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1897_private laws_20_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 19 | 1 | CHAPTER 19 An act to incorporate The Yanceyville Graded (colored) School. Lhe General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That W. H. Burwell, W. L. Malone, G. &. Currie, L. Bigelow, A. Bigelow, R. R. Graves, Clem. Williamson, John L. Hill, F. R. Terry and R. C. Covington and their associates and successors, be and the same are hereby created a body politic and corporate under the name and style of Yanceyville Colored Graded School in the township of Yanceyville, County of Caswell and State of North Carolina, for the education of colored people, and as such they shall have all corporate powers, rights and immunities of trustees of similar academies in North Carolina. The said Trustees and their successors may sue and be sued, and acquire and hold such real and personal property as may be necessary and suitable to maintain said academy. |
1895_private laws_162_5 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 161 | 4 | CHAPTER 161 An act to amend the charter of the city of Winston, North Carolina, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Strike out section eight and insert the following in lieu thereof: Said registrars shall be furnished by said board of aldermen with registration books, and it shall be the duty of said registrars to keep their books open from seven o'clock A. M. until sundown fifteen days preceding the second Saturday before the election on the first Monday in May, at such places in their respective wards as shall be public and convenient to the voters, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration and entitled to register and vote in the ward for which such registrar has been appointed, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from the colored voters. Any person offering to register shall be required to take the following oath or affirmation: that he is or will be twenty-one years of age on or before the day of election, and has been a resident of the state of North Carolina twelve months, of the county of Forsyth ninety days, and of the ward of the city of Winston thirty days preceding the election in which he proposes to vote, and has not been convieted of any crime which, by the laws of North Carolina, disqualifies him from voting. Said registrars shall keep their books open for the inspection of any elector, and any elector may challenge the right of any voter to cast his ballot by filing with the registrar an affidavit, setting forth his reasons for challenge, and said registrar shall mark challenge opposite the name of the person challenged, and shall at once summon all the parties interested to appear before the judges of election of his ward on Wednesday before the succeeding election, between the hours of nine A. M. and five oclock P. M., to determine such voter's right to cast his ballot. If the judges cannot agree the registrar may decide, and if such challenge be sustained the name must be erased from the book. That justice may be done, the registrar is empowered to summon any witnesses that may be material, and shall make known in the summons to the party challenged the TRUE cause for which he is challenged, and the burden of proof shall lie upon the party challenging to show that the party challenged is not entitled to vote. All challenges shall be made before the books close on the second Saturday at sundown preceding the election on the first Monday in May. The registrars shall give notice ten days before they open their books, naming the place and time of opening and closing the books; such notice shall be posted in six conspicuous places in each ward; the board of aldermen may order a new registration or revision of the books by giving thirty days notice of such new registration or revision before the day the registrars are appointed, and shall allow such compensation to the registrars for their services as they may see proper, and shall order a new registration of voters for the election to be held on the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. Any registrar who shall refuse to swear or hear any witness whose testimony is material in the determination of any voter's right of franchise, or shall abuse his trust as an officer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, fined one hundred dollars, or imprisoned for sixty days. Any person who may become a qualified voter after the books close, and on or before the day of election, shall be allowed to register when he becomes so entitled. |
1895_private laws_86_16 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 85 | 15 | CHAPTER 85, An act to repeal the present charter of Elizabeth City and recharter the city. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | Should there be more votes in the box than the recorders list shows to have been cast, and the poll-holders shall be of the opinion that the excess was placed there fraudulently and the result of the election is thereby affected, they shall certify such to the commissioners elect at their first meeting, who shall declare the election in said ward void and proceed to fill the vacancy. But should the excess appear to the poll holders to be accidental they shall select some child who cannot read to draw said excess from the box, one vote ata time. Should two or more votes be folded together the poll-holders shall reject them. The ballots shall contain the name of only one person, printed or written, on white or colored paper, with or without device, |
1893_private laws_388_7 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 387 | 6 | CHAPTER 387 An act to consolidate and revise the charter of the town of Wilson. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the registrar shall be furnished by the said board of commissioners with registration books, and it shall be his duty, after being qualified to perform the functions of his office fairly, impartially and according to law, to revise the existing registration books of said town in such manner that said book shall show an accurate list of electors previously registered in said town and still residing therein, without requiring such electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall also every day, between the hours of ten oclock a. m. and four oclock p. m. (Sunday excepted), from and including the last Monday in March up to ten days previous to the election, keep open the books for the registration of any electors residing within the corporate limits and entitled to registration whose names have never before been registered in said town or do not appear in the revised lists; and he shall register in said books all names of persons not so registered who may apply for registration, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters, and also their names, ages, place of birth and places of residence; and any person offering may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the state of North Carolina twelve months and in the town of Wilson and in the ward for which he offers to register ninety days next preceding the day of election, and that his place of residente is at .... in such ward, and that he is twenty-one years of age. If any person shall wilfully swear falsely in taking such oath, he shall be guilty of perjury and punished as in like cases of perjury. The board of commissioners, upon thirty days notice, may direct that there shall be an entirely new registration of Priv38 voters whenever they may deem it necessary for a fair election or for the interest of the town. |
1901_private laws_86_13 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 85 | 12 | CHAPTER 85 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of said Board of Trustees to establish graded public schools for the white and colored children of said district. And said Board of Trustees shall appropriate and use the funds derived from said particular taxes, and from other sources, in such manner as shall be deemed just to both races, providing equal school facilities for each, due regard being paid, however, to the difference in the cost of maintaining said schools: Provided, that all donations to said schools shall be applied as directed by the donors. |
1893_private laws_355_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 354 | 1 | CHAPTER 3854 An act to amend the charter of the town of Shelby. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section forty of the laws of eighiteen hundred and seventy-four and eighteen hundred and seventy-five be amended as follows, Add after the last word in said section the following: That , out of the funds arising from any license tax on bar-rooms in the town of Shelby the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars shall be applied to the maintenance of the white and colored graded schools in said town: Provided, only one such license for a bar-room shall be issued; but if two or more licenses for bar-rooms in said town shall be issued, then the sum of eleven hundred dollars arising from such funds shall be applied to the maintenance of said schools: Provided, that the balance of said funds, or if the said graded schools shall no longer be kept up then the whole of said funds, shall be applied to such public uses of said town of Shelby as the commissioners of said town may direct. |
1893_private laws_63_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 62 | 1 | CHAPTER 62 An act to incorporate Wadeville Academy. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That E. J. Bruton, J. W. Harris, T. B. Hurley, D. F. Robinson, A. J. Bruton, J. M. Robinson and J. B. Hurley, of the county of Montgomery, and state of North Carolina, and those who hereafter may be associated with them, and their successors, are hereby created a body politic and corporate and have perpetual succession by the name and style of Wadeville Academy, located in the village of Wadeville, and by such name may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, make and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure, and make and maintain such by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of the same and the orderly conduct of its affairs as may be deemed necessary, and shall be capable in law to take, receive and hold all manner of lands, tenements, rents, annuities and hereditaments which may at any time be granted, bargained, released, demised or otherwise granted, and that said academy and all real and personal property so granted, received or accepted and appertaining thereto shall be set apart forever for the exclusive purpose of educating the children of the white race and of assisting young men and young ladies in the education of themselves, and when in the _ judgment of a majority of the board of trustees a sale of any property acquired as aforesaid is necessary for the interests thereof such sale _and transfer is hereby authorized, and the proceeds thereof directed to be used as a general fund for improvements. |
1891_public laws_580_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 579 | 1 | CHAPTER 579 Ana act supplemental and amendatory to an act entitled An act to estab- lish the Agricultura! and Mechanical College for the Colored Race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That J. M. Early of Bertie county is hereby named as temporary chairman of the board of trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race, to the end that he call said board together at such time and place as may be suitable for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization of said board of trustees: Provided, that this act shall not interfere with the several provisions of the act of which this is amendatory. |
1891_public laws_550_14 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 549 | 13 | CHAPTER 549 An act to. establish an agricultural and mechanical college for the colored race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the trustees of the said The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race shall be entitled to the same per diem and mileage as compensation for attendance upon the meetings of said board, as are now allowed by the law to the members of the general assembly. |
1891_public laws_550_7 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 549 | 6 | CHAPTER 549 An act to. establish an agricultural and mechanical college for the colored race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said board of trustees are empowered to receive any donation of property, real or personal, which may be made to the said College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, and shall have power to invest or expend the same for the benefit of said college, and shall have power to accept on behalf of this college such proportion of the fund granted by the congress of the United States to the state of North Carolina for industrial and agricultural training as is apportioned to the colored race, in accordance with the act or acts of congress in relation thereto. |
1891_public laws_550_3 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 549 | 2 | CHAPTER 549 An act to. establish an agricultural and mechanical college for the colored race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said institution shall be denominated The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race. |
1891_public laws_537_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 536 | 1 | CHAPTER 536 An act to establish a graded school in the town of Henderson. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the commissioners for the town of Henderson, in the county of Vance, are hereby authorized to submit to the qualified voters of said town at such time and under such rules and regulations as the said commissioners may prescribe, whether an annual assessment shall be levied therein for the support of a graded school for the white children and a graded school for the colored children in said town; that at such election such qualified voters as are in favor of levying such assessment shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words For school upon it, and such voters as are opposed to the levying of such assessment shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words Against school upon it, and the penalties for illegal and fraudulent voting in this election shall be in all respects the same as in the annual elections for mayor and commissioners of the said town of Henderson. |
1891_public laws_524_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 523 | 1 | CHAPTER 523 An act to remove the colored norma! school now located in Franklinton, Franklin county, to Warrenton, Warren county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the state board of education are hereby directed to remove the normal school for the colored race now located at Franklinton, Franklin county, and establish it at Warrenton, Warren county: Provided, the citizensof Warrenton shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, suitable buildings in which to conduct the exercises of said institution and the sum of three hundred dollars per annum in addition to the state appropriation to defray the expenses of the same. |
1891_public laws_404_10 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 403 | 9 | CHAPTER 403, An act in relation to the public schoo! in the town of Shelby, and pro- viding for it [the] levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The school committee provided for by this act shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in the town of Shelby as shall be just to the white and colored races without discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintaining the public schools of both races: Provided, separate schools shall be established and maintained for the white and colored races. |
1891_public laws_404_7 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 403 | 6 | CHAPTER 403, An act in relation to the public schoo! in the town of Shelby, and pro- viding for it [the] levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The school committee created by this act may elect annually a superintendent of the schools established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded school for white children if same shall be established. The said superintendent shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in the said school and issue certificate to the same, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said school committee. |
1891_public laws_331_6 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 330 | 5 | CHAPTER 330 An act to establish a graded school in district number one in Cherokee county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The school committee created by this act shall elect annually a superintendent of the schools established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded schools for white children if the same be established. The superintendent of said schools shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in the said schools and issue certificates to the same, which certificates shall be valid for one year from date, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said committee. . |
1893_private laws_85_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 84 | 1 | CHAPTER 8&4, An act to amend chapter two hundred and forty-three -243 of the private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and the charter of the city of Raleigh. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section two -2 of chapter two hundred and fortythree -243 of the private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one be amended as follows: Add to the end of said section two -2 the following: The tract of land conveyed to the city of Raleigh by R. S. Pullen, Esquire, by deed dated March the twenty-second, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, as recorded in book ninety-five, page four hundred and sixty-three, register of deeds office of Wake county, and known as * Pullen Park, and all other territory which may be acquired by the city by purchase, or donation, or otherwise, for park purposes, and the cemetery for the burial of deceased white persons, located northeast of the city of Raleigh, known as Oakwood Cemetery, and the cemetery for the burial of deceased colored persons, located south of the city of Raleigh, known as Mount Hope Cemetery, shall also be included in | he corporate limits of the city of Raleigh, and all ordinances now in force or hereafter enacted by the board of aldermen of said city shall be applicable to the territory included in said Pullen Park or other parks, and in said cemeteries, as fully as if the said territory was embraced within the limits of the city. |
1901_private laws_92_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 91 | 1 | CHAPTER 91 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN HENDERSON TOWNSHIP IN VANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the territory embraced within the limits of Henderson Township, in Vance County, State of North Carolina, as now laid out and established, shall be and is hereby constituted a school district for the white and colored children, to be known and designated as Henderson Graded School District. |
1901_private laws_123_8 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 122 | 7 | CHAPTER 122 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF HENDERSONVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be the duty of the said school trustees to distribute and apportion the school moneys placed to their credit so as to give each school in the town, white and colored, the same length of school term as nearly as may be each year. |
1901_private laws_142_8 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 141 | 7 | CHAPTER 141 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS AND AN ELEC- TRIC LIGHT SYSTEM IN THE TOWN OF ROCKINGHAM, RICHMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of said board to establish a graded school for the white children and one for the colored children of said town, and to appropriate the funds derived from said special tax and all other sources for said graded schools for white and colored children so as to equalize school facilities between the two races, having due regard to the requirements of the two races. |
1905_private laws_278_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 278 | 1 | CHAPTER 278 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF BEAUFORT, CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the town of Beaufort, and also all the territory embraced and included as it is now laid out in the present public school district. number eighteen, in Beaufort Township, shall be and is hereby constituted a school district for the white and colored children, to be known and designated as the Beaufort Graded School District. |
1905_private laws_262_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 262 | 1 | CHAPTER 262 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY, CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CARO- LINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the territory lying within the corporate limits of the town of Morehead City, and all territory which may be included in any future extension of said town, be and the same is hereby constituted the public school district for the white and colored children, to be known as the Morehead City Graded School District. |
1905_private laws_196_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 196 | 1 | CHAPTER 196 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE FLAT ROCK SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The special tax school district of Flat Rock, Henderson County, shall be and is hereby constituted a graded school district for both white and colored schools. |
1905_private laws_161_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 161 | 1 | CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS AND TO IM- PROVE THE STREETS IN THE CITY OF RANDLEMAN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the territory lying within the corporate City mad limits of the city of Randleman shall be and is hereby constituted SP! the public school district for white and colored children, to be known as The Randleman Graded School District. |
1905_private laws_82_87 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 82 | 86 | CHAPTER 82 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The aldermen of the city shall provide for the establishment and support of a system of graded schools under the following conditions, to-wit: First, no interest-bearing debt of the corporation shall be created for this purpose; second, the schools shall be open to all bona fide residents of the city of all ages between the ages of six and twenty-one, but the white and colored schools shall be distinct and separate buildings and departments, and the schools shall have separate apartments for the higher classes of males and females; third, the funds raised by ad valorem taxation shall be used only for the payment of the salaries of teachers; fourth, persons living beyond the limits of the corporation may attend the schools from their homes, or as boarders, on the payment of tuition fees, to be fixed by the school commissioners; fifth, the aldermen of the city, at their first regular meeting in September, one thousand nine hundred. and five, and annually thereafter, shall appropriate a sufficient sum of money out of the general fund for the support of the graded schools, to be known as The Graded School Fund, the sum to be appropriated for this purpose to be determined by the graded school commissioners and approved by the board of aldermen. |
1905_private laws_82_74 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 82 | 73 | CHAPTER 82 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of aldermen shall have power to regulate the manner and terms on which bodies may be interred in the public cemetery and have said cemetery kept in proper repair. They shall also have power to forbid any and all interments of dead bodies within the limits of said city, or any part thereof, whenever they shall deem it expedient, and to pass ordinances for the protection of the cemeteries; may appoint and pay a keeper and compel the keeping and returning of a bill of mortality. The city of Winston is hereby authorized to purchase suitable grounds for cemeteriesone for the white people and one for the colored peopleto be under the supervision of the city, with power to make such regulations as may be proper for regulating the burying of the dead therein, and to have police jurisdiction thereon; that the cemeteries of the city of Winston as now laid off shall not be enlarged, nor shall the dead be buried within the corporate limits of said city other than within the boundaries as now laid off. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days. |
1905_private laws_82_53 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 82 | 52 | CHAPTER 82 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Winston commissioners of graded schools shall be and are hereby authorized to receive and use the money herein provided for, and to apply the same in such way as they may deem best for the benefit of the graded schools, white and colored, of said city, whether for suitable buildings and furniture for said schools or for repairs of the same, for salaries of teachers or for other incidental expenses. |
1905_private laws_32_30 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 32 | 29 | CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CHARLOTTE PARK AND TREE COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of aldermen shall annually turn over to the trustees of said parks for white people and colored people not less than the sum of one thousand dollars; that the said sum of one thousand dollars shall be distributed between the trustees or commissioners of said white and colored parks in such proportion as is just and equitable, all things being considered, and shall turn over any additional sum in the discretion of the board to the Charlotte Park and Tree Commission for trees, ete. |
1903_private laws_162_4 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 161 | 3 | CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN CERTAIN SPECIFIC TERRITORY IN ALAMANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said board of trustees shall, on the first Monday in May next ensuing, submit to the qualified voters of said district above created the question of establishing a graded school in said district. The said trustees shall give thirty days notice of said election by a notice thereof, published in some newspaper published in Alamance County, and by notices posted at four public places in said district. The said board of trustees shall select three men, qualified voters of said district, one of whom they shall appoint registrar and the other two poll holders to hold said election, and these three shall hold said election and shall be governed in their acts in all particulars as to the registration of voters, challenges, etc., by the same rules and regulations as prevail in the election of county officers; and the qualified voters of said district shall vote at said election on the first Monday in May next ensuing, tickets on which shall be written or printed the words For Graded School or Against Graded School, and the result of the election shall be declared by the same rules that govern the election of county officers; the said election shall be held at the school-house for the white race in said territory. |
1903_private laws_107_12 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 106 | 11 | CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF GREENVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the proceeds of the sale of the bonds provided in this act shall be used exclusively for the erection and equipment of suitable buildings for the graded schools for the whites and such enlargement and equipment of the colored school buildings as may be necessary, and said buildings shall be constructed and equipped and said fund expended under the sole direction of said board of trustees of said graded schools. And to this end it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to determine the location and the character of the building for the white graded school and the needed enlargement, if any, of the building for the colored graded school. But if the said board shall deem it better to select another location for the colored graded school, the said board is hereby fully authorized and empowered to purchase a site therefor and erect and equip the necessary buildings thereon. And it shall be the duty of said board, as soon as possible after the ratification of this act by the qualified voters of the town of Greenville, to determine said location and to proceed as speedily as possible with the erection and enlargement of the buildings for said school.. The said board may have said buildings erected and enlarged by contract or in such other way as they may deem best, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer of said town to pay for the same out of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds upon the order of the board of trustees, signed and countersigned in such manner and under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe. But said board of trustees shall keep a record which shall show in detail the manner in which the said fund has been expended by them. The Town Treasurer shall also keep a separate account of his receipts and disbursements of this fund, and he shall make a report to the Board of Aldermen from time to time of his dealings therewith, and he shall be allowed as his compensation in receiving and paying out this fund two and one-half per cent. commission on his disbursements. |
1903_private laws_107_11 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 106 | 10 | CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF GREENVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That if the trustees of the graded schools shall deem the present location of the public school building for the colored race 4 proper location for the graded school buildings for that race, they may locate the graded school at that point, and with the consent of the proper school committee and the County Board of Education use the public colored school building for that purpose, and make such changes and additions thereto as they may deem proper. |
1903_private laws_107_8 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 106 | 7 | CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF GREENVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said board of trustees shall have the general control and management of the said graded schools, and they may determine the location, character and equipment of the buildings therefor, which shall not cost in the aggregate to exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars, and they may employ such teachers and officers for each of said schools as they may deem proper and fix the compensation thereof. They may appoint an executive committee of their number, who shall have the more direct control and management of such schools under such rules and regulations as the board of trustees may prescribe, and the said board, if they shall deem it advisable to do so, may appoint a committee of colored persons to aid the board in looking after the interest of the colored graded school under such rules and regulations as the board of trustees may prescribe. |
1903_private laws_105_6 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 104 | 5 | CHAPTER 104 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF FREMONT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the special taxes levied and collected under this act shall be expended in keeping up separate schools for the white and colored children in said district between the ages of six and twentyone years. |
1903_private laws_96_12 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 95 | 11 | CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL FOR THE TOWN OF ROXBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That if a majority of the qualified voters of said town shall vote For Bonds, then the Board of Commissioners of said town shall issue coupon bonds to the amount voted for in said election and in denominations of not less than five hundred dollars, bearing interest from the date of said bonds at five per centum per annum, and payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July of each year until said bonds are paid. That the said bonds shall be payable after the expiration of thirty years from the date thereof. The bonds and the coupons shall be numbered and the bonds shall be signed by the Mayor of said town and countersigned by the treasurer of the Board of Commissioners, and a record shall be kept of all bonds, observing the number, amount and to whom sold. The coupons shall be received in payment of taxes, polls, and debts due said town; and the said bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value, but the Board of Commissioners are authorized in their discretion to pay a commission not to exceed five per centum of the amount of the issue of said bonds, should it become necessary in order to effect a sale thereof; that the sales of the said bonds shall be used by the Board of Commissioners of said town for the exclusive purpose of buying a suitable lot and erecting thereon a building for the white graded school of said town and buy a suitable lot for the colored graded school, and if no suitable building on said lot to erect one. |
1903_private laws_96_8 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 95 | 7 | CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL FOR THE TOWN OF ROXBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of said board to establish a graded school for the white children and one for the colored children of said town, and to appropriate the funds derived from said special tax and all other sources for said graded schools for white and colored children so as to equalize school facilities between the two races. |
1903_private laws_69_13 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 68 | 12 | CHAPTER 68 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE VILLAGE AND TOWNSHIP OF SWAN QUARTER, NORTH CARO- LINA, IN THE COUNTY OF HYDE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all public school funds derived from the State and Hyde County for the use and benefit of the public schools in said graded school district shall be kept by the Treasurer of Hyde County separate and apart from all other funds in his hands for the use and benefit of the graded public schools in said district, and by said Treasurer disbursed in the manner provided in section 7 of this act. That the property, both real and personal, of the public schools embraced within the bounds of said graded school district, whether heretofore belonging to the white or colored public schools, shall become the property of said public graded schools, and shall be vested in said board of trustees in trust for said schools, and said board may sell the same, or any part thereof, if deemed necessary or advisable, and apply the proceeds of such sale for the benefit of said public graded schools. |
1903_private laws_69_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 68 | 1 | CHAPTER 68 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE VILLAGE AND TOWNSHIP OF SWAN QUARTER, NORTH CARO- LINA, IN THE COUNTY OF HYDE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the following described territory lying within Swan Quarter Township, Hyde County, to-wit, beginning at Oyster Creek Bridge and running with the Credle Road to the savanna; thence with the New Road to the Swan Quarter Road; thence with the Swan Quarter Road to the line of the land belonging to the Home for the Aged and Infirm; thence with the back line of the lands belonging to the said Home for the Aged and Infirm and along the back lines of the lands of the devisees of Thomas E. Harris, deceased, the lands of Mrs. Jennie Fisher, the lands of W. S. Harris, the lands of Homer Jarvis, John Jarvis, Foster Jarvis, Zacheus Jarvis, R. D. Harris, the heirs at law of Mrs. Sally Griffin, deceased, Mrs. Ida P. Berry and Samuel Weston, William Swindell and the lands of the heirs of George W. Swindell, deceased, to the line of the lands of the heirs of D. K. Credle, deceased; thence with the line of said Credle land to the public road at the Plank Bridge; thence with the line of the Benders Selby land to the leading ditch that empties into Swan Quarter Bay; thence with said ditch to the said bay and thence with the winds of Swan Quarter Bay to Oyster Creek, and thence with the said creek to the beginning, shall be and is hereby constituted a public school district for white and colored children, to be known as the Swan Quarter Graded School District. |
1901_private laws_264_10 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 263 | 9 | CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF EDENTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said board of trustees shall apportion the money raised or received for the purpose of carrying on the graded schools in the town of Edenton, as shall be just to the white and colored races, without discrimination between the races, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintaining the schools of both races. |
1901_private laws_264_8 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 263 | 7 | CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF EDENTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said board of trustees shall provide for the procurement of separate school buildings for the use of the white and colored school] children of said town, either by erecting new buildings or by leasing from the trustees of the Edenton Academy the academy building for the use of the white children, and by using the school buildings now used by the colored public school for the colored children, or leasing such other buildings for the graded school as to said trustees may seem proper; and the said trustees shall have the right to engage, employ, pay and discharge teachers at any time, fix tne [amount] of their compensation and salaries, and have general oversight and control of said school. |
1901_private laws_249_4 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 248 | 3 | CHAPTER 248 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 142 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1897, AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CARTHAGE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said chapter 142 is further amended by striking out section 3 thereof and by inserting and adding after section 47 sections numbered as follows: Sec. 48 That the Board of Commissioners of said town of Carthage shall have full power and authority to condemn land for the purpose of draining the town or any part thereof or any of the streets and sidewalks thereof, and to that end they, their servants, agents and employees are fully authorized and empowered to enter upon, lay off. construct and maintain any ditch or other water-way over, across and upon any tands of any person or persons or corporations within or without the corporate limits of said town not to exceed one-eighth of a mile therefrom in any direction they may consider necessary; and the damages in such condemnation proceedings shall be assessed in the same manner and under the same regulations as those prescribed in section 29 of chapter 32 of the Private Laws of 1881, with the same rights of appeal: Provided, that no appeal to the Superior Court shall in anyway delay, hinder or prevent the laying out, construction, final completion and maintenance of said ditch or other water-way during said appeal. Sec. 49 The Board of Commissioners may take such measures as they may deem effectual to prevent the entrance into town, or the spreading therein, of any contagious or infectious diseases, may stop, detain and examine for that purpose all things and persons coming from places believed to be infected with such diseases, may cause any person in town believed to be infected with such contagious disease, and whose stay might endanger the public health, to be removed to some place within or without the town limits; may cause to be removed or destroyed such furniture or other articles which shall be believed to be tainted or infected with any contagious or infectious disease, or which there shall be reasonable cause to apprehend will propagate disease, and may take all such reasonable steps to preserve the public health as they may adjudge necessary. Sec. 50 Whenever an offender has been convicted for a violation of a town ordinance and a fine imposed, the Mayor of said town or other oflicer before whom he shall have been convicted, at the time of entering judgment, may order that on failure to pay the fine to the Constable of said town, or the officer having him in charge, such offender shall be by such officer put to work on the streets of said town for a time to be fixed by the Mayor or other officer rendering the judgment, not exceeding thirty days, when he shall be discharged. Sec. 51 Any and all persons who may be able to labor, who shall frequent said town and be found therein without any visible means of support, sauntering about without employment, or who shall be found sleeping at night, or spending the night in, or upon, the piazzas of the stores or the court-house in said town shall be deemed vagrants and guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine not exceeding $50 or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, said offense being cognizable before the Mayor, who may cause such person to be farmed out to work on the public streets or other public works of said town. Sec. 52 That tramps as defined and punished by section 3828, 3829, 3830, 3831 and 3832 of chapter 63 of The Code are subject to the same penalties, punishments and cognizance as vagrants as set forth in the preceding section. Sec. 53 That the Board of Commissioners of the town of Carthage shall have power to prohibit the interment of dead bodies within the corporate limits of said town, except in the cemeteries now used in said town. Said Commissioners shall have the power and authority to purchase and hold to them and their successors, within or without the corporate limits of said town, so much land as in their opinion they may consider necessary to be used by the citizens and residents of the town for the purpose of burying the dead, to be known as the cemetery; and said Commissioners are hereby vested with the control of all interments of the dead and to make rules and regulations, and to adopt ordinances in reference to the same. They shall have power to sell, upon such terms as may be agreed upon between them and their purchasers, lots in said cemetery to citizens and residents of said town and other persons, in their discretion, to make deeds to such persons in fee to be executed by the Mayor under his seal, reciting that said lots are to be held for burial purposes and no other; and the purchasers of said lots and their heirs and assigns shall have the exclusive right to said lots and no burial shall be made thereon without the permission of the owners thereof. That the proceeds of the sale of said lots shall be first appropriated to the payment of the purchase price of said cemetery, or in replacing such money as may have been devoted to said purpose, and then to the improvement of said cemetery. Sec. 54 The Commissioners shall have full control of said cemetery, make rules and regulations, and appoint such person or persons for the management of the same as they may deem necessary; they shall lay off said cemetery in lots of such size and dimensions as they shall think proper; number the same, fix the prices thereon and cause a suitable map of the same to be made and filed in the office of the Mayor; they shall also provide space within said cemetery for the burial of such persons as may not be able to purchase lots, and for that reason, or other reasons, be permitted by the board, or some persons authorized by it, to be buried in said cemetery: they shall grant or cause to be granted a burial permit for all deceased persons not owning lots in said cemetery or permitted to be buried on the lots of others, or otherwise permitted to be buried, and shall have discretion and power to charge a burial fee not exceeding $3 for each body buried, to be used for the purpose of keeping up and improving said cemetery. Sec. 55 The Commissioners shall provide separate cemeteries for the white and colored people of said town, and the fees paid and moneys accruing from the sales of the lots by the white people shall be used in the cemetery provided for them, and the fees paid and money arising from the sale of lots by colored people shall be used in the cemetery provided for them; both said cemeteries to cost not exceeding twelve hundred dollars. Sec. 56 That the real estate purchased for said cemetery and the burial lots and plots conveyed to individuals for the purpose of interment shall be exempt from assessment and taxation and from sale under execution. Sec. 57 That any person who shall carelessly _or_ willfully destroy, deface or injure any tombstone or other structure placed in said cemetery, or injure any shrub tree, plant or flower therein being shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. Sec. 58 That the Commissioners of said town may cause to be kept in the Mayor's office of said town a record of vital statistics containing all births and deaths occurring therein and such other statistics as they may deem useful and necessary. Sec. 59 Said Commissioners, in addition to their power to maintain a system of water-works, heretofore granted, shall have power and authority to contract and pay for water to be supplied by other persons or corporations to be used for extinguishing fire or other useful or necessary purposes in said town. |
1901_private laws_244_6 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 243 | 5 | CHAPTER 243 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF MOUNT OLIVE, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the special taxes levied and collected under this act shall be expended in keeping up separate graded schools for the white and colored children in said district between the ages of six and twenty-one years. |
1901_private laws_233_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 232 | 1 | CHAPTER 232 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE YADKIN VALLEY NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY FOR THE COLORED RACE, AT WILKESBORO, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That R. B. Watts, N. A. Barber, R. W. Barber, E. W. Hackett, John Hunt, W. W. James, P. H. Wilson, A. B. Clark, A. J. Howard, D. P. Sherrill, C. Parsons, Irvin Parks, A. Parks and their associates and successors be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate under the name and style of the Trustees of the Yadkin Valley Normal and Industrial Academy for the colored race, and by that name to remain in perpetual suecession for the purpose of maintaining a school of high grade at or near Wilkesboro, Wilkes county, and in that name may acquire, hold and convey property, real and personal, may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, plead and be impleaded, and in their corporate capacity may exercise such rights and acts as may be deemed needful for the purpose of instructing the colored youths, male and female, in the various common school, academic and collegiate branches, the best methods of teaching the same and the best mode of practical industry as applied to agriculture and mechanic arts; may have and use a common seal; may make and alter from time to time such by-laws as they may deem necessary for the government of said institution: Provided, such by-laws shall not be inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and the State of North Carolina. , |
1901_private laws_168_3 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 167 | 2 | CHAPTER 167 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF SELMA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said board of trustees shall have full power and authority over the schools for both races in said district, and as soon as practicable they shall establish a graded free school for the white race and a graded free school for the colored race. They shall have charge of the expenditure of all the public moneys available for school purposes in said district, and the following moneys shall be placed at their disposal: First. All moneys which by law they shall be entitled to receive from the commissioners of the dispensary at Selma. Second. All moneys apportioned to the said school district from the county school fund. Third. All moneys raised by a special tax in said district for school purposes. Fourth. All moneys which may be appropriated to said purposes by the town of Selma. Fifth. All moneys donated to said school or received in any way whatsoever. That the moneys shall be so appropriated as to provide the same length of school term for the white and colored schools. |
1891_public laws_327_34 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 326 | 33 | CHAPTER 326 An act to provide for the assessment of property and the collection of taxes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: POLL-TAX. | The clerk of the commissioners on or before the first Monday in November after the lists are completed by the commissioners and deposited with him, shall return to the auditor an abstract of the same showing the number of acres of land and their value, and the value of town lots and the number of white and colored polls separately, and specify every other subject of taxation, and the amount of state and county tax paid on each subject, and the amount paid on the whole. At the same time the clerk shall return to the auditor an abstract of the list of the poor, county and school taxes paid in his county, setting forth separately the tax levied on each poll and on each one hundred doilars value of reai property for each purpose, and also the gross amount of taxes of every kind levied for county purposes. ea |
1917_public local laws_666_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 665 | 1 | CHAPTER 665 | AN ACT TO PROHIBIT FISHING IN ROCK FISH CREEK AND NORTH EAST RIVER IN DUPLIN AND PENDER COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to fish for Robin Redbreast Perch in the waters of Rockfish Creek and the Northeast River between the fifteenth day of May and the first day of August of each and every year with hook and line, gill nets, gun or rifle, or in any other manner whatsoever: Provided, this act shall not apply to fishing in deep waters with a seine not less than forty-five yards in length and ten feet in depth. |
1901_public laws_450_12 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 449 | 11 | CHAPTER 449 An act to incorporate the Montane Road and Power Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said company for the purpose of transferring such power as it may generate from point to point, shall have the right to erect poles, and run wires either in the air or under the ground as it may elect: Provided, they shall pay to the owners of the land over which said lines are run, such damage as said owners may sustain therefrom, said damages, if they can not be agreed upon, to be determined in like manner as is hereinbefore provided for ascertaining damages caused by the construction of the roads mentioned herein. |
1901_public laws_449_10 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 448 | 9 | CHAPTER 448 An act to drain the bottom lands of Catheys and Hollands Creeks in Rutherford County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact. | That said Creek Commissioners shall have power to stop all washes, cut and use timber off the lands of the various owners, open the channels of the creek, widen the channels or remove timber or other obstruction from the banks of the lands of any of the owners, and in short to do any and all things necessary to the proper drainage of said lands. |
1949_session laws_767_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 766 | 2 | 196 CHAPTER 766 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CREATION OF HOSPITAL DISTRICTS AND TO AUTHORIZE SUCH DISTRICTS TO ISSUE BONDS AND LEVY TAXES FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Amend G. S. 131-126.18 by rewriting paragraph (c) of said Section so that said paragraph (c) shall read as follows: (c) Hospital facility means any type of hospital, clinic or public health center, housing or quarters for local public health departments, including relating facilities such as laboratories, out-patient departments, nurses home and training facilities, and central service facilities operated in connection with hospitals. |
1925_public laws_88_4 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 87 | 3 | CHAPTER 87 AN ACT RELATING TO PROFESSIONAL NURSING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | A joint committee on standardization, consisting of three members appointed from the North Carolina State Nurses Association, and three members from the North Carolina State Hospital Association, whose members shall serve for a term of three years, or until their successors are elected, is hereby created. The joint committee on standardization shall advise with the board of nurse examiners herein created in the adoption of regulations covering applicants for license and admission to examinations, and the stardardization, so far as possible, of the schools of nursing in North Carolina, and shall have the power to classify such schools with the assent of the board of nurse examiners, and prescribe rules and regulations for the classification of schools of nursing. |
1931_public laws_130_6 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 129 | 5 | CHAPTER 129 AN ACT TO ENABLE ANY TWO OR MORE COUNTIES TO ESTABLISH A DISTRICT HOSPITAL-HOME IN LIEU OF SEPARATE COUNTY HOMES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That this board of trustees shall, as soon as possible after appointment, assemble and organize by the election of a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer, which last officer shall be bonded. They shall proceed promptly with the purchase of a site for such hospital-home, including, if they deem it desirable, a farm of suitable size, location and fertility, giving due consideration to sanitary surroundings and transportation facilities, and shall then cause to be erected suitable plain, substantial, comfortable and permanent buildings for the accommodation of those for whom this act is intended, giving due regard to the separation of the sexes and races, and such other plans for segregation as their judgment and existing conditions may suggest. Said buildings are to be furnished with plain, substantial furniture, and such other equipment as conditions demand. Necessary hospital facilities may be included, but provisions for such facilities and equipment shall have the approval of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare and the State Board of Health. |
1907_private laws_73_31 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 71 | 30 | CHAPTER 71 AN ACT TO REVISE AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF ALBEMARLE, STANLY COUNTY, AND TO AL- LOW SAID TOWN TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in order to raise funds for the expenses incident to the proper government of the town of Albemarle, the board of commissioners of said town are hereby authorized and empowered as in their judgment they may see fit and proper, not inconsistent with the laws of the State, to annually levy and collect taxes from circuses, shows, liquor dealers, theatres, and entertainments, musical or otherwise, artificial curiosities, venders of patent proprietary medicines, exhibits of any character for money or reward, peddlers of all kinds of goods, wares, merchandise, paints, polishes, varnishes, oils, draymen, liverymen, sales-stables, barbers, photographers, restaurants, and all other things and subjects which are now or may hereafter be taxed by the revenue laws of this State, not exempt by said laws from taxation by cities and towns. |
1881_private laws_51_44 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 50 | 50 | CHAPTER 50 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO, IN WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the aldermen may require and compel the abatement and removal of all nuisances within the city, at the expense of the person causing the same, or the owner or tenant of the grounds whereon the same may be, and may regulate the same if allowed to be established, any slaughter house or place, or the exercise within the city of any offensive or unhealthy trade, business or employment. |
1897_public laws_159_11 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 158 | 10 | CHAPTER 158 An act to incorporate the Stone Mountain Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said company may subscribe to the capital stock of any other corporation now in existence or hereafter projected, in this State or elsewhere, and hold shares in same; it may buy, sell, own, hold and deal in real estate, standing trees, lumber, lumbermens materials and supplies, and in all other goods, wares and merchandise of any and all kinds; it may build, own, equip and operate saw-mills, planing-mills, stonemills, shingle-mills, dry-kilns, hotels, boarding-houses and all other buildings, mills, machinery and apparatus necessary and convenient for the conduct of any part of its business; it may also purchase, own, mine for and operate natural gas, oil, coal, iron and other minerals or ores. |
1965_session laws_915_9 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 914 | 8 | CHAPTER 914 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR CURRENT OPERATIONS OF THE STATE DEPARTMENTS, INSTITUTIONS, AND AGENCIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The appropriation made out of the General Fund for the Prison Department includes funds to be transferred or paid to the Dorothea Dix Hospital at Raleigh and Cherry Hospital at Goldsboro for care, custody, and treatment of the criminally insane prisoners, and to the North Carolina Sanatorium for care, custody, and treatment of prisoners who have tuberculosis; with the amount of funds to be determined as follows: At the beginning of each month the Dorothea Dix Hospital at Raleigh, the Cherry Hospital at Goldsboro, and North Carolina Sanatorium shall render to the Prison Department a bill, on the basis of the per capita cost per day for 1225 the preceding fiscal year, as may be determined by the Director of the Budget, for the care, custody, and treatment, during the preceding month, of criminally insane prisoners and prisoners who have tuberculosis and who have been transferred from the Prison System to said institutions, and the Prison Department shall pay such bills monthly. |
1955_session laws_888_14 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 887 | 13 | CHAPTER 887 AN ACT TO AMEND AND CLARIFY CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAP- TER 122 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES RELATING TO THE OP- ERATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE STATE HOSPITALS FOR THE MENTALLY DISORDERED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Amending Section 122-63.2, of Volume 3B of the General Statutes, by adding another paragraph at the end of said Section, which said paragraph shall read as follows: The Hospitals Board of Control is authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with other states for the purpose of fixing the requirements whereby a patient under commitment to a state hospital in such other state or states may be released and come into this State while still on conditional release or probation from the state hospital of such other state or states. The said board may also enter into reciprocal agreements with another state or states to fix and establish the requirements whereby a patient under commitment to a State Hospital in this State may be released and go into such other state or states while still on conditional release or probation from a State Hospital in this State. Any such patient so released from a state hospital or other mental institution in another state or states for the purpose of coming into this State shall not be considered to gain residence in this State by any period of time he resides in this State, and a person or patient released from a State Hospital in North Carolina will retain his North Carolina residence or legal settlement during his acceptance in the other state under agreements authorized under this Section. No members of the State Hospitals Board of Control or the General Superintendent or any physician, psychiatrist, officer, agent or employee of the State Hospitals Board of Control shall be held personally liable for acts done or damages sustained by reason of any official acts done or committed under the authority of this Section. |
1879_public laws_109_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 108 | 1 | CHAPTER 108 AN ACT IN REGARD TO PUBLIC WHARVES AND DEPOTS. _ The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That it shall not be lawful for any railroad: or steamboat company, or owner, or other common carrier of passengers to make any discrimination for or gainst any hotel, or boarding-house-keeper, or baggageman, by excluding them or other agents, servants-or runners from any public wharf or depot, or other public lace belonging to such common carrier, and to which other persons of the same description may be admitted: Provided, that this act shall not be construed so as to prevent any common carrier of passengers from making such rules and regulations as may be proper and necessary for the comfort, safety and protection of its passengers, but such rules shall apply to all persons alike. |
1933_public local laws_164_5 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 163 | 4 | CHAPTER 163 AN ACT FIXING THE SALARIES AND FEES OF THE OFFI- CERS OF ALEXANDER COUNTY, ABOLISHING THE OFFICE OF TAX COLLECTOR AND THE RECORDER'S COURT OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Sheriff of Alexander County or his deputies shall be allowed the amount of their actual expenses for conveying prisoners to or from other counties, or to or from the State Prison, for taking insane persons to or from the State Hospital; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff to render to the Board of County Commissioners a monthly statement of the expenses herein provided for, showing the amount of expenses and date and purpose for which spent; and if satisfied that the amount is correct, said commissioners shall pay the same to the sheriff by order upon the treasurer, bank or banks holding the county funds, and the cost of conveying prisoners, where it may be recovered, shall be taxed in the bill of cost by the court when requested by the commissioners. |
1927_public laws_52_37 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 51 | 36 | CHAPTER 51 N ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS; TO CREATE A STATE GAME COMMISSION AND THE OFFICE OF STATE GAME WARDEN; TO AUTHORIZE GAME REFUGES AND SANCTUARIES; TO LEVY LICENSE FEES; TO PROVIDE OPEN AND CLOSED SEASONS FOR GAME BIRDS, GAME ANIMALS AND FUR-BEARING ANIMALS; TO ABOLISH THE AUDU- BON SOCIETY OF NORTH CAROLINA AND TO TRANS- FER ITS PROPERTY TO THE STATE GAME COMMIS- SION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Manner of taking game. No person shall at any time of the year take in any manner, number, or quantity, any wild bird or wild animal, or take the nest or eggs of any wild bird, or possess, buy, sell, offer or expose for sale, or transport at any time or in any manner any such bird, animals, or part thereof, or any birds nest or egg, except as permitted by this act; the possession of any game animals, except squirrels and rabbits; or game birds or part of such animals or game birds in any hotel, restaurant, cafe, market or store, or by any produce dealer in this State shall be prima facie evidence of the possession thereof for the purpose of sale in violation of the provisions of this act; but this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the person lawfully obtaining game from having it prepared in a public eating place and served to himself and guests: Provided, however, that for the purpose of this act any person hiring another to kill aforesaid game animals or game birds and receiving same, shall be deemed buying same, and subject to the penalties of this act. Game birds and game animals shall be taken only in the day time, between half an hour before sunrise and sunset, with a shotgun not larger than number ten -10 gauge, or a rifle, unless otherwise specifically permitted by this act. No person shall take any game animals or game birds or migratory game birds from any automobile, or by aid of or with the use of any jack-light, or other artificial light, net, trap, salt-lick, or poison; nor shall any such jack-light, net, trap, snare, saltlick or poison be used or set to take any animals or birds; nor shall birds or animals be taken from an airplane, power-boat, sailboat, or any boat under sail, or any floating device towed by a power-boat or sailboat; nor shall any person take any dove, wild turkey or upland game bird on any field or in any cover in which corn, wheat, or other grain has been deposited for the purpose of drawing such birds thereto. A person may take game birds and wild animals during the open season therefor, with the aid of dogs, unless specifically prohibited by this act. It shall be lawful for organized field trial clubs, or associations for the protection of game, to run trials for dogs at any time: Provided, that no game birds or game animals shall be taken during the closed season by reason thereof. |
1925_public local laws_631_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 630 | 1 | CHAPTER 630 AN ACT TO ENABLE LEE COUNTY TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A PUBLIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, TO LEVY A TAX AND ISSUE BONDS THEREFOR, APPOINT HOS- PITAL TRUSTEES, MAINTAIN A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES, ETC. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of county commissioners of Lee County, North Carolina, may, by a majority of said board, or upon petition of two hundred voters of said county, shall, after thirty days notice at the courthouse door and publication in one or more newspapers in said county for thirty days, order an election to be held at such time as they may fix, to determine the will of the people of the county whether there shall be issued and sold bonds to an amount not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), to bear interest at not exceeding six per cent per annum, and to be payable, both principal and interest, when and where they may decide, and to levy a tax of not exceeding ten cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property and thirty cents on the poll. The proceeds of said bonds to be used in securing lands and erecting or altering buildings and equipping same, to be used as a public hospital, and said tax to be levied to pay the interest on said bonds, and to Provide a sinking fund to pay said bonds at maturity, and for the maintenance of said hospital. If the majority of the qualified voters at said election shall vote in favor of the issuing of said bonds and the levying of said tax, then said bonds, or such part thereof as the said board of commissioners may determine, shall be issued and sold by said board, said tax, or such part thereof as shall be required, shall be levied. The hospital so erected from the sale of said bonds shall be known as Lee County memorial hospital in honor of the soldiers from Lee County in the world war and shall contain a tablet bearing the name of all who lost their lives in the service, as well as a suitable record of all the soldiers from Lee County who were enlisted in the service during the war. |
1915_private laws_158_6 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 157 | 5 | CHAPTER 157 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE CHERRYVILLE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND TO PROVIDE AN ELECTION IN SAID DISTRICT AND TO EMPOWER THE AUTHORITIES TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said board of trustees, annually, beginning with the first Monday of the month after the election hereinafter provided shall be held, provided this act is approved at said election by a majority of the qualified voters of the aforesaid Cherryville Graded School District, shall elect one of their number as treasurer and custodian of all public school funds and the public school money derived from the State for the benefit of said school district, and the same, together with the money arising from any special tax, gifts, grants, apportionments or otherwise, shall be paid to and received by the treasurer of said board of trustees, and the said treasurer shall report monthly to the said board of trustees his receipts and disbursements and vouchers for the same. The money so received shall be held by said treasurer as a fund to be disbursed only upon the order of said board and signed by its chairman and countersigned by its secretary. The said treasurer shall furnish annually to the said board of trustees a statement, in writing, of his receipts and disbursements of the school money, properly indorsed and approved by the chairman and secretary of said school board. The bond required of said treasurer shall be fixed by the board of trustees in an amount sufficient to secure all school money which may at any time come into his hands, and the compensation for such services as treasurer shall not exceed the sum of fifty dollars annually. |
1899_public laws_268_4 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 267 | 3 | CHAPTER 267 An act in relation to the public school in the town of Mount Airy, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | For the purposes and benefits of this act the town of Mount Airy shall be and constitute a public school district for both white and colored. |
1925_public local laws_143_5 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 142 | 4 | CHAPTER 142 AN ACT TO PERMIT GUILFORD COUNTY TO VOTE ON THE QUESTION OF AN EIGHT MONTHS SCHOOL TERM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The special charter districts and the local tax districts of the county shall be permitted to retain such part of the special tax heretofore authorized as may in the discretion of the local school board be necessary for the said local tax districts and the special charter districts to extend the school term beyond the eight months and to provide for school activities not embraced in the budget of the county board of education for operating the schools for a term of eight months. |
1909_public laws_862_5 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 861 | 4 | CHAPTER 861 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 792, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1907, RELATING TO THE DUNN ROAD DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the provisions of the general road law, except as modified by said chapter seven hundred and ninety-two, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and seven, or as modified by this act, Shall be applicable in all respects in working the public roads of Dunn Road District: Provided, that the duties therein prescribed to be performed by the township road supervisors shall be performed by the commissioners of said district, and the duties therein directed to be performed by any overseer shall be performed by the superintendent of said district, an overseer or agent appointed by the commissioners of said district. |
1905_public laws_382_7 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 381 | 6 | CHAPTER 381 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND ENLARGEMENT OF LIBRARIES IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE RURAL DISTRICTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Whenever the patrons and friends of any free public school in which a library has already been established under the provisions of ghapter six hundred and sixty-two, Laws of one thousand nine hundred and one, and chapter two hundred and twenty-six, Laws of one thousand nine hundred and tlree, or in which a library has been established for one year under the preceding sections of this act, shall raise by private subscription and tender the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of five dollars ($5) for the enlargement of the library, the county board of education shall appropriate from the money belonging to that school district the sum of five dollars ($5), and the State Board of Education shall remit to the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of five dollars ($5). The money thus collected and appropriated shall be used for the enlargement of libraries already established under the same rules and: restrictions as govern the establishment of new libraries. |
1893_public laws_377_74 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 377 | 73 | CHAPTER 377 An act to establish the state banking system of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I.GENERAL Provisions, | Injunction upon Receivership. Whenever a bank or individual banker against whom proceedings have been instituted on account of any alleged refusal to redeem its circulating notes aforesaid denies having failed so to do, it or he may, within any time within ten days after it or he has been notified of the appointment of a receiver, as provided in section seventy-one, apply to the judge of the judicial district in which said bank or banker is established to enjoin future proceedings in the premises; and such judge, after citing the comptroller to show cause why further proceedings should not be enjoined, and after the decision of the court finding that such bank or banker has not refused to redeem the circulating notes, when legally presented, in the lawful money of the United States, shall make an order enjoining the comptroller, and any receiver acting under his directions, from all further proceedings on account of such alleged refueal. |
1889_private laws_152_2 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 151 | 1 | CHAPTER 151 An act to authorize the mayor and board of aldermen of the town ; of Kings Mountaiu to levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, and their successors in office, are hereby authorized and empowered to levy a special tax, at the time other taxes are levied, upon the taxable property and polls of said town, for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, for the purpose of paying off the debt contracted by said town authorities in completing what is known as the Kings Mountain High School building; said tax shall not exceed in any one year twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars worth of property, and may be less according to the discretion of the board of town council; said tax to be levied from year to year until the above debt is paid, and to be levied and collected as other taxes, observing the equation prescribed by the constitution. |
1917_public laws_178_8 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 146 | 7 | CHAPTER 146 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS AND INSTITUTE CONDUCTORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | In codperation with the Supervisor of Teacher-Training and Superintendent of the State Normal Schools for the Colored Race and for the Cherokee Indians, said board shall plan, direct, and supervise the work of said schools, and shall have general direction and supervision of the work of all teachers associations and reading circles and of such other work as may be deemed necessary for professional training and home study for teachers. |
1957_session laws_383_5 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 382 | 4 | CHAPTER 382 AN ACT TO ENABLE EMPLOYEES OF COUNTY AND CITY ADMIN- ISTRATIVE SCHOOL UNITS OF ROBESON COUNTY TO PARTICI- PATE VOLUNTARILY IN A PLAN WHEREBY MONTHLY DE- DUCTIONS ARE MADE FROM SALARIES PAID TO BE USED FOR THE PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS FOR HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE BENEFIT OF SAID EMPLOYEES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Such agreement may be cancelled by the employee executing the same by giving written notice to the county or city superintendent of schools, who is ex-officio Secretary to the county or city board of education, not later than the 15th day of the month in which he desires such agreement to be terminated, and the county or city board of education may cancel any agreement herein provided for upon giving ten days written notice to the affected employee. Within ten days after the termination of the agreement, any surplus funds derived from such employee shall be refunded to said employee. |
1947_session laws_232_2 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 231 | 1 | CHAPTER 231 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 346 OF THE PUBLIC- LOCAL LAWS OF 1929 ENTITLED AN ACT TO ESTAB- LISH KINSTON ELECTRIC SERVICE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the City of Kinston is now enlarging its munici- pal power and water plants and expects to have available an abundance of surplus electric current and water for domestic and commercial use, the sale of which will materially enhance the profits from its said plants, which will be for the benefit of the citizens and taxpayers of the said City of Kinston; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to use a portion of the revenue from said plants to develop a larger market for its surplus electric current and water: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Chapter 346 of the Public-Local Laws of 1929 entitled An Act to Establish Kinston Electric Service District, shall be, and the same is hereby, amended by inserting between Section 3 and Section 4 thereof a new Section, to be numbered Section 314, as follows: Sec. 3%. The City Council of the City of Kinston shall be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate annually, from revenue received from its municipal power and water plants, an amount not to exceed the sum of three thousand dollars ($38,000.00), to be used for advertising the facilities of the City of Kinston and in such manner as in the judgment and discretion of the City Council of the City of Kinston will promote and enhance the profits. from its electric light and water plants and be for the benefit of the citizens and taxpayers of the said city, which undertaking is hereby declared to be for a public purpose. The money so appropriated may be expended either directly by the City Council of the City of Kinston or through the facilities of such agency as the said city council may select, and shall be used in such manner as will in the opinion of the said city council best serve the purposes herein set forth. |
1903_private laws_56_3 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 55 | 2 | CHAPTER 55 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOXAWAY COMPANY TO FUR- | NISH WINES AND LIQUORS TO THE BONA FIDE GUESTS OF ITS HOTELS IN JACKSON AND TRANSYLVANIA COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for every sale of any such vinous, spirituous an malt liquors contrary to the provisions of this or for any othe violation of this act by the said company, its agents or employees it shall forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars for each and ever: such offense to the benefit of the school fund of the county in whicl such hotel is located, to be recovered upon the suit of the Board o Education of such county, or any other person suing therefor o1 behalf of such board; that a violation of this act by said company its agents or employees, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upo1 conviction fined in the discretion of the court: Provided, that thi act may be annulled by a vote of the people of Transylvania County if they so desire. |
1911_private laws_253_10 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 252 | 9 | CHAPTER 252 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL AT DAVIDSON, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of this act there is created a board of graded school trustees of the town of Davidson, which board shall consist of six members divided into three classes. The term of office of the first class shall expire at the end of two years; the term of office of the second class shall expire at the end of four years; the term of office of the third class shall expire at the end of six years; the term of office of each class to date from the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and eleven. It is further enacted that Dr. H. L. Smith and H. J. Brown be and are hereby named and appointed in the first class; Dr. J. M. MecConnell and M. H. Goodrum are hereby named and appointed in the second class, and that A. Currie and J. R. Withers are hereby named and appointed in the third class. And it is further enacted that upon the expiration of the term above named and fixed that the board of town commissioners of the town of Davidson shall elect thereafter successors in each class for the term of six years: Provided, that the term of office of no member of said board shall expire until his successor is duly elected: Provided, further, that when any vacancy shall oceur in said board except by expiration of term of office, such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by said board of graded schoo] trustees. |
1929_private laws_13_6 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 12 | 5 | CHAPTER 12 AN ACT TO RELIEVE THE PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL OF CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA, FROM THE PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS BY THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | As evidence and public notice of the existence of such liens, and the postponement of the collection of the amount secured thereby, as herein provided, the said Presbyterian Hospital of Charlotte, North Carolina, shall cause notice thereof to be prepared and duly registered according to law, in Mecklenburg county, in substantially the following form: North Carolina {Notice of lien and postponement of Jcollection of amount secured Mecklenburg County Venereba? Pursuant to the provisions of an act of the General Assembly, as found in Chapter twelve of the Private Laws of 1929, notice is hereby given of the continued existence of a lien against the property of the Presbyterian Hospital of Charlotte, North Carolina, to secure the payment of the amount due the City of Charlotte for street and side-walk assessments, and the interest, costs and penalties, authorized in said act, the collection of which has been directed to be postponed under the conditions set forth in the said act, reference to which is hereby made. This notice, when filed, shall be acknowledged and certified to be correct by the Presbyterian Hospital of Charlotte, North Carolina, and it shall then be probated, registered and indexed as provided by law. |
1917_public laws_67_28 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 66 | 27 | CHAPTER 66 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE SANITARY INSPECTION AND CONDUCT OF HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be the duty of the inspector, upon ascertaining, by inspection or otherwise, that any hotel is being carried on contrary to any of the provisions of this act, to notify the manager, or proprietor, in what respect it fails to comply with the law, requiring such persons within a reasonable time to do or to cause to be done the things necessary to make it comply with the law, whereupon such proprietor or manager shall forthwith comply with such requirements. |
1921 extra_public local laws_92_12 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 91 | 11 | CHAPTER 91 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE NUMBER SIX TOWNSHIP, CLEVE- LAND COUNTY, TO ERECT AND OWN A PUBLIC HOS- PITAL AND ISSUE BONDS THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said Shelby Hospital, the grounds of same, and all furniture, equipment, and property thereof, and the physicians, nurses, attendants, persons sick therein, and all persons approaching or coming within the limits of said hospital shall be subject to such rules and regulations as said board of trustees may prescribe. |
1963_session laws_808_2 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 807 | 1 | CHAPTER 807 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY OF WAYNE AND THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS TO ESTABLISH LO- CAL ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION PROGRAMS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Board of County Commissioners of Wayne County, and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Goldsboro are hereby authorized to establish alcoholic rehabilitation programs within their respective jurisdictions for education as to the effects of the use of alcoholic beverages and for the rehabilitation of alcoholics. The respective Boards may establish separate programs or they may establish and operate a joint educational and rehabilitation program for alcoholics upon such terms and conditions as the two Boards may agree. The Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Goldsboro are authorized to participate and co-operate with the Federal Government, the State Board of Alcoholic Control and the North Carolina Hospital Board of Control in the administration of the local community alcoholic rehabilitation programs. - |
1901_private laws_202_9 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 201 | 8 | CHAPTER 201 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SOUTH AND WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said confpany shall have power to acquire and hold such lands as it may deem necessary for its purposes in the said city of Wilmington or Southport, and in any other town or towns, counties or townships along its proposed route, and shall specially have the right and power to acquire or guarantee the stocks and bonds, or either, of any inland, coast or ocean transportation company or companies operating to or from any point or points on its lines, and it may develop or aid in the development of its business by building piers, coal docks, elevat tors, ocean steamers, or by acquiring or guaranteeing the stocks and bonds, or either, of hotel, lighterage, wharf, elevating or other such enterprises convenient in connection therewith or as a part thereof. |
1911_private laws_243_18 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 242 | 17 | CHAPTER 242 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF RALEIGH, AND TO REPEAL ITS PRESENT CHARTER AND ALL LAWS IN CON- FLICT WITH THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ORGANIZATION, | The board of commissioners are hereby given, within the city limits, all the power and authority that is now or may hereafter be given by the law to the county superintendent of health or county physician, and such further powers and authority as will best preserve the health of the citizens. The board of commissioners is hereby given power to make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State, for the preservation of the health of the inhabitants of the city, as to them may seem right and proper. Said board of commissioners may establish and maintain, or inspect, regulate or prohibit a hospital, or hospitals, or pest houses, slaughter houses, rendering plants, incineries, and crematories in the city of Raleigh, or within three miles thereof; may stop, detain, examine or keep, in a pest house or houses of detention, persons having, or suspected of having any infectious, contagious or other communicable disease; may quarantine the city or any part thereof: may cause all persons in the city limits to be vaccinated; may, without incurring liabilities to the owner, remove, fumigate or destroy furniture, bedding, clothing or other property which may be found to be tainted or infected with any contagious or infectious disease, and may do all other proper and reasonable things to prevent or stamp out any contagious or infectious disease, and to better preserve the health of the citizens; and all expenses incurred by the city in disinfecting or caring for any person or persons, by authority of this section, may be recovered by it from the person, persons or property cared for, and when expense is incurred in caring for property same shall become a lien on said property. That any person who shall attempt by force, or by threat of violence, to prevent his removal, or that of any other person, to the pest house, house of detention or hospital, or who shall in any way interfere with any officer while performing any of the duties allowed by the chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Said board of commissioners may elect a health officer and create such other offices and employments as to them may seem right and proper, and fill the same and fix their compensation. |
1943_session laws_781_25 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 780 | 25 | CHAPTER 780 AN ACT TO DECLARE THE NECESSITY OF CREATING PUBLIC BODIES CORPORATE AND POLITIC TO BE KNOWN AS HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES TO ENGAGE IN HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AND/OR PROJECTS TO PROVIDE HOS- PITAL ACCOMMODATIONS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF SUCH HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES; TO DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXERCISE OF SUCH POWERS, INCLUDING ACQUIRING PROP- ERTY BY PURCHASE, GIFT OR EMINENT DOMAIN, AND INCLUDING BORROWING MONEY, ISSUING REV- ENUE AND CREDIT BONDS AND OTHER OBLIGA- TIONS, AND GIVING SECURITY THEREFOR; TO CON- FER REMEDIES ON OBLIGEES OF HOSPITAL AU- THORITIES; TO PROVIDE THAT HOSPITAL AUTHOR- ITIES, AND CERTAIN PROPERTY AND SECURITIES THEREOF SHALL BE TAX EXEMPT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Appropriations by city and county. The governing body of any city or county in which the authority is located may appropriate each year, not exceeding five per cent of its general fund for the improvement, maintenance or operation of any public hospital or hospital project constructed, maintained, or operated by or to be constructed, maintained or operated by an authority, and moneys so appropriated and paid to a hospital authority by a city or municipality shall be deemed a necessary expense of such city or municipality. |
1925_public local laws_552_8 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 551 | 7 | CHAPTER 551 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF MARTIN TO PLACE CERTAIN OFFICERS ON SALARIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sheriff of Martin County shall receive a salary of not less than six thousand dollars ($6,000), nor more than seven thousand dollars ($7,000) per annum, as full compensation for his service and the services of such assistants, deputies and clerks as he may appoint and jailer. The sheriff shall receive no other compensation whatever, except such fees as are now or may hereafter be allowed by law to the sheriffs for the seizure and destruction of illicit stills, and for actual necessary expenses for conveying prisoners to jail in counties other than their own, and to the States Prison, and insane persons to the State Hospital. It is expressly provided by the terms of this act to be the duty of the sheriff to furnish the necessary court attendants in the Superior Court and in the recorders court of Martin County, and convey all prisoners to the place of their imprisonment in Martin County without extra compensation, but where it is necessary to bring prisoners on the train to the county jail, the board of commissioners shall pay the actual railroad fare of the deputy and prisoner. The sheriff shall pay over to the county treasurer all fees, mileage, and other allowances paid to him by the State of North Carolina or by any State institution for performing any duty required of him by law. |
1879_public laws_71_26 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 70 | 70 | CHAPTER 70 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. | The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | Every commission merchant or agent, or dealer, buying or selling for another, shall pay a tax of one per centum on his commissions: Provided, that when spirituous liquors, vinous or malt liquors are sold by commission merchants, they shall pay a tax of five per centum on their sales of said liquors. Any merchant, dealer or agent selling sewing machines otherwise than is provided specifically in section twenty of this schedule, shall pay a tax of ten dollars in each county. |
1924 extra_public local laws_199_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 198 | 1 | CHAPTER 198 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF GOODS AND MER- CHANDISE ON SUNDAY IN THE COUNTY OF CLEVELAND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That outside of the corporate limits of any town or city, no person, firm, or corporation in the county of Cleveland shall expose or offer for sale or sell on Sunday any goods, wares, or merchandise, except as hereinafter permitted; and no store, shop, or other place of business in which goods, wares, or merehandise of any kind are kept for sale shall keep open doors from twelve o'clock midnight, Saturday night, until twelve oclock midnight, Sunday night: Provided, that this act shall not apply to hotels, boarding or lodging houses for actual guests, or to restaurants or cafes furnishing meals to actual guests, where the same are not otherwise prohibited by law from keeping open on Sunday; and Provided further, that this act shall not apply to drug stores, nor shall it apply to newspapers or magazines, nor to stables and garages, nor to the sale of gasoline and oil used in the propelling and operation of automobiles and motor vehicles. |
1909_public laws_392_14 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 391 | 13 | CHAPTER 391 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A BETTER SYSTEM FOR WORKING AND MAINTAINING THE PUBLIC ROADS IN TRANSYL- VANIA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose provided in this act, as to the liability of any person to work on the roads, as aforesaid, his residence shall be deemed to be in the township in which he sleeps five days previous to the time set for working said roads: Provided, that a properly verified receipt from some road official or tax collector from any State, county, city or town or other district shall relieve any holder of same from an equal amount of work or sum of money due under this act as said receipt or certificate shall specify: Provided further, that no bona fide guest of any hotel or boarding house temporarily staying or boarding in Transylvania County shall be liable to road duty. |
1923_private laws_28_2 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 27 | 1 | CHAPTER 27 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF DUNN, HARNETT COUNTY, TO ISSUE BONDS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF. That whereas the erection and operation of a hotel in the town of Dunn will greatly benefit the said town, the citizens and tax- payers thereof, and will in every .way work a public benefit: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Subject to a vote of the majority of the qualified voters of the town of Dunn, Harnett County, the board of commissioners of said town are hereby authorized to issue, at one time or from time to time, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, bonds of said town for the purpose of erecting and equipping a hotel within said town, and for the purchase of a site therefor, which said hotel is hereby declared to be a public purpose. |
1927_public local laws_575_7 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 574 | 6 | CHAPTER 574 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CARTERET COUNTY TO ORDER AN ELECTION TO DETERMINE THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN REFER- ENCE TO ESTABLISHING A COUNTY GENERAL HOS- PITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | This act shall be liberally construed to the end that the board of county commissioners and hospital management hereinbefore referred to may avail themselves of any and all benefits to be derived from participatiom in the hospital fund of the Duke Foundation. |
1925_public local laws_631_13 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 630 | 12 | CHAPTER 630 AN ACT TO ENABLE LEE COUNTY TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A PUBLIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, TO LEVY A TAX AND ISSUE BONDS THEREFOR, APPOINT HOS- PITAL TRUSTEES, MAINTAIN A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES, ETC. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of trustees of said hospital may establish and maintain, in connection therewith and as a part of such public hospital, a training school for nurses. |
1913_public laws_103_8 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 102 | 7 | CHAPTER 102 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF STATE BONDS TO MEET THE EXISTING DEFICIT IN THE STATE TREAS- URY AND TO MAKE CERTAIN PERMANENT IMPROVE- MENTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The proceeds from the sale of said bonds are to be expended in accordance with the provisions of the general appropriation bill, enacted at this session of the General Assembly, as follows: To cover the deficit in the State treasury, six hundred thousand dollars; for equipping and painting the new administration building, seventy-five thousand dollars; for remodeling and refurnishing the Supreme Court building and furnishing the office of the State Treasurer, forty thousand dollars; for a central heating plant, forty thousand dollars ; for permanent improvements at the sevral state institutions, as follows: State Hospital at Morganton, fifty thousand dollars; State Hospital at Goldsboro, twenty-five thousand dollars; Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh, twenty-five thousand dollars; University of North Carolina, one hundred thousand dollars; the Normal and Industrial School at Greensboro, fifty thousand dollars; the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race at Greensboro, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars; the Appalachian Training School at Boone, fifteen thousand dollars; the Cullowhee Training School, fifteen thousand dollars; Bastern Training School at Greenville, forty thousand dollars; the State Hospital for the Treament of Tuberculosis at Montrose, twenty thousand dollars; for the purchase of land for the School for the Blind, near Raleigh, thirty thousand dollars. |
1905_private laws_254_13 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 254 | 12 | CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO AMEND THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1887, CHAPTER 111, RELATIVE TO THE TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Strike out all of section forty-five of said act and insert in lien thereof the following: Section 45 That in addition to the subjects of taxation for State purposes, the commissioners of said town shall have power to levy and collect a fair and reasonable special or license tax on the following subjects, to-wit: All itinerant merchants, peddlers or auctioneers who shall sell or offer to sell privately or at public outcry within the city limits, whether by ascending or descending bids; ail drummers or commercial travelers, each express company, each telegraph office, and each railroad company having a depot within the city limits; each photograph artist and person taking likenesses of the human face by whatsoever art; each broker, bank or bankers office; each dealer in cotton futures ; each dealer in patent rights ; each sewingmachine agent; all commission merchants and commercial brokers ; each livery-stable; every resident or non-resident huckster or trader or agent of such who buys produce on the streets for sale in other markets; each gift enterprise and lottery; each dray; each hack: each omnibus; each hotel; each boarding-house; each barber shop; each advertising agent; each architect or person employed to superintend any building or buildings in construction ; each bag factory ; each baker and dealer in bread or other products of a bakery; each dealer in confectioneries and fruits; each baggage transfer company; each barrel and crate factory; each bicycle dealer or bicycle repair shop; each bill poster; each bottler of non-alcoholic drinks; each brick-yard each broker in stocks or bonds other than banks or bankers; each broker in produce; each broom factory ; each buyer and shipper of nayal stores; each buyer and shipper of cotton: each buyer or dealer in leaf tobacco; each earriage, cart, wagon or other vehicle repair shop other than bicycle; each manufactory of vehicles of any description: each furniture factory ; each agricultural implement factory ; each cigar manufactory; each coal or coal and wood dealer; each contract builder; each cotton compress; each cotton factory; each cotton gin, cleaner or press; each cotton-seed oil mill; each truck, each wagon, each cart: each electric light business ; each flouring mill; each gas company; each fitter and plumber; each grist mill; each dealer in hides and furs; each ice-house; each ice factory; each junk shop; each laundry; each marble and stone yard; each market: each mattress factory ; each merry-go-round, or flying ponies, blowing machines, lifting machines. or any other exhibition whatsoever of like character; each oil company, or wholesale dealer in lubricating and illuminating oils; each peddler and _ transient dealer; each piano and organ tuner and repairer; each rice mill; each sash, door, and moulding factory ; each sausage factory; each blacksmith shop; each tin shop; each shoe shop; each carpenter shop; each tailor shop; each gunsmith shop; each shuttle-block factory; each steam saw-mill; each telephone company; each tobacco manufacturer; each tobacco warehouse ; each undertaker ; each cabinet shop; each upholsterer and paper-hanger; each warehouse company; each wood dealer; each lightning-rod agent; each auctioneer ; on every agency for the sale of steam engines, boilers and machinery not manufactured in the town of Morehead City; every dealer in buggies, wagons or other vehicles not manufactured in said town; each fire or life insurance agent; each and every dentist; each physician and each lawyer. optician, civil engineer, real estate agent or broker, aurist, oculist and chiropodist; on every dealer in horses or mules sold, bartered or exchanged ; every cattle, horse or mule drover or dealer; and every agency for the sale of snuff, tobacco or other articles of merchandise not manufactured in the town: and all other subjects taxed by the State. |
1907_private laws_428_37 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 425 | 36 | CHAPTER 425 AN ACT TO AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF PINE LEVEL, IN JOHNSTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in addition to the subjects of taxation enumerated in section thirty-four, the commissioners may levy a,tax on the following subjects, the amount of which tax when fixed shall be collected by the tax collector instantly, and if the same be not paid on demand, the same may be recovered by suit on the articles upon which the tax is imposed, or any other property of the owner may be forthwith distrained and sold to satisfy the same, namely: 1 Upon every bowling alley, billiard table, pool table, bagatelle table, shooting gallery, skating rink or any other game allowed by law, and on every victualing house or restaurant, established, used or kept in the town, a tax not exceeding fifty dollars a year. II. Upon every permission by the board of commissioners to retail spirituous liquors, a tax not exceeding one hundred dollars. III. Upon every company of circus riders who shall exhibit within the town, a tax not exceeding thirty dollars for each separate exhibition, the tax to be paid before the exhibition, and if not, to be doubled. IV. Upon every company of stage or theatrical performers, every sleight-of-hand performer, rope or wire dancer or performer, every exhibitor of natural or artificial curiosities, every single person or company of singers, dancers, Ethiopian minstrels or performers on musical instruments who shall sing, dance, perform or play on musical instruments, for reward, five dollars for each exhibition. VY. Upon each show or exhibition of any other kind, and upon each concert or lecture for reward, a fine of five dollars for each exhibition. VI. Upon each vendor of cold drinks or vendor of coca-cola, or any drinks or substance containing bromidia, caffeine or any coal tar preparation. |
1911_public laws_170_3 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 169 | 2 | CHAPTER 169 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE COMMITMENT OF A CERTAIN CLASS OF INSANE PERSONS TO THE STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE DANGEROUS INSANE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of the duly constituted authorities of the State Hospital for the Dangerous Insane to receive all such insane persons as shall be committed to said institution in accordance with the provisions of section one of this act, and to properly treat and care for the same until discharged in accordance with the provisions of law governing the discharged patients from the other State hospitals for the insane. |
1937_public laws_50_11 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 49 | 10 | CHAPTER 49 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE MANUFACTURE, SALE, AND CONTROL OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said county boards shall each have the following powers and duties: (a) Control and jurisdiction over the importation, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages within its respective county. (b) Power to buy and to have in its possession and to sell alcoholic beverages within its county. (ec) Power and authority to adopt rules and regulations governing the operation of stores within its county and relating to the carrying out of the provisions and purposes of this Act. (d) To prescribe and regulate and direct the duties and seryices of all employees of said county board. (e) To fix the hours for the opening and closing of stores operated by it. No store, however, shall be permitted to remain open between the hours of nine oclock P. M. and nine oclock A. M. (f) To require any county stores to close on such days as it may designate, but all stores in any county operating under the provisions of this Act shall remain closed on Sundays, election days, New Years Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Armistice Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. (g) To import, transport, receive, purchase, sell and deliver and have in its possession for sale for present and future delivery alcoholic beverages. (h) To purchase or lease property, furnish and equip buildings, rooms and accommodations as and when required for the storage and sale of alcoholic beverages and for distribution to all county stores within said county. (i) To borrow money, guarantee the payment thereof and the interest thereon, in such manner as may be required or permitted by law, and to issue, sign, endorse and accept checks, promissory notes, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments and to do all such other and necessary things as may be required or may be convenient in the conduct of liquor stores in its county. (j) To investigate and aid in the prosecution of violations of this Act and other liquor laws, by whatever name called, and to seize alcoholic beverages in said county sold, kept. imported or transported illegally and to apply for confiscation thereof and to cooperate in the prosecution of offenders in any court in said county. (k) To regulate and to prescribe rules and regulations that may be necessary or feasible for the obtaining of purity in all alcoholic beverages, including TRUE statements of contents and the proper labeling thereof. -1 To fix and maintain the prices of all alcoholic beverages sold by liquor stores in said county and to prescribe to whom the same may be sold, and to purchase and have and fix the price of alcohol for scientific, pharmaceutical and industrial purposes, and to issue permits for the use of alcohol for scientific research, for industrial use, for medical purposes, for hospitals and sanatoria and the use of alcohol for any of said purposes shall be tax free. (m) To exercise the power to buy, purchase and sell and to fix the prices at which all alcoholic beverages may be purchased from it, but nothing herein contained shall give said board the power to purchase or sell or deal in alcoholic beverages which contain less than five per centum of alcohol by weight. (n) To locate stores in its county and to provide for the management thereof and to appoint and employ at least one person for each store conducted by it, who shall be Known as manager thereof. The duty of such manager shall be to conduct the said store under directions of the county board and to carry out the law applying thereto, and such manager shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in such sum as may be fixed by said county board, with sufficient corporate surety and said surety, or sureties thereon, shall be approved by the said county board as a part of the qualifications of such manager for his appointment, and the said county board shall have the right to sue on said bond and to recover for all failures on the part of said manager faithfully to perform his duties as such manager, to the extent of any loss oeceasioned by such manager on his part, but as against the surety. or sureties, thereon, such aggregate recovery, or recoveries, shall not exceed the penalty of said bond. 0 To expend for law enforcement a sum not less than five per cent nor more than ten per cent of the total profits to be determined by quarterly audits and in the expenditure of said funds shall employ one or more persons to be appointed by and directly responsible to the respective county boards. (p) To discontinue the operation of any store in its county whenever it shall appear to said board that the operation thereof is not sufficiently profitable to justify a continuance of its operation, or when, in its opinion, the operation of any store is inimical or hurtful to the morals or welfare of the community in which it is operated, or when said county board may be directed to close any store by the State Board; Provided, that the liquor stores at Southern Pines and at Pinehurst in Moore County, shall be continued under the provisions of this Act, but no other stores shall be established or operated in Moore County unless and until an election may be had in said county under the provisions of this Act and a majority of the votes cast at such election shall have been For County Liquor Control Stores. An election in Moore County upon the question of the establishment or operation of liquor stores under the provisions of this Act may be called only after three years from the ratification of this Act. That all the powers and duties herein conferred upon county boards, or required of them, shall be subject to the powers herein conferred upon the State Board and whenever or wherever herein the State Board has been given power to approve or disapprove anything in respect to county stores or county boards, then no power on the part of the county boards and no act of any county board shall be exercisable or valid until and unless the same has been approved by the State Board. |
1955_session laws_1275_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 1,274 | 2 | CHAPTER 1274 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 122 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES SO AS TO AUTHORIZE THE TRANSFER OF PATIENTS FROM THE PSYCHIATRIC TRAINING AND RESEARCH CENTER AT CHAPEL HILL TO A STATE HOSPITAL OR INSTITUTION UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE NORTH CAROLINA HOSPITALS BOARD OF CONTROL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Article 3 of Chapter 122 of the General Statutes is amended by adding new Sections immediately following G. S. 122-46.2, to be numbered as indicated, and to read as follows: G. S, 122-46.3. Authorization of Hospital for Commitment. By this amendment the Psychiatric Training and Research Center at the South Wing of the North Carolina Memorial Hospital at Chapel Hill shall be authorized to receive allegedly mentally disordered persons committed for observation, for commitment, release or discharge in the same manner as a State hospital. The clerk of the court shall not make commitment to this Center without the approval of the Director of the Inpatient Service. G. S. 122-46.4. Clerk to Commit for Observation to the Psychiatric Training and Research Center at the South Wing of the North Carolina Memorial Hospital for Commitment, Release or Discharge. When the 1317 clerk of court has approval as provided in Section 122-46.3 he may make commitment of an allegedly mentally disordered person as provided in Section 122-46. Any two duly licensed physicians not directly connected with the Inpatient Service of this Center may serve as the certifying physicians. G. S. 122-46.5. Clerk May Make Final Commitment to Center. When the allegedly mentally disordered person has been observed for a period of thirty days the Director of the Inpatient Service shall report concerning the persons condition to the clerk in the same manner as the superintendent of the State hospital as provided in Section 122-46.1, the clerk shall then act on this report as provided in Section 122-46.1. G. S. 122-46.6. Commitment upon Patients Application. Any person believing himself to be of unsound mind or threatened with mental disorder may voluntarily commit himself to the Psychiatric Training and Research Center at the South Wing of the North Carolina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill as to a State hospital upon approval of his application by the Director of the Inpatient Service; the application for commitment shall be in the form designated in the General Statutes, Section 122-62. The patients application shall be accompanied by the recommendation of a licensed physician. Final commitment of voluntarily committed patients must proceed through the same channels as in the case of the involuntary commitment of an allegedly mentally disordered person. |
1929_private laws_2_2 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 1 | 1 | CHAPTER 1 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMIS- SIONERS OF THE CITY OF HENDERSONVILLE TO ISSUE BONDS FOR HOTEL AND OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That subject to the approval of a majority of the qualified voters of the City of Hendersonville at an election to be held in the manner hereinafter set forth, the board of commissioners of said city are hereby authorized and empowered to issue negotiable coupon bonds of the City of Hendersonville in the aggregate principal sum of five hundred thousand dollars; the said bonds to be issued and used for the purpose of authorizing the City of Hendersonville to lend its financial aid towards the completion of the Fleetwood Hotel, and also to authorize the city to acquire, own, operate and control lands to be used as a public park or public golf course. The said bonds shall bear interest at not exceeding five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall be in such form and in such denominations, and the principal and interest shall be payable at such time and place as the board of commissioners may determine. The said bonds shall mature in annual installments, payable at such time or times as the board of commissioners may determine; Provided, the first installment of said bonds shall mature in not less than ten years after the date of issue, and the last installment of said bonds shall mature not more than forty years after the date of said issue. The said bonds shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the clerk of said city and shall bear the corporate seal, and the coupons attached to said bonds shall bear the printed, lithographed or engraved facsimile signature of said clerk. The said bonds shall be designated and known as Park and Hotel Bonds. |
1929_private laws_81_3 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 80 | 2 | CHAPTER 80 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MORGANTON TO CALL AN ELECTION FOR BONDS FOR GRACE HOSPITAL, INCORPORATED. Whereas, Grace Hospital, Incorporated, is now and for many years last past has been a charitable and eleemosynary in- stitution in the Town of Morganton for the healing of the sick, and, Whereas, during such time Grace Hospital, Incorporated, has cared for the poor and needy sick of the Town of Morganton and by such charitable conduct has rendered unnecessary the erection of a municipal hospital in said town; and, Whereas, Grace Hospital, Incorporated, is now engaged in the construction of a new hospital building upon its lands in the Town of Morganton and has received for such purpose the total sum of eighty-eight thousand dollars ($88,000) or there- abouts from citizens of said town and other charitably-minded persons and institutions; and, Whereas, Grace Hospital, Incorporated, needs the sum of approximately ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in addition to the aforesaid sum in order to complete said building in accord- ance with the necessary plans thereof; and, Whereas, numerous citizens of the Town of Morganton de- sire that said additional sum should be paid by the Town of Morganton in consideration of the charitable services hereto- fore rendered to the poor and needy citizens of said town by said Grace Hospital and in consideration of like services to be rendered in the future; and, Whereas, the said Grace Hospital, while a private institu- tion, is not conducted for profit but for the charitable purpose of healing the sick; and, Whereas, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or there- abouts should be furnished in order to complete said new build- ings now in process of construction: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That at said election so held all voters in favor of the issuance of bonds for the purposes specified in the preamble to this act in an amount not to exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and of the levy of an annual tax on all property and on all taxable polls in the said Town of Morganton in such amount as may be necessary to pay the annual interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund to pay the said bonds as and when the same mature and become due shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words For Hospital Bonds, and all voters opposed to the issuance of said bonds and the levy of said annual tax shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words Against Hospital Bonds. The said registrar and judges appointed to hold and holding the said election shall report the result of said election to the town council of the Town of Morganton, certifying under their signatures the number of qualified electors duly registered, the number of votes cast For Hospital Bonds, the number of votes cast Against Hospital Bonds, and the total number voting at such election, and the result of said election shall by the said town council be declared and canvassed and adjudged as aforesaid, and whether or not a majority of the qualified voters of said Town of Morganton voted in favor of or against the issuance of such bonds and the levy of said tax. |
1911_private laws_243_85 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 242 | 84 | CHAPTER 242 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF RALEIGH, AND TO REPEAL ITS PRESENT CHARTER AND ALL LAWS IN CON- FLICT WITH THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ORGANIZATION, | That in addition to the subjects listed for taxation, the commissioners may levy a tax in the following subjects, the amount of which tax, when fixed, shall be collected by the city clerk instantly, and if the same be not paid on demand the same may be recovered by suit, or the articles upon which the tax is imposed, or any other property of the owner, may be forthwith distrained and sold to satisfy the same, namely: -1 Upon all itinerant merchants or peddlers offering to vend in the city, a license tax not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars a year, except such only as sell books, charts, maps, or wares of their own manufacture, but not exceeding venders of medicine by whomsoever manufactured, and not more than one person shall peddle under a single license: Provided, that such itinerant merchants or peddlers shall comply with such rules and regulations as the board of commissioners may make in respect to the time, place and manner of vending under such licenses. -2 Upon every pool and billiard room, bowling alley or alley of like kind, bowling saloon, bagatelle table, billiard or pool table, or table, stand, or place for any other game or play, wheels of fortune or other games of chance, with or without a name, kept for hire, or kept in a house where liquor is sold, or a house used or connected with such a house, or used or connected with a hotel or restaurant, or contiguous or adjacent thereto, a license tax not exceeding one hundred dollars for each table or alley or other subject therein mentioned. -8 Upon every permission by the board of commissioners to retail spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, a tax of twelve hundred dollars; and for every permission to sell spirituous, vinous or malt liquors in quantities of one quart and less than five gallons a license tax of four hundred dollars, and in quantities of five gallons or more a license tax of four hundred dollars: Provided, that they may issue a single license for the sale of beer only and charge therefor not exceeding three hundred dollars a year. -4 Upon every company of circus riders or performers, by whatever name called, who shall exhibit within the city or within one mile thereof, a license tax not exceeding one hundred dollars for each performance or separate exhibition, and upon every side show connected therewith a license tax not exceeding ten dollars, the tax to be paid before exhibition, and if not, to be doubled. -5 Upon every person or company exhibiting in the city or within one mile thereof any stage or theatrical plays, sleight-ofhand performers, rope dancing, tumbling, wire dancing or menageries, a tax not exceeding fifty dollars for every three hours allowed for exhibiting, the tax to be paid before exhibiting or the same shall be doubled. -6 Upon every exhibition for reward of artificial curiosities (models of useful inventions excepted) in the city or within one mile thereof, a tax not to exceed twenty dollars, to be paid before exhibition or the same shall be doubled. -7 Upon each show or exhibition of any kind, and on each concert for reward, in the city or within one mile thereof, and on every strolling musician, a tax not exceeding fifty dollars, to be paid before exhibition or the same shall be doubled. -8 Upon every cow, goat or hog running at large in the city there may be levied a tax not exceeding three dollars, and upon every horse, mule or bull going at large a tax not exceeding ten dollars; and every such animal shall be seized and impounded in an inclosure which shall be established and kept by the city thereof, and if the owner, on being notified, will not pay the tax, the animal shall be sold therefor at the pound after three days notice at the court-house. -9 Upon every dog which may be kept or brought into the city after the first day of June to be kept therein, a tax not exceeding two dollars for the permission to keep such dog in the city, which permission shall not extend further than the last day of May next ensuing. -10 Upon every auctioneer or crier of goods at public auction, subject to the limitations provided in chapter six of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five, a license tax not exceeding one hundred dollars a year. ; -11 Upon every stock and bond broker, junk dealer and pawnbroker, sewing machine or bicycle company or agent for such company, dealer in, or manufacturers agent of musical instruments, keeper of sales or stables or stockyards doing business in the city, a license tax not exceeding two hundred dollars a year. -12 Upon every Jawyer, physician, dentist, cotton broker, bill poster, street huckster, photographer, merchandise or produce broker, ice dealer, dealer in wood and coal or either, insurance company or imsurance agency for every company represented, and every skating rink or shooting gallery, a license tax not exceeding fifty dollars a year. -13 Upon every surface privy, as provided in this charter, a license tax not exceeding one dollar a year for each of said licenses. -14 Upon every other occupation, profession or business not herein specially named, a license tax not exceeding one thousand dollars a year. Sec. 84 The license year shall begin on the first day of June of each and every year. |
1891_private laws_41_69 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 40 | 68 | CHAPTER 40 An act to consolidate and revise the charter of the town of Salem. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That if any person shall attempt by force or by threat of violence to prevent the removal to the hospital or place selected by the mayor as aforesaid of any person ordered to be conveyed thither, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay to the town one hundred dollars, and moreover be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. |
1949_session laws_768_2 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 767 | 1 | 197 CHAPTER 767 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE GOVERNING BODIES OF COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS TO PLEDGE, EN- CUMBER OR APPROPRIATE SURPLUS FUNDS, UN- APPROPRIATED FUNDS AND PROFITS FROM ALCO- HOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL STORES TO SECURE THE OPERATING DEFICITS OF PUBLICLY OWNED OR NON-PROFIT HOSPITALS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of county commissioners of any county or the governing authority of any city or town is hereby authorized, in its discretion, to pledge, encumber or appropriate funds from any surplus funds, unappropriated funds, or funds derived from profits of Alcoholic Beverage Control stores for the purpose of guaranteeing the operating deficit of any publicly owned or nonprofit hospital. The special approval of the General Assembly is hereby given to the above enumerated appropriations and authorizations for such special purposes. |
1939_public local laws_602_4 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 601 | 3 | CHAPTER 601 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A SPECIAL ANNUAL TAX LEVY FOR GASTON COUNTY FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | In case a majority of the qualified voters of Gaston County approves the levying of the special annual tax for the support of public libraries of Gaston County, then said public libraries shall be under the control and management of a board of eight trustees, of which four shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Gastonia, and the other four trustees shall consist of the Mayor of the City of Gastonia, the Superintendent of the Public School System of the City of Gastonia, the Superintendent of the Public School System of Gaston County, and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for Gaston County. The trustees selected by the Mayor of the City of Gastonia shall each serve for a term of four years, except that the mayor shall select after the first meeting of the council subsequent to the municipal election in the year one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine, or as soon thereafter as practicable, two trustees to serve upon said board until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred forty-one, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and in addition two trustees who shall serve until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred forty-three, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and such trustees shall serve without compensation. Provided, that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the Superintendent of the County Public Schools shall not be entitled to membership on said board unless the county contributes to the support of public libraries in the City of Gastonia and the County of Gaston with funds derived from taxation or otherwise. |
1876/77_private laws_37_3 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 36 | 2 | CHAPTER XXXVI. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS ONE AND TWO OF CHAPTER THIRTY- SEVEN, PRIVATE LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO AND ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE, ENTITLED AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TRUSTEES OF OXFORD COLORED EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION, OF GRANVILLE COUNTY. | That said board of trustees shall, on the first Thursday in May, one thousand eight hundred and seyenty-seven, and annually thereafter, hold a meeting of id association for the purpose of transacting such busiess as may be necessary for the furtherance of the objects of said association, and for the protection of theix school property. |
1913_public local laws_255_5 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 254 | 4 | CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said board of education of New Hanover County is authorized and empowered to employ a superintendent of the schools located within the city of Wilmington, and also a superintendent of the rural schools, and to pay each of them such salary as the board may deem wise; or the said board of education may employ one superintendent, who shall supervise the entire school system of the county. The salary and expenses of such superintendent, or superintendents, shall be paid out of the contingent fund, and not charged against any of the schools, and the board of education is authorized to set aside a contingent fund sufficiently large to cover this expense and other expenses of the board of education. |
1923_public laws_137_239 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 136 | 238 | CHAPTER 136 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND TO CODIFY THE LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Whereas the acts of the General Assembly relating to public education are for the purpose of aiding all the people, and espe- cially school officials, in maintaining and conducting a system of public schools and in providing revenue for the same; and Whereas a great need is apparent for collecting all the laws relating to public education and codifying them in such a way as to set forth as clearly as possible the legal duties, powers, and responsibilities of the several school officials, in order to give them and all other friends of public education a clearer concep- tion of their duties in maintaining and conducting public schools in accordance with the needs of the people and the provisions of the Constitution: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: PART I ARTICLE I. INTERPRETATIONS | Special school taxing districts. If a majority of the qualified electors in the special school taxing district shall vote in favor of the special school tax, then it shall operate to repeal all school taxes theretofore voted in any local tax or special charter district located within said special school taxing district, except such taxes as may have been voted in said local tax or special charter district to pay the interest on bonds and to retire bonds outstanding. But the county board of education shall have the authority to assume all indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, of said local tax or special charter district and pay all or a part of the interest and installments out of the revenue derived from the rate voted in the special school taxing district: Provided, the revenue is sufficient to equalize educational advantages and pay all or a part of the interest and installment on said bonds. |
Subsets and Splits