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Adam Cox
Adam Cox, Sinan Beskok and Yildirim Hurmuzlu
Magnetically Actuated Millimeter-Scale Biped
15 pages, 17 figures
cs.RO cs.SY eess.SY
This paper introduces a new approach to studying bipedal locomotion. The approach is based on magnetically actuated miniature robots. Building prototypes of bipedal locomotion machines has been very costly and overly complicated. We demonstrate that a magnetically actuated 0.3~gm robot, we call Big Foot, can be used to test fundamental ideas without necessitating very complex and expensive bipedal machines. We explore analytically and experimentally two age old questions in bipedal locomotion: 1. Can such robots be driven with pure hip actuation. 2. Is it better to use continuous or impulsive actuation schemes. First, a numerical model has been developed in order to study the dynamics and stability of a magnetically actuated miniature robot. We particularly focus on stability and performance metrics. Then, these results are tested using Big Foot. Pure hip actuation has been successful in generating gait on uphill surfaces. In addition, complex tasks such as following prescribed gait trajectories and navigating through a maze has been successfully performed by the experimental prototype. The nature and timing of hip torques are also studied. Two actuation schemes are used: Heel Strike Actuation and Constant Pulse Wave Actuation. With each scheme, we also vary the time duration of the applied magnetic field. Heel Strike actuation is found to have superior stability, more uniform gait generation, and faster locomotion than the Constant Pulse Wave option. But, Constant Pulse Wave achieves locomotion on steeper slopes.
[ { "created": "Wed, 22 Feb 2023 03:07:05 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Cox", "Adam", "" ], [ "Beskok", "Sinan", "" ], [ "Hurmuzlu", "Yildirim", "" ] ]
Eike Hermann M\"uller
William R. Saunders and James Grant and Eike H. M\"uller
A Domain Specific Language for Performance Portable Molecular Dynamics Algorithms
24 pages, 12 figures, 11 tables, accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communications on 12 Nov 2017
cs.DC cs.SE physics.comp-ph
Developers of Molecular Dynamics (MD) codes face significant challenges when adapting existing simulation packages to new hardware. In a continuously diversifying hardware landscape it becomes increasingly difficult for scientists to be experts both in their own domain (physics/chemistry/biology) and specialists in the low level parallelisation and optimisation of their codes. To address this challenge, we describe a "Separation of Concerns" approach for the development of parallel and optimised MD codes: the science specialist writes code at a high abstraction level in a domain specific language (DSL), which is then translated into efficient computer code by a scientific programmer. In a related context, an abstraction for the solution of partial differential equations with grid based methods has recently been implemented in the (Py)OP2 library. Inspired by this approach, we develop a Python code generation system for molecular dynamics simulations on different parallel architectures, including massively parallel distributed memory systems and GPUs. We demonstrate the efficiency of the auto-generated code by studying its performance and scalability on different hardware and compare it to other state-of-the-art simulation packages. With growing data volumes the extraction of physically meaningful information from the simulation becomes increasingly challenging and requires equally efficient implementations. A particular advantage of our approach is the easy expression of such analysis algorithms. We consider two popular methods for deducing the crystalline structure of a material from the local environment of each atom, show how they can be expressed in our abstraction and implement them in the code generation framework.
[ { "created": "Tue, 11 Apr 2017 14:52:55 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 13 Nov 2017 15:02:44 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Saunders", "William R.", "" ], [ "Grant", "James", "" ], [ "Müller", "Eike H.", "" ] ]
Wei-Cheng Chang
Chun-Liang Li, Wei-Cheng Chang, Yu Cheng, Yiming Yang, Barnab\'as P\'oczos
MMD GAN: Towards Deeper Understanding of Moment Matching Network
In the Proceedings of Thirty-first Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017)
cs.LG cs.AI stat.ML
Generative moment matching network (GMMN) is a deep generative model that differs from Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) by replacing the discriminator in GAN with a two-sample test based on kernel maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). Although some theoretical guarantees of MMD have been studied, the empirical performance of GMMN is still not as competitive as that of GAN on challenging and large benchmark datasets. The computational efficiency of GMMN is also less desirable in comparison with GAN, partially due to its requirement for a rather large batch size during the training. In this paper, we propose to improve both the model expressiveness of GMMN and its computational efficiency by introducing adversarial kernel learning techniques, as the replacement of a fixed Gaussian kernel in the original GMMN. The new approach combines the key ideas in both GMMN and GAN, hence we name it MMD GAN. The new distance measure in MMD GAN is a meaningful loss that enjoys the advantage of weak topology and can be optimized via gradient descent with relatively small batch sizes. In our evaluation on multiple benchmark datasets, including MNIST, CIFAR- 10, CelebA and LSUN, the performance of MMD-GAN significantly outperforms GMMN, and is competitive with other representative GAN works.
[ { "created": "Wed, 24 May 2017 02:20:29 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 6 Nov 2017 17:05:42 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Mon, 27 Nov 2017 14:04:35 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Chun-Liang", "" ], [ "Chang", "Wei-Cheng", "" ], [ "Cheng", "Yu", "" ], [ "Yang", "Yiming", "" ], [ "Póczos", "Barnabás", "" ] ]
Yuanfang Guo
Yuanfang Guo, Oscar C. Au, Rui Wang, Lu Fang, Xiaochun Cao
Halftone Image Watermarking by Content Aware Double-sided Embedding Error Diffusion
cs.MM cs.CR
In this paper, we carry out a performance analysis from a probabilistic perspective to introduce the EDHVW methods' expected performances and limitations. Then, we propose a new general error diffusion based halftone visual watermarking (EDHVW) method, Content aware Double-sided Embedding Error Diffusion (CaDEED), via considering the expected watermark decoding performance with specific content of the cover images and watermark, different noise tolerance abilities of various cover image content and the different importance levels of every pixel (when being perceived) in the secret pattern (watermark). To demonstrate the effectiveness of CaDEED, we propose CaDEED with expectation constraint (CaDEED-EC) and CaDEED-NVF&IF (CaDEED-N&I). Specifically, we build CaDEED-EC by only considering the expected performances of specific cover images and watermark. By adopting the noise visibility function (NVF) and proposing the importance factor (IF) to assign weights to every embedding location and watermark pixel, respectively, we build the specific method CaDEED-N&I. In the experiments, we select the optimal parameters for NVF and IF via extensive experiments. In both the numerical and visual comparisons, the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed work.
[ { "created": "Tue, 18 Jul 2017 16:14:53 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Guo", "Yuanfang", "" ], [ "Au", "Oscar C.", "" ], [ "Wang", "Rui", "" ], [ "Fang", "Lu", "" ], [ "Cao", "Xiaochun", "" ] ]
Pino Caballero-Gil
Jezabel Molina-Gil, Pino Caballero-Gil, C\'andido Caballero-Gil, Amparo F\'uster-Sabater
Analysis and implementation of the SNOW 3G generator used in 4G/LTE systems
arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2208.06147
International Joint Conference SOCO CISIS ICEUTE, 499-508, 2014
The fourth generation of cell phones, marketed as 4G/LTE (Long-Term Evolution) is being quickly adopted worldwide. Given the mobile and wireless nature of the involved communications, security is crucial. This paper includes both a theoretical study and a practical analysis of the SNOW 3G generator, included in such a standard for protecting confidentiality and integrity. From its implementation and performance evaluation in mobile devices, several conclusions about how to improve its efficiency are obtained.
[ { "created": "Sat, 13 Aug 2022 08:20:45 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Molina-Gil", "Jezabel", "" ], [ "Caballero-Gil", "Pino", "" ], [ "Caballero-Gil", "Cándido", "" ], [ "Fúster-Sabater", "Amparo", "" ] ]
Shicheng Xu
Shicheng Xu, Danyang Hou, Liang Pang, Jingcheng Deng, Jun Xu, Huawei Shen, Xueqi Cheng
Invisible Relevance Bias: Text-Image Retrieval Models Prefer AI-Generated Images
Accepted by SIGIR 2024
cs.IR cs.AI cs.CV
With the advancement of generation models, AI-generated content (AIGC) is becoming more realistic, flooding the Internet. A recent study suggests that this phenomenon causes source bias in text retrieval for web search. Specifically, neural retrieval models tend to rank generated texts higher than human-written texts. In this paper, we extend the study of this bias to cross-modal retrieval. Firstly, we successfully construct a suitable benchmark to explore the existence of the bias. Subsequent extensive experiments on this benchmark reveal that AI-generated images introduce an invisible relevance bias to text-image retrieval models. Specifically, our experiments show that text-image retrieval models tend to rank the AI-generated images higher than the real images, even though the AI-generated images do not exhibit more visually relevant features to the query than real images. This invisible relevance bias is prevalent across retrieval models with varying training data and architectures. Furthermore, our subsequent exploration reveals that the inclusion of AI-generated images in the training data of the retrieval models exacerbates the invisible relevance bias. The above phenomenon triggers a vicious cycle, which makes the invisible relevance bias become more and more serious. To elucidate the potential causes of invisible relevance and address the aforementioned issues, we introduce an effective training method aimed at alleviating the invisible relevance bias. Subsequently, we apply our proposed debiasing method to retroactively identify the causes of invisible relevance, revealing that the AI-generated images induce the image encoder to embed additional information into their representation. This information exhibits a certain consistency across generated images with different semantics and can make the retriever estimate a higher relevance score.
[ { "created": "Thu, 23 Nov 2023 16:22:58 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 27 Nov 2023 13:43:19 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Mon, 15 Jan 2024 02:31:04 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Mon, 27 May 2024 03:53:05 GMT", "version": "v4" } ]
[ [ "Xu", "Shicheng", "" ], [ "Hou", "Danyang", "" ], [ "Pang", "Liang", "" ], [ "Deng", "Jingcheng", "" ], [ "Xu", "Jun", "" ], [ "Shen", "Huawei", "" ], [ "Cheng", "Xueqi", "" ] ]
Ting Wu
Ting Wu, Theodore S. Rappaport, Christopher M. Collins
The Human Body and Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Systems: Interactions and Implications
With increasing interest in millimeter wave wireless communications, investigations on interactions between the human body and millimeter wave devices are becoming important. This paper gives examples of current regulatory requirements, and provides an example for a 60 GHz transceiver. Also, the propagation characteristics of millimeter-waves in the presence of the human body are studied, and four models representing different body parts are considered to evaluate thermal effects of millimeter-wave radiation on the body. Simulation results show that about 34% to 42% of the incident power is reflected at the skin surface at 60 GHz. This paper shows that power density is not suitable to determine exposure compliance when millimeter wave devices are used very close to the body. A temperature-based technique for the evaluation of safety compliance is proposed in this paper.
[ { "created": "Thu, 19 Mar 2015 20:59:19 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 20 Aug 2015 00:13:37 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Wu", "Ting", "" ], [ "Rappaport", "Theodore S.", "" ], [ "Collins", "Christopher M.", "" ] ]
Travis Gagie
Travis Gagie
Compressing Probability Distributions
cs.IT math.IT
We show how to store good approximations of probability distributions in small space.
[ { "created": "Mon, 6 Jun 2005 12:28:33 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Gagie", "Travis", "" ] ]
Saurabh Goyal
Saurabh Goyal, Anamitra R. Choudhury, Saurabh M. Raje, Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Yogish Sabharwal, Ashish Verma
PoWER-BERT: Accelerating BERT Inference via Progressive Word-vector Elimination
Accepted at ICML 2020
cs.LG cs.CL stat.ML
We develop a novel method, called PoWER-BERT, for improving the inference time of the popular BERT model, while maintaining the accuracy. It works by: a) exploiting redundancy pertaining to word-vectors (intermediate encoder outputs) and eliminating the redundant vectors. b) determining which word-vectors to eliminate by developing a strategy for measuring their significance, based on the self-attention mechanism. c) learning how many word-vectors to eliminate by augmenting the BERT model and the loss function. Experiments on the standard GLUE benchmark shows that PoWER-BERT achieves up to 4.5x reduction in inference time over BERT with <1% loss in accuracy. We show that PoWER-BERT offers significantly better trade-off between accuracy and inference time compared to prior methods. We demonstrate that our method attains up to 6.8x reduction in inference time with <1% loss in accuracy when applied over ALBERT, a highly compressed version of BERT. The code for PoWER-BERT is publicly available at
[ { "created": "Fri, 24 Jan 2020 11:36:12 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 17 Jun 2020 20:53:56 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Sat, 11 Jul 2020 12:22:08 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Tue, 21 Jul 2020 18:35:54 GMT", "version": "v4" }, { "created": "Tue, 8 Sep 2020 14:11:33 GMT", "version": "v5" } ]
[ [ "Goyal", "Saurabh", "" ], [ "Choudhury", "Anamitra R.", "" ], [ "Raje", "Saurabh M.", "" ], [ "Chakaravarthy", "Venkatesan T.", "" ], [ "Sabharwal", "Yogish", "" ], [ "Verma", "Ashish", "" ] ]
Kexun Zhang
Kexun Zhang, Xianjun Yang, William Yang Wang, Lei Li
ReDi: Efficient Learning-Free Diffusion Inference via Trajectory Retrieval
ICML 2023
cs.CV cs.LG
Diffusion models show promising generation capability for a variety of data. Despite their high generation quality, the inference for diffusion models is still time-consuming due to the numerous sampling iterations required. To accelerate the inference, we propose ReDi, a simple yet learning-free Retrieval-based Diffusion sampling framework. From a precomputed knowledge base, ReDi retrieves a trajectory similar to the partially generated trajectory at an early stage of generation, skips a large portion of intermediate steps, and continues sampling from a later step in the retrieved trajectory. We theoretically prove that the generation performance of ReDi is guaranteed. Our experiments demonstrate that ReDi improves the model inference efficiency by 2x speedup. Furthermore, ReDi is able to generalize well in zero-shot cross-domain image generation such as image stylization.
[ { "created": "Sun, 5 Feb 2023 03:01:28 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 25 Oct 2023 17:24:18 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Kexun", "" ], [ "Yang", "Xianjun", "" ], [ "Wang", "William Yang", "" ], [ "Li", "Lei", "" ] ]
Zhenyu Liu
Zhenyu Liu, Haiwei Huang, Chaohong Lu, Shengfei Lyu
Multichannel CNN with Attention for Text Classification
cs.CL cs.LG
Recent years, the approaches based on neural networks have shown remarkable potential for sentence modeling. There are two main neural network structures: recurrent neural network (RNN) and convolution neural network (CNN). RNN can capture long term dependencies and store the semantics of the previous information in a fixed-sized vector. However, RNN is a biased model and its ability to extract global semantics is restricted by the fixed-sized vector. Alternatively, CNN is able to capture n-gram features of texts by utilizing convolutional filters. But the width of convolutional filters restricts its performance. In order to combine the strengths of the two kinds of networks and alleviate their shortcomings, this paper proposes Attention-based Multichannel Convolutional Neural Network (AMCNN) for text classification. AMCNN utilizes a bi-directional long short-term memory to encode the history and future information of words into high dimensional representations, so that the information of both the front and back of the sentence can be fully expressed. Then the scalar attention and vectorial attention are applied to obtain multichannel representations. The scalar attention can calculate the word-level importance and the vectorial attention can calculate the feature-level importance. In the classification task, AMCNN uses a CNN structure to cpture word relations on the representations generated by the scalar and vectorial attention mechanism instead of calculating the weighted sums. It can effectively extract the n-gram features of the text. The experimental results on the benchmark datasets demonstrate that AMCNN achieves better performance than state-of-the-art methods. In addition, the visualization results verify the semantic richness of multichannel representations.
[ { "created": "Mon, 29 Jun 2020 16:37:51 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Zhenyu", "" ], [ "Huang", "Haiwei", "" ], [ "Lu", "Chaohong", "" ], [ "Lyu", "Shengfei", "" ] ]
Sheetal Bairwa
Sheetal Bairwa, Bhawna Mewara and Jyoti Gajrani
Vulnerability Scanners-A Proactive Approach To Assess Web Application Security
12 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, SCNDS 2013 Conference. International Journal on Computational Sciences & Applications (IJCSA)2014
With the increasing concern for security in the network, many approaches are laid out that try to protect the network from unauthorised access. New methods have been adopted in order to find the potential discrepancies that may damage the network. Most commonly used approach is the vulnerability assessment. By vulnerability, we mean, the potential flaws in the system that make it prone to the attack. Assessment of these system vulnerabilities provide a means to identify and develop new strategies so as to protect the system from the risk of being damaged. This paper focuses on the usage of various vulnerability scanners and their related methodology to detect the various vulnerabilities available in the web applications or the remote host across the network and tries to identify new mechanisms that can be deployed to secure the network.
[ { "created": "Thu, 27 Mar 2014 09:20:40 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Bairwa", "Sheetal", "" ], [ "Mewara", "Bhawna", "" ], [ "Gajrani", "Jyoti", "" ] ]
Carlos Rodriguez-Penagos Dr.
Carlos Rodriguez-Penagos, Carme Armentano-Oller, Marta Villegas, Maite Melero, Aitor Gonzalez, Ona de Gibert Bonet, and Casimiro Carrino Pio
The Catalan Language CLUB
OpenCor Forum 2021. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2107.07903
cs.CL cs.AI
The Catalan Language Understanding Benchmark (CLUB) encompasses various datasets representative of different NLU tasks that enable accurate evaluations of language models, following the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) example. It is part of AINA and PlanTL, two public funding initiatives to empower the Catalan language in the Artificial Intelligence era.
[ { "created": "Fri, 3 Dec 2021 13:15:17 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Rodriguez-Penagos", "Carlos", "" ], [ "Armentano-Oller", "Carme", "" ], [ "Villegas", "Marta", "" ], [ "Melero", "Maite", "" ], [ "Gonzalez", "Aitor", "" ], [ "Bonet", "Ona de Gibert", "" ], [ "Pio", "Casimiro Carrino", "" ] ]
Weijia Wu
Weijia Wu, Zhuang Li, Yefei He, Mike Zheng Shou, Chunhua Shen, Lele Cheng, Yan Li, Tingting Gao, Di Zhang, Zhongyuan Wang
Paragraph-to-Image Generation with Information-Enriched Diffusion Model
The project website is at: Code:
Text-to-image (T2I) models have recently experienced rapid development, achieving astonishing performance in terms of fidelity and textual alignment capabilities. However, given a long paragraph (up to 512 words), these generation models still struggle to achieve strong alignment and are unable to generate images depicting complex scenes. In this paper, we introduce an information-enriched diffusion model for paragraph-to-image generation task, termed ParaDiffusion, which delves into the transference of the extensive semantic comprehension capabilities of large language models to the task of image generation. At its core is using a large language model (e.g., Llama V2) to encode long-form text, followed by fine-tuning with LORA to alignthe text-image feature spaces in the generation task. To facilitate the training of long-text semantic alignment, we also curated a high-quality paragraph-image pair dataset, namely ParaImage. This dataset contains a small amount of high-quality, meticulously annotated data, and a large-scale synthetic dataset with long text descriptions being generated using a vision-language model. Experiments demonstrate that ParaDiffusion outperforms state-of-the-art models (SD XL, DeepFloyd IF) on ViLG-300 and ParaPrompts, achieving up to 15% and 45% human voting rate improvements for visual appeal and text faithfulness, respectively. The code and dataset will be released to foster community research on long-text alignment.
[ { "created": "Fri, 24 Nov 2023 05:17:01 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 29 Nov 2023 12:01:35 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Wu", "Weijia", "" ], [ "Li", "Zhuang", "" ], [ "He", "Yefei", "" ], [ "Shou", "Mike Zheng", "" ], [ "Shen", "Chunhua", "" ], [ "Cheng", "Lele", "" ], [ "Li", "Yan", "" ], [ "Gao", "Tingting", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Di", "" ], [ "Wang", "Zhongyuan", "" ] ]
Fran\c{c}ois M\'eriaux
Fran\c{c}ois M\'eriaux, Yezekael Hayel, Samson Lasaulce, Andrey Garnaev
Long-Term Energy Constraints and Power Control in Cognitive Radio Networks
DSP 2011: 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, July 2011, Corfu, Greece
When a long-term energy constraint is imposed to a transmitter, the average energy-efficiency of a transmitter is, in general, not maximized by always transmitting. In a cognitive radio context, this means that a secondary link can re-exploit the non-used time-slots. In the case where the secondary link is imposed to generate no interference on the primary link, a relevant issue is therefore to know the fraction of time-slots available to the secondary transmitter, depending on the system parameters. On the other hand, if the secondary transmitter is modeled as a selfish and free player choosing its power control policy to maximize its average energy-efficiency, resulting primary and secondary signals are not necessarily orthogonal and studying the corresponding Stackelberg game is relevant to know the outcome of this interactive situation in terms of power control policies.
[ { "created": "Thu, 21 Jul 2011 12:28:55 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Mériaux", "François", "" ], [ "Hayel", "Yezekael", "" ], [ "Lasaulce", "Samson", "" ], [ "Garnaev", "Andrey", "" ] ]
Alexander G. Anderson
Alexander G. Anderson, Cory P. Berg
The High-Dimensional Geometry of Binary Neural Networks
12 pages, 4 Figures
Recent research has shown that one can train a neural network with binary weights and activations at train time by augmenting the weights with a high-precision continuous latent variable that accumulates small changes from stochastic gradient descent. However, there is a dearth of theoretical analysis to explain why we can effectively capture the features in our data with binary weights and activations. Our main result is that the neural networks with binary weights and activations trained using the method of Courbariaux, Hubara et al. (2016) work because of the high-dimensional geometry of binary vectors. In particular, the ideal continuous vectors that extract out features in the intermediate representations of these BNNs are well-approximated by binary vectors in the sense that dot products are approximately preserved. Compared to previous research that demonstrated the viability of such BNNs, our work explains why these BNNs work in terms of the HD geometry. Our theory serves as a foundation for understanding not only BNNs but a variety of methods that seek to compress traditional neural networks. Furthermore, a better understanding of multilayer binary neural networks serves as a starting point for generalizing BNNs to other neural network architectures such as recurrent neural networks.
[ { "created": "Fri, 19 May 2017 21:33:00 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Anderson", "Alexander G.", "" ], [ "Berg", "Cory P.", "" ] ]
Pin-Chu Yang
Pin-Chu Yang, Mohammed Al-Sada, Chang-Chieh Chiu, Kevin Kuo, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Kanata Suzuki, Nelson Yalta, Kuo-Hao Shu and Tetsuya Ogata
HATSUKI : An anime character like robot figure platform with anime-style expressions and imitation learning based action generation
8 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Ro-MAN 2020
cs.RO cs.HC
Japanese character figurines are popular and have pivot position in Otaku culture. Although numerous robots have been developed, less have focused on otaku-culture or on embodying the anime character figurine. Therefore, we take the first steps to bridge this gap by developing Hatsuki, which is a humanoid robot platform with anime based design. Hatsuki's novelty lies in aesthetic design, 2D facial expressions, and anime-style behaviors that allows it to deliver rich interaction experiences resembling anime-characters. We explain our design implementation process of Hatsuki, followed by our evaluations. In order to explore user impressions and opinions towards Hatsuki, we conducted a questionnaire in the world's largest anime-figurine event. The results indicate that participants were generally very satisfied with Hatsuki's design, and proposed various use case scenarios and deployment contexts for Hatsuki. The second evaluation focused on imitation learning, as such method can provide better interaction ability in the real world and generate rich, context-adaptive behavior in different situations. We made Hatsuki learn 11 actions, combining voice, facial expressions and motions, through neuron network based policy model with our proposed interface. Results show our approach was successfully able to generate the actions through self-organized contexts, which shows the potential for generalizing our approach in further actions under different contexts. Lastly, we present our future research direction for Hatsuki, and provide our conclusion.
[ { "created": "Tue, 31 Mar 2020 11:53:50 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 14 Jul 2020 12:59:24 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Yang", "Pin-Chu", "" ], [ "Al-Sada", "Mohammed", "" ], [ "Chiu", "Chang-Chieh", "" ], [ "Kuo", "Kevin", "" ], [ "Tomo", "Tito Pradhono", "" ], [ "Suzuki", "Kanata", "" ], [ "Yalta", "Nelson", "" ], [ "Shu", "Kuo-Hao", "" ], [ "Ogata", "Tetsuya", "" ] ]
Albert Kim
Albert Kim, Liqi Xu, Tarique Siddiqui, Silu Huang, Samuel Madden, Aditya Parameswaran
Optimally Leveraging Density and Locality to Support LIMIT Queries
Existing database systems are not optimized for queries with a LIMIT clause---operating instead in an all-or-nothing manner. In this paper, we propose a fast LIMIT query evaluation engine, called NeedleTail, aimed at letting analysts browse a small sample of the query results on large datasets as quickly as possible, independent of the overall size of the result set. NeedleTail introduces density maps, a lightweight in-memory indexing structure, and a set of efficient algorithms (with desirable theoretical guarantees) to quickly locate promising blocks, trading off locality and density. In settings where the samples are used to compute aggregates, we extend techniques from survey sampling to mitigate the bias in our samples. Our experimental results demonstrate that NeedleTail returns results 4x faster on HDDs and 9x faster on SSDs on average, while occupying up to 23x less memory than existing techniques.
[ { "created": "Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:12:10 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 5 Dec 2016 21:04:27 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Fri, 4 Aug 2017 02:58:30 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Kim", "Albert", "" ], [ "Xu", "Liqi", "" ], [ "Siddiqui", "Tarique", "" ], [ "Huang", "Silu", "" ], [ "Madden", "Samuel", "" ], [ "Parameswaran", "Aditya", "" ] ]
Michael Freedman
M. Freedman
Complexity Classes as Mathematical Axioms
Some minor changes and one more reference. To appear in Ann. Math
cs.CC math.GT
Treating a conjecture, P^#P != NP, on the separation of complexity classes as an axiom, an implication is found in three manifold topology with little obvious connection to complexity theory. This is reminiscent of Harvey Friedman's work on finitistic interpretations of large cardinal axioms.
[ { "created": "Tue, 30 Sep 2008 22:51:58 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 4 Nov 2008 04:21:22 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Tue, 10 Feb 2009 05:58:27 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Tue, 16 Jun 2009 22:20:09 GMT", "version": "v4" } ]
[ [ "Freedman", "M.", "" ] ]
Hela Jedda Hela Jedda
Donia Ben Amor, Hela Jedda, Josef A. Nossek
16 QAM Communication with 1-Bit Transmitters
5 pages, 6 figures, WSA 2017
cs.IT math.IT
We present a novel non-linear precoding technique for the transmission of 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) symbols in a 1-bit massive multi-user (MU) multipleinput- single-output (MISO) downlink system. We deploy low resolution digital-to-analog converters (DACs) at the transmitter for the sake of decreasing the high energy consumption related to the massive MISO system. To mitigate the multi-user interference (MUI) and the distortions due to the low resolution DACs, the minimum bit error ratio (MBER) precoder was introduced in previous work. However, this precoder technique is restricted to quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signaling. Our approach consists in upgrading this method to the transmission of 16 QAM symbols. Simulation results show that the performance in terms of uncoded BER is significantly improved for larger massive MISO gain.
[ { "created": "Thu, 15 Dec 2016 22:03:13 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Amor", "Donia Ben", "" ], [ "Jedda", "Hela", "" ], [ "Nossek", "Josef A.", "" ] ]
Marijn Heule
Zhenjun Liu, Leroy Chew and Marijn Heule
Avoiding Monochromatic Rectangles Using Shift Patterns
cs.DM math.CO
Ramsey Theory deals with avoiding certain patterns. When constructing an instance that avoids one pattern, it is observed that other patterns emerge. For example, repetition emerges when avoiding arithmetic progression (Van der Waerden numbers), while reflection emerges when avoiding monochromatic solutions of $a+b=c$ (Schur numbers). We exploit observed patterns when coloring a grid while avoiding monochromatic rectangles. Like many problems in Ramsey Theory, this problem has a rapidly growing search space that makes computer search difficult. Steinbach et al. obtained a solution of an 18 by 18 grid with 4 colors by enforcing a rotation symmetry. However, that symmetry is not suitable for 5 colors. In this article, we will encode this problem into propositional logic and enforce so-called internal symmetries, which preserves satisfiability, to guide SAT-solving. We first observe patterns with 2 and 3 colors, among which the "shift pattern" can be easily generalized and efficiently encoded. Using this pattern, we obtain a new solution of the 18 by 18 grid that is non-isomorphic to the known solution. We further analyze the pattern and obtain necessary conditions to further trim down the search space. We conclude with our attempts on finding a 5-coloring of a 26 by 26 grid, as well as further open problems on the shift pattern.
[ { "created": "Wed, 23 Dec 2020 10:20:36 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Zhenjun", "" ], [ "Chew", "Leroy", "" ], [ "Heule", "Marijn", "" ] ]
Zhiyang Dou
Zimeng Wang, Zhiyang Dou, Rui Xu, Cheng Lin, Yuan Liu, Xiaoxiao Long, Shiqing Xin, Taku Komura, Xiaoming Yuan, Wenping Wang
Coverage Axis++: Efficient Inner Point Selection for 3D Shape Skeletonization
SGP2024. Project Page:
cs.CV cs.CG cs.GR
We introduce Coverage Axis++, a novel and efficient approach to 3D shape skeletonization. The current state-of-the-art approaches for this task often rely on the watertightness of the input or suffer from substantial computational costs, thereby limiting their practicality. To address this challenge, Coverage Axis++ proposes a heuristic algorithm to select skeletal points, offering a high-accuracy approximation of the Medial Axis Transform (MAT) while significantly mitigating computational intensity for various shape representations. We introduce a simple yet effective strategy that considers shape coverage, uniformity, and centrality to derive skeletal points. The selection procedure enforces consistency with the shape structure while favoring the dominant medial balls, which thus introduces a compact underlying shape representation in terms of MAT. As a result, Coverage Axis++ allows for skeletonization for various shape representations (e.g., water-tight meshes, triangle soups, point clouds), specification of the number of skeletal points, few hyperparameters, and highly efficient computation with improved reconstruction accuracy. Extensive experiments across a wide range of 3D shapes validate the efficiency and effectiveness of Coverage Axis++. Our codes are available at
[ { "created": "Tue, 23 Jan 2024 18:07:07 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 24 Jan 2024 18:31:30 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Sat, 27 Jan 2024 19:24:38 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Tue, 30 Jan 2024 03:03:47 GMT", "version": "v4" }, { "created": "Thu, 1 Feb 2024 20:15:04 GMT", "version": "v5" }, { "created": "Fri, 12 Apr 2024 19:48:27 GMT", "version": "v6" }, { "created": "Mon, 10 Jun 2024 15:10:49 GMT", "version": "v7" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Zimeng", "" ], [ "Dou", "Zhiyang", "" ], [ "Xu", "Rui", "" ], [ "Lin", "Cheng", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yuan", "" ], [ "Long", "Xiaoxiao", "" ], [ "Xin", "Shiqing", "" ], [ "Komura", "Taku", "" ], [ "Yuan", "Xiaoming", "" ], [ "Wang", "Wenping", "" ] ]
Gabriel Moreau
B\'eatrice Montbroussous (GATE), Jonathan Schaeffer (OSUG), Gabriel Moreau (LEGI), Francoise Berthoud, Gabrielle Feltin (GRICAD)
Calculate the carbon footprint of your IT assets with EcoDiag, an EcoInfo service
in French
Congr\`es JRES : Les Journ\'ees R\'eseaux de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche, RENATER, Dec 2019, Dijon, France
You hear a lot about environmental issues, you may have initiated positive personal attitudes, you have a group will in your unit, and you are wondering about the environmental impact of digital technology in your professional environment...EcoDiag is here for you!The CNRS EcoInfo GDS has found that assessing the environmental impacts of digital technology is complex and can discourage the best will, which is why we offer you a simple and effective method to estimate the carbon footprint of your fleet through this new service based on our experience. We chose an indicator that everyone could understand: CO2e emissions (CO2e equivalent). Based on an inventory of the digital services used and the unit's computer equipment, our methodology and expertise will allow you to establish a global estimate of GHG emissions. This evaluation will be accompanied by recommendations and resources (sheets, guide, material) to integrate this work into a Hc{\'e}res-type report or use them as part of a more global carbon assessment for your structure. The provision of advice will allow you to post a policy to reduce GHG emissions generated by digital technology in the following years!Meet us in front of the poster to discover and leave with our tool for assessing the environmental impacts of your unit's digital activities. You will have the tools and a recommendation guide to control and reduce these impacts in a continuous improvement process. Concrete examples from two units will illustrate our approach and demonstrate the ease of use of the EcoDiag service.
[ { "created": "Thu, 12 Dec 2019 15:37:33 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Montbroussous", "Béatrice", "", "GATE" ], [ "Schaeffer", "Jonathan", "", "OSUG" ], [ "Moreau", "Gabriel", "", "LEGI" ], [ "Berthoud", "Francoise", "", "GRICAD" ], [ "Feltin", "Gabrielle", "", "GRICAD" ] ]
Riti Paul
Riti Paul, Sahil Vora and Baoxin Li
Instance Adaptive Prototypical Contrastive Embedding for Generalized Zero Shot Learning
7 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in IJCAI 2023 Workshop on Generalizing from Limited Resources in the Open World
Generalized zero-shot learning(GZSL) aims to classify samples from seen and unseen labels, assuming unseen labels are not accessible during training. Recent advancements in GZSL have been expedited by incorporating contrastive-learning-based (instance-based) embedding in generative networks and leveraging the semantic relationship between data points. However, existing embedding architectures suffer from two limitations: (1) limited discriminability of synthetic features' embedding without considering fine-grained cluster structures; (2) inflexible optimization due to restricted scaling mechanisms on existing contrastive embedding networks, leading to overlapped representations in the embedding space. To enhance the quality of representations in the embedding space, as mentioned in (1), we propose a margin-based prototypical contrastive learning embedding network that reaps the benefits of prototype-data (cluster quality enhancement) and implicit data-data (fine-grained representations) interaction while providing substantial cluster supervision to the embedding network and the generator. To tackle (2), we propose an instance adaptive contrastive loss that leads to generalized representations for unseen labels with increased inter-class margin. Through comprehensive experimental evaluation, we show that our method can outperform the current state-of-the-art on three benchmark datasets. Our approach also consistently achieves the best unseen performance in the GZSL setting.
[ { "created": "Wed, 13 Sep 2023 14:26:03 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 14 Sep 2023 06:40:13 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Paul", "Riti", "" ], [ "Vora", "Sahil", "" ], [ "Li", "Baoxin", "" ] ]
Lam Pham
Lam Pham, Dusan Salovic, Anahid Jalali, Alexander Schindler, Khoa Tran, Canh Vu, Phu X. Nguyen
Robust, General, and Low Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification Systems and An Effective Visualization for Presenting a Sound Scene Context
cs.SD cs.AI eess.AS
In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC), the task of identifying the scene of an audio recording from its acoustic signature. In particular, we firstly propose an inception-based and low footprint ASC model, referred to as the ASC baseline. The proposed ASC baseline is then compared with benchmark and high-complexity network architectures of MobileNetV1, MobileNetV2, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50V2, ResNet152V2, DenseNet121, DenseNet201, and Xception. Next, we improve the ASC baseline by proposing a novel deep neural network architecture which leverages residual-inception architectures and multiple kernels. Given the novel residual-inception (NRI) model, we further evaluate the trade off between the model complexity and the model accuracy performance. Finally, we evaluate whether sound events occurring in a sound scene recording can help to improve ASC accuracy, then indicate how a sound scene context is well presented by combining both sound scene and sound event information. We conduct extensive experiments on various ASC datasets, including Crowded Scenes, IEEE AASP Challenge on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) 2018 Task 1A and 1B, 2019 Task 1A and 1B, 2020 Task 1A, 2021 Task 1A, 2022 Task 1. The experimental results on several different ASC challenges highlight two main achievements; the first is to propose robust, general, and low complexity ASC systems which are suitable for real-life applications on a wide range of edge devices and mobiles; the second is to propose an effective visualization method for comprehensively presenting a sound scene context.
[ { "created": "Sun, 16 Oct 2022 19:07:21 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Pham", "Lam", "" ], [ "Salovic", "Dusan", "" ], [ "Jalali", "Anahid", "" ], [ "Schindler", "Alexander", "" ], [ "Tran", "Khoa", "" ], [ "Vu", "Canh", "" ], [ "Nguyen", "Phu X.", "" ] ]
Jesse Heyninck
Jesse Heyninck and Bart Bogaerts
Non-deterministic approximation operators: ultimate operators, semi-equilibrium semantics and aggregates (full version)
Paper presented at the 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023)
cs.AI cs.LO
Approximation fixpoint theory (AFT) is an abstract and general algebraic framework for studying the semantics of non-monotonic logics. In recent work, AFT was generalized to non-deterministic operators, i.e.\ operators whose range are sets of elements rather than single elements. In this paper, we make three further contributions to non-deterministic AFT: (1) we define and study ultimate approximations of non-deterministic operators, (2) we give an algebraic formulation of the semi-equilibrium semantics by Amendola, et al., and (3) we generalize the characterisations of disjunctive logic programs to disjunctive logic programs with aggregates.
[ { "created": "Thu, 18 May 2023 09:59:12 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Heyninck", "Jesse", "" ], [ "Bogaerts", "Bart", "" ] ]
Anastasia Mavridou (\'Ecole polytechnique f\'ed\'erale de Lausanne), Eduard Baranov (\'Ecole polytechnique f\'ed\'erale de Lausanne), Simon Bliudze (\'Ecole polytechnique f\'ed\'erale de Lausanne), Joseph Sifakis (\'Ecole polytechnique f\'ed\'erale de Lausanne)
Architecture Diagrams: A Graphical Language for Architecture Style Specification
In Proceedings ICE 2016, arXiv:1608.03131
EPTCS 223, 2016, pp. 83-97
Architecture styles characterise families of architectures sharing common characteristics. We have recently proposed configuration logics for architecture style specification. In this paper, we study a graphical notation to enhance readability and easiness of expression. We study simple architecture diagrams and a more expressive extension, interval architecture diagrams. For each type of diagrams, we present its semantics, a set of necessary and sufficient consistency conditions and a method that allows to characterise compositionally the specified architectures. We provide several examples illustrating the application of the results. We also present a polynomial-time algorithm for checking that a given architecture conforms to the architecture style specified by a diagram.
[ { "created": "Thu, 11 Aug 2016 00:26:15 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Mavridou", "Anastasia", "", "École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne" ], [ "Baranov", "Eduard", "", "École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne" ], [ "Bliudze", "Simon", "", "École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne" ], [ "Sifakis", "Joseph", "", "École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne" ] ]
Bar Mayo
Bar Mayo, Tamir Hazan and Ayellet Tal
Visual Navigation with Spatial Attention
cs.CV cs.LG
This work focuses on object goal visual navigation, aiming at finding the location of an object from a given class, where in each step the agent is provided with an egocentric RGB image of the scene. We propose to learn the agent's policy using a reinforcement learning algorithm. Our key contribution is a novel attention probability model for visual navigation tasks. This attention encodes semantic information about observed objects, as well as spatial information about their place. This combination of the "what" and the "where" allows the agent to navigate toward the sought-after object effectively. The attention model is shown to improve the agent's policy and to achieve state-of-the-art results on commonly-used datasets.
[ { "created": "Tue, 20 Apr 2021 07:39:52 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Mayo", "Bar", "" ], [ "Hazan", "Tamir", "" ], [ "Tal", "Ayellet", "" ] ]
Prasenjit Chanak
Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee
Fault-tolerant multipath routing scheme for energy efficient wireless sensor networks
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2013
The main challenge in wireless sensor network is to improve the fault tolerance of each node and also provide an energy efficient fast data routing service. In this paper we propose an energy efficient node fault diagnosis and recovery for wireless sensor networks referred as fault tolerant multipath routing scheme for energy efficient wireless sensor network (FTMRS).The FTMRS is based on multipath data routing scheme. One shortest path is use for main data routing in FTMRS technique and other two backup paths are used as alternative path for faulty network and to handle the overloaded traffic on main channel. Shortest path data routing ensures energy efficient data routing. The performance analysis of FTMRS shows better results compared to other popular fault tolerant techniques in wireless sensor networks.
[ { "created": "Thu, 30 May 2013 13:34:53 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Chanak", "Prasenjit", "" ], [ "Samanta", "Tuhina", "" ], [ "Banerjee", "Indrajit", "" ] ]
Ehsan Nezhadarya
Ehsan Nezhadarya, Yang Liu and Bingbing Liu
BoxNet: A Deep Learning Method for 2D Bounding Box Estimation from Bird's-Eye View Point Cloud
We present a learning-based method to estimate the object bounding box from its 2D bird's-eye view (BEV) LiDAR points. Our method, entitled BoxNet, exploits a simple deep neural network that can efficiently handle unordered points. The method takes as input the 2D coordinates of all the points and the output is a vector consisting of both the box pose (position and orientation in LiDAR coordinate system) and its size (width and length). In order to deal with the angle discontinuity problem, we propose to estimate the double-angle sinusoidal values rather than the angle itself. We also predict the center relative to the point cloud mean to boost the performance of estimating the location of the box. The proposed method does not rely on the ordering of points as in many existing approaches, and can accurately predict the actual size of the bounding box based on the prior information that is obtained from the training data. BoxNet is validated using the KITTI 3D object dataset, with significant improvement compared with the state-of-the-art non-learning based methods
[ { "created": "Mon, 19 Aug 2019 21:50:41 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Nezhadarya", "Ehsan", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yang", "" ], [ "Liu", "Bingbing", "" ] ]
Jianzong Wang
Zihao Cao, Jianzong Wang, Shijing Si, Zhangcheng Huang, Jing Xiao
Machine Unlearning Method Based On Projection Residual
This paper is accepted by DSAA2022. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics
cs.LG cs.AI
Machine learning models (mainly neural networks) are used more and more in real life. Users feed their data to the model for training. But these processes are often one-way. Once trained, the model remembers the data. Even when data is removed from the dataset, the effects of these data persist in the model. With more and more laws and regulations around the world protecting data privacy, it becomes even more important to make models forget this data completely through machine unlearning. This paper adopts the projection residual method based on Newton iteration method. The main purpose is to implement machine unlearning tasks in the context of linear regression models and neural network models. This method mainly uses the iterative weighting method to completely forget the data and its corresponding influence, and its computational cost is linear in the feature dimension of the data. This method can improve the current machine learning method. At the same time, it is independent of the size of the training set. Results were evaluated by feature injection testing (FIT). Experiments show that this method is more thorough in deleting data, which is close to model retraining.
[ { "created": "Fri, 30 Sep 2022 07:29:55 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Cao", "Zihao", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jianzong", "" ], [ "Si", "Shijing", "" ], [ "Huang", "Zhangcheng", "" ], [ "Xiao", "Jing", "" ] ]
Baigong Zheng
Glencora Borradaile, Hung Le and Baigong Zheng
Designing Practical PTASes for Minimum Feedback Vertex Set in Planar Graphs
We present two algorithms for the minimum feedback vertex set problem in planar graphs: an $O(n \log n)$ PTAS using a linear kernel and balanced separator, and a heuristic algorithm using kernelization and local search. We implemented these algorithms and compared their performance with Becker and Geiger's 2-approximation algorithm. We observe that while our PTAS is competitive with the 2-approximation algorithm on large planar graphs, its running time is much longer. And our heuristic algorithm can outperform the 2-approximation algorithm on most large planar graphs and provide a trade-off between running time and solution quality, i.e. a "PTAS behavior".
[ { "created": "Sat, 21 Apr 2018 00:27:28 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Borradaile", "Glencora", "" ], [ "Le", "Hung", "" ], [ "Zheng", "Baigong", "" ] ]
G. DeGiacomo, M. Lenzerini
A Uniform Framework for Concept Definitions in Description Logics
See for any accompanying files
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol 6, (1997), 87-110
Most modern formalisms used in Databases and Artificial Intelligence for describing an application domain are based on the notions of class (or concept) and relationship among classes. One interesting feature of such formalisms is the possibility of defining a class, i.e., providing a set of properties that precisely characterize the instances of the class. Many recent articles point out that there are several ways of assigning a meaning to a class definition containing some sort of recursion. In this paper, we argue that, instead of choosing a single style of semantics, we achieve better results by adopting a formalism that allows for different semantics to coexist. We demonstrate the feasibility of our argument, by presenting a knowledge representation formalism, the description logic muALCQ, with the above characteristics. In addition to the constructs for conjunction, disjunction, negation, quantifiers, and qualified number restrictions, muALCQ includes special fixpoint constructs to express (suitably interpreted) recursive definitions. These constructs enable the usual frame-based descriptions to be combined with definitions of recursive data structures such as directed acyclic graphs, lists, streams, etc. We establish several properties of muALCQ, including the decidability and the computational complexity of reasoning, by formulating a correspondence with a particular modal logic of programs called the modal mu-calculus.
[ { "created": "Sat, 1 Mar 1997 00:00:00 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "DeGiacomo", "G.", "" ], [ "Lenzerini", "M.", "" ] ]
Reed Williams
Reed M. Williams, Horea T. Ilie\c{s}
Practical Shape Analysis and Segmentation Methods for Point Cloud Models
21 pages, 20 figures. To appear in The Journal of Computer Aided Geometric Design's Special Issue on Heat Diffusion Equation and Optimal Transport in Geometry Processing and Computer Graphics
cs.CG cs.CV cs.GR
Current point cloud processing algorithms do not have the capability to automatically extract semantic information from the observed scenes, except in very specialized cases. Furthermore, existing mesh analysis paradigms cannot be directly employed to automatically perform typical shape analysis tasks directly on point cloud models. We present a potent framework for shape analysis, similarity, and segmentation of noisy point cloud models for real objects of engineering interest, models that may be incomplete. The proposed framework relies on spectral methods and the heat diffusion kernel to construct compact shape signatures, and we show that the framework supports a variety of clustering techniques that have traditionally been applied only on mesh models. We developed and implemented one practical and convergent estimate of the Laplace-Beltrami operator for point clouds as well as a number of clustering techniques adapted to work directly on point clouds to produce geometric features of engineering interest. The key advantage of this framework is that it supports practical shape analysis capabilities that operate directly on point cloud models of objects without requiring surface reconstruction or global meshing. We show that the proposed technique is robust against typical noise present in possibly incomplete point clouds, and segment point clouds scanned by depth cameras (e.g. Kinect) into semantically-meaningful sub-shapes.
[ { "created": "Thu, 25 Oct 2018 15:38:30 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Williams", "Reed M.", "" ], [ "Ilieş", "Horea T.", "" ] ]
Wazir Zada Khan
Wazir Zada Khan, Mohammed Y. Aalsalem and Yang Xiang
A Graphical Password Based System for Small Mobile Devices
10 Pages, 7 figures, 1 Table
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, 2011, 145-154
Passwords provide security mechanism for authentication and protection services against unwanted access to resources. A graphical based password is one promising alternatives of textual passwords. According to human psychology, humans are able to remember pictures easily. In this paper, we have proposed a new hybrid graphical password based system, which is a combination of recognition and recall based techniques that offers many advantages over the existing systems and may be more convenient for the user. Our scheme is resistant to shoulder surfing attack and many other attacks on graphical passwords. This scheme is proposed for smart mobile devices (like smart phones i.e. ipod, iphone, PDAs etc) which are more handy and convenient to use than traditional desktop computer systems.
[ { "created": "Mon, 17 Oct 2011 22:56:08 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Khan", "Wazir Zada", "" ], [ "Aalsalem", "Mohammed Y.", "" ], [ "Xiang", "Yang", "" ] ]
Ikram Singh
Ikram Singh, Peter J. Smith, Pawel A. Dmochowski
Tight Bounds on the Optimal UL Sum-Rate of MU RIS-aided Wireless Systems
reconfigurable intelligent surface, intelligent reflecting surface, RIS, optimal sum rate tight bound, optimal sum rate
cs.IT math.IT
The objective of this paper is to develop simple techniques to bound the optimal uplink sum-rate of multi-user RIS-aided wireless systems. Specifically, we develop a novel technique called \textit{channel separation} which provides a new understanding as to how the RIS phases affect the sum-rate. Leveraging channel separation, we derive upper and lower bounds on the optimal sum-rate. In addition, we propose a low-complexity alternating optimization algorithm to obtain near-optimal sum-rate results. Numerical results demonstrate the tightness of the bounds and show that the alternating optimization approach delivers sum-rate values similar to the results of a full numerical optimization procedure. Furthermore, in practical scenarios where hardware limitations cause the RIS phases to be quantized, our lower bound can still be applied and shows that the sum-rate is robust to quantization, even with low resolution.
[ { "created": "Wed, 6 Oct 2021 04:16:30 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Singh", "Ikram", "" ], [ "Smith", "Peter J.", "" ], [ "Dmochowski", "Pawel A.", "" ] ]
Dawei Sun
Dawei Sun and Jingkai Chen and Sayan Mitra and Chuchu Fan
Multi-agent Motion Planning from Signal Temporal Logic Specifications
Accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
cs.RO cs.MA cs.SY eess.SY
We tackle the challenging problem of multi-agent cooperative motion planning for complex tasks described using signal temporal logic (STL), where robots can have nonlinear and nonholonomic dynamics. Existing methods in multi-agent motion planning, especially those based on discrete abstractions and model predictive control (MPC), suffer from limited scalability with respect to the complexity of the task, the size of the workspace, and the planning horizon. We present a method based on {\em timed waypoints\/} to address this issue. We show that timed waypoints can help abstract nonlinear behaviors of the system as safety envelopes around the reference path defined by those waypoints. Then the search for waypoints satisfying the STL specifications can be inductively encoded as a mixed-integer linear program. The agents following the synthesized timed waypoints have their tasks automatically allocated, and are guaranteed to satisfy the STL specifications while avoiding collisions. We evaluate the algorithm on a wide variety of benchmarks. Results show that it supports multi-agent planning from complex specification over long planning horizons, and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art abstraction-based and MPC-based motion planning methods. The implementation is available at
[ { "created": "Thu, 13 Jan 2022 23:49:36 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Sun", "Dawei", "" ], [ "Chen", "Jingkai", "" ], [ "Mitra", "Sayan", "" ], [ "Fan", "Chuchu", "" ] ]
Xi Victoria Lin
Xi Victoria Lin, Xilun Chen, Mingda Chen, Weijia Shi, Maria Lomeli, Rich James, Pedro Rodriguez, Jacob Kahn, Gergely Szilvasy, Mike Lewis, Luke Zettlemoyer, Scott Yih
RA-DIT: Retrieval-Augmented Dual Instruction Tuning
v4: ICLR 2024 camera-ready version
cs.CL cs.AI
Retrieval-augmented language models (RALMs) improve performance by accessing long-tail and up-to-date knowledge from external data stores, but are challenging to build. Existing approaches require either expensive retrieval-specific modifications to LM pre-training or use post-hoc integration of the data store that leads to suboptimal performance. We introduce Retrieval-Augmented Dual Instruction Tuning (RA-DIT), a lightweight fine-tuning methodology that provides a third option by retrofitting any LLM with retrieval capabilities. Our approach operates in two distinct fine-tuning steps: (1) one updates a pre-trained LM to better use retrieved information, while (2) the other updates the retriever to return more relevant results, as preferred by the LM. By fine-tuning over tasks that require both knowledge utilization and contextual awareness, we demonstrate that each stage yields significant performance improvements, and using both leads to additional gains. Our best model, RA-DIT 65B, achieves state-of-the-art performance across a range of knowledge-intensive zero- and few-shot learning benchmarks, significantly outperforming existing in-context RALM approaches by up to +8.9% in 0-shot setting and +1.4% in 5-shot setting on average.
[ { "created": "Mon, 2 Oct 2023 17:16:26 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Sun, 8 Oct 2023 22:05:20 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Sun, 5 Nov 2023 06:25:55 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Mon, 6 May 2024 07:50:35 GMT", "version": "v4" } ]
[ [ "Lin", "Xi Victoria", "" ], [ "Chen", "Xilun", "" ], [ "Chen", "Mingda", "" ], [ "Shi", "Weijia", "" ], [ "Lomeli", "Maria", "" ], [ "James", "Rich", "" ], [ "Rodriguez", "Pedro", "" ], [ "Kahn", "Jacob", "" ], [ "Szilvasy", "Gergely", "" ], [ "Lewis", "Mike", "" ], [ "Zettlemoyer", "Luke", "" ], [ "Yih", "Scott", "" ] ]
Yuling Chen
Yuling Chen and Jing Sun and Yixian Yang and Tao Li and Xinxin Niu and Huiyu Zhou
PSSPR: A Source Location Privacy Protection Scheme Based on Sector Phantom Routing in WSNs
Source location privacy (SLP) protection is an emerging research topic in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Because the source location represents the valuable information of the target being monitored and tracked, it is of great practical significance to achieve a high degree of privacy of the source location. Although many studies based on phantom nodes have alleviates the protection of source location privacy to some extent. It is urgent to solve the problems such as complicate the ac path between nodes, improve the centralized distribution of Phantom nodes near the source nodes and reduce the network communication overhead. In this paper, PSSPR routing is proposed as a visable approach to address SLP issues. We use the coordinates of the center node V to divide sector-domain, which act as important role in generating a new phantom nodes. The phantom nodes perform specified routing policies to ensure that they can choose various locations. In addition, the directed random route can ensure that data packets avoid the visible range when they move to the sink node hop by hop. Thus, the source location is protected. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments show that this protocol achieves higher security of source node location with less communication overhead.
[ { "created": "Tue, 28 Sep 2021 14:53:11 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 30 Sep 2021 06:33:17 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Yuling", "" ], [ "Sun", "Jing", "" ], [ "Yang", "Yixian", "" ], [ "Li", "Tao", "" ], [ "Niu", "Xinxin", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Huiyu", "" ] ]
Taylor Howell
Taylor A. Howell, Simon Le Cleac'h, Sumeet Singh, Pete Florence, Zachary Manchester, Vikas Sindhwani
Trajectory Optimization with Optimization-Based Dynamics
Minor fixes. Table formatting. Terminology modifications
cs.RO cs.SY eess.SY
We present a framework for bi-level trajectory optimization in which a system's dynamics are encoded as the solution to a constrained optimization problem and smooth gradients of this lower-level problem are passed to an upper-level trajectory optimizer. This optimization-based dynamics representation enables constraint handling, additional variables, and non-smooth behavior to be abstracted away from the upper-level optimizer, and allows classical unconstrained optimizers to synthesize trajectories for more complex systems. We provide an interior-point method for efficient evaluation of constrained dynamics and utilize implicit differentiation to compute smooth gradients of this representation. We demonstrate the framework by modeling systems from locomotion, aerospace, and manipulation domains including: acrobot with joint limits, cart-pole subject to Coulomb friction, Raibert hopper, rocket landing with thrust limits, and planar-push task with optimization-based dynamics and then optimize trajectories using iterative LQR.
[ { "created": "Fri, 10 Sep 2021 15:18:09 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Sat, 11 Dec 2021 17:04:15 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Mon, 28 Feb 2022 17:51:23 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Wed, 11 Jan 2023 18:21:08 GMT", "version": "v4" } ]
[ [ "Howell", "Taylor A.", "" ], [ "Cleac'h", "Simon Le", "" ], [ "Singh", "Sumeet", "" ], [ "Florence", "Pete", "" ], [ "Manchester", "Zachary", "" ], [ "Sindhwani", "Vikas", "" ] ]
Jesse Milzman
Fernando Palafox, Jesse Milzman, Dong Ho Lee, Ryan Park, and David Fridovich-Keil
Smooth Information Gathering in Two-Player Noncooperative Games
cs.GT cs.MA cs.SY eess.SY
We present a mathematical framework for modeling two-player noncooperative games in which one player (the defender) is uncertain of the costs of the game and the second player's (the attacker's) intention but can preemptively allocate information-gathering resources to reduce this uncertainty. We obtain the defender's decisions by solving a two-stage problem. In Stage 1, the defender allocates information-gathering resources, and in Stage 2, the information-gathering resources output a signal that informs the defender about the costs of the game and the attacker's intent, and then both players play a noncooperative game. We provide a gradient-based algorithm to solve the two-stage game and apply this framework to a tower-defense game which can be interpreted as a variant of a Colonel Blotto game with smooth payoff functions and uncertainty over battlefield valuations. Finally, we analyze how optimal decisions shift with changes in information-gathering allocations and perturbations in the cost functions.
[ { "created": "Sun, 31 Mar 2024 16:34:28 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Palafox", "Fernando", "" ], [ "Milzman", "Jesse", "" ], [ "Lee", "Dong Ho", "" ], [ "Park", "Ryan", "" ], [ "Fridovich-Keil", "David", "" ] ]
Abdelkrim Abdelli Mr
Meriem Achir, Abdelkrim Abdelli, Lynda Mokdad
Distributed architecture for resource description and discovery in the IoT
Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) creates a vast ecosystem of intelligent objects interconnected via the Internet, allowing them to exchange information and to interact. This paradigm has been extended to a new concept, called the Web of Things (WoT), considering that every physical object can be accessed and controlled using Web-based languages and protocols, such as: the CoAP protocol which is becoming the most accepted and suitable protocol in this context. Moreover, the architectures currently proposed for the creation of IoT environments lack efficient and standard support for the discovery, selection and composition of IoT services and their integration in a scalable and interoperable way. To overcome this, in this work, we propose a hybrid and distributed CoAP-based architecture, considering all these aspects by combining the Fog Computing paradigm and structured P2P overlay networks. Furthermore, we describe the different components of our architecture and explain the interaction between them.
[ { "created": "Thu, 22 Sep 2022 12:49:57 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Achir", "Meriem", "" ], [ "Abdelli", "Abdelkrim", "" ], [ "Mokdad", "Lynda", "" ] ]
Ran Zhu
Ran Zhu, Mingkun Yang, Wang Liu, Rujun Song, Bo Yan, Zhuoling Xiao
DeepAVO: Efficient Pose Refining with Feature Distilling for Deep Visual Odometry
17 pages,14 figures, Neurocomputing Journal
cs.CV cs.LG
The technology for Visual Odometry (VO) that estimates the position and orientation of the moving object through analyzing the image sequences captured by on-board cameras, has been well investigated with the rising interest in autonomous driving. This paper studies monocular VO from the perspective of Deep Learning (DL). Unlike most current learning-based methods, our approach, called DeepAVO, is established on the intuition that features contribute discriminately to different motion patterns. Specifically, we present a novel four-branch network to learn the rotation and translation by leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to focus on different quadrants of optical flow input. To enhance the ability of feature selection, we further introduce an effective channel-spatial attention mechanism to force each branch to explicitly distill related information for specific Frame to Frame (F2F) motion estimation. Experiments on various datasets involving outdoor driving and indoor walking scenarios show that the proposed DeepAVO outperforms the state-of-the-art monocular methods by a large margin, demonstrating competitive performance to the stereo VO algorithm and verifying promising potential for generalization.
[ { "created": "Thu, 20 May 2021 17:05:31 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Zhu", "Ran", "" ], [ "Yang", "Mingkun", "" ], [ "Liu", "Wang", "" ], [ "Song", "Rujun", "" ], [ "Yan", "Bo", "" ], [ "Xiao", "Zhuoling", "" ] ]
Valmi Dufour-Lussier
Valmi Dufour-Lussier (INRIA Lorraine - LORIA), Florence Le Ber (INRIA Lorraine - LORIA, LHyGeS), Jean Lieber (INRIA Lorraine - LORIA)
Quels formalismes temporels pour repr\'esenter des connaissances extraites de textes de recettes de cuisine ?
Repr\'esentation et raisonnement sur le temps et l'espace (2011)
The Taaable projet goal is to create a case-based reasoning system for retrieval and adaptation of cooking recipes. Within this framework, we are discussing the temporal aspects of recipes and the means of representing those in order to adapt their text.
[ { "created": "Mon, 24 Oct 2011 09:33:31 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Dufour-Lussier", "Valmi", "", "INRIA Lorraine - LORIA" ], [ "Ber", "Florence Le", "", "INRIA\n Lorraine - LORIA, LHyGeS" ], [ "Lieber", "Jean", "", "INRIA Lorraine - LORIA" ] ]
Maya Kabkab
Pouya Samangouei, Maya Kabkab, Rama Chellappa
Defense-GAN: Protecting Classifiers Against Adversarial Attacks Using Generative Models
Published as a conference paper at the Sixth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2018)
cs.CV cs.LG stat.ML
In recent years, deep neural network approaches have been widely adopted for machine learning tasks, including classification. However, they were shown to be vulnerable to adversarial perturbations: carefully crafted small perturbations can cause misclassification of legitimate images. We propose Defense-GAN, a new framework leveraging the expressive capability of generative models to defend deep neural networks against such attacks. Defense-GAN is trained to model the distribution of unperturbed images. At inference time, it finds a close output to a given image which does not contain the adversarial changes. This output is then fed to the classifier. Our proposed method can be used with any classification model and does not modify the classifier structure or training procedure. It can also be used as a defense against any attack as it does not assume knowledge of the process for generating the adversarial examples. We empirically show that Defense-GAN is consistently effective against different attack methods and improves on existing defense strategies. Our code has been made publicly available at
[ { "created": "Thu, 17 May 2018 05:38:55 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Fri, 18 May 2018 00:20:52 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Samangouei", "Pouya", "" ], [ "Kabkab", "Maya", "" ], [ "Chellappa", "Rama", "" ] ]
Muhammad Majid Butt
M Majid Butt, Anil Rao, Daejung Yoon
RF Fingerprinting and Deep Learning Assisted UE Positioning in 5G
submitted to ICC 2020
cs.NI eess.SP
In this work, we investigate user equipment (UE) positioning assisted by deep learning (DL) in 5G and beyond networks. As compared to state of the art positioning algorithms used in today's networks, radio signal fingerprinting and machine learning (ML) assisted positioning requires smaller additional feedback overhead; and the positioning estimates are made directly inside the radio access network (RAN), thereby assisting in radio resource management. The conventional positioning algorithms will be used as back-up for the environments with high variability in conditions; but ML-assisted positioning serves as more efficient and simpler technique to provide better or similar positioning accuracy. In this regard, we study ML-assisted positioning methods and evaluate their performance using system level simulations for an outdoor scenario in Lincoln park Chicago. The study is based on the use of raytracing tools, a 3GPP 5G NR compliant system level simulator and DL framework to estimate positioning accuracy of the UE. The use of raytracing tool and system level simulator helps avoid expensive drive test measurements in practical scenarios. Our proposed mechanism is a first step towards more proactive mobility management in future networks. We evaluate and compare performance of various DL models and show mean positioning error in the range of 1-1.5m for the best DL configuration with appropriate system feature-modeling.
[ { "created": "Fri, 3 Jan 2020 20:31:53 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Butt", "M Majid", "" ], [ "Rao", "Anil", "" ], [ "Yoon", "Daejung", "" ] ]
Manfred Scheucher
Helena Bergold and Stefan Felsner and Meghana M. Reddy and Manfred Scheucher
Using SAT to study plane Hamiltonian substructures in simple drawings
cs.CG cs.DM math.CO
In 1988 Rafla conjectured that every simple drawing of a complete graph $K_n$ contains a plane, i.e., non-crossing, Hamiltonian cycle. The conjecture is far from being resolved. The lower bounds for plane paths and plane matchings have recently been raised to $(\log n)^{1-o(1)}$ and $\Omega(\sqrt{n})$, respectively. We develop a SAT framework which allows the study of simple drawings of $K_n$. Based on the computational data we conjecture that every simple drawing of $K_n$ contains a plane Hamiltonian subgraph with $2n-3$ edges. We prove this strengthening of Rafla's conjecture for convex drawings, a rich subclass of simple drawings. Our computer experiments also led to other new challenging conjectures regarding plane substructures in simple drawings of complete graphs.
[ { "created": "Tue, 16 May 2023 13:43:20 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Bergold", "Helena", "" ], [ "Felsner", "Stefan", "" ], [ "Reddy", "Meghana M.", "" ], [ "Scheucher", "Manfred", "" ] ]
Jia Wang
Xizhe Wang, Ning Zhang, Jia Wang, Jing Ni, Xinzi Sun, John Zhang, Zitao Liu, Yu Cao, Benyuan Liu
A Knowledge-Based Decision Support System for In Vitro Fertilization Treatment
8 pages, 2020 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HEALTHCOM). IEEE, 2021
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the most widely used Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). IVF usually involves controlled ovarian stimulation, oocyte retrieval, fertilization in the laboratory with subsequent embryo transfer. The first two steps correspond with follicular phase of females and ovulation in their menstrual cycle. Therefore, we refer to it as the treatment cycle in our paper. The treatment cycle is crucial because the stimulation medications in IVF treatment are applied directly on patients. In order to optimize the stimulation effects and lower the side effects of the stimulation medications, prompt treatment adjustments are in need. In addition, the quality and quantity of the retrieved oocytes have a significant effect on the outcome of the following procedures. To improve the IVF success rate, we propose a knowledge-based decision support system that can provide medical advice on the treatment protocol and medication adjustment for each patient visit during IVF treatment cycle. Our system is efficient in data processing and light-weighted which can be easily embedded into electronic medical record systems. Moreover, an oocyte retrieval oriented evaluation demonstrates that our system performs well in terms of accuracy of advice for the protocols and medications.
[ { "created": "Thu, 27 Jan 2022 20:30:52 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Xizhe", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Ning", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jia", "" ], [ "Ni", "Jing", "" ], [ "Sun", "Xinzi", "" ], [ "Zhang", "John", "" ], [ "Liu", "Zitao", "" ], [ "Cao", "Yu", "" ], [ "Liu", "Benyuan", "" ] ]
Arseny Shur
Arseny M. Shur
Numerical values of the growth rates of power-free languages
5 pages, 4 tables
cs.FL math.CO
We present upper and two-sided bounds of the exponential growth rate for a wide range of power-free languages. All bounds are obtained with the use of algorithms previously developed by the author.
[ { "created": "Wed, 22 Sep 2010 16:34:50 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 4 Apr 2012 04:06:36 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Shur", "Arseny M.", "" ] ]
Yusuf Motara
Yusuf Moosa Motara
Functional Programming and Security
cs.CR cs.PL cs.SE
This paper analyses the security contribution of typical functional-language features by examining them in the light of accepted information security principles. Imperative and functional code are compared to illustrate various cases. In conclusion, there may be an excellent case for the use of functional languages on the grounds of better security; however, empirical research should be done to validate this possibility.
[ { "created": "Fri, 27 Jan 2012 09:23:34 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Motara", "Yusuf Moosa", "" ] ]
Anjan Mukherjee
Anjan Mukherjee, Biswanath Banerjee
Elastic-gap free strain gradient crystal plasticity model that effectively account for plastic slip gradient and grain boundary dissipation
Submitted in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
This paper proposes an elastic-gap free strain gradient crystal plasticity model that addresses dissipation caused by plastic slip gradient and grain boundary (GB) Burger tensor. The model involves splitting plastic slip gradient and GB Burger tensor into energetic dissipative quantities. Unlike conventional models, the bulk and GB defect energy are considered to be a quadratic functional of the energetic portion of slip gradient and GB Burgers tensor. The higher-order stresses for each individual slip systems and GB stresses are derived from the defect energy, following a similar evolution as the Armstrong-Frederick type backstress model in classical plasticity. The evolution equations consist of a hardening and a relaxation term. The relaxation term brings the nonlinearity in hardening and causes an additional dissipation. The applicability of the proposed model is numerically established with the help of two-dimensional finite element implementation. Specifically, the bulk and GB relaxation coefficients are critically evaluated based on various circumstances, considering single crystal infinite shear layer, periodic bicrystal shearing, and bicrystal tension problem. In contrast to the Gurtin-type model, the proposed model smoothly captures the apparent strengthening at saturation without causing any abrupt stress jump under non-proportional loading conditions. Moreover, when subjected to cyclic loading, the stress-strain curve maintains its curvature during reverse loading. The numerical simulation reveals that the movement of geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) towards the GB is influenced by the bulk recovery coefficient, while the dissipation and amount of accumulation of GND near the GB are controlled by the GB recovery coefficient.
[ { "created": "Wed, 22 May 2024 06:38:51 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Mukherjee", "Anjan", "" ], [ "Banerjee", "Biswanath", "" ] ]
Dong Zhang Zhang
Dong Zhang, Shimin Li, Xin Zhang, Jun Zhan, Pengyu Wang, Yaqian Zhou, Xipeng Qiu
SpeechGPT: Empowering Large Language Models with Intrinsic Cross-Modal Conversational Abilities
work in progress
Multi-modal large language models are regarded as a crucial step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and have garnered significant interest with the emergence of ChatGPT. However, current speech-language models typically adopt the cascade paradigm, preventing inter-modal knowledge transfer. In this paper, we propose SpeechGPT, a large language model with intrinsic cross-modal conversational abilities, capable of perceiving and generating multi-model content. With discrete speech representations, we first construct SpeechInstruct, a large-scale cross-modal speech instruction dataset. Additionally, we employ a three-stage training strategy that includes modality-adaptation pre-training, cross-modal instruction fine-tuning, and chain-of-modality instruction fine-tuning. The experimental results demonstrate that SpeechGPT has an impressive capacity to follow multi-modal human instructions and highlight the potential of handling multiple modalities with one model. Demos are shown in
[ { "created": "Thu, 18 May 2023 14:23:25 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Fri, 19 May 2023 14:41:16 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Dong", "" ], [ "Li", "Shimin", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Xin", "" ], [ "Zhan", "Jun", "" ], [ "Wang", "Pengyu", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Yaqian", "" ], [ "Qiu", "Xipeng", "" ] ]
Ziang Chen
Ziang Chen, Li-Wei Chen, Xianyue Zhao, Kefeng Li, Heidemarie Schmidt, Ilia Polian, Nan Du
Power-balanced Memristive Cryptographic Implementation Against Side Channel Attacks
Memristors, as emerging nano-devices, offer promising performance and exhibit rich electrical dynamic behavior. Having already found success in applications such as neuromorphic and in-memory computing, researchers are now exploring their potential for cryptographic implementations. In this study, we present a novel power-balanced hiding strategy utilizing memristor groups to conceal power consumption in cryptographic logic circuits. Our approach ensures consistent power costs of all 16 logic gates in Complementary-Resistive-Switching-with-Reading (CRS-R) logic family during writing and reading cycles regardless of Logic Input Variable (LIV) values. By constructing hiding groups, we enable an effective power balance in each gate hiding group. Furthermore, experimental validation of our strategy includes the implementation of a cryptographic construction, xor4SBox, using NOR gates. The circuit construction without the hiding strategy and with the hiding strategy undergo T-test analysis, confirming the significant improvement achieved with our approach. Our work presents a substantial advancement in power-balanced hiding methods, offering enhanced security and efficiency in logic circuits.
[ { "created": "Sat, 2 Dec 2023 16:26:35 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Ziang", "" ], [ "Chen", "Li-Wei", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Xianyue", "" ], [ "Li", "Kefeng", "" ], [ "Schmidt", "Heidemarie", "" ], [ "Polian", "Ilia", "" ], [ "Du", "Nan", "" ] ]
Yukihiro Kamada
Yukihiro Kamada and Kiyonori Miyasaki
Generation of Two-Layer Monotonic Functions
5 pages
The problem of implementing a class of functions with particular conditions by using monotonic multilayer functions is considered. A genetic algorithm is used to create monotonic functions of a certain class, and these are implemented with two-layer monotonic functions. The existence of a solution to the given problem suggests that from two monotone functions, a monotonic function with the same dimensions can be created. A new algorithm based on the genetic algorithm is proposed, which easily implemented two-layer monotonic functions of a specific class for up to six variables.
[ { "created": "Sun, 4 Nov 2012 04:49:24 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Kamada", "Yukihiro", "" ], [ "Miyasaki", "Kiyonori", "" ] ]
Ming-Min Zhao
Mingxin Chen, Ming-Min Zhao, An Liu, Min Li and Qingjiang Shi
Joint Node Selection and Resource Allocation Optimization for Cooperative Sensing with a Shared Wireless Backhaul
13 pages, 10 figures
cs.IT eess.SP math.IT
In this paper, we consider a cooperative sensing framework in the context of future multi-functional network with both communication and sensing ability, where one base station (BS) serves as a sensing transmitter and several nearby BSs serve as sensing receivers. Each receiver receives the sensing signal reflected by the target and communicates with the fusion center (FC) through a wireless multiple access channel (MAC) for cooperative target localization. To improve the localization performance, we present a hybrid information-signal domain cooperative sensing (HISDCS) design, where each sensing receiver transmits both the estimated time delay/effective reflecting coefficient and the received sensing signal sampled around the estimated time delay to the FC. Then, we propose to minimize the number of channel uses by utilizing an efficient Karhunen-Lo\'eve transformation (KLT) encoding scheme for signal quantization and proper node selection, under the Cram\'er-Rao lower bound (CRLB) constraint and the capacity limits of MAC. A novel matrix-inequality constrained successive convex approximation (MCSCA) algorithm is proposed to optimize the wireless backhaul resource allocation, together with a greedy strategy for node selection. Despite the high non-convexness of the considered problem, we prove that the proposed MCSCA algorithm is able to converge to the set of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) solutions of a relaxed problem obtained by relaxing the discrete variables. Besides, a low-complexity quantization bit reallocation algorithm is designed, which does not perform explicit node selection, and is able to harvest most of the performance gain brought by HISDCS. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to show that the proposed HISDCS design is able to significantly outperform the baseline schemes.
[ { "created": "Mon, 27 May 2024 03:24:53 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Mingxin", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Ming-Min", "" ], [ "Liu", "An", "" ], [ "Li", "Min", "" ], [ "Shi", "Qingjiang", "" ] ]
Karsten Roth
Karsten Roth, Timo Milbich, Bj\"orn Ommer
PADS: Policy-Adapted Sampling for Visual Similarity Learning
Accepted to CVPR2020
Learning visual similarity requires to learn relations, typically between triplets of images. Albeit triplet approaches being powerful, their computational complexity mostly limits training to only a subset of all possible training triplets. Thus, sampling strategies that decide when to use which training sample during learning are crucial. Currently, the prominent paradigm are fixed or curriculum sampling strategies that are predefined before training starts. However, the problem truly calls for a sampling process that adjusts based on the actual state of the similarity representation during training. We, therefore, employ reinforcement learning and have a teacher network adjust the sampling distribution based on the current state of the learner network, which represents visual similarity. Experiments on benchmark datasets using standard triplet-based losses show that our adaptive sampling strategy significantly outperforms fixed sampling strategies. Moreover, although our adaptive sampling is only applied on top of basic triplet-learning frameworks, we reach competitive results to state-of-the-art approaches that employ diverse additional learning signals or strong ensemble architectures. Code can be found under
[ { "created": "Tue, 24 Mar 2020 21:01:07 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Sat, 28 Mar 2020 12:56:16 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Roth", "Karsten", "" ], [ "Milbich", "Timo", "" ], [ "Ommer", "Björn", "" ] ]
Harsh Maheshwari
Harsh Maheshwari
Performance degradation of ImageNet trained models by simple image transformations
cs.CV cs.LG
ImageNet trained PyTorch models are generally preferred as the off-the-shelf models for direct use or for initialisation in most computer vision tasks. In this paper, we simply test a representative set of these convolution and transformer based models under many simple image transformations like horizontal shifting, vertical shifting, scaling, rotation, presence of Gaussian noise, cutout, horizontal flip and vertical flip and report the performance drop caused by such transformations. We find that even simple transformations like rotating the image by 10{\deg} or zooming in by 20% can reduce the top-1 accuracy of models like ResNet152 by 1%+. The code is available at
[ { "created": "Sun, 17 Jul 2022 05:23:48 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Maheshwari", "Harsh", "" ] ]
Ghazal Afroozi Milani (University of Surrey), Daniel Cyrus (University of Surrey), Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad (University of Surrey)
Towards One-Shot Learning for Text Classification using Inductive Logic Programming
In Proceedings ICLP 2023, arXiv:2308.14898
EPTCS 385, 2023, pp. 69-79
cs.LG cs.CL cs.LO
With the ever-increasing potential of AI to perform personalised tasks, it is becoming essential to develop new machine learning techniques which are data-efficient and do not require hundreds or thousands of training data. In this paper, we explore an Inductive Logic Programming approach for one-shot text classification. In particular, we explore the framework of Meta-Interpretive Learning (MIL), along with using common-sense background knowledge extracted from ConceptNet. Results indicate that MIL can learn text classification rules from a small number of training examples. Moreover, the higher complexity of chosen examples, the higher accuracy of the outcome.
[ { "created": "Wed, 30 Aug 2023 09:04:06 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Milani", "Ghazal Afroozi", "", "University of Surrey" ], [ "Cyrus", "Daniel", "", "University\n of Surrey" ], [ "Tamaddoni-Nezhad", "Alireza", "", "University of Surrey" ] ]
Cyril Voyant
Cyril Voyant (SPE), Marie Laure Nivet (SPE), Christophe Paoli (SPE), Marc Muselli (SPE), Gilles Notton (SPE)
Meteorological time series forecasting based on MLP modelling using heterogeneous transfer functions
International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences 2014, Madrid : Spain (2014)
In this paper, we propose to study four meteorological and seasonal time series coupled with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) modeling. We chose to combine two transfer functions for the nodes of the hidden layer, and to use a temporal indicator (time index as input) in order to take into account the seasonal aspect of the studied time series. The results of the prediction concern two years of measurements and the learning step, eight independent years. We show that this methodology can improve the accuracy of meteorological data estimation compared to a classical MLP modelling with a homogenous transfer function.
[ { "created": "Tue, 29 Apr 2014 06:43:19 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Voyant", "Cyril", "", "SPE" ], [ "Nivet", "Marie Laure", "", "SPE" ], [ "Paoli", "Christophe", "", "SPE" ], [ "Muselli", "Marc", "", "SPE" ], [ "Notton", "Gilles", "", "SPE" ] ]
Xinyu Fan
Xinyu Fan, Faen Zhang, Jiahong Wu, Jingming Guo
Provenance-based Classification Policy based on Encrypted Search
As an important type of cloud data, digital provenance is arousing increasing attention on improving system performance. Currently, provenance has been employed to provide cues regarding access control and to estimate data quality. However, provenance itself might also be sensitive information. Therefore, provenance might be encrypted and stored in the Cloud. In this paper, we provide a mechanism to classify cloud documents by searching specific keywords from their encrypted provenance, and we prove our scheme achieves semantic security. In term of application of the proposed techniques, considering that files are classified to store separately in the cloud, in order to facilitate the regulation and security protection for the files, the classification policies can use provenance as conditions to determine the category of a document. Such as the easiest sample policy goes like: the documents have been reviewed twice can be classified as "public accessible", which can be accessed by the public.
[ { "created": "Tue, 7 Jan 2020 09:42:28 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Fan", "Xinyu", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Faen", "" ], [ "Wu", "Jiahong", "" ], [ "Guo", "Jingming", "" ] ]
Masaki Aida
Naoki Hirakura, Masaki Aida, Konosuke Kawashima
A Model of Polarization on Social Media Caused by Empathy and Repulsion
5 pages , 4 figures, IEICE ICETC 2020
cs.SI cs.PF physics.soc-ph
In recent years, the ease with which social media can be accessed has led to the unexpected problem of a shrinkage in information sources. This phenomenon is caused by a system that facilitates the connection of people with similar ideas and recommendation systems. Bias in the selection of information sources promotes polarization that divides people into multiple groups with opposing views and creates conflicts between opposing groups. This paper elucidates the mechanism of polarization by proposing a model of opinion formation in social media that considers users' reactions of empathy and repulsion. Based on the idea that opinion neutrality is only relative, this model offers a novel technology for dealing with polarization.
[ { "created": "Mon, 16 Nov 2020 18:08:07 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Hirakura", "Naoki", "" ], [ "Aida", "Masaki", "" ], [ "Kawashima", "Konosuke", "" ] ]
Mark Kramer
Mark A. Kramer, Allen Leavens, Alexander Scarlat
Harnessing AI for efficient analysis of complex policy documents: a case study of Executive Order 14110
28 pages, 1 figure
cs.CL cs.AI cs.IR
Policy documents, such as legislation, regulations, and executive orders, are crucial in shaping society. However, their length and complexity make interpretation and application challenging and time-consuming. Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly large language models (LLMs), has the potential to automate the process of analyzing these documents, improving accuracy and efficiency. This study aims to evaluate the potential of AI in streamlining policy analysis and to identify the strengths and limitations of current AI approaches. The research focuses on question answering and tasks involving content extraction from policy documents. A case study was conducted using Executive Order 14110 on "Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence" as a test case. Four commercial AI systems were used to analyze the document and answer a set of representative policy questions. The performance of the AI systems was compared to manual analysis conducted by human experts. The study found that two AI systems, Gemini 1.5 Pro and Claude 3 Opus, demonstrated significant potential for supporting policy analysis, providing accurate and reliable information extraction from complex documents. They performed comparably to human analysts but with significantly higher efficiency. However, achieving reproducibility remains a challenge, necessitating further research and development.
[ { "created": "Mon, 10 Jun 2024 11:19:28 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Kramer", "Mark A.", "" ], [ "Leavens", "Allen", "" ], [ "Scarlat", "Alexander", "" ] ]
Kathl\'en Kohn
Timothy Duff, Kathl\'en Kohn, Anton Leykin, Tomas Pajdla
PL${}_{1}$P -- Point-line Minimal Problems under Partial Visibility in Three Views
cs.CV cs.NA math.AG math.NA
We present a complete classification of minimal problems for generic arrangements of points and lines in space observed partially by three calibrated perspective cameras when each line is incident to at most one point. This is a large class of interesting minimal problems that allows missing observations in images due to occlusions and missed detections. There is an infinite number of such minimal problems; however, we show that they can be reduced to 140616 equivalence classes by removing superfluous features and relabeling the cameras. We also introduce camera-minimal problems, which are practical for designing minimal solvers, and show how to pick a simplest camera-minimal problem for each minimal problem. This simplification results in 74575 equivalence classes. Only 76 of these were known; the rest are new. In order to identify problems that have potential for practical solving of image matching and 3D reconstruction, we present several smaller natural subfamilies of camera-minimal problems as well as compute solution counts for all camera-minimal problems which have less than 300 solutions for generic data.
[ { "created": "Tue, 10 Mar 2020 21:50:52 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Duff", "Timothy", "" ], [ "Kohn", "Kathlén", "" ], [ "Leykin", "Anton", "" ], [ "Pajdla", "Tomas", "" ] ]
Carlos Riquelme Ruiz
Cedric Renggli, Andr\'e Susano Pinto, Neil Houlsby, Basil Mustafa, Joan Puigcerver, Carlos Riquelme
Learning to Merge Tokens in Vision Transformers
11 pages, 9 figures
cs.CV cs.LG
Transformers are widely applied to solve natural language understanding and computer vision tasks. While scaling up these architectures leads to improved performance, it often comes at the expense of much higher computational costs. In order for large-scale models to remain practical in real-world systems, there is a need for reducing their computational overhead. In this work, we present the PatchMerger, a simple module that reduces the number of patches or tokens the network has to process by merging them between two consecutive intermediate layers. We show that the PatchMerger achieves a significant speedup across various model sizes while matching the original performance both upstream and downstream after fine-tuning.
[ { "created": "Thu, 24 Feb 2022 10:56:17 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Renggli", "Cedric", "" ], [ "Pinto", "André Susano", "" ], [ "Houlsby", "Neil", "" ], [ "Mustafa", "Basil", "" ], [ "Puigcerver", "Joan", "" ], [ "Riquelme", "Carlos", "" ] ]
Gregory Gutin
R. Crowston, G. Gutin, M. Jones, E.J. Kim, I.Z. Ruzsa
Systems of Linear Equations over $\mathbb{F}_2$ and Problems Parameterized Above Average
cs.DM cs.DS
In the problem Max Lin, we are given a system $Az=b$ of $m$ linear equations with $n$ variables over $\mathbb{F}_2$ in which each equation is assigned a positive weight and we wish to find an assignment of values to the variables that maximizes the excess, which is the total weight of satisfied equations minus the total weight of falsified equations. Using an algebraic approach, we obtain a lower bound for the maximum excess. Max Lin Above Average (Max Lin AA) is a parameterized version of Max Lin introduced by Mahajan et al. (Proc. IWPEC'06 and J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 75, 2009). In Max Lin AA all weights are integral and we are to decide whether the maximum excess is at least $k$, where $k$ is the parameter. It is not hard to see that we may assume that no two equations in $Az=b$ have the same left-hand side and $n={\rm rank A}$. Using our maximum excess results, we prove that, under these assumptions, Max Lin AA is fixed-parameter tractable for a wide special case: $m\le 2^{p(n)}$ for an arbitrary fixed function $p(n)=o(n)$. Max $r$-Lin AA is a special case of Max Lin AA, where each equation has at most $r$ variables. In Max Exact $r$-SAT AA we are given a multiset of $m$ clauses on $n$ variables such that each clause has $r$ variables and asked whether there is a truth assignment to the $n$ variables that satisfies at least $(1-2^{-r})m + k2^{-r}$ clauses. Using our maximum excess results, we prove that for each fixed $r\ge 2$, Max $r$-Lin AA and Max Exact $r$-SAT AA can be solved in time $2^{O(k \log k)}+m^{O(1)}.$ This improves $2^{O(k^2)}+m^{O(1)}$-time algorithms for the two problems obtained by Gutin et al. (IWPEC 2009) and Alon et al. (SODA 2010), respectively.
[ { "created": "Mon, 1 Feb 2010 16:49:29 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 23 Feb 2010 09:44:07 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Crowston", "R.", "" ], [ "Gutin", "G.", "" ], [ "Jones", "M.", "" ], [ "Kim", "E. J.", "" ], [ "Ruzsa", "I. Z.", "" ] ]
L\'aszl\'o Kozma
Laszlo Kozma
Minimum Average Distance Triangulations
ESA 2012
cs.CG cs.DS
We study the problem of finding a triangulation T of a planar point set S such as to minimize the expected distance between two points x and y chosen uniformly at random from S. By distance we mean the length of the shortest path between x and y along edges of T. The length of a path is the sum of the weights of its edges. Edge weights are assumed to be given as part of the problem for every pair of distinct points (x,y) in S^2. In a different variant of the problem, the points are vertices of a simple polygon and we look for a triangulation of the interior of the polygon that is optimal in the same sense. We prove that a general formulation of the problem in which the weights are arbitrary positive numbers is strongly NP-complete. For the case when all the weights are equal we give polynomial-time algorithms. In the end we mention several open problems.
[ { "created": "Thu, 8 Dec 2011 13:19:24 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 20 Feb 2012 16:35:46 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Wed, 20 Jun 2012 13:18:20 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Kozma", "Laszlo", "" ] ]
Jin Qian
Jin Qian and Kaimin Wei and Yongdong Wu and Jilian Zhang and Jipeng Chen and Huan Bao
GI-SMN: Gradient Inversion Attack against Federated Learning without Prior Knowledge
18 pages, 10 figures, conference
Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a privacy-preserving machine learning approach where multiple parties share gradient information rather than original user data. Recent work has demonstrated that gradient inversion attacks can exploit the gradients of FL to recreate the original user data, posing significant privacy risks. However, these attacks make strong assumptions about the attacker, such as altering the model structure or parameters, gaining batch normalization statistics, or acquiring prior knowledge of the original training set, etc. Consequently, these attacks are not possible in real-world scenarios. To end it, we propose a novel Gradient Inversion attack based on Style Migration Network (GI-SMN), which breaks through the strong assumptions made by previous gradient inversion attacks. The optimization space is reduced by the refinement of the latent code and the use of regular terms to facilitate gradient matching. GI-SMN enables the reconstruction of user data with high similarity in batches. Experimental results have demonstrated that GI-SMN outperforms state-of-the-art gradient inversion attacks in both visual effect and similarity metrics. Additionally, it also can overcome gradient pruning and differential privacy defenses.
[ { "created": "Mon, 6 May 2024 14:29:24 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Qian", "Jin", "" ], [ "Wei", "Kaimin", "" ], [ "Wu", "Yongdong", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Jilian", "" ], [ "Chen", "Jipeng", "" ], [ "Bao", "Huan", "" ] ]
Yiwen Han
Xiaofei Wang and Yiwen Han and Victor C.M. Leung and Dusit Niyato and Xueqiang Yan and Xu Chen
Convergence of Edge Computing and Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey
To be published in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 869-904, Secondquarter 2020
cs.NI cs.LG
Ubiquitous sensors and smart devices from factories and communities are generating massive amounts of data, and ever-increasing computing power is driving the core of computation and services from the cloud to the edge of the network. As an important enabler broadly changing people's lives, from face recognition to ambitious smart factories and cities, developments of artificial intelligence (especially deep learning, DL) based applications and services are thriving. However, due to efficiency and latency issues, the current cloud computing service architecture hinders the vision of "providing artificial intelligence for every person and every organization at everywhere". Thus, unleashing DL services using resources at the network edge near the data sources has emerged as a desirable solution. Therefore, edge intelligence, aiming to facilitate the deployment of DL services by edge computing, has received significant attention. In addition, DL, as the representative technique of artificial intelligence, can be integrated into edge computing frameworks to build intelligent edge for dynamic, adaptive edge maintenance and management. With regard to mutually beneficial edge intelligence and intelligent edge, this paper introduces and discusses: 1) the application scenarios of both; 2) the practical implementation methods and enabling technologies, namely DL training and inference in the customized edge computing framework; 3) challenges and future trends of more pervasive and fine-grained intelligence. We believe that by consolidating information scattered across the communication, networking, and DL areas, this survey can help readers to understand the connections between enabling technologies while promoting further discussions on the fusion of edge intelligence and intelligent edge, i.e., Edge DL.
[ { "created": "Fri, 19 Jul 2019 02:36:52 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 26 Dec 2019 14:10:31 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Tue, 28 Jan 2020 14:37:43 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Xiaofei", "" ], [ "Han", "Yiwen", "" ], [ "Leung", "Victor C. M.", "" ], [ "Niyato", "Dusit", "" ], [ "Yan", "Xueqiang", "" ], [ "Chen", "Xu", "" ] ]
Alphan Ulusoy
Alphan Ulusoy and Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn and Calin Belta
Incremental Control Synthesis in Probabilistic Environments with Temporal Logic Constraints
Extended version of the CDC 2012 paper
cs.RO cs.LO
In this paper, we present a method for optimal control synthesis of a plant that interacts with a set of agents in a graph-like environment. The control specification is given as a temporal logic statement about some properties that hold at the vertices of the environment. The plant is assumed to be deterministic, while the agents are probabilistic Markov models. The goal is to control the plant such that the probability of satisfying a syntactically co-safe Linear Temporal Logic formula is maximized. We propose a computationally efficient incremental approach based on the fact that temporal logic verification is computationally cheaper than synthesis. We present a case-study where we compare our approach to the classical non-incremental approach in terms of computation time and memory usage.
[ { "created": "Sat, 1 Sep 2012 21:55:03 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Wed, 5 Sep 2012 04:37:38 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Ulusoy", "Alphan", "" ], [ "Wongpiromsarn", "Tichakorn", "" ], [ "Belta", "Calin", "" ] ]
Zeyuan Allen-Zhu
Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Yang Yuan
Improved SVRG for Non-Strongly-Convex or Sum-of-Non-Convex Objectives
improved writing and included more experiments in this version
cs.LG cs.DS math.OC stat.ML
Many classical algorithms are found until several years later to outlive the confines in which they were conceived, and continue to be relevant in unforeseen settings. In this paper, we show that SVRG is one such method: being originally designed for strongly convex objectives, it is also very robust in non-strongly convex or sum-of-non-convex settings. More precisely, we provide new analysis to improve the state-of-the-art running times in both settings by either applying SVRG or its novel variant. Since non-strongly convex objectives include important examples such as Lasso or logistic regression, and sum-of-non-convex objectives include famous examples such as stochastic PCA and is even believed to be related to training deep neural nets, our results also imply better performances in these applications.
[ { "created": "Fri, 5 Jun 2015 17:00:43 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Fri, 5 Feb 2016 20:55:39 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Fri, 27 May 2016 19:14:20 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Allen-Zhu", "Zeyuan", "" ], [ "Yuan", "Yang", "" ] ]
Liming Wu
Liming Wu, Zhichao Hou, Jirui Yuan, Yu Rong, Wenbing Huang
Equivariant Spatio-Temporal Attentive Graph Networks to Simulate Physical Dynamics
The paper has been published to the conference of NeurIPS 2023
cs.LG cs.AI
Learning to represent and simulate the dynamics of physical systems is a crucial yet challenging task. Existing equivariant Graph Neural Network (GNN) based methods have encapsulated the symmetry of physics, \emph{e.g.}, translations, rotations, etc, leading to better generalization ability. Nevertheless, their frame-to-frame formulation of the task overlooks the non-Markov property mainly incurred by unobserved dynamics in the environment. In this paper, we reformulate dynamics simulation as a spatio-temporal prediction task, by employing the trajectory in the past period to recover the Non-Markovian interactions. We propose Equivariant Spatio-Temporal Attentive Graph Networks (ESTAG), an equivariant version of spatio-temporal GNNs, to fulfill our purpose. At its core, we design a novel Equivariant Discrete Fourier Transform (EDFT) to extract periodic patterns from the history frames, and then construct an Equivariant Spatial Module (ESM) to accomplish spatial message passing, and an Equivariant Temporal Module (ETM) with the forward attention and equivariant pooling mechanisms to aggregate temporal message. We evaluate our model on three real datasets corresponding to the molecular-, protein- and macro-level. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of ESTAG compared to typical spatio-temporal GNNs and equivariant GNNs.
[ { "created": "Tue, 21 May 2024 15:33:21 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Wu", "Liming", "" ], [ "Hou", "Zhichao", "" ], [ "Yuan", "Jirui", "" ], [ "Rong", "Yu", "" ], [ "Huang", "Wenbing", "" ] ]
Vyas Raina
Vyas Raina and Mark Gales
Sentiment Perception Adversarial Attacks on Neural Machine Translation Systems
cs.CL cs.AI
With the advent of deep learning methods, Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems have become increasingly powerful. However, deep learning based systems are susceptible to adversarial attacks, where imperceptible changes to the input can cause undesirable changes at the output of the system. To date there has been little work investigating adversarial attacks on sequence-to-sequence systems, such as NMT models. Previous work in NMT has examined attacks with the aim of introducing target phrases in the output sequence. In this work, adversarial attacks for NMT systems are explored from an output perception perspective. Thus the aim of an attack is to change the perception of the output sequence, without altering the perception of the input sequence. For example, an adversary may distort the sentiment of translated reviews to have an exaggerated positive sentiment. In practice it is challenging to run extensive human perception experiments, so a proxy deep-learning classifier applied to the NMT output is used to measure perception changes. Experiments demonstrate that the sentiment perception of NMT systems' output sequences can be changed significantly with small imperceptible changes to input sequences.
[ { "created": "Tue, 2 May 2023 14:06:47 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Sun, 25 Jun 2023 01:49:25 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Raina", "Vyas", "" ], [ "Gales", "Mark", "" ] ]
Jiancheng An
Jiancheng An, Chao Xu, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, George C. Alexandropoulos, Chongwen Huang, Chau Yuen, and Lajos Hanzo
Stacked Intelligent Metasurfaces for Efficient Holographic MIMO Communications in 6G
17 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, accepted by IEEE JSAC
cs.IT eess.SP math.IT
The revolutionary technology of \emph{Stacked Intelligent Metasurfaces (SIM)} has been recently shown to be capable of carrying out advanced signal processing directly in the native electromagnetic (EM) wave domain. An SIM is fabricated by a sophisticated amalgam of multiple stacked metasurface layers, which may outperform its single-layer metasurface counterparts, such as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISd) and metasurface lenses. We harness this new SIM concept for implementing efficient holographic multiple-input multiple-output (HMIMO) communications that dot require excessive radio-frequency (RF) chains, which constitutes a substantial benefit compared to existing implementations. We first present an HMIMO communication system based on a pair of SIMs at the transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX), respectively. In sharp contrast to the conventional MIMO designs, the considered SIMs are capable of automatically accomplishing transmit precoding and receiver combining, as the EM waves propagate through them. As such, each information data stream can be directly radiated and recovered from the corresponding transmit and receive ports. Secondly, we formulate the problem of minimizing the error between the actual end-to-end SIMs'parametrized channel matrix and the target diagonal one, with the latter representing a flawless interference-free system of parallel subchannels. This is achieved by jointly optimizing the phase shifts associated with all the metasurface layers of both the TX-SIM and RX-SIM. We then design a gradient descent algorithm to solve the resultant non-convex problem. Furthermore, we theoretically analyze the HMIMO channel capacity bound and provide some useful fundamental insights. Extensive simulation results are provided for characterizing our SIM-based HMIMO system, quantifying its substantial performance benefits.
[ { "created": "Sun, 14 May 2023 06:09:38 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "An", "Jiancheng", "" ], [ "Xu", "Chao", "" ], [ "Ng", "Derrick Wing Kwan", "" ], [ "Alexandropoulos", "George C.", "" ], [ "Huang", "Chongwen", "" ], [ "Yuen", "Chau", "" ], [ "Hanzo", "Lajos", "" ] ]
Chun-Hung Liu
Chun-Hung Liu, Di-Chun Liang, Kwang-Cheng Chen, and Rung-Hung Gau
Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications Using Proactive Multi-cell Association
18 pages, 9 figures, journal publication
cs.IT math.IT
Attaining reliable communications traditionally relies on a closed-loop methodology but inevitably incurs a good amount of networking latency thanks to complicated feedback mechanism and signaling storm. Such a closed-loop methodology thus shackles the current cellular network with a tradeoff between high reliability and low latency. To completely avoid the latency induced by closed-loop communication, this paper aims to study how to jointly employ open-loop communication and multi-cell association in a heterogeneous network (HetNet) so as to achieve ultra-reliable and low-latency communications. We first introduce how mobile users in a HetNet adopt the proposed proactive multi-cell association (PMCA) scheme to form their virtual cell that consists of multiple access points (APs) and then analyze the communication reliability and latency performances. We show that the communication reliability can be significantly improved by the PMCA scheme and maximized by optimizing the densities of the users and the APs. The analyses of the uplink and downlink delays are also accomplished, which show that extremely low latency can be fulfilled in the virtual cell of a single user if the PMCA scheme is adopted and the radio resources of each AP are appropriately allocated.
[ { "created": "Sat, 23 Mar 2019 00:45:49 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 3 Sep 2019 14:21:47 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Mon, 23 Dec 2019 02:12:10 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Tue, 4 Aug 2020 14:46:13 GMT", "version": "v4" }, { "created": "Sun, 17 Jan 2021 22:42:38 GMT", "version": "v5" }, { "created": "Fri, 22 Jan 2021 22:07:23 GMT", "version": "v6" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Chun-Hung", "" ], [ "Liang", "Di-Chun", "" ], [ "Chen", "Kwang-Cheng", "" ], [ "Gau", "Rung-Hung", "" ] ]
Fr\'ed\'eric Odermatt
Fr\'ed\'eric Odermatt and B\'eni Egressy and Roger Wattenhofer
Cascaded Beam Search: Plug-and-Play Terminology-Forcing For Neural Machine Translation
14 pages, 7 figures
cs.CL cs.AI
This paper presents a plug-and-play approach for translation with terminology constraints. Terminology constraints are an important aspect of many modern translation pipelines. In both specialized domains and newly emerging domains (such as the COVID-19 pandemic), accurate translation of technical terms is crucial. Recent approaches often train models to copy terminologies from the input into the output sentence by feeding the target terminology along with the input. But this requires expensive training whenever the underlying language model is changed or the system should specialize to a new domain. We propose Cascade Beam Search, a plug-and-play terminology-forcing approach that requires no training. Cascade Beam Search has two parts: 1) logit manipulation to increase the probability of target terminologies and 2) a cascading beam setup based on grid beam search, where beams are grouped by the number of terminologies they contain. We evaluate the performance of our approach by competing against the top submissions of the WMT21 terminology translation task. Our plug-and-play approach performs on par with the winning submissions without using a domain-specific language model and with no additional training.
[ { "created": "Tue, 23 May 2023 21:48:02 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Odermatt", "Frédéric", "" ], [ "Egressy", "Béni", "" ], [ "Wattenhofer", "Roger", "" ] ]
Meenakshi Sarkar
Meenakshi Sarkar, Prabhu Pradhan and Debasish Ghose
Planning Robot Motion using Deep Visual Prediction
7th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob), 2019
cs.RO cs.CV cs.LG
In this paper, we introduce a novel framework that can learn to make visual predictions about the motion of a robotic agent from raw video frames. Our proposed motion prediction network (PROM-Net) can learn in a completely unsupervised manner and efficiently predict up to 10 frames in the future. Moreover, unlike any other motion prediction models, it is lightweight and once trained it can be easily implemented on mobile platforms that have very limited computing capabilities. We have created a new robotic data set comprising LEGO Mindstorms moving along various trajectories in three different environments under different lighting conditions for testing and training the network. Finally, we introduce a framework that would use the predicted frames from the network as an input to a model predictive controller for motion planning in unknown dynamic environments with moving obstacles.
[ { "created": "Mon, 24 Jun 2019 19:17:34 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Sarkar", "Meenakshi", "" ], [ "Pradhan", "Prabhu", "" ], [ "Ghose", "Debasish", "" ] ]
Mahdi Ghafourian
Mahdi Ghafourian, Bilgesu Sumer, Ruben Vera-Rodriguez, Julian Fierrez, Ruben Tolosana, Aythami Moralez, and Els Kindt
Combining Blockchain and Biometrics: A Survey on Technical Aspects and a First Legal Analysis
cs.CV cs.CR cs.DC cs.LG
Biometric recognition as a unique, hard-to-forge, and efficient way of identification and verification has become an indispensable part of the current digital world. The fast evolution of this technology has been a strong incentive for integrating it into many applications. Meanwhile, blockchain, the very attractive decentralized ledger technology, has been widely received both by the research and industry in the past years and it is being increasingly deployed nowadays in many different applications, such as money transfer, IoT, healthcare, or logistics. Recently, researchers have started to speculate what would be the pros and cons and what would be the best applications when these two technologies cross paths. This paper provides a survey of technical literature research on the combination of blockchain and biometrics and includes a first legal analysis of this integration to shed light on challenges and potentials. While this combination is still in its infancy and a growing body of literature discusses specific blockchain applications and solutions in an advanced technological set-up, this paper presents a holistic understanding of blockchains applicability in the biometric sector. This study demonstrates that combining blockchain and biometrics would be beneficial for novel applications in biometrics such as the PKI mechanism, distributed trusted service, and identity management. However, blockchain networks at their current stage are not efficient and economical for real-time applications. From a legal point of view, the allocation of accountability remains a main issue, while other difficulties remain, such as conducting a proper Data Protection Impact Assessment. Finally, it supplies technical and legal recommendations to reap the benefits and mitigate the risks of the combination.
[ { "created": "Tue, 21 Feb 2023 18:58:32 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Ghafourian", "Mahdi", "" ], [ "Sumer", "Bilgesu", "" ], [ "Vera-Rodriguez", "Ruben", "" ], [ "Fierrez", "Julian", "" ], [ "Tolosana", "Ruben", "" ], [ "Moralez", "Aythami", "" ], [ "Kindt", "Els", "" ] ]
Nicolas Gastineau
Nicolas Gastineau (Le2i), Wahabou Abdou (UBFC), Nader Mbarek (LaBRI), Olivier Togni (Le2i)
Distributed leader election and computation of local identifiers for programmable matter
cs.DC cs.DM cs.DS cs.NI
The context of this paper is programmable matter, which consists of a set of computational elements, called particles, in an infinite graph. The considered infinite graphs are the square, triangular and king grids. Each particle occupies one vertex, can communicate with the adjacent particles, has the same clockwise direction and knows the local positions of neighborhood particles. Under these assumptions, we describe a new leader election algorithm affecting a variable to the particles, called the k-local identifier, in such a way that particles at close distance have each a different k-local identifier. For all the presented algorithms, the particles only need a O(1)-memory space.
[ { "created": "Fri, 27 Jul 2018 07:20:34 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Gastineau", "Nicolas", "", "Le2i" ], [ "Abdou", "Wahabou", "", "UBFC" ], [ "Mbarek", "Nader", "", "LaBRI" ], [ "Togni", "Olivier", "", "Le2i" ] ]
Huacheng Zeng
Pedram Kheirkhah Sangdeh, Hossein Pirayesh, Adnan Quadri, Huacheng Zeng
A Practical Spectrum Sharing Scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks: Design and Experiments
cs.NI eess.SP
Spectrum shortage is a fundamental problem in wireless networks and this problem becomes increasingly acute with the rapid proliferation of wireless devices. To address this problem, spectrum sharing in the context of cognitive radio networks (CRNs) has been considered a promising solution. In this paper, we propose a practical spectrum sharing scheme for a small CRN that comprises a pair of primary users and a pair of secondary users by leveraging the multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) technology. In our scheme, we assume that the secondary users take full responsibility for cross-network interference cancellation (IC). We also assume that the secondary users have no knowledge about the primary network, including its signal waveform, frame structure, and network protocol. The key components of our proposed scheme are two MIMO-based interference management techniques: blind beamforming (BBF) and blind interference cancellation (BIC). We have built a prototype of our scheme on a wireless testbed and demonstrated that the prototyped secondary network can coexist with commercial Wi-Fi devices (primary users). Experimental results further show that, for a secondary device with two or three antennas, BBF and BIC achieve an average of 25dB and 33dB IC capability in an office environment, respectively.
[ { "created": "Mon, 27 May 2019 02:35:58 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Sangdeh", "Pedram Kheirkhah", "" ], [ "Pirayesh", "Hossein", "" ], [ "Quadri", "Adnan", "" ], [ "Zeng", "Huacheng", "" ] ]
Wanhua Li
Wanhua Li, Yueqi Duan, Jiwen Lu, Jianjiang Feng, Jie Zhou
Graph-Based Social Relation Reasoning
ECCV 2020
Human beings are fundamentally sociable -- that we generally organize our social lives in terms of relations with other people. Understanding social relations from an image has great potential for intelligent systems such as social chatbots and personal assistants. In this paper, we propose a simpler, faster, and more accurate method named graph relational reasoning network (GR2N) for social relation recognition. Different from existing methods which process all social relations on an image independently, our method considers the paradigm of jointly inferring the relations by constructing a social relation graph. Furthermore, the proposed GR2N constructs several virtual relation graphs to explicitly grasp the strong logical constraints among different types of social relations. Experimental results illustrate that our method generates a reasonable and consistent social relation graph and improves the performance in both accuracy and efficiency.
[ { "created": "Wed, 15 Jul 2020 03:01:11 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 16 Jul 2020 06:32:03 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Fri, 17 Jul 2020 07:20:51 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Wanhua", "" ], [ "Duan", "Yueqi", "" ], [ "Lu", "Jiwen", "" ], [ "Feng", "Jianjiang", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Jie", "" ] ]
Hamada Nayel
Hamada A. Nayel and Shashrekha H. L
Integrating Dictionary Feature into A Deep Learning Model for Disease Named Entity Recognition
16 pages, 13 figures
cs.CL cs.IR cs.NE
In recent years, Deep Learning (DL) models are becoming important due to their demonstrated success at overcoming complex learning problems. DL models have been applied effectively for different Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks such as part-of-Speech (PoS) tagging and Machine Translation (MT). Disease Named Entity Recognition (Disease-NER) is a crucial task which aims at extracting disease Named Entities (NEs) from text. In this paper, a DL model for Disease-NER using dictionary information is proposed and evaluated on National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) disease corpus and BC5CDR dataset. Word embeddings trained over general domain texts as well as biomedical texts have been used to represent input to the proposed model. This study also compares two different Segment Representation (SR) schemes, namely IOB2 and IOBES for Disease-NER. The results illustrate that using dictionary information, pre-trained word embeddings, character embeddings and CRF with global score improves the performance of Disease-NER system.
[ { "created": "Tue, 5 Nov 2019 03:50:16 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Nayel", "Hamada A.", "" ], [ "L", "Shashrekha H.", "" ] ]
Zifan Zhang
Zifan Zhang, Yuchen Liu, Zhiyuan Peng, Mingzhe Chen, Dongkuan Xu, Shuguang Cui
Digital Twin-Assisted Data-Driven Optimization for Reliable Edge Caching in Wireless Networks
Accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)
cs.NI cs.LG
Optimizing edge caching is crucial for the advancement of next-generation (nextG) wireless networks, ensuring high-speed and low-latency services for mobile users. Existing data-driven optimization approaches often lack awareness of the distribution of random data variables and focus solely on optimizing cache hit rates, neglecting potential reliability concerns, such as base station overload and unbalanced cache issues. This oversight can result in system crashes and degraded user experience. To bridge this gap, we introduce a novel digital twin-assisted optimization framework, called D-REC, which integrates reinforcement learning (RL) with diverse intervention modules to ensure reliable caching in nextG wireless networks. We first develop a joint vertical and horizontal twinning approach to efficiently create network digital twins, which are then employed by D-REC as RL optimizers and safeguards, providing ample datasets for training and predictive evaluation of our cache replacement policy. By incorporating reliability modules into a constrained Markov decision process, D-REC can adaptively adjust actions, rewards, and states to comply with advantageous constraints, minimizing the risk of network failures. Theoretical analysis demonstrates comparable convergence rates between D-REC and vanilla data-driven methods without compromising caching performance. Extensive experiments validate that D-REC outperforms conventional approaches in cache hit rate and load balancing while effectively enforcing predetermined reliability intervention modules.
[ { "created": "Sat, 29 Jun 2024 02:40:28 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Zifan", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yuchen", "" ], [ "Peng", "Zhiyuan", "" ], [ "Chen", "Mingzhe", "" ], [ "Xu", "Dongkuan", "" ], [ "Cui", "Shuguang", "" ] ]
Andrew Corbett Dr
Andrew Corbett and Dmitry Kangin
Imbedding Deep Neural Networks
Accepted as a spotlight paper at the 10th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022
cs.LG math.OC
Continuous-depth neural networks, such as Neural ODEs, have refashioned the understanding of residual neural networks in terms of non-linear vector-valued optimal control problems. The common solution is to use the adjoint sensitivity method to replicate a forward-backward pass optimisation problem. We propose a new approach which explicates the network's `depth' as a fundamental variable, thus reducing the problem to a system of forward-facing initial value problems. This new method is based on the principle of `Invariant Imbedding' for which we prove a general solution, applicable to all non-linear, vector-valued optimal control problems with both running and terminal loss. Our new architectures provide a tangible tool for inspecting the theoretical--and to a great extent unexplained--properties of network depth. They also constitute a resource of discrete implementations of Neural ODEs comparable to classes of imbedded residual neural networks. Through a series of experiments, we show the competitive performance of the proposed architectures for supervised learning and time series prediction.
[ { "created": "Mon, 31 Jan 2022 22:00:41 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 15 Feb 2022 10:05:56 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Corbett", "Andrew", "" ], [ "Kangin", "Dmitry", "" ] ]
Shashwat Shivam
Shashwat Shivam, Aris Kanellopoulos, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, Yorai Wardi
A Predictive Deep Learning Approach to Output Regulation: The Case of Collaborative Pursuit Evasion
Accepted in Control and Decision Conference 2019
In this paper, we consider the problem of controlling an underactuated system in unknown, and potentially adversarial environments. The emphasis will be on autonomous aerial vehicles, modelled by Dubins dynamics. The proposed control law is based on a variable integrator via online prediction for target tracking. To showcase the efficacy of our method, we analyze a pursuit evasion game between multiple autonomous agents. To obviate the need for perfect knowledge of the evader's future strategy, we use a deep neural network that is trained to approximate the behavior of the evader based on measurements gathered online during the pursuit.
[ { "created": "Tue, 3 Sep 2019 00:04:24 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Shivam", "Shashwat", "" ], [ "Kanellopoulos", "Aris", "" ], [ "Vamvoudakis", "Kyriakos G.", "" ], [ "Wardi", "Yorai", "" ] ]
Dong Zhao
Dong Zhao, Huadong Ma and Xinna Ji
Generalized Lottery Trees: Budget-Consistent Incentive Tree Mechanisms for Crowdsourcing
14 pages, 22 figures
Incentive mechanism design has aroused extensive attention for crowdsourcing applications in recent years. Most research assumes that participants are already in the system and aware of the existence of crowdsourcing tasks. Whereas in real life scenarios without this assumption, it is a more effective way to leverage incentive tree mechanisms that incentivize both users' direct contributions and solicitations to other users. Although some such mechanisms have been investigated, we are the first to propose budget-consistent incentive tree mechanisms, called generalized lottrees, which require the total payout to all participants to be consistent with the announced budget, while guaranteeing several other desirable properties including continuing contribution incentive, continuing solicitation incentive, value proportional to contribution, unprofitable solicitor bypassing, and unprofitable sybil attack. Moreover, we present three types of generalized lottree mechanisms, 1-Pachira, K-Pachira, and Sharing-Pachira, which support more diversified requirements. A solid theoretical guidance to the mechanism selection is provided as well based on the Cumulative Prospect Theory. Both extensive simulations and realistic experiments with 82 users have been conducted to confirm our theoretical analysis.
[ { "created": "Sat, 22 Dec 2018 02:02:46 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Zhao", "Dong", "" ], [ "Ma", "Huadong", "" ], [ "Ji", "Xinna", "" ] ]
Vincenzo Lomonaco PhD
Vincenzo Lomonaco, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Andrea Cossu, Antonio Carta, Gabriele Graffieti, Tyler L. Hayes, Matthias De Lange, Marc Masana, Jary Pomponi, Gido van de Ven, Martin Mundt, Qi She, Keiland Cooper, Jeremy Forest, Eden Belouadah, Simone Calderara, German I. Parisi, Fabio Cuzzolin, Andreas Tolias, Simone Scardapane, Luca Antiga, Subutai Amhad, Adrian Popescu, Christopher Kanan, Joost van de Weijer, Tinne Tuytelaars, Davide Bacciu, Davide Maltoni
Avalanche: an End-to-End Library for Continual Learning
Official Website:
cs.LG cs.AI cs.CV
Learning continually from non-stationary data streams is a long-standing goal and a challenging problem in machine learning. Recently, we have witnessed a renewed and fast-growing interest in continual learning, especially within the deep learning community. However, algorithmic solutions are often difficult to re-implement, evaluate and port across different settings, where even results on standard benchmarks are hard to reproduce. In this work, we propose Avalanche, an open-source end-to-end library for continual learning research based on PyTorch. Avalanche is designed to provide a shared and collaborative codebase for fast prototyping, training, and reproducible evaluation of continual learning algorithms.
[ { "created": "Thu, 1 Apr 2021 11:31:46 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Lomonaco", "Vincenzo", "" ], [ "Pellegrini", "Lorenzo", "" ], [ "Cossu", "Andrea", "" ], [ "Carta", "Antonio", "" ], [ "Graffieti", "Gabriele", "" ], [ "Hayes", "Tyler L.", "" ], [ "De Lange", "Matthias", "" ], [ "Masana", "Marc", "" ], [ "Pomponi", "Jary", "" ], [ "van de Ven", "Gido", "" ], [ "Mundt", "Martin", "" ], [ "She", "Qi", "" ], [ "Cooper", "Keiland", "" ], [ "Forest", "Jeremy", "" ], [ "Belouadah", "Eden", "" ], [ "Calderara", "Simone", "" ], [ "Parisi", "German I.", "" ], [ "Cuzzolin", "Fabio", "" ], [ "Tolias", "Andreas", "" ], [ "Scardapane", "Simone", "" ], [ "Antiga", "Luca", "" ], [ "Amhad", "Subutai", "" ], [ "Popescu", "Adrian", "" ], [ "Kanan", "Christopher", "" ], [ "van de Weijer", "Joost", "" ], [ "Tuytelaars", "Tinne", "" ], [ "Bacciu", "Davide", "" ], [ "Maltoni", "Davide", "" ] ]
Joonhyunng Kim
Joonhyung Kim, Kyeongho Lee and Jongsun Park
A Charge Domain P-8T SRAM Compute-In-Memory with Low-Cost DAC/ADC Operation for 4-bit Input Processing
Presented at ISLPED 2022
in Proc. ACM/IEEE Int. Symp. Low Power Electron. and Design 6 (2022) 1-6
cs.AR cs.AI
This paper presents a low cost PMOS-based 8T (P-8T) SRAM Compute-In-Memory (CIM) architecture that efficiently per-forms the multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations between 4-bit input activations and 8-bit weights. First, bit-line (BL) charge-sharing technique is employed to design the low-cost and reliable digital-to-analog conversion of 4-bit input activations in the pro-posed SRAM CIM, where the charge domain analog computing provides variation tolerant and linear MAC outputs. The 16 local arrays are also effectively exploited to implement the analog mul-tiplication unit (AMU) that simultaneously produces 16 multipli-cation results between 4-bit input activations and 1-bit weights. For the hardware cost reduction of analog-to-digital converter (ADC) without sacrificing DNN accuracy, hardware aware sys-tem simulations are performed to decide the ADC bit-resolutions and the number of activated rows in the proposed CIM macro. In addition, for the ADC operation, the AMU-based reference col-umns are utilized for generating ADC reference voltages, with which low-cost 4-bit coarse-fine flash ADC has been designed. The 256X80 P-8T SRAM CIM macro implementation using 28nm CMOS process shows that the proposed CIM shows the accuracies of 91.46% and 66.67% with CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 dataset, respectively, with the energy efficiency of 50.07-TOPS/W.
[ { "created": "Tue, 29 Nov 2022 08:15:27 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Kim", "Joonhyung", "" ], [ "Lee", "Kyeongho", "" ], [ "Park", "Jongsun", "" ] ]
Prerana Mukherjee
Ajit Jadhav, Prerana Mukherjee, Vinay Kaushik, Brejesh Lall
Aerial multi-object tracking by detection using deep association networks
A lot a research is focused on object detection and it has achieved significant advances with deep learning techniques in recent years. Inspite of the existing research, these algorithms are not usually optimal for dealing with sequences or images captured by drone-based platforms, due to various challenges such as view point change, scales, density of object distribution and occlusion. In this paper, we develop a model for detection of objects in drone images using the VisDrone2019 DET dataset. Using the RetinaNet model as our base, we modify the anchor scales to better handle the detection of dense distribution and small size of the objects. We explicitly model the channel interdependencies by using "Squeeze-and-Excitation" (SE) blocks that adaptively recalibrates channel-wise feature responses. This helps to bring significant improvements in performance at a slight additional computational cost. Using this architecture for object detection, we build a custom DeepSORT network for object detection on the VisDrone2019 MOT dataset by training a custom Deep Association network for the algorithm.
[ { "created": "Wed, 4 Sep 2019 03:52:37 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Jadhav", "Ajit", "" ], [ "Mukherjee", "Prerana", "" ], [ "Kaushik", "Vinay", "" ], [ "Lall", "Brejesh", "" ] ]
Aleksander M\k{a}dry
Michael B. Cohen, Aleksander Madry, Piotr Sankowski, Adrian Vladu
Negative-Weight Shortest Paths and Unit Capacity Minimum Cost Flow in $\tilde{O}(m^{10/7} \log W)$ Time
In this paper, we study a set of combinatorial optimization problems on weighted graphs: the shortest path problem with negative weights, the weighted perfect bipartite matching problem, the unit-capacity minimum-cost maximum flow problem and the weighted perfect bipartite $b$-matching problem under the assumption that $\Vert b\Vert_1=O(m)$. We show that each one of these four problems can be solved in $\tilde{O}(m^{10/7}\log W)$ time, where $W$ is the absolute maximum weight of an edge in the graph, which gives the first in over 25 years polynomial improvement in their sparse-graph time complexity. At a high level, our algorithms build on the interior-point method-based framework developed by Madry (FOCS 2013) for solving unit-capacity maximum flow problem. We develop a refined way to analyze this framework, as well as provide new variants of the underlying preconditioning and perturbation techniques. Consequently, we are able to extend the whole interior-point method-based approach to make it applicable in the weighted graph regime.
[ { "created": "Thu, 5 May 2016 19:57:30 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Sun, 8 May 2016 19:30:58 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Thu, 14 Jul 2016 01:22:31 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Cohen", "Michael B.", "" ], [ "Madry", "Aleksander", "" ], [ "Sankowski", "Piotr", "" ], [ "Vladu", "Adrian", "" ] ]
Son T. Luu
Son T. Luu, Kiet Van Nguyen and Ngan Luu-Thuy Nguyen
A Large-scale Dataset for Hate Speech Detection on Vietnamese Social Media Texts
IEA/AIE 2021: Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence Practices, pp 415-426
In recent years, Vietnam witnesses the mass development of social network users on different social platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Tiktok. On social medias, hate speech has become a critical problem for social network users. To solve this problem, we introduce the ViHSD - a human-annotated dataset for automatically detecting hate speech on the social network. This dataset contains over 30,000 comments, each comment in the dataset has one of three labels: CLEAN, OFFENSIVE, or HATE. Besides, we introduce the data creation process for annotating and evaluating the quality of the dataset. Finally, we evaluated the dataset by deep learning models and transformer models.
[ { "created": "Mon, 22 Mar 2021 00:55:47 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Mon, 29 Mar 2021 02:46:47 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Mon, 5 Apr 2021 09:29:18 GMT", "version": "v3" }, { "created": "Tue, 20 Jul 2021 06:22:08 GMT", "version": "v4" } ]
[ [ "Luu", "Son T.", "" ], [ "Van Nguyen", "Kiet", "" ], [ "Nguyen", "Ngan Luu-Thuy", "" ] ]
Maximilian Probst Gutenberg
Aaron Bernstein, Maximilian Probst Gutenberg, Thatchaphol Saranurak
Deterministic Decremental Reachability, SCC, and Shortest Paths via Directed Expanders and Congestion Balancing
Reuploaded with some generalizations of previous theorems
Let $G = (V,E,w)$ be a weighted, digraph subject to a sequence of adversarial edge deletions. In the decremental single-source reachability problem (SSR), we are given a fixed source $s$ and the goal is to maintain a data structure that can answer path-queries $s \rightarrowtail v$ for any $v \in V$. In the more general single-source shortest paths (SSSP) problem the goal is to return an approximate shortest path to $v$, and in the SCC problem the goal is to maintain strongly connected components of $G$ and to answer path queries within each component. All of these problems have been very actively studied over the past two decades, but all the fast algorithms are randomized and, more significantly, they can only answer path queries if they assume a weaker model: they assume an oblivious adversary which is not adaptive and must fix the update sequence in advance. This assumption significantly limits the use of these data structures, most notably preventing them from being used as subroutines in static algorithms. All the above problems are notoriously difficult in the adaptive setting. In fact, the state-of-the-art is still the Even and Shiloach tree, which dates back all the way to 1981 and achieves total update time $O(mn)$. We present the first algorithms to break through this barrier: 1) deterministic decremental SSR/SCC with total update time $mn^{2/3 + o(1)}$ 2) deterministic decremental SSSP with total update time $n^{2+2/3+o(1)}$. To achieve these results, we develop two general techniques of broader interest for working with dynamic graphs: 1) a generalization of expander-based tools to dynamic directed graphs, and 2) a technique that we call congestion balancing and which provides a new method for maintaining flow under adversarial deletions. Using the second technique, we provide the first near-optimal algorithm for decremental bipartite matching.
[ { "created": "Sat, 5 Sep 2020 19:11:13 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Thu, 5 Nov 2020 07:19:44 GMT", "version": "v2" }, { "created": "Mon, 18 Jan 2021 14:18:34 GMT", "version": "v3" } ]
[ [ "Bernstein", "Aaron", "" ], [ "Gutenberg", "Maximilian Probst", "" ], [ "Saranurak", "Thatchaphol", "" ] ]
Sergio Sainz
Sergio Sainz-Palacios
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAV) Fleet Management
cs.LG cs.RO
Shared Automated Vehicles (SAVs) Fleets companies are starting pilot projects nationwide. In 2020 in Fairfax Virginia it was announced the first Shared Autonomous Vehicle Fleet pilot project in Virginia. SAVs promise to improve quality of life. However, SAVs will also induce some negative externalities by generating excessive vehicle miles traveled (VMT), which leads to more congestions, energy consumption, and emissions. The excessive VMT are primarily generated via empty relocation process. Reinforcement Learning based algorithms are being researched as a possible solution to solve some of these problems: most notably minimizing waiting time for riders. But no research using Reinforcement Learning has been made about reducing parking space cost nor reducing empty cruising time. This study explores different \textbf{Reinforcement Learning approaches and then decide the best approach to help minimize the rider waiting time, parking cost, and empty travel
[ { "created": "Sat, 15 Jan 2022 00:50:08 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Sainz-Palacios", "Sergio", "" ] ]
Karl-Ludwig Besser
Karl-Ludwig Besser, Eduard A. Jorswieck
Copula-Based Bounds for Multi-User Communications -- Part II: Outage Performance
5 pages, 5 figures
IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 8-12, Jan. 2021
cs.IT math.IT
In the first part of this two-part letter, we introduced methods to study the impact of dependency on the expected value of functions of two random variables. In this second part, we present tools to derive worst- and best-case bounds on the outage probability of multi-user communication systems, including multiple access channels, wiretap channels, and reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted channels.
[ { "created": "Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:09:08 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Besser", "Karl-Ludwig", "" ], [ "Jorswieck", "Eduard A.", "" ] ]
Huimin Chen
Huimin Chen, Cheng Yang, Xuanming Zhang, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Jianbin Jin
From Symbols to Embeddings: A Tale of Two Representations in Computational Social Science
Computational Social Science (CSS), aiming at utilizing computational methods to address social science problems, is a recent emerging and fast-developing field. The study of CSS is data-driven and significantly benefits from the availability of online user-generated contents and social networks, which contain rich text and network data for investigation. However, these large-scale and multi-modal data also present researchers with a great challenge: how to represent data effectively to mine the meanings we want in CSS? To explore the answer, we give a thorough review of data representations in CSS for both text and network. Specifically, we summarize existing representations into two schemes, namely symbol-based and embedding-based representations, and introduce a series of typical methods for each scheme. Afterwards, we present the applications of the above representations based on the investigation of more than 400 research articles from 6 top venues involved with CSS. From the statistics of these applications, we unearth the strength of each kind of representations and discover the tendency that embedding-based representations are emerging and obtaining increasing attention over the last decade. Finally, we discuss several key challenges and open issues for future directions. This survey aims to provide a deeper understanding and more advisable applications of data representations for CSS researchers.
[ { "created": "Sun, 27 Jun 2021 11:04:44 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Huimin", "" ], [ "Yang", "Cheng", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Xuanming", "" ], [ "Liu", "Zhiyuan", "" ], [ "Sun", "Maosong", "" ], [ "Jin", "Jianbin", "" ] ]
Tan Le Thanh
Le Thanh Tan, Lei Ying, Daniel W. Bliss
Power Control and Relay Selection in Full-Duplex Cognitive Relay Networks: Coherent versus Non-coherent Scenarios
The 51st Annual Conference on Information Systems and Sciences 2017 (IEEE CISS 2017)
cs.IT cs.NI math.IT math.ST stat.TH
This paper investigates power control and relay selection in Full Duplex Cognitive Relay Networks (FDCRNs), where the secondary-user (SU) relays can simultaneously receive and forward the signal from the SU source. We study both non-coherent and coherent scenarios. In the non-coherent case, the SU relay forwards the signal from the SU source without regulating the phase, while in the coherent scenario, the SU relay regulates the phase when forwarding the signal to minimize the interference at the primary-user (PU) receiver. We consider the problem of maximizing the transmission rate from the SU source to the SU destination subject to the interference constraint at the PU receiver and power constraints at both the SU source and SU relay. We develop low-complexity and high-performance joint power control and relay selection algorithms. The superior performance of the proposed algorithms are confirmed using extensive numerical evaluation. In particular, we demonstrate the significant gain of phase regulation at the SU relay (i.e., the gain of the coherent mechanism over the noncoherent mechanism).
[ { "created": "Sat, 4 Mar 2017 21:48:41 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Tan", "Le Thanh", "" ], [ "Ying", "Lei", "" ], [ "Bliss", "Daniel W.", "" ] ]
Isabella Ziccardi
George Giakkoupis and Isabella Ziccardi
Distributed Self-Stabilizing MIS with Few States and Weak Communication
We study a simple random process that computes a maximal independent set (MIS) on a general $n$-vertex graph. Each vertex has a binary state, black or white, where black indicates inclusion into the MIS. The vertex states are arbitrary initially, and are updated in parallel: In each round, every vertex whose state is ``inconsistent'' with its neighbors', i.e., it is black and has a black neighbor, or it is white and all neighbors are white, changes its state with probability $1/2$. The process stabilizes with probability 1 on any graph, and the resulting set of black vertices is an MIS. It is also easy to see that the expected stabilization time is $O(\log n)$ on certain graph families, such as cliques and trees. However, analyzing the process on graphs beyond these simple cases seems challenging. Our main result is that the process stabilizes in $\mathrm{poly}(\log n)$ rounds w.h.p.\ on $G_{n,p}$ random graphs, for $0\leq p \leq \mathrm{poly}(\log n)\cdot n^{-1/2}$ and $p \geq 1/\mathrm{poly}(\log n)$. Further, an extension of this process, with larger but still constant vertex state space, stabilizes in $\mathrm{poly}(\log n)$ rounds on $G_{n,p}$ w.h.p., for all $1\leq p\leq 1$. We conjecture that this improved bound holds for the original process as well. In fact, we believe that the original process stabilizes in $\mathrm{poly}(\log n)$ rounds on any given $n$-vertex graph w.h.p. Both processes readily translate into distributed/parallel MIS algorithms, which are self-stabilizing, use constant space (and constant random bits per round), and assume restricted communication as in the beeping or the synchronous stone age models. To the best of our knowledge, no previously known MIS algorithm is self-stabilizing, uses constant space and constant randomness, and stabilizes in $\mathrm{poly}(\log n)$ rounds in general or random graphs.
[ { "created": "Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:51:24 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Giakkoupis", "George", "" ], [ "Ziccardi", "Isabella", "" ] ]
Mingbo Zhao
Lu Cheng and Mingbo Zhao
Human Instance Segmentation and Tracking via Data Association and Single-stage Detector
cs.CV cs.AI
Human video instance segmentation plays an important role in computer understanding of human activities and is widely used in video processing, video surveillance, and human modeling in virtual reality. Most current VIS methods are based on Mask-RCNN framework, where the target appearance and motion information for data matching will increase computational cost and have an impact on segmentation real-time performance; on the other hand, the existing datasets for VIS focus less on all the people appearing in the video. In this paper, to solve the problems, we develop a new method for human video instance segmentation based on single-stage detector. To tracking the instance across the video, we have adopted data association strategy for matching the same instance in the video sequence, where we jointly learn target instance appearances and their affinities in a pair of video frames in an end-to-end fashion. We have also adopted the centroid sampling strategy for enhancing the embedding extraction ability of instance, which is to bias the instance position to the inside of each instance mask with heavy overlap condition. As a result, even there exists a sudden change in the character activity, the instance position will not move out of the mask, so that the problem that the same instance is represented by two different instances can be alleviated. Finally, we collect PVIS dataset by assembling several video instance segmentation datasets to fill the gap of the current lack of datasets dedicated to human video segmentation. Extensive simulations based on such dataset has been conduct. Simulation results verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed work.
[ { "created": "Thu, 31 Mar 2022 11:36:09 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Cheng", "Lu", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Mingbo", "" ] ]
Adam Q. L. Meng
Qinglong Meng, Chongkun Xia, Xueqian Wang
PaddingFlow: Improving Normalizing Flows with Padding-Dimensional Noise
cs.LG cs.CV
Normalizing flow is a generative modeling approach with efficient sampling. However, Flow-based models suffer two issues: 1) If the target distribution is manifold, due to the unmatch between the dimensions of the latent target distribution and the data distribution, flow-based models might perform badly. 2) Discrete data might make flow-based models collapse into a degenerate mixture of point masses. To sidestep such two issues, we propose PaddingFlow, a novel dequantization method, which improves normalizing flows with padding-dimensional noise. To implement PaddingFlow, only the dimension of normalizing flows needs to be modified. Thus, our method is easy to implement and computationally cheap. Moreover, the padding-dimensional noise is only added to the padding dimension, which means PaddingFlow can dequantize without changing data distributions. Implementing existing dequantization methods needs to change data distributions, which might degrade performance. We validate our method on the main benchmarks of unconditional density estimation, including five tabular datasets and four image datasets for Variational Autoencoder (VAE) models, and the Inverse Kinematics (IK) experiments which are conditional density estimation. The results show that PaddingFlow can perform better in all experiments in this paper, which means PaddingFlow is widely suitable for various tasks. The code is available at:
[ { "created": "Wed, 13 Mar 2024 03:28:39 GMT", "version": "v1" }, { "created": "Tue, 23 Apr 2024 08:41:47 GMT", "version": "v2" } ]
[ [ "Meng", "Qinglong", "" ], [ "Xia", "Chongkun", "" ], [ "Wang", "Xueqian", "" ] ]
Qilong Feng
Feng Shi, Jianer Chen, Qilong Feng, Xiaojun Ding, Jianxin Wang
Algorithms for Maximum Agreement Forest of Multiple General Trees
The Maximum Agreement Forest (Maf) problem is a well-studied problem in evolutionary biology, which asks for a largest common subforest of a given collection of phylogenetic trees with identical leaf label-set. However, the previous work about the Maf problem are mainly on two binary phylogenetic trees or two general (i.e., binary and non-binary) phylogenetic trees. In this paper, we study the more general version of the problem: the Maf problem on multiple general phylogenetic trees. We present a parameterized algorithm of running time $O(3^k n^2m)$ and a 3-approximation algorithm for the Maf problem on multiple rooted general phylogenetic trees, and a parameterized algorithm of running time $O(4^k n^2m)$ and a 4-approximation algorithm for the Maf problem on multiple unrooted general phylogenetic trees. We also implement the parameterized algorithm and approximation algorithm for the Maf problem on multiple rooted general phylogenetic trees, and test them on simulated data and biological data.
[ { "created": "Sat, 1 Nov 2014 03:45:00 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Shi", "Feng", "" ], [ "Chen", "Jianer", "" ], [ "Feng", "Qilong", "" ], [ "Ding", "Xiaojun", "" ], [ "Wang", "Jianxin", "" ] ]
Hannes Westermann
Hannes Westermann, Jaromir Savelka, Karim Benyekhlef
LLMediator: GPT-4 Assisted Online Dispute Resolution
Proceedings of the ICAIL 2023 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Access to Justice co-located with 19th International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL 2023)
cs.CL cs.AI cs.CY
In this article, we introduce LLMediator, an experimental platform designed to enhance online dispute resolution (ODR) by utilizing capabilities of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4. In the context of high-volume, low-intensity legal disputes, alternative dispute resolution methods such as negotiation and mediation offer accessible and cooperative solutions for laypeople. These approaches can be carried out online on ODR platforms. LLMediator aims to improve the efficacy of such processes by leveraging GPT-4 to reformulate user messages, draft mediator responses, and potentially autonomously engage in the discussions. We present and discuss several features of LLMediator and conduct initial qualitative evaluations, demonstrating the potential for LLMs to support ODR and facilitate amicable settlements. The initial proof of concept is promising and opens up avenues for further research in AI-assisted negotiation and mediation.
[ { "created": "Thu, 27 Jul 2023 10:25:29 GMT", "version": "v1" } ]
[ [ "Westermann", "Hannes", "" ], [ "Savelka", "Jaromir", "" ], [ "Benyekhlef", "Karim", "" ] ]