt of a grand jury was post-\nponed, said he regretted nothing\nhe had done so far regarding a\nmysterious wiretap center discov-\nered Feb. 11 in mid-Manhattan\nand was confident of winning his\nease. His expose of the illegal\noperation has ‘brought him in con-\nflict with Dist. Atty. Frank S. Ho-\ngan of Manhattan and Police Com-\nmissioner Francis W. H. Adams.\n\nKeating made his statements\nupon leaving the courtroom of\nJudge Jonah J. Goldstein, who had\njust admonished Keating's attor-\nney to try the issue in the court\nroom in a legal way instead of on\ntelevision, radio and in press state-,\nments.”\n\nAt issue before the judge is\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 4734.378203125, 6620.66287109375, 5494.501679687501, 7803.797089843751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "ALBANY (#—-A joint legislative\ncommittee, spurred by the death\nof three persons in a fire at Ed-\nmeston last week, today launched\nan investigation into fire stand-\nards in nursing homes.\n\nSen. Thomas C. Desmond, chair-\nman of the Joint Committee on\nProblems of the Aging, said that\nthe committee would look into\nfire standards in nursing, con-\nvalescent and boarding homes for\nthe aged both in New York City\nand up-state. He said the commit-\ntee would seek to learn whether\ncity and state authorities had\nenough authority to close “fire-\ntrap” institutions,\n\nDesmond, a Newburgh Republi-\ncan, said that there were almost\n50,000 persons in nursing homes\nacross the state.\n\nThe committee, Desmond assert-\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3932.73583984375, 473.426513671875, 4512.896484375, 940.982666015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "CLOSE FIGHT\nSEEN ON\nTAX BILL\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 4685.37109375, 1085.8265380859375, 5307.712890625, 1458.49267578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "‘Storm Toll Now\n'8; Damage Placed\nIn Millions\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3933.7971484375, 1296.4237353515625, 4689.41037109375, 4473.08908203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (#)—The out-\ncome of the Senate battle over an\nincome tax cut appeared so close\ntoday that both Democratic and\nRepublican leaders took steps to\nguard against absentees.\n\nWith the showdown vote. set for\nnext Tuesday or Wednesday, word\nwent out to all senators to cancel\nany engagements which might\ntake them away from Washington\nfor those days.\n\nThe New York Times in a dis-\npatch from Washington said Pres-\nident Eisenhower “was determined\nto veto any Democratic income\ntax-cutting legislation.” ~\n\nThe Times said “high Republi-\ncan quarters” indicated the Presi-\ndent was “resolved not to accept\nsuch a reduction even if he had\nto choose between that and allow-\ning the corporation and. excise\nrates to fall.”\n\nIf the Democrats should bring\noff an income tax cut, the Times\nsaid, the President's course would\nbe as follows:\n\nHe would veto that reduction\n(embodied in a bill to extend cor-\nporation and excise taxes) and\nwould then send to Congress a\nmessage demanding immediate\nlegislation to extend the excise\nand corporate levies unchanged.\n\nSen. Byrd (D-Va) and Republi-\ncan Senate leaders continued tc\nexpress confidence they had_ the\nvotes to turn back any tax cul\nplan by a slim margin.\n\nBut Democratic leaders - still\nwere trying to build up steam for\n;their proposal to give a 908-mil-\nlion-dollar annual income tax re-\nduction to lower-income families\n\nOther than the tax cut, there\n|was little controversy over the\nbill, which would extend for one\n‘year corporation and excise tax\nrates now scheduled to drop or\nApril 1.\n\nMeanwhile, it was learned that\nSen. McClellan (D-Ark), whe\noriginally had opposed the $20-\n|for-everybody tax cut voted by\nthe House, was inclined to favo\n; the substitute pushed by Demo.\n| cratic leaders.\n| The tax cut in the substitut\n,| would amount to less than half o\n.| the $2,200,000,000 revenue loss o\n|the $20-for-everybody reductio1\njin the House bill.\n\nThe cut in the Senate Democrat:\n. je leaders’ version would amoun\n-|to $10 a person in most cases, bu\n| generally would be limited to fam.\n_|ilies with incomes of $5,000 or less\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 899.3018798828125, 5142.7294921875, 1354.6524658203125, 5289.92822265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Senator to Bare\nDace Story\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3191.593291015625, 5847.9631640625, 3955.3339550781247, 7492.273164062501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "RHINEBECK (#) — Authorities\nlast night recovered the bodies of\nthree children who earlier fell\nthrough thin ice and drowned\nwhile crossing Lake Sepasco near\nhere,\n\nA fourth child also tumbled\ninto the water but managed to\nget ashore safely.\n\nThe victims were Patricia Gar-\nvey, 13, and her brother, Edwin\nRobert, 8, both children of Mr. and\nMrs. Edward Garvey, and Joanne\nApap, 12, daughter of Mr. and\nMrs. Joseph Apap—all of Rhine-\nbeck.\n\nElaine Smith, 11, who saved her-\nself, ran home and told her moth-\ner, Mrs, Leslie Smith, who called\npolice.\n\nReports of a fifth child being\ninvolved in the accident prove\nunfounded,\n\nElaine said she and her friends\ndecided to walk across the small\nprivate lake which, despite the\nwarm weather, still appeared well\nfrozen over.\n\nClose to the opposite’ shore,\nElaine said, Patricia fell in. Elaine,\nattempting to help Patricia, fell in\nherself, but scrambled along a\nshallow section of the lake bot-\ntom to shore.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2400.589599609375, 472.05487060546875, 3006.43212890625, 940.17529296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "GAINS TAX\nCLEARED OF\nPRICE BOOST\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 4732.858671875, 6017.921171875, 5487.301972656251, 6368.379121093751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "HOLLYWOOD (#)-—Olaf Hytten,\n67, character actor who had ap-\npeared in scores of motion pictures\nand who also had appeared on the\nBritish stage before coming to the\nUnited States in 1914, born in\nGlasgow, Scotland, died Friday.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 4740.4658203125, 6418.64111328125, 5940.3564453125, 6596.65234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Aroused by Edmeston Fire, Legislative Unit\nBegins Probe of Nursing Home Standards\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 124.65092468261719, 2237.64697265625, 1461.4693603515625, 2507.5703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Bartender, Like Capt. Hook’s Crocodile,\nTo Tick Like Clock for Rest of Life\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2403.073759765625, 1306.3893115234375, 3160.7541210937497, 4801.89669921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (#—Sen. Ful-\nbright (D-Ark.) said today he\n‘thinks the Senate’s stock market\ninquiry has pretty well demolished\na Wall Street argument that the\ncapital gains tax has a lot to do\n\nwith keeping stock prices high.\n\nFulbright heads the Senate\nbanking Committee, whose\n“friendly study” of the market and\nits 18-month-old boom is in recess\nfor the weekend. Its witness Mon-\nday will be William McC. Martin\nJr., chairman of the Federal Re-\nserve Board.\n\nThe inquiry has heard conflict-\ning testimony about the capital\ngains tax.\n\nSeveral witnesses from the fi-\nnancial community argued that it\nforces prices up. They contended\nthat people don’t want to. sell\nstock if they have to pay a tax\non their profits. The result, they\nsaw, is a smaller amount of stock\nfor sale and hence a higher price\nSo they called for reduction | il\nnot elimination of the tax.\n\nThe capital gains tax as it af-\nfects larger investors now is 25 pet\ncent. That is, if a man sells stock\nat a profit he has to pay the gov-\nernment one-fourth of the differ-\nence between what he bought i\nfor and what he sells it for. The\ntax applies to securities held si?\nmonths or more .\n\nFulbright told reporters he hac\nseen little evidence to support thé\nWall Street argument that invest-\nors as “locked in’—that is, dis-\ncouraged from selling—by the cap:\nital gains tax.\n\n“I think it is very clear,” he\nsaid, “that there is very little sup-\nort for the idea that the capita\ngains tax has been any substantia\neffect on keeping market price\nup.”\n\nThe Arkansas Senator inclinec\nmore to the view of other witnes\nses, included Harvard economis\nJohn Kenneth Galbraith, that re\n\n‘}peal of the tax might push price\n| higher.\n: Meanwhile, Sen. Capehart (Re\nInd.) a committee member, agree:\nito appear on Walter Winchell’s ra\n|dio-TV broadcast tomorrow nigh\n‘Ito question the columnist-com\n‘Imentator about his stock marke\na tis.\nThe committee heard testimon:\nlast week that a Winchell broad\nleast “tip’ on .Pantepec oil stocl\n‘}resulted in a net loss to those whi\n‘|bought the stock.\n\nWinchell said the information h\n'' save was accurate and demande\n'lthe committee hear him. Fulbrigh\n'jscheduled an appearance for late\n| this month.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 5450.3869921875, 1048.754423828125, 6240.236542968751, 6076.858125000001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "* BOMBAY, India (#—Prime Min-\nister Nehru escaped assassination\ntoday by warding off a_ knife-\nwielding assailant who jumped on\nhis automobile near Nagpur, Cen-\n{ tran India,\n\nPolice announced the arrest of\na 32-year-old rickshaw puller,\n; Whose name was given as Basu\nRao, and an unidentified second\n| man in connection with the at-\ntempt.\n\nAuthorities reported Rao was\ncarrying a six-inch clasp knife\nwhen he jumped on the side of the\nedeose Minister’s car. Unhurt and\n; apparently unperturbed by the in-\ncident, Nehru commented later:\n\n“It was a very small knife and\ninot at all dangerous.”\n\nThe athletic, 65-year-old Prime\n; Minister said he would have taken\nthe knife away from Rao himself\n“but in the meantime police at-\ntacked him and removed the man\nfrom the spot,”\n\nNehru dismissed the episode as\nof “no significance,’ he said his\nassailant was “a cranky person,”\n\nA government spokesman in\nNew Delhi minimized the whole\nthing.\n\n“It would be an exaggeration to\n|say an attempt on Nehru’s life\nhad occurred,’ the spokesman\n{told reporters,\n| This was similar to the attitude\n_|taken in May 1953 when a police-\n-;man removed what he called a\n‘}bomb from the railroad tracks 35\n‘|miles from here only moments be-\n\nfore Nehru’s train passed. The\n-|next day the policeman’s superiors\n‘! said it was only four big firecrack-\n.ters. Many Indians doubted this,\nThere was no immediate an-\nMe bicesattins of any reason for the\n-| attack,\n»} Nehru was driving from Sone-\n-1gon Airport to the residence of R.\n-|S. Shukla, chief minister of Madh-\n.{ya Pradesh state, when the attack\n\noccurred. The Prime Minister had\n»}arrived at the airport shortly be-\n.| fore on a ight from New Delhi.\n7 Police said Nehru pushed Rao\n};as the assailant sprang on hte side\n,;0f the open car. A security guard\n,, following the Prime Minister on a\nt}motoreycle seized the man as he\n| fell. He reportedly was taken to\n»j{a hospital after being questioned\n,| by police. “\n\nNehru spoke later at a meeting\n»}of state legislators in Shukla’s\n, | house.\n\nMi Nehru was in jovial mood as he\nt; called newsmen to a conference\n,|to give his version of the incident,\n\nHe said the whole episode only\n\nlasted 10 seconds.\n\nNehru said he was standing fn\nan open car with the state gover-\nnor and chief minister when a\ncycle rickshaw was pushed across\n\ns|the path of the procession.\n\n1 The rickshaw driver ran toward\n: the Premier’s automobile and\n*|tried to reach the footboard and,\n“| according to Nehru, was seized by\nS}the police and the governor’s mil-\nitary secretary before Nehru him-\nself could have caught him.\n\nNehru said he thought at first\n\n| the man was trying to present a\npetition.\n\nIt was the first real assassina~\ntion attempt ever reported on\nNehru—although nine years ago a\n\n~ {gun-toting Pathan tribesman pro-\n| testing Nehru’s opposition to sepa-\nrate Pakistan state shattered the\nwindsereen of his car with a bul-\nlet in what was described as an\nattempt to frighten him.\n: Last year Nehru was forced to\n~ | eave a meeting he was due to\n\" address near Pataiala in the Pun-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n=\na]\n1\n\n2\n\n \n\n-\n\njab when a crowd of Sikhs bran-\ndishing swords threatened vio-\nlence.\n\nThe 65-year-old Prime Minister\nthas faced many dangers since he\nifirst took up the cause of Indian\nindependence. He was imprisonec\nseveral times by British authori-\nties during the long fight for free-\n\naam.\n\n \n\nAs\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3958.882109375, 7510.6506640625, 4715.81662109375, 7791.159394531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "ALBANY (# — Gov. Harriman\nyesterday proclaimed the week\nbeginning tomorrow as Camp Fire\nGirl Week in New York State in\nobservance of the organization’s\n45th anniversary,\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1668.7555224609375, 7245.77712890625, 2420.7839062499997, 7808.347871093751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "| CORNWALL, Ont. (#) — About\n250 truckers have struck two con-\ntrackers and halted gravel-hauling\noperations on the St. Lawrence\nRiver power project at two sites\non Barnhart Island.\n\nWalter Fursman, president of\nLocal 230, AFL Teamsters, an-\nnounced the strike yesterday and\nsaid the union was seeking to en-\nforce demands for equal pay\nscales from all contractors,\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 128.44558715820312, 6302.92822265625, 1365.8011474609375, 6476.00927734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Despite Warning, Crime Fighter Discusses\nContempt Charges With Reporters\n" }, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 2430.326201171875, 7517.44509765625, 3184.6044628906247, 7810.108125000001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "DETROIT (# — There may be\nsome jobs open soon at the new\n26 million dollar City - County\nBuilding here. But only felines\nneed apply. A rat recently was\nslain on the 19th floor,\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 130.52990600585937, 5002.82400390625, 886.9700634765625, 5824.563203125001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "BALTIMORE (® — Strange\nreddish or brown splotches of\nwater that sprinkled Baltimore\nyesterday stirred wild surmise:\nabout radio-active “fall-out”.\n\nHundreds telephoned the weath-\ner bureau to report that they saw\n“radioactive” raindrops on. their\near or window panes. The bureau\nsaid some were near panic, think-\ning the dirty rain was a bonus\nfrom Nevada’s “big shot” bomb\ntest March 7. :\n\nA check, however, proved the\nrain wasn’t radioactive. It was\nonly a Texas duststorm that got\ndampened on its way east.\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 4741.5078125, 5931.60791015625, 5250.8974609375, 6001.25048828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "CHARACTOR ACTOR\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 3187.34130859375, 474.5511779785156, 3882.82568359375, 586.9901123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Warns on Formosa\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 3201.31619140625, 7541.43435546875, 3951.1403515624997, 7805.299531250001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "NEW .YORK (@ — Mrs. Anna\nFreud Bernays, 96, a sister of the\nlate Sigmund Freud, founder of\npsychoanalysis, born in Austria,\ndied Friday.\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 202.595947265625, 471.4268493652344, 2294.670654296875, 577.754150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "DEMOCRATS HONOR NEW CHAIRMAN IN NEW YORK\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 5495.79568359375, 6193.6496875, 6271.526582031251, 6367.825410156251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Se MARAT SSS &\n\n~ ARLINGTON, Mass, (#) —- Albert\nW. Hilliard, 69, retired Boston\nwool merchant, died Friday.\n" }, "48": null, "49": null, "50": { "bbox": [ 3987.610595703125, 7445.708984375, 4569.53759765625, 7501.34228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "CAMP FIRE GIRL WEEK\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 128.47991821289062, 5892.23953125, 888.96896484375, 6238.656464843751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "ALBUQUERQUE (#—An Albu-\nquerque motorist apparently has\nreached the limit of his endurance\non ohe rough street. Officials found\nthis sign mounted on a post at the\nside of its entrance: “Test for\nRattles,”\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 2561.17236328125, 1226.77197265625, 2984.84228515625, 1280.0321044921875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "By, ED CREAGH\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 4121.27734375, 1223.33056640625, 4487.6142578125, 1274.984375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "By JOE HALL\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 1676.7379150390625, 7178.4873046875, 2153.361083984375, 7234.58349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "TRUCKERS STRIKE\n" }, "55": null, "56": { "bbox": [ 3981.33544921875, 978.03662109375, 4432.017578125, 1196.548095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "All Senators\nUrged to Stay\nIn Washington\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 5508.00634765625, 6151.4033203125, 5976.91748046875, 6200.54931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "WOOT, MERCHANT\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 2437.9853515625, 7461.81591796875, 2804.933837890625, 7510.63525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "CATS NEFDED\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 3368.910888671875, 3092.333251953125, 3751.3916015625, 3137.177001953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "Ry JACK BELT,\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 2449.255126953125, 970.8731689453125, 3001.882080078125, 1203.6593017578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "Fullbright Says\nLaw Doesn’t Keep\nPrices Up\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 4778.93603515625, 1503.6905517578125, 5359.94287109375, 1546.871337890625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "By The Associated Press\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 3205.01611328125, 7505.09765625, 3507.60546875, 7553.29931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "FREUD KIN\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 140.08682250976562, 5847.46435546875, 499.28631591796875, 5888.2216796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "PaATTI( LT Trey)\n" }, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 4 ], [ 5, 7 ] ]
[ 4915.07391796875, 6587.98114453125 ]
[ [ 4, 0 ], [ 7, 5 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3129.521052734375, 913.481013671875, 3801.1210371093753, 2627.275822265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "and Mrs, W. W. Dwyer, Mr. and\nMrs. John BE. Dwyer, Mr. and Mra.\nMra. F, W. Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs.\n'D, P. Powers, Mrs. Alice Fahey, Mr.\n| and Mrs. Clarence W. MHumiston,\nMr. and Mrs. T. B. Ryan, T. B.\nDwyer, Mr. and Mrs. William E.\nDwyer, Mrs. Walter Richards, Mr.\nand Mri Robert Smith, Mrs. B. C.\nMillis, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neill,\nMrs. CC. F. McCollester, William\nBrady, Miss Nora English, Rev. J.\nM. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Lester\nAdams,\n\nEdward Spellman, Mrs. Mollie\nSpellman, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lan.\ncto, Miss Monica Lancto, Miss Cather.\nine Price, Mrs. W. G. Murray, Miss\nMargaret Burke, Miss Cecelia Fog\narty, Charles Baylake, Mr. and Mrs.\nAmos Duval, Mr. and Mrs. James\nFerraro, Miss Abbie Ives, Mr. anc\nMrs.. Ray Lucia, W. H. Ferrelt\nGerald Wilson, Lee Almaw, Pete:\nH. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.\nHarrica, Miss Mary M. Ryan, W. M\nRyan, Arthur Higgins, John Higgins\nDr, and Mrs. J. J. Mahoney, Hugk\nMcCann, Mrs. Frank Lafountain\nMrs. Kenneth lLanktree, Mr. anc\nMrs. Bernard Looby, Mr. and Mrs.\nClarcence Furnia, Dr. and Mrs. J\nJ. Pezzulo, Bernard Harrigan, Mr\nand Mrs. W. B. Spellman, Mr. ane\nMrs. W. F. Sutter, Mrs. Gerak\nCregan, Mr. and Mra. Martin Harri\ngan, Martin Harrigan Jr., Mr. anc\nMrs. Arthur Jones, Miss K. Butler\nDr. W. P. McKenna, Miss Nelli\n\n| Higgins, James McKenna, Earl Mc\nCarthy, Henry Spellman, Mrs, Jame\nHyland, ‘\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1839.0133056640625, 5008.978515625, 2473.39892578125, 6363.255859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Sy TR GN\n\nFOR SALE\n\nAll Sizes and Types of\n\nZenith TV\n\nand\n\nHot Point\nAppliances\n\n10°, DOWN — 24 MONTHS\nTO PAY\n\nPHONE 3054\n\n“Esmond Decosse\n\nChurubusco\n\nDealer In Hotpoint and Zenith\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3210.430908203125, 2652.3408203125, 4405.32958984375, 6391.74462890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "asta alas aalatins'ot nates nslat aslad anlat pales pales nalts\n\ne e\nop @ U\n\n| forthe man ° *4,\nwho is going places\n\n)\n\noLiwAy\n\n \n\n§ «SUITS WORTHY OF YOUR\nY MOST IMPORTANT OCCASIO}:\n\nDistinguished in styling and fabric . - . skillfully tar.\nai ..» perfectly fitted - . - one of these suits will succes: :\nmeet the challenge of these occasions when it is imp«:t.\n\nthat you look your best!\n\nStone & Desnoyer\n\n102 E. MAIN ST. MALO\n\naah AR ARE RCA RCA LAR A I 2\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3139.376708984375, 368.2976379394531, 4295.72607421875, 480.87103271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "The Story No Newspaper Carried ..\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2487.447078125, 3970.253962890625, 3155.5263105468753, 6384.33270703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "SER WU URUEE EERO BFE Y SI ROCE VEIT\nFrom The Record files of October\n\n15, 1937.\n\nOver one hundred members of the\nKnights of Columbus, Catholic Dau-\nghters of America and guests atten-\nded the hanguet at The Chateau on\nTuesday in observance of Columbus\n‘Day. The event was sponsored by\nWadhams Council. 169, K. of C., and\nunder the guidance of Grand Knight\nJohn F. O'Neill, several of the young\ner members, with Henry Spellman as\nchairman, and James McKenna, Ed.\nward Spellman, Earl McCarthy, Cas-\nper Mellon, Gerald Dbwyer and Ger.\nald Wilson, A fine program was ar.\nranged and carried out with credit\nto the committee,\n\nThe banquet hour set for 6:30 p.\nm., found the dining room filled te\noverflowing with a happy throng\nwhose anticipation of an enjoyable\nevening was carried out In fullest\n1measure,\n\nAt the conelusion of the report\nGrand Knight O'Neill, as toastmas\nter introduced Peter H. Powers, firs!\nGrand Knights of Wadhams Council\nwho in a brief talk renewed the glor\nious exploits of Columbus in his dis\ncovery of our great country; the ex\nemplary life of this iNustrious mar\nhas heen a shining light to those whe\ndesired to live upright and hones\nlives and in the fullness of true chris\ntianity.\n\nCounty Judge Thomas EF. Croake\nof Plattsbureh, was the speaker o\nthe evening and upon being introdu\nced he wah greeted hy hearty ap\nmlanse Tis address was along th\nlives of what the organization of th\nKnights stood for. Judge Cronke’\ntalk was timely, interesting and hi\nwas heartily thanked\n\nFollowing this those present — re\npaired to the Town Hall where a car\nparty and dancing brought the ever\nine’s program to a happy ending,\n\nThe following were present:\n\nMr. and Mrs Serald J. Hylane\nMr. and Mrs. FE. M-= Lancto. Mr\nand Mrs W 1D. Ryan, Wrooand Mre\nFrancis Ryan. Robert Ryan, Mr. an\nMrs, C A. Mellon, Ernest Klock\nHenry MeArdie, C. A. Nolan. M1\nand Mrs. Lawrence Mills. Mr. an\nMrs. Maurice Lambert, Gerald Dwy\n\n} er, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ryan, M\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3808.487849609375, 507.6442216796875, 4386.963078125, 2541.9584394531253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "The days went quickly—a, ,\ntion days do. It was on tha |\nback—only an hour's drive from },\n—that the parents began talking\nout the time they had had. They\nreed that it was the most wind,\ntrip of their lives. They saig\nwould never forget it.\n\nThey were right. Ther ,\nwould forget it.\n\nHere were four people with a\nthing to live for.\n\nAnd they did live.\n\nThere was no accident.\n\nThey were among the millinn\npeople who every day drive ayy\nbiles without an acciden:, *\nwere among the millions of iat,\nwho never make the headlinis. ;\nhad a vacation the whole fimiiy\njoyed and will always remon\nTheir happy days had a happy\ning.\n\nThe moral of the story «1 »\ncarried? It’s just this: Safiry\nnot make headlines. The r-sy);\ncommon sense driving are ¢vide\nby accidents that never hajpe\nby headlines that were never pri\nThat’s the big safety story |\nstory that happens so often it\nnews to the public.\n\nBut on S-D Diy which is on\ncember 1, safety will be news\nnews. On that day Amenivuns\nover the country will make in,\neffort to drive skillfully witty\ncident. And if they are suces\nno paper will ovérlook the ‘or\nthe accident toll fs cut dow). h:\n\\headlines in newspapers all uve\ncountry will proclaim the 1m ws.\nwhether it’s S-D Day or nu\ndriver owes it to himself «nd\n‘tJoved omnes to drive car: ‘1!\n‘| practice the skill, timing, a+d\n‘|dinatfon that makes for ex)-n\n‘ting. That’s the sure way |: s\n|}Safe Drivers Make Safe [i:.!\non S-D Day and every day\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 482.34490966796875, 4290.38037109375, 1776.4627685546875, 5854.689453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n\nMalone NECCHI\n\nand ELNA\nSEWING CENTER\n\n17 E. Main St.\nPHONE 2002\n\nMalone\n\nNOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ~\nLATEST MODELS ON DISPLAY\n\nWE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF\nMACHINES BY FACTORY EXPERTS\n\nFREE HOME DEMONSTRATION\n\nWITH NO OBLIGATION\n\n24 — HOUR SERVICE — 24\n\nNAME -——\n\nADDRESS\n\naa a a |\n\neee ee\n\nSEND COUPON IN FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3124.684626953125, 501.4296220703125, 3793.8842207031253, 884.4176069335938 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "| No paper carried “the story. Can't\nunderstand why. It was good ma-\nterial—packed with human interest.\n\nit happened this way: They had\n‘planned the vacation for a long time.\n| The children had counted the days\ntill it began. Then they started off\non that long trip they had planned\n\n| an well.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2538.693115234375, 425.4869079589844, 3027.9140625, 623.5794677734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "~ LOOKING\nBACKWARD\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 443.7849426269531, 1141.5218505859375, 1741.03515625, 2759.4453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "SAUMIER’S\n\nShell Service Station\n\nCOME IN AND HAVE YOUR\n\nRADIATOR FLUSHED\n\nAND FILLED WITH\n\nSHELLZONE NOW\n\nALL SIZE WINTER RECAPPS WITH POLAR GRIP AND\nREGULAR RUBBER WITH A WRITTEN ROAD HAZARD\nGUARANTEE\n\nGJVE THE FAMILY A NEW\n\nEvinrude For Xmas\nSOME GOOD USED OUTBOARD MOTORS\n\nCOME IN FOR YOUR FREE BOOK\nOF CHRISTMAS CAROLS\n\nWe Give United Trading Stamps\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1780.9750322265625, 364.02157153320314, 2437.82684765625, 4984.73993359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "THE PROPLE OF THE 8TATE\nOF NEW YORK\n\nTO Cyril Perkins, brother of Da-\nniel Perkins, deceased, if living,\nand if he be dead, his executors,\nadministrators, widow, issue, heirs\n~at-law, next of kin, assigns, suc-\ncessors in interest, devisees, and\ndistributees whose names and\n\nplaces of residence are unknown\nand cannot be ascertained, Arthur\nL. Perkins, Norfolk, Va., Walter\nJ. Perkins, Norfotk, Va., Marion\n‘Monteiro, Norfolk, Va., Kathryn\nSasser, Goldsboro, N. Carolina, Jo-\nseph A. Perkins, Akron, Ohio, Tho-\nmas M. Roach, Gurnee, Ill., Fran-\nces Roach Chandler, Gurnee, 111.,\nT. M. Roach, Jr., Gurnee, Ill.,\nBetty Roach Wren, Jacksonville,\nN. €., Maryjoe Roach, Ahonen, Gur-\nnee, Iil., Charles Coryea, Ruther-\nford, New Jersey, Francis Coryea,\n\nWaterbury, Vermont, Della Coryea,\nWaterbury, Vt., Clarabel McGrath,\n(Margeno, Ohio, William Perkins,\nbrother of decedent, Henry Per-\nkins, brother of decedent, and\nMary Perkins, sister of decedent,\nif they be living, and if they or any\nof them be dead, their executors,\nadministrators, husbands and wi-\ndows, issue, heirs-at-law, next-of-\nkin, devisees, successors in inter-\nest, and distributees whose names\n| and places of residence are un-\nknown and cannot be ascertained,\nand to all persons who by purchase\nor inheritance, or otherwise, have\nor claim to have, an interest in the\nestate of deceased, derived through\nsaid above named persons, and to\nall persons who claim to have an\ninterest in the estate of decedent\nderived through said above named\npersons or any other nieces or ne-\nphews of said Daniel Perkins, de-\nceased, and to any and all persons\nwho are or make any claim what-\nsoever as executor, or administra-\ntor, of any persons who may be\ndeceased, and who, if Hving, would\nhave any interest in the estate of\nDaniel Perkins, deceased, derived\nthrough any or all of the above\nnamed persons or person described\nor their distributees, heirs-at-law,\nnext-of-kin, devisees, legatees, suc-\ncessors in interest, assigns, and\nwhich person, if there are such\npersons, are unknown and their\naddresses are unknown to the exe-\ncutor.\n\nYou, and each of you, are here-\nby cited to show cause before our\nSurrogate of the County of Frank.\nlin at the Surrogate’s Court of said\nCounty. held at the Court House\nin the Villa; of Malone, in the\nCounty of Franklin, on the 19th day\nof December, 1955, at 10 o'clock in\nthe forenoon of that day, why,\n\nA paper purporting to be the\nLast Will and Testament of Danie!\nPerkins should not be admitted tc\nprobate as a will of real and per\nsonal property, upon the petitior\nof Arthur W. Handly, who reside:\nat Malone, New York: and = why;\nLetters Testamentary should no\nbe granted to Arthur W. Handl:\nresiding at Malone, New York.\n\nIN TESTIMONY WHER\nBOF, We have cause\n\n(L. 8.) the seal of office of ou\nsaid Surrogate to b\nhereunto affixed.\nWITNESS ELLSWORT!\nN LAWRENCE, = Surre\ngate of said County, a\nthe Surrogate’s Office i\nMalone Village, in sai\nCounty, the 14th day c\nNovember in the year ¢\nour Lor’, One Thousan\nNine Hundred und Fift:\nfive,\n\nErma M. Scanion,\n\nClerk of the Surrogate’s Cour\n\nN B-This citation is served upo\n\nyou as required by law. You ar\n\nobliged to appear in person. |\nyou omit to appear it will he a\nsumed that vou consent to the pri\n\nceedings, unless you file writte\nobjections thereto. You have\nright to have an atturney-at-la\nappear for you.\n\nRobert FE. Walsh,\n\nAttorney for Executor,\n\nArthur W. Handly,\n\n39 FE. Main Street,\n\nMalone, New York. iv\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2535.50244140625, 3716.55224609375, 3080.276611328125, 3833.4296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "From the Files\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 462.9149169921875, 2834.5576171875, 1758.9100341796875, 4170.59228515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\nTHE HEATING SEASON WILL SOON BE HERE.\n\nWE HAVE A FULL LINE OF COAL, WOOD, OIL HEAT-\nING STOVES, WOOD AND COAL, OIL and GAS COM-\nBINATION RANGES; GAS and GAS RANGES; GAS\nROOM HEATERS; STOVE-FURNACE PIPES and ELBOW\nIN ALL SIZES.\n\nHOT WATER, HOT AIR, STEAM FURNACES and BOIL-\nERS.\n\nLET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE.\n\nW. D. Ryan & Sons\n\nCHATEAUGAY, N. Y.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4421.7195390625, 354.7428544921875, 4915.07391796875, 6587.98114453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "eer\npLiC NOTICE OF SALE\nLANDS.\n,unpald taxee at the Ca\ntreasurer's Office, Malone,\nyork, beginning Tuesday,\nember 27, 1955, at Ten O°\n, M.\n\\ STATE OF NEW YORK\nnklin County Treasurer's\nfice, Malone, New York.\nWhereas, arrears of taxes\n,in the year 1955, and als\nrg of taxes upon certain\nseme of the years 1952-198\nive, Charged and imposed,\nwnt to law, remain due an\nid on several tracts, lots, 7\nparcels of land described i\njowing list, vis: (The r\nven being those of the o'\nov upants as the same a\nthe assessment rolls for\n@ years and the amounts\nWing taxes, interest, ex;\nni other charges against thi\nrties for such years.)\nALTAMONT, TOWN OF\ncomb’s Purchase, Great\nNo. 1.\nTwp. No, 22.\nOutside Village\n\nlot No. 99. Felber, Steph\n¢ Raquette River Road, 3\n\nbmp 100 x 250 ea., Bounde\ny Cote; EB. by River; S.\n1 W. by LaFleur.\nLot No. 71. LaGrave, W:\npurth Ave., Wild Irnd 100\npnde@ N. by Bushey; ©\npd; 8. by Cosograin; W.—\nacct er\nINSIDE VILLAGE\nLot No. 103. Brier, Hecto\nk St., 2 Fam. Res. &\nar, Bounded N. by Beau\n. by LaLonde; 8. by Par\ny. by Desotel........ F\nLot No. 105. Brickey,\n| High St., Res. 2/5 A., Bi\n, by Reynolds; B. by L\nn, S, by High St.; W.\nC1) ra\nlot No. 108. Chadkins,\nurdy Park St., Lot 1/2 A.,\nod N. by Rq. Pond; E. b\nPurch; S. by Park St.; *\nlat No. 83. \"Gaff, Lawrer\n4°76 McLaughlin Ave.;\ny res. 1/5 A. , Bounded\nhew: BE. by Drew; S. by G\nby McLaughlin Ave....\nLot No. 106. LaLonde, .\nMt. View Ave., Res. 1/\nbounded N. by Powers; E.\njew Ave.; S. by Albert La\nhy LaBrie... tase\nLot No. 83. Pickering,\nbn McLaughlin Ave., Res.\nFunded N. by V. Picker:\ny Hf. Pickering; S. by Dr\nW ROBOTS. oo... ee eee ee eee\nlat No. 106. Pisanchin\n1 & Marion: 124-126 Par\nfutel 78’ - 2/5, Bounded\nwrk St.: B. by Yando;\nenette; W. by Propp.\nLot No, 105. Sayles, J:\nn7{ Wawbeek Ave., Hof\n. Bounded N. by Ellis;\nuwbeek Ave.; S. by C\n1 W. by Gauthier......\nlaut No, 105. Snider\nor-eration: 49 Park St\nMfrs 30° - 2/10, Bounde.\nRafferty; B. by Village\nPart, St.; W. by Snider —\nLit “No. 105. Snider He\nt.. jon: 41-43-45-47 Park\n120° - 2/5, Bounded N.\nert.: BE. by Snider Hote\nPark St.; W. by Wawbee\nLiat No, &3. Varden.\n02-294 McLaughlin A\n» + 200, Bounded N. by\n'y WV. Pickering: 8.\n* OW, by McLaughlin\nTwp. No. 25\nOutside Vitlage\nIe- No. N1/3. Sack, £\n« ‘mend, Camp 1 A..\n\nk .y Gabnilson; E. by ©\nty Trombley: W. wy\nBANGOR, TOWN\n\nTwp. No. 5\nLier No, 3/4. Allen,\nu'h Side Shirley R.,\nBounded N. by Tour\ny Tuurville; S. by Perr,\nLat No. 7. Bean, Edc\nie Depot St., H. & Io°\nunded N. by Drury: E\not <t.; ®. by LaRock;\nTIPDAMY. ccc. eee eee :\nLat No. 36168 Dennis,\nes, side Skerry R., La\nunded N. by Grange L\ntrry R.; S. by Tower\nWIOMCE.. 0. 6. eee\nlat No. 42-63 / 45.\n414: South side Ayers\né Mee Bounded N. by _\n’ MoGregor; S. by F\ni leer § sn\nInt No, 9. Geddes, Gu\nide Joe Town R., H. &\nurded N. by Orton; FE\nri 8, by Joe Town R\nly No. 112. Jock,\nBt side Cooks Crs. R.\nA Bounded N. by Le\nMiley: S. by Wiley\noh s CTS, Reaws we\ntee No. 58. Lawren\n» South side Royce 2\n, bounded N. ty Rove\nPorange Tu.; S. by Br\nuy Wilson ....\n\nLor No, 22-41/36<37\n‘yas: Bast side Wa\ntr, JOT A., Bounded °.\nrho; B. by Armstron,\nR; W. by Wagner\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2443.311580078125, 743.8236650390625, 3128.5497480468753, 3614.01923046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Ween OF NOVEMDEr 15, 1504, |\nWillard Smith has purchased the\nUnion House livery stables with the\nentire stock. |\nStephen Lancto again occupies\nhis old quarters at the Star Restaur-\nant.\nEnos Dake, of Rochester, has pur-\nchased the Orson Beman farm of 80\nacres at Burke. Consideration $4000.\nJohn Burns died at his home on\nNovember 3rd, at the age of 63\nyears.\nRansom Paul died at the home of\nhig mother, Mrs. Timothy Mott on\n\nNovember 9th, aged 37 years.\nene\n\nSIXTY FIVE YEARS AGO.\nWeek of November 21, 1890.\n\nPeter Sweeney has opened a fine\nstock of goods the store formerly\noccupied by Mrs. Eugene O'Neil at\nthe Roberts Line.\n\nR. M. Moore, of Watertown, has\nentered the office of G. H. Main at\nMalone and will spend a portion of\nthe time at Mr. Main’s branch office\nin this village.\n\n€, N. Gurley, who has been travel-\ning for Wanamaker's establishment\nPhiladelphia, has made an engage-\nment with the same firm for two\nyears,\n\nMrs. Aruna S. Bryant died on\nNovember 13th, aged 78 years.\n\nJohn Burke, of Ellenburg, and Miss\nAnna McDonough, of Huntingdon,\nwere united in marriage at Hunting:\ndon on November 4, 1890, by Rev.\nFather Santoire.\n\ne2¢\nPIFTY NINE YEARS AGO.\nWeek of November 20, 1896.\n\nA very pretty wedding occurred at\nBrainardsville on Wednesday evening\nNovember 4th, when John Charles\nKirby was married to Cora Elizabeth\nMartin at the bride’s home. Rev.\nWilliam Frazier, of Champlain, as\nsisted by Rev. A. L. Smith prenoun\nced the words that made.them mar\nand wife.\n\nMiss Jennie Sancomb left on Mon\nday for Hartford, Conn., where sh¢\nwill remain during the winter.\n\nena\nFIFTY FOUR YEARS AGO.\nWeek of November 22, 1901.\n\nThomas H. Dwyer has opened |\ncarriage and sleigh repository in th:\nnew Coonley block.\n\nLawrence Carter, who has hee!\nforeman with the High Falls Pu);\nand Paper Co.'s mil! has secured |\nposition in Malone and his place ha\nbeen taken by W. H. Rivers, o\nBlack River.\n\nGeorge Badger and Mrs. France\nHarvey were united in marriage o\n\nNovember 14th, by Rev. Samue\nLundie.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 652.8433837890625, 6000.37939453125, 1646.1302490234375, 6352.06103515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "SCHOOL SUPPLIES\nat the Record Office\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3853.93584765625, 2560.092830078125, 4410.48700390625, 2627.3991132812503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "SEND IN YOUR NEWS ITEN\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 392.70343017578125, 378.4981689453125, 1761.4822998046875, 1022.36474609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "ep Chateaugay Record ye)\n\nAND FRANHLIN COUNTY DEMOCRAT\n\nWILLIAM H. FERRELL — RICHARD J. PEACOCK\nPublished every Friday by Chateaugay Printing and Publishing Company,\nand entered at the Postoffice at Chateaugay, N. Y., as second class matter\n\ntubacription Rate — $2.50 per year Advertising Rates on Application\n" }, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 17 ], [ 0, 10 ], [ 17, 10 ], [ 4, 12 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 4, 15 ], [ 12, 6 ], [ 12, 15 ], [ 6, 15 ], [ 20, 14 ] ]
[ 6564.65380859375, 8739.130859375 ]
[ [ 0, 17 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 10, 0 ], [ 12, 15 ], [ 14, 20 ], [ 15, 4 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 897.1034658203125, 178.60119226074218, 1704.672291015625, 2603.87468359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "guided missile installations in the\nFar East. |\n\nThere has been a steady cam-\npaipn in the Japanese press to\nhave the United States give up its\nmutual defense treaty authority\nover Okinawa, and return it to\nJapan.\n\nThere is a strong public opinion\nagainst American use of bases\nagainst an aggressor in this area,\nunless Japan itself comes under\nattack.\n\nThere has been a two-year\nhassle over lengthening a few\nJapanese airfields for U. §&,\njets. Until recently, Japanese\n\nleaders failed to come right out\nand tell their people that, ‘U.\nS. forces are in Japan because\nwe want them here.”\n\nJapan’s military budget is now\nonly a little over two percent of\nits gross national income, This is\noly half of what even tiny Por-\ntugal appropriates.\n\nThe budget is said to reflect\npublie opinion. The people complain\nthat the imperial army and navy\ndidn't save the country from de-\nfeat in World war Il. So why re-\nvive chem?\n\nSuch home guard and coast\nguard forces as Japan now main-\ntains under contract—to get around\nthe constitutional ban against re-\narmament—are said to be excel-\nlent. But they are too few.\n\nThis postwar psychological fear\nof the military is said to be even\nworse than in Germany.\n\nWhen Americans point to the\ndanger of the Communist threat\nfrom China on their west or from\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1708.257396484375, 379.58469750976565, 2508.190357421875, 2090.0792734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "GIESSEN, Germany, Aug. 16—\n(P—U,. S. authorities told today\nhow a quick-witted German labor-\ner rescued two young American\nchildren buried in an earth ecave-\nin.\n\nLieut. Walter 8S. Bloomfield’s\nchildren—David &, Robert, 6, and\nSusan, 5—-had been playing at\nan American construction project\nhere Friday when Henrich Trebert\nheard a cry.\n\nHe dropped his tools and ran\nto the spot. Robert was unhurt,\nbut David was buried up to his\nneck.\n\nPutting his ear to the ground,\nTrebert thought he heard another\nchild's breathing. He dug down\nand found Susan. The little girl\nseemed lifeless when uncovered,\nbut Trebert revived her with ar-\ntificial respiration, Then he dug\nout David and hailed a passing\nAmerican sergeant to rush the\ntwo children to medical aid,\n\nThey were still under hospital\ncare today for bruises and shock,\nbut will be released soon.\n\nBloomfield is the son of Mr. and\nMrs. Roger Bloomfield, Yonkers,\nae ee\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2529.400634765625, 186.5684051513672, 3308.90673828125, 620.5414428710938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Judgment Is\nBig Need in\nCredit Buying\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 65.85935974121094, 171.63340759277344, 865.0139770507812, 521.1304931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "AMERICAN-JAP\nTALKS SLATED\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4951.620921875, 191.1503408203125, 5746.5187265625, 509.82582495117185 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "“If this turns out to be a child\ncustody case it could be a wing-\nding and Daniel may need all the\n\nhelp he can get,” Murray com-\nmented.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3334.37109375, 187.6423797607422, 4122.76904296875, 531.1301879882812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "SCHMIDT WILL\nSEEK DIVORCE\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5754.8406484375, 196.32500817871093, 6552.69401953125, 513.2548410644531 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": ", ® =\nThe Navy’s destroyers were or-\niginally designed to carry one spe-\n\ncific weapon—the torpedo, Their\nprimary mission now is anti-sub-\n| marine warfare.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 148.37347412109375, 3915.64990234375, 2415.358642578125, 8739.130859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Fabulous Savings\n\nIn Saft's\n\nAUGUST FURNITURE SALE\nSAVE MONEY\n\non Nationally Known Brands of\n\nFurniture & Furnishings\n\nSPECIAL BUYS 8-PC. DINING ROOM SUITE——Credenza buffet,\n\ndurable extension type table, host chair and\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nse five side chairs. $ 50\nINNERSPRING ~ srs y tara T 99\nMATTRESS\n\nREG. $149.50 7-PC. VIRTUE CHROME DINETTE.\n\nLarge table with ¢ 50\né) foam rubbe\nchrome chairs ,\n\nS\n\n$39.95\n\n \n\nseen\n—— F REG. $279.50 KROEHLER 2-PC. HIGH STYLED\nr «fh ‘ x a ROOM *} g9°°\neck& ov ——\n4-P , Ge Fringed base ;\n— “ane\nBeet ae\n\nREGULAR $249.50 EARLY AMERICAN 2-PIECE\n\nMAPLE LIVING ROOM S 95\nSUITE. A\nReal Buy :\n\n| dinette sets-—priced for your choice\n\nPRICED EACH UP FROM Chest Base\n\n| Chilfarobe with Chest $ 95\n| $1 9.00 and yin 29\n\n\\ is -\n\n\\ 48\n\\ >\nREGULAR $379.95 HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD 6-\n\noe: iECE Modern Solid ¢ 50\nbites Birch Dining 279\nBridge Lamp Room Suite Peas\nAugust $<! REGULAR $229.50 SOLID ROCK MAPLE SUITE\n\nPrice | Qr with Large Extension $ 50\nRound Table and 4\n\"ct. : ee er\n\nHe eames Re wr NI A\n\ni - Convenient ierms to Suit Every Budget |\n\n—— a es ee ng i a RR en eres een reenter\n\n \n\na enna Si ee et ee a ee a A gene Nn aN A A TCT\nf ——\n\nALL USED MERCHANDISE MUST GO\n\nOne Group | 4-Piece Poster Bedroom Suite $ 79 $0\n| . . ‘ with rin nd t +s t0808086\n| 2-Pc. Living Room Suites | spring © mattress\nOdd sofas, studio couches and tee — *$9 ”\nRoom Suite . :\n\nSix-drawer Double Dresser $ 17°\"\n\nee ee\n\nMany Other Bargains in Our Used Furniture Department\n\nSAFT FURNITURE CO.\n\n10 SOUTH MAIN (rood Furniture Since 1915 MIAMI, OKLA\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1709.3116455078125, 187.0477294921875, 2452.860595703125, 359.7211608886719 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Laborer in Germany\nSaves 2 Youngsters\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4168, 604.8353271484375, 6564.65380859375, 4892.27587890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "\"Don't Forget,\nOnly Four\nMore Days\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nto Register\nat Farrier's\nto Win That\nNew 1955\nFord!\"\n\n \n\nRegister\nEvery Day\n\nFARRIER’S IGA\n\nSUMMER BARGAIN STAMPEDE\n\nENDS SATURDAY\n\neR NN eR A Re A tm aR\net eR et ae ea een,\n\nNEW 1955 FORD\nMAINLINER TUDOR\n\n \n \n\nWill Be Given\n“a Away\nfame ~~ SATURDAY\noo\nRegister wv NIGHT\n\nEvery Day—— at 7 p.m.\nYou May Win Gane\n\nFarrier s IGA Thriftway\n\nAir Conditioned—and Plenty of Free Parking\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 77.19987084960937, 881.8678701171875, 878.6279794921875, 2582.8566171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, Aug. 16—-\n(NEA)—The forthcoming visit of\nJapanese Foreign Minister Mam-\noru Shigemitsu will be just a little\nmore than 10 years after he signed\nthe surrender aboard the Missouri\nAug. 14, 1945,\n\nShigemitsu's conversa-\ntions with Secretary of State\n\nJohn Foster Dulles are intended\n\nto straighten out some of the\n\ntougher problems in American-\nJapanese relations at the top.\n\nBut it's relations at the bottom\n\nthat really need improving,\n\nFrom the Tokyo point of view,\nthe United States has been pushing\nJapan back towards militarism too\nfast.\n\nKrom the Washington point of\nview, the Japanese are entirely too\napathetic about their own defense,\nWhat is even More exasperating,\nthe Japanese raise every obstacle\nthey can think of to make Ameri-\nean defense of the Far East more\ndifficult.\n\nJust recently there have been\nstrong Japanese protests against\nAmerican proposals to put 250 mm,\natomic ariillervy and Honest John\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 140.3795623779297, 2635.834228515625, 1672.0753173828125, 3745.606201171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "SAVE ON PRESCRIPTIONS\n\nYou Choose Your Doctor... You Choose Your Druggist—\nThen Choose WALKER DRUG STORE TO SAVE—\n\nby suggesting to your Doctor to Phone your next PRESCRIP-\nTION to ROY WALKER DRUG STORE or bring it in yourself.\n\nRoy has the most complete store in Oklahoma, to supply\nyou and your family needs.\nSo why not SAVE by calling the\n\nROY WALKER DRUG STORE\n\n14 South Main Street Dial KI 2-7167\nFREE DELIVERY—-DAY OR NIGHT——-OPEN ‘TIL 11 P.M.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3340.5750234375, 820.4027822265625, 4148.88249609375, 3888.134693359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "SACRAMENTO, Calif., Aug. 16\n—()—The Korean war B-29 gun-\nner whose wife said she wed an-\nother man in the belief he was\ndead has decided he'll unravel the\nmarital tangle by seeking a di-\nvoree,\n\nBut Airman Daniel Schmidt, 22,\nstill hasn’t made up his mind\nwhether he will seek custody of\nhis 24-year-old son, whom he saw\nfor the first time after emerging\nfrom 82 months imprisonment in\nRed China.\n\nSchmidt returned last week with\n10 other airmen who were with\nhim in the B-29 when it was shot\n| down,\n\nHis divorce decision was an-\nnounced yesterday by his attorney.\n- It followed a face-to-face meet-\ning at which auburn-haired Una\nSchmidt-Fine, 20, refused to leave\nAlford Fine, 21, a logger.\n“Dan wants whatéver is best\nfor the welfare of the boy,” his\nattorney Howard Welch said,\n\n“and hasn't decided yet whether\n\nthat would mean leaving him\n\nwith the boy's mother or seek-\ning custody.”\n\nWelch said Schmidt would prob-\n\nably seek a divorce on general\n‘grounds—including extreme cruel-\nty.\n“Just the fact that she's not\nliving with Schmidt is enough\ngrounds for extreme cruelty,” he\nsaid,\n\nIf Schmidt asks the court for\nthe custody of Danny, Jr., and\nwins, the youngster would live\nwith Schmidt's mother, Mrs, Nellie\nPeters, of Portland, Ore., Welch\nsaid,\n\nUna’s attorney Harold Berliner,\nof Nevada City, would not com-\nment on the poasibility of a divorce\nor a child custody fight.\n\nThomas J, Murray, state com-\nmander of the Veterans of Foreign\nWars, has been in contact with\nSchmidt's attorney and the airman\nknows of the VFW’s offer to fi-\nnance a divorce,\n\n“Welch told me he had heen\n\nretained by Schmidt as his coun-\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3344.363037109375, 554.8543090820312, 4132.27294921875, 793.2763061523438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Airman Hasn't Decided What\nHe'll Do About Son—Court\nFight Is Possible\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2514.495189453125, 602.4078481445313, 3326.18132421875, 4964.56804296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK, Aug. 16—CP)—You\nwalk along the street and see a\n|sign on a good used car: “Only\n| $5 down,”\n| You look at a new house and\nthe builder tells you: “If you're\n-a veteran, $200 down is all you\n‘need.” Until recently you didn’t!\n/need even that.\n\nYour radio blares: “Install a\nwindow cooler now, payments start\n‘next April.”\n\nAn ad in the paper says: “Wall-\nto wall carpeting for the entire\nhouse at $4 a week.”\n\nNext to striking oil, it’s the\neasiest way man ever has devised\nfor raising his standard of living\n~—and fast,\n\nIt's also one of the easiest\nways of getting beyond your\ndepth if you don’t watch your\nstep.\n\nThe vast majority of Americans\nare meeting their weekly or\n‘monthly payments, Finance com-\npanies say the record of instalment\npayments on cars is now the best\nin history, In June, when a record\n\n1,766,000,000 of credit was ex-\ntended to new car buyers, others\nwere paying in $1,190,000,000 on\nprevious loans,\n\nThe percentage of delinquencies\nand sepossessions remains at a\nremarkably low level—and stable\nover the years. But as the-total\n‘of consumer debt rises, the total\namount of delinquencies tends to\nrise also, even if at the same low\npercentage.\n\nThe American Collectors Assn.\nsays that six million American\nfamilies are delinquent on pay-\nments for one or more things\nthey've bought on time.\n\nAn agency that specializes in\nhelping families after they get in\na financial mess estimates that 10\nmillion families are pinched by\nthe debts they've piled up with\noverenthusiasm.,\n\nThe quality of some instalment\nloans in recent months wouries\nAdministration officials. Terms\nhave been getting easier—down\npayments lower, maturity times\nextended,\n\nThis has been due largely to\nsales competition, Almost all kinds\nof consumer goods are in abun-\ndant supply.\n\nHow do people get in over their\ndepth? Silver Shield, an organize-\ntion that makes a business of try-\ning to help people who find they\ncan’t meet their payments—and\ncharges 10 percent for doing it—\nsays that most of them just didnt\nrealize they were taking on so\nmuch debt.\n\nModern) merchandising puts\nsuch emphasis on time payment\nsales and makes credit look so\neasy that a family lacking sound\nmoney judgment just eases into\ndebt before it hnows it,\n\nOthers are Victims of illness «\nreduced income because of loss of\novertime or from layoffs.\n\nFinance companies and bankers\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4160.85480859375, 185.44492700195312, 4932.33952734375, 499.42897436523435 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "sel,” said Murray, “and I as-\nsurec him he will receive the\nfull co-operation of the VFW—\n\nincluding associate counsel—if\nhe needs it.”\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 86.53655242919922, 556.9284057617188, 856.5590209960938, 791.3279418945312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Military Issues Will Be Dis\ncussed When Shigemitsu\nArrives in States\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1726.35773828125, 2637.7176015625, 2509.164966796875, 3804.17741796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Mickey Mantie of the Yankees,”\n\net ae Sa MN RN ain a hte\n\n \n\nRussia—within rowboat distance\nfrom the islands on the north—the\nJapanese prefer to look in other\ndirections and not worry.\n\nAs to what the United States\nmight do, the most natural thing\nwould be to walk off and leave\nthem, Of course that won't be\ndone, For Japan is the most valu-\nable piece of real estate in the\nFar East.\n\nThere is probably little real\nAmerican understanding of what\nthe Japanese want for the long\npull. They probably know exactly\nwhat they want. At any rate there\nwill be plenty of things to talk\nabout when Dulles and Shige-\nmitsu get together, at the end of\nAugust.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3377.6103515625, 4139.91357421875, 4104.6884765625, 4926.01123046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "He's Watching\nYOu!\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2742.121337890625, 5627.51806640625, 6291.55126953125, 7266.8359375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\n—— ee TE for\n\n \n\nae\n\n \n\n—\n\n \n\n \n \n\ncineca cia cll. ieia lias ae De ane\n\ntae Sel he taille\nA eae a EEN CN tn RI NR Re\n\n \n\n—s\n\nestate, wes\n=\n\na:\nee ee\ney RE AG, Be.\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3338.832103515625, 3882.6101796875, 4141.58366796875, 4109.00603125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "have assured the administration\nthi.t from aow on they'll be look-\ning more closely to see if loan\napplicants are credit-worthy.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 225.31228637695312, 822.8660888671875, 716.09423828125, 876.2854614257812 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Ry PETER FDSON\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5479.9560546875, 39.669986724853516, 6549.9921875, 157.01290893554688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1955\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1728.2960927734375, 2209.514720703125, 2507.085865234375, 2689.020435546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "CINCINNATI — (PF — After\nwatching his young outfielder,\nWally Post, hit several drives over\nthe wall in batting practice, Man-\nager Birdie Tebbetts of the Red-\nlegs said: “Post can hit the ball\nfarther than any right handed hit-\nter in baseball—and that includes\nMickey Mantie of the Yankees.”\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1894.2916259765625, 2140.85302734375, 2328.82763671875, 2197.5263671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "HITTING POST\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2846.711986328125, 7687.3914296875, 3803.1671640625, 8287.854664062499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Forget any offer you may have had on\nyour present car from any dealer. |\n\nForget any idea that may be in your mind\nabout how much it costs to step up to a\nbig new Dodge.\n\nOur “Drive It Home” deal will put this\nbig Dodge Coronet V-8 Club Sedan, with\nits dashing Lancer trim, in your garage\nat a price that is just short of unbelievable.\n\nWe can do it because our sales on this 55\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2701.772705078125, 5193.72412109375, 6350.2705078125, 8198.9169921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n\n1e to day\n\neA te iy i\n~ asia ee a i : .\n= hy\nete, ll he le EO: oa Ais 6 Mbtiie, & ae ee\neen een rr ae ee ee ee ¥\n\nne,\nemt\n\n \n\nee et\n\n \n\nWe're out to put you behind the wheel of a big new Dodge with a price\nthat says “Drive Me Home” and a deal you just can't turn down!\n\n‘ ee ’ §\nGet our “Drive It Home” Deal\nForget any offer you may have had on Dodge are literally skyrocketing, and we an\nyour present car from any dealer, want you to share in our success. ona \\ EW\n\nThe time to act is now. Your present car\nwill never be worth so much again. Our\nprice on this beautiful Dodge is rock\nbottom. And the deal we are prepared\n\nForget anv idea that may be in vour mind\nabout how much it costs to step up toa\nbig new Dodge.\n\nOur “Drive It Home” deal will put this to make is the best deal you have ever\nbig Dodge Coronet V-8 Club Sedan, with been offeredg-low down payment, easy\nifs dashing | ancer trin , In Your paraye monthly terms. , .\n\n \n\nata price that is just she unbelievable. .\nita price that is just short of unbelievab! Fak te th say Glue thie aoe\n" }, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 11, 6 ], [ 12, 14 ], [ 12, 7 ], [ 14, 7 ], [ 8, 28 ], [ 9, 17 ], [ 13, 15 ] ]
[ 2619.355224609375, 3584.089599609375 ]
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 7, 14 ], [ 8, 28 ], [ 11, 6 ], [ 12, 7 ], [ 15, 13 ], [ 17, 9 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 503.20097338867185, 2509.5423125, 925.2931977539063, 3556.5070039062502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Unhappy Argentina has a new\npresident, just when the news maga-\nzines had gotten started on a series\nof articles praising provisional Presi-\ndent Lonardi, and saying how stable\nthe new regime was,\n\nArgentina’s new strong man, we\nare told, is e square-jawed profession-\nal soldier with what are called de-\nmacratic convictions, We ate also told\nin radio broadeasts from the new\nrulers that the crisis stemmed from\nthe presence of totalitarian-minded\nPersona who had seized power in\nLonardi's regime.\n\nSince American observers on the\nscene don’t have any idea what’s\ngoing on, a few observations may be\n\nmade from a distance,\n\nNewspapermen noted with regret\nthat despite the “fact that playboy\nPresident Peron was ousted weeks\nago, the famaus newspaper La Prensa\nstill hasn't been handed back to its\nrightful owners, who were kicked out\nby Peron for telling the truth about\ntherotten Peron regime.\n\nAgain, it is to be noted that\ngenerals by nature don’t made parti-\ncularly good politicians, and Latin\nAmerican generals in particular are\nnet uoted for their devotion to de.\nmeoeracy., On Sunday, the Argentin-\niana merely eetaiTRS ome general for\nanother.\n\nSo far the promised democratic\nteforms have not appeared; Lonardi\nsaid he would make them and didn’t;\nnaw the new regime says it will,\n\nWe can only wait and see,”\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 70.68197619628906, 1526.8781279296875, 497.67030346679684, 2281.1820527343752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Senator Wayne Morse, while he\nhas the reputation for being ‘agin’\neverything; nevertheless too often\nmakes a lot of sense — so much sense\nthat he leaves his opponents feeling\nvery uncomfortable,\n\nA poll of Demoeratic leaders re-\nveals that the farm crisis is likely to\nbe the number one issue in next year’s\nelections, é\n\nIn an interview with this news-\npaper, Scnator Morse made the point,\nand very rightly so, that the general\npublic will be voting against the\nEisenhower regime, and not against\nSecretary of Agriculture Benson,\nwhen. they express their feelings on\nfarm policy at the polls next year,\n\nToo often there seems to be a tend-\nency to leave the President out of the\npicture when there is criticism of his\nadministration,\n\nBut it must be remembered that\nthe President, as well as being the\nChief Executive, is responsible for all\nthat goes on in the executive depart-\nments. .\n\nUnlike the constitutions of other\nnations, the Ameriean Constitution\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 504.65776049804685, 1526.75764453125, 924.4976655273438, 2284.7772675781252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "makes no provision for ‘an official\nCabinet. To cile a quotation of Abra-\nham Linecoin, when all the Cabinet\nmembers vate ‘no”, and the President\nvotes “aye”, the “ayes” has it. This\nmeans that the President must take\npersonally responsibility for policy\nfailures, as he may take the credit for\nsuccesses,\n\n\"This is perhaps not a very for.\ntunate moment to mention such an\nunpleasant truth. Everybody wishes\nPresident Eisenhower well as he pro-\ngresses towards recovery from his\nheart seizure, and nobody would wish\nat this time to do or-say anything\nwhich would retard his full recovery,\n\nBut the fact remains, when the\naccoimting is made next year, it will\nbe the President's program which will\nbe on the block.\n\nAs was pointed out above, it is\ntoc often left to Senator Morse to em-\nphasize these political truths.\n\n“While it might be ‘a somewhat\nturbulent world if there ivere téo\nmany Morses, the nation should be\ngrateful that it has one holding high\npolitical office,\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1613.3095244140625, 397.351638671875, 1938.71208203125, 1304.0758515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "It fs Immensely fortunate that\nPresident Eisenhower is sutfici-\nenlly recovered to return to Wash.\ninglon and Gettysburg and to be\nsubstantially on the job. It is none\ntoo soon in the light of erilical\nevents. , a,\n\nU.S. world leadership, seriously\nset back since the summit confer.\nence, needs the President’s active\nparticipation. .\n\nThe Eisenhower administration,\nput on the defensive on several\nfronts aud soon te face an election.\nminded Congress, needs the Presi-\ndent on hand,\n\n‘The Republican party, uncer-\ntain abeul Mr, Eisenhower's own\nPlans and dismayed by the na-\ntion - wide defeats in the past\nweek's elections, needa the Presi-\n‘dent's presence and presilge\ncloser to political headquarters.\n\nMr. Eisenhower has no magic\nwand with which to wave these\nproblems out of existence, bul he\nean do much. The Administralion\nand the government were, in my\njudgment, becoming gravely han-\nWicapped by the President's en-\nforeed absence. '\n\nThe imminent collapse of the\nGeneva conference and the men-\nace of war in the Middle East re-\nquire the President’s active ener-\ngies, not merely his passive ac-\nquiescence in evolving American\nPolicy. They demand his personal\nand cansislent attention. They can-\nnot be dealt with on any other\nlevel.\n\nThe Administration's legislative\nprogram is not as far advanced ag\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1952.220779296875, 396.9486845703125, 2277.738205078125, 1312.1819306640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "it needs lo be al Uils stage and\nHisenhower Republicans in Con-\ngress has slipped. Senate Majority\nLeader Lyndon Johnson has been\neazily coaching and cajoling his\nassociates behind a Democratic\nprogram and slraiegy when Con-\ngress reconvenes, But many Re-\npublican Senators, who aim to be\nStrongly ehind the President,\nhave fell the absence of any con\ntact wilh the White House and\nwould like to sce a little more\nactive and fullseale preparation\nfor what's ahead.\n\nAnd politically the Republicans\n-have now had their worrles ‘dou-\nbled. They were just gelling par¢-\nly reconciled to the probability\nthat Mr. Eisenhower would not\nYun next-year and then came\nlast week's elections. You can\nIgnore these latest election re\nurns, you can minimize them or\nYou can pretend ihey never hap °\n\npne ubdel,toatmrhe uywoen\npened, but no matter how you\nfigure Ml, there ts no esenping\n\nihe conclusion that there is noth-\n\ning abaul them beneficial 40 the\n\nRepubilcans,\n\nIt isn’t fair to expect either\n\nPaul M. Butler or Republican Na-\ntional Chairman Leonard W. Hail\nThey are not averse {o having\nsome facts in thelr political ap-\npraisals as long as they are prop-\nerly sclected.\nO Mr. Buller says that last week's\ncleclion returns prove that the\nDemocrats will win the Presidency\nnext year, They don't prove that,\naf course — but they'lt help.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2290.117263671875, 394.6586455078125, 2615.4349824218752, 1318.611984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Mr, Hall says that last week's\nelection returns have no national\nsignificance. They have consld-\nerable national significance. Mr.\n\nHall says that the atest Dema\ncratic victories turned whelly on\nlocal issues and for that reason\nhave not national importance.\n\nNow, what de you suppose Mr.\nHall would bo claiming if last\nweek the Republicans — instead of\nthe Demoerals — nad captured 84\nof Indiana's 105 cities,” had won\nin both the rural mid-West and the\nindustrial Northeast, making not-\niceable gains in Pennsylvania, New\nJersey, New York and Connectl\ncut?\n\nWhere the Democrats were al\nready in control, they mare often\n(than not increased their majorl-\nties. If these had been Mepublican\ngains, would Mr, Hall have dis-\nmissedethem as wilhaut national\nmeaning? Thal will never be a\n$64,000 question.\n\nThese election resulis have\nmeaning because they follow the\npattern of Demaeratic viclorics\nacross the nalion jn 1953 and 1934,\nAt the very Icast they vastly\nstrengthen the Democratic organi-\nzation in many nationally critical\nstates and give them new resoure-\nes and new drive with which to go\ninto the 1956 campaign.\n\nIt will now be harder than ever\nfor the Republicans to win in 1935\nand the judgment of most detached\nobservers is that they have litle\nchance of winning without a Presi.\ndential nominee of eminent stature,\n(C) 1955, New York Herald ‘Tri-\nbune Ine\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1271.19221484375, 286.64152514648435, 1603.0973359375, 1652.976486328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "professional task and a dificult\none. To do it, as was proved in\nthe Philadelphia mayoralty elec-\ntlon, requires not so much good-\nness of purpose as effectlveness of\norgaization. The Eisenhower Ad-\n. ministration, depending upon Pres-\nident’ Eisenhower's personal popu-\nlarity and his principles, bas in\nmany important places neglected\norganization, In the Eastern states,\nthe Republican organizations have\ngone to put and victory in 1956\nmay depend on the ability of the\nparty to restore them,\n\nThe Taflites and the Republican\nMeCarthyites were, as you might\nsay, the idealisls of the Republi-\ncan Party, fighing for their prin-\nciples through bleak years without\nregard to palronage. ‘They ‘were\nthe zealots wha da the hard work\nwhich those who achieve distine-\ntion and place shun.\n\nTHEY. ARE MOSTLY out and\nit would appear from whal we\n“have seen in the 1955 election that\nno one has taken their nlaces,\nPractical politics is nothing like the\nstuff that the League of Women\nYoters peddles at Live cents a\npamphlet. If is the business of as-\nsociating the voler with a politi-\neal party sa thal on Election Day\nthe voter will come out to vote,\nand that he will vate the right\nway, This is an all-year-round job\nof doing little favors that a citl-\nzen wants done, mast of them legi-\ntimate and none of them easy.\n\nOld-timers take all this in their\nstride. Some of them even lke the\nmechanics of party arganization\nand ask only that they be per-\nmitted to play a part. They be-\ncome violently partisan because\nthat is the way the game has\nbeen played In this country since\nAaron ‘Burr organized Tammany\nHall, When they see their own par-\nty catering ta the “enemy,” when\nthey see old names in their party\npurged, white hold-avers from the\nhaled New Deal sil in high places,\nthey quit.\n\nSome of the Deweyite advisers of\nthe Eisenhower Administration re-\nfer to these people as ‘Republi.\ncans wilo have nowhere else to go,\nwhich ean have this truth in it\nthat they will go nowhere, not even\nto the polls. That they did in Phila-\ndelphia, Queens County in New\nYork, and Connecticut and a les-\nson could be learned therefrom:\neach vote counts as much as any\n\nnae\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1952.7665556640625, 1560.3112333984375, 2281.991623046875, 2618.3138886718752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Sirds aad fish, also opposed the\nEngineers’ plan 10 years ago. How-\never, they needn't have, because\nthe Army's reservolrs would ac-\ntually have improved the scenic\nbeauty of great falls by stepping\nup the flow of water in dry sum-\nmer months, The Chesapeak and\nOhio canary, though partly submer-\nged by the proposed reseryoirs,\nwould have had its remaining por-\ntion protected against repeated\nbatlering by Hoods. And the re-\nservairs themselves would have\nmade wonderful lakes for boating,\nswimming and fishing,\n\nThe Pepco plant, on the other\nhand, will now effectively road-\nblock the Engineers’ plan. It won't\nadd a nickel's worth of flood con-\nirol, and it will allegedly add heay-\nily to the pollution of the Potomac\nby heating the water and causing\ngcaiwth of organisms,\n\nActually the ballle against fed-\neral development of the Potomac\nstarled way back in the ‘lwenties\nwhen Sen. George Norris of Neb-\ntaska proposed a flood control and\npower project at Great Falls, Pep-\nca leaped into the picture imme-\ndiately, and soon residents of the\nPolumac basin were convinced\n(hat the federal reservoirs woyld\nflood their farmland and foree\nthem lo move,\n\nFy 1936, the Norris proposal was\nquietly forgotten in the face of ris-\ning local oppesition.\n\nThen came the terrible flood of\nMarch, -1938, which wrought $12,-\n631,000 worth of havoc in the Po-\ntamac basin. Congress hastily pass-\ned the Flood Control Act of 1936,\nand the Corps of Engineers again\nused ils slide rules, this time to\nplot the total conquest pf the ram-\nPaging river.\n\nPepco Wins Again\n\nYet, once again Pepro was the\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 68.14978778076171, 2373.868240234375, 496.63319409179684, 3543.8495332031252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Un saturday, two Florence fire-\nfighters were burned while answer-\ning an alarm to some blazing homes,\n\nFortunately, they were not seri-\nously hurt, although they could have\nheen.\n\nToo often the average citizen\ntends to think of the fire bridgade as\nan expensive luxury, banned by men\nwho ait around all day watching tele-\nvision, exchanging pleasantries with\npassers-by at the fire hall, or re-\npolishing already highly polished\nequipment,\n\nIt is true that a very small pro-\nportion of a fiveman’a time is\nactually spent at fires. But without\nan efficient, alert firefighting force\non duty around the clock, a city has\nno protection against disaster. .\n\nFirefighters are like a fire insur-\nance policy, You pay for the policy,\nand hope you never have to collect\non it,\n\nMeanwhile, those men sitting\naround at the fire hall can be called\nout at any time, and only minutes\nlater may be in a burning room being\nchoked by smoke, or lying helpless\nunder a falling wall undermined by\nfire.\n\nAnd if anybody really thinks that\na8 fireman's lot is a particularly happy\none, they shoukl eheck the insurance\ncompanies’ mortalily figures,\n\nFirefighters suffer from heart\ntrouble as an occupational disease al-\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1954.19026171875, 2882.037185546875, 2277.55925, 3114.8107148437502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "consciences told them how evil\nthey themselves weer,\n\nThen Jesus turned to the wom-\nan who evidently was deeply re-\npentant of her sin and said to\nher: “Neither do I condemn thee:\nGo, and sin no more.” Today Je-\nsus: wants His laws of rightcous-\nness written in our hearts and\ncarried out in ovr tives.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 67.76898193359375, 1313.9886474609375, 932.4293823242188, 1518.200439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Morse Puts Finger\nOfBlameCorrectly\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 924.9054106445312, 282.7050627441406, 1263.6655732421875, 1649.20231640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "What the 1955 electlan, particu.\nJarly in the Eastern states, show-\ned was that too many Hepubli-\ncans do not vote at all, -\n\nOne trouble with the Republl-\ncans is that many.of them feel\nihat they have heen purged from\ntheir party, The Taft Republicans\nfeel that way; the McCarthy Re-\npublicans feel that way. If they\nhave been purged, they da not be-\nlong. Some of them have stood by.\ntheir pasty during the 20 long years\nof New Deal darkness, contribut-\ning time, money and physical “¢-\nfort to keep thé party a= going\nconcern. Then the party was elect:\ned in 1952 and {hey were forgottent\nNobody likes to be forgotten. And\nso they either stay away fram the\nPolls and forget Election Day or\nthey add to the large umber of\n“independents who beling to no\nparty. 2\n\nSO FAR AS THE Taft Republi-\ncans are conterned, many of the\nbetter known ga along because\ntoo many of them are habitual:\nRepublicans aud feel that-the late\nSenator would have preferred them:\ntu stay inside the parly no mat-\nter how unpalatahie associatlon\nwith Deweyites and Democrats\nmight be.\n\nWith the 4iecCarlhyites, it (s dif.\nferent, And they count for large\nnumbers in parts of New York,\nConnecticut, Massachusetls and\nNew Jersey. They are, an the\nwhole, net accustamed to being\nHepublicans. They backed the Re-\n. Publican Parly in 1952 because\nthey assumed thal this parly was\nanti-Communits. The platfarm ex-\npressed ilself as anti-Communist.\nThree years have gone-by and\nthey are not satisfied wilh what\nhas been done about Cammunism\nin this country. They will not yote\nRepublican again. ,\n\nThere is no adyantage in argu-\ning that they ace all wrong. They\nwill not: listen fo such an argu\nment and their vates count for as\nmuch as anyone else’s. They be-\nlieve that Senator Joe McCarthy\nYried to save {his caunry from Com-\nmunists and that he was slapped\ndown for it. In the Connecticut\ntowns where the Democrats scor+\n+ ed in mayoralty elections, the re-\nturn of the McCarthyiles to the\nDemocratic Party, whence many\noriginally came, was a factor. ‘The\nsame is true in Queens County of\nNew York City.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1617.048904296875, 1551.923416015625, 1943.4902802734375, 2551.1300507812502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "A polluted river, a continuing\nflood menace, and an inadequate\nsupply of electric power — these\nare the legacies bequeathed to\nWashingtonians by Sen. Harry\nByrd of Virginia 10 years aso\nwhen he ted opposition to full.\nscale development of the Potomac,\n\nPartly ag a result of Byrd’s so-\nJieltude for the Potomac Electric\nPower Company, the Corps of\nEngineers dropped a full-blown\nplan that would have ended Wash-\nIngton's water problems,\n\nThough the Engineers’ plan has\nbeen largely forgotten during re.\neent arguments over Pepco’s pro-\nposed steam power plant on the\nPotomac, it is still faintly clinging\nto life. However, it will get the\nfinal kiss of death if the -Pepco\nsteam plant-is now approved. For\nthe $100,000,000 Pepco instaltation\nabove Great Falls would be plunk-\ned down rightsmack in the middle\nof the most important reservoir\nenvisioned by the Army.\n\nThe Engineers' plan, authorized\nby the Federal Flood Control Act\nof 1936, foresaw 14 damg and 11\nhydroelectric power plants, at a\ncost to the federal governmént of\n$235,720,000, Admittedly this is a\nhandsome piece of change, Bul in\nreturn the Potomac River basin\nwould have gained benefits worth\n$313,507,600 in a 50-year period.\n\nThere would have been 600,000\nkilowatts of hydroelectric power\nBenerated; the flood stage at\nWashington would have been low-\nered 7.6 feet; and the pollution\nproblem would have been licked.\nIn addition, there would have been\nsignificant benefits to navigation,\nirrigation, and city water supplics,\nahr. btiriant...\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1274.8959501953125, 1905.5482939453125, 1600.8845673828125, 3565.1849824218752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "tain a blpartisan makeup, with\na majorily af ene held by which-\never parly ig in power.\n\n* Patterson, a Virginian named to\na Demoeratic yacancy, was chal\nJenged on lwo counls, He voted\nfor Eisenhower in 1952, therefore\n(said Demeacrats) did not qualify\nag a gentine Democrat, And as a\nlifetime broker, he was alleged\nto be a poor chaice to regulate\nthe brokerage business. But the\nappointment was ‘confirmed Aug.\n2 by a 49-29 vote, Only Republican\nwho voted ‘nay’ was the parly’s\nleading maverick, Sen, William\nLanger (N.D.).\n\nHEAVIEST DEMOCRATIC fire,\nhowever, has centered. on the\nactivities of vo of the commis-\nsions, bearing on the heated pub-\njic-ys.-private power issue. SEC\nbecame involved when it approved\nthe private financing’ plan con-\nnected with the Dixon-Yates con.\ntract. Later, it developed that\nPresidential Assistant Sherman\nAdams had asked SEC to post-\npone an important hearing while\nthe House was voting on whether\nto provide funds for 2 TVA plant\nwhich would have eliminated the\nneed for the Dixon-Yates contract,\n\nDemocrats -also have atlacked\nFPC’s decision te approve the\nTdaho Power Co.’s plan te de-\nvelop Hells Canyon on the Snake\nRiver, Administration power pol-\ndey played a key part {n the\n¥954 election of Sen Richard\nNeuberger (D Ore), and the\nHells Canyon issue wil! figure\nProminenily in the 1956 re-elec-\ntion campaigas of Democratic\nSens. Wayne Morse (Ore,) and\nWarren Magnuson (\\Vash.).\n\nLast week, the House Small\nbusiness Cornmillee began hear\nings on enforcement of the Robin.\nson-Patman anti-price discrimina-\ntion law, for which FTC has con-\nsiderable respensibility. Several\nother commissions may find them.\nselves under the ‘guns of Demo-\ncratic investigators before the 1936\nCongressional session ‘gives way\nto the campaign season.\n\nThe proper role af the regulatory\ncommissions always has been, and\nundoubtedly will remain, a highly\ndebatable subject. the nation’s\nrapid economic expansion has\nmultiplied their responsibilities,\nSince 1950, hawever, {heir appro-\nPriations, totaling less than $30\nmillion a year, have remained\nfairly stable while’ their\nhaye decreased steadily. Thfs y\nfor the first time since 1950, 2\nDemocratic + controled Congress\nvoted te give the commissions\nMore money than the GOP Budget\nBureau requested.\n\nThere is much evidence to sug.\ngest that the commissians, which\nhave been called the “headless\nfourth brarich of goverament,” will\nfind themselves up ta their necks\n3n 1956 polilics, (Copyright 1955,\nCongressional Quarterly)\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2289.2757109375, 1565.552810546875, 2615.3331757812502, 2372.8688203125002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "after Senator Byrd led a 1,000.\nMan march on the interior De-\npartment in January, 1945, lo pro-\ntest against Federal aid.\n\n“All the people of Virgintz-want\nfs to be Ieft alone and the right\nto work and praduce food,” dectar-\ned Byrd. “Unlike the farmers in\nother sections of the country, they\nare not asking for any subsidies or\ngovernment help.\"\n\nAs a resull, the Engineers drap-\nped their comprehensive-program,\nAnd while other areas of the\ncountry went forward with pre-\nventing floods and.generating low-\ncost electric power, the national\ncapital area of Virginia, Peansyl-\nvania, Maryland and West Virginia\nlagged behind.\n\nToday Washinglon daes have low\ncost power. though only because\nthe threat of federal develapment\ncoerced Pepeo in 1924 to agree ta\na sliding scale for residential rates,\nwith montly electric bills related ta\nthe company’s profits.\n\nBut pollution and the perpetual\nthreat of floods remain ta menace\ntae peace of mind of Washington:\n1ans,\n\nHere are the Senators and Can-\ngressmen wha joined Byrd in 1943\nin opposing the engineers’ plan:\nSenators Revercomb of West Vir-\nginia, Smith of Virginia, and Beall\nof Maryland. (Copyright, 1955, by\nThe Beil Syndicate, tne,\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 936.4886625976562, 1896.136306640625, 1264.43669140625, 3562.5616914062502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "By the time he completes his\nthird year in office in January,\nPresident Eisenhower's appointees\nwill form the controlling majority\nin seven of the nation’s eight mast\npowerful agencies — the inde-\npendent federal regulalery com-\nInissions.\n\nAlready, resignations and com-\npleted terms have enabled the\nPresident to name a majarity of\nthe members of four commissions,\naccording ta a survey by Con-\ngressional Quarterly.\n\nFour of five members vf the\nFederal Trade Commission, Fed.\neral Power Commission, and Se-\neurities and Exchange Com.\nmission, and four of seven mem.\nbers of the Federal Communica-\ntions Commission ewe their posts\nto the Republican President,\n\nThe resignation Aug, 27 of\nChairman Guy Farmer leit the\nfive-member National Labor Re-\nlations Board with two Fisen-\nhower and two Truman ap-\npointces. When this vacancy is\nfilled, the President will have\nanother majorily,\n\nSo- far, Mr. Eisenhower has\nnamed five of 11 members of the\nInterstate Cammerce Commission,\noldest of the regulatory agencies,\nBut the resignation Oct. 31 of Com-\nmissioner J. Raden Alldredge, an\nAlabama Democrat first named\nto the ICC by President Roose-\nvelt in i931, opens the way for\nanother Eisenhower-appointed ma-\nMmority.\n\nThe President will make his\nthird appointment te the five-\nMember Civil Aeronautics Board\nwhen the six-year term of ex-Rep,\nJosh Lee (D Okla.) expires Dec.\n31. If Lee is reappointed, it will\nbe the first time Mr. Eisenhower\nhas retained a member of any\nregulatory commission who first:\nwas appointed under a previous\nadminist. ation.\n\nSUPERFICALLY, this situa-\ntion is noteworthy only because\n80 Many vacancies have enabled\nthe President ta make so many\nappointments. Il was the intention\nof Congress, in praviding for stag-\ngered terms on each of fhe com-\nmissions, to keep them as free\nas possible fram executive con-\ntrol, But resignations have accele-\nrated the turnover.\n\nDemocrats are up in arms over\nwhat they call the “'patlern” of\nPresidential appointments. They\ncharge ~~ and Republeans deny—\nthat a GOP “husinessmun's Ad-\nministration has “Sacked” the\ncoramissiuns with men whose sym.\npathies lie, nol with the public\ninterest, but with the very busines-\nses they are supposed to regulate.\n\nLatest Democratle outburst\ncame ever Senale Confirmation\nof the appointment of Warold C,\nPatterson ta a five-year lerm nm\nthe SEC. By Inw, SEC, Hike the\nether commissiens, must main\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 947.3480834960938, 1672.6221923828125, 1554.8935546875, 1895.992431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Congressional Quarterly\n\nike’'s Appointee\nFill Commissions\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1614.995681640625, 2884.832107421875, 1946.125900390625, 3577.6605683593752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "QUESTION: While Jesus was\non this carth did He ever wriic\nanything? I heard that some of\nHis writings were found. Is this\ntrue?\n\nFEL\n\nANSWER: There is no au-\nihentic record or our Lord ever\nhaving written anything agd noth-\ning of the kind has ever been\nfound. The only sermon which we\nknow Jesus ever wrote was the\nove He wrote on the sand. People\nhad brought to Him a woman tak-\nen in the act of adultery. They\nwere Erying to trap Jesus se that\nthey iniglit acense Him of break.\njng their law, He did not reply\nbat stooped down and wrote on\nihe ground. The men gathered\n\nclose ta see what he had written.\n\nEvidently it was a list of theit\nown sins, Then He stood up and\nsaid: ‘Iie Unat is without sin\namong you, .Iet him first cast a\nstone at her.\" Again He stooped\ndown and wrote on the ground,\nWhen he looked up again all of\nthese men had left, because their\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 939.5587768554688, 83.23870849609375, 1585.6729736328125, 274.06488037109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Seorge F. —— .\nRepublicans Split,\nSo Many Don’t Vote\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1618.4090576171875, 109.5138168334961, 2553.347412109375, 376.2097473144531 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Roscoe Drummond\n\nPresident Is Back,\nIts None Too Soon\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1621.5240478515625, 2645.03369140625, 2248.031494140625, 2874.36962890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Billy Graham\n\nFind No Records\nThat Jesus Wrote\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1608.48193359375, 1358.5296630859375, 2527.73193359375, 1551.625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Private Power Group Blocks\nImprovement of Capital Arec\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 528.0753784179688, 2433.89404296875, 901.439453125, 2501.456787109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Wait and See\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 79.01832580566406, 2287.994873046875, 923.9977416992188, 2365.427001953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Firefighters Earn Their Pay\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2289.41682421875, 2385.21760546875, 2617.8263398437502, 3125.7582246093752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "The Biblicat Beersheba is now\nthe entrance 1o Israel's Nogey\ntervitory where the Israelis are\ndeveloping a desert region.\n\nMore than 5,000 different kinds\n\nof sulfa drugs have been manu-\nfactured,\n\nSome types of insanity in a child\ncan be mistaken far mental defi-\nciency.\n\nVermont has 862 miles of rail-\nroad,\n\nAt teast one automobile is owned\nby 7 per cent of U.S. families,\n\nBetween 19 and 15 per cent of\nchildren are nearsighted.\n\nThe farm population af the Unit.\ned States has heen reduced by\n1 million since 1910 while the na-\ntional population rose from 92 mil\nlion to more than 163 million\n\nAlthough the average American\neats less than six pounds of Tice\na year. the average SLouisianan\neats 100 pounds.\n\nAmong some remote New Guinea\ntribes, a man was formerly re-\nquired fo give two human heads\n\nas well as dog - looth money for\nhis bride.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 71.01082611083984, 90.93722534179688, 910.2546997070312, 177.34500122070312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "The Baggage Car Ahead\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 84.09904479980469, 199.54344177246094, 888.91650390625, 1296.770751953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 502.32044970703123, 2372.970291015625, 923.5936127929688, 2427.1290742187502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "ong\nmost as much as the medical pro-\nfegsion,\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1966.9413603515625, 3215.17658984375, 2611.5328828125002, 3370.4108125000002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Edie 953 Publisher Executive Kater\nThe Fixence Mersiog Newa,desires to be potified\n\nPromptly oF eerwa of aap\naf lia reporia, Entered ne pecond class matter at iks Oss! OMien at Fietence, $C.\nBader ac’ of March 2 M7. Member of Tha Aseociated Preas, Auch Butesn of\n\na Ateccistlon, The Ansocialed\nBetillited Wiclusivaly to be use fie onblleati@® of all the Toca) Baws erioted brine\ntoe wpaper.\n\nAll CAITiers ate Ladepeadent suutractor: and The Mocenoe Morteg Rows\nPlacenta Morcien wane, © SAvance payments unless ade at the thes ef Me\nPlcesce Morning News\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 1976.93994140625, 3373.505615234375, 2619.355224609375, 3584.089599609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "" }, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 8 ], [ 1, 36 ], [ 1, 37 ], [ 36, 37 ], [ 16, 24 ], [ 16, 2 ], [ 24, 2 ], [ 40, 6 ], [ 29, 7 ], [ 33, 10 ], [ 33, 12 ], [ 33, 22 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 10, 22 ], [ 12, 22 ], [ 11, 30 ], [ 13, 23 ] ]
[ 3304.186767578125, 4211.402234375 ]
[ [ 0, 8 ], [ 2, 16 ], [ 6, 40 ], [ 10, 33 ], [ 12, 10 ], [ 13, 23 ], [ 22, 12 ], [ 24, 2 ], [ 29, 7 ], [ 30, 11 ], [ 36, 1 ], [ 37, 36 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 35.28243511962891, 2272.74278515625, 447.2812321777344, 3051.6878789062503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Three persons were painfully in-\njured in traffic accidents in Union\nThursday morning, the Union\nCounty Sheriff's’ Depariment re-\nported today.\n\nTwo of the injurles came at a-\nbout 8:25 p. m. Wednesday on the\nColumbus road east of Marysville\nwhen a car driven by Virgil Wears,\ndr., 17, Ostrander, went out of con-\ntrol after getting onto the berm.\n\nThe drivet's wife, Janice, 16, re-\ncelved a fractured collar bone, and\n\n‘her brother, Douglas Thompson,\n15,.received back and abdomen in-\njuries. Both were taken to Mem-\norial Hospital by the Marysville\nemergency squad. ‘\n\nThe car was completely “demol-\n_ished, deputies reported, and waa\n' towed to Marysville by Hornbeck’s\nWrecker,\n\n__A__Columbus_ woman _ received\npainful facial cuts requiring stitch-\nes when the car in which she was\nriding collided almost headon with\nanother on the Beltefontaine. raad\nwest of Marysville.\n\nDoreen Wright, 24, was,taken ‘to\nMemorial Hospital by the Marys-\nville emergency squad aiter the\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 866.90001171875, 1882.7504755859375, 1267.7248662109375, 2927.7459843750003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "and his wie,\n\n* Here is a summary of the other\naccidents which marred Thanks-\ngiving In many homes:\n\nGlen Van Orsdale, 25, Canton,\nwas killed Thursday morning when\nhe lost control of his car and it\nrammed into a telephone pole, just\nonat. Road.\n\nAlfred Moore, 32, Harts, W. Va.\nwas killed early \"Thursday in a\ncollision between his car and a\nChesapeake and Ohio train at a\nRoute 23 crossing, just north, oi\nCarey. ;\n\nFrederick Guhl, 34, Haskins,\nkilled Thursday afternoon’ when\na Baltimore and Ohio train hit his\near at a Wood County road cross-\ning.\n\nLouls Schupetz, 55, Geneva,\nkilled while crossing Route 20 at\nthe Lake-Ashtabula county border\nWednesday night. .\n\nFrank Reeger, 33, and his mother\n‘in-law, Eva Mihalec, 49, both of\nAkron, killed Thursday in a truck-\near collision at intersection of\nRoute 76 and 10 in Lorain County\nnear Elyria. Three others were in-\njured. .\n\nMary Lou Jones, 1, Columbus,\nkilled Thursday night when car\ndriven by her father, Lewis P.\nJones, ran off Route 33 into two\n‘trees two miles south of Dublin.\nhe parents suffered minor injur-\nes.\n--Edith—Ann Collins,—.5,— killed\n\nhursday.when hit by a car -at\n\nymmes Corner, four miles south\nof Hamilton.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 452.0702998046875, 1096.2588984375, 857.9804204101563, 1562.525037109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "It has been under construction\nwith careful scrutiny from “side-\nwalk superintendents” for about\nsix months. .\n\nThe building haa a full-length\nbasement for storage space and\nroom for parking space at the rear\nof the lot. Apartments and office\nspace are planned for the scond\nstry,\n\nGugel sald he would continue\nwith the present lines of merchan-\ndise and tg planning to carry a\ncomplete line of sporting goods by\nspring.\n\nHe has been in business for se-\nven and a half years at the Sixth\nand Plum ‘st., location which has\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2490.10411328125, 1790.92735546875, 2887.0099003906253, 2642.924939453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "__Freezing temperatures covered\na wide area from the Plains States\nto the East Coast early Friday.\nA cold air mass extended from\nthe Upper Plains southward to\nwest Texas and eastward across\nthe Midwest, Great Lakes and the\nAppalachians to the Mid-Atlantic\nstates and New England.\nBismarck, N.D., recorded 14 be-\nlow zero during the night.\n‘However, that was mild com-\npared to Canadian conditions in thé\nmiddle of the cold air. Smith\nRiver, British Columbia. recorded\n50 below zero, . .\nSnow fell across Minnesota and\nthe upper Great Lakes and in the\nPacific Northwest. Some mountain\nareas in the Far West have ac-\ncumulated large snow depths for\n80 early in the season, weathermen\nsaid.\nMullen Pass, Idaho, had five feet\nof snow,\n| While snow fell in parts of the\nNorth, heavy rain pelted much of\nthe Southland ~ from east Texas\nto the western Carolinas and Ten-\nTessee. . .\nMilder temperatures were the\nrule in the Southland with Key\nWest, Fla., recording 74.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1271.145373046875, 2473.8253046875, 1673.7846806640625, 3849.0807011718753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (UP)—\nThe United Nations General As-\ns¢mbly takes positive steps today\nto entice France back into its mem-\nbership,\n\nThe assembly scheduled a morn-\ning meeting to consider a formal\nmotion sponsored by four Latin\nAmerican countries to delete from\nits agenda debate on Algeria,, the\nissue which prompted France to\nwithdraw from the assembly.\n\nForeign Minister Antoine Pinay\nled the French delegation out of\nthe assembly two months ago when\nit voted by 28 to 27 to put the\nAlgerian question on the agenda\nfor full debate. The French con-\ntended that the United Nations had\nno right to interfere in a domestic\nissue, holding that Algeria is Jegal-\nly part of France, :\n\nA French foreign office spokes-\nman in Paris said that if the U.N.\nGeneral Assembly “should decide\nto strike Algeria off its agenda we\nshall reconsider our position.” Dip-\nlomatie sources said there was\nlitle doubt that France would re-\nturn if the issue is dropped.\n\nFor weeks, Francisco Urritia of\nColombia and India's V, K. Khrish-\nna Menon have worked behind the\nscenes in search of a formula that\nwould satisfy both France and the\nAfro - Asian nations.\n\nLast Wednesday, Colombia,\nCuba, Chile and Ecuador put for-\nward a formal proposal to delete\nthe Algeria debate and bring\nFrance back to the General As-\nsembly,\n\nThe Arab nalions were opposed\nto eliminating the Algerian ques-\ntion from the agenda. Ha we ver,\nKrishna Menon was said to have\n[won agreement from the Arabs to\na motion “not to consider” Al-\ngeria.\n\nThe U.N. Disarmament Commis-\nsion was also scheduled to meet\ntocay, the third time in three days.\nAt Thursday's session, Russia ac-\ncused the United States of blocking\nan agrecment,\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 29.610563278198242, 746.4218139648438, 1209.602294921875, 1077.4439697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "New Gugel Building\nTo Be Opened Soon\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1678.470080078125, 2170.294787109375, 2078.185681640625, 3685.1937382812503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "JERUSALEM (UP) — An Egypt-\ntian military spokesman reported\ntoday that Egyptian anti-aircraft\nguns fired on an Israeli plane oyer\nthe Gaza strip where Israel ac-\ncused Egypt of committing a series\nof new border incidents.\n\ni An Egyptian spokesman at Gaza\nsaid the Isracli plane flew over the\nstrip dividing Egypt and Israel at\nhigh altitude carly today. He said\nseveral rounds of anti - aircraft\nshells were fired before the plane\nbanked and turned back to Israeli\nterritory.\n\nIn Jewish Jerusalem, meantime,\nMaj. Dan Gov accused Egyptian\nforces of six attacks on Israeli po-\nsitiuns in the Negev Desert within\n24 hours,\n\nThe Israeli military’ spokesman\nsaid Egyptian positions subjected\nan Israeli patrol along the .armis-\nlice line near Kissufim Thursday\nto intermittent automatic weapons\nfire. At the same time, he said\nanother Egyptian force opened_a\ndiversionary attack on another Is-\nraeli patrol near Beeairy.\n\nGov said the Israelis suffered no\ncasualties and did. not fire back.\n\nThree similar incidents were re-\nported earlier, as was an anti-air-\neraft attack on an Israeli plane\naver Isracli territory by Egyptian\npositions opposite Beeairy.\n\n- The incidents came on the heels\nof a protest by Israel to the United\nNations Security Council against\nwhat it termed “Egyptian agegres-\nsions.\" The Israeli government\ncharged that Egyptian troops\nopened fire 21 times on Israeli\nborder posts and that Egyptian\nplanes invaded Israeli territory 12\ntimes in the past three weeks.\n\nThere also was continued seat-\ntered attacks on British Prime\nMinister Anthony Eden for his re-\ncent speech calling for a “com-\npromise’.\n\nEden came under fire in the\nHouse of Commons also Thursday.\nHe denied that he asked Israel to\nmake substantial territorial con-\ncessions. He said bob sides would\nhave to make concessions.\n\nThe United Nativons truce head-\nquarters here said that further ae-\n\n-gotiations are necessary on the U.\nN. proposals ta restore peace in\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2484.832140625, 2847.747912109375, 2886.8700078125003, 3685.5155156250003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "‘possible excesses of journalism.”\n\nHowever, censorship of radios\nand newspapers was still in effect\nfor the fifth straight day. Radio\nGlobo and radio Jornal do Brasil,\nboth identified with the opposition\nNational Democratic Union Party,\nwere closely censored. The semi-\nofficial Radio Nacional was under\nconstant censorship and an army\nmajor was named director.\n\nTwo Political Crises\n\nThe split over Kubitschek has\nproduced two political crises within\nthe past two weeks. In the first, a\ngroup of army officers led by War\nMinister Henrique Teixeira Lott\nousted Acting President Carlos Luz\nto insure that Kubitschek takes of-\nfice. The second came when ailing\nPresident Jaoa Cafe Filhos tried to\nresume his office this week and\nCongress declared him physically\nunfit.\n\nImmediately after that the_mnil-\nitary led by Lott suggested the\nstale. of siege be declared. This\ngives the government the right of\nsearch and seizure without war-\nrant, ends the right of habeas\ncorpus for political prisoners, and\ncurtails the ‘right of citizens to\ntravel from one part of the country\nto the other.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 453.5895563964844, 2274.365587890625, 859.8357060546875, 3180.8248417968753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "wreck at 10:25 a. m. Thursday at\nthe intersection of route 33 and\ncounty road 149.\n\nA 1953 hardtop drivpen by Rich-\nard Wright, 23, Columbus, collided\nwith an oncoming car driven by\nDavid Houser, 36, Bellefontaine,\nafter Wright had swerved to miss\na car which made a left turn in\nfront of him, deputies reported.\n\nBoth cars were extensively da-\nmaged with one being towed to\nMarysville and the other to Belle-\nfontaine, :\n\nA car was demolished but the\ndriver escaped uninjured in a one-\ncar accident on route 31 north of\nMarysville at 6:55 p. m. Wednes-\nday, the sheriff's department, re-\nported. .\n\nLouis Shumaker, 26, Findlay, hit\nthe ditch to avoid an oncoming\ncar-and-his -1950- coach was -com-\nvletely wrecked. It was towed to\nRichwood by Swartz wrecker.\n\nTwo gars were slightly damaged\nin an aceident in Milford Center\nWednesday afternoon, There were\nno injuries. .\n\nA car driven by Mrs. Mabel\nPrinkey, 36, Milford Center, Rt. 1,\natruck ‘the right rear of a car driv-\nen by John Troesch, 80, Milford\nCenter, as the latter waa making\na turn. Damage to both cars was\nconfined to fenders and bumpers.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 453.6393737792969, 3196.189208984375, 1225.6326904296875, 3374.42578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Once-Beautiful Model\nWill Tell Jury ‘All’\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2484.050646484375, 3805.654650390625, 2877.0514042968753, 4206.74354296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "but they had the food. Turkey with\nall the trimmings was the menu.\n\nIn Korea, same 50,000 GI's spent\na happy if homesick day just oul-\nside the Bamboo Curtain. Only a\nhandful of troops had to eat in\nthe bunkers.\n\nPresident Syngman Rhee ef\nKorea Wid U.S. servicemen “the\npeople of Korea thank you for\nyour sacrifices.”\n\nAt Columbus, Miss., V. F. King,\nhad sumething special to be thank-\nful for — his hfe. Pulice said King\nWas “sitting on the tracks’ when\nbatiped afl a fread trait. He wits\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2891.59239453125, 1184.13829296875, 3302.0736210937503, 2908.4605839843753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "ened the surrounding business ar-\nea,\n\nSpecifications for the new 1,000-\ngallon pumper are to be drawn up\nby Fire Chief Kelvin Payne and\nCouncilman Fred Easton, chair-\nman of the fire and police com-\nmittee,\n\nDevoting much of the pre-\nThanksgiving session to fire pro-\ntection problems, councilmen also\nPassed a resolution thanking all\norganizations that gave assist-\nance during the Nov. 16 blaze.\n\nMayor Todd Hoopes was asked\nto contact surrounding community\ndepartments .concerning mutual\nfire protection service.\n\nThe suggested agreements would\nbe for a free interchange of men\nand equipment on requests from\ncommunities: having the agree-\nment.\n\nDepartments to be contacted are\nUnion township, Richwood, Mag-\nnetic ~Springs,- Liberty— township,\nNorth Lewisburg, Plain City and\nDelaware. E\n\nBills okayed during the session\nincluded a $125. bill from Union\ntownship trustees for services of\ntheir department in fighting last\nWednesday’s blaze. ;\n\nOther departments that aasisted\nwill be contacted and asked to\nsubmit bills for their services.\n\nWith about ten of the local fire\ndepartment members’ attending\nthe:session, council also discussed\nthe department's request for a new\nladder truck.\n\nRaising funds for additional\nequipment in a special election\nbond issue was discussed but no\naction taken. City Solicitor Joe\nGrigsby was asked to check the\nlaw on special elections to deter-\nmine the time element involved.\n\nIt was explained that if a special\nelection would entail a three\nmonths delay, it probably would\nbe more advisable financially to\nwait the additional two months and\ninclude such a vote with the regu-\nlar May primary balloting.\n\nThe final decision is expected to\nbe made by the new council,\n\nDecision to make the pumper the\nfirst purchase was made after the\nfiremen agreed that it probably\nwas even more urgently needed\nthat the ladder truck.\n\nAll present equipment, including\nthe 500-gallon pumper, is to be re-\ntained with no trade-in planned.\nIt is expected that it will be at\nleast six months before delivery of -\nthe new pumper. It will be paid\nfor from the general fund.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2077.0284296875, 3804.874376953125, 2471.6759160156253, 4210.367078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "mishaps for a total of 137.\n\n| In Michigan, which led all state:\nwats 20 traftie deaths, five persor\n‘died in one two-car crash and four\nfin another. At Mesquite, Tex., a\n(13-year-old boy was killed when a\npiano he was helping to move fel\non him\n\n| Presiddit Eisenhower set the\n(heme for the nation’s observance.\nHe spent a quiet day at his Gettys.\nburg, Pa., farm home, cuncentra-\n| ting on dus three grand-children\n‘He curved a 4U-pound turkey.\n\n| U.S. treops sround the world\nbly fel deve had the ehildren\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 453.27394360351565, 3391.241564453125, 855.4911625976563, 4211.402234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "MINEOLA, N.Y. (UP) — Mrs.\nAno Woodward today faces her\nmost severe ordeal since the night\nher millionaire husband was shot\nto death when she goes before a\ngrand jury to “tel every detail”\nthat led to his slaying.\n\nThe once beautiful fashion model\nspent a tense and lonely Thanks-\ngiving holiday preparing for her\ngrand jury to “tell every detail”\nhours before she was scheduled to\n/go on the witness stand her phys-\n‘ician, Dr. John M. Prutting, said\n“her reactions are not good.”\nay did not like the way she\nlooked,\"’ he said.\n\nThe physician made plans to ac-\n‘company her from her town house\nin Manhattan to the sandstone\n‘courthouse here in Nassau County.\n\nLast Public Appearance\n\n| When Mrs. Woodward made her\nast appearance in public she\nlooked haggard and strained and\nold beyond her 39 years. That was\nwhen she left Doctors Hospital on\n‘Monday for ber town bouse in\n| Manhaltan.\n\nThe former Kansas farm girl was\nconfined in the huspital suffering\nfrom shock and nerveus tension\nsluce Uct. SU, the day she fired\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 37.78317642211914, 3088.4951171875, 386.2809143066406, 3355.7734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Freighter On\nBrefon Rocks,\n24 Aboard\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2491.912109375, 761.5733032226562, 3186.284912109375, 1164.3841552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Mutual Service\nPacts Sought\nWith Neighbors\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 864.6645380859375, 1095.3849970703125, 1266.14198046875, 1567.187146484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "been a hardware site for many\nyears,\n\nThe new gas-heated store, mod-\nern in every respect, has fluor-\nescent lighting, asphalt-tite flooring\nand is colorfully equipped.\n\nShelf compartments at — the\nrear of the store are of natural\nwood, Side panels and the island-\ntype tables are in soft shades of\nrouge, grey green,. yellow, blue\nand rose.* .\n\nExterior of the building features\nfull-story length plate glass at the\nfront of the store and awning\ntype windows In the second story.\n- General contractor for the con-\nstruction wag John Fleck.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1280.92724609375, 1877.002197265625, 2306.304931640625, 2144.5283203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Egyptians Fire On\nIsrael. War. Plane |\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 36.18159103393555, 1585.86083984375, 1122.2410888671875, 1856.4619140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Tl Ohioans Are Injured\nIn Thanksgiving Traffic\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2082.5126953125, 2657.337890625, 2794.501953125, 2831.99462890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Brazil Placed Under\nMilitary Siege State\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2889.8448359375, 3198.73497265625, 3289.2420781250003, 3691.7779667968753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "COLUMBUS, 0: (UP) — Lake\nCounty authorities will confer ta-\nday with Liquor Director William\nBryant on padlock proceedings\nagainst the Mounds Club near Wil-\nloughby.\n\nAttending the meeting will be\nLake County Prosecutor Oliver\nMarshall, Willoughby Law Director\nAlbert Heavilin, and investigator\nin charge, Michael Corsaro, of the\nCleveland District Office,\n\nThe proceedings stem from a re-\ncent biquor Depariment raid in\nwhich three of four persons arrest-\n}ed have been convicted for illegal\nsale of liquor. A hearing for the\nfourth person is set for Dec. 2.\nHe is Lawrence Gaudior, one of\nthe club owners.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2494.416259765625, 1519.3642578125, 2784.46044921875, 1773.7313232421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Freezing Cold\nCovers Wide\nArea of U.S.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1673.940783203125, 3805.309435546875, 2068.6610234375, 4209.07459765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Americans around the world\neelebrated a thankful and peacefu\nThanksgiving Day.\n\n| They concentrated on holiday\n} meals, content with a nation at\npeace, The weather, cold but clear,\n| cooperated in most areas.\n\n| Vrafie accidents, one week to\nthe day befure the nation’s S-b\nday, marred the celebration\n\n) In the perjad from & pun.\nWednesday to midnight Phursday\npa United Press survey shuwed\ntat 1G persons had been killed\nin traffic accidepls. Seven others\ndied Ya dues, Th in undecedlecuus\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 859.1560541992187, 3389.853625, 1263.6374638671875, 4203.79871875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "the shotgun blast that killed her\n35-year-old sportsman husband in-\nstantly. *\n\nShe told police a few hours after\nthe slaying that she and her hus-\nband, William G. Woodward, had\nboth been fearful of prowlers.\n\n“I thought he was a prowler,\"”\nshe repeated over and over to\nquestioning police.\n\nMrs. Woodward told subs\\antialy\nthe same story Monday when she\nmet for several hours with District\nAttorney Frank A. Gulotta. .\n\nSeveral Unanswered Questions\n\nAt that time the district at-\ntorney's office indicaled it was\ngenerally satisfied with her story\nbut several questions remaincd un-\nanswered.\n\nHer lawyer, Murray Gurfein,\npromised that she would (alk free-\nly. He pointed out that she had\nsigned a waiver of immunity which\nwould permit her testimony to be\nused against her should she be in-\n\ndicted.\n\nHer doctor said Mrs. Woodward\nfully realized that there remuined\nsome mysterious aspects of the\nshouting which she was anxious to\nclear up and thus dispose of the\n\nPeruse\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 41.86603421020508, 1094.829943359375, 445.40333300781253, 1561.4213994140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Marysville's first new downtown\nbusiness building in many years\nis expected to be officially open\nfor business within a -few days.\n\nClarence Gugel, owner of the\n.Guget Hardware store, has an-\nnounced that the opening of the\nnew location on the northwest cor-\nner of Fifth and Plum sts. is\nscheduled for Monday.\n\nAn official grand opening is plan-\nned for abdut Dec. 10, he said.\n\nBuilt of brick-faced concrete\nblock, the new 85 by 45 foot two-\nstory structure is the first mer-\neantile building to’ be build in\n»downtown Marysville in nearly\nthree decades.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 37.20096844482422, 3385.218126953125, 449.0949528808594, 4200.208875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "HALIFAX, N.S, (UP) — The\nLiberian freighter Kismet II ran\naground on the treacherous coast\nof northern Cape Breton today but\nits erew stayed aboard despite a\npounding by huge waves whipped\nby a 20-mile an hour wind.\n\nThe captain of the 2,800-ton ves-\nsel, which had been carrying cargo\nbetween points on the Eastern Sea-\nboard of the United States,\nradioed an SOS for. help at 3:38\na.m. EST. He messaged later that\nthe crew was in no immediate\ndanger. ‘\n\nSmall ships in the area raced to\nthe side of the stricken vessel\nwhich reported it was hard\naground of the rocks of Cape St.\nLawrence.\n\nCommercia! tugs were expected\nto try to refloat the vessel at high\ntide laler today.\n\nThe Kismet If was the second\nLiberian freighter to mect disaster\nin the stormy North Atlantic this\nweek.\n\nThe freighter Daytona, with 24\nmen aboard, never was (uund afler\nsending out an SOS last Sunday\nthat it was in trouble about 70\nmiles off the coast of Massachu-\nsells,\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 33.64836120605469, 2046.6492919921875, 841.5316162109375, 2256.9755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Thrée Persons Hor\nOn County Roads\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1263.8161494140625, 3931.232775390625, 1665.6713994140625, 4207.15028125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "FOSTORIA, 0. (UP) —The E.F,\nHauserntan Co. of Cleveland. today\n| announced the purchase of a fac-\ntory building here. to be used to\nHicidfvekine soundprouf building\nj walls.\n| The building was purchased for\n‘more than $400,000. The plant, to\n| be known as the Fustoria Manu-\ni facturing Co. will employ some 150\n| persis.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2890.01318359375, 2925.195556640625, 3245.915283203125, 3173.395751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Lake Authorities\nConfer on Action\nTo Padlock Club\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2081.86094921875, 2846.505724609375, 2480.1981328125003, 3679.2777226562503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (UP)—\nActing President Nereu Ramos\nsigned a bill early today putting\nBrazil under a state of siege for\nthe next 30 days.\n\nRamos acted quickly to sign the\nbill which suspends many consti-\ntutional guarantees during the time\nit is in force.\n\nThe Senate completed congres-\nsional action on the bill shortly be-\nfore midnight when it passed it by\na yote of 35 to 15 afler rejecting\nan appeal to guarantee freedom of\nthe press.\n\nThe Brazilian Press Association\nsent a message to Ramos urging\nhim to preserve the freedom of the\npress during the state of siege\nwhich was suggested by the army\nfo ensure that President - Elect\nJuscelino Kubitschek takes office\nas scheduled on Jan. 31.\n\nPress Freedom Needed\n\nThe press association expressed\n“eomfidence in the preservation of\nconsututional principles and faith\nin the victory of the democratic\n\niregime’' but renewed “its warning\nof the necessity of the preserva-\ntion of press freedom.\"\n\nThe warning said Ramos “knows\nvery well that the absence of free\n\nvriticism is more nefacious than\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2490.808458984375, 1175.5629755859375, 2887.3209355468753, 1506.6181767578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Marysville fire department had\nbeen assured today of a new first-\nline pumper truck and some action\non reciprocal agreements with de-\npartments of surrounding com-\nmunities,\n\nThe village council voted Wed-\nnesday night to begin advertise-\nments for the new pumper as soon\nas possible,\n\nThe action followed by just one\nweek the costly fire that gutted a\nN. Main st,, property and threat-\n" }, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 1662.630615234375, 3699.072021484375, 3147.841064453125, 3791.6708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "1116 Traffic Deaths Mar Thanksgiving Peace\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2883.759142578125, 3808.343859375, 3288.1385625000003, 4211.11268359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "not hurt seriously.\n\nFiremen at Engine Co. 120 at\nj Chicago also had fvod trouble.\n| While answering an alarm, they\ndiscovered someone had stolen\n| most of their holiday turkey.\n} At Anderson, Ind., the Ridley\n,Carmucks gave thanks that their\n| 50-year-old ‘lovers’ spat’? was\nover. The couple was married\nWednesday.\n| The Benjamia Hartleys. both 96,\n‘celebrated their Suth wedding anni-\niversury at Savle, Idaho. They are\nbelieved to be the nation’s longest-\nMaatbied couple.”\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1278.3470458984375, 2182.713623046875, 1619.724609375, 2459.7919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "UN Scratches\nAlgeria, Woos\nBack French\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 865.7823969726562, 3018.561876953125, 1259.2841923828125, 3177.3878300781253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "| PARIS. (UP)—The Seine (Paris’\nDental Surgeons Union today}\ncalled a 24-hour strike for nex\nWednesday to protest the alleged\nly over-rigid regulations of the\nFrench publie health service,\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 454.4193903808594, 1863.91270703125, 858.5845463867188, 2035.699353515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "a two-car crash near Carrollton re-\nsulting in three persons being killed\nwas the most serious accident. |\n\nThe victims in the Wednesday\nnight crash were Allen Kohler, 44,\nKilgore; Floyd ‘Gales, 63, Jackson,\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 38.39931744384766, 1867.3320185546875, 451.3651860351563, 2029.833630859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "At least 11 persons were killed\non Ohio highways over the Thanks-\ngiving holiday, a United Press sur-\nvey showed today,\n\nThe death toll figures, compiled\nsince 6 p.m. Wednesday, indicated\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1305.834716796875, 853.0039672851562, 2424.156494140625, 1777.2186279296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1320.4635009765625, 762.3698120117188, 2415.26025390625, 833.1277465820312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "STORM MAROONS 37 RADAR TOWER VISITORS ~\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2085.73399609375, 2158.753771484375, 2481.2298710937503, 2485.7904179687503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "the El Auja demilitarized zone,\nscene recently of some of the blood-\njest battles since the Palestine war\nin 1948,\n\nA‘communique said that Egypt,\nwhile not rejecting the proposals,\nput forward “certain additional\npowts for consideration.”\n\nAsrdel, it added, accepted the\nProposals in principle but indicated\nthere are Points on implementation\nwhich require clarification.\n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 868.0939331054688, 2955.929931640625, 1176.8614501953125, 3009.68017578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Dentists Strike\n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 1272.761474609375, 3872.4150390625, 1561.73681640625, 3930.772705078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Buys Building\n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 2207.09423828125, 2498.887451171875, 2362.12451171875, 2527.999755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "WEATHER.\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 40, 41 ], [ 40, 2 ], [ 40, 34 ], [ 41, 2 ], [ 41, 34 ], [ 2, 34 ], [ 16, 6 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 8, 12 ], [ 9, 12 ], [ 19, 14 ], [ 32, 28 ] ]
[ 8569.892921875, 11203.6767578125 ]
[ [ 8, 12 ], [ 9, 8 ], [ 14, 19 ], [ 16, 6 ], [ 28, 32 ], [ 34, 40 ], [ 40, 41 ], [ 41, 2 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2374.294822265625, 3359.6285625, 3405.8802265625, 6789.08286328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Santa Fe, New Mexico (UP)\nSeveral New Mexico state agen-\ncies have put their stamp of ap-\n\n-proval cn a_ proposed polio.\nvaccine program .. . which will\nbe the largest public health pro-\nject ever undertaken in the state.\n\nHowever, the program is still\ncontingent upon whether the salk |\npolio vaccine proves benativial\nand is licensed by the federal\ngovernment.\n\nEarly in April the state will\nknow the results of the Salk\nvaccine as the result of a nation-\nwide field trial ‘ast year in\nwhich nearly two-million childr-\nren participated.\n\nThe National Foundation for\nInfantile Paralysis has contraci-\ned for enough of the vaccine to\nsupply state health departments\nwithout charge.\n\nManufacturers are also ex-\n|pected to be able to provide\nenough for administering to\nadults who care to get the vac-\ncine from physicians.\n\nRepresentatives of the New\nMexico Medical Society, the\nstate department of education,\nthe state department of public\nhealth and the polio foundation\n\n,met in Santa Fe today and joint-\n|ly endorsed the program.\n| State and local health officers\n‘have been designated to admin-\nlister the program.\n\nUnder the program childeren\nwho did not receive the test shots\nlast year, who are in the first\nand second grades of public\n-and parochial schools, and whose\n\nparents request it, will receive\nthe vaccine.\n\nVaccine clinics are to be set\nup in schools in most areas, but\nspokesmen says this department\n\n‘ee 2 8 lpsin nen Bahet amet HAme\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 353.0445556640625, 2878.03564453125, 2328.31396484375, 4789.7236328125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5440.888328125, 555.9430766601563, 6458.7610859375, 3299.06723828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "ia)—Continental Oil Co. 1 West\nAnderson Ranch Unit, 3,235 from\nnorth and 1,991 from west lines\nof Section 6-16s-32e. flowed 443\nbarrels of 55.6-gravity distillate.\n5,000,000 cubic feet of gas and\nno water daily through open two-\ninch tubing. Perforations frorn\n12,512-12 550 feet were acidized\nwith 1,000 gallons mud acid.\n\nEumont—Drilling & Explor-\nation Co. 5-F State, 330 from\nsouth and 1,815 from west lines\nof Section 19-21s-36e, lowed\n307 barrels of 35-gravity oil and\nno water daily through 29/64-\ninch choke. Gas-oil ratio was\n1,724-1. Perforations from 3,912-\n3,934 feet were fractured with\n6,000 gallons.\n\nWildeat (Queen Discovery)—\nGreat Western Drilling Co. 1\n-Magnolia-Speed, 660 from south\nand east lines of Section 1£-21s\n32e. flowed 99 barrels of 36-4\ngravity oil and no water daily\nthrough 26/64-inch choke. Gas-\noil ratio was not reported. Open\nhole from 3,005-3,017 feet was\nnot treated.\n\n_ North Warren-McKee — Gulf\n_Oil Corp. 1-BU State, 330 from\nnorth and 2,307 from east lines\n‘of Section 32-20s-38e, pumped 74\n| barels of 43.3-gravity oil and no\nwater daily. Gas-oil ratio was nil.\nPerforations from 9 034-9,086\n\nfeet were fractured with 2,000\nvallons.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 387.47655444335936, 1079.86147265625, 2409.63315625, 2852.65708203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "FF you like the sheerness of glass curtains at your-win-\ndows, but prefer the color provided by a pattern, until\nnow you've hed to compromise in your decorating.\n\nYou took either one or the other; sacrificed either the\nlight and sunshine that sheer curtains afford or the color\nprovided for a whole area by poiterned drapes. But now,\nthere’s a matching print availe sic in a sheer etc heavier\nfabric and in wonderful color combinations, too. These\ninclude turquoise in two shades, lavender and pink, blue\nand turquoise, mustard aud yciiow; all on white back-\n\nounds.\n\nThe pattern, called “Birdsong,” comes in both a 100\n\nr cent fortisan ninon curtaining and a new spun rayon\nand cotton antique twill that can be quilted for a bed-\nspread.\n\nYou might want to use the heavier fabric to slipcover\na chair or two in the same room. You might also want\nto pick up one of the colors in the print and repeat it ina\nsolid color elsewhere in the room.\n\nIf you are your own decorator, watch for bargains in\nsecond-hand bed-heads. The wrought-iron bed-head, in:\n‘either black or white, is an interesting idea for bedroom\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3415.197509765625, 3395.0927734375, 6354.71533203125, 3922.975830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Quemoy, Matsu, Nanchi, Pescadores,\nNames In News In Formosa Crisis\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1385.648681640625, 5830.8837890625, 2157.518310546875, 6375.92626953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Khapra Bettle\nAuarantine\nIncludes NM.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 7526.12612109375, 3559.827048828125, 8569.892921875, 5907.517921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "eet et ae =\n\nIi asked the legislators to\nprovide the Tennessee Valey\nAuthority with funds to con-\nstruct a steam generating plant\nat Fulton, Tenn. The Divon-yates\ncontract provides for a private\npower group \\to erect a plant\nat West Memphis, Arkansas, at\na cost of 107 million dollars to\nprovide electricity to the T. V.\nA. The plant would compensate\nfor power which the TVA sup-\nplies to the Atomic Energy Com-\nmission. The Dixon-Yates com-\n‘pine have urged the securities\nand exchange commigsiom to\nreject a petioion for rehearing\non financial details of the con-\ntroversai project.\n\nThey say the opposition group,\nmostly power advocates. . - pre\n‘sented “no basis’ for a re-\nhearing on the commission’s de-\n‘cision of last Wednesday.\n\n| . The commission at that time\napproved the plan of Middle\nSouth Utilities, Incorporated,\nand the southern company Dix-\non-Yates partners, to invest in\na new power plant at West\n“Memphis, Arkansas.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 6513.26806640625, 742.3836059570312, 8495.2626953125, 2499.128662109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4449.67104296875, 3937.376365234375, 5470.68442578125, 5990.36313671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "ily reinforced and equipped with\nradar. :\n\nNanchi itself is a rocky up-\nthrust barely a mile long, 800\nyards wide at its broadest and.\n750 feet high. It lies 20 miles off |\nthe mainland and some 40 miles\nfrom the Red Port of Wenchow. |\n\nMatsu, ... 150 miles south-|\nwest of Nanchi, stands in the ap-.\nproaches to mainland and Foo-|\nchow, opposite the northern end’\nof Formosa. Like Nanchi, it is.\nringads DY «ap Zroup of rocky is-\nlets still subject to Nationalist\ncontroly > |\n\nQuemoy and little Quemoy..\nlie within~tie outer Harbor of\nAmoy, one of the Communisis’\nmost important ports. All,\ntogether, they are not much\nbigger than Staten Island.\nHeavily garrisoned, the Quemoys\nhave been attacked, bombed, and\nshelled intermittently since 1949.\nTroops are dug into an elabo-\nrate tunnel system in the clay-\n\net\n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3416.4342265625, 3950.515525390625, 4437.86606640625, 6002.7806171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Washington -—(UP)--Quemoy,\nMatsu, Neanchi and the Pescad-\nires.. Those names were unh-\nknwn to most Americans until\nthe recent Formosa crisis.\n\nNow they are in the headlinees\nalmost daily as the world waits\ntensly to see whether Red China\n\nwill try to seize them as step-\nping stones to the invasion of\nFormosa.\n\nWith the advent of world at-\n‘tention focused on this string of\nbleak and rocky little islands\n‘off the coast of China, the\nNational Geographic Society dug\ninto its files and produced the\nfollowing information on the\nmain islands involved.\n\nNanchi, ... the largest in a\ncluster of tiny islands 150 miles\nnorth of Formosa. Since the\nNationalist withdrawal from the\nTachens, the Nanchi group stands\nat the northernmost picket line\nagainst possible Red invasion\nof Formosa. They are now heav-\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4410.22998046875, 595.6205444335938, 5168.8203125, 945.7911376953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "New Mexico\nCompletions\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2438.955078125, 877.136962890625, 4348.892578125, 2580.2822265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5464.771140625, 3953.943748046875, 6464.5364765625, 4522.41782421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "anc- Tock Nilisides.\n\n| Wuchiu,. . . An isolated dot o!\nfand between Matsu and Quemo}\nand some 14 miles out in ‘in\n‘strait still reportedly held 0b}\nFormosan forces. It has _ one\nlarge tishing village.\n\n'MORE MORE MORE#*\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 6469.26708984375, 2952.043212890625, 8329.2158203125, 3518.69580078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Dixon-Yates Opposed\nBy Memphis and REA\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 343.6477580566406, 8181.454734375, 1362.976662109375, 9153.611671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Mrs. P. H. Gamble presided a°\nan executive meeting of the of-\nficers of the WSCS of the First\nMethodist Church Monday after-\nnoon.\n\nMrs. Gamble read _ scripture\nfrom the book of Acts, Chapter 9.\n\nThere were 12 officers present\nand reports were made by the\nvarious officers. Quarterly re-\nports were filled out to be mailed\nto district headquarters.\n\nThe WSCS will meet in circles\nnext week with the Ruth Circle\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1373.63295703125, 6464.064109375, 2385.205421875, 8554.8880390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "SY WEeu 4 4tHn\n\nThe Agriculture Department\n\nhas ordered a quarantine around\n\nArizona, California and New\n\nMexico to control the Khapra\nBeetle.\n\nThe quarantine order will not\napply to all areas in the states,\nhowever. It will be enforced only\non warehouses, mills and other\nplaces where officials find grain\ninfested with the khapra beet-\nle.\n\nThis insect pest lives in either\nmoist or dry grain. It was first\ndiscoveerd in the United States\nwhen it was fourd in Californ-\nfa in 1958. Officials say that\nif it’s allowed to spread, it\ncould easily do heavy: damage to\nstored grain in the south and\nin heated warehouses in the north\n\nUnder the. quarantine order,\ngrain from infested areas will\nnot be allowed to move across\nstate lines without a_ special\nfederal certificate. A total of\n11 infested areas have been\nfound so far in California, Ari-\nzona, and New Mexico.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 6494.5904765625, 3542.304099609375, 7524.97544140625, 5951.6321796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Memphis, Tennessee --(Us)-—\nThe City of Memphis has threat-\nened to ‘secede’ from the Ten-\nnessee Valley Authority System\nand build its own steam plant\nyather than draw power from a\nDixor-Yates plant.\n\nThe city’s defiance received\nenthusiasitic support from at\n‘least one other point in the T. V.\nA. area.yA newspaper in Tupelo,\n| Mississippi — “The Journal’\n‘urges that Memphis buiid its own\ngenerating facilities or that the\nstate of Tennessee take over\n‘operation of T. V. A.\n\nMayor Frank Tobey of Mem-\nphis says flatly the city will re-\nfuse to buy power generated by\n' the proposed Dixon-Yates steam\nplant at West Memphis, Arkan-\nsas, a private power enterprise.\n- Atlantic City, New Jersey\n|—(UP)— The National Rural\n| Electric Cooperative Association\n/has adopted a resolution calling\n/ upon the atomic energy com-\n| mission to cancel the Dixon-\n| Yates contract.\n| The Association ... closing its\n13th annual convention at A*-\n‘lantic City ... urged congress\n_to block the conrer: by denying\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 342.9204326171875, 5832.06850390625, 1360.2494892578125, 7807.818703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "ae ee ee\n\nPresident Eisenhower has\ngiven his prescription for victory\nin 1956. |\n\nMr. Eisenhower wants the\nparty to_ represent “dymamic |\nconserkaigym.’’ The president |\nsays he prefers that to his re-\ncent description of the G. O. P|\nas a party of *4pog;essive\nModerattQs.” )\n\nThe President's formula is\nthat the party should be con-\nservative in “everything that is\nbasic to our system,, and dynamic\nin promoting a better life for\nall Americans. Mr. Eisenhower\ntold the party to drop old line\nconservatism: and keep in step\nwith the times.\n\nThe President made his re-\n\nmarks at a meeting of the G. O.\nP. National Committee in Wash-\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 341.5535583496094, 5402.9599609375, 1947.0859375, 5772.42431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "lke Gave Republicans Party\nPrescription For 1956 Victory\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1373.5963359375, 8627.027, 2390.250099609375, 9143.96909375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "meeting at the home gf Mrs.\nJames Robinson, Artesia Hi-way,\neee the Esther Circle meeting\nat the home of Mrs. Roy P. Fort\nAdams St. The time of the meet-\nings is Monday, Febraury 28, at\n1:30 p. m.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 390.3072509765625, 9198.6796875, 2336.155029296875, 11183.2373046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n|\nVOILA ‘ .\n\nSO» ss me Sia,\n\nSS ~\n\nSTN we\n\n \n\nAO WI a et ee, ~wttowce ae |\n\nSORA. x <x\n\nNISSAN SORA\n\n \n \n\n“SESSA:\n\n \n\na SS\nASS SN ean linn ane\n\nWRAL\n\nee\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3419.81103515625, 6042.71533203125, 8465.2578125, 11203.6767578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\n, Staffed and equipped to give\n\n| ONE DAY SERVICE\n\n| on SMALL JOBS =e\nand fast service on all others\n\n| Let us figure with you on your job orders\n\nLetterheads Invitations\nPayroll Forms Placards\nInvoices Cards\nReceipts Circulars.\nEnvelopes Notices :\n\nWe can duplicate any form\nAlso have Fairchild Service available\n\nTHE LOVINCTON LEADER\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5478.7223125, 4842.70717578125, 6482.46176953125, 5565.61118359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Portales, (Special,_44 students\nfrom Eastern New Mexico Uni-\nvergity are student teaching this\nsemester in Portales, Clovis, San\nJon, Tucumcari, and Texico, ac-\ncording to Dr. C. B Wivel,\nchairman of the School of Edu-\ncation.\n\nJerry Burnett of Hobbs will\nteach in Portales.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 340.67620849609375, 7904.60498046875, 1122.615234375, 8137.62939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "WSCS Executive\nMeeting Held\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 5488.4462890625, 4631.58349609375, 6207.1826171875, 4833.3857421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Jerry Burnett\nChliidant Teacher\n" }, "25": null, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 2357.4228515625, 2819.422119140625, 4235.62060546875, 3345.140380859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Poi Vaccine Program\nGiven Stamps of Approval\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2424.84389453125, 7048.94350390625, 3422.756935546875, 8063.01938671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "EDCAP at Tulsa, Okla., bus\nterminal was given an elder-\nly car in lieu of a tip. In view\nof repair costs these days, our tip\nto the porter: Get rid of the car.\nwe BJ ed\nFuneral director-state legisla-\ntor in Georgia tried unsuccess-\nfully for passage of a bill to per-\nmit guards to shoot any prisoners\nwho attempted to escape. Just\nanother case of putting all your\nyeggs in one casket.\nes @ Sd\nEngineer in Chicago, I)l.,\nclaims he has invented a machine\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2437.09375, 8060.5283203125, 3410.5888671875, 8697.0283203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 2437.803466796875, 6826.27490234375, 3402.781494140625, 6985.8984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "STRICTLY FRESH\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2408.86244921875, 8846.8189921875, 3452.47690625, 11181.9075703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "eee. Vere SS Uet SS sowese -sF--”---* }\n\nLady in Columbia, S. C., says |\nshe shoplifted a bar of soap be-' |\n‘cause she needed a bath. Judge |\ndry-cleaned her bankroll of\n$15.50. :\n\n2 s s\n\nIt was 15 degrees below zero |\nrecently in Satan’s Kingdom, |\n‘Conn. Maybe now we'll get that\n5-spot we said we wouldn't get\nuntil a certain place freezes over. '\n\nAte Man in the Moon ae\n\nsoon have a “mouse” for a play |\nmate, if prediction of a Maryland\nUniversity scientist comes true. |\nProf. Fred S. Singer says that a,\n\\“minimum orbital unmanned |\nsatellite of the earth’—MOUSE\n|_an instrument-bearing device, |\ncould be launched by 1957\n* ee *\n\nThe San Francisco mint, es-\n| tablished in 1854, is tentatively |\n‘scheduled to stop its coining of |\nmoney by the end of March. Its\n: location precludes installation of |\nnew, heavy equipment such as |\n\nused at Denv nal and Philadelphia.\n\nThere's an” in lead—Lead,\nS. D., that is. Nearly one fourth\nof all the gold produced in the\nUnited States comes from its\nHomestake gold mine, which has\n| been producing since 1877\n= a 2\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5472.810203125, 5625.540671875, 6496.52622265625, 5933.96372265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "A Marine assault helicopter\n~will carry 26 fully equipped Mar-\n‘ines at a speed well over 150\n\nmiles per hour.\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 4401.40639453125, 1026.8818583984375, 5422.28159375, 2432.181740234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Drickey-Queen—Cities Service\nOil Co. 1-C Governmen:, 660\nfrom south and 1,980 from wes’\nlines of Section 3+'-13s-3le. flow-\ned 1,258 barrels of 36-gravity\noil and no water daily through\nOpen two-inch iubing. Gas-oil\nratio was 513-1. Open hole from\n-$,033-3.048 feet not treated.\n| Dricey-Queen—Gulf Oil Corp.\n4 Stella Zimmerman, 660 from\nsouth and 1,980 from west lines\noe Section 11-14s-3le, pumped\n'75 barrels of 35.8 gravity oil and\n| no water daily. Gas-oil ratio was\nnil. Open hole from _ 3,055.083\nfeet was fractured with 8,000\ngallons.\n) EDDY COUNTY\n| Artesia—W. N. Price 1 Pure-\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 6547.97998046875, 554.2828369140625, 7451.61962890625, 674.5117797851562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "THE LOVINGTON LEADER\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 345.61944580078125, 651.8004760742188, 4351.6474609375, 896.517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "New Tearmed Fabrics Offer Sheer Delight and Durability\n\not aes\n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 4602.66796875, 955.7996215820312, 5203.14306640625, 1002.7495727539062 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "” etre COmNTY\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1590.9232177734375, 6425.75244140625, 2138.154052734375, 6484.53662109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Ruy Tnited Press\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 560.3043823242188, 5793.52099609375, 1106.2703857421875, 5844.916015625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Ry Tinited Press\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 4414.29653125, 2231.28627734375, 5426.467140625, 3053.985939453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "gailons.\nEDDY COUNTY\n\nArtesia—W. N. Price 1 Pure-\nState, 1,650 from north and 2,310\nfrom west lines of Section 35-\n18s-28e, flowed 50 barrels. of\n| 36.4-gravity oil and no water\n| daily on intermitter through two-\n;}inch choke. Gas-oil ratio was not\nreported. Open hole from 1,860-\n(1,897 feet was fraciured wiih\n/10.000 gallons.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4432.36830859375, 3161.7603984375, 5455.0813984375, 3325.61899609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Wildcat (Gas-Distillate Dis-\ncovery from Lower Pennsylvan-\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 4695.29931640625, 3090.57080078125, 5175.20166015625, 3150.750732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Tiga ComuUNTY\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1056.7337646484375, 971.8092651367188, 1726.70849609375, 1069.3831787109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "BY EDNA MILES\n" }, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 10, 7 ], [ 16, 19 ], [ 16, 60 ], [ 19, 60 ], [ 18, 22 ], [ 43, 21 ], [ 43, 47 ], [ 21, 47 ] ]
[ 5534.35687890625, 7022.5683046875 ]
[ [ 10, 7 ], [ 19, 16 ], [ 21, 47 ], [ 22, 18 ], [ 43, 21 ], [ 60, 19 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2876.452447265625, 4825.0996640625, 3527.82709375, 6123.7343203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "EL PASO. Tex. —UP— Maj. Gen.\nPaul W. Rutledge called a meeting\nof top “brass’’ at Fort Blis*. Tex.,\nMonday to discuss latest develep-\nments in the ballooning fight with\nNew Mexico over hunting rights\nand both sides lincd up more sup-\nport to back themselves.\n\nA spokesman at Fort Bliss said\nno word had been received yet\nfrom the atterney general on Rut-\n‘Idge’s rquest for a ruling from\n‘the top in the squabble and that\n‘any further development likely\nwould have to await such a ruling.\n\nBut he confirmed that a mecting\n‘of top officers had been called by\nRutledge.\n\nThe next move apparently was up\nto Fort Bliss since Saturday Gov.\nJohn F. Simms issued an ultima-\ntum that the State of New Mexico\nwould use “every means at its dis-\nposal\" to prevent Fort Bliss per-\nsonnel from shouting deer on a\n400.000-acre reservation it controls\nin New Mexico, unless they bougnt\n$3 out-of-state licenses.\n\nRutledge said last week his men\n-Wwould not buy those licenses bu!\n‘said he would compromise by hav-\n‘ing them purchase $5 resident li.\ncenses from New Mexico.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3536.20068359375, 1425.6158447265625, 4794.08203125, 2509.6787109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 864.4811948242187, 2030.042046875, 1519.8731142578126, 4059.386908203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "| HUTCHINSON, Kan. —UP— A\nKansas farm bureau leader Mon-\nday called on the Senate Agricul-\nture committee to approve a “‘soil\n'pank\"' subsidy to aid farmers who\n‘will be, in many cases, in an\n‘impossible income position.”\n\n1 W. I. Boone. of Eureka, Kan.,\npresident of the Farm Bureau in\nthe nation’s largest wheat state,\noffered his plan in testimony pre-\n‘pared for a committee hearing on\nthe Politically-hot farm price sup-\nport issue.\n\nBoone told the commitiece also\nit would be “‘utter folly’ to scrap\n‘the administration’s flexible farm\n-price support program and retura\nto the rigid, 90 per cent of ‘‘fair\nincome’ parity farm props in ef-\n“fect until last January.\n\n: Visit Oklahoma, Leuitiana\n\n, ‘That would be like “eating more\n‘green apples to cure a stomach\nache caused by; eating too many\n_green apples.”\" he said.\n\nFred V. Heinkel, of Columbia,\nMo., president of the Missouri\n_Farmers Association, asked the\ncommittce to approve a $1.9 mil-\nlion production payment subsidy\nsystem similar to the Brannan\nplan.\n\nMonday's hearing opened the\nYhird week of the committee’:\ncoast-to-coast tour to gather ad.\n‘vice from farmers before writing\n‘a new farm bill early next year\n. Further hearings this week wert\n, scheduled Tuesday at Stillwater\n+ Oda... Wedpagias. .and: .Thureda;\n\n-at Alexandria, La., and Saturda:\n‘at Macon, Ga.\n' Boone. who said growers . 0\n‘commodities which get litle or ne\n} government price aid. are doin,\n| “well. said also that the whea\n' grower is in a bad position be\ncause prices have been depressec\nby a billion bushel surplus.\n\nRigid government support pro\n\n‘Continued On Page 6)\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1526.209283203125, 1517.7025693359376, 2175.918158203125, 3086.6972109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON NMN Special)\n—The Civil Aeronautics Admin-\nistration told The Times today\nthat it expected to have an\nOMNI range installed, flight\nchecked and in operation by the\nmiddle of 1956,\n\nCAA said that engineering had\nstarted on siting the range, and\nthat construction was likely to\nget underway in May. Queried\nas to the reason for the delay in\n‘installing the rarge approved for\nFarmington Aug. 3, 1954, the\nCAA said that there had been a\nslow delivery of = electronics\nequipment. It said there is no\nquestion about Farmington get-\nting an OMNI range, which will\nput the Farmington CAA office\nin a controlled air space.\n\nThe engineering on the OMNI-\nrange at Casa Grande is about\n\n80 per cent complete, put con-\n‘struction on that range will noi\n‘begin until March because of\n\n| sanipmient delays, CAA statea.\n\n' The agency has blat..cdi previous\n‘delays in getting construction\n‘ underway on CAA’s heavy work\nload and the shortas> of trained\n_ engineers.\n\n' Money was allocateu to install\n‘an OMNI- -range at Farmington in\n‘the 1955 buaeet. CAA said that\n‘the money then ad ccpriated is\n‘still availab'e for to> range. The\n‘cost of installing a range oVver-\nages $95,000, and maintenance\n‘and operation ccsts aout 356 906\n\nannually.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1542.1339658203126, 3447.772759765625, 2197.82172265625, 4983.95062890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "GENEVA-—UP—A joint declara-\n‘tion by Secretary of State John\nFoster Dulles and Marshal Tito of\nYugoslavia that the Sovict satellites\n| should. bo. freed.—reay-aanger the\n‘Kremlin, it was believed Monday.\n| Dulles flew to Yugoslavia and\nconferred with the Yugoslav presi-\n‘dent for seven hours on the Adria-\n‘tic island of Brioni. They issued a\n“common accord” calling for in-\ndependence for the satellite coun-\n_ tries.\n\nDiplomatic observers here said\nTito’s main idea was believed to\nbe to have Communist states inde-\n-pendent from Russia—as is Yugo-\nslavia. However, neituer defined\nthe meaning of the word “indc-\npendent’ and nither went into spe-\ncific detail.\n\nBut his statement came on the\neve of the October revolution which\nfirst brought Communism to Rus-\n‘sia and was expected to cause an-\n,ger in the Sovict Union. Informed\nsources said the Soviet Union al-\nways denied Russia was the “boss”\nof the satellites and would find\nitself in a difficult position because\n\n‘of Tito's demands.\n‘-. There was no indication whether\n“the statement would have any ef-\n‘fect on the Big Four conference\nnere.\n\nThough Dulles brought back an\n‘accord on the satellites, he appar-\nently failed to win the backing of\nTito for Western plans to reunify\nGermany.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4844.100640625, 3683.69097265625, 5513.688421875, 4773.41351953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO —UP-— Sen. Paul H.\nDougtas (D-I0.) said Monday the\nHouse-passed natural gas bill would\nraise the average family’s fuel cost\n{by $20 to $30 a year.\n\nDouglas, in a specch prepared\n\n‘for a City Club luncheon, said there\n‘is a good chance to defeat the bill,\nwhich is expected te come before\nthe Senate next year. He called it\nan “outrageous raid on the con-\n. sumer.’\nDouglas said he would “deeply\nregret it’ if the oil and gas indus-\n‘try “forced” Democratic leaders\ Congress to support the mea-\nsure.\n\nHouse Speaker Sam Rayburn and\n\n‘Senate Leader Lyndon B. Johnson,\n‘boih Texans, favor the bill. It\nwould exempt natural gas produc-\ners from federal regulation.\n{ The Mlinois Democrat said pas-\nsage of the bill, which was ap-\n‘proved by the House last year,\n,would raise the price of natural\ngas by 10 to 15 cents per 1,000\n‘cubic feet.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2197.289361328125, 2816.776666015625, 2846.746283203125, 4212.05023828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (NMN) — Sen.\nDennis Chavez ‘D-NM) returned\nto Washington Thursday morning.\nand he and his office today were\nuncommunicative about a trip\nthat he and a party of 12 made to\nEurope and back this fall. The\ngroup left New York by boat Sept.\n20 and returned to Washington\nNov. 3. aboard a military trans-\nport plane. Chavez made the trip\nas chairman of the Subcommittee\nwhich handies Defense Depart-\n‘ment Appropriations. with the ex-\npressed jntent of inspecting mili-\ntary bases abroad.\n\nChavez said that his “consci-\nence was clear\" about the trip\nwhich came to public notice when\nDefense Department said that it\nMaapeatting.. tee, military... trans\n“port planes. to Europe to pick uf\n\nree Senators. including Chavez\n\n‘and their part. The Senators de\n‘clined the special planes. Although\nthe trip was taken under the aus-\n‘pices of the Senate Appropriations\nCommittee, Thomas J. Scott of the\nCommittee staff flatly refused te\nanswer questions about it. The\nSenator declined ta see reporters\nin his office stating that he wa:\nbusy catching up on his mail. Af.\nter Chavez’ return the Defense De-\npartment referred questions to the\nCommittee and to Chavez’ office\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 897.4487241210937, 5142.48198828125, 1551.8594423828126, 5960.0917421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "arriving in Washington that after-\nnoon. On Monday. Nov. 14, the chief\nexecutive is expected to be moved\nby automobile to his Gettysburg,\n‘Penn., farm for further recupera-\ntion.\n/ White and Maj. Gen. Howard\nMcC, Snyder, the White House phy-\nsician, agreed that it probabl: will\nbe late January or February be-\n-fore Mr. Eisenhower is in a posi-\ntion to decide whether he should\nseek another term.\n' The internationally-known heart\nspecialist emphasized that: the\nPresiden, first must resume some\nof the “full strain’’ of the presi-\ndency before deciding on his own\nfuture.\n\nWhite said “he's got to use his\n\n, (Continued On Page 6)\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 188.27034887695314, 1518.485650390625, 858.8331362304688, 3479.829046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\night dead from highway accidents\nonday and a ninth person was\nied in a light plane crash in one\nthe bloodiest weekends in the\ntate in recent moaths.\n\n| Six of the traffic deaths were\n‘counted against the state’s fatality\n‘toll. bringing the figure to 291, com-\n} pared with 305 a year ago. The\nother two deaths occurred on pri-\nvate roads.\n| Latest traffic victims were Mr.\nand Mrs. Floyd Davis. both 51, of\nAlbuquerque, who were fatally in-\njured Sunday réght when thdr\ncar collided with a pickup truck 35\nmiles west of Albuquerque on US.\nes. .\n\nGail E. Larue, 31, of Albuquer-\nque, driver of the pickup. his wife,\nElsi. 33. and their two children\nwere injured,\n\nMerril] Jacobs, 34, died Sunday\nat El Paso from injuries received\nFriday night when the car in which\nhe was riding went out of control\nand overturned near Valmont,\nsouth of Alamogordo. A companion,\nAlfred Davis, 27. was injured.\n\nSaturday's victims include Mrs.\nOnie Lee Blalock. M4. of Elk City,\nOkla.. who was killed in a two-car\ncollision at Carlsbad, just six\nblocks from the home of her son.\nwhere she and her husband were to\nvisit.\n\nApoliga Jaminez, 30- year- old\nMexican national. was killed on a\nfarm near Artesia, and 18-month-\nold Gilbert Leroy Salazar was run\nover and killed in a driveway at his\nhome in Cuyamungue.\n\nTwo pedestrians also were includ:\ned im the weekend deaths. Arthur\nL. Walters of Miami. Pla.. was\nkilled by a hit-erun driver near\nGrants and 70-year-old Enrique\nHererra of Buena Vista was struch\n\n‘Continued On Page 6)\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4199.70556640625, 4810.4609375, 5504.12451171875, 5105.3642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Supreme Court Lifts\nFurther Racial Bans\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 234.41361364746095, 5141.1348203125, 892.7468935546875, 5962.9999453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "DENVER-—UP—Dr. Paul Dudle.-\nWhite Monday approved plans for\nresident Eisennower to fly back\nmast Friday but said the chief exe-\nMeutive will have to “decide for\nimself’’ whether to run again.\nThe eminent boston heart spe-\njalist said, “I have no precedent\nm which to base either adequate\ndvice or predictions” on whether\ne President should seck another\nPrm.\n“He'll probably have to decide\nimsel{,”’ White told reporters at a\nDenver White House confer-\nPnce after his final check on the\n(President's condition ay Fitzsimons\nArmy Hospital.\nF White said Mr. Eisenhower and\ntthe doctors agreed on plans to\nleave here by air Friday morning\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1532.2999267578125, 3112.56689453125, 2145.81396484375, 3425.48974609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Tito, Dulles Ask\n‘Freedom For Red\nSatellite Nations\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1558.88335546875, 5164.55230078125, 2202.351751953125, 5951.79144921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.—UP— A\n10-year-old boy and his 11-year-old\n\n‘sister have admitted starting a fire\nwhich hospitalized one man and\ndid thousands of dollars in damage\nto his home.\n\n' Juvenile authorities Monday were\ninvestigating why the boy, who was\n\n‘making collections on a = papet\n\n‘route. and his sister had started\nthe fire.\n\nOfficials said the two set a simi\n\nJar fire a week ago.\n\n_ The homeowner, Locke Mouton\nwas overcome with smoke when hx\nreturned Saturday to find his home\nin flames. An official of the. U.S\nCorps of Engineers, Mouton wa:\nrecovering Monday in an Albuquer\nque hospital.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3530.99468359375, 3929.61577734375, 4183.96430078125, 5356.57855859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "GENEVA—UP—Big Four confer-\nence sources predicted Monday\nSoviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav\nM. Molotev would yeturn from Mos-\ncow with new proposals that could\nbreak the current deadlock on Ger-\nman unity.\n\nMolotov took advantage of a\nthree-day conference recess to fly\nhome to Moscow for consultations\nwith the other Kremlin leaders. All\nthree Western foreign ministers\n‘also were absent from Geneva.\n\nSecretary of State John Foster\nDulles flew to Yugoslavia where he\n\n‘and Marshal Tito reached an ‘“‘ac-\n‘cord’ that Soviet satellite states\n\nshould be free. British foreign sec-\n‘retary Harold MacMillan flew to\nLondon for conferences with Prime\nMinister Anthony Eden on the\n\n, Middle East and other problems.\n\n‘French Foreign Minister Antoine\n\nPinay returned to Paris for deci-\n\nsions. to restore .Sultan Sidi Mo-\n‘hammed Ben Youssef to the Mo-\n\nroccan throne.\n\nThe unofficial reports said Molo-\ntov was expected to return with\n‘new proposals on German unity\n‘and all-German elections that\nwould go at least part way toward\nmeeting the West. The Western Big\nThree and West Germany proposed\nFriday that free all-German elec-\n, tions be held in September, 1956.\n\n|\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1561.0731201171875, 5016.62841796875, 2148.0029296875, 5153.1064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "juveniles Admit They\nSet Albuquerque Fire\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2188.0712890625, 783.2643432617188, 2766.81689453125, 1098.0091552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Ent Death Probe\nBrings Charges\nAgainst Couple\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1588.930474609375, 6286.65191015625, 2231.762884765625, 7019.2792421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "tucky, and mayoralty races in In-\ndiana where small towns may pro-\nvide a tip-off on farm sentiment.\n\nKentucky's gubernatorial election\nprobably will get the most national!\nattention. Democrats are torn by\ninter-party strife in the Blue Grass\nState where A. B. (Happy) Chand-\nler is making a comeback try. °\n\nChandler is opposed by Repubii-\ncan Edwin R. Denny, former US.\ndistrict. attorney, whose hopes of\nwinning in the normally-Democra-\ntle state are based on a split in\nDemocratic party ranks.\n\nIn. Mississippl, the Democratic\nnominee for governor, Attorney\n(Continued On Luge 6)\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2233.549560546875, 6211.42236328125, 2690.041259765625, 6349.13525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Minor Injuries\n‘Hospitalize Two\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 4853.51519140625, 5131.83696875, 5517.21234765625, 5956.75433984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Tulings in two brief orders, There\n{were no written opinions, but both\n,actions evidently were based on\n‘the same reasoning as the tribu-\n_Wal’s historic decision last year\n\\banning segregation in public\n, schools.\n; In one of Monday's cases, the\n| Justices affirmed a ruling by the\n| fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals\nlast March, outlawing separation of\nwhites and Negroes in public parks\nand swimming pools operated by\nithe State of Maryland and the City\nof Baltimore.\n\nIn the other segregation case, the\nSupreme Court upheld an appeal\n| brought by three Negroes who were\n_barred from the Bobby Jones Pub-\nj lic Golf Course in Atlanta, Ga. The\n\n(Continued Oa Page 61\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 914.6925595703125, 6286.45855078125, 1574.8189150390626, 7022.5683046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "will have on the 1956 national cam-\npaign. , |\n- The voting will be the first on\na broad scale since the Democrats\n'fecaptured control of Congress a\n| year ago and the first since Presi-\n‘dent Eisenhower's heart attack up-\ni set calculations on 1956.\n| Two states — Kentucky and Mis-\n‘sissippi — will elect governors.\n_Four ~ Kentucky, Mississippi, New\n“Jersey and Virginia — will select\n‘state legislators, and several cities\ni will elect mayors.\n| Of special iriterest to the politi-\n‘cal strategists will be the hot\n‘mayoralty race in Philadelphia;\njthe gubernatorial contest in Ken-\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 209.52369055175782, 3720.600640625, 884.6053530273438, 4787.53168359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "oa — q\nLaw Enfcrcement officials said’\ntoday a li-vear-old youth had been\nsprchended in connection with\n\ne theft of postal funds from Wa-\nterfiow,\n\nThey said the youth, arrested in\nhis hogan about midnignt Satur-\nday. had been turned over to A.\nJ. Widdieson, postal inspector from\nthe Denver office.\n\n‘According to State Patrolman\nBi‘) Hastings and Deputy Sheriff\nFred Moss, the youth made admis-\nsions to taking about $40 in postal\nfunds from a cigar box. Some of it.\nthey said. had been spent on a\nflashlight, $2 was Joaned, ani about\n\n| $31 had been let with Mr. and\n\nMrs. Victor Kern, Waterflow postal\n\n| officials.\n\n| The Kerns told the officers the\n\n» youth had asked them to keep the\nmoncy for him, telling them he\nhad earnd it in Albuquerque.\n\nThe autres, was made a few\nhours after the money was report-\ncd missing.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4221.35210546875, 6282.50933203125, 4876.879828125, 7007.32953515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "though the cash register had been :\nbroken into. It had only a few |\npennies in it and these were left,\nthe officer said. He said entrance\nto the building had becn gained\n‘through a rear window.\n\nAt Gardenswartz Sullivan said\nthe rear door had been jimmicd\nopen, but the intruders didn't get\nvery far because they hit a steel\ndoor behind the wooden door. He\nsaid evidence had also been found\nwhere attempts were made to gein\nentrance through a skylight, but\nthat once again a layer of steel\nbars beneath a glass had thwarted\nthe attempts...\n\n’ Sullivan said at the liquor stare\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4200.327203125, 5140.28960546875, 4850.403265625, 5955.79437890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON —UP— #£The\nSupreme Court struck down more\nracial barriers Monday. ft ruled\nthat racial segregation in public\nparks, swimming pools and golf\ncourses is unconstitutional.\n\nThe high tribunal also invalidated\na section of the 1950 Militar, Code\nof Justice that allows tne armed\n‘forces to arrest and try a veteran\nafter his discharge Yo civilian life\nfor yurious crimes committed\nwhile serving in uniform overseas.\n\nIn still aother major action. the\n‘court refused to review a lower\n‘court's ruling that it is unconsti-\n‘tutional for the government to bar\nmembers of alleged) subversive\ngroups from federal low rent hous-\ning projects.\n\nTae court made its segregation\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2183.434625, 1112.414849609375, 2832.31781640625, 2556.138861328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "DURANGO--~(Special)—An_in-\n\n| vestigation into the death of Sam\nEnt, 53-year-old Farmington and\n‘Durango man, has ended with\nthe conviction of two witnesses\nto the death on charges of lewd\nand indecent acts, District At-\ntorney Irvin L. Mason of Dur-\nango has announced.\n\nEnt died Oct. 16, in the home\nof Mrs. Frances Abeyta, one of\nthe witnesses, who was fined\n$100 and sentenced to six months\nin jail after pleading guilty to\ncharges of operating a lewd\nhouse, Her jail penalty was sus-\npended.\n\nThe other witness, Don Lan-\n\nnen, a boarder in Mrs. Abeyta's\nhouse, was given a $50 fine and\n‘a six-months suspended jail sen-\ntence after pleading guilty to\ncharges of fornication and adult-\nay.\n' Lannen said he planned i\nleave town as soon as he was\n‘released by the court. He said\n‘he planned to do this upon ad-\nvice of Mason. Mason said Lan-\n-nen would be released from jail\nand free to leave as soon as he\npaid the fine.\n\nIt was announced that a new\ninvestigation would be pressed\nafter a coroner's jury brought in\na verdict of ‘‘death by foul\n\n(Continued On Page 6'\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4174.1962890625, 2870.689208984375, 4810.10888671875, 3159.234130859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Subsidy Is\nKnight Plan\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 208.568359375, 3500.36572265625, 766.7020874023438, 3708.0126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Youth Held For\nPostal Charses\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2868.68505859375, 4595.30908203125, 3474.58056640625, 4813.64306640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Ft. Bliss Brass -\nStudy Hunt Ficht\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 4177.57915625, 3183.266900390625, 4839.47016015625, 4292.70941796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "SACRAMENTO, Calif. —UP—\nGov. Goodwin J. Knight of Cali-|\nfornia Monday urged 12 western\n‘states to unite behind a pian for\ni government subsidy of the mining\nindustry.\n\n“We must have a ready market\n'for our We geen or Seicaes ts,”\nKnight some tes at\nthe opening of the Western Gov-\nexpors Mineral bimini Tibet\n\nere\n\n“Only by joining hands can we\nihope to achieve the support . and\ni recognition that will be\n\nif a sound and practical iong-cange\nmineral policy is to be established\n| by our f{cderal government’ he\n\n \n\nSen. Thomas Kuchel (RCalif) re-\n, marked that such a program was\nineeded to “correct the blight into\nwhich the mining industry has fal-\nen.”\n| Knight suggested legislation to\ncontinue the government’s minerals\npurchasing program, legislation of\n; tContinuea On Page 6)\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2177.4169921875, 2589.935302734375, 2708.21484375, 2797.354736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Chavez Silent\nOn Plane Trip\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2832.49609375, 781.3413696289062, 5483.64208984375, 1383.804931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Wintry Cold Front\nDrops Snow In State\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4862.3369140625, 3462.293212890625, 5461.12939453125, 3671.40087890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Natural Gas Hike\nExnected In Bill\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 217.55288696289062, 4807.47900390625, 1528.1240234375, 5110.197265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "ae Plans His Return\no East This Friday\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2899.423095703125, 6155.94140625, 3505.6416015625, 6285.314453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Anderson Is Expecting\nNixon As Candidate\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2241.0215390625, 6357.72612890625, 2886.085150390625, 7016.1640078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Two men were in San Juan hos-\n\npital today wi:h what attendants\ndescribed as minor injuries, but\ndctails of neither mishap could not\nbe immediately learned.\n| Willie Stewart, 36, reportedly\nwas’ hospitalized with an injured\nleft ankle. Attaches said he was\nadmitted to the hospital at 3:15\na.m. Sunday ang suid he was a\ntruck driver for the Ejliott Con:\nstruction company.\n; John ‘Buse, 32, 104 E. Tycksen\nHaliburton employe, was hospital\nized with a tractused toe. He was\nadmi.ted at 5 p.m. Saturday,\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2222.630615234375, 4244.29443359375, 3512.7802734375, 4549.5283203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "SJ Diarrhea Endemic\nListed By Department\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 222.21884155273438, 5974.49169921875, 2163.727783203125, 6267.42529296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Political Strategists Keep Eyes\n‘On Local And Statewide Election\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 868.42236328125, 1716.3450927734375, 1502.6910400390625, 2007.5819091796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Soil Plan\nIs Offered\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2213.00347265625, 4565.43316015625, 2870.3671328125, 6167.07172265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "There is no epidemic of diar-\nrhea in San Juan county. There\nis an endemic that has been un-\nder the noses of residents of the\n\ncounty for many years but they\n\nhave not been aware of it.\n\nThat is the statement today\nof Dr. Warren Rasmussen, bi-\ncounty health officer, in connec-\ntion with the deaths of two San\n\n‘Juan county infants last night,\nreportedly due to diarrhea.\n‘Deaths of the two were reported\nto the county’ health office this\n‘morning with no definite cause\n\ngiven.\nBring To Public\nThe two fatalities were from\n\n“the reservation, Dr. Rasmussen\n‘said, and from “information re-\n\n{\n\necived,” it was adjudged = diar-\nrhea was the cause of the death.\nDr. Rasmussen said it is time\n\n.the situation was brought to the\ni public eve. “We ‘are concerned\n‘with it.’ he said, “In fact, we\n\nhave becn concerned over it for\n\n‘some time.”\n\nHe declared that although\n\n/more cases of infant deaths are\n‘reported in San Juan county now\n,than there were some ycars ado,\n/“that is due to better reporting\n\nservices.\"’ He declared in actu-\n, ality there were fewer infant\n-deaths from diarrhea’ in San\n\n‘Juan county this year (han there\n\nwere five years ago. “But those\n\n‘deaths have been called to pub-\njie attention.”\n\nNo one case was reported in\n} (Continued On Page 6)\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3520.467041015625, 3597.7666015625, 4153.5595703125, 3916.724609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "iNew Proposals By\nSoviets Expected\n‘At Geneva Talks\n" }, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 1520.854248046875, 1199.42333984375, 2160.42041015625, 1491.149169921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "OMNI Here\n\nBy Summer\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3516.79638671875, 2892.90966796875, 4157.388671875, 3031.07470703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Wavne Dallas Stricken\nWhile On Hunting Trip\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 3514.034423828125, 5975.2880859375, 5474.478515625, 6264.66162109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "“Police Check Reports On Thugs -\n‘Operating In Downtown Section\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 3554.6035703125, 6281.09331640625, 4212.440375, 7008.4843203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "City police today were investi-\ngating a break-in at the Bluc\nScruce restaurant and what Police\nChicf Dan Sullivan said were two\nother apparent similar attempts.\nThe officer said the incidents were\nbelieved to have occurred late\nSaturday uc carly’ Sunday morn-\ning.\n\nSullivan identified the other two\ncstablishments as Gardenswartz\nSporting Goods store and Harry\nAllen’s Hquor store, both in the\n200 bleck on West Main.\n\nSteel Deer Balked\n\nIn connection with the restaurant\nbreakin, Sullivan said so far noth-\ning had been reported missing, al-\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 183.09963989257812, 767.1486206054688, 2168.41845703125, 1152.0247802734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Nine Die In Fatal\nNew Mexico Weekend\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 3512.620416015625, 3044.485650390625, 4164.520453125, 3574.977728515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "Wayne Dallas, superintendent\n\n.of drilling for El Paso Natural\nGas Co., Was recuperating to-\nday in San Juan hospital from\nan emergency appendectomy,\n.which interrupted a hunting\ni trip.\n‘' Paltas had gone to Vermejo\nPark on an elk hunt when he\nwas stricken. He was flown\nfrom Eagle Nest to Farmington\nilate Saturday afternoon and un\n‘derwent surgery immediately.\n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 213.20535278320312, 1157.297607421875, 815.5234985351562, 1436.5872802734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Six Killed\nOn Roads\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 4889.0469296875, 6284.80230078125, 5534.35687890625, 6613.465765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "the neiting had been torn off a\nrear window, again a lattice of iron\nconfronted the intruders.\nNet Juvenile\nThe officer said he dij not think\nthe work was that of juveniles.\nSullivan added that a window at\n\ntime nwtionrims fem Pawn Bt\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 2846.279296875, 1445.9476318359375, 3404.087646484375, 1905.710205078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Local Man\nIs Victim\nOf Polio\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 3557.572564453125, 5515.00103125, 4182.61078515625, 5950.88959375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "SPRINGER —UP— Dr. Champ\nTyrene and a team of musici@n\njudges visited Springer recently\nte audition high scheel students\ninterested in becoming members\nof an all-state band.\n\nThe band and orchestra will be\nformed in Jantary in Santa Fe\nwith music professers at High-\nlands University in Las Vegas\nin charge of auditions,\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 4830.6348203125, 2149.05132421875, 5496.7450625, 3431.072943359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Snow fell in northern and eastern\nNew Mexico Monday as a sharp\ncold. front snapped. a prolonged\nstreak of late autumn weather.\n\nState police issued highway warn-\nings in north central and north-\n\nThe weather bureau in Raton re-\nported that six inches of snow\nstruck Raton pass and highways\nsouth of Raton were “icy in spo\n\nBy afternoon, the U. S. Weather\nBureau in Albuquerque said, most\nroads in the Tucumcari, Las Vegas,\nRaton and Clayton area will be\nslick and da . Highways\nnorth of Santa Fe were expected\nto be covered with thin layers of\nice in spots,\n\nThe cold fromt, briaging New\nMexico face to face with winter\nfor the first time this year, brushed\nthrough the cast side during the\nweekend and tumbled tempera-\ntures down to new lows for the\nSeason.\n\nThe front, moving rapidly south-\nward, dumped an inch of snow on\n{Lander and Douglas, Wyo., and\n| ‘Continued On Page 6)\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 4196.6738828125, 4414.32915625, 4847.0575625, 4772.18305078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "GRANTS --UP— Negotiations\nwere underway here Monday for\na $1 million housing project, the\nlargest in Grants’ history.\n\nFederal housing officials chose a.\nsite just outside the city limits.\nBut application for annexation will\nbe filed with the town board in\nthe next two weeks.\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 2896.8018125, 6306.58696875, 3543.47308984375, 6726.71430078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —UP—\nSen. Clinton P. Anderson 'D-N.M.}\npredicted Monday that Vice Presi-\ndent Richard Nixon would be the\nRepublican party's presidential\ncandidate for 1936.\n| He said he thought Adlai Steven-\nson would be the Democratic can-\ndidate “without question,”” and add-\ned he thought Stevenson would bx\n\nbee heed eunecnen!! «yw slasfadt Ntbonn\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 906.3526547851562, 4213.6143125, 1523.2731386718751, 4775.58539453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "a ge eee\n\nSOCORRO —UP— Gev. Jehan F.\nSimms has named E. C. Anderson\n\nM. Cramer, vice president ef the\nU. 8, Petath Ce., and James\nRichardsen, assiatant manager\nof the Chine Mines division of\nKennecott Copper Corp., as offi-\ncial delegates te the Western\nGeverners’ Mineral Pelicy con-\nference, in Sacraments, Calif.\nNev. 7-16.\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 4826.51416015625, 1417.6094970703125, 5364.34814453125, 1865.4613037109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "Mild Fall\nWeather.\nIs Ousted\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 4196.01220703125, 4317.49072265625, 4805.72216796875, 4397.56005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Housing Project Slated\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 863.8972104492187, 1296.46343359375, 1493.1776796875001, 1685.6245791015626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "| Pustion chambers which canted\nthem te “everfire.””\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 2840.93218359375, 2141.32915625, 3497.581732421875, 4210.15277734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": ", Jack Nelson, 29%vear-old Farm-\nington High schoo} teacher, was\n_in a borrowed iron lung at San\n' Juan hospital today, Farming-\ni ten’s first bulbar polio victim of\n‘the season, according to health\nauthorities.\n\n' As a result Dr. Warren Ras-\nmussen, district health officer,\nsajd gamma globulin shots will\n_be given to all students who had\nclasses under Nelson last Thurs-\nday, the day he became ill. Jack\nEchols, high school principal,\nsaid, an estimated 60 students\nwere involved.\n\nWarn Against Panic\n\nDr. Rasmussen warned par-\nents against panic. He said he\n‘had called the state health de-\n‘ partment in Santa Fe this morn-\ning and was advised that the\n‘gamma giobulin would be sent\nby bus. The doctor said adminis-\n‘tration of the shots would pro-\n‘bably begin Wednesday.\n\nThe lung, reportedly the only\nore in the San Juan Basin, was\n' rushed from Mercy hospital in\nDurango in the early hours this\n- morning. Attendants attributec\n- jt to saving Ne!son's life. Farm\n-ington’s volunteer firemen as\n‘sisted in the mercy mission.\n\nNelson, father of three chil\n» dren, was reported by his docto:\n1'to be in a satisfactory conditio:\nt.and ‘doing as well as can bi\n- expected” at. a'clack this alles\n>;noon. . -\nvf ‘Thought It Was Cota\n“' Associates said the teache\n‘complained of not feeling wel\n‘Thursday, but continued teach\n* ing, thinking he was comin,\n* down with a cold. He did no\n>! teach Friday, they said. His con\n\n, dition became increasingly wors\n>| and he was admitted to the hos\n>: pital last night in a critical con\n- dition.\n\n-: Nelson has been with the loca\n\naL (Continued Un Page 6)\n" }, "58": null, "59": { "bbox": [ 3545.508544921875, 5421.484375, 4193.73095703125, 5497.53369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "Forming All-State Band\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 244.6999295654297, 6291.61480078125, 908.2591616210938, 6661.9862734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON —UP— Republi-\ncan and Democratic strategists will\nhave Yheir political barometers out\nTuesday when thousands of voters\ngo to the polls in local and state-\nwide elections,\n\nThey will be trying to determine\nwhat bearing the local elections—\nbased primarily on local issues—\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 4934.6943359375, 6671.884765625, 5510.822265625, 6958.0439453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "BINGO\nTONIGHT —8 P.M.”\nFarmington — Arena:\n\n \n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 2931.616943359375, 6750.4150390625, 3521.575439453125, 6981.50048828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "November San | Juan\n\nAccident Tally\nYesterday: One.\nSo far this month: Seven.\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 879.0120849609375, 1201.1888427734375, 1436.590576171875, 1277.0152587890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "Turn Of Gas Supply\n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 4838.2529296875, 1893.1368408203125, 5405.99267578125, 2083.155517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": "State Police Issue\nWarning Of Slippery\nHighways In North\n" }, "65": null, "66": { "bbox": [ 295.7218933105469, 6685.94140625, 894.408935546875, 6986.83154296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "‘ NOTICE\nSaudy’s Automotive Service\nFarmington’s Oldest Tunc-up\nShop \\\nClosed Fri., Sat., Sun.\nNovember 11-12-13\nEmployes Deer Hunting\n" }, "67": { "bbox": [ 889.6403198242188, 4101.20263671875, 1530.8658447265625, 4217.51318359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "Simms Names Delegates\nTn Palirv Canforence\n" }, "68": null, "69": { "bbox": [ 2866.686767578125, 1916.944580078125, 3382.10986328125, 2112.84130859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 69, "ocr_text": "Students In Man’‘s\nClass To Be Given\nAnti-Polio Shots\n" }, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 21 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 21, 6 ], [ 24, 5 ], [ 24, 13 ], [ 5, 13 ], [ 19, 29 ], [ 19, 15 ], [ 29, 15 ], [ 51, 39 ] ]
[ 7206.2412109375, 9351.12109375 ]
[ [ 2, 6 ], [ 5, 24 ], [ 13, 5 ], [ 15, 19 ], [ 21, 2 ], [ 29, 15 ], [ 39, 51 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 6304.1260234375, 3284.152634765625, 7173.6903828125005, 3778.624220703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "' LINCOLN (—The Legislature's\n| Public Works Committee has ap-\n|proved a bill to legalize use of\n‘radar to trap speeders.\n\n| Attached was the emergency\nclause.\n\n| The emergency clause would\n/make the bill immediately effective\nupon the governor’s signature.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 5462.812546875, 2885.680466796875, 6305.7016132812505, 3781.476271484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "| WHEATON, Md. (®—Without giv-\nling a specific reason, 17-year-old\nPaul McQuain—whose attire drew\nthe wrath of school officials—has\nwithdrawn from Wheaton High\nSchool.\n\nYoung McQuain, a junior, was\n‘sent home in January and told not\nto come back in the tight-fitting\ndungarees he was wearing. He re-\nturned to school only once. wear-\n‘ing conventional clothing, to take\nmidterm exams,\n\nPrincipal Elwood B, Mason said\ntwo counselors tried without suc-\ncess to persuade the boy to re-\nmain in school,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 306.46467700195313, 1563.6846171875, 1591.9666279296875, 4912.6649921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "ZIP VE CAML ANSP ABSENTEE MANY OA\n\nNot suddenly, not overnight, of course. He be-\ngan his ascension nine days after Stalin’s death by\ntaking from Malenkov the important job of first sec-\nretary of the Communist Party. It was thought at\nthe time. and for months later, that Georgi Malen-\nkov stil] had the civil service apparatus as his prop.\nBut as Khrushchev rose through 1953 and ‘54, it\nbecame clear that Malenkov's bureaucracy did not\nexist outside the Communist Party apparatus run\nby Khrushchev.\n\nMalenkov's subordinates were first of all mem-\nbers of the Communist Party and as such took\ntheir orders from Nikita, the first secretary, not\nGeorgi the prime minister.\n\nBut there are also two other sources of power\nin Russia: The armed forces and the secret police.\nMore than a year ago it was evident that Malenkov\nwas no dictator in the sense that Stalin was. He\nruled by grace of the armed forces. He needed to\ncapture the secret police — to reorganize them\nas a force strong enough to match and challenge\nthe armed forces,\n\nParticularly, he needed to repair the loss of\nprestige the secret police had suffered since June,\n1953, when Beria fell.\n\nKhrushchev took care of the armed forces by\ntaking over the wily, willing Marshal Nicholas Bul-\nganin whom he now makes his premier\n\nHe gave his allegiance to Khrushchev — and\nKhrushehevy gave him an increased military ap-\npropriation and finally Malenkov's job.\n\nWhat of the secret police?\n\nIn August, 1954, I asked ‘‘Will Khrushchev chal-\nlenge Malenkov by taking over the secret police\nbefore Malenkov can do it?” |\n\nThe answer is: Yes Khrushchev did it, suc-\ncessfully. He began to take it over as far back\nas April, 1954, when he cut down the power, of\nSergei Krugloy, Beria’s successor and Malenkov's\nman,\nHe began to cut Kruglov — and Malenkov —\ndown to size by appointing a veteran secret police\nofficial, Ivan Serov, to head the newly constituted\nCommittee of State Security of the Council of Min-\nisters and thus really to take over the secret police\nfor him, for Khrushchev. By now this process, too,\nhas apparently been completed.\n\nAnd where do you go from here, Nikita Khru-\nshchev?\n\nThe answer appears to be: Back to heavy in-\ndustries at the expense of consumers’ goods, Back\nto some of the worst features of Stalinism and its\nhatred for the West. Back to the war threat.\n\nBut why?\n\nBecause, as a true heir of Lenin and Stalin,\nKhrushchev feels that it is not in the natuge of\ncommunism to give concessions.\n\nT anwnin sesnrman oaqgaines+ anAancAeaeelivam 44 mmsoimdies\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 6317.7724609375, 3107.201416015625, 6976.67138671875, 3277.401611328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Legislature OK’s\nRadar Tran Bill\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5464.578125, 2699.81005859375, 6233.20166015625, 2879.478759765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Tight-Clothes Boy\nLeaves Hich School\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3735.0459453125, 2674.705369140625, 4601.73286328125, 4701.15473828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "“sparrow who could never learn\nto fly.”’... There were also chang-\nes in Russian magazines«to rewrite\njhistory so as to give credit to\nKhrushchev for doing _ various\nthings which he had absolutely\nnothing to do with. For instance,\nRussian history was rewritten to\nimelude him among those who re-.\norganized the Red army after the\nirevolution of 1917 and who helped\nwin World War I. Actually he had |\nlittle to do w-th either, but Rus-_|\n‘sian magazines carefully went out |\nof their way to give him credit. ...\n\nPremier Malenkov apparently was |\n‘given his life in exchange for play- |\n‘ing ball with Khrushchev. The |\nKremlin wanted to give the im-.\npression to the outside world that |\nit had arranged an orderly trans- |\nfer of authority. ... The last}\npurge created a bad impression. |\n— Will Bulganin Last? — Marshal |\nBulganin has been a_ friend of |\nPremier Malenkov’s. That is one |\nreason diplomats figure he won't\n\nlast too long. They give him about\n\n‘six months. Then he can be made.\nthe scapegoat just as Malenkov is |\nthe scapegoat today. .. . Bulganin\n\ngot his training as a political com-\n\nmissar attached to the Red army. |\nWhile he is close to the army, he.\nis not a military man... . Chief |\ndanger to the United States is that |\nthe new dictators wil] use the bo- |\ngeyman of the USA to divert atten- |\ntion from unrest inside Russia.\n\nKhrushchev needs unitv at home.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1626.1625224609375, 474.08335986328126, 2874.9735859375, 959.9707783203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "opposing the Communists. He said there should\nbe. no concession at a crucial time -- and any\ntime is a crucial time with the Communists. The\ngist of his warning was: Once we begin to withdraw\nonce we begin to cencede, our opponents became\nbold. Our empire will crumble like a house of cards.\n\nGuns instead of butter is the meaning of the\nlatest change in the Kremlin.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2963.47705078125, 487.899169921875, 4565.5888671875, 2058.4287109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n \n\nYEH, HE'S USED \\_\nUPALL TH IDEAS\nON LITTLE EASY-TO-\nDRAW MACHINES ~-\nNOW HE'S HAVIN’ TO\nDRAW TH’ ONES ASD\nBiG AD BATTLE -\nSHIPS WITH A WEAK.\niDEA, WHEN IT’S\nA DAY'S WORK\nFOR, HIM TO\nDRAW EVEN\n\nOn, TUCK?\nTELL. THIS\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n“THING THAT\nHAPPENED OW\n\n» - 7 y)\n4, 4 {\ntips\n\n¢\n\n \n \n \n\n\"ge ee\nA cy b * ed\ncat allt ead\nTRVALL OS\n\nOA HN ii\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 6336.84575, 2753.25932421875, 7177.4628437500005, 3066.41255078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "ee eee: es,\n\nGENEVA, Neb. ‘#)—District Judge\nStanley Bartos Thursday fined Dr.\nChester E. Lewellen, 67, Exeter,\n$500 after the physician pleaded\nguilty to a charge of performing\nan abortion.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4691.607421875, 378.56744384765625, 5444.63330078125, 514.3271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Out of the Past\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4608.03373828125, 595.8261577148437, 5468.9960468750005, 3110.153517578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "10 Years Ago\n\nIn cooperation with the U. S.\nCivi] Air Patrol, classes in avia-\ntion were to be started at Beat-\nrice High School in the next few\ndays, Instructor was Lt. J. S. Lew-\nis.\n\nHested Store Companies, head-\n|quarters in Fairbury, contracted to\npurchase the total output of the\nFairbury Broom factory,\n\nMrs. Marie Rothmeier returned\nto Horton, Kan., after visiting here\nwith her brother, William Vander-\ngrift and family.\n\n20 Years Ago\n\nR. E. Smith, Omaha, was look-\ning after business here Saturday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Fred Luistrom,\n‘Manhattan, Kan., returned home\nafter visiting here for a few days.\n| Mrs. Arthur Tart, milliner, left\nfor Kansas City on a buying trip.\n| 30 Years Ago\n_ President J. A. Reuling of the\nFirst National. Bank of Wymore\nwas re-elected president of the Wy-\nmore Community Club.\n\nMay wheat, which had soared to\n$2.20 a bushel at Winnipeg, Cana-\nda, dropped sharply to $2.07. |\n\nThe Rev. A. U. Logan and fam-\nity, Oakland City, Ind., moved to\ntheir new home at 700 North Ninth\nstreet,\n\n40 Years Ago\n\nThe new Gilbert Theater was be-\ning furnished with chairs to seat\n1,200 persons. The heating plant\nand interior decorating were com-\npleté,\n\nThe Rev. Newton C. Peterson,\nDelphi, Ind., was chosen minister\nof the First Presbyterian Church.\nDr. L. D. Young had resigned the\nposition a year ago. ; |\n\nBeatrice High Schoo] Dramatics |\nClub elécted Ruth Shroeder presi-\ndent and Miriam Giddings, seore\ntary.troeacprer\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5489.35498046875, 3858.322998046875, 7065.99609375, 4657.46435546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Is Your Wife\nSTILL YOUR SWEETHEART?\nThen Send Her A Valentine\n\nGales\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1681.3157958984375, 1000.2763671875, 2764.586669921875, 1126.800537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "* ‘The Upper Room\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2874.9678203125, 2671.160203125, 3733.316603515625, 9224.576125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON -—- Here is how\nthe diplomats view Moscow’s latest\npolitical turnover:\n\nAs far as the USA is concerned\nit's a two - way street. Nikita\nKhrushchev, the new backstage\ndictator of Russia, is vigorously\nanti-American, much more belli-\ngerent than the placid, flabby Ma-\nlenkov, But the reason for the turn-\nover ig serious unrest inside Rus-\nsia. , . . Purges in various Soviet\nrepublics have not been headlined\nin the press but they've been im-\nportant, Part of them were to weed\nout Marshal Beria’s followers; part\nto stamp out unrest. . .. Malen-\nkov's appeasement of the masses\nby giving them more food, more\nconsumer goods, did not work. Un-\nrest continued. Now Karushchev\nwill try sterner methods. He will\ngird for possible war, but more\notpimistie diplomats believe he\n‘ean’t possibly afford one. |\nHeart of the Soviet Problem is\nFood. While the USA is teeming\nwith surpluses, Russia faces prob-\nable shortages. The climax is ex-\npected in May when there may\nbe starvation in some areas... .\nWhereas the U.S. now has only\none-sixth of its population working\nas farmers, Russia has 50 pér cent\nfarming. Yet the USA _ produces\nfar more than the USSR. . . .The\nreason is farm machinery, better\nweather, better drying conditions,\nbetter know-how, almost every-\nthing except better sol, It would\nbe hard to beat the rich loam of\nthe Russian steppes. . . . It was\ndictator Khrushchev who started\nthe campaign to increase farm pro-\nduction. His idea was to lure\nyoung Russians into settling on\nvirgin farm land, also to build up\n“agro cities’’ -- in other words,\ncollective farms centered around\nurbanized communities. . . .\nKhrushchev proposes using Hen-\nty Wallace's hybrid corn, Ameri-\ncan farm methods. He wants the\nUSSR to increase its population\nfrom 200,000,000 to 300,000,000, but |\nknows this is impossible unless\nRussia can raise more food. It was\nto increase the population that he\nimposed a heavy tax on bachelors\nand couples with few children. ...\nThough Khrushchev initiated this |\nprogram, Malenkov was officially\nin charge, It's been a failure... .\nFirst, Russia has lacked the trac-\ntors and farm machinery, Second,\nthe Russian peasant lacks the\nknow-how. He breaks up equip\nment, has no mechanical knack,\nseems to think farm machinery can\nrun without oil.\n\nKhrushchev Waves Flag — The\nnew Russian backstage dictator\nhas been so belligerent against the\nUSA and the West that his remarks\nactually have been toned down by\nthe Soviet press. Speaking at\nPrague June 15, 1954, Khrushchev\nquoted Lenin as saying: ‘As long\nas the capitalist encirclement lasts\nt will be very difficult and com-\nplicated to come to an agree-\nnent.” . . . . Then Khrushchev\n»roceeded to go muen further than\nvenin, as follows: “One must be\n‘trong in order to coexist with the |\n*nemy. We have done everything |\nossible. We have given to our\n‘Ountry atomic energy, We have |\nsiven it the atom bomb. We even |\nvere ahead of the capitalistic class\nind created the hydrogen bomb |\nefove they did, We know that the |\noOurgeois politicians are irrespon-\nible chatterers. 'They believe they\nan scare us, but nothing can}\nrighten us because we know as\nvell as they what a bomb is.” But\n‘hen the speech appeared in Pray- |\nia on June 16, 194, it was wa-|\nered down as follows: “In the |\neginning the enemies of disarma-\nnent and the enemies of rulng\nut A-weapons declared that the |\noviet Union made such proposals |\nnly because she had neither the |\n-bomb nor the H-bomb. New that |\nve have the A-bomb and had even |\nreated the H-bomb before the oth-\nrs, we have submitted the pro- |\nOsal to make a solemn obligation\not 1o use weapons of this kind— |\not because we are weak, but be-!\nause we are really serious with |\nur peace policy in the interests of !\n1e Working masses.’\nU.S, Embassy Predicted — This\nme American officials were not\naught as short as when Marsha!\neria Was purged. They knew up-\neaval was in the wind but didn't\ngure it would come quite so soon,\nmbassador Bohlen had wired the\ntate Department that Malenkov\nnd Khrushchev were watching\nach other so closely that neither\nne would leave town : One\ngen pointing to a change was a\nrece which appeared in the ‘’Ban-\n\n\"a Moscow magazine, in Ma\\\n\n> 4 — ‘ ae\n" }, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 4909.98198046875, 8016.548875, 5932.5644062500005, 8563.40815625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "standing performance and excellent ride\nkeep pace with its beauty!\n\nFord's new 162-h.p. Y-block V-8 delivers\nthe exciting response of Trigger-Torque\nPower. With ita 20°), higher torque, the\ninstant you step on your gas pedal, you\nget power at the rear wheels. ‘This flash-\ning Trigger-Torque Power has all the\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5534.3564453125, 471.0187072753906, 7141.07177734375, 2411.241455078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nT. M. Rog. U. 8, Pat Off,\nCopr. 1355 by NEA Service. ix on.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3839.6103515625, 4805.919921875, 7051.8515625, 8227.357421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Whats your line ?\n\n( Ford has 4 to choose from )\n\n \n\n \n\nNEW CUSTOMLINE SERIES\n\nNEW FAIRLANE SERIES\n\nNEW STATION WAGON SERIES\n\nNEW MAINLINE SERIES\n\nThe Ford Thunderbird started it! The | standing performance and excellent ride ready responsiveness that’s a “must”\nsleek-as-an-arrow look of Ford's glamor- keep pace with its beauty! for today’s driving needs.\nous new personal car is captured in the\n\n— an esAm t as te a RT ie Ss a APMIS? FERRARO Ree =| LRM, RAGE Pe ee: (Ean eere\n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 5976.046921875, 8013.83158984375, 6999.4735859375005, 8554.0683125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "ready responsiveness that’s a “must”\nfor today’s driving needs.\n\nFord's new Angle-Poised Ride cushions\nout flaws in paved roads, too. In Ford's\nnew Ball-Joint Front Suspension,\nsprings are tilted to absorb road shock\nfrom the front as well as straight up,\nThis lessens road-joint jar.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2903.1259765625, 2262.9326171875, 4073.665283203125, 2561.3408203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Internal Turmoil in R oar\nIs Greater than Is Rea lized\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 345.47078051757813, 1286.397751953125, 1604.0777119140625, 1492.8157490234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "(The following observations are by Dr. Albert\nParry, chairman of the Department of Russian\nStudies at Colgate University.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 550.910888671875, 1176.0816650390625, 1355.7838134765625, 1267.8287353515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Return of Stalinism\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4067.590576171875, 326.07037353515625, 4606.27685546875, 421.1983642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "—By Williams\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4603.84965625, 3639.253953125, 5449.9589375000005, 4707.874953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "—\n\n \n\nand the best way to get it would\nbe by insulting the U.S. over China\nover Formosa. . «. The Red Army\nalso has some new fighting equip-\nment that it would like to try out.\nAlso there is defin.:te danger that\nRussia might permit Communist\nChina to push the Formosan crisis\nup to the point of limited war. . ..\nDiplomats believe the Kremlin\ndoesn't want full-scale war but\nwould be delighted to have another\nKorea whereby the Chinese can\nlose their manpower and bear the\nbrunt of the fighting. The Russians\nwant them to try out the new\nequipment and watch the USA win\nmore ill will in Asia.\n(Copyright, 1955,\nBy the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5490.96826171875, 321.6445617675781, 6143.5576171875, 417.890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "SIDE GLANCES\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3315.98974609375, 2574.5244140625, 3793.44140625, 2633.714111328125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "OREW PEARSON\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 6524.88037109375, 2705.423828125, 6969.44873046875, 2751.701416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "VOT oOrR LInery\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 974.0668334960938, 4972.90771484375, 2153.4501953125, 5086.0556640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Radio-Television Log\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3858.899705078125, 8020.0889140625, 4850.68794140625, 8565.9364765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "The Ford Thunderbird started It! The\nsleek-as-an-arrow look of Ford's glamor-\nous new personal car is captured in the\nsix exciting models of the new Fairlane\nSeries . . . in the five new double-duty\ndandies of the Station Wagon Series. ..\nin the new high-stvle Customline and\nMainline models. But the ‘55 Ford is\nnot measured by looks alone. Its out-\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1591.3832255859375, 1274.9775859375, 2886.594435546875, 4926.75337109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "erent meaning in mauam Man eisewnere, where\nbankers work (or are assumed to work) from 9:30\nto 3 p. m. Actually, I am told, the help starts show-\ning up at 8 a. m., and there is usually someone.\naround until 4:30 or 5 p. m,, although the doors.\narent open at that time. Except in Hal-\nlam, where the bank has very unusual hours.\n\nteen\n\nBanker Carstens of the Hallam bank, who is\nthe whole staff, opens up for business around 6\na. m. and doesn’t lock the door frequently until\n9 o'clock at night, I am advised, which created\na situation a while back for Elmer Peterson, who\nis the new president of the bank at Clatonia.\n\neee —eenenen\n\n \n\n|\nPeterson was working for a Lincoln bank at.\nthe time, and did the contact work with the small\nbanks which corresponded with that capitol city\ninstitution. Frequently, when one of these banks\nwas short of help for a day or two -- someone\nsick, or on vacation —- they would call on Elmer\nto come in and help out.\n\nee ceromericee enh\n\nHe was called to Hallam one time, to take Mr.\nCarstens' place for a few days. Lady came in to’\nget some travelers checks, Elmer started making\nthem out, but the lady said she wouldn't wait. “I'll\njust drop in tomorrow morning and pick them up,”\nshe said,\n\ntet\n\nEarly the next morning — around 6 a. m_ the\nStory goes (that I can’t confirm because Elmer\ndidn't tell me the story) --Peterson was awakened\nfrom his slumber, at his home in Lincoln, by a\nringing telephone. It was the lady who'd ordered\nthe travelers checks. She had dropped in at the\nbank, as she'd said she would, but By George!\nthe bank wasn’t even open. And here it was, almost\nsun-up. Elmer, who'd planned on getting back to\nHallam in time to open the bank at what he figur-\ned was a good country town hour — say 8 a. m. or\nthereabouts — hopped out of bed, and drove down\nfrom Lincoln to accommodate the customer,\n\ni\n\nAs I say, I haven't quizzed Elmer on this story,\nand don't intend to, Too close scrutiny often ruins\na little yarn like this, and a good story should\nstand on its own feet, I might have found out that\n\nthe telephone didn't ring until 6:30 a. m., that it\nhappened in the summer time, and that sun was\nalready blazing well above the horizon, I*like the\nyarn as it was told to me. And, who knows? It\nmight be accurate to the very minute?\n\nte rn anne\n\nOur ‘‘night life correspondent,” as she was iden-\ntified in yesterday's column, noted one trifling er-|\nror in the story about South 5th Street romancing,\nwhich I hasten to correct, The hour of observation\nwas from 12 to 1 p. m. = not a. m. During the}\nnoon, hour, in other words. Which more than verifies |,\nmy comment that customs indeed have changed]:\nsince the days of my youth,\n\n~~. —@e se 4\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4765.591796875, 3167.6064453125, 5284.96337890625, 3220.8095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "OPPOSCHKT) Tey RITT.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2909.826171875, 322.0738830566406, 3548.71630859375, 424.9578552246094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "OUT OURWAY\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2915.07861328125, 2176.046630859375, 4132.61328125, 2265.01025390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "* Washington Merry-Go-Round*\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 4192.765625, 2146.671630859375, 4560.5498046875, 2647.061767578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1583.8016357421875, 8680.828125, 2099.6728515625, 8837.498046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "(4 Uv NOWS+ VA es thee\n\nKMTV, Ch. 3\n\nFriday Evening\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2231.472900390625, 6955.375, 2824.337890625, 7069.57177734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "KOLN-TV, C. 10\n" }, "37": null, "38": { "bbox": [ 952.7769775390625, 5226.47265625, 1518.7679443359375, 9288.05078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "9:45-——-Cloud Club 9\n10:00--WOW News\n10:15—Sports Parade\n19:30—Cloud Club\n\n11 :00--News\n11:05—Morgan Beatty\nlls loud Club\n\nli: News\n\nSaturday\n\n12:30-~-Sat, Scrapbook\n\n12:45—Tenn, Ernie\n\n13 rm & Home Hr.\n\n1:30--Hit Parade\n\n2:00—Road Show\n\n£m aE He U,\n\n5:30—-4-Bel] News\n\n6:00—-Melody Lane\n\n+ a neon\n00-—Con versa tion\n\n‘ 8 Srey yn\n:30—Grand Ole pry\n\n9:00—Tex Williams\n\n9:30—Thy Kingdom\n\n10:00—WOW Newa |\n\n10:15—Sat Nite Sporta\n\n10:30—One Fligat Down\n\n11:00—News, Music\n\nSunday\n\n11 :00—Nat? Radio Pulpis\n11:30—Eternaj Light\n12:00—WOW News\n12:15—Tennessee Ernie\n12:30—Country\n1:00—Stars Sing\n1:30—Go to Town\n1:45—-Treas, Salute\n\n2 :00-—~W eekend\n4:00—Inneritance\n4:30—Dennis Day\n5°00—Am Forum\n$:30-—Pour Bel) Mews\n6:00—-King and Queen\n7:00—-Doc Sixgun\n7:30—The Abbotts\n8:00—Sherlock Holmes\n$:30--Easy Money\n\n9. 00—Fibber McGee\n9:15-—D. Shore\n9:30——Meet the Press\n10: 00——WOW News\n1O:'1S—Unt Speaks\n10:30—Catholie Hour\n11: 00—Newa\n1i:05—Round Table\n\n11 :30—Sernade\n\nll 55—News\n\n12:00--Al] Nite Show\n\nKFAB, 1110 kc.\n\n| . 7\nFriday Evening\n\n600—News MeCoy\n\n6 15—Markets, News\n\n6 30—Choraliers\n\n6 45—Ed Murrow\n\ni. 00—Crime Photographer\n\n7 :30--Godtfrey Digest\n\n8:00—Perry Coma\n\n8.15—Bing Crosby\n\n8. 30—Amos 'N’ Andy\n\n9:00--Tenn. Ernie\n\n9 JU—News, MeCoy\n\n945—Sports, Bremase:\n\n0 .00eJones Junction\n\n1 00m News\n\n1 05—Orcheatre\n\n1:30-—Jones Junction\n\n1 55—News\n\nme\nSaturday\n\n2:15——J2m boree\n\n2:45-——-4-H Club\n\n1:00——Farm Facts\n\n1:30-—-Teddy Wilson\n\n¢ 00-—String Serenade\n\n2:30—Treasury Shox\n\n3:00—-Ravier Cuge\n\n4.00—el. Adventures\n\n415—Eves Wright\n\n4. 30—Back to Bible\n\n00-—News, Music\n\n» JOeeCapital Cloakroom\n\n6 UeNews McOor\n\n6:\\5—Sat. Serenade\n\n6 -30-—-Gangpusters\n\n7 .00-—<Aunsmoke\n\n7:30—-Juke Box Jury\n\n8:00-—Two for Money\n\n8 30-—County Btvle\n\n& 55-—-News\n\n9:00—Country Strie\n\n9 30-—News, McCoy\n\n945—Sports. Bremser\n\n6:00-—TBA\n\nUD :30-—Ore hestra\n\n| Dee News\n\n1 ;05—Walt Kavanaugh\n\n, bo—Newe\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1564.7496806640625, 8832.8135234375, 2094.695265625, 9251.1181171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "~~ a\n\n6:00—Jane Froman\n6.15—Bud Wilkinson\n6:30—Your Opinion\n\n? 00——Supermanp\n6:30—Your Doctor\n\n7 .30—-Topper\n8:00-—Plavyhouse\n8:30—Our Miss Brooka\n9: 00—The Lineu\n\n9 °30—Person -to-Person\n10 .00— W eatuer\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 937.704880859375, 5080.43608203125, 2220.98188671875, 5203.8754414062505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "7\n\nThe Sun is not respousibie for errore. or delays in\nmaking program changes, tn these logs which are printed\nas they are provided by the stations.\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 4600.93510546875, 3225.879685546875, 5451.9711445312505, 3641.155958984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "OMAHA (®—The Omaha Home\nBuilders Assn. has placed itself\non record as opposed to a legisla-\ntive bill extending city building\nregulations beyond city limits.\nThe association members said they\nfeared the bill would raise costs\nand retard development.\n" }, "46": null, "47": { "bbox": [ 2213.849900390625, 7129.72807421875, 2804.123732421875, 9275.988234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "TO0-Oaok ery\n\n2:00--P. I.'s Matinee\n2:30--Bob Crospy\n3:00—Right Ar. Home\n3:30—Movie Matinee\n430~—Range Rider\n5:00-——Merry & Mr. Bill\n5:30—Captain Video\n5:45—News\n\n9:50-—Bill King\n\n6:00-—— Weather\n6:30—Kit Carson\n7.00—Treasury Men\n7:30—What's Your Ans,\n800—Dollar A Second\n8 :30~Vice\n\n900—The Line-Up\n9:30—Person to Person\n10:00 Weather\n10:25—B. King\n10:30-—Theater\n\nSaturday\n\n3:30—Prairie Thea.\n4:30—Cartoons\n5:00—J, Mark Brown\n5:55—Farm Notes\n6:00-—Weather-News\n6:15—Sports\n6:30—Superman\n7:00—Dottile Mack\n8:00-—-Two for Money\n8:30—Badge No. 714\n9 00—Stork Club\n9:30—Mystery Thea,\n10 ff tary\n10:15—-Stariite Tha.\n\nSunday\n\n1:00-——Industry Parade\nlth Your Trouble .\n1 30—Pace Nation\n2:0—Music Hall\n2.30—Adventure\n3:00—Am. Week\n3:30—Seareh\n4:00-Choiy Loft\n4:30—-Your Business\n4:45—-Safety Patrol\n\n5 00—The Christophers\n5:°30—In formation\n6:00—Ed, Cantor\n\n6 :°30--P ri, Secretary\n7:00—Lone Ranger\n8:00—-TBA\n8:30—Pantomime Qulz\n900—Break the Bank\n9:30—Big Picture\n1 00 Weather-News\n1) 23.—_-Sparts\n410 .35—8tarlite Thea.\n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 1574.782470703125, 5336.25146484375, 2179.537353515625, 8784.0341796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "11:30-—E Powers Briggs\n\n11:55--M usic\n\n12:00-——News\n\na ne On Record\nC2 aa dy honette\n\n1 30—P ilharmonio\n\n3 p's aS Hospital\n\n3: a0-Sunday Aft.\nNews\n1 05—Siday Aft.\n'55—News ae\n00—Gene Au\n\n$ 2-~-Hallmark Hadio\n\n00-—Jack Benny\n\nAmos 'N’ Andy\n7:00--Our Miss Brooks\n7 ‘30-—My Little Margie\n\nergen & MoCarthy\n\n9: ene Autry\n9:30-——News\n9:45—New Froutier\n10:00—Hour of Decision\n10:30—CGirace Notse\n10:45—-The Clinic\n11:00—News, Music\n11:30—Orch,\n12:00-—News\n\ncon TV ane\nWOWTYV, Ch. 6\nFriday Evening\n\n6:00—Stand By\n6:20—-News\n6:30—Ed Fisher\n6:45—News\n\n7:00—J. Carson\n7:30—Racket Squad\n8:00—Big Story\n$:30—Dear Phoebe\n9 :00— Boxing\n10:00——Weatherman\n10:07—News\n10:23—Sports\n10 :30—~Pantomime\n11:10—Star Classics\n12:00—News-Weatber\n\nSaturday\n\n12.30—Down On Farm\n1 :00-—Thea ter\n\n2 :00—Baskeibal!\n4:00—Capt, Hartz\n4:30—-Kuowledge Doors\n5:00—Roy Rowers\n\n5 :30—Hopalong Cassidy\n6:00—Capt. Gallant\n6:30—-Horace Heidt\n7:00—-Mickey Rooney\n\n7 :30-—Holly wood\n\n8 :00—Spectacular\n9:00-—Geo. Gobe}\n9:30—Your Hit Parade\n10:00. N ews\n10:15—Wrestiing\n11:30—Academy Thea\n\n12 30-~—News-Weather\n\nSunday\n\n11:00—Captain Harts\n\n1] :l5—Peace Forces\n\n1) :45—Industry Parade\n12 :00-—News\n\n1? 30—FPaith Frontiers\n1,00—This Is Life\n1:30—You Want to Be\n2 :00— Handyman\n2:30—-Am. Forum\n\n: Juvenile Jury\n\nO—ZOO Parade\n; 00—Hal) of Fame\n\n4:30—Capt. Gailiant\n2 DOe-Cartoon Land\n5:30—Hobby Show\n\n6 00—Peopie Are Funny\n6 30-—Mr Peepers\n\n7. 0—Comedy Hour\n8:00—TYV Plavnouse\n\n9 O00. Loretta Young\n9:30-—-Robt. Cummings\n10 00—Newae\n\n10:1i—-Movie\n\n12 O0-—News-Weatner\n\nKMTV, Ch. 3\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 6648.98681640625, 311.61199951171875, 7206.2412109375, 419.49261474609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "—By Galbraith\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2230.186326171875, 5056.7080546875, 2830.664259765625, 6948.7094257812505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "‘aan imme ee ee\n10:30—You Are There\n11:00—-City Assign.\n11:30——-Mr. and Mrs. Thea.\n12:30—Late Edition\n\nSaturday\n\n12 :00--Lone Ranger\n—:12:30—-Uncle Johnny\n\n1:00—Unele Johnny\n1:30-—~Youth's Stand\n2:00—-Basketbal}\n3:30 4 yh ed\n4:30-——Feature\n\neS ae seat ge atade\n\n‘ ace Patro)\n6:00—Newe\n6:15—Jo Stafford\n6:30-—Beat the Clock\nBone ackie Gleason\n8: Two for Money\n8:30—Ozzie & Harriet\n\n:00-~Professional Dad\n9°30—Willy\n10:00-——Saturday Pina)\n10:15-——Cam On Sports\n10:30-——Favorite Husband\n11:00-—-Ch ronosecope\n11:15—Night Movie\n12:30—~Late Edition\n\nSunday\n\n11:00—Contest Carniya'\n11:30—Fatth for Today\n12:00—Noon Edition\n12:45-~Your Home\n1,00—I Go Bowling\n2:00—-Now and Then\n2:30—-Adventure\n3:00-—-Am, Week\n3:30—What's Tickin’\n4:00—-Super Circus\n5:00—Disneviand\n6:00-——You Ask for It\n6:30-—Pri, Sec.\n7:00—~Toast of the Town\n§:00--Sun, Thea\n8:30--Stage 7\n9:00—Father Knows Best\n9:30-—What's My Line?\n10:00—-Al!l the News\n10:15—Sports Gems\n10:30—Theater\n11:30-—Late Show\n\nsn.\n" }, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 26, 49 ], [ 57, 59 ] ]
[ 2544.568115234375, 3566.521291015625 ]
[ [ 26, 49 ], [ 59, 57 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 983.7302348632812, 1850.081736328125, 1291.77934765625, 2200.939748046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\n“Ward cauthues and “a town: cot-\nvention; ta, vam’ members of the\nDémoeratic-Town ‘Commitice prob-\nably wil be held within the next\nfew weeks, Chalrman Bernard\nDigris said today. Na definite date\nwas set. :\n\nMr. Digtis” said Atisat a Tawn\nComalltce ekectlon is required\nevery twa years. Seven delegates\n{toni cach ‘Ward are chosen at the\nward caucuses. They comprise the\n@1-member ‘Town — Committer\nwhich elects the officers at the\nconventfon.\n\nChances are that the caucuses\nand conventton ‘will be meld prior\nto tie May thorough election, Mr.\nDirgis ale\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 41.207115173339844, 484.3403015136719, 947.3016357421875, 649.29736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Study Cedar-Water Street\nSite For Parking Area!\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1614.9715068359376, 2968.371775390625, 1923.7896015625001, 3307.1973164062497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Harrison Engle, 20. Marlon rand,\nCheshire, was arrested yeserday by\nSlate Police on.a charge’ of obtain-\ning money under false pretenses at\n}Hamion, Ho was released under a\n1$1.000 bond Com appearance Yn\nBamden Court Feb. tA.\n\nKngle ig slated to spprar in Cias-\nhire Court Feb. 1 on two charges\nof breaking and entering and thett\nat Consolidated Industries and the\nhome of Ernest Johnson, Cheshire.\nlie is free under bonds of $3,000 on\nthose charges.\n\nHe iy accused of furnishing »\nHamden loan company a false af.\nAdavit of his birlh dato at Hazard.\nKentuchy.\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 670.3469340820312, 2385.791697265625, 984.4271137695312, 3544.13628125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe Cathalle Youlh Organi\nof St. Michael's Church’ will hold\na St. Valontine’s Day Dance Feb.\n12 from 8 io L p. . The CYO's\nof St. Francis Church in Nauga-\ntuck and of the Assumption Church\nin Ansonia have been invlied lo the\ndance,\n\nThe Rock Rimmon Grange’ will\nhold a mecting tonight at B o'clock\nat the Grange Hall In Pineshridge.\nWitbur Wheeler, Master: will pre-\nside. Lecturer, Anne . Mendelson,\nhas announced that the title of to-\nnight's Lesturee’s.. Program _ is\n“Heart's Desire.” Neighhors from\nother granges have been asked\nta attend, A Raggety, Anne supper\nwill follow lhe merting. The chair-\nman of the supper ts Miss Clara\nHawkins, Mrs, Mabel Miller, chale-\nman of the Home Economics Com-\nmitlee asks that the members\nbring an article far the Country\nStore table.\n\nThe regular monthly mecting of\nthe Catholic Ladies Guild of St.\nMichael's Church was held Mouday\nevening in the church lyceum: Mrs.\nVielor Zoo, president, presided:\nThe members voted to purchase\nthe new main allar. for the church.\nThe Nominating Committee for the\nselection of new officers for the\ncoming year was chosen. The con-\nmittee includes Mrs. David O'Shea,\nMrs. Leroy Hennessey, Mrs. Stan-\nley Melinskt, and Mrs. Alice Patch-\nkofsk.\n\nThe: members of the guild were\nasked lol onate sandwiches Feb-\nruary 2 for the kick-off of the fund\ntaising campalgn.\n\nPlans were completed for the\nSpaghetth Supper to be held in the\nlyceum, Saturday, Feb, 19, Supper\nwifl be served from 4:30 p, m, uatll\n7p. Mm. The public is invited to\nattend, Tickets may be obtained\nfrom any of the Guild members or\nfrom Miss Calhrine Boiron Bark\n94563, or Miss Mary Meflnski\nPArk 9-7829. Miss Doiron and Mlss\nMelinskl are co-chairmen of the\n‘| licket commillee, .\"\n\nMrs. Zoflo is General Chairman\nfor the supper. Comnsitice: chelr.\nmen and members are as follows~\n\n{Fond Coramiltec: Chairman, Mrs\n| Zollo, Mrs. Anthony .Paive, Mrs\n\nPatsy . Meunillo,-. Mrs. Chester\n\n|Gejda, Miss: Elizabeth Trzaskt\n\n \n\n \n\n¢Conlinved ob’ Page Wxd\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1928.3236796875, 2766.049265625, 2232.5855, 3566.521291015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "‘Plan for a testimonial honoring\nSupt. of Schools Raymond Kk. Foley\nWill be completed next ‘Tuesday\nnight al a miceting of members of\nthe Naugatuck’ High School Alum-\nni Association. The menting wit be\nheld in the high school at 7:30 p.\nm,. Martin Luca ls ehairmnan of\nthe affair.\n\nMe. Lucas said the group nad\n\nseveral fdeas in mind rogarding\nthe time and place for, the pro-\nposes alfalr. He ‘said that the\ncommittee hoped lo secure Aa guest\nspeaker from Catholic University,\nWashington. Supt. Foley. a Nauga-\ntuck native and long-time mem.\nber of the local school system.\ngraduated from Cahatic Univerai-\nby.\n- Heeatse of Mr, Foley's outstande\ning record in active partlelpation\nin sports and his continuing later-\nest_ in sports programs, the com:\nmiltee plans also lo invite promi-\nnent sportswriters tron: throughout\nUke state ta attend the trstimonlal.\nMr. Foley was . promoted to Lhe\nborough's top educational office tast\nyear. following the retirement of\nSchool Supt. Harold Chittenden.\n\nBesides Mr. Lucas, members of\nthe planning commitles - fachide\nRaymond Goggins, William Stokes,\nhigh school coaches Ray Legenza\nang Edward Mariana, teachers\nFranklin Johnson-aid Henry Gigs.\nlewski, and Paul Buckmiller, John\nManley, Edward Hennessey, Jack\nAshmore, Edward Nolde, Pat Keat-\ning, Arthur Naug J. Rudotph\nAnderson and Frank Betiaski _\n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 982.1611328125, 2212.482421875, 1271.81640625, 2368.530029296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Will Return To.\nFlorida To Face\nOld Murder Charge\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 977.6514892578125, 504.8625793457031, 2518.5263671875, 657.5047607421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "rire Damages Irving St. Homes\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 357.15543627929685, 1743.4063212890626, 664.1068012695312, 2554.4536640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "| Waterbury, Feb. $—Raiph C.\nDonovan,” a former “Nangatuck\nresident,- presently sales ' enginect\nfor. tre -Ametican Brass Company\nin’ Waterbury, will head the new\n$2,500,000 plant io be. constrieten\n‘uy. the ‘conipany ‘in’ Mattoon, Mt\nit was announced last. night by\nArthir H. Quigley, chairman. ‘of\nloe-hoard. The now plant wilt not\natfect Waterbury operations,\n\nThe new factéry’ wil ne“ built on\na° Sacre site’ located . approxi:\nmately two miles east of the cen\nler of Mattoon in the Lafayette\ndistrict of Coles County. It will be\nserved by a rail siding brought\ninto the plant side from the “Big\nFour\" division of the New York\nCentral Raion, :\n\nThe ‘building will he one-story\ncanstriiction covering 86,090 square\nfect af fluor space.\n\nDonovan started hs enreer wit\nABG in 1929, follnwing bis gradua\ntion from Naugatuck High School\nLater he attended New Haver\nJuator, College,\n\nTa 1936, he foined the staff of Lhe\ncompany's exhibit department. an:\nin 4912 was assigned to the engi\nneering department of the Ameri\nean Metal Hose Branch.\n\nDonovan becume a sales engi\nneer tn 1935, and currently is re\nsponsible for supervision of pra\nduct engineering.\n\nHe is marricd to ihe forme:\nMary Elsberg of Naugatuck anc\nmakes his home on Clough road\nWatectary. ile is a member pf the\nWatertown Golf Club, Naugatncl\nElks Club and Naugutuek Metho\ndist Church, ,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1919.2324931640626, 1920.8521220703126, 2225.79887890625, 2588.893849609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "‘vaipel; Formosa, Teh. 8, (UP) —\n[Communist wilenirerutt shol-down\na U.S. Navy plane tolay und (he\niighty Seventh Fleet began closlug\nin for inereused Reepower and anti-\naircraft defense ta protect tho evac-\nuniion of (he Tachen Isinnda.\nTho pilot was deniiied. as 1,\nGG.) W. 3. O'Beren (home ad:\ndress unavailable), ‘Tho twa erew.\nInen were nof Henifed, AN. sut.\nfered only trom the cald amd minor\neuta ‘amet bruises, °\n\nTho .Navy did net regard the\nshooting dawn ofthe pinne as a\n“hostiie act’ and sald no retalia:\ntory aétion ts ptannod.\n\nThe U. 8. Navy announced the\nAmerican plane, a Douglas Sky.\nraider attack bomber, was ahut\ndown when It. \"mls ¢navigated\nover a Communist-helil iskand. ‘The\nNavy satd no retalintion wns\nplanned agalusl the Camiaiuniste\n\nBul a dispateh ftom the 7h Flee\nreported the new protection move\nment as lhe evacuation proceeded\nfar ahead of schedule with remova\nof all organized civilians and the\nWeginning of demelton work al\n\nthe Natlouulist base by Chinose\nsoldiers.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nThe plane incident was (he Ors\n\nta mar the smooth-ranulng opera\ntan,\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1296.872751953125, 1945.7276103515626, 1606.0780537109376, 2641.372609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nWashington, Feb, 9-(UP)—Gon,\nMatthew B, Ridgway warned Cone\ngresa today thut- the walion's ‘mit.\ntary: reserves are tn an ““unnecept-\nable state of reailiposs\" and “yauld\nfail us in ni emergency:\n\n“The Army chief of stnif (ols a\nHouse Armed Services Subcammit-\nlee of the “utmost urgency\" of\npreventing American youth from\nbeing’ sacrificed in hatte withoul\nadeguale trabiing. He Leslified Jn\nsupport of the - administration's\npraposal for a modificd form of\nuniversal military training ta pro:\nvide a large combat-ready reserve\nforce. :\n\n“Unfortunately our present. re-\n\nserve forces coninud jn an un-\nacecptalle slate of readiness, un-\nable to reach combat effect{vences\nwithin any period of time bkeby\nfo be available to us,\" Ridgway\nanid,\n“Should ang aggressor atlack,”\nRidgway said, “time will ve limi-\nted ant though untrained person-\ntiel coulh Lo canimitted to hattle,\ndhe casually rate would be oxce:\nsive.”\n\nRidgway previously has warned\n(hal President Eisenhower's cuts\nin the slanding armed forces ‘ill\njeopardize the nation's security “to\na. dugres.”\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 63.22877883911133, 2845.8466796875, 351.90203857421875, 3308.8544921875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1917.805908203125, 1654.515869140625, 2211.778564453125, 1865.2613525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Navy Plane\nShot. Down\nNear: Tachens\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 661.0149028320312, 788.5587260742187, 974.3332416992187, 2132.524220703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "parking wyeas was the subject of\na discussion by Chataber of Com-\nmeres afficials and vepreseulatives\nof several borough agencles lant\nnight fn the Town Tull,\n\nA commiltee of three was named\nfo look Into Ine poslbility of ean\nverling a strip of tozough-owned\nproperty at Cedar and Water\nslreets Into a parking area, Naw\ned were Francis Clark and Ede\nward Noble, af the Chasnber's\nparking commilice, and Arnold\nCartsda, representing the mer\nchants’ parking sludy group.\n\nMelvin PL Englestnd, executive\nvice-president of . the’ Chamber,\nsafd today thatthe group. will\nebeek fhe legal angles, the cayt\nand the possibililics of 2 two-level\nfut heing constructed. Such a facl-\nlily would accomodale'frem 100\nto 200 cars and would serve to re:\nNeve congestlon in the down-town\narea, Parking sould be metered,\nfor twa to three hour perinds.\n\nThe strip of land in question\nwas deeded to the borough for\nPark purposes, ntthough it hes\nnever bean used as such, Before it\ncould bo converted for parklag.\nthe Whittemore family, donors of\nithe land, wauld have to agree.\n\nMr. Enyleslai aleo said thal\nther areas were discussed as\nsites for parking lols. These in-\ncluded a portion of Lewis Park,\nat the south end of the Saleni\nSchool playground, nnd a atrip of\n‘and trom Maple. street te Cedar\nstreet, in back of the Town Hall,\nLibparies, hanks, ete.\n\nConversian of past of the Salem\nSchool playground has been op.\nposed by the Board af Education\nand the Park Board. Their oplnian\nwas that school yagground faclll.\nUes are inadequate at present, and\nit would be wrong te take mere\naréy away. Most of thoge present\nlast night concurred, Mr. Engle\nstad said, :\n\nSonie discusslon' was -held. ov\nparking in back: of “the *Churct\nstfeet hullditigs belween Mapie anc\nCedar streals,' ‘This -project ha:\nheen under study for? seme lime.\n\nAllending’ the meeting last nigh!\nWere Supt. of Schools . Raymans\n}K. Foley an 3s\"Emilly Sophi\nEdown, representing (he Board ol\n}Education; Chalrpan John Bdoan\n‘| Wittam | Stokes,-, Willfam ~ Moods\nWilllnim Stokes, Wiliam, Moody anc\n1G. H..Green uf the Park ‘Board.\nWarden Charles F. Clark; Mry No\n{ble Mr. Clark, Jotn Maztlauskas\n| Norman Nardello, Arhold Carlson\nFridoff Carison, Sidney Weiss\nFredecick Henniek aad Mr. Suge)\nstad representing the parking com\nThittee of the Chamber and of th\nRetail Division nf the: Chamber.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 987.6989848632812, 2376.693552734375, 1295.42925, 2730.7910664062497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Hartford, Gonn. Feb, $ (UP) —-A\nWoethersfhald State -Pvison : inmate\ntoday planned to return to Fiorida\n{o face a 28-year-old muriler chatge\nafter dropping his US. Supcene\nCourt fight agninst, extradition,\n\nFlori nas demanded that: Wat-\nson Moulthrope, 50, return to that\nstale, despite a plea. in, his beliall\nfrom Gov. Abraham A. Ribtcof,\n‘Tha governor said he felt. Mouith\none had been rehpbilitaled,\n\nTn 1930. Mauithrope escaped from\n| Wethersfield and -fled ta Florida,\nwhere he killed a deleclive.. Befove\n|he could be brought to trial for\nmurder, he was returned in Con-\n‘necticut lo complete the snntence\ninterrupled by hls escanc.\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 355.7366638183594, 1617.311767578125, 614.2455444335938, 1734.4779052734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Ralph Donovan\nTo Head New\nA&C = Plont\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1020.8115844726562, 727.5660400390625, 2174.759033203125, 1512.68359375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 68.1789321899414, 707.7692260742188, 630.2615966796875, 1374.1048583984375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1619.2955322265625, 2849.32080078125, 1920.8936767578125, 2963.964111328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "New Charge Filed\nAsainst Cheshire Man\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 670.1784057617188, 2133.815185546875, 968.88427734375, 2314.83203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "‘St. Michael’s CYO\nPlans Valentine\nDance For’ Saturday\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1302.2049052734376, 2844.842966796875, 1607.6177265625001, 3160.9363300781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Stephen Sweeney, of Naugatuck,\nState Serntor from the Mth Dis-\ntrict, has heen named to a stecr-\nIng ‘commitice consisting of 19\nSenators and Representatives lc\ndetermine the need of the shore\ncommunities for protection of pub:\nlle and private beach, property\n\nrand the prevention af shore\nerosion.\n\nThe committee will assemble in-\nformation on the above probients\nand will report ta shore community\nlegislators and to a hearing which\nGovernor A. A. Ribicoff and Sen.\nator Prescott Bush will conduct\nsometime next monkh.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 983.7354736328125, 1637.942138671875, 1275.916015625, 1841.7083740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Democrats. Tt\nName Town\n( Ciintiities\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1297.487060546875, 2666.4541015625, 1583.2545166015625, 2839.073974609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Sweeney Appointed\nTo Committee Oa\nShore Protection.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 375.7423400878906, 2859.648193359375, 661.270751953125, 3315.027587890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1922.8316650390625, 2609.46240234375, 2205.14599609375, 2754.981201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Alumni Association\nPlans Testimonial\nFor Supt. Foley\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1305.314697265625, 3185.909423828125, 1559.9119873046875, 3299.36474609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Routine Meeting\nOf Scheol Board\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 53.68988037109375, 1475.9803466796875, 636.6392822265625, 1595.5860595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Marshal Zhukov Named\nRassian Defense Chief\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 46.25935244750976, 1710.9170634765626, 353.27934765624997, 2030.7584736328126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n\nUnited Press ‘Staft Carrespone lent\n‘Feb. $y P)—Russia\n\n \n\nits: defense minister in afew re-\ngime pledged to greater heavy in-\n‘dustrial and arms producti\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nwhich began\nthe sudden resigna-\nalenkov\n:Nikolat\n\nMalenkav, whose program af\nconsumer goods “production was\nrenounce’ by. Butganin today in\nhis frst speech as -premier, was\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2225.590576171875, 677.9105834960938, 2522.25439453125, 915.5199584960938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Baukat\nInjured; 10\nAre Homeless\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 46.15278244018555, 2693.747802734375, 655.2138671875, 2834.237060546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Four Democrats File Petitions\nFor Primaries: Deadline Near\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2245.216552734375, 928.8717651367188, 2473.332275390625, 1112.784423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Lewis Meadows\nDuplex House\nOccupied By\nBankat, Wojtak\nFamilies; Cause\nStil Unknawn\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 689.9449462890625, 657.9205932617188, 932.684326171875, 754.5205688476562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Three Named ‘To\nMake Survey At\nGeneral Meetine\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1286.3260498046875, 1644.3221435546875, 1901.6278076171875, 1777.796142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "\\Ridgway Says U. S. Reserves\nWould Fail In An Emergency\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2249.782958984375, 3188.637451171875, 2544.568115234375, 3549.656494140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n\nuh Se Lota\nWS jt Id\nhave been soent. for. ake:\n\nFor Wiatny Liqnor, Beer, Call City’\n‘ackacs Stora, Tel, PA $8602.” Free\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1315.3297119140625, 1786.856689453125, 1576.35693359375, 1893.81103515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Modified: UMT-\nFavored By Army\n“Chief Of Sige”\n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1305.3157451171876, 3308.717234375, 1613.9790546875001, 3507.7786152343747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "\"Routing malters will make up\nmost of the Board of Edneation’s\nagenda, when it niects tontarrow\naflerndon al 4:30 fn the Tultle\nSchon! acording lo Supt. of\nSchools Raymond Kt, Totey.\n\nAmong the matters expected . to\nba discussed are transportation,\nthe school building program and\ninsurance.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2224.061716796875, 1126.11371875, 2533.5920917968747, 3167.493458984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Conshlernble damage Was eauacd\n{its morulng (a-n thre of uniter\nauned origi water swept He ups\ntnlrs of the (wostory duplex\napartuont occupfed by Mr, and\nMrs. Joly Baukat, 32° Irving stecet,\n{n (he Naugntiek Houstng: Authob-\nity’s Lewla Mendawn housing pro:\nJecl, Ton persons were left tem\nporarily homeless -by the fire. be\n\nMra. Dowkat wan bio only person\ninjured na tha resull-of the Inze;\nSho sustained a fractured lest wrist\nwhon nite “tripped and fell’ whils\nKelp carry Iurnilure from the\nDusted, ag\n\nFive damuga was’ confined to\ntho second floor of the five-raon\napartment, according to Fire Chict\nHdward Gavin” ‘Thera was con:\nsiderable damage, ton fluishod\nholraom, plis an unfinlshed stor-\nuge room and the reof, In rddltion.\n(ho Unrce roums on Lhe [rst ‘floor\nsuffered quite a hil.of waler dur\nnye,\n\n \n\n \n\nSmoke and. Water\n\nvhe accoud apartment in the dus\nplex Nouse, éeenpled hy Mr. anit\nMrg Waller Wojtek, wea undam-\naged by fire but, sulferéd” somid\nsinekg and water damuge: ..\nMra, Baukal, wha\"works nights\nat (ho U. 8. Rulther Co. Footwear\nPinul,, discovered ‘thy blaze at\nabout 6:60 a til., ‘shorlly”infler ré-\nturning -home ! Tho oldest: of hee\nfour, children, Jnckto, flve, let, he\n{une -¢he-door, Sho .went: to thé\n0 rhe pled’ by\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nsovond-Noor bedroom ‘ove\n\ndnekia and hs brother, Jimmy, 4,\n\nto‘attaken her other< san nnd it\n\nwan then slie spptted smoke-com-\nlng Irom’ a storage closet off -the\nbays’ bedroom: y oe,\n\nBr. Baukai, who had just gotten\nup, Was culled, When: he: opened\nthe door to tho closet, containing\n\na considorolo amoutt of clothing\n\nstored Jn cardboard: -enrtong,.-he\n\nwas met by a cloud of siioke and\n\nsome flame, Ho ‘dragged a burning\nJhox of clothes from the: choxet,\nJenrricd It downstairs ang threw it\n\nout the ‘door. When he returned\n\nto (ho voom, the entire closet was\n{in finmos. +t Bt\n| Mrs,. Baukat, who. find taken\n\nher two fons from the roani, took\n\nthem and the other two Bnukat\n{children, {nthieen, threc, and\n‘JAnn, lwo, whe had’ heen asleep,\n.jdownslairs to a neighbor's home\nwhe ber huatand called the fire\n|department, :\n{| a umber of neighbors who\nspotted” the, smoke cane fo’ the nid\n|]Of the Batikata’and a considerable\n-{Ainounit of clothes and furniture\n[fas carried from the building be-\n|fore firemen arrived ‘shortly wo.\n[fare 7 ovclock, “What wag, not\njjltken from’ the building wa:\nfeoverad wilh larpatling, :\n\"| ft way while carrying belongings\n\nfom the house that Mrs, Baukat\n\nIch. She was given emergency\n[treatment al the scone by -Pollce\n\nSurgeon Dr, Wiliam Keeler, and\n\nlaler taken to St. Mary's hospita\n\nfor Nerays which revealed a ‘frac\nlure of the left wrist. Following\n\ntreatment she was discharged, *\n\nChief Galvin’ sald Unt every\n\nDiece ‘of equipment: was sent. te\n\nUte scone. When Gremen arrived\n\n(he blaze had galned considerabl\n\nheadway. Rooster tines fram: th\n,pwuiMpers were thrown info actior\n;[and lines latd trom nearby hyd\n\nrants,\n\nThe blaze spread to the, w\nof Lie small bedroom and ahow\nthe ceiling over the second Toon\nin the upper story. Firenmn has\nto chop holes in the roof and;\nhole in the ceiling of tha unfinish\nt ed room to get at the flames whic]\n\nwere working their way betwee\nfle roam and the fnaulatlon to\nward tha Wojlak apartment,\n\nFiremen, with the ald of a larg\n_(sumber of volunteers, brought th\n\nfire under contro) between 7:3\nand i, (he Chief said. The firs\nplece of equipment returned to th\n; | station at 7:43 and Inst. piece a\n\nSe'clock. By 8:15 the bdlaza wa:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nec ee\n\n \n\n-\n\n \n" }, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 65.12165069580078, 1599.9190673828125, 328.663330078125, 1690.06787109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " Bulganin Gives\n‘Pledge To Red\nChina On Formoes\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1622.4978740234376, 3355.788279296875, 1926.4330341796876, 3557.8123066406247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Clata Russell, 79, 72 Con-\ntry Club road, Waterbury, mother\nof movie actress Ttasatlnd Russell,\nwas admilled to Waterbury. hospt-\ntal last might asa -medieat pa-\nHent She Is in critical conditlon\nwith her name on the danger list.\n\n5 000\n\nMrs. Irene Smith, 95 Quinn St,\nis a surgical patent at SL Mary's\nRospital. a7\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1638.787109375, 3318.572021484375, 1901.361328125, 3350.69970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Hospital Rufletine\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 44.476863861083984, 2038.5093994140625, 347.4434509277344, 2153.8046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "‘President Recalls:\nWarm Friendship\nWith Red Zhuksay\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 359.9562785644531, 2583.523875, 664.0294086914062, 2685.5000507812497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": " \n\nsome 1,405) {MM} service men and\nsamen accumpate foil GE edu-\neationnl bewetits,\n\n \n" }, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 988.8467509765625, 2766.48334765625, 1295.4991962890624, 2901.0901386718747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "| The Rev. James A. Connolly,\nassislanl stinerintendent of schools\nin the ‘Archdiocese of Hartford,\nwll be speaker ‘tonight at a meet-\nIng of the Parents Club of St\nFrancis’ School, in the school at\n3m mm\n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 201.89173889160156, 668.1310424804688, 488.9001770019531, 700.5516357421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "The Party’s Choice\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 987.0212504882812, 2935.8334453125, 1301.311330078125, 3544.065236328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "BPEL GIES\nTUTHILL—A daughicr, Belty Eve-\nlyn, to Mr. and. Mrs. Fredertek\nTulbill (Helly Totten), Quinn\nstrecl, in S{ Mary's hospital,\n\nFeb. 6. -\n\n \n\nKORTIS — A daughter, Pamela\nJean, ta Mr. and Mrs. Stephen\nKartls ¢Matlida\nIrving street, In St. Marys hos-\n\npital, Feb. 4,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nARDRY—A son. Kenneth Larte,\nJe, lo Mr. and Mes. Kenneth &.\nArdry (Claire Litke} Sowth Stain\nstreet, in SL Mary's Hospital,\nFeb, 5.\n\n \n\n \n\nPATT—A daughter, Linda Ann,\nto Ma and Mrs, Francis Patt\ndJoan Vozar), North cirete, in\nSt. Mary's Wosnilla). Feb, 5.\n\n \n\nMARIANO-A son, Anthony Curti\nto Mr. and°Mrs. Anthony Marl:\nano (Gladys Laing) Terrace ave-\nhue, Feb. 8 jn St. Mary's hospital.\n\n \n\nCARDINAL — Asda daughter, Linda\nJean, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer\nCardinal (Ann Thomas), Eaat\nWaterbury toad, Fot. @ In St.\n\nRin wantin brea\n\n \n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1055.08251953125, 2744.637451171875, 1230.646728515625, 2763.94873046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "QUEST eprarKer\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 43.711455108642575, 2309.111521484375, 356.8649494628906, 2664.1938984374997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": " \n\nrelegated to the post of Minister\not Electriéal Energy, with the ad-\nditional title of Vice Prémler.\nThe changes were approved by\nthe concluding session of {Iso Su-\nPreme Soviet Parliament which\nalso:\nPledge Snpport to China\nHeard Bulganin’ pledge Rus\nsia’s support to Red China in ils\nFormosa dispute wilh thy United\nStates.”\n22 Heard Balganin promise hat\nhe will follow the new Site laid\ndown by Communist Party First\nSecrelary Nikita” Khruschehov,\nwhich gives top priority, to, heavy\nindustrial prediction.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1314.1888427734375, 675.7949829101562, 1843.5340576171875, 709.708740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": " \n\nire Damawes Housing Project Unit\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 1088.207275390625, 2913.933349609375, 1194.91162109375, 2948.166748046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Births\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 418.0816345214844, 2564.83349609375, 610.9006958007812, 2583.569580078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": " \n\nSoy pre\n" }, "53": null, "54": { "bbox": [ 1925.557373046875, 1876.30859375, 2217.207275390625, 1914.6904296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": " \n\nBy ERNEST HOBERECHT,\nUnttad Presa Stat! Correanamdect\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 680.045166015625, 2326.06787109375, 971.8269653320312, 2381.010498046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": " \n\n~ Beacon Falls-Pinesbridg®\nCorrespondent Mary “Ann Rung\n" }, "56": null, "57": { "bbox": [ 364.86649584960935, 3349.5404765625, 677.0407612304687, 3542.7856953124997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "Air, Tuohy is the incumbent reg:\niaieah, and Mer, Jankowskt's oppo-\nallicn will insure Mat a primary\nwill be het, Town Clerk St. John\nhas beet indorsed by the Repub:\nHeans ond will be unopposed fot\ni reelaction,\n\nDeadiine ,for filing petitions 1s\nFeb, Zi, The primary will be held\nMarch & Fo\n\n \n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 1615.314646484375, 2213.68061328125, 1910.4010517578126, 2331.4058124999997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": " \n\nTuchen [sland—Demolltlon ex-\nMosions recked Tachen Island\ntotlay Jn the Jast phase of the\nmasa evnetalion of elvilians and\nsoldfers from thls beleaguered\nNatlanallst. optpast.\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 51.5431392211914, 3350.7416484375, 360.8272602539062, 3540.8354999999997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "Four Democratic, candidates\nhave returned petitions for the\nMacch 8 primary to Borough Clerk\nCharles Daly.\n\n.They ate Cyrll Tuohy and Matl-\nhew Jankowski, Registrar of\nVoters: Felix Nardello, Second\nWard Burgess; and Rayinond St.\nJohn, “Town\n\n \n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 1616.8897197265626, 2366.30658984375, 1915.3324482421876, 2552.2539570312497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": " \n\n' The Sevlet ariny pave tts tutt\nbacking tu the new regtean of\nPremier Nikola A. Bufguntn\njoday. Marshal. Ivan Koney,\nbrilliant Laetlelan during World\nWar Wand one of the (oy men\nof the Ted Army, spelled out\nthat backing Ing spech before\ntho Supresis Saviet Parliament\nle Mogenw tndny,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 44.72843432617187, 2159.926462890625, 361.6732990722656, 2311.2327167968747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "Washington — Feb, 9-(U P) —\nPresident Eisenhower, speaking\nwarmly, of his 1945-40 friendship,\n‘With Soviet Harshal Gregort 7%\nkev, said today he would nat hesl-\ntate discussing with his advisnrg a\nnew.invitalion for Zhukov to vistt\nthe Uniled States.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 1686.4105224609375, 2350.027099609375, 1842.447998046875, 2364.173095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "bt as\n\n \n\nThA’ ERTS\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 1302.1905517578125, 1904.9727783203125, 1583.6456298828125, 1946.56005859375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "By PAUL SOUTHWICK\n\n \n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 1623.79389453125, 2591.063669921875, 1915.4052021484376, 2728.0613300781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": " \n\nMashington - — Democrati\nspokesmen today labelled Pre\ndent Kiseuhower's program, to\nhelp states hulld more schonls ns\ntoo Mitte aud toe late” ‘They\ncalled for morn Mheral grants\nfrom the ‘Tre:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "65": { "bbox": [ 68.86517333984375, 1696.365234375, 325.55572509765625, 1715.5941162109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 65, "ocr_text": "- By KEN\n\n \n" }, "66": { "bbox": [ 1616.321970703125, 1926.0288798828126, 1909.3300068359376, 2192.3901875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "NO PROVISION\nHurtford—rhere sty nd. .provl-\nsion ia the state's proposed blen-\nnfal budget for edventlonal tele-\nvision, Gov.’ Abraham A. Tttbt-\ncoff suid feday.\\7”\n200\nMERCER\nAlum? Beach—Koy ATE. and\nCTO affletals held w flu dises\nslow of werger ietally tuday be\nforg turaing ever a jotat untty\ncommittes thie prolilem at farg-\nIng single labor. organization,\n\nRr Ma ata\n\n \n\n \n" }, "67": { "bbox": [ 1309.9981181640626, 3508.23237109375, 1618.1565449218751, 3564.7954609374997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n=-For the brat ta Tee Cream, bay from\n[the Dairy. that uses nothing Dut thr\nHacst—Naegateck Dalry,—Ade,\n\n \n" }, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 10 ], [ 4, 8 ], [ 4, 13 ], [ 4, 17 ], [ 8, 13 ], [ 8, 17 ], [ 13, 17 ], [ 5, 6 ] ]
[ 3354.49560546875, 4478.605617187501 ]
[ [ 4, 13 ], [ 6, 5 ], [ 8, 4 ], [ 10, 0 ], [ 17, 8 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 458.9442180175781, 892.4277690429687, 871.2646748046875, 1766.958400390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "struction along Me soum Liha\ncoast. ~\n\nOne Republican senator asking\nanonymity said the Eisenhower ad-\nministration is scrutinizing infor-\nmation from Formosa that the re-\nported build-up could give Red\nChina’s air force supremacy over\nthe Formosa Strait. .\n\nGen. Sun Li-Jen. Nationalist\nleader Chiang Kai-shek's personal\nchief of staff, said in Formosa\nyesterday that when the Commu-\nnists have completed building new\njet airfields they can challenge the\ncombined air and navy superiority\nof the Nationalists and the United\nStates.\n\nAdministration officials, ques-\ntioned on Gen, Sun’s statement.\nj said only that all questions “in-\nvolved in a buildup of Communist\nforces along the coast have been\nunder study for many weeks.\nThese officials reflected po special\nsense of alarm or urgency.\n\nNationalist China has agreed, in\nconnection with its. mutual defense\ntreaty with the United States, not\n}to launch any attacks against the\nmainland without U. S. agreement.\nSparkman said this covers bomb:\ning Gf the mdiniand. = “ ”\nNationalist warplanes have re-\npeatedly bombed Communist coast-\nal shipping but have not attacked\n| ans mainianga nmoints.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1283.3859599609375, 1765.96518359375, 1695.7403828125, 3023.128810546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": ". TOPEKA «®—The last gavel of,\nthe 1955 Kansas Ledislature fell|\npat 4:15 pm. yesterday sounding |\nthe final ddjournment of the ses-\nsion,\n\nOnly a few legislative leaders\nwere on hand to hear a mesage\nrom Gov. Fred Hall announcing\n‘his fourth velo.\n\nFor all practical purposes the\nsession was over last Sunday)\nmorning when the lawmakers end-\ned consideration of bilis.\n\nBut the formal windup was te\nlayed until ail the measures could\nibe engrossed at the state print-\ning plant and signed or rejected\nby the governor.\n\nThe last veto message concerned\nt& measure to declare Wyandotte,\nShawnee and Quindaro townships\n‘in Wyandotte County and the city\nof Kansas City to be an urban\narea.\n\nThe bill would have set up spe-\ncial annexation procedure for Kan-\nsas City.\n\nIn vetoing it, the governor said\nthe proposed annexation procedure\n/ was “far'more intricate and com-\ni plicated than the present law.’\n\n“Tn fact,’ be said, “it would be\nalmost impossible to annex any\nterritory to the city of Kansas City\nshould this bill become jaw.”\n\nPreviously, - the governor had\n\\vetoed a “right to work’ bill, a\nmeasure to require appointment\nof an adjutant géneral from the\n‘officer ranks of the Nationa!\nGuard, and a bill eliminating a\nrequirement that the state supply\ntransportation for field supervisors\nof GI on-the-farm training.\n\nAmong the last bills signed was\n‘one creating a State Park Author-\nity with power to issue revenue\n{bonds for development of recrea-\n4 tional facilities.\n\nThe governor’s office said he\nsigned 447 bills and allowed oné to\nbecome a law without his signa-\nftiira.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 475.3449443359375, 3006.4178203125, 885.2956806640625, 3443.7372089843752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "i TOPEKA (—Partly cloudy skies\nand springlike temperatures are\nindicated for Kansas tonight and\nSaturday.\n\nThe. Weather Bureau said mini-\nimum readings tonight will range\nfrom 35-40 in the northwest to near\n50 in the southeast with highs Sat-\nurday varying from near 70 in the\nnorthwest {o the upper 70s in the\nsoutheast.\n\nTemperatures generally leveled\ the 68s yesterday with maxi-\nmum readings ranging from 59 at\n; Dodge City to 63 at Garden City.\nLow readings last night varied\nfrom 31 at Wemago to 42 at Con-\n| cordia.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1295.83237109375, 3144.731296875, 1699.6101337890625, 3596.3778339843752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "| WASHINGTON (PMrs. Dwight\nD. Eisenhower apparently has put\n| “top seeret'’ on her Easter outfit.\n\nThe First Lady may be trying\nto avoid such a. situation as she\nencountered recently at a Washing-\nton party. She went wearing a new\nfrock and saw another woman there\njn the same green-and-blue print.\n\nNot a hint will\"the White House\ngive on what Mrs. Eisenhower will\nbe wearing Sunday, She has spent\nthe week at the Eisenhower's\nGettysburg. Pa., farm.\n\nEven for formal] dinners at the\nWhite Hause she has waited until\nalmost the last minute to decide\nwhich gown to wear.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1304.31186328125, 4053.894138671875, 1702.5981708984375, 4472.422023437501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "In-the United States, Catholic\nand Protestant churches from\ncoast to coast threw open their\ndoors for” Good Friday services.\nMany scheduled three-hour ser-\nmons commemorating the hours on\nthe cross.\n\nA vast throng of Argentines\nturned out in Buenos Aires for Holy\nWeek observances, although their\nchureh and President Peron’s gov-\nernment have been at bitter odds\nfor months. :\n\nYesterday, an estimated 100,000\nmarched in the traditional Holy\nThursday parade in “‘Peron's capi-\ntal, It was the Lirst religious pro-\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2118.473240234375, 3313.236912109375, 2523.5760761718752, 3991.5868183593752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "each in Lecompton, Lone Star, Eu-'\ndora and Baldwin. Each team will\nconsist of a doctor, two nurses, a\n‘recorder and two assistants. Pro-\nVision’ is being made for needles\n‘and syringes to use in adminis-\ntering the vaccine, Dr. Melntyre\nsaid.\n\nThe health officer explained the\ndate of the first-round. of vaccina-~\ntions cannot be scheduled until the\nvaccine is approved and a ship-\niment has becn received here. This\nfaction is expected within the next\n‘month, however, if the vaccine\n‘proves successful, ~\n\n- Each child will be given one in-\n| jection. then a second a week later\njaind finally a third one four weeks\n‘after that. Local authorities will\n‘atlempt to complete the program\nbefore schools are dismissed for\n| the summer, Dr. McIntyre said.\n\n’ Cards for parents! permission for\nthe vaceinatian have becndistrib-\nuled, Dr. McIntyre said. and many\nJready Jhave been returned grant\no that nermission.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2125.596287109375, 3060.54135546875, 2931.7865253906252, 3314.6415058593752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Six medical teams will be ready to administer Salk polio vaccine\ntd first and second-grade pupils in Douglas County if and when the vac-\ncine is received here, according to Dr. C. A. Melntyre, city-county\nhealih officer.\n\nThe nation-wide pri ogram of polio vaccination is waiting on announce-\nment next Tuesday of results. -of ihe huge 1954 test, when the Salk vac-\ncine was given to 440,000 school children. If the vaccine is ‘pronounced\na success the inoculation program will proceed.\n\n-In Douglas County there will be two teams in Lawrence and one\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1293.8832744140625, 3665.02866015625, 1705.5058857421875, 3881.2701679687502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "{| WICHITA —Playing consistent\nj poll, the Wichita University Shock-\nvers stroked to their fourth straight\nwin of the season today over the\nUniversity of Kansas, 14-4.\n\nMedatist honors on the 6.615-yard\nWichita Country Club course, how-\n‘ever, went to Kansas’ Bob Rich-\n‘ards woth a 4over-par 75.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 894.7895244140625, 4063.125583984375, 1294.894435546875, 4477.262843750001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "[into Arab Jerusalem. -\n| Once again they followed the\ninarrow, twisting cobblestoned Via\n‘Dolorosa—the Way of the Cross.\n‘Gathered according to nationality,\neach group bore at its head a mas-\n:Sive cross as they halted briefly\nat each of the 14 stations of the\n|, Cross.\n\nThe procession formed a few\nhundred yards inside Jerusalem's\neast wall, where Christ was iried\n[before Pontius Pilate, Its route fol-\n\"lowed the path which tfadition says\nChrist’s burdened steps took to Cal-\nvary, the site now of the sprawling\nChurch of the Holy Sepulchre.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 477.1678771972656, 2890.446044921875, 853.2173461914062, 2997.46044921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "State Forecast Is For\nWarm, Cloudy Weather\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 457.7090495605469, 650.7760966796875, 1277.5952412109375, 881.9033466796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON uP—Sen, Sparkman (D-Ala! said today it would be\n“folly” 10 allow the Chinese to continue building up air strength opposite\nFormosa “once it becomes apparent their purpose is ta launch an at-\ntack.\"\n\nBut unless President Eisenhower decided ‘that the concentrations\nhave developed to a point where the United States ttself should act,”\nSparkman said in an interview, the Chinese Nationalists should not be\nallowed to bomb air bases and other installations reportedly under con-\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 469.7851298828125, 2016.5066875, 876.0334736328125, 2875.20083203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "| DETROIT u — Charles Wenzel\n| tried to get a dime too much on\nhis income tax refund. Today Wen-\nze! is in jail in Hoboken, N.J.\n\nAsst. U.S. Atty. George E. Wood\ngave these details:\n\nWenzel, 45, of Hoboken, filed an\nincome tax return with the Detroit\n\n‘office of the Internal Revenue Ser.\nvice listing'a wife and-five childrer\nas dependents and claiming a tax\nrefund of $400.10.\n\n“The Detroit office makes a rou:\ntine machine check of every clair\nfor $400 or more. 2\n\nAudit supervisor Harry Moor.\ncroft: found Wenzel, a single man.\nalso had claimed refunds at 19 oth.\ner offices from coast to coast,\n\n‘Wood said salary statements ac-\ncompanying the returns had -beer\nforged. He said a further check\nshowed Wenzel collected refunds a!\n$350 each from six separate offices\non 1953 returns.\n\nA warrant charging Wenzel witt\nfalse and. fraudulent incame ta»\n\nJreturns was issued. by Judge Ralpt\n\nM. Freeman. Wenzel was arrestec\nin Hoboken yesterday and pleadec\nguilty there. Officials said they\nwould decide whether Wenze\nwould be brought to Detroit.\n\nThe maximum penalty for the\nifrdud is five years in prison anc\n1$10.000 fine on’each count.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 447.3627014160156, 427.96533203125, 1273.9521484375, 637.3032836914062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "‘Folly’ Seen In U.S.\nWaiting on Red Move\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1707.887791015625, 4050.66147265625, 2118.666896484375, 4463.520167968751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "cession allowed in Argentina in\n| four “months. :\n\nThe procession was orderly.: bul\nmarchers defied government or-\nders to keep off main streets and\n| paraded directly to Buenos Aires\n‘Cathedral,\n| Late tonight, in Catholic churct\n‘es everywhere, the purple mourn-\n|ing. shrouds will be removed for\nthe first time from the sacred\nimages and altars they have cov-\niered during. the 40-day Lenten pe-\n, riod. Worshippers ‘coming into the\nchurches .tomorrow morning. will\nfind the altars and images again\ndecked with flowers.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2525.179294921875, 3512.485447265625, 2930.2352558593752, 4458.803859375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Landseaping and installation ‘ of\nfixtures at the Chi Omega foun-\nitain at Kansas University have\n‘been completed in preparation for\n‘preliminary tests next weelt. For-\n‘mal dedication of the fountain is\nIset for Sunday, April 24,\n| Several adjustménts to the\n‘sprinkling system are necessary\n-before the fountain can be put into\noperation.\n\nThe Buildings and Grounds De-\n‘partment at ihe University finish-\nled sodding. Ihe area and planting\nhrubbery Thursday. Walks were\nompleted approximately two\nyeeks ago on the site at the west\nend of Jayhawk Drive. Loe\n\nWork on the fountain, made of\nIndiana limestone, began last fall.\nIt was designed and built by the\n| Erkins’ Studio, in New York City.\n‘Constant Construction. Co, did the\nwork.\n| The fountain is a gift of-the Chi\nOmega active chapter and alumni\n‘to the University.\n\nThe new facility is approximate-\nly 35 feet across. Water will flow\n‘out of four rams’ heads at the top\njinto a 2t-foot stone basin. Fram\n‘there water will flow into a lead\n\n‘tank and then into a stone second-\nlary pool. and finaly into a-con-\nerete basin. Jets--are tocated in\n‘basin to recirculate the water by\n‘spraying it up into the above tanks.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2934.931736328125, 2924.922703125, 3343.7186542968752, 3384.2328144531252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Taipei, Formosa UA~The -Na<\ntionalist- Chinese Defense: Ministry\nsaid today the Communists’ began\nusing their big. newly built alt: base\nat Luchiao. (Lukiao),. 200:-miléa\nnorth of the Matsu Islands, ‘April-3;\n\nThe base is reported the largest\nand. best .in the whole. of Red:Oni\nna and is usable by every “type a\nplane: from jets to heavy bombers.\n\n—The ministry. also’ said the Reds.\nairfield at Foochow, 40-miles: west\n\n: morthe\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nwest of Formosa, is.\nmodeled. It added ‘there ‘are::indis\ncations airfield at. Swatow,\n120 miles southwest. of, Quemoy.\nwhich is directly acrosg the. Strait\n‘of Formosa, is being: revamped.\"\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1701.2472880859375, 3119.46225390625, 2116.9376484375, 3813.6603046875002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON % — A House\narmed services subcommittee to-\nday set, out to jJearn why a maga-\n‘zine has published details of a re-\nport on military waste that “the\nsubcommittee has been unable to\nobtain.\n\nChairman Hebert (D-La) said\n\nthe subcommittee so far has been\nunable to obtain a report on the\nifindings of a. Hoover Commission\ntask force which studied purchas-\ning practices in the armed serv-\nices.\n; But the report, he added-in an\n‘interview, apparently is ‘the basis\nfor an article in the current Read-\ners Digest, titled “Ridiculous\nWaste in.the Armed Services,\" by\nW. OL. White.\n\nHe said White may be sum-\nmoned to testify in the inquiry.\n\nJohn Hollister, executive direc:\nitor of the Hoover Commission, ex-\n‘plained the situation to newsmen\nWednesday in commenting on a\nsimilar complaint by Seerctary of\nthe Navy Charles Thomas.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 484.4975322265625, 4074.542087890625, 892.7488666992188, 4478.605617187501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\nee ea os\n\n.Christians around the world\nthade Pilgrimages to Good Friday\nservices today commiemorating\nthe death of Christ on the cross.\n| “In village church. and vast ca-\nthedral, the faithful gathered for\ncenturies-old ceremonies.\n\nMore- than 100,000. from many\nlands assembled at St. Peter's\nBasilica in Vatican City to attend\n‘the solemn Mass of the Presanc-\ntified Host.\n\nIn the Holy Land, some 5.000 pil-\ngrims, many of whom had to pass\nthrough the no man’s land dividing\nwarring Israel and Jordan, flocked\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 70.48632464599609, 3774.952244140625, 476.8594929199219, 4129.644191406251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON Uf — A study\nainied at finding where the truth\nfies in widely varying opinions\nabout the effects of radiation from\natomic blasts on mankind gener-\nally will be- made by the National\nAcademy of Sciences.\n> Announeing-this last night, the\nacademy noted that “wide differ-\nences of opinion regarding the na-\nture and degree of human hazards\ninvolved. in the use of atomic, en-\nergy have been revealed by...\nprominent scientists and laymen.”\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2530.576171875, 3334.24267578125, 2928.81103515625, 3498.7958984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Chi Omega Fountain\nNearing Completion\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1706.4107666015625, 2914.03759765625, 2112.4677734375, 3104.78955078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Probe-Opens On\nWaste ln Military\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 470.5075988769531, 1792.025390625, 857.21728515625, 2006.7919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Dime Causes\nThe Undoing\nOf Taxpayer\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2928.43979296875, 855.7621196289062, 3348.5587421875002, 2804.299708984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "In the rear future many\nLawrencians should have\ntheir first opportunity to see\nfor themselves just how big\nthe Kansas Turnpike is going\nto be.\n\nConstuction of the 2,360-foot-\nKaw River Bridge northwest .of\nthe city started almost. four months _\nago, but the hidden from\nview at a somewhat inaccesible\nsite around a bend in the river;\nso few persons have been able to\nlget_ more than a glimpse of the\nwork,\npee Equipment Moving\n\nNow, however, workmen are\nmoving in equipment: for the jm<.\nmense job of grading the turnpike’\nembankment across the Kaw. Val-\nley, north of Lawrence. This huge}\nHfill will be 95 feet wide at ‘the. top.\nand average 25 or 30 feet in height.\n{through: the floodplain, ‘ranging $0\";\nalmost 50 feet at approaches to. the\nKaw River Bridge.\n\nList and Clark Construction Co,\nKansas’ City, “Mo.,; begaa uidlouding*\nequipment -for the job Thursday.\nona railroad siding just south. of:\nMiller’s Corneo-3% miles ‘northeast.\nof Lawrence on U.S. Highway. 24\n40. The equipment includes. .two\ncranes; some bulldozers.and 10° big,\nearry-alls, Part of ‘it has: been\n‘moved to a yard on North Seventh,\nStreet just outside the: elty: ng\n\n- List‘and Clark haa the $716,268\néontract for grading and. drainage.\non Turnpike Section No. 33, whieh\nstretches 3% miles from. Nort\nMichigan Street across the. river:\nand- lowlands to a point south bed\nMiller’s Corner,\n\nHuge Amount of Dirt\n\nThe firm will move: about two\n| million cubic yards: of. earth ‘for\nthe enbankment: from ‘three big:\n\nithe river ‘bank: to: North: Michigan:\n\ntreet, another immedi tely\n\n \n\n| Start ot rock on iv the: peolect ‘te\njexpected incabout two, weeks,, aft-\n‘Jer. final negotiations for. right. of\n{way in that area have been. com\npleted.\n|. Construction at the— tirmplie\nbridge. site-Is_cn_schedule and: pos:\nSibly a little ahead of schedule, aé>\"\n{cording to.'H. C, Zachau, general\nsuperintendent for the’ Massman\nConstruction Co., buildera .of thé\nbridge substructure.\n|. Today, ‘final stages of the. duh\non No. 2 pier were’ poured:\njob will be . approximately . os\ncubic yards of concrete and is.ex-\npected to require about «ix: hours\nof continuous pouring, After. thia\n\n~(Continuea om Pare 3}\n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2114.3681640625, 2901.986328125, 2927.866455078125, 3050.74609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\n‘County to Have 6 Teams For\n‘Administering Salk Vaccine\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1285.219482421875, 1509.561279296875, 1678.689697265625, 1743.5926513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Final Gavel Bangs\nOn Adjournment Of\nState Legislature\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1299.0794677734375, 3045.740234375, 1625.108154296875, 3131.627685546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "MRS. IKE’S ATTIRE\n‘TOP SECRET\"\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2935.24853515625, 2824.891357421875, 3309.187744140625, 2912.4609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Red China Said to Be\nUsing Super Airfield: :\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 878.8590087890625, 900.5891723632812, 1277.8936767578125, 1152.0814208984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Special Services On\nEaster Day Planned\nBy Churches of City.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2125.854736328125, 4003.791748046875, 2493.966064453125, 4060.88330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "‘Fivacide Chat’ by Adlai\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 897.5272563476562, 3750.724705078125, 1289.01723828125, 3889.1495625000002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "PARIS #—The atomic tests car-\nried ‘out in the United States anc\nRussia have rendered French at.\nmosphere slightly radioactive, 2\nFrench scientist said today.\n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 1300.8052978515625, 3612.040771484375, 1693.3074951171875, 3662.46923828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Wichita Golfers Beat K.U\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 51.48460006713867, 436.9126281738281, 429.5032653808594, 751.5746459960938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Ike Sees Leaks\nIn Secret Data\nBy Publication\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1537.866943359375, 409.93157958984375, 2903.017333984375, 2651.636962890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "ent Of...\n\nature\n\nlast gavel of;\nislature fell{\n\nlay sounding |\nt of the ses-\n\nive leaders\nAr a miesage\n1 announcing\n\npurposes the\nlast Sunday\nvmakers end-\nbilis.\ndup was de-\nasures could\nstate -print-\ni or rejected\n\nge concerned\n: Wyandotte,\niro townships\nand the city\nbe an urban\n\n \n\ne@ set Up spe- :\ndure for Kan-\n\novernor said\nion procedure\nate and com-\nsent jaw.\n\n“it would be\nOo annex any\nf Kansas City\ne lav\n\nyovernor had!\nwork’ Bil, a:\n\n \n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 871.9062236328125, 1166.8068583984375, 1282.7384296875, 3691.175685546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "{ The most joyous of Christian tra-\n| ditiens will be celebrated Sunday\njas Easter services are held by:\nchurehes in Lawrence from dawn\nthrough the evening hours.\ni The words in the Easter Bory.\n“very early in the morning” indi-\n| cating the time at which friends of.\n\n \n\nJestis came to the tomb to. find\nhe had risen. are the hasis of sun-\n\\rise services held here as through-\nout the nation.\n\n} At 6 a.m. Sunday, Haskell Sta-\nidinm will be the setting for a serv-\njice sponsored by the Interdenomi-\nination Youth Council. “The Power\njof Easter’ is the subject chosen\nfor this sermon, by William Bry-\njant, assistant pastor of Plymouth\nCongregational, Churek. . + ~\n\nFred Wiley, president of the\n\n‘Youth Council, has announced the\nfollowing young persons wil) take\npart iri the service: Bob Lohman,\neall to worship, in the form of a\ncornet solo; Sally Montgomery, in-\nvocation: Ellen Barnes, poem\n“The Old Garden’, by Nancy\nByrd Turner; Phil Stuart, prayer;\nLanna Spurgeon, offertory solo,\n“Before the Crucifix.” by La-\nForge; Joyce Leonhard, prayer of\ndedication: Fred Wiley. scripture\nreading: Velma Lee Wiley, flute\n||solo; Mary Pontius, benediction.\n1| The Lawrence Commonwealth\n-| Drive-In Theater will be the scene\nof another service at 6:15 a.m. For\n{i the fourth year’ Immanue] Lutheran\n{Church will sponsor this service,\nl'and the pastor, Norman Brandt,\nwil deliver the sermon. His sub-\nject will be “Christ the Lard of\n1) Life.”\n. The open theater will be given\n{the air, a\n,jlarge white cross flan! “the\n*/ American and Christian Flags, be-\n{hind the Jectern. It will be on the\n_,Toof of the, snack bar. Those .-vho\n_{arrive early wil] be served coffee\nuntil the time of the service.\n.| Services will go on as scheduled\n1jregardless of the weather, since\n¢{participants remain in their cars,\n{hearing the service though the mi-\ns;crophones in each vehicle. Each\nperson will be given a program\nr}with the order of service and may\n<| participate in the hymns. The con-\n1| grepation of Immanuel church will\n1/sing the responses. Before the\nservices, Easter anthems anc\ny hymns will be played by record:\ning.\n\nThe offering will go to the Amer.\nican Bible Society. which trans.\nlates,. prints and distributes Scrip\ntures in hundreds of Janguages [os\nmany lands. Since the theater fa:\ncilities are provided free, all of\nthe offering will go to-the Bible\nSociety,\n\nHope and eternal life will be the\ns|keynote of the sermons by mos\ne| ministers in the regular service:\nd| Sunday morning. ‘A Fearless To\n\nmorrow\" is the topic chosen by\ni-/ Rey, Harold Lundgren for exposi\n€{tion at 12 a.m. at the First Baptis\nChurch. “From Darkness\n-| Lighi’’ is the choice of G. C. Hal\n€yat St. Luke's AME Church. Rev\n€lLeland Young will speak~to hi\ncongregation at Evangelical Unites\nd/ Brethren Church from the subject\n-! «The End. Is the Beginning.”\n'l “Resurrection Living’ {sth\ntopic to be used by Rev. Albert L\nParker at First Presbyteria\nChurch. Rev. William Merrima:\nwill talk on “What the Livin;\nChrist Represents,” at Centenar:\nMethodist Church. The question\ne- \"What Can I Believe About Im\ndimortality’’ will be asked by Rev\nDale E. Turner.of his audience a\ngiPlymouth Congregational Church\nRev. Rudolph Tatsch will speak t\nt. | the First Christian congregation o\nry ‘Committed Unto God for Eterr\n4. ity.”\n\n \n\nal\n- i\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 73.1263427734375, 3705.36474609375, 460.814697265625, 3767.477294921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Radiation to Be Studied\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2939.430419921875, 423.66436767578125, 3334.2333984375, 740.5198364257812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Pike: Equipment\nShows Vastness:\nOf Road Project\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 476.13165283203125, 3912.078369140625, 2104.010009765625, 4049.567626953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "eeeee\n\nIr, T GOOD FRIDAY PILGRIMAGES...\n\n‘Faithful Gather for Ageless Ceremonies\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 109.99790954589844, 4140.0693359375, 452.2292175292969, 4172.42333984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "aTARKETS CLOSED TODAY\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2123.67123828125, 4069.19467578125, 2521.0216328125002, 4401.912257812501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK W—CBS announced\ntoday that Adlai E, Stevenson will\ndeliver a coast-to-coast ‘‘fireside\nchat’ on its radio network next\nMonday from 9 to 9:30 pm. (CST).\n\nIt was not announced what the\n1932 Democratic presidential can-\ndidate would discuss in his first\nmajor address since last Decem-\nber. :\n\nThe speech will originate in Chi-\ncago. .\n\nee\nlhuew Garden Center. -- See\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2999.570556640625, 3394.88818359375, 3267.7724609375, 3432.736083984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "THE WEATHER\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 508.6464538574219, 3455.202880859375, 862.288818359375, 3491.579345703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "PASTURE LAND LEASED\n" }, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 45.76837954711914, 917.7260478515625, 461.3653828125, 3686.801662109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (/P)}--The\nWhite House said today Pres-\nident Eisenhower believes\n“technical military secrets”\nhave been made available “to\nthe enemy” through publica-\ntion of such information in\n\nthis country.\n\nJames C. Hagerty. presidential\npress secretary, told newsmen that\nEisenhower is disturbed abaut the\nsituation,\n\nComment Declined\n\n—\"Wagerty declined; however, to\ndiscuss the question of whether\nEisenhower's views are related to\nnew Defense Department informa-\ntion control directives put into af-\nfect just week by Secretary Wilson.\n\nHagerty said he was not going\nto discuss the situation in the Pen-\ntagori. so 2\n\nHagerty was asked at news con-\nference for comment on a New\nYork Herald-Tribune story saying\nthe President “Is-deeply concerned\nover what he regards: as an ex-\ncess How of military information\nfrom this country to the Soviet\nUnion.” :\n\nThe dispatch by Walter Kerr of\nthe newspaper's Washington bu-\nreau added:\n\n“He thinks the United States is\ntelling the Russians too much. He\nthinks the Russians are profiting\nfrom it.\n\n“This is the explanation for strict\ndirectives issued at the, Pentagor\nJast week by Secretary of Defense\nCharles £. Wilson.”\n\n: Release Banned\n\nWilson in effect banned release\nof any information without prior\nclearance through his office where\nhe directed that it was to be\nchecked both for security and for\nwhether it was in accordance with\npolicy.\n\nSome reporters have protested fi\n‘Ysa virtual blackout on informa\ntion. .\n\nHagerty wheth\ner the Pentagon directives repre\nsented a change of mind on the\npart of the President with respec\nto. past statements that he doe:\nnot believe in censorship.\n\nThe newsman noted that th\nPresident, shortly after he tool\noffice, stated that information re\nstrictions were intended only te\nprotect national security data, ant\nshould not be administered in any\nway which would amount to cen\nsorship of legitimate news.\n\nNo Discussion\n\nHagerty repeated that he wa:\nnot going to discuss the situatior\nin the Defense Department. Thet\nhe added:\n\n“] think I could say this: Th\nPresident never has hetieved fh\ncensorship of legitimate news. A\nhis press conference and inhi\nexecutive order fon security mat\nters}-he has expressed that belie\nand has translated ft into action\n\n“However. he has also alway\nbelieved there ts no reason t\nmake available to the enemy tech\n\n“nical military secrets which’ b\ntheir issuance could do nothing bu\nhurt the interests of the Unite\nStaies.\n\n“\"'To that extent, and only to tha\nextent would we ask that that sor\nof information be withheld fror\ngeneral circulation. .\n\n“He does not believe that I\nother instances security or securit\nregilations should be used by an\nbranch of the government to cove\nup the publication of legitimat\nnews.’\"\n\nQuestion on Secrets\n\nAsked whether. Eisenhower feel\nthat ‘technical military secrets\nhave been made available to th\nenemy through publication of’ suc\ndata in this country, Hagerty re\nplied:\n\n\"We have felt that such technics\ninformation has been made avai\nable.”\n\nAsked whether Eisenhower ha\n\ngiven his views to Wilson: on the\n\nmatter, Hagerty said:,\n\n“¥ou will have fo ask the secs\ntary.”\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 479.2100261230469, 3503.52866015625, 884.7124287109375, 3854.4063984375002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "| TOPEKA w—Virtually all of the\nKansas blue stem pasture land\nwith adequate stock water sup-\nplies is under lease for the grazing\nSeason opening late this month.\n| The federal and state Depart-\nments of Agriculture report 89 per\ncent of the Flint Hills acreage un.\n| der tease as of April 1. This com.\npares with only 60 per cent a year\nago and the 10-year average of 8&5\n| per, cent.\nens\nEaster Special—Orchids.—Hillview\nCordean fontor Ulwauv GQ Grith\n\n \n\n \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 74.4041484375, 4178.14194140625, 478.9860798339844, 4471.871242187501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": ".NEW-YORK (®- Financial and\ncommodity markets | throughout\nthe United States, Canada and\nEngland.were closed today in ob-\nservance of Good Friday. Banks in\nmost states remained open.\nVarious livestock, dairy and\npouliry markets were . open.\n———\n\nHillview Garden Center.—Choose\nfor Easter an a vase or\ngem corsage.—Afly.\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 915.1490478515625, 3716.349853515625, 1269.922119140625, 3750.73828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "RADIOACTIVITY IN FRANCE\n" }, "47": null, "48": { "bbox": [ 2938.409763671875, 3440.117283203125, 3334.6520039062502, 3586.5147968750002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n\nweat this afternoon:\nnight aq? Saturday. W a\ntonig! it\n\n \n \n\naouth %entrat portiona\n\nsoutheast Saturday. Low tonight 3.48\nnorthw: ithesst, Hig\nSaturday n te\n\nuooer Oa a\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 83.31085968017578, 756.7493896484375, 432.51416015625, 885.4153442382812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Hagerty Announces\nCurrent Situation\nDisturbs President\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 576.6113891601562, 4056.98486328125, 804.7440795898438, 4078.21875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "PRe the Acrartated Press}\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2952.6533203125, 721.2953491210938, 3321.6611328125, 847.2713012695312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Huge Earth Movers.\nTo Be Used For Job\nOn Super Road's Fill\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 1704.6713603515625, 3817.9598125, 2108.416896484375, 3881.8214375000002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "{Andy Hess Real Estate. Ph. 457\n—Adv. .\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 2120.036228515625, 4370.452, 2532.9410664062502, 4460.867824218751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "Hillview Garden Center, -- See\n‘Orchid plants in bloom; also potted |\nplants or planters.—Adv.\n" }, "54": null, "55": { "bbox": [ 481.71231494140625, 3799.99155078125, 886.0127827148438, 3886.9894062500002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Easter Special—Orchids.—Hillview\nGarden Center, Hiway 58 South.\n| Phone 4708.—~Adv.\n" }, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 19 ], [ 34, 51 ], [ 37, 61 ], [ 48, 39 ], [ 49, 53 ] ]
[ 10427.790242187499, 6738.863972656251 ]
[ [ 3, 19 ], [ 34, 51 ], [ 37, 61 ], [ 48, 39 ], [ 53, 49 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 7250.80008984375, 3712.470255859375, 7877.944539062501, 5655.53877734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "MIAMI, Fla. —. Frightened\nresidents of Puerto Rico and the\nVirgin and Leeward islands re-\nlaxed today as Hurricane Ione be-\ngan curving gradually to the north\npointing her 80-mile-an-hour winds\ntoward a vast expanse of open At-\nlantic.maters.\n\nTone’s older sister, Hilda, rolled\n\non westward across the Caribbean\nSea , meanwhile, and is due to.\nslam into the Yucatan Peninsula\ntonight.\nt Ione, more capricious and some-\nwhat slower than Hilda, changed\ncourse during the night and no\nlonger threatened the northern\nLeeward and Virgin islands.\n\nThis turn, said Forecaster Decil\nGentry of the Miami Weather Bu-\nreau, does not mean that Ione\nwill follow the paths of her de-\nstructive predecessors, Connie and\nDiane, toward the North Atlantic\nstates,\n\nAfter some 12 hours on her pres-\nent course, Gentry said, Ione may\ncome under the influence of a\njhigh pressure system to the north.\nThis course forced her back to 4\nwesterly direction,\n\nHilda, which slogged through the\nmountains of eastern Cuba Tues-\n'day night, left two dead and\nheavy property damage. Officials\nsaid 80 per cent of the Oriente\nprovince coffee crop, ready for\nharvest, was destroyed and torren-\nltial rains caused heavy damage to\n‘other crops on the island.\n\nHilda moved into Cuba with ton\nwinds estimated at 90 m. p. h. but\nweakened in the mountains of the\ninland and still had not regained\nher strength after moving into the\nopen Caribbean Sea. -\n\nJone, ninth. tropical storm of\nthe season, grew out of a low-\npressure system that moved into\nthe Atlantic Off the coast of Africa\na week ago,\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 8498.074015625, 4837.84305859375, 9123.800007812499, 5305.009480468751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The Arkansas Highway Depart-\nment is very anxious to let the\ncontracts on Highways 29 from\nHope to Blevins, and 24 from\nMcCaskill to Nashville by October\nJ, Judge U. G. Garrett announced\ntoday. a :\n\nBut folks along both routes will\nhave to move their fences before\nthis can be done, Judge Garrett\nsaid, in urging the cooperation of\neveryone.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 7894.24462890625, 4935.068359375, 8404.4189453125, 5240.109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Rape-Slayer\nIs Nabbed in\nChicaqo\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5997.05008984375, 5708.67508984375, 6625.253132812501, 6669.973835937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "BY MAR GYVYLe\nNEW YOR K/#The average\nAmerican husband may doubt\nwhether his wife has horse sense—\nbut he’s sure she does have clothes\nsense.\n\nThe chances are he's got her\nwrong on both counts, She preb-\nably could beat both Swaps and\nNashua on a quiz program, but\n[een it comes to dressing —well,\nlafter all, all racehorses do insist\non wearing shoes that fit them.\nMany women absolutely won't.\n| Cfarles Le Maire, famous Holiy-\n‘wood fashion auhority, says the\nfour most common clothing faults\namong beth housewives and career\ngirls are these:\n\n“They don't know how to wear\n| furs. They don't know how to put\non or take off gloves. They don't\n\\know how to handle veils. They\n‘won't pick the right size or kind\nof shoes.” -\n\n; Le Maire, wardrobe head of the\n20th - Century-Fox film studio:\n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 9134.7421875, 2046.6658935546875, 9618.978515625, 2340.797119140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Plastic, Air -\nMaterial for\nNew Homes\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 6027.9375, 1520.8690185546875, 9099.771484375, 2985.060546875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5994.66337109375, 4645.0417890625, 6622.453328125001, 5356.629109375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "An insurance ,salesman was ar-\nrested here yesterday by the\n‘Hempstead County Sheriff who\nsaid he was selling insurance un-\n‘der false pretense.\n\nHe was listed as Ray Warrick\nand represented a Chicago com-\npany. Deputy Sheriff Jack Brown\nsaid Warrick told prospects that\nhe represented the new Hemp-\n,stead Memorial Hospital, * which,\n' of course, endorses no company.\n| The State Insurance Depart-\nment had issued a license for the\nman to sell in Arkansas and the\ninsurance was probably okay but\nthe salesman was misrepresent-\n‘ing facts, the Deputy said. He\n| posted bond and was released.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 7268.90234375, 3395.902099609375, 7788.9609375, 3691.931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "‘Huiricahe |\nVeers. Away\nFrom Islands\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 6618.70341015625, 4163.06034375, 7256.947957031251, 5352.245320312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "MOSCOW (f) — Tass announced\ntoday Premier Nikolai Bulganin is\nill.\n\nIn addition to the almost un-\nprecedented Tass announcement,\nSoviet President Klementi Voro-\nshilov told a Finnish delegation\nheaded by President Juno K, Paa-\nsikivi and Prime Minister Urho\nKekknen and the. 60-year-old So-\nviet Premier was too ill to receive\nthem. |\n\nThis probably means Bulganin\nwill be unable to head the Soviet\ndelegation which is scheduled to\nbegin negotiations with East Ger-\n\n|man Prime Minister Otto Grote-\n| wou tomorrow.\n\n1 The Tass announcement did not\nsey what was wrong with Bul-\n| ganin and the Finns said they had\n‘no information other than that\nBulganin was too ill to go to the\nairport and to ill to receive Kek-\n.knen, who had been scheduled ty\npay a courtesy call at the ‘Krem-\nlin.\n| Bulganin has just completed a\ntough week of hard bargaining\nj with West German Chancellor\n; Konrad Adenauer. The Soviet 1ead-\ner saw Tdenauer off at the air-\nport yesterday,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 7876.656046875, 5249.65751171875, 8510.1125078125, 6654.621785156251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO (UP) — Police today\n,captured “Mitchell Morabito, 31,\n| slayer of a Chicago Daily News\n‘mail room foreman, and said he\njadmitted the slaying and a rape\n‘which took place while officers\nsought him throughout the city.\n\nFour shots were fired at Morabi-\nto as patrolmen and detectives of\nthe homicide squad ran him down\non the city’s northwest side. He\ndid not return the fire, although a\nloaded pistol and 40 cartridges\nwere taken from him after cap-:\nture.\n\nGuarde were withdrawn from\nnewspaper offices where they had\nbeen posted since a short time aft-\ner Morabito, a former employe of\n‘the News who had undergone psy-\nchiatric care, walked into the\nNews building yesterday and shor\nHenry George, 45, the foreman.\n\nLt. James MecMohon of the ho-\nmicide squad took a_ statement\nfrom the gunman at. detective\n|headquarters, Police said. Morabi-\nte admitted the slaying and the\nrape. He said he had spent the\nnight sleeping at a construction\nsite in the 5600 block of Sheridan\n| road,\n| Asked why he shot George, Mo-\nrabito said ‘I had a lot on my\n‘mind’? He had quarreled -with\n»mail. ae workers. at the | News\n\na) 5\n\n[ape\n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 7892.873046875, 3396.166259765625, 8476.8798828125, 3684.86572265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n\nGruenwald - ae\nHeld on Tax. *\nEvasion Charae\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 7874.835734375, 3694.378703125, 8499.2414140625, 4877.73604296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "BALTIMORE — ‘Henry (the\n, ioscan -Gruenwald,. 62-year-old\n| Washington influence man, ‘was ar-\n‘rested’ today on charges of evad-\n:ing more. than $96,000 in federal in-\nieome taxes.\n\nGruenwald was orrested by U.S.\nimarshals in Washington early to-\nday and brought to Baltimore He\n;was, held pending the posting . of\njbail, fixed at $12,000.\n\nEarlier this year the bald man\nof mystery, was sentenced to a\nmaximum of 5 years and fined\n$10,000 in an alleged $160,000 tax-\nfix conspiracy. He was free on\nfeoue at the time of his arrest on\nthe income tax charges, .\n\nAt his trial on the tax-fix\nicharges a federal prosecutor con-\ntended Grunewald had set up “a\nhidden government right in our\n‘own nation’s capital.’’\n\nThe income tax indictments\ncharge him with tax evasion for\n1949, 1950 and 1951,\n\nThe indictment was relurned by\n[2 federal grand jury here Tuesday\nbut was kept secret by U.S. Atty.\nGeorge Cochran Doub until Guren-\nwald’s arrest. ‘\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 6639.28076171875, 3832.27490234375, 7238.52783203125, 4144.802734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Bulganin, Head\nof Russia, Is.\nReported III\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 9113.163859375, 4335.84794140625, 9745.608601562499, 5287.810750000001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "|, FORREST. CITY. oo ‘State\n| Police St. Clarence’. Montgomery\n‘{played-a hunch.,;and . stopped. a\nman driving. along. a highway. near\nhere yesterday,'-\n\nThe man, identified by ‘Montgom:\n‘tery as EB. F. Mag ggre.. .of Jackson,\nMiss., grabbed | thé’sergeant's °.38\nrecolver and» fled -on.~ foot, . birt\nMontgomery. got’ a*riot gun. from\nhis’patrol car and recaptured him,\n_ Moore, 28, was jailed ‘at. Claren-\ndon on a charge of robbing” Ha\nhitchhiker: of $153 at. knifepoint’ a\nfew hours * before he encountered\n'| Montgomery.\n\nThe policeman said. that ‘after\njhe stopped — Moore, the... njan\n: zabbed his gun. While Moore was\ndebating what to do, Montgomery\nheard .a’ police radio . broadcast\nabout the robbery of W. B. Roe. of\nMiami, Fla.\n\nMoore then fled, giving Mout-\n{gomery a chance to gét: the’ riot\n‘gun. Montgomery said Roe's 5153\nwas recovered, ;\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 7252.72098828125, 5956.98856640625, 7880.325398437501, 6661.445027343751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Thomas L. Duckett, aged 88,\nmember of a pioneer Hope fam-\nily, died at his home here Thurs-\nday. He had lived here all his life.\n\nSurvivors include one son, Tom\nDuckett.of Hope and a daughter,\nMrs. Laura Lee Klien of Oregon\nCity, Oregon.\n\nFuneral services will be held at\n‘2 p.m. Friday at the First Chris-\ntian church of Hope by the Rev.\nEd Pendleton. Burial, in charge\nof- Herndon-Cornelius, will be in\nRose Hill Cemetery. ;\n\nActive pallbearers: Oliver Ad-\nams, Earl Thompson, J. ai Ray-\nis, Lloyd Coop, Frank Rider, Hen:\nAry Taylor,\n\n \n \n\n \n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 6009.95263671875, 4340.7578125, 6486.2255859375, 4622.19091796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Insurance\nSalesman Is\nArrested\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1455.6324873046874, 838.6539716796875, 2090.1608476562496, 1813.8052568359376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "BY BLIvVn & PAT\n\nWASHINGTON (f = The Army,\nlike the Air Force and Navy be-\nfore if, is sending a mission to’\nMichigan this week to tell Secre-\ntary of Defense Wilson why it\nshouldn't be hit by the adminis-\ntration economy hatchet.\n_Seeretary of the Army Wilber.\nM. Brucker, former governor of\nMichigan, an his No. 1 military\nofficer and Army chief of staftf,\n|Gen, Maxwell Taylor, are to ar-\ntive in Detroit Tuesday on the\ntway home from a brief Western in-\nspection trip.\n\nThere they will see the vacaticn-\nting Wilson, and probably be joined\nJalso by Deputy Secretary of De-\n‘Ifense Reuben B. Robertson.\n\nSecretary of the Navy Charles\n\nThomas and Secretary of Air Don-\nald Quarles have held similar\n‘Imeetings with Wilson, as the re-\n' sult of service worry over persist-\nent reports that further spending\ncuts in the present fiscal year may\nlhe insisted upon.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 6014.423828125, 3078.2939453125, 6526.05029296875, 3371.5517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "U.S., Allies\nLeery of. Red\nPromises.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1480.7777099609375, 1839.2933349609375, 2013.4658203125, 2128.011474609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Good Start,\nFord Says of\nState Schools\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 6619.84110546875, 5660.8835859375, 7257.335652343751, 6670.711140625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n\nspeaks from experience. He has\ndesigned the . costumes for 62\nBroadway shows as well as the\njoulfits worn by such glamorous\nstars as Susan Hayward, Jennifer\nJones, Jane Russell and Marilyn\nMonroe\n\nHe says that experienced ac-\njiresses don’t make these obvious\n‘clothing errors but that, “if it’s\nany consolation to the housewife,\n_ young starlets often do, They have\nto be taught.’ ,\n\nWhat's wrong with the way\n|American women wear furs.\n\n‘Very few know how to handle\nja fur gracefully,’ said Le Marie.\n(“They hold it awkwardly in their\nhand like a football halfback look\n‘ling for someone they can throw a\n-|downfield pass to.\n: “They don’t know how to drop\nlit gracefully around their shoulders\njor drape if over their arm. It’s\nthe draping that creates the effect.\n| “They hang it around. their neck\n\nContin Page Three.\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 8491.8425703125, 3360.84940625, 9122.614460937499, 4479.12276171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nee ee Tentimmaten. al\nta “million dollars... goes\nOnly the shell of the: of ‘oot pier\n|was left. standing’ -the\n‘blaze .—of undetermined” origin _—\n| burned itself ‘out.\n\n“A fleet of fireboats from 1 through-\nout. the New York harbor battled\nthe stubborn’ flames ‘that. “.ram-\n\npaged. out of control for at least\nseven hours, . ¥\nFifteen firemen. ‘are affected by\nthe smoke or, suffered other zin-\n|juries, but they’ ‘did not \"require\nhospitalization. ~: '\n‘| \\When the blaze broke out at\n3:22 p. m. yesterday, two ships\ntand seven barges scurried away\n‘from. the vicinity of the pier at\njthe foot of Grand: Strect,\nFlames jumped. to. ‘one of the\n|barges the: deck of one\n‘of the ships,, the. freighter Fort\nReliance. . Fireboats quickly put\n[out the fire aboard the freighter as\n‘jit was towed to nearby Weehawk-\nden.\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 6003.0458984375, 5371.6025390625, 7220.232421875, 5665.94677734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\n| Average American Wife May\n/Not Have Horse Sense But\n‘She Surely Has Clothes Sense\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5996.34989453125, 3400.109904296875, 6622.408406250001, 4280.93135546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "a By JOHN M.. JIGUTOWER.\n\nf WASHINGTON UP “The United\nStates and its chief Western allies\nare refusing to take Communist\npromises on.-faith, They are em-\n: ploying hard-boiled. tactics in cur-\n‘rent negotiations for better rela-\n_tions with Russia and Red China.\n\nThe patern of Western dealings\nbecame apparent today in their\nmanner of handling the United\nStates-Chinese Communist. negotia-\n.tions at- Geneva, 'German- Russian\ndiplomatic recognition, and Red\nIChina's bid for a seat in the\nUnited Nations,\n\nIn effect, it appears that the\nWestern Powers are determined to\nmake concessions or agreements\ndesired by Moscow and Peiping\nonly as those capitals actually pro-\nduce real concessions sought by\nvarious Western governments,\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 9130.679484375, 2362.72489453125, 9718.077351562499, 4109.66866015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "MINNEAPOLIS (P) ~ ‘Some\n’ day. you may have a: “home™\nmade mainly of. air and:\n~ plastic, whipped together like,\na cake right at gig bullae\n\nsite, ~\n\nThe walls, floors - and root\nwould: be ‘made of -foanied\n\n‘plastic, full of little «air: bub--\n\nbles; giving good insulation at\nlow, heatirig cost. :\n_.. Inside ‘you could: ike \"the\n\n‘bare frames for furniture’ and -\n\".upholster: them with soft,.flutf\n\nplastic material ©. which: --yo\n» sprayed’ on by yourself...\n: Predictions of this:-home\n\n“tomorrow came today: -from\n(Miss “Betty Lou Raskin: ~\n-search ‘associate of. th\n- | Hopkins University. *\n“Jaboratory: in. ‘describing\nent: and.. future. - marve\nfoamed sflanties. a\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\ncan: Chemical Society: a\n; Deer: ‘types: can. giv\n\n_heels, creuiilent: viastle © a “file:\n» floors, sterilizable:. stuffed: toys,\nand hundreds of... other.\" new.\n\" products, Some. are. fir\nsistant, others resist’ ‘acids\nsunlight or fungus,. oth ¢\nsupple © at> areic:. ‘te\nPrices are gradually: becoming:\n; competitive withothersyrithet-\n.ies and some natural: materials’\nWiee Rackin enid\n\n \n \n \n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 860.385498046875, 2963.806640625, 1422.4029541015625, 3250.73193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "‘Points to _\nProsperity\n‘of Free World\n" }, "25": null, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 8520.3251953125, 4520.34375, 9074.7548828125, 4829.603515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Paving 29-24\nAwaits Only\nFence Moving\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1469.4722900390625, 502.3528137207031, 1980.4744873046875, 789.7566528320312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "All Services\nSeek to Stop\nCut in Funds\n" }, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 1467.733927734375, 2159.883830078125, 2110.5360917968746, 3228.8593339843746 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "LITTLE ROCK (# — Arkansas]\nEducation Commissioner Arch\nFord said today that the state’s\npublic schools this term ‘‘are\nmaxing a better start than many\npeople expected.”’\n| Ford, meeting with the state\nBoard of Education, added, how\never, that ‘‘teachers’ salaries are\nby no means adequate, and there\nis definitely a shortage of quali-\nfied instructors.”\n\nBut the commissioner noted that\nonly 20 ‘‘emergency permits”\nhave been granted for teachers\n\n|with partial training, while it had\njbeen expected about. 500 such per-,\n‘Imits would have to be issued.\n\nThe failure of the 1955 Legisla-\nture to provide additional school\nfunds had led some educators to\npredict a big shortage of teachers\n‘land the possibility. of shortened\nterms in some. school districts.\n\nFord told the board that a num-\nber of areas are making good pro-|\n|gress in equalizing property as-\n-}sessments, directed by the legisla-\n\n‘|ture as one means of bringing in\nmore school revenue.\n" }, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 7267.14990234375, 5700.58642578125, 7858.91748046875, 5944.69384765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "T. L. Duckett, 88,\nMember of Pionee:\nHope Family, Dies\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5369.51688671875, 4408.1413984375, 5995.819539062501, 6136.915730468751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "LITTLE ROCK (4) — The nine-\nmonth-old hunt for the slayer of\npretty Mrs, Sue Fuller centered\ntoday on a Negro convict with a\nJong record of burglary convic-\ntions,\n\nCapt. Alan Templeton of the Ar-\nkansas State Police said yesterday\nthat the convict is only a ‘‘sus-\npect” in the Brinkley crime, then\nadded: ‘‘He's a-good one though.”’\n\nTempleton declined to identify\nite convict, now serving time at\nCummins Prison Farm. He said\nthe man also would be questioned\nin the rape of a Missouri woman.\n\nThe captain said the convicts\nmethod of operation in previous\nburglaries had been to enter a\nhome in the early moring hours\n—the time when Mrs. Fuller was\nbeaten fatally. He also said the\nNegro is believed to have heen in\nfaneley on the day of the mur-\n\nrr, .\nMrs. Fuller, 25-year-old mother\nof two children and wife of an auto\ndealer, was clubbed in the pre-\ndawn hours of Dee. 12, 1954. Her\nhusband, Milton, who was absent\nfrom home at the time, found his\ndying wife when he returned. She\ndied two hours later without re-\ngaining consciousness.\n\nPolice believe that’ the death\nweapon was a long, heavy stick\n\n. hickory stovewood which they\nSund in the backyard of the Full-\ner home. Mrs. Fuller’s skull was\ncrushed by a single blow on the\nhead.\n\nA week following the slaying,\npolice charged an intinerant farm\nworker, Billy Ray Willingham,\nwith first degree murder in the\ndeath. However, Willingham later\nwas cleared on any connection\nwith the case ond released.\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 850.36258984375, 3314.810587890625, 1486.9414873046876, 3872.0673417968746 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "- Washington. @®- = “Secretary of\nthe ‘Treasury. Humphrey -told). a\nmeeting of free. world economic\n\n‘\\leaders: in Istanbul; Turkey, today\n‘\\that prosperity runs high this side\nof ‘the Iron: Curtain - and United\n| States “policy ‘is “aimed at keeping\n‘it :that way.\n: ‘Humphrey's selena released\nhere .by. the: Treasury, were pre-\npared. ‘for the opening session of\n‘the 10th.-annual meeting of _ the\n| World . Bank and | _the International\n‘| Monetary’ Fund... °\nfe ‘The: annual” reports of the 58-na-\n\n \n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 5375.3193359375, 4110.21337890625, 5944.91259765625, 4395.40771484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Good Suspect,\nSays Brinkley\nProbers\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 9136.7763671875, 4177.81591796875, 9602.560546875, 4313.2216796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Hunch Pays. Off\nfor Officer:\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 865.1399946289063, 4113.7644453125, 1496.9488115234376, 5981.284871093751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": ". DAR. Meets With\n\nMrs. J. B. Hesterly\n‘The Benjamin Culp: - chapter\n| Daughters. of. the American. Revo-\njution. began the fall - activities\nwith a meeting on Thursday after-\ the home of Mrs. J.. |B.\nHesterly. with Mrs. Berry Hesterly\nco-hostess.\n\nArrangements of roses and zen-\nnias were placed at vantage points\nin the rooms .\n\nThe regent, Mrs, C, H, Moore,\npresided and thé meeting was op-\nened with the ritual, Pledge of Al-\nlegiance to the Flag and the sing-\njing: of the Star Spangled Banner,\n\nThe Presidents General Mes-\nsage was read by Mrs. J. W. Tee-\nter.\n\nThe local chapter will be hostess\nto the District D .A.R. confer-\nence on September 21. The _ re-\ngent appointed the following com-\nmittees. to serve: Luncheon, Mrs.\nCarl Dalrymple, Mrs. H. H. Me-\nKenzie and Mrs. J. B. Hesterly;\nBuesiness meeting, ‘Mrs. Wallace\nPemberton and Mrs. O. G. Hirst.\nMrs. ‘Moore asked that all Daugh-\nters fly their flags during Constitu-\ntion Week, September 17-23, A\nConstitution Day program will be\npresented at the High school as-\nsembly on September 16, by the\n| students.\n\n-| Mrs, McKenzie presented the\ntiprgram for the afternoon and\ngave an interesting talk on ‘Our\ntl Constitution’? and closed with the\nConstitution Poem written by Bes-\nsie Saunders Spencer, a Daughter\n{of Pueblo, Colorado.\n;{ A delectable frozen salad course\n~/was served to 15 members and a\nguest, Mrs. Harley Cox,\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nLions Club Holds Meeting\nPrescott Lion's club met in reg-\n_lulez session on Thursday noon at\nthe Lawson Hotel.\n\nPresident Wallace. Sage gave a\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 832.6956586914063, 880.8544721679688, 1466.7852373046876, 2912.206013671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "| Whiskbroom! , :\niuyhch made do with a pocket\nhandkei'chief.\n\n: At about the twentieth swipe he\nhit. pay dirt. ft. was a tiny circle\n-of meal Jess than half ah inch in\n‘diameter, level with the cofidrete\nfloor.\n; Tt was not surprising we had not\n+discovered it before. Less than a\nleaspoonful of dust was sufficient\n,l6° conceal it.\n\n“Excellent mechanics, these\n‘chaps, This, you will observe, has\nipeen: sawed off and bored hollow,\nfor about half an inch, leaving\njserew threads. I’m afraid my\nsearch of Meer’s cabin was in-\ncomplete. I am sure he must have\nin his possession a ring bolt which\nwould fit this socket.\" He frowned.\n\n“Did you, Miss Wyndam, say\nthat when Meer went to Braun's\nteabin, you heard a clinking sound\nag if he might have two metallic\nobjects in his pocket”\n\n“Yes,”’ said Lily shortly.\n\n \n\nWith his handkerchief he now\n| quickly uncovered the crack of the\nTtrap door. It had become a very\n_| grimy handkerchief indeed.\n4+ “ft may be difficult,” said Lynch\n‘|matter-of-factly, “to get a proper\npurchase with no lifting bolt, But if\n‘lyou two will bear down on the far\n‘(end there I will see what I can do.”\n\n([ Lynch rattled around in the worn\n: satchel and this time produced a\n.|foot-long steel rod. Lynch’ pushed\nit into the bolt hole, then forced it\n\\|toward him, .There was a second\ntof stubborn hesitation, then he\n.jheavy concrete trap swung up. and\n} back, f\n|S Gilly” Wyndam. screamed ‘as we\n[directed the flashlights ‘downward.\n| Stone steps led down into the\nlower chamber.’ On them, a man\n>was lying. His head was only a-few\nt.feet below us.\n»| He was ‘hideously dead. A bullet\nof heavy. caliber had struck him\n| the face. Under that\nblast it had’all but. disintegrated.\n’ “Braun!” someone whispered,\n~ _(To' Be Coninued)\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 9729.13846875, 2021.62430859375, 10355.635945312499, 3075.4494218749996 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "| ‘ly. “opens!\n$700, 000°ho pit i\n\n \n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 8508.1806640625, 3043.421875, 9023.58203125, 3351.10546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Fire Wrecks\nHuge fe in,\n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 5366.72001171875, 1826.8866376953124, 5997.427937500001, 4094.93965625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "ji Alex. H. Washburn\n\nAs we dedicate this magnificent\nnew community hospital I am re-\nminded of a toast to Good Health\nthat was written neither by a phy-\nsician nor a clergyman nor an ord-\ninary lay citizen, but, of all things,\n\na man whose claim to fame is\nWHat he was an extraordinary fish-\nerman.\n\nOld Izaak Walton, no less.\n\nHe said:\n\n“Look to your health; and if\nyou have it, praise God, and\n-value it next to a good con-\nscience; for health is the second _\nblessing that we mortals are -\ncapable of; a blessing that mon-\ney cannot buy.”’\n\nHe speaks with the same univer-\no] tongue whether baiting a hook\ntr a problem. Man knows he can-\nnot buy Good Health; yet he has\nbeen able to pegomplish a medical\nrevolution withih two generations,\nstamping out some ancient plagues\nalmost entirely, bringing other di-\nseases in control, and developing\nmiracles of surgery—by a long and\npatient policy of systematic re-\nsearch and treatment in the medi-\ncal centers and hospitals that a\ncivilized people have provided with\npeit money.\n\nEach community rallies solidly\nbehind its local campaign against\nthe broad problem of Good Health.\nAnd so Hempstead County has uni-\nted to build and equip this great\nnew . hospital we are dedicating\nFriday.\n\nLike every important endeavor\nthe hospital has had its disputes,\ndelays and frustrations. But it has\"\ncome through—how magnificently\nit has come through you will have;\nep sec it yourself to appreciate.\n\nThis ‘special edition aims to tell\nthe hospital's story, and to pay\ntribute to all the folks who worked\nso tirelessly so long to bring this\ngreat development to our comunity,\n\nThe Star wishes to thank the hos-\npital board and administration for\ntheir co-operation on material in\nthis edition, and all the contractors\nand suppliers and local business\nhouses for the advertising support\nwhich made such extensive treat-\n\nent in picture and story possible.\n\nfAnd finally, a word of thanks to\n‘The Star staff—who for unavoidable\nreasons had to produce this edition\nin nine calendar days.\n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 5387.68212890625, 1083.388427734375, 10264.5302734375, 1447.4212646484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "| Ss\n\n \n\nHospital Ope\n\n \n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 248.59897900390624, 5153.704875, 879.4764604492187, 5992.236042968751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n- No, 1002\n\nmprhan,’ auetened\n\nown: -address. of. decedent:\n, Bireet, CHORE ce\n\n \n \n\nesse Brown |\nae 1 Hope, feanege\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 6622.56766796875, 3201.30594921875, 7254.982136718751, 3786.2211503906246 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "@PEXAL WAL. A . Circuit Judge\n: issued” an ject\n\n \n \n \n\nCircuit Court’\n+ tithe -mobtey by? :\n\nClyde Shuffield “of \" Texarkana\nwas the prosecuting - witness.\nJudge Brown rendered an in-\n‘structed verdict of not guilty on\nthe grounds that there was no\ntestimony to the effect that the\nimisrepresentation, if any, was\n| made to Shuffield.\n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 5376.3738203125, 6389.22489453125, 6003.866414062501, 6687.756550781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": ". INSIDE THE PRISON seen\n\nMONTGOMERY, Ala, (UP) —\nThe Secret Service reported today\n“fair quality’ $5 bills were being\nturned out at the Draper State pris-\non. print shop by three convicts,\nall long-termers . facing additional\nBorges for counterfeiling,\n\n \n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 9736.5808515625, 4783.22587109375, 10394.905476562499, 5777.600789062501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nproducts ©\n|New York:\neight. di\n; The. walkou\neral other’ Ei\ncalled off: oh\npendent . -International.\n’ ‘men? gs : ‘Associatt :\n\nsetting up.. “of tary\"\nfact-finding “committee: ta.\n\n‘greviances ‘against ‘tk @\nNew Hersey. Moe\n\ncas\n\n2 sti\nNow comes the. huge’ garg B\nlup from more. than’ 150° Shp\npractically ell ireighters M\npassenger Hears were not\nly delayed by f é Meup.”\n\n \n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 171.1192579345703, 895.5231733398438, 832.0299272460937, 4885.008015625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "a ih the\nwe happened\nek ey Whith fit :the dour\nWw ‘aking. a” thor-\nfation. He seemed. satis\n6f the 20° chests\n\n1 well keph:\nhis. halting\nthe bearded man\n\ ‘the woods: hot\nlogetie touched his\nhit\n\nh ad and ever since\ni ‘ealled, Big. Bird.\n\ndrunk wine. and taken\n\n: Diogene. rose, Sa.\nnt away, :\n\nall ‘the: ievend? * said\n\nn latively ‘when. he\n\nburial of Kubla!\n\nbeen every:\nnied - ‘Kublai or\n\nredi-se arately ‘to. ave\n\n‘being. ignite\n\n \n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 9121.8269453125, 5507.48270703125, 9757.063679687499, 6738.863972656251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": ",the. jail before — their parents\n‘found them and gained their re-\n‘ease. , . .the parents of all three\ntold the sheriff to keep them. in\njail if he caught them again.\n\n \n\n“Mrs. Thelma Holt can avow\nthat pictures of huge Hove water-\nmelons really get around. . . .she\nrecently received.a clipping from\na newspaper published in “ondon,\nEngland showing a picture of a\n[288 pound melon the Hope Chani-\nber sent to the U. S. Chamber of\nCommerce. . . .the clipping was\nfrom her. husband, Paul 8. Holt,\nwho is-stationed in Iceland.\n\n \n\n \n\nHempstead, Howard, Nevada\nand Lafayette. counties were\ncomparatively safe to drive — in\n\nduring the month of ‘August. oo. +.\nArkansas State Police investigated\nonly nine wrecks in all: four wi\nno fatalities; 2 oy\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n| A. SOR,\nrang.\nBeir\n" }, "50": null, "51": { "bbox": [ 1475.532267578125, 3240.943400390625, 2109.9794511718746, 3870.7494707031246 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "tion bank and fund, also made\n\npublic here, noted record-breaking’\nleeoianare activity in most parts\n\ntof the non-Communist world, but\nthe fund's optimism was tempered\n|by inflationary threats it found in\n}}some places.\n\nHumphrey said:\n\n“Business sctivity is at renord\nlevels throughout most of the\n|world. World trade is at a high\n‘jand healthier volume. Prices are\n‘Imore stable ..... There has been\na sharp reduction in government-\n_jally imporsed barriers to financial\n-Jand trade transactions.\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 6635.15771484375, 3065.711181640625, 7171.49658203125, 3193.277099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "Instructed Verdict\nFavors Hope Man —\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 8502.4480390625, 5557.0359296875, 9135.411335937499, 6672.430378906251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "Hetal WrerOpahies SRD AEA Ree\nof Hope, working in conjunction |\nwith Station KXAR, will offer a}\ngreat number. of gifts to the first\nchild born in the new Hempstead\nMemorial Hospital. . . .plans are\nto display all the gifts in the\n‘hospital lobby. . - -announcement\nof the first arival in the new hospi-\ntal will be announced immediate-\nly by the Station... .a complete\nlist of gifts will be published\nnext week.\n\n \n\n \n\nProsecuting Attorney Cc. Vz~\n[no in Jr. warns the public that\n\nno insurance company represents.\n\nthe new hospital. .. .a few sales- |\n‘men have misrepresented them-\nselves in an effort to sell hospi-\ntalization policies. ... .if you are\ncontacted by one of these sales-\n{men please telephone the police,\nMr. Nunn advises, _\n\n| The Sheriff picked up three\nyoung Negro boys recently and\n: hi cacathe ik aes\n\n \n \n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 9773.2763671875, 5991.4306640625, 10382.5185546875, 6626.6884765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "55": null, "56": { "bbox": [ 8605.1201171875, 5336.00537109375, 9591.115234375, 5456.28955078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "@ All Around the Town\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 9747.949015625, 5790.659953125, 10427.790242187499, 5978.348835937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nPRINCIPAL RIVERS\nAmong prigeipe) rivers “of\n4 u\n\nler of Orange | in Sonth\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 5400.0517578125, 1533.6055908203125, 5971.91845703125, 1748.6259765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "Our Daily\n> Bread\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 287.16162109375, 6031.73681640625, 1474.4256591796875, 6577.11083984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "CHANCE FOR\n\n \n \n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 5364.66239453125, 6174.0906171875, 6004.490925781251, 6363.489949218751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "FAKE PISTOL\n\nMILWAUKEE, Wis., (UP) —Po-\nlice. reported today that a thief\nbroke into a gunsmith shop here\nand stole a fake pistol.\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 1483.1830244140624, 4080.983439453125, 2120.2226152343746, 4365.00850390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": " \n\nreport on the board meeting and\nin the absence of. the program\nehsicman read the acceptance\n‘|speech of the presideat of Lion's\n}Club International.\n\nJ. R. Gordon of Sacrareento,\nCalitcrnia. was a guest.\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 2058.1630859375, 443.2829284667969, 5201.32958984375, 6508.087890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": " \n\n| Boy's Flanne! ‘BOY'S DAN Y RIVER ¢ GINGHAM Men’s Corduroy\n\n| SHIRTS | SHIRTS SHIRTS\n\nyi\n\ni. . Rantorlgee. \" . Long sleeves sizes 6 to 16, Washable, all colors,\n\n. ee Poids Completely washable, Sizes Ss, M M, L, Ex-L\nand Checks Beautiful colors and designs\n\n. 95\n\na9 98\n\n1- ¢\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nsae ~ MEN'S\nA Big Selection of | MEN’S | .\nMENS AT SUITS\nS H : R T S FELT H S All wool flannel and\n\ngabardines.\n\n \n\n \n\nNew Fall\nRayons, Dan River fabrics. \" Colors 0\n: Sizes S, M, L, Ex-L. and Styles fe)\n\n$1.98 to $5.00 | | t) $32.50\nMEN'S MEN'S\nKETS DRESS PANTS\n\n \n\n \n\nBOY'S\nJACKETS | JAC\n\nal Corduroys, leather and ube leather, gaparcines, Wool flannels,\nbe gabardines. Y R ‘bl woo! gabardine,\ned Reversibles eversiDie rayon acetate.\n\n \n\n| Sizes 21016 | ¢ é ¢9 OE\nsagsinsass 2595\" $18.95 $3.95\n\nMen’s S-T-R-E-T-C-H $8.95\nSOCKS COATS a\n\na arn “Sizes 101020 GINGHAMS\n= = $15.95 fo $24.95 | Stripes, Plaids, Checks\n) ag LADIES 59¢ ye.\n\nw < SWEATERS | GILBRAE\nLADIES | Nylon- orlon, wool, cotton. CORDUROY |\n\nShort and long\n\nSs Ul T S | | i, $ | | | Fine sore, wastable:\nWool flannel, wool tweed, | $1.98 fo: 54.95 | 98¢ vd.\n\nrayon acetate.\nSizes 10 to 224\n\n$8.95 to $19. CHILDRENS GIRL'S\n6.95 10 $19.79 SWEATERS | GYM SHOES |\n\nUse our Lay-A-Way plan Wool, nylon, orlon, coat Sizes 3 to 10\nsweaters, slipovers.\n\n$1 00 0 $2.98 | 2\" .\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nns MENS LITTLE BOY'S\n: GYM SHOES TENNIS, SHOES.\nMrs. Sizes 6 to izes fe)\n\nlary\na\n1 of\nher\n‘An\nma —\n2° REMEMBER ©\nany the USE OUR\naud DEDICATION EASY\ntua: of the _ ee\n=\"||ll|_ New Hempstead County LAY-A-WAY\ny of Memorial Hospital PL AN\n\nitors\n\n \n\n‘Friday 16\n\n‘nee wok\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 382.3305969238281, 4860.7724609375, 767.2151489257812, 4923.79248046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": " \n\n‘Leaal Notice\n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 265.677978515625, 4951.013671875, 846.075439453125, 5140.68359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n\n€ PROBATE. GOURT OF\n\nMPSTEAD COUNTY,\n\nABKANBAG\nATT BF\n\n \n \n" }, "65": { "bbox": [ 8964.58984375, 5456.6162109375, 9290.7490234375, 5489.67431640625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 65, "ocr_text": "By The Staer Stat?\n" }, "66": { "bbox": [ 1489.0997724609374, 4176.85087109375, 2130.0229082031246, 6587.372761718751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "ehsicman read the acceptance\nspeech of the presideat of Lion's\nClub International,\n\nJ. R. Gordon of Sacrareento,\nCalitcrnia. was a guest.\n\nKiwanis Club Has\n\nMusical Program\n“President Jack Robey preasid-\ned at the regular meeting of Pres-\ncott Kiwanis club on Thursday\nevening at the Lawson Hotel and\nintroduced Miss Betty Danner\nwho sang ‘Smoke’ Crats in Your\nEyes” and ‘The Desert Song.”\nMes Danner was accompanied\nby Miss Judy Gilbers at the pi-\nano,\n\n \n\nMr. and Mrs. W. E. Gunter of\nMoNeil were the Thursday and\nFriday guests of their ‘daughter,\nMrs, J. M. Duke, Jr., and family.\n\n \n\nMr. and Mrs. J. R. Bemis and\nchildren have returned from a va-\ncation in Charlenoix, Michigan.\n\n \n\nMiss Lynn Garrett left last\n-jweek for Baton Rouge, La., where\nshe will -be a student at LSU.\n\n \n\nJack Robey, Jr., student at Hen-\nderson State Teachers College,\n‘)Arkadelphia, spent the weekend\n-jwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs.\n|dack Robey,\n\n \n\n‘| Mrs. Hansel Herring, Miss Mary\nJewell Herring, Mrs, T, A. Lav-\nender and Mrs. Byron, Moody\n\n‘tspent Friday in Little Rock.\n\n,\n\n \n\nLittle Miss Diane Brakebill of\nStamps spent Saturday with her\ngrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘An-\ndrew ‘Avery. Her parents, Mr.\n\n‘land Mrs. Orville Brakeyville spent\nthe day in Texarkana,\n| ee\n\nDonald Ayery has re-entered\n, Henderson State Teachers college,\njArkadelphia after spending = two\nweeks with his parents, Mr. and\nMrs. E, E. Avery.\n\nMiss Frances Avery is a_ stud:\nent at Junior College in Texar-\ni kana,\n\n \n\nMr. and Mrs. :Otto Halloway of\nRosston were Saturday visitors\nin Prescott.\n\nMrs. H. E. Dorris spent a part\nof Jast week in Longview, Texas,\n\nne than ciuact nf relativac.\n" }, "67": { "bbox": [ 5434.97900390625, 1755.36962890625, 5947.74365234375, 1810.6646728515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "Sliced Thin by The Editor\n" }, "68": { "bbox": [ 899.2552490234375, 3273.36376953125, 1302.623291015625, 3312.625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 68, "ocr_text": "‘RY FRANK_O'’RRIEN\n" }, "69": null, "70": { "bbox": [ 6092.45166015625, 5685.216796875, 6414.0615234375, 5732.3720703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 70, "ocr_text": "By HAL BOYLE\n" }, "71": { "bbox": [ 1510.6365966796875, 814.694580078125, 1875.1004638671875, 853.198486328125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 71, "ocr_text": "By EITON cf FAV\n" }, "72": null, "73": { "bbox": [ 9776.4482421875, 5775.556640625, 10161.95703125, 5811.552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 73, "ocr_text": "—SPINAIDAL -RIVERS:\n" }, "74": null, "75": { "bbox": [ 1501.3788251953124, 6174.23856640625, 2144.6679277343746, 6316.653035156251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 75, "ocr_text": "pce dlep emma\n\nMiss Frances Avery is a_stud-\nent at Junior ‘College in Texar-\n; kana,\n" }, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 16, 10 ], [ 16, 23 ], [ 10, 23 ] ]
[ 3928.388830078125, 4974.3666132812505 ]
[ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 16, 10 ], [ 23, 16 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1601.1586552734375, 352.077478515625, 2057.656896484375, 1050.4717158203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Roxbury, Nov. 28.—Miss Tiny\nColburn, daughter of Mr. and\nMrs. Lloyd Gorton of Stamford,\nbecame the bride of Byron Fred-\nerick Haight, youngest son of Mr.\nand Mrs. George Haight of Rox-\nbury, at a quiet ceremony at 3\no'clock the afternoon of Sunday,\nOct. 30, at the Methodist church\nat Stamford. The ceremony was\nperformed by Rev. W. R. Phinney,\npastor of the church, in the pres-\nence of the families of the couple.\n\nFollowing the ceremony, the\nwedding party adjourned to the\nnewly furnished apartment of the\nbride and groom in Stamford,\nwhere a reception was held.\n\nMrs. Haight attended Stamford\ncentral school and Mr. Haight at-\ntended Roxbury central school. He\nis employed with the Catskill\nCraftsmen at Stamford.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2066.970544921875, 432.0446416015625, 2527.22940625, 1053.9145869140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "ee ein eat\n\nMr. and Mrs. Eli Finch spent\nThanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.\nEber Cartwright and family in\nVega.\n\nMrs. Robert Hoy and daugh-\nters spent Thanksgiving with Wil-\nson Hoy and daughters in Downs-\nville. Robert Hoy, who had been\ndeer hunting there, returned home.\n\nErnest Hall shot a_ six-point\nbuck on Dingle hill Tuesday.\nRalph Felter Jr: shot a 10-pointer\nnear Johnson hollow, Prattsvi\nSunday.\n\nMrs. Edith Miller and son, Ken-\nneth, of Binghamton were Thanks-\ngiving guests of her son-in-law and\n|daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald\nTrowbridge.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Harry Clements of\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3000.014734375, 362.6641789550781, 3458.474279296875, 1059.3108271484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and\ndaughter, Sally, of Hudson and\nKingsley Miller of Albany. were\ninl ee ne guests of\ntheir mother, Mrs. Harry Miller\n\nae and Mrs. George Poetshke\nof Copiague, L. I, and John\nSchirmley of Lindenhurst, L. L,\nare visiting Mr. and Mrs. George\nPebler.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Roderick C. Dor-\nTrance and children, Daniel and\nDeanna, spent Thanksgiving vaca-\ntion with John Dorrance at Peter-\nboro and Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh\nat Cazenovia.\n\nJames F. More, student at Rens-\nselaer Polytechnic institute, Troy,\nspent Thanksgiving vacation with\nhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald\nMore. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice\nRyer of Mohawk Lake have been\nspending a few days at the More\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2532.92733203125, 241.80852709960936, 2991.6385859375, 657.8134516601563 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Oneonta visited his uncle, George\nClum, Sunday.\n\nMisses Lena, Cora and Celia\nMcCann and Mrs. Rose Goodchild\nvisited their sister, Mrs. Robert\nWright, at Deposit \"Sunday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Addison Trow-\nbridge of Stamford spent Sunday\nwith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Trow-\nbridge and Mrs. Bertha Trow-\nbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Loren\nShultis of Huntington, L. I, spent\nthe weekend at the Trowbridge\n| home.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1131.8798466796875, 322.76699267578124, 1599.8489130859375, 1348.4180048828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Toa iota bes canner She he Oe noe SSE 5 Sea\n\nA preliminary census report for\n1954 shows that the number of\nfarms in Delaware county has\ndropped from 3,234 in 1949 to\n2,865. The average size of the\nfarm has increased from 1948\nacres to 210.3 acres each. In 1954\n'there were 21 farms with over\n1,000, while five years earlier\nthere were only 11 farms having\nmore than 1,000 acres.\n\nIn 1954 home freezers were re-\nported on 1,518 farms. This ‘is\n511 more farms than five years\nearlier.\n\nMilk production was up from\n[a million to approximately 400\nmillion pounds.\n| Chickens sold increased from\n337,571 to 646,810. There were\nover three million dozens of eggs\nsold which had a value of $1,284,-\n196.\n| Corn silage increased from 6,998\n“acres to 7,896 acres.\n\nThe vegetable acreage where\nvegetables were harvested for\n‘| sale was reduced from 815 acres\nto 721 acres. However, the value\n|was up from $391,668 to $466,290.\n‘| In 1954 408 farms reported\n||making 22,140 gallons of maple\n‘|syrup. No figure is given for\n1950 -but, looking back to 1940,\nthere were 35,818 gallons of syrup\n.| made. ‘i\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3460.616052734375, 259.70842944335936, 3927.3671015625, 905.8700922851563 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": ";home. Mr. and Mrs. Donald More\n\nand sons, James and Arthur, and\nJ. M, More were ‘Thanksgiving\nguests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert\nR. More in Oneonta.\n\nMr. and Mrs. L. P. Rodrigo and\n‘son, Richard, of Ithaca were\n| Thanksgiving weekend guests of\nMr. and Mrs. Leland J. Todd and\nMr. and Mrs. John W. Roney and\nsons, John and Timothy, Andes,\nwere Sunday Thanksgiving guests\nat the Todd home.\n\nJames Hickey of Los Angeles,\n\nMr. and Mrs. Richard Brady and\nMr. and Mrs. William Graham.\nMr. and Mrs. Brady met him in\n,Oneonta Wednesday night. Mr.\nHickey got a four-point deer in\nVega while here.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 668.1084233398437, 2311.622888671875, 1147.603185546875, 4952.6361445312505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Deadline Monday, 5 P. M.\n\nThe News is glad to print notes of\nweekly church services without charge.\nThe notices should reach this office not\nlater than 5 o’clock Monday eveni:\notherwise we cannot promise they\n\nbe printed.\n\nSt. Margaret’s Church: Holy\nCommunion and sermon . next\nSunday at 9:15; Sunday school at\n10 o’clock.\n\nSacred Heart swear Arkville,\n‘Masses Sunday, Dec. 4: Fleisch-\nmanns, 8:45; Arkville, 10; Andes,\n11:30. Confessions Saturday, Dec.\n\nRee 4:30 to 5:30, 7:30 to\n\nAndes, Methodist Church, Sun-\nday, Dec. 4: Sunday school, 10\na. m.; worship, 11 a.m. Pleasant\nValley Methodist Church: Wor-\nship, 7:30 p.m. The message for\nthat Sunday will be “The Out-\nreach of Love” (Mark 12:31).\n\nPine Hill Community Church,\nRev. Toombs H. Kay Jr., pastor,\nSunday, Dec. 4: Worship service\nat 7:30 p.m. Sermon topic: “We\nBelieve in Jesus.” Election of\ntrustees of the church will be held\nMonday evening, Dec. 5, at 8 in\nthe church.\n\nAdvent Christian Church, C. W.\nBailey, pastor, week of Dec. 4:\nSunday school, 10 a. m.; morning\nworship, 11; evening service, 7:30;\nyouth group, 8:30; practice for\nChristmas play, Sunday afternoon.\nWednesday prayer meeting, 8\np. m.; choir practice, 9 p. m.\n\nClovesville Bible Baptist Church,\nRichard Tait, pastor: Sunday\nschool, 10 a. m.; morning Worship,\n|11; evening service, 8; prayer\nmeeting 8 p. m. Wednesday at the\nhome of Basil Todd. Monday eve-\nning, Dec. 5, at 8 will be trustees\nmeeting at the home of Sherrill\n| Thompkins in Roxbury.\n\nFleischmanns Methodist Parish:\nFleischmanns, church school at 10;\n|morning worship at 11; MYF\n;}meets Sunday evening in the\n|church at 7 o’clock. Dry Brook,\n|church school at 9:15; morning\n| worship at 9:45! Haleott Center,\n‘|church school at 10 a. m.; eve-\n'|ning worship at 8 o'clock.\n\n_ Free Methodist Church, Alla-\nben: Sunday school, 10 a. m.;\nmorning worship, 1; FMY and\nevening service, 7:30. FMY. meets\neach Monday evening. Call par-\n|sonage for information. JMS Sat-\nJurday at 1:30 p.m. Practice for\nChristmas Saturday - at 2:30.\nPrayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30\n'|p.m. Pastor, Evangeline Keesler.\n\nPresbyterian, Rev. John Earl\nNaegele: Margaretville, 9:30, Sun-\nday school; 10:30, morning wor-\n\nship, “At Midnight There Came a\nCry.” Pine Hill: 3 p. m., worship\nservice, “At Midnight There Came\na Cry.” Please note the change\nin time for both churches. These\ntimes of services will continue un-\n\n| til further notice. |\n\nShandaken Methodist Church,\n\nRev. Toombs H. Kay Jr., pastor:\n\n| Church school, 9:45 a. m.; wor-\nj;ship service, 11 a. m. Church\n\n(membership class meets at_the\n\nchurch at 5 p. m. Sunday. WSCS\n\n|meets Thursday at 1:45 p. m.\nThis is the Christmas party. The\nAdult Fellowship has its Decem-\nber meeting Friday evening at the\n\n| church hall.\n\n| Margaretville Methodist Parish,\n\n|Eugene L. Crabb, pastor, Sunday,\n\nDee. 4: 9:30 a. m., Arkville, Temp-\n\n‘|erance Sunday; 10 a. m., Marga-\n\n| retville Sunday school; 10:30 a. m.,\n\n| Arkville Sunday school; 11 a. m.,\nMargaretville, ‘Temperance Sun-\nday; sermon, “An Exile’s Bag-\ngage.” Tuesday, Dec. 6, WSCS\nwill ead oy the home ieee Mrs.\n| Harry ell. Program in charge\ncS a R. P. Ives. Wednesday,\n\n7, 8 p. m., Margaretville offi-\n\\Gei board at parsonage.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2532.74959765625, 753.6131840820312, 2988.27481640625, 1060.9706171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "PFC Edward J. -Vermilyea is\ntaking part in Exercise Sage-\nbrush, armed forces maneuvers,\nat es Polk, La.\n\nPEC Vermilyea is the son of\nJohn Vermilyea of Dry Brook.\n\nDo your bargain hunting in a\nrocking chair by reading the\nclassified ads.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1591.67041015625, 248.5644073486328, 1969.700927734375, 336.6539001464844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Byron Haight Wed\nTinv Colburn Oct. '30\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2534.28173828125, 673.3413696289062, 2929.058837890625, 752.6586303710938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nDry Brook Soldier on\n\nManeuvers in Tonisiana\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 669.0176640625, 242.74854479980468, 1131.9221552734375, 2208.0135859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "about to choose a proper location,\nthen start construction.\n* ¢ &\n\nMice can find food in all kinds\nof weather, whether it be stray\nkernels of corn, a pocket of oats\nwhich have slid down into a crack\nas oats have a way of doing, seeds\nfrom weeds, even could live on the\nseeds of burly burdock. There is\nno food shortage in mouseland.\n\nss * *#\n\nIf mice are able to communi-\ncate, I can imagine a mother tell-\ning her babies of the great days,\nmany mouse generations ago,\nwhen farmers harvested buck-\nwheat and oats to store in *the\nbarn. Those were the days!\n\n. * =\n\nMice can find shelter as well as\nfood. Their daily activities to\nfind a living are hedged around\njby many predators. Foxes have\ngood noses and can small a mouse\nfrom a distance. A cat does not\nsmell but has excellent eyes and\nears.\n\nes 2 86\n\nBaby mice, in a barn or out of\ndoors, must be taught not to\nsqueak for they may attract an\nenemy. Safe in the partition of\na human dwelling, a squeak would\ndo little harm other than annoy\nthe humans.\n\ns *\n\nIm this valley, denuded of build-\nings, the mice family will have tc\nseek' homes in the open. They are\nable to do this and live com:\nfortably in hollow logs,’ hollov\n\n|trees, under rocks and stones, ir\nmany a nook and cranny where\n'|they must match wits with the\nclever fox family, if they are tc\n| survive. Sleek coats keep then\n| warm and they have an instinct tc\nfind dry places.\n* *¢ *\n\nI doubt if folks realize the\n| great hordes of mice which. live\n‘in the fields. They easily tunne\n\n|the snow to find food, visit thei:\njneighbors and carry on mous¢\ncommunity life.\n\n- * * *\n| They have a vital place in the\n\nbalance which Nature set up ai\nthe beginning of life. Without\nthem several forms of wildlife\ncould not live. If these died\nother life, in turn, could not live\nThus the great balance whee!\nturns. None of its spokes can be\nbroken.\nYours truly,\n- The Mountaineer\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3108.90087890625, 280.12786865234375, 3343.5703125, 333.873779296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "ROXBURY\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3459.983728515625, 927.8346196289062, 3928.388830078125, 1057.8552607421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Extra money for Chritsmas. Use\nthe classified ads to sell unwanted\nitems, Costs are low. Phone\nMargaretville 2231.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1706.41552734375, 1267.098388671875, 3849.781005859375, 4954.58154296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\nCOUNT THE SAVING:\n\nHelping people save money on fine food is AaP’s business! That’s why AaP is America’s leading\nfood merchant. And today as always, you ean look to the leader to cut your food bills more.\nWant proof? Look at the list below of famous brand groceries reduced in price this week!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nKitchen harm\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nyee EXTRA-JUICY FLORIDA FROZEN FOODS\nmala , G af it ¢ | Grange dice 4c: 59\n< th. range Juice cans O9C\n\nMarcal eS rape rul 5 hag 29 CHICKEN, BEEF, TURKEY -\n\n \n\n \n\nBanquet Pies 5 ™™ *{' “\n\nBANQUET, TURKEY\nDinners t 5O¢\ne\n\nHANKIES NAP!\nPkg. of 100 Pkg. of 80\n\n3*25e — 10c\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nRipe Bananas » 10°\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nP PICTSWEET i\ncaeoe | PGreen Beans <2 2 » 29° stevites 2 so as\n3 nie 29c LARGE SIZE, FLORIDA sity SUGAR SWEET, FLORIDA A & Pp Peas 2 = 35c\n: Tangerines 33e Oranges 5 ze 35c |, & P FORDHOOK\nKaro Syrup Apples v=icious 2™29¢ D’AnjouPears 2™ 29cj|Lima Beans 2 x. 49¢\nBLUE LABEL Potatoes i, ‘2 *1° Sweet Potatoes . 3™ 25c\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nAGP\nBroccoli Spears 2 }:;: 49c\nA & P FRENCH\nGreen Beans 2 ns. 4lo\n\n \n\nLettuce P23, nda Te. 19¢ Maine Potatoes 7.2: 79c\nKale “x? 19¢ Cole Slaw = 2. 5 cl 25c\n\n24-25 93c ** 63\nMazola Oil ..\n\nFOR-SALADS, COOKIN | panera son ieee Coa\nmr, 85¢ i. 6 7¢' LOOK! .-- 265 GROCERY PRICES; & Sule CUT\nMazola Oil\n\nREDUCED SINCE SEPT. Ist. EIGHT O'CLOCK\nFOR SALADS, COOKING : AA el\nsalon $915 Domestic Sardines 3°22\" 25c COFF EE e\n\nApple Butter \"ss? 2 je.\" 48c NOW AT LOWEST PRICE\nIN MONTHS! wm\n\nHere’s another example of how A&P saves\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nLinit\n\nLIQUID STARCH ft Ti 2 pkg. of 1\n° issue 400 Cc\n*:20c 4 87¢| Angel So\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nBREAKFAST 12-0z. @ you mandy! ‘The cost of green coffee went\nWheatiés OF CHAMPIONS \"pkg. 21 Cc down—and we pass the savings right along!\nHi-C Zs = 16-0z Cofce to your hears cena vend te '\ns' ° hearts content\nORANGE DRINK lona Cut Beets cine 29C money in the Gebeia, Bah i\n\nthe extra-thrifty\n3-pound ae fot ae Bes of colfaooaare\neven more!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nNon 28c Bisquick 25% “a A3G\nHip-O-Lite Pancake Mix AX, 2 wo 32C\n\nMARSHMALLOW CREME\n\n \n\nMild & Mellow\n1-LB. BAG\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\ntor Be Meinz Beans yeaa, 2 ‘as 33c = c\nG Heinz Spaghetti oan COC\nravy Master es wis\nie tem “ee - ¥Yeinz Macaroni as BOC ree:\n=e Ann Page ie tote 45 3 tes 19 |\nBachman amen. FOREMOST £629 REISER SINCE TESP nnn nnn an\ni AP Te ry ARMOUR’S CANNED MEATS\n“me 20C 2° 35c¢ oe oe -\nTT Treet can ; 39c Beef Stew coat 35c\n\n \n\n \n\nIdeal : Gerber's ae 12-0. A@ ele CON 1é-ez.\nnoe oe BABY FOODS Chopped Ham '2°\" 49c Chili chene =‘ 27¢\n-Ib. STRAINED CHOPPED : 16-oz.\n6S 85 | gr 5Gc4 ™ BNC Corned Beef Hash ‘°° 29c\ni : ‘ Cf e e\n_ Cheer Cashmere Cashmere Greenwood’s Silver Skillet\nBLUE DETERGENT BOUQUET SOAP | pee SOAP Pickled Beats yee CORNED BEEF HASH\n 3lc \"7d 3.2%, 26c 32% 39c Red Cabbese 2 1S 3DC i 28¢\nAll Red Heart | Duz Joy *Blu-White\nCONDENSED DETERGENT DOG FOOD FOR CLEAN. WASHES — LIQUID SUDSMAKER FLAKES\nspiog? 3ic eee $939 6 2 85c x 31c aay 14c Tos. = 31¢ 4 We 74c pape 9c 9-ox. x 25¢\nEvergreen Evergreen Octagon Octagon Sweetheart -\nPINE JELLY SOAP PINE OIL DEODORANT : DETERGENT TOILET SOAP 2 SOAP (14 Price Sale)\nEen 29 ue 28c . |S 32e Bike|. 3 2lc 3m21¢ 32.30\n\n \n\nPrices in This Ad Effective. Through Saturday, Dec. 8, in All A&P Super Markets in Margaretville and Vicinity\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 255.24432373046875, 1007.5097045898438, 620.41845703125, 1057.0216064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "MOUNTAIN DEW\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1154.7357177734375, 1315.0108642578125, 1608.8865966796875, 4822.42236328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "made. i me\n\nCome to Debbie's\nPre-ChristmasSale\n\n \n\n \n\nWhy Pay More\n'‘ When You Can\nBuy for LESS\n\nDomestic and Imported Gifts |\n; at Discounts |\n\nUp to 50% Off\n\nBrand New Selection\nCOSTUME JEWELRY\nTerrific Values\n\n \n\nLadies’ and Men’s Jewel Boxes\nLadies’; and Men's Dresser Sets -\nMen's Bar Sets_\n\nLadies’ and Men’s WALLETS\nUp to 40% Off\n\nBoxed Stationery and Notes\nMusical Powder Boxes\nPhoto Albums and Desk Memos\n\nMen’s\nSMOKING ACCESSORIES\nAt % Price While They Last\n\n \n\nFruit Bowls, Cake Stands\nLazy Susans, Silent Butlers\nCruet Sets, Sugar ’n’ Creamers\n\n \n\nIMPORTED and DOMESTIC\n\nFIGURINES g\nHorses, dogs, cows, bulls, birds,\nchickens, roosters, etc.\n\n \n\nCocktail, Punch and Juice Sets\nBoxed Tumblers, Decanter Sets\nImported Steins and Pilsners\n\n \n\nASH TRAYS\nDozens of them in Glass, China,\nPottery, Copper and Brass,\nfrom round the world.\n\nImported Wall Clocks, Watches,\nTravel Clocks, TV Lamps, Snack\nTables, Service Trays, Perma\nFlower Decorations -\n\n10c GIFT WRAPS and GIFT\nTIES\n4 for 25c¢\nWhile They Last\n\n \n\nBook Ends, Candlesticks, Candy\nDishes, Salad Sets, Chafing Dishes,\nCasseroles, Loose and Boxed\nChristmas Cards. Plus dozens of\nother items too numerous oe. list\nhere.\n\nSPECIAL CLOSEOUT\nAll Children’s Wear in Stock\nat Actual Cost\n\n \n\nFeatured lines include Royal\nHaeger Pottery, Westmoreland\nAuthentic Milk Glass, Rainbow\nRuby & Fenton Hobnail Glass,\nisraeli Etched Brassware, English\nChina and Brassware,‘ Bavarian\nPorcelain and Lead Crystal, India\nCopper and Brass, Genuine Hum-\nmel Figurines, Reproductions from\nJapan, Swedish, Italian and\nFrench Imports and many others.\n\n‘SHOP MARGARETVILLE\nFOR BETTER VALUES”\n\nDEB’S\n\nMARGARETVILLE\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 196.56031237792968, 1066.7716923828125, 669.8187006835938, 4974.3666132812505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nAny old car will last a careléss\nman a lifetime.\n\nPrint shop note, there is no\nchance to read the proofs of life.\n\nTaxation without representation\nwas unjust, with representation\n\n_ it is expensive.\n\nJohn Clark, who has a camp at\nthe headwaters of the Neversink\nreservoir, killed a 50-pound coyote\none day last week. The coyote\nhad devoured a small buck deer\nbefore it was killed. It had eaten\nall the parts of the deer, including\nthe pelt. Only the buck’s bones\nremained. The buck was a so-\ncalled “button horn.”\n\nMargaretville folks, returning\nSunday from a trip to New Jersey,\nmet long lines of cars .on the\nThruway south of Kingston. Many\nof the cars were adorned with\ndeer on the fenders. There were\n36 deer on a 14-mile. stretch.\nOther sections of the highway had\nsimilar numbers. Hunters. were\nreturning after a successful week\nin the Catskills and Adirondacks.\n\nDeaths of three prominent vil-\nlage residents Thanksgiving and\nthe day after brought gloom to\nMargaretville not usually associ-\nated with a national holiday. A\nformal obituary is scarce the place\nto put down personal thoughts. I\nwill do that here.\n\n* * *\n\nStanley Bussy, who did not\nwake from his sleep the holiday\nmorning, was of great personality\nand ability—the top citizen. Both\nastute and liberal, he was full of\nfun and made friends with all\nwho came into his presence. I\ncan yet hear his hearty, refresh-\ning laughter. It will roll down\nthe years. *\n\n: SES AS ett\n. “Rilla” Akerly, second» to die\nthe tragic day, was the wife of\n“Ake” as her husband was known\nfor a Wide area. He was half a\ncentury in the Bussy store and\nmade the community laugh all\nthat time. The home of ‘{‘Ake”\nand “Rilla” half a century ago\nwas a popular place. She was of\nunusual beauty, he the spirit of\n\nstories, jokes and fun.\n* = .\n\nEmery Jenkins, the third to die,\nwas a Johnny-come-lately, in com-\nparison to the other two. But in\nthe quarter century he had been\nhere, he was Postmaster, Mayor,\nExecutive Officer of the Marga-\nretville cemetery. He had a re-\nmarkable memory. I have listened\nto his old time stories of affairs\nin Union Grove, Arena, Andes and\nMargaretville. He recalled the\nsmallest details of events in the\nlatter part of the 19th century\nand of the present 20th century.\nHe was also well read on national\nand world topics. _\n\n* * cd\n\nThe three deaths are a striking\nexample of how one generation\nslides into the- next. I write\nstriking because, in a small village,\nthe changes are usually one by\none.\n\n* = =\n\nThanksgiving for the last three\nyears has brought sudden deaths\nto this community. Two years\nago, Harry Miller, prominent\nbusinessman, died suddenly while\nenjoying a holiday ride with Mrs.\nMiller and Miss Mary McCadden.\n\n= *- *\n\nA year ago at near Thanksgiv-\ning time came news of the death\nof Lt. Thomas Smith in Germany,\nwhere he sacrificed his life to save\na German village. Three years\nago, Winfield Sperling was killed\nby a live wire at the Margaret-\nville bridge over the Delaware,\nseveral days before Thanksgiving.\n\nI went down the valley one day\nthis fall and came to an old barn\nin the process of being torn down.\nThe great beams were a century\nold.\n\n* *\n\nI saw a mouse nest, how old I\ndo not know. It might have been\nas old as ‘the barn, or. built in\nrecent years. The model has not\nchanged in the century. Mice, I\nam certain, construct no ranch\ntype nests. They never change\ntheir architecture.\n\n*s ¢ £\n\nThey knew about insulation\nmany centuries before man. They\ncan riddle oat straw, chaff, dead\nweeds, corn stalks and many other\nkinds of dry vegetation into per-\nfect insulation and build a nest\nwhere there is no need for a roof\nand where it would be difficult\nfor a red squirrel or a weasel to\nlocate it.\n\nes es €\n\nI have often thought I would\nlike to observe 4 Mr. Mouse and\nhis bridé in an old barn looking\n\ne\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 680.0133056640625, 2244.063232421875, 972.546142578125, 2290.58984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Church Services\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2115.716552734375, 278.9282531738281, 2477.177001953125, 331.10400390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "KELLY CORNERS\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 1129.334716796875, 249.40284729003906, 1576.045166015625, 322.73193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "County Farms 10% Fewer\n\nWed eanwatener sre eee\n" }, "21": null, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 199.30759631347655, 1077.5744267578125, 670.2901362304688, 1145.9311884765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Any old car will last a careléss\nman a lifetime.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 698.1241455078125, 2304.372802734375, 1092.1552734375, 2332.517822265625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Deadline Mondav. 5 P. M.\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 2129.19482421875, 361.58123779296875, 2452.835205078125, 399.4581604003906 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "By Mrs. Ralph Felter\n" }, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 11 ], [ 1, 18 ], [ 1, 62 ], [ 18, 62 ], [ 33, 36 ], [ 50, 75 ], [ 50, 44 ], [ 50, 52 ], [ 75, 44 ], [ 75, 52 ], [ 44, 52 ] ]
[ 2529.798583984375, 3585.1117207031252 ]
[ [ 0, 11 ], [ 1, 62 ], [ 36, 33 ], [ 44, 50 ], [ 50, 52 ], [ 52, 75 ], [ 62, 18 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1605.441501953125, 330.2255900878906, 1900.5124775390625, 1093.3220478515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "ing committees to that branch bu!\nDemocratic speaker H. G. An\ndrews indicated naming of stand\ning house commitieés would be\nput off for A day or so,\n\nLeader, comparatively unknown\npolitically outside his hame coun.\nty a year age, will take’over the\nreins of government from Repub-\nNean Gov, John &. Fine.\n\nThe oath will be administered\n\na few. minutes after noon to-,\n\nmorrow by. Justice Charles Al-\n\nvin Jones of the state Supreme\n\nCourt. Jones was the defeated\n\nDemorratic candidate for gov-\n\nernor in 1938 when Republican\n\nGov. Arthur H. Jamen returned\n\nthe state government to GOP\nTule in 1939 after a. four-year\nrun . under’ Democratic. Gov,\nGeorge H. Earle,\n\nImmediately. after the oath-tak-\ning.the new governor will deliver\na 15-minute inaugural address. He\nis expected to discuss the prob-\nlems ahead of. the new adminis-\ntratiun, especially the state's fin-\nancial dilemma. The situation is\ncomplicated by divided political\ncontrol of the Legislature with\nDemocrats holding a 121-99 mar.\ngin in the House and Republicans\nretaining a slender 26-24 yating\ngrip on the Senate.\n\nThe new governor and his\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 368.3119853515625, 1155.4931376953125, 671.17348828125, 2165.066798828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "posed spending Of 54, /0y, Ut)\n\nmost of it money voted by Con\n\ngress in previous years, That fig\nure is about 400 millions over an\nticipated spending this year.\n\nAnd he asked for new funds to.\ntaling $3,530,000,000 as compared\nwith the $2,781,000,000 voted last\nyear.\n\nThere was n0 geographical\nbreakdown, but Eisenhower said\nthe proposed spending would be\nSplit up this way in broad cate-\nBories: $3,075,000,000 for direct\nmilitary assistance to heip .U.\nS, Allies build up their armed\nforces; 600 million for “direct\nforces support” tv such coun-.\ntries as the Indo-Chinese states,\nFormosa and Korea, whose\nmililary budgets this country\nhelps 40 meet; and $1,025,000,:\n\n. 006 for non military foreign aid, —\nmost of it presumably for Asia.\n\nEisenhower told Congress the\nnation has come through a tran-\nsition from wartime to peacetime\neconomy Which was “difficult for\nsome” but “not serious on the.\nwhole,” and that “our present\ngrowing prosperity has solid\nfoundation.”\n\nSecretary of the Treasury Hum-\nphrey told newsmen the fiscal\nyear 1956 budget is based on\nTreasury predictions that: during\nbe calendar year 1955 personal\nneome will rise by 4 per cent and\norporation profits by 7 per cent,\n\nHumphrey said he does not en-\nision any tax cutting proposals\nhis year, but that. he hopes by\next year “to be talking about tax\neductions and a balanced budget\nya nearly balanced budget.”\n\nEisenhower said future spend-\nng euts will be more difficult,\nut he declared tax reduction “re-\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2206.500583984375, 318.26871142578125, 2519.5675312500002, 1174.0880390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "A capacity audience is expect-_\ned for ihe George Markey organ '\nrecital to be given at the First\nPresbyterian church, Friday at\n8:15 p, m. The public is invijed,\nand music lovers from all over\nthe tri-state aréa will be in attend. :\nance, b\nMr, Markey has been surround-\n\ned by music since his earliest\nchildhood, At the age of six he’\nalready had made public appear-\nances: at ‘the piano and when he\nwas 11 he played the Grieg A\nMinor Concerto in.public. Soon he\ndiscovered his love for the organ\nbut for a long time wavered be-\ntween the. career of an organist\nund pianist.\n\nTwo scholarships were won at\nthe Cértis Institute of Musie in,\nPhiladelphia, one for piano with |\nRudolf Serkin and one for organ\nwith Dr, Alexander McCurdy, The.\nwar interfered with his studies,\nbut at the close of the war he\nchose thé organ:as his instrument,\n\nAt once he established himself:\nas one of the top-ranking organ.\nrecitalists, creating a sensational’\nsuccess wherever he appeared.\n\nThe curfent issue of the Dlapa-.\nson magazine, the official publica-«\ntion of the American Guild of;\nOrganists, carries: a full-page an-\nnouncement of a complete sell-out,\nof Mr. Markey’s present Series of .\nrecitals for his Januiry-! ‘February .\ntranscontinental tour. *\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1607.83642578125, 198.17845153808594, 2112.624755859375, 306.202392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Capital In Festive Attire\nFor Inaugural Ceremony\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1284.2507060546875, 1614.993015625, 1587.7363544921875, 2023.565822265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Morris Frank was elected presi.\ndent of the United Jewish Feder.\njatian of Uniontown yesterday, suc.\nceeding A, L, Lusthaus.\n\nThe election was held during a\nmembership meeting at the Jew-\nish Community Center,\n\nOther new officers include:\nVice president, Jay C, Leff; seere-\ntary, Irving H. Linn (serving for\nthe third consecutive year); treas-\nurer, Bailey Greenwald; directors,\nA. L, Lusthaus, Louis Gallet, Les-\nter B. Cohen and Dr. Edward\nKaplan.\n\nHoward S. Abramson and Les-\nter B. Cohen will continue as co-\nchairmen, of the 195455 UJIF\ncampaign.\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1294.1069072265625, 678.7474711914062, 1600.110744140625, 1476.757716796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Admissions: Sue Belch; Rorice;\nWilliam Martin, Main St.; Helen\nDesapmk, Republic; Stanley\nBlout, Masontown; Elsie Hun-\nchuck,’ Grays Landing; Richard\nHunchuck, Grays Landing; Lit\nlian Myers, Pt. Marion; Jennie\nDavis, Masontown;, Mary Jane\nWilson, Collins’ Ave; . Steve\nObuck,.. Uniontown RD. 3;\nRhenda Thompson, Connellsville\nSt; George Karras, W, Church\nSt; Luther Snow,’ Mullen St;\nAssunta Gismondi,. Coolspring\nSt.; Helen Dursa, Chaffee St.\nDaisy Owens, W. Fayette St.\nHelen Leachko, Lemont Furnace:\nMike. Haragos, Uniontown R.D.\n4; Mary Marshall, Ronco; Elea-\nnor Adey, Star Route; Daisy Con-\naway, Farmington; Violet Deck,\n‘rshing Terrace; Olgo Sulik,\n‘Uniontown B.D, 1.\n\nDischarges: Mike Dominies,\nJohn Kooser, Robert Whyle, John\nBartimoilt; Leroy’ Fountaln, Wil-\nliam’ Dawkins, Pearl Fields, Bea-\ntrice Braddee, Arlene Gray,\nWanda’ Welsh, Elaine Hosa,\nThomas Turner, Donald Smith,\nElizabeth Srodck,’ Mike Pappas;\nIda Tracy, Eliza EUsworth,\nGloria Zuzik,, Jennie Radovich,\nMary Velky, Irene Gall, Helen\nSwetz, Evelyn Calvert, Shirley\nGaydos, Alice Thorpe, Jessie\nFisher, ~\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 984.7761577148437, 871.0751689453125, 1290.697169921875, 1347.2004658203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Norma Jean Fast of Uniontown\nwas lauded for her concert per\nformance: on ithe piano Saturday\nnight ‘at Foster Memorial hall,\nPittsburgh.\n\nSpeaking of Miss ‘Fast, one\ncritic ‘said, “She is well on her\nway, has a solid foundation and\nhas been well-schooled.”\n\nThe recital was given under\nauspices of ‘the Pittsburgh Con-\ncert Society, dedicated to the pui-\npose of giving young musicians\nin the Pittsburgh area an oppor-\ntunity to perform publicly’ under\nstandard concert condition, to be\nrenumerated for. their .perform-\nances and to receive professional\neritieal opinion.\n\n-Miss Fast played a group of\nshort Debussy works and the\n\n‘Beethoven Sonata in E Flat.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 44.566906311035154, 1710.0546611328125, 356.5239521484375, 2163.1329609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Henry Kimmel, alias Carl Kim\nmell, 23, of South Connellsville\niis in county jail today’ chargec\nwith assault with intent to ravish\nby a VW -year-old Uniontown “girl\n\nia an information filed before\nAlderman J. Paul Dunn, the -girl\nclaims Kimmell attacked her\nwhen she tried to leave his car\nJanuary 10. She said she received\nseveral scratches ‘in the scuffle.\n\nThe door handles had been re-\nmoved from the inside of the car,\nshe added.\n\nKimmell, arrested at 2:10 a.m.\nyesterday by Connellsville police,\nis held in lieu of $2,600 bail. He\nwill he given.a hearing at 7 p.m,\ntomorrow.\n\nPolice said Kimmell denies the\ncharge.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 978.2233623046875, 1474.6044658203125, 1280.59145703125, 2075.153712890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "East End PTA will observ\nMen’s Night at a miéeting at §\no'clock tonight in the school.\n\nThe topic of the program wil\nbe “Civil Defense and/Your Com\nmunity.” .\n\nThe Civil Defense committee\nwill be in charge: 8. E. Stephens,\nchairman; Wilmer Bierer, William\nThomas, William O'Neil, Anthony\nSalvatore, J, Allison Bierer and\nElsworth Curry. ,\n\nThe program follows:\n\nTalk, Mayor J. Watson Sem-\nbower; voeal solo, Dr. F. L.\nVaughns; talk, Chief of Police Al-\nfred W. Davis; piano solo, Joseph\nGlass IIT; talk and film, “Survival\nUnder Atomie Attack,” Blair R,\nJones, coordinator of Civil De-\nfense, Uniontown area; question\nand answer period, talk, Dr. Mary\nDunn, coordinator of elementary\neflueation, Uniontown schools and\ndirector of welfare for Civil De-\nfense. .\n\nMrs. Huston Swaney will have\ncharge of the social hour. Mrs.\nRuth Barry is principal,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1595.1235087890625, 1227.691013671875, 1894.50258984375, 1909.3058125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Dr. Abe Laute, of the Univer.\nsity of Pittsburgh, will appear in\na program sponsored. by the Adult\nProgram Committee of the Union.\ntown . Jewish Community Center\ntonight. .\n\nThe program, which begins in\nthe center at 8 p.m., will consist\naf excerpts from musical comedy\nand show stoppers.\n\nDr. Laufe, a member of the\nsnglish department at the univer-\nsity since 1847, is-a native of the\nSteel City, He has received ‘AB.,\nM.A, and Ph.D, degrees from Pitt.\n\nFrom October of 1942 to No-\nvember of 1945 Dr, Laufe served\nwith the Special Service division\nof the U. 5. Army. In 1946 he was\nawarded the Legion of Merit for\nhis serviecs and writing contri\nbutions, which included a history\nof the School for Personnel Serv-\nices at Washington and Lee uni\nversity, Lexington, Va. He was\nalso associated -with Editorial\nManagement, Inc, in New ‘York\ncity,\n\nLester B, Cohen, chairman of\nthe Adult Program Committee,\n\nsaid a small admission will be\na PRE ep Kpcgpromnen ee Yee\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1282.018310546875, 2039.0982666015625, 1545.7691650390625, 2101.92724609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "New Administrator At\nWaynesburg Hospital\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1904.295505859375, 331.0098918457031, 2202.016017578125, 1425.811427734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "wife, Mary Jane, will spend a\n\nhusy day starting with witness-\n\ning the inauguration of Lt. Gov.\n\nRey E. Furman, 64, Waynes*\n. burg, in the Senate chamber\n\nand ending with the inaugural\n\nball Tuesday night.\n\nThe Leaders, both in formal\nattire, will go to the Senate\nchamber from their hotel suite\nat 10:30 a, m., for Furman’s in.\nauguration, Judge John Ingh-\nram Hook, of the Greene. Coun-\nty Common Pleas Court, will\nadminister the oath.\n\nThe governor-elect will wear <\nblack hombirg, morning coat anc\nstriped trousers. Mrs. Leader wil!\nwear three New York originals\n‘during the day. .\n\nTfer luncheon dress will be\nblack-silk barathea. Her afternoon\ndress for the inaugural will be\nsheer French woot while het\ngown for the inaugural ball - will\nbe white silk grés de londres.\n| Mrs, Leader’s-coat will he black\ncashmere with a pink velvet col.\nlar. Her hat will be the ‘same\npink’ velvet; decorated with black\nbeads. Her evening cout’ will. be\nblack yelvét with black french\nknot embroidery.\n\nAfter witnessing Furman’s in-\nduction, the Leaders will go to\nthe executive mansion to meet\noutgoing ‘Goy. Fine and Mrs. Don-\nald P, Morgan, Fine’s sister-in-\nlaw and official hostess.\n\nLeader Family\n\nLeader family members-present\nat the ceremony will include\nLeader's parents, ex-Sen. and Mrs.\nGuy A. Leader, and two of their\nchildren, George Michael Leader,\n9, and Frederick Milton Leader,\n5. The hoys will be in charge of\nMadeline Shermeyer, 23, the\nLeaders' bdby ‘sitter. Eleven-\nmonths-old Jane Ellen will re-\nmain at the Leader farm in York\ncounty.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 377.5254211425781, 1006.61865234375, 874.8406982421875, 1124.179931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Ike Lists $62.4 Billion\nBudget In Congress Talk\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 990.7964477539062, 766.3560180664062, 1215.2852783203125, 866.928466796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Local Girl\nIn Coneert\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1287.16015625, 1496.22412109375, 1569.098876953125, 1604.102783203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Morris Frank\nHeads Group\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 991.8069194335937, 375.5791057128906, 1294.710353515625, 751.4895283203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Patrolman Fred Moorhouse said\nboth vehicles. were traveling east\non Fayette and Rutan swung over\ninto Beck's lane, clipping the left\nreat fender of the Beck car.\n\nConnellsville police reported a\ncar operated by Donald Callahan,\nDunbar, swerved to avoid hitting\nan oncoming bus Saturday at 6:55\np. m,, and struck'a parked auto\nowned by Joseph -R. Horchar, of\nHawkins Hollow, Normatyille.\n\nThe incident occurred at Pitts.\nburgh street. near Grape. alley.\nBoth cars sustained fender dam-\nage, according te Patrolman. Mil-\nvet Strickler. F\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1595.22265625, 1111.184814453125, 1872.557861328125, 1219.815673828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Dr. Laufe\nHere Tonight\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1296.3544658203125, 368.5252116699219, 1595.776515625, 580.72622265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "(sontinued Irom Page tine)\nservice in peacetime and be. vita\nin time of war.\n\n3. “Our studies lead us to be\nlieve that the holders of the com\npany’s securities will benefit hott\nby broadening the ‘earnings bast\nand by increasing the potentia\nfor per-share. ¢arnings on ou!\ncommion stock.”\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 964.9735454101562, 2234.884861328125, 1272.1863056640625, 2646.0128437500002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "30, 1906, with a national debt of\n276 billion dollars.\n\nThat would be a net debt in\ncrease fot the year of about 134\nbillion over the debt total of\n274% billion which Bisenhawer\nforecast for June 30, the end of\nthis fiscal year. But, he said, be-\ncause of low tax receipts in the\nfirst half of next fiscal year, the\ngovernment would have to borrow\nabout eight billion dollars, most-\nly temporarily, and. this would\nleave “no alternative” but to ask\nCongress to boost the debt ceiling.\nThe government how is operating\ntinder a temporary ceiling of 281\nbillions. This reverts .to 275 bil-\nlions next July 1.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1280.1779521484375, 2104.774021484375, 1582.370998046875, 2343.1898457031252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "The board of managers ‘of\nGreehe county memorial hospital\nin Waynesburg has announced the\noppointment of D. Andrew Grimes\nas the new administrator of the\nhospital, effective February 1.\n\nA native of Wheeling, W. Va.,\nMr. Grimes hag been administra-\ntive assistant at the Vanderbilt\nuniversity hospital at Aashyille,\nTan\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 52.640533447265625, 1637.0614013671875, 346.05950927734375, 1698.311279296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "South Connellsville Man\nCharged Ry Local Girl]\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 981.8258056640625, 1361.0628662109375, 1251.7864990234375, 1465.6226806640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Men’s Night\nProsram Set\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 69.07312426757812, 474.6355632324219, 379.3823200683594, 1618.857326171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, Jan. 11\naU, §. Air Force pilots rush\ned four fighter planes ta Costs\n‘Rica today to help embattled gay.\nernment: challenge rebel contral\nof ‘the dir,\n\n“phe planes—World War I! Mus.\n‘tangs: sold by the U. S. govern:\nment‘ to Costa Rica reportedly for\nSL aplece-—were due here this\nmorning. Costa Rican pilots will\njoan the craft against the rebels,\n‘who reportedly have an air force\nof one fighter and ‘two trainers.\n\n. The Organization of Ameri-\néan States, which authorized\ntransfer of the combat planes to\nbolster this nation’s armed .\nforces in the six-day uprising,\nreceived an urgent appeal from\nCosta Hica’s government iast\nnight for “further and more ef-\n\ni fective help.” 4\n~ Costa: Riea has accused her\nnorthern neighbor . Nicaragua of|\nBtirritig up the revolt, Nicaragua\nthas. denied the charge, but an\nOAS investigating team—without\nnaming Nicaragita specifically—\nhas reported that a substantial\namount of the rebel war material\nwas introduced over Costa Rica's\nnorthern border.\n\nUntil the transfer of the U, S.\nplanes, the Figueres government's\nmakeshift air force has consisted\nchiefly of slow civilian transports},\nwhich were hastily armed with\nmachine. guns after the rebel\noutbreak.\nFighting Erupts :\nMeanwhile, fighting erupted]\nagain yesterday .on the only ac-.\ntive front, at ‘Santa Rosa planta-\ntion in northwest Costa Rica near\nthe ‘Nicaraguan border. The con-\n‘inued - activity. in that area ap-\npeared to indicate a decisive bat-\nié might be shaping up.\n\nA general staff communique\nid. government’ troops, unvffi-\n‘ally estimated’ at 1,000 men,\neld fast in a clash yesterday af-\nernoon although the rebel forces\nere aided by one plane.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 82.11323547363281, 188.8048858642578, 365.39691162109375, 355.76116943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "To Challenge\nRebel Control\nOf The Air\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1589.1525615234375, 1961.9223369140625, 1888.4333759765625, 2397.412990234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "BELLA, JOHN SR—Aged 76, of 15\nOak St., Falrchance, ad formerly of\nWest Lelsenring, died Sunday, Janc-\nary 18, 1955 at 4:90 p.m,, following a\nUngering MUlness, He 3s survived by\nnig wife, “Justina Bella and: these\nehDdren, Mrs, John (Margaret) Patn-\nley, West Leisenting; Mrs. Joseph\n(rene) Paintey, at tome; stephen,\nUniontown; John, at home; five\ngrandchildren; one. brother, George\nBailey, Republic, He wes & member\nof St, John's Gi C. Chureh and Greek\nCatholic Union, Branch 31, Union-\ntown and UMWA Local 6328. He had\nrealded in West Leisenring for forty-\none years and was a retired biack~\nsmith, Ha had been employed by the\nU. S. Steel Co, Friends wilt be recelvedt\nin the Haky Funeral Home, 139 W.\nFayette Street after 7 o'clock tought\nvntil Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock\nwhen prayer services will be conduct-\ned, followed by Requiem High Mass\nin St, John's G, C. Church with. Rev.\nFr, Josepbat, O3.H.M. as Celebrant,\nInterment will be In St. Jobn’s Ceme-\ntery, Brookvale,\n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1300.3377685546875, 195.2744903564453, 1567.409423828125, 354.42523193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Hearings To\nBe Resumed\nOn Pipeline\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1898.8602294921875, 1446.9365234375, 2165.606689453125, 1507.138916015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Applications For Dog\nLicenses Need Stamps\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1276.7475322265625, 2394.655125, 1579.4200703125, 2638.1217304687502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "An auto owned by Dorothy Fos-\nter, of 4 Loch Lomond street, was\nfaund late Saturday morning in\nfront of the local Salvation Army\nheadquarters after it had been\nstolen early Friday night from\nthe Endstey parking lot on West\nChurch street. Miss Foster said\nmore than 200 miles had heen\nadded by the thief. She said a\ncheck will be made to determine\nif anv damage was done the car.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 996.3231201171875, 193.329833984375, 1299.1649169921875, 351.02496337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Only One Hurt\nIn Accidents -\n\nOver Weekend\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 965.7909545898438, 2656.783203125, 1500.887939453125, 2766.53369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "M any County People Plan\nCapital Trip Tomorrow\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2211.7919921875, 196.8814697265625, 2506.971435546875, 303.30853271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Organ Recital\nFriday Night\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1896.0170634765625, 1509.6620830078125, 2196.291408203125, 1705.866115234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "A three-cent stamp should ac\ncompany all mail orders for dog\nlicenses,\n\nAttaches of the office of County\nTreasurer Michael Karoleik make\nthis request.\n\nA fee of $1.10 is required for\nmale canines and $2.10. for fe.\nmaies.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 420.8622741699219, 2182.7802734375, 637.257080078125, 2444.2431640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1265.0177958984375, 2786.66147265625, 1570.29360546875, 3025.8390156250002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "jJames Ruane, Mr. and~ Mrs\n\nCharles Long, Mr. and Mrs. Ed\nward Higbee, Mr. and Mrs. Ar.\nthur A, Brown, Tax Collector anc\n‘Mrs. Burton E. Tarr, Tony Pus\nkarich, Mr. and Mrs. Join Cani.\ngiani of Fayette City; Walter Woz.\nniak of Washington township and\nHoward McCrory of Fayette City;\nBetty Addis, Eye Curcio and An-\nectacss Pannne\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1306.6102294921875, 595.7056884765625, 1593.197998046875, 653.5003662109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Hospital News\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2208.151462890625, 1206.5500224609375, 2512.0316425781252, 1316.475734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nOfficers of direct\nors of the YMCA will be elected.\naf a reorganization meeting at\nnoon Wednesday, Y Secretary Wil-\nbur Baird said today.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 962.006443359375, 2786.772068359375, 1265.5583759765625, 3031.8810078125002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "and Mrs, Fred L. Brothers, State\nSenator and Mrs. Eustace H\nBane, Register of Wills John. L.\nRider, Assemblyman and Mrs.\nNicholas Kornick, Assemblyman\nand Mrs. E. Gadd Snider, As.\nsemblyman and Mrs. Harry Coch-\nran, Assemblyman and’ Mrs, Rob-\nert Wheeler,\n\nAlso County Detective and Mrs.\nFrank FB. Kane,’.Mr. and Mrs.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 962.6922607421875, 3048.435302734375, 1570.1925048828125, 3573.98828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n\nALAabeanel Itt Sto. Plan | 24 io, Plan |\nmail of come In today.\n\n$100] $ 7.27\n3300] 21:27\nhr\nbeans up te $1000\"\nFINANCE CO.\nem, CONSUMER DISCOUNT CO “Yo\n\\ Ranemal rimawee on!\n\nHacm ever S400 made by BeneAciel Cemumer Direoent Co)\n\nnw Core BEESON SLVD. & MAIN ST., UNIONT CWN\nFleer + SECOND NATIONAL GANK BLDG.\nYineve $2841 oR. L. Hieater, ¥ eae\normi ive myennet BY APPOINTMENT = FHONE FOR EVENING HOURS\n\nresidents of all\nOM OPEN SATURDAYS 9:09 TILL LS |\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n® Give @ few quick facts sbout youre\nself on phone Upon approval, come in\n\nget cath... your way and fast!\nPhone for 1-visit loan, write for loan by\n\n \n \n \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 2197.141357421875, 3388.221435546875, 2475.782470703125, 3574.13720703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "‘OAK LAWN\nCEMETERY +\n\nPHONE’\nUniontown GE-8-2079\nMeClellendtown PE-7-222%\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1892.9245341796875, 1745.0545390625, 2193.954982421875, 1868.54848828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Avis Johnson, 43, of Mel-\neroft, was admitted to Connells.\nville hospital yesterday at 2:15\nPp m., with an-ankle injury .sué-\ntained in a fall from her’ porch.\nShe is reported in’ fair condition.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1570.8573955078125, 3003.60678515625, 1874.94253125, 3287.3082539062502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "HEWITT, BERTRA—Agen 88 of ices\nLanding, R. D. died Sunday, Janu-\nary 16, 2055 at 11:25 am. In the\nGreene County sfemorlal — Hospital:\nHorn October 31, 1868 in Dry Tavern,\nsho was the daughter of Adam and\nMannah Martin. Hewitt. She {5 sur-\nvived by one brother and one sister,\n‘John Hewitt, Long Beach, Calif.\nMrs. Lutu Hart, Carmichaels, R. D.\nFriends will be reccived after 4 o'clock\nenis afternoon in the Michael Lucas\nFuneral Home, Carmichaela, where\nservices will be conducted Wednesday\nmorning at 10:30 o'clock with Rev.\nRumelt Hity, officiating, Interment\nwill be in Hewltva Cemetery, Rices\nTanding.\n\n \n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 399.1048583984375, 216.183349609375, 976.6220703125, 885.2487182617188 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "y\nVeterona y pi\nGrotto ) f\n\nSot, Be )\n\nMilitary\ntwat Security\n\n(Military) P\ntemic Energy; $2.8\n\nIndividuals\n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2198.632080078125, 3185.072021484375, 2475.22802734375, 3365.883056640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "ALLEN\nMONUMENT CO.\ntoe W. Fayette St.\nUniontown, Ca,\nPhohe GE 27-7182\nPARKING SPACER\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1335.5316162109375, 2363.430419921875, 1529.15478515625, 2388.708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "CAR RECOVERED\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 70.27406726074219, 2563.022068359375, 347.0968586425781, 2800.0753437500002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "ON'T think you just have to\nsuifer nervous tension; irrlt-\nability, weakness due to “change\nof life’, Even “hot flashes” can\nbe stopped ar amazingly relieved\nin the vast majority of cases, ac~\ncording to doctors’ tests!\n\nYes, millions of women have\ndiscovered that Lydia Pinkham's\nCompound and Tablets have\n&@ wonderful calming effect, And\nmedical evidence has proyed that\ntrom 63-80% of women taking\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 969.6471904296875, 2113.568943359375, 1273.702541015625, 2218.3465839843752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "Franklin Township Voters eluk\nwill meet February 4 to discuss\nprospective candidates for the\ntownship offices, Secretary Paul\nE. Brown reveals.\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 49.349849700927734, 52.892921447753906, 2529.798583984375, 165.11964416503906 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "U. S. Rushes Four Planes To Costa Rica Loyalist Forces:\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 2202.1923828125, 2953.14306640625, 2473.120361328125, 3163.4013671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "SINCE 1865\n\nMARSHALL'S\nMit\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 61.37314987182617, 2951.9404296875, 956.6707763671875, 3548.756103515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "High Octane ~reouja, price\n\na\n\n \n\nATLANTIC _ SEE YOUR ATLANTIC DEALER\n\n-gasoline\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 1636.4241943359375, 1919.871826171875, 1840.8765869140625, 1947.0880126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "DEATH NOTICES\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 69.01636920166015, 2793.332126953125, 261.3329426269531, 2894.3465839843752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Lydia. B, Pinkham’ ‘9\nCompourid or Tablets\nhave escaped much of\nthe suffering of the\n“change of life”,\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 1579.5236552734375, 2399.391697265625, 1886.5188251953125, 2871.3619648437502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": " \n\nBARNO, JOHN SR.--Aged 68 of Jcf-\nferson, died Sunday, January 16, 1955\nat 12:45 p.m, in ‘the Greene County\nMemorial. Hospital. Botn August 4,\n1088 in Austria, Hungary, he had\nbeen fh resident of Jefferson fur the\npast twenty-three yeats. He was a\nretired conl miner; 2 member of St.\nMercellus R. C. Church; Greek Catho-\nic Lodge and UMWA Mather Local\n151. He was predeceased by his wite,\nBusle Barno, December 20, -1954, Sur-\nviving are these children, Mrs. Anne\nClipper, Cleveland, O.; “Mra. Jutla\n‘Duda, Fairhope; Mrs, Helen DeStefan,\nCharleroi; Jobn Jr, Petersburg, V.\nMra. Mary Matyl, Richeyvllte; Charies,\nRichmond, Va; andy, Detroit, Mich,\nFrank, with U. 8, Army; George and\nMargaret, at home; fifteen grandchil-\ndren;. one great grandcbild. Friends\nwil ‘be recelved after 12 noon today\n{n the Jahn Lueas Funeral Home,\ndefterson, where prayer service will\nbe held Wednesday morning at 0:30.\nRequiem High Mass will be iatoned\nat 0 o'clock in St, Marcellas R. C,\nGhurch with Rev, Fr. Michael Mihok\nns celebrant. Interment whl be in\ntareene Caunt) Memortal Park.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 363.6135905761719, 2564.605076171875, 640.449123046875, 2828.5116230468752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "So, don’t suffer an unpleasant\nday during this pried, of your\nlife, without first trying Lydla\nPinkham’s Compound or Tablets.\nLet these two great products help\nyou as they have helped so many,\nmany other women.\n\nGet a bottle of Lydia EB. Pink-\nham’s Vegetable Compound or\nnew convenient Tablets with\nblood-buliding lron added, See if\nyou don’t feel hetter al over!\n\nYounger women and girls =>\n\nzt\n\n \n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 262.0636291503906, 2812.370361328125, 436.38623046875, 2886.91552734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "MODERN TABLETS HELP\n- SUILO RICH BLOOD\nwhen fron ta needed\n\n \n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 2270.466796875, 1185.2044677734375, 2447.840576171875, 1205.4393310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": " \n\nMOA RIROTION\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 2202.52084765625, 1391.0448955078125, 2512.0782734375002, 1637.594142578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": " \n\nREISSMAN, LYNNE—Four weeka he}\ndaughter of Robert E. “ind Juntat!\n\nBryen Relesman, 142 Nassau 8t., died\nin the Uniontown Hospital, Saturday.\nnight, January 15, 1955 .In addition”\nto het parents sha Ja survived by one\nsister, Joanne, at home; her maternal.\ngrandparents, Mr, and. Mrs, Chatles\nL, Bryen, Eitalong_N. 9. Wales,\nAustralia; paternal grandmother, Mrs:\nMary Relssman, Pltishurgh. Graveside.\nservices wilt he held thls afternoon at’\n2:30 o'clock with Rey. Fr. T, J, Duon\nofficlating. Zneerment will be. in’ By}~\"\nvon Helyhts Cemetery ‘under the. dl.\nreciting OF tie. Filmacce annette.\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 993.4338989257812, 2086.487548828125, 1260.0635986328125, 2110.06884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "FRANKLIN VorTers o\n\n \n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 80.40740966796875, 2458.72705078125, 640.6451416015625, 2557.641357421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "DISTRESS OF FUNCTIONAL “CHANGE OF LIFE”\nSTOPPED OR STRIKINGLY RELIEVED IN 63-80%\nOF CASES IN DOCTORS’ TESTS!\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 1570.614353515625, 3418.40268359375, 1869.5256611328125, 3585.1117207031252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "KRIVOSKY, MIKE—Frtends are being\ntecelved in tho Michrel Lucas Pu.\nnéral Home, Carmitchaela, wher\nprayer dervice will te Netd Tussdas\njatterigon mt 2 o'clock followed by\nadditional rites in ®t. George's Ser:\n‘bian Orthodox Church, Mapontown\nHeights at 2:50 o'clock,\nBronko Skailno offiotating, Interment\nwill be in the church cemetery,\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 2183.957126953125, 2824.7146953125, 2497.1561542968752, 2940.6749531250002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": " \n\nWELLER, . FRANK E—Friénda aro,\nbeing.“ recelved in the Gleason: Pus:\nneral Home, 114. Fayette St.,. wheres\nservices wil be conducted Monday?\nafternoon at 2 o'elock with Dr. B. J.\nKelfer officiating. Interment will ne;\nin the Hopwood Cameleon: -\n\n \n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 1942.0283203125, 1874.7689208984375, 2137.838134765625, 1899.5064697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "DEATH NOTICES\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 102.45987701416016, 361.939697265625, 337.6009521484375, 454.0351257324219 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "Fighting Erupts\nAgain Near Border\nWith Nicarasua\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 673.9524272460937, 1172.4289287109375, 977.1867939453125, 2731.827296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "tration,” adding: .\n\n‘A growing prosperity will re-\nsult in increasing revenues and\nshould make possible both a\nbalanced budget and lower tax\nrates in the near future. I hope\nthat tax reductions will be\nJustified next year.”\n\nAf that happens, the Président\nsaid, he will recommend tax\ncuts aimed to “sptead the re-\nlief fairly among all taxpayers,\nto relieve individual tax bur-\ndens and to itterease incentive\nfor effort’ and investment.”\nMeanwhile, because “we cannot\n\nafford to have any further loss of\nrevenue this year thruugh reduc.\ntions in taxes,” he again asked\n\nCongress to extend for a year the\nwesent 62 per cent corporation\nincome tax rate, as well as pres-\nent rates of a group .of excise\ntaxes, all scheduled te drop on\nApril. 1. His budget estimates\nwere based on an assumption this\nwould be done.\n\n$62%4' Billion\n\nEisenhower called for expendi-\ntures during fiscal 1956 totalling\nalmost 6244 billion. He estimated\nreceipts at 40 billion. That makes\nfor a deficit forecast of about 244\nbillion,\n\nCompared with new estimates\nfor the current 1955 fiscal year,\nending June 30, and for the 12\nmonths preceding, this is how the\n1956 fiscal year estimates laoked,\nin billions of dollars:\n\n1954 1955 1956\n- 64.7 59.0 60.0\nOutgo 818 53.5 624\nDeficit - 3L 45° 24\nAppropriations 62.8 57.3 58.6\n\nThe new forecasts for the cur-\nent fiscal year showed a gencral\nqueeze-down since September,\n954, when fiseal 1955 estimates\nvere last revised, The government\nhen forecast receipts totaling\n9%4 billion, spending of 64 bil-\nion and a deficit of 3% billion, {|\n\nFour Divistons Y\n\nEisenhower said his fiscal 1956]:\npending program could be sliced]:\nip into four main divisions: '\n\nProtection Against Possible War ||\n49% billion dollars, or 67 per]!\nent of the total budget. This in-|!\nluded spending for the Coast!é\ntuard and other defense-related||\nxpenditures, + !\nCivil Benefits—12 billion da}-|'\nrs, ot 19 per cent, This included\neterans benefits, public , assist-|'\nnce grants to the states, develop-\nrent programs, and ajds and serv-|_\nes to agriculture, business, labor\nnd home owners.\n\nInterest On Federal Debt—6% |!\n\nDe ee ee al a ee aaa ae |\n\n \n\nIncome .\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 1891.705173828125, 1905.77280078125, 2191.699611328125, 2279.11489453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": " \n\nKUFRIN, ‘CATHERINE—Aged 78, 01\nGates, dled Sunday, Janunry 16,’ 195:\nat 22:30 am. in ber home. She hac\nbeen a resident of Gates for the past\nthirty-five years. She was a member\nlat 8, Mary's R. O, Church, Leckrone\nShe is survived by her . husband\nMichael Kufrln Sr. and these chil.\ndren, John, Hopwood; Michael Jr, al\nhome; George, Cleveiand, Onto; sis\ngrandchildren; one great grandchiid;\nthree brothers and one sister, Charles\nRozum, Cleveland, 0.; Michael, Mark\nand Barbara, Europe, She was prede:\nceased by a son, Frank Kufein, June\n23, 1936. Friends are being. recelved\n0 the Yaney Funeral Home, Mason-\ntown, where prayer service will be\nheld Wednesday morning at 8:30. Re-\nquiem High Mass will be intoned at\n9 o'clock in St, Mary's B, C, Chureh,\nLeckrone, with Very Rev. F, 8, Kon-\ndla -ag célebranl, Interment will be\ndex a GAMER chien cies\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 1569.205662109375, 2877.14487109375, 1878.22133984375, 2994.1703144531252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nORUTCHMAN, MRS. HANNA TWIST\n—Priends ore being received tn the\nJ. Harry Johnston & Sons Mortuary,\n+65 N, Gallatin Ave., where services\n|| wil be conducted Tuesday afternoon\nat 2 o'clock. Interment will be in Oak\nGrove Cemetery,\n\n \n" }, "65": { "bbox": [ 557.176025390625, 1120.189697265625, 797.2828979492188, 1139.3743896484375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 65, "ocr_text": "Continued from Pars One)\n" }, "66": { "bbox": [ 1946.6529541015625, 1720.145263671875, 2145.951171875, 1742.35009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "INJURED IN FATT.\n" }, "67": { "bbox": [ 1565.764744140625, 3294.15854296875, 1872.303615234375, 3413.1156269531252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "|\n\n \n\nKERR, PAUL—Friends are being tf:\ncelved at J: Harry Jobnat\n\n49 N. Gallatin Ave, Services will be\ncondugted thia afternoon at 1 o'clock\nwith Rev, A. T, Hibbard officiating.\nTnterment wilt be tn. Mylran Heights\nCemetery, -\n\n \n" }, "68": { "bbox": [ 1884.3630107421875, 2289.39096484375, 2191.29165234375, 2586.2950703125002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 68, "ocr_text": " \n\nMcCANN, ERLA—Aged 68 years dtedt\nin the Uniontown Convalescent Cen-\nter, Saturday morning, January 15,\n1955 at 9:30 o'clock. She was a. resi-\ndent of Leisenring No. 1. Survivats\n‘are her husband, Joseph McCann; and\nthe following children: Raze : Mae\nLewkel and Vera Owsley, both of Cal-\nfornia; Mrs. Thomns Carafta, Newark,\n‘N.J.; and Mrs, Ray J, Sutton, Palr-\nchance. Also three grandchildren,\nFriends gra belng recelved ‘in the\nGoldsboro Funeral Home, Falrchance,\nwhere services will be conducted\nTuesday afterncon ot 2 o'clock with\nReverends John Mitchell, D. W. Harris\nland L. A. Tomh officiating, Interment\n‘Will be in Mountain View Memorial\nPark. .\n\n \n" }, "69": null, "70": { "bbox": [ 69.88954162597656, 2188.103515625, 410.0879821777344, 2440.060302734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 70, "ocr_text": "DON'T SUFFER |\ni\n\nFLACLIEC’\n" }, "71": { "bbox": [ 2211.160888671875, 1325.7484130859375, 2504.528564453125, 1381.4666748046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 71, "ocr_text": "PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY\nDEATH NOTICES\n" }, "72": { "bbox": [ 1032.607421875, 358.7677917480469, 1257.001953125, 375.4122009277344 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 72, "ocr_text": " \n\n{Continued fram Bess fh:\n" }, "73": { "bbox": [ 2199.487400390625, 1656.9588359375, 2506.8167988281252, 2036.3774677734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 73, "ocr_text": "pi eee a ce ee Se Oe ee\n(Falrchance-Haydentawn Road), B.D.\n1, Smithfield, dled at his home’ Mon-\nday morning, January 17, 2055 at 4:20\no'clock. He Was 6 retired farmer and\nhad servod ag road. supervisor In\nGeorges Township, Survivors are: his\nwife, Hessle Clark Bwaney; 4.s0n, Wil..\nMan ©. Swaney; a daughter, Mrs,\nFreda ‘Thompson, B.D. 1, Smithfield:\natid one grandobild, Alo seven sleters\nMrs, Emmerson. (Laura) Cooley, ‘Fatr-\nchance; Mrs, Joke (Kato) \" Howegp,\nLake Lynn, W. Vs; Mrs. . Walter\n(Grace) Muzphy, Falrniont, W. Va.\nMrs. Sum (Ola) Miller, Mrs. Rose Gray,\nMrs, Jesse (Cora) Stone, and’ Mrs, Rus«\nsell,” (Pearl) Miller, “all of RD. 1,\nSmithfield. Friends witl be received\nin tha Wagner-Guoley Puneral Home,\nFairchance, after Tuesday noon, where\nservices will be conducted Thursday\nnfternoon at 2:3 with Rev, Forrest\nB, Ray offleinting. Interment will fol-\nlow in Maple Gravt cemetery.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "74": null, "75": { "bbox": [ 447.2622722167969, 2792.787205078125, 638.1858173828125, 2891.5426289062502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 75, "ocr_text": "PRE foraiery cpr ides tesco nae\nsuffering functional\npains,monthly tramps\nand distress of men-\natruation—find Pink-\nham's wonderful, toa!\n" }, "76": { "bbox": [ 1879.2446025390625, 2863.121677734375, 2187.266994140625, 3547.6390644531252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 76, "ocr_text": "oc yb agi acevo, alates, ie meme ch os lta\nFriends will be feceived after\no'clock this evening Inthe Haky Fue\nneral Home, 139 W. Fayette St., where\nprayer service will be held Wednesday\nTorning at $ o'clock, followed by Re-\nquiem High Masa in'st. Helen's R. C.\nQnurch, Shoat, with Rev. Fr. Ray\nmond J. Lukac ea celebrant, Inter-\nment will be in St, Joseph's Cemetery,\nFalrehance.-The Catholle War Veterans\nPost 1730 of Shoaf and the Indles\nwuxiiary will mest 10 the family home,\nst High House, Tuesday evening at 7\no'clock to Reelt Rosary,\n\nPAVEL, MRS. MARY SKOVRANEK—|\nAged 61, wife of John A. Pavel, 534\nQld Waynesburg Road. Carmiobaels,\ndied Saturday, January 15, 1955\n32:55 pm. in the Uniontown Hosp’\ntal. Born February 10, 1893 in Austri\nHungery, she was the daughter of\ntha Inte Joseph, and Anna Skovranck,\nShe had been a resident of Ronco for\nfourteen. yeara prior to moving to\nCarmichaels four years ago. In addi.\nHom to her husband she ls survived\nby . these children, Mrs. Margaret\nSuss, Whitney; Thomas, Carmichaels;\nRichard, Richmond, Va.j one brother,\nJohn Skovranek, Perth. Amboy, N. J.\nShe was a member of Bt. Hugh's R, OC,\nChurch and Rosary Soclety of the\nchurch and Jednota Lodge, Branch\n199, Hostetter. Friends are being re-\ncelved in the residgiice where prayer\nservice will he held Tuesday morning!\nat 8:90, Requiem High Mass: will be\nsung at @ o'clock In St. Mary's R. O.,\nChurch, Crucible with Rey, Fr.\neo Thoman an. celebrant. Inter\nment will be tn Bt, Vincent's Cema-\n\ntery, Latrobe, aunder the dlrection of\ntine * heft! ‘y Bar ‘Wame.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "77": { "bbox": [ 1155.2578125, 2767.33447265625, 1388.3697509765625, 2785.990234375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 77, "ocr_text": "(Continued fram Pare One\n" }, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 17, 31 ], [ 17, 32 ], [ 31, 32 ] ]
[ 2544.7859394531247, 3208.413330078125 ]
[ [ 17, 32 ], [ 31, 17 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 690.1572368164062, 244.34481311035157, 993.3566181640624, 637.7422993164063 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Eugene Collins and Charles\nScherer became Fourth Degree\nKnights of Columbus when exem-\nplification for the northwest Ohio\ndistrict was held at Lima last\nweek-end.\n\nAlso attending from here were\nFaithful Navigator and Mrs. Geo.\nOleksa, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kol-\nhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Fritz,\nMr. and Mrs. Norbert Brengartner,\nMr, and Mrs. Ed Starkloff. A tea\nand pottery demonstration for the\nladies, a formal dance and banquet\nwere among the activities. DeSoto\nAssembly members will provide an\nhonor guard to Most Rev. George\nJ. Rehring, bishop of Toledo, when\nhe comes here Sunday for the\nschool dedication.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1925.574412109375, 202.54073596191407, 2229.07915234375, 361.364796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "EOD received a commendatior\nfrom Assistant Secretary of the\nArmy for the excellent work per\nformed in placing National Matches\nequipment in proper condition for\nissue. The commendation was sign:\ned by Hugh M. Milton, II, Assistant\n\n| Seeretary of the Army.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 74.05335235595703, 1734.291015625, 664.52587890625, 2312.94775390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "ee ee ee\n\nPOWER vs Drudgery\n\nPOWERFUL 5 HP. GRAVELY\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nNOW OFFERS 24 TOOLS\nTO SAVE YOU WORK!\nNow with Electric Starter\nPlow, Cultivate, Saw, Haul,\nBulldoze, Mow\nUse 12 mo. of year\nFREE DEMONSTRATION\n\nAlso\nHOWARD - TILLERS\n* CHOREMASTER\n\n5 HP, . f TRACTORS\nLAWN BOY MOWERS\n\n- GRAVELY 1 TRACTOR SALES\n\n2106 CLEVELAND RD. PHONE 1789\nSANDUSKY, OHIO\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1328.8138427734375, 819.3309936523438, 1906.376220703125, 1384.658935546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "PHIL’S INN\n\nRoute 2 East Phone 2-9540\nSERVING\n\nCHICKEN, FISH, SHRIMP, CHOP &\nSTEAK DINNERS\n\nNoonday Plate Lunches\nDaly Mendy ES\n\nMENU CHANGES DAILY\nPizza & -& Spaghetti\nOUR SPECIALTY\nPIZZA & SPAGHETTI To Take Out\n\nHOME MADE SAUCE — Recipe 40 Years Old\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1307.8670146484376, 194.29281115722657, 1611.6693623046876, 501.6364643554688 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Cook (Lydia\nGilbert) Gypsum, are parents of a\ndaughter, seven Ibs., 11 ozs., born\nat Magruder hospital Wednesday,\nApril 27.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Herbert Kreutzfeld\n(Adele Fedor) 218 Fulton-st, are\nparents of a daughter, six lbs.,\neight and a half ozs., born at Ma-\n‘gruder hospital Thursday, April 28.\n__New hospital patients Thursday:\n‘Mrs. Rosendo Martinez, Gypsum,\n‘Mrs. Lester Luebeke of 415 E. 7t3-\nst, and Russell Zeigler of Route 1,\nall surgical.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 94.15826416015625, 2348.168212890625, 669.4258422851562, 3197.96533203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "“TRADE WINDS”\nRoute 2 East of City Limits\nOPEN 7 A.M. TO 12 P.M. DAILY\n\n \n\n \n\nFriday and Saturday Specials\n\nCOUNTY LINE\n\nVLASIC\nIMPORTED - SPANISH\n3% ox\n\nOLIVES\n2 * 25°\n\nwoes’ || BOND BREAD\n\nSKINLESS - ALL MEAT\nf\\ Thin Sliced Sandwich\n\nSs All Butter County Style\nWEINERS |“ Stesrce\nEnriched White\n\nWheat Bread\n\nAX Ib. loaf por\nSTAN WENTZ\n\nOWNER.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nGROCERIES - MEAT - DAIRY PRODUCTS - SOFT DRINKS\nLIVE BAIT - FISHING TACKLE - MAGAZINES - SUNDRIES\n\n1724 KE. Perry St. Phone 2.4285\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1946.2662353515625, 392.262939453125, 2520.8525390625, 1388.0220947265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "CLINTON THEATRE\n\nNOW! LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED\nTRADE IN OTTAWA COUNTY\n\n \n\nTHUR. - FRI. - SAT. APRIL 28-29-30\nNACK | 2:00 SAT.\n\n \n\n \n\n|\nESP TW LARSEN st se RAY DANTON\nWED. ONL v4 MATINTEE 2:00 P.M. MAY 4\n HALF-MAN! HALF-MONSTER! = |\n\n/) ices Oe ou yorRor ir\nTRACY ° BERGMAN * TURNER\n\n \n\n. JEKYLL ano MR. HYDE\n\n~~ Continuous Performance Wed. - Sat. - Sun.\n\nStarting at 2:00 P. M.\nMon, - Tues, - Thur. - . — First Feature\nNever Before 7:00 P.M.\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 682.854197265625, 729.8606669921875, 987.6769306640624, 875.3563740234374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Put-in-Bay, which has the larg-\nest percentage of contributors in\nthe county in the annual Christ-\nmas Seal Sale, will be visited by\nthe portable chest x-ray unit of\nthe Ottawa County TB and Health\nAssociation Monday, May 9.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 693.2914428710938, 169.66233825683594, 926.041015625, 241.08277893066406 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Two Join 4th\nDecree K. of C.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2238.305125, 196.58843493652344, 2544.7859394531247, 355.4821064453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Harold Riedmaier was host-\ness to her bridge club Tuesday.\nMrs. Lot Jenkins was a substitute.\nMrs. Arle Shively had the high\nscore and Mrs, Stephen Trenshaw\nwas second. The club meets in two\nweeks at the home of Mrs. G. E,\nPebrson_\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 93.8040542602539, 1288.054443359375, 663.0091552734375, 1708.191650390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Boat Owners!-See The\n? BBR PAL”\n\nAY, Z\ney, —\nSe STERLING\n‘BOAT TRAILERS\nFEATURING THE “BEE LINE” ANTI-SWAY BAR\n\nChoose from several models, with or without winches. Load\ncapacity is from 800 to 1500 pounds. Stop in now at —\n\nPERSELY AND RIEHL\n\nMANUFACTURING COMPANY *\nPhone 71#0 Rt. 2 East Port Clinton\nLe ieee a eS TT eae ae eee a oe Nat eer Nee ct a\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1000.818603515625, 1274.80615234375, 1297.025146484375, 2141.791259765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\n= Si,\n1 Ml. EAST OF PORT CLINTON\nj STATE ROUTE 163\n\nFRI. - SAT. APRIL 29-30\n\n2 BIG TECHNICOLOR HITS\nGloria DeHaven - Tony Curtis\n\nin ‘\n“SO THIS IS PARIS”\nand\nVan Johnson - Walter Pidgeon\n\nin\n“MEN OF THE\nFIGHTING LADY”\nSUN. - MON. - TUES.\nMAY 1.23\nGuy Madison - Joan Weldon\n\nin\n“THE COMMAND”\nIN TECHNICOLOR\nand\nArlene Dah! - Fernando Lamas\n\nIn\n“THE DIAMOND\nQUEEN”\nIN_TECHNICOLOR\n\n“THUR. MAY .4-5\nJane Powell - Vic Damone\n\nin\n“ATHENA”\nIN TECHNICOLOR\nand\nFred MacMurray - Kim Novak\n\nin\n“PUSHOVER”\nSHOW STARTS AT DUSK\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 686.5285034179688, 653.2809448242188, 956.3075561523438, 729.2110595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Chest X-Rays Set\nFor May 9 and 10\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1929.0533447265625, 168.9748077392578, 2088.41650390625, 198.23736572265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "COMMENDED\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1614.43354296875, 197.44138598632813, 1923.9441425781251, 583.697072265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Junior Civie Club members, ef-\ntertaining their mothers at Mon-\nday night’s meeting, had Judge\nDon Wargowsky as guest speaker\nand 52 guests enjoyed his talk on\n“Doing The Most With What\nYou've Got.” Hostesses were Mrs.\nHarold Suhrbier, Mrs. James Kle’\nhans, Rosalie Hofacker, Bonnie\nBurkins, Mrs. Santo Cipiti, Penny\n\n| Pixley, Mrs. Thomas Tight and Mrs.\n\nJobn Fritz. Yellow carnations, club\nflower, were given mothers. Plans\nfor the installation dinner May 23\nat the Island House were made,\nand eight club members plan to\nattend the spring banquet at Wood-\nville. Rosalie Hofacker will head\nthe club committee in charge of\ncounty home projects in May.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 991.4314677734375, 1076.485544921875, 1300.297169921875, 1253.5348408203126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Hugh Meinke, an employee of\nthe Artillery Repair Branch, Depot\nMaintenance Division, returned to\nErie on April 11 after completing\napproximately sixty days on ~\nporary duty in Madrid, Spain. He\nhas been an EOD employee since\n1941, and served 2% years in the\nArmy. +e\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 997.7020263671875, 1046.271728515625, 1249.8370361328125, 1071.1044921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "HUGH MEINKE RETURN:\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 379.4143779296875, 488.1817119140625, 683.2481586914062, 971.9305317382812 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "and Club committees last Tuesday\non the Yacht Club matter.\n\nWord is being awaited from the\ndistrict engineer’s office in con-\nnection with the affair and Mr.\nMeyer suggested that if engineers\ndo not arrive here in time for a\n‘full report by next Council meet-\ning, thathe and Mr. Wilber visie\nthem in Detroit.\n; Special Sessions\n\nCouncil will go into a series of\nconsecutive special meetings from\n7:30 to 10:30 p.m., starting next\nTuesday, to go over the ertensive\ncodification by which all Port Clin-\nton city ordinances are being\nbound together in one covering.\nSolicitor Adair Wilber expected to\nhave his final conference Friday\nwith the Cleveland firm which has\nbeen handling the work.\n\nAppropriation Made\nAn appropriation of $25 to aid\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1622.75390625, 167.59500122070312, 1789.0069580078125, 189.0806121826172 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "MOTHERS NIGHT\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1311.4916484375, 563.5775249023437, 1610.8446552734376, 782.4090473632812 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "I wish to take this means of\nexpressing my sincere thanks to\nall my neighbors, friends and rela-\ntives for the beautiful cards, flow-\ners and gifts I received while a\npatient at Cleveland Clinic Hos-\npital and also Pastor Braun for his\nprayers and my neighbors who\nmowed my lawn and planted my\ngarden for me a most hearty thank\n\nyou.\n12-1tp Herman C. Pussehl\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1337.33837890625, 1434.10009765625, 2514.99462890625, 2151.8046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "VOTE FOR\n\nCARL BECKER\n\nFOR\n\nMAYOR\n\nTUNE IN WLEC, SANDUSKY, 10:45 A.M.\n\n \n\nCARL BECKER\n\nMAY 3rd - FOR SPECIAL BROADCAST\n\n \n\n—Pol. Adv.\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 703.610107421875, 2331.148193359375, 977.1793212890625, 3208.413330078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\n \n\nSam\nSeq:\n\nIF YOU BUY A HAT AT\n“SAMS”, YOU'RE NOT IN\nDEBT OVER YOUR EARS. .\nWE SPENT AN HOUR IN\nOUR DENTISTS CHAIR\nWITHOUT WHIMPERING —\nJUST YELLING AND CUSS-\nING.., .MANY MEN. LOSE.\nCONTROL. OF THEIR CAR\nBY TEACHING THEIR KIDS\nTO DRIVE.\n\nFORTUNE is smiling at you,\nbut laughing out loud at us.\nOur stock af sport shirts is\ntoo large, and are making\ndrastic redudtions to reduce\nthem. . Say, take a gander\nat the pink, blue and yellow\nknit briefs at “Sams”. (sure,\nmens).\neee\n\nARE YOU IN FAVOR OF A\n“COMBINED CHARITY”,\nRATHER THAN ALL THE\nDRIVES: WE HELP ON?. ....\ni inant 12 NATIONAL.\n\nIN MANUFACTUR-\neke* 2\" \"10 BE GIVEN A\n\nae iE GIVEN\n\nWat AT SAMS ON A\n\nMAY Say PROMOTION,\n(OVER $100 IN VALUES). |\nMR. POTTS SAYS A GOOD\nPREACHER IS ONE WHO\nPREACHES TO BEAT'HELL.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 996.6717631835937, 311.1655375976562, 1303.5653583984374, 1029.4380390625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "April 21: Richard Whiting, 214\nE. Third-st, medical; Mrs. Ralph\nDumbroff, Route 3, surgical.\n\nApril 22; Samuel Guajardo, Gyp-\nsum, medical;; Minnie Bennett,\n316 W. Main-st, Oak Harbor, medi-\ncal.\n\nApril 23: Mike Pepon, Erie\nBeach Road, surgical; Dan Baker,\n732 W. Second-st, medical; Ralph\nFinch and James Corder, Toledo,\naccident victims,\n\nApril 24: Mrs. Perry Boysen, Rt.\n3, surgical; Mrs. Dorothy Quintell,\n512 Fremont Road, surgical; Mrs.\nJohn Karshuk, Route 3, surgical.\n\nApril 25: Louis Hetrick, Wilson-\nave. medical; Gail Boss, 328 E.\nSixth-st, minor surgery.\n\nApril 26: Mrs. Henry Buhrow,\nRoute 1, Oak Harbor, medical; Mrs.\nLeo Gonzales, 723 E-st, surgical.\n\nDISCHARGED\n\nAlbert Raymond, Cleveland\nWelch, Mrs. Adolph Selz, Mrs. Jo-\nseph Juby and baby, Mrs. Mollie\nMeyer, Mrs. T. D. Green, Brando\nReyna, Mrs. Samuel Rosiar and\nbaby, Mrs. Lydia Perry, Mrs. Glenn |\nWilkins and baby, Mrs. Franklin\nRose, John Feyedelem, Mrs. Paul\nWiley and baby, George Beutler,\nMrs. Jesus Ortega and baby, Joseph\nGresh, Mrs. Alvina Fehr, Mrs.\nCharles Pressler and baby, Mrs.\nRalph Dumbroff, John Newman,\nDee ie Mee ee ok\n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 88.04492950439453, 986.8199462890625, 664.6061401367188, 1256.2122802734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nWATCH dueunene, OF\nSANDUSKY BRANCH OF\nFREMONT RENTAL & SALES\n\nSANDUSKY RENTAL & SALES\n\n616 PERKINS AY SANDUSKY, OHIO\nNAME VE. jos — WE pace THE TOOL”\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 1613.176462890625, 611.0320537109375, 1923.6736347656251, 793.3326313476562 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\nTom Everts, 75, rural Oak Har-\n\nbor, was struck Saturday at 8:30\np.m. by a car driven by Melvin\nTabbert, rural Graytown, as he\nwalked along the highway south of\nRocky Rige, the sheriff's depart-\nment reported. Mr. Everts was\ntreated at the office of an Oak\nHarbor physician.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1308.4423828125, 165.7718048095703, 1539.57373046875, 189.67144775390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "LATE HOSPITAL NEWS\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1005.6548461914062, 2240.5810546875, 2540.2294921875, 3203.1962890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "ee SE See ee A ye =\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nCHRYSLER WINDSOR DELUXE V-8 4-DOOR SEDAN\n\nMany motorists overestimate the price- distinguished Chrysler name, you get Stop in soon and get acquainted with the\n\nof a big, roomy, high-powered per- Chrysler size, quality, and performance. car that’s created a new automotive ex-\nformer like the stunning 1955 Chrysler Its brilliant-high-compression Spitfire V-8 pression . . . tailored steel. Come drive\nWindsor Deluxe V-8. But once they is a wholly néw engine. You can enjoy the America’s most smartly different car!\nlearn the facts, they find this caris within _ benefits of PowerFlite Automatic Drive\n\neasier reach than they imagined! . «+ Full-time Power Steering . . . and 5 WINDSOR\nWe warmly invite you to come in and dis- _extra-safe Chrysler Power-Brakes! DELUXE\ncover all the wonderful things the Windsor We pride ourselves on the way our terms v-8\n\nDeluxe has to offer you! aré tailored to your budget, another reason\nHere, in the lowest-priced V-8 to bear the you should check into Chrysler this year. WITH THE “100-MILLION-DOLLAR LOOK!”\n\n \n\nDRIVERS DRIVE SAFELY!\n\nPORT CLINTON SALES & SERVICE\n\n108-110 HARRISON ST. PHONE 8201 PORT CLINTON, O\n\n——__=- FOR THE BEST IN TV, SEE “IT’S A GREAT LIFE,” “CLIMAX!” AND “SHOWER OF STARS.” SEE TV PAGE FOR TIMES AND STATIONS ————=..\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1357.947509765625, 532.2615966796875, 1555.157958984375, 555.9365844726562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "CARD OF THANKS\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1013.1577758789062, 195.56210327148438, 1274.64306640625, 264.2935791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "HOSPITAL\ni NEWS\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 684.3498637695312, 917.7533671875, 986.4742939453124, 1076.9647724609374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Stanley J, Jadwisiak Post No.\n7572, Veterans of Foreign Wars,\nSunday elected Leon Lucas Post\nCommander; Edward Sokolowski,\n1st vice commander; Steve Mille.\n2nd vice commander; Lawrence J.\n‘Lucas, chaplain; Stephen J. Robel,\nquartermaster.\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 69.97916674804688, 566.4204814453125, 373.7464497070313, 959.0878803710937 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "(Continued irom age 4)\n\nMr. Jeremy also asked for an\nordinance setting a speed limit for\nboats in the Harbor, and Mr. Wil-\nber was instructed to prepare one.\nIt will be sent to the district en-\ngineer’s office for approval. A 5-\nmile limit. was suggested. ‘\n\nA check of records to establisa\nannual pay of the Harbormaster,\nbelieved to have been set at one\ntime at $50 a year, also was re-\nquested.\n\nYacht Club\n\nAtt'y Leslie Meyer, representing\nPort Clinton Yacht Club, made a\nbrief appearance at Council as a\nreport was given by Council's com-\nmittee chairman Wilbur Petersen\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 682.820994140625, 1118.502390625, 991.2575581054687, 1868.6912128906251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "buigticlatetuticetrestipee sie NI die, vie yr Mila nal asnnoinal salt\ning graves was voted.\nVisits Council\n\nDarrell Druyor, blinded World\nWar II hero, was promised all pos-\nsible cooperation by city council\nTuesday night when he visited the\nbody to report that the Hayes-and-\nState-st intersection near his home\nis constantly flooded in rains and\nthat as a result his basement pump\nworks constantly.\n\nHe said he feared damage to a\ngas furnace and freezer should his\npump fail to function. Street de-\npartment head Carl Ruddock and\nsafety service director Walter Wag-\nener will visit his home to check\nand examine the corner.\n\nBuilding Troubles\n\nThe city of Port Clinton is faced\nwith the unusual situation of pay-\ning out rent on its own city hall\noffice space, Council learned Tues-\nday night.\n\nThrough existing agreement,\nPortage-twp trustees are to pay one\nthird of all city hall bills and to\nreceive one third of all receipts\nfrom office rental space. But the\ncity is obligated to furnish space\nfor municipat court. Its new head-\nquarters in City Hall are listed at\n$50 monthly, and trustees ask one\nthird of this amount, deputy audi-\ntor Elizabeth Carter reported. She\nasked Council’s advice on what to\ndo about trustees unpaid share of\nbills.\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2238.135986328125, 169.53500366210938, 2346.328125, 195.798095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "HAS CLUB\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 687.7503051757812, 888.4985961914062, 846.0584716796875, 916.8218383789062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "VFW ELECTS\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 698.1419677734375, 1903.6234130859375, 980.4656982421875, 2318.0322265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "ALWAYS OFEIN\n\nIf you can’t sleep, drive over\nand look around, any hour.\nAuto supplies, bicycles, toys,\nnovelties, gifts, pottery, Health-\nAides, Sundries, books, men’s\nwork clothing, driving and work\ngloves, tires, batteries, oil filt-\ners, ignition parts, fuel pumps,\nmechanics tools and tool boxes,\nbrass fittings, keys made, belts.\nMen's and Children’s Footwear\nA FIFTY DOLLAR BICYCLE\nGIVEN AWAY ON THE Ist\nAND 15th OF EACH MONTH\nTHRU 1955,\nStop in and put your name\nin the pot.\n\nGREEN FEATHER SALES\nWoodville Road Genoa, Ohio\n\nPhone 9211\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1100.6431884765625, 289.8608093261719, 1207.822509765625, 308.4083251953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "ADMITTED\n" }, "37": null, "38": { "bbox": [ 1106.384033203125, 2174.43017578125, 2440.24609375, 2255.57666015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe style’s right and so's the price!\n" }, "39": null, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 1615.947021484375, 590.6805419921875, 1730.6258544921875, 611.986328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "MAN HIT\n" }, "42": null, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 700.3345947265625, 1888.48876953125, 972.8959350585938, 1924.900390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "ALWAYS OPEN\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 114.76560974121094, 559.2658081054688, 330.8827819824219, 577.825927734375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "(Continued from Page 1\n" }, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4843.49799609375, 6653.79291796875, 5754.74175, 9403.4712421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "| I have undertaken to reveal\nactivities of the Union Casualty\n‘and Life Insurance Company of\nMount Vernon, N. Y., whose\npresident has been writting let-\nters to newspaper editors all\n\nover the country for years and\ngetting them printed. This\npresident is Alfred Baker Lewis,\nan inveterate Socialist party\nfunctionary, who sets forth in\nWho's Who his connection with\nthe insurance company but says\n| no more about that:\n\n' Dr. Leo Perlman, who derived\n‘his title from an “equivalent”\n‘degree from “The Charles Uni-\nversity in. Prague,” was ex-\n‘amined in Detroit in November,\n1953. He referred to himself as\n“doctor.” William McKenna,\ncounsel for a special committee\nof the House Committee om Edu-\n‘eation and Labor which in 1953\ninvestigated “union welfare\nfunds and labor racketeering,”\nand several congressmen of that\ncommittee examined him. The\nmost diligent of these congress-\nmen was Clare Hoffman, of\nMichigan. His purpose of smash-\ning the rackets and sending\ngrafting dignitaries of the Team-\nsters’ Union to prison was frus-\ntrated by Republican politicians\nof the Eisenhower machine who\nwere courting the crooked politi-\ncal agents of the rackets as ar-\ndently as the Roosevelt corrup-\ntion courted them in years past.\nMcKenna got disgusted and\nquit.\n\nPerlman as a Witness was con-\nstantly stalling and trying to\nturn the questions. McKenna and\nHoffman let him get away with\na good deal of this when it must\nhave been plain that he knew\nquite well what the questions\nmeant. ,\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1599.8992412109376, 6225.29780078125, 2990.768849609375, 9874.212453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Yesterday we were on the subject of the vita-\nmins—which foods are rich in the various ones,\nand how to make sure our all round daily diet\ncontained sufficient amounts of them for our best\n\npossible health. Today let us consider the question\nof minerals, no less than 12 of which are re-\nquired for an adequate diet. This seems a large\n‘number but, from the practical point of view, we\nneed be concerned only with the supply of three\nof them because, if our diet is at all a reasonable\none, it will contain sufficient amounts of the\nother nine.\n\n| What is the job of the minerals in our body?\nThey are chiefly building materials for bones and\nteeth; hair, nails and skin; soft tissues—particu-\nlarly muscles; nervous tissue; blood, and secre-\n/tions for the glands. They also act as body regu-\nlators in the clotting of the blood, contracting of\nthe muscles, etc.\n\nThe three minerals most likely to. be lacking\nin the average diet are calcium, iron, and iodine,\nand of these three calcium, the lack of which\ncauses defective bones and teeth, more than the\nothers. Calcium is quite unevenly distributed in\nthe various foods and a number of the most popu-\nlar foods are almost entirely devoid of it, for ex-\nample, meat, white bread, sugars and fats, while\n_ others contain it in only small amounts.\n\nThere is constant use of calcium in the bones\n/and a person may appear in the best of health\n| yet his bones may not contain as much calcium\n| as they should. In time, this deficiency will in-\nterfere with health. For example, a pregnant\n_woman is likely to suffer from tooth decay be-\n| cause there is a tremendous strain on her calcium\n} resources. If she does not have an adequate\n‘amount in her diet, Nature takes it out of her\nbones and teeth.\n/ Qur greatest sources of calcium are milk and\n_milk products such as cheese, and it is very diffi-.\ncult to plan a diet which contains enough of this\n/Tineral when a person wilf not take milk. Next\nin line as suppliers of calcium, but a long way\nbehind milk, are leafy vegetables and eggs. )\n\n \n\nLack of iron, the mineral which builds blood,\nmay be seen very quickly in the form of anemia—\n-paleness, weakness, shortness of breath, lack of\n| appetite and a slowing up of all the vital func-\ntions of the body. Iron is obtained chiefly from egg\nyolk, leafy vegetables. meat (especially liver) and\nwhole grains.\n\nIodine, the lack of which causes goiter, is\nobtained largely in sea foods, fruits and vege-\n‘tables from non-goiterous regions. People who\nlive remote from the sea have to depend largely\nupon iodized salt as their source of this mineral\n: food as the fruits and vegetables in inland regions\nare short in iodine.\n\nEating Your Way to Health\n\nSend for Dr. Barton's guide entitled “Eating\nYour Way to Health,” enclosing 25 cents to cover\ncost of handling and mailing, to The Bell Syndi-\ncate, Inc., in car of The Kingston Daily Freeman, |\n'P. O. Box 99, Station G, New York 19, N. Y.\n\n: (Released by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ‘\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2991.4916484375, 4087.404978515625, 3913.0317890625, 7052.356984374999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "| Washington (NEA)—It was\n\na dramatic session of the House\n‘of Representatives when Presi-\ndent Eisenhower sent up his\nspecial “Dear.Joe” letter to Re-\npublican leader Martin of Mass-\nachusetts, appealing for passage\nof the administration’s foreign\n\ntrade program. Representative\n_Mariin spoke on it, and Speaker\nSam Rayburn of Texas whipped\nhis Democrats into line to ob-\ntain passage.\n\n| But just after the President’s\njletter had been read, Rep.\nCleveland M. Bailey (D., -W.\nVa.) obtained the floor.\n\n“It was nice to listen to the\nvery excellent reading by the\nminority leader of the letter\n‘from our President,” comment-\ned Bailey. “But he cannot be\n‘too much concerned about this\nmatter because the news ticker\njust now carried the informa-\ntion that he had gone out to the\nBurning Tree Club to play golf.\nWhile my Democratic friends\nare pleading and bleeding for\nhim, he is playing golf.”\n\n| AT THE START of this year’s\nseries of atomic-weapon tests in\nNevada, there were several long\ndelays Decause of bad weather.\nThis meant that some of the\ngreatest mathematicians in the\ncountry were forced to sit\naround with not much to do.\n\n_ To kill time, one of them sug-\ngested that they try to figure\n‘out the mathematical odds\nagainst the players of black\njack, one of the popular indoor\nsports at nearby Las Vegas —\n‘the country’s biggest legalized\ngambling center.\n\nAfter several days of working\non this fascinating problem, they\ncame up with a system which\nthey figured would let the play-\ners break even—perhaps even\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4865.96772265625, 4105.45112109375, 5769.2339375, 6297.623585937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "instead, indirect metnoads ol\nfinancing will be used, such as\nare now planned for the high-\nway program, public school and\nhospital construction.\n\nThis will involve private bond\nissues, U. S. government insur-\nance or mortgage guarantees on\nprojects of local governments, or\nthe lease-purchase plan which\nthe Eisenhower administration is\nusing to have private capital\nerect buildings which the VU, S.\ngovernment will rent.\n\nSECRETARY OF Agriculture\nEzra Taft Benson, when first\ntapped by President Eisenhower\nfor the cabinet job, accepted it\nfor two years. True to his word,\nSecretary Benson recently went\nto the White House to remind\nthe President of this promise.\n\nIke told him, in effect, “If you\nquit, I quit.”\n\nSecretary Benson decided to\nstay. Stories that he tried to\nresign because Wolf Ladepinsky\nwas retained as a Foreign Opera-\ntions Administration farm ex-\npert, after Benson tried to fire\nhim as a security risk, are now\ndenied.\n\nIncidentally, if Secretary Ben-\nson had the Ladejinsky case to\nhandle again, he would handle it\njust as he did. He believes that\nevery risk case has to be re-\nsolved in favor of the United\nStates government, and against\nthe individual concerned.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5765.1596171875, 6647.928171875, 6692.63286328125, 10633.1743671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Hoffman and Congressmen\nWint Smith and Phil Landrum,\njin their report to Congress,\nwrote that Lewis Union Casualty\n| Co, was at the center of ‘the in-\nquiry into union “welfare”\nfunds. Perlman was “executive\nvice-president” of the company\nand he revealed a curious thing.\nHe said Union Casualty grew out\nof another company which he\ncontrolled called United Public\nService Corp., which was “the\nmanager of Union Casualty and\nLife.’ The insurance company\n'was formed in the early 1940's.\nLewis became vice-president in.\n1943 and president in 1944, It\nhad only 18 or 20 employes.\n\nUnited Public Service was cre-\nated on an investment of $60 by\nPerlman “to become the manag- |\ning arm of the Union Casualty |\nand Life.”” He had a 50 per cent\ninterest. Perlman had great $uc- |\ncess in obtaining union welfare\nfund business despite the insur- |\n‘ance company’s abnormally high\nretention rate and rate credit re-\nfunds paid directly to the unions,\nalthough the premiums were\npaid by employees.\n\nThrough one Joseph Jacobs, a}\nChicago lawyer _ acquainted,\namong union operators, Perlman |\nmet Paul Dorfman, proprietor of |\na local union of the AF of L/|\ncomposed of garbage and trash |\ncollectors, mostly colored men.\nDorfman had a son, Allen, at the |\nUniversity of Illinois, earning\n$50 a week teaching gymnastic |\nwork and “economics.” After a\ncourse of training in Perlman’s |\nNew York office, this young man)\nformed an insurance agency for\nmass “welfare” policies, first call-\ned “‘ The Circle Agency or some-\nthing, later changed to Union In-\nsurance Company of Illinois.”\nYoung Dorfman, in Perlman’s\nwords, “didn’t have the slightest\nnotion—I want to make that\nclear—about the business,” but\nin a period pf four years he re-\nceived “in the neighborhood of\n$250,000 in commissions on one\npolicy” covering local 1031 of the\n“United Electrical Workers of |\nthe AF of L.” This must be an\nincorrect identification, for the\nAF of L Electricians are called\n“The International Brotherhood\nof Electrical Workers.” The\nUEW is a CIO.union.\n\n_ This policy covered: 5,800 sub-\njects when Dorfman wrote the\n“business” in 1949, but there\nwere 20,000 in November, 1953.\nAt the start, Union Casualty\n\nd Dorfman 10 per cent and\n\nerlman’s United Public Serv-\n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3916.1068828125, 7201.10639453125, 4827.7388203125, 8202.19878125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "‘of fun” program was planned\n‘for the municipal auditorium\nMarch 17 in support of the Red\nCross fund drive.\n\nThe RCA plant at Saugerties\nplanned to start a four-hour\nnight shift.\n\nMsgr. Martin J. Drury, pastor\nof St. Mary’s Church, announced\nthe appointment of the Rev.\nFrancis C. Campbell as an as-\nsistant in the local church.\n| Corp. Guy Milton Moore, of\nPort Jervis, who had served at\nthe Highland state police sta-\ntion, planned to retire April 1\nafter 25 years of service.\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 195.8582255859375, 2797.0600078125, 1599.9467060546876, 5083.924367187499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "One of the many bills of unusual interest\nand concern to the retail trade which has\nbeen introduced in both the Senate and\nAssembly is the one that would require that\nany payment accepted by a retailer on a\nlay-away would have to be deposited in a\nbank or trust company and the merchant\ncould not use it until the merchandise was\ndelivered and the transaction completed.\n\nMerchants who are opposed to this meas-\nure declare its provisions would require\nthat if you sell even a small item on lay-\naway accepting fifty cents or one dollar\ndown you will be required to open a bank\naccount for that customer and to deposit\nsubsequent payments in that special ac-\ncount. You could not use the money in any\nway. Your banks would be swamped by\nthe number of special accounts and if your |\nfinances are limited, you could not buy\nmerchandise to replace the articles se\noff sale.\n\nThe work involved throughout the state\nin the millions of transactions that would |\nbe created because of this law would aaan |\nanother burden upon the retailer, who is\ngetting fed up with regulations, reports\nand taxes. :\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3925.82514453125, 4076.883494140625, 4850.52348828125, 7028.413624999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "win. As the rains continued, a\nresearch task force rushed over\nto a gambling lab, to conduct\ntheir experiment—purely in the\ninterest of science, of course.\n\nSomehow, the basic data\nseemed to be in error. The sys-\ntem just didn’t work. The scien-\ntists lost their shirts.\n\nAIR FORCE SECRETARY\nHarold E. Talbot and Secretary\nof the Navy Charles S. Thomas\nwere themselves largely respon-\n: sible for the House Armed Serv-\n‘ices investigation subcommittee\ndecision to abolish closed hear-\n‘ings, unless national defense\nsecrets were actually involved.\n\n| When the investigation of the\nSpanish Air Bases came before\nthe committee, the two secre-\ntaries demanded closed hearings.\nRep. F. Edward Hebert (D., La.)\nchairman of the investigating\nsubcommittee wanted to know\nwhy. They said their statements\ncontained classified material.\nRepresentative Hebert asked\n'them to show him what in their\nstatements was secret. Secretary\nTalbott’s testimony was found to\ncontain nothing secret. Secre-\ntary Thomas took three sen-\ntences out of a 16-page state-\n‘ment. When the hearing was\noP Sibs up to press and public.\n\n \n\nSubsequently, the Hebert sub-\ncommittee passed a rule that all\nits hearings would be open un-\nless witnesses showed 24 hours\nin advance, that they had na-\ntional defense material to pre-\nsent, or that unwarranted injury\nwould be caused to any indi-\n-yidual.\n\nPRESENT INDICATIONS are\nthat the new Republican public\nworks program which President\nEisenhower talked about in his.\neconomic report as a cushion\nagainst unemployment, will not\nbe financed by direct U. S. gov-\nernment appropriations.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3000.767283203125, 7210.33002734375, 3907.378224609375, 8205.997609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "March 10, 1935—Bishop Jo-\nseph Rummel of Omaha, a for-\nmer pastor at St. Peter’s Church,\nthis city, was named Archbishop\nof New Orleans.\n\nThe Rev. George E. Wright,\npastor of the Methodist Churches\nat Malden and Quarryville, was\ninjured in an automobile acci-\ndent.\n\nMrs. Kathryn Long died at the\nhome of her daughter, Mrs.\nArchibald McCaw in Wood-\nstock.\n\nLewis T. Ackert, of New\nPaltz, died in Poughkeepsie.\n\nbe * *\n\nMarch 10, 1945—A “carnival\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1601.8496806640626, 851.086619140625, 2997.341359375, 5905.18364453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "RY SS Eee\n\noee” ee ee be sailliiaaaatll\n\nGeneral Douglas MacArthur, in his brilliant\naddress at LoS Angeles recently, quoted a lovely\node to youth attributed to a poet, apparently un-\nknown. I was interested in the poet's anonymity.\nSo, I found this gem in “The Silver Treasury,” a.\nbook of prose and verse for every mood, compiled\nby Jane Manner and published by Samuel French\n\nin 1934. The author was Samuel Ullman. :\n\nNever having heard of Samuel Ullman and in-\ntrigued by his lovely English, I traced him down:\nand found that he had been born in Alsace in\n1840—came to this country as a boy, arriving in\nNew Orleans, fought in the Civil War in the 16th\nInfantry Regiment of Mississippi, was wovnded\ntwice, settled in Natchez, married Emma Mayer,\nmoved to the new city of Birmingham, Alabama,\nin the 1880’s where he lived until his death in\n1924. ;\n\nSamuel Ullman was a merchant with a pen-\nchant for public service. He became a member\nof the Board of Education in 1884 and for many\nyears served as its President and served as an_\nalderman in Birmingham from 1895 to 1897. He.\nhelped to organize Temple Emanuel in Birming-\nham and for three years served as its lay-rabbi.\nOne of his daughters married Rabbi Morris New-\nfield who was his successor at the Birmingham\ntemple. A high school is named after Samuel Ull-\n/man in Birmingham. |\n\nIn his seventies, Ullman retired from business,\ntravelled considerably and wrote poetry. On the\noccasion of his 80th birthday, in 1920, his family\nand relatives, perhaps a hundred of them, gath-\nered at his home in Birmingham to do him honor.\nHis poems had been collected and privately print-\ned in a volume entitled, “From a Summit of years\n—Four Score.” The essay on youth, which Gen-\neral MacArthur quoted in his speech, is the open-\ning contribution to this volume. Some years ago,\nit was reprinted in “This Week” anonymously\nand in the “Reader's Digest’ which gave him\n| credit. I am here giving it as it appears in his\n‘own collection of writings:\n\n“Youth is not a time ef life; it is a state of\n'mind: it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips\nand supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a\nquality of the imagination, a vigor of the emo--\nSg it is the freshness of the deep springs of\n\nife.\n\n“Youth means the temperamental predomi-\nnance of courage Over timidity of the appetite,\nfor adventure over the love of ease. This often’\nexists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. No-.\nbody grows old merely by a number of years. We\ngrow old by deserting our ideals.\n\n“Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up\nenthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-\ndistrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back\n\nto dust. |\n) “Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human |\nbeing’s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing:\nchild-like appetite of what's next, and the joy of\nthe game of living. In the center of your heart\nand my heart there is a wireless station; so long |\nas it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, |\ncourage and power from men and from the In-|\nfinite, so long are you young. :\n\n“When the aerials are down, and your spirit.\nis covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of |\npessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20,\nbut as long as your «erials are up, to catch waves.\nof — there is hope you may die young:\nat 80.”\n\nAmong his poems, I found this one entitled\n“Death”:\n\n“I am the key that parts the gates of Fame,\n\nI am the cloak that covers cowering shame!\n\nI am the goal that limits every race,\n\nI am the storm-tossed spirit’s resting place—\n\nThe messenger of sure and swift relief!\n\nReceived with wailings, tears and speechless\n| griel,\n| The friend of those that have no friend but\nme!\nI break all chains and set all captives free—\n\nI am the cloud that shrouds the course you've\nrun! |\n\nAn instant veil upon the work you've done! )\n\nI am the brooding hush that follows strife, :\nThe walking from a dream that man Calls life.” |\n(Copyright, 1955, King Features Syndicate, Inc.)\nSaas j\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 6702.69135546875, 6351.00580859375, 7637.8364765625, 10200.1938984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "ice Corp, paid him 5 per cent.\n\nPerlman said his lawyer friend,\n\nJacobs, was attorney for the\nelectrical local. Dorfman’s moth-\ner was her son’s partner.\n\nHoffman asked Perlman if. it\nwere not true his Uuited Pub-\nlic Service Corp. got 712 per\ncent commission on all pre-\nmiums, Perlman said “not in all\ninstances,” although that was a\nbasic agreement between his\nservice company and _ Union\n‘Casualty. This agreement was\nmade in the spring of 1942 and\nPerlman agreed that it gave his\nPublic Service Company ‘‘exclu-\nSive rights to manage the affairs\nof Union Casualty.”\n\nPerlman’s tax returns showed\nthat in 1951 he sold his 60 shares\nof Public Service Corp., which\nhad cost him only $1 a share, for\n$200,000. There were only 120\nshares in all. Perlman first tried\nto have it that this stock had\ncost him $2,000. McKenna nailed\nhim fast.\n\nMcKenna: “How much did you\npay for those shares?”\n\nPerlman: “Originally, I would\nhave to look into the record. Not\ntoo much.”\n\nMcKenna: “What is your rec-\nollection?”\n\nPerlman: “I think they were\nof non-par value. We paid about\n\n2,000 and something dollars for\nour interest. I state it with res-\nervation because I am not sure\nand, if permitted, I will give the\nfigures from the books.”\n\nNow McKenna _- confronted\nPerlman with his tax return,\nstating that the stock which\nsold for $200,000 had cost him\nonly $60.\n\n“That may be that,” Perlman\nsaid.\n\n“So it was not $2,000 but $60,”\nsaid McKenna.\n\nPerlman stalled again. He\nwould like to consult the rec-\nords.\n\n“What is your best recollec-\ntion?’”” McKenna demanded. —\n\n“If it states $60 it was $60,”\n—— said, “I don’t remem-\n\nr.”’ ~\n\nThe committee reported that\nPerlman’s Service Corp. was\npaid $1,300,000 in commissions\nand expenses from 1948 until\nthe middle of 1953 while the\nDorfman agency got “just over\n$1,000,000.” Of course, the Pef\nman-Lewis interests got muéh\nother income from other unions.\n\n(Copyright, 1955,\nKing Features Syndicate, In¢,)\n—_———\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 188.71290087890625, 5279.4018046875, 1586.8010761718751, 10349.888234375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "sNGPGNOCT] LTISULUUION LUT aviait ICI ULVe\nDelinquents in Ulster county is a model\ncorrectional establishment, take it from\none of the nation’s greatest penologists, the\nHon. Sanford Bates, who has spent many\nyears in the field. He and six prison admin-\nistrators from Egypt were guests on Feb-\nruary 28 of Major Thomas J. Hanlon,\nsuperintendent, who conducted them on a\ntour of the New York state institution,\nwhich, judging from their comments, was\na revelation to them.\n\nIn the way of lending emphasis to the\nopinions expressed by the visiting delega-\ntion, lets consider them from the stand-\npoint of positions they hold, or have held,\nin connection with penology.\n\nSanford Bates is former commissioner\nof institutions and agencies of New Jersey;\nformer chairman of the New York State\nParole Board; former head of the Federal\nPrisons, and who had his indoctrination in\nthe prison field as superintendent of the\ncorrectional institutions of Massachusetts.\n\nThe six Egyptian visitors were Brig. Gen.\nShoukri, assistant director general of the\nPrison Department in his country; Lt. Col.\nEl-Refaie, adjutant general of Prison Ad-\nministration; Capt. El-Rafaie, superintend-\nent of Giza Central Prison; Capt. Sayed,\nthird in command of Alexandria Central\nPrison; Abd El-Latif, engineer in Industries\nDepartment and Capt. Salah, military sec-\nretary to the General Director.\n\nCommissioner Bates was kind enough to\ncompliment Major Hanlon and his staff\nwith a remark that “Napanoch was an\neye-opener, not only to our friends from\nEgypt, but to myself. I have seen institu-\ntions in almost every state and in 12 for-\neign countries. If there were more con-\nducted along the lines we have seen here,\nthere would not be so many unfavorable\ncriticisms against our correctional system.”\n\nCol. Yassin El-Refaie, spokesman for the\nEgyptian delegation, had this to say: “The\ninstitution is well organized and has an\nintensive program designed to maintain\nsecurity, control and rehabilitation. We\nwere tremendously pleased with what we\nsaw. The group accompanying me leaves\nNapanoch imbued with the idea that a\ngreat deal can be done for the delinquent\nboy and adult criminal.”\n\nThese complimentary remarks are en-\ncouraging to Major Hanlon and his entire\nstaff, and are genuinely appreciated, the\nsame as similar sentiments expressed, by\nother leading penologists and recognized\nauthors, who make a specialty of writing\nabout the American prison system, and cor-\nrectional institutions.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3031.11376953125, 8322.8310546875, 4757.0517578125, 10598.384765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nBU SAND, tne cathedral of Chichester: England\n\nWAS ORIGINALLY ERECTED AS PART OF\nA CASTLE - BUT KING EDWARD IIE RULED\nSUCH EDIFICES WERE NOT FOR COMMONER:\n/TS OWNER DISMANTLED TE TOWER AND\nTRANSPORTED IT 2 MILESTo ITS PRESEN\nSITE -AS A PERMANENT REMINDER OF\nTHE INJUSTICE OF KINGS\n\n \n\n(ISA\nOf Kajgaon. india\nSAT WITH HiS EYES TIGHTLY\n\nSHUT FOR 12 YEARS MEADOWLARK\n\nTo ATONE FOR TURNING AUIS 1S NOT A LARK\n\nBACK a . /T BELONGS To THE\nA 9-10 BLACKBIRD f\n\nGage 1979, King Pesmre Spode ber. Doris dghm meres\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3202.254150390625, 7066.49267578125, 4642.32861328125, 7190.32568359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Twenty and Ten Years Ago\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3149.323974609375, 3801.812744140625, 5614.25048828125, 3989.844970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Edson’s Washington News Notebook\n" }, "15": null, "16": { "bbox": [ 5774.19819140625, 1122.7888896484376, 6679.110890625, 6350.2368671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Washington, March 10—Moral-\nity is perhaps getting to be an\nobsolete word in public life, as\nselfish politics often reveals, but\nthere can be no crime worse than\na broken word given by the Con-\ngress of the United States to the\n\ntaxpayers of the nation.\n\nYet this very thing—repudi-\nating the words of a law passed\nlast August and making the re-\npeal of certain provisions on tax-\nes applicable to a year already\nended, namely, the calendar year\n1954—is what is being seriously\nproposed in the Congress.\n\nIF A PRIVATE citizen writes\nhis signature on a_ promissory\nnote and then backs out on his\nword, he is subject to the penal-\nties of the law. But evidently\nCongress can welch and get\naway with it even though the\nconstitution says plainly that no\n“bill of attainder’” or “ex post\nfacto law” shall be passed.\n\nThe Democratic nine-member\npolicy committee has just come\nout nevertheless with a _ bill\nwhich, if passed, would repeal\nimmediately the property-depre-\nciation tax formula written into\nlaw last year. This would affect\nall companies which since the\nlaw was passed in August 1954\nhave made extensive plans of a\nfinancial nature to conform to\nthat formula.\n\nSOME OTHER tax-relief pro-\nvisions which were granted last\nyear and which the taxpayer in\ngood faith accepted as applicable\nto the calendar year 1954 are to\nbe repealed if pending bills are\npassed. The taxpayer cannot re-\ncover any sums he now may lose\nbecause he rearranged his busi-\nness affairs during 1954 to fit in\n‘with the new law. For all trans-\nactions of the year 1954 now are\nclosed and the taxpayer is not\npermitted to change those items\nas he pleases after his income:\ntax return is filed, though the\ngovernment reserves the right te\nchange its own rulings at any\ntime.\nMany a business, which start\ned last year on a depreciatior\nplan permitted under the 195\nlaw, made commitments ane\nprobably borrowed money for ex\n|panding plant and _ renovatin;\n| equipment because of a relianc\n‘on the good faith of Congress\n'But evidently the Democrats wh\nare sponsoring the repudiatio\n| program are not concerned wit!\n‘how much they undermine th\n/confidence of the public in th\nfuture of business. They appea\nmore and more irresponsible a\n‘if the sole object might be t\n‘bring on a depression. Thi\n| would, of course, be politicall;\n| advantageous, as the citizen\n| usually vote against an admin\nistration in power when eco\nnomic conditions take a turn fo\nthe worse.\n\nIT COULD BE that the stoc!l\nmarket in the last few days\nwhich has been struck by a sel\nling wave, is sensing this ver,\nirresponsibility in Washingto\nand that business men are bein;\ntold, in effect, that they canno\nbe sure of their plans at an;\ntime if the Democrats come int\npower.\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 6694.11518359375, 1121.8494365234376, 7622.55083203125, 4292.2407734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": ": No business man can go back\n\non a written commitment and be\n| regarded thereafter in his com-\nmunity as either honest or sin-\ncere. But the Congress collec-\ntively is being asked by a num-\nber of Democrats of the radical\nschool of thought to cancel exist-\ning legislation and make _ the\ncancellation retroactive through\nlast year.\n\nIt is the right of Congress to\nrepeal. anything it has ever\npassed, but the date on which\nthe repeal becomes effective\nought, in fairness to the citizens,\nnaturally be a day in the future.\nThe 1954 tax-revision law was\npassed aiter many years of study\nby expert accountants and spe-\nCialists. It now is reported that\nCongress made some mistakes\nand that some taxpayérs will get\nsome temporary tax advantages.\nBut, instead of acknowledging\nits errors in manful fashion and\nmaking any new laws applicable\nonly to the future, Congress is\nconsidering a scheme which will\nimpose upon the citizens a pen-\nalty for the errors made by the\nlegislators themselves.\n\nTHIS ISN’T MORALITY. It\nmay be political expediency, but\nit is not calculated to improve\nthe relations between the tax-\npayer and his government. It is\nfar, better that the Congress\nshould make up any losses from\nits own mistakes by passing new\nlaws with new rates applicable\nto. future earnings than that\nCongress stand convicted of\ncrooked dealing with the citi-\nzen.\n\nHow can any American here-\nafter plan for his children’s edu-\ncation or for the care of his\nwidow if the Congress feels it\ncan at any time pass retroactive\nlaws taxing the savings of years\n| already gone by? It’s a discour-\n| aging picture of the future which\nsome members of Congress are\ntoday giving te the American\npeople.\n| (Reproduction Rights Reserved)\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1761.3822021484375, 491.4123840332031, 2864.48583984375, 774.6557006835938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "‘These Days’\n\nRu GEARBGE CQOKOLSKY\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4839.615671875, 9625.7631328125, 5744.69096875, 10639.001515625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "As tong aS i am In the sen-\nate, I do not intend to remain\nsilent while a single G.I. is in a\nChinese prisoner-of-war camp.\n-~—GOP Leader Wm. Knowland.\n\nWe can take them (Chinese\nCommunists).\n—Adm. Alfred Pride, 7th Fleet\ncommander.\n_ There are hungry people in\nOklahoma today, and_ they\nnumber in the thousands. I call\nit catastrophe. I call it real\ntrouble.\n~—Rep. Ed Edmondson (D.), on\n_ drouth situation in his state.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3040.201416015625, 685.5018310546875, 5750.1533203125, 3674.596923828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 6717.27734375, 4332.4013671875, 7612.64208984375, 4490.15966796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Questions—Answers\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4839.57763671875, 9436.37890625, 5720.61767578125, 9590.052734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "So They Say..\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1629.8426513671875, 5922.857421875, 2932.92529296875, 6081.85791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "That Body of Yours\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 6686.46576953125, 10264.5873515625, 7605.536671875, 10620.628468750001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Records of history show that\nRodrigo de Triana, a sailor, was\nthe first of Columbus’ men to re-\nport the sight of land at two\no'clock in the morning of the\nday of discovery.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5876.05419921875, 816.6388549804688, 7547.66015625, 1074.868408203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Nothing Could Be More Immoral Than\nCongress Breaking Promise to Public\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 6722.62006640625, 4489.89155078125, 7640.352, 6303.30571484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Q—Who founded the first\nstate normal school in the Unit-\ned States?\n\nA—Horace Mann in 1839, at\n‘Lexington, Mass.\n\n| ._ * ®\n\n- Q-Who gave the famous\nmidget, Charles Sherwood\nStratton, the name of Tom\n| sn?\n\nA—P. T. Barnum, although\nthis name was not original with\nhim. It was suggested by the\nname of a legendary pygmy of\nKing Arthur's court.\n\nad s s\n\n-» Q—Are bighorns the largest\nsheep? :\n\nA—No, the largest wild sheep\nis the Argali, found in the Altai\nMountains of Siberia and Mon-\n' golia.\n\n \n\n. ad e\n\nQ—Where did the term Mardi\nGras originate?\n\nA—Mardi Gras means “fat\nTuesday.” It is a French phrase\nwhich .refers to the fat ox\nwhich used to be paraded\nthrough the streets of the fes-\ntival town.\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 423.52667236328125, 2700.9140625, 1374.361328125, 2782.593505859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "OPPOSE LAY-AWAY BILL\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5800.1142578125, 517.1611328125, 7573.44091796875, 761.7293701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Today in Washington\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 418.74005126953125, 5140.42333984375, 1401.2840576171875, 5229.38525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "NAPANOCH INSTITUTION\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 3008.333740234375, 487.5547180175781, 5713.66552734375, 634.0775146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "“Okay. Men, Put Your Guns,. if Any, on the Table!”\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1591.0711162109376, 10336.1518046875, 2984.9204609375, 10599.437062500001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Whenever © a ~ husband and wife have\nwords, it is easy to guess which one gets\nto use them. :\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 191.46438098144532, 10394.096140625, 1584.9562275390626, 10614.493703125001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "The fellow who insists that he finds this\nyear’s income tax forms easy to figure out\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1980.9713134765625, 807.4656372070312, 2626.33251953125, 858.9442749023438 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "AW ODE TO YOUTH\n" }, "35": null, "36": { "bbox": [ 5179.5693359375, 6544.7392578125, 6340.34521484375, 6622.64990234375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Rv WFESTRROOK PEFGLER\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1808.755126953125, 6093.5166015625, 2741.39208984375, 6208.93994140625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By JAMES W. BARTON, M.D.\nMINFRATS IN VOrR HNHNIFT\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1594.916697265625, 10113.4330546875, 2964.28716015625, 10312.777882812501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "There are safer ‘ways to ‘prove that you\nare a fool than by driving recklessly.\n" }, "39": null, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 1576.5004375, 9889.221140625, 2972.449025390625, 10089.952687500001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "——\n\n|would probably say the same thing about\n| relativity.\n" }, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 20 ], [ 1, 46 ], [ 20, 46 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 13, 15 ], [ 37, 54 ], [ 37, 31 ], [ 54, 31 ], [ 40, 34 ], [ 50, 51 ], [ 56, 52 ], [ 56, 53 ], [ 52, 53 ] ]
[ 7023.7917421875, 10220.005609374999 ]
[ [ 4, 6 ], [ 13, 15 ], [ 20, 1 ], [ 34, 40 ], [ 37, 31 ], [ 46, 20 ], [ 50, 51 ], [ 52, 53 ], [ 53, 56 ], [ 54, 37 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2717.813720703125, 1414.5081787109375, 4332.388671875, 3514.730224609375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3527.265142578125, 5456.17163671875, 4398.85766015625, 6763.93676171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "‘bedroom jn which he was stran-\ngled to death.\n\nPolice later confirmed the report\nand said Mrs. Rubinstein had told\nthem about the voices when they\nquestioned her on the day of the\nmurder.\n\nThe ‘girl in brown” was seen\n\nby Mrs. Rubinstein some time\nprior to the noisy quarreling, po-\nlice said.\nMrs. Rubinstein hag gone into\n‘the hallway to check on a noise,\nand had seen the gir! on the stair-\nway. She didn’t look like the kind\nof gir! who belonged there, police\nsaid the mother remarked.\n\nVisitors to the bier of the mil-\nlionaire financier and playboy in-\ncluded Miss Anna Borsuk, 45, who\ndescribeg herself as ‘a very dear\nfriend.’” She said Rubinstein had\ntold her a week ago, ‘I have a pre-\nmonition that I will be killed.”\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4408.07886328125, 6899.27710546875, 5267.46459375, 8850.459710937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON \\®—Secretary of\nthe Army Stevens stressed today\nwhat he termed the need to guard\nagainst ‘‘the problem of small\n‘wars.”’\n\nStevens named no specific\n“small war’’ danger area in testi-\n‘mony prepared for the House\nArmed Services Committee, and he\nsaid the Army is doing the best\njob it can with reduced manpower\nand funds.\n\n“Large scale hot wars may, i!\nproper precautions are taken, be-\ncome suicidal for the aggressor,”’\nhe added in apparent reference to\nthe destructive might of atomic\nweapons.\n\n*‘But the problem of small wars,\nof subversion, and of creeping ex-\npansion must also be guarded\nagainst,” he said. “If not, they\nmay become the latter day alterna.\ntives to stalemates caused by large\n‘Scale .capabilities that have be-\ncome mutually deterring.’’\n\nIn his prepared testimony Stev-\nens did not comment directly on\nreports that the Army is dissatis-\nfied with its proposed further cut-\nbacks and that Gen. Matthew B.\nRidgway, the Army's chief of staff,\ndiffers with the other military\nchiefs over whether American\nground troops would be needed if\nthe United States fights to defend\nthe Formosa area.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 912.3673154296876, 7422.34937109375, 1770.6219423828124, 8664.455804687499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (#—Kenneth Dar-\nre] Carpenter, an Ohio desperado\nwanted for the $9,300 robbery of a\nKansas bank, was put on the FBI's\nlist of “10 most wanted men”’ to-\nday.\n\nThe FBI described Carpenter, 42,\na native of Wyandot County, Ohio,\nas “a hardened, desperate crim-\ninal,”’ habitually carrying arms.\nHe has served time in a number\nof prisons, and was conditionally\nreleased from Leavenworth Feder-\nal Penitentiary just about a month\nbefore the robbery of the bank at\nOswego, Kan., last Nov. 27.\nTwo men looted the Oswego\nbank in five minutes, and one of\nthem, Leroy Adolph, was caught\n‘two weeks later at Webb City, Mo.\nHe confessed, named Carpenter as\nhis companion, and got a 15-year\npoe toe, sentence.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 44.81593145751953, 9113.95728125, 906.7942446289063, 10218.872796874999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "NEW DELHI, India ‘#—India is\ncounting on an army of volunteers\nto help tame the turbulent Kosi,\nthe ‘‘river of sorrow’’ whose an-\nnual floods bring tragedy to 18\nmillion persons.\n\nSome 5,000 volunteers — men\nand women, chanting Hindu hymns\nwhile they work with shovels and\nbaskets — launched this month the\nfirst phase of the 400-million-rupee\n(84 million dollar) flood control\nproject.\n\nTheir goal is to throw up earth-\nworks for two parallel embank-\nments, about seven miles apart\nand each 70 miles long. Their hope\nis that the Kosi will stay within\nthose embankments when monsoon\nrains and melting Himalayan\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 907.7818603515625, 7142.70947265625, 1634.657470703125, 7390.9970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Oh ioan “Most”\n\nWanted By FBI\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 921.1297666015626, 9100.6848203125, 1776.6417177734374, 10211.452874999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "snows send flood waters swirling\ninto the river,\n\nIndian peasants in the Kosi area\nare being exhorted to follow the\nexample of the Chinese. Two In-\ndian engineers recently returned\nfrom Red China to tell how the\nChinese dug an irrigation canal in\n80 days.\n\nHowever, no one expects the In-\ndian volunteers to work as fast as\nthe Chinese peasants. For one\nthing, the Chinese had hundreds\nof thousands of workers. For an.-\nother, the Chinese had to work to\neat while the Indians are volun.\nteers; officials here fear there may\nbe days when only a few hundred\nwill turn up for work on the Kosi\nproject,\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4422.61401953125, 9274.7414609375, 5283.26683984375, 10218.147210937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "ST. LOUIS (®—Racial barriers\ncome down today in the nine gen-\neral high schools in St. Louis.\n\nIntegration of the high school\nenrollment, which in the first term\nwas 14,093, is the second step in\nthe Board of Education's policy to\ngradually end segregation in line\nwith the U. S. Supreme Court rul-\ning. About 30 per cent of the high\nschool enrollment in the first term\nwere Negroes.\n\nTeachers’ colleges and special\nschools were integrated last fall,\nThe integration is scheduled to be\n‘completed next September in the\nole grade schools.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 13.990921974182129, 8703.2119140625, 1758.540283203125, 9082.7294921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "India Using Volunteers\nTo Stem River Of Sorrow\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 33.83837713623047, 7295.328375, 905.6686953125001, 8668.086664062499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "STUTTART, Germany # — Lt.\nGen, Anthony C. McAuliffe, new\ncommander of the U. S. Army in\nEurope, says he has requested\nmore armor to step up the mobility\nof his forces in atomic warfare.\n\n“In the atomic era,”” he said in\nan interview yesterday; ‘‘there is\n@ greater requirement for mobility\nand increased employment of\narmor and of armored carriers for\ninfantry.”’\n\nStaff officers said McAuliffe’s re-\nquest to Washington “would indi-\ncate another complete armored di-\nvision for Germany and assign-\nment of more armored carriers.\"\n\nThey said such an armored unit\nprobably would replace one of four\ninfantry divisions now in Germany.\nThere are also an armored division\nand other armored combat el-\nements equivalent to a division.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 5275.8154296875, 8021.6328125, 6070.95166015625, 8226.2666015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Cincinnation Injured\nIn Leaping From Fire\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1774.2777158203126, 5861.36792578125, 2646.34496484375, 7723.5827578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "| TOKYO #— With Formosa\nholding the world spotlight, Russia\nover the weekend offered to dis-\ncuss resumption of norma! rela-\ntions with Japan, and the Japanese\ngovernment cautiously considered\n‘ae idea.\n| “I want the Soviet Union to de-\nclare first the state of war existing\nwe Japan is ended, after which\nwe can advance talk of norma)l-\n‘izing relations,’ said Prime Min-\nister Ichiro Hatoyama.\n| Hatoyama told reporters that\nRussia only recently has ended the\npeat of war with Germany and\n1 do the same with Japan.\n| “There is no reason for the Unit-\ned States to oppose this,”’ he said,\n‘contending thet a Japan friendly\n\\to both Russia and America can\nhelp relieve tension between the\ntwo great powers.\n\nThe unsigned Russian note was\nmade public in Moscow and Tokyo\nyesterday. It said, ‘The Soviet\nside believes it would be expedient\nto exchange views on the question\nof possible steps aimed at the nor-\nmalization of the Soviet-Japanese\nlreiations.”’ It added that negotia-\ntions could be held in either Mos-\ncow or Tokyo and asked for Japa-\nmese ideas in thia score.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4410.32666015625, 6413.048828125, 5249.197265625, 6884.3388671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Stevens Warns\nOf Needs In\n“Small Wars”\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5296.2121640625, 8997.0559140625, 6150.359125, 10215.405023437499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "COAL CITY, Ill. (#—\"'I kept los-\ning altitude und de-ided I would\nhave to come down at the Joliet\nairport. Then I knew I wouldn't\nbe able to make it. It was dark\nbelow, but I had no choice.”\n\nThus Capt. Edward Kuhn, pilot,\ntold of his decision to crash-land\nan airliner with 41 persons aboard\ninto a farmer’s bean field early\nyesterday. None of the five crew\nmember, or 36 passengers, al! mil-\n“7 personnel, were injured.\n| e Southeast Airlines’ twin-en-\ngine C46 was chartered to fly the\n36 soldiers from Camp Kilmer,\nN.J., to Ft. Ord, Calif., and the\nOakland, Calif., Army base.\nKuhn, 30, of Miami Springs, Fa..\na former Air Force combat jet\npilot, said the plane developed en-\ngine trouble near Bloomington, Iil.,\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 894.3058530273438, 3934.45483984375, 1766.8792666015624, 7128.72240625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP)—Sen.\nJenner (R-Ind) said today\nsome means must be found to\ncurb the activities of some\nAmerican citizens whom he\n‘accused of spreading Com-\n/munist propaganda after re-\nturning from Red China.\n“They must not be allowed to\naid an enemy of the United States\n‘abroad ant then return to the\n‘United States and enjoy freedoms\nland privileges for which other\nAmericans fought,”” he said. “At\n‘the very least, they should be re-\nquired to register as foreign\nagents.”\n\nJenner made the statement in\nannouncing publication by the\n‘Senate Internal Security subcom-\n\\mittee of another volume of testi-\nmony in a probe into the activities\niof American citizens he has ac-\ncused of aiding the cause of Red\n'China. Jenner headed the sub\njoomunities in the last Congress.\n| The latest volume includes testi-\nimony taken at a public hearing in\nSan Francisco Dec. 13 from Mrs.\nSylvia C. Powell, wife of John Ww.\n‘Powell, former editor of the China\nMonthly Review.\n| Powell was a witness before the\nsubcommittee at a hearing here\nlast September. When asked about\n‘Communist affiliations, he refused\n‘to answer under his constitutional\nprotection against possible self-in-\n'crimination.\n\nJenner later announced he had\nasked Atty. Gen. Brownell to press\n‘a treason charge against Powell.\n\nAnother witness who similarly\nrefused to answer questions before\n\\H. Hinton, of Putney, Vt. Like\nPowell, he was sent to China as a\n‘government employe and stayed on\n\nto work there after the Commu-\n= took over.\n\nJenner said in his statement to-\n‘day that both Powell ang Hinton\n_acknowledged that “they had been\n\nlecturing or writing in praise of\nCommunist China ever since their\nreturn, but neither would reveal\nwho was sponsoring their work or\ngive any details of their activities.”’\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 6161.2805234375, 9011.6477109375, 7023.7917421875, 10220.005609374999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "about 180 miles southwest of Chi-\ncago.\n\nHe turnd back toward Chicago,\nhe said, but with the one engine\nout he gradually lost altitude until\nhe was down to 100 feet. He de-\ncided to belly-land, without wheels.\n\n| “All the odds are against you\nwhen you come down nowhere in\nthe middle of the night like that,”\nhe said,\n\nThe plane skidded $00 feet to a\nsafe stop in the snow. Damage to\nthe craft was minor. The area is\n‘dotted with hills and rough strip\nmine fields.\n\n| Kuhn walked the mile to Caal\nCity for aid. The soldiers were re\nturned to Chicago by bus and later\nboarded another charter flight to\n| the West Coast.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3531.3898984375, 7964.9035703125, 4404.89476953125, 9731.522210937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "CAIRO, Egypt ‘P—A big black\n\nflag hoisteq over the, old Cairo pris-\non today announced “the hanging of\ntwo Jews convicted of leading a\nspy-sabotage ring for Israel.\n: Press and public were barred\nfrom the executions of Dr. Mussa\nLito Marzuk and Samuel Azar, con-\nvicted with six others Jan. 27. The\ndeath sentences brought a wave of\nclemency appeals and protests\nfrom Jewish groups abroad.\n\nThe other defendants, one a\nwoman, were given prison terms,\nincluding two life sentences. Two\nmen were acquitted, two fled the\ncountry before their arrest and a\n13th defendant committed suicide\nduring the trial.\n\nMarzuk was convicted after a\nmonth-long trial of heading a spy\nand sabotage ring in Cairo, while\n|Azar was convicted of leading a\nsimilar ring in Alexandria. The\ngovernment charged that their or-\nganizations set fire last July to\nU. S. Information Service libraries\nin Cairo and Alexandria in an at-\ntempt to damage Egyptian-Ameri-\ncan relations and plotted to set the\nCairo and Alexandria motion pic-\nture theaters ablaze to spread\npanic.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5266.205328125, 4333.67358984375, 6135.4265078125, 7968.55590234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "| WASHINGTON (AP)—Sen.\nMansfield (D-Mont) said to-\n‘day international affairs have\nreached the stage where mem-\n— of Congress must “put\nour faith in President Eisen-\nbor pol to reach a settlement\nof world problems without\n‘war.\n\nMansfield, a member of the Sen-\nate Foreign Relations Committee,\n‘said he was “standing behind the\n|President” on U. S. support of a\n| United Nations effort to end hostil-\n‘ities between the Chinese National-\nlists and Communists in the area\nof Formosa.\n\nAlthough he said this move im-\niplies “‘the recognition of the exist.\nence of two Chinas,”’ Mansfield\n,said he is willing to follow Kisen-\njhower’s lead in the matter, ‘‘rec-\nognizing the fact that the Presi-\n\nent has been most patient and\nthat he has stated on many occa-\n‘sions there can be no alternative\nhe peace.”’\n\nAlthough Mansfield and all oth-\n‘er senators announcing a stand\n/have opposed a U. N. seat for Red\n|¢aina. Supreme Court Justice Wil-\nliam O. Dougles said last night\nthat eventually must come,\n\n“The ultimate political settle\nment of the China problem,”\n/Douglas told the New York Uni.\niversity School of Law, ‘‘involves\nrecognition of two Chinas and the\ngrant of seats in the United Na.\ntions to both of them.”\n\nChairman George ‘D-Ga) of the\nSenate Foreign Relations Commit.\njtee said in an NBC television ap.\npearance the time hasn't come for\n‘talking about either U. S. recogni.\ntion or a U. N. seat for Red China.\nBut this country must not be\n‘afraid, he added, “to discuss\n‘frankly’ anything that may lead\nto peace “‘as long as we discuss\nifrom a postition of strength.”’\n\nSen. Eastland (D-Miss) object.\nted to U. N. intervention, saying\njin an interview that ‘‘we must take\nja stand in Formosa regardless of\nwhat the United Nations advo\n‘| eates.”’\n\nSen. Knowland (RCalif) said he\n|favors a tempbrary truce, but that\nthe price of a cease-fire must not\nbe an agreement to ‘‘poup more\nfree territory down the Communist\ndrain.”’\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 5278.08374609375, 8228.3703671875, 6134.6530703125, 8558.488031249999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "CINCINNATI (# — Louis Duffy,\n56, a one-legged man, suffered cuts\nand bruises when he leaped three\nstories to escape flames in an\napartment building fire here yes-\nterday.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1792.19214453125, 9758.7082578125, 2658.603265625, 10209.081781249999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "| ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (#—Rob-\nbers disrobed mannikins of $20,995\nin mink furs in a boardwalk shop\nwindow last night as subfreezing\nweather kept Sunday strollers\naway from the oceanfront. The\nrobbery took place at Koff Furs,\nIne.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2659.52710546875, 5403.98413671875, 3525.406244140625, 6763.790765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Saye 44888 ae * = \"Oo\nToday's investigation of the four-\nday-old murder will include ques-\ntioning of Lee Brooks, a dealer in\nCanadian securities, police said.\nBrooks had clashed with the\nslain draft dodger in a complex oil\ndeal, police reported. In 1947\nBrooks was questioned about the\nunsolved murder of businessman\nAlbert EM Langford.\n\nWhile police have been following\nup all possible angles of Rubin-\nstein’s social ang business life, the\nbody has been on view for two\ndays at a Manhattan funeral home.\nHe is to be buried today after Jew-\nish funeral services.\n\nTt was at the funeral home that\nRubinstein’s mother disclosed she\nhad heard angry voices arguing in\nher son's rooms early Thursday,\nshortly before he was killed. Mrs.\nStella Rubinstein, 78, lived on the\nfourth floor of her son's 5th Ave-\nnue mansion, one floor above the\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4408.89208984375, 8885.8740234375, 5197.70947265625, 9254.416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Racial Barriers\nAre Lowered In\nSt. Louis Schools\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5265.25244140625, 1399.101318359375, 6999.39794921875, 2393.352783203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Security Council\nDelegates Given\nCopies Of Demand\nChiang Aiso Told To Give Up\n\nChinese Coastal Island Area\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1787.395513671875, 8163.1164609375, 2656.923333984375, 9601.469476562499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "BRIDGEPORT, Conn, (# —\n“Ambulance . .. ambulance,” a\nvoice gasped over the phone. That\nwas all. The telephone operator\nquickly called the police and gave\nthem the address.\n\nPatroman James Partington\nforced his way into the six-room\nhouse. On a bed he found Mrs.\nEsther Engstrand, 36, wounded in\nthe head. At the bedside !ay her\nhusband Harold, 45, a Remington\nArms Co. salesman. A 22-caliber\nrevolver was at his side, out of\nwhich two bullets had been fired.\n\nHe was dead.\n\nIn a nearby room the Eng-\nStrand’s three children, Kirk, 13,\nDavid, 11, and Christian, 9, slept\npeacefully.\n\nPolice called it suicide and at-\ntempted slaying. They could give\nno reason,\n\nMrs. Engstrand was in critical\ncondition after surgery at St.\nVincent's Hospital.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3541.13427734375, 7622.73291015625, 4358.658203125, 7933.99267578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Israel “Spies”\nAre Executed\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5265.31591796875, 8600.634765625, 7015.93359375, 8974.2255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Pilot Lands Air Liner\nIn Field; 41 Are Unhurt\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 6178.52026953125, 7475.3674375, 6974.33812890625, 8568.145257812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "CINCINNATI. (?— George\nBlackburn, a former head\ncoach at Miami University,\nwas named today to suceed\nhis old boss, Si@ Gillman as\nhead football coach at the Uni-\nversity of Cincinnati.\n\nGillman resigned last week\nto become coach of the Los\nAngeles Rams of the National\nFootball League.\n\nBlackburn, who served as\nGillman’s assistant here from\n1949 to 1953, returns to UC aft-\ner serving a year as assistant\nto Red Blaik at the U. 8,\nMilitary Academy. He was\nhead coach at Miami in 1948\nand his team had a 7-1-1 reo-\nord.\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2661.760009765625, 4225.595703125, 4337.7490234375, 4958.99951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "“Girl In Brown”\nBeing Sought In\nRubinstein Death\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1773.0697021484375, 5241.3291015625, 2577.493896484375, 5829.3916015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Reds Make\nPeace Move\nToward Japs\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 33.805511474609375, 6701.38330078125, 888.6838989257812, 7259.54296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "More Armor\nIs Sou ght\nFor Europe\n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 3528.38355078125, 7192.82398046875, 4398.41625390625, 7583.56957421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "ries yesterday were extremely\n‘light except for a l-inch fall re-\ncordeg at Redwood Falls, Minn.\n| The Pacific Coast had light rains\n‘yesterday. There were showers\nand snow flurries in the mountains\ninland.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1788.0389404296875, 7767.07958984375, 2618.87255859375, 8133.36865234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Man Shoots\nWife, Dies\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2637.189208984375, 6792.990234375, 4377.51904296875, 7187.556640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Cold Wave Moderating\nBut More Snow Forecast\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 38.43937124633789, 2438.9992734375, 1778.729974609375, 2910.336419921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "'\nWASHINGTON (AP)—President Eisenhower today ask-|\ned Congress to help bolster and expand private health in-\nsurance plans as part of a broad program of a healthier\nAmerica.\nIn a special message, Eisenhower proposed a federal re-\ninsurance service through which prviate companies could\nshare the risk of experimental and expanding plans to:\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1798.707275390625, 9648.2841796875, 2576.910888671875, 9744.08203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Expensive Strip-Tease\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 0, 892.2907104492188, 6926.48779296875, 1333.878173828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": " \n\nGET OUT OF FORMOSA. REDS TELL U.S.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2670.2395078125, 9110.6047421875, 3532.265375, 10219.749749999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "much of the below-zero sections.\nContinued warming was forecast\nfor today.\n\nOnly in the east was the sharp\nchill unbroken. Temperatures were\nas much as 7 degrees lower yes-\nterday than the day before from\nNew England southward to North\nCarolina, and freezing readings ex-\ntended as far south as northern\nFlorida,\n\nZero temperatures were still\nprevalent in the upper Ohio Valley\nand northern New England.\n\nPrecipitation moving in from the\nwest was predicted to take the\nform of rain or mixed snow and\nrain in southern and central por-\ntions of Illinois and Indiana. Flur-\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 13.387253761291504, 1426.0570068359375, 1672.427001953125, 2400.806884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "President Sends\nHealth Message\nBefore Congress\n\n100-Million-Dollar Federal\nKund. State Grants Soucht\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 3522.477056640625, 9879.369390625, 4393.43480859375, 10197.250726562499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "| CARTHAGE, Mo. (‘» — Merk\n Blanset, 10, chased his dog onte\n»'thin ice yesterday. His mothe\n7 | Ear! Blanset, 32, went after him\n“The ice broke. Mother and so!\nliveainal.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 17.037130493164064, 2898.40894140625, 892.0144594726563, 6652.34301171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Extend health insurance to farm\nfamilies.\n\nProvide more protection against\ncosts of prolongeg illness.\n\nInsure low income families\nagainst the costs of medical care\nin the home or physician's office\nas well as hospitals.\n\nEisenhower called it “a program\nwhich involves no government sub-\nsidy and no government competi-\ntion with private insurance’ car-\n\nIn another section of his mes-\ngage, he called for grants to the\nStates to help them, combat juve-\nhile delinquency and asked for\nstepped up programs against smog\nand water pollution.\n\n* * *\n\nFurther, he asked increased aid\nfor nurses training, authority to\nmake grants for mental health\nprojects, and a system of govern-\nment mortgage insurance for pri-\nvate construction of clinics, hos-\npitals, nursing homes and other\nhealth facilities.\n\nSpecifically the President pro-\nposed a five-year program of\ngrants to state vocational educa-\ntion agencies for training of prac-\ntical nurses. His message did not\ngive a dollar total.\n\nEisenhower told the lawmakers:\n\n“Because the strength of our\nmation is in its people, their good\nhealth ig a proper national con-\neern; healthy Americans live more\nrewarding, more productive and\nhappier lives. Fortunately, the na-\ntion continues itg advance in bet-\ntering the health of oll its people.”\n\n* *\n\nAs for the controversial proposa!\nfor government underwriting of\nprivate health insurance plans, the\nPresident said the Department of\nHealth, Education and Welfare has\nbeen working with specialists from\nthe insurance industry, experts\nfrom the health professions, and\nwith many other interested citizens\nin an effort to perfect a sound re-\ninsurance program.\n\n“l urge the Congress to launch\nthe reinsurance service this year\nby authorizing a reasonable cap-\nital fund ..\n\nWhile he gave no figure. er\nPresident's budget\ncapitalization of 100 million ewe\nfor the program. Secretary of\nWelfare Hobby will give Congress\nmore details later.\n\nThe Republican-run 83rd Con-\ngress last. vear shelved a similar\nprogram advocated by the Presi-\ndent. It called for an underwriting\nfund of 25 million dollars.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1766.831548828125, 2341.859380859375, 2640.85521875, 5193.87621484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "LONDON (AP)—The prime\nministers of the British Com-\nmonwealth met in London to-\nday amid grave war fears and\nplunged straight into talks\naimed at helping to end the\nFormosa fighting.\n\nThe China coast crisis top-\nped the agenda at the o ning\nof the 10-day parley of eight\nprime ministers and one dep-\nuty premier.\n\nOther topics were shoved into\nthe background as Prime Minister\nChurchill worked to muster the in-\nfluence of the “ommonwealth be\n\nOn hand for the closed-door\nmeetings with Churc! ill at his of-\nficial 10 Downing St. residence\nwere:\n\nPrime Ministers Mehru of tain:\nLoui, St. Laurent, Canada; Rob-\nert G. Menzies, Australia: Sydney\n‘Holland, New Zealand: Mohammed\nAli, Pakistan: Sir John Kotelawala, |\nCevion: Sir Godfrey Huggins, New\nCentra! African Fed ration of\n‘Rhodesia and Nyasaland: and Dep-\nuty Premier Charlies R. Swart,\nSouth Africa\n2 3\nThe Premiers’ first plenary\nmeeting was scheduled after a\nbusy morning of contacts on the\nFormosa cituation among the con-\nferees and members of Churchill's\ngovernment. Before the opening\n‘session, Churchill was briefed on\nithe latest Formosa developmen's\n‘by Foreign Secretary Sir Anthony\nEden at a Cabinet meeting.\n| Diplomatic informants said\nChurchill and Eden already have\n‘appealed to Nehru to use hig in-\nifluence with Red Chinese Premier\nChou En-Lai on behalf of the U. N.\nmediation effort.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2688.349126953125, 7862.990484375, 3496.656, 9083.174554687499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "COLUMBUS, Ohio (Pf — A\nlittle rise in tempeatures is\nexpected today for chilled\nOhioans, but no real warmth\nis anticipated until Thursday.\n\nA little snow is expected to-\nday. About an inch is pre-\ndicted for parts of Ohio, ac-\ncompanied by temperatures.\nin the 20s.\n\nThe weather bureau looks\nfor a little warmer weather to-\nnight, but littl real warmup\nuntil a low center moving east\nfrom the Pacific Coast brings\nin some warm air from the\nGuli of Mexico.\n\nUntil] then, said the bureau,\ndaytime temperatures will\nstay under freezing and the\nnights will registed around 10-\n\n18 degrees.\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 4394.998046875, 1386.6146240234375, 5177.7490234375, 2239.457275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Fleet Ready\nTo Evacuate\nChina Force\n\nTachen Islands\n\nBlasted By Reds\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 5265.4443359375, 3337.046875, 6031.7548828125, 4228.79296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Eisenhower\nBacked On\nCease-Fire\n\nDemocrat Savs\nPresident Right\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 1775.98779296875, 1372.3079833984375, 2599.309326171875, 2258.252685546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "Top British\nLeaders Talk\nCease-Fire\n\nCommonwealth’s\nHeads In Session\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 2624.092779296875, 5028.38452734375, 4400.13988671875, 5429.28344140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (AP)—A mysterious girl, dressed in brown,\n\ny was seen wandering about Serg Rubinstein’s lav-\n\nish home some hours before he was murdered. |\nBoth Rubinstein’s mother and aunt told of seeing the\ngirl, police disclosed yesterday, but so far they have turned\nup no hint as to who she might be. |\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 3534.445068359375, 9775.4267578125, 4398.30078125, 9861.9384765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Mother And Son Drown\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 6320.3046875, 7312.94482421875, 6819.884765625, 7454.666015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Bulletin\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 907.0363159179688, 2946.95751953125, 1726.8089599609375, 3837.631591796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Jenner Asks\nCurb Put On\n\nPropaganda\n\nAsserts “Some”\n\nHere Aid Reds\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 4424.07691015625, 2310.5969296875, 5217.357171875, 2774.555658203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "— OS eee TN Bee AFRO\n\nTAIPEH, Formosa ?—Com-\nmunist gons on recently-cap-\ntured Yikiangshan belched in\nthe direction of the tense Tach-\nens tonight but the Chinese\nNationalist Defense Ministry\nreported all the shells landed\nin the sea.\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 4388.90015234375, 2978.96362890625, 5257.657953125, 6368.62621484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Te NV Wwaeeweee S Uaeee 7 We We tii\nFleet needed only a “go\nahead” today to evacuate the\nCommunist-threatened Tach-\nen Islands, already blasted by\nRed fire bombs.\n\nHowever, Adm. Felix B.\nStump, commander of the\nU. S. Pacific Fleet, said on a\nquick visit to this Chinese Na-\ntionalist capital yesterday\nthat an evacuation had not\nbeen ordered.\n\nUnconfirmed Chinese press re-\nports said the garrison of 15,000\nmen was under Defense Ministry\norders to prepare for a bitter stand\nif the Communists should attack\nbefore the evacuation takes place,\nas many observers here expect\nthem to do.\n\nAdm. Stump, meanwhile, was\nflying back to his Pearl Herbor\nheadquarters after a quick trip to\nTaipeh and an unheralded confer-\nence with top American command.\ners in Tokyo. -\n\nSe =\n\nWhile here he told a news con-\nference that “‘any time American\nforces are attacked anywhere they\nwill defend themselves.\n\n“I came here to see that my\n\ncommanders have everything they\nneed if the job is ordered. We\nhave a plan to assist in the evacu.\nation if it is ordered. It hasn't been\nordered.\"’\n. Ags the belief grew that orders\nmight come this week, the English.\njlanguage China News said all prep.\n‘rations for the redeployment o!\nNationalist forces on certain off.\nshore islands had been completed.\n: This apparently referred\nistrengthening garrisons on such is-\nlands as Quemoy and Matsu, dom.\ninating the Red Chinese ports of\nAmov and Foochow.\n\nThe Defense Ministry said five\n,Communist twin-engine bombers,\n“escorted by eight jet fighters.\n‘dropped fire bombs on Lower Tach.\nen Island yesterday and destroyed\nimany homes. Nationalist fighter.\n‘bombers attacked Red shippins\nand islands to the north anc\nclaimed one gunboat sunk. Las’\njmight Nationalist bombers hit Rec\nitargets on Yikiangshan island eigh\n| miles north of the nearest Tacher\nJisland and claimed hits on oil anc\nammunition dumps.\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 5313.092046875, 2410.31909765625, 6972.20433984375, 2618.874994140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "The U.N. Security Council refused today to consider a Soviet\ndemand to bar Nationalist China from debate on a Formosan\ncease-fire.\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 5285.607671875, 2712.424078125, 7005.86742578125, 3305.298578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": " ——— — : e\n\nUNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP)}—Soviet Russia confront-\ned the U.N. Security Council today with a demand that\nUnited States withdraw its armed forces immediately from\nthe Formosa area afid that Chiang Kai-shek surrender the\ncoastal Chinese islands to the Communists.\n\nThe demand was made in a Soviet draft resolution cir-\nculated to delegations as the Council gathered to discuss\nhow to halt hostilities in the Formosa Strait and how to\nprevent a major conflict from developing.\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 2665.2580625, 7248.78784765625, 3518.95433984375, 7783.6979921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "SS Sl ee Oe ee\n\nThe bitter cold that blanketed\nmuch of the nation east of the\nRocky Mountains for nearly a\nweek has begun moderating, and\nlight snows moved eastward into\nthe Midwest.\n\nTemperature rises of 3 to 20 de-\ngrees were recorded yesterday in\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 1017.487548828125, 3848.6083984375, 1643.2298583984375, 3912.841796875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "By JOHN CHADWICK\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 6134.70386328125, 3282.8518125, 7021.6374453125, 7205.4518984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "es RN yee eee tt\n\nThere was : speculation here that\nRussia might spell out its demand\nfor evacuation of all islands and\n“other territories belonging ‘to\nChina’ to include Nationalist\nChina's surrender not only of the\nTachens, Matsu and Quemoy but\nof Formosa itself and the Pesca-\ndores Islands, which Uniteg States\n‘has pledged to protect.\n\nThe Uniteq States called the So-\nviet demand a propaganda move\ndesigned to confuse ang divert se-\nrious efforts to halt the fighting,\nwhich included new Communist\nfirebombing of the Tachens ryes-\nterday. More than four years ago\nthe Security Council defeated an\n‘almost identical resolution.\n\n. 8 2\n\nA dispute over including the Se\nviet resolution on the agenda un-\nder its title language of “VU. S.\n‘Acts of Aggression Against the\nChinese People’s Republic in the\n‘Taiwan (Formosa) Area and Other\nIslands of China”’ threatened to de\nlay the Council in its majority aim\nof getting off an invitation to Red\n(China to send representatives here\nfor the Formosa debate.\n\n| The U. N. Charter requires both\n\n|sides in a dispute be invited to\n\n\\te represented. If Red China does\nsend spokesmen, he will not have\na vote.\n\nSir Leslie Munro, New Zealand\n‘ambassador and Seourity Council\npresident for January—Peru's Vic.\n| tor A. Belaunde takes over tomore-\nrow in alphabetical succession —\n‘prepared today’s agenda contain-\nling only the item agreeq on by\n- Western powers.\n\nwas entitled “Question of\n| Hostilities in the Area of Certain\nIslands off the Coast of the Main-\nland of China.’’ Munro told report-\ners it was intended to stop fight-\n‘ing in the islands from the Tachens\nto anq including Quemoy but did\nnot deal with Formosa and the\n'Pescadores, They were not inciud-\n‘ed, he said, because the hostilities\nJwere in the other isiands.\n| a ee\n\nRussia's Arkady Sobolev was ex-\n| pected to demand not only that\n‘this item be placed on the agenda\n| but that it have priority.\n| New Zealand, Britain, France\nand United States kept in close\n. consultation over the weekend on\nthe developing situation.\n| Peiping radio called cease-fire\nimoves here “a war of aggression\nagainst China under the United\n| | Nations flag’’ and attacked—ag did\n| the Soviet resolution—utterances of\nU.S. political leaders defending the\njoint Congress resolution which\ngives President Eisenhower wide\nlpowers for the defense of Fore\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 5437.80078125, 4245.00244140625, 5932.59423828125, 4305.47412109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "*® By JACK BELL\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 4518.30517578125, 2805.1669921875, 5139.74267578125, 2864.00048828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "By SPENCER MOOS.\n" }, "59": null, "60": { "bbox": [ 1864.1998291015625, 2257.93408203125, 2536.56201171875, 2318.810546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "By SEYMOUR TOPPING\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 3247.749267578125, 4970.72705078125, 3828.127685546875, 5031.41748046875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "Ry JOHN BAUSMAN\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 2708.7236328125, 7195.51806640625, 3474.179443359375, 7250.54150390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "Rye THE ASSOCIATED PRESS\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 4526.7685546875, 2271.6806640625, 5103.2841796875, 2325.601318359375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "Ry SPENCER WMOOSA\n" }, "64": null, "65": { "bbox": [ 5831.0849609375, 2657.427734375, 6434.509765625, 2712.758544921875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 65, "ocr_text": "Ry A YT. GOLDREFRG\n" }, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 9 ], [ 0, 7 ], [ 1, 9 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 9, 7 ], [ 16, 10 ], [ 16, 18 ], [ 10, 18 ], [ 24, 27 ] ]
[ 2878.119, 3764.064697265625 ]
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 7, 9 ], [ 16, 10 ], [ 18, 16 ], [ 27, 24 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 745.1702084960938, 1081.542095703125, 1096.5049013671876, 1920.3047060546874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Cairo, (@) — Leaves from = tour-\ning notebook: ‘\n\nYou can add Egypt to the list of\nnations that are making an all out\npitch for the Yankee dollar.\n\nBut there are also quite a few\nAmericans here tooking for a fast\nEgyptian piasire,\n\nSlightly more than three years\nago this gate city to the Orient was\nsmouldering from the torches of an-\ntiforelgn mobs. Rioting took mare\nthan 50 lives, caused mulliona of\ndollars in damage. Such landmarks\nas Shepheards Hotel and the ex-\nelusive British Turf Club were des-\ntroyed.\n\nMany foreigners fled the country.\nOthers stayed on in an atmosphere\nof ameasy tension,. Confidence was\ndestroyed. Some businessmen lqui-\ndated and got out, Tourists by-pass-\ned the city in favor of other Medi-\nterranean resorts.\n\nBut today Cairo’s temarkable\neomeback is evident everywhere.\nTo a visitor's eye is has a boom\ntown hustle and bustle. The for-\nelgner na longer has a feeling of\nbeing unwanted.\n\n‘When you step off a plane at\nOairo Airport the first sign you see\nsays “Welcome to Egypt.” Bub you\nbegin to believe they really mean\nit when you go through customs\nThe official baggaga searchers In\nold days had the reputation of be:\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1101.1530576171874, 1060.2763486328124, 1456.1789736328124, 1493.8412050781249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "ing the toughest, worst-tempered in\ntha world, How they simply look at\nyour tourist visa and wave you\nthrough with a amile.\n\nMany changes have sprung out\nof the fateful rioting of January\n1962. Farouk, symbol of Egypt's\ncorruption under the pashas, was\nkicked out by @ group of national-\nistic young army officers. They have\nset out to rebuild the country, Re-\nform has been slow in the land\nwhere peasants still live pretty\nmuch as they did 5,000 years ago\nunder the Paroshs,\n\nFinal results aren't yet in, of\ncourse, on the reform program in.\nitiated by young officers. Today’s\npeasant may not see in his lifetime\nsubstantial betterment in his own\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 29.828018188476562, 11.5789155960083, 704.0740966796875, 188.2747344970703 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Stolen Children Sent\nHome as Soviet Spies\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2182.66748046875, 479.6304931640625, 2513.448486328125, 1494.0784912109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\n‘TONITE—LAST SHOWING!\n\n“SO THIS IS PARIS”\n\nTony Curtio—Gene Nehen\n\nSTARTS TUESDAY\n\" REGULAR PRICES:\n\nAdults Only’\nUNCENSORED!\n\nJ\n\nte Oe es COLOR\n\n \n\n2nd Big NEW Hit!\n“HALF-WAY TO HELL®\nCAST OF THOUSANDS!\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1830.0076904296875, 485.9361877441406, 2155.51318359375, 1490.38525390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Matinee 1:30 P.M, Also\nShaws at 7:30-9:20\n\nStarts Tuesday—\nO84 Seryoont Fol fer Comme\nCotle...0f Was He Puled?\n\nSecqoeet Wikions Rand, bendoous OH whe’\n‘tame tide tn Kod China, tallend freuly with vo,\n-eniporbmmansecandt |\n\n| re Bamboo Prison\nFRANCIS: FOSTER: KEITH\n\nae\n\n \n\nMATINEE TUESDAY\nDOORS OPEN 1:30 SHOW 2:00\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 758.7999267578125, 923.3952026367188, 1367.0556640625, 1047.8448486328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Boyle Gives You An Inside\nPeek Into Fabulous Egypt\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 390.7707214355469, 1803.3306884765625, 720.576171875, 1875.33349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Evangelistic Service\nFor Hoisington Church\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1455.8483701171874, 107.31410650634766, 1815.9554628906249, 881.1318544921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "standard of ving,\n\nThe longtime problem of Beypt\nis to upgrade her overcrowded mil-\nlions—finds ways to educate them,\nteach them skills needed in modern\nIndusirial society, the only kind of\nsociety that could wipe out the\nvast gap between appalling pover-\nty and overwhelming wealth, She\nneed a middle class.\n\nThe first signals of change are\nmore visible in cosmopolitan Cairo\nthan in rural areas.\n\nOne of the first moves vy the\nRevolutionary Council was to tap\nheretofore overlooked sources of\nincome—tourist spending.\n\nEgyptians have been so conscien-\nfous in their effort ta-make the\nforeigner feel welcome that they\nhhad daily instruction of the cus-\ntoms personnel in the art of smfl-\ning. It is said one customs official\nflunked, Under Farouk he had mas-\ntered the cold suspicious aneer, Un-\nder the, new regime the best he\ncould muster was a leer.\n\nThe government also has avail-\nable’a corps of girl guides, most of\nwhom apeak at least three langu-\nages, to take touriste on alght-see-\ning trips, There also are tourlat po-\nice who help protect unwary visi-\ntora from being stung too badly\nwhile buying mysterious souvenirs\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 387.5055966796875, 1881.66831640625, 739.0735048828126, 2161.183490234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "OPSMOSTO ~~ An evangelistic par-\n\njod of services will he held April 16\nthrough 23, at the Evangelical Unit-\ned Brethern church in Hoisington,\nbeginning ab 7:30 pm., according\nto Rev. Merle Binn, pastor.\n\nSpecial apeaker for the services\nWill be G. H. Vinaroff, noted evan-\ngelist. Entitled a “Spiritual Life\nCrusade,” the two week period of\nservices will he highlighted by spe-\ncial spiritual music. Saturday nights\nwill be davoted to young people,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1819.974712890625, 12.954932731628418, 2174.112201171875, 447.49852319335935 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "of the mysterious Eisst.\n\nCairo has become what It was be-\nFora the last war, ® crossroads of\nthe world. Most of the people you\nbump into are from out of town.\nMany are tourists. But there are\nsiso many who are locking for bus-\niness, Germans, Swedes, Italians,\nFrench—and even some from Iron\nCurtain countrics—are all trying to\nmuscls in on Egyptian trade form-\nerly dominated by the British.\n\n“American, firms are showing more\ninterest, too, now that U. 8. econ-\nomic aid has bolstered Egypt's\nseanty supply of dollars,\n\n‘There are some 1,200 Americans\nnow Hving in Egypt—and some 4,-\nooo Germans, The figures mirror\nthe change.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 392.1692624511719, 214.6772733154297, 749.9708437500001, 1784.5534853515624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "eciements among tne i1rst OAatches.\nRepatriates here angrily deny that\nany of their number has any use\nfor Comtnunism. But Greek offi-\ncials are frankly worried about\nthose to come—the children school-\ned for seven years in a Communist\nvacuum,\n\nInterrogation’ has shown that\nmany of the children, grown to\nadulthood in isolation from their\nparents, have undergone the most\nthorough of indoctrination courses.\nMany had special schools under the\nguidance of the Greek Communist\nparty, now based largely abroad in\nthe satellite countries. They had\nbetter treatment in many cases\nithan did the children of the na~\ntive Romanians, Poles, Hungerlans\nor Czechs,\n\nIn Romania, a big Bucharest\nbuilding and two big villas were set\naside for Greek children. They were\njkept to themselves under Greek\nCommunist teachers, Village chil-\ndren from birth, in a hard moun-\ntain country, they had never seen\n@ large European city. Budapest,\nPrague and Bucharest were proud\nold cities long before the Commu-\nnists came along. Children would\nbe impressed,\n\nSecurity officials say many who\nleft Greece as children now are in-\ndoctrinated Communists wha would\nrepresent a new and serious nucleus\nfor the outlawed Greek Commu-|\nnist party.\n\nThere was an illustration:\n\nFurtively, two teen-age boys\nagreed to slash their fingers,\n\nThey smeared the spurting bload\non letters they were writing to their\nparents, still captive in a Commu-\nnist country. The boys, long separ~\nated from thelr parents, had re-\ncently been repatriated from Ro-\nmania,\n\nOn the bload-smeared sheets of\npaper they wrote: “This will show\nyou how the monarcho-Fascists\ntorturs those who return here.”\n\nThey wrote that they were cruel-\nly beaten in Greece and that the\nblood showed it.\n\nSince tae boys, among the rela-\ntives few who could be placed in a\nschool for rehabilitation, were wn\nder observation af the time, the\nletter was read and Stopped,\n\nThis story was told to me by a\nrepresentative of the Queen's Fund,\na charitable organization now de-\nvoting much of its considerable en-\nergy to the problem of the repa~\ntrinted children, poe\n\nGreece is salvaging some of them,\nBut it is a slow and painful process,\n\nNext: The making of @ young\nCommunist.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 777.1596069335938, 22.977066040039062, 1427.5450439453125, 805.0689086914062 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1485.096435546875, 889.00634765625, 1800.3458251953125, 1482.8681640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "@ ENDS TONITE\n\n \n\nTuesday © Wednesday\n\nELEANOR. @ CHARLTON\nPARKER HESTON\n\n“The\nNaked Jungle~\n\non In Technicolor\n\nBoxoffice Open 6:43\nADMISSION 50\n\n~ Great Bend\n\nDrive-In Theatre\nVa Mile West on Hi-Way\nSO.N\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1091.3304443359375, 1519.967529296875, 2871.993408203125, 3760.613525390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\nBASEBALL TIME”\n\n \n\n. ; ay | pay cames:svariom KERMA 550 on your pst\n\n \n\n \n\n‘ ,\n\nSs, I wiewr cames: staion KVGB \"=, on youn ma\n\nAlle RENEMEIR—at home, or at\n\n- tha belipark, whenever your\n\nI thiret cries out for a soothing,\n\natt. + cooling giams of finest beer,\n\na. | 2 thora’s no refroshment like\n\n* 5 Schiite! For here isa beer\npi\n\n»\n\nJOS. SCHLITZ BREWING COMPANY\n_~_ 1065 on Baits Brering Company, Mibwauken, Wit, Broakiys, N.Y Lae Aneel, Calf,\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 746.9631958007812, 1939.0589599609375, 1081.626220703125, 3764.064697265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\nsh PANORAMIC 3.1\"\nMatinee 2:30 wanes TASS 15\nNOW! = Turspay\n\nWOW! IT’S LOADED\nWITH FUN!\n\n \n\nNEXTI 4 Big Days!\n\nStarts Wednesday\n\nThe Star of “Glenn Milfer story”\nond “Rear Window\"\n\n \n\nCounTRY\n‘en RM DCRR rrp man\n\nia\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 402.8865051269531, 2176.78466796875, 721.9750366210938, 2689.2880859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\nTONIGHT IS THE LAST\nCHANCE TO SEE\n\n“The Prince Of\n\nag\nPeace\nSTARTS TOMORROW—\n— ENDS THURSDAY\n\n \n\nBoxatfice Open 6:45 p.m.\nAdmission . Adults 50¢\n\nHEY ENNE\nDRIVESIN THEATRE\n\nPhone Hoisington 1000\nLocated South of Hoisingtos\non Hiwey 281\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 24.12149481201172, 556.8109555664063, 389.7431826171875, 2682.3568300781253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Eastoria, Greece LP} -—- A special\ntrain from Communist Bulgaria\nscreeched to a halt on the Greek\naida of the fronfier. A Greek in his\nearly 20s leaped from the train and,\nfalling to his knees, kissed the Greek\naesth he had mot seen for seven\nyears. ,\n\n‘The young man wept as he pro-\n\n@eiatmed his joy at deliverance. He\nhad been one of about 28,000 Greek\nchildren abducted by the Commu-\nnists, along with thousands of\nadults, during the Greek Civil War\nof 1047-49.\n\nTwo weeks after his repatriation,\nGreek security police arrested this\ngame young man. He was, they sald,\n@ trained Communist spy.\n\nThe young man was more than\n\nat. He wag an example of hew\n\nmmunism sets about to capture\n@ generation. He was part of a\ncompounded tragedy which has be-\ncome a major problem for Greece\nand a matter of concern for Greece's\nfriends, including the United States,\n\nThis area, within sight of the\ntowering wild mountains — which\nmark the border of Communist Al-\nania, was one of the hardest hit\nby a crime which shocked the civ-\nilized world — the wholesale kid-\n\nping of Greek children,\n\nNow th Communists seem sud-~\ndenly eager to return thousands of\nthose forced across the border and\npossibly some of the many who went\nwillingly as the families of Red\nguerrilla fighters.\n\nMany Greeks are asking — Why?\nWhy, at this moment, after all these\nyears and all the futile pleas of\nGreece before world opinion?\n\nFor humane reasons, the Greeks\n\nant their people back. But there\nare misgivings. A sudden flood of\nTepstriates raises serious economic\ndifficuliies in the villages. It raises\npoltical problems, too, becanse the\nehfidren forcibly abducted have\nreached their late teens and early\n20a after seven years of the most\nrigorous Communist indoctrination,\nforced estrangement from their par-\n\n-ents, isolation from any free world\ninfluence,\n\nAnd Greeks ask: Are the Com-\nMmunists preparing a time-bomb for\nGreece?\n\nCommunists of the Soviet satellite\n\n-nations, through the International\nRed Cross, agreed Jest year to re=\nturn some of the Greeks. Up to now,\n8,700 have been repatriated in this\nway, bub:\n\nOf the 3,700 repatriates, 60 percent\nare women. About 1,300 are over 60\nand an equal number are children,\nmost of them born across the bord-\n\n@r. Only 1,100 are in the 20-to-60\nage group, Those coming back at\nthe moment include many who will\nbe burdens to their communities.\nAttached to their return is a condi-\ntion that they must go to the yil-\nTages or areas of their origin.\n\nEven these few created problems\nfor Greece. The Communists seem-\ned fully sware of that. Poland sud-\ndenly offered to repatriate 6,000 in\nthe dead of winter, when it would\n\nmost difficult to accomodate\nwhem. The number was too great\n\nfor the Greeks to handle in one\nbatch. They asked that it be scal-\ned down to 2,000 and the time ad-\n\nvanced to epring. 4\n\nThere is now a strong rumor thet\nthe Communists replied with an\noffer raising the number to 11,,000,\nto be moved in @ single batch at|\nonce. It seemed an effort to em-}\nbarrase the Greeks. Security\n\naren alone is a long and ardu-\n\ntask, taxing Greek facilities to\nthe utmost.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 41.18072509765625, 2714.801025390625, 706.1724853515625, 3741.6298828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "WW ...a Stage Sensation!\n“PAUL GREGORY eacsinrs dn posson.:,\n\n| WILLIAM\n\nCOURT: “MARTIAL\n\nwith FAY ROOPE and\n- JAMES BUMGARNER\n\nA PAUL GREGORY. CHARLES LAUGHTON PRODUCTION\n\nGREAT BEND CITY AUDITORIUM\nWEDNESDAY, APRIL 20\n8:00 P.M.\nTickets—3.50—3.00—2,50, Tax Included\nSend Mail Orders To\n\nRadio Station KVGB—Great Bend\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 39.443501037597656, 204.10046057128906, 388.71300073242185, 492.76427026367185 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "B Editor's Note: The cold war is\nthe stage of 2 modern Greek\ntragedy. Communist nations have\nbeen pumping Red propaganda for\nReven years into about 28,000\nGreek children abducted during\nthe Greek civil war. Now the Reds\nare suddenly eager to return the\nhostages. Why? William L. Ryan\nhas sought the answer in a survey\nof political, economic and military\nimplicafions on the spot. This is\n\n, the first of three dispatches.)\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 2541.944580078125, 107.86519622802734, 2875.616943359375, 1504.2545166015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Cs RC §\niRcug\nMonday\n\n| APRIL \", 1955\n\n‘TIP\nTOP\nCIRCUS:\n\nkekkkk\n\n. GREAT BEND\nMuncipal\n\nAuditorium\n\nAfternoon\n\nvening\n\nSPONSORED BY:\nOptimist\nClub\n\n|\nGREAT BEND, KANS, |\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2177.662212890625, 76.89625219726562, 2526.8841738281253, 444.6219057617187 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\neration of Women’s Clube Saturday\nnamed James Lewis Hill, an Arkan.\nses Clty pianist, the best overal\nfnusiclan of the group's fourth yea:\nauditions,\n\nWinner in the girls’ volos divi-\nsion was Carolyn Craft, Junction\nCity, who also was named second\nbest musician,\n| Also awarded certificates were\nJames Holmes, Pittsburg, violin:\n‘Judy Dodson, Wichita, celle; and\nJohn Leeper, Lyndon, boys’ voice.\n\nFrom the time of the English\nRestoration imtil the Tod's Bave we\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2179.10009765625, 9.459259986877441, 2499.8037109375, 76.48074340820312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Arkansas City Youth\nfe “Best Musician’\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 841.3098754882812, 1059.0484619140625, 1017.6884765625, 1078.9949951171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Ro THAT. ROVLE\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2532.312115234375, 15.290628952026367, 2878.119, 95.50649591064453 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "young a6 12 regularly went te os\n\nas midehipmen aboard Royal Nav\nships of war.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 82.89801025390625, 508.72216796875, 355.0857238769531, 546.2784423828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "By WILLIAM IL. RYAN\n\nbgp IR ic ea Ret Pa es ES\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1475.2607421875, 24.30394744873047, 1814.2012939453125, 79.60777282714844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "The Great Bend Deity Tribune\nMonday, April 11, 1935\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2179.7566953125, 400.1475034179688, 2527.4430117187503, 451.54814477539065 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "From the time of the English\nRestoration until the 1940's, boys 2s\n" }, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 5 ], [ 3, 10 ], [ 3, 13 ], [ 5, 10 ], [ 5, 13 ], [ 10, 13 ] ]
[ 6958.5478515625, 9086.7861328125 ]
[ [ 10, 13 ], [ 13, 3 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2745.8359375, 2603.939453125, 3369.43994140625, 2771.175537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Working Girls Save\nFor Dream Junket\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 165.7982635498047, 2512.299072265625, 985.6001586914062, 2742.07373046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Gay Nineties Party\nOn WSIL B-Hive\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2741.708509765625, 2780.526869140625, 3589.869615234375, 4013.33275 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO — dP — A group of\n\nworking girls are making plans for\nthe first ‘round-the-world flight of\nits kind next summer.\n| Sigma Alpha Sigma, national\nbusiness sorority, says the trip\nAug. 4 to Sept. 4. 1956. will be\nthe first budget globe-girdling va-\ncation trip for white collar girls.\n_ They will fly from New York to\nLisbon, and then on to Madrid.\nOther stops will include Tunisia:\nAlgiers: Cairo, Egypt; Jordan;\nBeirut, Lebanon; Kuwait: Ka-\nrachi, Pakistan; New Delhi, Agra\nand Caleutta, India: Bangkok,\nSiam: Diakarata, Indonesia; Ma-\nnila, P. 1; Tokyo and Kyoto, Ja-\npan; Hawaii and San Francisco.\n_ The sorority estimates the trip\nwill cost each girl $1,950, including\ntransportation, hotels, meals, bag-\n‘gage transfers, tips and English.\nspeaking guides.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2732.50855859375, 439.586927734375, 3598.440904296875, 2571.476548828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Congressman Celler wants to\n| probe this also.\n\n' Note—Strebel, born in Denmark,\n‘came to this country under the\nname of Hansen, but changed his\nname as a voung man. He first\ncame to public attentton as the\nchief structural engineer for the\n19389 New York world fair.\nWASHINGTON WHIRL\n\nRepublicans are bracing them-\nselves for an “I won't run” state-\nment from President Eisenhower.\nTip-off came from White House\naide Gabriel Hauge, who told a\nprivate croup: ‘‘We are trying to\ndisengage the Eisenhower person-\nality from the Eisenhower pro-\ngram.’ . . . Hauge also reported\nsignificantly that the stock-market\ndrop following Ike's heart attack\nwas caused chiefly by the with-\ndrawal of European investments.\n‘This is a sign that European faith\nis pinned largely on Eisenhower's\npersonal leadership . . . T. Cole-\nman Andrews’ resignation as the\n‘nation’s tax chief can be laid at\nthe door of assistant president\nSherman Adams. Commissioner\nAndrews had a high-and-mighty\nattitude when dealing with other\ndepartment heads. He made the\nmistake, however, of taking this\nattitude with the powerful Adams\n.. . this same attitude also lost\nAndrews the support of his spoen-\nsor, Virginia's Sen. Harry Byrd.\nAndrews sent Byrd a couple of\nbrush-off letters in answer to rou-\ntine queries.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 195.0361328125, 4467.24072265625, 2699.51123046875, 9086.7861328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "8®e@ee#eee89?9s6\n\n \n \n\nNylon\nS-T-R-E-T.¢.4\n\nHOSE\n\nA $1.50 Vole\ne\n\n2 Now Shodes\n\nWear and Fir\n\n \n\nrs\n\"3 as\nee\n.\nbet hs\n“FN\n5 . .\n\nShop Dotty’s for Best Values!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n|\nDresses\n\n150 Dresses Being\nOffered for These\n3 Days at Terrific\nReductions.\nAll New Fall Frocks\nFrom Qur Many\nFine Makers.\n\nSizes for Junior -\n\nMiss - Matron.\n\nVal. to $10.98\n\n* \"a\" fe\n1% Bom lS .\n- F bh.\ny’ & at -\nee, a + a - t\n\n900000 0 0 OPEN THUR DAY “1. 8 PLM,\n\n! REAL VALUES @\nS on NEW FALL @\n\n \n\nPANTIES\n\nRegular 49,\nWw)\n\nOH ywood Brief hite Only\nSizes 5.6.7.”\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nns.\nay — 40. x\nsizes 34 O° otors-\ntot 7\n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1016.2216323242187, 454.2547438964844, 1870.7989365234375, 3797.81175390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "| DREW PEARSON Says:\nStrobel Conflict-Of-Interest\n- Case Rivals Talbott Situation;\n\n_ Strebel’s Engineering Clients\n\n- Get GSA Contracts; He Says\nBrownell Condoned His Outi.\n| side Interests.\n\n| WASHINGTON. — A new con-\nflict-of-interest case similar to\n‘that which forced the resignation\n(of Harold Talbott as secretary of\n‘the Air Force has come to the sur-\n‘face in the Eisenhower adminis-\n' tration. :\n\n' Jt involves Peter Strobel, who\n‘is in charge of the government's\n‘multimillion-dollar buildings, in-\n‘eluding the construction of new\n‘buildings, care of old buildings,\n‘and the $150,000,000 program of\njleasing land and buildings from\n|private individuals. Next to the\n‘big dam and harbor contracts of\nthe Army Engineers, the AEC, and\nthe big contracts of the Defense\nDepartment, he hands out the larg-\n‘est construction jobs in govern-\nment.\n\nStrobel, this column first re-\nvealed on September 1, has been\nrunning an engineering consultant\nfirm on the side. This was what\nHarold Talbott did when secretary\nof the air force.\n\nSince then, more digging has\ndisclesed that Strobel went fur-\nther than Talbott. On one occa-\nsion he actually approached the\nArmy Engineers and asked them\nto increase the fee paid to his own\npersonal firm. This was a con-\ntract let before he entered the\ngovernment, but he stormed into\nArmy Engineer headquarters and\ndemanded $7,500 extra for Strobel\nand Salzman. He finally settled\nfor $3,000.\n\nHe has also recommended com-\nnanies doing business with his own\nengineering firm for government\ncontracts: and has also hired\narchitects to design public build-\nings on the say-so of GOP politi-\ncians.\n\nWhen he first was appointed by\nPresident Eisenhower to this kev\nspot in the Gearral Services Ad-\nministration, Strobel did not want\nto divorce himself from his firm,\n‘Strobel and Salzman. In fact, he\nrefused to sign a standard form\nwhich states that he had no con-\nflict of interest with any outside\nbusiness firm.\n\nFINALLY LISTS HIS FIRM\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3681.935302734375, 0, 6958.5478515625, 9080.046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nBs *\n\nThurs.\n\nrt. ia\n<S\n\n \n \n \n \n\n89 Value\n60 Gauge - 15 Denier\n\nFull Fashioned\n\n1.50 Value\nadies’ Cotton\n\n2.00 Value — Boys’\nSanforized\nBLUE DENIM\n\nZIPPER\n\ne\nJEANS | 24 f Nylons\n\n \n \n\nos le Ady Long Wearing —\nNew ‘Zipper-Fly’ YS aK’ Crystal C lear N\\\n\n—Rugged Heavy- \\\\ oe = tons — F ull-Fash-\nDuty Denim ‘stile P f $ 88c Value Men's ioned 60 Gauge—\n: Nylon Stretch\n\nFull Cut — San-\n\nforized! — Bar a: ) SOX\nTacked — Fully 5\n\nReinforced’ — _§- 2 PRS.\nRoomy Pockets!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nyan\n59c Value!\nMen’‘s Cotton Knit\n\nTEE\n\n \n\n: -\n89¢ Value\n\nBOXER\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n1.25 Value\nGirls’ Cotton\n\nBlouses\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSturdy — Fully \\\\ ge,\nSanforized Blue\nDenims! Full Cut\nReinforced!\n\n \n\nFine White Cot-\nton-Knit — Per-\nfect for Sports—\nWork or Under- &-\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n1.50 VALUE\nLADIES’\nRAYON\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nKe\n«Muslin,\n\nRugged! — Smooth-fin-\nish Brown Muslin—Per-\nfect for Quilts, Pillow\nCases, Sheets, etc.\n\nte 35¢ Value\n1.50 Value — Ladies’ 39 Inches Wide\nEyelet Embroidered UNBLEACHED\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n» SLIPS\n\nSoft, Smooth Cotton —\n“Fashion-Form” for Per-\nfect Fit — Frothed and\nFancied with Crisp ‘Eye-\nlet and Ribbon’ Beading\n— Top and Bottom —\nPriced Amazingly Low!\n\nBOYS’\nWHITE ‘TEE’\n\nSHIRTS\n\n“ 150 VALUE\nMEN’ s COTTON\n\nSOX\n\n5 PRS.\n\n1.50 Value\nFull Size\nCOTTON SHEET\n\nBlankets\n\nome //\n\n1.00 Value BOYS’\nFLEECED - SWEAT\n\nSh : t\nCotton Fleeced\nfor Warmth. Col-\norful Character\n\nS Fronts. Knit Bot-\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n\\ Attractive Black \\\\¢\n; Plaids — se As-\n“ABY ~ | sorted Colors —\nay ge Be ped , DS Bound Ends —\n\nRUGS \\. Specially Priced\n\nSize 18x30 y for Dollar Days. “[-\n=e p. d _\n\n2.00 Value\nLadies’ Cotton\n\nFLANNELETTE §\nGowns\n\nWarm — Comfy\n\nFlannelette — in 66\nSolid Pastel Col-\npS aaa\nqn\n\n \n \n \n \n\ntom. All re\n\n \n\n5.50 Value — Men's\n\nSanforized\n\nTOUGH TWILL\nUnitorms\n\nReduced for This\n\nSale Gnly! ..\nMatching Shirts\nand Pants. Army\n\nTan or Steel\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nMEN’S ware\nHandk’'s\n\n12 FOR\n$40\n\nGIRLS’ TRIPLE CUFF\ni; - . LETS\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\nors — Regular\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\na oe —_ SET Sf 00 and Extra Sizes.\nuy. save. pi\n\n \n\nBOYS\" GIRLS’\nSPORT COTTON\nSOX “) «6PANTIES\n\n19\n\nAMM OUR MONEY'S WORTH cx YOUR MONEY BACK\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 145.8224776611328, 2754.616224609375, 1006.8977524414062, 3979.27073828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "A Gay Nineties Party will be\nheld on the WSIL-TV B-Hive Sat-\nurday night starting at ten o'clock,\nit was announced today\n\nA similar party was held about\na year ago and was a pronounced\nsuccess.\n\nThe entertainers will appear in\nattire of the Gay Nineties and pre-\nsent a program of old songs and\ndances.\n\nThe televisien station announced\nthat the following wi!l appear:\n\nGarrison Newsome, Doc’s Hy-\n\ns, The Prophets, The Kentuck-\nans, Joan Amati, Fred Wunder-\nlich quartette, Pam Colbert, Hal\nDean and Sandy. Mary Davis.\nFlorence Slightom. Betty Sullivan.\nVern Joyner, Charlie Skaggs, John\nTowle, John Schork, Kathleen\nSkaggs, The Asbell Trio, Lucky\nLeRoy, The Watson Boys, and Jan-\nje Davis and Georgeanne Tanner.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1144.77001953125, 153.58299255371094, 3408.152099609375, 411.008056640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe Washington ‘Merry-Go-Round.\n\nBy DREW PEARSON\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1030.0150146484375, 3726.261962890625, 1736.00927734375, 3783.5693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "TINAT?T Y LISTS FAIS FIRM\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1020.161146484375, 3789.9123671875, 1846.88792578125, 4193.3356796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Finally his chief, Administrato1\nEdward Mansure, practically or\ndered him to sign. At this point\n‘Strobel submitied an amendec\nform, admitting his out side busi\nness but pledging it would no\neonflict with his government dut\n\nine\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2779.698486328125, 4046.10498046875, 3560.152099609375, 4665.466796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Greeti\n\n \n\n?e 8&4 Nonth of Harriahure\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 143.09837182617187, 4003.290541015625, 1006.4167343749999, 4209.483140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "There is no town at Jamestown,\nVa., site of the first permanent\n— settlement in North Amer-\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1880.43629296875, 540.9485610351562, 2732.489244140625, 3467.891099609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "(Mmenaed Some Ol fis this Ciel\n/to design the new $50,000,000 Cen-\n‘tral Intelligence Agency head-\niquarters, CIA and GSA are still\n‘disputing, however, which agency\nshould build the new headquar-\ntiers. This column has also uncev-\n‘ered evidence that other Strobel\ni customers have received GSA con-\ntracts.\n\nStrobel refused to submit a list\nof his engineering firm’s clients\n‘to his superiors, so they could\n‘cheek the names against govern-\nment contracts, until this column's\n-expos¢ of September 1. After that,\nhowever, he did so.\n\nThis column tried to contact\nStrobel before publishing its Sept.\nl report. Failing te reach him, his\nsecretary, his assistant, and his\n‘immediate superior, Mr. Mansure,\nwere interviewed. Afterward,\nStrobel bitterly complained that he\nwasn't given a chance to tell his\nside of the story. Again this col-\numn invited him both by letter\nand telephone to give his version\nof the facts. He promised to ar-\n‘range an interview, but never did.\nBefore today’s column was writ-\nten, Strobel was invited a third\ntime to comment. His secretary\nphened that he was too busy and\nhad to catch a train. It was learn-\ned, however, that he was in a rush\nto get to his New York home for\nthe week end.\n\n-CELLER INVESTIGATES\nMeanwhile, the House Judiciary\nsubcommittee chairmanned by\nCongressman Celler of Brooklyn\nhas looked into Strobel’s case, and\nhas plans to question him on some\ninteresting and important person-\nalities with whom he has had con-\ntacts.\n\nOne is his claim that Attorney\nGeneral Brownell Knew about his\non-the-side engineering business\nand advised him that it did not\nviolate the conflict-of-interest stat-\nutes. Brownell sponsored Strobel\nfor his job in the Eisenhower ad-\nministration. In the Talbott case,\nTalbott asked Brownell’s opinion\non hie eonflict of tntereéct and\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 158.44932397460937, 936.3933852539062, 1011.0713974609374, 1480.34446875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Entered as second class matter\nat the post office at Harrisburg,\nWlieols, ander act of March 3, 1879.\n\non Rates: By Carrier\n\n25 cents per week. By mail in\nGaline and adjoining counties, $6.09\nfie year in advance; $1.75 for\nmonths. Outsiae Saline and\n\n@ counties, $8.00 per year;\n\n62.50 for three months; $1.90 per\n" }, "15": null, "16": { "bbox": [ 2750.34375, 4229.53271484375, 3577.908935546875, 9077.5859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "STEWART\n\nae ed GRANGER\n\n \n\nf The wacut...untold story of\nJi j\\./ Viamond Smuggiers!\naS ==\n\n \n\n \n\nATEMPELAN FILM + A LIPPERT PICTURES PRESENTATION\n\nSalome Will Be Shown Firs\n\n \n\nThursday and Friday\n\nPANORAMIC PRODUCTIONS presents\n\nVan JOHNSON Joanne DRU\n\n \n\nBOB MATHIAS WARD BOND\n! cong PALL BA {J\nAN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE\n\nThe Seige at Red River Will\nBe Shown First\n\nFo Pe ae ee\n" }, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 1, 36 ] ]
[ 6778.34912109375, 9820.3875078125 ]
[ [ 2, 0 ], [ 36, 1 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 901.028263671875, 922.8722578125, 1716.2112382812502, 2716.8425859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "secretary of Montana, AF&AM,\nat the time of his death in Jan-\nuary, 1954. He was a past grand\npatron of the Grand Chapter of\nMontana.\n\nMrs. Lodge attended grade\nschool and high school in Prince-\nton, Ill., where she lived until\ncoming to Montana 31 years ago\n‘and to Helena 22 years ago. She\njis secretary-treasurer and co-\nowner of Helena Abstract and\nTitle company. She is a past\nmatron of Esther chapter No. 3,\nOES, Townsend.\n\nOther activities include mem-\nbership in the past matrons clubs\nof Helena and Townsend, Sap-\nphire Temple of Daughters of\nthe Nile in Helena, the Soropti-\nmist club and Business and Pro-\nfessional Women’s club. She is\ntreasurer and a board member\nof Inter-Mountain Deaconess\nHome for Childrer and a board\nmember of the Salvation Army.\n\nShe is financial secretary of\nher church, St. Paul’s Methodist\nand a member of the official\nboard. Mrs. Lodge, who lives a'\n720 Holter, is also a member of\nthe Wesleyan Service guild.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3406.43622265625, 895.1518598632813, 4222.712703125, 1887.7831376953127 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "For traveling, the bride chose\na white sharkskin ensemble, pink\naccessories and a corsage of pink\nand white rosebuds. She was\ngraduated from Choteau high\nschool as salutatorian and from\nCarroll College School of Nurs-\ning. She served as a registered\nnurse at Crary clinic in Choteau\nand at St. Peter’s hospital in\n‘Helena.\n\nThe bridegroom attended Hel-\nena schools and was graduated\ncum laude from Montana State\ncollege in Bozeman. He did grad.\nuate work at Carroll college.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 55.37177334594727, 922.04657421875, 886.1997026367188, 1850.7479814453127 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Vera M. Lodge was elected and\nnstalled grand worthy matron of\nhe Grand Chapter of Montana,\nOrder of the Eastern Star, at the\ngroup’s 66th annual session Aug.\n18-20 in Missoula.\n\nElection was held Friday, Aug.\n19, and installation was held the\nfollowing day. Lucian’ Brison\nSmith of Billings was named and\ninstalled grand worthy patron of\nthe chapter.\n\nMrs. Lodge, who was born in\nIllinois, is the widow of the late\nRalph N. Lodge, who was grand\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1777.440185546875, 4842.2890625, 2463.12890625, 5208.697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Two Helena Women\nAre Recipients\nOf Scholarships\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1766.3753095703125, 5231.19403515625, 2610.58233203125, 6755.6511796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Geraldine Yuhas, daughter of\nMr. and Mrs. Stephen Yuhas of\nthe Helena valiey, and Patricia\nUlrich have been awarded schol-\narships by the Sister Elizabeth\nKenny Foundation at Minneapo-\nlis, Minn,\n\nThe two-and-one-half-year schol-\narship will include Kenny thera-\npist training and practice at the\nKenny institute and one year of\nphysical instruction in physical\ntherapy at the world-renowned\nMayo clinic at Rochester, Minn.\n\nMiss Yuhas and Miss Ulrich\nare graduates of the Sisters of\nCharity School of Nursing at St.\nJohn’s hospital of Helena. They\nreceived their bachelor of science\ndegrees in nursing education at\nSt. Mary’s college at Xavier, Kan.\n\nThey were employed by the vet.\nerens administration hospital at\nFort Harrison until last fall when\nthey left for an extensive tour\nof Europe.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 96.63477325439453, 1889.7083740234375, 883.6416015625, 3246.56884765625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2728.689453125, 7671.71240234375, 4282.818359375, 9746.505859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nThere is no substitute\nfor quality...\n\n \n \n\n> At Rogal’s you will\nwie) finda 2...\nNS © LARGE SELECTION\n\n© REASONABLY PRICED\n\nFurriers\n\n130 East Sixth Ave. |\nConvenient Parking\n\nSe —\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1758.650822265625, 3918.3449140625, 2593.38604296875, 4786.31377734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Officers and members of Hel-\nena Assembly No. 7, Order of\nRainbow for Girls, will meet for\npot luck dinner at 6 o'clock\nThursday evening at the Consis-\ntory temple. Maribeth Schmitz\nwill have charge of decorations.\n\nThe group will hold its first\nfall meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Of.\nficers for the fall term will be\nelected and reports will be given\non the Grand Assembly session\nheld during June in Havre, Helen\nMorrison, worthy advisor, an.\nnounced.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4314.73193359375, 5262.8056640625, 6778.34912109375, 9766.248046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\nAll Set for Your Table\n\n \n\nSALE\n\nFabulous California\n\nCook-and-Serve\nCeramic Ware\nIn Wrought Iron Stands\n\nRegular $3.98\n\nSpecial 998\n\nAll 3 Pieces\nFor Only... 38>\n\n@ 8 CUP COFFEE CARAFE With Warming Candle\n\ne 2Qt.SALAD BOWL With Fork and Serving Spoon\n\ne 1% Qt. CASSEROLE With Cover and Candle Warmer\n@ REVOLVING LAZY SUSAN on Black Base\n\nMake your parties a gay occasion with handsome Cook-and-Serve ceramic ware.\nTake these colorful serving dishes right from the oven to the table, porch, terrace,\npatio, anywhere ... serving from them is as much fun as a picnic. Beautiful kiln\nfired, oven-proof pink ceramic dishes with a frosty white glaze—set in their indi-\nvidual black wrought iron stands. So smart, so attractive, so thrifty you will be\nwise to buy all three. Wonderful for housewarming and shower gifts, too. A\nboon to the budget minded.\n\n \n\n \n\nHOUSEWARES SECTION—Street Floor\n\nFLIGELMAN’S\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1734.3948408203125, 2372.059513671875, 2564.468806640625, 3470.0928300781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Mrs. M. C. Larsen of East Hel-\nena was honored Friday night at\na farewell party at the home of\nMrs. C. D. Lindeberg at 420\nHauser. Mrs. Keith Anderson was\nassistant hostess.\n\nMrs. Larsen is moving to Cali-\nfornia Sept. 1 with her husband\nand family. She received a gift\nfrom members of the Cecelian\nchorus, who were guests. Mrs.\nsen has been director for the\ngroup. Members wished her wel\nin her new home and expressec\ntheir regrets at losing her as ar\nassociate of the group, Louis«\n| Kaiser, reporter, said.\n\nSinging, visiting and refresh\n|ments were enjoyed.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4240.09833203125, 786.617375, 5066.2468828125, 2665.171443359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. David of\nWashington, D. C., visited last\nweek at the home of her parents,\nMr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Davis at\n185 West Lyndale.\n\nThey also visited at the home\nof her brother and sister-in-law,\nMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis at\n624 Hoback.\n\nDavid, director of governmental\nstudies at the Brookings institu-\ntion, is the edftor of a five-vol-\nume report on presidential nomi-\nnating politics in 1952, written\nfor the American Political Sci-\nence association. It was published\nlast year.\n\nThe Davids plan to spend this\nweek in Estes Park, Colo. Then\nthey will attend the annual meet-\ning of the Political Science asso-\nciation Sept. 7-9 on the campus\nof the University of Colorado in\nBoulder. Davie will report to the\nassociation’s council on plans for\nresearch for national political\nconventions next year.\n\nMrs. David, who is associated\nwith the Public Administration\nClearing house in Washington\nD.C., will attend a meeting of\nthe editorial board of Public Ad\n\nministration review while ir\nRNanldoar\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1789.3873291015625, 6808.4384765625, 2570.8974609375, 7170.07275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Trip fo Moon Possible\nBut Fares Are High;\nPassenners Are Scarce\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5901.22314453125, 397.6510314941406, 6680.61474609375, 742.5291137695312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Barbara Graveley\nCelebrates\nThird Birthday\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 914.6245727539062, 2753.83984375, 1655.72021484375, 3100.99951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Tommy Rice Observes\nSecond Birthday\nAt Home of Parents\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5910.6787109375, 2077.79150390625, 6650.10205078125, 2435.404541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Tony Schnablegger Is\nEngaged to North\nCarolina Resident\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5907.35809765625, 796.2004438476563, 6759.2742265625, 2041.2035478515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Barbara Graveley recently Cere\nbrated her third birthday at @\nnarty at the home of her parents,\nMr. and Mrs. John D. Graveley at\n509 Sixth.\n\nThe table was centered with\nyellow and pink “Happy Birth-\nday” paper plates, cups and nap-\nkins. Each place was marked\nwith a nursery rhyme character\nand a favor cup. A large birth-\nday cake on a musical plate cen-\ntered the table. Balloons were\nsuspended throughout the room.\n\nEach child received a prize.\nCake and ice cream were served.\n\nGuests were Signe and Nancy\nEsposito, Carol and Jeanne Grave-\nley, Jane Herrick, Dale Isaak,\nRicky Nason, Tommy Mattice,\nColleen Puterbaugh, Wayne\nSwanson and Jo Anne and John-\nny Yalovich.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2559.020751953125, 406.09478759765625, 4180.0205078125, 884.376708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Mary Ann Breen, John W. McHusgl\nUnited in Marriage at\nSt. Joseph’s Church in Choteau\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5919.08466015625, 2444.85516796875, 6775.4011796875, 3020.1455644531247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Mae Matthews of Peasley, N.\nC., has announced the engage-\nment of her daughter, Cora, to\nA/3c Tony Schnablegger of Mac-\nPs air force base in Tampa,\nFla. He is the son of Mrs. Wal-\nter Schrock of 300 State and\nTony Schnablegger of Spokane.\n\nA September wedding at the\nbase in Tampa is planned.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 922.9744306640625, 3107.90497265625, 1731.9782060546877, 3938.2151445312497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Tommy Rice recently cele:\nbrated his second birthday at a\nparty at the home of his parents,\nMr. and Mrs. Gene Rice near\nFort Harrison.\n\nGuests were his maternal grand-\nparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cer:\nney, his sister, Merry Hope, Fran\ncis Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frei\nburg and son, Randy, Mr. and\nMrs. John Eckman and children\nLinda and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs\nJack Rogers and _ daughters\nVickie and Patricia and Bett;\nand Connie Black.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4228.0576171875, 409.0602722167969, 5021.81982421875, 746.5732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Mr., Mrs. Paul T. David\nConclude Visit\nWith Helena Relatives\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5148.13671875, 3107.78466796875, 6742.9169921875, 5150.6416015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "- Back-to-School\nin Black and White\naa) OXFORDS\n\nea ae\n\ngood range of sizes\n\nTHISTLEW ANTE: N\n\n123 N. Main\n\n \n \n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4253.66943359375, 2705.236572265625, 4997.3564453125, 3063.573974609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Reception Will Honor\nEmil Zieglers\nOn 50th Anniversary\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5073.7941328125, 892.0791059570313, 5895.71709765625, 2399.928279296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "The Business and Professional\nWomen’s club enjoyed a picnic\nlunch Tuesday evening on the\ngrounds of the Vocational School\nfor Girls in the Helena valley.\n\nOne of the girls at the school\npresented a reading, ‘Arsenic\nand Old Lace.’ Club members\ntoured the administration build-\n‘ing and visited the auditorium.\n\nRuby Miller, superintendent of\nthe school, showed colored movies\nand gave an interesting and in-\nstructive talk on the school’s op-\neration, activities, recreation and\nprograms,\n\nGuests of the club were Helen\nand Marie Nickolai, Clara Greg.\nory, Louise Ehlers, Mrs. Herbert\nKibler, Margaret Ann Milligan\nLoreen Cook and Ruth Downs.\n\nArrangement committee mem\nbers. were Sybil Holm as chair\nman, Dorothy Byrne, Rena His\nsong, Dr. Victoria Markellis, Lu\ncille Hashka and Mildred Borg\nstede.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1754.601806640625, 3533.88720703125, 2539.281005859375, 3903.773193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Order of Rainbow\nSchedules |\nDinner, Meeting\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1746.9349365234375, 437.78814697265625, 2530.05517578125, 1664.0625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n\nef OMG %,\n“ig Bf\n\n \n\n“yy\n\nts,\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1785.30341015625, 7180.6632734375, 2625.5105546875, 7982.84307421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Bessemer, Ala.—(4)—A trip to\nthe moon for two persons is _pos-\nsible—for about seven billion dol-\nlars.\n\nThat’s the opinion of Charles\nD. Davidson, of the mission plan-\nning office of the army ordnance\nguided missile and rocket re-\nsearch center at Redstone, Ala.\n\nIn a speech here, Davidson says\nthere are no insurmountable en-\ngineering barriers. All that’s\nneeded, he said, are money, man-\npower and a valid reason.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 4306.06103515625, 3982.33935546875, 5085.8388671875, 5194.41650390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Only 50¢ sown\n\nOnly 50c a week\n\ndelivers your choice of famous\nname brands of Toasters, Waf\nfle ‘rons, Fat Fryers Electric\nShavers, Food Mixers, F\nBlenders, Fry Pans, Electric\nCoffee Makers, Steam Irons.\nHand trons, Automatic Blan-\nkets, Heat Pads, Lighting Fix-\ntures, Electric Clocks.\n\nALLEN\nELECTRIC\n\nMAYTAG and HOTPOINT\nSales and Service\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 64.20117950439453, 430.2725830078125, 1663.1986083984375, 894.7755737304688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Vera Lodge Elected and Installed\nGrand Worthy Matron, OES, at\n\n66th Annual Session in Missoula\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1740.9530029296875, 1871.5333251953125, 2548.65576171875, 2353.12353515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Mrs. M. C. Larsen\nHonored at\nFarewell Party\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5070.4794921875, 398.2072448730469, 5851.123046875, 864.69775390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "BPW Picnic Held\nAt Valley\nSchool Ground\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4258.49969921875, 3089.888126953125, 5086.45244921875, 3925.9116777343747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Members of the First Lutheran\nchurch will honor the Rev. and\nMrs. Emil Ziegler at a golden\nwedding reception from 7 to 9\no’clock tonight at the church\nparlors at the corner of Ninth and\nRodney.\n\nFriends of the couple have in.\nvited, Mrs. Fred Salmen, recep-\ntion chairman, said. Mrs. Sal.\nmen will be assisted by Mrs. Ed\nwin Grimm, Mrs. A. J. Hahn\nCharlotte Schneider, Mrs. Fred\nLohman, Mrs. Frank Lamb anc\nMrs. Martin D. Juhl.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 146.37867736816406, 6484.16943359375, 1757.079345703125, 9733.5986328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nAMERICA’S FINE WATCH\n\n \n \n \n\nMARIE $57.75\n17 jewels. Nat-\nural gold-filled\n\n= --\n\n \n \n \n \n\nTopp $63.25\n18 jewels. Nat-\nural gold-filled\n\nVARDON\n\n17 jewels. Sealed\nagainst moisture\nFederal tox and dust. Stain-\nless steel case.\n\nBARNES JEWELRY\n\n107 E. 6th Ave.\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3485.05419921875, 6573.0078125, 4205.21630859375, 7584.64892578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n\n@ Quality Work\n\n@ Fast Service\n\n@ S&HGreen |\nStamps\n\nDELUXE\n\nDRIVE-IN\nCLEANERS\n\n800 East Sixth Ave.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2661.968017578125, 6725.970703125, 3427.376220703125, 7134.5732421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "SWENSON-JAMES\nSTUDIO\n\n \n\nLicensed Photographer .\nA Portrait Is Your Mirror To\nday—Your Memory Tomorrow\n53 W. Sixth Ave. Hickory 2-4536\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 5087.648625, 2513.098576171875, 5898.00811328125, 3018.3330644531247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "ee ee ee ee => eons Me aft\n\n‘The Wesleyan Service guild o!\nSt. Paul’s Methodist church wil\nhold its first fall meeting at §\no'clock Friday night at the\nchurch. “The Spread of the King\ndom in Perilous Times” will be\nthe topic. Clara Bower will leac\ndevotions. Hester Haynes ane\nVera Lodge will be hostesses.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3444.167724609375, 1926.24365234375, 4216.62158203125, 4476.44384765625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2568.336369140625, 911.4990278320313, 3402.8171953124997, 6676.2341875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Mary Ann Breen and John\nWilliam McHugh were married\nat 11 o’clock Saturday morning,\nAug. 13, at St. Joseph’s church\nin Choteau. The Rev. Fr. Thomas\nJ. Gannon officiated at the dou-\nble-ring ceremony. The bride is\nthe daughter of Mr. and Mrs.\nJerry W. Breen of Choteau and\nthe bridegroom is the son of Mr.\nand Mrs. Peter J. McHugh of the\nHelena valley.\n\nGiven in marriage by her fa-\nther, the bride wore a floor-\nlength gown of imported French\npeau d’ ange lace over perma\nsoie satin with fitted bodice ap-\npliqued to an invisible tulle yoke\nwith standing collar. The long\nfitted sleeves were of lace. The\nbouffant skirt was of tulle and\nperma soie satin.\n\nThe bride’s finger-tip veil of\nillusion was caught to a queen’s\ncrown of lace encrusted with\npearls and sequins. She carried\na missal and a bouquet of white\ngladioli and Stephanotis.\n\nMatron of honor was Mrs. C. J.\nLarson, siste: of the bride.\nBridesmaids were Kathleen Moore\nof Twodot, cousin of the bride,\nand Barbara Zgoda of Choteau.\nThe bridesmaids’ gowns, fash-\njioned of silk crystalette, featured\nja color scheme ranging from pale\n|pink to deep raspberry. Iden.\ntical pearl necklaces, matching\npicture hats of pale pink nylor\nnet and heart-shaped bouquets o!\npink and white gladioli completec\ntheir costumes.\n\nSusan Cosgriff, cousin of the\n-|\\bride, and Kathleen McHugh\nniece of the bridegroom, were\nflower girls. They wore identica\nfloor-length dresses of pale pinl\norgandy over pink satin an\ncoronets of pink and white car\nnations. They carried white satit\nbaskets of rose petals.\n\nEdward McHugh was best ma!\nfor his brother. Victor Burt o\n_|Helena and Richard Morgan o\nf Bozeman were ushers. Mrs A\n\nHensley, organist, played trad:\ntional wedding selections and ac\ncompanied Eileen Vaugelesti\nsoloist.\n\nFor her daughter’s weddins\nMrs. Breen chose a pink line\ndress, white accessories and\ncorsage of pink and white ros¢\nbuds. The bridegroom’s mothe\nwas attired in a navy blue dres:\nwhite accessories and a corsag\nof pink fose buds.\n\nThe altar of the church ws\ndecorated with two large basket\nof white gladioli and two vase\nof pink and white gladioli, a\nranged by Mrs. Charles Dahlit\nA wedding breakfast was hel\nat the church basement wit\nMarge Hanusa in charge.\n\nMrs. William Breen and Mr\nyf | B. I. Packer had charge of th\nf | afternoon reception held at th\niq|home of the bride. They wet!\n1. | assisted by Mrs. Fred Tesch an\n,|Gladys Nelson. Reception hos\no-|esses were Mrs. P. J. Moore «\nTwodot, aunt of the bride; Mr\nHanusa and Mrs. Charles Bou\nsard.\n\nMrs. John Swanson had char;\nof the guest book. Rosemal\nBradley of Butte supervised cu\n{ting of the cake and Mrs. C. |\n. Russell and Dorothy Wisem:\n\n*Idirected the serving. Mrs. Ric\nth! ard Nordhagen and Corky Ka\nof/had charge of presents. Sand:\nt./Sue Hanusa, John Zgoda, V:\n°Y|ginia Durr and Linda Groot\nC€| sisted at the reception.\nat} since returning from a we\nN./ding trip to Banff and Lal\nt-| Louise, Canada, the couple liv\nat|in Helena where the bridegroo\nenjis business manager of Clove\nar{leat Dairy.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nal\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2723.6728515625, 7187.79931640625, 3412.79833984375, 7578.35009765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Fancy Girl’s Dresses\n\nTHE DEBBIE\nKAYE SHOP\n\n105 E. Sixth Ave.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3477.033203125, 5621.7978515625, 4261.53515625, 6045.5166015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nREYNOLDS\nDRUG COMPANY\n\nComplete Drug Store Service\n$24 Fuller Ave. Hickery 2-2580\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 125.4886703491211, 3982.916259765625, 1717.7191162109375, 6308.28466796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nFeatures “that go- to-\ngether look” ina full\ncircle skirt of quilted\nneedlepoint cord by\nCrompton, and blouse of\nLEBANON wool jersey—\nperfectly color matched!\nBoth in jewel\ntones of garnet,\namethyst, tur -\nquoise, amber\nor black; sizes 8\nto 18. The skirt,\n$19.95; and the\nblouse $7.95.\n\nfisher's\nstyle shop\n\n36 W. 6th. Ave.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1795.3897138671875, 8233.072453125, 2641.60967578125, 9276.34746875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Today, Aug. 28\n\nMembers First Ladlieven church\nreception honoring the Rev. and\nMrs. Emil Ziegler on 50th wed-\nding, 7 to 9 p. m., church par-\nlors.\n\nThursday, Sept. 1\nNaomi Rebekah lodge No. 1,\n“ey fall meeting, 8 p. m., IOOF\nall.\n\nFriday, Sept. 2\n\nFlorence Crittenton Home cir-\ncle, first fall meeting, 2:30 p. m.,\n22 Jefferson.\n\nWesleyan Service guild, St.\nPaul’s Methodist church, first\nfall meeting, 8 p. m., church.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3476.18408203125, 5197.396484375, 4253.7529296875, 5537.44091796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Cotton Frock Shop\n\n“lovely things for less”\n41 W. 6th Ave. Dial HI 2-4680\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 3485.999755859375, 6102.1748046875, 4290.82421875, 6480.4990234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "It Pays te Kaow Your\nSTATE FARM AGENT\n\n. E. L. (Al) Svingen\n607 Power Block\nHelena, Mont. Hickory 2-8530\n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1785.181884765625, 8032.93212890625, 2560.488037109375, 8192.533203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Social Calendar\n" }, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": { "bbox": [ 1786.7891279296875, 9360.884953125, 2644.124568359375, 9820.3875078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Petersburg, Va. —(4)-—— Walter\nE. Cheely, a mail carrier, lost\na wallet containing $150. Public\npleas for its return failed to pro-\nduce it, but Cheely isn’t out the\nmoney. Patrons on his mail route\n\n) contributed $150 and gave it to\nhim.\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 5082.39501953125, 2457.106689453125, 5497.70654296875, 2516.099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Weslevan Guild\n" }, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 5 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 2, 5 ] ]
[ 2470.40625, 3507.04052734375 ]
[ [ 0, 5 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 2, 1 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 659.56648828125, 3057.270833984375, 959.559244140625, 3494.4957675781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Vegas he goes to work on the\npilat fim, which will probably he\na situation comedy involving, of\null things, a siager.\n*\n\nThis is television: More people\nwili sen cance stars Marge and\nGower Chanspion an the one-shot\ntelevised version of ‘Three fo\nTonight” on CRS-TY on Jhne 22\nthan ihe combined audiences a!\nthee T7-cily tour and Broadway\nnun on the show,\n\n \n\nkkk\n\nAnd this, also, is television, hi\nmare specifically. ihe all-porvad.\nlng infiuenee ef NBC president Pal\nWeaver: Roy Nogers is’ now re\nferring lo his new 1955 rodeo ne\na “apectacular’ Nary a calor\néamera in sight, either.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 351.9302578125, 3056.927328125, 653.8716220703125, 3497.0008945312497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "most as much of a national fad\nas Davy himself,\n\nkk *&\n\nThe greal dancer, Valerie Bettis,\nIs dolng ‘Time of the Cpckee” at\nHie Ann Arbor Drama lestival.\nIhough Miss Bettis 1s ane of our\nfinest dancers, I rather suspect\ntat her veal passion ig the theater\nShe has done several straight\ndramatic relies on television and\nthe slage, and it wouldn't surprise\n‘me If she exnerged Inlo one of cur\nlest Ioniling ladies.\n\n \n\n \n\n* al\n_ Deuntis'Day, wha was somewhat\nunhappy abou his previous TV\nseries an NBC, Is taking another\n-erack ac ‘TY on the seine skeGvork.\nAs soon ad he finishes hia present\nengagement at the Sahara in Lag\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 38.63929559326172, 3076.868490234375, 346.6671848144531, 3493.1261386718747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nThe lovely Jane Froman won\nfirst prize at Gisele MeKenzic's\nelegant costume party. .\n\nWhen I heard this I instantly\nenvisoned Jane in yards of lace\nand oodles of sparkling jewels,\nfowe In as eilher Marie Antoinette\nor Madame Bullarry, Instead, she\nped on a rubber nose, baggy\nsand about a halfpourld of\nmake-up and came as Kmmelt\nKelly, the great cleus clown.\n\nTony Charmoli, the nofed dance\ndirector, came os Marian Brando\nand arrived, an a motorcycle, nn-\ntually. . .\n\nThe hostess dressed herself up\nas \"Datsy\" Crockeld, That wns np-\neroprlaie when you consider that\nMiss MeKonzle Js becoming al-\n\n \n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1893.501953125, 2570.992919921875, 2466.48095703125, 3485.017333984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "See “THE HOUSE THAT\nHOME BUILT”\nspecial telecast Saturday, 2:00 p.m.\nWOALTV Channel 4\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\naresented by\nE.S. JOHNSON, BUILDER\noe “ihe man whe built\nof Sea Antonio's ‘House\n\nWsat Home Built!”\n\n \n \n \n\nthat\n\nHOME\n— built\n\n \n\nand visit Son\nAntonio's House that\nHome Built, 704\nMorningside Drive,\nOnca house starts\nB Saturday, Jure 4th!\n\n \n \n\nF.. and watch “HOME” on\nchannel 4, every weekday at\n9.00 asm, You'll enjoy this\nlerrific program with Arlene\nFrancis . . , especially for\n\n| housewives,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1893.2525634765625, 731.6798706054688, 2464.85107421875, 1589.0982666015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "KEEP KOOL « KERR\nanon FOR THE ALC NEW T98S ]\nar oF\nPHILCO ‘Texan\nROOM AIR CONDITIONER\nfae\n\nsith A.Woy Ait\nLFLouvers,\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nJor the Largest\nSelection of\n“ROOM AUR\nCONDITIONERS.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nGet It at JAMES KERR on Convenient Terms!\n| LOWEST AIR CONDITIONING PRICES\nIN TOWN\n\n \n\n2000 BROADWAY at JOSEPHINE cas: 1442\nOpen Evenings Till 7:00 P.M,\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 965.59871484375, 3068.675619140625, 1269.0520419921875, 3501.1959628906247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "xx k\nJane Wilson, who was the lead-\ning soprano on the Pred Waring\nhow, has replaced Lols Hunt on\nthe Rohert Q. Lawls Shaw. The one\nJimpse of her in her new sur.\nroundings convinced me she's hap-\n\npy with the change,\n\n \n \n\nkkk\n\nArt Carney has an dileresilag\nvole in “The Iveredible World_of\nHorace Ford,” on Sludia One\n(CBS) on una 12. The part catls\nfor a mature man at (ie beginning\nnnd works backward to a Hine\nboy at the ond. ‘The play ia by\nTheginall Rose, whe wrote I'ea-\nedly - ward - winning “Twelve\nAnary Men.\"\n\n(Copyright, 1955, hy United Fea-\nture Syndicate, Inc.) ~\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 409.7752380371094, 2841.509765625, 1091.0904541015625, 3040.599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "On TV and Radio\n\nJane Froman Wins First Prize at Party\nWith. Her ‘Great Circus Clown’ Costume\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1883.4222412109375, 331.8475341796875, 2470.40625, 704.8010864257812 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\nT-BONE STEAK ...... 99\n12-07. SIRLOIN STEAK...°1%\n\nSalad, French Fried Potutoer, Bread and Butter\nNe. 12800 N, Flores, corner Wandinwn No. 21724 Fredericksburg Read\n(loved Therdaray (Open T Dare a Week?\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1286.04638671875, 560.2783203125, 1861.375732421875, 1027.7608642578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "WIN PRIZES\n\nCicam Gest\n\"JUNIOR AUCTION”\n\nSATURDAY MORNING, 11 A.M.\n\nWOALTV CHANNEL 4\n\nHey Kids! Hcre’s your chance (0 win wonderlul prizes such as\nhaschall gloves, bats, hicyeles, two wecks af a summer catnp.\nThere's nothing to buy—just watch lunior Auctian—or come to\nthe WOAL-TY st jaturday morning—slarting Schnnic Lane,\n\n \n\nPet 92\nJORNNIE LANE\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1889.628662109375, 1648.9835205078125, 2459.23046875, 2546.03564453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nCome!\n\nEnjoy really GOOD food in\nair-conditioned comfort!\n\n+ «for ANY meat ia a laste-treat\nhere, from 6 o'clock breakfasts to\naftey-the-(heatre anacks, For your\nealing pleasure on a hot day, we\nstyrgesl s\n\nRefreshing Summer Salads\nTempting Seafoods\nFrench Pastries\nOur anexcetled Frenelh pastries, pies,\nDanish rolls, cheese-caleo (all fresh\nfrant' the even daily) are the “loast\naf the town. Try them at “coffee\nbreaka”, Saluds?—on appelising va-\nriety! Try the wop, ef the shrimp.\nHach a summer meu! in Hself. For\nreally GOOD food, seven days na\nweels, it’s the Manhattan, every thnel\n\n \n \n \n \n\nFa mous for Quality at Popular Prices\n\nwheatlan\n\n228\n\n \n\n(/ Houston\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1271.4290771484375, 1934.8204345703125, 1871.4208984375, 3507.04052734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "| and DUMPLINGS - oe mE\n\nLuLu Belle\n\nwith\nDorothy Lamour ond\n\nGoarge Montgomery\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nTuesday and Thursday\n\n7:55 a.m.\nSaturday——-7:00 a.m.\n\nAMALIE\n\n \n\n‘Gai News Sranow Nog\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1582.6507568359375, 91.9740982055664, 1856.9267578125, 541.8070068359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\ngel earning dram: latiog ‘\n\nstory about’a\n\naa ries s devotion,\n\nMecay the Friday: V:45 AM.\nSponsored by\n\nLone Star Brewing Co.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1278.63232421875, 105.8428955078125, 1583.564208984375, 536.9910278320312 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "wy IMAG 10.\n\n \n\nThe Gayest Mexican Station”\nIn Son Antonio\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 40.335487365722656, 46.37125015258789, 1270.414306640625, 2910.577880859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\na _ FRIDAY'S PROGRAMS—-6 AM. TO 12:P.M,\nWOAI-TV “\"e\"] KENS-TV Sheenel AISA So | KMAC S87] KENS cs WOAT ABS\n\n \n\n530\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\noon 44 430 680 1200\n100 Sign on 5:10 [RED Texas Sign On 5 a.m. Stora of the Ronge\nt1S Rural Rowts 556 e faim & Ranch Farm News\nSi 330 News——Millos wid Hour with Bill Morning Devotional\ntoi ign On: (6:55) 145 Rural Route 580)Claud J. Banam Shomette 4. Em'son’s Hy'n Time\nodoy, Morning Slow 300 Trading Past [Evan U, Rololt CBS World News News—Howell\na g 215. Big Brass Band Newsm—Ford Mitchell {Barclay Russell Show\n: a 230 News—Miller {RFD Texas 680 Sun Dial\n7 245 Weathercast “ &\ning Dong Sthoot Gary Moore 200 Breokfast Club |Unity School * News—Metcalt\nWoy of the World a c1s Taylor Tabernacle ~ Barclay Rusrell Show\nSheilah Graham Show “ we Rey duck: Com 4 *\nHome, o p00 My Tous Stary |Hary Hodge Arthur Godfrey Ken Rowe Shaw\n” 3 ; 215 Bro, Sill Guild e “\n“ Strike Ue Rich 220 Whitpezing Six, [€olvery Mistionary | = i .\nmew 145 When o Gil Marl. D. Wittiams * Break the Bank\nennesseo Emie Show |Valiont Lody 100 Leona Visits Florida Calling r) Striko It Rich\nLove of Life \" rs “ ”\nFeather Your Nest\n\nSearch for Tomortaw\n\nLes Miller Show Pl D x Phraso That Pays\nGuiding Light a Queen fora Day — |News-Take It Easy ra! y\n\n_ [Vignette Serond Chance\n\nMary Carter's’ Cook |The Innar Flame\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n5 Minula News (News Wendy Warren Back te tho title\nbook ; Road of Lite Len Miller Show |Cecil Brown-News [Aunt Mary\nernoan Movietime [Weleame Travelers Luncheon Music |Holen Trent N. Vincent Reals\n. ms Star of the Duy Our Gal Sunday Country Concert\n‘ Robert Q. Lewis News ° Cedrte Foster Mo Perking «(| News—Guerra\n, he a Paul Hervey Laney Nolan Or. Malone phrker Reports,\njouse Party Adolph Hofner [Headlines in Music {Heidelberg Holid: Sunttay Cone\nNews and Weather a Form & Rench Q S |eewe—mitene [Judyand Jone\nTed Mack's Matinee Big Payoff 3 Minuta News Big League Basebali|Second Mrs, Burtaw |Joree Jordan, M.D,\n6 ig Texas Style Memphis, Tenn. at Perry Mason Doetar’s Wila\nireatest Gift Bab Crosby Ostty Cracker Mobile, Alo. Mora Drake Pauling Frederick\nConcer'g Miss Martowo) Texus Sty! “ Brighter Day Bevecohietenlt\nHawkins Falls Brighter Day 3 Minuto 7 Hilttap Howse Woman in Love\nFirst Love Seeret Storm 550 Clubtime ” Art Linkletter’s \"\nWorld of Mr. Sweeney lon Your Account .. * ” Mouse Party Pepper Young's For,\nModern Romunces a “ “ Spins & Necdles Right to Happ!\ny lee Sh Show Hollywood Playhousa 100 5 Minute News \" News; Spins & Backstage Wife\nui 35°55 Clubtima jscores and News Needies Stella Dottas\nHowdy Doody “ 130 Monetta Shaw Young Widder Brown\n|\" £45 Bumper to B'pet Hilibily Meuse Perty| Woman in My Heute\nSagebrush Ronch 2 700 5-Minuta News Today's Top 10 Just Plain Bit\n“Little Rascals\" 15 Bumper to Bper “ a Lorenze Jonot\n# ” 3002~«~«S Rudy Gray “ Lona Ranger\nu Hillbilly House “a :\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nBarker Bill y News Top 10--Vignette | Music to Drive By\n: a World News Roundup 215 Start the Day Haws\nddic Fisher Doug Edwaids 330 S-Minute News [Frank Klein Sundown Serenade “\nNews Caravan Perry Como 245 Bumper to Bier |Tex, Star Playboys {Lewall Thomas . Mews .\nNews, Weather, Ames Brothers 200 Bill Stern Music by Candlclighe| Bus. News, W'thr, Spt\n_ Business & Sports {Harry Wismer 115 News bi John W. Scott, News [Alex Dreier +\nLife of Riley Topper 130 Popular Parade | Gabricl Heatter Tennessee Ernie Morgan Beatty\nLe y a Perry Como Edward @. Murrow [One Man's Family\nBig Stary se of Stars a Counter Spy Godfrey Digert Dinah ahate:\n” i rank Stnatra Show\nBadge 714 iss Brooks 2 City Editor etn Shit tai Friday with Garroway\nPaddy Young vs : ~ * Meet Mv. Music Perry Como Poddy Yeu Young ve\ntly e a Bing Crosb ily MeNecce\nCavalcade of America 4 Save o Lile Bereball— a\nRed Barber's Corner an * _S\\A, Missions vs a\nThis Is Your Life” |Corliss Archer (00 Edw. P: Morgan (iteet Me. Musi | Fe. Warth IFiiday “with :\n” : tor oF the Day jaerowoy\nSeerct File U.S.A, Eddie Cantor 230 Popular Parade “ “ “\nt ‘i ny a g E # :\njDangerous Astigament 200 News Fe News\nMillion-Dollar Movies, [oer 1 ns Martege Serenade ev club News of the Wertd |\n\"Luly Belle!” World News Roundup 230 Popular Parade \" a John Babcock Show\n“ Friday Night Theater so a \" | ” |\n” \" Tony Davis Show eo ar\now a o o ”\n” \" ” ” ie “\"\n- 12:00 Sign Off. 245 “ Hi 12 midntaht bi ”\nMUSIC AND NEWS RADIO ___ SPANISH LANGUAGE RADIO\n920 aan - 1350 4\nKIT AON ACR KIWW \"ye KEXX 2°\na F;\napo ai cec 6:00 Doybresker 6:00 Despertor Entre | 6:00 Buence Diet 6:00 Ronchoras\n7:30 Farm News Canelanes .\nas Ne 6310. N. Agricola 6:45 Polka 7:00 Carmavat del aire\n13 vethoe 10:00 Members Only 6:15 Alegre 7200 ELAMIOSOBHISE fe. sasvai\n8:00 Musicat Clack 12rlS' News 6:30 Lox Tres Reyor 7:30 Desp. Mus.\n9:00 Siva. ain 12:30 Texas Tophands :\n10:00 FourStar 1:00 Saddle Pals 6:45 Satudos 8:00 No Olvida 3:00 Boferos\n7 3:00 Matinea 7:30 Notlelas\n1:09 Hall of Forme 20) Matinee 4:30 Nawseast\n11:45 News 530M MALE OR, 8:30 Conrcjera 8:30 Scratch Phillips\n12:00 Sammy Kaya tae oats mt F dol 8:43 Exitos dol Momento\nlls Wont kee 1DD Screnado 200 Juun Charrasqueado} (8-86 6 Riches\nTsA5 News , 9:00 Cascada Mutleal :00 Despyune Musica\n12:30 Weather ao ees 9:13 El Danecho dey\n12:45 News : amooree . Nacan 9:15 Rodlo Teatro .\ne 11:04 All Nite Serenade 11:00 Covalgata de Exites\n1:00 SP’DSADOMP U08 AINite Serenade ‘ f a\n2:00 Scrapbook { 7 9:30 Muler 9:30 Compositorcs\n3:00 Mom's Music { RITE-FM 97.3 MC. 9:45 Hogar Bat Ritmica |}1:45 Desfile de Estrellas\nHit Parada 7:00 Mustcal Showcose ‘ Club He!\n100 Ragtima 8:00 Silver Strings F000\" Teles en 12:15 Hora Alegra\n5:15 Naws 8.30 Music You Want 10:15 Reina Sin Corona | 10:45 Los Estrellas\n5:30 Keyboard 9:00 Concert Hall ‘ 11:00 Cantatox da Mi '\n6:00 Dinnee Musie 11:00 Sign OFF oe nee Puchte Man, Neveeaut\nSe age 5 u «Velasco Ts\nOTHER TELEVISION 12:30 Fiestas TSS \"Condiones qué 2:00 Anshuae\n: 1:00 Claefonia 12:00 Angelus 3:30 Newscast\n= 1:28 Notictas 12:30 Sob Musical\n2:00-—The Brighter Day * Ghramepagfusice\n6:40—Sign On O56 De cannaiinced 2:00 Ranchera 12:48 “Benzenes 3:45 Professor Dorantes\n3—Channel 7 Almanct; Sapcthky tee scant 2:20 El 1:00 Be Cine .} 4:00 Pico de oro\n0—-Today 3:30-—Howdy Doody 3:00 Exitos 1:30 Cuerdas y Rit\n7:25—Weather 4:00——Katie’s Kitchen 3:30’ Don Tache {eS Mowseany 5:00 Peping\n0—Today 4:30—To Be Announced | 4:00 Noticias wee Mewseas\n5—Raymond Massey $:00—Mother’s Dalight 4:45 7-Up Club 2:00 Valses 6:00 Scratch Phillips\nO-—Gaesy Moore 5:30—Eddie Fisher Me ned 130 Devall: an\n8:45—Sheilah Graham | 5:45—Newa Coravan 4:30 Jimmies oe Dexotlanel, nace ;\n9:00—Stinet Scono 0—Cacti‘s Fill Tima 5:00 Noticias 2:45 Voces Intern’e’nales Above programs aca\n9:15—Woman's World S—Nows & Weather | 5:15 Espuslas de Plata | 3.90 Antisias tocates | |F\n9:20—Strike It Rich 6:30—Theso Things 8:30 Etponota ‘ 8 alse breadcest FM—\n00—Yali 245— 3:30 Carayana Artistice\n10:00—Valiant Lady 6:45—Tronsatlantic 6:00 Notielas | edhe BL. 16TE 330\n10:15 —Love of Life elena G8 Helen 3:45 Serlal TSAR es Muse 3\n—Search for Tomor'wt 7:00—Playhoute of Stara : i 40 — -KI9s —\n10:45—To Be Anneunced | 7:30-—The Lineup 7:00 Mambo 4.00 Vinotar fo) “Wda0, —\" EAGER\nTT:15—Road of Life 8:00—Cavaleade of Sp’rts | 8:00 Deportes 4:15 Asi Canto 99.5 mo—=3 p.m. to 9 p.m,\n} 9—Wolcoms Travelers) 8:45—Red Berber Show 9:00 Armoniss Nectur- | 4.30 Baile KONO —929 me—2 pm.\n12:00 cus 9:00—Ltbarace nales 5:00 Contcecian\nTatoos Pap” | 9:20-—Lifo of Riley 9:45 Retampage Oe Vara to 9 p.m, —KITE-FM — 97.3\n0—Tha Big Payat? —|10:00——Eddig Cantor 10:00 Don Albert 5:15 Voces\n0—liob Crosb 10:20—Ray Mitland Show | 12:00 Sign OFF\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2166.396240234375, 146.2913360595703, 2440.6640625, 297.660400390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\nSERVICE\n\nT ‘In: Your Homa\n\nDays, Nighis and Sundoys\n\n$3.50 SAzou\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 67.26304626464844, 2827.099365234375, 217.07627868652344, 3043.91796875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1290.158203125, 1034.0574951171875, 1861.364013671875, 1985.9371337890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nWE RE PROUD OF OUR FAMILY TRADE\n\nEvery Day More and More Families\nAre Finding Their Way to\n\n \n\n\"3522S, NEW BRAUNFELS AVE-—-IN\n\nMecCRELESS SHOPPING VILLAGE\n\nServing Hours; 17 to 2:30—4:30 to & p.nn\nFOOD TO GO\n\nSPECIAL FOR TONIGHT—(FRIDAY) 4:30-3:00\n\nFRESH SALMON STEAK\n58°\nFRIED SPRING CHICKEN\nBO vescscus |\nCorn on the Cob 5c |\n\nOliva Gumbo\nHot Fruit Pies\n\n \n\nENCHILADAS eT oi ese ror 15\n\n \n \n\n \n \n\nAll Day Saturday, 11:00-2:30, 4:30-8:00\nHOMEMADE CHICKEN 53°\nand DUMPLINGS -\n\n \n" }, "17": null, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 1894.560302734375, 120.9537353515625, 2144.02783203125, 296.13360595703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n\n‘Byok Resube\nEXPRESS MEWS\nWANT ADS\naor\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 68.50554656982422, 2826.88525390625, 219.01339721679688, 3046.306884765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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FOURTH ST Ph. HE, 34972\nLong Beach 24, California\n\n79 BPA RRANARARAR ARORA\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 45.51230877685547, 812.1416499023437, 388.0675786132813, 1905.08778125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Hudson Motors’ new models\nfor 1956, featuring V-line styling\nant a new VB engine, g9 an dis-\nplay in dealers’ showrooms\nThursday.\n\nA new V-shaped grill is high-\nlighted by a modern inner mesh\npattern. Side panels continue the\nVeline styling theme. Ornamental\nair intake scoops enhance the\nfront fender appearance, New\ntaillights, elliptical in shape,\nblend into the fender with new\nchrome fins.\n\nThe new passenger car line in-\ncludes a custom four-door sedan\nand two-door Hollywood hardtop\nin the Hornet V-8 series; a super\nand customs four-door and custom\ntwo-deor Hol ood hardtop. in\nthe Hurnet ” and\nfour-door sedan in the Wasp s\nties,\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n- 8 aoe\n\nFOR $956 the Hudson Hornet\nV3 enzine, developing 220 horse-\npower, has a compression ratio\nof 9 to 1 and a displacement\nnf 332 cubie Inches, It features a\nnew high-lift camshaft, twins\nthroat downdraft carburetor, and\nfive main bearings,\n\n‘The Hornet Championship Six.\nwith new hydratlic valve lifters\nand an tmproved camshaft de-\nsign, is offered an all new Hornet\nmodels, Its horsepower has heer\n{nercased fo 165, with a compres:\nsion ratie of 7.5 to 1, The Cham:\npionship Six also is offered witt\n“Twin W-Power.’ delivering 177\nhorsepower, available as stand\nard cquigment en custom model:\nand optional on super models.\n\noe we\n\nTUE WASP Is powered by th\nHi-Tarque six-cylinder, L-hea\nengine, developing 120 horsepaw\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1044.789171875, 121.12214916992187, 1383.624890625, 379.81437426757816 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Nearly 200. Los Angeles and\n‘Orange county representatives of\nDistrict 10, Californla Recrea-\ntion Society, Tuesday attended a\nworkshop at Long Beas State\nCollege.\n\nReereation programs were\nhalled as an answer to fuvenile\nproblems by P. Victer Peterson,\n“college president, in hts welcom:\n‘ing address. He painted out Cal-\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 392.0579096679688, 1423.7394892578125, 730.2901127929688, 1813.7334111328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "A 38-year-old driver believed\njlo have been suffering from in-\n‘sulin shock was injured Tuesday\nuvhen he lost control of his car\nrand it crashed into a chain nk\niene on E. 7th St. at the Bixby\n\n‘Ranch.\n\nRamon G. Flores, 915 BH, Santa\nAna Ave., Anaheim, was treated\nin Lang Reach Veterans Admin-\nistration Hospital for facial lne-\nerations and shock.\n\nFlores told police he fainted\n«while driving cast on Tth St. The\ncar swerved across the double\n;fine and tore down 30 feet of\nfence before stopping.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1047.2392578125, 29.115299224853516, 2043.0289306640625, 108.11160278320312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Recreation Termed Aid to Juveniles\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 384.4657465820313, 816.6895014648437, 720.5432255859375, 1289.3371708984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "ter, with a compression ratio of\ni753 ta 1. This engine also ts of-\nItered with “Twin H-Power\" as\n(optional equipment, increasing\n‘Whe horscpawer to 130 with a\ncompression ratio of 8.0 to 1.\nFour transmissians are availa-\nble. A choice of 17 interior trim\ncombinations is offered. Si\nthree-tone combinations are of-\nfered as optional equipment for\nthe first on all custom models\niAlso available are 15. two-tonc\n‘combinatians, at extra cost, and\nAt solid colors,\n* AIL 1956 Hudson models are\nequipped with a 12-volt clectrica\n_ system,\n| Power assists are available or\nall models as optional equipment\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 398.4946772460938, 1925.911486328125, 739.3588994140625, 2200.430310546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\n4\n| CHICAGO Wh—A health,\nhaby bay, weighing elght pounds,\nonc ounce, was born to a Chicacc!\ncouple afflicted by cerebral palsy.\n' ‘The parents, Robert R. Rakow,\nian dhis wifct, Mary Janice,\n26, said they felt the birth of\ntheir son should be known so\nthat other couples, simiiiarly\nhandicapped, could know “there\nis hope for marriage and parent\nhood,”\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2055.704455078125, 80.00158184814453, 2392.8617070312503, 281.2682622070313 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "BELGRADE, Yugoslavia GM—\n‘President Tito's government has\ndecided 1o establish a sceretariat\nat information to keep press and\nradio adviscd of its activities. It\n‘was announced the scerctary will\n‘be Jovan Marlnovie, former di-\nreetor of Radio Belerade.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1721.1537958984375, 115.70317333984374, 2051.769421875, 282.6042302246094 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "house. - Principal speakers were\nB, K. Jones, district supervisor\nILong Beach, and Gladys Snyder\nCalifornia . Reercation Commis\nIsion. Frances Dixon, Long Beacl\nsupervisor of aquatics, was ban\n‘quet committee chairman.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1051.5554072265625, 443.8615595703125, 1385.218640625, 639.7414067382813 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (UE}—Callfar-\nnians have been invited to ex-\npress their views on the Hoover\nCommission's water resource:\nand power recommendations at\ncongressional hearings to be hele\nin Los Angeles next week, Rep\nGlenard P, Lipscomb (R-Calif.)\na Trpedav.\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 87.90478515625, 2384.400146484375, 395.4373474121094, 2926.3603515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n\nClean your linoleum\nFASTER, EASIER\nwithout rinsing ~\n\nLet GEORGE do it!\n\nlook for me\non the yellow\nGEORGE\nSuper Cleaner\npackage.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1742.9215087890625, 296.6502990722656, 2386.91162109375, 639.59765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "ELECTRIC GAR OWNERS!!!\n> BUY BATTERIES\n\nNO CASH NEEDED\n\nONE YEAR TO PAY\n\nAUTOETTE\n\n“SALES and SERVICE\n\n521 AMERICAN AVENUE HEmlock 2.2944\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 43.3897819519043, 654.7716064453125, 644.7674560546875, 800.4660034179688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Hudson’s. New Models\non Display Thursday\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 396.38800048828125, 1825.9447021484375, 723.173095703125, 1920.330322265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Cerebral Palsy\nCouple Has Baby\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 390.68255615234375, 1297.726806640625, 714.4910888671875, 1413.62939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "(Driver Faints.\n‘Rams Fence\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 58.99093884277344, 1973.8552119140625, 396.4044011230469, 2355.0457890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "ey a ee\nThis year, $50,082,\narann fe GH\nsi Reach\ntractor\n\nMG. Wart, retains watt,\nReach. Mt .\nRabinaen, adton.\nOrr Ler,\n\n \n \n\nx\n\n \n\nLor:\n\n \n\n339 Atlantic,\n\nWe Lith.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\ndweting, 1463 12\n\n \n\ny apartments, 150)\n\n \n\nalteration and addi\nsao,\n\nAllezaiien, 201 Cedar\nenetractor.\n\nD Stearns, $1,000\n\n1\n\n \n\nacteration, f95\n\n \n\nanteaters Do Long. addition, 1949 Lave\nan\n\nFaward MM. Drim, mdtition,\nStn, $14.000, 2. AL” Maver. contractor\n\n‘Segenant & Shaily, arcnitect\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 415.3789978027344, 2322.272216796875, 730.8296508789062, 2888.52734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "arc e\nCURRENT\nUARHINGS\n\na REMEMBER. SAVINGS received:\niby tha iGrh of the marth\n\"_EARH FROM the 11.\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 93.83032989501953, 2936.935302734375, 736.82861328125, 3803.559326171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\nMAKE IT A.\nWHITE CHRISTMAS\n\nHOW? SEE THE DECEMBER &\nISSUE OF THE\n\nPRESS-TELEGRAM\nAND THE DECEMBER 7 ISSUE OF THE\n\nINDEPENDENT\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 725.5563354492188, 674.0780029296875, 2758.640625, 3755.370361328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nYou can tell the difference blindfolded? =~\n\n2 Viceroy gives you that Real Tobacco ‘laste \\\".\nZ- you miss in every other filter brand! —\n_,;, /\n\n \n \n \n \n\nHERES WHY !\nRich, rich tobacco plus twice as many filters\nas the next two largest-selling filter brands!\n\n} Peer\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\nViceroy && Brand No.3 &\nLARGEST-SELLING FILTER BRAND! save 2nd LARGEST FILTER BRANDT Ird LARGEST FILTER BRAND! \"\n\n< Bd Sy ry ry Ste 6 agg 25g wg Ow 8 ry 7 TT? 4\nShy OP aR Oe ee TE ATEN Liege EE ent oe EAT Eel a Ee eR Ee ee\n\nFilter Tip\nCIGARETTES VICEROY’S EXCLUSIVE FILTER 1S MADE FROM PURE CELLULOSE\n; i KING-SIZE _ SOFT, SNOW-WHITE, NATURAL!\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1406.201171875, 473.1221008300781, 1714.12451171875, 640.3192138671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "ATTENTION\n\nCAR OWNERS\n\nSeo Us About ¢ New I-Z Eye\nWindshleld and Pretect Yeur Cres\n\nMarine Glass Co.\n\n14th & Magnolia WE 7.7475\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 324.2428894042969, 89.34844207763672, 721.97509765625, 147.82606506347656 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "“V.Line Styling\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2079.4931640625, 32.040802001953125, 2363.478271484375, 69.8409423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Yugoslav Publicity\n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 1061.9696044921875, 401.1119384765625, 1384.5836181640625, 437.8617858886719 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Water Opinion Sought\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 91.05796813964844, 1923.802978515625, 357.2734069824219, 1958.233642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Brethiine Permits\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 57.44415283203125, 180.78221130371094, 1032.1068115234375, 592.6825561523438 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 3 ], [ 0, 4 ], [ 0, 6 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 1, 11 ], [ 1, 17 ], [ 1, 15 ], [ 11, 17 ], [ 11, 15 ], [ 17, 15 ] ]
[ 6945.8556953125, 9875.6787109375 ]
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 6, 0 ], [ 15, 17 ], [ 17, 1 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3426.765154296875, 385.831072265625, 4291.7267890625, 1610.6493964843748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Thelma Curry visited her\naunt, Mrs. Henrietta Todd, in Bed-\nford Friday. Mrs. Todd remains\nin a critical condition at the home\nof her daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Mc-\nKellip.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Lee Bever, of West\nBedford, were Saturday night din-\nner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud\nBever and daughter, Norma,\n\nMisses Jean and Norma, Bever\nand Carl McCain visited their sis-\nter, Dorothy, in Indianapolis, Sun-\nday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Robert Gilstrap\nwere Sunday night guests of Mr.\nand Mrs. Hugh Curry.\n\nMrs. Hugh Klusner and sons\nwere week end guests of relatives\nin Dugger and Linton.\n\nMrs. Ellen Hobson and Mrs,\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1683.4945244140624, 739.9973930664063, 2543.893048828125, 1645.7908759765626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "- Barry also pointed out that the\nmethod of picking contestants also\nhas changed.\n\nInstead of grabbing anybody\nwho wanders into the studio with\nan out-of-town accent,” he said,\n“an effort is made to find people\nwho are both deserving and inter-\nesting, An the questions they are\nasked are questions they can an-\n‘swer with luck, brains and mem-\nory.”\n\nHe didn’t explain why anybody\nwho had luck, brains and memory\nneeded to appear on a giveaway\n| program to make a fortune,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4304.56715625, 359.1166252441406, 5164.67551953125, 1590.8252998046873 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "‘Thelma Holiman attended the\nteachers’ meeting in Indianapolis\nThursday and Friday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Walter Spray were\nSunday guests of Mr. and Mrs,\nHoyt Spray, of Terry Park. Mr.\nSpray is seriously ill at his home.\n\nMr. and Mrs, Ivan Hobson and\nson, Johnny, attended the Home\nComing at the Tunnelton Method-\nist Church Sunday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Frank Ikerd and\nMrs. Cloes Lively were Sunday\nguests of Mr. and Mrs, Winfred\nGilstrap, of Leatherwood.\n\nCharles Pershing and Jack and\nDavid Torphy were Sunday after-\n‘noon guests of Mrs. Estella Hob-\nson.\n\nSunday School attendance, 34;\noffering, $6.49.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5178.23658984375, 346.18199389648436, 6044.79661328125, 1590.8875556640623 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Miss Ruth Wagoner, of Bedford,\nwas a Saturday night guest of Mr.\natid Mrs. Carter Yeary. .\n\nMr. and Mrs. Ralph Cornelius,\nMrs. Mary Todd and Wilma Sue\nYeary visited Mrs. Goldie Schar-\nborough in Bloomington Saturday.\n\nMrs. Walter Spray visited her\nmother at Judah last Thursday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Claud Bever were\nguests of Mrs. Lee Bever and\nidaughters, of West Bedford, last\n| Monday.\n\nMrs. May Myers, Miss Juanita\nGilstrap and Mrs. Hattie Smith\nwere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cur-\ntis Speer in Bedford Wednesday.\nMr. and Mrs. Speer | celebrated\ntheir sixty-third wedding anniver-\nsary.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Fern Mallott, of\nWilliams, and Mrs. Irene Faulk-\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 6052.37037890625, 329.7624992675781, 6945.8556953125, 1566.8798652343748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ner, of Indianapolis, were Wednes-\nday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl\nMallott and daughter.\n\nMrs. Redie Horner and daughg.\n‘ter, Mary, of Tunnelton, visited\nMr. and Mrs, Loyd Speer Wednes-\nday night.\n\nThe Rev. and Mrs. M. P. Kin-\ndred, of Terre Haute, were Mon-\nbo night guests of Mr. and Mrs,\n‘John Holiman,\n\nMr. and Mrs. Ermil McAfee\nwere Tuesday dinner guests of\nMrs. May Myers.\n\nMrs. Paul Martin and son, Mrs,\nJennie Spray and Mrs. Dorothy\nMallot and daughter were Satur-\n‘day dinner guests of the Rev. and\n| Mrs. Robert Buchholz in Free-\n|landsville. They spent the after-\ninoon shopping in Vincennes.\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 845.4608940429688, 6662.3513359375, 1707.713849609375, 8028.4240546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "| Sunday School attendance, 61;\noffering, $6.45.\n\n| Sunday will be Brother Allen's\nregular appointment here.\n\n| Mrs. Grace Enochs, of Indian-\n‘apolis, spent the week end with\n'Mr. and Mrs, Walter Reitz.\n\nMr, and Mrs. Yeade McKain, of\n| Cortland, called‘on Mrs. Bryan\n| Robertson Friday afternoon.\n| Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Ritz enter-\nitained with a surprise birthday\n|dinner party at their home Satur-\n| day night honoring Mrs. Walter\nRitz, who was observing her birth-\n\nday anniversary. Guests were\nMrs. Dee Andrews and datghter,\nary Frances, and Mrs. Grace\nEnochs, of Indianapolis, Mrs. Ethel\n‘Hays of Brownstown, Mr. and\nMrs, Will Isaacs and Walter Ritz,\nand the honor guest. After-dinner\n; guests were Mr, and Mrs, Wayne\n\nj Isaacs daughter, Peggy.\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2551.91432421875, 591.8897880859375, 3413.6764960937503, 1632.4017158203123 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Helen Cain and children,\nof Columbus, were guests of Mrs.\nCain’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.\nWever from Thursday until Sun-\nday. Mr. Cain joined them on\nSaturday for the week end.\n\nDonald Thomas and Miss Juani-\nta Gilstrap were Sunday dinner\n| guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer\nHunter,\n| Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hanson, of\n|Grawford Heights, were Saturday\n| night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-\n| ert Gilstrap.\n| Set. Tommy Thompson, of\n‘Louisville Filter Center, was an\n‘overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs.\n\n/Hugh Curry Monday night.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 808.1757202148438, 418.9889831542969, 2487.850830078125, 727.231689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Jack Barry, Emeee Of New Giveaway,\nSuffers Or Rejoices With Contestant\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 0, 445.4066467285156, 786.2384033203125, 866.0802612304688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "utomation Moves\n1 On Automobile\nssembly Line\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 97.64114379882812, 8206.1416015625, 1674.9541015625, 9745.1572265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n \n \n\neas Soins j\n\nr fae i D >\n\nSTATION WUWDU\n\n \n\n* ’ 4 - *\nit eo” # A Saat cv ee\ni * 4* >\n\n \n \n \n\n+ at Ree Uo Pee OFF\ndies ¢905 we WES Geman te\n\n \n \n \n\nwyatt\n= a awk\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 837.376953125, 6561.1611328125, 1256.69189453125, 6655.38037109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Honeytown\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 814.164080078125, 798.0677055664063, 1679.07005078125, 4300.801984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "OY f0a4 S97 IS ;\n\nNew York (*—Giving away\nmoney can be almost as exciting\nas winning it,\n\nJack Barry says he gets all\nstirred up inside when he dishes\nout the big dough, even though it\ncomes out of a sponsor's pocket\nand not his own, |\n\nBarry, master of ceremonies on\n‘the new NBC $100,000 give-away\nshow, “The Big Surprise,” on oc-\n‘casion has found that a question\n‘can become as big an ordeal to\nhim as it is to the contestant.\n| aoe tension builds up in you,”\nhe remarked, “because you some-\ntimes get as deeply involved emo-\ntionally with the contestants in\n‘the 20 minutes you deal with them\nas you would if you had known\nthem for 20 years,\n\n“When they win, a wave of ex-\n_citement hits you, too; a feeling\nwhich lasts until you suddenly\nrealize it is really somebody else\nwho won the money and not you.”\n\nPaying Job : A\n\nHowever, Barry can console\nhimself with the thought that aft-\ner all he doesn’t have to borrow\nimoney to meet his grocery bill.\nTV emcees aren't paid off in\n| peanuts.\n\nAnd right now, Barry is riding\n/high financially as the new king\n| of the giveaway, a postion he\n\nseems likely to hold until some-\none dreams up a program on\nwhich the sponsor will reward the\nwinning contestant with the key\n\n_to Fort Knox.\n\nIn addition to acting as little\n\nshepherd of the $100,000 prize,\nJack also serves as producer and\nemcee for three other programs\n|—‘“Life Begins at 80,” “Juvenile\nJury,” and “Winky ~ Dink and\n| You.” Whether you're just learn-\ning to talk or are living on bor-\nrowed time, Jack has a question\nto ask you on a program tailored\n\nto your age level.\n\nBarry is typicai of the new type\nof television emcee, who is bright-\n| ly eager to shower you with cash\n'if you can show your head holds\n\"even the smallest nugget of\nknowledge.\n\nHad Different Aim\n\need a ee ee\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 0, 889.8824028320313, 824.1192275390625, 8142.2013984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\n~ *. By Sam Dawson\nNew York (7)—Automation is |\nving in on that symbol of |\nerican manpower efficiency— |\naut ile assembly line.\nother huge machines that can\n§ and load six to eight tons of |\n& minute are helping to re-\nve the once ailing coal industry\nalthough cutting working crews |\nhalt,\nMakers of electrical equipment |\nid aircraft are eyeing automated |\nachines like those Chrysler has\nstalled in its semi-automatic en-\nne assembly line in Detroit,\nLabor, management politicians\n‘gue whether automation—the |\nitomatie control of machines and |\nmmunications—will mean the |\nss ef present jobs or, instead, |\nin mean the creation of more |\nbs in the future through a gen- |\ntally bigher standard of living.\n\nBut while they argue, the ma-\nnine tool and electronics indus-\njes are coming up with new mar-\nels of automatic or semi-auto-\natic machines.\n\nCuts Costs\n\nThe Cross Company of Detroit\nyhich installed its machines on\nhe Chrysler line in the motor\nrm’s new plant estimates the\nemi-automatic line saves the auto\nnaker up to 25 per cent in as-\nembly costs of its engines,\n\nThere are 150 workmen on the\nuarter-mile long line now, turn-\nng out 150 V-8 engines an hour.\nIn the old assembly lines it took\n00 men to turn out that many.\n\nThe new line has 280 operating\ntations. And at many stands a\nnachine instead of a man.\nCylinder blocks are fed into one\nmd of the assembly line by a ma-\nhine, right cylinder heads at an-\nther point, left cylinder heads at\n. third. As these castings move\nlong automatically, one engine\nart after another is added. At\nhe end of the line completely as-\nembled engines are removed for\nnstallation in new cars.\n\nThe Ford Motor Company’s\ngant at Cleveland has a 500-foot\nutomated production line for\npaking engine blocks. |\n\nRalph Cross, vice president of\nhe Machine Tool Company, says\nther auto manufacturers and\njousehold appliance makers are\npoking into the possibilities of\nimilar semi-automated assembly\nines.\n\nIn some of the nation’s coal\nnines, meanwhile, some new mon-\nters are moving in to replace\nIder forms of mechanization.\nThey are reported cutting work\nrews from 17 men to seven or\night.\n\nThe new 24-foot long boring-\nype continuous miners can dig\nmd load as much as 1,085 tons\nn a single seven-hour shift. One\nnining equipment maker, the\nsoodman Manufacturing Com-\nany of Chicago, says its largest\njorer cuts a path eight feet high\nind 13 feet two inches wide.\n\nIt has four-armed rotors, inter-\nlocked in egg-beater fashion. Each\nirm has claws of hardened steel.\nfhe boring arms cut two over-\nlapping circles as they break out\nthe coal. A rotating chain slices\nput the top and bottom sections\nbetween the arms.\n\nBefore the borers came along,\nome miners were already using\na ripper type machine, only about\none-half as fast.\n\nOlder Methods\n\nAbout 90 per cent of the na-\ntion’s mines, however, continue to\nuse the older methods—a machine\nto undercut the coal, with explo-\nives in holes drilled above the\ntut to bring down the coal. An-\nther machine loads the coal into\nshuttle car for transfer to the\nain mine haulage system.\nThanks in part to the steady\nrend toward mechanization in re-\nent years which has held down\nhe once fast-rising price of coal,\nhe coal industry is pulling out of\n\nbad slump.\n\nIn. 1948 nearly 600 million tons\nf bituminous coal was mined, but\nhis dropped to less than 400 mil-\nion last year. The revival this\near is putting output about 21\ner cent above last vear.\n\nOne of the big factors this veat\nas been the growing demand of\nEurope for a ican coal to keer\nts steel mills going at a record\nace,\n\nL. ©. Campbell, president of the\n\nvational Coal Association, hails\nsroduction strides attending mech.\nmization in the past 20 vear\nind adds, “and the end is not ir\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nTy rar anrar WY CrTAS reo\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5359.62744140625, 2013.68115234375, 6489.63427734375, 5749.99755859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "HOUSEHOLD\n\n \n \n \n\nFREE\n\nTUFFLEX PAD\nAND COVER\n\nWITH PURCHASE OF A LADY SEYMOUR\n\nALL-METAL IRONING TABLE\n\n \n\n=\n\n: Hy | .\n| Dil COMPLETE\nOne-bemd’\n| se 98 7.36\n’ om neg\n: > VALUE\nNow is the time to get a real value In :\n\na complete ironing table outfit at a Dig =\nsavings. Hurry! Limited time offer\n3 MA 850. =\n\n \n\nAmer-Glas Furnace Filters |\n\naccent ee\nOo een” ee : 79¢\nCf eg ene\nDL Andie Me 1.19\n\nOther | __ Other Popular Sizes In Stock\n\n \n \n \n \n\nSTEAM RADIATOR |\n\nPLUGS IN WALL SOCKET\n\n| NATIONALLY lorry\nADVERTISED |\n\n \n\nBASY TERMS is) ;\n\nELECTRESTEEM steam radiator piugs in elee- 3\ntric wall socket, gives the even heat every- 3\none wants. Healthful, moist, SAFE heat. 3\n\nEA 414 3\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2023.5557861328125, 1793.9482421875, 6379.2099609375, 9700.259765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\neeepc gen \"gage man A\nWALITY MERCHANDISE, LOWER PRICES, SINCE 1921 BILL’ S AUTO STORES “IT'$ EASY TO PAY... BILL'S FRIENDLY WAY’————\n== smal\n\nHOUSEHOLD\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nCold Weather Starting Is a 2:\nBattery's Toughest Job!) len FREE\n\ne] TUFFLEX PAD\n\n \n\nAND COVER\n\nThat's why. it takes a desendehle ee sueumie OF A LADY SEYMOU\n\nbattery with extra reserve power = ALL-METAL IRONING TABLE\n\n \n\n“That's why it takes a Monark -\n\" I EXTRA PLATES & EXTRA AMP HOURS % EXTRA POWER 2\n\n \n \n \n\nGROUP 2\n\n \n\nGROUP 21\n\n \n\n \n\nGROUP 2E—LONG TYPE 9 5 ee eer meat Chevrole, Fords, Mercurve, ‘tt 19 <p ny! a 2\nDodges, Plymouths a S.-M 208 ¥ — ‘adi \"+. \"ho = i\nBigger cars require bigger re. og AP i AP 19 ap w 5 v4\n2 oes COMPLETE\nserves found in Monark Bat- 45 95 95 E eg 2,\nteries, Group 2E fits Buicks — : more on cece S pee 98 7.36\nlias ae a VALUE\npes a ygiaay aloe teste 12 MOS. GUAR. 24 MOS. GUAR, 24 MOS. GUAR. Z\nx ieguegue = NOW | is the time to get a real value in\n\nBEST BUYS: IN AUTO SUPPLIES\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nan jlete ironing table outfit at a big\nsavings. Hurry! Limited time offer\nMA 850.\n\nin Mud and $ 3 ;\nENO INE SOM =| Amer-Glas Furnace Filters\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nicant\n10 A ttn 79¢\nBN ii\nSE AR oc 1.19\nScientifically Designed : Other Popular Sizes In Stock\nRecaps -—_—_—_——\n\nvga. | STEAM RADIATOR\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nCURB SIGNALS SCOTCHLITE TAPE EXHAUST EXTENSION\nba re zee7 ets ¢ Safer night driving < Chrome extension ¢ = =\nwt ee oo. —— . =a PLUGS IN WALL SOCKET\n~ for re corroding. Easily <a Oaxeae> alee Pie 8 ble Ti =\n~- : Reo. Res. Us attached. AAO Meg. Me tees ecappadie lire 2 NATIONALLY i se ee al :\n= ADVERTISED \\\n6.00x16 6.70x15 5 |\n2\n* aes soit ® = i\nAirplane-Type SHOCKS 995 10\" || 5 |\n7 Replace worn shocks with fhe ‘ieee inc eamaeianaanat : fg Li 4\nnew airplane-type f ding = \\\n| Ae oa 7.60x15 — 12.95 | 7.10x15— 1245 | 3 \"ty TeRme )\nEA. aligned. For most cars. AP 1500 = ELECTRESTEEM steam radiator plugs in el\nYES! SOLD ELSEWHERE UP TO 6.75 EA. : 2 trie wall socket, gives the even —\nAll Prices Good One Week ! : one wants. Healthf ul, moist, SAF yay\n\n \n\nME Ra\n\n \n\n_ Whee Cylinder Kits BRAKE LINING HYDRAMATIC FLUID\n\na\n3 Kite\n»\n\n. ' Guara 59 partie saingae ane\ner to fit x Chevroiets\n¢;: sve Fo ¢\nars riced 49* = 4's) Each oh wet for ine atia drive eare\n~~, big value AP is, AP TZ ie ec . AA\n\n120-54\n\n \n\nSMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ITEM OF YOUR CHOICE!\n\n; x — <\n| ermanent ethy = y\n16-in. Roblfast 2 a2 a aireai | ad My\nPERMANENT = ui\n\n \n\nPep-Go PISTON SEAL\n49 | Car burn oil? Use Pep-Go and\nget up to 10,000 miles of new\n\n \n \n\n: AT LAST!\n“An Electric Shaver Designed For Me!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nficiency, new power. Seais\nTUBE worn pistols. AP 440\n\nATTENTION, USED CAR SALES MANAGERS!\n\n \n \n\n/ ie ie,\n? ‘ y\n\nSmall as a gl gentle, py\nclean, quick. Ends fu muss,\nnicks and cuts of soap an¢ d 4\n\nblade. 4° .\n\n \n \n \n \n\n\\ ASSORTED COLORS : 2\n\nFor Shaving Underarms and LOW AS LAY ONE\n\nLegs. For Home Use or Travel. AWAY! _—\nail\n\nFord, Mere. ‘39-'42 3.98 Exch. om QUART oe\n\n10,000\n\nBlue Stor PERMANENT = LAWN\n\nANTI-FREEZE | paoon\n\nNEW LOW PRICES =\n\n \n\nN > Sait or = ‘\nbase. No sa j = Time to clean - the yard\n\nvie\n125 VALUE solids. WG 386 2 Gets more leaves with close, Nii,\n= strong tine Su serior to\n\nSIDEWALK BIKE\n= most ather ¢ types. MA 770\n\n3} LOW AS : Gold Seal METHANOL == es\n\nGold Seal is\nC anti-rust and\ncor mn type\nmethanol ant\n\nANT!-FREEZE\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nSEMI-PNEUMATIC TIRES\n\n \n\nBest buy for beginners Has it | tei: | fF \"lr 3 methensl anti\nBIG CHOICE BIKES, TRIKES coaster brakes, chainguard, trainer eat Peecca thi 33°\n. wheels attached at no extra cost 1.6 VALVE . .\n. value. WG 378\n! SCOOTERS, SKATES, WAGORS. Red, white and blue enamel fin-\nSTART YOUR LAY-AWAYS NOW! ish. Girls’ model also. BW 838-40 Pe.\nHEATER HOSE a eee ae mt ] 2° Famous piastic dot %\n| gloves cutiast all oth\n| ° Smal silastic dots, ec\n8-in. PEDAL BIKE Nor‘way RADIATOR CLEANSER ». 59¢ Small plastie dota, |\n® . inside fingers. MA 1\nNor’way STOP LEAK ______. um 49¢\n\nOpe\n\nSOEUR re es 6 kl EER OCLC FUL IEC ee 6A BDRILTARISC EC «& CDBAAIDT Mrr~ar~armc -&) TMV «& ALITS CIIDPDIIEG «& APRPIIA\n\nit;eisie -_- -\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nFOR TOTS 2 AND UP\n\nHOU UOEERNROUROLOEEOOAAOHODUEOOGROHHOHU UHHH UU MONA COO\n\n \n\nServing Jackson Co. 21 Yea\n\nARTHUR R. JONES, Mgr.\nCORNER OF\nTipton & Chestnut\nPHONE 61\n\nSturdy tot bike;\n\n69 iust the item for\n\n. that two-year-old\n(er older)\n\nReg. 4.29 BW 1004\n\n \n\nAUTO\nSTORES\n\n \n\nn Satur days \"THIOPM sett S it a=.\n\n \n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 823.5790581054688, 4237.23756640625, 1710.0215888671876, 5979.4474921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "The old style emcee often had a\ndifferent aim—to see that only a\ncertain amount of the sponsor’s\nmoney was given away. Some-\ntime they had it neatly figured\nout how often they wanted the\njackpot won. And if a particularly\n| bright contestant threatened to\nupset their financial schedule they\njhad a number of sure-fire ways\nto see he didn’t hit the jackpot.\n\nOne was the filibuster tech-\nnique. The emcee would confuse\na contestant by rapidfire chatter\nuntil the gong rang ending his\n| time to answer the question.\n\nThere was also the “soft-death”\napproach, The emcee would keep\ncooing, “Remember you have just\n30 seconds, You now have just 15\nseconds. Ooooh, there’s the gong.\nSorry, your time is up.”\n\nAnd, of course, the emcee al-\nways had one final ace up his\nsleeve — the impossible question,\none that would stump even 4\nGreek oracle,\n\nBarry says the attitude on the\njnew huge giveaway program is\n| just the opposite,\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 15.5799560546875, 8085.5048828125, 701.4088745117188, 8181.67529296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "FUNNY BUSINESS\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 834.3042778320313, 6026.73366015625, 1685.2713447265626, 6493.75364453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "| “They've found out the money\nis less important than the good\nwill of the audience,”’ he, said.\nThe more money we give away\nthe happier people will be, th¢\n‘more they'll water the show and\n‘the more they'll buy the sponsor’s\n| product.”\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1044.837646484375, 769.8296508789062, 1430.492919921875, 818.1245727539062 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "My Wal Rovle\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1037.0472412109375, 5973.2626953125, 1495.0987548828125, 6023.92333984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Wine Good Will\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2558.49267578125, 409.7088623046875, 2877.008056640625, 502.7802429199219 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Fairview\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 133.556884765625, 910.599365234375, 584.3639526367188, 954.824951171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Ty Com Dauwcon\n" }, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 1008.2676391601562, 4191.42138671875, 1515.849609375, 4242.80859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Wad Different Aim\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2737.368896484375, 532.4545288085938, 3214.74755859375, 584.2551879882812 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Lawrence County\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1145.83837890625, 8087.36279296875, 1702.6275634765625, 8176.91650390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "By Hershberger\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2263.788818359375, 1855.5113525390625, 6345.1240234375, 2013.8642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "ha a LEE LEE el alm | OS ee oemeparne\nQUALITY MERCHANDISE, LOWER PRICES, SINCE 1921 BILL’ Ss AUTO STORES “IT’S EASY TO PAY... BILL'S FRIENDLY WAY”’———\n\n \n" }, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 1139.5579833984375, 8079.5087890625, 1711.9013671875, 8177.43359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "By Hershberger\n" }, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 5 ], [ 21, 7 ], [ 34, 23 ] ]
[ 6406.48808203125, 7902.64433203125 ]
[ [ 2, 5 ], [ 21, 7 ], [ 23, 34 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4951.7109375, 4457.26123046875, 6374.50341796875, 5924.169921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\nBeat the summer crowds!\n\nNOW IS THE TIME\nVISIT WORLD-FAMOUS\nHOWE CAVERNS\n\nEnjoy the Underground Boat Ride\n\n \n \n \n \n\nThis weekend—before the long waiting lines and\nsummer crowds form—visit Howe Caverns and enjoy\na leisurely trip through this great natural wonder! . .\nOpen the year ‘round from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M., it’s\nonly a short drive from your home. Just off N. ¥.\nRoute 7 between Central Bridge and Cobleskill.\nFree picnic facilities. Children under 12 admitted\nfree when accompanied by parermts. So come and\nbring the family!\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2602.81465234375, 1896.0728310546874, 3353.880904296875, 4130.516890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (#—Margaret Tru-\nman shared with the public last\nnight a folksy visit with her par-\nents, former President and Mrs.\nHarry S. Truman.\n\nMiss Truman was in a New York\nstudio, substituting for Edward R.\nMurrow on his program “Person\nto Person,”\n\nMr. and Mrs. Truman sat re-\nlaxed on the side porch of their\nrambling home in Independence,\nMo,\n\nThe half hour was short on\npolitics, Mr. Truman had this to\nsay:\n\nHe thinks the recent signing of\nthe Austrian peace treaty means\nthe world is “approaching a peace\nsettlement and the end of the cold\nwar.”\n\nHe has “nothing in particular”\nup his sleeve politically except to\nhelp beat all the Republicans he\ncan.\n\n“The “toughest” decision he had\nto make while president was send-\ning armed forces aid to South Ko-\nrea.\n\nHe hopes to be remembered in\nhistory as the “people’s Presi-\ndent.”\n\nFrom their porch the elder Tru-\njmans wandered through their 89-\nyear-old house—the dining room,\nthe living room, parlor, and Mr.\n'Truman’s den, The camera peeped\n|into the kitchen and Miss Truman\ntalked with a woman identified\n| only as Vietta, who was baking\n|brownies and who was a member\nlof the White House kitchen staff.\n\nWhen his daughter asked what\nkind of manual work he did\naround the house, her. father re-\nplied: “I do an immense amount\nof it from a rocking chair.”\n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 335.4246376953125, 623.2232827148438, 1086.0690146484376, 1352.2362509765626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Eddie Blake, a 30-year-old To-\nronto righthander, is at the age\nwhen there is not much chance of\nhis moving into the majors, but\nhe’s showing the International\nLeague pitchers that he hasn’t for-\ngotten how to hurl winning ball.\n\nThe 5 foot 11 veteran, twice\nbriefly with the St. Louis Cardi-\nnals and the Cincinhati Redlegs,\nis leading the loop moundsmen\nwith an 8-2 record.”\n\nBlake, who had a 15-9 record\nlast season with the pennant-win-\nning Toronto Maple Leafs, won\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4134.51220703125, 2715.837158203125, 4771.328125, 3101.15869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Cengress Won't\nAccept President’s\nRefugee Program\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1886.0809326171875, 6389.1728515625, 3295.765380859375, 7875.56591796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "a eee\nCONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE TODAY, SUNDAY & MONDA\nc A Schine Tteatre NOW\n\nOLONIA fies\n\nWeekend\n\n \n\n \n\nS\\,\n\n \n \n \n \n\nD STEWART: ALLYSON\n“Strategic\nscl Air Command\n\nts Ro? i Color by TECHNICOLOR\n\naM Vv: SS SIeoVr:\nae, =. 2S pases pee\n\nFRANK LOVEAY LEX NRL BARRY SULLNAN RCE BEMNET\n\nPlus — Color Cartoon and VistaVision Special\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1087.7984169921874, 162.03271569824219, 1839.5620566406249, 795.4394370117187 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "his sixth successive,,game last\ the Leafs defeated the\nRochester Red Wings 6-4.\n\nIn other games the second-place\n| Montreal Royals coasted to a 10-4\n| Victory over the Buffalo Bisons.\n| The Columbus Jets rallied for\nthree runs in the ninth to edge\nthe Havana Sugar Kings 5-4 and\nthe Syracuse Chiefs moved into a\ntie for seventh place with the\nBuffalo Bisons, by topping the\n| Richmond Virginians 6-3.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1853.3083046875, 571.9120034179688, 2600.947798828125, 4370.69071875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "- UDALL, Kan. (#—New torna-\ndoes hopping arounc Kansas, Mis-\nsouri “and Oklahoma sent some\njittery resident ducking for cover\nagain last night as the rebuilding\nof this flattened town got under\nway.\n\nThe third straight day of tor-\nnado activity which has left at\nleast 114 dead and more than 700\ninjured in four states was accom-\npanied by severe thunderstorms,\nheavy rain and hail in some areas.\n\nA rash of menacing twisters\nbroke out but there were no re-\nported deaths or serious injuries.\nMost of the property damage was\nminor. Many funnels failed to hit\nthe ground.\n\nThe first new building—a 40x80\nfoot frame structure to serve as a\ngovernment and communications\ncenter—went up yesterday in\nwhere at least 73 were killed and\nmore than 200 were injured by a\ntornado Wednesday night.\n\nRelief help poured into the com-\nmunity. Workers from surrounding\ntowns and representatives of relief\nagencies teamed up with the Na-\ntional Guard.\n\nIn Washington Public Housing\nCommissioner Charles E. Slusser\nordered 300 vacant units in a near-\nby Wichita public housing proj-\nect opened immediately to the\nhomeless of Udall.\n\nThe National Red Cross in.\nWashington announced it was pre-\npared to spend one million dollars.\nfor aid to distressed families in the\nOklahoma, Kansas, Texas and\nArkansas area. |\n\n“We're going to rebuild,” said\nMayor Earl B. Rowe, “although\nwe'll have to start from scratch.”\n\nTents were set up as headquar-\nters for various relief agencies.\nBulldozers closed in behind hoist-\ning cranes, sweeping up the\nwreckage, as the cleaning-up\nwork picked up speed and the\nsearch for other possible victims\ncontinued.\n\nAn estimated 50 persons were\nstill missing here but it is believed\nmany of these might be living\nwith other people.\n\nThe Red Cross reported 170\nhomes were completely wrecked in\nUdall. Only three business and\npublic buildings were not leveled\nand these three are unusable.\n\nThe tornado-battered part of\nBlackwell, Okla., where 18 were\nkilled and more than 500 injured\nWednesday night, was hit by flood\nwater yesterday.\n\nThe Chikaskia River that loops\nthe city north and east crested 34%\nfeet above flood stage, blocking\nhighways in the stricken north-\neast section. About 15 families\nwere evacuated.\n\nA severe hailstorm which left\npiles of stones six inches deep in\nsome places pounded Arnold, Kan-\nsas, last night.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4127.643265625, 2211.202103515625, 4882.4475546875, 2691.867720703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "leased for inoculation of other age\ngroups is another question still to\nbe answered. It is expected that\nthe product will be made available\n-on some kind of a priority basis\n‘by local doctors, with the groups\n‘most susceptible to polio getting\nit first. The Chenango County\n'Meaical Society has set a price of\n$9 for the three shots.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1837.362748046875, 4577.04316796875, 2602.01054296875, 6345.04276953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "LONDON (#—Laszlo Tabori of\nHungary, and Chris Chataway\nand Brian Hewson of Britain all\nran the mile in under four min-\nutes today, Tabori won in 3:59.\n\nChataway, a London brewer,\nwas timed in 3:59 and Hewson of\nthe Royal Air Force ran it in\n3:59.8.\n\nThe race was an invitation in-\nternational mile event held as part\nof the British Games at White\nCity Stadium. A crowd of 25,000\nwas in the stands despite a raw,\novercast day.\n\nThe track was heavy and the\ntemperature was about 50.\n\nThe race marked the first time\nin foot-racing history three men\never ran under the four-miinute\nmark in one race. Only once be-\nfore, in fact, have two men been\nunder the coveted time in one\nrace.\n\nThat was in the duel between\nRoger Bannister, first man to\nachieve the four-minute mile, and\nJohn Landy, the current world\nrecord holder, in the British Em-\noire Games last August.\n\nBannister won that race in 3:58.8\nwith Landy trailing in 3:59.6, Un-\ntil then, the only sub four-min-\nute miles were Bannister’s first\ncracking of the mythical barrier\nin 3:59.4 and Landy’s record of\n3:58,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2609.270751953125, 1414.651123046875, 3239.499267578125, 1797.285400390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Margaret Truman\nShares Visit\nWith Her Parents\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1854.2149658203125, 163.216796875, 2394.349609375, 540.8140258789062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Violent ‘Weather\nContinues to\n\nRake Kansas\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2625.29638671875, 4285.88916015625, 3340.64208984375, 5413.67822265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4137.2900390625, 6478.8564453125, 4714.8564453125, 6633.18115234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Grays Topple Trips\nTo Boost E.L. Lead\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4119.5719765625, 3192.73652734375, 4883.9573203125, 6427.98319921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "WMO TENG LUIN UT—ILep VYaiter\n(D-Pa) predicted today that Con-\ngress will never agree to President\n| Eisenhower’s proposal to liberalize\n;the emergency refugee immigra-\n| than program.\n\n“TI don’t think .it will ever be\n. considered, and I doubt if it will\n|even come up in the House,” he\n\njtold newsmen.\n\nWalter, co-author of the McCar-\nran-Walter Immigration Law, is\nchairman of the House Judiciary\nSubcommittee on Immigration\nLegislation. He has consistently\n-opposed broad changes in the im-\n‘migration laws.\n\nSen. Watkins (R-Utah), on the\nother hand, called the President’s\niproposed revisions “sound” and\n,predicted the Senate would adopt\nj them unless an attempt was made\nto go beyond them and amend\nbasic immigration policies.\n\nA revision bill “can't pass if it is\nloaded down with such amend-\nments,” said Watkins, the ranking\nRepublican on Senate subcommit-\ntees dealing with immigration and\nrefugee problems. :\n\nIn a special message to Congress:\nyesterday, Eisenhower asked for\n\n10 changes in the refugee law, He\nsaid they were necessary if the\n\n| act’s objectives were to be fully\n' achieved.\n\nThe law, a cut-down version of\nj what he originally asked, author-\n{izes the admission before the end\nlof next year of up ot 214,000 ref-\nugees and other aliens in excess\n‘of the regular immigration quotas.\n\nSo far slightly over 30,000 visas\nhave been issued and some 22,000\nimmigrants actually have entered\ntthe country.\n\nFrom Sen. Lehman (D-NY)\nicame a statement saying many of\nlthe President’s proposals were\n\nsound but should be broadened.\n\nIn contrast, Sen. Bricker (R-\nOhio) said that Eisenhower may\nhave gone too far. He said he was\nsure the Senate would want to\ntake a careful look at any reallo-\ncation of the quotas provided in\nthe refugee act. Eisenhower sug-\n‘gested unused quotas might be\n' opened to orphans on a worldwide\n| basis.\n\nSens. Langer (R-ND) and Hen-\nnings (D-Mo), members of the im-\n| migration and refugee subcommit-\n'tees on which Watkins serves, said\n| they favored liberalizing the pro-\n} gram,\n\nBut Walter told reporters the\nrefugee relief program “can work\n| effectively within the framework\n| of existing Jaw” without the\n\nd\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3366.01806640625, 1866.6302490234375, 4760.423828125, 2128.979736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "First Round in Anti-Polio Drive in County\nDescribed by Authorities as “Successful”\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4129.1071328125, 6671.8571328125, 4885.45585546875, 7865.04862890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "(Dy 4410 fhooveiadled £Li@ss)}\n\nA couple of teammates put on a\ndouble steal and made the oppos-\ning pitcher so nervous that he\nserved up a fat one for Williams-\nport's Emil (Mo) Panko in the\n10th inning last night.\n\nPanko poled it over the left-cen-\nter field fence and gave the Grays\nbe 8-5 victory over Binghamton. It\nopened 1% games between the\n| Eastern League-leading Grays and\n| the second-place Triplets.\n| A couple of three-hit shutouts\nand a tight contest at Allentown\n| made up the rest of the night’s\n‘action. All four home teams won.\n\nAngelo Liperti, a right-hander\nand converted infielder pitched the\n‘Schenectady Blue Jays to a 2-0\nvictory over Reading and kept\nthem three lengths behind the\nleaders in third place.\n\nCurve-baller Charlie Ready\nhelped the Elmira Pioneers fatten\nup, 5-0 on tail-end Wilkes-Barre.\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1844.032958984375, 4385.36181640625, 2501.09130859375, 4562.26171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "RECORD IS SET\nIN FOOT RACE\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3421.7392578125, 297.61651611328125, 4813.91064453125, 1630.634033203125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1082.1233681640624, 923.119828125, 1837.3608847656249, 1330.77030859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "|... By The Associated Press\n| NEW YORK—Madison Square\n| Garden — Carmelo Costa, 1294,\n| Brooklyn, outpointed Lulu Perez,\n12634, Brooklyn, 10. _\nCHARLOTTE, N. C. — Bobby\n, Oliphant, 131, Charlotte, outpoint-\n‘ed Johnny O’Brien, 126, Boston,\n10.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 370.90313720703125, 5842.9296875, 1799.0941162109375, 7820.8037109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "SMALLEY’S ‘icine\n\nNOS TONIGHT\n\n \n \n \n\nwith JEAN BYRON + HELENE aes BILL HENRY and KIMBA\nheap DWIGHT V. BABCOCK and JO PAGANO\nby SAM KATZMAN - Directed by CHARLES $. GOULD\n\nmeanid - Monday - _Tuesday\nMERRIEST MUSICAL OF ALL Time?\n\nM-G-M resents. r ;\nFRANK iia,\n_ KATHRYN GRAYSON\n\no\nKs:\nPa & 2\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nCOLOR BY TECHNICOLOR!\n\nG-MOMASTERPHECE REPRINT\n\n \n\nCartoon - News\nREGULAR PRICES\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5029.39892578125, 6124.6142578125, 6283.1875, 7728.41455078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "For Your Pleasure---\n\nThe Oxford Inn\n\nInvites You to Enjoy ©\n\nEntertainment Nightly\n(Except Sundays)\nBeginning Monday, May 30\n\nRonnie Leonard j\n\n* * *& # i\nSpend Your Night Out at\n\nThe Oxford Inn.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3359.7321328125, 2163.3835, 4132.18241796875, 7902.64433203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "| Health authorities were reported’\ntoday to be highly pleased with\nthe results of the drive against!\npolio in Chenango County.\n\nThe campaign which ended its\nfirst round yesterday saw 75 per,\ncent of the children with parental\nconsent and 63 per cent of all!\nthose eligible getting shots of Salk\nvaccine.\n\nMiss Harriet Babcock, super-’\nvisor of the County Public Health\nNursing Service, said the turnout\nfor inoculations was described as\nvery satisfactory by Dr. Daniel P.!\nMeMahon of Binghamton. Dr. Mc-!\nMahon is district health officer of\nthe State Health Department.\nThe turnout compares with oth-:\ner counties of upstate New SOR\nand tops that to date in New York\nI City by several percentage points.\nln the city, about 70 per cent of,\npupils with consent have been:\nshowing up for shots.\nGetting the shots here were 1a\n278 of the 1,697 first and second |\ngraders who had previously been|\ngiven consent. There is a total of\n2,013 first and second graders in’\nthe 11 school districts of the coun- |\nty.\nEach youngster will receive an-|\n| other free shot presumably in the\njnear future, under the program\n(sponsored by the National Founda-'\ntion for Infantile Paralysis and\npossibly a third without cost un-,\nider a Federal aid proposal several ,\nmonths from now.\n\nTiming of the second round of\nshots depends, however, on deliv-\nery of another shipment of vac-.\nicine, Miss Babcock said no word |\nhas been received yet on the de-\nlivery date.\n\nWhen and if the third round\ncomes will depend on Congress.\nThe bill to provide it calls for\na $28 million appropriation to sup-\nply free vaccine to all children of\nthe nation under 19 years of age,\nwho can’t afford to buy vaccine\nand to supply a third shot for all\nyoungsters who took part in the\n\nfoundation program this Spring. |\n\nDr. Jonas Salk, who developed |\nthe vaccine, had originally recom-|\nmended that the second shot fol-'\n\nlow the first within two to six)\nweeks, The New York Times yes-!\nterday quoted him as saying, how-\never, that a delay in the second’\nshot won’t make it necessary for\nchildren to start the series of\ninoculations again. The newspaper\nsaid Dr. Salk declared the first |\nshot will provide some immunity)\nand the second would be effective\nif given as late as two years later. |\n\nThe immunization program is)\nbeing administered in this county\ninrough the district health —\nwith the aid of schools, doctors,\nthe Public Health Nursing Service,\nParent-Teacher Association mem-|\nbers and others.\n\nIn the clinic here yesterday\nmorning, 376 of the 607 first and\nsecond graders of schools in the\ncity and surrounding rural area'|\nrolled up their sleeves to a heciies\nthe purple-pink vaccine.\n\nGiving the shots were Dr. Leslie |\nT. Kinney, city health office who,\nsupervised the clinic, and Dr.'\nThomas Flanagan and Dr. Robert;\nStone, school physicians. Helping\nthe doctors were Miss Virginia\nBiviano of the Public Health Nurs-|\ning Service; Mrs. Betty Hosford|\nof the Chenango Memorial Hospi-!\ntal staff; Mrs. Harry Hunt and\nseveral Red Cross nurses aides, a\ndozen P-TA members and the\nschool nurses, Miss O’Delia Schill-\ner, Miss Rose Taranto and Mrs.\n; Dorothy Wilson.\n\nThe doctors used equipment of!\nthe school and nursing service and:\n{towels supplied by the hospital.\n\nThe County Board of Supervisors\nbeer Norwich City Central School |\nBoard had _ purchased” extra\n_ needles and syringes for use in|\nithe immunization program.\nDuring the inoculating, eae\n| were a few tears and some fearful |\n{hesitation but most youngsters.\ntook their shots with little more}\nthan a wince, First to get the!\nvaccine was Franklin Ault, a first}\ngrader at Birdsall Street School. ;\n: He was inoculated by Dr. Flana-\ngan.\n\n, Dr. Kinney noted that the chil-|\n\ndren are a “good age group” to!\n-work with. |\n‘ “They’re old enough to under-|\nstand what’s going on but not at!\nthe playful age.”\n\nWhen the vaccine will be re-!\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 335.9578857421875, 330.3004150390625, 990.3909301757812, 523.3162231445312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "BLAKE COPS SIXTH AS\nLEAFS ROLL ALONG\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4881.5934609375, 3236.1481484375, 5642.47831640625, 3628.165328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "WATERTOWN (#) — Mrs. Mary\nAgnes Fuller, 34, of Fabius, was\nkilled early today when the 1955\nautomobile she was driving went\nout of control, left Route 11 near\nAdams Center, and plunged down\na 14-foot embankment.\n\n} Sheriff Brayton E. Peck of Jef-\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4997.98828125, 3706.006103515625, 6302.9326171875, 4370.56640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n\nLEGION PARK .\nAT CHENANGO LAKE.\nOPEN FOR SEASON |\n\nSpecializing in Italian Food\nSeafood - Legal Beverages\nSERVING PIZZA PIES DAILY - 6 P.M. THLL 12\nAND WEDNESDAYS AND SUNDAYS - 1 P. M. THLL 12\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 1104.2034912109375, 843.3804931640625, 1556.4268798828125, 903.5261840820312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "FRIDAY’S FIGHTS\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2609.95234765625, 363.57420434570315, 3360.432662109375, 1399.91288671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "| TODAY’S TABLE\n\n| Colonia\n» Cartoon: 3:54, 6:24, 8:54.\n| Featurette: 4:06, 6:36, 9:06.\nSmalley’s\nNews: 4:30, 7:16, 10:02.\n10 Wanted Men: 2:00, 4:46, 7:32,\n\ner\n| Jungle Moon Men: 3:20, 6:06,\n8:52.\n\nTOMORROW’S TABLE\nColonia\n\nCartoon: 3:54, 6:24, 8:54.\nFeaturette: 4:06, 6::36, 9:06.\nStrategic Air Command: 2:00,\n4:30, 7:00, 9:30.\n\nSmalley’s\n\n| News: 2:00, 4:16, 6:32, 8:48.\n\n: Cartoon: 2:16, 4:32, 6:48, 9:04.\n\n| Anchors Aweigh: 2:23, 4:39,\n\n: 6:55, 9:11.\n\n—eerewerur eer CeCe TT O eee e eee\n\n \n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 375.41375732421875, 3084.996826171875, 1782.5775146484375, 5620.4814453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "KIDDIE KARTOON KARNIVAL\n\nSTARTS SUNDAY\n\nBIG HOLIDAY SHOW\n\nJames STEWART\n\n \n\nColor by TECHNICOLOR\nGRACE KELLY - WENDELL COREY - THELMA RITTER\n\nHe earned his keep with cards!\na his reputation with bullets Lg\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2688.62451171875, 4160.00390625, 3311.89404296875, 4259.5556640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Ideas Pay Off .\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 376.34906005859375, 1458.8516845703125, 1778.70458984375, 3126.102783203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nENDS TONITE\n\nBIG PRE-HOLIDAY SHOW\nCome As Late As 10:15 and See a Complete Show\n\nTHEIR NEWEST SCREEN-\nROCKIN LAUGH RIOT!\n\n \n\nMINKHIE EP Spo VWVADAIIVAI\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2775.033447265625, 1828.4794921875, 3174.99951171875, 1879.096435546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "By RAY KOHN\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3404.317626953125, 155.2095489501953, 4713.02783203125, 259.4897155761719 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "ehnef¥T,;SMALLEY’S, TOM@RROW,\n" }, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 5642.776078125, 3173.375443359375, 6397.12968359375, 3300.062544921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "'ferson County said , Mrs. Fulle ,\n; was thrown from the car.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4233.11474609375, 3125.021484375, 4785.1044921875, 3171.459228515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "By B. L. LIVINGSTONE\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 4888.8193359375, 3185.642578125, 5360.84521484375, 3234.447265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "PIFS IN ACCINENT\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 422.5641784667969, 554.7583618164062, 1011.3544921875, 609.7159423828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "(By The Associated Press)\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 5642.674515625, 3352.96504296875, 6406.48808203125, 3622.391890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "| MRUVNS 2N URES, -\nLANCASTER (#—Richard Kus-\ntrzebski,, 20, was drowned’ last\n| night in Buffalo Creek jin_ the\n| nearby town of Marilla where he\n| had gone swimming.\n" }, "39": null, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 4224.328125, 6651.9462890625, 4795.75439453125, 6690.4755859375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "(Rv The Associated Press)\n" }, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 2607.65937890625, 5449.37226953125, 3351.239791015625, 6309.309859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "’ Fisher Body Rewards Employe\nInitiative . . . Clifford Kolb, em-\nploye in Fisher Body’s Hamilton,\nOhio, stamping plant, receives\n$2,500 award from James E. Good-\nman, vice-president of General Mo-\n| tors ‘and general manager of Fisher\nBody. With Kolbs award, Fisher\nBody has become GM’s first divi-\nsion to distribute $2,000,000 to its\nemployes participating in General\nMotors’ suggestion award program\nfor employes. Since 1951, Kolb has\nsubmitted 45 suggestions. Thirteen\nof these were adopted. In 1954,\nFisher Body employes received\n$296,460 for 19,784 suggestions\nsubmitted.\n\n \n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 5147.7314453125, 1193.97314453125, 5562.525390625, 1283.27587890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "WSYR-TV -\n" }, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 5 ], [ 0, 6 ], [ 0, 9 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 2, 9 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 5, 9 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 4, 7 ] ]
[ 3004.1277343750003, 4758.018359375 ]
[ [ 0, 5 ], [ 2, 9 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 5, 2 ], [ 7, 1 ], [ 9, 6 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1179.75166015625, 328.3675048828125, 1541.4626953124998, 1619.5453369140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON — Violence is\none of those stibjects that has\noccupied the television industry\nsince its birth. The topic has\ncome up again, following the\nviolent deaths of national lead-\ners and this time the concern\nover violence has reached a\nnew level of intensity.\n\nEach of the television net.\nworks has issued a public state-\nment, pointing out that work is\nbeing done with producers to\nreduce the amount of violence\nin television. With backing from\nthe researchers and scholars,\nnetwork presidents cite the dif-\nfieulty of a direct\ncatse and effect relationshiy\nbetween TV violence and real\nlife acts of violence.\n\nWhat is not mentioned —\nand for good reason — is the\nwidely held belief in television\nthat a high Incidence of deaths\nand fights in a program usual-\nly leads to a high audience\nTating.\n\nAnd since advertisers ke\nhigh ratings, the current sof\npleadings are likely to be, at best\nmerely temporary.\n\nWe do not know just wha\ntelevision is doing to our chil\ndren. A Senate committee inves\ntigation into this subject ha:\nbeen going on for 15 years, un\nder three different chairmen:\n\nsociologists and psychologists\nhave eppeared before the com\nmittees end several lengthy\ndull reports have been published.\n\nWE KNOW, in scientific\nterms, no more in 1963 than we\nknew when the Senate begai\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 806.592724609375, 618.2205932617187, 1176.6534912109373, 1614.3153564453123 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "fonte, Lena Horne, psychiatrist\nDr. Alvin Poussaint, and poet-\ncritic Lawrence Neal, four Ne-\ngro leaders, as they address\nthemselves to the subject of\nwhite racism in the communi-\ncations media, Despite the fact\nthat Belafonte and Miss Horne\ncan’t bear to hear the repeated\nquestion — what do you want?\n—- this hour - Jong discussion of-\nfers more clarification of that\nquestion than any number of\ndocumentaries on the crisis in\nrace relations, Each one speaks\nfrom his own particular experi-\nence and orientation, with the\nresult, that Neal offers an elo-\nquent evaluation of the necessi-\nty for the black man to portray\nhimself from his own vantage\npoint; Dr. Poussaint explains\nthe white mental attitude that\nresponds to black pressure\ngroups by projecting a black\nartist into the medium and\nmerely making an exception of\nhim; Miss Horne sees herself\ntoday as reliving a flashback to\n‘her experience in films, 25 years\njago; and Belafonte wants an\nhour or two hours of prime time\na week from the networks turn-\ned over to “black artists, to\nblack writers, to black people,\nJand let them do their thing.”\n(Color). 10 p.m. ABC. €3) iG\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1909.971630859375, 270.841015625, 2272.287158203125, 610.2562133789063 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "replaced with calmer stories.\nThese are merely delaying\ntactics and few broadeasiers\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 466.6181335449219, 637.8995971679688, 793.652587890625, 1233.513427734375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 67.53444366455078, 612.4090698242187, 444.52431030273436, 1677.2557861328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "SECOND HUNDRED YEARS.\n“Luke-A-Likes,” (Repeat), Ri-\ndiculous but oddly charming tale\ninvolving a sudden visit from a\nhistorian attached to the Smith-\nsonian Institution, who is vitally\ninterested in Luke. Unfortunate-\nly, Luke is off on a yacht having\na delightful time with Col. Gar-\nroway’s daughter Marcia, who\nfinds him irresistible, so his\ngrandson Ken is dispatched to\ntake his place before the Smith-\nsonian man arrives and Luke\ntan be retrieved, The first few\nmixups are predictable, but the\nJast one is grand, (Color), 7:30\npm. ABC. B @\n\nFLYING NUN. “With Love—\nFrom Irving.” (Repeat). Nice\nescape entertainment, slim plot\nand all. Flying Sister Bertrille\nmakes friends with a curious\npelican who finally figures our\nheroine to be another bird. Mo-\nments between Sally Field and\nthe bird are full of charm, fol-\nlowed by a conflict with a Fr.\nSweeney, a kind man who’s curi-\naus to discover whal’s going on.\n(Color). 8 p.m. ABC. q CB\n\n.* *\n\nBEWITCHED. “‘The Solid\nGold Mother-in-Law.” (Repeat).\nMostly Agnes Moorehead's\nshow, and her sarcastic bite as\n‘Endora enchances the amusing\ntale as usual. In a clever siwtch,\nEndora is all granduess and sly-\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1546.0386474609375, 272.38758544921876, 1906.4127685546873, 612.0088989257813 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "investigating in 1953.\nNetworks and stations did re-\nact, most cuionly: to the\npublic condemnation of televis-\ned violence that has followed\nthe deaths of Dr. Martin La-\nther King Jr. and Sen. ‘Robert\n¥, Kennedy. War movies were\n\nbers that were full of guns, knives\nand fists were put in storage and\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2629.88447265625, 67.84348754882812, 3004.1277343750003, 343.09816284179686 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "| Desth in life isn’t a casual\noccurrence. Nor should it be in\n‘television.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 446.16502075195314, 1315.6756103515625, 810.5500366210938, 1612.1293212890623 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "ness figuring out a way Lo boost\nDarrin’s career. There's one big\nhitch, however, she hasn’t con-\nsulted Darrin about her master\nplan, (Color), 8:30 p.m. ABC.\n\n‘oo «#\n\nSPECIAL. “Bias and the Me-\ndia.” Part I. Time for Ameri-\ncans.” Don’t miss Harry Bela-\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 451.64129638671875, 1635.359375, 2979.39013671875, 4747.544921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " TABLERITE\nU.S.D.A. CHOICE Cc\nIb. a\n\nU.S.D.A. CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE\n\nSIRLOIN | T-BONE\nSTEAK STEAK\n\nw, ]°9 ne 19\n\nU.S.D.A. CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE\nCLUB PURE LEAN\nGROUND\nSTEAK BEEF\nnm. [9 » 55°\nMORTON FROZEN a - ;\nVANILLA \"CREAM i * GOLDEN RIPE\nBU _ WAFERS PIES Ae —\n\n2 PKGS 1%-lb.\nPKG. 29: . 25<\n\nG\nANGEL FOOD\nMEADOW GOLD\nCAKE\n\n39° BUTTERMILK raBLErnesH U.S. NO TABLEFRESH\n\nNEW WHITE\n2 GAL. 3 9: LETTUCE | POTATOES TOMATOES\n“520 91.99 D ears BQ) ks QE | te. Ae\n\nTe we 29¢ : |\nARMOUR VIENNA G ol SEAL ARMOUR’S “OF HOUSE -\n\nWEET\nEVAP. MILK ye PICKLES TREET C FFEE\nVIETTI BEEF OR PORK 1202. 39° CAN 1 49\nBAR-B-Q \"at 59e Mor DQ\n\nENGLISH MT. GREEN WITH hee. ae MORE\n8°S No. ue\nLADY TABOR SWEET\n\nPOTATOES “can 29C CHARCOAL CHARMIN DAD'S\n\nCOCKTAIL 3\" = TOILET moa! aon\nSOUTHERN ROLL | Ys GA. ¢\nMARGARINE 1232.1 | 69 TISSUE\n\nBALLARD OR PILLSBURY soz KRAFT JET PUFF 4-ROLL 29: 9” PICNIC\nBISCUITS 12 ‘cans $ MARSHMALLOW PACK PL. ATE\n\nGALLON Bg eee 2 9 ¢ ’ COUNT 79 $\nwe OIC PRICES GOOD THROUGH 7-1-68\nPRICES GOOD THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY — WE HONOR GOV'T. FOOD STAMPS — QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED\n\nBOOTEN IGA ELEANOR IGA F & F IGA KANAWHA IGA KOSTAS IGA |G. H. MASON IGA| WOODVILLE IGA\nMARKET MARKET MARKET FOODLINER MARKET MARKET\n\n155 MAIN ST. 5200 MACCORKLE AVE.\nJ SCOTT DEPOT, W. VA. ELEANOR, W. VA. NITRO, W. VA. CHARLESTON, W. VA. WHITESVIE.LE, W. VA. WOODVILLE, W. VA.\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2277.66767578125, 279.97544555664064, 2638.3069335937503, 1202.8009521484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "this week before the House spe-\ncial subcommittee on investiga-\ntions. He reminded Chairman\nHarley 0. Staggers, D-W.Va.,\nthat many of the classics in lit-\nerature and drama are filled\nwith violence,\ne a *\n\nTELEVISION, at this early\ndate, hag few classics and none\nof them depend on violence tc\nentertain. What is at issue is\nthe use of violence that is un-\nmotivated, unteasoned; violence\nthat does not move a plots vio\nlence that is used merely for\nthe shock value.of violence.\n\nWe are facing a generation of\nchildren, now maturing, that\nhas spent more time with We\n\nout consequence or without\n\nmourning.\nOne doesn’t need a scholar’s\nstatistical table to see the ef.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2283.245361328125, 1211.7662353515625, 2634.326416015625, 1589.85400390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 58.78774719238281, 2500.04755859375, 443.05821533203124, 4565.916308593751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Boa dca Teale Mia\n\nA great many North - South\npairs scored a deficit when this\nhand was deall in a recent tour\nnament.\n\n‘West usually made life diffi-\ncult for his opponents by open-\ning with a preemptive bid of\nfour hearts. North overcalled\nwith five clubs. Some Souths\nwere content to bid a small slam\nin clubs which was made with\nease, since only a trump trick\nmist be lost. :\n\nSeveral players in the South\npeat were unwilling to give up\n(he higher scoring spade con-\ntract and, with a virtually self-'\nsufficient suit, they bid six\nspades, In tournament bridge,\nwhere each deal is a separate\ncontest, a premium is awarded\nfor the best score, and the play-\ners, therefore, usually prefer a\nmajor suit contract over a min-\n\nor.\n\nAt most tables, the king of\nhearts was Jed and ruffed by\ndeclarer, Trumps were drawn in\nfour rounds as the dummy dis-\ncarded clubs. South bad 11 top\ntricks — five spades, five dia-\nmonds, and one club, with a\nchance {o win them all if he\ncould pick up the king of clubs.\n\nBefore testing clubs, South\nran his diamond suit by first\ncashing the ace and then over-\nteking dummy’s queen with the\nking. East followed to every\nround while West discarded\nhearts. North shed a club and\nthe two remaining hearts. The\njack of clubs was finally led\nand, when West followed with\nthe four, most declarers chose to\ntake the finesse. East produced\nthe king of clubs and a heart\nrejurn enabled West to cash two\ntricks in that suil.\n\nA few declarers saved one\ntrick by going up with the ace\nof clubs; however, only one South\nmanaged to make the slam — de-\nspite the relative simplicity of\nthe play. The successful declar-\ner observed that, with 11 tricks\nimmediately available to him, he\ncould force the development of\na 12th in the heart suit without\nhaving to subject himself to a\nclub fuess. |\n\nAfter trumps were drawn,\nSouth merely crossed over to\nthe ace of diamonds and ‘ed\nthe queen of hearts, discarding\na club from his hand. West was\nin with the king of hearts and\nshifted {9 a club. Declarer pvt!\nup North's ace and cashed the,\njack of bearts on which he dis-|\ncarded his remaining club. The\nqueen of diamonds was now led\nand overtaken by the king in the\nclosed hand to cast out the re-\nmaining tricks in that suit.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1178.318115234375, 77.96034240722656, 2533.8935546875, 257.57275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "ONLY SHOCK VALUE FOR TV?\n\nTopic of Violence Comes Up Again\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 92.9912109375, 418.8725280761719, 1127.16015625, 585.0682983398438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "TV KEY PREVIEWS\n\n‘Bias and the Media’ Slated\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2649.2802734375, 458.2112121582031, 3003.9521484375, 1568.8619384765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "IR\nBARBECUE SAUCE\n\n \n\n} ;\ne?\nwiru Shiteffh wamne\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1220.0504150390625, 276.6573486328125, 1494.4537353515625, 326.2838439941406 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "By Lawrence Laurent\nThs Wasehinatan Dact\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 143.42538452148438, 4604.61474609375, 344.4477844238281, 4652.72802734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Reunion\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 61.313534545898435, 4661.1076171875, 435.2107727050781, 4758.018359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Richardson — July 7, Meadow\nRiver Park, route 60, Rainelle.\nPicnic basket.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1557.8179931640625, 621.3067626953125, 2274.7255859375, 1603.73779296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "THURSDAY\n\n \n\n \n\no 3 j Oo\nChariton Hountingten Mantington. uk HM\nWCHS-TV WSAZ-TV | WHTN-TV | WOAY-TV\n\nces anc cos-ane\n\nLove of ze (6) [Jeopardy (C) |Bewliched (C) | Bewlfehed (Cc)\n\nrow (C) |Eye Guess (C}) | Treasure Isle (C) [Treasure Isle (C)\n\n \n\n700] Jackie Obtinger |New: Dream House (C) {Dreain Housa {C)\n‘ Lets make A Wedding Pi jing P\n30) As ihe Worid ahs fea ia Party (€)|Wedding Party (C)\n\n \n\n \n\n348| . Turns ¢\nve is Man Days of Our AtcHale's Na Newlywed Game\n‘eMlendored Thing] Lives. &c) ey ‘4\nHouse Party (C) [Doctors (C) Baby Game (C) |Baby Game (C}\n\nTo Tell the Truih|Another World (C)|General Hospital |General Hospital\n0) Edge of Night (c)| You Don’t Say (c) |Dark Shadows (C)|Dark Shadows (C)\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nTheater. ~' | Mr. Cartoon (C) |Dating Game (C) |Dating Game (C)\n“Tenskon\"” Newlywed Game |Music “68\n~~ Rawhide a eee © Ingle ts\n\nBob Young (C)\nNews ~—«(News. Merv Griffin (C) |News\n\nWalter Cronkite Bob Young (¢)\n\nHuntiey-\nBeinkley (C)\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nThe Sanger” | Caravan Lowell, Vamey\nDaniel Boone Segond Hundred Second Hundred\nYears (C)\nIronside (c) Fyn Ne (ey | Flying Nun (Cc)\nBawliched BewHthed\nioe That Girk\nonce) [oem mam co (Fe\njr ¢)\n“a Americans (c)\n00! Dean Martin (c) Men (fn a 2 Greatest\nNews News News\n\"Tonight (C} _|soey: Bishop (c\n\n \n\nJosy Bishop (¢)\n" }, "19": null, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 78.72419738769531, 145.5815887451172, 1152.44482421875, 393.1278076171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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Thousands ved\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 5122.18070703125, 4498.8413515625, 5917.50581640625, 5109.47261328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "of Marshall Pian aid coniribut-\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 4303.10595703125, 3969.867431640625, 6653.9541015625, 4467.29248046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Nations Working Together\nCreate Peace, Club Hears\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1068.880169921875, 4346.96293359375, 1874.7327451171875, 6223.9516171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "would create increaeed noise\nproblems and possibly more\ntruck traffic in alleys.\nAttorney Donald Showalier,\nnorthwest =res-\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3513.037640625, 5571.82475, 4306.6801328125, 6674.1449765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "throughout the foundation\norganization, this attitude\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1879.9183779296875, 4341.98930078125, 2675.5951718750002, 6203.7367734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Among those ex pressin\n. Me. Lawrence\nMra Brewer\n" }, "10": null, "11": { "bbox": [ 278.9778566894531, 6157.98832421875, 1088.800982421875, 7215.220171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Sacred.\nChristian Athei\n” Thealogy\n\nRadical\n\n=\n\nsm’* and\nand\n\n \n" }, "12": null, "13": { "bbox": [ 290.0897521972656, 219.6383056640625, 2582.123291015625, 3326.023681640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2662.764447265625, 1838.592572265625, 3463.6452207031252, 2506.2858457031252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "A group of young singers from\nthe famed 5\n" }, "15": null, "16": null, "17": { "bbox": [ 4390.10791015625, 7596.87744140625, 6661.21630859375, 8109.3818359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "With Six Million Visits,\nForests No Lonely Place\n" }, "18": null, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 3477.684369140625, 1843.097455078125, 4276.92525, 5072.1859921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "renege the 1 stellt are\nexcerpts from\n\noperas, including ini’s\n“Othello,” Gounod’s “Romeo\nand Juliet” and Thomas’\n“Hamiet,” and songs from plays\n\nby\n\n\"so oe Century look at\n‘The Bard, there will be melo-\ndies from Cole Porter's “Kiss\nMe Kate,” the Broadway\nmusical based on “The\nTaming of the .\n\nOne of the yg\n\nee tae\nmee\n\nfled with\nen family Min ae wih\n\nMo. Mr. Goexe his\n|master of fine arts at\nthe State lowa\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5984.150921875, 8129.814984375, 6794.67134375, 9612.4799375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "previous years. a rary\nweekends during the summer\naccounted for same of the less,\nMr. O'Keefe said.\n\nTwo new recreatien\n\ndevelopments were opened for\nEaeee cn ond ealeyenent Garin\n" }, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 281.8540954589844, 3822.948974609375, 2643.01611328125, 4320.93115234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Citizens Oppose Request\nTo Rezone Northwest Lots\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2681.58349609375, 984.9262084960938, 4237.97119140625, 1820.7093505859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Opera Ensemble\nTo Present Tunes\nFrom Shakespeare\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3556.644287109375, 6689.525390625, 4300.8486328125, 7141.931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Pringle Is\nSentenced Tc\nFive Years\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2720.095703125, 5136.130859375, 4212.8818359375, 5553.63232421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Moore Represents\nCF Group At Meet\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5159.228515625, 5152.9267578125, 6649.68798828125, 5584.798828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Tenor To Present\nEMC Recital Friday\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2708.974365234375, 3734.41552734375, 3447.7216796875, 3973.51904296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Smith To Attend\nClass In Georgia\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 310.78515625, 5904.66650390625, 991.1253051757812, 6138.0146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Lecturer Slated\nAt Bridgewater\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2693.94482421875, 2546.042724609375, 3427.6318359375, 2795.62353515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Leap Year's Day\nMay Bring Snow\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 5974.96240234375, 6160.58935546875, 6706.0185546875, 7440.24853515625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 342.8301696777344, 7635.19873046875, 2664.448486328125, 9073.49609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "\"Date Pram U8. WEATHER BUREAU - ESSA\n\n2\nOM\nye wy 4\n\nSee\n\nPTAs the\n\nee vey 8\n\nt\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nShowere FUL\nmh? teow GSD\n. Pivertes (Kae)\n/ Aes\n\n, aint eonaccmaneceasiniaaes ° ~~ s -\nbeoleted Precipitation Net lndleeted~ Caoncck iacei BPacccace “OO, a\n\n \n\nFigures Show Migh Tempeer. ox Pa mected\nBor Deytime Thursday\n" }, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 2786.736572265625, 9130.4013671875, 3464.489501953125, 9202.5390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Five-Dav Weather\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 2844.6533203125, 8565.7626953125, 3400.27880859375, 8683.90625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "In Our Skies\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 4416.66259765625, 4506.9892578125, 4994.28857421875, 4626.91845703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "By R. P, THOMPSON\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 4807.28759765625, 293.4373779296875, 5617.7626953125, 432.30078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "PEDIATRICS\n" }, "47": null, "48": { "bbox": [ 3607.296875, 7170.96240234375, 4249.220703125, 7235.66357421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "iCeatinued Frem Page |)\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 448.42779541015625, 7337.92333984375, 2590.36962890625, 7569.619140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "WEATIZER DATA ‘cn\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 348.5609865722656, 9142.93021875, 1490.1059140625, 9564.3539609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "WEATHER FORECAST - A wide band of\nprecipitation is forecast for the eastern third\nef the sation today. Seow and snow flurries\noS ee a ee wee\nthe north and central Appalachians to\n\neek al Ge eaten Ge et Oe\n" }, "51": null, "52": null, "53": { "bbox": [ 2812.714599609375, 7270.2509765625, 3402.673828125, 7391.14208984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "The Weather\n" }, "54": null, "55": { "bbox": [ 1140.3651552734375, 6403.31644921875, 2651.1891660156252, 7168.88862890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "VONTTGHEY \\ Grengar\n\nFockonghem County Peultry School, ? pum. et Belle Meade.\nValley Players eudities for “The Women”, 7.50 om. af Minteer\n\nBergton Runtan Cub, 7 pm. at Bergton Elementary School.\nValiey Pisyers auditier for “The Women”, 7.40 em. at Mintzer\nAction Murecgpad Baageng:\n\n \n\nee\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 1151.3822021484375, 6293.45849609375, 2634.8369140625, 7190.83251953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "SE ES Se oe ne SO a ee ee eT ee ka\n\nt ommunity C Calendar\n\nlt\nVolley Players audition for “The Women”, 7.0 om. af Minter\n\nBergton Runtan Cub, 7 pm. at Bergton Elementary School.\nValiey Pieyers audition for “The Women”, 2.00 em. at Mintre\nAction Murecgpad Baageng:\n\nee a ee re ee ee\n\n \n" }, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 880.31678125, 220.91263696289062, 1280.848013671875, 624.0424716796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "city aud a convention slained wilh ‘bled\nand vinlenee,\n\n‘The lesson of Robert's death, his brother\nTed said in a taped introduction to the\nmanorial Gh, was that \"we should not\nhale but love one another.\"\n\nAnd there were Robert's own words,\ndeclaring what he wants \"ihis country. to\nstand for: Nei violence, not lawlessacss,\naot disorder, but compassion and love and\npeace.”\n\nIn [864 Robert had steod on the rastrum\nal Adantie City as another memorial to\nanother of the family -- President John\nF. Kennedy — touched off the most emotional\ndemonstration of thal year’s cauyention,\n\nAnd when the film ended and (he eohls\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 462.90485498046877, 210.93988916015624, 867.7512119140625, 616.7782504882813 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The images cast on the two vast movie\nscreens hung bigh in oppesite corners of\nIbe convention ball were larger than fife\n\nBut, as the avcompanying words of his\nbrother — dhe last of his birethers ~~ Sen\nEdward M, Kennedy reminded the autticnes:\n\n“My brother need nat bz idealized or\nenlarged in dexth beyond what he was in\nlife...\n\nMemorial tributes ta fallen Kemiedys have\nbecome # sad habit al Demicetatie National\nConventions,\n\nBut for all the sadness, hist night's eule:\nto Tebat F. Kennedy gave the I\nconvention its first genuine tue of cla.\nof honest emotiun, af sure dignity.\n\nAnd it had special meanin\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nie, for a\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1152.5505458984376, 1717.48426171875, 1436.5694492187502, 2592.871939453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\nFUICAGQ (UPLH—From start\nly finish, the ‘Tennessee del\n\nnn to Lhe Deimoeratic National\nConvention was almast unauti-\n\nmously unifed on every issue. |\n\nThe delegates applauded Gov.\nBulord ENington’s decision ear-\n‘in the week to hold as a\nfaverile son,” were opposed to\nthe more dovish approach sug-\ngested by the minocily report:\non the Vielfnam war plank, and\nthought Mayor Richard Daley\nwas right in clamping light se-\neurily oa (his traubled city,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAnd while most of them prob-\nably would have rather seen\ninitials LBJ than HHH al the\nhead af the lickel, Hubert Hum-\nphrey was their choice from\namong the candidates running.\n\nThey alsa agreed Thursday\nnight (hat Humphrey had made\nthe sight decision in lapping\nSen. Edmund Muskie of Muine\nfor Ihe No. 2 spot.\n\n“Tm highly elated.” said El-\ningion. “He's a man with a ca-\nreer of great service. He under-\nStands [he necessity of coopera-\nlion between state and federal\nGeveraments, ¢ think he will\nmake an outstanding Vice Pres-\nident.”\n\nKenneth Schoen of Nashville,\nthe only man in die delegation\nto vole for Sen. Eugene Me-\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 328.3744201660156, 789.1260375976562, 1146.7315673828125, 1357.7413330078125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 316.9222194824219, 2249.016732421875, 590.439322265625, 3252.732046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ON OOS ae a Ade APSVES EA\n\nCHICAGO (UPI) — Hippies\n\nslept on the trampled grass\nof Grant Park today while\ndelegates to the Democratic\nNational Convention hustled\nbail money to get out of jail.\n\nTraces af tear gas fumes\nbung over the park, and\njingered in both the lockup\nal Central Police\nHeadquarters and the great\nconvention hotels along\nMichigan Avenne.\n\nThis was the hangover\nmorning of one af the\nstrangest days and nights in\nAmerican politics—a_ span\nThursday in which the balk\noF one state’s delegation ied\na march on its own parly's\nconvention aud in which al\nleast 20 delegates preferred\nlo be arrested rather than\nlisten to Vice Presideni\nHubert H. Tunphrey accept\nhis nomination.\n\nThe wave of prolest against\nthe convention began in\nearnest Wednesday when\npolice and guardsmen hattied\nfiercely with thousands cf\naulivac pratesters with three\npresidential candidates\nwatching from their hotel\nsuiles. It ended Thursday\nnight when guardsmen invited\ndelegates to be arrested and\nihen let loase wath a barrage\nof tear gas grenaies\n@ marching coluna of 5.1%\n\nit was all over — almost\n— when the Democratic\ndelegates amt in jail came\nback fram the closing ses:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1989.6264736328126, 1722.7338955078126, 2277.071890625, 2598.019888671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\ni “Por atime, T hau hoped we\n|. would get a lineral Southerner,”\n{said Lillard. “1 was leaning ta-\nward Terry Sanford, bul 1 sup-\n| pose Sen, Muskie will add to\nthe lickel. | am absolutely sure\njhe wil Nave a very definite ap-\npeal lo the Negra vate.”\n{ At its final caucus Thursday,\n| the delegation voted unanimous\ndy (6 give the city “a vote of\nconfidence” for the tight securi-\niy used to protcet delegates at-\ntending the convention.\n\nThe motion was pul befare\nthe delegates at a caucus by\nWallace Clement of Chattanooga\nand approved by a standing\nvote after Ellington said he had\ncalled Mayor chard J Daley\nbecause of erilicism given the\nChicago Police Department tnr\ntheir treatment to anti - war\ndemanst raters\n\n“There has been a lot of TY\ncriticism since last nighl.” Ell\ninglon said of comments made\nby newseasters about palice\nharding of war pratestors\n“T've personally called to thank\nMavor Daley.\"\n\nGene Blanton of Adamsville\nsail Jaler the delegation should\nhave drawn a formal resolution\nthanking Daley, all the dele-\ngales should have signed it,\nand they should have sent it to\nDaley “along with a good Old\nTenipcenn Cornice Pas 2\"\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 51.21869393920898, 254.14814111328124, 448.6891696777344, 603.7076938476563 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n\nCHICAGO (CDN) — The huge hal) went\ndark and quiet aml there he was. ‘there\nwas Robert I*, Kennedy roughhuusing happily\nwith his children, praying before his slain\nbrother's coffin, climbing a mountain, wwe\nskating with his . Ethel. pulling a Negra\nYoungster intu bis open ear during a tour\nof the ghellos, wrestling wilh bis dug, walking\nalone and Larefaat isto the sea be loved\nso much. losing his cufflinks to a Surging!\ncrowd of the young peaple who luved him\nsu intel\n\nThere he was jn the rumpted suit. wie\nthe wnruly hair, the Boston Irishman with\nthe Yonkee tivane.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1292.3593837890626, 230.46648522949218, 1697.3992832031252, 626.8676669921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "weit Up ‘Thursday night, history repouted\nliself,\n\n‘The convention detegates who bad sat\nsilenily respeet{ul through the fin stood\nand began clapping.\n\nSoon the New York deleyation began singiayt\n“The Batlle Hymn of The Republic, (he\nantiem Robert's friend, Andy Williams, had\nsung on the night of tis funeral.\n\n“Glory, glory hallelujah, his truth is\nmarching on,” (hey sang and the whole\nhall joined in.\n\nFat old men and pretty young girls wept\nopenly, handkerehiefs were pulled aut of\npockels and purses all over the nall to\nwipe away lears and the singing and clapping\nprew stronger,\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1158.179330078125, 802.7084438476562, 1429.0258701171877, 1563.877798828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Ihan Ihe Humphrey ferees\nTealized. If Kugene J.\nMeCarthy and) George 8.\nMGovern should threw ‘he\nVotes to him, the addition of\nthe sizable btors from IMinois\nand California could\nconceivihly starl a stampede\nfor the youthful, last survivor\nof the famous Kennedy\nbrothers.\n\nAnd, although tie had made\nit plain he would not seck\nthe nomination, he could\nhardly have resisted a xenuine\ndraft.\n\nMeNair communicated\nsome of his fears by (elephone\nlo Humphrey in Washington\nFriday, ard then began\nprivately conferring with\nSome af the principal teaders\nof the south. Ataong the\npersons he consulted were\nGay. John Cannatly of Texas,\nGav. Buford Ellington of\nTennessee, Sen. George\nSmathers aud farmer Gov,\nFarris Bryant of Florida.\n\nAt first the Hunihrey\npeople did not lake striously\nthe warning that le was in\ndeep trouble. By Sunday,\nhowever, — afler Humphrey\n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 601.7226650390625, 1579.5539638671876, 867.4714267578124, 2034.9448154296877 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Daley pastjoned the Mlinois\ncaucus until Wednesday\ninstead of rmitting a vate\nob Sund. as originally\nseheduted,\n\nThis surprise action kept\nWinois’ 118 votes on ice at\na crucial Gme, nor was Daley\nthe only major holdout. Jesse\nM. Unrel, chairman of the\nlidvote California delepution,\nlet it be known that his\ndelegation would nol disclose\nits intentions until the\nhalloling on Wednesday night.\n\n“Tt looked tu us,” said a\nkey southern leader,\nthough two ig eity\noperators were gelling in\nposition for a power play\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1437.2729580078126, 812.6254360351562, 1710.8472812500002, 1564.6374423828124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "arrived in Chicago — on the\nsame day that Daley disclosed\nhis plans to held” out until\nWednesday, they hegan lo get\ndisturbed,\n\n‘The decision was taken then\nfo launch ihe rescue\nOperation. lt began on Monday\nwhen three southern\ngovernors, MeNair, Connally\nand Ellington, announced that\nthey were abandoning their\nfavorite son sialus, This\nMeant that their delegations\nwould now be free to vole\nfor Humphrey on the first\nballot, instead of heing bound\n{o them.\n\n‘the operation — continued\nTuesday when Smathers\nreleased the Flerida\ndelegation from its\ncommilment to him. The total\nvoles involved in this\noperation came fo about 240\nand if provided {he safety\nmargin that Humphrey\nneeded.\n~ The dump Humpirey drive\nwas quiedly drapacd alter this\nwhen it became apparent that\nthe Vice President finally did\nhave enough voles so that\nhe could not be dumacd.\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1713.3093349609376, 1720.1389248046876, 1986.7630527343752, 1970.9777744140627 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "| State Sen. W, J. Peeier o\n|Waverly said Muskie hac\nproven experience as a vot\njgctler in his home slate o\nMaine and wad appeal &\n‘arious cibnic groups.\n\n| Nashville City Councilmai\n| eobert Lillard, a Negro, sai\n|Muskie's audition fo the ticke\njou definitely help attract the\nNegra vole.\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 323.72818872070314, 1573.0490810546876, 591.2297885742188, 2023.6110751953127 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "fo gel {he nomination the first\nballot ov he might never get\nil. And the way things stoud\nshen McNair arrived Friday,\na lirst ballot nomination was\nnol a certainly.\n\n“The Southerners were\nslipping into a rebellious mood\nabout the way things were\ngoing for them in the pre-\nconvention hearings,” one\nsource disclosed. ‘They felt\nthey had been trealed unfairly\nin the battles over the seating\nof some disptted delegations,\nand the change in the unit\nreide,””\n\nThe second potential danger\nto Humphrey developed when\nChieago Mayor Richarqg\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1442.8244716796876, 2064.449837890625, 1983.9918125, 2573.080923828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO (UPI)—\"1 really hae no idea how horrible it\ncould be.\"\n\ndohn MeCormally, editor ant co-publisher af the Burlington,\nTowa, Hawk-Lye, covered Thursday night's confrontation\nbetween the National Guard and crowds of demonstralors\n‘on South Michigan Avenue,\n\n \n\nHe was lalking about tear gas.\n\n \n\n“T had a smali dose of it in lhe Marine Cory he\nsaid. “They wanled (o indoctrinate us in it. But tonight\nJ got Lhe hell gassed out of me.\n\ni stood against the wall, vomiting. grabbing my false\nfeeth and putting thent in my pocket. It seemed that\nI was nat able to brealhe. 1 can lestiy if takes the\naggressive intent aut of anybody.\n\n*The next thing that impressed ime was the so-called\nmedical corps youth in while coats. They came running\nup, grabbed me, sprinkied water in my eyes and assisted\nme until F could breath again.”\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 878.0491420898437, 2242.06531640625, 1148.4340732421874, 2584.11144140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "selfstyted presidential\ncandidate. Delegates,\nallvriales, clergymen,\ncampaign workers, — black\nnationalists and various\nbreeds of hippies set out from\nGrant Park\n\nGregory made no secret of\nthe fact the amphitheatre was\non his way home, Police and\n\nguardsmen sworn to keep the\nconvention site pure of\ndissidents saw things the\nSame way.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 40.465996948242186, 1028.31629296875, 310.6796176757813, 2021.8355625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\nCHICAGO (CDN) — Hubert\nHL. Huinphrcy came closer to\nfosing his parly\"s presidentiat\nnomination tan anyone,\nexception convention insiders,\nyet realizes.\n\n \n\nHe might well have missed\nhis big ctance had il not\nbeen for a rescue operation\norganized for him by a group\naf southern governors, led by\nGov. Rokert E. McNair of\nSouth Carolina,\n\nYel, ironically, the South,\nwhich saved the day for\nHumpley at the Demacratic\nConvention, may prove his\nundsing in the November\nelection,\n\nThe story bepins yvilh the\narrival in Chicago Jast Friday\nthree days before the\nconvention opened, of Gov.\nMeNair, Through his contacts\nas chairman of the Southern\nGovernors’ Conference as well\nas chairman of the Mational\nDemocratic Governors?\nConference, he quickly\nlearned that Finnphrey was\nin serious truble,\n\nTneredibly, however,\nHumphrey’s own people on\nthe scene were not aware of\nthis. They were not daing a\ngood job of counting noses.\nSome of ihe strength they\nclaimed was soft, fumphrey\nwas nol as sirang as they\nclaimed.\n\nMeNair came ta the\nconelusion that Humphrey had\n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 878.99012109375, 1588.6836025390626, 1148.13976171875, 2038.7443759765627 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "We were nat sure where they\nwere planning to throw their\nStrength.\n\n“But we knew that Unruh\nWas working hard fo organize\na draft for Ted Kennedy, We\nalso knew Ihat Daley, fike\nUnruh, was an old friend and\nally of the Keanedy clan.\nCouple this with the fact that\nKennedy's — brother-in-law,\nStephen E. Smith, was in town\nlo serve as a conduit if any\nlighting should be penerated,\nand you had a very tnlecesling\nsituation,”\n\nThe Southerners felt that\nthe behind-the-scenes\nmaneuvering for Kennedy had\nthe makings of a bigeor ibreat\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 36.05492135620117, 2275.66394921875, 302.69057348632816, 3749.3113925781254 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "A Brisa corresnondent told\nEuropean readers today\nChicago patice “are the same\nkind of men who ‘eliminated’\nthe Jews in Nazi Germany,\nthe same kind of men whe\nkept Stalin’s terror ative in\nRussia, who shoot down\nFelugees on the Berlin Wall.\n\n“AIL these men have one\nthing in common. They ‘enjoy\ntheir work.” wrote” Tavid\nEngtish in the London Daily\nExpress from the Democratic\nNational = Convention — in\nChicago.\n\nHis report coincided with\nseveral other Evropean\ncorrespondents’ accounts and\nopinions of Chicago. Many\n\nd Ihe fighting may cost\nVice President Hubert 1\nHumphrey his chance fer the\npresidency,\n\n \n\nEnglish said he saw two\npolicemen an Michigan\nAvene cle a young iman\nat 20 to the ground. ~The\nbeating went on for a\nSeemingly interminable\nlime.\" he wrote,\n\n“Finally. when the police\nwere salisfied the young nian\nwas insensible. they dragged\nhim across the road and flung\nhim inlo their paddy wagon,\nthe way Hitler's SS men used\nto fling Wie Jewish corpses\ninlo the gas ewes.\n\n \n\n“The Chicago police meth\nef greeting visitors is {first\nlo push them in the chest.\nand then hil theat aver the\nhead with tong brovsn clubs.”\nsaid the London Daily Mail's\nAnthony Carthew fron the\nConvention site.\n\nThe Madrid Unionist\nnewspaper Pueblo warned the\n“bitterness and disillusion” in\nmany seclors because of the\nviolence might signal the\ndeath of the Demecvatie\nparly.\nlavestia, the Russian\novernMent newspaper, said\nwhile the verbal battle raged\ninside the convention hall\nthere was bloody fighting on\nWie streets of Chicago with\nthe police in beastly reprisal\nfn people demonstrating\negainst the war in Vielnan.”\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 319.5542297363281, 2047.4451904296875, 1132.64453125, 2227.751708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "While Hippies Sleep,\nDelegates Hustle Money\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1171.2218017578125, 1593.5518798828125, 2284.74755859375, 1710.802001953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Tennessee Hung Together\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 49.579952239990234, 779.0081176757812, 301.155517578125, 972.3880615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "The Inside\nStory: How\nIt Happened\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 886.7568359375, 2620.028076171875, 2263.59130859375, 3763.385498046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "7\n\ni ‘Ss Tassel\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSHOP FIRDAY NIGHT UNTIL9\n(shop Saturday until 5:30)\n\nKingsport\n\nel-Ties a KILTIE MOC\n\n \n \n \n \n\nas\n\ntase! aad fringe\nmeel on a sporty moc,\nlook for a fashion thot colers to\nSosvals, lakes compus by torm! Great Se\n\nanytime « . . ond especioily now, while they're\n\nspeciolly priced at just $7.97 0 pair. Tre your\ncampus cosvals to this swingy little sporlin\nuppers vf Novy, Amber er Brown,\n\n \n\nLadies' Shoes —Main Floor\n\net\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 38.77778244018555, 2038.1522216796875, 278.4996643066406, 2196.310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Police Enjoy\nTt, British\nReaders Told\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1438.445443359375, 1714.8952724609376, 1706.4412753906252, 1966.7387607421877 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Carthy for the presidential nom\nination, said he thought Muski\nwould be an “accepiable\" vie\npresidcutial candidate.\n\n“HE Sargent Shriver had beer\n@ conlender, [ would have pre\nferred him, [ think Shrive\nwould have strengthened th\nticket because he would hav\nreceived some Kennedy senii\nment.\"\n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 598.1811611328125, 2236.57898828125, 869.7819125976562, 2916.37071875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "af ihe convention at tne\nInternational Amphitheatre.\n\nPennsylvania delegates tried\nto whoop it up ala racklail\nparly on ihe inp floor of the\nSherman House. i was tough\ngoing because someone ned\nfouled up the ventilating\nsystem with a stench bomb,\n\n“What do 7 think of\nChicago?\" a delegate fren\nPittsburgh said. “Take a deep\nbreath—thal's what I think\nof Chicago,”\n\nThe olficials arrest record\nshowed at least 79 persons\nadded =Thursday to\nWednesday's (nial of 247.\nEstimates of the injured were\nmodest compared with\nWednesday's 200. Since the\neffects af lear gas an\ndiscomforting bat:\npermanent.\n\nTechnically, the march wis\nfo an alleged house party at\nthe home of its leader, Dick\nGregory, = Negro entertainer,\ncompulsive protester ard\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 24.316316604614258, 81.19719696044922, 1641.132568359375, 206.19297790527344 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe Convention’s Momen. Of Class\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1740.9541015625, 84.39913940429688, 2250.554443359375, 1377.2640380859375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 51.15707015991211, 640.7500610351562, 1731.26708984375, 774.9097290039062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "South Saved Humphrev’s Bacon\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1563.4554443359375, 2007.119384765625, 1860.806396484375, 2056.95361328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "GAS IS NO GAS\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 122.42595672607422, 204.98670959472656, 379.60345458984375, 254.46713256835938 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "By RAYMOND BR. CO.\nChieaeo Daily Now\n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 325.62687036132814, 3390.252083984375, 856.2598178710937, 3716.95275 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Kingsport psychiatsist seeking pationts in Tri-Cit\nPuachce has dropped off en\nPaticuis fo add extra hv\n\niVIEg\n\nies aren.\nNivcly since he advised several\nspace to hones to help caltn\nSilery uerves. Now patients’ friends adding extra Hying\narea (hraugh Horsley Linaber Company. Nobody needs\npsychiatrist anymore. Horsley's expert eraftsmanzhip, easy\nhaancing, giving everybody new lease an life, If you have\nProblems (hat can't he solved by Horsley, call psychiatrist\nimmediately, (But If more room to brealhe would solve\nyour problems, call Horsey Luniber Company at 245-6154.\nHorsley rates rin a fot cheaper than psychiatrists.)\n\n \n\n \n" }, "31": null, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 58.93739318847656, 2208.2138671875, 287.4240417480469, 2255.1982421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "By PETER J. SHAW\nUnited Press Internalinnal\n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 345.780029296875, 3301.8505859375, 835.2114868164062, 3368.851318359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Doctor Needs Patients\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 599.5746547851562, 2932.7161953125, 859.7020175781249, 3254.970083984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": " \n\nNt Soday aad Keg verre Pe\nJoe Later pa, ar ae.\nRo sue cet:\n\n \n \n\n \n\nsee cee:\n\noe\n\n \n\n \n\nErato cf xl mater bares y\nDied wine ie enccem coil\nBa sarar,\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 336.44672509765627, 1434.806283203125, 723.7886875, 1562.3420322265627 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Georgia delegate Julian Bond is at\nmicrophone on floor of Convention\nHall aller his name was placed in\nnomination for the Vice Presidential\nNomination. Bond deelined Lhe pom-\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 56.287925720214844, 985.7194213867188, 295.53936767578125, 1026.1668701171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "By WILLIAM McG.\n\nPS ee\n\n \n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1788.30859375, 1386.2613525390625, 2200.690185546875, 1434.7520751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Tears For Kennedy\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 353.0164489746094, 2235.410400390625, 557.7862548828125, 2257.78125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "By BRUCE BR. HAK EE\n" }, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 3 ] ]
[ 6903.57763671875, 10408.490265625 ]
[ [ 2, 3 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1361.8544921875, 766.7479858398438, 1816.7874755859375, 1324.1895751953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 994.4305419921875, 4493.48291015625, 1659.6246337890625, 4730.33544921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Liquor Store-Bar\n‘Robbed of $12.000\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 156.0675499267578, 1449.267791015625, 1000.9017646484375, 6214.048371093751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Dear Dr. Molner: Would you\nexplain in your column how\nglue-sniffing affects an individ.\nual? I hear that so many Stu-\ndents are glue - sniffers and |\nworry about them. Does it make\nthem go off the deep end or just\nmake them slap - happy? I am\na curious and concerned teach-\ner. — M. A.\n\nI have had columns on this\nbefore, but apparently the kids\nwho want to sniff glue don’t read\nthe column on such days.\n\nYour definition for ‘‘going off\nthe deep end’’ or ,ust being\nslap - happy’ may be different\nthan mine.\n\nHowever, maybe this answer\nwill do: the result of breathing\nthe concentrated fumes is in-\ntoxication — some exhilaration\nand light-headedness, and then\nloss of judgment. The latter var-\nies from one individual to an-\nother, just as in the case with\nalcohol. There are cases in\nwhich glue - sniffers have been\nseriously injured and even kill-\ned in traffic, or have fallen off\nroofs because they thought they\ncould fly.\n\nIntoxication is always poten-\ntially dangerous, and the young\nfolks, now as always, have\na tendency to think that nothing\nbad can happen to them.\n\nAside from the sheer intoxi-\ncation from glue - sniffing, the\nmore serious, and long - range,\ndanger is severe damage to the\nbody. Liver damage is the prime\ndanger, and this damage can\nrather quickly go beyond the\ndoctor’s ability to cure or the |\nliver’s ability to repair it. |\n\nIn a word, many glue - sniff-\ning youngsters are starting on\nthe road to having cirrhosis of\nthe liver, because these glue\nfumes are poisonous. That’s no\nfigure of speech. They are ac-\ntually toxic.\n\nBesides liver damage, there\ncan also be damage to the blood.\nand in turn to the brain. Glue-\nsniffing is physically dangerous,\nmuch more so than alcohol—\nand there is plenty of brain\ndamage and cirrhosis among\ndrinkers.\n\nThe dangerous element in glue\n—the ‘‘airplane glues,” not or-\ndinary glue — is the solvent, a\nhydrocarbon which evaporates |\nvery rapidly.\n\nSolvents which are similarly\ndangerous are used in other pro-\nducts, spot removers, and so on.\nGasoline is a hydrocarbon, too,\nbut does not evaporate as rapid-\nly as the airplane glue solvents.\nThus sniffing gasoline or other\nsuch hydrocarbons can _ be\nharmful, too, but the rapidity\nwith which the glue solvents\nevaporate means that the lungs\nabsorb very large amounts of\nthe poison in a much shorter\ntime\n\nTragic as it is when a young-\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1012.02487109375, 1452.34030078125, 1864.8620917968751, 4445.326203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "ister is hurt or gets into trouble\n‘while intoxicated from the\nfumes, the more depressing re-\nalization is the number who, as\nadults, will learn that their liv-\ners are being destroyed and lit-\ntle can be done for them.\n\n| Dear Dr. Molner: My husband\nsays there is no food value in\ngelatine, either fruit - flavored\nor plain. I say there is, a lot of\nprotein. Am I right?\n\n—Mrs. L. C. B.\n| Yes, gelatine has food value,\nwhat we call an incomplete pro-\ntein. as it does not contain all\nof the necessary types of pro-\ntein. It still is nourishing. Des-\nserts made from gelatine pow-\n\nder and water contain about 60°\nealories per three ounces; if.\nfruit is added, about 67 to 70\n\ncalories per three ounces (100\ngrams).\n\n'\n\nNote to Mr. W.J.B.: Yes, ulcer |\n\npains can be caused by hostility\nor other uupleasant emotion.\n\nYou say ordinary treatment re-—\n\nlieves you until you encounter\n\nthis person. Isn’t it someone you\n\n'\n\ncan avoid? That seems the sim-\n\nple answer.\n\nDiverticulosis is a bulge in the |\n\ndigestive tract. To become more\nfamiliar with the subject, write\nfor my booklet, ‘Don’t Let Di-\nverticulosis Throw You,” enclos-\ning a long, self - addressed, |\nstamped envelope and 25 cents.\nin coin to cover cost of printing\nand handling.\nDr. Molner welcomes all read- |\ner mail, but regrets that due to\nthe tremendous volume receiv-\ned daily, he is unable to answer\nindividual letters. Readers’\nquestions are incorporated in\nhis column whenever possible.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 342.2129821777344, 861.7290649414062, 1207.044921875, 1228.6041259765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "To Your\n\nGood Health\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 212.77073669433594, 6521.203125, 1807.701904296875, 8326.9931640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\n“\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n®\neda\n\n‘minera\n(not alive)\n\nTHIS KINO [5S\nLIGHTER= I CAN\nSEE THROUGH\nTHIS A LITTLE\n\n‘\n= a”\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\nTHESE ROCKS ARE\nHEAVY, WITH A\nSHINY LUSTER |}\n\nBo | 114\nCOPPER. IRON ORE\npr if\n\n \n\n=\n\nILLUSTRATING ==\nTWO MAIN KINDS = =\nOF MINERALS ==\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 161.36619494628906, 8441.0439140625, 1814.7452705078126, 10408.490265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Pee amie TN Magen me eS ee ee ee ee a en ee er ee ee\n\nx * *\n\nANSWER: Remember the old guessing game in which\nyou asked if some object was animal, vegetable or miner-\nal? It emphasized the distinction that animals and. vege-\ntables are alive; while a mineral is not. All minerals are\nthought to have once been fluid or molten, most of them\nlater having become solid. There are too many minerals to\nlist here, but it will help to understand about the two main\ndivisions, metallic and non-metallic, Metals are sometimes\nfound in a pure state, like copper, but‘are generally\ncombined, in a natural state, with other materials. They\nthen are called ores. Metallic rocks are heavy and usually\nshiny, with a metal-like luster. Non-metallic rocks are\nlighter. Most are somewhat transparent, so that one can\nsee light through a thin edge. Many have crystal shapes\nand* resemble glass. Collecting minerals makes a\nwonderful hobby, for many have interesting shapes and\nmarvelous colors. Minerals are extremely important in\nfood. We all know good old table salt, but did you realize\nthat sodium, iron, phosphorous, calcium are all vital-to\nour health? We get them the easy way, by eating delicious\nfoods like milk, cheese, vegetables, fruits and eggs.\n4-24\n\n(Dianne Barner of Clintondale, Pa., wins a prize for this\nquestion. You can win’ $10 cash plus AP’s handsome\nWorld Yearbook if your question, mailed on a postcard to\nunior Editors in care of this newspaper, is selected for a\norize.}\n4\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 993.826873046875, 4757.7929375, 1835.5430000000001, 6075.977082031251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A\n‘liquor store - night club was\n‘robbed of some $12,000 in cash\n‘and checks, victims of the three\nmasked men told police.\n| Mr. Bob’s liquor store in sub-\nurban Crystal was held up Mon-\n‘day morning by the trio, who\nordered the bartender and five\n/customers into the men’s room.\nRobert N. Soule, owner, was di-\nrected to open a safe, then un-\n‘lock the cash register, which\nthe robbers cleaned out.\n\nSoule had made an attempt to\n‘barricade himself in an office\n‘but came out when they\nthreatened to shoot his father-\n‘in-law, Gerald Oleson.\n\nVv\n\n_ In spring, youngsters knuckle\ndown to a game of marbles—\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5163.849609375, 734.80859375, 6903.57763671875, 7754.0556640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "fon’ RUASI\n\n \n\nast ~ ‘ af E Ta\n\nHe ae 4 =\n~ 3\n\na LZ, Hotrd ‘\ni ae” wide 7 =\n\ni: en # i}\n\n3 ate im Pe Waist | time J\n\n“i... a Ne al,\ney e ‘eli\n\nTOL LE TT TE ETE EEE OEE LEESON LCE TE IO LOLOL OOO:\n\nENDS CUTS CENTER CUTS\n\n48. 538i.\n\nCOUNTRY STYLE\nDs Pork Ribs\n\n \n\nAn A SESS TE TREAT TL TT\nMORRELL’S PRIDE—Smoked cNics 3 9:\n\n10-ounce Rings\n\npoLocna 3 DO\"\nSWISS STEAK eg\nCHU STEAK\n\nsw “= 6S.\n\nERNIE’S PURE LEAN FRESH GROUND\n\n<7 Ss\n\n \n\nBi ve\nBEEF\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nFROZEN FROZEN\n\nGolden Gem Carnation\n\nORANGE | FISH\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 276.5870666503906, 6266.23046875, 1483.423583984375, 6523.54541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "A Junior Editors Quiz About-\n\nMINERALS\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1920.2557373046875, 584.3656005859375, 5174.88427734375, 9050.9619140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n“WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES”\n\nCORNER UNION AND WASHINGTON FERGUS FALLS, MINN.\nene reece errr reece reece ED\n\nFREE Gift House Stamps iris:\nAPPLE SAUCE 2: 39°\n\n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n‘dl ~~ VALUABLE COUPON WILDERNESS\n\n| Occident Flour || PIE MIXES\nq seis TRE ee my sT 69* | @ FRENCH APPLE @ RAISIN\n\n18 @ LEMON @ APPLE\n\ni t\n\nww , << : |\n1S & 50-Lb. Bag .... $3.59*\ni “With This Coupon |\n\n‘\nAt ERNIE’S FOODS ;\nupon Expires April 27!\n\n \n\nNO. 2\nCANS\nBUTTER KERNEL—No. 303 Cans\n\n@ PEAS e@MIXED VEGETABLES =\n@ FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS FOR\n\n@ CUT GREEN OR WAX BEANS\n\nSaaS SRS POG Pa SS ES DTA aE i AT aaa\nfy a i,\nee der site\nSie WATT Bests\nBat Wa\nSee, 1H |\nSoa 7 Ses\npst |) od\nSire VY a\nse nai it ered\n% ai Ree\nPORTER sae\n3\n\nBe: 3 DEODORANT\n\nSECOND 10-LB. BAG AT REGULAR PRICE\n\nin COLA\n\nPre 39° Bo od\nREG. 77c! Deposit\n\nBUTTER KERNEL\n\nWith FREE TOY!!! € \\\nFAMILY SIZE\n8 x $7 =z 69\n\na the extra rich\nCRACKERS liu rode\n‘ | r, FAMILY SIZE\n“ BOs 4 a 89s\nSPECIAL AT\n\nBONUS CARD SPECIAL—With '’1”’ Filled Bonus Card You Can Get:\n\nlucky | \"=\" | crisco\nWHIP | BUTTER OL\n\n<Q it HQ | az 59:\n100 ort.\n\nWith Purchas oe .. TAMPS )\n| TUFFY CHUNK OR MEAL DOG FOOD 3\n\n \n\n€ _sCWith $10.00\nOrder\nor More!\n\nBees\n\n, Spray or Roll-On\n\n4 :\n\nSe | FS\n\na m4 Reg. $1.09! a\n\na Ce\n\nBS | SPECIAL\n\nR 4\n\nFL A IE ON I TE SES SUP ES TST TE TS EE OTT\n\nbeen\n\n \n\n \n \n\nNABISCO GRAHAM\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nReg. 49c Durkee’s\nPURE BLACK\n\nPEPPER\n\n29:\n\n4-OZ.\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n‘ TUFFY'S DOG FOOD\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 402.1904296875, 1254.5513916015625, 1298.8731689453125, 1325.0177001953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "By Joseph G. Molner, M.D. ——=\n" }, "12": null, "13": null, "14": null, "15": null, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3528.201625, 357.2416640625, 4330.62698828125, 1132.7394150390626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "than Nixon before throwing the\n‘meeting open to questions. But\n‘both use the method effectively.\n\nThe questions are mostly the\nsame—Vietnam, the Pueblo in-\ncident, riots at home, and taxes.\n_ But questions on Vietnam are\nthe most frequent. And the can-\n/didates answers to those ques-\ntions probably will have more\nbearing on the results of this\nprimary than sandwiches, hot\ndrinks and television makeup.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1072.7412978515624, 705.9343520507813, 1876.4531601562499, 1435.6654404296876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "autographs and shake many\nmore hands before New Hamp-\nshire residents vote March 12 in\nthe nation’s first presidential\nprimary of 1968.\n\n“Mine is basically a people to\npeople campaign,” the Republi-\n‘can presidential hopeful Says.\n\n- Former Vice President Rich-\nard M. Nixon, Romney's major\nrival in the GOP primary, is\nwaging a different kind of cam-\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1891.47262109375, 360.95574487304685, 2702.13821875, 1445.0387314453124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "paign. Nixon is generally con-\nceded to be the favorite, per-\nhaps by a margin of two or\nthree to one.\n\nA typical Romney day starts\nabout 7 a.m. He likely will visit\na couple of factories, address a\ncollege group, do an _ hour's\nworth of sidewalk campaigning,\nvisit a newspaper office, ad-\n‘dress another school group,\n‘spend some time at a univers-\nity winter carnival and address\na dinner meeting.\n\nIt will be a 15-hour day.\n\nNixon probably will hold staff\nmeetings all morning, visit one\n'store-front headquarters in the\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4379.60152734375, 2656.07418359375, 5183.607945312499, 3229.9870957031253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "40 years ago a Buffalo druggist\ncreated an ointment to relieve itch-\ning and smarting of piles. It brought\nsuch quick, cooling, soothing, as-\ntringent relief that its fame spread\nacross the land making Peterson’s\nOintment a favorite in thousands of\nhomes. Ask your druggist today for\neither a box or 85c applicator tube,\nPeterson's Ointment delights or\nmoney back. Adv.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 248.94541931152344, 376.1312255859375, 1795.7508544921875, 687.52197265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Romney, Nixon Exert Much\nTime, Effort on Campaigns\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 262.04690087890623, 716.2777358398438, 1062.4780625, 1424.0790146484376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "MANCHESTER, N.H. (UPI)—\nThe governor of Michigan\npaused on a sidewalk in Ports-\nmouth, N. H., and fished in his\npocket for a pen.\n\nHe took the small white paper\nbag the pretty young blonde of-\nfered and wrote ‘George Rom-\nney” on it. Then he set off at\na brisk pace to visit more\nstores and shake more hands.\n\nRomney will sign many more\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 336.0859069824219, 1518.9095458984375, 2688.702392578125, 4561.31640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": ": vhs ON wh want on\nVANDEN BRINK’S SMOKED\n\nPICNICS ~ a? e933\n\nTry A Beef Stew For A Change\n\nTENDER BEEF STEW EAT. 6 9:\nFRESH — ee\nmcs’ | CUTLETS —* 69'\nQUALITY saisheiniasieiainaaseiasianniinniniiiiaiontin\ni GRADE “A” SKINLESS ¢\nwr | FRANKS =~ = 49\nCUT, WRAPPED ECKRICH SMOKED\n“Ton S AU Ss AGE rm 79°\n\nMONTELLO MEATS\n\nN DAILY 8 A.M. — CLOSED MON\n\n578 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE PHONE 392-2253\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4455.19384765625, 2425.972412109375, 5092.47314453125, 2644.078369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Quick Relief from\nPile Irritation\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3545.237025390625, 1433.394251953125, 4355.04007421875, 2688.245640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Troop number 190, Rose Park\nReformed Church Boy Scouts\nqualified for their Polar Bear\nbadge during the weekend.\nWith the temperature at three\ndegrees, and winds of 35-40\nmiles per hour, this may have\nbeen the most severe weather\nthis winter.\n\nTo qualify for the badge, the\nScouts had to spend at least\n20 hours in the woods, sleep in\nan unheated tent, and cook at\nleast three meals over an open\nfire.\n\nThe*Scouts successfully com-\npleting this test were Randy\nand Rodney Lawerence, Scott\nKuhiman, Tim Telgenhof, and\nVon Hardy, along with Scout-\nmaster Jim Ten Broeke and\nCommitteeman Larry Martin.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4350.19918359375, 385.48305810546873, 5158.846714843749, 1545.6319931640624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Tuesday afternoon while police\nand firemen combed the school\nfor a bomb.\n\nThey found nothing.\n\nPolice Chief O.K. Peterson\nsaid the high school office re-\nceived a call from a man earli-\ner saying there was a bomb in\nthe school. It was the third\nbomb scare there in the last\nfew years.\n\nA basketball game between\nIonia and Lowell was cancelled\nTuesday night because police\nfeared that if they had over-\n‘looked any bomb, it might be\ntimed to go off for the evening.\n\nPeterson said the police were\nChecking out several suspects.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2711.504603515625, 358.3354140625, 3513.8564804687503, 4640.809117187499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "afternoon, tape a television pro-\n\n™m\n\notional piece, and address a\n\nrally in the evening.\n\n|\n\nHis working day may be as\n\nJong as Romney’s but his pub-\ntie exposure will not amount to\n‘much more than two hours.\n\n|\n\nRemarking on his rival's tac-\n\ntics, Romney says, “His cam-\n\npaign is built up on large\ncrowds and having infrequent\nappearances. The two cam-\n|paigns are quite different.”’\n\nFor his part, Nixon says, “‘the\n\nwhole point of the exercise is\nreaching the people.” He feels\nthere’s a ‘‘mystique’’ to this.\n\n} ee\n\nA lot of things in campaign.\n\ning can’t be justified by a com:\n\n: Pp\n\nia\n\nuter.”’\nNixon says there’s something\nbout ‘“‘physical presence’’ that\n\ntelevision cannot equal, In ar\n\n6\nCc\n\n0\n\n \n\n|\n\n \n\nbvious reference to Romney’s\nampaign style, Nixon says, “Ii\n\nyou have to go into the homes\n\nr factories—you do.”’\nAs a matter of fact, the for.\n\nmer vice president said in re\ncent days that he is considering\na swing through the more rura\nareas of New Hampshire, per\n\nhaps hitting 10 or 12 communi\nities a day.\n\nNewsmen have more access tt\n\nRomney than to Nixon.\n\nRomney has made a habit re\n\ncently of riding his press bu:\n\n \n\nwith the newsmen. Nixon usual\nly rides in a private car and i\nseen only when he makes hi\n\npublic appearances.\n\n \n\nNixon acknowledged in a re\n\ncent talk at the University o\nNew Hampshire that one of hi\n\nproblems in politics has bee\nhis reluctance to follow the ad\nvice of his public relations mer\n\nHe said that, among othe\n\nthings, they would advise hir\n\nt\n\n0 wear makeup so he woul\n\nlook better under the glare ¢\n\nt\n\nelevision lights. ‘‘Of course,\n\ndon’t do that,’’ he added.\n\nThis remark surprised som\n\nof his listeners. Nixon look\ndeeply tanned, especially i\nNew Hampshire where in Fet\nruary tanned faces are usuall\nfound only on ski slopes.\n\nBoth candidates provide th\n\nusual facilities for newsmen fo\nlowing them: a_ bus, pres\nrooms and telephones.\n\nBut Romney’s organizatio\n\ndoes it with more of a flouris!\nThe bus is much newer and th\npress rooms have typewriter:\nSandwiches and hot and col\ndrinks are available.\n\nBoth men use the questior\n\nand-answer period with thei\naudiences.\n\nRomney usually talks longe\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5207.95166015625, 1001.9026489257812, 6752.1669921875, 3190.42919921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "aw Ss SS GS BF Aer SST? OT Uh e!hU ms\n\n— BUNK BED SALE\n\nHeavy 3 Inch Post\n\nMAPLE BUNK BEDS\n\nComplete With Extra Firm\nMattress and springs\n\nwo gore 519Q™\n\nMATCHING CHEST ‘4 Ro\n\nReg $69.50\n\nTen Harmsel’s Furniture\n\nVan Raalte at 19th Holland Phone 396-4262\n\n“Our Location Saves You Money”\nHOURS: Mon., and Fri. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.\n® Tues., Thurs., Sat. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. - Closed Wed.\nEASY TERMS FREE PARKING\n\nLl. o/s eh hUCMS ae ok ek rs reo so sro a\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4365.93453515625, 1764.569544921875, 5170.436070312499, 2397.6274765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "COPENHAGEN (UPI) — A\nplane load of 10 tons of medical\nsupplies and medicines left\nTuesday morning for South\nVietnam, the United Nations\n\nChildrens Aid Organization\n(UNICEF) announced.\n\nThe shipment included antibi-\noties, vitamins, surgical in-\n'struments and first aid kits.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5160.1235, 464.60055078125, 5962.929234374999, 937.036412109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "- BOMBAY, India (UPI)—Sur-\n‘geons transplanted the heart of\n\na 20-year-old woman into a 35\n\nyear-old man last Friday night\n‘in the first such operation\n| outside South Africa and the\n| United States but the patient\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3542.614990234375, 1165.26220703125, 4305.3154296875, 1406.44677734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Scouts Awarded\nPolar Bear Badges\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3555.375208984375, 2988.8197890625, 4365.1802109375, 3178.3415878906253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "IONIA (UPI) — Over 1,000\nlonia High School students shiv-\nered in 15 degree temperatures\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 376.516357421875, 4748.0361328125, 4393.97021484375, 10005.06640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "'68 Chevrolet—sale savings now\non specially equipped Impala V8s:\n\nChoose among the Impala V8 Sport Coupe,\n\n4-Door Sedan and Station Wagons. For ee\nadded beauty and protection, each comes\n\nwith whitewalls, front fender lights, door-\n\nedge guards, floor mats and bumper guards\n\n(only infront On WagONS). FOr MOTE SAVINGS, ssronnmnononsememennnnnrnnnrnneceaneanannennen\n\nwe've packaged groups of custom-order —«—_—< “<_ gem NNNRRRRRRR Hee\n\nfeatures like power steering and brakes.\n\n \n \n\nYouve got nothing to gain\nby settling for less car.\n\n( not even money }\n\n’68 Chevelle—prices start lower\nthan any other mid-size car's.\n\n \n\nMid-size means we put all the qood thinas—\n\nlike Full Coil st spension for a Dbig-Car ride-\n\ninto a siiqntly smaller size. Comfort items like\n\nsuppie viny! upholstery and wall-to-wall\n\nCarpeting are yours in most models. And '68 Camaro—lowest priced of\nChevelle comes sized to your needs. Coupes all leading sportsters.\n\nand convertibles ride on a sporty 11;\n\nOtherwise known as “The Hugger,” it’s sporty\nlike Corvette, yet has family-style room. What\nother sportster at its price gives you features\nlike Astro Ventilation, wide-stance and a\n327-cu.-in. standard V8? Camaro: it's growing\nfaster in popularity than any other sportster\n\nin the industry.\n\nwheelbase, while sedans and wagons have\na family-size 116” wheelbase. Get America’s\nmost popular mid-size Car—Chnevelie\n\nNow you can “customize” your Camaro\n\nwith bold new striping, mag-spoke wheel covers,\n\na spoiler out back, new “houndstooth” upholstery,\nplus four new colors for Camaro: Corvette Bronze,\nBritish Green, Le Mans Blue and Rallye Green.\n\n \n\nBe smart. Be sure. Buy now at your Chevrolet dealer's.\n\nPe ee ee ee ee ee oe ee eee eee Eee\n\nROBERT DE NOOYER CHEVROLET, INC.\n\n600 EAST 8TH ST. HOLLAND PHONE 396-2333\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3555.91064453125, 2721.642578125, 4324.78173828125, 2967.233154296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "lonia High School\n‘Has Bomb Scare\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 4377.466796875, 1571.5540771484375, 5077.63916015625, 1750.863525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "UNICEF Sends Medical\nSupplies to Vietnam\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4436.5478515625, 3162.164794921875, 6737.99365234375, 9976.0400390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "oney back. Adv, PRSMASFAFASFAFAFAFAFAFNASN.\n\n \n\nSTORE HOURS:\nMONDAY and FRIDAY — 9:30 - 9 P.M.\n\nCnhneuUs TUES., WED., THURS. & SAT. — 9:30-5:30\nALWAYS FIRST QUALITY hj )\ntz \\\n\nGia Birthday\n\naro - &\n\n_ a\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nCelebration!\n\ni SPRING\n7 FASHION\nCOATS\n\n22.22\n\nYou'd hardly believe the news if it weren't from Penneys! A\nspecial collection of spring coats . . . specially purchased for\nincredible values! Just think — 22.22 lets you choose from\nfashion right textures and fabrics shaped in exciting coat\nlooks . . . all showing off famous Penney quality down to the\ntiniest detail!\n\n \n\nSELECT NOW AND USE PENNEY’S LAYAWAY or CHARGE.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5966.39156640625, 525.3899184570313, 6788.436070312499, 912.1421860351563 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nFavor i reaty\n\nGENEVA (UPI)—Italy and\nEgypt Tutsday came out in fa-\nvor of a treaty proposed by the\nUnited States and the Soviet\nUnion to halt further spread of\nniclear weapons.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3609.321044921875, 3240.916015625, 4329.58349609375, 4359.8623046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "JOSEPHINE\n\n \n\nhi ne See OX ae oy + eae\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5167.5537109375, 361.95379638671875, 5750.58642578125, 449.2132263183594 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Heart Patient Dies\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 5963.3940078125, 328.72869409179685, 6771.739781249999, 465.32315527343746 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "died a short time later, doctors\neaid Tuesday.\n" }, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 4 ], [ 2, 22 ], [ 4, 22 ], [ 28, 6 ], [ 16, 24 ], [ 16, 10 ], [ 24, 10 ] ]
[ 6987.95263671875, 10219.608671875 ]
[ [ 2, 22 ], [ 4, 2 ], [ 6, 28 ], [ 10, 16 ], [ 16, 24 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1000.0721142578125, 1004.9064038085937, 1836.5375048828125, 3582.7600390625003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Continued plans for special\nregistration days for voters\nwere made Monday by the Mc-\nKean County Commissioners.\n\nTHE BOARD decided on one\nadditional registration period —\nfrom noon to 4 p.m. Feb. 20\nat the Ceres Township Building.\nOn the same date, from 4 to\n8 p.m., an enrollment crew will\nbe located at Eldred Borough\nBuilding. The first special regis-\ntration in the county will be\nfroni noon to 8 p.m., Feb. 16 at\nBradford Armory.\n\nIn addition, the Commissioners\nagreed to advertise the April 23\nprimaries in The Bradford Era,\nthe Reporter-Agus of Port Alle-\ngany, the Kane Republican and\nthe McKean County Democrat.\n\nIT WAS VOTED to pay $100\nannual dues to the Pennsylvania\nState Association of County\nCommissioners and to renew a\nMcKean County non-ownership\nliability car insurance policy\nwith the R. C. Nelson Agency\nof Bradford.\n\nAlso authorized was payment\nof the final quarter (1967) charge\nfor the Pennsylvania Food\nStamp Plan in the amount of\n$1,309.\n\nThe Board of Commissioners,\nin observance of Lincoln’s\nBirthday, will not convene next\nMonday, nor will the Court-\nhouse be open. The board is\nscheduled to meet on Tuesday\nmorning, instead.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 131.30639770507813, 661.2154248046875, 988.9948413085938, 3824.4729296875003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Robert Ward of Rew called on\nLeon Braden last Monday.\n\nMrs. Beatrice Johnson was a\nbusiness caller in Olean Monday.\n\nMrs. Nellie Jones returned\nhome Sunday after spending\nsome time at the home of her\ndaughter, Mrs. Mary Randall,\nat South Dayton, N. Y.\n\nHarry Dawley of Rew was a\nvisitor of Leo Braden’s Tuesday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Rodney Burdick\nof Ceres, N. Y., called on Mrs.\nBeatrice Johnson last Sunday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Herbert Braden\ncalled on his father, Leo Brad-\nen, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Brad-\nen have moved from DeKalb,\nIil., to North Brunswick, N.J.,\nwhere he is employed.\n\n‘Those attending funeral serv-\nices for Elmer Randall at South\nDayton, N. Y., on Monday, Jan.\n29, included Mrs. Nellie Jones\nand son John, Mr. and Mrs. Sam\nJones, Mr. and Mrs. Versil Can-\nfield of Smethport, Mr. and Mrs.\nGerald Wares, Mrs. Daisy Ty-\nler, Mrs. Virgil Canfield and Mr.\nand Mrs. Joseph Magee of Cole-\nville and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry\nWares of Rixford.\n\nSpecial youth meetings will be-\ngin next Sunday at the Farmers\nValley EUB Church. Services\nwill be held each evening at 8\no’clock with the Rev. Cecil Ross\nof Rixford preaching.\n\nValley Grange met at their\nhall last Friday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Keith Marvin of\nWestons Mills called on Leo\nBraden Sunday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Daniel Reed\nwere callers in Coudersport at\nthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul\nBrewer last Sunday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Robert Ding-\nman of Coneville visited at the\nhome of Mr. and Mrs. Albert\nProsser Sunday.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5256.13986328125, 483.25055053710935, 6102.519316406249, 1790.9410693359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "and daughter, Lucy Anne, of\nBradford, were guests of Mr.\nand Mrs. Hector Simonetti last\nSaturday.\n\nMrs. Betty Corbett and Miss\nEthel Austin of Smethport were\nvisitors in Olean last Saturday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. James Lathrop\nand family of Port Allegany\n= visitors in Crosby on Sun-\n\ny.\nMr. and Mrs. Bernard Van\nSickle and children and Miss\nMary Jo Lathrop visited Mr.\nand Mrs. Claude Uber of Em-\nporium on Sunday.\n\nMrs. Phyllis Nelson and Mrs.\nElsie Nelson of Clermont were\nvisitors in Olean last Thursday.\n\nJohn Berne, a teacher in the\nEmporium schools, spent the\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 130.87988403320313, 3974.090791015625, 988.73904296875, 7087.94802734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Constitutional Parties.\nOne: President of the United\nStates.\n\nTwenty-nine: Presidential\nElectors\n\nOne: United States Senator.\nOne: Judge of the Superior\nCourt |\n\nOne: Auditor General.\n\nOne: State Treasurer.\n\nOne: Representative in Con-\ngress 23rd Congressional Dis-\ntrict.\n\nOne. Senator in the General\nAssembly 25th Senatorial Dis-\ntrict.\n\nOne: Representative in the\nGeneral Assembly 67th Legisla-\ntive District. |\n\nTwo Delegates and Two Al-\nternate Delegates to the Repub-\nlican National Convention 23rd\nCongressional District.\n\nFour Delegates and Two Alter-\nnate Delegates to the Democra-\ntie National Convention 23rd\nCongressional District.\n\nOne member of the Republic-\nan, Democratic and Constitution-\nal State Committees 25th Sena-\ntorial District.\n\nOne County Committee woman\nand one County Committee man\nfrom each district for Repub-\nlican, Democratic and Consti-\ntutional parties.\n\nRussell J. Weston\n\nRaymond J. Curtis\n\nLoretta Harrington\nMcKean County\n\nBoard of Elections\n1t.9-8\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4394.29904296875, 726.493134765625, 5241.185820312499, 1798.3839404296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "_ Mrs. Bernard Van Sickle and\nMary Jo Lathrop were Bradford\nvisitors last Friday evening.\n\nMiss Claudette Uber of Em-\nporium spent the weekend with\nMrs. Wayne Corbett.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Paul Lathro\nwere visitors in Olean on Wed-\nnesday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Claude Uber and\nfamily of Emporium visited her\nparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth\nLathrop Sr. over the weekend.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Bernard Van\nSickle and family were visitors\nin Olean on Monday.\n\nMr. and Mrs. John Simonetti\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1017.4199829101562, 498.2124328613281, 1806.912841796875, 957.1192016601562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "County adding\none additional\nregistration day\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 157.58197143554688, 7707.50119140625, 946.78494140625, 10219.608671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "‘Want to lose ten pounds in\nthe next year?\n\nOng way you can do it is to\nwalk an extra mile every day,\n\nThe American Medical Asso-\nciation’s home health book, To-\nday's Health Guide, reports that\na walk of just an extra mile per\nday for 36 days is a “simple, pleas-\nant device for shedding an extra\npound of fat.” In a year this\nwould mount up to about ten\n\nunds. The extra mile means\n\nust that—a mile of walking in\n\naddition to the customary walking\nyou now do each day,\n\nOnce regarded as a major fac-\ntor in losing weight, physical ac-\ntivity was later accorded less\nimportance, It was realized that\nconsiderable effort was required to\nshed even one pound of extra\ntissue. Would-be reducers found\ncomfort in some expert opinion\nthat calories expended through\nexercise. would be immediately re-\n\nrestored to grace and enjoys re-\ngpectability. Exercise helps expend\ncalories; within the usual range of\nactivity, it need not stimulate ap-\npetite excessively, The energy out-\nfo aie oe $F00 elo\nt is\nries, but the weight need not be\naah pall\nInstead of the exhausting,\noften impossible, 36-mile hike\nwithin a span of hours, a walk\nof just one extra mile a day for 96\ndays will get rid of that cxtra\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1014.8303833007812, 3658.352294921875, 1830.615234375, 4127.3408203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Ceremonies held\nfor dozen youths\nfacing induction\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 169.2300262451172, 7129.33740234375, 1551.4752197265625, 7670.91552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Walk Extra Mile\nTo Lose Weight\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4431.20458984375, 5553.271484375, 6898.20947265625, 10107.515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nNOW THRU\nWey f FEB. 17 ONLY\n¥ TROPICANA\n\nYou're sure to enjoy the “fresh\nsqueezed” flavor of our Tropi-\ncana Orange Juice, and it’s\nloaded with essential vitamin\n\n“C\"”. Start your family’s day\n\nwith our Tropicana Orange\nJuice .. . it’s so good for them\nand you can save on each half\ngallon now during this special\n\n \n \n \n \n\n5: OFF\n\nON EACH QUART\n\n \n\nOFF\n\nON EACH HALF GALLON\n\nAT\nYOUR YOUR\nSTORE DOOR\n\nDAIRY PRODUCTS\nBRADFORD MILK COMPANY\n44 STATE STREET\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n368.4136\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1001.3948681640625, 4174.94455078125, 1844.079130859375, 7119.232207031249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Ceremonies were held at 8 a.\nm. last Thursday at the Lt. John\nC. Roche Post 212, Veterans of\nForeign Wars in Bradford for\nthe 12 McKean County youths\nwho left for Buffalo and induc-\ntion into the U. S. Army. The\nmen were taken to the induction\ncenter in a chartered bus.\n\nEACH OF the inductees was\n\na Gidion Testament\n\nRoy Grove, who, in so do-\n\n, marked his 27th year of\n\nmaking a presentation at in-\n\nductions. The Rev. Lloyd Mc-\n\nLaughlin, pastor of Bolivar\n\nDrive Nazarene Church, read\n\nthe 23rd Psalm and offered\nprayers.\n\nThomas Hannon, city council-\nman, acting for the city of Brad-\nford, presented each man with a\n“Certificate of Honor,”’ signed\nby Mayor Oscar Benton. Mr. |\nHannon also presented, on be-\nhalf of local industry, a Blue-\nbird Bus travel bag containing |\na Zippo lighter, gift kit, Case\nCutlery pocket knife, a Kendall\nRefining Co. pen and other\nitems. |\n\nPRIOR TO the leaving, mem-\nbers of the VFW, under the\ncommand of Charles Hallock,\nserved coffee and donuts to the |\nmen and also presented each |\nyouth with a wallet and donation\nfrom Dads of Foreign Wars. |\nThey also recieved Red Cross |\nkits containing writing paper,\nstamps, candy, pens, etc.\n\nInductees and volunteers in-\ncluded: Donald Rich II, James\nL. Mangus, Peter Brosa, Gary\nD. Bennett, Carl S. France, Ro-\nbert A. Russell, Roland J, Lad-\nlee, Robert E, Merry, Dennis P.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1889.38232421875, 459.5311584472656, 4357.77880859375, 4712.7177734375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n=\n! n\nit, _\n* ji\n\\p \"yy, 4 how\npo)\nq\n\\ i\n\n \n\n“\ni h vn\nMh\nann, oret! if\nHd al h\nif\nne a ff\ntypel!\nHh, 1 m\n'\nil\n%\na\n\n: | ee | ‘ \",\n1% tg\n\n; fe wm! \"y ry\noo ial iy!\n\nthen Hh,\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4588.29736328125, 496.3880920410156, 5044.4619140625, 687.5000610351562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Crosby\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4585.66796875, 2099.257568359375, 6749.47216796875, 5215.36865234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "KEEP IN TUNE\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n—— WITH ——\n1490 = WESB\nBRADFORD, PA.\n\nMAJOR COMPLETE FULL\nNEWS WEATHER SPORTS\nCAST REPORTS COVERAGE\n\nT:00A.M. 7:55A.M. 7:40A.M.\nT:;45A.M. 12:40P.M. 5:30P.M.\n12:30 P. M. 6:15 P.M. 5:55P.M.\n6:00P.M. 11:10P.M. 6:30P.M.\n11:00 P. M. 10:55 P. M.\n\n \n\nRadio’s Interesting and Informative\n\nDIAL 1490 WESB 1000 WATTS\n\nBRADFORD, PA,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 6158.0927734375, 1103.6669921875, 6913.3291015625, 1758.3287353515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "FRY FUNERAL\nHOME\n\n2 Bank St., Smethport\nPHONE 887-5565\nAMBULANCE SERVICE\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1945.1502685546875, 5501.88623046875, 4338.5185546875, 10164.255859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\nYOLUTION\nof the\nAUTOMOBILE\n\n1893-DURYEA GASOLINE BUGGY. The “horseless carriage” started to take\nform in this converted buggy with its l-cylinder, 4-horsepower engine.\n\n \n\nFrom the Clarence P. Hornung Gallery of Famous American Automobiles,\n\nHOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED!\n\nNot only cars have changed. Financing has too, Time was\nwhen only men of means could buy a car, It took hard cash.\nToday millions use Bank Credit to finance their automobiles.\nYou can too, Cost is low, service prompt, repayment easy.\nCome in for full information.\n\n2\nFat\n\nNow in our Second Century of Service\n\nSMETHPORT KANE MOUNT JEWETT\n\n \n\nTHE PIONEER BANK\n\nof McKean County MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1850.122041015625, 4985.87619140625, 2686.4565722656253, 5464.860624999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Anderson, Thomas G. Kolivoski,\nBarry J. Gross and John L.\nSchwab.\n\nTHREE MEN, ordered for in-\nduction Thursday, enlisted with-\nin the past week. There were\n16 boys ordered for physcials\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3545.543427734375, 5075.31564453125, 4407.03591796875, 5462.165800781249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "The State Public Welfare De-\npartment has increased the per\ndiem cost for patients in state\nmental hospitals and schools by\nmore than 50 per cent in some\nareas.\n\n \n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 230.21356201171875, 3866.965576171875, 900.7198486328125, 3950.018310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "NOTICE OF PRIMARY\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 180.8927001953125, 470.4105529785156, 952.2549438476562, 623.2120971679688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Farmers Valley\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 979.5571899414062, 7804.72607421875, 1799.51513671875, 9224.1025390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "will—for most of us—help keep\nour weight down to a reasonable\nfigure.\n\nExercise also furthers physi-\ncal, mental, psychological, and\nsocial fitness. It provides an outlet\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 6109.5524609375, 490.62616088867185, 6976.324980468749, 918.6858203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "weekend at his home in\n\nMr. and Mrs, Dave\nand daughter, on Bon the\nweekend with ‘in\nPittsburgh.\n\nNations. like individuals. must\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2698.785615234375, 5246.9284375, 3537.0322558593753, 5462.924101562499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Be charitable if you can, in the\njudgment of others; save sever-\n\nity for your own mistakes.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2695.99435546875, 4993.305390625, 3528.2168261718753, 5204.689238281249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "‘along with the inductees, They\nreturned to their homes Thurs-\n\nday night.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 6115.7946484375, 852.257294921875, 6981.588164062499, 1025.7946459960938 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Nations, like individuals, must\nstand for honor, fair play and\n\nlaw\n" }, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 3542.099609375, 4982.33984375, 4382.4111328125, 5065.16650390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "‘STATE HOSPITAL COSTS UP\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 972.0926831054687, 9210.36984375, 1777.383818359375, 10201.170195312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "for emotional tensions, promotes\nself-confidenen, wholesome social\n\nactivity, and good sportsmanship.\nIt enhances the sense of general\nwell-being that enables us to con-\n\nfront and master a reducing regi-\nmen.\nTo be effective for both\nfor\n\nweight reduction and for general\ngeyen raga pi\nmust a part cine\n" }, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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It is located at twe\nTadison Street deadends be-\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 131.37461853027344, 2427.812744140625, 863.986572265625, 4635.578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "~ Casbon’s Annual\n:\n\nPre-Season\nAir Conditioner\nSale!\n\nNow in Progress\n\nSPRINGTIME\nFRESHNESS\n\nif /can be yours all summer!\n\n \n\n{ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS\n| provide ail\nHihe freshness | = =\n1 of sprig AE\nj with the NEW | 43\nA personal touch “=\n\nWhy suffer through another summe: er? Create the\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nperfect climate for indoor living with an all new\n§ Carrier Room Air Conditioner. The touch control com-\nB fort center puts quiet, cool comfort at your fingertips!\n\nCome in now and choose from a complete line.\n\nEF PRICES START = §$ 95\nAS LOW AS 139\n\n \n\n \n\nJ | vgeeeTeit eaveany &\n123 Lincolaway Phone 462-4194\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2425.895751953125, 128.55258178710938, 3171.32958984375, 1021.6901245117188 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nAPRIL FOOL\n\n \n\nWe'd all agree that it would be foolish to settle\nfor hal¥ a house Yet almost 50% of the home\nowners in the U.S don't have adequate insurance\njo cover replacement costs if fire destroyed their\nhomes Be wise! Let us check your insurance now!\n\nALLANSON INSURANCE\n\nINC,\nNOTHING BUT INSURANCE\nWe're Specialists In All\nCoverages\n4 Indiana Ave. Phone 462-5106\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2047.2042236328125, 1071.0107421875, 3193.0166015625, 1648.936279296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "3 ROOMS - WALL 70 WALL\n\nCompletely E-Z Fn Px 95\n\nInstalled TERMS\n\nAILRD!\n\n~ NEW CARLISLE, INDIANA\nDany 10 a.m. to8 pm. Fri, & Sat. 10 am. to 6 p.m. Closed Sunday\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1640.57290625, 1014.5738828125, 2025.1025087890625, 1576.5739443359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "This park will have a new\nshelter, again of the typical\nPark District design. to te-\nplace the old razed one. In ad-\ndition a new paved multipur-\n‘pose game court 1s presently\nunder construction in the south-\nwest section of the park\n\nIn addition to Kirchhoff dis-\ncussed last time, the three\njparks discvssed here—Tower,\nSouthside, and Westside—have\n‘been the backbone of the Val-\n\\paraiso Park Districts sum-\nmer program, Next week we\nwill discuss the newest city\npark at which a_ supervised\n| Program. is scheduled to open\n‘for the first time this year—\nGlenrose Park.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2262.52490234375, 3102.39453125, 3174.5283203125, 3913.55029296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Att Fhiy, Be 4\nAe\n“Sees\n\nsae,\n\nLPO\nss\n\n04 GE\n\noles\nye\n\nhese\n\nic\n\n%\n\nie\nve i\n\nYes\ni z\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1324.986083984375, 3094.922119140625, 2225.90966796875, 3915.941162109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "opt nme\npea Ae ty ted - a\n: 3 H ; - : tit Sat OSS OS A\n; : _¢ 2 pte ee BOUG\n\na ae es ee. eG i\n\nMs os Pages\n\na gs\neer ee a\n\nBye ab tA\ni Bees Ree Paige:\noS BEST\n\nee oe eyes\n\nes ge ce :\nGE, Re er 7\n\nwe age iE oe ee a ee\n\nGPP OE gitay ee\ney oa Lig ME sete yy es ee\nes Ae Des ee\n\ni BY ges\nak! SE whee DS a\nacts,\n\n \n" }, "11": null, "12": { "bbox": [ 2041.0018310546875, 130.74728393554688, 2392.76025390625, 1011.3325805664062 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "POWERFUL PLUNGER CLEARS\n\nCLOGGED’ TOILETS.\n\n \n\nNEVER AGAIN thar sick feeling\nwhen your toilet overflows\n\nrOlILAFLEX:\nToilet gua) Plunger\nUnhke ordinary plungers, Toilafiex\ndoes not permut compressed air or\nmessy water to splash back or eseape\nWath Toulaflex the full pressure plows\nthrough the clogging mass and\nswishes it down\n@ SUCTION-RIM STOPS SPLASH BACK\n« CENTERS ITSELF, CAN'T SKID AROUNC\n+ TAPERED TAIL GIVES AIR-TIGHT FIT.\nGet the Genuine ‘Tartaflex’\n\n$4965 ar HARDWARE STORES\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 869.9127807617188, 59.949642181396484, 2002.8785400390625, 838.9736938476562 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 494.9496154785156, 67.6196517944336, 838.989013671875, 461.21697998046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "SPRING SPECIAL\nALUMINUM TRIPLE TRACK\nSTORM and SCREEN\n\nWINDOWS\n\nFiberglass Screening—\nWeather Stripping—Sil!\nExpander—Easy Operating\nand Guaranteed\nINSTALLED from $11.95\nGENERAL WINDOW .\n& DOOR CO.\n\nRR 1 Valparaiso Ph. 462-1489\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 878.2375791015625, 1374.394927734375, 1256.51742578125, 4762.6849062500005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL\nWednesday at Jefferson\n700 North American vs. Fair-\ncraft\nLockhart’s vs. Dadgettes\n8:00 Tittles vs. Whitakers\nModern Woodman vs. Gil’s\nDrugs\n4:00 Bob’s Northside vs. Real\nSure\nSmart Sets vs. Church Real\nEstate ~\nWednesday at Immanuel\n7:00 Sore Muscles vs. Seyferts\nFair Ladies vs. Miller Ex-\neavating\n8:00 Volleyvamps vs. Valpo\nFurniture\nComets vs. Salbergs\n9:00 Whites vs. Valpo Office\nSupply\nConsumers vs. Fasels Fiz-\nzles\nResident Cards\nNow is the time to purchase\nyour 1968 resident cards. The\nfee is 25 cents per card with a\nmaximum charge of $1.00. The\nresident card entitles you to\ntake advantage of resident\nfees charged at Forest Parl\nGolf Course and Harold L. Ro\ngers Lakewood Park.\n_ You must reside within the\ncity limits or own property i\nValparaiso to be eligible for <\nresident car. The cards ar\navailable at the Park Distric\nOffice, 534 Franklin Street.\nGolf Season Tickets\nForest Park Golf Course\nopened March 30 and will re\nmain open until Oct. 31. Sea\nson tickets are sold only at th\nPark Office. Season ticket:\nfees for the 1968 season are a:\nfollows:\nIndividual Ticket, $40, Valpc\nRes.; $50, Non Res.\nMr. and Mrs. Ticket, $60, VR:\n$75, NR\n‘Children Tickets (Restrictes\ntickers} $20, VR; $20, NR\nCombination (Individual or Mr\n| and Mrs. ulus $29 for one o1\nmare children), $40-23 VR; $70\n90 NR.\nSummer Staff\nThe Park District is in th\nprocess of completing its 196\nsummer program staff appoint\nments. While they have a\nabundance of female applicant\nthere are still openings fo\nmale applicants. The minimun\nage requirement is a Junior i\ncollege. The staff appomtment\nare expected to be complete\nfor announcement near th\nmiddle of April\nYOUR SUPERVISED PARK\n(Sixth in a Series)\nAmong the various park\nareas the Valparaiso Park Dis\ntrict maintains, this year fe\nthe first time summer supe!\nvision will be provided at fiv\n| city parks. The new supervise\n{park program is expected t\nopen at Glenrese Park, if th\nj construction and landseapin\n|; work there is satisfactoril\n, completed by the park seaso\n| opening day, June 10. In add\n;tion to Kirchhoff Park, di\ncussed in the last article, tk\n| other established supervise\n||park programs are located ;\nTower, Southside and Westsic\n| Parks.\n| Tower Park, located br\ntween Evans and Billing\n\\street at Franklin, has had\n' supervised program for sever.\njyears. In addition it suppor\nthe Men’s 16 inch softball pr\ngram. A new complex inclu\ning a bank of 3 tennis cour\nand an ottdoor baskethe\neourt is presently under co\nstruction. The area is expects\nto be finished complete wi\neolor -coating by opening dé\njof the summer season.\n| This park has an adult r\ncreation complex planned f\na later date which would i\nclude horseshoes, croquet, shi\nfleboard, and possibly lay\n\\bowling. Also, an addition\nsoftball diamond and a practi\nfootball field are scheduled\n‘he laid out.\n‘ At Southside Park, betwer\nMorgan and Franklin Stre\n‘south of the Courthouse abo\n3 blocks, new play équipme\n[has been installed for the se\nson. In addition several tr\nplantings are scheduled for t\npark in the near future. In ¢\ndition work on the softball d\nImond wili take place. 1!\n\na\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 108.97723388671875, 60.8685302734375, 445.9205322265625, 468.91015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\n| “BICTURE’.\nFRAMING. .\nTy ady-made Or made.\nto. your order from\nover 60,mouldings. « ”\n\n \n\n| VALPARAISO\nCAMERA SHOP\n\n53 Franklin * Tel, HO 2.344!\n" }, "17": null, "18": { "bbox": [ 2019.30288671875, 39.99562048339844, 2384.582123046875, 109.42079949951172 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Nepal, in the Himalayas, 1\nabout the size of Arkansas.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 883.3455200195312, 1012.0432739257812, 1634.964111328125, 1401.6815185546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1598.7723388671875, 1736.1580810546875, 2821.63525390625, 2088.93798828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Have you tried\n\nWONDER BREAD\nlately?\n" }, "21": null, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 1438.8782958984375, 3919.295654296875, 3116.749267578125, 4724.09326171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "“Ever see toast “Slices seem to stay\nperfect as this?” tresher longer.”\n\nWonder’s new extra-step baking process\nmakes it better than ever.\n\nPARE TIO PB A, ee eraoitet atte\ni nid “Od\n\n \n \n \n \n\nBe ar, Go 1\noe” WONDER | |‘°°/2\"\n' Boe, helps tuitdstrongtedies nee WE FAa®\n\nHelps build ‘strong b bodies 12 ways!.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1648.348541015625, 1578.145904296875, 2027.959076171875, 1674.229583984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "| REMEMBER “When You\n| Want Results — Use CLASSI-\nFIED!” Phone 462-5151.\n" }, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ 6760.388464843751, 9938.77734375 ]
[ [ 2, 4 ], [ 4, 15 ], [ 8, 1 ], [ 15, 8 ] ]
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She gave a linen and\npersonal shower at her home.\n\n*« * *\n\nMr. and Mrs. John Kel-\nlogg have returned from Den-\nver, where they attended the\nwedding of Mrs. Kellogg’s\nniece, Miss Joan Knox, and\nJames Smyth of Denver.\n\nAccompanying the Kelloggs\nwere their sons John Kel-\nlogg Jr. of Omaha and Jim\nKellogg.\n\nAlso in Denver for the\nceremony were the bride’s\nparents Mr. and Mrs. Frank\nKnox.\n\n* La *\n\nThe Misses Florence and\nMary Atwood have returned\nfrom a two-week trip to the\nSouth.\n\nTheir itinerary included\nthe Bellingath Gardens,\nHouston, San Antonio, New\nOrleans, Natchez, iMss., and\nMobile, Ala.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 159.48406323242187, 415.77858837890625, 962.1299809570312, 1387.655798828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "The party is at the Lincoln\nHotel — but the invitations\ncame clear from The Neth-\nerlands to tell about Mr.\nand Mrs. Dance Club’s\n“Take Me Along’’ theme.\n\nPlanning committee mem-\nbers Mr. and Mrs. Barc Bay-\nley were responsible for that\nexciting twist: they had a\nfriend in Holland airmail the\nletters to club members.\n\nAlso in on planning the\nparty, which will be Friday\nevening, are Messrs. and\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2641.150841796875, 5351.431359375, 3442.8078984374997, 5816.890417968751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Parents Without Partners:\nEaster egg hunt 3-5 p.m. Sun-\nday, Havelock Park, 63rd and\nMorrill; In case of rain, recrea-\ntion building, Central Trailer\nCourt, 4000 Cornhusker; Open to\nall single parents and their fami-\nlies. Game night: 8 p.m. Satur-\nday, Bryan Methodist Church.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 983.6598139648438, 404.8184138183594, 1784.9856328125002, 1367.7240361328124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Mmes. Dick Finke, Earl\n\nKraft and ipee'y Foght Jr.\n»\n\n“Please Don’t Eat the\nDaisies” is what members\nof Saturday Night Dance\nClub will be telling one\nanother this Saturday at Lin-\ncoln Country Club.\n\nCocktails, dinner and\ndancing are planned. The\nJim Pittengers head the\ncommittee, which includes\nMessrs. and Mmes. Virgil\nJohnson, Gerry Rosenberg-\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 328.6427001953125, 5867.22412109375, 3395.814453125, 9877.0419921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "3.99\n\nTHIS EASTER IS A SEASON OF PSYCHE-\nDILLY COLOR PATENLITES AND LEATH-\nERS, SUNFLOWER YELLOW TO BASIC\nBLACK. MANY BEAUTIFUL STLYES FOR\nYOU TO CHOOSE FROM... MATCHING\nHOSIERY FROM 99¢. COORDINATED MATCH-\nING HANDBAGS... FROM $2.99,\n\n‘Barkers\n\nBEAUTIFUL SHOES\n1107 “O” Street\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 187.09466552734375, 149.37644958496094, 4290.6455078125, 368.4180603027344 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "April’s Accent Is On Dance Clubs, Brides-elect, Travelers\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 76.79988861083984, 1525.67578125, 2566.508544921875, 5868.29296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Light up the sky, its\nZALES 44th\nANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION!\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n$69.95 pair\n\nConvenient Terms\n\n$55 each\n\n \n\nHlustrations enlarged\n\n(Cs is wheré\nyou come |\n\nwhen you'r through\n| playing games.\n\nOpen Mon. and\nThurs. til 9 p.m.\n\nFree Downtown\nParking Member\n\n \n\n \n\nSomme eR i et A RR RN en tm eee\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2621.926720703125, 398.3934870605469, 3437.4372929687497, 5213.858191406251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Kenneth Maser, F. A. Dorais,\n\nCalvin Wiig of Omaha, Wil-\n\nmer Bishop and C. W. Eicher,\n* * s\n\nTerpsichorean Dance Club\nwill hold its annual Cotton\nDance Saturday in the Ter-\nrace Room of the Lincoln\nHotel. Members will be\ndressed all in cotton for the\nevent, planned by Mr. and\nMrs. Wilbur Baack.\n\nTheir committee includes\nMessrs. and Mmes. Dewey\nFoster and Felix Summers.\n\nA guest at the party will\nbe Mrs. Irma Youngblut of\nScottsbluff.\n\n* * *\n\nMiss Linda Cleveland of\nSunnyvale, Calif., and J.\nRobert Morton of Mountain-\nview, Calif., have chosen the\nmembers of their wedding\nparty.\n\nThe ceremony will be at\n7:30 p.m, Tuesday at First\nLutheran Church.\n\nThe bride-elect’s _ sister,\nMiss Patsy Cleveland, will\nbe maid of honor. Brides-\nmaids will be Miss Peg\nKnappenberger of Des\nMoines, Iowa, and the bride-\nelect’s cousin, Miss Cathy\nCleveland.\n\nMrs. Rex Howard of San\nAntonio, Texas, sister of the\nfuture bridegroom, will be\nbridesmatron.\n\nLighting the candles will\nbe Mmes. Steven Rodger\nand Roger Fenner.\n\nThomas C. Cunningham of\nOxford, Ohio, will serve Mr.\nMorton as best man and ush-\ners will be Lawrence Bell\nof Fairbury, Rex Howard of\nSan Antonio and Troy Cleve-\nland.\n\nMiss Cleveland and Mr.\nMorton will be honored April\n8 at a prenuptial dinner at\nthe University Club. Mr. and\nMrs. Charles L. Cleveland,\nparents of the bride-to-be,\nwill be the hosts.\n\nMr. Morton’s parents are\nMr. and Mrs. James Mor-\nton of Doniphan.\n\nMiss Jeanie Howard, who\nwill marry Charles Langhoff\nof McCook on Saturday, has\nbeen honored at several\nshowers.\n\nMmes. Harold Cosier and\nJames Grant were hostesses\nfor a kitchen shower at the\nGrant home.\n\nKappa Alpha Theta Soror-\nity sisters were guests at a\nshower given by the Misses\nMisses Sally Cockle and Sue\nDevereux, both of Omaha.\nThe miscellaneous shower\nwas at the home of Mrs.\nKeith Cotner.\n\nMiss Kathy Henderson was\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3503.792724609375, 2058.612548828125, 6746.1787109375, 9938.77734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nYOU NC (€ ))\nASKED Rs\nFOR\nMORE!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nae Ny\na if we\n. td ' a8\n= 4 % ‘oe ee Y\nrt SEA fp\ntd ® h rie T\naS iiim, “e iam\n\n2 ee eS RNR\n\nREGULARLY $33 to $56\n\nMore of these handsome\nspring coats at savings!\nNavy and white, plus\nbeautiful spring colors,\nfine quality, light-\nweight woolens. Misses\nand junior sizes. Your\n\nchance to save on a\n\n \n \n \n\nlovely coat for\n\nEaster.\n\n \n\nDOWNTOWN & GATEWAY\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 5975.80098828125, 948.0083857421876, 6718.217078125001, 1969.5968388671877 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Wrinkles are river-beds of dry\nskin cells caused by the plasma\ncolloids (moisture carriers of\nthe skin) having dried out. A\ntendency to dryness is often\nheightened in winter, but if\nyou smooth a tropical oil over\nyour face and neck each day\nyou will soon find that traces\nof wrinkle-dryness are eased\naway and that your complex-\nion has gained line-free love-\nliness. Ask your druggist for\noil of Olay and before making-\nup, smooth it over the face,\nneck and hands to give the\nskin a beautiful, youthful\nbloom.\n\n. . « Margaret Merril.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2749.694580078125, 5240.22998046875, 3314.3095703125, 5338.24755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Other Groups\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 6018.009765625, 683.3909301757812, 6639.9658203125, 927.1932983398438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Stop Winter\nWrinkles\n" }, "13": null, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 1789.6641474609376, 1058.3025751953126, 2607.554236328125, 1356.5566777343752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "THERESE REET CCC ECC E EEUU EE Ree rere ee ee rere reer ereseereeererereree\n\ner, Tom Yaussi, Ralph\n\nSmith and Joe Carroll.\nGuests will be Messrs. and\n\nMmes. Lloyd Schmadeke,\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5953.41748046875, 162.434326171875, 6753.25341796875, 566.099609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nThursday: Orange juice, beef\nstew, tomato wedge salad in let-\ntuce, bread and butter, chilled\na. ips Pieper, Oh Temas | NE\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5931.65841015625, 386.78518017578125, 6760.388464843751, 598.1332768554687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Thursday: Orange juice, beef\nstew, tomato wedge salad in let-\ntuce, bread and butter, chilled\nfruit sauce, cookie, milk.\n" }, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1891.777716796875, 371.00305859375, 2465.244255859375, 1943.4926689453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "creeks Leal’ ee Was. Bpccc\nAnge : :\n\"Both methods: of ap\nthe VASCAR unit ‘and:\nplane spotter, - rely ¢on\nmula which states. veloc\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nUr method. can: de\n‘distance ‘a car-has: trav\nthe time (hat it takes\nhat: distance. the %\nof the vehicle! ts\n7 A recent. demonstratio\ncos County revealed. tha\n‘bination, of a, patrol car\ning. a VASCAR unit and.\nplane, both. working: i\nmake a highly effective\nagainst traffic: violator: we\nThe -VASCAR: unit contains a\nphoto: cléctric cell and: ight: “hook:\ned @to. the” pare car's. - speedo-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\ndistance: lone “the:\nsoe a tothe: foot,’ E\ncontains: a’ very acurate\npiece and: a small: ‘compu\n“This enables. the” patrolman,\nthrough:”-a series . of :\n\nmethods, to* accura ly\nboth’ the: dime and: distar nce\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nthese acca are aban\n‘the unit the computer immediate-\ndy flashes the velocity axl peed\n\nscreen, © ee\n\n“The. patrol ‘pilot, ‘however ‘ull\nizes~‘'zones\"': : which” .are’ = one.\neighth of.-a =milein Jength\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2472.99378125, 353.82126538085936, 3049.3292167968752, 1928.6396416015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "are tarked © “on the highway\n2 ound) a> atop: wateh.: He\n-uses~ the stop. Wwateh “to~ gouge\nthe Ame that. lt tikes ‘a target\nvehicle’ to. traverse: the omarked\nL0ne8 and, through | ‘the use of\na carefully computed” chart, de-\n‘termines the average speed. of\n‘the vehicle While: dnt ‘the speed\nzone, :\n\n“For 'inglanee;: a vehicle ‘that\ncrosses the’ one-cighth mile zone\nin’ 6.4’ seconds Is. traveling: exact-\nHy 70.31° miles per hours: 2.\n| A time of.7.5 seconds is exact:\nly 60 miles per hour:and 4.5: sce:\nfonds is exactly 100\" miles. Per\nhours.\n| Highway Patrol neraonnel? par-\nticipating- in’ the - demonstration\n| were patrolmanDave Reynolds\n\"of: Osceola, “patrolman -. Howard\nHays of Corydon, and’ patrolman\nwae Peterson of Indianola, the\n\niat, 8\nIn the initial tests patrolman\n| Hays, driving a patrol car. equip-\nped witha VASCAR. unit drove\nthrough: one. of the. marked: one-\nj eighth” mile ‘zones. and recorded\n| his” own speed on the VASCAR\nunit’ while: Petersen.‘ timed-‘and\n| computed. the, patrol. car's. speed\ni from” the Saltese\niocIn-repeated comparisons of the\n| speed ‘fallied by = the VASCAR\np units, and» that ‘timed and™ com:\nputed ‘by the pilot fromthe: air,\n| the: result§ arrived “at © by. both\n| patrolmen were nearly. identical\nor. Jess” than.’ a mile, an hour\n\n| Vasear—::.\npose nGAGEA on kes n.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1303.2697822265625, 359.23053662109373, 1883.6415947265625, 1928.1203544921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n-mothods and\nequipmen ae boing ‘used! with\n‘increasing: effectiveness. by the\nJowa. Highway, Patrol. In-lts- con-\n‘Unuing “efforts to -ferrot out: the\nhabitual traffic law Violator, keep.\n‘traffic: traveling. at a legal, safe\nspucd, ‘and combat the ‘alarming\ninet e Jn deaths on mae high:\n\n Sophistica\n\nexperimental | se. of pilots\nInc airplanes: ‘hovering’ over busy\nhighways as’‘spotters” began’ in\n1959.;and proved ‘so© successful:\n“that: five: patrol: planes” and. 11\npilots” are. now. utilized: for. traf\nflee: control. by “the. patrol.\n.The- patrol: has now.:added an-\nother. -revoluntionary device\n(8 arsenal of: weapons against\nthe ‘speeder... VASCARS The\nnow. ald ‘is technically known. as\na Visual “Average Speed Com:\nauier ‘And: Recorder,'' cba B ged\nNASCAR for short. -\n\nThe: ‘VASCAR ‘unit is” Already.\nAnslalled: in’ some patrol cars in\n‘the stale and one’ is “in use. in\n“the. Lucas: County: area,’ by | pa-\ntrolman Howard, Hays. of Cory'-\ndon. o\nThe -VASCAR “Aint, “once: in:\nstalled: ‘inva, enables\n[a patrolman: to. accurately ‘pauge\nthe distance the car has traveled\nand the -time®:that “it: took. to\ntravel. that! ‘distance. Once ‘these\ntwo! ‘bits of data. are “recorded\na miniature: computer, ‘immedi-\nately -calctilales the ‘car's: ‘‘aver-\n‘age’ speed and gives: the officer\nJa reliable: basis” ‘for “issuing a\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 163.7038642578125, 3137.542609375, 737.2836845703125, 4466.700066406251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "hapter of the Réd\n“been” scheduled. Mot\ncad it Ge\n\nal\nInaugurated\nnot only ibe\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 756.89221875, 3905.681525390625, 1321.70690234375, 5965.535027343751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "sibel\n\nLad pat Ga ae.\nAss: 8.\n| aeeletanee.\n\n \n" }, "5": null, "6": { "bbox": [ 3662.6881171875, 3099.958380859375, 4831.565300781251, 3717.7567070312502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nited at the Ritz ‘theater, ants a promise’ “OF free.\n\n‘part of the’ ‘progran\nChristmas. celebration planne Ay: downtown Ch\nseason.\n\nThe program, sponsored by the Retail Co\nthe Chariton. ‘Chamber of Commerce, orerehanter\nof night openings during whi\ntheir,stores open until 9 p.m. ‘for the |\nshoppers.\n\nae “Two. drawings\nETN. sets, on.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3074.98046875, 362.6677551269531, 4773.4609375, 1322.2528076171875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "8": null, "9": { "bbox": [ 739.5896064453125, 3132.517951171875, 1314.073357421875, 3417.1475761718752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n \n \n\nnins the\n‘older. boys and girls ife. Sav:\ning. ‘techniques. f ne\nFirst Ald. ‘instructions. are “of\nfered. fo orale Groups: each\n\n \n \n \n \n\n(Continued: ‘On page: 6): Hoes\n" }, "10": null, "11": null, "12": null, "13": null, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 3672.8951484375, 4881.30091015625, 4241.175652343751, 5969.873894531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "oe\noral be\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 191.4772186279297, 392.6709899902344, 1264.35302734375, 1325.0333251953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 1356.8498603515625, 5386.61731640625, 1922.2477958984375, 5973.850945312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n\nnh\n\n \n\nDee ean\navellableninie\n\n \n\nmney\nme\nparen\n" }, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 181.7872840576172, 1492.0827705078125, 1304.22350390625, 1931.4912041015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "--Mascar.... that means Visual Average Speed.Com-\nputer and Recorder... and it's ‘used by the Iowa High:\n“Way Patrol ‘to determine the speed of automobiles: The\nlittle mounted on the dash of-a highway. pa-\ntrol car and with such vital information as the’ distance\na car has traveled and the time it took the'car to travel\nthat distance, it accurately guages the average speed that\n_ the car was traveling. The information is fed into. the com:\nputer and the answer is flashed back instantly on a min-\n\njature TV screen. .\n" }, "29": null, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 1344.418212890625, 2834.26416015625, 3628.569580078125, 4664.8779296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1356.1824951171875, 2818.42578125, 3621.772705078125, 4653.03271484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 3070.82825390625, 1528.6132880859375, 3870.1319511718752, 1933.82653125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "A three man unit with. an airplane, two\ncars anda revolutionary 1 new device called\n“Vascar, monitor the state’s highway SyS-\ntem ‘to. keep an eye on traffic. violators.\nWayne Peterson, center, ‘of ‘Indianola; is\none of the state's ‘pilots and. watches the\nhighways from above. From his vantage\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 3092.906623046875, 5443.43958203125, 3665.4725273437502, 5964.078972656251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": " \n\nWeniy’y\nFuGno see\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 369.5378112792969, 1358.002197265625, 989.0104370117188, 1461.8929443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Vascar Unit . .\n" }, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3729.296890625, 326.378677734375, 4328.70262109375, 1868.9737392578127 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "eoraded TN Wil BOOK MN, Fare\nIso, in sald office,\n\nSaid se.trity deed was given to\nsecure a note of even date there-\nwith for 3468.00 and all other\nindebtedness which may arise be-\ntween the said Mimo Hadley and\nModern leun Company until said\nsecurity deed is cancelled, all as\nshown bs a kecurily deed record-\ned in the Office of the Clerk of\nthe Superior Court of Thomas\nCounty, Georgla, in Deed Book\n29, Folio 676; and\n\nWHIGRIEAS, said note and all\nindebtedness has become in de-\nfault as to the installments of\nprincipal and interest provided\ntherein, and the undersigned has\nelected that the entire indebted-\nness, principal and interes{, be-\ncome due at once as provided in\nsald.note,.and security deed. ,\n\nNOW, THEREFORE, according\nto the original terms: of said\nsecurity dead and pursuant to. the\npower of sale contained therein\nand the laws in such cases made\nand provided, th’ undersigned\nwill expose for sale to the high\nest and best bidder for cash the\nabove described property, after\nproper advertisement, on the first\nTuesday in March, 1968, between\nthe legal hours of sale before\nthe courthouse door in) Thomas-\nville, Thomas County, Georgia,\nThe proceeds from said sale will\nbe used, first to the payment\nof said note, principal, interest,\nexpenses and attorney’s fees for\nwhich proper notice is given, and\nthe balance, if any, delivered as\nprovided. in. said security deed.\n\nThis 25th day of January, 1968.\n\nMODERN LOAN COMPANY,\n. Thomasville, Georgia, as\nof —----— A ttorney-in-Fact-—for--—-\nElmo Hadley ,\n\nunder power of sale in\n] Security Deed.\n1B. B. Earle, Jr.\nri’ Attorney at Law\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3796.927017578125, 5722.55812109375, 4383.445296875, 7247.27586328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA, Thomas County.\n\nWHEREAS, heretofore on the\n8rd day of December, 1965, Joe\nHenry Johnson did excute to\nAlajay, Inc. a certain security\ndeed to the following land:\n\nAll of Lot No. 11, Block C of\nMagnolia Heights Subdivision in\nthe City of Thomasville, Thomas\nCounty, Georgia according to a\nplat by James A. Anderson, Jr.,\nRegistered Surveyor, dated Janu-\nary 4, 1965 and recorded in Deed\nBook -9-O, page 80 among the\nDeed - Records of Thomas County,\nGeorgia.\n\nSaid security deed was given\nto secure a note of even date\ntherewith for Six Thousand Eight\nHundred Two and No-100 ($6,-\n802.00) Dollars, and all other in-\ndebtedness which may arise be-\ntween the said Joe Henry John-\nson, and Alajay, Inc, until said\nsecurity deed is cancelled, all as\nshown by a security deed recorded\ninthe office of “the Clerk ‘of “the\nSuperior Court of Thomas Coun-\nty, Georgia in Deed Book 24, page\n641; and\n\nWHEREAS, said note has be-\ncome in default as to the install-\nments of principal and interest\nprovided _therein,_ andthe _under-\nsigned has elected that the entire\nindebtedness, principal and inter-\nest hecome due at once as pro-\nvided in said notes and security\ndeed.\n\nNOW, THEREFORE, according\nto the original terms of. sald\nsecurity deed and pursuant to the\npower of sale contained therein\nand the laws in such cases made\nand. provided, the undersigned\nwill expose for sale to the high-\nest and hest bidder for: cash the\nrhove deseribed property, after\nproper advertisemeni, on the first\nTuesday in| March. 1968, between\nthe legal houre of esala hafore\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3753.354751953125, 1935.87941015625, 4341.20164453125, 3914.803939453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA, Thomas County:..\n\nWhereas, heretofore on May 21,\n1963, Wayne --].. and Lizzie- Mae\nWilsean did execute to Modern\nHomes Construction Company, a\nFlorida Corporation, a certain\nsecurity deed to the following\ndescribed land: ‘\n\nAll that tract or parcel of land\nIving and being. in the City of\nBoston, Thomas County, Georgia,\nand described as follows: bound-\ned on the East by Old Boston and\nMoultrie Road. also known as\nRountree Street, on the South\nby lands of J. A. Peters, on the\nWest by State Highway No, One\nHundred Thirty-three (133) which\nis the Boston and Moultrie High-\nway. Said land being in a Tri-\nangle, and being all land owned\nby Jack DPD. and Mrs. Anna\nLouise Murphy between State\nRoute One Hundred Thirty-three\n(133) and the’ old \"Boston and\nMoultrie Road: sald tract con-\ntaining one half (2) acre, more\nor less, and is the same land\nwhere Mrs. W. T. Hopper had a\ndwelling that later burned.\n\nTo secure a note of even. date\ntherewith for $10,005.12, all as\nshown by a security..deed -record-\néd in the Office of the Clerk of\nthe Superior Court. of Thomas\nCounty, Georgia, in Book . 56\npage (s) 818; and\n“Whereas, Old South Mortgage\nCompany Is now the holder o\n| said. note and security deed b:\nproper assignment of same; ant\n\nWhereas, sald note has hecom\nin default us to principal, an\nthe undersigned elects that th\nentire note become due at once\n~ Now, therefore; according~to th\noriginal terms of said securit:\ndeed and the laws fn such case\nmade and provided, the under\nsigned will expose for sale t\nthe highest and best bidder fo\ncash the above-described land\n-_lafter proper advertisement, 01\n|]the first Tuesday in March, be\n;| tween the legal hours of sale be\n|| fore the courthouse door i\n| Thomasville, Thomas Counts\n\nGeorgia. The proceeds from sai\n\nsale will be used first to th\n\npayment of said note and ex\nll penses, and the balance, if ans\n2.) delivered.--to- the said. -Wayne~ |\nand Lizzie Mae Wilson.\nThis 3ist day of January, 196!\n° OLD SOUTH MORTGAGE\n\\ COMPANY, Valdosta, Georgi\nBy: Robert G. DeLoach,\n\nVira Pracidant\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3182.9824375, 3417.074478515625, 3767.0046230468747, 4836.98680078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA—Thomas County:\n\nWill be sold at public outcry be-\nfore the Court House Door in\nThomasville, within the legal hours\nof sale, on the First Tuesday in\nMarch to ‘the highest bidder for.\neash the following described pro-\nperty, the authority for same be-\ning hereinafter ‘stated:\n\nAll that tract or parcel of land\nSituated, .lying and. he\nCity of Thomasville Thomas Coun-\nty, Georgia’ and being all of. lot\nno. 6 in block no, 4 of Carver Vil-\nlace Subdivision, as shown by a\nplat of. survey made by W. ‘E.\nRountree, licensed surveyor, on\nMareh 18 1957 and recorded In\ndeed book &-l! page 593 among\nthe déed records of Thomas Coun-\nty, Georgia and more fully de-\nserihed as followa; Commencing\nat a point formed by the North\nmargin of Harrell Ave. with the\nEast ‘margin of Fletcher Street,\nand running thence North 74 de-\ngrees 30 minutes Fast along said\nmargin of Harrell Avenue 140 feet\nrunning thence North 2 degrees\nWest 75 feet, runing thence South\n74 degrees 30 minutes West 140\nfeet to the East margin of Fletch-\ner Street, running thence South 2\ndegrees Fast along said Street\nmargin 75 feet to the point of be-\nginning.\n\nThese taxes are for the years\n1964,-1965 and 1966 and can be sét-\n‘tled for $412.93 plus cost of levy\nand advertising.\n\nLevied on as the property of J.\nW. and Lorene Holland to satisfy\nan- execution from the Tax Collee-\ntor, ‘Thomark County in favor of\nThomas County and against J. W.\nand Lorene Holland.\n\nThis the 7th day of Wehruary\n\n1968,\nc. A. REHBERG, Sheriff,\nThomas County, Georgia\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1344.06300390625, 323.41987646484375, 1939.0173183593752, 1229.57957421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "who, on oath, deposes and saver\nthet she together wiheh Thee |\nKnigh , of Moston, Georgla, are\nthe sole owners of a certain busi-\nness enterprise known and ident-\nified as “BOSTON TRUCK\nMTOP\"; the same heing a part-\nnerehip.\n\nThe sald business {s located In\nthe Tewn of Boston, Georgia,\nand the nature of said business is\nthe retail sale cand distribution\nof gasoline and petroleum = pro-\nducts and the operation of a\nvehicular service station,\n\nThat this affidavit fs made for\nthe purpose of registering trade\nhame tinder the law of the State\nof Georgia,\n\nNORMA IL. RITTER\n\nSworn to and subseribed before\nme, this 2ist day of February,\n\nJUDIVHR FE. DAVIS: (GUILL)\nNotary Public, residing ‘in\nThomas County, Georgia.\n\nMy cominiasion expires Novem-\n\nber 9th, 1970.\n(SEAL)\n\nAltman & Herndon\n\nAttorneys.\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4337.2119296875, 873.1825717773437, 4939.58055078125, 3529.6630703124997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "WHEREAS, heretofore on the -\n4th day of February, 1966, Bessie\nO'Neal Thompson did execute\nial Bank, Thomasville,\n“ebe tatir” vee urity -dewd-\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\ncerian Uact or puree) |\nsituate, Iving and being\not Number Thirty-nine |\nthirteenth Cathy Land\n\n‘in’ Land\n(29) in the\n\nDistrict of T\n\ngia, and more parie Ierly dee\nseribed as follows: lie, Lat\nNumber Kighteen (18),fin ao pict\nof jand, which plat id reco;a di |\n\nin Deed Book CC, page 84, emo s\nthe Deed Records oof | Tauine a4\nCounty, Georgia, said econvered\nlot fronting fifty-three (45) teet\nnine .(9) inches on .Uak Stiert\nand crunning back oof ounifermn\nWidth one hundred (100) feet,\nSaid convesed — ifnd having\nerected theron a frame dwelliig,\nhouse, known as No. 824 Nortne\nOak Street, and is the -identical\nproperty deseribed in a warranty’\ndeed from Gladys B. Mitchell to\nAlex Hayes,--dated—November2u;~\n1947, and recorded in Deed Book:\n{-W, page 14, among -the Deed)\nRecords of Thomas County, Geor-.\ngia; and being the same property\n‘as described in a. warranty deed\nfrom Alex Hayes ‘to Bessfe\nO'Neal Thompson, dated May.\n28th, 1953, and recorded in Deed.\nBook (-T, page 305, Deed Rec=\nordr -of Thomas County, Georgia,\nSaid security deed was given\nto secure a note of even date\ntherewith for Three Hundred\nI Bighty-six and 84-100 ($386.84)\nDollars and all other indebtedness\narising . between Bessie O'Neal\nThompson and Commercial Bank\nall shown by a security deed ré-\ncorded in the office of the Clerk.\nof the Superior Court of Thomas\nCounty, Georgia, in Deed Book\n24, page 77, and\nWHEREAS, said note has bee\ncome in’default as to the instal-\nments of. the principal and Ine’\nterest due. and the same now rée\nmain due, and the undersigned\nhas elected that the entire note,\nprincipal and interest, become\ndue at once as provided in sald\nnote and security deed.\n“Now, therefore, according to the\noriginal terms of said seourity\n‘| deed and pursuant to the powee\n|| of sale contained therein and th\n\\{laws in such. cases made an\nprovided, the undersigned will exe\nY{ pose for sale to the highest and\nsj best bidder for cash the above\n>| described property, ~ after - proper\nfl advertisement, on the first Tues-\n1) day in March, 1968, between the\n»|}lezal hours of sale before. the\ncourthonse door in Thomasville,\n={ Thomas County, Georgia,\n\n5 The proceeds: from said sale\n1 will be used, first to the payment\n° ‘of said note, principal, interest\n5 and expenses and attorney's fees\nS for which proper notice is given,\n\nand the balance, if any, delivered\n«| 48. provided in said-security. deed:\n: This 7th day of February, 1968,\n\n* COMMERCIAL BANK,\n\n. Thomasville, Georgia As\n\n5 Attorney-in-Fact for Bessie\n\nr O'Neal Thompson, under ”. .\npower of sale in Security\n\n: Deed.\n\nAlexander, Vann & Lilly\nAttorneys\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3166.499283203125, 2346.635025390625, 3748.5163417968747, 3348.1508632812497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA—Thomas County\n\nWill be sold at public outcry. be-\nfore the Court House Door in\nThomasville, within the legal hours\nof sale, on the First Tuesday in\nMarch to the highest bidder for\ncash the following described pro-\nperty, the authority for same be-\ning hereinafter stated:\n\nAll that tract .or parcel of land\nlying and being in the City of\nThomasville Thomas County. Geor-\nia, and more fully descrihed as\nollows; being bounded on the\n_North 60 more or less by Mimosa\nDrive, on the East 291 feet more\nor less by Tom T. Wheeler, on the\nSouth 70 feet more or less by lands\nnow or formerly...cwned by Alley\nMae Abrams and on the West 292\nfeet more or less by lands now o1\nformerly owned by J. L. Lawson.\n\nThese taxes are for the years\n1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967 and car\nbe settled by paying $18.20 plu:\ncost of levy and advertising.\n\nLevied on as the property o\nCharles Curry to satis!y an execu.\ntion from the Tax Collector, Thom\nas County in favor of Thoma\nCounty and against Charles Curry\n\n-This the 6th day of Februar;\n\n196 8.\nCc. A. REHBERG, Sheriff\nThomas County, Georgia\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3787.0215, 4004.16066015625, 4367.34910546875, 5653.5302578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "‘tue of the pow er of sale\ncontained In a Deed to Secure\nDebt given by George Glenn, Jr.\nand Jessie TL. Glenn to HKonded\nBuilders, Inc., dated July 27,\n1962, and recorded in Deed Book\ni, page 9607 records of Thomas\nCounty, Georgia, said Deed to\nSecure Debt having been trans-\nferred and .assigned by Bonded\nBullders;--. Inc. to Automobile\nFinancing, Inc. on August 16,\n1982, there will be sold at public\noutery, to the highest bidder for\ncash, before the Courthouse Door\nof Thomas County, Georgia, dur-\ning the Jegal “hours. of sale, on. the\nfirst Tuesday in March,’ 1968, the\nfollowing described property, to\nwit:\n\nAM that tract or parcel of land\nand that certain house and lot\nin the tewn of Boston, Thomas\nCounty, Georgia, known in the\nSubdivision of Boston as Rose-\ndale lots and being Lot 8 in\nRlock 11 of Rosedale Land Lota\nas per plat of record in deed\nrecords of Thomas County, Geor-\ngla, Hook SS Page 566, made in\nthe year 1907, on the north side\nof Grover Street, midway between\nPofford and Blanton Streets, he-\ning 50 feet on the front and” 150\nfeet deep.\n\nThe debt secured by said Deed\nto Secure Debt being in default,\nsaid sale will be made for the\npurpose of paying said debt and\nall expenses in connection With\nthe foreclosure, including’ attor-\nney’s fees.\n\nSaid property will be sold as\nthe property of George Glenn,\nJr. and Jessie L. Glenn, subject\nto any unpaid taxes, assessments\nor other lens.\n\nAUTOMOBILE FINANCING,\nINC, As Attorney In Fact\nrge Glenn, Jr. and\nL. Glenn.\nJoseph D. Tindall, Jr.\nAttorney at’ Law\n1606 Rhodes-Haverty Bullding.\nAtlanta, Georgia 30303\n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3134.943130859375, 312.7309421386719, 3717.0165859374997, 1177.7933193359374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "fing hereinafter stated:\n| AN that tract or pareel of land\nIving and being inj the City of\nThomasville Thomay County, (leor-\ngia and being more fully described\nes -foNows: bounded on the North\n$8 feet by lands now or formerly\nowned by Ed Sheffield, on the\nMast 37 feet more or less by War-\nren Avenue on the South SS feet\nmore or less by lands or formerly\nowned by Willle Mae Smith, and\non the West 37 feet more or less\nby lands ‘how or formerly owned\nby Mt. Pilerim Second Baptist\nChurch.\nThese taxes are for the years\n1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967 and car\nbe settled before sale for $45.8:\nplus cost.-of levy and advertising\nlevied on as the property — ot\nHallie Kelly and Annie Crumids\nto satisfy an execution from the\nTax Collector, Thomas County ir\ntfavor of\" Thomas” County” ane\nagainst Hallle Kelly and Anne\nCrumidy.\nThis the 6th day of February\n\n1968.\nCc. A. REHBERG, Sheviff\nThomas County, Georgie\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3204.140396484375, 6352.69288671875, 3798.7741542968747, 7247.66746484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA, Thomas County.\n\nWhereas, heretofore on ths 21st\nday...of .. November, .-1968,-—-Elmno\nHadley did execute to Modern\nLoan _Comnpany,__a. corporation of.\nthe State of Georgia, a. certain\nsecurity deed to the following\nJand:\n\nThat lot or parcel. of land in\nthe City of Thomasville, Thomas\nCounty, Georgia, on which house\nNo. 821 North Crawford Street\nformerly—-stood,--saild—house—havine-\nburned and said lot now being\nvacant, said lot fronting ap-\nproximately 50 ‘feet wide on the\nsouthwestern side of: suid street\nand extending back in uniferm\nwidth approximately 100 feet, and\nbeing. bounded - by established\nlines: on the north by the property\nof Alice Wood, on the -west by\nthe property of W. N. Hamilton,\nand on the south by the property\nof John Young. This is the pron-\nerty identified ang deserihet in\nItem fo ef the Gest Will of Mac\nmaret Ann Munson, probated in\nsolemn form-in the Court of\nOrdinarw ef eaid Meiuntye and rée\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1405.5145419921876, 5840.04444921875, 1997.2267910156252, 6935.92137109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA--Thomas County:\n\nWill be sold at public outcry be-.\nfora the Court House Door in\nThomasville, within the legal hours\nof saje, on the First Tuesday in\nMarch to the highést bidder for\ncash the flee described pro-\n\nerty, the authority for same be-\nng hereinafter stated:\n\nAll that tract or parcel of land,\nlying and being tn the City of\nThomasville, Thomas County,\nGeorgia, and more fully described\nag follows; one vacant lot on West\nWashington Street, Thomasville,\nGa. being bound on the North 60\nfeet mure or less by lands now or\nformerly owned by Al Feinberg and\nWilliam Strykner, on the East 5014\nfeet more or Jess by lands now or\n_formerly. owned”. by. Herman_.and\nRuth Johnson, on the South 60 feet\nmore or less by lands now or for-.\nmerly owned” by “Mis.” Zona” Wat-\nson, on the West 6014 feet by lands\nnow or formerly owned by. Hor-\nace Bentley.\n\nThis tax {s for the years 1964,\n1965, 1966 and 1967 and cai be set-\ntléd before sale for $16.45 plus cost\nof levy and advertising. .\n\n-, evied on as-the property of\nWilt Bolton to satisfy an execution\nfrom the Tax Collector of Thomas\nCoiinty In favor of Thomas County,\nGeorgia and against Will Botton.\nThis the 6th daw of Feb. 1968.\nqc. A. RIGHBERG, Sheriff,\nThomas County. Georrin\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4325.210953125, 306.5980380859375, 4914.007796875, 784.8719326171874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "the courthouse door In Thomad-\nville, Thomas County, Georgia.\nThe proceeds from sald sale\nwill be used, first to the page\ntment of said note, principal, ine\nterest and expense and attorney's\nfees for which proper notica is\nsiven and the balance, If any,\ndelivered to said Joe Henry\nJohnson, ,\nALAJAY, INCL aa Attorney-\nIn-Faet for Joe Henry\nJohnson under power of sale\nfu security deed, :\nAlexander, Vann & Lilly\nAttorneys,\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2428.951416015625, 3356.837158203125, 2744.038330078125, 3655.512451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Ready\n\nurists\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1945.0068515625, 308.8427890625, 2413.157943359375, 1113.6060634765624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "All that tract. or parcel ¢\nIving and. being’ im the ©\nThomasville, | Mhonmas (\nGeorgia and more fully de\nas follows: being bounded\nNorth iW feet mere or |\nlands now or formerly ow!\nPearl. Moore and Laura Roa)\nton, on the Mast 64 feet on\nless by Mitchell Street,\nSouth 100 feet more or Ie\njunds now or formerty. ow\nRoosevelt Preston, and on\nWest 69 feet more or less b\nnow or formerly owned by\nMonroe.\n\nThese taxes are for the\n1963, 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1!\ncan be settled before sale fo\nplus cost ot levy and adve\n\nLevied on as the prop\nFeddie Monroe to satisfy -an\ntion from the, Tax Collector,\nas \"Countprin fasor ete h\nCounty and against Eddie |\n\nThis the 6th day of F\n\n1968.\nC. A. REHBERG,\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 755.39503515625, 644.3905185546874, 1334.7173916015624, 1075.3726650390624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "fronting 40 feet on Teddy Street\nand running north 100 feet;\nthence west 650 feet: thence south\n100 feet to Teddy Street and\nknown as Lot Number 2° In\nTheodore Helghts recorded in\n‘Book SS, page 406, Deed Records\nof Thomas: County, Georgia.\nThis 7th day of February, 1968.\nS) CLARICE JAMES,\nemer OLN REY; Phonras: Gounty;\nGeorgia.\nAltman & Herndon, .\nAttarneve\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 207.31063879394532, 5678.55421484375, 799.8545375976562, 7233.53172265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA, Thomas County.\nThis is to notify all persons\nconcerned that Roscoe Bush, as\nruardian of the estate of Roscoe\nBush, Jr... minor, has filed\nwith me an application for leave\nto sell the following lands he-\nlonging to said estate, for the\npurpose of care, support, main.\ntenance and education and that\nI will pass upon said application\nin my office In Thomasville, Geor-\ngia, at the March term, 1968,\nof my Court:\n\nPescription of property to be\nsold:\n\nA 4.25 Interest in the following\nGescribed property, to wit:\nTRACT 1: <All that tract or\nparcel of land lying and bethg in\nthe City of Thomasville, County\nof Thomas, State of Georgia, and\ndescribed as follows:\n\nLot Number 33 tn Block Num-\na! ber. 4-of.. the... property... that__{s\nshown on. a plat ‘of a subdivision\n_(former)y_ owned _ by American\nMisslonary Society), surveyed by\nW. HL Thames, County Engineer,\non June 16, 1944: said plat being\nrecorded in Book. 6-K, page 44,\nDeed Records of Thomas County,\nGeorgia. ,\nTRACT II: All that tract or\nparcel ot. Jand altuate_in. the. City\nof Thomasville, Thomas County,\nGeorgla, and being all of Lot No.\n9 in Hilock 3 of Carver Village\nSubdivision as shown by a plat of\nsurvey of said subdivision made\n. E. Rountree, Licensed\nSurveyor, on March 18, ° 1957,\nand recorded fn Deed Book 8-U,\npage 683, in the office of . the\nClerk_of the Superior Court of\nThomas ‘County, Geor g., to which\nreference 1a made l t a more\nparticularly description.\n~ Sald lot is conveyed subject ta\nthose restrictions. [mpcsed) 07 ree\n\n4 f-\nord on Carver Vintage Subdivi\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2432.939224609375, 5885.8730625, 2820.2805019531247, 6237.5283046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "|\nficky wears her Pearle Optical (\ntime, even swimming, Like over\nple who wear Pearle Optical Con\nand day out, Vicky appreciates hi\nonly as a beauty aid, but for the\nurity and freedom Verilite Contac\nple on the go. (People like you!\nind out about Veritite Contact |\nfiner Contact Lenses anywhere, See\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2002.8800205078126, 5730.73487890625, 2428.728744140625, 6968.63719140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA—Thomas Cou\nWill be sold at public c\nfore the Court House |\nThomasville, within the I\nof sale, on the First Ti\nMarch to the highest t\ncash the following descr\nperty, the authority for\ning héreinafter stated:\nThat certain tract or\nland altuate, lying ar\nin land lot No. 8 ‘of\nland district of Thoma\nGeorgia being lot\nin block F in what\nag the Quinn and\naddition to the city of\nville, as shown by_ plat\nin book 00 page 570 r\ndeeds in the Office of th\nthe Superior, Court_ of\nCounty;' Georgia. Said\n50 feet on Wolfe Street\nback. Northerly a distan\nfeet: the dividing-line.\ndescribed property is the\nthat warranty,_deed__ fre\nBessie Walker to G.\ncorded in deed book 6-C\ndeed records of Thomas\nThese taxes are for\n1964, 1965 and 1967 and c\ntled for $11.80 plus cost 0\nadvertising.\nLevied on as the pri\n} Jeffrey——to—\nexecution from the Tax\nThomas County in favor\nas County and against J\nKindred, “ oo\nThis the 6th day ‘of\n\n1968.\nC. A. REHBER(\n\nMihnnina f4r11ntt\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3150.173599609375, 1246.191177734375, 3733.5009609374997, 2290.578353515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "GEORGI A—Thomas( County:\n\nWill be sold at public outcry be-\nfore the Cagurt House Door in\nThomasville, within the legal hours\nof sale, on the First Tuesday in\nMarch to the highest bidder for\ncash the following described pro-\nperty, ‘the authority for“same be-\ning hereinafter stated:\n\nAll that tract or parcel of land\nlying and being in the City of\nThomasville, Thomas County,\nGeorgia and more fully described\nas follows; being bounded on the\nWest 51 feet more or less by lands\nnow or formerly owned by Flora\n-Mae—Anderson--Biggers;—-on-—-the\nSouth 130 feet more or less by\nlands now or formerly owned by\nBroadnax, on the Fast 50 feet more\nor less by an Alley and on the\nNorth 51 feet more or less by\nHidson Street. -\n\nThese taxes are for the years\n1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967 and can\nbe settled for $15.50 plus cost ot\nlevy, and. adv ertising.\n\n‘Lévied on as” the property o!\nHasker Lee Anderson to satisfy ar\nexecution from the Tax Collector,\nThomas County in favor of Thom-\nas County and against Hasker Lee\nAnderson.\nwen the 6th day of February\n\n\"A. REHBERG. Sheriff\nThomas County, Georgia\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3189.755630859375, 4949.0341953125, 3779.1493984374997, 6047.7548671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA, Thomas County.\n\nWill be sold before the Court\nHouse door in the City of Thom-\nasville, .Thomas County, Georgia,:\nwithin the legal hours of sale,\nthe first Tuesday. in May, 1968,\nto the highest and best bidder for\neash, the following . described\nproperty, to-wit:\n\nThat certain piece, onngel or lot\nof land lying, being and situated\nin the City of Thomasville,\nThomas County, Georgia, and be-\ning more particularly described\nad follows, to-wit:\n\nBounded on the North by prop-\nerty of Rosalie Smith:\n\nBounded on the South by prop-\nerty of Pearlie Echols;\n\nBounded on the East by prop-\nerty of Ida and Pearl Moore;\n\nBounded on the West hy Bennett\n\nSaid property being levied on\nin rem under a Street Improve-\nment Fi. Fa. issued by the City\nof Thomasville, Georgia, pursuant\nto the laws and ordinances gov-\nerning such fi. fas.\n\nSaid property is carried on the\nAssessment Rolls of the City of\nThomasville in the name of\nBlanche Hill Davis, but the own-\ner or owners and thelr where-\nabouts are unknown.\n\n, The amount due on salé fi. fa.\n\nQt\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 179.656998046875, 3026.636978515625, 773.7112880859374, 4207.89109765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "In the Court of Ordinary\n\nThomas County, Georgia\n\nOrder for service by publication\nwas granted by anid Court on\nFebruary S, 1968.\n\nRe: Application by Mra. Verdie\nCc. Hobbs to probate in solemn\nform-the Will of Iverson J.-Hobbs,.\ndeceased. ‘\n\nTo: Jeanne Hobbs, Joyce Hobba,\nfandra Hobbs, Collene Hobbs, all\nresiding at 950 Burlington Street.\nOpa-Lecka, Florida. and to all\nand singular the heirs at law of\nYverezon J, Hobbs, deceased.\n\nYou and each of you are here-\nby commanded to be and appear\npefore the Court of Ordinary of\nThomar County, Georgia, on the\nfirst Monday jin March, 1968, at\n10:09 o'clock Jn the forenoon at\n‘the courthouse, in Thomaaville,\njheorgia, to then and there show\ncause._if any_there be, why the\nprobate In solemn form “of sattt\nwill should net be had and why\nLetters Testamentary should onot\nbe issued to Mra. Verdie Cc.\nHobs, as Executor.\n\nWitness the Honorable Judge\nof the Court of Ordinary of\nThomas County. Georgia.\n\nS) CLARICE: JAMES\nOrdinary and Ex-Officto\nClerk of the Court of\nOrdinary of Thomas\nCounty, Georgia.\n\n(Seal of aald Court affixed)\nAlexander, Vann & Lilly\nArtorneva ¥\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 190.7075809326172, 4252.57862890625, 793.2817836914062, 5647.59031640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "In the Court of Ordinary\n\nThoman County, Georgla\n\nOrder for service by publication\nwns granted by said court on\nFebruary 8. 1468.\n\nRe: Application on Heyward\nVann: to probate in solemn form\nthe will of Agnes FE. Nelson, de-\nceased,\n\nTO: Bertha Shook Rymer, 16393\nHampton Avenue, Roanoke, Vir-\ngina, 24015 . ‘\n\nRose Hilderbrand Brown, 24\nKimberly Avenue, Asheville, North\nCarolina.\n\nElsie Ficker, 514 Sth Avenue,\nW., Hendersonville, North Caro-\nHina,\nand to all and singular the heirs\nat law of Agnes E, Nelson, de-|\nceased.\n\nYou and each of you are hereby\ncommanded to be and appear beée-\nfore the Glourt of Ordinary of\nThomas County, Georgla, on the\nfirst Monday in March, 1968, at\n1:09) o’elock In the forenoon at\nthe courthouse in Thomaaville,\nGeorgia, to then and there show\ncause, ff any there be, why the\nprobate fy solemn form of said\nWill should not be had and why\nLetters. Testamentary should not\nhe issued to Hexward Vann as\nExecutor,\n\nWitnerx the Honorable,. Judge\nof the Conrt of Ordinary of\nThomas County, Georgia.\n\n8) CLALICE JAMES,\nOrdinary and x-Officlo\nClerk of the Court of\nOrdinary of Thomas\nCounty, Georgia\n\n(Seal of said) Court affixed)\nAlexander, Vann & Lilly\nAttorneys\n\nNoPE trys tre |\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1391.821060546875, 4591.54103125, 1982.7122646484377, 5761.92039453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA~—Thomas County:\n\nWIL be sold at public outery be-\nfore the Court House Door in\nThomuasville, within the legal hours\nof sale, on the First Tuesday In\nMarch to the highest bidder for\neash the following described pro-\nperty, the authority for same be-\ning hereinafter stated:\n\nAll that tract or parcel of land\nlying and being in the City of\nBoston, Thomas County, Georgia\nand described as beginning at H.\nFk. Smith, Jr, NX. W. Corner and\nrunning thence North to.ithe pro-\nperty of the A. C. L. Railroad,\nThenee Kast along the A.C.L. right\nof way 230 feet to the lands of the\nestate of F. M. Jarrett, thence\nSouth to lands of H. F, Smith, Jr.\nthence West 200 feet to the lands\nof the A.C.L. Raflroad and bound-\ned as follows; on the North by the\nA.C.L. Railroad right of way, on\nthe Kast by lands of the estate of\nFF. oM. Jarrett, on the South by\nlands of H, F. Smith, on the West\nby lands of the Railroad and hav-\ning erected thereon five Frame\nNegro dwellings.\n\nThis tax is for the vear 1961 and\ncan be settled by paying $76.07 plus\ncost of levy and advertising.\n\nLevied’ on as the property of\nJack Bryant to satisfy an execu-\ntion from the Tax Collector, Thom-\nas County in favor of Thomas\nCounty and agdinst Jack Bryant.\n\nThis the 6th day of February\n\n1968.\nc. A. REHBURG, Sheriff.\n\n1 ws ee Le ee\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 773.9702915039062, 2244.58009375, 1369.68601953125, 3298.153060546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "STATE OF GEORGIA\nCOUNTY OF THOMAS.\n\nTo all whom {ft may concern:\n\nJasper C, Davis having ap-\nplied ‘to me in proper form for\npermanent letters of administra-\ntion with the will annexed upon\nthe Estate of Orcar Davis. Sr.,\ndeceased, late of Thomas County,\nGeorgia, this is to. notify the\nnext of kin and creditors of\nsaid decedent to be and appear\nhefore the Court of Ordinary of\nThomas County, Georgia, on the\nfirst Monday in) March, 1968, at\n19:00 o’clock In the forenoon at\nthe courthouse in Thomaaville,\nGeorgia, then and there to show\ncause, ff any there be, why per-\nmanent [letters of administration\nwith the will annexed should, not\nbe granted to Jasper C. Davis on\nfhe estate of Oscar Davis, Sr., de-\nceased,\n\nWitness the Honorable Judge\nof the Court of Ordinary of\nThomas County, Georgtfa. 7\n\nS) CLARICE JAMES, .\nOrdinary . and Ex-Officio\nClerk of the Court of\nOrdinary of Thomas\nCounty, Georgia.\n(Seal of said Court affixed)\n‘Alexander, “Vann & Lilly .\nAttorneva\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2769.870865234375, 3356.364517578125, 3171.2365566406247, 4492.72312890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "y@iomas County:\nte at publie outery be-\nurt House ‘Door in\nHiwithin the legal hours\n» he First Tuesday in\ne highest bidder for\nowing described pro-\nthority for same be-\nCér stated:\ntht land lot no. 406 in\ndistrict of Thomas\nBGia and described as\n'wheucing at the Souths.\n' of J, B. and S. W.\nmy, running West 25\n'yw McCane line, thence\n| RpleCannie line 38 feet\ni™ie-to £. Bo and S. Ww.\n| * 925 feet, thence South\nnd 8S. W. Brooks line\ni} mimencing point. This\n“me land as described\nDded in book YY. page\n‘t k's office of Thomas\ngia from I. F. Dun-\nBand &s. W. Brooks.\nas are for the years\nbola 1966 and 1987 and\nd for $17.59 plus cost\nhavertising.\npas the property ‘of\nean to satisfy an exe-\noO the Tax Collector,\ntit® in favor of Thomas\nagainst Mrs. H.\n\n| 2 RS SE\n\ny\nth day of February\ny REHBERG, Sheriff,\n\neae waste haan tia:\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2424.1298828125, 292.8448791503906, 2801.653076171875, 1655.0194091796875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2793.40577734375, 4539.53273046875, 3174.0493007812497, 5891.953109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "WIP rs VALE\n\nchomas County:\n\nYat public outery be-\nQyt Housé “Door \"in\nwithin the legal hours\n«he First Tuesday in\n-e highest bidder for\nowing described pro-\nithority for same be-\ner stated:\n\nact! or, parcel of land\nKe City’ of Thomasville\n1g Georgia and be-\nno. T in block 4 of\nike Subdivision as\n—lat of survey of sub-\ne by W. E. Rountree,\nfevor on March — IS,\nrded in deed book 8-U\nhe office of the Clerk\nourt of Thomas Coun-\no which references is\nmore particular de-\nfollows: Commencing\nn the East margin of\ne>et located 75 feet .as\nalong said Street\n1 from the North mar-\nrll Avenue running\non Fletcher Street 6¢\nhenee North HMastern-\no Harrell Avenue 146\ngathence South parallel\nt ‘enue 140 feet to the\nnning.\nsa are for the years\n165, 1966 and 1967 anc\n! ld before sale for $28.94\nlevy and advertising\nas the property al\ncetty Reid to satisfy\nfrom the Tax Collec:\nCounty in favor o\nnty and against Eddie\neid,\nith. day of Februar;\n\n. REHBERG, Sheriff\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1382.449234375, 2670.439712890625, 1953.7711025390627, 3136.9413906249997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA, Thomas County.\n\nAll creditors of the estate of\nTempe C. Neel, deceased, late\nof Thomas County, Georgia, are\nnotified to render their demands\nto the undersigned according tc\nlaw, and all persons indebted ‘tc\nsaid estate are required’ to make\nimmediate payment to the under-\nsigned.\n\nThis ith day of February, 1988.\nMARY NEBL ANDERSON,\nas Executor of the Estate of\nTempe C. Neel, deceased.\n\nAlexander, Vann & Lilly\nAtrorneve\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2437.02783203125, 5227.62060546875, 2814.59521484375, 5884.83642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "1 the water, or\nwimming Inst\nliss Vicky She\njoys the free\nor Pearle Opt\nontact Lenses\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 804.1009067382812, 5316.578140625, 1389.6214443359374, 5858.57225 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Thomas Court of Ordinary\n\nDoris K, Barrow, having made\napplication for twelve months’\nsupport out of the Estate of\nJoseph Norwood Barrow, and\nappraisers duly appointed to set\napart the same having filed their\nreturns, all persons Ancerned are\nhereby required to show cause\nbefore the Court of Ordinary of\neald county on the first Monday\nin March, 1968, why said applica-\ntion should not be granted.\n\n‘This 6th day of February 1968,\n\nS) CLARICE JAMES,\nOrdinary.\n\nAlexander, Vann & Milly\n\nAttorneys.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1407.9345859375, 6999.832046875, 2004.0627285156252, 7273.27928125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA—Thomas County:\n\nWill be sold at public outcry be-\nfore the Court House Door tn\nPhomasville, with!a the leral-hours\nof soe, on the iest Tuesday in\ni Ttascly fea at bidder for\ncart tha {ollawing described pro-\nperty, the authority. for game be-\nying hereina tee etated:\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1956.4703525390626, 1193.4117587890626, 2432.162337890625, 2195.301009765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "GEBORGIA—Thomas County\nWill be sold at public out\nfore the Court House Dor\nThomasville, within the lega\nof sale, on the First Tues\nMarch to the highest bidg\neash the following describ\nperty, the authority for sa\ning hereinafter stated: .\nAll that tract or parcel\nlying and being in the ©\nThomasville, Thomas Cc\nGeorgia and more fully de\nas follows; being bounded\nNorth 95 feet more or le\nlands now or formerly ow\nOla Hill, on the Kast 42 fee\nor less by Atkinson Alley,\nSouth 95 feet_more or less b.\nnow or formerly owned by\nReid and on the West 52 fee\nor less by lands now or f¢\nowned by Robert Moore.\n\nThese taxes are for the\n1963, 1964, 1969, 1966 and 1§\ncan be settled for $10.57 pl\nof levy and advertising.\n\nLevied on as the property |\ntie Revels to satisfy an ex\nfrom the Tax Collector, T\nCounty in-favor of Thomas\nand against Hattie Reveis.\n\nThis the 6th day of Fi\n1968.\n\nCc. A. REHBERG, Shi\nThomas County, Geor\n\n \n \n \n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 811.8134921875, 5923.29933203125, 1393.1622158203124, 6432.1425625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "GhORGISA, Thomas County.\nWhereas, Frank LL. Forester,\nadministrator. of the estate of\nRoy W.. Owen, deécé@ased, has\ntiled his petition for discharge as\nadministrator of sald estate, as\nprovided in section 113-2301 of the\nCode of Georgia, all persons con-\ncerned are required {to show\ncause at the March 1968 term of\nthe court of ordinary why said\ndischarge should fot be granted.\nThis 26 day of January, 1968,\n| CLARICE JAMES\n| Ordinary of said county.\nA. J, Whitehurst\nAtty ;\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1378.456314453125, 3193.67042578125, 1966.1203457031252, 3581.1835781249997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "To creditors of Stephen Franklin\nSowell, deceased: cigeh tees .\nYou are hereby notified to\nrender an account to the un-\ndersigned of your demands against\nthe estate of the above named\ndeceased, or lose priority as to\nyour claim.\n\nThis 5th day of February, 1968,\nARTHUR T. SOWELL,\nAdministrator of the Eatate\nof Stephen Franklin\nSowell, Sr.\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 810.65382421875, 6498.484390625, 1395.2142177734374, 7042.14500390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "GRORGITA, Thomas County,\n\nLynette Hall Willlams, as\nguardian of Dorothy Lynette Hall,\nminor, having applied to sell her\nward’s interest In real property\nlocated in Meigs, Thomas County,\nGeorgia, Jet all persons show\ncause before me on March 4, 1568,\n“at 10:00-a-m-~at—the—courthouse\n{In Thomasville, Georgia, why\nleave should not be granted to sell\n-aald property at private sale as\nprayed,\n\nThis. 6th day of February, 1968\n\nS) CLARICE JAMES\n\n- . Ordinary.\nAlexander, Vann & Lilly\nAttorneys\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1355.6473544921876, 1304.466568359375, 1945.2512050781252, 1993.1472011718752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "[a ae: ARETE Ne\n\nIn Thomas Court of Ordinary.\n\nMildred H. Rogers and C. W.\nMcKinnon, as guardians of the\nperson and property of Suzette\nBornes and Winton A. Barnes,\nJc., having made application for\ntwelve months’ support out of\nthe Estate of Winton A. Barnes,\nSr. and appraisers duly appoint-\ned to set apart the same having\nfiled. their return, all persons\nconeerned are hereby required\nto show cause, before the Court\n~of- Ordinary of-saxid-County~on-the\nfirst Monday In March, 1968, why\nsaid application should not — be\n; granted.\niste the Sth day of February,\n\n8) CLARICB JAMES\nOrdinary,\n\nMcCollum &- MeCollum\n\nAttorneva *\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2009.8233798828126, 7025.261734375, 2439.40183984375, 7267.374984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA—Thomas Cou!\n\nWill be sold at public ¢\nfore the Court (louse\nay hhomasville, within the h\nef sale, on the Binet Pf\n\nMarch to the highest Wy\n\ncabh the following desc!\npergy, the authority for\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 772.5240634765624, 1671.484390625, 1354.7552333984374, 2208.699203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Thomas Court of Ordinary\n“Lottie Mitchell -P onder; having\nmade: application © for twelve\nmonths’ support out of the Batate\nof James Ponder, and appraisers\nduly appointed to set apart the\nsame having filed their returns,\nall persons concerned are hereby\nrequired to show cause before\nthe Court of Ordinary of said\ncounty on the first Monday {n\nMareh, 1968, why?asald application\n‘should not- be granted,\n\nThis 7th day of February, 1968.\n\nCLARICE JAMES, Ordinary.\n\nAltman & Herndon,\n\nPp. ©, Andrews, Jr.,\n\nAttorneys.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1390.602310546875, 3650.3818515625, 1970.9631191406252, 4545.49656640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "RASA, LOMaS LOUTITY\nIn Supertot Court of sald Coun-\nty.\nComplaint for Divorce. ~ :\nFiled Ifth day February. 1968.\nOrder for Service by Publica-\ntion dated 14th day of February,\n19448, . x\nJoe Dunlap, Plaintiff.\n\nVa.\nRetha Duntap, Defendant\n“To Retha Dunlap, Defendant:\nThe defendant Retha Dunlap is\nhereby commanded personally, or\nby. Attorney, to be and appear\nat the Superior Court to he held\nin and for said County within 60\ndays of the date of the order\nfor service by publication, as\nabove set forth, then and there\nto answer the Plaintiff's com-\nplaint in the above captioned ac-\ntion, else the Court will proceed,\nas to justice shall ~ appertain,\nWitness the Honorable George\nR. Lilly, Judge of said Court,\nthis 14th day of February 1268,\nW. A. WATT, JRBR., Clerk,\nJesse J. Gainey\nPlaintiff'a Atrorney\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2412.139908203125, 2811.804703125, 2774.7524257812497, 3213.0292812499997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "e x\n\nht it—Beatty is al-\nZabout produding a\nothing ever comes\né@\n\n‘ackman persisted,\nalt he won the role\nOW in ‘Bonnie and\n'he is an Academy\nStee for best sup-\n\naps\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 3236.546142578125, 4867.83056640625, 3725.662841796875, 4933.10107421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "STREET IMPROVEMENT\ner)\n\nPAL rC\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 159.63346899414063, 679.4945224609374, 742.1765590820312, 1371.5771328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Aw Eee TE\n\nNo. M411\n\nDivagree.\n\nThemas Superior Court.\n\nRENed -ebriary 21, 168.\nOrder to Perlect February 21,\n1968.\nMarcelle Clark Likkel, Plaintiff,\n\nva,\n\nLown. LINKISL, Defendant.\note peel hrkeb defendant +\n\nFou are hereby -commanded - to\nappenr at Supercor Court, Thomas\nCounty. Georgia, within’ (sixty\ndave after Pebruary 21, 1968, te\nanswer plhaindiff's captioned com-\npldint for divorcee against you. o1\nin default Court wil proceed.\nYWituess Honcrable George RR.\nTilly, Judge said Court, this\nFebrurry 21, 1968. 5\n\nWloA. WATT, JR. Clerk\n\nAltman & Herndon,\nA*ttornes S.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1368.1712802734376, 2046.5908359375, 1953.6965175781252, 2584.566390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "eee Se ER Been\n\nGEORGIA, Thomas County.\nRe: Estate of Wiliam C. Grant,\ndeceased,\n\nAll creditors of the Estate of\nWilliam C. Grant, Deceased, late\nof Thomas County, are hereby\nnotifled to render their demands\nto the undersigned according to\nlaw. AH persons indebted to said\nestate, are required to make\nimmediate payment to the un-\ndersigned.\n\nThis February 7, 1968,\n\nGeorge HKlow, Sr., as Executo1\nof the. Estate of William C.\nGrant, Deceased.\n\nAltman & Herndon,\n\nAttorneys .\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1982.47804296875, 3368.6298984375, 2423.67332421875, 3716.1323085937497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "GEORGIA—Thomas Coun\nWill be sold at public o1\nfore the Court House .f\nThomasville, within the le;\nof sale, on the First Tu\nMarch to the highest bi\ncash the following descri\nperty, the authority for s\n‘ing hereinafter stated:\nThat. certain tract or p\n\n‘land lying and heing In th\nof Thomnare and heine in\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 795.873794921875, 4706.20558203125, 1375.2568203125, 5255.09324609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "a\nThomas County Court of Ordinary\n| Mary Ola Young, having. made\napplication for twelve months’\nsupport out of the Estate of\nGeorge F. Young, and appraisers\nduly. appointed to set apart the\nssame having filed their returns,\nall persons concerned are hereby\nrequired to show - cause befurc\nthe Court of Ordinary ‘of sald\ncounty on the first Monday in\nMarch, 1968 why said application\nshould not be granted,\nThis 6th day of February 1968\n8) CLARICE JAMES,\nOrdinary.\n“Alexander, Vann & Lilly\n“Attorneys. .\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 760.18946875, 1121.357193359375, 1341.875716796875, 1615.5706630859377 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "META TEIN\nGEORGIA, Thomas County.\nHannah J. Lawson, as Execu-\ntrix of Will of Sylvia J. Scott,\nhaving ftled hor netition to be\ndismissed as having fully admin-\nistered snid. estate, let all per-\nsons show cause before me on the\nfirst Monday in March, 1968,\nat 10:00 a.m. at the courthouse\nin Thomasville, Georgia, why dis-\nmission should not be granted.\nThis January 31st, 1968.\nS) CLARICE JAMES\nOrdinary\nAlexander, Vann & Lilly\n, Attornevs .\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 168.39022863769532, 1446.96046484375, 756.1230922851562, 2118.994125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": " \n\nCe PU ee =\nTo AW Whom tt May Coneern:\n\nArehles, FP. Thomas having in\nprop r form applied to me for\nPermanent Letters of Administra-\nthen cn the Cesiate: of Loulse\nKuhel Tremas, late of said Coun-\nty, this is teceiie all and. singu-\nJar the creditors and next’ af\nRK et hettice Bthet Phomas--to\nbe and appear at my office within\nthe time allowed by law, and\nshow -cuuse, If any they can,\nwhy permaznent — administration\nshould net be granted to Archie\nD. Themrs on’ the estate of\nLout-e Ethel Thomas.\n\nWitness omy hand and official\nsignature, this 17th day of Janu-\ncars, 1868.\n\n68) CLAZUCE JAMES,\n\nordinary.\nAltinnn .& Herndon\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 2790.607193359375, 2232.626236328125, 3162.5441738281247, 3332.3661953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "JF FS SALE\n_iomas County:\n\nat public outcry be-\nrt House Door in\nvithin the legal hours\ne First Tuesday in\n| highest bidder -for\nwing described pro-\n‘thority for same be-\nr stated:\n\nect or. parcel of land\nne in the City of\n) Thomas County,\nmore fully described\n‘ing bounded on the\nmore or less by lands\narly owned by Rosa\nm the East 60 feet\nsv lands now or for-\nby Ida and Pearl\n» South 75 feet more\nis now or formerly\nParlie Echols and on.\nfeet more or less by\nMe\n\n1 ara for the years\n36 and 1947 and can\niy $29.49 plus cost of\nrtising.\n€'as the property of\np Davis to satisfy an\nm the Tax Collector,\n€hy in favor of) Thom-\ngi against Blanche\n\nthh day of February\n\nWw . - i i i\nt REHBERG, Sheriff,\nGas County, Georgia\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1972.800552734375, 2236.08155859375, 2434.6122890625, 3301.7587734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "HERIFF'S 8ALE\n\nGEORGIA—-Thomas County\n\nWiIL be sold at public out\nfore the Court House D\nThomasville, within the legi\nof sale, on the First Tue\nMarch. to-the highest ‘bidd\ncash the following describ\nperty, the authority for sa\ning hereinafter stated:\n\nAll that tract or parcel\nlying and being in the\nThomasville, Thomas\nGeorgia and more fully di\nas follows: being bounded\n|North 59 feet more or le\nlands now or formerly ov\nSusie Mickens, on the Kast\nmore or less by lands now\nmerly owned by Iarnie '\non the South 50 feet more\nby Spair Street and on th\n89 feet more or Jess by lar\nor formerly owned by\nFluker. * a\n\nThese taxes are for the\n1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967 ¢\nbe settled for $54.29 plus:\nlevy and advertising.\n\nLevied on as the propi\nViola Jones to satisfy an e!\nfrom the Tax Collector, T\nCounty in favor of Thomas\n\nand against Viola Jones.\naes the 6th day of F\n\n“\"\"6.\" A. REHBERG,\n\nOTR Pie bee |\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 2810.416275390625, 316.2822116699219, 3134.6513515624997, 1093.098373046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "stated:\n\nor yarreel of tana\nin othe City ol\nThomas Mounty,\nore fully desecrified\nnded on the North\nroless by Spair\nMast 118 feet more\ns new oor formeriv\nie Willams, on (he\nore or less by land\nIv awned by Mrs.\nnd on the West 113\nless by Jands now\nned by Mose Roan.\nare for the years\nN67 and can he set-\nlus cost of levy and\n\n \n\nthe property of\niston to satisfy an\nthe Tax Collector,\nin favor of Thom-\nagainst Ikarmie\n\nSSeS EERE ant\n\nday of February\n\n2EEIRERG, Sheriff,\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1992.9967197265626, 4638.96339453125, 2430.57078515625, 5681.4208828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "GRORGIA—Thomas Cour\nWill be sold at public oy\nfore the Court House\nThomasville. within the le;\nof sale, on the First Tue\nMarch. to the highest bi\ncash the following descri\nperty, the authority for :\ning hereinafter stated:\nAll that tract or parcel\nIving and being in the\nThomasville Thomas Coun\ngia and more fully desc\nfollows; being bounded\nWest 50 feet more or less\ndell Street; on the East\nmore or less by lands nov\nmerly owned by Lucille a\nDavis, on the South 50 f\nor less by lands now or\nowned by Annie Dunlop\nand on the North 100 feet\nleks by lands now or form\ned by T. C. Mitchell.\nThese*taxes are for ye\n1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967\nbe settled before sale |\nplus eost of levy and ad\nLevied on as the pro\nHattie J. Lee to satisfy :\ntion from the Tax Collect\nas County in favor of 7\nCounty and against Hatt\n' Thia the 6th day of\n\n1968.\nCc. A. REHBERG\nThomas County,\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2815.191177734375, 1141.605240234375, 3145.2551113281247, 2237.273666015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "F‘S SALE\n\nmas County:\n\nit public outery be-\n‘t House Door | in\nthin the legal hours\nFirst Tuesday in\nhighest bidder for\n‘ing described pro-\niority for same be~\nstated:\n\nt or parcel of land\ngin the City of\nomas County, Geor-\nfully described. as\nbounded on «the\nmore or less by\nformerly owned hy\nn the Isast 100 feet\n. lands now or’ for-\ny Plina.Graham, on\npet--more-or-less—Dy-\n, and on the West\nless by lands now\nned by Florine Rey-\n\nor the year 1962 and\n1 by paying $11.23\nvy and advertising.\nsg the property of\nn to satisfy an exe-\nhe Tax Collector,\nvy in favor of ‘Thom-\nagainst Nellie Mae\n\nh day of February\n\nREHBERG, Sheriff,\nas County, \"Georgia\n\n \n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 4373.06300390625, 3606.917984375, 4986.31980859375, 7212.932113281249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "GIORGIA, Thomas _ ‘County.\n\nTo the Superior Court of sald.\nCounty and the Honorable Judge\nthereof; aoonce By\n\nCivil Action No. “9405. a)\n\nRe: Thomasviile' Dairies, “Ine.\n\nPETITION TO AMEND © .\nCHARTER vil Bae\n\nThe petition of Thomasville\n\nDairies, Inc. shows the following:\n—~l—\n\nPetitioner is a corporation char--.\ntered by this court on August.\n27th, 1949, . %\n\n~—2--. ary\n\nPetitioner desires to amend ita\ncharter by changing the par value\nof its capital stock from $100.00\nper share to $5.00 per share and -\nParagraph 3 of its corporate char-\nter is amended by striking the\nwords “shares of the par value\nof $100.00 each. “and inserting. in.\nHeu thereof the words “sharés of .\nthe par value of $5:00 asian\n\n—ja— Bas\n\nPetitioner shows that te cor-\nporate charter has not been heree\ntofore’ amended* and all other\nprovisions. thereof shall remain ©\nthe same, ,\n\n—_A—\n\nPetitioner shows this amends _\nMent’ was authoflzed by ‘all “of”\nthe stockholders of said “¢or~-\nPoration ata special meeting held\non February 13,, 1968, at which aif\nstockholders .were Present and\nunanimously authorized the same\nand’ a copy thereof certified. by\nthe Secretary of this corpora->\ntion is attached and made.a@\npart hereof as Exhibit <A,\n\nWHEREFORE, petitioner prays\nthat its charter. be so amended,\nALEXANDER, VANN &\n\nLILLY\n\nBy: S) Thomas K. Vans, Jn\nAttorneys for Petitioner\nP. QO. Box 1053 ;\nThomasville, Georgia.\n\nCERTIFIED COPY OF\nRESOLUTION ~—\n\n“BR IT RESOLVED thet\nThomasville Dairies, Inc. amend\nits corporate charter by chang-\ning the par value of its atock.\nfrom $100.00 per share to $5.04\nper share which authorizes a\nmaxinium of 10,000 shares oute\nstanding and that the legal attion\nrequired to - accomplish sald:\namendment be instituted.’ te\nGEORGIA, Thomas County.\n\nI, Thomas Kk. Vann, Jr.,\ncertify that I am the duly elected\n\nand qualified Secretary of”\nThomasvitie Dairies, Inc., and that\nthe above resolution is a true\nand correct copy of the original\nas the same appears on the\nminutes of the stockholders meet-\nings of said ‘corporation which:\nrésolution was adopted at a spec-\njal meeting of the Stockholders\nheld at 10700 a.m. on February\n13, 1968, at the office of\nthe corporation in Thonis\nas County, Georgia, at which.\nmeeting all of the stockholders of.\nthe corporation weré present and\nvoting and ail unanimously voted\nfor the adoption of said resolue\ntion and the same is now in force\nand effect.\n\nWitness my hand and the cor-,\nporate seal, this 4th day of\nFebruary,. 1968. if\n\nS) THOMAS K. VANN, JR:\n(Seal Affixed)” 2\n; EXHIBIT ‘tA’\nGEORGIA, Thomas County\n\nThe petition of Thomasville\n1} Dairies, Inc. to. amend its char.\n>} ter having been filed and pre-\nsented and it appearing that the\nsame fs in conformity with the\nlaw, it is ordered, adjudsed ‘and\ndecrecd that the, corporate char\nter. of Thomasville a Inc,\nbe and the (‘same hereby\n-|.amended to. change ‘the par. Xalue.\nof its capital” stock from $100.00\nper share to $5.00 per share and\nParagraph 3 of tts original chare.\n\ntor ooranted bs this court - is\n| amended by striking the words\nshares oof “the par value of\n\n$100.00 each’ and insert in liey\nthereof the words “shares of the\npar value of $5.00 each’. All othe\ner provisions of said corporate\ncharter shall remain the same.\n'_ So. ordered this 14th day. of\nFebruary,” 1968, ee\n§ Gho. Ro LILY, sudge\nSuperiay Couri, Southert\n\nees ene, re el ma...\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 2432.98583984375, 2315.311767578125, 2802.541015625, 2779.814453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "YWOOD HIG\ne Char\n\nBy BOB THO!\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 779.8821567382812, 3351.95851171875, 1366.526107421875, 4079.3464199218747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "wet TPE UME\n\nGEORGIA, ‘Thomas County\n\nIn Thomas Court of Ordinary.\nMildred H. Rogers and Cc. W.\nMcKinnon, ars guardians of the\nperson and property of Suzette\nBarner and Winton <A. Barnes,\nJr.. having made application for\ntwelve months’ support out of\nthe Estate of Hazel H. Barnes\nand appraisers duly appointed\nto set apart the same having filed\ntheir return, all persons concern-\ned'‘“are hereby required -to -show\n\n‘enuse before the Court of Or-\n\n|\n\ndinary of said County on the\nfirst Monday in March, 1968. why\nsaid application should not be\ngranted.\n\nThis the 8th aay of Pebrnary:\n\n1 1968\n\nS) CLARICE JAMES,\nOrdinary.\nMcCollum & McCollum\nAltorneys *\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 171.42707861328125, 2194.664078125, 765.8774257812499, 2971.6227871093747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "ww ee\n\nDiverce.\n\nThonias Suypertor Court.\n\nFiled February 34, 1968.\n\nOrder to Perfect Service Febru-\nary Ti. 1968.\n\nCarolyn Annell Carter Lynch,\n\nPlaintiff,\n\n“Charles ‘ory iNe* Lynch, fe\n\nDefendant.\n\nTh Charles Orville Lynch, de-\nfendant:\n\nYou are hereby commanded to\nappear at Superior Court, Thom-\nas County, Georgia, Awithin sixty\ndays after” February 14, 1468, to\nanswer plaintiff's captioned com-\nplaint for diverce ngainat you\nare in default Court will pro-\nceed,\n\nWitness: -Honorable George R.\nLilly, Judge said Court, this\nFebruary 14, 1968.\n\nWo oA. WATT, JB, Clerk\nAltman & Herndon,\nAtrtorneva,\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 3290.1240234375, 3375.27001953125, 3630.326904296875, 3412.16943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "RHE RIE Gta cAI FE\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 222.50442504882812, 396.0628356933594, 1260.645263671875, 550.2740478515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "LEGAL ADVERTISING\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 3250.744140625, 1197.649169921875, 3591.46435546875, 1234.778564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "CHERICE CS cal &\n" }, "59": null, "60": { "bbox": [ 2815.022232421875, 5925.898453125, 3186.5868984374997, 7206.56834375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "RIFF‘S SALE\nThomas County:\nd at public outery be-\nurt House Door in\nwithin the legal hours\n‘the First Tuesday in\nhe highest bidder for\nlowing described pro-\nuthority for same be-\nter stated:\nract or parcel of land\neing jin the City of\nThomas County, Geor-\nire fully: deBeribed as\nne bounded on the\neet more or less” by\nbr formerly owned by\n},on. the West. 50. feet\nby. Dedson Street, on\nfO feet more or less by\noe Torimerly “owned by\nAnderson and on the\nt more or less by an\n\nes are for the years\n966 and 1967 and can\n\nor $30.75.\n' as the property of\nAnderson Biggers—-to\nxecution from the Tax\nnomaa County in favor\n*‘ounty and against\nAnderson Bigevers,\n\n6th day of February\n\n \n\n' REHBERG, Sherft.\nymas. County, Georgia\n\na tits\nRIFFS. SALE\nThomas -. County:\n\nid at public outery be-\n‘ourt House Door it\nlawithin Gre lece) hour,\nthe Virst Tuesday ii\nhidter fo\n\n \n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 1395.408203125, 2607.173828125, 1925.052490234375, 2665.915283203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND\nReEnIiTaAR.E\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 3271.968505859375, 2310.03955078125, 3604.550537109375, 2345.481689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "ShLIEFRIEK‘R ec«#ALE\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 784.2900546875, 4117.9980625, 1376.376693359375, 4659.20164453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "wt Pet Peis\n\nGEORGIA, Thomas County\n\nAli creditora of the- eatate of\nMra. Jennie Vereen Bell, deccased,\nJate of Thomas County, are here-\nby notified to render in their\ndemands, to the undersigned ac-\ncording to law, and all persons\nindebted to said estate are re\nquired to.make immediate pay-\nment to us.\n\nFebruary 1. 1968,\nALEXANDRIA BELL\nDANIEL\nE, M. VBEREEN, 8R.\nVEREEN MecNEILL BELL\nJR, Executors of the Will of\nMrs. Jennie Vereen Bell,\nDerveaased.\n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 811.28663671875, 7101.10499609375, 1409.22019921875, 7270.44969140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": "IN PX IFT RS *\nGEORGUA, Thonvis County.\nTeesonalty eames befere the wi\ndersigned officct, authorized — to\nadminister oath, NORMA LL.\nRITT Boston, Georgia\n" }, "65": { "bbox": [ 1530.7479248046875, 6954.7939453125, 1873.052490234375, 6989.77392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 65, "ocr_text": "mr etre en iat a\n@uerpIinrgic CcAl &\n" }, "66": { "bbox": [ 4426.8212890625, 3545.656982421875, 4882.74658203125, 3600.47021484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "a\nPETITION “TO AMEND\n\na ene\n" }, "67": { "bbox": [ 2424.0693515625, 4597.63722265625, 2779.6415859374997, 4967.76707421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "sand magazines\nn.. The chamber of\n'e calling for their\nshelp promote good\n1 service with a\nrivers are being of-\nince to go to night\nudy English, Mexi-\nind courtesy. |\n" }, "68": { "bbox": [ 853.7179565429688, 7047.1787109375, 1357.1651611328125, 7091.03857421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 68, "ocr_text": "REGISTRATION OF TRADE\n" }, "69": { "bbox": [ 4440.962890625, 812.1138916015625, 4804.36669921875, 850.7930908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 69, "ocr_text": "NOTICE OF scALE\n" }, "70": { "bbox": [ 411.1364440917969, 5648.11962890625, 610.0477294921875, 5682.59326171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 70, "ocr_text": "CITATION.\n" }, "71": { "bbox": [ 1995.3252109375, 3685.52980078125, 2479.8368984375, 4559.83348046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 71, "ocr_text": "Ree Ne Se eM: Ree eS a nee SMC: REI\nof Thomas, and heing in\nno. 166 and °203 “in~the~ tl,\ndistrict of Thomas Countis\nfla described in deed be |\npage 82 described as follc re.\nginning at that point wh al\nSouth ortginal lot Hne of?\n166 intersects the East nven\nthat paved Thomasville -\nHighway and runs thence\nalong said ‘highway 267 fdce\npoint of beginning thence vis:\ning North along said hig 1S.\ndistance of 50 feet, thencepel\nfeet thence South parallels ¢i\nhicthway a distance of 50\nthence West a distance ofe\nto the point of beginning. st\nThese taxes are for tt °*\n1968, 1964, 1965 and 1966 Wir\nbe settled before sale fongs\nplus cost of levy and adv\nLevied on as the proper C\nT, Jordon to satisfy an\nfrom the Tax. Collector,\nCounty in favor of Thomameél\nand against F. T. Jordon er\nThis the -6th day of\n1968. act\n_ C. A. REHBERG, Cili\nThomas County,\n" }, "72": { "bbox": [ 3826.074951171875, 1884.748046875, 4232.7919921875, 1923.2034912109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 72, "ocr_text": "RN\nNOTICE OF SALE\n" }, "73": { "bbox": [ 3869.905517578125, 5676.94873046875, 4281.0390625, 5713.31591796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 73, "ocr_text": "NOTICE OF SALE\n" }, "74": { "bbox": [ 2075.072509765625, 2221.806396484375, 2396.03125, 2257.498779296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 74, "ocr_text": "RHERIFE'GQ eR Al &\n" }, "75": { "bbox": [ 1516.134521484375, 5803.1142578125, 1859.922607421875, 5838.6279296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 75, "ocr_text": "RUERIEGEeR A@ALE\n" }, "76": { "bbox": [ 2091.083251953125, 3337.759521484375, 2421.660888671875, 3373.426025390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 76, "ocr_text": "Rite Pie rie RAT EK\n" }, "77": { "bbox": [ 2438.243896484375, 6274.2763671875, 2814.70068359375, 6680.68701171875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 77, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "78": { "bbox": [ 1417.8248291015625, 3160.6220703125, 1909.5126953125, 3199.425048828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 78, "ocr_text": "NOTICE TO CREDITORS\n" }, "79": { "bbox": [ 2077.19775390625, 4591.1435546875, 2425.424560546875, 4625.3740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 79, "ocr_text": "GHERIE E'cQ cAl &\n" }, "80": { "bbox": [ 2435.74365234375, 6609.8291015625, 2818.976806640625, 7226.15576171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 80, "ocr_text": " \n\na | .\n\"Lenses\n*65\n\nTHOMASVILL\n\nOpen |\n" }, "81": null, "82": { "bbox": [ 3848.590087890625, 3942.552490234375, 4275.24853515625, 3975.185302734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 82, "ocr_text": "NOTICE OF sALE’\n" }, "83": { "bbox": [ 2793.08251953125, 3331.926025390625, 3031.6826171875, 3367.335693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 83, "ocr_text": "IFF(s SALE\n" }, "84": { "bbox": [ 1474.4873046875, 4550.6015625, 1819.98779296875, 4584.0869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 84, "ocr_text": "QweRIFe's eaALE\n" }, "85": { "bbox": [ 2788.21435546875, 4519.19970703125, 3040.734130859375, 4557.34423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 85, "ocr_text": "nIF Fis SALE\n" }, "86": { "bbox": [ 2023.7437744140625, 1147.844970703125, 2402.57421875, 1183.5924072265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 86, "ocr_text": "alma CEP eg aT\nCQmMWrPRIinkrsS cA FE\n" }, "87": { "bbox": [ 2096.85205078125, 6995.79931640625, 2426.840087890625, 7026.9775390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 87, "ocr_text": "Cnirpicete SAL |\n" }, "88": { "bbox": [ 957.86669921875, 1100.832763671875, 1156.9803466796875, 1134.62255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 88, "ocr_text": "CITATION\n" }, "89": { "bbox": [ 3360.1748046875, 6317.10546875, 3626.364501953125, 6351.77880859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 89, "ocr_text": "LAND sALE\n" }, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 5 ] ]
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[ [ 3, 5 ] ]
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Ek went 1 bathe:\naed onl tO ted\n\nsievaraciien\n\nfy ae (ee\n\nrod\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nsteih ailig Rew\ntie Habe” Geet el\n\n \n\n \n \n\n(orienta tae\npale pain ot the, ha\n{a te Fu Chm Mowe Wort\n\n‘a\n\n \n\n8 ab pebeg igh\nmee\n\n \n \n\nSaye\ni ied\n\nsinge oe Hew bb\n\n \n\nPiet ber 8\nfenetiy meet Mints wot hail om\nVor Tomes 8). Wena tara\n\nil pow te 108 are\n\n \n\nSlade, verlaline. Nom at wer\noh eas om the aD\n5 Te ve et wo\n\nNewt Fa ie\nTeahoeenmim\n\nary te omg 1) be wae te tn Bh\n\ntee rel Be a\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1103.2222900390625, 1198.5638427734375, 1451.01904296875, 1291.7921142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ALBANY LIONS 10 END SEASON\nAT HASKELL FRIDAY EVENING\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1283.248291015625, 1295.8489990234375, 1462.6900634765625, 1900.0980224609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "The thay Ln tthe\n\nthe emu ta ate ba\n\nof et en i\n\nSloe, WaT douraeg 30\n\neiny bgt bn tw the le,\n\nonde tony\ngar ay Fo A We OP\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nwhi be yee he\ntb ebevtalan, ‘Yo Lane Ravwe\nPrtcrt recur =i ton Dame\nFe ihestal oot to Mure Mh\nViauipe bat the Laon 00) have 0b\n\nTats ye revere the ite\n\n \n\n \n\n. JU lin oor\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nVen\naa they ye eke\npeed a\n1 Works hat vy really ew\n\nCage Melvin edie sal\nWatney + Mom\n\n \n\n \n\nTrt, 1,\nws ove se\nagy, 1S ot wanton\nsod Uyyaden Marrs, 168, Ob\n\n \n\n \n\nee\nst tine.\" ae\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 743.9844970703125, 314.57220458984375, 895.19580078125, 403.30255126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Mrs, Craishead\nPaecos Away\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 220.12303161621094, 368.17047119140625, 377.32269287109375, 617.4590454101562 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "" }, "8": null, "9": { "bbox": [ 742.3567504882812, 1229.1806640625, 904.6197509765625, 1324.9632568359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Floyd Parrish\nBuried at Moran\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 386.74737548828125, 317.3554992675781, 564.4111938476562, 406.4519958496094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Mrs RH Me (arly\nTo BeBured! Hore\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 43.02783966064453, 1398.24755859375, 559.261474609375, 1711.6202392578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 755.816650390625, 1786.11474609375, 870.6959838867188, 1799.83984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\nNYRAL\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 923.545654296875, 1253.1212158203125, 1103.345458984375, 1903.433837890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "1S a a\n\nheel irr ee\n\n(encelcowdllere ple\n\nRBA Web. Me 1A Ho th\n\nmat to (okt Ti Be:\n\nire ste\n\nNo ok Lice tie me\nrar oh ps ie owtw\n\nfepee Pare eowmen it tae\nthe Aloe bere to mt\nspprrat some ee Hnitner, as\nis mo fom poms Pah\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\ngoat 1m ota ie wor\nVow meraal! Lone We’\ngerbe be wore & he BP\nAirs eae. Tes\n\nhis pomaeh\n\n‘sonirtee\n\n \n\ntan)\nET saat Sims wnt\n\ntr nt ps 7 Fo\n\nhe .\nbrag ef\n\n \n \n\nfe sam game! aes\n\nait ee\nface siden phe\nsh Bhar atin is\n\nTete OF be\n| pe Tay eae\nsection then fre Prem te\nrn ee aa\n\niro Heme teeviveh mit\n\nted RON We a8 Th se\n Toedliparf: ago eb\nMia toi the _\n\n \n\naes\nwoe (pm tli. aod Hes\nHog hag Akg\n\n[re md 8\nheat eee oe\n\ni\nlato, Hie LY ee ort\ntee fe,\n\nLN ek gee\nyi i\n\n \n" }, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 748.0416870117188, 1328.93408203125, 921.0653686523438, 1780.5296630859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\nFm tho ae\n\"iyo sre wee LG\n\nBeat eg atri\n\nen ng Men Se\nsk\n\nfo bis muah\nWer Gulvale he on ae\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 576.010009765625, 1480.433349609375, 703.6770629882812, 1500.4869384765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nAttend Fi\n" }, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 205.27601623535156, 315.72320556640625, 360.90863037109375, 357.2750549316406 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Ope nn Meeting For\ntinadavey\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 924.7538452148438, 311.022705078125, 1206.1915283203125, 333.9656677246094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "MORE ALBANY CHAMPIONS\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 569.8656616210938, 1705.1129150390625, 746.1685791015625, 1902.6578369140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "te ell ea Oy Seager\n\n \n\nsmetted pine oon¥tl ie\nyee fen i ped Ak Jo rw\nae eae oe tae, Ait he\n\nbey ore\n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 571.718017578125, 1505.8555908203125, 747.2266845703125, 1685.566162109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n\nwid hemes os tr\ntre ft be Mowe Fy\nSea Faris\n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 569.9757080078125, 317.03216552734375, 702.118408203125, 356.9872741699219 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "20 Degrees Here\nThis Morninu\n" }, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 562.41357421875, 577.7135009765625, 734.7646484375, 665.5430297851562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Fomoral Tipstlay\n\nFor Mrs. Ward\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 29.547861099243164, 1180.9700927734375, 204.97984313964844, 1343.755126953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "nd by ta ng bm\ntee ng Parmer\n\nty\n\n \n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 37.10755920410156, 1351.7232666015625, 441.416259765625, 1376.72265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "1955 ALBANY CUB DISTRICT CHAMPIONS\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 26.9893798828125, 316.2458801269531, 136.6637420654297, 339.3398132324219 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "New Arrivals\n" }, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 28.011131286621094, 994.8909301757812, 204.01260375976562, 1158.51025390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n\nee\nmine re We, meh\nsisting\n\n \n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 216.0264129638672, 1288.376708984375, 364.20880126953125, 1302.273193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "4S) See Pema\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 30.962499618530273, 732.7239990234375, 141.79055786132812, 747.0325317382812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "darice GALaoiete\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 211.57400512695312, 1120.3658447265625, 331.6224365234375, 1132.6744384765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "mane 4heee BHT\n" }, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 577.6158447265625, 1686.2572021484375, 718.2171630859375, 1699.553466796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n\nast cebre vere\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 37.66558837890625, 1719.5137939453125, 215.98065185546875, 1907.7552490234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": " \n\nBek Ihe\n2 pe Hr Tarts 1\n\nAK ot feed\naa Ahey tare wrote 1\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 565.3277587890625, 652.4214477539062, 739.7638549804688, 1464.834228515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Fd\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nWoT a omnet an RW\npow feet, eee\n\n \n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 9, 4 ], [ 10, 21 ], [ 28, 38 ], [ 28, 15 ], [ 38, 15 ] ]
[ 3472.625732421875, 4640.15087890625 ]
[ [ 4, 9 ], [ 10, 21 ], [ 15, 28 ], [ 38, 15 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 484.40479272460936, 2521.6529921875, 903.5333481445313, 3309.52816015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "SALT LAKE CITY (UP) —\nLynn Thatcher, executive secre-\ntary of the Utah Water Pollu-\ntion Control Board, said the\nboard will meet soon to consider\nan order to require compliance\n‘with state- regtilations by Salt\nLake City,\n\nE. Ray Christensen, attorney\nfor Salt Lake City, said yester-\nay after a one-day public heat-\ning “we maintain that no ap-\npointive commission has power\nto adopt regulations having the\nferce of law governing mupic-\nipal corporations.”\n\nThe pollution control board\nhad charged Salt Lake City with\nthree violations of regulations.\n\nChristensen said “we maintain\n‘that our engineering is good and\n‘that the water pollution control\nboard has no business interfering\nwilh us unless we are discharg-\ning polluted matter into\nstreams.”\n\nHe said if the board issues an\norder the city will apply for a\nrehearing, and appeal to district\ncourt or the Utah Supreme Court\nif necessary,\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 52.93060296630859, 1650.6597060546876, 487.53469091796876, 2870.346763671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "OGDEN (USDA)—Cattle: Salable: 50;\nmost of supply stockers and feeders:\nfew lots cows; opening sales cows\nand stocker classes sleady; wlility and\ncommercial cows 10.00-12.60: few can-\nners and cutters 7.50-9.50; medium\n780-950 Jb. feeder steers 14.00-15.00;\nfew common stockers and ieeders\n16.00-13.56, few common stock heifers\n16.50-12.00.\n\nCalves: Salable: 14; vealers and stock\nealves steady; few good vealers 17.00+\n14.00: small Iois common and medium\nutock calves 10,00-14,5D.\n\nHogs: Salahle: 59; butcher hogs\nlargely 25 lower; early sales U. &.\nNo. 1 tm 3 barraws and gills 16.75-\n17.25; few 146 lbs. 15.80: bulk 925-425\nJo. sows 13.25-14.50; few under 300\nTbs. 15.00,\n\nSheep: Salable: 2,800; almost entire\nanticipated trurcked-in supply = still\nbac. few early sales gmall fois\ntrucked-in native yood and chaice\nspring lambs steady at. 18.00-18.80; scat-\ntered lots medium trucked-in feeding\njambs 15.00-15.50; late yesterday siz-\nable lot including short load goad to\nmostly choice slaughter spring lambs\n18.75; sjzable lot feeding lambs 17.50,\n\nYESTERDAY'S MARKET\n\nCaitle: Salabte: 150. Most of supply\nstocker and feeder catile, about steady:\nfew. commercial slaughter steers 15.50-\n17.00. Utility and commercial slaugh-_\nter heifers 12.00-15.50. Utilily and cam-\nmercial cows 10.50-11.50, lond 988 1b.\ncows 10.25, load cutter cows 9.25; other\ncanners and cutters 6.00-10-00, 9 Nu-\nmerous amuail lots’ good and choice\nstocker and feeder steers 17.00-18.50: |\naome .feedera at 18.50 averaging. 1,025\nIbs. Package 2-year-old feeder heifera\n43.00.\n\nCalvest Salable: SO. Stock ealves\nwbout steady, few lots good and choice\nstock steer calves 17.00-18.50; few\nmedium and good 14,00-15.50. No veal-\n#73 sold.\n\nHogs: Salable: 100. Butcher hogs and\nsows largely nteady, mixed lots U. 5S.\nNoe. 1 ts 3 barrows and gilts 190-230\nibs. 17.00-17.50; one lot No. 1 and 2\n17.60; few No. 3 and 3 in same weight\n16.50. Bulk 350-300 lb. smws 12.50-14.50,\n\nSheep: Salable: 2,500. Slaughter |\napring lambs strong te 25 cents higher;\nFeeder lambs sotd in developing price\ntrend, Bulk good to mostly choice\nsmalt Jots spring slaughter lambs 18.00-\n18,50 Flat, few good 17.90-17.50; colt\nto good slaughter ewes 2.7.\nJot medium and gond 73 1b. feeding\nJambs 15.00, some held considerably\nhigher, i\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1770.969154296875, 249.4360732421875, 2196.324302734375, 1351.5472031250001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Charlotte Kihlstrom Ern-\nstrom, 89. widow of Peter Ern-\nstrom, died this morning at the\nhome of a daughter, Mrs. Jay\nHilderman, in Parma, Idaho.\n\nShe has resided in Idaho for\nthe past 11s years. Prior to that\ntime she resided at 2239 Monroe\nBlvd., in Ogden. ;\n\nShe was born Oct. 15, 1865 in\nAnimskog Parish Dalsland. Swe-\nden. a daughter of Gustaf and\nAnna Marie Olsen Kihistrom.\nShe was a convert to the LDS\nChurch and came to Utah in\n: 1885.\n\n' On Dec. 23, 1886, she was mar-\nried to Peter Ernstrom in the\nLogan LDS Temple. Mr, Ern-\nstrom died Oct. 2, 1943. in Ogden.\nShe had been active for many\nyears in the Relief Society of the\nOgden Sixth Ward.\n\n| She is survived by two sons\nand two daughters: Henry L.\n‘Ernstrom, Portland, Ore.: Mrs.\nDavid (Mabel) Fletcher and. Ed-\n; ward E. Ernstrom, both of Og-\n/den, and Mrs. Jay (Elsie) Hilder-\nman, Parma, Ida, Also 19 grand-\n‘children and 14 great-grandchil-\n| dren.\n\n' Funeral services will be con-\n: ducted Saturday at 1 p.m. in the\n‘Myers and Foulger Rose Chapel\n‘with former Bishop Arthur Hal-\niverson, of the Ogden Sixth Ward.\n| officiating, Friends may call at\n{the mortuary chapel Friday from\n16 until 9 v.m. and Saturday 10\njam. until time of services.\n\n' Burial will be in the Ogden\n| City Cemetery, directed by My-\nlors and Pavleee MARIA\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2625.78433984375, 1052.402748046875, 3039.476646484375, 1360.3893662109376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Ward was received today by\nMr. and Mrs, Jules Dieu, 341\n‘Porter Ave. that their son Je he\nDieu. 87, was fatally ir\nan accident while at w\nday in Sacramento, C\n\nNo details of the accident were\navailable. He was a former Ogeéer\nresident,\n\nThe body wili be shipped tc\nOgden for funeral services ance\n‘burial.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 917.8915786132812, 219.3774337158203, 1345.8356552734376, 626.2083969726563 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "| Suit asking $21,093.15 and ex-\n'penses has been filed in Second\nDistrict Court by Mrs. Bee Lo-\n'gan and her husband, James H.\nLogan, against Skaggs Drug\nStores, Inc. 2359 Washington\nBlvd., and Jane Doe, an unknown\nemploye.\n_ The plaintiffs allege that on or\n‘about March 14, 1954, Mrs. Lo-\n‘gan tripped over a. small stool\n‘left “negligently” in one of the\n‘aisles of the slore.\n\nShe said she suffered bruises\n‘and contusions about the body,\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 52.05715560913086, 146.4561309814453, 833.2528686523438, 322.164794921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Wall Street Advances\nBut Volume Is Lower\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 917.802001953125, 66.13062286376953, 1717.024658203125, 215.07090759277344 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Woman Sues Skaggs Store;\nSays She Tripped Over Stool\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1771.54703515625, 1443.460853515625, 2190.24983984375, 2045.6225205078126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "BrMiGHAM CITY — Chauncey\n'R. Hansen, 83, formerly of Brig:\n‘ham City, died Monday morning\nvat his residence in Rexburg, Ida.\nho.\n| He was born June 2, 1872, in\nBrigham City, a son of Ferdinand\n‘and Catherine Rasmussen Han-\nsen. He was reared and educated\nin Brigham City.\n\nHe is survived by three sisters\nand one brother: Mrs. Annie Val-\nentine, Mrs. Thora Nelson, Mrs.\nLouisa Watkins, and Albert Han-\nsen, all of Brigham City.\n\nFuneral services were held in\nRexburg. Additional funeral\nservices will be conducted tomor-\nrow at 5 p.m. at the Felt Mor-\ntuary Chapel in Brigham City.\nFriends may call at the Felt Mor-\ntuary tomorrow prior to services,\n\nurial will be in the Brigham\nCity Cemetery,\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1358.006591796875, 2538.002685546875, 1755.0804443359375, 3450.978515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n5-H-E* oi. No. 2602441\n\nYou enjoy extra warmth\nfrom the same fuel con-\nsempuon with Holly's\n“Secondary Hear Ex-\nchanger. Only Holly\nhas the S-H-E which\nheats air drawn from\nfloor leveland discharges\n\neeeeaa | 2s “boous” warmth!\nGet complete NarroW all facts.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nFOR HEATING\n3525 Grant Ph. 3-1551\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1345.2057265625, 221.27791589355468, 1764.9731064453126, 624.68196875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "right forearm, right arm and both\nknees, and a sprain of her lower\nback. As a result of these in-\njuries, the suit alleges, she now\nhas trouble moving, has to wear\na brace on her leg, and cannot\nsleep at night.\n\nDamages asked include $15.000\ngeneral damages and $1.093.13\necial damages. plus 35.000 for\nMr, Logan for loss of services.\ncomfort, society. and campanion-\nship of his wife.\n\nAlso asked are medical and\nhospital expenses and costs of\nthe suit.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1769.4392470703126, 2124.038734375, 2187.253990234375, 2307.8826523437497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "FIELDING ~ Funeral serv-\nices for Eugene Cannon, 72, who\ndied yesterday, will be conduct-\n}ed tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the\n| Fielding Ward Chapel by Bishop\n/Rosel Zuncell.\n| Friends may call this evening\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 488.5003662109375, 2353.263916015625, 860.6150512695312, 2516.165283203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Pollution Board\nWill Consider\nSalt Lake Order\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2202.733802734375, 384.974037109375, 2624.571373046875, 959.7412338867188 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Word was received in Osden\nyesterday of the death of Paula\nBrooke Price. 3'2-month-old\ndaughter of Leslie Dean and\nMaurine Gammel Price in Sunny-\nvale, Calif. The parents are for-\nmerly of Ogden.\n\nThe child was born June 17,\n1955, in Oakland. Calif.\n\nShe is survived by her par-\nrents, and the fallowing brothers\nland sister: Craig Gammel Price,\n‘Jon Reed Price and Leslie Dean\nPrice, and the following grand-\nparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie UL.\nPrice and Mr. and Mrs. Reed\n.Gammel, all of Ogden.\n\nFuneral services were conduct-\nda oteday in Sunnyvale. Burial\niwas in Saratoga, Calif.\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1344.7331923828126, 884.45230859375, 1771.0826035156251, 1582.7294541015626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "' ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo. (AP)\n;Follawing in another vehicle, Or-\niville D. Mueller of Douglas\niwatched his 22-vear-old wife and\n‘a 17-month-old son swerve to\nideath into an oncoming truck\nl yesterday.\n| The car smashed into the side\n:of an eastbound Columbia Paow-\n| der Co. truck five miles east of\njhere.. The boy, Jack Dale, was\n| killed instantly. Mrs. Helene\n‘Mueller died two hours later.\nMueller, a construction worker\nfor Mountain States Telephone &\n'‘Pelegraph Co., was being trans-\nferred from Rawlins, Wvyo., to\n| Rock Springs. He was follow-\njing their car in a pickup truck\npulling’ a house trailer.\nThe driver of the truck, Guy\n| M. Shurtz of Rawlins, said he\n‘tried to pull over to avoid the\n;erash. The powder truck was\nmpty.\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2201.888099609375, 1093.04605859375, 2626.330162109375, 1357.0032578125001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Thomas Doxey Watkins, 70.\n‘former Ogdenite. died recently\n‘in Mesa, Ariz. His body will be\n‘brought to Ogden for funeral\niservices and burial. Arrange-\nments will be announced later.\n\n: While in Ogden he lived at 286\n4th St. (In yesterday's paper his\ntame was erroneously listed as\n/Kenneth Watkins.)\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 58.157405792236325, 486.6575393066406, 487.9762802734375, 714.0028916015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Favorable business news\nsparked the rise which was or-\nderly.\n\nGeneral Motors achieved the\nhonor of heing the first major\nissue to recover all its loss and\nset a new high. At its top of\n$145.50 the issue was up. nearly\n$6.a share from vesterday’s close\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2196.743080078125, 1441.4397353515626, 2614.766197265625, 1730.9550400390626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "| LAYTON — Funeral services\n:for Hyrum W, Peterson, 62, will\nbe conducted tomorrow at 1 p.m.\n{in the Grover LDS Ward Chapel.\n| Grover, Wyo. Friends may call\n‘alt the family home at Grover to.\ni; night and tomorrow until time of\n| services,\n\nBurial will be in the Grover\n|Cemetery, directed by the Sun-\n|set Mortuary of Cleartield,\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1342.99918359375, 1708.8630751953126, 1765.2405625000001, 2099.08870703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "| SPRINGVILLE (AP)—A 15-\ni year-old boy on the way te school\n{today was struck by an oil tanker\n‘and killed.\n\n| He was Billy Lee, son of Mr.\naml Mrs. A, B. Lee of Spring-\nville\n\nHis injuries included a frac\ntured leg, arm and skull.\n| The accident occurred at 9th\nSouth in Springville.\n\nThe death brought Utah's trat-\nfic fatality toll for the year to\n146, compared to 138 for the eor-\n‘Tesponding period of 1954.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 52.4930686340332, 2943.88785546875, 477.67971044921876, 3201.90071875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\nCHICAGO (AP-UISDAI—Caitle: 17.000;\nsalable calves: 300; steers and heifers\nsteady to 25 lower: cows steady to 25\nhigher; vealers and stockers and teed-\ners stead: we steers 1,050-1.255 |b:\n24.00-25.5 Prime 1,250-1,335 lbs. 23.40-\n24.00; choice and prime steers 4,250\nYbs. up 21.50-29.25: high commercial\nand good steers 18.50-21.4 hoice\nand prime heifers 21.75. food\nand choite heifers 18.75-21.51 utility\nand cammercial caws 10.25-14.00; can-\n\nners and cutters 4.25-11.06; vealers\n25.00 dawn.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1356.82177734375, 655.9979858398438, 1770.789794921875, 871.963134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Sees Wife, Son\nDie in Crash at\nRock Springs\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1342.9465712890626, 2218.392982421875, 1762.0179062500001, 2493.418052734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "|_ DENVER (AP) — The Atomic\nEnergy Commission here has re-\nstored to public domain 31,320\nacres in southwestern Colorado\nand eastern Utah because ex-\n‘ploration: determined it had no\nsubstantial deposits of uranium.\n\nThe land was withdrawn in 1948\nand 1951 by the Interior Dept.\nand turned over to AEC uranium\nlexperts,\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2194.78726953125, 75.28549951171875, 2624.047203125, 297.65184790039064 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "'from 7 to 9 at Rogers Mortuary.\nin Tremonton and tomorrow,\nfrom 10 a.m. until time of serv-\nlices at the family home in Field-\ning.\n\n| Interment will be in the Ficld-\n‘ing cemetery.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2631.297119140625, 898.3501586914062, 3023.953125, 1045.84521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Accident Kills\nJohn Dieu, 37\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 947.902099609375, 3547.087158203125, 1742.313232421875, 4640.15087890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Its Quality |\nCaptivates...\n\nIts Price |\nSUPPTISCS oa\n\nKing William IV r\n\nBLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY\n\n \n\nThe supremely mellow\nscotch whisky for your\ngreatest.enjoyment.\n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1775.3385009765625, 2375.2431640625, 3454.665771484375, 4625.4541015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n\nWhy not enjoy the finest—when\n\n.\n\nyou get more-for-your-money in\n\n— Pabst Blue Ribbon\n\n \n\n> These super tall HALF QUART cans\nof Pabst Bine Ribbon actually\ngive you one-third more beer—\nenough to satisfy a king size thirst.\nPick up the more-for-your-money 4-Pak\nof King Size cans today! Enjoy the\nperfect combination of real beer\nflavor and gentle delicacy found only\nin Pabst Biue Ribbon.\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\nTHAN REGULAR 12-O7. Size\nKing size cans for\nKing size thirsts\n\n \n\nPick up the 4t PAIK Y\n> Finger-lock handle makes 4-Pak\n\neasy to carry!\n\n> Narrow earton takes less\nrefrigerator space!\n\n> Open ends mean quicker cooling\nmsCans easier to remove!\n\nlUkatll you hove?\n\nG1955 Pabst Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 496.57489013671875, 3654.97314453125, 882.2841186523438, 3968.978515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\n@ FOR RENT @\n\nFURNACE VACUUMS\nFLOOR SANDERS\nWALLPAPER STEAMERS\nINVALID WHEELCHAIRS\nHOSPITAL BEDS\n\n“We Rent Most Anything”\n\nUnited Rent-All\n\n1013 Wash. Bivd. Dial 4.3469\nsii-pruiiiimmmenmnmmemneniininiiiin dik ii ee\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1343.8897705078125, 2118.2626953125, 1724.599365234375, 2211.2666015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Many Acres Restored\nTa Public Domain\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2195.076576171875, 1851.8081435546876, 2612.849205078125, 2314.770103515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Miss tha Maude Leatham,\n72, Wellsville.\n| William E. Brewster, 48, for-\n|merly of Salt Lake City, in Los\n| Angeles,\n| Wayne Nichols Winter Jr,\n6-month-old son of Mr. and Mr\n| Wayne N. Winter, Salt Lake City.\n\nJohn Henry Daughters, 75, re-\ntired carpenter, Salt Lake City.\n\nMrs, Matilda L, B. Bradbury,\n67, Salt Lake City.\n\nJoseph Knighton, 72, real es-\ntate dealer, Salt Lake City.\n| Fred J. Kidman, 73, farmer\nand blacksmith, Mendon.\n\nLee Ben Barlow, 23, Salt Lake\nCity.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 491.18540185546874, 510.901283203125, 923.3027573242188, 718.3548203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "3\n\n‘and up $12.75 from the Monday |\nTow.\n\nChrysler joined the procession -\nrand rose nearly $4 with its price!\nonly $2 under the Monday low. |\nIn the steels, Wheeling féa-\nured by rising more than 33.\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 46.92895883178711, 3297.970375, 471.25621801757814, 3500.6949082031247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n\nIEE TEE OISSSSSLC ae\nCHICAGO (API—Wheat. none,\nCorn, No. 1 yellow 1.34; No. 3 4.3312-\n\n1.43%; Na. 38 1.3012,\n\nOats, Na. i extra heavy mixed Bu\nNo. 1 extra heavy white 64-6514: N\ni extra heavy white weevily 6414.\n\nSoybean oil 1042. Soybean meal 63.00-\n66.00.\n\nBarley nominal; maiting choice 1.20-\n1.41; feed 78-94,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 49.77900314331055, 4012.789306640625, 893.30126953125, 4604.03173828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n\nBacto She ee ee 2 2 ee re 2 ne\n\nLow on Cash?\n\nesi Pick Your Own Payments ~ : wi\nMacks 20 Mo Pran| 24 Mo. Fin Get $25 te $2000 in 1 Trip\n» Phone for 1-trip loan. Upon approval,\npick up cash, Loan custams-tailored to\nyour needs, income. Reduce payments,\nconsolidate bills. with our Bil? Con.\nsolidation Service. Phone,‘or come in.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\nAbove paoyme:\nLoans overs $600 ond up t\nsmode by eneficial\n(on ofilisted\n\nBenoficigl FINANCE CO.\n(Resnal\n\n. FINANCE co.\n385 24th ST., 2nd Floor, ECCLES BLDG., OGDEN\nPhone; 4-5575 + Ask for the YES MAMNager\n\nOPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT — PHONE FOR EVENING HOURS\nLoans medé fo residents of of! suzrounding towns\n\n \n \n \n\nSYSTEM\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2201.279541015625, 975.1334838867188, 2625.11328125, 1085.3631591796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Thomas D. Watkins\n‘Dies in Arizona\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1345.9254150390625, 1595.865966796875, 1751.1556396484375, 1702.650146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Springville Youth\nKilled by Tanker\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 910.8872451171875, 3076.688880859375, 1332.1078720703126, 3450.5989609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "SALT LAKE CITY (AP) —\nEducators, parents and others\ninterested in the schools question\nmeet here tomorrow night to\ndraft resolutions on what they\nthink schools should be and do.\n\nThe meeting, similar to others\nbeing held around the state, is a\npreliminaty to the state confer.\nence on education, at which\nUtah’s recommendations will be\nset up at the Nov, 28 White House\nConference on Education in\nWashington. D. C.\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2616.5963515625, 2118.42203515625, 3040.560142578125, 2326.0108261718747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "We cannor fully express our feeling\nof eratitude to our friends, neish-\nbors and relatives who showed us\nsuch kindness and sympathy In the\nloss of our brother and uncle, Frank-\n[lin Boss. We wish to express our\n| thanics for the many beautiful foral\n| offerings and’ to every one who\nhelped us in any way during our\n| ume of loss and sorrow.\nTHE BOSS FAMILY\n\n \n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 42.61864465332031, 3570.40396875, 472.7124558105469, 3763.9112167968747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": " \n\nOMAHA (UFP)-—Catth 8,500; calves;\n295; fed steers and heifers generaily\nsteady; cows mostly 28 higher: siack-\ners and feeders slow and wea mostiy\nchoice to low prime fed steers 21.25-\n23.00; loari choice to prime 1,150 Ib\nfed steers 223.25. seme held higher;\nchoice heifers 20.50-21.75; mastly prime\nheifers held upward to 22.50; vealers\ntap 17.00.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 911.3760375976562, 2971.92138671875, 1264.2835693359375, 3067.189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "SLC Parents, Others\nTo Study Schools\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 958.0657958984375, 660.7314453125, 1304.3466796875, 783.5755615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "S. L. MINING”\nQUOTATIONS\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 46.132320343017575, 332.3629836425781, 909.9500961914063, 487.98082739257814 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (UP)—Autos and steels led stocks higher on\nTeduced volume today.\n\nIndustrials at the highs had recovered nearly 60.per cent of\nthe losses set on Monday, Yeslerday they gained 33 per cent of\nthe decline with the remainder in today’s session.\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 41.80305093383789, 3832.40738671875, 468.94130712890626, 3971.9644394531247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "South Carolina has a standout\nground gainer back this season,\nHe is halfback Ed Sutton of Cul-\nJowhee, N, C., who averaged 11.2\nyards per carry in 1954.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 473.98178857421874, 3527.255287109375, 904.0250473632813, 3635.4280624999997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "=\n\nFor allegedly maintaining an\nunlicensed dog, A. O. Davis, 748\n28th St, forfeited $16 bail in the\n| City Court,\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 89.73702239990234, 1587.0633544921875, 449.2176818847656, 1634.617431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "OGDEN LIVESTOCK\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2620.191078125, 1468.082435546875, 3042.01155859375, 1878.3792343750001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS\nRupert L. Cline, Nampa. for-\nmer editor of the Glenns Ferry\n; Gazette,\nJean Paul Jones Jr., 34, Meridi-\nian, at Boise.\n: Joseph Voight, 69, Meridian.\nWilliam P. Reavis, 71, Weiser.\nHerbert Legg. Lowe, 78, Aber-\n‘deen, at American Falls.\n| Mrs. Janice Jessen Holt, 37,\nPocatello.\nJohn Simonettie, 80, Pocatello.\n: Mrs. Mima Riches, 78, Idaho\n| Falls.\n\n| Chauncey R. Hanson, Rexburg,\n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 478.20554345703124, 3360.118080078125, 902.5678940429688, 3471.1519394531247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "George Geertsen, 41, of 8019\nMadison Ave., forfeited $14 bail\n\nin the iCty Court on a speeding\ncomplaint,\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 545.717529296875, 1592.5291748046875, 851.9905395507812, 1635.6890869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "GRAIN FUTURES\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 2205.443359375, 318.2939758300781, 2625.36376953125, 376.82183837890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "Paula Brooke Price\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 46.613059997558594, 3783.702880859375, 391.0548400878906, 3829.4521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "11.2-Yord Averacae\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 2202.74560546875, 1380.4827880859375, 2553.28857421875, 1433.96484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "H. W. Peterson\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1771.225830078125, 2067.09716796875, 2138.806396484375, 2118.931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Eugene Cannon\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 2629.739173828125, 322.8852919921875, 3047.33382421875, 888.23421484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Sow Mlan—hicnara ©. and De-\nlene Thomson, Kavsville. girl,\nSept. 27,\n\nThompson — LaVar and\n\n \n \n\nlene Syracuse.\nSept. 27.\nLittle—Donald D. and Geo\n\n \n \n\nDoty. 643 26th Si, boy. Sent \\\nMoss—Stanley D. and Norine\n\nHalt, Clearfield. box, Sepi. 28.\nST. BENEDICT'S HOSPITAL\nVieira — Albert and Poa\n\nPistoria 3 Madison Ave. girl,\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nVictor and Bonnie\n884 Binford $1. boy,\n\n \n \n\nFaleone — Nunzio and Jennie\nGuzman. Lavten, girl, Sept. 28.\n" }, "50": null, "51": { "bbox": [ 75.99018096923828, 2885.556640625, 461.5938415527344, 2930.417236328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO LIVESTOCK\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 1781.406494140625, 1374.646240234375, 2087.263916015625, 1425.471435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "C. R. Hansen\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 2650.750244140625, 106.11975860595703, 3018.970458984375, 216.78106689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "VITAL\nSTATISTICS\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 485.8300476074219, 3487.577392578125, 764.731201171875, 3524.64697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "Unlicensed Don\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 2612.79459375, 1942.12906640625, 3036.59358984375, 2049.9745712890626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "J. A. Jensen, 40, of 4035 Madi-\nson Ave,, forfeited $14 bail in\nthe City Court on 2 speeding\n‘complaint.\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 2625.12744140625, 1895.506103515625, 3001.6162109375, 1937.471923828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "Leaves Speedina Boj]\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 134.09625244140625, 3249.293701171875, 393.7275085449219, 3290.066162109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "CASH GRAIN\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 3055.38427734375, 94.81753540039062, 3299.6748046875, 147.9410858154297 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "FUNERALS\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 2678.452392578125, 2078.376953125, 2972.44091796875, 2118.395263671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "Card of Thanke\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 2646.035400390625, 1381.5555419921875, 3025.779296875, 1446.3387451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "IDAHO DEATHS\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 81.1336898803711, 3516.873046875, 446.1730041503906, 3561.054931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "OMAHA LIVESTOCK\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 1805.8541259765625, 91.76042938232422, 2167.94873046875, 165.4857177734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "OBITUARIES\n" }, "63": null, "64": { "bbox": [ 107.08251953125, 731.9979858398438, 864.144775390625, 796.8583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE\n\n \n" }, "65": { "bbox": [ 2224.593994140625, 1754.729736328125, 2586.072265625, 1806.503662109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 65, "ocr_text": "UTAH DEATHS\n" }, "66": null, "67": { "bbox": [ 1775.640869140625, 189.45616149902344, 2192.058349609375, 238.90548706054688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "Mrs. C. K. Ernstrom\n" }, "68": { "bbox": [ 490.3704528808594, 3323.4619140625, 776.9852294921875, 3360.552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 68, "ocr_text": "Forfeits $14 Bail]\n" }, "69": { "bbox": [ 3049.064697265625, 1247.0614013671875, 3472.625732421875, 2340.5283203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 69, "ocr_text": " \n\nFUNERAL DIRECTORY\nOV ER SEVENTY SEES\nWe: | Mave rendered the f\nservi profession know\n\ndaptable ta the desires”\nand means of everyone.\nOur fa tes are haime-ltke\njug. Members\nJeral Directors\n\nLARKIN & SONS |\n\nPhone 7825\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n5\n\nFLORISTS\n\nAnd the Flowers Are\nFurnished by\nOlive and Mark\nKLENKE FLORAL\n\n2955 Washington, Phone 4-3474\n\nzzie Norseth Flowers\nSpecializing in Your\nFloral Needs\n2380 Klesel Ave. Phone 3-316¢\nRome Fhone 3-S7712\n\nJIMMY'S FLOWER SHOP\n\nFuneral Designs Our Spectalty\nDial 6292\n450 25th St. Home Phone 4-5641\n\nELIZABETH’S\nFLOWER SHOP\n466 24th St. Dial 6811\nWEBER FLORAL CO.\n\nGreenhouse, 740 28th St. Phone 8638\n\nOgden City Floral Co.\n2219 Washington: Bivd Diai 3.8767\na ed Rist 2 Tsi\n\nba Re a Stee\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n———-\n\n@yhen Standard-Examiner\n\nEntered at the Postoflice at Ogden,\nUtah, as second class matter accord-\ning to Act of Congress, March 8, 1879,\n\nSubscription price $1.40 per month.\nMember cf The Associated Press,\nUnited Press. NEA Service and 4.B.C.\nSEAR eee eee eee ses eee eyed\n" }, "70": { "bbox": [ 986.3778686523438, 776.5238647460938, 1282.970458984375, 800.674560546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 70, "ocr_text": "J. A. HOGLE & co.\n" }, "71": null, "72": { "bbox": [ 373.8946533203125, 798.1248779296875, 627.9343872070312, 821.1809692382812 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 72, "ocr_text": ") A. HOGLE & CoO.\n" }, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 17, 2 ], [ 17, 18 ], [ 2, 18 ], [ 9, 21 ], [ 16, 26 ], [ 16, 37 ], [ 26, 37 ] ]
[ 7266.3154296875, 9302.611328125 ]
[ [ 2, 17 ], [ 9, 21 ], [ 17, 18 ], [ 26, 37 ], [ 37, 16 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2089.59491796875, 2695.23358984375, 3830.204642578125, 6195.4543984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Tf President Kisenhower fellows the expected course\nand declines to run again next vear, then he will have a\nchance to cast some pretty big doubt on the worth of an\nold W ashington politieal axiom,\n\nThe rule in question is the one that says a President\nwho makes known his intention not to seek re-election\npromptly loses his major political influence both with\nCongress and with his own party.\n\nThere is considerable reason to donbt that this will\napply in Mr. Eisenhower’s ease. There is, indeed, reason\n‘to doubt that it ever applies automatically. It seems\n\nrather to be a matter of individuals,\n\nMr. Kisenhower, as we all know, is tremendously\npopular with the American voters. Nothing short of war\n‘or depression is likely to reduce his standing measur-\nably. Barring those ealamities, one may fairly predict\nthat his popularity will continue high to the end of his\nterm.\n\nThis will not be something that either Congress or\nthe Republican party will be able to ignore. The Pres-\nident’s high status with voters gives him leverage that\nhe can employ to help push his program through the legis-\nlative roadbloe ks,\n\nHis popularity plus his position as top nartv man\nmakes it extremely risky for the average Republican pol-\nitician to stand out against the President so long as he\nholds offiee. Voters who like the President and what he\nstands for might take a glum view of the GOP lawmaker\nwho declined to support him.\n\nIn addition, the record Mr. Kisenhower makes in the\nWhite House is a kev nart cf the record evervone jn his\nparty must run on. To separate oneself markedly from\nthat record is to seem to repudiate it.\n\nAll this takes on perhans especial meaning in his\nease when it he remembered that the kind of performance\nhe has been delivering has found high favor with the\nelectorate. His stress on peace, and his evident success.\nin exploring new avenues toward it, has lifted him to a_\npeak of esteem. |\n\nTn the view of many. the President almost surely\nwill press this auest harder than ever if Janvary. 1957,\nis the limit of his tenure. For this has alwavs heen his\ndeepest concern as Chief Exeentive. And he has enough\nof a sense of history to want to leave his mark in the most\nerucial field of all.\n\nTf he thus dedieates himself in the months ahead, |\nMr. Eisenhower will be a verv hard man to be against. |\nMore than ever before he could place himself above nar- |\nrow partisanship, devoted to the national well-being and\nsafety.\n\nFar from losing his influence in Washington, he\nmight find it greater than at any time in his entire term. |\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2069.580025390625, 7680.01972265625, 3764.520560546875, 8693.758109375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Happy Birthday to: Edna Bell Welborn, Lambert Miller, Vilas\nWalker, Ralph Bratcher, Buford Clark, Richard McDougal, Mrs,\nHoward Strong.\n\nMiss Ruth Millett, assistant director of Women’s activities and\ndirector of publicity at the college is one of fifteen persons to be\nappointed a member of the state advisory committee of the national\nyouth administration for the state of Missouri.\n\nMr. and Mrs, Harold Allen will go to Kansas City in the morn-\ning from where they will leave Thursday for San Pedro, California,\nwhere they will make their future home. They will live with Mr.\nAllen’s brother, E. B, Allen, until they get located permanently,\n\nA deal has been completed whereby Walter Williams has pur-\nchased the 3l-acre farm just north of the State Teachers College\ncampus, from C. P. Durbin.\n\nGeorge McMurry, jr., who has been in California for several\nweeks returned home Saturday.\n\nThe tragedy in the present economic planning by the govern-\nment with the huge spending involved, the relief rolls fail to show\n\nany marked improvement, says S, A. McClurg, in an open letter to\nthe editor.\n\né\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1212.6768271484375, 4493.800484375, 2066.37285546875, 5626.8879921875005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "NAEWRN AS VEEL LD, BVEICLI, me (A) me\nWildlife researchers have been\nstudying bears, up close. Big bears\nthey catch—1l5 so far this year—\nin traps made out of big steel cul-\nverts. With the bear inside, they\npump some anesthetic in, then at-\ntach their ear tags, record weights\nand measurements and depart while\nbruin is snoozing.\n\nBut there was a demand this year\nfor a check on little bears. Some\nSmall steel traps were put out, and\nsoon the news came: a cub was\ncaptured.\n\nA research crew set out, with\nnotebook, pencils, tapes and such—\nall the equipment needed with one\nexception. No experienced bear\nwrestler. That’s what they needed\nmost. With a couple of toes in the\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5656.4130859375, 617.0946655273438, 7259.5751953125, 2233.815185546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nDOWN ci COMES =) THE CUR TAIN, tarts paneessas\nOVER! tT CANTEVEN Jp JAKES 900 |} O'RACLE,\n(ve BROUGHT IN A THE OLD §\n\n \n \n \n\nWIN A FALL WITH MY\n\n EIGGER WHAT KINDA / SALE AND 7 MIND\n\n2 YOu ARE/-7 FC (KE y petal qu\net \\ TM, NO CROOK AS\n\nfee FO eae, “tie: EVER HEAR ‘e J }\n\n: é A, ¢ ¢ a 5 OF O'RACLE\n_¥ s, peti, Bead ge I JHE ORE AT ¢ Z J es a!\n. ee. . \\ a 7 A ; | L = pe ~~ F > re ;\n\nmeet TT\n} tj\n\n \n\nan\n\n10-28\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2153.351318359375, 646.2657470703125, 3822.66943359375, 2414.9775390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2087.700142578125, 6591.08124609375, 3769.248099609375, 7593.1946328125005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Elder and Mrs. William B. Torrance, who reside on a farm south-\nwest of Guilford, celebrated their forty-eighth wedding anniversary\nyesterday with an open house. The couple was married Oct. 27, 1897.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Luther Forsyth and Mrs. Earl Braniger, who have\nbeen visiting in Washington, D. C., will return to Maryville this week.\nThe Forsyth’s have been visiting Col. and Mrs. Ed V. Condon and\nMrs. Braniger has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lewis.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Woodruff, Richmond, have purchased the\nHeekin Coal and Stoker Co., from Mrs. James Heekin and will take\nimmediate possession.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Clement Rickman, Daytona Beach, Fla., have sold\ntheir property at 1332 N. Main St., to Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bosch,\nwho reside at 142 N. Mulberry St.\n\nRoy Smith and Lynn Hawkins, both of Maryville, and Dr. Dean\nWeightman, Mound City, have returned from a pheasant hunting\ntrip to the Dakotas.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Forrest T. Gillam were hosts to the Monday Sup-\nper Club last night at Hotel Linville. Mrs. B. Z. Palmer, Indepen-\ndence, who is visiting at the Gillam home, was an additional guest.\n\n@eeemnscliene\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2279.0556640625, 6262.73291015625, 3660.20556640625, 6419.3623046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "DOWN MEMORY LANE\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5655.12890625, 2447.635498046875, 7234.88818359375, 3975.782470703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\n: 7 = — ne\nTey as |\n\nZ Zong 1\n\nire)\n\n\\ a\n\n \n\nform a\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3870.8671875, 1384.9713134765625, 5570.025390625, 4049.5556640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Answer to Previous Puzzle\n\n \n\nACROSS 2 Toward the\n1 Former sheltered side\n\n \n\n \n\nPresident, 3 Government\noa\nives :\nee Screen ARETE Seer este\n, ” unchausen\n8 shea 5 ‘Emerald Isle” Say SEY ERS\n12 Malt beverage 5 Tighter\n13 Region 7 Repulsive :\n14 Bundle woman 25 War god 38 Steep slope\n15“——. o’ My 8 Home 26 Concise 40 Chillers\nHeart” 9 Venture 27 Worth 41 Hoarder\n16 Skin diseases 10 Singer, wanting 42 Prayer ending\n18 Adds flavor ~——- Gluck 28Individuals 43 Wash\n20 Notions 11 Disorder 29 Simple 44 Followers\n21 Metal 17 Cold season 31 Tarter 4§ Spanish jar\n22 Sea eagle 19 Cavity 33 Father of 47 Pace\n24 Precipitation 23 Flowers Rachel and 48 Girl’s name\n\n26 Horse's gait 24Speed contest Leah (Bib.) 50 Butterflies\n\n27 Joe -\nDiMaggio's\nbrother\n\n30 Waken\n\n32 Moon goddess\n\n34 Check\n\n35 Expunger\n\n36 Worm\n\n37 Employs\n\n39 Alpine wind\n\n40 Angers\n\n41 Damage\n\n42 Wonderland\ngirl\n\n45 Metal money\n\n49 Fabrics\n\n§1 Evil\n\n52 Always\n\n53 Heraldic bani\n\n54 Scottish\nwaterfall\n\n55 Cape\n\n56 Mast\n\n57 Greek letter\n\nDOWN\n1 Head apparel\n(pl.)\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3871.313423828125, 552.6570517578125, 4723.6653359375, 1011.4048989257813 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "TEMPLE, Tex. — (7) — A soldier\nwalked up to Policeman Press Rich-\nardson and announced he'd had one\ndrink too many and please lock kim\nup. He went willingly to the pokey\nand didn’t complain a bit when he\nhad to wait around until they found\na key to a cell.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 344.92444677734375, 6230.046578125, 2016.06230859375, 9274.504203125001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "VV ASHINGTON—(NEA)—The Eisenhower Cabinet has now swept\nunder the table any consideration of whether the convalescing\nPresident can delegate powers to Vice President Richard M. Nixon,\nIt appears the Republicans are counting on President Eisenhow-\ner’s complete recovery and full resumption of his duties.\n\nThe decision that it would not be necessary to give an opinion on\nthis delegation-of-powers question was made by Deputy Attorney\nGeneral William P. Rogers and Department of Justice Legal Coun-\nsel J. Lee Rankin.\n\nAttorney General Herbert Brownell, Jr., has not overruled it.\n\nThere is not even a Cabinet plan to sponsor legislation in the\nnext Congress, clarifying what Article II, Section Five of the Con-\nstitution means. This covers the “inability to discharge the powers\nand duties.”\n\nCONGRESS HAS CLEAR AUTHORITY to deal with this matter.\nBut it has never defined what constitutes a President’s inability.\n\nThe question has been a subject of debate since the assassination\nof President Garfield in 1881. ‘It was discussed for a short time\nafter President McKinley was shot in 1901.\n\nWhen President Woodrow Wilson had a stroke in 1919, Vice\nPresident Thomas R. Marshall said the President had asked him\nto call a Cabinet meeting. Marshall disclosed that he had asked\nthe sheriff of his home county in Indiana whether he—Marshall—\nshould assume the duties of Wilson? The sheriff replied that in\nhis opinion, Marshall was actually President. But Marshall never\nassumed those powers.\n\nThe matter was fought over again at the end of President Frank-\nlin D. Roosevelt’s third term, when he was obviously just as sick\n“2 man as President Eisenhower, or even sicker.\n\nTWO PRINCIPAL MATTERS are involved. ;\n\nOne is the President's authority to sign executive orders, com-\nmissions and official papers. They number as many as 200 a day.\n\nThe second unclear area involves delegation of powers.\n\nCabinet officers and other agency heads are now believed to have\nauthority to handle most of the administrative matters which they\nhave customarily bucked to the President in the past.\n\nControversial questions like farm policy, inter-departmental\nsquatbles or foreign affairs will be taken up at Cabinet or National\nSecurity Council meetings.\n\nIn perhaps 10 per cent of the administrative actions, Cabinet\nofficers and agency heads cannot act. The Attorney General, for\n\ninstance, can begin almost any kind of a government lawsuit. But\nhe can’t grant a pardon.\n\nTHE SECRETARY OF STATE has perhaps less final authority\nthan any Cabinet officer. The making of foreign policy is reserved\nto the President by the Constitution.\n\nIt has never been determined whether the President could dele-\nfate this power to the Vice President or the Secretary of State by\nsimple notes saying, for instance:\n\nDear Dick (or Foster)\n\n1 am unable to act in the matter of recognizing the new gove\n\nernment of Argentina, Will you please handle?\n\nEx-President Harry Truman is of the opinion that the President\n\ncannot delegate these powers.\n_ Eventually, it will require a Supreme Court test. In the mean-\ntime, the Cabinet will attempt to carry out the Eisenhower policies,\nwith nothing more than occasional guidance such as Secretary of\nthe Treasury George M. Humphrey got at Denver recently.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4750.26513671875, 494.5355224609375, 5580.669921875, 1356.2838134765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\nWhy is it experience always\nteaches the things you would rath-\ner not learn? @NEAS\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 404.9141845703125, 1164.730712890625, 1752.100830078125, 1309.3541259765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Delayed Justice Is Injustice\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2113.8955078125, 2514.56005859375, 3398.988525390625, 2664.07275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Exception to the Axiom\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1633.482421875, 5678.5185546875, 2014.52685546875, 6206.8994140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 399.680419921875, 5832.17822265625, 1473.9068603515625, 6090.55615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Nixon Stays on Bench,\nCabinet Expects Ike Back\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1227.655953125, 3741.339302734375, 2086.269095703125, 4365.4602578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "ow wees eee aa\nThe problem of delayed justice—\nwhich means something near to\ndenied Justice—is not partisan, and\nat the next session of Congress\nthere ought to be a bi-partisan\nWillingness to equip the third co-\nordinate branch of the government\nwith the qualified manpower to do.\nLicking this grievous time lag is |\nurgent business.\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2025.0674521484375, 8737.91571875, 2875.16387109375, 9280.510062500001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "| trap, was a mature 315-pound black\n| bear. And he was mad.\n\nThey managed to pin the bear,\ntwo falls out of three or thereabouts.\nand gather the vital statistics. But\nif you want an experienced bear\nwrestler, look elsewhere for him\nThe research crew has reuired.\n\nee\n\n| ae | re. ss WR het Zk ks pe SS ene per”\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2903.45624609375, 8796.71259375, 3761.43633203125, 9239.824515625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "a we ee %\nWATERBURY, Conn. — (P) —\nWhen Mrs. Sarah Silverman found\n$400 and returned it to John Ruegg,\nan electrical contractor, she re-\nfused a reward but accepted his\noffer to make some electrical re-\npairs at her home without charge\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2602.83447265625, 476.66748046875, 3390.426025390625, 562.419677734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "ARMS AND THE MAN\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 463.2094421386719, 583.0220336914062, 867.3893432617188, 1157.2633056640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3870.1930625, 1050.4356162109375, 4707.254203125, 1334.3495400390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Jack Robinson of the Dodgers has\nplayed four positions in five World\nSeries -— first base in 1947, second\nbase in 1949 and 1952, left field in\n1953 and third base in 1955.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2642.28466796875, 7597.44384765625, 3205.344482421875, 7672.38916015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "2G YEARS AGO\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 987.4624633789062, 621.9929809570312, 1886.056396484375, 805.7689208984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 3881.5146484375, 5269.36181640625, 7208.3623046875, 6165.23779296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "WAS AVOL! KILLED BECAUSE HE\nKNEW SOMETHING NO ONE ELSE\nDOES, THE SQUETHING THAT\n\n \n \n \n\noo MISS AS--ILES WHO COE S | THORSTEN ROGERS. BUT\n\nNUNZIO NAME AS TONY I|/L'VE GOT TOFIND IT/ I\nTe. FUN INT, IN HIG NOTE) AVOLIS MURD ERERE\n\nS\\MPLY MUST. MAYBE AT\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n\nOTHER. La og T TELL ME o\nLVE LOST IT/\n\nNUNZIO SAYS ==\\v J | | HOME, WHEN IL OPENED MAKES YOU 50 ANXIOUS TO\nTRE seo ONLY ONE F PACE THE LETTER...L MUST, ~ FIND THAT PAGES?\nHERE! THERE WAS AN- V RUN. ILL PHONE sou’)\n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 363.4167258300781, 1391.419625, 1213.6852333984375, 5519.72441796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "VV AAAS ARRAS BMS\n\nMost Americans feel—and right-\n\nthe law is part of the heart and\n\ncenter of the democratic process.\n\nIf it is widely denied, democracy\nlf is in peril.\n\nThere is reason for genuine con-\nrn today. Not that the judicial\nrrocess is inequitable, not that it\nis unfair. But when justice is\ngrievously delayed, Justice is in\nreality being denied\n\n‘Throughout the —United-States\nrad justice is today being grie-\nvousiy delayed. The delays are get-\nt worse, not better.\n\nNothing that Congress and\nthe Justice Department have\ndone thus far is equal to the\nproblem, The logjam in the\ncourts is mounting. More cases\nare longer delayed than ever be-\nfore,\n\nThis is why Chief Justice War-\nren has been pressing for a whole\nseries of reforms in the Federal!\ncourts.\n\nThis is why Deputy Attorney\nGeneral William P. Rogers has de-\nscribed the logja 1 in the metro-\npolitan districts as “deplorable” and\nis by way of becoming “a disgrace\nto the nation.”\n\nThis is why Henry P. Chandler,\nDirector of the Administrative\nOffice of the U. S. Courts, has\ncalled the imcreasing congestion\nand delay in civil cases “a Serious |\nevil” desperately needing correc-.\ntion. |\n\nThis is why President Eisenhower\nauthorized Attorney General Her-\nbert Brownell to put the Adminis-\ntration behind new legislation at\nthe coming session of Congress.\n\n \n\nIn 1954 Congress created thirty\nnew judgeships.\n\nA year later the backlog of civil\ncases in the United States District\nCourts totaled 68,832 as against 68,-\n431 in 1964. Civil cases terminated\nin 1955 increased from 57,908 in the\nprevious year to 58,974. Though\nmore cases were completed, the\nbacklog grew.\n\nThe criminal case backlog light-\nened slightly but only because the\ncourts gave priority to criminal\ncases at the expense of civil litiga-\ntion.\n\nDeputy Attorney General Rogers\nfrankly says that we have now\nreached a point wherein justice is\nso delayed that it means “justice\ndenied.” Describing the time-lag in\nthe courts, one expert points to\nthese facts:\n\n“The median time for disposition\nof civil cases which were terminat-\ned by trial in District Courts, with\nor without jury, increased from\n13.5 months to 1964 to 14.6 months\nin 1955,\n\n“The time lag for cases tried by\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3923.5634765625, 8318.224609375, 7111.2705078125, 9302.611328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n\nEE ee\n|/ OH, FOR TH’ LOVE 0 ei 7\n( HERE~DON’T LOOK DOWN | 0.\n'( HANG ONTO MY HAND 0. K.»\nAND LOOK STRAIGHT AHEAD \\\ny : 3 eet inh “a\nRc .. ae ah\n\n \n \n \n\nRUN, SANDY! RuN!\nIT’S OUR ONLY CHANCE\nNOW-INTO TH’ WILDERNESS\nANYWHEREJUST .RUN #\n\nj 4 WHAT’S TH’ MATTER - Pele l GET\n* WITH You ? bizzy ON A\n-| C'M'ON,*FORE SHE | THING LIKE\n\\, GETS away! THAT:\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n“yr agen | ir 7 a \"yt rT\nte in \\\n: PEA |\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 5681.44482421875, 503.6174621582031, 6505.4111328125, 583.7282104492188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "OUR BUAKVING HUUSE\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3770.9111328125, 6294.75244140625, 7258.89892578125, 7206.71728515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n\nf\n\n~ A's’ PIGEON CAN'T KEEP\n\nHER BIO LAMPS OFFA\n\nff THAT PIGSKIN GOON ----I\nKe po\nSarre,\n_G “Soy Gee seals\n\nGOTTA DO SOMETH! NG\n_ ae DISTRACT HERS\n\ni ag\n\n \n \n \n\nAll gy iid as\nLETS PARALYZE\n‘eM Wild HE\nOLD Hic<eTy-\nwee EIGHT,\nSas i = oO\n\nHicvel’\n\n \n\nHiCKENY CHiciceTy.-. |\n* CHICKETY- ~~\n\n \n \n \n \n\nLr, aaearend (NOW si SHE a\n\n \n\nFil, Seo 1955 by NEA Se\n\n \n\ntee\n\ncn ne. 1 He U. 8. Pat Off.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 469.8136291503906, 5690.57177734375, 1547.9388427734375, 5784.8017578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "* WASHINGTON COLUMN x\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 3850.3125, 7307.9052734375, 7185.087890625, 8227.1904296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nYES, SIR, MR. LOSSAL,\nHE'S AREAL LIVE/ SAYS\n\nQUIET, YOU! THIS GUY'S GOT WHAT. FF\nGET BACK] | WE NEED TO STAY YEAH?\n\nIN THE IN BUSINESS ...SO WHAT'S\nGROOVE, LETS YOU NOT GO HE GOT\nQUEERING OUR \\\n\nCHANCES OF GETTING Dias\n1 SOME OF IT!\n\nEHP A REGULAR\nTROGLODYTE,\n\n‘ey\nfe oe HEP /)\n\nOo}\n\nyak\ni380 hi s§ ait\n\nVA:\nC*€ 2\nBere\n\nafi!\nma ee\niy\non. t\niG ‘\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\nTHRU THE PAGES\nOF HISTORY/\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n_0-26-—~\n\n™ Capr. 1955 by NEA Service, lon T. M. Reg. U. S. Pat OF,\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 563.6454467773438, 6102.40869140625, 1394.761962890625, 6221.1669921875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "BY PETER EDSON\nNEA Washington Correspondent\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1225.1802978515625, 4405.49853515625, 1820.4766845703125, 4474.7001953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Needed: Bear Wrestlers\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 6740.64697265625, 2289.50390625, 7256.48095703125, 2371.63525390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "By Hershberger\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2665.8818359375, 6488.0546875, 3211.509765625, 6572.15869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "10 YEARS AGO\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 6844.64599609375, 505.80322265625, 7266.3154296875, 588.8360595703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Major Hoople\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1246.2698447265625, 1348.0977255859375, 2080.256888671875, 3190.7454140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n\n12.6 months for cases tried by a\njury.”\n\nBut these figures put the best\nface on the problem. Look at\nwhat happens in the most con-\ngested courts, There the median\ntime lags in 1955 were: South-\nern New York, 45.9 months\nbetween the filing and the\ntermination of a case; Eastern\nNew York, 45.1; Northern Ohio,\n33.2; Western Pennsylvania,\n31.6; Colorado, 29.5 months,\nBight years ago the median time\n\non civil cases was nine months.\nBecause of the long tenure of the\nRoosevelt and Truman adminis-\ntrations, the balance of the Fed-\neral judiciary is largely Democratic.\nThere is, of course, no reason to\nassume that Democratic-appointed\njudges are responsible for creating\nthis time-lag any more than there\nis reason to assume that the Re-\npublican-appointed judges have\nmade it worse; but the uneven level!\nof judges is reflected in an uneven\nwork load. Better judges are need-\ned as well as more judges. “The\nCongressional Quarterly” makes\nthis interesting report on the cur-\nrent membership of the Federa/\n\nAPmAte tee\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 1097.7530517578125, 931.5760498046875, 1769.17138671875, 1049.6129150390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Roscoe Drummond\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 3866.844482421875, 4194.72900390625, 7203.255859375, 5141.7099609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Ee TERS IAS\nNAAN\n\n) I xo VO...\n\n~Ni WA leh ek aed\n\n‘ —\n\n,) YO CO.. oh\n\n \n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 5654.9765625, 2274.72119140625, 6287.7333984375, 2359.29833984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "FUNNY BUSINESS\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 3882.010009765625, 498.00677490234375, 4294.45068359375, 554.9102783203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Hla Picks His Jail\n" }, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 18, 35 ], [ 18, 48 ], [ 35, 48 ], [ 28, 38 ], [ 28, 47 ], [ 38, 47 ] ]
[ 6936.14651171875, 8759.406765625 ]
[ [ 18, 35 ], [ 28, 38 ], [ 35, 48 ], [ 38, 47 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1858.7613251953126, 6472.79294140625, 2695.897244140625, 7817.1889921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "sik a\n\nThe Rev. Harold E. Bates, dea-\ncon-in-charge of St. Mark’s Episco-\npal Church, left Sunday afternoon\nfor commencement week at the\nProtestant Episcopal Theological\nSeminary in Alexandria, Virginia.\nMr. Bates is a 1954 graduate of the\nseminary.\n\nThe Rt. Rev. Albert Stuart,\nBishop of Georgia, will give the\nprincipal address at the 133rd com-\nmencement exercises.\n\nThe dean and faculty will hold\nseminars for the 1954 graduating\nclass the last three days of the\nweek. These seminars are to help\nevaluate the preparation the semi-\nnary gave the graduates and to\nshare their mutual problems, after\na year’s work.\n\nMr. Bates will go from the semi-\nnary to the spring clergy confer-\nence of the Diocese to be held in\nAustin Monday through Wednes-\nday, June 6-8. A lay reader from\nLongview will conduct services at\nSt. Mark’s Sunday, June5d.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1852.132296875, 4426.2231171875, 2690.025173828125, 6058.62307421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Nell Henson, 60, a long-\n\ntime employee of Southwestern\nStates Telephone Company here,\ndied in a local hospital, Sunday,\nfollowing a brief illness. Services\nwere held at the First Methodist\nChurch Monday with the pastor,\nRev. Compton Riley officiating.\n' Mrs. Henson had been with the\n| telephone company for 40 years,\n-and had been at the Gladewater\noffice for the past seventeen years.\nBefore coming to Gladewater, Mrs.\nHenson held positions as operator\nand evening chief operator at Kil-\ngore, and was employed at Camp\nFannin with the telephone com-\npany. She came to Gladewater as\ncashier in 1948, where she was\nemployed continuously until her\ndeath.\n\nShe is survived by one son,\nHoward Durant of Corpus Christi,\nand one daughter, Mrs. Dale Ivy\nof Dallas.\n\nMrs. Henson was a native of\n\nMoutain Home, Arkansas, where\nshe was born July 31, 1894.\n_ Burial was in Muskogee, Okla.,\nin Memorial Park ceretery. Stone-\nDake Funeral Home of Gladewater\nwas in charge of the local ar-\nrangements.\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 6096.44091796875, 7075.33935546875, 6637.99462890625, 7256.0478515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Mike Bloom Is\nAwarded Letter\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1843.7076416015625, 2665.900634765625, 2647.363037109375, 3059.49169921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Ruby Lackey\nFuneral Slated\nTomorrew At 10\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 169.20418103027345, 7854.899875, 1004.6063505859374, 8729.0542265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Gladewater police today issued a\nwarrant for the arrest of Mozell\nLewis, colored, of Daingerfield, in\nconnection with the firing of a\npistol here last night.\n\nAccording to a complaint filed\nat the police department, Lewis\nfired a pistol at William Lew\nBradford and his sister, Precious\nGriffin, while all were at the Cozy\nInn. The shooting occurred about\n12:35 midnight last night.\n\nLewis left Gladewater immed-\niately after the shooting, and was\nreported to be in Daingerfield.\nwhere authorities were to arrest\nhim on a disturbance charge.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1846.16305859375, 3073.011935546875, 2680.663357421875, 3961.914333984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Funeral services will be helu at\n10 o’clock tomorrow at Stone-\nDake Chapel for Mrs. Ruby Lack-\ney.’ She passed away in a_ local\nhospital Monday night. Burial will\nbe in the Gladewater Community\ncemetery near Mt. Pleasant with\nRev. E. A. Gruver officiating.\n\nMrs. Lacke¥Y was born at Mt.\nPleasant Feb., 22, 1896 and had\n\n-made her home in Gladewater for\n\neighteen years.\n\nSurvivors include: one daughter,\nMrs. Bert Smith, Gladewater; two\nsisters, Mrs. Charles Fair, Mrs.\n\n| Whit Caleoat; one brother, Jack\nAllen: mother, Mrs. Ida Allen, all\nof San Angelo.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1834.5904541015625, 1005.3246459960938, 2566.651123046875, 1418.4195556640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Summer School\nWill Open On\nMonday, June 6\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1873.8350556640626, 8063.2602265625, 2707.582546875, 8715.9077421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "R. B. (Bob) Dunnaway, local\nresident fo rseveral years, passed\naway Friday ‘while on a visit in\n-Augusta,'Ga., it was reported to-\nday.\n\nMr. Dunnaway, a bachelor, liv-\ned in Gladewater on South Dean\nstreet. He was visiting a brother\nand sister in Augusta when he suf-\nfered a stroke and died. Funeral\nservices were Sunday in Augusta.\nHe also is surviyed by a brother\nin Cleburne, Texas.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1855.9688720703125, 3999.727783203125, 2650.509521484375, 4411.12255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Nell Henson,\nVeteran Telephone\nEmployee, Dies\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 152.19613647460938, 3271.6259765625, 856.5794067382812, 3664.293701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "‘Shepperd Says\nAll Remedies To\nBe Exhausted\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 155.02220471191407, 3697.851291015625, 987.0170561523437, 5504.66116015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "AUSTIN. (U.P) — State Attorney\nGeneral John Ben Shepperd said\nTuesday Texas will “exhaust\nevery legal remedy” before com-\nplying with a U. S. Supreme Court\nruling ordering an end to public\nschool segregation,\n\nSimultaneously, Gov. Allan\nShivers issued a statement, saying:\n\n“Preliminary reports indicate\nthat the U. S. Supreme Court is\nleaving some discretion to local\nauthorities. I think that is good. I\nhave always advocated that these\nmatter. handled by local agen-\ncies of Zovernment.”\nperd said he was “pleased\ndeems Supreme Court recognized\nthe local nature of this question,\nbut in announcing its ruling it did\nnot solve the problem.”\n\n“We will exhaust every legal\nremedy before we give up any of\nthe sovereign rights of the state\nof Texas,” he said.\n\n“The court, at one blow, ap-\nparently abolished state and local\nlaws in thousands of communities.\nThe court should say what the law\nis, not what the law should be.\nOnly the legislative branch, either\nstate or federal, may write new\nlaw,” he added.\n\nThe governor said he would\nhave nogurther comment until he\nhad an opportunity to “read the\ncourt’s complete decree and_ to\nstudy the legal aspects of it.”\n\n \n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1842.899142578125, 1438.902560546875, 2670.562283203125, 2636.37698046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Gladewater Junior-Senior High\nSchool will conduct summer school\nJune 6 through July 15 for those\nstudents who would like to do re-\nmedial or additional work. A re-\nview course in Math, Social Stud-\nies and English will be offered all\nseventh and eighth grade students.\n\nA course in reading and creative\nart will be open to any student\nwho will be enrolled in the Glade-\nwater Junior-Senior High School\nnext year. High School students\nmay earn as much as one-half\ncredit in English I, English II,\nEnglish III, English IV, Civics or\nWorld History. The first period\nwill be from 7:00 to 9:30 a.m. and\nthe second period will be from\n9:40 until 12:10. All students who\nee to attend summer school\nshould report to the Registrar’s\n| Office Monday, June 6 at 7:00 a.\n|'m. for final registrations.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 6077.12594921875, 3546.71969921875, 6926.973171875, 4975.9233671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Roland Blissett, above, who has\nbeen employed. with the Piggly\nWiggly company as marget mana-\nger for the past 1242 years—has\naccepted a position as market\nmanager for the Bazer Gro. and\nMkt. (formerly Dawson’s Gro. and\nMkt.).\n\nMr. Blissett has invited all his\nfriends to drop by the Bazer Mkt.\nwhen in the market for a delicious,\ntender steak for dinner or for any\nother kind of quality meats for\nany occasion. “We want your busi-\nness and are here to serve and\nplease you!” Mr. Blissett said in\ntalking with a Mirror staff mem-\nber Tuesday morning.\n\nMr. Blissett is well known in\nGladewater and is a member of\nthe Masonic Lodge 236, also a\nmember of the local chapters of\nthe Eastern Star, Odd Fellows and\nRebekah Lodge. Mrs. Blissett is\nemployed at K. Wolens in the\npiece goods department. Both Mr.\nand Mrs. Blissett are members of\nthe Hull Ave. Baptist Church.\n" }, "13": null, "14": { "bbox": [ 4390.8583984375, 3426.6953125, 5135.44140625, 3835.41064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Land Amendment\nReady For Vote\nNext November\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2739.264892578125, 3052.703857421875, 4344.9326171875, 5467.4599609375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 167.07278442382812, 7520.55712890625, 960.1972045898438, 7841.90966796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Police Order\nArrest In Shooting\nHere Last Night\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4381.03512890625, 1801.8101533203126, 5206.9389921875, 3389.45315234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Gladewater will begin taking on\nthe atmosphere of the wild and\nwooly west tomorrow, as the Jun-\nior Chamber of Commerce an-\nnounces its beard growing contest\nbeginning then.\n\nThe JC’s announce that accord-\ning to the rules of the event, every\nman in Gladewater must either\ngrow a beard or buy a shaving\npermit for 50 cents.\n\nA prize will be given to the man\nwho grows the longest beard and\nthe most artistic beard between\nnow and Rodeo Time, according to\nJC president Jack Reeves.\n\nBeside the beard contest, the\nJC’s are also sponsoring the West-\nern Wear week, which will begin\nMonday, June 13, day before the\nrodeo opens. Any person not wear-\ning western regalia will be thrown\nin jail, Reeves said.\n\nProceeds from the contests will\ngo to a Christmas fund for needy\nchildren.\n\nBarbecue Tuesday\n\nThe JC’s barbecue honoring the\nGladewater Little League baseball\nplayers has been postponed un-\ntil Tuesday night, June 7, at 6\np. m. The barbecue*will be at\nHumble Camp. .\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2713.62692578125, 7115.49997265625, 3550.6538359375, 8724.1391875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Traffic deaths during the week-\nend mounted Tuesday to a new\nrecord for a three-dav Memorial\nDay holiday.\n\nAs the reports came in on fatal-\nities in the period from 6 p.m.\nFriday to midnight Monday, the\nUnited Press count showed 365\ndeaths on the streets and highways.\n\nThey also showed 135 drownings,\n11 deaths in plane crashes, and\n52 in miscellaneous mishaps, for\na death total of 563.\n\nCalifornia had 29 deaths, Ohio\nand Texas 27 each, New York\nstate 20, and Missouri 18.\n\nThe previous record for the\nthree-day Memorial Day holiday\nin United Press surveys was 364,\nset last year.\n\nNed H. Dearborn, president of\nthe National Safety Council which\nworks year round in appealing to\nmotorists to be careful, said ob-\nservance of the Golden Rule by\ndrivers would have halved the\ntotal. The council had forecast a\nprobable 360 deaths.\n\nROR\n\nTexas celebrated Memorial Day\nand the long weekend which went\nwith it at a cost of 39 lives.\n\nTwenty four. persons were killed\nin highway traffic, 13 were drown-\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 6087.51315625, 5380.55661328125, 6932.10256640625, 7043.551296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Oe ee) TT\nWiggly company as market mana-\npredicted for a wide West Texas\narea late Tuesday and Tuesday\nnight, spreading across the north-\n‘ern half of the state by Wednes-\nday.\n\nThunderstorms lashed parts of\nthe Panhandle and West Texas\nMonday night, following a severe\nthunderstorm activity warning for\nthe area. Dust kicked up by high\nwinds accompanying the storm cut\nvisibility for a time at Dalhart to\ntwo miles.\n\nHigh winds at Wink in far West\nTexas unroofed several small\nbuildings and blew down utility\npoles, but very little rain fell with\nthe storm.\n\nForecasters said more rainfall\ncould be expected through the\nPecos Valley, the Panhandle and\nSouth Plains sections, spreading\non eastward and reaching into\nNorth Central Texas Tuesday\nnight and the northern part of\nEast Texas by Wednesday.\n\nMeteorologists said tRere was no\nfront involved, but that cool air\nat the upper levels on top of warm\nair at lower levels was causing\ninstability and touching off the\nshowers and thunderstorm activi-\nty.\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1858.3536376953125, 6085.02001953125, 2685.292236328125, 6479.30126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Rev. Bates To |\nAttend Graduation\nWeek At Seminary\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4386.16943359375, 1380.26220703125, 5059.44970703125, 1779.7451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Beard Growing\nContest Begins\nHere Tomorrow\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 6098.37451171875, 2324.71875, 6889.5302734375, 3099.45068359375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 160.51748974609376, 1689.212130859375, 980.9227568359374, 3249.640408203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Schedule for operation of the\nWeldon and Senior High swim-\nming pools for the summer was\nannounced today by the Glade-\nwater Public Schools. Opening the\n1955 Swim season will be Splash\nDay at both the pools, on Thurs-\nday, beginning at 2 P.M.\n\nThe public is invited to Splash\nDay at the two pools, with no ad-\nmission charge to be made. Qual-\nified life guards will be on duty\nat both the Weldon pool for col-\nored, and the Senior High pool\nfor white.\n\nFollowing Splash Day, the pools\nwill be open Monday through Sat-\nurday from 2 P.M. to 10 P.M., and\non Sunday from 2 P.M. to 6 P.M.\n\nSwim charge will be 20 cents\nfor students and 35 cents for\nadults. Season passes will be avail-\nable at $3.00 for children and $5.00\nfor adults.\n\nThe public is invited to use the\nswimming pool facilities, as well\nas the recreations and picnic areas\n\nduring the coming summer months.\nNo charge is made for use of the\nrecreation areas.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1867.6466064453125, 7849.7138671875, 2555.469970703125, 8053.2685546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Bob Dunnaway\nDies In Ga.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 158.491671875, 5963.64938671875, 993.3106352539062, 7498.77639453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "AUSTIN. (U.P)—Dr. J. W. Edgar,\nstate commissioner of education,\nsaid Tuesday the U. S. Supreme\nCourt's order to end segregation\nfollows the administrative -pattern\nof present operation of Texas\nschools,\n\nHowever, Edgar pointed out\nTexas has 1,900 school districts\nand “the problem may vary con-\nsiderably according to districts.”\n\nEdgar declined comment specifi-\ncally on the high court's order un-\ntil he had an opportunity to “study\nit pretty thoroughly.”\n\nBut he pointed out, “In Texas\nwe've been operating for many\nyears under laws which ieee re-\nsponsibility on local” schoo!\nboards.”\n\nThe Supreme Court ordered lo-\ncal federal district courts to re-\nquire school boards to “make a\nprompt and reasonable start to-\nward full compliance” with the\ncourt’s original ruling of last year\nbanning school segregation.\n\n“There are 1,900 school boards,\nand they will have to determine\nwhat action is prompt and reason-\nable according to their own locali-\nties,” Dr. Edgar said.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 157.94822692871094, 5541.35791015625, 848.6582641601562, 5933.896484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Court’s Order\nFollows Pattern\nOf Operation\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5212.38232421875, 1333.6767578125, 6807.40478515625, 1752.38232421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "City To Name\nStudy Group\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 5229.85348828125, 1803.515109375, 6914.66506640625, 2266.685330078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Gladewater City Commissioners today received a resolu-\ntion from the Gladewater Chamber of Commerce requesting\nthe calling of an election for revising the city’s charter to\nestablish a commission-type manager type of city govern-\nment in Gladewater.\n\nFirst step in the proposal would be the appointment of\nthe City Commission of a 15-man Charter Commission, to\nadovnt and present 3 charter to he voted on hv the neonle A\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 995.4097900390625, 1757.9920654296875, 1707.157470703125, 2181.069580078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Supreme Court\nOrders Quick\nSegregation End\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 154.0756072998047, 992.9959106445312, 1787.275634765625, 1666.807373046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Pools To Open\nOn Thursday\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 6085.384765625, 5001.97802734375, 6687.58056640625, 5311.73388671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Showers Are\nPredicted For\nWest Texas\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 6087.79391796875, 7272.08346875, 6925.305203125, 7850.522 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": ": Mike Bloom, son of Dr. and Mrs.\nC. S. Bloom, 400 E. Broadway, has\nbeen awarded a company softball\nletter at Kemper Military School,\nBoonville, Mo., for outstanding\nparticipation of his company soft-\nball team this spring. He was\nawarded the letter in an athletic\nassembly conducted by Lt. Col. J.\nG. Kralovec, director of athletics,\nand given high recognition for his\nability by his coach.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2719.10791015625, 6433.58056640625, 4368.041015625, 7086.4384765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n\nTioffic Deaths\nHit High Mark\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2669.1005859375, 991.2932739257812, 6816.43896484375, 1327.7730712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "New Charter Is Proposed\n\nj\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3559.390109375, 7105.00387890625, 4393.631375, 8715.65090625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "ed, and two died of miscellaneous\ncauses,\n\n_ One of the most tragic accidents,\nwas an unexplained drowing near\nPrinceton late Monday.\n\nDouglas Dinsmore, 18, and War-\nren Royal, 20, had gone fishing\nand when they did not return, the\nDinsmore boy’s father went to\nlook for them .\n\n| Finds Clothing Near Tank\n\nHe found their clothing beside\n\ntheir car near the stock tank on\n\nthe Walter Gantt farm, one mile\ntnorth of Princeton, and, fearing\nthe worst, spread the alarm.\n\nEmemgency crews from the Mc-\n\nKinney and Farmersville fire de-\npartments recovered the bodies\nshortly after 8 p.m. Young Dins-\nmore was valedictorian of his high\nschool graduating class and was\nnamed to all - district basketball\nand football teams.\n\nIt was one of the most violent\nweekends of any observance this\nyear, a United Press survey\nshowed, —\n\nVernon Hawkins, 23, of Graham,\nwas killed and two others critical-\nly injured when their pickup truck\nleft the highway and overturned\nnear Southbend, Tex. They were\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 6093.42041015625, 3117.717529296875, 6668.03369140625, 3519.66357421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Blisset Goes\nTo Bazer’s\nMeat Market\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 4413.76462109375, 8153.94137890625, 5246.3960234375, 8532.3940703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Members of the local Rebekah\nand Oddfellow lodge who plan to\nattend the practice for the mem-\norial service at Longview were re-\nminded today that the practice has\nbeen set tonight. Those planning\nto attend should meet at the local\nLodge hall at 7 P.M.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 5219.112765625, 2251.46628125, 6067.26662890625, 8706.109890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "GMvpP”» GAAinM“s wnt CA VAAL UWS eV\nproposed charter drafted by\nthe Chamber :of Commerce\nCivic Improvement Commit-\ntee and adopted by the C of C\nBoard of Directors was pre-\nsented to the commission, for\nconsideration by the 15 man\nboard to be appointed.\n\nThe Commission took no action\non the C of C resolution, taking it\nunder advisement for study. How-\never, they indicated that they\nwould appoint the 15-man com-\nmission soon.\n\nIn its resolution, printed in full\nbelow, the C of C asks that the\ncity-wide selection be called not\nlater than September 1, 1955,\n\nProvisions, In Brief\n\nProvisions of the new city char-\nter drawn up by the C of C com-\nmittee, are listed below. It should\nbe noted that these provisions are\nsuggested only, and that the 15-\nman commission to be appointed\nby the present City governing\nbody will examine them and make\nrevisions which are seen to be\nneeded. The Civic Improvement\nCommittee of the C of C, in draft-\ning the proposed charter, took\ncharters of various cities in the\nState operating under the commis-\nsion-city manager type of govern-\nment ,and selected the provisions\nwhich it was thought would bene-\nfit Gladewater.\n\nIn brief, the proposed charter\nprovides:\n\n1. A city council, or governing\nbody, composed of seven men\nelected by the people. The coun-\nci] would be elected from wards,\nfor staggered terms, by the people.\nIt would act primarily as a policy\nmaking body, and would serve\nwithout pay.\n\n2. A city manager, higed by the\ncity council. The city manager\nwould be the city’s chief adminis-\ntrative officer, carrying out the ac-\ntual operation and administration\nof policies voted by. the council.\nHe would hire, dismiss, and super-\nvise personnel in all city depart-\nments, but all his actions would be\nsubject to the approval of the\nelected council. His term of office\nwould be indefinite, subject to ac-\ntion at any time by the council.\n\n3. All powers, functions, and\nduties normally assumed by the\ncity government.\n\nThe 15-man commission to be\nappointed will work out details of\nthe proposed charter to be pre-\nsented for final approval or dis-\napproval of the people. Included\nin details to be worked out is the\nsystem of electing council mem-\nbers from various wards. Accord-\ning to the C of C committee’s pro-\nposal, the city would be divided\ninto seven wards, with a member\nelected from each ward. This plan,\nor one providing a certain number\nof members from wards and a cer-\ntain number at large, will be fin-\nally decided upon by the Charter\nCommission.\n\nThe resolution adopted by the\nChamber of Commerce Board\nstates:\n\n“The State of Texas:\n“County of Gregg:\n\n‘““Whereas, at a regular meeting\nof the Board of Directors of the\nGladewater Chamber of Com-\nmerce held at the- Community\nCenter Building in Gladewater.\nTexas, on this the 30th day of\nMay, A. D., 1955, a general dis-\ncussion was had with reference tc\nthe calling. of an election for a\nproposed ‘Charter For The City Of\nGladewater,’ and\n\n“Whereas, it was the general\nopinion of those present, that the\nCity is of sufficient size to war-\nrant a study of a more modern\ntype of Municipal Government,\nand\n\n“Whereas, the Civic Improve-\nment Committee of the Gladewat-\ner Chamber of Commerce has\nmade a study of various Charters\nof Texas Cities and have prepared\na Charter that has been approved\nby the Board of Directors of the\nGladewater Chamber of Com-\nmerce, The Charter as prepared\nby the Civic Improvement Com-\nmittee is being presented as an aid\nin the final adoption of a charter\nto be voted upon by the Citizens\nof Gladewater, and\n\n“Whereas, it is the desire of the\nBoard of Directors of the Glade-\nwater Chamber of Commerce that\nan election be called as soon as\npossible to determine if a major-\nity of the voters of Gladewater\nfavor a Charter Form of Govern-\nment, now\n\n“Therefore, be it resolved by the\nBoard of Directors of the Glade-\nwater Chamber of Commerce that\ns!the City Commission be hereby\ni respectfuly requested to immedi-\n\nately appoint and qualify a ‘15\n\nMan Charter Commission to make\n_|a study of a proposed Charter for\n»| the City of Gladewater and to re-\n\nport its findings to the City Com-\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 4379.44040234375, 3865.005099609375, 5212.2104765625, 8025.434109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "AUSTIN (.P)—A proposed $100\nmillion extension of the scandal-\nscarred veterans land program\ncleared the legislature Tuesday for\nsubmission to the people in No-\nvember, 1956.\n\n| Senate approval of the proposed\n' constitutional amendment was\n| voted, 23-6, minutes after the\nHouse adopted the measure by a\nvote of 121-15.\n\nSen. Jimmy Phillips of Angle-\n,ton, a member of the. Senate’s\n|General Investigating committee\n/ which conducted a session-long in-\n' quiry into the veterans land pro-\n| gram, predicted the proposal faces\n| “almost certain defeat.”\n\n\"Writing the Finish’\n\n“You are writing finish to the\n| veterans land program in Texas\n‘for all time,” Phillips charged.\n“You are throwing into the ashcan\n\nthe finest program I believe has\never been conceived for the vet-\nerans of Texas.”\n| “Let time heal the ills that have\nbeset it (the program),” the Gulf\n| Coast lawmaker told the Senate.\n| Phillips referred to the “chi-\ncanery of a number of unscrupu-\nlous and selfish land promoters,”\nand charged that in trying to help\n' the veterans of Texas through this\nmeasure the legislators were “per-\nforming a disservice.”\n\nSén. George Moffett of Chilli-\ncothe asked the Senate in quiver-\ning tones to submit the proposal\nto a vote of the people.\n\n“I think there’s nothing wrong\nwith the veterans land program\nthat an honest administration can-\nnot curé,” Moffett said.\n\nPoints to Old Scandal\nThe veteran lawmaker, who ha:\nserved some 25 years in the legis-\nlature, pointed to a scandal in the\nState Highway Department abou!\n30 years ago—and said the depart-\noo wasn’t abolished because o:\nit.\nMoffett also denied Phillips\nstatement that the proposal wa:\npoorly-timed.\n“If we stop this program now\nchances are 10 to 1 it will neve\nbe resumed,” he warned.\nThe House approved a join\nHouse-Senate Conference commit\ntee report on the proposal withou\ndebate, on the motion of Rep. Le\nroy Saul of Kress.\n‘ Under the plan, the present $101\nmillion program would be double¢\nto $200 million. Membership of thi\nboard—now including the gover\n;|nor, attorney general and lane\n\ncommissioner—would be change\nj to comprise the land commission\n‘ter and two persons oppointed b:\n-y the governor.\n\nThe House also acted speedil\n-| on a conference committee repor\ny;}on a bill denying unemploymen\n,; compensation to workers idled b:\n»| a work stoppage, whether in Tex\n\nas or not. The bill, by Sen. Georg\n\nParkhouse of Dallas, ‘a provisior\n»} under which a worker could no\n1; be denied such compensation i\n>| he made a good faith offer to re\ny; turn to work.\n\nApproved by Voice Vote\n\n. The Parkhouse bill was ap\n-| proved by voice vote.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 4409.46923828125, 8047.91162109375, 5147.408203125, 8148.09033203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "REBEKAHS, ODDFELLOWS\nTO MEET IN LONGVIEW\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 6094.02197265625, 7882.72802734375, 6711.3916015625, 7979.470703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "RODEO ASSOCIATION\nTO MEET THURSDAY\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 986.8031953125, 2315.835666015625, 1832.188259765625, 8759.406765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "a a ee ee ae aa. cpa, hemes &\n\nsouthern states to end segregation\nin schools as rapidly as possible\non a local basis.\n\nThe high court left it up to local\nfederal district courts to decide\nwhether individual school boards\n\nare carrying out integration in\ngood faith.\n\nThe high court’s action Tuesday\nwas unanimous.\n\nChief Justice Earl Warren, who\nread the order said that varied\nlocal problems will have to be\ntaken into consideration.\n\nSchool Officials’ Responsibility\n\nHe said school authorities must\nbear the primary responsibility for\nending segregation.\n\nThe order was the long-awaited\nfollow up to the court's historic\ndecision of May 17, 1954, holding\nthat segregation in public schools\nis unconstitutional.\n\nThe high tribunal sent back to\nthe five local federal district courts\nconcerned the five specific cases\nwhich led to the original segrega-\ntion decision.\n\n‘Prompt and Reasonable Start’\n\nThe lower courts were ordered\nto require school boards to “make\na prompt and reasonable start to-\nward full compliance” with the\ncourt's 1954 decision outlawing\nseparate public school systems for\nwhites and Negroes.\n\nThe high tribunal specifically or-\ndered lower courts to require\nschool authorities in Kansas, Vir-\nginia, South Carolina and the Dis-\ntrict of Columbia “to admit to pub-\nlic schools on a racially non-dis-\ncriminatory basis with all delib-\nerate speed the parties to these\ncases.”\n\nMr. Warren noted that the Dela-\nware Supreme Court already has\nordered Negro parties immediaely\nadmitted. to non ~ segregated\nschools. He said therefore the U.\nS. Supreme Court will merely af-\nfirm the state court’s order.\n\nState Laws Declared Invalid\n\nThe court declared invalid all\nfederal, state and local laws that\nrequire or permit racial discrim-\nination in schools.\n\nIt said all such laws “must\nyield” to the p*inciple eseablished\nin the court’s historic decision end-\ning segregation May 17, 1954,\n\nThe court's decision eventually\nwill affect more than 10 million\nwhite and 2.5 million Negro chil-\ndren attending public school in 21\nstates where segregation either is\nmandatory or permitted.\n\nThe five school districts involv-\ned in the original segregation cases\nwere in Delaware, Kansas, Vir-\nginia, South Carolina and the Dis-\ntrict of Columbia.\n\nKansas and Delaware, both\nborder states, and the District of\nColumbia already have substan-\ntially carried out the integration\nof races in their schools.\n\nBut Virginia and South Caro-\nlina, like other southern states.\nhave been Sitting tight, waiting for\nthe court to spell out the mech-\nanics.\n\nStates and school districts not\nimmediately affected by Tuesday's\norder will have to take steps to\ncomply or eventually face federal\ncourt orders to obey the high\ncourt’s ruling.\n\nThe segregation case was one of\n14 cases still before the court at\nits last scheduled option day for\nthe term. This backlog, however,\nwas expected to cause the high\ntribunal to add one of two extra\nmeetings before adjourning for the\nsummer.\n\nTwo of the most important cases\nwere brought to the high court by\na Yale professor and a young\nPittsburgh steelworker.\n\nThe professor, Dr. John P\nPeters, challenged the constitution.\nality of the administration’s sys:\n.tem for ridding the government o\nsecurity risks.\n\nHe contended the governmen\ntramples on individual rights by:\nnot allowing suspected governmen\nworkers a chance to face those\nwho have supplied derogatory in\nformation.\n\nAttorney General Herber\nBrownell Jr. argued that the na\ntion’s security would be endanger.\ned if secret FBI informers wer\nunmasked.\n\nThe steelworker, 24 - year - ol\nRobert W. Toth, fought the Ai\nForce’s attempt to courtmartia\nhim on a charge of murdering |\nKorean civilian.\n\nToth had been out of the servic\nfor several months when he wa\narrested by military police in 195\nand immediately flown to Kore\nto stand trial.\n\nToth challenged the constitution\nality of provision of the 1950 Uni\n\nform Code of Military Justic\ngiving the armed services powe\nto arrest and courtmartial civi\nians accused of committing seriou\ncrimes while in uniform oversea\n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 6087.20700390625, 7993.63864453125, 6936.14651171875, 8416.37746875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "board memobders and committee\nchairmen of the Gladewater\nRound-Up Association will meet\nThursday at 7:30 P.M. at City\nHall, it was announced today. All\nare urged to attend, as plans for\nthe 18th annual Round Up Rodeo\nwill be made.\n\neclectic cobibiamaaeac\nmieccinn .urherahw an ~Alactinn fan\n\n \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 2716.81103515625, 1419.6412353515625, 4329.76171875, 3607.7939453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 6237.8623046875, 5339.7646484375, 6755.00390625, 5388.20556640625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Rv UNITED PRESS\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 6081.20016796875, 8365.1889375, 6934.91408984375, 8683.484890624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "mission .whereby an election for\nthe adoption of a Charter may be\ncalled not later than September\nIst, 1955.\n\n“Passed and approved this the\n30th day of May, 1935.”\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 4411.163546875, 8543.13034375, 5255.5454375, 8705.607937499999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "returning to Graham after a fish-\ning trip on the Clear Fork of the\nBrazos River.\n" }, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 5, 29 ], [ 11, 12 ], [ 11, 20 ], [ 12, 20 ], [ 57, 62 ] ]
[ 5463.15626171875, 6770.56201171875 ]
[ [ 5, 29 ], [ 12, 11 ], [ 20, 12 ], [ 62, 57 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4120.16014453125, 1338.4114873046874, 4772.7358515625, 2899.374279296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "UATE ye NV GU NR ia\nSeetreiey ab State Duthes pushed\nhis wharlwind= tour of Sortheast\nNsiaotapitais across non Comme\nNiet. sections of Tadechina today\nAffer an overnight visit to Laws,\nhe flew on today. to Cambodia and\n; South Viet Naim\n. li Vientiane, the administrative\npeapital of Laos, he toll Crown\nPPiinee ‘Tro Savane Vatthana and\nFather offierbs the forees the Ma\nhntha Paet nations have oan the Pa\ncentie Well deter prosstite tomiminist\ninvaders from neimhborme China\nand North Viet Noun\n\nSpokesinen satd both Dulles and\nthe Laotians were reassured by\ntheir talks. The secretary report:\nedly had been depressed by pessi-\nmustic reports he. had reecived\nfrom the land-locked juncle king-\ndom of two million persons,\n\nThe Laothans, given them inde-\npendence Tron FFance at the end\nof the Indochina war, have been\nfearful both of Kedo invasion and\nof subversive activities by the dis-\nsident Pathel Laos movement.\nThat) Communist-suppérted “group:\nwas left in the two northern prov-\ninees of Phong Saly and Sain Neua\nby the Indochina armistice.\n\nDulles was reported to expect\nLaos to sevk admission to SEATO,\nthe Manila Paet defense setup for\nSoutheast Asia, sometime within\nthe next two oor th Years.\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 756.2181889648438, 3866.641345703125, 1422.9956171875, 5227.4917109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\nBack in 1935, a girl was born at\n-St-—J ohn's—Hoespital---who--had—10\nliving grandparents. Now she. is\nmarried and has a son who also\nhas 10 living grandparents.\n\nThe girl was Shirley Louise\nShorter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.\nChester L. Shorter, LaHarpe. Her\nliving grandparents. were Mr. and\nMrs. John Shorter, LaHarpe;. Mr\nand Mrs. C. A. Morrison, Los An-\ngeles; five great grandparents, Mr.\nand_Mrs..J..A. Morrison,..and’.Mrs..\nIda B. Davis, Iola, and Mr. and\nMrs. J. W. Shorter, LaHarpe, and\none. great-great grandparent, .W. J.\nBest, South Gate, Calif.\n\nShirley Louise is now Mrs. ‘Bart\nCarroll Jr., and on Jan. 4 at San\nGabriel, Calif., she had a son, Ed-\nward LeRoy, another addition to\nthe long lived family. His living\ngrandparents are Mr. and Mrs.\nBart Carroll, “Pasadena, Mr. and\nA4rs—-Ghesier—Shorter, Alhambra,\nCalif.; four great grandparents.\n“Mr: ~and: Mrs.-C. A. Morrison, Al-.\nhambra, and Mr. and Mrs. John\nShorter, Chanute; two great-\ngreat grandparents, Mrs. Pearlina\nShorter, LaHarpe, and “Mrs. Daisy\nMorrison, San Gabriel, Calif. Most\nof them formerly lived in “Allen\nCotinty.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2092.8969609375, 3997.658435546875, 2754.476818359375, 5213.17872265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (—American of-\nficials reacted coldly Today to a\nroundabout suggestion by the Chi-\nnese Communists that this country\nsend an unofficial mission ta Pei-\nping to discuss the case of the im-\nprisoned American fliers and ten-\nsdons- with Red China,\n\nThe State Department officially\n‘declined’ to” coniment beyond say\ning it knew nothing whatever about\nany such proposal.\n\nBurmese Premier U Nu said in\nRangoon that he passed on the sug-\ngestion to Secretary of State Dulles\nSaturday during a mecting with the\nvisiting American foreign policy\nchief. .\n\nDulles, who is now in Indochina,\nhas not: cabled one word to the\ndepartment about the-suggestion—\na clear indication he does not\nattach, much. importance | to it.\n\nThe only’ information U.S. offi-\ncials here have is from reading\nnews dispatches quoting Nu. They\ntook. the view, hawever, that-it- was\n\n‘another obvious Red Chinese trick\nto involve United States in face-\n‘to-face talks.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2107.158923828125, 2310.351794921875, 2767.70899609375, 3749.516857421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "RANGOON, Burma_lt.—Burmese\nPremier U Nu’ announced Today\nthat Communist Chinese Premier\nChou En-Lai is willing to receive\nan unofficial-U.S: “mission ‘to ~dis-\n\ncuss the case of imprisoned Amer-\n\nican airmen and tensions between\nthe United States and Peiping. _\n\nNu told newsmen he had con-\nveyed Chou’s approval of such a\nconference to U.S. ‘Secretary of\nState Dulles. The Burmese Pre-\nmier declined to discuss Dulles’\nyeaction.\n\nDulles stopped off in Rangoon\nSaturday for a 36-hour visit after\nattending the Manila Pact confer-\nence in Bangkok. He left yester-\nday for Laos and was due in Sai-\ngon fadter today, en route to\nManila.\n\nThe idea for the conference be-\ntween Chou and an unofficial U.S.\ngroup apparently was advanced by\nthe Burmese Premier, who has\nproposed recently that the- five\n“neutral” Colombo Powers serve\nas mediators between the Chinese\nReds and the: Western Powers.\n\nU Nu declined to say more about\nthe proposal today, explaining: ‘I\n\n \n\ndo not t : discuss this.\nFollowing Peiping’ Ss announce-\n(Continued on Page 6, No. 1)\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 96.72953387451172, 902.43309375, 766.9207270507812, 3103.756359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "WAOUENG LON CPM—Sen. George\n(D-Ga) announced today he will\nvole in the Senate Finanee Com-\nmittee to strike a proposed $20-a-\nperson income tax reduction from\na House-passed tax hill\n\nGeorge's — announcement may\nwave sounded the death knell to\ncurrent Democratic efforts to com.\n\n_ Promise the $20 provision.\n\nHe disclosed his stand to a re-\nporter after a Finance Committee\nsession at which Secretary of the\nTreasury Humphrey denounced the\ncompromise plan. - ‘\n\nInfluential Democrats reportedly\n\nhad been backing a proposal to\ndelay effectiveness of the $20 cut\n\n> until July 1, 1956, instead of Jan. 1\nas voted by the House.\n\nThis idea has run into opposition\nfrom key House members.\n\nRep. Dingell (D-Mich), a mem-\nber of the House Ways..and Means\nCommittee, called it ‘no compro-\nmise at all.”\n\n“So ‘far as I am concerned,”\nDingell said in an interview, ‘‘un-\nless the $20-a-person reduction is\nagreed to, there will be no tax\n‘bill at all. 1 would just ‘as soon\nSee the excise taxes die, because\nI’m against them anyway.”\n\n_ George said that while some oth-\ner members might offer compro-\nmise proposals in a closed com-\nmittee session later today, he\nwould . make no such move him-\n‘self.\n\nHumphrey, appearing before the\nSenate Finance Committee, de-\nclared ijt would. be “strictly\n\nye ’ to enact a tax cut to take\neffect 16 months hence with the\npossibility it might have to-be re-\npealed.\n\nWhen Democratic senators re-\nminded him that President Eisen-\nhower -had already held out hope\nfor tax reduction next year, Hum-\nphrey said there was hope but that.\nit was not based on any prospect\n“(Continued on Page 4, No. 2)\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4099.1791875, 4428.060046875, 4737.65626171875, 5013.6255 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "SYDNEY, Australia (—Austra\n\nHia’s worst ‘flood disaster ins years\nwhic h has claimed at least 45/ lives\nand — left thousands homeless,\ntireatened taday to wipe out three\nisolated towns northwest of Syd.\nney. ;\nThe. towns -—- Nyngan, Warren\nand Walgett — ‘were cut off from\noutside help as- floodwaters up to\nSIX feet—swirled through — their\nstreets, Some 6,000 persons were\ntrapped in the area,\n\nInhabitunts, expecting their\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2775.48436328125, 2256.943591796875, 3430.609875, 4205.078625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "SAN JUAN, Puerto Rieo wee\n\n/ Vice President) Richard M_ Nixan\njis expected lo urge sweeping\n| changes In some phases of US\nforeign policy as a result of his\ncurrent: Caribbean trip.\n{. Statements by the -viee president\n| indicate he will make the follow-\ning recommendations to President\nEisenhower in the report he sub-\nmits after his-month-long-win ends\nThursday:\n\n1 The Exportlinport) Bank and\nthe World Bank should aet with\nmore speed to aid Latin-American\neconomic development. ‘The banks\nshould also expand their activities\nthroughout Latin America.\n\n2. The US. Information Ageney,\nnow an independent organization,\nshould -be returned to tie Staite\nDepartment for better results. Nix-\non also has allvocated (hat foreign\naid operations should be placed\nunder the State Department. after\nthe Foreign Operations Adminis-\ntration act expres June 30\n\n3. Speedy cconomie aw should\nBo to Guatemala, where tS. for\neign policy faces a stern test in\nthe future oof the new anti-\nCommunist government\n\n4. The United States shonld Hive\nAny price puarantee pline-to the\n14 coffee-producing countries in\ntheir fight fo stabilize the priceceL\ntheir product. ;\n\n5 The United States should make\nAecchange ins PAE purchases\nTron Cuha unt the present Sugar\nActEeXpires The Bnd OT “79567\n\nNixon arrived mi this US. island\ncommonwealth yesterday fram. the\nVirgin Islands. Later this week he\nwill visit the Dominican Republic\nand) Haiti before flying baek to\nWashington. °\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3444.2856328125, 918.224353515625, 4117.0913203125, 3423.76075390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": ", THONG RONG PO Two Amer\ncuos expelled frome Red Chena as\n\n \n\npaties repeated today hat they eon\nPsider communism the best possible\n/ Waly ef dite and bele ce the whate\nworld Walk SomierGey cedapil at\n\n| The page. Madeelnr Betsotin, 2a.\niol New York -t Wy, and Mis Adele\nAustin Ricketh, 85, formerty ot\npSeatties Wash. areived Vy train\ni from Peiping vesterdis after 3t-\njyears tnopil or under close deten-\ntien,\n\nThes astonished US econsalate\nrefheaats by oprockiuming they tad\nspeed) for the Uiited States, de\nserved: them punishment cand jot\n“wonderful treatment’ tron their\ncaptors in Pepin\n\nThe woman said her husband\nWalter Al Rickstt ts stilania Pet\nping prison The couple went to\nChina in 1948 as Fulbright scholars.\nBersohn, a vraduate of Harvard\nUniversity who also studied at the\nUniversity of Chicago, had been a\nmedrireal student oat othe Peiping\nCnion Medical College”\n\nThere was no inmediate official\ncomment from Washington on their\nremarks, But (he. pair's families\nin America and some US officials\nreredited — the—Reth—Chinese—with-\nhaving done oa thorough job of,\nbrainwashing.\n\nInterviewed today at) the Hong\nKong YWCA after a night's rest,\nboth Bersehbn cand: Mrs. ‘Rickett\nreplied to most questions with\npartyline answers,\n\nBoth said they “have not) the\nhonor’ to be) Communists. Mrs.\nRickett explained:\n\n“Only the best people: can) join.\nlam not worthy. | have comaurntted\naoerime.” ‘\n\n“We obelieve. all nations will\nadopt the Communist society of\ntherr own free will,’ Bersohn de-\nclared,\n\nBersolin deseribed the Peiping\nregime as’ “democratic because it\nrepresents the people and is infer:\nested in) peace.”\n\nBoth he and Mrs. Ricketl said\nthey were going home to “he up-4\nright and honest and because peace\nlis endangered by the warmongers\nPot Wall Street and Washington.”\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1431.709216796875, 2968.541248046875, 2095.62598828125, 4633.58985546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "PANMUNJOM wm — Charges of\nKorean armistice violations,\nbrought both by the Allies and the\nCommunists, will be investigated\nby truce supervisors, the United\nNations Command announced to-\nday.\n\nThe U.N. Command said, how-\never, that the supervisors’ ayree-\nment to investigate Allied charges\nof Red MIGs being brought into\nNorth Korea illegally probably\ncomes too late.\n\nOne inspection jteam left for\nTeas - +\n\n \n \n \n\nothers were to. follow tonight.\nMaj. Gen. Leslie DD. Carter,\nsenior Allied member of the Mili-\ntary’ Armistice Commission, said\nteams of ‘the Neutral Nations Su-\npervisory -Comimnission would ins\nVesligate six locations in South\nKorea, where the Communists\ncharge combat materiel was intro-\nduced illegally. ,\nCarter said the charges, made\nin a letter to the supervisory com-\n‘mission Feb. 24, were ‘‘fubri-\ncated.”\n. Allied charges that MIGs were\nbrought into North Korea after the\narmistice were made Feb. 21° but\nthe..cammission- didn‘t-decide—until\nyesterday to investigate them.\nThe protest grew out of the Feb.\n5 air battle over the Yellow Sea\nin which 12 American Sabre Jets\nshot down two_of eight attacking\nCommunist MIGs,\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4096.70263671875, 4161.49560546875, 5403.16455078125, 4407.71875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Surging r loodwaters Take\nHeavy-TollIn Australia\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2752.965087890625, 5583.46923828125, 3380.089599609375, 5787.70361328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "RI I Grief 03.\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2084.75584765625, 6060.3246953125, 2744.422619140625, 6752.420421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Wing the . Bostag..aad, Canhersa . to\n‘the: New. Yurk Ghiptaiiding -Corpt\n(yards at Camden, N. J., for ex-\ntensive remodey ling info robot\nPWweupon ships, .\n| A Navy spokesman. said,.-in- an-\nswer to a question toduy, that. the.\nBoston -is expected: to be ready in\nJuly and the Canberra probably\nabout December: ;\nThe two cruisers, at least initial-\nly, will be used entirely for antigir-\ncraft protection of Navy task\nforces, -using the, Terrier. guided,\nniillile ‘weupon, ‘The Terrier, in\ninass production for more,.than, a-\nYear, is fired from launching racks.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1417.1479375, 6048.01854296875, 2077.99708203125, 6748.76466015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "such warships, but if may be, same.\n‘ting before they are Téady for use.\n‘in’ 1946, “the. U. S. Navy an-\n\nnounced that .the uncompleted\nhulls of the 44,000-ton battleship\nKentaeky and the 27,000-ton battle\ncruiscr Hawadi would he built into\nguided missile. ships. ..Conversion\nwork was started, then halted\nwithin a year. One reason, actual:\n\nly the primary cause, was that the\n\nNavy discovered the development\nof practical guided missiles was\n{oo far Jn the, future, fo allow, de-,\nsign of ships for their use. It was\nnot. until 1952 that the Navy ee\ntpok up the project actively,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 825.680908203125, 448.3244934082031, 1333.97119140625, 559.4005126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "More ‘Gray Ladies’\nNeeded at Hespital\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1416.468005859375, 4881.095203125, 2081.033458984375, 5747.82520703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "L Albert Bedenbender, | § 54, . who\nlived’on a farni two miles. ‘south of\nGeneva, was killed instantly yes-\nterday morning when he fell from\na truckload of hay, and. suffered a\nbroken neck.\n\nHe was working with his brakes\nwhen Ahe accident oecured.\n\nA native of Allen County, Beden-\nhender is survied by four, brothers,\nWill of Geneva, Karl, Chanute,\nOscar, Neosho Falls, and Henry,\nPampa, Tex., and four” sisters,\nMiss Lena Bedenbender, lola, Mrs.\nElizabeth Loomis, also of Iola, Mrs.\n\n'Frank Stevenson, LaHarpe, and\nMrs. Robert Gregroy, Colony.\n‘Funeral services will be con:\nducted at 2 p. m. Wednesday from.\nWaugh's Funeral Home, and burial\n\nwill be ‘in Geneva Cemetery.\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 75.89722796630859, 4904.25389453125, 743.3695795898437, 5955.74659375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Charles F. Flickinger, 63; died\nlast night at his home, 501 N. First\nStreet. He was a retired municipal\nemployee.. oo.\n\nMr. Flickinger was __ born... at\nChillicothe, Mo. When he was a\n\n“boy the. family moved to Okla-\nhoma for. a few years, coming to\nlola in 1909. Here he was first\nemployed -in the foundries. Later\nhe joined the police force serving\nfor. several years. In later life he\nwas a member of the. street. and\n\nalley department.\n\nHe is survived by his wife: three\ndaughters, Mrs. Vivien Hamilton,\nMrs. Wilma Gibson and Miss Shir-\nley Flickinger, Iola; six - grand-\nchildren; two brothers, Bert and\nWilliam of Blackwell, Okla.: two\nsisters... Mes. Ora, Mudd:. Blackwell,\nBaal Mrs..Jua Long,-Columbus; 0.\n\nx Services will “be held oat od 0138\n2 m. Wednesday in the: Waugh\nFuneral Home. ‘Burial will: be’ at\n—Yiehland,..Cometery.. ove.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 116.50133514404297, 429.6062927246094, 611.7335815429688, 859.0066528320312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "A Blow\nTo Tax\nCutters\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4105.54393359375, 3154.01366015625, 4757.84815625, 4125.475109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON Ub— The Ameri-\ncan Municipal Assn. came out sol-\nJadlv today for T'resident Eisen-\nhower’s highway program. It\ntagged oa rival Democratic pro-\nBrom as inadequate,\n\nMayor Ben West of Nashville,\nTenn, presented the cassociation's\nstand in testimony to the Senate\nPublic Roads subconmmittee, head-\ned by Sen. Gore CD-Tenn), author\naf the Jleocpeate pie bt\n\nWest suid that) Gore's proposal\n“Gnevitably would require in-\ncereused taxes at the federal level.”\n\nAdditionally, West said, the Gore\nplan does not place enough em-\n\n“phisis “on What he called the most\n\n \n\n \n\npressing highway need—a assive\ninterstate “road network. —\n\nOther witnesses before the. cam.\n\"nittee, however, inclined toward\nsupport of the Gore plan over the\nPresident's.\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2109.292236328125, 3776.38916015625, 2750.419189453125, 3980.366943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "U.S.CooltoIdea_.\nOf Falks With Chou\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2750.827625, 5811.6547734375, 3409.471203125, 6756.8081171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "; VMS CPone ta, whe lived inmost\nSof das Ife just nerth of the Atlen-\nPAgdarson county. shpey lied aut\nTharsday at the home of his, son,\nVdack.oin San Pedro. Calif Services,\nPwill he held at San Pedro tumar-\nPOW,\n\nA Chote ead | toe itnd wreanity\nie an “curly uee and farmed north\n(of Tala unt he retired ‘about two\nvears avo to omake his heme in\nOttawa CHE fad been im California\nlabout two months when taken by\nrdenath, sO ;\n| Efe leaves six sans, Jack. Irvin\nand George. all of whom live in\nCalifornia, Orval of Ottawa, Roy of\nDundee, and Billie Crone of, Leavy:\neenworth; two daughters, Mrs. kesth.,\ner Fowler) San Pedro. and ‘Mrs.\nWayne MoeVey, Honibokit Mrs. ate\nVey and her three. brethers who\nlive in Kansas have gone-to-Gali-\n‘fornia for the services.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 745.2852666015625, 6033.82616015625, 1400.126720703125, 6740.9878046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON if —. The Navy\nPexpects: to .haVe'vtha first of “1We\nguided«missie-firing cruisers ready\nfor antiaircraft duty. with the fleet\nnext July, the second late this\nyear\n\nCompletion, of the project to con:\nvert the heavy cruisers Boston and\nCanberra presumably will make\n‘the American fleet the first of any\n\nworld powel to possess opera:\ntionally useful guided missile.\nships.\n\n_ Britain announced last week it\nintends to begin building a Meet of\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4801.9599609375, 469.5384521484375, 5452.51123046875, 891.9710693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "BonnO.K.\nOn Paris\nTreaties\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3437.61619921875, 3730.53612109375, 4095.079845703125, 4997.9741328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "as President. Eisenhower remains\n\n-in- offiee_-tight-seeurity-restrictiony\n\n: WASHINGTON (4) — For as lone\n\nwill be in-effecr at nis new Tarn\nhome con the .Civil-War- battle.\nfield at Gettysburg, Pa.\n\nThe place probably will be ready\nfor occupaney by Easter or soon-\ner, and already’ the house is pet.\nting some of the protection that\nKoes ‘With the presidency.\n\nUniformed gu aed s.. from the\nTreasury Department —: the ayen-\ncy whose Secret Service is charged\nwith guarding the president hii ve\n-been-issigned-to—a-round-the-clock:\nwatch to keep out any trespassers,\nas well as battlefield sightseers.\n\nTourists can get a look at the\nPresident’s 189-acre farm from a\nscenic tower 1! miles away.\n\nAny of them with a good pair of\nbinoculars might have heen able\nto see the chief executive wander-\ning around the grounds Friday, He\nand: Mrs. -Bisenhower spent: five\nhours -here-en route to their Jodge\nin Maryland's Catoctin Mountains\nfor a weekend of- rest. They re-\nturned to the White House late yes-\nterday.\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 82.03435107421875, 3348.92772265625, 754.2367670898437, 4656.3833125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "_ Mrs. William W. Ross, mother of\nMrs. Glenn Menegay, Iola, was\npainfully injured Saturday after-\nnoon in an automobile collision five\nmiles north and,,four cast ‘of Erie.\n. She’ was brought to the Allen\nCounty Hospital with a fractured\npelvis, fractured right arm and\nwrist and possible internal injuries.\nThe hospital reported this’ noon\nthat her condition is fair. Mrs.\nRoss is the former Mrs. Lloyd\nHeathman, whose husband owned\nthe South Street cafe before his’\n—death-severalyears—ago:\nJohn Phelps, undersheriff of Neo-\nsho County, said ‘that’Mr. and Mrs.\nRoss, who live -at-Kimball, were\ndriving on a county road about\n‘nine miles northeast of Erie. Their\ncar was involved in a collision with\nanother driven by Mrs. Doris M.\nReissig, Rt. 3, Erie, who was ac-\ncompanied by two small children.\nThe incident occurred about 1:20\nNeither Mr. Ross nor Mrs. Reis-\nsig and her children were injured\nin the crash, the undersheriff said.\nThe right rear of the Ross car was\nbadly mashed in-'and the front of\nthe Reissig vehicle was extensively\ndamaged. the officer said. |\n\n \n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3458.307373046875, 471.01678466796875, 4101.98291015625, 893.6025390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "“Too Pat\n\nWith Red\nPp arty Line\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 4158.9672734375, 592.8850590820313, 4758.71192578125, 1011.1808588867187 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "MANGE A toeprrepine\nHath tiv eotite stead istaiet foal\nfess ob Werle Wor DR wath te\nNpenod as a deaerststhe start\nmit Wedltresihay othe Nationead\nSheimges tommission sati te\nday Anew lances strip tras\nDeen buat enabline visitors to\nflyootee the oshrnd at) the en\n[ranee te Vianna Bay\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 70.16059466552734, 6194.72264453125, 734.819591796875, 6750.14649609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "a .\n\nThe Beil Furniture Store which\nhas, been. closed since fire destroy-\n‘ed a part of the building on Feb. 11\nis re- opening. today, on a_ limited\nscale. The south room has been\ncleaned and repainted and a ‘new\nstock of furniture began arriving\nthis morning.\n\nWorkmen have started to repair\n“the -hortir part of | -dre- adtreelune\nwhere .the fire was ameeanirateel.\nCompleting the job will probably\nrequire ‘several weeks,\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 802.5535161132813, 581.8638188476563, 1416.560802734375, 1394.0567744140626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "VOUS GFR GRO@1E, CHLaEEP aah Od\nthe diray hinds diviston of the\nRed Cress. called today for\nnew Volunteers for Gray Lady\neerviee oat the Allen) County\nfospital,\n\nA meeting of Gray Ladies\nwill be held at) the hospital\nThursday at 7:30 p. m. Those\nwho would like to jein are in-\nvited to attend this meeting.\n\nGray Ladies started thelr\nwork in Iola simultaneously\nwith the opening of the hospital\ntwo and oa half years ago and\nmost of those who started then\nare still working. A few have\ndropped out, however, creating\nevenings thal Mrs. Reid would\nlike to fill at this time.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 767.8778076171875, 3570.814208984375, 1399.3060302734375, 3841.55712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Boy,Like-Mother\nHas 10 Living\nGrandparents -\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4752.0942265625, 4430.59276171875, 5416.56837109375, 5701.13087109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "worst ordeal tonight or tomorrow\nwhen the main body of millions of\ntons of water will reach them, took\nto rooftops in hopés their homes\nwould withstand the onslaught.\n\nThe floods have sent some 50,000\npersons fleeing from their homes\nin the past five days. They were.\nbrought on. by an ‘unprecedented\n1l-inch,. 24-hour rainfall which\ndrenched 5 000 square hilles of six\nrives. systems, -. e+\n\nAn amateur broadcaster mes-\nsaged from Warren, “The town is\njust about washed away and the\npositiol <is “hopeléss’\" Unless help\narrives immediately, there will be\nno need for it.’’\n\nA 17-mile-wide sea of .water\n‘threatened. to wipe out Nyngan,\nwhile at Walypett = inhabitants\nworked feverishly to build levees\nagainst the flood menace. *\n\nRacing floodwaters have caused -\nTremendous losses in scores of\ntowns in the central west district\nof New South Wales. The waters\nhave ravaged 100,000 square miles\nof rich farm country and caused\nmillions of dollars damage. to cities\nand towns.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2759.044421875, 4442.34764453125, 3424.942638671875, 5558.56446484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Charles Williams, whose parents\nsettled in Allen County in 1872, died\nSaturday at the home of his daugh-\nter, Mrs. Earl Hicks, ‘Topeka. He\nwas 96 years old. '\n\nMr. Williams was-born in Ilinois\nand was 13 years old when his par-\nents migrated to Kansas. ‘The fam-\nily settled on a farm west of the\n‘Neosho where he lived until 1944,\nHe was a charter member -of the\nSalem Uniled Brethren Church. and-\nalways keenly interested in its\nwork, ;\n\nHe is survived: by two daughters,\nMrs. Hicks of “Sopelea ond Mrs.\nHerbert) Jauss, Nashville, Tenn:\n\nfour sons, Olin © of Independence,\n| Mo., Dwight(C. and Arden of Den-\npver, and Carl Williams of Wells-\nville, Kas. He also leaves nine\n#randchildren and eleven” preat\ngrandchildren\n\n| Services wilh be conducted by\nthe Rev. Lyle Bo Ree at 2 pom 7\nTuesday in the Waugh Funeral\nHome. Burial will be at the Jola\nCemetery,\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4778.40234375, 3185.265380859375, 5391.16259765625, 3391.106689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Refuse New Trial\n\nTo 13 Communists\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 68.07655334472656, 5988.13330078125, 706.5656127929688, 6182.814453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Bell Furniture.\n“Onen for Business\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 4111.330078125, 2935.62548828125, 4740.77099609375, 3135.466796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Municipal Assn.\nFor Tke Road Plan\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 81.01766204833984, 4690.357421875, 733.5869750976562, 4890.89794921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "CE. ner\n\n \n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 89.1452865600586, 3132.15087890625, 718.201171875, 3333.0859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Mrs. William Ross\n\nInjured in Crash\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1532.941162109375, 462.3080749511719, 3384.901611328125, 1667.5562744140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2766.439208984375, 4225.75830078125, 3416.8076171875, 4431.296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Charles Williams,\n\n \n\n96, Taken bv Death\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1457.109619140625, 1960.240478515625, 2758.434814453125, 2292.500732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Chou Willing to Talk\nWith U. S.on Fliers\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 4128.51171875, 1047.5762939453125, 4715.8095703125, 1292.5426025390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Laos Visit\nIs Cheering\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1427.75634765625, 4653.517578125, 1979.8828125, 4856.75048828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "A. Bedenbender\nKibed-in Fall —\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 2092.443359375, 5235.7646484375, 2549.024658203125, 5345.2431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Jailed and Fined\nOn PYWI Charge\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2081.5825078125, 5349.38768359375, 2750.770763671875, 5726.18946484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Fred McGowen, Shaw, who was\nfound guilty of driving while in-\n'toxicated by a district court jury\n(on Jan. 33, was fined $100 and\n‘sentenced to five days in jail this\n: morning by Judge Spencer A. Gard,\n“As required by-law, the judge also\nretained’ MeGowen's driver's _1i-\n-Cense.- ,\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2779.55419921875, 1984.3555908203125, 3377.6875, 2237.391357421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Will Urge ;\n‘Policy Shift\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 741.2098271484375, 5357.13475390625, 1402.6622431640626, 5730.18751171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "COF FEYVILLE, Kas. (#1. — The\nCoffeyville Daily Journal lauded\narea progress-with a 144-page pa-\nper yesterday, largest ever pub-\nlished here.\n\nThe fourth annual Progress Ed-\nition included six special sections\nin: addition.\"to the three regular\nnews sections.\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 754.2750244140625, 5768.98974609375, 2480.5458984375, 6013.9716796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "First U-S. Missile- Fi iring o Cruiser”\nReady for Duty With F leet In July\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1450.9345703125, 2696.401611328125, 2077.60498046875, 2949.70263671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Truce Probe\nComes. Late.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 769.0779301757813, 1696.1880986328124, 1433.6212275390626, 3519.02344921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (# — Sendte and\nHouse conferees, taking a second\nlook at a congressional pay raise,\nsettled today on a flat 50 per\ncent increase of $7,500 ‘a year.\nThis brings their pay seale to $22,-\n500.\n\nHouse conferees gave ground on\ntheir demand for an extra $1,250\nexpense account, while senators\ngave up their plan for five ex-\npense-paid trips from Washington\nto their homes each year,\n\nBoth items were struck from the\ncompromise bill, which went back\nto House and Senate for virtually\nreerlain.. acceptance.\n\nThe compromise conference last-\ned only about 20 minutes. with\nboth sides agrecing | on a final ee\n500 figure.” 7° 7 7 ;\n\nPreviously, ‘the House had voted\nfor a $25,000 salary, the Senate\nfor. $22,500 plus the five free trips\neach for senators and representa-\nHives: aaa om sr\n\nLast Friday, conferees came up\nwith their first compromise pro-\nposal which retained the expense-\nfree travel and set the salary at\n$22,500 plus the $1,250 expense ac-\ncount payable quarterly upon pre-\nsentation of itemized vouchers.\n| The House accepted, but the Sen-\nate turned down the expense item.\n\nBefore the compromisers got to-\ngether Rep. Chauncey W. Reed\n(R-H1) said most Congress mem-\nbers are “completely mistaken’\nin believing that the $1,250 cx-\n\nwig a 1 & 2 ow Pan.\n\n \n\nme ee ee ae aT\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 3447.56298828125, 3453.483154296875, 4050.80908203125, 3717.7138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Secret Service\nKeeps Close Eye\n\n \n\nOn Ike’s Farm\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 748.411865234375, 5233.8291015625, 1387.78955078125, 5348.78564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Coffeyville Paper Prints\n144-Page Edition.\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 3457.9736328125, 5056.9990234375, 4699.2626953125, 6412.32958984375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 774.9216918945312, 1427.2188720703125, 1354.612060546875, 1669.5916748046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Pay Boost\nTo $22,500\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 4785.1899296875, 922.3182866210938, 5463.15626171875, 3093.83253125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "BONN, Germany of — National\nrearmament treaties to join’ hale\nfa omilhon West German soldiers to\nthe tt-nation Atlantic Defense\niferces moved = foday to Parlia«\nments upper house Final ratifi-\neatin as expected there within\nHhiee weeks\n\n—\nParhament’s Bundestag (lower\njhousey voted for the four inter-\nHlockiny treaties last night after 42\nhours af prucling debate that\n[traced through four days,\n\nThe vote overwhelmingly — fa-\n[vored) the Western alliance. The\nHouse also agreed reluctantly —\nunder Chaneellor Konrad Aden-\naner’s dogyed insistene@— to Fue\nropeamie the coabl-rich Saar that\nGermany has lost twiee in world\nWiles\n\nHere as last night's vote:\n\nThe key aceord to end the West-\nern occupation of West Germany,\nrestore its sovereignty and lift the\nban avainst rearnmament —324- i\n\nTo authorize the United States\nBritain and France to station 400,-\n000 troops in’ the Bono republic\n\n321-153,\n\nThe joint bill toadmit West Ger-\nnany to the North Atlantic Trea-\nty Organization and the West Eue\nropean Military Union—314—157,\n\nThe Saar Pact—263-202\n\nSeven of the 14 NATO nations\nhave approved German rearma-\nMent,\n\nThe French. ‘National Assembly\napproved it under former Premier\nPierre Mendes-France, but\nFrance's upper house, the Council\nof the Republic, has to give final\napproval. It could delay the proc-\ness by sending amendments back\nto the Assembly, but France’s new\nPremier, Edgar Faure, has prom-\nised to ‘push through ratifiea-\ntion, . .\n\nllaly’s ratification is in the final\nstage. The remaining nations are\n\n \n\n \n" }, "53": null, "54": null, "55": { "bbox": [ 1450.423572265625, 2392.384998046875, 2083.775890625, 2660.41700390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "LAS VEGAS, Nev. \\a—Atomic\ntest. officials meet today to\ndecide -if the -weather. will per-\nmit an atoniic blast at dawn\ntomorrow. Wind conditions can-\nceled today’s scheduled blast.\n\n \n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 4742.18162890625, 5843.70994921875, 5396.44532421875, 6211.115734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": " \n\n. KANSAS, = Mostly, fairs\npartly cloudy elsewhere this after-\nnoon, tonight and showers or thun-\ndérstorms likely extreme south-\neast tonight; warmer this. after-\nLnoonwand, exirentar: navtneast buds:\nia Tosy., Aonighe’ “20° northwest ” ‘to\n\nnorth, ta.. 60, south: . Le elles Sine «\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 4761.34569140625, 3647.660388671875, 5426.193859375, 4118.8022578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nThe 13. were convicted in New\nYork on charyes of subversive con-\nspiracy,\n\nThe high court. Jan. 10 declined\nfo grant them a review. Their law.\nyors_then filed. a. petition- asking: the-\ntribunal to reconsider... an\n\nThe new request cited a state-\niment made in New York by Matu-\nsoi’ that he testified falsely as a\n\nprosecution witness at the trial of\nthe 1.\n" }, "58": null, "59": null, "60": { "bbox": [ 4164.32958984375, 475.0882568359375, 4730.4990234375, 588.3782348632812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "Correvidor to Become\nA National Shrine\n" }, "61": null, "62": { "bbox": [ 4773.5336796875, 3400.6245, 5430.04346875, 3619.929943359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (#—The Supreme\nCourt today disregarded turnabout\ntestimony from Harvey Matusow\nand refused again to grant a hear-\ning to 13 seeond string Communist\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 1475.871337890625, 2326.640869140625, 2045.297607421875, 2390.007080078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "No Atom Tests Todav.\n" }, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 10 ], [ 5, 47 ], [ 17, 14 ] ]
[ 2539.663818359375, 3698.4127597656247 ]
[ [ 1, 10 ], [ 17, 14 ], [ 47, 5 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 986.1212158203125, 712.5095825195312, 2201.165771484375, 1574.9661865234375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 647.1652431640625, 3185.136556640625, 952.1079501953125, 3692.8339023437497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (Senate Jead-\ners moved today for quick action\non extension of the peacetime draft\nand the separate doctor draft act,\nboth due {o expire ai the end of\nthis month.\n\nBut they delayed a decision on\nan appeal by President Eisenhower\nto rescue the administration's\nbroad manpower reserve program,\ndesigned to swell the size of the\nreserve which cowd he cried to\nactive duty at once fn event of\nnational emergency.\n\nChairman Russell (D-Ga) invited\nopposition wlinesses before the\nSenale Armed Services Commitice\nfar testimony on the separate Jaws\nfor drafting youths from 18 to 26\nyears and physicians and other\nmiedical specialists up in 50 yenr:\n\nSennte Republican Leader Know\nland of California said discussions\nwere under way, menhwhile, about\nstarting the controversial reserve\nmanpower mensure Lhrough the\n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 658.3371791992188, 1529.2030849609375, 965.8987216796875, 2507.951333984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "DETROIT (# — Negotiators for\nGeneral Motors Corp, and the CIO\nUnited Aulo Workers appeared\njconfident today they will reach a\njcontract settlement before a Sun-\niday midnight strike deadline.\n\nThey kept mum on the trend of\njthe talks, under a strict secrecy\nagreement. But they went back and\nforth frora negotiating sessions in\nhigh humor like men without too\nmany worries,\n\nit was quite a contrast from the\ngrim air that hung over the Ford\nMotor, Co, bargaining last weekend\nbefore an agreement was reached\nMonday for a thréé-year contract\nincluding a modified ‘guaranteed\nwage plan.\n\nAnother bargaining session was\nscheduled for early afternoon.\n\nMeanwhile, scattered walkouts of\nboth GM and Ford warkers across\nihe nation were subsiding, although\nabout 25,000 GM workers and 5,000\nFord workers were reported sill\nidle,\n\nThe UAW has wamed both GM\nand Ford workers to get back to\ntheir jobs, Reuther sent telegrams\n‘to all-GM locals saying work stop-\npages were “sabotaging national\nnegpliations.” Last night the union\nnotified Ford strikers they would\nhave no protection against com-\npany disciplinary action for idl\nness begining today. .\n\nThe continuing GM strikes were\nat St.Louis, Pittsburgh, Linden and\nTrenton, N.J., Los Angeles, Kansas\nCity and Parma, Ohio, The Ford\nwalkouts were centered at aircrafi,\nand auto ussembly plants at Kan-\nsas Clty. Nearly ail workers had\nreturned {p Ford’s big Rouge plant!\nat nearby Dearbarn, Mich,\n\n‘At was generally believed that\nGM-was working out a package\ncontract offer for the UAW contuin-\ning tncume insurance for workers\nwhile unemployed, plus boasts in\nWages. pensions, insurance and hol-\niday and vacation benefits.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2198.85945703125, 2465.788412109375, 2508.8160800781247, 3214.8754062499997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, June o {INS)—\nCongressional Democrats had a\nnew move underway today to scut.\nNe the cpntraversial Dixon-Yates\npower contract.\n\nThe new drive centera in the\nHouse Appropriations Committee.\nEfforts by Demncrats—then in the\nminor to defeat the contract in\nthe Joint Congressional Atamic\nEnergy Commitee failed lust Fear.\n\nThe Dixon-Yates priyate utility:\ngroup was warded the contract\nto construct and operate a steam\nplant at Wesb Memphis, Ark, to\nsupply power for the Tennessee\nValley Authority system.\n\nThe Democratic Strategy is to\nhave Congress refise to appro-\npriate funds for the construction\nof power lines which would trans.\nmit the electrcity produced by the\nDixon-Fates plant.\n\nXt also proposes using six and\n‘one-half million dollars recom-\nmended for that purpose by Presi.\ndent Fisenhower to start construc-\ntion of a new power plant by TVA,\nin place of the privately-financed\nDixon-Yates project.\n\nThe plnn has surmounted its\nfirst hurdie, & House Appropria-\nQons Stibcommittee has voted to\nuse the transmission line funds for\nnew TVA plant to be built at\nFulton, Tenn. The full Appropria-\ntions Committee wiil meel Friday\nlo consider the proposal, which\nhas the backing of Chairman Clar-\nence Cannon (D-Mo). It is then\nsubject to House and Senate action.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 962.56453515625, 1893.9972744140625, 1273.3489169921875, 2980.259439453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (Sen. Humph\njrey (D-Minn) said taday the Ei\njsenhower administration’s ap\nproach to Big Four talks is marke\nJoy “doubts, fears and hesitation:\nthat a great nation like ours show\nnet exhibit.”\n\nHumphrey and Sen. Capehart\nCR-Ind), Foreign Relations Com.\nmiilee members, in separate in-\nterviews urgei President diisen-\nInower and Secretary of Slate Dul-\nles to set forlh a clear and com-\nplete agenda for the projected\n“summit” meeting.\n\nRussia must be confronted with\nnromises Stalin made to the Unit-\ned States and Britain at the Big\n‘Three warlime Yalta conference,\nthe senators said.\n\n“We gob promises and agree-\nments from Russia al Yalta that\nwe shovld now insist on holding\nthem ta,'' Capehart said,\n| Humphrey ailribuied largely io\n“domestic politics’ tbe “doubts\nand Years” he said huve been re-\npeatedly expressed by Eisenhower\naod Dulles about possible gains\nfrom the meeting which ihe West\nhas proposed be held at Geneva\nin mid-suwly.\n\nBisenhower told -his news con-\nference yesterday: “‘Lel’s don't ex-\npect foo much from the first one,\nbut Jet us do hope that we have\nopened itp a new . aimosphere\nin the whole bnsiness, and maybe\nthen our work will be fruitful in-\nstead of constantly frustrating.”\n\nMumphrey sald the administra-'\ntion is “carefully laying the\ngroundwork in case things don’t,\ngo well. They can then exonerate\nthemselves by saying, ‘We told\nyou so.’ *\n\nHe said Hisenhower and Dulles\nappear “scared to face up to the\nwestions that need to be and must\nbe discussed,” and ‘he continued:\n* “We must seize the initiative’ on\nthis conference and we must go\ninto it loaded with good . Ideas\nthoroughly thought out,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 40.869203582763674, 863.1352138671875, 353.19095800781247, 1904.568765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Sa Ta i fe EA ae Ne DT\n\nPlans are lo operate five rurol\nroutes and at least four city deliv-\nery routes from the new station\nwhen it is established.\n\nLong said advertisements for the\nnew classified branch office have\nbeen pi lobby of the\nmain Post Ofiice building, Eastside\nStation lobby and in a Lynn Gar-\nden drug store. :\n\nAll proposals should be mailed vo\nW. J. Hexarty, Post Office Inspec-\ntor, Room 237, Federal Building,\nChattanooga 1, Tenn. Bids must\nreach hirn not jnter than July 31.\n\nThe lease will be subject to the\nprovisions of the standard form of\nlease used by the Post Office De-\npartment, al a stated-price per\nannum, including heat, Ught, pow-\ner, water, toilet facillties, plumb-\ning, beating, and lighting fixtures.\nHowever, proposals which do not\ninclude heat, Hght, power, water.\neic., or any ane or more of these\nftems will also be considered, Long\nanid,\n\nImportant considerations are a\nreasonably central locaiion, good\ndaylight, and accesslvility to rear\nor side entrance for mails.\n\nGeneral building requirements,\nequipment specifications, and farm\nof proposal, together with informa-\ntion concerning the provisions of\nthe lease, may be oblained from\nInspector Hegarty. Diagram of the\nrooms offered, showing inside dl-\nmensions, offsets, doors, windows,\netc., and any adjoining ground for\nlight areas, driveways. or parking\nares, must be submitted with the\n\n4jreposal, Propov@itS Way alsa\nsubmit photograpns of lheir prop-\nerty and its surroundings if they\n80_dles!\n\nThe new station would give serv-\nIce to Lynn Garden and all of the\nnorthwest section of the Kingsport\nposin! area. Tbe branch will sell\nstamps and money orders. give\ngeneral delivery service, provide\nposl-plfice Jock boxes for patrons,\nit desited, and transact ali postal\nbusiness customarily handled hy\nbranch offices or classified sla-\ntions,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 661.2375698242188, 585.3747768554688, 969.1152133789062, 1331.3124179687502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "GREENEVILLE, June 9 — Two\nsirls were seriously injured last\nnight in a one-car accident with\nlhree boys, all of Greeneville, on\n\nU. S. Route 11-E three miles west\nor here.\n\n‘Tennessee Highway Patrolman\nRankin Long said a 1955-model car\napparently traveling at a blgh rate\nof speed left the pavement on a\ncurve and catapulted 250 to 275 feet\nbefore it came to a stop. Three of\nthe cecupauts were thrown clear\naf the car.\n\nLong said he had been unable to\ndetermine which one was the driv-\ner, as all were siill unconscious\n‘Thursday morning.\n\nHe said the group had left the\nBig Stop Restaurant here in tivo\ncars but he understood they parked\njoue car And joined in the new car.\nThe accident happened about 21\npan., he said, .\n\nChristine Wallin, 18, was reported\nseriously injured and in Laughlin\nClic here wilh head injuries.\nPatsy Poe was reported in ‘critical\ncondition ai Fox Hospital here with\nhead injuries.\n\nAlso in Fox Hospital was Lynn\nHarrison, suffering head and face\n\njlacerations.\n\nAlso in Laughlin Hospjtal were\nDickie MeCoy, suffering \"h broken\nJaw, loss pf six teeth and head and\nface lacerations; Jasper Chapman,\nsuffering lacerations and bruises.\n\nLong said the ages ranged from\nME to 24.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 31.89956475830078, 2098.71883203125, 344.49292944335934, 2843.9562167968747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON IM — The Senate\nInvestigations subcommittee called\nChicago hatmaker Harry Lev for\nfurther testimony today in the\nWwake of punitive action agains!\ntwo procurement officials inked\nwith his activities.\n\nChairman McClellan (D - Ark)\nanid Ley still has “a lot to explain\nafter two days of testimony about\nhis dealings with the government.\n\nThe Ait Force announced last\nnight it has filed eaurt - matlial\ncharges against Capt. Raymond\nWool, who farmerly headed mill\ntary clothing procurement acti\nites in New York. Wool is now in\nNew York, where his wife gave\nbirth to a baby Monday, bui is\nassigned io Dayton, Ohio. pending\naction on the charges. He could\nnot be reached for comment.\n\nThe Air Force said he Was\ncharged with permitting doctar’s\nbills to be puid for bim by an\nAir Force contractor; with falsi-\nfeation of travel vouchers, and\nwith accepting giils and gratuities\n“for services rendered.”\n\n‘The Army announced the sitm-\ngary suspension of Ferdinand Tar-\ntaglia, former research and devel-\nopment chief of ihe Quartermas-\nter Corps’_cloibing purchase divi-\nsion at Philadelphia, after Lev had\nnamed him as his partner in a\nfeather business.\n\nAt the time of suspension Tar-\nYaglin was supervisory military\neJothing specialist at Natick, Mass.\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2210.3716640625, 1005.7389125976563, 2524.5568027343747, 2325.267740234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "REAM LUWN, eine 9 LP-State\nDepartment officials suspect the\nRussian government has decided\n{0 accept the Easl-West division of\nGermany as being, mere or less\npermanent,\n\nli that is true, it could have a\nprofound effect an the Big Four\ntalks proposed [or Geneva next\nmunth since the unification of Ger-\nmany is supposed {o be a primary\nnroblem for consideration,\n\nSpeculation about Russta’s Ger-\nman policy arises from the Soviel\nfnvitation to Chanceltor Konrad\nAdenauer to visit Moscow and dis-\ncuss establishment af diplomatic\nrelations,\n\n‘There is another possible Mean-\nIng. As an alternative ta accepting\n“tvo Germanles” permanently,\nMoscow could he Setting out on a\ncourse which will lead iL eventually\nfo scuttle Ihe Communist puppet\nTegime in East Germany,\n\nThis possibility is regarded by\ninformed oificiais here, however,\nas almost tod incredible to ron-\ntemplate. .\n\nYet the slandards for judging\nSoviet behavior have been SO Upset:\nby Moscow's agreement ta such’\nthings as the Austrian indenend-\nence Treaty and the Ehrushchev-\nBulgabin mmission to Yugoslavia\nthat the experts are reluctant to\ntule out even the mast extreme\nexplanations,\n\nIn the background of Russian\nMotivation officials believe there\nare strong needs for trade with\nthe Western world and especially\nwith highly productive West Ger-\nMany. Probably a dominant desire\nIs to woo West Germany ‘away\nvom its alliance with the Unlted\nStates,\n\nThe Federal Republic under Ads\nenauer’s leadership is the far\nmore populous, powerful and pra-\n‘ductive partion of the divided coun.\ntry. If the Soviets have reached\nthe point of trying to join those\nthey caunot crush, then the Pas-\nsibility of their Maneuvering to let\nHast Germany go someday be.\ncomes @ valid speciation,\n\nThe whole range of Russian\nGerman relations is Ceriain to be\ndiscussed when Adenauer visits\nWashington next week,\n\nQne of the things which struck\nU.8. officlals about the Soviet note\nto West Germany, conveying the\nbid to Adenauer, wns the way in\nwhich it dealt with the Problem of\ndiplomatic relations between Mos-\ncow and Bonn as if each was &\ntotal and complete favernment\n\nwilh Permanently fixed jurisdic.\non,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1895.9517421875, 1879.396078125, 2204.435708984375, 2613.17667578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "LONDON t?--Queen Elizabeth I\n\nopened a new session of Parlin.\n\nment today under the shadow of\nBritain's gravest industria] crisis\nsince the general strike of 1926.\n\nAfter only a ‘passing reference\nte the crippling 12<day-old pution-\nal railroad strike, she pledged the\nvast tesources of Lhe Common-\nwealth to the cause of peace, She\nstressed that in all efforts Britain\n“will continue to work in close\naccord with the United State:\n\nShe said Britain looks “Iorward\nin @ spirit of confidence and good\nwill to fruitful negotiations wilh\nthe government of the Soviet Un-\njon,””\n\n“Gn consultations with the other\ngovernments concerned,” she cun-\ntinued, “ny government will con-\ntinue earnestly Lo seek a peaceful\nsettlement of lbe silualion in the\n‘Formosa Strait,”\n\nThe Queen made her traditional\nSpeech From the Throne in the\nHouse of Lords, where the peers\nnd members of Lic new House\nof Commons assembled for the\nfirst sessiun of Parliament under\nthe new administration of Prime\nMinisler Eden.\n\nHer address was prepared as\nusunl by Eden and members of\nhis Conservative government, and\ncharted his general policies.\n\nMuch pf the traditional color and\npageantry of the ceremony was\nreduced af this Parliament open-\ning.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 954.0746059570313, 3191.366537109375, 1263.930337890625, 3688.5577792968747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Senate,\n\nThis ‘measure was shelved in the\nHouse when Rep. Powell (D-NY)\nsuccessfully moved to attach a pro-\nvisian which would forbid racial\nsegregation in reserve and Nalianal\nGuard units,\n\nEisenhower told his news confer-\nence yesterday this reserve plan\nis vital ta the nation's security.\nClaiming a gaod record for his ad-\nministration on pledges to wipe ont\nsegregation, the President said it\nWas an errer to try to push such\nlegislation through by “tacking it\non something that is so vital to the\nsecurity of the United Sintes.”\n\nPowell, one of three Negra mem.\nbers of the House, said he thinks\nthe President “has been ll-advisedt\nand when he thinks it over, he will\nSay (hat the amendinent is neces-\nsary.”\n\nRep. Brouks (D-La) said tho re-\nSor've mensire is dead in the House\n“for the present!\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1577.990072265625, 2609.963705078125, 1886.2986240234375, 2953.3046054687497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "RENO if ~~ Dick Haymes, 16\ncrooning husband of actress Rits\nHayworth, picked up an applica\ntion for cilizenship here yesterday.\nHe told reporters, “I should have\napplied for citizenship a Jong time\nago.”\n\nThe Argentine - born singer was\nplagued by depottation proceed-\nings after he made a trip to Ha-\nwail in 1953 to wop Miss Hay\nworth,\n\nLast week a federal court ruled\nHaymes did not lose his chance\nfor citizenship because of the trip\nto Hawaii, the court holding the\nislands nre a geographical part of\nthe Unlted Stntes.\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 338.2796840820312, 3256.3081875, 643.109537109375, 3690.1918124999997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "C. H, Richardson, for 20 years\nSuperintendent of Hawkins County\nschoals, died Wednesday in Holstar\nValley Community Hospital.\n\nIh recent years, he had been as\nsociated with the Iaw practice ol\nC, W, Margraves and J, A. Mayes\nin Rogersville.\n\nSurvivors include his widow and\ntwo sons, Clarence Richardson o!\nChattanooga and C. Worley Rich-\nardson of Rogersville.\n\nThe funera) will he Friday morn:\ning in Rogersville,\n\nFuneral services will be held at\n10 am., Friday at Rogersville\nMetiofllst Church with the paslor,\nTev. W. B. Robbins in chnrge.\nBurial will be in Liberty HI] Ceme-\ntery at Church Hill.\n\nThe body witl be taken from\nNash-Wilson Funeral Home to the\nchurch at 9 a.m,\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 352.350912109375, 1174.4965419921875, 658.180826171875, 2359.772623046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "ROGERSVILLE, June & — Jack\nRichmond, 57-year-old Negro, was\nshot down tonight in the doorway\nof his home near here by a triple\nblast from a .12 gauge shoigun he\nhad just returned to his brother,\njJess. according ta Hawkins Counly\n‘Sheriff Dan Anderson,\n\nRichmond died in front of his\nwife, Martha, fromm wounds in lhe\nrheari, left shoulder and lefi side.\nThe weapon was discharged at\n‘Clase range, the wornan told Sheriff\nAnderson, as Jess staod in the yard\natier getting hack from. his\nbrother and asking if it was loaded.\n\nJack replied that it was.\n\n‘The 8:30 p.m. shooting followed\nihe reléase of Jess, about 35, from\njail on a drunkenness charge made\nout by Jack and their mother.\nSheriff Anderson said Jess was ar-\nvested Monday and released\n‘Wednesday about two hours before\nlhe slaying, aller a hearing before\n‘Magistrate Jim Minor.\n| Minor fined the Negro $50 and\ncosts, then on recommendation of\nhis brother and mother suspended\nail but $22.70 of it on'“gaod be-\nhavior.”\n| Released trom jail, Jess, who\n‘the sheriff said frequently caused\ntrouble in the Hendard Section,\nscene ‘of the slaying, went to his\nbrothét's house and asked for his\nshotgun—taken for safe-keeping\nduring the Saturday night spree\nwhen Jess was drunk and causing\ntrouble, according to information\ngiven the sheriff by the family.\n\nJack produced the autontatic\nshotgun, handed it to his brother,\nMrs. Richmond told Anderson, and\nspoke lo bin oboul the trouble he\nhad been causing. Jess asked if the\n‘shotgun bad shells in it, ihen fired,\nthe woman sald.\n| dess lived with his mother, a\nshort. distance from dack’s home in\nthe Hendard Section.\n\nAfier the shooting, Jess went to\nthe home of W. G. Barker and\nasked that the sheriff be calied, ‘To\nAnderson he admitted killing his\nbrother—in a bid to “clean up the\nneighborhood.” He said they alt\nhad been ‘‘picking on him,””\n\nDate of the bearing bas noi been\nset. He will be charged with first\ndegree murder, Sheriff Anderson\nsaid\n\nThe body of Jack Richmond is at;\nColboch-Price Funeral Home. |\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1886.4823818359375, 3158.340169921875, 2188.663736328125, 3692.0541171874997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "myelitis has been higher in the\ncomiry as a whale since April 1\nthere has been little evidence of\nany tunusually high concentration\nof cuses in local areas, if size of\nihe populations in the various\nareas or usual seasonal accurrenre\nis taken into cansideration.”\"\n\nThe report singled out increases\nduring the week from 37 to 52 cases\nin Texas, 28 to 29 cases in Ca\nfornla and six to 15 cases in Flot\nda,\n\nThe number of cases in Idaho\ndropped fram 22 a week ago ta four\neases Insk week. Government scl-\nentists belleve same of the past\nenses in Idsho can be traced to\nuse of Culter vaccine, atlhough\nthere is no proof of this,\n\nAs of yesterday, the government\nsaid Unal 134 of the total cases in\nthe nation were among the six mil.\nHon ar ware children who have\nbren inoculated with the Salk vac:\ncine, Of these, 72 [ollowed the u:\nff vaccine from the Culter Lahora-\ntories,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 340.03131103515625, 3123.627197265625, 623.121826171875, 3241.957275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Hawkins Co. School\nSuperintendent Dies\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 344.9804897460937, 2506.117025390625, 652.6652622070312, 3116.4891757812497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (#1 -- Two key\nmembers predicted today the\nHouse wilt follow the Senale’s lead\nin voting to increase the: minimum\nwage from 75 cents to $1 an hour.\n\nPresident Eisenhower hns asked\nfor no more than 80 cents, and\nTeiterated that posilion yesterday.\n\nRep. McConnell of Pennsylvania,\nsenior Republican on the House\nLabor Commiittee, told newsmen he\nexpects the committee to approve\na bill for $1 and said the House\n“very definitely” will pass\n\nRep. Kelley of Pennsylvania,\nsecond-ranking committee Demo-\nerat, said, “Most members of the\ncommittee ave for $1.”\n\nChairman Barden (D-NC), on the\nother hand, was backing the ad-\nministration figure and dectared he\n\nwould accep, no more than 95\ncents.\n\nThe Senale, with rare speed and\na minimum debate; called up the\nwage bill yesterday and pushed it\nto passage without a record vote.\nThe increase, effective Jan. 2,\nwould bring automatic wage in-\ncreases for an estimated 2.100.000\ncovered workers ‘now making less\ndhan $2 hourly.\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1576.091146484375, 3160.138021484375, 1885.342203125, 3698.4127597656247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, June 3 (INS}—\nThe Public Health Service reported\ntoday that pollo struck 251 Ameri-\ncans Inst we slightly more than\nin the previous two weeks but al-\nmost double the five-year average.\n\nThe government sald that “large\nincreases” in Texns, Califoynia and\nFlorida more than offset ‘a ‘“sub-\nstantial decrease\" ix cases in\nIdaho.\n\n‘The 251 cases for the week ended\nJast Saturday compared with 246\nand 241, respectively, in the pre-\nceding two weeks, and 224 cases in\nthe same week last year. The five-\nyear average for the week is 133\ncases.\n\nThe government snid that since\nthe “disease year began on April\ni there have been 1,476 cases\nacross the country, of which 543\nhave bren prralytic. This compares\nwilh 1.367 cases tn the same periad\nof 1954, with 622 cases of paralytic\npolio.\n\n‘The report said:\n\n“Althaugh the ineldence of polio-\n\n \n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 653.6664638671875, 2688.58894921875, 953.358072265625, 2977.2010898437497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "DETROIT (R—At 70, Jack Clapy\neantends he still bas years of use\nful activity abead of him.\n\n‘To prove It. he's going to para\nchute fram an airplane into Lake\nSt. Clair Sunday as a protest\nagainst his forced retirement a:\n& painter for Detroeit’s public\nschools. Seventy ig the mandatory\nretirement age.\n\n“I'm still too ful of pep and\nwinger to be put aut to pasture,”\nsaid Clapp. “I'm going out and\nshow fa)ks a 70-year-old codger still\nhas gumption,”’\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2190.195150390625, 3367.095296875, 2501.5316562499997, 3697.7176914062497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "ABINGDON, Va., June 8—Luther\nWhittaker, indicted on three\ncharges of shooting two Virginia\nstate troopers and Police Chief\nJohn Stover, was committed to\nSouthwestern State Hospital for\nmental observation.\n\nCircuit “Judge T. L. Hulton\nBranted the request of defense at-\ntorneys and requesled tha hospital\nlo repart to the court prior to Sep\ntember 1.\n\n‘The three officers were wounded\nwhen Whittaker's house was sur.\nrounded by officers. Whiltaker was\ncaptured when he ran from the\nburning fog house near Bristol,\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2203.852294921875, 2324.063720703125, 2492.514892578125, 2453.158203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "New Move Underway\nTo Scrap D-Y Pact\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2209.169677734375, 718.5980834960938, 2502.88232421875, 960.9094848632812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Speculation\nArises From\nBid To Adenauer\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 671.0585327148438, 321.33612060546875, 928.2508544921875, 567.4051513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Five Seriously\nHurtin Wreck\nAtGreeneville\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 979.4202880859375, 335.1943054199219, 2539.663818359375, 681.4266967773438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "MoscowSeemsResigned\nTo Division Of Germany\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 655.4473266601562, 2522.11474609375, 929.625, 2677.80322265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Man,70,To Jump\nFrom Plane Into\nLake As Protest\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1266.049154296875, 3514.752279296875, 1569.20792578125, 3694.9486484374997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "CHATTANOOGA, June 9 UE\nTriplels—two ylrls and ow boy—\nwere born to Mr, and Mrs. W.\nGreen of Georgetown, Tenn, 9\nErlanger Wospilnl Inst tight.\n\nAttendants sald (he mother,\nAgnes Louise, 37, and the hable:\nwere doing fine. The father Is a\nbrick ninson,\n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1901.2252197265625, 1703.355712890625, 2162.294677734375, 1852.87158203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Elizabeth Opens\nNew Parliament\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 33.67641067504883, 1918.478271484375, 326.29541015625, 2080.50244140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Lev ToGive\nMore Testimony\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2191.91943359375, 3232.99658203125, 2452.738037109375, 3356.110595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Gunman Admitted\nTo Mental Hospital\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1891.6689052734375, 2664.023763671875, 2192.512369140625, 2954.9769687499997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "EDMONTON, Alta. it—Scene ft\na busy Edmonton hospltal yester\nday:\n\nA credit manager (A) spoke onl}\nEnglish, the oulgoing patient (B-\nonly Italian,\n\nA painter (C) working nearby.\nspoke Italian end French, but no'\nEngiish.\n\nThe cashier (D) spoke Englist\nand French, but no Italian.\n\nB told C who told D who told\nA, who got the information he\nwanted: how much to be paid so\nthe bill.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 664.1277465820312, 1351.3966064453125, 943.500732421875, 1518.2135009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "GM, UnionMen\nInHigh Humor\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1581.583251953125, 2536.334228515625, 1864.4716796875, 2604.950439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Dick Haymes Takes Out\nForms For Citizenship\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1581.726400390625, 2279.932455078125, 1887.8677158203125, 2528.3436679687497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "NASHVILLE, June 9 (M—Cov\nFrank Clement today appointec\nState Personnel Directer Ramor\nDavis of Lebanon to sucecec\nJames B. Walker of Centerville\nus slute treasurer.\n\nWalker, who has setved in the\nposition since Clement first tonk\noffice in 1953, submitted his resig.\nnation last week because of il\nhealth. In recent months, Walket\nbes suffered a series of hear!\natlacks.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 651.1947631835938, 2993.024169921875, 1253.1998291015625, 3174.46044921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Senate Leaders Move\nFor Draft Extension\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1271.1479091796875, 2116.520345703125, 1578.709390625, 3455.6481113281247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "{torists today is that nearly all the\nmajor oil cdmpanies have postec\n\nta three-cent per gallon reductior\nin gasoline prices,‘\n\nRegwar gas was down io 28.\ncents a galion, and premium te\n31.9 cents.\n\nShetlL Oil Co. led the reductior\nswhen service stations handling that\nproduct posted the new figures\nJune % with Faso following suit\nWednesday. Pure Oi) prices came\ndown too yesterday.\n\nTexaco prices joined the others\nthis morning, and The Peters Co,\nreported this morning Gulf was\nin the process of getting authority\nfrom the home: office fer a cut.\n\nAn independent gasoline trucker\nwho hauls various brands said the\ngas war that ‘has been underway\nat Bristol, Johnson City and acrass\nthe state line in Virginia has final-\nly hit Kingsport. .\n\nThe cut-rate oil companies that\nunderselt the major oi! companie:\nabout two cents a galion had not\nmade any further reductions in\ntheir grades of gasoline yel. Their\nprices were remaining at 28.9 and\n27.9,.Teductions that have been ef-\nfective from Lwo weeks to about a\nmonth ago.\n\nMast of the major oil company\nrepresentatives queried today said\n‘the gasoline reductions here are in\n‘connection with the area fas price\nwars, but there was no get-together\non prices among them. The others\nfollowed the lead of Shell's reduc-\ntlon,\n\nSame ‘spokesmen. said the skirm-\nish could extend into a real war on\ngas prices yet.\n\nThe gas reduction In Gate City\nwas reported to 22.9 cents @ gal-\nlon yesterday, and gas prices in\nother Tri-Cities urban areas were\nreported down to 18 and 19 cents a\ngatlon.\n\nThe new reduction followed an\nincrease in gnsoling taxes of two-\ntenths of a cent added the first of\nJune for inspection fees. The price\nof gasoline includes @ total of 9.6\ncenis a gallon’ in direct taxes\nlevied by the state and federal gov-\nernment.\n\nThe major oil company repre-\nsentatives said the service stations\nare protected under the price re-\nduction by a guarantee, reported\nto be 4 cents a gallon on-tegular\nand § cents @ gallon on premier\n\n \n\npas.\nThe distributing companies teke\nthe loss. if any, on the gasoline\nprice cuts, spokesmen for several\nof the major companies sald.\nHome offices of the distributors\nfirst have to authorize the reduc-\ntions,. and when authorizes them,\nthe others iry to meet those prices,\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 345.2015380859375, 2370.900390625, 638.9901733398438, 2494.314697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Minimum Wage Okay\nExpected In Senate\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 359.9596252441406, 889.287109375, 644.453857421875, 1145.3519287109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Rogersville Man\nIs Charged With\nSlaying Brother\n" }, "37": null, "38": { "bbox": [ 966.3050537109375, 1701.60595703125, 1886.8775634765625, 1881.0916748046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Humphrey Says Ike's Approach\nTo Big 4 Talks Marked By Fear\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 32.44844247436524, 2897.700521484375, 340.7068881835937, 3044.1803378906247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "FLORENCE, Ala., June § (INS)\n—\"You should have known better.”\n\n‘Those were the wards used by the\neity judge in Florence when he\nfined Mayor Walter Harrison an\nextra dollar after his honor plead-\ned guilty t@ double parking.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1583.81591796875, 2967.326904296875, 2192.24755859375, 3146.515869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "251 More Polio Cases\nReported Last Week\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1276.9417724609375, 1911.8245849609375, 1843.506591796875, 2085.3115234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Gasoline Price Slashed 3 Cents:\nPer Gallon By Local Companies\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1587.1212158203125, 2116.41162109375, 1864.900146484375, 2276.804443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Clement Appoints\nRamon Davis As\nState Treasurer\n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 1893.5330810546875, 2620.7021484375, 2173.21240234375, 2659.91943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "How Much Did He Say?\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 48.77461242675781, 320.5936584472656, 654.7454833984375, 747.5728759765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "Lynn Garder\nBranch P..O.\nApproved\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1265.5015869140625, 3471.819580078125, 1542.8304443359375, 3509.6220703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Triplets Born In‘Nooga\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 48.46508599853516, 754.8075771484375, 660.0178623046876, 865.1717319335937 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": " \n\nPostmaster Howard Long announced today the Post Office Depar\nment has #pproved placing a Uranch office in Lynn Garden, sinvilar\nto the Eastside Station, as soon as suitable quarters are provided.\n\nLong said adverusements have been posied for the lease of a suil-\n\nably-equipped building providing about 2,000 square feet of floar space.\nelas en eg rege eae ae\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 32.80727767944336, 2856.0078125, 316.6936340332031, 2889.69970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "‘should \"Have Known’\n" }, "49": null, "50": { "bbox": [ 50.863582611083984, 3058.950439453125, 318.98590087890625, 3106.880859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Weather Report\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 32.63939477539063, 3113.493978515625, 338.32142065429684, 3187.9122714843747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "KINGSPORT AND VICINITY — Partly\ndloudy lontant, lor im upper 40's, “Friday,\nflouae, conuinied cool, high in 70's. Sar-\nurdae, tittle chonge sn tempersiure, partly\nBigude:\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 87.74760437011719, 3194.407470703125, 288.13690185546875, 3226.173828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "TEMPERATURES\n" }, "53": null, "54": { "bbox": [ 434.0604553222656, 1154.340087890625, 584.0130615234375, 1171.050537109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "By RIET. UCR\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 40.11646081542969, 3532.39070703125, 326.7217807617187, 3689.7272128906247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Runrise S222 amy\n\nBunset THB p.m.\nMoonrise 1045 nam,\nLan Quarter ‘June 13\n\nFHS oe the brihl planet “in the\nmamning’ sky, rising BL AST a mn,\nBloving near the sup. it will disappear\nEnis simmer and TeUT Aa an evening\natar ale in the, nil.\n\nCompuled for Riegspork TimesNews\nby fatiey BR. Frank,\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 2242.156494140625, 972.1175537109375, 2497.54541015625, 993.1279296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "By JOHN WO wicnrowee\n" }, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 26 ], [ 17, 3 ], [ 16, 19 ], [ 36, 41 ], [ 36, 55 ], [ 36, 56 ], [ 36, 61 ], [ 36, 67 ], [ 36, 70 ], [ 36, 77 ], [ 41, 55 ], [ 41, 56 ], [ 41, 61 ], [ 41, 67 ], [ 41, 70 ], [ 41, 77 ], [ 55, 56 ], [ 55, 61 ], [ 55, 67 ], [ 55, 70 ], [ 55, 77 ], [ 56, 61 ], [ 56, 67 ], [ 56, 70 ], [ 56, 77 ], [ 61, 67 ], [ 61, 70 ], [ 61, 77 ], [ 67, 70 ], [ 67, 77 ], [ 70, 77 ] ]
[ 2539.6826953125, 3482.44197265625 ]
[ [ 16, 19 ], [ 17, 3 ], [ 26, 0 ], [ 36, 70 ], [ 41, 36 ], [ 55, 56 ], [ 56, 77 ], [ 61, 67 ], [ 67, 55 ], [ 70, 61 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 537.1421337890625, 137.7549725341797, 979.5309619140626, 972.9040087890626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "ish mission was founded there {n 1774, the year\nthe American Revolutionary war got under way\non the Atlanlic coast. A little city, called Yerba\nBuena, began io grow up around ihe mission.\nSpain fost control of California ta: Mexico, and\nin 1847, American forces took over and the name\nwas changed to San Francisco.\n\nTen days before the treaty ending the Mex-\nican war was signed, gold was discovered at Sut~\nter's mill, 110 miles from ihe cily, The wild rush\nthat followed destroyed Sutter’s properly, for\nwhich he was never compensaled, and Lhe dis-\ncayery touched off a boom ihat gave the city a\nrepulation for wild lawlessness that was seldom\nequalled in the lawless west, California came to\nbe known as a land where a man might make\na fortune or be hanged or shot in the course af a\nfew weeks,\n\nLawlessness was eventually suppressed, and\nthe city beeame the largest on the Pacific Coast,\na position il has since lost to Los Angeles. The\ngreat carthquake and fire partially destroyed it\nin 1906, but it was quickly rebuilt.\n\nIn 1898, the California infantry embarking\nfrom San Francisco to wrest the Philippines fram\nSpain were the first treops ever lo leave the con~\ntinent to fight a foreign war.\n\nThe masts of thousands of ships in its great\nharbor have long marked the city as a major\nworld port; its rugged headlands and its two\ngreat bridges, often standing phantom-like in\nTolling fog; ils Chinatown and market place by\nday, and the tens of thousands of lights that can\nbe seen fram ihe great hill overlooking the city\nand harbor are a wonderful altraction at night.\n\nThe visitors from Fergus Falls and elsewhere\nwill find San Francisco an interesting city.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 654.4060498046875, 2235.859052734375, 950.7071704101563, 3138.979326171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "WEST PALM BEACH, FLA\n(AP)—Aulhorilies leaned taware\na kidnap-murder theory today ir\nthe mysterious disappearance o}\nCircuit Judge C. E. Chillingworth\nprominent Florida jurist, and hi:\nwife,\n\n“I hope this is only a kid-\n\n/ naping,” said Sheriff John F.\nKirk. “We are still at a loss\nas la what happened and as\nto whut mative ihey might\nhave had.”\n\nThe tall, thin, 58-year-old jur-\nisL and his wile Marjorie, 57,\nwere last seen by friends in Palm\nBeach Tuesday night and were\nreported missing from their\noceanside summer home al near-\nby Manalapan yesterday morn-\ning.\n\nSlender clues balfled state,\ncounty and cily police investi-\ngators.\n\nJudge Chillingworth, a” native\nof West Palm Beach, had been\ncounly jurge for two years and\nCircuil judge for 32.\n\nState Alty. Phil O'Connell dis-\ncounted a theory thal a prisoner\nrecenily released may have been\nresponsible, but said he had ov\nolher passible clues\n\nThere were footprints in\nthe wel sand, what appearen\nto he Mondstains on a beach\nwalk and a smashed spot-\nMet onlsile the concrete ant\nJrame beach house, indicat-\ning violence.\n\n\"We ate working on the thea-\nthal they were attacked and\nied away either by boal of\n4y car,” said John K. Hiatt, Palm\nfench counly investipalor.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1565.0754833984374, 2959.5985546875, 1872.2161425781248, 3476.246171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "MINNEAPOLIS (AP)~A su-\nburhan Richfield valunteer fire-\nman died early today after help-\ning fight a fire that anthorilies\nsaid apparently was set by an\narsonist.\n\nJames L, Spillane, 32, died iu\nan ambulance en route Lo a hos-\npital, He collapsed after inhaling\nsmoke. Spillane aud a squad of\nRichfield firefighters fought the\nblaze al a uearls campleled hore\nal G432 Fifth Ave., Solth.\n\nRichfiekl fire chief Ray Meeker\nand other firemen said they fg-\nured the fire “was seb by asem-\nbody.” Damage was aslimaled at\n$15,000.\n\nAnt autopsy was ordered to de-\ntermine cause of Spillane's death,\nMecker said Ihe village had had\nan epidemle of fires in homes uns\nder construction. The blazes or-\ncurred round midnight during the\nlast four months.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1283.64640625, 1071.5869580078124, 1593.8487109374998, 1820.0768603515626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "tal will find a hearly welcame,\nand when the progressive spirit\nof ie age shall lake possession of\nthe county own citizens, then will\nOlter Tail county become the\nforemost and most influential\ncounly in the dear old state of\nMinnesota.\n\nTherefore let our object be our\ncounty, aur whole county, and\nnothing bul our counly — Otter\nTail — became — by ihe blessing\nfo God and her citizens — will\nalways be a counly of liberty,\npeace and happiness. All of this\nis up ta me and ta you and to you.\nIn the future.\n\nThis is the thing I want to\nwrite on your hearts. The future\nof hour homes, our children and\nour country, because this is the\nage of the trained man and the\ntrained waman.\n\nI tell you today thai the tragedy\no¢ this modern life is (he lragedy\nof the half-educated man or wo-\n\nman. It is the trayedy of (he inap\nor woman who wants ta do sami\nthing and cannot do anything well.\n\nWe must not let this happen to\nthis generation of children, or any\nother generation — if they are\ngoing 10 make good cilizens in the\nfuture fur our counly, slale and\ncounlry —U.S.A.\n\nMilton R, Risner,\n\nae a tawRe\n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1573.5826416015625, 2821.508056640625, 1837.3397216796875, 2948.770263671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Fireman Dies\nFrom Smoke\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1897.5848828125, 1918.5688916015624, 2199.54060546875, 2186.20076171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "| DENVER (AP) — Russian ait\npower has advanced rapidly but\nit’s sill nol slrong enough to de-\nfeal ihe United States, Glenn L.\nMarlin, pioneer aviation indus-\nat , Said fist aight,\n\n“The fighter and bomber planes\nalready in production in this\ncosutry ean slop any Soviet\nplanes now in the air, Adding tp\nour slrengih are the very hot\nthings we have an the fire,” Mar-\niin said in an interview.\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1912.4653759765624, 650.3386059570313, 2220.4600390625, 1805.1400927734376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "MEGinaloOn serviecs § Jor Neti\nPergande, son of Mrs. J. H. Per-\nBande of this city will he held\nSunday, June 19, al 8 p.m. in the\nFirst Evangelical and Reformed\nchurch.\n\nNeil Pergande returns ta the\nchurch of his youth for his ordin~\nation. He was confirmed in 1943\nby the Rev. Earl Krueger and was\nan active member of the Eyan-\nBelical and Reformed church in\nthis city before going away to col-\nloge. He is a graduate of the\nWashington high, school class of\n1947, afler which he atlended Mis-\nsion House College ut Plymouth,\nWis. graduating Srom there on\nJune 5, lbis year. He was edilor-\ninechief of ihe school newspaper\nwhile in college; business manag\ner of the year book, a member of\nthe sludent council for three years,\nand during the past year treasur-\ner of the Senior Seminary Student\nBody, and a member of lhe Fund\nRaising group at the college, which\nraised $20,000 this year. He was\nan assislan{ in the caliege biology\ndepartment.\n\nDuring 1953 he served the Sa-\nlem-Zion Evangelical aud Reform~\ned church in Philadelphia, Pa.,\nand worked in canneviion with lhe\nPhiladelphia Council of Churches\nin a membership survey.\n\nThis will be the first ordinalion\nservice in this church's history in\nFergus Falls, and Special plans\nhas been made for the occasion.\nThe Rev. Mr. Ear] W. Krueger of\nIndianapolis will be the gurst\nspeaker and the Rev. E, F. Menger\nof Norwood, Minn, will be the\nJiturgist. Both are former pastors.\nThe Rev, Wilferd Burger, pastor\nal the church, will officiate at the\nordination,\n\nAll relatives and friends of the\nPergandes are invited to ultend\n(he service and remain for a rer}\neplion following the service.\n\nBeginning July 1, Pergande will\nserve the St. Luke's Evangelical\nand Reformed thurch in Braddock,\nPPa. Wt is jucaled in the metro-\nnolitain area of Pittsburgh.\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 32.83099945068359, 2237.842451171875, 341.8481311035156, 2934.6748828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "MINNEAPOLIS — Imaginary\nhostile airceait carried out a “sur-\nprise alomic affack\" on the Twin\nCities Wednesday as part of Oper-\nation Aleri, most extensive nation-\nal civil defense tes! yet held.\n\nHf the attack had been real, this\nwould be the situation today:\n\nCivil defense workers from out-\nlying areas moving into lhe Twin\nCities, where the bomb blasted an\narea 4.7 miles in diameter, killing\n89,000 and wounding 209,000.\n\nNine caunties north of the Twin\nCities affected by radio-active\nfahaut, some sericusly.\n\nSmaller Minnesota tov\nwith evacuees from the T\nies area\n\nOne civil defense medical store-\nhouse Icft in the slute.\n\nThe aliack, of ccoursr,\ntheory only\namong\nas surprise largcts at the last mine\nute by federal civil defense ad~\nministration authorities.\n\nThe yellow alert was revei\nal state civil defense headqu:\ners, St. Paul, from tie air defense\ncommand at 10:03. At 1011 a.m.\n2 blue alerl—wearning in evacuate |\n-was reenived. Air raid sirens |\nbegan sounding all over the stale |\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nfilled’\nin Cit-\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 335.8548107910156, 2780.896162109375, 636.2397631835937, 3450.345537109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "TOKYO (AP)—Major Japun-\nexe newspaner said today Russiv\nhad demanded that the Umied\ntates pull its troops oul af Ja-\npau aad Okinawa within 90 days\nlas the price of a Saviet-dapan\nWorld War I peace treaty.\n\nSimilar stories in Tokyo da\nNes said Iussia made a “drastic\nplopusal” at Tuesday's session o!\nthe USSA-Japan peace Lalks in\nLondon which embraced the de-\nmands the Soviets failed lo win\nat the 1951 San Francisca peace\nconlerenec.\n\nThe newspapers quoied “au-\ntheri{ative sources.”\n\nEarlier, Foreign Minisier Ma-\nmeru Shigemitsu said Russia has\nyenewed almoslL the same de-\nmands on Japan which the So-\niets failed ta win at San Fran-\ncisco.\n\nThe Russians tried unsuecess-\nfully then to foree Japan lo oust\nU.S. tronps from Japan and\nOkinawa within 90 days.\n\nRussia efused to sign the San\nFraneiseo peace treaty, Japan al\nthe same time signed 2 seenrity\n{realy with lhe Unlled States\nproviding for U. S. troops {a\ndefend Japan.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1256.2966748046874, 3261.786787109375, 1555.4602832031248, 3470.338212890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "| TOKYO (AP}—Jnpanese scien-\nUsls have detecled n sun spot\nwhich they sald today could pro-\nduce magnetic slorms,\n\nThe sunspot—with a dlameler\n14 times that of the earth—was\nfist noted shine 10, I has\nmoved (ram the easlem side af\nIhe sun's western hemisphere to\nthe center, they reported,\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 21.19072914123535, 2950.316650390625, 314.6678161621094, 3082.463623046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Orders Issued\nFrom Hideout\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 638.072431640625, 3227.3407421875, 942.0879077148438, 3457.26619140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "ARZANA, ITALY (AP)—Ital-\nJan musical slar Elena Quirici\nwas given a three-month suspen-\nded sentenee yesterday because\nshe tried In pass for 27,\n\nA local court found her pully\nof having changed her identity\ncard lo show 1928 as her, year of\nbirth,\n\nThe aviginal dale? The sour,\ngallantly didn't say.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 345.060791015625, 2481.389892578125, 607.6950073242188, 2679.818359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Russ Terms\nSame For Jap\nPeace Treaty\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2182.23185546875, 3275.664228515625, 2488.72078125, 3482.44197265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\nVIENNA (APY—Mare than 2-\n400 blind men and wamen staged\na silent demonstration in Vienna\nyesterday asking 2 monthly pen-\nsion nf 200 Austrian sehillings—\n$7.10 Tram the governmeni,\n\nAustria pays blind pensions\nanty for persons who Inst their\nwht as soldiers ar wha are\nunable to wark,\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 526.2512036132813, 1023.8489208984375, 970.2236499023438, 1671.8930224609376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Mayor Clifford R. Hove, of Alexandria, has\nbeen spending the sumuner in Europe and writes\nhome briefly, telling of his impressions. In a let-\ntor to Argyll Pelerson, formerly of Battle Lake\nand Fergus Falls, but in later years a prosper-\ngus druggist in Alexandria, says he has visited\nIceland, the Drilish Isles, France, Germany, Hol-\nland and Italy, and is now making a more exten-\nded slay in the Scandinavian countries. He re-\nports plenty of rain in Norway and was plan-\nning a trip to North Cape, where the sun can he\nseen all night al this mid-June season.\n\nSpeaking about conditions in Europe gen-\nerally, he says it is a myth that “everywhere you\ngo, you will find somrone wha can speak Epg=\nlish’ In half a dozen places, he found people\nsq sorree” and they would net accept American\nmoney. He also says the war damage has been\nvery generally repaired, with new buildings bect-\nter than the old ones. The people are nearly all\nworking and in Italy they are singing. Speaking\nol France he says: “You can have ii; and Paris,\n4oo. I was only there nine duys; it smells, Saw\nsome very beautiful farming country; very few\niractors; they were seeding or preparing ihe\nground for secd; cow or women power, with old\nmen walking behind. Food? Well, the wine is\n\nvery good. You don’l dare drink the water; ‘hey\nwouldn’k let you stay overnight if you did.”\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 972.6324291992188, 1192.6055126953124, 1277.8446826171876, 2567.008623046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "(Associated Press)\n\nIf bass action experienced by\nPantish and pike anglers the past\nfew days is any criterion, opening\nof the Jarge and small mouth bas:\nseasun in Miunesota Salurday\nshould be tops.\n\nThe hefty bait sockers have\nbeen “bothering” crappie fish-\nermen's minnows as well as\nungle worms dangled by sun-\nfish seckers,\n\nA crappie foursome trying Lake\nAlice near Walker reported tossing\nback 42 nice bass. Panfishermen\nworking Spunks Lakes near SL.\nCloud reported “terrific”! bass ac-\ntion. Bemidji reports many bass\njumping the gun. At Ely an angler\nogled a §%% pound bass on his\nscale and reluciauily tossed it\nback,\n\nBass were still spawning in\nsome areas carly in the week but\ngenerally that phase is believed\nover.\n\n \n\nMeanwhile other fishing ar-\ntivity continued goal. Walleye\nfishing is holding up in most\nareas, A dozen muskics were”\nreporicd caught In the Wall\narea, ihe biggest 22 pounds\n1 aunce.\n\nHere's what various fishing\npoints report:\n\nPARK RAPIDS—Pan fishermen\nand those who went after German\nbrown trout in Straight River\nwere most successful in the Park\nRapids arca the last few days.\nSpider, West Crooked and Lake\nBelle Taine best pantishing spots\n\nST. CLOUD—Panfish continue\ndominating fhe St. Cloud area\nfishing scene. Walleyes are Lew\nand scattered. Spunk Lakes had\nlertific bass aclinn aver the week-\nend. Anglers on other area Jakes\nalso repart some bass action.\n\nDETUOIY LAKES — Delroit\nLakes had a distinguished fisher-\nman Jasl weekend in Wie person\nof Gen. Mark W. Clark, retired\nArmy officer, now president of\nThe Citadel. Conerniraling ou\n“ornggrant Lake, the general harl-\n“d ih five walleyes one evening\njespile rainy weather, and the\nrext night picked off his limit of\night in the company of Shorty\nJohnson, Carmorant expert, and\n“hel Kaldahl, the general's hosl.\nNight fishing moving into piclure.\nSrappies especially numervus with\napper one 1-12 caught in Pelican\nwake. Loren Irwin, Sigux City,\newa, houked a $-B walleye in East\nJoon La\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 22.156337814331053, 3136.656416015625, 326.4355639648437, 3450.58259765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "relocation center three hours be-\nfore selling oul for his own secret\nheadquarters.\n‘FE, TKEt\n\nHis raule there and oul of\nWashington earlier supposedly was\ncloaked in secrecy, bul the word\nseemed 10 have sprearl. For ex-\nample, a couple of youngsters\nperched atop a fence at one paint\nobviously were waiting for him.\n‘alled out “HI The” as he\n\n \n\n \n\nAREA\nAS he approached his own bead\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 952.2422924804688, 2629.150556640625, 1259.39900390625, 3464.983232421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Edilor Journal:\n\nThe fulure of Otler Tail caunly\nrests wilh the people inhabiting\nthe cauniy. They can make the\ncounty whal they will. They can\ncause Otter Tuil county to be\nlooked up to by other rounlies and\nagain, they can be the cause that\nbeing a cilizen from Olier Tail\neaunty wil? be vonsidered a term\nal reproach. Olter Tail county\nbring second ta none when it\ncomes 19 beautiful frees, lakes,\nrivers, wild song birc in the\nspring, summer and fall, a beauti-\nful counly seal and, preunds\n(owns, woaded hills, wild flowers,\nfarm homes, and gnod fishing and\nhunting, cle.\n\nMost striking of all. 1 am quile\nsure it is safe for me to speak on\nbehalf of the people nf Otter Tail\nronnty that they would like to\nsec their county beeome ane af the\nleaders, educationally, politically\nandl morally.\n\nTo whl extent this will be ace\ncomplished is for Ihe people of|\nIhe county to say. Respect for\nlaw and rigid enforcement of the\ntine, fogethor with increased ed.\nucational facililies, will do much\nfoward bringing the epunly to\nthat position among the other\ncounties of the slale to which the\ncounly is rixh{fully entiller, Oller\nTall comily yesourees are many,\n(ough only partially developed.\nWhen elher ecountles and sliles\nRnel aul thal the conditions of the\ncounty are such thot outside capi-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1921.5665283203125, 145.17181396484375, 2158.457275390625, 225.04132080078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Neil Pergande To\nBe Ordained Sunday\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 347.90098388671873, 1893.8232861328124, 648.27498046875, 2465.7871875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "quarters in the carly evening, the\nPresident undoubiedly saw—as\nnewsmen did—armul members of\na iilitary guard posted in the\nheavily wooded arca.\nCloser to the headquarters\nother guards shouldered rifles\nwith flxed hayoncts—and had\norders to challenge sharply\nany would-be iniruders. They\ndemanded credenthals — and\nkepl their weapons trained an\nall ‘comers during examina-\njivu of the credentials.\nEisenhower sat down immed-\nKiately to work on a stack of of-\nficial papers, some dealing with\nthe “casualties” in the sham af-\ntack. Others sized up theorretical\nrelaliatory measures taken or\nabout to be taken.\nLASTS INTO TOMORIOW\n\nAfter that the Presidenl had an\nearly dinner and got to bed while\nmany of his aides slill were hard\nat work. Operation Alert will Jast\nwell into [amorrow, with Eisen-\nhower Lakinge part all the way,\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2189.810224609375, 2717.909833984375, 2499.402666015625, 3139.709794921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Sunnesola: Mostly fair tonight\nexcept scallered thundershowers\nexireme southwest; Friday partly\ncloudy and warm, seatlered Uhun~\ndershowers southwest and extreme\nwesl; low lonight 54-60; high Fri«\nday 78-86.\n\nSouth Dakota: Increasing claud-\niness, showers or ¢husderstorms\ndeveloping this aflernoon and ta-\nnighl and again Friday afternoon;\nnoi so warm west; low tonight 50-\n60; high Friday 75-85.\n\nNorlh Dakota: Parlly claudy\nasl, considerable cloudiness wi\nscattered showers or thunde\nstorms west portian this aflernoon\n\nSpreaning lo Llonight er Fri-\nday; not quile go warm exireme\nwest; low tonight 90-60; high Fri-\nday 75-85,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1902.893798828125, 1831.945068359375, 2135.72900390625, 1911.9715576171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Plane Maker Says\nUS Ahead OF Russ\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 70.24764831542969, 571.6567822265625, 504.00508300781246, 1097.97517578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Trade papers are telling us that erop pros\npects are a little better now than they were when\nthe last cYop report was prepared.~\n\nThey point oul that southwest Kansas, cen-\n\nder of the carly ’30s dustbow, tiad 7 inches pf rain\n\nJast month, nearly iwice the total for all 1954.\nRainfall throughout ihe U.S. since mid-May was\nthe most generous and covered the widest arca\nin five years, weather men say.\n\nSouthwestern farmers now plant larger acre-\n\nages tu grain sorghum. Output of this feed grain\ncould casily top the 1950 record of 233 million\nbushels, up from 204 million in 1954 and only\n130 million in 1958. Early secded spring wheat\nin the Dakolas touk a bad beating from dry wea-\nther, Bul additional moisture now raises the\nerop prospect to above 205 million bushels, abuut\n25 million over 1954. .\n\nDrouth-breaking also improved pas-\ntures—the raw material for becf, milk and lamb,\nOats, barley, cotton and vegetables all got a lift\nfrom the extra moisture, too. This year’s winter\nwheat crop, of course, was too far along when the\nTaine cume.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1938.0855712890625, 241.374755859375, 2203.692626953125, 615.544189453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 661.5914306640625, 1900.8250732421875, 919.9407958984375, 2130.26806640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Florida Judge\nAnd Wife Are\nAbducted\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 991.7355346679688, 894.3547973632812, 1560.3883056640625, 1057.9674072265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Eager Bass Can't\nWait for Openinc\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 59.32439239501953, 1298.26212890625, 499.86393920898433, 1873.863115234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "SAN FRANCISCO 1N THE LIMELIGHT\n\n‘A group of 39 young people from Fergus\nFalls and vicinity left by chartered bus for San\nFrancisco by way of the Black Hilis and Salt\nLake city Thursday. Other graups from bere and\nfram all over the nation will be converging on\nthe city at the same time for a greai Lutheran\ngathering, and the attention of several million\npeople will be drawn toward the Golden Gate\ncity.\n\nAt almosl the same time, on June 20 to be\nexect, San Francisco will become a cenler of\nworld allention, for it is on that dale that dele-\ngales from many Jands will convene ihere for\nthe tenth anniversary sessions of the United Na-\ntions, President Eisenhower will welcome the\ndelegates on June 25.\n\nFouricen months later, the eyes of the na-\ntion will again tum 1a San Francisca as Lue Na-\ntional Republican canveniion will be held there\ndo nominate candidales for president and vicee\npresident.\n\nSan Francisco has a fairly long history. Ils\nfine hathor, enlered ihrough the Golden Gate,\nwhich is now spanned by one of the highest brid-\npes dn ihe world. was discovered in 1769. A Spun-\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 640.7937622070312, 3148.76025390625, 876.3013305664062, 3226.720947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Court Spanks Mildly\nJn Age Cover-Up\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1022.2933349609375, 208.43099975585938, 1873.0528564453125, 858.8161010742188 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Furetess, Te “YU & GLY ON THE. Vf NO-NO-NOH! Z DONT GET 4\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nLAYOUT MAN, SHOWS, Hi DESERT AND HEV} AIESSAGE FROM rf! LEAVES ME\nTHE BIG BOSS THE SEES CHOKIES IN jf COLD! NOT DISTINCTIVE ENOUGH! J\n*COMPRELENSIVE” FA MIRAGE! r7\\ HASNT GOT PRODUCT IDENTE 42]\nFOR THE NEW AD yy > ea fe\nCAMPAIGN- NO: if a sa)\nDICE >» 5 Ye =\n: go\n\nForty Layours ES\nLATER™SAID BIG fi\n\nBoy SEES THE Bm\nFIRST ONE-(yup~| “\nEVERY TIME!)\n\n \n\nrit\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1622.49267578125, 927.7713623046875, 1886.6951904296875, 1035.9207763671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "County Agent\nColumn\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1276.1806640625, 1838.3271484375, 1556.633056640625, 1914.83056640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n\nWeek Of Camp Fire Day\nCamo At Pebble lake\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1275.7761669921874, 1915.344892578125, 1576.5298632812498, 3199.402421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "There will be a week of Daj\nCamp for all girls in the 4th, 5th\nand 6th grades of the past year at\nPebble Lake slacting Monday\nJune 20 through Friday, June 24,\nunder the direction of the Fergus\nFalls Camp Fite Council. Trans-\nportation will be furnished, The\nbuses will leave from the Wash-\nington Junior high school at 9-30\nam, daily,\n\nMONDAY\n\ndy, Duetor!\n\nexamination al\nwhington\n\n \n\nSet un camp.\n00. Swimming (Bring Low-\nete.)\nTainch. Bring bag Junch.\ntest period:\n\nTuy Scouts emonsirate\nbullding ana first aid\nVian nest day's activities\n\n \n \n\n4:20, Clenn up.\n\n. Rus trip back,\nTURSDAY—\n, Bus trip out.\n19 Opening exercises.\n10:19:30, Cammunity sin\n1 11. Fire preparation.\nSwimming, 4\nLunch (Wiener roaet)\n\nRest period.\n0, Ceremonial committee\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nCraft.\n) Plan next day meal (foil\n0, Clean up\n\n3, Bus trip ba\nWEDNESD Ay\n9:30, Aus rly gut.\n1-45-10, Opening everelsos.\n30, Nature hike by counsel-\n\n \n\n \n\nFire bullding.\n00, Swimnung,\nizdi-l, Lunch (fotl cooked)\n1-1:80, “Rese perlod.\n\nCraft.\nClean wp\nius trip hack.\nTHUUSDAY—\n}, lus trip oul.\n\n(0, Opening exercises.\n39-11, Ike, 2 iniles.\n11-12, Swimming.\n|, Lunch. Bag lunch.\n1-1:30, Tres perlod.\n\n1-1:30, Ceremonial cammillee meets\n1:30-2330, Genet,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n. proetice Council Fire.\n» Clean uy\n\n \n\nTia\n\n \n\ni.2:45, Clean up.\nCeremonial.\n\n \n\nThere is a need for additional\ncl at Day Camp. Any girl who\n; Of high school age or over, who\nould be interested in helping\nith the Crafls and play program\nlease coniact the Camp Fire al-\ncc 4027 forenaans or Mrs. Geo,\nlelson 2528 aflernoon:\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1609.1505126953125, 1111.6190185546875, 1741.7198486328125, 1321.2149658203125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 38.5193977355957, 1898.5142822265625, 314.7712707519531, 2133.095947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "298,000 Killed”\nOr Injured\nln Twin Cities\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1259.75439453125, 3217.778564453125, 1492.620361328125, 3255.79833984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Major Sunspot Seen\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 66.89993865966797, 1145.036787109375, 499.14543334960933, 1279.7084521484373 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "“The defense planners arranged for 15,000\nleading government officials 10 get out of Wash-\ninglon when te Russian bombs were supposed\nto drop yesterday, but left Congress io be blown\nup. Like the late Presiden! Ronsevell, they could\nproudly sav; \"We planned it that way.”\n\n \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1746.960859375, 1108.554853515625, 1906.9077929687498, 1344.1704882812498 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "eee: eee ee\nattacked by such\ninsects as leat\n/hoppers, potata\neetles or figa\nectles, Potatoes\nFare also subject\nto early and late\nblight.\n\n| To control bath\ninsecls and dis-\nease you can\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 518.32072265625, 1690.6968212890624, 955.9608325195313, 1876.6687792968748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "A work crew of 15,000 men, with the most\nmodern of machines, is Leing gathered to begin\nwork on the greal Sl. Lawrence waterway., When\nit is finished, ocean-going ships will sail into the\nGreat Lakes. It is claimed that cargo that would\ncost $13 a ton for shipment fram the Midwest Lo\nthe Allantic by rail will be shipped for as low as\n$1.70 a ton by the all water route.\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 356.56195068359375, 2681.625244140625, 616.09228515625, 2764.859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Remova] Of U.S. Troops\nFrom Japan, Okinawa\nIn 90 Days Included\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 56.855621337890625, 2134.35888671875, 319.5015563964844, 2219.6044921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Minneapolis And St. Paul\nChosen For ‘Atlack’ At\nThe Last Minute\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1608.152509765625, 1049.973310546875, 1910.1422900390623, 1100.4208544921873 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "About (his time of year potatoes,\nwhelher in a garden or a large\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2194.61181640625, 3156.24560546875, 2483.22998046875, 3218.2919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Auction Dates\n\nAnna KInvelad bonn o&\n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 1906.18115234375, 2653.423828125, 2170.94287109375, 2690.693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "KXJB-TV (Channel 4)\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 563.8553466796875, 989.8197021484375, 949.4403076171875, 1019.0711059570312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "ALEVANDRITASS MAYOR aARROAD\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 995.5636596679688, 1081.073486328125, 1249.8419189453125, 1168.5504150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Walleye Fishing Good\nToo As*Anglers Eye\nSaturday Bass Opening\n" }, "47": null, "48": { "bbox": [ 952.502685546875, 2579.42333984375, 1252.3238525390625, 2626.168701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "THE FUTURE OF OLTER TATL\nCOUNTY\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 111.76107788085938, 1116.52685546875, 456.06219482421875, 1145.390869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "CRPTING RTD OT CONCRESS\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1907.0311279296875, 2204.9150390625, 2175.89794921875, 2247.89599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "WDAY-TV (Channel 6)\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2185.939697265625, 3232.315185546875, 2340.8837890625, 3270.242919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Silan! Apneal\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 2205.772705078125, 2162.5185546875, 2513.09521484375, 2203.337646484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": " \n\nJune Weather 1954-1955\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 1039.229736328125, 153.67909240722656, 1393.2818603515625, 184.71600341796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "Thev'll Do Ir Every Time\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 669.2180786132812, 2137.994384765625, 931.6838989257812, 2217.834228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "Clues Slim In\nDisappearance Of Couple\nAL West Palm Beach\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 1588.96623046875, 1823.8791943359374, 1892.7041796874998, 2007.2283496093748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Two cows on an acre of {oy\nqualily pasture can produce aver\n$80 worth of milk. Are your pas-\ntures that good? Charles Duncan\nout west of town has three alfalfa\npastures that he rolates his herd\non. Charles say, “that’s the best\npaslure T ever had and my cows\nae fies Bie KEE\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 1595.1726513671874, 2027.5642529296874, 1878.8553027343748, 2212.691240234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "With modern hog rations,\nwe get faster dry tol gains\nthan ou pasture, But good\npaslure is insurance against\ncerlain nutrient deficienci\nGood pasture also reduces the\nsanitation problem and will\neut the labor cost about one~\nthird.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 2269.5244140625, 168.9924774169922, 2509.66064453125, 226.93911743164062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "MARKETS\n" }, "58": null, "59": { "bbox": [ 2212.35294921875, 1825.83439453125, 2516.2334765625, 2050.851884765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "lets ir Silat hel\nNEW YORK LAP — csnar\nrosteudes recetete\n\nes Unchanged\nWholesalr ege prices gener\nto Tirns recripts Sent\n¥ ¢ quatetais follaw:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nmidwestern, colors?\n\nAS-88 Thay extens\nMt extras\nhirer\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nWilkes: exers\nestris irae\nme Tur,\n\n \n" }, "60": null, "61": { "bbox": [ 1604.3599072265624, 1465.222822265625, 1892.2598437499998, 1630.0463427734373 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "Use a combinatton of 5 per\ncent DDT dust with a trlbasic\ncopper salphat containing\nabout 7 per cent metallic cop-\nper. This can be purchased\nalready mixed under different\n(rade names. Dust or spray\nevery 10 to 14 days.\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 2244.152587890625, 1782.2222900390625, 2492.21240234375, 1830.5545654296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "New York Butter And\nFee Market\n" }, "63": null, "64": { "bbox": [ 2231.03947265625, 292.82713134765623, 2539.6826953125, 784.3457202148437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": " \n\nSOUTIL ST, PAUL (AP)—(USDA)\nCattle 3,506; calves 1,000; roLher-\nslow unde gn all slunghter enitio\nyearling type slaughter steers ond\nhelters \"mostly steady but weaker.\nwmlertone apparent on anything seat-\nIng above T1oo ths: cows steady. to\nweuk; same extcemes 50 lower! bulls\nbarely stetay; Hoot slaughter ‘steora\n19.50-21.00: good heifers 19.0\nulility and commorefat cow\n15.007 cutter and utility bulla 12.60\n1500) wenlers, stendy 10, 1.0U Lower:\nstockor\nSteady} chelcs\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nately aetive\nwrrows nnd. gil\n\nmostly 50 me although tnatene\non Kids aver 270 Ibs anty 25 higher:\nsows under 409 Ibs steady to a3 much\n\n350 higher; walghtler cows weak\nto £5 lower; ‘chofen 170-230 Ib bar-\nrows and gilts 20.50-91.95: choice\nsows 100 lbs down 15.0U-18.60: sown\n400 lbs and over 12.50+ feeder\npigs strung to 80 hizher; good and\ncholes 19.06-19.50.\n\nSheep 100; ail classas steady: good\nlo prline native spring Janis \"23.00-\n24.00; \"ood “and choice ald crops\nshorii siaghter lambs 17.00-18 an:\ngond and choles shorn slaughter awea\n\n0-53.30; meillnm and good shorn\nceding lambs 12.00-14.90.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "65": null, "66": { "bbox": [ 2248.08154296875, 1319.0364990234375, 2491.438232421875, 1341.4908447265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "Poulire & Fee Morket\n" }, "67": { "bbox": [ 1591.72990234375, 1643.0254345703124, 1896.0994433593748, 1808.7738818359373 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "The hatchery season for chicks\nis over for the year — sa why\ndon't you kill the old roosters that\nyou have running around in the\nhen house? It will help the keep-\ning quality af the egg -- which is\nso important during the hot sum-\nTaer weather,\n" }, "68": { "bbox": [ 2219.0048046875, 1342.1206494140624, 2521.184892578125, 1558.7077197265623 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 68, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO (AP) — (USDA)—Livn\npoultry steady; receipis in enops 208\n(oyeuersing sia BI by\n\nNanged: heavy\n: broil.\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n31\nvapouettes 34-32\n\nCitigaGa ¢,\nreceipe Tins\nvnching\nPer cent\nmedume aa: 0\nHes 38\ncelpts 30.\n\n \n\nTha:\n\n \n\naes steady!\npelesale “SUyINE\n\nlarge whites,\nmized 36\nards 312 dle\ncurrent re-\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "69": { "bbox": [ 2225.23185546875, 983.0476513671875, 2523.88630859375, 1167.85212890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 69, "ocr_text": " \n\nceipts taduy 149; yuar ago 260; Lrad-\ning basis uuchiuiged: cish ‘spring\njs, Ne L dark nore $8 Tb\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nFlas Nolte\nSashepue: Ma Varela le\n" }, "70": { "bbox": [ 1597.998212890625, 1353.4983349609374, 1903.6352099609373, 1446.4882373046873 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 70, "ocr_text": "ee eee\nwith a combination insecticide and\nfungicide. This will eliminate the\nnumber of times you have to go\nover the ficld.\n\n \n" }, "71": { "bbox": [ 161.96847534179688, 542.9812622070312, 416.04144287109375, 568.081298828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 71, "ocr_text": "OUTLOOK TATPROYVED\n" }, "72": null, "73": { "bbox": [ 1043.0545654296875, 1185.0123291015625, 1215.66357421875, 1203.3524169921875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 73, "ocr_text": "CAccociated Prace?)\n" }, "74": { "bbox": [ 2222.005859375, 2682.06201171875, 2472.051513671875, 2707.163818359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 74, "ocr_text": "WEATHER PORECAST\n" }, "75": { "bbox": [ 1942.315185546875, 3055.125732421875, 2125.51171875, 3075.988037109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 75, "ocr_text": "WEATHER tance\n" }, "76": { "bbox": [ 2243.3935546875, 963.7442626953125, 2509.621826171875, 981.6661987304688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 76, "ocr_text": "Minneannlie Grain Alarber\n" }, "77": { "bbox": [ 1579.1079541015624, 2232.3544140625, 1887.1765917968748, 2569.76423828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 77, "ocr_text": "Farmers wha don't have side\ndressing attachments for cultivat-\nors ¢an spread solid ailrogen fez-\nlilizer with a broadcast fertilizer\nspreader. But, be careful to cover\ndhe spreader holes just over the\nrow so ihe ferlilizer doesn’t fall\ndown directly into the corn, You\nvan alsp siraddle the row with a\ncorn planter ailachment, Now\nanhydrous ammonia is also avaijl-\nable to farmers — this is applied\n\n‘by a commercial process. One\nform of nilroxen i good as an-\nother — your question to settle is\nhow much will if cast.\n\n \n" }, "78": null, "79": { "bbox": [ 2214.7274609375, 1683.94181640625, 2519.31501953125, 1778.6267871093748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 79, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n\nNEW Yet\nDressed poultry\nSauats and\n\n \n\n \n \n\nywine\nlie Std up. i\n\n \n" }, "80": { "bbox": [ 2218.4267578125, 1665.3533935546875, 2507.915771484375, 1686.7196044921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 80, "ocr_text": "New York Poultry Market\n" }, "81": { "bbox": [ 2250.049072265625, 1177.917724609375, 2493.982666015625, 1196.589111328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 81, "ocr_text": "Fereus Falls €iraln Market\n" }, "82": { "bbox": [ 2228.3544140625, 808.8625317382813, 2528.16658203125, 953.7826708984376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 82, "ocr_text": "Market\nIs. 2\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nOo §de higher; 180-\nibs, 20:93-19.\n250 ins. 18,75-\n3; Sows d00-\ncos MOR ame Alene\ng0ws of under 240 Ths, al 17.50-1\nStngs 11-00-13.00 with 40 Th. dock\nboars i-Se Ib, -\n(All No. U hogs im @ifferent cate-\nfories of Weleht worth %e more).\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "83": { "bbox": [ 52.900108337402344, 3088.489013671875, 304.9389953613281, 3115.311767578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 83, "ocr_text": "(Continued From Page One}\n" }, "84": { "bbox": [ 1634.08544921875, 157.90228271484375, 1864.1715087890625, 191.30775451660156 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 84, "ocr_text": "By Timmy Harlo\n" }, "85": { "bbox": [ 2289.1630859375, 221.18934631347656, 2495.413330078125, 238.41697692871094 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 85, "ocr_text": "CORRECTED DAITLY)\n" }, "86": null, "87": { "bbox": [ 2232.36083984375, 784.38427734375, 2522.252197265625, 807.7308349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 87, "ocr_text": "Today's uen! Hoo Atarket\n" }, "88": null, "89": null, "91": { "bbox": [ 2219.084150390625, 2593.164716796875, 2505.25056640625, 2671.925126953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 91, "ocr_text": "June 15 wee. AT\ndos. Wo Felix,\nOfficial U. S. Government\nWeather Observer\n" }, "92": { "bbox": [ 1447.400634765625, 161.74044799804688, 1574.640380859375, 184.80264282226562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 92, "ocr_text": "(ewtoped 1% A. Peleus Ofer\n" }, "93": { "bbox": [ 2260.8828125, 266.380126953125, 2508.962646484375, 289.5408935546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 93, "ocr_text": "4 Paul Stock Market\n" } }
[ [ 0, 26 ], [ 0, 15 ], [ 26, 15 ], [ 1, 11 ], [ 9, 6 ], [ 12, 7 ], [ 10, 20 ] ]
[ 7265.5009765625, 9297.1884765625 ]
[ [ 0, 26 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 10, 20 ], [ 11, 1 ], [ 15, 0 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3779.082337890625, 1408.255189453125, 4599.1356796875, 1981.8662705078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Ozark, Oklahoma - News Item\nGrandpa Herman Peabody, a\nwidower, who moved to this\ntown six months ago, has quit\nhis job and taken to the hills\nto escape the withholding tax\nand the local widows who got\nhis number. Mr, Peabody al-\nways said he liked to remem-\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1070.0111708984375, 4824.37457421875, 1950.0930771484375, 5460.310972656251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": ",recently sumitted a report to\nthe commissioners on road build-\ning costs and best locations for\nfarm roads.\n\n| Judge Oscar Dancy has been\ncarrying on a campaign to get\nbacking for his plan to build\nroads only of concrete, Some\n“members of the court favored\n'tepped-caliche for the rural\niroads.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 305.4099426269531, 364.97113037109375, 2796.517822265625, 2316.830322265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 232.71925354003906, 6809.5048828125, 1938.3341064453125, 9287.6279296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nAUTO FINANCING\n\nThe purchase of an automobile is a major investment.\nThose able to pay cash out of hand for a new automobile\nusually are able to strike a better bargain by dealing in\ncash. The First Natiinal Bank at Brownsville has re-\n* cently streamlined its automobile financing department,\nso that you can actually have the cash in your hand\nwhen you start to buy a car. If you are planning to buy\na new car let us help you arrange financial terms in ad-\nvance. Then, buy the car of your choice with no strings\nattached ... buy your insurance from the man you want\nto ... make your trade the best bargain you can get,\nby using the language that really speaks ... cash in hand.\n\n \n\nFIRST NATIONAL BANK\n\nat Brownsville, Texas\nAADAIRER: BPEDERAT., DEPOSIT INSTIRANCE CORPORATION\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 194.59030151367188, 4458.95849609375, 1835.6065673828125, 4805.2861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Road Bond Election Petitions Started\nAround; Appear First In Small Towns\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1075.861572265625, 5504.03955078125, 1886.7899169921875, 5796.2587890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Public Is Warned\nOn Fraud Schemes\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 203.41935876464845, 3127.492494140625, 1078.3303818359375, 4436.6923203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Getting into wase-hours mat-\nters of Valley farm operations,\nthe Border Patrol Wednesday\ntook 37 braceros from five\nfarms on allegations that the\nemployers had violated con-\ntracts by paying wages lower\nthan those in the contracts.\n\nEarly today the Patrol spokes-\nman said that all workers had\nbeen returned to four employ-\ners and those of the fifth who\ndid not sign a pledge to “do\nbetter” had been distributed to\nother employers.\n\nComplaints had been made\nthat farmers and farm firms\nhad not been paving wages\nagreed to im their bracero con-\ntracts. Investigators from the\nBorder Patrol had been inquir-\ning about them for several\nweeks,\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1073.2511611328125, 5803.091859375, 1937.0321640625, 6692.091734375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "| Postmaster General Arthur H.\nSummerfield warned the public\nSaturday to be wary of mail\n‘fraud schemes which are cost-\ning the gullible millions of dol-\nlars.\n\nReporting that fraud arrests\nin the first eight months of\n‘the current fiscal year increas-\ned 61 per cent, he urged the\n‘people to “always investigate\nbefore investing.”\n\n- Qverall arrests up to Feb. 28\n‘totaled 210 compared with 130\nin the same period last year.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1991.166748046875, 5519.7431640625, 3704.431884765625, 9289.7529296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Today's Buys!\n\n \n\n \n\n'S4 CHEVROLET Bel-Air Sport Coupe $1795\n\nFully equipped. Looks like new.\n\n'53 CHEVROLET BelAir 4-Door $1345\n\nae\n\n1 owner, low mileage.\n\n‘52 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-Door $1095\n\nRadio, heater, l-owner. A comfortable\ncar on any road.\n\n'53 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Sedan $ 995\n\nReady to go on any road.\n\n\"52 CHEVROLET Styline Deluxe $ 895\n\n2-Door sedan. Packed with eye appeal.\n\n‘50 PONTIAC Sport Coupe -$ 745\n\nFully equipped. Real class in any company\n\n‘51 FORD V-8 4-Door Sedan | $ 795\n\nBoost your morale with this super deluxe.\n\n‘47 FORD V-8 Club Coupe $ 295\n\nRadio, heater. Almost cheaper than walking.\n\nwer\"\n\n \n\n‘47 PLYMOUTH\n4-Dr. Sedan $245\n\nRadio, heater, seat cov-\ners. Try to beat this\n\ndeal!\n\n'51 CHEVROLET\nY2 T Pickup $695\n\nHeavy duty trailer hitch,\n4 - speed transmission,\nnew flashing red finish.\nOnly your CHEVROLET\ndealer gives you an OK\nwritten guarantee.\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1085.7396865234375, 3132.007142578125, 1952.8286728515625, 4439.3505234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "| The raids by the Border Pa-\ntrol were made from Browns:\n‘ville to Mission. Braceros, 57.\n\n|\n\n‘were taken from five farms\n‘After news of the raids was\n‘spread three farm operators ap-\npeared at Border Patrol offices\nand signed pledges that they\n‘would in the future stick te\nthe contracts. A fourth is re-\nported to have agreed to dc\nso. The workers taken from a\nfarm near Brownsville were giv-\nen to other farmers.\n\nThe Border Patrol spokesman\nsaid his organization woula\ncontinue to inquire into com-\npliance of farmers with their\nbracero contracts on wages and\nhousing. No statement was made\nconcerning braceros living up\nto contract agreements.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1965.9335341796875, 4901.568421875, 2823.8253769531248, 5391.811460937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "new High school and supplied\nused clothing for needy elemen-\ntary children and set aside $250\nto be used as a library fund.\nRev. Raymond Glass is in\ncharge of notifying parents as\nto when the next Salk shots\nwill be given. Ice cream was\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 191.87928918457033, 4822.26422265625, 1075.34417578125, 6696.420835937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Election petitions asking the\nCameron County Commissioners\ncourt to call for a vote on a\n$6,700,000 road bond issue is\nbeing circulated outside the\nlarger towns. The petitions ap-\npeared in Los Fresnos and Rio\nHondo Wednesday. None so far\nas known have been circulated\nin Brownsville, San Benito or\nHarlingen\n\nDiscussion in meetings of the\ncommissioners court recently:\nindicated that calling of the\nroad bond election was to fol-\nlow more discussion of types of.\npavement to be built and de-\ncision of location of farm reads,\nto be paved. |\n\nThe $6,700,000 has been un- |\nder consideration to provide\n‘\nrights of way for the proposed\nfreeway between Brownsville\nand the Willacy county line.)\nThe state proposes to build the\nfreeway. |\n\nSecondary work discussed is\nfor farm-to-market roads to be:\npaved in each commissioner’ $,\nprecinct. A consulting engineer\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1974.811830078125, 2638.34723046875, 2842.0065292968748, 4579.08636328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\nIn 63 of the major cases pros-\necuted last year, Summerfield\nsaid, $6 million was filched\nfrom the public.\n\n“These figures are particular-\nly significant,’ he said, ‘“‘be-\ncause mail fraud, capable of\nreaching into every home, trades\non trust and confidence of hon-\nest people.”\n\nSummerfield cited these ex-\namples of fraud:\n\nA “general mutual service\nagency”, used the name of a\nreputable insurance company\nand collected $1 mildion ‘on\nphony auto insurance policies.\n\nIn several southern states a\ncrook obtained $752,000 by sell-\ning “almond vending machines,”\nmost of them never delivered.\nThe victims were retired men\nand widows, some of whom in-\nvested their life savings.\n\nA man operating from Gua-\ntemala sold phony travel tours\nto students and professors and\ncollected $240,000. He was\ncaught in California.\n\nA man using 10 different\nnames filched $200,000 selling\nmedical preparations, mainly\nene supposed to grow hair on\nbald heads.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3236.164306640625, 1228.123046875, 5071.32763671875, 1388.1275634765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "You Can Be A Better Husband\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 216.58181762695312, 2624.65478515625, 1955.3809814453125, 3122.47412109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Border Patrol Raiding —\nShort-Pay Bracero Users\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2892.275208984375, 1490.1859755859375, 3722.6989121093748, 3663.7409042968748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "—\n\nI pray that I may become\nthe kind of husband my wife\nwould have me be. 4\n\nGrant that I may always be\nkind, considerate, thoughtful,\nand lovable, 4\n\nGive me the strength to do\nall of the jobs I’m told to -\naround the house.\n\nHelp me to remember to\nhang up my clothes... so my\nwife won't have to holler at\nme.\nGive me the courage to oak\nmy employer for a raise every\ntime my good wife thinks I\nshould have one. i |\n\nTeach me to endure my\nwife's inability to truly appre- )\nciate her husband. a\n\nEnable me to get along with\nmy In-laws, and to put up\nwith them whenI can’t, uf\n\nMake me be good to my wife\neven when she waiks all over\n\n1e.\n\nAnd, when I have aed\nall these virtues, I pray that I\nmay pass on to my reward be-\ncause I shall then be too good |\nfor this earth. Amen, i\n\n; td bad °\nee A man is never as good as\nhis wife thought he was before }\nmarriage, and never as bad as\n\neha thinlee hiwrn afian weswewianosa\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3736.5107421875, 2061.01708984375, 5448.56005859375, 3659.18701171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\n\"Aren' t you going to ask me “are I'm\n‘going so you'll know where to find\nme when you want to make up?\"\n" }, "17": null, "18": { "bbox": [ 6398.21435546875, 2360.691162109375, 7249.9140625, 4077.59423828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\nWays\n\nfor the\nMost\nComplete\nBoct Service\n\nDial WH 3-2628\nJ. H. SCHMIDT\n\n \n\nSouth Shore Drive\nat Causeway\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5546.603515625, 3239.45361328125, 6335.06396484375, 4080.449951171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "FLORAL\nARRANGEMENTS\n\nFor any\noccasion Dial\nWH 3-2681\nMrs. Jack Merryman\nageat for\n\nTHE FLOWER BOX\nof\n\nSan Benito\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2857.115052734375, 3757.82574609375, 3719.9743027343748, 4504.42816015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "served to the elementary schoo!\nchildren as an _ end-of-school\ntreat.\n\nThe Girl Scouts of Port Isbel\nconducted a nursery during all\nmeetings of the P-TA under\nthe direction of Mrs. Thorough-\nman. Sincere appreciation was\nexpressed by the members of\nthe P-TA to all who helped to\nmake this a successful year for\nthe group. A total of $66 re-\nmaine in the treasury.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3714.275697265625, 3758.173890625, 5492.0653671875, 4098.150083984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "tenced for drunk driving, Lee\na rigor\n\n—\" — - oe . ? “ : —-Westmoreland Police Chief\n| work _ e€ Age . °F Jack Farley—gave him a lift,\n| some lumber an © kept On isnt by ae\n\n, going. He sarted hitch hiking = =\n\nand the driver of a passing car\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3804.59375, 6938.58349609375, 7216.85400390625, 9297.1884765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe Bel Alr Sport Coupe,\n\n \n \n \n\nCombine your new Chevrolet purchase.\nwith your vacation plans! saath\nOrder a new Chevrolet through us, then pick\nit up at the plant in Flint, Michigan, see Cheve -\nrolets built, if you like, and drive yours home, . 5\nChances are, you'll save a substantial share of -\nyour vacation travel costs! ‘a\n\n‘55 PACEMAKER\n\nBoat\n\npee ie is A em see et i 8 nn et AND ep: mt: in. i: a ain sn: as a ee ne\n> ae ‘hi aS Sm AN I HON I a en ee we atm st i: oe om al Lcsetaatenl Celli’ saheussicy ee |\nAE EI EOE IT\n\nWELCH CHEVROLET\n\n258 S. SAM HOUSTON “THE VALLEY'S OLDEST CHEVROLET DEALER\" SANBENITO PHONE EX 9-249}\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4764.74225, 6564.88531640625, 5480.938414062501, 6870.570738281251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "You get cleaner, fresher\nair at hood-high level. A\nspecial chamber beneath\nthe hood keeps rain out!\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 2850.176087890625, 4564.71148828125, 3727.6849960937498, 5285.576109375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Louise Morris and Mrs.\nRuth Alegre were hostesses\nwith Mrs. Agnes Main in her\nhome in Harlingen to the 9 et\n40 Salon on Monday evening\nlast. The 8 et 40 is an active\nhonorary division of the Ameri-\ncan Legion Auxiliary. To date\nMrs. Morris and Mrs. Alegre\nare the only members in Port\nIsabel.\n\n \n\nTLITTAARG WRON CAR\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 4646.32672265625, 1448.9242568359375, 5424.462339843751, 1988.9468369140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "ber the §oo0g Oia Gays when |\nman did his own withholdin;\nfrom his take-home pay.\n\n* & °\nTis true, perfection none\n- must hope to find\n\nIn all the world, much less\n\\ in Womankind,—Pope,\n" }, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 5497.77880859375, 1759.8258056640625, 6373.64794921875, 3181.29296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "FOR SALE: Modern home two\nbedrooms; garage on lot 50x\n120. Call WH3-2864.\n\nFOR RENT—Apartments $40.00\n‘and up. Dial WH 3-2695. Helen\n-E. Williams, Office Harbor Light\nCottares.\n\nFOR SALE: Gas butane broiler\nstove sink with cabinet; new\nMontgomery Ward butane wa-\nter heater; and a piano—wWil-\nson’s Auto Paint Shop in Bay-\nside.\n\nFOR RENT — Nice cool fur-\nnished 2 bedroom apartment.\nCompletely redecorated, large\ncabinets and ciosets, water paid.\nSee J. W. Brown just west of\nMarine Mart or Call WH3-2788.\n\ntrainin me\n\nFOR RENT —- Furnished house,\nDial WH3-2679 for information.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3838.611572265625, 4350.88427734375, 7131.20166015625, 7739.3291015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "YY VAbive Wi PilveM VME Ti Gt EEN OMe Wi\n\ncar has all—of these great features . . .\n\n \n\nC660: 3m, GPE | ceed\n: PP “ wm > BODY BY FISHER BO eget :\n: ‘) : OUTRIGGER REAR * Only Chevrolet and patel ELECTRICAL >\n\n \n\n \n\n. - SPRINGS * higher priced cars offer ¢ :\n: iiadacaiabaocn meer They’re spaced wide apart, + Body by Fisher—famous + Twice the voltage of elec-\n; The hottest, shortest stroke = jike outriggers on a canoe, : the world over for fine + tricalsystems in other low- ¢\n; ~and lowest priced—V8's. = to give you sure-footed : craftsmanship and endur- ¢ Priced cars! Quicker start-\n: Two new 6’s—most power- * stability, better cornering! 3 ing beauty. Suit 2 Mg in all weather! :\n- ful in their field. And three . , oe} hes, ’\n: modern drives! ka el ed ele cas do hl el nc teal UE Pigg a ian vig. oye\npesos ee = : ; :\n* . * Per fies * ° Ld\n; BALL-RACE STEERING ; : . ‘ee .\n> Special ball bearings in the 3 ; oat = 4 ANTI- DIVE BRAKING :\n; steering system roll with 3 * DOUBLE-ARCH COWL : Chevrolet’s the only car $\n* wheel turn to reduce fric- ~ HIGH-LEVEL » CONSTRUCTION * in the industry that stops ¢\n* tion. Nothing makes steer- * VENTILATION * Ventilation system cham- * with its head up! With *\n- ing easier except Power + You get cleaner, fresher ¢ ber, actually a double arch * this exclusive Chevrolet 5\n\n- Steering. And only Chev- + air at hood-high level. A + of stecl, adds the strength * development, you stop one\n- rolet and higher priced cars « special chamber beneath + of an extra cross-member « the level—even when you <*\n\n; have it. : the hood keeps rain out! { to the frame! - stop in a hurry,” °°\" e\n- * . ° ; '\n\nA. A Raging\nPERMA E OCH H TERE EO OCH EERE HE FETE HOHE HEE EE HEE EHD ESHEH TT ESS OSOORE OH ED ETHOS OOOOS REDE HES OS\n2. ag\n\n \n \n\nThe Bel Alr Sport Coupe,\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3025.978759765625, 1410.526611328125, 3623.416015625, 1490.9537353515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "A Husband's Prayer\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 5529.71142578125, 1384.3050537109375, 6347.587890625, 1758.8336181640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "ADVERTISEMENTS\nCLASSIFIED\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 6400.01953125, 447.3736572265625, 7257.2919921875, 2319.808837890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "a fie Sa Tah Vee oo aR nee OMe) olga caus nbtoe 0 (ey eae nC TOs Ay Ra Sa EN\n‘pool now open, for season May\n| through September. Membership\ndues, $10.00 per person per sea-\nson. Member with guest 50¢ ex-\n‘tra. Pool hours from 8 A. M. to\n$8 P.M. Contact Mrs. Flake Fur-\nney, Dial WH 3-2626.\n\n \n\nFOR SALE—Corner lot and ad-\njoining in Bayside. $475.00. Dial\nWH 3-2881.\n\nFOR SALE—1947 Packard Clip-\nper, $125. Aliso 7 foot Norge Re-\nfrigerator, $30 Bob’s Garage,\nPhone WH 3-2858, Port Isabel.\n\nFOR SALE—Platform rocker, un-\npainted chest of drawers, Knee\nhole desk or dressing table, 3\npiece patio set. Phone WH 3-2529.\n\nFOR SALE—New lawn mower\nand cabinet radio. Call WH\n3-2612 or WH 3-2642.\n\nFOR RENT — Lower, 4 room\nunfurnished apartment. 1 block\nsouth of Eagle Pass Lumber,\nPhone B. A. Wilmot, GA 3-1260\nor.write 906. W. Harrison, Har-\nlingen.\n\n \n\n \n\nLOST—Yellow and green Para-\nkeet, behind Seaside Inn. Call\nTir 9 OGRA Aw ake FT [6UR AA\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 5548.34039453125, 6504.61871484375, 6256.989195312501, 6853.562437500001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Ventilation system cham-\nber, actually a double arch\nof steel, adds the strength\nof an extra cross-member\nto the frame!\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2871.18115234375, 5229.41357421875, 3542.505859375, 5304.94287109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "THUMBS WRONG CAR\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 5519.18365625, 440.02829125976564, 6399.062925781251, 1342.399595703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "THE PORT {SABEL PRESS\nPublished weekly at Port Isabeli, Texas by\nfhe News Publishing Ca., Inc., of San Benito,\nTevas. Publicafion office 175 E. Robertson\n}treet, San Benito, Texas. Entered as second\ntlass matter February 7, 1949, at the Post\nDHfice of Port Isabel, Texas. under Act of\nGongreas of March 3, 1879, |\nPublisher |\nSTEVE M. ELAM\nEditcr\nJACK L. MERRYMAN\nOffice — 904 ADAMS\n\nWH32481\ndubseription rates by mail: $2 per year\n\na’ Cameron County: $3 per year outside\njSameron County,\n" }, "37": null, "38": { "bbox": [ 2073.014404296875, 4628.6875, 2719.54052734375, 4709.333984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Continued from Page |\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 5540.30224609375, 1386.2618408203125, 6338.88623046875, 1737.16796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "ADVERTISEMENTS\nCLASSIFIED\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 9 ], [ 1, 25 ], [ 11, 14 ] ]
[ 5774.04345703125, 7196.228015625 ]
[ [ 1, 25 ], [ 9, 0 ], [ 14, 11 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4305.07520703125, 5503.37208203125, 4997.54198046875, 7180.0610234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\nene Jecicgd, .\n\nResponding to the Premier,\nthe dean of the diplomatic corps,\nBurmese Ambassador Maung\nOhn, said the envoys wanted to\nrepay the Russian hospitality\nwith an annual dinner for the\nSoviet leaders. |\n- Molotov came a cropper as he\n/wound up a boat ride with Mrs,\nSubandric and Argentine Am-\nbassador Leopoldo Bravo. In\nbeaching the boat, the foreign\nminister rowed too far up on\nshore and the water poured in\nover the depressed stern.\n\nMolotov blushed as Defense\nMinister Zhukov called him “a\nterrible sailor.” —\n\n“One should ride with you\naround the edge of the lake,\nnot in the middle,” the marshal\nadded.\n\nThe guests snapped hundreds\nof candid photos of their hosts,\nprompting one newsman to ask\nBulganin, “Doesn’t this look to\nyou like the start of Elsenhow-\ner’s plan to do photo reconnais-\nsance of the Soviet Union?”\n\n“Yes, I suppose this is the\nstart of it,” the Premier replied,\n|roaring with laughter.\n\n_ Reporters noticed corn grow-\ning on the grounds and asked\nBulganin if Khruschev had en-\nlisted him in his corn-growing\ncampaign.\n\n“Yes, he has got me growing\n;corn, and strawberries, too,\"\nBulganin said.\n\nThe Premier also told report-\ners he has no plans “or invita-\ntion yet to visit. the United\nStates, but I hope that gt some\ntime this will be brought about.”\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2207.54298046875, 5782.2495234375, 2903.817126953125, 7194.290515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "TOKYO (£#) — The Chinese\nReds inflicted months of excru-\nciating physical and mental tor-\nture on 10 of 11 U. S. airmen to\nwring statements used to convict\nthem as spies, Col. John Knok Ar-\nnald, Jr, told a press conference\nhere yesterday.\n\nThe 11 men, released last\nTiursday at the Hong Kong bir-\nder, are scheduled to leave Tokyo\nWednesday morning for home in\ntwo U.S. Air Force transports.\n\nAir Force spokesmen said two\nroutes were being considered for\nthe homeward flight. One would\ntaken them to Travis Air Force\nBase, Calif., via Alaska and Mc-\nChord Air Force Base. Wash. The\nother would go via Honolulu,\nwhich would have better medical\nfacilities en route “although we\ndon’t expect to need them.”\n\nFrom Travis the men will be\nflown to the bases nearest their\nhomes for 30-day convalescent\nleaves.\n\nArnold led the others yesterday\nin telling of their treatment dur-\ning 24% years in China.\n\n_“They used ‘persuasion’ that\ncivilized people simply do not\nknow about.” he said.\n\nHe told of being slugged in the\n\\fuce with his hands tied behine\n‘him, of tourniquet-like manaclec\n»of being “forced to stand unti\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4320.849609375, 4350.806640625, 4925.51416015625, 4482.92626953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\nThree Men Held\nOn Theft Charges\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4311.33301953125, 2187.38673046875, 5005.067859375, 4327.33494921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "SEOUL (4) — Nine American\nsoldiers and four Koreans were\nreported injured in renewed\nKorean riots last night at Pusan\nagainst the neutral truce super-\nvisors.\n\nThe U.S. 8th Army officially\ndenied Korean police reports\nthat U. S. guards bayoneted\nthree Koreans in an earlier out-\nbreak at Pusan Saturday.\n\nPolice said none of the 13\nwere reported seriously hurt to-\nday in the stone-throwing clash\nbetween demonstrators and U. S.\nsoldiers guarding quarters of the\nNeutral Nations Supervisory\nCommission inspecting teams.\n\nPolice estimated some 30,000\nKorean laborers milled through\nPusan streets throughout last\n\nnight,\n\nOther demonstrations were re-\nported at the west coast ports of\nInchon and Kunsan.\n\nSouth Korea’s government\nawaited an answer, meanwhile,\nto its demand that = all NNSC\n\nteams get out of the country by\nSaturday,\n\nThe commission is composed of\nmembers from Switzerland and\nsweden and _— pro-Communist\nPoland and Czechoslovakia. The\nROK government charges the\nPole and Czech members are\nspies for North Korea. It also\nwants the Swedes and Swiss to\nleave.\n\nIn a letter to the ROK govern-\nment, the 8th. Army asked its\n“cooperation for common objec-\ntives and not to resort to force or\nany violence,” an ROK govern-\nment source said,\n\nThe 8th Army in a release said\nreports that American military\nguards had bayoneted three Ko-\nrans in ‘the Saturdya Pusan riat-\ning were false.\n\nThe denial came as the Korean\ngovernment announced it had\nsent a protest to Army Officials\nagainst the use of bayonets and\ntear gas in subduing the riot.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5014.51221875, 1800.3482783203126, 5726.13280078125, 3779.0805546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "; GENEVA (P)—Indian scientist\nHomi J. Bhabba opened the first\n‘International Atomic Energy,\nConference today with the pre-:\ndiction that the way will be:\nfound to harness the titanic en-:\nergy of the hydrogen bomb for\npeaceful use within 20 years. ,\nBhabba, president of the 72-;\nnation scientific parley, said: -:\n| “When that happens, the ener-’\nigy problems of the world will\n|truly have been solved forever,;\n‘for fuel will ze as plentiful as;\nheavy hydrogen, in the oceans.’’:\nBhabba spoke as hundreds of\ndelegates gathered at the open-’\ning plenary session of the con-'\nference just 10 years ago and,\none day after the first atom:\nbomb leveled Hiroshima. “4\nThe conference in the Palace?\nof Nations, designed to parade,\natomic energy in its role as am\n|ally of industry and a potential\nboon to agricuture and medicine,\nwill continue until Aug. 20, The’\nscientists. will hear hundreds off\npapers on technical phases fe\neaceful use of atomic energy.?\n‘Hundreds of other papers sub-}.\nmitted for .the conference will\n‘be published ‘for study later... +\n|} The opening session also re-\nceived a message from Presiden\nEisenhower, whose historic. ad-,\n‘dress before the U. N. General\n|Assembly in December, 1953, in-‘\n‘spired the atoms-for-peace pro-'\ngram now being worked out by,\nthe international. organization,\n-and the _present~ conference, iS\n. '.. Reaffirms Pledge — 1\nThe President's message, '\nbrought by Chairman Lewis ‘L.;\n‘Strauss’ of. the U. S. Atomic,\nEnergy Commission, reaffirmed:\nl'America’s pledge. to. “help ‘find?\n! ways by:-which the miraculous\ninventiveness of man shall not\n-ibe..dedig¢ated, to his... death, but\nconsecrated, ip is life”\n| Recalling , His’:.dddress . before\n. .., (Cotithuved on Page Fuur? .\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 803.1460688476562, 4478.21387890625, 1497.013904296875, 5042.22996875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "CASTINE (#)— A new. fresh-\nman class began moving into the\nMaine Maritime Academy today.\nThe 55 new midshipmen bring\nShe total academy enrollment to\n| Of the new class, 34 are from\nMaine. Other states. represented\ninclude Massachusetts, Connecti-\ncut, New Hampshire, Vermont,\nNew York, Pennsylvania, New\n} Jersey, Alabama <and Ilinois,\nOne freshman is :from Puerto\nHUGG. Five are brothers of grad-\nuates. s\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 804.1409418945312, 2498.079357421875, 1497.4886357421874, 4319.62010546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "' WASHINGLON térj-—nep Vel-\ncer (D-NY), chairman of the\nHouse anti-trust subcommittee,\nhas urged quick government ac-\nition to determine whether recent\ntextile mergers violate the law\njty “tending substantially to les-\nsen competition.”\n\nCeller released yesterday a\ndetailed study of mergers during\nthe past two years. yesterday\n| with the comment that the “tide\nof mergers in textiles... will\nlikely result in ‘substantial fu-\nture anti-trust problems.”\n\nThe study, prepared by staff\n‘experts of Celler’s committee, re-\nported that recent. major _merg-\ners in the textile industry have\n_affected more than 200-mills em-\n‘ploying some 50,000 workers.\n\nCeller hlso released corres-\npondence showing that the Jus-\ntice Department reported in May\nit is “continuing to ‘watch and\nstudy mergers” connected: with\nthe formation of Textron Ameri-\ncan, Inc, re ,\n\nTextron American was formed\nfrom the combination of Textron,\nIne., American Woolen. and. Rob-\nbins mills. The merger ‘involved\n20 mills in North’ Carolina, Vir-\n| ginia, Maine, New‘ Hampshire,\nVermont, Massachusetts, Connec-\nticut, Kentucky and Georgia.\n\nThe subcommittee report call-\ned the Textron American merger\n“one of the most involved and\nsignificant” of the recent unions.\n| The report also cited Burling-\nton Mills as having “become the\nlargest of the textile firms\nthrough a_ process of mergers\nsince its founding in 137 by\npresident J. Spencer Love.” Bur-\nlington’s assets ex¢eeded 382\nmillions in 1954. “ ‘\n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 99.97287396240235, 2091.64942578125, 805.1888310546875, 4325.64549609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "GENEVA (4)—The United\nStates and Red China were re-\nported bogged down today over\nprocedure on the proposed re-\npatriation of civilian nationals of\nthe two countries.\n\nAfter a meeting of almost 2%\nhours, Ambassadors U. Alexis\nJohnson and Wang Ping-nan\ncalled another 48-hour recess\nwithout announcing any pro-\ngress.\n\n_ The discussions up to now\nhave been corffined to the prob-\nlem of releasing 40 American\ncivilians held by the Peiping\nregime and repatriating an in-\ndefinite number of Chinese stu-\ndents the Chinese Communists\ndeclare are being detained in the\nUnited States.\n\n“The discussions will take\nsome time,” a Chinese Commun-\nist source said.\n\nThis source indicated the talks\nwere tied up on two main points:\n\n1, A Chinese Communist de-\nmand for a list of Chinese Na-\ntionalists living in the United\nStates. It was understood Wang\nhas not spelled out whether this\ncovered only students or all per-\nsons of Chinese descent.\n\n‘2, A Chinese Communist de-\nmand that India be permitted to\nact as a third party in represent-\ning the interests of the Peiping\nregime on the question of civil-\nian repatriation.\n\n: Demands List |\n\nThe United States was under-\nstood to be insisting that no\nChinese were being detained\nagainst their will and to be de-.\nmanding that the Chinese Com-\nmunists furnish a list of any they\ncontend are being held.\n\nOn the question of India act-\ning as representative for the\nChinese Communists in the\nUnited States, the State Depart-\nment policy is understood to be\nfirmly set against any govern-\nment representing the Peiping\nregime.\n\nAt the end of this morning’s\n\n(Continued on Page Seven)\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2288.533935546875, 1516.8919677734375, 4215.80615234375, 3687.98779296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3606.531994140625, 5482.44825390625, 4298.00096484375, 7185.62987109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n\nMOSCOW (#)—Toreign Min-\nister Molotov took the Indone-\nsian ambassador's wife rowing\nbut flooded, the boat and soaked\nthe lady.\n\nU. S. Ambassador Charles FE.\nBohlen bested Deputy Premier\nA. I. Mikoyan in a boat race,\n\nParty chief Nikita Khrushchev\nand Marshal Georgi Zhukov and\nIvan Koney picked raspberries.\n\nPremier Bulganin hetped\nBohlen’s 15-year-old daughter\nAvis catch three fish, |\n\nThe occasion was an informal\n5¥%-hour party Bulganin gave\nyesterday at his country estate,\n60 miles southeast of Moscow,\nThe 150 or so guests included\nforeign diplomats and newsmen\nand their families and many\nRussians,\n\nThe Soviet cand Al had never\nseen anything like it, as the\nPremier himself admitted.\n\nThe program included a two-\nhour luncheon, community sing-\ning led by stars of the Bolshoi\ntheater, fishing and boating on\nthe estate’s lakes, and a drive\nthrough the deer park. Some otf\nthe group gathered under a fir\ntree for the telecast of the Mos-\ncow Spartak soccer team’s 3-0\nvictory over England’s Wolver-\nhampton Wanderers.\n\nBulganin in a short speech at\nthe end of lunch said the party\nwas a direct result of the har-\nmonious atmosphere displaved\nJat the Geneva summit confer-\nlence. He added that he hoped i\n|would be only ‘the first of many\n“such festivities.\n\n“But this should not interfere\nwith our work,” Krushchey in-\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 91.16311291503906, 4477.6206171875, 796.5696293945313, 5047.23631640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "ATKINSON ()— Fire destroy-\ned Leon Speed’s farm and barn\nJast night’ with loss __estim-\nated unofficially at $25,000. The\nloss included 100 tons of hay and\na pig.\n\narm machinery, and house\nfurnishings were moved to safety\nbut the latter were soaked in a\nshower that fell during the fire.\n\nA shed with 200 turkeys was\nsaved.\n\nThe blaze started in the barn\nwhere Speed was working at the\ntime.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 810.1366694335937, 5505.047375, 1500.78807421875, 7196.228015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "ler and his running mate for the\nlieutenant governor's nomina-\ntion, Harry Lee Waterfield, for-\nmer Kentucky House speaker,\nhad won,\n\n- Combs ‘commented, “It’s |\nhorse race, but I feel we still\nhave a chance.” .\n\nCounting of long ballots, with\nnumerous state and district can-\ndidates, resumed today after be-\ning halted by state law Saturday\nmidnight. This traditionally\nDemocratic state normally elects\na Democratic governor.\n\nAn apparently unbeatable lead\nwas amassed by former U. S.\nDist. Atty, Edwin R. Denney for\nthe _ Republican gubernatorial\nnomination, .\n\nReturns from 1,558 precincts\n\ngave:\n\nDenney, 29,492: James L. Clay,\nan attorney, 7,989,\n\nJohn Sherman Cooper, am-\nbassador to India and former Re:\npublican senator from Kentucky,\nendorsed Denney. ;\n\nRepublicans are hoping the\nbitter Democratic primary will\naid the GOP in winning this fall.\n\nOne of the big issues hetween\nCcombs and Chandler was fi-\nmances; Chandler contended he\ncould run the state governmnt on\nits present income, also expand-\ning the common schoo] program\nCombs said the state would need\nan extra’ 25 million dollars &\nyear for expansion purposes bu!\ntook no srecific stand on any tad\npronosal. Chandler, who repeal.\ned the state’s sales tax when gov.\nernar in 1936, said the oppositios\nplanned to reimpose this levy.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2913.75196484375, 4750.09083203125, 3593.187732421875, 5337.13475390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "MIAMI, Fla. ()—A_ weather\ndrama now shaping up will’ de-\ntermine in the next 24 hours\nwhether the U. S. eastern sea-\nboard will feel the 135-mile\nwinds of Hurricane Connie.\n\nThe first big hurricane of the\nyear plowed steadily along over\nthe open sea at about 15 miles an\nhour, It was by-passing the Ba-\nhama island chain, its center\nabout 200 miles from the nearest\nland. . ;\n\nA trough in front of a high\npressure system moved east-\n\n(Continued an Page Two)\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3612.33497265625, 4320.8960078125, 4303.87498828125, 5164.99412890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "yOnn Franklin McLAaAUgNIN, 4,\nWaitham, Mass., was killed in an\naccident on the Maine Turnpike\nnear the Esso station at Kenne-\nbunk Saturday night about 8:50\nwhen the car in which he was a\npassenger hit a guard rail.\n\nThe driver of the car, David A,\nSeymour, Waltham, Mass., plead-\ned guilty to drunken driving this\n‘morning in Kennebunk court.\n‘He escaped from. the accident\nwithout serious injury.\n\nSeymour unable to pay the fine\nof $100 and costs of court, was\ntaken to the county jail to serve\na 30 days sentence. Court Rec-\norder Chester D. Cramm presided.\n\nAnother passenger in the car,\nAJexander Miller, 44, also of Wal-\ntham was taken to the Webber\n\n(Continued on Page Seven)\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 101.00030163574219, 5506.65333203125, 802.8480717773438, 6828.962390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "LOUISVILLE, Ky. (P)—A. B.\n(Happy) Chandler, the former\nbaseball commissioner, today ap-\npeared the winner of his primary\nelection test in his bid to be Ken-\ntucky’s governor again, ;\n\nThe 57-year-old Chandler built\na 15,596 lead over Bert T. Combs,\n43-year-old mountaineer judge,\nfor the Democratic gubernatorial\nnomination. Their. race was\namong the hottest in Kentucky\npolitical history.\n\nChandler, 1935-39 governor\nand 1939-45 U.S, senator, came\nhack home seeking the executive\npost after losing the baseball joh\nin .\n\nHe ran against powerful party\nforces: the regular state organiza-\ntions, rounding out_ its eighth\nyear in office; U.S. Sen. Earle C.\nClements, acting Senate majority\nleader; Gov. Lawrence Wether-\nby; and Sen. Alben W. Barkley,\nformer vice president.\n\nReturns from 1,955 of 4,074\nprecincts in Saturday’s primary\n\ngave: ;\nChandler, 146,961; Combs, 131,-\n365; Jesse N. R. Cecil, 2.479.\nAt this stage, the Louisville\nCourier-Journal, which suport-\ned Combs, said flatly that Chand-\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1505.5821650390626, 3566.032482421875, 2199.5942265625, 5101.44823046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "NEW . YORK. (a))—Negotiators\nfor’ strike-threatening’ milk ‘tank\ntruck~ drivers. -have....-scheduled\nfurther bargaining: talks for to-\nmofrow. oe\n\n“The announcement postponed\nfor another. 24 .hours a_ strike\ndeadline that had been set for\n\ntoday: .\n\nThe 1,000 drivers, who could\ntie up milk supplies for 12 mil-\nlion persons: in the metropolitan\narea, had originally threatened\nto walk out a week ago yesterday\nwhen their contract expired.\n\nAfter. a five’ hour meeting\nSaturday with negotiators for 23\nmilk hauling companies, Samuel\nGelman, chairman of the AFL\nteamsters bargaining committee,\nannounced:\n\n“Negotiations are. progressing\nsatisfactorily. Between now and\ntthe Tuesday session, both sides\nwill consider additional data de-\nveloped at today’s session.”\n\nThe teamsters had originally\nsought boosts of 43 to 53 cents an\nhour in the base pay rate of $1.57\nto $1.77 an hour, Since then they\nhave made an undisclosed reduc-\ntion in demands.\n\nThe drivers also sought a num-\nber of other contract benefits,\nincluding a reduction in the\npresent 48-hour week.\n\nThe employers’ last reported\npay offer rejected by the union,\nwould have provided up to a 25-\ncent hourly increase over a\nthree-vear period.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1507.9248046875, 5140.12890625, 2140.634765625, 5395.55126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Highway Accidents\nTake Toll Of Six\n\nNew Encland Lives\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1504.727294921875, 3212.273681640625, 2107.29052734375, 3541.872802734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Strike Of Milk\nTruck’ Drivérs\n\nTs Postnoned.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1511.19921875, 1483.7076416015625, 2191.808349609375, 1879.362060546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "“Pirating”\nOf Industries\nProbe Urged\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5014.30762890625, 4070.548107421875, 5715.30760546875, 5166.53123828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": ", BOSTON (#)— Health author-\nities expressed hope today that;\n| Boston’s polio.has passed its peak.\n| Edward J. Dailey, administrator\n-at’ Haynes Memorial — Hospital,\n‘said-that only two of 26 polio.\ncases admitted at Haynes in the.\nlast three days’are Boston res-\nidents. . Se\n“It looks like’ itis beginning to\npare outside the city,” Dailey\n‘said, hones\nTwelve new cases of polio were’\nreported in, Boston, bringing the\ncity’s count for the year to 324.\n‘Two deaths—an 8-month-old\nBoston girl. and a 39-year-old\nWayland wife—raised the city's\ndeath list to 24.\nNo state by state totals were\nannounced yesterday, The last\ncount on Saturday gave these to-\ntals, with comparative figures for\nthe corresponding period of 1954:\n_ Massachusetts, 784-88; Connec-\nticut. 108-92; New Hampshire;\n42-14; Rhode Island, 41-12; Ver-\n‘mont, 18-6: Maine, 24-9; six state\ntotals, 1,017-221,. . — _\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2203.203625, 4353.16602734375, 2893.90330859375, 5335.16209765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "While Sunday afternoon’s\nheavy rain provided relief for\nparched gardens and partially\nrelieved drought conditions in\nwoodland areas, considerable\ndamage was caused by lightning\nand heavy winds.\n\nA bolt of lightning during the\npeak of the storm, after striking\na pine tree estimated at 100 feet\nin height in the Campground\nsection at Old Orchard Beach\ncontacted the roof of a small one-\nstory cottage on Tenth _ street.\nIgniting a coil of wires under-\nneath the roof flames burned a\nhole in the ceiling of the kitchen\nbefore the arrival of the Old Or-\nchard Beach | firemen. Falling\nrain aided in preventing the\nflames spreading. No estimate of\ndamage has been reported, Own-\ner of the building is Henry T,\nGarland, 58 Lowell street, Wil-\nmington, Mass. Occupants of the\n\n(Continued on Page Seven)\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4315.00098828125, 4489.3120234375, 4994.649890625, 5159.21287890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "PORTLAND «)— Three men\nwere bound over to the Grand\nJury here today after they plead-\ned guilty to breaking into a rail-\nroad box car to steal three cases\ni ales Each was held in $1,500\n\nail,\n\n- Ralph S. Brewster, 26, and\nParker Bartlett, 19, both of Port-\nand, and Vincent Laughlin, 19,\nof Chicago, were arrested today\n‘after Brewster allegedly was\nseen with a case of ale by a\npoliceman.\n\nBartlett and Laughlin told\npolice they are stationed with\nthe Army at Camp Drum, N. Y.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1512.1255, 1907.174328125, 2205.923328125, 3189.2993046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO (#)—A report pro-\nposing Congress investigate “rir-\nating” of industrial plants was\nhigh on the order of business as\n/the American Federation of Labor\nExecutive Council, opened its\nthree-day meeting today.\n\nIn the report, a subcommittee\n‘of the union’s National Legisla-\ntive Committee said_“nirating” of\nindustrial plants from establish-\ned locations to other areas of the\nnation results in blight and un-\nemvloyment in abandoned areas.\n\n“The ruthless manner in which\n‘industrial firms have abazdoned\n‘their employes in a particular lo-\ncation in order to establish oper-\nations at another site has serious-\nly jeopardized the welfare of\nAmerican workers,” the’ report\n\nsaid. :\n\nThe AFL will hold a special\none-day convention tomorrow for\nthe purpose of moving the annu-\nal AFL convention, now schedul-\ned at Chicago in. October, to. New\nYork in December, when the CIO\n‘also will:meet to ratify the AFT-\n‘CIO merger. 7 ;\n’ Presidents of AFL unions will\nconfer Wednesday on merger\nplans... °° -:\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2910.557373046875, 4406.02294921875, 3527.01416015625, 4744.4541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Hurricane Is\nPlowing Along\nOver Open Sea\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1507.7960322265626, 5408.99317578125, 2199.021716796875, 6724.7934453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "BOSTON (#)—Highway §acci-\ndents cost six lives in New Eng-\nland yesterday.\n\nWilfred J. Verville, about 60.\nof Holyoke, Mass,, died in a two-\ncar collision on Route 20 in Rus-\nsell, Mass.\n\nKatherine L. Dillon, 70. of New\nHaven, Conn., was killed when a\near she wasd riving collided with\nanother at the intersection of In-\ndian Mountain Rd. and Route 112.\n\nin Lakeville, Conn,\n- John J. Noyes, 15, and Harry\nR. Russell, 24, both of Williams-\ntown, Mass., died when an auto-\n|mobile left Route 2 at Peters-\nburg, N, Y.. and plunged over a\n75-foot embankment.\n| Patricia Bohan. 27, of Boston,\nwas killed when an automobile\n‘in which she wag riding skidded\ninto four guard railg on Route §\nat Westboro, Mass. Police said she\n, was thrown from the car and run\n‘over by another automobile.\n| Peter D. Reynolds, 17. of ae\n‘tucket, R. I. son of Charles F\nReynolds, Rhode Island liquor\ncontro) administrator, died at\n\nSouth County Hospital. Wakefield\n\nR. I, of iniyries suffered in 2\n\nhighway accident at Narraganset!\n\nBridav nicht.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2912.33594921875, 5766.0542109375, 3597.21385546875, 7196.15233203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "vou started serdaming.”’ Then be\nbroke down briefly.\n\nArnold, of ciiver Spring, Md.,\ncommanded a B29 shot down Jan.\n12, 1958, while on a Koran War\nleafict- dropping mission over\nNorth Korea. Peiping’s Commu-\nnist propaganda radio announced\n‘lust November that Arnold and\n_ 10 crewmen had been convict-\nfed of intruding over Manchuria\non a spying mission,\n| Arnold. was sentenced to 10\nyears. The others got from four\nto eight.\n\n. “They told me sooner or later\n‘they would get from me what they\nwanted—but they didn’t get it.”\n'declared the thin, tired-looking\n\ncolonel.\nNever Confessed\nHe said he never had confessec\nto intruding over China or to be-\ning on a spying mission.\nThe only statement he signed\nihe said, was one that his air unit\nthe 58ist Aerial Resupply Group\nhad come to the Pacific to aid\ncountries in danger of being over\nrun by nations opposed to democ.\nracy. At the trial in Peiping, later\nother statements were added t\n\\this which made it sound as if he\nhad confessed to a spying mission\nie] repudiated that etaeeoatanh a\nthe trial,’ he said.\n(Continued on Page Seven)\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 4309.650390625, 1850.170166015625, 4966.93115234375, 2180.521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Nine American\nSoldiers Hurt\nIn Korean Riots\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3604.0009765625, 3960.302490234375, 4243.3955078125, 4288.93505859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Man Killed On\nMaine Turnpike\nIn Kennebunk\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 810.783447265625, 4342.251953125, 1366.7967529296875, 4478.7392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n\nFreshmen Enter\nMaritime School\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 109.44182586669922, 708.174560546875, 5774.04345703125, 1128.212890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Atomic Energy Parley Opens\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3589.28515625, 5186.23681640625, 5683.11962890625, 5470.13330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Bulganin Gives Informal Party At His\nCountry Estate For Foreign Diplomats\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 5013.48095703125, 3800.501708984375, 5604.419921875, 4057.504150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Health Officials .\n|Hope Hub’s Polio\n‘Has Passed Peak\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 818.044677734375, 2146.569580078125, 1495.7130126953125, 2472.35888671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Congressman Asks\nQuick Action On\n\nTextile Mergers\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 4459.18212890625, 1192.0789794921875, 5629.80517578125, 1786.58837890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Scientist Sees\nPeaceful Use Of\nHydrogen Bomb\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 134.6527557373047, 1163.7720947265625, 4311.20751953125, 1405.8360595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "U. §: And Red China Talks Are Stalled\n" }, "35": null, "36": { "bbox": [ 1521.0951044921876, 6804.8647578125, 2203.817859375, 7188.0180546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "| NEW DELHI (4)— Direct didio-\nmatic ties between India and Por-\ntugal, at odds over Indian claims\nto the Portuguese settlements in\nIndia, were snapped today with\nthe closing of Lisbon govern:\nment’s legation here. -\n\nPortugal asked Brazil to repre-\nsent it diplomatically in any fu:\nture contacts with India.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 94.44583892822266, 5080.69091796875, 1487.8082275390625, 5484.5888671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Chandler Appears Winner\nIn His Primary Test For\nGovernorship Of Kentucky\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 101.89958190917969, 4336.57373046875, 684.4901733398438, 4468.509765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Flames Destroy\nHause And Rarn\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2213.04248046875, 5375.41650390625, 3577.385986328125, 5753.986328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Statements Forced\n\nU.S. Airmen Tell Of Torture\nAt Hands Of Chinese Red:\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 239.73941040039062, 1489.835205078125, 1425.6612548828125, 2057.654541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Unable To Agree\nOn Repatriation\nOf Their Civilians\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 5037.216796875, 5531.6328125, 5677.09228515625, 7163.5009765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Closed All Day\nWEDNESDAY\n\nTo Mark Down\nEvery Article\nAgain For My |\nFinal\n\nRETIREMENT\nSALE\n\nStarting Thursday,\nAug. llth, 9 A. M.\nEnding Saturday,\n\nAug. 2\n\nHELP WANTED\n\nAPPLY AT ONCE!\nA. E. Ross\n\nAMERICAN\n\nSHOPPING OENTER\n8 Waskington Gireet:\n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2203.98388671875, 3954.581787109375, 3587.044677734375, 4330.83203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Severe Sunday Storm\nCauses Damage In State\n" }, "43": null, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 1612.8851318359375, 6744.40673828125, 2118.146728515625, 6795.84521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "RELATIONS BROKEN\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 147.5253448486328, 6857.03662109375, 791.8768310546875, 7166.51220703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "IODAY'S CHUCKLE\nThe Administration’s easy-\nmoney policy ought to raise\nthe country’s moral standards.\nJ’s so easy to borrow it’s\n\nhardly worthwhile to steal.\nGenerel Features Cospuretion\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 142.2707941894531, 6884.303234375, 796.03123828125, 7166.23826953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "TOVDAT'S CHYUCALE\n\nThe Administration’s easy-\nmoney policy ought to raise\nie sountny’ ) nor standards.\n\neasy borrow it’s\ncay worthwhile to steal.\nGeperes Features Corpuretion\n" }, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 4 ], [ 0, 6 ], [ 0, 10 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 4, 10 ], [ 6, 10 ], [ 1, 7 ] ]
[ 5412.1337890625, 6978.1435546875 ]
[ [ 0, 4 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 4, 2 ], [ 6, 0 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2820.583759765625, 795.0251049804688, 3440.200419921875, 1714.6304736328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "‘St. and 4ist Ave. schoo) property\n‘and the expansion of Edison\nSchool. School officials believe\nthese projects will be the last of\nthe major Rock Island schoo) ex-\npansions in the foreseeable future\nThe board has requested draw-\nings of the new high schoo! addition\nin order to @stimate more accu-\nrately the cost of the project The\nboard wants to have the drawings\n‘to submit to the public with the\n, proposed bond issue.\n' Hor roughly estimated the field\n‘house will have dimensions of\n1150 x 180 feet. These dimensions\n|do not include a 20-foot foyer.\nwhich will face on 25th Ave De\npending on the type of seating te\n\\be installed in the field house, es:\nj}timates of the seating capacity\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 912.717060546875, 2589.912861328125, 1547.424541015625, 3318.255595703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Purchase of the equipment for\nthe Rock Island County Retarded\nChildren's School, Rock Island Ro-\ntary Club's golden anniversary\nproject, is scheduled to be done\nsometime this month.\n\nO? the $1,500 set up as the goal,\n$1,278 has already been received\nin the form of donations by the\n‘members, President J. Harold\nGrove told the club yesterday at\nits noon meeting in Ft. Armstrong\nHotel.\n\nMembers of the Rotary commit-\ntee in charge, headed by Eddie\n| Gippert, President Grove and the\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4072.295673828125, 794.1800122070313, 4675.89744140625, 1370.8119921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "with the present high school\nbuilding.\n\nAt this point in the planning,\nHorn pointed out, he was unable\nto estimate with any degree of\naccuracy the cost of the project.\nHowever, it is almost certain that\nmore than a million dollars will be\nneeded for the project. A final\nestimate of the cost will depend on\nthe board's decision about the ex-\nact size of the field house, kind\n\nof seating, type of construction\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 923.8759765625, 2351.009765625, 2128.617431640625, 2572.10986328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Retarded Children’s School\nSoon To Receive Equipment\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3447.27638671875, 796.0309643554688, 4059.65330078125, 1710.924541015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ranged from 5,000 to 7,000. The\nopinion of the Board appeared to\nfavor a seating capacity of 1,-\n000\n\nWith the new addition, high\nschool parking areas appear to\nrange between 800 and 8&0 cars\nTwo new parking areas will be\ndeveloped in the area behind the\nnew fielc house\n\nSwimniing Pool\n\nTentative plans call for a 23-\nmeter swimming pool, which will\nbe built to the west of the field\nhouse In addition to the basket-\nball area, the field house will con\ntar an indoor track area and\nloker and toilet facilties The ad-\nditional 15 classrooms will be in\nthe extension of the south wing,\nwhich will connect the field house\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 199.20455932617188, 3376.5166015625, 1540.3502197265625, 6896.5009765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\nHERE! the new\nwriting\nsensation!\n\nFedor\nLIQUID LEAD\nPENCIL\n\n_\n\nLiquid lead writes\n\nlike a dream!\n\nGives you all the\nadvantages of your\nfavorite wooden or\nmechanical pencil, with\nnone of the drawbacks}\nBe one of the frst\n\nto write with a\n\nParker Liquid Lead.\n\n \n\n \n\nfamous MONTAG\nboxed paper and envelopes\n\nSheerlite, Airtight, rag content with\nberrihgweave ttern. White, green,\n\ngrey 75 shocts/25 envelo envelopes.\nRegency. Satin-emooth vellum. White,\nblue, pink. 50 sheets/25 envelopes.\nInnerweave. Fabric texture. Hand\nfees deckled edges. White, blue, yel-\n50 sheets/25 envelopes.\noo ton tow Crushed Bond. Like rare old parchment\nin popular light weight. White, 2. Blue, oben 65\nsheets/25 envel opes.\n\nAll in brand new “continentof” shape and style\nBlock & Kuhl Co. Stationery, Balcony\n\nStop! Shop! Save! Easy Credit Terms Available\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2188.510029296875, 786.2574047851563, 2821.159892578125, 2959.088603515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "ROCK ISLAND — Rock Island,\nBoard of Education approved the\ntentative plan of erecting a new\nfield house, swimming pool and 15-\nclassroom addition on the south\nwing behind the present high\nschool at last night's meeting. In\npreliminary planning, the work is\nestimated at a cost of more than a\nmillion dollars.\n\nThe Board authorized Benjamin\nA. Horn, architect, to develop\nfurther the plans for the addition\non the south wing of the present\nbuilding. .\n\nHorn appeared before the Board\nlast night wit: three schemes for\nthe new addition. The schemes\nwere the one adopted, building the\nnew addition to the north wing of\nthe present building and erect-\ning the addition in about the cen-\nter behind the present building.\n\nThe Board agreed the pian\nadonted provided the most conven-\njent and best way of adding an es-\ntimated 2,200,000 cubic feet of\nspace to the present building. This\nplan will allow for future expan-\nsion of the building if it becomes\nnecessary, wili add to the beauty\nand functional qualities of the pres-\nent building and will provide the\nneeded classroom and physical\neducation facilities needed by the\nhigh school at the present time.\n\nHorn presented floor plans and\nperspective drawings of the three\nschemes for the addition.\n\nPart of Package Issue\n\n| According to the present ten-\n| tative plans of the Board, the high\n|! school addition will be a part of a\n‘package bond issue for $2,500,00C\nto be put before Rock Island citi-\nzens in the early fall. Other school\n| work to be included in the package\n| pond issue will be a new elementa-\n\nry schsol to be erected at the 36th\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1553.0851025390625, 2590.147724609375, 2201.862041015625, 3859.753642578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "‘school’ ’s officials met this week to\noutline the school’s needs. Jt is\nscheduled to be established tn per-\n‘manent headquarters by Septem-\nber.\n\n| The school is being set up in the\noldefire station, at 8th St., between\n3rd and 4th Aves.\n\n| President Groves said school\nleaders expect additional enroll-\nment when the: permanent head-\nquarters have been established.\n| Parents of many of the children,\n| who would benefit from the\n' school’s program, have been un-\naware of its existence in the city,\nhe said. because previously it was\nforced to move to wherever it\ncould find available space.\n\nRotary’s part in the project was\nundertaken as its observance of the\ninternational organization's 50th\nyear.\n\nPresident Grove, Walter E. Mc-\nBride, vice president, and Carlton\nG. Taylor, secretary - treasurer\ngave individual reports on the gold-\nen anniversary convention hey\nrecently in Chicago.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 285.6597595214844, 411.2878723144531, 2148.155517578125, 2085.75537109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2177.641845703125, 383.6252136230469, 5292.5322265625, 745.2206420898438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Tentative Plan for Rock Island High School’\nField House, Swimming Pool Given Approval\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4673.4399609375, 791.8940014648438, 5301.3032031249995, 1055.2339892578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n\nand building costs at the time of\nconstruction.\n\nHorn said that he did not know\nof any comparable construction to\n‘the proposed Rock Island field\nhouse in this section of MNlinois.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2196.811298828125, 3033.274921875, 2820.091044921875, 3291.3090625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Or any other item for that mat:\n‘er? Then why not sell your ald\n‘one through the Dispatch Want Ads.\nltt's quick, easy and profitable. Try\n‘it—-dust dial 4-435]\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2845.14501953125, 1812.8917236328125, 5412.1337890625, 6978.1435546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\non this BIG NEW ‘59 Co\nREFRIGERATOR- FREEZER\n\nwith\nREVOLVING SHELVES\n\nRegularly - - 499”\n\nnow § 3 Gg Gg 95\nee, |\n\nAND YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR\n\n(in operating condition)\n\n \n \n\n \n \n\nVF; Geo SE\n\n@ Zero-cold 2 1 cubic foot freezer for 77 tbs.\n\n@ Juice con dispenser, ice cream rack.\n\n@ Freezer is seporately insulated, seporately cooled.\n@ AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING, REVOLVING SHELVES.\n@ Folding bottle racks, butter conditioner.\n\n@ Twin floodlights, interior color styling.\n\n@ Adjustable, removable door shelves, egg rack\n\n@ Famous General Blectric dependability.\n\n@ Seoled-in-steel cooling unit guaranteed 5 years\n\nPAYMENTS $9 PER\nAS LOW AS ~__| WEEK\n\nOther ‘Models From Which to Choose\n\n \n\ney Sse all i\n10 CU. FT. MODEL ed || pera |Hl Gath} 10.8 CU. FT. MODEL\nA true refrigerator-freezer like . This G-E Spacemaster has !\nthe model shown above, bul Bi Ag EEE ese ess the regular 48- package,\nwith a single outside door fe ee yaa cross - the-top freezer with\nFresh food section has every [e' XE wt PtH) chiller tray. Fresh food\nfeature of the larger model. (2%) | UNE ae Pain ® section has every feature of\nroom for 48 packages of frozen [¢) RX ey | model above. Manual de-\nfoods. is se ei | | trost.\nAS LITTLE AS 3 | Seneca! | RN | AS UTTLE AS\n\n$3,15 PER WEEK [|= =\"K J] $2.61 PER WEEK\n\n \n\n \n\nPRICES on the NEW G.E’s $4 Bg”\n\n \n\nCome in and see our complete line\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 294.5860595703125, 2351.08203125, 892.3689575195312, 3304.743408203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n, Low Cost Loans\nTo Pay Bills\n\n$25 to $500\n\nQuick approval on personal\nloans. Poy hills easily ond\n| promptly with money from Mo-\nline Finance. Come in, let os\nhelp you TODAY! Repay in con-\nvenient Instollments. |\n\n- MOLINE FINANCE CORP.\nRoom\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4095.165771484375, 1392.7103271484375, 4661.18017578125, 1696.1497802734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nPOLIO. insurance\n\nTake no chances! Insure entire family\nfor treotment of Polio and & other\ndread diseases. Two-year Prem $18.\nIndividual policy, 2 yr. $9.\n\nRalph DePorter Agency\n1823 7th 5?., Moline, Dial 4-8373\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1606.4261474609375, 4181.43505859375, 2814.90283203125, 6897.24658203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nROT\n\nUnusual and practical\n\nFather’s Day Gifts\nfrom CARLSON'S - -\n\nAirfoam Chair Cushions . . . Ash~-Away\nSmoking Stands . . . Barometers .. . Bill-\nfolds... Books ... Book Ends... Book-\nplates ... Brief Cases.\n\nCard Tables .. . Chess .. . Chests (fire\n\n--—proof) ... Circular Fans . .. Clocks (trarel-\ning) ... Clothes Hangers ... Desk Writing\nSets ... Dictionaries . . . Drawing Sets.\n\nRemington Electric Razors . . . Engage-\nment Pads . . . Everyday Files . . . Field\nGlasses . . . Fluorescent Desk Lamps .. .\nGames ... Globes . .. Road Atlases ...\nKey Cases ... Letter Openers ... Library\nShears . . . Luggage.\n\nMagnifying Glasses . . . Parker Pen Sets\n« « » Pencil Sharpeners . . . Sheaffer Snorkel\nSets ... Telephone List Finders . . . Toilet\nArticles ... Toilet Cases . . . Traveling Kits\n- « » Typewriters’. . . Wallets ... Writing\nPapers. .\n\nWe gift wrap and ship everywhere.\n\nCARLSON BROTHERS, INC.\n\n1405 -07 Fifth Avenue, Moline\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4704.69677734375, 1089.201904296875, 5281.68505859375, 1689.2630615234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nBills Are Easy To Pay\nNO UIMIT TO AMOUNT |\nOR AGE ‘\nWhen you use our PAY AS YOU\nEARN PLAN .. No Security o\nEndorsers Needed. ONS STOP\nPAYS ALL BILLS — NO MORE\nPROBLEMS WITH PAST DUE AC.\nCOUNTS OR COLLECTORS.\nPhane or Come In. Today\n\nABC PLAN, INC.\n15272 Sth Ave. Room 206\nOver Hickey’s\nMOLINE, ILLINOIS PHONE 2-6871\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1555.5936474609375, 3882.4223828125, 2205.038798828125, 4147.693828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "If all the iron ore, coal and lime-\nstone consumed by the U. S. steel\nindustry in one year were placed in\nrailroad cars and attached to one\ntrain, the train would be 38,228\nmiles long.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2241.975341796875, 3328.205322265625, 2809.275634765625, 4144.40869140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "COMPLETE SH.\nOPTICAL:\nSERVICE\n\nOffice Hours:\nMonday, 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.\nTvesday Through Soturdoy\n8 om. to 5 p.m.\nPhone for appointment.\n\nDr. Phillip Konecky\n\nRegistered Optometrist\n— and Associates —\n\nOr. A. J. Patrizi, Reg. Opt.\nOr. Donald Neilson, Reg. Opt.\n422 16th Street, Moline\nDial 4-261\nNlinols Optical Building\n\n \n \n" }, "19": null, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 2265.79296875, 2981.79345703125, 2774.387451171875, 3034.29150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "GETTING A NEW STOVE?\n" }, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ 2458.458435546875, 3473.439392578125 ]
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 7, 3 ], [ 20, 25 ], [ 21, 22 ], [ 22, 1 ], [ 25, 7 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 817.5709833984375, 2315.41290234375, 1111.1326298828126, 3448.50653125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "New York, Match 25 (P42.\n{bor and management are firding\nfor the fast approaching big sea-\nson for battles aver wage hikes\nand for strikes and thteats of\nstrikes,\n\nMany regard the labor factor\nras one of the chief uncertainties\n‘péethaps next to war—on the\nindustria] horizon today,\n\nOutcome of the key ruggles\nsome say, could hold the answer\nto whether the present business\nupswing will contfnue without\nmore than a seasonal break ” in\nthe summer.\n\nAulo companies start wage\ntalks in a few days. Steel, elec-\ntronics, glass, meat packing and\nshipping worker$ have contracts\nup for negotiation before hot\nweather. John L, Lewis is keep-\ning quiet but the coal industry\ngould stil hear from him.\n\n-In the summer, farm equip-\nme aluminum and copper con-\ntracts come up. Other big elec.\ntrical) equipment manufacturecs\nwill talk with their unions be.\nfore fail.\n\nWhat the big industries and\nthe top corporations do about\nwage scales offen sets the na-\nfiona) pattern into which small\nef concerns fit th HemBee ves as best\nthey can.-\n\nDemands fora gilttanteed qn\nnual wage will make headlines\nin the weeks just ahead, Auto\nworkers, especialiy, say thes\nWant assurance of yearsaround\npay to supplant present ptac-\n(ices, which they describe as lay-\noffs when business is slack and\novertime when sales are boom:\ning.\n\nAutomation is another werd\nyoull be hearing about duting\nthe wage talks, Automation\nmeans the increasing tendency\nf-supplant manual] labor with\nmachines—a trend which-statted\n550 yeats ago wil, the industrial\nrevolution.\n\nIf carried ta its ultimate, auta\nmation could hring the” cam.\npletely aulomatle factory wy\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1856.807677734375, 1433.8270869140624, 2153.910583984375, 2177.230408203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "lee gee eee wk Ca page.\nThus thé number of grapes {n'a\nsingle bottle Is 63. ° | .\nBut it takes 870 grapes to make\na fifth of sauterne or claret =,\n;there are only 64 Etapes to a\ncluster in .the vatlety used in\nthese wines. | . :\nRemember way back when &\ncollege boy’s biggest Worry was\nWhere he could find a -job?\n‘That is no problem with student\nengineers today.- ‘They are now\njaxistocrats of thé campus. Ex:\nample: The Stevens Institute of\nTechnology in Hoboken, -N.J.,\nexpects to tum’ out 128° grad\nuates this June, - and already\nmote ‘than 140 industrial ‘arms\nare sending talent scouts to bid\nfor their eervices.. Tip’ to par.\nents: Why not give your Hittle\nboy’ a slide rule instead of a\n\nsled next Christmas? .\n\nSuccess comes in strange ways\n(note: Denise Lor, _ vocalist on\n'the Garey Moote CBS-TV Pro.\ngtam, got Inlo the. blg- money\nby disregarding the advice vot\nboth her mother and her’ doctor.\nAgainst the wishes ‘of her moth:\net, a film costume designer, ‘she\nwent into show business. While\nnging semiclassical numbers\nin an ice shaw she caught a\nheavy cold and developed nodu-\nles on her vocal chords’ A dae.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1113.6976923828124, 2299.34258984375, 1408.1593632812499, 2862.4635625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "|iaber Involved only In making\njthe machines, in watching them\n;operate, and in maintaining and\n:feplacing them.\n\n; Union leaders fear. that will\nspell unemployment. Manage-\nment says that, on the contrary,\nmore machines have always end.\ned in meaning mote goods, mote\nJobs and a higher standatd of\nliving, *\n\nThe cost: of living will be less\nof a bargaining point thls year.\nDuring the inffationary spurts\nof earlier postwar years, unions\n‘asked for wage hikes to “help\nithelr members try to _,catch - up\nwith rising prices. Many _ tied\ntheir pay scales to the - fuctua-\ntions ‘of the Bureau of Labor\nStatistics’ consumer price Index.\n\nThis ‘spring, BLS reports, the\neast of living is a Little . lower\nthan a year ago. A factory work-\ner's average weekly earnings af-\njer taxes, on the other hand,\n\nhave gone up five percent in the\nvear.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 823.4346918945313, 1654.7328486328124, 1115.5047001953126, 2111.871521484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\npoliticians, in short, contend that\nsclentists rogard themselves as\nlaws unto themselves - because\nof the miracles they’ have\n‘wrought, According to this view-\npoint, the scientists believe that\nsclence’ knows no bounds, even\nthose of national and collective\nsecurily. The only scientists who\nseem to differ from this view are\nthose at Moscow and Peiping.\n\nIn a world of perfect Taw and\norder, retotis Washington off-\ncialodm, this attitude would be\néminently correct and practical.\nBut it is regarded as utterly un-\nrealistic, in view of the Com.\nmunists’ callous indifference 10\nhuman life, ethics, decency, hon\nesty and truth,’or name-your-\nown virtuss, The scientists ap-\nPear to forget these murderous\nTealitles.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1119.9386591796874, 1660.58380078125, 1412.6278691406249, 2123.111755859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "The scicatists warn, and pro.\nperly, of thé effect of vast nu-\nclear tests on.ihe genetics—the\nhealth,’ characteristics, morals,\nintelligence, Jonge’ etc ~— of\nfuture generations. N body cav-\nUs at full entation of: these\ndangers, which are, discussed in\ncurrent editions of every medical\njournal... ‘\n\nRESPONSIBILITIES OF U.S.\nAND ALLIES — But Eisenhower\nand Churchill,” Gruenther and\nMontgomery, tace immediate and\nterrible responsibilities: As they\n‘approach the problem, they fig-\nure that there will be no future\ngenerations to worry about, un-\nless the United States -and jts\nAllies maintain nuclear superl-\nority aver the Communist hordes.\n\n(Released by The McClure\nNewspaper Syndicate)\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2153.595763671875, 1005.738341796875, 2458.458435546875, 2309.3727421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "tor: advised her to. take.a Va.\ncali, rest her throat.- Instead\nshe kept singing, but In a lower\nfegister. Her new vofce turned\nout to be just right for the new\ndeep-throated “pop” tunes. Now,\n;nodules notwithstanding, “she\nearns about $123,090 a year.\nMale ego dept: At Teast we\nhave found ‘something men, do\nbetter than women: ‘They.éat a\nbetter breakfast. Only 23 per\ncent of white collar working\ngirls under 25—and only 29 per\nSent over 25°—~ regularly eat a\nwell-balanced breakfast, accord:\ning to a life insurance company\nSurvey. Ts this why business\nwomen oftén ‘seem short -tem.\nbered? The sane Survey found\nthat 44.per <ent of the men\nstarted the day right with @\n‘good real. .\n. Feminine ego dept: Women\nlong have held they Bre safer\ndrivers than men ,and highway\nstatistics often bear them out.\n\nOne teason may be that .. they\nobey. traffic lights better because\n(hey can distitiguish the lights\njdetter. Optometrists report’ that\nsight per cent of all men‘ ’suf-\nfer from red-green color blind.\nhess,.but-only one per cent of\nwomen have this vision ‘defect.\n\nEver dream of finding a vatu-.\nable - pearl’ fn a restaurant\noyster? . Well, . keep right on\ncreaming.: You haye one chante\nin:5,000 of “picking up, 2 Pearl\n(hat way, Sut even 1 you: did\nthe chances aze it wouldn't have\nany'-real value -except as a\nSouvenizn = |\n\nMost gem pearls: come from\nAropic oysters, but snails, clams\namd mussels also create pearls\niThe famous queen pearl of New\nJersey, sold-in the last century\nlo Empress Eugenie of France\nfor $25,000. came: ftom a com:\nmon Fiver mussel | 2 aoe\n__A slant: Philippine, clam ‘that\nshut on-the hand’ of a native\ndiver and: drowned him ylelded\nthe “Pearl of Allah,”. the largest\never found. It weighed 14\npounds. Why not surprise your\nwife by presenting it to-her on\nyour next wedding anniversary?\nIf she found ita bit héayy as\n[a throat pendant, it could be\n\nturned Into. a beautiful bowling\nbalh *\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1111.8190302734374, 2941.77227734375, 1401.9793095703124, 3232.043640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "{AP Neasfeatures)\n| Washington, Pa — Harness\ndriver Harry Harvey is giving uf\ncompetition to become superin.\nendent of Del Miller's famed\n\\Meadowlands Farms near here.\n| “For the past few years Ha: vey\nshad assisted Miller as a driver.\nIn addition to owning the farm,\n(Milter is one of the top drivers in\nithe country. .\n| Harvey won the 1953 Hamble.\ntonjan Stake with the filly Heli-\ncopler ,a tace which pald Si\nhh\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 521.3988032226563, 1246.47149609375, 814.7040410156251, 2730.370056640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\nMmesrens + €© has not been\ndrawn directly into the contro-\nveray he sides with advocates o|\njintensive development and test.\ning of A-H homb:. He atid Secre-\ntary Dulles have declared that\ntactical alomic missiles would be\nfired in a Far’ Easter. clash\nMany of the nation’s leading\nsclentists take a dismal view o!\nUhis program. They warn that ii\nmay mean the end of civilization\nas we know it 7\nPrime Minister Churchill has\nnow Yined up with [ke in decid.\ning that Britain shall embark or\nla far-reaching nuct\nIment as the only\n\\World War I. As\nefies his-array of critical scien.\ntists, so the British statesman\n| disregards the jeremiads of the\ndistinguished Arnold Toynbee.\nsoe\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\nSCIENTISTS ANGER OFFI.\nlerans—seve tral specific outbursts\niby scientific spokesmen, as well\njas their general opposition to\nmanufacture ‘and utilization ol\nmass-destruction missiles, -have\nangered offictals responsible fox\nnational and collective security\nagainst thé Russian colossus,\n\nThe scientists still protest\nagainst the Atomic Energy Com.\nmission’s refusal to gite Dr J\n‘Robert Oppeaheimer of Princeton\naccess to classified atomic da\n\\Ceértain castein educators ¢\n'cize’ FRY Director J. Edgar Hoo-\ner's secutity checkups and ac-\ntivities, including the use of in.\nCozmers.\n\nScores of academic figures,\nheaded by Dr Harold C. Urey, No-\nbel Prize winner at the Univer-\nsity of Chicago, are the latest to\ndraw fire. declared publicly\nthat the Rog abergs were unjust.\nly convicted and sentenced to\ndeath, They now seek a new trial\nfor Morton Sobell, a Rosenberg\nassociate serving a 30-year term\nat Alcatraz.\n\n“FRIGHT CAMPAIGN“ — Sena-\n‘ior John W. Bricker of Ohio felt\nit necessary to insert in the Con-\ngressional Record an articl> an\nrey 's stalements. as well as t\neffort to re-try Sobel.\n\nGovernor Edwin C. Johnson of\nColorado, a ten-year member of\nthe Joint Congressional Atomic\nCommittee as a Senate member,\njas accused American scicnti\nof waging a “nationwide dri\nagainst atomic progress, mili-\nary-yise. He ceclared that two\nUniversity of Colorada faculty\n|members, in a deliberate “fright\ncampaign.” were exaggerating\nthe effects of ‘radicactive fale\nouts” from\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2150.935607421875, 2333.621154296875, 2449.67010546875, 2654.616150390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "NET. GAIN” a\n\nColorado Springs, Colo 9 -~\nStuart Richter, elty “recreation\nhead, thinks he-has solved the\nproblem of too many tennis play;\ners and too few courts: *\n\nQs’ a elock rigged to shit off\nthe lights at the courts at the end\nofan houz, Players adjust the\nflock to the rumber of minutes\nthey wish to play, up to an hour.\nwhen time {s up and the llzhts\n‘go off, thé players must yield the\ncourt to the next players.\n\n3 No coins are necded—it's all\nTee, —\n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1852.25665234375, 2321.771544921875, 2148.73358203125, 2966.566345703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "L Former Governor. Howard\n{Pyle of Atizona has-been ap-\n[pointed to what White House\nJob? ;\n\nj. 2 Who was our tallest Prest-\ndent? -\n\n} a. What is it about the feaves\njor the sassafras tree that makes\n‘the tree distinctive? _\n\n} 4. Is Quebec, - Vancouver, «or\n| Montreal, the largest city In Caa-\nada? : vo\n! 5. Who was’ President of the\nUnited States when the bilt ad-\nmitting Kansas into the Union\nwas signed January 29, 186i?-_\n\n6 Of what racial stock was the\n‘Statesman Benjamin Disraeli?\n\n7, The period -of what Presi:\ndential administration wag re.\nferred to as “Return to Normal-\n\na\n\n \n\n8. Tokay fs the name of a city\nin Japan; true or false?\n\n9. What are the “Pillars of\nHereules”?\n\n10. Henry M. Stanley went to\nAftica to find and rescue what\nScottish missionary and explor-\ner? 8 * .\n\n \n\nYor Answers Please Turn to\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1872.6402587890625, 151.5291748046875, 2441.493896484375, 857.9797973632812 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1867.1839599609375, 2994.35888671875, 2430.2138671875, 3133.425537109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "\" CITY OF NASHUA ASKS BIDS\nSee Mayor's Olfice for Details\nSteel Desk, Chalp. Bats matt be tn Mayor's orice\n\nbefore SP. M. Tues, Apr. 12\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1112.69317578125, 3263.020568359375, 1406.1345830078124, 3452.668640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Frozen brussels sprouts are\nwidely available and ‘so nutzl-\ntious that they can be used eften\nto good advantage in family\nmenus, Try sserving them with\nbrowned butier and toasted) al-\ney Or team them with cream\nauce and a topping of crisp\numbiled bacon.\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1897.6951904296875, 3163.44482421875, 2391.69921875, 3460.32421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "CEDAR. FENCE POSTS\n4” minimum dloweler at small end,\n6 to 12 Ft. lengths.\n\n10c per lineal ft.\nAlso Koppers pressure treated posts: *\n\nWIRTHMORE GRAIN CO.\n\nAST HOLLIS ST.\n\nDial TU \"25135 or 2-5136\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 81.99730633544922, 353.75454663085935, 524.1040654296875, 2187.143005859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "SF i ene ee ae\nOur staffer who covered the Chamber. of\nCommerce session en Wednesday afternoan\nat the City Hall when a government official\ngave his views on the need, or lack of need,\nfor a city planner to insure the ity getting\nthe benefit. of federal funds for redevelop-\nment or slum clearance projects, . reports\nthat there is little likelihood that any recom-\nniendation will be forthcoming to the Board\nof Aldermen for the continua‘ion of the city\nplanner's office. As a matter of fact he fore-\n-saw, based on the developments at the mect-\ning, a possible reluetance even to continue\nthe functions of the City Planning Board.\n\nThe report of the meeting, printed in this\nPaper last night, indicated the necd for a\nprofessionally qualified person to guide and\ngovern any planning projects here in which\nthe federal government would-be asked to\ncontribute. The government official made it\nquite clear, our man sald, that Uncle Sam\nexpects that the planning and laying out of\nprojects here would require the services of\nsomeone who knew his business, before any\nfederal funds or sanctions would be given.\nHowever, he could not be pinned down toa\ndirect question as to whether an experienced\ncity planner was absolutely necessary, He\nlimited his positive statement 1o the phrase,\n“professionally qualified person”.\n\nOur Staffer said that it was evident, from\nthose present on the city government side of\nthe fence—mainly members of ihe “Alder-\nman Planning and Finance committees —\nthat there was a great reluctance to consider\nthe delegation of authority any further, on\nthe planning line, to any group or individual\noutside of the Héard ‘of Aldermen or its\nmembers.\n\nHe took that to mean, on the basis of the\narguments offered, that Hf any'-recommenda-\ntions concerning planning are made ta the\nAldermen that such authority would be vest-\ned with the city engineer's department.\nWhich could mean that the city planner post\nwould be abolished and that’ the Citywide\nPlanning committee to all intents and pur-\nPoses would cease to exist.\n\nThe High street project has not been offi-\ncially approved by the government yet and\nmay not be realized despite the need which\nwas emphasized strongly by Chamber of\nCommerce officials at the meeting, on the\ngrounds that it would help further solve our\nincreasing abto trafic and parking prob-\nlems. This, again, is probably due to the\ndistaste some Aldermen seem to have. be-\ncause, when completed, the cantrol.over the\ndevelopment would rest in the hands of the\nNashua Housing Authority. Again, for some\nYeason, some Aldermen do nat seem to like\nthe authority and control which the Housing\nAuthority seems to have.\n\nIt is almost a foregone conclusion: that\nthere will be no full time city planner, work-\ning under the Citywide Planning committee.\n‘Hf there are any planning functions set up\nit will be under the city engineer and under\nthe watchful eye of the Aldermen Planning\ncommittee. The funds for this purpose would\ncome; not from a budget item, but from\nsurplus funds in the treasury.\n\n- The unfortunate part of this, of course,\nts that planning is necessary for many other\nTeasons, in a live community, other than re-|\ndevelopment and slum clearance. These, too,\nmay go. by the wayside if the functions of!\nthe Citywide Planning comenittce and the,\nCity Planner are officially dispensed sith.\nNeither the City, Engineer's department or\nthe Board of Aldermen have the time, no |\nmatter how qualified they may be for such\nwork, that should be devoted to a success: |\nfu! planning prog: vhich a city needs to)\n\nere care exe meee\n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2160.380615234375, 2682.2490234375, 2432.948486328125, 2979.21337890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "PAINTERS and\nB. DECORATORS: |\n\naisha — WALLPAPER\nARTIST & DECORATING\nSUPPLIES\n\nD. F. SHEA co.\n\nMAIMUA BILL YARO |\nFACTORY ST. Diat TU 2.1811\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1866.496826171875, 1183.69677734375, 2005.6759033203125, 1417.3807373046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 816.1943969726562, 2140.975830078125, 1394.4984130859375, 2294.144287109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "BUSINESS MIRROR\n\n‘Labor, Mariagement Girding\nFor Coming Battle Season.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 554.2512817382812, 144.38131713867188, 1399.291015625, 797.7520141601562 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nPARADE AND\nSOURS EVERY. -\n\nNOTE P YOURE\nASKING PP\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 102.06039428710938, 2222.14990234375, 443.69122314453125, 2336.5791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "The TELEGRAPH 7\nREMEMBERS ,\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 524.1832270507813, 891.636291015625, 822.0169682617188, 1026.3911137695313 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, March 25 —\nFresh flareups between scientists\nand Washington officials over\nproduction and possible use of\nnuclear weapons in war barely\nhint at the bitterness which ani-\nmates nrafesenre and nrliiieianc\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1863.7655634765624, 998.22784375, 2153.5485234375, 1180.21991015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "i\n\nNew York, March 2 Uh -—\nLeaves from an oddity almanac:\n\nHave you wasted seme of the\nbest years of your life brooding\nover how many grapes it takes\nto make a fifth of champagne?_\n\nSo many vineyard visitors\nasked sthis question the Taylor\nRE i Aa: orn iin wae Gs\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2004.6467890625, 1174.628234375, 2148.656189453125, 1433.2516484374999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "SSSI MOS GUE\nner to find th\nanswer. He dis\ncovered ther:\nBre 83 grapes or\na .¢luster o\nCatawbas, the\nvarlety used. 4\n‘ton of frit con\ntained 650\nclusters or 539,\n300° Individua\nBtapés and pro.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1877.373046875, 2199.206298828125, 2134.303466796875, 2272.689697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "__ TEST YOUR:\nKNOWLEDGE\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 522.7796020507812, 816.6138916015625, 1406.5703125, 892.4856567382812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "National Whirligig 2nd the Nevs\n\nEAY TUCKER\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 660.5006708984375, 1029.1224970703124, 820.8089604492188, 1270.8220830078124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "2on this. ques-\ntion, including\ntop personalities\nen Capltol Hill,\nat the Slate De-\nparlment, the\nPentagon and\neven the While\nHouse. |\nAlthough Pres.\nident Efsenhow.\ner has not been\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1436.4154052734375, 128.75045776367188, 1841.8194580078125, 218.39744567871094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "» - AROUND the’\nWie ae ROUND the\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 65.6684183959961, 2395.43731640625, 518.703796875, 3332.789978515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "ee ae ee\n\nSixteen new members were received into the\nsociety of the Dames of St Ann at impressive\nceremonies accompanying the close of the novena\nat the church of the Holy Infam Jesus. Taking\npart in the ceremonies and with the choir were\nRev J. G. A. Jutras, Mrs Rose Heon, Mrs Marie\nVaillancourt, Mrs Alphonse Richer ard Mis Louls\nDion. The new members are Mrs Joseph Vaillan-\ncourt, Mrs Louis Dion, Mrs Alphonse Leveille,\nMrs Chazies Charron, Mts Ernest Caton, Mrs Al-\nfred Tessfer,.Mis Atthur Ouellette, Mis Charles\nLevesque, Mrs Nazaire Simard, Mrs Edward F,\nDufault, Mrs Napoleon Bonin, Mrs Edmond Anc-\nMil, Mrs Arthur Tetreault, Mrs J. BL Laquerre, Mrs\nJoseph Dancause and Mrs Cyzille Ratte. Mrs Phil-\nbert Marte) is president,\n\n. The Hillsboro County Pomona Grange met re-\ntently with Hudson Grange in Odd Fellows halt\nwith a large attendance from Manchester, Mil-\nford, Concord and Wilton. Among those who\nRook part in a program were Arthur S. Andrews,\nHerbert W, Russell and Sydney Pp. Gowing of\nHudson, A Saunders of LitchBeld, Mrs Maude\nHatvey and Mrs Edward Spaulding of Hudson:\nMary F. Heath of Pelham, Mrs Minnie Boutelle of\nMilford, Mrs Pearl Thomas of Hudson, Mrs Ned\nSpaulding and Mrs Mortis of Hudson, Edna Hil?\nand Daisy Wilson of Hudson and Lester Hall and\nJosie Andrews of Nashua. The dinner Was under!\nthe charge of Mrs G, E. Bowles, Mrs Charles Mc-\nAffee, Mrs Annie Fish, Miss Blanche Bowles, Mrs |\nEdna Hill, Mrs Elizabeth Storer, Mrs EL. Le-|\nCalle, Mrs Kate Spaulding, Mrs Lula Mortlock,\nMreW. W. Baker, Mrs Charles a. Daniels, Mis\nLuta Higgins. Miey Laura Jov, Miss Lillian Eay-\nTes and Mis Selina Hanveced, ~\n\n25 YEARS AGO-Mareh as, 19390\n\n..\n\nBefore the largest number of Spectators ever\nRathered to witness a billiard match in Nashua,\nConrad Perrault defeated Buddy Dowling by a\nscore of 100-97 in a match for the hotly contested\ncity packet billiard championship, Leaders in the\ntace for the pool crown inciude Cake O'Leary,\nCagey Colburn, Willie Callahan, Alfred Coie,\nBuddy Dowling. Robert Afilan. Sure Shot Gileos,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 852.9869384765625, 958.2418823242188, 1162.4205322265625, 1287.96875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 849.7347412109375, 1295.1746826171875, 1397.3212890625, 1644.0069580078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nBLAS an Y ~~\nWIS I$ WHAT, WW PETERS CORNERS,\nPASSES FOR ATK KER-TAPE PARADE —\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1172.806396484375, 962.8468627929688, 1389.7193603515625, 1284.703369140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 844.4703979492188, 911.4144287109375, 1168.2943115234375, 944.0452270507812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "NEIGHBORLY NEIGHBORS\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1868.441650390625, 919.9559326171875, 2145.1923828125, 994.5755615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Hal Bovle\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 551.2252197265625, 94.74810028076172, 903.046630859375, 124.72135162353516 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "THEY'LL DO IT. EVERY TIkiE\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2175.1611328125, 926.9938354492188, 2442.80078125, 979.9303588867188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Roving Reporter\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1410.9491572265624, 1354.8678583984374, 1855.2993779296874, 3473.439392578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Other year by “popular demand.” What a phrase.\nThat means that no one else wants it and you are\n&@ sucker again.\n\n \n\nSo far Nashua and the temaining areas of the\nstate have been fortunate in not having to cope\nwith a new business whic fs booming in many\nyears, the so-called debt pro-rating firre. At that,\nwe are told, a number of loca) families have gone\ninte Massachusetts and have had some sad ex-\nPeriences with the plan.\n\n‘They are not”banks or finance companies and\nhence do not éome under regulations governing\nsuch~money lending organizations. What they\n\nJoffer to do-is to budget your debts thus telieving\nthe debt ridden by making arrangements | with\nsteditors for an extension of time or a reduction of\npayments, Then the debtor agrees to turn aver to\nthis Brm so much a week which will be distrib-\nuted arrong the éreditors to satfsty the demands.\n\n(These fitms-charge fees ranging from eight -to\n\nHfittcen percent for their services’ ” “:\n\n‘They don't Joan you any money to pay off your\nbills. You still have them plus a fee to the concern\nfor handling Regatiations ‘to keep. creditors off\nyour back. You could make thé same ‘arrange-\nments yourself as a matter of fact or have a bank,\nwhere you could get a loan, or a finance company\nPay off your bills ‘and give you sound advice ang\nTake only one payment. .\n\nIt is a spreading field which is being viewed\nwith alarm, This is not to say of course, that there\nare not any legitimate companies in this field.\nThere probably are many. -There are a lot 109,\nstatistics show, which have no consideration fot\nthe clients except as a means for making 2 pretty\ngood profit _\n\nBut your financia} troubles are never over ona\ndeal like this. You just add to them, usually. The\nsafer way [s if you are in financtal trouble {s to go\nto your local bank and ask for help, They'll listen\nlo your troublés and advise you If they can poss!-\nbly help you under the regulatlons by which they\nhave to operate. Your finance companies in town\nare. state licensed, too, and they have a Service\nwhich provides advice concerning the cleaning up\nof your bills and. putting you on your feet. You\n‘know where you stand, financlally. with both of\nthése sources at all times.\n\nFinancial’ problems can plague’ and worry\nfolks and the only way to relieve yourself of that\n; Worry, and not just add mere prablems, is through:\njike sound advice that you an only get from peo-\n\nple who ‘deal in money—banks and finance com-\npanies. We aren't advocating this, mind you, and!\nthese remarks are directed only at these who are’\nin trouble. |\nBut our advice would be, after talking to men\nwho know, don't deal with a debt pro-zating firm\nuntil you are sure that you are going to get helped,\n|\n\n \n\n|: Read an item the other day that the Post Office\nDepartment now. decides what books the public|\nTaust not be exposed to. We ought to goa step fur-\nther and guard the morals of these post office\n\nWorkers by deciding the books they should rot be\nexposed to.\n\n \n\nGordon Jones of this city has moved to Atlanta,\nGeorgia to take a position with the R. lk Stephens\nCompany. He leaves a post with the Wonalancet\nCompany here to accept his new job.\n\nI got acard from him yesterday announcing his\nappointment and the fact that he had already\ntaken up residence in Georgia. His missus and\nyoungsters will follow him, ] understand, as soon\nas they can clean up the family affairs here such\nas disposing of the house and the like.\n\nHaving set up a fine sales record with the tocal\nconcem his services were much in demand and he|\naccepted an offer from the Atlanta firm. It neces*\nsitated his moving to the Southern city even!\nthough his terzitory will be New England ale!\nthough he will have to be in this neck of the:\nwoods only about a week a month. H\n\nThey have many frlends here and naturally:\nwill regret pulling up stakes and moving but op-,\nportunity knocks and you have to take il, They}\ndo hope to come hack “home” frequently, espe-|\ncially during the summer season when it is apt\nto get a little warm In Atlanta, f\n\n \n\nAlbert E. (Pappy) Belanger. who has been\nworking at the Nashua Trust Company since his’\nteturn from the service about a year or so ago, Is\ngoing back to Germany to accept a government\npost. He has given up his bank post and will fy\nto Germany for his new government fob this week.\n\nHis wife, Nancy, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ray}\nHackett. and children will join him there in a few\nweeks, '\n\nThey liked Uhe overseas post he held, while he,\nwas in the service, very much and are looking for-|\nward to returning to Germany with enjoyment\n\n \n\n \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 893.5487060546875, 2297.8154296875, 1044.6702880859375, 2312.51806640625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "{CEM RPEWeAw.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1415.11700390625, 312.4213862304687, 1860.5823369140624, 1924.5300908203124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "newspapers recently. Anyone who has been “per:\nsuaded” to accept the chalrmansh!p of a commit-\ntee Will know just how the subject of the Conso-\ndine cohimn feels and should get a kick out of ft.\n\nAl of us, to some extent, are obligated te per-\nform some bit of public service. A lot of lucky ones.\nplead that they are too busy and get away with {t.\nA tot, who can’t’say no, dre saddled with a lodge\nOF secvice club fob for ayear, ~\n\nSomeone will ca)l you up, and you usually find\nout later that he is the owner of the fob and has;\nto find a “successor\" before he can give it up, and\nreports that someone has recommended you high-\nly for the post and that yau have an obligation to!\ntake it, He is tisually a smooth talker and you are\nup te your neck before you discover that you have\na Job that no one else wanted and that the great\ndemand for your services proved to be nothing\nmore than the efforts of one individual to get the\ntoad off Ais shoulders, .\n\nUsually if you waver, even the slightest, the\n‘old off is poured and you'are told that It is just a\n“Ggureheadg” fob and that you are needed ‘because\nof your standing In the community and your abi}.\n(ty, You are told that “good old reliable Puddin’,\nHead Jones” will do all of the work and that you\nwill have no responsibility other than slgn some,\nPapers occasfonally and give orders.\n\nThey play up to your vanity all tight and the\nsales clincher fs the “the boys of the lodge (or:\nclub) want you. No one else’ can de ft.” Then you’\ngo to the election and find out that you are in a\nght for the job you didn't want and that you\nprobably win by one vaie or something like that.\n\nTt turns out to be quite a year, You never had\nto do so much work in all your life. The guy wha\nwaslgoing to do it for you, breaks a leg, moves oul\n\njof town ot-§s just inacessible and you are worn\ngown by the load. At every meeting, too, you dls-\njcover that everything you. de is wrong and the\n‘members beat thelr gums at your inefficiency of\njust plain stupidity and no one ever gives you a\npat on the back. When you get what you think [5\na gobd idea you are drowned aut by a chorus of\n/“No's” with a few boos added. Espectally if you\nneed a buck or two to carry out your plan. They\nguard the treasury like it was the US Mint.\n\nSo \\what.happens, You spend the last month of\nyour term doing {ust what the guy did who called\nYou up, Yow try’ to soften someone else up to take\nthe job so it will not be saddled on ycu for an-:\nother year by “popular demand.” What a phrase. '\nThat mears that no one else wants it and you are,\n&@ sucker again.\n\n \n\n \n\nSo far Nashua and the remaining areas of the,\nstate have been fortunate in not having to cope,\nwith a new business whic is booming in many\nyears, the so-called debt pro-rating firre. At that,\nwe are told, a number of local families have gone:\ninte Massachusetts and have had some sad ex-\nPeriences with the plan.\n\n‘They are not”banks or finance companies and\nhence do not éome under regulations governing\nsuch~money lending organizations. What they\noffer to do-is to budget your debts thus telieving|\nthe debt ridden by making arrangements with\ncreditors for an extensfon of time or a reduction of |\npayments, Then the debtor agrees to turn aver to\nthis Brm so much a week which will be distrib-\nuled among the éreditors to satlsty the entered\n\nThese fitms-charge fees ranging from cight to\nfificen percent for their services’ ” “:\n\n‘They don't Joan you ahy money to pay off your,\nbills, You still have them plus a fee to the concern\nfor handling JRegotiations ‘to keep. creditors off!\nyour back. You could make the same ‘arrange:\nments yourself as a matter of fact or have a bank,\nwhere you could get a loan ‘or a finanre meme\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 420.9599304199219, 2227.010009765625, 500.2172546386719, 2346.020263671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1108.3885498046875, 2894.713623046875, 1382.1121826171875, 2935.787109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": " \n\n[HARNESS DRIVER BECOMES\n'SUPERINTENDERT\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1193.28564453125, 110.66204071044922, 1391.1727294921875, 140.64950561523438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "-by Lirimy Hatle\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 79.04137420654297, 2367.177734375, 450.62286376953125, 2402.246337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "40 YEARS AGO —March 25, 1915\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 535.9749755859375, 1028.3525390625, 661.005126953125, 1246.515380859375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1876.854248046875, 2278.444580078125, 2136.865966796875, 2299.926513671875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "How Many Can You Answer?\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 1212.22607421875, 919.494384765625, 1380.7037353515625, 952.066162109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Trademark Registre:\nU. $. Patent Ofc\n\n \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 520.8104858398438, 2743.897216796875, 813.5714111328125, 3446.410888671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "NASHUA ~\nTELEGRAPH\n\nPublished daily excep! Sundays\n\nTelegraph Publishing Co.\n60 Main Street Neshue. N, B.\n\nTelephone TU 2-274}\n\n=\nThe Veleg-ash assumes ng BARA cial\nresponsibility fer trpogeaphical arvors\nin agtectiserents bat will reorint that\nHart Qh an advertisement in which the\nFaohieal areer eccurs. We reserve\nTight th rivise er eit any ecor\nthat ay objectionable.\n\nMember of the Associated Press\n\naied Prout i envitied\ny la Ihe use tar teauslication\naf ali the teeal wens printed inthis\nPtmspaner ay well ay all AP rend\n\na\n\nSUBSCRIPTION RATES\nEhectine Awewit 4, 1951\nAIL Subse\n4 minienum\nan ube\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRens Payadle in Aovacee.\n'T 24 Roury notice required\nTy ar chances\n\n \n\n \n\nSines WOME DELIVERY .\nite copy 5\nsae a $\nmeath 3.23\n755\n4.\n1.35\n\n13.00.\nBY MAIL TO SERVICEHEN AKO\nTO BTUDENTS STATIONED 3A\n\nERROLLED CUTSIDE NASHUA\nOng monty\n\n1.09\nOnt yotr 42.00.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 158.64132690429688, 251.13661193847656, 455.8307189941406, 274.8366394042969 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Main Stott, Nashua xX.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 63.04546307373047, 3163.33770703125, 507.59393359374997, 3432.18475390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "eee mecemgicwcs cite.\n\nBefore the largest number of ‘spectators ever\ngathered to witness a billiard match in Nashua\nConrad Perrault defeated Buddy Dowling by a\nscore of 109-97 in a match for the holly contestec\ncity packet billiard championship, Leaders in the\ntace for the pool crown inciude Cake O'Leary\nCagey Colburn, Willie Callahan, Alfted Cote\nBuddy Dowling. Robert Milan, Sure Shot Gilton\nConrad Perrault, Painter Shea, Leo Bernier, Rev\nArrow Miller, Arthuy Cote. Bill’ Reich, Murtas\nMarch, Thomas Rirchell. Bob Girouard, Bil) Rech.\nelte, Chris Kyriax, Spottaman Lund, Ninety-nine\nMarcus and Algy Fossa,\n\n \n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 127.67921447753906, 292.6269226074219, 480.4058532714844, 318.78656005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": " \n\nFriday. Evening, March 25..1955\n" }, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 3 ], [ 1, 6 ], [ 1, 10 ], [ 1, 11 ], [ 1, 27 ], [ 1, 28 ], [ 6, 10 ], [ 6, 11 ], [ 6, 27 ], [ 6, 28 ], [ 10, 11 ], [ 10, 27 ], [ 10, 28 ], [ 11, 27 ], [ 11, 28 ], [ 27, 28 ], [ 9, 35 ], [ 9, 37 ], [ 9, 23 ], [ 35, 37 ], [ 35, 23 ], [ 37, 23 ] ]
[ 7130.17765625, 9987.261640625 ]
[ [ 1, 6 ], [ 3, 0 ], [ 6, 28 ], [ 10, 27 ], [ 23, 9 ], [ 27, 1 ], [ 28, 11 ], [ 35, 23 ], [ 37, 35 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1560.7719287109376, 393.62083618164064, 2806.08634765625, 1781.6038037109377 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "effect on our climate, he contends. It has\nbeen known for a long time that trees and\nplant life take up carbon dioxide and dis-\ncharge oxygen to purify the atmosphere.\n\nThe doctor of science points out that\nwhen people chop down trees, bulldoze\nlands of new suburban developments, and\nbuild factories on pasture lands, they dis-\nturb this carbon dioxide—oxygen cycle of\nplant life. Less carbon dioxide is taken out\nof the air and less oxygen is put into it.\nWhile this is going on, automobiles and\ntrucks, trains, planes, ships, refineries, etc.,\nare pouring more contaminating gasses into\nthe atmosphere.\n\nDelving further into this problem, Dr.\nHutton cites Los Angeles smog problem as a\nperfect illustration of the theory.\n\nJust the same, residents of Los Angeles\nand Long Beach, Calif., will be glad to have\nsome positive research answers on the smog\nquestion.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 4531.87556640625, 3757.538896484375, 5389.0868359375, 5928.0321484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "itenial edition of 144 history la-\nden pages.\n\nA hundred years ago, Martin\nMcLeod, who earlier had stagger-\ned into a rich, wooded part of\nMinnestoa from the Red River\ncountry, had taken lands in the\ncounty later to be named for him.\n_ In that same year three singing\nbrothers, Judson, John and Asa\nHutchinson, sang their way north-\nward across Wisconsin. They had\nheard of good land for a com-\nmunity. In November they pro-\nceeded westward from Minneapo-\nlis, sang at Shakopee, lived off the\ncountry as they traveled and ar-\nrived tired at the site of their\ndreams. John cut the first tree to\nmake the first log to build the\nfirst house in the town named\nafter the singing brothers.\n\nThe first postoffice was a cup-\nboard in the headquarters of the\nsurveyor who was measuring a rich\nnew land. John Hutchinson built a\nhotel. Its kitchen was later made\nover to provice the first school for\nthe town. Within two years settlers\nhad come from Austria, Germany,\nSweden, Norway, Denmark and oth-\ner distant places.\n\nIn 1862 the Sioux massacred some\nof the pioneers. Half the men of\nthe town had enlisted in the Union\narmy. Thirty-nine young men from\nthe city died in the second world\nwar and 11 more were killed in\n‘Korea.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 6266.16462890625, 572.6888598632812, 7130.17765625, 3774.497236328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "I have always been happy that\nI was born and reared in @ part\nof the country where I could en-\njoy all of the four seasons in their\norder. It would be uninspiring and\ndull to live the entire year in but\none season, even though many have\nhad to do so!\n\n| T love all four seasons, but my\nfavorites are Spring and Autumn,\nand I name as my favorite—Au-\ntumn. It is then that harvests come\nin, all Nature celebrating in color-\nful array and with farmers rest-\ning from their labors, taking stock\non all that Spring and Summer\nmonths have brought about.\n\nAs we advance in years and reach\nthe Autumn of our lives, we grow\nmellow, are much more consider-\n‘ate of people and become more\nhopeful. Our faith increases and we\nhave more and more reasons for\nbeing thankful. The picture of\nlife expands and we become great-\nful to God for our endless bless-\nings. Autumn is the storing up\nseason, when we learn and be-\ncome appreciative of little things\nand of our friends. Friends stand\nout as our greatest accumulated\nwealth.\n\nAutumn becomes a reviewing\ntime, too, when we begin to take\ninvoice and appraise the values\nof life. It is then that wisdom gets\nits greatest glow and we become\nlisteners rather than talkers. It is\na time of gh ne enrichment and\nwe like distribute it—we are\nnot so selfish and forgetful of\nothers.\n\nAnd oh, what a spectacle of bea-\nuty is every Autumn! October is\noutstanding. Just one grand exhib-\nition of colors, in golden tints and\nstrokes of magenta. Everything in\nwedding garb. All Nature celebrat-\nes. The birds leave the memory\nof their long Spring and Summer\noutings behind, and I often think\nthat their songs linger to inter-\nmingle with the beauty of Earth.\nHow appropriate those words:\n“What God has wrmought!”\" —\nGEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS,\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 226.22242919921874, 6400.2959765625, 1490.0978222656252, 6972.45841796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "According to Paul Light a General Elec-\ntric scientist claims the apparent warming\nup of the world’s climate might well be due\nto you and me contaminating the earth’s\natmosphere faster than nature can clean it\n\nup.\n\nDr. John C. Hutton says that we are\ncreating a man-made belt of carbon dioxide\naround the earth. It is having a greenhouse\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1536.883623046875, 3527.315263671875, 2786.33244140625, 5214.91984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Australia is about to launch a series of experiments\nto increase its rainfall. It is planning to seed clouds\nabove the watershed of its giant new Snowy Moun-\ntains power project with silver iodide. If this method\nworks, the economic consequence will be that rain\ncan be produced at comparatively low cost. Prelim-\ninary results will be known in six months.\n\nProducing rain by cloud-seeding has been tried\nsuccessfully in the United States. But heretofore in-\ndividual clouds were seeded. This is impractical for\nproducing rain over a large area because the cost of\nindividually treating a large number of clouds is too\nhigh.\n\nIf the Australian method works maybe meteorolog-\nists will turn their attention to making pleasant\nweather the year round. It would be nice if they\ncould find a method for sealing up clouds so that rain\nwould not fall during weekends. After they learn how\nto make rain, maybe they'll try to figure out how to\nproduce sunshine.\n\nOn second thought, except for helping farmers and\nindustry perhaps it would be better if scientists cculd\nnot churn out weather too easily. It's rather futile to\nargue with nature, but imagine the hullabaloo if the\nweatherman were to mix orders and give Mrs. Jones\nthe weather ordered by Mrs. Brown.—WINONA\nDAILY NEWS\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1554.76619140625, 1960.54890625, 2784.181318359375, 3171.2079296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Starting in 1956, the Ford Motor Co.\nwill spend a record $500 million for expan-\nsion. In the next year, Henry Ford II pre-\ndicts an “explosion” of national prosperity.\n\nAnother feature of the Ford expansion\nwill come from earnings and not borrow-\ning. The amount is a record for expansion\nfor any company of Ford's size.\n\n“The so-called market of the future, the\nexplosion we all anticipate for the early\n60s, is no longer a distant dream,” Ford\nsaid at a New Jersey state Chamber of\nCommerce meeting. ‘1960 is only four short\nyears off.”\n\nConcluding his address, Ford declared,\n“I suggest that instead of hanging fire,\nAmerican business can prepare for a major\nbreak-through into a new higher plateau of\nproduction and consumption.”\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 4530.97126953125, 6020.06794921875, 5381.12248046875, 7037.32462890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "_ In the first proclamation for a\nday of thanksgiving for pioneer\nMinnesota Gov. Ramsey cited that\nthe state had experienced no cyc-\nlones in the previous summer.\nSuch a notation indicated that those\nwho came first had about the same\nexperiences with these destructive\nwinds as do those of Minnesota to-\nday.\n\nIn 1865 Isanti county had a severe\ntornado with large damage for that\nday. In 1877 Cottage Grove was\nblown to pieces with many strange\nhappenings which drove one citi-\nzen to insanity. In 1884 White\nBear and vicinity lost fifty houses.\nEvery section of the state south\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5388.8965625, 7553.40974609375, 6235.00431640625, 8458.3378125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "- KANSAS CITY, Kan. # — Fred\nWilson, a 45-year-old farmer, shot\nhimself to death yesterday as offi-\ncers closed in to arrest him on a\nstatutory rape charge involving the\ndaughters of his common-law wife.\nThe girls are 14 and 17.\n\nHeck said the information was\nsupplied by Wilson's wife.\n\nOfficers found Wilson hiding in\na thicket on his farm. When they\ncalled out to him, he shouted, “Go\nahead and shoot, I'd be better off\ndead.”” Detective Fred Smith said\nthe farmer then turned a shotgun\non himself.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1540.8603076171876, 5391.734453125, 2786.0028515625, 6965.4364453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Tt isn’t often that an agency of the federal govern-\nment receives a compliment for winding up a year\nwith a deficit. But nevertheless, we think the Post\nOffice Department deserves a pat on the back in con-\nnection with its recent report that it closed the 1955\nfiscal year $362,700,000 in the red.\n\nPrompting our commendation is the fact that this\ndeficit figure was $29,200,000 smaller than the deficit\nincurred during the previous year. And furthermore\nit was 47 per cent smaller than the $688,400,000 deficit\nin 1952.\n\nThis reduction in the annual deficit was made des-\npite the fact that a pay raise approved by congress\nfor postal workers was put into effect during the last\nfour months of the fiscal year. It represents a trim-\nming of operation costs that is worthy of commenda-\ntion and encouragement.\n\nCongress never has adopted the principle that the\npostal service should pay its own way out of receipts.\nThat could only come about through raising all post-\nal rates sufficiently to cover the costs of the service.\nBut the fact that deficits are expected should not in\nany way diminish the efforts of postal workers and\nofficials to hold costs to the minimum that is in keep-\ning with efficient service.—-DES MOINES REGISTER\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1933.1210498046876, 7410.23396484375, 2785.720380859375, 9984.4315625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "| The President of the United Stat-\nes holds an extraordinary posi-\ntion. While he is not sovereign,\nhe is more than ministerial. His\noffice is wider and broader than\nthat of a prime minister; yet he\nis not a king. In matters invol-\nving discretion and judgment, the\n‘president, since Marbury vs. Mad-\nison (1803), has not been subject\n‘to judicial processes which might\nlimit his free actions; but would\nsuch freedom fall to anyone who\nacted for him unless the consti-\ntutional disability clause went into\neffect and the vice president ac-\ntually took the oath of office?\n| Delicate Situation\n\nIt is a very delicate situation,\nand could, in a matter involving |\na wide difference of opinion, result\nin a test before the Supreme Court,\nIn the matter of signing certain\ndocuments, only a president's sig-\n‘nature is valid.\n\nAll of this is speculative until\nit is determined how long Presi-\ndent Eisenhower may be ill. Con-\ngress does not come into session\nuntil January, The president could\ncomfortably convalesce until then,\nhis staff and the cabinet taking\ncare of the affairs of state. If he\nis only convalescing, even his sig-\nnature might be made available\nby his physicians. On the other\nhand, should his illness be too\nprolonged, the president might re-\nsign and immediately Vice Presi-\ndent Nixon would take the oath and\nbecome president. No president has\nresigned from that office in Ameri-\ncan history although several have\nbeen disabled for shorter or long-\ner periods. (Copyright, 1955, King\nFeatures, Inc.)\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3674.75642578125, 3832.81111328125, 4517.8065625, 6424.335859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "; One of the most noted of Min-\nnesota’s historians and scientists\nwas Warren Upham. The work for\nwhich he is most famed was that\nof mapping the area of that great\nlake Agassiz which once covered\nso much of the area of the state.\nIt is possible to trace the de-\nvelopment of this vast body of wa-\nter, never seen by man, from the\nbenches and beaches which mark-\ned its changing shore line.\n\nThis enormous lake extended\nnorth from the valley of the Min-\nnesota, which was part of the Mis-\nsissippi watershed, to the great\ndrainage area of Hudson's Bay.\nFor a long, long time the north\nlimits of the lakes was the high\nice field which gradually receded.\nFor hundreds of miles the waters\ncreated by recession filled the low-\ner lands. When the ice wall reach-\ned near the Hudson's Bay its melt-\ning waters ran northward and Ag-\nassiz had reached its north limits.\nAmong the remains of Lake Ag-\nassiz are Lake Traverse in Min-\nnesota and Winnipeg in Canada.\n\nEast and west this lake extend-\ned from an area somewhat west-\nward of the present Red River of\nthe North to a very irregular east-\nern boundary extending through\nCass, Itasca and Koochiching coun-\nties to include Rainy lake and some\nof the other great boundary wa-\nters.\n\nLake Agassiz played a very great\npart in the histroy of Minnesota.\nIts lapping, growing and receding\nwaters brought together a great\nmineral wealth for building the soil\nof the Red River Valley. This\nvalley possesses the deepest and\nrichest soil found in any temper-\nate zone.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5395.81208984375, 4773.4073046875, 6242.1747265625, 7276.4305859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Minnesota has had its gold rush-\nes, which produced little gold, and\nits iron explorations which uncov-\nered vast mineral wealth. During\nits entire history, even before state-\nhood, there was always great in-\nterest in cooper. Virtually no eop-\nper has been found or mined.\n\nMore than a hundred years ago\nit was believed that the valley of\nthe St. Croix would be a great\ncooper mining area. In 1942 a\ngroup of mining men from Ga-\nlena obtained a permit to mine at\na place a mile above St. Croix\nFalls. Death overtook the superin-\ntendent of this venture and the\nprospects for cooper at this place\ndied with him.\n\nIn 1847 some Bost promoters took\ntwo permits on the St. Croix. No-\nthing came of this effort.\n\nIn 1848 David Dale Owen, who\nmade an early geological report\nof the Minnesota area, stated that\nthe trap rock ranges of the St.\nCroix, the Kanabec and Kettle riv-\ners were all continuations of the\ncooper ranges of the Lake Superior\ncountry.\n\nRumors of copper continued for\nseveral years, In 1865 the Minne-\nsota legislature voted the sum of\none thousand dollars to N. C. D.\nTaylor to sink a shaft on the St.\nCroix at Taylor’s Falls. The first\nshaft penetrated the earth for for-\nty feet. A company was organized\nto go deeper. The second shaft\nwent to a depth of 130 feet. There\nit stopped, hoisted good samples\nto the surface but no mining op-\nerations resulted.\n\nThis is just about all of the his-\ntory of copper in Minnesota.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1585.4222412109375, 1829.0203857421875, 2764.327392578125, 1952.033203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Ford's Expansion Program\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3712.659912109375, 414.5993347167969, 6222.4033203125, 563.8577270507812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Your Newspaper Fights for Your Right to Know\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2783.7393359375, 9525.0791796875, 3638.25822265625, 9987.261640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "_ RICHMOND, Va, # — George\nA. Nash Jr., has had two auto\naccidents in recent years. Both\ntimes he sold insurance policies\nto drivers of cars in collision with\nhim. Who paid for the acci-\ndents? Insurance companies. Nash's\n\nauto is fully covered.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5394.42529296875, 7317.064453125, 6156.42431640625, 7541.6171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Farmer Shoots Self\nas Officers Close In\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3681.34716796875, 7177.54248046875, 5354.56787109375, 9937.755859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "26th U.S. President els) [Wiolcl™] [Alms\n| ‘aloley fol@loleL lela =\nNialeL [al ele 3.\n\nSTAINT.\n\nACROSS DOWN\n128thU.S 1 Merchandise\nPresident, 2 Press\n\nWoodrow —— 3 Romanian\n7 His first wife, coins\nEllen -——~ 4 Male child\nAxson, died 5 Aged\nin the White 6 Birds’ homes\n\n \n\n \n \n\nHouse - —\n= “ereal grain\n\n+ —* 9 Employ 29 File 45 Broad-topped\nfestival 10 Followers 30 Swiss measure hill\n\n15 Units of 11 Withered 31 Forest 47 Mohammedan\n\n. Ae 12 Formerly creature judge\n\nOMRTRUREION 19 Possessive 35 Entire 48 Frosted,\n\n16 Pilots pronoun 37 Symbol for asa cake\n\n17 Abstract being 91 Epic samarium 40 Scatters,\n\n18Itis(contr.) 22 Hops’ kiln 38 Has faith in as hay\n\n0 Harden 23 Compass point 39 Steamer (ab.) 51 Encountered\n\n21 His second 24 World —— 42 Penetrate 52 Peer Gynt's\nwife also 25 Brazilian 43 Pewter coins mother\nserved as state of Thailand 64 Notein\nWhite House 26 Asseverate 44 Demonstrative Guido’'s scale\nnee 27 Torn pronoun 55 Clamp\n\n°5 Peels\n\n28 Showed\ncontempt\n\n32 Turn\n\n33 Chest rattle\n\n34 City in\nNevada\n\n35 Brida! path\n\n36 Sketchers\n\n40 Victim of\nleprosy\n\n41 Diplomatic\nagreements\n\nts Atlante (ab Jennen\n47 Civet (Scot.)\n50 His first name\n\nwas\n\\3 Bridge holding\n6 M\n\n‘6 Most\ndomesticated [i\n‘7 Nullified\n3 He was 28th\nPresident of\nthe United\n\ngpg ds ae a aT TT\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 6289.72998046875, 382.46343994140625, 7094.99560546875, 510.86407470703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "TODAY'S TALK\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1681.159912109375, 3226.12255859375, 2622.3857421875, 3382.28564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Opinions of Others\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 207.6167449951172, 7006.005859375, 2743.415283203125, 7372.72216796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY\n\nThe Constitutional Question\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 6312.0146484375, 9138.8798828125, 7046.19775390625, 9927.0458984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Circulation Dept.\nPHONE\n\nHE 3-8856\n\nFor irregulerities in service\nplease coll the above number\nbetween 5:30 p. m.-6:30 p. m.\nExtre delivery service will be\nmode if necessery.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2946.486328125, 592.9462890625, 3574.5810546875, 762.5721435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Pot Pourri\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 392.8193664550781, 2396.84912109375, 1346.239501953125, 2528.7021484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Your Right to Know\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1069.38044921875, 7463.14900390625, 1923.0937939453124, 9966.246015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "elected.”\n\nThe question then arises wheth-\n'er the duties may ‘devolve on the\nvice president’’ temporarily or\nwhether such a change must be\n/of a permanent nature. In a word,\nis it lawful for President Eisen-\njhower to ask Vice President Nix-\njon to act for him? There is no\nprecedent for a vice president\ntemporarily to take possession of\n| the power and authorities of the\npresident. When President Wilson\nwas ill, the fiction was maintain-\ned that he was not ill, but his\nwife pretended to consult him\nwhen she acted for him. We shall\nnever know the truth of this in\nits entirety.\n\nOpinion Not Answer\n- Such a question cannot be set-\ntled by an opinion from the at-\ntorney general with sufficient\nweight to satisfy public opinion.\nIf President Eisenhower's illness is\nnot protracted, the likelihood is\nthat a similar fiction will be em-\nployed for a short time and the\nWhite House staff headed by Sher-\nman Adams will act in his name.\nBut we are 15 months from when\na new presidential term begins.\nShould President Eisenhower's ill-\nness be prolonged, such a fiction\ncould not be maintained. The only\nlegitimate successor to the presi-\ndent, under the Constitution, can\nbe the vice president.\n\nTherefore, Sherman Adams may\nnot receive delegated powers, but\nwould act as though instructed by\nthe president. An act by him could\nbe contested in the Supreme Court\non strictly constitutional grounds.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 6315.05859375, 3809.800048828125, 6899.423828125, 3906.855224609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Smokey Says:\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3765.4052734375, 583.1090698242188, 6190.06494140625, 3319.948486328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 6280.53857421875, 5261.1953125, 7086.97705078125, 5955.12841796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3675.46736328125, 6517.10359375, 4524.6161328125, 7020.0301953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Hutchinson marked the first cen-\ntury of its existence in June.\nBeards of its male citizens were\njudged on length, shape, thick-\nness, color and originality. Its\nprospective queens were judged\non many points, The centennial\nparade was miles long. The Hut-\nchinson Leader produced a cen-\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 5401.47419921875, 3394.105791015625, 6258.61076171875, 4682.8837109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "of a line through the center had\nstorms which drove people to their\nbasements for shelter and took\nhouses so far away that no parts\nof them were ever found. The\npress of the day was always on the\nlookout not only for the destruc-\ntion but the freakishness of Min-\nnesota cyclones. The account of the\nstraw imbedded in the tree trunk\nis a favorite tale and the aftermath\nof cyclonic storms was found in\nmany strange stories. |\n\nPerhaps the cyclone most de-\nstructive of human life was that\nat St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids in\n1886, Homes, buildings and mills\nwere destroyed, The county audi-\ntor and register of deeds of Stearns\ncounty were both killed. The storm\ndestroyed a home where a wedding\nwas in progress. The groom and.\nthe minister both died.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 239.5341662597656, 2682.14509765625, 1504.4228955078127, 6191.46330078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "time what “freedom of the press” has to do\nwith them. They may even grow faintly\nweary of hearing this cry go up, imagining\nperhaps that it is a plea of special privil-\n\ne.\n\nIn truth, of course, the cry is uttered\nfor everyone. The newspaper, more than\nany medium, is the great avenue between\ngovernment and the people in a democracy.\n\nThe reporters who question and badger\nand probe in their search for information\nare the people’s representatives, no less\nthan the inen who make laws in the halls\nof Congress.\n\n. *\n\nThey are the means by which the citi-\nzen keeps his foot in the government's\ndoor, which he must do if he is to have the\nknowledge he needs to judge how well he is\nbeing governed.\n\nThere is no better way to celebrate Na-\ntional Newspaper Week than to offer tri-\nbute to the publishers who are fighting to\nkeep that foot in the door, Their campaign\nagainst the suppression of news merits the\nfullest support.\n\nWorld War II, with its legitimate ex-\ncuse of security considerations, lent great\nimpetus to a growing tendency in govern-\nment to prevent the public from learning\nmatters of vital concern to them.\n\nThe Korean war, and the great Cold\nWar, with their heavy defense and secur-\nity requirements, prolonged the excuse. The\ntrend toward secrecy in government has oc-\ncasionally reached alarming proportions.\n\n* * *\n\nThe most dangerous aspect of it is that\npoliticians always eager to protect their\nskins have seen in the great ‘‘security” cla-\nmor an unparalleled opportunity to shut\nthe public off from information they should\nhave. They have withheld news that would\nnot in fact aid a potential enemy but sim-\nply prove inconvenient and embarrassing\nto the officials affected.\n\nGovernment is in business to serve the\npeople. The officials who are its caretakers\nat any given time have no right to conceal\ntheir operations from the citizenry by bald\ncensorship or any other devices.\n\nInvisible government and democracy are\nat opposite poles. The publishers, acting for\nthe whole people, understand this. Let us\nhope they can convince all our public serv-\nants that this is so.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 251.3122119140625, 1978.9115771484376, 1518.9707470703127, 2328.978193359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "And were baptized of him in Jordon,\nconfessing their sins.—Matthew 3:6.\n* * *\n\nTrue repentance is to cease from sin.\n—Saint Ambrose.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4620.51171875, 5952.67822265625, 5278.96435546875, 6011.5234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "MINNESOTA CYCLONES\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3765.084228515625, 6448.326171875, 4414.28955078125, 6507.25439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "NAMED FOR SINGERS\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 742.61767578125, 6274.93359375, 998.3425903320312, 6377.5634765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Buas\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 5406.2334765625, 8678.949296875, 6216.242109375, 9928.859296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "| TO A LITTLE FELLOW\nLittle fellow, by and by,\n\nIn the years that are to be,\nYou may sometimes wonder why\n\nHeartache used to trouble me.\n\nYou are much too young to know\nAll that now is taking place,\nBut when you shall older grow\nDisappointment you will face.\n\nLittle fellow, this I pray:\nWhen some joy you cannot\n\n| save,\n\nCling to faith and steadfast stay.\n\nLife has much a man must\nbrave.\n\nLittle fellow, happy be.\nChildhood for delight is\nplanned.\nAll that often troubled me\nSome day you will understand.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 182.30427734375, 9623.4307421875, 1068.1934033203124, 9957.8973828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "moval, death, resignation or in-\nability, both of the president and\nvice president, declaring what of-\nficer shall then act as president,\nand such officer shall act accord-\ningly, until the disability be re-\n" }, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 189.59213439941405, 7428.88728515625, 1056.3926220703124, 9636.408125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "In a country like Great Britain,\nwhere Parliament is supreme, a\nconstitutional question can be sol.\nved by an act of Parliament. In\nthe United States, where we are\ngoverned by a written Constitu-\ntion, such a crisis as we now face\nbecause of the illness of Presi-\ndent Eisenhower raises many\nquestions for which there may be\nmany opinions but no sure ans-\nwers. There is no provision in this\ncountry for a regency.\n\nThe President is not the chief\nexecutive officer of the United\nStates; he is only the executive\nofficer. Article Il of the Consti-\ntution begl with the sentence:\n\n“The exe itive power shall be\nvested in President of the\nUnited Ste of America. . .”\n\nResp bility Personal\n\nIn a nu c of cases, it has been\nheld whi’ is stipulated that the\npresiden ay exercise power\n\nthrough stants, no one may\nexercise ywer which from the\nnature e case requires the\n\njudgmer the president. In a\nword, th ponsibility is his alone\nand is | nal.\n\nThe ¢ eA clause in Article\nIl is as\n\n“In ¢ the. removal of the\npresider om office, or of his\ndeath, : sation, or inability to\ndischar; powers and duties\nshall di @ on the vice presi-\ndent, a he Congress may by\nlaw, pre for the case of re-\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 2931.921142578125, 9465.03125, 3456.78759765625, 9517.8740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "NOT ACCIDENTAL\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 6303.14892578125, 3933.6669921875, 7052.83935546875, 5033.7333984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n“A\nRS\nhe ¢\n\n>\n*\n\n \n\n/ ie we\nyt il te\n\nView @Qttla we Ghedb ane tee eee\n" }, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 1754.8143310546875, 5269.84130859375, 2592.461669921875, 5363.03271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "POSTAL DEPARTMENT MAKES\n\na a i ee ie i i oe\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 6252.34578125, 5974.42341796875, 7108.04630859375, 6545.61271484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "IF A CLERK in a store is help-\nful about showing you merchan-\n'dise that you later go back to buy,\nit is considerate to ask for the\nsame clerk so that he can benefit\nfrom the sale.\n\nWhen you are “just looking,”\nask the clerk's name or take one\nof his cards when you leave the\n‘store.\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2826.276689453125, 782.1222094726562, 3699.02580078125, 7087.4950390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "PRESIDENT EIS ENHOWER'S\nbirthday is Oct. 14.\n\nWouldn't it be a fitting gesture\nfor all Americans to send him a\nbirthday greeting—and enclose a\ndollar bill as a contribution to the\nAmerican Heart Assn.?\n\nThe idea, which originated at\nChicago two days ago, has already\nstarted to move and has a good\nchance of snowballing.\n\nIn many ways, it’s a natural. The\nheart disease that struck the presi-\ndent is now the primary target of\nresearchers, Many believe coronary\ndisease can be controlled, prevent: |\ned and possibly cured. One of the,\nlimiting factors in research is money.\n\nJust as a drive against polio was\ninspired by one of its victims, Presi-\ndent Franklin D. Roosevelt, and his\nbirthday anniversaries were used to\nspark the movement, accomplish-\n\nment of a similar goal in the field of\nheart disease would be most appro-\npriate, especially since Eisenhower's\nbirthday is only two weeks away.\n\nThe American Heart Assn. says it\nwill be happy to receive and account\nfor such contributions.\n\nFor those who want to send greet-\nings to the President and help heart |\nresearch at the same time, the let-\nters can be addressed as follows:\n\nGet Well, Ike!\nHeart,\nDenver, Colo.\n—o~—\nA COLLEAGUE observes there are\n\ntwo types of late evening television\nmovies—Old English and Early Am-\nerican.\n\n—o—\nA RUSSIAN peasant, reputed to be\n147, attributes his longevity to hard\nwork. And it is about the only thing |\nin Russia to which anything can be\nattributed.\n—o—\nQUITE A bit of fuss is often made |\nabout the fact the U. S. Postoffice | |\nDepartment operates annually at a\ndeficit. You never hear, for example, '\nthat the State Department, the De-\npartment of the Army, the Agricul- |\ntural Department, and others also |\noperate regularly at a deficit. The\nPostal Department was set up prim-\narily to provide service, not to make\nmoney, just as are the other depart-\nments, yet somehow the public sing-\nles out the Postal Department from\nall others as one that should “pay |\nits way.’ Far more important than\nthe question of whether the Post-_\noffice Department does or doesn't |\ngo into the red, is the benefits to |\nthe nation’s business generally |\nthrough good service,\n—o-- }\nHOW DOES the public like their |\nchops? They're voting for the lean |\nones, two to one, even when they .\ncost 10 cents more per pound. !\nA test was made recently at Cham. |\npaign, Ill. Two lots of pork chops |\nwere used in markets. One was cut |\nfrom well-muscled, lean loins and |\nlabeled “extra lean chops’. The |\nother lot was from regular loins and | |\ncarried more fat. Both were packag- |\ned alike and displayed side by side °\nin self-service departments. F\nLeaner chops were priced at var-\nious premiums above the regular\nchops during different weeks. At a\n10-cent premium, the sales ratio\nwas two to one in favor of lean\nchops. As the premium increased,\nthe sales of lean chops decreased\nuntil they were about equal at an 18 |\ncent mbes om ,\nThe experiment, a livestock maga- |\nzine believes, was highly akon f\nin demonstrating that meat-type hogs |\nare one answer to increasing pork —\nsales.\noon 4\nDID YOU hear this one about the ‘\nvisiting Russian farm delegation? It.\nseems that during the tour of a Cali-\nfornia factory, one Russian asked aj!\nforeman how many hours VU. 8S.\nworkers put in weekly. Amazed to.\nhear about the 40-hour week, the |\nRussian pointed out that Soviet work- | ;\ners stay on the job 70 hours. |\nReplied the foreman: “You'd never | -\nget this crew to work 70 hours. They- |!\n‘re a bunch of Commies.”\nlien '\nWHEN NEWSPAPERS start re. |\nceiving long biographical sketches of | '\ns prominent national figure. suggest- | -\n\n \n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 5424.189453125, 8525.6337890625, 6199.896484375, 8657.7392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Edgar A. Guesi\n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 3847.514404296875, 3761.966552734375, 4272.3330078125, 3811.64794921875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "1AWE AGASSIZ\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 5493.85107421875, 4716.76904296875, 6139.12451171875, 4772.0517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "COPPER ON ST CROIX\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 6371.90087890625, 523.9766845703125, 7042.45458984375, 573.8739013671875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "MY EFAVORITE SEASON\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 573.54931640625, 2555.951904296875, 1206.1708984375, 2616.43310546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Rw RRUCK RIOSSAT\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1808.411376953125, 3393.425048828125, 2546.619384765625, 3509.463623046875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "AUSTRALIA TAKES FLING\nAT WFATHEFR WAKING\n" }, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 6270.77546875, 8272.964921875, 7070.37541015625, 9036.492109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "When moving please calli the Her-\nald Office HE 3-8851—giving your\nchange in address.\nTHE HERALD [8 ON SALE AT\nTHE FOLLOWING PLACES:\n\nAustin Candy Co., 218 M. Main 64,\n\nAustin Hotel, Chatham and Bridge\n\nEast Side Pharmacy, Water and\nRallway\n\nFox Hotel, Main and Water\n\nHoltz Pharmacy, Main and Water\n\nLane's Pharmacy, 0 6. Main\n\nLucy's Cafe, 115 MN. Main St,\n\nNemitz Cigar Store, 415 N. Main 64.\n\nNews Stand, Post Office\n\nPeople's Drug Store, 203 MW. Main 6+.\n\nK. ©. Wold Drug Co. Maim and\nBridge Sts,\n\nHamilton Cafe, Dexter\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 6272.501953125, 7758.25732421875, 7080.47607421875, 8186.47509765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "NOTE—Zone | rate will ap-\nply for subscription service\ngoing to service personnel\nin U. S. and Armed forces\nin all areas served through\nAPO and NPO.\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 6338.42529296875, 5170.43994140625, 7003.693359375, 5268.587890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "Good Manners\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 6267.8936328125, 7772.98005859375, 7065.77287109375, 8166.04240234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "NOTE—Zone | rate will ap-\nply for subscription service\ngoing to service personnel\nin U. S. and Armed forces\nin all areas served through\nAPO and NPO.\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 466.92083740234375, 1546.4952392578125, 1331.2791748046875, 1607.7822265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": " \n\nMember of the Associated Press\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 259.4181384277344, 1637.5644091796876, 1517.5773144531252, 1846.3240185546877 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the\nuse for republication of 21! the local news printed in\n1879.\n" }, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3396.170787109375, 3125.907603515625, 4215.9334609375, 5422.6326796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "‘northern border as Communists\ninside Italy keep up their unre-\nmitting propaganda which contin-\nues to exploit conditions of poy-\nerty?\n\nThese are questions that con-\nfront the western powers as they\nprepare to rearm Germany. If the\nwestern alliance were solid and in-\nvincible, instead of wavering and\nvolatile due to internal dissensions\n‘and the poisons of political-party\n‘strife, there would be less hope\nfor Moscow to realize her ambi-\ntions.\n\nBut the weaknesses of Britain,\nFrance, Germany and Italy cannot\nbe glossed over. Precisely because\n/some of the statesmen there know\n‘this, they grow uneasy when an\nAsian crisis arises which could\ndivert to the Far East some of\nthe manpower and supplies that\nmight be needed to defend Europe.\n\nTo survey some of these situa-\ntions, this writer plans to visit the\nprincipal countries of the western\nalliance. It is conceded that Mar-\nshall Plan aid has saved Europe\nfrom economic chaos. But there is\nas yet no plan or prescription to\nsave Europe from the follies of\nits politicians.\n\nThere are elections coming in\nGreat Britain. Maybe also there\nwill be an election soon in Italy.\nThe French parliamentary situa-\ntion is fragile. Curiously enough,\nonly Spain has political stability,\nand it is on Spain that American\nmilitary planners are placing great\nreliance, With bases there along\nthe Mediterranean that can be\nused by the U.S. Air Force and\nthe U.S. Navy, the American peo-\nple have been paying for an al-\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2574.730357421875, 3162.660044921875, 3393.3475234375, 5414.01598046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "i BR4AN EVN W Ah ANY EUS Om A\n| answer to the greatest worry of\nthe American people today is\nsomewhere in Europe. For, while\nthe problems of Asia are often\n‘acute and threatening, they are\nafter all only a part of the checker-\nboard of Europe where the real\n‘struggle goes on for-a balance of\npower that can set the stage for\nbad prevent a third world war.\n\n| To a degree perhaps unrealized\nby many people in the United\nStates, the life and the future busi-\nness welfare of the nation now is\n deoendent on the outcome of those\nEuropean maneuvers that seek\nsome form of security but which\nhistory tells us have often led to\nwar.\n\nNo one capital — Moscow or\n‘London — is able to supply the\nanswer, For a crisis can come\n‘out of events in Italy or France or\neven out of the Balkan states that\n‘now are under the Soviet yoke.\nThe whole situation is interrelated.\n| Does, for example, the new ef-\n‘fort by Soviet Russia to make a\nideal with Austria foreshadow an-\nother move to appeal to the peo-\niple of West Germany? For it is\n‘obviously Moscow's game to grant\na form of independence not only to\nAustria but some day to a reunited\nGermany, It’s the battle over a\nrearmed Germany and her future\nthat causes real concern: Will\nMoscow ever be content until she\nhas somehow gotten a tight hold\non Germany through either eco-\n‘nomic or political ties?\n| Also is it to be assumed that the\nSoviet has given up hope of re-\n‘covering Yugoslavia and _present-\n‘ing Italians with a worry on their\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1371.8503525390624, 568.1238510742188, 2572.424916015625, 2390.32359765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "in person here. She has been hailed as a\npure vocalist, “a source of unfailing de-\nfeet\n\nNo one need be called a high-brow to\nenjoy a concert. The high-brow of today\nis the low-brow of yesterday. The fact that\na perspective subscriber does not know the\ndifference between a concerto and an opus\nshould bother no one. It is not necessary\nto know the year Bach was born to enjoy\nhis music,\n\nHowever, though the statement above\nis true, we will bet there are few Monroyans\nwho are not reasonably familiar with the\nmusic which the concert association will\npresent. After all, we live in an age of\nradio, T'V and motion pictures, all three\nmedia which have presented the finest of\nopera, concert and operetta. Our people\ncannot live today and be unappreciative of\ngood music.\n\nThe local association has seen to it\nthat the problem of distance is eliminated\nby bringing top-notch artists into Monroe.\nIt remains for the people to step up and\npresent themselves for a seat.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2573.81995703125, 5723.9649765625, 3390.25475, 6837.5701796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON—Credit is due to\nthe Daughters of the American\n\nRevolution for their prescience in\nadopting a resolution stating there\nis ‘‘a concealed purpose to destroy\nthe sovereignty of the United States\nand build a world government.”\n\nThey laid this plan on the door-\nstep of the United Nations, in a\nresolution demanding that the\nU.N. confine itself to being a ‘‘de-\nliberative body’’ and stop inter-\nfering with internal, domestic af-\nfairs of the United States.\n\nFor the benefit of those who have\nallowed themselves to be lulled\ninto a false sense of complacency\nby pro-world organization ad-\nvocates, this is to pull together a\nfew loose ends to help the reader\nform his own opinion as to whether\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3394.404185546875, 5723.0821640625, 4213.37584375, 9032.2654921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Americans are being propagan-\ndized and whether the propaganda\ndoes threaten United States sov-\nereignty,\n\nItem: One of the largest, most\nvocal and most active of the var-\nious domestic organizations pro-\nmoting the world government\nidea is ‘Federal Union, Inc.,\"\" for-\nmerly known as ‘Atlantic Union.”\nHeaded by former newspaperman\nClarence Streit, it secks ‘‘union”’ of\nthe seven countries which origi-\nnally set up the North Atlantic\nTreaty Organization and others\nwhich might be invited.\n\nThe April issue of Freedom and\nUnion, monthly magazine publish-\ned by Streit and the organization,\ncontains a lengthy article which\nstarts off by recalling the diffi-\nculties encountered in setting up\nour own federal government, and\nhow the 13 states finally sacri-\nficed some of their own sovereign-\nty to the federal government.\n\nThe the article, signed by Streit,\nsavs: ‘“‘How far should we follow\nnow the U.S. example in constitut-\ning a great Atlantic Union with\nthe other democracies? In my per-\nsonal view, we should transfer to\n‘it the same powers that the 13\n‘states originally transferred to\nthe federal government.’’\n\n- From the same article: ‘The es-\ntablishment of an Atlantic Federal\nUnion, it must be said, would les-\nsen the political importance of the\nPresident of the U.S. and of U.S.\nsenators and congressmen. Certain\npowers they now have over the\ncitizens would be transferred to\nthe executive and senators of the\nAtlantic Union Organization. But\nthe citizens would remain the sov-\nereigns who elect all these offi-\nsers.”’\n\nCarefully, Streit does not say it;\nbut what he means is that, for\nexample, if the Ehropean mem-\nbers of his organization decided\nthey did not like something this\ncountry was doing, such as pledg-\ning itself to defend Formosa, they\nwould have numerical strength in\nthe international legislative body\nand could vote us down so, pre-\nsumably, we would have to back\ndown on Formosa. Personally, I'll\nstick with a sovereign United States\ngovernment,\n\nKeep this one in mind when you\nhear the familiar cry of the pro-\nworld government-ites that their |\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 118.42814947509765, 6681.84437109375, 920.8571669921876, 9011.03209375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Sy FIR t MI RI\n\nWe male members of the Red-\nheaded League will soon have to\nmake our appearance on_ the\nbeaches and in the lakes and pools\nof the nation and, just as in the\npast, we will be sights.\n\nWith skin which will not tan,\nonly burn, blister, freckle, bubble\nand peel, we'll look as unhealthy\nas Hamlet Sr.’s ghost, as out of\nplace with the bronze, tanned men\nas pearls in a basket of walnuts.\n\nOnly red-headed men, with skin\nwhich wouldn't brown even if they\njumped in a Dutch oven with the\nfamily pet roast, know the shame\nthat such a dainty hide can bring.\nWe feel as if we had leapt straight\nout of the corps de ballet of the\nBallet Russe after it had finished\nan unbroken ten - year engage-\nment in a Siberian cellar.\n\nThere's no use for a man so af-\nflicted to pretend he doesn’t mind,\nor tell himself that it is smart te\nbe different, or that he looks at-\ntractive wearing an_ epidermis\nthat might have come. straight\nfrom a laundromat. I know. he-\ncause I have tried these ruses on\nmyself, and if my poor brain won't\ngo for them, no one’s will.\n\nI have even tried to convince\nmyself that beautiful women, see-\ning me wander along the beach\nlike an animated sheet, automati-\ntally say to themselves that there\ngoes a man who is a great sci-\nentist who has been so busy at\nLos Alamos or Oak Ridge that he\nhasn't had time for summer plea-\ngures. Or that I am _ fabulously\nwealthy and always sheletered by\nfringed pavilions or tasselled um-\nbrellas: held by lackeys.\n\nWhat they really think, I am\nsure, ig that a man with such a\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5052.68128515625, 5328.51526953125, 5861.06773828125, 7146.91344140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "- LONDON (#—The Duke of Edin-\nburgh has ordered a_ long-range\ntelephone for his speedy sports car.\nWhen he gets it installed, he can\nring up Buckingham Palace from\nany part of Britain and even from\nsome not too distant spots on the\ncontinent,\n\nIt's the Duke’s latest move in\nattuning the Royal family, and\nsome of the palaces it occupies,\nto modern life.\n\nAt his insistence, Buckingham\nand Windsor Palaces have electric\ndishwashing machines in his and\nQueen Elizabeth's private suites,\nelectric grills and a_ telephonic\nrecording device. Helicopter take-\noffs and landings from the royal\n\nlawns have become commonplace\nevents,\n\nHe has wanted a long-range\nradio telephone for his sports car\nfor a long time and now an electric\nengineering firm is seeing that he\ngets it.\n\nHis car already has a telephone,\nbut its range is only 25 miles from\nBuckingham Palace. For the Duke,\nwho travels all over the country,\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5874.9181015625, 5321.169078125, 6703.72789453125, 6536.713734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "this isn’t good enough, He likes\nto call his wife when he’s out on\nofficial duties, and also Prince\nCharles and Princess Anne, He\ntalks to the children in a dis-\nguised voice, and then to their de-\nlight, reveals it’s really papa.\n\n| A pilot, the Duke also likes the\nmost modern airplanes possible,\n‘The de Havilland Aircraft Co. says\n\n-a new Heron plane, sprouting with\nsafety devices, gadgets and radio\naids, is to be ready for the royal\nfamily within the next six weeks.\n\n“The Duke has seen the plane,”\n‘said a spokesman of the manu-\nfacturer, “but he hasn’t actually\nflown it yet.”” It took more than a\nyear to build. That's longer than\nusual, but there were so many\ngadgets.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 129.30478979492187, 4934.47620703125, 1330.6016738281248, 6319.13902734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "The Twin City Concert Association will\nend its 1955 membership drive Saturday,\nApril 30, at 7 p.m., and we urge everyone\nto forget instinct and subscribe. The con-\ncerts.are not intended for the enjoyment\nof a handful of music lovers. They are in-\ntended for everyone and can be enjoyed by\neveryone,\n\nThe public has heard music in such\ngreat motion pictures as “The Great Caruso”\nand “Melba.” That the ordinary movie-goer\nwas able to appreciate this music simply\nby hearing it sympathetically proves that\nthe job done by The Twin City Concert As-\nsociation is vital. The association brings\nevenings of pleasant listening into an area\nwhich cannot ordinarily afford big name\nstars.\n\nThis year Dorothy Kirsten, star of one\nof the movies named above, can be heard\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4221.47523046875, 3121.65296484375, 5039.584828125, 5415.38512109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "| ternative bastion—one that can be\n‘relied upon if the bases in Britain\n\nand France should some day be\nwithheld from our use. This could\nresult either because of fear of\natomie reprisals from Moscow or\nbecause of an ill-conceived pro-\ngram of appeasement of Soviet\nRussia which has its progenitor in\npresent-day talk of ‘‘peaceful co-\nexistence.”\n\nIt is not to be overlooked that\nthe British Labor party insists that\nthe British government must hold\na veto over the possible use of the\natom bomb by American forces\nstationed in England. If the Parlia-\n“ment has to debate whether planes\ncarrying the atom bomb shall\nbe started from British airfields\ntoward Russian territory once an\nattack has come to some part of\nthe United States, the delay might\nbe a fatal one. Yet involved in\nthese very political uncertainties\nis the fate of the American people\nand their capacity to retaliate in\nan atomic war.\n\nIn these days when a journey to\nEurope by ship is just a long week\nend and by air is only overnight,\nthe opportunity is given without\nloss of much time to cross the\nAtlantic and make a firsthand ex-\namination of the factors that can\nmean unbalanced budgets, contin-\nued high taxes, and military serv-\nice for American youth at almost\na moment’s notice. For in Europe,\nwith Soviet Russia stretching her\nauthority over a vast area, is\nthe key to many an American\nproblem of legislative policy.\n\n(Copyright, 1955,\nNew York Herald Tribune Inc.)\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1362.67347265625, 2567.651255859375, 2568.389515625, 6313.2049453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "To paraphrase Mark Twain's classical\nremark about the weather, everybody in\nNortheast Louisiana talks about industry,\nbut nobody does anything about it,\n\nThere is reason to hope that this situa-\ntion will change, one of the reasons being\nthe determination of Walter Koch in his\nattempt to provide leadership through the\nMonroe Area Industrial Development Cor-\nporation. The Monroe area needs leader-\nship if industrial payrolls are to become a\nmore important factor in the general econ-\nomy of this area than they are today.\n\nKoch believes in getting things done.\nHe recognizes the value of planning a cam-\npaign and the value of united effort toward\na common goal. As a result he recently\ncompleted a tour of the industrial Kast in\norder to contact those who might be in-\nterested in locating here.\n\nLast week Koch met with the Board\nof Directors of MAIDCO asking for a bond\nissue for the purchase of indusirial sites.\nSuch a step was taken recently by Ruston\nwith great effect; and it would seem that\navailable land for location does ;rovide an\ninducement for industry to build here.\n\nOf course, the suggestion of another\nbend issue, coming on the heels of four or\nfife such votes which are already in sight in\nMonroe and West Monroe, will not prove\npopular at this time. Even though bonds\nissued under the provision of an inducement\nplan are not expected to increase millage\non property, the thought still remains that\nfar too many requests for money are com-\ning to the people now that spring and good\nweather have arrived.\n\nYet, it remains a fact that the establish-\nment and operation of industrial enterprises\nin the Monroe Area depend upon action\nby local people themselves. It will require\nMonroe men and Monroe money to put Mon-\nroe people to work. No one man, nor a\nsmall group of men, can do ail that is re-\nquired to bring this area abreast of other\nsections of the state in the matter of pro-\nducing manufactured commodities.\n\nIt is possible for energetic men, such\nas Koch, to agree upon a goal and to en-\ncourage others to follow them toward the\nachievement of that goal. But the people\nhere must add the final inducement for\nindustry.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 125.70542456054687, 703.5102646484376, 1347.1768691406248, 4731.08238671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "An organization in the nation’s capl-\ntal is presently trying to secure funds for\na celebration of the 200th anniversary of\nthe birth of Alexander Hamilton, who was\nhorn January 11, 1757. This fact brings\nto mind the startling and highly success-\nful career of this young-—-he was only 47\nwhen he was killed—man.\n\nThe main issue of his day was one which\nstill crops up from time to time, It was\nthat of a strong central yovernment versus\nstates’ rights. Hamilton advocated a strong\ngovernment, while Thomas Jefferson's the-\nory was that the federal government should\nact mainly on foreign policy.\n\nFurther than this, Hamilton actually\n“was a reactionary who would have turned\nthe United States into a monarchy or an\noligarchy. However, it is certainly no dis-\nparagement to such leaders as Jefferson to\nbring into proper perspective the deeds of\nan equally accomplished man. It was Ham-\n_ilton who was largely responsible for setting\nthe new republic off to a good financial\nstuart. He was Washington's aide during the\nRevolution. He was an anthority on gov-\nernmental operations, wielded a mighty hand\nat the Constitutional Convention, helped get\nthe Constitution accepted, and was the na-\ntion’s first Secretary of the Treasury.\n\nTo strengthea the union, he conceived\nthe constitutional doctrines of liberal con-\nstruction, “implied powers,” and the “gen-\neral welfare,” which were later embodied\nin the decisions of Chief Justice John Mar-\nshall.\n\nThe right of the Supreme Court to or-\nder the end of segregation, for example,\nis almost a direct result of Hamilton’s in-\nfluence and his life’s work for the idea of\nnationalism. He wanted a strong union and\nenergetic government that shoula “rest as\nmuch as possible on the shoulders of the\npeople and as little as possible on those of\nthe state legislatures.”\n\nWhen Hamilton died as a result of\nwounds suffered in a duel with Aaron Burr,\nJeffersonian Democracy was well on its way\ntoward a century of dominance. Disap-\npointed in the government he helped to build,\nhe wrote a few days before his death:\n“Every day proves to me more and more\nthat this American world was not made\nfor me.”\n\nTo the end, he never appreciated the\nvalue of his own labors. Today, however,\nWe are returning to his concepts of gov-\nernment,\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 926.4762680664063, 6656.8263046875, 1735.3644912109376, 9018.707875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "perfectly beautiful case of perni-\n‘cious anemia should be at home\n‘eating raw liver, or that there\ngoes a man who either doesn’t\nown a full-length mirror or has\nenough nerve to play Russian\nroulette with a single - barreled\nshotgun.\n\nAs most of us red - headed men\nwith skin like a Jane Austen he-\nroine like to swim and sun just\n-as much as the men do who were\n‘around when the pigment was\nhanded out, we are constantly try-\n‘ing to think up ways and means\nof overcoming our handicap, or of\nhiding it at least.\n\n| I have gone so far as to coat\nmyself with iodine from head to\n‘foot in the hope of looking at\n‘home among tanned (how I envy\nthem!) men. This treatment has\ntwo drawbacks, one being that io-\ndine from the family medicine\nchest isn’t waterproof, A few dips\nand you start looking like a bad-\nlv - dyed Easter Egg. Another\ndrawback is that a man doesn't\ncare too much about going around\nsmelling like a monstrous band-\naged thumb. #\n\nOther red - headed men spend\nfortunes in suntan. oils with fancy\nnames and prices to match, |\nonce doused myself with a rancid\ncoconut oil at Capuleo, but even\nif it had tanned me, it wouldn't\nhave been much fun having the\nmorning beach all to myself. T was\nnothing to be near, especially on\nthe downwind side.\n\nIt's not much fun, but what I\ndo is run like billy blue heck as\nsoon as I reach the beach. or the\nedge of a pool, or the bank of a\nlake, and jump in the water. And\n'there I remain, carrying on a very\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5848.74525, 596.3732407226563, 6683.37535546875, 5006.1326796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "carry a charge in its snout, prob-\nably one of the new super-bombs.\nTo such subsidies in the past,\n‘the traveling public owes the de-\n‘velopment of their present fairly\nreliable but always fallible quality\nof the contellations and the DC\nplanes, three, four, then six and\nnow the seven, Each of these pro-\n‘ducers has a leader which crosses\nithe country from west to east,\n‘with the usual wind, in eight hours,\nAnd those champions, even today,\nare ‘‘phasing’ into obsolescence.\nDuring a visit to the Ryan offices\n‘and plant, I was told that ‘1958\nis the year when all the big air-\n‘lines will begin to get jet.’\n| By 1958, three years from now,\n‘they will have amor tized their in-\n/vestment in the big ships driven\n‘by propellors and by a combina-\n‘tion of propellors and exhaust\n\"gases put to use as minor jets\nor applied to the spinners. The\n‘British had their comet jet first\nin commercial passenger service,\n| but it had a relatively scant cruise\n\\ing radius of 1,500 miJes and any-\n, Way it was defective. The publi-\n‘city after the comet was grounded\n‘said the wrecks had been due to\n“metal fatigue,’’ but this was just\n'a way of breaking the news that\n‘the ship had. a bug or bugs in it.\nSure, ‘‘metal fatigue’? made them\n‘fly apart in the air, but they were\nnot designed to meet strains which\n‘they encountered which caused\nthat ‘fatigue’. Well, the contel-\nlation and DC-4 had bugs when\n‘they came out, Now they are as\n| safe as flying machines can be.\n| The American jet passenger\nship of the near future began un-\nider government patronage, or, to\n| Say it again, subsidy, as a high-\n‘speed tanker required to refuel the\n-i/new big bomber, B-52, which has\n‘eight jéts. The jet tanker has four\n‘engines, Boeing, in Seattle, de-\n‘veloped this one, called the KC-135,\nspending $15,000.000 of private\n/¢apital to gain the initiative, and\n‘thereby got an order for a big\nbatch of them which is now re-\n' ported to have been increased to\n'257. ships. As passenger. ships,\nbarring errors, they will carry from\n80 passengers, transatlantic, to 120,\n| transcontinental, cruising at from\n-|550 to 600 miles. The comet made\nabout 550 at maximum.\n| The weird, almost unbelievable\n| developments in aviation are best\npresented in the terms of astoni-\n| shed laymen, The professionals\n/have been associating with fantas-\n‘ies so long and so intimately that\n‘when an object comes out which\n‘/can fly straight up with a man\ninside and return straight down,\n)' tail first, they are not greatly\n‘impressed by their own miracle.\nThey make helicopters which carry\n_their power in machines on the\n/ blades, which expel air and gas\n‘to spin the propellors, and strange\nswift experiments with things like\nthe clumsy beetle with its heavy\n- body and stubby, armored wings.\nLike the Wrights at Kitty Hawk\nthey settle for little test results\nor enormous meaning for the fu-\n| ture.\n| (Copyright 1955, King Features\n|| Syndicate, Inc.)\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5031.71741796875, 615.3556625976563, 5844.96715234375, 5014.91148828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "SAN DIEGO, Calif., April 26 —\n\nThe flying machine is changing\nshape and character like species\nof insects which emerge from\ngrubs and mysterious blobs and\nsoar and dive on great, graceful\nwings or hardly any wings at all.\nThe flying machine and its com-\nponents are the principal industry\nof San Diego, whose economy is\nso largely dependent on govern-\nment subsidy for aviation and the\nNavy that the free or independent\nindustry is relatively petty. You\nwould hardly call a supermarket or\nfood fair a subsidized enterprise\nat first glimpse, but when you ac-\ncept the fact that most of the\ncustomers get their money from\ncompanies producing and inventing\nairplanes and flying torpedoes: or\nfrom the Navy, you realize that\nthe government is supporting much\nretail commerce out of taxes. This\ncondition exists in many areas\nwhere the principal business is\n‘‘defense’’ or, to be more candid,\nfitness for war. It is no mere\njibe at the Roosevelt-Truman re\ngime to acknowledge the truth that\nbut for war business we would have\nretreated again into the frighten-\ning wilderness of poverty, un-\ncertainty and ‘‘fear’’ which that\nregime professes to have cured.\n\nTucson, over in Arizona, is hav-\ning a boom notwithstanding a cold,\nrainy winter followed by dust\nStorms which ruined the vaca-\ntions of a multitude of customers\nwho spend millions for disappoint-\nment. The reasons for that boom\nare unpalatable. We all recoil\nfrom blood money from war busi-\nness. But it is big business now\nand the United States Treasury is\nat the bottom of it. It is Tucson’s\ngreatest customer, with expendi.\ntures for air force payroll and\n/provender and for auxiliary air.\njcraft factories. So it goes, more\nior less, in Detroit and Seattle.\n|Fort Worth and Los Angeles, and\n\n{the areas with which they trade.\n'These phenomena do not conform\nto rules and precedents so it is\n‘not my intention to predict that we\n| will sink into absolute socialism\n;merely because the National Gov-\njernment becomes the principa\n| customer of big business and its\npartner, the Big Unions, endlessly\n| taking taxes to spend on war stuff\n| and paying a portion of these taxes\n‘back to us in wages, ‘‘welfare”\nand dividends,\n\nSan Diego is an extreme case,\n| for the Aircraft Industry just about\nitrebled in five years from Decem.\n'ber, 1949 to 1954 and now towers\nover ‘food and kindred,” the next\nlargest classification, in the ratic\nof about 34,000 employed workers\n‘to about 3,000. It is a fact.\n‘recognized in the Aircraft Industry\n_that the National Government jis\n|the constant customer, the main\n| support of its phenomenal inven.\n'tive ingenuity, its experiments and\nits production: Without such subs\n|idy, Ryan Aeronautical never would\n'have been able to create a flying\nbomb which runs without a_ pilot\n;and nowadays serves as a fast\ninimble target for the defenders of\n| practice on, and in war, woulc\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4216.6280625, 5449.16370703125, 5043.82164453125, 7884.0682265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "plans would involve no loss of U.S.\n| sovereignty.\n\nItem: The so-called ‘Genocide\n‘convention’ is an agreement which\n‘was adopted by the U.N. General\n“Assembly during the closing days\nof its 1948 meeting, by a 55 to 0\nvote and with the U.S. representa-\ntive saying it was a “privilege” to\nsign the document.\n\nBut when copies of the text of\nthe convention were made avail-\nable for study, there was no doubt\n‘but that its definitions of geno\n‘cide (one was causing serious\nbodily or mental harm) were so\nbroad that they could be used to\n‘circumvent many of our own\n‘constitutional civil rights guaran-\ntees, including freedom of speech\n|and press,\n\nOpposition to the convention built\nup rapidly. It was submitted by\nPresident Truman to the Senate in\nJune, 1949, but was quickiy shifted\ninto a Foreign Relations Commit-\ntee pigeonhole because opposition\nwas so widespread. One-worlders\n-pooh-pooh dangers involved in the\nGenocide convention on grounds it\nis a dead issue.\n\nPerhaps, But at its annual con-\nvention just this month, Americans\nfor Democratic Action, which fre-\nquently leads the way in voicing\npolicy for ultraliberals, put a line\nin its Foreign Policy resolution\nwhich has escaped any general\npublic attention. It says: ‘“‘We urge\nthe Senate to ratify the long- pend-\n‘ing convention on genocide .\n\nDead issue? Not so long as it is\n‘in a position where it could be\ncalled up on a moment’s notice.\n\nMore surprising examples of one-\n‘world propaganda activities later.\n(Copyright, 1955, King Features\nSyndicate, Inc.) |\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5143.9306640625, 5045.42041015625, 6620.18212890625, 5221.240234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "The Royal Family Today\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 182.91705322265625, 4781.0009765625, 1262.75390625, 4912.46435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Concerts Kor The People\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1748.4492294921874, 6384.04651953125, 2574.315052734375, 6826.4344375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "unsatisfactory conversation with |\nfriends by loud shouts, swallow-\ning water by the bucketful, and |\ngradually § shrivelling.\n| Uncomfortable, yes. But not hu- |\nmiliating. |\n(Distributed by McNaught Syn\ndicate, Tic.)\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4206.80384375, 8570.35853125, 5032.3406875, 9018.061390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "BATON ROUGE —UP— Services\nwere held yesterday for James\nHarris, 44, service station operator\nwho died Friday from burns suf-\nfered two months ago when a gas\nstove exploded in the station. Har-\nrison escaped from the burning\nbuilding by crashing through a\n‘plate glass window.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1813.4573974609375, 7018.705078125, 3351.7744140625, 9021.341796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "oe baits tims! Cire a\ni: A id | i Mu ON D RNS LAND\nON ‘ERON SL AY D «err Lveivihe\n\na i t/ ht be\n\ni . fa e/a lig\n\n|_ te SAME DAY EACH OCTOBER...\n\n \n\nRo LA GAGE Finer * | “Te OPENING OFTHE ERIE CANAL\n\nSN GLISRWOMAN +h GO IPIND NG HERD DED BY 34 Re! \\) a ay\n\na Tas “ CANNON 4 SINTIONED AT SL TNBLE\ni NAS Al LONE N ' : pe\ns MBN\n\n \n\noo ‘\nJEARLY Rulh\n\n \n\nFoR VE HOUR |\n\n \n\n}\n\n. sf ASI SCA\n~~ hw 2 BUFFALOW- _\n\\ wee 4\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nTm. Reg. U, $. Pat OF—All rights eumeved Ste TO ante\n\nwe gr Py “ .\nwee er Cage. (P55 wy Vedat Feakonn Synaiontn, em 4%\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 209.6920166015625, 6367.5703125, 1651.3228759765625, 6547.81005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "The Red-Headed League\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2724.613525390625, 497.31536865234375, 4903.541015625, 2694.719970703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nLF, LBB |\nZe\n\n| THERE Reve BEER Too, 7\nT MARY MEMORIALS To tose F\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nbly ys Bul Yours, ove WL\nGE ENGRAVED WW ME Heneets\nOF MANKIND\n\n“eS\nSy\n\\\n\nSen\na0 we\n\n, _ ~~\n= 35s ce pin\nroeg Ae\n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4213.915171875, 7970.14612890625, 5038.49547265625, 8474.256703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "WEST HAVEN, Conn. — UP —\nDesk Sgt. Leslie Howard received\na call from a woman who couidn’'t\nget her son out of bed to go to\nschool. She wanted a policeman\n‘to come over and scare him.’’\nThe cruisers were busy, so How-\nfara told her, “Try the old-fash-\njioned method of paddling, and I\nthink you'll get the same results.”\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1568.332763671875, 2446.6923828125, 2368.845947265625, 2554.590576171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Final Inducement\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2758.19091796875, 5450.6416015625, 4045.1044921875, 5618.9130859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "DAR Deserves Credit\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5233.40478515625, 320.9184265136719, 6474.0068359375, 487.135498046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Government Subsidy\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5909.12060546875, 6718.69677734375, 6658.837890625, 7635.35888671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "ITS A COLLECTION FOR THE SALES |\nMANAGER HE. JUS iu BECAME ENGA( GED\n‘TOMES za aaa as\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2750.69189453125, 2774.3154296875, 4846.5986328125, 2976.888916015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Balance Of Power In Europe\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5042.55775, 8473.48353125, 5861.66734765625, 9032.5281875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (# — The Air\nForce, as part of its plan to rotate\nwhole units rather than individual\nsoldiers overseas, will shuttle two\nregiments of about 3,500 men each\nacross the Pacific by air in July.\nThe 508th Airborne Regimental\nCombat Team will be sent from\nFt. Campbell, Ky., to Japan, re-\nplacing the 187th Regiment, which\nwill return to Ft. Bragg, N.C.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5052.95228125, 7249.3028671875, 5848.6307265625, 7760.47984765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "BINGHAM, Me. —UP—Mrs.\nIdella Fogg was stopped twice by\none state trooper and once by a\nsecond within three hours. on\ncharges of driving without a_ li-\ncense. Trial Justice Maurice Al-\nkins fined her $5 and costs the\nfirst ‘time, suspended a_ similar\nsentence the second time and filed\nthe third charge.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 5047.81507421875, 7858.2325546875, 5860.50914453125, 8364.1033828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "LINCOLN, Neb —UP—Farmer\nKenneth Stickney was awakened\nat 2 a.m. by a noise that he recog-\nnized as coming from the horn of\nhis new pickup truck. Lights also\nflashed. He thought someone had\ncrossed the wires in attempting to\nsteal the car. But it turned out\nwiring on the truck was on fire,\nslforting the horn and lights.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 5867.19105078125, 7849.48499609375, 6685.45543359375, 9029.12975 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Founded November 20, 189)\nJohn D. Ewing. Publisher 1929-1938\nWilson Ewing, Publisher 1938-1952\nEntered as second class mater. at\nthe Monroe post office June 1, 1909.\nunder the act of March 8, 1879 Pub\nlished every afternoon except Saturday\nand Sunday by the News-Star— World\nPublishing Corporation 110 114 North\nSecond Street\n\n \n\nRobert Ewing, Jr , Chairman of the Board\nWilliam H ronson President\nRichard Hale General Manager\n| William G, Jasper Managing Editor\n\nMember Of The Associated Press\nThe Associated Press is exclusively e®\ntitled to the use for reproduction of al)\nmews dispatches credited to it or not\notherwise credited and also the local newer\npublished herein\n\n“The Branham > ‘company, national ad\nvertising representatives Offices in New\nYork, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit, St. Louis,\nMemphis, Dallas, Sap Francisco, Los AD\ngeles, Charlottee\n\nThe Monroe News-Star is ap “independent\nnewspaper. It prints the news tmpartially.\nIt supports what it believes to »e right. It\nopposes what it believes to be wrong with\nout regard to party politics\n\n~~ Tuesday, April 26, 1955\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5896.88427734375, 7688.970703125, 6681.50634765625, 7824.89990234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "The Monroe News-Star\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 607.1226196289062, 322.4718933105469, 2065.44091796875, 552.642822265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "FDITORIALS\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2086.708251953125, 6880.38916015625, 3089.541748046875, 6990.03271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "STRANGE AS IT SEEMS\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 3450.651611328125, 351.4765930175781, 4156.48095703125, 459.30426025390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Living Memorial\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 273.7959899902344, 572.6458740234375, 1193.1798095703125, 681.9424438476562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Return To Hamilton\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 5218.0107421875, 7186.38671875, 5690.3984375, 7236.26416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "THREECE IN THeEre\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 3131.416748046875, 5639.01904296875, 3671.4287109375, 5707.7177734375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "By Fulton Lewis\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 5636.4931640625, 5229.9912109375, 6104.0654296875, 5300.74609375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "By Hal Bovle\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4319.63427734375, 8502.0517578125, 4918.03466796875, 8552.322265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "CERVICEC FOR VICTIM\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 5495.2548828125, 517.3065185546875, 6201.92333984375, 591.2324829101562 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "By Westbrook Pegler\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 5249.48486328125, 8404.3271484375, 5648.79931640625, 8454.7509765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "WHOLE UNITS\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 4431.2138671875, 7912.173828125, 4807.8427734375, 7953.8134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "MOAMM ANMVICL\n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 595.317626953125, 6556.4638671875, 1256.2171630859375, 6621.93701171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "By Henry McLemore\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 5285.54736328125, 7796.87548828125, 5636.2705078125, 7839.60546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Teiitr Friar\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 225.46839904785156, 6647.28369140625, 835.4708251953125, 6699.4404296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "By HENRY McLEMORE\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 3380.446533203125, 2988.783447265625, 4191.66552734375, 3086.515380859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "By David Lawrence\n" }, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 9, 7 ], [ 10, 14 ], [ 33, 11 ], [ 33, 36 ], [ 11, 36 ], [ 28, 37 ], [ 64, 62 ], [ 64, 55 ], [ 62, 55 ] ]
[ 7362.96435546875, 10267.061640625001 ]
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4596.3153125, 6191.368046875, 5474.68859375, 8345.042109375001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "STANTON, Neb. ® — Capt.\nCharles W. Cadwallader, 31, of\nPhiladelphia, escaped injury Thurs-\nday afternoon when he parachuted\nfrom his F-84 thunderstreak about\n'six miles southeast of Stanton.\n\n| The plane later crashed in a\nfield on the Howard Felt farm,\nabout four miles west of Stanton.\n\nCadwallader said he was on a\nroutine flight as a member of the\nPennsylvania Air National Guard\nand had been in intermittent radio\ncontact with Offutt Air Force Base\nnear Omaha.\n\nHe said he finally lost radio con-\ntact, was unable to establish his\nposition while flying above the\novercast and the plane was run-\nning out of fuel. He parachuted\n\nfrom about 4,000 feet.\n\nCadwallader landed on the John\nKingsley farm. Kingsley, seeing the\nparachuting pilot, rushed to help\nhim, but Cadwallader was unhurt.\n\nA captain in the National Guard,\nCadwallader said he had been a\npilot for 10 years. He formerly\nserved with the Air Force. :\n\nNebraska National Air Guard of-\nficials said-the plane was sched-\nuled to land in Lincoln on one leg\nof the flight from Norton Air Force |\nBase in California.\n\nAn investigating board from Si\nCity, Ia., was named to investi-\ngate.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 4610.66943359375, 4476.79541015625, 6280.08642578125, 4872.517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "‘Heat’ Put On Senators\nOver Ton-Mile Tax Bill\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 646.9605712890625, 3216.49951171875, 1047.2388916015625, 3866.36767578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3696.763916015625, 8392.5966796875, 5459.71630859375, 8718.2236328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Weatherman Defies Calendar;\nPredicts Cloudy, Cool June 10\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3743.12890625, 1806.8482666015625, 6343.9140625, 3374.12548828125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4600.07275390625, 5715.64501953125, 5404.8486328125, 6162.8330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Pilot Bails\nOut Of F-84\n'Near. Stanton\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1952.8798876953124, 6147.1522265625, 2823.954951171875, 8583.101679687501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "PARIS (® — Russia has no ba-\nsic objection to beginning a Big\n‘Four top level meeting on July\n18 at Geneva, Soviet Foreign Min-\n‘ister V. M. Molotov told French\nleaders Thursday.\n\nThe same report was given by\nPrime Minister Eden to the House\nof Commons inLondon.\n\nAn informed French source said\nMolotov told Premier Edgar Faure\nand Antoine Pinay, French foreign\nminister, at lunch here Thursday\nhis government is not objecting to\nthe place and date proposed by\nthe Western powers for the Big\nFour meeting.\n\nMolotov stopped over in ‘Paris\nbriefly on his way to San Fran-\ncisco for the U.N. 10th anniver-\nsary session,\n\nVisit Suggested\n\nAfter his Russian guest had de-\nparted for Cherbourg to board the\nliner Queen Elizabeth for New\nYork, Faure told a news confer-\nence Molotov also had suggested\nthat he and Pinay might visit Mos-\ncow,\n\nThis was not a formal invitation,\nFaure explained, but ‘‘more on the\nside of tourism than diplomacy.”\n\nIt was the French Premier’s first |\nmeeting with Molotov. But, he said,\nthere was ‘‘nothing precise, nothing\nsensational” about their conversa-\ntion,\n\nFaure said Russia’s invitation to\nChancellor Konrad Adenauer of\nWest Germany is the most recent\nevidence that the diplomati¢ thaw\nis continuing.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5494.245, 4899.12830078125, 6364.463984375, 7147.4278515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "calls from wholesalers in opposi-\ntion to the bill,\n\n“Now they have reached down\nto the retailers and their em-\nployees and I have been flooded\nwith letters, cards and phone\ncalls,’ he said. ‘‘Never have I\nseen such intense efforts to kill a\nbill.”\n\nThe senator said that the phone\ncallers all described the bill as a\n“bad bill.” He explained that he\nwould then question them about\nwhat was wrong with it and how\nit should be changed.\n\n“Not in a single instance did I\nfind that the callers had read the\nbill or knew what the proposals\nwere,”’ he continued. “I do not\nlike these pressure tactics which\nare apparently inspired by the\ntrucking lobby. If they are in-\nterested enough to telephone they\nought to be interested enough to\nknow what the bill is abcut.”\n\nAnother senator said ‘at a pro-\nduce buyer had called him and\nsaid that if the bill passed he\nwould reduce the price he pays\nfarmers for chickens by two cents\na pound.\n\nAnd still another senator told of\na truck operator calling him and\nthreatening to move from the state\nif the bill passes.\n\nWith the bill coming up for final\npassage, the truck lobby this week\nentertained for legislators and\ntheir wives with a steak dinner.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1134.282958984375, 1675.84326171875, 2828.311767578125, 3655.510009765625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4614.438359375, 5003.51453125, 5479.53869140625, 5679.0284375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "“The heat is on,”’ a senator who\nwished to be unidentified said\nThursday about the weight-dis-\ntance truck tax bill,\n\n- He explained that several weeks\nago he received a number of post\ncards, which he identified as com-\ning from railroad cmeTr fav-\noring the bill.\n\nTwo weeks ago he said he began\nto receive letters and telephone\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3710.330205078125, 8729.0799609375, 4585.4278515625, 10214.978632812501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Don’t let the calendar fool you. |\n\nThe first day of summer maybe\njust around the corner, but the\nweatherman says the unseasonably\ncool weather will conitnue through\nFriday night.\n\nIt was to be cloudy and cool,\nwith highs in the 50s Friday. Occa-\nsional showers were called for in\nthe northwest and occasional thun-\nderstorms in the east and south\nportions of the state. :\n\nLight rain fell in western Ne-\nbraska Thursday with Scottsbluff\nreporting .36 of an inch, Sidney\n.27, Valentine 28 and Chadron .14.\n\nAll other Weather Bureau report-\ning points received some moisture\nranging from a trace to .07.\n\nLincoln’s low of 47 Thursday\ncame within three degrees of a\nrecord minimum temperature for\nJune 9, which was 44 set in 1915.\n\nThe mercury dipped to 40 at Im-\nperial, Sidney and Scottsbluff.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 190.71976196289063, 3942.096806640625, 1088.24669921875, 6142.573359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "“primarily because of our long-\nrange air capabilities.”\n\nThe U.S, Air Force recently has\nordered a speed up in long-range\nbomber productions after a con-\ntroversy over the relative strength\nof U.S. and Russian airpower.\n\n‘Great Faith’\n\nGruenther said ‘‘we must under.\nno circumstances permit a weaken-\ning or a relaxation of our effort”\nto build West Europe’s defense. He )\ntestified at a three-hour closed-\ndoor session on foreign aid. A sum-\nmary of his statement was made\npublic. And the general later talked\nbriefly to newsmen.\n\nHe said he had “great faith”\nWest German Chancellor Py ello\nand indicated he felt no concern\nthat Adenauer’s forthcoming talks |\nwith Russian leaders would under-\nmine plans to rearm his country. |\nGruenther told the committee that |\nWest Germany's contribution would |\npermit the North Atlantic Treaty |\nOrganization to extend its Euro-\npean defenses ‘‘much farther for- |\nward than we can now.”\n\nGruenther also told the newsmen|\nthat recent Yugoslav-Russia con-.\nferences in Belgrade had “nat\ncreated any military problem.”\nCommittee members said the gen-\neral supported continued Western\narms help to Yugoslavia on the\ngrounds it is still an independent |\nnationa. :\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 6363.04578125, 7463.5994921875, 7242.98888671875, 8733.780390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": ": John Curtiss, Chairman of the\n‘proposed transfer of the Lincoln\nVA Hospital, greeted the report\nfrom Washington as “‘good news.”\n\n“It certainly clears the atmos-\nphere,” he said.\n\nCurtiss and Chauncey E. Barney,\nChamber vice president, earlier\nhad been requested to go to Wash-\nington to get further information\nabout the transfer.\n\n“We are certainly not going to\nWashington unless it is necessary,”\nCurtiss said Thursday night. “We\nare standing by waiting further\nword from our Congressional! dele-\ngation in case they feel our pres-\nence is necessary.”\n\nCurtiss said the proposal by Rep.\nVinson (D-Ga) is in line with that\nendorsed by the Lincoln Chamber\nand state veterans organizations.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 6366.9404296875, 7086.4072265625, 7237.79052734375, 7439.396484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Chamber Official\nWelcomes News Of\nVeterans Hospital\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4589.57947265625, 8735.40515625, 5472.68126953125, 10198.773554687501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Omaha was the warmest spot in\nthe state Thursday with a high of\n65. Lincoln had a high of 62, and\nelsewhere temperatures were in the\n50s. :\n\nThe Weather Bureau blamed the\nunseasonably cool weather on a\nlarge high pressure center located\nin west central Canada and a low\n‘pressure center over the Great\nLakes and Central Atlantic coast\narea.\n\nForecasters said, though, “there\nis a terrific amount of very hot,\ndry air covering much of the West\nCoast and southwest desert area,”\nand once the present weather pat.\ntern breaks down, ‘‘we can expect\nrapid warming to take place over\nthe weekend.”’ :\nIt was noted that the sunshine an\nstrong winds of the last couple of\ndays had dried out the soil rapidly.\n‘Some blowing dust was reported\njia the Panhandle.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5484.53466796875, 7180.75048828125, 6255.8330078125, 7357.21533203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Curtis Schedules Two\nSpeeches Next Week\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1933.639287109375, 8992.9901171875, 2810.135126953125, 10208.656367187501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "ACUON tO Ci€@ar a DiOCK hear tne\nUniversity of Nebraska agricul-\nture campus for the proposed con-\nstruction of apartment houses for\nNU students, was taken by the\nCity Planning Commission. .\n\nThe Commission recommended\nthe City Council’s approval of a\nchange in zoning from single to\nmultiple dwelling on the proposed\nhousing site south of Holdrege be-\ntween 38th and 39th.\n\nSome 80 family units are plan-\nned to be constructed at a total\ncost of $750,000. The development\nwill be financed through the is-\nsuance of revenue bonds that will,\nbe paid off out of rentals.\n\nThe units were expected to be\nready for occupancy by the fall\nschool term of 1957.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3713.742314453125, 7159.4715625, 4575.06994140625, 8356.66515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Hans-\nmire of 4943 Huntington were re-\nported in serious condition early\nFriday morning at Olney Clinic\nafter suffering injuries in a two-\ncar collision at 33rd and O Streets\nThursday evening.\n\nMr. Hansmire suffered head and\nchest injuries and his wife, Natha-\nlie Hansmire, suffered less serious\ninjuries.\n\nTheir adopted daughter, Mrs.\nWilliam McCormick, 26, of San\nDiego suffered a slight leg injury.\n\nPolice said Hansmire was going\nwest on O when the car he was\ndriving collided with a car driven\nby George Wolcott, 50, of 3248 T,\nthat was going south on 33rd. Wol-\ncott was uninjured.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 188.22178649902344, 6197.126953125, 983.614501953125, 6780.423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "2 Dead, 4\nInjured As\nJet Hits\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1941.080322265625, 8606.0322265625, 2771.12890625, 8957.173828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Plan Commission\nStarts Apartment\nSite Clearance\n" }, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 202.6506805419922, 935.4632568359375, 7333.3896484375, 1576.4901123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nVA HOSPITAL CHANGE HALTED\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 6374.07470703125, 8758.0087890625, 7208.2685546875, 9119.1982421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Escape Of Trusty\nFrom Prison Farm\nStarts Big Search\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3731.481201171875, 4453.056640625, 4559.9462890625, 4756.99462890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Schedule For\nNU Round-Up\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3717.459228515625, 6788.23291015625, 4539.689453125, 7134.79296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Hansmire Couple\nSeriously Hurt\nIn 33rd, O Wreck\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5490.059453125, 7373.65173828125, 6341.88, 7796.18517578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (# — Sen. Curtis\n(R-Neb) has two speaking engage-\nments in Nebraska next week.\nJune 16 at the Golden Anniversary\nconvocation at Kearney State\nTeachers College and June 17 to\nthe Hastings Rotary Club.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 6359.03357421875, 9139.9998828125, 7237.7696484375, 10209.587031250001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "A Tarm (trusty at tne NeOlaaad\nState Penitentiary was r\nescaped by Warden Joseph Bovey\nearly Friday morning. Bovey said\nHarold Vincent Fitzpatrick, 35, ¢s-\ncaped from a farm detail some-\ntime between 4:30 and 9 p.m.\nThursday.\n\nThe warden said authorities had\nno indication of Fitzpatrick’s des-\ntination, saying the inmate had\nrelatives “scattered from lowa to\nWashington to Texas.”\n\nFitzpatrick’s home was Modale,\nla., near Little Sioux, prison rec-\nords said. He was —s three\nyears for burglary and violation\nof parole.\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1086.2882080078125, 4192.751953125, 2804.146484375, 4658.177734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Hat Maker Won't Return\n‘Stinky Deal’ $30,000\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1086.36267578125, 4907.60583984375, 2834.39171875, 5184.05626953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP)—Hat maker Harry Lev told\nSenate investigators Thursday he has a _ profitable\nstranglehold on patents for key parts of military caps,\nbut he denied that Army specialists fed him the patent\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4118.453125, 1637.2056884765625, 6035.9560546875, 1782.4130859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n\n—MORE PICTURES ON PAGE 7—\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 169.7459765625, 6901.461796875, 1060.433955078125, 9716.660273437501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "COBLENZ, Germany \\?—An F-86\nSabre Jet, carrying a full load of\nammunition, exploded over a\nRhineland village Thursday. The\nU.S. Air Force said the plane was\non a “scramble’’ mission to inter-\ncept an unidentified plane at the\ntime of the mishap.\n\nThe pilot of the Sabre Jet was\ninstantly killed. Only his flying\nhelmet has been found.\n\nOne other person was killed and\nfour injured,\n\nFlaming pieces of the plane\nstruck two .automobiles traveling\non a holiday-crowded highway. One\nof the cars was set afire. The\ndriver was burned to death. Two\nothers in the car, both injured,\nwere dragged to safety. All were\nGermans. |\n\nPassengers in the second car,\nthree Swedes, managed to crawl\nout before it burned up. They were\ncredited by police with saving the\nlives of the two surviving passen-\ngers of the German car, The hair\nand eyebrows of the Swedes were\nsinged,\n\n3 Houses Burn\n\nHighway traffic was. detoured\naround the scene for five hours,\n\nThree houses in the village of\nRhens, five miles south of here on\nthe same highway, were set afire.\nTwo occupants were slightly in-\njured. The fires were extinguished\nby volunteer figemen.\n\nThe bulk of the plane plunged\ninto a main-line railroad track near\nthe highway. Trains were held up\nfour hours while a 90-foot section\nof damaged track was replaced.\n\nThe name of the American pilot\nwas withheld pending notification\nof next of kin. He was stationed at\nthe U. S. air base at Hahn, 50 miles\nsouthwest of here, and was a mem-\nber of the 10th Fighter Bomber\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 3734.46228515625, 4774.340703125, 4592.41759765625, 6764.23009765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "The schedule of events for the\nUniversity of Nebraska Alumni\nAssociation Round-Up will be:\n\nFriday\n\n3 p.m.—Board of Directors annual meeting\nStudent Union.\np.m.—-Board of Directors, social hour\nand dinner. Lincoln Hotel. ;\n\n6 p.m.—-Mortar Board 50th anniversary\ndinner, University Club.\n\nSaturday\n\n9 a.m.-—-Cla of 1896. and 1898 break-\nfast, 13045\n\n* om m.=-Class of 1899 breakfast, Student\n9:30 6th of 1915 coffee, 1313\nPiedmont,\n\n9:30 a.m.--Class of 1906 breakfast, Stu-\ndent Union\n\n1034 _m.—Class of 1897 reception, Student\n\nnion.\n\n10 a.m.—Registration, Student Union,\n\n11 a.m.—-Reception, Student Union.\n\n12:15 p.m.—-Annual luncheon; Chancellor\noe yey speaker; presentation of Distin-\ngu wages Bare ed Service Awards; announcement of\nnew\n\n3 p.m. ~ bedoiites of “Old Iron Gates,”\n12th and Vine\n\n6:30 p.m.—Alumni Innocents banquet,\nUniversity Club.\n\n6:30 p.m.—Palladian Gavel dinner, Stu-\ndent Union.\n\ni tacoma of 1905 reception, 1751 So,\n\nSunday\n\n8:30 a.m.—Classes of 1895 and 1905\n\nPane he ‘2110 A,\n\n9 am.—-Class of 1930 breakfast, Corn-\nhusker Hotel.\n\n9 FN ieee of 1925 breakfast. Lincoln\n\nel.\n\n9 a.m.—Class of 1901 flapjack breakfast,\n2305 A.\n\np.m.—Class of 1916 sandwich buffet,\n\n700 ~ ey f 1910 dessert supp\n\np.m.-- ass Oo f,\n1821 F. 3\n\n10 a.m.—Commencement exercises, _coll-\n_ seum.\nNoon—-Chancellor’s luncheon for com-\n\nmecement speaker. Distinguished Service\nAward and honorary deeree recipients.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 6384.3221484375, 2653.084599609375, 7284.2481640625, 7049.753046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Control of the Lincoln\nVeterans Hospital appar-\nently will be retained by the\nVeterans Administration.\n\nChairman Vinson (D-Ga)\nof the House Armed Serv-\nices Committee said that\nhis committee would not\n\n \n\ncarry out\nthe transfer to the Air\nForce the Associated Press\nreported.\n\nAfter a meeting Thursday with\nVinson, Sens. Curtis and Hruska\nand Rep. Weaver, issued a joint\n‘statement quoting Vinson as say-\n\n“The Veterars Administration\nshould retain management of the\nLincoln hospital and make avail-\nabie to the Air Force such beds\nup to 100 as they will need for\ntheir purpose.”\n\nAlso attending the meeting with\nVinson were Assistant Secretary\nof Defense Franklin G. Floete and\nGeorge Hastings, commander of\nthe Nebraska American Legion.\n\nCommittee Handles Funds\n\nThe Nebraskans’ statement not-\ned that Vinson’s committee is the\none handling authorization of funds\nto meet Lincoln Air Force Base\nhospital needs.\n\n“Whatever funds are to be au-\n\nthorized,’’ they said Vinson told\nthem, ‘‘shall be confined to the\ndispensary at the base and for\nthat part of the Veterans Hospital\nto be used by the Air Force.”’\n: The Air Force, Curtis said, has\n/asked Congress for $600,000 with\nwhich to medernize the hospital if\n‘the transfer were made.\n\nThe transfer itself technically\ncould be arranged without consul-\ntation with Congress but there ap-\nparently would be little point to\ndoing so if the Air Force subse-\nquently could get no money with\nwhich to operate the hospital.\n\nRequest to Vinson\n\nThe request was submitted to\nVinson’s committee.\n\nIt was reported that about two\nweeks ago the Air Force advised\nCongress that it would no longer\nneed the $3 million item for con-\nstruction of a 150-bed hospital at\nthe Lincoln base.\n\nThe negotiations for the trans-\nfer were begun after the House\nAppropriations committee rejected\nthe $3 million request. .\n\nThe proposed transfer has been\nvigorously opposed by Nebraska\nveterans’ groups, Lincoln civie or-\nganizations and the entire state\ndelegation in Congress.\n\nThe hospital is one of 19 VA\nhospitals a Hoover Commission\ntask force has suggested be closed\non the ground they are operating\nbelow efficient utilization.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 212.62375366210938, 3160.565556640625, 621.4451245117187, 3972.254755859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "er”? and can\ncontinue to\nhold the edge.\n\nThe Allied\ncommander in\nEurope also\ntold the House\nForeign Af-\nfairs Commit-\ntee the West-\nern powers\ncould defeat\nthe Soviets in\nallout war,\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 165.65244018554688, 9890.848515625, 1033.682490234375, 10210.938593750001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Pt.—29c; 2 pts—57c; % gal.—\n98c. It's fresher when you eat it\nbecause it’s fresher when you buy\nit at Wendelin’s, 1430 South. Qper\nevery day—7 a.m.-10 p.m.—Adv.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1978.676513671875, 5348.34228515625, 2816.9833984375, 5966.10205078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Geneva Site\nGets Soviet\nGreen Light\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 212.32361328125, 2881.863408203125, 1094.610224609375, 3182.741083984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (® — Gen. Alfred\nM. Gruenther said Thursday he\nbelieves the United States “still\nholds a substantial superiority over\nthe Soviets in long-range air pow-\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1070.2321826171874, 5285.614140625, 1952.1874951171874, 9831.231562500001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "type of falsies made. for women,\n| Lev testified, he developed a foam\n‘rubber ring to preserve the shape\nof military headpieces. It is now\n‘required for all Army anf Marine\n\n| Corps caps, he said.\n| In another development at Thurs-\n\n_day’s hearing before the Senate In-\n| vestigations subcommittee, Lev re-\n‘fused to return $30,000 he got from\nthe government in what Sen. Ben-\n| der (R-Ohio) called ‘a stinky\ndeal.”\n\n| The wealthy president of the\n| Mid-City Uniform Co. of Chicago,\n\nenlivened the proceedings by whip-\nping a variety of military caps on\nand off his head to demonstrate\nthe quality of his product. :\n\n: Military specifications, he said, :\nnow require all manufacturers to,\n“use grommets (the rubber rings)\n‘on which he owns patents and.\n‘make no provision for the substi-\ntution of a grommet of equal\nquality. |\n\nCredit Claimed\n\n“Tt does give you an advantage,”\nChairman McClellan (D-Ark) told\nLev, and the balding, 52-year-old |\ncap maker at length agreed that\nMcClellan was right. :\n\nLev claimed credit for the de-\nsign of the new Army cap that will |\nbe regulation when the Army puts_\nits new green uniform into use. His |\ngrommets will have to be in the’\ncap, he added. °\n\nAlthough he developed the grom- |\nmet at a time when he was making |\nfrequent long distance teléphone\ncalls to people in the research sec- |\ntion of the Quartermaster Corps—|\ncalls sometimes lasting an hour.\nand a half—Lev said he got ‘‘no\ninformation from these people”\nand the ring was definitely his own\ninvention.\n\nJust how much he will profit |\nfrom the sale of the sausage-like |\nrings never did become clear. But\nhe said his advantage is that he\nhas machinery to mass-produce\nthem and his competitors do not.\n\nThe senators are searching for\nevidence of graft in military buy-\ning. Lev has insisted he passed\nout no bribe money, although he\nhas told of sending expensivé\nsmoked sturgeon to procurement.\npeople over a_ period extending\nfrom 1952 into 1955.\n\nWhen Lev was on the witness\nstand earlier Thursday members of\nthe subcommittee spent some time\ntrying to find out how he got per-\nmission to pack 577,208 uniform\nhats two to a box, instead of one,\non two big government contracts\nawarded to him early in 1951,\n\nMcClellan said evidence indicates\nLev saved $30,000 or more through\nthe packaging arrangements. Ei-\nther there was ‘the grossest in-\nefficiency and incompetency” on\nthe part of procurement officers,\nMcClellan added, ‘‘or there was\nsomething that went beyond...\nand amounted to finagling.”’\n\n|\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 2876.797607421875, 1657.5091552734375, 3677.735595703125, 2524.6884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Legislative Probe\nDraft Of\nReport\nWritten\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 6387.951171875, 1634.0986328125, 7244.220703125, 2298.9423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Transfer\nFunds\nRefused\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 281.2290954589844, 2515.736572265625, 1032.1695556640625, 2859.15673828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Long-Range Air\nPower Places\nReds Behind\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1059.6259814453124, 9941.4237109375, 1916.9761914062499, 10197.577265625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "If some of ‘these TV shows keep\non the way they’re going, the pub-\nlic will soon be demanding longer\ncommercials.\n\nwee a\n" }, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 231.4766082763672, 1664.7020263671875, 1062.77294921875, 2516.736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "—Could Win-\nGeneral\nSays U.S.\nIs Leading\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 5662.0341796875, 7837.20263671875, 6164.98779296875, 7921.60693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "The Weather\n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 1189.1419677734375, 9858.291015625, 1800.1763916015625, 9938.7744140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Tadav's Chuckle\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 4754.90673828125, 4882.9072265625, 5338.56982421875, 4993.08154296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "By ARCH DONOVAN\nRtar Staff Writar\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 5464.9491015625, 7923.481328125, 6341.73693359375, 8238.3790234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "| NEBRASKA: Considerable cloudiness\n\nand cool Friday, Saturday. Occasional\nshowers northwest. occasional thunderstorms\neast’ and south. High Friday in 50s,\n\ni KANSAS: Considerable cloudiness and\ncool, showers and scattered thunderstorms\nFriday and Saturday. High Friday 50s\nnorthwest, lower 60s southeast,\n" }, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 2941.560546875, 2777.87744140625, 3642.5966796875, 2886.68994140625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "By ARCH DONOVAN\nGStar GeaffS Al eibae\n" }, "53": null, "54": { "bbox": [ 5480.0877734375, 8845.5584765625, 6367.397578125, 9114.483515625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "Sun rises 4:56 a.m.; sets 7:57 p.m.\nMoon rises 11:19 p.m.; sets 9:34 a.m.\nNormal June precipitation 4.10 inches.\nCong June precipitation to date 1.39\n\nTotal 1955 precipitation to date 7.37\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 4619.06921875, 3514.182744140625, 5478.46544921875, 4455.58947265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Josephine Abbott, Olive Wallace,\nAnna Tritch, Eleanor Whipple, Ivy\nWallace Rose Long, Alberta\nSuprck, (second row, seated) Rose\nThorne, Daisy Hiltner, Madge Wig-\ngins, Fred C. Williams, J. J. Plow-\nhead, J. Stanley Welch, Charles W.\nJones, John Herman, Clara Walton,\nW.J.N. Robertson, Charles J. Allen,\n(standing, left to right) C. M.\nFunk, Mattie Allen,Florence Payne,\nJames E. Boyle, William R.\nHeartt, Jessie MeFarland, Sara\nMuir, Rena Alderman, Eva Mc-\nCune, Grace Cook, Mamie Mill,\nCora O’Connell, Olive Stratton,\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 2862.68884765625, 3014.85388671875, 3733.614619140625, 10267.061640625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "wes Seabees = wee we ow 5 ene we YY\ncommittee investigating “al-\nleged improper actions” by\nmembers was written\nThursday afternoon by Sen.\nRobert Brower, chairman.\nIt will be submitted to the\ncommittee for action Fri-\nday.\n\nFollowing the close of taking\ndirect testimony, committee mem-\nbers held several executive ses-\nsions to discuss their views which\nthe chairman will ‘attempt to in-\nclude in the report. In addition,\nFrederick Wagener, attorney for\nSen. Sam Klaver, was allowed to\nsubmit a statement for study by\nthe committee.\n\nThere was a question in the\nminds of committee members as\nto whether a report on which they\ncould agree would be ready for\nsubmission to the Legilature be-|\nfore Friday afternoon. They indi-\ncated that some changes in the\noriginal draft might be decided\nupon.\n\nMay Ask More Time\n\nIf the Legislature adjourns for\nthe weekend at noon or before it\nwas indicated that the committee\nwould ask for an extension of time\nfor their report to Monday. The\nresolution providing for the inves-\ntigation called for the report on\nJune 10.\n\nAfter cross-examintation of Kla-\nver by the committee Thursday,\nWagener asked that committee\nmembers base their findings on\nevidence rather than on “hearsay,\nconjecture and speculation.”\n\nIn answer to questions by Wag-\nener on procedures by the commit-\ntee, Brower said no character wit-\nnesses would be necessary and that\nthere would be no arguments by\ncounsel. He also advised Wagener\nthat conclusions would be based on\n‘good substantial evidence.”\n\nKlaver Questioned\n\nKlaver was under questioning\nmost of the morning by Chairman\nBrower and Rush Clarke, commit-\ntee counsel.\n\nIn answer to questions by Clarke\nKlaver said that he had not re-\nported to the hotel that his room\nhad been ransacked as he testi-\nfied Wednesday. He also said that\nne had asked Robert Samardick,\nformer Omaha police chief, to\nsheck police records of the juke-\n90x operators who testified against\nim.\n\nClarke read to Klaver parts of\n1 partial transcript of his remarks\no the Legislature when he told\nhem, “I am on trial for my life.”’!\nThere was some slight difference |\nn the speech and his testimony |\n‘egarding who had discussed slot\nnachines with him.\n\nQuestioned On Camps\n\nClarke asked Klaver if testi-|\nnony concerning servicemen giv-|\nnn at the public hearing didn’t im-|\nress him. He replied that it didn’t\n‘impress me nearly as much”\nis a trip he made to the Sarpy)\n“cunty trailer parks. He made the\nrip with Dan Katzman and said)’\n| a later visit with him Katzman)\nlid not mention raising a fund to\night the bill. I\n\nKatzman when on the stand was\nfiven a severe grilling by Clarke | '\nvho inquired if he was willing to}:\nake a lie-detector test to prove the | |\nruth or falsity of his statements. | |\nIn advice of his attorney he re-|:\nused,\nThe Omaha legislator told the|.\ncommittee under direct examina-\nion by Wagener Wednesday he has\never been given or promised ‘any\nnoney for introducing or not in-\nroducing a bill.\n\nClarke also brought up a let-\ner written on legislative station-|\nry by Klaver and sent to C. Rus-|.\nell Lockwood, lobbyist for the: Ne-|'\nraska Petroleum Industries Com-|'\nnittee, in January, 1954. The let-|:\ner asked Lockwood for help in ob-\naining advertisements for the] '\nmaha Public Ledger, Klaver’s|:\nyveekly newspaper, and congratu-|\nated Lockwood on being appointed | |\n0 his post.\nClarke asked Klaver if the use\nf legislative stationery was in-||\nended to show “that Sen. Klaver|:\nvas asking for some advertising| |\ns distinguished from Publisher\nclaver.’’ Klaver said he did not} |\njave such intent.\n\n“Don’t you think that was a\nuestion of ethics?’’ asked Clarke. |:\n\n“If I could have foreseen ahead|\nomething like this, I certainly |.\nvouldn't have done it,’’ Klaver re-\nlied.\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 180.39695739746094, 9806.0185546875, 982.7734375, 9883.4677734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "Tan Coenescack tt Weekes\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 6422.4072265625, 2316.248046875, 7235.84130859375, 2657.521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "House Committee\nWon't Allow\n~ Money\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 218.01446533203125, 6784.45703125, 1059.4033203125, 6868.98779296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": ",.. Explodes Over Town\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 2907.19873046875, 2515.0390625, 3610.537841796875, 2762.927490234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "Committee To\nMeet Friday\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 2002.7364501953125, 5946.42626953125, 2718.294677734375, 6125.42431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "No Objection To\nJuly 18 Convening\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 3748.729375, 3525.52234375, 4601.7676953125, 4436.6602734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "The “‘classes’’ will have it on\nthe University of Nebraska cam-\npus this weekend as the annual\nAlumni Roundup is held. Here’s\n\nan old-time picture of the Class of\n1900, taken at a senior sneak day\npicnic at the Agricultural College\nfollowing a fight with juniors at the\nbig rock. They are (seated, left\nto right) Frank Osborne, Helen\nWoods, Nettie Henry Harriett Dins-\nmore, Louis Pearson, Lucinda Bur-\nrows, Florence Shank, Frank Edg-\nerton, Anna Vore, Grace Wheeler,\nRoy L. Waterman, Winifred Hyde,\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 1199.1029052734375, 4653.78466796875, 2709.717041015625, 4879.05029296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "Lev Tells Of Profitable Patent\n~ On ‘Falsy-Inspired’ Cap Ring\n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 5502.8006640625, 3505.005498046875, 6367.42052734375, 4436.0294140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": "Katherine Woods, Charlotte Hull-\nhorst, Laura Pollock, Ralph Roper,\nW. H. H. Moore, George W. Kline,\nZuella Trester, W. L. Thorne,\nAdelloyd Whiting, N. R. Miles,\nElva Dempster, Laura Stratton,\nJohn J. Ledwith, Clara Hammond,\nO. A. Davis, Eleanora Miller,\nCharles H. Root, A. A. Simms,\nJames L. Lytel, Inez Rosa, Rob-\nert D. Andreson, and (standing,\ntop row, left to right) S. J. P.\nAnker, Reuben Sampson, Louis W.\nKorsmeyer, A. L. Haecker, Albert\nGaringer, Dan J. Riley and Louis\nEwart.\n" }, "65": null, "66": { "bbox": [ 4396.00244140625, 3391.757080078125, 5710.33544921875, 3503.22998046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "Class Of 1900 At A Picnic\n" }, "67": { "bbox": [ 5471.4979296875, 9985.1825, 6356.2159375, 10203.710078125001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "For Radios & TV\nsee today’s Want Ads, Classifica-\ntion 38.—Adv. ‘\n" }, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }